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Many who might have claimed this as their home went into service from other places and are credited to the county from which they were inducted. In some respects this is unfor- tunate; but it seemed best to the author not to include their records in this work. Our judgment in this matter may be criticized, but this volume is intended to be a historical record — a reference book for future use — and for this reason the lines have been more closely drawn than they otherwise would have been. We feel that some special reference should be made to the Penn Yan Chapter of the American Red Cross. While the record of this noble band of workers, most of whom are women, as set forth in detail elsewhere in this book, speaks for itself, the fact that much of this record was made under the direction of officers other than those whose pictures appear in the group of Red Cross officers, seems to call for a word of explanation. In an undertaking of this kind there must neces- sarily be some limitations as to the number of illustrations used, and for that reason, only the officers first chosen by the Red Cross are in- cluded in this book. Those having direction of the work at later per- iods of the war are entitled to a large share of the credit for the achievements of the Red Cross. All performed a noble service, and their work did much to lighten the burden of the boys in camp and at the front. Many were the sacrifices made that the "boys" might be made more comfortable, and the work of the Red Cross will always be gratefully remembered. It is not the purpose of the author to sit in judgment and try to de- cide "who is who" in the matter of Yates County's heroes and workers in the world war. The records and other information which we are publishing are from official sources. Whatever is lacking to make this work complete was beyond our reach. Having did out best, we dedicate our humble efforts to "the boys who went". "The broken soldier, kindly bade to stay Sat by his Are, and talked the night away; Wept o'er his wounds, or, tales of sorrow done, Shouldered his crutch, and showed how fields were won." 'Page Five m THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS APRIL 2, 1917 PRESIDENT WOOD ROW WILSON. Gentlemen of the Congress: I have called the Congress into ex- traordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made, and made immediately, •which it was neither right nor con- stitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibility of making. On the third of February last I of- ficially laid before you the extraordi- nary announcement of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it was its pur- pose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to ap- proach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland or the western coasts of Europe or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean. That had seemed to be the object of the German submarine warfare earlier in the war, but since April of last year the Imperial Govern- ment had somewhat restrained the com- manders of its undersea craft in con- formity with its promise then given to us that passenger boats should not be sunk and that due warning would be given to all other vessels which its submarines might seek to destroy, when no resistence was offered or escape at- tempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a fair chance to save their lives in their open boats. The precautions taken were meagre and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of re- straint was observed. The new policy has swept every restriction aside. Ves- sels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their desti- nation, their errand, have been ruth- lessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the ves- sels of friendly neutrals along wiith those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter -were provid- ed with safe conduct through the pro- scribed areas by the German Govern- ment itself and were distinguished by unmistakable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle. I was for a little while unable to be- lieve that such things would in fact be done by any government that had hitherto subscribed to the humane prac- tices of civilized nations. Internation- al law had its origin in the attempt to set up some law which would be re- spected and observed upon the seas, where no nation had right of dominion and where lay the free highways of the world. By painful stag'e after stage has that law been built up, with meagre enough results, indeed, after all was accomplished that could be accomplish- ed, but always with a clear view, at least, of what the heart and conscience of mankind demanded. This minimum of right the German Government has swept aside under the plea of retalia- tion and necessity and because it had no weapons which it could use at sea except these which it is impossible to employ as it is employing them without throwing to the winds all scruples of humanity or of respect for the under- standings that were supposed to under- lie the intercourse of the world. I am not now thinking of the loss of proper- ty involved, immense and serious as that is, but only of the wanton and wholesale destruction of the lives of non-combatants, men, women and chil- dren, engaged in pursuits which have always even in the darkest periods of modern history, been deemed inno- cent and legitimate. Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and inno- cent people cannot be. The present Ger- man submarine warfare against com- merce is a warfare against mankind. It is a war against all nations. Amer- ican ships have been sunk, American lives taken, in ways which it has stir- red us very deeply to learn of, but the ships and people of other neutral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhelmed in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. 'Page Six The challenge is to all mankind. Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for our- selves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness of S2X judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. We must put excited feelings away. Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious asser- tion of the physical might of the na- tion, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a single champion. When I addressed the Congress on the twenty-sixth of February last I thought that it would suffice to assert our neutral rights with arms, our right lo use the seas against unlawful in- terference, our right to keep our people safe against unlawful violence. But armed neutrality, it now appears, is impracticable. Because submarines are in effect outlaws when used as the Ger- man submarines have been used against merchant shipping, it is impossible to defend ships against their at- tacks as the law of nations has assumed that merchantmen -would de- fend themselves against privateers or cruisers, visible craft giving- chase upon the open sea. It is common prudence in such circumstances, grim necessity in- deed, to endeavor to destroy them be- fore they have shown their own inten- tion. They must be dealt with upon Sight, if dealt with at all. The Ger- man Government denies the right of neutrals to use arms at all within the areas of the sea which it has proscrib- ed, even in the defense of rights which no modern publicist has ever before questioned their right to defend. The intimation is conveyed that the armed guards which we have placed on our merchant ships will be. treated as be- yond the pale of law and subject to be dealt with as pirates would be. Arm- ed neutrality is ineffectual enough at best; in such circumstances and in the face of such pretensions it is worse than ineffectual; it is likely only to produce what it was meant to pre- vent; it is practically certain to draw us into the war without either the rights or the effectiveness of belliger- ents. There is one choice we cannot make, we are incapable of making; we will not choose the path of submission and suffer the most sacred rights of our nation and our people to be ignored or v.olated. The wrongs against which we now array ourselves are no com- mon wrongs; they cut to the very roots of human life. With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave respon- sibilities which it involves, but in un- hesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less than war against the government and people of the Unit- ed States; that, it formally accept the status of belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it; and that it take immediate steps not only to put the country in a more thorough state of de- f . • 1 1 s ',, but also to exert all its power and employ all its resources to bring the Government of the German Em- pire to terms and end the war. What this will involve is clear. It will involve the utmost practicable co- operation 'in counsel and action with the governments now at war with Ger- many, and, as incident to that, the ex- tension to those governments of the most liberal financial credits, in order that our resources may so far as pos- sible be added to theirs. It will in- volve the organization and mobiliza- tion of all the material resources of the country to supply the materials of war and serve the incidental needs of the nation in the most abundant and yet the most economical and efficient way possible. It will involve the immediate full equipment of the navy in all re- spects but particularly in supplying- it with the best means of dealing with the enemy's submarines. It will involve the immediate addition to the armed forces of the United States already pro- vided for by law lin case of war at least five hundred thousand men, who should, in my opinion, be chosen upon the principle of universal liability to service, and also the authorization of subsequent additional increments of equal force so scon as they may be needed and can be handled in training-. It will involve also, of course, the granting of adequate credits to the Government, sustained I hope, so far as they can equitably be sustained by the present generation, by well con- ceived taxation. I say sustained so far as may be equitable by taxation because it seems to me that it would be most unwise to base the credits which will now be necessary entirely on money borrowed. It is our duty, I most respectfully urge, to protect our people so far as we may against the very serious hardships and evils which would be likely to arise out of the inflation which would be produced by vast loans. In carrying out the measures by wh'ch these things are to be accom- plished we should keep constantly in mind the wisdom of interfering as lit- tle as possible in our own preparation and in the equipment of our own mili- tary forces with the duty, — for it will be a very practical duty, — of supply- : ng the nations already at war with Germany with the materials which Lhey can obtain only from us or by our assistance. Thej' are in the field and we should help them in every way to be effective there. I shall take the liberty of suggest- ing, through the several executive de- partments of the Government, for the consideration of your committees, measures for the accomplishment of the several objects I have mentioned. I hope that it will be your pleasure to V^al with them as having been fram- ed after very careful thought by the branch of the Government upon which the responsibility of conducting the war and safeguarding the nation will most directly fall. While we do these things, these deeply momentous things, let us be very clear, and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our ob- jects are. My own thought has not been driven from its habitual and normal course by the unhappy events of the last two months, and I do not believe that the thought of the nation has been altered or clouded by them. I have exactly the same things in mind now that I had in mind when I addressed the Senate on the twenty-second of Jan- uary last; the same that I had in mind when I addressed the Congress on the third of February, and on the twenty- sixth of February. Our object now, as then,, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power and to set up amongst the really free and self-governed people of the world such a concert of purpose and of action as will henceforth ensure the observance of those principles. Neu- trality is no longer feasible or desir- able where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and free- dom lies in the existence of autocratic governments backed by organized force which is controlled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrality in such circumstances. We are at the be- ginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong done shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observ- ed among the individual citizens of civilized states. We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feeling towards them but one of sympathy and friend- ship. It was not upon their impulse that their government acted in en- tering this war. It was not with their previous knowledge or approval. It was a war determined upon as wars used to be determined upon in the old, un- happy days when people were no- where consulted by their rulers and wars were provoked and waged in the interest of dynasties or of little groups of ambitious men who were accustom- ed to use their fellowmen as pawns and tools Self-governed nations do not fill their neighbor states with spies or set the course of intrigue to bring about some critical posture of affairs which will give them an opportunity to strike and make conquest. Such designs can be successfully worked out only under •ever and where no one has the right to ask questions. Cunningly contrived plans of deception or aggression, car- ried, it may be, from generation to generation, can be worked out and kept from the light only within the privacy of courts or behind the care- fully guarded confidences of a nar- row and privileged class. They are hap - pily impossible where public opinion commands and insists upon full infor- mation concerning all the nation's af- fairs. A steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by a part- nership of democratic nations. No au- tocratic government could be trust- ed to keep faith within it or observe its covenants. It must be a league of hon- our, a partnership of opinion. Intrigue would eat its vitals away; the plot- tings of inner circles who could plan 'Page Seven what they would and render account to no one would be a corruption seat- ed at its very heart. Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their hon- our steady to a common end and pre- fer the interest of mankind to any nar- row interests of their own. Does not every American feel that assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been happening within the last few weeks in Russia? Russia was known by those who knew it best to have been always in fact democratic at heart, in all the vital habits of her thought, in all the intimate relation- ships of her people that spoke their natural instinct, their habitual atti- tude towards life. The autocracy that crowned the summit of her political structure, long as it had stood and terrible as was the reality of its pow- er, was not in fact Russian in origin, character or purpose; and now it has been shaken off and the great, gen- erous Russian people have been added In all their naive majesty and might to the forces that are fighting for free- dom in the world, for justice, and for peace. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honour. One of the things that has served to convince us that the Prussian autoc- racy was not and could never be our friend is that from the very outset of the present war it has filled our un- suspecting communities and even our offices of government with spies and set criminal intrigues everywhere afoot against our national unity of counsel, u ur peace within and without, our in- dustries and our commerce. Indeed it is now evident that its spies were here even before the war began; and it is unhappily not a matter of conjecture but a fact proved in our courts of jus- tice that the intrigues which have more than once come perilously near to disturbing the peace and dislocating the industries of the country have been carried on at the instigation, with the support, and even under the per- sonal direction of official agents of the Imperial Government accredited to the Government of the United States. Even in checking these things and trying to extirpate them we have sought to put the most generous interpretation possi- ble upon them because we knew that their source lay, not in any hostile feel- ing or purpose of the German people towards us (who were, no doubt as ignorant of them as we ourselves were) but only in the selfish designs of a Government that did what it pleased and told its people nothing. But they have played their part in serving to convince us at last that that Govern- ment entertains no real friendship for us and means to act against our peace and security at its convenience. That it means to stir up enemies against us at our very doors the intercepted note to the German Minister at Mexico City is eloquent evidence. We are accepting this challenge of hostile purpose because we know that in such a government, following such methods, we can never have a friend; and that in the presence of its organ- ized power, always lying in wait to accomplish we know not what pur- pose, there can be no assured security for the democratic governments of the world. We are now about to accept gage of battle with this natural foe to liberty and shall, if necessary, spend the whole force of the nation to check and nullify its pretensions and its pow- er. We are glad, now that we see the facts with no veil of false pretence about them, to fight thus for the ulti- mate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the German peoples included; for the rights of na- tions great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We de- sire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no mater- ial compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the nights of man- kind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them. Just because we fight without ran- cour and without selfish object, seeking nothing for ourselves but what we shall wish to share with all free peo- ples, we shall, I feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion and ourselves observe with proud punctilio the principles of right and of fair play we profess to be fight- ing for. I have said nothing of the govern- ments allied with the Imperial Govern- ment of Germany because they have not made war upon us or challenged us to defend our right and our honour. The Austro-Hungarian Government has, indeed, avowed its unqualified en- dorsement and acceptance of the reck- less and lawless submarine warfare adopted now without disguise by the Imperial German Government, and it has therefore not been possible for this Government to receive Count Tarnow- ski, the Ambassador recently accredit- ed to this Government by the Imperial and Royal Government of Austria-Hun- gary; but that Government has not actually engaged in warfare against citizens of the united States on the seas, and I take the liberty, for the present at least, of postponing a dis- cussion of our relations with the au- thorities at Vienna. We enter this war only where we are clearly forced into it because there are no other means of defending our rights. It will be all the easier for us to con- duct ourselves as belligerents in a high spirit of right and fairness because we act without animus, not in enmity to- wards a people or with the desire to bring any injury or disadvantage up- on them, but only in armed opposition to an irresponsible government which has thrown aside all considerations of humanity and of right and is running amuck. We are, let me say again, the s.ncere friends of the German people, and shall desire nothing so much as the early re-establishment of intimate relations of mutual advantage between us. — however hard it may be for them, for the time being, to believe that this is spoken from our hearts. We have borne with their present government through all these bitter months be- cause of that friendship, — exercising a patience and forbearance which would otherwise have been impossible. We shall, happily, still have an opportuni- ty to prove that friendship in our daily attitude and actions towards the mil- lions of men and women of German oirth and native sympathy who live amongst us and share our life, and we shall be proud to prove it towards all who are in fact loyal to their neigh- bors and to the Government in the hour of test. They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other fealty or allegiance. They will be prompt to s. and with us in rebuking and re- straining the few who may be of a dif- ferent mind and purpose. If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repres- sion; but, if it lifts its head at all, it will lift it only here and there and without countenance except from a lawless and malignant few. It is a distressing and oppressive duty, Gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus ad- dressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacri- fice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disas- trous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts — for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small na- tions, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all na- tions and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are a,nd everything that we [LJ have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America : s privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she can do no other. 'Page Eight RESOLUTION DECLARING WAR WITH GERMANY Whereas, The Imperial German Government has committed re- peated acts of war against the government and the people of the United States of America; therefore be it Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled, that the state of war between the United States and the Imperial German Government which has been thrust upon the United States, is hereby formally declared, and the President be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the government to carry on war against the Imperial German Government and to bring the conflict to a successful termination. All the resources of the coun- try are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States. President Wilson attached his signature to the above resolution, April 6, 1917, thus declaring the United States in a state of war with Germany as from that date. 'Page Nine THE VOTE OF CONGRESS ON THE RESOLUTION. APRIL 4. 1917 SENATE m TJ. S. Senator WILLIAM M. CALDER Brooklyn, N. Y. AYES. 82 Ashurst Kellogg Beckham Kendrick Borah Kenyon Bradv King Brandegee Kirby Broussard Knox Calder Lewis Chamberlain Lodge Colt McCumber Culberson McJ^ellar Cummins McLean Curtis Martin Dillingham Myers Fall Nelson Pernald New Fletcher Overman France Owen Frelinghuysen 1 'age Galligher Penrose Gerry Phelan Hale Pittman Harding Poindexter Hardwick Pomerene Hitchcock Bansdell Hughes Reed Husting Robinson James Saulsbury Johnson, Cal. Shafroth Johnson, S. Dak. Sheppard Jones, N. Mex. Sherman Jones, Wash. Shields Simmons Smith, Ariz. Smith, Ga. Smith, Mich. Smith, S. C. Smoot Sterling Sutherland Swanson Thompson Gronna La Follette Lane Townsend Tram m ell Underwood Wadsworth Walsh Warren Watson Weeks Williams Wolcott NAYS. 6 Norris Stone V a I'd air an NOT VOTING, 8 Bankhead Go ft Gore Hollis Newlanrts Smith, Mel. Thomas Tillman r m IT. S. Senator JAMES W. WADSWORTH, Jr. Gene.seo, N. Y. 'Page Ten THE VOTE OF CONGRESS ON THE RESOLUTION. APRIL 4. 1917 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AYES. 373 Adamson Alexander Anderson Anthony Ashbrook Aswell Austin Ayres Bacharach Bankhead Barkley Barnhart Bathrick Bell Black Blackmon Bland B 1 anto n Booher Borland Bowers Brand Brodbeck Browning Bruckner Brumbaugh Buchanan Butler Byrnes, S. C. Byrns, Tenn Caldwell Campbell Kans. Campbell, Pa. Candler, Miss Cannon Cantrill Caraway Carew Carl in Carter, Mass Carter, Okla. Chandler, N. Y. ^handler. Okla. Clark, Fla. Clark, Pa. Classon Claypool Ccady Collier Comstock Connally, Tex. Cooper, Ohio Cooper, W. Va. Copley Costello Cox Crage Cramton Crisp Crcsser Curry, Cal. Ouirie. Mich. Dale, N. Y. Dale, Vt. Dallinger I 'arrow Dempsey Denison Dent Denton Dewait Dickinson Dies Dixon I moling Doolittle Doremus Doughton I id well Drane I irukker Dunn Dupre Dyer Eagan Eagle Edmonds Ellsworth Hlston Emerson Estopiinal Evans Fairchild, B. L. Fairchild, G. W. Fairfield Farr Ferris Fess Fisher Fitzgerald Flood Flynn Focht Fordney Foss Foster- Francis Freeman French Fuller, Mass. Gallagher Gallivan Gandy Gard Gardner Garland Garner Garrett, Term. Garrett, Tex. Gillett Glass Glynn Godwin, N. C. Good Goodall Goodwin. Ark. Gordon Gould Graham, 111. Graham, Pa. Gray, Ala. Gray, N. J Green. Iowa Greene, Mass. Greene, Vt. Gregg Griest Griffin Hadley Hamill Hamilton, Mich. Hamilton, N. Y. Kamlin Hardy Harrison, Miss. Harrison, Va. Haskell Hastings Hawley Hay den Heaton Heflin Heintz Helm Helvering Hersey Hicks Holland Holl'ngsworth Hood Houston Howard Hurtdleston Hulbert Hull, Tenn. Humphreys Husted Hutchinson Ireland Jacoway James Johnson. Ky. Johnson, Wash. Jones, Tex. Jcnes, Va. Juel Kahn Kearns Kehoe Kelley, Mich. Representative NORMAN J. GOULD Seneca Falls, N. Y. Kelly, Pa. Kennedy, Iowa Kennedy, R. I. Kettner Key, Ohio Kiess, Pa. Kincheloe Kraus Kreider La Guardia Langley Larsen Hazaro Lea. Cal. Lehlbach Lenroot Lesher Lever Linthicum Littlepage Labeck Lonergan Longworth Lunn McAndrews Me Arthur McClintic McCormick McCulloch McFadden McKenzie McKcown McKinley McLaughlin, Mich. McLaughlin, Pa. Madden V; sec Ma her Mann Ala nsfield Mapes Martin. Ill Martin. La. Mays Miller, Minn. Miller, Wash. " Mondell Montague Moon Moore, Pa. MooreR', Ind. Morgan Mo rin Molt Mudd Neely Nieholls, S C. Nichols. Mich. Nclan Norton Oldfield Oliver, Ala. Oliver, N. Y . Olney Osborne O'Shaunessy Overmyer Overstreet Padgett Paige Park Parker, N. J Parker, N. Y. Peters Phelan Piatt Polk Porter Pou Pratt Price Purnell Quin Ragsdale Ra iney Raker R; msey Ramseyer i :.i s burn Reed I tiordan I : o b b i n s Robinson Rogers Rcmjue Rcse Rouse Rowe Rcwland Kubey Rucker Russell Ssbath Sanders, Ind. Sanders, La. Sanders, N. Y. Sanford Saunders, Va. Schall Scott, Iowa Scott, Mich. Scott, Pa. Scully Sears Sells Sl.allenberger Sherley Shouse Siegel Sims Sinnott Sisson Slayden Slemp Small Smith, Idaho Smith. Mich. Smith, N. Y. Snell Snook Snyder Steagall Stedman Steele Steenerson Stephens, Miss. Stephens, Nebr. Sterling, 111. Sterling, Pa. Stevenson Stiness Strong Sullivan Sumners Sweet. Swift Switzer Tague Talbott Taylor, Ark. Taylor, Colo. Temple Tt mpleton The mas Thompson Tillman Tilson Timberlake Tinkham Towner Treadway Vare Yenabl 5 \- estal Vinson Volstead Waldow Walker Walsh Walton Ward V Eson W atkins Walton, Pa. Watson, Va. Weaver Welling Welty Whaley White. Me. White, Ohio Williams Wilson, 111. Wilson, La. Wilson, Tex. W i n go Winslow Wise Wood. Ind. Woodyard Young, N. Dak. Young. Tex. Zi lil man NAYS. 50 Alraon Bacon Britten Browne Burnett C'a ry Church Connelly, Kans. Cooper, Wis. Davidson Davis Decker Dill Dillon Dc mi nick Esch Frear Fuller, 111. Haugen Hayes Hensley Hilliard Hull, Iowa Igoe Johnson, S. Dak. Keating K i n g Kinkaid Kitchin Knuston La Follette Little London Lundeen McLemore Mason Nelson Randall Rankin Reavis Roberts R oden berg- Shack leberg Sherwood Sloan Stafford Van Dyke Voigt Wheeler Woods, Iowa Bleak ley ( !apsl k-k Fields Helgesen Hill NOT VOTING. 9 Lee, Ga. Mock ei I '. > W •■! : Webb 'Page Eleven INTRODUCTORY The first draft contingent from Yates county left Penn Yan for Camp Dix, New Jersey, on September 9, 1917. It was composed of five Penn Yan young men, all of whom volunteered to go at this time. In this contingent was Charles E. Costello, who was the first of our boys to die in service. His death occurred in the hospital at Brest, France, April 9, 1918, three days after landing there. His body was the first to be brought back to Yates county from overseas. It arrived in Penn Yan on May 7, 1920, and was given a military burial on May 9th. The last contingent from this county left on October 22, 1918, for Camp Wheeler, Ga. Six men were in this contingent, and one of these, John B. McManus, of Penn Yan, died in camp on October 31, 1918. Between the departure of the first and last contingent many more were sent to camp and other young men were leaving home to enlist in some branch of the service. The people of the county turned out in large numbers and escorted each contingent to the train that carried the boys away. Flags were flying, a band was playing, and the multi- tude was cheering as the trains pulled away from the station, but un- derneath this appearance of gayety, hearts were aching The enlisted men slipped away quietly, and were in camp before many persons out- side of their families and closest friends knew of their leaving. When the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, the pent-up feelings of the people burst forth and the event was celebrated with an enthusiasm that evidenced great joy. But in the midst of this rejoicing, while bells were ringing and whistles were blowing, a telegram from the War Department, announcing the death in France of Charlie Wheeler, of Penn Yan, was received. On July 4, 1919, a great "Welcome Home" was given those who had returned from service. A public presentation of medals to all of Yates County's participants in the war was held in the Court House Park, dinner was served at noon, in a large hall, a program of sports was carried out on the Fair Ground in the afternoon, the soldiers were giv- en free tickets to the theatres, and the day was brought to a close with fireworks and dancing in the evening. As a fitting memorial in honor of those from this county taking part in this war, it is proposed to erect a hospital at the county seat to be known as the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital of Yates County. The consummation of this plan has been delayed because of the abnormal conditions existing since the war. Pledges totaling $150,000 have been secured, a fine cite has been purchased and a tem- porary hospital, fully equipped, has been opened pending the erection of the memorial. The new building will have a reception room in which bronze tablets, containing the names of all who were inducted into service from here, will be placed. Yaks County Service Medal, 14 'Page Twelve 'Page Thirteen OFFICIAL INDUCTIONS IN YATES COUNTY UNDER THE SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW Order No. Name 57 William Finerghty 117 Charles E. Costello 122 Perl L. Douglass 157 Stephen M. Whitman 187 Thomas F. Carroll 4 William H. Habber field 8 Claude Thomas Lee 19 John Brown 29 Dudley V. Hayes 31 Elmer Lionel Cole 42 William E. Ruddick 54 Howard 0. Sprague 63 Harry W. Cleveland 72 William Rifenberg 81 Edmund J. Fitzpatrick 85 Charlie Wheeler 88 Jens Jacobsen 94 John H. Bradley 93 Fred A. World 106 Harold Harris 116 James J. Maley 118 Frederick R. Habberfield 138 Hubert W. Waters 141 Joseph A. Corey 145 Charles Earle Holmes 158 Charles Baker 174 Harry S. Lord 176 William A. Randall 196 Charles C. Morse 211 Clifford M. Hamilton 223 Floyd Smith 224 Frank E. Sayre 223 Vernon Young 227 Leo Herbert Smith 229 Sinus E. Jorgensen 245 James S. Kirkpatrick 263 George D. Rugg 270 William H Jones 291 A. H. William Jensen 302 Edward E. Maybee 332 Charles A Bishop 337 Fred Travis 137 Fred Joseph Lewis 156 Clayton B. Shepherd 159 Jesse Frank Duell 239 Herbert Allen Young 186 William Fred Eckert 308 John Augustus Hatch 88 Robert J. Manchester 168 Harold G. Bahr 199 Morris E Hurd 257 Franklin H. Clark (Col ) 235 Ernest L. Wood 273 Henry J. Christensen 281 George W. Merrick 315 Nels P. Nielsen 325 Oscar S. Stark 348 Charles Klube 356 Albert C. Knapton, Jr. 357 Carl F. F. Petersen 365 Clifford C. Chapman 366 Walter W. Beckett 41 George W. Tubbs 214 Charles C. Gillett 377 Ray C. Harter 9 Floyd Melvin Hill Serial Date Date Accept- No. Reported ed at Camp 513 9- 9-17 9-10-17 440 9- 9-17 9-10-17 841 9- 9-17 9-10-17 93 9- 9-17 9-10-17 642 9- 9-17 9-10-17 1095 9-26-17 9-28-17 337 9-26-17 9-28-17 784 9-26-17 *10-12-17 507 9-26-17 9-28-17 437 9-26-17 9-28-17 1045 9-26-17 9-28-17 1103 9-26-17 9-28-17 602 9-28-17 9-28-17 757 9-26-17 9-28-17 298 9-26-17 9-28-17 982 9-26-17 9-28-17 726 9-26-17 9-28-17 1114 9-28-17 9-28-17 520 9-28-17 9-28-17 525 9-26-17 9-28-17 1132 9-28-17 9-28-17 741 9-26-17 9-28-17 637 9-26-17 9-28-17 488 9-26-17 9-28-17 112 9-26-17 9-28-17 679 9-26-17 9-28-17 406 9-26-17 9-28-17 25 9-26-17 9-28-17 707 9-28-17 9-28-17 738 9-26-17 9-28-17 1091 9-23-17 9-28-17 470 9-28-17 9-28-17 90 9-26-17 9-28-17 191 9-26-17 9-28-17 1187 9-26-27 9-28-17 1172 9-26-17 9-28-17 323 9-26-17 *10-13-17 880 9-26-17 9-28-17 1024 9-26-17 9-28-17 713 9-28-17 9-28-17 930 9-26-17 9-28-17 1051 9-26-17 9-28-17 970 9-26-17 9-28-17 664 9-26-17 9-28-17 1112 9-26-17 9-28-17 657 9-26-17 9-28-17 122 11- 8-17 11- 9-17 725 11- 8-17 11- 9-17 9C5 11-21-17 11-26-17 1073 11-21-17 11-26-17 1101 11-21-17 11-26-17 622 11-21-17 11-23-17 983 11-21-17 11-28-17 1173 11-21-17 11-26-17 715 11-21-17 11-23-17 287 11-21-17 11-28-17 257 11-21-17 *12-26-17 410 11-21-17 11-26-17 400 11-21-17 11-26-17 4 11-21-17 11-26-17 430 11-21-17 11-26-17 328 11-21-17 11-26-17 10 11-21-17 11-26-17 1191 12-27-17 1-16-18 1194 12-27-17 2- 6-18 676 9- 3-18 9- 7-18 "Page Fourteen Order No. Name 13 Claude Richard Mann 14 Charles Frederick Allen 22 David J- Ford 36 Ralph Goundry 49 Lee W. Kinyon 60 James W. Bradley 66 Herbert R Lathrop 70 Frank Saville Waddell 73 Homer Dunn 102 William Richard Cunningham 121 Ernest W. Nageldinger 124 George S. Morse 126 Ambrose Howard Sheehan 131 Chris Martinus Poulsen 134 James Dewitt Lazenby 142 Clarence Cronk 143 Amos Bagley 144 Ben Van Horn 147 Albert Cleveland Jay 150 Elwin D. Jones 151 Frank Ellerlngton 153 Jay Clarence Decker 160 David John Anderson 161 Prtnk Cnarles Rector 164 Fred Fals 181 George Warren Mannon 191 Benjamin H. Cronk 193 Harry Sprague Hart 200 Vincent Thomas Poole 202 Carl Roy Olmstead 210 Claude Heath Edgerton 217 Ansel M. Burt 222a Frank Woodhouse 225 William Sprague 235 Willard Heath Kelsey 240 Leonard E. Leroi 242 Clarence Hollister Pedley 248 Thowald Pedersen 251 Laverne Ernest Perry 232 Theodore D. Sikaras 233 George Daniel Rugg, Jr. 289 Orville Frcnk Stape 272 Fred Roese 275 Melville R. Gardner 290 William Calhoun 295 Clinton Leroy Hall 298 Raymond B. Twilliger 314 Chris Henry Jensen 319 Arthur Mordecai 320 Henry Lester Chisholm 323 Victor Howard Reddington 323 George Edkin 330 Herman Joseph Heslund 341 Emery Potter 342 George Pepper 345 Howard J. McFarren 346 Ernect E. Kessler 350 Stanley Booth Dennis 352 John Nick Jensen 353 William Wright Williams 360 Parmele Johnson 361 Carl J. Slutter 376 John Harold Gilbert 231 Pearl Underwood Thiers 386 Fred Burnett Thomas 394 Raymond Francis McAdams 400 Milton William Shepard 402 Dorpheus Sidney Sawyer 403 John Irving Goodspeed 413 Clarence Navarre Beard 415 W. Alexius Markey 416 Percy Warner Caris 419 Stewart G. Reed 423 Edmund Chadwick 427 Charles Benjamin Cady 434 Joseph George Magee 438 Lynn Gerald Blood 439 Walter James Cole 442 Arthur Howard Buckle 447 Willard Stanley Newby Serial Date Date Accept- No. Reported ed at Camp 564 2-24-18 2-26-18 945 9-25-18 10- 4-18 616 8-29-18 9- 3-18 420 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 652 8-29-18 9- 3-18 1099 9- 3-18 9- 7-18 772 4-28-18 5- 3-18 972 9- 3-18 9- 7-18 986 2-24-18 2-26-18 770 9- 3-18 9- 7-18 1022 8-28-18 8-31-18 1032 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 269 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 493 2-24-18 2-28-18 1007 2-24-18 2-26-18 704 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 72 2-24-18 2-26-18 356 4- 2-18 4- 7-18 128 2-24-18 2-28-18 11 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 900 2-24-18 2-26-18 1142 7-30-18 8- 7-18 345 4-28-18 5- 3-18 103 2-24-18 2-28-18 154 8- 4-18 8-15-18 538 9- 3-18 9-13-18 700 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 297 2-24-18 2-26-18 368 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 320 2-24-18 2-26-18 1070 7-25-18 8-13-18 121 2-24-18 2-26-18 1205 2-24-18 2-26-18 312 2-24-18 2-26-18 1023 2-24-18 2-26-18 175 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 278 2-24-18 2-26-18 336 9- 3-18 9-13-18 8 2-24-18 2-26-18 958 9- 3-18 *9-10-18 323 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 441 9- 3-18 *9-10-18 23 2-24-18 3- 7-18 1108 8-26-18 8-29-18 88 2-24-18 2-28-18 1158 10- 4-18 10-11-18 506 5-25-18 5-29-18 1183 2-24-18 2-28-18 169 10- 4-18 10-11-18 436 2-24-18 2-26-18 1107 10- 4-18 10-31-18 1109 2-24-18 2-26-18 807 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 211 2-24-18 2-26-18 1183 7-14-18 7-15-18 1050 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 1008 2-24-18 2-26-18 1075 2-24-18 2-26-18 750 2-24-18 2-26-18 58 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 1180 7-25-18 8- 3-18 208 2-24-18 2-26-18 929 2-24-18 2-26-18 838 7-25-18 9-15-18 17 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 1058 7-25-18 8- 8-18 268 2-24-18 2-26-18 1198 2-24-18 2-23-18 593 2-24-18 2-26-18 1152 7-30-18 8- 7-18 556 2-24-18 2-26-18 581 2-24-18 2-26-18 481 2-24-18 2-26-18 582 2-24-18 2-26-18 499 2-24-18 2-26-18 634 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 672 2-24-18 2-26-18 949 2-24-18 2-26-18 1048 7-25-18 8- 8-18 778 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 Tage Fifteen Order Serial Date Date Accept- No. Name No. Reported ed at Camp 452 Howard Bradley Coons 650 4- 1-18 4- 9-1S 453 John Herman Sorensen 838 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 455 Willard Alexander Clawson 19 2-24-18 2-23-18 456 Nicholas Serfine 352 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 461 Harry Dewitt Connell 1178 5-10-18 5-12-18 463 Harold R. Habberfleld 416 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 465 Nelson Charles Reynolds 609 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 466 Roy J. Fisher 613 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 468 Richard Price 274 4-28-18 5- 3-18 474 Charles Lawrence Gallagher 734 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 479 Max Clifford Headley 342 4- 1-18 4- 9-18 483 William E Carey 427 4-28-18 5- 3-18 1 487 William John Kelly 572 5-10-18 5-12-18 498 William John Tongate, Jr. 647 6-16-18 6-21-18 501 Arthur McGhee Barnes 1159 8- 4-18 8-15-18 507 John B. Carroll 938 9-25-18 10- 4-18 508 William Myer Seism 209 9-27-18 10- 1-18 511 Adolph Rovito 33 5-10-18 5-12-18 513 Theodore Yost 954 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 515 Albert Alexander Moshier 63 5-25-18 5-29-18 520 Oliver Wendell Norman 816 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 527 Melford N. Myer 762 8-28-18 8-29-18 529 Christian Neilsen 1013 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 530 John North Whitaker 1043 5-25-18 5-29-18 534 Hixson Amos Knight 38 5-25-18 5-29-18 544 Robert McFetridge 1038 9-4-18 9- 9-18 545 William Bernard Welch 976 5-25-18 5-29-18 554 Albert Josiah White 1197 7-25-18 8- 8-18 561 George Willis Hoyt, Jr. 573 10- 4-18 10- 8-18 568 Axel Mikkelsen 1025 5-25-18 5-29-18 571 Joseph P. Craugh 445 5-25-18 5-29-18 576 Leon H. Smith 1120 5-25-18 5-29-18 578 James Lee Robinson 702 8-16-18 8-18-18 581 Francis Peter Reilly 694 5-25-18 5-29-18 582 Ernest Jacob Smith 198 8-19-18 8-21-18 583 Neils John Neilsen 1013 5-25-18 5-29-18 584 Irving E. Eckert 799 10-21-18 11- 6-18 587 Albert Del Rose 195 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 595 Bradley Longwell Wheeler 990 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 601 Clarence Lowell McPherson 216 5-25-18 5-29-18 602 Otto Chris Miller 847 5-25-18 5-29-18 603 Milford Simmons 302 4-28-18 5- 3-18 606 Warner Edgett Bush 662 5-25-18 5-29-18 610 Burnett David Thomas 239 5-25-18 5-29-18 613 Walter Phillip Clark 1145 3-25-18 3-27-18 617 Orville Ribble 479 5-25-18 5-29-18 620 John F. Serfine 481 4-28-18 5- 3-18 627 Ross Leighton Gridley 106 8- 4-18 8-15-18 635 Floyd Edward Matteson 238 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 639 Harry Sutter Klube 409 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 641 Arthur Langdon Shutts 973 5-25-18 5-29-18 652 Nick Cecchini 983 4- 2-18 4- 5-18 656 Francis Leroy Flynn 615 5-25-18 5-29-18 663 Ivor Prosser 346 5-25-18 5-29-18 665 George Perry Lord 62 7-14-18 7-14-18 668 John Tongate 648 9-27-18 670 Seymour B. Harris 528 5-25-18 5-29-18 671 Fred Carl Hoagland 912 5-25-18 5-29-18 673 D. Gordon Conrad 699 5-25-18 5-29-18 676 James Edward Reilly 695 5-25-18 5-29-18 684 John Arthur Griffith 817 5-25-18 5-29-18 688 Henry J. Greenfield 612 5-25-18 5-29-18 692 George Dunlap Wood, Jr. 984 5-25-18 5-29-18 698 Wilbur Mills Symonds 483 10-21-18 11- 6-18 699 Robert Allen Murray 84 7-25-18 8- 8-18 706 Bernard Michael Hoban 580 5-25-18 5-29-18 707 Norman Bert Wixon 351 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 720 George William Excell 980 5-25-18 5-29-18 722 William Ward Wheat 658 5-25-18 5-29-18 728 George Elmer Enos 879 8-28-18 8-29-18 734 John Meaker 914 5-25-18 5-29-18 735 Bennett Henry Jensen 791 5-25-18 5-29-18 746 Harold Andrew Hutton 414 5-24-18 5-27-18 747 Pietro Mangipinto 763 5-24-18 5-27-18 751 John Darrell Spencer 553 3-11-18 3-13-18 753 Newell Truman Pangburn 625 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 759 Francis R. Cougevan 659 5-25-18 5-29-18 756 Raymond Rugg 161 5-25-18 5-29-18 772 James F. Butler 1202 5-25-18 5-29-18 775 Charles Robinson Clark 405 10-10-18 10-14-18 "Page Sixteen Order No. 781 783 784 787 794 797 800 805 808 811 812 813 814 815 823 825 830 836 839 848 851 831 862 866 867 868 874 882 886 890 907 914 919 926 927 929 940 943 944 947 948 951 952 954 955 938 989 970 972 979 980 984 986 989 991 994 1005 1007 1008 1013 1017 1029 1032 1036 1042 1053 1058 1059 1060 1065 1068 1071 1074 1081 1091 1094 1106 1109 1110 1113 Name Leon Jay Morris Carl Christian Nelson Howard Leroy Dunton Jens Chris Olsen Richard F. Craugh Fav Lawton Chapman John Edward Tears Clarence W. Noble William Alfred Norris Benigno Presno Harold Long Weinstein John Nelson Jones William R. Culver Warren R. Spike Harry Grant McQuiston Fred Osterhout Jeremiah E. Carroll Philip John Rilling, Jr. Sorney Jacob Jacobsen Martin H. Butler Frank Leslie Sample Arthur Fay Olmstead Elijah B. Dense Carl Oskar Herman Neil sen Chris Miller William McCreery James Hague Byron G. Whitbeck Harry Hurford Meaker Luigi Alesandro M. Battesta Leroy Charles Snook Henry Larsen Charles Mashewske Emmett Carlton Crane Ross Matthew Conley Lewis Cadwell Robert Chester Brisbin Verne Maxwell Ackerson Edward B. Kinsman Archie McFdl Guy Pierce Frank Luppino Stanley Kennerson James Frank HobaD Lewis W. Travis Mervin Arlo A. Palmatier Emil Pedersen William Jacob Barnhart Albert Charles McGough Domenico Lizzi Rufus Garland Thomas Paul Joseph Mesde Charles Enos Williams Homer John Sharpe Victor E. Lafler Gifford George Hurlburt Orla Alva Morgan Lawrence Hobart Conley William A. Sage Cameron Alexander Sharpe Hans Pallesen Kristian Jensen Adelbert Berkley Allen Herbert C. Stewart Sheridan E. Miller William Joseph Shultz Ed. B. Smith Marion Jewell Sumner Clark N. Calhoon Jesse A. Brown Byron Ketchum Hall Edwin Elwood Jacobs Mads Vangdrup Kornum George Frederick Windnagle Clarence Joseph Gannon William Saxton Lampman Arthur Mearl Gilbert Lloyd Raymond Lafler Albert E. Lott Roy Dwight Williams Serial Date Date Accept- No. Reported ed at Camp 628 5-25-18 5-29-18 823 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 246 8-26-18 8-29-18 768 5-28-18 6- 5-18 1136 9-11-18 9-13-18 756 4-28-18 5- 3-18 821 5-28-18 6- 5-18 902 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 1030 8- 7-18 8-12-18 79 8- 1-18 *9-29-18 579 2-11-18 2-14-18 740 8- 7-18 *8- 9-18 83 8-26-18 8-29-18 142 3- 9-18 4-17-18 119 9-11-18 9-14-18 901 5-28-18 6- 7-18 645 4-28-18 5- 3-18 554 5-28-18 6- 7-18 962 8-28-18 8-29-18 87 7-25-18 8- 7-18 476 9- 4-18 9-12-18 318 7-25-18 8- 7-18 516 7-25-18 8- 8-18 279 7-25-18 8- 7-18 844 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 716 7-25-18 8- 7-18 413 7-25-18 8-30-18 95 6-22-18 6-24-18 831 7-25-18 8- 7-18 696 7-25-18 8- 8-18 489 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 884 7-25-18 8- 8-18 834 7-25-18 8- 7-18 779 7-25-18 8- 7-18 558 7-25-18 8- 8-18 1162 7-25-18 8- 7-18 1094 7-25-18 8- 7-18 687 7-30-18 8- 7-18 186 8-28-18 8-29-18 247 8-26-18 8-29-18 179 7-25-18 8-30-18 922 8- 7-18 8- 9-18 253 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 577 4-28-18 5- 3-18 732 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 9 7-25-18 8- 8-18 347 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 70 7-25-18 8- 7-18 952 7-25-18 8- 8-18 925 7-25-18 8- 8-18 173 7-25-18 8- 7-18 1039 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 60 7-25-18 8- 7-18 208 8- 4-18 8-15-18 771 9- 4-18 *9-10-18 137 7-25-18 8- 7-18 387 7-25-18 8- 8-18 921 7- 2-18 7- 5-18 1182 8- 9-18 8-13-18 197 7-25-18 8- 8-18 767 9-11-18 9-15-18 1026 7-28-18 1056 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 828 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 401 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 276 7-25-18 8- 7-18 517 6-19-18 6-27-18 1122 7-25-18 8- 8-18 85 9- 4-18 9-10-18 520 7-25-18 8- 8-18 688 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 722 7-25-18 8- 7-18 10-21-18 11-20-18 170 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 535 7-30-18 8-14-18 853 8- 4-18 *8-22-18 917 6-25-18 8- 7-18 47 4- 8-18 4-12-18 936 6-25-18 8- 7-18 125 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 'Page Seventeen Order No. Name 1127 Robert A. Mace 1140 Archie R. Staples 1143 John McMinn 1160 James Hayward Savage 1163 Hugh Bernard McGovern 1177 Joseph William Paddock 1187 Edward Herbert Plotts 1190 Homer Ames Gilbert 1192 Claude L. Conrad 1199 James Russell Brink 1200 William Arthur Jones 1202 Bernard Paul Hopkins 1204 John Graczyk 909a James H. Snyder 743a Adrian E. Ovens Serial Date Date Accept- No. Reported ed at Camp 908 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 752 7-25-18 8- 8-18 399 10-15-18 10-22-18 256 5-29-18 5-29-18 1080 4-28-18 5- 3-18 118 7-25-18 8- 7-18 384 7-25-18 8- 9-18 471 7-25-18 8- 7-18 698 7-25-18 8- 7-18 233 7-25-18 8- 8-18 977 7-25-18 8-13-18 578 5-25-18 5-29-18 611 5-10-18 5-12-18 120S 5-16-18 5-28-18 1210 5-25-18 *7- 1-18 Registrants, June, 1918. 