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BROWN, COL. CROSS, CAPT. MONTGOMERY, CAPT. MAY, CAPT. WALKER, LIEUTS. RIDGELEY, BLAKE, JORDAN, etc. BY C. FRANK POWELL. ILLUSTRATED WITH A PORTRAIT OF GENERAL TAYLOR. NEW-YORK : D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 200 BROADWAY, PHILADELPHIA— GEO. S. APPLETON, 148 CHESNUT-ST. APPLETON'S LIBRARY OF POPULAR READING. A NEW AND CHEAP COLLECTION OF INTERESTING WORKS. NOW READY. Xo i _\ \KRATIYI "i THE i: :\!'I. 'KIM. EXPEDITION to the Rooky Mountains in the ye: ' J84 ifornia in the yeara 1843-4. IS. emop of t)ie Tope.' ttepubliahed from ilic United States official Report. Pric , n orlrone ofthe moat courageous and intelligent travellers of tho dny, but one ofthe moit graphic ai Ij and jurtlj welcomed as deeply interesting, ami cunlai j ng an ,. ^ here accessible— Courier If Enquirer. /-Till: HI8TOR1 WD EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES OF MAR< BytbeRev. 1 rbuld. First American, from the thii dition, with two illustrations. Price 2-~> cents. ITENT8 .e ; 7. T Last 1 it -. lit; 13, I'. Bright H . 21, Guilt ai Pursuit an I ■....:; 29, Bam- id Amu: . face. |] known to many poisons cf tlie high. . and the const*; 10,001 will but tbi| Horano - id upon the trv the time or the lady with whom this • lived, and I , b w.l be bend in the history ol „,! imitation ( • l| l v™7 W uken as a warning example, i hum'..!; ith gratified and benefitted by thu publication. No. 3.— MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, an Historical Romance. By Alexandre Dumas. Fi American edition, price 25 cents. ■■ \| Do laais • . ..inmate master of his craft. All his scones are combined with the certainty of one familiar wl thorn- I pleasure lodl i ,, La Molound C ;„V drawings. - _ _ miliar work in tho English I \ to make it a useful book tor mill men, a« well as valu iMc to tho general reader :' al information it contains. ^ x t J ^^y. £5> ■*-- N ^W^' ^ CWN.Z. TA1 LOR. 3/A LIFE OF MAJOR-GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF HIS BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENTS ON THE RIO GRANDE. AND ELSEWHERE J INCLUDING HIS DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISON, AND BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. WITH SKETCHES OF THE LIVES AND HEROIC ACTS OF MAJOR RINGGOLD, COLONEL CROSS, MAJOR BROWN, CAPTAIN MONT- GOMERY, CAPTAIN MAY, LIEUT. RIDGLEY, LIEUT. BLAKE, CAPT. WALKER, LIEUT. JORDAN, CAPT. LOWD, AND OTHERS ; ALSO, A LIST OF NAMES OF OFFICERS FROM NEW YORK STATE ENGAGED IN THE DEFENCE OF FORT BROWN, AND IN THE ACTIONS OF THE 8TH AND 9TH OF MAY. WITH PORTRAIT OF GENERAL TAYLOR. BY C. FRANK TOWELL, AUTHOR OF " DHOONDIAH," ETC. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 200 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: GEO. S. APPLETON, 148 CHESNUT STREET M DCCC XLVI. * » > Entered, according to the Act of Congress, In thi jreai 1- H By I). APPLETON *l COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United Btab - ithen District of New Y'irk. >\ PREFACE, The author of the " Life and Times of Louis Phi- lippe," says in his preface, " The desire that is implanted in the human breast, of approaching those who have filled distinguished parts in the theatre of human ac- tion — those who have secured the highest pedestals in the pantheon of political fame — those who have ac- quired a memorable name by the exercise of personal authority over a large portion of their fellow-creatures, will forever give to biography a high moral influence, and an interest superior to any that general history can excite. Time intervenes to remove us from a familiar intercourse with the greatest characters — space also pro- duces a similar separation, but, the evil of both cases has found its remedy in the truthful and laborious produc- tions of impartial writers." These remarks are applicable to the biography before us, the latter being representative of the career and actions of an individual who has occupied a large space in his country's history and affections, and which actions should form an interesting and useful portion of our political knowledge. Neither can we imagine a task that partakes more of the nature of a duty than that of commemorating, in a substantial form, the services rendered by an individual to his country, especially when those services are of a marked and valuable character ; 4 PREFACE. both for the incentive, which is the effect of example. and as an act of justice. As it lias been our aim to give a truthful presentation of all important matters connected with the career of the distinguished subject of these pages, so has it been our endeavor to do justice to all concerned in the events of which they treat. The sources from which the material is drawn are authentic, and we are not conscious that partiality or predilection has exercised an influence in its authorship or compilation. As the object has been to make it a national work, and one of permanency, no class or party has been favored at the expense of another. C. F. P. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I Nativity of General Taylor,— Education.— His Youth.— Qualities of Mind, etc.— Physical Powers. — Joins the Army. — Promoted.— Heroic Defence of Fort Har- rison. — Promoted. — In Florida. — Battle of Okee-cho-bee. — Placed at Head of Army in Florida. — Resigns. — Takes Command of Second Department 7 CHAPTER II. General Taylor called to Texas.— Object of the Expedition.— -The Policy.— Gen- eral Taylor's Position. — Innuendo repelled — General Taylor's grand Plan. — Its consummation. — General Survey of the Ground. — Critical Extract 13 CHAPTER III. General Taylor continued. — Critical examination of the Battles of the 8th and 9th May. — The Light-Artillery Arm. — Investigation of the Causes of these Victories. — Demonstrations of Approbation. — President confers a Brevet. — Resolutions and Sword of Louisiana and Tennessee. — Thanks of Congress. General Taylor's Talents as a Military Man and General.— Qualities of Heart. — Personal Appearance. — Rough and Ready. — His Dress. — Character- istic Anecdote. — Political Opinions. — Habits, etc < 19 CHAPTER IV. Captain Taylor in 1812. — His gallant defence of Fort Harrison. — His attempt to send dispatches to Governor Harrison. — Colonel Russel with his Rangers. ... 30 CHAPTER V General Taylor's Expedition to the Prophet's Town.— Promotion to Major.— Re- pairs to Florida. — Battle of Okee-cho-bee 3" CHAPTER VI. Battle of Okee-cho-bee concluded.— Effect of this Battle.— Colonel Taylor given in Command of Posts.— Promotion. — Takes Command of Army in Florida.— Resigns, — Ordered to Texas «•«•« « 43 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Page. Major Ringgold. — His Nativity. — Joins General Seott'a Staff — Enters Service as Lieutenant — Went to Fori Moultrie. — Assigned to Company C. — Forme Company. — The Flying Artillery. — Ordered to Texas. — II cea in the Battle of Palo Alto. — Is wounded. — His Death.— Remarks of a Baltimore Editor. — Eulogy of a Philadelphia Editor and Judge of Court 50 CHAPTEK VIII. Major Brown. — Colonel Cross, and Captain Walker. — Captain Mont- gomery 56 CHAPTER IX. Captain C. A, M iv. — Ldcotbm int Randolph Rtdglev 65 (ii vrrr.n x. Movements of the Army of Occupation from Corpus ("hristi. — All Matters con- nected with the Campaign to the time of the Enemy's crossing the Rio Grande. — Letter of General Taylor 71 CHAPTER XI. Captain Thornton's Expedition. — Principal Events to the Leaving of General Taylor for Point Isabel. — Bombardment of _ Fort Brown 77 CHAPTER XII. Battle of Palo Alto &2 CHAPTER XIII. Battle of Resaca de la Palma $8 CHAPTER XIV. Incident- of Personal Valor. — Libot. Gordon. — Libi r. Black. — Captain Lowd. — Names of Officers from New York State . ... 91 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER I. Nativity of General Taylor.— Education.— His Youth.— Qualities of Mind, etc.— Physical Powers. — Joins the Army. — Promoted. — Heroic Defence of Fort Harri- son.— Promoted.— In Florida.— Battle of Okee-cho-bee.— Placed at Head of Army in Florida. — Resigns. — Takes Command of Second Department. The subject of this sketch has been distinguished in his profes- sion as an officer in the United States Army for more than thirty years ; but recently circumstances have ushered him most bril- liantly, and with overwhelming triumph, before the American people , Thirty-four years ago his military talents were put to the test on a fearful and trying occasion, when assailed by wild savages in numbers twenty times his own, and were found to be of a superior order and adequate to the emergency requiring almost superhu- man abilities. Again his valor and military genius exhibited them- selves in a bold and difficult achievement, executed with a great disparity of force and inferior advantages of position, and they redounded to his own honor and the glory of his country. But what shall be the measure of commendation, the meed of grati- tude, or limit of wonder and admiration to be rendered for the glo- rious and unparalleled triumphs of our arms on the Rio Grande through the guidance of the same master spirit ? Zachary Taylor was born in Orange county, Virginia, in 1790. He is son of Colonel Richard Taylor, who emigrated from Virginia about 1792, and settled near Louisville. His father was a man of good parts, and held several responsible stations under government. Zachary, together with his elder brother, Hancock, received the rudiments of his education from a private tutor, named S LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. Elisha Ayres, a native of Connecticut, and a man of exemplary habits, sterling moral character, and peculiarly well calculated to instruct the juvenile mind, and mould it for future usefulness. He n c< ived Zachary under his charge at the age of six years, and at thai tune Colonel Richard was collector of the port of Louisville. .Mr Ayres is still living, upwards of seventy years of age, and re- in his native town of Preston, in the vicinity of Norwich, Connecticut. He takes pleasure in recounting anecdotes of Colonel Richard and his family, and particularly of Zachary, as he still calls him. He represents his former pupil to have been a bright scholar, --mil an active and inquisitive mind, studious in his habits, though of sanguine temperament, apt, yet having depth, and prom- most fair for a career of usefulness in the walks of life. He had mental qualities of judgment, contcmplativencss, stability, and shrewdness not often found in youth, and far above his years. But a peculiar trait was firmness, not always attendant on an ardent temperament, and which, in such a connection, has been found to be an important characteristic in the soldier. Sudden and warm impulses produce grand achievements when occasion offers, and when properly directed by the concomitants of judgment and firm- i' — ; and though bravery may exist in an eminent degree, a phleg- matic temperament is calculated to restrain the exercise of it at a •.inn when it might lead to glorious results. No one can be an : tiring and brilliant soldier without enthusiasm in his love of ;ountry and patriotism, and to which a predisposition to indolence, particularly of mind, is discouraging. Though we arc no eulogist of juvenile precocity, we think we perceive in these traits, as rep- resi tlted, the budding of a character which has been developed to '.he honor of our arms and crcdil of tin 1 republic. Anecdotes of the subject of this brief memoir arc related, one of which, regarding his physical energies as well as love of excite- ment, is his having swum across the Ohio river at Louisville — a !i at. though almost incredible, yet well attested to. His life has ever been an active one, and in youth he mingled much with the sports and amusements of the time, exercised his bodily powers in per- forming feats of strength and difficulty, the accomplishment of LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. which would often excite the wonder and applause of friends and rivalry of others. It is related that, in his youthful days, he mani- fested a great fondness for every thing connected with military, and looked forward, with great anxiety, to the day when he should become a soldier, or belong, in some capacity, to the army. With this view, even before he commenced a course of rigid tactical in- struction, he might be seen alone, or with his comrades, practising the different evolutions of a company drill with as much gravity and emulation as though under orders before an enemy, or going through the manual exercise with the sang froid of an accom- plished ' fugleman.' At the age of eighteen he entered the United States Army, as a lieutenant in the seventh regiment of infantry, immediately after the British attack upon the frigate Chesapeake, and remained at different posts in the west until the commencement, and through the war of 1812. He was promoted to the rank of captain previ- ous to the breaking out of hostilities, and was engaged in active service under Governor Shelby in his native state, or in Indiana, against the Indians that were constantly committing depredations on our infant settlements, and spreading death and destruction through this part of the country. In the latter part of 1812, Captain Taylor was invested with the command of Fort Harrison, in Indiana, a small, not strongly de- fended fort, and situated in the heart of a country inhabited by the Miamis, or Weas, and other hostile savages. In September of that year a fierce attack was made on the fort by a large body of the Prophet's party. The principal defences consisted of an upper and lower blockhouse, and a fort with two bastions ; but at this time not more than twenty effective men could be mustered in the garrison, the rest being sick, convalescent, or disabled, and of these, in the crisis that tried the soul of the commander, two of the stoutest jumped the pickets and deserted. The details of this san- guinary assault and valiant defence are given in a subsequent chapter. The bravery, skill, and shrewdness displayed by Captain Taylor while in command of this post inspired his comrades and his country with confidence in his superior abilities as an officer. The 2 10 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. defence he made, to which we have alluded, under the trying diffi- culties of fire, a savage foe, and desertion, was sufficient to estab- lish Ins reputation as an officer and soldier of the most sterling qualities. Major-general Hopkins, in his dispatch to Governor Shelby, says : " The firm and almost unparalleled deferu > of Fort Harrison by Captain Z. Taylor has raised for him a fabric oj character not to I"- effaced by my eulogy." For Captain Taylor's gallantry on this occasion, President Madi- son conferred upon him the rank of major by brevet, and this is said to he the oldest brevet in the army. Not long subsequent to this. Major Taylor went on an expedi- tion against the Prophet's town and the Winnebago town, under G il Hopkins. These, together with a Kickapoo village on Ponse Passu crock, were destroyed. Major Taylor was very active in these operations, ami in commending the officers in his dispatch, General Hopkins says: " An I also to Captain Z. Tay- lor, of the 7th I'nii. St - regiment, for a prompt and efficient support in every instance." After the close of the war, Major Taylor shifted his position, but remained in the west the greater portion of the time for several years, removing from post to post as the interest of the service called him. Winn the war in Florida broke out, he was called thither. In the mean time he had been promoted to the rank ot colonel. He was at the head of the first brigade, quartered at Fort Gardner, south of the Withlacochee, when lie proceeded against the Seminoles and Micasukies, under Alligator and Sam Jones, and had the desperate struggle with these forces at Okee- cho-bee. The particulars of this battle will also be found in these pages. Colonel Taylor had received a challenge from the Seminole chief, Alligator, to come on, which the colonel accepted instanter* The Indians had selected a strong position, in a thick swamp, cov- ered in front by a small Btream, whose quicksands rendered it almosl impassable. A breastwork, composed of the growth of a hummock, thickly interwoven, concealed and partly protected the Indians in front, their flanks being secured by impassable swamps. Sam Jones and Coa-coo-chcc were behind these barriers with LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 11 Alligator and seven hundred of their tribes, true marksmen, every man. Colonel Taylor approached them with about five hundred men, regulars and Missouri volunteers, under Colonel Gentry. They passed the stream, sinking to their middle in mire, mounted the breastwork, and fought hand to hand, the Indians disputing every inch of ground. After a most sanguinary engagement of three hours, the enemy was driven from his post, and Colonel Taylor gained a most complete and brilliant victory. The loss, however, on both sides was great. The gallant Colo- nels Gentry and Thompson, Captain Van Swearingen, and Lieu- tenants Carter and Brook, fell at the heads of their command. During the whole engagement Colonel Taylor remained on horse- back, passing from point to point, cheering his men to the conflict, and exposed to the Indian rifle at every moment. For this achievement the president conferred on Colonel Taylor the brevet rank of brigadier-general. General Taylor represented this as " the most trying scene of his life ;" but he was destined to encounter one equally hazardous on the Rio Grande, and from which he emerged, if possible, with •* greater honor to his name. General Taylor now established himself at Fort Basenger, on the Kissimmee. He had now been transferred to the first infantry, and it becoming necessary to establish posts about Tampa Bay and along the eastern coast, Mr. Poinsett, then Secretary of War, recommended to Major-general Jessup that General Taylor be placed in command of them. In the fore part of 1839 Major-general Jessup was ordered to the seat of government to resume the duties of Quartermaster- general, and the command of the army in Florida was given to General Taylor. In the mean time peace had been proclaimed, and the duties of the commander were far from being onerous ; lie was relieved in 1840 by Brigadier-general Armistead, after four years at least of indefatigable service in the swamps and hummocks of that unhealthy country. General Taylor was next assigned the command of the second department, which was in the year following, and repaired to his 12 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. head-quarters at Fort Gibson, on the Arkansas. On his way, lie was offered a public dinner at Little Rock, by the citizens of that place, as a token of esteem for his "meritorious services in Flo- rida," but declined on account of haste to assume command. The lepartment of the army, including the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, &c, was next given to his command, and he repaired to Fort Jessup, where the order to assume command of the " Arni> of Observation" reached him. LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 13 CHAPTER II. General Taylor called to Texas.