Class r Book. >Ql Ai fqmM' * h^AM^cXinu ^ CaJEXBIGHT DEPOSni MEKWIN'S Conn. Riyer t/ BUSINES For 1867-8. CONTAINING A CLASSIFIED LIST, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, OF BUSINESS FIRMS, MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS, JOINT STOCK COMPANIES, ETC., WITH OTHER INTERESTING MATTER RELATING TO THE BUSINESS INTERESTS OF THE CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, ON ^ THE LINE OF THE RIVER FROM SAYBROOK, C 'I CONN., TO NEWPORT, VERMONT. I COMPRISING, Saybrook, Lyme, Essex, Deep River, Chester, East Haddam, Haddam, Chatham, Middle- town, Portland, Cromwell, Meriden, New Britain, Rocky Hill, Glastenbury, Wethers- field, Hartford, East Hartford, Windsor, Warehouse Point, Suffield, Thompsonville, in Connecticut; Long Meadovv, Springfield, Chicopee, Holyoke, Hadley, East Hampton, Northampton, Hatfield, Whately, Sunderland, Deerfield, Montague, Greenfield, North- field, Bernardston, in Massachusetts; Hinsdale, Walpole, Charlestown, Ciaremont, Leb- anon, Hanover, Lyme, Oxford, Piermont, Haverhill, in New Hampshire; Guilford, Vernon, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Putney, Westmiustei-, Rockingham, Springfield, Wethersfield, Windsor, Hartland, Hartford, Norwich, Thetford, Fairlee, Bradford, New- bury, Baruet, St. Johusbury, Lyndon, Burke, Barton, Newport, in Vermont. PRICE, $2.00. ^^m \m H. MERVVIN^, Publisher, HAETFOED, CONN. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by HEMAN MERWIN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Connecticut. Manufactured by CASE, LOCKWOOD & CO., Hartford, Conn. United States Hotels HARTFORD, CONN. This ivell=knoivn Hotel has just been ©toovougWjj %nxmx^Uikf and put in complete order, ivith n^any improvements, and is one of the most desirable of hotels for the comfort and accommodation of guests that can be found. ITS CENTRAL LOCATION AND CONVENIENCE OP ACCESS, both from cars and boats, makes it the ■ most desirable hotel for (business Men or Pleasure Seekers. Its interior arrangen'ients are such that any stranger, or family visiting Hartford, will find in this hotel a most comfortable home. Dr. J. L. LYON, Ajt R.OOI11 TVo. ^, in I»ost Office Block, DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Therefore don't let modesty or fear of expense prevent you from making your case known. If you have tried for health and failed, it is no reason why you should not try again. If I can= not relieve your case I will tell yoii so. My ^rops and (Pills for irregularities are the only safe and sure remedy for females. All secret diseases cured without mercury, and I defy the world to beat me in purifying the blood. (Direct all letters, enclosing ,fi for advice, to J. 31.. Ll^^ON", I^artford, Oonn. Wf >^ ^^OVER ST^^ Q ^h 9m^ Mits-^ ft^^5 B'^^<^1 IlSr TIHIE coisrT^^i3sri3src3- tieie i?^: ^ssensfex ^\© .-^'^ ,^o »t J N HE LOUNTRY TAe fmpor/a/i/ and exlenfive improvements which have recently been made in this popular Jfotel, enabte the T'ropriefor to offer to Tourists, Families, and the Travel- in;/ 'J^ublic, accommodatiotis and conveniences superior to any other in the city. Durinr/ the past summer numerous suites of apartments, with bath-rooms, closets, i(c. , have been added, a mar/ni/trcnt 'J^tsseni/ef Elevator has been erected, and the Jfotrl has been thorour/hlv replenished and re-furnished ; making it, in all its appoint- ments, er/ual to any hotel in the United States. Ilie location is central, and convenient to 'Railway Offices and Unlaces of cimuse- ment, as h-cU as the business portion of the city. Telegraph in the Ifouse to all parts of the country. LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. ocToVEK, isar. . CONTENTS. Title Preface. Introduction, ------...., 5 Map of Connecticut River, ----..-.-.5 Special Business Directory, ------... 13 Saj brook " ---......,41 Lyme " ----..... 42 Essex '• ----..-...44 Deep River " . ... . . . .. . 49 Chester Hanover 51 East Haddam " ......... Hadiam " . . . . . . , .". -59 Cliathani " ......... 61 MidJletown " ----... ...64 Portland " -...-....76 Cromwell "•. . . . , . . . . -78 Meriden " .........04 New Britain « . ... . . , . . , -95 Rocky Hill " . . . . , . . ."."79 Glastenbury " --...-....82 Wethersfield " . . . . . . -'-'-81 Hartford « ..-....,,. 104 East Hartford " -.-....,"." 192 Windsor " . , . . . . , .". . ^94 Windsor Locks " . . . . . .".".'," igg Warehouse Point "..... ' onn Suffield « '202 Thompsonville " ---....... 203 Long Meadow " . . . , ,". .*. ." 2(i9 Springfield " . . . .. . .". , . 210 Chicopee " . 261 Holyoke « . . . .'.".■.".'.'. 272 Hadley " -..,..... 280 East Hampton " -._....... 28S Northampton « .........' 291 Hatfield " . jf. Whately « . . . .".".■.".'.' 32I teunderland " .......... 322 Deerfield « ........ j Montague « ,'.'.'.".'.■.".".". 325 Gr, enheld « q>7 Northfield « .'-','-'.".'.'.".'. 343 Bernardston " .......,'. 344 Hinsdale " . , , . . .".",". . 345 Walpole « . ,".'.",'.".'.". 371 Charlestown " . -. . . .". .".'. . 379 Claremont «' ......... 391 Lebanon '< _ , . . , ."_ . . . 4Q9 414 '■'y™" " .......... 418 Ort'ord « ......... 420 fiermont " ...... 428 Haverhill <' .'.".' " ' " " " 429 ^"i'foid " 348 l^''i°\ " 350 rSrattleboro " .......... 351 Dummerston " . 337 Puney « . . . .'.".'.".'.'. 868 Westoiinster " ......... 370 Rockingham " .......... 374 Spriogfield « -....'.... 382 Wethersfield " .......... 400 Windsor <' ......... 40I Harcland " .......... 406 Hartford " ......... 497 Norwich " . . . . .413 Tiietford «< . 417 ^'^'''ee 1 .......... 419 Bradford " ....... i . 422 ^"^^biiry «i ".".'. - 433 "'^'^"Pt 11 ......... 4f4 St. .lolinabury " .......... 435 LyJon « ......... 445 I5urke " ........:. 448 Barton •' .. . ., . . . . 449 Newport " ........... 452 I» R E F A. O E In presenting to the public the first edition of the Connecticut River Business Directory, the Publisher would express his hope and belief that the information which the work embodies, will meet their approval, and subserve their interests. Extra efforts have been made in compiling the work to render it as complete and reliable as is compatible with the unavoidable defects accompanying such an undertaking, and of a character that will enhance the business interests of the localities to which it is confined, by pointing out their great models of industrial enterprise. INTRODUCTION. The Connecticut Riyer Valley. ^ >« ♦ «» » The rank that New England occupies in the Union, the influ- ence her institutions have, and are exerting upon the civiHzation of the present century, are duly appreciated by all intelligent men. Now if any one will scan the map of New England, and trace the course of the Connecticut from its source to its mouth, care- fully considering its ramifications — the small tributaries fhat flow into it — the amount of water-power they furnish, and the business they thus sustain, he will see that the valley of the Con- necticut, the main artery of New England trade and enterprise, occupies no very insignificant place in the scale of forces that help to make New England what it is. A brief history of the settlement and the progress of this valley, cannot fail to make an interesting and appropriate introduction to this volume. The Aborigines who inhabited this valley, hunted in the forests tliat skirted its banks, and caught fish out of its prolific waters, called it the Quonchtacut. It was not known to any civilized people until some years after the English and Dutch, the original set- tlers of the country, had established themselves at Plymouth and New Netherlands. In 1631 Wahquimacut, a sachem whose people lived upon the river, made a journey to Plymouth and Boston, and earnestly so- licited the Governors of each of the Colonies established there, to send men to make settlements upon the Connecticut river. He referred particularly to the exceeding fruitfulness of the country, and promised the English, if they would make a settle- ment there, that he " would supply them with corn annually, and give them eighty beaver skins." He suggested that two men might be sent in advance to view the country; and had this in- vitation been accepted it might have prevented the claim of the CONNECTICUT EIVER Dutch from New Netherlands, who subsequently came up the river and built a fort at Hartford, at a place now called Dutch Point. Had this been done the controversy that afterward arose between the settlers of these separate colonies in consequence of the claim which the Dutch thus established, might perhaps have been avoided, and an extensive trade, we mean extensive for the time, might, no doubt, have been opened with the Indians in hemp, furs and deer-skins. But the Governor of Massachusetts paid no attention to the proposal, though he wisely treated the sachem courteously and generously. The Governor of Plymouth, however, Mr. Winslow, judged the subject to be worthy of more attention, and he accordingly, soon after, went to Connecticut " and discovered the river and the adjacent parts." The Com- missioners of the United Colonies, in their declaration against the Dutch in 1653, said: "Mr. Winslow, one of the Commission- ers for Plymouth, discovered the Fresh river when the Dutch had neither trading house nor any pretense to a foot of land there."* It soon after appeared that the earnestness with which the Indian sachem solicited the English to settle upon the river, originated in the distressed state of the river Indians, who were being overpowered by the Pequots. The Indian king imagined that if he could persuade the English to make settlements along the river, they would defend him against his too powerful enemies. t The next year (1632,) the people of Plymouth made new discoveries on the river, and founded a place at Windsor, which was subsequently settled, though the first settled town on the river was Wethersfield, four miles below Hartford, which was visited by an exploring, party from Watertown, who erected a few huts in 1634-5. The Dutch rested their claim to the discovery of the river and the ownership of its lands, on the fact that the seacoast adjacent to its mouth, with a portion of the river itself, were first explored by them ; the counter claim of the English was based on a patent of Connecticut issued by Robert, Earl of Warwick, President of the Council of Plymouth, Lord Say and Seal, Lord Brooke, Sir Richard Saltonstall, and their associates, "embracing all that part of New England in America, extending in breadth 120 miles, as ^'Records of the United Colonies, t Wiuthiop's Journal. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. the coast lietli, from the Narragansett Eiver toward Yirgmia, and in longitude from the Western Ocean to the North Sea," mean- ing thereby from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Tlie Dutch retained possession of their trading house at Dutch Point for some time after Hartford was settled, but finally sold out to the English and vacated. There are many facts of historical in- terest relative to these first settlements, but we cannot, of course, notice them in detail here, and besides, they are mostly familiar to those acquainted with the early history of New England. The Connecticut has its source "in that grand ridge of moun- tains " which divides the waters of New England and Canada, and extends northeasterly to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The source of its liighest branch is in about forty-five degrees and a half of north latitude. Where it enters New England it is ten rods in breadth, and in running sixty miles further it becomes twenty-four rods wide. The country through which it passes is gradually descending from north to south, and its course corres- ponds therewith. Its wide and deep valley separates not only two mountain ridges, but two solid masses of highland. The level of its broad bed is broken by a series of terraces. In the first quarter of its course it has a rapid fall of twelve hundred feet, this being from its source to the mouth of the Passumpsic Eiver, on the parallel of the White Mountains, where its surface is but four hundred feet above the sea, two hundred miles dis- tant. From that point, in eighty miles, to the long and flat bot- tom between Windsor and Bellows Falls, in Vermont, it descends only one hundred feet; thence it sinks one hundred and sixty feet to the plains of Deerfield ; and at Springfield, eighty miles above its mouth, it is but forty feet above the ocean. It runs with a gentle flow, as its course is, between three and four hun- dred miles. Its breadth through Connecticut, this portion only being navigable for large vessels, varies from one hundred rods to half a mile, and near its mouth, to a mile, and more. In the spring of the year high floods are common, reaching from twenty to twenty-five feet above low water mark, and a vast tract of coun- try is often inundated, as the banks of the river are generally low. Much of the land flooded is meadow land, which by tliis process is irrigated by natural means, and is thus fertilized to a considerable extent. One feature about these floods, or " freshets," as the river CONNECTICUT EIVER people invariably term them, is a constant changing of the channel in many places. Between Hartford and Middletown, localities can be pointed out where the bed of the river formerly was, which are now pasture lots or marshes. The banks continually wash away, and the tendency of the floods, which are frequently aggravated by walls of ice, is to fill up certain spots in the channel where the cur- rent is swift, so that dredging machines are necessarily employed to remove the accumulations of sand or other deposits, so that navi- gation may not be obstructed. We have said that the valley of the Connecticut separates not only two mountain ridges, but two solid masses of highland. To regard these highlands, which form so important a feature of New England geography, as simply two ranges of hills, would not be to conceive of them correctly. They are vast swells of land, of an average elevation of a thousand feet above the level of the sea, each with a width of forty or fifty miles, from wfiich as from a base, mountains rise in chains or iso- lated groups, to an altitude of several thousand feet more. In structure the two belts are unlike. The western system, which bears the general name of the Green Mountains, is composed of two principal chains, more or less continuous, covered, like sev- eral shorter ones which run along them, witli tlie forest and herb- age to which they owe their name. Between these a longitudinal valley can be traced, though with some interruption, from Con- necticut to Vermont. The space between these mountain ranges and the Connecticut, is mostly occupied by a rugged table- land, measuring in height from a thousand to fifteen hundred feet. In Massachusetts this is deeply furrowed by transverse val- leys, through which torrents like the Westfield and Deerfield Rivers descend to the Connecticut. In Vermont both heights and streams assume a more gentle character. From a height of less than a thousand feet in Connecticut, the mountains rise to an average of twenty-five hundred feet in Massachusetts, and forty-four hundred feet in Vermont and New Hampshire. In Connecticut the bottom of the vaUey is from five hundred to seven hundred feet above the level of the sea ; in southern Mas- sachusetts it is eight hundred feet; it rises thence two hundred feet to Pittsfield, and one hundred more to the foot of Greylock Mountain, whence it declines to the bed of the Housatonic in BUSINESS DIRECTORY one direction, and to an average height of a little more than five hundred feet in Vermont in the other. The commerce of the river is confined to that portion lying between Hartford and its mouth, a distance of fifty miles. Small craft, flat-bottomed affairs, more useful than ornamental, go as far as Springfield, about thirty miles above Hartford, though few go above Windsor Locks, an intermediate point. They carry freight in small quantities. The navigation of the river for prac- tical purposes, closes at Hartford, and to this place vessels draw- ing eight and nine feet of water can readily pass except in cases of unusual drought. A fine line of steamers connects the head of navigation with New York, the largest boat of the line being of twenty-two hundred tons burthen. A large proportion of the vessels engaged in river traffic, are employed in freighting stone from the extensive free-stone quarries at Portland, opposite Mid- dletown, twenty miles below Hartford, and these vessels on their return trips from various commercial points on the river, do a good business in the conveyance of miscellaneous freight. At Essex, Deep River, East Haddam, Higganum, Middle Haddam, Middletown, Portland and Hartford, there are ship-yards, from which many vessels for the coasting trade are yearly launched. This navigable portion of the river affords delightful scenery throughout its whole distance. It is not so bold nor so sharp in its outlines as the scenery of the Hudson, yet in variety and pic- turesqueness it is grandly superior to much that appears on that river, and the traveler cannot fail to enjoy the many natural charms that rise on every hand as he passes along the stream. At a point called the Straits, two miles below Middletown, a mountainous range is broken by the sweep of the river, and the banks on either side tower aloft for a distance of more than a mile, forming a beautiful stretch of bold river scenery ; but the general features of the country through which the river passes, have none of the bold characteristics seen at this particular point. For the most part, a receding valley is formed, with fine distances open- ing up well-cleared farms, handsome slopes through diverging valleys, and mountain ranges in the extreme view; though all along the variety is so great tliat whatever there might be of mo- notony, is broken in the continual production of some new scene " fairer than the rest." Through this fifty miles of country, 2 10 CONNECTICUT RIVER watered by the Connecticut, one can see more of a general char- acter of the topography of a considerable portion of the valley in a short time than of any other portion, because he may pass through it by daylight on a steamer, and obtain a view of the whole landscape at every turn. Above Hartford, to the sources of the Connecticut, there are many attractions of an historical nature, which the local resident can point out to the cosmopolitan. In colonial days, the Indians kept close to the river, because it afforded good grounds for hunting and fishing, and it was in the settlements established by the English along its banks, where most of the horrible deeds of atrocity were committed by the savage warriors. The Indian wars in Massachusetts, the most terrible of any, left many traces which are pointed to to-day, with great local interest, in all the country along the valley where the early settlers suifercd and died in their efforts to resist the deadly hatred of the red men. Though familiar to almost every school-boy, one story connected with the localities we have alluded to, may serve to show tlie character of some of the incidents which have been handed down to the present time from the days of bloody massacres. We quote from Stiles' History of the Judges — the Regicides — Goffe and Whalley: "While Goffe was secreted in Hadley, in 1675, the Indians attacked the town while the inhabitants were at public worship. The people were thrown into the utmost con- fusion, till Goffe, entirely unknown to them, white with age, of a venerable and commanding aspect, and in an unusual dress, sud- denly presented himself among them, encouraging tlio affrighted inhabitants, and put himself at their head, and by his military skill, led them on to an immediate victory. After the dispersion of the enemy he instantly disappeared. The wondering inhabit- ants, while ignorant whence he came and where he retired, imagined him to be an angel sent for their deliverance." It was into this section of country that Philip, sachem of the Wampa- noags, and for a long time the terror of New England, fled from Rhode Island, and excited hostilities against the whites. All of our New England histories contain more or less graphic accounts of the sangviinary struggle which followed. The Connecticut itself, above its navigable head, waters a fer- tile section, through which prosperous towns are scattered, with BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 11 an abundant promise of future growth. At Holyoke there is an extensive water-power, owned chiefly by Connecticut capitalists, who made an early investment, and who have reaped already a considerable pecuniary harvest from it. At other points there are privileges on a smaller scale, but there is hardly any doubt that in the course of time, very much of the upper Connecticut will be utilized to the development of manufacturing interests. The natural scenery of this portion of the valley is in very many parts unsurpassed. In its rugged, mountainoiis features, it is grandly superior, and is attracting the attention of tourists more and more every year. Of the population of this fertile valley it seems superfluous to say that it is composed of a people distinguished for their habits of industry and their moral culture. Some of the finest farms in New England lie along the Connecticut, and upon these toil many of New England's sons, whose frugality enables them to reap from their soil abundant harvests, that give to the New England farmer independence and competence. The sturdy self- reliance, and indefatigable energy, which are pecuHar to New England character, are no more thoroughly marked and made a sterling part of the composition of communities, than through this flourishing valley. The people seem to draw to themselves the chief characteristics of the climate, being, as we may say, moderate, rather than excessive or hasty, standing midway be- tween the torrid or impulsive, and the frigid or cold-blooded classes to be found in other portions of our continent. It is, perhaps, not generally known, that within the past two or three years the tide of summer travel has been diverted from other sections, and has found its way, to a large extent, to New England, and particularly to the Connecticut valley. Thousands of delighted tourists no longer crave the salt breezes of the ocean strand, or seek recreation in tedious voyages across the Atlantic, but going up this valley, find the bracing air of New England more congenial to health, and the attractions of the country ample to supply the most feverish desire for " something new." Sojourning all over our territory we shall find these contented tourists — on quiet farms, in pleasant villages, by river and lake, stretching from Long Island Sound up to the highest point of " the Green Mountain State." 12 CONNECTICUT RIVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. This region, to-daj, is filled with the hum of industry ; its population and wealth are rapidly increasing; its people are growing in intelligence and refinement; invention and art are daily adding to its stock of utilities, and to its refining and chas- tening influences; so that in a generation, or a century more, if the inhabitants are left undisturbed by those dissensions that of- ten destroy and blight the prospects of the happiest people, this valley will be unsurpassed in everything that can contribute to the comfort of a great people, by any other locality of equal ex- tent on the surface of the globe. MEECHANTS' EXCHANGE. Special Business Directory. FoT Business Cards see Alphabetical List imraediately foUoAving; tMs Directory. Agricultural Implements. Way, Geo. M. & Co., 344 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Agricultural Tool Manufacturers. Belcher & Taylor, Agricultural Tool Company, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Whittemore, Belcher & Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Architects. Gardiner & Perkins, corner Main and Fruit Sts., Florence, Mass. Pratt, Wm. F., 2 Union Block, Northampton, Mass. Attorneys at Law. Allen, J. Wm., 21 Merchants Kow, Northampton, Mass. * Davis & DeWolf, Main St., Greenfield, Mass. Hall, Alfred, Middletown, Conn. Merrill, M. E.. 248 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Auctioneers. Toohy, Wm., 506 Main St., Hartford Conn. Bakeries. Sykea, F. A., 7 Allyn House Block, Hartford, Conn. Bell Manufacturers, (House.) Gong Bell Manufacturing Company, East Hampton, Conn. 14 CONNECTICUTEIVEE Basket Manufacturers. Williams, T. A. & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Bobbin and Thread Spool Manufacturer. Bassett, Joel L., East Hampton, Mass. Book Binders. Claremont Manufacturing Company, Claremont, N. H. Case, Lockwood & Co., corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts., Hartford, Conn. Drake & Parsons, 150 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Parsons, Charles, 338 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Talcott, W. H., 13 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Book Publishers. Claremont Manufacturing Company, Claremont, N. H. Case, Lockwood & Co., corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts, Hartford, Conn. Bridgman & Cliilds, 19 and 20 Merchants' Bow, Northampton, Mass. Hartford Publishing Company, 155 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Hale, A. S. & Co., 97 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Books and Stationery. Bridgeman & Ohilds, Northampton, Mass. Hall, T. E., 161 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Mooney, H. A., Railroad St., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Bridge Builders, (Iron and Timber.) Briggs, A. D. & Co., Fort Block, Springfield, Mass. Harris, D.L. & Co., 1 Charles St., Springfield, Mass. Carpet Warp Manufacturer, Johnson, Emory, Moodus, Conn. Carriage Manufacturers. Austin Brothers, Suffield, Conn. Clark, Edson, Chicopee, Mass. Darling, John A., Lyndon, Vt. Davis, R. B. & Co., South St., Northampton, Mass. Kenney & Gay, 24 and 26 Sheldon St., Hartford, Conn. Phelps, George S., Masonic St., Northampton, Mass. Staples, George M., 34 Wells St., Hartford, Conn, Smith, David & Co., 2 Park St., Springfield, Quimby & Hudson, Springfield, Mass. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 15 Carriage and Saddlery Hardware and Trimmings. Lee & Baker, 78 Main iSt., Springfield, Mass. Casket and Coffin Manufacturers. Washburn & Chase, corner Sanford and Market Sts., Springfield, Mass, Heyer, James H. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children's Carriages, Hardware Manufacturers. Munson, J. M. & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Clothing Manufacturers. Day, A. F. & C. G. & Co., 54 and 56 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Clothing, (Wholesale.) Day, A. F. & C. G. & Co., 54 and 56 Asylum St.. Hartford, Conn. Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Hitchcock & Hosley, Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. Coal Dealers, (Wholesale and Retail.) Banks, J. H. «fe Son, 253 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Cocoa Dipper Manufacturer. Maltby, E. C, Northfield, Conn. Confectionery Manufacturer. Barret, Henry E., Claremont, N. H. Copper and Brass Castings. Emory, P. P. & Co., Hampden St., Springfield, Mass. Copper Plate Printer. Nevers, Koderick, corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts., Hartford, Conn. Cottage Organ Manufacturers. Estey, J. & Co., Flat St., Brattleboro, Vt. Cotton and Cotton Waste, (Wholesale.) Day Brothers, 208 State St., Hartford, Conn. Cotton Seine Twine Manufacturers. Johnson, Emory, Moodus, Conn. Day Brothers, 208 State St., Hartford, Conn. 16 CONNECTICUT RIVER Cracker Manufacturers. Barrett, Henry E., Claremont, N. H. Carr, Smith, Northampton, Mass. Crockery, China and Glass Ware. Skilton, O. A., 8 Pleasant St., Northampton, Mass. Cutlery Glasses Manufacturer. Briggs, Wm. H., Claremont, N. H. Curtain Fixture Manufacturer. Belcher, B. B., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Dentists. Bullock, C. & Son, 346 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Cody, John, 251 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Crofoot & Powers, 251 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Greenleaf, Jas. M., 2 State St., Hartford, Conn. Dental Supplies, (Wholesale.) White, Samuel S., 16 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Dental Materials, (Wholesale.) White, Samuel S., 16 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Cement Drain Sewer Pipe and Masonry. BisseU, H. & S., 17 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Druggists. Parsons, S. C, 28 Merchants' Row, Northampton, Mass. Thompson, C. F., Main St., Brattleboro. Vt. Williams, Geo. W. & Co., 204 State St., Hartford, Conn. Vinal, L. C, 151 Main St., Middletown, Conn. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, &c. Oilman, W. C. & Son, Newport, Vt. Prichard, Geo , (Agent,) Bradford, Vt. Dyers. Brattleboro Dye House, Thomas Kaye, Brattleboro, Vt. Greenfield Dye House, Philip Burg, Greenfield, Mas^s. New England Fancy Dye Works, 139 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. Smith, Geo., 39 Wells, !) Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 17 Engine and Hand Lathe Manufacturers. Flatter & Co., 11 River St., Nashua, N. H. EaTC-Trough Manufacturers. Bartlett, Child & Co., Taylor St., Springaeld, Mass. Express Companies. Merchants Union Express Company, Springfield, Mass. Extension Table Manufacturer, Belcher, D. E., Liberty St., Springfield, Mass. Electrotypers. Lockwood & Mandeville, corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts., Hartford, Conn, Fertilizers. Kellogg, Rodney, 201 and 205 Commerce St., Hartford, Conn. File Manufacturers. Claremont File Works, Henry E. Austin, Agent, Claremont, N. H. St. Johnsbury File Works, James Nutt, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Fire Extinguisher. American Fire Extinguisher Company, 46 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Flour, Grain and Broom Corn. Fletcher, J., St. Johnsburj^, Yt. Shattuck, S. L., Depot Store, Greenfield, Mass. Thayer, Sargeant & Co., Main St., Northampton, Mass. Furnaces, Ranges, Stoves, &c. Chubbuck, Levi, 336 and 338 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Fresco Fainter. Wiese, F., 13 and 15 Pynchon St., Springfield, Mass. Furniture Manufacturers. Kilburn, L. & Co., Orange, Mass. Furniture. Butler, Geo. L., Bradford, Vt. Fisher, Buckhause & Knappe, b% Burt's Block, Springfield, Mass. Bobbins, Winship & Co., 209 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Garden Engine and Force Pump Manufacturers. Burnham, H. & E., Main St., Brattleboro, Vt. 3 18 CONNECTICUT RIVER Gas Cook and Seating Stove Manufacturers. Child & Bull, 189 Main St., Hartford, Conn. General Jobbers. Eldredge & Hastings, 283 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Gold and Silver Leaf Manufacturer. Perry, F., 120 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gold and Silver Refiners. Austin & Carpenter, 38 Clifford St., Providence, E. I. Gold Foil Manufacturers. Ashmead, James H. & Sons, corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts., Hartford, Conn. Ney, J. M. & Co., 59 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate, Solders, &c., (Wholesale.) White, Samuel S., 16 Tremont Kow, Boston, Mass. Gold Chain Manufacturer. Shumway, Robert G , Springfield, Mass. Gold Fen Manufacturer. Packard, Charles N., Main St., Springfield, Mass. Gong Bell Manufacturers. Gong Bell Manufacturing Company, East Hampton, Conn. Gunsmiths. Gifford, J. H., 3 State St., Springfield, Mass. Newton, P. S., 26 Kingsley St., Hartford, Conn. Hair Restorative Manufacturer. Queen, George H., Sanford St., Springfield, Mass. Hardware Dealers. Blodgett, R. F. & Co., 140 State St., Hartford, Conn. Skilton, O. A., 8 Pleasant St., Northampton, Mass. Way, George M. & Co., 344 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Thompson, C. F., Main St., Brattleboro, Vt. Hardware, Machinery and Tools, (Wholesale.) Green, John C, 108 Center St., New York. B U S I N B S S D I R E C T R Y . 19 Hats, Caps, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Bailey, L. W., 10 Bank Kow, Greenfield, Mass. Bunce, J. W., 307 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Hoop Skirt Manufacturer, Chace, George H., 179 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Horse Rake Manufacturer. Kimball, George, (Klraball's Patent,) Springfield, Vt. Hosiery and Gloves. Kinsman, W. D., 214 Main St.., Springfield, Mass. Hand Stamps, Seal Presses, &c. Snow, Justin, Hartford, Conn. Hotels. American House, Hanover St., Boston, Mass. American House, opposite Kailroad Depot, Fitchburg, Mass. Aldrich House, Providence, E. I. Crystal Lake Hotel, Barton, Vt. Atlantic House, Bridgeport, Conn. Champion House, East Haddam, Conn. City Hotel, 217 Main St., Hartford, Conn. European Hotel, corner "Wells and Mulberry Sts., Hartford, Conn. Fitchburg Hotel, 162 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Holyoke House, opposite Depot, Holyoke, Mass. Hampden House, corner Main and Court Sts., Springfield, Mass. New Haven Hotel, corner Chapel and College Sts., New Haven, Conn. Bound Hill Hotel, Bound Hill, Northampton, Mass. St. John's Hotel, 445 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Strickland House, New Britain, Conn. Samosett House, Holyoke, Mass. Sullivan House, Claremont, N. H. St. Johnsbury House, Main St., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Massasoit House, Main St., Springfield, Mass. Trumbull House, State St., Hartford, Conn. Memphremagog House, Newport, Vt. Union House, East Hampton, Mass. Warner House, Main St. , Northampton, Mass. United States Hotel, State Street, Hartford, Conn. Horse Power Machines, (Sawing, Threshing and Separating.) Rollins, B. F., St. Johnsbury, Vt. 20 CONNECTICUT EIVER Ice Cream Saloons. Sykes, F. A., 7 Allyn House Block, Hartford, Conn. Briggs, H. S., 381 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Gardener, Mrs. W. H., 387 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Improved Upright Drill Mauufacturers. Bullard & Parsons, 23 and 25 Potter St. Hartford, Conn. Insurance Companies. Continental Life Insurance Company, 289 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, 7 Central Eow, Hartford, Conn. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, 240 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Hartford County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 321 Main St., Hartford, Conn. People's Fire Insurance Company, Middletown, Conn. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, 281 Main St. Hartford, Conn. Putnam Fire Insurance Company, 240 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Railway Passengers Assurance Company, 289 IMain St., Hartford, Conn. Travelers Insurance Company, 182 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Insurance and Real Estate Agents. Jewett, J. H. & Co., Northampton, Mass. Kirkland, Harvey, Court House, Northampton, Mass. Iron Foundries. Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Clark & Chapman, Bellows Falls, Vt. Green River Machine Shop and Foundry, Felt & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Mitchell, James & Co., Springfield, Vt. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass. Phoenix Iron Works, Geo. S. Lincoln & Co., 54 and 60 Arch St. Hartford, Conn. Union Manufacturing Company, New Britain, Conn. Iron & Steel, (Wholesale,) Blodgett, R. F. & Co., 140 State St., Hartford, Conn, Fletcher, J., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Prichard, George, (Agent,) Bradford, Vt. Thompson, C. F., Main St., Brattleboro, Vt. Knitting Machine Manufacturer. Lamb Knitting Machine, Pynchon Bank Block, Main St., Springfield, Mass. Lager Beer Saloon. Siemer Ernest, 66 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 21 Leather Belting Manufacturer. Plympton, J. D., Cliicopee, Mass. Leather Manufacturers. Ely, Homer, Ashleyville, Mass. Ely, C, Ashleyville, Mass. Lithographers. Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Liquor Dealer, (Wholesale.) Isbam, A. B., corner Ferry and Commerce Sts., Hartford, Conn. Livery Stables. ^ Alvord, E., Market St., Springfield, Mass. Clark, C. S. & Co., opposite Depot, Northampton, Mass. Kicbmond, F. & J. M., Sanford St., Springfield, Mass. Strong, Ebenezer, rear Warner House, Northampton, Mass. Loan OMce. Belden, Thos. H., 254 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Lumber Dealers. Bassett, Joel L., East Hampton. Barrett, M. S., Pearl St., Springfield, Vt. Lumber, Lime & Cement. Pease, T. & Son, Thompsonville, Conn. Machinery Broker. Kimball, C. W., Springfield, Mass. Machine Card Clothing Manufacturers. Sargent Card Clothing Company, Junction Depot, Worcester, Mass. Machinists. Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Benbam, Nathan, rear 262 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Bullard & Parsons, 23 and 25 Potter St. Hartford, Conn. Brown, W. H., 44 Exchange St., Worcester, Mass. Clark & Chapman, Bellows Falls, Vt. Cushman, Dwigbt, 21 Potter St., Hartford, Conn. Flather & Co., 11 River St., Nashua, N. H. Grant, Geo. M. & Son, Northampton, Mass. 22 CONNECTICUT RIVER Machinists — Continued, Gerry, Geo. & Son, Athol Depot, Mass. Green River Machine Shop and Foundry, Felt & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Herrick, W., Northampton, Mass. Holyoke Machine Company, Holyoke, Mass. Humphrey, John, Keene, N. H. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass. Phoenix Iron Works, Geo. S. Lincoln & Co., 54 and 60 Arch St., Hartford, Conn. Stacy, E. S. & Co.-, Harrison Avenue, Springfield, Mass. Stiles, N. C. & Co., West Meriden, Conn. Turbine Water Wheel Mfg. Co., J. D. Chase & Sons, Agents, Orange, Mass. Wood, Light & Co., Junction Shop, Worcester, Mass. Machinists' Tools Manufacturers. Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Yt. Benham, Nathan, rear 262 Main St., Hartford, Conn. BuUard & Parsons, 23 and 25 Potter St., Hartford, Conn. Flather & Co., 11 River St., Nashua, N. H. Grant, George M. & Son, Northampton, Mass. Herrick, W., Northampton, Mass. Holyoke Machine Company, Holyoke, Mass. Humphrey, John, Keene, N. H. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass. Phoenix Iron Works, Geo. S. Lincoln & Co., 54 and 60 Arch St., Hartford, Conn. Stiles, N. C. & Co., West Meriden, Conn. Stacy, E. S. & Co., Harrison Avenue, Springfield, Mass. Turbine Water Wheel Mfg. Co., J. D. Chase & Sons, Agents, Orange, Mass. Wood, Light & Co., Junction Shop, Worcester, Mass. Marble Yards. Andrews, George, Bellows Falls, Yt. Batterson, James G., 650 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Black & Ford, Main St., Northampton, Mass. Cabtree & Short, 2 BHss St., Springfield, Mass. Manufacturers' Supplies, (Wholesale.) Crompton & Dawson, 28 Front St., Worcester, Mass. Meat and Fish Dealer. Stevens, J. N. B., 34 and 38 Market St., Hartford, Conn. Merchant Tailors. Bailey, L. N., 10 Bank Row, Greenfield, Mass. Ockington, B. F., corner Main and Pleasant Sts., Northampton, Mass. Ray, Samuel C, 241 Main St., Springfield, Mass. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 23 Metals and Paper Stock. Hammond, S. T. & Co., Springfield, Mass. Millinery & Fancy Goods, (Wholesale & Retail.) Wallach & Schwab, 449 and 451 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Millinery & Straw Goods, (Wholesale.) . Waters, Horace, Jr., 384 Main St , Hartford, Conn. Mineral Water and Beer Mannfacturer. Brooks, F. A., 52 North Main St., Springfield, Mass. Model and Pattern Maker. Bliss, J. K., 18 Hampden St., Springfield, Mass. Mop Holder Manufacturer, (Eureka Patent.) Belcher, D. E., Liberty St., Springfield, Mass. Mowing and Reaping Machine Manufacturers. Warner, James M. & Son, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Moulding Cutter Manufacturer. Brown, Wm. H., 44 Exchange St., Worcester, Mass. Music. Maple Wood Music Seminary, East Haddam, Conn. Grosvenor & Leonard's Quadrille Band, 45 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Music Teacher. Pellitier, 0., Hungerford & Cone's Block, Hartford, Conn. Newspapers. Hartford Courant, (Daily and Weekly,^ 14 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn. Hartford Evening Press, (Daily,) 14 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn. Hartford Morning Post, (Daily and Weekly,) 222 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Meriden Weekly Visitor, Meriden, Conn. New Britain Record, New Britain, Conn. Northampton Free Press, (Semi-Weekly, J Springfield, Mass. Springfield Union, (Daily & Weekly,) Springfield, Mass. Vermont Record and Farmer, (Ed. P. Ackerman,) Brattleboro, Vt. The Vermont Journal, Windsor, Vt. The Vermont Chronicle, Windsor, Vt. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. Olm Brothers, 350 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Whitmore's City Garden, 113 Wethersfield Avenue^ Hartford, Conn. 24 CONNECTICUT RIVER Oaknm Manufacturers. Tibbals & Co., Cobalt, Conn. Ornamental Carvers, (Wood.) Prall & Drummond, 22 and 24 Mulberry St., Hartford, Conn. Paper Box Manufacturers. King, V. A., 66 State St., Hartford, Conn. Tucker E. & Son, 139 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. Paper Bags. King, y. A., 66 State St., Hartford, Conn. Tucker, E. & Son, 139 TrumbuU St., Hartford, Conn. Paper and Paper Stock Dealers. CarroU, E. J. & Co., 243 State St., Hartford, Conn. McCullocb & Burt, 117 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Pitkin & Bartlett, 160 Commerce St., Hartford, Conn. Pail and Bucket Manufacturers. Fairbanks, M., Keene, N. H. Whitney, Lord & Co., Orange, Mass. Painters and Oil Dealers. Smith & Jones, 3 Court St., Northampton, Mass. Wilson, J. & Co., Main St., Greenfield, Mass. Patent Agent. Bliss, J. W., 240 Main St., Hartford, Conn, Patent Medicine Manufacturers. Harris, N. O., East Haddam, Conn. Doty, C. C, Bradford, Vt. Patent Right Agent. Hauxhurst, G. W., 497 Mam St., Hartford, Conn. Piano Forte Manufacturers. Hallet, Davis & Co., 272 Washington St., Boston, Mass. New York Piano Eorte Company, 88 Walker St., New York. Piano & Melodeon Dealers. Butler, George L., Bradford, Vt. Clark, Kidder & Co., Union Block, Northampton, Mass. Farris, John, 197 and 201 Main St., Hartford, Conn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 25 Picture Frame Manufacturers. Daft, E. & Co., 219 Main St. Hartford, Conn. Farris, John, 197 and 201 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Witter, Albert G., 517 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Pistol Manufacturers. Stevens, J. & Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Plioto^raphers. Bliss, J. W., 240 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Moore Brothers, Main, opposite Court Square, Springfield, Mass. Oldershaw. J., 311 Main, and 3 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Townsend, A. C. & Co., Main St., Springfield, Mass. Physicians. Norton, Daniel, 254 Main St., (Clairvoyant,) Hartford, Conn. Lyon, J. L. Dr., No. 7 Postoffice Building, Hartford, Conn. Plough Manufacturers. Green River Machine Shop and Foundry, Felt & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Mitchell, James & Co., Springfield, Yt. Plumbers' Materials Manufacturers, Whitfield, James M. & Son, 262 Water St., New York. Buck, Fred. F. E., 14 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn. Printers, (Book and Job.) Case, Lockwood & Co., corner Pearl and Trumbull Sts., Hartford, Conn. Claremont Manufacturing Company, Claremont, N. H. Clark & Booth, 321 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Cobleigh, F. D., Brattleboro, Vt. Hanmer, S., 66 State St., Hartford, Conn. Wiley, Waterman & Eaton, 152 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Publisher, (Magazine.) The Dental Cosmos, Samuel S. White, 16 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Pump Manufacturers. Douglass, W. & B., Middletown, Conn. Norwalk Iron Works, (Earle's Patent Steam Pump,) 108 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. Quarriers. North Middlesex Quarry, (Freestone,) Cromwell, Conn. Red Aberdeen Granite Dealer. Batterson, J. G., 650 Main St., Hartford, Cobn. 4 26 CONNECT ICUT RIVER Reed, Harnesses, Shuttle, Spindle, &c., Manufacturers. Miller, Frederick, 29 Canal St., Providence, R. I. Weston & Place, Fitchburg, Mass. Reed, (Weaving) Manufacturer. Whitaker, Edmund, Holyoke, Mass. Restaurants. Briggs, Henry S., 381 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Gardner, W. H. Mrs ., 387 Main St., Hartford, Conn. George, F. A., Bellows Falls, Vt. Rope and Twine Manufacturer. Church, Abner, (Agent,) 46 Morgan St., Hartford, Conn. Saddles, Harnesses and Collars. Payne, Wm., 35 and 37 Dwight St., Springfield, Mass. Payne, H. W., 12 Merchants' Bow, Greenfield, Mass. Sawed Shingle Manufacturer. Barrett, M. S., Pearl St., Springfield, Vt. Screw Eyes and Hook Manufacturer. Perry, A. T., Chester, Conn. Sewing Machine Manufacturers. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company, 543 Broadway, New York. Gold Medal Sewing Machine, A. T. Johnson & Co., 334 Washington St., Bos ton, Mass. Howe, A. B., 437 Broadway, New York. Florence Sewing Machine Company, Florence, Mass. Weed Sewing Machine Company, 240 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Sewing Machine Agents. Bailey, L. M., 10 Bank Row, Greenfield, Mass. Chace, George W., 179 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Forbes & Foster, American House Block, Greenfield, Mass. Shaffer, Calvin, 5 Allyn House Block, Hartford, Conn. King, V. A., 66 State St., Hartford, Conn. Silk Manufacturers. Cheney Brothers, 34 Morgan St., Hartford, Conn. Show Case Manufacturer. Pelcher, P. E., Liberty St., Springfield, Mass. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 27 Shafting and Mill Work. Benham, Nathan, rear 262 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Bullard & Parsons, 23 and 25 Potter St., Hartford, Conn. Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Gerry, George & Son, Athol Depot, Mass. Grant, George M. & Son, Northampton, Mass. Turbine Water Wheel Mfg. Co., J. D. Chase, Agent, Orange, Mass. Holyoke Machine Company, Holyoke, Mass. Stacy, E. S. & Co., Harrison Avenue, Springfield, Mass. Phoenix Iron Works, 54 and 60 Arch St., Hartford, Conn. Silver Plated Ware Manufacturers. Pitkin, W. L. & H. E., 17 Hicks St., Hartford, Conn. Roberts, E. M. & Co., East Hartford, Conn. Shears, (Pruning) Manufacturers. Stevens, J. & Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Shirt Manufacturer, (Cotton and Woolen.) Dewey, H. S., 24 Barnes' Block, Springfield, Mass. Spectacle Manufacturer. Coomes, W. W., Longmeadow, Mass, Spring Bed Manufacturers. Gerard & Forbes, 19 Artisan St., New Haven, Conn. Spool Cotton Manufacturers, (White and Colored.) Hadley Company, J. S. Davis, Agent, Holyoke, Mass. Soapstone Stove Manufacturers. Francestown Soapstone Company, F. A. Barton, Agent, Nashua, N. H. Stationers' Ivory Goods. Kelsey, Edward, Centerbrook, Conn. Steam Engine Manufacturer. Humphrey, John, Keene, N. H. Steam and Gas Pipes. Briggs, H. J. & Co., Main St., Spnngfield, Mass. Steam Boiler Manufacturers. Springfield Steam Boiler Works, Liberty St., Springfield, Mass. 28 CONNECTICUTRIVER Stove Manufacturers, Mitchell, James & Co., Springfield, Vt. Stone Cutters. Brabazon, A. & S., 77 Potter St., Hartford, Conn. Stoves and Tinware. Chase, George A., Main St., Greenfield, Mass. Child & Bull, 189 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Philips, Wm. J., 220 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Suspender Manufacturers. Hartford Suspender Manufactory, 147 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Nashawannuck Manufacturing Company, East Hampton, Mass. Tag Manufacturers. Dennison & Co., 66 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Tar, Pitch and Rosin Dealer. Church, Abner, Agent, 46 Morgan St., Hartford, Conn. Tea, Coffee and Spice Dealers. Gillette, A. B. & Co., 43 and 45 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Hebaid, Sturtevant & Co., 260 State St., Hartford, Conn. Park, Fellows & Co., 203 State St., Hartford, Conn. Tinware Manufacturers. Merriam Manufacturing Company, Durham, Conn. Tliread Manufacturers, (White and Colored.) Hadley Company, J. S. Davis, Agent, Holyoke, Mass. Tobacco and Cigars, (Wholesale.) Burnham, J. D. & Co., 77 and 79 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Brown & Oatman, 212 State St., Hartford, Conn. Gabb, Charles N., Main St., Northampton, Mass. Trunk Manufacturers and Dealers. Cornwell, K. B., 434 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Bullard, J. D., 90 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Watches and Jewelry. Forbes & Foster, Mansion House Block, Greenfield, Mass. Steele, Thomas & Son, 340 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Stevens & Rogers, corner Main St. and Central Row, Hartford, Conn. Walter, M. F., 447 Main St., Hartford, Conn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Water Cure Establishment. Sound Hill Hotel and Water Cure, Northampton, Mass. Water Wheel Mannfaetnrers. Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Yt. Clark & Chapman, Bellows Falls, Yt. Cushman, Dwight, 21 Potter St., (Cushman's Patent Turbine,) Hartford, Conn. Green River Machine Shop and Foundry, Felt & Co., Greenfield, Mass. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass. Humphrey, John, (Improved Fourneyrow Turbine,) Keene, N. H. Witherell, James & Co., Springfield, Yt. Turbine Water Wheel Mfg. Co., J. D. Chase & Sons, Agents, (Chase's Im- proved Excelsior Jonval Turbine,) Orange, Mass. Weaving Reed Manufacturers. Tilley & Clark, Commercial Eow, Springfield, Mass. Miller, Frederick, 29 Canal St., Providence, R. I, West India Goods, Building Materials, &c., (Wholesale.) Fletcher, J., St. Johnsbury, Yt. Windows, Doors, Blinds and Glass. Wilson, J. & Co., Main St., Greenfield, Mass. Window Shade Manufacturers. Fisher, Buckhause & Knappe, b% Burt's Block, Springfield, Mass. Wiese, F., 13 and 15 Pynchon St., Springfield, Mass. Wire Manufacturers. Prentiss, George W., Holyoke, Mass. Lamb, Horace, Northampton, Mass. Wood Carvers. Prall & Drummond, 22 and 24 Mulberry St., Hartford, Conn. Woolen Machinery, (Wholesale.) Crompton & Dawson, 28 Front St., Worcester, Mass. Woolen Machinery Manufacturers. Gerry, George & Son, Athol Depot, Mass. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass. AlPHABEnClL INDEX TO ADYERTISERS. Alvord, E. Springfield, Mass., 253 Aldrich House. Providence, R. I., back colored. Allen, Wm. .Jr. Northampton, Mass., 318 Am. Fire Extinguishing Co., Boston, Mass., back colored. Am. House, Boston, Mass., front index. Am. House, Fitchburg, Mass., front colored. Andrews, Geo. Bellows Falls, Vt., 379 Ashmead, Jas. H. & Son, Hartford, Ct., 174 Atlantic Hotel, Bridgeport, Ct., front colored. Austin Brothers, Suf&eld, Conn., 203 Austin & Carpenter, Providence, R. I., back colored. Bailey, L. N. Greenfield, Mass., 341 Bassett, Joel L. East Hampton, Hass., 290 Barrett, Henry E. Claremont, N. H. 400 Bartlett, Child & Co., Springfield, Ms., 256 Barrett, M. S. Springfield, Vt. 380 Banks, J. H. & Son, Springfield, Ms., 249 Batterson, J. G. Hartford, Conn., 187 Belden, 'I hos. H. " " 177 Belcher & Taylor, Chicopee Falls, Ms., 270 Belcher, D. E. Springfield, Mass., 258 Belcher, B. B. Chicopee Falls, Mass., 271 Benham, Nathan, Hartford, Conn., 183 Bissell, H. & S. " " 189 Black & Ford, Northampton, Mass. 319 Bliss, J. W. Hartford, Conn., 168 Bliss, J. K. Springfield, Mass., 256 Blodgett, R. F. & Co., Hartford, C;onn., 137 Brabazon, A. & S. " " 165 Bullock, C. & Son, " " 191 Brooks, F. A. Springfield, Mass., 255 Bridgman & Child, Northampton, Mass., 315 Briggs, Henrv S. Hartford, Conn., 171 Briggs, W. H. Claremont, N. H. 400 Briggs, A. D. & Co., Springfield, Mass., 257 Briggs, H. J. " " 257 Brattleboro Dye Works, Brattleboro, Vt., 366 Brown & Oatman, Hartford, Conn., 175 Brown, Wm: H. Worcester, Mass., . back colored. Bullard, J. D. Hartford, Conn., 170 Bullard & Parsons, " " front colored Bunce, J. W. " " 172 Buck, Fred F. E. " " 181 Burnham, H. & E. Brattleboro, Vt., 365 Burpee, W. C. & Co., Hartford, Conn., 164 Burnham, J. D. .'fe Co., Hartford, Ct., 167 Butler, Geo. L. Bradford, Vt., 427 Buzzell, Luke, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 444 Case, Lockwood & Co., Hartford, Ct., Carroll, E. J. & Co., " " 172 Carr, Smith, Northampton, Mass., 31 Chace, Geo. W. Springfield, Mass., 249 Champion House, East Haddam, Ct., 59 Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct., 176 Chase, Geo. A. Greenfield, Mass., 341 Cheney Bro. Silk Mfg Co., Hartford, Ct., 166 Chubbuck, Levi, Boston, Mass., front title. Church, Abner, Hartford, Conn.. 169 Child & Bull, " •' ■ 185 City Hotel, " " 186 Clark & Chapman, Bellows FaUs, Vt., 379 Clark & Booth, Hartford, Conn., 188 Clark, Kidder & Co., Northampton, Ms., 315 Clark, C. S. & Co., " " 320 Clark, Edson, Chicopee, Mass., 260 Claremont File Works, Claremont, N. H. 400 Cobleigh, F. D. Brattleboro, Vt., 367 Cody, John, Hartford, Conn., 178 Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct., 176 Continental Life Ins. Co., " " 177 Coomes, W. W. Longmeadow, Mass., 210 Cornwell, R. B. Hartford, Conn. 168 Crofoot & Powers, " " 178 Crompfon & Dawson, Worcester, Mass., back colored. Crystal Lake House, Barton, Vt., 452 Cushman, Dwight, Hartford, Ct. 181 Davis & DeWolf, Greenfield, Mass., 342 Davis, R. B. & Co., Northampton, Ms., 315 Dart, E. & Co., Hartford, Conn., 189 Day Brothers, " " 175 Darling, John A. Lyden, Vt., 448 Dennison & Co., Boston, Mass., front colored and back book. Dewey, H. S. Springfield, Mass., 256 Doty, C. C. & Co., Bradford, Vt., 427 Douglass, W. & B. Middletown, 74 Drake & Parsons, Hartford, Conn., 167 Eaton, M. M. Meriden, Conn., 94 Eldridge & Hastings, Springfield, Mass., 257 Elliptic Sewing Machine Co., New York, front colored. Ely, C. Ashleyville, Mass., 261 Ely, Homer " " 261 Emory, P. P. & Co., Springfield, Mass., 250 Esty, J. & Co., Brattleboro, Vt., 366 European Hotel, Hartford, Conn., 167 Fairbanks, M. Keene, N. H., back colored. Farris, John, Hartford, Conn., 165 Felt & Co., Greenfield, Mass., 340 Fisher, Buckhause & Knappe, Springfield, Mass., 252 Fitchburg Hotel, Fitchburg, Mass., front colored. Flather & Co., Nashua, N. H., front colored. Fletcher, J. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 443 ijjiFlorence Sewing Machine Co., Florence, ^ Mass., 316 & 317 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 31 page Forbes & Foster, Greenfield, Mass., 342 Francestown Soapstone Co., Nashua, N. H. front colored Gabb, Charles N. Northampton, Mass., 319 Gardner & Perkins, Florence, Mass., 312 Gardner, W. H. Mrs. Hartford, Conn., 169 Gerry, Geo. Athol Depot, Mass., front col'ed Gifford, J. H. Springfield, Mass., 256 Gillett, A. B. & Co., Hartford, Conn., front cover. George, F. A. Bellows Falls, Vt., 379 Gilman, H. C. & Son, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 457 Grand & Forbes, New Haven, Conn., margin back cover. Gold Medal Sewing Machine, Boston, Ms., Gong Bell Mfg Co., East Hampton, Ct., 63 Grant, -Geo. M. & Son, Northampton, Mass., 319 Green, John C. New York, back colored. Greenfield Dye House, Greenfield, Ms., 342 Greenleaf, James M. Hartford, Conn., 165 Grosvenor & Leonard, " " 178 Hadley Co., Holyoke, Mass., folded leaf Harris, D. L. & bo., Springfield, Mass., folded leaf. Hale, A. S. & Co., Hartford, Conn., 191 Hallett, Davis & Co., Boston, Mass., edge. Hall, T. E, Hartford, Conn., 112 Hammond, S. T. & Co., Springfield, Ms., 255 Hampden House, Springfield, Mass., 250 Hanmer, S. Hartford, Conn., 191 Harris, N. 0. Dr., East Haddam, Conn., 58 Hartford County Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 177 H. & N. Y. Steamboat Co., Hartford, front colored. Hartford Pub. Co., Hartford, Conn., 170 Hartford Suspender Mfg. " " 187 Hauxhurst, G. W. " " 185 Heyer, Jas. H. St Johnsbury, Vt., 445 Herrick, W. Northampton, Mass., 318 Hitchcock & Hosley, Chicopee, Mass., 268 Hoent, Jacob, New York, back colored. Holyoke House, Holyoke, Mass., 279 Holyoke Machine Co., " " 279 Howe, A. B. New York, front colored. Humphrey, John, Keene, N. H., back colored. Hunt, Waite & Flint, Orange, Mass., front colored. Isham, A. B. Hartford, Conn., 169 Jewett, John H. & Co., Northampton, Ms.,318 Johnson, Emory, Moodus, Conn., 58 Kellogg & Bulkeley, Hartford, Conn., bottom margin inside. Kellogg, E. C. C. Hartford, Conn., 178 Kellogg, Rodney, " " 17'-' Kelsey, Edward, Center Brook, Conn., 48 Kenny & Gay, Hartford, Conn., 178 Kilburn, L. & Co., Orange, Ms., front colored. Kimball, C. W. Springfield, Mass., 256 Kimball, Geo. Springfield, Vt., 390 V. A. King, Hartford, Conn., 190 Kinsman, W. D. Springfield, Mass., 252 Kirkland, Harvey Northampton, Mass., 314 Lamb, Horace, Northampton, Mass., 214 Lamb Knitting Machine Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., back cover. Lee & Baker, Springfield, Mass., 257 Lockwood & Mandeville, Hartford, Ct., 191 Maltby, E. C. Northford, Ct., front colored. Maplewood Music Sem., E. Haddam, Ct., 68 Massasoit House, Springfield, Mass., 259 McCulloch & Burt, " " 253 Merrill, M. E- Hartford, Conn., 172 Memphremagog House, Newport, Vt., 456 Meller, Frederick, Providence, R. I., back colored. Menam Mfg Co., Durham, Ct., front colored. Mitchell, James & Co., Springfield, Vt., 379 Mooney, H. A. St. Johnsbury, Vt 444 Motorpathic Water Cure, Northaijnpton, Mass., 313 Munson, J. W. & Co., Greenfield, Ms., 342 Nashawannuck Mfg Co , East Hampton, Mass 29 Ney, J.'m. & Co., Hartford, Ct. 178 New York Piano Forte Co., N. Y., back colored. New Haven Hotel, N. H., Ct., front colored. Nevers, Roderick, Hartford, Conn., 170 New Britain Record, N. Britain, Conn., 104 Newton, P. S. Hartford, Conn., 170 North Middlesex Quarry, Cromwell, Ct., 79 Norton, Daniel, Hartford, Conn., 186 Norwalk Iron Works Springfield, Ms., 251 Northampton Semi Weekly Free Press, Northampton, Mass., 318 Ockington, B. F. Northampton, Mass., 313 01m Brothers, Springfield, Ms,, front colored. Oldershaw, J. Hartford, Conn., 171 Packard, Charles W. Springfield, Ms., 256 Park, Fellows & Co., Hartford, Conn., 169 Parsons, S. C. Northampton, Mass., 314 Payne, H. W. Greenfield, Mass., 342 Pratt, W. F. Northampton, Mass., 319 Prall & Drummond, Hartford, Conn., 190 Payne, William, Springfield, Mass., 253 Pease, T. & Son, Thompsonville, Ct., 209 Pelletier, Octave, Hartford, Conn., 188 Perry, A. 'J'. Chester, Conn., 53 Perry, F. Brooklyn, N. Y., back colored. Peoples Fire Ins. Co., Middletown, Ct., 75 Phelps, Geo. S. Northampton, Mass., 319 Plimpton, J. D. Chicopee, Mass., 268 Pitkin & Bartlett, Hartford, Conn., 190 Pitkin, W. L. & H. E. " " 180 Phillip, Wm. J. " " 173 Phoenix Iron Works, " " 182 Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 176 Prentiss, Geo. W. Holyoke, Mass., 279 Prichard, Geo., Bradford, Vt., 427 Putnam Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 177 Queen, G. H. Springfield, Mass., 254 Quimby & Hudson, Springfield, Mass., 255 Ray, Samuel, '* " 254 Richmond, F. & J. M. " " 256 Robbins, Wiuship & Co., Hartford, Ct., 173 Roberts, E. M. East " " 194 Rollins, B. F. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 444 Round Hill Hotel, Northampton, Mass., 313 Samosett House, Holyoke, Mass., 278 Sargent, Card Clothing Co., Worcester, Mass., back colored. Shaffer, Calvin, Hartford, Conn., 174 Shattuck, S. L. Greenfield, Mass., 342 Shumway, Robert G. Springfield Mass., 254 Siemer, Earnest, Hartford, Conn., 188 Smith, George, " " 183 iLPHABETICAL INDEX. page, Smith, David & Co., Springfield, Ms., 254 Smith & Jones, Nortiiampton, Mass., 312 Snow, Justin, Hartford, Conn., 192 Skilton, A. A. Northampton, Mass., 320 Springfield Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Springfield, Mass., front Springfield Marble Works, Springfield, Mass., 252 Springfield Steam Boiler Works, Spring- field, Mass., 250 Stacj', E. S. & Co., Springfield, Mass., 249 Staples, Geo. M. Hartford, Conn., 185 Stevens & Rogers, Eed Ink. btevens, J. N. B. Hartford, Conn., 170 Stiles, N. C. & Co., West Meriden, Ct., 95 Stevens, J. & Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., 391 Steel, Thos. & Son, Hartford. Ct., 173 St. John's Hotel, " " 1S8 St. Johnsbury House, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 443 St. Johnsbury File Works, " " 445 Strickland House, New Britain, Conn., 103 Strong, Ebenezer, Northampton, Mass., 318 Sykes, F. A. Hartford, Conn., 71,75, 114, 129 Sullivan House, Claremont, N. H., 400 Talcott, Wm H. Hartford, Conn., 174 Thayer, Sergeant & Co., Northampton, Mass., 315 The Claremont Mfg Co., Claremont, N. H., 399 The Hartford Courant, Hartford, Conn., 180 The Hartford Morning Post, " " 184 The Mammoth Wardrobe, " " 164 The Merchants U. Ex. Co., Springfield, Mass., 258 The New England Fancy Dye Works, Hartford, Conn., 186 The New Haven Saw Works, N. Haven, Conn., front colored. The Railway Passengers Assurance Co , Hartford, Conn., inside front cover. The Record & Farmer, Brattleboro, Vt., inside back cover. The Vermont Chronicle, Windsor, Vt., 406 page. Thompson, C. F. Brattleboro, Vt., 366 Tibbals & Co., Cobalt, Conn., 63 Tilley & Clark, Springfield, Mass., 253 Townsend, A. C. & Co., " " 254 Toohy, Wm. Hartford, Conn., 172 Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., front cover. Trumbull House, Hartford, Conn., 179 Tucker, E. &, Son, " " 171 Turbine Water Wheel Mfg Co., Orange, Mass., front colored. Union House, East Hampton, Conn., 291 Union Printing Co., Springfield, Mass., 259 Union Mfg Co., New Britain, Conn., 103 Vinal, L. C. Middletown, Conn., 73 Walter, M. F. Hartford, Conn., 168 Wallach & Schwab, " " 168 Warner House, Northampton, Mass., • 314 Washburn & Chase, Springfield, Mass., 253 Waters, Horace Jr., Hartford, Conn., 171 Way, Geo. M. & Co., " " 183 Weed Sewing Machine Co., Hartford, Conn., back cover. Weston & Place, Fitchburg, Ms., front col'd". White, Samuel S. Boston. Mass., back cover, and 75, 163, 248, 341 Whitfield, Jas. M. & Son, New York, back colored. Whitlock, J. Birmingham, Ct., front colored. Whitmore, P. D. Hartford', Conn., 182 Whitney, Lord & Co., Orange, Mass., front colored. VVhittemore, Belcher & Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., 269 Whittaker, Edmund, Holyoke, Mass., 279 Wilev, Waterman & Eaton, Hartford, Ct., 168 Williams, Geo. W. & Co.. " " 175 Wiese, F. Springfield. Mass., 206 Williams, T. A. & Co., Greenfield, Ms., 341 Wilson, J. & C, " " 341 Witter, Albert G. Hartford, Conn., 180 Wood, Light & Co., Worcester, Mass., back colored. CONN. RITER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SAYBEOOK, Town of Middlesex County, Connecticut, is situ- ated on the west bank and at the mouth of the river, bordering on Long Island Sound. Distance from Hartford 45 miles, and from New London 17 miles. The principal street runs nearly north and south, and upon it the dwellings and stores are mostly located. Its situation on the sound makes it an escelleut summer resort. Shad fishing is probably carried on more extensively here than at any other place on the river. Steamboats plying between New York and Hartford, stop here. The town is also accessible by the Shore Line Railroad. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Boots and Shoes. Galin Dowd & Son. Dry Groods and Groceries. Bushnell, Giles Sheffield, Amos & Son, Whittlesey, Robert Grroceries. Dickinson, Edgar Potter, Henry Redfield, L. Spencer, William Tread way, James 6 42 CONNECTICUT RIVER Hotels. Sea Shore House, Wm. Spencer. Proprietor. Saybrook Hotel, Jas. Rankin, Proprietor. Millinery. Burt, Sarah Mrs. Chalker, Susan Mrs. Oil Manufacturers. Marine Oil Co. Omnibus Line. Williams, David J. Physician. King, Asa B. Postmaster. Dowd, G. Restaurant. Williams, David J. LYME, New London County, Connecticut, is situated on the east bank of the river, 45 miles from Hartford and near the mouth of the river. The Township comprises the villages of Hamburgh, Hadlyme and East Lyme. Woolen goods are manu- factured here to some extent, but the principal business is agri- culture. The town contains about 1,400 population. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Griffin, A. Hamburgh. Parker, M. S. Hamburgh. Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c , Oheeks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 43 Blacksmith. Beebe, W. H. Hamburgh. Ferryman. Bramble, H. G. Hamburgh. Gristmill. Comstock, Henry T. Hadlyme. Merchants. DeWolf, Roger Lyme, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. DeWolf& Rowland, " Babel & Conklin, " Brockway, W. Hamburgh, Comstock, Henry Hadlyme, Gates, E. W. " Ely, S. C. Hamburgh, Lord, S. H. Nichols Brothers, Lyme, Parker, M. S. Hamburgh, Reynolds & Bigelow, " Sessions, S. B. " Spencer, William Hadlyme, " Physicians and Surgeons. Griffin, Ely Hamburgh, Warner, Hiram Hamburgh. Postmasters. Sisson, S. B. Hamburgh, Gates, E. W. Hadlyme. Shoemakers. Babcock, John Hamburgh. Woolen Manufacturers. Rathbone, A. C. G. & Co., Hamburgh. 44 CONNECTICUT RIVER ESSEX, a Post Town, Middlelfeex County, Connecticut, on the west bank of the river, distant from Saybrook 5 miles. Con- siderable business is carried on here, there being several manu- facturing establishments, one Bank and two Hotels. Centreville, a Post Village, two miles west of Essex, contains three extensive Ivory goods manufactories. Population about 2,200. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Auger and Bit Manufacturers. Lewis & Co. Banks. Essex Savings Bank. Saybrook National Bank. J. D. Redfield, Cashier, C. R. Doane, President. Block and Spar Makers. Conklin, Geo. & Brother. Blacksmithing. Pratt, Edmund & Son. Wright, William Boot and Shoe Makers. King, L. Minke, J. Redfield, J. C. Sizer, R. H. Boat Builders. Gladwin, Frederick Hurlbert, Jas. Hayden, Jas. M. Tucker, Harmon Tucker, Niles Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 45 Cabinet Maker. Dickinson, G. K. Carriage Makers. Morley, S. M. Salter, Edwin Cigar Manufacturer. Hayden, Luther P. Clothing and Gents. Furnishing Goods. Dickinson, F. N. Dentist. Stevens, Benjamin Druggist. Whittemore, Elmore Dry Goods and Groceries. Hayden, T. S. Spencer, Fuller Fish Dealer. Beebe, H. G. Post, M. H. Flour and Grain. Grist Mill. Bushnell, S. & Co., Williams, P. P. House Joiners. Buckingham, Ralph Munger, Sylvester Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Wfumbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 46 CONNECTICUT RIVER Newton, Charles Rose, Asa H. Spencer, Chauncey Starkey, George Starkey, Charles F. Stillman, George K. Hotels. Essex Hotel, W. B. Lane, Proprietor. Union House, Geo. Harrington, Proprietor. Justice of the Peace. Redfield, E. W. Lumber Dealer. Wooster, H. C. Marine Railway. Hay den, Nehemiah Meat Markets. Burnett, Jas. E. Champion, Richard Millinery and Dress Making. Brewster, Mrs. Buckingham, Mrs. Tyler, E. Groceries. Andrews, David Pratt, A. Spencer, Wilson Starkey, P. & Sons. Starkey, G. & Sons. Organ and Melodeon Keys. COMSTOCK, CHENEY & CO., P. 0. Centre Brook. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 47 Painters, (House.) Hayden, E. Hayden, Cicero Hayden, J. G. Knowles, David B. Royce, George Eoyce, William Williams, W. Physicians. Hubbard, Charles Mather, E. S. Piano Forte Ivory. COMSTOCK, DICKINSON & CO., P. 0. Address Centre Brook. Postmaster. Williams, Richard S. Restaurants. Dolph, S. Pratt, Charles Smith, John Rope Manufacturers- Smith & Robbins. Sail Maker. Crystal, Thomas Sash, Doors and Bhnds. Pratt, H. L. Ship Builders. Mack, David Starkey, Noah Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Cheeks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 48 CONNECTICUT RIVBE Shoddy Manufacturers. Dickinson, T. N. & Co. Stationers' Ivory Goods. COMSTOCK, DICKINSON & CO., P. 0. Centre Brook. KELSEY^ EDWARD See adv. index. P. 0. Address Centre Brook. Stoves and Tinware. Post, M. H. Saw Mills. BuslineU, S. & Co. Tailors. Gorton, William Graham, George W. Wood and Bone Turning. GLADWIN, GRISWOLD & CO., P. 0. Centre Brook. Wood Turning. Kelsey, E. EDWARD KELSEY, MANUFACTUREE OF STATIONERS' FIRST CLASS lYORY GOODS, Paper Kiiivc!;), Ivory Folders, Tablets, Propell- ing' Peiieils, DoBiiinoes, JSackgaiiiiiioii, &c. ALL RINDS OF IVORY GOODS MADE TO ORDER. CENTRE BROOK, CONN. Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 49 DEEP RIVER, Middlesex County, Connecticut, a post Village on the west bank of the river, distant 33 miles from Hartford, 30 miles from New Haven, 18 miles from Middletown — popula- tion about 1,500. Contains several extensive Ivory Goods manufactories. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Wilcox, W. F. Auger and Bit Manufacturer. Jennings, Russell Banks. Deep River National Bank. R. P. Spencer, President, G. Parker, Cashier. Deep River Savings Bank. S. Snow, Secretary and Treasurer. Boot and Shoe Makers. Banning, Arbe Banning, A. H. &. Son. Schlick, John Brush Manufacturer. Rogers, C. B. Cabinet Maker. Smith, C. D. Carpenters and Builders. Dickinson & Young. Dry Goods and Groceries. Richards, D. T. & Co. Snow, S. F. Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers, Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &e., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 7 50 CONiSTECTICUTEIVER Groceries. Lane, J. S. • Roberts, F. A. Hotels. Central House, C. G. Post, Proprietor. Deep River Hotel, J. S. Southington, Proprietor. Wahginnicut House, W. D. Worthington, Proprietor. Marvin, J. W Insurance and Pension Agent. Ivory Turning. Rogers, C. B. & Co. Ivory Combs. PRATT, READ & CO. PRATT, SMITH & CO. Ivory Buttons. Rogers, C. B. Ivory Goods. Rogers, C. B. Pratt, Smith & Co. Pratt, Read|& Co. Lumber Dealers. Deep River Lumber Co. Milliners. Loomis, C. Mrs. Shailer, Mrs. W. Paper Box Manufacturer. Wilcox, J. S. Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 51 Physicians and Surgeons. Bidwell, Edwin Tyler, B. C. Piano Forte Ivory. PRATT, READ & CO. PRATT, SMITH & CO. Piano Key Boards. PRATT, READ & CO. Saddlery and Harnesses. Dixon, Thomas P. Ship Builder. Dennison, Eli Tin Ware Manufacturer. Williams, S. A. Wood Turning. Pratt, N. B. CHESTER, a Post Village and Township of Middlesex County, Connecticut, on the west bank of the river, 31 miles from Hart- ford and 32 miles from New Haven. Population about 1000. Manufacturing is carried on here to some extent, although principally a farming town. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Auger and Bit Manufacturers. Griswold, Charles L. Jennings, Russell Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Cheeks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 52 CONNECTICUT RIVER Boots and Shoes. Barker & Shipman. Brush Manufacturer. Rogers, C. B. Clothing Dealers. Barker & Shipman. Cotton Twine Manufacturers. Clark, J. L. Marvin & Co. * Dry Groods' and Groceries. Colt, S. H. Grist Mill. ,Gibbs, S. & Son. Groceries. Brooks & Jones. Webb & Abbey. Hotel. Chester Hotel, C. H. Redfield, Proprietor. Inkstand Manufacturers. Silliman, S. & Co. Iron Foundry. Lord, J. L. Ivory Goods. Post, J. H. Livery Stable. Morse, Luther Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St , Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Cheeks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the toest style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 53 Pratt, Ambros Turner, S. W. Wright, S. A. Physicians. Postmaster. Satinett Manufacturers. Gledhill & Hiff. Sorghum Manufacturer. Gilbert, A. H. Screw Eyes and Hook Manufacturers. • Brooks, M. S. PERRY, A. T., see adv. index. Wood Worker. Bogart, W. H. MANUFACTURER OV BPe^io-PiT iptoisr 0-00I3S, ©oreTV Eyes, Scx'ov' Hooks, Cornice Hooks, ]\£eat Hooks, Grate and. Sliiitter H^ooks and >^arioxis otliei' kinds made to ordei' -vritli oi' 'vrltlxont iScre^rs. Oliester, OonnecticTit. BAST HADDAM, Middlesex County, Connecticut, on the east side of the river, about 32 miles from Hartford, is a thriving and enterprising place, containing several large manufacturing establishments. Population about 7000. The natural scenery at this place is beautiful, and there are but few to\Yns through Kellogg & Bulkeley, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Cheeks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 54 CONNECTICUT RIVER the Connecticut River Valley, which present so many attractions to the summer tourist. The Hartford and New York and Long Island Steamboats plying on the river, here have a landing. The Champion House, situated near the steamboat landing overlooking the river for several miles, is one of the finest Hotels in New England. The rooms are large, and every thing con- nected with the house neatly and conveniently arranged. Maplewood Music Seminary, a flourishing institution under the direction of Dwight S. Babcock, is pleasantly situated here, commanding a fine view of the river. Moodus, a Post Village about 4 miles east, is noted for its ex- tensive cotton manufactories. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. The Post OflSce address is given when it differs from the name of the town. Attorneys at Law. Clark, J. T. Phelps, L. L. Banks. Bank of New England, W. H. Goodspeed, President, T. Gross jr., Cashier. Webster, T. H. Cook, H. J. Barber. Billiards. Blacksmithing. Potter & Chapman, Moodus. Shailer, Austin S. Boot and Shoe Makers. Bammann, P. H. Goff, Alfred Moodus. Mitchell, Samuel Moodus. Richmond, N. C. Moodus. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped, and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 55 Broom Manufacturers. United States Broom & Brush Co. Carriage Manufacturers. Goff & Cook, Moodus. Atwood, J. Ray, J. S. Cook, H. J. Clothing. Coffin Trimings. Confectionery. Cotton Goods. Moodus Manufacturing Co., (Prints,) Moodug. Boies, H. (Warp,) Moodus. Cotton Twine Manufacturers. Brownell & Co., (seine,) Moodus. Cone & Purple, Moodus. JOHNSON, E. see adv. index, Moodus. New York Net and Twine Co., (seine,) Moodus. Nichols, W. E. Moodus. Silliman & Purple, Leesville. Cotton Duck Manufacturers. Atlantic Duck Co., Moodus. East Haddam Duck Co., Moodus. Silliman, J. B. Moodus. Williams Duck Co., Moodus. Dentist. Arnold, Russell Moodus. Druggist. Harris, N. O. Dr. see adv. index. 56 CONNECTICUT RIVER Dry Goods. Pratt, R. S. Dry Goods and Groceries. Brainard, W. R. Moodus. Goodspeed, W. H. Gates & Barton, Moodus. Purple, D. S. & A. E. Moodus. Rogers, E. J. Leesville. Root, F. J. Leesville. " Tyler, W. S. Smith, William Stevenson & Lord, Moodus. Furniture Dealer. Cook, S. « &roceries. Bingham, W. B. Moodus. Martin, Samuel Niles, H. B. Spencer, R. D. Warner, D. B. Hojbels. CHAMPION HOUSE, D. Watrous, Pro. see adv. index. Gelston House. Livery Stable. Swan Brothers. Marble Yards. MARSTON, E. (Marble and Brown Stone). Mullins, J. M. Meat Market. Swan, George H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 57 Medicine Manufacturer. HARRIS, N. 0., McEckrons or Wigwam Liniment, Old Home- stead Bitters, &c. (see adv.. index.) Milliners and Dress Makers. Brainard, W. R. Mrs. Moodus. Miller, C. Mrs. Moodus. Newbury, C. C. Mrs. Moodus. Peck, Sarah A. Music. MAPLEWOOD MUSIC SEMINARY, DWIGHT S. BAB^ COCK, Principal. See adv. index. Paper Box Manufacturer. Bingham, W. H. Patent Medicine Manufacturer. HAHRIS, N. 0. See adv. index. Physicians. Carrington, R. Moodus. Edmonds, J. D. Moodus. Harris, N. 0. Restaurant. Newbury, C. C. Moodus. Ship Builder. Goodspeed, W. H. Silver Plated Ware. Boardman, L. & Sons, Spoon and Fork Manufacturers. Boardman, L. & Sons. 58 CONNECTICUT RIVEE Stoves and Tinware. Boies, H. Moodus. Tailors. Boylston, J. C. Thompson, G. W. • DWIGHT S. BABCOCK, Frinoipal SLiid Frofessor of iMIiisio. MISS VIRGINIE SHAILER, Testclo-ei- of IPistlio gixici O-u-lti-^AettioTi. of MISS E. S. BABCOCK, TesLolier of AA^ax "Work. EAST HADDAM, CONN. EiMioPL^r joKiisrsoisr, Manufacturer and Dealer in SUPEIl.IOR %j%j X X %Ji'% i3£ixiv.