ew§b&x3 chevulukuttu, To bore
the ears. 5ofc»&>& kuttusuru, The
point of death, picfe &-&>&, lfe»&&»
usuru, telukuttu, A scorpion to
sting. a&yeoSb&Jo battarakmtu, To
sew clothes, sfcg£)&fc>a madichiku-
ttu, To hem. "S^yogb&o cheppu-
lukuttu, To make shoes. &>&&&
sr>&>, &^$^2&kuttadapuvadu,
kutrapuvadu,A tailor. Sbtoj-I>&s'a,
tfaQtfb kutlu-vidinavi, vadilina-
vi, The seam is unript. tftf^go&x)
sannakuttu, A fine seam. sfoo^g'So
&» mutakakuttu, A coarse seam.
"Bfeo§ofcx> rettakuttu, A double seam,
§b"?3 kutte, s. The amis.
3b,feo, kutra, s. Intrigue.
Sb^S* kudaka, s. A vessel in which
sandal, &c, are kept.
So a kudi, acZy. The right. So&;53ffr-
kudipakka, The right side. sbS'^
ojo^ kudichcyyi, The right hand.
go && kuditi, s. The water with
which rice, or any split pulse, has
been cleaned.
gogsoa^db kudimivadu, s. A man
who cures persons bit by poison-
ous animals. 2. A snake-catcher.
§o^b^> kudutsu. v. a. To suck. 2.
To eat. gbakcg) kudupu, v. Cans.
To cause to suck, &c.
So&>;g) kudupu, s. Eating. 2. Food.
goJ&sfco kudumu, s. A sort of cake»
boiled in steam.
Sods', Sbjgs', gba&S' kutika, kuttika,
kuttuka, s. The throat. Soss'oka
kutikantu, A necklace, lied close
round the throat, so as to touch it*
2o&e>"3>&>3 kutilapettu, v. a. To afflict.
So8^&s5» kutsitamu, adj. Low, vile.
Sbao-iSo, §oao»o-i5b kudintsu, kudiyi-
ntsu, v. a. To abate, to lessen. 2,
To shake grain, &c. in a sieve or
pot, so as to throw the upper un-
der the lower grain.
Soacsft) kudiyu, v. n- To become tight,
as a knot, &c.
Soa®OT$b kudilintsu, v. a. To shake
as water in a bottle.
£o&£, §b&3 kudupa, kudapa, 5. One
of the bits, or portions, into which
curds divide.
§0 25c s? -Kudu va
& f^ o oSb-Ku ppintsu
§o«b$ kudupu, v, a. To shake. s.
gbjsbtfc kuduru, v. rc. To be re-esta-
blished, or restored. 2- To be set-
tled or arranged. 3. To be cured ;
to recover from illness. 4. To be
pacified ; to be made calm, or
quiet. 5. To be fixed, or placed.
6. To become firm, or resolute, in
any opinion. 7. To be got, or ob-
tained, s. Health. 2. Beauty. 3.
A garden-bed. 4. Any thing plac-
ed under a vessel, to prevent its
falling, as a straw rope, &c. 5. A
rim placed over a mortar, to pre-
vent what is beaten in it falling
out, vide §boa kundi, This word,
when used as a substantive, makes
it's infleX. Sing. §b&fe5 kuduti,
adj. Healthy. 2. Beautiful. 3. well-
arranged. 4. Calm, quiet.
§bafc£5o\ kudurtsu, v. a. To re-estab-
lish, or restore. 2. To settle, or ar-
range. 3. To cure, or recover. 4.
To pacify, calm, or quiet. 5. To
fix, or place. 6. To make resolute,
or firm. 7. To procure for another.
•i^&xSoStf eftfb tsotukudaraledu, A
place is not obtained. §b«o&TT'£x
kudurubatn, Settlement, arrange-
ment. sfctf;5ovgb&>&> manassukudu-
ru, The mind to be firm, or re-
Sc&sr, So £ss knduva, kudava, s. A
pawn- 2. Mortgage, gb«,tf"3&» ku-
duvabettu, To mortgage ; to pawn.
&abss sS&o-tfc kuduva vidipintsu,
To redeem from pawn.
&SS\, gbs&jk. kunishti, kunushtu, s.
An obstacle, or impediment ; a
pretext urged to prevent anything.
adj. Gross, crooked, lame.
£}&&> kunuku, v. n. To slumber, or
dose. s. A slumber, or sleep. sbs>§
■£pkD kunikip^tu, Drowsiness.
SbsSj kuppa, s. A collection, heap, or
assemblage. 2. Filth or sweepings,
go^xo-otf knppagura, adv. All of a
heap, goss^tfb kuppadngu, The
grains which fall from a corn heap,
when it is removed. §o^ HsS\ex>Tv«
kuppa teppaluga\ adv. lit. Like
floats of heaps. Abundantly, . as
§os5} Ha^e»"K» •5r*tfKb9fttf& kuppa-
teppaluga vauagurisinadi, The
rain fell abundantly.
So^sSaD kuppamu, s. A small village,
or hamlet.
Sbs^Po-Ek kuppalintsn, v. a. To wash
a cloth, by beating it, in a heap,
against a stone.
Sbs^tfaSoa kuppasamu, 5. A. woman's
Sbl>\oo5b ku ppintsu, v. n. To fix the
feet firmly* when about to jump-
§Q&2,tf-Kummara 136
gofb^Xo^o kuppigantu, A leap. gj>&
Kos^-ioooo knppi gantuveyn, To
gb*a^ kuppe, s. An ornament worn
by Hindoo females, in their plait-
ed hair. 2. A jar.
SbwaSrioa kubusamu, s. The skin of a
serpent. 2. A jacket. 3. The pivot
of a door.
3bsSr»8, Sorbs' kumari, kurnarika, s.
A girl of eight years of age. 2. A
§bs5o^&e& knmarudu,5. A son. 2. One
of the names of gbs5cr«>&^cs*> ku-
Scsfi™ "3 kumarte, 5. A daughter.
gbsS^ew kumulu, v. n. To be consum-
ed, or inwardly burnt.
2os&.§ok_ kmnmakkUj 5. Aid, assist-
kummarao-iwva, si A was
Sbs&i tf •5r>2k,§o;& 8 kumniarava"cln :ktim-
man, .9. A potter. §o^tf&, iJs^&a
kummarata, kummaradi, A female
potter. go^S^&ftb kumniarapuiu-
gu, A sort of insect. Soss^StW, &
s£>tfir*-5 kummarasana, kummara-
sare, A potter's wheel. gbs£> tf-£r*~3
•s&Sk- kummarasare tsnkka, The
sixteenth of the lunar mansions ;
from it's supposed similitude to
the potter's wheel. sbss^tftf^tfr'sSaSw
kummara swarupamu, An earthen
§bs&jOo^bkiimmarintsti,«.c. To pour
out of a sack, or basket. 2. To
empty ; to discharge.
§cs5» kumnm, v. a. To beat in a
—4 v_
mortar. 2. To butt, or strike, with
the horns. 3. A blow from the
is5^ kummu, s. Smoking ashes •
fire not extinguished.
Socco, Sbo*>e kuyi, kuyyi, 3. An ex-
clamation of complaint, or sorrow.
SbtfoKfcj Sbtfofco kurangata, kuranta,
adv. Near.,
gcQo-a kmrinclii, Postpos. ^c?e fio8o-S) ;
go 8-&j kurichi, 5. A chair.
§be.& kuridi, s. The kernel of the
§bosx>clKfc>o kurirriidia-attu, s. A bank,
GO " 4 '
for retaining water, in a field.
SbScfl&o knnyo, v. ft. To rain.
Sb8oi»©4Sb, §b8l>o-&> kuriyintsn. kuri-
pintsu, v. a. To cause to rain.
£2^eX)§b8S>o-& nippulukuripintsu,
lit* To cause fire to rain. To be in
a great passion, or hurry.
Sotf>$ kuruvn, s. The act of raining
§b&c2»ex> kurundzulu, s. phi. Small
perpendicular posts, by which
short beams are raised upon longer
ones, and thus form a shelving
roof, in the native houses.
§b&2§ kuruji, 5. A small, s'okn'fsSM
kantalamu, g. v.
gb&S 3 kurudzu, s A hawk.
&&>s&TT'l3 knrumagorre, s. A sheep,
with long wool.
So?5bs6b»3^^o kurumavadu, 5, A man
who weaves blankets* or cumblies>
as they are termed in India.
go&$ kuruvu, 5. The thigh.
§o3cr>35s» kurupamu, s. Deformity,
§oe3?5o;g)qew kurrinuvvulu, s. pin. A
particular species of the Sesamum
gb&as kurru, s. Shortness. 2. A little.
3. Haste, gba^r^ssb kurrukonu, v. n,
To be in a hurry.
&)<&■>& kurruku s. A heap.
Sbaaa-S" ktirrutsa, s. Shortness. 2. A
dance, adj. Diminutive, short.
Sbft£»^) kurrupn, s. A sore, or boil.
&eaos*r»2& kurrumadu, 5. A shelving
§069000 kurrulu, s. plu. Hairs.
§oea3"^e5o : 3fc» kurru verm chett.u, s. A
plant, with a fragrant root.
goes kurrra, .9. An infant. 2. A boy,
or lad. 3. A young buffaloe.
Somo kurrn, v. To cry; to make a loud
gbe;x5cw knlamu, s. Race, tribe, caste,
or family- 2. A multitude of ani-
mals of the same species. gb^£&
kulasthudu, A male of the same
caste with one's-self.&e>i£>TPex> ku-
J kulastrl, A chaste
woman. §bl)tfb£b knlmudu, A man
of honorable descent, of respecta-
ble family.
Soex)So kuluku, s. Affected gestures ;
foppish airs. v. n. To affect such
gooo^TPcwo kulupurayi, 5. A sort of
gb^ fto^b kullaffintsu, v. a. To dig
gb^ooo kulla-yi, s. A cap.
gog kullu, v. n. To putrify, decay,
or grow rotten. 2. To envy. 3. To
grieve in secret, s. Putrescence.
§b#Q kuvva, s. A heap.
gb*©e£ kusalata, s. Cleverness. 2. Pre-
sence of mind.
gbtftysS*) kusalamu, s. Well-being,
welfare, happiness, safety, adj.
Happy, well, right.
bo$'o^;£)$£, So^o^kSm kusumbapu-
vvu, kusumbhamu, s. The saf-
flower. Carthamus tinctorius.
§brSas5bs5w> kusumamu, s. A flower, &
SSosfcX^e-sSw kusumagarbhainu, A
female's hair? tied in a tuft, and
enveloped in flowers. §b&>'&><&i£b
luisurneshiidu, lit He whose ar-
rows are flowers. Cama, the god of
love, sbtfosfcsftf ska kusumavarsha-
mu, A shower of flowers.
§b<3as6e» kusumalu, s. plu. A kind of
§b £8o^£ kustarintsu, v. a. To car-
ess; to sooth.
SbJL kukshi, 8. The belly ; the cavi-
ty of the abdomen. sbJLo^ra ku-
kshimbhari, adj. Voracious eat-
gcrog'feS kukati, s. A small lock of hair,
under, or above, the long lock,
which the Hindoos leave on the
erown of the head.
§cn>H'fe3s5btf-°x' kukatimuga, s. The fork
tailed shrike.
S&'g'ex) kiikaln, s. plu. Cries, noises.
&-°§e)o kukilu, s. plu. Doves, pige-
Sfr»tf*»a kutsamu, 8. A pillar, or post.
Scp>© kucki, adj. Sharp pointed.
gcn>£) kiichi, s- A march.
gj-otf -0 kudza, s. A gugglet.
&-«>&> So kutami, s. Copulation. 2. Uni-
on, junction. 3. Society, assembl-
&r°tos5c»} s&T>&r«»s5c»kiif;amu, kutamu, s.
A hall.
Sor*k>s5*> kiitamu, s. The summit. 2.
A house. 3. A hammer. 4. A heap
of grain, &c. 5. An assemblage. 6.
Fraud, deceit-
So-o &>&>£& kutasthudu, s.The first an-
£*>x> kutuva, s. An army, consist-
ing of cavalry, infantry, chariots?
and elephants..
3cr*&c&»&» kudanrnttu,!?. a.To pursue,
to over -run.
S^>&£> kudali, .9. The meeting of di-
fferent limits. §5r»2g©TT»Qkudalid£-
ri, The meeting of four roads.
&r*-cr> kuda, adv. Along with, accom-
panying. 2. Also. This word, which,
in fact, is merely the infinitive of.
§5-°£sb kudu, q. v. Lengthened, is
usually added to the postposition-
&* to, With, to strengthen the
connexion. In books, however, it
may occasionally be met with al-
one in this sense ; but, when used
alone, denotes in general also. *r>
*5b5a-*-C9 o 35-S)\^r>c& varukiidavachchi-
naru, They also are come. So-*^
£r*^)'kudap6vu, To go together.
&r°Zso kudu, s. Food, victuals. 2. Boil-
ed rice. This word, as a noun,
makes it's inflexion. $r°& kiiti,
Thus, $r°&&o& kutikunda, A pot
for boiling rice. &-oj»s£>& kudnillu.
Sour gruel, v. a. To associate with.
2. To copulate. 3. To add, or sum
up, figures, v. n. To be joined. 2-
To agree, to be on good terms ; to
be unanimous. 3. To be amassed,
or accumulated, 4. To be assem-
bled or met.
j 35^ kuta, 5. A cry or exclamation.
2. A clamour or disturbance. The
j noise made by any animal ; as
barking, braying, crowing, mew-
ing ; also the note of any bird.
§ct°^d, §o-°<&&> kiitu, kuturu, s. A
daughter. The second word makes
it's sing. In flex. Sj*$fce_Sj*«fce£)2£
kuturi-kuturibidcla,^Y. The daugh-
ter's child.
&t># kiina, s. An infant. 2. A kitten,
or whelp.
So-*£3co kuyu; v. n. To cry or exclaim.
2. To make a clamour, or distur-
bance. 3. To make any noise ; as
bray, crow, mew, croak, call, or
sing. v. a. To call.
g^tf kiira, s. A vegetable ; any gar-
den greens. 2. Curry. The green
produce of a garden is divided in-
to the ejgb*cr*tfe>o akuguralu, Leaf
vegetables, and the -^osSXcrotfex*
kayaguralu. Or those of which the
produce assumes the shape of a
head, pod, or fruit.
$r>-&>?£o kiiradn, *. Infiex. Sing, *&*
-o-*fe5 kurati, Water in which rice
has been washed, grown sour, and
boiled ; vinegar.
So-°Q-£) kurichi,
&-°8£>d kurimi,
postpos. vide Sj-*8v
ition, love, 2
&n>& kuru, v. To attain. 2. To sleep.
3. To fill or stuff any thing ; to
load fire arms.
3S-*tf>Sb, Scn»«b^- kuruku,kurku,s. Sleep.
v. n. To sleep.
Sj*8x kurchi, postpos. Towards. 2.
On account of. 3. Respecting, re-
garding. It converts nouns to
which it is affixed into the ac-
cusative case.
&-c8^ o^&>, §5-o&ysr»&> kurchiuava-
du, kurtsuv5du t 5. A friend.
§5-*tf>\ kurtsu, v. a. vide §o-»e& kudu.
Scro«b\o^b kurtsundu, v. n, To be
seated ; to sit down.
§fr*Q^ kurmi, s. Affection, love. 2. Pity.
3cr°e>K>2& kulabadu, v. n. To fall down
3S-»© kuli, 5. Daily hire, or wages ;
cooly- 2. Daily labour.
s3^e» kultt, v. n. To fall down, or be
overturned. 2: To die. Sj^exn kul-
tsu, e?. a. To cause to fall, &c. 2.
To kill.
Sfroif kula, a$. Inferior, low. 2. Wick-
3cn>if'tf» kulamu, 5. Chaff.
&r°Ss5a> kusamu, s. »f6?e"Sb«»iSs5w ku-
busamu, ,
r \ 4 23 *5m kri ta j namu, adj. Gratef u 1 ,
thankful, s'v^k^ kritainata. s.
Gratitude. ?\8^ kritaghnata,
Ingratitude, ^f^sfe) kritagh-
namu, adj. Ungrateful.
g\& kriti, si Wise, learned. 2. A suc-
cessful, fortunate, or happy man.
^\© kriti, 5. A composition or work.
2. A dedication.
g\.8 • j£>s5do kritrimamu, ad;. Artifici-
al, deceitful, s. Artifice, deceit ;
a trick.
^\£cs5» krityamu, s. An act. 2. Bu-
siness, duty. 3. Conduct. 4. Any-
thing proper to be done. 3#og\£o
j6a>ex> nityakrityamulu, Daily du-
S\s5 kripa, 5. Tenderness ; favor ;
grace. r^e^Sx kripadrishti, A
tender look.
^tfrasfoa kripauamu, adj. Avaricious,
miserly. 2. Fraudulent, deceitful.
r^a*ft$ kripaluvu, adj. Compassi-
onate, kind, tender.
jr^sfca krisamu, adj. Little, small.
2. Thin, lean, emaciated ; feeble.
^3o-&, if^oooo-ifc krisintsu, kri-
siyintsu, v. n. To become lean, to
be in a languishing state-
g\S\ krishi, 5. Agriculture, husband-
ry. 3\!\§o&>, *f^s>ew£& krishiku-
du, krishivaludu, A husbandman,
or cultivator.
s\s1s5m krishrianiu, adj. Black, s.
Blackness. s\&.3&5&o krishnapak-
shamu,The dark half of the month;
the fortnight of the moon's de-
crease, ^gtfg^e- krishnavartma,
s. The god of fire. g\x.Z£srs$x> kri-
shriasarpamu, s. A kind of black
serpent. S\ &.-£>-* tfs5*> krishnasararnu ?
s. A black antelope, r^g^
krishnajinamu, s . The hide of the
black antelope.
~§o kem, adj. Red. los&Dj, lo^
s&tf kendammi, kendamara, The
red lotus.
~§o& kempu, s. A ruby. 2. Redness.
adj. Red. "io^^ots kempukanti,
s. The black cuckoo ; because it's
eyes are red. 1o^)7r'c6w kempuga
mn, Mars ; because he is red. lo
?§tf3J&> kempusavatu, The 15th of
the lunar mansions, consisting of j
the star Arcturus ; because it is j
"^^osao kedayu, v. n. To die, to ex
pire. -§&;& kedapu, v. a. To kill
2. To push aside. ,^
"Itfoo keralu, v. n. To increase. 2. To
spread. 3. To come out. 4. To be
angry or enraged.
"^e>s& kelanu, s. A side, or part. This
word makes in the plural. "lejoSbew,
~§v&vo kelankulu, kelanulu.
"I^SsSw kelasamu, s. Wish, desire.
~§sjo§b^keluku, v. a. To stir. 2. To
scratch. 3. To mix.
~§^*o^>, ^f^o^b kellagintsu, kella
gintsu, v. a. To kindle. 2. To ex-
1?$ kelavu, $• Distance, space.
"it keka, s. A cry or shout ; also
that of the peacock.
^s8on5b kekarintsu, v. n* To hawk,
in spitting,
"i&o-ab kedintsu, v. n. To turn aside.
~t~B6x> kedemu, s. A shield.
"!& keru, v. n. To laugh loudly, v.
a. To deride.
"iex> kelu, 5. The hand. "isos&j, ke-
— o
ludammi, A hand resembling the
lotus. "ie^&» kelpattu, Marriage.
~isr\foT& i 'ier^fo&Q kelmogu-
tsu, kelmogudtsu, To shew res-
pect to any one, by joining the
palms of both hands.
"1 ab-Kaidu
~iv*$F>$ kelakuli, s. A large square
well, with steps on each side.
~f &>, ~£$g keli, kelika, s. Sport, play,
amusement, dancing.
~f£ kevalamu, aij. Absolute,
mere, entire* sole. adv.Very much;
entirely, wholly.
~f $ kevu, s. Freight. ~f^a kevari,
The freighter of a ship.
~§$Qss&) kesarivadlu, s. plu. A parti-
cular kind of paddy, of which the
rice is reddish.
~% kai, s. The hand./? os tpos. To, for,
on account of. ~1 g*tfb kaikonu, v.
a. To take, receive, or accept. 2.
To possess, to obtain. 3. To un-
dertake, 4. To assume a form, or
. shape. "1 eso&kaidanda, The hand?
or arm, given for support, in walk-
ing. ~% eT> If sfca kaitalamu, A cym-
!§ c£$Q&x) kainkaryamu, 5. Service.
2. Slavery.
"i^^oT'o^b kaikolavandlu, s. plu.
The kycola caste, generally weav-
"? j^° kaija, s: The motion of a
horse's head.
-3 & kaidu, 5. Confinement, res-
traint. -§ ^"^oco> kaiduchcyu, 9. a
To confine, to imprison.
ll&sg^kaiduvu, s. A weapon or in-
II ^ kaipu, s. vide s'ooo^) kayipu.
~§tfss$6 kairavallu, 5. »Zw. vide^&o
cofoo&sx) kaviriyundalu.
1 er»&>o$w kailatamu, 5. Deceit, fraud.
~§ ex> kailu, s. The actual measure-
ment of the crop, after it is thrash-
ed, and before the gross produce
is divided between the cultivator,
and those entitled to the govern-
ment share.
jtf& kaivadi, adv. Probably, like-
"1 «t*#s5m kaivaramu, s. Encomium-
praise, commendation. 2. Circum-
ference- "I<53^^s5c»^d36c» kaivaramu
seyu, v. a. To praise, to commend.
~§3§kaisiki, s< A poetic composi-
tion, expressive of love.
g^ogtfgij- konkanakka, $. A kind of
r°o^^ konkara, adj. Crooked, bent.
S^oS'tfssoS'tf TV* konkaravankaraga,
All crooked ; in complete disorder.
§^o§ konki, s. A hook, for suspend-
ing any thing from.
r°o& konku,5. Timidity, fear, shame.
v. n. To be timid? fearful, or bash-
A crane. S^oX" ~^?
kongakalla, Long shanked, lit.
r°oftb koDgu, s. The hem, or border
of a garment.
r>ctf kontsa, s. vide F°^ ^s5wi krautr
^o-tf-'ir*^, ss-&\ kontsa-pova, vats-
tsu, «7. a. ^zcfe r ,^ konu.
§^o"Ss5oo konchemu, 5. A little, a few,
some. 2. Contempt, adj. Little,
as to quantity only ; few, some.
2. Trifling, of no consequence. 3.
Short, as to_ time only. 4. Low,
vile, mean. r^o^sSoo^oaoo konche-
mucheyu, To diminish. r^o^a&oTro
6330a5b konchemugayentsu, To es-
teem lightly ; to slight, or con-
temn. r*o^s5oor°o' : 3s53o-7r> konche-
mukonchemuga, Little, by little,
r^o^^j-ss^^b konchepuvadu, A low
or mean fellow. r°o^xSooer* kon-
chemulo, In a few words : for a
low price. r'o^sfcai)^) konchemu
sepu, A short time.
r*olb kont.e,5. A wicked, depraved,
roguish, or impudent person.
r^oSS konda, 5. A mountain, hill, or
rock, g^oti-^odg kondakaluva, A
cascade, s^ofir'sko, kondakommu,
The summit of a mountain. r° &
§^60 kondakota, A hill fort. S^oSS
TT b '%& kondagorre, A wild sheep, or
kind of deer.
S^ozr ^ kondadu, v. a. To praise,
commend, or applaud.
§-°o& kondi, s. A sting, or bite.
§^o&£ kondika, s. An infant.
i r°o"as5c» kondemu, s. Anaccusation,
dentmciation, or complaint; gene-
rally applied to such as are false.
2. Slander. r*ovo koehcheinatalu, s. Words
pronounced with a lisp.
r°4j^t5b kotaru, s. A cotaur, or col-
lection of salt heaps.
r°fc3r kotika, 5. A village. 2. A miser.
§^6os5», S^do-'sSco kotiamu, kottamu,
s. A sta]].
r>kx> kottu, s. A blow. 2. A store-
house? a granary.
r^&w kottu, ?;.
2^3 lidu, It has also a vast variety
of other meanings, which will be
best explained by the examples
given below.
r*fe8o-tSb kottintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to beat, &c.
r^r^ kottukonu, v: Comp.To beat
one 7 s-self. 2. To strike by accid-
ent against any thing, r'toag;, r°
bnV"S$r € c£ > kottuka, kottukonipo-
vu, To be carried or swept off, by
a flood, wind, &c. r" 45 "i 0800 kotti-
veyu, To strike out, or cut off. 2.
To Exclude. 3 To dismiss, ^r»^
r*feS"3cflSa matakottiveyu, To strike
out a word. 2. To defeat in argu-
ment. •5yQ23cs5ao§^fe3"3aoc» vyajya-
mukottiveyu, To dismiss a suit. e>
^,r^ atstsukottu, To print, o
«\sx.ss^r°&» adnshtamugotfcu, To
have eood fortune, -&>&jr-fe» ita-
gottu, To swim, e^r*^ ukottu, To
listen. O&fr"^ lidagottu, To take-
any thing forcibly out of its fasten-
ing. 2. To depose or turn out of
office. oiKJT'fco, cOKSK^tM egagot-i?
tu, egaragottu, To toss up. 2. To
deny or disregard what another
says; to turn another's words in-
to ridicule ; to refute. d£>g'jr'to>
elikagofctu, A rat to eat. or destroy.
ga&lCkXi kampu gottu, A smell to
stink. sbs^iT'toJ kuppagottu, To
thrash a heap. r^r ^ korru-
gottu, To impale. r°o JCtx> kolla-
gottu, To reap, or gain, a great
profit. Koc^JT'^ gantugottu, To
die, or expire. Kok>fTfc» gantago-
ttu, A clock to strike, x-tfnewr 6 ^
gatstsulukottu,To boast, or vaunt.
•^Srg galigottu, The wind to
r°& kothi, s A soucar's or banker's
place of business 5 a bank. r*&i§
ct& kothfveyu, To open, or estab-
lish, a bank.
r° ^-Kottada
§"£»© kodavali,s. Inflex. Sing- §"£
sstS kodavati, A sickle.
r*a kodi, s. The flame of any light.
2. A flag, standard, or colour.
^^"^rccp^^r ^ agnihotrapuko-
di, The flame of fire. r°&£-°a»? ko-
dipoyyi, A hearth or fire place.
r°S^c«5o kodiveyti, To hoist a flag.
§^ §o koduku, s. A son.
r 6 ^^) kodupu, 5. That part of a
bamboo which is between two
joints. 2. An iron thimble, placed
on the finger when one pkys
upon the vfna, or Hindoo guitar.
r^tf** konadzajs. A kind of terrace,
over the gate, or entrance, of a
r*3"5? konige, 5. A heap.
r°jSat> konidili, s. Half a handful.
r°c3o^ konudzu, s. A tick.
r°©sx>8, r^-Sotf kotimiri, kotimera,
s. The coriander plant.
§">«&& kotuku, v. n. vide r*^§b kodu-
r° & kotta, adj. New, recent.
r* <5&s5x>ex>, r* c^^s5wex) kottadamulu,
kottalamulu, & pltt. The bastions
of a fort.
r° e£&otoa kottamuttu, s. The joining
of -a broken thread, in spinning.
r°H;6» kottemu, 5. The pulp of the
palmyra fruit.
§"# koda, s. The residue, or remaind-
er, adj. Remaining.
S^tfssb kodama, s. The } r oung of any
brute, adj. Younsf.
r°ess5 kodava, vide r'sbss koduva.
§^&§o koduku, v. n. To hesitate in
r*&ss koduva, s. The rest, remaind-
er, or residue. 2. Want, defect,
deficiency. 3. Discontent, dissatis-
faction, adj. Remaining. 2. Other.
r°2fc35tf?<5ko koduvasagamu, The
other half.
r>a koddi, s. A little- adj. Little,
few, small. 2. Mean, vile, low, in-
ferior, trifling, postpos. To the full
extent of. 2. In proportion to ;
suitable to. r*as$$ koddipani, A
trifling business. r*&s5bo& koddi-
rnandi, Few people. 5r»s>ae>6»r B a
r**>S7r*&> vanibalamukoddi kotti-
nadu, He beat him to the extent
of his strength.
r ^ kona, s. The point, end, or ex-
tremity. §^k>r°tf kottakona, The
very point or end- §*£^a kftna-
chevi, The tip of the ear
r° $■&>]& konasagu, v. n. To be effect-
ed, accomplished, or concluded.
S^SOcs^dSb koniyadu, v. a. To com-
mend, approve, or praise.
f 6 ^ konu, v. a- To buy or purchase.
2. To take.
r T S>S>o-&> konipintsu, v. Cans. To
cause to buy.
r*sSo koppu, s. A female's hair, tied
in a tuft. 2. The middle thatch. 3.
The bend of a bow.
r^S^^tf kobbari,kobbera, c The
white kernel of the cocoanut. adj.
Of or belonging to the cocoanut.
V&& komaru, s. Beauty. 2. Youth
adj. Beautiful. 2. Youthful, r"^
-o^ex) komaralu, s. A beautiful, or
young, woman.
r'abbb^) r*s5j-°&23o komarudu, koma
rudu, s. A son. 2. A young man.
S^sfc&ex) komarulu, s. plu. vide sb&o
233 ex> kurundzulu. 2. The plural
of S^sSb&aSb komarudu, <^. v.
r'sfc&^ao komarusami, s. A name
of Kartikaya, the god of war.
S^sfrollsr komarte, s. A daughter.
r^Sfc^ komire, 5. A woman,
r'sfc, komma, 5. A branch, or bough.
2. A woman. 3. The pointed bat-
tlements of a fort.
r*^ kommu) s. The horn of any
animal. 2. The tusk of any animal,
as of the elephant, or wild boar.
3. A trumpet, or blowing horn. 4.
The name of the connected vowel
< o u. 5. A piece of certain dried
roots. 6. The end cfabank. £r»o
tSTi^ sontikommu, A piece of
dried ginger. ^tfc$r o s$>3 chern-
— D
vukommu, The end of the bank of
a tank.r 6 ^ s^tf^ssb kommumasa kamma
— -& D f
s. A woman having breasts, but
who never is menstruous.
r*c«5g koyya, 5. Wood. 2, A staff or
stick. 3. .A ship's mast. adj. Wood-
en, r^osfc-s^ejo koyyakalu, liU A
wooden leg. Stubble. ^o^cX^&t^
£m koyyagutamu, lit. A wooden
pin- A mallet. 2. A piece of wood,
with which the clods of earth in
the fields are beaten, after plough-
r°o3Se)6-°S, r*csSc«S^^Scn'S koyyagu-
ra, koyyatotakura, s. The Amaran-
thus tristis.
r°tf§o koraku, postpos. To, for ; on
account of, for the sake of.
§^tf^ korada? s, A whip.
r°tf£b koradu, s: An owl.
r°tf2&^tf> koradu para, v. n. To be
benumbed, or deadened.
r°fef) korra, 5. A defect. 2. A maim-
3. A little. 4. Dissatisfaction. 5.
Use. r*w7r»»j §^fe9s5cr^Sf^ korraga-
ni, korramalina, Useless, adj. Im-
perfect, incomplete, r^i^sko ko-
rranomu, An imperfect meritori-
ous act, or one not completed. r*e£>
. ■>. eaafoj korrapranamu,The point
of death.
^e3"go& korrakantsu, 5. A fire-
brand, after it has been exting-
§^e6>§o korraku, postpos. vide r°#gb
koraku .
S^wS^w korrakorra, s. An angry
countenance. ^°^r°ts^>ch korra-
korraladu, To have an angry coun-
§"°fc9&> korradu, s. Indra's rainbow
unbent, invisible to mortals.
r°e3& korrata, s. A defect, 2. A
maim. 3, Dissatisfaction.
i r*fc5«Ss5M korrapamu, s. A ciirry-
i comb.
I r*e5s53ofe» korramuttu, s. Materials,
implements, tools.
r°e*£w korralu, v. n. To abound.
r°fe?a korravi, s. A firebrand.
§^&9o§b korruku, v. a. To gnaw, to
bite, to grind, or gnash. §"e9osbs&
tfrotio korrukudupundu, A cancer.
r^eo korrralu,5.j9^. The grain term-
ed Panicum Italicum.
r°&9o korrru, s. Making its inflex.
sing. T°eJ korrti, An impaling
spike ; a spike.
r°e> kola, s. Measurement. 2. Sin.
§>x5\r T, kolankulu, s. plu. The ir-
regular plural of r°e;s5o kolanu,
q- v,
The mingled
r^r 6 ^ kolakola, 6-.
sound of birds.
r*e;^, r°_o kolata, kolta, s. Measure-
r*e)a koladi, s. Depth. 2. Power,
glory. 3. Means. ~&n -&*&&>&& mo-
katikoladi, The depth of the knee.
$>r*e>&au«»oXS' nikoladiyerrnno-a-
ka, Without understandicg thy
power or glory. cSoSr^uaj^yeko
ladinaina, By aBy means.
r'^jvSS kolanu, s. A tank, or pond.
r°e)s5x» kolamu, s, A race? tribe, caste,
family, or lineage.
r*8§ koliki, s. The corner of the eye.
2. A clasp. r°e)§s5M£ kolikimudi,A
loosened knot.
§"£)&> kolimi, s. A forge, r°g>s»© @
kolimititti, The bellows.
r°e)o-i5b kolutsu, 27. «. To measure. 2.
To serve, to worship.
r'SaooSbkolipintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to measure, &c.
r^eHbo-tSbr ^ kolipintsukonti,?;. Cans-
Comp. To cause one to measure,
&c. For one's own benefit.
r"ex)a5b kolutsu* s. Grain.
r°e»^) kolupu, s. The festival of any
goddess ; generally applied to
that of the village goddess.
r*ewsg) kohipu, v. a. To excite, en-
courage, set on, or prompt. 2. This
verb, added to some neuter verbs
in r°jSo konu, Makes them active ;
as "ioejor*^ melukonu, v. n. To
awake one's-self.
"&>ex>r o e)o$ melukolupu, v. a. To
wake another, from sleep. sfctfKSovr*
ex>^) manassukolupu, To be inclin-
^)8r*€w^) purikolupu, v. a- To ex-
cite, or proyoke. &&r°ex>$ nsiko-
lupu>Tohiss, set on, or excite a
dog ; to incite one against a-
g^ex)^) koluvu, s. Service. 2. An em-
ployment or place. 3. A hall of
r°o kolla, 5. Pillage, plunder. r*e>
O .'.'.. CO
JT'&b kollagottu, To reap or gain
a great profit, r^tf^ kollabovu,
To be plundered or robbed- r°o
o^i£o kollaladu, To attain, as -3**
•^s^S^o o^ekm6kshamukollala(lu,
To attain eternal happiness.
r°£K kovvu, s. Fat. 2. Presumption,
pride, arrogance.
kovvu, v. n. To be fat. 2. To
be presumptuous, proud, or arrog-
ant, efos^aotf talakovvina, adj.
lit Head-proud. Headstrong, un-
r^ kosa, s. The end, point, or edge.
2. A piece of string.
£*$&, S^&otfc kosaru, kosuru, v. a.
To ask any thing gratis, in addi-
tion to what has been bargained
for ; to demand something to boot.
s. That which is obtained in this
r 6 ^ koka, s. A woman's cloth. 2. A
r^w, 'Bcp'IosSm kokila, kokilamu, s t
The black cuckoo. 2, A parrot,
■^o^tf kotsa, s. A coward.
§-$&> kota, s. A fort ^feoi^s^ex) ko
takornmalu, The pointed battle-
' merits of a fort.
§^£3 koti, s. A crore, or ten milli-
ons. 2. The edge or point of a
sword ; the end of a bow. 3. A
multitude, r*&n>tf§*fe» kotanakot-
lu, Innumerable persons or things.
i^ioeb koteru, s. The plough placed
on the top of the yoke, as is done
when the cultivator carries it to,
or brings it back from, the field.
S^&oo kodalu, 5. Making it's inflexi-
on sing. "gcn>^D kodali, And it's
nom. eJ
3fs5x-r*£ofe3rs5ao, 1a-«>£el>3's5» kota-
ramu-kotarrikamu-ko dand k a mu,
kodarrikamu, The duty of a daugh-
§*& kodi, s. A cock, or hen.
r s &soo"3sSM kodipandemu, s. The
game of cock-fighting. g^&SS-oeS
kodikuta, The crow of a cock. S*
&&e^ kodipilla, A chicken, r 6 ^^
&» kodidzuttu, A cock's comb, h
o $& avu-
ru, q. v.
^jr.^b kodu, s. Making in the inflex^
Sing. "^rofeS koti, The leg of a bed-
§^"3 kode, 5. A young bulk
§^"3 kode, adj. Male, young, r 6 "^
2$r»& kodeduda, A bull calf. §^-3
-&*■&> kodetatsu, A male serpent.
t^^s^Sk kodekadu,Ayoung man.
S^raoft konangi, s. A person who
wears a mask, and exhibits as a
^casSw konamu, s. A corner, or ang-
le. 2. The sharp edge of a sword.
3. The quill or bow of a lute, a
fiddle stick.
§^«£ kota, s. Reaping, cutting. S*&
-3-°e>s5w kotakalamu, Harvest time.
r 5 © koti, s; A monkey. sKp>&a"$x
kotivanne, A brown, or monkey
r^eso&sSoo kcdaudamu, s. A rope sus-
pended to any pole, or beam, in
order to punish school-boys, by
making them continually keep
hold of it.
§"*# kona, s. A village in a forest. 2.
A herd of cows.
§*"&& koneru,5.*A square pond, with
steps for descending on each side.
r*s5s5x> kopamu, s. Anger, wrath,
rage, indignation, r^sstf kopana,
A passionate or angry woman.
r^sSsSZk kopapadu, v. n- To be angry,
or enraged. t*h kopi, A passion-
ate or angry person.
r^o-tSb, r^Ao-tSb kopintsu, kopagin-
tsu, v. a. To be angry with another.
r 6 ^) kopu,s. A side. 2. Manner, mode.
adj. Extraordinary, uncommon.
S^-zyobb^) kopndarudu, s. A cop-
dar, or contractor for long cloths.
r^ofeS komati, s. The caste termed
the Komtee. It is one of the sub-
divisions of the Vyasya, or third
pure caste, among the Hindoos.
Their profession is trade.
g^sSb 9 komali, s. A woman.
§^o«>cfloo koyu, v. a. To cut, sever, or
amputate. 2. To pluck, to gather.
s^So^-^o^koyevandlu^.^Zw. A caste
of fowlers, or huntsmen.
^j-°$ kora, s. A cup.
r%& koradi, s. A. wall of loose
r^xp kora> adj. Unbleached, as ap-
plied to cloth; as applied to gold,
it denotes impure, or mixed with
"gcro-rp^b koradu, v* a. To turn up
the earth, as is done by a rat, hog,
"§j-«>&> torn, s. The ryot's share, or
portion of the crop.
r 5 ^ koru, v> a. To wish. 2. To hope;
to expect. 3. To choose, to select.
4. To prefer, to like.
~&n>do-&) korintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to wish, &c.
§^8*1 korike,s. Wish, desire, or long-
ing. 2. Hope, expectation. 3. Se-
lection. 4. Preference, r^loaro"^
&-"§cp>8"1&&, -3o-°8~§ ^es^ea* kori-
keyideru-koriketiru, korikenerra-
verru,. A wish, to be accomplish-
ed. r*8^-Oo»V^tfc^-&S^-T&es3ea^
k orike- y ider tsu-tirtsu - nerraverr-
tsu, To accomplish one's wish.
"5o-o&5 korra, s. A tusk or fang.
if &n s^.Kautu ha
We) kola, s. An arrow. 2. A staff, or
stick, adj. Long.
r^feoska kolatamu, s. A kind of play,
with Small pieces of stick, in
which dancing girls or school
boys, by moving in different di-
rections, plait into one rope sepa-
rate strings held in one hand,
while they keep time, by beating
the sticks held in the other, a-
gainst each other.
r §&°<>)$~&(ir° kolatapela, s. A sort of
brass pot.
■^roe)^ kolana, s. Length.
r^s^sSM kolahalamu, s. A low and
confused sound ; an uproar ; a
great and indistinct noise.
g*ex>-r*efc kolukadu, 5. A kolkar, or
inferior officer, in the custom de-
S^ewr'so kolukomi, v. n. To be re-
stored to strength, or to a former
good state.
^oosfctfXb kolumasagu, a. n. To be
distinguished, or signalized.
r* oer^csoo koltalacheyu, v. a. To
prepare for battle.
r^efo, r*^^ kolpaclu, kolpovu,
v. n. To be lost. 2. To be ruined.
r 8 ^ ^x kolputstsu, v. a. To lose.
2. To deprive, to destroy, to ruin.
r 5 ^© kolpuli, s. A royal tiger.
§"*£> kovi, s, A hollow tube.
-§cr>"3y kovela, §, A Hindoo temple*
2. The black cockoo.
§^"Sej^p^s5M kovelasoramu, s. The
seventh musical note, called Pan-
chama ; because it is said to be
formed by air, drawn from five
places ; the navel, the thigh, the
heart, throat, and forehead.
rV-Sw kosamu. 5?. Treasure. 2. A
bud. 3. A sheath or scabbard.
r 6 ^ kosu, s. A coss, or a distance of
two thousand fathoms.
F°5\S kangili, s< Making in the inflex.
Sing. fAfeS kaugiti, The breast,
lit. the place of embrace.
f^5\So-"3b kaugilintsu, v. a. To em-
brace ; to clasp.
F^So^, ^ftSojg) kaugilinta, kau-
gilimpn, s. An embrace.
F°2« kaudzii, s. A partridge.
f^eks's-xw kautukamii, s. Eagerness,
vehemence, impatience. 2- Joy ;
pleasure, happiness. 3. Wish, in-
clination. 4. The marriage thread,
or ring. 5. A shew, or spectacle.
ir&y>&>v£x> kautuhalamu, 5. Eager-
ness, vehemence.
£■ s&K$»-.Kramamu
§^S& kaunu, s. The waist.
IP&tfsfoa kaupinamu, s. The small
piece of cloth concealing the pri-
IPsfrotfaS-x) kaumaramu, 5. Youth,
T°*x> kaulu, s. vide £^ex» kavulu.
¥*&> kausu, s. Flesh, meat.
^o-sffts krantsarra, adv. Quickly,
^oz5b krandu, adj. Much, excessive.
5. Excess.
^s.-£5\es kratstsarra, aJv. Purely,
clearly. 2. Quickly, swiftly.
v£/^ kratstsu, s. Impurity, dirt.
1^1 ^\ kratstsu, v. a- To wish, to de-
jf ^0^ kratuvu, s. A sacrifice, or ce-
remony in which oblations are pre-
£ tf±g krannana, adv. Quickly, spe-
edily, swiftly.
g s&sSw kramamu, 5. A sacred pre-
cept, or practice prescribed by
the vedas. 2. Order, method, un-
interrupted progress, regularity,
XaJo-tSb kramintsu, v. n. To pass as
the time. 2, To pass over] 3. To
^s^*a> kramraarru, v. n. To return.
krammarrintsu, v. a To
recall, to revoke-
,Jf,s& es krammarra, adv. A gain.
.£,8500, krammu, v. a. vide ssSoo, ka-
.S 'a&&x> krayamu, s
chase, 2. price, value.
^-5^oaS§o^b krayakudu, s. A pur-
chaser, a buyer. ^ossa ^cxsSsSoo
krayavikrayamu, Trade, traffic, lit.
Buying and selling.
^ir^ejo kralu, v. n. To shine, to spa-
C^jV °& kralganti, s. lit. The spa-
rkling-eyed. A woman.
.§.o& krinda, adv. vide §o# kinda.
n. vide §
Buying, pur-
. §.sL-eJcx&> krikkirriyu? 0.
§k_eJcfl6o kikkirriyu.
§ cssS kriya, s. An act or/ action. 2.
Means, expedient. ?. Worship. 4.
Physical treatment or practice. 5.
A religious initiatory ceremony. 6.
Obsequies, rights performed im-
mediately after death. 7. Purifica-
tory rights, as ablution, &c. 8.. In
grammar, a verb".
4>o Soifi- Khan dintsu
§£»5-kriya, 5. Manner or mode- % j ^"S^s krovveda, s. A female's hair
Advantage. 3. Effect.
I £ krida, 5. Sport, amusement,
play, pastime, pleasure.
.§b.c §o krunku, v. n. To drown, s.
§o ofo krangu, v. n. vide §bo7fo kun-
.go.^eso kruinmarru, v. n. To roam,
to wander, to ramble, to haunt.
Scp> tfo5oc> kruramu, adj. Terrible, for-
midable, ferocious, destructive. 2.
Cruel, pitiless, hard, harsh. 3.
Sharp. 4. Hot. ^IPtfcsSw kraurva-
mu, s. Cruelty, tyranny.
kjibaum, s. The neuter gen-
~%$?5o* klesanru, s. Pain, affliction, or
sV-5)e£> kvachittu/cc^, Somewhere.
^> kha, The seventeenth letter, and
second consonant, in the Telugu
ipo&tf&x> khandanamu, s. Division.
2. Dissertation, criticism.
4>o£s5m khandamu, s. A piece, part,
fragment or portion. 2. A chapter
or section.
$> o & o ok khandint su, p . ' «s . To en t in •
to pieces, divide, tear, or break
off. 2. To reject, to confute, or
render ineffectual. 3. To settle a
$)oclosg) khandimpu, s. The lowest
price, ^o&o^^ccco khandimpu-
cheyu, To settle a bargain.
3)o&e£sfc» khanditamu, at//. Cut,
torn, broken. 2. Strict, rigid.
$)S)^$&:> khacbitamu, adj. Mixed,
blended, combined. 2. Inlaid, set.
^sr^ khajana, s. Treasure, or mo-
ney. 2. A treasury. •$%-* ^"^Ij
khaj^napette, A cash chest. qtT'o
s§ khajanji, A cash keeper.
$>Td*cMo& khadayintsn, v. a. To
erect or raise, "§-a*3)Tr , ooooa& dhe-
r£khadayintsu, To raise or pitch
a tent.
$)2£s5m khadg^mu, .?• A sword or
scymetar. 2. A rhinoceros. 3. The
4>cl khaddi, s. vide g'g kaddi.
$)& khani, s. A mine.
4)S)^»s5w khanitramu, s. A spade, or
3)s»& khaburu, s. wie S'aoSb kaburu.
^>-tr» khara, adj. True, exact, certain
2. Honest.
3)626 kharidu, 5. Price, value. 3)6 &
^d3oo khariducheyu,To set a price;
to value.
3>&\ khartsu, s. Expenditure, or ex-
4r>$ft khanigf, adj. Private, cland-
sp-ei) khali, adj. Empty, vacant.
4x*s*o&> khavandu, 5. Master , lord.
$r>"*r> khas^, adj. Own, private.
ipejsSw khilamu, 5. Waste, or un-
ploughed land.
3xp>£) khuni, s. Murder, s^b^te khii
nikhoru, A murderer.
35552603 khedamu, s. Sorrow, grief,
affliction, distress, repentance, re-
gret. •
3§aex» 3§ao-&> khedillu, khedintsu, v.
n. To grieve, to lament, to regret.
4P>o © khyati, s. Reputation, renown,
fame, celebrity, notoriety.
47*0 ^sfo> khyatamu. a$. Known, ce-
lebrated, famous, notorious.
K ga, eighteenth letter, and third
consonant, in the Telugu alphabet.
^oX" ganga, s. The river Ganges, or
its personification as a goddess.
Xo-7v#&db gangadharudu,A name
of Siva ; because the Ganges is
said to have alighted oq his head
in it's first descent, and continued
for some period entangled in his
XoK-»^ew gangachippalu, s. plu.
XoX&^oo gangadolu, s. The dewlap.
X , oX"Soer°sg) gangainailavu, s. A cow
of a black and yellow colour.
Xo-7r>$&xt gangalamu,s. A large braz-
en vessel, which is used for con-
taining water.
XcA"3*b, XoT?& gangireddu, gange-
ddu, s. A bullock taught to dance.
Ko83 gandza, s. Arable land.
Xo£ ganji, s. Rice gruel, commonly
termed conjee.' 2. Starch. Xo«^
tf ^ ganjitoraka, The cream of con-
jee. Xo25"38jtf»&> ganjivesinabatta,
Starched linen.
Xote ganta, s. A bell. 2. The circu-
lar plate of mixed metal, on which
the Hindoos strike the hours. 3.
An English hour- 4. A bunch or
tuft. sjg^2& £%\Xob>zx> ippudu-
ennigantalu, What o'clock is it ?
Koko£x> gantamu, 5. An iron style.
XofeS ganti, s. A wound, sore, or hurt.
KotSoZfo gantibadu, To be wound-
ed, hurt, or bruised.
Xokx> gantu, s. Animosity, hatred. 2,
A knot of hair. 3. A bag; or bun-
Xoto gante, s. A spoon, or ladle-
Kol^ex) gantelu, s. plu. The grain of
the Holcus spicatus.
Xo&r°&> gantladu, v. To pull mutual-
Xc&&> gandadu, s. A robust, or stout
Xo£~3>ol§tf «*» gandapenderamu, s. A
ring worn round the ancle, as an
honorary distinction.
X otitic o gandamala, s. Inflamma-
tion of the glands of the neck, &c.
Xo&sSoa gandamuj .. The cheek. 2.
Imminent danger, great extremi-
ty, peril, a fatal accident. 3. One
of the twenty-seven portions of a
circle, on the plane of the ecliptic.
Xo£9o-&> gandarintsu? v. n. To issue
forth, to spring.
Xo&Sbex) gandarulu, s. plu. Frag-
ments, pieces, chips.
Xo& gandi, s. A breach in the bank
of a tank, or artificial lake, through
which the water has forced it's
way. 2. The opening of a sore. 3.
A hole, or chink. 4. A lane, or
narrow passage.
Xo&> gandu, s. Bravery, adj. Brave,
heroic. 2. Great, large. 3. Male.
Xo&>-b& ganduchlma, s. The large
black ant.
Xofi, gandra, adj. Cunning, sharp,
quick. 2. Large.
Xo£ ganta, s. A pack-saddle.
Xc^* 5 «£-Gandhotta
Xo«& gantu, 5. A jump, leap, or vault.
x oekr*&», Xo ^o5r°(3o gantukottu, ga-
ntugonu, v. n. To die, to expire.
Xo&ss"?:>e>o gandapattelu, s. phi. Pie-
ces of wood nailed horizontally,
across the perpendicular planks of
a door, to make it strong.
Xo&SR^fsfoi gandaragolamu, s. Con-
fusion. Xotftfjr^sko^tffcj gandara
golauiucheyu, To throw every
thing into confusion.
Xo^sSw gandhakamu, s. Sulphur.
Xo#o53o gandhamu, s. Often written
Xotfsfoa gandamn, A smell- 2. A
perfume. 3. The sandal. 4. Ground
sandal wood, or any other wood
ground, and used in medicine, or
as a perfume, adj. Fragrant.
Xo5>bbo£b gandharvudu, s. A Gan-
dharva,or celestial musician. These
are demi-gods, who inhabit In-
dra's heaven, and form the orche-
stra at all the banquets of the
principal deities.
Xo$oS® gandhava^i, s. The mother
of Vyasa. 2. The name of a city .3.
The earth.
Xo$e>s*x> gandhilamu, s. An old fox.
Xo^r 5 e£s5b gandhottama, s. Spiritu-
ous or vinous liquor. 2. Toddy, or
fermented liquor, extracted from
the cocoantit, palmyra tree, &c.
Xo^P gandholi, s- A wasp.
XosSgampa, s. A wicker basket. Xo
sS^ewftb gampapulugu, s. A wild
cock or jungle fowl because they
are constantly brought into vil-
lages, by the jungle people, in
Xo2sr°tfs5c» gamburamu, s. Camphor.
Xo^tfsSw gambhiramu, adj. Deep,
Xo2J)tf!§s gambhiravedi,s. An intoxi-
cated, or restive elephant.
XX^sfoa gaganamu, s. The sky, or at-
X7&& gaguru, s. The erection of the
hair on the body.
X-25\ gatstsa, s. A thorny plant.
Xo5b\ gatstsu, s. Yaunt, boast, vain
ostentation, false promises. 2. Mor-
tar or plaster of chunam, or lime.
X%&s i zr>8> gatstsuladi, A boasting
or vaunting female.
Xo5b\ g>-»\ Kb gatstsupitstsagu, v. n. To
be disordered, or discomposed; to
be thrown into confusion.
Xzsl>^D gajapippali, s. A large spe-
cies of long pepper.
K2366co gajamiu s. An elephant.
Xe?s5*> gajamu, s. The measure term-
ed a yard.
K<5 cLGadidc
X 23 a 29 gajibiji, s. Entanglement, con-
fusion, intricacy. 2. Trouble.
Xsew gadzdzalu, s, plu. The groin,
the pubic and iliac regions-
X£ g a jji' s - ^ ne ^ cn 5 aD 7 cutane-
ous eruption. x^sSJod gajjipattu, To
have the itch.
X2?ex> gajjelu> s. plu. Bells, tinkling
Kteg gataka, s. Paste.
X&o^^cjboo gattanacheyu, v. a. To ram
"down. 2. To beat.
X& gatti, ad/\ Hard, solid, firm. 2.
Strong, able, clever. 3. Loud.