— Object of the Expedition.— The Policy.— General Taylor's Position. — Innuendo repelled — General Taylor's grand Plan. — Its consum- mation. — General Survey of the Ground. — Critical Extract. We have thus briefly hinted at some of the leading events in the life of this accomplished and successful general, up to the period he was called to the command of our forces about to proceed to Texas, a more minute detail of which appears in the regular order of the narrative. The object of this expedition, it is well known, was to invest that territory lying between the Rio Nueces and the Rio Grande or Bravo del Norte, a tract of land claimed to belong to Texas, and by the articles of annexation made over to the United States. We shall not make it our province to question the policy of taking forcible possession of a territory known to be held in dis- pute by two free and independent republics ; but nothing is clearer than that the commander of the American forces but complied with implicit instructions of the Department, which were his guarantee and justification. We cannot say that neutrality would have been preserved had possession not been taken, and it would seem that the acquisition of the republic — but in equal part interested in the dispute — by a third power did not change the position of affairs, or authorize such power to invest the territory. Be this as it may, however, on the 28th of March, 1846, the United States army took up its quarters opposite Matamoras, and planted the United States flag in the an- cient department of Tamaulipas. The position which General Taylor selected is adjudged to be the most favorable. His force, there can be no doubt, was entirely inadequate to the position which he assumed ; censure cannot find a resting place, however, on the commander-in-chief for this error, if so it was. As a fearless and ready soldier, he repaired to the place assigned him, with the means furnished to his hands. If there was an error in judgment, in the department, it became too late to repair it by the commander, if he felt so disposed, when his 14 LI FK OK GENERAL TAYLOR. observation led him to perceive it. It was also i ntir< \ problemati- cal, whether the Mexicans would take upon themselves the office of ejecting our troops from the soil thus invested ; but, more than this, the probabilities were that they would not. These probabili- ties amounted to nearly certainly, judging from the unstable state of the government of that republic, their civil dissensions, and the dispersed and disaffected state of their troops ; and no doubt had their influence with the department in determining the amount oi force to be sent. Still, the assuming a hostile position — for such it is fair to term it, since it was not proposed to preserve neutrality simply, and one portion of those interested and engaged in the dispute of the soil were not only admitted, but took active part in the occupation — without the presence of a sufficient force to maintain it in any < on- ceivable emergency, seems to us an ovt rsight, to say the least, that might have resulted in dishonor to our arms. What then do we owe to the commander and those valorous spirits who fought their way, hand to hand, against an opposing force double their number, through a dilemma of an appalling nature in which they had been involved, to a brilliant and triumphant victory ! A writer remarks of General Taylor, in allusion to the subject — " If he erred in his estimate of the forces which the Mexicans could bring to assault the position which government had ordered him to take upon the Rio Bravo, and if, owing to that error, he allowed the army under his command to be placed in great peril, as well as his munitions, provisions, and his line ot intercourse with the ultimate resources on which the army was to rely, — if General Taylor allowed all these to be placed in greal peril, it at least afforded him an opportunity of exercising and exhibiting the highest military genius in extricating bimseli from all those difficultii The hypothesis conveyed above, as furnishing evidence of a want of foresight in the American commander, as well as ground for in- nuendo or oblique censure, (we think unmeant,) is entirely imagi- nary. General Taylor was well informed as to the amount of Mexican force on the frontier when he arrived there, a lame portion of which had previously advanced t" meet him headed by General Mejia, the commander at Matamoras ; and which force was esti- LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 15 mated at about two thousand soldiers and five hundred rancheros, under Mejia, Garcia, La Vega, and Laveriego. Upon arriving at Point Isabel, General Taylor set about establishing permanent defences for the protection of his stores, proceeded to the site op- posite Matamoras, which he designated for the head-quarters of the army, and placed nearly two-thirds of his army at once in erecting fortifications, and constructing means of defence, not for present emergency, but with the view of rendering his position impregnable against an anticipated force far more formidable. The expedition with which he prosecuted this labor, the permanent character of the work, at least the effort used with the facilities to give it this character, and the care manifested in the disposition of the brigades, speak as to the presentiments of the commanding general. At length, in twelve days after his reaching this point, the ex- pected force arrived. General Arista entered Matamoras with two hundred cavalry, leaving an army of from two to three thousand behind him, soon to arrive. Was General Taylor alarmed ? There is no evidence of it. Did he call for volunteers at that moment ? By no means. Could he have " erred" — quoting from the above paragraph — "in his estimate of the forces which the Mexicans could bring to assault his position ?" It seems he did not. He states in his communication of the 15th of April, that Ampudia's force, soon expected to Matamoras, was variously estimated at from two to three thousand, besides the two hundred cavalry he had with him. This estimate, compared with subsequent accounts, and the known number of Arista's command — that general having assumed the place of Ampudia — at Palo Alto, is found to have been nearly correct. General Taylor, then, was aware of the force to be brought against him, and looked calmly on, because he felt secure in his position. The following few lines from his dispatch to the department, sets the matter on this point at rest. " Notwithstanding the alternative of war presented by Ampudia" — this general had, upon his arrival at Matamoras to take command, notified the American commander to withdraw within twenty-four hours with his forces, and retire beyond the Nueces—" no hostile 16 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. movement has yet been made by his force. Whether he will feel strong enough to attempt any thing when all his force shall arrive, is very doubtful. Our brigades occupy strong positions, beyond reach of the fire from town, and can hold themselves against many times their number of Mexican troops. Lithe mean time our de- fences here and at Point Isabel are daily gaining strt ngth. The latter point is well supplied with artillery, and is in a good condi- tion to resist attack." No alarm is manifested here, no volunteers are called for or aid demanded ; yet this is four days after the arrival of Ampudia, and three subsequent to the menacing notice of that general. The same dispatch, however, contains the following : " I shall author- ize the raising of two companies of Texan mounted men for service in this quarter, particularly for the purpose of keeping open our communication with Point Isabel, and relieving the regular cavalry of a portion of their duties, which are now oppressive." We have taken some pains to reply, though briefly, to the con- structive imputation conveyed in the paragraph we have quoted, which represents General Taylor as having " allowed the army under his command to be placed in great peril," the more as that article appears as original in the most valuable register in this country. Now take a broad glance of all matters connected with the management of the " Army of Occupation," the present i nation, and sec whether a perfect system for maintaining the honor of our arms is not manifest, the operations of which have led to the happiest and most glorious results. The commanding general finds himself at Corpus Christi with two regiments of infantry and the second dragoons ; and on the border of the enemy's country . with a force that (.annul be immediately increased. He hears of an opposing force, certainly much larger than his own, meditating an attack. He surveys his mound, his resources, his position with i to his stores, and the general alternative to which he is driven. Two points must be defended. The probably first move- ment of the enemy will be to intercept the communication between his depot of stores and camp, and the capture of the first-named. His works opposite Matamoraa are completed, and so constructed that five hundred men will maintain them against the direction of LIFE OP GENERAL TAYLOR. 17 even the whole of the opposing force. He can withdraw with the balance of his army, about two thousand two hundred men, repair to Point Isabel, and maintain that post against an attack, or return with munitions and supplies, which were greatly needed in camp. A portion of the enemy's force must necessarily be employed in reducing Fort Brown, while the balance might be attacked by General Taylor in person, if concentrated at Point Isabel, or inter- posed between the two points. He sets out according to his plan, leaving Major Brown with five or six hundred men to defend the works. He meets with no oppo- sition on the route. As predicted, the bombardment of the fort commenced upon its being ascertained by the enemy that the prin- cipal part of the American force had left. General Taylor arrives at Point Isabel, where he remains until satisfied that no attack on that post is meditated, learning, in the mean time, that all is safe at Fort Brown, then commences his return with his munitions and stores. He meets the enemy in large numbers, fairly engages with them, comes out victorious in two sanguinary battles, drives him from the soil across the Rio Grande, and his army receives their supplies, and the intercourse with the depot is amply secured. Who can imagine a more beautiful working of a grand system, a magnificent plan ? — more glorious results, even with superior ad- vantages, much less in an emergency ? Here was displayed the highest military genius, and the hero of Palo Alto and Reseca de la Palma has conferred on his country an obligation that time should scarcely efface. " So far as we have been able to distin- guish and have capacity to judge," says a writer, speaking of these events, and whose views vary slightly from our own, " no officer, placed under the circumstances in which he found himself, could have acted with more coolness, prudence, or courage than General Taylor displayed upon this occasion. Not so fastidious of his own reputation as to endanger the safety and comfort of his command for one moment unnecessarily by concealing the danger to which he found them exposed, or rashly to risk the issue of a now very doubtful contest to those forces which had heretofore been consid- ered ample for the occasion, he very prudently summoned the neighboring states to his assistance, apprizing fully of the necessity 3 18 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. of prompt movement, and yet, while wisely providing for contin- gencies, his own measures were taken as though no dependence was to be placed upon such assistance arriving in time, as in fact il did not, to save him from having so large odds to contend with. If there be one plume which General Taylor has won in this affair which is entitled to more commendation than all others, it was this proof of the highest qualifications for a commander, to which we have just alluded. " It is gratifying, however, to him and his countrymen that his own resources were found sufficient for the occasion. To him it must be gratifying, because, if honors were to be won, 'the Army of Occupation,' men and officers, were fairly entitled to the honor of winning and wearing them ; and it is truly gratifying to his countrymen to observe and acknowledge how gallantly they have won. and how gracefully they wear those honors." LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 19 CHAPTER III. General Taylor continued. — Critical examination of the Battles of the 8th and 9th May. The Light Artillery Arm. — Investigation of the Causes of these Victories. — Demonstrations of Approbation.— President confers a Brevet.— Resolutions and Sword of Louisiana and Tennessee.— Thanks of Congress.— General Taylor's Talents as a Military Man and General.— Qualities of Heart.— Personal Ap- pearance.— Rough and Ready.— His Dress.— Characteristic Anecdote.