£i X %% xi%Juy Cotton Cord, Carpet Warp, &c, OF ALL THE VAKIOUS SIZES, i^ooiDXJS, ooisnsr. IDr. ISr. O. KC^I^T^IS, ELECTRO-MEDICAL CHEMIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, EAST HADDAM, CONN. MANUFACTURER OE THE From pure Natiye Wine, and the best of materials HIGHLY ELECTRIFIED, imparting a very in- vigorating effect in restoring esiiausted vitality in debilitated constitutions from whatever cause, es- pecially those of longstanding. Its effects are truly MAGICAL in giving tone to the Stomach, in in- adequate assimilation of food, and impaired appetite, Paralysis, Numbness, Nervous Debility, Flatu- lence, Colic Pains, Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Languor and Faintness Particularly adapted to FEMALE WEAKNESSES and Incipient Consumption. These Bitters are highly recommended by Physicians of the highest standing. Also manufxcturer of McEckron's celebrated Liniment. This Liniment far surpasi»es any other liniment in the market, .as thousands can testify who have used it, the best^external application known in aU kinds of Inflammation, especially. Inflammation of the Chest and Bowels it is a sure relief. Also the Old Homestead Bitters, Grover's Celebrated Indian Salve, Ricord's Specific Pills for Sper- matorrhea, &c. All orders promptly filled by NICHOIiS & HARRIS, Druggists, Wholesale Agents, NEW LONDON, CONN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 59 GHAIVIPION HOUSZS, I>. W^^^TJE^OXJ^, Proprietor, EAST HADDAM, OONISr. ^ >t » t« »i This House is pleasantly situated, within a few rods of the Steamboat Landing, and affords a beautiful view of the River and surrounding country, for several miles. Pleasant rooms with board by the day or week. Grood Livery Stable ^.ttaclied.. HADDAM, Middlesex County, Connecticut, is situated on the west bank of the river, 25 miles from Hartford. Population about 2,500. The Township includes the Village of Higganum. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . Attorney at Law. Clark, Smith Axe Helve Manufacturer. Arnold, Justin Balmoral Skirt Manufacturer. Crosley, 60 CONNECTICUT RIVER Blacksmittiing. Smith, William Higganum. Hiitchings, A. ' Carpenter and Builder. Spencer, Hubbard Cotton Goods Manufacturers. Eussell Manufacturing Co. Higganum. Dry Goods and Groceries. Dickinson, Erastus Gladwin, G-. S. Higganum. Merwin, C. D. Higganum. Russell, A. S. Smith, Oliver Ventres, Hubbard Faucet Manufacturers. Smith & Gillett. Feldspar Manufacturers. Cook & Brainard. Higganum. Grist Mill. Thomas Skinner. Higganum. Hoe Manufacturers. Scovill, D. & H. Higganum. Meat Market. Burr, Leander Higganum. Physicians. Bailey, Samuel Higganum. Hazen, Dr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 61 Cluarries. Samuel & Isaac Arnold. Whitmore & Burr. Saw Mill. Cook & Brainard. Wool Carding. Eeed, Roswell CHATHAM, Middlesex County, Connecticut, is pleasantly- situated on the east bank of the river, about 20 miles from Hart- ford and 30 from New Haven, and includes the villages of East Hampton, Cobalt and Middle Haddam. East Hampton is situated about 4 miles north-east, is cele- brated for its extensive manufactories of Bells. Population about 2000. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Parmelee, L. Middle Haddam. Blacksmithing. Wall, William Middle Haddam. Bell Manufacturers. Barton, W. E. East Hampton. Berin Brothers, East Hampton. GONG BELL MANUFACTURING CO. East Hampton. See adv. index. Parmelee, Niles & Co. East Haddam. Sexton, Veazey & Brown. Bast Hampton. Wells, Clark & Brothers. Middle Haddam. Veazey & White. East Hampton. KELLOGa & BULKELEY, 246 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 62 CONNECTICUTRIVER Coffin Trimmings. Bailey & Brainard. Cobalt. Niles, Parmelee & Co. East Hampton. Watrous, E. W. & Co. East Hampton. Commission Merchant. Johnson, Horace. Middle Haddam. Dry Goods and Groceries. Whitmore, Titus Middle Haddam. Flouring Mills. Bailey & Brothers. Cobalt. Parker, A. F. Middle Haddam. Groceries. Carrier & Hurd. Middle Haddam. Clark, R. D. Cobalt. Hotel. ' Whitmore Hotel, G. Whitmore, Proprietor. Middle Haddam. Iron Foundry. Keeghley & North. Middle Haddam. Parker & Judson. Middle Haddam. Oakum Manufacturers. TIBBALS & CO. Cobalt. See adv. index. Physician. Worthington, A. B. Middle Haddam. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 63 GONG BELIi MFG. CO., EAST HAMPTON, CONN. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF ASIES P^TEif @Oli@ eiLLi of all Sizes, from 3 to 24 inches in Diameter. Large Sizes fitted up in a very substantial manner, for Signal Bells for Hotels, Steamboats, Locomotives, Railroad Depots, Factories, &c. Also manufacturers of Cone's Patent Bronzed Steel Swing House Bells, with Bell Metal Shanks. Agents wanted for hanging Bells in every State in the Union. Please send for Circular. f Illlli 1 it. ® MANUFACTUREES OF OAKUM, AND DEALERS IN PAPER STOCK, TRUNNEL WEDGES MD DECK PLUGS. . J. N. TIBBALS. R. E. TIBBALS. R. D. TIBBALS. D. S. TIBBALS. COBALT, CONN. 64 CONNECTICUTRIVER MIDDLETOWN, Middlesex County, Connecticut, is situated on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 15 miles south of Hartford, 34 miles from Long Island Sound and 24 miles from New Haven A branch railroad connects this place with the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroad. The Hartford, New York and River Steamboats land here, there being spacious wharves and ample depth of water in the summer season. The city is pleasantly situated on elevated ground, command- ing a fine view of the surrounding country, and contains many beautiful residences. The principal public buildings are the Custom House and Court House, both constructed of Freestone. Middletown is a port of entry and shire town of Middlesex County, and contains about 12,000 inhabitants. The extensive Pump manufactory of W. &. B Douglass, is located here. Considerable business is done making Sewing Machines, Plated Goods, Machinery, &c. Wesleyan University, a Methodist Institution, is located here, and occupies an elevated position overlooking the city and the valley of the Connecticut. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Bacon, A. W. 124 1-2 Main St. Brainard, N. L. 160 1-2 " CALBP, A. B. (Attorney >and Postmaster.) Main St. See adv. index. Culver, M. 144 Main St. Elmer, W. T. over Express and Telegraph ofl&ce. Main St. HALL, ALFRED (Attorney and Licensed Claim Agt.) Main St. Robinson, S. A. Court House Building, Main St. Roberts, J. L. S. over Express and Telegraph office. Main St. Tyler, Charles C. " " " " " Yinal, Charles G. R. Court House Building, " Warner, S.L. " " " " KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every Tariety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 Smith, N.^ 82 Main St ^ tf j M^yflydj. 58 Court BI H. ^entre|SLX.Z] CO 4 Centg^ST M^ St. h Fafeers afd Me^^nics, gSJJIfB^t. FirsoB^ial, f^q " " Mi^lWwa Nati^ftkl, Savi^ng^. Middlesex C. NaMaal, Ferre & Hay den. Balo, Co_ HaffSJOlW. ^ PaLiiCiiJ.. E. ^ Ws|td^&Burr, A^ Wi S BliMHinges. h ^ 1 ^ L ^ t an ji Shac"p eal^s. o ji < I- z u o o z < H Ul u H (0 an Hapnillff ohn 64 Main Si Sc|RS1deronaestic Bakery, E^. A., ©ylces, ]Vo. 7 A.llyn Honse Slock, Hartford, CJonn. 72 CONNECTICUT BIVER Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Bacon, B. C. 92 and 94 Main St. Ellis & Grigliette, 90 " Photographers. Bimdy, Horace L. 136 Main St. Hennigar, G. W. Main St., opposite McDonough House. Pump Manufacturers. DOUGLASS, W. & B., Williams St. See adv. index. Saddle and Harness Manufacturers. PRIOR, H. G. F. 176 Main St. Southmayd, A. 46 " Walsh, John T. 158 " Seed and Plant Store. Ryan, James 229 Main St. Sewing Machine Manufacturers. Alsop Arms Co. (Finkle & Lyons.) Sewing Machine Needles. Drake & Henshaw. Silver Plated Goods. Pelton, F. W. & 0. Z. Simons & Lawrence. Soap and Candle Manufacturers. Allison Brothers, 6 Sumner St. Surgeons and Physicians. Bailey, L. 254 Main St. Baker, Rufus 165 " Bell, W. C. 106 " Burr, E. 85 " BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 73 Casey, Doct. 160 Main St. Bdgerton, F. D. 201 " Maddox, Doct. 88 " Nye, E. B. 39 Williams St. Clark, Doct. 160 1-2 Main St. Steel Yard Manufacturer. Smith, Albert M. Stoves, Tin Ware, &c. Paddock, Edward 44 Court St. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturer. Bailey, J. S. 97 Main St. Town Clerk and Real Estate Agent. STARR, E. W. N. Main St. Toy Tops. Miner, S. A. Watches and Jewelry. Fairchild, J. S. ' 148 Main St. Hall, Horace D. 152 " Smith, J. L. 132 " White Metal and Plated Goods. Middletown Plate Co. L. C. VINAL, #■ mhi 151 Blain Si^ MIDDLETOWN, CONN. 10 74 CONNECTICUT RIVER W. t£ B. DOUGImASS, MIDDLETOWN, CONK, BRANCH WAREHOUSE, 87 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, Manufacturers of the Celebrated Patent REVOLVING STAND PEEMIUM PUMPS, PATENT ROTM HAND & POWER PUMPS, PATENT YARD PUMPS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, Patent Double and Single Acting SUCTION and FORCE PUMPS, of various styles and capacity, both hand and power. PA? EiT iifilif BAiREL PyMPi, PATENT STEAM PUMPS, PATENT PREMIUM HYDRAULIC RAMS, Galvanized Pump Chain, Chain Wheels and Fixtures, Patent Cast Iron CURBS, Cast Iron SPOUTS for Wooden Curbs, Iron Well Wheels, Improved Premium. GARDEN OR FIRE ENGINES, Patent Ship Pumps, Barn Door Rollers and Hangers, Ornamental Iron Horse Posts, Grindstone Trimmings, Friction Rolls and Stands, Wrought Iron BUTS and HINGES, Washers, &c., &c. Also the Patent AQUARIUS, a new and valuable HAND FORCE PUMP. Incorporated by Special Charter, granted by the Legislature of Connecticut, in 1859. BENJAMIN DOUGLASS, President. ^w^or,k:s inoxjisriDED iisr issa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 75 OOISrir'ElOTIOlSrEPL'!^, ORITAMBNTAL WORK, &C. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES FURNISHED UOMPLETE. F. A. SYEES, NO. 7 ALLYN HOUSE, HARTFORD, CONN. THE ^^DENTAL COSMOS/' OF Devoted to the Interests of tlie Profession. ETERT DENTIST SHOULD HAVE IT. SAMUEL S. WHITE, PUBLISHER, No. 16 TREMONT ROW, BOSTON, MASS. IlffSURS IN THK PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE CO., MIDDLETOWH", OONK S. H. BUTLER, Sec. J. G. BALDWIIT, Pres. 76 ' CONNECTICUT EIVER PORTLAND, Middlesex County, Connecticut, is situated on the east bank of the river, nearly opposite Middletown, with which it communicates by steam Ferry, 15 miles from Hartford and 34 miles from Long Island Sound. In this town, upon the river bank, are the noted Portland Free- stone Quarries. The stone is transported long distances, and used principally for building purposes, being of superior quality, soft and easily worked, and is prized for its color and durability, which is improved by time. The town contains about 4000 in- habitants. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Hall, Alfred Main St. Banks. First National Bank, Main St. S. Gildersleeve, Pres., W. W. Coe, Cashier, Free Stone Savings Bank, Main St. S. Gildersleeve, Pres., W. W. Coe, Secretary and Treasurer. Boot and Shoe Maker. Henry, W. Main St. Coffin Warehouse. Spencer, W. C. Main St. Dry Goods and Groceries. Gildersleeve, S. & Sons. Dry Goods. Hall, Charles H. Main St. KELLOGG & BULKELET, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numhered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 77 Grocers. Aheon, Morris Main St. Crawford, Alex. Cooper, Geo. B. Goodrich, G. D. Laverty, Jas. Wall, M. Wilcox, S. W. Williams, David Hotel. Union House, Edward Pease, Proprietor. Livery Stable. Laverty, Jas. Main St. Meat Markets. Hurlbut, Jas. Main St. Strong and Mitchell. Millinery. Dunham, A. Miss Main St. Physicians. Buck, B. Main St. Jarvis, Geo. 0. Main St. Sears, C. A. " Seed Growers. Strong, D. & Son, Main St. Ship Builders. Gildersleeve, S. & Sons. KELLOGG & BXTLKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 78 CONNECTICUT RIVER Stoves and Tinware. Buckland, 0. C. Main St. duarries. Brainard & Co. (Brown Stone.) Middlesex Quarry Co. " Shaler & Hall Quarry Co. (Freestone.) CROMWELL, Middlesex County, Connecticut, situated on the west bank of the Conn. Biver, about 13 miles south of Hartford. The North Middlesex (Freestone) Quarry is situated in this town, from which large quantities of fine building stone are ob- tained, of a superior quality and beautiful color. The town numbers about 1800 inhabitants. The principal business of the town is agriculture. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dry (joods and Grroceries. Savage, R. B. Eyelet Manufacturers. Eyelet and Ferule Co. Groceries. Spencer, N. Stocking, H. Harness Manufacturers. Allison, W. P. & Co. Hotel. C. Mather, Proprietor. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numhered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the hest Style. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 79 Iron Foundry. Hubbard, Thos. S. Physician. Hutchingson, Ira Skate Manufacturers. Stevens, J. & B. & Co. Toys and Hardware. Stevens, J. & E. & Co. duarry. NORTH MIDDLESEX QUARRY, J. A. Bloomer, Agent. See adv. index. CONNECTICUT BROWN FREESTONE, NORTH MIDDLESEX QUARRY, CROMWELL, CONN. JOHN A.. BLOOM.ER, Agent. S. NELSON HALL, Superintendent. NE^\^ YORK OFFICE 86 CEDAR STE.EET, EL.INHA BL.OOMER. Building Stone of any dimensions and in any quantity, fur- shed to order, at short notice. Also choice selected stone for Monumental purposes. ROCKY HILL, Hartford County, Connecticut, a small town on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 7 miles south of 'Hartford, and 42 miles from Long Island Sound. It contains KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 80 CONNECTICUT R I VEB about 1200 inhabitants. Considerable is done in the manufac- ture of Hoes, Shears and Iron Castings. New York and River Steamers have a landing here. BUSINESS DIEBCTORY. Groceries. Beaumont, L. Parker, A. 6. Smith, Walter Ward, William Hotel. ' Shipman's Hotel, Shipman, Proprietor. Iron Foundry. Butler & Sugden. Physicians. Griswold, R. Hodgkins, Dr. Plantation Hoes Wells & Wilcox. Postmaster. Parker, A 6. Restaurant. White, George Shear Manufacturers. Butler & Sugden. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best Btyle. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 aex WETHERSFIBLD, HartforP^m, Connecticut, a small town on the w^i^Nbank of the ^S^Si^iles south of Hartford, and is oi^^wmM oldest settled ^gg gBlS^ the river. The location of the towTT IS^ry level, the stp^^^^p broad and ^^ded with large and^^^l^ul elms. It is [itttiiiii 'f'l I with Hartfc^ by Horse Railroadjp"^!^ quantities of seedsare^ grown herej^id sent to all parts P ftlfg ^untr v . HereESCiSili the Conna^cut State Prison. IjUnif ^^ coi^^ns ab^lCS^SZI inhabitants. 1^ Adams,^ "^^ ^ ,^_-bs^^ Z ^ ^ Talcott, IW^ E. ^ ^1 I ■^ Q. cook,K.^^ Q ( tf ; Ph < O Lovellfrom4an. ^ [ — ^^^ U lTJ RobbiiSfS.IRi -^ l^^SJa^ U Qq ^^^s. HjH ^ CO JTJ Cowle WilliailWWMwe, Griswoldviiiw Hairtmer Maft^fe^rers. PhysiEuuu 2 Castle ,5 Fox, Warner, A. KELLOGG & BULKELET, 245 Main St., Hartffird, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c , Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 82 CONNECTICUT RIVEE Produce Dealers. Adams & Hanmer. Warner & Adams. Postmaster. Smith, George Seed Drill Manufacturer. T. B. Rogers. Seed Growers. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Griswold, Thos. & Co., Griswoldville. Johnson, Bobbins & Co. Magget & Wolcott. Restaurant. ffiU, E. A. Short Horn and Alderney Cattle. Robbins, S. W. GLASTENBURY, a post town of Hartford County, 9 miles south of Hartford, on the east bank of the Connecticut River, contains the villages of South Glagtenbury, East Glastenbury, Eastbury and Naubuc. Considerable is done manufacturing Woolens, Cottons, Leather, Anchors, &c. The town contains about 3,500. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Goslee, William S. KEIiLOGG & BULKBLEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best Btyle. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 83 Hotels. GAINES HOUSE, W. H. Gaines, Proprietor. Bates House, Charles Bates, Proprietor. Merchants. Gaines, C. F. Dry Goods and Groceries. Taylor, William West, 0. C. Bogiie & Eisley, Naubuc. Bartholomew, C. H. Grant, Mrs. Bunce, H. C. Kingsbury, Daniel Hamnond, Dr. Millinery. Physicians. Postmasters. Andrews, E. H. Bogue, A. A. Naubuc. Spoon and Spectacle Manufacturers. Conn. Arms and Manufacturing Co. Naubuc. Soap Manufacturers. Williams, J. B. & Co. Naubuc. Tanners and Curriers. Hubbard, D. L. & Co. Hubbard & Broadhead. Tailors. Bunce & Seaver. Reed, William KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 84 CONNECTICUTRIVER Woolen Manufacturers. Eagle Mills, Eagleville. Glastenbury Knitting Co., Eagleville. MERIDEN, a city of New Haven County, on the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroad, 17 miles from Hartford. Most of the manufacturing is done at West Meriden, where are locat- ed several large establishments for the manufacture of Britannia Ware, Cutlery, Hardware, Machinery, Balmoral Skirts, &c., &c. The city is situated on a tract of level country, and contains about 10,000 inhabitants. The State Reform School is situated here. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements. Curtis, H. W. Apothecary. Block, J. B. Main St. Attorneys at Law. Fay, Geo. A. opposite P. 0. West Meriden. Piatt, 0. H. Colony St. Smith, Geo. W. near P. 0. West Meriden. Bakers. Emery, Ira West Meriden. Williams, Thos. Main St. Balmoral Skirt Manufacturers. Wilcox, J. W. & Co. West Meriden. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 85 Banks. First National Bank. Home National Bank. Meriden National Bank, Joel Buckley, President, 0. B. Ar- nold, Cashier. Billiard Saloon. Johnson, S. P. Colony St. Blacksmiths. Bicett, Joseph . Burr & Hotchkiss, Main St. Bonnet Bleaching. Smith, P. S. & Co. State St. Boot and Shoe Dealers. Butler, J. & Co. Colony St. Pales, C. H. State St. Kenyon, S. R. South wick, D. P. Main St. Sizer, A. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Pales, Charles H. State St. Hunt, James Union Block, Main St. Brass Founders. Beadle, James West Meriden. Poster, Merriam & Co. West Meriden. Parker & Whipple, " Britannia Ware Manufacturers. Meriden Britannia Co. Cabinet Ware Manufacturer. Canfield, J. H. & Co. West Meriden. 86 CONNECTICUT RIVER Carpenters and Joiners. Gay, George West Meriden, Eich, C. S. Tyler, Richard. Carpet Dealers. Ives, John & Co. Carriage, Coach and Sleigh Builders. Perry, Northrup & Bryden, corner Court and Mill St. Russell, J. W. Cigar Dealers. Clark, C. H. & Co. Railroad Av. Curtiss, A. Rogers' Hotel Building. Duis, J. Morgan's Block, Main St. Hale, L. & Co. Colt's Building, Main St. Phelps, C. A. Main St. Clothing Dealers. Goldstein, S. corner Main and Colony St. Keller, S. Morgan's Block, Main St. Koerpel, L, Colony St. Byxbee House. Levy, M. & Co. Main St., Meriden House Building. Stevens, J. H. Colony St. Coal Dealer. Fisk, W. H. state St. Crockery, Glass and Earthern Ware. Griswold & Searls. Dentists. Pember, C. P. Colony St. Rust, T. L. Morgan's Block. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 87 Dre 5^. Mrs. rs. Main St. Lucy West Grove St. Main St. S. Lewis, J. C. & Cd^ Parkeiji^rles ^ Ro^QJ^J. MaiicSt. WilliaroSflT SmitlC^ lam H^iVIain anc ByrlSS^ Hon P^ c^Flour and Almon^^t .0. PJ^ I L ' ed. Fruit anc ^6onfeet ionerv. Bu] Hai^j^^jgn A. Colony Lee, William Main St. Furniture Tooley & Gladwin, State St cturers. o < h Z u O U Id Of I- (0 S O O p o CONNECTICUT RIVER Furnishing Goods. Golstein, L. corner Main and Colony Sts. Williams, F. H. Colony St. Furniture Fenders Manufacturers. WILMOT BROTHERS, State St. Gas Fitter. Duncan, Alex. Gas Company. Meriden Gas Light Co. West Meriden. German Silver Ware Manufacturers. Meriden Britannia Ware Co. West Meriden. Glass and Silver Ware Manufacturers. The Parker & Casper Co., West Meriden. Grocers. Bassett, H. D. Bradley, Hiram Ernest & Pistorius, State St., West Meriden. Han, N. C. & Co., Colony " Kirtland & Spencer, Loomis' Block, West Meriden. Lewis, J. C. & Co., West Meriden. Mechanics Tradins; Co., C. H. Coe, Agt., West Meriden. Moran Brothers, Moran's Block, West Meriden. Pomroy, N. W. " Wilcox, H. T. " « Hair Dressers. Buese, Frederick D. Main St. Fredens, W. Railroad. JeJEfrey, George L. Jeffrey, R. A. Hardware, Crockery and Glassware. Curtis, H. W. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 89 Harness Makers. Backley, H. W. Francis, G. W. Francis' Building, Main St. Hall, P. E. Main St. Harness Trimmings. Warner, Chas. State St. Hotels. Meriden House, W. Lilley, Proprietor. Byxbee House, Byxbee & Brothers, Proprietors. Rogers' Hotel, H. Rogers, Proprietor. Central Hotel, Samuel Brainard, Proprietor. House and Sign Painter. Graham, J. B. Middletown Turnpike. Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Morgan, S. B. Iron Founders. Park, Julius West Meriden. Bradley & Hubbard. Foster, Merriam & Co. Ivory Comb Manufacturers. PRATT, READ & CO. Lamp Fixture Manufacturer. Pierpoint, Chas. H. Colt's Building. Livery Stables. Merriman, Levi State St. Parker, William Meriden House Stables. Parker, G. A. opposite Wilcox's Tin Shop. Williams, H. C. Main St. Williams, Henry C. " 12 90 CONNECTICUT RIVER Lightning Rods. Twiss, Ira L. Lock Manufacturers. Parker & Whipple, West Meriden. Lumber and Coal. Lyon & Billand, rear Wilcox Building, Main St. Sawyers. Fay, George A. Piatt, 0. H. Colony St. Smith, George W. Machinists. Canfield, J. H. & Co., West Meriden. Meriden Tool Co., Nelson Camp, President. STILES, N. C. & CO., see adv. index. Wilder, Moses G. Main St. UNION MANUFACTURING CO., J. Warren Tuck, Treas- urer. See adv. index. Manufacturing Companies. Meriden Britannia Co. Meriden Tool Co. Wilcox, J. & Co. UNION MANUFACTURING CO., J. Warren Tuck, Treas- urer. See adv. index. Match Manufactory. Penn, Nathan Main St. Marble Yard. AUyn, C. F. Main St., corner Grove. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 91 Meat Markets. Kelsey & Ives. Coe & Austin, Main St. Paddock, S. C. & Sons, Main St. Milliners and Millinery (joods. Beach, B. Mrs. Dessauer, J. Dudley, E. S. Miss Morgan's Block. Dunham, V. Mrs. Hall, Lottie Mrs. Hall, J. S.Mrs Motley, Anna Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Parker, Charles 2nd. Newspapers. Meriden Recorder, Luther 0. Riggs, Editor. MERIDEN WEEKLY VISITOR, M. M. Eaton, Editor, State St. See adv. index. Newspapers and Periodicals. Higgins, J. H. Main St. Johnson, C. G. " Wright, L. A. ' " Oyster and Fish Markets. Beach, John Rogers' Hotel Building. Parker, J. I. State St. Optician. Pease, Wilcox's Building. Paint Shops. Carter Brothers, Main St. Twiss, Ira L. 92 CONNECTICUT RIVER Paper Hanger. Carter, B. State St. Piano and Melodeon Key (Ivory) Manufacturers. PRATT, READE & CO. Photographers. Wheeler, Frank Main St. Everett, E.. B. Morgan's Block, Main St. Plated Goods Manufacturers. Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden. Physicians and Surgeons. Averill, Jas. J. Main St. Churchill, A. H. Main St. Catlin, B. H. Davis, T. F. Davis, C. H. S. Fitch, F. J. Colony St. Hatch, Edward W. Nickerson, N. Tait, John Wylie, James Printers (Job). Hinman, Frank A. Main St., West Meriden. Jilson, Charles E. & Co., Colony St. Real Estate Agent. Morgan, Samuel B. Morgan St. Roof Painter. Twiss, Ira L. Savings Bank. Meriden Savings Bank. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 93 Saloons. Brainard, S. Main St. Croway, Timothy Union Block. Handells, C. Hubbard, Wilber. Keena, P. opposite Foster & Meriman. Killiam, E. D. Main St. Lakey, John State St. Monahan & Kelleher. Martin, Charles Lager Beer. Remer, T. L. Main St. Rich, C. West Meriden. Welch, John State St. Williams, A. J. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Piney & Clark, State St. Silver Plated Ware. Swan & Foote, State St. Soap and Candle Manufacturer. Megrath, A. P. Pratt St. Stoves and Tinware. Griswold & Searls. Wheeler, F. J. Main St. Tailor. Benzard, E. C. Colony St. Tin Ware Manufacturers. Clark, S. L. Clark Building, Main St. Ives, Rutty & Co. Toy Manufacturers. Tucker, T. 0. & W. W. Main St. 94 CONNECTICUT RIVER Trunks and Valises, &c. Hall, p. E. Main St. Watches and Jewelry. Dunham, Samuel Main St. Pitel, John C. " Wood Engraver. Green, William H. Wilcox's Building, Main St. Undertaker. Smith, William M. Main St. Woolen Goods Manufacturers. Wilcox, J. & Co. (Balmorals.) Young Men's Christian Association Reading Room. Next to Byxbee House. THE MERIDM WEEKLY VISITOR. THE HANDSOMEST WEEKLY PAPER IN" CONNECTICUT. Subscript ion Price, $2 per year. AdTertiseiueiits Inserted at moderate rates. M. M. EATON, Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 95 MACHINISTS, MANUFACTURERS OP STILSS^ PATENT POWER AND FOOT PUNCHING PRESSES. STILES' PATENT DROPS, (With or without Patent Lifter,) DIES,MACHi:RfIST8' T®®I.!§, &c. WEST MERIDEN, CONN. NEW BRITAIN, Hartford County, Connecticut, a flourishing town on the Hartford, Providence and Fishkill, and on a branch of the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroads, 10 miles from Hartford, and 30 miles north of New Haven. It is handsomely laid out, pleasantly situated and contains many fine residences which are surrounded with spacious and highly ornamented grounds. Here are located several extensive manufactories of Builder's Hardware, Saddlery Hardware, Jewelry, Rules, Levels, &c., - ' rothet^Arch Jon^SCMain hSi war' o < cturers. Q£ ufacti^xmg Co., 'Unionot. Son^^tanleY. Stanley, Main s yj o rr'n Corbin, P.^F. Landeffs."&:ary <^^ark, Eu^gjOWrwin ^nufacturing Co'., WaMiingt^ St. NortffiSrfldd, Bas^ Maing^^—j g 9 Malleable Iron Wflxks, W^^Maii^t. q^ ^ ^^— ft arne^and. ]iffluyJ£Banu§,ctur£r. Rolfe|^»■ I I H Emmp|6J5Jtewar^'»^ain St NortfcjjjQjB. nS? " Payrfe, Johrlj, neari-^&Ibrmal Penfield ^ioHubbap^ Main 'ST Pa]Q[er Bo us, ktm St. Judd^«cr^er T Whi anmctu^rs. O -I < t- z u o 0. Plj^ician!] r Ce^Se Chuj yrtle^. & Ctnfis. P. oi^ corner Main ^d West Majg^Sts. office Maiii^. Stor^ MainSt. rgeons. W U ce north-east office opposite RjMain St. office near Pla Woods, Chas. H. Elm St. Church. < O o p Ph O H Ph <^ M 102 CONNECTICUT RIVER Printing Office. OVIATT, J. N. Publifeher of Record, Main St. See adv. index. Photographers. Fowlinson, Main St. Judson, W. A. South part Main St. Rule and Level Manufacturers. Stanley Rule and Level Co., Elm St. Real Estate Agents. Bronson, Merrit Cornish, Virgil, Main St. Saloons. Cawghlin, James T. Railroad Av. Ruff, Mary, " Rich, William, Main St. Martin, Frank A. " "Watts, J. Saddler. Capron, B. Main St. Shirt Manufacturers. Bingham, William, South Main St. Lee, I. N. & Co., Main St. Parker, Julius, Walnut St. Stoves and Tinware. Cloys & Co., Main St. Payne, William G. Myrtle St. Shepard, J. & Co., Stanley St. Umbrella Stitching Manufactory. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 103 UNION MANUFACTURING CO., NEW BRITAIN, CONN. MANUFACTURERS OF C-A.ST BUTTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, GATE HINaES, LATCHES, &0. All kinds of machinery made and repaired to order. Having a large Iron Foundry, all orders for Machinery and small Iron Castings, will be executed at short notice. Special attention given to light, fine Castings. T. \¥. STANIiEY, President. J. IVARREIV TUCKER, Treasiiper. MM mwm H. Gr. ARNOLD. I>ROF»IlIETOR, nsTE-VT" BI^ITJ^IIsr, CONNECTICUT. 104 CONNECTICUT RIVEE NEW BEITAIN REGOED, J. Nn OVIATT^ Publisher. A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, A-iid. ■vritlx a, ra,i> inci-easiiig circulation, offering STxperioi' iii w -^ « r^Albumij^ed P^iJgiP^IJ^nufacturer. bT^rl 155 Main ^ F"^"! ^ r**^ I ■ ! {■■■m ArcQL&filS Eastc^^ij^iL 248 Main St. Gilb^^^Jn. 69 Asylum, o o O H P^ W Bar < KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., HI Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, LiT Btyle. jraphers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates oj Splilc work of every variety executed in the best 108 CONNECTICUT RIVEB Attorneys at Law. Adams, S. W. 274 Main St. Bliss, J. W. 240 " See adv. index. Barbour, H. H. 321 " Notary. Briscoe, C. H. 311 Burton, H. E. 833 " Buck, John E. 297 " Case, S. N. 333 " Chapman, C. & C. R. 8 State St. Case, George, 279 Main St. Chamberlin & Hall, 333 Main St. Chambers, Francis, 274 " Cole, Charles J. 297 " Cornwall, H. 8 American Row. Day, R. E. 2 Central Row. Day & Stanton, 311 Main St. Eaton, W. W. 240 " Fellowes, F. 26 Pearl St. Freeman, H. B. 274 Main St. Goodman, Edward, 2 State St. Goodman, Richard F. 2 " Hamersley & Fellowes, 265 Main St. Hooker, John, 333 " Hubbard & McFarland, 245 " Hurlbut, Wm. F. 248 Johnson & McManus, 289 " Jones, S. F. 345 Lyman, T. 333 Lounsbury, C. 241 MERRILL, M. E. 248 adv. index. Owen, Chas. H. 297 Main St. Parsons, John C. 353 " Palmer, J. E. 2 Central Row. Peters, John T. 289 Main St. Notary Public. Judge of Police Court. See KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 109 Perkins, J. G. 311 Main St. -■ Perkins, T. C. & C. E. 14 EiTiiiirOljl Robinson ,JpKC. 11 Central American Roi M. 333 Main D. 345 " ewson, 241 " E. 2 State S 4 Maifer^t. D.Stn'Main XZl Central' Kow Lain WaMo&^de, 11 Wel^^^er, 3^ Welif^^sfijipmanT^ Centij^Rpppj es, 5?-Jerry ^j^IS ^ H. 2^ells ^~7^ IsS^ain St.^ ^ iW^t. ' Col^n, Ja Eaton EdWi For> Lamb, Mrs. J. 132 Trumb Sell SY harle^eO FjJSSBSEh 7 Mjyn Ha^e^iHWing. c O -1 < Z u o !ee adv. index ^g^^Siiled^siy, TOLSMJi d Storageiij JPOT^ENRJgd 130 e t a w^Bg St. Ill |Ball BatSn^d CrillUBL&JIanufactufftr. Der ^5iit) h, 3 CO CH Bas Brii Gie Hal H o o Q Ph O Ph <^ M B I- w. Wi corner MainjJJR^^ftum Sts. illiam, 139 FrSffPWF^ ore, 141 MaintSJp^^H City Hotel. < KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, style. Eigraphers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of ?work of every Tariety executed in the best 110 CONNECTICUT RITER HILLS, WM. Allyn House, Hair Dressing and Bathing Sa- loon, 77, 79 Trumbull St. Lathrop, Thos. S. 516 Main St. Lathrop, S. B. 181 " MILLER, CHARLES, 117 Front St. Bathing Rooms. Ryan, Geo. M. 1 State St. Stich, Martin, 295 Main St. Seliger, Wendell, 14 Grove St. Salvatore, Raineri, 24 State St. Yandewater, James B. 129 Main St. Whitmore, W. corner Main and Central Row. Banks, (see Savings Banks). Aetna National Bank, 224 Main St. American National Bank, 258 Main St. City National Bank, 348 Main St. * Charter Oak National Bank, cor. Trumbull and Asylum Sts. Connecticut River Banking Co., cor. Central Row and Pros- pect St. First National Bank, 9 Central Row. Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, cor. State and Mar- ket Sts. Hartford National Bank, 60 State St. Mercantile National Bank. National Exchange Bank, 76 State St. Phoenix National Bank, 303 Main St. State National Bank, 299 Main St. Bankers. Bissell, Geo. P. & Co., 309 Main St. Howe, Mather & Co., 346 " Baths. HILLS, WILLIAM, 77, 79 Trumbull St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ill Bell Hanger. Artluir, J. W. 131 Front St. Belting Manufacturers. Jewell, P. & Sons, 1 Trumbull St. Palmer, N. & Go., 132 Asylum St. Billiards. Charter Oak Billiard Rooms, cor. Main and Pearl Sts. Clinton House Billiard Rooms, Central Row. Hewins, Matt., rear 262 Main St. Blacksmiths. Arthur, J. W. 131 Front St. Cogan, D. 34 Mulberry St. Hubbard, John. 6 Hicks St. Sceery, M. 24 Wells St. Morton, F. 5 Sheldon St. Smith, Marcus, 46 Kilbourn St. Block Letter Signs. PRATT & DRUMMOND, 22, 24 Mulberry St. See adv. index. Book Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers. CASFj, LOCKWOOD & CO., cor. Pearl and Trumbull Sts. See adv. index. DRAKE & PARSONS, 160 Asylum St. See adv. index. PARSONS, CHARLES, Blank Book Manufacturer, Paper Ruler, and Book Binder, 3o8 Main St. TALCOTT, W. H. 13 Asylum St., over L. E. Hunt's Book- store. See adv. index. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 112 CONNECTICUT RIVER Book and Job Printers. BUCK, FRED. F. B. 14 Pratt St. See adv. index. CASE, LOCKWOOD & CO., cor. Pearl and Trumbull Sts. See adv. index. CLARK & BOOTH, cor. Main and Asylum Sts. See adv. index. Calhoun Printing Co., State St. (Job.) HANMER, S. 66 State St., 2d floor. See adv. index. Hartford Steam Printing Co., 18 State St. Hutchings, W. C. 178 Asylum St. WILEY, WATERMAN k EATON, 152 Asylum St. See adv. index. Books and Stationery. Brown & Gross, 313 Main St. Corning & Co., 875 Main St. Dowling, John, 10 Church St. Fallon, B. K. 10 American Row. Geer & Pond, 256 Main St. HALL, T. E. 161 Main St. BOOKS ^ND STATIONERY, News office, Circulating lilbrary where books are loaned, Intelligenc e Dli'ectory. Also dealer In Magazines, Periodicals, Clieap Publica- tions, bound books, toy books, games. Croquet and all kinds of Base Ball materials. 161 Main St., opposite St. John's Church. Hamersley, Wm. Jas. 263 Main St. HUNT, L. E. 13 Asylum St. Rose, Abraham, 89 Asylum St. Bonnet Bleachers. Carter & Rezner, 22 Church St. Greene, George C. 483, up stairs. Main St. Warner, Luman, 390 Main St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every yariety executed in the best style. Ci>5 g^, VOCKWOraa CWtf^_^^^ t^ ■^•^^^ A a$$IMikf f # (^^^^^sx«5 CORNER PEARL AND TRUMBULL STS. Oldest and Largest Establishment In New England. ALL KINDS OF BOOK, CUT & JOB PRINTING Executed in the best manner and at reasonable prices. -A-lso, PEIOE LISTS, LETTEE AND BILL HEADS, OIEOULAKS, & OAEDS. Particular attention paid to Insurance & Commercial Printing, Legal Blanks, &c. ACCOUNT BOOKS Made to order, and in any desired pattern for BANKS, INSURANCE COS., and MANU- FACTURERS, from the best materials, and at Reasonable Prices. BLA_]NrK: BOOKS Of all descriptions, with and without Printed Headings, F vxiraalslieca. to Ox-ciei- a.t Sliox-t KTotice- NEWTON CASE, JAMES LOCKWOOD, LEVERETT BRAINARD. Ittblfej^f f^^ %^px §mkx^f m)3^ ^Ittttot^i^nB. nil 01 n 1 ' flPI fnu ^ f^ ' fl\ ^ (W Uilk) -ii J b tjf siJ < \Vt J k3 • f tm0^ « COiilNl DOMESTIC BIBLE, The OOTT^k^C^E O^S^CLOFEOI-A., J^n^ pthgr Wprjks, Sold only by Subscription. g { » ^ ^.. AGENTS WANTED For the sale of the above works in all parts of the United States. — \ ^? — v ^^t %. ••• * * ^- _A. Larg-e ^4^ssortmeiit of qjklill BOARD, Book, Writing, Ledger & Fancy Papers Constantly on hand, and for sale to our Customers or the Trade at Low Prices. ELECTROTYPING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. NEWTON CASE, JAMEei LOCKWOOD, LEVERETT BRAINAR^D. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 113 , Book Publishers. American Publishing Co., 148 Asylum St, BRAINARD & SAMPSON, cor. Pearl and Trumbull Sts. Belknap, Thos. 91 Asylum St. Burr, J. B. & Co., 18 Asylum St. CASE, LOCK WOOD & CO., cor. Pearl and Trumbull Sts. See adv. index. Case, 0. D. & Co., 41 Trumbull St. HALE, A. S. & CO., 97 Asylum St. See adv. index. HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO., 155 Asylum St. See adv. index. Peters, S. A. & Co., 289 Main St. Scranton, S. S. & Co., 126 Asylum St. Stebbins, L. 248 Main St. Boot and Shoe Dealers. Aisliberg, Henry, 447 Main St. Chapman & Smith, 153 Main St. Chapin & King, 495 " Cohn, S. 483 " Curry & Holladay, 145 •' Duffy, T. P. 99 1-2 " Eldridge & Co., 278 " Fairman & Holbrook, 370 " Godard, Leonard, 519 Main St. Goodwin, John H. & Co., 277 Main St. Kenyon, S. C. & Co., 407, 443 Main St. Kellogg & Maynard, 477 Main St. Lynch, John, 171 Main St. Lawrence, W. T. 183 Main St. Richardson, Wm. H. & Co., 249 Main St. Sawyer & Parsons, 267 Main St. Selling & Rosenblatt, 404 " Miller, W. H. 383 " Wilcox & Son, 627 " KELLOGG & BULKELBY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 15 114 CONNECTICUT RIVER Winship, Thomas, 35 Main St. Work, T. J. 122 State St. Boot and Shoe Manufactures and Dealers. Crittenden, L. S. 84 Asylum St. Gleason, Eams & Co., 18 Ford St. Hills & Goodman, 51 Asylum St. Hunt, Holbrook & Barber, 130, 132 Asylum St. Hills, I. & Sons, 202 State, cor. Front Sts. Hutchinson & Avery, 76 Asylum St. Marcey, F. A. 98 " Wiley, Sylvester, 47 " Boot and Shoe Makers and Repairers. SEE ALSO DEALERS. Burns, T. 89 Front St. Crittenden, L. S. 84 Asylum St. Eldridge & Co., 278 Main St. Firth, H. H. & Co., 110 State St. Gondolf, M. 46 State St. Jordan, Horace, 345 Main St. Kreuzer, C. 44 Asylum St. Work, T. J. 122 State St. Brokers, Money. Abbe, B. R. 7 Central Row. Bissell, Geo. P. & Co., 309 Main St. Buel, Robert, 333 Main St. Colt, E. D. Central Row. Bissel, G. P. & Co., near cor. Main and Asylum Sts. Russell, J. B. & Son, 62 State St. . Seymour, Harvey, 7 Central Row. Robinson, A, S. Central Row. Bottler. Bacon, William A. & Son, 168 Main St. I^aiicy and I>ora.estic Bakery, F. A.. Sylces, ]Vo. 7 A.llyii [House Blocli, liartfox'd.. Conn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 115 Brewers. Shannon & McCann, 18 Trumbull St. Brass Foundry. Blake, Thos. J. 30 Ferry St. Cusick, Edward J. 18 Trumbull St. Marshall, W. C. & Sons, 31 Wells St. Building Stone Dealers. Belden, Seth & Son, Commerce St. . BRABASON, A. & S. 77 Potter St. Brush Manufacturer. Whittemore, W. L. 48 Asylum St. Broom Manufacturers. Hubbard, Samuel & Co., 142 State St. Bronzing" and Gilding. SEE BOOK BINDERS. Pratt, W. p. & Co., 321 Main St. Business Colleges. Bryant, Stratton & Remington, 395 Main St. Hannum, T. W. Hills' Block, Main St. Cabinet Makers. Avery & Colton, 169 Main St. Lux, George, 181 " BOBBINS, WINSHIP & CO., 209 Main St. See adv. index. ' Candy Manufacturers. BRIGGS, H. S. 381 Main St. See adv. index. Thomson, E. C. 51 Albaoy Avenue. Kibbe & Co., 7 American Row. Carriage Manufacturers. EVARTS, GEO. S. 39 Albany Avenue. See adv. index. Hart, Lamby & Co., 12 Ford St. 116 CONNECTICTJT RIYEB KBNNEY & GAY, 24, 26 Sheldon St. See adv. index. King, Ralph, 177 Commerce St. Keney & Joycox, 21 Charles St. Mansiiy, Louis, 17, 21 Elm St. STAPLES, GEO. M. 34 Wells St. See adv. index. SAFEORD, ADDISON, Manufacturer and repairer of Car- riages, Buggies, Business Waggons, Sleighs, &c. 10 Ferry St. Card Egraver. Johnson, W. B. 333 Main St. Carmen. BALDWIN & DOWNING, 128 Commerce St. Chamberlain, N. H. 31 Hudson St. Ensworth & Co., 246 State St. Hebard, C. & Co., 248 State St. Webb Bros. 44^ Asylum St. Carpet Manufacturers. Hartford Carpet Company, cor. State and Market Sts. Carpenters and Builders. Case, Sam'l, 60 Pearl St. Builder. Colton, H. 60 Pearl St. Builder. Cornish, D. C. rear 30 Market St. Green, Joel B. 30 Ferry St. Kibbe,.Geo. 56 Market St. Bodge, Wm. C. 60 Pearl St. Builder. Lay , John W. 60 Pearl St. Builder. Phelps, Erastus, 27 Hicks St. PARISH, L. F. 60 Pearl St. Builder. Richardson, James, 60 " Builder. Swan, Francis, 60 " Builder. Cement Drain Tile Manufacturers. BISSELL, H. & S. 17 Pearl St. See adv. index. Children's Carriage Manufacturer. Fuller, H. L. 153 State St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 117 Cigar Manufacturers. Loomis, J. M. 488 Main St. Montgomery, T. M. 653 " Steinmeyer, Otto, 13 Albany Avenue. Cigars and Tobacco Manufacturers and Dealers. Bauman & Traute, 207^ Main St. BROWN & OAKMAN, 212 State St. See adv. index. Hebard, Sturtevant & Co., 260 State St. See adv. index. Loomis, N. P. & W. G. 216 " Long, Pliil., 165 Main St. Schott, James S. 159 " Solomon & DeLeeuw, 6 Asylum St. Civil Engineers. Ellis, Theo. G. 2 Central Row. Marsh, S. E. 2 " Clergymen. Burton, N. J. (Congregational.) Clarke, Geo. H. (Episcopal.) Crane, C. B. (Baptist.) Fisher, C. R. (Episcopal.) Gould, Geo. H. (Congregational.) Herron, John M. (Presbyterian.) Hodge, J. A. (Presbyterian.) Hughes, James, (Roman Catholic.) Leon, Louis, (Israelite.) Lynch, John, (Roman Catholic.) Mayer, I. (Israelite.) • Parker, Edwin P. (Congregational.) Spaulding, Geo. B. (Congregational.) Turnbull, Robert, (Baptist.) Twitchell, J. H. (Congregational.) Wildridge, H. A. (Methodist.) 