Xfe5 o^d gattintsu, v. a. To load a gun.
2. To beat into a hard mass. 3. To
rub out what is written on a plank,
used in Hindoo schools. Xfe3s5£ ga
ttipani, A substantial work. X&
a£r°k> gattimata, A loud talk. -£r>#
s5^Xfe3^c*ft> pathamugatdcheyu,To
get a lesson by heart. xfe3s&sf\
gattimanishi, A strong man, x feS iv>
gattig&, Loudly. XfeS^tfsSw gattita-
namu, Cleverness, ability. XfeTBo
&?6c»-53-T>eSb gattidendamuvadu, A
brave man ; a man of fortitude.
X&st* gattiva, 5. lit. A loud speak-
er. A deceitful female. X^-s^^tf
gattivatsana, An adultress, a lewd
woman .
Xfca eattii; 5. A mountain. 2. A bank
or shore. 3. A bank, dam or mound
of earth. X iix>~u*Z& gatturapatti^.
lit. The child of the mountain
king or of Himalaya. Parvati,
the wife of Siva, and daughter of
the king of the snowy range. 2.
The name of the mountain Mina-
ka. xkx>v~%3&> 2;attularredu, s. The
chief of the mountains, viz. The
snowy range in the north of In-
dia, termed the Himalaya,
Xc£ gada, s. A cane, stick, or stalk.
2. A long and thick bamboo. -3*0
iSdX& vedurugada, A bamboo stick.
ar°tf^ X^ jonnagada, The stalk of
jonnaloo. "^e^gcXSa cherrukugada,
The s agar- cane- X^sSbo^ gadainan
die, A stand or wooden horse.
X&cS gadana 5 s. An acquirement or
acquisition. 2. A regard, esteem.
3. An account.
X&sS gadapa, -s. The threshold.
X<% gadi, adj. Strong, able, powerful.
Xcl ir'j&i gaditradu, A strong-
rope which ties two cattle toge-
ther, to prevent their wanderings
X&"^«» gadiderru, v. n. To come
to the age of puberty, or strength.
2. To be experienced. XclS^oXga
didonga, A notorious thief.
X&o^ gadintsu, v. a. To acquire ;
to amass, or gain.
X&^kSm gaditamu, $. A plaited garm-
ent, a folded cloth.
X&a& gacliya, s. A bolt. x&o&-£ctix>
gadiyaveyu, To bolt.
X&otf gadiya, s. A Hindoo ghuree,
or hour of twenty-four English
minutes. X&coS-°tfs5,-» gadiyaramu,
A watch ; a clock.
X^o-^ gadutsu, v. n.To pass, as time.
v. cc. To pass over. 2. To transgress.
3. To exceed, or surpass. 4. To ex L
pire, or elapse.
X^o^) gadupu, v. a. To pass time.
2. To put off or defer. 3. To finish.
v. caus. To cause to pass over, &c.
X>sb^) gaduvu, s. A fixed or expired
term. 2. An instalment.
X&>$) gaduvu, s. A hump on the
back. X£&ex>&> gaduludu, A hump-
backed man,
X£3o6o gadusa, s. A mean person.
adj. Mean. 2. Cruel, inflexible,
pitiless. 3. Evil. 4. Difficult.
X&s;adda, s. A bulbous root. 2, A
lump, or clod. 3. A boil or ulcer.
&XUK& uralagadda, A potatoe.
X&s$ex>fib gaddapalugu, s. A pick-
axe, or instrument for breaking
cjods. x&'^ptf gaddapara, An iron
x&sko gaddamu, s. The chin. 2. The
X& gaddi, s. Grass, straw, x&stfsf
gaddiparaka, A blade of straw.
X^b gaddu, s. Force, violence- 2. Di-
fficulty, adj. Bare, scarce.
Xr3§b^b ganakudu, s. An astrologer.
2. A letter carrier.
XrcXe, ganagana, s. The tinkling of
Xeatf ganana, s. Calculation. 2. Re-
X*»s5m ganamu, s. A flock, multitude
or assemblage. 2. A tribe, class
or troop.
X^o-tk ganintsu, v. a. To calculate.
2. To acquire, or gain:
X£?fgariika, s. A harlot ; because
she prostitutes herself* for gain.
X?S£oSx> ganitamu, Arithmetic.
X^sSw ganemu, s. Ornaments made
of wax, worn by maskers.
Xs£sSc» gatamu, adj. Gone, past, an-
tecedent. 2. Known.
KB gati, 5. Going, moving, motion.
2. A march. 3. An expedient, a
means of success. 4. A course of
events, fate, fortune, lot, destiny.
5. Protection. 6. Salvation. 7-
State, condition, situation. 8.
Help, aid. 9. Ability, power.
"J 59
X&& gatukn, v. a. To lap, as a dog.
j(^ gattara, s. Disturbance* vex-
Xtf gada, s. A club, a mace.
Xa gadi, s. The space between two
beams. 2. A closet, bed-room,
chamber, or apartment.
Xe5bs5^ gadunm, v. a. To push, to ex-
X 25b & gaduru, e\ a. To obtain, to ex-
tend. 2. To brow- beat. K^t5br°ssc>
gadurukonu, v. Comp. To brow-
X#£skD gadgadamu, s. Alow, inarti-
culate, sobbing sound, expressive
of joy, or grief.
X£ gaclda, s. A vulture. tfSsfoaSb?.-
© CO u
gacldaniukku, A sharp nose, a
nose like a vulture's beak.
XtfeJ-§-°2& gaddarrikadu,s. vide Xzkrto
Xao-tfb, X^55o-»o»o^5bgaddintsu, gada-
niayintsu, v. a. To brow-beat,
scold, or threaten.
Xaotf gaddiya, s. A chair. 2. A
X&sf gaddnva, s. The chin.
?C3 gadde, 5. A chair. 2. A throne.
3. The coin termed a pagoda. 4.
Fortune telling, by a gipsey.
X^^o?f^wgaddeponkainulu 5 s £>?■«.
Boastings, vauntings, expressions
unsuitable to one's situation.
X^, X£os5k> gadya, gadyamu, s-
Xtf§\ Xfcg ganaka, ganuka. acfc.
Therefore, because, since, as.
X$ gani, s. A mine.
X$sSb, X$"£o ganima, ganime, 5. A
XlS^&j X^db ganneru, ganneru, s.
The oleander, or Nerium odora-
tum. The root is used by Hin-
doo women, as a poison, to destroy
themselves, on any sudden ex-
citation of the passions.
X£)\e>55M gabbilamu, s. A bat.
Kzmx gabbu, s. A stink.
Xfptfs&u g^bhirsimu., adj. vide. Kc$tftix>
Xs5b^s5w gamanamu, s. Motion, go-
ing, moving, marching. 2. Move-
ment, course. 3. Attention.
XsSb^ -5T*&> gamallavadu, s. A toddy-
drawer. The origin of this tribe
is traced to the progeny of a
Soodra man, by a woman of the
Rajah, or 2d pure Hindoo caste.
XsSbcsDoo gamyamu, adj. Accessible,
XccS-*i> gay ali, s. A very wicked or
crafty female.
Xc8^>& gayalu, s. Land unfit for cul-
X^&u-Garbhamu 160
XS gara, adj. Rough, rugged.
KtfXQS' garagarika, s. Commodious- j
ness. 2. Intelligence, attention, j
skill, adj. Convenient, commodi-
ous, cleanly.
7\tt*£o garasu, s. A very wicked
Xd gari, s. Hardness, stiffness. 2.
Sharpness. 3. The feather at* the
end of an arrow.
X81? garige, s. A small earthen pot.
X61d garite, s. Atpoon, or ladle.
?C8 garulu, s*
X&$, X&£~f> 0^0, X gallantu, gallattu, a.
Disturbance, noise.
Ker° galla, s. Grain.
*S, & a U a ; s - Phlegm.
X$6K&> gallugallu. 5. The tinkling of
small bells.
X l-l
KssSex) gavaralu, s. phi. Dice.
7\£v5r>Zfo c-'avalavadu, s. vide K&$ o^
e& ganiallavadu.
K^ gavnli, s. A lizard.
Ks5"c56c» gavvamu, adj. Of or belong-
ing to a cow. s. Butter, milk, &c.
Xtfo gavva, s. A cowry, or small
shell, which passes for money in
Bengal, and some other parts of
XtfX^oogasagasalu, s. phi. The seeds
of the poppy plant.
X& gasi, s. The sediment of clarified
butter or oil.
X&*f gasika, s. A stake, or peg. 2. A
Xjo, Xcoo gastT, gastu, s. A patrole.
X jbS&Tfo gastitirugu, A patrole to
go it's rounds-
-7^0^.0^50 gandrintsu, v. n. To have
a face enflamed, or slightly swel-
7r>c^-53^^b gandlavadu, 5. An oil
7^o^5"os53o gambhiryamu, s. Depth,
profundity. 2. Magnificence, gran-
Tr*r gaka, part, vide -^r kaka, This
word is also added to the aorist
of any verb to express the opta-
tive mood; as h%)&spt>oo-Tr>&ot&&
iv>g nivu sukhamuga nunduvuga-
ka, May you be happy,
t^Kit 5 gagara> s. A female's under
garment, like a petticoat.
tt*2» gadzu, s. Glass, or China ware.
2. A bracelet. -77^ "7? 13^ gadzugin-
ne, A glass cup, or China vessel.
-7r*2»;S>£ gadzuppu, The refuse of a
glass work. -7v»2»"3 gade.
tt'&sSm gatamu,s. Difficulty. 2. Seve-
rity. 3. Hardness.
-7v°cl gadi, s. A drinking trough, or
-7r°(S"3 gadide, s. An ass. i^8>'&-w°$
gacjidekalla, atfy. Bandy-legged.
-r^h gadi, 5. A carriage, chariot,
chaise, cart, or native hackery.
nv>&> gadu, This word is used instead
of ^£& vadu, q. v. When the
agent to be denoted is familiar, or
contemptible; as -£t&.-k*z£b gadu, ,9. Gross lechery ; furor
-7^2&$, tt»^ gadupu, gadpu, s,The
wind. •
iv> z> garia, s. A singer.
-7^^ gata, part, vide -k*£ gaka.
-7r>^.sfoa gatramu, s. The body. 2. A
member? or limb.
-7f^ gatha, s. A verse, or stanza. 2»
A history of holy men.
7r>g>s5x» gadamu, s. Grass which
grows in fields of dry grain. .
T^aD gadili, s. Love, affection, adj.
Affectionate ; dear.
7P-3 gade, 5. A very large and high
basket of wicker work, used for
securing grain.
t^ gana, adv. vide X#£ ganaka.
-7r*#s£» ganamu, s. Vocal or instru-
mental music.
ir>&K, tc^Ko ganuga, ganugu, s. A
■ press such as is used in India for
expressing oil, or the juice of the
sugarcane. Tr>x&7C 2> o& ganugapin-
di, The husk of the sesamumseed,
after the oil is expressed.
tpwtp gabara, s. Confusion, per-
plexity, adj. Confused, perplexed.
iv&o gaum, s. A planet. 2. An evil
spirit. iv>&x>v~is$k> gaimilarredu,
The sun. iY°)6x><>)~i 5 % , && gamularre-
nipaiti, The planet Saturn ; be-
cause he is the child of the sun,
according to the Hindoos.
7r 5 ossrs5M gayakamu, adj. Dear in
price. 2. Clever, s. Good sense,
-7r°cttS§b£o gayakudo, 5. A singer or
cymbal player, supposed to be
descended from Brahmans,by the
marriage termed -7r>o$gQ>&-sr>&goz
gandharvavivahamu, q. v.
-7vo55s5m gayamu, s. A wound.
Tr°c55Ss&x)_s£;foex), ■eT'gogayamu-tagi'ilu,
taku, v. n. To be wounded.
7r°tf gara, s. Plaster, or fine lime.
Tvtf&sSM garadamu, 5. Conjuration.
2, Trick. 3. Trifling.
7rtfi garadf, s. Conjuration.
5\ e5-Gitta
iv>tf£&x> garavarnu, s. Love, affecti-
on, fondness.
^tf£o-wb garavintsu, v. a. To love,
caress or fondle.
garabamu-garabu-garaniu, gara-
ruu, s. The fondling, or caressing
of children.
7r°&> garu, part. This is an honorific
affix, added to any noun denoting
a person, in token of respect ; as,
St^i^te doragaru, Master.
-Tr^yo garelu, s. phi. Cakes made
of the pulse termed Phaseolus
t^sSm galamu, s. A hook.
-7v*e) gaJi, 5. The wind. 2. An evil
spirit. 3. An infectious disease
among cattle.
"7r°£)0T5b galintsu, v. a. To seek or
search for. %. To separate grain
from the refuse, by washing,it in
TfOo^) galimpu, s. The act of doing
-7v*£>-7r>£sb galigadu, s. An ass.
-TT^^gb^o galakudu, s. A clever man.
tp^)^ givata, adv. vide 7^^ gaka.
t^QcS gavuna, adv. vide xtis ganaka.
T\*% gasi, s. Toil, pain, fatigue, trou-
ble. ir-%z&> g&sipadu, v. n. To
take pains ; to be fatigued.
5\os gindza, s. A seed, or grain.
%o&%*&> gindzukonu, v. n. To move
convulsively the hands or legs.
5\-&\ gitstsu, v. a. To scratch. 2. To
Seize with the nails.
5\e&, ^\s5°c5b gidzaru, gidzuru, s. The
pulp of certain fruits, or vegeta-
5\23 7r*£&jft£-7^£& gijjigadu, gijigadu,
s. The small bird, which builds
the very curious hanging nest,
with the entrance at the bottom,
generally termed the Tailor-bird.
%&£ gitaka, adj. Short in size. 5\ks
-&-*& gitakaparu, To become short.
5\&x> gittu, v. n. To die, or expire.
2. To consent or agree.
5\£o£o gittami, neg> Verbal noun-
eo "
Enmity, variance, disagreement.
^& gidda, s. A short person, adj.
Short in size.
ft2a£tf s5» giddatanamu, is. Shortness.
ft&oft giddangi, s: An out-house. 2.
A granary, store-house, or ware-
house. 3. A jail or place of con-
5\£, eiddi, s. A cow.
5\&>'eiddu, s. A hawk, or falcon.
ft j£ gitta. s. A young bull.
5\g, ft"3 gidda, gidde, s. The smal-
lest dry measure, varying in ca-
pacity in different parts of the
country, equal to the quarter of a
&*o sola.
ftl^ ginne, 5. A cup, or goblet,
5\£3x gibba, s. A bull, allowed to wan-
der at large, in commemoration of
a deceased person, or as consecrat-
ed to the deity.
fttfg' giraka, adj. Short, s. A short
5\tf*f&tfs*» girakatanamu, s- Short-
fttffttf giragira* adv. Circularly, in
a revolution.
5\tf75-*c»oo"i$b giradayintsu, v. a. To
fttf$ giravu, s. Mortgage." 2. A
pledge, a hostage, security.
ftesS' girraka, 5. A pulley.
fte§ girri, s. A circle. fteHJT'so girrigo-
nu, i7. a. To surround, to encircle.
ft&a>tf girrruna, adv. Circularly, in
%v£ gilaka, s. A child's rattle.
xerogb giluku, adj. Sounding.
%od-zr>&) gilubaduj v. a. To rob, or
?\c>o gillu, p. a. To pinch.
&§o giku, 17. gitsu, 0. a. To draw lines; to
draw toddy. 2. To scrape, scratch,
or erase. 3. To shave. 4. To tear
with the nails.
ft&>£oo$b gitadantsu, v. a. To kill.
&&» gitu, s. A line, mark, or stroke-
2. Disregard, ftjgatf gitlabadda, A
flat ruler.
fcfe» gitu, 17. «. To push aside, or
throw away, s'ss&n fc&» kannugitu,
To wink or make signs with the
kg gita, 5. A line-
fte£sfo> gitamu,5. Yocal music, a song.
&"£)&» gipettu, i7. n. To cry, to weep.
&»fo> gimu, s. A house.
ftctfw giyu, 17. a. To draw lines ; to
dr^w toddy,
ftes girra, s. A line.
&&M girru, g?. a. To tear with the
teeth. 2. To scratch with the
nails. 3. To shoot an arrow. 4. To
^e9or"s5b girrukonu, 17. Comp. To
give one a hint, by touching him,
or by any other sign.
ftewg^ssb gilukonu, v. n. To be inclin-
ed towards,
^2»r*ex^, fter ^©^ gilukolpu, gi-
Ikolupu, v. a. To cause to be in-
clined ; to allure. 2. t To place
flowers in the hair, as an allure-
ftbos gunja, s. The small shrub
termed Abrus precatorius. 2. Salt
floes gundza, s. A pillar, or post.
7fooe» gundzu, 5. The inside or pulp
of a fruit.
TfooK* gundzu, v. a. To pull. 2. To
wash clothes.
ftbos^wcSo gundzuladu, v. ?i. To
7foo£r°;& giinjikonu, v. Comp. To
draw or pull by force.
foo&> gunta, s. A small ; artificial
pond, or tank. 2. A pit. 3. Any-
deep hole. 4. A square land mea-
/foods' guniaka, s. An instrument
for levelling ploughed ground.
7foofe3 gunti, s. A piece of land, allot-
ted for cultivation .
Tfoo&sSoo guncjamu, s. vide §bo2ssfc»
kunclamu, No. 2. 2. Any fire-pit.
T'vooxf gunda, postpos. Through; by;
by means of. adj. Brave, courage-
TfooclX gundiga, 5-. A large brass, or
copper vessel, or pot.
Kbo^b gundu, adj. Round, globular,
spherical, s. Any thing round, or
spherical. 2. A ball or bullet. 3.
A mountain. 4. Weights, of any
form or size. 5. A stallion.
7fbo"§ gunde, s. The heart, either
in a moral or physical sense. 2.
Courage, boldness. fc -S-s-oaS
gundekaya, The heart, in a physi-
cal sense only.
Tfo o ^ ,^bo ^ 3 gnndra, gundrani, adj.
Round, circular, globular. 7fo .&
&>oXX& gundratungagaddi, s. A
sort of long rush. Tfoo^cStf £». foo
^tf gundradanamu, gundrana, 5.
Roundness ; a circle.
Aoo^o-^) gundrintsu, v. n. The
stomach to turn, or feel sick.
Abo^o^) gundrimpn, s. The act of
the stomach turning, or feelino-
sick. 2. Malice, envy. 3. Dissatis-
Kbo^ gunta, s. A pit, any deep hole.
Tfoo^o^b gumpintsu, v. a. To speak
with harshness, malice, or con-
/&ocg) gumpu, 5. A crowd, a mob, a
multitude, a flock ; an army con-
sisting of foot soldiers, horse, ele-
phants, and chariots. 2. A knot.
In the plural, this word some-
times denotes a quarrel.
ftbc^ToS^ gumbhamu, s. Tying, string-
ing, as a garland, guggiiamu, guggu-
lamu, s. The fragrant gum resin,
termed Bdellium.
7fo% s£ guggillu, s. plu- Grain, half
dressed, not reduced to a pulp.
;&-&k gutstsu, v. a. To pierce. 2. To
string, or thread. 3. To prick. 4.
To take hold of another's hand,
and interlace one's fingers with
his, m iioken of intimacy.
ftbsTfoesew gudzagudzalu,s. plu. Whis-
^oa>, 7foa?&> gudzasta, gudzastu,
adj. past. This is a revenue term,
usually applied to express the
year lately expired ; the last, or
past year, in contradistinction to
the present year, or to those pre-
cedipg the last
T&sT'eJ gudzarri, s. An opulent, or
rich man.
?&&&> gudzuru, s.vide foots* gundzu.
A^s^Xo-o^b gudzdzanagudu, s. Food,
dressed by children, for their a-
7fo^ gudzdzu, Si A short person, a
foz?& gudzclzutanamu, s. ShorL-
^o2S D "Sex% ) gudzdzu velp u, s. A name
of Ganesa ; because he is repre-
sented as a short fat personage.
fito gudzdzu, s. One of the small
perpendicular posts, by which
short beams are supported upon
longer ones, and thus form the
shelving roof of a native house,
vide, gobbo^ex). kurundzulu, 2. The
thick juice of any fruit.
Ko&S' gutaka, s. A single gulp, or
swallow. TfofeooSo* Tfoto&k- gutuku,
gutukku,The sound of swallowing.
ftbfco?&feo gutaguta, s. The bubbling
of boiled rice.
Hofcark-sfc, 7fotoJ%-85bs5o gutukkanu,
n. To die, or
gutukkumanu, v,
fo&> ffut.ta, 8-. A hillock, unevenness
in ground, ftbk>xtf**»., 76i^&gudaramu,gudaru,
s. A tent.
fo& gudi, s. A temple. 2. The con-
nected form of the vowel q i, viz.
3 i.
fc%tfobx> guditsuttu, 5. The disk of
the sun, or moon.
76&"£) gudise, 5. A cottage, or hut.
7foe&&> gudusu, s. Any round thing.
2. The connected form of the vowel.
sj i, viz. 3 i, ad;. Circular, ;&£&
-&~^&$) gudusukaiduvu, 5. The
weapon of Vishnoo.
;&>&' ffudda, s. A cloth. 2. A bit of I fib £ gutta, $. A rent, or farm.
cloth. | /fib ^ gutti, s. A cluster of flowers
fioT^sSw guddamu> 5. Part of afield
kartsukonipovu, Quadrupeds to
miscarry. fc&>§cXx> gudlutiyu, To
pluck out the eyes.
Hb£?fr*K> gudlaguba, s. An owl.
^b^^sSaa gunakamu, 5. The multi-
Kbrc-^tf s5oo gunakaramu, s. Multipli-
fio^sdoo gunamu, s. A quality, attri-
bute, or property, in general.
fib£o-&>, fib^oooonft guriintsu, gurtiyi-
ntsu, v. a. To multiply, or calcu-
late. 2. To spell.
;foi§£s*>3, Kbrfot£s5^ gunitamu, gunin-
tamu, 5. Multiplication. 2. Spel-
5 S.
of dry land.
;&& guddi, adj. Blind. Kba^tfsSao gu-
dditanamu, s. Blindness.
Kbg^&oTV guddivetuga, adv. By
chance, without exertion, unde-
foB>f£i T -Tr>oa* guddikokkarayi, s.
The lap- wing.
7*b£& guddu, 5. An egg. 2. The eye-
ball. fib£w"S>fe>3 gudlupettu, To lay
eggs. Tfcgo-s^sr-r*^^ guddu-
fib ©ss?os5M^nttikavvamu, 5. A kind
of churning stick.
7to7toy-£2o gudagudaladu, v. n- To
fib&Xes gudigarrra, s. A block of
wood suspended from the neck of
any animal, to prevent it's wander-
ing far.
Kba-T^ex) gadigaluj s. The heel.
fibSKbosex) gudigundzalu, 5. phi.
Posts fixed perpendicularly in the
ground, at the door of a cow-house.
fo& { ir°j&> guditradu, g. The rope by
which a calf is tied-
TfoScsS, Tfo "3 gudiya, gude. s. vide 7fo
aXz*> ffiidigarrra. 2. A club or mace.
7(b "3 "sr 9 «^ gudedalpu, 5. Yama, the
regent oi the dead.
AoSc^srww gudiyakarrralu, 5, phi.
Sticks placed horizontally, across
the TfcacBSrtbossew gudiyagundzalu,
q. v,
TfoaooooiSb gudiyintsu, v. a. To stop,
v to prevent.
Tto eudda, s . The anus.
foz& guddali, 5. Making in the in-
flex. Sins:, tfbtffeS guddati, And in
the wow. »^m. fioso^b s;uddandlu,
A small hoe.
a. To dig
7to So-i^ ffuddalintsu,
with a hoe.
7fo2*> guddu, 5. A blow with the fist.
«?. tf. To box with the fist. 7fos5b
er*feo guddulaia, 5. Boxing.2. Quar-
ftogSbo-oSSo gudduladu, ?;. n. To box
mutually ; to quarrel.
7fotfse>o gunakalu, 5. plu. A sort of
grain, growing wild, without culti- #
vat ion.
fotiTStfg* a> gunapanakodij s. A wild?
or jungle, fowl.
Tfo^sS s$*> gunapamu, s. An iron crow.
TfbScsk gnniyu, v. n. To grumble, or
7&;&§os5&7to gunukuparugu, s. The
act of running slowly.
Tvbp^ gunna, adj. Young. Tfbtf^^soX
gunnayenuga, s. A young ele-
phant. Tw^oSoa gunnapandi, A
young hog.
fibsS^tf^S giippanagura, adv. Di-
sorderly ; in a confused manner.
KbS^o-tfc, 75o^fe3oa5bguppalintsu,gu-
ppatintsu, v. a. vide gbsS^o-^b ku-
ppalintsu .
Tws^S guppili, s. Making in the in-
flex.Sing.7fet>\ tS g u ppiti, The hand
7fc£v g u PP u > Q> n - To spread as a
smell, v. a. To pound or beat
paddy. 2. To throw or fling to a
distance. 3. To throw any thing
contained in the closed hand.
foS^o-Sb guppintsu, v. n. To spread
as a smell, v. Gaus. To cause to
beat or pound, v. a. vide. XooSo
guppu, No. 2 & 3.
ftb^tf guppuna, atfV Quickly, hasti-
ly. 2. Clearly.
KbwKbwex> gubagubalu, 5. plu. The
noise of running.
fc-zpoztf gubaluna, adv. Quickly,
Kb^Po-tf) gubalintsu, v.n. To sbine. j
«oOD gubili, s. The wax in the ear. J
7&7M& gubuku, v. a. To box ; to (
beat with the fist.
Kb^&guburu,s. The thick foliage
of a tree or shrub &c
«b»\ gubba, s. A woman's breast. |
7fc©}-&Sbs» gubbameknlu, s. plu. i
The nails driven into the Xo££ j
f:>s» gandhapatfelu, q. v.
«b»\D gubbali, s. A mountain.
Kbsx> sumi, s. A multitude, or flock.
7fos6cȤb gumuku, v. a. To box ; to
beat with the fist.
7fos5b gumma, s. One spirt of the
— i
milk from the teats of a cow, &c.
^bs6,5oogi.immatilu, s.plu.A female
ornament worn in the lobe of the
Kb^sSw gummamu, 5. A door-way,
gate-way, or entrance.
^£0$ garami, s. A granary.
^"Ste,^ &» gummetamu, s. A small
flotfTfotf guragnra, s. An itching.
ftoff!>cl gurapidi, s. A wild cow.
Tfotfs^tk gurapotui s. A wild bull.
Kbeo-$ gurinchi, postpos. vide &*B\
Ao85\ gurigi ,s. A very small earthen
Kba Aoe gnrigindza, 5. The seed of the
Kb&"3o£ guruvenda, ?. v.
Kb&£& gnru'du, s. A spiritual parent,
from whom the youth receives the:
initiatory Mantras, or prayers. 2.
A religious teacher; one who ex-
plains the law and religion to his
pupil," instructs him in the Sastras,
&c. 3. A name of Brahaspati, the
regent of the planet Jupiter, who
is considered as the preceptor of
the inferior deities- 4. A father,
or any venerable male relation.
?&&&>, Kb & gnrutu, gurtu, s. A mark,
a sign. 2. An idea. 3. Recollec-
Kb&$ guruvu, s. vide 7*b&£& guru-
du. 2. A long vowel, adj. Impor-
tant? heavy, weighty, great, diffi-
cult, arduous.
7fo«b?£os$M gurutvamu, s. Esteem, re-
gard, distinction. 2. Indigestion.
7&ab$e>o guruvulu, s. plu. Running.
Tfo&tfo gurusu, s. That part of an
animal's tail,-, where the hair is
fibers' gurraka, s: Snoring.
Kbfcsfoes gurragurra, s. ride fo$fo$
^OfcB gnrri, s. A mark. 2. An aim, 3.
Certainty. 4. Trust, confidence. 5.
Esteem, adj. Certain. Tfo^a^-ab
gurridzutsu, To take aim. Tfoe^tfs.
gurritappu, To miss aim.
7$b&37r>;&o£3b gurriganundu, v. n. To
be trustworthy. 7fceJatf>oo&> gurri-
yunclu, To esteem or regard. KbeJ 4
ht°2& gurrikadu, A good marks-
76eJ^*oS gumkondi, s. A vital part.
7foeaor°«& gurrukonu, v. a. To try, or
7foe£»&> gurrutu, s. vide ?&&$& gurutu.
7foea>s5c»ex> gurrumulu, s'. plu. Seeds.
Tfo^sfcoi gurrramu, s. A horse,
fibea* gurrru, s. Snoring. 2. Anger.
76«x>sSbs5o gurrrumanu, v. n. To be
angry. 7&<*»"3>fes> gurrrupettu, p.
w. To snore.
fov°&x> gulamu, s. A slave.
floer^ews&'S gulaTupodi, 5. A sort of
crimson powder, with which some
Hindoo women mark their fore-
heads ; and which the natives, who
observe the festival of Cania,
throw at each other, during that
7&D£>, 7&S&> gulibi, gulimi, s. The
wax in the ear.
/6©StoS'2fc& gulimikaduru, s. An in-
strument for taking out the wax
in the ear.
7&o gcilla, s. An oyster. 2. A shell.
3. A white pustule. 7fo-> r« gulla
karrra, s. A hollow stick.
«bo coo!^s5x» gullasunnamu, s . Shell
chunam. ^oj^'^l gullaputike, s.
A small basket, -ao&Tfoe) chinfcagu
11a, s. Tamarinds in the shell or
pod. Kber°fib2&;oo gullagudusu, 5.
A cant word, denoting jewels
when mentioned in a careless or
trifling manner, or when their
value is meant to be depreciated.
foVZ golika, s. A ball ; a pill « any
small globular substance.
7to£ guvva, s. A dove or pigeon.
KbSKbtf gusagusa, 5. A whisper.
TfosS* guha, s. A cave, cavern, or
x^»4os5w giitamu, s. A. wooden mallet.
2. A stake, a tent pin.
fa& guda, s- A basket used for rais-
ing water for irrigation. 2. A bas-
ket, with a cover, in which the
Yaishnavas keep their household
idol. 3. A flower basket. 4. The
mat used by natives to protect
them from rain.
yfr>&> gudu, s. A nest. 2. A small
niche made in th© wall for lights,
&c. 3. A heap of cut Jonnalu, or
suzzalu, or of their straw.
Xcro"Ss5oo gudemu, s. A small hamlet,
near a village.
yfr*$ guna, s. A large earthen pot.
Xcr°<33 gunu, 5. A crooked or humped
back. 2. A knot in wood.
Xcr°sD guba, s. An owl. 2. The drum
of the ear.
X\s£»sS» grihamu, s. A house, adj.
Domestic. 2. Domesticated. 3.
Household. x\sfr»s$s grihapati, s.
A householder. 2. A mail in the.
second stage of life, or who, after
having "finished his studies, is
married and settled. 3. A house-
holder of particular merit, giving
alms and performing all the pre-
scribed ceremonies, &c. 7<\sfrs£vK
j5a» grihamrigamu, s. lit. A do-
mesticated animal. A dog.
K\&>&> grihasthu, s. vide jC\^»sS8 gri-
hapati, Under X\s$"*x5<» grihamu.
2. An honest man,
?\tr* grihi, s. vide y\&>$Q grihapati,
Under K^sfo grihamu.
"Ko&>tfsSx> gentasamu,s.A cruel, harsh,
or cross speech.
l?ofe» gentu, v. a. To push,
Ifola gente, 5. vide'Xolo gante. .
7oto gentlu, v. n. To be unsteady;
as a box, chair, or table, from the
unevenness of the ground, or in-
equality of it's legs.
IT&gedda, s. vide X& gadda,
~%&&&o-& genusudurnpa, s. The root
termed Dioscorea aculeata.
H& gerra, s. vide %&> girra.
l?e) gela, s. A bunch.
*7?02> gelivi, s. A pleased, healthy,
or bright countenance, adj. Pleas-
• ed, healthy, bright.
"Kyosk gelutsu, v. a. To win, gain,
conquer, or overcome. ~^D§>o^5b
gelipintsu, v. Cans. To cause to
win, &c.
~%zx>%) gelupu, s. Gain ; victory.
"XewigsSbtfb geluvumanu, v. a. To send,
or dispatch.
I?© gelli, s. A salt-heap.
-i&o& gedintsu, .v. a. To drive be-
fore ; to drive aside ; to defeat.
~fi"&-r°$ gedekalla, adj. Spindle-
~/f&ft gedagi, s. The caldera bush,
Pandamus odoratissimus-
"^"3 gede, 5. A female buffalo.. ~i~3
&y& gededuda, *. A buffalo -calf,
not a year old. "^"ScBS&r gedepe-
yya, s. A young female buffalo,
about two years old. i?"3^3e>3 ge-
dechelapa, s. A young buffalo, a-'
bout three years old. "^"Sss^ ffede
padcla> s. A young female buffalo
about four years old.
~i& geli, s. Ridicule, mockery, de-
rision, joking, sportive insult,
~ir$o gestu, s. From K\sJ»s>3 grihasthu,
Under X\s£°s5do grihamti, y. «;.
2_"f)db5a gaiseyn, e>. a.' To adorn, to
ornament. iri>& gaiseta, s. The
act of adorning.
K^oK gonga, s. A natural enemy.
. X"°oK£? fi^oX^ gongadi, gongali, s.
The native woollen ■ cloth, or
blanket, commonly termed a comb-
ly. 5T*oK$>sg>?fc7fo gongalipurugu, &.
A species of rough -or hairy eater-
pillar, the touch of which inflames
the skin.
r° csS£oJ& gonjipandu, s. The fruit
termed Limonia pentaphylla.
JT'o&o gontu, *. A mean person. jr°o
tools' gontupoka, An inferior sort
ofareca nut.
JT^oek gontu, 8. The throat or neck.
2. The voice. jr , o&>§a-°T&s-o&) go-
ntukurtsundu, To sit on the hams.
?To^o-^d35o, §"s5od gonturayu, tarn
mu, To be hoarse. 5Poefo§^s> gou-
tiikovi, The gullet.
JT'oe&S' gontuka, s, The neck.
JT*oa gondi, ~s. A lane, or narrow
passage. 2. A harbour.
K*oP gonli, $. A festival. 2. A dance.
fC°% goggi cwi;. Uneven. JP'ftSo^b
goggipandlu, Uneven teeth.
TT'^Koo gojjegalu, s* plu. The name
of a flower.
JT^sSw gottamu, s. A long round
hollow case. 8, The barrel of a
musket. £"*&> ^tT'fsSoo goLtaputa-
lamu, A long narrow padlock.
ft-°&» gottu, adj- Difficult of recollec-
tion. "2. Dear in price.
Tr&TdS-sy&i, Tr-GrQ'sr>& godagarava
du, godarivadu, s. A shoe -maker,
descended from a female of the
barber caste, by a pot-maker.
JT*daSf godava, s. Danger. 2. Difficul-
ty. 3. Trouble, annoyance. 4. A.
caste-dispiite. adj. Difficult.
JCzkrto godugu, s. An umbrella. TC
db«bx& golugugaddi, A mush-
room. lit. The. umbrella grass.
, ff^dfortbTpS) godugugali, 5. A whirl-
JT'dtS) goddali, s. Making in the in-
flex. Sing. j^^feB goddati, And in
the nom. phi. jc^o^o ffoddand-
, lu, An axe, or hatchet.
5^^) goddu, adj. Barren, sterile. 5.
Any horned cattle. 2. Sterility.
JT'r^Tfb gonugu, v. n. To murmur,
or mutter.
TT^sSdc gormemu, s. vide 5T "? s5oo go-
jr°e& gottu, s. A bunch, or cluster.
2. Determination.
K"°c5 goda, s. Hunger.
IT'tf^a gonakoni, adv. Suitably.
5TYe»in&> gonabupata, s. Vocal and
instrumental music.
jC#&» gonamu, s. vide fc&&n guua
mu, No. 1.
jr^o&sSw gonayamu, s. The knot at
the end of a bow-string.
S^% g°PP a » *$• Large, great, big,
high, eminent, noble,
jr°S\gobbi 5 5. A Hindoo goddess wor-
shipped in the mouth of Poosh-
yum. A lump of cow duug,adorned
with flowers, is placed in the door
way ; and, in the evenings of that
month, young females go round
it, singiug songs.
^»3vtfgobbuna,a<#0.Quickly, swiftly.
JT'cooc goyyi, *■ Making in the inflex.
Sing. R*& goti, And the nom. plu.
JT^ex) gotulu, A hole in the
ground ; a pit.
JTW goraka, s. The name of a beast.
JT'tfsSxSoa gorapamti, 5. vide. r*fc9SS<6w
TCtix'og goravanka, s. A bird, usually
termed the Myna.
JT81, JT'QT) gorije, gorise, s. A hoof.
JT'esS'S"?;) gorrakakatte, s. A cane,
or stick, with a ferule.
yT'eooKb gorrugu, v. a. To shave. K"°ei>
ftoofo gorrigintsu, v. Caus. To cause
to shave.
JT'&m oorrru, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. K^eJ gorrti, An instrument
of husbandly, used sometimes as
a harrow, to reduce the deep fur-
rows of ploughed fields into small-
er furrows ; sometimes, as a drill
plough, for sowing ; and some-
times, for weeding, after the grain
is in stalk. 2. A land measure.
JT"^ gorrre, s. A sheep. ?6>?s3&k,
5T > "^-S)0^ ; §'ep gorrrenutstsu, go-
rrrepentrukalu, The dried dung
of sheep.
3r*ei gola, s. A bunch.
5T°ewj6o golnsuj s. A chain.
^°^> golla, 5. A peon or guard over
JT^efo, jT'o-sn^ golladu, gollava-
du, 5. A shepherd ; a man of the
cow-keeper 5 or shepherd caste.
JCo «£, TT& a gollata, golladi, A
female of that caste. jrv> afr*&> go-
llamata, &. "Vulgar language.
JT'oo gollu, 5. A confused noise. 2.
JT^tf erollena, s. A small tent.
CO °
JTHPj&o gollemu, 5. A hasp for shut-
ting upon a staple, where a pad-
lock is used.
J^o. S,o^> gondrintsu, ?>. n. To roar,
as a wild beast.
l^o<&>,rs^ gondrukappa, s. A
very large and noisy frog.
K*So goku, v. a. To scratch with the
K^-u) gochi, s. A piece of cloth to
conceal the privities, % That part
of the under garment which a
Hindoo tucks up behind.
"7^2?-* & godzaru, v> a. To ask, or beg,
TC*z*> godzu, s. Paste, or gum. 2,
Confusion, trouble, dispute.
ft" 6 ?? 3 , K*2Po^&> godzu, godzuladu, v.
n. To be constantly annoying, or
plaguing one.
K*bx> gotu, s. A border, chiefly as
applied to that of a female's jacket.
2. Gold or silver lace. 3. A gold
bracelet worn by women. 4. Self-
~&r°& go da, s. A wall.
JT 6 ^ godige, s- A mare.
fif^-a&w godipettn, s. A blow on the
JT 6 ^ godi, s. Manner, regularity.
fr" 6 ^ godu, s. Perturbation, disquiet,
affliction, distress. 2. The cause,
matter, or circumstances of dis-
tress, or grief
"&r°T3°s53o goriamu, 5. vide TT 5 © gochi,
No. 1.
8**3 gorii, s. A bull.
~far> er'sSw gotamu, s. A coarse bag -
a gunny. Bag.
TkrvJg.&x gotramu, s. A family, tribe,
or lineage. No Hindoo can marry
a wife of his own gotramu, she must
be of another race. 2. A mountain.
jr 5 ^ goda, s. Any horned cattle.
K*TS°d godari, s. The sediment of
butter, newly melted-
JT 6 ^ godu, s. Gum ; paste.
jr*#b8fcwo, 7kr>c^>356s5^ex) godhumalu,
godhumamulu, 5. pM- Wheat.
^a-iS'o^tfsSoogopicliandanamu,^. Yel-
low ochre.
5r*$tfs&» gopuramu, s. A town or
city gate. This word- is now com-
monly applied to the high towers
over the gates of Hindoo temples.
fr^socs^ gopyamu, adj. Cherished,
preserved. 2. Secret.
R^s&osSsSm gomayamu, s. Cow-dung.
*7^r»s5>8 gomari, s. A kind of tick,
infesting cattle.
K*£x> gomn, s. A good, flourishing,
vigorous, or thriving state, or con-
dition ; as applied to the growth
of children, trees, crops, ?rs5M gomedhikamu, si A gem,
of a yellowish or tawny colour.
"7So-otfs5a> gorarou, s. Danger, peril.
JTte^ gorasamu, s. Mill?. 2. Co-
agulated milk, butter milk.
5^6 gori, s. A tomb.
?T& goru, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. JT 6 *! god, And in the nom.
plu. !&«$> gollu, The nail, or claw,
of the fingers, or toes. jr*&Xex>
gorugallu, ,9. An instrument for
cutting the nails. s$g)7fa-otf> puligo
rjj, s, A tiger's claw. 7?^ &■&,&»•
gorutsuttu, The whitlow.
5r 6 efc$&{ r -e&-5 T ca& goruchikknduka-
ya, s. The bean termed Bolichos
Iterv&^iStf&n gorochanamu, s. The bi-
liary concretions, of a bright yel-
low colour, occasionally found in
the gall bladder of cows or bul-
locks in India, much used by the
natives in medicine, for their to-
nic and cordial qualities.
"tSo-^o-eTn gorvetstsa,ad/. Tepid, luke-
warm. .9. Gentle warmth.
R^esajaSM gorrajamu, s. The name
of an animal.
R^&fj&sSw gorradamu, s. Ridicule ;
mockery, derision.
T^o gola, s. An ignorant, innocent,
silly, or foolish female. 2. A loud
JT 8 !) golf, 9. A marble, or round ball,
with which boys play.
r^sSm golemu, ,9. An earthen vessel
for water.
KStf&a golamu, s. A globe, ball, or
any thing round, or globular. 2.
A hoi
JT^b-Sbgolintsu, v. a. To fry.
K^-s^ti govalu, s. A young man.
fr"*$ govu, s. A cow. K*ir°vo&> go-
paludu, A cowherd. 2. A name of
TTl\ goshthi, 6-. An assembly, or
meeting. 2. Conversation, dis-
K*3oK-5r>o&) gosangivandlu, s.plu.A.
caste of the Chundalas or Chuc-
klers, viz. The shoemakers, or tan-
J^-^roQxr^ew gosayilu, s.plu. A parti-
cular class of religious persons,
called Gosawyees, who' never mar-
ry, and whose profession is traffic ;
the profits of which go to their
Guru, called a Mahant.
T°tf$S*> gauramu, adj. Pale-red. 2.
White. 3. Yellow, s. These colours
TPtfsSsSw gauravamu, s. Reputation,
respectability. 2. Importance, con-
sequence, weight. 3. Esteem, re-
gard. 4. Distinction. '
"7r°tf> gauru, s. An elephant.
lC v e>-sr>&) gaulavadu, s. vide XsSbCf
■znth gamallavaclu.
TC*? gauli, s. A lizard.
K o$rs5a> granthamu, s. A book, work,
or composition, in prose or verse.
2. The peculiar alphabet in which
the Sanskrit language is written
in the Tamil country. 3. Thirty -
two letters, or syllables. Xo^S"
e£s- granthakarta, An author.
K^ij-Xod grakkadalu, v. n. To be
" much moved, or shaken.
^ %-*-&§*> ^s$^ grakkuna-
graddana, grammuna, adv. Speedi-
ly, hastily, quickly, immediately.
,X\ £sS*> grastamu, adj. Inarticulate-
ly pronounced; slurred; uttered
with the omission of a letter, or
syllable. 2. Eaten.
X s£»as&» grahanamu, s. Taking, sei-
zure. 2. Reception, acceptance. 3-
An eclipse of the sun or moon. 4.
Comprehension, the taking or re-
ceiving of instruction.
^sfr>sfeo grahamu, s. A planet. 2. A
name of Rahu or the ascending
node.' 3. An evil spirit. ^sMfr
grahapati, lit. The lord of the
planets. The sun. ^t^^titi*)
grahacharamu, s? The motion of
the planets. 2. Destiny, fate.
( §r*oi5b grahintsu, v. a. To seize
or take. 2. To receive, or accept.
3. To comprehend or understand.
4. To learn.
. -7v« sdbsSao gramamu, s. A village.
{ j^j^>foo^r»i6x> gramasimhamu, s.
lit. The lion of a village. A do2\
ii^jS&vo&sSto gramantamu, s. The
suburbs of a village, in which
outcastes dwell. t^> 5ko$5w gramya-
mu, adj. Produced in a village.
-7r> skbsSMew gramyamulu, s. plu.
Fowls, &c.
. -7r°.tf*x» grasamu, s. A mouthful, or
a quantity equivalent to a mouth-
ful. 2. Subsistence ; forage for
A .&. s5x> grishmamu, s . Heat, warmth.
2. The hot season, comprizing the
months of ^cs5Ls5w jyeshthamu,
And t3^c°<^si» ashadhamu, vide.
2a»&>$ rituvu. adj. Hot, warm.
^T^oSo grunkuj s. The act of drown-
ing. 2. Immersion. 3. Sun-set. v. n.
To sink. 2. To droAvn. 3. To set.
s5w ghantamn, s. vide Xo£os5aj
gantamu. .
^ofeosSw ghatamu, s. A large earthen
water jar. 2. The body.
cpofeSo^, ^feSoooo-vSb ghatintsu, ghati-
yintsu, v. n . To occur, to happen.
2. To be obtained, vl a. T© ac-
^ofeSoo ghatillu, 0. n. vide ^43o-t&
ghatintsu, In its neuter sense.
«j»6otf ghattana, s. Going, moving. 2.
^otfsSw ghanamu, s. Honor. 2. A
cymbal, bell, or gong. 3. A mode
of dancing, neither quick nor slow.
4. A cloud. 5. Extension, diffusion.
6. Hardness, solidity, matter sub-
■£To & tf -Tsai idxira
stance, adj. Honorable, noble,
great, important. 2. Material, solid.
3. Qoarse. 4. Hard, firm. 5. For-
tunate, auspicious. 6. Permanent,
<(»tfe£ ghanata, s. Greatness, glory,'
#nkx> ghatu, adj. Strong. <
^^"sSao ghatama, s. Killing, murder-
ing, slaughter. 2. A blow, or
stroke. S, A square reservoir for
j-Sroe&g'oSM ghatukamu, adj. Mischiev-
ous, hurtful. 2. Cruel, savage, vio-
lent, ferocious.
^ro»s5» ghasamu, s. Grass.
1pn>^ ghosha, s. A noise, or sound.
"^xr*S\Qift ghoshintsu, v. n. To
make a great noise.
*^resl&5cw ghoshamx^ s. A station of
# n, This is the twentieth letter,
and fifth consonant in the Telosru
alphabet ; but no word in the
language commences with it.
t -cS
if cha, The twenty-first letter, and
sixth consonant in the Telugu al-
' phabet.
■SoS" tsanka, s. The armpit.
iSoTfo^ tsanguna, adv. Quickly, soon.
-tfotfasSw chanchalamu, adj. Fickle,
trembling, shaking, moving, incon-
siderate, inconstant, unsteady, un-
-Efo'cr , ew2& chandaludu, s. An oat-
caste, a chandala, a man of the low-
est caste of the mixed tribes, born
from a Sudra father, and brahman
mother ; a scavenger.
-Cotftf s&to chandanamu, s. Sandal, Si-
rium myrtifolium ; it implies ei-
ther the tree, the wood, or the unc-
tuous preparations of the wood,
held in high estimation as perfum-
-£'o&'s£r'S& tsandamama, 5. The moon.
2. The name of a part cut from
the centre of the sprout, first is-
suing from the palmyra nut, which
the natives eat.
•tfocSsfoo tsandamu." s. Manner, way-
% State, condition.
-fcS'o'sr' tsanda? s. Subscription.
-tfo-sr>"^d36o tsandaveyu. v. a. To sub-
■tfo&tfs&o tsanduramu, s. p£ tsakkajeyu, To amend,
repair, reform, correct, cure, or ar-
range. % To do well. As an adjec-
tive, it becomes i5%^_s> tsakkani,
And then denotes. Straight. 2.
Good, proper. 3. Handsome,
beaut iful.
**T3T\ ^-Tsatstsauka
■XZlj-ti tsakkana, s. Beauty. 2. Pro-
priety, adv. Well.
•C s^y-fa) tsakkadu, v. a. To kill.
■cri^. tsakki, 5. A side, a part.
'$%l r .v&» tsakkilamu, s. A sort of
tfi^Sfco^* -CTi^S^e) tsakkiliginta,
tsakkiligili, s. Tickling. •tf^Sfto
^"^&»tsakkiligintapettu,To tickle.
t5"I/_ tsakki, s. A small bedstead.
tfi/ J _3o-3'-Er>tf tsakkipantsadara, 5.
Refined sugar.
-S'&k- tsakku, s. Six. It is generally
used in counting at games. •S'gbj
3X2* tsakkupagada, s. Seven.
■K^/j-ti tsakkera, s. Sugar.
-C^sSm chakramu, s. A ruddy or
Brahmany goose. Anas casarca. 2.
A realm, or region. 3. A multitude,
a heap. 4. A wheel. 5. A potter's
wheel. 6. An oil mill. 7. A dis-
cus, or sharp circular missile wea-
pon. 8. A whirlpool.. 9. A prov-
ince^ a number of villages.
x$K&i tsagadu, s. Puller's earth.
■Cokv tsatstsu, v. n. To die, or ex-
pire. ^
■C-ikx&oyogb tsatstsudivandlu,5.^/?'.
A caste of scavengers.
^^°\ % b5n foatstsaukamn ,adj. Square.
tf& tsatta, s. A' small sack. 2. The
outside of the thigh. 3. A jacket,
or coat.
-tf&cS tsattana, adv. Hastily, quickly.
■tfte&o tsattamu,*. A regulation, rule,
or law. 2- A plan, a system.
>%& tsatti, s. An earthen pot, with
a broad mouth.
«• too tsattu, s. A mountain.
-^fe>3^ex> tsattuvalu, s* nlu. Wings.'
•2S". 6x°.o8o tsatrayi, & A black stone.
-£>8§e;2o&> tsatikilabadu, v. -n. To fall
down, from fatigue, or weakness,
-tf&>tfoX»e>afoo chaturangabalamu, s.
The four kinds of Indian troops,
composing an army; viz. Infantry,
cavalry, elephants, and Avar cha-
•tf.«$otfoX<6*> chaturangarau, s. Chess.
•tf&DtfsSao chaturamu, adj. Dexterous;
-xS'tftfoXsko tsadarangamu, s. A chess
board. 2. Chess. -o-2*> radzu, The
king. s6o.9. mantri, The queen.
'oj^bX enuga, The castle. tfgtM sa-
katu, The bishop. TtesSw gurrra-
mu, The knight, » ^, bantu, The
Sf&tfidcxj tsadaramu, «o[/. Square. 2.
Level, even.
tftftfsSMex) tsadaramulu, 5. tsadalumanikamu, The sun.
-■tf"a§e^2& tsadikilabadu, v. n. To fall
down, from debility.
•tfactfo tsadiya, v. n. To be bruised
to death. 2. To be reduced to a
palpable powder.
-Caao-db tsadivintsu, 0. The causal
of i5'«>^) tsaduvu, q. v. 2. An ac-
tive verb, denoting to give hono-
rary presents during any festival,
-srasos^ex) tsadivimpulu, s. phi. The
act of giving such presents-
-tf&sfc tsadunu, s. Evenness ; level-
ness. adj. Even, level. •Cabso'^crtM
tsadunucheyu, To level.
-tftfbsg) tsadupu, v. a. To kill.
•iSao$) tsaduvu, v. a. To read. 2. To
study, s. Learning.
■tfas>o-&> tsadivintsU, v. Causal. To
cause to read or study. 2. To teach.
-Ccfo^r*^ tsadavukonu, v. Comp.
To learn.
tfa tsaddi, s. Rice cooked at night,
and not eaten until next day.
^3& "eT"^— Chamatka
<£& tsanu, v. n. To go, to depart. 2.
To pass. 3. To advance in age. 4.
To be fit, or deserving,
-s'iosrsjg) tsanipova» v, n. To die. ■&&
•3o3b tsanudentsu, ». ?,. To come;
to arrive.
-:s"£b tsanu, s. oide -3"^ tsannu..
-tf;&3 tsaniipa, s. A body of travel-
~S&&> tsanuyu, s. Amity, friendship.
2. Favor. 3. familiarity, freedom.
•3"Su $> tsannlllu, s. Cold water, as
opposed to hot.
-S'sfcx tsannu, s. Making in the in-
flex. Sing. -€5"ofe3 tsanti, And in the
nom. plu. tfogotsandlu, The nip-
ple, pap, or teat. 2. The breast
of a man or woman. ■S'pSoS'&o tsa-
nukattu, The breast of any female,
either of the human or animal spe-
cies. -^s5os6cw§b^_., -S^-Sootf tsanu-
mukkti, tsanumona, The point or
nipple of the breast. -Cabx Tfosk-aa
tsannugudutsu,Tosuck the breast.
-3*ofe5S>« tsantipilla, An infant at
CO • L
the breast.
