st- ir / HP* H* r J H " \ 1 « SOUVENIR EDITION PORTLAND EVENING EXPRESS >....-■■'■ K ft ft" .„-■-' ^r^ 8qpTO^fq c ¥ ?F f^ pf^spf 5 ^ ^ Photos by J. Harry Lamson. So. Portland Ferry Harpswell Line. New Falmouth House. Casco Bay Steamers. / Souvenir Edition OF THE Portland Evening Express DESCRIBING AND ILLUSTRATING PORTLAND, MAINE, FROM EARLIEST SETTLEMENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT ISSUED UNDER THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE PORTLAND BOARD OF TRADE AND CITY GOVERNMENT Compiled by C. Bancroft Gillespie CONTENTS Concise History; Old Landmarks; Picturesque Scenes; Institutions; Churches: Schools; Statements Regarding Health, Wealth and Prosperity; Advantage of Local- ity as a Place of Business, Residence and Summer Resort ; Resources and Opportunities; Board of Trade; City Government; Visit of the Royal Scots ; Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Present and Former Residents ; a 1 so Those Active in Business, Professional and Public Life; Manufacturing, Trade and Commerce. published by Evening Express Publishing Company, greater portland, maine 1899 In Paper, 25 Cents ; In Cloth, 75 Cents First Edition, 5,000 Copies • t^Gfif THE MAYORS OF PORTLAND. HISTORIC OUTLINE AND SCENIC DESCRIPTION OF PORTLAND, MAINE, ^e^^e^e^e^s^eoe HOR convenience in classify- ing events in a sketch that must of necessity be brief, — ' the history of Portland may be divided into five periods. First, from the settlement of the town to its destruction by the French and Indians in 1690; second, from 1690 to its destruction by Mowatt in 1775 ; third, the period of slow recuperation and growth that preceded the dawn of the railroad era in 1846 ; fourth, the score of years previous to the great fire; fifth, from 1866 down to the present time. There is good authori- ty for the statement that Captain Christopher Leavitt visited Casco Bay in 1623, and built a house at the westerly end of the peninsula, called by the Indians Machigonue, later occupied by the city of Portland : but the generally accepted date of the first settlement is 1632, in which year George Cleeves and Richard Tucker cleared land, planted corn and built a house near what is now the site of the Grand Trunk railroad depot. From what is known of the previous history of these pioneers it is safe to assume that they were independent adven- turers from England. They settled at the mouth of the Spurwink River in 1630, but were driven away by John Winter, who was agent for Robert Trelawney and Moses Goodyear, Lon- don merchants, who held from the Plymouth Colony, under date of December, 1631, a grant of land in- cluding Richmonds Island and Cape Elizabeth. Cleeves and Tucker were at first squatters, that is, they had no legal title to the land they occupied, but in the year 1637, Cleeves went to England and obtained from Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges, who held from the crown a large amount of land in this region, a grant which included not only the peninsula but considerable ad- jacent land and an island in the bay. The limits of this Gorges grant, as de- fined in the original deed, was as fol- lows : ' ' Beginning at the furthermost point of a neck of land, called by the Indians Machegonne, and now and forever henceforth to be called and known by the name Stogummor.and so along the same westerly as it tendeth to the first falls of a little river issuing out of a very small pond, and from thence overland to falls of Presumca, being the first falls in that river upon a straight line, containing by estimation from fall to fall, as aforesaid, near about an English mile, which togeth- er with the said neck of land that the said George Cleeves and Richard Tucker have planted for divers years, already expired, is estimated to be in the whole 1,500 acres or thereabouts, as also one island adjacent to the said premises, and now in the tenure and occupation of said George Cleeves and Richard Tucker, commonly called and known by the name of Hogg's Island." The land thus described was conveyed for a period of 2,000 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT. years, and the consideration was ^"ioo sterling and an animal quit rent. As the demand came this land was par- celed out to settlers and the settlement came to be known as Casco, a corrup- tion of the Indian word ' ' Aucocisco, ' ' translated by some as meaning ' ' a resting-place, ' ' by others as ' ' heron ' ' or "crane." The peninsula, which is about three miles long, with an average width of three-fourths of a mile, was known as Casco Neck until ment of the colony. He married Cleeves' only child, Elizabeth, and took up his residence on an island, now known as Peaks Island, leased to him by his father-in-law, December 28, 1637. Cleeves and Tucker had taken legal possession of their new grant on June 8, of the same year. In 1640, Thomas Gorges, son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, came to Saco and assumed general charge of the region known as Ligonia, but without inter- GREATER PORTLAND CITY HALL. the year 1658, when Massachusetts changed the name to Falmouth, a name which was applied to a large extent of surrounding territory, but locally the peninsula continued to be known by its old name until its incor- poration as the town of Portland in 1786. Cleeves, having accomplished the obieot of his mission to England, returned to America accompanied by a man named Michael Mitton, who took a prominent part in the develop- fering in any manner with Cleeves. The outbreak of the civil war in Eng- land, in 1642, made it necessary for Cleeves to visit the mother country, for Gorges had elected to share the fortunes of King Charles, and if vic- tory should permanently perch upon the banner of Cromwell, Cleeves' pos- sessions in the new world would be in imminent danger of confiscation. Cleeves obtained a new land commis- sion from Col. Rigby, who had PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT purchased the title of the prov- ince of Iyigonia for a nominal sum, and returned to America as Rigby's agent. He at once claimed the right to exercise governing powers and established his court at Casco. His authority was at once disputed by Vines, who, as deputy for Gorges, held court at Saco. The colonists naturally took sides, those on the neck with Cleeves, those to the south- ward with Vines. Governor Win- throp of Massachusetts was asked by both parties to decide the dispute, but as the final answer must depend upon what he considered his rights. This was a period of disaster for the strug- gling colon}', for there was no settled government and, consequently, no proper enforcement of the laws. The long quarrel terminated only when Massachusetts put in her claim to the territory in dispute, offering as evi- dence of her title the charter and agreement of the Plymouth Colony with King James in 1620. The inhabitants of Ligonia, forgetting their own more local quarrel, with one accord disputed the right of Massa- chusetts to govern them, but their ^ % &. + 'IJB CUSTOM HOUSE. which side won in the civil struggle in England, his decision was delayed. As it happened that Cromwell and parliament won, Charles I. lost his crown and his head, and so Rigby's title was sustained. In 1647, as Rigby's agent, Cleeves assumed con- trol over Ligonia, a province which included Saco, Spunvink, Richmond Island, Scarboro and Casco, and all the territory from Cape Elizabeth to Cape Porpoise, inclusive. Col. Rigby died in 1650, and once more Cleeves went to England, where he remained two years, engaged in a battle for objections availed nothing, except to postpone the inevitable. In 1658, Massachusetts took formal possession of the province, the inhabitants of which were obliged to sign a document acknowledging their submission. The terms of this document were as fol- lows : " We, the inhabitants of Black Point, Blue Point, Spunvink and Casco Bay, with all the islands there- with belonging, do deem and acknow- ledge ourselves to be subject to the government of Massachusetts Bay, in the northeast, as appears by our particular subscriptions in reference PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT to those articles formerly granted to Dover, Kitten- and York, which are now granted and confirmed unto us, together with some conditions as upon record doth appear." The inhabi- tants of the province of Ligonia were nearly all members of the Church of England, and as a consequence were opposed to the ideas and practices of Puritanism, but the civil privileges granted them were in all respects sim- ilar to those enjoyed by the residents of the province of Massachusetts Bay, and were not to be forfeited by differ- ences in religion. In spite of the popular opposition to this assumption of government, subsequent events meeting-house was built on land now occupied by the Portland Company's works. It was not a stately edifice, being simply a one-story structure, built of logs, with three windows on each side. In the year 1676 there were forty families in town, but of these only four or five families lived on the Neck, and this handful was driven away by the Indians during that year, in what is known as King Philip's war. In 1678 the old settlers returned and as a protective measure Fort Loyal was built on Munjoy Hill. A party of French Protestants settled here about this time, and the settle- ment took on an air of prosperity. PORTLAND POST OFFICE AND U. S. GOVERNMENT BUILDING. proved that it was the best thing that could have happened to the colony, divided as it was by internal dissen- sions. The energies of the first set- tlers were directed toward the develop- ment of commercial resources, in catch- ing and curing the fish with which the waters of the bay abounded, and in trade with the Indians. In the latter occupation it is but fair to say that the advantage was not always on the side of the Indians. With the incorpora- tion of the town came the first minis- ter of the gospel, Rev. George Bur- roughs, a graduate of Harvard, who began his ministry in 1674. The first Roads were laid out and the people began to turn their attention to varied industries. The first mill, built in 1657, was destroyed in 1676, and in 1 68 1 the first tavern opened its doors to public patronage. In 1688 the population of Falmouth had increased to about seven hundred persons, com- prising eighty families, and of this number twenty-five families had homes on the Neck. A very small part of the land on the peninsula was cultivated, and westward of what is now Center street was _ the primeval forest, the home of all kinds of wild animals, from the timid deer PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT to the fierce " Indian devil," or pan- ther. The agricultural resources of the country had not been developed to any great extent, owing to the atten- tion given to commerce, and a large part of the food supply of the town came by water from places more or less remote. As might be expected, there were times of plenty and times of scarc- ity, and on many an occasion the ar- rival of a cargo of corn was the signal for general rejoicing. Trouble be- tween the French and Indians on the one side and the English on the other had long been brewing, and matters reached a climax in 1689, when Fal- Fort Iyoyal, to which the enemy laid siege, capturing it after five days. The men who survived, including the commander of the garrison, Capt. Davis, were taken to Canada as pris- oners. From this time until the close of Queen Anne's war, in 17 13, Fal- mouth as a settlement was practically deserted. Those who attempted to make homes there were killed or driven away by the Indians. But the would-be settlers were persistent and at last various circumstances combined to eliminate the danger from hostile Indians and restore confidence. In 17 18 we find that twenty families MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL. mouth, as the most northerly of the English settlements, was attacked by the combined force of the French and Indians. The timely arrival of Major Church, at the head of a force of friendly Indians and volunteers, saved for a time the little settlement, for the invaders were repulsed and driven away. -The next year, 1690, the place was again attacked by a force of 500 French and Indians. The settlers made a stubborn resistance and after a fierce engagement on Munjoy Hill, in which Lieut. Clark and thirteen men were killed, they took refuge in claimed Casco Neck as their place of residence, the settlement being near the foot of what is now India street. After the year 1725 Falmouth suffered little by reason of Indian invasion ; the town had ceased to be a frontier post and the natural resources of the locality began to be developed. In 1725 its commerce had reached such proportions that it is noted that thirty vessels were seen lying at anchor in the harbor at one time, and an exten- sive export trade in furs, fish and lumber was being built up. In 1727 Rev. Thomas Smith, the Samuel s PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Pepys of Portland's middle period, began his ministerial labors of more than three-fourths of a century. In 1753 the population of the Neck was 720, and this had increased to 2,000 in 1774. During the half-century from 1725 to 1775, while the settlement was at peace with the Indians, its prosperity was retarded by frequent conflicts with the French. However, the town was surely, if slowly, in- creasing in population and wealth and a profitable trade with the West Indies had been established. When the Revolution broke out the men of the colony responded nobly to the call and denounced in strongest terms squad of militia from Brunswick and detained for a time at Falmouth. Mowatt neither forgot nor forgave this, and on October 18, of the same year, he entered the harbor with a fleet of war vessels and demanded that the citizens give up their arms. This the patriotic inhabitants refused to do and as many as could get away fled to the surrounding country, taking with them what household goods they were able to move. Mowatt, angered by this resistance, and remembering the indignity he had been caused to suffer a few months before, bombarded the town and set it on fire. Of the five hundred and fourteen buildings in PORTLAND ARMORY. the unpopular measures of the home government, and the news that the port of Boston had been closed by the English authorities was followed by the order to toll the bell on the Fal- mouth meeting-house from sunrise to sunset. On receipt of the news of the battle of Lexington the settlement equipped a company and sent it to Cambridge to fight for liberty. At the very opening of hostilities the town was destined to feel the blight- ing effects of war as few towns have ever felt it, in an act which had in it a touch of the element of personal spite. In the spring of 1775 Captain Henry Mowatt w r as captured by a the town, but one hundred were left standing. The direct financial loss was estimated at something over one- fourth of a million dollars, and the act has been given a place in history as one of the most .shameful and cow- ardly events of the Revolution. So great was the shock that from this time until the signing of the treaty at the end of the war the history of Fal- mouth is a blank, for during that time no determined effort was made to re- pair damages or to resurrect dead industries. The return of peace heralded the dawn of an era of pros- perity, and within the year next fol- lowing the signing of the treaty, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT forty-one dwellings, ten stores and seven shops were erected. During the year 1785 the construction of the first brick house was begun and the first newspaper, ' ' The Falmouth Ga- zette and Weekly Advertiser," was started. The year 1786 was an im- portant one, for it was during that year that Casco Neck severed its connection with Falmouth and was incorporated as a separate town, called Portland, in honor of a town in Cornwall, England. The new town had a population of about 2,000, and its location and the public spirit of its citizens were the elements that fiscation. One consequence of this practical monopoly of a profitable industry was the rapid accumulation of what were in those days considered large fortunes, and much of this wealth was used in erecting beautiful residences and substantial business blocks. But Portland's prosperity was to suffer a severe check through the non-interference policy adopted by the general government in 1806, and the embargo which followed in 1807, in which year the failure of eleven business firms occurred. Ship- ping fell off 9,000 tons in two years and many persons to whom this in- PORTLAND ATHLETIC CLUB HOUSE. combined to place it in the lead of most New England towns in percent- age of growth in population and in material prosperity. Portland's ship- ping had increased from 5,000 tons in 1789 to 30,000 in 1807. This rapid increase in shipping was large- ly caused by business men taking advantage of the fact that during the time Napoleon was master of nearly all Europe, American ships were al- most the only ones declared neutral, and the natural result was that American ship owners nearly monop- olized the ocean carrying trade, as they ran little risk of seizure and con- dustry had given employment were forced into idleness, and thousands, directly and indirectly were materi- ally affected. A true picture of that period of disaster is a sad one. Ves- sels were allowed to fill and sink at the wharves, or were beached and broken up for fuel, and a death-like lethargy fell upon what had but a few months before been one of the most bustling towns on the New England coast. Political difficulties at last culminated in the war of 181 2, in which the citizens of Portland took a part worthy of emulation. It was off Portland harbor that one of the IO PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT most notable naval engagements of the struggle was fought, September 5, 1813. This was the fight between the United States brig Enterprise and H. M. brig Boxer, in which the actual fighting lasted only about half an hour, but during that time the com- manders of both vessels were mor- tally wounded. It is not known what the actual English loss was, as several bodies were thrown overboard before the surrender, but thirteen of the Boxer's crew and twelve of the officers and crew of the Enterprise were wounded. The dead command- ers were given a public funeral and were buried in the Eastern cemetery the growth was healthy and perma- nent, and as values became readjusted confidence was restored, and if the chances for the rapid accumulation of wealth were not as plenty as they once had been there was at least that feeling of security that leads to the opening of new industries and enter- prises. In 1832, two centuries after its settlement, Portland accepted a city charter, its population at that time being about 13,000. The begin- ning of the era of steam navigation opened many new business possibili- ties. The steamboat Patent was the first vessel of this class brought to Maine. This boat was of about one FORT PREBLE. on Munjoy Hill. The treaty of peace was signed in 181 5, and a period of slow recovery followed until 1846, when the railroad brought with it new conditions to be taken into account in the race for commercial supremacy. In March, 1820, the district of Maine was separated from Massachusetts and admitted into the Union as a state. Portland became its capital, an honor which it retained until 1832, in which year the seat of govern- ment was removed to Augusta. The growth in population since 18 10 had been slow, and in 1820 the inhabi- tants numbered but 8,581 . However, hundred tons burden ; it was bought in New York by Capt. Seward Porter in 1823, and was put on the route between Portland and Boston to run as a passenger boat. In 1833 the steamer Chancellor Livingston, built under the direction of the inventor, Robert Fulton, was running on the Portland- Boston route and during the the same year the Cumberland Steam Navigation Company was formed and the Commodore McDonough was put on as an opposition boat. The Port- land Steam Packet Company, run- ning a line of boats between the same ports, was organized in 1844. The PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT ii Cumberland and Oxford Canal, con- necting Sebago Lake and Portland harbor, was begun in 1828 and com- pleted two years later at a cost of $206,000. All this helped business to a certain extent, but owing to its railroad connections Boston absorbed a large amount of trade that formerly came to Portland from the region be- yond the White Mountains. It was seen at once that if Portland was to hold its own this business must be recovered, or the loss balanced by new business from another quarter. Business men saw disaster in the situ- ation if allowed to continue, and, led profitably invested. The road was leased by the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada and became part of a sys- tem that is now a potent factor in the well-being of millions of people. With the advent of the new road came the need of a suitable business thoroughfare along Portland's water front, and Commercial street was the result. Another adjunct of this road was a winter line of steamers to Europe. Then came the building of various railroad lines throughout the state, opening to business enterprise a vast region of enormous resources, and now controlled by the Maine Cen- TUKEY'S BRIDGE. by that pioneer in the railroad history of Maine, John A. Poor, they con- ceived the idea of a railroad to Can- ada, thus furnishing an outlet for the agricultural products of the great prairie regions of the West. So it came about that in 1853 the Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad was com- pleted to a junction with the road from Montreal, a distance of one hun- dred and forty-nine miles from Port- land. The city loaned its credit in bonds to the amount of $2,000,000, and it is entirely safe to say that the same sum of money was never more tral. The business brought to Port- land by these lines, by steamers and coasting vessels, in addition to a large trade with the West Indies, made the vicinity of the wharves a busy place. Brown's sugar house, the Portland Company's works, and many other industries, had their beginning dur- ing this season of prosperity. Owing to excellent foresight on the part of her business men, Portland's material growth was not seriously checked by the financial panic of 1857-58 and what trade was lost was soon recov- ered. Portland's part in the War of PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT the Rebellion was an eminently hon- orable one. The city promptly met the demand made upon it and fur- nished six companies of the First Maine Regiment. Later regiments organized in Portland were the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-fifth, and the men of the Forest City gave good account of themselves when brought face to face with the enemy. To the army and navy during the Rebellion the city gave 5,000 men, about one- sixth of its total population, and of this number four hundred and twen- had taken possession of the cutter and that they were becalmed near Green Island. When the pursuing steamers approached, the captors of the Cushing set their prize on fire and took to their boats. The Cush- ing blew up and the rebels were soon captured and taken to Fort Preble as prisoners of war. During the Rebel- lion much shipping was transferred to British registry, but otherwise the business of the city did not suffer to any great extent. On July 4, 1866, a carelessly thrown firecracker set fire to a boat builder's shop on Com- PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT. ty-one lost their lives in battle or by disease. To her soldiers and sailors Portland paid bounties amounting to $428,970, and in addition large sums were privately contributed to the cause of freedom. The most exciting local incident of the war was the cap- ture of the United States revenue cutter Caleb Cushing by the rebels in Portland harbor. One morning in June, 1863, the cutter was missed from her moorings and the steamers Forest City and Chesapeake were armed, manned and sent in pursuit. It was soon discovered that the rebels mercial street, near the foot of High street, and a conflagration was started that for comparative destructiveness may be classed with the Chicago fire of 187 1 and the Boston fire of 1872. The local fire department was inade- quate to successfully cope with a fire of such magnitude as this soon be- came, and help was summoned from Saco, Biddeford, Bath, Augusta, Gardiner, Lewiston and Boston. The work of this combined force was al- most without avail in stopping the progress of the flames, and when the fire at last burned itself out 10,000 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 13 people were homeless. An area of about two hundred acres had been burned over and fifteen hundred buildings were in ashes. A city of tents and rough board huts sprang into existence on Munjoy Hill and contributions from outside the city and state provided clothing for the destitute and food for the hungry. Offers of assistance were received from every part of the Union, and made wider and the new buildings were more substantial and handsomer architecturally. Meantime the busi- ness facilities of the city continued to grow. In 1873 the Boston & Maine Railroad was extended from South Berwick to Portland, and in 1875 the Portland & Rochester Railroad com- pleted its connections w r ith Nashua, N. H., and Worcester, Mass. Dur- ing the latter year the Portland & FORT ALLEN PARK, PORTLAND, SHOWING U. S. GOVERNMENT WARSHIPS IN HARBOR. the cash contributions from outside sources amounted to more than $600,- 000. The shock was a severe one, but the reaction quickly followed, and what was almost despair gave place to a philosophical determination to pluck good out of evil by taking advantage of the occasion to rebuild the city on lines more in accordance with the demands of the age. Many of the old streets were straightened and Ogdensburg Railroad, through the White Mountains, was completed, thus forming another link between Portland and the West. In 1870 the Sebago Lake water service was com- pleted, thereby giving the city a sup- ply unsurpassed in quality and quan- tity. The events of later years are matters of common knowledge. In the recent war with Spain the loyalty of the residents of Portland was once H PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT more apparent, and although those who volunteered in the cause of lib- erty saw little fighting, they braved the dangers of inaction in unhealthy camps, and as a consequence many homes cherish the memory of brave boys who succumbed in the unequal fight with the King of Terrors. The city has continued to grow steadily in wealth and population, and since 1880 has made rapid advance along all the lines that converge in a prosperous commercial and manufac- turing city. The valuation has in- creased largely ; water front facilities great fire destroyed many of the fine shade trees for which the city was once noted, but many were left and others have been planted, and it is still entitled to be called the Forest City. During the year 1S98-99 Port- land took a forward step in the mat- ter of territorial expansion by the annexation of the city of Deering, thus increasing its population about 7,000 and adding many square miles to its area. Greater Portland has at the present time a population of about 50,000. No historical sketch of Portland would be complete with- STATE STREET AND LONGFELLOW MONUMENT. have been improved ; a modern ele- vator of large capacity has been built; distributing facilities have been per- fected and extended. Portland mer- chants and manufacturers have estab- lished enviable reputations abroad and in every emergency have given demonstrations of their ability and sound business foresight. It is now a modern city of broad, well-paved streets, with substantial business blocks and commodious dwellings. It has an excellent sewerage system and an electric street car service equal to any in New England. The out mention of the names of those who have had no small share in mak- ing its history. In addition to those previously referred to are the follow- ing : Gen. Jedediah Preble, who served in the French wars and at the outbreak of the Revolution ; The- ophilus Bradbury and David Wyer, earliest members of the Cumberland bar; Samuel Freeman, delegate to the provincial congress, judge of probate forty-five years, postmaster twenty-eight years, president of Bowdoin College ; Theophilus Par- sons, chief justice of Massachusetts ; PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 15 Simon Greenleaf, learned jurist ; Stephen Longfellow, father of the the poet ; Prentiss Mellen, chief jus- tice of Maine ; Ezekiel Whitman, congressman for four terms and chief justice of Maine ; Samuel Fessenden, lawyer and philanthropist ; Albion K. Parris, governor of Maine ; Arthur Ware, judge of the United States district court for forty-four years ; Ether Shepley and his son George F. Shepley, Sargent S. Prentiss, Wil- liam Pitt Fessenden, George Evans, Horatio King, Gen. Neal Dow, Com- modore Edward Preble, Rear Ad- than Dow (to fill unexpired term of Andrew L. Emerson); 1833, John Anderson; 1834-40, Devi Cutter; 1841, James C. Churchill ; 1842, John Anderson; 1843-48, EHphalet Greely; 1849-50, J. B. Cahoon; 1851, Neal Dow; 1852, Albion K. Parris; 1853- 54, J. B. Cahoon; 1855, Neal Dow; 1856, J. T. McCobb; 1857, William Willis; 1858-59, Jedediah Jewett ; i860, Joseph Howard; 1861-62, W. W. Thomas ; 1863-65, Jacob McLel- lan ; 1866-67, A. E. Stevens ; 1868, Jacob McLellan ; 1869, William L. Putnam ; 1870-72, B. Kingsbury, Jr.; DEERING STREET. miral Alden, Commodore George H. Preble, and a host of others. Among those who have acquired world-wide fame in art, literature and science were: Henry W. Longfellow, N. P. Willis, John Neal, Isaac McLellan, Grenville Mellen, Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Akers Allen, Seba Smith, Sarah Payson Willis, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Prof. Edward S. Morse, and many others. The mayors of Portland since its organiza- tion as a city have been : 1832, Andrew L- Emerson ; 1832, Jona- 1873-74, George P. Westcott ; 1875, R. M. Richardson ; 1876, Francis Fessenden ; 1877-78, Moses M. But- ler ; 1879, George Walker; 1880- 81, William Senter ; 1882, Charles F. Libby; 1883, John W. Deering; 1884, Marquis F. King; 1885, John W. Deering; 1886-88, Charles J. Chapman; 1889-90, Holman S. Mel- cher ; 1891, George W. True ; 1892, Darius H. Ingraham ; 1893-96, James P. Baxter; 1897-98, Charles H.Randall; 1899, Frank W. Rob- inson. The advantages of Portland i6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT as a place of business, residence and recreation are manifold, and in a way superior to those possessed by any other city in New England. So pa- tent is this fact to those who know the city thoroughly that it is taken as a matter of course, and as a conse- quence it has often happened that Portland business men have been spoken of as ultra-conservative in the matter of advertising to the world at large the wealth of actualities and possibilities that center in "the beau- tiful town that is seated by the sea." The idea that the citizens of Portland and marked out across the wild At- lantic the paths by which the full- freighted argosies of commerce could bring their tribute from all the world. Out of the fathers' wealth of experi- ence the sons have inherited prudent foresight, and generation after gen- eration has learned the lesson that to make haste slowly is the most certain way to secure permanently beneficial results. This characteristic has been the open secret of the steady, resist- less advance ; a triumphal progress unheralded by blare of trumpets or the waving of gaudy banners. Port- STATE STREET. are ever indifferent to the material interests of their city has in it a measure of truth only when Portland is compared with some of the mush- room cities of the West, places that spring up in the night, depending upon some fortuitous combination of circumstances for their feverish and altogether precarious existence. Portland has never been a "boom" town in any sense of that expressive word. Its foundations were laid deep by the sturdy pioneers who blazed the first trails through the forests, land's location has been, and is, one great factor in its contest for commer- cial superiority. Situated on one of '* the best deep-water harbors of the I United States, its bid for a share of the world's trade carries with it in- 1 ducements that cannot be overlooked in the final award. The sea, even in j its most tempestuous moods, expends the fury of its anger against the rock- bound shores of the outer islands of Casco Bay, while inside the fringe of islands an artificial breakwater fur- ther protects the inner harbor. Here PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 17 in perfect safety a fleet of the largest vessels may discharge and take cargo, or at anchor await the time of pro- pitious winds. The harbor is never closed to navigation by ice, and the largest ocean-going steamships find the requisite depth of water at any stage of the tide. Over a century ago commissioners appointed by the general government to examine the harbor, said in their report: "The city of Portland stands precisely upon the spot which a careful examination would pronounce to be the best." Conspicuously pointing to the early noted for its whaling industry. Port- land's importance as a trade center was known and appreciated not only by those living in the immediate vicinity, but by the inhabitants of a vast region beyond the White Moun- tains, and long before the breath of the iron horse mingled with the breath of spruce and pine at the head waters of the Saco, farmers and mer- chants from New Hampshire and Vermont sent the products of farm and forest by team through the Notch to Portland as the best market at command. Thus grain and vegeta- LONGFELLOW MONUMENT. commercial importance of the loca- tion is the fact that the first light- house on the Atlantic coast of the United States was erected on Port- land Head, and the light, kindled for the first time on January 10, 1791, has since been a beacon of welcome or farewell to sailors from every quar- ter of the globe. Portland's mari- time facilities were in the early days of its history the town's chief claim to mercantile distinction, and for a long period it was noted for its com- merce with the West Indies in the same degree that New Bedford was bles, butter and cheese, meat and poultry, furs, shooks, and all the sur- plus of a strictly agricultural commu- nity were exchanged for sugar and molasses, salt fish, tobacco, and other necessaries or luxuries not readily obtainable elsewhere. When Boston, by extending its railroad system, di- verted this trade Portland business men soon balanced matters by open- ing direct communication with Cana- da and the West, and later with Boston, and since that day the city's high commercial position has been unquestioned. It is not intended in PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT this short review to go into the details regarding the volume of Port- land's trade, or the percentage of yearly increase since the beginning of the railroad era in 1846, but rather in a general way to make plain the many advantages possessed by the Forest City, and the fact that there are many lines as yet undeveloped or untouched. The assessed valuation of Portland is somewhere in the neigh- borhood of $50,000,000, and in super- ficial area the city covers 11,000 associations : Casco, Cumberland, Deering, Falmouth, Forest City, Me- chanics, Portland, and the Casco Col- lateral Loan Company. There are also several private bankers and bro- kers, life insurance companies, and safety deposit and trust companies. These institutions are all on an envi- able financial basis, and represent in the aggregate a capital of over $35,- 000,000. The city possesses the larg- est retail stores east of Boston, and there is no better wholesale market. LINCOLN PARK. acres, with a population of 50,000. It is the metropolis of Maine, with no prospective rival. Its financial insti- tutions are widely noted for conser- vative business enterprise. They include the following national banks: Canal, Casco, Chapman, Cumberland, First, Merchants, Traders, and Port- land. In addition to these there are the Maine Savings Bank, Portland Savings Bank, Mercantile Trust Company, Portland Trust Company, and the following loan and building Its manufacturing industries are varied, and include cloth, paper, clothing, boots and shoes, hats, milli- nery, canned goods, extracts, proprie- tary and patent medicines, crackers and bread, druggists' supplies, match- es, confectionery, machinery, electri- cal supplies, agricultural implements, refrigerators, drain pipe, horse fur- nishings, carriages and sleighs, builders' hardware, stoves and ranges, stationary and marine en- gines, ornamental glass work, screens, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 19 bicycles, cigars, and an infinite va- riety of things demanded by the uses of modern civilization. The city is not a manufacturing town in the sense that it has within its borders a large undesirable foreign element. The natives of other countries who have made Portland their home are good citizens, working with those to the manner born, in the interest of mu- nicipal prosperity. In all that goes to make a de- sirable mod- ern city Port- land seems to be blessed. The newspa- pers, of which there are five dailies, three Sunday jour- nals, and sev- eral weeklies, are of more than the av- erage jour- nalistic ex- cellence. In the number and variety of clubs and societies that give a zest to social and business life there is noth- ing to be de- sired. Among Portland 's public build- ings, of which a city much larger might be proud, may be mentioned the fol- lowing : The City Building, contain- ing a hall having a seating capacity of 3,000, in addition to offices for the county and city officials ; the Post-of- fice, built at a cost of $500,000, con- taining also the United States court room and offices; the Custom House, one of the finest buildings of its size in the United States; the Armory, for the accommodation of the National PORTLAND OBSERVATORY. Guard, and having an auditorium of generous proportions ; the Public Li- brary building, erected and presented to the city by Hon. James P. Baxter; the Maine General Hospital and the Eye and Ear Infirmary, structures that rank with the best of their class ; the Y. M. C. A. building, containing not only the spacious rooms of the association, but airy, well-lighted stores and offices ; the building of the Society of Natural His- tory, design- ed especially for the pur- pose to which it is devoted ; The Jeffer- son, a theater that for beau- ty and cou- venience combined has few, if any, equals, and many others of no less im- portance within more restricted s p h e r e s . Among the so-called charitable in- stitutions many occupy buildings de- voted to their needs exclu- sively, and the records of these institu- tions show that Portland is well to the front in work of this nature. In the matter of churches Portland occupies an enviable position among the cities of New England. Almost every de- nomination is represented by one or more church edifices, many of them artistically beautiful and all conven- ient, spacious and well appointed. All the prominent secret orders have a strong foothold here, occupying PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT buildings of their own or quartered in well-furnished halls devoted to their exclusive use. In the matter of well-located, commodious business blocks, Portland has nothing to fear in comparison with other cities of its size. The streets in the business sections are lined with substantial buildings. Taking Monument Square as a center, Portland's business streets radiate in every direction. Through the square, easterly and westerly, runs Congress street, well paved and clean, the street of the retail stores, which become gradually fewer in number as one approaches either end the water front, is devoted almost ex- clusively to the wholesale trade. On one side are the wharves and docks, flanked by storehouses and wholsale stores, coal pockets and fish houses ; on the other side is a row of stately brick or stone buildings, devoted al- most exclusively to the requirements of wholesale trade. Here are the wholesale produce and flour dealers, the large handlers of groceries, fruit, tobacco, molasses, etc., whose repre- sentatives cover the state in the in- terests of trade. Along this street runs a line of railroad, with spur tracks to various wharves, simplify- OLD CITY HALL. of the street until they finally give place to residences. From the south- east corner of the square runs Middle street, on which can be found repre- sentatives of almost every business, wholesale and retail, banks, brokers' offices, manufactories of clothing, and many other industries. From Con- gress and Middle streets other thor- oughfares deflect the current of trade. Exchange street, connecting Con- gress and Fore streets, is the street of lawyers, bankers, brokers, insur- ance agents, printers, and a host of other trades and professions. Com- mercial street, along the length of ing to a large extent the handling of heavy merchandise. At one end of Commercial street are the Boston & Maine and Maine Central freight of- fices, at the other the Grand Trunk passenger station, elevators, wharves and docks. This locality, around the Grand Trunk, particularly during the winter, is one of the busiest parts of the city. The yard of this great trunk line stretches for a mile along under the precipitous brow of Mun- joy Hill, and there is a constant movement of trains. At the wharves the English steamers load and un- load. Here is the new elevator, the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 21 largest on the Atlantic coast, with a capacity of 1,250,000 bushels, and the old one of smaller capacity. Be- yond the bridge over Back Bay are the new East Deering stock yards, where live stock is cared for while awaiting shipment. As an indication of the amount of business done in this part of the city, it may be said that as many as 2,000 loaded cars have been standing on the Grand Trunk tracks at one time, waiting for an opportunity to deliver freight to the ocean liners, and this at a time when both elevators were full to takes everything along its own lines in addition to what is contrib- uted by numerous feeders ; from the west come the Mountain Division of the Maine Central and the Eastern and Western Divisions of the Boston & Maine, all having close connec- tions with New England and the West. Passengers for and from the Portland & Rochester and Grand Trunk are transferred on a track that encircles the city completely. One of the elements entering into the question of value of nearly every in- dustry, is the ease with which sur- SURF AT PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT. overflowing. Such congestion is an object lesson suggestive of the enor- mous traffic between Portland and its contributory territory and the busi- ness centers of the Old World. At the other end of the city, in Railroad Square, is the Union passenger sta- tion, used by the Maine Central and Boston & Maine railroads. This station is one of the city's busy places for it is the distributing point of more than seventy-five per cent, of the passengers entering the city, either for business or pleasure. From the east the Maine Central plus products can be put upon the market. The farmer who has a near-by market for the fruits of his labor realizes this; the value of tim- ber depends largely upon its location with regard to waterways by which it can be floated to the mills, and the desirability of a business location, upon the accessibility of the sur- rounding country and upon the ease with which the products of capital and labor can be placed upon the larger markets of the world. In this regard Portland has advantages, ob- vious to the most casual observer. It PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT is the natural center of a large and productive tributary territory and has a rapidly increasing local market. In addition to this its facilities for reach- ing foreign and domestic markets are unsurpassed. By the railroads cen- tering here, with their numerous connections, quick transportation is assured to any part of the North American continent, and by the vari- ous lines of domestic and foreign steam and sailing vessels, Portland is struggle for position and wealth, the home must still be thought of, and Portland's advantages as a place of residence are pre-eminent. The resi- dential portions of the older part of the city cover the tops and slopes of the two hills, Munjoy and Bramhall, elevated far enough above the level of the business streets to escape the smoke and odors, the noise and dust of traffic, and yet near enough to the center of the city to feel the heart- SURF AT CUSHING'S ISLAND. in a position to bid for a share in the commercial transactions of nearly every civilized country. The possi- bilities for the future are unlimited. With every natural advantage, with plenty of capital in the hands of thor- oughly practical business men, with a Board of Trade alive to the needs of the times, the prospect is certainly a pleasing one. But while this is an age of steam and electricity, and men grow old before their time in the mad throbs of its business life. The views from these locations are a source of never-ending satisfaction and enjoy- ment. From Munjoy one looks to- ward sunrise, out over the broad expanse of Casco Bay, dotted with its island gems ; on Bramhall fall the last rays of the sun as it sets behind the distant New Hampshire hills. Every foot of the territory is historic ground, and the fancy can easily con- jure back the spirits of the dusky men PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 23 and maidens who acted on this stage their parts in the drama of life, lived and loved and died, and were forgot- ten, as their white successors have done and will do, and will in turn be forgotten, down to the end of recorded time. To consider its purely utilita- rian aspect, the situation is an almost ideal one. All that goes to make home life in a city pleasurable is here in full measure. The drainage is excellent and the water supply is perfect, so that those diseases attrib- utable to defective drainage and im- pure water are almost unheard of, or built residences in the suburbs. The enlarged territory now makes it pos- sible to live far away from the nerve- trying bustle of business, and at the same time where one can enjoy all the advantages of urban life. The va- rious lines of the Portland Street Rail- road furnish quick communication between all parts of the enlarged city. In a social way the resident of Port- land, man or woman, has a plethora of good things at command. There are secret societies, literary societies, and clubs in abundance, and that person would be unique indeed, who ■ t —- . " ::-■-. ■■■ • PARK STREET, FROM DANFORTH STREET. so rare as to be regarded with curios- ity. Contagious diseases are not com- mon and a dangerous epidemic is something unknown. In the matter of police and fire protection the city is highly favored, and church and school privileges are fully up to the standard of the times. There are several libraries containing thousands of well-selected books, available for study, reference or amusement. Be- fore the annexation of Deering, desir- able building lots in Portland were not plenty and many business men could not at once find and take his place in congenial society. In regard to amusements Portland is in a posi- tion to command the best, from grand opera and the world-famous piano virtuoso to the last comic opera and the latest thing in vaudeville. When it comes to taking into account the cost of living as compared with other New England cities, having what might be considered similar advan- tages, the balance is largely in Port- land's favor, as is natural when one takes into consideration the fact that 24 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT our markets are the distributing source for most of the necessaries of life. If a man insists that the luxu- ries are essential to complete happi- ness, the luxuries are his to command at prices well within the bounds of reason. Not least among the attrac- tions of Portland as a place of resi- dence, are its public parks, its "lungs," breathing places for the children, the convalescent, the sight- seer, or the luxuriously idle. These parks, all within the limits of the city, are six in number : The Western Promenade on Bramhall Hill, the Eastern Promenade on Munjoy Hill, and converted it into a public park. The wisdom of this action was demon- strated long ago. Thickly set with shade trees, it is one of the many beauty spots of the city, and is a pop- ular resort for the children and for the old and infirm, to whom a visit to any of the other parks would be, on account of the distance, almost a phy- sical impossibility. Here the care- less, happy children and the men and women upon whose heads have beaten the pitiless storms of a long, weary life, meet on equal terms on common ground, and only the sparrows and the sparrows' Maker see and know all DRIVE IN DEERINGS OAKS. Fort Allen and Fort Sumner Parks on Munjoy Hill, Deerings Oaks and Lin- coln Park. Fort Allen and Fort Sumner Parks cover ground once oc- cupied by forts of the same names, and offer extensive views over a wide expanse of earth and sea. The prom- enades are favorite resorts of devotees of the bicycle, and each has its own peculiarly delightful features. Lin- coln Park is in the center of the city and though small is a gem in its way. Before the great fire in 1 866 the site was covered with residences. After the fire the city purchased the ground the good these^represeutatives from the two extremes of life get out of this bit of God's green earth. In Deer- ings Oaks there are quiet nooks and walks where lovers tryst, beautiful drives and paths, the nucleus of an open air zoo, a duck pond upon which the children may glide into fairyland, and over all ' ' the breezy dome of groves." Few cities are so fortunate as to possess an equal number of parks open to the public at all times, where rich and poor alike may get a taste of rus in urbc without money and with- out price. All these advantages PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT naturally add to the attractiveness of Portland as a city of homes. A result of the annexation of Deering has been the placing upon the market, within the city limits, of a large amount of land upon which men of small or moderate means may build houses, thus gradually relieving the more congested portions of the city. For reasons that are not far to seek, the people of the United States have ac- quired the reputation abroad of being a nation of money getters, pure and simple, blind and deaf worshipers of and discuss deep metaphysical ques- tions by the hour, as though therein centered his whole duty to his country and humanity, and the Frenchman will leave the excitement of the bourse and lose himself in contemplation of a new method of preparing veal to imi- tate chicken. But the nervous Amer- ican, they say, eats pie at a quick lunch counter, talks money from morning to night, and finds his recre- ation in drawing checks and cutting coupons. This is, of course, wild exaggeration, but it has a basis in ARTIFICIAL POND AT THE OAKS, PORTLAND. the almighty dollar. While our for- eign neighbors have been obliged by recent events to agree in the opinion that Uncle Sam may be a respectable fellow enough when he gets his growth, they are not yet ready to ad- mit that we know anything about art or literature, and they think of us always as running to catch a train. Our English cousin takes an hour at his meals, and his rest is not disturbed by business out of business hours ; the German, over innumerable steins of beer, will forget the flight of time truth. The average American is just beginning to recognize the fact that he can do more and better work by playing part of the tinie, and as this same average American does nothing by halves this matter of a time for work and a time for play is fast com- ing to be a recognized factor in the life of the citizens of the United States. When it has been settled at last that recreation is necessary, then comes the question of where the recreation shall be taken, and in the decision the state of Maine gets a full 26 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 27 share of the benefits. Nor has it ever been asserted that this share is not fully deserved. The Pine Tree state is fast becoming known as the play- ground of the nation. Here come men and women from all over this broad land, to shake off for a time the multifold cares of a life that has come to be normally intense in its earnest- ness. All along Maine's rugged coast are resorts for the seekers of rest or recreation ; all through the wildernesses of the interior the camps and Portland & Rochester Railroads, and the Boston and New York steam- ers, all bring their quotas to swell the army that is larger and larger each year. Beginning early in the spring and continuing well into the summer, disciples of Izaak Walton turn to Maine as the paradise of fishermen, knowing that in its countless lakes and streams royal sport awaits them. From the first of June until the time when the forests put on their livery of scarlet and gold, summer vacationists RECEPTION ROOM, CASINO, RIVERTON PARK. (Woodwork done by Williams Manufacturing Company.) of sportsmen open wide hospitable doors to those who love nature in her more unconventional moods, and in even* hamlet and almost even' farm- house a welcome awaits those who would escape the brain-wearying grind of the routine of life. For the thousands who come to Maine every year in search of sport, health, rest or recreation, Portland is the natural distributing point. The Boston & Maine, Maine Central, Grand Trunk flock to Maine, and in some fashion- able hotel by the seaside, or in some quiet farmhouse, escape the heat and confusion of the large cities. Then during the autumn months the woods are full of hunters, who know from experience or at second hand that Maine stands at the head when big game is under consideration. Nearly every individual in this countless multitude pays direct or indirect trib- ute to Portland. Going or coming, 28 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 29 they linger a moment, and in that moment the spell is woven and the captive led away. This is why Port- land is made headquarters by so many who pass their vacations in Maine. With hotels of the first rank of excellence, with pure air and pure water, with unrivaled transportation facilities, tourists realize the fact that this city is unique in its position. Let it be supposed that a party of tourists want an itinerary mapped out, and that they have arrived and taken rooms at the hotel of their choice. Several days are needed to explore and "discover" the city, to become acquainted with its business and residential streets, to visit its churches and public buildings, its the evidences of rest and comfort on the other form a combination that never becomes monotonous. These popular resorts are reached by the electric cars of the Portland Railroad Company, the manager of which has proved be)'ond question his ability to cater to the wishes of the amusement loving public. Other days can be profitably passed in trips to Stroud- water, Westbrook and Rigby Park, and in the enjoyment of the beauties along the line of the Portland & Yarmouth Electric Road, including Waite's Landing and Falmouth Fore- side. For those who have never vis- ited Portland, or who know the city only casually, Casco Bay in itself is a revelation. From the outermost point • MACKWORTH ISLAND. parks and its water front. Then may come a series of short excursions, not so long as to be tiresome, covered easily in the glow and sunshine of a summer day. First of all, perhaps, will come Riverton Park, that bit of nature developed and perfected by the Portland Railroad Company on the shore of the beautiful Presumpscot River. Here are attractions, includ- ing the open-air theater, sufficient to fill a day and evening, and the pecul- iarity of the place is that one visit only whets the appetite for another. In another direction, on the Cape shore, are the Cape Casino and Theatre, with the limitless sea as a background. Against the titanic wall of everlasting stone the surges break, and the un- tamed wildness on the one hand and of Cape Elizabeth along the coast to Harpswell, each change of view-point brings with it a new surprise and a new sensation of enjoyment. The islands that plentifully dot the waters of the bay are gems fit for the setting of Neptune's kingly crown. There are Cushings, with its big hotel and its picturesque cottages ; Peaks, the Coney Island of the bay, with its summer theater, hotels, cottages, pub- lic garden, cosmopolitan crowds, an- nual boating carnival, and scores of daily and hourly attractions ; Long Island, with hotel, boarding-houses and cottages ; Great and Little Dia- mond, covered with costly summer residences, and many others. The commodious and well appointed steamers of the various lines make 30 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT quick trips between these islands and the cit) T . The summer life of the islands is to a certain extent a study by itself. Some of the islands, like Cushings, are exclusive, catering to wealth and social distinction ; others, like Peaks, invite the crowds, the more the merrier, slap you on the back, call you by your given name, and ask you to call again and bring all your friends. Somewhere, at some time during the season, all the social grades of society are repre- sented, and all go home with the vow registered to come again next season. From Union Station trips may be taken by rail to many delightful lesorts. By the Boston & Maine one reaches Scarboro, Grand Beach (the summer home of Hon. Thomas B. Reed), Prouts Neck, Pine Point, Old Orchard, Ferry Beach, and other at- tractive points along the Maine coast west of Portland. By way of the Mountain Division of the Maine Cen- tral Railroad the traveler becomes acquainted with Sebago Lake, across which a steamer runs, through the winding Songo River to Naples, Bridgton and Harrison. At Bridg- ton and Harrison connection can be made by way of the Bridgton & Saco River Railroad with the Maine Cen- tral at Hiram Junction. This trip, combining the beauties of land and water, is a popular one and can be taken in the interval between an early breakfast and a late supper. Beyond Lake Sebago the Maine Cen- tral enters the gateway of the White Mountains, and the glories of the everlasting hills are then on every side. This is also one of the trips that can be made easily in a day, with Portland as a starting-point. By the Grand Trunk you are carried up through the Androscoggin valley, with its wealth of scenery, and brought back to your inn at a season- able hour. The Maine Central, east- ward, the Portland & Rochester and the Portland & Rumford Falls roads, all offer excellent facilities for de- lightful side trips into new and always attractive country. Beautiful carriage drives in and around Port- land are numerous and for bicyclists the possibilities are unlimited. With- in a radius of fifteen miles there are long stretches of well paved streets, quiet country roads between well kept farms, and narrow lanes from which the overhanging trees shut out the midday sun. There are picturesque drives along the shore, never far away from the sound of the restless surf, where the smell of the sea is always in the air ; inland the quiet is unbroken save by country sounds, the songs of birds, the lowing of cat- tle, the hum of bees, the shouts of farmers a-field, and the air is laden with that spicy fragrance that makes tired men and women forget that they are growing old and for a time sug- gests the possibility that the last cool spring from which they drank may indeed have been the fabled fountain of eternal youth. Ask the faithful Mohammedan why he turns his face toward Mecca when at his devotions, and he may give you a look full of pity for your ignorance ; stand out- side the magic circle and ask any in- dividual member of the ever increas- ing multitude, which each recurring season finds with faces set toward the East, what the reason for this an- nual hegira may be and you will be informed, in effect, that Portland is the Mecca of the great army of tour- ists who come to Maine as the place where nature, the good physician, most freely pours her balm into the wounds received in the battles of life, brings back the blessings of healthy appetite and restful sleep, and once more makes life really w T orth the living. Henry W. Longfellow* Longfellow spent many summers before his death with his brother, Alexander Longfellow, who until a few years ago occupied the place on the highlands of Deering known as Highfield. This sightly spot PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 31 THE DECEASED POET LONGFELLOW. Born in Portland. commands fine views of Portland, Casco Bay and the islands. The grounds contain many stately trees, among them being an elm which has now assumed goodly proportions. This elm, shown in the foreground of the accompanying engraving, was sent as a slip from the historic Wash- ington Elm in Cambridge, by the poet to his brother, and planted here by him in 1852. Highfield is now occupied by George Thornton Edwards, president of the Wil- liams Manufacturing Company of Portland, but the house has been remodeled, leaving some of its original pic- turesque aspect. Portland is, composed of the largest membership in the state and occupies its own handsome building which stands in Con- gress Square. The Association was organized in this city in 1853. Its present admirable quarters are the result of many years' patient labor on the part of its members and officers. The building and lot are situated in the heart of Portland and on the principal thorougfare, cost about $125,000, and the structure, shown on the following page, is one of the largest and finest in New England, if not in the United States. The corner stone was laid June 29,1897, and the building was dedicated and occupied September 29, 1898. Beside being substantially built and of modern architecture, it is fitted with all modern improve- ments including its own elec- tric lighting plant and an arte- sian well, the latter supplying twenty-six gallons of the purest and coolest of w r ater per minute. The building has an imposing entrance, and there is a large passenger ele- vator, adding to the comfort and convenience of frequenters of the building. Some part of every floor is used by the association. Several handsome stores on the ground floor The Young- Men's Chris- tian Association. The Young Men's Christian Association of LONGFELLOW MANSION. 