118 CONNECTICUT RIVER Clothing. Barnick, M. TOT Main St. Beardslee, B. 81 Asylum St. Brigham & Skinner, 19 " Chapman, S. E. 94 Morgan St. Clark, Franklin, 132 State St. Clark, James, 29^ Asylum St. Conklin, Skillman & Co., 264, 270 Main St. Dow & Redfield, 11 Pearl St. Ensign, Henry, 174 Main St. Fisher & Co., 64 State St. Freeman, S. 42 Asylum St. Gemmill, J. & Son, 29 Asylum St. Goodhart, J. (second hand) 198 State St. Green, P. S. 10 Asylum St. Hollander, A. Main St* Hollander, A. 86 State St. Kelsey & Hitchcock, 283 Main St. Knock, J. S. (second hand) 161 State St. Koffman, Mitchell, 198 State St. Legate & Fisher, 68 " Mayer, S. & Co., 8 Asylum St. Selling, Henry, 188 State S. SAUNDERS, T. P. 254 Main St. Smith, James, 285 " Smith & Whittemore, 88 Asylum St. Whittlesey, W. F. 20 " Dress and Cloak Making. Benton, C. Mrs. 11 Ely's Block. Brown, Mrs. L. M & Co., 781 Main St. Callender, H. E. Mrs. 353 " Thompson, C. L. 353 " Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Groods. SEE gent's furnishing GOODS. Conkhn, Skillman & Co., 264, 270 Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 119 Dow & Redfield, 11 Pearl St. Kelsey & Hitchcock, 283 Main St. Smith, James, 285 " Williams, E. W. 29T " Clothing Manufacturers, Wholesale. DAY, A. F. & C. G. & Co., 54, 56 Asylum St. See adv. index. Penn, John T. 69 Asylum St. Merriman, J. & Co., 51 " Merriman, Grriggs & Co., 14 Hick St. Clothes Cleaning and Repairing. Maureau, P. & Co., 153 State St. Clothing, Wholesale. MAMMOTH WARDROBE, 54 Asylum St. See adv. index. DAY, A. P. & C. G. & CO., 54, 56 Asylum St. See adv. index. Burpee, W. C. & Co., 56 Asylum St. See adv. index. Coach Saddlery Hardware, Wholesale. Corning Bros., 62 Asylum St. Coal Hod Manufacturers. CHILD & BULL, 189 Main St. See adv. index. Coal Dealers. Bronson, 0. H. 103 Sheldon St. Chapin, M. W. cor. Commerce and State Sts. Carrier, W. B. 75 Front St. Farnham, E. B. 253 State St. Hatch & Tyler, 56 Commerce St. Hartford Associated Coal Co., 13 Central Row. Hatch & Tyler, 244 State St. Kenyon, E. L. 171 Front St. . Lord, M. Ill State St. 120 CONNECTICUT RIVER Coffin Manufacturers. Glafcke & Cook, 12 Pratt St. WOOLLEY, G. W. & W. P. 175 Main St. Coffin Trimmings. WOOLLEY, G. W. & W. P. 175 Main St. Coffee and Spice Manufacturers and Dealers. Boardman, Wm. & Sons, 205 State St. GILLETT, A. B. & CO., 43, 45 Asylum St. See adv. index. HEBAED, STURTEVANT & CO., 260 State St. See adv. index. PARK, FELLOWS & CO., 203 State St. See adv. index. Commission Agent. Kohn, M. 30 Market St. • Commission Merchants. Buckland & Baker, 120 State St. Boynton, J. W. (Machinery Agency,) 148 State St. Bradford, Northam & Co., (Flour & Grain,) 129 State St. Crosby, D. (Ship supplies,) 172 Commerce St. CHAPIN & BURR, (Flour,) 75, 77 Ferry St. Collins Bros. & Co., (Domestic Dry Goods,) 39, 41 Asylum St. Cohen, Henry, 385 Main St. Hunt, W. C. & Co., 141 State St. Fox, Woodford & Co., (Grocers,) Central Row. Fowler, Davis & Hoyt, 229 State St. Slate & Simmons, 155 State St. Wilcox, H. B. (Tobacco,) 169 Front St. Whittlesey & Bliss, (Flour and Produce,) 33 Asylum St. Commercial Schools. Hannum, T. W. 19 Hills' Block, Main St. Bryant, Stratton & Remington, 395 Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 121 Confectionery. BRIGGS, Henry S. 381 Main St. See adv. index. Collum & Bryant, 143 Main St. Kibbe &, Co., 7 American Row. Sykes, F. A. 86 Asylum St. Thompson, E. C. 61 Albany Avenue. Cordials, Bitters, &c. ISHAM, A. B. 65 Ferry St. See adv. index. Contractors, Building. Bissell, H. & S. 17 Pearl St. Confectionery Manufactory. Thompson, E. C. 51 Albany Av. • Coopers, Weeks, C. & H. Commerce St. Cotton Dealers. Dunham, A. & Co., 235, 237 State St. WiUard, W. P. Ill State St. Cotton, Cotton Waste and Paper. DAY BROTHERS, 208 State St. See adv. index. Copper Smiths and Brass Founders. Blake, Thomas J. 30 Perry St. Cusick, E. J. 18 Trumbull St. Cracker Manufacturers. Edwards, Irad, 57 Albany Av. EATON, GEORGE H. 22 Welles St. Crockery, China, Glass and Earthenware. Goodwin, Henry W. 272 Main St. Fuller and Talcott, 389 " KendaU, S. P. & Co., 231, 233 " 16 122 CONNECTICUT RIVER Newhall, John, 153 Commerce St. Teft, Daniel R. 487 Main St. Wells, J. G. & .Co., 15 Asylum St. Dancing Academy. Reilly, P. H. 271 Main St. Dentists. Arnold, Edward, 94 Asylum St. Blatchley, Wm. 14 State St. BULLOCK, C. & SON, 346 Main St. See adv. index. Crane, S. L. G. 8 State St. CROFOOT & POWERS, 251 Main St. See adv. index. CROFOOT, E. E. 251 CODY, JOHN, 251 " See adv. index. , GREENLEAF, J. M. 2 State St. " " Hooker, C. M. 299 Main St. Hitchcock, J. L, 356 " McMANUS, JAMES, 251 Main St. Munsell, R. A. 106 Trumbull St. Newton, A. Talcott & Post's Building, Main S. Parmelee, L. 25 Pratt St. Porter, Wm. M. 390 Main St. POWERS, C. A. 251 Riggs & Dwyer, 9 Asylum St. Wille, E. C. 163 State St. Designer and Engraver. Curtis, H. C. 181 Main St. Doors, Sash and Blinds. Moody, L. B. & Co., 44 Market St. Drain Tile Manufacturers. BISSELL, H. & S. 17 Pearl St. See adv. index. BUSINESS DIEECTORT. 123 Dress and Cloak Makers. Adams, J. Q. Mrs. 19 Church St. Crane, Mrs. 43 " Chappell, F. M. Miss, 356 Main St. Duley, James B. 311 Main St. Frederick A Krabetz, 141 Main St. Fenner, S. A. 499 " French, E. M. 371 " Kingsbury, Mrs. 108 Pearl St. Martin, R. F. Mrs. 374 Main St. Pollard, W. C. Mrs. 408 " Ward, Miss 241 " Druggists, Wholesale. WILLIAMS, GEOEGE W. & CO., cor. State and Front Sts. See adv. index. Drugs, Chemicals and Dye Stuffs, Wholesale. Beach & Co., 209, 211 State St. Eiley, Hanmer & Co., 146 Main St. WILLIAMS, GEORGE W. cor. State and Front Sts. See adv. index. Druggists, Retail. . Butler, J. Y. B. 143 Trumbull St. Bodwell, George, 139 Main St. Braddock, John, 589 " Bristol, J. H. 42 State St. Curtis, Geo. 22 " ^ Goodwin, Henry A. 336 Main St. Johnson, J. W. 555 " Lambe, John J. 151 " McNary & Co., 246 " Seedsmen. MOSES, S. G. & Co., 605, 587 Main St. Osborn, C. C. 4 American Row. Rathbun, J. G. 72, 74 Asylum St. Sissou & Butler, 259 Main St. 124 CONNECTICUT RIVEE Talcott Brothers, 354 Main St. Sperry, I. J. 12 Grove St. WILLIAMS, GEO. W. & CO., (Wholesale,) cor. State and Front. See adv. index. White, Jas. 481 Main St. Woodruff & Curtis, 94 Main St. Dry Goods, Wholesale. Bolles, Sexton & Co., 58, 60 Asylum St. Griswold, Seymour & Co., 66, 68, 70 Asylum St. Owen, Root & Childs, 73 " Talcott &,Post, 369 Main St. Weatherby, Knous & Pelton, 335, 337 Main St. Dry Groods, Retail. Bliss, Benjamin & Co., 363 Main St. Brown, Thomson & Co., 269 " Bates, William, 97 1-2 " Bloombargh, H. 466 « Burkett & Ives, 386 " CLAPP, C. W. 391 " Clark & Latimer, 428 " Corning & Co., 375 " Duffy, T. 177 " Denzig Brothers, 460 " Gay & Hastings, 373 " Frank & Frankenfield, 402 " Goodman & Glazier, 474 " Griswold, S. W. & Son, 414, 416, 418, 420 Main St. Goodhue, J. M. 397 Main St. Goldschmidt. H. & Co., 392 Main St. Griffin, A. M. Mrs. 86 " Hart, Merriam ER,S5 ScG. SA-ZMITJIBL S, ■VsrSZITE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer, 16 TREMONT ROW, BOSTON, MASS. 164 CONNECTICUT RIVER fit laiiif i wiii y;^i;3'Rffl'B'^9) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, 54 Asylnm Street, HARTFORD, CONN. W. C. BURPEE & CO., riHE eL®f MM® «^^' ■^■15 ' ? ^ 4-^ jpops t>^v tar. IWll3l(@J Vestings and Furnishing Goods, 56 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD, CONN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 165 Dealer in MlfSIC MD PlUf IIRES, 197 and 201 Main Street, (Opposite the Athenaeum.) c^g^^-^s^*- — - — HARTFORD, CONN. PIANOS, MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS, for sale and to rent on monthly and quarterly payments. Sheet Music and Music Books, Piano Stools and Covers, Violin and Guitar Strings, all kinds of Musical Instruments and Merchan- dise. Paintini^s, Chroiuos, EugraTings, Rustic Frames, Brackets, Easels, Artists' Materials, &c. MIKEOES IS EVEEY VAEIETY OP STYLE. I*ictu.r"e F' made to orcler- JAMES M. GREENLEAF, No. 2 State St., Hartford, Conn. A. &; S. BRABAZON, ISTo. 77 Potter St., Plain and Ornamental Stone-Cutting, of all kinds, promptly executed. Orders filled for all parts of the State. 166 CONNECTICUT RIVER CHENEY BROTHERS' SILK MANUFACTORIIIG COIPAIll Mills at Hartford and South Manchester, Oonn. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Thrown Silks, Skein Sewing Silk, Spool Sewing Silk, Machine Sewing Silk, Machine Twist, Tailor's Twist, Saddler's Embroidering and Fringe Silk, Trams and Organzines, Fine Organzines for Silk Mixture Cassimeres, Pongees, all widths and qualities, Pongee Handkerchiefs, plain and printed. Millinery Foulards, Florentines, Tubular Neck Ties and Ribbons, All Silk Belt Ribbons, €. B. Brand, Silk Warp Poplins and Dress Goods And many other articles of Silk for special purposes to order. < EDWAED H. ARNOLD & SON, 102 Franklin St., New York. CHENEY & MILLIKEN, 4 Otis St., Boston. LEONARD BAKER & CO., 210 Chestnut St., Phila. RICE, CHASE & CO., Baltimore. i BUSINESS DIBECTORY. 167 i=>.^^i=i.i^ ibook: nx/C^^nsTTJE^^^OTOiE^'S'. BIISriDERS A.]SrD No. 150 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. Books of every description bound by the edition, or Manufac- tured entire, including Electrotyping, Paper, Printing and Binding. J. D. BURNHAM & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS :Kros. 77 and 79 Asylum Street, HARTFOED, OOl^K J. D. BURNHAM. A. A. BURNHAM. E. D. WILLIAMS. J. H. BURNHAM. Corner Welles and Mulberry Sts., OVERLOOKIPfO THE HARTFORI^ PARK, Also the only Hotel ia the City kept on THE ESUROPEIAH PLAN. Business men will find this the most convenient and commo- dious Souse in the City. 168 CONNECTICUT RIVER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER and Manufacturer of 'J Valices, TraYeling and Shopping Bags, Hat Boxes, &c. TriMxks anci Co^^ers made to order. -A.IjSO The first Zinc Trunks made in this city were made by me. Call and see them at NO. 434 MAIN STEEET, (near Church St., and St. John's Hotel.) HARTFORD, CONN. J. y^ , BLISS3 tl^ouTigenor zruJi Solicitor of American anck Foreign Fatcnfs, Gives his personal attention to Counselling and making Applications for Letters Patent, and in prose- cuting rejected applications, and to all other business pertaining to Patents, and, from his long experience in the business, hopes to give full satisfaction to all who intrust their business to his care. Send for his circular. Patents are now granted in the two Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. J . yv . BLISS, 240 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. Makes CARTES DE VISITE, PORCELAIN LARGE PICTURES, also Copies and Enlarges to Life Size and finishes in Oil, Ink or Water Colors, in the highest style of the Art, and at reasonable prices. WILEY, WATEEMAN & EATON, TSo. 1S3 ^^.s^stlum: ST., HARTFORD, CONN. Particular attention paid to the Piner Class of Job Printing. Orders, including Binding, Stereotyping or Electrotyping, promptly filled. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 447^ jytain Street, Hartford, Conn. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired, and -warranted. MILLINERY AIsTL FANCY G^OOLS, At Wholesale and Retail, Noi. 449 and 451 Main St., (next door ^orth of St. Jolui's Hotel,) HARTFORD, GONN. „^„^.« JTIilCS WALLACE. ' JOSEPH SCHWAB. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. l69 I^A-HK FELLOT7S TSTo. 3S4 lytain Street, 381 Main Street, Hartford, Ot. LADIES & GENTLEMENS ICE CREAM SALOON, AND DINING ROOM. Wedding and other Parties, SUPPLIED WITH EVERY REQUISITE, 172 CONNECTICUT RIVER TO OH Y, ■0 506 Main Street, HARTFOI^r), OOISTN. General Auctioneer and Commission IVIerchant. Office, No. 2 Post Office Building, No. 248 Main Street, Hrrtford, Conn, All legal business promptly attended to. E. J. CARROLL & CO., WHOLESALE AND EETAIL ©^^Ei^mi 243 State Street, Hartford, Conn. Pmptf ®i mil Mmii Bmi® i® frit All Kinds of Paper Stock Bought and Sold. E. J. CARROLL. P. GARVIN. Though Hartford has been settled long, Two hundred years ago, Yet there are many points of interest Of which strangers do not know. But chief amongst them all Is the Hat Store kept by Bunce ; No one wiU ere forget it If they buy their goods there once. You'll there find Hats and Caps, Of every grade and style, And all at lowest prices' Which we know will make you smile. Gloves, Collars and Suspenders, They always there do keep, With lots of Fancy Neckties, And Scarfs so trim and neat. In fact, all sorts of things Which Gent's now need to wear, (Except Coats, Vests and Pantaloons,) You'll always find them there. For the Ladies (gentle creatures,) There are styles of Furs so nice. That when they hear the prices They'll buy them in a trice. Now all who visit Hartford, For pleasure or for show, Don't fail before you leave the town, In Bunce's Store to go. Bunce's Store is to be found at 307 laaln Street, opposite State House, and 3 doors below Asylum St. The latest and most tasty style of Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Bags, Canes, Gloves, Sen. J. W. BUNCE. liODlVE^r liELLOOO, DEALER IN FIRST-CLASS FERTILIZERS, No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone, Ground Plaster, Russel Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime, Fish Guano, Slaked Lime, Castor Pummace, Lodi Poudrette, Double-Refined Poudrette Salt-petre-waste, &c. Also, for sale Lime, Cement, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Grass Seeds, Salt, &c. * OWCB AND WARKHOOSE, 201 & 205 00MMB80E ST., HARTFOBO, CT. BU'SINi:^S9 DIRECTORY ITS THOMAS STEELE & SON, DEALERS IN Iiam0tttr6, SattJ^^s, l^to^lrg, §ilb^r a: ^ m 34rO IvTELin Street, I^artford. THOMAS STEELE. THOS. S. STEELE. mm. S. PHILLIi>S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, Parlor, Hall, OFFICE & FACTORY STOVES, FURNACES, &C. REPAIRING AND MANUFACTURING. Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Work done at short notice. No. 220 Main St., First Store South New JEtna Building, HARTFORD, CONN. ROBBiNS, WINSHIP & CO., Opposite the Mannfactarers and FURNI Offer to the Complete Assortment! To be found in the Athenaeum, Bealers in TURE, Public the most of Furniture, state, from the Smallest Bracket to the Largest and most extensive Parlor or Chamber Sets. Of Bedsteads and Chamber Sets. Nearly 400 different kinds of Chairs, liook- ingr Q-lasses, of every description. Side Boards, Library Tables, Hat Stands, Extension Tables, Office Desks, Center Tables, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Spring' Beds of evei-y description and price, Lounges, Camp Chairs, Cushions, Ac, too numerous to mention. 209 Main St., Hartford, IGonn. 1T4 CONNECTICUT RIVER AGENT FOE THE And Dealer in Machine Twist, Oil, linen and Cotton Thread, all of the best Qnality. iV^o. 5 Allyn House Block, Asylum Street, Sartford, Conn. All kinds of machines repaired in a workmanlike manner. Stitching done to order. Charges reasonable. '*'■ ^' Wachines rented on reasonable terms. WK. H. TALCOTT, Book Binder & Blank _^^ Book Manufacker. No 13 Asylnm St, Entrance through L. E. BLANK BOOKS 0! ALL Hartford, Conn Hunt's Book Store. KINDS MADE TO ORDER. Letter Books, Port Folios, Scrap Books, Skeleton Letter Books, made to order. Music and Magazines bound at short notice, and In every style of Binding. Bill Heads Ruled and Printed. librarg 800^9 antr fc0t00rap]^ glbams, REPAIRED STRONG AND NEAT. Paper Ruled to any desired pattern, or cut to any Size. All kinds of Jobbing done well at fair prices. W'M. JET. TALCOTT. JAS. H. ASHMEAD & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF ©tli Ittl ami ©®ll l©i)f t GOLD AND SILVER PLATE, WIRE AND SPIRAL SPRINGS, CHLORIDE OF GOLD, Sc. ALSO, Dealers in Porcelain Teeth, and Dentists Materials. HARTFORD, CONN. fetJSliJtlSS DIRECTORY. 175 GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., AND DEALERS IN Paints, Window Glass, Brushes, Goal Oil, Burning Pluid, Neatsfoot, Lard and Agents for Williams & Brothers Yankee Soap, Blueing, Blacking, &c. Particular attention paid to supplying Country Physicians. 204r S T .A. T E STPLEET, HARTFORD, CONN. WILLIAMS' OliOIGE ' Geo. W. Williams & Co., BROWN & OATMAN, Successors to BROWN & ZWEYGARTT, DEALERS IN And Manufacturers of the OIF" 212 state Street, Hartford, Conn. A.. Gr. Bro^ay. 176 CONNECflCtJd? RlV^Efi PHfflM MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, EDSON lESSENDEN, President. JAMES P. BUENS, Secretaty. Amountof Insarance, Nov. I4 1866i .... $18,625,269.00 Assets, Nov. 1, 1866, . 81,343,519.23 Income for 1866, nearly $1,000,000.00 DIVIDENDS DECLARED ANNUALLY, AND PAID TO ALL ITS MEMBERS WHO HAVE PAID FOUR PREMIUMS. I Dividends Paid in 1865, -------- 50 per cent. Dividends Paid in 1866, -------- 50 per cent. Dividends being paid in 1867, ------ 50 per cent- In the settlement of all MUTUAL POLICIES a Dmdend -will be allowed for each year on which the Insured has received no Dividend. THE Connecticut ®eneral Cife Jnanrance (Eompang, OF HARtl^ORb, CONN. cA-PiTAii, ----- i - $500,000. With a Surplus Securely Invested. OHAETEE PERPETUAL. EDWAUD W. PARSONS, President. THOMAS W. KUSSELL, Secretary. General E. W. WHITAKBK, Cfeneral Agent for Company. ADVANTAGES PRESENTED BY THIS dOMPANY. Secdritt is the primary consideration in Life Insurance. This Company offers the security of a larger capital than ant other Lifb Company in this Coontbt. Its ratio of assets to liabilities (the real test of solvency,) is larger than that of any other Company in the United States. See Annual Report of Mass. Ins. Commissioner for January, 1867. Its managers have had a long experience in all the departments of Life Insurance ; and the Com- pany is under the direction of men weU known for their inteqritt and prudent manaoembnt. The Company offers insurance upon the Stock Plan at the lowest rates consistent with security. This plan is increasingly popular. If the mutual system is preferred, the Company offers the security of its large capital, and when the premium is $50, or upwards, will accept a note for 40 per cent, if desired. ^Mi^gbu^ Charter Oak Life Insurance Co., OF HARTFORD, CONN. General Agents in New England. N. B. Stevens for Conn, and West Mass., at Hartford, Conn. I. M. Scofield for Mass. East of Conn. River, at Worcester, Mass. Lou Weston lor N. H. and Vt., at Concord, N. H. S. H. McAlpine for Maine, at Portland, Maine. A. A. White for R. I., at Providence, R. I. Assets, - $3,500,000. Income, $2,500,000. I. C. WALKLEY, Pres. N. S. PALMER, Vice Pres. S. H. WHITE, Sec. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 177 CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF HAETFORD, OOl^K Assets, $550,000.00. This Company is intended to combine all the advantages to be derived from the ex- perience of Life Insurance Companies both in this country and Europe. Being controlled by Directors pecuniarily interested in its welfare, with an abundant capital, and economy in its management, it is able to offer security to the insured sur- passed by no other company. If there is no Agent in your vicinity, send for a copy of its prospectus and examine its plans. XD I ^^ B O T O 1=1. S . John 3. Bice, Roger Averill, Horace Cornwall, £zra Hall, Allyn S. StiUman, Lucius J Hendee , Samuel E. Elmore, Wm. H. Post, H. K. W. Welch, Abner Church. JOHN S. RICE, Pres. SAMUEL E. ELMORE, Sec. P. M. HASTINGS, Exam'g Physician. OF HARTFORD, OOIsTIlT. Cash Capital, $500,000— All Paid In. DIRECTOR© : Samuel Woodruff, Milo Hunt, A. H. Welch, A. C. Dunham, Edward Kellogg, E. S. Cleveland, Chas. F. Howard, A. E. Ely, H. W. Conklin, Edwin H. Fenn, Frederick R. Foster, Geo. W. Quintard, N. Y. Henry 0. Hubbard, Middletown. G. D. Talcott, Vernon. SAMUEL WOODEUFF, Pres. DASIEL BUCK, Sec. BI?"Thi8 Company is now prepared to issue Policies upon most classes of Hazard against loss or damage by fire, at reasonable rates of premium. OFFICE — PUTNAM BUILDING, 240 MAIN ST., corner of Grove Street. OFFICE, 321 MAIN STEEET, HARTFORD, CONN. Pledged Capital, .... $950,000.00 Cash Surplus, $61,450.26 CHAS. SHEPARD, Pres. D. D. ERVING, Sec. and Treas. $5,000. To Loan, $5,000. On Diamoiiils, fatclies & Jewelry, BY THOMAS H. BELDEN, AT THE LOAN OFFICE, No. 254 MAIN ST., iO^^Gir tlxe :F>ost Office,) HARTFORD, CONN. N. B. Biiisiiiesis Ooufidentia^l. 23 ONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY 178 CONNECTICUT RIVER GEOSVENOR & LEONAED'S Are prepared to fiirnisli any number of pieces required. Address, J. B. GEOSVENOR, HAVEIV'S M:XJSIC stoke, 1 1 .A^sj^liim St. H. 0. LEONARD, 45 Pearl St., HARTFORD, CONN. JOHN CODY, 13 E! 3^ ■!? I S T[? 9 Carver of Block Teetli, ivhich for toeanty and stren^tli caneot be equaled. 251 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. KENNEY & aA.Y, MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES AND BUSIi^ESS WAGGOnS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. S4 SLit€L SO Shelclon St., Hartfbrd, Conn. E. O. O, KELLOaG, GUN MAKER, LOOK SMITH, BELL HANGEE, MODEL- MAKER AND OUTLEE. Sole Agent for Hartford for the sale of Wesson's Breech. Loading Rifles and Pistols. No. 594 E¥3am Street, Hartford, Gonn. 2*. S. Every description of UgJit tfobbing executed with neat- ness and dispatch. J. ]Vr. 1S3"EY & CO., (Successors to B. HURLBURT & CO.,) Refiners, Assayers, and Mannfactnrers of Gold Foil, Plate, Solder, Spiral Springs, Wire, Clasps, Gold and Silver Leaf. Tin Foil and Amalgam Foil ^ pat in Envelopes for Mailing. S9 i=b..a.:e=lili stifle et. J. M. NEY. FRANK NET. CROFOOT & POWERS, ^1 ip^ - ^Fm ^^i E. E. CROFOOT. e» C. A. PO^VERS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 179 TRUMBULL HOUSE, No. 48 State Street. North of State House, Hartford, Ct. JOHN M. PARKER, Proprietor. This House has been established many years. Its reputation is beUeved to be SECOND TO NONE IN THE CITY. It is centrally located on the North side of State House Square, near the terminus of the city cars, which pass the House every ten minutes, and is particularly convenient for business men. Every effort will be made to maintain the former reputation of the House ; and the subscriber hopes, by personal attention to his guests, to make it AN AGREEA- BLE AND PLEASANT HOME to all who may favor him with their patronage. N. B. — This House is conducted on strictly Temperance principles. JOHN M. PARKER. 180 CONNECTICUT RIVEB W. L. & H. E. PITKIN, MANUFACTXJEEKS OF SILVEB AND PLATED SPOONS, KNIVES AND FORKS. HOLLOW WAEE OP EVERT DESOEIPTIOK Factory, No. 17 Hicks Street. SEALEKS IN TTA^TCHES, CLOCItS AJST> JETTELIiY. N. B. An experienced Watch Repairer in attendance. DiflScult Jobs solicited. 197 Main St., HARTFORD, Conn, (Opposite the Athenceum.) The Hartford Courant, (Daily and Weekly,) and tke DAILY EYENING PRESS. The Courant is the oldest newspaper of prominence in the United States, and with less than half-a-dozen exceptions, the oldest printed in the English language. It was founded in October, 1764, and has been published uninterruptedly, under the same title, ever since. THE BAIJLY COURANT, issued every morning except Sundays, is the LARGEST DAILY IN NEW ENGLAND, and the only one which is regularly printed in the modern metropolitan quarto form. No effort or expense is spared to give it the character of a first class journal. It is published at $8.00 a year, and has a circulation second to but one provincial Eastern daily. THE EVEIVINCJ PRESS, is issued in two editions every afternoon, and is a distinct sheet from The Courant, pos- sessing its own staff of writers, and containing a full resume of the news, together with a large variety of interesting miscellany. Its price is $7.00 yearly. THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, is a very large weekly, carefully made up of the most valuable matter appearing in the two dailies, and accompanied every other week by an eight paged literary supplement. Its circulation now approaches 10,000 copies, extending to all parts of the country, and making it one of the best advertising mediums in New England. Its terms are $2.50 a year, or to Clubs $2.00. HAWLET, GOODRICH S CO,, Publishers, No. 14 Pratt Street, JElartford. DEALER IN Looking Glass & Picture Frames, Mirrors reset in old Frames. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 181 DlTiriGHT GUSHIVIAH^ MANUFACTCKER OF Cushman's Patent Turbine Water Wheel, From 6 inches to 60 Inches in Diameter, and using: from 2 inches to 800 inches of Water. ALSO, AT SHORT NOTICE. GROVE "WORKS, HARTFORD, CONN. .«*-.v'>'"'v;<>^>-.-,.\. C> ^^ ,■■•■■■ \^ PLAIN AND PANOT ^j \ \ U> ^if" ^ \ \ \ \ JOB PRINTER J4 Prw/* Street, ii?rFO^'^* .^ ,*^^ .■i^' vv HARTFORD SUSPENDER MANUFACTORY, 147 Main St., Hartford, Conn., Suspenders, Shoulder Braces, Elastics, AND ALL ARTICLES USUALLY FOUND IN THE TRADE. ALL OROESe WILL REOEIVS PROMPT ATTENTION. 182 CONNECTICUT RIVER WHITMORE'S City Garden, 113 Wethersfield Avenue, M Near Hartford and Wethersfield Horse JB. M. Depot. HAItTFOIlO, COISIS. Green House and other Plants. Frnit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Small Fruit Plants, Flowers and Vegetable Seeds. Bouquets, Baskets and Wreaths for Parties and Weddings made in Superior Style. Wreaths and Crosses for Funerals made at short notice. Fancy Rustic Stands and Baskets for Parlors, Verandas and Lawns, on hand and filled to order. Fancy Flower Stands and Baskets of Wire or Willow, &c., &c. Plants or Rowers sent to any part of the City or Country. P. B. W] riiiiii iiti wii EST-A^EXjISHEID, 1834. V P"^^ IRON FOUNDERS, .And Manufacturers of MACHINISTS' TOOLS, IRON RAILING, GRATING AND LINCOLN'S MOLASSES GATES Also all sizes of Lincoln's Patent Friction PulleySi 54 to 60 Arch Street, Hartford, Conn. GEO. S. LINCOLN. CHAS. L. LINCOLN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 183 GEORGE M. WAY & CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Agents for Parker Mill Nails, Collins' Axes, Fairbanks' Scales, Mechanics' and Manufacturers' Supplies. S4:4c MAIN ST., HARTFORD, CONN. Agricultural Warehouse 22 and 24 Kingsley St. GEORGE SMITH'S WW ESTABLISHED, 1825. Office 37 Vrell§, and 9 Pearl Street. M AK^TF 03ai>, ooivrv Ladies' and Gentlemens' Garments of every description Dyed or Cleansed. G-entlemens' Garments Repaired if re- quired. Lace cnrtains cleansed. Store Goods of every description Dyed and finished like new. Yarns, Cotton and "Wool Dyed all colors. Feathers Cleansed, Dyed and Curled in splended style. Soft Hats Dyed, Cleansed and Retrimmed. Blankets and Robes Cleansed, Dyed and Newly Trimmed. Kid Gloves Dyed or Cleansed. "White Holland curtains Cleansed. White or colored Carpet "Warp for sale. NATHAN BKiyfHAM^ MANUFACTUKKR OF if MM llillli^ Httli Will^ Shafting, Pulleys, and General Machine Work. Rear 262 Main Street, HARTFORD, GOlsriSr. 184 CONNECTICUT RIVER TH£ miimA ^mn^ $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. The Hartford Weekly Post, $2.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. OFFICE, - - 222 MAIN STREET, Next door south of the 51 tna Insurance Oompany's new building. Tuhlished hy GEO. S. SUBBAMn. BEBNABD F£TEBS, Editor. >/WW" M >\/VA^\^. During the past year The Post has passed under its present management. It has received the highest commendations from the public and the press, and, as the fesult, it HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED ITS CIRCULATION. It has a larger country circulation than any other Hartford daily, and has made such important gains in the city, that it is now ONE OF THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE CITY. In the management of the paper no pains are spared to make it acceptable to the family circle. The news of the day is carefully condensed and promptly given. Miscellaneous departments are kept up, in which a full variety of interesting items appear. Its edito- rial pages keep pace with the events of the day. Foreign and domestic matters are dis- cussed with candor. Politically it does not follow the blind lead of any party, though advocating fearlessly the cause of the Union, it will always aim to cultivate amity and harmony on sound principles throughout the length and breadth of the land. If a truth is to be spoken, it will give it utterance boldly, not hesitating from motives of policy or expediency, till the truth itself becomes "flat, stale and unprofitable." It will seek to be in advance on all public questions, and will criticise men and measures independent of party considerations. THE WEEKLY POST, This a large sized four paged paper, issued every Thursday, and is crowded with every variety of interesting selected and original matter. It is the purpose of the proprietors to admit but a limited amount of advertising; this enables them to devote almost the entire space of the paper to reading matter. It contains more reading matter and is furnished to subscribers at a lower rate than any other paper in the State. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 185 GAS COOK AND HEATING STOVES. CBAIG'S PATENT. Perfection Attained in Heating and Gool(ing by Gas, CHILDS & BULL, 189 Main Street, Hartford, Conn., MANUFACTURE Double Gas Cook Stoves. Single " 1 Three Hole Gas " Four " " " and Coal Hods. ALSO, Wholesale & Retail Furnaces, Oast Iron Sinks, Eefrigerators, Tin Ware, &c. G. W. HAWXHUEST'S Patented Feb. 13 and Oct. 23, 1866. Premiums and Diplomas have been awarded at Fairs, AMI illil«A(«l»® tX ¥tKl ItW nW, Patented April 4, 1865. Manufactured by Q. W. Hawxhurst, sole proprietor. N. B. At wholesale only to purchasers of TERRITORY, TOWN, COUNTY AND STATE RIGHTS, for sale throughout the United States, on reasonable terms, and the goods supplied. OFFICE ^91 IXIAIN STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. For further particulars call on, or address as above. Send Stamp for circulars, ^ GEORGE M. STAPLES, ~ MANUFACTURER OF •ttstness |^«i0^^S' u,. "O) D c~ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. AND C3- E :iSr E R, .A. L JOBBIlSTGr. 34 WELLS STREET, - - HARTFOBD. CONN, 24 186 CONNECTICUT RIVER CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN, 254z Main Street, Hartford, Conn, Proprietor of Norton's Magic Pain Exterminator. THE NEW ENQLAND Fancy Dye Works, The test and most reliable Establishment in New England GARMENTS AND GOODS OF MOST EVERY DESCRIPTION. Agents "Wsmted for Tov^ns and. Oities. CALEB CLAPP, Proprietor, iSTo. 317 m:a.i]s^ street, HARTFORD, CONX. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 187 J. G. BATTERSON'S Steam Marble ITITorks^ 650 Main, corner of Pleasant Street, Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Mural Tablets, Fonts, Enclosures for Cemetery Lots, &c„ In great variety of design and material. JPartictilar attention paid to designing and executing Red Aberdeen Granite, UNEQUALED FOR BEAUTY AND DURABILITY. Mantels, Cabinet and Plumbers Tops, Marble and encaustic tiling for floors, Soapstone Sinks and Wash Trays, Italian and American Marble, and Soapstone, at wholesale. 188 CONNECTICUT RIVER CLARK & BOOTH, * 231 Main, corner of Asylum Street, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Everji description of Printing and Engraving executed promptly, at reasonable rates. ERNEST SIEMER, 66 Trumbull St.^ V ag©p B©^ imto®Bf f St. John's Hotels 445 Main Street, L. LANE, Proprietor. TERMS, 2 DOLLARS PER DAT. Commodious Stables connected 'with the House. HARTFOED, OOjSTlSr. OQTME PELLETIf i, ORGANIST OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, (Uaiimony, (^ontijepoint and .Ifugue.) APPLY AT EOOM 21 HUNGEEFOED & CONE'S BLOOK, (CORNER OP MAIN ST. AND CENTRAL ROW,) OR AT BUSINESS DIRECTORY 189 H. & S. BISSBLL, No. 17 Pearl Street, eiilLEliT, QUMM Aii SEWEi PIPE. AND STUCCO, ORNAMENTING FOR CENTER PIECES, CORNICES, dtc. A.1SO, Hytanuf actnrers a^nd Dealers in Also, Contractors for Buildings, &c. All work executed in the best and most tasty styles and durable manner, and to the satisfaction of customers. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ^ PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, CORD, TASSELS, STEEEOSCOFES, &c. (Two doors North City Hotel,) HARTFOKD, CONN. FANCY AND DOMESTIC BAKER, NO. 7 ALLYN HOUSE,JARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ICE CREAM, JELLIES, CONFECTIONERY, OENAMENTAL WOEK, &c. Weddingrs ai^d. Parties t'urnislied complete. 190 OONNECTICUT RIVER CARVING -^^isr TD The undersigned, late of New York City, where they have had long experience, do most respectfully inform the BUILDING community, and the people in general, of their extensive steam' power facilities for all kinds of CARVING, and all work pertaining thereto. Particular attention given to CHURCH WORK, such as Window Frames, Altars, Tab- ernacles, Pews, Galleries, Rails, &c., &c. CAPITOLS in all the orders, Brackets, Mouldings, Rustic and Emblematic Frames, Eagles, Cornices and Devices of all kinds carved to order. Ornamental and Plain Block Letter Signs and Show Cases made to order. PAT'I ERNS AND MODELS made, and the strictest privacy observed. Also, pattern Carving. Counting Rooms and Stores fitted up in the best manner and all work done on the most reasonable terms. Refers to the most prominent Architects and Builders in the United States. Pit ALL & DMUMMOJSm, Designers and Carvers, Office, 22 C&: 24 Is^xxlToeri-^r Stx-eet. u. ^. KiNa, MANUFACTUEEK OF EVERT DESCRIPTION OP PAPER BOXES, PAPER BAGS, 66 STATE STREET, (2d FLOOR,) i3:-A.K.xroE,iD, coisrisrECTiCTJT- D:^ Agent for the Ten Dollar Novelty Sewing Machine. Successors to W. T. McLean, Dealers in Paper Stock 411 S®f S®1 W4SS1, 160 Commerce Street, ti^A^PLT F'ope.iD, oo]sriXjj^rrxisrc^ xdoiste to oi?.idei^_ Old Si ver taken at tlie usual rates Avitli premium added. All our work is warranted to give good satisfaction in quality, style and finish. Office No. 20 State Street, Hartford. ISTsLYrafsLctoT'y in East HartfordL. E. M. ROBERTS. FRAIsJK G. COMSTOCK. WINDSOR, a post town of Hartford County, Connecticut, 7 miles north of Hartford and 42 from New Haven, contains the villages of Poquonnock and Rainbow. Windsor is the oldest town in the State, having been settled in the year 1633, by a party of emigrants from Plymouth Colony, in Massachusetts. Windsor is one of the many rich agricultural towns through the valley, and large quantities of Conn. Seed Leaf Tobacco are raised. Printing Paper, Cassimeres, Cotton Warps, Print Cloth and Yarns are manufactured here. Population of the town about 3,200. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. Andrus, A. H. Hoskin, H. B. Loomis, S. C. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 195 Brick Yards. Barber, Martin Filley, H. H. & Son. Higinbotlian, William W. Loomis, S. Loomis, S. B. Loomis, E. Loomis, W. W. Mack, Geo. A. Mack, William & Sons. Moore, J. & 0. B. Thrall, H. & J. Cabinet Maker. Francis, E. B. Cigar Manufacturers. Phelps & Burns. Cotton Manufacturers. Dunham, Austin & Co. Poquonnock. Dentist. Ellsworth, A. H. • Dry Goods and Groceries. Ellsworth, Eli P. & Co. Fenton, A. Hatheway, C. W. Poquonnock. Leonard & Son. Rainbow. Groceries. RockweH, H. P. Grist Mill and Saw Mill. Simons, E. Hotel. Windsor House, Gillette, E. A. Proprietor. 196 CONNECTICUT RIVER Livery Stables. Carpenter, H. Poquonnock. Griswold, F. N. Millinery. Brown, K. L. Miss Paper Manufacturers. Brainard, L. k Co. Rainbow. HoUingsworth & Whitney. Poquonnock. Hodge &. Merwin. Rainbow. Springfield Paper Co. " Morrison, A. Wilson, S. A. Physicians, Postmasters. Ellsworth, E. A. Hatheway, C. W. Poquonnock. Saloons. Clark, Samuel Hungerford, Joseph. Wheelwrights. Bedortha, L. L. Griswold, Hudson N. Woolen Manufacturers. Laprise, N. & Co. Poquonnock. Sequassen Woolen Company. WINDSOR LOCKS, Hartford County, Connecticut, a manu- facturing village situated on the west bank of the river, 13 miles from Hartford, and has a station on the New Haven, Hartford I, WAXV.. A*M,.J «, «UM,.,i.v/xx V/U. »/iiV^ ^1V>»» J_..«,»VU, BUSINESS DIE E^C.T R Y . 197 and Springfield Eailroad. A canal was constructed here some years ago, around Enfield Palls, for shipping purposes, but since the construction of the Eailroad the water is used for manufac- turing purposes. Machinery, Steel, Thread, Paper and Woolen Goods are manufactured here quite extensively. The town numbers about 2000 population. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney. Johnson, J. W. Chandler, L. Whipple, Joseph Schaeffer, L. Sisson, Charles S. Briscoe, Chas. King, Ralph Blacksmiths. Boots and Shoes. Clothing Carriage Makers. Cigar Manufacturer. Atherton, A. H. Dentist. Murless, M. T. Dry Goods and Groceries. Ashley, Wm. Coogan, James KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 246 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Cnecks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic -work of every variety executed in the best style. 