■tfsSysSoo chapalamu, adj. TrembliDg,
fickle, tremulous, wavering, un-
steady. 2. Quick, swift, expediti-
ous. 3. Momentary, instantane-
ous. 4- Agitated, violently over-
come with alarm, &c. s. Quick-
* silver, mercury. 2. Perplexity.
xf^j, -3*23} ?> tsappa, tsappani, adj. In-
sipid. •5*^-7^ tsappaga, adv. Insi-
pidly. iSX^zuk tsappabadu, To be
in a state of inactivity.
-s^a^sfe^ -sT^tf tsappadanamu, tsa-
ppana, ,?. Insipidity.
•3"^ J* 3 tsappatlu, s. plu. The clap-
ping, of the hands. tfx.k^TCtos
tsappatlugottu, To clap the hands.
tfs^tfsfca tsapparamu, s. A thatched
roof, a shed. 2. A covered seat in
which an idol is carried about.
-3"s$x8o-3b tsapparintsu, v. a. To
smack, to suck with a noise.
-3^ex> tsappalu, s. plu. The outer
part of the thigh.
-3"^ tsappa, s. A mark, or impres-
sion, as from stamping, or prin-
•ST&jS tsappidi, s. A noise, adj. Void
of any salt taste. tfl^gsSwSb^
tsappidimukkn, A flat nose.
■3"3sy& tsappudu, s. Noise, sound.
-CsSo^o^aak tsappuducheyu, To
make a noise.
-sfwoSotsabuku, s. A whip.
-3* 56b "eT° {j-tisSx* chamatkaramu, s- A-
stonishment, surprize. 2. dexteri-
ty. 3. Eloquence, wit. 4. Any
thing curious, ingenious, or ex-
■SjTjAwbb tsamuru, v. a. To rub, or bes-
mear, s. Clarified butter. 2. Oil,
tra, chuitramu, s. A fixed insti-
tute, a peculiar observance. 2.
Good conduct. 3. A history, chro-
nicle, or tale.
•i^dbnbdo tsarugudu, s. A bundle of
Jonnalu straw, drawn by two bul-
v5'f5bs5c» tsarumu, i\ a. vide -cs*s53ot5b
■tf&jg) charuvu, s. An oblation, chie-
fly of milk and butter, with fire,
to the gods or manes.
•Sftf^sSoa charmamu, s. The skin. 2. A
hide. 3. The bark of a tree.
tftf? charya, s. Perseverance in re-
ligious austerities ; due and regu-
lar observance of all rites, or cus-
toms. 2. Conduct. 3. Action. atf-tftf?
dinacharya, A diary.
XeSo&oo tsarriyalu, s. plu. Fiat spots
of ground, under the tops of
jni ,untaiiis..2. Cracks in the ground,
#««•& tsarrutsu, v. a. To beat. 2.
To clap with the open hand, x&a
•& tsarrutsu, A clap with the
open hand.
•tfesoewtsarrulu, s. pla. vide -CeJori^yo
tsarriyalu, No. 1.
-tf tsala-
pattu, To be firmly resolved.
•tf chalamu, adj. Trembling,
tremulous, unfixed, or unsteady.
■SfSoik chalintsu, v. n. To shake, or
move. 2. To hesitate.
■S^ss tsala va, s. Cold. 2. Any thing
of a cooling or refreshing nature.
3. Bleaching, adj. -Cold. 2. Cool-
ing. 3. Bleached, white, ^^sstSoqo
tsalavapandili, s. A canopy sup-
ported by pillars, raised in the
high road, and decorated with
flowers. &c., as a place for the
honorary reception of an idol. -& v
tfex)Xa5*> tsala valagammu,fo7. Colds
to cover. To be deadly cold • to
be in the extremities of death.
^wspa tsalavadi, s. A person who»
among the Sudra caste, goes from
house to house, to give informa-
tion of -aiiy death.
ife) -tr°-Tsallara
-CS tsali, s. Cold. o$. Cold. ■s'Ss^
tfsfoo tsaltjwaramu. Ague.
-ETSX&jg) tsaligaruvUjS.Soil of a sandy
surface, with black earth under-
■X&£)£) tsalichima, s. A sort of ant.
-ffStfsSw chalitamu, adj. Shaking,
trembling. 2. Gone, departed.
•S'Sa tsalidi, s. vide era tsaddi.
-^I)£»S tsalimidi, s. The flour of raw
rice, mixed with milk, or water
and' jaggory, and used in offerings
to the deity.
•S'SSoBtsalimiri, adj. Cold. 2. Damp,
■STD 0000-^5 chaliyintsu, v. n. vide &
Do-*5b chalintsu, Under, tfv&n
•tfSsr-jg) tsali vSpu, «?. To sooth, to
console, to encourage.
•Efewss tsaluva, s. vide •%■&$ tsalava.
•ff© tsaldi, s. vide tfDa tsalidi.
•S54) tsalla, $• Butter-milk.
"^> *%,& tsalla, tsallani, adj. Cold ;
cool. -2fe> fts^tf tsallanidora, Zztf. A
cold gentleman. This is a term of
great praise, and expressive of
entire satisfaction, applied by the
people to any popular ruler.
^ott»^ tsallaradu, s. The post
round which the string passes,
which works the churning stick.
tfLr>&t&z tsalladamu* s. Drawers ox
breeches, which reach as far as
the middle of the thigh.
■Cer'eaa tsallarru, v. n. To g-row
,v-> ( ». » O
cool, or calm. g. To be allayed,
restrained, or pacified. 3. To be
extinguished. xTsr^&a^ tsallarrtsu,
v. a. To cool, or calm. 2. To allay,
restrain,or pacify. 3. To extinguish.
-Coo tsallu, v. a. To throw awav,
CO '
pour out, or sprinkle. 2.To water-
3. To sow.
x5"exr*tf> tsalkikonu, v. Comp. To
sprinkle upon one's-self, or upon
another.' 2. To sow for one's own
■ST 352&J tfjgj^ tsavadu, tsavudu, s.
Making in the inflex. Sing. -CsstS,
-STs^feS tsavati, tsavut.i, Fuller's
earth. ■s'sSfeScx&tfv tsavatiyUppu, s.
Earth salt.
tSsSv&h tsavalamu, s. The fraction of
*V« or
J. of a pagoda.
•3*8 tsavi, s. Taste.
■CS"? tsavike/s. A square shed. 2.
A single square room, separate
from the house.
-CS8 tsavi ti, s. vide ■&$& tsavuti,
2. The relationship of a man's two
wives to each other. •zs"a8#'g) tsa-
vititalli, s. A step-mother.
-T5*©*3 tsavile, s. Four dubs, or coins,
of the value of twenty cash each.
C$ tsavu, s. A chow ; the weight
by which pearls are estimated.
•C^ tsavuka, adj. Cheap.
Cj^sSw tsavukainu, adj. Square. 5.
A square.
Cjg>&S>o-i5b tsavukalintsu, v. n. To
leap, or run, like the antelope.
■C$8 tsavuti, s. The fourth lunar
day, from the new, or full moon.
tSsSotp tsavvaga", adv. Insipidly.
C&o£> ckakshuvu, s. The eye. -C&?
S^tfsfco chakshussravamu, s. A
snake; because his eyes are deem-
ed to be his ears also.
%r>oa& chandini, s. vide Coafc*r>
T^^bb chakaru, s. A servant.
Tj*§'e)ar>^b tsakalavadti, s. A washer-
man. This caste is traced to the
offspring of a female weaver, by
a gold-smith. 1
Tj°gW, o5^re>a tsakalata, tsakaladi,
s. A female of this caste.
nj°§ tsaki. adj. Of or belonging to
this caste. ly^WcS tsakibana,. .9.
A washerman's pot. 2, The name
of a bird,
tT*§6 chakiri, s. Service.
nj^gb chaku, s. A pen- knife.
lyXis^Zso tsagakadu, s. Kubera, the
god of riches. 2. A generous man.
^Xtfb^ tsagadubbu, s. A sort of
creeper> Sanseviera zeylanica.
tP'Ks&o tsagamu, s. Liberality, gene-
tJ^-S) tsachi, s. The nipple.
u°£)"^e£ tsachi veta, s. Procrastina-
tion, delay.
tT*-^ tsatsu, v. a. To stretch.
^yfeSotfb tsatintsu, v. a. To proclaim $
to publish by beat of drum. ^
&ot& tsatimpu, 5. Proclamation.
^yofc» tsatu, s. Sheltgr, covering. 2.
A screen, or shade ; any thing con-
cealing another, adj. Secret, hid-
den, v. a. To proclaim.
^r>fc»;$ chaiuvu, s. Pleasing, or grate-
ful discourse.
13- & tsadi, s. An accusation. 2.
Slander. if>&~&f>&, iJ°&K % toa tsa-
dfkoru, tsadfgottu,s. A tale-bearer.
W&>%)> "=&*&£ tsadupu, tsadpu, s. A
way or manner. 2- Similitude.
Ty°«r°(C5oex> tsatanulu, s. A caste of
Siidras, who worship Vishnu ex-
clusively, and whose profession i*s
to sell flowers.
-&*&& chaturi, s< vide ^SktfesSw
^y^o^eoS^ chaturyamu, s. Eloquence,
2. Dexterity, address. 3. Ability,
^sfctfoncs-afoa chaturvarnyanru, s.
The four original castes, viz. Bram-
han, Chatriya, v^asya, and Sudra.
ij^zs tSi&» chadastamu, s. Entire ig-
norance of the world, simplicity.
Tj«e5b tsadu, v. a. To bruise any small
substance, with the fingers.
is* & tsadu, s. The black ashes of
burnt rice, &c, with which Hin-
doo females, or children, mark
their foreheads with a spot.
u^tf tsana, s. A woman.
tJ^sS tsapa, s. A mat- •sr»&!S*$ vada-
tsapa, The sail of a ship.
^s5s$*> chapamu, s. A bow.
t3"°oS-o-*c»o tsaparayi, s. A large fiat
■^T'ssew tsapalu, s. plu. Intricacies.
^•£e;c<6M chipalyamu, s. Fickleness.
^"^ tsapu, s. Length, extent. 2. A
long cloth, containing two or more
garments, v. a. vide ^r>& tsatsu.
^r°a$j tsama, s. A kind of boat. 2. A
^e&^T^oss tsainanatsaya, s, Black,
dark blue.
tT°^5's$» chamaramu, s. A fly brush,
or chowri, composed of the tail of
the bos-grunniens.
"=£"°s56£)o tsamalitj s. plu. The grain
called millet. Panicum miliaceum.
^cas tsaya, s. A shadow, or shade.
2. Colour, paint. 3. A side.
■^jftsr ^ charujama, s. A pad, used
as a saddle.
^es, ^y°&S"l tsarra, tsarrike, 5. A
line. £• A spot. ^r> visas' ska tsa-
rralamekamu,s. The tiger; because
it is spotted.
^zsgots tsarrakanda, 5. An esculent
and medical root, described* as
sweet, cooling, and diuretic.
■^eeoSsta tsarrapappu,s.A sort of arid
■^r>e>$ chalani, s. A sieve, or strainer.
"^er tsala, adv. Much.
Ty°S o-db tsalintsu, v. a. To cease. 2.
To leave, or quit. 3. To postpone*
4. To adjourn. ^pSonftr 1 ^ tsalin-
tsukonu, v. Com p. To resign, to
give up.
^j°ew tsalu, 5. A line, or row ; a fur-
row, v. n. To suffice. 2. To be
able. 3. To be sufficient. The af-
firmative and negative aorists of
this verb are added to other in-
finitives, as auxiliaries, to denote
the possession or Want of power
and ability. I can, &c. I cannot,
tJ*sS& tsavadi, s. A hall; a choultryy
or caravansary.
^ tsavu, s. Death, demise;
•£)o-&> enintSu, v. a, To tear or rend.
•ao-uvb^sb chintsukonu, v. Gomp.
To retrea't. 2. To tear any thing
belonging to one's- self.
•g)oe£ chinta, s. Reflection, thought,
consideration. 2. Recollection. 3.
Grief, sorrow.
•©o&biSb chintinteiiy p d a. To reflect
or consider, v. n. To grieve.
■©o&ex), ^oStX) cbintilu, ehintillu, v.
n. To grieve, or to be' afflicted.
■E)oe£ chinta, s. The tamarind tree.
adj. Of or belonging to the tama-
^)oSsSm chindamrM. A shell, a coneh.
-fDo&ff chindara, & , A fragment, a
piece. 2. Illness, bad health. 3.
Ugliness, dislike, adj. Ugly. -syccS
tig o 8 tfex> iv dilndaravandaralrigaV
adv. At random, in confusion. -&o
K tf as o s ff ^ co6o ch indar avandar achie-
yu, To spoil ; to cut into pieces.-
•IDozfc chindn, s. A dance. 2. A drop.
0. n, To be spilled, -ao^^osjw chin
tM &!%_:.Chikku
daboyu, To spill. ^c&to^t>,&^
chinduludrokkn, To dance.
•©o$ chimpu, p.' #. To tear, or ren'dy
vide -syo-ifo chintsu.
■Oo h ehimpi, s. A rent, or tear.
4y%$£ chikitsa, $. The' practice' Of
medicine ; healing, curing, admi-
nistering, or applying remedies 1 .
-S)l^§o^b ehikitsaktidu, 6\ A phy-
sician, a snmeon.
-S)§So-& chikilintsu, v, n. To neigh.
■©SDo^) chikilimpn, Weighing.
■5)iDi5cro^) chikilitsiipu, s. A piercing
or severe look. 2. An nnsteady,
or occasional glance.
sylf) chikili, 5. The grinding of
knives, &c. or cleaning of arms.
■& §£) K& chikiligar, A knife-grinder,
polisher, armourer.
•©i'^-ckw chikkantu, s. A species of
comb, with three or four teeth.
^ij-S cbikkani, adj. Thick, -o^s
tfsSx>, ^it^tS ehikkadanamu, chik-
k&na, si Thickness.
^(j-^^b c'hikkabadu, s. To' be en-
tangled, or ensnared.
ftS'k-.sfo) chikkamu, s. A bag of net-
work; a net work to muzzle beasts.
^Sfyy- ehikku, s. Entanglement, per-
plexity, intricacy, confusion. 2.
difficulty, distress, trouble, adj.
JO.iS S-Chitiki
Entangled. 2. Difficult. 3. Trouble-
some, v. n. To be ensnared, g. To
be seized, or apprehended. 3. To
be found. 4. To remain. 5, To
grow thin, or lean.. Ǥb( r .e>'Sg?
chikkulabettu, To involve in dif-
ficulties. -S)^b^_§oo63.chikkutiyn,To
disentangle. -©go^-TPjftoe^) chik-
kuganundu, To be troublesome.
~ < ®&] J JZ r> & ehikkukonu, v. Comp. To
be seized, apprehended, caugbt,or
-S)&k_--eJ^s5oo chikkutalamu,*?,, A pad-
lock -, a staple,.
©^^o chikjkola, s, vide W^-cta?.
-&?&& chiguru, s. A sprout, or shoot.
2. The gums. 3. The tender part
of the flesh under the nail. adj.
Young, tender, delicate.
3Dft3o-&>, -OA-iSbs- cfcigirintsu, chigir-
tsn, v. n. To sprout, or bud.
-S-tfbv chjtstsu, s. The fire, -ft^w cbi
tstsarra, adj f Fiery, ©x^aagw clii-
tstsubudlu, $. flu. A kind of
£)&>-£&, ■$>.&>&*& chifachita, ehitapo-
ta, s. A noise of burning. -u)feo-£k>sk
sw chitachitamanu, To look sulky.
$fc3§tf^e»chitikinavrelu>s. The little
finger, or toe.
-S)fe5""§ chitike, s. A snap of the fingers,
2. burning the body with a piece
of hot turmerick, xfec-, in order to
cure particular diseases. It is spe-
cially applied to children.
■£)^er°^s6M chititalamu, s. A small
cymbal, made of bell metal.
®&&x>-&°ysx) cfritimutyalu, &. plw. A
kind of grain? so called.
■£)&»§b) -S)k»§o&*&o§b chuHiku, cliitu-
kupotuku, s; The noise made by
the fall of drops of water from
jbrees, &q.
£)fcSf s$w chittakamu, 5. Trick, deceit.
-©Ig-^sstf chittachivara, s. The extre-
mity, or utmost point.
■©feoSa ehittadivi, s. An impenetrable
■a&r°i6»tftf» ehifctamudamu.s. Castor
•S^S chitti, adj. Little, young, s. A
certain measure, the fourth part
of a &-% sola. 2. A small high ves*
i sel, made of brass or copper.
i £)439 chittu, s. Coarse bran.
i -Dfc>o2&gbS>&) chittudukunillu,s. Water
taken out from that in which rice
is boiled, just as it begins to sim-
j mer.
1 g)&>55w chittamu, s, The rust of iron*
© ^fto-Chittagin
0*^300 chittelu, s> plu. Coloured bord-
er •• - 1
ers, about three or four inches in
length, at the ends of a cloth. 2.
Pictures. 3. Projects 4. Invention.
5. Conspiracies,
•Oka chitlu, v. n* To split ; to crack.
•©-$-<» chiththa, s- A rough daily ac-
count particulars, a daybook.
.©&§> chidipi, adj. Small, little.
•ft&ss^cl chidirnudi, s. Trouble, confu-
sion. 2. Vexation, anger.
$)&'&>&, chidugudu, s. A ring-worm.
2. A kind of play among young
•O^osSso chidumu, s. The itch.
^)e^6gb chitaliku, s. Invention. 2,
-©$&>& chituku, v. n. To burst, as a
ripe fruit, or a sore.
■© ^ chitta, 5. The fourteenth of the
lunar mansions.
■o £<§> chittadi, a^/\ Cloudy. 2. Kainy .
s. Rain.
.© &s5oa chittamu, 5, The mind, pr fa-
culty of reasoning. 2. The heart,
considered as the seat of intellect.
3. Inclination. 4. Will, pleasure.
<& &fto-s$b chittagintsu, t'. a. To keep
or retain in mind. 2. To listen, or
attend to. 3. To peruse, sxro-a j£s5w
michittamu, lit. Your pleasure.
-S) e£&£i chittaruvu, s. A picture,
painting, or drawing. -&_&&$ sSk>
s5x> chittaruvupatamu, The canvas,
or paper, of a picture.
■© ##v © chittavritti, 5. Disposition.
■©^ chittu, 5. A foul draft, or copy.
2. A blot, or erasure.
•©^sSw chitramu, s. Wonder, surp-
rise, astonishment. 2. Painting,
delineation, writing, &c. 3. A pic-
ture, variegated colour, adj.
Wonderful, surprising. 2. Varie-
gated, spotted, speckled.
■S).^ .~3-°&&> chitrakarudu, 5. A pain-
^^sSmSo^ chidakamukku, s. A flat
-©tfJT'&ex) chidagodalu, 5. plu. Do-
mestic quarrels.
-&25b§b chiduku, v. n. vide -g) &> go chi-
-a ab'Tfo w chidugulu, 5. #fe Small
■pab^) chidupu, p. a» To squeeze a
fruit, or a sore. 2. To kill, or mur-
-©&>s5m chidumu? v. a. vide ©26^) chi-
dupu, No. 1.
•SJafetf, -^tf>&>3 chiclura, chidtirupa, s.
A piece, bit, fragment, or atom.
-£)3o3b chinuku, s, A drop of rain. v..
n. To rain.
£&&$> chinugu, v. n. To he torn, or
rent* s. A rent, or tear.
5)^n chinnaj adj. Small, little, short.
2- Young, 3. Mean, trifling. 4. Nar-
row. 5. Disgraceful.' -©^-g^&chi-
nnakaru, Childhood, youth.
■£)tf\ &$&>* chinnatananiu,^. Infancy.
2. Littleness, smallness. 3. Dis-
grace, dishonor.
■fttf^fi chinnadi, s. A girl, ^tf^-^tio
chinnavadu, A boy.
-£)^n ^oi5b\ chinnabutstsu, v. a. To
disgrace. ©sr^y*jg chinnabovu,
To be disgraced. sfo^sSoo©^^^
§^^0 mukhaaiuchinnajesukonu, To
be disgusted, or ashamed.
^^A3 chinnailiu, s. A weight, equal
to oiiQ eighth part of the coin ter-
med a pagoda.
-©SK cs55, -£15^ ckinniya, chinne, 5. A
token, mark, or sign. £. A scar.
3. Affectation. ■©"^wcS chiuneladi,
5. A coquette. Ql$\zn>;h chinnela-
du, A fop.
•£)#s chippa, x. A shell. s5x>l|$-©s^
muttepuchippa, The pearl oyster-
shell. •eT , "^feS^)^ tabetichippa,The
tortoise shell. -^-s^feS-Os^ mokati-
chippa, 5. The knee-pan. Ibo"-^
css-ftss^, ^"Sx^-asSj tenkayachippa,
kobberachippa. Half of a broken
cocoanut, including both the
pnd.tfre kernel, or the shell only.
■asS^sfooHsSaa chippamuttemu, An
artificial pearl. *
•asS^&oSfeS ehippakunkati, s. A small
lock of hair, either below or a-
bove the long lock, left upon the
crown of the head, by all Hindoo
-£)£x7fe§) chippaguddali, s. An axe.
•OsSx~5>c3^ chippapenaka, s. Either
side of a shelving roof.
■asSvskj chippamu, s. A parcel, or
small bundle.
•©E^ex) chippilu, v> n. To rise, as joy;
which is often figuratively repre-
sented, by Telugu authors, as ris-
ing, like sap in a tree.
£)~^ooo chippemu, s. vide -a^sSoo
-£)~s»^db chippevadu, 5. A tailor,
This, caste, among the Hindoos, is
said to be descended from a female
c h uokler, b y a b r ahman.
■©3&k> chimata, 5. A moth.
■S)5&-*;r°, .©Sfc&r chimata, chimita, s.
The extracting of the hair on the
f 3. 2. The instrument used to
extract it. -£)s$b6;r°&c$ft> chimatadf-
To pull out the hair from the
£)s$c»t:o chimutu, v, a. To wink.
•©sSw^o chimudu, v. n. To overboil. ©
s6ooeso\ chywcjltsu, v. a. To over-
OsSo.tffr^sfeo, ^s^.tf^S chinimana-
— t5 eo —i
gottamu, chimmanagovi, s. A syr-
©S»,to chimmita, 5. #icfe -Osfcfc) clii-
id at a.
•©»> 9 chimmiri, & Fried sesamum
seeds, ajad jaggory, pounded to-
gether, which the Hindoos eat as
a delicacy.
S)s5o> chiinmu, v. a. To sweep. 2.
To sqnirfc or spirt.
■©ito &a chimmeta, 5. vide $& &> chi-
-S)tfo2§2) chiranjivi, $. A crow- adj.
Long lived. This is a term of kind-
ness, implying a blessing of long-
life, often used by superiors to in-
feriors, by fathers to children*, or
by elder to younger brothers.
®ti& chirata, s. A cudgel. 2. The
rourid piece of wood at the end of
a na.tj.ye canoe. In* the plural, this
word denotes the instrument used
for the hand torture, vide §£r*.y
kittikola, Under §4*> kittu.
: p-orȤb chiraku, $. Anger, wrath.
$9^ sb chiriveru, s. The chay root,
which produces a red die.
Wfbrtb chirugu, 0, rc. $ $; ^d -©s&jfo
-Q&Kbek chirugudu, $. A species of
half leprosy, which causes large
round spots all over the body. 2.
The ring worm..
•Obb^ew^j^o » £)&«£ex>os*& chirutalu-
grammu, chirutaluyarii, v. n. To
■£)fe5-S)&5 chirrachirra, s. Anger. 2. Sul-
lenness, morose ness. ^Dw-Qfeser'Sib
chirrachirraladu, To be angry, sul-
len, or morose.
&eJ, 5>e» chirri, chirru, ad/j. Little,
small, short- -£)&<»#;£)<> chirrunav-.
vii, lit, 4- young laugh. A smile..
^)~»r chirr unaluka,, $. Z#.The
sm $11 tongue.. The uvula.
$&$>$ chirruta, ?. A child. #<$. Little,
small, short. 2. Young. £)«»i£x'o2k,
■0«»sf^)8 chirrutagandlu, chirruta^
puli, 5. Tlje cheeta, or small hunt-
ing tiger.
peassSw cl^irrumu, p. «. To burst.
$ea>"i& chirruyerru, 5. vide -©a^tf
-£),«», -S)e^ chirrra, chirrru, $. Anger
chirrru mi) rrradu, chirrruburrradu,
p. w. To be angry, sullen, or mo-
■Oo tf- Chillara
0^^*^2fe«x>\ chirrrikuradubbtiys, The'
root of the Amaranthus ca'mpe-
stris, used as a remedy in stran-
-OaS* chilaka, s. A parrot. ■©«S'"ar o 9
chilakatali, 5. A breast ornament,
in the form of two parrots, adorn-
ed with precious stones.
■uXD^te, ■oaS'S ehilakata, chilakada, s-
A piece of seriiicircular wood,- like
a ring, at the end of the rope used
as the girth of the bullock saddle,
through which the. other end is
passed, to fasten the saddle. -Dog'
2s«r»do chilakadatadu , The rope
used as a girth, as above described.
-S)o&8o-t$o chilakarintsu, v. a. To
sprinkle; from. £)ex>& chiluku, q.v.
£pj£r°k_ceSc chilakkoy3 r a, s. A wooden
pin, fixed in the v^all, on which
articles are suspended.
£>0t> chilipi, 5. A wicked, depraved,
roguish or impudent person. -£>£)§>
' &tf^chilipitanamu,s. Depravity,
roguery, impudence.
£)Sssxs5m chilivishamu, s. Malice,
wickedness, adj. Malicious, wick-
^swsr chiluka, s. vide %>v% chilaka.
•£)e»sr°cc5o chilukakpyya, s. vide £>
wr^e chilakkoyya.
^>ex)§o chiluku, s. An arrow. 2. The
residue or remains. 3. vide- JT°1? ss»
gollemu, v. a. To churn. 2. To
-fcawsSftewsfrfG chilupachiiupanillu, s-
Water scattered in spots, here and
•aoosix chilumu, s. Yerdigrease.
-S)e>D55 chiluva, s. A snake. ©ews^S'SK
otg, chiluvakanniya, s. A female of
the serpent race, having a hu-
man face, with the tail of a ser-
pent. ^ex>sse-*ff chiln vaclora, The
chief of the serpent race, who has
a thousand heads.
S)e>k_ ehilka, s. vide %>ug ehilaka.
•Sex>k_ chilkti, v. a. & s. vide £e»3o-
©ocfeffla, adj. Empty. 2. Trifling,
useless, -ffie^^^ex) chillachevulu,
Bored ears, without ear-rings, -©o
"So So, ■©e^o-tSb chillapenku, chil-
lapentsu, s. A small piece of a
broken earthen vessel. -©e^eXgsSaa
chilladzagadamu, Useless disputes.
•g)e) ftoss chillagindza, s. The clearing-
"nut. Strychnos potatorum.
•Ste tf chillara, adj. Trifling, mean. 2.
Sundry. s. Odd sums. ^sb^s&sS
divarala chillara yivvavalenu, He
owes me ten and odd pagodas.
■OS chilli, 5. A small hole, in a pot?
OO ■»-
paper, &c.
■OF chiila, s. That of v/hich the end
divides into two or more from the
main body ; thus, -£)$" §^0 chilla-
kola, A whip with several lashes.
-£)^ -^otf ^) ehillatsandlavu A cow,
the ends of whose teats branch in-
to two.
■©ss tf chivara, s. The end, extremity,
or point.
■©^ chivuka, s. A coin of the value
of a quarter rupee.
•a ^ §"§>&> chivukapitta, 5. A bat.
•O^Sb chivuku, 9. ». To be damaged,
or spoilt. 5. The spoiling or rot-
ting of goods.
•O^tfb chivuru, s. vide ©ftbtfo chiguru.
-©#0 chivva, si "A battle, combat.
-©^~ chivvu, d. a. To sharpen, make
round, or polish", with a knife ; to
mend a pen.
®q$£ chivvuna, adv. Quickly,
■©8fr»\ ? -a^^sSoa clrihna, chihnamu, s,
A mark, spot, or stain. 2. A sign,
or symbol. K^s-^^jsx> garbha-
chihnalu, The signs of pregnancy.
■ft phi interj. Expressive of disgust,
contempt, or shame. Fie ! &c.
•©g'feS chikati, 5. Darkness, adj. Dark.
-©^ 7r°55^chikatigamu,The moon's
•ascending node, reckoned by the
Hindoos as the eighth planet.
£>-&*£>$&> chikakupadui. v. n. To be
puzzled, or confounded.
-©§£> ehikili s. A broom.
-©§0 chiku, s. A blind person, adj.
■fcfgb chiku, gcZ;. Damaged, spoiled
by damp, &c v. a. To suck. 25.
P'&dfe tf £>§b tsavu'ku.
-©§o&-5r>eoo chikuruvayi, s. A cricket.
■&^«r»e» chikuvalu, s. Darkness.
&&> -ftfeS chiti, chiti, >. A note, or
small letter. 2. Chintz, painted
J _■©£ chida, s. "A disease ; applied
either to those of animals, or of
I ■©<&> ehidu, s. A bundle of thread,
' consisting of seven punjums, or
two hundred and ten ^S^ enike, .
i q. v.
J £y$& chidara, s. Abhorrence, loath-
I ing. 2. Perplexity, distraction of
j mind.
&a> chidu, v. a. To blow the nose.
■©$& chipuru, s. A broom.
©j& cliima, s. An ant.
©s^& chimidi, ®. The mucus of the
-5 0^ o -&- Cli ilpintsu
•£)sSx> chimu, s. Matter from a sore ;
-£)# chira, s. A female garment.
&$%&— £)£-&;&, &tf£r*&> chirapitta-
chirapenu, chirapotu, 5. A white
■&tfs5M chiramu, s. Lead. 2. Bark,
rind. 3. A cloth made of bark.
■£>9§- chirika, 5. A moth, a cricket,
•^ag'oo chirikalu, s. phi. Remnants
orbits of cloth; tatters. 2. Slices.
-&5S chfriki, 5. Regard, esteem. -&a§
JT'sjs chirikigonu, v. a. To regard.
or esteem.
4b& cki'ru, ?;. c. To cut in slices. 2.
To scratch. 3. To tear with the
claws or tusks- 4. To hiss like a
4b"3 chire, s. wtfe ^S chfra.
-£>£<» chfrru, v. w. To call, to invite.
hv chila, s. An iron nail ; A wooden
-£> chili, s. Acat.
^>g)"Ssx> chilikel,!!, s. wZe hb^vo chi-
■6e» chilu, v. a. To split, or open. 2.
To part from company.
-&yo-£b, -u)2w\ chilutsu, chiltsu, v. a.
To divide, or split.
■&£>£ o -do ch ilpintsu, t\ (7ews. To cause
to split.
•tfboKo^ tsttngudu, s. A trifling or
small balance, or arrear.
■tkoTfow tsimgulu, s. plu. The ends
of a garment.
n&o-&> tsuntsu, 5. vide ■QsS^&oS'feS chi-
ppakunkati- 2. The musk rat. 3.
v A mouse, adj. Young, -& ^o-?t*
ex>^b tsumtsumbaludu, A young
■&o&> tsundiij s. The dandruff, v. n.
To be decocted, evaporated, or
dried up. o tsufcta, 5. A round roll of any
thing;. 2. A roll of tobacco. &&-&»
?fb-3bk>3&», -t$b£oi>2>0\ tsuttadasju*
tsuttapattu, tsryttapiltsu, To smoke
aclie root.
45an»5j r .-Tsudki
n&k>s5w tsutfcamu, s. A relation. -t$bk>a
, s'sSsj tsuttarikamu, Relationship,
consanguinity, affinity.
■xfctoa tsuttu, v. a. To roll round : to
wrap up. 2. To go round, to roam,
wander, or travel.
•s&&3>r°s6 tsuttukonu, v. Comp. To'
surround. 2. To roll, or wrap up.
8. Circumference. 2. A toe ring,
worn by women, adv. Around. 2.
Round about ; out of the direct
way, •Sr'-TPofofca pagatsuttu, To tie
a turband.
J &>H?-°cx>iio J &> tsonayintsu, v. ei. To
plait, or fold, any part of the dress.
nSbfe9-s$b&9"3"»e» tsurratsurrakalu, v. n.
To burn quickly, with a crackling
■5&&9o§b tsurruku, ^.Excessive heat. 2-
Force, violence- 3. Sharpness. 4.
Haste, impetuosity, speed. 5. Pain.
adj. Hot. 2. Violent. 3. Sharp. 4.
Quick, impetuous. 5. Painful.
•t&69oi§a5b\ tsurruputstsu, v. a. To
burn, or consume.
45b!TS> tsulakani, adj. Light. 2. Un-
. important, easy. 3. Contemptu-
■iSbsjoS's&a chulukamu, s. The hand
hollowed, so as to hold water, &c.
oSbsSo tsuvva, s. A small supple stick,
or "cane ; a slip of wood.
-;fo"3£ tsuwe,£>ar£. This is a particle,
denoting reality or certainty, used
in the superior language only j as
■i5b"3Q dharmambuchesina punya-
phalambu nonduduvu tsuvve, If
you practise virtue, you will cer-
tainly obtain it's fruit.
x&r>-i5b tsutsu, v. a. To see ; to look;
to perceive. 2. To observe. 3. To
visit. 4. To meet. 5. To wait. 6.
To try. 7. To consider. 8. To take
care, or be on one's guard. This
verb also expresses the exercise of
any of the five senses, and there-
fore occasionally denotes either to
see, to taste, to smell, to feel, or to
hear, according to the context.
•&r°-&r B (3S tsutsukonu, v. Comp. To
see ; tp see each other.
•^ro^), &r°S>o-i& tsupu, tsupintsu, v,
Cans. To cause to see, or look ; to
shew, or point out.
•&n>2& tsudu, s. Pregnancy, as ap-
plied to cattle only. &r°&&> tsudu, v. a. To burn.
%&-°&fe- tsudki, s. A look. 2. An eye,
"SoKe) -Chen gal i
tfcn>sS8 tsupari, s. A handsome person.
"tinig) tsupu, s. Si glit, a look.
t$3^#£ ©, scabs' © tsiirakattij tsuru-
° ~3
katti, s. A small knife. 2. A creese,
or small dagger.
■&r"C5b tsiiru, s. The border of a shelv-
ing roof. 2. Powder of any kind,
■sSoro&s'Sto, tsurukammi, A board
nailed on the end of a shelving
\$n>"Se»S' tsureluka, s. A kind of rat.
4£r°tf s5w ehurnamn, s. Powder ; dust;
any pulverized substance.
T&n>es tsiirra, 5. Plunder.
&r°sx> tsulu, s. The womb. 2. The
foetus. 3. A child, x&r°£r=yo tsula-
lu, A pregnant woman.
•J5cr»"3 tsuve, part, vide t5o*Sc tsuvve.
"=30 cheni, adj. Red ; as ^SoXews?, ^o
6^55", chengaluva, chendova, The
red water lily. %
^osf chenka, 5. The cheek. 2. A small
. part of a field.^osfiotfo chenkave-
yu, To slap on the cheek.
^oX&> chebgata, adv. Near, nigh.
^oX^ew chenganaluy 5. piu. Leaps
in running.
^SoKSo-db chengalints'j, p. ??,. To \
^cKS^sk chengalikoshtu, s. A
drug ; a sort of costns. '
"So^b chengu,p. n. To lose at a game;
to be thrown out of the game. 2.
To be loosened, as applied to a
^o7fo cheiigu, s.The border, or edge,
of a cloth.
^o-xko^e& cheutsuvandlu, s. A cer-
en *
tain caste of half savage Hindoos,
dwelling in the hills, and forests.
^3oB,ir*&> chendip6tu,s. A very wick-
ed man.
^otio chendu, s. A ball of cloth,
flowers, &c-, used in play. -p. a.To
cut in pieces, v. n. To rise, as ap-
plied to any excessive smell. ?r>z
^oS&e&^a vasanachendutnnna-
di, It smells excessively.
"Soe^ clienta, adv. vide "^oXk clien-
^b&tfsSw chendirarnti, s. vide §bo§os6o
"Soab chendu, v. a. To accrue. e^>
, c3cs5oo-5^>£§\ : So"S(3o apunyamuvan-
nichendenu. That virtue accrued
to him.
"Soao^ chendintsu, v. Cans- To ob-
tain, or attain.
■^0 3 ehempa, 5. The cheek. 2. The
side. ^oS-g-^cfiS chempakaya, s. A
slap, or blow, on the cheek.
^oa^^ chembadivadu,s. A fisher-
^do^cwo-Chetayin 196
■^o-jdo chembu, s. A small round me-
_ tal vessel.
^£tt> chekada", s. h cart.
^sfcoi chekamuki, s.\ The bit of
steel with which fire is struck- ^
^^SlScefc chekamukiveyu, v. a.
To strike fire with it. ^3S r s5oo§Tr , a»
chekamukirayi, .?. Flint,
^k- chekka, 6-. A piece, slice, chip,
cutting, or splinter ; as applied to
wood, or large gourds. 2. The bark
of trees.
^Sg'k-.&reoe 3 chekkapiriudzu, s t vide
'7fo-*s£p>8 gomari.
"^§^.0 chekkili, s, Making in the
inflex. Sing. ^S^tS chekkiti, The
^Sb)_ chekku, v. a. To plane, pare,
chip, slice, or make thin, 2. To
cut off, to cut out ; to engrave. 3.
To slip into a cleft, or interstice.
4. To set as precious stones. 5.
To dig slightly. ^os6^^§b^_ kala-
muchekku, To make a pen. s.The
rind of cucumber and similar
fruits. 2. Half a bullock load of to-
bacco. 3. The cheek.
"^^vtf chechchera, ado. Quickly,
hastily, speedily, precipitately.
"S^oooo-ek chetayintsu, v. a. To re-
ject a petition, or request ; to re-
fuse advice ; to disapprove a sug-
•^|o chetta, s. Evil. 2. The hand, adj
Bad. ^£>s5-4x> chetta vattu, s. A
marriage, v, a. To marry, lit. To
take by the hand. T3&gs&r-c»3
|^r^cheftapattalupattukonu, To
take hold of each other's hands,
in walking-
^kx> cbettu
s. A tree, bush, or plant.
^^o chedu, v. n. To become bad,
rotten, or putrid. 2. To be spoiled,
damaged, or destroyed. '6. To be
ruined. 4. To be expelled from
one's caste. 5. A woman to £o
as ur ay.
"S&soifo, "Sesotg) cherrutsu, cherrupu,
v. a. To make bad. 2. To spoil, or
corrupt. 3. To ruin, or injure. 4.
To defile, or violate, a female.
"^tiK^bx) chedagottu, To spoil. ^3£
Xtf s5oo chedagaramu, adj.B&d, wick-
^efo, ^ti chedu, checlda, adj. Bad,
wicked. 2- Spoilt, damaged, rot-
ten. 3. Defiled. 4. Excessive, much,
very, ask, "S^- $»»&>' chedu, che
dda-pulusu, Very sour.
^&» ^^-^tfsSw chedu, chedda-ta
namuj s. Badness, wickedness.
"3 th eheddu, s. The clapping of the
hand on the thigh. This is a irode
of expressing defiance, amongst
^r^, ^ScaoSo chenaku, cheiiuku, v. a.
To touch.2. To provoke, s. A small
particle or atom. 2. A touch.
'ScaX'tfsSM chenagararnu, adj. vide ^3
2sX^!6x> chedagaramu. Under "s&>
"=3^0 da cheturu, s. An equivocal, or
ambiguous expression, a double
entendre. 2. Eloquence-
's £ cbetta, s. Rubbish, dirt. ^-cF*^
i^tfsSw chettachedaramu, Sweep-
"3^&j "Stfstfb chedaru, cheduru, v. n.
To be dispersed, dissipated, or
spent. 2. To fall in drops. 3. To be
dazzled. "ScStfJr ^ chedarao-ottu,
To disperse, route, or defeat.
"3esoo chedalu, s. White ants. Term-
es. "S&ewss&w chedalupattu, White
ants to attack any thing.
"S^&s chenati, s. A wicked person.
^S^cooo chenayu, v. a. To touch.
~&&\ chennu, s. Beauty. 2. Joy. adj.
Beautiful, 2. , Joyful.
^3 go cheppu, r, a. To say, or tell. 2.
To teach, or instruct. 3. To relate,
or recite.
"3^o-i5b cheppintsu,!'. Cans. To cause
to say, or tell, &c.
tSsSv^so cheppukonu, #. Comp. To
address, to represent, to announce.
2, To learn a language, or task.
"EsS^ew cheppulu, s. jpfofc. Shoes. 2.
^$5b& enema; a, s. Sweaty perspira-
tion. "S^fej"^^, ^^b^-s^ocs che-
matakaya, chemarakaya, s. A
pimple, lit. The fruit of perspira-
^56x^0 chemudu, s. Deafness.
"^s^ chemma, s. Damp, moisture.
adj. Damp, moist.
^Ss&^ex) chemmagilu, v. n To be
^ 000, ^ 0000 cheyi, cheyyi, s. making
in the inflex. sing. ^© cheti,The
hand. 2. The arm. 3. A sleeve. 4.
Dung cakes, used as fuel.
*3tf?focheragu, s. The hem of a gar-
"Stf^tf cherachera, 5. Anger, rage.
^tfsSe^ cherapalu, s. plu. The cheeks.
"fitfss&x cheravamu, s. A large pot,
chiefly of brass or copper.
"3 a cheri, part. Prefixed to words
denoting quantity or number, to
denote each of two only ; as s^o
££& ^Q-sSQ^Tyoooaooxo vandlaku-
cheripadivaraluyiyyi,Give ten pa-
godas to each of them.
^&£o cherukn, s. vide *3«»§o che-
~^&fo cherugu, y. a. To winnow. .9.
viae "^tffib cheragn.
i3er° H Xhellache
■^bb^) chertivu, s. An artificial lake,
or tank, v. a. To put, stick, or slide,
"3tf §1*0 cherlakola, s. vide ©? -^r°v
chillakola, Under -a ? ch ilia.
^3&s cherra, s. Captivity, imprison-
^fcsKo cherragu, s. vide ^tfKb-^ef Ko
sfr«&tfa cheragu-cherragurnasina-
di, ^i A woman whose cloth is
stained. A menstruous female.
^esy^^b cherralaau, v. n- To wander
about ; to roam.
^eJ,"Se^rcherri,cherruk;>, part, vide
■=38 cheri.
^&£»gb cherruku, s. The sugar cane.
: 3aao&,tr B ex) cherrukupalu, The juice
of the sugar cane- ssoto'a&sb van-
tacheruku, 5. £&£. Cooking sugar
cane. Fuel for cooking.
^3eaj-i5b, "SftMsg) cherrutsu, cherrupu,
v. a. vicZe ^s^o chedu.
"Sa£»s5oo cherruinu, 0. a. To rub.
^&m$ cherrtivu,s.«?ic?e^«b^ cheruvu.
"SejTfo chelagu, v. n. To shine, or be
splendid. 2. To be' pleasant, or
agreeable. 3. To resound.
"Busk chelama, .9. A hole dug in a
' dried up tank, or in the dry bed
of a river, so as to collect water
from the spring below:
^er^Jfe chelaregu, v. n. To be scat-
tered, or spread over, a country.
2. To be arrogant, or insolent.
^cr^sseS chelavani, adj. Current, as
applied to coin.
^3D cheli, .9. A friend. 2. A female
friend, or companion. ^38 SIS che
likatte, A female friend, or com-
panion. "^S-s^a^j chelikadu, A
male friend, or companion.
i32)1 chelike, s. A field after its crop
has been cut, and the gleanings
gathered. 2. A field ploughed, and
left fallow.
"^Oa chelidi, s. A troublesome kind
of itch.
^38£o chelimi, s. Friendship, ^gilao
g"§ chelimi katte, A female friend.
^esDir^ chelimikadu, A male
"SSosa^ cheliyalu, s. vide ^w che
llelu. . •
^SotfSS'k) cheliyalikatta, s. The
^ex)s5 cheluva, s. A woman,
^ewsssfoa, "3e»<£ cheluvamu, cheluvu.
s. Beauty, adj. Beautiful.
^votytfo cheluvudu, s. A lover.
,?8q) , "=3e) 2T 5 chella, chellabo, inter j.
Expressive of grief, alas, &c.
^t^^tite chellachedaru, adv. In a
disordered, or dispersed state.
&- Chedu
^S'er«4oa5aa chellafcamu, s. Sport.
^33, "iSScaSex) chelli> chelliyalu, s.
vide *s^ejo chelleln.
^ex> chellu, p. w. To pass, as regards
time. 2.. To pass as money ; to be
current. 3. To pass by general
consent ; to be valid, fit, or proper.
4. To pass from one to another ;
to be paid, or liquidated. 5- To
pass from this world ; to die. 6.
To come to pass ; to be accompli-
shed. 7. To be extended, s. A sum
paid ; a collection.
^e)o-i$b chellintsu, o.^a. To cause to
be current,, valid, or extended. 2.
To pay, or liquidate. 3. To per-
form, or accomplish.
^3 "Sew, iScf chellelu, chelle, s. A
on CO
younger sister,
^a chevi, 5. The ear. ^ss^-3o, chevi
— a
tamme, The lobe of the ear. "^a
S^nS' chevikonaka, The tip of the
ear. ^a$"£&» chevinibeUu, To
"Ssgj&j chevudu, s. Deafness. ^a&3
cheviti, adj. Deaf.
"£ che, postpos. vide ^4 cheta, s. The
hand ; as ^ $ o a chesamjna, A sign
of the hand. ^go«»-^§j^(^>,^§cro^b
cheknrru-chekudu, chekiiclu, To
succeed. 2. To obtain ; to acquire.
"^fco ehekatlu, s. Bracelets, compos"
ed of coral and gold beads.
■$X chega, 5. Strength. ^Xa-feoSsfco
chegalamekamu, An elephant.
■^feo cheta, s. A winnowing basket.
^to'S^e/SoS'sfca chetachevnlaine-
kamu, s. lit. The beast with ears
like a winnowing basket.
^k>r°er°& chetakollaru, s. A square
yard, with houses on three sides.
"h3&>3 chetu, s. Destruction, ruin, per-
dition. 2. Misfortune, disaster.
■^^tt-'osSw chetugalamu, A disa-
strous period.
"^SoaS, ^"3 chediya, chede, ■ s. A
"^ cheta, j905^)05.This postposition^
sometimes contracted into "^ che,
is the sign of the ablative termed
1%& cheta, s. Doing; an act : action.
*^e^s5M chetanamu, s. An animal,
or existent being.
"^S cheti, adj. Bitter. ^8 &*&>§!?
chetipotlatige, The^ plant termed
Trichosanth.es laciniosa, used as a
stomachic laxative medicine.
~<>z5r°8&>s chedaramu, s. Loss, waste,
^& chedu, 5. Bitterneess. adj. Bitter.
■^2& chedu, v. a. To draw in, or up,
with each hand alternate! v ; as in
^&- Cheru
pulling in the string of a paper
kite, or drawing up water in a pot,
from a deep well.
^tf cheda, s. Drawing in. or up, as
"$& chenu, s. A field of dry grain
only. 2. A crop.
^^ chepa, s. A fish. "^;S-cr>§ chepa-
rasi, The sign Pisees.
■^^> ch^pu, v. n. Milk to flow. s.
The act of milk flowing.
■^£o9 chemiri, s. The sour milk cast
into fresh milk, to make it curdle.
^o» cheyi, s. vide ^o»e cheyyi.
^0800 cheyu, v. a. To do. 2. To make.
3. To cause. 4. To perform. 5. To
frame, v. n. To be worth.
^cooo-iSb cheyintsn, v. Cans. To cause
to do, &c StX-s^ti &v^ctix> upaka-
ramucheyu, To do a favor. sr>zh
^k^Trtf^^-fr*^ vadumata-
prakaramrichesinadu, He perform-
ed his promise.
"^Sb cheru, s. The native soup, usual-
ly termed Muligatany ; more pro-
perly Melugutannir, from melugu,
Tam. pepper, and tannfr, water.
"^db cheru, v- n. To arrive ; to reach
a destination; to De received ; to
come to hand. 2. To be attached
to , or connected with. 3. To be
added, or joined to. 4. To be in-
cluded in. 5. To be assembled, or
collected. 6. To enter as a member,
among any particular class of men,
or into any sect, or profession, v.
a. To lean upon.
r $tiw&> cherabaru, v. n. To arrive-
2. To assemble together.
^&r°?53 cherukonu, v. Comp. To lean
"^&n&, ^&} cherutsu, che'rtsu, v. a.
To cause to arrive, or reach. 2.
To join, unite, mix, combine, in-
clude, add to, or accumulate. 3. To
assemble, or collect others, in a
body. 4. To admit as a member,in-
to any class, sect, or profession.
^Qg cherika, s. Junction, union. 2.
Approach, contiguity, proximity.
3. Familiarity.
■^&ss cheru va, s. Neighbourhood. 2.
An assemblage ; an army, consi-
sting of infantry, cavalry, eleph-
ants, and chariots,
^bbJT'oS cheru gondi, s. A female
treated as a wife, without the re-
gular marriage ceremony.
^&>dc£)o35cs5co cheru dnbiyyarnu, s.
Bice not perfectly pounded.
"^65 cherra, s. The hand, held so as
to contain any thing, ^~&&> che-
rredu, A handful,
^sso cherru, s. A string of flowers,
&c. 2. A chain. 3. A rope.
^# cheva, s. Strength, courage, for-
ce. 2. Hardness. 3. The heart of
a tree-
!%-5r> &-§"*&> chevadikadu, s. A thief,
one of the light fingered caste ;
also an off-hand story teller.
^si cheshta, s-. Gesture, posture. 2.
Grimace. 3. Behaviour, manners.
^g> chesi, postpos. From, by. This
postposition is found in books only,
subjoined to verbal nouns, or to
nouns denoting inanimate things.
This word is also the past verbal
participle of the verb ^oaoo cheyu,
g^ ?1s5m chaitramu, s. The first Telu-
gu lunar month ; that in which
the moon's change takes place
when the sun is in Aries.
"^cSsfco, 2. a chaidamu, chaidi, s. A
trade, or profession.
tS^oX tsonga, s. Saliva* spittle.
iS^g'^.&DsScx) tsokkatamu, s. Beauty.
adj. Beautiful, handsome.
tS^S^-sSm tsokkamu, s. Beauty, adj.
Handsome. 2. Pure.
t^-^-, tS^-r^^oM tsokka, tsokka-
yi, s. A jacket.
tS^So^ tsokku,^. Intoxication, stupe-
faction. Faintness. v. n. To be in-
, toxicated, stupified, or faint, 2. To
die-TS^-s-^gbex) tsokkakulu,I>ead,
or dried leaves.
•sS^-iSox,-^ Hook .tsotstsu, tsottent.su,
0. a. To enter by force? to pene-
trate. 2. To interfere in any busi-
ness, or matter ; to embark in any
undertaking, or enterprise.
■&*& tsotia, adj. Withered, or lame,
as applied to any limb, 8. A dent,
or bend.
tS^sSj tsoppa, s. The straw of the
Holcus saccharatus, or Holcus
spicatus? jonnalu, or sudzalu.
-tS^obx oa5b tsoppintsu, v. a. The causal
of tS^-i^N tsotstsn, q. v. To pierce.
2. To string or thread.
-&* l^oo tsoppillu, u. n. To shine.
tS" ^ tsoppu, s. Manner, way. tS^sSo
# tsoppuna, adv. Agreeable to,
according to, at the rate of. zs-fir 9
%£$ atsoppuna, In that manner or
■jS^aosko tsobalamu, s. The foetus of
the mare.
■tS^tf ss tsorava, s. Introduction, pene-
tration. 2. Boldness, confidence,
firmness. ■«r>$%&^-& t> $zs~3&> vani
kiannatsoravaledu, He has no in-
clination for food.
•fcT'&f) tsorra, s. A species offish.
oS^ejo, -iS^g tsollii, tsollu, . s. vide
tS^oX tsonga.
' 26
•fit* tso, 5. A place. 2. A time,.
tS^&o tsotu, 5. A place. -sS^k) tsota,
adv. In a place.
^tfcsdM chodyamu, 5. A curiosity. 2.
Surprize, adj. Curious. 2. Surpriz-
-&*&t&> chorudu, s. A thief, a robber.
tS^Sj chollu, s. £>£u. The grain usual-
ly termed Natchenny. Cynosurus
202 gjoX-Dzanga
I iT'&o® tsatidanti, 5. vide tf^So©
^>e58 tsaudari, s. A Chowdry ; the
head of a village, purganah, or
caste,under the former Mussulman
^tf£oS» chauryamu, s. Theft, rob-
^osSao choulamu, s. The ceremony
of tonsure ; shaving off the hair
of a child, three years old , with
the exception of one lock, left on
the crown of the head.
^° tsau, adj. Four. s. vide rt$-^
-s^Si>&> tsavu, tsaukalipita, A
chair ; lit. A seat with four legs.
^tfoiS" tsauvantsa, Five.
^°g tsanka, adj. vide •#;#§' tsavuka.
W£&x> tsaukamu, adj. Square, s. A
■ square.
^S&o-tfc tsaukalintsu, v. n. vide -js"
^Po-sfc tsavu kalintsn.
S'l tsauki, s. A custom house. 2. A
watch house. A watchman.