32 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 33 and rooms on the upper floors are rented for business and office purposes and form an important source of rev- enue towards the maintenance of the building, and the commendable work there accomplished. There is a reading-room, on the tables of which is an ample supply of all high class instructive periodi- cals and magazines ; a room contain- ing tables for chess, checkers and other games is much appreciated by indeed doubtful if any one of the Y. M. C. A.'s in the United States offers more advantages to its mem- bers than that of the association here in Portland. Edmund T. Garland, who has several assistants, presides. The officers are as follows : Edgar R. Payson, president; Ozman Adams, vice-president; John H. True, vice- president; Albert B. Hall, recording secretary; M. M. Bailey, treasurer. There is also a board of directors, PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING. the 1,200 members; there is a large lecture hall, auditorium and a gym- nasium, comprising one of the finest equipped in New England, and in which members are entitled to in- struction from a competent physical director. There are also educational class rooms and, several evenings during the week, members enjoy the privilege of instruction in different branches of study. There is a bicy- cle room, camera club room, swim- ming pool, bowling alleys, and it is seventeen in number, who legislate the business of the organization here. Portland Public Library Building. Since 1897, an d through the mu- nificence of Hon. James P. Baxter, who built and presented it to the city, Portland has possessed its own free public library building, support- ed by public bequests and yearly appropriations from the city and state. The building is one of the 34 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT handsomest and most striking in the city and comprises one of the finest structures devoted to its purpose, possessed by any city of like popula- tion in the United States. It is con- structed of brown freestone and Ohio sandstone and is of the Romanesque style of architecture. Three statues adorn the exterior, all eight feet in height, representing History, Litera- ture and Art. The corner stone was laid September 9, 1887, and the build- ing was dedicated February 21, 1889. As well as being the most unique public building in Port- land, the interior is admirably adapted to its pur- pose. The stack room, in which the books are stored, has been en- 1 a r g e d since the building was erect- ed and has now a ca- pacity for 240,000 volumes. This building or annex in the rear of the main build- ing is thoroughly fire-proof and con- tains the Green system of shelving, the same as in the Congressional Li- brary at Washington. This impor- tant addition to the library was made through the bequest of $25,000, given by the trustees of the Walker estate. In 1897 the new children's room was opened. There is a large reading- room in which is to be found all high class current literature and also a reference room, both of which are open to all. All residents of Greater Portland are entitled to take books freely from the library by complying with the rules. There are now 45,- 000 volumes and the institution is admirably conducted. It is in charge of a competent librarian and a large number of assistants are employed in selecting books for the vast multitude of people who avail themselves of the privile g e s of this most ex- cellent free public li- b r a r v . The offic- ers of the corpora- tion are James P. Baxter, president ; Edward A. N o y e s , treasurer ; and Virgil C. Wilson, secret a r v. Portland's Schools. PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ''Our school s andschool- houses have long been a sub- ject of jus- tifiable pride with us, and we may appeal with entire confidence to our past and present history for evidence of our foresight and liberal provisions for those who are to take our places hereafter, for what our children are now, that will our country be after we have gone to our rest." So said John Neal something over a quarter of a century ago, and the words may fitly introduce what may now be said on this subject. Portland, since the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 35 ing the first Monday in July, and is forty-two weeks in length, inclu- sive of the following holidays and vacations: Thanksgiv- ing and the day follow- ing, the week including Christ m as, the week in- eluding Washing- ton's Birth- day, Fast Day and the day following, the week includ- ing May i, and Memorial Day. The school ses- sions are : High school, each week- day, except Saturdays, from 8.30 A. M. to 1 P. M. Grammar schools, PHYSICAL LABORATORY, PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL. above was written, has lost none of its prestige as a city in which may be found some of the best schools and teachers in New England. Eschew- ing a tenden- cy to experi- men t with doubtful methods, holding fast to that which is good and adopting what is meri- torious when the merit is plain, our schools have steadily kept in the very front rank. The school year begins on the second Monday in Sep tember and ends on the Friday next preeed- greek room, Portland high school. 36 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT I III 1 r Lirrr i DEERING HIGH SCHOOL. from 9 A. M. to 12 M., and 2 to 4.15 P. M., each week-day, except Satur- days. On and after the second Mon- day in November, for the remainder of the term, sessions close at 4 P. M. Primary schools, from 9 A. M. to 12 M. and 2 to 4 P. M., each week-day, except Saturdays. The signal for "no school" is sounded on the fire bells when the weather is very in- clement. There are about 7,500 pupils registered in the public schools of Greater Portland, and the annual appropriations for the benefit of this small army of future citizens have a 1 - ways been made in a spirit of commend - able liber- ality. The more not- able events in the re- cent school life of Port- land have been the building of the 11 e w Km e r s o n schoolhouse on M u n j o y Hill, the re- modeling of the High School, the building o f the Jackson schoolhouse, the establish- ing of two new kinder- gartens, the introduct i o n of improved methods in teaching pen- manship, cer- tain changes in regard to the admission of pupils to the High School, the formal presentation of works of art to the various schools, and the transferring of the school for the deaf from city to state control. Following are the locations of the schools in Portland proper, with the names of the principals : High School, 284-294 Cumberland street ; principal, Albro E. Chase ; assistants, LeRoy L. Hight, Charles O. Cas- well, Antoine Dorticos, Walter E. Severance, Harold W. Eoker, Caro- line E. Gould, Flora B. Coolidge, EMERSON SCHOOL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 37 FIRST CLASS, EMERSON SCHOOL. Annie P. True, Gertrude B. Morse, Alice M. Lord, Florence I. Pollister, Cornie M. Spear, Eliza A. Taylor, Susie J. Mantle, Linda Graves, Car- rie E. Robinson and Edith H. Farn- ham. Deering High School, Stevens Plains avenue, six teachers; William M. Marvin, principal, five assi s t a n t s ; E m e r s o n School, Em- erson street, Marada F. Adams, prin- cipal, seven assistants; Butler Gram- mar School, West and Pine streets, W. W. An- drews, princi- pal, fourteen assistants; West School, 37-39 Lowell street, Adri- ana M. Carle- ton, princi- pal, eight as sistants ; N o r[t h School, 248- 254 Con- gress street, E. E. Par- m enter, pri nc i pal, twenty-six assistants ; Jackson G r a 111 111 a r School, 34- 40 Green street, Dan- iel H. Dole, prin ci pal, ten assis- tants ; Cen- ter Street School, 70- 74 Center street, J. A. Milliken, principal, ten assistants ; Shailer School, primary, 58-60 North street, Myra M. Eastman, principal, seven assistants ; Monument Street School, primary, 25-29 Monument street, Emma J. Wilson, principal, five assistants ; Training School, 20-22 MAIN HALL, EMERSON SCHOOL. 38 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT BUTLER SCHOOL. Chestnut street, Sarah M. Taylor, principal, twenty assistants; Caseo Street School, primary, 29-31 Casco street, Isabella Garvin, principal, six assistants; Park Street School, pri- mary, Rosa E. Turner, principal, four assis- t a n t s ; Bra ckett S t r e e t School, pri- mary, 153- 155 Brack- ett street, Mary E. Stackpole, prin c ipal, six a s s i s- tants ; Mc- Lell an School, pri- mary, 14-20 Carro 11 street, Ellen D. Stevens, p r i n c i p al , seven assis- t a n t s : Vaughan Street School, primary, 233 Vaughan street, Amy N. Furlong, princi- pal, two assistants ; Oakdale School, Grace E. Curtis, principal, six assis- t a n t s ; Saund ers Street Primary, Flor- ence M. Knight, principal, two assis- tants ; Stroudwater School, Emily M. Maxfield ; Winslow's Primary, Grace M. Trask; Nason's School, Abbie G. Dennett; Ocean Street School, Wood- fords, Fred H. M. Witham, principal, four assistants ; Mor- rill's School, Nellie C. Mooer's, five as- sistants; Lunt's School, Mary E. Elwell, two assist- ants ; Center Primary, Caddie O. Fall, two assistants; East Deering School, primary, Maud A. Russell ; Riverton School, Minnie R. Bailey ; Riverside School, Mrs. Mary S. FIRST CLASS, BUTLER SCHOOL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 39 NORTH SCHOOL. Burnham ; Allen's School, Harriet S. Stone ; Auguste H. Schumacher, mu- sic ; Peak's Island School, L. Agnes Morrell, prin- cipal, two a s s i s t a nts ; Long Island School, Alice M. Cannell ; Long Island School, East End, Mary A. Babb; Cliff Island School, Grace P. Do w ; teacher of writing and drawing, H. W. Shaylor; assistant teacher of drawing, Mary B. Bul- lard ; teacher of music, Ann E. Merrill ; teachers o f training, George H. Babb and W . H . M or to n. The gen- eral wel- f a r e of these schools is carefully looked af- t e r by Superin- tendent O. M. Lord, whose long term of service has made him thor- oughly conversant with the require- ments and needs of every department. Back of the superintendent is the school committee, now comprising ma n u a 1 MANUAL TRAINING, NORTH SCHOOL. 4 o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT JACKSON GRAMMAR SCHOOL men who conscientiously and freely give of their time to see that the stand- ard of the schools is not lowered. The High School furnishes to those pupils who have completed the studies prescribed for the grammar grade, and are possessed of requisite quali- fications, with opportunities to pursue a thorough course of advanced study. Each pupil is required to pursue four branches. There are two courses of study, a gen- eral and a classi- cal. At the beginning of the course parents or guardians m a y decide which course shall be pursued by the pupil. No devi- ation from these courses is made without good cause, satisfac- tory to the com- mittee of the school, and no pupil is advanced to any class who has not attained an average rank in scholarship of seven and five-tenths, in a scale of ten, during the preceding year, except by a vote of the committee. The number of pupils who enter the High School is increasing each year. This may be due to im- proved social condi- tions or to a greater public regard for higher education. A rank of 65 per cent, in arithmetic and 75 per cent, in all other studies, is necessary for ad- mission to the High vSchool from the first class of the Grammar School. The school com- mittee recently adopted a rule, pro- viding for special examinations for those who fail to reach the required standard. The general course of study in the High School comprises mathematics, language, science, his- tory and English literature. In the classical course the studies are WEST SCHOOL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 41 CENTER STREET SCHOOL. mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, history, English. There are five sessions each week, and the time of study in the school is but ninety min- utes each session for those who pursue the required courses, so that it is necessary that one or more lessons be thoroughly pre- pared at home. To this end par- ents are request- ed to see that the necessary time is devoted to study at home by pupils of this grade. In the gram m ar and primary grades a course of study and a program are outlined by the committee for the general guidance of teachers. This skeleton plan the teachers en- deavor to de- velop and elaborate by daily study, selecting such methods as seem best adapted to their work. The utmost at- tention is given to the importance of extending and perfecting the oral and written language of pupils, and consequently accuracy of statement and propriety of speech are aimed at. The mere memorizing and repeti- tion of lessons are not tolerated, and teachers are expected to prepare themselves so- as to be independent of text- books. The attention given to selected and collateral reading, suita- ble to the attainment of the pupils, in addition to routine work, is highly commendable. In the primary schools the slate is a valuable adjunct, script writing being commenced in the lowest grade and continued in all subsequent grades. The system of teaching mental arithmetic in the grammar schools is an excellent SHA1LER SCHOOL. 42 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT MONUMENT STREET SCHOOL. training and discipline for the young mind, giving the pupils a confidence in themselves that could not be ob- tained in any other manner. The whole system is intended to develop the abil- i t y to think quickly and ac- curately and to be resource - fill in cases of emergen- cy. From the time the pupil enters the p r i m ary grade, up through all suc- ceed ing grades, the idea is to develop originality, per- sonality, to get at the best there is in the make-up of the future man or woman. It is the endeavor in the pri- mary grade especially to teach the little ones in such a way that their interest may be arrested and held. From the earliest moment they are taught to think and work for themselves, and to make of work a pleasurable recrea- tion. Calisthenics and music play an important part in every department and it is particularly interesting to note how soon the smallest pupils in the lowest grades become imbued with the im- portance of their various re- sponsibilities. Drawing and music are taught as regular exercises, under the direction of special committees. The practice and training school is located in the schoolhouse on Chestnut street. The object of this school is to furnish preparatory training for inexperienced candidates for positions as teachers in the city schools. This school is recruited as KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT, MONUMENT STREET SCHOOL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 43 CHESTNUT STREET TRAINING SCHOOL follows : From candidates who hold certificates from the school commit- tee and from graduates of the High School, whose average rank for four years has been 85 per cent, or more, ten pupil teachers are annually elected by ballot. The committee in all cases is supposed to be governed in the selection by scholarship and general fitness. The teachers so selected are subject to all the rules and regulations of the committee relating to teachers and schools so far as applicable, and they receive no compen- sation except when engaged as substitutes. The employ- ment of such teachers is not considered per- manent and may be terminated at any time. Teachers who have satisfac- torily taught for a period of one year in the practice school, and who are found upon examination to possess the requisite qualifications, are en- titled to receive a diplo- ma from the committee, certifying to training and competency. The vertical system of pen- manship is used throughout the schools, legibility and compact- ness being two of the essentials in view. In drawing the plan of work proposed in the upper primary and grammar grades is in- tended to furnish the groundwork for any fu- ture study in this direction the pupil may desire to undertake. The les- sons are arranged under three divi- sions : Constructive or geometric, representative or pictorial, and dec- orative. The quality of the work done by the pupils shows that the time devoted to this branch is well spent. The work of the manual training department begins during the pupil's seventh year. The first CASCO STREET SCHOOL. 44 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PROPOSED NEW PARK STREET SCHOOL. models made are those of the sim- plest form, made with ordinary tools, and the course develops until in the ninth year, when the boys become familiar with the more complex forms. During the last year the pupils make few drawings, their work being done to a large extent from drawings furnished them. T h roughout the entire course short talks are given upon subjects kindred to the matter taught, and compositions de- scriptive of the work are required. The schoolhouses are well supplied with school libraries, and pupils are encour- aged to use the books freely. Excellent re- sults are everywhere reported. The even- ing school is an important feature in Portland's educa- tional scheme. Each season witnesses a largely in- creased a 1 1 e n- dance over the previous year, the pupils com- prising young men and women who were obliged to leave school at an early age, adults of various ages and nation- alities who were deprived of edu- cational advan- tages in their youth, and others who desire to study some spec- ial branch taught. The average cost to the city of each pupil taught has been about four cents a night, and results obtained justify a generous annual appropriation for this object. For several years Port- land has been gaining experience in the practical value of kindergarten instruction, and although arguments MCLELLAN SCHOOL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 45 are now and then advanced against " invading the nursery," results thus far obtained would seem to warrant expansion rather than any curtail- ment in this direction. That the schoolroom should be made bright and attractive has long been admitted by everybody as an abstract truth, but it took concrete form in Portland only when the members of the Woman's Literary Union interested themselves in the matter. By per- sonal and solicited contributions they s u c - c e e d ed in rais- i n g a sum of m o n e y suffici- ent to p u r - chase a numbe r of clas- sic casts and h u n - dreds of cho i ce a n d b e a uti- ful pic- tures. These were p 1 a c ed on ex- hibition in Re- c eption hall, and on Saturday afternoon, May 15, 1897, were formally presen- ted to the school committee by Mrs. Josiah Burnham, the president of the Union. On this occasion Superin- tendent Uord presided, and Judge Symonds delivered a scholarly ad- dress on the subject, " Painters and Sculptors." On behalf of the city, Mayor Randall, in a graceful speech, accepted these works of art and they were distributed among the various schools. Refined taste and excellent judgment were shown in the selection of subjects, and the result must nec- essarily be the elevation of the moral and artistic tone of Portland's schools. This first collection has been largely augmented each year, by purchase and by gift. The teachers in the public schools of Portland are noted for their efficiency. They are, in addition to their educational fitness, required to make themselves familiar with all the rules, regulations and directions of the school board, espec- i a 1 1 y with those that re- late to t hei r own du- ties and to the instruc- tion and disci- pline of their schools. They are re- quired to keep the su- p e r i 11- tendent a 11 d t heir immedi- ate su- VAUGHAN STREET SCHOOL pervisor f u 1 1 y informed of all matters coming under their observation, affecting the char- acter and welfare of the schools, and shall at all times afford every facility for the purpose of examination. They are required to be in the school- room at least fifteen minutes before the commencement of the session, and during school hours they shall devote themselves faithfully to the public service, striving always to impress upon the minds of their pupils, by precept and example, the importance 46 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT of continued effort for improvement, in morals and manners as well as in useful knowledge. The character of the discipline in Portland's schools is that of the parent over the child. Politeness and good behavior are carefully inculcated and corporal punishment is resorted to only when all other means fail. As might be expected among such a large number of pupils, all other means fail at times, but the reports from the vari- ous schools show that more gentle methods usually prevail. The gen- eral health of the pupils of the public schools indicates that the city realizes full}' its responsibility in the matter of proper sanitary precautions. The newer schoolhouses are models of convenience and sanitary perfection and the older buildings have received such repairs and improvements as occasion demanded, to bring them up to the requirements of the times. Teachers are instructed as a part of their duty to see that all schoolrooms are properly lighted and ventilated, and on this score no improvement is possible. The schoolhouses are pro- vided with ample grounds and rooms where the pupils may take exercise, in addition to the system of drills cal- culated to develop the physical in contradistinction to the purely men- tal. In the primary schools teachers are particularly enjoined to allow pupils frequent change of position, and such alternation from study to rest, and from one recitation to an- other, as will best promote physical health and comfort. Excellent as Portland's schools have been in the past, and none have been better, the schools of to-day are far in advance. In the old days the main idea was to crowd into the pupil's head as much as possible within a given time. It is true that the times produced some good heads, and they were filled ac- cording to the approved methods of the day ; but they were notable not by reason of the school system, but in spite of it. Modern methods are best for modern times and the day of the antique has passed. All children do not receive knowledge with equal facility, or through the same channel ; the province of the modern teacher is to study the child, repress exuber- ance, build up the weak places, and otherwise assist in the growth of what, if properly cared for, may develop into a well rounded intellect. Along all lines the superficial and showy are gradually giving place to the practi- cal and substantial. Each succeed- ing generation is stronger than its immediate predecessor, and the atten- tion now given to the thousand and one details of plumbing and ventila- tion in the buildings where the children live during a large portion of their waking hours can but result in a generation of men and women better fitted physically and mentally to give a good account of themselves in the battle of life. Portland has set its standard high. As the metropolis of the state it is looked upon to give laws upon social and educa- tional questions, and it is improbable that there will be any retrograde movement. Maine School for the Deaf. A most important educational in- stitution of Portland is the Maine School for the Deaf, now a state institution, but until 1897 known as the Portland School for the Deaf. The school was first opened in 1876, and therefore for over twenty years has done much towards educating deaf mutes. In 1895, the state pur- chased the large mansion house adjoining the building comprising the original school on Spring street. This building, now called Brownson Hall, was enlarged to double its size and fitted up as a dormitory for the use of the children of this state, who were or should be, pupils of the Port- land School for the Deaf. When the city conveyed, free to the state, its title to the schoolhouse and lot, the institution became known under its present name and the state assumed PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 47 it as a charge. The board of trus- tees of this institution is as follows : William H. Brownson, president, Portland ; Edward B. Winslow, Port- land ; Hiram Knowlton, Portland ; Henry P. Cox, Portland and Byron Kimball, North Bridgton. After as- suming charge in June, 1897, the board of trustees, encouraged by the granting of a special appropriation from the legislature, immediately set about having the grounds graded, the fence between the school and dormi- tory removed, also an old stable ; and a fence was built around the rear of the newly combined lots. A new is so seriously impaired as to be in- capable of receiving instruction in common schools. The school is open to all deaf children in the state and to children from other states to a limited extent after compliance with the rules of the institution. Appli- cants between the ages of five and twenty-one years are admitted pro- vided they are free from any malady rendering them incapable of receiving instruction. The Combined System of Instruction, which includes all known methods of teaching the deaf, is in use ; and especial attention is given to speech and lip reading, which (Brownson Hall, Dormitory) MAINE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. (School) brick wall was built from the street to the school, all the buildings were repainted, new plumbing was put into the schoolhouse, the heating ap- paratus thoroughly repaired, new wrought iron fire escapes were put on the dormitory, a new iron fence built on the street front and several other important improvements were made, putting the school in perfect condition for its highly commendable work. The school is conducted under rules of economy and its corps of competent teachers accomplish a most marvelous work. The school is designed for the instruction of children whose hearing is taught here with a marked degree of success as children born deaf and dumb can be taught to read the lips of any one addressing them and converse intelligently and correctly. The course of instruction includes all the English branches and all pupils are given industrial training while in attendance, and the girls are taught to sew and cook. The school session is from September 10 to June 15. At the last term the school con- tained about seventy-five pupils of whom forty-two were boys. The principal of the school is Elizabeth R. Taylor who is ably assisted by 4 8 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT eight teachers. The school, it is esti- mated, will soon outgrow its quarters and will have to be enlarged. Board of Trade. In this trade organization Portland possesses an influential power which, since its foundation in 1853, has con- tinuously asserted itself in the best interests of this the largest city in the State of Maine. Since its origin, the Portland Board of Trade has been composed of the majority of the citi- zens of Portland having the largest business interests here and as a rule the cream of the ranks of the army of Portland's financiers, capitalists, busi- ness and professional men. In look- ing over the history and noting the innumerable objects accomplished, it may be safely stated that the organ- ization has been the most important factor in the growth and development of this city. The first meetings of this organization were held at the Mercantile Library Association rooms, where Wm. W. Woodbury was elected the first president, but declining to serve Hon. J. B. Brown was chosen ; Henry Fox the first sec- retary, and Jonas H. Perley its first treasurer, with seventy-nine in all comprising its full membership, about fourteen of whom are still living. By act of the legislature approved March 22, 1854, the organization became in- corporated under the laws of Maine. The constitution and by-laws, adop- ted shortly after the society became a corporation, are still in use. In honor of the arrival in this port of the English steamer, Sarah Sands, after the opening of regular steam commu- nication between Europe and Port- land, a notable banquet was held, Dec. 20, 1853, in which the new board of trade took a prominent part. On this memorable occasion, the ban- quet was presided over by the late Hon. J. B. Brown, then president of the board. In 1856, when the Great Eastern, then building in England, was expected to drop anchor in Port- land's excellent deep water harbor, the board made ample arrangements to have the great influx of visitors that the occasion promised to draw to Portland accommodated, co-operating with the city in the construction of two large piers, erected at the cost of $60,000. Although this ship never came, it was from no want of ade- quate preparations by the board of trade. The matter of coast commu- nication, between Portland and the Maritime Provinces, was one of the next matters taken in hand. The discussion of this important matter led to the inception of the Interna- tional Steamship Co., which has fur- nished such excellent regular service between Portland and the lower Brit- ish Provinces. Soon after this a reg- ular line of sailing packets was estab- lished by the board of trade, making regular trips to all ports along the coast as far as Jonesport and Machias ; which afterwards resulted in the es- tablishment of a line of steamers be- tween Portland and Camden, and a line between Portland and Waldo- boro, and of the Portland and Ma- chias Steamship Co., all of which have increased Portland's commerce a thousandfold. Not only were the efforts of the board of trade devoted towards drawing business from the east in its early existence ; in 1863, in response to the invitations extend- ed by the board of trade, delegates from the trade organizations of De- troit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Montreal and Quebec visited this city where they were welcomed hospitably and a grand levee and banquet was held at city hall. This resulted in bringing about the better acquaintance between citizens of Portland and the people of the western cities. To protect the reputation of the flour trade in Port- land, an efficient committee of the board of trade established a standard for the various brands adopted, and samples of which were left at the board of trade rooms for reference, and an inspector was appointed, being PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 49 held responsible for the efficient and faithful discharge of his duties to the board, and which system continued until the great fire of 1866, when the samples were destroyed and less at- tention was afterwards given to a flour inspection. In 1863, the board of trade removed to rooms opposite its present location on Exchange street, which quarters were destroyed by the great fire, but afterwards re- built. In 1863, a committee was appointed to obtain subscriptions for the stock of a corporation afterwards formed to build the present large dry dock at Cape Elizabeth, costing $150,000, the want of which had been apparent for several years. After the destruction of Wood's marble hotel, which was erected through the efforts of the board of trade, Mr. Brown, its president, in fulfilment of his promise to the board of trade, built the Falmouth Hotel, to be a credit to the city, and as conducted at the present day, so has it been almost since it was first bnilt. In 1863 also, Sebago Lake was vigor- ously urged as the permanent source of supply for city water which object was accomplished after persistent effort later. Buoys and steam whis- tles for Cape Elizabeth, Matinicus Rock and Ouoddy Head were secured from the government and the same year a compulsory pilotage tax imposed on the commerce of this port was killed. In 1864, a special com- mittee was sent to Washington which succeeded in having excessive duties on molasses greatly reduced. The same year the board raised nearly $8,000 for the relief of the suffering Union people of East Tennessee, and $1,500 for the distressed immigrants landed here from the wrecked steamer Bohemian. During the Rebellion, nearly $30,000 was raised for similar purposes through the board. During the war period many of the large manufacturing concerns were ren- dered support and encouragement, among which were the Portland Co., the rolling mills, glass works, shovel works, sugar refineries, all of which originated in the board of trade. In 1865, a committee was chosen for the purpose of bringing about the organization of a joint stock company for the manufacture of shoes, with a capital of not less than $50,000. This resulted in several firms and individ- uals engaging in shoe manufacturing in this city. In 1867, the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad was origi- nated, the first meeting in its behalf being called by Secretary M.N. Rich. The same year, at the great commer- cial convention held in Detroit, mainly through the efforts of the Portland delegation, the National Board of Trade was formed. The detention of merchandise at Island Pond for entry and payment of duties there, 011 goods coming over the Grand Trunk System, was righted by the board of trade in 1868, and negotiations for reciprocal trade with Canada had been urged at that time for several years, as had the relief of commerce and navigation by remission of tax on ship building material been fre- quently advocated in congress. In 1 87 1 a board of manufactures was established to encourage and promote the investment of foreign capital here, one result of which was the holding of an industrial fair four years later. The deepening of the harbor to admit the largest steamships to the wharves at any time, was a result of the appropriation granted by congress, asked for by the board in 1872; breaking the ice in the upper harbor and around the wharves in extreme cold seasons had been done and paid for by the board of trade. After the grain elevator was destroyed by fire in 1874, it was rebuilt with the earn- est co-operation of the board and the protection of the water front now afforded the city by an adequately equipped fire boat was urged by this organization before that time. By condemning the adulteration of food and drugs, protesting against dis- crimination in freight rates, regula- tion of interstate commerce, securing: 5Q PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT lower rates on mileage books for com- mercial travelers, an equitable dis- tribution of the Geneva award, perfection of the United States signal service at this port, greater efficiency at life-saving stations, change of sys- tem and removal of some of the light- houses on this coast, were all brought about. In 1884, the board of trade voted to co-operate with members of congress in conceiving measures to check the decline of American ship- ping, through the so-called Dingley Bill, and also to assist in enhancing the usefulness of the Revenue Marine Bill. In co-operation with the state ness houses in this country and Europe. The same year the board appointed a commission to co-operate with the Grand Trunk System, to build another grain elevator in order to handle the increasing business in grain shipments at this port. The present colossal elevator towering above the masts of the largest ocean steamers by a hundred feet or more, and much larger than its sister grain elevator in this city to-day, shows the result of the energy and far sighted- ness of the members of the board of trade. In 1887, congress was peti- tioned regarding the proper defence M. N. RICH, Secretary. COL. F. E. BOOTHBY, President. C. S. FOBES, Treasurer. OFFICERS OF THE PORTLAND BOARD OF TRADE. commissioner, the board did valuable work towards making a creditable show of Maine products and works of art at the New Orleans exposition. In 1885, legislation was secured by the board to suppress the operations of itinerant traders and pedlers. The following year action was taken securing further improvement and deepening of the water in Portland harbor, which was made suitable for the easy passage of the largest ocean steamers at low tide. The New York Produce Exchange was also aided, by the board, in the prepara- tion of a revised bill of lading, to be adopted internationally by all busi- of Maine seaports, and measures were adopted to prevent the diversion of railroads, coming into Portland, from their intended usefulness to this city. In 1889, members of the board of trade appeared before a committee composed of members of congress to prevent the rescinding of measures, threatening to interrupt the present commercial relations with Canada, by abolishing the privilege of carrying United States goods in bond by rail through Canada without unnecessary hindrance. It was the year previous to this, 1888, that the Board of Trade Journal was started by Secretary M. N. Rich. This journal has PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 51 ever since been issued with clock - like regularity, and its objects, to keep the investment of capital from being drawn from the state, by illus- trating continuously the many oppor- tunities for safer investment and more profitable return within the borders of the state of Maine, have been real- ized to a gratifying degree. It was in 1889 that the board of trade, by members subscribing liberally to the stock, induced the printing and engraving concern, now known as the Lakeside Press, to remove its plant to this city, where it has since been operated. In 1890, the board of directors was increased in number from seven to thirteen, since which time the affairs of the organization have been more fully within the jurisdiction of this board. In 1892, while preparations were being made for a state representation, with a state building at the World's Columbian Exposition, the Portland board of Trade took a leading part in raising funds and urging the advisability of providing a state building which would do honor to Maine, subscribing $2,000 of the $35,000 of its approxi- mate cost. During the World's Fair, many notable exhibits were made at Chicago by the different concerns, indirectly connected with the board of trade, and the board itself placed in the state building large quantities of illustrated books, descriptive of the State of Maine and Portland. Ever alert on matters of national im- portance, in 1893, the board urged and used its influence towards having the purchasing clause of the Sher- man Act repealed. Through the treasurer, Mr. Fobes, the attention of the board to the need of a lightship off the entrance of Portland harbor, was brought. This subject is one which has received much attention, and has since been productive of an appropriation, granted by congress at a recent date. During the past few years, the board has been active in a thousand and one ways, in which a board of trade is called upon, either by the public or by its own members, to act. The matter of enlarging and deepening Portland harbor, so that the largest ocean liners, that dis- charge and load at the docks, could have one thousand feet of water suffi- ciently deep to enable them to swing their giant hulls, is now being accom- plished through the recent appropri- ation made by congress, of $850,000. During the encumbency of President Edward B. Winslow, who took a strong personal interest in deepening the harbor, this work was commenced. Under his administration, the subject of establishing a United States naval station at Portland, and government dry dock, was suggested. In the latter he has been ably seconded by President F. E. Boothby, the present encumbent. The efforts of the board have been directed towards many new projects, suggested by the rapid growth of the city and increase in population by the recent annexation of Deering. Under Colonel Booth- by's re'gime, the board of trade has been in close communication with the secretary of the navy, whose let- ters give great promise for the near establishment of a government dry dock at this port; and for which the board has labored almost incessantly. During the last two years also, illus- trated, descriptive books of Portland and vicinity, have been published and sent to various parts of the coun- try, showing the possibilities of the city for trade, commerce and the attractions of Portland and vicinity as a popular summer resort. Through subscription lists, circulated by members of the board of trade, the families of the unfortunates lost on the steamer Portland, were rendered timely and valuable assistance. While Portland offers many induce- ments for manufacturers to locate in this city, and the board of trade in- vites correspondence from those de- sirous of information of any sort, schemes needing propping on all sides are promptly declined. The city contains many capitalists, some 52 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT advantageous locations for different kinds of manufacturing, an abund- ance of skilled labor, and it is one of the aims and objects of the board of trade to bring manufacturing to this city. The rooms of the board of trade on Exchange street, are also those of the Merchants' Exchange. This latter organization, which at the present day possesses 115 mem- bers, composed of individuals and firms, was started during the Rebel- lion, and before telegraphic reports were as commonly circulated as at the present day. These rooms were much frequented by merchants de- sirous of the latest war despatches. The Merchants' Exchange has ever since been one of the influential organizations, and for years has stood hand in hand with the board of trade. The rooms, jointly occupied, comprise a large assembly room, reading-room and office. As the Board of Trade and Merchants' Ex- change is a perfect bureau of infor- mation, open at all times to members, in which strangers to the city are courteously treated, the place is one of much interest. Eighty regular newspapers and journals, published in all parts of the world, including published records of all exports and imports and also government reports from every department, as well as the consular reports of all nations, are kept on file for reference ; and the scope of information accessible here is practically unlimited. This is also the headquarters of the state board of trade, of which Marshall N. Rich, the founder of the merchants' exchange, is also secretary. Mr. Rich has been secretary of the Port- land Board of Trade continuously since January, 1864, and holds the distinc- tion of being the oldest secretary of any board of trade in the United States. The Portland Board of Trade now comprises over 450 members. Regular meetings are held monthly, and special meetings are called fre- quently. The present officers of the board are as follows: Frederic E. Boothby, president ; vice-presidents, Joseph H. Short, Ammi Whitney, Albert B. Hall; directors, C. W. T. Goding, George Trefethen, Alonzo W. Smith, Chas. F. Libby, William W. Merrill, Edward H. York, Au- gustus R. Wright. Henry P. Cox, Elisha W. Conley, Adam P. Leigh- ton, Wm. Chamberlain, John B. Coleman, William H. Gray; Charles S. Fobes, treasurer ; M. N. Rich, secretary. Hon. F. W. Robinson. The first mayor of Greater Port- land, Hon. Frank Woodbury Robin- son, was born in this city, Nov. 27, 1853. He is a son of Franklin and Martha A. (Stevens) Robinson, and is descended from colonial ancestry on both sides. He attended the public schools of Portland and Den- ver, Col., graduating from the Port- land High School in 1873. Among his graduating classmates were, Lieut. Peary, the celebrated Arctic explorer, Dr. Chas. D. Smith, a member of the state board of health, Dr. William Stephenson, now bri- gade surgeon at Santiago, Josiah H. Drummond, Jr., and Hon. William H. Looney. Choosing the legal pro- fession, he was graduated from Har- vard law school in 1875, with the degree of LL. B., He was admitted to the bar October 1 2 the same year, began the practice of his profession, and for several years has been a member of the well known law firm of Libby, Robinson & Turner. In 1877, to succeed the late Moses M. Butler, upon his election to the office of mayor, Mr. Robinson was appoint- ed assistant county attorney. He was, in 1888, elected county attorney, and held the office the customary two terms. He was appointed judge of the municipal court in 1895. This office he held until chosen mayor. His election as the first mayor of Greater Portland, showed his marked popularity in the city of his birth. In no sense a politician, and having PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 53 served in the city government only as a member of the board of police commissioners, his natural fitness for the office was unanimously voiced by the voters of the Republican party at the caucuses, their choice being rat- ified by an almost overwhelming majority at the polls. He was one of the original members of the High School Cadets, which celebrated mil- itary organization afterwards merged into the Port land Cadets; and as captain, s u c c e eded Capt. John Anderson. He is en- rolled in the Odd Fel- lows and all the bodies of the York rite in Ma- sonry, and is a member of the Cum- ber 1 a n d Club, also a trustee of the Green- leaf Law Librarj- . He was married in 1877 to Miss Ida F. Wheeler, d a u g h ter, of Elisha Wheeler) and has one d a u g h t er, Beatrice W. brothers, Eben S, 1893, and George HON. F. W. ROBINSON, FIRST MAYOR OF GREATER PORTLAND. Robinson. Of his two Robinson died in R. Robinson is a resident of this city. Judge Robin- son's father was the son of Capt. Woodbury Robinson (mariner). His father was Samuel Robinson, the latter of whom served as private and drum-major in the Revolutionary war, and whose grandfather served as a sergeant in the same company. Capt. Woodbury Robinson's wife was Louisa A. Tolford, who, with her brothers, is well remembered in the retail dry goods business in this city. Mayor Robinson's mother was the daughter of the late Eben C. Stevens, who for many years was a merchant tailor on Middle street. His ances- tor, William Stevens, immigrated to this country in 1632, settling in Glouces ter, Cape Ann, and becom- ing promi- nent in church and town affairs; was a mem- ber of the general court in 1665. He was reduced to poverty on account of his noble resistance to the pro- ceedings of the commis- sioners sent by George III. Mayor Robinson's maternal grandmoth - er, Eunice Stevens, was born October 30, 1798, at Wood fords Corner in the house now known as the Wood- ford House. This historic house was built by Benjamin Stevens, the progenitor of the Stevens family of Woodfords and Stevens Plains. Hon. C H. Randall. The mayor of Portland in 1897-98 was one well fitted by experience in 54 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT public affairs, for the office he held. Hon. Charles H. Randall was born in this city fifty-two years ago, and is the son of the late J. F. Randall, one of the old-time substantial men of Portland. He obtained his educa- tion in the local public schools, in- cluding attendance at the Portland High School. He afterwards became associated with his father, who was engaged in the whole- sale grocery bus iness, and con- ducted large s h i p y a rds on the cape. Under his father he soon showed evidences of p os'sessing marked bus- iness ability and, a few years later, became one of the firm o f J. F. Randall & C o. This was when the s h i p- building in- dustry was thriving in Portland. Many fine sailing ves- sels were launched from their yards. Among ships built by them was the Alice D. Cooper, which ves- sel won fame for her builders by making, at that time, the fastest trip across the Atlantic of any vessel of her class. Since 1885, a year after which the senior Randall retired from business, on account of ill health, Mr. Randall has been partner in the large wholesale grocery concern of Simonton & Randall, whose estab- HON. C. H. RANDALL. lishment is one of the best known and patronized east of Boston, and situated on Commercial street. Their trade extends throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Mr. Randall entered the local political arena in 1890 as a candidate for the common council from Ward 6. His election was assured from the start, as it was in the two years following. H e served three years in the com- mon coun- cil, the last year of which h e was pres- i d e n t of the lower branc h of the city gov- e r nm en t. His efficien- cy in public office w a s demonstrat- ed every year, and with it in- creased his popularity. In 1894, he was nomi- nated for the board of al- dermen, and upon his election, was chosen chairman of that body. The year record won board, when by being , his name following, his previous him a re-election to the he was again honored chosen chairman. In 185 was strongly urged for the mayoralty, but before the caucuses he retired from the field. In 1897, that year opposing Mayor Baxter, who had served four terms, he was placed in nomination and elected by a hand- some vote, his opponent at the polls PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 55 being Edward B. Winslow. His en- cumbency as mayor was marked by unusual efficiency, and added credit to his public career. His careful, economical and business-like admin- istration won him friends and sup- porters from the ranks of his former political foes. A large floating debt, inherited by his administration, was paid, but two notes of $20,000 each, while the different departments of the city accomplished their usual work, and the large and expensive contract of constructing Tukey's bridge was finished under his regime. That M r . Randall estab- lished m a n y not abl e prece - dents, whic h will be of bene- fit to the citizens and tax- pay e rs in years to come, is a mat- te r of public re c o rd . B e s i de lookin g careful - ly after the interests of the city in a business way, Mr. Randall gracefully represented Portland socially, his presence being rarely refused at pub- lic functions. Never was his adapta- bility in this direction more signifi- cantly shown, than upon occasions when the city of Portland was called upon to officiate in matters where state pride was concerned, this being most noticeable during the visit of the Royal Scots. While Mr. Randall is esteemed the most by those who know him best, his strong personality and eloquence at public gatherings made him popular with the majority of those with whom he came in con- tact, in his public capacity. He is a member of the Portland Club, and the Portland Athletic Club, but en- rolled in the membership of no secret order. He resides on State street. Visit of the Royal Scots. The visit of the Royal Scots of Canada, to Portland, in July, 1898, was an event of more than local im- portance and significance, emphasiz- ing as it did i n no un- c e r tain manner, an era of good- will be- twe e n Great Britain and the U 11 i ted States. The fourth day of July, of that y e a r , was the fiftieth a n n i - CITY HALL, PORTLAND, DECORATED IN HONOR OF ROYAL SCOTS vers a ry of the opening of the Grand Trunk Railroad, for on July 4, 184S, this road, or the Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad, as it was then known, was opened to passenger traffic between Portland and Yarmouth, and the celebration of the event was combined with the city's celebration of the anniversary of our national independence. The news of the destruction of Cervera's fleet at Santiago, which received confirmation at an early hour on that day, was another factor in an occa- sion for general rejoicing. Through 56 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 57 the earnest intervention of British Vice Consul J. B. Keating, the nec- essary permission had been obtained for one or more companies of British soldiers, stationed in Canada, to visit the United States in uniform and under arms, to assist in the joint celebration, and at 8.30 o'clock, Sunday morn- ing, July 3, a train of nine Pullmans and two baggage cars, bearing the Royal Scots, arrived in Portland over the Grand Trunk road. As the train drew into the station, the crowd which had gathered, in anticipation of the event, cheered enthusiastically. field and staff officers were as follows: Majors Cameron, Carson, Gault and W. M. Blaiklock; Capt. Meighan, adjutant ; Major Rollo Campbell, surgeon ; Brown, assistant surgeon. The company officers were : Com- pany No. 1, Captain Campbell, Lieu- tenant Cleghorne ; company No. 2, Captain Ross, Lieutenant Dodds ; company No. 3, Captain Oliver, Lieu- tenant Gault ; company No. 4, Cap- tain Cantlie, Lientenant Armstrong ; company No. 5, Captain Evans, Lieutenant Allen ; company No. 6, Captain Ibbotson, Lieutenant Forbes. LIEUT. A. F. GAULY. LIEUT. COL. E. B. IBBOTSON. CAPT. J. S. IBBOTSON. As soon as the train came to a stop, the order to alight was given. On the station platform were British Vice Consul Keating, and the members of the city government's Fourth of July committee, who exchanged greetings with the officers of the queen's crack Canadian battalion, and tendered them the hospitalities of the city. This battalion is composed of six companies, with a total strength, in- cluding the musicians, of over four hundred men, the whole commanded by Colonel E. B. Ibbotson. The In addition, there were Colonel Cav- erhill and Major McCorkill, retired officers of the Royal Scots ; Lieuten- ant Crathern, of the field battery, who is attached to the command, and Bandmaster Cooke, Drummers' Sergeant Rosser, Pipe Major Manson and Drum Major Boyd. The entire party, numbering about four hun- dred and fifty men, with horses for the officers, through the courtesy of the Grand Trunk management, was given free transportation from Mon- 7 treal to Portland and return. These 58 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 59 CHIEF MARSHAL AND AIDS OF THE PARADE. were the first British soldiers in uni- form and under arms, that had been seen on the streets of Portland for many years ; and it is easy to under- stand the interest and curiosity their appearance aroused. The Royal Scots were organized as an infantry regiment about 1878, and it was the first regiment in Canada to adopt the full Highland costume. Their motto, 11 Ne obliviscar- zV," which may be freely trans- lated, " Dinna forget God, our- selves or coun- try." Many of the members are veterans who have seen ser- vice in other British colonies. The armory had been designated as headquarters of the battalion during its visit, and here the soldiers came di- rect from the station. The basement w a s fitted up as a dining hall, where excellent meals w ere served by a ca- terer, engaged and paid by the city. In the main hall, sleep- ing quarters were arranged and every pre- caution had been taken for the comfort of the city's guests. After breakfast, which was served at once, the early hours of the forenoon were devoted to removing the dust of travel, and in making acquaintances. At about eleven o'clock, Sunday forenoon, the church call was sounded, and the troops, forming line in divine service order, marched to St. Luke's cathe- dral, where the Right Reverend Bishop Neely delivered an eloquent welcoming address, in the course of which he expressed the wish that ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. 