— Political Opinions. — Habits, etc. The details of the battles on the Rio Grande will be found in another place, and we had intended the reader of this edition should be left to analyze them, and form his own opinion as to the magni- tude of the victories. But finding a critical examination at hand, and so exactly suited to our mind, we cannot refrain from giving it almost entire in these pages; the more especially as from its appear- ing originally in the Courier and Enquirer newspaper, we should presume it penned by Colonel Webb himself, which places its au- thority and value beyond question. It assumes the stand that these victories are unparalleled, and that record furnishes no instances of such glorious achievements under similar circumstances. We have never seen the critical examination to which the writer alludes. The writer of this paper, after quoting the concluding portions of General Taylor's reports of the two battles, wherein the general states the amount of his own and the enemy's force and loss in killed and wounded, says : " We have made the above extracts, with a view of examining somewhat more critically, the gallant affairs of the 8th and 9th of May, to demonstrate the leading cause of those extraordinary victo- ries, and to sustain the position we assumed immediately after the receipt of the intelligence of these battles, that they were the most gallant affairs on record, and that in modern times, never had such victories been obtained by any army opposed to such fearful odds — both armies consisting of disciplined troops ! We did not put forth this declaration without reflection ; it has frequently been the sub ject of discussion ; it has drawn forth criticism and a critical exam 20 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. ination ; and we still contend that it is not onl] ■ accurate, but that even those most disposed to underrate the services of our little army, cannot gainsay it. " General Taylor, in his peculiarly modest manner, says — 'It is probable six thousand men were opposed to us, [1700,] and in a position selected by themselves, and strongly defended with artil- lery.' The whole tenor of the general's dispatches, proves an anxious desire not to overrate the numbers opposed to him or the character of his victories ; and the concurrent testimony of the officers of both armies, leaves no question that on the 9th of May, the enemy had actually engaged, upwards of seven thousand troops, or more than four times the number opposed to them ; and it is equally certain, that their loss greatly exceeded in killed, wounded, and missing, one thousand. General Taylor accounts for four hundred buried by our troops in the two actions ; and Colonel Twites, in a letter now before us, says, ' we find in the hospitals at Matamoras three hundred and eighty-two wounded soldiers and several officers, and very many wounded accompanied the retreat- ing army.' This, it must be borne in mind, was on the 18th of May — nine days after the battle ; and an officer writes that the number buried at Matamoras between the 9th and l v t!i must have been several hundred. Our conviction is, that in the two engage- ments the enemy's loss was nearer h << than on thousand ; and this fact is very material, as demonstrating the character of the Mi troops, and proving that an army seldom fought better. They did not retreat on the night of the 8th, ma- even on the 9th, until at least one-seventh of their whole army had been either killed or wounded ; or, in Other words, until our army hail rendered hors du combed a number exceeding one-half of OUT whole army. " These facts prove that the Mexicans foughl bravely. It is ad- mitted en all hands, that they were admirably disciplined, the (lower of the Mexican army — and composed of officers raid men who had been engaged in battle after battle, and had nobly earned for them- - the title of n tferans. This army, commanded, as has said, by one of the most gallant and accomplished artillery officers of the age, (Arista,) selected its position, and arranged at leisure its Inn- of defence, composed I t three batterii - of artillery supported LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 21 by five thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry — whose boast is, that they are the best cavalry in the world ; and that they are brave, daring, and the best horsemen on the continent, is fully ad- mitted. Thus posted, this army is assailed by the American army only one-fourth as strong. General Taylor reports that its artillery, with the exception of Ringgold's and Duncan's eight pieces of light artillery, was parked with his immense baggage train and provi- sions a great distance in the rear, and was only employed in pur- suing the enemy after he had been completely routed. Thus then, the naked fact is presented to the consideration of the country, that our army attacked the Mexicans ' strongly posted in a position selected by themselves.' The forces thus posted and assailed, were composed of veterans, disciplined troops, four times as numer- ous as their assailants, with a heavier train of artillery, and nearly five times as many cavalry ! They fought bravely for three hours ; lost one-seventh of their whole number ; and then were literally dis- persed by the bayonets of our troops — throwing their muskets at our men in the spirit of desperation, and swearing that they were devils incarnate ! " Such was the battle of Resaca de la Palma, and such, too, was that of Palo Alto on the day preceding it. To judge of this achieve- ment and compare it with European battles, we need only ask our- selves, on what occasion have eighty thousand disciplined troops strongly posted, in position selected by themselves, been driven from that position, routed and cut to pieces, by twenty thousand ? When and where, did any army thus conquer, rout and completely disperse, four times its number of brave and disciplined troops, who fought in a manner which, under ordinary circumstances, enti- tled them to victory ? When such affairs can be found in modern history, we will yield to them the palm. But we know that there are no such battles on record ; and we desire to impress upon our countrymen, that our little army under General Taylor has achieved for itself a reputation, such as no other army has ever won in mod- ern times, and the scene of which will hereafter be referred to as another Thermopylae." The writer goes on further to state the causes which produced these victories, and the position which he has taken seems to be 22 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. fully sustained. For our own part, we feel inclined to add our opinion that to one particular arm of the Bervice may be attributed a large share of the execution that crowned the result of those me- morable days with success. The splendid corps of light artillery, directed by their fearless and disciplinarian coins: dealt death among the ranks of the enemy with a double hand. Their expe- ditious advances, their strategic manoeuvres, their unlimbering with the speed of lightning, and the deadly aim of their ordnance, spread confusion, terror, and destruction through dense columns to which their operations were directed. There was no evasion of this ter- rible arm except in flight ; no approach to its batteries but with immense loss. The writer goes on : — "Now a few words as to the causes which produced these two victories. We said on the 12th of Mav, when apprehensions were very general for the fate of our army, we felt very certain, that be- fore that day, General Taylor had met and dispersed the entire force of the enemy, if it was not more than four times as gr his own ! We said that this opinion was based upon a knowledge. that no disciplined troops ever yet abandoned their officers ; that we knew our old comrades well, knew of what material they were composed — what West Point had made them — and thai they would never yield or retreat. We knew that every officer in that little army, was prepared for victory or death ; and that such beii case, and knowing their men were disciplined and would certainly stand by them, we felt that victory was inevitable, unless the op- posing force was so great as to forbid ility ; in which cas • our whole army would be cul to piect s — selling their lives dearly, but never yieldin . Lnd such, too, would have been their conduct, and such the result of this affair, if the opposing i English instead ol M< lican. "To this gallantry and determination on the part of our officers, we arc indebted for the glorious achievements of the 8th and 9th of May; and an examination into the killed and wounded, very certainly demonstrates this fact. W hen in order of battle, the offi ccrs arc always posted with a view to their greater security, as they are required to conduct the battle. Thus the company officers are LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 23 immediately in the rear of their men in line of battle, and the field and staff, still further in the rear ; and it is admitted to be a sound calculation, that when the proportion of officers to the rank and file is as one to twenty, the proportion of killed and wounded should be one officer to every forty of the rank and file, owing to the greater security of their position, intended to preserve their lives. Now let us apply this calculation to the battle of Resaca de la Palma. " In that ever memorable affair, the proportion of officers to the rank and file, was as one to thirteen ; and therefore, according to European calculation, the proportion of killed and wounded, should have been one to twenty-six. Now what are the facts ? The total of killed and wounded is one hundred and twenty-two, of whom fifteen were commissioned officers, or one out of every eight ! " Here, in a few words, the country has the means of determin- ing how it was that seventeen hundred American troops drove from their selected position, defeated and utterly routed, four times their number of disciplined Mexican cavalry, artillery, and infan- try ! — Here is the true cause of the victories of the 8th and 9th of May, being the most wonderful in the history of modern warfare. Our officers fought in front of their men. They literally led them to the cannon's mouth ; and as the history of these battles proves, when their swords were useless, threw them away, picked up the muskets and accoutrements of those who had fallen, and with these, set their men an example of coolness and daring which made every private in the little army feel himself a hero. When officers thus lead their men up to the very mouths of the enemy's cannon ; when sword in hand, or with the bayonet, they drive the enemy from their guns, and then themselves perform the work of gunners ; when for hours, as was the case in our flying artillery, the officers helped work the guns, and in some cases did the duty of three pri- vates — victory is certain — inevitable. Such was the character of the battles of the 8th and 9th of May — such the manner in which they were won — and such the conduct of our officers. Under such circumstances, our whole army might have been destroyed ; but if not, then was victory absolutely certain. We care not how exalted the character of the troops opposed to them, or to what nation they belonged, in this, their first fight after years of peace and the taunts 24 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLuR. of members of Congress, it was morally and physically impossible in rr.-i>t them. Honor — unfading and perpetual honor — to General Taylor, the gallant officers who so nobly sustained him, and to the army of heroes they led to victory on the 8th and 9th of May, 1846 ; and most fortunate for them and for the country was it, that we had no undisciplined volunteers or militia in those battles. We doubt not their courage ; but no undisciplined troops could have fought those fights. It would have been morally impossible for any such to have withstood the fire of the enemy on those days and do what was required of our soldiers and officers ; and had there- been any faltering — had a single battalion given way, as they most assuredly would — the enemy would have been encouraged to per- severe, and our whole army might have been annihilated and cut to pieces. Never was the value of disciplined men more triumph- antly demonstrated than on these glorious occasions ; and since we have learned that General Taylor compels the volunteers with him to receive six hours' drilling per day, and relieves them from all other duties to make soldiers of them, we venture to predict that they too, when they meet the enemy, will add to the reputation of our arms. ' Rough and Ready' will first make them soldiers, and then win victories with them." The London Herald remarks : " The proceedings of the soldiers under General Taylor have been such as to do honor to the Re- public. The little army amounting to but a handful of men, at a distance of thousands of miles from any available succor, has de- fended itself against BUperior numbers, and at length has crossed the Rio Grande, and took possession of Matamoras, almost insight of an opposing enemy — an exploit which Napoleon has pronounced to be the perfection of generalship" There seems to In.: some discrepancy in the estimates of the enemy's force, which is nol satisfied by the accounts given by the enemy himself. The number of his force is generally set down at s\ thousand or thereabouts. We shall now proceed \o notice some of the demonstrations of his countrymen towards General Taylor for his achievements on the Rio Grande, his character as a man and a soldier, his talents, politics, personal appearance, etc. LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 25 Upon the receipt of the communication of General Taylor, giving a report of the engagements on the Bravo del Norte on the 8th and 9th of May, the President, in a letter from his own hand to General Taylor, commends the gallantry of those concerned, and transmits a brevet of Major-General to the commander himself, which com- pliment and appointment were sanctioned by the senate. The legislature of Louisiana, then in session, promptly, and by acclamation, adopted a set of resolutions expressing thanks to Gen- eral Taylor and the officers under his command for the gallantry displayed by them on those occasions ; and also passed an act in- stanter appropriating a sword to the commanding general, and ap- pointed a committee of their own body to repair to the seat of war and present them to the hero, an honor never before conferred on an American general, that we are aware. The legislature of Ten- nessee did the same. Mr. Zacharie, chairman of the committee, in presenting the resolutions and thanks of the legislature of Louisiana, said : " My own heart and the heart of every Louisia- nian, approves of the beautiful sentiments of these resolutions. In behalf of the state of Louisiana, I thank you and your brave army for the additional lustre which these glorious victories have shed upon American arms." General Taylor, after paying a high compliment to Louisiana and to the chivalry of her sons, concludes thus : " The generous and timely action of the legislature of Louisiana will never be forgotten by us ; its name will be embalmed in our hearts as a cherished memorial. We feel that we have only done our duty ; yet we cannot but feel highly gratified to have gained the approbation of our fellow-citizens. Together with the love of our country, which is common to us all, it is that approbation which cheers and animates the soldier in the hour of battle. I therefore, in the name of my officers and men, thank you and the patriotic state which you represent for the honor conferred on us." Congress also, by a unanimous vote, returned thanks to the army for its gallant achievements on the Rio Grande, and the country, through all its avenues of expression, burst forth in one spontaneous demonstration of approbation and praise. The admiration for the hero of these battles was so strong and so 4 00 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. deep, that not only politicians, but the people id various parts of our union directed their eves towards him at once as a man suita- ble to be chosen to the Presidency at the next election, in 1848; and with this view, meetings were called, some of which put him in nomination for that high office, and others making an expression in his favor that cannot be mistaken. At Trenton, New Jersey, a meeting was called and resolutions passed. A popular speaker referred to the qualifications of Gen- i ral Taylor, as a general and a statesman, and his title to the grati- tude and affection of the American people, above any other man ; to his promptness and energy, as evidenced in his dispatches, and his whole conduct as a devoted patriot and a brave soldier. A meeting was also held in New York city, which complimented him highly on his military genius, and his achievements on the Rio < rrande. General Taylor possesses a high order of talents — a brilliant intellect, and wields a pen as he dors Ins sword, to the honor of his nation. His letters are admirable specimens of composi- tion, lucid and eloquent "The unassuming yel - - -- cool man of superior judgment, may be easily distinguished in his -A His modesty in detailing the events of his battles amounts nearly to a fault, and he is entirely tree of thai hyper- bole, which we acknowledge is too often characteristic of military ;ommanders. His Ian- 1 haste, his words well chosen, and the general tone of his communications evinces a mind well culti- vated and informed, and an education unni The London Times, the mosl powerful newspaper, as well as the rabid in its prejudices against America and every thing Am. ri can, of any in Great Britain, speaks thus of Gen.Tay tor's dispal " Tin' dispatches of ( reneral Taylor an' remarkable for their suc- cinct energy, and the absence oi rbose and grandili -trains which we are aeon-' meet with in narratives oi American exploits. Hewril i man of s< rise, skill, and cour- and we have not the Blightest wish to detract