^2& tsaudu, s. vide &$&> tsavadu.
^cS^ew tsaudolu, s. A howdah, or
seat on the elephant.
^"er tsautl, 8. The litter generally
called a dooly^
^8 tsauti, s. vide -CjgQ tsavu ti.
tf chha, The twenty- second letter,
and seventh consonant in the Te-
lugu alphabet. «
-^^sfca chhidramu, s. A hole, vacui-
ty, or perforation. 2. Fault, defect,
Xv^>-Ox^s5» grihachchhi-
dramu, Domestic, foibles.
?s ja, The twenty- third letter, and
eighth consonant, in the Telugu
esoSo dzanku, s. Fear, terror, appre-
hension, v. n. To fear, to be afraid.
ssoSo-ifo dzankintsu, v. a. To frighten.
gjo^-pr dzankhana, s. A carpet.
2soX dzanga, s. vide esoX anga.
so & *5»-Dzantramu
ssoXs&sSw jangamamu, adj. Locomo-
tive, moveable, s. Any thing which
has motion, as opposed to that
which is stationary.
£5oXs5*> dzangamu, s. A caste among
the Suctras, who worship Siva ex-
clusively ; some of them follow
the profession of tailors.
^oKo&S dzangapilli, s. A wild cat of
a large species-
esoc^SosSm dzandzatamu , s. The trou-
ble, or annoyance, arising from a
large family.
2502?*$ dzandzali, s. A dagger, with
a handle covered, for defence.
sjo&o dzanta, s. A pair, or couple.
2soto-3cr*s*x>e>£o&> dzantamomulada
, nta» The god of fire, who has two
faces, s o&j-cp^dzantarasi, The sign
£?o«T§sx> dzantikeln, s. plu. Cakes
made of baked flour, in the form
of a thin rope, so^l dzantike,The
vessel upon which these cakes are
C3o&>o$ jantuvu, s. An animal, or liv-
ing creature ; any being endowed
with animal life ; it is more usual-
ly applied, however, to those of
the lowest organization. *
2?o^s5s> dzantramu, s. A machine.
8o^^ ^ s& dzantrapubomma, A
23o"3sSm dzandemu, s The sacerdotal
aosg) dzampu, 5. Indolence, laziness.
2. Procrastination. 3. Length. 4.
An ornament worn by Hindoos,
from the tip of. the ear. adj. Long-
aoc&tfSsjg) dz am puna dap u, v. a,
To procrastinate.
23 0MO dza-mbu, s. A reed.
230£»s's5c» jambukamn, s. A jackal. •
gjo^rsSw jambhamu, s.' Grandeur,
pomp, pride? presumption. The
meaning of this word, in Telugu,
is quite different from what it has
in Sanskrit.
22~i-cr> dzakera, s. A store, or hoard.
k^j-55 dzakkava, s. The ruddy goose.
23 $ij- ss g£ a ^v, dzakka vaka vavippu,
The moon ; because this bird is
said never to couple during moon-
light. 22s'k_s$'ex> dzakka valame-
lu, The sun ; as favorable to this
e§k- dzakki, s. A horse.
ai^-Oofo dzakkintsu, v. a. To be in
error, or in fault.
s§k_$ dzakkini, s. A married female,
who dies during -her husband's
sSojj-.ex) dzakkulu, *. plu. I)emi-gods ;
or nymphs, attendant on On
e&k-ersroogw dzakkulavandlu, s-
phc. People who worship the god-
dess of Kameswari
gjft'sofco dzagadzambu, s. Excess ; a
great deal.
kX^sSw dzagadamu, s. War, battle,
combat. 2. A quarrel, or dispute.
gjK2ss5cr»^o dzagadamadu, v. n. To
fight, quarrel, or dispute,
aft© dzagati, s. A raised open ve-
sXsfc, kXs5do jagattu, jagamu, s. The
world, the universe, 2. People,
23ft"32& dzagrvedu, *. The relation-
ship of the husband of one sister,
to that of another.
K^bs^sso dzaggumanu, v. n. To be
agreeable, or acceptable.
25^ dzadzdzu, s. A rag, or tatter ;
any thing torn. 2. Laziness^ adj.
23k jata, s. The hair matted, as worn
by Siva, or by the Hindoo ascetics.
2. The fibrous root, growing down
from the branches of certain trees,
in India. afeSejs$*> dzatilamu, adj.
Having matted hair.
K feB dzatti, s. Handsel, earnest money.
2. A bargain, or agreement.
dzattuj s. An assemblage, or
body of people.
2?& jada, 5. Plaited or braided hair.
2, Matted hair.
2&s£ jadanu, s. Stupidity, apathy. 2.
g?&s5x> jadamu, adj. Cold, frigid, chil-
ly. 2. Stupid, apathetic, idiotic
3. Inanimate.
ssg dzadi, s. Rain. g?&sr*tf dzadivana,
Heavy rain.
?3&ct&> dzadiyu, v. n. To fear, or be
afraid. ejS&o-tSb dzadipintsu, To
frighten, threaten, or alarm.
ai^o $g) dzadupu, s. Fear, fright.
gj^ dzadda, s. One consonant writ-
ten below another •, as when the
consonant is doubled, or when two
consonants come together, with-
out the intervention of a vowel.
23 janamtt, s. Man, individually,
*or collectively; a man ; mankind;
an individual, a person ; people,
population, community.
23&&> janudu, 5. A man.
ssx6s5s> dzanumu, s. The hemp plant,
Cannabis sativa.
js^sSm dzannamu, s. A sacrifice, or
ceremony, in which oblations are
ES»\ zssSm, »SK dzannidamu, dzanni,
s. The sacerdotal thread.
sj&N oft, ssl3^ dzanniya, dzanne, adj.
Consecrated, or devoted, to the
K sf s5do janmamu, s. Birth, produc-
essSsSw japamu, 5. Repeating inaudib-
]y passages from the Yedas, charms,
or the names' of the deity ; count-
ing silently the beads of a rosary*
S2&0-&, 2sl)ooooo3b japintsu, japiyin-
tsu, v. a. To repeat inaudibly
prayers, &c. as above.
83 _i> dzapti, s. Sequestration.
83Wv dzabba, s. The outer side of the
thigh. 2. The arm.
e?«o\ dzabbu, s. Inattention, negli-
gence, carelessness, 2- Delay, adj.
Inattentive, negligent, 2. Slow. 3.
8sfc dzama, s. A revenue term, signi-
fying collection, or assessment, g?
sfc^ctfoo dzamacheyu, To collect. &
s£r $)•&>£" dzamakhartsu, An ac-
count of receipts, and disburse
ments. s^^^w^i dzarnavasu-
lubaki, Demand or assessment,
collection, and balance. sBss^o»o&
dzamabandi,The settlement of the
a&re) dzamili, ac£/. Double. js&dDsSm
"^°k_D dzamilimukkali, A bee,
which has six feet.
gsSoSS' dzamilika, s. A kind of tabor.
?3$xn>& dzaminu, s- The land, ground,
earth, or soil. 8sar»§— s*tf>£b dza-
mindarudu, A zamindar.
esj&»2go jamuda, s. Yama, the regent
of the world below, and the judge
of departed souls. 23s5ao^§^_ao^
jamunekkirinta, A buffalo ; be-
cause it is the steed of Yama.
e?s5x>tf jamuna, s. The. river Jumna,
which joins the Ganges below Al-
lahabad. gjsSwtfcBSo jamunayya, The
sun ; in mythology, the father of
the Jumna.
easbaex} dzamulu, s. A couple.
23s5^ dzammu, s. vide ssoso clzambu.
ko^56do jayamu, &•. Conquest, victory,
triumph, success*. 2?o»o-&> jayin-
tsu, To conquer, or win ; to be
successful. 1
2s5 dzari, s. Gold or silver thread,
or lace-
gjQw dzaribu, s. The mensuration of
S2&7& dzarugu, v. n. To pass, elapse,
or expire. 2. To get, or move, on ;
to creep. 3. To slip, or slide. 4.
To flee.
£?&;£) dzarupu, v. a. To spend, as
time.-, to procrastinate. 2. To pass
time. 3. To move, or push, forward.
23tfx°& dzaruru, adj. Necessary, re-
quisite, urgent. s. Necessity, occa-
sion, urgency.
ssessea dzarradzarra, s- The noise
arising from dragging along the
22033 tf dzarrruna, adv. Quickly.
sjaS'^b^o dzalaka&ngu, v. To wash
earth for gold, diamonds, &c. zso
g&>fovsr>o&> dzalakadugulavan-
dlUj 5. p/u. A caste of people who
search for articles, in drains, &c.
€sej^sxwdzalakamu,5. Ablution, bath-
23vW&> dzalataru, s. vide g?S dzari.
23e>T3^a dzaladari, s. A drain, a ken-
sse>s5co jalamu, s. Water, ssej-sp^s jala-
badha, Inclination to make urine.
ssw-ST tftf^ewjalacharamulu, Aquatic
asxi^o dzalubtt, s. A cold. #$. Cold.
83s»2w^ob6o dzalubucheyu,. To take
or catch cold-
sy dzalla, 5. A long narrow basket,
placed 'on a cart, to contain any
thing loose, which is carried on it.
ese^s&j s?e>os5b?SS dzallanti, dzallumanu,
v. n. To tremble, perspire, ©r have
one's hair stand on end, from any
involuntary affection of the pas-
230 dzalli, s. Broken tiles, little ston-
es. 2. Boasting lies, idle talk.
ssD o-db dzallintsu, v. a. To sift.
goex) dzalla, s. A shower, sj^e-c^
g3oo varshapuclzallu, A shower of
25 1$ & dzalleda, s. A sieve.
225$ dzava, s. A frame, or setting. g»
sss'kjo dzavakattu, To set or frame.
23^sr°kx> dzavadatu, To transgress
prescribed limits.
ssssfeo, K3£# dzavata, dzavara, s. A net-
like substance, which surrounds
the palmyra tree, at those parts
whence the branches expand.
gjsstftf dzavarana, s. Straightness,
smoothness. essstfaSw dzavramu,
adj. Straight, smooth.
gstf-cew, 2S££» dzavaralu, dzavvani,s.
A young female.
z=sr>Q dzavadi, s. Civet, e3af>e)
dzavaclipilli, The civet cat.
2Zot*& javanu, s. A peon.
£j»r>£» dzavabu, 5. An answer. 23or* .
2mtt>&2&. clzavabudarudu, A sure- |
ty; a person responsible, e? o^ao
•^r»Qew dzavabuswalu,Discourse, ar-
gument. 2? *»$!)&> dzavabunivi- ■
su, A writer of orders, or replies, j
82$ So dzavuku, v. n. To become soft, 1
or ripe, as a boil. adj. Swampy,
b rakish.
ej$& dzavuru, v. a. To lash. 2. To
collect any thing scattered.
sstfQtfsSN dzavvanamu, s. Youth.
gjcg)^ dzavvu, s. Beauty, adj. Beauti-
st 3 -^ dzaga, s. A place, or station.
2- Land, ground.
ss^AosSw dzagilarnu, s. A dog.
ss^bb jagiru, s. A grant of the
land revenue payable to govern-
ment, from an extensive tract of
2r°^b dzagu, s. Delay.
sr»^ jagrata, s. Vigilance, careful-
ness, caution. '2. Activity, adj.
Yigilant, careful, cautious. 2. Ac-
tive, ready, sr^&^cpoa jagrata-
cheyu, To take care, to be care-
ful. 2- To make ready.
£"*g-sr°'£r*cg> dzadagapovu, To slink
TT'&otf) dzadintsu, v. a. To flap a-
bout as a horse does his tail. 2.
To throw suddenly out the arms
or legs. 3. To rinse about in water.
4. To reprove by speech,
ar*2& dzadu, s. The tender stalk of
the great millet.
zT'ascsfo jadyamu, s. Coldness, apa-
thy. '2. Folly, stupidity, dulness.
3. A disease, sickness.
2r°cB dzana, s. A clever or skilful
zr^tf dzatara, s. The festival of any
deity, but chiefly of the village
tr 3 ® jati, s. A kind, sort, class, tribe,
or caste. 2. The nutmeg tree. 3.
Birth. ss-SoS^ jatipatri, Mace.^»
§£e>x*» jatiphalamu, The nutmeg.
er® dzati, s. Splendour, brightness.
zr'esb dzadu, s. vide 8T°2?> dzadzu.
82"° tf jana, s. vide l£tf jena.
??*(& dzanu? s. Beauty, adj. Beauti-
2r°s6te) dzanngaln, s. plu. Ears.
7r>&$) januvu, s. The knee.
s^ss^ dzapatri, s. vide gj-'sSoSjga
s?^s5os5m japyamu, adj. LoiteriDg. s.
Loitering, delay.
g^&w jabita, s. A list.
25^>£)D dzabilli, 5. The moon. g^OD
s5fe3 clzabillipatti, The planet Mer,
cury. cJ^aS) QS'^- dzabillirikka-
The fifth of the lunar mansions.
-as - * 2w dzabu, s. A letter of correspond-
£-°s&3o&) dzamapandu, 5. The fruit
of the guava tree.
S^afc-otf) jamarn, s. A long cloth,
without any coloured border.
2T , g*r>s6 dzaminu, 5. Security, bail.
zr'sSw dzamu," s. A space of time
equivalent to three English hours-
23-°&a> dzarru, v. n. To slide, or slip.
2. To trip, or stumble- 3. A knot
to slip open; or become loose. 4.
To drop -as water. 5. To flee.
sr^sfco dzalamu, s. Delay, loitering.
zj^osSw^dCco dzalamucheyu, v. a.
To shuffle off.
zrv$> jalaru, s. Net-work, fringe.
&*v&g&± jalarukannu, The mesh
of a net.
^er«8 dzalari, s. vide 23^"sr°5 dzala-
s^S dzali, 5. Pity, commiseration,
2. Begret, sorrow. 3. Wrath.
2r°ex> dzalu, s. The gentle flowing of
water. sT'e^asb dzalgonu, To flow
gently as water.
^-S-^PcxsSxba, gr^sfoa dzale-dzali-
yamu, dzalemu, 5. A purse.
s^&sr* dzakiva, s. Gold.
25*°^ dzava, s. A thipk drink, made
of boiled rice, pr wheat.
j^jb jasti, a$. More, much.
sr^tfo jahiru, adj. Obvious. ?r>$r°&
■^ocsoo jahirucheyu, To explain.
220^ jink a, s, An antelope.
£*&,£&>& jigata, jiguru, s. Paste,
or gum.
gft jigi, s. Brightness, splendour, adj.
Strong. s2ftss$ jigipani, Substantial
g"todb jittedu, adj. Equal in extent
to a span, measured by the thumb
and forefinger.
££0 jiddu, s y Grease, oil, &c. Swim-
ming upon water, or besmearing
any thing, adj. Greasy, oily. $&>
g'&e) jiddukadali, The sea of milk;
one of the seven fabulous seas.
£s£oS£o jitapadu, v. n. To be salubri-
ous. 2. To be subdued. 3. To be
qualified. 4. To be accustomed.
& o&>*5b-Dzumdzuru
^^^ft3-i5b jitaparratsu, v. a. To sub-
due. 2. To qualify. 3. To accustom.
£gb jittu, s. Craft, cunning.
£e5b jiddu, s. Quarrel, dispute. 2. En-
gtf&K jinassu, 5- A thing, an article.
£axn> jimma, 6'. Possession, charge.
23-cr»jira, s. Armour, mail.
?3-cp>o333 jirayati, s. Agriculture, cul-
£££tttf jirrruna, adv. Swiftiy, speedily.
*Se> jila, 5. An itching.
gg)£)S)35e>o§b jilibilipaluku, s. A low
but pleasing sound.
29e>o7^b jiKigu, adj. Very small, and
close. 2. Troublesome, v. a. To
write in a very close and small
s2"e5!)ex> jilebilu, s. phi. A kind of
£ e5i& jilledu, adj. Of or belonging
to the gigantic swallow wort.
Asclepias gigantea. s. The plant
£$& jivuru, s. vide £K& jigata.
^o^sSm jindramu, 5. Misfortune,
2§&jidi, s. The juice which exudes
from the stalk of the mango fruit,
immediately after it is cut from
the tree.
2§i£o5m jitamu, s. Salary?" wages, pay.
£$b jinu, 5. An anchor. 2. A horse
^wojibu, .s. A net-like substance
which surrounds the cocoannt,
and other similar trees, at those
parts whence the branches ex-
<£$ jira, s. A line. 2. A crack, or flaw.
sftfg'sSoo-^tfras&w, 2§tfs5c» jirakamu-ji-
rariamu, jiramu, s. Cummin seed.
2§tfb-2§TT>e&, 2§&"3r*eso jfru-jiradu, ji-
rukadu, v. n. To hang down, or
trail, on the ground.
s^e^ea i il akarrra, s. vide 'i&g&ys ifra-
igsSoz jivamvi, s. Life, existence. 2.
The soul. ^sStfsSw jivanamu, s.
Life, existence. 2. "Water. 3. Live-
lihood, means of subsistence. 4.
2P0 2T°o dzumdzam, s. A torch made
of Jonnalu straw, used by the
young people on the new moon of
the month of es rococoes asvayu-
epos^o dzumdzum, s. The buzzing
of bees, &c.
23>ozP&g& dzumdzurukatta, s.' A
torch made of sticks, tied together
in a bundle.
wowkhzx dzUmdzurrulu, s. A lion's
«»o83»ft9o'3o v t» ; §'ex) dzumdzurruven-
trukalu, s. phi. Dishevelled hair.
g?6o^ [i ex> dzuttanavrelu, s. The fore-
js 3 ^ dzuttu, 5
of hair
A long lock, or tuft,
eft by the Hindoos on
the crown of the head, the rest of
which is close shaved. 2. A pea-
cock's crest.
s^^fo dzunagu, v. n. To retire, with-
draw, or retreat.
g» & dzutta, 5. A short span, measur-
ed from the thumb, to the tip of
the ring finger.
g^tfb^ dzunnu, s. Honey, 2. Cheese.
&&\ "spsw dzannubalu, The milk
of a cow which has newly calved,
until seven days after the birth,
# dzubbuna, adv. Swiftly,
flu. A kind
of birds.
s?bbs5^(sr° dzurumana, s. A fine.
^^ dzurrru, v. a. To drink with a
sipping noise.
2?>2x>s5s> dzulumu, s. Oppression, in-
justice, gpfiws&a^dtfo dzulumuche-
yu, v. a. To oppress ; to distress.
«Ps^ex) dzummalu,
vp&cht) dzavvidivi, s. One of the
seven dwipas, or continents, into
which the world is divided.
s^esSdo, s^tfsSw dziidzamu, dzuda-
mu, s. A game. 2. Gambling, play.
c?^22&, 2?^&a dzudzari, dzudari,
A gamester. 2? r ~*2*?£r>&> dziiclzama-
du, To play a game.
g?*-^ dzuji, s. A procuress.
gp-*e>3 dztilu, 5. The mane of a horse.
"Sotr* jenda, s. A flag, or banner.
«?ozr i 3cTfc\ex> jenclakutstsulu, The
tassels of a flag.
~go& jenta, 5. A wicked young fe-
"SX jega, s. Greatness, ad/. Great.
^fe3 jetti, s. A brave man, a gallant
"i^ ietti, 5. A wrestler, "g^ssfcw fettl-
es J "• u w ' "^
pattu, "Wrestling. "^-^Soss jettf-
penukuva, A combat of wrestlers.
"g& iedda, 5. vide &£ dzadda.
a J * * Ca
"%■$ jena, s. The yolk of the egg.
3?35oa2& jemudu, 5. The milk-hedge
plant. Euphorbia tirucall',
2§&5$ jerrabhi, s. An old woman.
"^e| jerrri, s. A centipedes
i*eJ£r«&> ierrripotu, a
£3 off
£fe> jela, s. A spring. of water.
"SaK jelaga, 5. A leech.
??«-«» S'cfta jelakante, s. A hawk
13 ss jeva, *-. Strength.
"2§sl jeshta, s. Misfortune. .
1§q,& o^ogp jendravandlu, s. plu. A
certain caste of weavers.
sfflbtfc jeguru, s. Red chalk. sfftbao
-& jegurintsu, To grow red.
^ jeje, 6-. A deity, male, or female.
"j§l§e>X&3 jejelagattu, The mounta-
in Meru, the abode of the gods.
?^e>3&» jejelapattu, The heaven
of Indra.
jfjfjeje, interj. Expressive of jo} T .
^tf jena, s. A span.
"^200 jebu, s. A pocket.
^ «# & j e vur u , s . icfe "^^bbb j egur u ,
"^^)?5bKog3 jevurugaudlu r s. pZw. Em-
s?^oSs5cx> dzompamu, s. z»iete ftossobb
c^> ©e» dzottillu, v. n. vide ^ftbao-&
jegurintsu? Under "sffotfb jeguru.
A kind of 1 ar°£\ dzonna, 5. The jonna grain, or
great millet. Holcus saccharatus.
aT">£Kex> dzobbilu, v. n. vide -S>g)vex5
a^^Jx" dzorrriga, 5. vide ar^eJx dzo
ap*ex> dzollu, s. Saliva, spittle.
CO - 1 -
ar^ta dzoham, s. Prostration, salu-
tation, infer/- Expressive of joj^.
"&-*£ dzoka, s. Independence, pos-
"^>§b dzoku, v. a. To abuse, or re-
vile ; to use imprecations.
s^S^&jo jokottu, v. a. To lull a child
to sleep.
"S^KsSw dzogamu, s. Abstraction of
mind, intense meditation on one
object. 1^5\ dzogi, 5. A devotee,
or religious mendicant. "^Tfo-o^ex)
dzognraln, A female devotee.
c^rtb dzogu, s. A float, or raft, for
crossing a river.
"S^ar 6 dzodzo, interj. Expressive of
blessing. Be happy, dzola, s. A song for lulling in-
fants asleep.
ar 8 ©, ^°l> dzoli, dzoli, 5. Purpose,
business, intention, design. ok*£>§
s5t5ov, ar 6 !) §&-*:$ dzolikivatstsu,
dzolikipovu, To meddle in one's
"JS 3-0 ^ dzole, s. A small bag foEjalms.
&*h dzosi, 5. An astrologer, or as-
tronomer. ar^osSw dzosyamu, s.
Astrology, or astronomy.
c^^tfb dzoharu, s. vide ar^bo dzo
^- ■
& %) jnapti s. Understanding, com-
prehension ; the exercise of the
intellectual faculty. 2. Recollec-
"er°© jnati, s. A collateral relation,'
or distant kinsman ; one who does
- hot participate in the oblations of
212 2»Q#5&>-Jwaramu
food, or water, offered to deceased
sftfsSw jnanamu, s. Knowledge in
general. 2. Knowledge of a speci-
fic and religious kind, that which
is derived from meditation, and
the study of philosophy.
ar*?) jnani, s. An astrologer, a for-
tune-teller. 2. A sage, one possess-
ing religious wisdom, or gnanum.
2T's^s6oajnapakamu,s. Remembrance,
recollection. sr 5 ;S§'s$>o^o36o jnapa-
kamucheyu, To remind, to recol-
vTq jya>. The earth. 2. A bowstring.
"S^e SsxsS^o jyotishamu, s. Astronomy,
astrology- ^S^Ssspjp.^ jyotishku.
du, An astronomer or astrologer ;
a fortune-teller.
"S^ca&v jyotissu, s. Light. 2. Fire.
3. The sun. 4. The moon. 5. A
eqS'jd-w jwaramu, s. Feveiy-srSaptfaSaa
chalijwaramu,Z^. Cold and fever.
An ague. Sb j^ajotfsStf pitta jwaramu,
A bilious fever.
^S®' s^c^^w jwala, jwalamu, s.
Flame, blaze.
5bp jha, The twenty-fourth letter,
and ninth consonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet.
Sbo o -3^ tfs»o -Sbp or^s5Do, bbpo^8jhan
karamu-jhankritamu, j hankriti,s.
A buzz, or humming. 2. The loud
noise of anger.
SbpoSop jhamjha, s. A tempest, or
Sbpl>S)o-£5b jhalipintsu, v. a. To brand-
sf- na This is the twenty-fifth, letter,
and tenth censonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet, but no word in the
language commences with it.
feo ta, The twenty-sixth letter, and
eleventh consonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet. It is often added to
the root of the verb, to form the
verbal noun ; as, ^otfok? cheyuta
Doing. ,
feocS'sSM tankamn, s. An imaginary
coin of the value of 16 copper
clubs, or four silver fanams.
koc$ s5x> tankamu, s. Pride. 2, A stone
cutter's chisel. 3. Borax.
feooS^e* tankasala, s A mint.
feoSo^ takku, s. Deceit, cunning. 2.
Dissimulation, hypocrisy, pre-
tence, v, a. To deceive ; to pre-
fco^k-9, SoS'&xDSb takkari, takatan-
ku, s. A deceitful, or fraudulent
£otr°§, &>^r>&> tapaki, tapasu, s. A
to-tr^ tappa, s. The post, generally
termed the T appal, in Southern
&>u^owo^5b talayintsu, v. n. To take
a walk. 2. To delay, or put off,
&n>§o taku, s. A ring used to retain
others on the finger. 2. The end
or point of a pen.
Sokes'* &» tatotii) 5. Deceit, pretence.
fe3eJ tirrri, s. A beast of burden.
&g tika, s. A commentary.
&s* tika, s. Inoculation. 2. The small
pox by inoculation. 3. An orna-
ment, hanging from the hair down
upon the forehead. ^-3"°-^ 360 tika-
veyu, To inoculate,
& o» s5x - D am bam u
^$ tip 1 ^ 5- Money, deposited as se-
curity for good conduct,
&x3-o| tuki, 5. An abstract of the con-
tents, or purport, of a letter.
"loos' tenka, 5. The stone of the
mango fruit.
loo-^csS tenkaya, s. A cocoanut.
1oo§ tenki, s. A house.
"laol tenke, s. A shoemakers awl.
Ib&k-ex) tekkulm, s. jpfo. Airs of
Iblk-sSw tekkemu, s. A flag, or ban-
dr*i> topi, 5. A hat. 2. A cap.
tf tha,The twenty-seventh letter, and
twelfth consonant, in the Telugu
^TPooooa5b tharayintsu, v. a. To re-
solve, settle, or fix.
&3S&3S thavathava, $. Obstacle, or im-
&sss5 thavarie, s. A great drum.
$s»& thavara, s. A deceitful female.
£sss> thavali, s. Deceit, fraud.
-st 3 £3* thana, s. The head place of a
district. 2. A watch house. tet»3
•sr»tf> thanedaru, One appointed
to superintend a district.
T2P!$ thavu, 5. A place, house, lodg-
ing, or residence
8t«w thikana, s. A place of resi-
dence, or resort ; abode, station.
§gb thlku, atZ/. Proper, just, fit. 2.
Exact, complete. 3, True.
6 & thivi, 5. Generosity, liberality. 2.
Posture, state.
~£ss theva, s. G-lory, £ower.
o^§b tkoku, 5. A great sum.
o^ej-t. thola, *. A body, or company.
& da, The twenty-eighth letter, and
thirteenth consonant, in the Te-
lugu alphabet.
SSoasfco dambamuj s. Ostentation,
adj. Ostentatious. ca*c£>&&> dam-
bikudu, A coxcomb,
£ft oaS-piggiya
2^o^ dambu, s. Splendour, bright-
- ness, brilliance.
Ssl^- dakki, s. A small drum, shap-
ed like an hour glass.
&Ktf daggara, adv. Near; used in
books only.
&7fo _§£" dagguttika> s. A low, chok-
ed, interrupted, or sobbing sound,
expressive either of joy, or grief.
&$£ dappu, 5. A large noisy drum.
&b\ dabbi, s. A small box ; a vessel
kept in Hindoo temples, for the
reception of presents from pil-
grims ; or in which the custom
servants keep the collections made
by them.
2s230\ dabbu, 5. A dub, or copper coin
of the value of twenty cash. 2,
- Falsehood, a lie- 3. Riches, eclat,
ostentation. 4. The noise of a drum.
&»-5r>2& dabbugalavadu, A
rich man.
e£sxy*tfs>M damaramu, s. A pair of
kettle drums.
%&.& dammanu, v. n. To die.
efioc6oo dayyu, v. n. To be fatigued,
tired, wearied, or weakened.
&zn>a&&> dalayatu, s. A deloyet, or
c£$)Vo davulu, 5. vide ^ew dauln.
"c^Ab dagu, s. A stain, spot, blot, or
rr>fo 4% u > v - ^. To hide, vide •sr'Xb
•<^s5e> dapala. adv. On the left side.
Tr>oSD dapali, adj. Left-
tt'-zp daba, s. Blame, censure,
"c^^o dabu, s. A catalogue, or list. 2^
A physician's recipe. 3. A female's
zone, of silver, or gold.
T5-*ctfo dayu, v. n. To approach.
•cr°oo dala, s. Splendour, brilliance.
2. A shield. 3. A banner or flas;.
cloX&e& dingarudu, s. A servant ; a
slave. 2. A fat man.
&o& dintsn, v. a. To let, or put,
down. 2. To leave another, vide
ao-db dintsu.
&oitfsSx> dindframu, s. Froth foam.
&o&> dindu, s. Meanness. 2- Defeat.
v. n. To die or expire 2. To be
defeated. SojSbsSea^) dinduparra-
tsu, v. a. To defeat in battle.
SKb, &Kb digu, diggu, v. ». To de-
scend, or alight, tide a 76 digu.
&* oc5 diggiya, *. A large and long-
^e^^s^b dillapadu, v. n. To be im-
moveable. 2. To be astounded.
&&*& dikonu, v. a. To butt.
&e»oSdb dilupadu, v. n* To become
lean, weak, or feeble. 2. To be de-
feated. kzx)$ts>&> diluparratsu, v.
a. To weaken. 2. To defeat.
C&s5b duma, ^)ar£. This.word is found
in books only, added to verbs, to
express the optative mood ; as es>
c&o&><& ayyeduma, May it be so.
&>o&e duyyu, v. a. To draw a sword.
2, To open out auy thing. 3. To
retire, or retreat. 4. To pierce.
£&«o-©} durrruchehi, inter j. Expres-
sive of defiance to battle.
£&ex> dullu, «?. n. To fall, as reaves
from a tree, dbwrfo dulutsu, v. a.
To cause to fall ; to slacken.
°So£5s5oo dendamu, 5. Mind, heart,
'SS'/— dekka, 5. A hoof.
"SSb^- dekku, t>. a. To hinder, pre-
vent, or arrest.
-g3S\tfs&3 depparamu, ae?;. Unattain-
"S^a, "S"S\ debbadi, debhbhai, adj.
^X dega, s. A hawk, or falcon.
"^7T°& degata, s. On the fifth day
after a marriage, the bride and
bridegroom, with all their rela-
tions, throw perfumed powder at
: each other, and this is the name
given to that pastime.
el^p dera, s. A tent.
^o^ donka, s. A bush. 2. A road,
amidst cultivated fields, left for
cS^oSb donku, v. n. T be degraded
or decreased, s. Crookedness.
eS^r^. dokka, s. The belly. 2. The
outward shell of a cocoanut.
cS^g, cS^to dorlu, dollu, p. n. To
tumble, or roll over ; to fall down.
<£"« dolla, adj. Hollow.
fir 6 ;
cS^-csp dokada, 5. The hundredth
part of any coin.
cS^Sb doku, v. a. To dig slightly ; to
root up grass.
(S^e) dolf, 5. A litter, or dooly, vide
^w chauta.
dS^ew dolu, s. A kind of drum.
£o*o -Tanta
2T°e» daulu, s. An estimate. 2. Ap-
^ dha, The twenty-ninth letter, and
fourteenth consonant, in the Te-
lugu alphabet.
<^o§" dhanka, s. vide #£]-. dhakka.
tfs^- dhakka, s. A double drum.
"qr*^ dh£ka, s. Formidable appear-
ance. 2. Rigorous authority.
qr*T° dhok&, *. Doubt, fear, sus-
ca na, This is the thirtieth letter, and
fifteenth consonant, in the Telugu
alphabet, but no words in the
language begin with it.
tf ta, The thirty-first letter, and six?
teenth consonant, in the Telugu
&oto, s£o£t° tanta, tanta, s. Difficul-
ty, trouble. 2. Dispute, conten-
tion. 3. Slander, false report. 4.
Trick, knavery. 5. Debt.
^o2*fcs&o tandasamu, s. An instru
ment for pulling out hair by the
. root.
e£oxs^ tanda,*. A heap of filled sacks*
2. A troop of Brinjaries, or Lum-
s£o&> tandu, v. a. To collect, to de-
mand. i£o£ex> tandalu, s. Collec-
^o^pjs5c»e)otandt)lamulu,5. plu. Rice.
&o!*?x> tandelu, s. A tindal, or native
officer, in a ship, or vessel.
e£o^ tandri, s, A father. &o.&.~*
^dfo tandrisaidodu, 5. A father's
brother, or sister. "j^oS pet-
tandri, 5. A father's elder brother,
a^o^S, pinatandri, A father's
yonger brother.
&o9 tanti, s. The wire, or string, of
a musical instrument. s£o©o3^"8s5oo
tantivaddemu, Stringed instru-
&o&> tantu, s. Craft, cunning, sub-
til ty. 2. Device, shift.
s£o7iex> tantela, s. plu. The little
steps, or bridges, in the handle of
the Vina, a sort of guitar.
$£0 ^ j6» tantramu, 5. Craft, cunning,
subtilty. 2. Device, or trick. 3.
An intrigue, or plot.
#0 © tantri, & vide e^oS tanti.
«£/fosX>.TagU ; lU
e£o£tf tandara, s. Hesitation. 2. Per-
plexity, confusion. 3. Trembling.
#o& tampi, 5. A fire pit, used for;
boiling water.
^o^&s, ^o^es* tamburra, tamburra,
s. A musical instrument, with five
strings, resembling a guitar.
e£^-cr>& takararu, s. Dispute, alter-
cation, quarrel.
#-*■*£> takavi, s. Taccavy ; advanc-
es for cultivation.
ti^lr- takka, adv. Except.
^§o^_ takku, v. n. To remain. 2. To
stop, or cease. 3. To refrain from.
" 4. To give oneVself airs. *. Defi-
ciency, residue. 2. Affected ges-
^ tures, foppish airs.
e£ &{,-#, ti&ij-^) takku va, takkuvu,s.
Deficiency, defect. 2. Dearness in
price. 3. Inferiority, adj. Defici-
ent, defective. 2. Dear in price,
scarce. 3. Mean, inferior, low. oi
or less.
&""§£,_& takkeda, s. A pair of scales;
a balance.
&~§k_£&> takkeclu, 5. A weight of two
&~§i—<±5 takkerra,a$. Little, trifling.
^tto takya, s. A pillow.
&$» takhtu, s, A throne, or royal
^X<£o, t£7fb&) tagadu, tagudu, s. A
thin flat piece of metal ; a plate.
^XtfsSw tagaramu, s. Tin.
#;(& tagaru, s. A ram.
^-7^-35-* tasrada, s. A claim, suit, or
gfo tagu, v. n. To be becoming, de-
cent, suitable, fit, proper, worthy,
or deserving. 2. To fit ; to suit.
$£ftb tagulu, v. n. To touch, or come
in contact with. 2. To be seized?
caught, ensnared, or entangled. 3.
To be affected with sickness. 4.
To be found. 5. To cost. v. a. To
touch or hit. 2. To pursue. £K«k>&>
tagalabadu, To be caught, or en-
snared. 2. To burn. ^K^"3^ taga
labettu, To burn, or set on fire.^K
oKg> tagalagattu, To tie on.
e£Xb°-x>20& tagulubadi, s. Charges, cost.
^ftSoTSb tagilintsu, v. Gaus. To cause
to touch. 2. To stick to, suspend
from, or hang upon. 3. To set on
fire. 4. To give, or affect, with any
disease., s5$er*^ft$o-i5b panilotagi-
lintsu, To employ, in business. -3
ajex>£5\So-& debbalutagilintsu,To
flog or beat.
& !&&>&* & tagulukonu, v. Comp. To
get one's- self' entangled in. 2. To |
take fire of itself. tfo~§|\3&fte)o-tk
r*sfc sankellutagilintsukonu, To
get fettered. &^X&»&K£)o : &r*&
rogamutagilintsnkonu, To get di-
e£Kb$, &K$) taguvu, tagavu, s. A
dispute. 2. A Law suit. 3. The
presents given by parents to Iheir
daughter, on her marriage, e^fio^
a, e^Ksse taguvari, tagavari, A
judge • an arbitrator.
&&> taggu, s. Deficiency. 2. Defect.
adj. Deficient. 2. Defective. 3.
Short, low."*, n. To be degraded;
to be abated ; to be humbled, v.
a. To put down.
&% o-^b taggintsu, v. a. To decrease,
diminish, abate, or lessen.
6% os£) taggimpu, s. A reduction, or
#-S\tf tatstsana, s. Craft, cunning,
subtilty. 2. Device or trick. 3. De-
rision ; a joke. c$-3\tfer»e& tatstsa-
naladu, To joke, or deride.
titeTosxifo, e£feo§>o^£> tatasthaniagu, ta
tasthintsu, v. n. To succeed. 2, To
& &>$?&;) tatasthivdu, s. An indifferent
man, neither a friend nor a foe.
ef&n»S'i6oatatakamu, s, A tank, pond,
or pool.
tikj^votf tataluna, adv. Swiftly? qu-
&k* tatta, s. A small basket. 2. A
eo "
metal plate.
&£ tatti, s. A small metal plate,
turned up at the rim, out of which
the Hindoos eat their victuals.
e£&3d tattu, s. A bank, or shore- 2. A
side, or direction. 3. A pony. 4-
Measles, v. a. To beat or knock at
a door. 2. To pat. 3. To clap. 4.
To touch the heart, or mind. &&
"Seek tattiveyu, To make a thing-
fall out of one's hand. #£&**& ta-
ttipovu, To be disappointed. £&a
s6oofc>3 tattumuttu, Utensils, house-
hold stufi*.
& fc»ss tattu va, s. A pony.
& &> o^e^b tatravadu, 5. A gold-smith.
$££ tada, f. Delay. 2. Hesitation,
doubt, suspicion, 3. Confusion,
embarrassment, 3&k&) tadabadu,
To be impeded, or obstructed. 2.
To be embarrassed. 3. To stutter
or falter. 4. To be infirm in walk-
ing. &&r^ tadakattu, To stop by
&£r tadaka, s. A Tatty, or straw
blind ; it is also used as a door to
huts, .Tanamu
ti&c&) tadayu, v. n. To loiter, or
trifle away.
s^ss tadava, s, A time ; as Zjgg&g
okatadava, Once.
&&$ tadavu, v. a. To look, or search
for ; to feel for, or grope: s. Hin-
drance, delay, loss of time.
ef& tadi, s. A wetting. 2. Damp, -wet.
adj. Wet, damp.
&&0&0 tadiyu, v. n. To be wet; to
' get wet.
#£&$ tadupu, v. a. To wet. 8. A
wetting, ti Wet, damp.
i£Ss\ £ tadava.
^cbK?5k>, ^E9ir°j6a> t&jiagamu, tanaga
mu, s. A leathern bag for water,
carried on bullocks. ^7p"S5^
,tarjagameddu, A bullock which
bears water, in a bag of that kind.
^S tati, s. Proper season, or time.
^Ds£r°. tatimma, s. The remainder.
# *£& tattadi, 5. A horse.
& ^&9j6c», c£ e^-Jp&o tattarramu, tat-
tarpap£tu, s. Perplexity, distur-
bance, confusion, embarrassment.
llu, tattarrilu, v n. To be perplex-
ed, disturbed, confused* or emba-
rrassed. 2. To tremble.
e^dTjJsSoo tatvamti, s. Essential nature;
the real nature of the human soul,
considered as one and the same
with the divine spirit animating
the universe.
s£$fc;6oo tathyamu,*. Truth, adj. True.
«£&tfoe£tfs6ootadanantaramu, adv. Af-
&TF > t$$'c tadarabhya, adv. From that
time ; since then.
€£&o3ootaddayu,«c//. Exceeding, much,
*£fij£s5a> taddinamu, s. The annual
ceremony for ancestors, lit. That
day, the day.
&c5tf ,s5m tadhdharmamu,s.The aorist
of the verb.
e££\sss$3o tadbhavamu, adj. Corrupt-
ed from the Sanskrit.
i£tf& tanaku, v. n. To shine. 2. To
be joined.
e^4r* tanakha, s. An assignment on
the revenues.
^tfss^o tanamu.^>ar£. This particle is
added to t§3Vs5c» desyamu, Adjec-
tives, and sometimes to si teliyanitana-
rau, Ignorance. •
^^oobo^c tanayudu, s. A son.
&$&>, ££tf>\ tanaru, tanartsu, v. n.
To shine.
£tf&x tanarpu, 5. Breadth, width.
&»s taniki, s. A revenue term, sig-
nifying examination, or compari-
son, of an account, &c. ; or the
ascertaining it's correctness.
6$o&) taniyu, v. n. To be satisfied,
or contented. ^^^> tanupu, v. a.
To satisfy.
eSfta tanivi, s. Satisfaction, satiety,
&&\ tanna? v. a. To kick. 2. To flog.
.t. A kick.
«$<&\ r**& tannukonu, v. Comp. To
struggle. &tfo*j>r>& tannuladu, To
fight together. #s&Ne>»2& tannula-
badu, To be beaten-
^sSsfr £& tapanudu, 8. The sun.
&3sSm, &<5&\ tapamu, tapassu* s.
Beligious austerity, penance, or
mortification; the practice of men-
tal or personal self-denial.
e$2>o-&, &S>o»o-iSb tapintsu, tapiyin-
tsQ, v. n. To burn ; to be inflam-
ed ; to be hot.
&-&zr» tapela,5. A brass pot, in which
the Hindoos generally cook their
£&*$&& tapodhanudu, s. A de-
votee, an ascetic, one who per-
forms religious penance.
^*\ tappa, adv. The infinitive of
i£sSo tappu, q. v. Is often used as
an adverb, to denote Except, un-
less, without ; as ; Bcrufctf^ miru-
' tappa, Without you. ^ss^-^cca tap
pakaya, Fruit without a heart ;
such as a nut without a kernel.
«£sSv -outfox tappadaltsu, v. n. To pre-
tend, to tell lies.
i5s5vew tappalu, s.'phv. Corn of which
the ears are empty, from disease,
or want of rain.
vide s£s?.
£2>vi£s5!» tappitamu,
£s$v tappu, s. An error, or mistake.
2. A fault. 3. A crime, any thing
improper, v. a. To err, or mistake.
2. To miss. 3. To fail in an engage-
ment, or promise. 4, To escape,
to elude, adj. Bad, wrong. Tfca&S
vSo gurritappu, To miss aim. rr>Q
&$g daritappu, To miss, or devi-
ate from the road, sfroto&ss^ m&ta-
tappn, To fail in one's word.
^2)xo-v5b tappintsu, p. Cans. To cause
to err, &c. ; to extricate, or save.
«$S»\oiSbr*56 tappintsukonu,??. Comp.
To save or extricate oneVself.
^s$^tf tappuna, adv. Quickly, spee-
i£"^&> tappeta, s. A large drum.
sS-j£pss&> taphavattu, s. A difference,
a disparity.
&f>6§b taphiriku, s. An extra assess-
ment, subdivided upon many.
e£f)f>ew taphisilu, s. Detail, anal} T sis.
&2o tf-g -0 tabaraka, s. A time.
&£»§b tabuku, 5. A salver, or flat
#"^er° tabela, s- A stable.
e££)\«3\ tabbibbu, a$/. Distracted.
e^j&s sow tamakamu, s. Lust. 2. Love.
#sfcSo &&>*&> tamaku, tamuku, v. n.
To hesitate. 2. To recede from a
promise, purpose, bargain, &c. 3.
To be in a hurry, to be precipi-
e£sfcXsS» tamagamu, 5. A raised open
building, with a high canopy, ge-
nerally termed a mantapnm.
^s6ofeo56x. tama'amu, s. A large drum.
&s£>& tamarn, pro. One of the phi
rals of eJ^ssb tanu, q. v.
e£s$oe>-&-°§b tamalapaku, s. The beetle
leaf. ds&os5w tamalamu, The beetle
and nut together.
$fs*r»a6 tamanu, s. Long drawers, or
trousers, such as are worn by pe-
ons, bullock's neck
^s5j-»s5:» tamamu, s. The. whole.
£sfr»ooooo5b tamayintsu, v. n. To reco-
ver one's-self ir/rai falling.
e^sij^^? tamasha, s. A. show, or spe-
e£so tami, s. Love. 2. Lust.
#Sto"3-iX) tamidelu, s. _pfo&. The grain
usually termed Natchenny. Cyno-
surus coracanus.
e£&>~3 tamire, s. A nail fixed in the
middle part of a yoke.
e£s5c»§b tamuku, s. A dram. 2. A tam'-
e£s5o^ tamma. s. Beetle leaf, and nuts,
which have been chewed. &s$o ^63
tammakarra, The red stain of
e£s&,k>s5*) tammatamu, s. A
e^£&o&_°5s^3&K, e£sfc^ &?(«*» tam-
matasuku-tammapadiga, tammapa
digamu, s. A spitting pot.
tammi, 5. The lotus. £&> g'ofeS
tammikanti, lit. Lotns-e} ? ed. Vish-
nu. eS&r ~f ew tammi kel 11, ^t Lotus-
— c
hands. This is a complimentary
mode of mentioning the hands,
e'o5w,^b tammudu
o •
^"afe, tamme, 5. The lobe of the ear.
2. That part of the rope round a
lich fastens it.
^8JT*-Tai g
^cctf-°& tayaru, adj. Beady, s. Readi- |
q'ooo^I) tavinatf.^. Attendance upon
sstfo/XsSac, i^Stf tarangamu, taraga, s.
A wave, or surge.
£tfrtfs5oo, ^5s> tarakasamu, taraka
sa, s. A quiver.
^tfKSftbe^ taragatigundlu, s. j»&i.
A kind of neck ornament.
s£tfr3$5x> taranamu, s. A raft. 2. Gross-
ing, or passing over.
^tfttsSw, £&n&x> taranamu, taruua-
mu, 5. Opportunity.
e£tf!$tf taratara, s. Beginning, com-
s'tfiStfcwo tarataranibu, adv. Day-by-
£{f3&r>& tarataraladn,^ n. To fear,
or be afraid.
$$&*& taraddudu, s. A revenue
term, signifying active exertion,
or contrivance ; especially to pro-
mote cultivation ; and thence ap-
plied sometimes to denote cultiva-
tion itself.
gti$) tarapu, s. A side. adv. Towards.
&tf<6y> taramu, s. A class, or sort. 2. j
A generation. 3. A number of
persons, or animals, adj. Equal. 2.
Possible, tftfxS taragati, Classifi-
cation, rank, order. sfoaSUS'k-ao
tarabadilekkalu, The accounts of
classification. e£-u*«$tfsfc w -7r B wsso$rs>o
-& tarataramug-aanubhavintsu, To
possess, or enjoy, by uninterrupt-
ed, hereditary succession, ^-o~>dtf
&x>H>°:&&^&j-°&> tarataramutelisi-
matladu, To speak according to
the rank of the person addressed.
e£tfex> taralu, v. n. To move, or pro-
ceed. 2. To set out.
gtisyS) taravani, s. Sour gruel.
e£tf-5P>ooo taravayi, s. A time.
£tf-5y*9 taravari, s. A Sword.
£•$£$ taraha, s. A sort, or kind. 2.
Manner, fashion.
&Tr?Pi e£-aT&> taradzu, tarasa, s. vide
&"§k_$) tsallaradu. tariga-
lavu, A cow whose milk is rich in
butter, gdf^v tarigola, A churn-
ing stick.
£8o3b,s£9a»o3b tarintsn, tariyintsu,
v. n. To cross, or get over. 2- To
get through. 3, To obtain salva-
tion, by crossing all the Hindoo
^a^esScptf tarigorrrakura, s. A sort
of pot-herb.
^8fe§ tariti, s. A large sack, which
joins the two loads placed on each
side of a bullock.
«58&sg) taritipu, 5. Affection ; love.
&dh&r& taripiduda, s. A calf one
year old.
&&>•& tarutsu, z>. a. To churn. 2. To
search, examine, or investigate. &
e^^Sbtarichitsiits'u, To consider
eStibeasfco tarunama, adj. Young, ju-
venile. 2. New, fresh, novel.
«£&$ tarupu,s.A calf, one year old.
2. An artificial diamond.
&&>sf>& taruvata, adv. Afterwards?
after. £&*r>8 taruvati, adj. Next,;
the following.
&&$ taruvu, s. Dunning. £tfc#^cc6o
taruvucheyu, To dun.
^tf^-sSM tarkamu, s. Doubt. 2. Dis-
putation, discussion, reasoning. 3.
Supplying an ellipsis. 4. The sci-
ence of logic. ^e^_o^5b tarkintsu,
v. a. To argue, or declaim. 2. To
reflect, or be in contemplation.
£&s£r. tariuma, 5. A translation, or
^& tarlu, v. n. vide &tfex> taralu.
^fesS'ex) tarrakalu, s. plu, vide «£s^ex>
$£&9So£& tarramidu, v. a. To whirl
sSfcssS^, ^aws53o tarrama,tarrumu, v. a-
To pursue. 2. To turn, or form by
the lathe.
e£e3crtx>, e£e!dceo tarrayu, tarriyu, v. n.
To enter. tfegooSay-ifcx tarriyadzo-
tstsu, To intrude or enter in ; to
engage in.
e£fcf>ex> tarralu, v. n. To set out, or
start, for a place ; to proceed. 2.
To be afraid.
s£e3 tarri, s. A time, or season.
&e£7!*ex>\ tarrigolpu, v. a. To excite,
or incite.
tfe3"Stotf"3&» tarrimenabettu, v. a. To
turn, or form by the v lathe.
^6£»Xb, e£esrto tarrugu, tarragu, s. Bro-
kerage. 2. The deduction from
all payments, termed in India
custom. 3. Wastage, deficiency.
e£ea>Kb, e^fesXb tarrugu, tarragu, v. a.
To cut. v. n. To become less ; to
waste. e£fcsoX8, ^tsKQ tarrugari,
tarragari, s. A broker.
#«»■&> tarrufcsn, adj. Close, thick. 2.
Frequent, often.
e£eo>ex> tarrulu, 5. plu. Wrinkles.
£w , #eao tarrra, tarrru, s. A low, or
mean person.
&v, &o-r°c& tala, talakaya, s. The
head. &ejckx> talantu, 5. Anointing
the head. v. a. To anoint the head.
#e>§oz5b talakindu, s.Disorder. adv.
Topsyturvy. ^JT^ss^Q talagotla
mari, An insolent or wicked per-
son, inclined to beat every one.
e£e;0&-oo talabirusu, s. Stubborn-
ness, pride, adj. Stubborn. &vsr*
§£> talavakili. The principal door,
or entrance, to a house.
#&sSosg)ex> tala vamp uln, s. plu. Dis-
grace, lit. Bendings of the head.
«£e.©sSj2»A» talatippadamu, Giddi-
ness, swimming in the head.
e£ejss&) talapadu, v. n. To begin. 2.
To appear for the first time in
the season. 3. To meet together,
in battle. <6uir>ir> talapaga, A tur-
&vs$ys taladannu, v. «. To excel.
#e)~s>&)0 talapettu,To endeavour, or
«fe £) % X s* ess talab ikarak ay a, adj. Per-
plexing, intricate. e£e>sstf£ tala vara
sa, The pavement.
e£e>£r*co6o talapoyu, v. a. To examine
one measure of capacity with a-
nother. 2. To soliloquize ; to re-
sfoS'fta, tiivKtM ■ talakattu,talagattu, s.
An excellent berson. 2. The name
of the connected vowel. * ■».
&&$&&, «£e>&>7foe» talakadatsu, tala-
migulu, v. n. To push before ano-
$v&> talaku, v. n. To fear, or be
«for"s> talakoni, gc£u. Excessively,
#«Xb talagu, 5. A cord to tie cattle.
#e>Xb talagu, v. n. To move, or re-
move. 2. To lose.
e£e>-i$b-$£ex>o$b, &«c\ talatsu-talutsu, ta-
Itsu, v. a. To think, or reflect, 2.
To imagine. 3. To intend. 4. To
tfe;§>o\Sb talapintsu, v. Caws. To cause
to think, &c.
«^€>^) talapa, s. Thought, g. Inten-
«fo»3 talabu, 5. Pay, wages.
e^^jsrsex) talabralu, s. The throwing
of rice over the head of the bride
and bridegroom, as an auspicious
ceremony, during that of marri-
age. 2. The rice itself thus used.
e£a>bb talaru, v. n. To be agreeable, or
s£e>3S8 talavari? s. vide &y-«e talari.
&S -Talli
e£er» tala, part. Each ; perhead, as
o3^o&&e£er*2$asstfsj^ex)c»6a»q vand-
laku talapadivarahaluyiyyi, Give
ten pagodas to each of them, or
ten pagodas per head.
&er° a talari, s. A village watchman.
&8i taliki, adv. Before, previously.
&g)& taliru, s. A sprout, or shoot.
£S«b2y*&j tfSefcss^ talirubodi, ta
liruboni, A young female.
e£$&\ talirtsn, v. n. To sprout, or
shoot forth.