6o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT through many generations the cords that bind England and America may grow stronger and stronger until, be- fore the world and in all that con- cerns the interests of humanity, they shall be one. From the cathedral the battalion marched back to the armory, where fatigue uniforms were donned and seats taken at the tables in the dining hall. The commis- sioned officers, who had been assigned quarters at the Preble House, stood in the rear of the hall, with Mayor Randall, Vice Consul Keating, and about half the members of Portland's city coun- cil. When the men were seat- ed Mayor Randall, in an address, brief but to the point, ex- tended to them, in behalf of the city govern- ment, a cordial wel c o me and the free dom of the city dur- ing their stay. He then proposed toasts to "Her Majesty, the Queen," and " To the honor of the Royal Scots of Can- ada, our honored guests," and in Maine fruit punch the healths were enthusiastically pledged. Lieuten- ant Colonel Ibbotson responded brief- ly, expressing the thanks of officers and men for the treatment they had received. At 2.30 P. M., a large number of the soldiers marched to Custom House wharf and boarded the steamer Pilgrim for a sail in the inner harbor. Later the Pilgrim re- turned to the wharf, and took on ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. board the officers of the Royal Scots, Mayor Randall, and other notables, and made another trip, passing close to the monitor Montauk, exchanging courtesies with Uncle Sam's Naval Reserves, and making a trip among the islands. Cushings Island was reached about 4 o'clock, and here re- freshments were served. The return to the city r was made at 5.30 P. M. At 7.45, special cars were taken for a trip to Riverton, where thousands of people had gathered in anticipation of the visit. Here the Royal Scots band gave an hour's concert, the selec- tions be- ing prin- cipally Ameri- can airs. It was es- timated that fully 1 0,000 people were present during the con- cert. About 1 1 o'clock the vis- itors re- turned to the city. Monday, July 4, the day of the great celebration, gave promise at an early hour of being one of the most trying days of summer, and later the promise was amply ver- ified. In spite of the heat, however, an enormous crowd gathered to wit- ness and take part in the festivities of the occasion. The presence of the Royal Scots, the Connecticut Volun- teers, and the crews from the monitor Montauk and training-ship Enter- prise, drew visitors from all parts of the state. Elaborate decorations were general throughout the city, the common design being; a union of the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 61 flags of Great Britain and the United States. Onr Canadian visitors real- ized the amount of work before them, and passed the morning hours quiet- ly. The events of the early morning were witnessed by the usual crowds, but the procession was the one part of the day's program in which every- body was interested, and throughout the line of march the sidewalks were the somewhat complicated formation, there was little delay, and the pro- cession moved in the following order: First division, American Cadet band, 25 pieces ; First Connecticut Volun- teers, two companies, 150 men ; de- tachment of sailors from the monitor Montauk, 36 men ; battalion of the Royal Scots of Canada, six compan- ies, 368 men and regimental band of CONGRESS STREET, LOOKING EAST. packed with a surging mass of hu- manity, and windows and doorways were filled with interested spectators. A little before 10 o'clock Chief Mar- shal Sanborn, with his pennant bearer and bugler, took position on Chestnut street, near Congress, sur- rounded by Chief-of-Staff Milliken, and aids. At 10.15 the bugle sound- ed, and the order, "Forward," was given. Considering the crowd and 37 pieces, with drum major and bag- pipers : battalion High School Ca- dets ; detachment from training-ship Enterprise, 64 men ; 14 carriages, in which were Governor Powers, Mayor Randall, Adjutant General Richards, Vice-Consul Keating, guests of the city and members of the city govern- ment. Second division, Chandler's band, 26 pieces ; third battalion of First Regiment Uniform Rank, 62 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Knights of Pythias of Maine, and the Portland Veteran Firemen. Third division, Westbrook City band, 25 pieces ; pupils of the schools of Port- land in barges and floats. Fourth division, Presumpscot band, display of Portland trades and business houses. Fifth division, Portland fire department, under the command of Chief Eldridge. The route of the parade was as follows : From city building down Congress street to Washington, to Cumberland, to High, to Deering, to State, to Congress, to Vaughan, to Bramhall, to Western pro me- nade, to Pine, to Brack- et t, to D a n - forth, to State, to C o n - gressj to eitv build- ing. The route was a long one, and the heat was op- p r e s - sive,but the va- rious c o m - ROYAL SCOTS BAGPIPERS. panies marched with as good alignment at the end as at the beginning. This absence of carelessness or seeming fatigue was particularly noticeable in the case of the Royal Scots. It is im- possible to recall any organization that ever paraded the streets of Port- land and attracted so much attention and called forth so much favorable comment. The uniform of the bat- talion is a strikingly beautiful and picturesque one, and the members are stalwart fellows whose every movement speaks eloquently of discipline and training, up to the point of almost absolute perfection. The music of the bagpipers was blood-stirring, and all the evolutions of the command en route were exe- cuted with a precision that called forth round after round of hearty, honest applause. In Congress square, the parade was reviewed by Govern- or Powers, and on reaching the end of the route the Royal Scots marched direct to the armory, where refresh- ments were served and acquaintances renewed. The exercises in celebra- tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Grand Trunk took place on the Eastern prome- nade at three o'clock, and the program was car- ried out in all partic- u 1 a rs . Sur- round- ed by an im- mense crowd, Mayor R a n - dall, Governor Powers, and other guests of the city, took seats upon the platform, and the exercises opened with singing. Rev. A. H. Wright, pastor of St. Lawrence Con- gregational church, offered a fervent prayer, eminently suited to the day and the occasion. Then, after sing- ing by the large chorus, Mayor Ran- dall introduced the orator of the day. The mayor said : " Ladies and gen- tlemen : We are assembled here to-day to commemorate with appropri- ate exercises the fiftieth anniversary PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 63 CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. of the opening of the Atlantic and St. Iyawrence railroad, now a part of that great system known through- out the land as the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, which connects Portland with the great city of Montreal and the far West. This occasion must be interest- ing to Canadi- ans and Ameri- cans alike, and we are especial- ly pleased to welcome here to-day to assist us in celebrating this event, this splendid battal- ion of the volun- teer soldiers of that great coun- try to the north, which forms a part of that vast empire on which the sun never sets and which we are proud to call our friend. One year ago, I had the honor of welcoming to our city, on the occasion of the Queen's Jubi- lee, the officers and crew of Her Majesty's ship Pallas, and to- day it affords me equal honor and as great pleas- ure, in behalf of the city of Port- land, to welcome the officers and men of the Fifth Royal Scots of Montreal. Gentlemen, we are glad to meet you here, not only to assist us in this celebration, but also to cement more firmly the ties of friendship and regard that are to-day binding together the English ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. 6 4 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. speaking people throughout the world. Thirty-eight years ago, an English fleet lay at anchor in our harbor, and from yonder point I saw the future king of England embark for home, followed by the cheers and best wishes of the citizens of Portland, and to-day it seems especially fit- ting that on this historic spot, representat i ve s of the two great nations should meet together, and while cel- ebrating the birthday of the iron road that binds them to- gether commer- cially, should also pledge to each other that friendship and support which eventually will dominate the world. And as today from every part of this great nation prayers are offered for the safety and the health of the president of the republic, and for the suc- cess of our army and navy, so also do we join with you in praying, ' Eong live Victoria. God save the Queen.' We have with us to- day a distin- guished citizen of Portland, who is probably bet- ter acquainted with the railroad history of our state than an) T other man within her borders, a gentleman whom we all delight to honor. I now have the pleasure of introducing to you, as orator of the day, Hon. Josiah H. Drummond." Mr. Drum- mond, in his address, gave a history ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 65 of the movement to connect Montreal and Portland by rail ; the opening of the line, and the innumerable benefits that have followed. He closed by expressing the belief that all who speak the English tongue will hence- forth stand together for the peace of the world. Then there was more singing, brief remarks by ex-Alder- man John J. Gerrish and General Manager Reeve, of Montreal, and the exercises closed with the singing of America. The Royal Scots had in- tended to give an exhibition parade on the Western promenade during the af- ternoon but ow- ing to the heat o f the day and t li e leng th o f the m o r 11 - ing pa- rade, it was giv- en up. During their marc h to Un- ion sta- tion in the early even- ing, they the en ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. short of the in the gave a western part route stopped pay their respects to Powers, Mayor Randall tant General Richards, parade in city, and square to Governor and Adju- who occu- pied a carriage at that point. The battalion was drawn up to form three sides of a hollow square around the carriage. Then Colonel Ibbotson placed his officers inside the square, and the whole command stood at at- tention. Governor Powers arose and briefly addressed the troops, saying that he was °dad to see them in the State of Maine and, complimenting them highly on their superb march- ing and soldierly bearing, he said, in substance: " Such an organization of soldiers, and such discipline and proficiency in military training as you have this day shown, are a credit to yourselves and an honor to the Do- minion of Canada. You are worthy descendants of your Scotch ancestry, whose military prowess is every- where recognized. I know something of Canada, her people, her institu- tions, her laws and her form of gov- ernment, I have lived many years with in t w o miles of her bor d er. There is no count ry w here life and proper- ty are safer. Individ- ual lib- erty , per s on- a 1 se- curity and the right of every man to enjo y the fruits of his labor, under equal, just and generally wise laws are vouchsafed to all the people of the Dominion. You have a just right to be proud of being a part of that grand English empire on which the sun never sets. An empire whose flag is the symbol of justice, protection and order wherever it floats. An empire gov-, erned nominally by a limited mon- archy, yet in fact and in truth one of the strongest, freest and best democ- racies that ever blessed mankind. Great Britain and the United States, in short, the English speaking 66 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT HON. LLEWELLYN POWERS, GOVERNOR OF MAINE. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 67 people of the world, seem to be the only nations that can fully comprehend and properly use parliamentary gov- ernment. These two governments to-day are moving harmoniously for- ward in substantantially the same paths in the interest of liberty, of commerce, of progress and of good government. Never again, I trust and believe, will there be any strife or serious contention between them. We have many things which bind us together. We have a common an- cestry, we speak the same language, we reverence the same God, we wor- ship a t the same shr in es, religious, poli t i cal and edu- catio n al. We seek substa n- tially the same ends. The Eng- lish com- mon law, that splen d i d m o n u - ment of wisdom, learn- ing, and justice, we of the United States, as does ever}- British subject, claim as our birthright. We recognize the ne- cessity of military and naval forces for the preservation of order and the maintenance of international rights, and we honor the brave and patriotic men, who, like yourselves, are ever read}- to respond when the country calls. Yet we believe, and it is one of the cardinal principles in our government, that except upon extraordinary occasions, the military is, and should be, subordinate to the civil power. We have, to-day, re- ceived glad tidings of a great naval ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. victory near Santiago. A victory in the interests of humanity, a victory that gladdens your heart, as well as our own; for we know and fully appreciate where the friendly influ- ence of England is', and has been, ever since we engaged in this war with Spain. I regretted very much that we should have this contest forced upon us in the sunset hours of the nineteenth century. I have been of those who believe if the president had been left alone that it might have been avoided. But the time for diplomacy has passed, and we have entered upon the contest. Whether necessa- rily and wisely or not, the future must de- cide. We can now take no steps back- ward. The du- ty of ev- ery loyal citizen is plain. The war must go on and be prosecuted with vigor till the last vestige of Spanish misrule, corruption and tyranny is forever driven from the American continent, and I wish you to take back to our friends in Canada the assurance that this will be done, and done speedily. As governor of Maine, it has been a pleasure to me to welcome you to our state. Every movement of this kind, every interchange of visits, must have a tendency to create better and more friendly relations between us. Your coming here is a step in the right direction, and I wish you a safe re- turn to your homes. And I also 68 FORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT ROYAL SCOTS ON PARADE. trust that your welcome here has been such that you may feel to visit us again in the near future. ' ' Mayor Randall followed in a telling address. He assured the visitors that they had done credit to themselves and the city they represented, and closed by predicting closer commercial and po- litical relations between Canada and the United States. Colonel Ibbotson r e - sponded feeling- ly, expressing his appreciation of the open- hearted way in which he and his command had been re- ceived in Port- land. Then the colonel ordered all the officers to advance, and they did so, sa- luting with their swords as they surrounded the carriage. When the officers grasped the hands of the mayor and gov- ernor, they found difficulty in expressing their thanks for the hearty re- ception which had been given them. That the affair was en- tirely impromp- tu, made it one of the pleasant- est and most notable events of the day, and one that will be long remem- bered by those who were pres- ent. Shortly after this the battalion boarded the train at Union station, for the return to Montreal. During the visit of this organization, the members were the recipients of many social attentions, entirely aside from those of a public nature. The officers were lavishly entertained at the Cum- MARINES FROM MONITOR MONTAUK. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 69 berland Club, at the home of Mayor Randall, and at many small gather- ings in private residences. Portland opened its heart to them and left nothing to be desired in the way of hearty and appreciative goodfellow- ship. There can be no doubt that lasting good will accrue to both coun- tries from this visit. Certain it is that Montreal and Portland now clasp hands across the ruins of the barrier of hatred and indifference, and who can tell what a large loaf a little leaven of this sort leaveneth. John B. Keating. The Brit- ish vice-con- sul, who looks after the interests of British com merce, etc., for the ports of en- try in the State of Maine, has made his headq uar- ters in Port- land since 1895, and it is the general opinion that he enjoys the distinction of be- ing the only representative of any foreign government to take up his residence here, to attend to his offi- cial duties. Mr. Keating was born in Woolwich, England, his father, at the time of his birth being an officer in the royal artillery. As a child he resided, for five years, in Mauri- tius, afterwards going to the Cape of JOHN B. BRITISH VICE-CO Good Hope, St. Helena and Gosport. He finished his schooling in Guern- sey. His English home is at Brighton in Sussex. Mr. Keating's early training in the army led him to join the royal engineers, and while in that corps, he served in Canada, Gibraltar and Bermuda. In 1886, he left the army, on account of impaired health, and entering the consular service a s clerk at Boston, he served i n the various grades, and wasappoint- e d acting vice - consul for six months, and pro- con su 1 for , a like period. Up- on the death of Mr. Starr, he was nom- inated t o succeed him; and, n o t w i t h - standing the fact that the a p p o i n t - ment was z e a 1 o u s ly sought after by many lo- cal appli- cants, and without de- t r a c t i n g from the merits of these applicants, it is proper to remark that Mr. Keating has suc- ceeded in making himself extremely popular; and, according to a promi- nent steamship agent, "he has proved himself to be the right man in the right place." His duties are varied, responsible and arduous. During the past year, exports from this port to Great Britain have increased nearly 500 per cent., and now KEATING, NSUL FOR MAINE. 7o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Portland boasts of an all-the-year- round steamship service. Mr. Keat- ing, by his active, efficient and ac- ceptable services has added important items to Portland's history. Through his influence and friendship with the various officials, he secured the visit to this port of H. M. S. Pallas, and thus enabled Portland to honor Queen Victoria, by commemorating and joining in the festivities on the occa- sion of the jubilee reign. On this ful celebration in the history of the state, the presence of the Royal Scots being the immediate means of more closely binding the ties of friend- ship between the British empire and Maine. Mr. Keating's untiring zeal and care for the minutest details, brought out the spontaneous verdict that he did nothing but what was done well. His cordial co-operation, advice and assistance to the various committees, ensured no detail being STEAM YACHT MAITLAND, OWNED BY DR. C. W. BRAY, COM. P. Y. C. ENGINED BY H. R. STICKNEY. point, Portland is distinguished in being the only city in the United States which so commemorated, as a city, the festivities. Again, in 1898, through his influence and suggestion, the 5th Royal Scots of Montreal, one of Canada's crack regiments, visited Portland, and they also came entirely as the guests of the city and their presence and magnificent appearance greatly conduced to the enjoyment of an occasion considered with pride as the most remarkable and delight- overlooked, and enabled the Royal Scots to remark that their enter- tainment in Portland outshone any- thing of a like nature ever before extended them. Mr. Keating has been further successful in furnishing and maintaining, largely unassisted, a home for seamen of all nationali- ties. That the sailors in port appre- ciate his efforts, is clearly proved by the large attendance at the cheerful recreation and reading-rooms in this eit\\ PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 7i w I I. i-nm CHESTNUT STREET HETH'iDlST rh WM\ ■v ^.^ W A GROUP OF PORTLAND CHURCHES. 72 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, 1899. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 73 PORTLAND COMMON COUNCIL, 1899. 74 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Geo. H. Libby. The city treasurer, George Henry Libby, holds the distinction of being the oldest of city officials. He was born in Brunswick, Me., Aug. 20, 1 84 1, and is descended from John and Sarah Libby, who settled in Scarboro in 1630. When he was three years old, his parents removed to Portland and he obtained his edu- cation in the public schools. He entered business as a clerk in the wholesale grocery store of T. & \V. H. Shaw. When the Civil war broke out, he was one of the first to enlist, since which time, with the exception of one year, he has been the custo- dian of the public funds, and collector of taxes. Mr. Libby is one of the originators of the Diamond Island Association. He is a prominent member of the grand lodge in the Knights of Pythias, and is also a member of thei.O.O.F., and G.A.R. Leroy S. Sanborn. Leroy S. Sanborn, city auditor of Portland, was born in Gorham, Me., April 5, 1850, his father being Dr. John Sanborn, a practicing physician GEO. H. LIBBY, CITY TREASURER. and became a member of Co. A., Twelfth Maine Vols. During the siege of Port Hudson, he was severe- ly wounded and spent several months in Baton Rouge hospital. On com- ing out of the hospital, he was dis- charged on account of disability, hav- ing lost his arm. He then returned to Portland. He was soon after made clerk in the examining office of the provost marshal, and from Feb. 1, 1865, to the close of the war, was re- cruiting officer. He has served in the city treasury department of Port- land since May 2. 1865, and succeed- ed City Treasurer Hersey in 1890, LEROY S. SANBORN, CITY AUDITOR. of that place. After completing his education at Gorham High School, Mr. Sanborn, in 1869, came to Port- land and accepted a situation as clerk in a grocery store. In 1S70, he be- gan service in the post-office as carrier, and in 1871 was appointed clerk, re- maining in that position until 1885. In 1S89, he reentered the service as postal clerk and was appointed assist- ant clerk in the railway mail service in February, 1890. In the following August he was appointed assistant postmaster, and served in that capa- city until 1896. On March n, 1896, he was elected city auditor, and is PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 75 now serving his fourth term in that office. In polities Mr. Sanborn has always been a Republican. He has several times served as chief marshal of campaign parades, and was chief marshal of the notable parade on July 4, 1898, in which the Royal Scots participated. He is a Chapter Mason, and is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and various other orders. Carroll W. Morrill. The city solicitor of Greater Port- land, Carroll W. Morrill, was born in CARROLL W. MORRILL, CITY SOLICITOR. Falmouth, Me., July 13, 1853. After attendance at the common schools, he fitted for college at Westbrook Seminary. He then entered Bowdoin College, from which he graduated in 1877. Subsequent to leaving college, he taught four years at the Bath High School, at the same time reading law in the office of Hon. M. P. Frank. He was admitted to the Cumberland County bar in 1882 and, opening an office in Portland, has continued in practice here ever since. Beside be- ing more than ordinarily successful as a young lawyer, he has seen much of public life. He was elected repre- sentative to the state legislature from Portland in 1893, and in March, 1897, was made city solicitor, to which office he was re-elected in 1898, and again in 1899. Mr. Morrill has for several years been active in politics and is a valued member of the Re- publican party. He is a talented public speaker and has done some efficient work on the stump. He was the first president, and one of the prime movers in the organization of the Lincoln Club, which owes its suc- cess to the substantial lines upon which it was founded. Mr. Morrill has been secretary of the county Re- publican committee for the past eight years. His office is in the Danforth buildinsr. Geo. N. Fernald. The commissioner of public works of Greater Portland, is a native of Camden, Me., and was born in 1861. He was educated in the public schools of Camden and Portland, and, after preparing for college, under private instruction, entered the office of E. C. Jordan, M. Am. Soc. C. E., and began the study of civil engineering, remaining there three years, two years of which he was engaged on river and harbor work. In the winter of 1879-80, he was engaged in the city engineer's office, and was appointed an assistant in 188 1, by Wm. A. Goodwin, city engineer. He was appointed first assistant in 1892, and was elected city engineer in 1893, and being re-elected in 1894, re- ceived in addition the appointment of chairman of the commission of streets and sewers. In 1S95, his present office was created, and he was appointed commissioner of public works by Mayor J. P. Baxter, and in 189S was reappointed by Mayor C. H. Randall. Since holding his pres- ent office, several notable improve- ments have been carried out under his plans and superintendence, among them the construction of Tukeys and Pride's bridges, the north side inter- 7 6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT GEORGE N. FERNALD, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. cepting sewer and the improvement of Back Bay. He is a member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society of Municipal Improvements and the Portland Club. He has been a valued resident of this city since 1873. Geo. W. Sylvester. The police department of Greater Portland, the largest and cleverest in the state, has been headed by City Marshal George W. Sylvester, since first appointed to the office by Mayor Randall in 1897. The creditable record made by the police of this city since that time has been, in large measure, due to his fitness for the diffi- cult position he holds. He was born in Portland, October 17, 1850. He attended the common schools, grad- uating at the Portland High School in 1869. After obtaining a practical education, he began business life as clerk in the wholesale store of Elias Thomas & Co. His father, George S. Sylvester, being a contractor and builder, made him familiar with the wants of the lumber trade, and he soon found an opportunity with Rob- ert Holyoke in that business, with whom he was associated for several years, the firm afterwards becoming Holyoke, Benson & Co. After learn- ing the business and working him- self up by native industry, he accepted a more lucrative position with the late Gilbert Soule, with whom he re- mained ten years. Upon Mr. Soule's death, Mr. Sylvester became manager of the corporation then formed, con- tinuing as such until April 1, 1897, when the concern withdrew from business. At this time, he was pre- vailed upon by his friends to accept an appointment to his present office. His efficient service under Mayor Randall, by whom he was appointed, won him the unsolicited reappoint- ment by Mayor Robinson, and he is now serving his third year. Mr. Sylvester has served also in the city government, and was a member of the common council from ward five, in 1887-88-89. He is a Republi- can in politics, and a member of the historic Willistou church, of this city. GEO. W. SYLVESTER, CITY MARSHAL. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 77 Daniel D. Chenery. This efficient officer and deputy marshal of the police department, was born in what was formerly a part of Westbrook, in the house where he now resides. The house has been in possession of, and occupied by, the Chenery family for over a century. His father, Joseph Chenery, residing in the house before him, enjoyed the distinction of living in two states, three towns and several counties, without moving away from the prop- erty. He was educated in the schools of Westbrook and Deering, and West- DANIEL D. CHENERY, DEPUTY MARSHAL. brook Seminary, afterwards studying bookkeeping to fit himself for busi- ness life. He engaged in the grocerj^ and provision business in Portland, and commenced his extended public career as tax collector of Deering in 1873. For eight years, continuously, he afterwards held the dual office of town treasurer and collector. He then served two years as selectman and assessor. In 1884, he was appointed deputy sheriff, serving four years un- der Sheriff Benjamin True. He was reappointed, and continued four years more under Sheriff Webb, and one year under Sheriff Cram. For seven years he was court deputy, but the last year was a civil officer. In the fall of 1892, he was elected county treasurer to fill the unexpired term of J. M. Webb, and at the next reg- ular election, chosen his own succes- sor, serving three terms of two years each. Retiring last January, he was, after the city election and the annex- ation of Deering, appointed to his present office by Mayor Robinson, and to which office he is well fitted, by both experience and courage. He has been for thirty years an Odd Fellow, and is a member of Maine Dodge and Eastern Maine Encamp- ment. He is also a member of Rocky Hill Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Willard F. Frith. In the possession of Willard F. Frith as deputy marshal, the police department of Portland is peculiarly fortunate. Like his colleague, Dan- iel D. Chenery, he brings to the office a well-earned reputation for courage and efficiency, his daring acts, while formerly a member of the Portland police force, earning him fame throughout the state. He was born in Roxbury, Mass., February 1, 1858, and since he was ten years of age, has resided in Portland. He was engaged in the tinware and hardware business up to 18S1, when he was appointed patrolman. He soon showed marked ability, and became recognized as a valuable officer, and remained on the force fourteen years. It was he who captured the notori- ous burglar, Fred Irving, which oc- curred several years ago, but is still fresh in memory. His capture was made at the risk of the officer's life, for the burglar, failing to dissuade Officer Frith from arresting him b}* pointing a revolver at him, finally shot him in the abdomen. Notwith- standing Officer Frith's critical con- dition, he succeeded in firing three shots and overpowering the burglar and placing him under arrest, the officer's life being saved by the thick- 78 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT WILLARD F. FRITH, DEPUTY MARSHAL. ness of his clothing. While a patrol- man of the force, Officer Frith was never known to show the meaning of the word fear, when under the dis- charge of his duty. In 1895, he was appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Plummer, and served in that capacity during his administration. When the appointments were made to the police department, after the election of Mayor Robinson, his name as dep- uty marshal brought with it the un- restrained approval of the people of Portland. Longfellow Gallery. Charming in appearance and artis- tic in ever}- detail of its arrangement is the Longfellow Gallery. Situated just above the Public Library build- ing, on Congress street, nearly oppo- site the famous Longfellow statue, it derives its name from its proximity to this work of art. This studio, in which every description of portraiture is executed in as artistic a manner as in the most prominent and re- nowned studios of the larger cities, was built and opened to the public in 1889, by Shailer Cushing, who has conducted it continuously and suc- cessfully ever since. During the present 3 r ear, it has been entirely re- modeled, a new skylight put in, and the interior rearranged in such a way as to make it more attractive than ever. The work of this studio, repro- duced in this volume, needs no com- ment, as it speaks for itself. Mr. Cushing and his portrait operator, artists by temperament and training, ambitious to excel in their profession, keep fully up with the times in every branch of the photographic art, and their work possesses in full, those points of excellence that raises it far above the average. Their uniformly courteous treatment of all patrons, present and prospective, and a cheer- ful disposition to fill orders on short notice, when requested to do so, are elements in the policy of the manage- ment of this popular studio, that are considered and greatly appreciated by the public. Aside from the artis- tic and mechanical excellence of the work emanating from this studio, its location is such that it naturally at- tracts a desirable, high-class patron- age. The people of Portland, with their refined and cultivated artistic instincts, know what constitutes good photography, and the efforts of the Longfellow studio are rarely disap- pointing to the most exacting. Here may be found thousands of negatives of Portland citizens, and of scenes throughout the city and state. Along all lines where care and artistic treatment are essential to good re- sults, the name of this studio has come to be synonymous with the best that can be procured. The operating room, as might be expected, is fitted with the latest and best appliances for obtaining satisfactory results, the light of the best, appropriate lenses for every class of w r ork, and back- grounds and scenery accessories to meet all requirements. The recep- tion room is artistically arranged and the samples here shown are undoubt- ed evidence of the position occupied by the studio in the art life of Portland. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 79 McCullum's Theater. The name of Bartley McCullum, manager of McCullum's Theater, at Cape Elizabeth, is considered a syn- onym for high class summer theat- ricals; and probably no actor or manager in this city, has achieved greater success than has this con- scientious actor. A local pride is felt in his accomplishments, for he is a home prod- uct. Born in Portland, M arch 2, 1857, h i s edu cation was ob- tained in the local public schools. As a child, he was consid- ered a verit- able prodigy on declama- tion; and soon his tal- ents were in demand at socia bl es, concertsand amateur en- t e r t a i n- ments. His first appear- ance on the stage was made at the age of three years, in a child's part in a produc- tion of the Black Crook in old Deering Hall. After that when a child was wanted by stock companies visiting the city, Bartie McCullum was always en- gaged. Ashe grew older, he became identified with several amateur the- atrical societies, that then obtained in the city, and recognized as one of the best amateurs in the state. Dur- ing these years he was also noted as BARTLEY MCCULLUM. an athlete, and for several years was the champion amateur oarsman of Maine. He was a member of the Montgomery Guards, and now has several valuable medals won at com- petitive drills. At sixteen he started to learn the iron molder's trade, at the works of the Portland Company; but his desire for a theatrical career operated as a handicap, and he never grew enthusiastic enough in his work to make very rapid advance- ment at that trade. While em- ployed there his oppor- tunity came through the medium of an amateur perform- ance of Conn, The S h a u g h - raun, pre- sented b y the Grattan Association, with Bartley McCu 1 1 u m in the part of "Conn". The produc- tion was a complete success, and the young amateur re- ceived the h i g h e s t praise for his individual performance. In the audience that night was George W. Beals, at that time the manager of the Portland Company. When young McCullum presented himself at the works the morning after the perform- ance, Mr. Beals called him aside and advised him to take up the stage. Within a week, Bartley McCullum was in Chicago, and three days 8o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT INTERIOR, McCULLUM'S THEATER, CAPE ELIZABETH. afterwards played his first part with a professional company in Dubuque, Iowa, assuming the leading comedy role in an Irish drama, called Kath- leen. After a rather eventful year or two in the West, he was engaged by the management of the Boston Thea- ter Company to play the part of Sol- omon Isaacs, in Lord Tatters. His first appearance as a professional in this city was made with this com- pany. In 1881, he went to England, where he achieved further success in a Yankee dialect character, and on his return was engaged by J. H. Wal- lick, for the comedy role in The Cattle King. Following this he was engaged with Mrs. Eangtry's company, and then came engage- ments with Robert Downing, Lotta, Agnes Herndon, The Fast Mail, Frederic Bryton, and Neil Burgess, with whom he went again to England in 1886. He has been engaged as stage director and manager, where he rehearsed and staged successfully twenty-one new plays, in many of the leading theaters in this country and Canada. In this city, Mr. McCul- lum has surmounted many obstacles and achieved flattering results. On July 25, 18S7, he commenced his career here as a manager, with no other capital than a genial and char- itable disposition, and indomitable will. He was the pioneer of summer stock companies in this country, starting at Peaks Island twelve years ago. From this small beginning have grown the numerous summer theaters in this city. He now possesses a beautiful theater, equipped with all modern improvements and luxurious appointments, where he is presenting a series of entertainments, excelling in scenic grandeur and artistic merit. Mr. McCullum has rehearsed and presented in this city more than 125 different plays. Every person ever connected with him speaks in the most enthusiastic terms of his sterling qualities. Everything he undertakes receives his personal attention and most conscientious effort. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Jefferson Theater. Due to Portland local pride is the existence of the new Jefferson Thea- ter. This magnificent play-house was built some two years ago, at the cost of over $200,000, and easily holds its own with the best theater buildings in the country. Previous to the raising of the funds for this structure, the subject had been agi- the house. The theatre is excep- tionally cool in warm weather; and is named for the veteran actor, Joseph Jefferson, who was present and made an address on the opening night The counter- weight system is used on the stage, and the scenic effects produced by the different switchboards, are admired and commented upon by the theatri- cal companies playing here. The INTERIOR JEFFERSON THEATER. tated for several years. The house has a ground floor entrance, and the entire building is devoted exclusive- ly to the theater. The building, unique in architecture and colossal in dimensions, is seen at best advan- tage inside when illuminated. The building is of brownstone and iron, and is constructed upon the most impenetrable fire-proof plans. Heat- ed by hot air in the cold weather, the indirect radiating system is in use in stage is sufficiently large to put on the greatest productions on the Amer- ican stage, and the house seats 1,650. There are twelve private dressing- rooms for the artists, in an annex r fitted with every convenience and modern improvement. The theater is owned by a corporation, the stock- holders of which are well known business men of .Portland. The in- terior of the house is a marvel of richness and simple elegance in 82 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT decoration. The drop curtain is a specimen of high art, which, when the house is empty, is covered by another curtain of asbestos. There are eight boxes furnished with that luxurious elegance which befits a magnificent theater of modern times. Since the theater was first built, it has been leased by Fay Brothers & Hosford. The new theater has at- tracted many of the leading stars, who were never before seen in Port- land, and the adequate size of the stage has made it possible for many comfort of both the visiting companies and the large audiences that have so far favored it with their patron- age. The manager is highly pop- ular with the patrons of the Jeffer- son, and looks well after the interests of the lessees and patrons alike. The present local manager of the Jefferson, James E. Moore, who has but recently taken charge of Fay Bros. & Hosford's interests here, came to his new duties thoroughly equipped with the ability and expe- rience which make a successful JEFFERSON THEATER. attractions to be staged on the Jeffer- son, which before could not play in this city. The booking of attractions is done at New York and Lowell. That Portland is fortunate in the possession of this handsome and well conducted theater, is acknowledged on all sides, while the members of the large number of companies play- ing here are also fortunate, as they are well received and cared for. Built upon honor, the house is of the up-to-date metropolitan pattern, as it is constructed with a regard for the theatrical manager. For four years Mr. Moore was associated with Frank Sanger at the Metropolitan Opera House and Madison Square Garden, New York, with whom he w r as busi- ness manager for the productions of "Mr. Barnes of New York," and "Mr. Potter of Texas," and " My Official Wife." He has also man- aged Frank Daniels a season, and was business manager of the Tremont Theater, Boston, a summer. He has managed the Columbia Theater, New York, and has been manager at Hoyt's PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 33 Theater, of the high class production, ' ' A Florida Enchantment. ' ' He has also been manager of several other theaters and productions at the Broadwa}' Theater and Metropolitan Opera House, New York city, and other theaters. His selection as local manager of the Jefferson gives much promise for the successful fu- ture of this theater in Portland, the pride of the State of Maine. The Gem, Peaks Island's Summer Theater. The Gem, Peaks ful summer theater than mere passing Island's beauti- deserves more notice. Recon- structed from the old skating rink, under the supervision of Colonel Wood, the architect of the Jeffer- son, it is one of the cosi- I est and most attract ive summer the- aters in °: New Eng- land. An a r c ,a d e twenty feet wide admits to the entrance, on each side of which are refreshment rooms. This entrance is particularly notice- able, from its semicircular arrange- ment of pillars, and gives a tantaliz- ing hint of what is to follow. From the spacious lobby, stairs lead to the upper balcony. The foyer is of reg- ulation size, and the balcony is large and well supported by sixteen iron pillars. The auditorium will seat 1,500 people, and there are five boxes on each side. The stage has an opening thirty-six feet wide, is fifty feet deep and eighty feet wide, and has every modern convenience in the way of ample dressing-rooms and facilities for handling scenery. The ventilation of the building is Jgq&@& STEAMER PILGRIM, CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. as near perfect as could be con- ceived, and all arrangements for the comfort and convenience of patrons, are perfect in every detail. The peculiar construction of the building, instead of handicapping, seemed to act as an inspiration to the archi- tect, and the impression one gets upon entering the theater, is a par- ticularly pleasing one. The schemes of decoration and lighting could hardly be improved, and visitors are always earnest in their commenda- tion of the enterprise that made such an attractive place of amusement possible. The Gem was formally opened to the public on the evening of June 6, 1898, and at once took its place in the public regard as one of the dain- ty a 1 1 r ac- t i o n s of Portia nd and C asco Bay. The Gem is o w n ed bv C. W. T. G o d i n g, general manager of the Casco Bay Steam- boat Com- pany, and to this gentleman belongs the credit for the conception and carrying out of this important bit of managerial enterprise. Casco Bay Steamboat Company. The excellent service provided by this steamboat company, the pioneer line plying through the beautiful and attractive Casco Bay, has been a prominent factor in drawing sum- mer visitors to Portland, and devel- oping residence property on the 365 islands. The exceedingly low rates of fare on these stanch and admira- ble steamers, make it possible for travelers and those in search of a day's respite from the summer heat, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT GEM THEATER, PEAKS ISLAND. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 85 C. W. T. GODING. to take au outing, unexcelled, for the money, on the Atlantic coast. This steamboat line makes the isl- ands accessible to those who have cottages down the bay, the boats of the company running every half- hour, from early morning to late in the evening. The steamboats on this line are the Pilgrim, Forest City, Emita and Eldorado, and leave Custom House wharf daily, the year round, the bulk of business being done during the summer months, although there is much travel, and freight is carried between Portland and Peaks Island in winter, that island fast becoming an important permanent residence place. The steamers of this company are kept in the best of condition, and beside being overhauled and repainted every year, were built for the greatest comfort and convenience of passengers. The boats of the line carried last j^ear 450,000 passengers. The company was organized in 1887, and was the outgrowth of the Forest City and Star Eine. The management is thoroughly progressive, and has ever shown a dis- position to give the public the best possible service for the least possible money. The popularity of the line and the unusual attractions along its route, increases the traffic yearly, and to a most noticeable extent. The treas- urer and general manager, is C. W. T. Godiug, whose connection with steam- boats has promoted the inducements offered to summer visitors to Portland and Casco Bay, in marked degree. Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Co, The visitor w r ho would see much of the coast of Maine, should take a trip on the steamer Frank Jones, of the Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Company. The first land- ing after leaving Portland, is Rock- land. From Rockland, the steamer STEAMER FRANK JONES, PORTLAND, MT. DESERT 4 MACHIAS STEAMBOAT CO. 86 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT goes to Islesboro and thence across the bay to Castine, one of the oldest towns in New England. From Cas- tine the course lies along the shore of Brooksville, around Cape Rozier to Deer Isle, thence across Eggemog- gin Reach, to Sedgwick. The first stop after Sedgwick is at Brooklin, and thence the course is laid for South West Harbor, on Mt. Desert. Leaving South West Harbor, the steamer next touches at North East Harbor and a little later, Bar Harbor and dignity, others, like Bar Harbor, appealing to the wealthy and fash- ionable. Everywhere on the coast, but more particularly from Cape Roz- ier to Jonesport, the duck shooting is the best to be found on the New Eng- land coast. The beauties of Mt. De- sert have been often dilated upon, but they must be seen to be appreciated. There is here a combination of moun- tain and shore that is the source of nev- er-ending wonder. It seems hardly necessary to mention the fact that the STEAMER ST. CROIX, INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. is reached. After leaving Bar Har- bor, an easterly course is taken across Frenchman's Bay, past Petit Manan and up Narragaugus Bay to Mil- bridge, thence through Mooseabec Reach to Jonesport, on through the reach into Machias Bay, passing Roque Island on the left and Cross Island on the right, and so on up the bay to Machiasport, the end of the route. All along this route are re- sorts for those who are in search of rest or recreation, some, like Castine, inviting by their air of quiet repose service on board the Frank Jones is at all times of the best, or that the officers and crew are thoroughly competent and reliable. The officers of this pop- ular steamboat line are : George F. Evans, general manager, and Col. F. E. Boothby, G. P. & T. A. International Steamship Company. This long established steamship line, owned largely by Portland cap- ital, and having its general offices on Railroad wharf, at foot of State PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 37 street, runs fast and staunch steamers of modern pattern, between Boston and Portland, Eastport, Lubee, Me., and St. John, N. B., and is an im- portant factor in the commercial importance of Portland. The steam- ers of the line are the St. Croix, (pro- peller) 265 feet long, State of Maine, 241 feet long, and the Cumberland, 241 feet long. All are of modern construction and are fitted with large, airy and well furnished staterooms. The excellent table service on these boats has ever been a source of grat- ification to its many patrons. The line furnishes strictly first-class ac- commodations, and the trip over either part or the whole route, is re- plete with attractive scenery. Both about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. During the summer months, the steam- er St. Croix runs direct from Boston to St. John. The officers of the com- pany are J. S. Winslow, president; Charles F. Libby, vice-president and general manager; J. F. Liscomb, su- perintendent, and W. E. Holden, treasurer, Portland, and E. A. Wal- dron, general freight and passenger agent, Boston. Harpswell Steamboat Company. The trip over the Harpswell line, from the beauteous scenery continu- ing throughout the route, is one most frequented by summer visitors to Portland, and is well known as the m * . . ■ ■ - P ^l-EanHL AMONG THE ISLANDS, HARPSWELL LINE. passengers and freight are carried, steamers leave this city, during the summer season, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5.30 P. M., for East- port, Lubec and Calais, Me., and St. John, N. B., and by this line tickets are issued through to Halifax and all partsof Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. This company also provides the only clay line between Portland and Boston. The steamers leave Commercial wharf, Boston, for Port- land, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, at 8.15 A. M., arriving at Portland at 4 in the afternoon. Re- turning, they leave Railroad wharf, Portland, at 7 A.M., Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, arriving at Boston 365 island route. The steamers of this company make regular trips be- tween this city and South Harpswell, touching at the following islands, and making twelve landings in all: Long Island, Little Chebeague, Great Che- beague, Hope islands, Harpswell, Bailey's and Orr's islands. One of the first steamers put on this route was the Gordon, a small craft of 40 tons gross, which boat has long since been dispensed with, and replaced by others of most modern pattern, and equip- ment. The old Gordon opened up a most popular route of travel, the bus- iness of which has been steadily and rapidly increasing yearly. A much larger steamer, the Merryconeag, was next constructed for the company, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT and put in service ten years ago. This soon led to the building of an- other steamer, the Chebeague, which boat soon proved too small for the growing business of the company, and was sold to the City of Portland and converted into a fire boat. It has since provided excellent protec- tion to the entire harbor front. Three years ago, the steamer Sebascodegan, 185 tons gross, was built, and one year later, the Aucocisco, 187 tons gross, was built. These seaworthy and comfortable steamers, both queens of the harbor, comprise the boats agement of this line have built up the business of the company by showing a disposition to provide the best pos- sible steamboat service at the lowest rate of fare, over a most charming route. The officers of the company are George F. West, president, and Isaiah Daniels, general manager and treasurer, and both of whom are well known influential residents of Portland. Portland & Yarmouth Electric Ry. This electric line, connecting Port- ON LINE PORTLAND & YARMOUTH ELECTRIC RY. operated by this line. The route is 22 miles in length, and although most frequent trips are made during the entire summer season, the company provide an all-the-year-round service through Casco Bay and the 365 isl- ands. Many consider the sail on these steamers the most delightful on the Atlantic seacoast. They leave Portland pier and are reached by electrics from all parts of the city. They have a licensed capacity for carrying 550 passengers, and over 100,000 enjoyed the delightful sail over the route last year. The man- land with Yarmouth, is one of the more recent public developments by which Portland's citizens and visitors are much benefited and en- tertained. The road is a new enter- prise, and because of the scenery afforded along its line, the cars of the company are well patronized. It is entirely controlled by Portland stock- holders and officers, who have found it necessary in response to the public demand this season, to make many additions to its service and equip- ment. The road-bed is substantially constructed, and the track having a PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 89 total extent of more than thirteen miles and being laid entirely with sixty-foot rails, is practically joint- less. The cars are of the most mod- ern pattern, and the trip from Portland to Yarmouth is made in an hour and a quarter. Starting from Monument square, Portland, the cars pass through Elm, Oxford and Wash- ington streets to the new and spacious Tukey's bridge, and on a sultry summer's day one gets the first re- spite from the oppressive heat of the city, on reaching this point. Cross- ing this bridge, over Back Bay the trees. The whole place is natural and rustic, and exceedingly attrac- tive. Waite's, Madockawando and Town landings, names which sug- gest the proximity of the shore, are passed in order, and the car leaves the long white village of New Casco for the open country. The next ob- ject of interest is the far famed Underwood Spring. The cars leave the highway and enter a section of the park, which is controlled by the road, and on which is located this incomparable spring ; park and spring are nature's masterpieces; no ON LINE PORTLAND 4 YARMOUTH ELECTRIC RY. cars enter and pass through the main thoroughfares of East Deering, past the United States Marine hospital to Martin's Point bridge, which spans the Presumpscot River at its entrance to the bay. A quarter of a mile run over the river and bay, and the cars speed along the Falmouth shore to The Pines, a mile beyond. The road has here established a public pleasure ground, comprising a tract of forty acres. A beautiful pine grove covers nearly the whole area, and has carpeted it with the clean needles that have fallen from the place is more picturesque, no spring so bountiful and pure. A casino, shelters, seats and other artificial attractions, provide for the comfort of visitors. The town of Cumberland lies just beyond Underwood Spring, and it is completely traversed by this road. The most superb views of the sea and shore and mountains are constantly presented on the line, as it winds and climbs around the ledges and over the hills in Cumberland. Yarmouth is approached by way of Prince's Point road and the lower village, where Royal's River tumbles 9 o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT over the dam into an arm of the bay. The road runs through the main street of Yarmouth, to its terminus at Yar mouth ville. The trip over this line is a most delightful one and the scenery comprises a restful com- bination of seashore, field and forest, the line of the road following the shore the entire distance, passing through many beautiful places and picturesque villages. The building and operation of this road is a source of much convenience and pleasure t o travelers between Port- land and Yar- mouth, and beside notice- ably increas- ing the value o f property all along its line, has ad- ded materi- ally to the impor tance of the pros- perous town of Yarmouth, noted for its ship building and native in- dustry. The summer visi- tor who would take anyof the popular trol- ley rides in and about Portland, should by no means fail to make this trip to Under- wood Spring and Yarmouth. In the summer season, cars for Yarmouth leave at a quarter of and a quarter past the hour, from 6.45 A. M. to 10.45 P. M., leaving Yarmouth from 5.30 A. M. half-hourly to 9.30 P. M. Cars are also run to Underwood Spring every fifteen minutes during the season. The company's office, waiting and parcel room is 440 Con- gress street, where announcement is made by conductors of the departure of cars, and of their destination. The officers of the company are: President, Seth L. Larrabee; treas- urer, Henry P. Cox; general man- ager, Louis B. Wheildon. The directors include these officers and Edward B. Winslow, William H. Milliken, Hutson B. Saunders and Frederick C. Boyd. Portland Water Company. From its fortunate location, land MARINE RAILWAY, Port- has many natural advantages, and a most important benefit is its present sup- ply of water furnished by the Portland Water Corn- pan}-. This company w r as incorporated February 23, 1866, with authority to take water from I/Ong Creek; in the town of Cape Eliz abeth. The charter was amended the next year authorizing the company to take its supply from Lake Sebago. That this change in the source of supply was of great advantage to the City of Portland, adding materially to its health and prosperity by insuring an abundant supply of pure water, can be appreciated only by compari- son with the supply in other cities of New England. It was a great under- taking for a private corporation to bring its supply of water from such a distance, Sebago Lake being seven- teen miles awav. The water of the PORTLAND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, SOUTH PORTLAND. Capacity, 1,300 tons. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 91 92 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT lake is now received into a gate- house, through a forty- inch iron pipe that extends into deep water, a dis- tance of four hundred and fifty feet from the shore. The end of the pipe is covered with sixteen feet of water when the lake is at its lowest stage. From this gate-house the water flows through a conduit, four and a half feet in diameter, and 5,740 feet in length, to a second gate-house. Of this conduit, 740 feet is tunneled through solid rock, and for the whole distance it is from ten to twenty- eight feet below the surface of the ground. From the lower gate-house, at the end of the conduit, the water flows through two independent main pipes to the City of Portland. The larger main, which is twenty-six and twenty-four inches in diameter, supplies the high levels with pressure direct from the lake, which is 267 feet above mean tide in Portland. The smaller main, twenty inches in diameter, supplies the low service. In connection with the low service, the two reservoirs are used. These hold in combined volume 30,000,000 gallons. The two mains furnish 9,000,000 gallons of water a day, a sufficient amount to supply ail of 150,000 people with sixty gallons each, per day. The officers of the company are: D. W. Clark, presi- dent; J. S. Ricker, vice-president; Geo. P. Wescott, treasurer and su- perintendent, and Edgar R. Payson, secretary. A summary of pipe and hydrants in Portland is as follows, viz: Main Pipe. 48 inch inlet pipe 450 feet Conduit, (4 1-2 x 4 1-4 feet) 5.470" 20 inch main pipe 84,120 " 26 inch main pipe 18,330 " 24 inch main pipe 60,220 " 168,590 " or 32 5 6 ., 3 8 "„ miles Distribution Pipe. In Portland : 20 inch 7S0 f ee t 16 ;; 13.342 " 12 ,, 37.929 " *° , 3.841 " 1 17,481 " 6 „ 77.384 " 4 30,059 " 3 3,608 " 2 77.471 \\ 261,865 " or 49sis5 miles In Deering: 2 4 inch 50 feet 20 |; 160 " '-' .',' 17.743 " s 18,191 " 6 \' 81,467 " 4 \\ 1,352 " 51.387 " 170,350 " or 3213"]; miles total main and distribution pipe in Portland 11 ^I^ miles Number of hydrants in Portland . -,70 Number of hydrants in Deering 138 Total hydrants 517 Maine Central Railroad. The above railroad, comprising over 1,000 miles of steel, sweeps through Maine from the terminus at Portland on the seacoast, to the northern forests, invades the center of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and extends to the head- waters of the Connecticut River in Vermont, its eastern and northern terminal crossing the Canadian bor- der. Via this road, is the only all rail route to Bar Harbor and the Maritime Provinces, and is the ini- tial road to the most direct line between the Maine seacoast and Montreal, Quebec, Niagara Falls and Chicago, through scenery unsur- passed in America. The Maine Central reaches the finest and most popular vacation regions of seacoast, mountains and lakes, and the wilds of the woods, where both fish and game are most abundant. Over the rails of the Maine Central, parties make the only through daily trip from Boston to the Rangeley Lakes, the Connecticut Lakes, Dead River region, Moosehead, Washington County woods and, beyond the Canadian border to the salmon waters of the St. John, Metapedia and Res- tigouche rivers. The travel over this road, especially in the summer season, is enormous, and the heavy but speedy trains run with commend- able frequency. Union station, Port- land, of which an illustration is shown, since 1888 has been placed at the disposal of the patrons of this road. The station, one of the hand- somest and most convenient to trav- elers in the world, has a tower 125 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 93 94 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 95 feet high, and is of comely archi- tecture. The building contains an enormous train shed, large general waiting-room, Si by 45 feet in di- mensions, a large dining-hall and lunch room, 66 by 45, a ladies' toilet room, men's smoking and toilet rooms, commodious baggage rooms, public telegraph, telephone and news and flower stands, etc., all of which give the visitor alighting at Port- land a good first impression of the city. That the Maine Central gives its patrons first class accommo- dations before and after boarding trains, is a matter of much pleasure to travelers. In the handling of freight, the Maine Central, of much importance commercially to New England, has been a most important adjunct in the growth of the pres- ent prosperous Portland. The general offices of the company are in this city, in a large and hand- some building, owned by the rail- road, adjoining the union station. The executive officers of the com- pany are, George F. Evans, vice- president and general manager, and Col. F. E. Boothby, general passen- ger and ticket agent. Portland & Rochester Railroad. An important New England rail- road line is the Portland & Roches- ter, which in late years has taken its place among the successfully con- ducted standard guage roads of the present day. This line adds mate- rially to Portlands importance as a railroad center, and connects this city with Rochester, N. H., and Worcester, Mass., and points beyond, by direct line. This now prosperous road was first known as the York & Cumberland, but afterwards became known as the Portland & Rochester Railroad Company, and again reor- ganized, being now called the Port- land & Rochester Railroad, showing that this road in its early days had its vicissitudes. In 18S1, the com- pany was reorganized under its pres- ent name, the Portland & Rochester Railroad. The company does a large passenger business and operates three trains daily between this city and Rochester, and intermediate stations, and six trains each way daily between this city and Gorham, there being a large suburban travel between the latter places. The stations of the road between Portland and Roches- ter are as follows: Woodfords, West- brook Junction, Cumberland Mills, Westbrook, Gorham, Buxton Cen- ter, Saco River, Hollis Center, Center Waterboro, Alfred, Spring- vale, East Lebanon, P^ast Rochester and Rochester. The road comprises seventy-one and ninety-five hun- dredths miles of track, including sidings, and the road-bed is in first class condition and the rolling stock at the present day is equal to that of the best of New England roads. The company carries a large amount of freight over its tracks. The company's property in this city is extensive, and is continuously added to. On the Back Cove, the company own a large area of land extending to the chan- nel, which is being rapidly filled, and tracks laid, furnishing an excellent freight yard. This company operates a transfer line, connecting the Maine Central and Boston & Maine with the Grand Trunk Railway. The present passenger station at Portland, over which are the general offices of the company, was completed and moved into June 21, 1891. The stations along the line of the road are many of them attractive, and all maintained with a regard for the comfort and convenience of passengers. Among the best stations is that at Gorham, which was built in 1887. The busi- ness of the road requires the services of 225 men, many of whom reside in this city and vicinity. The present officers of the company are as follows: George P. Wescott, president; W. H. Conant, treasurer; T. F. Tolman, general freight agent; H. W. Davis, superintendent and general ticket agent; E. H. C. Tompson, master mechanic, and J. Morrill, road mas- ter, Rochester. 