from the honors I i has gallantly earned under the flag of his country." The same pal havioi oi General Taylor and his ips : LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 27 " Whatever opinion we may entertain of the causes of this war, and the political motives in which it originated, the behavior of the American general and his troops deserves to be judged of by a much higher standard than the policy of the government which it is their duty to serve." His qualities of heart are such as do honor to mankind, and admirably fit him for the high station he holds, by elevating him in the affections of his comrades. Frank, affable, generous, feeling for the misfortunes or sufferings of his command, and making the alleviation of their distresses his first duty after conquering the foe, he is looked upon and regarded as a friend by his people, who would follow him to the very muzzle of an enemy's guns. As a general he is one of the best disciplinarians our army can boast. He is an experienced and tried soldier, elevated from one grade to another, almost in every instance for " meritorious ser- vices," and not by the adventitious aid of friends, or distinction of birth, to the rank of major-general. In his operations on the battle-field, he is wise, shrewd, and cautious ; deep, though clear- headed, in his plans, and when he strikes he strikes hard. A man of fearless courage, he takes the most active part in his engage- ments, and never urges his men where he would not go himself, '• Boys," said he, coolly riding into the hollow square into which the infantry was thrown during the battle of Resaca de la Palma, in order to receive the charge of the Mexican cavalry, " Boys, I will place myself in your square" and there witnessed the assault and repulse as if the regiment was merely manoeuvring on parade. He is a man of an iron constitution, and during his campaign in Florida acquired the appellation of "Rough and Ready," by which he is now sometimes designated. In person he is about five feet eight inches in height, square and broad across his shoulders, mus- cular in his frame, full chest, and somewhat inclined to stockiness. His face is full and round, with high cheek bones, browned much by the tropical suns. His eyes are of a sloe blackness, quick and piercing ; and his hair and brows thick and heavy, and also jetty black. He is perfectly republican in his habits, associations, and dress, but gentlemanly in his demeanor, and understands well what be- 28 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. to his rank while on duty. He has that industrious turn, thai spirit of activity and restlessness, which leads him to neglect or overlook his apparel, and were he not in his uniform, it would be a difficult matter at times to recognise him as a commanding general. A gentleman, now in this vicinity, and formerly an officer in the army, and attached to Col. Taylor's regiment, and therefore per- fectly well acquainted with him, had occasion to stop at Fort Jesup in Louisiana, some years ago, while Col. T. was stationed at that post. Col. T. was absent when he arrived, at a court-martial one hundred miles distant, on the Arkansas. Mr. K. was walking out one morning in the direction of Red River, which runs not far dis- tant from Fort Jesup, and on descending a slight declivity, he saw ahead of him a good sized, very dark man, jogging along on a dimin- utive jackass. The man was dressed in a very coarse black bom- bazine frock-coat, drab breeches, with the bottoms put under the long tops of his boots, black cravat tied loosely about his neck, on his head a coarse straw-hat, whose broad rim flapped up and down over his face as the motion of the animal stirred it, disclosing ever and anon a pair of lustrous black eyes, and his hair streaming in the breeze. The sides of the jackass were gored deeply by the action of the huge Spanish spurs, which the rider had upon his heels, and both rider and animal were covered with mud and dust, and withal looked much jaded. The rider was Colonei Taylor. He had rode across the country one hundred miles with the utmost speed to join his post. Our informant passed the "time of day'' with him, bill did not recognise him ; and on his return to post they bundled. heartily over the circumstance. Though possessing perhaps more vigor of mind, as a soldier and civilian General Taylor has much that cast possessed by the la- mented General Harrison. General Taylor, though arrived at high station, still possesses his republican simplicity and homeliness in camp, living, and attire. V writer from BrazoB do Santiago, Bpeaking of a visit to the Gen- eral's camp, says : ''lb' u.is introduced to a very plain, shabbily dressed old gentleman, of rather small stature, about sixty years "I age; and who looked, by his hardy appearance, as if he had LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 29 been encamping out all his life. This was the commander-in-chief of the army of occupation. He has been thirty-eight years in service on the frontiers of our country. One of his officers re- marked, that ' old as he is, he bears the fatigues and privations of the campaign better than any one under him.' He was affable, dignified, and in excellent spirits. His tent was no larger and no better than those of the other officers, and his table was his camp- chest, in which he carried his cooking utensils, &c. His plates were tin pans, and his cups tin pannikins. A small supply of brown sugar was kept in a cannister, and not a piece of crockery was to be seen. A party of six was thus entertained in homely style, and they all seemed to enjoy it abundantly." The above sketch is no doubt over-wrought, and contains one or two errors, particularly with regard to his stature and his dress. His dress is always plain, especially when in the field and in active service, but never shabby. His simplicity of habit is, however, proverbial, and is no discredit to his good sense. General Taylor, in politics, is a Whig, and was strongly opposed to the annexation of Texas. In conversation he is perfectly free and unreserved with his companions in arms, to the lowest grade of rank. His officers have no delicacy in riding up to his camp, at any time, and hailing him in the most familiar but respectful man- ner. They are always sure of a hearty welcome, and an invitation to alight and partake of his hospitalities. It has been said that he is habitually taciturn on the subject of his plans. This is a mis- take. He converses openly with his officers on all occasions in regard to his plan of operations, and consults them often on impor- tant movements. He is temperate in his habits, but can join a friend in a glass of wine with a rational gusto. He is industrious and assiduous in his vocation and duties, always attending to business before pleas- ure. He pays no regard to the pomp of war, and does not even avail himself of a marquee, which his rank entitles him to ; and while at Corpus Christi had no guard about his tent. He seldom appeared in uniform except in review, but wore a plain blue frock? jean pantaloons, and black cravat tied loosely about his neck. 30 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER IV. Captain Taylor in 1812. — His gallant defence of Fort Harrison. — Hie attempt to send dispatches to Governor Harrison. — Colonel Russel with his rang) In the fall of 1S12, Captain Taylor had command of Fort Har- rison. On the 3d of September a furious attack was made on this post by a large body of Indians, in the night-time, but the design of the savages was completely baffled by a handful of men under Captain T., through >urage and prudence. This attack and repulse is thus described by Captain Taylor himself in a letter to Governor Harrison. " On Thursday evening, the 3d instant, after retreat beating, four guns were heard to lire in the direction where two young men (citizens who resided here) were making hay, about lour hundred yards distant from the fort. I was immediately impressed with the idea that they were killed by the Indians, as the Miamis or V. as had that day informed me that the Prophet's party would soon be here for the purpose of commencing hostilities ; and that they had been directed to leave this place, which we were about to du. I did not think it prudent to send out at that late hour of the night to see what had become of them ; and their not coming in convinced me thai I was right in my'conjecture. I waited until eight o'clock next morning, when I sent out a corporal with a small parly to find them, if il could be done without running too much risk oi being drawn into an ambuscade. He soon sent back to inform me that he had found them both killed, and wished to know my further or- ders ; I sent the carl and oxen, had them brought in and buried; they had been Bho1 with two balls, scalped, and cut in a most shocking manner. Late in the evening ol the 4th instant, old Jo- seph Lenai and between thirty and forty Indians arrived from the Prophet's town with a white flag; among whom were about ten women, and the men wen con I chiefs of the different tribes that compose the Prophet's party. A Shawanee man that good English, informed me that old Lenar intended to speak LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 31 to me next morning and try and get something to eat. At retreat beating I examined the men's arms and found them all in good or- der, and completed their cartridges to sixteen rounds per man. As I had not been able to mount a guard of more than six privates and two non-commissioned officers for some time past, and sometimes part of them every other day, from the unhealthiness of the com- pany ; I had not conceived my force adequate to the defence of this post, should it be vigorously attacked, for some time past. " As I had just recovered from a very severe attack of fever, I was not able to be up much through the night. After tattoo, I cautioned the guard to be vigilant, and ordered one of the non-commissioned officers, as the sentinels could not see every part of the garrison, to walk round on the inner side during the whole night, to prevent the Indians taking any advantage of us, providing they had any inten- tion of attacking us. About eleven o'clock I was awakened by the firing of one of the sentinels. I sprang up, ran out, and or- dered the men to their posts ; when my orderly-sergeant (who had charge of the upper block-house) called out that the Indians had fired the lower block-house, (which contained the property of the contractor, which was deposited in the lower part, the upper having been assigned to a corporal and two privates as an alarm-post.) The guns had begun to fire pretty smartly from both sides. I di- rected the buckets to be got ready, and water brought from the well, and the fire extinguished immediately, as it was perceivable at that time ; but from debility or other cause the men were very slow in executing my orders. The word ' fire' appeared to throw the whole of them into confusion ; and by the time they had got the water, and broken open the door, the fire had unfortunately communicated to a quantity of whiskey, (the stock having licked several holes through the lower part of the buildings, after the salt that was stored there, through which they had introduced the fire without being discovered, as the night was very dark,) and in spite of every exertion we could make use of, in less than a mo- ment it ascended to the roof and baffled every effort we could make to extinguish it. As that block-house adjoined the barracks that make part of the fortifications, most of the men immediately gave themselves up for lost, and I had the greatest difficulty in getting 32 LIFE OF GENERAL TV. my orders executed ; and, sir, what from the caging of the fire — the yelling and howling of several hundred Indians — the cries of nine women and children, (a part soldiers' and a part citizens' wives, who had taken shelter in the fort,) and the desponding ol so many of the men, which was worse than all — I can assure you that my feelings were very unpleasant ; and indeed there were not more than ten or fifteen men able to do a great deal, the others being either sick or convalescent — and to add to our other misfor- tunes two of the stoutest men in the fort, and that I had even- confidence in, jumped the picket and left us. But my presence of mind did not for a moment forsake mc. I saw that by throwing pari of the roof that joined the block-house that was on fire, and keeping the end perfectly wet, the whole row of buildings might . ed, and leave only an entrance of eighteen or twenty feet for the Indians to enter after the house was consumed ; and that a temporary breastwork might be erected to prevent their even en- tering there. I convinced the men that this could be accomplished, audit appeared to inspire them with new life, and never did men act with more firmness or desperation. Those that were able (while the others kept up a constant fire from the other block- house and the two bastions) mounted the roofs of the houses with Dr. Clark at their head, (who acted with the greatest firmness and presence of mind the whole time the attack lasted, which was seven hours,) under a shower of bullets, and in less than a mo- ment threw off as much of the roof as was nec< ssary. This was done only with the loss of one man and two wounded, and I am in hope neither of them dangerous. The man that was killed was a little deranged, and did not get off the house as soon as directed, or he would not have been hurt; and although the barracks were 31 reral nines in a blaze, and an immense quantity oi lire againsl them, the men used such exertion that they kept it under, and be- fore day raised a temporary breastwork as high as a man's head although the Indians continued to pour in a heavy fire of ball and an innumerable quantity of arrows during the whole time the at- tack lasted, in every part of the parade. I had but one other man killed, nor any other wounded inside the fort, and he lost his lite by being too anxious. He got into one of the gallics in the bas- DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISON. 33 tions, and fired over the pickets, and called out to his comrades that he had killed an Indian, and neglecting to stoop down, in an instant he was shot dead. One of the men that jumped the pickets returned an hour before day, and running up towards the gate beg- ged for God's sake for it to be opened. I suspected it to be a strat- agem of the Indians to get in, as I did not recollect the voice. I directed the men in the bastion where I happened to be to shoot him, let him be who he would, and one of them fired at him, but fortunately he ran up to the other bastion, where they knew his voice, and Dr. Clark directed him to lie down close to the pickets, behind an empty barrel that happened to be there, and at daylight I had him let in. His arm was broke in a shocking manner ; which he says was done by the Indians, which I suppose was the cause of his returning. I think it probable that he will not recover. The other they caught about one hundred and thirty yards from the garrison, and cut him all to pieces. " After keeping up a constant fire until about six o'clock the next morning, which we began to return with some effect after daylight, they removed out of reach of our guns. A party of them drove up the horses that belonged to the citizens here, and as they could not catch them readily, shot the whole of them in our sight, as well as a number of their hogs. They drove off the whole of the cattle, which amounted to sixty-five head, as well as the public oxen. I had the vacancy filled up before night (which was made by the burning of the block-house) with a strong row of pickets, which I got by pulling down the guard-house. We lost the whole of our provisions, but must make out to live upon green corn until w r e can get a supply, which I am in hopes will not be long. I be- lieve the whole of the Miamies or Weas were among the Prophet's party, as one chief gave his orders in that language, which resem- bled Stone Eater's voice, and I believe Negro Legs was there like- wise. A Frenchman here understands their different languages ; and several of the Miamies and Weas, that have been frequently here, were recognised by the Frenchman and soldiers the next morning. The Indians suffered smartly, but were so numerous as to take off all that were shot. They continued with us until the next morning, but made no other attempt on the fort, nor have we 5 34 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. seen any thing more of them since. I have delayed informing you of my situation as I did not like to weaken the garrison, and I looked for some person from Vincennes, and none of my men were acquainted with the woods, and therefore I would either have to take the road or the river, which I was fearful was guarded by small parties of Indians that would not dare attack a company of rangers that was on a scout ; but being disappointed, J have at length determined to send a couple of my men by water, and am in hopes they will arrive safe. I think it would be best to send the provisions under a pretty strong escort, as the Indians may attempt to prevent their coming. If you carry on an expedition against the Prophet this fall, you ought to be well provided with every thing, as you may calculate on having every inch of ground dis- puted between this and there that they can defend with advantage. " Wishing, &C. " Z. Taylor/' Failing in this attempt to forward his dispatches, Captain Taylor writes Governor Harrison as follows, three days afterwards : — " Fort Harrison, Sept. 13, 1812. " Dear Sir,— I wrote you on the 10th instant, giving you an ac- count of an attack on this place, as well as my situation, which ac- count I attempted to send by water, but the two men whom J dis- patched in a canoe after night, found the river so well guarded that they were obliged to return. The Indians had built a lire on the bank of the river, a short distance below the garrison, which gave them an opportunity of seeing any craft that mighl attempt to pass, and were waiting with a canoe ready to intercept it. I expect the fort, as well as the road to Vincennes, is as well or better watched than the river. Bu1 my situation compels mo to make one other at- tempt by land, and my orderly Bergeant and one other man sets out to-night with strict orders to avoid the road in the day-time, and depend entirely on the woods, although neither of them have ever been in Vincennes by land, nor do they know any thing of the country, but 1 am in hopes the} will reach you in safety. I send them with great reluctance from their ignorance of the woods. I LIFE OP GENERAL TAYLOR. 