&ex>$ talupu, s. A door. £ew;g)-&cc&9
^ew^H&^tSb talupu-tfyu, talupu-
terutsu, To open the door. &ew$-
"^csoo, ^yo^)^r«'ja6o talupn-veyu,
talupumuyu, To shut the door.
«£e) &3&>-e£e> &OT$b-«fo C3ex>-efe> o52&, e£
e> SSb^b^talladapadu-talladintsu-
talladillu, tallapadu, talladaku-
dutsii, v. n. To be perplexed, or
#8 talli, 5. A mother. &Dtfo t e&,ex>
tallidandrulu, Parents. %$$& pi-
natalli, A mother's younger sister.
% The wife of a father's younger
brother. "5> j£€) pettalli, A mother's
elder sister. 2. The wife of a fa-
ther's elder brother. s6-&s>S, 7$
a &© marudalli, savittalli, A step
n CO
s£ife£if talatala, s. vide e£$6§b taluku.
#S>?C, £i>c83 taliga, taliya, 5. A vessel
in which boiled rice is measured
in Hindoo temples. % vide ro-8"
sSw kantsamu.
e£§6§o taluku, 5. Glitter, lustre, flash-
ing, shining. s£&r"e£>, &$>&;5b?53
talukottu, talukumann, To glitter,
gleam, flash, or shine.
t£j§ tallu, 5. War. 2. Incursion, in-
e£sstf 3x> tavaramu, 6*. vide e£Ktf ;& ta-
e£»j-*c»o tavayi, s. War.
^^)^b tavudu, s. Bran. v. e&. To
search, or feel for ; to grope, vide
&&$) tadavu.
i^^yo tavulu, v. n. vide ^rtbew tagulu.
&*S tavva, s. A measure of capacit} r ,
equal to half a manika.
i£cgo tavvu, v. a. To dig.
£S)qo-T$btavvintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to dig. &$oK*v tavvugola, An in-
strument for digging holes in the
s£o^o&>s5cx> tavvatamu, s. Digging.
^j6o§b tasuku, s. Trick, wile ; deceit-
ful promises.
«T , §oa5b-Takintsu
ir> e^ tic .Tatparya
&;fy_tib2& taskarudu, s. A thief,
robber. ^tf^Qo-ufc taskarintsu, v.
a. To steal.
&sj-°£s^> tahataha, s. Distress, fati-
^^^ewTs^db^o tahasiludarudu, v. A
Tahsildar, Or native collector, of
&&f3s5M takshanamu, adv. Instant-
ly, this instant. It is properly writ-
ten && wsSdo tatkshanamu.
w°c&£&xi tandavamu, 5. Dancing,
especially with violent gesticula-
tion, and particularly applied to
the frantic dance of Siva.
ir o o'sr o ?'s6w tambalamu, s. A large
metal vessel, or plate.
iT'owr^sSw tambulamu, s. Beetle and
w°£t!X> takattu,s.A pawn, or pledge.
■er°l<& takidu, s. An order -, an in-
«r > So takn, v. a. To touch or hit. 2.
To oppose in battle.
■gn»§o-db takintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to touch. -sr>$l!S if>&, «T°7P£3 tagadi, tagarii, s. A
beam, placed across the mouth of
an open well.
•*r>fo tagu, v. a> To drink. eT^o-tSb,
^r»$ tagintsu, tapu, p. Cans. To
cause to drink,
er^rtb^ek tagubotu, s. A drunkard.
"eT^-db tatsu, 5. A deadly hooded
snake, termed the Cobra de capel-
«r°-»fo tatsu, v. a. To kick.
'WiT' tadza, adj. Fresh, new. 2.
e^feo tafa, s. The bark of a tree. 2.
The human skin.
w°£ tati, adj. Of or belonging to the
palmyra tree.
iT'feSo'tSb tatintsu, v. a. To move the
cheeks, as in chewing. 2. To flut-
ter with the wings.
er°&5-s&>D tatotu, s. Deceit, knavery.
«r°&> tadu, s. Making in the inflex.
sing. ir>& tati, The palymra tree.
2. A rope. 8"*$%w > &> janakitadu,
The match of a matchlock.
eT°^tata, s. A grandfather, eT^sSb.
tatamma, A grandmother, great
grand-mother on the father's side.
lit. The third mother.
eT^tfcsSx) tatparyamn, a-. Object,
desigD, purpose, intent. 2. Opinion,
sentiment. 3. Purports
^•tfsfco tanamu, s. An ablution ba-
W& tanu, pro. He, she, or it. This
is what ma}? be termed the reflec-
tive pronoun, as it is always used
with reference to some nominative
of the third person preceding it in
the same sentence ; and no other
pronoun in the language can be
used, more than once in the same
sentence, with reference to the
same person or thing. In the plu-
ral, it makes eT'bb, «r*sko, e^sSbbb
taru, tamu, tamaru.
i^sS tap a, s. A ladder. In the plural,
this noun denotes Steps* stairs.
TgPSSs^ tapamu, s. Heat, burning. 2.
Inflammation; fever. 3. Distress.
«r°i>, eT^ tapi, tapf, s. A trace. 2.
A secret. 3. A bricklayer's trowel.
"er°^r° tapha, s. A set, or company.
Wnotb tabandu, s. A species of pet-
W^ivo tabeln, s. A turtle ; a tor-
■g^sSoS tamara, s. The lotus. 2. The
ring worm. «r°s$b #«&■*£& tamaratu
dn, The fibre of the lotus, ir'sbtf
lix tamaratega, It's bulbous root;
a lotus plant.
"SPs&tfcSosSsfoa tamaradampamu, s>
Prosperity, improvement, or in.
crease of a family. "eT'sktfcSoSsk^
tamaradampamavu, To prosper.
These words are derived from the
foregoing, and allude to a compa-
rison with the lotus, which is al-
ways deemed a most auspicious
tT'skSsSw tamasamu,£& tamasudu, An
incendiary, a malignant or mis-
chievous man.
■er°s£>&o-ifo tamasintsu, v- n. To delay,
tarry, or linger.
W°a6&>> tayamu, s. A rarity.
eT'oaae^, ir ^^ tayittu, tayettu* s.
An amulet.
"UMg'sSx) tarakamu, s. Protection,
er^s^e^ taratamyamu, s. More or
less. 2. State or condition. 3. Com-
parison, or distinction.
"ST'tftfsSbKb— «^tf&oa5o, eT'tfS.oo tarasa-
magu--t'^rasintsu, taiasillu, v. a.
To meet, or approach. 2. To en-
gage in battle.
"5T°§3» tarikhu, s. Date, era.
sr&tari, r. n. To lurk, or lie in
wait. 2. To wander. 3. To move
about, in a busy officious manner.
4. To become lean or emaciated.
"S"°tks5a-*& taruinarii, s. Disorder, con-
"«r o -xr o k_ ra tarkaria, 5. Proof.
■^ Tr°^_£?o-l5b tarkar.intsu, v. a. To
convince ; to prove.
ir'&v tartsu, v. a. To join as planks,
&c. 2. To set as precious stones.
1T6:\ t.rpu, s. Joining as planks,
&:c. 2. Setting* as precious stones,
eT'eao tarru, v. n. To run. 2. To ab-
scond. 3. To lurk, or lie in wait.
"ePeJo-Jk tarrintsa, v. Cans. To cause
to run etc.
IT'Dc^b talintsu, v. a. To season
food. ■€F°Do^)talimpu ; 5. The season-
ing of a dish.
ePSg talika, s. Any substance rol-
led into a round shape, between
the fingers, or bands.
ir>£)z talibotfu, s. The small
piece of gold tied by the bride-
groom, at the marriage ceremony,
round the neck of the bride.
■^"°ex> tain, s. vide sSss^ao tappalu.
U'ex^ taltsu, v* a. To dress, or put
on. 2. To assume a form, or shape.
3. To twist thre d by the spindle.
4. To fan, or winnow, in a basket. I
X$rs-sfoo-<3-»2x^ garbhamudaltsu,To
conceive a child. oi*<-sr>ex>\ egadal-
tsu, 'l'o deceive.
"eT'fg'cdw talakamu, s Yellow orpi-
Mr 8 if 3 © §* talapatrika, s. A cymbal-
iT'fr-ax) talamu, s. Beating time in
music.2. Musical time, or measure.
3. A short span, one measured by
the thumb and the middle finder.
4. A cymbal of bell metal, or brass.
5. The palmyra tree. w*$£\c£&x>
talavrintamu, A fan of palmyra
w°$ s6ao talamu, s. A lock. 2. A key;
but the latter meaning is more
properly expressed by u'Ss'sSm^
a, «r°f scw^oooo talamuchevi, tala
w>P tali, s. A breast plate. 2. vide
"€r o ©ir e fe>D t'.libottu.
w°& talu, v. n. To bear, or suffer. 2.
To forbear, or take patience. 3.
To wait, or stop.
-&°&r°& tdlukonu,*. Comp. To take
"eT'PSo tilimi, s. Forbearance, pati-
iTV'oti&x, 'eT'o^^sSM talwaramu, ta-
varamu, s. A shelving roof, sup-
ported by pillars.
S^ L "7r o -Tinnaga
«T°s5^s5oo tavaramu, adj. Fixed, sta-
tionary, stable, immoveable.
w°£v&>i tavalamu, s. A place. 2. A
house, residence, or abode.
w* ssfsSw tavalamu, 5. A string of
beads, &c.
•ej°s tavi,s. Fragrance, scent, odour.
-§r»&&P>15 tavinune, Uttur.
"eT ^ tavu, s. A place. 2- An abode,
residence, or bouse.
© g tindi, s. Food, eating. ©o&5f_2
tindikatte, A female glutton. © &
-r°&b-©o &&*«&>, ©o^^b tindikadu-
tindipotu, tindidu, A male glut-
©3fk_ tik ^ a » s - Madness. G ^'- Mad.
SS^-afca tikkabatiu, To become
©K tiga, 5. Three. ©Ks> otf tigavan-
tsa, Four. These words are gene-
rally used at games.
©Xb%5b tigutsu, v. a> To take, or lift
8& titta, 5. A heap of straw.
©k» tittu, 0. a. To abuse, or revile.
s. Abuse, bad language. ©gisS" 5 ^
tittubotu, A person who gives
©J) titti, s. A purse. 2. A leather
bag. 3. A sheep or goat skin. 4.
The bag of a bag pipe. r°£>&)© ©
A pair of bellows.
©§ tithi, 5. A lunar day, of variable
length ; being that period during
which the moon travels through
twelve degrees of her orbit ; it
commences at different periods of
the solar day, with which it by 110
means corresponds. 2. The annual
ceremony which Hindoos perform
to their deceased ancestors.
©& tinu, v. a. To eat. &&%o&i tini-
pintsn, v. Caus. To cause to eat ;
to feed. "Swxex>©s5bdebbalutinu, To
receive blows, or be beaten. ^>s5c»
©x6 sommutinu, To make away
with property, ©£>©;& titlutinu,
To suffer abuse, ^^xas^^va
dugadditinnadu, lit He ate straw.
He is a fool, or a silly fellow, he
talks foolishly
©(&& tinuku, v. n. To strain, in eas-
ing nature.
Qtf\ tf, Stf^tf^j&a tinnana, tinnadana-
ma, s. Slowness. 2. Straightness.
3. Merit, worth. Ss^a tinnani,a(i/\
Worthy, good, excellent. 2. Slow.
3. Straight.
®$\tt» tinnaga, adv. Slowly. 2.
Straightways, directly. 3. Proper-
ly. 4. Well, in good health.
©s& tf-Timmana
— 6
^■^ tinne, s. A high raised seat, or
sitting place, outside of the house
&c. A pial.
©•3^ tippa, s. A hillock.
§^§1? tippatige, s The creeper
termed Heartleaved moon seed.
Menispermum cordifolium.
©sS^tippu, v. a. The causal form of
© & fio tirugu, q. v. To turn round;
to turn back ; to turn over. 2- To
wind up as a watch. 3- To change,
or alter ; to revoke as an order,
&c. 4. To turn away the face. 5.
To put off, or make one often re-
turn. 6. To make to move, turn,
or wander about- 7. To be giddy.
8. To stop, or check, a disease, or
the effects of poison. ©sS\&> tippata,
Walking, wanderirjg.
ths**^*** tippukonu, v. Comp. A per-
son to return. 2. To retire. 3. To
oppose. © l^otfo tippiveyu, To
reject, or return any thing.
©sSaotfb timuru, 5. Numbness. 2. Th e
palsy. 3. Pride 5 arrogance, v. n.
To be pround
©sk^ timmadu, s. A monkey.
©s&^ timmana, s. Goodness.
©sS^tfsSss timmanamu, s. A mixture
— <5
of milk, jaggory, and flour, boiled
©dSS§, ©c*6§$ tiyya, tiyyani, adj.
Sweet. 2. Not sour. ©as&§£,©aB8gS
tfsSw tiyyana, tiyyadanamu, s.
Sweetness. ©o85§^,;& tiyyamra-
nu, The sugar cane.
©csScsSm tiyyamu, adj. Acceptable.
©tftfe) tiragali, s- A hand mill.
©tf sSx> tiramu, adj, Immoveab]e, firm,
2. Constant.
©^->^_^55oo, ©tf % «5» tiripemu,*. Alms. ©8*5>tt>2&
tiripegadu, A beggar.
©9£2&3 ©eibKb^sjJsb tirivadu, tiru-
gudupadn, 0, n- To be in disorder,
or confusion; as applied to a crowd
army, &c
©&Kb tirugu, v. n. To turn ; to turn
round, to turn back, to return. 2.
To change, as the wind ; to be re-
voked, as an order. 3. To move,
wander, or travel about. 4. To be
giddy. 5. To go back, go away,
or cease ; as applied to diseases,
or the effects of poison.
©55\, ©&K tirigi, tiruga, ado. A gain.
©&Ka&> tirugabadu, To change or
alter. 2. To revolt, to oppose. 3.
To fail in a promise. 8&&sS-*s&>
tirugubotu, A gallant ; as being
constantly moving about. ©& "^^
otfo tirugacheyu, To do over again.
©&•& tirutsu, v. a. To beg alms,
©tib^?" tirunalla, s. Any festival at
a Hindoo temple.
©&£tfcXsS*>ex> tiruvarangamulu, s.
plu. A kind of paddy.
©5 r tirlika, s. A light. 2. A lamp.
©eJ tirri, s. Twist.
©eaaXsS-^ tirrugabota, s. Seasoning
in meat.
©woXex) tirrngallu, s. vide ©tfX© tira-
©eao^o tirrugu, p. w. To whirl round.
©*»Koe& tirruguclu, s. vide ©&?fo£o
tiruguclu, Under ©«bxb tirugu.
©e45 tirrri, s. A sort of basket, for
catching fish.
SteSo-tSb tilakintsu, v. a. To see, to
©eiex) tilalu, s. plu. The gingily oil
seeds. Sesamnm orientale. ©w^r*
eS&d&tilaghatakudu, An oil-mong-
er. ©aocsSo^sSw tilayantranm, An
oil press.
©DoXsSdo, $£;2\x5m tilingamu, tilipsa-
mu, s. A very large snake.
&oy£ tivasf, s. A carpet.
t>$3b tivutsu, v- a. Me ©&-& tigu
&$& tivuru, ?;. a. To wish.
§o # ex> tindralu, 5- £>/w. Splendour,
brightness, lustre. fe^oifc tmdrin
tsu, To shine, glare, or gleam.
§X, 5 1? tiga, tige, s. Any vine, or
creeping plant. 2. 'Ihe string of a
lute, &c. B. A golden ornament
which Hindoo women wear about
their neck. &HKe££ tigeganika,
The creeping bent grass.
&&> tit a, 5. The itch. 2. An itching.
§S>, &%) tfpi, tfpu, 5. Sweetness. The
latter word also denotes a stretch-
ing pain, or pain in general ; and
in this latter sense, is derived from
&oaoo tiyu, q, v.
§-:sfc> tiyu, v. a. To draw, or pull. 2.
To take. 3. To draw out 4. To
draw back ; to open. 5. To with-
draw from an office •, to dismiss, or
discharge. 6. To draw out from ;
to discover, or find. 7. To draw,
or rub, one substance upon an-
other , so as to grind down the
softer ; as sandalwood, upon stone.
8. To take, buy, or purchase, for
money. 9. To take, receive, or
collect. 10. To take, or pull off;
to carry away. 11. To take out;
5, §«» tint, tfrru, v. n. To be finish-
ed, completed, concluded, or ended.
2. To elapse- 3. To be qualified,
or skilled. 4. To be settled, decid-
ed, or solved. 5. To be liquidated.
5&j tfrpu, s. A decree, award, or de-
cision. 2. An agreement. 3. A
settling, or final arrangement.
&&}* «Wn tirtsu, tfrrtsu, v. a- To
finish, complete, conclude, or end.
2- To qualify another. 3. To settle,
decide, or solve. 4. To liquidate.
5. To adorn an idol.
58jo-iSb tirpiutsu, v. C'aus. To cause
to finish, &o. oar»cxjo^s53o5eo\ vayasa
mutirtsu, A crow to cross from
the left, to the right side, which
the Hindoos consider a goocl omen.
aXbe»&&v digulutirtsu, To remove
fear. s5X§«o^ pagati'rtsu, To reven-
ge. sSo*otf«6x&tf^ samsayamutlr-
tsu, To solve a doubt. tt»^»s5c»5
^r°sbdahamutirtsukonu, To qu-
ench thirst.
&&S5" tiruva, s. Duty, customs.
§tfsx» tfrthamu, s. Water. 2. Water
in which an idol or sacred stone
has been bathed, used in admi-
nl-terinr oaths to Sudras, and
constituting the common drink
the Brahmans. 3. Any holy place,
or place of pilgrimage ; but espe-
cially such as are situated along
the course of s.icred streams, or in
the vicinity of some sacred spring,
or piece of water.
§mo tirru, s. Beauty. 2. Manner,
mode, way. adj. Beautiful. ^%b
esosfc^lx okatirrumanishi, A per-
son of peculiar temper, or habits.
&ss tiva, s- vide &K tiga.
^sso-^ tivantsa, s. vide SKsSo-iS' tiga-
vantsa, Under 9K tiga.
§5525s5so tivaramu, s. Speed, swift-
ness, haste, hurry, adj. Speedy,
quick. ^S8oo5btivarintsu, v. a. To
hasten, or hurry.
5£cj6, 5 "3 tiviya, tive, s. vide &K
9 SS" «6» tivramu, s. vide &sstf:6x> ti-
varamu. 2. Heat. adj. Hot. adv.
Much, excessively.
%£k&x> tikslinamu, §. Heat, warmth,
pungency. 2. Haste, hurry, adj.
Hot. warm, pungent. 2. Zealous,
active, keen, intelligent. 3 Sharp.
4. Quick.
30 -
«fc o » &a -Tumbamu
&> ©8-Tuttiri
&>o-i5b, 3&o$S) tuntsu, tumpu, v. «. To
pluck ; to gather ; to break off.
&>o&) ttinta, s. A piece of sugar cane.
adj. Wicked, mischievous, impu-
dent. «kofeo£^sfc» tuntatanamu, s.
Impudence. &>chd tuntari, s. A
wicked or impudent person. &00&
s^^ tuntavilkadu, s. The Hin-
doo cupid, whose bow is of sugar
&>oto> ttmtlu, s. plu. The hips, or
&oo2&, «^)o"S55m tundu, tundemu, s. A
piece. &>o3o-&> tundintsu, v. a. To
cut into pieces.
&>o25**x> tundamu, s. The belly. &,
a tundi, ad/. Pot-bellied. 2. Hav-
ing a large or prominent navel.
&>o2$b£&Sb tunduduku, s. A wicked,
or mischievous, person.
«&>o$&e», &>o$& tumpurulu, tum-
purlu, s. plu. Thin rain. 2. Spittle
accidentally ejected, when one
speaks with emphasis.
&>o~t$zr>&i tumpesaladu, v. To agi-
tate, or move.
&>o£>8$m tnmbamu, s, A long gourd.
&>c£) tumbi, s. The plant itself.
&>rsk> tukamu, s. Estimate, or va-
«k&k_ tnkku, s. Any worthless, or
useless, thing, adj. Useless.
e^b§o^— tukku, s. Offspring, children
&»4ty_tfs5w tukkharamu, s. An ar-
«&-£5\ste> tuchchhamu,ad//. Void, emp-
ty. 2. Small, little. 3. Abandoned,
&02» flb tudzugu, 5. Haste, hurry. acZ/.
Hasty, hurried.
&okp>o»o-& tutayintsu, v. n. To spoil
v. a. To disregard, or contemn.
€&&0c63o tutumu, 5. t'lde -tf&jffoKaejsSM
&>"?o tutte, s. A bee-hive. 2. A small
quantity of spoilt grain, useless
hair, cfec.
2k>1bsg)8b>fo tuttepurugu, s. A snake,
so called.
&>&>3b tudutsu, #. a. To wipe, to
rub, to clean. &>&>?& tudupu, s. A
wiping. 2. An erasure, or blotting
out. &>&>$&& tudupubadu, To
be blotted.
5&&)s6c» tudumu, s. A kind of drum.
&> ©8^3 fc» tuttirichettu, s. The pop-
lar leaved sida. Sida populi folia.
&>% tuda, s. The end, or point. &>&>
&>a tuttatuda, The very point. &> !
tfso tudanu, At last.
^rSSS &o»cssS tunaka, tuniya, 5. A
piece, or bit. &>$o3k tuniyu, v. n.
To be cut to pieces, v. a. To cut
to pieces.
&>;&Kb tunugu, v. n. To be broken
to pieces.
^o^bsfoa tunumu, e?. a. To cut to
pieces ; to kill.
tfcsr 6 © tunikola,s. A peculiar weigh-
ing machine.
&>*-*! tupaki, s. A gun, musket, or
matchlock. &>irltffe5oa$b tupakiga-
ttintsu, To load a gun. &>2r»#-5r*
ex>-& tupakikalutsu, To fire a gun,
&;$} tuppa, s. A small bush.
&)^tfex> tupparalu, 5. vide eko^tfbew
^b^ tuppu, s. Rust.
&>-^p>?53 tuphanu, 5. A violent gale, or
^bsfcotfc, «fc «& ^» do tumuru, tuttumu-
ru, s. vide «&&o5m turumu.
^sSwosSw tumulamu, s. A mingled,
or tumultuous combat ; uproar,
tumult ; tumultuous sound, or
noise, adj. Tumultuous, noisy.
^sSw^ turamu, v. a. To sneeze. £ A
&>^ a tummeda, s. A very large
black wild bee.
&>tfg turaka? s. A mussulman. adj.
Of or belonging to that tribe.
&)tt>oqf> turayi, s. A head ornament,
in the shape of a feather. 2. A no-
&>a&oS», &>&«& turitamn, turutu, s.
Speed, haste, adj. Quick. &>&&§
tf>j turututirpu, Quick time in
&>&fo turugu, v. a. To stuff in.
&>t5bs5w turumu, s. Powder, dust,
small bits. v. a. To reduce to
small bits, or to powder.
5k&s&k_2& turushkudu, s. vide &>tfs*
^btfcsfco turyamu, adj. Fourth. 2.
Speedy, hasty.
&>esoX£>, ^oefKSturrangali, turragali,
s. Splendour, brightness.
&eao;cDo-& turrangalintsu, v. a. To
<& <*»**» turrumu, v. a. To dress with
flowers, s. A female's hair, tied
in a tuft.
&>«*> turrru, 5. Speed, haste.
sfce>s*» tulamu, 5. The weight \>fon«
rupee, or 30 Canteroy fanams.
&>sx)ZS tuluva, 5. A low, impudent,
or mischievous person, adj. Im-
&s>cj5m tulyamu, adj. Like, resembl-
ing, equal, or analogous.
&>& tullu, v> n. To be elated: to
shew pride, s. Pride ; joy-
«&tfotf tuvvara, s. A shower, or driz-
zling ram.
&ro&> tuku, s. Hanging. «fcr» &&■=<£>
tukutlyu, v. o. To hang. *&>&&*
s6 tuknmauu, s. A gibbet.
&r°fo tijgu, e>» w. To sleep. 2. To be
weighed, s. Sleep, drowsiness. <5on>
45i> tutsu, v. a. To weigh.
&r* lb o3b tu pintail* P. CWs. To cause
to weigh.
&r>^ tunika, .?• A weight.
&p>k» tutu, 5. A hole. &r*&T*&i tiita-
du, To make holes.
«Jcr»fewS'>« tutnkattu,^. ?z. To be torn;
to have holes. e£p>&x;S>&> tutupa-
du, v. n. To have holes. % To sus-
tain loss.
&nth tucju, s. The film or fibres of
the lotus. **r»e&aoS tududindi,
The swan, which is said to feed
on these fibres.
&r°£>?<, &r>%K tuniga, tuniga, s
kind of butterfly, often seen be-
fore rain.
&r»c& tiipu, s. An arrow. ikr°$)&r>%)
tt(j- tupurupurikka, The 22d lu-
nar mansion, from it's similitude
to an arrow.
dbn>^)TT'^ tupurasi,s A drain, a water
s£r°<&>o tumu, s. A sluice, or flood gate.
2. A drain, or water course. 3. A
certain Indian measure, in the Ta-
mil termed a markal.
&r>K tura, s. Drizzling rain. % A
kind of aquatic animal. &n& tura,
??. «. To drizzle as rain.
&r>Q turi, s. A time ; -as Zjg&r*Q
okaturi, Once.
&r»&sg), dcntf^ turupu, turpu, s. The
east. iwgf. Eastern.
efo-*~o ) e£> t t^r»Tr^^io&» turpettu, tur-
parabattu, v. 2. To winnow grain
lit. To lift to the eastward.
&r»«» tii itu, v. n. To enter in.
&r*e>fT°£& tulanadu, v. a. To speak
contemptuously of another.
e&r-oDS' tuiika, 5. A painting brush,
or pencil. 2. A pen. 3. A mattress,
or quilt. 4. .A bed ; a down or cot-
ton bed.
^r»e)o tulu, v. n. T*o faint, grow fee-
ble, stagger, or reel. 2. To hang
down. &r°e)o-&) tulintsu, v. Cans.
To cause to faint, &c
&\n&o triii amu, 5. Grass, or any
gramineous plant, including reeds,
corn, &c. 2. Any thing contempti-
ble as grass, or straw.
tfv lb tripti, s. Satisfaction; content,
pleasure, tf* z&* triptamu, adj
Satisfied, pleased.
*§o3 tenki, s. vide l^ol tedk'i.
Ho-ifc, "§o$ tentsu, tempu, v. a* The
causal form of Hfo tegu, q. v. To
break, or tear, as applied to ropes,
threads, &c, or to the artificial
holes bored in the ear or nose for
ornaments. er'&illo^b tadutentsu,
To break a rope, or string ; figura-
tively, this phrase denotes either
to ruin a person, to destroy every
support he may have, or, apj.-l.ed
to females, to become a widow,
from the custom, on a husband's
death, of breaking the string
which ties the wdTS^ba talibottu,
q. V.
15o2& tendu, v. n. To sleep.
Ho«& tempu, s. Bravery, daring. 2.
Liberality. 3. A breaking, vide
Ho^-l^oSQ tentsu-tempari, 5. A
brave or liberal person.
H$"§tf tekatera, adv. Undesignedly,
H§k_e)-^e& tekkalikadu, s. Making
in the plural. ir^STT ^ tekkali-
karru, A thief.
•§X tega, s. Sort, kind, or class.
■SK^-do tegataru, v. n. To die, or
expire. Hx&ntf^ tegatartsu, v. a.
To kill, or assassinate.
"§?(<&> tegadu, v. a. To censure, or
Htfb tegu, v. n. To be broken, as
applied to ropes, threads, &c, or
to the holes in the nose or ears for
ornaments, also to the banks of
lakes or tanks. 2- To be cut with
a sharp instrument. 3 To be sharp;
to cut, as applied to such instru-
ments. 4. To die.
Urtbifc tegutsu, v a. To kill. 2. To
dare. 3. To break a rope, &c H?C
£>>&, "Sfto-ifctegabadu, tegintsu, i/.
n. To dare or venture- Hx^£b te-
ganadu, To speak rigorously. "§jc
"^occo tegaveyu, To cut off. "SrtbaS
tegubadi, Ploughing.
Hfio^o tegulu. s. Disease, sickness.
HKbsS" teguva, s. Sharpness. 2. Libe-
rality, daring.
H-ifc\ tetstsu, v. a. To bring.
H-ifc\r , tfo tetstsukonu, v. Comp. To
bring: for one's own advantage.
£X3&H-L5bv§^sfc buddhitetstsukonu*
To recover one's senses. ssbtf&>\Sb
~%&\&*&> manassukutetstsukonu.
To understand, to recollect, lit.
To bring to one's mind.
Hf^oofo teppintsu, v. Caus.To cause
to bring. 2. To send for any thing.
"§&» tettu, s. A bound-hedge, round
a city, or fort.
H£&> teddu, s. An oar, or paddle. 2.
A wooden ladle.
II as Kb tenugn, s. vide Hex>Kbl5$5\o-i5b
telugutenigintsu, To translate or
turn into Telugu.
H^ tennu, s. Way, road.
"^Hi teppa, si A raft, or float.
&a> tepparralu-tepparru-teppirrlu-
teppirrulu, teppirru, v. n. To re-
cover from illness. 2. To escape
from danger. 3. To bo cautious.
Htf^olSex), UsS^tflSex) teppaladelu, te-
ppunadelu, v. n. To increase, or
°@tf*tf teppuna, adv. Quickly.
"^j&£ temada, s. Phlegm.
Hsfc&o-tfb temalintsu, v. a. To move,
or shake.
13ss>, temma, s, vide "is& tema, Wet.
adj. Wet.
H-30^ e5 temmerra> s. The wind ; as
dispelling wet--
Itf tera, s. A screen, curtain, or
blind. Itf ^r°;s teratsapa, A. screen-
mat. 2. A ship's sail. HtfHtf7r» te-
raterag^, adv. At intervals.
Htf Kb teragu, s. A way, road, or path.
2. Mode, manner.
"§tf£-l§tf S>, "Be a terapa-terapi, teripi,
s. vide lies 3 terrapa, Under H&s^b
Htfe>7r» teralaga, adv. Loudly.
Htfew teralu, v. ra. To open, or dis-
appear, as clouds. 2. To move.
"§tfs$, Ht&$ teravu, teruvu, s. An
opening. 2. A way, road, or path.
3. Manner, means. 4. Order, ar-
rangement. Htfbssa teruvari, A tra-
veller. Htfc-srofeM-g- 6 ^ teruvatuka-
du, A high way-man. ■sr»»'3tf>$gb
^ss'jfo vaniteruvukupovaddn, Dont
go near him. Have nothing to say
to him.
Hbb?g)s6?5b;g) terupumarupu, s. Con-
fusion of mind.
Hw, ^3» terra, terrra, a J/. Open. 5.
A plain.
Hfcs&ss terrakuva, s. Wisdom, pru-
HesKo terragu, s. vide Htf;$ teravu.
Hw-tfb, "3eoi-t5b terratsu, terrutsu, v. a.
To open. H&sss terrapa, s. An open-
ins:. 2. Disclosure. 3. Cessation,
suspension. 4. An interval. 5. Lei-
HesexD terrain, v. n. To pervade, as
scent, or perfume. 2. To flow over,
in boiling. Hea^ex^ terrakolpu, v.
a. To cause a perfume to pervade.
"lea 55 terrava, s. A woman.
Ha"7T°oo telagalu, s. plu. vide Hsxjfib
HD teli, 5. 0«de Ho tella.
USS'&oS telikapindi, s. The flour of
the sesamum seed, after oil has
been expressed from it.
HS0360 teliyu, v- n. To be understood,
known, conceived, or comprehen-
Hswjg) telupu, v. a. To explain, or
make known.
Hoo^r ** telusukonu, v. Comp. To
understand, to know.
Hsa, H©a& telivi, telividi, $, Under-
standing, intellect,
Hex>§be> tella, teli.s.The colour white.
Ho -US, "Bo » tella-teli, tellani,aefy\
White, fair. "galiwsy^ telatelabo
vu, To become pale.
Hoocg) telupu, 8. Whitness.
Ho *^ea> tellavarru, v. n. To dawn,
to grow white.
Ho -s^eJ tellavarri, 5. The dawn, the
morning. Hoboes- tellavarlw, Un-
til dawn, or morning. Ho s^Qo-db,
Ho oa^tibv tellavarintsujtellavartsuy
To wake until dawn, or morning.
oSioHo -5r>& panitellavaru, lit. Bu-
siness to become white. To be dis-
appointed, or ruined ; to become
Hoo tellu, v. n. To overflow, in boil-
H$oo tevulu, s. vide Hriboo tegulu.
"i§os5 tekuva, s. Understanding, in-
~§X tega, s. The sprout of the pal-
myra nut, when first planted.
"Sxdfl tegada, adj. vide II35S0 teyu.
Wasted by use, as applied to coins.
"ix&tfr>£ tegadaruka, A smooth,
rubbed, or wasted fanam.
"«§?(sk» tegamu, s. vide iT'cX^oo tya-
~§ 23 sSoo , 1§ as ~§2sdox) tejarilu, tpjarillm
v. n. To shine, or gleam.
~§£, Hd? tpji, tcji, s. A horse.
ll&> teta, s. Clearness, purity. 2.
Beauty. 3. A clear understanding.
adj. Clear, pure. 2. Handsome,
beautiful. 3. Evident, obvious.
"^6o^fe9n5D tetaparratsu, To clear up,
to explain. li6oss&> tetapadu, To
be clear, or evident.
"itB tefci, s. vide &-& > & tummeda.
1§C30\ tentsu, v. a. To belch. ~§&t&
tenupu, 5. A belch.
l§a tedi, s. The day of the solar
-§-*, tene, s. Honey. ~$-3&K tenetig?),
A bee. ~lis1B5-lll$£&», Hl3&o"^:>
tenetera-tenepattu, ienetutte, 5.
Honeycomb- "i*^e^e;ex> tenetola-
lu, s, plu* A kind of sweet- 11. eat.
^^■freTr* tenesara, A spirituous li-
quor, made of honey.
I ~§& tepa, 5. A raft, or float- 2. In-
crease. 3. Lightness, slightness.
4. A time.
~$$) t ■■pu, v. vide lirsox tentsu.
Hak tema, s. Wet, damp. acfy*. Wet ;
lls&tfsSM tsmanamu, s. i;i^e ©ssb-tfaSoa
"ioaoa teyu, v. n. To waste, by being
handled, used, or rubbed.
"©tf tera, a-ofy'.Free of cost, or charge.
"itf§c,lltf TV teraku, teraga, Gratis;
for nothing.
ifdb teru, s. An idol car ; a car. v.
n. To be saved from danger, tore-
cover from illness. 2. To reach- if
£!§&> kadateru, To be finished,
or ended. Hbor*^ tcrukonu, To
recover one's strength ; to be con-
^&J<& terugada, s. The settlement
of an account ; a conclusion.
l! e iir*#-&j-°nft, llelxfcnikterrikonatsu
tsu, territsiitsu, v. a. To gaze ear-
nestly, to look steadfastly.
~i&x> terra, v. n. To be clarified, li
eo)x terrtsa, v. a- To clarify.
llew telu, s. A scorpion. 9. n. To
float. 2. To be settled, or arrang-
ed. 3. To settle, or fix, on a per-
son. "^ewr'oS telukondi* The
scorpion's sting;
"<§©o-i5b fcelintsu, v. Cans. To cause to
float, &c. 2. To glance, as applied
to the eyes.
llss" telika, s. Lightness, adj. Light.
2. Easy, simple.
2^ws6do tailamu, 5. Oil. 2. Ointment.
<§"°o?Ce) tongali,s. Splendour, bright-
ness, adj. Splendid, bright, sparkl-
^o/fo tongu, v. n. To sleep. «S^o
7foo&> tongundu, v. n.To lie down,
or recline. ^oA^fo-o^b tongitsii-
tsu, v. a. To peep.
&*ok% tonti,aT*o29 tonda, s. A chamelion. 2. That
animal, of the lizard kind, com-
monly at Madras termed the blood-
^o&oSm tondamu, s. An elephant's
<§"oT5->£5b tondadu, v. a. To be con-
stantly hurr\ ing another.
^o&tf tondara, s. Trouble, amnyy-
ance, plague, vexation. 2. Danger.
3. Pis tress.
^o^^sSdo tondalamu, s. Boiled juice
of tamarinds, mixed with two or
three kinds of vegetables.
&**y- tokka, s. The skin. 2. A hide.
3. The rind of fruit. 4. The bark
of a tree.
^r/j-fc) tokkata, s. Distress.
^%-tokku, v. a. To tread; to
step. 2. To trample on. 3. To
pound, or bruise, certain fruits,
or certain grains with a little
^§0?^ tokkti, s. Any thing thus
<§"§k_oa& tokkintsu, v. Cans. To
cause to tread, &c.
£~*X toga, s. A water-lily.
^K&, £-*;&& togaru, toguru, s.
Red colour. 2. Bed coloured
thread, adj. Bed. tS^X&s^&k-^)
ewfio togarumukkupulugu, A par-
rot ; from it's red beak.
<§-°fe3 totti, s. A manger * a trough.
Postpos. Together with, in com-
pany with.
^° fcSrfctf toUikattu,s. An open square,
with buildings on each side, of
one or more of which the native
houses consist.
(S^^so^-eT^ex), eT 9 ^^ totra-
padn-totrilu, totrnpadu, v. n. To
be perplexed, or confused.
^ > ,fc»,^r 5 ^>, ^.So.tnfcoo totrupat:.:, to
trapatu, s. Confusion, perplexity.
#••&> tot la, s. A child's cradle.
^Stoda, s. The thigh. 3-°£sg)fcp$
todaputtuvu, s. The merchant or
Vysya caste ; as sprung from the
thigh of Bramha.
&»&ofo ,<3^&Xb todangu, todagu, v.
a. To dress, or pat on, as clothes,
&c 2. To prepare.
&*&££*$ todakapovii, v. a. Con-
tracted from (T^r^d-s^ toduko
nipovu, Under «§-*£& todu, q. v.
£">&& todaru, v. a. To obtain. 2.
To excite, to provoke. 3. To hesi-
tate in speaking.
3"°aK>e& todibadu, v. n. To be per-
plexed, or confused.
&*&!!* todime, s. The foot stalk of
a leaf, fruit, or flower.
«S^^b§o toduku, s. A cow.
#*C&«o todugu, v. a. To dress, or
put on as clothes. 2. To place the
arrow on the bow.
£-*&>7& toclugu, s. A dress; dress.
fo tor.agu, v. a. To begin, or
commence. &°zx>%) tonnpu, v. a.
To be constantly repeating the
same words.
^ewSo tonuku, v. .n. To wave, or
be agitated, as water. v> a. To
agitate water with the hand.
<§"&> tottu, s. A female maid- ser-
vant* or slave.
^°rf tona, s. One of the divisions
in an orange, and in other similar
^sss^oiSo tonnundUj^.w.Tolie down,
or recline ; to repose one's-self.
^55cr» 60 tommadu, v. a. To spoil.
gr>c&o 8 toyyali, s. A woman.
«T°^ tora, *. From s. «^-?r» twara, q. v.
^tfKo toragu, v. n. To shed.
^tfsSrtsSw torapariamu, s. Agimblet.
<§**&&> toralu, v. n. To be mixed.
8r>d8~°Q toritori, adv. Well, proper-
£~°a o&> torlintsn, v. a. To reduce
the heat of boiling water, by pour-
ing cold water into it.
e^esTfo torragn, v. n. To slacken, or
become loose.
(S^&sfeo-^*?, &*& tarrata-torrra, to
rra, s. A hole, or cavity ; a hol-
&^e| torrri, s. A maim, or defect.
e£»s^» torrrupattu, A cow-house.
(§^0 tola, s. vide &*$ tona.
#* © o 3b -Tollintsu
<§^ toliyitayavu, s. A
cow which has calved for the first
<§-*e» tola, adj. First, ^ewsra, eT^ew
-^>& tolukari, tolukaru, The first
rainy season. eT°ex>§8o-i5b toluka-
rintsu, v. n. To rain for the first
time in the season. £*° ex> §o &> sg>
tolukudupu, The ceremony of gi-
ving solid food to a child, for the
first time ; generally performed
in the sixth month, ^ewfir* e> to-
ludolta, At first.
^°ejo«o tolugu, v. n. vide eT'oTfo
^ewofo, ^°e>3v tolutsu, toltsu, «\ a.
To perforate. 2. To carve wood.
3. To cleanse, or rinse, a pot, or
<§"*© tolli, adv. In former times. &*
SofeS tollinti, adj. Former.
<$**£) o-tfc tollintsu, p. a. wrfe 3^8 oxfo
^"H tollika, s. A small instrument,
for digging,
^s tova, s. A water-lily.
tS^sssb tovaru, s. vide ^Xtfc togaru.
^^ tovvu, v. a. vide g^* tavvn.
&-*-<§"*£, 3"*2&£ to-toda, toduta,
postpos. With, along with j the
sign of the social ablative.
&*g toka, s. A tail, S^r-dbs^- to-
katsukka, 5. A comet, lit. A tail-
ed star. &*g%3&OTS} tokaadintsu,
To wag the tail.
<&r*F°i& tokonu, v. vide <§**$& r^afc
todukonu, Under £^e& todu.
&*&> toga, v. n. vide &r>7& tugu.
<§**;& totsu, v. n. This verb is used
impersonally, with the dative
case, and denotes To think, con-
jecture, or conceive. pT°§b«)Jr««S^
to me.
<§^&> tota, s. A garden. <>r$&>oT*2&,
&*t£>3Q totavadu, totidu, s. A gar-
^dcn» tota, s. A squib or cracker.
2. A cartridge.
&*& toda, postpos. vide ^-^^zw
ftxtfr^^sM* 30 ^*^*^^ to-toda
buttuvu-todabattugu, todabuttn,
&*£ s5s>-T6tramu
A sister, or brother; as born with
one's-self. &* Sr 5 2*ex> todikodalu,
The wives of two brothers ; joint
sisters-in-law. <§^&os5ex>&> tocli-
yalludu, The husbands of two
sisters; joint brother-in-law.
«T*&> todu, s. A companion, or as-
sociate. 2. Assistance, aid. 3. A
word equivalent to an oath, cor-
responding with the English by,
in such phrases as by heaven, &c.
v. a. To draw, or take up, as water
from a well or pot. 2. To draw
aside. 3. To wind up as thread. 4.
To dig. &*6o^& todukonu, v. a.
To take with. v. n. To curdle, as
milk- S^&>§^s>d*^) todukonipovu,
To take away, along with one's-
self ; to lead, or conduct, away.
eT^r^ss^bv todukonivatstsu,To
bring, along with one's-self.
^■gsSM todemu, s. A little, a small
£"*7§*x> todelu, s. A wolf.
&*&*&, S^o^ti todtoda, todtona,
O .__0
adv. Immediately, forthwith.
eT^Trsfeao todpatu, s Assistance, aid.
^loiib totentsu, v. To come. 2 To
#*# !6» tdtramu, s. A stick, or bam-
boo* with a short iron head, used
for guiding the elephant, 2. Any
goad, or pike, for driving cattle.
j e^sS topa, s. Batter, paste.
| cT*S> topi, s. A cap ; a hat.
j &*%> topu, 5. A grove, or tope as it
I is termed in India ; a tuft of trees.
2. A push. adj. Red
#*ao&»;g) tobutuvu, 8. vide fr^ti^
toassstodabuttuvu, Under <§~*£toda.
^55b-oe> tomala, s. A string of flowers,
&*&» tomu, v. a. To rub 2. To clean.
3. To beat.
G^Sttoik tomintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to rub, &c. So^oeT*s5>a pandluto-
mu, To clean the teeth.
^o«5s5m toyamu, s. A rarity; any
thing strange. 2. Association.
&"*cs6> toyu, v. a. To push, propel,
thrust, or shove. 2. To reject. 3.
To annul, to dismiss. 4. To deduct,
^ft^afio tosiveyu, To push, &c.
Out ; to reject, annul, &c Alto-
^tfras-xw toranamu, s. A string of
leaves, flowers, &c. Or sometimes
of cloth, hung over the door-way,
or across the high road, on joyful
or triumphal occasions.
eT^tfskO tt'ox toramallirayi, s. A
false diamond.
eT^tf&Do toramu. s A bracelet. 2. A
string worn on certain religious
occasions, round the wrist. 3.
Beauty. 4. Largeness.
^ oSb.Trotsu
<§^ew tolu, s. The skin of man or
beast; the rind of fruit ; the bark
of a tree. 2- Leather, v. «. To drive;
to drive away.
£**8o-i5b tolintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to drive, \ tratstsu, v. a. To churn.
3» osssfca trayainu, adj. Three, s. The
^,^)c travvu, v. a. vide &$<% tavvu.
"ST'.iSb tradu, 5. write "ar°£& tadu,
No, 2.
y^^ra trana, s. Strength, power,
ability, capacity*
."eT T> .$ travu, v. a. vide w°fo tagn.
v ^r°,&> trasu, *. A pair of scales, a
A tf «3 ^ r ' PP U > V - °- V ^ e © 53 >J ti PP a -
^s&rseke-ex) trimtirtulu, s. plu. The
three principal Hindoo deities ;
viz. Bhramha, Vishnu, and Siva.
,©,s5b.tfc trimmaru, v. n. To wander;
to travel.
© e)oKs5x> trilingamu, adj. vide "§ex>7&
s^b.o^b trungu, ». ra. To die, 2. To
be broken, ^o-sfc truntsu, p. ,«6 trullu, v. n. vide &>$■> tulln.
/el^k-Sb trekkonu, #. a. To attain,
to obtain.
.H.36 trellu, v. ». To fall.
V ^ro
H.s^" trevvana, s. Beauty, adj'
L ^§b^. trokkn, y. a- 0wfo ^§0^-
^^t5o, < g^^egb trotsu, tropadn, v.
a. To push.
<&*jig) tropu, s. A push.
. «§^.cx5c» troyu, v. a. vide «§^ort» toyu.
y&*j°S trova, s. vide &*$ dova.
^S^' ^ 8 ^ !5m twara, twaritamu, s.
Haste, hurry, speed, swiftness.
#ctfssa& twarapadu, v. n. To be in a
#o$7P twaraga,acfo. Quickly ,hastily,
$• tha, The thirty-second letter, and
seventeenth consonant, in the Te-
lugu alphabet •, no word in the
language commences with it.
# da, The thirty-third letter, and
eighteenth, consonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet.
&o3b dantsa, v. a. To pound, bruise,
or beat in a mortar. £o7&&> dan-
gudu, adj. Pounded.
&ofeo danta, s. A dexterous, clever,
or intriguing person. 2. A couple,
or pair. adj. Two. This word, af-
fixed to others in composition, de-
notes an agent, or possessor. &o&>
So ew dantapillalu, Twins. &ob>$&>
dantapadu, To league, or combine.
&ofew dantu, s. A stalk.
a'o£ danda, s. A garland, wreath, or
necklace of flowers, &c. Postpos.
zso&gi&x, dandakamu, s. A sort of
metre, the stanza of which ex-
ceeds 27 syllables, and may ex-
tend to 200.
tio&K dandaga, 5. vide XoSsoK dan-
ao2sX^o!6s5oiew dandagadiyamulu, s.
phi. A kind of bracelet, worn by
Hindoos between the shoulder
and the elbow.
eSo&^cxwe dandacheyyi, s, The arm,
between the shoulder and the el-
tfc&ssw dandamu, s. A stick, or staff.
2. Punishment, castigation. 3. A
fine. 4. A measure of four cubits.
So&sSm dandamu, s. Prostration,
salutation, compliments, respects;
the joining of the palms of the
hands, in token of respect.
tfoTr ^ dandata s. vide ~^-r^ka de-
&o& dandi, adj. Abundant, plentiful.
So&OT5b dandintsu, v. a. To punish
to chastise.
sso^o, £o2&cg) dandn, danduvn, s. An
arm} 7 , a military force, a camp.
c5o6^io dandubata, A high road.
eso"§5&> dandettu, v. n. To levy an
army ; to wage war.
&* e-Daggiri
tfo2&X danduga, *. A fine. 2- An r
extra, and unjust assessment.
so"3sS*> dandemu, s. A rope, &c.
Upon which clothes are hung to
ftox^e dandy a, 5. A peon, under a
ftoe£s5s> dan tarn n, a-. A tooth. 2. Ivory,
fto^-zptftfsfoo dairtadhavanamu, A I
tree yielding an astringent resin, j
Mimosa catechu. 2. A tooth brush. ,
£oll dante, s. An implement, with i
wooden teeth, used for hoeing
up the ground, round corn, after
the plants have risen a little in
the stalk.
Soes& dandadi, adv. Exceedingly,
tfotftf, fto^tf dandana? dandhana, s.
Procrastination, delay, putting off
by false but specious promises. 2.
Indolence, tardiness, adj. Indo-
lent, lazy.
«oo3^^> dampakarrru, s. The plough-
share with which wet ground is
&o£&>ex> dampatulu, s.plu. Husband
and wife.
&osg) dampn, v. a. vide &cn& dantsu,
s. Beating, pounding, or bruising.
tfo^rsSaa dambbamu, s. Fraud, deceit,
cheating. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. Sin,
wickedness. 4. Arrogance, pride.
e^^jfos dakkinamu, s. The south.
ego^- dakku, v. n. This verb is used
impersonally, with the dative
case, and denotes, To come into,
or remain in, one's possession. 2.
To be preserved. 3. To be digested.
s^o-^r^dakkintsukonu, v.
Comp. To obtain, take, or retain
possession. 2. To appropriate to
one's-self what belongs to others.
3. To preserve, or defend, what
is one's own. 4. To digest.
£§k_oo5b dakkintsu, v. Cans. To place
in the possession of another. 2. To
defend, or preserve what is an-
ess^k-ex) dakkolu, adj. Occupied un-
justly. 2. Free of cost, gratis.
&r°k_?53 dakkonu, v. a. To hide, to
z$K daga, s. Thirst.
tfXesK dagadaga, s. Gleam, dazzling.
& KV° dagala, s. A double quilted
Sir* daga, s. Deceit, trick, chicanery^,
aft tf, zliti daggira, daggera, postpos.
Near/ towards, to, with. zs% 8oo$b
daggiriutsu, v. n.To draw near, to
$% a daggiri, adj. Near. •&*£%$!§&
nadaegiraledu, lit. It is not near
me. I have not got it.
8 e££M-Dattaniu
& ^85* ox o & - Dabay intsu
£?& daggu, v. «. To cough, s. A
esKsSw da^dhamu, adj. Burnt, scorch-
ed, consumed by fire.
& £k dachchi, 5. The number eight. It
is used chiefly in games, es&yg&jo
dachchikadalu, The eight points,
or quarters, of the world.
ftkr°o»o-&> datayintsu,#. a. To threa-
ten, reprimand, or scold-
£ feos5a:> dattamu, adj. Thick. 2. Close.
3. Coarse, s. A body, or multitude.
%&>$ dattna. s. Thickness. 2 Close-
ness. 3. Coarseness.
z$&r» dafcta, s, The covering, or cork?
of large leather bottles, &c.
£fe§ datt], s. A zone, girdle, or waist
band, of cloth : a sash. #4$ rfe»rsi
dattlkattukonu, To gird the loins;
to prepare.
&2S dada, s. Fear, trembling.
&g dadi, 5. A wall of twisted palm
leaves, &c.
es^**» daniiemu. s. vide zso~&&x>
e5 e^sS^o dattamu, adj. Given, presen-
ted, made over, assigned. 2. A-
dopted. 3. Preserved, protected.
c5^2lb dattudu, An adopted son.
asfc&x "^KSor^jBo datturmi chesuko-
nu, To adopt. & &$■> &' e£e£os5s>
dattata, dattatvamu. s. Adoption.
cS&S'sSw daddalamu, 5. A flat ceiling.
esaaex), &&&> daddirillu, daddirlu, v.
w. To be alarmed, perplexed, con-
fused, or confounded ; to start.
z$&> daddu, x. A scar : an inflamed
mark on the skin, from the bite of
a musquitoe, &c. &8Qo-J5b dadda-
rintsu. v. n. To be scarred, or in-
&&>& dadduru, s. The cutaneous di-
es '
sease, named Herpes.
&§ dadhi, s. Milk curdled, or coagu-
lated, spontaneously, by heat, or
by the addition of butter-milk.
s^otftfsSM dadhyodanamu, Boil-
ed rice, mixed with curdled milk,
and seasoned with mustard seeds,
and ginger.
tftfS' danaka, adv. Until, as far as.
cSs^skm dappamu, s. vide c$£ox*» datta-
tfoS^SfsSaj dappalamu, 5. The boiled
juice of tamarinds, mixed with
any kind of vegetables.
a&j dappi, 8. Thirst, aa^sfc dappi-
gonu, To be thirsty.
g-^n> dapha, s. A time, or turn. 2.
A certain number of peons.
c523 8£> dabadaba, s. The noise of
knocking, or running.
^^oooo-tfo dabay intsu, v. a. To fright-
en, threaten? or alarm.
8z:i dabba, s. A piece of split bam-
boo, or palm tree. 2- A slice of
any fruit.