9 James A. Christensen 4 9- 4-18 9- 9-18 12 Emmett L. Kindelberger 89 10-21-18 11- 6-18 15 John E. Sheridan 45 10-21-18 *10-29-18 21 Clarence A Spoor 41 10-21-18 11- 6-18 91 James H. Wheeler 50 10-25-18 10-25-18 a 219 a 243 a 370 a 378 a 410 a 416 a 431 a 501 a 502 a 652 a 710 a 834 a 963 al019 al038 al057 all75 al371 al402 al541 al558 al706 al769 al798 al841 al844 al856 al862 al865 al879 Registrants of September 12, 1918. Edmund Christie Rosenkrans Walter Edmund Moon Edward Lauriston Scherer John Joseph Meehan Eugene Brayman Earl Samuel Castner Leonard Richard Sanderson Milton Hart Fish Clyde Benjamin Gelder James Gerald Craugh Sidney Elliott Ayres George Remsen Kinne Paul Nelson Shutts Angelo James Roche Forrest Sabin Burtch Claude Myron Bigelow Lazear J. Murphy James Leveritt Davis Marion Melvin Clark Chalres Backmer Rutenber Vernon Wilson Blodgett Owen Charles Hoban Roger Eddington Chapman James Lewis Stever Rodney Clifford Mertz Gerald Howard Fisher John M. Craugh George Dewey Emerson Donald McLean Tower Arthur James Paddock 804 10-18-18 10-18-18 276 10-26-18 10-31-18 527 11- 6-18 11-11-18 284 10- 2-18 10- 5-18 1215 10- 4-18 10- 4-18 1147 10-14-18 10-14-18 140 10- 5-18 10- 7-18 1529 10- 2-18 10- 2-18 288 10-15-18 10-17-18 733 10- 2-18 10- 5-18 924 10-18-18 10-18-18 607 11- 6-18 1512 10- 5-18 10-11-18 1909 10- 4-18 10- 4-18 617 10- 2-18 10- 2-18 1893 11-18-18 11-19-18 533 10-15-18 10-15-18 199 10-14-18 10-14-18 1351 10- 2-18 10- 2-18 1304 10- 7-18 10- 7-18 171 10-11-18 10-11-18 1701 10- 5-18 10- 5-18 1686 10-23-18 11- 4-18 1635 10- 5-18 10- 7-18 43 10- 2-18 10- 2-18 767 10- 5-18 10- 7-18 741 10-22-18 10-22-18 1411 10- 1-18 11- 1-18 537 10- 1-18 10- 1-18 218 10- 4-18 10- 4-18 Rejected 'Page Eighteen n THE ADVISORY BOARD (1) Hon. Gilbert II. R:iker (^) Spencer F. Lincoln (3) Hon. James SI. I, own c 'Page Nineteen o THE DRAFT BOARD The local, or Yates County Selective service Draft Board was ap- pointed in May, 1917, with Sheriff Milan H. Ayres as chairman, County Clerk, Edwin M. Potter, secretary, and Bernard S. Strait, examining physician. Dr. Strait resigned July 17, 1917, to enlist as 2d Lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the Army. Dr. Fred M. Maloney, of Dundee, was appointed as chairman of the physical examination board, with Drs. Frank S. Sampson and G. Howard Leader, as assistants. Robert H. Gra- ham was made clerk of the Board soon after organization, and omicated in the capacity until September 25, 1918, when he resigned. Miss Lena Grady was acting clerk of the Board, and later Miss Emma Wilkins was appointed chief clerk. Sheriff Ayres resigned from the Board and John E. Watkins was appointed chairman on October 28, 1918. Acting under orders of the Provost Marshal General's Depart- ment, the local Draft Agency distributed registration cards, to be filled out by the registrants, to the appointed enrolling clerks of the several election districts in the county. After the registration the cards were returned to the Board when they were given an order number con- secutively as received. A serial number' was also given the cards from a drawing of numbers at Washington D. C. The first number drawn corresponding to the registration number was the first to be called for service. This method was followed until all cards were given a serial number. All man were called for physical examination and ser- vice according to the serial number. There were 3,245 registrants in Yates county, as follows: June 5, 1917, ages 21 to 30 years 1207 June 5, 1918, those who became of age since June 5, 1917 108 August 24, 1918, those who had become of age since June 5, 1918 18 September 12, 1918, ages 30 to 45 years 1919 Approximately 1800 men have been passed upon physically and otherwise by the local board. The District Board, representing the Counties of Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates (upon which board Yates county was not represented) reviewed the work of the Local Board. Many appeals were made to the District Board from the de- cisions of the Local Board, and some of the registrants made appeals to the Adjutant General's Department at Albany from the decisions of the District Board, and four Presidential appeals were made by regis- trants desiring exemption from service. The Legal Advisory Board was appointed in May, 1917, and acted' in a legal capacity with the Local Draft Board. The work of this board was mainly the investigation of cases of insurance, dependencies, whether his activities were indispensible — the Board acting in a legal way both for the registrant and the government. The Legal Advisory Board consisted of County Judge Gilbert H. Baker, chairman; Spencer F. Lincoln secretary and Hon. James M. Lown. In his final report to the Secretary of War, Provost Marshal Gen- eral E. H. Crowder said: "The pride, the sorrow, the sacrifice and the patriotism of the Na- tion were contained within the records of the local boards. But it was more than a matter of sentiment that prompted a scrupulous preser- vation of those records. Never in the history of this or any other na- tion had a more valuable and comprehensive accumulation of data been assembled upon th e physical, economic, industrial, and racial condition of a people. It would be of untold value to the physician, the economist, the sociologist and the historian for many decades. It was not only worthy of preservation, but this generation owed it to posterity that it be preserved. You will see that it was a vitally important task properly to assemble these records. The task was no less important than it was tremendous. Scattered throughout the breadth of the land, lying in the offices of the 4,648 local boards, 155 district boards, 1,319 medical ad- visory boards, and 52 State headquarters were the records of nearly 24,000,000 men." The statistical report gives the following record for Yates county: Total called, 349; total inducted, 354; total accepted, 346; total reject- ed, 7. Total rejected, cancellation of draft, 1. The Local Draft Board was relieved of its duties March 31, 1919. 'Page Twenty 21 m (1) M. H. Ayres (2) E. M. Potter Ct) P. M. Maloney <4> K. H. Graham (.">) P. S. S;iiii|>noii («) G. H. Leader (7) MisN Piiiimi Wllkins (8) John P. Watkins ) MisN Lena Grady (10) It. S. Strait 'Page Twenty-one m REGISTRANTS OF JUNE 5, 1917 AGES 21 TO 30 YEARS. INCLUSIVE 747 Abel, Walter D., 118 Monell St., Penii Yan 687 Ackerson, Verne Maxwell, 107 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 1150 Adams, Gordon, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 344 Aguda, Domingo, Middlesex 806 Albertson, William, 113 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 362 Albertsen, Christian Nelsen, 222 Keuka St., Penn Yan 944 Allen, Stuart Edgett, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 945 Allen, Charles Frederick, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1056 Allen, Adelbert Berkley, Dundee, R. D. 17 458 Allen, Glen T., Bellona 805 Allen, Robert James Henry, 549 Liberty St., Penn Yan 40 Alexander, Robert S., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 42 Alexander, James P., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 599 Allison, William, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1059 Amidon, Albert, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 230 Anderson, John, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 363 Andersen, Chris Peter, Himrod, R. D. 15 364 Andersen, Martin John, 208 Elm St., Penn Yan 746 Anderson, Roy P., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 345 Anderson, David John, Middlesex 1000 Andrews, Paul Raymond, 103 Walnut St., Penn Yan 255 Andrews, Prank Ray, Keuka Park 600 Andrews, Ernest Nelson, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 604 Andrews, Archie Graton, Lakemont 697 Andrews, Arthur Augustus, Dundee, R. D. 19 1134 Ansley, A. Ray, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 745 Ames, Fred S., Penn Yan, R D. 2 456 Amies, Howard Lloyd, 124 Henry St., Dundee 1066 Armes, Fred Raymond. 124 Henry St., Penn Yan 684 Armstrong. Charles Arnold, 107 Walnut St., Penn Yan 1073 Bahr, Harold Gerald, 114 Lake St., Penn Yan 327 Bagley, Robert Henry, Middlesex 72 Bagley, Amos, Rushville 450 Bailey, Howard John, 316 Keuka St., Penn Yan 923 Bailey, Dorsey Adrien, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1040 Baker, George Robert, Dundee, R. D. 17 1065 Baker, Stanley Albert, Hutton St., Penn Yan 1168 Bailey, Ray James, Dresden 1130 Bailey, Andrew, Penn Yan 679 Baker, Charles, 115 Clinton St., Penn Yan 670 Baker, Lewis Edwin, 115 Clinton St., Penn Yan 591 Baker, Edwin, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1147 Ballard, Frank Louis, 210 Head St., Penn Yan 788 Baldwin, Howard Ranson, Rushville 804 Baldwin, Alson Edward, 229% Lake St., Penn Yan 1096 Banks, George Edgar, Dundee 1098 Barber, Willis Edwin, Dundee 938 Barden, Frank Eben, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 457 Barden, Harold Homer, Gage 235 Bardeen, Alford Vernie Italy 120 Barnes, Jay Daniel, Penn Yan R. D. 3 1159 Barnes, Arthur McGhee. Dresden 70 Barnhart, William Jacob, Middlesex 592 Barringer, J. Lew, 105 East Main St.. Penn Yan 1016 Bartholomew, Ralph M,, Dundee, R. D. 16 1127 Bartholomew, Allen Percy. 206% Elm Et., Penn Yan 596 Bassage, Hugh Thompson, Dundee 928 Bates, Willis Phillip, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 57 Battar, Joe, Middlesex 696 Battista, Luigi Alesandro Mastro, Dundee 1152 Beard, Clarence Navarre, Dresden 899 Beard, Charles Adelbert, Dresden 744 Beard, Fred W., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 538 Beattie, Kenneth C, Penn Yan 543 Beattie, David Hill. Penn Yan 1068 Beattie, Leslie F„ Penn Yan 328 Beckett, Walter William, Middlesex 444 Beckhorn. Arthur, Himrod, R. D. 15 1135 Beebe, Vincent, Lake St., Penn Yan 598 Beers. Edmund Affleck, Glenora 51 Benedict, Clark L., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 286 Bennett, Dellason W., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 532 Benson, Clarence Malcom, Gage 315 Bergman, Earl Henry, Middlesex 226 Bergman, Clarence William, Italy 41 Bergstresser, Benjamin Harrison, Stanley, R. D. 6 1009 Bellis, Arthur Jay, Dundee, R. D. 16 1036 Bellis, Harvey Russell, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1052 Belis, Raymond Cyril, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 595 Berry, Frank Alton, Dundee 569 Bilson, Walter S., 149 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 930 Bishop, Charles A., Benton 926 Bishop, Stuart Roy, Penn Yan, R .D. 9 1154 Bishop, DeForest John, Dresden 663 Bistolfi, Ugo. 120 Jacob St, Penn Yan 428 Bjorholm, Nels K, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 59 Blair, Sterling Nathan, Rushville 66 Blakesley, Walter G., Branchport, R. D. 13 672 Blood, Lynn Gerald, 127 Benham St, Penn Yan 1146 Bordwell, Thomas James, Penn Yan, R. D 8 583 Bowling', Harry, Seneca St., Penn Yan 433 Bowman, Harry James Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1114 Bradley, John Henry, Barnes 1099 Bradley, James W., Barnes 1128 Brady, Joseph, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 254 Brady, John, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1167 Breech, Sking, Penn Yan 65 Breed, Ralph, Branchport, R. D. 13 2S3 Breed. Clarence Leslie, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 748 Briddon. John Albert, 217 Elm St., Penn Yan 1126 Briggs. Floyd Emory, Himrod 571 Briggs, Clinton, 109 Walnut St., Penn Yan 233 Brink, James Russell, Italy 603 Brink, Bert Nelson, Starkey 1094 Brisbin, Robert Chester, Dundee 675 Brooks, John Clinton, 216 Clinton St., Penn Yan 1015 Broughton, Maxwell, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 235 Brown, Ernest Harold, Keuka Park 434 Brown, Vernon Huey, Himrod 520 Brown, Jesse A., Gage 597 Brown, Herbert Leroy, Dundee 784 Brown, John, Middlesex, R. D 24 1125 Brown, Paul L, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1129 Bruner, John H., Penn Yan, R. D 2 629 Brunskill, Leslie J., 147 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 1034 Buckle, Frank Ernest, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1048 Buckle, Arthur Howard, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1064 Buckle, Thomas. Gage 1063 Buckle, Charles Edward, Gage 157 Bucklin, William, Dundee 1121 Bulkeley, Albert Allen. Dundee 432 Bullock, Homer, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1074 Bullock, George D., East Main St., Penn Yan 783 Burg, L. Warren, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 322 Burleigh, Ernest Fauntsleroy, Middlesex 1166 Burnside, Leonard, Dresden 570 Burr, Herman N., 345 Jacob St., Penn Yan 677 Burri, Gottfred, 123 Clinton St., Penn Yan 803 Burt, Willis Ferris, 348 Main St., Penn Yan 121 Burt, Ansel M., Penn Yan 662 Bush, Warner Edgett, 128 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 1137 Buslmell. Tracy John. Penn Yan. R. D. 87 Butler, Martin, Branchport, R. D. 13 343 Budiez, John, Middlesex 1202 Butler, James, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 314" Button, Leon Griffith, Rushville 326 Button, William Henry, Rushville 4!){> Cady, Charles Benjamin, Dundee, B. D. 17 1162 Cadwell, Lewis, 218 Head St., Penn Yan 1078 Cadwell, William John, Dundee 857 Calhoon, Ernest. 311 Court St , Penn Yan 85 Calhoon, Clark N., Branchport, R. D. 13 86 Calhoon. William, Branchport 951 Campbell, Lewis David Starkey 1148 Campbell, Charles H., Penn Yan ,R. D. 8 539 Carey, Henry Franklin, 107 Monell St., Penn Yan 1139 Carey, Charles E., 233 Lake St„ Penn Yan 1117 Carey, Edward J., 120 Monell St., Penn Yan 427 Carey, William E , 264 Lake St., Penn Yan 581 Caris, Percy Warner, Lakemont 782 Caspar, Rock, Middlesex. R D. 24 527 Carlin, Peter Francis, 106 Hutton St., Penn Yan 404 Carpenter, Earl Disbrow, Dundee 642 Carroll, Thomas P., 319 Jacob St., Penn Yan 643 Carroll, Jeremiah Edward, 319 Jacob St., Penn Yan 986 Carroll, John B , 319 Jacob St., Penn Yan 856 Carson, Willard Floyd, Maple Ave., Penn Yan 895 Carson, Jesse Lee, Dresden 773 Carson, Roy Elliott, Ma.ple Ave., Penn Yan 329 Carvey, Walter, Middlesex, R. D. 24 575 Caywood, Willis, Dundee 988 Cecchini, Nick, 158 Seneca St., Penn Yan 996 Cecchini, Antonio, 158 Seneca St., Penn Yan 582 Chadwick, Edmund, Lakemont 585 Chadwick, Charles Dinturff, Dundee f^ 50 Chalmers, Emerson L., Branchport 756 Chapman, Fay Lawton, 511 Liberty St., Penn Yan 429 Chapman, Harry Adelmer, 424 Liberty St., Penn Yan 430 Chapman, Clifford Clair, 424 Liberty St., Penn ll&l Yan %S& 'Page Twenty-two II I vim Penn Yan Perm Yan 894 Chase, Burton Melville, Dresden 898 Chidsey, William James, Dresden 8-J0 Chidsey, George Harold, Dresden 1141 Chidsey, James H., 229 Lake St., Penn Yan 4,56 Chisholm, Henry Lester, 329 Elm St., Penn Yan 518 Chr.stensen, Jens Christian, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 541 Christensen, Jens Chris, 125 South Ave., Penn Yan 547 Christensen. Thomas Peter, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 552 Christensen, Jens, Gage, R. D. 10 1004 Chr.stensen, Chris, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1115 Christensen, Oscar W., 268 Lake St., Penn Yan 1138 Christensen, Alfred J., 268 Lake St., Penn Yan 1170 Chr.stensen, Thomas Peter Matthew, Penn Yan, R. D 8 1173 Christensen, Henry John. Penn Yan. R. D. 7 232 Christensen, John P., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 52 Chrysler, Carl William, Middlesex 55 Chrysler, Owen James. Middlesex 1169 Cincotta, Antonio, Main St., Penn Yan 546 Clark, George William, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 224 Clark, George Orpheus, Italy 589 Clark, Claude James, Dundee 1149 Clark, Merrill H., Rushville, R. D, 1145 Clark, Walter Phillip, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1044 Clark, James Bennett, Jr , Dundee, R. D. 1116 Clark, Ol.ver R., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 405 Clark, Charles Robinson, Dundee 622 Clark, Franklin, 83 Cherry St., Penn Yan 891 Clary, Dennis, Dresden 943 Clawson, Walter Bradford. Middlesex 19 Clawson, Willard Alexander, Middlesex 394 Cleary, Francis Joseph, Dundee 602 Cleveland, Harry William, 131 Walnut St. Yan 34 Cole, Claude Elmer. Middlesex 48 Cole, Harry Chesebro, Stanley, R. D. 6 941 Cole, Fred, Middlesex 281 Pole, Clinton B ,, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 425 Cole, Richard Wharton, Himrod, R. D. 15 437 Cole, Elmer Lionel, 403 Liberty St., Penn Yan 949 Cole, Walter James, Middlesex 921 Conley, Lawrence Hobart, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 558 Conley, Ross Matthew, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 559 Conley, Earle Wyman. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 605 Conley, Leman O., 163 Main St.. Penn Yan 431 Colmey. Augustine James, 127 Elm St., Penn Yan 1067 Conklm, Howard Lester 102 Lake St., Penn Yan 1176 Connell Harry Dewitt, 328 Head St., Penn Yan 698 Conrad, Claude L., Penn Yan. R. D. 4 699 Conrad, D. Gordon, Penn Yan, R. D. 449 Conway, William Albert, 124 Mam St 523 Cook. Charles William, 107 Monell St 500 Coolev. Walter, Dundee. R. D. 16 889 Coon, Walter Marion, Dresden 177 Coons, Henry Jason, Italy 650 Coons, Howard Bradley, 106 Chestnut St., Penn 333 Comstock, Herbert G., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 332 Coms.ock, Leon E., Penn Yan R. D. 3 764 Commings, Stephen Van Ransler, 215 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 488 Corey, Joseph A, Dundee, R. D. 17 1043 Cornell, Claude David, Dundee, R. D. 18 2 Corrigan, Barney. Middlesex 440 Ccstello, Charles Edward, 127 Elm St., Penn Yan 621 Costello. William B., 217 Jacob St.. Penn Yan 659 Cougevan, Francis 'A., Jacob St., Penn Yan 651 Cougevan, James Edward, Jacob St., Penn Yan 443 Covert, Clarence. Penn Yan, R. D. 6 769 Crane, William Edward, 12 Myrtle Ave., Penn Yan 779 Crane Emmett Carlton, 108 Johnson Ave., Penn Yan 1093 Crans, Harry J.. Dundee '■i95 Crans, Leo Edwin, Dundee 1136 Craugh, Richard F., 122 Keuka St, Penn Yan 445 Craugh, Joseph P., 139 Elm St., Penn Yan 435 Crippen. Claud Francis Himrod 700 Cronk, Benjamin H., Penn Yan. R. D. 4 704 Cronk, Clarence, Penn Yan R. D. 4 498 Crosby, George W., Penn Yan R. D. 2 1003 Crosby, John Howard, Box 47, Wayne 544 Crosier George Wilkie, 131 South Ave., Penn Yan 1174 Culver, Arthur T., 212 Head St., Penn Yan 1175 Culver. Hollis Hyde, 212 Head St., Penn Yan 83 Culver. William R, Branchport, R. D. 13 438 Culver, Charles Devale, Himrod SSI Cunningham, John Loftus, 140 Walnut St., Penn 770 Cunningham, William Richard, 113 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 653 Cure, Cecil. Wagener Court, Penn Yan 1082 Curran, Edwin John, Dundee 1079 Curtis, Roy George, 67 Main St., Dundee 0-0 D'Abbraeci, Silvio, 15S Seneca St., Penn Yan 937 Daggett, Earl Wayne, Rushville 800 Danes Milford Kelson, 210 Chapel St., Penn Yan 296 Daniels, Carroll Cronk, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1160 Davidson, William Sidney, Penn Yan 487 Davis, Fred, Dundee. R .D. 16 324 Davis, Watkin P., Penn Yan. R. D. 3 846 Davis, Allen, 154 Jackson St., Penn Yan 888 Davis, Lee V., Dresden 1142 Decker, J. Clarence, Penn Yan 934 Delair, Frank Edward, Midlesex 935 Delair, John Barney, Middlesex 967 DeLooze, Emil Henry, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 195 Del Rose Albert. Dresden 196 Del Rosso, Achille, Dresden 516 Dense, Elijah B., Water St., Penn Yan 692 Denning. Nathan Earl, Dundee 1075 Dennis, Stanley Booth, Dundee 855 Dewey, Pearl John, 558 Liberty St., Penn Yan 424 Dewey, Albert Newlove. Himrod 92 7 Dewick, Floyd Frank. Naples. R. D. 26 242 Dewick, Burdette Elmer, Italy 485 Dewitt, Charles Lee, Penn Yan. R. D. 2 1113 Dewitt, George M., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 49 Dey, Albert Sherman, Stanley 848 Dietrich, George Raymond, 110 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 339 Di Orio, Rocco, 109 Jacob St., Penn Yan 39 Dinehart, Charles E., Branchport 6 Dinehart, Peter M., Branchport. R. D. 13 950 Disbrow, Elbridge Gano. Dundee 423 Disbrow, William Harrison, 317 Elm St., Penn Yan 37 Dixon, Albert John, Branchport 924 Dobbertin, Carl, Rushville 521 Dobson, Howard Edward, 172 South Ave., Penn Yan 148 Donley, Ralph Estes. Italy 1111 Doty, Clarence L., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 841 Douglas. Perl R., Jackson St., Penn Yan 691 Drew, Clarence, Dundee lli2 Duell, Jesse F., Penn Yan. R. D. 4 947 Duffv. Henry Michael, Dundee 842 Dunkle, Calvin Emery, 504 Liberty St., Penn Yan 147 Dunn, Robert Drew, Italy 966 Dunn, Homer, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 259 Dunton, Clarence Bingham, Italy 246 Dunton, Howard Leroy. Italy 940 Dunton, Roy Horace, Middlesex 75 Dusenbery, Ernest Leroy, Rushville 510 Dybro, Axel, Gage 619 Dyer, Walter Edward, 173 Seneca St., Penn Yan 514 Earle, Courtney Griswold, 134 East Main St., Penn Yan 515 Eaves, Earl Peter, 206 Liberty St.. Penn Yan 946 Ebersole, Raymond, Irwin. Glenora 799 Eckert, Irving E., Hopkins Place, Penn Yan 122 Eckert, William Fred, Naples- 155 Eddy, Charles, Middlesex 1070 Edgerton, Claude Heath, Rock Stream 422 Edkin. Ernest Lester, Himrod 1109 Edkin, George, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 295 Egelston, Walter L., Bluff Point 74 Eggleston, Clarence, Rushville 261 Elwell, Oscar Robert, Italy 149 Elwell, Floyd Charles, Middlesex 907 Elwell, Milford Adelbert, Middlesex 151 Elwell, LaVerne Horace, Middlesex 900 Ellenngton, Frank, Middlesex 913 Ellick, Carlton Clark, Middlesex 959 Elling, Fred Otto, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 241 Emerson, Charles Guile, Italy 150 Emory, Leon Otheniel, Middlesex 43 Enos, Clarence, Branchport 879 Enos, George Elmer, Penn Yan 1190 Enos, Bert Shelden. Dresden 153 Ester, Frederick Julius, Rushville 46 Evans, Edwin E.. Jr., Branchport 960 Excell, George William. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 561 Excell, Ray Edward, Penn Y r an, R. D. 9 152 Fals, John Lewis, Italy lu4 Fals. Fred. Italy 509 Faulstick, Charles P., Gage 294 Fear, Frederick Lee, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 798 Fenton. Charles E., 300 Elm St., Penn Yan 795 Fenton, Lewis William, 326 Elm St., Penn Yan 594 Flchera, Joseph, 120 Jacob St., Penn Yan 542 Finch, Ray M., Rock Stream 513 Finerghty, William, 119 South Ave., Penn Yan 482 Finnegan, Wililam P., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 5 Fingar, Ernest J., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1143 Fingar, Willis A, Potter 115S Finger, Clark Kettener, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 613 Fisher, Roy J., 157 Seneca St., Penn Yan 162 Fisher, Glen Braman, Italy 617 Fisher, Leon, Gage 304 Fitzwater, Frank Chapman. Middlesex 298 FitzPatrick, Edmond, 117 Johnson St., Penn Yan 1144 Fitzwater, Jay W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 869 Flick, Jesse Theodore, Penn Yan 483 Florence, Ernest Peter, Dundee, R. D. 615 Flvnn, Francis Leroy, Penn Yan, R D. 6 109 Folts, Edwin C , Penn Yan, R. D. 5 870 Follmer, William Jackson, Penn Yan 616 Ford, David, Seneca St. Penn Yan 545 Foster, Bradley Margeson, Dundee 939 Foster, Charles Robert, Dundee 163 Fox, Leo Jay, Italy 827 Fox, Dudley Nelson, 317 Head St.. Penn Yan 311 Fox, Bramon Evert, Rushville 421 Frick, Lee William. Himrod 943 Fulkerson, Harlan. Dundee 942 Fultz, Ira James, Dundee 618 Fusaro, Michael, 313 Jacob St., Penn Yan 734 Gallagher, diaries Lawrence, Gage 535 Gannon, Clarence Joseph, Dundee I |us ( Ja rdner, Mel\ ille II.. r< mi 1 an, I: I >. I 733 Gardner, William Kingsland, Gage 560 Gardner, Hiram Albert. Penn Yan. R. D. 9 305 Gardner, Herbert, Italy 306 Gage, William Henry, Rushville 'Page Twenly-lhree 472 Gasper, Prank Budd, Wayne 301 Getsinger, Christy, Italy 1105 Gibbs, Glenn G., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 471 Gilbert, Homer Ames, Dundee, R. D. 16 929 Gilbert, John Harold, Dundee 917 Gilbert, Arthur Mearl, Dundee 933 Gilbert, Melvin Petting-ill, Dundee 1140 Gillette, Frank W., Rushville, R. D. 22 1191 Gillette, Charles Clifford, Rushville 105 Gillette, Aden H., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 815 Gilligan, Vincent James, 205 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 557 Goldsmith, Frank Lee, Penn Yan, R. D. 593 Goodspeed, John Irving-, 221 Clinton St., Penn Yan 420 Goundry, Ralph, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 469 Grace, Charles Oliver, Dundee, R. D. 16 508 Grace, Earl LeRoy, 139 Brown St,. Penn Yan 534 Grace, Leslie, Dundee 536 Grace, Harold Jay, Dundee 611 Graczyk, John, 205 Jacob St., Penn Yan 104 Grady, Bernard Michael, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 586 Grady, James Harvey, 132 Benham St., Penn Yan 931 Green, Earl Ansel, 9 Stoll St., Dundee 932 Green, Ward J., 47 Union St., Dundee 865 Greenfield, Leon Jay, Dresden 612 Greenfield, Henry J., Jacob St., Penn Yan 106 Gridley, Ross Leighton, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 817 Griffith, John Arthur, 533 Liberty St., Penn Yan 826 Griffith, Harold Wilfred, 137 Stark St., Penn Yan 868 Griffith, William Eastman, Dresden 1001 Grimes, Roy M., Dundee, R. D. 16 610 Griswold, Frank, 9 Main St.. Penn Yan 44 Griswold, Robert L., Branchport 1102 Groden, John S., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 68 Guillevmo, Martin, Middlesex 1055 Guinan, Joseph Theodore, 83 Seneca St., Dundee 1095 Habberfield, William H., 247 Lake St., Penn Yan 133 Habberfield, William H., Bluff Point 741 Habberfield. Frederick Ruscomb, 217 Keuka St., Penn Yan 139 Hadsell, Fred Nathan, Middlesex 138 Hadsell. Clayton Roe, Middlesex 136 Hadsell, Harry, Middlesex 413 Hague, James, Elm St., Penn Yan 682 Haight, George William, Wayne 69 Haire, Vernon Warner, Branchport 1156 Hall. Clinton Leroy, Penn Yan, R .D. 1 1157 Hall, Ernest H., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 674 Hall, George I.. Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1083 Hall, Ray C, Penn Yan, R D. 4 1089 Hall, Claude C, 116 Monell St., Penn Yan 688 Hall, Byron Ketchum, Dundee, R. D. 18 738 Hamilton, Clifford Morgan, 6 Union St., Dundee 812 Hamilton, Orville, 118 Stark St, Penn Yan 1165 Hammond. George H., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 245 Hansen, Chris Nelse, Dresden 418 Hansen, Johanes, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 556 Hansen, Henry, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 724 Hansen, Chris, Gage 132 Hansen, John Axel, Rushville 801 Hanson, James Edward Penn Yan, R .D. 6 909 Harper Doylemarx, Glenora 1155 Harrington, Harvey William, 302 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 525 Harris, Harold, Dundee 749 Harris, Edward Alonzo, Dresden 528 Harris, Seymour B.. Dundee 673 Harris. Clarence Junior, Dundee, R. D. 17 793 Harrison, John Wesley Dresden, R. D. 1 802 Harrison, Franklin Louis, Dresden 108 Harrison, Fred Allen, Rushville 131 Harrison, Benjamin Franklin, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 134 Harrison, Allen Nelson, Rushville 297 Hart, Harry Sprague, Middlesex 1194 Harter, Ray Cyrus, 308 Main St., Penn Yan 1192 Harvey. Paul Edward, 11 Myrtle Ave., Penn Yan 533 Haskell, Fred D, Dundee 291 Hatch, Earl Elmer. Italy 725 Hatch, John Augustus, 211 Lake St., Penn Yan 419 Hatcher, Earl William, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 505 Hathaway, Charles Martin, Barnes 511 Hathaway, Jesse L, Dundee 341 Haviland, Harold Ward, Rushville 507 Hayes, Dudley V., 126 Brown St., Penn Yan 797 Hazard, Jay S., Himrod 342 Headlev. Max Clifford, Rushville 140 Heath, George E., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 911 Hedge, Charles Earnest, Starkey 999 Heminway, Charles Walter, Dundee, R. D. 16 12 Hemmenway, Isaac P., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 141 Herrick, Bert Clark, Italy 101 Herrick, Flag L., Italy 102 Herrick, Elmer Ross, Italy 807 Heslund, Herman Joseph, Dresden 1161 Hey, Ernest H., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 300 Hibbard, Nathaniel Guy, Italy 668 Hill, Herbert Horton, Dundee, R. D. 17 676 Hill, Floyd Melvin, Dundee, R. D. 17 522 Hill, Bert Andrew, Rock Stream 98 Hilton, Otto Glen, Rushville 524 Hine, George William, Barnes 321 Hitchens, Arthur W., 170 Seneca St., Penn Yan 912 Hoagland, Fred Carl, Starkey 580 Hoban, Bernard Michael, 208 Elm St., Penn Yan 739 Hoban, James Leo, 108 Lake St., Penn Yan 577 Hoban , James Frank, 121 Benham St., Penn Yan 27 Hoban, William T., 144 Seneca St., Penn Yan R. D. 17 Penn 15 15 R. D. 15 R. D. 408 Hoban, Patrick Bernard, 117 Burns Terrace, Penn Yan 665 Hollenbeck, Leon, Dundee, R. D. 17 678 Hollenbeck, Charles, Dundee, R D. 17 112 Holmes, Charles Earl, Rushville 555 Hoose, Norman James, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1 Hopkins, Ward B., Branchport, R. D. 13 893 Hopkins. Frew, Head St., Penn Yan 578 Hopkins, Bernard Paul. 25 Champlain St., Penn Yan 293 Hopkins, Leonard B , Bluff Point 1193 Horton, Glenn Roy, 106 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 916 Horton, Lewis David, Dundee 299 Horton, Maynard Nelscn, Italy 214 Howell, Belden Samuel, Dundee 681 Howell, Grant Willard, Dundee, 529 Howell, Walter Ray, Dundee 573 Hoyt, George Willis, Jr., 109 Clinton St.. Yan 1101 Hurd, Morris E., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 417 Hufford, Ward C, Penn Yan, R D. 2 796 Hunt. Laverne Jasper, Himrod, R. D. 18 Hunter, Lewis R., Penn Yan, R. D. 13 135 Hurlbut, Henry Watson, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 137 Hurlbut, Gifford George, Keuka Park 414 Hutton, Harold Andrew, 319 Liberty St., Penn Yan 584 Hyland, Richard V, 225 Clinton St., Penn Yan 1153 Ingram, Oliver C, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 234 lngraham, Howard Raymond Jerusalem 26 Isaacson, John, Mays Mills, Dresden 722 Jacobs, Edwin Elwood, 135 Osrle n St., Penn Yan 726 Jacobsen, Jens, Liberty St., Penn Yan 962 Jacobsen, Sorney Jacob. Penn Yan, R. D 9 123 Jay, Albert Cleveland, Branchport 656 Jayne, George Schuyler, Dundee. R. D. 16 187 Jayne, Charles James, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 903 Jayne, Jesse Edward, Dundee 904 Jeffery, Joseph Ewart, 32 Seneca St , Dundee 227 Jennings, Howard Glenn. Keuka Park 721 Jensen, Larsen Emil, 137 Ogden St., Penn Yan 854 Jensen, Howard Andrew. Penn Yan 791 Jensen, Bennett Henry, Penn Yan, R. D. 792 Jensen, Thomas, Penn Van 794 Jensen, Chris, Himrod, R. D. 781 Jensen, Neals Chris, Himrod, 751 Jensen, Charles, Dresden 750 Jensen, John Nick, Dresden 886 Jensen, Valdemar, Penn Yan. 1183 Jensen, Chris Henry, Penn Yan, R. D 9 1184 Jensen, Carl Bernhard, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1029 Jensen, Martinus Jul, Gage 1026 Jensen, Kristian, Gage 1024 Jensen, Axel Holger William, Gage 1180 Johnson, Parmele, 326 Main St, Penn Yan 887 Johnson, Cyrus Sherwood, Penn Yan, Li. D 9 129 Johnson, Clark David, Italy 130 Johnson, Thomas Ed-ward. Italy 981 Johnson, Earl William Dundee 714 Johnson, Claude B , Bellona 415 Johnson, Charles Henry, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 407 Johnson Carmen L., 108 Monell St, Penn Yan 977 Jones, William Arthur, Dundee 880 Jones, William Henry, Steuben St., 740 Jones, John Nelson, Himrod 64 Jones, Elmer Emery, Branchport 11 Jones, Elwin D., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 730 Jones, Henry Lee, Dundee 361 Jones. Henry Martin, 116 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 1187 Jorgensen, Sinus Erick, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 723 Jorgensen, Carl Emil Christian, 119 Henry St., Penn Yan 111 Joyce, Albert Edward, Middlesex 572 Kelly, William John, Walnut St., Penn Yan 654 Kelly, Jake Darwin, Dundee, R. D. 16 1023 Kelsey, Willard Heth, Gage 728 Kendall, Guy E., Dundee 188 Kenerson, Jay Charles, Penn Yan, R D. 9 711 Kennedy, Ellis J., Main St., Penn Yan 36 Kennedy, John Wendal, Middlesex 178 Kennedy, Edwin Clayton, Italy 231 Kennedy, Walter, Italy 258 Kennedy, Claude Riley, Italy 253 Kennerson, Stanley, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 961 Kenyon, Samuel Wagener, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 652 Kenyon, Lee W., Dundee, R. D. 16 729 Kertsetter, Oswald Franklin, Dundee 1008 Kessler, Ernest E , Gage 885 Ketcham, Edwin John, Penn Yan, ? 3 t . D. I 1179 Ketchum, Claude Joseph, 319 Head St., Penn Yan 897 Kindleberger, Ernest C. Penn Yan, R. D. 7 89 King, Frank E., Branchport 186 Kinsman, Edward B., Penn Yan, R D. 8 712 Kinyoun, Ray D., 104 Brown St., Penn Yan 189 Kirk, Arthur James, Hall, R. D. 1 1172 Kirkpatrick, James Storey, 315 Court St., Penn 1177 Kirkpatrick, Alexander. 315 Court St., Penn Yan 1178 Kirkpatrick, Maxwell, 315 Court St., Penn Yan 727 Klock, Robert Eugene, Rock Stream 409 Klube, Harry Suter, 427 Liberty St., Penn Yan 410 Klube, Charles, 427 Liberty St., Penn Yan 400 Knapton, Albert Charles, Jr., Himrod, R D. 15 411 Knapton, Ray Percy, Himrod, R. D. 15 35 Knight, George Lester, Rushville Pain red Post "Page Twenty-four 38 Knight, Hixson Amos, Rushville 1028 Klungle, George. 119 Brown St., Penn Yan 1006 Kornum, Mads Vrangdrup, 109 Keuka St., Penn Yan 412 Kubli, Godfrey, 26 Maiden Lane, Penn Yan 1171 Lacy, Oscar Russell, 20r> Head St., Penn Yan 776 Lafler, Bertie S.. Middlesex. R D. 24 47 Lafler, Lloyd Raymond, Middlesex 771 Lafler, Victor E, Rushville, R. D. 22 919 Larder, Walter, 108 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 971 Lare, Albert Harry, Dundee 252 Lambert, Leonard Willington, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 853 Lampman, William Saxon, Dresden 1053 Larsen, Chris, Bellona 884 Larsen, Henry, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 772 Lathrop, Herbert R., Middlesex. R. D. 24 953 LaVerne, Jess Charles, Union St., Dundee 331 Lazarus, Daniel Eugene, Rushville 1007 Lazenby, James Dewitt, Gage 225 Lee, Jay Henry, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 337 Lee, Claude Thomas, Rushville 862 Legg, William Henderson, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 863 Legg, Ralph Edward, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 220 Leonard, Ephrom Jerome, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 175 Leroi, Leonard S., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 970 Lewie, Fred Joseph, Glenora 925 Lizzi, Domenico, 313 Jacob St., Penn Yan 249 Long, James Parker, Italy 398 Longcor, Clifford James, Himrod, R. D. 15 379 Longcor, Leroy, Himrod 388 Longcor, Earl L., Himrod 777 Loomis, Glenn H., Rushville 406 Lord Harry S.. Penn Yan, R. D. 2 62 Lord, George Perry, Bluff Point 936 Lott, Albert E., 205 Chestnut St., Penn Yan 896 Louis, Ambro, Middlesex, R. D. z4 852 Ludlow, Clarence Baldwin, Dresden 248 Ludlow, George Edward, Penn Yan, R. D. 359 Luigi, Dalliaro, Seneca St., Penn Yan 922 Luppino Frank, 111 Jacob St . Penn Yan 920 Lynch James G., 211 Jacob St., Penn Yan 965 Lynch, Ralph Edward. Dundee 1061 Lynch, Enos Austin, 116 East Main St., Penn Yan .350 Lynn, Arthur Ernest, Branchport 116 MacC'abe, Percy Clair, Gage, R. D. 10 143 MacCalman, Donald James, Lakemont 164 MacDonald, Leon Glen, Gage, R. D. 10 993 MacDowell, Harvey P., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1181 MacKercher, Alexander Jr., Starkey 1058 MeAdaius, Raymond Francis, 130 East Main St. 601 McCann, Frank Elliott, Dundee, R. D. 16 31 McConnell, Howard C, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 397 McConnell, Edward Roy, 311 Liberty St„ Penn Yan 716 McCreery, William, Barnes 222 McDermott, Joseph, Jr.. Keuka Park 392 McDermott. Fern B., Main St., Penn Yan 247 McFall. Archie, Italy 1037 McFarren, Elmer A., Gage 1050 McFarern, Howard J., Gage 1035 McFetridge, William John, Gage 1038 McFetridge, Robert, Gage 952 McGough, Albert George, 58 Seneca St., Dundee 1057 McGough, William James, 136 East Main St., Penn Yan 1060 McGovern, Hugh Bernard, 215 Liberty St., Penn Yan 918 McGuire. Bernard Francis. Penn Yan, R.D. 6 349 McKie, James David, Dresden 765 McManus. Thomas, Potter 399 McMinn, John, 160 Main St., Penn Yan 216 McPherson, Clarence Lowell, Keuka Park 119 McQuiston, Harry Grant, Dundee, R. D. 16 908 Mace, Robert A., Penn Yan, R. D. « 634 Magee, Joseph George, 26 Champlin Ave., Penn Yan 1132 Maley. James Joseph, 327 Main St., Penn Yan 174 Mallory, Roy Bradley, Glenora 167 Mallorv, Karl Charles, Penn Yan. R. D. 9 905 Manchester, Robert, 166 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 564 Mann, Claude Richard, 131 Walnut St., Penn Yan 910 Mann. Nick. 158 Seneca St., Penn Yan 588 Mannon, George Warren, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 763 Manzipinto. Peter, Middlesex. R. D. 24 372 Marble. William Richard, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 845 Mario, Vizcuso, Dresden 566 Markey, W. Alexius. 102 Walnut St.. Penn Yan 565 Markey, John M„ 102 Walnut St., Penn Yan 567 Markey, Leo Edward. 102 Walnut St., Penn Yan 237 Marsh, Lynn Ogden, Dundee 168 Marshall. Raymond Garrett, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 590 Martin, Frank Samuel, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 834 Mashewske, Charles, Penn Yan 1033 Mashewske, Harvey James, Gage 370 Mason. Harry George, Himrod, R. D. 15 832 Masteller, James Harrison, Dresden 562 Mattason, Harry A.. Dundee, R. D. 17 645 Mattason, Charles, Dundee, .. Bellona Cole, Edgar J., 107 Ogdsn St., Penn Van Cole, Frank A.. Penn Yan. K. 1 >. 9 Cole, Glennis B., Branchport. P. D, 13 Cole. John L. Middlesex. P. I>. 2 Cole, Leon, Penn Yan. R. D. 10 Cole, Wolcott, Jr., Ill Brown St.. Penn Yan Combs, Oscar B., Middlesex, R D. 2 Combs. Wilfred J.. Middlesex, R. D. 2 Cone, Erwin A.. Rushville i 'cue, Roy W.. 219 Pake St., Penn Yan Conklin, Ben. Branchport Conklin, Fred, 8 Prospect St., Penn Yan Conklin, Glenn <;.. Penn Van. P. D. 5 Conklin, Glen M„ 338 Elm St.. Penn Yan Conklin. Warren A., 311 Keuka St.. Penn Van Conley, Clarence E.. Penn Van. P. I). 8 Conlev. Ernest H.. Penn Yan. P. P. :> Conley, Frank \\\. Penn Van, R. D. 9 Conley, Merrill .1.. Penn Van. P. D. 9 Conley, Roscoe. Middlesex, P. I >. 21 Clark, George F., Clark. George I., Clark, Grover C, "Page Thirl\)-one 406 481 761 374 1402 94 1632 1059 1274 1563 639 1616 1914 82 1770 647 1646 1808 1547 221 223 87 737 1181 1267 198 1299 38 645 1141 110 1733 1842 275 1133 216 434 119 1167 1214 820 1641 1605 1675 345 1543 1827 90 733 263 741 1779 1430 1820 256 304 1379 571 246 597 1256 113 1594 1662 462 1626 832 1826 85 1451 879 148 448 1218 040 946 1708 1177 1548 47 310 436 876 934 1534 199 1210 279 1699 1205 1864 1622 858 1014 1544 1404 516 1623 370 266 163 1475 1505 1892 1722 925 Connolly, George L., Lakemont Connolly, Henry G., Lakemont Connolly. James W., Dundee, R. D. 4 Connolly, Noble A., Lakemont Conrade. Burton G., 306 Court St., Penn Yan Conway, Floyd H., Penn Yan, R D. 6 Cook. Charles H., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Cook, Fred W.. Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Cook, Lee J., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Cook, Roy A., Branchport, R. D. 2 Cook, Roy J.. 121 Ogden St., Penn Yan Coon, Edwin L., Rushville. R. D. 8 Coon, Walter H., Dundee Coons, Ralph B., 27 Water St.. Dundee Cooper, Frank, Middlesex, R. D. 2 Cooper, George B., Penn Yan, .R D. 1 Cooper, James, Middlesex, R. D. 2 Cooper, Martin W., Middlesex, R. D. 2 Cooper, Walter G., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Copson, Charles, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 Copson, Fred E., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 Corbit, Edward P.. Rushville Corcoran, Daniel E., Ill Walnut St., Penn Yan Corcoran, Frederick B., 220 Lawrence St., Penn Yan Corcoran, James W., 220 Lawrence St., Penn Yan Corcoran, Paul Francis, 220 Lawrence St., Penn Yan Corcoran, William E.. 135 Elm St.. Penn Yan Cordingly, Albert E , Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Corcoran, Michael F., 142 E. Main St., Penn Yan Corev, Ralph W., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Cornell. William G. Himrod Cornish. Loren A., Himrod, R. D. 1 Cornwell, Henry B., 109.y 2 Court St., Penn Yan Corwin, Earl C, Branchport, R. D. 2 Coryell, Clarence H., Branchport Costes, Peter G., 110 Stark Ave., Penn Yan Coykendall, Alfred B.. Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Coyle, Michael B., Branchport, R. D. 3 Costello, John F.. 340 Elm St., Penn Yan Costigan, James, 119 Cherry St., Penn Yan Costigan, John C, 119 Cherry St., Penn Yan Cottrell, James, Naples, R. D. 26 Covert, Frank, Dresden Cowan, Richard L., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 Cramer, Clinton L., 317 Keuka St., Penn Yan Crane. Oliver G, 108 Johnson Ave., Penn Yan Crans, Henry L.. Dundee, R. D. 2 Craugh. Harold J., 531 Liberty St., Penn Yan Craugh, James G., 122 Keuka St., Penn Yan Craugh, John F., 319 Keuka St., Penn Yan Craugh John N., 215 E. Main St., Penn Yan Crawford. Guy F.. Middlesex Crearv. Jeremiah E., 119 Head St., Penn Yan Crippin, Clarence J.. Himrod, R. D. 15 Criss, Charley W., Potter Crofoot, Charles, Branchport. R. D 3 Crofoot, Jasper, Branchport, R. D. 3 Cronk, Andrew. Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Cronk. Garrett E., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Cronk William B.. 90 Hollister St., Dundee Crosby. Roland W., Dundee R. D. 2 Culver, Charles C, Penn Yan, R. D 3 Culver, Fred E, 212 Head St., Penn Yan Culver, Leon S., Himrod Culver. Myron V., Himrod, R. D. 15 Cummings, John J., Rock Stream Cummings, Thomas, Lakemont Cummings, William H., 119 Court St., Penn Yan Cunningham, Francis, 139 Elm St., Penn Yan Cunningham, John H., Penn Yan R. D. 4 Cunningham, Joseph H., Penn Yan R. D. b Curran, Charles R., Washington St., Dundee Curran, Claude, Water St., Dundee Curtis, Edward G., Penn Yan Dailey, Bert, 400 Keuka St., Penn Yan Dains", George R.. Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Damoth, Harold N., Starkey Daines, Frank E., Henry St., Penn Yan Darling, Bert M.. Middlesex Darling, Lavern F., Middlesex Darrah, Chauncey, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Davidson, Broderick, 122 Brown St., Penn Yan Davis, Albert E., 3 29 Head St., Penn Yan Davis, Clarence, C. N., Branchport Davis, Guy N., Branchport, R. D. 14 Davis. James L.. 124 Stark Ave., Penn Yan Davis, Howard G., Bluff Point, R. D. 1 Davis, John G.. Branchport, R. D. 13 Davis, John, 113 Lake St., Penn Yan Davis, Walter S., Bluff Point, R. D. 1 Davis, Warren A., Branchport, R. D. 3 Davy, John. Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Deacon, Charles J., 9 Main St., Penn Yan Dean, Benjamin G, Branchport, R. D .13 Dean, Charles H., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 Dean, John, 143 Cornwell St., Penn Yan Dean, Charley W., Dresden Dean, Fred E. S., Dresden Deats, Henry C„ Dresden Deavey, Charles E., 217 Sheppard St., Penn Yan DeBolt, Frank E., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 DeBolt. John E., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Deckerman, Frank, 114 Lake St., Penn Yan DeLong, Fred H., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Deming, Leon, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Denison, Albert R, Dundee D. 4 ., Dundee R. D. 2 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Pen Yan 323 Denison, Arthur J„ Dundee, R. D. 4 325 Denison, Floyd T., Dundee 1343 Denison, Rufus J., Dundee, R. 566 Denison, William H., Bridge St 4 Denman, Ernest, Bellona 990 Densmorem, James, Middlesex 1421 Densmore, Leon J., Middlesex 1035 DePauw, Camiel, Himrod 1753 DeWaters, Edward H., Penn Yan 963 DeWitt, John W., Penn Yan, R D. 5 1366 DeWaters, Marion C, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1878 Dillon, Guy N., Naples, R. D. 27 1810 Dinehart. Charles J., Middlesex, R .D. 2 388 Doane.Fred S., Penn Yan, R D. 4 1840 Dolan. James E., 203 E Main St., Penn Yan 606 Donaldson, Ernest W., 205 Clinton St., Penn Yan 886 Donaldson, Oliver N., Branchport, R. D. 2 179 Donaldson, Thomas L., Branchport, R. D. 1 311 Donley, Dewey P., Naples, R. D.> 26 1012 Donley, Melvin P., Naples, R. D. 26 1123 Donnelly. Leon D. Middlesex. R. D. 847 Dooley, John J., 187 Seneca St., Penn Yan 97 6 Dopp, Charles S., Potter 9 69 Dorman, Frank J., Rushville 1899 Dorman, John M., Middlesex, R. D. 1 1362 Dorsey, Michael J., Himrod 1392 Dougherty, George, Jr., 109 Brown St 1017 Dougherty, George M., 109 Brown St 161 Douglass, Wilson L„ 343 Head St 1138 Dowdell, Charles A., Keuka Park 559 Drake, Sidney T., Dundee, R. D. 3 903 Drakley, Eugene F., 142 Main St 1314 Drew, George B., 5 Goble St.. Dundee 815 Driscoll, Jeremiah J., Rock Stream 1069 Duell, William K, 216 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1724 Dugan, Charles E., Elm and Liberty Sts., Penn Yan 1765 Dunn, Thomas, Penn Yan. R. D. 6 506 Dunning', William N , Dresden 255 Durfee, Eleber W., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 803 Durham, William C , Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1369 Durnin, James A., 14 Wagener St., Penn Yan 673 Dunton, Herbert C, Naples, R D. 26 816 Dybro. Cristen J.. Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1503 Dyke, Harry W., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1493 Dykeman, Almerian, 351 Jacob St.. Penn Yan 718 Dykeman, Fred S., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 420 Dykeman, George M., 110 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 861 Dykeman, Joseph B., 110 Cornwell St, Penn Yan 1099 Dwyer, Francis J., 146 Seneca St., Penn Yan SKiS Earl, Charles, Penn Tan 1519 Earl, Henry C., Penn Yan 781 Earl, Henry J., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1603 Eaves, George, Himrod 1338 Eaves, James F., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1176 Earnest. Leland B., Dundee 449 Eckel, Henry K., Dundee, R. D. 4 1500 Eddy, Loren E , 223 Lake St., Penn Yan 572 Eddy, Oliver E., Naples, R. D. 27 1134 Eddington, Van R., 207 Jacob St., Penn Yan 312 Edkin, James, Himrod 792 Edsall, Archie B., Dundee 656 Edsall, Rowley, Himrod, R. D. 15 877 Edwards, Daniel, Bluff Point, R. D. 1 184 Egelston, Bert, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1330 Egelston. Charles W., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 167 Egelston, Lloyd R.. Bluff Point, R. D. 1 23 Egleston. Earnest, Bluff Point, R. D. 1 681 Elder, Albert A., Dundee, R. D. 4 220 Eldred, Fred D., Branchport, R. D. 2 651 Eldred. William C, Branchport, R. D. 2 867 Elwell, Clarence R., Naples, R. D. 27 674 Ellett, John D., Rock Stream 1419 Ellick, Frederick W., Middlesex, R. D. 24 669 Elling, Theodore W., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 252 Ellis, Lloyd R., Himrod 1253 Ellis, John C, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 479 Ellison, William A., 19 Washington St., Dundee 650 Ellsworth, Lewis B., Dresden 1903 Emerson, Eddie R„ 142 Stark St., Penn Yan 1411 Emerson, George D., Potter 1151 Emerson, LeRoy L., Branchport. R. D. 1 1397 Emory, Orion L., Middlesex, R. D. 1 1329 Enos, Charles C, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1323 Englehardt. Ernest, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 768 Enos, Frank W., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 168 Enos, Harry, Penn Yan R. D. 7 1522 Eskilesen, Peter, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1023 Everson, Axel, Jessop Block, Penn Yan 1410 Excell, Ralph H., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 820 Faueett, Ansel J., Dundee, R. D. 2 1198 Falconer, Andrew. 37 Seneca St., Penn Yan 531 Farnsworth, John H., Rushville 1696 Fennell, Neil J., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 308 Fenner, Wiliam B., 208 Lawrence St., Penn Yan 841 Ferguson, Fred W., Hall, R. D. 1 1536 Ferguson, George W., Rushville, R. D. 22 124 Ferguson, William F., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 84 Fields. Charles C, 16 Washington St., Dundee 1306 Fiero, Irvin W., Bellona 1478 Finch, Fred, 76 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 911 Fing-ar, Eugene H., Bluff Point 1418 Fingar, George W„ Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1206 Fingar, William S., Penn Yan 633 Finger, Melvin, 121 Walnut St , Penn Yan 1235 Finger, Roswell H., Penn Yan, R. D 9 1604 Fink, Ben, 110 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 'Page Thirty-two 200 Finegan, Stephen W., Dundee. R. D. 2 1194 1115 Fires, Frank D, Middlesex, R. D. 2 1601 1487 Fires, George L.. Middlesex, R. D. 2 1814 1529 Fish, Milton H.. Dundee, R D. 1 1139 305 Fish, Richard D., Dundee, R. D. 1 192 767 Fisher, Gerald H., Penc Yan 1414 1785 Fisher, James A., 157 Ssneca St., Penn Yan 257 295 Fitch, George M., Rushville 1191 Fitch. Wilson W., Rushville 13C8 468 Fitzsimmons, William J . Rushville 1341 230 Fitzwater, William J., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 71 880 Flahive, John J., 207 Court St, Penn Yan 1092 209 Flahive, Thomas J., 124 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 1859 1860 Fleet, Emerson B., Dundee, \R. D. 2 13 93 1261 Fleet, John H., Himrod, R. D. 1 260 461 Flint. Merritt A., Middlesex 111 1197 Flood, Maurice D., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 709 1098 Flynn, Edward M, Per.n Yan, R. D. 10 1180 998 Flynn, Martin, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1259 1721 Flynn, Thomas, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1434 702 Foley, William H., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 51 755 Ford, Bayard B., Lakeinont 1891 317 Ford. Charles W., Rushville 272 787 Forshee. Harry, Penn Yan 1027 1672 Foster, Charles, Rushville, R. D. 22 1795 1504 Foster, Clayton R., Middlesex 1317 503 Foster, Jesse, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1172 33 Fountain. Milford J. Middlesex 362 136 Fox, Fred J.. Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1615 800 Fox, John C, 346 Main St., Penn Yan 1227 81 Fox, William D., Main St., Penn Yan 18 77 704 Fox, William J., Bigelcw Ave., Dundee 1745 715 Francisco, John L., 410 Liberty St., Penn Yan 664 1754 Francisco, Lester J, Middlesex 1015 1751 Francisco, Robert H., Middlesex, R. D. 2 98 1020 Fraize, Christopher M., Rushville, R. D. 2 949 1774 Frank, Charles H., Dresden (Col.) 302 1788 Frank, Herbert S., 23 Union St, Dundee (Col.) 1607 244 Frank, Orlo G., 85 Holister St. Dundee (Col.) 661 122 Frankfather, Aaron D , Middlesex, R. D 21 10G0 11 Frame, Perley K.,555 Liberty St., Penn Yan (Col) 1292 872 Fredreksen, Jens A., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 19 381 Fredreksen. Nels C, Gage 1000 1868 French, Frank L., Middlesex, R. D. 2 1602 363 Frits, Harry E., 247 Lake St.. Penn Yan 265 748 Fullagar, Homer M., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 421 1187 Fullagar, Lloyd B.. Branchport 175 Fuller, Guy H„ Dundee, R. D. 4 234 843 Fulton, George W., Keuka Park 229 161 455 Garbus, Edward P., 335 Elm St., Penn Yan 1433 1609 Gardner, Charles, Middlesex, R. D. 2 1654 35 Gardner, Fred A., Washington St., Dundee 1645 1039 Gardner, Robert E, Penn Yan, R. D, 9 1525 228 Gavin, John, 213 Liberty St. Penn Yan 7 578 Gavin. Martin J.. 357 Main St., Penn Yan 1704 1760 Gearheart, George L, Hall, R. D. 1 1725 1367 Geer, Edward L, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1094 211 Geer, George H., Naples, R. D. 27 1228 268 Gelder, Clyde B., Bellona 203 1105 Gelder, Edwin B., Bluff Point 601 981 Gelder, Fred B., Potter 1780 1348 Gelder, Harry W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1917 1472 Geoghegan, Charles H., 102 E. Main St., Penn 391 Yan 730 1479 Gibbs, Harry M., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 375 591 Gibson, Jeptha E., 17 Hollister St.. Dundee 1257 141 Gibson, John S., Ill South Ave., Penn Yan 630 1797 Gigliella. Felice A., 179 Seneca St., Penn Yan 885 286 Gilbert, Sillsbe R, Penn Yan, R. D 1 361 1195 Gillette, William O., Rushville, R. D. 22 1388 1823 Gladwin, Charles W., Potter 418 1499 Gleason, Ira L, 22 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 1473 261 Gleavy, George J., Bluff Point 303 922 Goldsmith, Basil W., Starkey 935 752 Goldsmith, Charles W., 27 Champlin Ave., Penn 1863 Yan 58 1574 Goldsmith, Glenn W, Psnn Yan, R. D. 4 313 1136 Goodman, George H., 346 Jacob St.. Penn Yan 900 1140 Goodrich, Oliver D., Rushville, R. D. 2 393 950 Goodsell, Harry F, Ptnn Yan, R. D. 8 359 1530 Gorton, Charles Middlesex 1056 631 Gorton, James M., Rushville 410 1783 Gotshall, Miles C, Rushville, R. D. 2 1670 1249 Goundry, Harold M„ Himrod, R D. 15 875 1590 Goundry, James F., Penn Yan. R. D. 4 594 1648 Goundry, Ora M., Himrod, R. D. 15 1375 522 Grace, Oren, Penn Yan R. D. 2 1666 1326 Grady, William R., 112 Burns Terrace, Penn Yan 91 570 Grandy, Gilbert, Dundee, R. D. 3 926 1685 Graves Warner W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 294 31 Gray, Almeron N., Middlesex 212 955 Gray, Leland M., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1185 27 Gray, Richard N., Middlesex 1849 1101 Green, Alphonso L, Central House, Penn Yan 70 1599 Green, John J., Dundee, R. D. 1 1701 2 Greenway, Thomas, 215 Water St., Penn Yan 1057 112 Greening, James W., Ill Court St., Penn Yan 1875 115 Greenwood, Harvey W., Middlesex, R. D. 24 973 1606 Gregory, George W., Lakemont 129 1 1403 Gridley, Warren E., Bluff Point, R. D. 1 1793 1834 Griffith, Welles. 110 Benham St., Penn Yan 1175 974 Griffin, Frank D., Hall, R. D. 1 774 1736 Griffin, Myron R., Middlesex 1867 335 Griffin, AVilliam, Penn Yan. R. D. 10 lO.xx 435 Griffiths, Arthur P., 118V 2 E. Main St., Penn Yan 602 40 Griffith, Elmer C, Middlesex 13d 793 Griffith, Bert J., Penn Yan. R. D. 5 1345 457 Griffith, Dudley E., 133 Benham St., Penn Yan L032 1887 Grimes, Thomas W., Middlesex 588 Griner, Herbert F.. Bellona Gr:swold, Harold J., 145 Seneca St., Penn Yan Griswold, Harry, Branchport, R. D. 1 Groesbeck. Bert. Branchport. R. D. 1 Grow William, Naples, R. D. 27 Guider, Michael E., Per.n Yan, R. D. 9 Gulick, Floyd E., 25 Washington St., Dundee Habberfield, Howard K., 12S Lake St., Penn Van Haight, Perl B , Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Hainer, Olin H , Rushville Hakes, George E., 4 Prospect Ave.. Penn Yan Haldeman, Andrew W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Hall, Clarence E., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Hall, Frankie, 25 Union St., Dundee Hall, Harrv W.. Himrod Hall, James B., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 Hall, John B., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Hall. Joe! W., Penn Yan Hall, Ola D., Rock Stream Hall. William B., Dundoe, R. D. 2 Hallock. Jesse H., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Halstead, Addison T., \rLushville Halstead, George G., Penn Yan ,R. D. 6 Halstead, John W., Dundee Hamilton, Frank W., Psnn Yan, R. D. 1 Hamilton, Harry P., 6 Union St., Dundee Hamilton, Leon D., 14 Stoll St., Dundee Hamilton, Percy D., 6 Union St . Dundee Hamlin, Andrew J., Rushville, N. Y'., R. D. Hamlin. Ernest, Dundee, R. D. 4 Hamm. Charles, 133 Jackson St., Dundee Hamm, Ralph, Penn Y'an, R. D. 7 Hamm, Tewalt, 127 Jackson St., Penn Y'an Hammond, John R., Rushville, R. D. 2 Hanmer, Lew.s R., Dundee Hanmer, Milton B., Dundee, R. D. 4 Hansen, Christian E., Dresden Hansen. Hans F., Himrod Hanson, Harold, 428 Liberty St., Penn Yan Hantroi, Waldemar, 407 Main St., Penn Y'an Harford, Charles, 107 Chestnut St., Penn Yan Harpending, Harry B., D mdee, R. D. 3 Harpending', John L, Seneca St., Dundee Harpending, Pierre L., Main St., Dundee Harrington, Berton R., 137 y 2 Seneca St., Penn Yan Harris, Fred, Dundee R. D. 1 (Col.) Harris. Richard. Dundee, R. D. 1 (Col.) Harris, Sylvester, Naples, R. D. 27 Harris, William J , Dresden Harrison. Edmond E., Himrod Harrison. Emmett D., 213 Clinton St.. Penn Y'an Karnson, George W., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Harrop, Arol C. E., Dundee Harrop, Isaac L., Dundee Hart, Charles T., Middlesex, R. D. 1 Hart, Thomas E., 115 Monell St., Penn Yan Harvey, Clarence G., Rushville. R. D. 2 Harvey, Coleman F.. 11 Myrtle Ave., Penn Yan Harvey, George D., Rushville, R. D. 2 Haskell, Don L, 47 Union St., Dundee Haslund, Niels C, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Hatcher. Charles H, Dundee, R. D. 2 Hatcher, Thomas R., Dundee, R. D. 2 Hatcher William H., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Hathaway, Richard B , Dundee, R. D. 2 Hatmaker. Frank, Himrod, R. D. 15 Havens, Frank M., 207 Sheppard St s Havens, George E., Penn Yan, R. D. Hayes, John D., 326 Keuka St., Penn Y'an Hazard, William J., Starkey Hagerty, Thomas E., Middlesex, R. D. 1 He.ner, John, 3 Main St., Penn Yan Henderson, Arthur, Per.n Y'an, R. D. 6 Henderson, E. Smith. Penn Y'an, R D. 6 Henderson, Fred S, 205 E. Main St., Penn Yan Henderson, Perry D., Penn Y'an, R. D. 6 Henries, Johnson R., Penn Y'an, R. D. 10 Henries, Wilhs, F ,, 133 Jackson St., Penn Y'an Herman, Clarence A., Pjnn Yan, R. D. 9 Herman, Warner G., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Herr, Charles, Dresden Herrick, William P., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Herries, Robert G., Branchport, R. D. 3 Hess, Hugh A., Dundee, R. D. 3 Hey, Albert P., Penn Y'an, R. D. 7 Hey, George M., Penn Y'an, R. D. 7 Hey, Lewis A., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 Hibbard, Carlton P., Branchport. R. D. 1 Higgins, Charles, Dundee, R. D. 3 Hill. Charles C , I Hindi' ■. 11. I'. 2 Hillis, John N., 132 Ogden St., Penn Yan Himler, George N., Penn Y'an Hoagland, Robert H.. Starkey Hoban, Owen C, 108 Lake St., Hobart, Berlin W., Penn Y'an. Hobart, Glenn L. Middlesex. R. D. 2 Hobart, Roy C. Penn Yan. K. 1 >. 8 Holbrook. William C. Rushville, II. D. 2 Holden, Claude S.. Dundee, R. D. 4 Hollister. Edwin F., Branchport Hollister, George J., Branchport Hollowell, Fred S, Penn Yan, R. D. C Holton, Leon J., Himrod Moll hi. William I<\. Rushville, R. D. 2 Hood, Harry S., 316 Court St., Penn ran Hopkins, David. Branchport, R. 1 >. 2 Hopkins, Edward G., 126 E. Main St., Penn San Hopkins, Lewis .1.. 311 Keuka St.., Penn Fan Penn Yan 9 Penn Yan R. It. 2 'Page Thirty-three m 921 Hopkins, Niel C, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1216 Hopkins. Thomas W.. 110 Seneca St., Penn Yan 1570 Hopkins, Walter A., 25 Champlin Ave., Penn Yan 127 Hopkins, Duane S., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 411 Horton, Charles G., Dundee, R. D. 2 535 Horton, David G.. Starkey 551 Horton, George F., Dundee, R D. 4 382 Horton, George N., Chronicle Bldg., Penn Yan 159 Horton, Guy L., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1625 Horton, Leroy, Penn Yan, R. D 10 515 Horton, Ray G., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1373 Horton. William H , Dresden 878 Horton, Charles P., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1047 Houg-htaling, Carl B.. Gage 1491 Houghtaling, Earl, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1038 Houghtaling, LeRoy, Gage 759 Houghtaling, Lewis D , Penn Yan, R .D. 5 1806 Housel, George, Rushville, R. D. 2 802 Hovey, Lyman P., Glenora 1524 Hoyt, Benjamin S., Penn Yan. R. D. 6 1532 Hoyt, Fred L., Penn Yan. R. D. 4 1897 Hudson. Alonzo, 412 Liberty St, Penn Yan 1858 Hughner, Henry J., Middlesex, R. D. 2 1538 Hughner, Richard, Naples, R. D. 26 1070 Hughner, William H., Naples, R. D. 26 1259 Humphreys. Vincent B. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 960 Hunt, Ambrose R, Branchport, R D. 1 1135 Hunt, Floyd P., Branchport, R. D. 1 1377 Hunt. Floyd M., 133 Jackson St., Penn Yan 810 Hunt, Henry L., Rock Stream 1408 Hunt, Wells P., Rushville 1083 Hunter, Charles C, 300 Main St., Penn Yan 352 Hunter. Lewis H., Branchport, R D. 1 1730 Hunter, Robert J., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1537 Hurd, William P., Branchport, R. D. 1 1275 Hurley, Edward J., Rushville 1005 Hurrin, Arthur L., Rushville, R. D. 2 1802 Hurrin, Charles C , Penn Yan 1656 Hurrin, Edward J., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1742 Hurrin, Robert, Rushville, R. D. 2 958 Hurrin, William, Jr., Penn Yan 997 Huson, Ross, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1220 Husted, Dan L, Penn Yan 1033 Hyland, David, 104 Henry St., Penn Yan 1511 Hyatt, Clarence J., 104 Chestnut St , Penn Yan 326 Ide, Ira C, Dundee 1532 Ingraham, John J., Branchport, R. D. 1 1738 Ingram, Archie H., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 65 Ingram, Harvey E., Starkey 1583 Ingram, William H., Potter 404 Jackson, Byron L,., 319 Lake St., Penn Van 706 Jackson, Carlton T, 115 Elm St., Penn Yan 830 Jackson, Charles W.. Dundee, R. D. 3 956 Jacobs, Berkhart B., Jr., 135 Ogden St., Penn Yan 1459 Jacobsen, Peter, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1677 Jayne, Raymon B., Starkey 1488 Jayne, Willard, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 269 Jensen, Albert, Penn Yan, R D. 2 1762 Jensen, Alfred B., 302 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 254 Jensen, Anaus, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 39 Jensen, Arthur C, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1577 Jensen, Carl A., Himrod, R. D. 15 17 Jensen, Carl C, Penn Yan 64 Jensen, Frederick, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 - 1501 Jensen, Henry T.. Box 84, Penn Yan 6 Jensen, Herbert, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 320 Jensen, Jens, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 616 Jensen, Jens Peter, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 61 Jensen, Martin, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 296 Jensen, Niels J., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1833 Jensen, Otto G., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1562 Jensen, Soren A., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1608 Jensen, Thomas, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 191 Jensen, Waldemar, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 378 Jensen, "Walter L., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 654 Jessop, Frank B., Dundee R. D. 4 1316 Johansen, Albert C, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 919 Johansen. Christ W., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 69 Johnsen, Sven, Penn Yan 1264 Johnson, Charles A., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1347 Johnson, Frederick E , Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1575 Johnson, George M.. Rushville. R. D. 2 132 Johnson, John E., Branchport. R. D. 14 1342 Johnson, Kendrick E., Rock Stream, R. D. 1 1757 Johnson, Lafayette, Middlesex, R. D. 2 1703 Johnson, Lewis, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 250 Johnson, Lyman G., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 213 Johnson, Orla W., Naples, R. D. 26 1729 Johnson, Samuel M., 129 Dake St.. Penn Yan 711 Johnson, William L., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1716 Jolly Llewellyn P., 308 Clinton St., Penn Yan 1755 Jones, Clive F., Dresden 868 Jones. Milo B., Naples, R. D. 26 1145 Jones, Willis O., Dundee, R. D. 1 1226 Jorgensen, Alfred, Penn. Yan, R. D. 5 1836 Jorgensen, Anton C, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 443 Just, Nicholas J., 118 Franklin St., Penn Yan 63 Kane, Christopher, 36 Edtvina St., Dundee 1241 Kane, Martin, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 1597 Karnes, Charlie B, Dundee R. D. 4 1335 Karnes, William, Naples, R. D. 26 1352 Kellen, Delos L., Penn Yan, R. D. 1Q 1178 Kellogg, Claude M., Barnes 583 Kelly, Charles A., 223 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1440 Kelly, Patrick A., 412 Liberty St , Penn Yan 1268 Kemp, Guy F., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 964 Kennedy, Clarence F., Potter 1019 Kennedy, George M., Branchport, R. D. 1 183 Kennedy, Leon D., 103 Head St, Penn Yan 1310 Kennedy, Robert, Naples, R. D 7 298 Kennerson, David B., Penn Yan, R. D 9 1053 Kennerson, Edgar H., Penn Yan. R. D 9 451 Kenyon, Belden B., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1036 Kenyon, Charles A., Dundee, R D. 1 859 Kenyon, Horace B.. Dundee, R. D. 1 722 Kenyon, William H., Dundee, R. D 1 501 Ketcham, Oliver E, 128 Clinton St., Penn Yan 719 Ketterer, Albert H., Himrod, R D. 15 1596 Kidder, Harry, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 56 Killeen, Martin M., Rushville 1817 Kilpatrick, Clarence W. Middlesex 1186 Kilpatrick, Charles G, Potter 1409 Kilpatrick, Edward L, Potter 1100 King, Albert L, 129 Benham St., Penn Yan 915 King, Charles E., Middlesex 972 King, Leron N., Himrod, R D. 15 607 Kinne, George R., 119 Clinton St.. Penn Yan 537 Kinner, Burdett D„ Dundee, R. D. 4 889 Kinyoun, Charles E , 10 Myrtle Ave., Penn Yan 1800 Kinyoun, Clay F., 404 Main St., Penn Yan 364 Kinyoun. John E. 5 Waddell St, Penn Yan 1360 Kipp, Ernest F., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1481 Kirkpatrick, Charles R 315 Court St., Penn Yan 258 Kingman, Charles E, 124 Lake St., Penn Yan 1713 Knapp, Aaron I., Middlesex, R. D. 1 603 Knapp, Andrew J , Middlesex, R. D. 2 1121 Knapp, Orson O., Middlesex, R. D. 369 Knapp, Theodore, Stanley, R. D. 6 1149 Knapp, Wesley J., Stanley, R. D. 6 1 Knapp, William C, Dundee, R D. 1 659 Knapton, Warren, Himrod, R D. 15 1021 Koehler, Alvin A., Hasson House, Penn Yan 770 Koehler, Lloyd L., Penn Yan, R. D 2 693 Koehler, Frank I„ Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1283 Kunes, Arthur L., Rushville 605 Lacy, Alfred IV., Penn Yan, :t™ D. 1663 LaFever, Carlton H., Dundee, R. D. 3 912 LaFever, Nelson L., Dundee 1506 Lafler, Arthur L., Middlesex 1150 Lafler, Arsie D., Middlesex 1192 Lafler, Edwin E, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1769 Lafler, Stults C, Middlesex 970 Lafler, Vernon R, Middlesex, R. D. 24 1861 Lake, James F., 123 Jackson St., Penn Yan 1245 Lamont, Floyd L., Penn Yan. R. D. 2 1651 Lamphier, Clarence A., Rushville, R. D. 1 739 Lamphier, Ernest, Keuka Park 756 Lampson, George E , 130 Lake St., Penn Yan 473 Lane, Benson S., Dundee, R. D. 4 1376 Lane, Ernest G., Rushville. R. D. 2 1782 Lane, Fred F., 52 Union St, Dundee 803 Lane, Grayson W., Middlesex 1578 Langdon, John J., 130 Hamilton St.. Penn Yan 1104 Langham, Frederick H, 349 Elm St., Penn Yan 1559 Laport, Joseph, 111 Jacob St , Penn Yan 405 Lare, Charles A., Dundee, R .D. 4 1549 Larham, Elmer E., 340 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1533 Larsen, Albert, Himrod, R. D. 15 528 Larsen, Chris M, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 332 Larsen, Chris R„ Bluff Point R. D. 1 467 Larsen, Jens O., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 495 Larsen, Lars K., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 324 Larsen, Nels C, Dundee, R. D. ] 1586 Larsen, Theodore M., 56 Hollister St., Dundee 249 Larsen, Waldemar, 249 E Main St., Penn Yan 892 Larzelere, Richard F., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 979 Lathrop, George W„ Middlesex, R. D. 1 1791 Lathrop, William R.. Penn Yan, R. 1406 Lattimer Clark C, 183 Seneca St., 1272 Laverty, Firnen, Penn Yan, R. D. 1298 Lazarus, Charles A., Rushville 1301 Leach, Charles R„ Penn Yan, R. D. 6 882 Leach, Chester B., 221 Lake St, Penn Yan 1183 Leach, William C, Naples, R. D. 26 1420 LeClaire, Max R, Penn Yan, R, D. 5 12 Leader, George H., 142 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1719 Lee, Fred A.. Himrod 1374 Lee, Daniel T., Bluff Point, R. D. 1 147 Lee, Frank A., Himrod. R. D. 15 663 Lee, Ray W„ Penn Yan, R. D 6 608 Legg, Nelson E., 117 Hamilton St. 166 LeGro, James M., 334 Head St., Penn Yan 1090 Leonard, Fred, Dundee, R .D. 4 1630 Lerch, John C, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 176 Lerch, Rolland R , Penn Yan, R. D. 9 577 Lerch, Schuyler L., 110 Johnson Ave., 961 Lewis, Bert, Branchport, R. D. 2 1024 Lewis, Charles, Branchport 775 Lewis, Firman, Dundee R. D. 2 153 Lewis, Fred U., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 227 Lewis, George R., Branchport, R. D. 2 688 Lewis, Harry E., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 678 Lilley, Carl W., 11 Goble St., Dundee 906 Lilyea, Oscar W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 487 Lind, Gustaf A.. Penn Yan, R D. 5 1739 Loder, Edward J., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1390 Logler, Joseph L., Dundee, R. D. 4 1707 Lombardo, James, Middlesex 1448 Long, Ashley B., Penn Yan 1302 Long, George L., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 675 Long Harry K., Bellona 48 Long, James E., Bellona 1465 Longcor, Charles E.. Himrod, R. D. 15 1508 Loomis, Frank B., Rushville, R. D. 22 1143 Loomis, Miles A., Dundee. R. D. 1 959 Loree, James R., Penn Yan D. 7 Penn Yan 4 Penn Yan Penn Yan \M 'Page Thirty-four 1097 Lorens, Fred, Branchport, R D. 1 957 Loughlin, John W., Gage 682 Lounsbery, Sylvester, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 222 Love, Herman L., Naples, R. D. 26 155 Lovejoy, Byron, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 170 Lovejoy, Isaac J., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 666 Lovejoy, Seth A , Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1692 Lown, James M., Jr., Box 204, Penn Yan 658 Ludbrook, Hessell H., 402 Keuka St., Penn Yan 831 Luppino, James, 171 Seneca St., Penn Yan 827 Luppino, Joe, 119 Franklin St., Penn Yan 826 Luppino, Rocco, 114 Monell St., Penn Yan 1652 Lund, Frederick, 330 Keuka St., Penn Yan 1763 Lurcock, Charles R., Dundee, R. D. 3 1391 Lynch, Clarence J, 203 Lake St., Penn Yan 465 Lynn, Frederick H.. Branchport 940 Lynn, Gilbert. Himrod R. D. 15 1637 Lynn, Lewis, Branchport, R. D. 13 1171 Lynn, Oliver C, Penn Yan. R. D. 3 1164 MaeDowell, James P.., 46 Water St., Dundee 232 MacNamee, Morris, 3 Main St., Penn Yan 172 Maclntyre, Arch G , 238 Head St., Penn Yan 469 MacKay. Charles H., 125 Brown St., Penn Yan 1585 McCabe, Harry S., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 1873 McCaig. Robert E., Hall, R. D. 1 625 McCann, Edward C, Himrod, R. D. 15 1427 McCann, Claude, 111 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 54 McCann, Alonzo, Dundee, R. D. 1 1709 McCombs, Leon G, Middlesex, R. D. 2 1042 McConnell, Carl G., 9 Harpending Ave., Dundee 1102 McConnell, Herbert W., 134 Benham St., Penn Yan 1082 McCoy, William R., Dundee, R. D. 1 109 McCreery. Howard S. .Dresden 430 McDowell, George, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1518 McDonald, Albert S., 7 Myrtle Ave., Penn Yan 1327 McElligott, John J., 302 Elm St., Penn Yan 690 McElligott, Richard B„ 302 Elm St., Penn Yan 629 McElwee, Morris H . Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1792 McElwee, Samuel G., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1271 McFall, Herman C, Penn Yan, R D. 4 1555 McGough, Thomas F., 238 Jacob St., Penn Yan 291 McGowen .Charles H., Penn Yan 619 MacKay, William G., 350 Main St., Penn Yan 1482 McKie, William A, Branchport, R. D. 1 1114 McKinney, Otis, 313 Keuka St., Penn Yan 1124 McLaughlin, Leo J., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 347 McLaughlin, William W., 105 Benham St., Penn Yan 297 McManus, Fred, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 (Potter) 101 McManus, Raymond J„ 161 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 944 McMath, John E., 200 E. Main St., Penn Yan 622 McMath, Samuel A. J., 200 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1438 MeMinn. Allen S., Branchport, R. D. 1 580 McReynolds, Amos M., 117 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 1904 McReynolds, Patrick J., 227 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 169 McReynolds, Thomas, 227 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 118 McSwain, Charles B., Starkey 1232 McSweeney, John E., 212 E. Main St., Penn Yan 67 Mace, Howard, Penn Yan 978 Osborne, Lorenzo P., 106 Jacob St. Penn Yan 1798 Mack, David M., Rushville, R. D. 2 1610 Mack, Fred, Middlesex 1560 Mack, Lewis C, Middlesex, R. D. 25 796 Mackey, Charles. 567 Liberty St., Penn Yan 176 Magee, Henry S.. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 623 Mahan, Joseph E , 133 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 700 Mahan, Thomas F„ 166 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 999 Mahar, John L., 140 Walnut St, Penn Yan 518 Maloney, Frederick F., Seneca St., Dundee 1520 Maloney, James W., 106 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1380 Maney, Daniel H., 107 Hamilton St, Penn Yan 77 Manley, Owen J„ 120 Cornwell St., Penn Yan 1885 Manlev, William B., 109 Ogden St., Penn Yan 649 Manning, George \V., Naples, R. D. 7 1407 Manning, Glenn A.. Naples, R .D 26 1349 Manning, Jasper E., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 428 Manning, Leroy B., Naples, R. D. 27 1824 Manning. Melvin A., Naples, R. D. 26 862 Margeson, Charles A., Naples, R. D. 7 1089 Margeson, Elmer L., 63 Union St., Dundee 1711 Margeson Ray, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 172C Maroney, Richard D., 103 Lake St , Penn Yan 135 Marsh, Charles D., 200 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1431 Marsh, Harrison A., Lakemont 1146 Marshall, Robert L., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1251 Martin, Charles ,R., Himrod, R. D. 15 490 Martin, Frank I , Bluff Point, R. D. 1 475 Martin George, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 609 Martin, George, Himrod 568 Martin, James G.. Box 136, Middlesex 1851 Martin, John A., Dresden 106 Martin William B., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 18 Martin, William D., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 648 MashewKke, Fred, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1449 Mashewske, Jacob, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 459 Mathews, Charles E., Bluff Point. R. D. 11 1812 Mathews, Gilbert A., Himrod, R. D. 15 980 Mathews, Merl W., Himrod. R. I>.- 15 644 Mathews, William, 107 Kimball St., Penn Yan 1521 Mead. Frank H., Penn Yan 1148 Meade, Alden E., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 50 Meade, David E., Middlesex, R. D. 2 1901 Meade, Horace .1.. 101 Johnson Ave., Penn Van 1831 2S4 799 977 536 523 46 1576 1883 1746 43 1112 1361 1837 1614 1156 9 385 640 971 626 1464 560 1284 1111 779 20 466 1365 1573 1866 473 1196 1514 514 1204 197 277 634 356 586 1207 519 287 1372 695 772 491 1835 538 360 306 150 1557 1003 453 596 423 814 456 75 74 554 417 1706 1319 1447 1018 558 855 533 24 1627 154 1890 44 839 1321 398 853 844 22 397 735 712 776 1328 273 1263 1460 1325 ism; 1900 1554 952 238 1437 1322 1428 188 1749 1561 357 1188 1415 723 1079 Meade, Martin M.. Middlesex. R D. 2 Meehan. John J., 224 Keuka St., Penn Yan Meeker, Charles E., Dresden Melious, Willett W., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 Merrick. Burton L., Dundee, R. D. 4 Merrifield, John F.. Penn Yan Merriman, David V , 106 Jacob St., Penn Yan Mertz, Frank, Middlesex, R. D. 2 Mertz. George E., Rushville, R. D. 2 Mertz, Lewis J., Rushville, R. D. 2 Mertz Rodney C, Middlesex, IR. D. 25 Messinger, Clarence D., Hopkins Place, Penn Yan Mikkelsen, Niels C . Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Miles, Albert A., Middlesex Miles, Frank L, 4 Union St., Dundee Miles, Theron. Middlesex Millard. Frank E., Dundee, R D. 2 Miller, Albert S., Branchport Miller. Charles H., 119 E. Main St., Penn Yan Miller. David, 124 Benham St., Penn Yan Miller, Edward J.. Himrod Miller, Frank P., Rock Stream Miller, Fred A., Dundee, R. D. 3 Miller. George H, 249 E. Main St., Miller. Myron. Middlesex Miller, Raymond. Dundee, R. D. 4 Penn Yan 8 Miller. Walter V.. 16 Seneca St.. Dundee Miller, William F., Penn Yan. R D. 3 Mills. Ralph H, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Mitchell, Arthur H„ 117 Clinton St., Penn Yan Mittower, George D., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Moniot, August E., 105 Monell St., Penn Yan Moniot, Paul J , Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Moon, Chester L., 332 Head St , Penn Yan Moon, Frank P., Branchport, R. D. 1 Moon, Glenn E„ Bluff Point, R. D. 1 Moon, Jacob F.. Dundee, [R D. 2 Moon, Walter E., Lakemont Moor Lawrence E., 147 Cornwell St., Penn Yan Moore, Charles G., 213 Main St., Penn Yan Moore, George V., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Moore, Harry C , Bluff Point, R D. 1 Moore, James E., 107 Keuka St., Penn Yan Moore, John C, 106 Chapel St., Penn Yan Moore, Perl C, Penn Yan, R ,D. 5 Moran, Thomas F., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Morehouse, Lee, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 Morehouse, Percy L., Keuka Park Morgan, Jesse F.. 13 Goble St., Dundee Morley Leon R., Himrod, R. D. 15 Morrison, Walter J , Branchport. R. D. 2 Morse. Adelbert R., Himrod, R. D. 1 Morse. Edward C, Himrod, R D. 1 Morse, George, 7 Seneca St., Dundee Morse, Guy, Bluff Point, IR. D. 1 Morse, Melvin E , Penn Yan, R. D. 2 Morse, Phillip, 1 Violet Ave., Penn Yan Morse, Vernon E., 304 Jacob St., Penn Yan Mortensen, George, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Mortensen Hans Peter, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Mortensen, Oscar N., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Morten, Joseph, Potter Moshier, Murry A., Middlesex, R. D. 2 Mueller, Paul C. K J., Branchport, R. D. 14 Miller, Lynn S, Box 127, Dundee Mulvihill, Thomas E., 113 Hamilton St., Penn Yan Murdock, Leon C, 2S Main St., Dundee Murphy, Daniel L, 59 Seneca St., Dundee Murphy, Henry P., 63 Seneca St, Dundee Murphy, John M., Gage Murphy, Lazear J, 6 Seneca St.. Dundee Murphy, Thomas. Starkey Murray, Emmett L., 302 Keuka St., Penn Murray. William J., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Myers. Dean. Keuka Park Van XaKt'ldiiiger, Floyd E., Gage Nageldinger, Emiel F.. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Nageldinger, Phillip B., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 Neally, Harry E., Bellona Nellis, Fred P., 109 Cornwell St., Penn Yan Nellis, John, 107 Cornwell St., Penn Yan Nelson, Alfred, Glenora Nelson, Charles H„ 16 Millard St.. Dundee Newcomb, Henry R.. Barnes Newell, Frank, Hall, R. D. 1 Newland, Charles F, Branchport Newland, Francis E.. Branchport Newland, LeRoy H, Branchport Newton, Charles R., 214 Lawrence St.. Penn Yan Nichols, Arthur J„ Penn Yan. It. I>. 10 Nichols, Jesse L, Penn Yan, R l> 6 Nichols, Loren, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Nichols, Robert E. 1 Pleasant Ave.. Penn Yan Nicholsen, Charles G.. Prattsburgh Nickerson, James, Himrod Nielsen, Henry E., Penn Yan. P. 1). 1 Nielsen, Jul, Penn Yan .It. I >. 6 Nielsen, Lars, Penn Yan, R I K 7 Nielsen, Martin J., 136 Ogden Si. Penn Yan Nielsen, Niels P., Penn Yan. It. D. 7 Nielsen, Niels P.. 218 Hamilton SI.. Penn Yan Nielsen, Niels P.. 107 .Mam Si . Penn Yan Nielsen, William P., Penn Yan. It I >. 10 Niles, Charles, Penn Yan. It. I). 8 Niles, Simeon, Middlesex. It. 1>. 21 Nixon. George W. Bluff Poinl Nixon. Morgan. Penn Van. It. D. 2 'Page Thirty-five 613 Norman, Claud L., Dresden 883 891 Norman, Harry W., Dresden 1405 114 Norman, Stephen D„ Penn Yan. R. D. 10 1535 760 Norris, Alexander, Dundee, R. D. 4 1309 1266 Norris, Ralph P, Himrod 1344 1766 Norris, William J., Dundee, R. D. 4 253 884 Northrup, Alfred P, Branchport 1789 1509 Northrup, George P., 210 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1889 996 Nutt, Charles O., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1669 1663 1387 O'Brien, Michael B- 117 Wagener St., Penn Yan 1761 1540 O'Connor, Tim M.. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1613 553 O'Kane, Arthur, 62 Water St., Dundee 377 729 O'Keefe, Richard A., 122 Keuka St., Penn Yan 1443 1439 Olsen, Chris M„ Himrod, R .D. 15 1068 724 Olsen, Niels C, Penn Yan, R D. 9 1498 194 Olsen, Otto C, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1807 1091 Orr, Clarence E., Barrington 1523 1674 Orr, James F., Himrod, R. D. 15 920 1571 Orr, Oliver D., Bluff Point. R D 1 1364 1758 Osborne, Frank G., 244 Head St., Penn Yan 1821 978 Osborne, Lorenza P., 106 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1841 10 Osburn, Robert B, 114 Walnut St., Penn Yan 1333 419 Osterhout, Abram, 180 Seneca St., Penn Yan 1452 837 Osterhout, Charles, Jr , 180 Seneca St, Penn Yan 1240 1743 Osterhout Cornelius, 180 Seneca St., Penn Yan 1189 371 Oswald, Albery, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 898 1236 Oswald, Benjamin, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 543 1483 Oswald, Ernest A., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 492 731 Oswald, Frank E, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 226 1052 Otis, John L.. Dundee 742 380 Ottaviano, James, Knapp House. Penn Yan 338 1850 Ottley, Louis C, Middlesex, R. D. 2 680 392 Ouellett, Thomas E., 3 Main St., Penn Yan 747 Ovens, James T., Penn Yan, R. D 2 1832 Ovenshire, Lee E , Dundee, R. D. 1 1649 Ovenshire, Merlin L., Dundee, R. D. 3 565 Ovens, William F, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 906 Owen, Arthur A., Penn Yan, R. D 10 1S39 422 Owen, George H., 345 Jacob St.. Penn Yan 415 1066 Owen, Glenn L., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 8 37 21S Paddoek, Arthur J., Prattsburfth, R. D. 4 H28 1633 Paddock, Elisha E., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1640 809 Paddock, Gerald L., 89 Seneca St., Dundee 945 1502 Paddock, Phillip E., Branchport, R. D. 12 1350 1061 Paddock, Robert D , Dundee, R. D. 4 1312 1714 Page, Charles, Naples, R. D. 26 1684 701 Paige, Fred G, 135 Walnut St., Penn Yan 1049 584 Palmatier. Henry A., 142 Lake St., Penn Yan i 8 9 698 Palmer, Floyd A., 12 Stoll St., Dundee 1048 1002 Palmer, Robert J., Penn Yan R. D. 10 1678 174 Pardington, Robert W., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1702 1727 Parish, Hiram B., 222 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1441 1676 Parker, Albert C, Branchport 60 881 Parker, Floyd H., Branchport 671 965 Parker, Floyd M, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1318 1687 Parker, Madell M., Branchport, R, D. 1 931 561 Parker, Stuart K., 242 Hamilton St., Penn Yan ngi 390 Parmalee, Egbert O., Penn Yan, R .D. 5 643 1064 Parmalee, Leo L, 43 Bigelow Ave, Dundee 1296 1359 Parmalee William J., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1307 1507 Parsons Charles E., Naples, R D. 26 1720 243 Parsons, Graham, 312 Clinton St., Penn Yan 1819 1620 Parsons, Herbert, Prattsburgh, R. D. 4 314 120 Parsons, Warren M., Branchport, R. D. 14 512 1805 Pascali, Francesco, Jacob St., Penn Yan 343 593 Paulding, John F., 81 Hollister St.. Dundee 2 83 1169 Peach, Thomas O., Lakemont 1237 539 Peck, Howard H., Penn Yan, R D. 1 721 1201 Pedersen, Andrew, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 329 57 Pedersen, Martin, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 3 440 Pedersen. Peter S. F., Bellona 575 750 Pepper, John W , 116 Hicks St., Penn Yan 14 736 Peres, Manuel G., Lakemont 1117 1469 Perry Albert S.j, Rushville, R. D. 2 612 11 Perry, Delmar, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 743 1278 Perry, Fred E., Branchport, R. D. 1 1541 785 Perry, George H., 105 South Ave, Penn Yan 6 10 1823 Perry, Joseph J., 183 Seneca St., Penn Yan 1768 1804 Perry, Robert G., Rushville, R. D. 23 471 1480 Petersen, Carl E., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 534 62 Petersen, Martinus, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 842 236 Peterson. Herman C, Dundee, R. D. 1 1461 1653 Phalen, Bernard J., 105 Burns Terrace, Penn ^ an 1909 233 Phalen, Wempell H„ Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1494 1600 Phelps, George L, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 2694 1190 Phelps, John G. Middlesex, R. D. 1 1871 849 Philes, James W., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1071 1731 Phillips, Burton L., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 550 331 Phillips, Fred O., 12 Ed.vina St.. Dundee i8 8 o 1470 Phillips, John L., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1564 Pierce, Floyd D., Branchport 1723 777 Pierce, William H.. Dundee 907 1471 Pike, Will H„ Box 154, Middlesex 621 676 Pinneo, Edward, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1902 427 Pinneo, Ray, Penn Yan. R. D 2 1073 529 Pinneo, Roy, Branchport, R. D. 1 1847 278 Plaisted, Frederick L, 35 Harpending Ave., 478 Dundee 1158 425 Plaisted, George M„ Penn Yan, R. D. 2 8i8 1582 Platman, Lester R., 127 Stark St., Penn Yan 836 776 Platman, Lewis D., Bellona 1290 1129 Pollock, William G, 113 Chapel St., Penn Yan 2 04 5 Pondell, Frank, 111 Cherry St., Penn Yan 2 51 1270 Porter, Delos E., 307 Lake St., Penn Yan 6 04 734 Porter, Hugh W., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 i 846 384 Potter, Arnold J. B„ 160 Main St., Penn Yan i 096 239 Potter, Edgar, Penn Yan 1689 Powers, Fred P . Powers, Guy H , Powers, John J. Powers John S., Potter, Edwin M., Naoles, R. D. 27 Potter, Lester B , Naples, R. D. 27 Potter, Rexford, 160 Main St. Penn Yan Potter, William J , Naples, R. D. 26 Potts, Allen C. Branchport, R. D. 1 Powers, Earl T., Rushville Rushville Middlesex, R. D. 2 314 Jacob St., Penn Yan Middlesex, R. D. 2 Powers. Ralph L ,, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Pratt, Avery I , Middlesex, R. D. 2 Pratt, Elmer G., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Pratt, Erving J., Rushville Pratt, Lewis F., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 Presler, Fred W., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Preslor Wilbur V., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Price, Fred N., Dundee, R D. 4 Price, Harry D„ 426 Liberty St., Penn Yan Prince, Leonard, 135 Benham St., Penn Yan Prior, Lewis H., Dundee, R D. 4 Prosser, Charles H., Himrod R D 15 Pruden. Charles A., Naples, R. D. 26 Pulver, Eberle E., Penn /an, R. D. 10 Pulver, Fred M., Branchport, R D. 14 Pulver, Gordon W., Branchport, R. D. 2 Pulver, Irwin S., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Pulver, John F., Branchport, R D. 14 Pulver, Perry L., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Pulver, Peter D., Branchport Pulver, Warren E , Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Purdy, I Seymour, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Pysher, Clarence A., Dundee, R. D. 4 395 (iueenan, Frank E„ 16 Lawrence St.. Penn Yan 808 Quetchenbach,, John, Penn Yan, R D. 2 102 Quick, James I., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Race, Frank, Naples, R, D. 2(5 Race, Frank L., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Radley, Scott L, Lakemont Raker, James B , 117 Dake St., Penn Yan Randall, Charles H.. Bianchport, R. D. 2 Randall Charles I., Rushville, R. D. 22 Randall, Perry W , Penn Yan, R. D 2 Randall, Wilfred A.. 122 Lake St., Penn Yan Randolph, Alvin S., Naples, R. D. 26 Randolph, Earl R., Naples, R D. 26 Rapalee, Daniel T , 61 Main St., Dundee Rapalee, Homer D., Maple Ave.. Penn Yan Rapalee, Walter A., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 Raplee, Delanson J, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Rarrick, Casius, 7 Washington St., Dundee IRasmussen. Chris, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Razey, Frank J., 328 Jacob St., Penn Yan Read, Orion W., Middlesex Reagan, Charles W., 113 Benham St., Penn Yan Reagan, James J , Penn Yan, R D. 5 Rector, Howard S., Middlesex, R. D. Reed Ernest B , 138 E. Main St., Penn Yan Reed, Fred F., 309 Elm St , Penn Yan Reed, James I , Penn Yan Reed, Sidney H., Bellona Reed, William C, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Reed, William D., 211 Water St., Penn Yan Reich, Herbert S , Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Reich Irvin H., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Reilly, Thomas A., 334 Liberty St., Penn Yan Reissig, Herman F, Penn Yan, R. D 7 Remington, Simon H., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Rescall, William, Keuka Park Reuse. Ludwig, 138 E Main St., Penn Yan Reynolds, Frank A., Rushville, R. D. 2 Reynolds, Grover C, Middlesex Reynolds, Harvey T., Middlesex Reynolds, William, Dresden Ribble, Wesley M., 120 Hicks St., Penn Yan Rice, Earl. Himrod Rice, John. Himrod Rice, Mathew, Edwina St , Dundee (Riche, Roy A., Hall, R. D. 1 Richemyer, Charles C, Union St., Dundee Ringer, Clarence, Keuka Park Ringer, Frank B., Keuka Park Roche, Angelo J., 300 Main St , Penn Yan Roat, William, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Robins, Charles W., Bellona Robins, George H., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 'Roberts, Emmett C, 65 Hollister St.. Dundee Roberts, Roy R., 46 Seneca St., Dundee Robertson, James V., 210 Lawrence St., Penn Yan Robeson, Charles A., Middlesex, R. D. 2 Robeson, Fred R , Branchport, R. D. 2 IRobeson, Roscoe J., 223 Head St., Penn Yan Robeson, Russell H., 223 Head St., Penn Yan Robinson, Charles H., Glenora Robinson, Elmer L., Dundee, R. D. 4 Robinson, Herbert J., Dundee, R. D. 4 Robinson, Louis A., Rushville, R ,D. 2 Robinson, Ray L, Dundee. R. D. 2 Robinson. William C, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Robson, Charlie C, Middlesex Rockwell, Frank W., Dresden Roddy, Patrick, Bellona Roe, Bert A., Gage Rogers, Abel W., Dundee, R. D. 3 Rogers, Alva, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Rogers, Charles, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 'Page Thirty-six 549 99 932 1523 402 692 936 1628 7o2 79 1693 1389 696 1142 1222 1456 804 1297 840 68 1229 1260 1911 728 1383 1381 1552 547 1304 103 1254 1313 985 569 611 562 620 860 140 905 1829 145 938 123 685 825 182 202 527 923 819 541 442 125 29 1080 225 929 530 1001 863 376 1262 1595 300 1444 505 489 219 1382 1631 1378 1530 1591 1799 1718 450 1884 1906 1442 652 186 133 389 1385 864 83 1660 1004 992 485 1394 217 526 235 375 441 1221 1486 511 400 667 365 1512 703 544 1550 Rogers, Ira J., Dundee, R. D. 4 1291 Rogers, Leon M., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1103 Rogers, Ray H., 117 Stark St., Penn Yan 1031 Rogers, Lawson Waren, 208 Head St., Penn Yan 982 Rogers. Walter A, Middlesex, R. D. 2 436 Rolf, Alvin O., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 909 iolt, William H., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 835 Rolfe, Calvin J., Penn Yan 112 Roloson, Clinton H , Dundee. R. D. 4 123 Roof. Harry J., Dundee, R. D 4 1546 Roof, Phillip H., Dundee, R. D. 4 695 Roosa, John K., Glenora 1916 :Rose, Benjamin A, 243 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 36 Rose, Bernard B., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 824 Rose, Edward D, 231 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 1712 Rose, Fred H., 231 Sheppard St , Penn Yan 1063 Rosekrans, Edmund C 28 Seneca St., Dundee 1484 Ross, Alonzo P., 310 Court St., Penn Yan 784 Ross, Fred T., 125 E. Main St., Penn Yan 778 Ross, Merton L., Himrod 1288 Rossler, Gilbert F„ Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1384 Rothman, Lewis, 548 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1542 Rothe, Cleo L, Middlesex, R. D. 26 259 Roy, Harold S.. 409 Liberty St., Penn Yan 444 Rugar, George F, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1320 Russell, Fred C, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 52 Russell, Frederick C. Psnn Yan, R. D. 5 801 Russell, Piatt, Branchport 1286 Rutenber, Charles B.. Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1655 Ryal, William D., Dresden 30 899 K;il. in, Bert, Dundee, R. D. 1 416 Sabin. George A., Main St.. Penn Yan 480 Sabin, William C, 449 Main St.. Penn Yan 788 Sackett, Cornelius J., 19 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 1838 Sackett, Nathaniel P., 327 Elm St., Penn Yan 1661 Sackett. Winfield S., 117 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 821 Sadusky, John L, 412 Keuka St., Penn Yan 1717 Sanderson, Joseph H., 201 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1624 Sanderson, Leonard R., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 510 Sanderson, William T., Branchport, R. D. 2 201 Santullo, Nicola, 146 Seneca St, Penn Yan 49 Savage, John E., Middlesex, R. D. 6S6 Sawyer, Harry, Himrod 1076 Saxbury, LeRoy C, Dresden 1566 Sayre, Clarence L, Himrod 289 Scarapacclo, Charles 122 Franklin St., Penn Yan 1463 Schenk, Fred E., Naples, R. D. 26 1735 Schenck, Richard C, Branchport, R. D. 13 1231 Scherer Edward L, 123 Elm St, Penn Yan 396 Schoonover, Willis C, Bluff Point 638 Schroder, Chris, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 116 Schroder, Jens J., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 445 Schofleld, Elmer J , 126 Benham St., Penn Yan 1423 Schofield, Ray, Penn Yan, R .D. 3 1424 Schofleld, William A., 310 Elm St., Penn Yan 1516 Schumann, Nichols L., Rushville, R. D. 105 Schweickhard, Alfred P., 109 Chestnut St., Penn 563 Yan 567 Schwe.ckhard, Dewey I., Penn Yan, R D. 7 823 Schweickhard, Frank . C, Penn Yan, R. D.. 7 32 Schweickhard, Fred, Rushville 926 Schweickhard, William A., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 708 Sciore, Charles D, 109 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1644 Scotchmen Philip J., 120 Walnut St., Penn Yan 995 Scott, Bert. A, Hall, R. D. 1 1612 Scott, John N., Dundee, R. D. 4 1657 Scranton, Samuel J„ Dresden 9 6 Scranton, Walter L„ Dresden 1870 Seager, Harold J„ Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1490 Seager, James E., Branchport, R. D 2 1728 Seager, Sidney J., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1163 Seager, William T., Branchport 152 Seeker, Charles, Penn Yan 142 Seeley, Charles W., Rushville, R. D. 1 271 Seeley Frank J., 210 E. Main St, Penn Yan 1759 Seybol't Henry Y., 58 Hollister St., Dundee 339 Shannon, Albert J., Dundee, R. D. 1 1910 Shannon, Clarence J., Starkey 1045 Shannon, Earl J., Dundee, R. D. 4 1635 Shannon, George B., 104 Johnson St., Penn Yan 1859 Sharpe, William L, Dresden 865 Shaw, Blaine E., Prattsburgh. R. D. 4 677 Shaw, Charles D., Dundee, R. D. 1 1055 Shaw, Elmer J., Branchport, R. D. 1 15 Shaw, James M . Dundee, R. D. 2 88 Shaw William, Branchport. R. D. 13 975 Shay, George W., Naples, R. D. 26 100 Shay Robert F., 307 Liberty St., Penn Yan 615 Sharman. William A., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1492 Shedrick, Clinton, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 (Col.) 1425 Shedrick, Floyd P., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 (Col.) 366 Shedrick. Marion E., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 (Col.) 806 Sheehan, William A„ Rushville, R. D. 2 1413 Shepard, Lysander C, Penn Yan, R. D b 1879 Sheppard Oliver, 169 Main St.. Penn Yan 1450 Shifflet, David H„ 246 Jacob St.. Penn Yan 1453 Shoemaker, Raymond L., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 131 Short Henry M., 135 Elm St., Penn Yan 1584 Short, Joseph R., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 1667 Shultz, Charles A, Penn Yan. R. D. 4 1872 Shultz, Frank, Penn Yan, R .D. 6 316 Shultz, Harold J.. Himrod 1772 Shultz, John C, Middlesex, R. D. 25 1340 Shuman, John L, Rushville, R. D. 552 Shutts, Paul M., 212 Hamilton St., Penn Yan 1034 Sikaras, Frank P., 105 Main St., Penn Yan 1572 Sikaras, Peter K., 105 Main St., Penn Yan 764 Silliman, Harry A„ Himrod 967 S : ll'man. Carl H. Middlesex, R. D. Simmons. Charles M, Wagener Court, Penn Yan Simmons, "William H., Wagener Court, Penn Yan Simmons, Howard E., 558 Liberty St., Penn Yan Simonsen, John, East Main St, Penn Yan Sisson. Arthur A., Branchport Sisson, Floyd W., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Sisson, Harold S., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 Sisson, Harry G., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Slack. Charles A., Rushville, R. D. 23 Slack, George H„ 20 Edwina St., Dundee Slack, Cleo R., Middlesex, R. D. 2 Slack, Harry G., Dundee Slater, Claude A.. Dundee, R. D. 1 Slocum, Fred E., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Slocum, John E , Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Sloyer. Henry W., Naples, R. D. 26 Smalley, Dean L, Dundee, iR. D. 4 Smith, Abijah B., Branchport. R. D. 2 Smith, Albertus B., Middlesex Smith. Andrew A.. Himrod, R. D. 15 Smith. Andrew J , Penn Yan, R. D. 4 Smith, Charles F., Dundee Smith, Charles R., Dundee, R. D. 4 Smith, Clarence A., 122 Walnut St., Penn Yan Smith. Edward B., 156 Water St., Penn Yan Smith, E. Eugene, Penn Yan. R. D. 9 Smith, Fred, Penn Yan R. D. 8 Smith. Fred H., 216 Hamilton St., Penn Yan Smith, Harry C, Water St., Dundee Smith, Harry M., Dundee, R. D. 4 Smith, Horatio S., Dresden Smith, Ira A., Himrod Smith, John E., Dundee, R. D. 4 Smith, John N, Penn Yan. R. D. 6 Smith, Louis E ,, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Smith, Myron H,, 37 Edwina St., Dundee Smith, Rollie J., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Smith, William H., 322 Jacob St., Penn Y r an Smith, William H., Dresden Snook, Oliver W., Dundee, R. D. 2 Snyder, Adelbert M., 115 Henry St., Penn Yan Snyder John W.. Branchport, R. D. 2 Snyder, Sylvester, Naples, R. D. 7 Snyder, William H.. 255 Lake St., Penn Yan Sones, George W., 315 Elm St., Penn Yan Sorensen, Horace U., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 Southall, Harry W., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 Southworth, Ralph, Dundee, R. D. 3 Spear, Darwin W., 136 Brown St., Penn Yan Spears, Alonzo, 118 Cornwell St., Penn Yan Spelman, John, Branchport Spence. P.obert B.. Dundee. R. D. 4 Spencer, Clarence D., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Spencer, Carto J.., 20 Hollister St., Dundee Spier, Leo C, 111 Burns Terrace, Penn Yan Spink, Azariah L., Dundee, R. D. 2 Spoor, Ralph R., Himrod Sprague, Howard L„ Dundee, R. D. 1 Sprague, Roy F„ 238 Head St., Penn Yan Sproul, Ernest L., 23 Harpending Ave , Dundee Squires, Stanley J., Branchport, R. D. 2 Squires. William H, Bluff Point, |R. D. 11 Sprague, Charles B., 339 Head St., Penn Yan Sprague, Everett H, 214 Head St , Penn Yan Sprague, Fred H., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 Sprague, John R., 339 Head St., Penn Yan Sprague, Howard J., Seneca St . Penn Yan Stalker. Freeman, Dundee, R. D. 4 Standish, Harry M., Naples. R. D. 26 Stanhope, Jay G., Hall, R. D. 1 Stanton, Luther G., Dundee, R. D. 4 Stape, Harry L., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 Stape, Murray J.. Rushville Stape, Newman W., Rushville, R. D. 2 Staples. Clarence A., Himrod, R. D. 1 Stevens, Ervln W., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 Stevens, Francis H, 235 Jacob St., Penn Y r an Stevens, William O., Penn Yan, ,R. D. 10 Stever, James L, 138 E. Main St., Penn Yan Stever, Pearle H., Branchport, R. D. 1 Stewart, George A., Prattsburgh, R. D. 4 Still, Charles H., Dundee, R. D. 4 Stone, Guy W., Rock Stream Stone, Howard C, Penn Yan, R. D. 5 Stork, Lester H, 539 Liberty St., Penn Y'an Stoddard, Philo K , Middlesex, R. D. 24 Stowell, Frank P., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 Strait, Fred E., Dundee. R. D. 4 Strait, Edward B., Dundee, R. D. 1 Stratton. Herman, 109 Jackson St., Penn Yan Strawway, Bertie E., Dundee, R. D. 1 Strobridge, Clair B., Bridge St.. Dundee Strobridge, Glenn E , Penn Yan, R D. 6 Stryker, Clarence A., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 Stryker, Earl. Penn Yan, R. D. 3 Stryker. Floyd E., Bluff Point. R. D. 11 Stryker, Harry, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 Stryker. William F., Himrod. 1',. I'. 1 Sturdevant, Frank P, Penn Van, R. D. 2 Summerson. James F., Himrod, R. D. 1 Sunderlin, Asah J., Dundee, R. D. 1 Sunderlin, George, 159 Seneca St., Penn Yan Suter, Henry A , Naples, R. D. 27 Sutfin. Lvsle D., 5 Washington St., Dundee Sutherland. Edward B., 108 Hutton St., Penn Yan Sutherland, Ernest W., Branchport Sutherland, Fred C, Keuka Park Sutherland, Wesley R., Keuka Park Tage Thirty-seven 509 Swarthout, Bert B., Per.n Yan, R. D. 6 916 Swarthout. Glenn, Branchport 1734 Swarthout, Guy, 10 Harpending Ave , Dundee 195 Swarthout, Oliver H., 140 Jacob St., Penn Yan 1856 Swarthout, Ralph J, Dundee, R. D. 2 1495 Swarthout, Roy E., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 1395 Swarthout, Walter J., Rushville, R. D. 23 1853 Swarthout, William K , Penn Yan, R. D. 2 587 Swarts, George E., Himrod, R. D. 1 439 Swartwood. Arthur, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1462 Sweigart, John L., Dresden 618 Swick, Bert, 132 Sheppard St., Penn Yan 1401 Taylor, Alonzo P., Nsiples, R. ]}. 26 1905 Taylor, Arthur C, 110 Clinton St., Penn Yan 521 Taylor, Charles E., 305 Clinton St , Penn Yan 1915 Taylor, George E., Penn Yan 1497 Taylor, George W., 113 Elm St., Penn Yan 1116 Taylor, Leon R., 304 Keuka St., Penn Yan 247 Taylor, Samuel A, Dundee, R. D. 1 1016 Tiers, Albert G., Branchport, R. D. 1 1107 Tiers, Charles E., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 181 Tiers, Frank, Penn Yan. 1051 Tiers, Lee W , Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1454 Tiers, Miles B., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 341 Tiers, Roy A., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 890 Tefft, Herman L, Dresden 914 Templar, Josiah M.. Dundee, R. D. 4 424 Tennant, Jerry W., Dundee, R. D. 2 829 Terpolilli, Nick, 109 Franklin St, Penn Yan 474 Tetor, Arthur J., Dundee, R. D. 3 281 Tetor, Frank H., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1295 Thayer, George H , 204 Court St., Penn Yan 1203 Thayer, Harry J., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1737 Thomas, Allen F., Branchport 1088 Thomas, Elmer A., Himrod 282 Thomas, Frank, Rock Stream, R. D. 21 1567 Thomas, William, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1445 Thompson, Chris C, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 1895 Thompson, Clarence F, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 902 Thompson, Edward, 204 Lake St., Penn Yan 628 Thompson. Grover, Naples, R. D .27 206 Thompson, Lewis S., 523 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1786 Thompson, Lynn E., Central House, Penn Yan 1636 Thompson, Wade B , Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1876 Thompson, Walter W., Naples, R. D. 27 725 Thompson, William A., Rushville 913 Thornton, Henry T., Lake St., Penn Yan 1132 Tierney, John, Penn Yan, R D. 6 953 Timmerman, Harold M., Branchport 1303 Tinney, Frank A., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1898 Tinsley, Zina E., Rock Stream, R. D. 1 1664 Titus, Albert R., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 214 Titus, Ernest E., Clinton St , Penn Yan 1300 Tomes, Albert C, Penn Yan, R. D. 3 349 Tomion, Albert J., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1693 Tompkins, George L., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1046 Tormey, William P., Dundee 1843 Torrence, Burr W., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 537 Tower, Donald M., 28 Seneca St., Dundee 1273 Townley, James P., Dundee, R. D. 4 717 Townsend, Albert, Penn Yan, R, D. 10 846 Townsend, Francis B , 334 Jacob St., Penn Yan 851 Townsend, Harvey, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 353 Townsend, Herman R., Branchport, R. D. 1 1796 Townsend, James A., 213 Lawrence St., Penn Yan 746 Traver, Allen L , Penn Yan, R. D. 1324 Travers, Peter J., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1545 Travis, Charles B., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 662 Travis, Claude M., Himrod, R. D. 15 871 Travis, David, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1587 Travis, Grover C, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 942 Travis, John, Himrod, R. D. 15 555 Travis, Stephen M., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1747 Travis, William, Himrod, R. D. 15 1067 Travis, William, Water St., Dundee 540 Travis, Willis, Dundee, R. D. 4 893 Trenchard, Charles H, 126 Stark St., Penn Yan 548 Trenchard, Clarence, Penn Yan, R. D. 8 1305 Trenchard, Fred D., Gage 492 Trenchard, George W., Dundee, R. D. 4 1690 Trenchard, Marshall F., Himrod, R. D. 1 1353 Trenchard, Samuel G., 207 Liberty St;, Penn Yan 500 Tripp, Earl G, Dundee, R. D. 1 838 Tubbs, Josiah M., 131 Brown St., Penn Yan 350 Tunney, Thomas, 218 Lawrence St., Penn Yan 771 Turner, Eugene M., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 464 Turner, Garfield T., Penn Yan 1119 Turner, George W., Potter 1282 Turner, Samuel C, 116 Stark St., Penn Yan 1035 Turner, Willard W., Bellona 1081 Tuttle, Myron M., Dundee, R. D. 2 129 Tuttle, William, Branchport, R. D. 13 403 Twitchell, Harry S., Rushville, R. D. 2 1619 Tylee, William J., 314 Clinton St., Penn Yan 231 Tyler, Francis M., 118 Walnut St., Penn Yan 1855 Tyler, Frank i£L, Middlesex, R. D. 1 1775 Tyler, John D., Middlesex, R. D. 1 1357 Uhl, John D. f Branchport, R. D. 1 917 Underwood, James H., Middlesex 1044 Upson, Frank E., Dundee, R. D. 4 1621 Utter, Warren, Naples, R. D. 26 1086 Valentine, Herbert L., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1658 Vallimont, George E, 178 Seneca St., Penn Yan 636 Van Amringe, James W., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 599 Van Cise, David E., Himrod, R. D. 15 1412 Van Devanter, Charles R;, Dresden Yan Yan Penn Yan 1336 Van Epps, Louis D.. Middlesex, R. D. 2 146 Van Etten, Philip N., Dundee, R. D. 1 939 Van Gelder, Lyman D., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1354 Van Gelder, William, Penn Yan, R. D. 10 488 Van Gelder, William H , 212 Elm St., Penn Yan 507 Van Gelder, William N., Penn Yan, R. D. 10 1825 Van Gorden, Charles W., Dundee, R. D. 2 1396 Van Housen, Clark D., Middlesex, R. D. 32 1767 Van Houten, Roy L., Dresden 866 Van Scoter, Middlesex, R. D. 25 1126 Van Tuyl, John E., Branchport, R. D. 1 1346 Vaughn, Elmer D., 87 Seneca St., Dundee 710 Vaughn, Ralph W , Dundee, R. D. 1 1248 Verkruzen, Theodore A., Penn Yan 852 Vickory, John O., 214 Lawrence St., Penn Yan 1830 Vinall, James C, Penn Yan, R. D. 4 299 Vincent, R B. Garfield, Dundee, R. D. 4 1219 Voak, Olney, Gage 1289 Voorhees Belmont M., Rushville, R. D. 833 Voorhees, Henry E., Rushville 1695 Voorhees. Stanley E., Rushville, R. D. 2 1265 Vosburgh, Lou E., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 716 Vrooman, Harry B., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 1579 Wagar, Fenton H., Rushville, R. D. 2 1466 Wager, Forest L., Penn fan, R. D. 4 1125 Waggoner, Edward M., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 248 Walbridg-e, Frank G., 149 Water St, Penn Yan 984 Walbridg-e, Philo, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 92 Waldron, Bert B., Rushville 1244 Walker, Edwin J., Jr., South Ave , Penn 431 Walker, John W., 217 Clinton St., Penn 797 Walther, Burt C, Middlesex 1355 Wallace, William M., Branchport, R. D. 12 927 Walling, Daniel H, Penn Yan, R. D. 6 947 Walrath, William N., 241 E. Main St 21 Walton, Griffin B., Dundee, R. D. 4 1776 Walton, Stanley R., 83 Hollister St, Dundee 679 Warner, Wesley J., Dundee 1848 Warren, Charles W., Dundee, R. D. 1 409 Warren, Harold C, Penn Yan, R D. 1 1642 Warren, Ray T., Penn Yan, R. D. 2 426 Warren, Rollin E., Union St., Dundee 1852 Washburn, Harry C, Middlesex 1074 Waterman, Jeaness, Bluff Point, R. D. 11 937 Waters, Maurice A., Dundee, R. D. 2 336 Watkins, Charles M., 228 Hamilton St , Penn Yan 433 Watkins, Edward T., 133 Stark St., Penn Yan 323 Waugh, Floyd, 12 Hollister St., Dundee 1182 Wayand, Leon, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 1591 Wegman, William F, 133 Brown St., Penn Yan 794 Weichbrodt, James |R, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 504 Welker, George E., Dresden 1041 Welch, Leslie R., Penn Yan, R. D. 5 873 Welch, Alfred L., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 502 Welch, Ezra P., 539 Liberty St , Penn Yan 372 Welch, Jesse L., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 309 Wells, James E., Penn Yan, R. D 8 789 Welter Orville, 35 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 327 Wentsel, Lawrence L., 94 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 156 Werly, Henry L., 614 Liberty St, Penn Yan 870 West, James, Penn Yan, R. D. 2 126 West, Rodell. 141 Lake St., Penn Yan 1154 Westervelt, Elmore L., Rushville, R. D 2 1277 Wetmore, Carl A., Prattsburgh, R. D. 4 579 Whalen, Irving T., 123 Head St, Penn Yan 149 Wheat, Lewis H., Starkey 1040 Wheat, William H, Dundee, R. D. 4 1118 Wheatley, William H„ 322 Liberty St, Penn Yan 699 Wheeler, Fred S., Bluff Point, R D. 1 407 Wheeler, James R., 425 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1436 Wheeler, Jesse P., Penn Yan 321 Wheeler, John G, S3 Bigelow Ave., Dundee 1106 Wheeler, Lloyd A., Penn Yan, E. D 7 404 Wheeler Roy E., 400 Liberty St. Penn Yan 1784 Whitaker, Fred C, 121 Court St, Penn Yan 97 Whitbeck. Royal E., 201 Lawrence St., Penn Yan 1764 White, Arthur H., Dundee, R. D. 1 822 White, Charles R, Penn Yan, R. D. 7 78 White, George H., Penn Yan, R. D. 1 786 "White, James F., Rock Stream, R. D. 21 933 White, Sidney E , Bluff Point, R. D. 1 276 White, Spencer A., Penn Yan, R. D. 3 1110 Whitfield, Charles S., 323 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1691 Whitman, William A., Rushville, R D. 2 705 Wickum, Johnie W., Middlesex, R. D. 25 80 "Wilcox, Burton D., Lakemont 1845 Wilcox, Harvey E., Dundee 1315 Wilcox, Orison L, Lakemont 1006 Wild, Charles G., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 1193 Wild, William C, Gage 653 Wilhelm. Mark L., 248 Jacob St., Penn Yan 285 Wilkin, Willis G, 21 Hollister St., Dundee 956 Wilkins William J., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 227 Willis, William C, Himrod 943 Willett, Charles E., Penn Yan, R. D. 4 1137 Willett, James D., Bluff Point, R. D. 11 368 AVilloughby, George S., 123 Walnut St , Penn Yan 769 Willson, Earl F., Gage 1162 Wilson, Warren H.. Naples, R. D. 26 954 Wilson, Irving E , Penn Yan, R. D. 6 807 Wilson, Peter H., 235 Lake St., Penn Yan 707 Windnagle, Dewey Fenton, 303 Liberty St., Penn Yan 1881 Windnagle, Jerome A., Branchport 157 Wing-ate, Charles A., Penn Yan, R. D. 8 292 Winkworth, Cyril G., Branchport 158 Winship, Karl, Penn Yan, R. D. 1 185 Winship, Vick, Penn Yan, R. D. 9 'Page Thirty-eight 1818 Winton, Hugh, 32 Hollister St., Dundee 8l2 Wixom, Charles -L.., Dundee 1007 Wlxom, Rodney J., Dundee, R. D. 3 394 Wood, Charles H., Rushville 857 Wood, Clarence H., Branchport 838 Wood Edgar Adelbert, Naples. R. D. 27 84") Wood, George H., Brar.chport 1496 Wood. Leon P., Penn Yan, R. D. 6 994 Wood, Lynn A, Penn Yan. R. D. 6 634 Wor L man, Henry O., Dundee, R. D. 1 1357 Wortman. William R., 134 Lake St., Penn Yan 1165 Wren, Arthur. 205 Elm St. Penn Yan 237 Wren. William. Penn Yan, R. D. 2 301 Wright, Clarence B., Penn Yan, R. D. 7 193 Wright, Edward P, Naples, R. D. 26 765 Wright, Fred Gage 556 Wright, Herbert E, Penn Yan, U. D. 7 1741 Wright, Perry W., Penn Yan, R. D. 9 493 Wright. William W . Jr., Branchport. R. D. 2 1353 Wvckoff. Harry. Branchport 1455 Wyman. Burnett W.. Middlesex. R. D. 12 15 Wyman. Frank T.. Middlesex, R. D. 1170 Wyman. James F, Penn Yan. R. D. 4 1715 Wyman. Wendell B.. Middlesex 41"J l'iirser, Jacob A-, Dundee, R. D. 3 989 Yarnall, George H.. 133 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1174 Yawger, Scott S, 97 Seneca St.. Dundee 1338 Yetter, Hobart R, 126 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1233 Yetter, Isaac L.. 104 E. Main St., Penn Yan 1801 Yetter, Robert X.. 227 E. Main St.. Penn Yan 180 Yonge. Lee B, 313 Court St., Penn Yan 1037 Young, George A., 105 Cherry St, Penn Yan 125S Zimmerman, Clyde, IIS Lake St., Penn Van STATISTICAL The following were in charge of the registration, by election districts, and, as in former enrollments, all acted without pay: Barrington Arthur J. Bellis Benton, 1 Arthur Newcomb Benton, 2 Charles S. Butcher Benton, 3 Lars C. Anderson Italy George Thompson Jerusalem, 1 Rolla P. Bishop Jerusalem, 2 Guy Herries Jerusalem, 3 Chester Culver Middlesex, 2 L. Case Williams Milo, 1 Arthur Jessup Milo, 2 Frank R. Durry Milo, 3 Adelbert T. Beardslee Milo, 4 Wilmer Davis Milo, 5 George F. Mapes Milo, 6 Glenn Owen Milo, 7 Marvin Spooner Potter, 1 Oliver Goodrich Potter, 2 Roy Hobart Starkey. 1 Robert S. Wall Starkey, 2 Bertram E. Hunt Torrey Charles Ryal The registrants, according to age, were: 18 years 102 19 years 108 20 years 101 21 years 9 23 years 1 26 years 1 27 years 1 32 years 94 33 years 129 34 years 117 35 years 100 36 years 106 3 7 year 123 38 years 128 39 years 119 40 years 99 41 years 99 42 years 128 43 years 115 44 years 134 45 years 115 19 NATIONS AT WAR DATES IN WHICH THEY ENTERED THE CONFLICT Austria v. B.lgium August 23, 1914 Austria v. Montenegro August 9, 1914 Austria v. Russia August 6, 1914 Austria v. Serbia July 28, 1914 Brazil v. Germany September 26, 1917 Bulgaria v. Serbia October 14, 1915 China v. Austria August 14, 1917 China v. Germany August 14, 1917 Cuba v. Germany April 7, 1917 France v. Austria August 12, 1914 France v. Bulgaria October 18, 1915 France v. Germany August 3, 1914 Germany v. France August 3, 1914 Germany v. Portugal March 9, 1916 Germany v. Russia August 1, 1914 Great Britain v. Bulgaria October 16, 1915 Great Britain v. Austria August 12, 1914 Great Britain v. Germany August 5, 1914 Great Britain v. Turkey November 5, 1914 Greece (provisional government) v. Bulgaria .. November 28, 1916 Greece (provisional government) v. Germany . . November 28, 1916 Greece v. Bulgaria July 2, 1917 Greece v. Germany July 2, 1917 Italy v. Austria August 21, 1915 Italy v. Bulgaria October 19, 1914 Italy v. Germany August 28, 1916 Japan v. Germany August 23, 1914 Liberia v. Germany August 4, 1917 Montenegro v. Austria August 10, 1914 Panama v. Germany April 7, 1917 Roumania v. Austria August 27, 1916 Serbia v. Turkey December 2, 1914 Siam v. Austria July 21, 1917 Siam v. Germany July 21, 1917 Turkey v. Allies November 23, 1914 Turkey v. Roumania August 29, 1916 United States v. Germany April 6, 1917 "Page Thirt\/-nine (1) Vincent Beche George Ellis (4) Ernest Hill («) (7> (8) John Iloban Homer Hood Harolcl >lolinson Raymond Millis Harry 31aloney (10) Joseph Miller (11) Harold Parsons (12) Oliver Reaves (13) Prank Schofieid 'Page Forty IN SERVICE OF REGULAR ARMY OR NAVY AT DECLARATION OF WAR. APRIL 6. 1917 ALLEN, ARTHUR LEE, Corporal. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., June 28, 1916, in Com- pany B, 3d New York Infantry. Sent to Mexican Border. Furloughed to reserve. Re-called at Geneva, N. Y., April 7, 1917, and sent to Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, and assigned to Com- pany B., 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Sailed for overseas May 10th, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 23, 1918. In battles at Arras, St. Quentin, Cambrai and Ypres. Transferred to Of- ficers' Training School at Langres, France, 83d Division, as instructor. Appointed Corporal May 7, 1917, at Geneva, N. Y. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. (Benton). BEEBE, VINCENT, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., June 21, 1916, in Com- pany B, 3d Infantry, National Guard State New York. Discharged at Geneva, N. Y., April 10, 1917. Again enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., October 27, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Per- manent Personnel, Medical Detachment. Dis- charged at Fort Slocum, N. Y., December 31, 1918. (Milo). BOLSTER, HARRY S., Sergeant. Enlisted at Sayre, Penn., August 14, 1916, in Ma- chine Gun Company, 13th Pennsylvania National Guard. Sent to Camp Stewart, El Paso, Texas, bridge duty; 108th Machine Gun Battery. Trans- ferred to Camp Hancock, Georgia. Sailed for over- seas May 1, 1918, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, May 12, 1918, with the 108th Machine Gun Bat- talion. In Marne offensive, Vesle-Aisne offensive, Meuse-Argonne offensive, Thiacourt Sector. Wounded at Condembrie, France, July 17, 1918, by shell fragment in left hand. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., April 26, 1918. (Middlesex). BUTLER, CHARLES, Sergeant, Enlisted December 18, 1915, at Fort Porter, Buf- falo, N. Y. Sent to Columbus Barracks, O., and assigned to Recruit Co. 12. Transferred to Co. I, 17th Infantry at Eagle Pass, Tex., and served on the Mexican Border with that organization at Columbus, New Mexico, from April 23, 1916, to February 5, 1917. Transferred to Camp Cotton, El Paso, Texas; to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Com- pany I, 56th Infantry; to Camp Meade, Md., 14th Company, 154th Development Battalion, and Bat- tery A, 33d Field Artillery (demobilized about Nov. 29, 1918) ; assigned to Co. I, 71st Infantry. Transferred December 28, 1918, to Fort Totten, N. Y., and assigned to 4th Company. Promoted Corporal June 5th, 1917, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. ; promoted Sergeant September 8, 1917, at Camp Meade, Md. Furloughed to the reserve at Fort Totten, N. Y., June 12, 1919. (Jerusalem). CONNOLLY, HENRY 0., Private. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., July 27, 1916, in Com- pany B, 3d National Guard, State of New York. Company B of the National Guard (N. Y.) served on the Mexican Border. Discharged at Rochester, N. Y., April 15, 1917, under General Orders for the discharge of all married men having depend- ents. (Starkey). EDWARDS, HENRY B,, Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., June 26, 1S96, in Com- pany B., 3d National Guard, State New York. (Barrington). ELLIS, GEORGE CHARLES, Boatsmate, 1st Class. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., August 14, 1913, and sent to Newport, Rhode Island, as apprentice sea- man. Assigned to U. S. S. "Rowan" (destroyer). Discharged at Boston Navy yard as seaman, 2d class, September 17, 1916. Re-enlisted Septem- ber 18, 1916, as seaman 1st class, on the U. S. S. "Rowan." April 2, 1917, the ship was stripped for action and equipped for foreign duty. April 7, 1917, sailed from New York for Europe, arriving at Queenstown Naval Base, Ireland, May 18, 1917, and May 22 was on duty in the war zone, con- voying troop ships to St. Nazaire and Brest, France, and to Liverpool. England; also convoy- ing mail ships. February, 1918, Mr. Ellis was transferred to U. S. S. "Bridget," transport troop ship. Transferred to U. S. S. "McKee", at Mare Island Training Station, California, October, 1918. Assigned to U. S. S. "Victoria," merchant ship, November, 1918, arriving in New York Har- bor December 23, 1918. Mr. Ellis was promoted to Coxswain at Mare Island Training Station, California; to Boatswain, 2nd class, on U. S. S. "Victoria"; to Boatsmate, 1st class, on U. S. S. "Cape May." Mr. Ellis is serving an unexpired en- listment. (Milo). HILL, ERNEST EARL, Sergeant. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., April 24, 1916. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio, and assigned to 12th Recruit Co. Sent to Douglas, Arizona, and as- signed to Company E, 13th U. S. Infantry, with which served on the Mexican Border from June 10, 1916, to Juno 1. 1917. Sailed from New York City June 10, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, June 23. Served in Company E, 18th U. S. Infantry, 1st Division, in Luneville sector, Octo- "Page Forly-one ber 21 to November 20, 1917; Toul sector, Janu- ary 16 to April 3, 1918; Montdidier-Noyon, April 25 to July 7 (Cantigny battle, May 28-30) ; Aisne. Marne, July 18-25; Saizerais, August 7-24; St. Mihiel, September 12-14. Wounded at Cantigny, May 29, 1918, by machine gun bullet in right side, and at St. Mihiel, September 12, 1918, shell wound in right shoulder. In Army of Occupation at Sel- ters from December 1, 1918, to August 17, 1919. Returned to the United States September 4, 1919. Promoted Corporal May 17, 1917, at Douglas, Arizona. Promoted Sergeant June 15, 1917, at sea. Cited for gallantry in G. O. S , Headquarters 1st Infantry Brigade, series of 1919. Furloughed to the reserve at Louisville, Ky., April 25, 1920. (Starkey). HOBAN, JOHN CARR, JR., Sergeant. Enlisted at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, June 23, 1916. Assigned to Recruit Company. Transferred to Fort Scriven, Savannah, Georgia, and assign- ed to 3d Company, Coast Artillery Corps. Trans- ferred to Fort Adams, Rhode Island, and assign- ed to 8th Provisional Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps. Sailed August 25, 1917, arriving at Bor- deaux, France, September 24, 1918, and assigned to Company A, 344th Battalion Tank Corps, in- dividual unit. In battles at Soissons, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Wounded at Flaville, France, October 10, 1918, by shrapnel and slightly gassed. Appointed Corporal while at Fort Scriven, and Sergeant at Camp Meade, Maryland, June 1, 1919. Discharged at (Milo). HOOD, HOMER HAROLD, Corporal. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., January 21, 1916, in Company A, 3d National Guard, State New York, and was sent to the Mexican Border, returning to Rochester October 5, 1916. Sailed from New- port News, Virginia, May 10, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 23, 1918. Member of Company A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. In battles at Hin- denburg Line, September 29. Vierstaat Ridge, August 31 to September 2; East Poperinghe Line, July 9 to August 20; Dickebusch Sector, Belgium, August 21 to August 30, 1918. Discharg- ed at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. (Tor- rey). JOHNSON, HAROLD H., Private, 1st Class. (Official)— Harold H. Johnson, (106587), Penn Yan. Enlisted at Ft. Scriven, Ga., March 2, 1917. Born Penn Yan. Age 18 9-12 years. Organizations: Co. D, 26th Inf. to Jan. 2, 1918; Co. C, 2d Brigade M. G. Battalion to death. Private March 2, 1917; private, 1st class, Jan. 21 ,1918. Served overseas June 14, 1917 to death. Killed in action May 28, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Fred E Johnson, father, R. D. 1, Penn Yan. vices. Pvt. 1st CI. Harold H. Johnson, Co. C, 3rd M. G. Bn who was killed in action Near Cantigny, France, May 28, 1918 Official: By Command of R. E. Praile Major General Summerall Lieutenant Colonel, A. G. D., Stephen O. Puqua, Division Adjutant. Col. G. S. C. of C. Headquarters' FIRST DIVISION "The Commander-in-Chief has noted in this Di- vision a special pride of service and a high state of morale never broken by hardship nor battle". G. O. No. 201, G. H. O., A. E. F. 10. Nov. 1918 General Orders, No. 1 January 1, 1920. (Extract No. 4467) The Division Commander Cites the following officers and soldiers for gal- lantry in action and especially meritorious ser- Army of the United States of America To all who shall see these presents, greeting: This is to Certify that HAROLD H. JOHNSON Private 1st Class, Company C, 2d Brigade, Ma- chine Gun Battation died with honor in the service of his country on the twenty-eighth day of May, 1918. Given at Washington, D. C, office of The Adju- tant General of the Army this eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. I. ERWIN, Adjutant General. LATHROP, ALBERT, Corporal. Enlisted at Columbus, Ohio, December 8, 1912. Sent to camp in Texas, and with the exception of twenty-three months in France and five weeks in Jacksonville, Florida, all his time has been spent in camps in Texas. He was with the B. Com- pany 23 Infantry, when it sailed for France, Sep- tember 2, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, Septem- ber 16, 1917. Mr. Lathrop was in five battle fronts and was in the Mont Blanc drive when he was captured and held prisoner fourteen days. Af- ter escaping, Mr. Lathrop was assigned to Head- quarters Troop, 2d Division, of which contingent he is still a member. (Potter). LECLAIRE, LAWRENCE, U. S. Navy. Enlisted at Buffalo November 1, 1915. (Jerusa- lem). MALONEY, HARRY, Lieutenant- Colonel, Ordnance, IT. S. A. Was appointed to the Military Academy from Dundee, N. Y., winning his appointment in a competitive examination. The appointment was awarded by the late Sereno E. Payne. Entered the class of 1912 on March 2, 1908, and graduated with it June 12, 1912. Upon graduation was as- signed to the 10th U. S. Infantry and reported to that regiment for duty on September 2, 1912, as Second Lieutenant. The regiment was at that time stationed in the Panama Canal Zone. Re- mained on duty with the 10th Infantry in the Canal Zone until December 31, 1915. The next regiment to which he was assigned upon his re- turn from foreign service was the twenty-sixth Infantry which was at that time scattered along the Texas border. Joined the 1st Battalion, sta- tioned in Harlingen, Texas. Was on regular pa- trol and border duty with this regiment until the Punitive expeditions into Mexico brought the Mexican troubles to a crisis and the National Guard troops were ordered to the border. Was then detailed to assist in the organization of a machine gun company for the third Texas Infan- try. Upon the completion of this duty, July 19, 1916, was detailed as Inspector-Instructor of Third Texas Infantry and was later alternated between the 2d and 3d Regiments of Texas Infan- try. On September 5, 1916, was detailed to assist in the organization of, and to act as an instructor 'Page Forty-two in, a school of machine gun fire which was duly started in Harlingen, Texas, for the instruction of all troops armed with the machine gun and stationed in the Brownsville district. Remained on duty with the school until February 27, 1917, when he was transferred at his own request to the Third Field Artillery, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Remained on duty with "B" Bat- tery of that regiment until May 24, 1917, when acting under orders from the Adjutant General, proceeded to Springfield Armory, Mass., to assist in organizing and to act as an instructor in a school for the training of machine gun mechanics, etc. Ordered overseas to study the installation of machine guns, cannon, etc , in aeroplanes, and proceeded on October 15, 1917. Upon arrival in France, reported to the Chief Ordnance Officer for duty and was by him as- signed for duty with the air service headquarters, as these headquarters had been requesting the services of several officers with machine gun ex- perience. One of the officers who accompanied him overseas was Lieutenant (later Captain) Frank Short, from Penn Yan. Remained on duty with the American Expedi- tionary Force, as Chief of the Aircraft Armament Section of the Ordnance Department until Janu- ary 12, 1918, when he went to England and later to the United States on duties connected with the Aircraft Armament Section. Returned to France July 22, 1918, and remained there until the close of the war and the signing of the armistice. Re- turned to the United States for station in Wash- ington on March 27, 1919. Was awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Medal by the C in C. in France, July, 1919. The dates of promotions are as follows: Pro- moted First Lieutenant of Infantry, about July 15, 1916; Captain of Field Artillery, about May 15, 1917; Major of Ordnance, January 25, 1918; Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Ordnance, September 3, 1918. (Starkey). MILLER, JOSEPH B., Private. Enlisted at Corning, N. Y., December 3, 1913. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio, and assigned to 13th Recruit Company, Cavalry. Transferred to Fort Texas, Texas, Battery B., 4th Field Ar- tillery; Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Battery A, 9th Field Artillery. In service. (Milo). MILLIS, RAYMOND HENRY, Corporal. Enlisted at Columbus Barracks, O , June 24, 1916, and assigned to 22d Recruit Company. Trans- ferred to Fort Scriven, Savannah, Georgia, and assigned to 3d Company, Coast Artillery Corps, then to Headquarters Company. Sailed July 11, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, July 28, 1918. Member Battery A, 64th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, 34th Separate Brigade. With American Expeditionary Force in France July 23, 1918, to February 24, 1919. Appointed Corporal at Fort Scriven, Ga., November 19, 1917. Furloughed to reserve July 22, 1919. (Milo). MORRIS, ARTHUR M. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., June 21, 1915. U. S. Navy. (Starkey). OWENS, HOWARD. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., January 10, 1914, in Coast Artillery Corps. (Milo). PARSONS, HAROLD L., Major, T T . S. M. C. Sailed for overseas from New York City February 12, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, February 25, 1918. Major First Replacement Battalion, U. S. Marines, March, April, May; First Corps School, June; Fourth Regiment, 3d Division for Obser- vation, July 8-15; Fifth Regiment Marines, July 22 to October 8; First Training Regiment Octo- ber 15 to December 15. In battles at Chateau- Thierry, July 8-15; Porit a Mousson, August 8- 18; St. Mihiel, September 12; Blanc Mont, Oc- tober 2-18, 1918. In service in Dominian Repub- lic. (Milo). REAVES, OLIVER W., Sergeant. Enlisted at New York City, December 11, 1914. Served at Camp Empire, Canal Zone, Company C, 5th Infantry; Camp Beauregard, La., Com- pany C, 33d Infantry; Camp Pike, Ark , Company A, 409th Service Battalion. Promoted Corporal May 11, 1916, at Camp Empire, Canal Zone. Pro- moted Sergeant May, 1917, at Camp Beauregard, La. Discharged at Camp Pike, Ark., June 7, 1919. Re-enlisted for one year June 7, 1919, at Camp Pike, Ark. (Milo). SCHOFIELD, FRANK HERMAN, Captain, U. S. N". Graduated Naval Academy, 1890. Promotions: Ensign, July 1, 1892; Lieutenant, March 3, 1899; Lieutenant-Commander, July 1, 1905; Com- mander, January 29, 1911. Captain, July 1, 1917. On staff of commander U. S. Naval forces in Eu- rope, December 1917-December 1918; U. S. Naval Advisory Staff to Peace Commission, Paris, De- cember, 1918-May, 1919; Captain, U. S. S. Texas. (Milo). STONE, CLARENCE E., Radio Sergeant. Enlisted at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, Janu- ary 26, 1914; 18th Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Mills, Philippine Islands, March 1, 1914, to AprM 11, 1916; 157th Company, Coast Ar- tillery Corps, May 15, 1916, to January 25, 1917; 10th Company, C. D. of C, Canal Zone, June 1, 1917, to May 29, 1918; Coast Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Virginia, June 6, 1918, to October 1, 1918. Sailed from Newport News, Va., October 21, 1918, and arrived at St. Nazaire, France, No- vember 1, 1918. Member 45th Artillery, Non-com- missioned Staff. Mr. Stone was awarded a cer- tificate of merit for services during an uprising in the Philippines in 1915. (Starkey). 'Page Forty-three I l v H JElI 5®3 (1) Harvey Bellis (2) Glenn nibble Charles Grace Harry Matteson Benjamin Stn relevant Valentine Allen (3) <4) (5) (7) Lewis Catlin (13) (8) Earl Conley (14) (!)) Hollis Culver (15) (10) Harold Conklin (16) (11) Frank Goldsmith (17) (12) Frew Hopkins (IS) Lars Larsen Roy Metcalf Leon MaeUonald Alfred Williams Henry Eckert Sheldon Barrus (19) .Joseph Brady, Jr. (20) Ferris Burt (21) Herbert Comstock (22) Carroll Daniels (23) I'lilmn Folts (24) Edward Grady (25) George Grady 'Page Forty-four ENLISTMENTS BARRINGTON BELLIS, HARVEY RUSSEIL, Sergeant. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., June IS, 1917, and sent to Syracuse Recruit Camp, Syracuse, N. Y., and assigned to Camp Hospital, June 21 to October 14. Assigned to Medical Detachment, 50th Infan- try, October 15th, 1917; Camp Green, Char- lotte, North Carolina, November 2, 1917, to February 11, 1918; Wilmington, Delaware, February 13 to July 7; Camp Merritt, New Jersey, July 7 to October 5; Camp Sevier, Green- ville, South Carolina, October 7 to December 5; C:mp Dix, N. J., December 7, 1918, to March 10, 1919. Discharged and re-enlisted for overseas duty and sailed from Hoboken, N. J., October 18, 1919, arriving at Brest, France, October 30, 1919. Medical Department, 50th Infantry, 2d In- fantry Brigade, American forces in Germany. In Army of Occupation at Mayen, Germany, from November 7, 1919. In service. BLODGETT, LAWRENCE T. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., January, 1918. Company K, 50th Infantry. CARROLL, DUANE NELSON, 3d Quartermaster. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y , April 17, 1917, and sent to Newport, Rhode Island, and assigned to U. S. S. "Wyoming", and was then transferred to the "Alabama," "Aeolus", "George Washing- ten". On the latter ship Mr. Carroll was appoint- ed Seaman Gun Pointer. These vessels convoy- ed troops to Europe. The first trip was made July 13, 1917, arriving at Brest, France, July 29, 1917. Was sent to Paulac, France, where he was fitted for service with the Naval 14-inch Battery, and then proceeded to Verdun, where he was sta- tioned in active service about two months, when he was returned to the "George Washington." Transferred to the "West Indian," freighter, and made trips between Liverpool, London, England, Queenotown, Ireland, Cardiff, Wales. Transferred to the "Calamares", a transport, bringing troops home. Discharged at New York, N. Y., August 21, 1919. DIBBLE, GLENN EVERETT, Seaman, 2d Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y, and sworn into the ser- vice at Buffalo, N. Y., July 16, 1918, and assign- ed to General Service. At Great Lakes Training School, Illinois, July 17 to September 6; Phila- delphia Navy Yard, September 7 to October 13. Sailed from Hoboken, Pier 2, October 16, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, October 25, 1918; On Super-dreadnaught "Arkansas" November 20, 1918, to January 23, 1919; Norfolk Navy Yard, January 23 to January 29; on freighter "Evans- ville" January 29 to February 8; Norfolk Navy Yard, February 8 to March 3, 1919. Discharged at Norfolk Navy Yard March 3, 1919. GRACE, CHARLES OLIVER, 1st Lieutenant, V. ('., U. S. A, Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, Veterinary Corps, July 16, 1917, at Dundee, N. Y. Called into active service October 22, 1917, at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and assigned to 11th United States Cav- alry until October 25, 1918. On duty as student officer at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., October 25, 191S. to January 24, 1919. On duty as Camp Veterinar- ian, Camp Furlong, Columbus, New Mexico, and also Veterinarian 12th Cavalry, same place, Jan- uary 24 to October 20. October 20, 1919, on duty with Zone Supply Office, Chicago, Illinois. Com- mission in Regular Army. MATTASON, HARRY ALBERT, Painter, 2d Class. Enlisted in the U. S. Navy at Elmira, N. Y., June 7, 1917, for four years, and was sent to the Re- ceiving Ship at Philadelphia, Penn. August 2 was assigned to the U. S. S. "Michigan"; March 4, 1918, to the U. S. S. "Illinois"; September 4 to the Receiving Ship at Norfolk, Virginia. Rating: Fireman, 2d class; Fireman, 1st class; Painter 2d class. In trips to Queenstown, Cuba and the Panama Canal Zone. Discharged at New York from Receiving Ship, February 7, 1913, on ac- count of dependents. STUEDEVANT, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Musician. Enlisted at Corning, N. Y., June IS, 1918. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 25th Re- cruit Company. Transferred to Fort Slocum, N. Y, 25th Recruit Company; Fort Benjamin Har- rison, and to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed from New York September 13, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, September 23, 1918, with 19th Division Band and 5th Army Service Corps Band. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 10, 1919. BENTON ALLEN, VALENTINE P., Private. (Official)— Valentine P. Allen, (51402), R. D. 1. Ferguson's Corners, N. Y. Enlisted at Camp Syra- cuse July 10, 1917. Born Sayre, Pa. Age 18 7-12 years. Organizations: Co. I, 23 Inf., July 10, 1917 to March 9, 1918; headquarters' Co., 3d Brigade, 2d Division to Oct. 5, 1918. Private. Served over- seas Sept. 17, 1917 to Oct. 5, 1913. Died of bron- cho-pneumonia Oct. 5, 1918. Notify Mrs. Jessie M. Allen, mother, R. D. 1, Benton, N. Y. CATLIN, LEWIS EDWARD, Coxswain, U. S. N. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., May 3, 1917, and sent > Karl Sutherland (11) Harry Burgess (IS) Charles Wicfcnm 25 ) Iter! Baldwin («> .1 antes Trim in in (ill a in (12) George Green Kdivin Bridgninn 'Page Forty-nine LEE, JAY HENRY, Quartermaster, 3d Class. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., December 14, 1917. Sent to Newport, Rhode Island, Naval Training Station, and assigned to Merchant Marine, trans- port duty. Discharged at New York City April 19, 1919. NESTER, HOWARD WALTHAM, Captain, Air Ser- vice. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., June 18, 1917. Sent to Columbus, Ohio, and assigned to Aviation School at Ohio State University. Assigned to Fort Wood, Beddoe's Island, New York Harbor, August 15, 1917. Sailed from New York September 8, 1917, arriving at Le Havre, France, September 24, 1917. All service detached duty in Air Service. Return- ed to United States March 1, 1919. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, Foggia, Italy, February 24, 1918; 1st Leiutenant, Foggia, Italy, March 1, 1918; Cap- tain, Paris, France, October 21, 1918. Still in ser- vice (March 20, 1919). Prior service, Co. B, 3d Na- tional Guard, State New York, 1913-1914. SUTHERLAND, EARL LLOYD, Corporal. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., April 16, 1917, in United States Marine Corps. Sent to Philadel- phia Navy Yard April 21, 1917. Sailed from Phil- adelphia, Penn., June 9, 1917, and from New York Harbor, N. Y., June 14, 1917, arriving at St. Na- zaire, France, June 27, 1917. Member 51st Com- pany, 2d Battalion, 5th Regiment, U. S. Marine Corps, 2d Division. In battles at Toulon Sector, Verdun, March 17 to 31; Aisne defensive, April 4 to June 5; Chateau-Thierry Sector, June 6 to July 8; Aisne-Marne offensive, July 17-18; Meuse- Argonne offensive, November 1 to 11, 1918. Wounded near Vierzny, France, July 18, 1918, by machine gun bullet in left thigh. In Army of Oc- cupation January 16, 1919, to July 18, 1919. Ap- pointed Corporal May 1, 1918. Discharged at Quantico, Virginia, August 13, 1919. TIM) ALL, HORACE F., Expert Gunner. Enlisted at Elmira, June 27, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Battery D., 17th Field Artillery. July 10, sent to Fort Sill, Okla., via Sparta, Wis. Assigned to School of Fire at Fort Sill and remained there until September 29, and then sent to United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., as instructor of cadets in Field Artillery. Promoted 1st Class Private, Au- gust 9, 1917. Promoted expert gunner Septem- ber 3, 1917. Discharged at West Point, N. Y., June 29, 1919. TRIMMINGHAM, JAMES WILLIAM, Gunner's Mate, 3d Class, Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., January 4, 1918, as Apprentice Seaman, 2nd class, and sent to New- port, Rhode Island, and assigned to Newport Naval Training School Transferred to New Lon- don, Conn., March 20, 1918, and assigned to Sub- chaser No. 4, June 18, 1918. Patrol duty in Gulf of Mexico and Carribbean Sea. Discharged at Key West, Florida, September 30, 1919. VAN HORN, BEN. Enlisted at Sunbury, Pa., July, 1917. Company F, 4th Penn. National Guard. WHEATON, ARLIE E., Private. (Official) — Arlie E. Wheaton [Arland Darling Wheaton], (1,213,610), Westfleld, Pa, Enlisted in National Guard at Buffalo, N. Y., July 28, 1917. Born at Sabinsville, Pa. Age 21 6-12 years. Or- ganizations: Co. B, 74th Inf. N. Y. N. G.; Co. A, 108th Inf. to date of death. Private. Engagements, not given. Served overseas from May 10, 1918 to date of death Killed in action September 29, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Addie E. Wheaton, moth- er, Westfleld, Pa. WRIGHT, VALENTINE WILLIAM MURRAY, Cor- poral, Medical Reserve. Enlisted December 14, 1917, at Fort Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., in Medical Reserve Corps. Trans- ferred to Students' Army Training Corps at the University of Buffalo as private, later having been promoted Senior Corporal. Volunteered for service at Tyler, Penn., for supervision of epi- demic hospital, later returning to the Universi- tey of Buffalo. Discharged June 20, 1919, at Fort Porter, N. Y. MIDDLESEX BURGESS, CLIFFORD WHITNEY, Corporal. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., May 30, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 21st Company. June 12, 1917, was sent to camp at Syracuse, N. Y.; September 28 was sent to Camp Hill, New- port News, Virginia; July 27, 1918, was sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Carolina; March 22, 1919, was sent to Camp Dix, New Jersey. Was with Company D, 9th Infantry; Company D, 48th Infantry, June 20; July 1, Headquarters Com- pany, 48th Infantry; September 1st, transferred to Headquarters Company, 89th Infantry, 20th Division. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, March 24, 1919. BURGESS, ELWOOD ECLAIR, Midshipman, U. S. N. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., April 12, 1917, as landsman for musician. Sent to Newport Training Station, and remained there from April 14 until July 4, 1917; League Island Navy Yard, Phila- delphia, Penn , from July 6, 1917, to April 15, 1918; U. S. S. "Nevada", from April 15 until June 8, 1918; U. S. S. "Reina Mercedes," from June 8 until June 16, 1918. Discharged as Musi- cian 1st Class, on June 16, 1918, and sworn in as Midshipman, United States Navy, on June 17, 1918, and served at United States Naval Acad- emy from June 17, 1918, until June 6, 1919; U. S. S. "Kearsage", from June 17, 1919, until Septem- ber 1, 1919; U. S. Naval Academy, September 1, 1919, (and still attached here, March, 1920). Pro- moted as follows: Musician, 2d Class, Newport, Rhode Island, July 4, 1917; Musician, 1st Class at Philadelphia Navy Yard, January 1, 1918. Ser- vice on U. S. S. "Nevada" was considered as over- seas, doing convoy duty, and later became the 6th Division of the Grand Fleet. BURGESS, HARRY CONLEY, Quartermaster, 2d Class. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., December 12, 1917, and sent to U. S. Naval Training Station at Newport, ) Leman Conley (7) William Conway (8) James Cornwel] (!)) Kdward Cramer (10) Roger Chapman (11) V n lu on, v Cecchini (12) i <■<>»< Crane (13) <":irl Christensen > Melvin Finger (14) Willard Carson (2©) Leon Kisher (15) Claude Duell (21) Wilfred Fitzpntrick (1«) George Dietrich (22) Forrest Frederick (IT) Courtney Karl <2:s> Gar] Grace (IS) l.a wrcnce Kslf j - (24) Albert Griffith (25) James Geogficgsm 'Page Fifty-three BROWN, PAUL LEWIS, Private. Enlisted at Binghamton, N. Y., December 12, 1917, and sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Troop D, 16th Cavalry Transferred to Camp Mercedes, Texas, and assigned to Troop D, Sup- ply Troops. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, September 30, 1919. BENEDICT, GEORGE WESLEY, Sergeant. (Official)— Geo. W. Benedict, (390,476) 205 Keu- KS ka St., Penn Yan. Enlisted in regular army at Ft. Slocum, N. Y., June 4, 1918. Born Dundee. Age 19 2-12 years. Organizations: Headquarters' Co., J 12th Battalion, F. A. Replacement Draft June 14, 1918, to July 13, 1918; Park Battery, 3d C. Art. Park to Oct. 3, 1918. Grades: Recruit June 4, 1918; private July 13, 1918; Sergeant Aug. 13, 1918. Served overseas Aug. 28, 1918 to Oct. 3, 1918. Died of brazin merrigoccus Oct. 3, 1918. Notify George Shunk, friend, 41 Olin Ave., Perry, N. Y. COSTELLO, THOMAS JAMES, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., May 5, 1917, and sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y. Transferred to Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., and assigned to Company M., 22d In- fantry, Military Police. Sailed for overseas August 7 ,1917, and arrived at St. Nazaire, France, August 20, 1917. Member Company B, 1st Military Police, 1st Division. On duty at Cantigny, Sois- sons, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., August 15, 1919. CONLEY, LEMAN OSCAR, 1st Lieutenant Air Service Aeronautics. Enlisted May 12, 1917, at Madison Barracks, N. Y., and sent to Sackett's Harbor 1st Officers' Training Camp. Transferred on July 15, 1917, to Cornell, N. Y., U. S. School Military Aeronautics. Transferred to Mineola, Long Island, Air Service Department. Sailed for France October 15, 1917, arriving at Le Havre November 10, 1917. Went to IsEoudun, where was the largest American Aeronautic School in France. January 14, 1918, left for Camp Ovest, Italy; Foggia, Italy, June 23, 1918, St. Maxient, France; Tours, France. August 6, 1918, Campo Slid, Italy, November 17, 1918, left for St. Maxient, France; Angers, Bordeaux, France. Left Marseilles, France, for America February 10, 1919, arriving at Garden City, Long Island, March 2, 1919. Commissioned 1st Lieuten- ant May 15, 1918. Awarded Italian Service Rib- bon in November, 1918. Discharged at Garden City, Long Island, March 20, 1919. COLE, RICHARD WHARTON. Enlisted August, 1917, Company C, 110th Infan- try. CONWAY, WILLIAM ALBERT, Cook, 2d Class. Enlisted as Cook, 3d Class, at Syracuse, N. Y., December 4, 1917. Sent to Navy Yard, Philadel- phia, Pa. Sailed from Philadelphia January 17, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, February 5, 1918. Assigned to Hospital No. 5, Naval, during all service. Discharged at Brooklyn Hospital, Feb- ruary 15, 1919. CORNWELL, JAMES WILLIAM, Sergeant. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., February 10, 1918. Sent to Marine Barracks at Paris Island, South Carolina. Assigned to 8th Company. Transferred to Naval Proving Grounds at Indian Head, Mary- land, then to Headquarters Marine Corps, Wash- ington, D. C; Company A, 2d Casual Battalion. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J , June 30, 1918, ar- riving at Brest, France, July 9, 1918. Assigned to office of Chief Paymaster, Paris, France, Head- quarters 4th Brigade, 2d Division. Also acted as Official Courier to Lutecdorf, Germany. Arrived in United States September 5, 1919, and assigned to 140th Casual Company at Qitantico, Virginia. Discharged at Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va., September 27, 1919. CRAMER, EDWARD SHERIDAN, Private. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., March 20, 1918. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 2d Re- cruit Co. Transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and assigned to Battery D, 9th Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to Camp Meade, Md , where he was dis- charged in April, 1919. CHAPMAN, ROGER EDDINGTON, Sergeant. Enlisted at Penn Yan, N. Y., October 23, 1918, for service in the Advocate General's Department, Washington D. C. Promoted to Sergeant Novem- ber 1, 1918. Transferred to New York War De- partment Board of Appraisers November 14, 1918. Discharged in New York City, April 2, 1919. CECCHINI, ANTHONY, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Buffalo; N. Y., July 29, 1917, in Co. F, 74th Infantry, New York National Guard, and sent to Camp Clansworth, Buffalo. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Caro- lina, and then to Newport News, Va. Sailed from Newport News May 10, 1918, arriving in France May 24, 1918. Member Headquarters Company 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Battles at Hinden- burg Line (Bony), September 29-30; LeSelle River (St. Souplet), October 17; Jonc-de-Mer Ridge (Ailne Guermon), October 18; Catillon, Oc- tober 19-20; East Poperinghe Line to August 20, 1918; Engagements at Vierstaat Ridge and Dicke- busch Sector, Belgium, August 21 to August 30, 1918. Gassed October 20, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., November 31, 1919. CRANE, LEON DANIEL. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., June 5, 1918. Sent to Great Lakes Naval Training Station. In Camps Decatur, Paul Jones, Ross. Transferred to Hamp- ton Roads, Virginia, and assigned to U. S. S. "Illinois"; Receiving Ship "Philadelphia"; Cape May, N. J., Mine Sweeper, U. S. S. "King- fisher"; Receiving Ship Norfolk, N. S. S. "Georgia". Enlistment expires June 22, 1922. Furloughed to reserve. COSTELLO, JOSEPH L. Elisted at Elmira, N. Y., June 18, 1918, in Army Quartermaster's Corps. CHRISTENSEN, CARL MARTIN, Baker, 2d Class. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., August 7, 1918, and sent to Newport, Rhode Island, where he was assigned to the U. S. S. "Hamburg" and was rated as Seaman, 2d Class. About December 1st, 'Page Fifty-four 1918, was rated Baker, 2d Class. Discharged on the U. S. S. "Hamburg" at Hoboken, N. J., Sep- tember 18, 1919. CARSON, WILLAR1) FLOYD, Private, 1st Class, U. S. Marines. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., July 6, 1917, and sent to League Island Navy Yard at Philadel- phia, Penn. Transferred to Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C , and assigned to Headquar- ters Guard at the State War and Navy Building and new Navy Building. Discharged at Marine Headquarters December 21, 1918. DWYER, PAUL B=, Private. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., April 11, 1917, and sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y. Transferred to Fort Hamil- ton, Brooklyn, N. Y., and assigned to Battery A, 59th Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps. Sailed from Hoboken, for France March 28, 1918, arriving at Brest April 5, 1918. Member Battery A, 59th Regiment Army Artillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 30, 1919. DUELL, CLAUDE H., Sergeant. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., May 28, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 24th Com- pany Infantry; Machine Gun Troop, 13th Cavalry. Transferred to Fort Reilly, Kansas; Fort Ring- old, Texas; Fort Clark, Texas. Discharged at Fort Clark, Texas, April 28, 1919, and re-enlisted for one year. DUMAS, GEORGE A., U. S. N. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., June 29, 1917. DEITRICH, GEORGE RAYMOND, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at New York City, N. Y., July 30, 1917. Sent to Camp Dix, New Jersey, and assigned to Company B, 303d Field Signal Battalion. Trans- ferred to Postal Express. Sailed for overseas July 23, 1918, arriving at Brest. France, August 6, 1918, Courier, Company A, Postal Express Ser- vice. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., August 8, 1919. EARL, COURTNEY GRISWOLD, Private. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., June 1, 1917. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Caro- lina, and assigned to Ambulance Company 106, 102d Sanitary Train. Sailed June 30, 1918 arriv- ing at Brest, France, July 13, 1918. Member Am- bulance Company 106, 102d Sanitary Train, 27th Division. Engaged at Hindenburg Line, Septem- ber 29-30; Le Selle River, October 17; Jonc-de- Mer Ridge, October 18; The Knoll, Guillemont Farm, Quennemont Farm, September 27. St. Maurice River, October 19-20; East Poperinghe Line, Belgium, August 7-20, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. ESTEY, LAURENCE WILKIE, Sergeant. Enlisted at Camp Merritt, N. J., April 16, 1918, and assigned to Quartermaster's Department, Truck Division, which was changed to Motor Transport Corps, 377. December 23, 1918, trans- ferred to Camp Bragg, North Carolina. Appointed Corporal Motor Transport Corps at Camp Mer- ritt, N. J., August 30, 1918. Appointed Sergeant May 12, 1919, at Camp Bragg, N. C. Discharged at Camp Bragg, North Carolina, July 15, 1919. FORD, DAVID JOSEPH, Private. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., June 13, 1917. As- signed to Company A, 3d National Guard, State of New York. Transferred to Camp Wadsw'irth, Spartanburg, Souvh Carolina.' Discharged for disability, December, 1917. FINGER, MELYIN HENRY, Private. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., October 27, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., thence to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, and assigned to 183d Aero Squad- ron. Sailed May 2, 1918, arriving at Le Havre, France, May 21, 1918. At Issoudun, France, trans- ferred to 1st Company, Park Air Service. In bat- tles at Champagne-Marne offensive, July 15 to 18; Aisne Marne offensive, July 18 to August 6; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16.. Meuse-Ar- gonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., October 4, 1919. FISHER, LEON, Sergeant. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., December 9, 1917, and assigned to Medical Department. Sailed Jan- uary 22, 1918, and arrived at Le Havre, France, February 9, 1918. Member Company F, 101st In- fantry, 25th Division, Medical Department. (First Aid). Appointed First Aid Sergeant August 20, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 26, 1919. FITZPATRICK, WILFRED JAMES, Corporal. Enlisted at Camp Merritt, N. J., February 23, 1918, and was assigned to Motor Transportation Company 377. Transferred to Camp Bragg, North Carolina, in the same company. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 27, 1919. FREDERICK, FORREST CHARLES, Quartermaster, 2d Class, Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., June 8, 1918. Sent to Great Lakes, 111., Naval Training Station, and assigned to Company 249. At Great Lakes Train- ing Camp one month, then sailed from Ellis Island, N. Y., July 18, 1918, and arrived at East- leigh, England, where he was stationed at U. S. Aviation Repair Base. Discharged at Pelham Bay Naval Station, N. Y., February 20, 1919. GRACE, EARL LEROY, 2d Lieutenant. Enrolled May 15, 1917, in Reserve Officers' Train- ing Camp, at Fort Niagara, N. Y., and assigned to Co. 8, 4th Provisional Training Regiment. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant August 15, 1917, and sent to Camp Meade, Md., and assigned to Quar- termaster's Detachment; transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston Quartermasters' Training School, Jacksonville, Fla ; transferred to Camp Travis, Texas, and assigned to Co. C, 315th Sup- ply Train; transferred to Camp Mills, Long Island, N. Y., and sailed for overseas June 29, 1918, arriving at Le Havre, France, July 18, 1918. Attached to 90th Division. At St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. October 28, 1918, transferred to Motor Transport Corps at LaRochelle, France, Bay Ridge Section 7; St. Nazaire Bay, Section 1. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., July 9, 1919. 'Page Fifty-fioe GRIFFITHS, ALBERT HENRY, Private. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., March 29, 1918, and sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio, and assigned to 10th Recruit Company. Transferred to Hachita, New Mexico, and assigned to Troop L, 12th U. S. Cavalry. Discharged at Hachita, New Mexico, June 14th, 1919. Re-enlicted. GEOGHEGAN, JAMES ANDREW, Corporal. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., May 23, 1918. Sent to Fort D. A. Russell, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and assigned to Troop M, 315th Cavalry. Transferred to Camp Knox, West Point, Kentucky, and as- signed to Battery F, 72d, Field Artillery. Dis- charged at Camp Knox, Kentucky, January 30, GOODMAN, LA VON, L., Seaman, 2d Class. Enlisted July 13, 1918 in the United States Naval Reserve Force, at Elmira, N. Y. Sent to Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Illinois, and assigned as Signal Corps Seaman. Transferred to Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Vir- ginia, then to U. S. S. "Utah". Transferred at Cuba to U. S. S. "North Dakota". Discharged from Receiving Ship at New York, Bay Ridge Station, July 21, 1919. HYLAND, JUSTIN EDWARD, 2d Lieutenant, Infan- try. Enrolled May 13, 1917, in. Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Fort Benjamin Harrison, In- dianapolis; Ind. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant August 13, 1917. Sent to Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky., and assigned to the 84th Division. August 29, 1917, assigned to 309th Military Po- lice, and with that unit sailed for overseas Sep- tember 9, 1918, arriving at Cherbourg, France, September 25, 1918. November 2, 1918, transfer- red to the 128th Battalion, Military Police Corps, and assigned to duty at the American Embarka- tion Center at Laval, Mayenne, France. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., July 24, 1919. HYLAND, RICHARD VINCENT, 2d Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Enrolled May 15, 1918, in 4th Reserve Officers' Training Corps, at Camp Custer, Mich. When the 85th Division at Camp Custer was sent overseas, the 4th Officers Training School was transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky. This combined school was called the Field Artillery Officers' Training School. After being commis- sioned (August 31, 1918), was assigned as in- structor in the 1st Regiment Field Artillery Re- placement Division, at Camp Zachary Taylor, and was discharged at that camp December 2, 1918. HARTER, RAY CYRUS, 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps. Enrolled in Officers' Training School, Fort Ni- agara, N. Y., August 27, 1917. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, Signal Corps, November 28, 1917. Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps Radio School, College Park, Md., December 6, 1917, and was assigned to instruction staff February 1, 1918. Promoted 1st Lieutenant June 20. Ordered to Camp Cody, New Mexico, and assigned to 622d Field Signal Battalion, October 22. Discharged at Camp Cody, N. M., December 11, 1918. INSCHO, KENNETH, Private. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y , May 13, 1918. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., thence to Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, and assigned to 75th Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps. Sailed for overseas Octo- ber 5, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, October 15, 1918. While in France Mr. Inscho was on guard duty. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 3, 1919. JUST, ANTHONY PETER, Corporal. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y. June 12, 1917, in Co. G, 3d National Guard State New York. Transfer- red to Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, and on federalization of regiment became member of Co G, 108th Infantry. Transferred to Quarter- masters' Corps Field Bakery Co. 363. Promoted Corporal May 19, 1918 .Discharged at Camp Wads- worth, December 19, 1918. Re-enlisted at Madi- son Barracks, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., July 8, 1919. JUST, FRANK J., Private. Official)— Frank Just, (107,694), Benham St, Penn Yan. Enlisted at Camp Syracuse July 5, 1917. Born Combelcessi, Italy. Age 18 7-12 years. Organizations served in: Co. F, 38th Inf. to Aug. 13 r 1917; 1st M. G. Co.; Co. C, 5th M. G. Battalion to death. Private. Engagements, April 13-14, 1918; June 6, 1918, names of engagements not given. Killed in action June 6, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Mrs. Rose Giovanni, mother, Benham St., Penn Yan. JONES, GERALD PIERCE, OWEN, Corporal, A. M. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., October 17, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Air Ser- vice. Transferred to Kelly Field Texas, thence to Mineola Long Island. Sailed from New York, N. Y., January 9, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, Eng- land, January 23, 1918. Arrived at Romsey, Eng- land, January 24, 1918. At Oxford, England, from February 1 to April 20, and while there trained at the Walvercot Aerodrome. Left for Birming- ham, England, April 21, where the squadron was reorganized for service in France. Left Birming- ham, England, June 24, 1918, arriving at Le Havre, France, June 25th, 1918. Member 49th Aero Squadron. In fronts at St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne and Verdun. Received Non-Commission- ed Office at Toul, France. Discharged at Garden City, Long Island, N. Y., March 19, 1919. KIRKPATRICK, ALEXANDER, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., June 10, 1917. Sent to League Island Navy Yard, Philadelhpia, Penn., and assigned to Recruit Company C, and later to 94th Company, 7th Regiment, Marine Corps;. During his service Mr Kirkpatrick was station- ed at Guantanamo Bay, Santiago, and Bayoma, Cuba, Sailed from New York, N. Y., September 15, 1918, and arrived at Brest, France, September 24, 1918. Stationed at St. Nazaire, Nantes and Brest, France. Sailed for America July 30, 1919, and arrived at Newport News August 8, 1919. Discharged at Newport News August 13, 1919. 'Page Fift); -six KINNE, GEORGE REMSEN, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., November 6, 1918, and sent to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, and assigned to Co. 9 and Co. K, Motor Transport Corps; transferred to Camp Meade, Maryland, and assigned to Motor Transport Cos. 785 and 786. Discharged at Camp Meade, Md , May 19, 1919. m KNICKERBOCKER, MAX REINHOLD, Gunner's Mate. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., June 5, 1918. Sent to U. S. Naval Station, Great Lakes, 111., and assign- eel to Gunners' School. Transferred November 1, 1918, to U. S. Torpedo School, Newport, R. I., and January 15, 1919, to U. S. Submarine Base, New London, Conn. Promoted Seaman, 1st Class, Great Lakes, Illinois, in September, 1918; Gun- ner's Mate, in January, 1919. Discharged Febru- ary 14, 1919. LOCKWOOD, GEORGE IVAN, Sergeant. Enlisted at Albany, N. Y., April 16, 1917, in New York National Guard, Headquarters, New Paltz, N. Y. ; Hospital Corps, 10th New York Infantry. Sent to Schenectady, N. Y., and assigned to the Federal Army. From Schenectady he was sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, thence to Camp Meade, Maryland, and assigned to Hospital Corps, 10th New York Infantry, and was engaged in guard duty. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he was as- signed to 51st Pioneer Infantry. Transferred to Camp Merritt, New Jersey, and sailed for over- seas July 23, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, August 6, 1918. In battle at St. Mihiel September 12-16; minor engagements at Woevre River sec- tion, Meuse, Moselle. With Army of Occupation at Coblenz and Guls, Germany, November, 1918, to May, 1919. Promoted Private, 1st Class, May 28, 1917, at New Paltz, N. Y., and to Sergeant, February 10, 1918, at Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 8,1919. LYNCH, JAMES GROVE R, Private. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., in the National Guard, State of New York, May 29, 1917. Was transferred from the National Guard to Regu- lar Army at Rochester, N. Y., August 5, 1917. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Carolina, Sept. 7, 1917, and assigned to 160th Ambulance Company. Transferred to Camp Stew- art, Newport News, Virginia, from whence he sailed June 30, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, July 13, 1918. Member 160th Ambulance, 102d Sanitary Train, 27th Division. In battles at Easl Poperinghe Line, Belgium, Aug. 1 to 20; Dicke- busch Sector, Belgium, August 21 to 30; Vier- staat Ridge, Belgium, August 31 to September 2; the Knoll, Guillemont and Quennemont Farms, France, September 2 to 27; Hindenburg Line, St. Souplet, France, September 27 to 30; Le Selle River, France, October 17. Jonc-de-Mur Ridge, France, October 18, 1918. Gassed at St. Souplet, France, November 3, 1918, and was an inmate of the following hospitals: British, at Amiens; Rouen; British Hospital No. 2; No 6 Convales- cent Camp, and No. 2, Convalescent Camp. Dis- charged from service at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. LEGG, HAROLD JOHN, Corporal. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., May 23, 1918. Sent to Fort D. A. Russell, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and assigned to Troop M, 315th Cavalry. Transferred to Camp Knox, West Point, Kentucky, and as- signed to Headquarters Company, 72d Field Ar- tillery. Discharged at Camp Knox, Kentucky, February 1, 1919. MARKEY, JOHN 3HCHAEL, Corporal, U. S. Marines. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., August 9, 1917. Sent to Paris Island, South Carolina. Transferred to Quantico, Virginia, thence to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Porto Rico, Hayti, thence to Galveston, Texas. Member of 123d Company, 9th Regiment Marine Corps. While at Galveston was appointed Regimental Printer, and was editor of the Globe and Anchor. Discharged at Galveston, Texas, March 8, 1919. McADAMS, GERALD EDWARD, Private, U.S.M.C. Enlisted in United States Marine Corps at Roch- ester, N. Y., September 16, 1917. Trained at Paris Island and Quantico, Va., with the Fifth Regi- ment, which later gained undying fame at Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Wood. He was transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in Novem- ber, 1917, and was stationed there until the spring of 1918, when he was sent back to Quan- tico to prepare for service overseas, as a scout sniper, with Colonel Butler's 13th Regiment. He contracted influenza the day before his regi- ment was scheduled to sail. Pneumonia de- veloped, and his death occurred at Quantico, Va., on September 22, 1918. O'KEEFE, JEROME JOSEPH, Private. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., December 9, 1917, Medical Department. Sailed for overseas Jan. 22, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, February 8, 1918. Member Medical Department. Seven months at Paris, France, and seven months at Tours, France. Recommended for 2d Lieutenant. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 29, 1919. PATTESON, WILLIAM SHEPPARD, 1st Lieutenant, Motor Transport Corps. Enrolled May 15, 1917, in Reserve Officers' Training Corps, at Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., and was assigned to 3d Provisional Training Brigade. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant Quartermaster's Corps, August 15, 1917. At Camp Dix, New Jersey, assigned to duty with Camp Quartermaster. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., in command Motor Transport Company 377 (also Cos. 406, 407, 408, temporarily), and later to Camp Bragg, North Carolina. Promoted 1st Lieutenant Quartermaster's Corps, at Camp Merritt, N. J., March 13, 1918. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Motor Transport Corps, at Camp Merritt, N. J., October, 1918. Discharged at Camp Bragg, North Carolina, July 22, 1919. S iS Vage Fifty-seven (1) Justin Hyland (2) Richard Hyland (3) Ray Harter (4) Kenneth Inscho (5) Anthony Just (7) Max Knickerbocker (13) Jerome O'Keefe (8) George Lockwood (9) James Lynch (10) Harold Legg (11) John Markey (6) Alexander Kirknatrick (12) Gerald McAdams (14) William Patteson (15) Arthur Petersen (1G) Arthur Rector (17) Lewis Raddcr (18) lie Wolfe Smith (25) Sidney Short (19) Leo Sehweickhard (20) Robert Seeley (21) Clarence Smith (22) Paul Stark (23) Allen Scutt (24) Frank Short "Page Fifty-eight PETERSON, ARTHUR JOHN, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., June 10, 1917, in Company H, 3d National Guard, State of New York, and was a member of same contingent at Pelham Bay, N.Y. At Camp Wadsworth, Spar- tanburg, South Carolina, federalized to Company H, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Sent to Camp Stewart, Newport News, Virginia, and sailed May 17, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 30, 1918. Member Company H, 2d Battalion, 108th Regiment, 54th Brigade, 27th Division. With British Army as Signalman, and with that army went "over the top" four times, and twice later with the 2d Battalion, 108th Infantry, American forces. Was gassed at Mt. Kemmel Hill and at Bony, Hindenburg Line, and shot in left leg Sep- tember 29, 1918. Awarded a Croix-de-Guerre at Mt. Kemmel, in August, by a French General, taking the badge of honor from his own breast and placing it on that of Mr. Peterson. This honor was conferred upon Mr. Peterson for hav- ing taken reserves to the front under fire. Sailed for the United States from Liverpool, England, December 9, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 24, 1918. RILEY, CHARLES CALVIN, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at New York City, N. Y., December P, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Medical Department. Transferred to Philadel- phia, Pa.; assigned to Surgical Instrument Re- pair Unit. Sailed January 22, 1918, for LeHavre, France, arriving at that port February 8, 1918. Assistant, X-Ray Division. Later, Assistant X-Ray Operator, attached to 3d Army Corps. In battle fronts at Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel. Also at Mobile Hospital No. 5. Attended school six months in Paris, France. Discharged at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., April 18, 1919. RECTOR, ARTHUR FREDERICK, Private. Enlisted May 31, 1917, at Rochester, in 2d Am- bulance Co., National Guard, State New York. Called to active service July 16, 1917. Assigned to 106th Ambulance Co. Sent to Camp Wads- worth, Spartanburg, South Carolina. November 22, 1917, transferred to Field Hospital No. 108. Sailed from Newport News, Va., June 30, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, July 13, 1918. Served with 108th Field Hospital, 27th Division, except from July 23 to October 17, 1918, during which time he served with the First Army Corps. In battles at LeSelle River (St. Souplet), October 17; Jonc-de-Mur Ridge, October 18. In engage- ment at St Maurice River (Catillon), October 19-20, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. RADDER, LEWIS WALTER, JR., Sergeant, Medical Department. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1917, and sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y.; assigned to Head- quarters staff, 93d Division. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Newport News, Virginia. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., January 15, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, February 1, 1918. Transferred to 117th Sanitary Train, 42d Division, May 17, 1918. In battles at Baccaret Sector May 16 to June 21; Souain and Esperance Sector, July 4 to July 14; Champagne-Marne offensive, July 15; Aisne- Marne (Chateau-Thierry), July 24 to August 6; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16; Essey- Pannes Sector, September 17-29, 1918. Wound- ed in the Champagne-Marne offensive July 15, 1918, from high explosive shell fragment in right thigh. In Army of Occupation at Badneuenahr, November 13, 1918, to April 10, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 14, 1919. SNYDER, GLENN HAVEN, Army Field Clerk. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., June 1, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to Casual Com- pany. Transferred to Chicamauga Park, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and assigned to 22d Ambu- lance Company. Transferred to Camp Dix, New Jersey, and assigned to Camp Headquarters, Ad- jutant's office. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 11, 1918. Appointed Army Field Clerk March 11, 1918, at Camp Dix, N. J. SMITH, CHARLES DeWOLFE, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted April 17, 1917, at Schenectady, N. Y., in the Machine Gun Company of the 2d New York National Guard. Transferred to Pelham Bay, N. Y , and later to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Carolina, where, by federalization, his or- ganization became a part of the 105th Infantry. Discharged for physical disability at Camp Wads- worth, South Carolina, December 19, 1917. SCHWEICKHARD, LEO HANDLT, Yeoman, 1st Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., April 16, 1917. Sent to Newport, Rhode Island, and assigned to U. S. S. Scout Cruiser "Chester," and later to Cruiser "St. Louis" and Transport "Mt. Vernon." Mr. Schweickhard was in the convoy to General Pershing in crossing to the European Continent, in June, 1917. He served as Seaman, Carpen- ter's Mate, and Yeoman. His enlistment expires in April, 1921. SEELEY, ROBERT LAMPSON, 1st Class Machine Gunner. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y, May 5, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., thence to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and assigned to Troop A, 3d Cavalry. Transferred to Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and as- signed to Machine Gun Troop, 11th Cavalry. Re- mained with that contingent at Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Georgia, and at Fort Myer, Virginia. Discharged at Fort Myer, Va., Jun e 16, 1919. STARK, PAUL MARTIN, Assistant Band Leader. Enlisted at Auburn, N. Y., June 14, 1917. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Carolina, Sailed for overseas May 10, 1918, from Newport News, Va., arriving at Brest, France, May 24, 1918. Member Headquarters Company, 108th In- fantry Band, 27th Division. In battle fronts at Kemmel Hill and Hindenburg Line, between Cambrai and St. Quentin. Promoted to Assistant Band Master in July, 1918. Dischagred at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. UJ 'Page Fifty-nine (1) George Kinne (2) Lauriston Scherer (3) Hiram Schubert (4) John Swarthout (5) Neils Thomsen (6) Joseph Woodruff (7) Horace Wheeler (S) William Williams (9) Raymond Walker (10) Mitchell Webster (11) Howard Wheeler (12) Anthony Youst (25) Ira Ide (13) Joseph Youst (14) Albert Day (15) George Matthews (16) Efner Santee (17) Robert Bias (18) Carl Carpenter (19) Earl Carpenter (20) Bernard Duffy (21) Harry Goundry (22) Claude Hovey (23) Bcldcn Howell (24) Doylemarx Harper 'Page Sixty SMITH, CLARENCE RANDALL, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., May 29, 1917. As- signed to 81st Ambulance Company, National Guard State of New York. Transferred August 5, 1917, to Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina; as- signed to 106th Ambulance Company. Transfer- red to Camp Stewart, Newport News, Virginia. Sailed May 30, 1918, arriving at the port of Brest, France, June 13, 1918. Member 106th Ambulance Company, 27th Division. Battles — Hindenburg Line offensive, September 29-30; LeSelle River, France, October 17; Jonc-de-Mur Ridge, October 18; Vierstaat Ridge, Belgium, August 31 to Sep- tember 2; The Knoll, Guillimont Farm, Quen- nemont Farm, September 27; St. Maurice River, France, October 19-20. Minor Engagements — East Poperinghe Line, Belgium, October 7 to 20; Dickebusche Sector, Belgium, August 21 to 30. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. SCUTT, ALLEN EUGENE, Chauffeur. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., July 1, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., then to Fort Benjamin Harri- son, Indiana, then to Camp Custer, Michigan, and assigned to 340th Infantry, Medical Detachment ; transferred to 170th Infantry Brigade Headquar- ters as Chauffeur for General Penn. Sailed from New York, N. Y., July 21, 1918, arriving at Le Havre, France, from Liverpool, England, Au- gust 11, 1918. Member 85th Division, Brigade Headquarters, 170th Infantry. Transferred to Division Headquarters, 38th Division, from No- vember 7, 1918, until January 9, 1919. Discharg- ed at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, January 9, 1919. SHORT, ERANK, Captain, Ordnance Department. Enrolled in Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Camp Sheridan, 111., May 13, 1917, and assigned to Ordnance Department. Commissioned 1st Lieu- tenant August 15, 1917. Transferred to Machine Gun School at Springfield Armory, Mass., Au- gust 18, 1917, and remained there until Septem- ber 30, 1917. Sailed from New York City October 15, 1917, arriving at Liverpool, England, October 24, and at Le Havre, Franec, October 28, 1917. In Aircraft Armament Section, Ordnance Depart- ment (Paris, France), November 1, 1917, to June 19, 1918, head of technical branch, acting head of section, etc. On the staff of the Chief Ord- nance Officer, Base Section No. 3, American Ex- peditionary Forces, (London, England), June 20, 1918, to July 10, 1919. Technical representative in England on aircraft armament. June 20, 1919, to July 31, 1919, technical staff, Ordnance Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. Since July 31, 1919, Bomb Design Section, Aircraft Armament Divis- ion, Ordnance Department. Promoted Captain February 20, 1919. In service. SHORT, SIDNEY ELBERT, 2d Lieutenant. Enlisted at Ithaca, N. Y. August 21, 1917. Assign- ed to United States Army Military School, Aero- nautics, Ithaca, N. Y., as instructor in Machine Gun. Transferred to Aviation Mechanics' Train- ing School at St. Paul, Minnesota. In charge of transportation department; instructor in carbon- ization and ignition; officer in charge of instruc- tion in engineering; supply officer for transport school; in charge of Company B, 864th Aero Squadron. Discharged at St. Paul, Minnesota, February 1, 1919. SCHERER, EDWARD LAURISTON, Corporal. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., November 6, 1918, and sent to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, and assigned to Co. 13, 1st Road Regi- ment, Motor Transport Corps; transferred to Philadelphia, Pa., and assigned to Motor Trans- port Cos. 663 and 664. Discharged at Philadel- phia, Pa., June 3, 1919. (Milo). SCHUBERT, HIRAM ARTHUR, Flying Cadet. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., December 14, 1917, and sent to Cornell Aviation School, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., May 25, 1918. Private, 1st Class, Aviation School, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Private, 1st Class, Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas; Flying Cadet, Barron Field, Everman, Texas. Discharg- ed at Barron Field, Everman, Texas, November 27, 1918. STEVENS, ARTHUR FRANCIS, Private, Chauffeur. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., March 11, 1918. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y.. assigned to Aviation Sec- tion, Signal Corps. Transferred to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas; assigned to 237th Aero Squadron. Transferred to Southern Field, Ameri- cus, Georgia. Attended schools at St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Discharged at Americus, Georgia, February 4, 1919. SWARTHOUT, JOHN F., Bugler, 1st Class. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., May 22, 1918. Sent to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, and assigned to 315th Cavalry. Transferred to Camp Knox, West Point, Kentucky, and assigned to 72d Light Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Knox, Kentucky, February 4, 1919. THOMSEN, NEILS PETER, Private. Enlisted at Fort Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., Septem- ber 19, 1917. Sent to Camp Allentown, Penn., and assigned to Ambulance Corps 610. (The 610th organized here). Sailed March 28, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, April 4, 1918. Member Sanitary Service, United States Ambulance Corps 610. Duties at the fronts at Montdiddier-Noyon, Cu- villy, Campeign, and Oise-Aisne, August 18 to 27; Oise-Aisne, September 10 to November 3, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., April 22, 1919. WOODRUFF, JOSEPH DUDLEY, Private. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., April 8. 1917. Sailed for LeHavre, France, April 15, 1918, arriving May 3, 1918. Member Company A, Machine Gun Bat- talion, 5th Division. Transferred to Company B, Military Police, about October 1st, 1918. In Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel offensives. Left Luxemburg for the United States July 4, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 25, 1919. "Page Sixty-one WHEELER, HORACE BROWN, Private. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., June 1, 1917. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg ) South Caro- lina, and was assigned to Ambulance Company 106. Sailed June 30, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, July 12, 1918. Member Ambulance Com- pany 106, 27th Division. In battle lines at Bast Poperinghe Line, August 7 to 20; Dickebusche Sector, August 21 to 30; Vierstaat Ridge, Bel- gium, August 31 to September 2; Hindenburg Line, France, September 29-30; Quennemont Farm, September 27; LeSelle River, October 17- 18; St. Maurice River, October 19-20, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WARREN, U. S. N. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., November 16, 1917. U. S. Navy. Mr. Williams was brought into prominence by the use of his picture on a Liberty Loan poster. W. E. Burnell, of Penn Yan, who made all of the pictures for the illustrations appearing in this book, made an enlarged photograph of Mr. Wil- liams in his naval uniform. The young man's smile was so attractive that a copy of the picture was sent to the headquarters of Liberty Loan publicity department in New York, and it was turned over to the celebrated illustrator, James Montgomery Flagg, who made a drawing from the photograph. Mr. Williams was 28 years old at the time. He came to Penn Yan from Baskin, La. When th e picture was taken he was station- ed on the United State Recruiting Ship, Co. No. 8, general detail, Norfolk Navy Yard, Va. WALKER, RAYMOND CHARLES, Private. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., December 9, 1917, and sent to Vancouver Barracks, Washington, and assigned to 318th Engineers. Transferred to American University, Washington, D. C. ; U. S. Hospital, No. 17, Markleton, Penn.; U. S. Hospi- tal, No. 8, Otisville, N. Y. Discharged at U. S. Gen- eral Hospital, No. 8, at Otisville, N. Y., Septem- ber 19, 1919. WEBSTER, MITCHELL RILEY, Sergeant. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., January 18, 1918, and sent to Key West, Florida, and assigned to 2d Company, 36th Regiment, 41st Brigade, Coast Artillery Corps. Transferred to Camp Eustice, Virginia; Fortress Monroe, Virginia; Fort Slo- cum, N. Y. ; Stewart, Virginia; Upton, Long Island. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., Decem- ber 18, 1918. WILSON, PERCY CHARLES, Private, 1st Class, U. S. M. C. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., March 26, 1918. Sent to Paris Island, South Carolina, and assigned to 42d Company, I Battalion, April 17, 1918, to June 7, 1918, then transferred to Portsmouth Navy Yard, and assigned to Barracks Detachment. At Portsmouth June 7, 1918, to August 20, 1919. Dis- charged at Portsmouth Navy Yard August 20, 1919. WHEELER, HOWARD EDWIN, Electrician, 1st Class, Radio, U. S. N. Enlisted at Syracuse, N Y., June 21, 1918, and sent to Newport, Rhode Island, and assigned to seamanship training. Went to Harvard Univer- sity Radio School, graduating from that insti- tution in February, 1919. Assigned to U. S. S. "Kansas" at Hampton Roads, Virginia. Trans- ferred to Receiving Ship at Norfolk, Va., then to U. S. Revenue Cutter, "Relief," May 15, 1919, at New York. Sent to Receiving Ship at New York for 10 days, then assigned to U. S. S. "Schoodic". First Radio Operator on this ship June 1 to Oc- tober 1, 1919. Discharged at New York Re- ceiving Ship October 13, 1919. WARD, JOB M,, Dental Reserve Corps. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., October 9, 1917. Not called to active service. YOUST, ANTHONY J. (Official)— Anthony J. Youst (549,387), 107 Cher- ry St., Penn Yan. Enlisted at Camp Syracuse, July 4, 1917. Born Elmira. Age 18 11-12 years. Organizations: Med. Det. 30th Inf., July 4, 1917, to July 14, 1917. San. Det. 38th Inf. to July 16, 1918. Private. Engagements: 2d battle of the Marne. Served overseas March, 25, 1918, to July 16, 1918. Died July 16, 1918, of wounds received in action. No other wounds. Notify Miss Mary Youst, sister, 107 Cherry St., Penn Yan. YOUST, JOSEPH JAMES, Private. Enlisted at Pittsburg, Penn. December 1, 1917. Sent to Camp Meade, Maryland, and assigned to Company H, 23d Engineers. Sailed March 29, 1918, and arrived at Brest, France, June 13, 1918. Mem- ber Company H, 23d Engineers, independent unit. In battle lines at St. Mihiel Sector, September 12 to 24, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 25, 1918 to November 11, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dev- ens, Ayer, Mass., June 14, 1919. POTTER DAY, ALBERT SHERMAN, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., July 30, 1917. Sent to Camp Syracuse, N. Y., and assigned to Company I, 49th Infantry. Transferred to Headquarters Company, 23d Infantry, in August, 1917. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., September 7, 1917, arriv- ing at St. Nazaire, France, September 21, 1917. Member Headquarters Company, 23d U. S. Regu- lars, 2d Division. In battles at Troyon Sector, March 15 to May 13, 1918; Aisne defensive, May 31 to June 5; Chateau-Thierry Sector, June 6 to July 9; Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to July 20; Marbache Sector, August 16 to 19; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16; Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 1 to 10, and November 1 to 11, 1918. In Army of Occupation at Vallendar, Neiderwerth, Rengsdorf, Germany, from December 1, 1918, to July 16, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., August 13, 1919. 'Page Sixty-two FORD, GEORGE W., Jr., Serjeant. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., June 6, 1917, in Nation- al Guard, Company B, 3d New York Infantry. Transferred to Pelham Bay, New York, thence to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, South Caro- lina, and thence to Camp Stewart, Virginia. Sailed from Newport News, Va., May 10, 1918, and arrived at Brest, France, May 23, 1918. Mem- ber Company B, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. In battles at Hindenburg Line (Bony, France), East Poperinghe Line (Belgium), Vierstaat Ridge (Belgium), LeSelle River, St. Souplet (France), Dickebusche Sector (Belgium), St. Maurice River, Cattillon, Jonc-De-Mur (Corbie Luermon). Wounded at St. Souplet, France, Oc- tober 27, 1918, in shoulder and right leg from shrapnel and gun fire. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. MATTHEWS, GEORGE WEBBER, Seaman. Enlisted in U. S. Navy December 5, 1917, at Wil- liamsport, Pa. Sent to Naval Training Station at Newport, R. I. Sent to Brooklyn Navy Yard, then to U. S. Receiving Ship at Philadelphia. Assign- ed to U. S. S. "Cynthic" from Feb. 9, 1918, to Feb. 16, 1919; to U. S. S. "Bushnell", from Mar. 5, 1919, to August 1, 1919. Discharged on Receiving Ship, Philadelphia, August 14, 1919. SANTEE, EFNER HIRAM, Private. Enlisted at Geneva, N. Y., August 1, 1917. Sent to Syracuse Recruit Camp, and assigned to Com- pany A , 50th Infantry, with which served until August 15, when transferred to Company A, 23d Infantry, and sent to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing from Hoboken, N. J., September 7, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, September 21. Served with Company A, 2d Division, 23d Infantry, to August 1, 1918, when transferred to 306th Service Com- pany, with which served until August 6, 1919. Discharged at U. S. General Hospital No. 8, Otis- ville, N. Y., August 6, 1919. STARKEY ANDREWS, ARCHIE GRATON, Electrician, 1st Class. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., August 2, 1917, as ap- prentice seaman, and sent to Rhode Island Navy Yard, and assigned to Navy Radio School, No- vember 20, 1917; Harvard Radio School, Decem- ber 17, 1917; Wireless Telephone School, New London, Conn., May 17, 1918; Officers' Observer School, Hampton Roads, Va., in Navy Aviation, July 10, 1918; Naval Aircraft Store House, Glou- cester, N. J., August 27, 1918; Radio Experimen- tal Laboratory; Radio Compass School, Pelham, N. Y., June 10, 1919. In charge of Radio Compass Station, Buxton, Cape Hatteras, N. C, July 25, 1919. Was promoted to seaman, 2d Class, at New- port, Rhode Island; Electrician, 3d Class, at Harvard Radio School; Electrician, 1st Class, at Officers' Observer School at Hampton Roads, Va. Discharged at Hampton Roads, Va., Sep- tember 10, 1919. BIAS, ROBERT A, 1st Sergeant. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., May 26, 1917. Sent to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and as- signed to Company B, 7th U. S. Engineers. Sailed from New York, N. Y., March 16, 1918, arriving in England March 29, and in France May 2, 1918. Member 5th Division, 7th Regiment, U. S. En- gineers, Regulars. In battle fronts at St. Die Sector, July 16 to August 22; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 11 to 23; Meuse-Argonne offen- sive, October 6 to November 11, 1918. Gassed and wounded at Meuse-Argonne October 12, 1918, from machine gun. In Army of Occupation at Luxemberg and Treves, Germany, from Decem- ber 15, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., August 1, 1919. Previous service — Enlisted at San Francisco, California, January 6, 1912, and spent ten months at Fort Douglas, Utah, from January 6, 1912, to November 15, 1912. Was then sent to Manila, Philippine Islands, for one year. Returned to the United States in December, 1914. Was sent to the Mexican Border until January 5, 1915. Was then discharged. His entire service was in Company C, 20th U. S. Infantry, Regulars. CARPENTER, CARL F. Enlisted at Camp Custer, Mich., October 9, 1917, Company I, 125th Infantry. Discharged Febru- ary 5, 1918, at Waco, Texas. Re-enlisted April 15, 1918, at Rochester, N. Y., U. S. Naval Reserve. Discharged September 15, 1919. CARPENTER, EARL D., Sergeant. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., June 7, 1917, and sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 2d Recruit Company. Arrived in Empire, Canal Zone, July 28, 1917, and served in Company E, 3d Engineers, until December 1, 1918. Transferred to Head- quarters Company 3d Engineers, and remained in that Company until discharged at Corozal, Canal Zone, March 31, 1919. Appointed Corporal September 25, 1918. Appointed Sergeant Decem- ber 1, 1918. Rated as Marksman, November, 1918. CLARY, FRANCIS J. Enlisted at Philadelphia, Pa,, December 19, 1917. Medical Reserve Corps. DUFFY, BERNARD J., Sergeant. Enlisted at Dayton, Ohio, June, 1917. Sent to Fort Thomas, Kentucky, and assigned to 22d Re- cruit Company. Transferred to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and assigned to Company A, 46th Infantry; Camp Gordon, Georgia, 46th In- fantry; Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, 46th Infantry. Appointed Corporal at Fort Ben- jamin Harrison, Ind., September 15, 1917. Ap- pointed Sergeant at Camp Taylor, Kentucky, January 9, 1918. Discharged at Camp Gordon. Georgia, November 28, 1918. GOIINDRY, HARRY BARNES, Private. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., November 15, 1917. Was sent to camp November 21, and was assign- 'Page Sixly-lhree ed to Company B, 23d Engineers. Transferred to Camp Humphreys' Belvoir, Virginia, thence to Laurel, Maryland. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J , • March 29, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, April 13, 1918. December 1, 1918, transferred from the 23d Engineers to Company A, 29th Engineers. Discharged at Camp Upton, Long Island, July 16, 1919. HOVEY, CLAUDE ARMSTRONG, Ship's Cook, 4th Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., August 11, 1917. As- signed to U. S. S. "Richmond", at Norfolk, Vir- ginia, August 12, 1917. Transferred to U. S. Nav- al Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Virginia, December 16, 1917. Assigned to U. S. S. "Zee- landia" June 24, 1918. Transferred to U. S. S. "Zeppelin" August 8, 1919. Sent to Naval Hos- pital, League Island, Philadelphia, Pa. Discharg- ed February 23, 1920. HARPENDING, ASBURY HATHAWAY, Private. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., April 9, 1917. Sent to Camp Syracuse, N. Y., and assigned to 5th U. S. Infantry. Transferred to Empire, Canal Zone, Panama. HILL, HARRY R., Sergeant. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., May 26, 1917. Sent to Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C, and assigned to 66th U. S. Engineers, thence to Re- placement Company B, Engineers. Discharged at Washington Barracks, D. C, January 15, 1919. HOWELL, BELDEN SAMUEL, Private, U. S. Marine Corps. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., July, 1917. Sent to Paris Island, South Carolina, and assigned to 3d Company D. Transferred to Quantico, Virgin- ia, and assigned to 127th Company, 7th Regi- ment, Marine Corps. Sailed from New York for Santiago, Cuba, November 7, 1917. Served in var- ious camps in Cuba with 127th Company, 7th Regiment, U. S. Marine Corps, and remained in that Company until discharged at Marine Bar- racks, Philadelphia, Penn., September 6, 1919. HARPER, DOYLEMARX, Private, 1st Class. Enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., November 27, 1917. Sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and assigned to 2d Recruit Company. Attached and unassigned to Line 60, 3d Training Brigade, at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, on December 9th, 1917. Transferred January 31, 1918, and attached and unassigned to 5th Detachment, 327th Aero Squad- ron, and sent to Jersey City on detached service. Returned to Kelly Field March 4, 1918, attached and unassigned to 328th Aero Squardon. Trans- ferred May 15, 1918, to 2d Detachment, Kelly Field June Replacement, Overseas Casuals. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., May 27, 1918, arriv- ing at Bordeaux, France, June 9, 1918. Member 2d Detachment Kelly Field June Replacement, Overseas Casuals, from Bordeaux to St. Maxient, and attached and unassigned to 1102d Replace- ment Squadron, June 17, 1918. Transferred June 19, 1918, to 1104th Casual Squadron, at 3d A. I. C, Issoudun, France. Detached from the 1104th and assigned to the 21st Air Service Squadron December 1, 1918. On duty in the service of Sup- ply during entire foreign service period. Dis- charged at Camp Mills, Mineola, Long Island, April 14, 1919. IDE, IRA C. Enlisted August, 1917, Dental Reserve Corps. JESSOP, POSTER, Private, 1st Class. (Official)— Foster F. Jessop, (364,363), Rock Stream. Enlisted in National Guard at Ft. Slo- cum, N. Y., April 21, 1918. Born Dundee. Age 19 11-12 years. Organizations: 2d Recruit Co., Gen. Serv. Inf., April 26, 1918; Co. F., 106th Inf. to death. Private April 21, 1918; private, 1st class, Aug. 25, 1918. Engagements: Vierstaat Crossing, Ypres salient, Guillemont farm, Malakoff wood. Served overseas May 10, 1918, to death. Killed in action Sept. 27, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Mrs. Cecil Jessop, mother, R. D. 21, Rock Stream. MacCALMAN, DONALD JAMES, Ensign Naval Avia- tion. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., March 1918, and reported at Boston Aviation School, Institute of Technology, June 4, 1918. Transferred to Key West, Miami, and Pensacola, Florida, receiving his commission as Ensign at the latter place. From Pensacola he was sent to the Naval Air Station at Coco Solo, Canal Zone, Panama, Jan- uary 9, 1919, where he is still in service. NORRIS, LEON 0. Enlisted at Camp Syracuse, N. Y., Juy 23, 1917, Company G, 23d Infantry. NEILSEN, HAROLD J. Enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., December 11, 1917, Battery C, 16th Field Artillery. PEELLE, JAMES FRANCIS, Signalman, 1st Class, U. S. N. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., December 5, 1917. Sent to U. S. Naval Training, Station at Newport, Rhode Island, and assigned to Blue Jacket Guard. Served in Blue Jacket Guard until April, 1917, then received appointment as Assistant Instructor. Served thus during war. Graduated from Coxswains' School in February, 1919. Went aboard U. S. S. "Dixie" in March, 1919, and while on the "Dixie" was promoted to Signal- man, 1st Class. Discharged at Bay Ridge Bar- racks, Brooklyn, N. Y., August 16, 1919. RAPALEE, HARVEY McKINLEY, Private. Enlisted at Corning, N. Y., December 15, 1917. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio, and assigned to 59th Battalion, Coast Artillery. Transferred to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., March 28, 1918, and arrived in Brest, France, April 5, 1918. Member 59th Regiment Supply Company, Coast Artillery Corps. In bat- tle fronts at St. Mihiel offensive, September 12; Verdun offensive, Bois de la Chalade, September 26; Very, October 8 and 9; Eclisfontaine, October 12 and October 23; Romagne, October 28 to No- vember 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y.. January 30, 1919. 'Page Sixty-four ale! (1) Foster .Ii'NNop (2) Donald MaeCalman (.!) James l»«'«-ll«- <4> Harvey Rapalee (.">> Lyle Townley ((!) Charles Heard (7) Hu^h Bentley (S) Walter Elling (») I, .I.iikI Harris John V. Conlcy (2) Walter <;. Halstead (5) K. Carlton Foster (8) Michael 1.. Costello {:>) George 10. Stevenson ((!) <■. Howard Lender (!H I'VkIus M. Chaffee Tage Sixty-seven YATES COUNTY PHYSICIANS COMMISSIONED OFFICERS MATTHEWS, HERBERT WOOD, Captain, Medical Corps. Enlisted at Penn Yan, N. Y., August 13, 1917. Sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., and assigned to 7th Company, Medical Officers' Training Camp. Assigned to Camp Grant, 111., October, 1917, and remained on duty until discharged as assistant Brigade Surgeon, 161st Depot Brigade. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, August, 1917; Captain, December, 1917. Discharged at Camp Grant, 111., December 12, 1918. HALSTEAD, WALTER GEORGE, 1st Lieutenant Medical Corps. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., September 20, 1918. Called to active service October 10, 1918, and assigned to Base Hospital (Surgical Service), Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass. Transferred Novem- ber 11, 1918, to Rockefeller Institute, New York City, War Demonstration Hospital. Returned to Camp Devens December 2, 1918, and assigned to war wound work with casuals of 26th (Yankee) Division. Discharged at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., February 14, 1919. STEVENSON, GEORGE EDWARD, 1st Lieutenant Medical Corps. Enlisted at Penn Yan, N. Y., July 15, 1917. Com- missioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, Au- gust 1, 1917, and reported at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, August 20, 1917. Medical Officers' Train- ing Camp, commanding officer Company C, Medi- cal Corps, until November 25, 1917. On duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y., until January 8, 1918. Dis- charged at Fort Slocum, N. Y., January 1, 1918, for physical disability. STRAIT, BERNARD SAMUEL, Captain, Medical Corps. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant July 10, 1917, and called to active service from Penn Yan, N. Y., August 26, 1917. In Medical Officers' Training Camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, Au- gust 26, to November 15., 1917. Student at School of Military Roentgenology, at New York City, N. Y., November 15, to December 31, 1917. Instruct- or in Military Roentgenology at the same school December 31, 1917, to June 24, 1918, then assign- ed to the Evacuation Hospital, No. 19. Sailed from Hoboken, New Jersey, August 31, 1918, arriving at Glasgow, Scotland, September 13, 1918, and at LeHavre, France, September 15, 1918. Hospital attached to First Army from September 15, 1918 to January 21, 1919, then attached to Third Army at Frier, Germany. In Army of Occupation at Frier, Germany, from January 21, 1919, to June 29, 1919. Commissioned Captain May 2, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, July 7, 1919. FOSTER, EDWIN CARLTON, Captain, Medical Corps. Enlisted as 1st Lieutenant at Penn Yan, N. Y., July 10, 1917, in the Medical Corps. Assigned to Base Hospital, Camp Upton, N. Y. Had special courses in Rockefeller Institute and Roosevelt Hospital, New York City. Assigned to Base Hos- pital, Unit 52, then transferred to Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Georgia. Sailed from Camp Merritt, N. J , July 14, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, England, July 26, and at Cherbourgh, France, July 30, 1918. Service at Rumincourt. France, near General Pershing's headquarters Commissioned Captain in February, 1919, at Rumincourt, France. Dis- charged at Camp Jackson, Columbia, South Caro- lina, May 15, 1919. LEADER, GEORGE HOWARD, 1st Lieutenant, Med- ical Corps. Enlisted at Rochester, N. Y., October 17, 1918. Sent to Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., and assigned to Debarkation Hospital No. 5, New York City. Discharged at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., June 21, 1919. CONLEY, JOHN A., 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Enlisted at Penn Yan, N. Y., July 25, 1917, and called to active service August 7, 1917, at Army Medical School, Washington, D. C. Transferred to Medical Officers' Training Camp, Fort Ogle- thorpe, Georgia. Placed on retired list on account of physical disability. Re-called to service. Dis- charged at Washington, D. C, April 28, 1918. COSTELLO, MICHAEL E., 1st Lieutenant Medical Corps. Enlisted at Branchport, N. Y., September 20, 1918, and sent to Plattsburgh, N. Y., and as- signed to the Medical Corps. Also served at the Base Hospital at Camp Meade, Maryland, and at St. Elizabeth Government Hospital, Washing- ton, D. C. Discharged at Washington, D .C, De- cember 17, 1918. CHAFFEE, FESTUS M., 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Enlisted at Syracuse, N. Y., July 24, 1918, and sent to Camp Greenleaf, Medical Officers' Train- ing Camp, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, and as- signed to Company 17, Battalion 5. Transferred to Chatanooga, Tennessee, to United States Pub- lic Health Service, October 13, 1918, to October 28, 1918. In the School of Military Sanitation and Hygiene, also School of Epidemiology for course of instruction. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant Sep- tember 3, 1918. Discharged December 19, 1918. 'Page Sixty -eight SERVICE RECORDS OF INDUCTED MEN UNDER SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW DATES ON WHICH CONTINGENTS LEFT PENN YAN. OR WERE REPORTED BY LOCAL BOARD. AND CAMPS TO WHICH THEY WERE SENT SEPT. 9, 1!)17 — CAMP DIX, WHIGHTSTOWN, N. J. COSTELLO, CHARLES E., Private. (Official)— Charles B. Costello (1754639), 129 Elm St., Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan Sept. 9, 1917. Born Penn Yan. Age 23 1-12 years. Organi- zations: Battery E., 307th F. A. Sept. 9, 1917, to March 21, 1918; 35th Engineers Camp Dix Re- placement Draft to April 9, 1918. Private, Sept. 9, 1917; horseshoer, Jan. 17, 1918. Served over- seas March 29, 1918, to April 9, 1918. Died of meningitis April 9, 1918. Notify Mrs. Jane Col- mey, sister, 129 Elm St., Penn Yan. CARROLL, THOMAS FRANCIS, Gunner Sergeant. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, which Regiment was organized at Camp Dix. Sailed for overseas May 27, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, June 7, 1918. Member Com- pany E, 307th Light Field Artillery, 78th Divi- sion. In battle lines at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and on the Verdun front November 11, 1918, when the armistice became effective. Injured by con- cussion of exploding shell. Discharged at Camp Dix, May 24, 1919. (Milo). DOUGLASS, PERL R., Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Light Field Artil- lery; transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and assigned to Company F, 328th Infantry, 78th Division. Sailed for overseas May 1, 1918, arriv- ing at LeHavre, France, May 20, 1918. Battle fronts: Toul Sector, Marbache, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne offensives. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 29, 1919. (Milo). FINERGHTY, WILLIAM, Corporal. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Sailed for overseas April 25, 1918, ar- riving in London, England, May 7, and in France, May 13th. Assigned to Company C, 325th Regi- ment, 82d Division. Battle fronts: Toul Defen- sive, June 26-August 6; Marbache, August 15- Steptember 11, September 17-20; St. Mihiel, Sep- tember 12-16 ; Meuse-Argonne, September 26- November 3, 1918. Suffered broken ankle from fall in shell hole. The 325th Regiment was the first to arrive in London, England, and paraded before the Royal Family and American Ambassa- dor May 11th, 1918. Mr. Finerghty was promoted from Private, 1st Class, to Corporal, December 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 16, 1919. (Milo). WHITMAN, STEPHEN MICHAEL, 1st Sergeant. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Sailed for France May 27, 1918, arriv- ing at LeHavre. War fronts at St. Mihiel Salient, September 12, 1918; Souplet to Moselle Septem- ber 26, 1918; Argonne, November 1, 1918, to No- vember 11, 1918. Appointed Corporal October 17, 1917; Sergeant, November 28, 1917; 1st Sergeant, March 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 5, 1919. Previous service, Troop F, 14th U. S. Cavalry, having enlisted July 7, 1905, and was discharged as Sergeant July 6, 1908. (Milo). SEPT. 27, 1917— CAMP DIX, AVRIGHTSTOWJV, IV. J. BRADLEY, JOHN H. Private. (Official)— John H. Bradley (2308814), Barnes, N. Y. Born Starkey. Age 30. Inducted at Penn Yan Sept. 26, 1917. Organizations served in: Battery E, 307 F. A. Sept. 27, 1917, to Feb. 19, 1918, 1st Training Bat. 147th F. A. to May 28, 1918; Bat- tery E, 147th F. A., to Aug. 14, 1918. Private, Sept. 26, 1917; Cook, Jan. 1, 1918. Engagements: Marne, Chateau-Thierry, Vesle River Alsace front, Bel- fort sector. Served overseas March 4, 1918, to Aug. 14, 1918. Killed in action Aug. 14, 1918. No other wounds received in action. Notify James Bradley, brother, Barnes, N. Y. BAKER, CHARLES, Cook. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Medical Corps. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 13, 1919. (Milo). BISHOP, CHARLES ARTHUR, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Stanley, Texas, and assign- ed to Battery E, 19th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas, and assigned to Head- quarters Company, 19th Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to Camp Nichols, Louisiana, and assign- ed to 4th Battalion, Company C, U. S. Guards. Transferred to Camp Chalmette, Louisiana, and assigned to Company C, 4th Battalion, U. S. Guards. Transferred to Morgan City, Louisiana, and assigned to guard duty emergency fleet cor- poration. Transferred to Beauregard, Louisi- ana, and assigned to emergency guard duty. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 6, 1919. (Benton). BROWN, JOHN, Private. Rejected. (Middlesex) 'Page Sixty -nine ?FSIi H (1) Charles Costello (2) Thomas Carroll (3) Perl Douglas (4) William Finerghty (5) Stephen Whitman («) John Bradley (7) Charles Baker (S> Charles Bishop (9) Elmer Cole (10) Harry Cleveland (11) Joseph Corey (12) Jesse Duell (13) Edmoiid Fitzpatriek (14) (15) (1«) (17) (IS) Wiu. Habherfield Dudley Hayes Harold Harris Fred Habherfield Charles Holmes (1!)) Clifford Hamilton (LO) Jens Jaeohsen (21) A. H. Wm. Jensen (22) Sinus Jorgensen (23) William Jones (24) James Ivirkpatriek (25) Claude I-ee 'Page Seventy COLE, ELMER LIONEL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery; Base Hospital Medical Corps. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., April 28, 1919. (Milo). CLEVELAND, HARRY WILLIAM, Private. Assigned as cook. Mess Sergeant, Headquarters Company; Battery A, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Left for overseas May 27, 1918, arriv- ing at LeHavre, France, June 7. In St. Mihiel of- fensive September 12-16; Toul Sector, August 25-October 14; Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 18-November 11, 1918. Grand Pre attack, October 23-24; Toul Sector, Puny raid, September 26, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 22, 1919. The 307th was cited for excellent service in its first barrage, September 12, 1918. (Milo). COREY, JOSEPH ALBERT, Bugler, 1st Class. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Sail- ed from Hoboken, N. J., May 27, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, June 13, 1918, a member of Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Actively engaged in the following battle fronts: St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Meuse-Argonne, Toul, Preigny raid, Grand Pre attack. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 22, 1919. (Barrington). DUEL!, JESSE F., Private. (Official)— Jesse Frank Duell (540444), R. D. 4, Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan Sept. 28, 1917. Born at Gaines, Pa. Age 22 5-12 years. Organi- zations: Batery E, 307th F. A. to Dec. 12, 1917; M. G. Co. 7th Inf. to Aug. 29, 1918; Co. K., 7th Inf. to death. Private. Engagements: Two battles of the Marne; Argonne Served overseas April 6, 1918, to death. Killed in action Oct. 18, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Mrs. May C. Duell, mother, Penn Yan. FITZPATRICK, EDMOND J., Sergeant. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery; 309th Field Hospital, 78th Division. June 4, 1918, sailed for France, arriving at LeHavre, June 16, 1918. In France the 309th Field Hospital became part of 303d Sanitary Train, and was engaged on the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne fronts. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 30, 1919. Appointed Ser- geant, July 1, 1918. (Milo). HABBERFIELD, WILLIAM H., Cook. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to 502d Engi- neer Battalion, unattached. With this Battalion sailed for overseas November 12, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, November 26, 1917. The 502d Engineers was engaged mostly in recon- struction work, largely in the Toul Sector, France. Discharged at General Hospital 38, East View, N. Y., June 12, 1919. (Milo). HAYES, DUDLEY VERNON, Corporal. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Sailed for overseas from Hoboken, N. J., May 27, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, June 7, 1918. Battles at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne, and the Verdun fronts. Discharged at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J., May 23, 1919. (Milo). HARRIS, HAROLD, Mess Sergeant. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery; Cook and Bake School, Quartermaster's Depart- ment. Transferred to Fort Perry, Long Island, N. Y., as Mess Sergeant. Sailed August, 1918, arriv- ing in France at Bordeaux. Stationed at Bor- deaux Rifle Range. Discharged at Fort Wright, Staten Island, N. Y. (Starkey). HABBERFIELD, FREDERICK R., Private. Assigned to 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade; 307th Field Artillery. Discharged for physical disability, at Camp Dix, N. J., September 6, 1918. (Milo). HOLMES, CHARLES EARL, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Stanley, Texas, and assign- ed to Battery E, 19th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas, and assigned to Bat- tery E, 19th Field Artillery. May 27, 1918, sailed for LeHavre, France, arriving June 15, 1918. En- gaged in battles at St. Die Sector July 30-August 15; St. Mihiel, September 12-November 11. Casual Company 4910 Machine Gun, guard against air- planes. Discharged at Mitchell Aviation Field, Long Island, June 4, 1919. (Middlesex). HAMILTON, CLIFFORD MORGAN, 2d Lieutenant, Q. M. C. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Company F, 303d Engineers Octo- ber 1, 1917. Made Private, 1st Class, November 1, 1917; Corporal, November 15, 1917; Duty Ser- geant, January 11, 1918. Sergeant, 1st Class, March 31, 1918. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, to Officers' Training School, April 28, 1918. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant Quartermaster's Corps, July 19, 1918. Assigned commanding officer Depot Bri- gade same date. Received commission Q. M. C. Officers' Reserve Corps February 20, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Johnston, Florida, December 11, 1919. (Starkey). JACOBSEN, JENS, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to Company C, 502d Engineers, with which or- ganization he sailed November 12, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, November 26, 1917. Ser- vice in France from November 26, 1917, to June 22, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 30, 1919. (Milo). JENSEN, AXEL HOLGER WILLIAM, Wagoner. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery; 303 Engineers, 78th Division. Sailed from Brooklyn, N. Y., May 27, 1918, arriving at Calais, France, June 9, 1918. (Co. F.) At St. Mihiel front, September 11 to Oc- tober 3; Argonne Forest, October 7 to November 6, 1918. Promoted to Wagoner, October 1, 1918, near Thiacourt, France. Discharged at Camp Dix, June 12, 1919. (Benton). JOHOENSEN, SINUS ERICK, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to 502d Engi- 'Page Seventy-one (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Harry Lord Fred Lewis James Maley Charles Morse William Ruddick William Rifenberg' (7) William Randall <8) George Rusk (!>) Howard Spnisue (10) Floyd Smith (11) Frank Sayre (12) Leo Smith (13) Clayton Shepherd (14) Fred Travis (15) Charlie Wheeler (16) Fred World (17) Hubert Waters (IS) Vernon Young £19) Herbert Young (20) William Eekert (21) John Hatch (22) Walter Beekett (23) Harold Bahr (24) Henry Christensen 4 2.") Clifford Chapman 'Page Sevenly-tioo neers, and with this organization sailed Novem- ber 12th, 1917, and arrived at St. Nazaire, France, November 28, 1917. Served in Company D, 502d Engineers, to May, 1918, when he was transferred to 67th Engineers, Railway Operating Troops. General service in France from November 26, 1917, until July 19, 1919. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., August 6, 1919 (Benton). JONES, WILLIAM H. (Potter). KIRKPATRICK, JAMES STORY, Sergeant. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Headquarters Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 4, 1919. (Milo) LEE, CLAUDE THOMAS, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Dis- charged at Camp Dix. November 1, 1917, for physical disability — broken ankle — sustained in service. (Potter). LCRD, HARRY SCHOLLAR, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Co. — , 502d Engineers, and sent to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., November 12, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, on November 28. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 30, 1919. (Milo). LEWIS, FRED JOSEPH, Mechanic. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Ar- rived at LeHavre, France, via Liverpool, Eng- land, June 8, 1918. Member Battery E, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. In St. Mihiel offensive, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne, October 16- November 11. Toul Sector, August 27-October 4; Toul Sector-Preny Raid offensive, September 28; Grandpre attack, October 23-24, 1918. Promoted Mechanic July 1, 1918, at Camp Meucon, France. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, May 22, 1919. MALEY, JAMES JOSEPH, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, Novem- ber, 1917, and assigned to Company L, 328th In- fantry. May 8, 1918, transferred to Battery B, 319th Field Artillery, 82d Division. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., May 19, 1918, arriving at Le Havre, France, June 6th, 1918. Served in Toul Sector August 12-28; Marbache Sector, Septem- ber 2-11; St. Mihiel, September 12-16; Argonne- Meuse offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Appointed Private of 1st Class at Gradig- nan, France, March 17, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 20, 1919. (Milo). MORSE, CHARLES CARPENTER. (Starkey). MAYBEE, EDWARD E. (Starkey). RFDDICK, WILLIAM ENSLEY, Private. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery and 303d En- gineers. Transferred to Fort Meyer, Va., and as- signed to 38th Engineers, with which organiza- tion he sailed from Hoboken, N. J., February 27, 1918. arriving at Brest, France, March 9th, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 13, 1919. (Starkey). RIFENBERG, WILLIAM, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Co. D, 502d Engineers, and sent to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., November 12, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, on November 28. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 30, 1919. (Potter). RANDALL, WILLIAM AYERY, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Battery E. 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Green, Charlotte, North Carolina, and assigned to Company G, 7th Infan- try, 3d Division. Sailed April 16, 1918, and ar- rived in LeHavre, France, May 1, 1918. Battles at Belleau Woods, June 16-23; Champagne- Aisne defensive, July 15-18; Aisne-Marne, July 18-30; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12-16; Meuse-Ar- gonne, September 26-October 31; Army of Occu- pation, Germany, August 9 to December 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., August 25, 1919. (Jerusalem). RUGG, GEORGE DANIEL, Jr. Rejected on account of defective vision. Later inducted. (Jerusalem). SPRAGUE, HOWARD 0., Sergeant. Assigned to Headquarters Company, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division, and with this Regiment sailed May 8, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 18, 1918. Engaged in offensives at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Grandpre, and Toul Sectors Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 23, 1919. (Milo). SMITH, FLOYD, Corporal. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and sailed for Brest, France, March 28, 1918, arriving April 7, 1918, as casual of 35th Co , 19th Engineers. Member of Company I, 18th Engineers, April 7 to July 16; 19th Tank Corps, July 15, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Appointed Corporal September 11, 1918, at Dijon, France. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, L. I., July 12, 1919. (Milo). SAYRE, FRANK EASTON, Captain, Dental Corps. Assigned to 312th Field Artillery, and transferred to 312th Field Hospital. Received commission as 1st Lieutenant, Dental Corps, November 6, 1917, and assigned to the 24th Engineers on January 28, 1918. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., March 29, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, April 16, 1918. The 24th Engineers were a special Engineers' regiment known as Army Troops, attached to some Army Headquarters and not belonging to any Division. Served fifteen months in the A. E. F. with the same regiment. In St. Mihiel offen- sive September 12-16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne of- fensive, September 26 to October 12, 1918. Occu- pation Verdun Sector, September 19 to 25, 1918. Occupation Toul Sector, October 13 to November 11, 1918. In Army of Occupation at Headquarters at Coblenz, Germany, from November 16, 1918, to December 23, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 13, 1919. (Starkey). 'Page Seventy-lhree SMITH, LEO HERBERT. (Starkey). SHEPHERD, CLAYTON BIGELOW. (Barrington). TRAVIS, FRED JAMES, Mechanic, 1st Class. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and assigned to 320th Field Artillery, 161st Remount Station. Sailed for overseas May 9, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 19, 1918. In battle fronts at Argonne, St. Mihiel, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. Discharg- ed at Camp Merritt, N. J., July 22, 1919. (Milo). WHEELER, CHARLIE, Private. (Official)— Charlie Wheeler, (223259), 211 Liberty St., Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan, Sept. 26, 1917. Born Milo. Age 27 10-12 years. Organiza- tions: Battery E, 307th F. A. to Nov. 14, 1917; 302d Q. M. Mec. Repair Shop to May 31, 1918; Det, Q. M. C, Camp Rochambeau to death. Private. Served overseas Jan. 11, 1918, to death. Died of lobar pneumonia Oct. 19, 1918. Notify Mrs. A. Wheeler, mother, 211 Liberty St., Penn Yan. WORLD, FRED ANDREW, Corporal. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to Camp Dix Replacement Detachment, and then to 140th Casual Company. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., April 26, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, May 4, 1918. Member Company B, 116th Supply Train, 41st Division, May 9-September 1, 1918; 2d Pro- visional Motor Truck Company, September 1, 1918, to December 1, 1918; Motor Transport Com- pany No. 708, December 1, 1918, to August 11, 1919. Promoted Corporal February 1, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, Long Island, N. Y., Au- gust 11, 1919. (Milo). WATERS, HUBERT WILLIAM, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Vol- unteered for overseas duty, and was transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to Company D, 502d Engineers, independent unit. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J , November 12, 1918, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, November 26, 1918. Engaged in construction work. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, L. I., June 30, 1919. (Barrington). YOUNG, VERNON, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Company F, 320th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, October 27, 1917, and assigned to Battery F, 320th Field Artillery. Sailed from New York May 19, 1918, ar- riving at LeHavre, France. In battles at Mar- bache Sector August 21-September 11, 1918; St. Mihiel Sector, September 12-September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26-Novem- ber 11, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 15, 1919. (Torrey). YOUNG, HERBERT ALLEN, Private. Assigned to Battery E, 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to Company D, 502d Engineers. Sailed from Ho- boken, N. J., November 12, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, November 26, 1917. Duties at Servier, St. Nazaire, Bar-sur-Aube, Chaumont, Neufchateau. Discharged at Camp Upton, L. I., June 30, 1919. (Benton). . NOV. 8, 11)17 — CAMP DIX, WRIGHTSTOWN, N. .1. ECKERT, WILLIAM FRED, Corporal. Assigned to 307th Field Artillery. Transferred to Camp Meade, Maryland, thence to Camp Mills, Long Island Sailed from New York January 12, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, January 23, 1918. Member Headquarters Company, 5th Field Ar- tillery, 1st Division. In battles at Toul Sector, February 24 to April 3 ; Cantigny, May 28 to SO; Soissons Sector, August 7 to 23; Montdiddier and Noyon, April 25 to July 7; Aisne-Marne, July 18 to 24; St. Mihiel, September 12 and 13; Meuse-Argonne, October 15 to November 8, 1918. In Army of Occupation, Germany, from Decem- ber 1, 1918, to August 19, 1919. Appointed Cor- poral in Germany, July 4, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, September 28, 1919. (Italy). HATCH, JOHN AUGUSTUS, Cadet. Enrolled October 10, 1917, at Buffalo, N. Y., in Enlisted Medical Reserve Corps, of which he was a member until October, 1918, part of which time he was at Fort Porter, N. Y. In October, 1918, he was transferred to Company A, Students' Army Training Corps, Medical Unit, at Buffalo Uni- versity. Discharged at Buffalo University, De- cember 21, 1918. Mr. Hatch was a medical stu- dent at the University of Buffalo, and was ex- empt from military service. His name was call- ed by the Local Board of Yates county, on No- vember 8, 1917, and it having been found that he was in the Medical Reserve Corps, the necessary papers were forwarded to Camp Dix, thus credit- ing his induction in Yates county as of that date. (Milo). NOV. TZ, 1917 — CAMP DIX. WRIGHTSTOWN, N. J. BECKETT, WALTER WILLIAM, Private. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, in which remain- ed until discharged at that camp June 22, 1918. (Middlesex). BAHR, HAROLD G. (MilO). CHRISTENSEN, HENRY JOHN, Sergeant. Assigned to Company E, 303d Ammunition Train, 78th Division. Sailed for France, May 26, 1918, ar- riving in Liverpool, England, June 12, 1918, and in France, June — , 1918. Engagements at St. Mihiel and Argonne Woods. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 28, 1919. (Benton). CHAPMAN, CLIFFORD CLAIR, Private. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp McArthur, Waco, Texas, and assigned to 21st Balloon Company Transferred to Camp Morrison, Virginia, and assigned to 621st Aero Squadron. Transferred to Lee Hall, Va., U. S. LSI 'Page Seventy-four iS4 M (1) Franklin Clark, Co 1. (7) Carl Petersen (13) Lynn Itlood > \\ illai-il Clatvson (2) Morris llur'l (8) George Tubbs (14) Lester Chisliolm (10> i :<\ in ii mi Cliarwiek (3) Albert Kna;>ton ) HiiK'sl Wood (15) Walter Cole (HI) Homer Dunn (4) Charles Klulie ( 10) Niels IVeilscn Stanley Dennis <•-,) GcurKi' Merrick (1!) Amos Barley <>il«.|K-<'il <7> Willard Kelsey (13) Ledwfth Pool ! I!M Carl Slutter <::> Harry Hart (8) James Lav.enhy <14) Lnvi'rne Perry (10) Hilton She-tard (S) Chris .!«• ii sen (0) Clande Mann <1.->> Clarence Pod ley <^1 I William Sprafgue <4> John Jensen ( 101 Vlexius Markey (Mil Finery Potter (22) DorpKeR Sawyer (5) Alhert Jay (11) Carl Olmstead < 171 Stuart Heed <^:t) Frank WowdllOUHe («) Friie.xt KeNNler <12) Chris l*oulsen ( 25 ) Fred It (18) oese Frank Rector (24) John Spencer 'Page Seventy-nine LAZENBY, JAMES DEW1TT, Private. Assigned to 151st Depot Brigade. Volunteered for service in Tank Corps. Left Camp Devens March 21st for Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa., and assigned to Company B, 302d Battalion Heavy Tanks. Left Gettysburg last of July for Toby- hanna, Pa. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., Septem- ber 25, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, England, Oc- tober 7, 1918, member of Company B, 302d Bat- talion Tank Corps, Heavy Tank Service. Trans- ferred to Company C, 328th Battalion. Light Tanks, November 15, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, April 11, 1919. (Benton). MANN, CLAUDE RICHARD, Private, 1st Class. Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass.; Camp Colt, Gettys- burg, Penn.; Camp Summerall, Tobyhanna, Penn. Sailed for overseas, September 24, 1918, and served with the 302d Battalion Tank Corps. Made Private 1st Class, June, 1918, at Gettys- burg, Pa. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, April 10, 1919 (Milo). MARKET, WILLIAM ALEXIUS, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 27th Company, 7th Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade; 48th Company, 12th Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Devens, Mass., December 4, 1918. (Milo). OLMSTEAD, CARL RAY. (Potter) POULSEN, CHRIS MARTINUS, Private. Assigned to 27th Co., 7th Training Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Transferred to Co. D, 302d Engineers, and to Co. E, 103d Engineers, with which he served until discharged. At Chateau- Thierry, July 9-13; Meuse-Argonne offensive,, September 27-October 9; Triacourt sector, Octo- ber 15-November 11. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 15, 1919. (Milo),, POOLE, LEDWITH ROBERT, Private. Assigned to Medical Corps. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and sailed for France, March 27, 1918, arriving May 6, 1918, with the 306th Field Hospital, 77th Division. The work of the 306th was First Aid in the battle lines. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 12, 1919. (Benton). PERRY, LEYERNE ERNEST, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 27th Co., 7th Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to 307th Ambulance Company, 302d Sanitary Train, 77th Division, on March 28, 1918. Sailed from New York April 16, and arrived at Calais, France, April 28. In battles in Baccarat Sector, June 21-August 11; Vesle Sector, August 11-August 18; Oise-Aisne offensive, August 18- September 16; Meuse-A.rgonne offensive, Sep- tember 23-November 11. Appointed 1st Class Private at LeMans, France. Discharged at Camp Upton, May 12, 1919. (Potter). PEDLEY, CLARENCE HOLLISTER, Corporal. Assigned to 77th Division. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to Battery D, 305th Field Artillery, and later to Company A, 302d Supply Train, 77th Division, and sailed from New York City, April 24, 1918, arriving in Brest, France, May 1, 1918. In battles at Bac- caret Sector, June 21 to August 4th; Vesle Sec- tor, August 11 to August 18; Oise-Aisne offen- sive, August 18 to September 16 ; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 28 to November 11, 1918. Wounded at Fismes, France, August 16, 1918, by flesh wound in left leg. Appointed Corporal at Sable-Sur-Sarthe, France, December 15, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 19, 1919. (Starkey). POTTER, EMORY, Corporal. Assigned to 27th Company, Training Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Up- ton, N. Y., and assigned to Company L, 308th In- fantry, 77th Division, and with the same organ- ization was transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed from New York City, April 7, 1918, and arrived at Calais, France, April 21, 1918. In bat- tles at Baccaret Sector June 21st to August 4th; Vesle Sector, August 11th to August 18th; the Aisne offensive, August 18th to September 16th; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 25th to October 3d. Wounded in battle at Meuse-Ar- gonne, October 3d, 1918, by gun shot wound in the scalp. Appointed Corporal June 21, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 9, 1919. (Jerusalem). REED, STUART G. (Benton) RECTOR, FRANK CHARLES, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 27th Company, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to Company D, 306th Machine Gun Battalion. April 13, 1918, sailed for Calais, arriving at that port, April 30, 1918. In battles at Baccaret, Vesle, Aisne, Argonne and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 9, 1919. (Potter). SLUTTER, CARL J., Private. Assigned to 27th Company. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and transferred from the Artillery to Company H, 307th Infantry, 77th Division, April 5, 1918. Sailed from Camp Upton, N. Y., April 5, 1918, arriving at Calais Harbor, France, April 20, 1918. In battles at Baccaret Sector, June 21 to August 4; Vesle Sector, August 11 to August 18; Oise-Aisne offensive, August 18 to September 16; Meuse-Argonne, September 25 to October 7, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 9, 1919. (Jerusalem). SHEPHARD, MILTON, WILLIAM, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 29th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to 304th Heavy Field Artillery, 28th Division, National Guard In- fantry. Sailed May 5, 1918, and arrived in Calais, France, May 14, 1918. In battles at Chateau- Thierry, Aisne-Vesle, Fismes, and Rheims. Wounded at Fismes, France, September 6, 1918, by machine gun bullet. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 5, 1919. (Italy.) "Page Eighty SPRAGUE, WILLIAM, Private. Assigned to 151st Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to Company D, 306th Machine Gun. Sailed April 13, 1918, arriv- ing at Calais, France, April 30, 1918. In battles at Baccaret Sector, June 21st to August 4th, 1918; the Aisne offensive, August 18th to Sep- tember 16th; Vesle Sector, August 11th to Au- gust 18th; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 25th to October 3d. Discharged at Camp Upton N. Y., May 9, 1919. (Jerusalem). SAWYER, DORPHES CLDNEY, Private. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., as of unassign- ed Infantry. Last assignment, Company L, 308th Infantry, February 18, 1919. (Benton). WOODHOUSE, FRANK LESLIE, Private. Assigned to 27th Company, 7th Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Stayed with 27th about two months and was transferred to 19th Company. Held from transfer out of camp on account of physical disability. Acting Sergeant about six weeks, and had charge of a few men who had to be sent to what was called "Overflow Barracks" for about six weeks, as the 19th Company was filled up with recruits. Returned to 19th Com- pany as Private. Sent to Army General Hos- pital at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., June 8, 1918. After discharge from hospital returned to 19th Company, and discharged at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., December 4, 1918. (Jerusalem). MARCH 9, 1918 — FORT MVER, VA. SPIKE, WARREN ROBERT, Private. Sent to Fort Myer, Va., and assigned to Co. B, 37th Engineers. Sailed from New York, May 8, arriving at Brest, France, May 18, 1918. Member Company B, 37th Engineers, during entire ser- vice, being attached at various times to the 2d, 23th and 42d Divisions — engaged in electrical work. At Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, and Meuse- Argonne. Gassed at St. Mihiel, September — , 1918. In Army of Occupation at Coblenz from December 15, 1918, to February — , 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 3, 1919. (Middlesex). MARCH 9, 1»18 — CAMP MERRITT, IV. .1. SPENCER, JOHN BARRELL, Corporal. Assigned to Motor Transport 377. Transferred to Camp Bragg, North Carolina. Discharged at Camp Bragg, N. C .., April 30, 1919, (Milo). MARCH 9, 1918 — CAMP DEVENS, AYER, MASS. ROESE, FREDERICK, Sergeant. Assigned to 27th Company, 151st Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Green, Charlotte, North Carolina, and assigned to Air Service Mechan- ics, 1st Company, 4th Regiment, thence to 12th Company, 4th Regiment. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for overseas, July 15, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, August 3, 1918. Duties at Issaudun and Clisson, France. Appoint- ed Sergeant November 1, 1918, at 3d American Instruction Centre, Issoudun, France. Mr. Roese had charge of instrument room in the largest aviation field in the world. Discharged at East View Hospital, New York, June 12, 1919. (Milo). MARCH 25, 1918 — CAMP MERRITT, X. J. CLARK, WALTER PHILIP, Corporal. Assigned to Motor Transport Corps 377, thence to 1st Quartermaster's Corps. In Motor Truck Corps at Camp Bragg, North Carolina. Appoint- ted Corporal October 20, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 25, 1919. Enlisted un- der special orders. (Benton). APRIL 2, 1918 — CAMP UPTON. LONG ISLAND, N. Y. CECCHINI, NICK, Private. Assigned to 325th Infantry. Transferred to Camp Merritt, New Jersey. Sailed from New York, N. Y., April 25, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, Eng- land, May 8th, and at France, May — , 1918. Member 325th Infantry, 82d Division. Trans- ferred to Machine Gun Company B, 26th Divi- sion, May 22, 1918. In battles at Battle Wood, June 13, and at Chateau-Thierry, France, July 13 to 27, 1918. Wounded at Chateau-Thierry July 27, 1918, from high explosive. In Army of Occupation at Metz from November 16, 1918, to November 24, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., February 22, 1919 (Milo). APRIL 2, 191S — CAMP MX, WRIGHTSTOWN, N. .1. COONS, HOWARD BRADLEY, Private. Assigned to Company D, Machine Gun Battalion, 78th Division. In battles at Toul and Verdun. Gassed on Verdun front October 1, 1918. Treated in Hospitals 64, 58, 52, 20, Bordeaux, France; Grand Central, N. Y. ; Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y. Discharged at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y. May 23, 1919. (Milo). CRONK, BENJAMIN HARRISON, Mechanic. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th Infan- try. Transferred to Company H, 311th Infantry. Discharged at Camp Upton N. Y., May 30, 1919. (Milo). FISHER, ROY JOHN, Sergeant. Assigned to 311th Machine Gun Co. Transferred to Company D, 311th Infantry. Appointed Cor- poral 24th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, Au- gust 22, 1918. Appointed Sergeant Provost Guard Company, January 15, 1919. Police duty at Tren- ton, Camden, Mt. Holley, Burlington, Borden- town, and Jersey City, N. J. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., July 5, 19,19, (Milo). GALLAGHER, CHARLES LAWRENCE, Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division. Sailed from Hoboken May 20, 1918, arriving at Calais, France, June 8, 1918. In battles at St. Mihiel Salient and Meuse- Argonne. "Service A. E F., May 20, 1918, to June 10, 1919." Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 19, 1919. (Benton). 'Page Eighly-ane GOUNDRY, RALPH, Cook. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, 23th Company, 311th Machine Gun, 78th Division. Transferred to Amatol, N. J., Ordnance Corps. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 31, 1918. (Milo). HESLUND, HERMAN JOSEPH, Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division. Sailed May 18, 1918, for Calais, France, arriving June 5, 1918. Engage- ments at Arras, St. Mihiel and Argonne. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 30, 1919. (Torrey). HABBERFIELD, HAROLD RICHARD, Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division. Sailed May 19, 1918, arriv- ing at Calais, France, June 4, 1918. In battle fronts at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 29, 1919. (Milo). HE ABLE Y, MAX CLIFFORD, Sergeant. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry. Transferred to Motor Truck Corps May I, 1918. Appointed Corporal January 15, 1919, and Sergeant, March 1, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 9, 1919. (Potter). LEROI, LEONARD S., Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Co , 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., May 20, 1918, arriving at Calais, France, June 8. In Army of Occupation at village of Villenott from November — , 1918, to May 6, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 29, 1919. (Jerusalem). MAGEE, JOSEPH GEORGE, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Machine Gun Company F, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division. Sailed from Hoboken May 19, 1918, and arrived in Calais, France, June 4, 1918. Battle fronts at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Ar- gonne. Wounded in shoulder. at Grandpre Nov. 1, 1918, by bullet from concealed German machine gun. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 3, 1919. (Milo). MORSE, GEORGE S., Private, 1st Class. Not having received his permit for enlist- ment, Mr. Morse was inducted by the local board and sent to camp. After reaching camp his per- mit was received and he was assigned to Com- pany E, 307th Engineers, Independent Unit. Sailed June 30, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, Eng- land, July 7, 1918, and Cherbourg, France, July 10, 1918. The duties of the 37th Engineers con- sisted of inspection of bridges, etc., and was in the Aisne-Marne offensive, July 26-August 6; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12-16; Meuse- Argonne offensive, September 26 to November II. With Army of Occupation in Germany No- vember 26, 1918, to January 9, 1919. Company E, 37th Engineers, was the first company to cross the River Rhine. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 3, 1919. (Milo). McFARREN, HOWARD, J., Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division, and with this contingent sailed May 19, 1918, and arrived in Calais, France, June 9, 1918. On St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne battle fronts. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., May 30, 1919. (Benton). NEWBY, WILLARD S. (Official)— Willard S Newby, 1763234, R. D. 7, Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan April 1, 1918. Born at Hall. Age 25 5-6 years. Organizations: 24th Co , 153d Depot Brig , April 1, 1918 to April 22, 1918; M. G. Co. 311th Inf. to April 24, 1918; Co. C, 311th Inf. to Oct 22, 1918. Private. Served overseas May 19, 1918 to death. Killed in action Oct 28, 1918. No other wounds. Notify Mrs. Nel- lie Newby, wife, Penn Yan, R. D. 3. RUGG, GEORGE DANIEL, Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 311th In- fantry, 78th Division. Sailed for overseas May 19, 1918, arriving at Calais, France, June 4, 1918. In battle fronts at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 13, 1919. (Jerusalem). REYNOLDS, NELSON CHARLES, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 311th Machine Gun Co. Transferred to Company G, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., May 19, 1918, arriv- ing at Liverpool, England, May 30, 1918, and at Calais, France, June 5, 1918. In battle at Ar- gonne Forest Wounded at Argonne Forest, Grandpre, October 16, 1918, by gas. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 15, 1919. (Milo) . SERFINE, NICHOLAS, Private. Assigned to Machine Gun Company. Tranferred to Company D, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Sailed overseas May 19, 1918, arriving at Calais, France, June 4, 1918. In battles at St. Mihiel and Argonne. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 30, 1919. (Milo). YAN HORN, BEN. See Enlistments. Page Fifty. Registered in and credited to Yates county. (Jerusalem). APRIL, 8, 11)18 — FORT MYER, VA. LAFLER, LLOYD RAYMOND, Private. Assigned to Company D, 37th Engineers. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., June 30, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, England, July 7, 1918, and at Brest, France, July 13, 1918. Member Company D, 37th Engineers. In battles at St. Mihiel, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne. In Army of Occupation at Cob- lenz, Germany, November 16, 1918, to December 28, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y„ April 3, 1919. (Middlesex). APRIL, 29, 1918 — CAMP DIX, WRIGHTSTOWN, N. J. ANDERSON, DAVID JOHN. (Middlesex). "Page Eighty- two m 2 I MI ^ (1) Walter (lark (21 Howard Coons <::> Benjamin I'nink (4) Roy Fisher (5) Charles Gallagher <<;» Kal|»h Gonndrj i7i Herman Ileslund (8) Harold Hablterfleld (!)> Max Hcadley i mm Leonard LeRoI (11) Joseph Magce ( 12) George Horse mm i (13) Howard RfcFarrei (14) Willard IVewby (15) George Rugg (10) Charles Reynolds (17) Nicholas Serflne (18) jDavid Anderson ID) William Carey 20) Jeremiah Carroll 121 ) Kay Chapman 22) James Hohan 23) Herbert Lathroii (24) 1 1 nnii McGovern (25) John Serffne 'Page Eighty-three CAREY, WILLIAM EDDINGTON, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Company D, 303d Engineers, 78th Division. Sailed from Baltimore, Maryland, May 28, 1918, arriving in England June 12, and in Calais, France, June 14, 1918. Member Company D, 303d Engineers, 78th Division. Transferred to Company B, 3d Army Military Police, November 3, 1918. In the St. Mihiel battle September 29, 1918, at Thiacourt, suffered a gun shot wound. In hospital at Toul, France, three months. In Army of Occupation at Coblenz, Germany, De- cember 8, 1918, to February 10, 1919. Discharged at U. S. General Hospital No. 38, at East View, N. Y., June 13, 1919. (Milo). CARROLL, JEREMIAH E., Saddler. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, then to Company G, 303d Ammunition Train, and sailed May 27, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, June 14, 1918. Supplied ammunition to front ranks at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 28, 1919. (Milo). CHAPMAN, FAY LAWTON, Private. Assigned to 24th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, then to Company C, 9th Battalion, Military Po- lice. Military Police duty at New York City. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 31, 1918. (Milo). HOBAN, JAMES FRANK, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Company C, 59th Pioneers, then to 303d Supply Train, 78th Division. Sailed May 28, 1918, and arrived in France at LeHavre June 14, 1918. The 303d furnished supplies for the men at the front lines in Alsace-Lorraine, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Sectors. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 11, 1919. (Milo). LATHROP, HERBERT R„ Private. Assigned to 59th Pioneer Infantry; 303d Ammu- nition Train; 6th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Lee, Virginia, and assigned to Company B, 148th Infantry, 37th Division. Sailed for Brest, France, June 22, 1918, arriving July 5, 1918. In battles at Alsace-Lorraine, St. Mihiel and Verdun. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 4, 1919. (Potter). McGOVERN, HUGH BERNARD, Private. Assigned to 303d Military Police. 21st Depot Bri- gade. Transferred to Aberdeen, Maryland, and assigned to Company H, Ordnance Department. Discharged at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Mary- land, April 25, 1919. (Milo). SERFINE, JOHN F., Corporal. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, 24th Company, 303d Supply Train. Transferred to Camp Meade, Maryland, and assigned to Batery F, 311th Field Artillery. Transferred to Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Maryland, and assigned to Company A, Chemical War Service. Appointed Corporal while at Edgewood. Discharged at Edgewood, Maryland, February 28. 1918. (Milo). SIMMONS, MILFORD, Private. Assigned to Company B, 153d Depot Brigade, then to Company E, 303d Ambulance Train, and with this contingent sailed May 30, 1918, arriv- ing at Brest, France, June 10, 1918. In battle fronts at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Aisne-Vesle. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 29, 1919. (Milo). PRICE, RICHARD. (Starkey). MAT 10, 1918 — FORT SLOCUM, N. Y. CONNELL, HARRY DEWITT, Private. Sent from Fort Slocum, N. Y., to Camp Hancock, Georgia, and assigned as machine gunner, Head- quarters Company; 4th Company, 3d Troop, In- fantry; Troop G, 13th Cavalry. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J., and assigned to 13th Company, 152d Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 25, 1919. GRACZYK, JOHN. (Milo). KELLY, WILLIAM JOHN, Corporal. Assigned to Machine Gun Co. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., and assigned to Co. 5, 1st Group. Transferred to Headquarters Co. No. 1, Machine Gun Specialists' School; to Ma- chine Gun Headquarters Co. No. 1, Liaison and Battery Mechanic Department, Specialist School, M. G .T. C, Main Training Department, for two months, and was made machine gun instructor, and sent to instruct men in different companies in handling machine guns; then to Motor Co. No. 1, Special Training School, for instruction in machine guns mounted on motors; then to 32d M. G. Provisional Co., 3d Group, M. D. D , and to Co. 2, 1st Battalion. 153d Depot Brigade, at Camp Dix, N. J., from which he was discharged December 31, 1918. (Milo). ROVITO, ADOLPH, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 4th Company, Machine Gun Train- ing Camp. May 31, 1918, assigned to Headquar- ters Company No. 1, Machine Gun School. No- vember 29, 1918, assigned to the operation sec- tion, Headquarters Company, Machine Gun Train- ing Center. Made Private, 1st Class, January 10, 1919, at Camp Hancock, Ga. Discharged at Camp Hancock, Georgia, February 4, 1919. MAY 16, 1918 — FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, OHIO. SNYDER, JAMES HENRY, Sergeant. Assigned to Company A, 62d Engineers. July 6, sent to Camp Upton, N. Y., and sailed from New York City July 14, arriving at Cherbourg, France, July 29. Arrived at Liverpool, England, July 26, and left Southampton for Cherbourg on the 28th. Served with Company A, 62d Engineers, except from October 26, to about February 20, 1919, during which time was with the 13th, 60th and 61st Engineers. Participated in the St. Mihiel drive, and was also on the Argonne front. Ser- vice was entirely in the construction and oper- ation of railroads. Appointed Sergeant June 11, 1918, at Fort Benjamin Harrison. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 7, 1919. (Milo). 1*1 Wage Eighty-four MAY 24, 1918 — CAMP MERRITT, ST. J. HUTTON, HAROLD ANDREW, Corporal. Assigned to Motor Transport Company 377. Transferred to Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Appointed Corporal October 23, 1918, at Camp Merritt, N. J. Discharged at Camp Bragg, N. C, May 23, 1919. (Milo). MAY £«, 1018 — CAMP DIX, WRIGHTSTOWN, N. .1. BUSH, WARNER EDGETT, Corporal. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to 3d Company. Convalescent Center. Member 8th and 10th Battalion Band. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 3, 1919. (Milo). BUTLER, JAMES FREDERICK, Private. Assigned to 9'ch Co., 152d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Co. L, 346th Infantry. Sailed from Ho- boken, N. J., August 24, 1918, arriving at Cher- bourg, France, September 9. Member of Co. L, 346th Inf., 87th Division. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Milo). Prior service in Troop L, 14th U. S. Cavalry, 1910-1914. CRAUGH, JOSEPH PATRICK, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, then to Company L, 346th Infantry. Sailed for overseas August 15, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, England, August 27, 1918, and at LeHavre, France, November 30, 1918. Attached to the U. S. Embarkation Office at Southampton, England, for three months, serv- ing as Detachment Clerk and Statistician in charge of personnel and transportation records. Member Debarkation Detachment Advance Par- ty for the 87th Division, and as a special duty, was assigned as instructor in English at Camp Montoir, St. Nazaire, France, holding this post for three months. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Milo). CONRAD, D. GORDON, Private. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Per- sonnel Office, acting as interviewer. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 2, 1918. (Milo). COUGEVAN, FRANCIS ROBERT, 2d Lieutenant. Assigned to Personnel Office, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Georgia, and as- signed to Central Machine Gun Officers' Train- ing School. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant in Oc- tober, 1918. Furloughed to Officers' Reserve. (Milo). EXCELL, GEORGE WILLIAM, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade; thence to 312th Ammunition Train. Sailed for overseas in August, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, September 11, 1918. Member Service of Supplies. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 19, 1919. (Benton). FLYNN, FRANCIS LEROY, Private. Assigned to 40th Co., 153d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to the Infantry. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 11, 1918 (Milo). GRIFFITHS, JOHN ARTHUR, Corporal. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Fort Niagara, N. Y., and assigned to Headquarters Company. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J, December 23, 1918. (Milo). GREENFIELD, HENRY JAMES, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, Depot Brigade, thence to Company L, 346th Infantry. Sailed from Ho- boken, N. J., August 26, 1918, arriving at Cher- bourg, France, September 9, 1918. Member Com- pany L, 346th Infantry, 87th Division, March 27, 1919, to April 7, 1919. Member 3d Company, 152d Depot Brigade, Pro , to date of discharge at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Milo). HARRIS, SEYMOUR B , Sergeant. Assigned to 40th Co., 153d Depot Birgade, thence to 3d Company, Convalescent Center. Appointed Corporal March 4, 1918, and Sergeant, January 3, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, June 3, 1919. Re-enlisted July 3, 1919, for one year, and reported at Camp Dix, N J., July 4, 1919. (Starkey). HOAGLAND, FRED CARL, Private. Assigned to 40th Co., 153d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Co. M, 346th Inf. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 28, arriving at Cherbourg, France, September 9. Member of Co. M, 346th Inf., 87th Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 12, 1919. (Starkey). HOBAN, BERNARD MICHAEL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. In Base Hospital July 6, 1918, to January 3, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J. January 3, 1919. (Milo). HOPKINS, BERNARD PAUL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jack- sonville, Florida, and assigned to Quartermas- ter's Corps. Sailed for overseas July 26, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, August 6, 1918. Mem- ber 326th Butcher Company, Quartermaster's Corps, 36th Division, as Convoyer. In hospital at Brest, France, also Ellis Island and Grand Cen- tral, N. Y., from illness. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., April 5, 1919. (Milo). JENSEN, BENNETT HENRY, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Company M, 346th Infantry. Sailed for overseas August 25th, 1918, arriving at Cher- bourg, France, September 13, 1918. Member Com- pany M, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Assigned to 312th Sanitary Train, Detached Service. At cessation of hostilities he was at Pons, France. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 17, 1919. (Torrey). KNIGHT, HIXSON AMOS, Private. Assigned to 40th Co., 153d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Co. M, 346th Inf., 87th Division. Assign- ed to Base Hospital as night guard on August 8, and remained such till August 13, 1919, when he was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J. (Middle- sex). 'Page Eighty-five McPHERSON, CLARENCE LOWELL, Private. Member Replacement Troops, unassigned; ap- pointed Inspector, Personnel Department. Candi- date in Central Officers' Training School at Camp Lee, Virginia. Declined commission as 2d Lieu- tenant. Mr. McPherson enjoys distinction of be- ing on e of the first privates to be appointed to Personnel Department, as those appointments theretofore were conferred upon officers. Dis- charged at Camp Lee, Virginia, November 23, 1918. (Jerusalem). MEAKER, JOHN JENKIN, Cook. Assigned 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jack- sonville, Florida, and assigned to 29th Receiv- ing Company, 2d Shop Regiment; Field Re- mount Squad 317. Sailed from Newport News, Va., August 14, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, Sep- tember 28, 1918. Member Field Remount Squad 317. Engagements at Sougy, Meucon, Carbon Blanc, France. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 23, 1919. (Milo). MANGIPINTO, PIETRO, Private. Assigned to 40th Co , 153 D. B. Transferred to Company G, 135th Infantry. Sailed for overseas October 11, 1918, arriving at Offerty, France, Oc- tober 24, 1918. Member Company 5, 135th Infan- try, 34th Division. Transferred to P. W. E. Com- pany 259, Prison Camp, Tours, France. Served as prison guard December 24, 1918, to Septem- ber 23, 1919, at Tours, France, and from there was sent in Germany twice to return prisoners. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., October 9, 1919. (Potter). MOSHIER, ALBERT ALEXANDER, Private, Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Training Bat- talion, 153d D. B. June 19, 1918, transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, and assigned to 29th Receiving Company; July 1st, to 1st Office Reg ; July 8th, to 308th Field Remount Squadron; August 6th, to 333d Artil- lery Replacement Division September 12th, was transferred to Infantry, unassigned. Transferred to Fort Niagara, N. Y., January 1, 1919, and dis- charged at that place, January 3, 1919. (Middle- sex). MILLER, OTTO CHRIS, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Meade, Maryland, and as- signed to Battery E, 311th Field Artillery. Sail- ed July 14, 1918, for Cherbourg, France, arriving at that port July 31, 1918. Member Battery E, 311th Field Artillery, 78th Division. This con- tingent was moving to the Meuse-Argonne bat- tle front when hostilities ceased, November 11, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 4, 1919. (Torrey). NORRIS, LEON JAY, Private. Assigned to 153d Depot Brigade, as cook. Sent to Fort Niagara, N. Y., and assigned to Co. D, 15th Fire and Guard; sent to Raritan, Metuchen and Bayonne, N. J., and assigned to Co. B, 15th Bat- talion, U. S. Guards. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., January 22, 1919. (Milo). MIKKELSEN, AXEL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Meade, Maryland, and as- signed to Battery E, 311th Field Artillery. Sailed for overseas July 14, 1918, arriving at Cher- bourg, France, July 21. 1918. Member Battery E, 311th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Moving to fighting front when hostilities ceased. Desti- nation, La Courtine. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 31, 1919. Re-enHsted at Camp Dix, N. J., May 31, 1919, for one year for overseas duty. (Milo). NEILSEN, NEILS JOHN, Private. Assigned to 40th Co., 153d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Fort Niagara, N. Y., and assigned to 15th Co , 22d Infantry. Later transferred to Fort Hancock, N. J. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., January 23, 1919. (Milo) OVENS, ADRIAN E. Rejected. (Barrington). PROSSER, IVOR JAMES, Private. Assigned to 40th Co , 153d Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Co. M, 346th Inf. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 23, arriving at Cherbourg, France, September 3. Served in Co. M, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y. April 10, 1919. (Jerusalem). REILLY, FRANCIS PETER, Sergeant. Assigned to Company 39, 10th Battalion, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Officers' Training School, Camp Gordon, Georgia, and assigned to 25th Company, 5th Battalion. Leader Consolidated Battalion Band. Discharged at Camp Gordon, Georgia, November 25, 1918. (Milo). RIBBLE, ORVAL, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Company M, 348th Infantry, 87th Di- vision. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., November 23, 1918. (Benton). REILLY, JAMES EDWARD. Corporal, Quartermas- ters Corps. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, June 17, 1918, and assigned to 29th Company, Depot Brigade; Service Company No. 2; Sub Depot Company; Camp Supply Company. Discharged at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Florida, January 10, 1919. Appointed Corporal Q. M. C, October 19, 1918. (Milo). JIVGG, RAYMOND, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Personnel Clerk, Headquarters Company Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 1, 1918. (Starkey). SMITH, LEON HEMENWAY, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Training Bat- talion, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Com- pany L, 348th Infantry, 87th Division. Attended Snipers' School and sailed from Hoboken, N. J., as Sniper, August 28, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, England, September 9th, and at Cherbourg, "Page Eighth-six n: m «£$ Milford Simmons (7) James Snyder (13) Francis (onaevan ( (^) ici.ii.nii Price (8) Harold Hutton (14) George Excel] < (3) Hsirry Connel (!>) Warner Bush (15) Francis Flynn < (4) .loli n Grnczyk <:<>> .lames Itntlcr (16) 'John Griffiths ( (."») William Kelly < 11 > Joseph Craugh (17) Henry Greenfield ( <«> Adolph Rovito ( 12) Gordon Conrad (18) Seymour Harris 1 <::.■>> . loll 11 Meaki r lit) Fred Homeland 10) Bernard Mohan 21) Bernard Hopkins -11) Bennett Jensen Sit) llixon Knight -4) Clarence McPhcrson 'Page Eighty-seven Prance, September 25, 1918. Member Company L, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Engaged in con- struction work and service supplies. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Milo). SHUTTS, ARTHUR LANGDON, BaiiA Corporal. Assigned to 10th Company, 152d Depot Brigade, thence to 346th Infantry Band. Sailed August 25, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, September 9, 1918. Member Headquarters Company, 346th In- fantry Band, 87th Division. Appointed Band Cor- poral at Camp Dix, N. J., August 11, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Milo). TWILLIGER, RAYMOND B., Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Ordnance De- partment, and to Carpenter Battalion Headquar- ters. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., November 30, 1918. (Milo). THOMAS. BURNETT DAVID, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Company L, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 26, 1918, arriving at Cherbourg, France, September 12, 1918. Member Company L, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Headquarters at Montoir, France. Discharged at Camp Upton, Long Island, April 10, 1919. (Potter). WHITAKER, JOHN NORTH, Corporal. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to 312th Motor Supply Co. Sailed from Montreal, Canada, August 24, arriving at LeHavre, France, Sept. 12, 1918. Served with 312th Motor Supply Co., 87th Division. Discharg- ed at Camp Lee, Va., July 2, 1919. (Milo). WELCH, WILLIAM BERNARD, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Fort Niagara, N. Y., and assigned to 15th Battalion, U. S Guards. Transferred to 22d Infantry, Camp Lowe, Fort Hancock, New Jersey. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., January 21, 1919. (Milo). WOOD, GEORGE D., Jr., Musician. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade; transferred to Company L, 346th Infantry, 87th Division; Headquarters Company, 346th Infan- try Band. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 23, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, September 15, 1918. Member 346th Infantry Band, 87th Di- vision. Located near St. Nazaire, France. As Musical Director of a theatrical troup, composed of the members of the 346th Regiment, Mr. Wood toured France for four months. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 25, 1919. (Milo). WHEAT, WILLIAM WARD, Mechanic. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Arrived in France August 31, 1918, a member of Company A, 59th Pioneer Infantry. Campaigns: Verdun Sector, September 29 to October 10; Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 15 to Novem- ber 11, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., July 8, 1919. (Starkey). MAY 28, 1918 — CAMP DIX, WRIfiHTSTOWN, N. J. OLSEN, JENS CHRIS, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Company M, 346th Infantry. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 25, 1918, arriving at Cherbourg, France, September 12, 1918. Mem- ber Company M, 346th Infantry, 87th Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Benton). OSTERHOUT, FRED ROY, Private. Assigned to 7th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. Transferred to Company L, 59th Pioneer Infan- try. Discharged for disability at Camp Dix, N. J., September 3, 1918. (Milo). RILLING, PHILLIP. (Official)— Phillip J. Rilling, Jr., (2948304), 324 Jacob St., Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan, May 28, 1918. Born Chatham, N. Y. Age 28 3-12 years. Organizations: 40th Co., 10th Battalion, 153d De- pot Brigade to June 21, 1918. Co. D, 312th Ammu- nition Train, to death. Private. Served overseas Aug. 23, 1918, to Nov. 15, 1918. Died of pneumonia Nov. 15, 1918. Notify Philip J. Rilling, Sr., father, 324 Jacob St., Penn Yan. TEARS, JOHN EDWARD, Private. Assigned to 40th Company, 153d Depot Brigade, thence to Company L, 348th Infantry. Transfer- red to 346th Sanitary Detachment, with which organization he sailed from Hoboken, N. J., Au- gust 23, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, via Liverpool, England, September 12, 1918. Station- ed at Camp Montoir, near St. Nazaire, France. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 10, 1919. (Benton). MAY 29, 1918 — CAMP DEVENS, AYER., MASS. SAVAGE, JAMES HAYWARD, Sergeant. (Official)— James Hay ward Savage, 1673667, Rushville. Inducted at Penn Yan, May 29, 1918. Born Rushville. Age 29 years. Organizations: 1st Co , Q. M. C, Camp Devens, to Sept. 27, 1918. Private; Corporal June 8, 1918; Sergeant, Sept. 11, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia Sept. 27, 1918, Notify Mrs. William H. Savage, mother, Rushville. JUNE 10, 1918 — VAN COTJVER BARRACKS, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. TONGATE, WILLIAM JOHN, Jr., Cook. Sent to Vancouver Barracks, and was assigned to 109th Squadron, Spruce Production Division. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 10, 1919. (Milo). JUNE 19 1918 — HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. SMITH, EDWARD BERNARD, Musician, 1st Class. Assigned to 149th Infantry Band, 38th Division. Sailed October 2, 1918, arriving at LeHavre, France, October 11, 1918. With Army of Occupa- tion at Wittlich, Germany. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 4, 1919. (Milo). "Page Eighly-eight (1) Pietro tlaiiKi|iinto (2) Albert Moshier (3) Otto Miller (4) l.i'oii J. > orris <•■>) Axel Mikkelsen («> \iels \'eilsen (7) Ivor l'rosser (8) Francis Reilly (Hi Orval Rllible (10) J. Edward Reilly (11) Raymond iiukk (12) l, <-oii Smith (25) Ilyron (i:t) Arthur Sliutts (14) Raymond Twilliger (15) John Whitaker (1(i) William Welch (17) George Wood (IS) William Wheat Whltbeck (I!)) .lens Olsen (20) Fred Osterhout (21) Phillip Rilling; (21!) John Tears (£3) James Savage (24) Edward Smith "Page Eighty-nine J U IV E X918 — CAMP MERRITT, NEW JERSEY. WHITBECK, BYRON G., Corporal. Assigned to Motor Truck Company 377. Trans- ferred to Camp Bragg, North Carolina. Discharg- ed at Camp Bragg, N. C, April 30, 1919. (Milo) JULY 2, 1!)1S — FORT MEIGS, WASHINGTON, D. C. CONLEY, LAWRENCE HOBART, Private. Assigned to 3d Company. Quartermaster's Train- ing Camp. Transferred to Washington, D. C , and assigned to Motor Transport 810, Detached Service. Discharged at Camp Meigs, Washing- ton, D. C, February 20, 1919. (Benton). JULY 14, 191S — SYRACUSE. FEPPER, GEORGE. (Jerusalem). LORD, GEORGE PERRY, Private, 1st Class. ' Assigned to Infantry unattached. Transferred to Fort H. G. Wright, Long Island Sound, N. Y., and assigned to Company II, Pigeon Section Sig- nal Corps. Disabled in line of duty about Sep- tember 25, 1918. Discharged at Fort H. G. Wright, L. I., October 25, 1918. (Jerusalem). JULY 25, 1!)1S — CAMP DIX, WJLIGHTSTOWN, N. J. JENSEN, CHRISTIAN. (Benton). JULY 20, 191S — CAMP MEADE, MARYLAND BARNHART, WILLIAM JACOB, Private. Assigned to 151st Depot Brigade, thence to the 31st Regiment, Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 6, 1918. (Mid- dlesex). BROWN, JESSE A., Private, First Class. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Head- quarters Company, 32d Field Artillery. Despatch rider. Promoted 1st Class Private in September, 1918. Discharged December 10, 1918. (Benton). BRINK, JAMES RUSSELL, Private, First Class. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to the 31st Field Artillery. Transferred to the 211th En- gineer Train December 10, 1918, and promoted to 1st Class Private January 1, 1919. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, February 1, 1919. (Italy). BUCKLE, ARTHUR HOWARD, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. August 10th transferred to Company F, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 7, 1918. (Barrington). BUTLER, MARTIN H., Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 16, 1918. (Jerusalem). BATTISTA, LUIGI ALESANDRO MASTRO, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Fort Bennett, Indianna, and thence to Camp Up- ton, N. Y. Sailed from New York City November 1, arriving at Brest, France, November 10, 1918. Member Company A, 93d Engineers. Transferred to Company 138, Transportation Corps. Dis- charged at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., July 16, 1919. (Starkey). BRISB1N, ROBERT CHESTER, Private Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 32d Field Artillery, 11th Division. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 3, 1918. (Starkey). CRANE, EMMETT CARLTON, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Head- quarters Company, 32d Regiment, Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 10, 1918. (Milo). CABWELL, LEWIS, Corporal. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Md., December 13, 1918. (Milo). CONLEY, ROSS MATHEW, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Company C, 211th Field Signal Battalion. Died at Camp Meade, Maryland, October 12, 1918, from pneumonia. (Benton). CONRAB, CLAUBE LARZELERE, Corporal. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery B, 31st Field Artillery. Appointed Corporal in September, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 6, 1918. (Milo). DENSE, ELIJAH B., Private. Assigned to 7th Development Company, Replace- ment Regiment, 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 2, 1918. (Milo). EBGERTON, CLAUBE HEATH. Reported to Local Board in New York City, and was sent to camp by that Board for the Yates County Board. GILBERT, ARTHUR MEARL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery B, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 6, 1918. (Starkey). GILBERT, HOMER AMES. (Barrington). HURLBUT, GIFFORB GEORGE, Sergeant Q. M. C. Assigned to 5th Company, 154th Depot Brigade. August 26, 1918, transferred to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, and assigned to 67th Infantry. Novem- ber 11, 1918, assigned to Quartermaster's Corps, and on March 15, 1919, transferred to Camp Up- ton, N. Y., as Casual. Appointed Sergeant at Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January 6, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 21, 1919. (Jerusalem). 'Page Ninety WJ (1) Lawrence Conley (2) George Lord (3) William Ilarnhart (4) Jesse Brown (5) James Brink (6) Arthur Buckle (7) Martin Butler (8) Luigi Battista (ill Robert Brishin (10) Einmctt Crane (11) Lewis Cadwell ( 12) William McCreery (13) Boss Conley (14) Claude Conrad (15) Elijah Dense ( llil Arthur Gilbert (17) Homer Gilbert (IS) Gifford Ilurlhurt I!)) James Hague !()) Parmele Johnson : i ) William Jones !2) Edwin Jacobs ::{» Henry 1. arson 14) Domenico l.i/./.i (25) Allien Loti 'Page Ai'ne/y-one HAGUE, JAMES, Private. Having removed to New Mexico, after registra- tion in Yates County, Mr. Hague was sent to Camp at the request of the Yates County Board by the Draft Board of Sorroco County, New Mex- ico. He was sent to Camp Pike, Arkansas, and assigned to 40th Company, 10th Reserve Battalion Riflemen's Corps, thence to Evacuation Hospital 27. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France October 21, 1918, arriving at LeHavre November 11, 1918. Member Evacuation Hospital No. 27. Service at Angers, France, November 11, 1918, to April 18, 1919. Discharged at Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Texas, May 24, 1919. (Milo). JOHNSON, PARMELE, Sergeant. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, and assigned to Head- quarters Detachment. Appointed Sergeant at the latter camp. Discharged at Camp Sheridan, Ala- bama, February 25, 1919. (Milo) JONES, WILLIAM ARTHUR, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery F, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 7, 1918. (Starkey). JACOBS, EDWIN ELWOOD, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Sent to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, and assigned to 1st Labor Regiment, Reclamation. Candidate, Company No. 1, 9th Detachment Ad- ministrative Labor, Camp Supply, Quartermas- ter's Corps. Discharged at Camp Joseph E. John- ston, Florida, February 3, 1919. (Milo). LARSEN, HENRY, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery A, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Md., December 6, 1918. (Benton). LIZZI, DOMENICO, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and assign- ed to Company A, 1st Battalion, 138th Engineers. Discharged at Camp Benjamin Harrison, Ind., December 3, 1918. (Milo). LOTT, ALBERT E. (Milo). McAHAMS, RAYMOND FRANCIS, Sergeant. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery B, 31st Field Artillery. Appointed Corporal in September, 1918, and Sergeant in October, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 6, 1918. (Milo). MEAKER, HARRY HURFORD, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Com- pany B, 32d Light Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 10, 1918. (Torrey). MURRAY, ROBERT ALLEN, Corporal. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla., and assigned to 1st Shop Regiment. Transferred to Camp Hill, Virginia, and assigned to Field Re- mount Squadron No. 333. Sailed for overseas from Newport News, Va., October 4, 1918, arriv- ing at Brest, France, October 18, 1918. Member Field Remount Squadron 333. Appointed Cor- poral at Gievres, France. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 22, 1919. (Middlesex). MASHEWSKE, CHARLES, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to the 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 9, 1918. (Torrey). McCREERY, WILLIAM. (Starkey). McGOUGH, ALBERT GEORGE, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 9, 1918. (Starkey). MORGAN, ARLO ALYA. (Milo). NIELSEN, KARL OSKAR HERMAN, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to 32d Regiment, Field Artillery. Cannoneer and gen- eral duties. Discharged at Camp Meade, Mary- land, December 9, 1918. (Milo). OLMSTEAD, ARTHUR FAY. (Potter). PADDOCK, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Corporal. Assigned to 5th Company, 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Battery D, 31st Field Artillery. Ap- pointed Corporal October 23, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 8, 1918. (Italy). PALMAT1ER, MERVIN ARLO AARON, Corporal. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery C, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 7, 1918. (Milo). PLOTTS, EDWARD HERBERT. After registration, Mr. Plotts removed to Phila- delphia, Pa., and was sent to camp by that Board for the Yates County Draft Board. (Milo). PEARCE, GUY, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Field Remount Squadron 324. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Newport News, Virginia, and sailed from that port September 7, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, September 21, 1918. Member Field Re- mount Squadron No. 324. Discharged at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., August 7, 1919. (Potter). STAPLES, ARCHIE RAYMOND, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery C, 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 8, 1918. (Milo). SUMNER, MARION JEWELL, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 5th Company, 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Battery A, 33d Field Artillery. Pro- moted First Class Private in September, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, Decem- ber 12, 1918. (Milo). 