35 think it very probable there is a large party of Indians waylaying the road between this and Vincennes, likely about the Narrows, for the purpose of intercepting any party that may be coming to this place, as the cattle they got here will supply them plentifully with provisions for some time to come. " Please, &c. " Z. Taylor " His Excellency, Governor Harrison." At the time of writing this letter Colonel Russel was within fifteen miles of Fort Harrison with a reinforcement of six hundred mounted rangers and five hundred infantry, though his approach was unknown to Captain Taylor, and arrived to his relief on the 16th. 36 LIFE OF OENEItAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER V. General Taylor's Expedition to the Prophet's Town. — Promotion to Major. — Repair* to Florida. — Battle of Okee-cho-b On the 11 th November, the army under Major-general Hopkins left Fort Harrison on an expedition to the Prophet's town, which they reached on the 19th; three hundred men were detached to surprise the Winnebago town, lying on Ponse Passu creek, one mile from the Wabash and four below the Prophet's. This party, commanded by General Butler, surrounded the place, but found it evacuated. On the three following days they were embarked in the destruction of the Prophet's town, a village of about forty cabins and huts, and the large Kick-a-poo village below it, on the other side of the river, consisting of one hundred and sixty cabins ; de- stroying the corn, reconnoitring the adjacent country, and con- structing works of defence. We cannot particularize the event- of this expedition, but suffice to say it proved highly successful, and Captain Taylor took a most active part in the business of the campaign. Major-general Hopkins, in his dispatch to Governor Shelby, in rendering his acknowledgments to the officers under his command, says, "as also to Captain Z. Taylor, of the 7th United States regiment, for a prompt and effectual support in every instance." On his return from this expedition Captain Taylor found a pack- age for him from tin" seat of government ; and upon iis being opened, was discovered to contain a commission from President Madison, conferring on him the rank of brevet Major, as a reward for his gallant defence of Fort Harrison, and bore the date of that event. M tjor Taylor was promoted to colonel in 1832, which has been his lineal rank until recently, when he was a). pointed by the Presi- dent and senate M uok-ci.mu u.. according to the provisions of an act passed the pres< at session to increase the Dumber v( ."Major and Brigadier-generals, etc. In the early part of the difficulties in BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 37 Florida he repaired thither, and few officers rendered the country better service in that campaign. On the 25th of December, 1837, was fought the disastrous battle of Okee-cho-bee, between Colonel Taylor and the Seminoles and Mickasukies under Alligator and Sam Jones. The United States army had now been in operation in Florida for two years, and Colonel Taylor was in command of the first brigade, at Fort Gard- ner, south of the Withlacoochee. On the 19th of December, he received a communication from Major-general Jesup, informing him that all hopes of bringing the war to a close by negotiation, through the interference or mediation of the Cherokee delegation, were at an end, Sam Jones, with the Mickasukies, having deter- mined to fight it out to the last ; and directing him to proceed with the least possible delay against any portion of the enemy he might hear of within striking distance, and to destroy or capture him. The next morning after receiving this communication, Colonel Taylor marched with the whole of his command, except an ade- quate force under two officers left to protect the depot, with twelve days' rations only, his means of transportation not enabling him to carry more. His force consisted of Captain Munro's company of the 4th artillery, consisting of thirty-five men; the 1st infantry, under Colonel Davenport, one hundred and ninety-seven strong ; the 4th infantry, under command of Lieutenant-colonel Foster, two hundred and seventy-four men ; the 6th infantry, under Lieutenant- colonel Thompson, two hundred and twenty-one men; the Mis- souri volunteers, one hundred and eighty men ; Morgan's Spies, forty-seven; and thirty pioneers, thirteen pontoniers, and seventy Delaware Indians ; making in all, exclusive of officers, one thou- sand thirty-two men ; the greater part of the Shawnees having been detached, and the balance refusing to accompany him, under the pretext that a number of them were sick, and the remainder were without moccasins. He moved down the west side of the Kissimmee, in a southerly course, towards Lake Istopoga, for the reasons that a portion of the hostiles were to be found in that direction ; that if General Jesup should fall in with the Mickasukies and drive them, they might at- tempt to elude him by crossing the Kissimmee from the east to the 38 LIFE OF GENERA I. TAYLOR. west side of the peninsula, between Fort Gardner and its entrance into Okee-cho-bee, in which case he might be near at hand to in- ; tliciii ; to overawe and induce such of the enemy as had l>rcn making propositions to give themselves up, and who had been Blow to fulfil their promises ; and also to erect block-houses and a small picket work on the Kissimmee, for a third depot, forty or fifty - below the fort, and obtain a knowledge of the country, as he had no guide to rely upon, and by this means open a communica- tion with Colonel Smith, who was operating up the Caloosehatchee or Sanybel river by his orders. In the evening of his first day's march. Colonel Taylor met the Indian chief Jumper, with his family, and a part of his band, con- sisting of fifteen men, some of them with families, and a few nc- 3— in all sixty-three souls, on his way to give himself up, in conformity to a previous arrangement Colonel Taylor had entered into with him. They were conducted by Captain Parks, a half-breed at the head of the friendly Indians, both Shawnees and Delawares. The army encamped that night near the spot, and the next morn- ing, having sent on Jumper and his party to Fort Frazer, Colonel Taylor continued his march, preceded by three Seminoles, to gain intelligence as to the position of the enemy. About noon of the same day, he sent forward one battalion of G< uncut, un- der command of Lieutenant-colonel Price, to pick up any strag- glers that might fall in his way ; to encamp two or three miles in advance of the main force; to act with great circumspection, and to communicate promptly any occurrence that might take place in his vicinity important for Colonel Taylor to know. About ten o'clock in the evening, Colonel Taylor received a note from Colonel Price, stating thai the three Seminoles sent forward in the morning had returned ; thai they had been al or when \ gator had encamped* twelve or fifteen miles in his advance; thai Alligator had hit there with a pari of his family four days before, pretexl of separating his relations. &c, from the Mickasu- preparatory to hia surrendering with them; that there were .! families remaining at the camp referred to, who wished to give themselves up, and would remain there until Colonel T. t ■• -k j 'i of them, unless tin \ were forcibly earned off thai BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 39 night by the Mickasukies, who were encamped at no great dis- tance from them. In consequence of this intelligence, after directing Lieutenant- colonel Davenport to follow him early in the morning with the in- fantry, a little after midnight Colonel Taylor put himself at the head of the residue of his mounted men, joined Lieutenant-colonel Price, proceeded on, crossing Istopoga outlet, and soon after day- light took possession of the encampment referred to, when he found the inmates had not been disturbed, amounting in all to twenty-two individuals. He learned from an old man among them that Alligator was anxious to give himself up, and he sent him to inform him that if he was sincere in his professions, he would meet him the next day, at a place designated, on the Kissimmee. When the infantry came up, Colonel Taylor moved on to the place of meeting with Alligator, which on reaching late in the eve- ning, encamped. At eleven o'clock the old Indian returned, bring- ing a very equivocal message from Alligator, whom he stated he had met accidentally. Also that the Mickasukies were still encamped on the opposite side of the river, where they had been for some days, and determined to have a fight with the United States troops. Colonel Taylor at once determined on indulging them as soon as practicable. Accordingly the next morning, after laying out a small stockade work for the protection of a future depot, in order to enable him to move with the greatest celerity, he deposited the whole of his heavy baggage, including artillery, &c, and having provisioned the command, to include the twenty-sixth, after leaving Captain Munroe with his company, the pioneer, pontoniers, with eighty-five sick and disabled infantry, and a portion of the friendly Indians, who alleged that they were unable to march further, crossed the Kissimmee, taking the old Indian as a guide who had been captured the day before, and who accompanied them with great apparent reluctance in pursuit of the enemy, and early the next day reached Alligator's encampment, situated on the edge of Cabbage-tree Hammock, in the midst of a large prairie ; from the appearance of which, and other encampments in the vicinity, and the many evidences of slaughtered cattle, there must have been several hundred individuals. 40 LIFl OF GENERAL 1WVL0R. The spies surprised another encampment at no great distance in the midst of a swamp, in which were a small party of young men, an old man, and some women and children, who raised the white flag, and were taken possession of. Tiny were Seminoles, and informed Colonel Taylor that the Mickasuki -. led by A-vi-a-ka, (Sam Jones,) was some ten or twelve miles distant, en- camped in a swamp, and were prepared to fight. Dism old man, and making provision for those that came in, Colonel Tay- lor moved on, under guidance of the Seminoles, towards the camp of the Mickasukies. Between two and three o'clock in the afternoon he reached a very dense cypress swamp, through which the) 7 were compelled to pass, and in which the guides informed them they might be at- tacked. After making the necessary disposition fur battle, it was ascertained that there was no enemy to oppose them. The army d over and encamped for the night, it being very late. During the passage of the rear, Captain Parks, who was in advance with a few friendly Indians, fell in with two of the enemy's spies — one on horseback the other on foot — and succeeded in capturing the latter. He was an active young warrior, armed with an excellent rifle, fifty balls in his pouch, and an adequate proportion of powder. This Indian confirmed the information which had previously been received from the other Indians, and, in addition, stated that a body el Seminoles, headed by John Cohua, Co-a-coo-chee, and, no doubt, Alligator, with other chiefs, were encamped five or six miles Iroin them, near the Mickasukies, with a cypress swamp and dense imock between them and the latter. The army moved forward at daylighl the next morning, and after marching fiveor >i\ mile- reached the camp of the Seminoles, on the borders ol another cypress swamp, which must have contained -i \ eral hundri d, and bore evident traces of ha\ ing be< n abandoned in a great hurry, as tin' lire- were still burning, and quantities of beef lying en die ground unconsumed. lb re the troops wire again disposed of m order of battle, but they found no enemy to o] em, and the command was en ssed over, where they entered a large prairie in their front, on which two or three hundred cattle wen . and a number of Indian po- BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 41 nies. Here another young Indian warrior was captured, armed and equipped as the former. He pointed out a dense hammock on the right, about a mile distant, in which he said the hostiles were situated and waiting to give them battle. At this place the final disposition was made to attack them, which was in two lines ; the volunteers under Gentry, and Mor- gan's spies, to form the first line in extended order, who were in- structed to enter the hammock, and, in the event of being attacked and hard pressed, were to fall back in rear of the regular troops, out of reach of the enemy's fire ; the second line was composed of the fourth and sixth infantry, who were instructed to sustain the volunteers, the first infantry being held in reserve. Moving on in the direction of the hammock, after proceeding about a quarter of a mile they reached the swamp that separated them from the enemy, three quarters of a mile in breadth, being totally impassable for horse and nearly so for foot, covered with a thick growth of saw-grass five feet high, and about knee-deep in mud and water, which extended to the left as far as the eye could reach, and to the right to a part of the swamp and hammock they had just crossed, through which ran a deep creek. At the edge of the swamp all the men were dismounted, and the horses and bag- gage left under a suitable guard. Captain Allen was detached with the two companies of mounted infantry to examine the swamp and hammock to the right ; and in case he should not find the enemy in that direction, was to return to the baggage, and, in the event of his hearing a heavy firing, was immediately to join Colonel Taylor. 