CUBA THE UNITED STATES. Remarks ox the Hon. Chas, Sumner's speech, delivered at the Republican Convention of Massachusetts, the 2 2d September, 1869. (Adopted ami approved by the Central Republican .Junto of Cuba, and Porto-Biro.) NEW YORK : STYLES & CASH, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, 9 5 ElCHTH A?KS1'B. 186!). CUBA BEFORE THE UNITED STATES. Remarks on the Hon. Chas. Sumner's speech, delivered at the Republican Convention of Massachusetts, the 2 2d September, 1869. (Adopted and approved by the Central Republican Junta of Cuba and Porto-Rico.) NEW YOEK : STYLES & CASH, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, 95 Eighth Avenue. 1869. 46782 /