198 CONNECTICUT RIVER McCowan, R. Mather, Wm. Simms, E. B. Fish Market. Moran, John Flour and Feed. Swan & Easton. Furniture and Undertakers. Watrous, R. N. & C. W. Hosiery, Shirt and Drawers Manufacturer. MEDLICOTT, WM. G. Hotel. Charter Oak House, H. Cutler, Proprietor. Insurance Agents. AUen, B. R. Watrous, R. N. Iron Foundry. Converse, H. A. & Co. Lumber Dealer. Benjamin, George Somers, C. A., Agt. Livery Stables. Baldwin, N. Stockwell, A. B. Manilla Paper Manufacturers. Dexter, C. H. & Co. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 199 'Cauley.dfeimuel MejQDS^t. Merc Smi Ball|^£JA. M^ Plo lity.HM.'E . Miss^ Seymour Paper Parmelie, E. ijq Photographer, g P^ *" — S Mill Strd o -I < I- z bJ O Q Z < H U 111 I- rge td ing Silk aiK fTtgiffTT VEanufactigr. H. ! B ! < —^^chool AppargliB Mcfiufacturer. ►wight o o p o H Ph M KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., ^S^^^IfcBgraphers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbared, lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 200 CONNECTICUT RIVER Screw Chucks Manufacturers. HORTON, E. & SON. stoves and Tinware. Cornwall, Elias Thread Manufacturers. Conn. River Mills, L. M. Pinkham, Agt. Wool Cleansing. Coffin, H. R. & Co. WAREHOUSE POINT, a post village in the town of East Windsor, on the east bank of the Conn. River, 14 miles from Hartford. The New Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroad has a station at this place. Woolen Goods are manufactured quite extensively. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney. Barnes, Wm. Boot and Shoe Maker. Moore, Thomas Cigar Manufacturers. Russ, A. J. Woodruff & Barber. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic -work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 201 \ Dry (joods and Grocery Dealers. Barnes & Spooner. Palmer, Joseph Gin Distillery. Barber, W. T. & H. Grocer. Baker, J. H. Harness Manufactory. Price, James Hotel. American Hotel, J. H. Baker, Proprietor. Lumber Dealer. Filer, A. P. Physician. Fisk, Dr. Postmaster. Woodward, Geo. G. Restaurant. Dean, Chester Tailor. Thiesse, F. Tinware. Abbe, George C. McDonald, Daniel Woolen Manufacturers. EAST WINDSOR WOOLEN CO. B. Sexton, President. 26- 202 CONNECTICUT BIVER SUFPIELD, HARTFORD COUNTY, CONNECTICUT, is situated on the right bank of the Connecticut River, 16 miles north of Hartford, and 50 miles from New Haven. Agriculture and the manufacture of Cigars, and Carriages, are the principal kinds of business carried on here. The town numbers about 3,500 inhabitants. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bank. First National Bank. Carriage Manufacturers. AUSTIN BROTHERS. See adv. index. Case, J. W., West Sufi&eld. Cigar Manufacturers. Austin, Albert Austin & Newton. Harrocks, McKinzie & Co. Loomis, John W. Wilson, Geo. M. Wood, Benjamin Dry Goods and Groceries. Endress & Nichols. Newton & Pomeroy. Sheldon, Horace Fine Cut Tobacco Manufactory. Cowles, H. S. Groceries. Willeston, George Paper Manufactory. Eagle Mills Co. KELLOGa & BULKELEY, 245 Maiu St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every yariety executed in the best ■tyle. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 203 Kello Mas RisinffTXT in the town' of Eni6«4, Hartford, an^ is situated VILL^a po nty, l^miles of the river. loughs are exfaaeiJbaijifnanufacturQ^^ere. of Enfield inc^Sg^jEPb villages oMgCazardville, ed extensive Iffiy^jjgforks, Thom^onville and is a rich Agrroftltiyj^town, and contains about KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Ha|UW9^Hffi5graphers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of eyery variety executed in the best style. 204 CONNECTICUT RIVEB BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agents. Vanhorn, S. Adams Express Co., H. & N. H. R. R. Station Agent. Ale Brewers. Matherson & Gray. Attorney. Briscoe, C. H. Barber. Ebert, F. Blacksmiths. Bent, Joseph Casey, Wm., Hazardville. Lord, Geo., Enfield. Boot Makers. Bowman, D. Wagner, Henry McCarty, D. Bonnet Manufacturers. HazardviUe Bonnet Co. Brick Yard. Alden, E. Cabinet Makers. King & steel. Carpet Manufacturers. Hartford Carpet Co., Office, Hartford, Conn. KELLOGG & BULKKLEY, 245 Maiu St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work ofiograpbers. Checks, Dr:ifts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 220 CONNECTICUT RIVER Coffee and Spice Manufacturers and Dealers. Barber, M. E. Market St. Fowler, Geo. Commercial Row. Coffin and Casket Manufacturers. WASHBURN & CHASE, Sanford St. See adv. index. Coffin Dealers. Pomroy & Fisk, 17 State St. Ross, Sidney 267 Main St. Skahan & Bourke, 113 " WASHBURN & CHASE, cor. Sanford and Market Sts. See adv. index. Collar Manufactory. Nonpariel Paper Collar Co., William St. near Main. Commercial College. Burnham's Business College, Main cor. State St. Commission Merchants. Dorman, A. E. 5 Union House Block, Main St. Crosby, D. W. Lyman St. King, Norton & Ladd, 83 Main St. Lane, Adams & Co., 59 " Palmer, Samuel & Co., 21 Hampden St. Confectionery Manufacturers. Cowles & Bliss, 281 Main St. Kibble Brothers & Co., 189 Main St. Confectionery and Fruit. Burr, Edwin C. 136 Main St. Cowles & Bliss, 281 " Gunn & Merrill, cor. Main and Lyman Sts. Quimby, H. A. 267 Main St. Shattuck, W. H. 115 " KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Maia St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 221 Copper Work ag^Jtw Castings. EMORY, P.^ & CO., Ham jjulutf ii BlJ ti* See adv. index. Kmgl^MmM. Pynchoii St._ ' Sprin Cork MaguMiitrer. rk Manufactuliif^^8?^Hillman St.^ear Main. otton Batt {BSG^turers. Keith|»^l4*eadMn- F'^^'H 9-|k Coton wistr'Walers. O Carr, Deard Bldre Hamilton < I- Arms^SftiBilmi S. (^SimercMHSuwwJ 01mst|(i^^feylor ^^Imste "raclg Bak ers, (Wh olesale. iCo., near cor. BanUggHl Avenjie an(|jjlarket Grocery ai J rorijiTab a Waicg. O iam, ^42 Main""T5r~-*--H ^^ & C^Main StFountain :^|w. Q Co., l^OIain fi^WTOTlj sale ^d ReHl XUf^ Gr@iet ]vfflSurer| ^ radlft^Jilton & C^, 241 toll J^ j. Cur£Si Ha W^NEY KHPUSE & p o H State St. — HH Burt's Bl(fl([, Maiij^ £ M alers. u 6 Fallon's BlB5i?SS St. Shaw's Bloc^^p^kMH^' . 4 Yernon St^ opposite CourJ Die STACY, E. S. k CO., Shu < s Iding, Harrison Avenue. KELLOGG & BULKELfSY, 245 Main St., HarPlWpJTfEographers. Ohecks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Ohecks Stainp«il auil Numb(!reJ, Lithographic work of every vai-iety executed in the best style. 222 CONNECTICUT RIVER See adv. index. Morgan, N. 190 Main St. Perkins, C. 263 " RENSLOW, M. B. 247 Main St. See adv. index. Searle,F. 279 Main St. Drain and Sewer Tubing. Wilcox, J. P. & Co., 16 State St. Willis, Henry cor. State and Willow St. Dress and Cloak Making. Adams, E. Miss East State St. Brown, S. C. Mrs. & Co., 92 Main St. Chever, M. H. 7 Fallow's Block " Cheever, M. H. " " Cadwell, Jennie Miss Commercial Block. Demorest, Madame 241 Main St. Henry, K. A. Commercial Block, Main St. Hollis, Mrs. S. 6 Barnes Block, " Miirdock, S. Mrs. 121 Main St. Murless, B. Miss Townsleys' Block. Warren, Mrs. 138 Main St. Wheeler, Mrs. Barnes' Block. Welton, J. W. Mrs. 7 Barnes' Block, Main St. Wood, A. H. Mrs. Townsley's Block. Druggists. Alden & Brewster, opposite Massasoit Housej Main St. Bigelow, E. opposite Court Square. Brewer, H. &. J. 263 Main St. Dickinson, F. S. & Co., cor. Main and State St. , Doyle, John E. Allis Block, North Main St. Hooker, John, 210 Main St. Hutchins, H. & Son, cor. Main and Pynchon St. Stebbins, E. C. 4 Union House Block, Main St. Merritt & Sinclair, 112 East State St. Moulton, E. B. 98 Main St. Webber, J. T. & Co., 7 East State St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Maia St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 223 Dry Goods. Carter & Cooley, 106 Main St. Chapin & Spencer, 191 " Currier & Hodskins, cor. Main and Court Sts. Hale, D. F. cor. Main and Pynchon Sts. Hallock L. E. & Co., 4 Barnes' Block, Main St. Holt, L. J. 108 East State St. Labaree Brothers & Co., 1 Fallows' Block, Main St. Lincoln, A. W. 1 Main St. McKnight, Norton & Hawley, 1 Haynes' Block, Main St. Strain, John 211 Main St., Wholesale and Retail. Tinkham & Co., 184 " Forbes & Smith, cor. Main and Vernon. Dying and Cleaning. Broadhurst & Walker, 2 West Worthington St. Dye House. Springfield Dye House, Adams, Patten & Co., 159 Main St. Eave Trough Manufacturer. BARTLETT, CHILD & CO., Taylor St. See adv. index. Eating Houses. Dubois & Wright, 117 Main St. Gilmore, D. cor. Pynchon and Main Sts. Jennings, J. Court St. Pierce, L. 18 East State St. Thomas, Thomas 119 Main St. Waverley House, Sanford St., H. S. Lane, Proprietor. Quimby, H. A. 267 Main St. Electrotypers. BOWLES, SAMUEL & CO., Main St., Franklin Block. LOCKWOOD & MANDEVILLE, Main St. See adv. index. Emigration Office. Ryan, J. 157 Main St. 224 CONNECTICUT EIVEE Engineers, Civil. BRIGGS, A. D. & CO., Fort Block. See adv. index. ' Envelope Manufacturer. Morgan, E. &, Co., cor. Hillman and Dwiglit Sts. Engravers. Chubbuck, T. 265 Main St. Bradley, Millton & Co., 247 Main St. Martin, F. W. Main St. Extension Table Manufacturer. BELCHER, D. E. Liberty St. See adv. index. Express Offices and Agents. MERCHANTS UNION EXPRESS CO., J. H. Osgood, Agent, Franklin Block, Main St. See adv. index. American Express, 3 Court St. Thompson & Co., 3 Court St. Fancy Goods and Notions. Coleman, M. & B. 108 Main St. Fallon, J. 1 Opera Block, Main St. Gardner & Young, Townsley Block. KINMAN, W. D. 214 Main St. See adv. index.' Jennison & Kendall, 2 Court St. McFarland & Niebuhr, 216 Main St. Lord, A. G..& Co., 182 Paquettee, Henry, 187 " Pierce, William, 4 Shaw's Block. Stern, Jacob, 3 East State St. Malley, M. W. 180 Main St. Fancy Goods and Millinery. Baumgarten, J. L. 177 Main St. KELLOGG & BULKKLEY, 245 Maia St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best Style. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 225 Fancy Goods and Straw Bleachers. Sayles & Stockbridge, 173 Main St. WALLACE, SCHWAB & BINSSER, 233 Main St. Fancy (roods and Stationery. Jennings, A. F. 259 Main St. Jennings, A. F. Post Office Building, Pynchon St. Sterns, F. H. & E. H. 2 Fallon's Block, Main St. Fishing Tackle. GIFFORD, J. H. 3 State St., up stairs. See adv. index. Fish and Oysters, (Wholesale and Retail.) AMES, S. (Wholesale Oysters,) 121 Main St. Gilmore, Bond & Co., 6 Market St., basement Massasoit House. Jennings, C. L. 85 Main St. Lillibridge & Batclielder, 323 Main St. Webber, J. W. & Co., 1 Cypress St. Fire Arms Manufacturers. GIFFORD, J. H. 3 State St., up stairs. See adv. index. Smith & Wesson, (Revolvers,) Stockbridge St. Florist and Nursery. Olm Brothers, 350 Main St. Sheehan, J. Morris St. Flour, Feed and Grain. Bangs, John, 10 East State St. Wholesale and Retail. Barker, S. & Co., 1 Union House Block, Main St. Dorman & Strong, Union Block, " Sibley & Rathbun, 295, 297 Main St. Worthy, J. L. & Co., 117 " KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Uaia St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of eyery yariety executed in the best style. 29 226 CONNECTICUT RIVER Flouring Mills. Bangs, John, Mill St. Worthy, J. L. (Agawam.) Wright, C. G. South Main St. Flour, Lime and Cement. Bigelow, S. Commercial Block. Foundries, Brass. Stebbins, Erastus, Taylor St. Hampden Iron Foundry, 42 Water St. Springfield Brass Foundry. Fruit, (Foreign and Domestic,) Dealers. Bau, B. C. 156 Main St. Collins, Wm. M. 283 Main St. Gunn & Merrill, cor. Main and Lyman Sts. Fresco Paintings and Window Shades. WIESE, F. 13, 15 Pynchon St. See adv. index. Fruit and Confectionery, Wholesale and Retail. AMSDEN & CO., 92 Main, 2 Hampden Sts. Dill, Dexter, 139 Main St. Goddard, H. T. 204 " Judd, Wm. A. 26 East State St. Lyon, C. T. AUis' Block, North Main St. Shattuck, W. H. 115 " Sleeper, M. D. 1 Railroad Row. Fruit Dealers, (Wholesale.) Gunn & MerrilJ, cor. Main and Lyman Sts. Gilmore, Bond & Co., Railroad Row. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every yaxiety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 227 Furniture Manufacturers. FISHER, BUCKHAUSE & KNAPPE, Burt's Block, Main St. See adv. index. Furniture Dealers. Dickinson, E. W. & Co., 2 Union Block, Main St. FISHER, BUCKHAUSE & KNAPPE, 5 1-2 Burt's Block, Main St. See adv. index. Eldredge, J. A. & Co., Fountain Row. Maxfield & Kellogg, Hampden Hall. Furriers. (See also Hats, Caps, and Furs.) Avery, S. W. 195 Main St. Sanderson, Harvey, 271 Main St. G-as Burner Manufacturers. Berg, C. H. & Co., Market, near Market St. Gas Fitters and Fixtures. BRIGGS, H. J. & Co., Yernon St. See adv. index. Elwen, E. M. Main St. Hamilton & Co. Roche Brothers, Liberty St. Howard Steam Heating Co., 101 Main St. Springfield Steam and Gas Pipe Co., 123 Main St. Gasometer Manufacturers. BULLBN & GRIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Gas Light Company. Springfield Gas Light Co., cor. Main and State Sts. Marvin Chapin, Pres., Geo. Dwight, Supt., J. D. Brewer, Treas. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 228 CONNECTICUT RIVER Gras Fixtures. Elwell, E. M. Shaw's Block, Main St. General Repairers. ELDRIDGB & HASTINGS, 283 Main St., up stairs. See adv. index. Gents. Furnishing Goods. Avery, S. W. 195 Main St. Baldwin, J. A. 138 " Haynes, T. L. & Co., cor. Main and Pynchon Sts. Miller & Culver, 80, 82 Main St. RAY, SAMUEL C. Main St., opposite Court Square. See adv. index. Keyes, Henry & Co., Main St. VAUGHAN, GEO. 2 Fort Block, Main St. Brigham, D. H. & Co., Main St. Gold Chain Manufacturer. SHUMWAY, R. G. Harrison Av. See adv. index. Gold Pen Manufacturer. C. N. PACKARD, 247 Main St. See adv. index. Grocers, (Wholesale.) Downing & Sturtevant, Main St. Pynchon, Lee & Co., cor. Main and State Sts. West, Stone & Co. Grocers, (Retail.) Bliss, Jas. H. cor. Main and William Sts. Brown & Pinney, Water Shops. Bly, E. 120 Main St. Breerly & Eveans, Walnut St. Camp, A. Day & Jobson's Block, North Main St. Cate, N. cor. State & Walnut Sts. Couch & Miller, 260 Main St. Bn a D. Xj- JEHJlLFLFLXfB «fe CO., Bnilders of ITnachiiiists' Tools, Turn Tables, Bolts, Shafting, Foundry and Hill Tl^ork, Bolt Cutters and Tappings IMIachines. Also manufacturers of Howe's Patent Truss for Bridg^es and Roofs for Railroads and Highways. Also Builders of the Littlefield Steam and Power Pumps, for Fire Purposes, Supply or Boilers. D. L. HARRIS. R. F. HAWKINS. W. H. BURRALL. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 229 Coulding & Co., 3 Burt's Block, Main St. Craig, A. 3 Union House Block, " Cutler, Luther, 303 " Davison, H. J. 230 " Downing & Sturtevant, cor. Main St. and Western R. R. Dwight, E. Allis' Block, North Main St. Elmer, M. & Co., 112 East State St. Field, Chas. P. 9 Hampden St. Gilmore, Bond & Co., cor. Main and Broad Sts., Westfield. Haskell, E. B. & Son, 79 Main St. Houghton & Eddy, North " Houston & Smith, " " Hudson, Chas. T. 33 East State St. Joy & Chandler, 293 Main St. Kimberly, E & Co., 190 Central St. Lyman, Harvey, 70 East Worthington St. Macombee & Cornell, 305 Main St. Marsh, J. S. & Co., 193 " McCarty, J. 17 Hampden St. Newell, Nox H. S. & C. S. Burt's Block. Niles, A. F. & H. L. cor. Main and Cypress Sts. Pember & Jenks, 3 Allis' Block, North Main St. Pynchon, Lee & Co., cor. Main and State Sts. Wholesale and Retail. Quimby & Aikens, 28 East State St. Rice, Wight & Co., 141 Main St. Shaw, Geo. D. & Co., 12 East State St. Waite, E. H. Ill " " Weeks, John, 50 Main St. West, Stone & Co., cor. Main and Court Sts. Wholesale and Retail. Miller, W. S. 118 Main St. Winter, L. S. & J. K. Main St. Woolson, Chas. A. 12 Water St. Gun Smiths. Ashton, Wm. GIFFORD, J. H. 3 East State St. See adv. index. 230 CONNECTICUT RIVER Hair Restorative. QUEEN, GEOEGE, Sandford St. See adv. index. Hand Drill Press. Sessons, Asa, Jr., Mill St. Harness Makers. PAYNE, Wm. 3, 5, 7 Dwight St. See adv. index. Hardware and Cutlery. Bemis, A. Main St. Bemis & Call, Taylor St. Brown & Graves, opposite Massasoit House. Brewer, J. D. State cor. Main St. Foot, Homer & Co., cor. State and Main Sts. Harness and Saddlery. Cummings, Josiah, 111, 113 Main St. White & Coolidge, 200 Main St. Wilkinson, W. H. 109 " PAYNE, WILLIAM 3, 5, 7 Dwight St. See adv. index. Russell & Barber, cor. State and Walnut Sts. Hardware and Tool Manufacturers. Bemis & CaU, Taylor St. Hats, Caps and Furs. Avery, S. W. 195 Main St. Trafton, John W. cor. Main and Sanford Sts. Roberts, Dwight 96 Main St. Sanderson & Son, 271 Main St. WiUiams, E. A. & Co., 279 " Hoop Skirt Manufacturers and Dealers. CHACB, GEO. W. 179 Main St. See adv. index. Wheeler, M. M. 108 Main St. Horse Shoers. Bailey & Burke, East Court St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 231 Hosiery and Gloves, (Wholesale and Retail.) KINSMAN, W. D. 214 Main St. See adv. index. Hotels. Carlton House, 1 Hampden St. Cooleys Hotel, 75 Nortli Main St. EXCHANGE HOTEL, E. Adams & Co., Pro., 206 Main St. Greundler's Hotel, cor. Bridge and Water Sts. HAMPDEN HOUSE, H. N. Pish, Pro., cor. Court and Main Sts. See adv. index. HAYNES' HOTEL, Tilly Haynes, Pro., cor. Main and Pyn- chon Sts. MASSASOIT HOUSE, M. & E. S. Chapin, Main St. opposite Depot. See adv. index. Myrtly Street House, Myrtle St. MEAGHER'S HOTEL, 91 Main St. MOULTON'S HOTEL, 117 East State St. Nayasset House, J. S. Robinson, Railroad Row. Park Street House, Main cor. Lyman St. PYNCHON HOUSE, W. F. Gunn, Pro., Main near Depot. ROCKINGHAM HOUSE, A. Nason, Pro., State cor. Walnut Street. SANFORD STREET HOUSE, W. B. Cook Pro., Sanford St. SPRINGFIELD HOUSE, 17 West St. UNITED STATES HOTEL, G. Burbach Pro., Maine cor. State St. Union House, H. M. French Pro., Union House Block, Main Street. Ice Cream Saloon. Barney, Charles E. 102 Main St. Ice Cream and Dining. Quimby, H. A. 267 Main St. India Rubber Goods. Frary, 0. Mill St. India Rubber Web Manufacturing Co., South Main St. Insurance Agents. Bond, A. H. Gurdian Life Ins. Co., Taylor & Olmsted Block. 232 CONNECTICUT RIVEft Burt, A. & Co., 175 Main St. Graves, J. L. cor. State and Main Sts. Johnson, Jas. L. 192 " Jas. M. Porter & Co., 4 Music Hail, Main St. Miller, Henry D. 5 Pallons Block, " Pynchon & Marsh, Post Office Building, Pynchon St. Ladd Brothers, cor. Main and Pynchon Sts. Waterman & Bower, 2 Fallon's Block, Main St. Insurance and Claim Agents. Holmes, J. W. 1 Union Block. Tifft, S. A. 2651 Main St. Insurance Companies. Holyoke Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 3 Fallon's Block, Main St. Rice & Benjamin, 48 Main St. SpringjBield Mutual Fire Assurance Co., cor. Main and Elm Sts. E. Blake, Pres., L. Gorham, Sec. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., 8 Foot's Block. Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Foot's Block, 110 Main St., Cash capital, 1500,000, Surplus, $210,000. Edmund Free- man, Pres., J. N. Dunham, Sec, Sandford J. Hall, Asst. Sec. See adv. index. Intelligence Offices. Ryan, J. 157 Main St. Smith, Z. 271 " Iron Works. NORWALK IRON WORKS, William St. See adv. index. Jewelry Manufacturers. Arthur Rumsill & Co., cor. Central and Maple Sts. SHUMWAY, R. G. See adv. index. Jewelry and Watches. Bailey & Graves, cor. Main and Elm Sts. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 283 Buckland, E. H. & Co., 94 Main St. Kirkham, Wm. 277 " Shaw, C. R. 100 Main St. Smith, Henry, 5 Elm St. STOWE, L. S. Post Office Building, Main St., (Wholesale.) Robinson, M. F. 181 Main St. Whipple, E. A. 299 " Williams, T. A. Job Printers. Bowles, Samuel & Co., Main St. Miller, Joseph Goodrich's Block, Main St. Tannath, J. F. & Co., 3 Elm St. Junk Dealers. McCULLOUGH & BURT, 117 Main St. See adv. index. Hammond, S. T. & Co., rear of Springfield Dye House. See adv. index. Kerosene Oil Dealers. Hamilton, John & Son, Commercial Row. Knitting Machine Manufacturers. LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO., Pynchon Bank Block, Main St. See adv. back cover. Laundries. Hampden Laundry Co., 4 Pynchon St. Springfield Laundry, Hillman St. Lime and Cement. Crosby, D. W. 3 Lyman St. Liquor Dealers, (Wholesale.) Gunn, Wm. & Co., 9 West State St. Livery Stables. ALVORD, EDWARD, Market, rear Merchants' Express. See adv. index. 30 234 CONNECTICUT RIVER Bates & Kingsley, cor. Walnut and State Sts. Beckwith, F. R. 208 Main St. Briggs, J. L. Lyman St. Cadwell & Stickney, 18 East State St. COLLINS, WM. S. Sanford St. Henry & Marsh, cor. Court and Market Sts. Wilder & Houston, Main St., near Union Hotel. Patch, E. H. Sanford St. RICHMOND, F. & J. M. Sanford St. See adv. index. Robinson, E. C. rear Massasoit House, Railroad Row. Sexton & Nason, cor. Walnut & State Sts. Simonds, Wm. Liberty St. Lithographers. Bradley, Milton & Co., 247 Main St. Lock Smiths. Ashton, Wm. Main, cor. Bridge St. ELDRIDGB & HASTINGS, 282 Main St. See adv. index. GIFFORD, J. H. 3 State St., up stairs. See adv. index. Lumber Dealers. Robinson, Marsh & Co., Lyman St. SMITH & MARTIN, Taylor St. , Wells River Lumber Co., 4 Elm St. Machine Screw Manufacturers. HARRIS, D. L. & Co., 1 Charles St. See adv. index. STACY, E. S. & CO., Harrison Av. See adv. index. Machine Shops. Dickinson, E. L. & J. Mill St. HARRIS, D. L. & Co., 1 Charles St. See adv. index. Roche Brothers, rear .Chase's Planing Mill, Liberty St. Machinists' Tools Manufacturers. HARRIS, D. L. & Co., 1 Charles St. See adv. index. STACY, E. S. & CO., Harrison Av. See adv. index. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 235 Machinists. Barnes & Curtis, Sanford and Market Sts. BULLBN & GRIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Dickinson, E. L. & J. Mill St. HARRIS, D. L. & Co. 1 Charles St. See adv. index. Kimball, C. W. Water St. STACY, E. S. & Co., Harrison Av. See adv. index. Machinery Manufacturers. BULLEN & GRIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Harris, D. L. & Co., 1 Charles St. STACY, E. S. & Co., Harrison Av. See adv. index. Lamb Knitting Machine Co., Main St. Marble Yards. SPRINGFIELD MARBLE WORKS, Crabtree & Short, No. 2 Burt's Block, cor. Main and Bliss Sts. See adv. index. Meat Markets. Allen, Thos. H. & Brother, 60 North Main St. Allen, T. H. 2 Walnut St. Byrnes, Jas. A. 56 North Main St. Clark, Wm. L. 291 Main St. Chaffee & Nye, 232 " Hawes & Smith, 4 West State St. Colwell & Whitney, 5 Elm St. Hunt & Greenleaf, Sanford St. Maynard, M. A. 24 East State St. Moseley, A. A. 101 " " Medbery, J. C. 78 East Worthington St. Miller, W. S. 116 Main St. Nutting, Wm. 64 North Main St. Perkins, V. 14 East State St. Richards & Dumbleton, 258 Main St. Smith, A. C. & S. B. 319 Main St. Ward, Geo. W. Indian Orchard. 236 CONNECTICUT RIVER Metals. • HAMMOND, S. T. & Co., rear Springfield Dye House. See adv. index. Mcculloch, & BURT, 117 Main St. See adv. index. Mechanics' Tools Manufacturers. Bemis & Call Co., Taylor St. STACY, E. S. & Co., Harrison Av. See adv. index. Mechanical Brokers. Gardner & Hyde, 2 Vernon St. KIMBALL, C. W. cor. Water St. and Railroad Row, opposite Depot. See adv. index. Melodeon Dealers. Burt & Hoadley, 190 Main St. Hutchings, M. J. D. Shaw's Block, Main St. Merchant Tailors. Avery, Henry, 245 Main St. Barber, J. D. 113 East State St. Geraghty & Sullivan, 161 Main St. Haynes, T. L. cor. Main and Pynchon Sts. Kimball & Blodgett, 106 Main St. King, C. H. 5 Stockbridge St. Murdock, Henry, 120 Main St. Merrick & Huber, 218 " Paine, Charles, 275 " Richardson, G. D. 227 " RAY, SAMUEL C. 241 " See adv. index. Schober, Charles, cor. Main and Elm Sts. Mineral Water Manufacturer. BROOKS, P. A. 52 North Main St. See adv. index. Millinery. Bartlett, D. J. 2 Fallon's Block, Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 237 Coleman, M. & B. 108 Main St. Pierce, Wm. 4 Shaw's Block, '' Smith, Mrs. R. F. 102 " WALLACE, SCHWAB & ZINSSER, 233 Main St. Wilcox, 0. W. & Co., 187 " Winslow, G. T. 185 " Mop Handle Manufacturer. BELCHER, D. E. Liberty St. See adv. index. * Moulding Manufactory. Springfield Moulding Manufactory, Viner, F. J. Dwight St. Music and Musical Instruments. Hutchins, M. J. D. Main St. Mathews, J. W. 189 Main St. . Burt & Hoadley, 190 " Musical Instrument Manufacturer. Page, F. 17 1-2 State St. Naturalist and Taxidermist. Hosford, B. 115 Main St. Newspapers. ' SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Franklin Block. SPRINGFIELD DAILY UNION, Main St. See adv. index. SPRINGFIELD SEMI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY REPUB- LICAN. SPRINGFIELD WEEKLY UNION, Main St. See adv. index. Oil and Lamp Stores. JOHNSON, G. D. 321 Main St. Hamilton, Jason, Commercial Row. Oil Tank Manufacturers. BULLEN & GRIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Opticians. dge Chapin, D. M. 184 Main St. Burbank, S. D. Stockbridge St 238 CONNECTICUT EIVEE Ornamental Carver. GARDNER, J. A. Taylor St. Ornamental Hair Work. Commeran, Miss, 14 Barnes' Block, Main St. Montague, W. H. 77 North Main St. Oyster Dealers. AMES, S. 121 Main St. (Wholesale.) Gilmore, Bond & Co., 6 Market St. Webber, J. W. & Co., 1 Cypress St. Paint and Chemical Manufacturers. HAMPDEN PAINT AND CHEMICAL Co., cor. Armory St. and Western Railroad. Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Walker, T. M. & Co., 253 Main St. Wholesale and Retail. Warner, D. 7, 8 Market St. Paper Dealers, (Wholesale.) Powers & Brown Paper Co., under Massasoit House, Main St. Paper and Paper Stock Dealers, (Wholesale.) HAMMOND, S. T. & Co., rear Springfield Dye House. See adv. index. HoUister & Co., 95 Main St. Mcculloch & BURT, 117 Main St. See adv. index. Salsbury, Henry & Co., 137 Main St. Smith & Dickinson, Commercial Row. Taylor, Olmsted & Co., Main, cor. Taylor St. Paper Hangings. Prince, Wm. M. & Co., 86 Main St. Bridgman & Whitney, cor. Main and State Sts. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 239 Paper Box Manufacturers. Elliott & Houghton, Shaw's Block, Main St. Doane, G. Commercial Block, Main St. Doane, G. W. cor. Main and Hampden Sts. Taylor & Moseman, 5 1-2 Burt's Block, Main St. Paper Collar Manufacturers. Ray & Taylor, cor. Hillman & Dwight St. Nonpariel Paper Collar Manufacturing Co., Hillman St. Paper Box and Envelope Manufactory. Taylor & Moseman, 5 1-2 Burt's Block, Main St. Paper Manufacturers. Greenleaf & Taylor Manufacturing Co., opposite Massasoit House, Main St. Salsbury, H & Co., Main St. Columbia Paper Company, cor. Main and Taylor Sts. Union Paper Co., cor. Main and Taylor Sts. Paper Stock. Dickinson & Mays, 1 Commercial Row. HAMMOND, S. T. & CO., rear Springfield Dye House. See adv. index. Mcculloch & BURT, 117 Main St. See adv. index. Paper Warehouse. Power & Brown, 90 Main St. Patent Agents. Buckland & Curtis, 1 Barnes' Block, Main St. Sanders, Sidney, Goodrich Block, " Gardner & Hyde, 2 Vernon St. KIMBALL, C. W. cor. Water and Railroad Row, opposite Depot. See adv. index. Patent Eave Trough Manufacturers. BARTLBTT, CHILD & CO., Taylor St. See adv. index. 240 CONNECTICUTEIVEE' Patent Medicines. Leet, C. D. Hillman, near Main St. Skinner, Orrin & Co., 6, 7 Taylor & Olmsted Block. Pattern, Models and Machine Building. Marshall, Morse & Sweetland, Market St. Pattern and Model Maker. BLISS, J. K. 18 Hampden St. See adv. index. Piper, E. J. Market St. Patent Right Agents. JOHNSON, L. C. 321 Main St. Picture Frame Dealers. Campbell, J. B. 19 State St. Bradley, Milton & Co., Main St. Powers, L. J. & Bro., 90 Main St. Piano Forte Dealers. Beebe, R. Foot's Block, Main St. Burt & Hoadley, 190 " Kingsbury, Geo. 0. " Hutchins, M. J. D. , " Photograph Album Manufacturers. BOWLES, SAMUEL & CO., Main St. Photographers. Buckholz & Hendrick, 4 Pynchon Bank Block, Main St. MOORE BROTHERS, Artists, opposite Court Square. Life size Photographs finished in all sizes, also, cabinet Photographs and Cartes de Visite on the most satisfactory terms. Richardson, W. P. 34 Goodrich Block, Main St. Spooner, J. C. cor. Main and State Sts. Sweetser, A. T. cor. Main and Hillman. TOWNSEND, A. C. & CO., Main St. See adv. index. Warren, R. 173^ Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 241 Physicians and Surgeons. AUen, Paul W. 39 High St. Allen, E. C. East Worthington St. Anthony, Reily, Main St. Calkins, M. East State St. Buck, T. F. Main St. Buck, W. G " Church, Jefferson 246 Main St. Gardiner, W. W. 27 East State St. Holmes, H. W. 90 " Hooker, John 25 " Kelley, J. Wesley, 28 « Lambert, Alfred " Miller, Wm. B. Walnut St. Peabody, Dr. 329 Main St. Pomeroy, S. F. 7^ East State St. Reed, A. G. 8 Barnes' Block. Rice, A, B. East State St. Smith, David P. " Stebbins, Geo. S. 126 Main St. Overand, Dr. " Reed, A. G. 8 Barnes' Block, Main St. Stickney,H. G. 9 West Bridge St. Vaille, H. R. 282 Main St. Winans, Niles, cor Main and Fremont St. Winans, S. 47 North Main St. White, W. H. Rice Block. Pistol Manufacturers. Smith & Wesson, Stockbridge St. Picture Frame Manufacturers. Campbell, J. B. 19 State St. Learned, E. E. opposite Court Square. Talbot, Geo. W. 46 Main St. Holcomb, E. M. 202 Main St. Painters, (House and Sign.) ( Bartlett, T. B. 3 Market St. 31 ^4^ CONNECTICUT RIVER Clark, L. 62 Main St. Rice, Nathan 3 Market St. Powel & Tucker, " Peat Machine Manufacturer. Leet, C. D. Hillman St. Periodical and News Depots. Jennings, A. H. Main St. Powers, L. J. &Bro., under Massasoit House. Plane Maker. Crane, Harvey, Market St. Planing Mill and Box Manufactory. Chase, J. G. & Brother, Liberty St. Miller, Francis, Taylor St. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Day, Jobson & Chase, Liberty and Chestnut Sts. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Goodhue, C. L. 121 Main St. Knight, Asa M. Pynchon St. Briggs, H. J. & Co., 4 Vernon St. See adv. index. Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Briggs, H. J. & Co., 4 Vernon St. Knight, A. M. & Son 13 Pynchon St. Polar Soda Fountain Manufacturer. Bigelow, E. Market St. Printers. BOWLES, SAMUEL & CO., Franklin, Main St. Ice Cream, Jellies, Confectionery, Ornamental "^Vorlc, &c. F. A. Syltes, t Allyn House, Hartford, Couu. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 243 UNION PRINTING CO., cor. Main and Taylor Sts., Taylor & Olmsted Block. See adv. index. Pump Manufacturers. D WIGHT, GEORGE Jr. & CO., (Barle's Patent Steam.) See adv. index. Gardiner, J. B. Agent. Harris D. L. & Co. Knight, Asa W. (copper) Main St. Roche Brothers, Liberty St. Pump Manufacturers, (Steam and Power.) HARRIS, D. L. & CO., (Littlefield's Patent,) 1 Charles St. See adv. index. Publishers, (Book.) G. & C. Merriam, 8 West State St. Union Printing Co., Main St. Holland, W. J. & Co., Taylor & Olmsted Block. BOWLES, SAMUEL & CO., Main St. Railroad Car Manufacturers. Wason Manufacturing Co., Lyman St. Railway Supplies. Howard Brothers, 76 Main St. Real Estate Agents. Kingsbury, G. 0. cor. Court and Main Sts. Rice & Clark, Main St. Reed Manufacturers. TILLEY & CLARK, Commercial Row. See adv. index. Restaurants. Adams, H. G. R. R. Depot. Barney, Chas. E. 102 Main St. Fancy and Domestic Bakery, F. A. Sykcs, 7 AUyn House Block, Hartfoi-d, Conn. 244 CONNECTICUT RIVER Burr, Edwin C. 136 Main St. Gilmore, D. 0. Pynclion St. Hefieran, C. 125 Main St. Parsons, A. B. " Sleeper, M. D. Railroad Row. Quimby, H. A. 26T Main St. Thomas, Thomas 119 Main St. Rubber, Boot and Shoe Dealers. Bailey, Maish 9 State St. Griswold & Bradley. Shaw, H. A. 5 State St. Saddle and Harness Makers. Hewett, J. R. Patton's Block, Main St. Saddlery and Hardware, (Wholesale.) LEE & BAXER, 78 Main St. See adv. index. Saddlery Trimmings. WESSON & MORRIS, Dwiglit St. LEE & BAKER, T8 Main, St. See adv. index. Sale Stables. ALYORD, E. rear Merchants Union Express Co. See adv. index. Richmond, P. & J. M. Sandford St. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Currier, Richards cor. Liberty .and Chestnut Sts. Saving Banks. Hampden Savings Bank, Main St. Joseph C. Pynchon, Pres., Daniel J. Marsh, Treas. Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank, 2 Court St. Springfield Listitution for Savings, Main cor. State St. Saw Dealers. ElweU, E. M. Shaw's Block, Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 245 Sewing Machine Agents. CHACE, GEO. W. Agent (Singers,) 179 Main St. See adv. index. Griswold, Ogden 12 Barnes' Block, Main St. Lee, H. C. Elliptic Machine, Pynchon Bank, Main St. Lee, 0. M. 279 Main St. Thomas, Mrs. Wm. 21(5 Main St., Wilcox & Gibbs. Williams, H. S, 9 East State St., Agent JEtna Sewing Machine. RAY, SAMUEL C. Main opposite Court St., Finkle & Lyons. See adv. index. Sliirt Manufacturer. DEWEY, H. S. 24 Barnes' Block, Main St. See adv. index. Sign Painters. Drake, James C. 131 Main St. Hancox, Albert, Hillman St. Hooker, George, Willow St. Silk Merchants. Bartlett, H. H. & Co., AUis' Block, North Main St. Slipper Manufacturers. AMERICAN CARPET SLIPPER WORKS, Martin Wesson, Prop. cor. Stockbridge and Willow. . Soda and Syrup Apparatus Manufacturer. Bigelow, E. 245 Main St. Soap and Candle Manufacturers. Arnold, Wm. & Co., Lyman St. Cooley, R. N. 61 East State St. Fisk, L. I. & Co., Lyman St. Spectacle Manufacturer. Burbank, S. D. Stockbridge St. 246 CONNECTICUT RIVER Stair Builder. Fitts, L. L. Taylor St. Steam Table Manufacturers. BULLEN & GEIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Steam Boiler Manufacturers. SPRINGFIELD STEAM BOILER WORKS. BULLEN & GRIMES, Liberty St. See adv. index. Steam Heating Apparatus. Howard Steam Heating Co., 87, 89 Main St. Steam Pump Manufacturers. NORWALK IRON WORKS, HiUman St. See adv. index. Steam and Gas Pipe Dealers. BRIGGS, H. J. & Co., Yernon St. See adv. index. Springfield Steam and Gas Pipe Works, J. H. Appleton & Co., Proprietors, 123 Main St. Stencil Cutter. GIFFORD, T. H. 3 State St. See adv. index. Stoves and Tinware. Abbe, James, 114 Main St. Alexander, John, AUis' Block, Main St. Beach, T. D. 1 Elm St. Clark, Leonard, 12 West State St. Clark, Simpson, 31 East State St. Lewis, L. S. 11 Montague, D. B. 135 Main, and 2 & 4 Bridge St. Spooner & Pease, 100 East State St. Wilcox, W. L. & Co., 16 " Tea, Coffee and Spices. Bourke Brothers, 113 Main St. Japan Tea Co., 2 Elm St. Telegraph Offices. Franklin Telegraph Co., Franklin Block. Western Union Telegraph, Haynes' Hotel Block, Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 247 Tin and Wooden Ware Dealers. Dickinson & Mayo, 1 Commercial Row. Tobacco and Cigars. Frost, S. M. cor. Main and Bridge Sts. Ryder, A. C. 255 Main St. Warner, F. G. 133 " Wright, W. H. 273 " Tobacco Dealers. Smith, H. & Co., 20 Hampden St. Tool Manufacturers. Bemis & Call Co. STACY, E. S. & Co., Harrison Av. See adv. index. Troughs, (Eave.) BAETLETT, CHILD & Co., Taylor St. See adv. index. Trimming Groods. KINSMAN, W. D. 214 Main St. See adv. index. Undertakers. Pomeroy & Fisk, 1 7 East State St. Ross, Sidney, 267 Main St. Skahan & Boiirke, 113 Main St. WASHBURN & CHASE, cor. Market and Sanford Sts. See adv. index. Upholstering and Repairing. Ellis, A. cor. Willow and Stockbridge Sts. Upholsters' Goods. FISHER, BUCKHAUSE & KNAPPE, 5 1-2 Burt's Block. See adv. index. Variety Stores. Bartlett, Miss R. A. 22 East State St. Cogswell, J. W. 20 " " 248 ^ CONNECTICUT RIVER SANDERSON, W. Grimes' Block, East State St. Tiffany, W. S. 76 East Worthington St. Waste Dealers. Howard & Brothers, Mill St. Watches and Jewelry. Williams T. A. 84 Main St. Porter & Prince, 86 Main St. Chandler A. C. 243 Kirkham, Wm. Jr.,277 " Howard, J. C. 277 " Whipple, E. A. 229 " Wire Cloth and Sieve Manufacturer. Bigelow, Cheney, 3 Sanford St. Woolen Manufacturers. Alden, Gaylord, Mill St.^ King, Lyman, " Smith, Fall & Bucklaird, Mill St., foot of Maple. Wooden Eave Trough Manufacturers. BARTLETT, CHILD & Co., Taylor St. See adv. index. Wrapping Paper and Paper Stock. McCULLOCH & BURT, 117 Main St. See adv. index. Yankee Notions, (Wholesale.) Patton, WilUam, 100 Main St. THE! A MONTHLY EEOORD OP DENTAL SOIENOE, Devotedl to tlie interests of* tlie Pi'oJfessioix. Sitechnen numbers sent on application. SAMUEL S. WECITlH], I>ublislier, No. 16 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 249 Head-quarters at Springfield, Mass., 179 Main Street. GEO. W. CHACE, General Agent. GEO. W. CHACE, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN Hoop Skirts, Corsets, and Skirt Materials, 179 Main St., Springfield, Mass. Office of the Singer Mfg, Go's J. H. BANKS. H. H. BANKS. J. H. BANKS & SON, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL COAL DESAIilSRS. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS. Lehigh and Schuylkill, Very Superior Quality. City Office, 253 Main St., Opp. Court Square, Yard and Oflflce, _ I No. 38 West William St. I «lmgil#li^ Mm ® • E. S. STAGY & CO., Toil HakfFs aii Hiclu MACHINE SCREWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. Models of Wood or Metal, Die Sinking, Stamp Cutting, &c,, &c. 32 250 CONNECTICUT RIVER p». T*. em:oiiy &> CO. MANUFACTUEEKS OF Of Every Description. ' Copper Stills, Bath Boilers and Set Kettles, Copper Cutters and Conductors, Dye Kettles, and Drying Cylinders. Copper Pipe for Steam or Water, in all Shapes and Sizes. Sheet and Bolt Copper, She6t Brass, Babbitt and Lining Metal of different qualities constantly on hand for sale. Our customers may be assured that whatever they purchase of us will invariably be found as represented. Hampden St,, near R. E. Depot, Springfield, Mass. p. p. EMORY. A. J. BROWN. GEO. C. KIMBALL. Springfield Steam Boiler Works. MANUFACTtTKEKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Bleaching Boilers, Water and Oil Tanks, Steam Tables, Water Flumes, Gasometers, Foundry Ladles, Cupolas, Sheet Iron Work of every description. Boilers repaired in a thorough manner at Short Notice. Also, Agents for Prindle's Patent Agricultural Caldron and Farmers' Steam Boiler. Works on Liberty St , Rear of Cooley's Hotel, SPJRINGFIELD, MASS. H. WALLACE BULLENS. EDWARD J. GRIMES. Corner 3Iain and Court Streets, S I* R. I ]V O I^ I E L D , IVJ: ^ S S H. ]Sr. FISH, Proprietor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 251 DUDLEY P. ELY, Pres. 9. DWIGHT, Jr., Sec. &Treas. 0. T. EARLB, Supt. CJaslx Capital, $300,000. itrwall IrtB Wml [Suceesaors to GEO. nWIGBT, Jr., & Co.) SOUTH ivoi^tv^^lk:, coivtst. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the oM JPMIoMH Warehonse, 108 Sudbnry St., Boston. IH The most simple in mechanism, durable in construction and combines more excellen- cies than any in market. It has been awarded the GOLB MEDALS, at the great Mechanical Fairs of New York, Boston and Baltimore, the only ones where it has been exhibited. 