'Page Ninety-two M 13! u (1) Raymond McAdams (2) Harry Meaker (S) Robert Murray (4) Charles Mashewske (5) Albert MeGoiiRh (<•>) Orlo Morgan (7) Karl Xielsen (S) Arthur Olmstead (9) Arlo Palmatier ( io) Joseph Paddock (11) Guy I'earee (12) Archie Staples (13) Marion Sumner (14) Cameron Sli:iri>c (21) Clarence Beard (15) William Shultz (22) .lay Decker <1«) Pearl Thiers (28) Clarence Gannon (17) Albert White (24) Arthur Ha rites (18) Charles Williams ( 25 > Fred Pals (1!>) Unfits Thomas <2(S) Homer Shnrpe (10) Verne Ackeraon 'Page I\inely-three SHARPE, CAMERON ALEXANDER, Private. Assigned to Company E, 154th Depot Brigade, thence to 32d Field Artillery, 11th Division, Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, Decem- ber 10, 1918. (Starkey). SCHULTZ, WILLIAM JOSEPH, Private. Assigned to 11th Brigade, National Army, and transferred to 31st Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 9, 1918. (Italy). THIERS, PEARL UNDERWOOD, Bugler. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to Bat- tery A, 33d Field Artillery, Heavy Motor. Dis- charged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 11, 1918. (Milo). WHITE, ALBERT JOSIAH. (Starkey). WILLIAMS, CHARLES ENOS, Sergeant. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, thence to 5th Company, 32d Field Artillery. Promoted Cor- poral September 23, 1918, and Sergeant, October 10, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, December 11, 1918. (Middlesex). THOMAS, RUFUS GARLAND, Private. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade. September 1 to December 8, 1918, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, Company M, 67th Infantry. December 8, 1918, to March 24, 1919, Camp Shelby, Mississippi, Medical Detachment, 67th Infantry. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. April 4, 1919, Mr. Thomas reported to Camp Stewart, Virginia, as Educational Secretary for the Y. M. C. A., in "Waterfront" hut. Later he was appointed Government Insurance Representa- tive for the Camp, and later was appointed' Business Secretary for all huts (Y. M. C. A.) in Camp Stewart. He left the "Y" work July 26, 1919. (Potter). JULY 30, 1918 — RECRUIT CAMP, SYRACUSE, N. Y. ACKERSON, VERNE MAXWELL, Private. Assigned to Company B, 6th Battalion. Sent to Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., and as- signed to Company D, 2d Battalion, Chemical Warfare Service. Discharged at Edgewood Ar- senal, Maryland, December 6, 1918. (Milo). BEARD, CLARENCE NAVARRE, Corporal. Transferred to Lakehurst, New Jersey, and as- signed to Chemical Warfare Service. Appointed Corporal at Lakehurst Proving Ground, Lake- hurst, N. J., November 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., February 8, 1919. (Torrey). DECKER, JAMES CLARENCE, Private. Transferred to Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Maryland, and assigned to Company H, 2d Bat- talion, Chemical Warfare Service. Discharged at Edgewood Arsenal, Md., December 10, 1918. (Milo). GANNON, CLARENCE JOSEPH, 1st Sergeant. Assigned to 33 2d Guard and Fire Company, Headquarters, Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, New Jersey, for guard duty. Transferred Au- gust 28, 1918, to Camp A. L. Mills, Long Island, N. Y., for guard duty. Had several special as- signments in transferring military and general prisoners. Promoted Corporal September 13, 1918; Sergeant, September 21, 1918, and Ser- geant, 1st Class, November 1, 1918. Discharged at Camp Mills, N. Y., January 8, 1919. (Star- key). AUGUST 1, 1018. PRESNO, BENIGNO. Sent to camp by a Buffalo, N. Y., Board, for the Yates County Board. Rejected. (Middlesex). AUGUST 5, 1»18 — RECRUIT CAMP, SYRACUSE, N. Y. BARNES, ARTHUR McGHEE, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 41st Company, Limited Service. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to 142d Company, Fire and Guard Battalion — guard duty. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Promoted Private, 1st Class, September 1, 1918, at Camp Merritt, N. J. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 31, 1919. (Torrey). PALS, FRED, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 41st Company, 11th Battalion. Transferred to Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., Sep- tember 1, 1918, and assigned to Gas Defense Di- vision, Chemical Warfare Service. Promoted to 1st Class Private at Astoria. Discharged at Astoria, N. Y„ January 18, 1919. (Italy). GRIDLEY, ROSS LEIGHTON, Sergeant. Assigned to 41st Company, 11th Battalion, act- ing as Clerk of the Company from August 6 to August 28, 1918. Transferred to Personnel Office, Gas Defense Plant, Long Island City, N. Y., where he was stationed from August 30 to November 14, 1918, when he was transferred to Headquarters Gas Defense Division, Chemi- cal Warfare Service, New York City, as Staff Assistant, which post he held until discharged, March 12, 1919. Promoted Corporal December 20, 1918, and Sergeant, February 4, 1919. (Jeru- salem). LAMPMAN, WILLIAM SAXTON. Rejected. (Torrey). SHARPE, HOMER JOHN, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 1st Company, 2d Battalion. Trans- ferred to Walter Reed Hospital, Tacoma Park, Washington, D. C, in Medical Corps, and to General Hospital, East View, N. Y. Appointed Private, 1st Class, March 8, 1919, at East View, New York Camp. Discharged at East View, N. Y., April 8, 1919. (Starkey). AUGUST S, 1918 — PORT SUOCUM, IV. Y. CRONK, CLARENCE, Cook. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and assigned to Company C, 12th Am- munition Train. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 13, 1919. (Milo). Tage Ninety-four (1) Clarence Cronk (2) Albert Del Rose C$) Harry Klube (4) Prank Lupnino (.">) Floyd Matteson <(>> Clarence Noble (7) Willi. nil IVorrls (N> John Sorensen (;>i William Sage (10) James Robinson ( 1 I > lOrnest Smith (12) William Culver I i:!i Howard Dunton (14) George Enos (15) Melville Gardner (1(>) Sorney Jacobsen < 17) l-:«l\i :ii-«l Kinsman (18) Mllford Myer ( ID) Archie McFnl (20) Ernest Nageldinger (21) David Ford (22) Lee Kinyoun i -'■> t .lames Hradley (24) Willinnt Cunningham (25) Floyd Hill 'Page Ninely-fioe DEL ROSE, ALBERT, Private. Assigned to 2d Company, Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Alabama, and assigned to Battery D, 36th Regiment, Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp McClellan Jan- uary 18, 1919. (Torrey). JONES, JOHN NELSON. Rejected. (Milo). KLFBE, HARRY SAITTER, Private. Assigned to 2d Company, Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Alabama, and assigned to Battery D, 35th Field Artillery, 12th Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., February 5, 1919. (Milo). LUPPINO, FRANK, Private, 1st Class. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and was assigned to 35th Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January — , 1919. (Milo). MATTESON, FLOYD EDWARD, Saddler. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and assigned to Battery E, 35th Field Ar- tillery, 12th Brigade. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., February 5, 1919. (Italy). NOBLE, CLARENCE W., Private, 1st Class. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and assigned to Motor Transport Corps, No. 321, and Battery F, 35th Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 1, 1919. (Milo). NORRIS, WILLIAM ALFRED. (Starkey). SORENSEN, JOHN HERMAN, Private, 1st Class. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and assigned to Battery B, 35th Field Ar- tillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., Feb- ruary 6, 1919. (Benton). AUGUST 0, 1918 — FORT StOCUM, N. Y. SAGE, WILLIAM A. (Potter) AUGUST 10, 1913 — CAMP MEIGS, WASHINGTON, D. C. R0BINS01N, JAMES LEE, Private. Assigned to Company 214, Quartermaster's Transport, 1st Detachment, Oil and Gas. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Miscellaneous Casual. Discharged at Camp Merritt, N. J., Oc- tober 22, 1918. (Milo). AUGUST 19, 1918 — FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, OHIO. SMITH, ERNEST JACOB. (Starkey). AUGUST 20, 1918 — CAMP GORDON, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. CULYER, WILLIAM RUFUS, Wagoner. Assigned to Company B, 16 2d Infantry. Sailed from Hotoken, N. J , October 26, arriving at Le- Havre, France, November 13, 1918. Served with 6th Supply Cavalry Troop (independent). Gen- eral service near Paris, France, training with horses and driving truck. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y, July 7, 1919. (Jerusalem). DUNTON, HOWARD LEROY, Private. Assigned to Company M, 2d Replacement In- fantry. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 2, 1919. (Italy). ENOS, GEORGE ELMER, Corporal. Member Company M, 2d Infantry Replacement, to November 29, 1918; Company H, 2d Infantry Replacement, Regiment of Casuals, to Decem- ber 7, 1918; Motor Transport Company 376, to March 31, 1919. Promoted Corporal March 18, 1919. Discharged at Camp Gordon, Ga., March 31, 1919. (Torrey). GARDNER, MELVILLE REUBEN, Private. Assigned to Company M, 2d Infantry Replace- ment Regiment. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., October 27, arriving at Liverpool, England, No- vember 8, and at LeHavre, France. November 12, 1918. Served with 5th Division Replacement Company; Company D, Supply Train, 5th Di- vision; Headquarters Supply Train, 5th Divi- sion. In Army of Occupation at Kayl, Luxem- bourg, Germany, from February 8 to July 9, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 26, 1919. (Milo). JACOBSEN, SORNEY JACOB, Private. Assigned to Company M, 2d Infantry Replace- ment Regiment. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., October 22, 1918, and sailed from Hobo- ken October 27, 1918, arriving in Liverpool, England, November 8, and at LeHavre, France, November 12, 1918. Member Company A, 162d Infantry, 41st Division. Arrived in United States February 9th, and discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 28, 1919. (Benton). KINSMAN, EDWARD B., Private. Assigned to the Medical Department, with which he served at Camp Gordon until dis- charged. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., No- vember 18, 1918. (Jerusalem). MEYER, MILFORD MARTIN, Private. Assigned to Company M, 2d Infantry, Replace- ment Regiment. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and assigned to Company A, 162d Infan- try. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., October 27th, arriving at Liverpool, England, November 8th, and at Le Havre, France, November 13, 1918. Member Company A, 162d Infantry, 41st Divi- sion. Served with Interior Guard Company No. 2 at St. Aignan, France, February 26 to April 22, 1919; Interior Guard Company No. 1, April 23 to June 12; Casual Company 6918, June 13 to July 7, 1919. Discharged at Mitchell Field, Camp Mills, Long Island, N. Y., July 7, 1919. (Potter). MeFALL, ARCHIE. (Italy). 'Page Ninely-six AVGUST 28, 1!HS — FORT SLOCUM, N. Y. NAGELDINGER, ERNEST WILLIAM, Private. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, and assigned to 120th Company, Ordnance Department, unassigned. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 20, 1919. (Benton). AUGUST 2i), 1918 — CAMP UPTON, N. Y. FORD, DAVID JOSEPH, Private. Assigned to Headquarters Company, 4th Infant- ry. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 7, 1919. Previous enlistment in Company A„ 3d New York National Guard, at Rochester, N. Y. (Milo). KENYON, LEE W., Private. Assigned to 4th Company, Depot Brigade. Octo- ber 1st, transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y., and assigned to Company K, 123d Infantry. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., October 13, arriving at Brest, Prance, October 27, 1918. Served in Com- pany K, 123d Infantry, 31st Division; 329th In- fantry, and Company F, 312th Infantry. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 30, 1919. (Bar- rington). SEPTEMBER 4, 1018 — RECRUIT CAMP, SYRACUSE. BRADLEY, JAMES WHALEN, Private. Assigned to 75th Company, 18th Battalion, and transferred to Fort Banks November 13, and as- signed to 2d Company, Coast Artillery. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 29, 1918. (Starkey). CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM RICHARD, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 75th Recruit Company, 18th Bat- talion. Transferred to Port Newark, N. J., and assigned to Fire and Guard Company 310, Quartermaster's Corps. Discharged at Newark, N. J., January 28, 1919. (Milo). HILL, FLOYD MELVIN, Private. Assigned to 75th Recruit Company, 18th Battal- ion. October 13th, transferred to Hoboken, N. J., for guard duty. January 19, 1919, trans- ferred to New York City for guard duty in the Debarkation Hospital No. 3. Discharged June 12, 1919. (Barrington). MANNON, GEORGE WARREN, Private. Assigned to 100th Company, 24th Battalion. Died October 1, 1918, from influenza, while on furlough at his home, East Spencer, N. Y. (Barrington). PEDERSON, THOWALD. (Jerusalem). SIKARAS, THEODORE DEMETRIOS. Rejected. (Starkey). ST APE, ORVILLE FRANK. Rejected. (Milo). WADDELL, FRANK SAvTLLE, Clerk. Assigned to 75th Company, 18th Battalion, then to Personnel Office, and placed in Class C-l, for clerical work. Under this classification Mr. Waddell was subject to duties in any camp in the United States. Died of pneumonia at Syracuse, N. Y., October 5, 1918. (Milo). SEPTEMBER 5, 191S — CAMP JACKSON, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. ALLEN, ADELBERT BERKELEY, Cook. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery C, 7th Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 31, 1918. (Barrington). CALHOON, CLARK NATHAN, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery E, 14th Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Discharged at Camp Jackson De- cember 9, 1918. (Jerusalem). CHRLSTENSEN, JAMES ANDREW, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery E, 7th Regiment, Light Field Artil- lery, and to Battery B, 9th Regiment, Light Artillery. Sailed from Newport News, Vir- ginia, November 11, 1918, and was re-called by wireless same day. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 31, 1918. (Milo). HALL, BYRON KETCHUM. (Barrington). JONES, ELWIN DELON, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 7th Regiment, Field Artillery Re- placement Detachment. October 30th, sent to Camp Hill, Virginia, and was on shipboard at Newport News on morning of November 11th, ready to sail. Returned to Camp Hill, and on November 27 was sent back to Camp Jackson and assigned to Battery B, 8th Regiment, Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 31, 1918. (Jerusalem). KENNERSON, STANLEY, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Forret, Georgia, and assigned to the Engineers. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and on November 9th boarded transport for overseas duty. November 11th returned to Camp Merritt, and was later transferred to Camp Humphrey, Virginia, where he was dis- charged.' (Benton). LAFLER, VICTOR E. Rejected. (Potter). MACE, ROBERT ALBERT, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Carolina, and assigned to 49th Co., 156th Depot Brigade, War Department Requisition. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 31, 1918. (Milo). McFETRLDGE, ROBERT. (Benton). 'Page Ninety-seven (1) George Mannon (7) llln in Jones (2) Frank Waddell (8) Stanley Kennerson (3) Adelbert Allen > Robert Maee (4) Clark Calhoori (10) Robert MeFetridge (5) James Christeiisen (11) .Sheridan Miller («» Byron Hall (12) Paul Meade ( IS) Chris Miller (14) Oliver Nor in a it (15) Carl Nelson (lit) Christian Nielsen (17) Vineent Poole (18) Emil Pedersen C-~>) Lewis Travis Newell PanKhurn (10) Herbert Stewart (21) Leroy Snook (22) Frank Sample (23) Ambrose Sheehan (24) Fred Thomas l& Tagd Ninety-eight MILLER, SHERIDAN EARL, Private. Assigned to 158th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery E, 13th Regiment, Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Milo). MEADE, PAUL JOSEPH, Corporal. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greanville, South Carolina, and assigned to 14th Company, H Battalion. Discharged at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, February 19, 1919. (Milo). MILLER, CHRIS, Private. Assigned to Company B, Depot Brigade. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Caro- lina, and was assigned to 90th Infantry, Supply Company. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Au- gusta, Georgia, in the same unit. Discharged at Camp Hancock March 11, 1919. (Torrey). NORMAN, OLIVER WENDELL, Private. Served in Company E, 4th Provisional Regiment, 158th Depot Brigade, at Camp Jackson and Camp Sevier, South Carolina. Transferred to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, where he was assigned to Company F, 147th Engineers. Dis- charged at Fort Benjamin Harrison December 12, 1913. (Torrey). NELSON, CARL CHRISTIAN, Private. (Official)— Carl C. Nelson (4487673), R. D. 10, Penn Yc.n. Inducted at Penn Yan Sept. 4, 191S. Born Milo, Aug 27, 1894. Organizations: Co. E, 4th Pro Res't, 158th Depot Brigade, Sept. 14, 1918, to Sept. 11, 1918; Battery 4, 7th F. A. Replacement Draft, Camp Jackson, S. C, to Oct. 2, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia Oct. 2, 1918. Notify Nels C. Nelson, father, R. D. 10, Penn Yan (Torrey). NEILSEN, CHRISTIAN, Private. Assigned to Battery C, 7Hi Regiment, Field Artil- lery Replacement Draft. With the same unit, transferred to Camp Hill, Newport News, Vir- ginia. Returned to Camp Jackson and assigned to Battery A, 59th Regiment, 3d Brigade. Dis- charged at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, Jan- uary 22, 1919. (Benton). 100LE, VINCENT THOMAS, Private. Assigned to Depot Brigade, thence to Casual Camp, Physicians and Surgeons. Discharged at Camp Jackson, S. C, November 22, 1918. (Milo). I EDERSEN, EMIL, Mechanic Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery E, 9th Regiment, Field Artillery Re- placement Detachment. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Jerusalem). PANGBURN, NEWELL TRUMAN, Corporal. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Carolina, and assigned to Motor Transport Company 334. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 20, 1919. (Milo). STEWART, HERBERT CHARLES, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery C, 7th Regiment, Field Artillery Re- placement Detachment. Sent to Camp Hill, Va., with 25th Artillery Replacement, and to New- port News, Va., for overseas duty. On Novem- ber 11th, 1918, was on board ship. Re-called and returned to Camp Jackson, and assigned to Battery B, 4th Regiment, Artillery. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Pot- ter). SNOOK, LEROY CHARLES, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 7th Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Transferred to 11th Overseas Battery, and sent to Camp Hill, Newport News, Va , for overseas duty. Boarded transport "Tenadores" on morning of November 11th, and was debarked same night. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., February 3, 1919. (Starkey) SAMPLE, FRANK LESLIE, Private, 1st Class. Assigned to Company E, 4th Regiment, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Company B, Quarter- master's Corps. Discharged at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, March 26, 1919. (Starkey). SHEEHAN, AMBROSE HOWARD, Private. Assigned to Battery F, 3d Brigade, 7th Regi- mrnt, Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Transferred to Camp Lee, Virginia, thence to Camp Hill, Virginia, and was assigned to 558th Company, Casuals. Transferred to Camp Upton, N Y., and assigned to 9th Company, In- fantry. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., Jan- uary 10, 1919. (Italy). THOMAS, FRED BURNETT, Private. Assigned to Company E, 4th Provisional Regi- ment, 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Bat- tery B, 7th Field Artillery Replacement Detach- ment, 3d Brigade. Sent to Camp Hill, Newport News, Va., and on the morning of November 11, 1918, embarked on the transport "Kroonland" for overseas duty, and was disembarked same day. Sent to Camp Upton, N. Y., and was there discharged January 2, 1919. (Jerusalem). TPAVIS, LEWIS WARREN, Private. Assigned to Company C, 1st Provisional Devel- opment Brigade. Discharged at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, December 10. 1918. (Milo). WINDNAGLE, GEORGE FREDERICK, Private. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 7th Regiment, Field Artillery Re- placement Detachment. Sent to Camp Hill, Newport News, Virginia, for duty overseas. After proceeding on board transport, received orders to debark, and was sent to Camp Upton, N Y, where he was discharged January 2 V , 1919. (Potter). WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WRIGHT, Musician, Second Class. Assigned to 158th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 7th Regiment, Field Artillery Re- placement Detachment. Sent to band school, and after graduation, assigned to band of 9th Regiment, 3d Brigade. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Middlesex). "Page Ninety-nine ( 1 > George Windnagle (2) William Williams (3) Roy Williams (4) Norman VVixom (5) Bradley Wheeler (6) Theodore Yost (7) Richard Crnuiih (8) Harry McQuiston (!)) Hans Palleson (10) Charles Allen (11) John Carroll (12) William Seism ( IS) Leroy Hall (14) George Hoyt (15) Arthur Mordeeai (16) Vietor Rcddiiigton (17) Charles Clark (18) John MeMinn <1J») Irving' 1'ckert (20) Emmett Kindelberger (21) John McManus ( 22 ) Clarence Spoor (2H) Wilbur Symonds \s\ 'Page One Hundred WILLIAMS, ROY DWIGHT, Private. Assigned to Battery F, 7th Regiment, 3d Brigade, Field Artillery Replacement Division. Trans- ferred to Camp Hill, Newport News, Virginia, and assigned to 11th Battery, Overseas Artillery Replacement Division. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., February 3, 1919. WIXOM, NORMAN BERT, Private. Assigned to Company E, 14th Regiment, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery F, 13th Regi- ment, Field Artillery, then to 14th Regiment, Replacement Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Jerusalem). WHEELER, BRADLEY LONGWELL, Private. Assigned to Company E, 4th Provisional Regi- ment, 156th Depot Brigade. Sent to Camp Se- vier, Greenville, South Carolina, as a member of the Provost Guard. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 24, 1919. (Milo). YOST, THEODORE, Private. Assigned to 158th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery E, 4th Field Artillery Replacement Detachment. Sent to Camp Hill, Newport News, Va., for overseas duty, and was on board trans- port. "Kroonland" on November 11, 1918, when orders were received to disembark on account of the armistice. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., January 2, 1919. (Milo). SEPTEMBER 11, 1918 — WASHINGTON, D. €. CRAUGH, RICHARD F., Sergeant. Assigned to Field Medical Supply Depot, U. S. Army Medical Department, Washington, D. C. Transferred to Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, Quartermaster's Corps, and was discharged at that Camp February 3, 1919. (Milo). SEPTEMBER 11, 1918 — RECRUIT CAMP, SYRACUSE, SYRACUSE, N. Y. PALLESEN, HANS, Private. Assigned to 95th Company, 23d Training Bat- talion. Transferred to Camp Holabird, Mary- land, in Company B, 321st Motor Truck Corps. Discharged at Camp Holabird, Md., April 9, 1919. (Benton). SEPT. 2.1, 1918 — SYRACUSE RECRUIT CAMP, SYRACUSE, X. Y. ALLEN, CHARLES FREDERICK, Private. Sent to Fort Caswell, North Carolina, for duty in the Coast Artillery Corps. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 19, 1918. Mr. Allen became a member of the Red Cross Ser- vice in February, 1918, and went overseas on April 10,1918, returning to the United States on September 4, 1918. (Benton). CARROLL, JOHN BERNARD, Private. Assigned to the 96th Recruit Company, 23d Battalion. Sent to Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich- igan, and served in the 6th Squadron, Aviation Corps. Discharged at Fort Wayne, January 22, 1919. (Milo). SEPTEMBER 1018 — FORT TOTTEN, X. Y. SCISM, WILLIAM MYER. (Starkey). OCTOBER 4, 1918 — COLUMBUS BARRACKS, COLUMBUS, OHIO. HALL, CLINTON LEROY, Private. Sent to Fort Totten, N. Y., November 11, and assigned to 10th Company, Coast Artillery Corps for service in band. Discharged at Fort Totten, N. Y., December 8, 1918. (Benton). HOYT, GEORGE WILLIS, Jr., Private. Assigned to 10th Recruit Company. Discharged at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, December 2, 1918. (Milo). MOKDECAI, ARTHUR, Private. Assigned to 20th Company, Infantry, for service in the Personnel Office. Discharged at Colum- bus Barracks, O., December 5, 1918. (Benton). REDDINGTON, VICTOR HOWARD, Private. Assigned to 26th Recruit Company, General Ser- vice Infantry. Discharged at Columbus Bar- racks, O., December 5, 1918. (Milo). SEPTEMBER 12, 1918 — CAMP JOSEPH E. JOHN- STON, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. McQUISTON, HARRY GRANT, Quartermaster-Ser- geant, Senior Grade. Assigned to Detention Camp as embalmer until October 8, 1918. Sailed overseas October 26th, arriving at Cherbourg, France, November 11, 1918. Assigned to Graves Registration Section 312. General service at LeMons, Commercy, Chateau Selins, Luneville, Ville Sur Cousances, Neufchateau. Transferred to special registra- tion duties at Brest, France. Promoted Ser- geant October 21, 1918, at Camp Joseph E. John- ston, Jacksonville, Florida. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, August 8, 1919. (Bar- rington). OCTOBER 10, 1918 — WASHINGTON BARRACKS, WASHINGTON, D. C. CLARK, CHARLES ROBINSON, Private. Assigned as Accountant in Adjutant's Office. Transferred to the Infantry, unassigned. Mr. Clark was granted an indefinite furlough, and was then assigned to Auditor's Office, as As- sistant Auditor and Accountant. Sailed Octo- ber 24, arriving at Bordeaux, France, November 2, 1918. At Paris, Franco, March 15,^ 1919, joined the Federalized Red Cross as Auditor for the Commission on Allied Prisoners, for the War Department, with rank ofFirst Lieuten- ant. Discharged at Governor's Island, N. Y., May 7, 1920. (Starkey). "Page One Hundred One ;(1) Sidney Ayres (2) Clyde Bigelow (3) Earl Castner (4) James Craugh <5) Marion Clark (6) Leverett Davis (7) George Emerson (S) Gerald Fisher (9) Charles Hob. in (10) AValter Moon (11) John Meehan (12) Arthur Paddock (17) Fenton AVindnagle (18) Leonard Sanderson (14) Paul Shutts (15) James Stever (1(>) Donald Tower 'Page One Hundred Two OCTOBER 15, 1918 — CORNELL, AVIATION SCHOOL, ITHACA, ST. Y. MeMINN, JOHN, Corporal. Enlisted under special orders at Cornell Avia- tion School, Ithaca, N. Y. Transferred to Camp Meigs, Washington, D C , and assigned to Motor Truck Corps, Headquarters Unit 33. Transferred to Camp Benning, Georgia, with the same unit. Acting Sergeant at Cornell Aviation School. Appointed Corporal at Camp Benning, Ga , June 6, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, December 9, 1918. (Milo). OCTOBER 22, 1»1S — CAMP WHEELER, GEORGIA. ECKEBT, IRVING EDWARD, Private. Assigned to 31st Depot Brigade, thence to Com- pany B, 35th Infantry. Transferred to Quar- termaster's Corps as Clerk. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 21, 1918. (Milo). KINDELBERGER, EMMETT L., Private, 1st Class. Assigned to 3d Company, Replacement Unit. De- cember 8th transferred to Camp Dix, N. J., and assigned to 61st Company, 153d Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 22, 1918. (Potter). McMANUS. JOHN BEBNARD, Private. (Official)— John B. McManus (5068234), 161 Cornwell Street, Penn Yan. Inducted at Penn Yan Oct. 22, 1918. Born Penn Yan, Feb. 13, 1897. Organizations: 31st New Receiving Camp, Camp Wheeler, Ga., to death. Died of pneumo- nia Oct. 31, 1918. Notify Mrs. Alice McManus, mother, Penn Yan. (Milo). SPOOB, CLARENCE ALOIS ZO, Private. Assigned to Replacement Unit. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J., Northern Automatic Draft Re- placement Training Camp. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 27, 1918. (Milo). SHERIDAN, JOHN EDWARD. Rejected. (Milo). SYMONDS, WILBUR MILLS, Private, 1st Class. At Camp Wheeler assigned to 31st Company, New Receiving Camp, thence to 6th Company, November Automatic Replacement Draft Train- ing Camp. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J., and assigned to 61st Company, 16th Battalion, 153d Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., December 22, 1918. (Milo). NOVEMBER S, 19i8 — CAMP WHEELER, GEORGIA. KORNUM, MADS VRANGDRUP, Private. Assigned to 13th Company, Depot Brigade. Dis- charged at Camp Wheeler, Ga., November 22, 1918. (Milo). REGISTRANT OF JUNE, 1918 WHEELER, JAMES H. (Potter). REGISTRANTS OF SEPTEMBER. 1918 AYRES, SIDNEY ELLIOTT, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y., October 11, 1918, and was assigned to Cmpany A, 1st Regi- ment, Infantry. Discharged at Ithaca, N. Y., December — 1918. (Benton. BRAYMAN, EUGENE. (Milo). BUBTCH, EOBEST SABIN, A. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., Octo- ber 2, 1918, and was assigned to the Ncval Unit. Discharged at Syracuse, N. Y., December 16th, 1918. (Jerusalem). BLODGETT, VEBNON WILSON, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., October 8, 1918. Discharged at Ithaca, N. Y., December 12, 1918. (Potter). BIGELOW, CLAUDE M., Aviation Mechanic, U. S. N. Enlisted at Buffalo, N. Y., October 26, 1918. Sent to United States Naval Recruit Station, and assigned as Aviation Mechanic. Discharged at New York City November 19, 1918. CHAPMAN, ROGER ED1NGTON. (See page fifty-four). CRAUGH, JOHN M. (Milo). CASTNER, EARL SAMUEL, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Buffalo University, Buffalo, N. Y., October 14, 1918, and was assigned to the Chemical Department. Discharged at the University of Buffalo December 16, 1918. (Barrington). CRAUGH, JAMES GERALD, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Notre Dame University, Indiana, October 5, 1918, and was assigned to 2d Company. Dis- charged at University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., December 21, 1918. (Milo). CLARK, MARION MELV1N, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., Octo- ber 2, 1918, and was assigned to Company B. Discharged at Syracuse, N. Y., December 8, 1918. (Starkey). "Page One Hundred Three DAVIS, JAMES LEVERETT, Candidate. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at the University of Buffalo, N. Y., October 1, 1918. Transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, (Central Officers' Training School), October 29, 1918, and assigned to 54th Training Battery, 18th Battalion, Field Artillery. Dis- charged at Central Officers' Training School, Camp Taylor, Kentucky, December 2, 1918. (Milo). EMERSON, GEORGE DEWEY, Private, 1st Class, Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Hillsdale, Michigan. Stationed at College Barracks, Hillsdale College S. A. T. C. Unit. Mr. Emerson was Acting Corporal throughout his enlistment. Discharged at Hillsdale, Mich- igan, December 22, 1918. (Potter). PISH, MILTON HART. (Starkey). FISHER, GERALD HOWARD, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., October — , 1918. Died from pneumonia November 29, 1918. (Benton). GELDER, CLYDE BENJAMIN, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., October 15, 1918. Discharged at Geneva, N. Y., December 14, 1918. (Benton). HOBAN, CHARLES OWEN, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Notre Dame University, Indiana, and was as- signed to 2d Company. Discharged at Notre Dame December 21, 1918. (Milo). KINNE, GEORGE REMSEN. (See page fifty-seven). MERTZ, RODNEY CLIFFORD, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Syracuse University, Syracuse. N. Y., Sep- tember — 1918. (Middlesex). MURPHEY, LAZEAR J. (Starkey). MOON, WALTER EDMOND, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Elon College, Durham, South Carolina, Octo- ber 26, 1918, and was assigned to Company A. Acting Sergeant. Discharged at Elon College. (Starkey). MEEHAN, JOHN JOSEPH, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Notre Dame University, Indiana, as Candi- date, and was assigned to 2d Company. Dis- charged December 21, 1918, as Acting Corporal. (Milo). PADDOCK, ARTHUR JAMES, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., October 1, 1918, and was assigneed to Company A. Trans- ferred to Company K, Veterinary Corps. Dis- charged at Ithaca, N. Y., December 11, 1918. (Starkey). ROSENKRANS, EDMUND C. (Starkey). ROCHE, ANGELO JAMES. (Milo). RUGAR, GEORGE FRANCIS, Private. Enlisted in th e Students' Army Training Corps at the University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., October 21, 1918. Discharged at Rocehster, N. Y., December 10, 1918. (Potter). RUTENBER, JAMES BLACKMER. (Benton). SANDERSON, LEONARD R., Private. Enlisted in Students' Army Training Corps at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., October 1, 1918. Discharged at Hobart College December 20, 1918. (Jerusalem). SCHERER, EDWARD LAURISTON. (See page sixty-one). SHUTTS, PAUL NELSON, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Rutger's College, New Brunswick, N. J., October 5, 1918. Assigned to Company D. Dis- charged at Rutger's College December 14, 1918. (Milo). STEVER, JAMES LEWIS, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., October 1, 1918, and was assigned to Company A. Dis- charged at Hobart College December 4, 1918. (Milo). TOWER, DONALD MacLEAN, Private. Enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at New York State College, Albany, N. Y., Oc- tober 1, 1918. Discharged at Albany, N. Y., De- cember 4, 1918. (Starkey). WINDNAGLE, DEWEY FENTON, Second Lieuten- ant, Field Artillery. Enlisted October 5, 1918, in the Students' Army Training Corps at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and assigned to Company H, Engineers. Transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, Ken- tucky, and was assigned to 13th Observation Battery. Promoted Sergeant at Ithaca, N. Y. Promoted 2d Lieutenant February 1, 1919, at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Placed on Of- ficers' Reserve List February 1, 1919. (Milo). "Page One Hundred Four OTHER SERVICE MEN (A) Harold Tutliill (it I John II > land (O Lawrence Armstrong TUTHILL, HAROLD FRANKLIN, Sergeant, 1st Class, reassigned. Enlisted at Baltimore, Maryland, May 27, 1917, with the Johns-Hopkins University Unit. Sailed overseas June 14, 1917, arriving at St. Nazaire, France, June 28, 1917. Assigned to Base Hospital No. 18, at Bazoiles-Sur-Meuse, France. Promot- ed Sergeant January 2, 1918, and Sergeant, 1st Class October 25, 1918. Discharged at Camp Up- ton, N. Y., February 20, 1919. Mr. Tuthill was a member of the first convoy to France. (Credited to Baltimore, Md.) HYLAND, JOHN JAMES, Captain. Enrolled in Officers' Training School at Madison Barracks, N. Y., May 1, 1917. Sent to Madison Barracks, May 13, 1917. Promoted 2d Lieutenant August 15, 1917. Assigned to Camp Dix, N. J., August 29, 1917, Co. F, 310th Infantry. Trans- ferred to 153d Depot Brigade, October, 1917. Pro- moted to 1st Lieutenant December 31, 1917. Transferred to 807th Pioneer Infantry July 10, 1918. Promoted to Captain July 23, 1918. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., September 14, 1918. Mem- ber Company F, 310th Infantry, 78th Division. In battle at Meuse-Argonne October 25 to No- vember 11, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 10, 1919. (Milo. Credited to Albany, N. Y.) ARMSTRONG, LAWRENCE SHEPPAED. Entered service in Paris, France, in May, 1917, and served in American Ambulance, Paris, Ameri- can Red Cross, Paris, France; Quartermaster's Corps, A E. F., London, England; Quartermas- ter's Corps, Paris, France. Discharged at Paris, France, in January, 1919. (Milo). ROSE, JOHN HENRY, Major. Enlisted at Washington, D. C, August 12, 1917. Entered office of Surgeon-General, Washing- ton, D. C, Personnel Division, December 13, 1917. Enlisted with grade of Captain, and was promoted to Major October 18, 1918. Discharged at Washington, D. C , January 1, 1919. Mr. Rose's son, Phillip Livingston Rose, 2d Lieut., Battery E, 6th Field Artillery, was killed in active service October 5, 1918, by exploding shell. (Jerusalem). REYNOLDS, RICHARD J, Corporal. Enlisted at Washington, D. C, May 16, 1917, 13th U. S. Hospital Corps, and sent to Allentown, Penn. Left for overseas December 28, 1917, ar- riving at Brest, France, January 10, 1918. Serv- ed in the United States Army Ambulance Ser- vice with the First Army, 77th Division. Also served in the 6th French Army Corps. In battles at Chauteau-Thierry defensive, June 4 to 8; Champagne-Marne defensive, July 15 to 18 ; Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to 30. Ypres-Lys offensive, September 11 to November 18, 1918 Served in Belgium and France from January 10, 1918, to April 13, 1919, having been assigned to the 6th French Army. Cited three times for valor. Credited to Washington, D. C. DYKEMAN, CHARLES, 1st Class Private. Inducted at Lewisburg, Pa., May 14, 1918. Sent to Camp McArthur and assigned to 80th Field Artillery, Battery B, 7th Brigade, 7th Di- vision. Transferred to Camps Columbus Bar- racks, McArthur, McClellan and Merritt. Sailed from Hoboken, N. J., August 22, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, September 3„ 1918. Member Battery B, 80th Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 28, 1919. (Milo). Credited to Lewisburg, Pa. HOPKINS, GEORGE EDWARD, Seaman, 1st Class. Enlisted at New York City May 15, 191S. Sent to Pelham Bay Naval Training Station, and assign- ed to 1st Isolation Camp; 3d Regiment, thence to Petty Officers' School. Discharged at Pelham Bay, N. Y., December 4, 1918. (Credited to New York City). BKAllMOiVT, CHARLES H., Milo — Steuben County. BREWER, WILFRED C, Starkey — Pennsylvania. CRAITGH, THOMAS ]',., Milo — COMSTOCK, DONALD It.. Benton — New York City. COLLIN, GEORGE T.. Benton — Elmira. COMINGS, JESSE, Milo — Canandaigua. DeMUNN, J. M. — Livingston County. DOUGLASS, CLARENCE R„ Milo — Rochester. / GOLDSMITH, \\ . II., Milo — Waterloo. JESSTJP, A. ll., Milo — Brie, Pa. POYNEER, WARNER H.. Jerusalem — Elmira. LOOMIS, A. v. — Chemung County. MOORE, JAMES »., Milo — Akron, Ohio. SMITH, I'M l.. Milo — Watkins. lU) 'Page One Hundred Five. CANADIAN ARMY <1> Hugh Mellmoyl (4) Robert Allan C2) John Allan (5) John Cramer (3) William Apps («) George Brown ALLAN, JOHN, 1st Class Private. Enlisted at Kirkendbright, Scotland, August 4, 1915, and assigned to Royal Field Artillery. Dis- charged with rank of bombardier July 10, 1916, because of disability. Re-enlisted at Toronto, Can- ada, April 17, 1917, and assigned to Royal Flying Corps. Transferred to Royal Air Force April 1, 1918. Discharged January 8, 1919. (Milo). ALLAN, ROBERT J. HANEY, Sapper. Enlisted in the Canadian Army at Rochester, N. Y., April 5, 1918, and sent to Hamilton, Ontario, Can- ada, -where he was assigned to 13th Canadian Rail- way Troops. Sailed from Halifax, May 17, 1918, arriving at Bologne, France, via Liverpool, Eng- land May 26, 1918. Member Canadian Railway Troops, 3d Division, Canadian Army. In battles at St. Quentin and Cambrai. Discharged at Toron- to, Canada, April 6, 1919. (Milo). APPS, WILLIAM. Enlisted in the British Army at the beginning- of the World War. Was wounded, and after his re- covery again entered the front lines, and in the summer of 1916 was captured by the Germans and placed in prison camp, where he was held until his death occurred August 31, 1918, from paralysis. Mr. Apps was a veteran of the African War. (Milo). BROWN, GEORGE OLIVER, Corporal, 1st Class. Enlisted at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 15, 1915. Sent to Camp Barrifield, Kingston, Canada, and assigned to Musketry. Sailed from Halifax, Can- ada, for England, September 8, 1915, where he served in camps at Bramshot as Lewis machine gunner, and at Aldershot, where he took a Lewis machine gunner course at range. Arrived in Le- Havre, France, December 8, 1915. Company Bomb- er, 20th Battalion. In battles at Somme River, Couveniche, and Arras. Wounded on Somme front January 11, 1916, and on February 12, 1917, suffer- ed a shrapnel wound which necessitated the am- putation of his right leg. Discharged at Park School No. 2, Mil. Dept., October 12, 1918. (Jerusa- lem.) CRAMER, JOHN BALANTINE, Private. Enlisted in Canadian Army at Buffalo, N. Y,„ June 1, 1918. Member Canadian Machine Gun Depot and N. Wing. In England Mr. Cramer was stationed in camp at Sussex, a member of the Canadian Cas- ualty Corps. Discharged at Toronto, Canada, Oc- tober 1, 1919. (Milo). McILMOYL, HUGH, Sapper. Enlisted at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 19, 1918. Assigned to Railway Construction Draft, C. O. M. F., and with that contingent served over- seas. Discharged at London, Ontario, Canada, March 1, 1919. (Milo). "Page One Hundred Six Y. M. C. A. and NURSES fes (2) Louise Ki|i i' (1) Lowell McPherson Mrs. S.-ir.-ih F. S. Armstrong Hon. E. C. Gillett <«) John C. Fox (7) Hon. E. R. Bordivell <■-> John H. Median DeWitt C. Ayres (!t) Timothy Costello l&JJ 'Page One Hundred Eighteen A MEMORIAL SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF YATES COUNTY The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital of Yctes county was organizsd on February 8, 1919, at which time it was decided to merge the Penn Yan Hospital, a corporation formed in October, 1916, with the movement to provide a suitable memorial to Yates county's participants in the world war. A certificate giving notice of the change of name was filed on Feb- ruary 28th, and the change was completed on March 10th. The directors named in the certificate of incor- poration were: Ralph W. Hoyt William N. W : .se Christie B. Briggs Eon. A. Flag- Robson William T. Morris Ernest R Bordwell DeWitt C. Ayres William M. Patteson Sarah M. Hollowell Hatley K. Armstrong- Theodore O. Cora H. Hoyt John H. Johnson Timothy Costello M. Francis Corcoran Eva S. Wise Louise P. Sheppard Sarah F. S. Armstrong H. C. Earles Harriet E. D. Smith Henry C. Underwood Hamlin A temporary hospital was opened in August, 1920, and it is hoped that sufficient funds will be secured during the year 1921 to insure the speedy erection of the new hospital building. Life memberships in the Hospital Association cost $100 each. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DEC. 1, 1920. Amount subscribed $151,415.65 Amount received as follows: From Subscriptions $69,106.11 From Women's Fund 3,886.16 From Hollowell Estate 5,000.00 From Penn Yan Hospital 5,700.00 From Red Cross 4,000.00 From War Chest 9,018.16 Total Receipts $96,710.43 Unpaid subscriptions $54,705.22 The officers chosen were as follows: William N. Wise, President Ralph W. Hoyt, Vice-President John H. Johnson, Treasurer George S Sheppard, Secretary Executive Committee Ralph W. Hoyt Hon. A. Flag Robson DeWitt C. Ayres William M. Patteson H. C. Earles Timothy Costello William N. Wise The following amounts have been received from Interest: Bonds $2,068.54 War Chest Fund 407.11 Hollowell Fund 393.22 Women's Fund 120.00 On Certificate of Deposit 459.56 On Certificate of Deposit 235.64 Total Interest $3,684.07 'Page One Hundred Nineteen FOUR-MINUTE MEN MILITARY INSIGNIA Shortly after the United States declared war with Germany, President Woodrow Wilson created a com- mittee on Public Information, under the direction of George Creel. As a division of this department a sec- tion was designated as "Four-Minute Men," with a chairman in each county in every state, who was di- rected to enlist prominent speakers to deliver verbal messages in theatres, motion picture houses, church- es and halls under his jurisdiction. In Yates County speeches were regularly made each week during the term of the war. During the Liberty Loan drives and campaigns for Red Cross member- ship and War Chest, speeches were made nightly to sustain interest. The committee for Yates county in- cluded: E. J. Walker, Jr., Chairman William C. MeCuaig W. Eugene DeMelt Hon. James M. Lown Spencer F. Lincoln, Esq. Roger E. Chapman, Esq. Rev. B. W. Gommenginger Rev. Paul B. Hoffman Rev. Lyford S. Boyd Rev. W. H. Wheatley Rev. Nevin D. Bartholomew Rev. Lewis C. Lars-en Harry C. Smith. Dundee Dr. A. T. Halstead, Rushville SIGNAL ENGINEERS I""*- INFANTRY MEDICAL MACHINE GTJN AVIATION ORDNANCE CAVALBY ARTILLERY QUARTERMASTER As the final pages of this book go to press on April I, 1921, this country is still technically at war with Germany. The Armistice was signed on November^ II, 1918, but no peace treaty has been negotiated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CORRECTIONS Our thanks are due to the men and women of Yates county who so kindly co-operated with us in fur- nishing their service records, published herein. We are indebted to Robert H. Graham for the list of men in service prior to April 6, 1917, also many of the enlistments, and much other valuable assist- ance. Mr. W. E. Burnell furnished photos for this publi- cation, copying many photos received, some of which were varied as to size and color, which made re-pro- duction difficult. However, very good results have been obtained. PAGE TWENTY Miss Emma L. Wilkins was made chief clerk of the Draft Board October 7, 1918, and served until the Board was retired on March 31, 1919. Miss Lena Grady was appointed assistant clerk and served from November 6 to December 15, 1918. June 5, 1918, those becoming of age since June 5, 1917 101 September 12, 1918, ages 18 to 45 years 1919 Printed by Penn Yan Democrat, Perm Yan, N. Y. 'Page One Hundred Twenty X' ■i v •/- 0*0 .U *«> vO miTnUtrVw * Ay »*> ... u/ «>o \Vr ^ „Y> <» ' « O <$■ c oHo * <£ ~V i. • . «?• a\ *•> ** ftZ^2t* ^* 4* •J^vt* ^ f° ** J4. 4 * °-> ** o°l°* "<*. 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