6 42 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER VI. Battle of Okee-cho-bee Concluded— Effect of this Battle— Colonel Taylor given in ( lommand of Posts. — Promotion. — Takes Command of Army in Florida. — Resigns. — Ordered to Texas. All the arrangements for an attack upon the enemy having . Colonel Taylor crossed the swamp in the order stated in the last chapter. On reaching the borders of the hammock the volun- teers and spies received a heavy fire from the enemy, which was returned by them for a short time, when their gallant commander. Colonel Gentry, fell, mortally wounded. They mostly broke, and instead of forming in the rear of the regulars, as had been diri they retired across the swamp to their b and horses, could they again be brought into action as a body, although efforts were made by Colonel Taylor's staff to induce them to do so. The enemy, however, were promptly checked and driven back by the fourth and sixth infantry, which in truth might be said to be a moving battle. The weight of the enemy's fire was principally concentrated on five companies of the sixth infantry, which not only stood firm, but continued to advance until their gallant commander. Lieutenant-colonel Thompson, and his adjutant, Lieutenant Center, were killed ; and every officer, with one « zception, as w< II as of the non-commissioned, including the Bergeant-major and lour oi the orderly-sergi mts, killed and wounded of these compa when thai portion of the regiment retired for a short distance and were reformed, one of these companies having but four members left untouched. Lieutenant-colonel Fosti r, with biz companies, amounting in all to one hundred and sixty men, gained the hammock in good order. where he was joined by Captain Noel, with the two remaining companies of the sixth infantry, and Captain Gillam, oi Gentry's volunteers, with a few additional men, and continued to drive the enemy for a considerable time, and by a change of front, separated his hue, and continued to drive him Until he reached the greal lake Okce-cho-bee, which was in the rear of the enemy's position, and BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 43 on which their encampment extended for more than a mile. As soon as Colonel Taylor was informed that Captain Allen was ad- vancing, he ordered the first infantry to move to the left, gain the enemy's right flank and turn it, which order was executed in the promptest manner possible ; and as soon as that regiment got in position, the enemy gave one fire and retreated, being pursued by the first, fourth, and sixth, and some of the volunteers who had joined them, until near night, and until these troops were nearly exhausted, and the enemy driven in all directions. The action was a severe pne, and continued from half past twelve until after three P. M., a part of the time very close and severe. Colonel Taylor's command suffered much, having twenty-six killed and one hundred and twelve wounded, among whom were some of his most valuable officers. The hostiles, it is thought, suffered in equal proportion, they having left ten dead on the ground, besides, doubtless, carrying off many more, as is customary with them when practicable. As soon as the enemy was completely broken, Colonel Taylor turned his attention to taking care of the wounded, to facilitate their removal to his baggage, where he ordered an encampment to be formed, directed Captain Taylor to cross over to the spot, and em- ploy every individual whom he might find there in constructing a small footway across the swamp ; this, with great exertions, was completed in a short time after dark, when all the dead and wounded were carried over in litters, made for that purpose, with one ex- ception, a private, who was killed, and could not be found. In speaking of this disastrous though successful action, Colonel Taylor says, in his official communication to the department, " I trust I may be permitted to say, that I experienced one of the most trying scenes of my life, and he who could have looked on it with indifference, his nerves must have been very differently organ- ized from my own ; besides the killed, there lay one hundred and twelve wounded officers and soldiers, who had accompanied me one hundred and forty-five miles, most of the way through an un- explored wilderness, without guides, who had so gallantly beat the enemy, under my orders, in his strongest position, and who had to be conveyed back through swamps and hammocks, from whence 44 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. we set out without any apparent means of doing. This sen-ice. however, was encountered and overcome, and they have been con- veyed thus far, and proceeded on to Tan . B iy, on rude litters, acted with the axe and knife alone, with poles and dry hides — the latter being found in great abundance at the encampment of the hostiles. The litters were conveyed on the backs of our weak and tottering horses, aided by the residue of the command, with more ease and comfort to the sufferers than I could have sup- : and with as much as they could have been in ambulances of the most improved and modern construction." The day after the battle Colonel Taylor ami his command re- mained at their encampment, occupied in taking care of the wounded, and in the sad office of interring the dead ; also in pre- paring litters for the removal of the wounded, and collecting, with a portion of the mounted men, the horses ami cattle in the vicinity belonging to the enemy; of which they found about one hundred of the former, many of them saddled, and nearly three hum:; the latter. On the morning of the 27th, Colond Taylor left the encampment for the Kissimmee, where they had left their heavy ige, which place they reached about noon the next day, and finding the stockade which he had ordered to be constructed by Captain Munroe nearly completed, he left two companies and a few Indians to garrison it, and proceeded on to Fort Gardner. Ar- riving there, he sent on the wounded to Tampa Bay, with the fourth and sixth infantry, the former to ball at fort Frazer, remaining himseli at Port Gardner with the first, in order to make prepara- tions to take the field again as soon as his horses could be recruited, and his supplies i\i a sufficient state of forwardness to justify the 3ure. In speaking of the command, Colonel Taylor commends the gallantry of the following named officers, most vl' whom had been engaged with him in his various campaigns in Florida and where, and some of whom have since become known with credit to themselves: Lieutenant-colonel Davenport, Colonel Fosterj Major Graham, Captain Allen, Lieutenant Hooper, Captain Noel, Lieu- tenant Wood, Captain Andrews. Lieutenanl Walker, Colonel Gen- try, of the Missouri volunteers, Captain Gillam, Lieutenant Blake- BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 45 ly, Captain Childs, Lieutenants Rogers, Flanagan, Hase, Gorden, Hill, Griffin, Harrison, and McClure, Major Sconce, Captain Tay- lor, Lieutenant-colonel Thompson, who fell at the head of his regi- ment, Captain Swearingen, Adjutant Center, Lieutenant Brooke, Major Brant, Lieutenant Babbitt, and several surgeons and assist- ant surgeons attached to the command. This stroke of Colonel Taylor's had a tremendous and beneficial effect towards subduing the Indians in that quarter. An officer writing from Fort Bassinger, subsequent to this battle, says : " The Indian prisoners now admit that they lost twenty killed on the ground, and a great many wounded, in the fight with Colonel Tay- lor. They had a strong position, and fought well, but were terribly whipped, and have never returned near the ground since." Jumper, Alligator, and other chiefs and warriors, afterward? came in, whom Colonel Taylor sent out again from time to time, to induce their hostile companions to surrender themselves to the commanding officer, and by this means large numbers were brought to yield. The general policy of Colonel Taylor while in Florida, together with his great industry and perseverance, and the hardy constitu- tion he possessed, rendered his services immensely valuable to the government and country in subduing the savages, and bringing about a peace and reconciliation on this southern frontier. Colonel Taylor, after the battle of Okee-cho-bee, established himself at Fort Bassinger, on the Kissimmee, about twenty miles west of Fort Lloyd. On the 1st March following, Mr. Poinsett, Secretary of War, wrote to Major-general Jesup, from which com- munication we extract as follows : " The department indulged the hope, that with the extensive means placed at your disposal, the war, by a vigorous effort, might be brought to a close this campaign. If, however, you are of opinion that, from the nature of the country, and the character of the enemy, such a result is impracticable, and that it is advisable to make a temporary arrangement with the Seminoles, by which the safety of the settlements and the posts will be secured through- out the summer, you are at liberty to do so. In that event, you will establish posts at Tampa, and on the eastern shore, and 46 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. wherever else they are, in your opinion, accessary to preserve the peace of the country ; and I would suggest the propriety of leaving Colonel Zachary Taylor, of the first infantry, in command of Upon this suggestion, it is presumed General Jesup acted, and Colonel Taylor was given in command of the posts along the frontier. In consideration of the services rendered in Florida, the depart- ment at Washington conferred on Colonel Taylor the rank of brigadier-general by brevet, to take date from the battle of Okec- cho-bee. Major-general Jesup having reported that the operations in Florida would probabl] terminate on the 1st May, the Adjutant- general issued a "general order" on the 10th April, 1S38, making such a disposition of the forces as seemed necessary ; the fifth ar- ticle of which reads as follows : " Major-general Jesup will take all the necessary orders for the prompt execution of this order, and will then turn over the command of the troops in Florida to brevet Brigadier-* reneral Z. Taylor, colonel of the first infantry ; and on being relieved, he will repair to the seat of government, and re- sume the duties of quartermaster-general." In the May following General Taylor was invested with the command of the troops agreeably with the above order, and General Jesup proceeded to Washington, reaching there about the 1st June. General Taylor remained in command until the fore part of 1 & 10, when he requested leave to retire from the command of the army in Florida, and was relieved by Brigadier-general Armistead, and arrived in New Orleans, with lus family, on the 21st June. In tin- following year he was assigned to the command of the Becond department, on the Arkansas, to relieve General Arbuckle. On his \\a\ i>' Fori Gibson, while at Little Rock, he was tendered, in a very handsome manner, a public dinner, by the citizens of that town, as an expression <>! esteem for his " personal worth and me- ritorious public BerviceB." I reneral Ta\ lor, in a brief note, declined the invitation on account of having been already detained on his journey an unusual length of time, and being anxious to proceed on as rapidly as possible to his destined post. General Taylor soon changed his head-quarters to Fort Smith ; and subsequently he LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 47 was transferred to Fort Jesup, Louisiana ; where the following or- der from the department, dated the 17th September, 1844, reached him : — " Sir, — The general-in-chief has received instructions, through the department of state, from the Executive, to hold the troops, now between the Red and Sabine rivers, ready to march, in case of a requisition being made by the Charge d' Affaires residing near the government of Texas, to such point within our limits or those of Texas, as the said Charge may designate, in order to restrain any hostile incursion on the part of the border Indians, as required by the provision of existing treaties. "You will please to take such preliminary measures as may be deemed necessary to put the great part of the forces under your command designated above, in march for the above purpose at short notice. " Should the apprehended hostilities with the Indians alluded to break out, an officer of rank, probably yourself, will be sent to command the United States forces placed in the field, and who will receive hereafter further instructions from his government. " L. Thomas, " Assistant Adjutant-General. " Brigadier-General Z. Taylor, " Com. 1st Department Fort Jesup, La." The command of the " Army of Observation" in Texas was given soon after to General Taylor, though of course ranked by ■General Gaines, and somewhat to the mortification of the latter, though not to his disparagement, as his gallantry and fame are established beyond all contingencies. The assignment, however, shows the confidence the department placed in the abilities of General Taylor. On the 16th of July, General Taylor arrived at New Orleans with his staff from Fort Jesup, on his way to Texas ; and in the next march he crossed the Nueces, and planted the United States flag in the ancient department of Tamaulipas. We shall now give a brief sketch of the lives of some of th.3 LIFE OP <.I:.\ERaL TAYLOR. brave officers that took part in the battles of Palo Alto and Rcsaca de la Palma, previous to the giving an account of those engage- ment-. We remit we cannot increase the number of these per- . I narratives, but want of material at hand prevents. There are very many others who distinguished themselves not only in 'incuts, but stand before the country well tried and valorous officers, and whose names have years ago found a place in the annals of our frontier defence. We cannot forbear, however, mentioning some of the officers so warmly alluded to in (>cneral Taylor's official reports, and whose wisdom, great experience, and skill, served to direct the grand movements of those days, which broughl about the result so gratifying and honorable to the country and all concerned. Lieutenant-Colonel Mcintosh, an old war of- ficer, and one never yet found behind his duty, or lacking in energy, with his regiment the fifth infantry, gave the greatest proof of bra- very and steadiness in the action of Palo Alto by receiving a deter- mined charge of the enemy's lancers, and then repulsing them ; and in the action of the following day, he shared in the honors and the dangers, being engaged in the hottest part of the contest, and having been twice severely wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Belknap, a -native of the empire State, and an officer, perhaps, second to none of his rank in point of ability, distinguished himself greatly by putting, with his brigade, the whole right line of the enemy to rout on the 8th, and by carrying his batteries and driving him from his position on the 9th, and effectu- ally putting an end to the contest. General Taylor, alter paving high compliments to Colonel Twiggs, the Becond in command, Lieutenant-Colonel Garland, commanding third brigade, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Childs, commanding the artillery battalion. Major Al- len, and Captain Morris, of fourth and third infantry, continues : " The impression made by Captain Duncan's battery upon the extreme right of the enemy's line at the affair of Palo Alto, con- tributed large!] to the result of the day. The eighteen-pounder battery which played a conspicuous pari in the action of the 8th, was admirably Berved by Lieutenant Churchill, third artillery, as- ted !>\ Lieutenant Wood, topographical engineers. Captain McCall, fourth infantry, rendered distinguished service with the CREDIT TO OFFICERS. 49 advanced corps under his orders. Its loss in killed and wounded will show how closely it was engaged. I may take occasion to say that in two former instances Captain McCall has rendered val- uable services as a partisan officer." " I derived efficient aid on both days from all the officers of my staff. Captain Bliss, Assistant Adjutant-General ; Lieutenant- Colonel Payne, Inspector-General ; Lieutenant Eaton, A. D. C. ; Captain Waggaman, Commissary of Subsistence ; Lieutenant Sca- vitt, Engineer, and Lieutenants Blake and Meade, Topographical Engineers, promptly conveyed my orders to every part of the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Payne was wounded in the affair of the 9th, and I have already had occasion to report the melancholy death of Lieutenant Blake by accident." " Major Craig and Lieutenant Brereton, of the ordnance depart- ment, were actively engaged in their appropriate duties, and Sur- geon Craig, medical director, superintended in person the arduous duties of the field hospitals. I take this occasion to mention gen- erally the devotion to duty of the medical staff of the army, who have been untiring in their exertions, both in the field and in the hospitals, to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded in both armies. Captains Crossman and Myers, of the quartermaster's department, who had charge of the heavy supply train at both engagements, conducted it in a most satisfactory manner, and finally brought it up, without the smallest loss, to its destination." Major Staniford of 5th infantry, Captain Smith of artillery bat- talion, Captain Ker of 2d dragoons, Captain Buchanan 4th infan- try, Captains Graham, Morrison, Hoe, McKavett, Arnold, Page, (since dead from his wounds,) Scott 4th artillery, Crossman, Myers, Lieutenants Shover, Pleasanton, Winship, Wood, Dobbins, Scott, French, Gates, Burbank, Inge, Sackett, Cochran, Hays, McDonald, Chase, and Daniels, all distinguished themselves in their various duties. 50 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER VII. Major Rinogold. — His Nativity. — Joins General So -Enters Service as Lieutenant. — V\'.-nt t<> Fort Moultrie. — Assigned to Company (".