252 CONNECTICUT RIVEE ITIT. D. KIIffSMAIff^ (Successor to Howard & Kinsman,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN •lot: Trtaiiip, Zepljr f orsteJs, EuliroMeries, Pynchon Bank Block, 214 Main Street, SPRING-FIELD, MASS. SPRINGFIELD MARBLE WORKS. iM4MEll a iliEls MANUFACTUBEKS OF Gravestones, and ill4Mllf Al S41iai W ®1£» No. 2 Burt's Block, Main Street, and No. 2 Bliss Street, SPRinSTG-FIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. GERMANIA FURNITURE W A R E R O O M S . FISHER, BTJOKHAUSE & KNAPPE, PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERERS, ANO CABINET MAKERS, Dealers in Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, Mattresses, Curtains, Curtain Triraraings, Shades, (fee, &c. ALSO COMMON FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. 5 1-2 BUHrS BLOCK, SPllINGFIELI), 3IASS. A. C. FISHF.R. CHAS. BUCKHAUSE. H. KNAPPE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 253 WASHBURN & CHASE, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers in Iff AND GENERAL UNDERTAKERS, Corner Market and Sanford Streets, SPEII^GFIELD, MASS. MANUFACTUEER OF Saddles^ Harnesses and dollars^ MANUFACTURERS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION OF Comniercial Row, Near "Western Depot, SPRINOFIELD, MASS. All orders by Mail, for Reeds or Harnesses, promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. MicOULLOOH: & BURT, DEALEE3 IN Writing and TTITrapping Papers^ PAPEU, STOCIt, «fec. 117 Main St., Opposite Fort Block, Springfield, Mass. Cash paid for Rags and Old Junk. J. \r. OTcCTJLIiOCH. A. BURT, Jr. B. ALVORD, Rear Merchants' Union Express, lARiCET ST., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 254 CONNECTICUTRIVER ROBERT a SHUMWAY, MANUFACTURER OF FINE GOLB CHAINS, Office 24 John St., New York. A. G. TOWNSEND & CO., PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, Opposite Court Square, over the Pirst National Bank, SPRINQFIELD, MASS. The best styles Sun Pictures, of any desired size, made and avakranted to stand the test of time. Particular attention paid to Cop}'ing Old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, &c., and finish- ing the same in the best manner, in India Ink, Oil or Water colors. DAVID SMITH & CO., No. 2 PARK STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Light and Heavy Carriages constantly on hand and made to order. 241 MAIN STREET, is/!i:EK.CH:A.isrT tj^iHiOi^. FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Olotlis, Oassimeres, Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, &o. OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. QUEEN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, rOE TKE GEOWTH AND PEESEEVATION OF THE HAIE. It eradicates dandruff, and all cutaneous eriiptions of the Scalp, and I'enders the Hair Soft, Moist and Glossy. 9 SANFORD ST., - - - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Shaving luul Hair Cutting, Razors Honed, done in tbe most approved style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 255 MANUFACIUUER OP OoUai's, Bosoms, Drawers and Under Flannels, Custom Made, 24 BARNES' BLOCK, - - - - SPRINGFIELD, MASS- Shirt Patterns Cut and all orders promptly attended to. QUIMBY & HUDSON. MANUFACTURERS OF EXPRESS, PEDOLER A^D GROCERY WAGONS, PH/ETONS, EOOKAWAYS, OABEOILETS, BEACH WAGONS, &c., &c. We fully warrant our work to be equal to any in the country. Orders promptly attended to. SPRINGFIELD, M:A.SS. M. G. C. QUIMBY. R. H. HUDSON. s. T. ha^m]mo:nd & CO., (Successors to Coburn & Hammond,) DEALERS IN Old Iron^ Metals & Paper Stocky Bear of Springfield Dye House, SPEINGirELD, MASS. S. T. HAMMOND. JOHN DAY. MANHFACTnEEa OP Bottle Ale, Porter and Cider constantly on hand. Orders promptly attended to. 52 IsTortli Main St., - - - - Springfield, Mass. J. H. GIFFORD, GUN, LOCKSMITH & STENCIL CUTTER, No. 3 State Street, Up Stairs, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ALSO DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE &. AIVIMUNITION. .^LL lillVOS OF STEIN OIL TTOKIi:. Locks and Kei/s Jitted, Sewing 3IarJiines, Ciftfcri/, Uinhrellas and Parasols fcpaifed, and all hinds of small tvorJc, Silver Door Plates and Numbers. s .^^ IF" E! ^=L e: !=> ^^ I i=L I nsr C5- . 256 CONNECTICUT EIVER PATENT WOODEK EAVE TRSUGHS. Samples in our Office that haye been in use more than forty years, MANUFACTURED BY Taylor Street, - - - - - - Springfield, Mass. and dealer in all kinds of Engines, Boilers, Lathes, &c., constantly on hand. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. FRESCO PAINTER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Shade and Picture Cords and Tassels, American and English Hollands, Oil Table Covers, &c. sTami ^umm ha si t® qrb^e?. Nos. 13 & 15 Pynchon St., Opp. Ladies' Entrance New P. O., SPRING-FIELD, MASS. MANUFACTURER OF iFiisrE o-oxjTD :FEisrs, Over E. BIGELOW, Opposite Court Square, SPRINGFIELD, MAlriS, F. & J. M. riohm:ond, HACK, LIYERY AND B0ARJ3INriiigfield, JMLslss, D. E. BELCHER, MANUFACTUKEE OF \hch falttttt antr Kj^estntrt rnxUnsion SMOW CASES, &c. \mmm mai Myitis aaie i# ®f ier , Scroll Sawing and Wood Turning Neatly Done. Liberty St., Springfield, 9Iass. Also, The Eureka Patent Map Holder, superior to any thing of the kind ever before the Public, without an exception. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 259 mm mnnn cowpAMVt JOB PRIITIRE, And Publishers of the DAILY AND WEEKLY UNION, OfHee, eoi-ner M^ain a,nd Taylor Streets. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, Containing all the Local News ,and Latest Telegrams from all parts of the world. Issued on a Double Sheet every Saturday. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, On a Large Double Sheet, containing more reading matter than any other journal in Western Massachusetts. Choice Miscellany, Poetry, and a carefully prepared eesume of the news of the week. Toi-iacLS, S2.00 at '^'&^-r. MASSASOIT HOOSE, iBsiielit ■ M. & E. S. CHAPIN, HfjJttpi^ietws. 260 CONNECTICUT RIVEB WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS., opposite the City of Spring- field, on the west bank of the river, includes the villages of Ash- leyville and Agawam. Carriages and Leather are manufactured quite extensively here, but it is largely an Agricultural Com- munity. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. Blacksmith. Bliss, H. N. Springfield. Carriage Manufacturer. CLARK, EDSON. See adv. index. Carriage, Coach and Sleigh Builder. CLARK, EDSON. See adv. index. Leather Manufacturers. ELY, C. (P. 0. Ashleyville.) See adv. index. ELY, HOMER, (P. O. Ashleyville.) See adv. index. Tanners and Curriers. ELY, C. See adv. index. (P. 0. Ashleyville.) ELY^ HOMER. See adv. index. (P. 0. Ashleyville.) EDSON CLARK, MANUFACTDEER AND DEALER IN AND SLEIQHS. REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. Half a Mile West of Chicopee Junction. l'®@t ©til©© ^ii^©®®» ©M©@i>©©» Ma@@. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 261 HOMER ELY, M:^T\ MANUFACTUREK OF Oak Harness, Russet Skirting and Bridle, Buff Leather for Emery Wheels, Picker, Calf Lace, Suspender Leather, &c., &c. JPost OMce Address, _ - - Ashleyville, Mass. C E I_J JL MANUFACTURER OF Of all Descriptions, "West Spring"lield.5 ]\J!ass- Post Office Address, - - Ashleyville, Mass. CHICOPEE, Hampden County, Mass., is situated on the east bank of the Connecticut rivers, at the confluence of the Chicopee and Connecticut River, 3^ miles north of Springfield. Chicopee comprises the villages of Chicopee Falls, nearly 2 miles east, where there is a large manufacturing business of Cottons and Agricultural Implements. The Lamb Knitting Machine Manu- factory is located here. At Chicopee are the large cotton mills, 7 in number, of the Dwight Manufacturing Company, with a capital of nearly two million dollars. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agriculturallmplements Manufacturers BELCHER & TAYLOR, Agricultural Tool Co. Geo. S. Tay- lar. Agent, (C. Falls.) See adv. index. WHITMORE, BELCHER & CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. index. 262 CONNECTICUT RIVER Apothecaries. Johnson, Wm. W. 9 Merchants Row. Kent, C. F. Exchange St. Page, B. H. Front St., (C. Falls.) Smith, Warren, Exchange St. Attorneys at Law. Knapp, Geo. H. Merchants Eow. Robinson, Geo. D. " Stearns, Geo. " Wells, John, Front St., (C. Falls.) Belt Manufacturer. PLIMPTON, J. D. opposite Depot. See adv. index. Billiards. Bartlett, A. Front St., (C. Falls.) Boots and Shoes. Beers, W. P. Exchange St. Donovan, Daniel, (C. Falls.) Fogg & Bickford, Exchange St. Hitchcock, J. W. & Co., " Robbins, J. S. " Cigar Dealer. Bond, Amos, 8 Merchants Row. Clergymen. BaUamy, R. K. (Bap.) (C. Falls.) Clark, (Cong.) Cone, L. H. (Cong.) Foster, (Cong.) (C. Falls.) Johnson, Chas. F. (Meth.) (C. Falls.) Hathaway, (Epis.) Stevens, (Univ.) KELLOGG & BULKELET, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Niimhered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 263 Clothing Dealers. Barnes, M. H. Front St., (C. Falls.) Bliss, Wm. G. 10 Exchange St. HALL, TYLER & CO., opposite Chapin House. Hill & Moody, Exchange St. HITCHCOCK & HOSLEY, Exchange St. See adv. index. Coal Dealers. Johnson & Stoddard, Springfield. Coffin Trimmings. Wetherell, Wm. F. Exchange St. Coffins and Caskets. Hostey, D. P. & Co., Market Square. Confectionery and Notions. Downing, H. 3 Merchants Row. Jacobs, Simeon, Exchange St. Watson, T. P. Front St., (C. Falls.) Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Store Trucks, Manf s. BELCHER & TAYLOR, Agricultural Tool Co., (G. Falls,) Geo. S. Taylor, Agent. See adv. index. WHITTEMORE, BELCHER & CO., (C. Falls,). See adv. index. Cotton Goods Manufacturers. Chlfcopee Manufacturing Co., (Sheetings and . Shirtings,) C. Falls.) D wight Manufacturing Co., (Sheetings and Shirtings.) Cotton Waste and Paper Stock. Matoon & Hubbard. Curtain Fixture Manufacturer. BELCHER, B. B. (C. Falls,) (Perfected Pendulum Fixtures.) See adv. index. 264 CONNECTICUT RIVER Dentist. Porter, J. Exchange St. Dress Makers. GASNER, SUSAN J. Mrs., (C. Falls.) Thompson, E. M. Miss Druggists. Johnson, Wm. W. 9 Merchants Row. Kent, 0. F. Exchange St. Page, E. H. Front St., (C. Falls.) Smith, Warren, Exchange St. Dry Goods. Merrick, C. H. 8 Exchange St. Munn, Eugene, Main St., (C. Falls.) Oakes, Bragg & Co., Rockwood, J. T. cor. Exchange and Springfield Sts. SPITTLE BROS. & THOMPSON, Front St., (C.Falls.) Taylor & Gilbert, Center St., (C. Falls.) Wood, J. B. 2 Exchsinge St. Foundries. Ames Manufacturing Co. Belcher & Taylor, (C. Falls.) LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO. See adv. back cover. Whittemore, Belcher. & Co., (C. Falls.) Furniture Dealers. Hostery, D. P. & Co., Market Square. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Barnes, M. H. Front St., (C. Falls.) Hall, Tyler & Co., (C. Falls.) HITCHCOCK & HOSLEY, Exchange St. See adv. index. Parshley, S. W. cor. Exchange and Cabot Sts. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stodk, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every Tariety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 265 Grocers. Boyd & Holcomb, Front St., (C. Falls.) Bullens, Isaac & Son, Exchange St. Carter, J. A. & Co., Market Square. Devin, Thomas, Exchange St. Dixon, John " Kimball, B. P. 3 Merchants Row. McKing, J. Exchange St. Lankton & Pond, " Munn, Eugene, (C. Falls.) SPITTLE BROS. & THOMPSON, Front St., (C. Falls.) Taylor & Gilbert, Center St., (C. Falls.) Hair Dressers. Adams, Jas. B. Front St., (C. Falls.) Blackman, C. H. 6 Merchants Row. Harness Makers. Johnson, Thos. M. 10 Merchants Row. Riley, Geo. L. Front St. (C. Falls.) Hotels. CABOT HOUSE, Front St., W. H. Dickinson, Pro. Chapin House, (C. Falls,) C. L. Round, Pro. CHICOPEB HOUSE, opposite R. R. Depot, E. P. Belding, Pro. Iron Founders. Ames Manufacturing Co. Belcher & Taylor, (C. Falls.) Gaylord Manufacturing Co. Whittemore, Belcher & Co., (C. FaUs.) Knitting Machine Manufacturers. LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. back cover. Lathe Manufactureres. Ames Manufacturing Co. 34 266 CONNECTICUT RIVER Lawyers. Knapp, Geo. H. Merchants Row. Robinson, Geo. D. " • Stearns, Geo. " Wells, John, Front St., (C. Falls.) Lock Manufacturers. GAYLORD MANUFACTURING CO. Machinery Manufacturers. Ames Manufacturing Co. Machinists'. Ames Manufacturing Co. BELCHER & TAYLOR, (C. Falls.) See adv. index. LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. back cover. WHITTEMORE, BELCHER & CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. index. Manufacturing Companies. Ames Manufacturing Co., (Machinery.) BELCHER & TAYLOR, Agricultural Tool Co., Geo. S. Tay- lor, Agent. See adv. index. Chicopee Manufacturing Co., (Cottons.) D wight Manufacturing Co., (Cottons.) GAYLORD MANUFACTURING CO., (Locks.) LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. back cover. WHITTEMORE, BELCHER & CO. See adv. index. Meat Markets. Brown, J. S. Exchange St. Fanner, J. K. Center St., (C. FaUs.) Stoddard & Stedman, Springfield. Taylor, A. C. & Co., Center St., (C. Falls.) Millinery and Fancy Groods. Dixon, John Mrs. Exchange St. KELLOGQ & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 267 Fuller, A. J. Miss Exchange St. 'Reilly, S. M. " Rice & Ferry, " Wait, A. Miss " Newspapers and Periodicals. McFarlund, Albert, Front St., (C. Falls.) Painters and Grlaziers. Hamersley, J. C. Watson, T. P. Market St., (c! Falls.) Pistol Manufacturers. STEVENS, J. & CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. index. Physicians. Alford, Church St., (C. Falls.) Barton, Jarvis, Merchants Row. JENNESS, W. W. Cabot Hall Building. Sawin, Wm. J. cor. Front and Church St., (C. Falls.) Shepard, Ransom, Exchange St., Wilbur, John R. Center St., (C. Falls.) Pruning Shear Manufacturers. STEVENS, J. & CO., (C. Falls.) See .adv. index. Printer, (Job.) Wheelock, Geo. V. Cabot Hall Building. Postmasters. Havens, J. C. McFarland, A. (C. FaHs.) Stove and Tinware Dealers. Bliss, Wm. G. 10 Exchange St. Hill & Moody, " Wallace, Geo. Front St., (C. Falls.) KELLOGG & BULKELET, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every yariety executed in the best style. 268 CONNECTICUT RIVER Steel Dividers Manufacturers. STEVENS, J. & CO., (C. Falls.) See adv. index. Tailors. Buckingham Bros., 6 Exchange St. Moffat, B. Exchange St. Trunks and Valises. Johnson, Thos. M. 10 Merchants Row. Eiley, Geo. L. Front St., (C. Falls.) Undertakers. Hostey, D. P. & Co., Market Square. Variety Store. Blackman, Wm. L. 4 Merchants Row. McFarland, A. (C. Falls.) Watches and Jewelry. Parsons, C. Gr. Exchange St. Stackpole, J. & Son, " J. D. PLIMPTON, MANUFACTUKEE OF Patent Stretclied, Cemented and Riveted fcati^tr pelting, ^0s^, tnct ^tnt\tx, ^oom S'traps AND LAGGINGS FOR COVERING PULLETS, Op2)osite Junction Depot, 1 - - Chicojiee, 3Iass. HITCHCOCK ^ HOStEV, DEALERS IN BE J.DT MADS CLOTHIIf G, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. EXCHANGE ST., NEAR COM. OF CABOT ST., H. HITCHCOCK. J. E. HOSLEY. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of StocU, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIEECTORY 269 WIITTMOKi, •J Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Our Boe-Eagle, and Preiiimiii SttitoMe and Stony liaiid Plo^wrs, Know no rivals at our Agricultural Fairs, in taking first Premiums. '§ PATiPIT &C^aK@W irE t^okb:ei> t^ith ease. The above, with about 60 otlier patterns of Plows, all kinds of Sliellers, Ciiltiyators, HEarroivs, Moad Scrapers, Store Trucks, TegetaMe Cutters, Manufactured and Sold by BELCHER & TA.YEOR, AGRICULTURAL TOOL COMPANY. Address GEORGE S. TAYLOR, Agent, CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 271 ilEl All MX Patented Mat 1, 1866. MANUFACTURED BY B. B. BELCHER, Cliicopee Falls, Mass. JL HE Subscriber begs to call the attention of his former patrons, and the million others who use and are to use Curtain Fixtures, to his recently PERFECTED AND PATENTED PENDULUM FIXTURE. The original White's Pendulum Fixture, that I extensively manufactured and sold some years since, is a good Fixture, but the one I now offer is the NE PLUS ULTRA. The two objections to that Fixture were, that it was noisy and sometimes failed to hold the Curtain from running down. The PERFECTED is operated with but little noise, and is sure to hold the Curtain permanently in place at any desired height. It is neat and tasty in design, is manufactured of the best of material and in a thorough and workmanlike manner. It is durable and easily put up for use. A moment's inspection will make its superiority apparent to every observer. J. STEVElSrS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP Stevens' Patent Breach Loading PiSKIT AMi TAiSiT PISTiLS. ALSO, SUPERIOR SPRING CALLIPERS AND DIVIDERS, Pruning Shears, Iron, Steel, and Brass Screws, Flyer Pins, And Steps for Spinnhu/ Frames. Small Lathes, Models and Machines made to order. OHIOOPEE FALLS, MASS. 272 CONNECTICUT EIVER HOLYOKE, MASS., located on the west bank of the Con- necticut river, 8 miles north of Springfield, and distant from New York 144 miles. Here in October, 1849, a dam was con- structed across the river, 1017 feet in length, and 30 feet high, making the largest water power in New England. There are three canals along which are located the factories, and so situa- ted that the water is used three times over. This water power is owned by the Holyoke Water Power Company, with a capital of $350,000. Here are a large number of Manufacturing Com- panies and corporations, representing some 15 millions of dollars, employed in manufacturing Cottons, Woolens, Writing Paper, Paper Collar Paper, Manilla Paper, Envelopes, Balmoral Skirts, Cotton Warps, Cotton Thread, Machinery, &c. Holyoke is pleasantly situated, and at present contains about 7,000 inhabitants. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Apothecaries. Bassett, A. G. High St., Exchange Block. Browning Bros. " Goodell & Fitch, Holyoke House Block. Morrill, J. E. High St. Banks. Hadley Falls National Bank, capital $200,000, C. W. Ranlet, Brest., H. P. Terry, Cash. Barber Shops. Gilmore, John R. Exchange Block. Wetherston, L. N. Holyoke House Block. Blacksmiths. Newton & Brothers, Main St. Boot and Shoe Dealers. Clark, C. opposite Holyoke House. Craigin, H. H. Holyoke House Block. Butler & Stratton, High St. Corser, Chas. A. 5 Exchange Block, High St. Wolcott, Geo. M. High St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 273 Boot and Shoe Maker. Sullivan, B. M. Maple St. Coal and Wood. Martin, W. L. High St. Confectionery. Brierley, Margaret A. High St. Cotton Goods Manufacturers. Hampden Cotton Mills, J. E. Chase, Agent. Lyman Mills. Dentist. Wheeler, H. Druggists. Bassitt, A. G. Exchange Block, High St. Browning Bros. High St. Goodell & Fitch, Holyoke House Block. Morrill, J. B. High St. Dry Goods. Bowler, John Maple St. Gilbert, Potvin, High St. Higghibottom, A. " King, S. " Manning, Mrs. H. " Rockwood, J. T. " Shumway, A. S. " Tuttle, 0. S. " Webber & Seaver, 1 Holyoke House. Dress and Cloak Makers. Prickett, Mrs. Exchange Block, High St. Wellington, C. H. Mrs. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Maia St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 35 274 CONNECTICUT RIVER Dyers. Sculler, John, Maple St. Express Companies and Agents. Gilmore, S. M. Agent Merchants Union Express Co. Prescott, C. B. Agent Thompson & Co. Express. Furniture. Crafts, R. P. 4 Exchange Block. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Burnham, P. H. High St. Kingman, L. S. & Co., Exchange Block, High St. Miller & Co., 6 « " " Mitchell Brothers, High St. Hardware Dealers. Parrington & Burditt, Holyoke House Block, Dwight St. SNOW, GUSTAYUS, High St. Grocers. Baker, J. E. Dwight St. Crafts, E. P. High St. Connor, W. J. Maple St. Coran, F. L. Canal St. Downs, J. Maple St. O'Donnell, John " Ely, J. E. & Son, Holyoke House Block. Flynn & Doyle, High St. Gay, John, Maple St. HIGGINS, DENNIS, High St. Lynch, Michael. Richards & Thayer, Main St. Munsell & Sears, opposite Holyoke House. Stephenson, E. C, North St. Tuttle & Moore, High St. Welch, M. & Co. Canal St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of erery yariety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 275 Harness Maker. Martin, W. L. High St. I • Hotels. HOLYOKE HOUSE, H. Brown, Pro. See adv. index. SAMOSETT HOUSE, Maple St., Myron E. Green, Pro. See adv. index. Insurance Agents. Johnson, R. B. High St. Underwood, Porter " Iron Founders. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO. See adv. index. Lawyers. Chapin, E. W. Exchange Block. Pierson, High St. Underwood, Porter, High St. Lumber Dealers. Chase, E. & Sons. Livery Stables. Bernier, Joseph. Mosher, R. Main St. Wellington, T. H. Maple St. Machinists' Tool Manufacturers. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO., T. B. Flanders, Agent. See adv. index. Machinists. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO., T. B. Flanders, Agent. See adv. index. Meat Markets. Allyn, A. & S. B. High St. 276 CONNECTICUTRIVBR * Allyn, J. F. & Co., High St. PERKINS, L. & W. Hampden St. Manufacturing Companies. Barker, J. (Cloth.) Germania Mills, (Woolen.) HADLEY COMPANY, (Thread,) J. L. Davis, Agent. See adv. index. Hampden' Cotton Mills, (Cottons,) J. E. Chase, Agent. Hampden Paper Co., Newton, J. C. Agent. Holyoke Thread Co., (Thread,) T. Merrick, Agent. Lyman Mills, (Cottons.) New York Woolen Co. Parsons Paper Co. Whiting Paper Co., (Paper,) Wm. Whiting, Agent. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Chapin k Nichols, Main St. Booden, Mrs. J. W. High St. Gilbert, J. F. " Hardy, Mrs. Emma, Exchange Block. Worswick, A. & A. High St. Newspapers. Holyoke Transcript, Lyman, C. H. Editor. Painters. (House and Sign.) Grisworld & Wishheart. . * Paper Manufacturers. Hampden Paper Co., J. C. Newton, Agent. Parsons Paper Co. Whiting Paper Co., Whiting, Wm. Agent. Paper Machinery Manufacturers. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO. See adv. index. BUSINESS DIKECTOEY. 277 Photographers. Prew Brothers, Hutchins' Block, High St. Haskins, F. W. " Physicians. Booth, S. Exchange Block. Blodgett, Chas. " " O'Connor, Jas. J. High St. Huntington, L. F. " Newport, E. opposite Holyoke House. Taylor, F. L. Exchange Block. Postmaster. Prescott, C. B. Reed, (Weaving,) Manufacturers. WHITAKER, EDMUND. See adv. index. Restaurants. Blanchard, J. M. Maple St. Burk, James, " Graham, James, " ^ Sawtelle, C. H. " Shehan, William, " Savings Banks. Holyoke Savings Bank, Incorporated Feb. 23, 1855. Joel Russell, Pres., R. B. Johnson, Treas. Shafting and Pulleys. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO. See adv. index. Spool Cotton Manufacturers, (White and Colored.) HADLEY COMPANY, J. S. Davis, Agt. See adv. index. Stove Dealers. Buckley, P. M. High St. TOWN BROTHERS, opposite Holyoke House. 278 CONNECTICUT RIVER Telegraph Office. Western Union, Holyoke House Block. Thread Manufacturers, (White and Colored.) HADLEY COMPANY, J. S. Davis, Agt. See adv. index. Holyoke Thread Co., T. Merrick, Agt. Variety Stores. Draper, E. L. High St. Gilmore, C. R. Mrs. High St. Loomis, E. W. " McCabe, Filley, Maple St. Onell, E. A. Mrs. High St. Palmer, J. H. Hampden St. Water Wheel Manufacturers. HOLYOKE MACHINE CO. See adv. index. Watches and Jewelry. Cain, A. Dwight St. Taber, L. A. High St. Wire Manufacturer. PRENTISS, GEO. W. See adv. index. Woolen Goods Manufacturers. Germania Mills. New York Woolen Co. Barber, J. M. IS. GRXSEN, HOLYOKE, M:^SS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 279 M@LY@I1E Bi^^MBME ©@^PI^MY. PRACTICAL MACHINISTS & FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF AND MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. JPaper Engines, Callenders, Hydraulic Presses, Riding Machines, Elevators, <&c., MACHINISTS' TOOLS, HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT VALVES, Bolts, IVixts, TVasliers, Set Screws, «fec. CASTINGS of aU descriptions, including CAST IRON PIPES of aU sizes, made to order. PATTERNS on hand or made to order. Address, Holyoke Machine Co., Holyoke, Mass. MANUFACTUKER OF of every description, Tin Plated, Plain and Annealed ; Piano Pin and PIN AND HOOK AND EYE WIRE. Orders for exact or sample sizes •will receive special attention. As we use nothing bnt the best of Norway and Swedes Iron, satisfaction is guaranteed. Holyoke House, Holyoke, Mass. JS. BROWJSr, JProprietor, :b f'A€,t'omy„ EVERT DESCRIPTION OF V^E^^^V^ITVO^ JREEI>S, MADE AND WARRANTED BY EDMUND WHITAKER, Holyoke, Mass. ORDERS PROiMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 280 CONNECTICUT RIVEE HADLEY, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, is situated on. the east bank of the Connecticut River, about 15 miles north of Springfield, Mass., and comprises the villages of South Hadley, North Hadley and Hockanum. Agriculture is the chief business of the town. The " Hadley Meadows " comprise several thou- sand acres, and much of it the finest in the whole river valley. Broom Corn and Tobacco are raised very extensively. A large business is done in manufacturing brooms and brushes. Hadley is one of the oldest towns on the river, it having been settled as early as 1650. West street is one of the finest streets any where to be found, it being nearly one mile long and 17 rods wide. At South Hadley Falls, are large manufactories of Ging- hams and Paper. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. Cook, S. (S. Hadley.) Dickinson, C. D. (N. Hadley.) Whittemore, W. (S. Hadley.) Boot and Shoe Dealers. Gaylord, John, (S. Hadley Falls.) Grimes, J. N. « « Broom Manufacturers. Cook, Chester, (N. Hadley.) Cook, James, (Hadley.) Cook, Chas. 2d - " Cook, Horace, " i Edson, P. " Jones, Lyman, (N. Hadley.) Marsh, C. S. " Smith, S. S. . " Smith, H.E. « Smith, Thaddeus, " Smith, Francis, " Lawrence, Hubbard, " Reynolds, P. (Hadley.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 281 Carriage Manufacturers. Adams, J. & Son, (N. Hadley.) Chapin, A. T. (S. Hadley.) Esterbrook, Geo. " Chapin & Pond, " Falls. Cigar Manufacturer. Cook, William, (S. Hadley.) Clergymen. Ayres, Rowland, Cong. Beaman, W. H. " Dwight, E. S. " ■ Knight, Richard, " (S. Hadley Falls.) Mead, Hiram, " " Merwin, S. J. " (S. Hadley Falls.) Cotton Groods Manufacturers. Glasgow Co., (Ginghams,) (S. Hadley.) Hotels. Hadley Falls Hotel, C. C. Barrett, Pro. Prospect House, Mt Holyoke, French, Pro. Lumber Dealers. Adams, J. & Sons, (N. Hadley.) Granger, L. N. (Hadley.) Nutting, J. H. " Machinist. Harris, Wm. F. (S. Hadley.) Merchants. Barrett & Dunkler, (S. Hadley.) Dry Goods, Groceries, &g. Cooley, S. F. (N. Hadley.) " " " Chamberlain, Geo. (S. Hadley.) " " " Guy, Alice Miss, Dry Goods. Montague, E. (S. Hadley.) " " « 36 282 CONNECTICUT RIVER Porter, W. P. (Hadley.) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Shipman, W. S. " Smith, T. & Co., (N. Hadley.) Smith, Hiram Jr., (S. Hadley.) • Yinton, Geo. " Wright, Ira B. " Painter, (House and Sign.) Preston, J. H.' (S. Hadley Falls.) Paper Manufacturers. Carew Manufacturing Co., (Letter Paper.) (S. Hadley.) Hampshire Paper Co., " " " Salisbury & Bolton, (Wrapping.) " Taylor & Cook, (Manilla.) " Physicians. Bonner, F. (Hadley.) Pierson, Wm. (S. Hadley Falls.) Postmasters. Cooley, S. F. (N. Hadley.) ' Shipman, W. S. (Hadley.) Smith, G. Morgan, (S. Hadley.) Smith, Hiram Jr. S. Hadley Falls.) Sash, Door and Bhnd Manufacturers. Howard, Gaylord & Co. (S. Hadley.) Saw Mills. Adams, J. & Son. (N. Hadley.) Gongdon & Son. (S. Hadley.) Selectmen. F. Edson, Geo. C. Smith, Horace Cooke. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 283 Stove and Tinware Dealer. Harris, Wm. (S. Hadley.) Town Clerk and Treasurer. Wm. S. Shipman. Tub Manufacturer. KeUogg, J. E. (S. Hadley.) Wire Manufacturer. Proutj, Geo. (N. Hadley.) Woolen Manufacturers. Agawam Company, (Flannels and Cassimeres.) Arnold, L. H. (Tweeds and Cassimeres.)' (S. Hadley.) EASTHAMPTON, MASS., is a pleasant and thriving town, "with a population of about 3000, beautifully situated in the valley, just north of and at the foot of Mt. Tom, four and one-half miles south-west of Northampton, and is reached by cars on the New Haven and Northamption Eailway, which passes through this town. Easthampton is noted for its large manufactories of Buttons, Vulcanized Rubber, Elastic Suspenders, Rubber Thread and Cotton Yarns, &c., EI> TO. We aim to give perfect satisfaction. Shop, No, 3 Court Street, :isroi?.THAMPToisr, mass. PLANS, DETAIL DRAWnTGS AND SPEOIPIOATIONS Furnished at short notice. Corner Main and Front Streets, Florence, Mass. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 313 AJST> WW i^i mm %j The Round Hill Hotel and Water Cure, a Scientific Institution, free from the Ultraism of the day at ivoiitham:fto]n^, miass. The tables are spread with the luxuries of the season. The buildings are on a high hill, in a grove of 50 acres, overlooking one of the finest Landscapes in the world. Both are open the year around. T THE PAKTIAI.I.Y INSANE, OMUOT-EATEKS AND SXIMUI^tlS-TAKEKS, The unhappy sufferers dependent upon such means of keeping up their spirits and strength, or forwarding off mental or physical pain or oppression, who desire to break up habits so ruinous to health and mental well-being, will do so with comparative ease under the vitalizing and health-sustaining effects of Motorpathy, mountain air, and cold and hot baths. TO INVAIilB GENTIiEMEN. The Motorpathic Treatment, a system of satuminating vitalization, aided in particular cases by a few celebrated vegetable alteratives and a discriminating use of medicated hot and cold baths, speedily removes most diseases. This treatment is of especial merit in breaking up those insidious ar d dangerous diseases dependent upon impurities of the blood, and of scrofula in the system. In the cure of nervousness, sleeplessness, debilitat- ing dreams, loss of memory, dyspepsia, bronchitis, liver complaint, rheumatism and gout, its success is unparalleled. TO PHYSICIANS AND liABIES. Dr. Halsted, in the course of thirty years practice, has been able to discover the adap- tation of certain chemical agents, which act in harmony with the natual functions of special organs, remedying their diseased condition, and, motorphatically used, vitalizing them into healthy and vigorous action ; thereby removing sterility, curing prolapsus utert and other functional derangements, with ease and certainity, and without using any of the appliances of the day. This Motorpathic treatment restores the whole system to pristine health and vigor. These facts are indisputable. Ladies and physicians without number can be referred to who will vouch for their correctness. The Profession can have all the evidence they desire. B. F. OCKINGTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING & GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, .ilO!lT'S(A.M(l^^T'©)M(3, - - M(AS)S)„ 40 314 CONNECTICUT RIVER S. 0. PARSONS, DEALER IN mm$, mm&mn, PE^FymY, & fkmi articles, AND CHOICE FAMILY QROCERIES, 28 Merchants Mow, Northampton , Mass. Physicians Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours of the day and night, by an Experienced Druggist. MASTDFACTCKEK OF Ip©i ami Tiamei Wlr©p For Brooms, Brushes, Pianos, Bonnets, Pins, and Fine Tinned Weaving Wire. HARVEY KIRKLAND, UAii. AND ACJEIVT FOR THE F©I.L.01VIM« HVSURANCE COMPANIES. ^tna, Hartford, Conn. Home, New York, Yonkers and New] York. Springfield Fire and Marine. Bay State, Worcester. ^WlTO NORTHAMPTON, MASS. MO SWELL JECVNT, JProprietor, D^= Carriages in readiness on the arrival of trains. Good Horses and Carriages can be had by applying at the office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 315 THAYER, SERGEANT & CO., PROPRIETORS C0i\8fECTIC}JT RIVER GRim ELEVATOR, & STEAM MILLS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Grain, Broom Corn & Western Produce. GRAIN, MEAL AND FEED IN CAR LOTS, R. B. DAVIS & CO., MAMUFACTUREKS AND DEALERS IN SLEIGHS, TRAVERSE RUNNERS, &c , Of all descriptions. Also, particular attention paid to repairing, trimming, &c., &c. SOUTH STREET, - - NORTHAMPTON, MASS. I0, Mtnboto ffilass, Hainis, OILS, VARNISHES, PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDER, Window Shades and Fixtures, Paint, Varnish and Whitewash Brushes. A few doors west of the/ gJUJlHH HAil American House, j A. G. MINER. J. WILSON. aEORGE A.. CH^SE, DEALER IN STOVES, RANGES, HOT-AIR FURNACES, Iron Sinks, Tin, Glass, Britannia and "Wooden Ware. Guttering, Tin Roofing, and every description of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron work done to order. Dealer In Improved Coal and "Wood Burning Cook Stoves, Eldorado, Aetna, Model, Magnet, Tropic, Senator, Loyal, Placer and other Cooking Stoves. Agent for Boynton's Patent Calorific Furnace, Boynton Empire Gas Burner, Church's Gas Burner, Gas Burning Parlor Stoves, with and without Ovens, Parlor Magnet, COPPER AND IRON PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, «cC. ^«- ' nL'^s^elt,^^^^'^' ) QREENFIELD, Mass. C^Particular attention given to Custom Work. Cash paid for Eags, Paper Stock, Old Junk, &c. WHOLESALE DEPOTS OF DENTISTS' MATEEIALS, ^@El©iLAIM Tf ilTfiCs ©@L® Wmtt ©t(Ber ©te. 528 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 769 Broadway, N. Y. 16 Tre- mont Row, Boston, Mass. 100 and 102 Randolph St., Chicago, Illinois. 342 CONNECTICUT EIVEK FANCY, SILK AND WOOLEN DYEING, Clothes Cleaned, and Faded Garments and Buggy Linings restored to their original color, without taking in pieces. FORBES & FOSTER, No. 1 MANSION HOUSE BliOCK, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Pancy Goods, Sheet Music and Singer Sewing Machines. Repairing in the best manner, and Warranted. grfr^^^S 1 GREENFIELD, MASS. J. M. MTJisrsoiNr & CO., AND MANOFACTUBEES OF ALL KINDS OF Hardware for Cliildren's Carriages, Joints, Iron ixles, Hub Bands, Dash Kails, Handle Bows, Handle Tips, Braces, 4c. Brass Castings Made to Order. ^.^•■^I^^iri GREENFIELD, MASS. Manuftcturer and Dealer in HARNESSES, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, Cards, Briisks, Blankets, Wliips, Bells, Curry Combs, Saddler's Silk, k., k. Eepairing done in the best manner, at short notice. ' No. 12 Merchants' Row, Greenfield, EVIass. e@IX8iyt[SSI]@N] HiK^M^NlT WQ)B TfMi §^Li @F PL@iR!, GREENFIELD, MASS. Dealer in Lime, Cement, Salt, Corn, Rye, Oats, Corn, Rye md Oat Meal, Feed, Grass Seed, Plaster, Nails, and Produce, together with a general assortment of Groceries and Provisions. GOUNS£[£.IaORS AT ImAW^ I^^lJwPofr-} GREENFIELD, MASS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 343 NORTHFIELD, Franklin County,* Mass., is situated on the east bank of the Connecticut, about 45 miles north of Spring- field. A small business is done in manufacturing Brooms, Pails, Medicines, &c. Northfield is a fine agricultural town, and contains about 1400 inhabitants. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Broom Manufacturer. Hibbard, Cornelius Merchants. Lyman, Jonathan, f)ry Goods, Groceries, &c. Osgood, Charles, " u u ■ ■ Smith, D wight & Son, " " " "Walker, S. T. " " " Sash, Doors and Bhnds. Parker, H. B. MiUinery. Atkins, Mary T. Smith, M. & A. Misses Ointment and Salve Manufacturers. Elmer, A. D. & Co. Pail and Bucket Manufacturer. Johnson, Henry Stoves and Tinware. Rose, Amos W. Gale, James 0. 344 CONNECTICUT RIVEE BERNARDSTON, MASS., situated near the southern border of Vermont, 7 miles north of Greenfield, 43 miles from Spring- j&eld, and 17 miles south of Brattleboro, has a station on the Conn. River Railroad. Population about 1000. There is some Manufacturing done here of Hoes, Lumber, &c., but the princi- pal business is Agriculture. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. Dewey, I. N. Day, Josiah Boarding House. Cushman Hall, Ira 0. Lucy, Steward. Boot and Shoe Makers. Alexander A. Sanders, A. P. Cigar Manufacturer. Lane, Geo. W. Canfield, C. T. Rev. Butler, H. B. " Crowl, J. F. " Merrill, T. " Wrinkle, T. " Connable, S. Chapin, Miss H. Crafts, Mrs. F. Clergymen. Distiller. Dress Making. Dry Goods and Groceries. Cook, L. w. Stratton & Slate. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 345 Temple, G. W. Wright, L. B. Express Offices. American Express Co., 0. Dickinson, Agent. Merchants' Union Express Co., Wm. Dwight, Agent. Fancy Groods. Pierce, L. S. Halls, (Public.) Sanderson Hall. Town Hall. Harness Maker. Hoyt, R. Hoe Manufacturer. Hurlbut, E. S. Hotels. New England House, H. Denham, Proprietor. Union House, L. Weatherhead, Proprietor. Library, (Free.) Cushman Library, Wm. Dwight, Librarian. (2500 volumes.) Lumber Dealers. Carter & Cameron. Bagg, R. & Co. Hale, S. Park, H. Newton, Jas. & Son. Millinery. Bascom, Mrs. L. P. Cowles, Miss E. 44 346 CONNECTICUT RIVER Physicians and Surgeons. Bowker, C. Dwight, Wm. Postmaster. Wm. Dwight. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Haynes, Jas. & Son. Telegraph Office. 0. Dickinson, Operator. Wool Carding. Bagg, R. & C. HINSDALE, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, nearly oppo- site and a little north of South Vernon, and 8 miles south-east of Brattleboro, was originally called " Fort Dummer." The town was incorporated Sept. 3, 1753. Population at the present time about 1500. Considerable business is done in the manufacture of Woolen Goods, Carriages, Machinery, Leather, &c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmith. Merrill, Pliny Box Manufacturer. Snow, James Clergyman. Balchelder, J. S. (Cong.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 347 Carriage Manufacturer. Butler, John W. Harness Maker, Parker, Samuel Iron Founders. Howe & Sabin. Knobs and Bobbins. Priest, Joseph Machinists. Newhall & Stebbins. Tolman, J. R. Merchants. Cook, L. W. Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. >^ Fisher Brothers, " " " Holland, George ^' " " Holland & Williams, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Martin, Edward H. " " " Martin, Oscar J. " " " Painters, (House and Sign.) Pratt, N. E. Wyman, T. E. Palm Leaf Hat Manufacturer. Gilbert, Richmond Physicians. Boy den, Frederick Leonard, Wm. S. Postmaster. Chas. J. Amidon. 