9 6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 97 Portland & Rumford Falls Railway. The Portland and Rumford Falls Railway has become an important link in the railway system of the state, running almost due north to Rumford Falls and there connecting with the Rumford Falls & Rangeley Lakes Railroad, which lands the pas- senger at Bemis on the shores of Lake Mooselucmaguntic. The start is made from Union Station, Portland, the cars of the Portland & Rumford Falls running via the Maine Central Railroad as far as Rumford Junc- tion, where the Portland & Rumford Falls train from Lewiston is joined. The first station beyond, Elm wood Farm, is near the Methodist camp- ground in Poland. Poland Springs station, next, and then along through the town of Poland where special accommodations for the tourist are provided by many of the residents, pure spring water being everywhere abundant. Crossing the Little An- droscoggin, we enter the thriving vil- lage of Mechanic Falls, where con- nections are made with the Grand Trunk Railway system for the north and east. Two and a half miles from the next station, West Minot, back among the Oxford Hills, is He- bron Academy, which proudly points to the names of William Pitt Fessen- den, Eugene Hale, John D. Long and Hannibal Hamlin, appearing on its early records. Passing East He- bron, we come to Buekfield, the birth- place of Hon. John D. Long. Some miles farther the train skirts the shores of Lake Anasagunticook for more than a mile and then passing through the villages of Canton and Gilbertville, emerges on the banks of the Androscoggin, which it follows closely for the remaining ten miles. The village of Dixfield on the oppo- site side of the river attracts the at- tention, and connections are made here for Pine Point Camps on Lake Webb, in the town of Weld, where the fishing is unsurpassed. Rumford Falls, the terminus of the Portland and Rumford Falls Railway, is a bustling, prosperous manufacturing town, endowed by nature with unex- celled water power and numerous ad- vantages for the manufacturer and business man. The Androscoggin river at this point has a fall of 180 feet in less than a mile, furnishing a a minimum of 42,000 horse power, and this guaranteed against drought by the storage system of dams and 123 .square miles of lakes in the forest regions north. "New England's Niagara," as these falls have been fitly named, while forming the most substantial of manufacturing re- sources, also contributes much in the way of scenic beauty, and indeed the scenery around Rumford Falls is de- lightful, while a few miles away are the wildnesses of the forest with game in abundance. Pursuing his trip by rail beyond Rumford Falls, via the Rumford Falls and Rangeley Lakes Railroad the traveler is hurried on through rough but charming vistas, up the Swift River Valley, through the towns of Mexico, Roxbury and Byron to Bemis, where he alights in a picturesque log station, modeled after a lumberman's camp. Leaving Boston at nine o'clock in the morning one may arrive at Bemis at six o'clock P. M., this line affording the only standard gauge all-rail line from Bos- ton to the Rangeley lakes. The Rangeley region has its yearly in- creasing quota of pleasure seekers and sportsmen, and the Rumford Falls Line affords a new and popular route to these lakes. The Portland & Rumford Falls Railway comprises 67 miles of road ; its roadbed, equip- ment, rolling stock and train service are fully up to the standard of the first-class roads of New England. The officers are Hugh J. Chisholm, president; Waldo Pettengill, vice- president; R. C. Bradford, treasurer and traffic manager; and E. L. Lovejoy, superintendent. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Hon. Thomas B. Reed. The speaker of the national house of representatives, Thomas Braekett Reed, was born and has always re- sided in Portland. He first saw light of day Oct. 18, 1839, and is the son of Thomas Braekett and Matilda (Mitchell) Reed. He was educated in the Portland public schools and graduated from Bowdoin College in i860, following which he devoted one year and three months to teach- ing, a part of which time he was one of the assistants at the Portland High School. At the same time he studied law. In April, 1864, be- fore he was ad- mitted to the bar, he was ap- pointed an aet- i n g assistant- paymaster in the navy. After the close of the war, upon returning to Portland, he was admitted to the Cumberland bar and com- m enced the practice of his profession. He first commenced his noted public career by being elected to the state legislature in 1867, from Portland. During his first term he became an active mem- ber of the house and served upon the judiciary committee. He was re- turned to the legislature in 1869 and, in 1870, represented Cumberland county in the state senate. While a member of the senate, he was the same year nominated and elected attorney-general of Maine, and being at that time only thirty-two years of age was the youngest attorney- HON. THOMAS B. REED. general in the history of Maine. In this capacity he served three terms, winning distinction by the successful trials of the various important cases in which he served the state. For four years, 1874-78, he was city solici- tor of Portland. His first nomination for congress was in 1876 and he has ever since represented the first con- gressional district of Maine at Wash- ington. By successive re-elections he is now serving his twelfth term as a member of congress and his fourth term as speaker. His marvelous executive abili- ty, strength of mind and know- ledge of parlia- mentary rules, have made him a national favor- i t e and one whose services in congress are considered a 1 - most indispen- sable. He re- sides on Deering street in this city and his home is one of the man spots selected by sightseers and summer v i s i - tors. He was married in 1870 to Miss Susan P. Merrill. He has one daughter. Hon. Henry B. Cleaves. Henry Bradstreet Cleaves, govern- or of Maine from 1893 to 1897, has been a resident of Portland since September, 1868. Born in Bridgton, Me., February 6, 1840, he was des- tined to prominence in life. He is a son of Thomas and Sophia (Brad- street) Cleaves, his father being a farmer in Bridgton. On the mater- nal side he is descended from Daniel PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 99 Bradstreet, one of the early settlers of that town. After obtaining his early education which included attendance at the Lewiston Falls and Bridgton academies, in 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company B, Twenty -third Me. Vols. At the expiration of the regiment's term of enlistment he had attained the rank of orderly ser- geant, and fagain enlisted for three years under Gen. Fran- cis Fessen- den. In this regi- ment he was c o m mis- sioned lieu- tenant of Company F, Thirtieth Me. Veter- ans. He saw active service and participated in the vari- ous engage- ments under Gen. Banks in the Red River Expe- dition and under Gen. Fess e n d e n at Mans- field, Pleas- ant Hill and Cane River Crossing, in the Depart- ment of the Gulf. After the close of the campaign in Louisi- ana he served, during the remainder of the war, in the Army of the Poto- mac and in the Shenandoah Valley under Sheridan. At the close of the war, declining a commission in the regular army, offered by Secretary Stanton, he returned to his home in Bridgton and assumed duties on the home farm. He also worked in the lumber business and studied law. HON. HENRY B. CLEAVES. He was admitted to the bar in Sep- tember, 186S, at which time he commenced practice and formed a partnership with his brother, the late Judge Nathan Cleaves. The firm gradually became well known throughout New England, and since the decease of his brother has been comprised of the subject of this sketch and Stephen C. Perry. Gov. Cleaves was a member of the state legislatu re in 1876 and 1877 ; city solicitor of Portland in 1877-78; thrice made attorney- general o f the state ; and in 1892 was nomi- nated and elected gov- ernor. His successf u 1 administra - tion wo 11 h i m a r e- election in 1S94 by an increased popular vote. Hav- ing distin- g u i s h e d himself as a soldier, law- yer, attor- ney - gener- al, and endeared himself to the people of the state of Maine as governor, Portland properly numbers him among the noted residents of whom the city is proud. He is a prominent member of the G. A. R. and Maine Veterans' Association, and is inter- ested in many financial and other institutions, including those accom- plishing valuable benevolent work. Appended are the resolutions adopted IOO PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT by the state legislature at the close of his last year in the gubernatorial chair. In Senate. January 7, 1897. Resolved: That in recognition of the services of Henry B. Cleaves during the past four years, as Executive of our State, the Senate of Maine tenders him, in behalf of the citizens of Maine, the sincere appreciation, respect and esteem of our people. Able and conscientious in the performance of his duties, devoted to the interests of our State, regard- ful for the welfare and prosperity of our people, solicitous for the interest of her institutions, ever laboring for the development of the diversified in- dustries of the State and for her advancement, he retires from his official position with the confidence and regard of all our citizens, and with their wishes for a prosperous and happy future. House of Representatives, January 7, 1897. Voicing the sentiment of the people and press of Maine, the House of Representatives de- sires to place on rec- ord its recognition of the distinguished ser- vices rendered by the retiring Governor; therefore. Resolved : That we extend to Hon. Henry B. Cleaves, who has guided the Ship of State for four years, our recognition of his honorable service Faithful to every trust, diligent in the per- formance of all public duties, devoted to the interests of the whole State, he has met ev- ery emergency and given to the people of Maine an upright, honest and dignified administration. He has been the Governor of all; the doors of the Executive Chamber have always been open to every citizen of the State, and the humblest lias never been turned away without a pa- tient and respectful hearing. He retires from the high office he has so ably and faithfully filled with the confi- dence, respect and af- fection of the whole people. HON. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND. Hon. Josiah H. Drummond. This well-known resident of Port- land is one of the senior members of the Cumberland county bar, whose career has been notable. He was born in Winslow, Kennebec County, Me., Aug. 30, 1S27, and is descended from Alexander Drummond, one of a colony of Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, who settled in Maine in 1729. He ob- tained his early education in the dis- trict school and Vassalboro Academy and graduated from Colby University in 1846. He then taught school for three years as principal of the Vas- salboro and China academies and studied law in the office of Boutelle & Noyes in Waterville. In 1850 he was admitted to the bar at Augusta. Visiting the Pacific coast during the gold fever, he was also admitted to practice in California. The following year he returned to Waterville and succeeded to the practice of his late preceptors, continuing there until i860, when he opened his of- fice in Portland and has since built up an ex- tended reputa- tion. He has served as city solicitor of Port- land and attor- ney-general of Maine. In 1851 he became con- nected with the Androscoggin & Kennebec R.R., and in 1864 a director in the Maine Central R. R., of which he has been clerk since 1866. He has also been chief coun- sel for that cor- poration. Made a director in the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company in 1875, he has since served as principal counsel for that companv, shaping the legis- lation that was instrumental in the company's removal to this state Of this company he is a director. Since its organization he has also been a director of the Union Safe Deposit & Trust Company. Mr. Drummond has a wide political career and since 1855 he has been a Republican, and as far back as 1856, a year after he PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT IOI left the ranks of the Democratic party on account of his opposition to slav- ery, he was active on the stump, speaking as often as three times a day. In 1857, while away from home and unknown to him, he was nomina- ted to the state legislature. The fol- lowing year he was re-elected and chosen speaker of the house. In 1859 he was elected to the senate and in i860 he was made attorney-general, to accept which he re- signed his seat in the senate, to take effect at the end of the ses- sion, being sworn into office the day the leg- islature ad- j o u r n e d , serving four years. Af- ter taking up his resi- dence in Portland, in 1868 he was elected t o the legisla- ture again, and once more made speaker o f the house. In 1864, he was a mem- ber of the Republican national convention that renominated Lin- coln, and was also active in the con- ventions that nominated Hayes and Blaine. Mr. Drummond has been mention several times for governor and the supreme bench, but declined both honors in the interest of his pro- fession. He is a distinguished mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity and it is stated that, excepting Thomas HON. SETH L. LARRABEE. Smith Webb, who gave form to Ma- sonry in this country, none have done more for that ancient order than he, in both writings and the filling of eminent stations. Since joining Waterville Lodge in 1849, he has held nearly all the exalted offices within the gift of that order, and since 1862 has been a thirty-third degree Mason. He is a member of the Maine Historical Society, Maine Genealogi- cal Societ)', the Old Col- ony Society o f Massa- ch u se tt s, and the New E n g- land Histor- ical Genea- logical So- ciety of Bos- ton. H e was one of the found- ers and is the present registrar of the Maine Society o f the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolu- t i o 11 . In i87i,he was con f e r r e d the degree of Colby Uni- versity. For m any years has been vice- president of that university corpora- tion and chairman ex officio of the board of trustees, on which board he has served since 1857. Hon. Seth L. Larrabee. One of the best known and ablest men in the state is Seth L. Larrabee, a successful attorney of Portland and 102 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT last year speaker of the Maine House of Representatives. He was born in Scarboro, Maine, Jan. 22, 1855, his ancestry figuring prominently in en- counters with the Indians from a period as early as 1660. He spent his boyhood on the home farm. Ob- taining his early education in the district school, he fitted for college at Westbrook Seminary, from which he graduated in 1870. After taking a year's vacation he entered Bowdoin College and graduated with the class of 1875. While attending college, he taught several terms in common schools and after his graduation, he taught the languages for one year in Goddard Seminary, at Barre, Vt. He studied law in the office of Strout & Gage, and after being admitted to the Cumberland bar in 1878, began practice in this city, where his natur- al ability has won him an eminent position among the lawyers of this state. In 1880, he was elected regis- ter of probate for Cumberland County which office he held for nine years. He was chosen city solicitor of Port- land in 1891 and 1893, and in 1895 was first elected to the state legisla- ture. He was unanimously nomi- nated and unanimously elected speaker of the house of representa- tives in 1898, and his natural fitness for the chair was shown by the grace with which he filled it. For many years Mr. Larrabee has been a valued member of the Portland Board of Trade and his activity in the interest of local enterprises has been influen- tial. He was one of the originators of the Casco and Portland Loan and Building Associations, in both of which he is director, treasurer and attorney. He was an original incor- porator and is president of the Port- land & Yarmouth Electric Railway Co. He was one of the founders of the Chapman National Bank of which he is vice-president and director. He was instrumental in chartering and establishing the Mercantile Trust Company of which he is trustee and attorney. He holds many positions of trust and has the management of large estates. Mr. Larrabee is a hard student of his profession and one of the most successful practition- ers in the state. He is an able pleader and his commanding figure is a familiar one in important cases before the higher courts. He is also popular in social circles and has a rare capacity for remembering faces and winning friends. He served two years as captain of the First Maine Battery of the state militia. He is a Mason, Knight of Pythias, and a member of the leading social and po- litical clubs of the city. He was married Oct. 21, 1880, to Miss Lulu B. Sturdevant, daughter of Dr. Jo- seph Sturdevant of Scarboro. They have two children, Sydney B., aged seventeen, and Leon S. Larrabee, aged fifteen, both students in the Portland High School. Judge S. C. Strout. This justiciar}' is associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine and has been a resident of Portland since boyhood. He was born in Wales, Androscoggin County, Me., Feb. 17, 1827, and his ancestors were among the early residents of Cape Elizabeth and came here from England. His father, Ebenezer Strout, was a trader of prominence and removed to this city from Tops- ham, Me., in 1841. Here young Strout continued his education and attended the Portland High School. Failing health compelled him to abandon study temporarily at eigh- teen years of age. After engaging as a clerk in the dry goods store of David J. True for about one year, he began to fit himself for the practice of law, a profession he had previous- ly chosen. He first commenced to read law in the office of Howard & Shepley, both of whom were after- wards distinguished judges. He was admitted to the Cumberland County bar in 1848 and almost immediately opened an office and commenced PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 103 practice in Bridgton, Me., removing to Portland in 1854. One year later he formed a partnership with Judge Howard, his former preceptor, who had retired from the bench after one term. After ten years the firm dis- solved and Mr. Strout continued alone until 1866 when the celebrated law firm of Strout & Gage was formed, becoming known as Strout, Gage & Strout in 1880, at which time his son Fred er i c k was admit- ted to the firm. Upon the latter's decease in 1888, Judge Strout'ssec- ond son, Charles A., took his late brother's place in the firm. Since the subject of this sketch took his seat on the supreme bench the firm has been com- posed of Hanno W. Gage and Charles A. Strout, and conti nued under the style of Gage & Strout. Up- on the decease of Judge Artemas Libby, Mr. Strout was appointed his successor by a Republican governor, although he has ever been affiliated with the Democratic party. His ap- pointment in 1894 was at the time considered and has since proven most appropriate. Nearly a half-century of practice coupled with his marked ability has won him distinction as a JUDGE S. C. STROUT. member of the bar, and since taking his seat on the supreme bench his de- cisions have been rendered with that characteristic justness which admits of no object in appeal. Upon the resignation of Judge Lowell from the U. S. circuit court, Judge Strout was almost unanimously named for the vacancy by the bar of Maine, al- though the appointment went to another state. Judge Strout served ten years as president of the Cumber- land Bar As- socia t i o n . He has also been a mem- ber of the board of al- dermen. He i s enrolled in the mem- bership o f the Cumber- land Club. His life has been closely devoted to his profes- sion and he is consid- ered one of the most scholarly and able of those whose duties it is to pass judg- ment in the higher tri- bunals in this state. His popu- larity extends from the hearth of his own fireside throughout busi- ness and social circles wherever he is known. He was married, Novem- ber, 1849, to Octavia J. P. Shaw of Portland, and to them five children dren have been born : Annie O., Louise B., Frederick S. (deceased), Joseph H. (deceased), and Charles A. Strout. io4 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT H., where he resided Hon. Henry C. Peabody. The probate court of this county is presided over by Judge Henry Clay Peabody, who has held the office con- tinuously since January i, 1880. He was born in Gilead, Oxford County, Me., April 14, 1838, a son of John Tarbell and Mercy Ingalls (Burbank) Peabody. In 1839, he removed to Gorham, N. until ! after his gradua- tion from college.', He attended public schools and Gould's Acade m y, Bethel, Me., and fitted for college at Fryeburg Aca dem y. He after- wards en- tered and graduated from Dart- mouth Col- lege in the class of '59. Choosing the legal profession, he read law in Portland in the office of General Samuel Fes- senden. In 1862, he was admitted to the bar in this county and began the successful practice of his profession in Portland. From the time of his admission to the bar until 1867, he was a partner of the late Judge Aaron B. Holden. For several years he was a member of the school 'board. At the state election in the fall of 1879, he was elected judge of probate, tak- ing his seat the following January. HON. HENRY C. PEABODY. His sound judgment in probate' and insolvency matters demonstrated his fitness for the important office and he has been regularly re-elected at the expiration of each term. He has much ability as a public speaker, but he has not thought it proper while holding a judicial office to engage actively in political campaigns. He has been heard, however, at Memo- rial Day exercises and on other occa- sions of a public na- ture. He served as chairman of the commis- sion a p- p o i nted by Gov. Cleaves in 1895 to pre- pare uni- form blanks and rules of practice and proc e d u r e for use in the probate and insol- vency courts of Maine, a commissio n authori zed b y a c t of legislat u r e for this im- portant pur- pose. The rules a n d blanks now in use are those pre- pared by that commission. Judge Peabody has been called upon to fill many of- fices of honor and trust. He is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias. In that fraternal organiza- tion he is a past grand chancellor and has twice been the supreme rep- resentative of the state to the supreme lodge. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows and the Royal Arcanum. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 105 He is one of the trustees of Fryeburg Academy and a trustee of the Port- land Public Library and of the Greenleaf Law Library, and is a di- rector of the Portland Loan and Building Association. For a number of years he was president of the Maine State Relief Association. He is a fellow of the Maine Academy of Medicine, a member of the Fraternity Club, a prominent literary associa- tion, and of the Portland and Lincoln Clubs, the two princi- pal Republi- can organiz- ation s of this city. He married in 1867 Miss Ellen Ad- ams, daugh- ter of Dea. Augu stus Adams, of Portland. They have had three ch i 1 d r e n , Clarence Webster P e a b o cl y , a graduate of Bowdoin College and Harvard LawSchool, now practic- ing law in the same of- fice with his father in the Union Mutual insurance building, and who is at present a member of the Portland school board ; Arthur Glendower Peabody, born in 1872 and died in 1880; and Henry Adams Peabody, born in 1881, who in- tends to enter Bowdoin College as a member of the class of 1903. George F. Evans. GEORGE F. EVANS One of the best known railroad officials of New England is George F. Evans, vice-president and general manager of the Maine Central Rail- road, the main offices of which are at Portland. He is a native of Con- cord, N. H. He obtained his early education in the public schools of that city, taking a college course and graduati n g from the Concord HighSchool in 1862. He first began business life as time- keeper a t the machine shops of the Nor t h e r n New Hamp- shire Rail- road, but in 1863 he en- tered the office of Colonel J. N. Macomb, then of the Corps of Engineer s, United States A r- my. He re- mained a t Portsmout h in the ser- vice of this army engi- neer until 1867, when he removed to Cincinnati and be- came his assistant in the making of surveys and the improvement of rivers and harbors at Cincinnati, Rock Island and Philadelphia. In the spring of 1881 he resigned this position to accept the office of secre- tary and treasurer of the Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis R. R. Three years later he was appointed io6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT assistant to the president of that rail- road and placed in charge of the operating and traffic departments with office at Louisville, Ky. In 1885 he was appointed receiver and general manager of that railroad by the late Judge W. Q. Gresham. Un- der his management the road was rescued from the hands of the receiv- er and in one year's time was re-or- ganized, the subject of this sketch continuing as general manager and also taking charge again of the oper- ating and traffic d e - partmen t s. In 1892 he severed his connect i o n with this load to be- come super- intendent of the South- ern Division of the Bos- ton & Maine Rai 1 r o a d, bee o m ing assistant general manager of that corpor- a t i o n in 1895. He became an official o f t h e Maine Central Rai 1 r o a d, Novem b e r 30, 1896, when he was made general manager. November, 1897, ne succeeded Payson Tucker as vice-president, since which time he has served as both general manager and vice-president. Being elected a director of the company in October, 1898, he is now one of the highest officials. He is a man of progressive ideas and thoroughly m.1 R 1 "M mm GEORGE A. THOMAS. versed in railroad matters. His en- cumbency in his present capacity has been productive of marked improve- ment in the service, the advantage of which has been appreciated by the traveling public and the innumer- able manufacturers and merchants who ship merchandise over this line. George A. Thomas. The portrait of this life-long resi- dent will be recogni zed as one of the best known in Portland. Alt hough his clear in- tellect and rugged phy- sique would make him appear sev- eral years his junior, he was born in this city, Septem b e r 16, 1 8 1 9. He is one of the original Thomas family that has taken promi n e n t part in the affairs of Portland for many gen- erations, and a son of EliasThom- a s , who lived to the remarkable age of one hundred and one-half years. He attended the dis- trict school and old Portland Acade- my where the poet Longfellow was once a pupil. He then entered Bow- doin College and studied law. His profession he has never practiced. His inclination to see something of life in the gold fields prompted him PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 107 to go to California, in 1850, where he remained for a period of four years, bringing back some gold. His excel- lent basso voice, the quality of which was probably once unexcelled in New England, and his natural talent for music and rare entertaining powers made him popular in musical and so- cial circles early in life. For twenty years he was a member of the choir, and had charge of the music at the church presided over by Rev. Asa Dalton. For generations back his pleasing voice has been heard, often in comic songs at en- tertainmen t s given to children, for whom he has always a k i n d 1 y thought. Al- though sev- enty-nine years of age, he still pos- sesses a re- m a r k a b 1 y good voice and retains his faculty for rendering a creditable solo, even playing his own accom- p ani me n t. Having a naturally happy disposition, his humorous say- ings and writings are well known. He has written some verse and his impromptu rhymes, he is capable of applying to any subject, are highly amusing. He has always been a prominent factor in the social circles of Portland and his home on Danforth street where, since the Portland fire, he has resided with his sister, is known as Sociable Corner. Mr. Thomas has never been an aspirant to public office, and excepting the Merchants' Exchange and a long list of musical societies has never been a member of any organization. He, however, claims and is justly en- titled to membership in the G. O. H., " General Order of Humanity." E. B. Winslow. E. B. WINSLOW. One of the most useful residents of this locality is Edward Brackett Win- slow, born in a portion of Westbrook, now Deering, Sept. 20, 1846, a son of John T. and Mary K. (Noyes) W i n s 1 o w . After attend- ing the local public schools and gradu atin g from West- brook Semi- nary, he en- tered the em- ploy of the Portland Sto neware Co., with which con- cern his fa- ther was asso- ciated. The company was then manu- facturing drain pipe and coarse stoneware in a primitive way. The services of the young man, which soon became valu- able, resulted in the adoption of new processes and an increase in the trade of the concern. He was taken into the company and made outside man- ager and for the past fifteen years he has been the executive head of the extensive works. Besides managing the business of this large concern, which has been developed into its present magnitude by his hand, io8 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Mr. Winslow is president of the Cen- tral Wharf Tovvboat Co., president of the Caseo Bay Steamboat Co., a direct- or of the Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.Co.,in the First National Bank, the Union Safe Deposit and Trust Co., of the Caseo and the Portland Loan and Building Associations. From 1892 to 1896, he was president of the Portland Board of Trade. He has taken a most active part in public affairs ; was a member of the Port- land Board of Aldermen in 1881-83, Democrats, he therefore declined. In 1897 he became the Democratic nomi- nee for mayor of Portland, and al- though supported by many leading men of the Republican party he was defeated. He was one of the com- mission preparing the draft for the new city charter in 1897. He was married in 1871 to Alice J. Deavitt, daughter of James A. Leavitt of Port- land. In his summer residence at Deering, and his home in Portland proper, he entertains largely. SUMMER RESIDENCE OF E. B.IWINSLOW, EAST DEERING. the last year of which he was chair- man ; he has also served as a member of the board of water commissioners and was two terms a member of the police commission. In politics he has been identified with the Demo- cratic party. He was a delegate in 1895 to the Democratic national con- vention, which supported the gold standard. In June, 1896, without solicitation, he was unanimously nominated for governor. His scru- ples, however, would not allow him to form alliances with the silver Hugh J. Chisholm. The president ot the Portland & Rumford Falls Railway was born at Niagara on the Lake, Canada, May 2, 1847. He attended school until thirteen, and in i860 became a news- boy on the Grand Trunk, his route lying between Toronto and Detroit, one of his contemporaries being Thomas A. Edison, whose route was between Detroit and Port Huron. At that early age he developed habits of thrift and showed marked ability. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 109 By saving his first meager earnings, he acquired a surplus of fifty dollars which enabled him to pursue a course of study evenings in Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College at Toronto. In 1861, he formed a part- nership with his brothers, like him- self all in their teens, under the firm name of Chisholm Bros. They began to employ other boys and finally con- trolled the news business of the whole Grand Trunk Sys- tem, and, six years after Hugh had made his modest start, they had con- tracted t o sell papers on trains from Chica- go to Port- 1 a n d and Halifax, and on the steamboa t s comprisi n g all the prin- cipal lines of travel in northern New Eng- land, north- em New York a n d Canada, routes e x - tending over 5000 miles and employ- ing over 200 boys, inaugurating the uniform, now worn, of train men's cap and gold buttons. Chisholm Bros, were the pioneers in the transportation pub- lishing business, producing railway and tourists' guides and albums de- scriptive of routes of travel. The charms of Portland as a place of resi- dence prompted Mr. Chisholm to es- tablish a branch office here, and since HUGH J. CHISHOLM. 1872, until recently, he has been an adopted resident of Portland. Four years later, he purchased the interests of his brothers in the New England states and established a publishing business in this city. He has pro- duced over 300 sets of picture albums descriptive of Maine and scenery along the principal railroads of the United States, also many beautiful works descriptive of cities, including the " White City," is- sued for the World's Fair. He became in- terested in the woo d pulp indus- try in 1880, and after overcomin g many dis- coura g i n g obs t a c 1 e s and starting several ex- perimenting factories with others, he orga- nized the Some rse t Fibre Co., at Fairfield, Maine, in- corporat e d with a cap- ital of $200,- ooo,ofwhich success f ul concern he is now a di- rector. Since 1881, he has been president and manager of the Umba- gog Pulp Co., which he established, and which now has a capital of $200,000. He was also the organ- izer, and since the start has been treasurer, general manager and chief owner, of the Otis Falls Pulp Co., which represents $700,000 invested capital. In 1882 Mr. Chisholm no PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT became interested in the develop- ment of the magnificent water power at Rumford Falls, which is now a thriving manufacturing locality, but at that time a wilderness. Due to his enterprise and far sightedness, therefore, is the evolution of the town. It was Mr. Chisholm also, who purchased the unfinished Rum- ford Falls and Buekfield R. R., or- ganizing a new company for its con- trol and, as its president and manag- er, the line was extend- e d from Canto n to Rurafor d Falls and from M e - chanic Falls to Auburn. He was also instrumen- tal in estab- lishing the Rumford Falls Paper Co. and the Rumford Falls Sul- phite Co., of which he is treasurer and direct- or. He was also one of the promot- ers and in- corporators of the Rum- ford Falls WoolenCo., the Rumford Falls Light & Water Co., the Rumford Falls Trust Co., in all of which he is a director, and, in the last, the principal stockholder. His increased business interests at the head of the paper trust recently formed, caused him to take up his residence in New York, where he has become a familiar figure in social circles. Hon. J. W. Symonds. HON. J. W. SYMONDS. A leading member of the bar of the state is Hon. Joseph White Symonds, a resident of Portland. He was born in Raymond, Me., September 2, 1840. His father, Joseph Symonds, removed to Portland in 1845, the subject of this sketch fitting for college at the Portland High School. He attended Bovvdoin College from which he graduate d in i860. Among his classmates were Thom- as B. Reed, William W. Thomas, Jr., and oth- er men who have won both name and fame in v a r i o u s walks of life. He studied for his profes- sion and first co lu- men c e d to read law in the office of General Samuel Fes- s e n d e n . His law stud i e s there were followed by continui n g in the office of Edward Fox, who afterwards was on the bench of the United States District Court in this state. He was admit- ted to practice to the Cumberland bar in 1864. He soon established a reputation and large clientage, and in a few years was chosen city solic- itor; and his sagacity in looking after the legal interests of Portland added to his reputation. After he had PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT in acquired a large general practice, in Sept., 1872, he was appointed judge of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, on which bench he served for about six years, when he was ap- pointed one of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. After remaining on the supreme bench for six years more, he resigned and returned to his practice to which he has ever since devoted his entire energy. Be- ing an attor- ney of wide experien c e and marked ability, his services are retained on imp ortant cases before the higher courts. He is well- known as a corporati o n lawyer and has settled many large estates. Having been prac- tically a life- long resi- dent of Portland, he is well- known both in business and social circles. He is a Repub- lican in pol- itics and is esteemed by all who know him. He resides on Pine street and has one son, Stuart Oakley Symonds. Both par were ers. son Jhoim. a. f. moulton. Hon. A. F. Moulton. This well-known lawyer was born in Jay, Franklin county, Me., May 1, 184S. He comes of old New England stock, his ancestry on the paternal side dating back to 1638 when William Moulton came from England and settled in Hampton, New Hampshire. Among his later antecedents was Capt. Daniel Moul- ton who removed to Scarboro about the middle of the eighteenth century, and who took an active part during the war of the Revolution. Augustus Freedom Moulton was the son of Freedom and Shuah Coffin (Carter) Moulton. H i s father was a prom- nent citizen of Scarboro and at the time of his death in 1857, was town clerk, of his e n t s teach- Their attend- ed the pub- lic schools and further pursued his education at G o r h a m Semi nary. He after- wards a t- tended the Saco High School and continued at Westbrook Semin ary, from which he graduat- ed in 1869. The same year he entered Bowdoin College from which he graduated in 1873. While in college he was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa societies. He took the St. Croix prize for excellence in extemporaneous speaking and graduated at the head of his class. After serving one year as tutor at Bowdoin College, the year following PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT his graduation, he entered the law office of Hon. William L. Putnam, in Portland. Two years later in 1876 he was admitted to the Cumberland Bar and commenced the practice of his profession in Portland. His abil- ity as a lawyer has built up a lucra- tive business in mercantile and cor- poration practice. He is a familiar figure in important cases before the higher courts a n d the legal representa- tive in Port- landofBrad- street'sMer- c a n tile Agency. After resid- ing in Scar- bo ro for many years, there serv- i n g fifteen years on the school com- mittee and represe nt- ingthe town in the state legisla ture two terms, 1878-79, he removed t o Deering where he was chosen mayor in 1898. The ami e x ation of Deering to Portland in 1899 makes him distinguished in history as the last mayor of the pros- perous city of Deering which locality has since become wards 8 and 9 of Greater Portland. Of the former ward he was nominated for the new board of aldermen, February last, by the Re- publican party. He is one of the trus- tees of Westbrook Seminary, a member of the Fraternity and Cumberland clubs, Portland Board of Trade, Maine Historical and Maine Genealogical societies. He is a past chancellor and one of the Trustees of Bramhall Dodge , Knights of Pythias, and a prominent member and past commander of Port- land Commandery, Knights Templar. Hon. J. P. Baxter. James Phinney Baxter, the donor ofPortland's magnificent public libra- ry building was born in G o r h a 111 , Me. * 6 . His the HON. J. P. BAXTER. March 1831 . father, late Elihu Bax- ter, M. D., removed to P o r 1 1 a 11 d and engaged in the prac- tice of medi- cine, the subject of this sketch entering the p u b 1 i c schools here ini84oatthe age of nine years. He subsequent - 1 y took a course of in- struction at the Dynn (Mass.) Academy , and continuing Portland Acad- his education afterwards returning his studies at the old emy supplementing with a thorough course in ancient and modern languages. Following the completion of his educational pur- suits, for several years he was engaged in study and literary pursuits, for which he developed inclinations early in his boyhood. In 1859 he engaged in mercantile pursuits, establishing with PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 113 CITY RESIDENCE OF HON. J. P. BAXTER. a friend an agency for American and foreign manufactures. This, his first enterprise, was most successful. After the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Baxter, with his partner, Hon. Wm. G. Davis, established the Portland Packing Company, his busi- ness foresight anticipating the demand for hermetically sealed provisions for the army and navy, being responsible for the forming of this now large cor- poration, the name of which is famous throughout the world. His capacity for handling extensive business inter- ests has been demonstrated by the successful outcome of the succeeding enterprises with which he has become connected. Gifted with marked judgment and skill in finance, his services have been availed of and appreciated by some of the leading financial institutions of this city. He is president of the Merchants' Na- tional Bank, one of the trustees of the SUMMER RESIDENCE OF HON. J. P. BAXTER, MACKWORTH ISLAND. ii4 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Portland Savings Bank, and vice- president of the Portland Trust Com- pany, of which he was one of the original directors. He became mayor of Portland in 1893, serving four years. During his administration, marked public improvements were inaugurated : notably the extension of the park system, adding so mate- rially to the beauty of the city, and theeom- m e n ce- ment of the con- stru c- tion o f Tukey's bridge. While m a y or, his in- terest in educa- tional m a tters was sig- n i f i - c a n 1 1 y shown, and dur- ing his first term, he donat- ed his o ffi c i al salary, $2, 000, to the s c h o ol board to e s t a b- lish the pr e s eut manual training school for boys, and later sup- portedone of the kindergarten schools. His interest in the city of Portland has been manifested more emphatically in other ways, where his public spirit and generosity have been shown. His gift to the city of the handsome and costly Public Library building, will ever stand as a svmbol of his BAXTER MEMORIAL BUILDING. princely benevolence. Always active and a leader in charitable work, he has served as president of the Port- land Provident Association, and is now a director in the Maine Industrial School, and president of the Port- land Benevolent Society. Through his efforts, the Portland Associated Charities was founded, an outgrowth of his interest in the Home for Little Wand- erers . Lit era- ture is his fav- r i t e study and rec- reation , and for m a n y years he hasbeen a con- s t a n t contri b- utor to leadi ng maga- zine s . The pub 1 i- ca tions from his pen date back to 1882. In 1885 -6, d u r i ng w h i c h time he made a pro- 1 o n ged visit to Europe, in researches in public and private archives, resulting in the col- lection of a large number of rare manuscripts, many of which have been published, and all of which have been imparted to his fellow men, either before historical societies, or in printed form. He has written a number of poems of great merit and PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 115 is a valued member of several histor- ical, genealogical and literary socie- ties : lie is president of the Portland Public Library, the Maine Historical Society, a vice-president of the New England Historic Genealogical So- ciety of Boston, one of the officers of the American Antiquarian Society of Worcester, Mass., a member of the Old Colon}- Historical Society, of Taunton, the Rhode Island Histori- cal Society, The American Historical Society, of Washington, The Port- land Society of Natural History, and many others. His life has been emi- nently successful, useful and honor- able and while his political career has been extensive, though he has never sought office, his liberal views and breadth of mind and depth of character have ever been apparent. He has been twice married, namely : to Sarah K. Lewis, 1854, and to Mehetable C. Proctor, 1S73. His children, in the order of their birth, are as follows: Florence L., Hartley C, Clinton L., Eugene R., Mabel, James P., Junior, Alba, Rupert H., Emily P., Percival P., and Made- leine C. Baxter. Mr. Baxter's city residence, shown in the accompany- ing engraving, is one of Portland's most comfortable and hospitable homes, and is located on Deering street, in a fashionable residence quarter. On Mackworth Island, one of the most charming spots in Casco Bay, which he owns entire, he also possesses a magnificent summer resi- dence. In 1896, he showed his eye for improving business property by the erection of the Baxter Memorial building, the largest and finest block for store and office purposes in the city, an illustration of which is also presented, in addition to that of his familiar face. Hon. William Widgery Thomas, Jr. Among Portland's noted men, W. W. Thomas, Jr., is one of the fore- most. On December 17, 1897, he was appointed by President McKinley envoy - extraordinary and minister- plenipotentiary to Sweden and Nor- way, his third appointment to that important foreign post, being con- firmed by the United States Senate the following day. Inasmuch as no minister of any of the powers had ever before represented his country thrice at Stockholm, on the occasion of his presentation of his third letter of credence, at the palace of King Oscar, he was tendered a most cordial and honorable reception. This well- known diplomat is a native of Port- land and a direct descendant of George Cleeve, the first white settler and governor of the Province of Ligonia. Born August 26, 1839, son of William Widgery and Elizabeth White (Goddard) Thomas, he re- ceived his early education in the public schools of this city, and in 1856 entered Bowdoin College, from which he graduated with highest honors in i860. While at college, and at eighteen years of age, he taught a winter district school in a little red schoolhouse on Cape Eliza- beth. After graduating from Bow- doin, he commenced the study of law, but in the spring of 1862 was ap- pointed a government bearer of dis- patches, and carried a treaty to Turkey. He soon after became vice- consul general at Constantinople, and later acting consul at Galatz, Molda- via. On February 18, 1863, he was appointed by President Lincoln, one of the thirty " war consuls " of the United States and sent to Gothen- burg, Sweden, which post he filled until November 30, 1865, when he resigned and returned to Portland. For his sendees as consul he received from Secretary William H. Seward, "the special thanks of the depart- ment of state." Mr. Thomas was admitted to the Cumberland bar in 1866, and his natural ability as an advocate soon gained him distinction. His first three year's residence in Sweden had already won him the regard of its people ; and, having be- come familiar with their manners n6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT and customs and acquiring the Swe- dish language, he earnestly and effec- tively advocated Swedish immigration to his native state. In 1870, the Maine legislature authorized his plan for this purpose to be executed, and he was appointed commissioner of immigration. Immediately visiting Sweden, he recruited a colony of fifty-one Swedes, returned with them over the o c e a 11 , sailed with them up the St. John river in flat- boats, and, on July 23, 1870, found- ed the pros- perous set- tlement of ' ' New Swe- den " in our p r i m £e v a 1 forests. For nearly four years he re- mained with his protege' pioneers un- til the suc- cess of the new colony was as- sured. In 1873, he was elected to the s t ate 1 e g i slature from Port- land and re- elected the two follow- ing years, both of the latter terms being speaker of the house. In 1875, he was president of the Maine State Re- publican convention. In 1879, he was elected to the Senate, and in 1880, was a delegate to the memora- ble Republican National Convention at Chicago, that nominated Garfield. He was first appointed minister resi- dent to Sweden and Norway in June, 1883, by President Arthur, and re- sided at Stockholm as such until after the close of Arthur's adminis- tration. Mr. Thomas has passed into history as the first minister to Sweden to address the king in Swe- dish language, the first to hoist the American flag at Stockholm, and the first to effectively assist in the estab- lishment of a direct steamship line between this country and Swe- den. In 1887, Mr. T h o m a s again visi- ted Sweden and married Miss Dag- mar Torne- b 1 ad h, a Swedish lady of no- ble birth. In March, 1 889, he was again ap- p o i 11 t.e d minister to Sweden and Norway, this time by President Harrison, and w e 1- comed back to the Northland with distin- guished honors. During his second term he assisted in the appointment of a Swedish jurist as chief justice of Samoa, under the treaty of Berlin ; and was also instrumental in the ap- pointment of a Norwegian statesman as a member of the Paris Tribunal of Arbitration, on the fur seal-fishery question of Behring Sea, between the United States and Great Britain. His successful efforts in behalf of the HON. W. W. THOMAS, JR. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 117 reduction of duties on American products, notably grain and pork, the abatement of duty on which was fifty percent., have been of great impor- tance to American commerce. In consequence of Mr. Thomas' sugges- tion to the department of state, he commenced in 1890 the negotiations which resulted in the full and satis- factory extradition treaties of 1893, between the United States and Swe- den and Norway. On Sunday after- noon, September 14, 1890, it fell to Minister Thomas to take part in an historical international event. On the deck of the United States ship-of- war " Baltimore," lying in the har- bor of Stockholm, the honored remains of John Ericsson, the inventor of the Monitor, were delivered by Mr. Thomas, representing America, in an eloquent address, to the king and people of Sweden. The crew of the Baltimore stood with uncovered heads, the flag of the king was low- ered to half mast on the palace, both sides of the harbor were crowded with a multitude of people greater than Stockholm had ever seen before, and minute guns were fired from both ship and shore. Upon being recalled in 1894 by President Cleveland, King Oscar, at his farewell audience, pre- sented Minister Thomas with a mag- nificent life-size oil portrait personally inscribed to him. Mr. Thomas also possesses a portrait of the Emperor of Germany, presented in 1893 by the emperor, to use his own words, "as a token of personal sympathy and a souvenir of the personal meet- ing with you on the Hunneberg hunt." The painting is inscribed by the emperor's hand, " Wilhelm, Im- perator, Rex." Upon Mr. Thomas' return again to his native land, he delivered lectures on Sweden and the Swedes in more than fifty cities and towns, and throughout sixteen different states. His eloquence as a public speaker, both on the stump and lecture platform, and his talent as a writer are widely known. His great historical work, " Sweden and the Swedes," has been printed in both America and Sweden, and in both the English and Swedish lan- guages. The book has met with a flattering reception and large sale on both sides the Atlantic, and is characterized by the Swedish Official Gazette as the " most correct and at at the same time the most genial de- scription of Sweden and its people ever published in any language." It has been truthfully said that no other American has ever acquired a more intimate knowlege of Sweden and its people, or accomplished more in their interest, with tongue and pen, than he. His active canvass and effective work, throughout the West and North- west, in the campaign of 1896, during which time he spoke in both Swedish and English, was of great service to the Republican party, with which he has ever been affiliated. Minis- ter Thomas and his Swedish wife now occupy one of the most elegant resi- dences at Stockholm, fronting the North Stream, and directly opposite the Royal Palace. A tall flag-staff, from which floats the American flag, rises above the roof of this residence, while within its walls is displayed a genuine American hospitality. Here Washington's birthday of this year (1899) was celebrated by a grand ball, one of the most brilliant events of the season, opened by the Crown Prince and Mrs. Thomas. As a law- yer, legislator, founder of a colony, orator and author, Mr. Thomas' name will be long remembered in this country and Sweden. He is a mem- ber of the Maine Historical Societv, Swedish Geographical Society, His Majesty King Oscar's Shooting Club, Royal Swedish Yacht Club, the Idun, a Swedish literary club, the Fratern- ity Club, of Portland, and one of the founders of the Portland Yacht Club. The Late Neal Dow. Neal Dow, son of Josiah and Dorcas (Allen) Dow, was born in Portland, March 20, 1804, and died n8 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT in the city of his birth, October 2, 1897. The story of his life has often been told, and needs no repetition here. It is an important part of the history of the nineteenth century. Naturally careful and methodical, quick to forecast the signs of the times, his devotion to commercial or professional pursuits would have assured for him success in a race for wealth or position ; but he had a higher mission. Early in life he saw and compre- hended the evils of in- temperance, and thence- forth his time and his talents were devoted to untiring work in the cause of hu- manity . With voice and pen, by precept and example, he fought the good fight down to the last hour of a long and busy life. His pride in the town of his nativity was with him almost a passion, and no man did more to make Portland a city known in every corner of the civilized world. He was a constant and discriminating reader. He was an orator of convincing eloquence, and a writer of attractive force. His statesmanship rested far below the surface, upon the solid foundation of eternal truth. His philanthropy knew no bounds, and will be fruitful THE LATE GEN. NEAL DOW. of good through all ages to come. As a patriot, he offered himself upon the altar of his country and suffered with others in the cause of liberty. His was an example of a sound mind in a sound body. He was consistent in his daily walk and conversation, conforming his life to the precepts of purity and temperance, which he taught. He was no idle dreamer or visionary seeker among the stars for the impossible, and al- though cast in an an- tique mold, he was a worthy rep- resentative of virile American- ism. He was a natur- al leader of men, but so clearly did he see his way, so un- selfish was his fealty to duty, and so courage o us was he in confronting opposition that he could not tolerate cowardice or hesitation in others. His rallying cry was al- ways, "Come," and the man who kept even step with him, found him- self where the fighting was most stubborn. With him right was right; there was no compromise. He struck, as he received, hard blows, but always without personal ill-will, and that antagonist must needs be wrapped in proof who did not in the end feel the prick of Neal Dow's PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 119 truth-tempered lanee through the vulnerable joints of his armor. That Neal Dow was honored abroad and in distant states, is not a matter for wonder ; that he was doubly honored at home, proves conclusively the manner of man he was. Col. F. N. Dow. One who has long been prominent in the affairs of Portland, is Colonel Frederick Neal Dow, son of Gen- eral Neal Dow. He is a man of marked ex- e c u t i v e ability and an untiring worker, and in all mat- t e r s in which he has taken an interest, has been promi nent and influen- tial. He has long been inter- est e d in political af- fairs. Al- mo s t as soon as he arrived at mans es- tate, he was made a member of the city govern- ment and of the school committee, and has ever since been a prominent factor in city and state politics. He was for years a member of the Re- publican State Committee, succeed- ing to the chairmanship upon the retirement of James G. Blaine, in which position he was acknowledged by both friends and opponents to COL. F. N. DOW. be one of the ablest political organ- izers the state has ever produced. He has been a member and the chair- man of the executive council of the state, serving in that capacity under Governors Perham and Dingley. As a member of the legislature, he served one term upon the judiciary commit- tee and one term as speaker for which position he was unanimously nomi- nated. He has also served twice as collector of the port of Portland, having been appointed to that posi- tion first by President Arthur, and second by President Harri son, his appoint- ment this time being i n s t a n t ly co n fi r m e d by the sen- ate, contra- ry to usual custom, without ref- erence to a com mi ttee. He has been repeatedly and influ- entially urged to be- come a can- didate for mayor of Portland and for governor of Maine, but has never been willing to permit the use of his name, when it would interfere with the aspirations any friend of his might cherish for either place. Col- onel Dow is a man of extensive pri- vate business interests, and beside, is connected with the management of many corporations. He is president of the Evening Express Publishing 120 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Co., and of the Portland Building and Loan Asso. He is a director of the Portland Gas Light Co., of the Union Safety Deposit & Trust Co., of the Caseo National Bank, of the Mercan- tile Trust Co., of the Commercial Un- ion Telegraph Co., of the Casco Bay Steamboat Company, and was a director of the Portland & Ogdens- burg railroad. He is also president of the board of trustees of the Maine Eye and Ear In- firmary. ^ Hon. F r e d e rick Robie. Frederick Robie was born in Gorham, Maine, August 12, 1822. He attended the public schools of his native town, and took the college prepara- tory course at Gorham Ac a demy. E n tering B o wd o in college in 1837, he wasgradu- a t e d in 1 84 1. Dur- ing the year of his graduation, he held the principalship of academies in Georgia and Florida. His success as a teacher was all that could be desired, but he decided to study medicine, and entered Jefferson Med- ical College in Philadelphia, receiv- ing the degree of M. D. from that institution in 1844. In April, 1S44, he opened an office in Biddeford, HON. FREDERICK ROBIE. Maine, remaining there until May, 1855, when he removed to Waldo- boro, where for three years he had a lucrative practice. He then decided to settle in his native town. In 1861, he w r as a member of Governor Wash- burn's executive council, and at the breaking out of the Rebellion was appointed by President Lincoln ad- ditional paymaster of United States volunteers. He at once resigned his position on the gov- e r n o r ' s co uncil, and e n- tered upon the dis- charge of h is n e \\ r duties. In 1863, he was sta- tioned at Boston as chief pay- master of the De- pa r t m ent of New England' and early in 1864 was trans- f erre d to the D e - partm ent oftheGulf. At the close of the war, Pay- in a s t e r Robie was ordered to Maine to superintend the final pay- ment of soldiers from this state. His sen-ices earned for him the brevet rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1866 and 1867, he was a member of the Maine senate ; in 1866, he was appointed special agent of the treas- ury department, and from 1868 to 1873, was a member of the Republi- can State Committee. Ten times he PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT represented his town in the lower branch of the state legislature, being speaker of that body in 1872 and 1876. He has been a member of the executive councils of three governors, Washburn, Davis and Plaisted. In 1878, he was one of the commission- ers to the Paris Exposition, and dur- ing that year traveled extensively in Europe. In 1882, he was elected worthy master of the state grange and was re- elected for eight s u c- c e s s i v e vears. I n '1882, he was elected governor of Maine, and again elect- ed by an increased majority in 1884. In 1899, the Depart ment of Maine, Grand Ar- my of the Re public, chose Gov- ernor Robie as their de- partment commander. He is presi- dent of the First N a- tional bank of Portland, and is a di- rector and member of the finance committee of the Union Mutual L,ife Insurance Company, and director in many substantial business corporations. He was mar- ried Nov. 27, 1847, to Olivia M. Priest, of Biddeford, who died in 1898. HON. FRED E. RICHARDS. other man in Maine holds more im- portant financial positions than Hon. Fred E. Richards, and his name invol- untarily brings up visions of enter- prises and transactions broad and complete in their scope. For years he has been an active participant in the expansive business life of Portland, but before his removal to this city, and the establishment of the banking firm of F. E. Richards & Co., he had a suc- cessful busi- ness and political career. He had been in the shipping b u s in e ss, member of the legisla- ture from the town of Camden, member of the councils of Governor Dingle} - and Governor Connor, state land agent, trus- tee of the Maine In- sane Asy- lum, and twice state bank exam- iner, by the appoint- m ents of both Gov- ernors Davis and Robie. Soon after he was chosen Maine Central Hon. Fred E. Richards. It is without doubt true that no coming to Portland, fiscal agent of the Railroad, in which position he made a noteworthy record. In 1890, he was appointed fiscal agent of the Portland & Rumford Falls Railway, conducting the financial affairs of that road up to the time of his retir- ing from the banking business three years later. Mr. Richards was 122 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT HON. GEORGE P. WESCOTT. RESIDENCE OF HON. GEORGE P. WESCOTT. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 123 instrumental in establishing the Port- land National Bank in 1SS9, and was elected its president, which office he now holds. On Nov. 1, 1893, he was called to the management and presi- dency of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Portland, an institution in which the people of Portland and of Maine take partic- ular pride. In 1894, on the formation of the Un- ion Safe Deposit & Trust Company , he was en- trusted with the presidency of that in- stitution. In a d di- tion to the com mand- ing posi- tions held by Mr. Ric hards in the above in- stitution s , he is con- n e c t e d with the manage- ment of the Rockland , Th o m a s - ton & Cam- den Street Railway, and with the Knox Gas & Electric Company, of Rockland. He is a director of the Portland & Rum- ford Falls Railway, the Limerick National Bank, of Limerick, Rock- land Trust Company, of Rockland, Camden and Rockland Water Com- pany, Rockland Building Syndicate, York Heat & Light Company, of Biddeford, Rumford Falls Water & Light Company, Bar Harbor Electric Light Company, and the Athol Water Company, of Athol, Mass. Whatever may have been the finan- cial institution with which he has been connected, his keen business instinct and foresight have secured for him a high position in the coun- cils of the management, and his name is regarded as a synonym of strict business integrity and sound financial methods. HON. CHAS. SUMNER COOK. Hon. Chas. Sumner Cook. This well known cit- izen was born in Portland, Maine, Novem ber 18, 1858. His father, the late Ob adiah G. Cook, was then clerk of courts for Cumber- land coun- ty, to which office he had been elected in the fall of 1854, and re-elected in 1857. His moth- er was Christiana S. (Perry) Cook, the youngest sister of the late Hon. John J. Perry. Mr. Cook was fitted for college in the common schools of Harrison, to which town his father had removed in 1861, and in the Nichols Latin School, of Lewiston, and graduated from Bates College, with honors, in 1881. He became principal of the Waldoboro, Maine, 124 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT High School in the spring of 1882, and taught there one year. He after- wards commenced the study of law in his father's office in Harrison, and in the fall of 1884, entered the law office of Symonds & Libby at Portland, and there continued his legal studies, being admitted to the Cumberland Bar in October, 1886. Since that time he has been in the active prac- tice of his profession in Portland. In 1 89 1, he formed a business associa- tion with Hon. Joseph W. Symonds, which contin- ued until the formation, with David W. Snow, Esq., in April, 1892, of the firm of Symonds, Snow & Cook. This firm has always enjoyed a large busi- ness, and has a wide reputa- tion as one of the leading law firms of the state. Mr. Cook has been more than or- dinarily suc- cessful as a lawyer, and from his asso- ciations and ability has had the handling of larger and more important cases than usually fall to the lot of young men of his profession. In politics Mr. Cook has always been a Republican and an active and influential member of the party. He was president of the Young Men's Republican Club in 1 89 1, and was chairman of the Cum- berland County Republican Conven- tion in 1892. At the opening of the last session of the legislature, he was elected member of the governor's council from the second councillor district. Mr. Cook is a member of Ancient Landmark Lodge, F. &. A. M.; the Cumberland Club, and the Portland Athletic Club ; and is presi- dent of Prince's Express Company. He was married October 23, 1889, to Miss Annie Jefferds Reed, daughter of Hon. Isaac Reed, late of Waldo- boro, Maine. He has two children : Lydia Macdonald, born January 26, 1892, and Robinson Cook, born January 30, 1895. Hon, Percival Bonney. HON. PERCIVAL BONNEY. Judge Per- cival Bonney was born in Minot, Maine, Sept. 24, 1842. After attend- ing the public schools in his native town, he fitted for college at He- bron Academy and the Maine S t a te Semi- nary in Lewis- ton, and en- tered Water- ville College (now Colby) in 1859, grad- uating in 1863. During his col- lege course he taught school in the town of Turner, and in Bucksport after grad- uation. While teaching school in the town of Bucksport, he received an appointment as clerk in the United States treasury department in Wash- ington, where he remained from November, 1863, to May, 1865, when he returned to Maine and became a student in the law office of Hon. Jo- siah H. Drummond, in Portland. In August, 1866, he was admitted to the bar and at once began practice in Bath. In November, 1866, he PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 125 removed to Portland, where he opened an office, and, in April, 1867, formed a partnership with Daniel G. Harriman, which continued until Sep- tember, 186S. In December, 1869, a partnership with Stanley T. Pullen was formed. This continued until March, 1872, after which time Mr. Bonney continued in practice alone, until Oct. 7, 1878, when Governor Connor appointed him to a position on the bench of the supe- rior court, to succeed Judge Jos- eph W. Sy- monds. In this posi- tion, which he still holds, his quick per- ceptive fac- ulties and his highly developed sense of right and justice have gained for him the re- spect, not only of members of th e legal profession, but of all with whom he has come in contact. He is a di- rector of the Union Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, the Westbrook Trust Company, and the Union Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany. He has been a member of the board of trustees of Colby since 1876, was secretary of the board from 1878 to 1893, and since 1881, has been treasurer of the institution. Since 1877 he has been a trustee of Hebron academy, and president since 1880. In the management and development of that institution of learning, he has been, and is, a leading spirit. He was a president of the Maine Baptist Missionary Convention from 1892 to 1894. In politics Judge Bonney has always been a Republican. In 1869, he was elected representative to the legislature from Portland, and was reelected in 1870. He is a member of the Fraternity Club, the Maine Historical Society, and of the Phi Beta Kappa of Colby. Judge Bon- ney was married August 5, 1 8 64, to Eli zabeth H. Bray, of Turner, Maine. Hon. John Howard Hill. HON. JOHN HOWARD HILL. The judge of the muni- cipal court of Portland, John How- ard Hill, was born in Liming ton, York Coun- ty, Me., No- v e m b e r 25, 1864. When he was six months old, his parents removed to this city, remaining in Portland until 1876, when they returned to Litning- ton. On the home place in the vil- lage, the subject of this sketch, therefore, spent a large part of his boyhood, and amid healthy surround- ings developed a strong constitution and good morals. He obtained his early education in the public schools 126 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT of Portland, afterwards attending and fitting for college at Limington Academy. He entered Dartmouth College in 1883, graduating with honors, in the class of '87. He was given a class part by his class, deliv- ering the "Address to the President." His first year out of college he devot- ed to teaching, serving as principal of the Ivimerick High School. Decid- ing to enter the legal profession, he commenced to read law in the office of Hon. Henry B. Cleaves, and two years later, at the April term of court, 1890, he was admitted to the bar. He imme- diate 1 y co ni- menced the practice of his profession, soon building up a reputation and a lucrative client- age, and has ever since been located in this city. In 1894, he was a Repub- lican candidate for the Maine House of Rep- re sent atives, and was elected. Upon taking his seat, he became an active mem- ber, looking well after the interests of this city, and serving on the important com- mittee of legal affairs, and was also chairman of the library committee. His creditable work at his first ses- sion was followed by his re-election in 1896, when he was made chairman of the committee on legal affairs. Upon the announcement of the retire- ment of Judge Robinson, the fitness of Mr. Hill as his successor for judge of the municipal court, was so generally conceded, that he was appointed to the office by Governor Powers, March 2, 1899, confirmed by the governor's council at the expira- tion of seven days, as provided by law, and took his seat March 10. His equitable decisions as judge of the municipal court, have won him the confidence of the members of the bar, with whom he was always popular. That he fills this important office not only with dignity and grace, but with the commendable spirit of fairness which charac- terized his pre- decessor, are facts admitted by all. Judge Hill is a promi- nent member of the I. O. O. F. and Knights of Pythias, a mem- ber of the Port- land Club and the Portland Golf Club. He w a s married June 14, 1894, to Miss Grace Julia Nash, and has one child, John W. Hill, born November 2, 1895. Colonel H. S. Osgood. COLONEL H. S. OSGOOD This well known resident of Portland, and manager of the American Express Company in this city, was born in North Yarmouth, Me., Nov. 17, 1834. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Massachusetts and came from Eng- land. He was educated in the acad- emies of North Yarmouth, Bethel and Bridgton, Me., graduating from the Bridgton Academy in 1856. After obtaining a liberal education, he taught in the public schools, until 1857, when he first commenced his PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 127 successful career in the express busi- ness. After having conducted busi- ness for several years with a partner in Augusta, in 1863 he became interested in the Eastern Express Company, formed in 1859. Of this company he became a large owner, and when the business was sold to the American Express Com- pany, Mr. Osgood remained as resi- dent manager, which office he has ever since held. He is president and one of the founders of the Portland and Casco Eoan and Building Asso- ciation ; a direc- tor of the Chap- m a 11 National Bank; the Evening E x- press Publish- ing Co., and several other corporations. He was also for nine years treas- urer of the Maine State Agricultural So- ciety. While a resident of Au- gusta, he served in the city gov- ernment as a member of the common council and also the board of alder- men. Under President Grant, he served as a United States revenue officer. He was also a member of the staff of Gov. Coburn, with a rank of lieuten- ant-colonel. Besides being active in all public matters, he is prominent in state politics, and a staunch Repub- lican. He is a valued member of the Portland Board of Trade, and also of the Portland Club and the Portland Athletic Club. The growth of the American Express Company's busi- ness of this city, comprising in volume not less than ten times the amount of any other city in the state, reflects credit on the company's resident manager. His careful consideration of the interests of customers, has won him the confidence of the business community, and done no little to in- crease the business to its present im- mense proportions. Col. Osgood is popular in both business and social circles. He was married Dec. 15, 1859, to Miss Eliza Frances Sawin, of Augusta. They have one son, Wallace Chase Osgood, of the Portland Evening Ex- press. Hon. Edward C. Reynolds. HON. EDWARD C. REYNOLDS South Port- land's mayor, Hon. Edward Clayton Rey- nolds, was born in Brain tree, Mass., Nov. 15, 1856. When he was five years old, his parents removed to Cape Elizabeth. He received his ed- ucation in the common and high schools of Cape Elizabeth, and the Port- land Business College. In 1874, he taught in that business college, and again during the school year of 1877- 78. After studying law two years, and being admitted to the bar in Jan- uary, 1880, he commenced practice in Portland, where he has since re- mained. In 1884-86, while holding a government position, he took a post- graduate course at Georgetown Uni- versity Law School, Washington, D . C . , from which school he received the degree of master of laws. He 128 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT was admitted to the United States circuit court in 1890. As well as winning a high reputation as an attorney, Mr. Reynolds has many times been honored by election to public office. He served on the school committee of Cape Elizabeth from 1879 to 1882, and again from 18S8 to 1 89 1. He was elected regis- ter of probate for Cumberland County in 1888, and re-elected in 1892, serv- ing two terms of four years each. In 1896, he was elected to r e p r e s ent Cumber- land County in the state senate, and re-elected in 1898. Dur- ing his last term in the senate, he was chair- man of the legal affairs and military affairs com- mittees. In 1899, he was shown the e s t e em in which he is held in South Port- land, where he has re- sided from boyhood, by being chosen the first mayor of that newly incor- ported city, being the nominee of all parties. He is president of the Maine State Relief Association, Portland Club, Portland, Me., Past Chancellors Association, and Cape Elizabeth Soldiers and Sailors Monument Asso- ciation, a director in and attorney for the Cumberland Loan & Building Association, a director in the Union Safe Deposit and Trust Co., a member of the Maine Genealogical Society, the Cumberland and Maine Bar Asso- ciations, is a Knight Templar, Mason, and a member of the Knights of Pythias, in which order he has held the highest office in the state. Mr. Reynolds is a frequent speaker on public occasions, and as such espec- ially in demand in Pythian circles. James M. Thompson. JAMES M. THOMPSON The treas- urer of Cumber- land Coun- ty, James Mariner Thompson, was born in Auburn, Maine, in r842. He is descended from old New Eng- land stock, his ances- tors remov- ing to Maine from Cape Ann before the Revolu- tion. He obtained his edu cation in the com m o n and high schools. At the out- break of the civil war, he enlisted in Co. I, 1 st Maine Vols., for three months, but afterwards, in the fall of 1 86 1, reenlisted in Co. H., nth Maine Vols., for three years, joining the Army of the Potomac under Gen- eral McLellan. He was with his regiment through all its engagements during the Peninsular campaign, its retreat to Harrison's Landing, and its subsequent campaign on Morris PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 129 Island, South Carolina, also under Butler at Bermuda Hundreds, and under Grant before Richmond. He served in the different grades from private to first lieutenant and was severely wounded in one of the en- gagements at Bermuda Hundreds. After returning to duty, he was de- tailed as aid-de-eamp on the staff of General H. M. Plaisted, and served as such un- til his regi- ment w a s m u s t e r ed out in the fall of 1864. In March, 1865, he was commis- sioned cap- tain of Co. I, 12th Maine Vols., for one year, and with his c o m m a nd joined the regiment in Savann ah, Ga., where he served on the staff of General J. M. Bran- nan, as act- ing assistant inspect or general of the depart- ment, and assistant p r o v o s t marshal. Upon the close of the war, he settled in New Gloucester, became active in town af- fairs, and for thirteen years held impor- tant municipal offices. He was elected register of deeds of Cumberland County, serving as such from 1891 to 1895, and was elected and entered upon his duties as county treasurer, Jan. 1, 1899. He is a member of the G. A. R. and the Loyal Legion of Maine. Norman True. NORMAN TRUE. The register of deeds of Cumber- land County, Norman True, is a native of Pownal, Maine, and was born April 24, 1861. He is a son of Benjamin True, a well known and prominent citizen of this county, who was sheriff from 1883 to 1887, and therefore well known to the residents of Portland. Young True was reared on the fam- i 1 y farm, wher e he gained a rugged phy- sique. He obtained a good, prac- tical educa- tion in the c o m m o n schools and having been a great reader of in- structive books, has added ma- terially to his store of knowledge. Like many of the youths of his native t o w n he learned a trade after leaving school. His trade is that of a brush maker, in which he is a skilled workman. From 1883 to 1887, while his father was sheriff of this count}', he was turnkey at the county jail, which position he filled with efficiency. He has been an ac- tive worker in politics for some years, but it was not until 1897 that he held or accepted any office. It was at that time he was made a member of 13° PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT the board of selectmen of Pownal. His ability in managing town affairs won him the confidence of his fellow townsmen during his two years' ser- vice, and in recognition of this, he was successfully put forward as the most desirable candidate for the pre- sent important county office he now holds. While a resident of Pownal, his official duties have made him on two occa- sions a resi- dent of Port- land for four years, — his election to the office of register of deeds entit- les him to hold office for four years, from January i, 1899. He is a member of Freeport Lodge of Masons, Hadattah Lodge I. O. O. F. ; Sa- m o s e t Lod g e of Red Men; and a past master o f Longf el low Lodge Knights of Pythias. He was married in 1883 to Miss Pownal. PAYSON TUCKER Nettie M. True, of Payson Tucker. The former vice-president and gen- eral manager of the Maine Central Railroad, although now a resident of Brookline, Mass., has probably done more than any other one citizen to- ward the development of the city of Portland and the State of Maine. Payson Tucker is a native of Lowell, Mass., and was born Feb. 14, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of Portland, and the New Hampshire Conference Semi- nary, Tilton, N. H. He began his notable railroad career as clerk in the office of the Portland, Saco & Ports- mouth Railroad, in 1853. At twenty years of age he was made ticket agent and pay- master, which posi- tions he held until 1870. In 1872, he was made the general agent of the Boston & Maine a t Portland, and in 1875, he was chos- en superin- tendent of the Maine Central, which office he held un- til 1882, when he was made vice- president and general manager, serving as such until 1897. His sagacity in building up the business of the Maine Central to a point where it now justly takes rank among the leading railroads of the country, has made his name famous in railroad circles. In 1883-85, Mr. Tucker was also general manager of the Eastern Railroad, and, in 1889, be- came a director in the Maine Central. In 1891, when the Maine Central assumed its control, he became PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT I3 1 general manager of the Portland, Mt. Desert & Maehias Steamboat Co.; and in 1891-93, he was director in the Phillips & Rangeley Railroad. He was one of the principal promot- ers of the Union Station Co., which erected the present handsome union station, shown elsewhere in this vol- ume. He was also a leading projec- tor of the cantilever bridge at St. John, the connecting link between the railroad systems of the United States and Canada. When Mr. Tucker assumed charge of the Maine Central, it possessed but 350 miles of mileage, and its receipts were but a million and a half yearly. At the time he severed his connec- tion with this road, the company operated over 800 miles, beside over 200 miles of steamboat line. While general manager, he main- tained to the last moment of his holding office, a fearless and com- mendable policy in conducting the Maine Central Railroad in the inter- ests of the State of Maine, rather than in the interests of the Boston & Maine Railroad. His retirement was much regretted by many. His pecu- liar ability as a railroad manager was made manifest continuously from the time he assumed charge to the time he severed his connection with the Maine Central. The kindly feeling which Maine bears toward Payson Tucker is reciprocal with him. He now occupies with his family a hand- some residence in Brookline, Mass. He is now interested in railroad and other large business transactions, and within the past few years fortune has smiled benignly upon him. He is the treasurer of the Maine & New Hampshire Granite Co., employing nearly 2,000 men, a majority of whom reside in this state. This company has at the present writing, nearly $1,000,000 of work in hand. He is a director of the Casco National Bank, president of the Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary, and director of the Maine Mutual Benefit Association. Many of his acts of benevolence and demonstrations of public spirit in Portland have taken permanent form, notably in the shape of the Cleeves monument, base of the Longfellow monument, and stone in the St. Law- rence Congregational church. He was married in September, 1862, to Miss Hattie L. Brazier, of Portland. Hon. Enoch Foster. Among Portland's many brilliant professional men, Hon. Enoch Fos- ter, formerly of Bethel, Maine, takes high rank. He w r as born in Newry, Oxford County, Maine, in 1839, and prepared for college at Gould's Acad- emy, Bethel, and at the Maine State Seminary at Lewiston, entering Bow- doin College in i860. Among his classmates were Hon Charles F. Libby of Portland, and Rev. Webster Woodbury, of Foxboro, Mass. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he offered his services, and was made second lieutenant of Company H, Thirteenth Maine Volunteers. His war record is an honorable one, cov- ering a period of three years. The command to which he belonged was assigned to service in the Department of the Gulf, under General B. F. Butler. He was soon commissioned first lieutenant, and afterwards ap- pointed provost marshal by General Banks. In this position he served one and one-half years, resigning to take part in the Red River expedi- tion. At the close of the war, he returned to Bowdoin, where he grad- uated. He at once entered the law office of his cousin, Hon. Reuben Foster, of Waterville, where he de- voted himself to the study of law, afterward attending and graduating from the Albany Law School. In 1865, he was admitted to the bar in Albany, N. Y., and to the Kennebec County bar at Augusta, Maine. He opened an office in Bethel, and soon built up a large and lucrative prac- tice, not only in his own county, but throughout the state. He has been a practitioner before the United 132 Stat e s courts for mam' years. He was ap- pointed as- sociate jus- tice of the Supreme Ju- dicial Court of Maine by Governor R o b i e , on March 24, 1884, and reappoi nted by Governor Burleigh, in 1891. His caree r on the bench was a bril- liant a n d notable one, and he g a i ned an enviable reputation for his legal acumen, and the soun d n e s s of his opin- PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT HON. ENOCH FOSTER. ions. In 1867, he was e 1 e c ted county at- torney of Oxford Count}', and re-elected in 1870. H e was honored w i t h an election to th e state senate in 1874, and during his term of office took an ac- t i v e and honor able part in the proceedings of that body. After retir- ing from the bench, h e resumed the practice of law in Beth- el, continu- ing there until he RESIDENCE OF HON. ENOCH FOSTER. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT removed to Portland, where, Feb. 15, 1899, he became the senior part- ner in the firm of Foster & Hersey, which has already taken its place among the leading law firms of the city. The largest private law li- brary in the state is owned by this firm, and it is made particularly val- uable from the fact that most of the volumes have copious marginal a n n o t a - tions made by J u d ge Foster. Few professional men have a wider circle f friends and a c- quai n tan- ces. Judge Foster is a past com- mander o f Brown Post, G. A. R., of Bethel, and is a mem- ber of the Knights Temp 1 ar, the Odd Fel- lows and the Loyal Le- gion. Short- 1 y after removing to Portland, he pur- chased the T. H. Wes- ton proper- ty, 17 Deer- ing street, and is now reckoned among the solid citizens of Portland. Judge Foster married Miss Sarah W. Chapman, and they have one son, Robert Chapman Foster, now a sophomore in Bowdoin College. HON. OSCAR H. HERSEY. Oscar Henry Hersey. Oscar Henry Hersey, of the Port- land law firm of Foster & Hersey, was born in Freeport, Maine, April 9, 1852, his ancestors along both lines being of the sturdy New Eng- land stock, descending on the father's side from William Hersey, who came to this country from England in 1630. The father of the subject of this sketch was the late Rev. Levi Her- sey, for fifty years a clergyman of the Freewill Baptist denomina- tion, who, during his long and useful life, had charge o f pastor- ates at Free- port, Harps- well, Phips- burg, Bath, Ri chmond, and other places. Mr. Hersey re- ceived his school edu- cation at Bath and Richmond and at Litchfield Academy, and re- moved t o Buck field in October, 1 87 1, where he after- ward resid- e d. He began the study of law at Buckfield in 1875, with the noted railroad attorney, Hon. George D. Bisbee, and was admitted to the Oxfoid County bar in March, 1877, and was later admitted to practice before the United States district and circuit courts. Upon admission to the bar, he immediately began the practice of law at Buckfield, where he acquired an enviable reputation as a counselor in important cases, 134 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT and succeeded in building up, on the solid foundation of unusual legal ability and sound judgment in busi- ness matters, one of the largest prac- tices of any lawyer in Oxford County. He [not only had a large ordinary court practice, but his services were in constant demand in important cases before the higher courts. He was elected to the position of county attorney of Oxford County in 1886, per- forming the duties of that office in a thoroug li- ly compe- tent man- ner. I n 1890, he was nomi- nated by acclama- tion and elected to the lower branch of the state 1 e g i s 1 a- ture, and in 1892 he represent- e d his county in the senate. In both bra n c h e s he served with dis- till ct i on and to the complete satisfaction of his constituents. In February, 1899, Mr. Hersey formed a co-partnership with Judge Enoch Foster, under the firm name of Foster & Hersey, and began the practice of law in Port- land, where the firm is located in convenient and pleasant offices on Exchange street. Mr. Hersey is a Mason and an Odd Fellow. As a lawyer, his ability is unquestioned, and as a legal adviser in matters in volving large interests, his extended experience, with an almost instinc- tive faculty for the comprehension of intricate details, makes his services valuable and in great demand. He is a safe, careful, conservative busi- ness man, an attorney who always looks well after the interests of his clients. fm. Allen, Jr. WM. ALLEN, JR. One of the best known cit- izens of Portland is William Allen, Jr. H e has for many years been engaged in the insur- ance busi- ness, and occupied his present office on Excha n ge street for about a quarter of a century. He was born in G 1 o u c es- ter, Mass., but when he was an infant his parents removed to this city. He is descended from colonial ancestry, dating back to the Revolution. His father, William Allen, fought in the war of 1 81 2. He was educated in the public schools of Portland, and attended the high school in the time of Master Libby. He first embarked in the wholesale fruit business, but engaged in the fire insurance business later, in which he has made a marked PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i35 success. During the last eighteen years he has been special agent for some of the largest companies in the world. During this time, he has traveled over 50,000 miles. He has stated that in all these years he has never represented a company that he has not made money for, while all losses have been amicably settled with his customers. As chairman of the committee composed of the Portland Board of Fire Under- writers, the adoption of the keyless fire alarm box was brought a b o u t through his personal ef- fort in 1889, a g a i n s t strong op- position. Mr. Allen is noted for other acts which have made him popular and some wh a t d i s t i n - g u i she d. He was the first man in the State of Maine to ride a wheel, his first ex- years been a contributor to the Port- land dailies, a most interesting series of which was entitled, "When We Were Boys." He has always been a stanch Republican, and voting first for John C. Fremont, has voted for every succeeding candidate of that party for president. He has written somewhat in verse on political subjects, his work in that line being copied by the papers in the largest cities. E. E. Holt, M. D. perie nee taking place in one of the halls in the city, March 1, 1869. He is still an enthusiastic wheelman. This experience, in which he came out victorious, much to the amusement and admiration of the spectators, he immortalized by writing a parody on Hiawatha, which was published in the local papers and won him a reputation as a writer of humorous verse. He has for several DR. E. E. HOLT. This emi- nent physi- cian was born in Ox- ford County June 1, 1849. He came to Portland in 1874, after gradua t ing at Bowdoin Medical School, and therefore has spent half his life here in this city, where his indus- trious habits and attain- ments have mad e him widely k 11 o w n throughout the state and nation. He received his ad eundem degree in medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, in 1875. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Colby University in 1897. He was the first regularly appointed house doctor at the Maine General Hospital, serving one year in that capacity. He served as attending physician to 136 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT the old Portland Dispensary two years. In 1881, he went to Europe, and while there became a member of the Seventh International Medical Congress held in London, at which he had the opportunity of meeting and making the acquaintance of a large number of the leading medical men of the world. In 1885, he took steps to found the Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary, which was opened for the treat- ment of pa- tients earlv in 1886. The origin and method of manage- ment of the i n s t itution early enlist- ed the sym- pathy, co- op e r a t ion and finan- cial support of the best people of the state, and, a 1- though cer- tain persons have from the begin- ning made asp e rsions against i t and Dr. Holt, y e t when the facts have become know n, these insin- uations have but served to increase rather than diminish the support of the infirmary and its founder. The work accomplished in making the institution one of the best in the world, has been a marvel to all who realize its extent and character, and has placed Dr. Holt among the fore- most benefactors and philanthropists of the state. In 1894, Dr. Holt ABIEL M. SMITH. originated the Maine Academy of Medicine and Science, and founded the Journal of Medicine and Science, for the purpose of making the Acad- edy more efficient. The academy was largely instrumental in securing the present medical registration law, the urgent need of which had been hopelessly apparent to the medical profession for a score of years pre- vious to its passage by the legisla- ture. Dr. Holt is a member of all the Ma- sonic bodies and is a thi rty -sec- ond degree Mason. He is also a member o f all the lead- ing medical societies of the country, and has been a con- tributor to them and the medical journals, gaining thereby a reputation for skill and erudi tion, w h i c h would place him among the foremost ph ysicians in the world. Abiel M. Smith. Although born in Boothbay, Abiel Manly Smith, one of the assessors of Portland, has been a resident of this city since boyhood. He is a son of Stevens Smith, who was well known, and is remembered as one of the val- ued citizens here. His son attended PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i37 the Park Street School, and began his education under the tutorage of Mas- ter Pickering. He afterwards en- tered and graduated from the Port- land High School. At that time, former Master Lyford had among his pupils, Thomas B. Reed, ex-speaker of the national house of representa- tives, and several other now noted men took their diplomas. The sub- ject of this sketch entered business life as a member of the firm of Lewis & Smith, who carried on for several years a large and success- ful clothing busin ess. When the fishing busi- ness was a p r o fi t a ble one at this port, M r. Smith be- came a promi n e n t factor in this in dustry, and before he lost all, owned the finest clip- per fishing fleet on the Atlantic coast. He was attract- ed and in- vested h i s money in fishing vessels, by his nat- ural tastes for the sea, he being at one time a prominent yachtsman and commodore of the Portland Yacht Club. When he became a candidate for the board of assessors, his knowl- edge of values of vessels and other property in this community, and his equitable business record were strong factors in his subsequent election in OREN T. DESPEAUX. 1897. As a member of this board, he has fulfilled the duties of the office with that spirit of fairness to all that has made him popular, and his ser- vices of more than ordinary value to the city. In political sympathies, he has been affiliated with the Republi- can party, casting his first vote for John C. Fremont. He is a Knight Templar Mason, and is well known and esteemed. His family consist of a t a lented h e 1 p 111 e et and one son and one daughter. His wife, f ormerly Miss Lizzie W. Dyer, a well known music ian, since his fi- nancial los- ses, has figured prominently in musical c i r c 1 e s. Their chil- dren are, Walter S., and Eliza- beth M. Smith, the former b e- ing a well known or- gan i s t of thiscity,and the latter an attendant of Vassar Col- lege. Mr. Smith is interested in Little Diamond Island, the property of which he has developed, and where in "Sonnen- stral," he possesses a charmingly sit- uated summer home. Sheriff O. T. Despeaux. The sheriff of Cumberland County, Oren T. Despeaux, was born in 133 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Acton, Mass., fifty years ago, and has resided in Maine since 1879. On the paternal side, he is descended from the French Huguenots, his ancestors settling in Rhode Island. They were Baptists and shared their religious persecutions with Roger Williams. On the maternal side, Sheriff Des- peaux comes of the Reed family, who came to this country from England, and have resided in and about Acton for two hundred years. When nine years old, young Despeaux attended school in Worcester County, Mass., where he concluded his education. At fifteen he enlisted, November 3, 1864, and entered service in the War of the Rebellion. During the latter part of his enlistment, he was as- signed to do provost duty. After the close of the war, he went to Bos- ton and secured employment in a large wholesale clothing store. After learning the business, his careful attention to the interests of his em- ployers won him promotion, and he was given a territory on the road. In the capacity of traveling sales- man in the clothing trade, he won a reputation of being one of the most successful drummers of his time. In 1879, he took up his residence in Brunswick, Me., and engaged in farming and speculating in cattle, in which he was also successful in marked degree. He was appointed deputy sheriff in 1882, and has ever since been in the service in Cum- berland County, being regularly re-appointed by those who have held the office of sheriff since that time. He was prominently men- tioned for sheriff four years ago, but retired in favor of his prede- cessor and recent opponent. It was, therefore, after sixteen years of ser- vice as deputy sheriff, that he se- cured the nomination for sheriff, the Republicans of Brunswick plac- ing him in nomination without a dis- senting voice. His election was the result of the liveliest contest ever known in the history of the state. His strength as a candidate was significantly shown in defeating the sheriff ring, which was considered practically impenetrable. As the sheriff of this county is also jailer, Sheriff Despeaux is one in whom the public have confidence, and is well fitted by experience and abil- ity for the important office he now holds. He is a member of the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Grand Army and Ancient Order of For- resters. He has served six years in the state militia, and was captain of the First Maine Battery, which company before disbanding won laurels for good discipline and high standing. Hon. Chas. F. Libby. Among the foremost citizens of Portland, is Hon. Charles F. Libby, of the law firm of Libby, Robinson and Turner. He was born in Lim- erick, Maine, January 31, 1834, but has lived in Portland since 1846. He attended the public schools of this city. After graduating from the Portland High School, he en- tered Bowdoin College, where he was graduated with honors in 1864. Soon after graduation, he com- menced the study of the law in the office of Fessenden & Butler, in this city, and completed his studies in the Columbia Law School, in New York city. After admission to the bar in May, 1866, he went abroad, continuing his studies in Paris and Heidelburg for two years. On re- turning from Europe in 1869, he commenced the practice of his pro- fession as a member of the firm of Symonds & Libby, which firm was dissolved by the appointment of Judge Symonds to the superior court bench. In 1873, he formed a partnership with Hon. Moses M. Butler, under the firm name of But- ler & Libby. This firm was dis- solved by the death of Mr. Butler in 1879. In 1884, he again formed a partnership with Judge Symonds, continuing with him until 1891. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i39 In 1897, he became the senior part- ner of his present firm with offices in the First National Bank Building. Beside having enjoyed a lucrative law practice for many years, Mr. Ivibby has become identified with many important business and finan- cial interests in Portland. He has also taken a prominent part in pub- lic affairs, and has for several years been one of the leaders of the Re- publican party in this state. He began his public career as city solic- itor, which office he held in 1871 - 72. He was elect e d county a t - torney i n 1872, serv- ing until 1878. He was chosen mayor of Portland in 1882, and was a mem- ber of the state senate in 1889. While ' a member of the senate, h e served as its president, with distinction. Mr. Ivibby is attorney for the First Nation- al Bank, Portland Trust Company, Portland Street Railway Co., Interna- tional, Portland and Maine Steamship companies, and other corporations. HON. C. F. LIBBY. A, W. Laugfhttn. Arthur Wood Eaughlin, the treas- urer and business manager of the Evening Express Publishing Com- pany, was born in Pembroke, Wash- ington County, Maine, March 1, 1854, son of Thomas and Mary A. L-aughlin. His father came with his family to Pembroke from New Bruns- wick, about fifty years ago, his peo- ple having been among the early settlers of that province. A. W. Eaughlin attended the ordinary country school until he came to Portia nd, about 1870, at the age of sixteen. After a year's at- tendance at the North School, he entered the High School, but left at the end of three months t o learn the printer's t r a d e . While serv- ing his ap- prentice- s h i p, he worked for George A. Jones & Company, job printers, and on the S u n d a y Star. Dur- ing the year and a half of his connec- tion with the Star office, he had Mondays to himself, in exchange for working Saturday nights, and on these Mondays he attended Gray's Business College and learned book- keeping. Upon finishing his ap- prenticeship, he accepted a position as bookkeeper with T. Eaughlin & Son, manufacturers of marine hard- ware, the firm being composed of I4-Q PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT his father and elder brother. He remained in this connection four years, acquiring a business educa- tion and training, and at the end of that time embraced an opportunity to buy an interest in a job-printing office, which he accomplished with- out outside aid, from earnings saved up to that time, and shortly after- wards he acquired the whole busi- ness. About this time, the suspen- sion of a w e e k 1 y paper that he had been p rinting for the publisher, left him with c o n- siderable newspaper printing material on h and, a con d i t i o n which first turned his attention to the news- paper field, and on Oc- tober 12, 1879, he star ted a penny daily, called the City Item, the size of the sheet being four- teen by nineteen inches. After run- ning it about two years, he sold out to a stock company, assuming the position of business manager and treasurer ; the paper was enlarged and continued until September, 1882, when it suspended publication. Having secured from the mortgagee of the old company a part of its materials and equipments, including a Cottrell & Babcock drum-cylinder A. W. LAUGHLIN. press, Mr. Laughlin issued on Octo- ber 12, 1882, the first number of the Evening Express, of which he re- mained editor and sole proprietor four years. During this period, the paper was enlarged several times, and became recognized as one of the established newspapers of the state. In June, 1886, Mr. Laughlin sold a half interest to the late William H. Smith, the firm name be c o m i n g Laughlin & Smith, and in October of the same year, the E ve n i n g Express Publish ing Company was formed, and incor- porated un- der the laws of Maine, with Mr. Smith a s pre si de nt, a n d M r. Laughlin as treasurer a n d busi- ness man- ager. After about a year Mr. Smith sold his in- terest and retired from the c o m- pany. Mr. Laughlin is a member and past grand of Unity Lodge of Odd Fel- lows, a Past Chancellor of Trinity Lodge, Knights of Pythias, a member of the Legion of Honor, president of the Portland Cadets' military organ- ization, and member of the Veteran Corps, being one of the "Champion Twenty-four" of 1875, who contested with the Montgomery Guards for the possession of the champion flag. He PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 141 was married January 1, 1880, to Miss Gertrude E. Knowltou, of Portland; they have three children, Ethel G., James K., and Thomas Earle Eaughlin. The Virgil Clavier School. The Virgil Clavier School was es- tablished in Portland in 1896, by Frank L. Ran kin, who for the past ten years has been prom- inent as a teacher of music i n this city. The school occup ie s the entire top floor of the Baxter M e m orial building, and is ac- cessible by eleva tor. The main recital hall has a seat- ing capa- city of two h u n d red . Here pub- lic recitals, open to pupils and their friends, are given ev- ery Thurs- day evening. Connected with this hall are the private instruction rooms. This school is but one of a large num- ber in successful operation in the principal cities of the United States and Europe. The Clavier method has been recognized as a most effi- cient one for teaching piano and organ. By the use of the clavier, the progress of pupils is much more rapid FRANK L. RANKIN. than by the old methods. The method educates particularly the sense of touch, bringing hand and mind into responsive sympathy. The use of the clavier is desirable for pu- pils who have a quick and accurate ear for music, for, although the prac- tice may be steady and continuous, there is no possibility of pupils being afflicted with what is known as the " t i r e d e a r . " When the clavier method was first introduced it was re- garded in- credulous- 1 y by many, but now all good teachers, in all the principal cities, have studied, and to a greater or less extent, teach the method . When i t was intro- duced i n Berlin, Germany, where the study o f music is conducted most scien- tifically, the favorable report of seven of Berlin's noted pianists, composing the committee chosen to investigate, was received in musical circles as standard authority. Among the noted pianists of the world who have also endorsed and practice the method are the following: Joseffy, Paderew- ski, Rive'-King, De Pachmann, Ma- son, Rosenthal and Von Biilow. In 142 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT appearance, the clavier resembles the old-fashioned spinet. It has several important attachments, one of them being an arrangement for increasing the strength of key action, whereby the force can be changed instantly from two ounces, suitable for the weak fingers of a child, to ten ounces, which is more than the strength of action of an ordinary piano. Even- n e s s of touch and te chnical accuracy, are taught on the clavier in much less time than upon the pi a no. This school has now about two hun- dred pu- pils, and it is a nota- ble fact that they acquire in a compar- a t i v e 1 y short time that mus- cular de- velop m ent and even- n e s s of touch that under the old meth- ods were not expect- ed of hard students before three years of persistent effort. HON. WESTON F. MILLIKEN. Hon. Weston F. Milliken. The collector of the port of Port- land, appointed last April by Presi- dent McKinley, was born in Minot, Androscoggin County, Maine, and has resided and done business in this municipality since 1856, during which time he has been closely iden- tified with its best interests. As the head of the largest wholesale grocery house in Maine, that of Milliken, Tomlinson Company, his business influence has extended throughout the entire state. After obtaining his education, Weston F. Milliken went to Boston, and engaged as a clerk. Two 3 r ears later he re- turned to his native town and engaged in business, coming to Po rtland forty- three years ago, a'nd be- coming as- sociated with the firm which i n 1879, deve 1 oped into the p re sent large cor- poration of which he has since been pres- ident. His name has for many years been c o u p 1 e d with about all the im- p o r t a n t public k en- terprises that have tended to benefit the city of his adoption, and he has gradually become connected with the management of a large number of corporations and institutions, includ- ing national and savings banks, building and loan associations, rail- way and steamboat companies, and electric light company. He has ever used his influence, which extends PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i43 from his large business interests throughout the state, towards the welfare of Portland, and is a valued member and former officer of the Portland Board of Trade. He has also taken a prominent part in public affairs, and represented this city in the state legislature in 1872-74, dur- ing which time he was chairman of the committee on banking affairs, and the commit- tee on fi- nance. His residence in this city has been pro- ductive of much bene- fit to his fellow citi- zens, and he is widely esteemed by all who know him. As collector of the port, he brings to the duties of the office marked ex- ecutive abil- ity. Clarence Hale. This well known resi- dent of Port- land, and leading cor- clarence hale. p oration lawyer of the state, is a brother of United States Senator Hale, and was born in Turner, Me., April 15, 1848. He spent his boyhood on the old place occupied by his grandfather, who was one of the pioneers of Turner, and which farm is still in the possession of the family. He was educated in the common schools of his native town, fitting for college in Norway, (Me.) Academy. He was graduated from Bowdoin College, with honors in oratory, in 1869. He commenced the study of law in the office of Hale & Emery, at Ellsworth, which firm was composed of his brother, the present senator, and Hon. E. A. Emery. He was admit- ted to the bar in October, 1870, and the following year began the practice of his profession in Portland, where he has since continued, and where he has built up a large and lucra- tive prac- tice. M r. Hale has for s e v e r a 1 years been an imp or- tant factor in local bus- iness and political af- fairs. H e was elected city solici- tor in 1879, which office he held for three years, conduct i ng many im- porta n t cases for the city. He represen ted Portland in the state legi s 1 a ture in 1S83-85, where he gained distinction from his activity on the floor of the house, and won the esteem of his colleagues by his sound judgment and ability there displayed. He is a strong Re- publican in politics, and has been an ardent worker for that party, partici- pating in every political campaign since 1872. He has become inter- ested in a large number of local enter- prises, and as director and trustee, is J 44 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT identified with the management of several corporations. He is also clerk of a large number of companies formed in the state, and his labors in his profession have included vastly important legal work. Mr. Hale possesses one of the largest private libraries in Maine, and has strong love for literary work. He is a mem- ber of the Maine Historical Society. He was married March i i, 1880, to M a r g a ret Rollins, daughter of Hon. Frank- lin J. Rol- lins, of Port- land, and has two children, Kathe r ine, born in 1884, and Robert Hale, born Hon. F. H. Harford. The judge of the mu- n i c i p a 1 court of South Port- land, Fred- e r i ck H. H a r f o r d , was born in Cape Eliza- beth, now the City of South Portland, in Decem- ber, 1850. He was educated in the public schools, afterwards taking an academic course, and fitted for col- lege with the late Prof. Hanson, of Waterville. He became active in public affairs early in life, and for four years served his county as one of its officers. He commenced to read law in the office of Clarence HON. F. H. HARFORD. Hale, and was admitted to the bar in 1 88 1. He, with his brother, was one of the founders of the Cape Eliz- abeth Sentinel, and for several years assisted in the editing of that paper. He finally sold out his interest in the Sentinel to his brother, and returned to the office of Clarence Hale and A. A. Strout, where he continued in the practice of his profession, remov- ing to his present of- fice, 3iy 2 Ex c h a n ge street, some ten years ago. Judge Harford has been a most i n t e r e s ted citizen of the Cape, and main- public im- proveme n ts are traced to his vigi- lance. He e n j o ys a large 1 a w practice and i s counsel for several laige con- cerns in and about the city. H e is a director in the Peo- ples Ferry Co., Island Ferry Co., and was one of the founders of the Casco Loan & Build- ing Association, and the South Port- land Loan and Building Association. Cullen C. Chapman. Cullen C. Chapman, the president of the Chapman National Bank, was born in Bethel, Oxford County, Me., December 27, 1833. He was the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i45 oldest son of the late Hon. Robert A. Chapman and Frances (Carter) Chap- man; his maternal grandfather, Dr. Timothy Carter, who emigrated to Bethel from Sutton, Mass., in 1799, was the first physician to settle in the town. Mr. Chapman was edu- cated at Gould's Academy, in Bethel, and Bridgton Academy, but was pre- vented by ill health from entering Yale College, for which he was pre- pared. After spending two years in his father 's country store, he came to Port- land, January 1 , 1856, and en- tered a flour and grain store, where he showed such marked business ability that in less than a year he be- came his em- ployer's partner, the firm becom- ing Butler & Chapman. Just before the panic of 1857, Mr. Chapman sold his interest to his partner, but in 1858 he again engaged in bus- iness, and in 1862, with the late E. A. Nor- ton, he estab- lished the firm of Norton, Chap- man & Co., which soon became one of the leading business houses in the state. Some years later, his younger brother, the late Charles J. Chapman, was admitted, and when Mr. Norton retired, Cullen C. Chapman became the head of the firm, which position he held until 1877, when he retired in order to attend to other interests. In the autumn of 1890, with his brothers, Charles J. and Robert Chap- man, he started the Chapman Bank- ing Co., the business of which firm developed so successfully, that it was deemed best to place it on a more permanent basis. Therefore, he, co- operating with his brothers, Hon. M. Stead- and many Chapman commenced Mr. Chap- CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. Seth L. Larrabee, E. man, B. M. Edwards, others, organized The National Bank, which business October 2, 1893, man being chosen president. Under its able and progressive management, the bank has made rapid progress, and attained a high standing among the finan cial institutions o f the state. Mr. Chapman is a public spirited man, and has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the city. He devoted almost his entire time for more than a year as chair- man of the build- ing committee, and contributed liberally to the erection of Wil- liston church, which has now become historic. He also erected and owns the Oxford Build- ing, one of the best business build- ings in the city, which he named for his native county of Oxford. His own residence at the corner of Spring and Thomas streets, which he built in 186S, is among the finest in the city. Mr. Chapman's first wife, Philophrene, daughter of Dr. John Grover, of Bethel, died December 17, 187 1, and in 1873 he married Mrs. Abbie Hart Mclntyre, a daughter of the late Hanson M. Hart, of this 146 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT city. They have had three children, Frances Louise, a graduate of Wel- lesley College, Florence Hart, who died in 1888, and Grace Carter, who is studying at Abbot Academy. Edwin F. Vose, M. D. Among the physicians of Portland, Edwin Faxon Vose occupies a prom- inent position. He was born, of Puritan ancestry, at Watertown, Mass., Oct. 17, 1850, and re- ceived his early education in the public schools, and at the Mas- sachusetts Agri- cultural College in the class of 1872. After a course of medi- cal study with his father, Dr. Henry C. Vose, he entered the medical depart- ment of Boston Universi t y, graduating from that institution in 1876. Before graduating, he served for a year as house sur- geon of the Massacku setts Homeopathic hospital. Upon receiving h i s diploma, he began the practice of his profession in partnership with Dr. Eliphalet Clark, in Portland, and in 1877, on the retirement of Dr. Clark, he took entire charge of a practice in which he has been eminently success- ful. He was president of the Maine State Homeoepathic Medical Society in 1895, and is a member of the Maine Academy of Medicine. In 1895, when the legislature passed the bill requiring all physicians practicing in the state to be registered or pass ex- EDWIN F. VOSE, M. D. animations, Dr. Vose was appointed by Governor Cleaves, a member of the examining board. He is prom- inently identified with fraternal so- cieties, being. past master of Portland Masonic lodge, past high priest of Mount Vernon chapter, Royal Arch Masons, past master of Portland council, Royal and Select Masters, past commander of Portland com- mandery, Knights Templar, member of the Maine Order of High Priest- hood, Maine Consist or>^ of thirty-s eco n d degree Masons, Aleppo Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, and the Royal Order of Scot- land. He is also a past grand of Hadattah lodge, I. O. O. F., has been a member of Una encampment, Bramhall lodge, K. of P., and of Samoset Tribe, I. O. R. M. He is a di- rector of the Falmouth Loan & Building Association, and an active member in the Maine Charitable Mechanics Association, Portland Club, and the Sodality of the Sons of the Revolution. Dr. Vose was married July 5, 1876, to Lizzie M. Begg, of Brooklyn, New York. They have two children, Eleanor Rae and Clifton Henry Vose. In politics Dr. Vose is a Republi- can, and has served the city many years as a member of the school board, and takes a deep interest in educational matters. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 147 Hon. George C. Hopkins. Among the best known attorneys of the state, is Hon. George C. Hop- kins, who has an office .on Exchange street, Portland. He was born in Mount Vernon, Me., Feb. 22, 1843, and received his education in the common schools and at Colby uni- versity, graduating from Colby in 1863. He began the stud}' of law at Augusta, with R. H. & G. C. Vose, and continued with J. O. A. Griffin, of Boston, where he was admitted to the bar. He began the practice of opening of the legislature in 1899, he took his seat as representative from Deering. The able manner in which he presided at various times in the absence of the speaker, has brought his name into prominence as a prob- able candidate for the speakership of the next house. George Libby. The attorney for Cumberland Coun- ty, George Libby, was born in Port- land, October 23, 1852, and is a son HON. GEO. C. HOPKINS. GEORGE LIBBY. law at Omaha, Neb., where he was admitted to practice in the district and circuit courts. After three years in Omaha, he came to Port- land, where he has since practiced. He has published two legal works, a digest of Maine reports, and the fourth edition of Oliver's Convey- ancing. Mr. Hopkins was city clerk of Portland in 1869. Some time af- terward he changed his residence to Woodfords, Deering, and during the first two years of Deering' s existence as a city, he was city solicitor. In 1896-97-98, he served as judge of Deering municipal court. At the of the late George Libby. .He was brought up on his father's farm in Deering, and was educated in the public schools in Westbrook and Deering, and attended the Westbrook Seminary and Gray's Commercial College. Although he has become a somewhat noted lawyer, it was not until after he had become married and gained a family of three chil- dren that he commenced the study of law. While a member of the board of selectmen of Deering, his duties necessitated his looking up matters of law, and his talent was discovered by others, who strongly advised him to 148 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT stud}' and practice. Among those who offered him an opportunity to read law, was Hon. Thomas B. Reed, in whose office he fitted himself for practice and was admitted to the bar in April, 1884. He commenced prac- tice and has continued with success, being appointed assistant county at- torney in 1885. This office he filled for two years, under County Attorney Seiders. In 1896, he was elected coun- ty attorney, and is now serving in that capacity. He is a direc- tor and attor- ney of the Fal- mouth Loan & Building Association, a Mason, Odd Fellow, mem- ber of the Knights o f Pythias and the Lincoln Club, the last of which he was president four years. He served three years in the board of selectmen of Deering from 1881. He owns a large farm of sixty acres in Deer- ing, and re- sides in Portland. His success is high- ly creditable to him, for in order to ac- quire his knowledge of law, before being admitted to the bar, he studied sixteen hours a day. Beside attend- ing to his duties as county attorney, he has a lucrative general law practice. H. W. SHAYLOR. H. W. Shaylor. H. W. Shaylor, since 1870 teacher of drawing and penmanship in the public schools of Portland, and author of the text-books on the so-called Shaylor system of penmanship, was born in Astabula, Ohio, fifty-four j^ears ago. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and at Kingsville Academy. From early boyhood he showed a marked talent for drawing, and in a log cabin school called "Jericho," Geneva, O., he took his first course in penmanshi p. His teacher was P. R. Spencer, the author of the world-famous 5 p e n c e rian system of penmanshi p, Mr. Shaylor' s aim was to fit himself for teaching, and when Bryant 6 S t r a tton began to es- tablish busi- ness colleges, he was en- gaged to teach pen- manship in the Bryant, S t r a tton & Gray busi- ness college, fou nded in Portland in 1864. In 1870, he was appointed teacher of drawing and penmanship in the public schools, retaining his connection with the college, however, teaching evening classes for about twenty-one years. In 1885, he pre- pared his first system of penmanship, called the "slant" system, which was published as the Harper Bros.' series of copy books. Within five years this series had attained a sale PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 149 of two million copies, and was more extensively used in New England than all other copy books. About three years ago, impressed with the advantages of vertical writing in the matter of legibility and speed, he prepared the now celebrated Shaylor system of vertical writing. The copy books are published by Ginu & Co., and have been extensively adopted by scho ols throughout the country. Mr. Shaylor's natural bent is toward the artistic, and in addition to the teaching of drawing in the public s c h o o Is, wherein the pupils have shown prog- ress excelled by very few large cities, he has done much sketch- ing, and has made innum- erable p i c- tures in oil and water colors. Mr. Shaylor is al- so author of the Normal series of draw- ing books, published by Silver, Bur- dette & Co. Mr. Shaylor was for- merly a member of the National Pen- manship Association, which was afterward merged into the Commer- cial College Association, and he therefore possesses a wide acquaint- ance among teachers of penmanship in the United States, in addition to the reputation he has achieved through the use of his text-books in schools. Among his most cherished treasures are the unsolicited testimo- nials from the teachers in Portland's public schools, as to his ability as a teacher of drawing and penmanship. And his pupils unite with the teachers in their expressions of confidence and esteem. Mr. Shaylor is a member of High St. Congregational church, and one of Portland's most valued citizens. Ira F. Clark & Co. C. E. REDLOIM. Condu ct- ing one of the largest and hands omest clothing and furnishing goods stores east of Bos- ton, under the above firm name, is Charles H. Redlon. He is known as one of the most energet- ic, industri- ous and suc- c e s s f u 1 of local m e r- chants, and h i s reputa- tion as a thor- oughly alive and progres- sive dealer has been just- ly attained. He first start- ed business just above the present location. When he contemplated fitting up his present store, he removed to a tem- porary location on Free street. The enlarging and remodeling of the pres- ent establishment, which comprises what was once two stores, with nota- ble enlargements, especially in the basement, which was enlarged to form the boys' and children's departments, showed marked enterprise on Mr. 150 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Recllon's part, the entire work being done at his own expense. The store, possessing two separate tile entrances, is one of the largest, airiest and best lighted in the state. A large and de- sirable stock of men's, youths', boys' and children's clothing, hats, caps and furnishings is carried, and the motto of the store is, "One Price and Spot Cash." There are fifteen clerks and bookkeeper and cashier, and the store always has the appearance of a lively business. The store is lighted by gas and electricity, and comprises 2,600 feet of floor surface, and the fixtures, shelving, sliding hat cases, cashier's and proprietor's private office are finished in oak. Mr. Redlon is a naturally good buyer and possesses the faculty of drawing trade and re- taining it at his store. He believes in a generous amount of printers' ink, and the public long since learned to place confidence in his advertising statements. Mr. Redlon was born in this city 34 years ago, and has resided here all his life. He is, therefore, well known. He has always shown an active interest in the welfare of Portland, and is an active member of the Portland Board of Trade. His notable business career and signal suc- cess have placed him in the front ranks of Maine retail merchants. He is a member of the Portland Athletic Club but has never become affiliated with outside business, or affairs which would prevent him from giving his entire and concentrated effort to his large and growing business; hence his success. L. A. Goudy. Closely identified with Portland's material prosperity, is Lewis A. Goudy. He is a native of Boothbay, Me., and was educated in the com- mon schools of that town, and the graded schools of Bath. In 1866, he entered the employ of the Maine Cen- tral Railroad at Bath, as clerk. After three years' service with the M. C. R. R., he became employed as general clerk and bookkeeper by Waldron & True, wholesale flour and grain deal- ers of Portland, with whom he re- mained from 1869 to 1 88 1. He then began the manufacture of biscuits and bakery products, in Portland, to which the manufacture of confection- ery was added in 1885, under the firm name of L. A. Goudy & Co. Subse- quently the business was consolidated with that of R. Kent & Son, and con- tinued under the name of Goudy & Kent, and which, in 1893, was made a corporation, with Mr. Goudy as president and general manager, the business increasing rapidly under his L A. GOUDY. management. After several years, Mr. Goudy severed his connection with the company, and became vice- president and foreign manager of the Anglo American Cuban Co., of Bos- ton, for which company he has spent several months in the West Indies, visiting all parts of Cuba, and secur- ing valuable options on properties for development in the future. Mr. Goudy's untiring energy and high executive ability make him a valuable citizen in a progressive community. He has ever identified himself with whatever would advance Portland's interests, having been vice-president PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 151 of the board of trade for several years. Among the companies organized through his assistance, may be men- tioned the Belknap Motor Co., Lake- side Press and Casco Paper Box Co. He gave largely of his time and money to the work of raising funds for the relief of the starving Cuban Reconcentradoes. He is now serving his second term as a member of the Portland city government, in which he is a firm and outspoken supporter of good municipal government. He is known as one who hates sham and hypocrisy, and in all his social and business relations he is the embodi- ment of the progressive spirit of the agre in which he lives. city government, a member of the common council in 1891-92-93, and of the board of aldermen in 1896-97. He was the youngest member of the board, and probably the youngest ever serving as alderman in the city. He won a good reputation for his bus- iness capacity and as an authority on parliamentary law. Dec. 30, 1895, he was appointed, by Gov. Cleaves, public administrator for the county of Cumberland, which office he still holds. He is treasurer and attorney for the Forest City Loan & Building Asso-, and is the present advocate of Portland Council, Knights of Colum- John B. Kehoe. One of the rising younger lawyers of Portland, is John Butterfield Ke- hoe. He is the son of Carroll Kehoe, a native of Perry, Me., and Johanna Kennedy, a native of Ireland, and was born in Portland, January 20, 1867. He was educated in Portland public schools, graduating from the high school in 1886. He then en- tered business college, graduating in the usual course. He then be- came a stenographer in the office of Drummond & Drummond. His al- most wonderful memory enabled him to remember the substance of opinions which he was called upon to write out, and in the course of time became so much interested that he desired to become a lawyer. He, therefore, commenced study, at the same time continuing to perform his duties as stenographer. He was admitted to the Cumberland bar, in 1894, passing an exceedingly creditable examina- tion. He immediately opened an office in the Danforth block, where he has since built up a successful practice and won considerable repu- tation as a jury lawyer. He has tak- en much interest in political matters, and after becoming of age, he was elected warden of his ward. He has since served in both branches of the JOHN B. KEHOE. bus. He was married in 1897, to Miss Lottie May Sturdivant, of East Deering. His industry, pluck, per- severance, and self-reliance are the foundations of his success. Samuel L. Bates. Prominent among the younger members of Cumberland bar, is Sam- uel L. Bates, who moved to Portland from Brooksville, Hancock County. He was born in Michigan, thirty- three years ago, but is really a Maine boy, as his family for several gener- ations have been residents of Brooks- ville. He was educated in the common 152 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT schools and at the state normal school at Castine. Mr. Bates was a poor boy and, during his school years, met his expenses by following the sea. He made a number of voyages, and was in merchant vessels, in all, six years. After graduating at the state normal school, he devoted several years to teaching in the common and high schools of this state, in Han- cock, Washington, Piscataquis and Knox counties. He began reading law in this city in the offices of John C. & F. H. Cobb, in 1S92, and was admitted to the bar two years later. While a law student, he did much A. M. Wentworth. This leading optician, who has a well furnished and equipped office at 546 1-2 Congress street, was born in Dover, N. H., and resided there un- til about twenty years of age. He received his education in the public schools of that city, and at Franklin Academy. He has resided in Port- land since 1873. Mr. Wentworth has made a deep and constant study of his profession, and is thoroughly versed in the science of optics, and S. L. BATES. newspaper work, and represented the Portland Argus, at Augusta, during a session of the legislature. He began the practice of law in this city in 1895, where he becomes better known each year, and now has a growing general practice. Mr. Bates is an in- terested worker in politics, and has several times filled places on the Democratic ticket. He is a present member of the Democratic city com- mittee, and is the chairman of the county committee. During each po- litical campaign, his services are enlisted as a speaker and writer. His office is at 45 Exchange street. A. M. WENTWORTH. has established an enviable reputa- tion as a painstaking, reliable and scientific optician. Mr. Wentworth has connected with his office a man- ufacturing department, where he grinds all of his own lenses and does all of his own mechanical work. He is a member of Atlantic Dodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and one of the organizers of the New England Opti- cal Association, and also a charter member of the American Association of Opticians. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Hon. M. P. Frank. Frederick S. Vaill. 153 This well known citizen of Port- land, and recent Democratic nominee for governor, was born in Gray, Me., December 29, 1S41. He obtained his education in the common schools and Maine State Seminary and L,ewiston Falls Academy, subsequently attend- ing and graduating at Tufts College. He commenced the study of law in the office of Shepley & Strout, and was admitted to practice in 1868, con- tinuing with success in this city, to the present time. He has for the past Among the most prominent and enterprising of our local real estate agents, is Frederick Sturtevant Vaill, whose trade-mark, the large red V, adorns a great many of Portland's vacant houses. He is a son of Cap- tain Edward E. Vaill, formerly of the United States navy, and Char- lotte F. Sturtevant, daughter of the late Captain Isaac F. Sturtevant, whose father, Isaac Sturtevant, of State street, is remembered by older citizens as being one of the most HON. M. P. FRANK. FRED'K S. VAILL. fourteen years been a member of the law firm of Frank & Darrabee. He has served two terms in the legisla- ture, one year as speaker, and in 1890 was the Democratic candidate for congress from this district. When speaker of the house in 1870, he enjoyed the distinction of being the only Democratic speaker chosen in sixty years. He is the present bail commissioner of the county, and is one of the trustees of Westbrook Seminary and the Pennell Institute at Gray. prosperous merchants of his day. He is also a lineal descendant of Captain Myles Standish of Pilgrim fame, and John and Priscilla Alden, and a member of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, Society of the Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution, and the cele- brated lodge of F. and A. M., Kane 454 of New York city, which num- bers among its members the Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., bishop of New York, and Hon. Chauncey M. Depew. 154 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Norton & Hall. Conducting a large and old estab- lished business under a comparative- ly new firm name, is the concern of Norton & Hall, whose quarters on the ground floor, 17 Exchange street, comprise one of the finest and busi- est offices in Portland. The firm was formed after the death of Augustus Champlin in 1897, to continue the fire insurance business formerly con- ducted by him, combining with the large marine insurance carried on by Mr. Hall. The individual members are Albert B. Hall, who for many state agents for the Fidelity & De- posit Co., of Maryland, one of the largest surety bond companies in the United States. Mr. Norton is spec- ial agent for Maine, New Hampseire and Vermont, of the North British & Mercantile Insurance Co., and Mr. Hall is attorney for the Portland Ma- rine Underwriters. Since forming the present firm, their prompt adjust- ment of all losses, with the high standing and wide circle of acquaint- ance of the members, have done much toward building up their business to its present proportions. While the firm have since added a few other R. S. NORTON. A. B. HALL. years had been identified with marine insurance, and the shipping interests of this port, and Ralph S. Norton, who, for several years was associated with Mr. Champlin. Norton & Hall started business with agencies of such companies as the North British & Mercantile Ins. Co., of London and Edinburgh, the Philadelphia Under- writers, and the Germania of New York, all of which are among the leading and most reliable companies of the world. Early in 1898, the firm added to their business that of Wil- liam F. Little, who has since been associated with them. The firm are companies to those above mentioned, they have shown a wise policy and thorough knowledge of their business by insuring property in a few desira- ble and safe ones, rather than in a large number, about whose strength there might be question. The mem- bers of the firm stand high in busi- ness circles. Mr. Hall is particularly well known in Portland, having al- ways resided here, and has for several years been a valued member of the school board, and one of the vice- presidents of the Portland Board of Trade. Both are substantial business PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i55 E. S. Fossett. One of the many esteemed citizens of Portland is E. S. Fossett, a resi- dent of Munjoy Hill, and proprietor of the Freeman Pharmacal Co. He was born in 1850, in Union, Me., where his father, George Fossett, eon- ducted a general store continuously for 57 years. He received a common school education and came to Port- land in 1872, obtaining employment with Shepard & Co., for whom he traveled on the road until 1880, when he accepted a position with Deering, Milliken & Co. In 1886, he obtained Union, and occasionally from abroad. In politics, Mr. Fossett is a Demo- crat, and has been honored by his party with nominations for both branches of the city government, and in 1885 was appointed deputy collect- or of internal revenue by President Cleveland, which honor he declined, in order to devote his time to mercan- tile business. He is a member of Iyigonia Lodge, I. O. O. F.; and the Pilgrim Fathers. Of the latter order he was for four years supreme direc- tor for Maine. He is a director of the Small Point Land Association. Mr. Fossett has been twice married, E. S. FOSSETT. a more lucrative position with Weil, Dreyfus & Co., of Boston, and in 1892 he severed his connection with that firm to become manager of the Freeman-Rice Medicine Co., of Port- land, the business of which he in- creased notably, purchased in 1894, and now conducts under the name of the Freeman Pharmacal Co. The principal goods manufactured are Dr. Freeman's balsam of fir wafers, toothache wax, and celery and caf- feine capsules. The demand for these ready selling and meritorious prepa- rations has increased until he is now filling orders from every state in the G. M. DONHAM. in 1870 to PhebeR. Hawes, deceased, and in 1893 to Mrs. Angela R. Pet- tengill. G. M. Donham. Probably one of the best known men in the state, is Grenville Mellen Don- ham, publisher of the Maine Regis- ter. He was born in Hebron, Me., Aug. 20, 1838, and was educated in the public schools, teaching school at the age of 15 years. In 1856, he re- moved to Turner, and fitted for col- lege at Turner High School and Hebron Academy . He was graduated 156 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT from Waterville, now Colby College, in 1865. After graduation, he be- came general agent for the Henry Bill Publishing Co., and in 1S70 acted as United States deputy marshal for taking the census of Turner. On coming to Portland in 1874, he be- came a member of the firm of Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, who published the Maine Register. In 1886, he became sole proprietor of this official year book, and has since devoted his ener- gies to its publ ica- tion. This book is a com p 1 e t e politic al m a n u a 1 and busi- ness direc- tory of Maine. It stands at the head of its class, and was the only state regis- ter receiv- ing a med- al at the World's Fair in 1893. Mr- Do n h a m has served as a mem- ber of the s c h o o 1 boards of MECHANICS HALL BUILDING, STORE OF CARTER BROS' CO. Turner and Portland. He is a member of Congress St. M. E. church, and for ten years has been superintendent of its Sunday-school. He is also a member of the Maine Beta of Phi Beta Kappa, Colby College. Mr. Don- ham was married, Oct. 28, 1874, to Annie Gregory Winterbotham, of Fredericton, N. B. Carter Bros. Co. 'Unquestioned reliability " is a term that can be applied as character- izing the concern of Carter Bros. Co., whose jewelry store is located in the historic Mechanics Hall block, at the corner of Congress and Casco streets. On Portland's main thor- oughfare, in the heart of the shop- ping district, this establishment is regarded as one of the landmarks of the Forest City. The business was started by A. Dunnyonin 1854. After the big fire in 1866, Mr. Dunnyon moved into the store in Mechanics Hall block, where he conducted a success- ful busi- ness until 1 872, when he was succeeded by the firm o f Carter Bros., the corapa ny comp ris- ing Abiel and J. W. D. Carter. In 1898, the senior m erabe r, Abiel Car- ter, died, and since that time J. W. D. and Willis E. Carter have composed the corpora- tion. This store is to the city of Port- land what Tiffany's is to New York. It is the largest and best jewelry estab- lishment in New England, east of Boston; it carries a large stock of diamonds, watches, jewelry, silver- ware, cut glass, etc., and has won a reputation which could be built up to its present standard only by years of strictly honest dealings with the buying public. Customers through- out the state have come to understand PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i57 INTERIOR, CARTER BROS. CO.S STORE. and rely upon the fact that whenever they make a purchase at this store, whether it be large or small, whether the purchase is made personally or otherwise, they get just what they pay for. This element of confidence shown by the public in a business firm, is not unique, but it is so un- common as to be worthy of note, in this case. Articles in gold, sterling silver, or cut glass, coming from the store of Carter Bros. Co., are regarded as correct for all occasions of import- ance in the highest social circles. A force of eight competent and court- eous clerks is employed in this store, and watch repairing and engraving receive the personal attention of ex- perts. The individual members of the firm occupy a prominent place in the jewelry trade of New England. They are expert judges of diamonds and other precious stones, and are personally popular with all their cus- tomers. In their business no detail, be it ever so small, is beneath their consideration, and no commission, however large and important, is be- yond the scope of their ability. The store of Carter Bros. Co., is one in which Portland people take pardon- able pride. Owen, Moore & Co. Owen, Moore & Co., established iu 1S74, importers, manufacturers, and wholesale and retail dealers in fancy goods, occupy the largest and best strictly fancy goods store in New England. Since the material en- largement of their quarters two years ago, the establishment covers 25,000 square feet of surface on one floor. The store, which extends back from the street to a depth of 200 feet, is thoroughly metropolitan in appear- ance, and its interior beauty and attractiveness make it one of the show places for strangers visiting the city: The business calls for the em- ployment of about 100 clerks. The present highly organized establish- ment is in marked contrast to the original store of the firm, which was opened on Congress street, a few blocks east of the present location, a quarter of a century ago. When the 158 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT erection of the block now occupied was contemplated by Gen. Neal Dow, the firm showed its good business foresight in arranging for a location on the ground floor of the building, which, although now situated in the heart of the shopping district, was then by many considered to be too far away from the center of trade. This concern is now a close stock company, the owners of which are the same as of the original firm. The) T are: George M. Moore, presi- dent, has some b e fame. The store is a model of mod- ern convenience, and possesses, among man}- other improvements, its own electric light and power plant. The throngs of customers which fre- quent this busy store speak signifi- cantly of the desirability of the stock carried, and of the popularity of the methods adopted as the policy of the management. Elinor S. Moody. are: who for time e n abroad, taking no active part in them an- agem en t; George C. O w e n , treasurer, and Albert G. Rollins, g eneral m a n ager. This con- cern, deal- i n g in draperies, lace cur- tains, pat- terns, and apparel for men, wom- en and children, carrying elinor s. moody. nothing but standard grades of goods and catering to a desirable trade constitu- ency, makes a specialty of high-class novelties, and the store has the rep- utation, which it fully deserves, of of never putting anything cheap or undesirable in quality before the public. Excellent taste in buying, and the ability to please and satisfy all patrons with regard to goods man- ufactured here, have earned for this concern widespread and well-merited In verifying: the statement that Portia n d possesses successful and active b u s i n e ss a of El- S. is in women sketch Miss inor Moody offered evidence. She was born in Scarboro, Maine, and r e c eived the advant- ages of a liberal ed- ucation , finish ing the same at the Gorham Normal School. She after- ward took the commercial course at Gray's Business College, and later took up the study of phonography, and hav- ing mastered that art, secured an ap- pointment as special court stenog- rapher, and for the past nine years has done expert work in both Cuih- berland and York counties. Her work has been of such a character as to earn for her the reputation of be- ing the ablest woman in her profes- sion in this state. In the summer of PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i59 1898, Miss Moody opened offices at 80 Exchange street, where, with Miss Edna Caswell as an assistant, she has since conducted a large shorthand school. In this school, although es- tablished but a few months, Miss Moody conducts an institution of great value, as many of the young men and women attend this school, each one receiving individual instruc- tion. All branches of office work are taught, and each student before grad- uating has had something of experi- ence in real office business. Miss Moody is also the selling agent for the Bar- lock typewriter for this state, in the sale of which estimable ma- chine she has made a progress in placing it in business offices, that would do credit to a dozen good sales- men. Miss Moody opened her pres- ent offices contrary to the advice and judgment of many of her friends, and with some misgivings on her own part; but in closing up the year, the result shows that their prognostica- tions were unnecessary, for in a few months she has taken a prominent position in business circles, and has won the admiration of her friends, and the good- will of the community. From girlhood she has been a hard student, entering thoroughly into whatever she has undertaken. She understands her own business capa- city and displays rare discerning ability and native shrewdness. High- ly proficient in music, having taken a four years' course with one of New England's best masters, she, five years ago, passed examinations and was elected to the faculty of a young men college in Ohio, as teacher of music. Miss Moody has also taken the civil service examination, and has been offered three high salaried gov- ernment positions at Washington. She has recently received a flattering offer to become confidential clerk to a prominent law firm in New York city, but she prefers to keep her home and business in Maine. Miss Moody has done quite a little in real estate and owns several fine houses. Portland Trust Company. The Portland Trust Company, the oldest and largest trust company in the State of Maine, was organized in 1885, and began business in January of that year. The authorized capital is $1,000,000, of which $200,000 has been paid in, in cash. By its charter, the company is required to keep a reserve of 15 per cent, of its demand deposits, the same as that of national banks. Like the latter, too, its stock- holders are subject to a double liabil- ity on their stock, and the company to examinations by the bank exam- iner. During the past fourteen years, this company has accumulated, after paying expenses, and dividends amounting to $99,000, and charging off all bad debts, a surplus of $135,000. The capital is wholly invested in United States four per cent, bonds, and the deposits are now $1,200,000. Beside its usual banking and trust company business, of receiving de- posits and loaning money, this bank makes a special feature of the pur- chase and sale of first-class invest- ment securities, suitable for trust funds, savings banks, and private in- vestors. All bonds sold by it have passed through the panics of recent years, including those of 1890 and 1893, without any loss to its custom- ers, showing the care and conserva- tism exercised by the management. In January, 1898, the trust company leased, on long time and favorable terms, the vaults and business of the Portland Safe Deposit Company, and moved its banking rooms to 89 Ex- change street, Portland Savings Bank building, thus connecting with the premises of the Safe Deposit Company. The Trust Company thereby secured larger and better offices, and offers its patrons and the public, safes in the best equipped and most thoroughly constructed safe deposit vaults in Maine. The location is the most central and convenient in Portland, and every safeguard is used for the protection of safe renters. The com- i6o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT pany employs two watchmen at night, and three persons are in constant at- tendance by day, in the safe deposit department. The banking rooms were attractively and thoroughly fitted up in cherry, with oxydized brass grill work, the floor being mo- saic. The vSafe Deposit Company completely refitted its quarters when the new vault was built. The Port- street to each department, that the utmost privacy is given to all renters of safes in the safe deposit vaults, and, as the rooms are directly con- nected with each other, the custom- ers of either department can transact all of their business without leaving the building. The officers of the Portland Trust Company are : Wil- liam G. Davis, president ; James P. INTERIOR, BANKING DEPARTMENT, PORTLAND TRUST CO. land Safe Deposit Company is the oldest and largest in the city and state; and recently erected a thor- oughly modern and capacious vault to take the place of the old one, which had been in use for twenty-two years. Every facility is afforded the custom- ers of both institutions for transacting any business of a financial nature, under one roof. The arrangement is such, by separate entrances from the Baxter, vice-president; Harry Butler, treasurer; Joshua C. Libby, assistant treasurer; board of trustees, William G. Davis, James P. Baxter, Charles F. Dibby, William W. Brown, David W. Snow, Aug. R. Wright, Sidney W. Thaxter, Franklin R. Barrett, Frederick Robie, A. H. Walker, Charles O. Bancroft, Weston F. Milliken, Walter G. Davis, Harry Butler. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 161 Merchants National Bank. This bank was founded as far back as 1825, when it was incorporated as a state bank, under the name of Mer- chants Bank. Its promoters com- prised well known business men of that period, and during itsextended history the institution has ever been conduct- ed under a careful and conservative manage- in e u t. The bank passed through the trying panic of 1837, and from the first the institu- tion be- came a sue cess- ful under- taking. In 1865, the bank became national - ized un- der the national banking system, and then the name of the institu- tion was changed to the Mer- chants National Bank, under which it has since been conducted with increasing successeveryyear. The location of the bank has always been at 34 Exchange street, the second floor of the first building erected by the bank being rented to the old Natural History So- ciety. This noted building was de- stroyed by the great Portland fire in 1866, and is remembered by older resi- MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, 34 EXCHANGE STREET. dents of Portland as the only building built of iron and brick in the city. Up to the time of the fire, this structure was considered absolutely fire-proof. After its destruction, the present sub- stantial Merchants Bank building on Exchange street was erected on the same ground by the bank, and since its completion, the ground floor has furnished excellent quarters for the transac- tion of the busi- n e s s of the insti- tution, the upper stories bei n g rented for offices. At the time of its conver- sion into a nation- al bank, there were un- divided profits of $27,000, which amount has slow- 1 y in- creased to $266,- 000, its p r e s e nt s urplus and un- divided profits. Its capital stock has always been $300,000, and its deposits are $900,000. The first president of the institution was Isaac Adams; he was followed by William Woodbury, who in turn was succeeded by Rensellaer Cram; Jacob McL,ellan was the next president, and was in order replaced by George S. Hunt. In 1896, the present incumbent, Hon. James P. l62 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Baxter, for several years previous one of the directors, was chosen pres- ident. While the presidents of the bank have all been able financiers, the cashiers of the institution have contributed largely to the successful record made. The cashiers in order, are as follows: John Oxuard, Wil- liam Woodbury, Reuben Mitchell, Charles Oxnard, Charles Pay son, Joseph E. Oilman, and Charles O. Bancroft, the last of whom has been cashier since 1893, and has been con- nected with the bank for the past thirty years. The invest- ments of the bank have been made in the pa- per of local bus- i 11 e s s houses. The present management of the bank is com- posed of the fol- lowing officers and directors : James P. Bax- ter, president; Charles S . Fobes, vice- president; CO. Bancroft, cash- ier; directors, James P. Bax- ter, William R. Wood, Wood- bury S. Dana, Charles S. Fobes, George Burnham, Jr., Arthur K. Hunt and J. W. Tabor. F. H. NUNNS. New Falmouth Hotel. In this large hotel, Portland pos- sesses one of the finest of modern equipped hostelries in New England. It was in June, 1S68, that this mag- nificent structure was built, by the Hon. J. B. Brown, in fulfilment of his promise to the members of the board of trade to build a hotel that should be an honor to this city. The Falmouth, possessing all the accom- modations of the larger hotels of Boston and New York, stands as a fitting monument to Mr. Brown, in this his last demonstration of public spirit. The hotel, as at present con- ducted, has been presided over by F. H. Nunns since Aug. 22, 1898. Mr. Nunns, it may be said, has rev- olutionized the hotel business in Port- land since that time. His extended experience at the Astor House and the Union Square Hotel, New York City, Flagler hotels, Florida, Young's Hotel, Adams House, Quincy House and Nottingham Hotel, Boston, The Wellington of Chicago, the last of which he was manager, in addition to hav- ing for seven- teen years been proprietor of a leading summer hotel on the M assachusetts north shore, en- abled him to conceive the only plan upon which the Fal- mouth could be satisfactorily and successfully conducted; that was by remodeling, replumbing, equipping the hotel entire, after which was done, to conduct the house on the up-to-date metropolitan plan. That this was done, was easily dis- covered at the opening of the hotel. The house was newly, handsomely, and in many rooms, palatially fur- nished throughout, the furniture being made to order for the 225 rooms. On the main floor, the office with marble tile floor, has the aspect of a modern first-class hotel. There is a telegraph office, news-stand, public PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 163 164 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT stenographer, telephone station, bar- ber shop, billiard hall and sample rooms for traveling salesmen . Neatly uniformed bell-boys and porters run hither and thither, and the clerks are active in assigning rooms and looking after the comfort of guests. Entrance to the hotel is gained by passing through a lengthy corridor, fitted with luxurious easy chairs uphol- stered in leather. Numerous palms and ferns and many valuable pictures make the corridor attractive. It is in the evening that the hotel shows to best advantage, the house being lighted brilliantly from its own elec- tric lighting plant. On the first floor also, with windows facing Middle street, is a writing-room fitted with Davenport individual writing desks of solid mahogany, beside numerous chairs upholstered in leather. Tak- ing the new elevator to the second floor, the large and palatial parlors are reached. There are large double parlors, reception rooms, blue room, Maine room, whist room and ban- quet hall. On this floor is the state- ly dining-hall, near which are com- modious, yet dainty private dining- rooms. The dining-hall is of the colonial style of grandeur. Large pillars support the newly decorated and unusually high studded ceiling. A large balcony on the left accom- modates either orchestra or specta- tors, or both. The room is adorned with tropical plants, and is one of the most attractive ever entered by a hungry guest. The cuisine is under the charge of a competent steward, and well paid chefs prepare the food served by intelligent waiters. The kitchen has been enlarged and is now one of the finest in the country; a new brick and cement flooring and heavy iron arches, make the room thoroughly fire-proof, while no smell of cooking can pervade the house. The rooms occupied by guests, are, many of them, en suite, with private baths. These baths are equipped with the newest open plumbing and are luxurious in themselves. The The hotel, since conducted by Land- lord Nunns, has given Portland a high reputation for travelers' accom- modation, and the house has many permanent guests. The hotel is con- ducted on the American plan, and is situated facing on Middle street in the heart of the city, electric cars passing the entrance every few minutes. Union Station Dining - and Lunch Room. This depot restaurant is properly called the finest in the State of Maine, and does much toward holding the reputation of the state for unexcelled food sendee. This is but one of the railroad restaurants operated by the Elmer F. Woodbury Hotel & Res- taurant Co., others being conducted at Brunswick, Bartlett, Mount Desert Ferry and Vanceboro; also the Jeffer- son Restaurant, 247 Middle street, Portland; Cafe Morton, 489 Con- gress street, and Old Orchard Pier Restaurant, and Cape Cottage Casino Cafe. The restaurant, of which the attractive interior is here shown, is the largest of these, and is open day and night, and during the summer months over a thousand a day patron- ize it. The large main dining-room, off from w r hich is a dainty room for the use of private parties, is finished in quartered oak. The snow white linen and attractively spread tables, are temptingly suggestive to the tired traveler, of a carefully prepared meal served almost instantly, and with the large force of experienced chefs and waiters, a small army can be served in a very few minutes. A large and beautiful marble and tile soda foun- tain, lunch counters, extending the wmole length on both sides of the hall, candy, fruit and cigar counters, all come in for a share of the atten- tion of the visitor. The dining-room is decorated with palms, and over the cashier's desk is a perfect specimen of buck deer, standing among small small pine trees. The head of a PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 165 large moose presented to Mr. Wood- bury by his friends, also adorns the walls. The manager is a native of South Paris, his father and grand- father before him having been en- gaged in the hotel business. He has been engaged in nothing else since he concluded a practical education in the public schools. He began by taking the restaurant at the depot in Brunswick, and has gradually built up his present business, now the largest in his line in the state. He is largely interested in the West End Hotel sta- bles, located nearly opposite the union station, and is also the owner of the Morton Bon Bon Co., which ope- rates a store on Congress street, the finest establishment for the dispens- ing of toothsome delicacies in the city. The chocolates and bonbons made there, are fully as dainty and luscious as those made by Huyler, and the goods are as popular. In this new venture of Mr. Woodbury's, noth- ing is spared to make the place the ELMER F. WOODBURY. most elaborately fitted and attractive in modern times. The upper floor is completely remodeled into refreshment parlors, there being a Turkish room, green room, gold room and silver room, all of which are marvels of splendor. INTERIOR UNION STATION CAFE. 1 66 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT INCANDESCENT ROOM, CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Consolidated Electric Light Co. Maintaining a plant, the capacity of w h ich is 2500 horse power, is the above com- pany who fur- nish elec- tric light to the City of Port- land. The c o m - pan y was organ - ized in 1883, has a charter for fur- nishing light a n d power a n y - w here in Cum- berland County, and the i r plant in this city on Plum street, has cost over $600,- 000. The c o m - p any n o w 400 arc furnishes the public with lights, 150 incandescent arc lamps, 14,000 incandescent lights, 750 lights ARC ROOM, CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 167 i68 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT at the casino, theater and cafe at Cape Elizabeth, beside providing motive power for manufacturing and other purposes. The corporation has in use at the present time about 300 miles of wire, in and about this city. The company employ forty hands; their pay-roll is $25,000 annually, which, with the $35,000 paid out in this city for supplies, shows an annual disbursement of $60,000. The plant comprises one of the largest and finest equipped in New England, and the capital stock of the company is $500,000. The officers are as follows: Weston F.Milliken, Pres.; William R. Wood, Treas.; George. E. Raymond, Mngr., and H. B. Chandler, Supt. Maine & New Hampshire Granite Company. Standing at the head of the most extensive and valuable granite quar- ries of the world, are those of the Maine & New Hampshire Granite Co. , who have office headquarters in the Baxter Building, Portland, and whose extensive building operations add fame to the Pine Tree State. At their quarries at North Jay, Maine, and Redstone, New Hampshire, the latter being situated at the base of the White Mountains, the company have a com- bined capacity for producing 6,000 tons of rock daily. This consists of monumental, building work, paving and crushed rock, etc. When running to their full capacity, 2,000 men are employed. The company have oper- ated the same quarries continuously for many years, and the product com- prises respectively, red, green and white granite, of a superior quality, declared unsurpassed, from its pecu- liar freedom from iron-rust and the blemishes common to ordinary gran- ites. Their quarries and extensive workshops comprise one of the largest manufacturing plants in Maine, con- nected with which, the company pro- vide dwelling houses, halls, stores and everything necessary to the needs of the employees and their families. The best of harmony has always existed between the company and its work- men, who are treated with even- con- sideration for their comfort and rights. The reputation of the concern extends all over the country, and to a great extent to Europe; and it is doubtful if residents of Portland are fully aware of the magnitude of the building oper- ations of this company, who merely maintain large offices in this city. It may be said that although two-thirds of the force, about 1,200 men, are em- ployed in this state, that the work of the concern is better known in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and the larger cities of the country than here. Among the extensive buildings con- structed by them from their granite, may be mentioned the following: The L. Z. Leiter Block, Chicago; Bowling Green Building, Lower Broadway, New York; The Smith Memorial, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia; Grant Monument, Riverside Park, New York; R. G. Dun Building, Lower Broadway, New York; Northern Un- ion Station, Boston & Maine R. R., Boston, and the handsome union sta- tion in this city. A conception of the massiveness of some of these struc- tures is gleaned, when it is stated that the Grant monument is 100 feet square, its height from base line to top of me- morial being 160 feet, or nearly 300 feet from the water level of the Hudson River. The great Smith Memorial Building, now being completed by the company, contains 1,530,000 pounds of granite. The company has at this writing over $1,000, 000 worth of work in hand. The accompanying views of the quarries and workshops, give but a limited idea of their magnitude. The massive buildings, built in the most substantial up-to-date manner, will, however, always show the best product of the granite of the states of Maine and New Hampshire, and the work of their most skilful artisans in the building line. The officers of the company are as follows: Ara Cushman, Pres.; Payson Tucker, Treas., and J. P. Murphy, Gen'l Supt. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 169 N QUARRIES AND WORKSHOPS OF MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANITE CO. 170 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT A. S. Hinds. The proprietor of the toilet article, " Hinds Honey and Almond Cream," A. S. Hinds, was born in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Me., in 1844. Soon after his birth, his parents re- moved to Dixfield, where he spent his boyhood and obtained his education. He came to Portland at eighteen years of age, and first became a clerk in the drugstore of H. H. Hay & Co. He afterwards secured a more lucrative posi- tion with Thom- as I. Loring. After remaining with him for a period of five years, in 1870, he engaged in business for him- self , by purchas- ing a drug store under the Preble House. It was in response to the call of cus- tomers, even be- fore he became a proprietor of a store, for some- thing similar to h i s renowned preparation for the skin, that he set about to put up an article to meet that de- mand. At that time there was no preparation on the market but what was either sticky or greasy when applied to the skin; and when, therefore, after years of patient study and experimenting, he perfect- ed the formula for a smooth, cleanly and pleasantly applied article, his success in life, unknown to him, became assured. Now, in his private office, at his large laboratory in this city, he keeps as a trophy the egg- beater with which he mixed up his first quantities of Hinds Honey and a. s. HINDS. Almond Cream, as now on the market. From under the Preble House, Mr. Hinds removed his busi- ness to the corner of Pine and Brack- ett streets, which store he sold out in 1889, removing to his present loca- tion at the corner of Pine and Clark streets, which property he purchased at that time. The building was en- tirely remodeled and, two years later, the area of the laboratory was enlarged by building a two and a half story ad- dition. Ten hands are now given employ- ment. It was in 1883 that his now celebrated preparation be- gan to attract attention o u t- side this city; and although he has no traveling men and spends no money scarce- ly in newspaper advertising, his preparation, be- ing the first of its kind on the market, and fil- ling a long felt want, has sold itself on its own merits. It is doubtful if there is any state in the union where the article is not in constant de- mand ; while its good qualities as a toilet article for all ordinary skin troub- les, has been as completely discovered in South Africa, as the diamond fields there. Mr. Hinds has agencies in South America, Hawaiian Islands, Australia, London and Montreal, and maintains a branch laboratory at the latter place. He also ships regularly in large quantities to South Africa and other parts of the globe. His success in putting this toilet article, his principal stock in trade, on the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Finishing: Room. Packing Room. Laboratory. Office. Residence. Finishing Room. LABORATORY AND RESIDENCE, A. S. HINDS. 172 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT market of the world, with little or no advertising or solicitation of business, speaks wonders for his goods and business sagacity. Having resided in this city for nearly thirty years, he is a well known and esteemed citizen of the community. Some two years ago, he erected his present handsome brick residence on West street. He has four children, his oldest, Albert Henry Hinds, now compiling the genealogy of the Hinds family, being associated with him at the laboratory. Mr. Hinds is a thirty-second degree Mason and member of Aleppo Tem- ple, Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Portland Club, Port- was founded in 1858, and has grown to one of the largest in the Union, the firm conducting a large factory situ- ated on Munjoy, Beckett and Wilson streets, and a commodious office and salesroom extending from 106 to 112 Commercial street, in this city. The original firm was composed of S. W. Wilson and Henry H. Burgess, who began grinding lead in a deserted of which stands the In 1 86 1, Mr. Wilson to the elder brother and the firm name was changed from Wilson & Burgess to Burgess Bros. & Co. Two years later, Charles S. Fobes, the present barn on the site present factory, sold his interest of Mr. Burgess, FACTORY, BURGESS, FOBES 4 CO. land Athletic Club, Venerable Cunner Association, Executive Committee Asso., Portland Board of Trade, Port- land Natural History Society, Pro- prietary Association of America, and other organizations. He was one of the founders and, since its organiza- tion, has been president of the Casco Paper Box Co., of Portland, and is one of the trustees of the Mercantile Trust Co., of this city. Burgess, Fobes & Co. This old established firm are large manufacturers and wholesale dealers in paints and japans. The business head of the firm, came into the con- cern with H. H. Burgess, when the firm became thereafter known as Burgess, Fobes & Co. In 1867, Me- ander W. Fobes, younger brother of Charles S. Fobes, was admitted to partnership. In 1872, after twenty- seven years' active service in the firm, Mr. Burgess died, his interest being purchased by the surviving partners. Having been possessed of able management from the start, so many years ago, the business has naturally grown steadily and rapidly. From a small drug store where paints and oils were carried, the business developed into a large, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i73 CHARLES S. FOBES. exclusive paint establishment ; the concern in its early existence being among the first to see the opportunity for an opening for a store in this vicinity, entirely devoted to the sale of si Kr n ■ in mi «_-_. ffftffigffitt-; SALESROOM, BURGESS, FOBES &. CO. LEANDER W. FOBES. paints. The paint ground at the fac- tory as first operated, was for the small store then conducted. The factory, now many times larger, turns out a million pounds a year, and uses in the manufacture of their goods, con- sidered the standard of high quality in trade, 3,600 barrels of oil, annually. The factory shown in accompanying en- graving, is a large two-story structure, with a frontage on Wilson street, of 75 feet. Between thirty and fort}' stone and iron mills are re- quired at the works, for grinding domes- tic corroded lead, the material used in the manufacture of their celebrated goods. The most improved machinery is used and the fac- tory is equipped with all labor-saving appliances, many of the machines used 174 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT being designed by the members of the firm, both of whom are abreast of the times and equal to the sharp compe- tition of the present day. The plant is equipped with a sixty-five horse power engine, and an artesian well, which is sunk to the depth of 300 feet, and from which is procured daily 1 ,000 gallons of the coolest and purest water. The goods made a specialty of by the firm, in the sale and manu- facture of which they have won a well merited reputation, are as fol- lows: Burgess, Fobes & Co.'s pure lead, Portland liquid paints, Port- land fine colors in oil, and Portland coach colors in Japan. cinity. The first goods turned out by the concern were made in a small foundry at the corner of Fore and Cross streets, where the business was established in 1877. The popularity of the goods soon made it necessary for the company to seek larger quar- ters, in order to increase the capacity of the works, and the present location was chosen. Since the removal, fur- ther enlargements have been made, until the plant is now one of the most complete and best adapted for the business in New England. The company has every facility and ad- vantage for manufacturing all their different lines of goods, and the busi- WORKS, PORTLAND STOVE FOUNDRY CO. Portland Stove Foundry Co. The works of this company com- prise the two squares between Pearl and Chestnut streets, fronting on Kennebec street and extending in the rear to Somerset street, on which is located the tracks of the Portland & Rochester R. R. The company makes stoves, ranges, furnaces and heaters, under the distinctive name "Atlantic." The goods are well known to the large trade they supply, and are fully appreciated and very extensively used in Portland and vi- ness is increasing rapidly. The prod- uct is made from the raw material, with the utmost attention to perfec- tion in quality and finish. The pat- terns and models are all made by the company's designers. Their cooking ranges have won fame and reputation everywhere. All styles and sizes are fully warranted. The company's retail ware-rooms, adjoining the fac- tory, afford the opportunity to pur- chase thoroughly reliable stoves and heaters of the highest grade, and to supply the parts of any made by them within the past twenty-five years, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i75 without loss of time, or payment of express charges. In the matter of repairs alone, therefore, there is a great saving to the purchaser of these excellent home-made stoves. Heat- ing stoves of artistic merit, as well as of great heating capacity, are includ- ed in the large variety of goods made here and sold both at wholesale and retail, and are warranted to give the best of satisfaction. The company makes and supplies heaters for church- es, schools, stores, residences and public buildings, designed to burn either coal or wood. The furnaces kind in the state, affording employ- ment to nearly 100 men. The exec- utive officers are, F. M. L,awrence, president and manager, and Arthur P. Howard, secretary and treasurer. All are invited to visit the works be- tween the hours of 2.30 and 3.30, when the molten iron is daily drawn from the immense cupola furnace and poured into the molds. A trip to this model establishment will richly repay visitors, who upon application at the office, will be furnished an escort through the works. WORKS, PORTLAND STONEWARE CO. made by this company have improve- ments and conveniences not found on others, which make them especially desirable. Estimates are furnished on application, without charge. A combination hot water and hot air heater known as the "Atlantic Com- bination Ventilating Heater," has no equal at the present day. For the manufacture of high grade cooking and heating apparatus, this company has indeed earned and achieved a reputation which brings no small credit to Portland. It is the largest manufacturing: establishment of the Portland Stoneware Co. This local manufacturing concern has developed into one of the largest of its kind in the United States. The goods manufactured, comprise all kinds of drain-pipe, vitrified brick, locomotive brick and garden urns, the latter in endless variety. To the large plant, important additions have been made every year, and 40,000 tons of clay are annually used, and 200 hands are given employment. About ten acres of ground space are occupied. Spur tracks from the 176 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 177 Portland & Rochester R. R. extend through the plant, and an average of six car-loads is the daily shipment of the company to all parts of the United States. It is estimated that over 100 miles of drain-pipe are kept in stock, comprising all 'the different sizes, from a small two-inch pipe, two and one-half feet long, weighing ten pounds, to the thirty-inch pipe, weighing 660 pounds. The clay comes direct from New York and New Jersey, and a large amount of native blue clay is used. The w T orks are admirably fitted for turning out the largest orders, and the reputation of the concern has placed the com- pany well in the front ranks in its line in the country. In addition to large, new brick buildings, the plant possesses tw r enty-four kilns, which are located outside the main shops. Every kiln has a capacity for holding six car-loads of pipe, and in these mammoth ovens the clay is burned into the finished product. The com- pany is fully equipped for supplying the largest contracts, and many orders as large as 200,000 feet have been filled and shipped to New Eng- land points. Besides manufacturing brick for every conceivable kind of fire-box, from the linings of small cook stoves to the largest fire-boxes of modern locomotives, the concern, in recent years, has turned out in large quantities the new vitrified brick for paving, which has an ad- vantage over granite blocks, being smoother and easier to ride over; this new brick is now being exten- sively used and turned out. These bricks are made from a specially pre- pared clay, and fifty-four bricks a minute are pressed in the large ma- chines. In the manufacture of gar- den urns, made in artistic and varied patterns, for both public and private grounds, the company have a large output. This important industry adds much to the reputation of Port- land as a manufacturing center. The proprietors of the company are Wins- low & Co., of which E. B. Winslow, of Portland, is the head, and to whose executive ability the marked growth of the business, and the di- versity of its products as now yielded, are due. Delano Planing Mill Co. This large concern, manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of lumber and house finish, was founded some forty years ago, and ever since has supplied contractors and builders with the material in their line. The mills, where thirty hands are given regular and remunerative employment, are located numbers 482-488 Fore street, and, having almost doubled in the amount of business done in the past six years, are among the larger con- cerns in their line in the State of Maine. The planing mills contain all the facilities for the speed}* con- version of raw lumber into the vari- ous kinds of material used for all wood building purposes. Kiln-dried hardwood flooring, stair and cabinet work, sawing, planing and turning are done to order, in the shortest possible time consistent with first- class work. The customers of these mills, views of both the exterior and interior of which are shown, com- prise mostly local contractors, and the reputation of the mills among their customers has ever been the highest. A good class of w r orkmen is em- ployed. The officers of the present concern, which is incorporated, are W. F. Wadsworth, president and manager; Frederick C. Dudley, treasurer. The present manager, W. F. Wadsworth, has success- fully piloted the affairs of the com- pany for the past six years. He has been associated with the concern for the past seven years and, being a skilled mechanic, intelligently pro- vides for the varied wants of the trade. He is well known in Port- land, having resided and been asso- ciated with his present line of business for the past fifteen years, and possessed a five years' experience i 7 8 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i -i VIEW SHOWING DELANO PLANING MILLS. in the same line previous to coming to product expedites the completion of this city. These busy and noisy mills the many houses and buildings con- add to the importance of Portland as tinuously being erected in this com- a manufacturing center, and their munity. MAIN FLOOR, DELANO PLANING MILLS. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 179 R. K. Gatley. This well known citizen is a prom- inent member and a past department commander of the G. A. R. He was born in England, and has resided in the United States since 1849, at which time he went to Manchester, N. H. He afterwards removed to Concord, N. H., and while there became fore- man of "Concord Two," a company connected with the fire department. When the war broke out, he enlisted in the service, eighty members of the fire company going with him. After the great Portland fire, he came to especially prominent and popular in the Grand Army, Mr. Gatley is a Knight Templar Mason and life mem- ber of Portland Commandery. He is also a Red Man and Odd Fellow. He was one of the originators of the Port- land and Casco Building & Loan Association. C. H. Crocker Company. This heating concern conducts bus- iness in a three story brick building, at 40-42 Preble street. While stoves, kitchen furnishings, steamboat and hotel supplies are kept in great R. K. GATLEY. this city and became a member of the old plastering firm of Gatley, Sheri- dan & Griffiths, which concern also did much concrete walk making. In 1869, the firm dissolved, and Mr. Gatley opened his present establish- ment, 59 and 61 Union street, where he has since remained and conducted a successful business for thirty years. He is a plasterer, stucco and mastic worker, beside doing whitening, whitewashing, coloring and cement- ing on a large scale, employing sev- eral men the year round. Although not a sculptor, he makes reproductions of busts and casts. Beside being C. H. CROCKER. variety, the corporation make a spec- ialty of heating houses and buildings by steam, hot water and hot air. It is here that the Crocker Waste Heat Radiator is made. This invention, on which C. H. Crocker has secured patents, has already introduced itself in several Portland homes. It is made in one size, and similar in ap- pearance to any modern style of radi- ator. It acts as a ventilator and air purifier as well. This radiator heats a hall or room by the means of heat that would otherwise go up chimney. The plan of the inventor in attaching a radiator to the pipe extending from i8o PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT the heater to the chimney, immedi- ately commends itself to those who live in a poorly heated house. This radiator is made at the C. H. Crocker Company's workshop, on the second floor of the building. Mr. Crocker is a native of Gray, but has resided in Portland for twenty years past. He has been engaged in the plumb- ing and heating business for fifteen years, and is a member of the Mason- ic fraternity and the Knights of Pyth- ias, and is one of Portland's best known and popular business men. John P. Lovell Arms Co. Perhaps be- cause Portland is a natural start- ing point for hunting and fish- ing expeditions in the State of Maine, but more through the ch arac t eristic enterprise o f Colonel Benja- min S. Lovell, was the now thriving sport- ing goods store of the John P. Lovell Arms Company in this city, estab- lished. It was with seeming confidence that the store would be supported, that he fitted up one-half of the present establishment 180 Middle street, now the largest in its line of any store in the state, open- ing the same May 16, 1894, and plac- ing in charge the present local man- ager, Warren H. Chase. The fact that the following year the adjoining store, 182 Middle street, was added, the partition between being removed to form the present commodious doub- le store, snowed that the colonel's confidence in Portland patronage was COL. BENJ. Pres. John P. L not overestimated. Since the store was first opened for business, the trade has been on the steady increase. The source of supply of this busy store is practically unlimited, for it is a well known fact that The John P. Lovell Arms Company is the oldest concern in New England; and it is safe to assume that, without counting their various branch stores, the main establishment, 163-165 Washington street, Boston, where the whole build- ing of six stories is occupied, com- prises thelargest and handsomest store in its line in the United States. The business was es- tablished in 1840 bv the late John P. Lovell, and for years was conducted on Washington street, at the foot of Cornhill, Boston. Not- w i t h s t a n ding that the concern acquired every available foot of additional room, the business outgrew its cpuarters,andthe present build- ing, a few doors above. was leased and re- modeled entire, for the use to which it is now put. The establishment is a marvel of beauty, convenience and gigantic proportion, and contains an endless stock of goods of the desira- ble kind and variety, that only could be conceived of by Col. Lovell, the active head of the now large corpora- tion, the stock of which is held entirely by the Lovell family. It has often been said that it is impossible for one to call for anything in the line of sporting goods, but can be in- stantly supplied. A small army of S. LOVELL, ovell Arms Co PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT isi PORTLAND STORE, JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO. clerks are employed and the different departments are conducted under modern systematic business princi- ples, and the store is the natural headquarters of New England, in its particular line. Beside maintaining this giant store in Boston, The John P. Lovell Arms Co., has branch stores in Boston, Providence, Pawtucket, Worcester and Bangor. The Port- land store has by no means been the least successful of the several stores of the company, and from its com- plete stock of goods and commenda- ble management, is much appreciated by both the local and foreign patron- age. The same goods are found here, in the same variety, as at the mammoth main store in Boston, and at the same reasonable prices. Sport- ing goods of every kind and descrip- tion, athletic, base ball, foot ball, tennis, golf, bicycle supplies and sun- dries, cameras, and their accessories, 4T a ,^ H » i jf^ ti ff tf *» FACTORY, JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., SOUTH PORTLAND. 182 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT uniforms, and beside ammunition, guns, revolvers, fishing tackle, and a thousand and one articles in cutlery, skates, etc., the store is the head- quarters for Maine for the popular Lovell Diamond bicycle, which stands first among all makes of wheels among the wheelmen of Portland and the State of Maine. In locating their large bicycle factory, which, since 1895, has been in continuous operation at South Portland, the Lovell Arms Company have added much to the importance of this local- ity as a manufacturing center. The Lovell Diamond, as made the past two years, stands pre-eminent among the innumerable wheels on the mar- ket. Within a radius of several miles of the factory, where its mode of manufacture is known as thor- oughly almost as a Christian knows his catechism, the Lovell Diamond is ridden ten to one of all other makes combined . This is particular- ly true regarding the city of Port- land and its suburbs. The popularity of the wheel is rapidly spreading, and to a great extent, has pervaded the entire state. There are now about 100 agents of the "Diamond" in Maine, and all report that all riders are highly satisfied with the makup and wear of the wheel of the present day. The busy factor}- at South Portland, employing 350 men, mostly skilled and high-paid mechanics, in charge of Lyman H. Cobb, super- intendent, is taxed to its utmost this year, and its capacity is 10,000 wheels. The Lovell Diamond has been found, upon investigation, the most honestly made wheel on the market, and although the company have met the competition of all high grade wheels on the general sweep- ing reduction in prices, yet the}* have improved rather than weakened the makeup of the wheel. Particular attention has been given recently to the wearing parts. A most positive proof of the success of the company in the wearing qualities of the Lovell Diamond, is the fact that no calls have been made for parts at the fac- tory on either the '97 or the '98 wheels. At the Portland store, where 600 of the wheels were sold last year, reports are that nothing but praise can be said of the wheel of the present. The company, always lib- eral in their business dealings with the buying public, is scarcely better known than its president, Col. Benja- min S. Lovell, whose activity in bus- iness, social and public life have made him a well-known favorite in New England. Cumberland Illuminating Co. This company, now erecting poles in Portland, maintains a plant and controls valuable water privileges on the Presumpscot River at Great Falls. The company promises to transmit power to Portland, and furnish elec- tric light and motive power at from one-third to one-half lower price than can be profitably furnished by any steam plant, an advantage to manu- facturers and others highly beneficial to the city. When this is accom- plished, which seems inevitable in a few weeks, Portland will be one of the few cities on the Atlantic sea- board availing itself of water power for manufacturing purposes. The Presumpscot River, although empty- ing into the sea some distance from the limits of the city, is one of the valuable water powers of the state; and, diverting its course, so to speak, causing it to flow continuously through every street and avenue of Greater Portland in invisible form, is a feat to be everlastingly applauded. It is a benefit which will bring about a rapid and healthy growth of the community. The Cumberland Illu- minating Company, of which Geo. W. Brown, of this city, is president, and to whom credit is almost entirely due, having secured all necessary rights, in spite of the bitterest and and most influential opposition, is the agent through which this great pub- lic benefit and economv takes form. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 183 1 84 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT To the credit of this city be it said, that in this instance the will of the people prevails, and the company, with its resurrected charter and dis- position to furnish light and power at a low rate, has been granted permis- sion by the first city government of Greater Portland to erect poles, and thereby conduct business. The story of the struggles in which politics fig- ured to no small extent, dates back two years, when Jesse Peterson was defeated by the state legislature in his attempt to break down laws gov- erning light and power companies in this state. After the defeat of his measure, Mr. Peterson came to Geo. W. Brown, then manager of the Belknap Mot- or Co., to enlist his sympathy and interest in the transmission of power from the Presumpscot River to Portland . In Mr. Brown, he found a ready listener and strong ally. Af- ter several at- tempts, all of which ended in signal failure, Mr. Peterson be- c a m e discour- aged, and aban- doned the fight against such strong odds. Mr. Brown, still determined and not so easily discouraged, under- took to secure options. His efforts finally began to show signs of suc- cess, when, May 27, 1S97, with F. J. Collier, he met those interested in New York. The conference resulted in the securing of several valuable options, notably: the properties of the United Indurated Fibre Co., Indurated Fibre Co., and the Rock- ameecook Co., the last named cover- ing the Whitney Falls, giving 27 feet head, and the former at Great GEO. W. BROWN. Falls, of 22 feet head, with dam all constructed. Afterwards a large amount of real estate in and about Great Falls was secured, and the mills of Goff & Plummer at Middle Jam, were purchased, giving 14 feet additional head, and in all a total of 63 feet of fall. This gives a flow of water from 40,000 to 70,000 cubic feet per minute, or from 5,000 to 8,000 horse power. The dam at the outlet of Sebago Lake, con- structed by the Presumpscot Power Company, is one of the greatest points of advantage of the Presump- scot River, as it impounds the water up to a maxi- mum level of nine feet above the average sur- face of the lake, and furnishes a storage area of about 97 square miles. This dam insures an ample flow at all seasons which would otherwise be probable only in the spring of the year. The Sebago P o w e r Co., purchased all these valu- able rights, which up to this time were useless as far as their be- ing utilized in Portland were con- cerned. It was after this that Geo. W. Brown unearthed and purchased the charter of the old Portland Elec- tric Fight Company, which made all things possible. The plant of the Deering Electric Light Company, and the controlling interest in the stock of the Cumberland Illuminat- ing Company was secured by Mr. Brown and others, giving them the right to do business in Westbrook, Deering and Cape Elizabeth, while poles were erected to the Portland line through Falmouth and Windham. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 185 Last August Mr. Brown purchased Mr. Collier's interest and now owns two-thirds of the business. The building of the present plant at Great Falls enabled the company to dis- pense with steam and transmit the current to the patrons of the Deering Electric Light Company and Cum- berland Illuminating Company, as well as supplying this city up to the extent of 6,000 horse power, sufficient for many years to come, and in antic- ipation of the doubling of the city in capitalized at $100,000, has paid for all its privileges and plant, and under its management its future is a bright one. The officers of the Cumberland Illuminating Company are as follows: Geo. W. Brown, president; M. H. Kelley, treasurer; Geo. C. Shaw, Henry M. Jones, Geo. W. Brown, and H. L. Jones, form the board of directors. The office of the Cumber- land Illuminating Co., Portland Elec- tric Light Co., and Deering Electric Light Co., now comprise new and INTERIOR, STATION, CUMBERLAND ILLUMINATING CO., GREAT FALLS. population. Since the plant com- menced operation, the customers of the Cumberland Illuminating Com- pany have increased from thirty to two hundred in number. The plant has eight water-wheels of combined capacity of 750 horse power, and is one of the most modern in equipment. The Cumberland Illuminating Com- pany is in every way a home com- pany and its stock, which is sold at par, is liberally subscribed for by a large number of people, in small quantities. The company, which is handsome quarters at I: Square. Monument Williams Manufacturing; Company. This concern, which stands among the foremost of wood-working plants of New England, and is the second largest of its kind in the State of Maine, operates busy mills on Ken- nebec street, Portland, and gives reg- ular and remunerative employment to upwards of fifty hands. The mills with 60,000 feet of floor space and i86 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT lumber sheds of one million feet ca- pacity, conveniently adjoin the tracks of the Portland & Rochester Rail- road, with spur tracks running di- rectly into their y ard . The company ' s operations extend far outside the city, and their reputation as lumber dealers and as artistic and thorough builders, in their line, is well known. The concern was incorporated in 1893, and it was the following year that Geo. T. Edwards, now president, and his father, who was treasurer of the Berlin Mills Company, bought out the stock of the Williams Manu- facturing Company. Upon his father's decease in 1896, Geo. T. Edwards succeeded him as president, and has since piloted the affairs of the company most successfully. Be- sides bein^ fitted with the most mod- fine residences outside the state show the artistic work of this company; such as the interior finish of the Hotel Wentworth, New Castle, N. H., cabinet work and panel work in the dwelling of Thomas A. Ward, Esq., Portsmouth, N. H.; all the windows, glass show-cases, etc., for the B. Peck block, Dewiston, Me., besides nearly 100,000 feet of rift floors for the same building; lumber and interior finish for the residence of Capt. E. Matthews, Deering, Me., and the interior wood-work of the reception room and smoking rooms at Riverton Park casino — a view of the former room being shown on a prev- ious page. In addition to the cred- itable work above mentioned, the company possesses standing samples of their work in Ogunquit, York OFFICERS, WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. Geo. T. Edwards, James F. Macy, Arthur W. Pierce, Frank B. Moody. President. Treasurer. Director. Director. ern machinery, this concern has one of the largest and best appointed cabinet shops in the country; oper- ates its own dry kilns and possesses every facility for turning out interior finish to the best advantage; thus enabling them to compete success- fully with the largest concerns in their line. All kinds of wood manu- facturing are done by them; they make, however, a specialty, of finish- ing houses complete and are noted for their line of fine mantels, and ele- gant veneered and solid doors, in all kinds of wood from original designs, and selected stock. Skilful designers and carvers are employed, and the interior fitting of buildings, stores, offices, etc., as done by the Williams Manufacturing Company adds credit to the artisanship of Portland work- men. Many public buildings and Harbor, Bath, Augusta, Hallowell, Brunswick and Portland, Maine; Portsmouth, Exeter and Dover, N. H.; Magnolia, New Bedford, Boston and Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass., and several cities in New York state. The president of the company, GEO. T. EDWARDS was born at Annapolis, Md.. and is one of Portland's promising young business men. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and entered business life as an employee of the First National Bank of Port- land. He later became a clerk and salesman under his father, at the office of the Berlin Mills Company. Since assuming the helm of the Wil- liams Manufacturing Company, he has shown marked energy and busi- ness ability. He resides in Deering, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 187 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT in the historic estate known as "High- field," in which the poet Longfellow spent many of his summer vacations with his brother, its former occupant. The treasurer, James F. Macy, is also a young man, and an able financier and well known. Arthur W. Pierce and Frank B. Moody, two directors of the company, add strength in bus- iness experience, to the concern. The company have recently increased their capital stock and have fitted up a large three story factory with the most modern ma- chinery, which n o w has a capac- ity of sever- a 1 hundred doors per day. They also have connec- tions w i t h some of the largest mills, in the South, and receive theirproducts direct, both by car load and caroo. The Thomas Laughlin Company. T. S. LAUGHLIN, President and Manager The Thos. Laughlin Co The busi- ness of The Thomas Laughlin Com- pany, manufacturers and dealers in marine hardware, of this city, fur- nishes an encouraging page in man- ufacturing history. The business of the concern was established by the late Thomas Laughlin, in whose hon- or the present corporation is named. The start was made by him as far back as 1836, in the days of small things, and therefore, the business was first conducted in a small way, and in strong contrast to the present time. Careful consideration of the needs of the trade soon placed the business on a substantial foundation, from which, in the sixty-three years' continuation, it has never been shak- en. The present head of the con- cern, Thomas S. Laughlin, went into his father's shop to learn the trade of a shipsmith in 1857. In i860, he was made a part- ner, and the firm of Thom- as Laughlin & Son was continued until his father's death in 1890, when the present c o r p o ration was formed. The rapid growth of the business i n recent years has caused notable addi- tions to the plant, which in 1894, was removed to the present location on Fore street. To this new plant import- ant enlarge- ments are c on t emplat- ed. The works give employment to nearly 100 well paid workmen, and cover several acres of ground, with the recent acquisitions. There are six large and commodious buildings; the machine shop is equipped with the latest improved machinery and tools. The block shop is a three-story struc- ture, with modern wood working ma- chinery, arrd admirably designed for its purpose. In the rear is the forge PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT shop, and near it the forging shop and galvanizing shop. The sales- room of the company on Commercial street comprises a large three-story building, in the rear of which are excellent tide water privileges; and on the street front, the tracks connect with the several lines of railroad ter- minating in Portland; while the near proximity to the English steamers give the best of transportation facili- ties. Under the general name of marine hardware, the goods made comprise an output almost endless in variety: tackle, blocks, galvanized devised under its roof. While the company maintains, as before stated, a large salesroom on Commercial street, the sales of which are enor- mous, in supplying the local trade, this utilizes but a small percentage of the output; the product is used in every quarter of the globe, and the concern enjoys a world-wide reputa- tion. A large order from foreign lands is frequent; and, only recently, an order of great magnitude was filled and shipped to Russia. The name of the concern is synony- mous with high grade and reliable WORKS, THE THOMAS LAUGHLIN CO. ship, yacht and boat trimmings, gen- eral iron work, inwrought, malleable and cast iron, bronze and brass cast- ings, galvanizing, tinning and nick- el plating, are all done in the several distinct departments, of the large and busy plant. The neatness of the shops, and good order always pre- vailing, show the best of manage- ment, and the character of the men employed, many of whom have been there from ten to twenty-five years, and made valuable inventions, of profit to the business. All the spec- ial tools used at the plant have been goods in the line of marine hardware; and goods manufactured, bearing their name, are accepted as standard in the markets of the world. In the possession of this industry, which has brought such richly deserved fame to Portland, this city is pecu- liarly fortunate, while the money disbursed through its employees, is of importance to this community. The officers of the concern are, T. S. Laughlin, president and manager; John E. Fisher, treasurer; T. S. Laughlin, H. N. Pinkham and Wil- liam McBride, directors. igo PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT JOBBING HOUSE, A. H. BERRY SHOE CO. A. H. Berry Shoe Co. This large shoe manufacturing and jobbing house was established in 1890, and its reputation extends far over the country. The history of the business is brief but eventful, and from the start has been most cred- itable to Portland. Started first as a job- bing house, at the end of the first year the business absorbed that of Lord, Haskell & Co., and again in 1894, the business of Charles J. Walker & Co., was added. Two years ago, the company commenced manufacturing, and in this they have been also successful. Their salesrooms comprise the whole building of three stories and basement, 149-155 Middle street, and the factor)', a large brick build- ing of three stories and basement, on Plum street. The two buildings are fully occupied and the large business is increasing year- ly. The company does a large job- bing business in New England in boots, shoes and rubbers. The product of their factory comprises special lines of ladies' shoes, sold by the retail trade throughout the country, at prices ranging from $1.50 to $2.50. These goods are highly appreciated by the trade, and consid- ered the best on the market for the money. The demand for these shoes is such that although the company have been manufacturing but two years, the factory is taxed to its utmost liii FACTORY, A. H. BERRY SHOE CO. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 191 capacity; although recent enlarge- ments have increased the factory to nearly double its former size. In their jobbing business, the company employ fourteen traveling men, and have a large trade in the eastern ter- ritory, coming in direct competition with all the large jobbing houses of New England, meeting them always on equal terms. That they have easily held their own, a glance at their shipping-room at most any time of da>- shows; while their prices are as low as the lowest, and their immense stock fully adequate and up with the times. The founder of the business and present manager and treasurer FACTORY, GOUDY &. KENT. is A. H. Berry, a well known resi- dent of Portland. The factory is under the charge of L. P. Hawkins, one of the best known and most prac- tical shoe manufacturers of New England. Goudy & Kent (Corporation). This, the oldest bakery in this city or surrounding territory, has devel- oped into one of the important man- ufactories of Portland, shipping its good to all parts of the country. The business was first started in a small way by a Mr. Bradish, it is said, near- ly 100 years ago. After being con- ducted several generations in the Bradish family, the stand was taken by Pearson & Smith. They were succeeded by W. C. Cobb. Later the firm became W. C. Cobb & Co. In 1881, L. A. Goudy, a member of the former firm, conducted the busi- ness alone until 1886, when he be- came associated with Edward A. Kent, who was formerly of the firm of R. Kent & Son, and who brought to the firm the reputation since gained in the manufacture of Kent's pilot bread. Since 1S93, the business has been conducted by the present cor- poration, and the goods, always up to the stand- ard, have in- c r e a sed in sale annually. The factory at the corner of Pearl and Milk streets, compri s e s a large struc- ture, 120x120 feet in dimen- sions. Be- side doing a large baking business and supplying the c o m m u n ity for s e v e r al miles around with bread, cake and pastry, Kent's celebrated pilot bread, a thousand and one kinds of fancy crackers are made for the wholesale and retail trade. Confec- tionery is also made in large quan- tities, with which the trade through- out the country is also supplied. The reputation of the concern is sec- ond to none, either in quality and excellence of its goods, or in point of reliability. The business of the con- cern requires the services of 150 hands at the factory, and twelve trav- eling men, and fifteen teams operated in this immediate vicinity. The present officers of the compan)' are 192 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT J. G. Young, president, and Harry Thomas, treasurer and manager. The recent marked growth of the business and not- a b 1 e improve- ments to the plant and its output, are due to the present progres- sive manager. I v (0m Jerome Rumery & Co. The mills and lumber sheds of this well known concern, are lo- ' — cated opposite the jerome rumery. Portland & Roch- ester station, at 91-105 Kennebec street, and admirably situated for the manufacture of dimension lumber, clapboards, shingles, laths, and house finish. The plant has been notice- ably enlarged in the past few years, and excellent trausportational facil- ities are immediately at hand, the tracks of the Portland & Rochester Railroad adjoining both the front and rear. Since occupying the pres- ent location, nine years, the firm has been composed of Jerome Rumery, who needs no introduction i n these pages, and James O. Mc- Lean, who for the past sixteen years has been associ- ated with Mr. Rumery, both as employee and junior partner. Mr. Rumery has been engaged in business in his present line since 1875. Previous to that, he was a clerk for T. & J. B. Cummings. In 1877, after conducting busi- ness alone for two years, he formed the concern of Rum- ery, Birnie & Co., who were for many years on Deake's wharf. The good name of the concern has, therefore, been built up after a epiarter of a century's successful effort on the part of Mr. Rumery. It may be said that no mills in this line hold the confi- fience of contractors and builders to a greater extent than those of Jerome Rumery & Co. The buildings are owned by them, all but one of which MILLS AND YARDS, JEROME RUMERY &. CO. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 193 have been erected since their occu- pancy of the property. There is a large main mill, with offices on the second floor; the establishment is equipped with the most modern labor- saving machinery; there is also a large kiln dry house and two com- modious lumber sheds. Mr. Rumery is favorably known in Portland; he has served two years in the city gov- ernment; is a knight templar Mason, an Odd Fellow and a member of the Portland Board of Trade. ence over thirty-five years. It was founded by A. D. Smith, a leading contractor, and one of the present proprietors. The present business relationship between Mr. Smith and Frank A. Rumery, was formed Jan- uary 1, 1899. The business requires practically all of the large two-story building, seventy-five feet long and forty-five feet deep. This building is of historic interest, from the fact that it was once familiarly known as the old Printers Exchange. The INTERIOR, MILLS OF SMITH & RUMERY. Smith & Rumery. Of the many building contractors in Portland, a firm doing an enormous business, is that of Smith & Rumery, who operate the extensive mills at 510 to 516 Fore street, with large lumber sheds in the rear. The}' are general contractors and manu- facturers of and dealers in all kind of lumber and house finish, doors, sash and blinds. The business, although now conducted under a new firm name, has been in exist- machiuery in operation comprises the latest and best for every description of mill work, and the capacity of the plant is adequate for the large and increasing business. About sixty hands, on an average, find employ- ment in the various departments. Mr. Smith built the Farrington, Storer, Davis, Wolf & Ricker, Rines and Brown blocks, and the firm has done considerable important work for the government. Innumerable houses scattered throughout the city and in the suburbs, testify to the volume of 194 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT n : - - S — / , — .-/-■ . / ' ' J'- — 1 ~ — 1%— i Ml ■r« r l PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT i95 business done by this firm. People requiring the services of building contractors, by employing this firm get the benefit of long and active ex- perience, a plant thoroughly equipped for the work to be done, and the am- bition to excel, induced by the infu- sion of new blood into the business. Added to this are the benefits to be derived from that business pride pos- sessed by an established firm, which in this case, is sufficient assurance that the standard of excellence will not be lowered. Milliken, Cousens & Short. The firm of Milliken, Cousens & Short is one of the largest dry goods jobbing houses in the New England states, and it is without doubt the largest establishment of the kind in any city of like population in the United States. This business is lo- cated on Middle street, in the very heart of the wholesale district of Portland. It occupies the whole of one large building, one hundred and sixty-five feet deep and five stories high, in addition to one whole floor in an adjoining building. The illus- trations herewith presented give a hint of the magnitude of the estab- lishment. The business was found- ed in the year 1865, under the name of Deering & Milliken, and to this name the firm of W. H. Milliken & Co. was the successor. After the death of Mr. Milliken, in 1S90, the business was continued by Milliken, Cousens & Short. The members of this firm are individually well known in dry goods and clothing trade cir- cles, and are all influential and respect- ed citizens of Portland, being num- bered among the solid business men of the city. Milliken, Cousens & Short are jobbers in general dry goods, small wares, clothing and men's furn- ishings, and their influence on the market is regarded as an important factor, in their lines of trade. Their extensive business, in addition to covering and supplying the State of Maine, extends throughout the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont and New York. To prop- erly cover this territory, twenty trav- eling men are employed, and their work can hardly fail to add to Port- land's growing reputation and pres- tige as a wholesaling center. The firm manufactures clothing, overalls, jumpers, etc., the business furnish- ing employment, on an average, to about one hundred girls and fifty men. The concern is one that is thoroughly alive and up-to-date in even- respect, and the large volume of daily shipments proves conclusive- ly that they are able to meet success- fully the prices and standard of quality set by the jobbing houses of New England and the Middle states. In their business they hand- le the output of several mills, and their stock is always fresh and desirable. The Belknap Motor Company. The high honor of setting the standard of excellence in these bust- ling days of competition, is achieved by comparatively few, but the policy of the Belknap Motor Co., has car- ried it resistlessly upward to that eminence, until the name of the firm has become synonymous with the best in the line of goods manufac- tured and sold. Through 3'ears of constant growth, it has come to be one of the most widely and favorably known of Portland's well known bus- iness enterprises. This company was incorporated in 1S90, and the officers are: President, Hon. E. B. Winslow; treasurer, E. R. Payson; manager, E. E. Fernald; head elec- trician, W. H. Chapman. From the time of the organization of this company, its business has had a phenomenally steady growth, the productive capacity of the plant having more than doubled. This success was not brought about by luck, or by a fortunate combination of circumstances, but bv the fact that 196 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT the goods put upon the market were of the highest grade of mechanical excellence. Add to this the business reputation of the men who have been behind the enterprise, the push, un- tiring energy and business integrity, which have always characterized the management of the Belknap Motor Co., and you have the secret of its enviable success. The product of the plant is motors, bipolar and multi-polar dynamos, commutator brushes and electrical instruments of all kinds. One of the important specialties is the Chapman automatic voltage regulator, for either the alter- E. E. FERNALD. Manager Belknap Motor Co. nating or direct current system. This regulator is the invention of W. H. Chapman, the head electrician of the company, and its utility consists in the fact that it produces a steady current from an unsteady power. Its merits are such that it has at- tracted universal attention, and has been sold for use in all parts of the world. This company also manu- factures coffee mills, water motors and woven wire brushes; it has a large business in the installation of dwellings and business blocks for light and power, attends to elevator repairs and makes a specialty of electric railway repairing. The plant in Portland at present employs about forty-five hands, but it is simply a question of time when the increasing demands of business will call for still larger quarters, with a consequent increase in the size of the force em- ployed. The exhibit made by this company at the World's Fair in 1893, brought to the attention of the whole world the unrivaled merit of its prod- ucts, and the impetus given by this and other judicious plans of adver- tising, coupled with the important fact that machines and appliances were always found to be as represent- ed, have aided materially in building for the Belknap Motor Co., a reputa- tion that enables it to compete with rivals in all parts of the world. The company now has branch offices in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Toledo, Denver and San Francisco. A glance at the books of this company would surprise many who have watched the growth of the enterprise, from its inception, through the various stages of devel- opment, down to the present time. Here are recorded sales of motors, dynamos, regulators, and a general assortment of electrical appliances, in nearly every state in the Union, and in several foreign countries. After an analysis, giving due credit to the mechanical excellence of the goods manufactured, it can be truth- fully said that an important element in the success of the Belknap Motor Co. has been the untiring energy and clear business foresight of the present manager, E. E. Fernald. Mr. Fernald was born in Portsmouth, N. H., thirty-four years ago. He was educated in the high school and at Smith's Business Academy. Com- ing to Portland fourteen years ago, he at once went to work for the Port- land Company. When the Giant Motor Co. came into existence he accepted the position of foreman of the factory, performing his duties in PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 197 INTERIOR, MAIN SHOP OF BELKNAP MOTOR CO. a highly satisfactory manner. He remained with this company until the organization of the Belknap Motor Co., when he accepted the more lucrative position of superintendent of the newly organized enterprise. Early in the present year he was made manager of this company, a position he is eminently qualified to fill, not only because of that education which comes through years of experience, but by reason of a natural aptitude that can neither be obtained from books nor acquired by experience. PORTLAND HARBOR BY NIGHT. 198 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Loring, Short & Harmon. Now the largest house in Maine, in its line, and doing a manufactur- ing, wholesale and retail stationery and book business, is the well known concern of Loring, Short & Harmon, located at 474 Congress street. As a firm, they commenced business un- der the Falmouth Hotel in 1868, and moved into their present spacious quarters in 1882. They started with a force of five assistants and now and cern are lines. They have an extended whole- sale and retail trade in wall papers interior decorations. The con- since 1896 a corporation, also large manufacturers of blank books of all kinds and sizes; and on the fourth floor of the building they conduct a large blank book bindery, in which twenty hands are employed. They have the agency for the Globe Company's filing cabinets, etc. The officers of the company are as follows: Leonard O. Short, president; Charles ESTABLISHMENT OF LORING, SHORT &. HARMON. have on their pay-roll over fifty names. They employ five traveling men, and their trade extends not only through- out the State of Maine, but through the neighboring states of New Hamp- shire and Vermont and the Canadas. Their store comprises one of the few real bookstores left in New England, and they carry one of the most exten- sive stocks of books east of New York. Their trade in stationery, fancy goods and druggists' supplies is large, the second story of the build- ing being devoted to samples in these C. Harmon, treasurer; Martial M. Duroy, Jr., secretary; who, with L. Lester Woodbury, Fred \V. Robin- son and William H. Stevens, com- prise the directors. A. R. Wright Co. This concern, made a corporation some four years ago, does an exten- sive business in supplying this and other communities with the various kinds of coal. Their wharves and pockets, recently improved and PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 199 enlarged, are located on Commercial street, where they possess the most modern facilities for unloading and handling coal. The recent building of a cable elevated railway, 2,000 feet in length, encircling the whole plant, and the erection of an automatic coal hoister and digger, with a capacity for unloading from 700 to 1,000 tons daily, has placed this concern in the front ranks of the large dealers of the state. The company utilize two wharves and their coal sheds have a combined capacity of 12,000 tons. Beside doing a large retail business in family trade, they have an exten- sive wholesale business, not only supplying various manufacturing plants, but are extensive shippers to filling orders. The officers of this progressive coal concern are Augus- tus R. Wright, president, and Geo. L. Gerrish, treasurer. The D. W. Clark Ice Co. This, the largest concern engaged in the ice business in this vicinity, was established in 1855 by D. W. Clark. He conducted the business alone until 1873, when he took Ash- bel Chaplin as a partner. They continued for the next nine years, under the name of D. W. Clark & Co.; but in 1882, the firm became incorporated under a capital of $^500,000, under the name of the Clark & Chaplin Ice Co. This com- COAL WHARVES OF A. Ft. WRIGHT CO. points on the various railroad lines, terminating in Portland. Three spur tracks, connecting with all the differ- ent railroads, extend into their wharves, where the cars are loaded and weighed by car scales in the most advantageous manner. In their wholesale business, they are materi- ally aided by the low rates for freight along the lines their shipping is done. They buy in large quantities direct from the producers, and barges and steamers unloading are seen at the pockets at nearly all times. The company have two offices, comprising that at the wharves and pockets, 350 Commercial street, and one at 50 Ex- change street. Some twenty odd men are given constant employment in pany controlled large ice houses on the Kennebec River, and did a large wholesale business, shipping one year 150,000 tons. In 1893, Mr. Clark sold his interest in the wholesale business and formed the D. W. Clark Ice Co., the officers of which are as follows: D. W. Clark, president; C. B. Thurston, treasurer; M. W. Clark, vice-president, and H. S. Watson, superintendent. The ice furnished the patrons of this com- pany is from Sebago Lake, which also supplies the city with its abun- dance of pure water. Sebago Lake ice is known to be absolutely pure, and for that reason is considered the best in the world. The ice houses of this company are located on the shore of 200 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT D. W. CLARK. this lake, where the}' cut ice for the city trade, storing in winter the ice for summer, when it is brought by the Maine Central Railroad day by day, to their depot on Merchant's wharf, 302 Commercial street. Ice is, therefore, obtained fresh daily, from the houses at the lake, and in the wagons distributed to cus- tomers. A large force of men is employed when the company harvest their ice at Lake Seba- go. The amount elevated from the lake to the houses is 30,000 tons. The company being the oldest, its teams have been fa- miliar sights in the streets of Portland and immediate vicin- ity, and are always to be de- pended upon to make their numerous calls with almost clock-like regularity. The pres- ident of the company, DENNIS WOODRUFF CLARK, was born in Farmiugton, Conn., May 27, 1S19. He is descended from distinguished ancestry of colonial times. In 1S31, his father removed to Illinois. He first engaged in business at Rockingham, Iowa, and in 1840 removed to Platteville, Wis., where he went into the mining and mercantile business. In 1852, with his brother, Dr. J. W. Clark, and brother-in-law 7 , Elias Gill, he engaged in trade in San Fran- cisco and Sacramento, Cal., under the firm name of Gill, Clark & Co. Coming to Portland in 1S54, he en- gaged in the ice business, the present ICE HARVESTING AT SEBAGO LAKE BY THE D. W. CLARK ICE CO. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 20I large company being the result of his start. Mr. Clark was treasurer of the Leeds & Farmington Rail- road before that road was sold to the Maine Central, and for seven years was a director of the Port- land & Ogdensburg Railroad. Since 1873, he has been president of the Portland Water Company, and since 1885, of the Biddeford & Saco Water Company. He has for many years been a prominent member of the State Street Con- gregational Church, and in poli- tics has been successively a Whig, Free-soilerand Republican, but has never accepted nor aspired to pub- lic office. Having been a resident of this city for the past forty-four years, he has won the esteem of the community, and his activity in business circles and benevolence, have endeared him in the hearts of his fellow men. A. H. Moulton. Located under the New Falmouth Hotel, at 75 Union street, is A. H. Moulton, one of the most practical men in this vicinity, engaged in the steam and hot water heating busi- ness. His shop is well equipped with the necessary appliances for the suc- cessful prosecution of the work, and the establishment recently became possessed of a large thread cutting machine, run by steam power, for cutting thread on pipe up to six inches in diameter. Mr. Moulton employs from fifteen to twenty men, and has been located in business in this city for the past five years. He was formerly, for eleven years, asso- ciated with the Walworth Manufac- turing Company, and was one of the ablest men in the employ of that large Boston concern. Since engag- ing in business here, he has been highly successful, fitting up many prominent buildings with steam and hot water apparatus. Among the leading contracts assumed by him, the following: may be mentioned: A. H. MOULTON. New Falmouth Hotel, Preble House, Emerson School, Maine School for the Deaf, residence of H. P. Cox and Walter Corey store. He is a native of New Hampshire, and a member of the Knights of Pythias and Masons. He is one of the largest in stature and most popular of local business men. W. W. Carman. One of the largest contractors in his line is W. W. Carman, who con- ducts a large establishment at 78 Union street. He fills important contracts in fitting up heating and power plants with heavy piping. His place comprises two floors, con- taining a large stock of heaters, radi- ators, steam, gas and water pipe, valves, fittings, etc. In the base- ment is the workshop, containing all modern machinery for the convenient prosecution of the work, including the only thread cutting machine run by steam power, capable of cutting from two to eight inch pipe, in or about Portland. Mr. Carman has always done a large share of the heavy work in the state, and since coming to Portland has kept up his large operations. Beside fitting up 202 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT power plants, he does a large business in public and private building heating by steam or hot water. He is agent for the Ideal boiler, especially adapt- ed to private and public buildings, each section of which is connected with an indestructible push nipple joint, not impaired by expansion or contraction. Mr. Carman's reputa- tion for good and thorough work, is known throughout the state. He has recently fitted up the new steam plant of the International Paper Com- pany at Otis Falls; the new steam heating plant at the Augusta Insane partner of the Carman-Thompson Company, at L,ewiston, from which concern he withdrew to engage in business alone. He is a man of much mechanical ingenuity, and comes of a family of mechanics. His father before him and several of his brothers, were engaged in that calling. From early boyhood, when he first worked at a lathe, he has been an industrious worker and stu- dent of his business; and since com- ing to Portland has been an interested adopted citizen, standing well in business circles. Portland Creamery. This creamery, supply- ing a goodly part of the Asylum, the new steam heating plant at the works of the New- bury port Car Co., and is about to erect and equip the new heat- ing and power plant at the State Reform School. One of his most notable contracts was the erection of the piping at the power plant constructed for the Nantasket Branch of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., the first plant in this country, erected to generate electricity for propelling cars over a branch of any road of standard gage tracks. He employs skilled mechanics on all his work, and is considered one of the most practical heating engineers in New England. He draws his own plans, and no contract is too large for him to estimate on. He came to Portland and opened his present es- tablishment two years ago. He was for some years previously managing ESTABLISHMENT OF W. W. CARMAN. community with pure milk, cream and butter, is conveniently located opposite the union station. The milk is obtained from the farmers within a radius of ninety miles. The present company operating this creamery was formed in 1897, by absorbing the business of the following: Forest City, New Gloucester and East Wil- ton creameries. The owners are M. R. Berry, Charles B. Berry, F. W. Powers and Sherman Hapgood. The first two attended the public schools of this city, and have been well known here for many years. M. R. Berry started first in business by founding PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 203 the New Gloucester Creamery. This was fifteen years ago. His long ex- perience, added to that of his three associates, has made the Portland one of the best equipped creameries in the state. The product averages 1,500 pounds of butter a day, and 200 cans of milk and from 100 to 1,000 gallons of cream are sold. The six teams of the company deliver at houses and call at all stores daily, in the city and Westbrook. Large quantities of buttermilk are also sold to boarding-houses. It is this cream- ery that supplies the com- munity with the "top of the can brand ' ' of ster- i 1 i z e d milk, which for puri- ty and excel- lence is unsur- passed, and recom- mended by phy- sicians 2: ener- H. W. McCausland. INTERIOR PORTLAND CREAMERY. ally. This milk, justly appreciated in Port- land, was recently tested by Dr. J. R. Andrews, says the American Journal of Health, and "was found to respond to the most searching of tests, and is, therefore, impartially recommended by him as absolutely pure and health- ful." As the analyzer is a noted au- thority, and the analyzation made unknown to the creamery, the re- sult carries much weight. This milk is almost as thick as cream, but is sold for a nominal price per quart, and many families in this city there are that avail themselves of it. The name of McCausland is at once associated with bicycles and sewing machines, in the sale of which the above has become thoroughly known. Eighteen years ago, he made his first business start, laying the foundation for the substantial reputation he now holds. In 1890, he engaged in the sewing machine business, and shortly after added bicy- cles to his stock. Being thoroughly familiar with the instalment business and an aut ho r- ity o n w h e e Is and sew- ing ma- chin es, his bus- i n e s s r ap i d- 1 y in- creased. The store now com- prises the first floor a n d base- ment of n u m - b e r s 416- 418 Congress street. It was two years ago that he gave the former occupant of 418 Congress street a bonus to remove his goods elsewhere, to enable him to enlarge his establishment to its present dimensions. The place has, therefore, been a headquarters for wheelmen, a veritable hospital for disabled wheels, and a never failing source of supply for sundries of every kind and description. Beside being, in every sense, abreast of the times, and a dealer whom all consider thor- oughly reliable, his proverbial good nature, no doubt often imposed upon 204 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT iu accommodating bicyclists in a thousand and one ways, is always apparent. With an eye to every- thing new that is desirable, he carries nearly all the popular makes of wheels, and, to the customer, his ad- vice and judgment in purchasing are to be relied upon. At this writing, he has in stock over 300 wheels. Among the makes most put forward are the following: Columbia, Colum- bia chainless, Clipper, Clipper chain- less, Monarch, Featherstone, Envoy, Fleetwing, Reading, Standard, El- dridge, and a long list of others. East year, about 650 wheels were sold at his store; if the reduction in the price of all wheels is any crite- rion, there will be many more dis- posed of by him this year. Mr. The James Bailey Co. The James Bailey Company is the oldest, and by far the largest, firm dealing in saddlery hardware and and horse furnishings in the State of Maine. This company is located in the old Greenough block on Middle street, now one of the principal busi- ness buildings of Portland. The en- tire block, five and one-half floors, is filled throughout with merchandise appertaining to the subject of the saddlery and the bicycle business. An enumeration of the endless va- riety of goods carried would be im- ■1 IT V .!..-«» H. W. MCCAUSLAND'S McCauslaud buys all wheels direct from the manufacturers, and his prices are as low as in any store in the country, and his treatment of patrons as liberal. He is a member of Adetta Eodge and Union Encamp- ment I. O. O. F. He is also a mem- ber of Ivanhoe Eodge, K. of P., and the Portland Wheel Club. In the bicycle trade, hy fair treatment to all and thoroughly understanding his business, he has become the largest individual dealer in the state. He is an esteemed resident of Portland and, during the summer season re- sides at his cottage at Duck Pond. possible in the space here given. A partial list of the goods carried, as enumerated in the company's cata- logue, is as follows: horse blankets, wool, plush and fur robes, lap dust- ers, horse sheets, whips, riding saddles, road and trotting boots, har- ness leather, carriage trimmings, dog collars, hammocks, bicycles and bicycle sundries, and thousands of other articles, too numerous to men- tion, including a large and complete line of strap work and harness parts. The desirability and general excel- lence of the stock, and up-to-date manner of its display, gives the es- tablishment a thoroughly metropol- itan aspect. The business was founded in 1846, by the late James PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 205 Bailey, who conducted it personally up to the time of his death, in 1883. After the death of Mr. Bailey, the business was continued by his sous, and in 1892 it was incorporated un- der the name it now bears. The officers of the corporation are: Presi- dent, James W. Bailey; treasurer, William E. Bailey; secre- tary, George A. Fairbanks. These officers, with Chas. J. Bailey, com- prise the board of directors. They are job- bers and re- tailers of sad- dlery hardware and horse furn- ishings of ev- er}- d e s c r i p- tion, and are the largest jobbers of bi- cycles and bicycle sun- dries east of Boston. Em- ploying three traveling sales- men, they sup- ply the trade in Maine, New Ham p shir e and Vermont, coming into direct competi- tion with the largest con- cernsof Boston and New York. The business has shown a constant, healthy growth from the first, and the reputation of the firm has always been of the best. As showing the increase in business, it is noted that twenty years ago six men were employed where eighteen now find work. To meet the de- mands of this growing trade, the quarters occupied have been enlarged several times. The interior of the building has recently been remodel- ed, and made strictly up-to-date in all its appointments, possessing a spiral staircase, extending from base- ment to garret. The harness room is on the second floor, and is a model of modern con- venience. It is finished in hardwood, is lighted by elec- tricity, and is practically dust proof. Here can al- ways be found the largest stock of light and heavy har- nes s to be seen anywhere in New Eng- land, compris- ing all grades, from the low price article to the harness suitable for the most costly and stylish turnout. The long and hon- orable career of this company, entitles it to a foremost place among the substantial business firms of Portland. STORE, THE JAMES BAILEY CO. J. E. Goold & Co. A list of the prominent business houses of Portland would be incom- plete if it did not contain the name of J. E. Goold & Co., wholesale druggists, 201 Federal street, the worthy successors to the old and re- liable firm of E. L. Stanwood & Co., which was established in the year 2o6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT J. E. GOOLD. 1867. In 1880, J. E. Goold was ad- mitted to partnership in this com- pany, and in 1896 the business was incorporated under the name of J. E. Goold & Co., with Mr. Goold as pres- ident and general manager. Upon the death of Mr. Stan wood in 1892, he became the sole proprietor. Mr. Goold began the drug bnsiness in 1862, as clerk for John \V. Perkins & Co., and four years later entered the employ of Mr. Stanwood, who conducted a jobbing business on Middle street, and then on Market street, subsequent to his removal to the present location of the firm. Mr. Goold's time, previous to Mr. Stanwood' s death, was spent principally on the road in the interests of trade, and he established for himself a reputation for integrity and sound judgment which has been a large factor in his successful business ca- reer. He is a man thor- oughly devoted to business, and has had neither time nor inclination for public office or outside issues. He is an Odd Fellow and a Mason, and in the latter order has risen to the rank of knight temp- lar. This firm carries a full line of drugs aud druggists' sundries, patent medicines, toilet articles, paints, oils, varnishes and paint- ers' supplies, cigars, tobacco, pipes, spices, etc. They are also agents for the sale of H. W. Johns' liquid paints and asbestos materi- als, recognized by the trade every- where as the standard of their class. This solid and substantial Portland firm has occupied its present quarters for a period of ten years, having the most com- plete confidence of the buying pub- lic, and noting each succeeding year a gratifying increase in busi- ness along all the lines to which attention has been given. Strictly up-to-date and alive to the de- mands of the times, it enjoys a large measure of public confidence and respect. The Globe Steam Laundry. The Globe Steam Laundry, al- though occupying a building possess- ing an unassuming exterior, is one of the largest laundries in New Eng- land, employing from 140 to 175 STORE, J. E. GOOLD & CO. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 207 hands. It not only provides the best of service in and about Portland, em- ploying six teams locally, but the scope of its work covers every New England state. The growth of the business has been enormous since it was established, about twelve years ago, by its present proprietor, T. J. Frothingham, with nine assistants. The laundry not only does a large business in the finer grades of work, but family washings are done care- fully and conscientiously, thus re- lieving the busy housewife of the hardest and most trying portion of her work. The establishment is equipped with every desirable mod- ern machine for washing, drying, starching and ironing. Every pos- sible comfort is provided for employ- ees, the interior being ventilated and cooled by six exhaust fans. The receiving department is located in the rear of the building, and goods are delivered from the front. The wash- ing department has cemented floors, and contains eleven large three-com- partment washers, five large exhaust- ers, and several extracting machines, GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY. T. J. FROTHINGHAM. which take the place of old-fashioned wringers. On the first floor are the general office, the private office of the proprietor, and the starched goods department. Twenty hands are em- ployed in the starch room. From this room shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., go to the d r y i n g cabinets, and then to the iron- ing depart - m e 11 t , where each assist ant does a special part of the w o r k . Goods then go to the assorting room and from there to the ship- ping de- partment. On the sec- ond floor, are the shirt waist 208 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT and plain clothes departments. An air of wholesome cleanliness pervades ever\- nook and corner of the estab- lishment. Mr. Frothingham's suc- cess has been achieved by his progressive business methods and by a constant and untiring attention to all the details of his business. C. A. Hanson. Not only one of the largest con- tractors and builders is C. A. Han- son, but one whose e x- .tensive op- era t i o n s have ever been con- ducted to the com- plete satis- faction o f his custom- ers — a re- markable record for a cont r a c t or in any com- m u n i t y . Mr. Hanson was born in Yarmo u th, Me., forty- nine years ago, and commenced to learn his trade when a boy of t h i r t e e n years of age. During the Civil war, he was employed a portion of the time at the Oriental Powder Mills, but at sixteen years of age came to Portland, where he has since resided, and continuously been asso- ciated with carpentering. He first worked for Cummings & Brock, and, as a journeyman, was employed bj r other old-time leading contractors, viz: Charles Frost, Jordan Bros., Geo. Worcester and Spencer Rogers. He worked on the post-office and cus- tom house buildings, and always enjoyed a high reputation for consci- tiousness, and was ranked as one of the first in his profession. After concluding his work as a journey- man by a year's job in the Portland & Rochester Railroad work shops, he started in business for himself, under the most favorable auspices, — that of the good name and good-will of his employ- ers and the coram u n ity generall}'. Adopting a system for keeping ac- count, not only of all items of or- ders, but all the indus- trious men who might apply to him for employ- ment; he has ever since conducte d his business by the same sure a n d succe ssful m e t h o d. Among the b u i 1 d i ngs erected by him, are the c.a.hanson. following: finishing of the Y. M. C. A. building, Portland; Jefferson Theater, McCullum's and Gem theaters; Clapp building, Mon- ument Square, Portland, the front of which is of his own design; and a Si5,ooo residence for J. F. Robinson, at South Windham, and many others of which he has been both builder and architect. His shop and residence PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 209 on his property, 185 to 191 Grant street, are in a portion of the city re- cently improved and built up through his example and effort. His resi- dence, built as lie claims from odds and ends, is a most comfortable and thoroughly constructed house, in which there seems nothing lacking in modern improvements, even to speak- ing tubes and electric appliances for lighting gas and saving steps. He is a Republi- can in politics, but not an office seeker, finding pleas- ure in the com- forts of his well ordered and hospitable home. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and New England Order of Pro- tection. George C. Shaw. When George C. Shaw came to Portland from Putney, Vt., in 1S60, his cash capi- tal was small, but he had a stock of pluck and energy that has served him better than mere money could have done. On coming to Portland, he opened a small retail grocery store at 235 Middle street. This location he has occupied ever since, except that when driven out by the great fire of 1 866, he removed that part of his goods saved, to the old market building in Monument square, where he remained until his store was re- built. Later he purchased the stock of C. A. Weston, located in the GEO. C. SHAW. building on Congress street, on the site now occupied by the Milliken block. Three years later he moved across the street, where his trade in- creased to such an extent that he was obliged to enlarge his quarters from time to time, until he had the largest and most commodious store east of Boston. On opening the new store, Mr. Shaw took into co-partnership his nephew, W. W. Sabine, and the fi r m became Geo. C. Shaw & Co. A few years ago, the firm purchased the large gro- cery store of A. L. Millett, just above the Congress street store, thereby securing i n- creased facili- ties for sup- plying a rapid- ly growing trade. In April, 1899, fire in the Con- gress street store did a large amount of damage, and necessi tated the closing of the store for a time. With characteristic energy, the firm secured a store in Mon- ument square, and at once began the work of fitting it for use. This new store was opened to the public on Saturday, June 3. It is without doubt the handsomest store devoted to the grocery business in the state. The ceiling is of steel, the finishings are of oak throughout, and no mod- ern convenience has been omitted. This new store will be devoted ex- clusively to the retail trade. On August 1 it is proposed to re-open 2IO PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 211 the Congress street store. This re- juvenated store will cater to both the wholesale and retail trade, and will be be far ahead of the old store in the mat- ter of appearance and in facilities for business. It will have a frontage of seventy feet, a depth of one hundred and twenty feet, and will give em- ployment to seventy people. With three large stores, each complete in itself, under the management of men who have made the business a life study, it naturally follows that the firm of Geo. C. Shaw & Co., is a potent factor in Portland's commer- cial life. John F. Proctor. One of the most popular and relia- ble representatives of realty interests in Portland, is John F. Proctor, who has his office at 93 Exchange street. Mr. Proctor is a native of Portland, and has been in the real estate busi- ness here constantly since 1863, mak- ing it by far the oldest real estate concern in the city. Mr. Proctor's reputation has always been of the best, and he has a liberal and sub- stantial patronage. His business includes buying, selling and exchang- ing houses, farms, building lots, negotiating loans and mortgages, and attending to the collection of JOHN F. PROCTOR. rents and the management of estates. He is thoroughly conversant with all legal forms and requirements inci- dent to the transfer of every descrip- tion of property, and he has complete facilities for the purchase, sale and lease of houses, flats and business property, etc., and customers who consult him are sure to find some- thing to suit in the large variety offered. He has at all times on his books values to suit every investor, from the man of small means who wants to put his savings into a home, 255 • STANDARD CLOTHING CO. * 255 STORE OF THE STANDARD CLOTHING CO., MIDDLE STREET. 212 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT to the capitalist who is in search of a productive channel for his surplus resources. Mr. Proctor is a member of the Portland Board of Trade. Walter Corey Co. One of Portland's old and thor- oughly reliable business houses is the Walter Corey Co., the only concern in the city dealing exclusively in furniture and draperies. The busi- ness was established in 1836, and has 1896, the appearance of the building was greatly improved by the erection of an entire new front. At this time also, another enlargement of quarters occurred, so that now 57,000 square feet of floor space are occupied. While the firm carries an almost in- exhaustible stock of the very best grades of furniture and draperies, numbering among their regular cus- tomers the elite of the city and state, they also carry medium priced goods in large variety. Furniture is also INTERIOR STORE OF WALTER COREY CO. been successfully continued ever since, an unbroken record of sixty- three years' honorable and straight- forward service. The founder, Walter Corey, began business on Exchange street, and remained there until the store was destroyed by the fire of 1866. In 1867, he removed to the present location on Free street. The store now occupied has been much enlarged, to keep pace with increased business demands, and to give better facilities for serving the public. In manufactured on the premises; this makes it possible for the firm to con- scientiously guarantee the quality in every instance. A trip through the store at any time will show that the Walter Corey Co. carries goods, in quality and artistic excellence, suit- able for furnishing the finest mansion or city residence. The energetic clerks employed possess a correct taste on all questions of interior deco- ration, and their advice is sought by the most fastidious class of trade. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 213 At the factory, thirty-five men are regularly employed. The store is one of the most attractive business places in Portland. It is off the main thoroughfare, making it somewhat difficult for the stranger to find, but this location enables the firm to do an enormous business, in which custom- ers get the benefit of a comparatively small expense account. When the founder of the business retired, his son, Walter L. Corey, succeeded to the business. Some nine years ago, a close cor- poration was formed, of which Walter H. Brown is president, Walter Iy. Corey, treas- urer and gen- eral manager, and Joseph T. Adams, clerk. The Norton- Chapman Co. In every city there are business firms that by reason of long years of safe, conservat i ve industry, nev- er taking chances where the prize was worthless, or miss- ing a safe opening for the extension of trade, are looked upon as a part of the substantial commercial life of the community. Such firms set the stand- ard for would-be competitors, and, careful of their own reputation, are important factors in the make-up of the reputation of the city. Among the lar°re and successful business HERBERT O. PHILLIPS. houses of Portland, the Norton- Chapman Co. is entitled to high rank. It conducts the business of general commission merchants, in flour, grain, mill feed, concentrated feeds, farina- ceous products and salt, and receivers of dry and pickled fish and canned goods, with headquarters in the Ox- ford building, 185 Middle street, and a branch office in Boston, 408 Chamber of Commerce. The business was founded o 11 Sept. 1, 1863, by E. A. Norton, who, remained with the firm until 1 87 1, and C. C. Chapman, who is now president of the Chapman National Bank. On Mr. Norton's retirement from the firm, the business was contin- ued by Mes- srs. Charles J. and C. C. C hapnian, and in 1894 it was incor- porated un- der the name it now bears, with Charles J. Chapman as treasurer and manager and principal On the death of C. J. Chap- 1898, the junior member of owner, man in the firm, II. O. Phillips, became gen- eral manager. The growth of the business of this concern has been steady and substantial. Originally, a flour and grain commission house, for many years it did a larger busi- ness in this line than any other firm in Maine. Then a department was 214 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT organized to advertise, sell on orders and distribute the fish and canned goods of the state through the West and vSouth. This branch of the bus- iness, of which W. H. Shurtleff has charge, has met with flattering success, more than meeting the ex- pectations of its originator. As the excellent business foresight of the members of the company interpreted the demands of the trade, the firm branched out until it now does a gen- eral commission business. They are state agents for Maine for " Pills- bury 's Best" flour, generally acknowl- edged as representing the standard of excellence, and for the other vari- ous cereal products of the Pillsbury Mills, which through their efforts have become articles of daily con- sumption in a large percentage of the households of the state; they are the New England agents for the feed products of the Glucose Sugar Re- fining Co., of Chicago, the largest producers of this particular line of goods in the world, their "Chicago Gluten Meal," being recognized as the highest quality dairy feed manufactured, and they represent a score of other milling com- panies for the handling of .specialties. Corn, oats, bran, middlings, and wheat are received direct from the West, and thoroughly distrib- uted in the territory supplied by this enter- prising firm. In turn, through their brokers in all the large cities of the West and South, they distribute the fish and canned products of Maine. The business conducted is a strictly wholesale one, and its volume is such that all orders are filled prompt- ly and at the very lowest market prices. Herbert O. Phillips, the present man- ager, has been connected with the firm for many years. He began work in the capacity of office boy, and by reason of unusual ability and strict attention to the demands of business, he has advanced steadity from the lowest to the highest position. To his excellent judgment and ability to read the signs of the times, the ma- terial success of this firm is in no small measure due. Mr. Phillips is at present a member of the Portland city council, and is everywhere re- garded as a valuable citizen, not only because of his sterling business repu- tation, but also by reason of his en- gaging social qualities. Hon. Charles J. Chapman, who, with his brother, Cullen C. Chapman, took so large a part in laying deep and broad the foundations upon which the business reputation of the Norton- Chapman Co. rests, was born in Bethel, Oxford County, Me., Jan. 29, 1846, and died at his home in Portland, June 1, FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE OF DOW 4 PINKHAM, EXCHANGE ST. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 215 1898. He began his education in the public schools of his native town, fitted for college and graduated from Bowdoin with the degree of A. B., in the class of 1864. After graduation he went to Minnesota, where he was employed two years by the Northern Pacific Railroad. In the year 1870, he returned to Maine, and at once entered upon the business career which eventually proved such a bril- liant one. Mr. Chapman was a Re- publican in politics, and in 18S6 he was elected mayor of Portland. His clean, business-like administration was so thoroughly appreciated, that he was re-elected for the two succeed- ing terms by flattering majorities. It was during 18S6 that Portland cele- brated its centennial anniversary as a town, and the success of the event was due largely to Mayor Chapman's comprehensive grasp of the demands of the occasion. He was a man of sterling worth, and his character in public and private life was unim- peachable. M. D. Hanson. One of Portland's leading photog- raphers is M. D. Hanson, proprietor of the Hanson studio, in Monument square, many of whose views and portraits are reproduced in this work. This studio, although it had been in operation thirty years, had been closed six months, when Mr. Hanson purchased it seven years ago. By producing work of the finest grade, and by giving the same careful atten- tion to each customer, he has ac- quired an eviable reputation, and built up a large business. The fact that he gav r e 2,200 sittings last year, is evidence of the popularity of his work, which comprises everything from the copying of small pictures to the making of large portraits, by the modern platinum process. While his photographic work is unexcelled, he is a talented artist in posing, and in crayon, pastel and water color. He is the only photographer in the city doing all his own work in the last mentioned line. Mr. Hanson was born in Calais, Me., and was for sev- eral years associated with the Stan- leys of Iyewiston. His talent as a crayon artist won for him an engage- ment with the large establishment of Sprague & Hathaway, of Somerville, Mass., where he remained several years before commencing business for himself. His is one of the finest and best equipped studios in the state, and uses only the Dalleu^er lenses, M. D. HANSON. the best in the world. Mr. Hanson is president of the New England Photographic Club. He has distin- guished himself by ordering to oper- ate the first automobile used in in Portland, and probably the first in the state. The Thurston Print. The founder of the plant of The Thurston Print was Brown Thurston, who was born in Winthrop, Me., Oct. 6, 18 14, and, coming to Portland in 2l6 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT November, 1841, opened an office at 13 Exchange street. In 1843, he took into partnership Arthur H. Branseomb, George F. H. Ilsley and L,evi W- Fenley, under the firm name of Thurston, Ilsley & Co., and moved to the third story of 64 Exchange street. In 1844, they purchased the office of the Free Will Baptist Repos- itory in Saco, which was consolidated with the Portland plant after about ayear. About this time the firm fitted up a stereotype foundry and greatly en- larged their facilities for work. This firm was the first to use a power press in the State o f Maine. The part- nership of Thurston, Ilsley & Co. w as d i s- solved in 1846, and Samuel Thurston was taken into the new firm of Thurston & Co. In 1 85 1 S a m u el Thurston retired, and Newell A. Fos- ter and William H. Jerris came in under the firm name of Thurston, Foster & Co. This was dissolved at the expiration of a year. In 1854, Mr. Thurston moved into the Fox block, at the corner of Exchange and Middle streets. He continued with- out a partner until 1865, when his son, Charles B., was admitted to the firm. The great fire of July 4, 1866, FRED. L. TOWER, PRES. AND MNGR., THURSTON PRINT. destroyed the plant and dissolved the partnership, but Mr. Thurston, un- daunted by reverses, purchased a new outfit, which was located tem- porarily on Commercial street, and afterward moved into the building now occupied on Exchange street. In 1874, Stuart A. Strout and John H. Russell were taken into partner- ship. Mr. Russell severed his con- nection in 1880, and Mr. Strout con tinued with the firm until his death in 1885. In 1886 George H. Watkins came into the firm, which was incorporat- ed on March 3, 1890, as the Brown Thurston C ompany, with Brown Thurston as president, and George H. Watkins as treasurer. Three days later, M r. Watkins died and Charles B. Thurston was chosen treasu rer, and Fred. L. Tower was elected gen- eral manager. In 1895, M r - Thurs- ton retired from the firm, and the business was acquired by The Thurs- ton Print, a corporation formed for the purpose, with Mr. Tower as pres- ident and general manager, and I. N. Halliday as treasurer and super- intendent. On the retirement of Mr. Halliday, in 1898, Will F. Davis became treasurer, and the duties of PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 2 17 superintendent devolved upon Mr. Tower. The Thurston Print is now by far the largest exclusive job print- ing plant in Maine. Additions and improvements are constantly being made, and all modern facilities for neat printing are in use. Among the recent important additions, is one of the latest improved type-setting ma- chines. Besides publishing a large number of directories for cities and towns in Maine, the directories of all the principal cities in the United He was educated in the public schools of Stoughton, and in the Roxbury High School. Beginning business life as clerk in the office of the E. Howard Watch Co., where he re- mained two years, he was afterward employed as clerk by several promi- nent Boston grocery firms. Impaired health, caused by close confinement, led him to seek outside employment, and he accepted a situation with W. A. Greenough & Co., directory pub- lishers. In 1SS1, whenW. A. Green- THURSTON PRINT, SHOWING PRESS ON WHICH THIS BOOK WAS BEING PRINTED. States are here kept on file. As artistic printers of the finer grades of half-tone work, The Thurston Print has earned a wide reputation. This volume is a good specimen of their work in this line. Frederic Lincoln Tower, the president and general manager, is one of Portland's able business men. To his able manage- ment and painstaking care, the pres- ent enviable reputation of this firm is largely due. He was born in Stough- ton, Mass., Aug. 23, i860, and is descended from old colonial stock. ough & Co. purchased a half interest in the Portland directory, Mr. Tower came to Portland as compiler of it, and laid the foundation of his marked business success. B. Thurston & Co. were the publishers of this direc- tory, and at this time his connection with the firm began. Mr. Tower is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, a past chancellor of Bram- hall Lodge, Knights of Pythias, rep- resentative to the grand lodge, and member of the judiciary committee of that body. 218 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Curtis & Son Company. Through the above concern Port- land is noted for the manufacture of chewing gum, as the history of the entire business of the world dates back to the start made by John B. Curtis, in 1850. Spruce chewing gum was made by his father with the use of a kitchen stove, and rudely put up in comparison with the mar- vels of artistic creations of the present day. Mr. Curtis started out with his FACTORY, CURTIS &. SON COMPANY, FIRST BRICK CHEWING GUM FACTORY BUILT IN THE UNITED STATES. novel product, and, undaunted by the unpromising reception at first, finally succeeded in educating the dealer, and through him the public, until the demand outgrew his wildest hopes. Three different factories were built by him, for the making of chewing gum, the last in 1866, is shown in the ac- companying illustration. This is the first brick building ever built for the manufacture of chewing gum, to which notable enlargements have been made necessarv, from time to time, to keep pace with the growth of the business. After the use of spruce gum had become firmly fixed in the public favor, it was discovered that paraffine was a material which could be made use of in the manufac- ture of chewing gums, and to this day these white gums are popular with a large portion of the public. In about 1871, gum chicle, which had been brought to New York for purposes of experimenting, and as a hoped-for substitute for gutta percha. was found to be a very ac- ceptable substance, and perfectly adapted to the making of chewing gum; since that time the use of this material has increased enormously, and with a very large part of the pub- lic, has supplanted the use of spruce and paraffine. The output of this historic factory is over 1,000 boxes daily. Shipments are now made covering the entire territory from St. Johns, %0ge0* New Foundland, to Hono- lulu, and from Owen's Sound, Ontario, to the City of Mexico. The bus- iness in this city requires from 65 to 85 hands the year round, and the fac- tory is equipped with all the labor saving devices in the way of modern ma- chinery. There is used at the facton- 200,000 pounds of sugar, 75,000 pounds of gum chicle, 25 tons of spruce, and 20 tons of paraffine annually. This con- cern, the pioneer in the chewing gum business in the United States, and in fact, the world, for many years en- joying and meriting a monopoly, was, until his decease, carried on under the firm name of Curtis & Son, by the late John B. Curtis, a well known citizen of Portland. On January 1, 1898, the business was merged into the present close corporation, of which Adam P. L,eighton is president, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 219 and S. B. Adams, treasurer, both of whom are well known in business and financial circles. J. Putnam Stevens. J. Putnam Stevens, general agent for Maine of the Massachusetts Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., with an office on Exchange street, Portland, is w i t h o u t doubt one of the best known m e n in the city and state, ow- ing to the fact that during his active business ca- reer, extend- ing over the past twenty- five years, he has traveled continuously over the state. Mr. Stevens was born in Wi n t hrop, Kennebec County, Me., on Nov. 24, 1852. He was educated in the public schools, and at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary at Kents Hill. After his g r a d u a t ion from the latter institution, at the age of twenty, he devoted some time to teaching school, and then began a mercantile life by engaging in the fruit tree business, showing from the start a marked business aptitude. He soon afterward became connected with the North Wayne Paper Co., and for three years was financial manager of the mills of that com- pany. When the plant was destroyed J. PUTNAM STEVENS. by fire, Mr. Stevens came to Portland and accepted a position as traveling salesman with Harris & Co., the firm which later became Howes, Hilton & Harris, atone time the leading whole- sale grocers on Commercial street. His eminently successful career in the insurance business began about fifteen years ago, when he accepted an agency for the Maine Benefit Association, of Auburn, Me. His suc- cess with this company led to his ap- pointment as general agent of the com- pany he now so ably rep- resents. He has s u b- agents in all the principal cities and towns of Maine, and since he took charge of the business, he has increased the aggregate of premiums and collec- tions of the company i n Maine, more than six hun- dred per cent. Mr. Stevens has resided in Portland for sixteen years. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of the Be- nevolent Order of Elks, and of the Knights of the Essenic Order. With the exception of two years, when he was a member of the board of select- men, and superintending school committee in the town of Wayne, he he has never sought nor held public office. He is known as one of Port- land's energetic citizens. 220 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Portland Evening; Express. Welcomed in more homes in Greater Portland than any other daily paper published within its limits, a brief history of the paper's growth, in a field occupied, at the time it was first issued, by three old established pa- pers, will be interesting to its many ever been attained by any other daily published in Maine. At the start the paper was four pages, five columns to the page, the size of a page being 12 1-2x19 inches. The price was one cent per copy. The office was located on the third floor of 55 Union street. Although small in size, the paper was vigorous and pushing, de- HOME OF THE PORTLAND EVENING EXPRESS. thousand readers. The Portland Evening Express w r as established on Oct. 12, 1882, by A. W. Laughlin, its present business manager and treasurer. From small beginnings, the paper has advanced to its present prominent position as one of the leading papers in the state, with a larger average circulation than has voting its energies to local interests, and giving the local news in a com- plete but condensed form, with the result that the paper soon had a good and steadily increasing circulation, and advertisers began to use its col- umns freely. The first years were years of struggle and anxiety, but the paper continued to grow in popularity, PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 221 William H, Dow, Vice Prest. and Cir. Man'g'r. Wallace C. Osgood, Local Adv. Solicitor, and Coll. J- A. Cunningham, canvasser. Harriette F. Moody Book-keeper, Arthur W. Laughlin, Treas. and Gen. Man'gr, Bertha M. Forbes, Stenographer. George N. Coyle, Mail and Delivery, Machinist. Charles B. Johnson, Mail and De livery, Pressroom. BUSINESS STAFF OF THE EXPRESS. 222 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT being improved and enlarged gradu- ally as the business warranted. For nearly four years, or until Jan. i, 1886, the paper continued the prop- erty of its founder. In January, 1886, a half interest in the paper was sold to A. A. Melvin, who assumed the po- sition of editor, Mr. Eaughlin devot- ing his time wholly to the business management. In March, 1886, the paper was enlarged for the third time since its start, the increase in size being necessary to accommodate the growing demands on its columns, In May, 18S6, Mr. Eaughlin pur- chased the interest of Mr. Melvin, and in June, 1886, took into the bus- iness as partner, Wm. H. Smith, of Portland, a gentleman of wide ac- quaintance, and one who wielded a vigorous pen. The paper at this time had come to be looked upon as a most wide-a-wake, enterprising pa- per, and was showing a steady gain in circulation and business. Believ- ing that with more capital and better facilities, the Express could be pushed still further to the front, in October, 1886, the Evening Express Publishing Co. was formed, a num- ber of prominent men of means be- coming stockholders. Wm. H. Smith was elected president, and A. W. Iyaughlin, treasurer and general manager, a position he has held to the present time. The publication office was removed to S8 Exchange street, where convenient offices, oc- cupying the first floor and basement, had been fitted up. A Hoe three revolution press, capable of printing 2,500 papers per hour, replaced the Babcock drum cylinder that had done service up to this time. On Nov. 1, 1886, the size of the paper was increased to a seven column folio, size 24x36 in., and again on Nov. 19, 1886, owing to the demands upon its advertising columns, the paper was enlarged to an eight column folio. The circulation had increased so rap- idly that in February, 1887, a Hoe double cylinder press, capable of printing 4,500 papers per hour, was installed in place of the single cylin- der Hoe press. In June, 1887, Wm. H. Smith sold his stock in the com- pany and retired from the editorship, Wm. E. Stevens succeeding Mr. Smith in that position. Hon. Fred N. Dow was elected president of the company, which office he still holds. Mr. Stevens held the position of editor for about one year, when ill health led to his retirement. He was succeeded by F. E. C. Robbins, of Deering, Me., who held the position till 18S9, when he retired, being suc- ceeded by Dudley M. Holman, who who was city editor under Mr. Rob- bins. In April of this year the Weekly Express was first issued, be- ing the same size of the daily, and is circulated principally in the farm- ing districts. By this time the Ex- press, by its up-to-date and pro- gressive journalism, had passed all competitors in point of circulation, reaching a point where it could proudly claim "the largest circula- tion of any daily paper in the state," which position it has ever since main- tained. In February, 1889, it re- moved its offices to more commodious quarters, at 13 Monument square, where it now occupies three floors and a basement, giving it the most centrally located newspaper office in the city. Its large and growing cir- culation had reached a point, in 1890, where more press facilities were needed, and in July, a Stonemetz web perfecting press, with a capacity of 10,000 four or eight page papers, folded ready for delivering, was in- stalled, the first stereotype web press used in Maine. At this time the paper was changed to an eight page paper, seven columns to the page. When the Express was first issued, it sold principally on the streets by newsboys, at one cent per copy. In 1884, the street price was increased to two cents per copy, and a carrier system was then inaugurated, the paper being delivered to the homes for six cents per week. Since that time it has been the aim of the PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 223 £5 u 224 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Harold S. Locke, Tel. Operator,^ EDITORIAL STAFF, EVENING EXPRESS. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 225 management to make the circulation of the Express a strictly home cir- culation, and its efforts have been so successful that at the present time, ninety per cent, of its large circula- tion is delivered at the homes of sub- scribers by its regular office carriers, or sent by mail. In 1S92, its Stone- metz press was replaced by a Goss "clipper" stereotype web perfecting press, a faster and better press. In this year, Dudley M. Holman retired from the editorship, and was succeed- ed by George W. Norton, who was at the time a member of the editorial force. Mr. Norton is still editor of the paper. On Jan. 1, 1893, the price of the Express was increased to S5 per year, and ten cents per week. Notwithstanding this large increase in price, the Express, through its excellent quality as a newspaper, was able to maintain its circulation at nearly the figures attained at the lower price. In July, 1895, there were installed into the Express com- posing room, three of the wonderful Mergenthaler linotype machines, one of the most wonderful inventions of the age, by which all the matter ap- pearing in the Express is set up by machinery. The Express is a member of the Associated Press, hav- ing a special telegraph wire running directly into its editorial rooms, giv- ing it unsurpassed facilities for giv- ing the news. To-day the Express has one of the best equipped offices in the city, containing all the modern appliances necessary to get out a first- class newspaper. It is the object of a newspaper to get the latest news up to the time of going to press, on the street and in the hands of readers at the earliest possible moment, and in order to do so, it is necessary to have a well organized system of deliver}-. There are the local subscribers who are served by carriers, the news- dealers, the newsboys, the suburban patrons and the mailing list, all anxious to get their papers quickly ; and upon the circulation department falls the duty of distributing the pa- pers. The Express requires a large force of carriers, each of whom has his own particular route or territory to cover, under control of the office. The city itself is divided into 29 dis- tricts, each with its carrier, while in the surrounding towns there are eight more districts, some handled by an agent employing several carriers. Most of the carriers on city routes call at the office for their papers, while those at a distance and in ad- joining territory have their papers sent to them on the various electric and steam railroads, or by special delivery wagon. The bundles of papers going the greatest distances are sent out first and the last papers to go out are those for the route near- est the office, the object being to place the papers in the hands of all the subscribers at nearly the same time. There are also newsdealers in the city and out of town to be sup- plied. The Express delivery wagon takes papers to most of those in the city, the others being reached by special carriers, while the electric cars, railroad trains and island steam- ers, take the papers to out-of-town dealers. The deliver}- wagon also supplies newsboys at distant points on its trips ; but the majority of the boys get their papers at the office. The mail circulation of the Express receives the same careful attention that is given to the carrier circula- tion ; and every effort is made to get the latest papers to subscribers. Minutes and even seconds are valua- ble, so in order to save the time that would be required at the post-office to sort the papers and put them in the proper mails, this work is all done in the mailing rooms of the Express. The mailing list of the Express is divided into sections cor- responding to the various mail routes going from the Portland post-office, and each set of wrappers is laid out separately on the mailing table, under which are hung the sacks marked with slips furnished by the post-office. One set after another is quickly pasted 226 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 227 MECHANICAL FORCE, PORTLAND EVENING EXPRESS. 228 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT and the papers wrapped and put into the proper sacks, so that when the last paper has been addressed and wrapped, the whole mail has been sorted. C. Bancroft Gillespie. The author of this book, since October last of the editorial staff of the Evening Express, was born in Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 8, 1865. He is of Scotch ( P r e s byte- rian ) ances- try and de- s c e n d e d on the ma- ternal side from the merchant prince, Ab- bott Law- rence, and the histori- an Bancroft. His educa- tion in the public schools o f Cambridge, Somerville, and N e w Haven, Ct., w as f o 1- lowed b y practical experie nee in business life, in the who 1 e s a 1 e dry goods, and retail boot and Boston. He beean C. BANCROFT GILLESPIE. shoe trade in his newspaper career on the Charlestown Enterprise, where his fitness for the work was soon demonstrated. Some two years later, in 18S5, he was, for a time, manager of the East Boston Sun, which duties he discarded to become business manager of three Sunday papers, published in Holyoke, Mass. Soon after, with Charles F. Corbett, he started the Holyoke Morning News, the only morning paper which up to that time had lived in that hot- ly contested field. Desiring to gain a thorough knowledge and acquaint- ance with New England cities, he disposed of his interest there and has since devoted his energies to the com- pilation of historical, descriptive and illustrated publications, similar in character to this volume Among the books got- ten up by him for pop- ular news- papers and issued as souvenir editions, may be men- tioned the following: "Norwich, the Rose of New Eng- land," Nor- wich Even- ing Record; "The Day's Souvenir , ' ' New Eon- don (Conn. ) Day; "Wat erbury 1 1- lustrated , ' ' Water bury Democrat; ' ' M eriden Illustrated" and "Wal- lingford II- Daily Journal; and lustrated," Meriden "Derby (Conn.) Illustrated. "Ansonia Illustrated," Derby Even- ing Transcript; "Noddle Island Il- lustrated"; "Illustrated History of Salem and Environs," Salem Even- ing News; "Chelsea (Mass.) Illus- trated," Chelsea Gazette, and thirty others. His work in the past twelve years, has won high commendation PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 229 from the large dailies of the country; and probably none are more gifted with greater versatility as a writer and illustrator, in this line, than he. His engagement by the Evening Express was consummated on the strongest rec- ommendations of newspaper publish- ers, among whom he has a wide acquaintance; and his work in mak- ing this souvenir edition a typograph- ical and financial success adds to his laurels. He is married and has one daughter; and since removing to Port- land has resided on North street. Seavey & Company. In saying a word about book-bind- ing, the above named firm calls for attention; for the binding of the en- tire edition of this book was neatly and substantially executed by them. The bindery of Seavey & Co. is one of the important institutions of Portland, and this establishment is located at 105 1-2 Exchange street, its windows opening on Exchange, Federal and Market streets. Its lo- cation, surrounded on all sides by printing offices, is especially conven- ient to the trade, and large jobs are executed there in the shortest possi- ble time. Unless this firm, which is composed of F. K. Clark and W. A. Bowie, the former being the active partner, were possessed of modern facilities, were reliable and quoted prices for book and pamphlet binding as low as the largest Boston bind- eries, they would not control a busi- ness such as they now command. They occupy three large rooms, em- ploy on the average, about twenty hands, and make a specialty of edi- tion work. Regarding their capa- city for handling work, it may be said that a whole edition of 3,000 of a pamphlet has been turned out there in a day. Beside other machinery, three wire stitchers and a large per- forating machine are contained in the modern equipment. From the loca- tion, the bindery is called upon to do more pamphlet than other binding; but books in cloth and leather, from the cheapest to the most expensive binding, are bound here. The active manager, Mr. Clark, although a young man, is possessed of a wide experience, and his watchful eye is ever directed toward work in progress in his bindery. Painstaking care, neatness of execution and promptness, are the qualities winning the confi- dence of publishers who place work with the firm. The business of Sea- vey & Co. was established in 1892, and has been conducted by the pres- ent progressive management since June, 1898. The original bindery consisted of but one room. Burnham Ice Company. This ice company has headquarters, office and storage house on Deakes Wharf, Commercial street. The bus- iness was started by the late Royal Burnham. He was one of the best known local characters of Portland, and was once foreman for D. W. Clark. He engaged in business for himself 33 years ago. At the start, he cut and housed his own ice alone, and with a wheelbarrow sold and de- livered it. The business afterwards grew to large proportions, and upon his decease, was taken in hand by the present owner, Frank C. Abbott, who has since increased it. The old-time methods of harvesting ice have been discarded for modern ways. Over one hundred men and a large number of horses are required on the pond, when the 10,000 tons of ice are har- vested. The pond is near Eake Se- bago, and the water which feeds it, is filtered through sand; therefore, the ice sold by the Burnham Ice Co. is of the purest quality. The present owner of the company is a Portland boy, who returned to this city in 1897, after having been engaged in business in the West for some twenty years. He is well known in this city, and his enterprise in- remodelling the plant in which he has become interested, has shown good business judgment. 230 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Joseph Vonyik. C. E. Libby. One of the cleverest caterers in Portland is Joseph Vonyik, conduct- ing a high class restaurant and fancy bakery at 268 Middle street. Mr. Vonyik bought out the business and good-will of John Messing, and, since taking charge of the establishment, has added matry new and attractive features to the place. Beside having toothsome confections, bakings and delicacies on sale in the front, the res- taurant is much frequented by those in search of supplies for the inner man. In the summer season, ices and sher- With office at 97 Cross street, and stables in Boynton court, the above is one of the best known and most re- liable in his line. He conducts a large furniture, piano and safe mov- ing business, and does general truck- ing and operates a popular parcel delivery. His business, which he es- tablished a dozen years ago, requires the use of 15 horses, and he employs twelve men. In his parcel delivery, Mr. Libby has an institution of bene- fit to the community, as through it parcels are delivered to all parts of the JOSEPH VONYIK. bets are served here in large quanti- ties daily. On the second floor there are neatly furnished private dining- rooms. Everything served is baked or made on the premises, under the proprietor's supervision, whether it be for the patrons of the restaurant or the most fashionable wedding break- fast. Mr. Vonyik has been engaged in a catering business from boyhood, and in foreign countries gained the valuable experience he puts to such good use here. He has catered for the Emperor of Austria, at the Court of Vienna, and has also been chef in hisrh class restaurants in Paris. c. E LIBBY. city for ten cents each. As a furni- ture and piano mover, he has won the confidence of the citizens of this eit\- and adjacent territory, by employing careful assistants; while for moving safes, he has all the tackle and facil- ities for hoisting and moving these heavy articles most anywhere. He is a native of Portland and has re- sided here all his life. He was for- merly in the wholesale and retail fruit business, a member of the once pros- perous firm of Claflin & Libby, which concern did business for six years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and although unusual misfortune in PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 231 the shape of fire has recently befallen him, he is never entirely dis- heartened. Willey & Calhoun. This leading plumbing and heating concern, one of the best known in the state, was established by G. A. Wil- ley and D. A. Calhoun, in 1888, since which time the business has steadily grown to its present propor- tions, but since 1898 owned and car- ried on by D. A. Calhoun. The quarters comprise one of the finest stock salesrooms for plumbing mate- the Mills boiler, used for heavier work and for furnishing power, is well known. The Portland sectional and Gold boiler is put forward for heating by steam. This concern has put in over 500 heaters, and their reputa- tion for reliability is unquestioned. Among the buildings heated by them, the following are notable: Baxter Memorial building, new Portland High School, North School, West St. School, Park St. School, St. Dom- inies School; St. Mary's School, Bid- deford; Brown St. School, West- brook* Fryeburg Academy; Masonic Temple, Camden; The Kent's Hill '•117 - v --:.,. < : r, -Jj +£* INTERIOR STORE, WILLEY & CALHOUN. rial and the various kinds of heaters handled, and the workshop. The firm at first devoted their energies to house and building heating, in which the} 7 soon gained a foothold, and many large contracts have been filled by them. Upon moving into their present attractive establishment, they added plumbing to their operations. They employ on the average about twenty men. In the Falmouth heat- ers, for small buildings and residences, Mr. Calhoun, the present remaining partner, has one of the finest heaters for hot water service m existence, and Seminary; The Agricultural Build- ing, Amherst, Mass; The Walker Library, Westbrook; The Gorham Normal School dormitory; Jefferson Theater, Portland armory and audi- torium; Biddeford city building, and Mt. Pleasant House, Fabyans, N. H. Among the plumbing contracts the firm have reason to be proud of, are: the new Emerson School, Portland; Hotel Alberta, Old Orchard, and Gor- ham Normal School. Mr. Calhoun is one of Portland's well known busi- ness men, having been associated with the business for the last 27 years. 23- PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT The Shay lor Engraving Co. An important addition to the in- dustries of Maine is the Shaylor En- graving Co. This company, under the management of H. W. Shaylor, Jr., was established June i, 1899, at 122 1-2 Exchange street, and is en- tirely independent of any printing house, a fact which assures for it the consideration of the printers and pub- lishers of the city and state. The plant is intended to produce in per- lic schools of this city, has had twelve years' experience in the business, in New York, Boston and Albany. In fitting his plant, no expense was spared to insure the best possible re- sults. Among the adjuncts of this establishment, is a swinging camera, fitted to copy anything from a photo- graph to a lantern slide, oil paintings, wash and line drawings, maps, etc. For half-tone work, he has screens from the finest, suitable for the high grade of fine coated paper, to the SPECIMEN ENGRAVING, SHAYLOR ENGRAVING CO. fection the highest character of work known to the trade, and is fitted with new machines of modern pattern. It contains all the latest acquisitions for producing the best grade, and the most satisfactory results in the half- tone, relief and wax processes, and also in three-color work. The es- tablishment has been fitted up espec- ially for the work contemplated. Mr. Shaylor, son of H. W. Shaylor, for many years teacher of draw- ing and penmanship in the pub- coarsest, for making plates suitable for beating into a matrix for use on the fastest newspaper press. Posses- ing valuable experience upon a foun- dation of undoubted talent, an unlim- ited ambition to excel, with a fully equipped modern plant, the results of Mr. Shaylor' s labors have already won recognition. He has one of the most talented artists in New Eng- land, whose business is to make designs and drawings of every de- scription. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT C. E. Hammond. C. E. Hammond, whose studio at 27 Monument square was opened to the public in November, 1898, was born in Greene, Me., and since leav- ing school, at the age of 16 years, has been continuously engaged in the photographic business. He began to learn the business at Winthrop in 1 88 1, and at the age of 19 years, he be- came proprie- tor of the studio. Mr. Hammond has been in Portland for the past five years, and is well known to the public as a skilful and artistic photogra- pher. His studio, on the top floor of a four story building, ex- tends the en- tire depth of the building. The operat- ing room is one of the largest in the state, and ad- mits of posing a group of 100 persons. - and this group can be here taken on an Sxio plate. Besides making sittings for portraiture, Mr. Hammond makes many pictures of manufacturers' samples, including furniture. The printing room is in the rear of the building, where the sun is available during the greater part of the day. In addition to making all kinds of photographs of animate and inani- mate objects, he responds to all calls for outside work; does developing, printing and mounting for amateurs, and makes copies, enlargements and crayons. He does all his own framing. He makes pictures from sittings at his studio, from the smallest photograph to one 25x30 inches in size, or larger, if desired. He possesses a telephone, of great convenience to patrons. He is energetic, ambitious and prompt. Mr. H a m- mond belongs to the Inde- pendent Or- der of Odd Fellows. Portland En- amel Works. C. E. HAMMOND. A place where bicy- cles are enam- eled, is that conducted by H. G. Besse, unde r the above name, at 91 Preble street. The establish - ment, now in a new loca- tion, is fully equipped for the prosecu- tion of the work, includ- ing a large oven for bak- ing the enam- el . Four coats, all given to every Repairing of baked separately, are wheel brought there, bicycles in every form is done there. Mr. Besse, formerly conducted busi- ness under the firm name of Dyer & Besse, at 41 Portland street, and is known as one of the youngest business men of Greater Portland. He under- stands the make-up of the various wheels on the market, and is a thor- oughly practical and reliable man. 234 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Suffolk Engraving Co. In presenting, in the accompanying engraving, a faithful reproduction of the famous painting, Petite Mendi- ante, by F.Perrault, attention is drawn to the Suffolk Engraving Company, of Boston. This specimen of high grade work is but one of 300 or more made b y them for this publi- cation. The origi- nal paint- ing was ex- hibited at the Paris S a Ion, where it was r e- ceived by the art crit- i c s with great e n- thu s i a s m and admi- r a t i on. That t h e Stiff oik Engraving Company have repro- duced this attract i ve beggar, with all the d e 1 i c a cy of feeling brought out by the artist, is seen at a glance. It is not giv- ing too much credit, where it is due, for the writer to state that this reproduction is but a specimen of their every-day work. For the best possible results in work for high class publications, the Suffolk Engraving Company, with their unexcelled facilities for both night and day work, and large staff of PETITE MENDIANTE. (F. Perrault.) artistsjfor original designs and draw- ings, easily lead the van in New Eng- land, if not far outside of it. The fame and name of the company have steadi- ly and rapidly increased the business, so that the plant has been several times enlarged in the past few } r ears. The latest acquisition is that of an electrotype foundry. It is a fact well known to the print- ing trade that a poor- ly execut- ed engrav- ing is never palmed off by them for a p e rf ect reproduc- tion. The same care is exer- cised in the making of proofs and sh ipp ing cuts, as is taken i n the photo- graphing and etch- ing; and when cuts reach the printer or publishe r , for the in- spection of his cus- tomer, the best possi- bilities of the engrav- ings are s h o w n. Great care is exercised in blocking, so that cuts from this house are in- variably type high. The plant of the company is at 275 Washington street, Boston. Among those associated with the business, are Messrs. S. E. Blanchard, Walter G. Dennison and F. D. Wing. PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT 235 INDEX TO CONTENTS. Allen, Win,, Jr., Anderson, John, Androscoggin, Scenes on Armory, As a Market, As a Breathing Place, Athletic Club, Bailev, James Co., Bates', S. L., Baxter, James P., Baxter Memorial Building, Becomes State Capital, Belknap Motor Co.. Berry, A. H. Shoe Co., Board of Trade, Officers, Bonnev, Percival Boothby, F. E., Brown, George W., Brown, Walter H., Burgess, Fobes & Co., Burke, Tobias A., Burnham Ice Co., Butler, Moses M., Cahoon, James B., . Carman, W. W., Carter Bros. Co., Casco Bay Steamboat Co., Chapman, Cullen C, Chase, Daniel, Chenerv, Daniel, Chishofm, Hugh J., Churches, A Group, Churchill, James C. . City Government, City Hall, City Hall, Old, Clark, D. W., Clark, The D. W., Ice Co , Cleaves, Henrv B., Cobb, Elbridge L., . Cook, Chas. Sumner Connecticut Volunteers, Connolly, Joseph E- F., Consolidated Electric Light Co., Corev, Walter Co., Crocker, C. H., Cumberland Illuminating Company Curtis & Son Company, . Cushings Island, Surf at Custom House, Cutter, Levi, Deering, John W., . Deering Oaks, Drive in Deering Oaks, Pond, Deering Street, . Delano Planing Mills, Despeaux, Oren T., Dow, Frederick N., Dow, Geo. A., Dow, Jonathan Dow, The Late Gen. Xeal, Dow, William H., . Donham, G. M., Dow & Pinkham, Drainage, Driscoll, Florence F., Drummond, Josiah H., Dyer, Herbert S., . Early History, Edwards, George Thornton, Emerson, Andrew L., . Evans, George F., PAGE 134 2, IS 96 8 21 24 9 205 152 112 "4 190 48-52 229 2. 15 LS6-7 83-5 145 log 71 2. 15 71-3 4 20 200 199 99 123 63 166 212 179 182 21S '7 s 137 119 2. IS IIS 155 214 4-10 t86 2, 15 105 Falmouth Hotel, The New Farnham, Charles S., Fernald, E. E., . Fernald, Geo. W., Fessenden, Francis Fickett, Walter, Financial Resources, . First Settlement, First Settlers, Fobes, Charles S., . Fobes. Leander W., Fort Allen Park, Fort Preble, Fossett, E. S., Foster, Enoch Frank, M. P., Frith. Willard F . Frothingham, T. J., Frye, J. J., Gait Block, . Gait Block Warehouse Co Gatley. Richard K., Gem Theater, Gerrish, Elmer G., Gillespie, C. Brancroft, Globe Steam Lauudrv. Goding. C. W. T., Goold.J. E., . Goold, J. E. & Co.. Goudy & Kent, Goudy, L. A., Greeley, Eliphalet, Griffin, Lindsay B., Hale, Clarence Hall, Albert B., . Hammond, C. E., Hanson, C. A.. Hanson, M. D., Harford, F. H., . Harpswell Line, Hersev, Oscar H., Highfield, Hill, John Howard, Hinds, A. S., Holt. E. E., Hopkins, Geo. C, Howard, Joseph, Huston, Lewis P., Ingraham, Darius H., International S. S. Co., Jefferson Theater, Jewett. Jedediah. Johnson, Fred H.. Johnson, William R., Josselyn, Everett R., Keating, J. B., Kehoe, J. B., King, Marquis F., - Kingsbury, Benj. Jr., Lamson, Rufus, Larrabee, Seth L., Laughlin, Arthur W., Laughlin, Thomas S., Laughlin, The Thomas Libbv. C. E., Libby, Charles F., . Libbv, George. . Libby, George F., Lincoln Park, Longfellow Gallery, iS, r PAGE 162-3 I96 7S-6 2.15 ,9, 160-1 .so, 173 173 13 10 155 131 153 77-8 207 176 176 179 S3-4 73 22S 207 S5 206 206 191 150 2, 15 143 154 144 S7 133 31 125 170-1 135 147 2, 15 2. 15 86 S1-2 2. IS 72 73 73 69 151 2, 15 2. 15 72 101-2 140 iSS 188-9 230 139 147 74 iS 78 236 PORTLAND PAST AND PRESENT INDEX TO CONTENTS— CONTINUED Longfellow. The Late Poet, Longfellow Statue. Loring, Short .V Harmon, r.ovt-li, Benj. S.. Lovell, John P., Arms Co., Mackworth Island. Maine Central R. R.. Maine General Hospital. . Macy, James F„ ; • . Maine ^ New Hampshire Gran; Maine School for the Deaf. Maitland, Steam Yacht, Mannix, Cornelius A., . Manufactures, McCausland, H. W.„ McCobb, James T., . McCullum, Bartley, McCullum's Theater. McLaughlin. Joseph, . McLellan, Jacob, Melcher, Holnian S.. - Merchants National Bank. . Merrill, John F. A., Millliken, Cousins & Short. Milliken, Edwin C, Milliken. Weston F., Monument Square. Moody, Elinor S., Moodv, Frank 1!.. Morrill, Carroll \V.. Moulton Aus. F., Moulton, A. H., Murphy, Edward W.. . Naval Reserves, Moutauk, Norton & Hall, . Norton, Chapman & Co.. Norton. George W., Norton. Ralph S., Noted Residents of the Past, . Nunns, F. H., . Osgood. Henry S., Owen, Moore & Co., . Park Street, Parris, Albion K., . Peabody, Henry C, Phillips, Herbert O., Phinuey, W, 1'.. . Pierce, Arthur W., . Pierce, John H., . Population. Portland Company, " Creamery, Enamel Works, Evening Express, Fire. The Great Head Light, Head Light. Surf at Mayors of Mt. Desert & Machias S. Bt. Observatory, Portland & Rochester R. R., . Portland & Rumford Falls Railway '• Marine Railway, Stone Ware Co., Stove Foundry Co., Star Match Co. Streets, Trust Company. " Water Company, Portland & Yarmouth Electric Co Post Office, Powers, Llewellyn . Proctor, John F., PAGE 31 17 I 9 S r8o 181 29 92 7 [86, 8 46 . 1S-19 204 . 2, is -. 1 -., .80 . 2, 15 2, 15 161 • 194-5 73 142 61 . [58-9 [86-188 75 in 201 68 t54 213-14-15 224 • i54 15 . 162 126 . r 57 -8 23 . 2. 15 104 73. 213 73 73 14 167 203 Public Buildings and Institutions. Library, . " Schools, Putnam, W. L., . Randall, C. H., Rankin, Frank L., Redlon, C. E., Reed. Thomas B., Revnolds, Edw. C, Rich. M. N.. Richards, Fred E.. . Richardson, Roswell M.. Riverton Park, Casino. Reception Room Robie. Frederick Robinson, I ; rank Woodbury Royal Scots, Visit of, Rumery, Jerome & Co., Sanborn, Leroy S., Seavey & Co., SebagoLake, Senter, William Shavlor Pmgraving Co., Shaylor, H. W., Shaw, George C, Shipping Industry. Sloniau, Charles A., Smith, Abiel . Smith & Rumery, Smith, Winfield L., . Sprague. Wilson Standard Clothing Co., State Street, Stevens. Augustus . Stevens. J. Putnam Strout. S. C. Suffolk Engraving Co., of Sylvester, Geo. W., Symonds. J. W., Thaxter. S. W., & Co., Thomas, Elias, Jr., Thomas, George A., Thomas, W. W., Thomas. W. W., Jr., Thompson, James M., Thurston Print, The. Tower. Fred. L., True, F'rnest True, Geo. W., . True, Norman Tucker, Payson Tukev's Bridge, PAGE iq 34 46 2, 15 Union Passenger Station, Dining Room, 21 Vaill, Frederick S., 2. 15 Virgil Clavier School, 85 Vonyik, Joseph 19 Vose, Edwin C, 94-5 97 Walker, George 90 Wentworth, A. M., 175 Wescott, George P., 17 1 Willey & Calhoun. 210 Williams .Manufacturing Co., 20 Willis. William . Wilson, Scott . 90 Winslow, Edward B., . 88 Woodburv, Elmer F., . 6 Wright, A.R., Co., . 66 ni Young Men's Christian Asso. i frje'19 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS in mi mi mi 009 781 714 5 •