E 757 ^W^\ i \ I^^H ' 1^^ ^r^>^ ■:^< %: M-'^Ki^ I 1 ' ^^^ ROOSEVELT'S INSULT TO THE MEMORY OF Jackson and LaFayette. KY GKOHGK WILSON, Publiiisl. ATK TROHATE .H'lXiE, DAKOTA : KX -NnOr'nER OK TIIIC TERRITORIAL SENATE, WYOMIX(; : AUTHOR OF "TIIIO I'lUNCII'EKS OF THE SCIENcK OF JIONEY" &0. ; MEMRER OF THE ST. EOFIS A' AD- J:MY i>F SCIENCES, EX-PRES.. LAFAYETTE CO. I'.ANK, LEXINGTON, MO. COPYRIGirrED. Washington, D. C. 190o. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Two Copies Rtcfllved MAY 6 S903 CLASsOCv^ XXc. Nc. Cnd (ion. Crook at Arlington, should be the scene of tlie cowardly and bi-iital P]nglish ollicer hitting tlie little l)oy Andrew Jackson ovei- the head with his sabre because the little fellow refused to clean the b<)ots of tlie brute 15 when ordered to do so. And there should be a short legend of the Battle of New Orleans telling that the untrained American back- woodsmen without ba^'Onets inflicted a loss of about 2000 killed and wounded on Wellington's victorious veterans from the battle- fields of Europe and sustained a loss of about seven killed and wounded ! On the 8th of January every year and on the pleas- ant days the children of all loyal Americans in the district should be taken there to read and hear the story of the immortal hero and the sneaking attemi;)t of Roosevelt to vent his hatred on the dead warrior. Roosevelt's career of successful humbugging. The Jew Bank Ring of New York has been boosting tliis Jew poseur for years in that state. His "historical" writings are trashy compilations. Not even his snarlings at Jefferson and Jackson are original. That coyote's snapping at Jefferson need no answer. I was born on an Indian Reservation and grew from youth to mature manhood in the territories ; was there for years before the Indians would allow white men to have cattle ranches and before a cow boy dared to come out there, and I know the inside of Roosevelt's cow bo\^ '"racket" with which he has humbugged the eastern people ; and with my own rifle have killed five pon}'- loads of game for every head he has killed, and knew men who had killed ten to my one. I knew the real heroes of the frontier when there was a frontier, which was gone when Roosevelt got out there ; the men who took desperate chances from Indians, and many of whom lost their lives. Roosevelt belonged to a class that talked about "tender-feet" when they were tender- feet themselves. His Cuban career was equally a spectacular piece of humbug and he took ci'edit that belongs to a gigantic black sergeant in the regular army who saw no backs of Ameri- cans as he charged up the San Juan hill. His is the most re- markable example of successful charlatanr}- ever seen in the world. 16 THE DEUTSCHE VEREIN OUGHT NOT TO HAVE BEEN SO ENTEAPPED, For they knew what Jews are, and every Mitglied in it knows that Rosenfeld is an exclusively Jew name, and ought to know that Rooseveldt is the same name in its Hollandish form. The Roosevelts are Holland Jews who went there from Spain or Por- tugal. They were carried to Spain as Phoenician slaves. Jews are the mulattoes of their Phoenician masters, from wliom they got a reinforcement in Schlauheit, craftiness and penchant for usury and the clothing business. It is from Phoenician ancestors that Roosevelt got a disposition to attempt to write books. THE MYSTERY OF MCKINLEY 's MURDER. More than one briinch of my family are good trailers. My mother's father got on Burr's trail when such men as Jefferson and Clay refused to suspect Burr. When Goebel fell, almost on the spot where my grandsire was shot down for charging, as editor of The Western World, that Burr was trying to take the South West out of the Union and that a federal judge there was a pensioner of Si)ain, I suspected that Rothschild had a hidden hand in it, on account of his interest in a political railroad corporation in Kentucky. Assassination has been a Jewish habit during all their history. The explanations of McKinley's as- Siissination have never satisfied me. I do not believe that an- archism or the real anarchists, the Italians, Belgians, etc., had even the remotest connection with it. The three persons whose names the press connected witii it are all Jews : the assassin, the Goldman woinnn and Abraliam Issak of Chicago who a])plaud- ed it. Just look for a moment at what we are asked to believe. A semi-imbecile young J(!W listens to a lecture by a Jewess and an indefinite time afterwards plans and executes a crime that required great calculation, a cool head and great nerve. The assassin of the Austrian Empress had a strong face, this one a weak one. The means and the end in the McKinley murder are entirely out of proportion. Careful study of tlie case from the time it occurred till now has deepened my suspicions that r KOTIISCIIILD HAD MCKINLEY MURDERI':D TO MAKE HIS JEW SERVANT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Did not (iov. Roosevelt of New York oftVr asylum to tlie usurp- ing governor, Taylor, of Iventu 'ky, implicated in, if not the origina- tor of the plot to murder Governor Goebel ? How much better is one who wou'.d shield a meml)er of that Kentucky Mafia than the one he would shield ? THE BEGINNING OF THE PLOT. In Blackwood's Magazine, .July, 1856, Rothschikl's plan of a i-e-union of the United Kingdoms and the United States was outlined. The need for it is now pressing; for England, never in lier history a first class Flower, has now sunk till her bonds are lower in the market than those of Spain and the English soldier is the decimal of a Boer. But for Canada, Australia and the Jew Bank Ring ar.d tt)ries in the United States she would now be a derelict among nations. Rothschild's fortune is in peril ; tfiink you not, that is why he had mckinley murdered to make a jew president who will obey him as mckinley' could not be trusted to do ? Among the peo])le of no other race in the world could word be passed down from one to another with the absolute certainty that it would not be betrayed, as I believe it was i)assed down from Rothschild till it reached the weakling whose finger pulled the trigger. From time to time as the crime against the Boers went on, we were told of propositions to be made by England to the Boers ; then a paragraph saying "Lord Rothschild" dis- approved it and insisted on complete conquest and uncondi- tional surrender. Would a party to the murder of thousands of maidens, and mothers and their sucklings, not to speak of men and boys, for a less important object — hesitate to have McKinley murdered for a far more important one? I do not think that he trusted Roosevelt with the tremendous load of such a secret or told him the use ho had for him. Binet and Ferre, the two great French scientists say that a person acting under 18 h3''pnotic influence thinks lie is doing it all himself. He picked him out because he saw in him the most available Jew I'or the purpose, I suppose, having- work ahead whicii he was unwilling to trust to any white person. WHEN JACKSON AND THE GREAT MISSOURI SENATOR Were in the midst of their struggle for the republic and the issue seemed doubtful, Benton went every night to the White House and talked with Jackson ; and with every "good night" Jackson would add, "we shall beat them at last ; the peoi)le will take it up after while." And so it will he in tliis case. We need right now a president combining the qualities of Washington and Cromwell to shake off a present tyranny and restore republican- ism. The Germans in the United States should understand our dilemma. They must either become subjects of the British crown or help to drive the British crown out of North America. The sooner the latter is begun the easier it will be. And the ))lace to begin it is in the White House, and the way to begin is by electing a white man president. i BINDERY 1903 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 980 934 8 ^ V ^i- -v^,