SEj\&o-i5b dabbadintsu, v a. To beat
with open hands. 2. To close the
mouth of a pot.
3&xtfo6co dabbanamu, s. A bodkin ;
a large pack needle.
£z>xfc9 dabbarra, s. A falsehood, or
lie. 2. A sort of basin, adj. False-
aCK^sSj dabbichippa, s. A wedge, to
split palmyras, &c.
&£»* dabbu, .?. vide %kzv> dabadaba,
2. The cover of a large pot, or
Sttoitf dabbuna, ado. Quickly, im-
&ijr.titt dabhramu, adj Little, small.
&o&&» damarnu, s. Self-command,
self-restraint; endurance ofpain-
fnl austerities, mortification of the
flesli. & Taming, sr
s£fe\'& dammid Tje quarter of a
dub: five cash.
^s5^ dammu, s. Wet ground, mud>
mire. £«&» ^fttf^psj^ dammuche-
sinapolamu, A field watered and
prepared for plants.
5<3& day a, s. Favour? goodness, re-
gard, kindness, graciousness. 2-
Pity, tenderness, clemency., com-
passiou. &a&*iS7$&xi (layarasamu,
The quintessence of favour, kind-
r*g> dayyamu-dolu, vadalagottu,
To drive out, or expel, an evil
estf dam, s. Price, value.
zXqr* 7$a darakhastu, s. A revenu 6
term, signifying a proposal, or offer
a rent, or farm.
stfnrioo daranamu, s. An imaginary
€oin, of the value of 6 dubs, or
two fanams.
tfsdari, si The bank, or shore, of a
river, 5odarikonu, v. n. To]
or consumed,
aer^ex^ darikolpn. v. a. To burn, or
consume. 2. To kindle.
&Qi£ dariji, s. A tailor.
^O^sfos daridramu, adj. Poor, needy,
indigent, distressed. ■c5«e6»
daridryamu, s. Poverty.
&&>£> daravu, s. Time, or cadence,
in music.
KS^HTfc darobastu, adj. All, whole.
adv- Entirely.
d"o-*\ «b darbaru, 5. A court, or hall of
audience- 2, A public office. e$-*rs
&$>-&&- darbarukhartsu, Durbar
expense implies the sums paid, as
bribes, to public servants ; or
douceurs, given to them, in gene-
ral without stipulating for any
positive favor, but to ensure gene-
ral countenance and support.
estf^tfafco darsanamu, s. Sight, seeing.
2. A visit. 3- A sastra, or one of
six religious or philosophical sy-
stems ; viz. The Yedanta, San-
khya, Vysheshica, Nyaya, the
mimamsa and thepatanjaka.
£8}0-i$b darsintsu, v. a- To shew. 2.
To see. 3. To visit. 4. To pay un-
tf dalalf, s. Brokerage, the busi-
ness of a broker. 2. A broker.
e5er»&85j*fc>e» dalalimatalu. Deceit-
ful words.
a^sSw dalamu, s. Thickness, solidity.
2. vide •jr&otfoKsaasSM chaturanga-
balamu, adj. Thick, solid. zsV-Zntio
dalamettu, To levy troops. a?^
000 dalavayi, A general.
z$3Q dalasari, adj. Thick, solid,
coarse, s. Thickness, solidity,
ass& davada, s. The jaw. 2. The
cheek. tfss^sSogrc davadapandlu,
The double teeth.
essstfaSw davanamu, s. A kind of frag-
rant leaf; a sort of balm.
s-arof) davali, s. The belt of a peon.
#$> c5^)p davu, davvu, s. Distance.
£$£& davudu, s. A military expedi-
tion, or incursion. 2. A gallop.
c$c$& davurn, s. That part of a jacket
which hangs below the waist.
tf»g davva, s. Pith ; the soft part of
# $* das'a, s. Power, authority. 2. The
influence of a planet ; luck, for-
tune. 3. A stage of life. 4. The
ends of a cloth. 5. A wick.
ftS'S'sSx) dasakamu } arf;\ Numeral ten.
ssSsSo^ das'iripanche, s. A flowered
silk garment.
ftrS &> daskhatu, s. Signature.
tf j£§o dastaku, s. A pass, or order.
tf 5? dasta, s- A quire of paper. 2. A
bundle of 24 arrows.
s-^^e* dastavedzu, s. A document
of any kind ; a proof, or docum-
ent, in one's own hand writing.
Sr& dastu, s. lit. That which has
reached the hand. The money col-
lected, in contradistinction to the
§^oo Sistu, or money outstanding
unrealized. In revenue language*
the dust balance is that which has
been realized by some one, as the
Redely, Curnnm, &c. from the
Ryots, but has been withheld by
them from the Government trea-
sury ; the shist balance is that
which is still due by, and outstand-
ing against, the Ryots themselves-
s&n>6 dasturi, s. Custom, manner.
& ts^&o dastramu, s. A bundle of
written documents, tied together
in a cloth.
asfrotfsfca dahanamu, s. Fire. 2. Burn-
ing ; especially the burning of a
s JLra dakshina, s. A present or gift,
of ready money, offered either to
the deity, or to brahmans.
sr*;& dakonu, v. n. To approach.
2. To meet, or encounter. 3. To
75*sp?x> dakhalu, s. A revenue term,
which denotes an entry or inser-
tion. 2. An arrival. Tr>spyo-$a&>
dakhalucheyu, v. a- To enter •&*$)
<*>«> 3) dakhaluavu, To arrive ; to
be entered.
•cr>xtf dagara, s. A large winnowing
-s^X - © dagali, s. An anvil.
T5-°76 dagu, v. n. To be hidden, or
concealed ; to abscond, or disap-
pear. T^-ab clatsu, v. a. To hide,
or conceal ; to secret.
■55-o-ar*(& dachikonu, v. comj). To hide,
or conceal one's-self, or any thing
for one's own advantage.
zr°ho-&) dapintsu, v. Caus. To cause
to hide, &c. -s^5\S&xr*i£ dagilimiita,
s. Blinchnan's buff.
-sr'&w datu, s. A jump. v. a. To jump,
or leap. 2. To pass, or cross over.
3. To copulate; as applied to cat-
tle. 4. Togo beyond, or transgress.
-sr^oafc datintsu, v. Caus. To cause
to jump, &c.
zr°S, ts^g dacli, dadi, s. A beard.
-cr»g d: : )di, s. A military expedition*
incursion, irruption, or campaign,
-zs^&^joxdadicheyi?, To prepare
for battle.
•zftp dan a, s. Corn ; horse gram, &c.
■&*& data, s. A generous, or liberal,
person. tj»«£\5£ps5m datritwamu, s.
Generosity, liberality.
7T>®g& datikarrra, s. The piece of
wood, nsed to support that which
a carpenter cuts.
is* a dadi, s. A nurse.
tt»^s5x> danamu, 5. Donation. 2. A
gift, or present. 3. The fluid which
exudes from an elephant in rut.
i&*$&2&!$) daparamavu, v. n. To bap-
pen, or occur. 2. To be under the
influence of misfortune.
tpsSo dapala. adv. On the left side,
or hand. -cpsss dapali, adj. Left.
^r»^> dapu, 5. Protection, covering^
adj. Neighbouring, next. adv.
Near. v. a. To set as precious
-&*$)$ &» dapuramu, s. Concealed
property; from T5-*Kb dagu, q. v.
"2P"So^^23;^o damenatradu,5. A long
string, to tie cattle in a line-
-75* && day a, s. An enemy, or foe.
"xr«ccs3-»a dayadi, s. A distant relation-
a descend ant from the same origi-
nal male stock.
7sr» ox dayi, 5. An anvil, vide tt**?)
dagali, 2. Any thing on which ar-
tificers place the.jr.work.
-apoor* dayi, s. A nurse, vide -sr»s
73^0200 dayu, v. n. To approach, or
come near.
•sr»tf2so£s5*> darabandamu, 9. A door-
•srtf&n daramu, s. A thread, cord,
string, or rope.
-era dari, s. A way, road, or path. 2.
Manner, mode. 3- Conduct, cha-
racter. 4. In composition, it is af-
fixed, to denote, a possessor.
-cr&$, -nptfc daruvu, daru, s. Wood,
-syS.dali, s. Aheap of dung cakes
used as fuel, piled up, in order to
cook any thing.
-7^9 dali, s. vSplit pulse.
"zyfc dalu, s. A tinge, or slight shade^
of any colour.
tpSosS" daluva, s. The cheek, or jaw-
tt»s^> d£va, *. A claim, suit, or com-
•sT'ks'sSao dashtikamu, s. Power, au-
thority. 2. blustering.
Tr°38 dasari, s. An individual of that
peculiar caste of Hindoos, worsh-
ipping Vishnu exclusively, who
go about begging alms, and often
dance in a frantic manner, with
fire in their hands.
-cr;s8^sSx> dasaripamu, a. A very
large species of snake.
253 ab-tfb\-g)x-Ditstsumo
-sr°k dasi, s. A female per v ant, or
slave. 2. A prostitute.
■ff»;fcdb dasudu, s. A male slave, or
servant. 2. A fisherman. -cptfgsSw
dasyamu, s. Slavery.
15-sS-s^ dahamu, s. Thirst 2. Drink.
3. Ardent desire. •sr , ^s$b$, -&»&>
sfcoJTsss dahamavu, dahamugonu,
To be thirsty. ^s^sSmcoo-^ daha-
muyitstsu. To give drink.
•zs-lxrag^o dakshiriyamu, s. Pity, com-
passion, complaisance. 2. Concord,
harmony, agreement. 3. Partiality.
ao^b, fio^) dintsu, dimpu ,v. a. The
causal form of a Kb dign, q. v. To
lower : to let, or put, down. 2. To
unload from a ship, to disembark,
or land, goods, &c. 3. To distil, or
extract. 4. To cause a miscarriage,
or abortion.
ao&> dindu, s. A pillow, cushion, or
bolster, adj. Much.
aSo^_ dikku, s. Region. 2. Space 3.
A corner, or quarter, of the world.
4. A point of the compass. 5. A
side, or direction. 6. Shelter, asy-
lum, refuge, protection.
aKb digti, v. n. To descend; to come
down, or off; to go down. 2. To
alight, or dismount. 3. To land
from a ship, as applied to persons:
to be unladen, landed, or disem-
barked, as applied to goods. 4 To
halt ; to take up one's residence.
sKs^^o digabadu, v. n. To sink, or
give way. 2. To miscarry. aK^efo
diganadu, To forsake- axs^-da
digavidutsu, v. a. To leave, q% &
digintsu, v. a. To make one des-
cend, &c. vide ao-db-axaock din-
tsu-digadiyu, To decrease, or grow
less. 2. To draw down, or expel,
an evil spirit, &?c. axstf digasana,
adv. Down, below.
afoak digudn, s. Descent, adj. Mean,
base, low.
afosiba digumati, 8. Disembarkation,
landing. 2. Import. afojkS^oaco
digumaticheyu, To land, to import.
afloew digulu* s. Fear, teror, alarm.
2. Cowardice.
aTte diguva, adj. Inferior, lower.
adv. Down, below, under.
diofSfuna, adv.
aKtf, aftotf dWana
° 9- ^
A large oblong
a^csS diggiya,
afto22o8&*S3o diguijayamu, s. Universal
8-j5o\-^mXo5c» ditstsumogamu, s. Dis-
appearance. avfr^-^XsSbjg) ditstsu-
mogamavu,To disappear.to vanish.
a&> ditta> s. A courageous, firm, gal- i
lant, sfcout, or clever person, a 60 j
ska, a&>jg> difcamu, ditavu, s. Cou-
rage, bravery. ©&>**» dittatana-
mu, 5, Cleverness, ability.
afeosSDo dittamu, s. Firmness. 2. Good
©&>££& difctapadu, v. w. To be regu-
lated, or put in order ; to agree
exactly. &&%&■&> dittaparratsu, v.
a. To regulate, or put in order ; to
make right, or proper.
©&ojt§£> diddivakili, s. Aback door;
a sally port.
?ja5b diddu, v a. To correct, orrecti-
fy. 2. To alter 3. To erase- 4. To
adorn. 5. To teach.
aesb^feoo diddubatu, $. Alteration.
eaoiSb diddintsn, v. Caus. To cause
to correct, &c.
atfsfco dinamu, s- A solar day. 2. Day,
as distinguished from night.
atf-Ctfc dinacharya, s. A diary. atfa
tfsfco dinadinamu, Bay by day.
&>, a«6?So dinasu, dinusu, s. Sort,
ai?>\ dinne, s, A covered raised ter-
race. 2. A sand hillock.
a^v dibba, *. A hillock or eminence;
a heap.
a20\&s5w dibbadamu, .?. An earthen
cork, or covering, of a vase.
a"S\sfo> dibbemu, s. A light? a lamp.
a;5a-*§b dimaku, 5. Haughtiness, arro-
gance, pride, disdain, insolence.
q^o, dimma, s. Thoughtlessness, gid-
■ — 6
diness. as^S dimmari, A thought-
less, giddy person. ~i& Q desa-
dimmari, A constant traveller.
©sSw, dimmu, s. Pain ; as ^ejasSw^
taladimmu, The headache.
a*ao^ dimme, s. A sort of rocket. 2.
A wooden cork.
aer*-£p> dilasa, s. Comfort, encourage-
ment, consolation.
assSsSao divasamu, 5. A day.
a»r>casSoa divanamu, 5. A palace, or
&sr>o-° divala, s. Bankruptcy, ar°& di-
tukonu, To be eqnal, resembling,
or in conformity with.
6tfs5w dinamu, adj. Poor, indigent,
needy, distressed, miserable, piti-
6tfe£, S^efcsfoa dfnata, dinatwamu, s'
Poverty, wretchedness, misery.
&sS#sfo> dipanamu, s. Hunger. 2. The
power of digestion.
&3s$m dipamu, s. A lamp. 2. A light.
&$ ska dirghamu, adj. Long. s. A
long vowel. 2. The connected form
of es a viz. "*
&3 divi, 5. An island.
63o-&divintsu, v. a. To bless, &"3tf
dlvena, s. A blessing, or benedic-
25bo?C dunga, s. A block of wood.
25bo&Ks5*> dundagamu, s. Dishonesty,
craftiness. &o&%&> dundagidu, A
fraudulent, or crafty, man.
#boe£ dunta, s. A male buffalo.
abosS dumpa, s. A root. 2. A vegetable.
2$bo5srx°tf dnmpakura, An edible
zsbosoTT'SxSsSoa dumparashtramu, *. A
medicinal root, so called-
abg$)55*> duhkhamu, s. Pain. 2. Sor-
row, affliction, distress, unhappi-
ness. 2Sb§^>o-i5b, 25bS$>sS£& duhkhin-
tsu, duhkhapadu, v. n. To grieve;
to be afflicted. 2. To regret, cfcg^r*
Xtf&tfsSoz duhkhopasamanamu,
25b-5^cas5Do dukanamu, s. A shop, 250-5-*
ra&»-~S>&», ~£crtxi dukanamu - pettu,
veyu, To set up a shop. &-r°n-Gr>
&Z& dukanadarudu, A shop-keeper.
«fe§cn.e)s6o3 dukularnu, s. A silk cloth.
2. Any fine cloth.
25b i^- dukki, s. Ploughed ground. 2.
Ploughing. j5b§k_X*b dukkiteddu,
A ploughing ox. 2fc§^_^ejs5» du-
kkipolamu, A ploughed field.
abX duga, s. A couple, or pair ; a
deuce at games.
25bX, 2fc7fo duddu, s. A coin, of the value
of ten, or twenty, cash. 2. A club.
&&o£*& ducldukarrra.A laree stick,
or staff.
£& & dutta, s. An earthen pot, with
a small mouth.
&>& duddu, s. A sort of ear-orna-
ment, worn by women.
jsof^j, »&£&*&> dunna, dunnapotu, s.
A male buffalo.
tfbaso^ dunna, v. a. To plough.
&z^kos$x> duppatamu, s. Armour,
2&;Svfe5 duppati. s. A cloth thrown
loosely over the body, and some-
times tied, round the waist, sss'k-
2fo£\£3 pakkaduppati, A cloth, or
sheet, for sleeping on.
sfc S)^ dnppi, s. A male spotted deer.
tfc2XK dubbu, 5. A tuft, or bunch.
26s5jxtfs53o dumaramu, s. Dust.
ffcj&»&, 2$bs5M§ber>2& dumuku, dumu-
kuladu, v. n. To leap.
■2fcs&»§b dumuku, s. A leap. ekSDlo-tfo
dumikintsu, v. Cans. To cause to
leap ; to leap a horse, &c
jfcsSMj dummu, s. Dust 2. A bone.
£fos$^e)5T > o^ dummulagondi, s. A
fcfeoB&oe duyyu, v. a. vide &*c&o duyu.
efctffeSw duratillu, 0. %. To regret, to
! aotftf durada, s. An itching.
I ^tfifctf duradura, s. Great haste.
I aotf^ctf^ durabhyasamu, 6*. A bad
J practice, or custom.
! &tf**» duramu,s. Battle, combat, war,
! efc-cpoar-o durayi, s. vide estf ana.
I &-ut& durasa, s. Vain hope ; unat-
tainable desire
abe^sSx) dnritamu, s. Crime. 2. Sin.
tfo&?oo dnrusu, s. Haste, speed.
tfotf osSsSoo dur°:ais5» durbalamu, adj. Weak.
e5b t^a&. durbhasha, s. Abuse; oppro-
brious language.
25b -tr°. tf sfo> durmargamu, ad/\ Vicious,
wicked, s. Yice, wickedness.
&ew^) dulupu, v. a. To shake, so as
to throw off the dust-
2Sbs^S>oo$b duvalintsu, v. n. To shine,
to glitter.
^ssooosj duvvaluva, s. A sheet, to
cover the body.
**.£)£ duvvu, v. a. To comb. 2. To
stroke, to rub gently, or tenderly.
*5b"3o£f duvvena, s. A comb,
tfoss^-tfsfoo dushkaramu, ae?/. Difficult
to be done.
& N S\-Drishti
s&sxxSm dushtamu, or. zfcsk dnshtu,
adj. Low, vile. 2. Weak, impo-
tent. 3. Bad, wicked, depraved.
25b&> dustu, s
A suit of clothes, <£c
t&r>V& dukonu, v. c. To penetrate,
pierce, or enter in. From ^ooco
duyu, q, v.
2$r>Xtf dugara, 5. The dust of paddy.
2. A cobweb.
afc*& diita, s. The interior tender sub-
stance of the plantain tree.
d$y& duel a, s. A calf.
&*& data, 5. A messenger, a spy.
s$r>® duti, s. A procuress.
#sr*a dudi, s. Cotton, after it has been
cleared from the seed. ^a^o&,
zSr>i$& dudiyeku, dudeku, To clean
cotton. e&»"£§oe>*r»2&dudekulav5du,
A cotton cleaner.
i5cr-s diipa, s. Thirst.
«r»»tfaoa dubaradindi, adj. Extra-
efc-ss^a dumudi. s . A looped knot.
«j*c&d di'jyu, v. a. To enter, penetrate,
or pierce. 2. To draw, as a sword,
&c. 3. To strip leaves, &q. Off, by
pulling through the hand.
tfr»tf;6cx> diiramu, s. Distance, adj.
Distant, far .
&r»tf §jJ durastri, s. A menstruous
^490 durru, v. a. To enter. 2. To
penetrate, or pierce. 3. To creep
iD, under, or through. 4. To re-
proach, blame, or abuse. &*&»&
diirutsu,?. Cans. To cause to enter.
dfr»&M durru, s. Abusive language,
reproachful words, ill usage, blame.
&r*y dula, 5. An itching.
tfb^^oS, tir°vK*'3v dulagondi, dii-
lagovela, 5, The plant termed Co-
witch. Dolichos pruriens.
&rv&» dulamu, s. A beam of timber.
I c&'Sxci, aScpsxrasS-o dushana, dusharia-
mu, s. A curse. 2. Blame, reproach.
3. A fault, or defect. a^txoift dii-
shintsu, v. a. To curse, blame, cen-
sure, or reproach.
e£p&cxxK> dushyamu, adj. Reprehensi-
ble, contemptible, vile, bad, accur-
sed, s. A tent.
&^36w dridhamu,ac?;. Much, exceed-
ing. 2. Hard, firm. 3. Able, po-
werful. 4<, Bulky, massive, solid.
^s^?oosfe) drjshtantamu, 5. An ex-
ample, illustration, instance, proof,
evidence. 2. Science, a sastra.
*) 9 £ drishti, s. An eye. 2- Sight, see-
ing; a look, tfvixs^sxssw drishti-
, v to
doshamu, The influence of
"3 tf »5~Daivata
T5i^tfaS» depparamu, s. Danger, per-
il, difficulty.
•ass^ deppu, v. a. To taunt, jeer, or
"3»% debba, s. A Blow ; a stroke.
-3^e>o8;& debbalutinu, To be bea-
ten. -3» x ex>-ictf», r'fco debbalu-
veyu, kottu, To beat.
*3ct6cs5M deyyamu, 5. A demon, or
evil spirit.
"%$ desa, s. vide &&{,- dikku.
■£& deku, v. w. To creep, or slide,
along the ground, on the posteriors.
-%$6 devata, s. A deity. 2. A god-
•tssti devara, s. Making in the noon.
tfex>, "^£>g devaralu, deva-
llu, A deity, male, or female. This
Word, among the natives who wear
the lingam, is often applied as an
honorific title, to their priests ; it
is also used, by all persons, when
much deference is meant to be paid
to men of superior age, rank, or
learning, and may be said to cor-
respond with the English phrases
Sir, My Lord, &c.
•^ssS'sScx) devalamu, s. vide -&-5r*vc&&x>
■2§w»e>cx6rii» devalayamu, s. A temple.
-^& devi, s* Any female deity.
T§5# devu, v. To take rice, devu-
ladu, To dive into water. 2. To
"&$)£o devudu, s. God, the supreme
being. 2. Any deity. 3. A cloud.
t§$8o-ifo devurintsu, v. n. To beg
humbly ; to implore, or solicit.
t§"^a deveri, s. A queen.
"^#sfo> desamu, s. A country, terri-
tory, land, or district ; a region,
whether inhabited, or uninhabit-
ed. t§£"&>2& desasthudu, A man be-
es* • '
longing to any particular country;
an inhabitant. 2. The appellation
of a particular tribe among the
I§3§b2& desikudu, s. A Guru, or spi-
ritual teacher.
"c^cKfoa desyamu, s. The language
of a country, or land. adj. Of or
belonging to a land, or country.
t§s5-**>x> dehamu, 5. The body.
•g^ess^ dainyamu, s. Meanness, co-
vetousness. 2. Poverty, humility.
"8 ss£«5oo daivatamu,s. A god, or deity.
"S tfs5x> daivamu, s. God. 2. Destiny,
fate, luck, fortune, adj. Divine-
J 5>K9, ;s sscfcr*Ks5» daivagati, dai-
vayogamu, Chance, accident. 13 sJ
efr»sxre daivaduskana, Blasphemy.
"3 o3-?5b daivaru, v. n. To be agree-
able, or pleasant. 2. To be born.
fir»oK donga, s. A thief, a robber. 2.
A rogue, or rascal,
fi^oftDoofc, £T*ofce>o dongilintsu, don-
gilu, v. a. To rob; or steal. fi^oX"
s£x>s*», fir^oXersfea dongatanamu,
dongarikamu, s. Theft.
fir*o£&l? dondatige, 5. The plant
termed Bryonia grandis.
e»o& dondi, s. A hole. sr°oS£p2&3b
dondipodutsu, To bore a hole.
er*o© donti, s, A heap of pots, one
above another.
fir* o25 £ dondadi, s. The confusion of
battle. 2. A mingled noise.
£**£ dodda, adj. Great, large, big,
eminent. 2. Excellent, good. 3.
Rich, powerful. 6r*££tfs5c» dodda-
tanamu, s. Greatness. 2. Excel-
lence. 3. Riches, power-
6T*g doddi, s. A backyard. 2. A cow
fir^&r&w doddikattu, s. vide «§*»£$'&»
6^a-^°r doddikadla, <3c?i. Bandy-
&*# dona, 5. A deep fountain. 2. A
6-»tf?& donagu, s. Evil, mischief,
fir»^& donaru, «$: Worthy, fit.
6-*!^\ , sr*^ donne, doppa, s. A cup
made of leaves.
er^sSjfir*^ doppadogti, v. *z. To sink,
to be drowned ; to be severely
wet by rain.
er°£>ux dobbu, v. a. To push. fir»^o&> dommaravandlu, s. plu.
Tumblers, rope dancers.
SP&d, donrmi, s. A mingled or con-
fused noise. 2. The confusion of
fir^tf dora, s. A master, lord, superior,
ruler, governor, or king. 2. Equa-
lity, similarity. fir*tf£f$s5a> dorata-
namu, s. Government. 2. Reign.
frM-fro^ dorasani, s- A queen, or
er^o'^'so dorakonu, v. a. To attain,
or obtain. 2. To begin, or com
mence. &-*tf"§o-*ex> dorakolu, s. At-
taining. 2. Commencement.
S^tfr^tf^x % dorakolusannasi, s. A
thief, a robber.
£"*tfoc*» dorayn, t>. w. To resemble.
&-*tf dorlmtsn, v. a To roll.
ST*?5b^b doruku, v. n. vide s^eooSo do-
rr uku.
6r*dbrf>, £"*&£ doruvu, dorvu, s. A
spring- 2 A large well.
e"»&3)»Tb2» doruvupatteda, s- A
fi^asogb doiruku, v. n. To be found,
gotten, procured? or obtained, sr*
el So-dbr* ssb dorrikintsakonu,To ap-
prehend, seize, or secure.
a^^o doku, v, a. To smooth the earth*,
to dig up grass by. the root, er 6 ^
r'ssb -5 ^ dokukonipovu, To be gra-
zed, as applied to the skin.
£-5/6, e^7r«db dogu, dogaMu, v. n-
To creep on the knees, as an in-
fi^-iSc? 8* 3br* sso dotsu, dotsukonu, v.
a. To plunder, rob, or commit de-
£■**>§ doti, s. A long pole with a hook
at the end of it, used to pluck
fruit from high trees.
a^sSw donamu, s. A large heavy
mallet, for driving wedges into the
clefts of the palmyra-tree, when it
is split.
&*~% done, s. A native vessel with
a single masfc. 2. A boat.
fi^^b &*&&> dopu, dopudu, 5. Plun-
der, devastation, pillage. &*$&>
tzt>&> dopuctuvadu, s. A robber, a
#*jg) dopu, v. a. To place, or stick,
in ; to thrust in ; to insert.
tf*s5b doma, * A musquitoe, a gnat.
S^a&litf domatera, A musquitoe
fi^ooo doyi, 5. A couple, two.
fi^eooS doyili, s. The two hands join-
ed together, so as to hold any
thing. £^Q»£>o-i5b doyilintsu, To
hold the hands joined together, in
that manner.
& s $ir°c& dorakaya, s. A fruit almost
tf*tf ft«yo, ST*tf ftex> doragilu, doragillu,
v. n. To be bent, as applied to
trees; to be nearly ripe, as applied
to fruit.
6"$tfe*K*» doranamu, s. vide #*tfc3*5w
■%*&>.& ..Paubitru
a s^a-Brimmar
G*ti&x> doramu, s. A gate, door, or
erStfssl^x doravanne, s. A bay colour.
£-*& doru, v. n. To be bent, as ap-
plied to trees. 2. To die.
£T*s5 dova, s. A road, path, or way.
2. Means, mode, manner. 3. An
expedient, vide { &*,£ trova, s*ss
&&£&*$) dovatappipovu, To miss
one's way. s^s5-5°jo dovachilu, To
part, or go off, as one road from
6T*,s© dovati, s. A Hindoo's lower
garment ; the cloth round his loins.
#**" dosa, s. A particular kind of
cake baked on an iron plate. fi^S"
£r*otfo dosapoyu,To bake this cake
on an iron plate.
S^sIsSm doshamu, s. Fault, defect^
blemish. 2. Sin, offence, crime.
& € Xs-°a& dusakaya, s. A cucumber.
G*%® dosili, s. vide srSo»I) doyili.
8*1>&> desedu, adj. As much as
the two hands joined can contain.
&*lb dose, s. vide fir**" dosa.
^"°£ dauda, s. The cheek, vide »#£
Z*£o daudu, s. vide &;#&> davudu,
S'Sr*^^ dauhitrudu, s. A daugh-
ter's son.
.tfjSSs&o dravamu, s. Juice, essence,
exudation, wetness. 2. Spittle.
# 3o-& dravintsu, v. To drop.
& s5cs5oa dravyamu, 6*. Wealth, pro-
perty, riches, substance. 2. A
thing. 3. Elementary substance,
nine kinds of which are reckoned,
viz. Earth, water, fire, air, aather,
time, space, soul, and intellect.
^^j^ drabha, s. An awkward, or
useless person.
(-sr> tfS'sfeo dravakamu, s. Ointment-
2. Distillation.
( 7S* / s>2a'^S's5a>, ^» S^^jfej dravi-
dadesamu, draviladesamu , s. The
Tamil country, on the south eas-
tern side of the Indian peninsula,
below the Ghauts, from Madras,
to Cape Comorin.
^j® dravu, v. a. To push.
.Ty* & draksha, x. The grapevine.
a s5b & drimmaru, v. n. To wander.
,a,s&.8 drimmari, s. A wanderer of
either sex. ^ss^Sfifo drimmarfdu,
5. A male wanderer.
.&joKb drungu, v. n> To become less;
to decrease.
/B^k-So drekkonu, e>. a. To oppose,
or resist,
^otfog dreyyu, p. n. To be broken.
6T* s^s5w drohamu, s. Treason, re-
bellion, revolt. 2. Mischief, malice,
trespass, injury. 3. Treachery, be-
traying confidence or trust repo-
sed in one. ^St^s^sSw^c&j droha-
mucheyu, To act treacherously.
^^gp> drohi, s. A traitor, a betrayer.
#oo&c>s&> dwamdwamu, s. A couple,
pair, or brace. 2. Strife, dispute.
-o^e tf *&» dwaramu, 5. A door, or gate.
2. A means ; an expedient. 3. A
medium, or way by which any
thing takes place, or is effected . 4.
A hole.
&otfift» dwlpamiv. An island- 2. Any
of the seven dwipas, into which
the Hindoos divide the earth.
# dha, The thirty-fourth letter, and
nineteenth consonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet.
£^ dhanf, s. A master, superior, ruler,
or owner.
#tfx5cx> dhanamu, $. Riches, wealth.
treasure, property.
$%cx&*vo dhaniyalu, s. plu. Coriander
#s6$, #;&&£ dhanuvu, dhanussu, s.
A bow.
$$& dharani, s. The earth.
#0 dhari, s. vide %q dari.
#8o-*fc, ^8c»oo^5b dharintsu, dhariyin-
tsu, v. a. To wear. 2. To dress, or
put on. 3. To assume a form, 4. To
retain in mind. 5. To hold.
#5^ dharitri, s. The earth.
#tf\*5a>, $&,$) dharmamu, dharmuvu,
s. Virtue ; moral and religious
merit, according to the law and
the Vedas.
^J^sf^sr- dharmakarta, s. An arbitra-
tor, or judge.
^ss^jSm dhavaianru, s. White colour.
TP*3 dhati, s. Advancing towards, or
confronting, an enemy.
tjt>s£, 7p<>3\&i dhata, dhatridu, s.
Bramha, the creator.
§£^8o^-Phikkarintsu 263 -^ctfsko-Dhyanamu
-^•^o^dhatuvu, s. A fossil, or mineral
2. Bed chalk. 3. The pulse. 4. A
grammatical root.
■qr>.©. dhatri, s. The earth. 2. The
tree termed emblic myrobalan. 3-
A foster mother, a nurse.
-qr>tfcsS3o dhanyamu, s. Grain ; corn
in general but especially paddy.
•?p-*tfe->tfs5x> dhanyasaramu, Grain
after thrashing,
-qptf dhara, s. Distillation, dripping,
the oozing or issuiDg of any sub-
stance, by continued dropping. 2.
The sharpness of a sword or any
cutting instrument.
-qptin dharana 5 s. Price, valuation,
-qr«tfr335a> dharanamu, s. Holding, ha-
ving, maintaining, wearing.
-jytfoSw dharamu, s. vide -5T># *5a> da-
-tp*Ty>$s&xi dharalamu, s. Fluency of
speech. 2. Generosity, liberality.
-5r>tfc& dharuni, s. The earth.
-jp8 ^"sSoa dharmikamu, adj. Virtu-
ous, pious, just.
-^s>o^s5c» dhavantamu, s. Grief. 2.
Tpss?> dhavali> s. A kind of woolen
$§k_eoS& dhikkariutsu, v. a. To send
off, or dismiss, abruptly. 2. To
speak contemptuously. 3. To dis-
$ dhi, .. Understanding, intellect-
ual os£s5w dhimantamu, adj. Sensi-
ble, intelligent. §s&© dhimati, s.
A female of understanding.
$tfo5w dhiramu, adj. Brave. 2. Firm,
steady. 3- Wise, sensible, learned.
§35&>a& dhivarudu, 5. A fisherman.
$j*tfs&» dhupamu, s. Incense- $**$£
e> *"«&», ^»>8r dhupakalasamu,
dhuparti, A censer.
>£r*sks5co dhumama, s. Smoke.
2^n»s5b"^^o^) dhumaketuvu,5. A comet.
^pdhuli, s. Dust.?^n.|)gob5s5i)55cw dhu-
likuttimamu, A mound, or rampart.
-9 tfeaSoo dhairyamu, 5. Steadiness,
firmness. 2. Bravery, courage, gall-
^tfsS dhorani, s. Line, range. 2. way.
3. Style. 4. Tradition. 5. Experi-
ipr>otf&x> dhyanamu. s. Meditation,
reflection, but especially that pro-
found and abstract consideration
which brings it's object, fully and
undisturbedly, before the mind.
#oo#s6w dhwamsamu,s. Loss, destruc-
tion, extinction. # o o tf s6*> ^ oak
dhwamsamucheyu,t\ a. To destroy,
to ravage, to desolate, to annihi-
late. ,
^2j«Sw> dhwajamti, 5. A flag, or ban-
ner, ^a^afctfoa dhwajadrumamu,
The palm tree.
$~ 3 dhwani, s. Sound, noise, report,
voice. ^8£q& pratidhwani, An
tf na, The thirty-fifth letter, and
twentieth consonant, in the Telu-
gu alphabet.
tfortb nangu, v. n. To speak through
the nose. ^o5\s5&> nandzu du, s. Flesh-meat,
^o^-s^oss nandrakaya, s. A crab.
tfossb2& nandanudu, s. A son.
tfoO*x*£& nambivadu, s. A priest in
the temples of Vishnu; his caste
is traced to the descendant of a
chatriya female, by a brahman.
tfS"ew nakalu, s. A copy. tf**«yo-^jxr°
ctf», ^csfc> nakalu- vrayn, cheyu. To
copy. # goo ^ o»o -& nakalucheyin-
tsu, To get copied.
tf-r°ff&-»ex> nakarapollu, s. The sign
of n final ; viz. §"~.
tf§!\;$& nakishlpani, s. Work in ena-
tfSk_, r B oS'sr^ r .nakka, konkanakka,
s. A jackall. >footo'tf§V guntanak-
ka, A fox. ^r^„^§ nakkajittu,
Deceit, trick.
^"§^-§6 nakkillu, s. plu. The joints,
of the jaws.
tfgbL_ nakku, s. A lump or mass of
iron. 2. A notch made in trees, to
try their fitness for being cut. v. h.
To hide, or conceal one's-self. 2.
To crouch down. 3. To lie in wait.
iSgptix, tf$3tfi6*> nakhamu,nakharamu,
s. A nail, or claw. A cat. 2. A lion.
$K naga, s. A robe, or long gown. 2.
A bullock load, as applied to ghee,
oil, tobacco, or cotton. 3. A jewel
or ornament. 4. A metal vessel.
tfXafc nagadu, s. Ready money.
^Ks&a nagamu, s. A tree. 2. A moun-
cSXtfsSw, tf?(a nagaramu, nagari, s. A
city, or town.
tfKtfb, tiKtf) nagaru, nagalu, s- Mak-
ing in the inflexion singular. #KQ
nagari, A palace.
^•7t»tp nagara, s. A large drum.
t*76 nagu, v. n. To laugh, vide £$<>,
*>*«$ navvn, nagavu, s. Laughter.
^«b-5T»&» nagubatu, s. A joke.
tf o^ natstsu, v. a. To confide in ; to
trust, or believe ; to have faith in.
s: Delay. 2. Trifling. 3. Annoyance*.
adj. Troublesome, ^sfnachchika,
s. Confidence, belief, faith.
tf jstfc nadzaru, s . An offering, or pre-
sent, made by an inferior to a su-
tf |o natta, s. The middle. This word
is used, in composition, only pre-
fixed to others ; as ?f6otf&>sk na-
ttanaduma, In the very middle.
ife» nattillu, The middle of the
house. ** * natteru. The middle
of the river.
tffco natfcu, s. Residence. 2. Obstacle,
hmderanee.3. Procrastination, he-
sitation. 4. The bent grass, Nuth.
tfknT*& nattukonu.
main : to reside.
o. n. To re-
#&>o$ nattuvu, s. Dancing. ^w^-sr*^
nattuvukadu, A dancing master,
^few^^ag nattuvutsavidi, A dan-
cing school. tSknQ&yofc nattuvu-
pulugu, The peacock ; from it's
elegant pace.
tf 6ar*oex> natwalu, s. plu. An amble. 2,
#& nada, s. Walk, pace, or step. 2.
A trip. s£>$S\tfe$ manishinada, A
man's walk. Tfo$s<§ > $& gurrrapuna-
da, A horse's paces- ss&sfssxr^tfdf
ewsf^^a padavamudunadaluvach-
chinadi, The boat has made three
trips, tf&spa nadabavi, A deep
well, with steps down to it.
X&Z nadaka, s. Walking. 2. Walk. 3.
Conduct, behaviour, vide $ t&> ■&
tf£iT-tfa8-tf£tfg, tfe&s>& nadata-na-
diti-nadavadi, naduvadi, s. Con-
duct, behaviour, demeanour, vide
#£&>#b nadutsu.
tf &Ho-& nadatentsu, v. n. To come, to
#&*& nadama, ado. In the middle ;
betwixt, between. $&&&*$?*&>
nadamamatladu, To interrupt one
in speaking. 2. To intercede as a
#&$ nadava, s. The first passage, at
the entrance of a native house;
which leads from the street, into
the inner court.
#&, tfzh nadi, nadu, s. The middle.
adj- Middle, tf&sffea nadikattu, A
man's waist band, girdle, belt, or
sash. tfSr&pS'ex) nadinukalu, Kice
broken in the middle, tfclis 8 na-
dinetti, The middle, or crown of
the head. #&r£.&> nadivrelu, The
middle finger. ^b^ooo nadureyi,
#&>& nadutsa, v. n. To walk, to go,
to move. 2. To proceed forwards,
to go or move on. 3. To happen,
occur, pass, or take place. 4. To
behave or conduct one's-self. 5. To
take effect. 6. To continue, to be
in existence, to be going on with-
out hinderance.
#&>$, #SSio-& nadupu, nadipintsu,
v. a. To cause to walk, &c. In all
of the above meanings. 2. To
break in a horse to his paces. 3.
To navigate a vessel. 4. To manage
a family.
tf2&n5br*x& nadufsukonu, v. Comp. To
behave, or conduct one's-self.
$&>Q nadupu, s. Walking. 2. Apace,
or step.
^&>s5» nadumu, s. The'middle. 2. The
waist. #&£» nadimi, adj. Middle.
tf£ks5a>§'fe»r T, ;3o nadumukatfcukonu,
To gird the loins, i. e. To be ready
to do any thing.
tf& naddi, s. The back of the waist.
adj. Bent, hollow, crooked, turned
tf e^^bo e», tf &vo nattagullalu, natta-
lu, s. plu. The small shell fish,
termed muscles.
tf € o&oo nattamillu, v. n. To lie down,
or recline.
tf 8 natti, s. Stammering ; stuttering.
#«&> nattu, v. n. To stammer or stut-
ter, s. The nose ring worn by In-
dian females.
ties nadi, s. A river.
#tf nana, s. A flower. % A sprout.
tf^sS^jS nanaboni, A female.
#£-%■*& nanakaru, s. Spring ; the
first of the six seasons into which
the Hindoos divide the year.
tftftfb, tftfotfo nanatsu, nanayu, v. n.
To expand, or bloom ; to sprout,
or blossom.
tftf^o°a» nanabayi, adj. Imperfectly
boiled, as applied to rice only.
#?£>$ nanupu, v. n. To agree with
one's health, or constitution, as.
-&> "^2'jfoofr , §ctftf;5"£2fc idesamu-
n£kunanapaledu,This country does
not agree with me.
#09S*«fe» -Nayanamu
tftfr^eaj nannurru, adj. Numeral.
Four hundred.
#15\ 8 nannetti, 5. vide ^<§"3_§ na-
dmetti, Under, tf & nadi.
XQoX&th napumsakudu,6\A eunuch.
2. An impotent man, ^oSS^cako
napumsakatwamu, s. Impotency.
$%)o%gg>oX&x> naputosakalingamu,
The neuter gender.
cS^r> naphi, s. Profit, gain, advan-
tfs&S) namali, s. A peacock.
cfs&°x>, tfs&:>ex> namalu, namulu, v. a.
To chew, masticate, or gnaw.
tfsfc-Sr^-tfsS&s, tfsfcr5k_\© namaskara-
mu, namaskriti, s. Prostration, sa-
lutation. f5>s5b^^_Qo^5b ; tf jSb^^tfsSoo
"^dak namaskarintsu, namaskara-
mucheyu, To prostrate one's-self ;
to salute another.
^sS^Sb nammaku, s. Salt.
tfsSMj nammu, v. a. To believe, or
give credit to. 2. To trust, or con-
fide in ; to rely on ; to have faith
tfS^o-ab nammintsu, v. Cans, To cause
to believe, &c.
XSd^Z nammika, s. Belief. 2. Faith,
confidence, assurance, dependence
on. adj. Trust-worthy, faith-ful.
jfcsstfska nayanamu, s. An eye.
tfotf&a nayamu, adj. Cheap, s. A
sound or good state ; good health.
^oaSs5oa-7r»^r»6r»db nayamugamatla-
du, To speak with kindness; ^os5
*5x>-7r>$o£& nayamu gavundu, To be
convalescent, tfoss^csss s>^ naya-
bhayamuga, By means of both
kindness and threats ; both by
coaxing, and threatening.
tfosSaSw nayamu, s. Guiding, direct-
ing, either literally, or figurative-
ly as in morals, &c.
tf tf nara, 5. vide tfs $ narapu.
tf tf *f&> narakadu, s. A low, or mean,
tftfS'sfo narakamu, s. Hell; the infer-
nal regions. tftf-^o^SoeSb narakan-
takudu, Yishnu.
tftf?C naraga, s. A drum.
tftftgb tfefc^) narapu, narupu, s> The
greyness of the hair.
tftfsfeo naramu, 3. A vein. 2. A nerve,.
tendon, or muscle of the body.
tf-a*e>o£> foToz^Xi naralubigusukonu,
The tendons to contract.
nariyu, v. n. To grow grey, as
applied to the hair.
tf&3b naruku, v. a. vide tf«»gb ua-
r$o&>&> narruku, v. a. To cut; to hew;
to fell ; to sever. s t A cut ; a
wound. E3o^s»^«oSbjambhaluna-
rruku, To boast.
^690 23 s narrudzu, adj. Little, small,
^esew narrralu, s. flu. Horned beasts-
n. To wander.
nalu, adj. Four ; as. tfex>"3;5e»
naludesalu,Four quarters or sides.
jfooSbss' nalukuva, s. Illness, sickness,
tfaoKo nalugu, s. The act of rubbing
the body with the flour of green
gram, Phaseolus radiatus, in order
to cleanse and purify the skin. v.
n. To be bruised, or crushed. 2.
To be weak from sickness. 3. To
be withered.
fteo-ifo, tfex>$ nalutsu, nalupu, v. a.
To crush, or bruise. 2. To rub any
part ofthe|body.
£ex>7fc& nalu guru, adj. Numeral. Four.
tfeajg) nalupu, s. Blackness, adj Black.
v. a. vide This word under tfex>fto
tfew&a nalubadi, adj. Forty.
tfooss naluva, s. Bramha, the crea-
tor ; as having four faces.
tfe»s$ naluvu, s. Beauty, adj. Beauti-
tfex>&> nalusu, s. An atom. tfzx>t$c&
nalusanta, As much as an atom.
<$ nallaguddu, The
pupil of the eye. tfosfcotfb nalla-
mandu, Opium, lit. Black medi-
tfo ztf&x), tfo tf nalladanamu, nallana,
s. Blackness.
Hosr 8 nallavo, interj. Expressive of
sorrow, Alas! &c.
£8 nalli, s. A bug.
tfg>o& nallinllu, s. plu- Residence,
oo co
^"3&> nalledu, adj. Of the size of a
span, or of four fingers breadth.
#35" nava, s. An itching.
tfssJT^ navagonu, v. n. To itch.
##&£*&> navanltamu, s. Fresh butter.
#ssc&s, tfScsak navayu, naviyu, v. n.
To have any lingering disease ; to
be weak from it's effects.
£tfer» navala, s. A woman.
$■<&*&> navatu, s. Refined sugar.
tfsr»tf> navaru, s. Broad and strong
cotton tape.
tfar»£r°X&s$x> navasagaramu, 5. Sal-
^.nawu, v. n. To laugh. 5. Laugh-
ter ; in this sense it is also written
$$) navu.
^©Qo-^bnavvintsu, v. Caus. To cause
to laugh,
»'^>o&p»ew navvutalu, 5. £>Zm. Laugh-
ing, joking. tf$Qer>&> navvulata, s.
Laughter ; amusement ; fun.
tf$o-& nasintsu, v. n. To be ruined,
or destroyed.
tfsxsfoa nashtamu, adj. Lost, destroy-
ed, annihilated, s. Loss, damage,
injure, detriment, destruction.
j67S nasa, s. vide tfss nava.
#tfes5a> nasyamu, 5. Snuff. 2. Any
powder or liquid which physici-
ans prescribe to be snuffed up into
the nose. ^tfgsSw&e&^b nasyamupi-
dutsu, To express the juice of any
herb into the nose.
tf&^s&w nakshatramu, s. A star. 2.
A constellation, or lunar mansion,
of which the Hindoos reckon. 27.
•p* n£, pro. My. This is the possessive
pronoun of "^Sab nenu, T. -^a nadi,
(vT°go naku, v. a. To lick.
cT> §o%& nakintsu, v. CWs, To cause
to lick.
^Xsfco nagamu, s. A serpent, or
■paxes' :6m nagarikamn, 5. Neatness in
dress, elegance. % Prudence.
■jy*X© nagali, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. tpX^S nagati, A plough, -^x
feSoS'eso nagatimkarrru, A plough-
share. ^XofeS-Os^ nagantichippa,
The wooden part of the plough?
upon whieh the iron share is fixed.
TpXssID nagavalli, s. The beetle vine.
2. The ceremony which terminates
a Hindoo marriage, generally per-
formed on the fifth day from the
commencement of the marriage
7r°X3r»tfs5x> nagavasamu, s. The infer-
nal regions.
-fT>X*s*Xi6*> nagavasamu, s. A staple
for a hasp. 2. A dancing school. 3.
A set of dancing girls.
7T>Xb nagu, s. Interest paid in grain,
on account of grain lent.
^■ar ^ nachikonu, v. a. To usurp ;
to seize unjustly. 7P'-S)r 6 ao nachi-
kolu, s. Usurpation ; an unjust
7r>-& n£tsu, s. The aquatic plants
te rmed vallisneria octandra.
-fT*tegs$x> nalakamu, s. A drama, *or
7r»fc>3 natu, v. a. To plant. 2. To trans-
plant- 3. To fix firmly, v. n. To
prick ; to pierce.
.«r°*5o-?$b natintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to plant, &c.
fr°t>x> natu, adj. Of or belonging to
the country.
7T°fc)c85oo nafyamu, s. Dancing. 2. A
dance. 3. A play.
•{5r>& nadi, s. Any tubular organ of
the body ; as an artery, vein, or
intestine. 2. A Hindoo hour of 24
English minutes. T^&aSa^nfo nadi-
tsutsu, To feel the pulse.
-$*& nadu, s. Making in the inflex-
sing. -&-•& nati, Time, as -ssK -^^b
chinnanadu, Infancy. &■$•*&> ana-
dn. That time. t^^S^So-© n^tinun-
chi, Since then. 2. A day ; as *3o
&oS<^&> rendavanadu, The second
day. 7r°^b"3v»^ex) nadumodalu,
From that day forwards. 3. A
country; as &ro&^&> turpnnadu,
The eastern country. 4. A general
assembly of the people, isr-Tr"^
nanadu* Now and then. -&*■?*&§
nanatiki, Pay by daj^.
-^"3 nade, ,?. A weaver's shuttle.
^"axSao-^^sSx), 7o-°caes5w na'demu-na"
riemu, na'nyamu, s. Fineness, as
270 ^a^&.Napachenu
applied to the^texture of cloth, pu-
rity of metal, &c. 2. Ascertaining
the quality of anything. 3. Ho-
nesty.4. Coin. adj. Fine. 2- Good,
•jt»8 nati, s. A woman.
Tr^Jfo nathudn, s. A husband, ma-
ster, or lord.
7r°£sfco nadamu, s. Sound in general.
(3-°ao-v3b nadintsu, To sound.
TT'-z^tib nadaru, adj. lit. Not posses-
sing. Poor, helpless, weak. v. n.
To be poor, helpless, or weak.
•j3-°tf nana, s. Shame, modesty
•p^-?p nana, adj. Many, various, diffe-
■&*&> nanu, s. A sort of neck orna-
ment, worn by Hindoo women, v.
n. To be soaked, or steeped.
7T°;&2& nanudu, adj. Moist, wet. 2.
Soaked, steeped. t?$ tfg'sko^Sb 73-*
&&> r 7F>sSi&\tfi apustakamunakuna-
nudu gavatstsunu, I recollect that
book, by heart, but not so as to
repeat it without some errors.
■pr»j3S$ nannpu, v. a. To bleach. 7r»s>
So -do nanipintsu, v. Cans. To cause
to bleach.
^S^s&napachenu, 5. A field of the
great millet, of which the stalks,
having been cut, have since thrown
out sprouts.
7^*$ nabhi, s. The navel. 2. Musk. 3.
7r»;5b-$ osSxSoo, -?r>ifcs*>a namadheyamu,
namamu, s. A name, or appellation.
■jr'skstftt^ namakaranamu, The
ceremony of giving a child it's
73-*sfowM namamu, 5. The white clay,
with which the worshippers of
vishnu mark their foreheads. 2.
The mark itself, thus made, in the
shape of a trident, of which the
middle line is yellow or red, and
the rest white, of this clay. -xrOS
fjS&T^sksSw^feSTs-'^o vanikividuna-
mamu pettinadn, He deceived him.
lit. He marked him with the Na-
73^0600 namu, $. The new sprout, grow-
ing from the stalks of the great
millet ; after they have been cut.
-^ssxrolx namiishi, s- Disgrace. 2.
T^csssss *r>& nayakavadi, .9. A peon ap-
pointed by a collector,^ or, amil-
dar, to superintend the husband-
men, in their cultivation.
^osSSb^ nayakudu, 5. A guide, lea-
der,or conductor. 2. A chief, head,
or general. 7^000^ nayika, s. A
mistress, wife, or female.
pT>csotf nayana, s. A father.
•pT»csa)£so nayudu, s. A title annexed
to the proper names of certain
castes, among the Soodras.
73-^tf nara, s. The hemp of plants, or
fibrous bark of trees of the palm
species, -^tf-fotfew narachfralu, A
garment of bark, worn by holy
•js^Q nari, s. A woman, in general.
7or»a nari, s. A bow-string
^Q£&s&o narikadamu, s. The cocoa-
nut tree
73~ D Q~2"*tf6e)o narikayalu, s- plu. Scars-
2. Warts.
7T°8&&;g) narikurupu, s. The guinea
•tr > d~i$s$*> narikelamu, s. The cocoa-
■p^esa narru, s A young plant, fit to
be transplanted.
(3-»e)i nalaki, s. A sort of sedan chair*
termed in India a ton jon.
oT^ss, T^ewXsS" nalava, nalugava, adj.
Numeral. Fourth.
7T°D nali, 5. Strength, adj. Slight>
-p*&ir>& naligali, A soft breeze.
7T°©3b&;g) naliknrupu, 5. vide ^r°8§b
&>;& narikurupu.
(j^Dw^^s^, 73-*SiS3g-&k nalibutamu,
nalimutstsu, s. A deceitful person.
soots' bb-Nindaru
^ex)^, pr°e)"i naluka, nalike, s. The
tongue. r°o2«?r'e)oS' kondanaluka,
The uvula.
7r*ooKo n£lugu, adj. Numeral. Four.
This word is sometimes fiigurative-
ly used, to express every.
■ja-ofs&oew nalamulu, s. plu. Horse-
7o^s5, •&*& nava, navi, s. A ship, boat,
or vessel, -?n>£§b&> navikudu, 5. A
pilot, or steersman.