- ! pan v. — The Flying Artillery. — Ordered to T^ — H ee in the Battle of Palo Alto. — Is Wounded. — His Death. — Remarks of a Baltimore Editor. — Eulogy of a Philadelphia Editor and Judge of Court. Samuel Rixggold was born in Washington county, Maryland, in 1800. He was the eldest son of General Samuel Ringgold, and his mother was daughter of General John Cadwallader, a distin- guished citizen of Philadelphia, and renowned in the annals of the American revolution. Ringgold was sent to the Military Academy .it West Point, in 181 \, and graduated at the head of his c 1818, having performed the arduous duties and requirements of that institution with credit and honor to himself. He entered the army as a lieutenant. General Scott, having his head-quarters at Philadelphia, r< recommendations of him, and being some- what acquainted with his family, and satisfied of his merit. s< In in at once for one of his aids, and he repaired to head-quar- ad joined the staff, which station he occupied for nearly three years. While aid to General Scott, he enjoyed the respect and confi- dence of that distinguished officer, and profit . by the in- struction he received under so accomplished a soldier. 1! talities of heart and mind thai i ! him to his associates and his superiors, and he was said to have no enemies, though I I to a professi mni I \ calculated to er envy, distrust, or rivalry. Upon leaving the staff he entered active service doubly qualified by the adi e had ei plication he had pursued while in this honorable position. He was attached to the third regimenl as lieutenant by brevet, and in July, 1822, he was promoted to first-lieutenant, vice Samuel Spotts raised to captain. In 1 831, he accompanied his company t< Fori Moultrie, South Carolina, where he remained until the difficulties occasioned by SKETCH OF RINGGOLD. 51 the agitation of the question of " nullification'" were ended in 1833. In July, 1834, he received the rank of captain by brevet, to date from May 8, 1832. August, 1836, he was promoted to captain, and assigned Company C, third artillery. In the latter part of this month he was sent to Savannah, Georgia, with his command, to garrison the fort at that place. But not long subsequent to this he was ordered to Florida, where he served through the greater part of the war, to the great injury of his health. By orders of November 5, 1838, Captain Ringgold's company was disbanded, and he was instructed to proceed to Carlisle, Penn- sylvania, and organize and equip a company of light artillery, in conformity with an act " to authorize the mounting and equipment of a part of the army of the United States," passed 1831, the men to be detailed from the first and second artillery, and to be dropped from the rolls of their respective companies, and mustered as Com- pany C of third regiment. Captain Ringgold's former company, then in the field, was broken up, and the men transferred to the other companies of the regiment, the subalterns only joining the company at Carlisle. For " meritorious services" in Florida, the rank of major by brevet was conferred upon him by the depart- ment. Major Ringgold now applied himself diligently to the perfection of discipline in this arm of the military service, and with great success. Mainly through his and Captain Duncan's instrumental- ity, the arm of light or flying artillery has become the most impor- tant in our service ; and though perhaps it was never thoroughly tested until on the fields of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Pal ma, the great share it contributed to the result of those battles has distin- guished it as one altogether important, and demanding the serious attention of the department in its perfect organization and exten- sion. The performances of the flying artillery in an engagement are of the most ingenious character, and the effects of their bat- tery the most destructive to the enemy. The arms made use of are the sword, pistol, and cannon, the latter used almost as ex- pertly as the former. " They advance rapidly, and with astonishing suddenness halt, dismount, separate their cannon from the car- 52 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. nages, replace them, mount, and start oil again. At a certain signal after the firing, they instantly drop; while the enemy, sup- posing them disabled, venture too near, and in an instant are com- pletely surprised, and are shot down before ihey can collect them- es." Major Ringgold was ordered from Fort McIIenry to Texas with the army of occupation, or " observation" as it was first designated. When General Taylor left Point Isabel to return to the fort oppo- Matamoras, Major Ringgold, with his regiment, occupied a position near the vanguard. Upon reaching the field of Palo Alto, at about three o'clock, in the afternoon of the 6th of May. the ac- tion commenced by the Mexicans opening their batteries on their right, at a distance of half a mile from our line. The fire was re- sponded to by two eighteen-pounders in charge of Lieutenant Churchill. Major Ringgold now took position to the right and front of the eighteen-pounders, at a distance of seven hundred yards from the enemy, subsequently advancing one hundred yards, and opened his battery with tremendous effect, as was shown the next day by the large number of the enemy's dead found on the field along this line. Major Ringgold pointed the guns with his own hand, and with unerring precision, directing the shot not only to groups and m ss - of the enemy, but to particular men in their lines, lie saw them fall in numbers ; their places occupied by others, who in their turn were shot down, pointing his guns to the same place : and. to use In- own words, he " fell as confident of hitting his mark as though he had been using a rifle." The infantry was formed in his rear as his support, and cheered rapturously the brilliant movements ami destructive execution of lus battery, while they received the enemy's fire with great coolness at a shoulder, impatient only for the order to charge. At Length a regiment of the enemy's lancers were seen to make a demonstration towards our right, apparently to gain posa of our wagon tram, when Lieutenant Ridgley was detached with two pieces to check the movement. This left Major Ringgold short of men, or rather with a less cumber than he desired, and considered actually necessary to execute his movement with ccler- SKETCH OF RINGGOLD. 53 ity, and to supply the places of those who fell or became disabled. This was a source of regret, even in his last moments, that he was not enabled to do the execution he otherwise would had his com- plement of men been one hundred instead of little over half that number. But he gallantly and nobly did his duty. Not a shade of incapacity, want of diligence, lack of bravery on the battle- field, can rest on his memory, or the sunshine of his military character. Major Ringgold, however, continued to play on the enemy with great success with his remaining pieces, two in number, advancing, retrograding, or shifting his position according to the nature of the action, for three hours, when he was shot through both thighs by a six pound ball. He was mounted, and the ball came from the right, passing through his right thigh about midway, at right angles through the holsters, tearing away the front part of the saddle and the horse's shoulders, and into the Major's left thigh. An officer came quickly to his aid — " Don't stay with me : you have work to do" said the gallant Major; " go ahead." The command of his company fell on Lieu- tenant Shover, who managed the batteries skilfully during the rest of the day. He was conveyed to his camp in the charge of Dr. Byrne, of the army, placed in comfortable quarters, and his wounds dressed. An immense mass of muscles and integuments were carried away from both thighs — the arteries were not divided, neither were the bones broken. Dr. Foltz, surgeon United States army, remained with him through the night. He had but little pain, and at intervals slept. He continued to grow worse through the 9th, but conversed cheer- fully upon the incidents of the battle, constantly adverting to the effi- ciency of his guns, and the brave conduct of his officers and men. He died at one o'clock on the morning of the 10th May, and was buried on the next day with military honors, lamented by the whole camp. Says a Baltimore editor, he was " an accomplished gentleman, beloved by his friends, respected by all. He was devoted to his profession, and justly appreciated the high responsibilities of an officer in command. He rigidly enforced discipline, at all times 54 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. and in all things >ly, no officer had more entirely then- and the aflfectionat< of all his officers and mi I news of Major R/s death reaching Baltimore, a mo- tion wa.^ made in the county court, then in session, to adjourn, in consequence of a close relation existing between the leading coun- sel in the case under consideration and the deceased, which motion was agreed to. Judge Legrand, in his remarks on the i closed as follows : "Major Ringgold was a citizen of Baltimore, known to us all, to some of us intimately, and by whomsoever, and wheresoever known, recognised as a gentleman of the highest - of honor, and of the kindliest feelings of which humanity is suscep- tible. He is gone, but the fame his late brilliant conduct won will hereafter constitute the pride and the history of his country." We close this brief sketch with an eloquent extract (and we hope not fulsome eulogy) from the Philadelphia North American news- . valuing more highly the testimony of those who knew the subject best with regard to his superior qualities as an officer, and amiabilities as a man. " The death of this accomplished officer is a . loss to the country. He had been intrusted with the revision of a system of tactics for our army, and devoted much time and study to improving upon the English an.! French system. His as fine a one as any service could boast, lie leaves un- finished, we think, a work which he was preparing, on the utility and practicability of t lie flying artillery arm in servi< ' R.'s constitution was much impaired by Ins long campaigns in Florida; but, pasSionately attached to the pro! - I arms, he s mained in the army, and died a martyr to Ins country. "Hisdeath has stricken thousands el" hearts, that gusli under the blow, with feelings which no ordinary public calamity could have excited. II'- was generally known and appreciated in this city as the Bayard of the age— the star of the war ; and in.- i was watched with ;. -- Thai it would b rious no one doubted ; but who thought that an - would sink B i ul of chivalry and honor, ac< plis sa soldier, 1- I a man, it dema oncile us to such a sacrifice. And yet a is a SKETCH OF RINGGOLD. 55 noble one. In the flash of his fame he has died, as he lived — for his country. The offering was doubtless a glad one. He desired no better fate than such a death ; he could leave no richer inherit- ance than such an example. While we feel as if destiny had robbed the future of the fame which such a nature must have wen, we dare not repine that his career has been closed, in its morning, with this sunburst of glory. His memory will be gratefully cherished so long as honor has a victory, freedom a hero, or his country a name." 56 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER VIII. Major Brown. — Colont.l Cross, and Captain Walker. The services Major J. Brown has rendered his country are too well known to require an extended notice of them here. He was a " Green-mountain boy," — a native of Vermont, — and entered the American army as a common soldier in the 7th infantry, at the commencement of the war of 1S12, at the age of twenty-four or twenty-five. His merit was soon perceived in the active service of the war upon the northern frontier, and quickly won for him an ensign's commission. Major Brown was in nearly all the hard-fought battles on the Niagara during the years 1^13 and '14. Before the close of the war he obtained a lieutenancy, and from that rose by regular gra- dations to the rank of major, in which capacity he has served for many years. For some time he filled the office of commissary of subsistence at Council Bluffs, afterwards quartermaster and com- missary at St. Louis. At one time he was employed in conduct- ing the tribes of emigrant Indians to the west, and was in active service during the whole period of the war in Florida. His habits of exact discipline and strict accountability made his services always in request. Possessing the confidence of his su- periors, and the good will of those under his command, he was an officer in the proper acceptation of the term. Ii is from officers such as these thai the country expects sub- stantial benefit to the service — men of tried courage, of patient endurance, of exactness, punctuality, and system, to whom integ- rity is like an instinct, who have learned their profession well, and known the advantages of discipline in the army, and whose moral characteristics are firmness and perseverance, to the accomplish- ment of grand or Important achievements, and whose shrewdness; and judgmenl were adequate to the task of directing < i quired for such Ben ice. In placing Major Brown in command of the works opposite Ma- SKETCH OF MAJOR BROWN. 57 tamoras, General Taylor displayed his sagacity in the knowledge of character and officer-like qualities in a comrade in arms, which perhaps his experience and actual observation helped him to foresee. He found also the trust and confidence he reposed in that command, were not misplaced, and the great regret and sorrow is, that that gallant officer should have fallen ere his task should have been successfully acquitted, and the laurel placed upon his brows ; that the army should have lost at this time so valuable an officer, and the country so worthy and efficient a defender. The bombardment of the fort opposite Matamoras has been de- scribed in another place. Major Brown was given the command on the 1st of May, at which time General Taylor set out for Point Isabel. His command consisted of about six hundred men. The bombardment commenced on the 3d, and, on the 6th, at ten o'clock in the morning, a shell which had been thrown from the enemy's battery, in rear of the fort, fell near where commander Brown was standing, bursted, and mangled one of his legs in such a manner as to cause his death three days after, amputation having been per- formed on the day he was wounded. In honor of the late com- mander, General Taylor gave the works the designation of " Fort Brown." General Taylor, in his official communication, says, " it affords me peculiar pleasure to report that the field-work opposite Mata- moras has sustained itself handsomely during a cannonade and bom- bardment of one hundred and sixty hours. But the pleasure is alloyed with profound regret at the loss of its heroic and indomita- ble commander, Major Brown, who died to-day from the effect of a shell. His loss would be a severe one to the service at any time, but to the army under my orders, it is indeed irreparable." Captain Montgomery. — We take pleasure in alluding to the gallant commander of the 8th infantry in connection with these actions, on the 8th and 9th of May, in the strongest terms of com- mendation. The services rendered by his corps, as represented in the official reports, were the most efficient and important. When the action of the 8th of May commenced, Captain Montgomery was situated on the extreme left, Captain Duncan's battery on his right. 58 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. and Lieutenant-colonel Childs with his battalion of artillery on the right of Captain Duncan. All these composing the 1 >t brigade, under command of Lieutenant-colonel Belknap, moved in this until the enemy opened his batteries. When the brigade was halted, Captain Duncan advanced with his battery about two hundri j -. which position he held for nearly two hours, keep- in::' up a most destructive fire on the enemy during the time, while Captain Montgomery, with his regiment, supported this flank amidst a galling fire from the enemy's well-aimed artillery. The firing ceased, and the army was ordered to advance and take position somewhat nearer the enemy ; the battalion of artillery taking post in rear and to right oi the two eighteen-pounders com- mand' -d b\ Lieutenant Churchill, Captain Duncan's artillery on their left, and Captain Montgomery with s ih infantry on the left and i" the rear of Duncan's battery. The enemy was now - be moving with the entire cavalry and infantry force of his right wing upon the flank of this line. Captain Duncan was ordered to proceed with all possible dispatch tocheck this movement, which I, supported by th< 8th infantry. They dashed back to the threatem d poinl with such alacrity and with such bold and brilliant manoeuvring as to strike the enemy with dismay, and he pulled up to a halt before a shot had been fired, or the guns unlimbered. They engaged within point-blank range of his small guns, and drove him back with great loss. A strong body of the enemy's infantry supported by two squad- fcavalrj now debouched from the extreme right poinl of the chaparral, and movi - rard to the attack; one section of the battery opened upon them with round shot and shells s d thai the whole advance, horse and loot, fell back in dis- order to the bushes. Tins column of the enemy, however, re- formed in the chaparral and moved forward a second lime, but driven bach bj the above corps with even Lire, iter su • first. Their supporting cavalry also abandoned them, and a full retreal w is commenced. The advantage was followed up by both sections of the battery, whi< ! i was made to bear upon the enemy's il\ . and a brisk and destructive fire was kepi up till : or darkness pul an end to the battle. SKETCH OF CAPT. MONTGOMERY. 