n ' n >m£*i0mm$ty4? Wft^« a WifCfa LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PRESENTED BY UNITED STATES OP AMEEIOA. 06m^mt^yi&^M.r kAr - *~ A. A f\k^*'V tffffttffyfi- ^ /Vvdtojfi^:^^^ ' 'ka^ rt. A />nno.^ w& .,,;^' >fy$& p .,< c - '^w*^* 0. S, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, HISTORICAL NOTES CONCERNING THE VEGETABLE FIBRES, \ Exhibited by Severino L, da C, Leite ; NICOLAU JT MOREIRA, M. D., Member of the Brazilian Commission. h IYEW YORK : O Novo Mundo " Printing Office 1876. tr (! *j HISTORICAL NOTES Relating to the Vegetable Fibres exhibited at the International Exposition, by Severino Lonrengo da Costa Leite. Under Official Notice No. 41 of the 22nd. of November, 1869, the Minister of Agriculture, Commerce and Public Works sent to the Sociedade Auxiliadora da Industria National, in order to consult its opinion about them, some vegetable fibres which had been presented to him by Mr. Severino Louren: + ed sometime ago by a person capable of judging: the richest and most beautiful show case which per- haps can be constructed in the workshops of Rio Janeiro, should be destined for the textile fibres of Mr. Leite. In Rio Janeiro or in Philadelphia, the men versed in these matters will place in a conspicuous position the distich : " Second Triumph achieved by the Empire of Brazil. n New York, March, 1876. Dr. Nicolau J. Moreira. P P P -+ o o o P CO pr -J ooooooooo— o -ootooowooooooo ooooifc.iooaoo5tt.to-; ooooaqaoaqoooooooooooo to to to co«oto«ototoco«5 to » co i" § 3 •• - B B 3 • "B3 *B O CD tt> to x p to o 3tj>o 1-3 y — .*3 B5 d a* CB — -^ 35 5 p * 5 B 3 -' CO CO Oi "On CO to tO tO to t£ cii ot oi tn fc * co to o o to -~ 3 g a O ■D a Vr *■ ^«- ES C B 5 en >— p b to to CO CO W OS o o h- 1 — O00!D>i.laO0D05l^^3O CO 00 CO CO CO CO 00 CO CO 00 CO co to to to' to to' to to' to to' sc oooocooooooooooocoor to oiosos-^tocotecooocoo 66c'do'66665c in 4^ *. w >-■ jo h-> to to to o o to to to " o to to to © 00^3 * >■ £H tej tocotototototototcto di di d5 ot ot di tii en di di oi oi w tfl ^ ci a w u oi waoioo-joo-iooh' tOCOCCCCCOCOCO'OtCCCCO di di di di di d\ Ot di di di di CS Ol OS OS V\ OS OS OS OS OS OS Of—cooocoooooo oooooooooo 4^4a.4^vP*>t-.4^.4^kU4^4i. 4^ 4- -i^ 4*. 4^ 4S«. 4*. 4^- 4=. CO to^catocooowtoto oooooq.ooooo 4- 4^ 4- a- 4- 4^ 4* 4I 4- *C 4^ 4-C04-4^4--4--4>4^*».^4^ OtotOOOtOOOOOO CO to to to to to to to to to to to tototototototototototo cococococotocococococo COCOOOOOOOODOOCOCOtOtO to r— O -*J -3 -4 to i— 10 W tO cq co co co co co to to to to CO to --3 o;woT~3tooo^r\ n./\' -^A*/y VWr\rs.jy\f\ ./W\ ^*«FrwYSM$t^ tB$M^/SRh vwffiR ^tfP^* > - A < -^ a, rv '• '/"V ^* n A^A^A A^^.aA-V,^ iwmhC^^ A'a-a AQaa,: a ^rfAAA 1 ; ^'A^^AAn A' A^AA^ «^V^ A Al