^r°c$e& navudu, adv. vide wtf-rr* ana-
ga, No. 1.
^f^xSw nasamu, s. Destruction, ruin,
loss. 2- Annihilation, death.
?)o"§e3 ninkerra, adv. Speedily, swif-
Soft ningi, s. The sky, atmosphere,
or air.
S>OT&-£c&o-t$b, $ $ nintsu-nindintsu,
nimpu, y- a. To fill. The causal
form of. So&> nindu, nindarn, nindu, s. Ful-
ness, completion.
$o2& nindu, v. n. To be filled. 2. To
be full. SDosk^tfo nindukonu, v.
Comp. To be pacified, to be silent.
In books, instead of. $oe& nindu,
We sometimes find. $oTr»?k nin-
daru, used, as a verb.
Sotf ninda, s. Blame, censure. 2. Re-
proach, reproof. 3. Abuse. 4- Ac-
sooao-rfo nindintsu, v. a. To blame*
abuse, vilify, or accuse.
sg'&sSoo nikatamu, s. Force, compul-
sion. 2. annoyance.
$£&&» nikatamu, adj. Near, proxi-
SS'b'tfM nikaramu, s. A flock, or mul-
titude. 2. The pith, sap, or essence.
Sg'tfoSw nikaramu, adj. Selected, ex-
cellent, s. Net balance.
a~ie$tfs5M niketanamu, s. A house.
$g>®\ nikkachchi, s- Trouble, an-
ftS^sSx-s"^^, $&k-tfs5oonikkamu-
nikkemu, nikknvamu, s. Truth,
certainty, reality, adj. True, &c.
S)§b^_ nikkn, v. n. To walk erect ;
to strut ; to stand on tiptoe ;
to be proud or presumptuous, s.
Walking erect, &c. pride, presump-
o>X&£(v5on nigadadannu, v. To stretch
forth, as the arms or legs.
» a 5&o -Nijamu
SX'SX' niganiga, s. Glittering, shining. |
adv. Brightly.
joxtfsfeasx) nigaranmlu, s. plu. The ,
dried rind of any fruit.
f3-7T°, $^ niga, nigha, s. Superinten-
dence, control.
$-7v° or* (& nigavanu, s. The head of a
jofioSo-ifc nigudintsn* v. a. To dis-
charge, or shoot, as an arrow. 2.
To draw, as deep sighs.
Zfotk nigadu, v. n. To grow high. 2.
To be increased.
Sfowa nigurru, s. The ashes that re-
main overlive coal.
s>fo uiggu, s. Great splendour. 2.
Sap, essence, pith. v. n. To be ma-
naged. $ft o-& mggintsii, v. a To
3$oo&o;g)inghantuvu,s. A dictionary,
or vocabulary ; a collection of
words, or names.
$-S\, s>-s\ex> nitstsa, nitstsalu, adv.
Always, constantly, continually.
$*3x tf nichchena, s. A ladder.
$aj;6tt> nijamu, s. Truth, veracity,
certainty, sureness, reality, adj.
True, certain, sure, real.
3 a s5k> nijamu, at/;. Own, perpetual,
eternal. $«Scp>;5;&k> nijarupamu,
One's own, or natural, shape.
SfcousSw nittalamu, s. Certainty, adj.
s&>°x> nittalu, s. plu. Banks, shores,
eo *
3^o^)^3^b nittavodutsu, p. n. To over-
flow. 2. To stand erect, as the hair
on the body, from fright, joy, &c.
$&» nittu, s. Thirst.
»&xr»&\ nitturpu, *. Difficult, or hard,
breathing •, loud sobbing ; deep
3^-» ^o nitradu, s. The post, or
pole, of a tent, or of a hut.
s>SS-3^oc5, $£b^$) nidivi-niduda, ni-
dupu, s. Length, adj. Long.
3^o55^o nidupaclu, s. A snake.
S0e£o£>s5*> nitambamu, s. A woman's
buttocks. 2. The buttocks or po-
steriors in general ; the circumfe-
rence of the hip and loins. 3. The
side of a mountain.
so^csfc) nityamu, adj. Eternal, ever-
lasting, continual, perpetual ; past,
present, and future. 2. Regular,
fixed, invariable, adv. Daiiy, al-
ways, continually, constantly. aiTo
*ftf,s*» nityakarmamu, Daily acti-
»6-?&-tfs5M nidarsanamu, s. An ex-
ample, or illustration. 2, Evidence;
an instance.
a-cptfsSM nidanamu, s. A first cause,
a primary or remote cause. 2. Dis-
appearance, cessation, or removal
$ » \ tf sbo -Nibbaramu
of a first cause. 3. Purification,
purity, or correctness. 4. Ascer-
taining the cause of disease ; the
study of symptoms. 5. Judgment.
&-sr»iooT5b nidanintsn, To examine
carefully ; to consider, to judge.
2. To wait or stop a little ; to take
patience. s»-sptf^&> nidanasthudu,
A just man.
Sefctf, szsbtf nidura, niddura, s. From
s. SjX nidra, j. «;.
StfsSw niddamu, adj. Coarse, gross.
$ X nidra, s. Sleep, drowsiness, sloth.
$-qr*tfs»4 nidhanamu, s. A Nidhi, or
divine treasure, belonging especi-
ally to Kubera, the god of wealth.
2. A receptacle, a place, or vessel
in, or on, which any thing is col-
lected, or deposited, 3. Concealed
#j£v ninna, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing- $tf^£3 ninnati, Yesterday.
S&tf i s^*5, $3}&>o nippati, nippattu, s. A
sort of cake.
s>o$v> SsM' nippu, nippuka, s. Fire.
»^j-/r>e) nippulagali, The hot
SwQ, »a6 nibaddi, nibaddhi, s.
Truth, certainty, reality.ac//. True.
jowxtfsfco nibbaramu, adj. Firm ; im-
moveable, s. Firmness of mind.
S^oooo^bnibhayintsu, v. a. To suf-
fer, endure, or bear.
foanr 6 ^ nimakala s. Remainder.
£&dj£;6^ nimittamu, s. Cause, reason,
instrumental cause. 2. Mark, sign,
spot, trace, token. 3. Object, motive,
purpose. 4. Necessity, need, want.
Sotosx3$x>, <0-&>&j5*> nimishamu, nime-
shamu, 5. The twinkling of an eye,
a second, instant, or minute.
$s»o &> nimuru, v. a. To pass the hand
gently over another, out of kind-
^sk^ss^ nimmalamu, s. Ease, quiet,
patience, freedom from annoyance
or grief, adj. Easy, quiet, happy.
Ss^C>oa$bnimmalintsu, v. n. To be at
ease, quiet, or patient.
%a&&g&» niyatakamu, s. Drawers, or
trowsers, which reach as far as the
knee; vide tSv*&&x> tsalladamu.
7 on •
SosSsfcsSao niyamamu. s. An agreement,
contract, or engagement. 2. As-
sent, promise. 3. Any religious ob-
servance, voluntarily practised; as
fasting, watching, pilgrimage, &c.
K»tf&£>Do-&> niyamintsu, p. a To di-
rect, or order. 2. To appoint.
»oB&^55i>5o^b niyamakuclu, s. A boat-
man ; a sailor ; one who rows,
steers, or keeps a look out from
the mast head ; a pilot, or steers-
itfxotfs&a-Nirbandliamu 275
$tic£tixx» nirantaramu, adj. Coarse,
gross ; without interstice. 2. Con-
tinned, continuous- adv. Always,
constantly, frequently, generally.
stf $» -^550^ nirakhunama, s. An ac-
count of the price current.
stftf^sSco nirarthakamn, adj. Vain,
fruitless, unprofitable, unmeaning.
&&&& niraksharakukshi, s. An
illiterate person.
s>Tr»£cr»&>K&» rnraghatamu, adj. Easy,
unobstructed, without hesitation.
s>-u^niraSa,s. Despair, despondency.
»-D^5^6^c6ai nirahararau, s. Fasting.
s>&& niruku, s. Fixed rate ; price
current ; tariff ; assize.
S&db nirudu,s. Making in the innex.
Singi 2&fe5 nirnti, The last, or past
&&©*;;* ska nirudyogamu, adj. Cause-
less, groundless.
%&*& nirudhi, s. Thorough under-
standing ; skill ; fluency.
s-rj-'tfraa^ nirdhar^namu,*. jCertaint} r ,
or ascertainment. 2. Determination,
resolution. a-uTtfca^cSoo nirdhara-
nacheyu, To determine, or resolve.
$S>e-£o e^sSoa nirnimittamu.acfo. With-
— o
out cause ; for no reason.
3tf\o#*i» nirbandhamu, s. Intent, or
pertinacious, pursuit of anything.
2. Seizure ; laying violent hold of
anything. s^o^o-tSb, s^o^sfc^
ctfo nirbandhintsu, nirbandhamu-
cheyu, v. a. To constrain, or op-
$tf\cjsb?x>o nirbhayamu, adj. Fearless,
s^«ys&» nirmalamu, adj. Pure, trans-
parent, clear, clean; free from dirt
or impurities.
aTT^easjoo nirmanamu, g. Manufac-
ture, production, creation, inven-
tion. j& 8,o^> nirmintsu, v. a. To
create, or invent.
$-sr> e>os&» nirmalyamu, s. The re.
mains of an offering, presented to
a deity.
£tfr^e>s$M nirmulamu, s. Extirpation.
SJ-cPQrasSao nirvanamu, s. Nakedness.
^"o'ps^sSoo, S)'T7»£S^»§'§5>3 nirvahamu,
nirvahakamu, 5. Management. 2.
Power or ability to perform, ex-
ecute, sustain, &c £tfeSr<»~-s$b nir-
vahintsu, v. a. To manage, or tran-
sact. 2. To sustain. 3. To effect.
S)T7*osSTo§b£so nirvahukudu, s. A
S>&£» nirru, adv, Very, much, 4
R>»&e» nirrranflgu, v. n. To hold up,
or erect, the head ; to twist back
the body, &c. From affected pride,
or insolence.
Sosstfafoo nilavaramu, s. Truth, cer-
tainty, adj. True, certain.
$£»§'£, $wg£ nilukala, nilakacla, s.
From joew-&nilatsu,
q. v.
cy, firmness, steadiness.
S>sx>aft nilntsu, v. n. To stand. 2- To
remain, halt, or stop.
Sex>^ nilnpu, v. a. To stop, or cause
to stand. 2. To stop, or interrupt
in progress ; to adjourn, to post-
pone. 3. To stop, or cause to cease.
4. To set, or place, upright. 5. To
place, or repose, as faith in an-
other. 6. To preserve or save. 7.
To reserve part of a whole. 8. To
repress, allay, humble, or abate.
^ejoss", $oe>o-i$b nilutsu. q. v. Residue, ba-
lance, remainder.
£>ew;s8o-i5b niluvarintsu, v. a. From
joswiSb nilutsu, q. v. To cause to
stand. 2. To support, manage, or
sustain. 3. To make proceed, to
cause to go on.
$ex>s$ niluvu, s. A man's height, with
his hand held upright. 2. The un-
reaped portion of a field partly
reaped. 3. Height, adj. High, tall.
•5r>^§S)exi"Sen>S)sx?6M vanikiniluve-
llavishamu, He is a very deceitful
scoundrel, lit. His height is all
»35" 6o^ nivartintsu, v. a. To aban-
don, or quit.y.w.To cease, or leave
o>*r>tfre;6M nivaranamu, 5. A remedy;
a cure. 2. Ave rting, driving a way.
3. Deliverance. 4. Prevention. S>«r»
ao-&> nivarintsu, To cure, or re-
medy. 2 To avert, or dissipate. 3.
To deliver. 4. To prevent.
o>*r>§> nivali, s. Taking away the ef-
fect of evil looks.
%>sr*Po&i nivalintsu, v. a. To take
away the effect of evil looks.
$«r>tfs$M nivasamii, s. A house.
£>$& nivuru, v. a. To touch, to feel.
?>%)<&) nivurru, s. The ashes upon live
(O^tfsSM nivesanamu, s. Ground to
the extent of 2,400 feet square. 2.
vide £>~£&ste> nivesamu, 3. A camp.
ss'otBex) nivvatilin,*;. n. To overflow;
to be too fall.
S>»r°^f> nivvali, s. vide £»r°f> nivali.
»"3S&p> » "Sc esfto nivverra,nivverragu,
s. Wonder, surprise, amazement.
S>"3owXo26 nivverragandu, To
wonder, to be surprised, or asto-
3^S> nisani, s. A flag, or banner. 2.
A mark, or sign.
»|^sSm nisithamu, s. Midnight.
S)§*\oasj6oo nischayamu, s. Certainty,
ascertainment, positive conclusion.
2. Positive resolution, settled de-
$#\oooo-i$b nischayinfcsu, v. a. To set-
tle, resolve, or determine. 2. To
8>«^«£s$m nischitanm,ad/. Ascertained,
ft«\ irx &-» nischitarthamu, 5. The
u cp
ceremony of betrothing two per-
sons, in which the terms of the
future, marriage are settled.
j&^slsSaa nis'seshamu, s. Whole, com-
plete, entire, all.
a?\#sSc>o nishiddhamu, adj. Prohibi-
ted, forbidden.
ja-fxS'&w nishekamu, s. Consumma-
tion of marriage.
£-£>.$s5k> nishedhamru s. A prohibi-
tion. s>-|>.ao3b nishedhintsu, To
a&k-tffojfoonisblcapatamu"* adj. Sin-
cere ; without deceit. .%. Sincerity.
&&k_sx£- nishkarsha, s. Determina-
tion, settlement, final arrange-
ment. 2. Certainty. ftsx^^E-o-tf)
nishkarshintsu, To determine, set-
tle, fix, or resolve.
Ssx^-if nishkala, s. A woman past
$&. nishtha, s. The catastrophe of a
drama, the conclusion of a fable.
2. Conclusion in general, end, ter-
mination. 3. Disappearance, loss,
destruction. 4. Confirmation, com-
pletion. 5. Ordinary and uniform
practice, or profession. 6. Good
conduct, excellence. 7. Religious
practice, devout and austere ex-
$^tfoS:» nishthuramu, adj. Cruel,
harsh. 2- hard, solid.
afr nisi, s. Night.
$&>;$ nisuvu, s. The young of any
animal, or of the human species.
&tfv«k$ nissattuvu, s* Weakness ;
$-£p^tfe6w nissaramu, adj. Sapless,
pithless, dry.
3"tl\£s5Do nikshepamu, s. A deposit,
or pledge.
§> ni, 'pro. Thy. This is the possessive
of &$ nivo, q. v. & a nidi, Thine.
ftsfsSw nichamu, adj. Low, base, vile,
ftfe33br*S nftitsuli, s. Fire, who in
Hindoo mythology is represented
-is the parent of water.
&7T&J&3 T uggadu
§&w& m'dtata, s. The wind ; the
father of fire, and grand father of
£>&m nitu, s. Vanity, pride of dress,
$>& nida, s. Shade. 2. Shadow.
£>2& nidu, s. A Telugu title, added
to the proper names of the Kum-
ma caste ; as. o%frtk> ankinidu,
b® niti, s. Ethics, moral qhilosophy;
morals. 2. Guiding, directing. 3.
Obtaining, acquirement, acquisi-
£)-tr>£sb nivalin, s. Boiled water, to
mix with, gro-cp^b kuradu, q, v.
&& niru, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing, ha niti, Water. This word is
generally used in the plural num-
ber, &?o nillu, ft&s'ko "Ssftew niru-
kai£(i devulu, A stoppage of urine.
fo&r^-^sSoo nirukattepamu, s. A
watersnake. s , o^&"§&»r o 3b kan-
dlanfllupettukonu, To shed tears.
%>"&*&> nilladu, To be brought
to bed; frc5o-2:»K, £o£ niru-bu-
gga, baclda, A water babble. £>&
t&&>§o nirutsurukti, Ardor urine.
abS$>s5aaT§e£frl5 pT»^ duhkhamuche-
tanirainadu, He has wasted away,
from sorrow. «o7v»&$)& bangaru-
nlro, lit. gold-water. Gilding. &&
Sim nlruvattu, s. Thirst.
&&>-g^& nirukaru, s. A kind of pin-
cers, or tongs.
&&>& nirudi, s. Urine.
ftbb© nirulli, s. An onion.
£>&$» nlrru, s. A tear ; water from the
e3^e. 2. Ashes over live coal.
r^ejs^ nilarnu, s. The sapphire. 2-
Black, or dark blue, colour.
&© nilij 5. The indigo plant. Indigo-
fera tinctoria. 2. Dark blue colour.
ftS^o&iig) niliyedupu, False wee-
ping ; crocodile tears. &s«p^r
nilivarta, A false rumour-
ftwoTfo, &sx> nilugu, nilgu, o. n. To
strut, to walk proudly. 2. To die.
3. To yawn. s. Strutting.
&g nillu, ^. £>/w. vide ft& niru.
&$ nivu, pro. Thou.
sfcofo nungu, s. The edible seed of
, a palmyra fruit, while unripe-
j&o-©, ;&o& nunchi, nundi, postpos.
From, away from; out of; by;
s5b7T°^b nuggadu, v. a. To kill, assas-
sinate, or slaughter.
s?c«o nuggu, v. a. To pound, or re-
duce to powder. 2. To speak flu-
ently, in confutation of others. §.
Powder. 2. A dung cake, used as
fuel. xJbKbjan-S'Tro nuggunutsaga,
adv- Into powder, or pieces.
j3o-E5bN^r»e5ew nutstsupatalu, s. plu m
Bits of cloth, with which the na-
tives tie the teats of sheep, &c.
&&, <&&><£) nudi, nuduvu, s. A word
or expression.
&&<$ nuduvu, v. a. To say, express,
or tell.
jSS© nuti, 5. Praise, eulogium, com-
mendation, panegyric, applause,
encomium. s5b8o-&>, sfcScooo-eSb nu-
tintsu, nutiyintsu, v. a. To praise,
or applaud.
sbribtf) nuduru, s. Making in the in-
flex. Sing. sa&feS nuduti, The fore-
sfcsfccg) nunupu, s. Smoothness, adj.
j&j^tf nunnana, s. Smoothness. j&tf^
»j sfctf^ nunnani, nvjnna, adj.
satf^csfc) nunnaeheyu, p. «. To
smooth ; to level. 2. To destroy,
or ruin.
■sbooog nuyyi, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing, j^,© nuti, A well.
sfc&Hb, &&>%) nurugtr, nuruvu, 5.
Froth, foam.
ssbww^b nurrutsu, v. a. To thrash corn,
by trampling it under the feet,
either of men, or cattle.
s&iMsSw niirrumu, v. a. To pulverize;
to reduce to powder, or dust. s.
Powder, dust. R5bea3s6w^ccoo, ;&e£o
s5:r°£b nurrumuche} 7 u, nnrrumadu,
To kill, or assassinate.
j&oS' nulaka, s. A sort of rope, or
string, of which the net work
which forms the bottom of the
common native bedsteads is com-
ssbD nuli, .. Griping pain in the in-
testines, adj. Little, gentle. &&-&
few, sfcDfr^afc nulipettu, nuligonu,
To have griping pains.
ssbS)£>?5b7foe,\5 nulipurugulu, s. flu.
Worms found in the intestines.
sfcS-S-O^nulivetstsa, Gentle
ssbScg) nulivu, s. Sound in general.
sbexi-&), |Soew^) nulutsu, nulnpu, v. a.
vide. sbasooSb nurrutsn.
sjosx)o5c» nulumu, v. a. To twist round
the flesh.
so$, ?5b$o nuvu, nuvvu, s. A crop
of sesamum. In the plural, this
word denotes the sesamum seed
sotfex>, j&i&ejo nusaia, nusulu, v. n.
To trifle away time.
&% nusi, s. The dust into which wood
is reduced, by insects. p5o&$&7fo
nusiptirugu, An insect found in
#b&>e& ntisuma, s. The eye-fly.
•Sr* nu, s. A contraction of (&$* nuv-
vu, q. v. As t^OoS nubindi, The
flour of the sesamum seed.
tfr^eo nukala, s. phi. Broken pieces
of rice, or of similar substances.
!&;*&> nuku, v. a. To push violently ;
to thrust out. i>o£o?&^§b pentanuku,
To sweep away the dust, or dirt.
&r>7^&> nugaru, s. A line- of hair,
from the navel to the breast.
tfrofio nugu, s. A sort of dust, which
covers the grain of the great millet.
Holcus saccharatus.
&r°e£tfs5w, tfj^efs sfo> nutanamu, nutna-
mu, adj. New, fresh, recent, youug.
7&r>H) nune, s. Oil in general,
rfyfsso nurru, §. Making in the inflex.
Sing. ;s^fe5 uuti, A hundred, adj.
One hundred.
-&p>£9o nurru, v. a. To grind. sf_§tfr>*»
kattinurru, To sharpen, or grind
a knife,
j&pa^x nurrtsu, v. a. vide (&
esttv, j^eJ^S nurru tsu, nurrpu, nu-
^n»ex) nulu, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. Either. t&p>w, ?&■*£ nulu, nu-
li, Thread. t&p>w£o"3 nulukande,
An oblong roll, or ball, of thread.
tftf^;&n>ex> sannanulu, Fine thread.
&n>e>o3S£So§o nuluvadukti, To spin
^>ewr°R6 nulukonn, v. n< To be ex-
cited, or incited. 2. To be rallied
in battle. 3. To recover one's senses.
£v jjafoo, tf\#csfc» nrittamu, nrityamu,
s. Dancing.
^\^)^b 5 tfsssnripudu, nripati, s. A
ruler ; a king.
s. Thrashing corn.
75 ne, part This is a syllable prefixed,
in composition only, to substan-
tives, to denote-Soft, smooth ; as-
"a-acr* ssao nemmomUjA smooth face.
The consonant following it is al-
ways doubled.
-3r*k_?$3nekkont!,p- n. To be spread.
-3K& negadi, s. A large fire, lighted
for warmth in cold weather, or for
keeping off wild beasts.
UXdo negadu, .9. A shark, v. n. To
be encreased or promoted. &. To
spread, or extend. 3. To be publi-
~3 negayu, v. n. To fly.
l$>fo°x> negulu, s. Perturbation, dis-
15?fo neggu, v. n. To be managed, or
ended, v. a. To push one forward.
135\ o-db neggintsu, v, a. To manage.
ISSSbv netstsa, 5. A quantity of very
small broken rice, &c
1&t3^8 neclicheli, s. A friend ; either
male, or female.
15&* nettana, adv. Exceedingly, ex-
75&>5acr°s& nettukonu, v. Comp. To
rush in.
■^fe3oT5a nettintsu, v. Cam. To cause
to push, or thrust,away violently.
15 jjj&w nettamu, s. Elevated ground;
a table land. 2. Gaminp-.
15 J), "S_§-r°c«5 netti, nettikaya, «.
The head, ^^fo nettimiita, A
burden carried on the head.
ias&>& net turn, s. Blood, u&&?(&
netturugadda, A boil. Ts^o&ttoS'
netturubanka, The Woody flux.
15tf & nenaru, s, Affection, tenderness,
ISsSsSm nepamu, s. Blame. 2. Accusa-
tion. 3. A pretence.
"3;$* neppu, s. The destined, fixed, or
usual place. 2. Contrivance, expe-
dient. 3. Good order, or arrange-
15s£§o nemaku, v. a. To search, or
look for.
"^jfctfb nemara, s. The chewing of the
cud. i53Sa&>-"2>ko, ~ia^a nemaru-pe-
ttu, veyu, To chew the cud.
ISsfoe) nemali, $. A peacock.
"SsSaotfb nemuru, v. a. To rub the body
with unguents.
"j53fc,a nemmadi, $. Quiet, or ease, of
mind. 2. rest, repose. i3:^aTr>8joogb
nemmadiganundu, To be free from
all disquietude.
TSS&j nemmi, s. Happiness. 2. Meek-
ness. 3. friendship 4. A peacock.
"S-^co- e» nemmulu, s. ^^. Iron nails,
sharp pointed at both ends*
whereby boards are conjoined.
"So33ct5cK» neyyai&'*j s. Affection, ten-
derness. '^cfi3co^)&oews' neyyampu-
taluka, Displeasure towards an ob-
ject beloved.
!§©a>Q neyyi, s. Making in the inflex*
Sing. -f& neti, Clarified butter.
~8>ticXx>, "^aoaoo nerayu, neriyu, v. n.
To extend ; to pervade. 2. To be
published. 8. To grow grey as hair.
13>S$, 13&^ neravu, nerupu, v. a.
To spread or scatter. 2. To pub-
lish* 5. The act of spreading. 2.
greyness of hair.
IStfjoo nerasu, s. An atom. 2. A fault,
or mistake.
1S9 neri, s. A sympathetic swelling,
caused by a wound or sore, but
in a part of the body different from
the precise place where the wound
or sore is.
•^&s6a> nermnu, v. n. The tendons
or intestines, to pain. v. a. To turn
or twist round a weapon, in a
wound, after it has been thrust
into the body.
"3&ig> neruvu, v. a. To distribute any
thing among a company, either in
equal or unequal shares, according
to their rank, 2. To make even, to
3&9 nerra, adj. This is a word al-
ways prefixed to substantives, and
denoting- Great, entire ; as. is&s
s&o&> nerramanta, A great flame,
or pain. iSesS)^ nerravidde,Mimic-
^tag-en nerrakalu, s. plu. Vital parts.
2. Hair.
Ibeso^o nerrayu, v. n r vide i&jsx)
nerayu, No. 1, & 2.
"Seas^ nerra vu, s. Breadth. 2. Nobi-
lity, adj. Noble, excellent.
"^ea^cso nerraverru, v. n. To be ac-
complished, perfected, completed
or fulfilled. ises^ean nerraverrtsu,
v. a. To accomplish, Or fulfil.
lSe*3 nerri, s. Merit, goodness, excel-
lence. 2. Greatness, eminence, ex-
cess, adj. Good, excellent.
ISeJg' nerrika, s. A female's under
i "3&3os3, !s~U nerriya, nerre, s. A crack
I ^
in the ground.
i "3eJc«r» nerriya, adv. Entirely, totally.
> "^aassx) nerrulu, 5. phi. The hair.
Sv nela, 5. A month.
-3^) nelavu, 5. A house, dwelling, or
residence, is^r ^ nelavukonu.
To reside.
•^^cg), "&$5ag> nelavu, neluvu, 5. Infor-
mation, acquaintance, knowledge,
experience. n>$ssQ nelavari, s. a
well informed, experienced, or cle-
ver person. 2. A person well known.
"$*© nevali, 8. vide "^^bD nemali.
=$£<>, 1$%o&k nevva, nevvamu, s.
Calamity, distress, misfortune. 2,
danger, peril.
■^22™ neja, s. A short spear »or lance.
-fm netu, «4/. Noble, excellent.
-§&> nedu, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. -^63 neti, To-day, this day.
S6 neta, s. Weaving. 2. Texture.
-^^tv°^o netagadn, A weaver
-^^sfeo netramu,*. The eye. 2. blea-
ched or woven silk, ^^rtyti&xt
netrachchhadamu, The eye-lid.
-jS^o nenu, pro. Making in the nom.
plural. •&>«*» memu, or in books
sometimes. -§&*, Ssx» nemu, emu.
-^2X) nebu, s. A coin, of the value of
40 cash.
"^Sc&S'sko nemakamUjS. Choice, deter-
mination. 2. A rule, or law.
~f&>&x> nemamu, $. vide Scs&sfcsba ni-
"^ddo-jSd nemintsu, v. a. To determine,
or fix. 2. To appoint ; from,
~&s5i>o5M nemamu 5 q. v* This verb is
also the causal form of "^sSx> nemu,
q. v.
"i§s5x> narau, v. a. To sift, to winnow.
-fate neyn, v. a. To weave. -^o»o-i5b
neyintsu, v. C'aus. To cause to
weave. sSb o-CsSx) ~^afco mantsamune-
yu, To lace a cot, x&-|§csfc> gaddi-
neyu, To thatch with grass.
l§tf£o Derami, s. Stupidity. 2. Mis-
take, fault. 3. Failing. This is the
nagative noun from iStfcsk ncru-
tsUj q. V.
l§tf s$w neramu, s. A crime, or offence,
£. A fine. -jStfsswar*^ neramumo-
pu, To charge, lit. To load, with a
crime ; to accuse. •5^$2>r»Q~fti&»
•^pSjoq vanimidaneramu mosindi,
He has been found guilty of the
crime, lit. The crime has been
laden upon him. "^tftfod&nerasthu-
du, A criminal, culprit, or offender.
"^tfcnft, ~f>&£ nerutsu, nertsu, v. a.
To learn. The affirmative and ne-
gative aorists of this verb are ad-
ded to other infinitives, as auxili-
aries, to denote the possession, or
want of power or ability. I can, &c.
I cannot, &c.
l§9\r*3b, "^«o\r°jso nerchikonu, ner-
tsukonu, v. Gomp. To learn, or ac-
quire knowledge, -g^ nerpu, v.
Gaus. To teach, to instruct, s.
Skill, knowledge, information. 2.
Dexterity, ability. 3. Contrivance.
4. Merit. i§&:$e, ~^^8 nerupari,
nerpari, A clever person.
"^9^0^50 nerpintsu, v. Gaus. To cause
to teach ; to educate. "^9^ ^rimi*
s. Skill, dexterity.
T§e> nela, s. Land, soil, earth. ^vgoK*
e>&"3i5b\ nelakugolakudetstsu, To
turn topsyturvy. T§e)Kex>?g) nelaga-
lupu, To kill, to ruin. *&e>sfc^!>X'
nelamaliga, A subterraneous a-
-&£&x nevanm, 5. Fraud, trick, decep-
tion. 2. Pretence.
TSsr^sSw nevalamu, 5. A kind of neck-
lace, worn by women.
"& 7$£x> nestamu, s. Friendship. -g rs
-T°t£o nestakadu, A male friend,
or companion. "^&>-u"»ex> nesturalu,
A female friend.
2_-S"c!6» naichyamu, s. Meanness,low-
ness, pretended humilit}?-.
15"^£>'ea6s> naivedyamu, & An obla-
tion, or offering, to the deity.
&°o& nontsu, v. a. To pain, or hurt.
^°Sb^- nokku, s. A dent, or bend.
v. «. To press down, to compress.
S^§k-.e3&>ftb nokkiadugu, To ask
rigidly, or severely.
£"*§(,_ o-& nokkintsu, v. Cans. To
cause to press down, &g>
Sr°Xex> nogalu, s. plu. The poles con-
necting a carriage with the yoke.
Sr°/foe)o nogulu, v. n. To be wearied,
or fatigued.
2T*£V\> nochchillu, 5. plu. Saliva.
$r°£o\ notstsu, v. w. To smart, pain,
or ache. $"*e&£b nodutsu, To hurt,
torment, or cause pain. s&tf&^JT*
^5v manassunotstsu, The mind to
be displeased. S^^r ^ notstsu-
konn, To repent of; to be sorry,
or afflicted ; to regret.
&>£&>& noduvu, v. a. To say, tell, or
express, s. Saying, ^s^a&^ew
tolinoduvulu, s. plu* The Vedas.
lit. The first sayings.
$*o>\ noppi, s. Bodily pain, or ache,
^g^o-tknoppintsu,?. a. To hurt,
or pain. 2. To afflict,or torment. 3.
To displease, or offend. £ tfssj&
^°s5^e>oX^ao^5 prasavapunoppulu-
ganipintsu, The pains of labour
to appear, or commence-
&*$&} nosalu, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. $*#& nosati, The forehead.
-&n>& notsti, v- a. To perform a me-
ritorious act.
S^SosSm notamu, s. Examination of
coin by sight. ^^i^>^o notagadu,
A shroff, or money changer.
Ito-o^fcw nonatu, v. a. To pierce, so
as to cause pain. -&n>-jr>zk nonadu,
To offend ; to cause pain, or sor-
row- Tkr>lScsco noneyu, To throw.
so as to cause pain. These three
words are compounded of $* no,
The irregular infinitive of 3"°-&>\
notstsu, To pain, and the verbs.
7t°^d, es&> natu, adu, And. ^docu e-
yu, q. v.
!br°&» nomu, s. A vow. 2- A merito-
rious act. 3. Fasting, v. a. To lose.
2. To perform a meritorious act.
£"*& nora, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. "Sopd fe3 noti, The month. $*&
s5«>o»? norumuyyi, Hold your ton-
•j5"°£6 naukari, s. Service, TS'S'tib nau-
karu, A servant.
•£t>c03Ss5m nyayamu, s. Propriety, fit-
ness. 2. Justice, equity. 3. Law. 4.
Morality. 5. Logic. 6. A reason, or
cause. ■?p , cc$6c55m iryayyamu, adj.
Eight, proper, fit, jnst.
3 pa, The thirty-sixth letter, and
twenty-first consonant, in the Te-
lugu alphabet.
3o"^ panka, s. A fan.
&o§o$fc pankintsu, v. n. To receive
attention ; to possess weight, or
So I paiikti, s. A line, row, or range.
53 oX panga, s. The forked branch ol
a tree. ^oXfeSoiSb-^oKSo^b, sSoXOo
-tfo pangatintsu, pangadintsu, pan-
galintsu, v. a. To open the legs.
sSoXfe5"5" c if pangatikalla, adj. Ban-
eSoX7^s5b55ao panganainamu, s. videT.
•p-sfc&o namamu, No. 2.
Softci pangidi, s. A deep pit, for cat-
ching elephants,
3oKo pangu, s. Pudendum mnliebre.
3otf pantsa, s. A veranda.
sSo-S'S' sS>3 pantsakamn, s. The quan-
tity of 5 tooms of grain.
tfo-S'-sr'tf pantsadara, s. Sugar. 4b<^>
%&g-$otf-&*$ china, patika-pantsa-
dara, Sngar candy.
•So-2T-£pf>, ssoi^a pantsapalf, pantsa-
di, s. The roof of a veranda or bal-
#oiSz>oiv>$&x> panchabangalamu, 5.
Disappearance, vanishing.
s5o-E)S£<6x> panchitamn, s. Cow's urine.
sSoo& pantsu, v. a. To distribute,
divide, or share. 2. To dispatch, or
send. 3. To command.
sSo^ panche, s. A Hindoo's lower
oSostfsSw pandzaramu, s, A cage-
s o §> o tfb-Pandintsu
sSog* 3 pandzu, s. A torch.
£o*g panje, «cZ; Poor, helpless, s. A
helpless person. s5og?e5tf;6o3 panje-
tanamu, 5. Helplessness.
%ok> panta, s. Produce ; crop. s5o&>
z5vo& pantavalantb s. The earth.
s3ok>£r°^ pantasala, s- A granary or
;Sofe3 panti, s. A large earthen pot,
with a wide mouth.
Sola pante, s. A distaff.
£o k> §^ej pantrakola, 5. A harpoon.
s3o-cr , -sr*o£&> pandavandlu, 5. plu. A
certain caste of Hindooos, named
^oS«^^3 panditudu, s. A pundit, or
learned brahman.
3o&> paudu, 5. Making in the in-
flex. Sing- ;$ofc3 panti, And in the
nom. plu. ;So&> pandlu, A fruit.
v. n. To ripen. 2. To produce. 3.
To lie down. 4. To be accompli-
shed. ^o^o^r*§05 5Sot^§o pandu-
taku, pandaku, A yellow or ripe-
ned leaf.
£o£&"315n ss, ^0^3^) panduva, panduvu,
5. vide. s5o2ooK panduga.
sSo/B,o2&» ^o^lo^o pandrendu, pan-
clhendn, adj. Numeral. Twelve.
*&o6tix> pantamu, «v. A vow, promise,
or engagement. 2. A wager. 3. Ob-
stinacy, firmness, perseverance.
£o^fto-&> pantagintsu, v. n. To vow.
2. To wager, 3. To persevere.
s5o$oe>o pantulu, s. plu. A title affix-
ed to the proper name, and assum-
ed by brahmans in the northern
circars, when employed by go-
vernment. 2. A schoolmaster.
sSo« panda, s. A coward.
sSoapandi, s. A hog. ;Soar B §b( r - pan-
dikokku, s. An immense rat, com-
monly termed a bandy coot. sSoft
r°s$M, pandikommu, The tusk of
— o
the wild boar, ica^olo^ pan-
digondrintsti, To grunt as a hog.
sSoaofcsfco pandiyamu, s. vide ^o"3j6x>
xSoaO, 3oa£> pandiri, pandili. s. Ma-
king in the inflex. Sing. ^oftfeS p au-
di ti, And the nom. plu. sSoa#S
' L CO
pandillu, A shed made of leaves,
of wicker work ; a pandol
ss'k Pakka
So&sfco pandumu, .?. Ten tooms.
sSo'B&w pandemu, s. A wager, stake,
or bet. fioca;g);So"3s53o gurrrapu pan-
demu, A horse race. 3o"3sSx/w. Nineteen^persons.
^osSg's^ pampakarau, s. Division,
sharing. 2. Sending. 3. Dismission.
4- Contrivance, means, expedient.
5So t&, 3 o a o ■?& pampu, pampintsu, . a.
tfi'de t9osg) ampu, The former word
is $lso a substantive noun, and de-
notes. Sending, dismissing. 2. A
certain* weight equal to five eighths
of a seer. ZoQ^o&z pampu cheyu,
To send evil spirits to torment
■S5'sS3'«opakapakalu,s.pZw.Loud bursts
'of laughter. 3Sss&tf£)P, sssss§'er<>2&
To laugh very loudly.
SagfrJ. pakka* s. The side. 2. A side
or direction. 3. A page. 4. A bed,
or bedding, adj. Near, next, neigh-
bouring. sss'k-ajoGX) pakkayilhi,The
neighbouring house. s5^,_^ogo
pakkapanrllu, The side teeth, as
distinguished from those in front.
S5Sk_ae>*fc» pakkabalamn, Auxiliary
force ; assistance, help, sS^tp^
$ pakkagabovu, To walk along-
side. s5§'k_Sa'6xg'pakkayemuka, s.
A rib. 33^^^2S^&)3bpakkap6t-
lubodutsu, To tickle one in the
sss'k-sfo) pakkanru, s. A side. 2. The
lunar fortnight, either of the moon's
increase, or decrease.
ssi^_ pakki, 5. A bird.
3§ok_ pakku, s. A scab.
ssgo^tf pakkuna, adv. Suddenl}-. 2.
Inconsiderateh'. 3. exceedingly.
%s~^^-bo pakkerra, $, Armour, mail.
ss^oska pakvamu, adj. Ripe, mature.
2. Dressed, cooked. 3. Fit for use;
fit, convenient. £S'ps5cx>^c*ft> pakva-
mucheyu, To cook or dress vituals,
&c. 2. To bring any thing to a
proper settlement. sS^qsfc^ pakva-
magu, To become ripe? or mature.
SX" paga, s. Hatred, hostility, enmity.
2. an enemy, or foe. ssjc &•&£-§*«&
pagadirstukonu, To revenge ; to
avenge, lit. To vent one's enmity.
ssKafcw pagabattru, To entertain or
conceive hatred.
3X2» pa-gad a, s. An ace ; one in
^sx^s5w pagadamu, s. Coral. 2. vide
$K& pagacla. sSX&os&eg^ paga-
dampurikka, The sixth of the
lunar mansions.
S)K&o£& pagatudu, s. An enemy, or
foe. This word, in the nora. plu.
Makes, sSXes, ssK&xyo pagarra, pa-
£Ksx>, ssrtbtw pagaln, pagulu, v. n. To
break, crack, or go to pieces ; to
be broken, or fractured, as a limb;
to break, or burst, as a sore. s.
Making in the inflex.Sing.sKfcS pa-
gati, Day, day-time.
SKe>o£>_§ pagaluvatti, s- A blue light.
s5KSo-3c-;SftSo-i5b, sSKewx pagalintsu-
pagilintsu, pagaltsu, v. a. To
break, or crush. sSKe^fco pagala-
goftu, To break into pieces, to
break open, to break, off.
ssftogs pagullu,s plu. Crevices, cracks.
Tr»^s5Kex> ratripagalu, Day and
night. sS£o;3Xex> pattapagalu, Mid-
s$fte> pagidi, s. Mode, manner, way.
&K sfo» paggamu, s. A rope, rein, or
£Ac&, 31? paggiya, pagge, s. Arro-
3tfao3b pacharintsu, v. n. To walk
about ; to wander. 2. To cause to
..-&-&>& pacharw, s. Walking.
;5i5^ patstsa, s. An emerald. 2. Any
figure punctured, or tattooed, into
the skin, adj. Green. 2. Yellow.
sS -C5\£, s$-vT\8tfsxx> patstsana, patstsa-
danamu, 6*. Green or yellow colour
•s-e\ » patstsani, adj. Green, yellow-
•> -ST^ » £> o Tr°«b patstsanibangaru,
Yellow, or pure, gold.
sS-zs^&jSm patstsadamu. s. A particu-
lar kind of cloth,generally twenty-
four cubits long, and two cubits
broad.[2.Two cloths sewn together.
5$-S5\& patstsadi, *, A sort of pap,
made of vegetables, or cards, mix-
ed with tamarind juice, salt, chil-
lies, &c.
;$-0 x pachchi, s. A bird. adj. Raw,
unripe, unboiled, fresh, new.
sSSuS' pachchika, s. Grass, verdure.
sS'SvsSm pa,ehchemu, s. Robbery com-
mitted in public. sS^Svi&o^do pach-
chepuvadu, A man who robs in
sSs padzdza, adv. Near.
SS&-3-* pataka, s. A sash.
s5^-y& patakuru, s. A pair of tongs,
or pincers.
s$&>s5x> patamu, s. Cloth. 2. A picture,
when finished and mounted. 3. A
particular sort of cloth ; coarse
thick cloth, canvas. tvDsS&sjw ga-
lipatamu, A paper kite. ss&a-s^&ak
patakarudu, A weaver.
*£&w -Pattu
31r°s$o-25'ex> patapantsalu, s. phi. Dis-
persion, defeat. 3kr°3ox5'e>5S) pata-
pantsalava, To be dispersed, as
an army, &c.
^feS^sSo) patikamu, 5. Crystal. ^^§"
-s-^sSw patikakaramu, s. Alum, lit'
Astringent crystal.
^fe5§"Sos5w patikabellamu, s. Sugar-
5S6w7r°& patugaru, s. vide *£&>-s"°?fc
£&> patta, s. The inner bark of a tree.
\ Sackcloth.
SfeoE3s5ov, £k>\ s5w pattanamu> patna-
mu, s«. A city.
-^k^Xew pattapagalu, 5. Vide under.
t>%oo pagalu.
Sk^-s^ek pcittapuvadu, 5. A boat-
3ks5*> pattamu, s. A stone for grind-
ing. 2. A diadem. 3&>$"z5a patta-
pudevi, s. A queen. s*3"^sbJC patta-
penuga, A royal elephant. ss&os&a
x*>3 pattamngattu* To crown ; to
invest with a high dignity. 3>&~£x>
ex> pattamelu, To reign.
3£;r° pafcfca, «v. The Inner bark of a
tree. 2. Sackcloth. 3. The puttah or
written document given to ryots,
cultivators, &c-
;S&n»$ix§'55c» pattabhishekamu, s.The
coronation of a king, or installa-
tion of any one, by means of unc-
tion, or bathing.
sSfeS patti, postpos. Through. This is
the past verbal participle of the
verb, ssfeo pattu, q- v.
£fe3 patti, s. A child, ; an infant. &&
$& pattipatti, s. A grand-child.
?Sfe§ patti, s. A written list of abuses,
committed by public servants. 2.
A roll of beetle, &c. Tied, up.
£&m pattu, 5. Silk. 2. Any external
application to allay pain, or to a
sore, &c. 3. A hold, gripe, or grasp;
seizing. 4. A place ; A house, an
abode. 5 Cause, reason, or ground,
for a proceeding.
Sato pattu, v. a. To seize, or appre-
hend ) to catch, or take hold of.
2. To hold, or take, possession of
a country. 3. To hold in, or retain,
as breath, &c. 4. To undertake. 5.
To find out, discover. 6. To press,
depress, repress, or suppress. 7.
To begin. 8. To be dependant on.
9. To stop, as pay. 10. To blow,
as a trumpet. 11. To admit, ss a
law suit. 12 To take* or receive,
as a bribe, v. n. To be attacked
by insects 2. To cost, 3. To fit,
or suit.
*£"&> patte, $ The wooden part of a
bedstead. 2. The tape of a bed-
stead. 3. A streak, or stripe, w°a
sib tatipatte, A palmyra spar.
•&"%>& pattecla, s. Broad and strong
tape. 2. An ornament for the neck-
3. An anvil.
•ZTh &> pattedu, s, A handful.
##s5m path an. u, s. A picture.
-&&£ padaka, s. A bed. 2, Reclining.
S&K' paclaga, 5. The hood of the hood-
ed Bnafee- 2- A flag or banner.
^&£bs padatstsu, s. A puncheon, or
tool having some figure on it, by
which impressions are struck.
SS&8 padati, s. A woman.
"SSssbbs padamarra, s. Making in the
infle^. Sing. s^sbfeS paclamati, The
west. 2. The west wind.
tf &?£> pada) 7 U, v. a. To obtain or
acquire. 2. To possess.
3£*> padava, 5. The end of a Calpa,
or destruction of the world. 2. A
ss£i*r»e)o padavalu, s. The leader, com-
mander, or general, of an army.
3£-£r°i> padas^la, s. A hall.
sS padi, s. A measure of capacity,
containing a seer and a half.
*£S*ffc» padikattu, s. A stair, or step.
2. A weight. 3. A degree.
] ss£"5? padige, 5. «;iete sS2*X paclaga.
s&"3 padide, 5. Clothes of another
borrowed, without his knowledge,
from the washerman.
sSSoxs padiya, s. A puddle ; a dirty
S^l^xj padisemu, s. A cold, or ca-
3!& padu, v. ?z. To fall- 2. To occur,
or happen. 3. To be caught in a
snare, &c. 4. To be killed in battle.
5. To lose the power of any limb.
3&>§"*p5o, «S£&r*k_sb padnkonu. pa-
du kkonu, v. Comp. To lie down,
or recline.
ZZkK paduga, 5. vide jggtf paclaga.
cSJ&rto padugu, s. The threads which
run the whole length of the web.
2. A heap of cut corn, whence p irt
has been carried away.
£&■&> padutsu, s. A girl. 2. A virgin.
adj. Young, v. a. To prostitute
one ; s-self. ss^-&£^s*» padutsuta-
namu, .?. Puberty. 2. Youth.
sS2&*ȣa> padupatn, s. Ruin, waste. 2.
Omission; mistake, adj. Useless,
Ztkib padupa, .9. Prostitution. z&>%>
$&® padupu padati, A prostitute.
3&>sS paduvari, .9. Sprouts produ-
ced by seeds of paddy, sprinkled
by chance, as the crops are cut.
3g padda, 8. A female buffalo, or cow,
fit for breeding.
;3ra8 panati, 5. A woman.
sS^sSn patakamu, 5. An ornamental
breast plate, set with precious
38 pati, s. A master, or owner ; a
lord or ruler ; a husband.
«SD^sf,e£ pativrata, 5. A chaste and
virtuous wife.
s$ © patti, 5. Cotton.
s$©i patni, s. A wife.
tf^sfeo patramu, s. A leaf of a tree,
or of a book. 2. A written bond.
35 A^ P a ^ rl ^ a ' s - ^ letter of corres-
pondence. 2. A leaf.
sS£s*» pathamu, s. A road, or way.
3£c£x> pathyamu, adj. Proper, fit,
suitable, agreeing with, but chief-
ly applied medically, with res-
pect to diet, or regimen, s. Diet,
sSss'idM padakamu, s. vide js^xSm pa-
^SiJr'oigb, %'6g*o&> padakondu, pa-
ddakondu, adj. Numeral. Eleven.
Zxio&» padatamu, s. Precipitation.
tf£e& padadu, s. Ashes.
•SStfo padanu, s. vide $&>&> padunu.
3SSS3& padapadi, adv. Afterwards.
sessSw padamu, s. A foot. 2. A foot-
step, the mark of a foot.
$x&r»!h padamudu, adj. Numeral*
Thirteen, vide z&^tk padhmudu.
oSS &, sStfadb padaru, padurn, v. n. To
be overhasty, or precipitate,
sssebew padarulu, 5. plu. Angry ex-
j sSas padivi, s. Fortune, luck.
j sStf£-6& padaharu, adj. Numeral. Six-.
I teen.
; soTy© padati, s. A foot soldier.
j 3'nr*tf3$x> padarthamu, s. Thing; sub.
stantial or material form of be-
ga padi, adj. Numeral. Ten. ssas&oa
padimandi, lit. Ten persons. Seve-
ral or many people.
£ae>afo> padilamu, s. Care, caution,
ssaj^c3Cco padilamucheyu, v. a. To
secure, or take care of.
•£a^>e& padiyedu, adj. Numeral. Se-
•^a - ^^, ssa^ssb padihenu,padiyenu,
adj. Numeral. Fifteen.
•^tsb-^ew fib padunalugu, adj. Numeral.
•£&>;& padunu, s. Moisture, damp-
ness. 2. Sharpness. 3. Quickness.
4. A certain measure of rain ; a
quantity of it sufficient to render
the earth fit for ploughing.
■oSfiki&ioaoa padunenimidi. adj. Nu-
meral. Eighteen.
"£&>$ padupu, 5. A herd of cattle.
•£#b paddu, s, A vow ; a promise. 2.
Ad entry in account.
SSft© paddhati, s. A road, or way. 2.
. A line, row, or range. 3. Manner,
mode. 4- Custom, habit.
•&'d5,i6x> padmamu, 5. The lotus.
#<5^:Se;3ke» padmaveiamalu, s. plu.
A certain Soodra tribe.
^escs6oo padyamu, s. Metre, verse. 2.
A poem. #zrytx:--ir>&>i rt&$) pa-~
dyrlu-padu, tsaduvu, To read or
sing poetry.
•Sir^ L e> Ab padhnalugu, adj. Numeral.
«5e$r^2& padhmi'idu. adj. Numeral.
%$ pana, s. A sheaf of corn.
oStffeS panati, s, e^efe. sots p?nti.
3?*$ panavu, 0. a. To encompass,
it surround.
£tf#wo2& panasavandlu, 5. p/w. A
particular caste of people, who
live upon alms received from gold-
£$ paui, s. Business, work, employ-
ment. 2. An affair, or matter. 3.
Service. 4. Use, utility. 5. State,
condition. 6. An act. s5$6&\ pani-
dirtsti, To finish a business. 2. To
kill. oS£"S&» pauibettu, To employ,
or give work. sfco-SoSft manchipa-
ni, A good or praiseworthy act.
^^cflco panicheyu, To work, or
serve, ssslss^ panikivatstsu, To
be useful, or serviceable.
oSSItpS) panikirani, adj. Useless, un-
jssssao&x panimutlu, s. plu. Tools.
3S3S& panivadi, adv. Exceedingly,
£$£>;£> panivinu, v. n. To go.
s5(3o-&> panutsu, v. a. To send. 2. To
command, vide &&& anutsu.
sS;3bS&> panupacju, v. n. To be ac-
customed, inured, or qualified. ;Ss6-£
&>o$o panuparutsn, v. a. To inure,
to accustom.
3&;g) panupu, s. Sending. 2. Com-
mand, order. vide$o$ pampu.
oS?t°n Xaw pannagamu, s. The canopy
over an open native palankeen,
usually made of fine scarlet cloth.
sSSKS' pannika, «. Yoking cattle, or
joining together instruments of
sS«0n zskSm pannidamu, s. vide 55o"3s5>i
ss $k& pannirn, s. Making in the in-
flex. Sing. sft^feS, ssfr^tib panniti,
pannlru, Rose-water.
sSsson pannu, v. a. To make, to form.
2. To invent. 8. To feign or pre-
tend. 4. To yoke cattle, or join to-
gether instruments of husbandry,
X&\ pannu, 5. A tax. 2. Rent-
Zfe\~K° pannuga, adv. Properly.
nicely, neatly ; in good order.
s "%l P anne > s - ^ n instrument used
by weavers.
3"^> od*b pannendu, adj. Numeral.
^Hi P a PP a > s - ^ cake.
?S^pappu,.s. Split pulse of any kind;
split almonds, 32»o pamudzulakammalu,
— o
$. plu. A large kind of ear-rings,
worn by Hindoo females.
-6os5S payara, s. A southern wind. 2.
A cool breeze. 3oa&tf£ok> payara-
panta, s. Pulse, or other crops, to
the 'growth of which a stroDg
wind is favorable.
-£oao, s$o»tf payi, payina, acfa- On the
top, upon, over, above. 2. Upon,
against. 3. In future, hereafter,
sooaor*^ payikonu, To advance
against another in battle. .
"^ooeJC % payigasti, s. A person pla-
ced over a patrole to controul it.
vide K% gasti.
^ojoS'stoo payikamu, s. Money, cash,
treasure. 2. Wealth, property. 3.
A coin of the value of five cash.
•£oao2?"*e»E- payidzarlu, s. plu. Shoes.
*^ooofeo payita, s. That part of the gar-
meat of a Hindoo female which
c 3 vers the breast.
■£ooo& payidi, s. Gold. sSaoo&sSwi&ift
payilimudutsu, To betroth- lit.