348 CONNECTICUT RIVER Publishers. Hunter & Co. Shoe Maker. Thayer, John M. Stoves and Tinware. Mitchell, J, B. Tanner and Currier. King, J. L. Woolen Manufacturers. Boy don & Amidon. Haile & Frost. GUILFORD, Windham County, Vermont, located 17 miles north of Greenfield, Mass., 'contains about 1300 population. Guilford includes the villages of Guilford Center and Green River. Considerable manufacturing is carried on here in Paper, Axle Springs, Slate, Childrens' Carriages, &q. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Broom Handles Manufacturers. Franklin, Philip (Hinesbury.) Franklin, George " Keith, Yinal " Blacksmith. Tubbs, S. N. Brick Manufacturers. Houghton, G. & J. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 349 Cider Brandy Manufacturers, Jacobs, Herbert Tan, Truman Carriage Manufacturers. Ashcraft, Francis * Edwards & Smith. Clergymen. Bennett, Jonas G. (Bap.) Allen, Ethan (Epis.) Childrens' Carriage Manufacturers. Boylston, P. & S. (Green River.) Edwards & Hubbard, (East Guilford.) Smith, Sanford " Flour, Meal and Feed. ' Squires & Eddy. Grist Mill. Eddy & Halliday. Insurance Agent. Field, R. B. Lumber Dealers. Franklin, Geo. Maxwell, John Axle Spring Manufacturer. Bangs, N. Machinist. Bangs, N. J. Merchants. Field, Rodney B. (East Guilford,) Dry Goods, Groceries. Stowe, Henry, (Green River,) " " Thayer, John, (Center,) " " 350 CONNECTICUT RIVER Paper Manufacturers. Robiu&on &, Stoddard, (Green River.) Pliysiciau. Webster, Norman t Postmasters. Barney, C. L. (Center.) Field, R. B. (Gnilford.) Putnam, A. W. (Green River.) Saw Mills. Boy den, Samuel B. Taylor, G. Slate duarrles. Waite & Johnson. Brattleboro & Guilford Slate Co., Tyler L. Johnson, Supt. Tierce, Willard. TERNON. Windham County, Vermont, 50 miles north of Springfield, Mass., and ten miles south of Brattleboro, contains about 900 inhabitants. Principal business is farming and lum- bering. At the south village is the junction of the Conn River and Vermont and Mass. Railroads. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. Lee, Geo. M. Brick Manufacturers. Brown, J. A. Green , 184.6. J. E STE'Y^& CO., MANUFACTUEEES OF THE BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT, The Inyentors of the Original and Genuine O O T T ^ C3h E OR,<3-^lSr, And Proprietors of the Patent " Harmonic Attackent," " Manual Sub-bass," " Knee Swell," and the beautiful Also of many other valuable improvements found only in the " Estey Oegan." Tie Leading Organists and Musicians of the United States endorse them as Superior to all others. SEND FOS: IIjIjVSTItA.TEJD CAXAI^OGTE. A7Vlxolesa,lo "Wa-r ei-oo2::ia.s 417 BROOM STREET, NEW YORK. 395 WASflMGTON STREET, BOSTON. BRATTLEBORO DYE HOUSE, On High St., at the Old Record Office. Silks, Silk Velvets, Ladies' Veils, Merinos, Alpacas, Delaines, Dresses and Gents' Garments, I>YEr> TO ANY SHADE OR COLOR. No more faded Buggy Linings. We can color the Linings of Buggies, without taking the hnmgs out. County or Town rights in Vermont for sale. THOMAS KAYJE, Brattleboro, Vt. 0. F. THOMPSON, (SUCCESSOES TO TYLEK AND THOMPSON,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN mrtrtoare, umh, %:sfn % %itt\, ixmt [tmtair Drugs and Medicines, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, GROCEIilES, «fcc. BBATTLEBORO, VERMONT. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 367 F. D. COBIiEIGH, Book and Job Printer^ f»IIOE]VIs: OFFICE, Tliii'cl Floor, Brattleboro, Termont. ►-♦-• — Printing in Colors and every description of Job Printing neatly and promptly executed, at the most reasonable rates. DUMMBRSTON, Windham County, Vermont, about 6 miles north of Brattleboro, and 20 miles south of Bellows Palls , locat- ed on the west bank of the river, and includes the village of West Dummerston. It has a station on the Vermont Valley Railroad, and the prin cipal business is farming. Population, about 1200. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bedstead Manufacturers. Townsend & Estey, (West D.) Blacksmith. Batchelder, (West D.) Ormsbee, Ira, (D.) Carriages, Sleighs and Lumber Walker & Dix. Clergymen. Carpenter, Mark, (Bap.) Good Templars. West River Lodge, No. 24, 1. 0. G. T. (West D.^ (jrist Mills. Crosby, Pranklin Knight, Wilder Lumber Dealers. Crosby, George (D.) Crosby, Franklin (D.) 368 CONNECTICUT RIVER Stickney, Peter (West D.) Towusend & Estey, (West D.) Stickney, Benjamin " Merchants. Bircbard, Roger (D,) Dry Goods, Groceries. Knapp, J. (West D.) " " Postmasters. Greenwood, John (West D.) Miller, Wm. 0. (D.) Wheelwrights. Dutton, Winslow Button, Charles PUTNEY, Windham County, Vermont, a quiet town on the west bank of the Connecticut River, and a station on the Vermont Central Railroad, about 10 miles north of Brattleboro. Con- tains a population of about 1400. There are here several manu- factories of Woolen and Paper. Putney includes the village of East Putney. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Kimball, John Blacksmiths. Hinman, Frank Willard, W. & W. Boot and Shoe Makers. Veasy, J. A. Wilbur, L. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 369 Carriage Manufacturer. Roberts, J. C. Grist Mills. Holmes, L. Houghton, James Harness Maker. Houghton, W. L. Hotels. SALSBURY'S HOTEL, H. Salsbury, Pro, Vermont House, A. Hosford, Pro. Insurance Agent. Darling, La Forest C. Merchants. Baker & Hewett, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Pierce, G. L. " " " Walker, J. W. " " " Millinery. Walker, E. M. Paper Manufacturers. Robertson, John Robertson, William Physicians. Allen, D. Halton, H. D. Postmasters. Chamberlain, H. K. (East P.) Hewett, A. B. (P.) Knight, J. H Sawing and Planing. 47 370 CONNECTICUT RIVER Wood Turning. Underwood & Stowell. Woolen Manufacturers. Putney Woolen Co., (Fancy Cassimeres.) WESTMINISTER, Windham County, Vermont, is situated on the west bank of the Connecticut, 20 miles north of Brattleboro, and has a station on the Vermont Valley Railroad. The township contains the villages of East and West West- minister, and the population numbers about 1400. Baskets, Carriages and Lumber are manufactured to some extent. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Basket Manufacturer. Stearns, Olin Blacksmith. Metcalf, George Carpenter and Builder. WiUard, H. A. Carriage Manufacturer. Cobb, George Clergymen. Fairbanks, (Cong.) (W.) Stevens, Alfred (Cong.) (West W.) Grist Mills. Gage, W. P. Mayo, Peter BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 371 Merchants. Chase, C. C. Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Safford, R. S. & Co. " " " Wilcox, E. (West W.) " " « Physicians, Chandler, Joseph H. Safford, Pliny Postmasters. Chase, C. (W.) Ranney, Russell (West W.) Silver Plated Goods Manufacturers. Watkins, A. S. & Co. WALPOLE, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, (formerly call- ed Great Falls, or Bellows Town,) incorporated February 13tli, 1752, contains a population of some 2000 people. Walpole township includes the village of Drewsville, and is chiefly a farm- ing community. It is located some 20 miles north of Brattle- boro, and 4 miles south of Bellows Falls. A bridge crosses the Connecticut at this place. Walpole is one of the neatest and prettiest villages in the Connecticut Valley. Its streets are wide and the dwellings are large and elegant, and many fine residences may be seen in the town, which has become of late years quite a place of resort during the summer. The Clieshire Railroad passes through this town, and about one mile distant is Walpole Station, on the Vermont Valley Railroad. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stampad and Num1»ered, Lithographic work of erery variety executed in the best Btyle. 372 CONNECTICUT RIVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Bellows, J. G. Vose, F. Blacksmiths. Hooper, Ira H. Smith, Joseph Books and Stationery. Martin & Davis. " Boots and Shoes. Ball, R. L. Maynard, A. K. Dentist. Ball, W. Drugs and Medicines. Lovejoy, J. W. Martin & Davis. House and Sign Painters. Benson, James Brown, H. W. Ward, Wm. Hotels. Todd's Hotel, Thos. Todd, Proprietor. Wentworth House, H. A. Perry, Proprietor. Grristmill. Fisher, Charles, (Drewsville.) Harness Maker. Allen, Henry BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 373 Insurance Agent. Seabry, Edwin Watches and Jewelry. Kendall, Chas. W. Meat Markets. Brown, O. Parnham, Wm. Merchants. Bnffam & Co., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Britton, M. J. " " " Aldrich, B. F. & Co. Lathrop, H. (Drewsville,) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Putnam, E. T. " " " " MiUinery. Hodskins, H. Mrs. Miller, Ellen R. Photographer. Ball, H. Railroad Agent. C. B. Lucke. Physicians and Surgeons. Kittredge, J. N. Martin, S. D. Richardson, A. P. Watkyns, Hiram Postmaster. Sherman, Wm. Shirt Manufacturers. BATES & ALDRICH. 374 CONNECTICUT RIVEE Stables. Maynard, W. A. Stoves and Tinware. Clark, J. B. Summer Boarding House. Makepeace, G. R. Tailor. Bradford, S. W. Tanner and Currier. Maynard, G. (Drewsville.) Veterinary Surgeon. Weir, F. A. ROCKINGHAM, Windham County, Yermont, contains the villages of Bellows Falls, Saxton's River, Cambridgeport and Bartonsville, and has a population of about 3000. Bellows Falls, in this township, on the Connecticut River, is 114 miles from Boston, and 220 miles from New York, on the direct route to Saratoga Springs, the White Mountains, Montreal, &c. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Bridgman, J. D. Square. Eddy, C. B. Meyers, W. S. Stoughton, H. E. Arnold, C. E. Campbell, A. S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 375 Banks. National Bank of Bellows Falls, Rockingham. N. FuUerton, Pres., J. H. Williams, Cashier. Basket Manufacturer. Gage, Wm. P. Westminister. Blacksmith. Ames, Otis B. Square. Books and Stationery. Johnson & Babbitt. Square. Boots and Shoes. Hapgood, E. Square. Streeter, H. " Circular Saw Mill Manufacturers. CLARK & CHAPMAN. See adv. index. Clergymen. Pierce, N. (Bap.) Stevens, M. A. Cong.) Wight, W. H. (Meth.) Wainwright, F. C. (Epis.) Dentist. Blake, S. M. Square. Druggists. Johnson & Babbitt. Square. Woods, 0. F. " Furniture Conant, William, Square. Gristmill Wilson & Co. 376 CONNECTICUT RIVER Grrocers. Arms & Wilson, Square. Cragan, S. " Thompson, A. L. Canal. Hyde, Russell, Westminister. V^iall, H. B. Square. Hair Dressiiijg Saloon. Whitney, M. M. Square. Hardware. Arms & Wilson, Square. Harness Manufacturers. Goodwin, J. C. & Co., Square. Hotels. Bellows Falls Hotel, 0. F. Woods, Proprietor. Island House, Chas. Turns, Proprietor. Insurance and Express Agents. Johnson & Babbitt, Square. Insurance Agent. Eddy, C. B. Square. Insurance Company. Conn. River Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Asa Wentworth, Pres., A. S. Campbell, Sec. Iron Founders. CLARK & CHAPMAN. See adv. index. Lodging and Eating House. GEORGE, F. A. at Railroad Depot. See adv. index. Marble Workers. Evans, R. A. Square. ANDREWS, GEO. Westminister. See adv. index. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 377 Meat Market. Young, H. M. Square. Merchants. Chase & Hooper, Westminster, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Guild & Fau, Square, Dry Goods and Paper Hangings. Gray, 0. D. " Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Mill Gearing and Shafting Manufacturers. CLAEK & CHAPMAN. See adv. index. Millinery. Guild, S. S. & Co., Rockingham. "Wood, A. S. Mrs. near P. 0. Newspaper. Bellows Falls Times, A. N. Swain, Editor and Publisher. Pension Agent. Campbell, Alex. S. Square. Photographers. Blanchard, J. W. F. Square. Taft, P. W. " Physicians. Nichols, S. Rockingham, Whitman, F. Square. Postmasters. DivoU, J. B. (Rockinghan.) Fletcher, (Bartonsville.) Osgood, E. R. (Saxton's River.) Swan, A. N. (B. Falls.) Perry, Solon, (Cambridgeport.) Printer, (Job.) Swain, A. N. Square. 48 378 CONNECTICUT EIVER Railroad Agent. A. A. Jacobs, Yermont Central. Railroads. Yermont Central, G. Merrill, Supt., J. W. Hobart, Transpor- tation Agent. Cheshire Railroad. Restaurants. Brown, Geo. (Rockingham.) GEORGE, F. A., R. R. Depot. See adv. index. Wightman, J. G. (Rockingham.) Sanders, S. Square. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Underwood & Richardson. Scythe Snath Manufacturers. Frost, Derby & Co. Stoves and Tinware. Hadley, F. B. Westminster St. Tailors. GUILD, S. H. Square. Saker, J. F. Square. Watches and Jewelry. Amadon, L. Square. Water Wheel Manufacturers. CLARK & CHAPMAN, (Chapman's Improved Turbine.) See adv. index. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartforf, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 379 Also, Manufacturer of all kinds of WESTMINSTEB ST., (Opposite F. P. IIADLEY'S Tin Shop,) BELLOWS FALLS, VERMONT. jAJIso on hand, a complete assortment of Designs. F. A.. aEORQE, BATING d^ LODGING HOUSB^ AT THE EAILEOAD DEPOT, BELLOWS PALLS, VT. Meals ready and all kinds of Refreshments furnished on the arrival of each train of Cars. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL. ' FIRST PREMIUM Awarded at the New England Pair, SEPTEMBER 1866. Mamifactured by BELLOWS FALLS, VT. CHAPMAN'S IMPROVED TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Varying from one to Eight Hundred Horse Power. The best Wheel now before the Public. We are also manufacturing Circular Saw Mills, with a new Patent Set that works ad- mirably. Persons in want of a Wheel or Mill need not look any further. CHARLESTO WN, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, originally called number Four, includes part of Langdon. Incorporated July 2d5 1753, is situated on the east bank of the Connecticut 380 CONNECTICUT RIVER Eiver, 8 miles above Bellows Falls, and 34 miles north of Brattle- boro. The township includes the villages of North and South Charlestowu. There is but very little manufacturing done here. Along the valley adjoining the river, lies a fine farming country. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Gushing, E. L. Hubbard, Henry Banks. Connecticut River National Bank. Geo. Olcott, Cash., H. Lathrop, Prs. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, (Wholesale.) HARRISON & WEST, near R. R. Depot. Boots and Shoes, (Retail.) Holbrook, Charles E. Blacksmiths. Smith, Hiram Kendall, B. Children's Carriage Manufacturers De Haven, Harlow & Co. Druggists. Tyrrill, S. M. Dry Goods and Grroceries. White, Josiah Josselyn, J. 0. Smith, 0. & Co. Cooley, S. 0. & Son. Bowman, Jas. M. Slade, John W. Grroceries. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 381 Harness Shop. Sparrow, W. Hotels. Robertsons' Hotel, G. p. Hoyt, Pro. Cheshire Bridge House. Insurance Agent. Olcott, Geo. Livery Stables. Josselyn, J. 0. Robertson & Porter. Meat Markets. Taylor, John Physicians and Surgeons. Webber, Samuel Whittaker, J. M. Postmaster. Kendall, C. C. Saw Mill. Crosby & Fish. Stoves and Tinware Bond, George S. Town Clerk. KendaU, C. C. R. R. Agent. Sloughton, D. G. 382 CONNECTICUT RIVER SPRINGFIELD, Windsor County, Vermont, 10 miles north- west of Bellow Falls, and about 5 miles west of the Connecticut River. Contains about 3600 population. Black Eiver, which flows through this town, furnishes a valu- able water power for manufacturing, which is carried on- very extensively. Woolens, Cottons, Woolen Machinery, Children's Cabs, Horse Rakes, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, &c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Closson, H. PIERCE, J. W. Main St. Porter, E. W. Banks. First National Bank of Springfield, capital, $200,000. Henry Barnard, Pres., Chas. E. Richardson, Cash. Barrel Vent Manufacturers. Smith, Mason & Co., (Patent,) Main St. Blacksmith. Kimball, Geo. Jr., Main St. Bobbin Manufacturers. Barker & Washburn, (Block River Yillage.) Boots and Shoes. Cook, Selden, Main St. Merritt, George, " Carriage Manufacturers. ELLIS, BRITTON & EATON, (Childrens' Carriages.) Graham, G. W. Chair Manufacturers. Leland, G. (North S.) Martin, D. " Churn Manufacturers. Diamond Churn Co., Amos Brown, Agent. Clergymen. Bass, E. C. (Epis.) BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 383 Cobb, L. M. (Cong.) Chedel, (Chris.) (North S.) Cook, S. (Chris.) " Lewis, G. E. (Ind. Meth.) Pickwell, W. S. (Bap.) (North S.) Clothes Pin Manufacturers. Smith, Mason & Co., Main St., (Smith Block.) Cotton Goods Manufacturers. HOLMES, JOHN & CO., (Sheetings and Battings.) Dentist. Bowers, G. W. Main St. Druggists. Chase, C. S. Main St. Porter, F. W. & Co. Main St. Flouring Mills. Parker & Washburn, (Black River Tillage.) GILBERT, JAMES, Main St. Fruit and Confectionery. Kimball, Thomas, Main St. Long, Francis " Furniture. Sanders, Charles Hair Dressing Saloons. Hastings, J. W. Main St. Stiles, John " Harness Makers. Ball & Harlow, Main St. Hooks and Eye Manufacturers. Smith, Mason & Co., (Eagle Talon,) Main St. 384 CONNECTICUT RITER Horse Rake Manufacturer. KIMBALL, GEO. Main St. (Kimball's Patent Wheel Rake.) See adv. index. Hotels. SPRINGFIELD HOUSE, E. R. Backus, Pro. Iron Fence Manufacturers. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Iron Founders. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Machinists. Oilman & Townsend, Main St. PARKS & WOOLSON. Smith, Mason & Co., Main St. Machine Castings. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Manufacturers. BaU & Thompson, (Scythe Snaths.) Ball & Harlow, (Harnesses.) Barrett, M. S. (Lumber.) DIAMOND CHURN CO., (Churns.) ELLIS, BRITTEN & EATON, (Children's Carriages & Toys.) Graham, G. W. (Carriages.) Oilman & Townsend, (Machinists.) HOLMES, JOHN & CO., (Sheetings, Satinet, Warp Batting.) Holmes, Whitmore & Co., (Cassimeres & Doeskins.) KIMBALL, GEO., (Wheel Horse Rakes.) See adv. index. MITCHELL, JAS. & CO., (Iron Founders, Plows, Stoves, Water Wheels. See adv. index. PARKS & WOOLSON, (Woolen Machinery.) Smith, Mason & Co., (Hooks and Eyes, Paper Holders, Ma- chinists.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 385 Marble Worker. Barney, Franklin Meat Market. Way &, Hammond, Main St. Merchants. Burke & Tenney, Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Chipman, John, " Hats, Caps, &c. Closson, G. L. Main St., Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods. FLOYD, H. W. Main St., Cloths, Clothing, &c. Frost, M. P. " Groceries, Crockery, Boots & Shoes. Howe, S. R. " Dry Goods, Clothing, &c. Harlow &, Kirk, " Hardware, Stoves Tinware, &c. Keyes, C. M. " Millinery, Cloaks, &c. LABARRE, C. K. " Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c. Porter, F. W. & Co., Main St., Drugs, Books, Stationery, Fan- cy Goods, Jewelry, &c. Porter, G. W. & Co., Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. ROBINSON, A. L. & H. L., Main St., Crockery, Groceries, Agricultural Implements. SPILL ANB & COBB, Main St., Cloths, Clothing, &c. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Harvey & Grover, Main St. Keyes, CM. " Knight, G. P. Miss " Mop Manufacturers. Smith, Mason & Co., Main St. Newspaper. RECORD & FARMER, D. L. Milliken, Editor. See adv. inside back cover. 49 386 CONNECTICUT RIVER Ox Bow Manufacturer. Smart, A, Main St. Packing Box Manufacturer. BARRETT, M. S. Pail and Tub Manufacturer. EUis, L. (North S.) Painters, (House, Sign and Carriage.) Ellis, Oliver Howe, H. F. Paper Holder, (Smith's Patent.) Smith, Mason & Co., Main St. Photographer. Powers, J. D. Main St. Physicians. Chase, L. ^ Crane, H. F. Knight, E. A. Martin, M. Sawyer, L. Tuttle, M. Plow Manufacturers. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Postmaster. Porter, F. W. Main St. Sash, Doors and Blinds. BARRETT, M. S. Pearl St. See adv. index. Satinet Warp Manufacturers. HOLMES, JOHN & CO. •BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 387 Savings Bank. Springfield Savings Bank, Main St. Henry Closson, Prest., Geo. W. Porter, Sec'y and Treas. Saw Mills. Batchelder, A. Main St. Parker &, Washburn. BARRETT, M. S. Pearl St. See adv. index. Sawing and Planing Mill. BARRETT, M. S. Pearl St. See adv. index. Sawed Shingle Manufacturer. BARRETT, M. S. Pearl St. See adv. index. Scythe Snath Manufacturer. Ball & Thompson. Stable. Wood, B. F. Main St. Stencil Tool Manufacturer. FuUam, A. J. Main St. Stove Manufacturers. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Tailors. FLOYD, H. W. Main St. SPILLANE & COBB, " Toy Manufacturers. ELLIS, BRITTON k EATON. Watches and Jewelry. Porter, F. W. & Co., Main St. Smith D.M. " 388 CONNECTICUT RIVER Water Wheel Manufacturers. MITCHELL, JAMES & CO. See adv. index. Woolen Machinery Manufacturers. PARKS & WOOLSON, (Shearing and Finishing Machines.) Woolen Manufacturers. Black River Woolen Mills, Holmes, Whitmore & Co., (Fancy Cassimeres and Doeskins.) Miscellaneous. Masonic. St. John's Lodge, No. 41. H. W. Floyd, W. M,, Sam'l Chipman, Sec'y, meet first on or preceding full moon. Good Templars. Social Lodge Good Templars, No. 41. Meet Wednesday evenings. OfQ.cers elected quarterly. Springfield Thief Detecting Society. Daniel A. Gill, Fres., Benj. F. Dana, Clerk, Fred W. Porter, Sec'y. Springfield Agricultural Society. Horace Hubbard, Pres., D. 0. Gill, Sec'y. Springfield Central Library, 1,100 volumes. J. W. Pierce, Librarian. Springfield Agricultural Library. Daniel Rice, Librarian. Springfield Farmers Club. C. K. Hubbard, Pres., Henry M. Arms, Sec'y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 389 J^^S. IMITOHELL & OO. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gen. Dix, No 3, 2^ feet. Gen. Dix, No. 4, 3 feet. Hot Air Furnace, 3^ and 4* feet. Ploughs, Cultivators, Bucklin's Patent Harrow and Cultivator, Ox Shovels, Hot Air Furnaces, Box, Parlor and Cook Stoves, Farmer's Portable Boiler, Caldron Kettles, Sinks, Sap Pans, Sap Pan Mouths and Grates, Hollow ware. Arch, Oven and Boiler Mouths, Arch Tops and Circles, Scroll and Pipe Registers, Stove Flues and Safes, Stove Backs, Fire- Dogs, Coal Shovels, Sad Irons and Stands, Clothes Reels, Window Weights, Grind- stone Hangings, Door Hangings, for Wood and Iron • Trucks, Door Trucks, Door Scrapers, Boot Jacks, Brackets, Bedstead castings. Pegging Jacks, Stitch- ing Clamps, Boot Crimpers, Copying Presses, Wagon and Cart Boxes, Wagon Jacks, Sleigh, Sled and Wagon Shoes, Portable Forges, Boxes and Tweers, Tire Formers, Mandevill's Saws, Water Wheels, Water Cisterns, Woolen Mill Steam Boxes, Head-block Castings, Pump-log Couplings, Cemetery Fences, Ionic Capitals, Taylor's improved Press Irons, Carver, C. C. Blodget's Pat. Har- poon Horse Pitch-forks and Grapler, Snatch Blocks, Corn Crackers, and a large assortment of Mill and Machinery Castings. Improved Cottage. 390 CONNECTICUT EIVER PATENTED DECEMBER 20, 1864. Here is an article that justly claims tlie attention of every man ■who has hay to make- The Kake being in front of the Wheel, is within sight of the driver, and he can manage it at pleasure to suit the uneven surface of the ground. No other Eake can have any such contrivance. The driver on this Kake has the advantage of -working it with his feet or hands, as he may choose. It is so simple and so securely made that it is not liable to get out of ojder; and" the low price at which it is sold will enable every farmer to buy it. Try one, by all means. REFERENCE TO EVERY PERSON WHO HAS USED THIS RAKE. ISl. S. BARRETT, Mamnfacturer and Wholesale and Ketail dealer in all kinds of Lumber generally used for Building purposes, such as PINE, CHESTNUT, BUTTERNUT, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, &C. Particular attention paid to Dressing and Pitting up Bills of Lumber for Bmlding purposes. Planing, Matching, &c., done for Customers, on sbort notice and low prices. Sast, Doors and Blinds, lime and Hair for sale. SHOP ROOM AND POWER TO RENT. Shop on Pearl Street near the old f Paper Mill Stand, BUSINESSDIKECTOET. 891 CLAREMONT, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, 14 miles north of Bellows Falls, and 12 south of Windsor, was incor- porated Oct. 26, 1764, and now contains a population of about 4,500. Sugar River, which flows through the town, furnishes water power for the many manufactories of Cotton, Woolen, Paper, Lumber, Flour, &o. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements. STOWELL, GEO. H. Tremont Square. Attorneys at Law. Baker, Edward D. Farwell's Block. Chase, Arthur, Brown's Block. Colby, Ira Jr., Farwell's Block. Freeman, P. C. Parker, H. W. Sullivan St. Prentiss, J. J. " Woodell, Edward, W. Vaughn, E. Farwell's Block. Banks. The Claremont National Bank, Capital 150,000. Geo. N. Farwell, Pres., Jno. L. FarweU, Cashier. Billiards. Fitch, Henry, 2 Tremont St. Moulton, Charles, " Blacksmiths. Abbee & Smith, Tremont St. Henry, W. B. Main St. Watriss, H. B. & L. W. Main St. Woodbury, Jacob, Spring St. 392 CONNECTICUT EIVER Book Binders. CLARBMONT MF'G CO., E. L. Goddard, Treasurer. See adv. index. Bookseller and Stationer. Merrifield, G. W. Brown's Block. Boots and Shoes. Bigley, W. H. Tremont St. Bliss, A. J. Sullivan St. Corey & Nevers, 2 Tremont Row. Dickinson, H. A. & Co., Sullivan St. Noyes, Henry C. 3 Brown's Block. Cabinet Ware Manufacturers. Briggs, Wm. Spring St. Briggs, Fred. A. Broad St. Briggs, J. G. Lower Village. Carriage Manufacturers. HARRIMAN, L. Lower Tillage. ROYS, HENRY F. North St. Cigars and Tobacco, (Wholesale.) BARRETT, HENRY E. cor. Broad and Tremont Sts. See adv. index. Clergymen. Babcock, D. C. (Meth.) Clark, Edward W. (Cong.) Moore, Asher, (Uni.) Peck, John M. (Epis.) Smith, Henry, " Towle, Francis W. (Bap.) Clothing. Haubrich, 4 Perry's Block. Parkhurst & Tutherley, Brown's Block. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 393 Confectionery Manufacturer. BAERETT, HENRY E. Broad St. See adv. index. Cotton Manufacturers. Home Mills, (4-4 Cottons,) Arnold Briggs, Agt. Monodnock Mills, (Sheetings, Drill.,) D. W. Johnson, Agt. Cracker Manufacturer. BARRETT, HENRY E. cor. Broad and Tremont Sts. See adv. index. Cutlery Grlassers Manufacturers. BRIGGS, WM. H. Main St. See adv. index. Dentists. Bock, J. Tremont St. Kidder, Frederick A. Sabine, Silas A. Smith, Wm.M. Deputy U. S. Assessor. Clark, Wm. 7 Perry's Block. Druggists. Ainsworth, Edwin, 5 Perry's Block. Brooks, L. Main St. Ladd, Wm. M. 2 Brown's Block. Dry Goods. Baker & Hurd, Farwell's Block. Brigham, CM. " Hey wood & Co., Tremont Square. Emerson & Haskell, " Putnam & Pierce, Main St. True, Henry 0. Brown's Block. Patten, Henry, Main St. Express Company and Agent. Fisk & Co., Ex. 0. J. Brown, Agent. 50 394 CONNECTICUT RIVEfe Fancy Goods. Hey wood & Co., Tremont Square. Spencer, Eeuben " File Manufacturers. CLAREMONT FILE WORKS, Main St. Henry E Austin, Agent. See adv. index. Firkin Manufacturer. Shepardson, R. Fish Dealer. Johnson, Ed. Broad St. Flour Manufacturers. SUGAR RIVER MILLS, Stowell, A. & Co. Flouring Mills. STOWELL, A. & Co., Main St. Fruit and Confectionery. Gowdej, T. R. Tremont St. White & Eels, 3 " Grain Dealers. STOWELL, A. & Co., Main St. Grocers. CHASE BROTHERS, Tremont St. Jewett, M. L. 1 Perry's Block, Tremont St. Johnson & Fisher, Fisher's Block. Putnam & Pierce, Main St. Stowell & Bradford, 1 Tremont Row. Redfield, A. (West Claremont.) White, J. & Co., 9 Pleasant St. Hair Dressing Saloons. Jacques, E. H. Tremont House. TENNEY, H. A. Tremont St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 395 Handle Manufacturer. Howard, J. B. Broad St., (Eake, Fork and Hoe.) Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Emerson & Haskell, Tremont Square. Hanbrich, P. 4 Perry's Block. Parkhurst & Tutherly, Brown's Block. Hardware. Putnam & Pierce, Main St. Stowell, Geo. H. Tremont Square. Harness and Trunk Makers. Bowen, B. J. 11 Pleasant St. Dart, T. Main St. Hoop Skirt Manufacturer. White, B. H. Miss, Tremont St. Hotels. SULLIYAN HOUSE, James Leet, Pro., Broad St. See adv. index. TREMONT HOUSE, Tremont Square, James S. Pickard, Pro. Insurance Agent. HARRIS, THOS. J. 1 Brown's Block, up stairs. Listing Yarn Manufacturer. Moore, A. B. Lower Village. Lumber Dealers. Richardson & Co. Machinists. UPHAM, J. p. & CO., Main St. Marble Workers. Blood & Woodcock, Broad St. 396 CONNECTICUT EIVBR Meat Markets. Dole, Lemuel, 8 Perry's Block. Dole, C. H. Tremont St. Dole, G. W. " Meat and Vegetable Chopper, (Patent.) Smith, Collins & Co., Main St. Men's Half Hose Manufacturer. Silsbee, R. W. 7 Perry's Block. Milliners. Andrews, M. S. Main St. Babcock, M. H. Broad St. Niles, M. S. Miss Pleasant St. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Noyes,lH. N. Tremont St. Thompson, A. Sullivan St. Eogers, M. M. " Newspapers. ■ . The National Eagle, Simeon Ide, Editor and Pro. The Northern Advocate, Joseph Weber, Editor. Newspapers and Periodicals. GOWDY, T.' R. Tremont St. Painters, (House and Sign.) Abbott, Geo. H. Taylor, John W. Walker, S. W. Rowell, Granville, North St. Paper Manufacturers. CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO., E. L. Goddard, Agent and Treas., (Print.) See adv, index. Farrington, John, (West Claremont, ) (Wrapping.) BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 397 Photographers. Coffin, Wm., 2 Perry's Block. Johnson, J. H. Pleasant St. Physicians. Baker, Cyrus B. Cooper, Sherman Cummings, A. B,. Gleason, Robert S. Jarvis, Samuel G. Squire, William C. Tolles, Nathaniel Volk, Carl A. Plow Manufacturers. LUFKIN PLOW CO., J. P. Upham, Agent. Postmaster. Chas. 0. Eastman, Brown's Block. Henry A. Redfield, (West C.) Printers, (Book and Job.) CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO., E. L. Goddard, Treas. See adv. index. Savings Bank. Sullivan Savings Institution, John I. Farwell, Treas. Saw Mill. Richardson & Co. Sewing Machine Agent. Woodbury, W. 0. C. Sullivan St., (Singer's.) Stables. Brown, A. Spring St. Heywood, J. Broad St. Hubbard, Henry L. Pleasant St. 398 CONNECTICUT RIVER LEET, JAMES, rear Sullivan House. Leonard, Chas. Broad St. Stoves and Tinware. GOULD & CO., Main St. Eand, S. S. 13 Pleasant St. Tailors. Backus, Geo. H. 6 Earwell's Block. CHAMBERLAIN, John B. over Emerson & HaskeR. Perry, Chas. L. 3 Perry's Block. REDFIELD, S. F. 1 Tremont St. Tanner and Currier. Eastman, C. H. North St. Tinware Manufacturers. •GOULD & CO. Main St. Town Clerk. GOWDEY, T. R. Tremont St. Toys and Variety Store. Bardwell, Chas. Sullivan St. Turning, Planing and Sawing. BRIGGS, WM. H. Main St. See adv. index. Undertaker. Briggs, Fred. A. Broad St. Watches and Jewelry. Heywood k Co., Tremont Square. Spencer, Reuben, " Silsby, Solon, 4 Brown's Block. WAIT, G. W. Sullivan St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 399 Water Wheel Manufacturers. UPHAM, J. p. & Co., Main St. Wool Carder. Shepardson, R. Woolen Flannels Manufacturers. Monodnock Mills, D. W. Johnson, Agt. Miscellaneous. MASONIC. Hiram Lodge, No. 9, meet first Wednesday each month. Hosea Parker, W, M. Webb Chapter, No. 6, meet third Monday each month. John J. Prentiss, H. P. Columbian Council, No. 2, meet third Wednesday each month. Lewis Woodman, T. I. G. M. Sullivan Commandery. L. J. Graves, E. C. T^MPEEANCE. Claremont Division Sons of Temperance, No. 21, Instituted February 6th, 1861, meet Friday evenings. THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, oi_i.i^i=LEnM:o:isrrr', isr. n. Manufacturers of Paper and Books, and Wholesale and He- tail Dealers in the same, Will furnish proposals, on application, for any kind of work in their line of business. For the manufacture of Books on contract, equal to any concern in New England. That they MAKE PAPER, PRINT and BIND, all under one roof. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 400 CONNECTICUT RIVER Mamifecturer of ROUND BUILDING, LOWER VILLAGE, OLAREMONT, N. H. HEISTRY E. BARRETT, i^ ALSO DEALEE IN €I (P.) Kimball, Moses, (Cong.) (A.) Smith, J. L. (Meth.) (Upper Falls.) Spaulding, A. (W. Center.) Cotton Manufacturer. Proctor, M. S. Merchants. Brock, R. (A.) Dry Goods, Groceries, 0'G£?""^r cfe OO^^. BRADFORD, VERMONT, PROPRIETORS OF mm CELEBRATED fflAPRAKE BITTERS, The Great Family Medicine. These Bitters cure all complaints arising from a DISEASED LIVER. Try a bottle if suffering from Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Oos- tiveness, Piles, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach, Loss of Appetite, &c., and you will be pleased with the result. These Bitters have been used with great success for more than fifteen years. The sales, although large, are very fast on the increase. M. S. BURR & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, BOSTOI^, MASS. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Hardware, Drugs and Medicines, Iron and Steel, Also Mamifacturers of Fish Kitts, GEO. L. BUTLER, DEALER IN r' TJ 1=1 nxr I T" xj n ES , Coffins, Caskets, Grave Clothes, Trimmings, &c. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE OF CABINET AND AMERICAN ORGANS AND PIANOS. First door south of Trotter House, BRADFORD, VT. 428 CONNECTICUT RIVER PIERMONT, Grafton County, New Hampshire, is situated on the east bank of the Connecticut Eiver, nearly opposite Bradford, Yermont. The town was incorporated November 6th, 1764, and now numbers about 1200 inhabitants. Farming and stock rais- ing is the principal business of the town, though something is done in manufacturing Carriages and Scythe Stones. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. Carriage Manufacturer. Goodwin, Asahel Clergymen. CiUey, Moses T. (Meth.) Harder, Augustus L. (Cong.) Hotel. Bean's Hotel, Stephen M. Bean. Merchants. Cutting & Dodge, Dry Goods, Groceries. Peddler. Hodgen, Cyrus K. Knight, Jonathan Cutting, Hezekiah Physician. Postmaster. Saw Mill. Cutting, D. C. & H. Scythe Stone Manufacturer. Dodge, Cordon Shoe Maker. Mead, Moses Stoves and Tinware. Evans, Joseph C. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 429 HAYERHILL, (formerly called Lower Cohoes,) Grafton Coun- ty, New Hampshire, is a half shire town, situated on the east side of the Connecticut River, about 28 miles north of White River Junction. The township includes the villages of East and North Haverhill, Woodsville, and Haverhill Center. The county records are kept here. The town was incorpora- ted May 18th, 1763, and contains about 2400 inhabitants. Paper, Scythe Stones and Carriages are manufactured to some extent. Haverhill in former days was the head-quarters of the numerous stage lines extending through northern New Hampshire. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Dale, C. A. Chapman, George S. Bryant, J. S. Marsh, L. W. Page, David Putnam, G. F. Felton, N. B. Westgate, N. W. Auctioneer. Batchelder, Daniel Wilson, George Poole, Caleb Harriman, James Railroad Agent. Blacksmiths. Carpenters and Builders. Burbeck, Wm. H. Page, James 430 CONNECT leUT EIYBB Clergymen. Beane, J. M. (Meth.) Emerson, J. D. (Cong.) Cattle Dealers. Putnam, A. W. Webster, J. P. Carriage Manufacturers. Batchelder & Carleton, Colburne, Josiah Carlton, M. Jr. Carlton, Charles Carriage Painters. Durgin & Hovey. Carlton, M. Carlton, Horace Drugs and Medicines. Woodward, C. B. M. Hooks, S. F. Merrill, Henry Harness Makers. Leonard, Thomas Page, James A. Sinclair, H. B. Sinclair, John Woods, A. A. Hotel. Smith's Hotel, C. G. Smith. Lime Manufacturers. Haverhill Lime Co., M. Mason, Agent. Machinist. Butterfield, Solomon BUSINESS DIRECTORY 431 Marble Workers. Chandler, Harvey Thompson, J. P. Jenkins, Robert Pike, Samuel Meat Market. Merchants. Bailey, Allen, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c BaUey, Milo « " Ober, E. T. Page, Wm. H. Poor, Joseph Cook, J. L. Millinery. Currier, Misses. Gove, George Mrs. Paper Manufacturers. Haverhill Paper Co., J. V. Webster, Agent. Merriam, Chas. Williams, J. M. Corber, S. P. Spaulding, P. Eeding, H. W. Reding, S. Whitney, A. Photographers. Physicians. Printers, (Job.) Route Agent. 432 CONNECTICUT RIVER Scythe Stone Manufacturer. Pike, A. F. Shoe Manufacturer. Currier, Bagley C. Shoe Makers. Smith, J. B. Tabor, Norman Stoves and Tinware. Ham, L. B. Tanners and Curriers. Currier F. P. Currier, John Currier, 0. A. Tailors. Leath, George Whipple, George Tabor, E. N. Ticket Agent. NEWBURY, Orange County, Yermont, is situated in the Con- necticut valley, 295 miles from New York, and 35 miles north of White River Junction. Newbury includes the villages of West Newbury, South New- bury and Wells River, where is the Junction of the Conn. & Passumpsic Rivers, Boston & Montreal, and White Mountain Railoads. ^BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Leslie & Rogers, (Wells River.) Underwood, Abel " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 483 Clergymen. Connell, David (Cong.) (West N.) Burton, H. N. " (N.) Palmer, W. S. '' (Wells River.) Spencer, H. A. (Meth.) (N.) Literary Institution. Newbury Seminary, S. E. Quimby, Prin. Merchants. Buchanan, J* & W. S. & Co., (Wells River,) Dry Goods, Gro- ceries. Deming, H. H (N.) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Doming, Frank & Co., (W. River,) " " " Farewell, A. S. ' " " " " Keyes, F. & H. T. & Co. (N.) " " " Wilson & Carlton, (West N.) " " " Paper Manufacturers. Durant & Adams, (Wells River.) Physicians. Brown, (Wells River.) Crosby, A. " McNab, John " Watkins, E. Y. (N.) Watson, H. L. " Postmasters. Morse, H. B. (N.) Brock, W. W. (South N.) Deming, Frank (Wells River.) Stoves and Tinware. Ladd, P. W. (West N.) Watches and Jewelry. Holton, Harry (Wells River.) Wallace, W. R. (N.) 55 434 CONNECTICUT RIVER BARNET, Caledonia County, Vermont, a small town situated in the Connecticut River Valley, near where the Passumpsic River enters the Connecticut. The township of Barnet includes the small villages of West Barnet, Passumpsic and Mclndoes Falls. At each of the two last named places there are good water privileges and considera- ble manufacturing is carried on. At Barnet, are the Mills of the Caledonia Manufacturing Co., making heavy fancy Woolen Groods. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Boots and Shoes. Johnson, J. A. Clergymen. Bradford, M. (Cong.) (Mclndoes.) Goodwillie, T. (Pres.) (Barnet.) Reed, W. H. (West B.) Underwood, J. (Cong.) (Barnet.) Leather Manufacturers. Abbott & Clement. Literary. Mclndoes Falls Academy. Union School, Barnet. Merchants. Abbott & Clement, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Dutton, A. (Mclndoes,) Goss, F. (Passumpsic,) Bochops, A. (West B.) Nelson, W. H. (Mclndoes,) Hazen, L. D. & L. H. Parks, L. (Passumpsic,) Physicians. Eaton, B. F. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 435 Hazleton, H. J. Downs, (Mclndoes.) Tuttle, Socrates. Thompson, A. B. Postmasters. Hoyt, J. Q. (Barnet.) Parks, L. P. (Passumpsic.) Dartwell, R. (Mclndoes.) Warden, 0. H. (West B.) Woolen Manufacturers. Caledonian Manufacturing Co. Gould & Hildreth, (Passumpsic.) ST. JOHNSBURY, Caledonia County, Vermont, 311 miles from New York, Montreal, 148, Hartford, Conn., 203 miles, is the most important station on the Conn, and Passumpsic Road. This is the shire town of the county, and is the centre of a large country trade. Population about 4500. The township includes St. Johnsbury Village, St Johnsbury Center, and East St. Johns- bury. Most of the business is done in the village. The principal manufacturing is the Fairbanks Scale, employ- ing from 400 to 500 hands. A large business is done in the manufacture of Machinery, Water Wheels, Ploughs, Horse Power Machinery, Mowing Machines and Boots and Shoes, &c. The Passumpsic River which flows through the town, furnishes a valuable water power for manufacturing purposes. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. BURKE, 0. S. Railroad. Stoddard, J. D. Union Block. Pierce, W. A. Railroad. Ross, Jno. Main St. Willard, A. J. " 436 CONNECTICUT RIVER Axles and Spindles, (Wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Easterii>Ave. See adv. index. Bakers. Cross & Brigham, Main St. Banks. First National Bank, St. Jolmsbury, capital, $250,000. L. P. Poland, Pres., Geo. May, Cash. Blacksmiths. Lawrence, S. R. HARROUN, J. C. Eastern Avenue. Board, Starch, Grist and Saw Mill Manufacturer. BUZZELL, LUKE, Railroad. See adv. index. Boots and Shoes, (Wholesale.) Mooney, H. A. Railroad. See adv. index. Boots and Shoes. Bishop, W. I. Eastern Avenue. Lonigan, P. P. Railroad. MOONEY, H. A. " See adv. index. Howe, R. C. M. Main St. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. MOONEY, H. A. Railroad. See adv. index. Cabinet Ware Manufacturer. HEYER, JAMES H. See adv. index. Carriage Trimmings, (Wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store. See adv. index. Carriage Manufacturers. Brown, A. (St. J. Center.) Miller, J. D. near R. R. Depot. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 437 Casket and Coffin Manufacturer. HEYER, JAMES H. See adv. index. Caskets and Coffins. BABCOCK, F. J. Railroad. Circular and Drag Saw Manufacturer. ROLLINS, B. P. (Horse-power Machines.) See adv. index. Circular Saw Mill Manufacturer. BUZZELL, LUKE, Railroad. See adv. index. Clergymen. Braston, Lewis 0. (Cong.) Cummings, E. C. " Daniston, (Oath.) Titus, E. A. (Meth.) Cutlery Manufacturer. Belknap, A. K. & J. Dentists. PALES, p. H. Union Block. Perkins, J. L. cor. Main and Eastern Avenue. Doors, Sash and Blinds. Colby, Gay & Co., Railroad. Morris, L. C. Carpenter, Horace, near Depot. Druggist. Bingham, J. C. Main St. Dry Goods. Jewett, S. Main St. Johnson, N. M. Railroad. Edge Tools Manufacturer. Belknap, A. K. & J. 438 CONNECTICUT RIVER Express Companies and Agents. Cheney & Co., Express. Cook, A. M. & Co., Agents. File Cutters. NUTT, JAMBS, near Depot. See adv. index. File Manufacturer, NUTT, JAMES, near Depot. See adv. index. Flour and Grain, (Wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Eastern Ave. See adv. index. Learned, W. N. R. R. Depot. Flouring Mill. Goss, H. & L. Railroad. Flour and Grain. Aldrich & Hancock, Eastern Avenue. Furniture. Armington, I. (St. J. Center.) ' . Cassino, J. T. Eastern Avenue. BABCOCK, F. J. Railroad. Groceries and West India Goods, (Wholesale.) FAIRBANKS, E. & T. & Co., (Fairbanks Village.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Eastern Ave. See adv. index. Grocers. Barney, Geo. C. Main St. DANIELS, BARTLETT & CO., Railroad. Fuller, Wm. Main St. Howe, R. C. M. " Hair Dressing Saloon. Blackstone, R. B. Union Block. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 439 Harness Makers. Flynt, E. B. Railroad St. KBNISON, A. H. " Baker, Wm. A. Eastern Ave. Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. MOORE, G. p. Railroad St. Hotels. Passumpsic House, Railroad St., Samuel R. Remick, Prop. St. JOHNSBURY HOUSE, Main St., Hiram Hill, Prop. See adv. index. Hoe and Fork Manufacturers. Ely, Balch & Co. Insurance Agents. SHAW, GEO. S. Main St. (General Agt.) Steel, J. H. Caledonian Building. Iron and Steel, (Wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Eastern Ave. See adv. index. Iron Founders. BUZZELL, LUKE, Railroad St. See adv. index. FAIRBANKS, E. & T. & Co. Leather Belting, Laces, Leather & Belt Hooks, (wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Eastern Ave. See adv. index, Leather Manufacturers. Bacon, Jr., J. & Co. (St. J. Center.) Leather Dealer. MOONEY, H. A. Railroad St. See adv. index. Lime, Cement, Plaster and Grindstones, (Wholesale.) FLETCHER, J. Depot Store, Eastern Ave. See adv. index. 440 CONNECTICUT RIVER Lumber Dealers. Colby, Gay & Co., Railroad St. Machine Castings. BUZZELL LUKE, Railroad St. See adv. index. Machinists. BUZZELL, LUKE, Railroad St. See adv. index. Belknap, K. & J. FAIRBANKS, E. & T. & Co. Spaulding, C. F. Paddock Iron Works. WARNER, J. M. & SON, near Depot. See adv. index. Marble Workers. Bryant & Taplin, Railroad St. HUl, W. H. Meat Market. DANIELS, BARTLETT & Co., Railroad St. Merchants. Bacon & Ide, (St. J. Center,) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Brown, E. F. Main St., Groceries, Crockery and Hardware. Cook, A. M. & Co., Eastern Av., Groceries, Crockery, &c. Clark, B. B. Union Block, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnish- ing Goods. * Chapman, D. & Sons, (East St. J.) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. FAIRBANKS, E. & T. & Co., Groceries and Crockery. Gorham, I. B. Main St., Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Goodall, G. E. (East St. J.,) Dry Goods, Groceries, &o. Hall, Emerson, Main St., " " " Higgins & Cutting, " Dry and Fancy Goods, &c. Hoyt & Drew, cor. Railroad and Eastern Av., Dry Goods, Groceries, BELT HOOKS, Depot Store, Eastern End of Eastern Avenue, ST. JOHNSBVBY, VEBMONT. 11 mAinr strkst, HIRAM HILL, Proprietor. 444 CONNECTICUT RIVER LUKE BUZZ ELL, D M ilJlliiii 'i^M ,1^ Manufacturer of Circular Board Mills, Starch, Saw and Grist Mill Irons, Clapboard Machines, Stretch Feed Shingle Machines, Three Sizes Board Planers, Iron Water Wheels, Right Hand, Swivel, Seed & Side-hill Plows, Corn Crackers, Cultivators, Threshing Machines, Castings and all kinds Wood Sawing Machinery. Job Work and Castings done to Order. OnKai'road St., North of Depot, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Manufacturer of THE UNION HORSE POWER, Patanted March 17, 1863. Also, BURT, WRIGHT & GO'S BAY STATE HORSE POWER, Patented February 23, 1858, With Cleansers, Threshers, Separators, Circular and Drag Saws. Patented February 6, 1866. All kinds of Repairing done on Short Notice. Threshing Machine Teeth, Horse Power Chains, Bolts and Links, Circular and Drag Saws, kept constantly on hand, at low rates. MAILMOAJD ST., ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. H. A. MOONEY, ~ Manufacturer, Jobber and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, French and American Prench & all kinds of American Kip Skins, Sole Leather, Shoe Tools & Pindings. RAILROAD ST., ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 445 JAIMCES H. HE YE 14, Wholesale Manufacturer and Dealer in BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS, And Cabinet Work in G-eueral. ST. JOHNSBUMY, - - - VERMONT. ST. JOHNSBURY FILE WORKS, Established, 1860. Opp. Passenger Depot, St. Johnsbury, Vt. All kinds of new Mill, Flat, Square, Round and Taper Saw Files, and Tanged Horse Rasps made to order, (and warranted) at market rates at time of shipment. LYNDON, Caledonia County, Vermont, a town on the Conn, and Passumpsic Rivers Eailroad, about 8 miles north of St. Johnsbury, includes the villages of Lyndon Corners and Lyndon Center. At the Center the Railroad Company have located their Repair Shops, and have erected large and commodious brick buildings for manufacturing and repairing their engines and cars. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. BARTLETT, T. Main St. BELDEN, H. C. Cahoon, G. C. & G. W. Main St. Bank. Lyndon National Bank, capital, 1200,000. E. B. Chase, Pres., L. B. Mattocks, Cash. Boots and Shoes. Bradshaw, J. W. Main St. Business Wagons and Sleigh Manufacturer. DARLING, JOHN A. Main St. See adv. index. 446 CONNECTICUT RIVER Carriage Manufacturers. DARLING, JOHN A. Main St. See adv. index. Hojt, E. H. & C. D. Dentist. Mills, G. W. Main St. Druggist and Fancy Groods. JOHONNOT, L. R. Main St. Flouring Mills. Cole, L. p. Lincoln, B. F. & Co. Flour and Lumber Manufacturer. Hall, Fairbanks & Co. Grocers. Welch, J. C. & J. Main St. Hardware, (Saddlery.) Bartlett & Tenney, Main St. Harness Makers. Powers, W. C. & Co. Currier, D. C. (Center.) Hotels. Lyndon House, J. M. Hubbard, Pro. Lyndon Center Hotel, Wm. F. Ruggles, Pro. Walker's Hotel, (Center,) Geo. B. Walker, Pro. Leather Manufacturers. Ingalls, C. (Center.) Weeks, G. H. & J. M. Main St. Masonic. Crescent Lodge, F. & A. M. No. Q^. L. K. Quimby, W. M., B. F. Lincoln, Sec'y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 447 Merchants. Hall, J. H. & H. E. (Center.; McGaffey, Wm. H. Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Weeks, G. H. & J. M. " " " Newspaper. Yermont Union, (Weekly,) C. M. Chase, Editor. Physicians. Gaboon, C. S. Scott, C. W. Postmaster. McGaffey, Main St. Railroad Agent. L. P. Brown, Agent, Conn. & Passumpsic Rivers R. R. Silver Platers. Bartlett & Tenney, Main St. Starch Manufacturer. Whipple, D. (Center.) Stencil Manufacturer. Mathewson, G. L. (Center.) Stove and Tinware Dealers. ^ QUIMBY, L. K. & CO., Main St. Tailors. Underwood, E. Main St. Tin Ware Manufacturer. QUIMBY, L. K. & CO., Main St. Watches and Jewelry. Applebee, Cephas, Main St. 448 CONNECTICUT RIVER JOHN A. DARLING-, (Successor to Trull and Miller.) Carriage manufactureF^ AND DEALER IN Bolts, Spokes, Springs, Bands, Paints. Varnishes, &c. Manufacturing and Repairing of all kinds, done to order, with fidelity and promptness. LYNDON, VT, BURKE, Caledonia County, Vermont, a small town in the Passumpsic Valley, with a station on the Conn, and Passumpsic Railroad, 16 miles north of St. Johnsbiiry. Burke includes the villages of East and West Burke, and con- tains about 1200 inhabitants. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. Chadwick, David # Clergymen. Hitchcock, A. (Meth.) Joslyn, W. R. (Cong.) Merchants. Beckwith, Silas & Co., (West B.) Dry Goods and Groceries. Newell, C. C. (East B.) Smith, G. P. & F. H. (East B.) Humphrey k Smith, " Rowell, Tyler " Nichols, S. L. (West B.) (( ii (( u u u a a u ii BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. 449 Physicians. Brown, Abel (B.) Carpenter, Warner (West B.) Spaulding M. C. (B.) Button, T. T. (East B.) Postmasters. Beckwith, Silas (West B.) Newell, C. 0. (East B.) Nichols, S. L. (B.) Starch Manufacturer. McNeal, J. BARTON, Orleans County, Vermont, is a station on the Conn, and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad, 25 miles south of Newport, and 29 miles north of St. Johnsbury. It includes the villages of South Barton and Barton Landing. There is considerable man- ufacturing done in this town. The Walter Haywood Chair Co. manufacture large quantities of Chairs, which are exported to different foreign countries. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmith. Buchanan, Wm. Main St. Boots and Shoes. Hunt, D. R. Main St. Floyd, I. G. " Woodman, J. L. Main St. Carriage Manufacturer, Bickford, H. S. 57 450 CONNECTICUT RIVER Clergymen. Robinson, Wm. A. (Cong.) Tabor, C. (Meth.) Dentist. Perry, F. M. Main St. Druggists. Joslyn, Wm. & Sons, Main St. Willson, L. D. (B. Landing.) t Express Company and Agent. CHENEY & CO'S EXPRESS, A. C. Robinson, Agt. Flour and Grain, (Wholesale.) ROBINSON, A. C. Main St. Furniture Manufacturers. Dromnell, C. H. Main St. Walter Haywood Chair Company, Main St. MOSSMAN, BENJAMIN, Harness Makers. Rogers, D. Main St. Lucius, A. " Young, L. " Hotel. CRYSTAL LAKE HOTEL, R. H. Little, Proprietor. See adv. index. Iron, Steel, Groceries, &c., (Wholesale.) ROBINSON, A. 0. Main St. Marble Worker. Bowler, J. T. Main St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every varjety (sxecuted in the beat style. • BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 451 Merchants. Hall & Joslyn, Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Kimball & Pierce, " " (( a Robinson, W. F. " " il C( Twombly, A. & J. L. " " u <( Parker, W. C. (B. Landing,) " (( a Webster, L. D. " " (( a SKINNER & DREW, Main St. " il it Millinery. Cutler, A. J. Miss, Main St. Woodman, Mary P. Miss, Main St. Newspaper. Orleans Independent Standard, A. A. Earl, Proprietor. Photographer. Webster, Joseph, Main St. Physicians. Ruggles, Dr. Skinner, R. G. Skinner, J. P. Postmaster. RAWSON, E. E. Main St. Stoves and Tinware. Chamberlain, Henry, Main St. Whitcher, H. 0. " Town Clerk. Wm. Graves. Watches and Jewelry. Graves, Wm. Main St. RAWSON, E. E. " 452 CONNECTICUT RIVER Miscellaneous. MASONIC. Keystone Chapter No. — . M. M. Scott, Sec. Regular Communication Monday eve., on or preceding full moon. Orleans No. 65, F. & A. M. J. P. Baldwin, W. M., C. H. Dwinnell, Sec. Regular Com munications Friday eve., on or before full moon. GOOD TEMPLARS. Phoenix Lodge Good Templars, No. 12. Officers elected quarterly. Meet Tuesday eve. ifSTAL UEE HOTEL R. H. LITTLE, Proprietor, Located 5 rods from Crystal Lake, which is 3 miles long and 1 mile wide. 6 miles to Willoughby Lake, (one of the most remarkable lakes in the world,) 6 to Willoughby Mountains, where a fine view may be obtained. Good fishing ponds within one mile of Hotel. A good Livery connected with the House. NEWPORT, Orleans County, Vermont, on the Shore of Lake Memphreraagog, about 2 miles from the Canada Line, 54 miles north of St. Johnsbury, numbers about 2000 people, and is rap- idly growing in wealth and population. Large numbers of Tourists visit Newport every season. The Memphremagog House, by Messrs. Buck & Pender, is equal to any of our city Hotels, and will accommodate about 300 guests. Tables are supplied with all the delicacies of the season, includ- ing Lake Trout, fresh from the Lake. There is not much man- ufacturing done here. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 453 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. Allen, J. T. Main St. Bisbee, L. H. " Crane, W. D. " Bakers. SNELL, W. L. & CO., Main St. Blacksmiths. Preston, J. F. First St. FIELD, L. D. " Wood, Moses, Main St. Bark Extract Manufacturers, (Hemlock.) American Bark Extract Co., N. C. Page, Agent. DEWEY, A. S. Main St. RAND, W. H. Carriage Manufacturers. t. Clergyman. S. T. Frost, (Bap.) Dentist. Huntington, E. Main St. Druggists and Booksellers. GREEN, J. Y. Main St. Hall, James R. " Dry Goods and Hoop Skirts. OILMAN, W. C. & SON, Main St. See adv. index. Engraver. Shaw, B. E. Main St. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St., Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Cettiflcates of Stock, &c., Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every variety executed in the best style. 454 CONNECTICUT RIVER Flour, Grain and Hardware, (Wholesale.) BAKER, BROWN & CO., Main St. Fancy Goods and Notions. OILMAN, W. C. & SON, Main St. See adv. index. Hotels. LAKE HOUSE, Railroad St., Horace Bean, Pro. MEMPHREMAGOG HOUSE, Main St., Buck & Pender, Pro's. Marble Worker. Fuller, Warren, Main St. Meat Market. BUCK & PENDER, Main St. Millinery. Gushing, J. H. Mrs. Main St. Goodwin, A. A. Mrs. " Green, A. F. Scott, P. Merchants. Babcock & Co. Main St., Groceries, Hardware, &c. GUSHING, J. H. " Dry Goods, Millinery, Groceries, &c. Goodrich & Pratt, Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture. GILMAN, W. & C. & SON, Main St., Dry, Fancy, Notions, Cloths, Hoop Skirts. See adv. index. Huntley & Barrow, Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. McCLARr, 0. R. Main St., Cloths, Clothing, Fancy Goods, &c. Prouty, R. & Co., Trues Block, Main St., Dry and Fancy Goods, Notions. TRUE, E. B. & CO., Main St., Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard- ware, &G. Warren, W. W. Main St., Groceries, Boots, Shoes, &c. KELLOGG & BULKELEY, 245 Main St , Hartford, Lithographers. Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Stock, &c.. Checks Stamped and Numbered, Lithographic work of every Tariety executed in the best style. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 455 Newspaper. The Newport Express, Main St., Camp & Cummings, Pro's. Photographer. Blanchard, H. T. Main St. Physicians. Carpenter, H. H. Main St. Currier, J. M. " Patch, L. " Rutherford, J. C. " Postmaster. Cushing, J. H. Main St. Printers, (Job.) Camp & Cummings, Main St. Railroad Agent'. • SHERMAN, F. M. Agent Conn. & Passumpsic Rivers R. R. Restauiants. English, D. G. Main St. SNELL, W. L. & CO., Main St. Sash, Doors and Blind Manufacturers. Haiding, J. D. Main St. Stimpson & Co., " Sawing and Planing. Harding, J. D. Main St. Stimpson & Co. " Stables. Bean, Horace, Railroad St. SNELL, W. L. & CO. Main St. Stoves and Tinware. Barnes, J. G. Main St. REYNOLDS, C. D. " 456 ONNECTICUT EIVER Tailors. LIVINGSTON, L. D. Main St. McCLARY, 0. R. Town Clerk and Treasurer. Royal, Cummiugs, Main St. Watches and Jewelry. Shaw, B. E. Main St. Masonic. Mempliremagog Lodge, F. & A. M. No. 65. E. B. Fairchild, W. M., H. S. Root, Sec'y. MW NEWPORT, VERMONT. BUCK & FUNDAR^ Proprietors. This House, which ranks among the first-class Hotels in New England, is situated at the head of "Where the Water and Mountain Scenery cannot be Surpassed. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 457 W. O. OILMAN & SON, Dealers in trp ffi00bs, Muncv §00trs, Motiom, & ^^R* ^25 ^^^ CoiMiei* diai>el «fc Ooiigi'css Stx'oets, ZVe^r Haven, Ct. BY S. W. ALLIS. [trriam fttanttfettering fompang, MANUFACTUREKS OF Japanned and Stamped Tin Ware, Toilet Ware, HOUSE FURNISHmG GOODS, TIN TOYS, &C., lL>JJItTlA.lM, GOISIS. E2. O. ]M:.4.LTI5Y^, MANUFACTURER OF COCOA DIPPEKS, nsrORTHFOHID, 003SrI^T- TERMS :— Rimmed, per doz., $3.75 ; Plain, per doz., $3.25 ; Net Cash, at New Haven Depot. MANUFACTURER OF W hillock's Patent Self-Oiliog Boxes, GUARANTEED TO RUN SIX MONTHS WITHOUT RE-OILING, Also, Sbaf ting, Hangers and Pulleys, Water Wlieel Regulators, Twisters for H'^oolen Yarn, Keels for "Woolen or Cotton Yarn, Braiding Machines, Button Machinery, I^atlies, and General Machinery. iPir mi^fWJwrf lifniiipj OPPOSITE NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN DEPOT, .A.. li. HALE, I^I^OPR^IE rOIJ Turbine Water Wheel Manufacturing Company. J. D. CHASE & SONS, Agents. L. KILBURN, Teeasurer L. E. HOLMES, Secretary, NTS. \ L. KILBURN & CO. D. POMROY. J. R. DERBY. S. POLAND. IMPROVED EXCELSIOR JONVAL TURBINE J. D. CHASE & SONS and D. POMROY'S Patent, July 31, 1866. Manufactured by TURBINE WATER WHEEL MANUFACTURING CO., and warranted to give a superior per cent, of power, low price, and unequalled in con- venience and durability. Also, Circular Saw Mills, with most simple and durable Lever Setts in use, conve- nient and durable ; Grist, Woolen and Paper Mills constructed, Shafting, Gearing, Pulleys, &c., furnished, and surveys for Mill sites made. Circulars representing, furnished on application. Address, J. D. CHASE & SONS, Agents, Orange, Mass. L. K:iLBXJR,]Nr <&> CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CANE SXSAT CHAIRS, L. KILBURN, E. FRENCH G. E. POLAND SD. ) Orange, Mass. J. S. Dewing is connected with the firm of L. K. & Co. in the manufacture of Furniture. HUNT, WAITE & FLINT, MANUFACTURERS; Dlannfactnrers of WmtM^t Mm§Mmw WmlMmM fflillif Wammef^ Falling jStocks Fulling Mills, Dusters, Washers for Rinsing Cloths, Gigs, Dye Tubs, Blue Vats, Wool Washers for washing Wool, Steam Boxes, Cloth Boards, Picker Sticks, Grist Mills, Upright and Circular Saw Mills, Woodworth's flaning Machine, :^:Fl.E.^f^ST cfc TTJ^^IOIIsrE "Vsr..^TE^^ ATV^XIBBILiS, Eegulators, Elevators, Shalting, Gearing, Pulleys, Gate Screws for Hoisting Gates, &c ALSO IRON FOUNDERS. Every description of Casting furnished at Short Notice. All Machines and Castings furnished at this Establishment, warranted. RODNEY HUNT, JAMES H. WAITE, DAVID B. ELINT. (Successors to R. E. Carpenter,) Manufacturers and Dealers in PINE AND OAK FAILS. Al!5;o ]ytainifact«jrex*s of* all kinds of* Liimtoer, And Wholesale Dealers in Grain and Meal. H H. WHITNEY, E. LORD, AMOS ADAMS. ©iiawg^, ^ass. GEORGE GERRY, Manufacturer of Woodworth & DauieFs Planing Machines, BLIND SLAT CRIMPERS, Jack, Bench and Clamp Screws, Cliair Lallics, Dusters for Cleaning Waste, Also, all kinds of Mill and Saw Shafting. »3~Job Woik of all kinds Done at Short Notice.. ATHOL DEPOT, MASS. WESTON &. PLACE, Manufacturers of STEEL, BRASS, CAi^E & LEASE REEDS, And Dealers in ra^ao OLD REEDS RESET AND REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. Ilg S. N. WESTON, ) J. D. PLACE. J FiTCHBURG, Mass. All orders bjy mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. PWiPI^J HO WjVL. F. P/y. fROPRIETOE^. i^MT IIP c^. 162 IpAIN |S^TKX:ET, ^piTCKBUKG, ^ASS. This House is located in the business part of the Town, next to Post Office, Court House and Public Halls and is the General Head-Quarters for Business Men. IT HAS EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS And reasonable Charges. A Free Carriage to carry Passengers to and from the Depot. There is a good Stable connected with the House and fine Horses and Carriages to let ON REASONABLE TERMS. ■iiiiAi Siiii, Opposite the iMtiiai i?i 9; JOSBPH WATBRHOUSE, Proprietor, ^i„Fi*ee Oai'riag-e to ami from tlie Cax's. MANUFACTURED BY THE IS^^SHTJA, Isq^. H. Are no longer a novelty, and the high estimate entertained of their very great merit over those made of iron, by all who have used them, together with the rapidity with which they are now coming into general use, obviates all occasion for any recommendations. Their decided advantages, especially when considered in a SANI- TARr, ECONOMICAL and ORNAMENTAL point of view, are facts too well established to admit of question ; and are rapidly securing the public appreciation. The company are manufacturing for the present season 8,000 Stoves, embracing a which for elegance of design and perfection of finish, as well as in point of utility, excel any Stoves yet put upon the market. To those familiar with the different qualities of Soapstone, it will be unnecessary to say that the Francestown quarry furnishes the only stone susceptible of a high degree of polish, or to speak of its superiority as a fire stone. The Company are constantly prepared to fill orders for SLABS of any tliickness, REGISTER FRAMES, GRIDDLES, ROUND GRATE STONES, FOOT WARMERS, HAND STONES, FUNNEL STONES, CHIMNEY CAPS, SOAPSTONE DUST, &c. &e. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, BRIDGE ST., NASHUA, N. H. 602 Broadway, New York. 69 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 8 Burnet House Building, Cincinnatti, Ohio. F. A. BARTON, GJ^eneral Ag-ent. Manufacturers op ENGINE & HAND LATHES, TAPPinC^ MACHIiyrCS^ 6Lan o4.lso Dies, Picles, Metallic Patterns, anl MacMnerj raaJe to orJer. We are Prepared to contract for the manufacture of Patented Articles, Ssiall Hard- wake and parts of Sewing Machines. NO. 11 Biver St., - - NASHUA, N. H. [Successors to S. £!. SZJSSA P®mtm©iit Wt®®ili* iff©ii©i* fmi ffi#w©tif &@®i mmi Iterts* TAG FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MERC H ANDISE, StjlcIo. a^s WOOLENS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Gum. Labels, Fancy Tickets. DIRECTION LABELS AND SHIPPING CARDS, DBNNISON'S TOUGH CHEAP STOCK. Manufactured by AND 198 BROADWAY, NEW^ YORK. rOR SALE BY PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. HARTFORD AND NEW YORK TEAMBOAT tn M THE :^EW Al^TD SP1.EMDI» STEAMERS "STATE of NEW YOEK," ^]VI> "CITY OE HAETEOED," Leave NEW YORK from PECK SLIP, East River, alternately at 4 P. M., connecting at HARTFORD with early trains running North and East. Leave HARTFORD at 4 P. M., arriving in NEW YORK at 5 A. M. 66 THE F^ST STEA]M:EIi, SILA^EH STA^R" Leaves HARTFORD for Saybrook daily at 4-^ P. M., stopping at all landings on the river, and connects with the regular New York boats, thus allowing passengers one hour longer in Hartford than the regular boats. lew Improved Radiating Hot Air Furnace. A SUPERIOR FURNACE for heat- ing Churches, School Houses, Public Buildings, and Private Residences, on account of its great radiating surface, simplicity of construction, durability and economy, free from leakage of gas, and does not require cleaning. Build- ers, Architects, and all others inter- ested, are invited to examine it. Wholesale and retail dealer in Fur - naces, Manges, Soapstone Fire- places, and Portable Orates for burning wood or coal. Parlor and Chamber Grates, Chimney Pots, Flat Heater Stoves, Ventilators, JRegisters, &c., <&c. Bay State Gas Stoves for Cooh- ing. Levi GWliict, "^ (Successor to Leopold Herman,) 10 Bedford St., formerly 836 and 338 Washington St., IBOSTOIsr. SPRINGFIXSIiD .1111 MASSACHUSETTS. Sash iapltM^ Imrpiei H a S S B SaialBBaiBia m git J. N. Dunham, Sec. Edmund Freeman, Pres. Sanford J. Hall, Asst. Sec. ¥ uniMW ii8i» PROVIDEJfCE, R. L KILBURN k HALL Proprietors. J. M. KILBUJRN. W. FRJ.NK BALIj. AUSTIN & GARPEIffTER, ASSAYERS AND SMELTERS, No. 38 Clifford Street, Formerly 50 Clifford Street, JOHN AUSTIN. PROVIDENCE, R. I. horace f. carpenter. Fine Gold, Silver and Copper, Crucibles, Jhc, always on hand. Chemicals made to order. JACOB HOEET, iKr"v-EnsrToi=L oif- Patent Bedsteads 'i^ i^c. Jl(§o iiei MAirUFACTUREIlS OF BEDSTEADS, And any parties desiring to make good investments will find it for their, interest to address the above. JMSMJHIMLD&m DEALERS IN P) IDI £11 ill M ©) (i^ O ® 9) Ml [A iMANUFACTURERS OF Ale PTimps, Pewter Still Worms, Deep Sea Leads, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Hatters^ Kettles, Seine Leads, Ship JPunips, Candle 3Ioidds, etc., 262 WuUt Biv^^i, Bew fork. X^ ■ P XS R Hi JL p JUannfaeturer of 120 FULTON STREET, Manufacturers of AGRAFFE PIANO-FORTES, No. 88 WALKER STREET, Near B p. O AD WAY, croHiisr o. o-iS/EEiT, MACHINERY AND TOOLS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 108 Centre Street, - - NEW YORK, mnn ieanriii and Leonard. W raw Manufacturers and Dealers in MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, And Agents for the Sale of Sole Agents for Patent Reversable Brush, 28 IPI^On^T STI^IBIBT. GEORGE CROMPTON, CHARLES DAWSON. « WM. H. BROWN, ;dnd M^anufacturer of MOULDING CUTTERS, No. 44 Exchange Street, Corner, of Unio N, FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! liiW iJMiS ?ii laiSiil Until now Fires have only been met by means too dilatory, too late, and too cumhrous. PORTABLE FIEE ENGINE. Is inexpensive, and so simple in its construction that the _ mere turning of a cock puts it into full action. __ {armless to Life, Health, and Property. Always ready for instant use. So portable that a man carries it without hindrance to active exertions. For Manufactories, Warehouses, Railroad Depots, Public Buildings, Hotels and Pri- vate Residences, it is indispensable, and for Steam and Sailing Vessels it is as vitally necessary as a life boat or a life preserver. So simple that a boy can charge or manage it. It is endorsed by the Chiefs of Fire Departments of Boston, New York, and numerous other cities and towns in the UNITED STATES and EUROPE.' l^"Send for a Circular.,^ Address AMERICAN Measss ST., bostqh. WOOD, LIGHT &; CO. Manufacturers of ENGINE LATHES, From 15 to 100 inches Swin^, and from 6 to 30 feet long. To Plane from 4 to 30 feet Long, and from 24 to 60 inches Wide. Nasmyths' Steam Hammers, Gun Machinery, Mill Work, Shafting and Hangers, Patent Self-Oiling Box. WAREHOUSE, 107 Liberty Street, 1I©W ¥#* flllF® MANUFACTORY, Jiinction Shop, roiji Having completed our new Factory, and supplied the same with the most improved machinery, of our own manufacture, we are prepared to fill orders for aeUae ttari Milngi Of every variety, for Cotton, Wool, Flax, (^c. •WPlEliE llAKtSl Coarse, Medium and Fine numbers; NAPPING CARDS, OF ALL KINDS, Of all fractional widths. Cylinder & Stripping Cards, Card Cleaners, Doffer Combs, (Stc. Promptness in execution, unsurpassed quality of goods, and FAIR, JUST PRICES, will control our dealings. MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, CARDING MACHINES, &c., furnished to order. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Edwin S. Lawrence, Sup't. SARGENT &■ CO., Agents, 70 Beekraan Street, New York. FTTItBl/SH Jt &AGE, Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. K££N£, N. H., ISvd:^^lSrTJI^..^CTTJ:E=LBI=l. OT^ Circular NaTr-Mills, Planing IflacliiRe^, and other lVood-l¥orkin^ Machinery, STEAM ENGINES, WATER-WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING, AND MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Particular attention given to the construction of the Improved Four- neyron (or outward flow) TnrMne) with Iron, Steel, or nicely finished Brass Buckets, adapted to Wooden Flumes, or furnished with Iron Frame and Pen Stock, as represented by the annexed cut. These Wheels yield the highest per centage of useful effect, and, for all purposes requiring a steady and uniform power, with economy of water, they are, undoubt- edly, the best wheel in use. Also, Lakin's Patent Self-Regnla- ting Tnrbine, and Superior Central Discharge Water Wheels furnished Improved Fonrneyroii Turbine, nith Iron Frame & Water Pipe, at low prices. MANUFACTURER OF PAILS AND SAP BUCKETS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. All Orders Promptly Attended to at his Steam Mill, KEENE, ISr. H. FREDERICK MILLER, Manufacturer of l^' I'M AND MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, Opposite the Worcester Passenger Station, No. 29 Canal jStreet, FFLOVIDElSrOE, R,. I. "^"—^ WEAVER'S REEDS, HARNESSES, SHUTTLES, PICKERS, BANDING FACTORY LEATHER, BELTING, SPINDLES, COTTON & WORSTED HARNESS TWINE, DRESSER BRUSHES, LOOM STRAP AND JACK HOOKS, GUIDE WIRES, CARD CLOTHING, SPINNING RINGS, RING TRAVELERS, HARNESS EYES, AND BELT HOOKS. Cotton, Cassimere, Broad, Crane, Car- pet, Duck and Wire Cloth Reeds and Harnesses, manufactured to order, of a superior quality. Particular attention to orders for Man- ufacturers' Supplies, of all kinds, and furnished at the lowest cash prices. Every variety of Wire Hooks and Eyes for Looms, Belt Hooks, and all kinds of Flat Wire, furnished to order by sample. Reeds re-set and repjyred in the best manner. GOLD MEDAL IMl m Highest Premium AWARDED AT MECHANICS' FAIE, &Wsi) ^T'QM^ MAY, 118®. Price $40 to $100. Send for Circulars. f®] ilHllL Willi. Manufacturer of POMOHJLAIW TBH*-' AND Itttlfti t ittfltl OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Platina plate and wire in all forms, and imported to order for special uses. NITRATE OF AMMONIA. CATALOGUES SENT ON APPLICATION, also I='XJ:B3LjISI3:E]I=L OIF" the XDEISTT-A-Ij CDO&lSAO&z A Monthly Record of Dental Science, devoted to the interests of the Profession. Price $2.50 a year in advance ; single copies, 25. Sample numbers sent to any address. I> E: I» O T S : 528 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 767 &769 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 16 TREMONT ROW, BOSTON. lOO & I02 RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO. THE HtOAVE Sewing KacMnesI ESTABLISHED 1848. IMPROVED, 1860, '62, '64, '66. T^ "'HIS long-established and popular Machine has re- cently been re-modeled, enlarged, improved in many respects, and as at present constructed has no superior as a first-class instrument for family sewing or general manufacturing, either in cloth or leather, and is now- offered to the public on terms more liberal than hereto- fore. It has been the inventor's aim to pioduce a single machine so simple in its mechanism as to come within the comprehension of every one, and at the same time being so delicate in its operation as to perform perfectly on the lightest fabrics ; still having strength suflScient for making any or every garment worn by male or fe- male, and that he has succeeded to the fullest extent is amply testified to in the rapidly increasing sales and popularity of the Machine wherever introduced. It uses a short, straight and shank needle, with direct perpendicular action— has a large shuttle holding abundant thread— makes the Elastic Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides— uses a strong tension and draws up a tight seam without breaking threads— has an adjustable head to prevent the missing of stitches— has a needle guard to prevent the breaking of needles— has the four motion drop feed, or the wheel feed, at the option of the pur- chaser runs rapid, light and smooth — in fact it possesses every requisite for a first-class Machine, and pur- chasers can be assured of its giving entire satisfaction in every department of application. Agents wanted throughout the United States, and to whom unusually liberal inducements will be offered. All agents can be supplied direct from this offi e. Send for Circular, and address, A. B. HOWE, 437 Broadway, J^. T,, Sole Proprietor of the Mowe Sewing Machines, Highest Premium, Lock-stitch lEWIMl MACHIM.^^ The Great Family Sewing Machine of the Age. 543 BROADWAY, N. Y. SEE ISTEXT F^OE. Volute Tension, Crystal Presser, i!feLLiPTIg Adjustable Brop Feed,^^ Elliptic Hook. ' !)HE improved Elliptic Sewing Machine, (formerly known as the Sloat Elliptic,) is now owned by one of the strongest companies in the United States, with a capital lepgi of ONE MILLION dollars, which, employing the finest machinery in the world in its manufacture, and owning the latest patented improvements, confidently presents the Elliptic as incomparably the most perfect family sewing machine ever made. Believing that a thorough investigation (which we particularly desire) can not fail to satisfy every one of the entire truthfulness of our assertions, and of the preeminent superiority of our machine, we cordially invite all who may wish to see a Perfect Family Sewing Machine, (whether desiring to purchase or not,) to call at our establishment in this city, or at any of our agencies throughout the country, and examine it for themselves. The Elliptic Machine, (which is the strongest and most durable in use,) while emi- nently adapted to the wants of the dress-maker, seamstress, tailor, or manufacturer of shirts, collars, mantillas, cloaks, corsets, clothing, ladies' gaiters, linen and silk goods, etc., etc., (for all of which purposes it is unequaled, performing with ease and perfection the work of a dozen hand-sewers, or almost any other two machines,) is incomparably supe- rior to all others for the use of the family, and now stands "jo«r excellence," and by the common consent of all who have seen it, as the great Family Sewing Machine of the age, having established itself, wherever adopted, as the great and exclusive favorite, especially with the ladies, to whose invariable recommendations the great success of the machine, as a family machine, is in a great measure due. » •mmm' « PERFECTION OF MECHANISM. The following is a condensed synopsis of the chief desiderata which, combined only in this machine, render it incomparably superior to all others : 1. Pre-eminent Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. 2. TJnequaled Strength and Durability of Seam, that will not rip nor ravel. 3. Great Economy of Thread, costing less than one half as much as most other machines. 4. Unexampled Kapidity of Movement, making from 1000 to 2000 stitches per miuute. 5. Kemarltable Ease of Operation and Management ; a child ten years old can use it without difliculty 6. Noiselessness of Movement ; it can be used where quiet is necessary. 7. Its many Improvements and Attachments, and consequent unequaled range of work. 8. Its ^vonderf ul Simplicity of Construction and Mechanical Perfection, rendering derangement almost impossible. 9. Compactness and Elegance of Model and Finish, rendering it a real ornament for the parlor. 10. An adjustable Feed-Bar, readilv adapting it to material of any class or thickness. 11. The Elliptic Hook, a most ingenious device for making the lock-stitch with unequaled precision. 12. it will Seam, Hem, Fell, Tuck, Gather, Braid, Bind, Cord, Clullt and Embroider with unequaled perfection. In the above, and all other requisites of a Perfect Sewing Machine, it stands uriri- valed and unapproachable. The Elliptic is now in use by A. T. Stewart & Co., I. E. Walraven, O'Sulhvan & Grey, James Cox, and other of the best houses in New York. Report of Committee on Sewing Machines, at N. T. State Fair, 1806.— "We, the Committee on Sewing Machines, after a careful and thorough investigation into the respective merits of the various machines submitted for examination, find the Elliptic Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine to be superior to all others. From the Reports of the Maryland Institute Fair, 1S6G.— " We find the Elliptic Lock Stitch Sewing Machine to excel all others." No. 1 Machine. Plain, $55 I No. 3 Machine. In Half-Case, W.axed, -$82 No. 2 " Ornamental Bronze, - - 65 | No. 2 " " " Polished, - 7 No. 3 " Silver Plated, - - - - 75 j No. 3_ " " " ^^ - » No. 2 " In Ilalf-Oase Waxed, 72 Full Cases front $100, upwards. Machines (which are warranted for two vears) forwarded to any part of the world, with printed instructions (which will enable any one to operate them without the slightest ditHculty) for use, on receipt of the price in current funds or by draft. Agents wanted in territory unoecupicd. Address, ». S. COVEKT, Gen. Agt. ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., 543 Broadway, N' X.