To tie gold. -&ox>Sk.z>x>&>'Q) payicli-
mudupu, Affiance.
•£;*»g-£ofe5, S"ol3 payidi-kanti, kante,
s. A certain bird, the notes of
which are considered ominous.
•£o»tfsiw payinamu, s. A journey ;
departing or setting out from any
•£oo©& payiru, 5. vide ~^bb pairu.
-<>aoo&> payenta, s. vide So»b payita.
-£aoctf payyera, s. vide ssoabff payara.
•£?*§' paraka, s. The fraction one-
eighth, or two-sixteenths. 2. Gold
of two grains weight. 3. The 128th
part of a pagoda- 4. The cream
on curds.
■Sjtf^sssl parakhavani, s. Shroffing,
or examining money by sight.
-6&K& paragada, s. A field oatside of
a village. 2. Another's possession.
■£tf?(2s-7r> paragadag£, adtf. By means
of another.
^IfX'Ssbsg) paragadupu, s. The state of
the stomach before a person has
broken his fast. An empty., or
fasting stomach.
*^tfKw» paragana, s. A purgunah, or
division of a country, of which
several form a zillah.
•itfKb paragu, v. ri. To resemble, or
be alike. 2. To shine. 3. To be a-
greeable. xStfK paraga, adv. Agree-
ably, pleasantly.
*6tf-i$3, 3bb-i5b paratsu, parutsu, 0. a.
To spread; to extend ; to scatter.
vide sSea-ifc parratsu.
-sStf^o^sfco paratantramu, ac?;. Sub-
servient, obedient, dependant.
"£ffese>:> paradalu, s. plu. A sort of
"*$£ cp parada, s. A curtain, blind, or
^$■£0, s&s$£c;6*> parapati.parapatya.
mu, 5. Credit, trust.
*&$!& parapu, s. Extent, v. a. vide
•$#-& paratsu.
"£#^8 parabhari, s. Assignment, s$tf
?^Q7r> pnrabhariga, adv. Separate-
ly. 2. Indirectly.
■£tfsfcs&» paramamu, ad/. Best, most
excellent. 2. Principal, chief.
•£# sfr*^, paramatma, 5. The supreme
being, considered as the soul of
the universe.
*£tfs*r»?^j&» paramannamu, s. Milk,
boiled with a mixture of sugar,
rice, &c, and used as a delicate
food among the Hindoos.
-&&&» paramu, adj. Other, different-
2. Distant, remote. 3. Subsequent.
4. Best, pre-eminent. 5. Hostile.
6. Excessive, s. Salvation, final
•£#■&>*£&£& parameswarudu, s. One
of the names of Siva.
•&&XO& paravandzu, v. n. To be
spread, scattered, extended, or
•&tiss$<&x) paravasamu, adj. Subservi-
ent to, dependant on, or subject
to another. 2. Out of one's own
control from joy, ecstacy, or sor-
•^Uo^tt paravana, s. A written order,
mandate, precept, or warrant.
•&> parasu, s. Means. 2. Way, mode.
3. Opportunity.
•^tf^tfxSw parasparamu, adj. Mutual,
reciprocal, interchanging. 2 tf tf^tf
*SM-7r» parasparamuga, adv. Reci-
procally. 2. By some means or
oS-cr»& paraku, 5. Forgetfulness, neg.
lect, want of attention.
oS-o-* £ s6s5» parakramamu, s. Power,
strength. % Exertion. 3. Valour,
-&v*§<$&» paradhinamu, adj. Depen-
dant on, subject, or subservient,
to another* s. Possession! by an-
^-cr'rfaSS' paramarika, s. Care. 2. Ex_
^Tr-sSbaoT^ paramarintsu, v. a. To
take care of, to support. 2. To ex-
"£-a*sfc8\ paramarsa, s. Inqairy, in-
vestigation. 2. Care, watching. 3.
Consolation. ^-cPs&e^ooSb par a mar -
sintsu, v. a. To investigate. 2. To
take care of, or watch- 3. To con-
3 tpoxp» parayi, adj. Strange, foreign
28 pari, s. A time- 2. vi^e tf&tf oXa
oss» chaturangabalamu-
SBIo^b parikintsu, p. a. To seek for,
enquire into, examine? or investi-
tf 8"iff parige, s. Gleanings of corn. sS8
"7?^^> parigechenu, A reaped field-
38"7?ek, £&■;?«& parigettu, pamgettu,
v. n. To run.
38"ftex> parigelu, 5. A species offish.
■^SJT'ss parigonu, o. a. To encompass,
or surround. 2. To obtain or attain.
SS9 ^s^sfco parigrahamu, s. Accep-
tance, taking. sa^t^oofc parigra-
hintsu, v. a. To take, accept, or
SB-CcsssSx paricha}^amu, s. Acquain-
tance, knowledge.
■^a^r* tf §b&> paricharakudu, s. A man
servant, sa^er paricharika, s. A
maid servant.
i -£aS)S parichiti, s. w'ota ssa-CceSsS^
£S"?o;£)&Kb paritepurugu, s. The spot-
ted beetle, usually termed a cock-
;59<£aex> paridhavillu, v. n. To shine.
ssas£S>o-&> paritapintsu, v. n. To be
£5e£e£o-&> parityajintsu, «?. a. To
abandon, or quit.
Zdwydfoa parityagamu, s. Abandon-
ment, quitting, desertion.
35sSSVsta> paripakvamu, s. Perfect
maturity, adj. Perfectly ripe or
In all sorts of ways.
ssa^tS paripati, s. Order, method,
arrangement. sS83pfe37r* paripati-
ga, Tolerably.
Zdix*v$ paripalana, s. Protection*
fostering care. 2. Performance of
any act. 3. Government.
S8^r»©o-r5b paripalintsa, v. a. To pro-
tect, or cherish. 2. To perform. 3.
To govern, or rule.
sS8^r^*» paripurramu, adj. Com-
plete, full. 38£r_8 panpiirti, s.
Completion; fulness ; satiety, sa-
38s£i£sfoo parimalamu, s. Fragrance,
perfume. sSBafc&o-tSb parimalintsu,
To be fragrant.
?S8s5b^^ss>i parmianamu, s. Measure,
^8sscn»e9o\ parimarrtsu, v. a. To kill,
or assassinate.
ssecc^-S'S's**) pariyatsakamu, s. From
s. ssasretf s5x> parihasamu, q. v.
%Qss&)&x> rarivattamu. s. vide Z3v£&>
ej L " (Li
*5>3 alavattamu.
s69tf;6M par i vara m u, .9. A depen-
dant. 2. A train, or retinue.
38$ e>tf parisilana, s. An enquiry, in.
vestigation, or scrutiny. £8^e)o-&>
parisilintsu, v. a. To investigate.
S58^c5s6*> parisuddhamu, ad/\ Sacred,
holy. 2. Pure, clean.
^e-T^oik parisodhiutsu, z>. a. To ex-
amine, or investigate. % To try.
ZQ'g&^ti&x parishkaramu, s. Deco-
ration. 2. Cleanness, purity. 3. Set-
tlement. ;S8&k_8o-&> parishkarin-
tsu, To make clear, or evident ;
to settle, arrange, or adjust.
%dh$r*$) parisipovu, v. n. To be
rescued, or saved, from danger,&c.
5Se?r€tfsS*> pariharamu, s. Remedy, 2.
pretence.3. Objection. 4. Quitting.
38s5^8o-&> pariharintsu, v. a. To
throw off, or away ; to quio ; to
discard, or reject. ^8^6^-s>&» pa-
riharapettu, To pretend, or object.
SSsj-eSsfoo parihasamu, .9. Mirth, sport,
pastime, jocularity, merriment,
jesting, raillery.
sS8&, *§& pariksha, pariksha, s. Dis-
crimination, investigation, exami-
nation, test, trial, experiment.
;s6JLo-&> parikshintsu, v. a. To ex-
ss&o parugettu^-.w.Torun.^Sbb^ @
£r*$ parugettipovu, To flee ; to
run away.
£&■&> parutsu, v. a. To spread. 2.
To scatter. •£&;& parupu, s. Bed-
ding, A mattress.
;Stf>&> parudu, s. A stranger. 2. An
excellent man. 3. God. 4. An ene-
S5&S5& paruvadi, adv. Well, proper-
ly. 2. Much, excessively.
3&sss5c» paruvamn, 5. Ripeness, ma-
turity. 2. Youth.
;S&3Ss*» parnvamu, .9. vide sstf^sto pa-
£&;# paruvu, s. Running. 2. Ripe-
ness. 3. Dignity, rank. 4. Season.
adj. Ripe, mature.
sS&3.s*» parushamu, ad)'. Harsh, a-
busive. 2. Rough, rugged. 3 Se-
vere, cruel, unkind.
;S&£fttfs5cx:-3tfb£s&>o, 3tfb3o parusada-
namn, parusamu, parusu, s. Harsh-
ness, or severity, in word or deed.
z>~6~&gz$xi paretsakamu, s, vide s. s»9
sHSsSw parihasamu.
sse^&ss^ parokshamu^ ad/\ Imper-
ceptible, invisible, unperceived.
3tfeo?5;&x> paryantamu, adv. Until;
as far as ; up to.
£tt>c c*6*»o paryayamu, s. Order, ar-
rangement, regular and methodi-
cal disposal or succession. 2. Man-
ner, kind.
3 tf parra, s. A swamp, marsh, bog,
or fen. '<'. A measure of capacity, a
parah, forty of which make one
StfqsSw parvamu, s. A knot ; a joint
in a cane, or body, &c. 2. A name
given to certain days in the lunar
month, as the full and change of
the moon.
3&*p parvu, v. n. To extend, or
-£fcsfto-t5a parra gintsu, v. a. To shoot
arrows, &c.
3e#o5b parratsu, v. To flee, desert, or
run a way. 2. To flow as water.
-£fe9"3oa5b parratentsu, v. n. To come.
- palakamu, s. A small bed.
•^s-S'QoaSb palakarintsu, v. a. To ask,
beg, or solicit. 2. To hint, or re-
mind. 3. To call aloud.
•^ejtftf palatsana, s. vide ^sw-JS'tf pa-
-£e>s5M palamu, s. A weight, equal to
that of ten pagodas. 2. Flesh.
ijvzs palava, s. vide-&yoss paluva.
^ossao-i&palavarintsu, v. n. To speak
in one's sleep. -&vssqo& palavarin-
ta, s. Speaking while asleep.
^v&o-tfo palavintsu, v. n. To lament.
•£ex> palu, adj. Many, several, s. vide
-6ex> pallu.
•£«»£ paluka, *. A shield. 2. A
part of a weaver's loom. 3. vide
*£*»j- 8 o ^ -Pa 1 k a r i n tsu
■£e>g* palaka.
^SewSb, -^yo^- paluku, palku, s- A
word. 2. Speaking, warbling. 3.
Sound, especially of music. 4. A
^t»-7T>§ palugaki, s- A wicked, or
bad, person.
*£ex>7& palugu, s. vide ~6°x>ir>% palu-
gaki, 2. An iron crow.
^w^d^'om palugurayi, 5. A white
sort of stone,
•^sjo-tftf palutsana,s. •Thinness, spare"
ness, leanness. ^e»-jrs> palutsani,
ad/. Thin, spare, lean. 2. Not close,
not thick, -&?x>tfti&r*b>°Jo palutsani-
matalu, Contemptuous expressions.
•690^ palupu, s. A halter for cattle.
■62»a6&M, ^2»s^so3 palumarru, palu-
marru, acfa. Often, frequently, con-
stantly, repeatedly.
■£•»* paluva, s. A wicked, or bad,
person, adj. Wicked, bad. aexsss"
8fc» paluvatitlu, s. flu. Obscene
-£e>osS8o%k paluvarintsu, v. n. vide
*£e>ss8o-& pal&varintsu.
^s^o^k, *£e»$& paluvundru, pa-
luvura, s. p&z. Many persons, vide
«£*» palu.
^0^.80 4ft palkarintsu, v. a. vide
^g'So-db palakariptsu.
-£>ew£&> palgudu, s. Low ground.
■^sj^ pallakamma, s. The name of
a village goddess.
*%> § ' *%,^ pallaki, pallaki,s.A palan-
•Ao^TS pallagede 6*. A white female
*£e^£32x> pallatilln, v. n. To be reduced
to distress.
"£o fcSoo pallatilu *. /?Zw. Poves.
*£ pallarrapulu, s. plu. Use-
less, or vain, expressions.
•^DoaS, T$J palliya, palle, s. A "village.
*£"e3sfc-*&> pallemata, A provincial, or
vulga^, term.
•£e3 pallu, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. -&C& panti, A tooth. -6c £sr» 2k
pandlanoppi, s. The toothache.
■£e» pallu, ^. Low ground, ad;. Low;
on a low level,
*£e3Scp>k>s5M pallekutamu. s. A school.
-6$ £ pallika, s, A small round flat
4T?afoa, -^"?^«fco pallemu, palleramu*
a-. A small metal plate.
-&ss&£» pavadamu, s, Coral.
-c5^ex> pavalu, s. Day ; day time, vide
^SjCew pagalu.
^s^cPo-db pavvalintsu, v. ;-i. To lie
down, or recline.
-£3 pasi, a6» pas'itanamu, 5. Infancy,
*£$&> pasimi, s. Yellow colour.
-Sj^j^) pasuvu, 5. An animal in gene-
ral. 2. A beast. 3. Horned cattle,
4. A Goat.
•^'TSeS^sSM paschattapamu, s. Re-
morse, repentance. 2. Pity, com-
•£$vj&x5m paschimamu, s. The west.
adj. Western. 2. Hinder, behind,
•£3 pasa, s, Brightness, splendour. %
effect, result. 3. Ability, qualifi-
*&5oao pasandu, adj. A greeable, plea-
sing, handsome, comely.
-£tfstfss»3 pasadanamu, s. Decoration,
-&r$$) pasapu, s. Turmerick. ^S^sbok
pasapukunta, A certain extent
of low land in which tnrmerick
grows. -Sjtf^^oss pasaputs&ya
Yellow colour.
^tftf s5x>, -^tfwsSoa pasaramu, pasalamu>
5. A quadruped. It is usually appli-
ed to horned cattle.
•itftfo, *£&tfc pasaru, pasuru, s. The
expressed juice of leaves. 2. Bili-
ous vomiting. -&$&ir>a& pasaru-
tsaya, Green colour.
I £^s<6>:> pasadamu, s. Food, especi-
ally such as has been offered to
idols. Kindness.
•£*•■£ s& pasapadu, v. a. To eat.
I Zh pasi. adj' vide -£$ pasi, s. Frag-
rance, smell. 2. Cattle.
i *£&& pasidi, s. Gold. adj. Golden.
I -6hao& pasidindi, s. A tiger.
I *^R)S» pasimi* s. vide *£3£>d pasimi.
: *^&3§" pasirika, s. Young, or tender,
grass. -^^ar^sSw pasirikapamu,
A greenish snake.
sSr&;g) pasapu, s. vide -6x$ pasapu.
•£&>*7r°e& pasulapoligadu, s. vide
o)^l oe£ etrinta.
■^^r»oooo^ pastayintsu, i\ n. To feel
shame, or regret. 2. To bear or
•£&Kk3 pakshamu, s. The bright, or
dark, half of the lunar month. 2-
A wing-
•5poS^s6m pandityamu, .5. Learning^
ir>£ paka, s. A house built without
large beams, with a shelving roof.
•£•»£»&» pakamu, s. Maturity ; natu-
ral, or artificial, as the state of be-
ing cooked* or ripened. 2. The
young of any animal.
•>§, ■ir*%?r°&> pakf, pakivadu, s. A
•SpSo paku, v. n. To creep, or crawl.
^i^e&pakodu, s. A raised wooden
-tr>X, -ir-n* paga, paga", s. A turband.
2. A stable. ^r»7r»-^>fc» pagatsuttu,
v. a. To tie on, or form, a turband.
■irK&&* pagadamu, s. A silver orna-
ment, worn by Hindoo females,
round the ankle.
■£— J$"&2& pachakudu, s. A cook.
ir>%> pachi, s. Dirt, filth. 2. The un-
clean substance which covers the
teeth. 3. The green stuff produced
in stagnant water. 4. Mouldiness.
adj- Dirty, unclean. Water is dee-
med by the Hindoos to be. $-£)
pachi, Or unclean, unless it be
brought from the well on the
same day on which it is used.
■£r*r*iSo pakonu, v. n. Dirt to attach
itself, or to stick.
-^•OS - pachika, s. Dice.
-&& pachu, v. n. To putrify, or be-
come corrupted or rotten. From
this verb comes. ■&»•© pachi, q. v.
ir-& pata, 5. A song. 2. A poem.
•£r»&>sssfcv> patavamu, s. Cleverness
talent. 2. Health. 3. Eloquence.
ir>br° pata, s. Erasure, blotting out.
tr»da^-r*fc», ^oooo pata-kottu, tfyu,
To erase,
ir*A pati, s. Computation, as applied
to number, weight, measure, ex-
tent, or value. 2. Kind, sort, or
description. 3. Justice, adj. Ex-
act, as applied to number, weight,
measure, or extent. a^rris^aSw
epatijanamu, How many people?
-&wo7T*tfb^o-^feS ibangaruyepa-
ti, Of what weight, or value, is
this gold? -&*-5T>tfcsSx> ^otr>feS i-
dhanyamu yep&ti, "What quantity
is this grain? S&>?g)c8o-£pfc3 nidupu-
yepati, What length? &£& ^>*r»fe5
-or>&> viduyepativadu, What kind
of man is he?
■Sp>i>5onSb patintsu, v. a. To obtain. 2.
To regard, observe, or pay atten-
tion to.
•SpfeSex) patillu, v. n. To be obtained-
2. To shine.
->fes> p&tu, s. A fall. 2. Suffering,
distress, misfortune,, pain. 3. La-
bour, work. 4. A declining state.
5. The falling back, or ebb, of the
tide. 6. Manner, mode. 7. A time,
or occasion. 8. Pride, arrogance,
>^ -Pair a
*2p#sk> pathamu,s. A lesson. 2. Bea-
ding, perusal in general.
^g padi, s. A bundance of the pro-
duce of cattle ; as milk, &c. 2.
Equity, justice, adj. Just, equi-
table. •&>&&&*$> padiyavu, s. A
milch cow.
-an»2& padu, s. Making in the inflex.
Sing. -^nfeSpati, Ruin, destruction.
adj. Ruined, destroyed, v. a. To
■Sr&o-tfc padintsu, v. Gaus. To cause
to sing. -2pfeSi§&
-6$ patirevu, The ruined, or bro-
ken, part of a bank, from which
a person can descend to a river.
-£r»&e» padilla, A deserted, or rai-
ned bulding. ir*&ifr>to padumata,
An inauspicious expression.
■Sr*"g pade, s, A bier. 2. The funeral
->£esx> padyami, s. The first lunar
day of either the dark, or bright,
lunar fortnight.
•%*$ pata, adj. Old, decayed, worn
out. 5. Cloth. 2. Old cloth.
■in&%zx> patagilu, v. n* To grow old?
or stale. •2n>&8S'5Sa> p^tarikamu,
Oldness, staleness.
->^sSw patakarnu, s. Sin, crime. %'
The cause of falling, literally or
figuratively ; alighting.
•Sn&tf, ■Zrti&'iCcooQ patara, patarago-
yyi, s. A pit, in which grain is
•^p^tfer ^, -ir>$zr°z-tik> pataralad n ,
patarladu, v. n. To dance. 2. To
walk about in search of some-
irtir $ sko patalamu, s. Hell; the infer-
nal regions under the earth, and
the abode of the Nagas, or ser-
•SrSS'j >S1 patika, patike, s. The
fourth, or quarter, of any thing 2.
The six.ty-fourth part of the coin
termed a pagoda.
■^©^.^cstopativratyamu, s. Chasti-
■$■»§& patu, v. a. To fix, or fasten, in
the ground, s. That portion of the
thing so fastened, which is under
■Zr®1ikx> patipettu, v. a. To bury in
the ground.
•Sr*^ patra, s. A vessel in general :
a plate, cup, or jar. 2. A sacrificial
vase, or vessel, comprising various
forms of cups, plates, spoons, lad-
les, cfec, So used. 3. A dancing
ir>&j&x> patramu, adj. Worthy, fit,
capable, adequate.
^r»dSto) padattu, s. A cob web.
-^tfafcopa'datriu, s. A foot. 2. A quar-
ter. 3. A hill at the foot of a
mountain. 4. A ray of light. 5.
The root of a tree. 6. The "foot, or
line, of a stanza.
^estftfsSw padarasamu,s. Quicksilver,
>5 padi, s. A machine for crossing
rivers. 2. A garden bed.
-£paKtoa padigattu, v. To divide into
-Zr>& padu, 5. A garden bed. v. a.
vide •£-*&> patu.
•SpabS'ew padukalu, s. plu. Wooden
•^p^sSm panakamu, s. The juice ex -
pressed from the sugar cane. 2.
Water in which jaggory, or sugar,
has been dissolved, used by the
Hindoos as a cooling drink -
•Srtfsfca pa'namu, s. Drinking. -ZrtfK*
%\g panagoshthika, A dram-shop;
a place where people drink to-
gether. «j^/a-»-j3-°2&ex> annapanadu-
In, s- plu. Food and raiment*
Sr*$6x> panamu, s. Life,
Or#&> panalu, s. plu. Doubts, objec-
*3-°fte&>s533 panavat[amu,6'.The lower
part of the lingam.
i -£r>?SSs6co panasamu, .?. A kitchen, -*-»
#%& panasidu, s. A cook.
I ^p»pr»e^s5w panaramu, s. A kind of
i beetle-nut.
| tr-a6$, -Zr*&$ panupu, panpu, s. Bed-
ding. ■ir&^&ss^'Doss panpuduvva-
luva, A sheet.
-^*£ papa, *. A child. 2. The reflexi-
on of objects on the pupil of the
->«$&> papata, s. The parting of the
hair, on a female's head. ■&-&&
7S*kx> papatabottu, A kind of head
ornament, suspended on the fore-
head, from the parting of the hair.
•2p>ss&*5m papatamu, s. A harrow, or
hoeing instrument.
•£ps$s5oa papamu, s. Sin, crime,
wickedness. This word is also used
as an interjection, denoting com-
passion, what a sin! what a pity!
poor thing! &c. ; as. ^p^sSooy-O^^r*
*%l ^kssab Papamu a chinnavarmi
kottavaddu, Poor thing ! don't
beat that child.
frsStfs&a^ paparammu, s. An arrow,
in the form of a snake.
^pfi"i9^b paparredu, s. Sesha, the
king of snakes.
ir>& papi, adj. Sinful, or wicked, vide
^psssfco papamu.
tp$ papu, v. a. To free, or deliver.
2. To dissipate, or remove. 3. To
expiate, or efface. 4. To liquidate,
or pay. vide, ^o&o payu.
•^^r*^ papukoriu, v. Corap. To free,
&c. one's-self.
-£rsfctfs5w pamarama, adj. Wicked.
2. "Vile, low, base. 3. Stupid, foo-
-2r>&x> pamu, s. A snake, or serpent.
-2ps5» pamu, v. a. To rub.
•5r?.oas P*y a > s - Tbe branch of a river.
2. The divisions in garlick, or
those in onions, and similar sub-
stances. -^osSSoSb} payavitstsu, A
branch of a river to break off
from the main stream.
•^ncssstfska payasamu, s. Rice, mixed
with sugar and milk.
•&■<&• paya, s. Manner ; mode.
ir»cs&> paya v. n. To separate. 2. To
leave, or quit. 3. To be rotten. 4.
To be defeated
-Zr>K para, s, A short hoe, or marnaty.
-^>tf para, part. The infinitive of.
■a-ta paru, q. v. Prefixed to. other
verbs, to add force or emphasis to
their previous meaning ; and
corresponding with off, away, out,
&c In English ; as, -^fos^otfo pa-
raboyu, v. a, To pour or empty
-&ti~icrtx> paraveyu, v. a. To throw
away. 2. To lose.
-£r*tfS~ 5 €x> paradolu, v. a. To drive
out or away. 2. To defeat, ^r-tfeew
paradzallu, To pour or empty out.
-^tfosstfesSw paramparyamu, s. Tra-
ditional instruction ; tradition. 2.
Continuous order, or succession.
■>tf re parana, s. Eating after a fast.
■Zr°$-F*&> paranadn, v. To speak con-
■5p5's5^gs6M parapatyamu, s. The su-
perintendence of a village.
ir°-u*& param, s. The decoration of
the feet with. §oo§osSb kunkuma, &.
^-cpsSo^b paranintsu, v. a. To de-
corate the feet, in that manner.
-£r° - parayanamu, s. Rea-
ding a holy book at so much a
day. 2. Totalhvv, entireness.
-Sr>tfc paru, v.ti. To run. %. To purge.
3. To fly, or rise, in the air. 4. To
; begin. 5. To grow or become. 6.
To flow as water, vide -tr&x> parru,
■$r>Q$r*t& pa*ripovu, v. n. To run
| off, or a way ; to escape Sjo&spco
| yendabaru, To begin to dry, or
heal. ;So£-srt5b pandabaru, To be-
I gin to ripen. K2&&>^ifcgadusupa-
I ru, To grow hard. &&6o^r>& ki^
rusuparu, To grow stiff.
->3 pairsvamu, s. A side- 2. A
part. 3. The body below the arm-
pit. 2j£?i^^oE-5foo*7r*£>j*&r*&> oka-
niparsvamuga matl&du, To speak
in favour of one.
>es parra, part, vide -irti para.
^eas parru, v. n. vide -&>& paru.
^pfcw^b parrudu, x. The flowing of
•Sp aw ^b parrudu, 5. A brahman.
■£r>&93"Boa& parrutentsu, *'. n. To come
■jpe> pala, s. A small bird, whose
flight is consulted in omens.
•&°e;§ palaki, s. A palankeen. -SpoI
^oTfcaSk- palakibongurikka, The
tenth stellar mansion; because it's
shape resembles that of the bam-
boo of a palanqueen.
-£pe>&£3b palakudu, s. A cherisher,
preserver, protector, or guardian.
-£pe>X&;# palagaruvu, s. A soil, con-
sisting of sand above, and clay
-£r>e>""fD§o, -£r>e>1§3b palateku, palateku,
s. A particular species of the teak
■>^s5Mpa],anamu, s. Protecting,
nourishing, cherishing, preserving,
^pej3J"S\ palavanne, s. Pale-red co-
^o"3© palavelli, s. The sea of milk,
from -£-°jyo palu, q. v. 2. A small
decorated shed, erected in the
houses of the Hindoos, in which
an idol is placed, and worshipped,
on particular festivals.
-£pe;&>2& palasudu, s. A wicked man.
■£r»e>;oo-o-»ex> palasuralu, s. A wicked
^p>Do-{5bpalintsu. v. a. To preserve,
cherish, or protect.
^p>«w palu, 5. Making in the inflex.
Sing, ip jd pali, and in the nom. plu.
^pgpallu, A share, or portion ; a
division, or allotment ; a part. 2.
The ryot's share of the whole pro-
duce of the crop. 3. Possession,
charge. ^S-g-ojg) palikapu, A part-
ner, or sharer.
irvz>&> palabadu, v. n. To fall to
one's share.
^waotfb} palubutstsu, v. a. To di-
vide into shares.
•£pgx> palu; 5. flu. Making in the in-
flex. >o pala, Milk. 2. Milky jui-
ce ; juice.
■ir>ex> palu, v. n. To become pale from
disease. z,$>-ir°&$& ollupalinadi ?
The body has become pale from
^exjas^ewpalumalu, v. n* To be idle,
or lazy.
S> o 2a tfx -Pindamu
^exj^&S" palumalika, sj Laziness.
-?r>~8iv£fo pa-Iegaduj s. A poligar.
■^efeso pal err u, s The river Palar,
which runs through the province
of Arcot.
•^p"«fg, i£p"e$g> palerlu, palellu, s. plu. \
Ryots who cultivate with the
farming stock of another.
ir°$sx» palamu, s. A manner, or me- j
thod. 2. A lump, or mass, of metal. |
-ir*C> pali, s. The slit of a pen. 2. A j
cloth marked with squares, upon
which games are played.
-$-*"? -*-*£& palegadu, s. A poligar.
^p>"?sSm palemu, s. A Paliam, or coun-
try under a poligar.
-3-°"?s5M;Sfcx> palemu pattu j s. An en- j
•frssoif pavantsa, s. A stair, or step, j
3r»5J§*g3- ■&*?$§*&, iriosv&o pavakollu- |
pavukollu, pavalu, s. plu. Wooden ■
■inss& pavada, s. A petticoat, vide iv> j
7Ctt> gagara-
-^rsstfsSw pavanamu, adj. ¥ure> puri- I
fled. s. Purification. 2. Penance.
3. Water.
i^^ pavu, s. A quarter. 2. The quar-
ter of the coin termed a pagoda.
•Sr^tf *&>;>, -ir-^-x^ooo pavuramu, pa-
vurayi, s. A dove, or pigeon.
■^p^ero pavu I a, s. The quarter of a
•SpS'sSm pasamu, 5. A fetter, chain, or
tie ; the string for fastening tame
animals, or a net or noose for
catching birds, deer, &x> pasemu, s. vide -tr°G&$gy> pa-
Ijott ^ pingani, 5. China ware oi
any kind ; as plates, cups, sau-
cers, o£"°5 pinjari, s. A useless, poor, or
helpless person. 2. Acotton cleaner.
S>o ?§ pinje,5.The feathered part of an
arrow. 2. The end of a cloth plaited
up, or drawn together, in folds.
|)o^s5od pindamu, s. A lump, heap,
cluster, quantity, or collection. 2.
A ball, or globe. 3. A mouthful, or
roundish lamp of food, considered
as equivalent to a mouthful. 4. An
oblation to deceased ancestors ;
as a ball or lump of meat, or rice,
mixed up with milk, curds, flow-
ers, &Q.
S>o&e) pindali, s. A lump, or mass.
S>cS pindi, 5. Flour. 2- A flock, or
multitude. 2>o&sfo4aex> pindi van-
talu, 5. plu. Cakes made of any
kind of flour.
%>oZso pindu, v. a. To press, squeeze,
or to wring. 2. To milk.
S>o£-S>oaoa5, &o"3 pinda-pindiya,pin-
de, s. Young, or unripe, fruit.
%o%i#> pimpiilu, s. plu. Leaps.
SS'/j- pikka, s, The calf of the- leg.
ar^-^w.* ^6-*^$ pikkatilu, pikka-
tillu, v. n. To be overflowing ; to
be full, or bursting, from the in-
creasing size of what is confined.
S»Sb^_ pikku, v. a. To cheat, or de-
ceive. 5. Ambiguity. a4/. Ambiguous.
^So^sSnk pikku mata, Double en-
!>ftoex> pigulu, v. n. To be burst, by
S-J5\ pitstsa, s. vide &©v pichchi. 2.
Shortness of measurement, adj.
vide g)©v pichchi.
5>«\;sta> pitstsapattu, 0. w. Madness
to seize, or attack one. s. Exces-
sive frugality, or economy. 8>-e\;S
&>:>-7r*$o£& pitstsapattugavundu,
To be a miser. %>tfytr> &$v &*&>%* &
pitstsapatitalaposukonu, lit. To
pour on the head both shortness,
and exactness, of measurement. To
relate to another all one's adven-
tures, both fortunate and unfor-
8>-3Ya«Se>o pitstsapesalu, s. plu. A
small species of the pulse termed
green gram, or Phaseolus radiatus.
&-8\Do-&> pitstsalintsu, v. n. To be
in great pain, distress, or anguish.
8>€k pichchi, s. Madness, lunacy,
folly- adj. Mad, lunatic, foolish.
S>-S)\^ pichchika, s. A sparrow.
a -Shew, S-Shc» pichchiiu, pichchillu,
v, n. Juice to flow from pressure*
a-ifcxS' pitstsuka, s. A sparrow, vide
§>SK5f pichchika, l>£b\r&ofeS pits-
tsukakunti, adj. Lame, or halting,
like a sparrow.
2>& pitta, s. A bird.
Sbfcw pittu, 5. Flour boiled by steam.
%&£ pidaka, s. One of those cakes
of dried dung, which are used for
fuel. gj&S'eweS&R pidakalutattu, To
form these cakes of duDg.
& 2b S" "Stoatf© pidakamosali.s. The Gan-
getic porpoise. Delphinus Gan-
&&iS pidatsa, 5. A quantity of boiled
rice, sufficient to be held in one
&&&•&& pidatsapata, s. A piece of
cloth, used in besmearing with
macerated cow dung the floor of
Hindu dwellings.
g)v -Pippi
?>£»$£ pidata, s. A very small earthen
SjS picli, 5. A handle, or hilt.
gjg pidi, s. A female, as applied to
animals only.
&3§d pidikili, s ' Making in the m-
flex. Sing. &S§*3 pidikiti, And in
the nom. plu. §>&§& pidikillu, The
fist, &&"§&> pidikedu, Such a qu-
antity as can be held in the clen-
ched hand.
!>&Xb2& pidiguddu, 5. A fisty cuff* or
blow with the fist. t>&S£>o-& pidi-
kilintsn, To close the fist. ^^^
e»afl§toaSfe»§r*p5o pranalupidikita-
pattukomi, lit. To hold one's own
life in one's own fist. To be in the
greatest state of alarm, or fear.
fb&JT ^ pidigottu, v. a. To geld a-
l)S*^»asfeo pidivadamu, 5. Obstinacy 5
i>&-^tf pifiisana, s. An auger, or
carpenter's tool, for boring holes.
!)&3 7fo pidugu, s. A thunderbolt.
2>d&-tfc pidutsu, v.a. vide hoih pindu,
No. 1. '
&ek§o pituku, v. a. To milk, vide fbo<&>
pindu. 2. To squeeze a sore.
&&\8$ pitritithi, s- The day of the
new moon, 011 which she rises in-
visible, and on which offerings
are made to the manes of one's
I) °§£>*> pittamu, s. Bile ; the bilious
&e£> pittu, v. a. To oreak wind be-
hind, s. Breaking wind behind.
&£ss pidapa, adv. Afterwards, adj.
Frugal, economical. 2. Degenerate.
t)25b§b piduku, v. a. vide s>s^go pituku,
1)^, &tf pinna, pin a, adj. Young. 2.
'Small. &<^T&e5ex> pinnapeddalu,
Both old and young; both great
and small. >##»&» pinnatanamu,
s. Childhood, infancy. S^oS
pinatandri, A father's younger
brother. 2. The husband of a mo-
ther's younger sister. 8>rf£© pina-
talli, A mother's younger sister. 2.
The wife of a father's younger
8>tf^ 5""§( r -tf pinnakakkera, s. The
partridge termed Perdrix sylva-
a^l) pippali, s. Long pepper. g^©
sla pippalikatte, The dried long-
pepper vine. gj^S&cS pippali-
dumpa, The root of long pepper.
S^^ibcrvcl pip p alia modi, The
thick part of the long pepper vine.
pippi, s. The remaining solid
part of' any thing, of which the
juice has been expressed, or strai-
ned out.
^ 9 >
a© -Piiii
&s^k> pimmata, adv. Afterwards .
&©»c piyyij *• Making in the inflex-
Sing- l)©piti Human excrement;
also that of dogs, crows, &c-, But
not applied to that of cattle.
atfoft, S>tfofc pirangi, pirangi, s. A
great gun, or cannon, &£. Of or
belonging to Franks, or Europe-
ans. §>tfo**n»tf"3fe» pirangivatabet-
tit , To blow off from the muzzle
of a gun. lit. To place one at it's
fbtfo5\"3Sk- pirangichekka, s. The
plant termed Mimosa octandra.
«>9jr > s& pirigonu, v. To encompass,
or surround.
S>TPcssb piryada, s. A complaint.
fbTr>e& piryadf, A plaintiff.
I)&9 pirra, s. The fourth fraction in
descent by fours from unity ; the
two hundred and fifty-sixth part
of a whole.
g>6l§ pirriki, s. A coward, adj. Co-
wardly, timid, ae^faotfaoa pirriki-
mekamu. The antelope, lit. The
timid animal.
§>«», l>fc?»5S pirru, pirruda, acfe. Be-
hind. §bfc9o©^)-z5b pirrutivutsu, v. n.
To retire, or withdraw.
*> &££&>, ?)B pirrudu, pirra, s. The
buttock, or back side.
Sew-tib pilutsu, v. a. To call another
to come, or approach. 2. To invite
to an entertainment. |> ex> ■&> r° ;&
pilutsukonu, -y. Comy. To call
for one's own advantage, or for
one's own purposes. 2. To call
each other mutually.
2>ex>$ pilupu, s. A call, or cry. 2. An
!>©&o*fc, S>exg>o^> pilipintsu, pilu-
pintsu, v. Caus. To cause one per-
son to call, or invite, another.
&e> pilla, s, A child, or infant. 2. The
young of any animal, adj. Young,
small, tender. i)c^-3^ctfS pillakaya,
s. A child or infant; applied to
the human species alone. g> pilla veyu, To bring
forth youno;.
8»«^ 5T 6 ft, l)e;o"7^S) piilanagrovi,
pillamgovi, 5. A flute.
So ffio8oc3Ss5» pillamiriyamu, 5. A
summerset, or leap, heels over
!>er*o& pillanllu, s. plu. Ornaments
worn on that toe which is next to
the little one.
*)© pilli, s. A cat. !>© 5jt>& pillikuta,
Mewing, as§a-°tf pillikiina, A kitt-
CO l
S)^8 pllari, s. A name of Ganesa.
Ij^-cTsSoo, S>^£) pisachamu,pisachi, 5.
A demon, evil spirit, fiend, or
malevolent being, always descri-
bed as fierce and malignant. |>^
-#§ pisachaki, s. One possessed by
an evil spirit.
!>$7r-8 pisinari,s.A miser, or niggard
S>3$^tfo$*> pisinitanamu, s. Avarice ;
the quality of a miser.
!>£& pisaru, s, A bit, particle, or
small quantity. 2. The refuse of
washed grain. §>3«b"3g pisaruve-
llu, lit. A particle to go. The
strength to be exhausted.
!)£r°f> pisali, s. A wicked, or mean ?
Zi-fr*Vo& pisalintsu, v. n. To emit
perfume, or scent.
l)?So§b pisuku, v. a- To press, squee-
ze, knead, or shampoo, with the
2>&§ft pisikillu, 5. plu. The tender
unripe grain of dry crops, depri-
ved of it's husk, by being press-
ed in the hand, and thus eaten.
l)§b piku, *v- a. To pluck up, or away;
to root up, or eradicate ; to wrest
out of another's hand. 2. To turn
out of a situation, or employment.
t>Sber»2& pikuladu, To quarrel, or
i>~% pike, s. The windpipe. 2« The
reed used in blowing particular
wind instruments.
%X&k> pitsamu, s. Pride- l^sSora-So
pltsamaratsu, To subdue one's
pride. 2- To kill, or assassinate.
I-STsSdo pitsarnn, s. The peacock's tail.
!>-& pitsu, s. The fibrous part of
£>&> pita, s. A seat, chair, or stool.
i)fc>13fc» pitabettu, To reside per-
man entry.
i^jflos pfthamn, s. A seat, chair, or
stool. 2. A throne.
I>©g* pithika, s. vide f)#s5w pithamu,
2. A preface, or preamble.
!>2i pida, s. Pain, anguish, suffering.
f>£tf*s» pidanamu, s. Inflicting
pain ; paining. ISsSsSm piditamu,
adj. Pained ; suffering pain, or
I>&ot5o pidintsu, v. a. To torment,
teaze, or importune.
f>£ pita, s. A crab. f>^"as , ^_e» pita-
dekkalu, s. plu. The claws of a
sbtftf pinasa, s. Cough, catarrh; cold
affecting the nose.
fbsK-tiaoX, i)(S37fo piniga-pinuga, pi-
nugn, s. A corpse, or dead body.
f>j&7foe>"ao&> pinugula penta, A
heap of dead bodies.
$i> ©-Pukkili
|)e> pila, adj- Thin, slender. 2. Spare,
scanty. Ixd&o&> pilapanta, A scan-
ty crop.
f)£> pili, s. The, rudder of a vessel.
iSg' pilika, s. A rag, piece, or bit.
||)-g^^o pilikadu, s. A steersman,
or pilot.
f>e»-tfcpilutsu, v. a. To suck up. 2.
To inhale, as snuff, smoke, &c.
fbewsg) piluvu, 6*. An elephant.
f)£>ov piltsu, v. a. vide f>t»4S> pflutsu,
^)o«^» pundzamu,| s. A poonjam.
or certain number of threads.
$ ©e? punji, 6-. Crops cultivated with-
out artificial irrigation, commonly
termed the dry crop.
^ogp pundzu, s. A cock.
?&o£o pundu, s. Making in the in-
flex. Sing. <&ofe5 punti, And in the
nom. plu. ^060 pundlu, An nicer,
bile, or sore, ■xr* J tf$c&> ratsapun-
du, The large, or rajah, bile or
sore, which rises on the back, and
affects the spine, so as to be deem-
ed mortal by the Hindoos. ^oe&>
^oa&opunducheyu, To raise a blist-
sg)o& punta, s. A path, or road, for
*g)§k-8 pukkili, s. Making in the in-
Hex. Sing, ^i^.ta pukkiti, The in-
side of the cheek. ^i^Doofc pu-
le k.ilintsu, To rinse the mouth, or
gargle the throat.
$-S\cls' putstsadika, s. A virgin; a
j§nfc\ putstsu, v. a. To send. 2. To
command. 3- To divide, v. n. To
decay; to dry up, or become rot-
ten, s. The sediment of castor oil
s^^r 8 ^, ^>«K§f s& putstsukonu, pu-
chchikonu, v. a. To take. 2. To re-
ceive. 3. To take, or eat, food.
^^\ ptichche, s. The young unripe
fruit of the palmyra, cocoanut, or
other palmtree. 2. The skull.
<£)-£\s&o puchchhamu, s. A tail ; the
tail, the hinder part.
^&> puta, s. The leaf of a book.
$feo;5b8o^b pntamarintsu, v. n. To
rise, or swell up, as a sore-
$&»sfeo putamu, s, A folding, or dou-
bling, of any thing, so as to form
a cup, or concavity. 2. The eye-
lash. 3- The purifying, or calcin-
ing, metals by fire. 4. The bury-
ing of medicine in the # earth, &c,
in order to improve it's quality.
jg)&r*&tf35c» putaksharamu, s. An ab-
breviated letter.
^feSsf, $a % putika, puttika, 5. A
small basket.
s§) £^c £ o -Pu n y a van
putta, 5. An ant hill. 2. A
snake's hole.
$£o*x» puttamu, s. Cloth.
sg)*3 ptitti, s. A certain measure of
capacity, termed candy, or poot-
tee, which is divided into twenty
smaller measures, called # ex>
tumulu, 2. A round, or circular,
basket boat, covered with leather.
^)fco pnttu, v. n To be born, or pro-
duced. 2. To arise, issue, or spring
from. 3. To get, or obtain. &
Birth, slaws', *£)&»£> puttuka, pu-
ttuvU; 5. Birth, production, origin.
c^faw^Sc^co^) puttucheyuvu, s> The
Hindoo ceremony performed at a
birth. s£)&x>sfc-s$\ puttumatstsa, s.
A natural mole, or mark, from
one's birth. %&&>&& puttubadi, s.
Produce. ^feSooSD puttintsu, v.
Cans. To create, generate, form,
or raise.
3)££ew pudakalu, s.plu. Small sticks;
:$&ao pudami, s. The earth. ^&ga
xs^swjg) pudamidalupu, Sesha, the
king of snakes, and bed of Vish-
nu ; because he supports the
earth. ^eScDStS pudamipatti, The
planet Mars, the son of the earth.
sg)2s»o"s»o^n>sw podamimolanulu,£z7.
The waistband of the earth. The
%)&%>& p*udisili, s. Making in the in -
flex. Sing. $g&a pudisiti, The
palm of the hand, held in such a
manner as to contain any thing-
placed in it. ^&"3>e& pudisedu, A
ig)^>§o puduku, v. a- To give. s. Gi-
ving, ^)2&&>er*e&& pudukudodu-
ku, Tbe celestial cow, which gives
all that is desired.
^reg'So^k punakarintsu, v, a. To
give an insufficiency, v. n. The fin-
gers to be convulsed in the ex-
tremities of death. j^esS'ao^ecs sg>
£§§ao^e>o punakarintalu, puniki-
rintalu, s. plu. The giving an in-
sufficiency. 2. The convulsion of
the fingers, in death.
s&ewlo punuku, v. a. To spread oat
the fingers of the hand, and then
draw them in again, as in taking
up a handful of any thing. 2. To
touch, to feel. 3. To give an in-
i&nz&x* punyamu, s. Virtue, moral
or religious excellence, or merit. 2.
A good action. 3. Purity, purifi-
cation, adj. Virtuous, good, pure,
righteous, excellent. 2. Beautiful,
^)c3£5Soi£{6co punyavantamu, adj. For-
tunate, well fated; virtuous, pious,
sg) 15^85
&x -Punriemu
^ ) 8r 5 -Puriko
tg> &&, %> &S> puttadi, puttali, s.
Gold. "*
^IBo^Sb puttentsu, q. a. To send,
dispatch, or forward, vide ^-^
^^ putri, s. A daughter. }&&*
putrika, s A daugher. 2. A pup-
pet. 3. A copy. eg)j&,a& putrudu,
«. A son.
^tfsgrf^sbo punarjanmamu, s. Me-
tempsychosis, or transmigration
of the soul.
^)7P>8 punadi,s. Foundation; ground-
work. .
3$)7r*?s punasa, s, The poonasa crop,
consisting of corraloo or Panicum
Italicum, guntaloo or Holcus spi-
catus, and alatsundaloo or Doli-
chos catiang, and other similar
$■(&£, &*{j- punuka, punka, s. The
skull. $s&r-sr>8 punukadari,5.Siva,
who begs with a skull in his hand.
j&sfcte punugu, 6'. The civet produ-
ced by the cat of that name, ter-
med, j&tfbfiol)© punugupilli.
^^"isw punnatelu, s. A small scor-
^tf^sfc punnama, s . The lunar day
on which the moon is full.
?g)l^*S» punnemu, $. vide s. j^rao^
tg^&M puppamu, s. A flower.
sg)8)^ pup pi, s. Decay, vide -$)&\ pn-
tstsu, t&S^&fio puppipurugu, s #
An insect found in rotten timber-
?g)&v"62» puppipallu, A decayed
$$n>\& puppodi, s. The pollen, or
farina, of a flower.
?§)tfE3ca& puranintsu, v. a. To disre-
gard. 2. To oppose.
c&tf^tf^&k- purapurabokku, ?;. n.
To be in excessive grief, or sorrow :
to be severely afflicted.
7&tf$>tizr°&> purapuraladu, v. n: To
have a desire, longing, or incli-
^)Tr>ws5w purariamu, 5. A poorana,
or sacred and poetical work, sup-
posed to be compiled,or composed,
by the poet Vyasa.
sg)-tr°^^s5>3 puratanamu, adj. Old,
jg>8 puri, s. Pack-thread, twine,
twist. 2. The straw basket in
which seed grain is preserved.
jg)8"S&» puribettu To twine, or
$8r°tf> purikonu, v. n. To recollect-
2. To be careful, cautious, or
watchful, ^er'ew^) purikolupu,
v. a. To remind. 2. To excite,
provoke, or instigate.
t£)6£^ purivitstsu, v. n. To sepa-
rate. 2. To loosen. 3. To retreat,
or withdraw.
$&7Sb, $«>'# purugu, puruvu, s. A
worm. 2. Any insect, or reptile ;
and applied sometimes to snakes.
*§&£& purudu, s. Making in the in-
Hex. Sing, ^eapuriti, An imagin-
ary pollution, proceeding from the
birth of achild. adj. Equal. ^QfeSoo
puritillu, s. The house in which a
woman has been brought to bed.
5$)&s&>2& purushudu, 5. A man,
generally, or individually ; a male,
mankind. 2. A husband.
A short letter, or
$eJc*s, Q'ts purriya, purre s. The
^m^omo purracheyyi, s. The left
$e&> purrn, s. Any solid substance
reduced to a certain state of liqui-
dity ; as miry clay, or excrement
in a looseness of the bowels.
<$ew, §<&> Copula, pulu, kadugu,
v. a. To wash pearls. This is
derived from the verb s'c&fib ka-
dugu, To wash ; but the word
here prefixed to it has no mean-
ing when used separately by it-
$v%X&x> pulakaramn, *'. Fever.
$e>S8o-i$b pulakarintsu, v. n. To be
attacked with fever.
^e>;cs5a> pulagamu, .?. Bice and split
pulse boiled together, with which
ghee, or clarified butter, is some-
times mixed.
$u$ pulapa, s. An acid dish, made
of various edible roots.'
?&e;£tfs5oo pulasaramn, s. Indigestion.
2. An acid taste.
3>8 puli, A. tiger. ^S^tfb puligoru*
The claw of a tiger. $>£>&*&> pu-
litolu, A tiger skin. "ss^iD pedda-
puli, s. A royal tiger, lit. A large
tiger. ©Baa&^schirrutapnli, s.The
hunting leopard, or cheeta. -&>K
4D igapnli, s. lit. I he fly tiger.
The spider ; as devouring flies.
sg>© puli, Is sometimes used as an
adjective to denote-Sour, acid.
$©&& puliniilu, s. The matter, or
pns, from a sore.
$£>&S pulisiri, s. A sort of wart;
$)®Z£$)&\ pnlimiputstsn, v.n. To tu-
rn off conversation, with the view
of concealing the subject which
has been mentioned.
^)£)"2»ejo pulimef.tu, 5*. The sediment
e> .... .
of water in which grain has been
^)£>ci£} puliyu, v. n. To be, or be-
come, sour.
-& sx?y_ w - Pushkaia
^wo pulu, s. Grass. 2. A blemish in
precious stories, vide ;£)ex> pullu.
^)s>ds6oo ptilumu, v. a. To rub. 2. To
beat, or lash. 3. To wash with
both hands.
3)e»3o pulusu, s. Acidity, sourness.
2. The juice of tamarinds, adj.
Acid, sour.
^)e> , ^>e> $ pulla>pullani, ae^ «*«*»» ^>o^ pulladanamu, pu-
liana, s. Sourness, acidity.
s&e^ pull a, s. A small bit, or piece,
of stick, reed, or stiff grass.
^o8 pullari, s. A tax for pasture.
$>v ss2& pullavadu, v. n. To stand
fixed, or immoveable, from amaze:
£>£o pnllu, s. Grass.
<£)oo&"^y pullu dinela, 5. Land which
is only occasionally fit for culti-
^>$Q> $$) P^vvu, puvu, s. A flower.
^)^)^e>sS>3^c^ puwulamudnpu, s.
A ceremony among the Hindoos,
in which flowers are placed on a
pregnant soman's head.
^)&k_ecl pushkarini, 5. A. square, or
lar^e, pond ; a pool where the
lotus does, or may, grow.
^)si> pushkalamu, arf/. Excell-
ent, eminent, .chief, best. 2. Much,
many. 3. Full, filled, complete.
s^lx pushti, s. Increase, advance,
thriving, prosperity. 2. Strength.
adj. Strong, ablebodied, fat.
s^sxs&w pushpamu, s. vide sg)j$jj puv-
vu, 2. The menses. ^^tf^ss^ pu-
shparathamu, s. A car of any
kind, not used in war. ^^tfSssxj
pushparasamu, The honey of
j&sxctt'X^w) pushyaragamu, s. The
cg)tfer°oooO"& pnsalayintsn, v. «. To
coax, wheedle, or persuade. ^£
o»o^ pusalayimpu, 5. Coaxing,
wheedling, persuasion.
#j& pusi, *• The rheum of the eyes.
3$) ^sScw, 7& £s5^ pustakamu, pusta-
mu, s. vide &■» tfg'sS*) postakamu,
^ ~S» puste, 5. The bit of gold worn
round the neck by married women-
vide -er^ss^ftM talibottu, & ~z$x>
eo "a — °
2&jg> pustemudupu, 5. A woman
twice married.
$p pu,s. A flower, vide ^^ puvvu,
$r°fo ® pugutti, s. A cluster of
flowers, a nosegay.
s^-a^KS puchikagaddi, .9. A. sort of
long and stiff grass, of which
brooms are made.
o3r-£) puchf, s- Responsibility.
^T-t5b putsu, v. n. To bloom blos-
som, bud, shoot out, or expand.
^ex>$fs£r-&> nalukapiitsu, The
tongue to blister, or to become
sore, or discoloured, g'^oosgrifc
kannuluputsu, The pupil of the
eye to become discoloured by
^ej, ^Patfa* pu>, pujanamu, g.
Worship, reverence, respect ; Ho- j
mage of superiors, or adoration of j
deity. $y°£o-& pujintsu, v. a. To |
worship, or adore; to do homage, j
or evince reverence.
^■gsxj-gjfca pujelupefctu, v. a. To or-
nament, or illuminate, a book, &c.,
with nourishes, painting, or gild-
sSTfc piita, s. Half of the day. 2. A
time ; as two times, three times, j
&c. 3. Security, surety, bail. &*&> \
3fr»& putakullu, Food obtained by I
daily contract, ^ytegretf a»«x> pu- !
takullayillu, An inn, or -boarding j