59 On the following day at about, throe o'clock P. M., the 1st bri- gade being within one mile of the enemy's position on Resaca de la Palma, Captain Montgomery received orders to move up in company with Duncan's battery, which he did in double quick time. Arriving at the scene of aetion, he charged the enemy on the right of the road most gallantly, and drove him from his posi- tion. He now hastened to follow up the charge of Captain May, of the 2d dragoons, who had previously carried one of the enemy's batteries. Captain Montgomery formed in the road and led his command upon the enemy's battery, which had been retaken by the Mexicans, and executed the movement with such celerity and vigor as to secure it. He now charged along the ravine between the enemy's two lines, amidst a heavy fire from the front, left and right, drove the supporting column before him for half a mile, taking the enemy's right and last battery, and destroying him in great num- bers. Captain Montgomery pursued vigorously into the chaparral on the opposite side of the ravine, until, from the rapid flight of the enemy, further pursuit was useless. Captain Montgomery was joined in this charge by Captain Mar- tin Scott, Lieutenants Ruggles and Crittenden, with a command of 5th infantry, as stated in our account of this engagement. We have thus hurriedly and briefly spoken of the events of these actions in which Captain Montgomery was personally concerned, and we confess they exhibit him and his regiment in a most favora- ble light. Their position was at all times during the battles one of imminent peril and exposure, and the loss which they sustained is sufficient evidence that they took a most hazardous and active part. The loss in killed and wounded of this regiment, on both days, was more than one-third the loss of the whole army. In the action of the 8th Captain Montgomery's horse was killed under him ; and in the charge of the 9th Captain Montgomery was wounded in the shoulder by a grape shot. Captain Montgomery is a native of Monmouth county, New Jer- sey, ?^n of James Montgomery, a revolutionary soldier. He gra- duated at West Point in 1825, was made captain 1838, was sta- tioned at Tampa Bay in 1840, and followed General Taylor to Corpus Christi in the Army of Occupation. 60 LIFE OF BENERA1 TAYLOR. COLONEL CROSS. Colonel Truman Cross was a native of Maryland, and son of Colonel Cross of Prince George's County. He commenced life in humble circumstances, but by great industry and applica- tion, had won his way to fortune as well as distinction. He served man)* years under General Jackson in Florida am; where, and was highly esteemed by that distinguished man, than whom few could better judge of qualifications for an office re- quiring courage and activity. Under that great disciplinarian Col. Cross acquired a knowledge of military tactics that rendered him very useful to the service, and led to distinction of rank. Hi- name is well known in the annals of engagements with the « at the south. He was appointed assistant quartermaster-general, and had pro- ceeded to the Rio Grande with the army of occupation. ( >n the twelfth day after their encamping opposite Matamoras, he rode from camp in company with his little son, and none other, as is supposed. The boy returned, but the father did not. The alarm was given upon his being missed, and parties went out in every direction, and scoured the swamps and chaparrals for considerable distance round about without success, until the search was over, and it was generally supposed that he had been taken pris- oner. General Taylor wrote a letter to Ampudia, the Mexican commander, requesting him to aid in solving the mystery, but also without satisfactory result, and bis late remained in suspense tor fourteen days, when his lifeless body was found in a state of muti- lation, which left no doubt that he had been attacked and killed by Mexicans. Whereupon the following order was issued by the commanding general. •■II: ID-Ql w; I I i;~. Aiimv Of Ocqi PA1 [< '• . ' '•The commanding genera) has the painful duty of announcing that tl]> ■ winch has so 1 n n ..aid to the tale of SKETCH OF COLONEL CROSS. 61 the late Colonel Cross, has at length been resolved into the melan- choly certainty of his death, and, there is too much reason to fear, by violent hands. " The high rank of the deceased, and the ability and energy which he carried into the discharge of the important duties of his office, will cause his loss to be seriously felt in the service, while the untoward circumstances of his demise will render it peculiarly afflicting to his family and personal friends. " The remains of the late colonel will be interred with military honors at 4 p. m. to-morrow. The funeral escort will be composed of a squadron of dragoons and eight companies of infantry ; the latter to be taken from the 2d Brigade, and the whole to be or- ganized and commanded by Colonel Twiggs. The necessary ar- rangements for the funeral ceremony will be made by Lieut. Col. Payne, Inspector General. " By order of " Brig. Gen. Taylor." The editor of Niles's National Register thus notices the death of this valuable and brave officer : " War is a horrible evil. The first victim in this new war into which our country is now plunged, has brought with it a deepen- ing sense of the evils inseparable from the mad conflict of man with man, be the occasion what it may. An acquaintance, formed in early life — a warm and steadfast friend from the commencement of that acquaintance — a generous, open-hearted, ardent, intelli- gent, and talented man ; — one who was in all the attributes a man among men, is the first victim. His father, forty years since, through many an ardent struggle, political and national, was shoul- der to shoulder with us, in war with arms in his hand, and in peace or war, with as ardent patriotism at heart as ever animated a citi- zen and a republican. His son is snatched from our hopes, as well as from a wide circle of friends, and from his own wife, now widowed, and left with her orphans to a life — how desolate and lonely ! Wreaths may encircle the brow of victors in the coming contest, but what shall compensate for suffering, of which this is but the type, that must be the price at which they are purchased ?" 62 life or :, tavlor. CAPTAIN W A LK ER. Capi Samuel EI. Walker is a native of Prince Georse, and, and repaired to Texas from the city of Wash illy, win re he formerly lived. His fearless daring soon dis- tinguished him, in t he efforts of the Texans to acquire their inde- pendence, lie was employed in the expedition against M 1842, luit having adventured into the .Mexican territories in ad- vance of the Texans he was taken prisoner with his comrade held during the battle of Meir. When the Texans surrendered, he with the rest was marched to Matamoras, and from tin i the castle of Perote, on their way to Mexico. The prisoners for a time were treated with some degree of kindness; hut as they ad- vanced into the country, the .Mexican officers, under whose charge they were, threw tiff the restraints which their article- of agreement imposed, and evinced towards them the most unfeeling barbarity. The .Mexican soldi tedly been allowed to beat them, ;:i ! the young o >vhose conduct in this respect was widely different from that of their seniors in the Mexican service, treated them with a sei accful as it was unjust. On reaching Salado, stu ition by the cruelty they received, they re- solved to rush upon their guards and make their escape ; — among the privates foremost in this charge was Walh nal was given he seized one of the sentinels at the inner-door of the pris I, and Cameron, a gallant Scotchman, who wi terwards by order oi i sidenl shot in cold blood, seized the other. Both were disarmed instantly, and the Texans rushed into the outer court, where the arms and cartridge-boxes were guarded by 150 of the Mexican infantry. These v dily driven out, and while i T ns were arming thi . the Mexican caval- ry and ifantry formed in front of the outer The Texan- charged through them, killing nine or ten and wound- lOre, and them - killed and live ded. The Texan- ; in this affair numbered '-'I 1 — [exicans 300. The escaped Texans BOOn lost their way, became involved in SKETCH OF CAPTAIN WALKER. 63 the mountains, were deceived by false information, reduced to the extremities of hunger and thirst, and finally recaptured by straggling parties. They were again taken to Salado, decimated by order of the commander, Santa Anna, and every tenth man shot ! After passing through some and escaping others of the misfor- tunes that attended this expedition, he finally escaped from the city of Mexico in company with eight others. This expedition originally consisted of two hundred and sixty-one men. Of these ten were killed at the battle of Meir, and six others subsequently died of wounds received there ; five fell at the attack upon the guard at Salado, seventeen were shot at the decimation, five died in the mountains, thirty-five died of suffering and starvation in Mexico, eleven were released through the intervention of ministers, eight wounded at Meir effected their escape, and the remainder, of whom the subject of this sketch was one, escaped from Mexico. Walker then joined the Texan revenue service, and was an effi- cient member. But when the army of occupation entered the country on its way to Corpus Christi and Point Isabel, he joined the forces at the head of a company of partisan rangers. Upon ar- riving at the place of destination, he was placed between Point Isabel and the camp opposite Matamoras, to keep open the com- munication between them. Learning from the teamsters who had started out from Point Isabel with stores for the camp, that the road was obstructed by the Mexicans, so that they were obliged to return, Captain Walker started out on the morning of the 28th of April, with his whole force, about seventy-five men, to recon- noitre, and if possible open a communication with General Taylor. He had proceeded about twelve miles, when he fell in with a large body of Mexicans, supposed to be fifteen hundred in number. They appeared very suddenly. A portion of Captain Walker's troops were raw ; these he instructed to keep on his right, and gave orders to the whole to retire under cover of a chaparral. But his raw troops, panic-stricken, scattered in confusion. An engage- ment, however, ensued, which lasted fifteen minutes, in which thirty at least of the enemy fell, as is supposed. Captain Walker was forced to retreat from the overwhelming force that advanced upon him. The enemy pursued him till within range of our guns 64 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. at Point Isabel, when they in turn retreated. Captain Walker's loss has never been officially stated. Captain Walker reached the depot on the same day at night, and so far from being deterred by the disaster he had met with, instant- ly volunteered, if four men would join him, to proceed to General Taylors camp at the risk of his life, acquaint him with the situa- tion of affairs at Point Isabel, and bring back any orders he mighl intrust him with. A communication with General Taylor at this time was the more necessary, as Major Munroe for two days had been expecting an attack on the post of Point Isabel, which he commanded ; and as the transit of stores or intelligence had been interrupted fur three days, it was highly important that the com- mander should be apprized of the situation of affairs, in order that he mighl take any measures he might think proper in the emergency. Major Munroe accepted the offer of Captain Walker, and the re- quired number, with two additional, bravely volunteered to accompa- ny him. The enterprise was considered a very hazardous, almost fool-hardy one, but they set out on the next morning, April 29th. They reached Gen. Taylor's camp the next day, and were the first to acquaint the commander of the situation of affairs at Point Isabel ; and he set out the next day with his army to open communication. On the field of Palo Alto, as will be seen by the account of that battle, he took an active part in repulsing the movement of the Mexican cavalry on our right, in connection with the fifth infantry, and a section of Major Ringgold's battery under Lieutenant Ri - ley. Also in the engagement of Kesaca de la Palma he did valu- able service, for an account of which the reader is referred to the details of that battle. General Taylor, in his dispatch, says : " In this connection I would mention the services of Captain Walker, of the Texas rangers, who was in both affairs, with his company. ami who has performed very meritorious services as a spy and partisan." For his gallantry on the Rio Grande Walker has been appointed i lftain in the United States army. Lfter the capture of Matamoras, Captain Walker was sent out with a company of dragoons to observe the Mexican army on their retreat. In this scout he had a skirmish with the vanguard of the enemy, in which he killed several, and took twenty-live prisoners. SKETCH OF CAPTAIN MAY. 65 CHAPTER IX. Captain May, and Lieutenant Ridglev. Captain C. A. May is an officer of intrepid valor, and in the engagements of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma he rendered valuable service to our cause, in the last of which battles he cap- tared La Vega, one of the Mexican generals, in almost as hazard- ous a position as he secured Philip, a Seminole chief, in the Florida war. Previous to the collision of the two armies he was stationed at Point Isabel, and made himself useful in reconnoitring the enemy, and actually passed round the Mexican camp on the 4th with his squadron, while on the field of Palo Alto. General Taylor left Point Isabel with his whole army on the 7th May, and bivouacked seven miles distant that night. The next day, after proceeding about five miles, the Mexican forces appeared in view, in large numbers, and at one o'clock the line of battle was formed on the field of Palo Alto. Captain May's regiment was posted on the right, Captain M.'s squadron under the immediate orders of the general commanding, and subsequently detached to support Captain Duncan's battery, which had been thrown forward in advance of the line, and was doing good execution. We, how- ever, subjoin Captain May's report, which describes the part he took, though modestly stated, in both engagements. Dragoon Camp, Resaca de la Palma, ) On the battle-ground, May 10th, 1846. J " Sir, — Having been detached from the head-quarters of my regiment with my squadron, and acting under the immediate orders of the commanding-general during the actions of the 8th and 9th instant, it becomes my duty to report the services which the squad- ron I had the honor to command rendered during tiiese actions. " You are aware that my first orders on the 8th were to strengthen the left flank of the army and sustain Captain Duncan's battery ; in this position I lost two horses killed and two wounded. " About half an hour before sunset I received orders to proceed 9 6G LIFE OF GENERAL T.vYLOR to the enemy's left flank and drive in his cavalry. In execution of these orders, and while pass G teral and his staff, the enemy concentrated the fire from their battel. - as, killing six of my horses and wounding live men. I succeeded in gaining -non on the enemy's left with a view of charging his cavalry, but found him in such force as to render ineffectual a charge from my small command, and therefore returned, in obedience to my in- structions, to my first position, where I remained until the close of the action, which terminated very shortly afterwards. Thus ended the service of mv squadron on the bth. " On the morning of the 9th my squadron was actively employed in reconnoitring the chaparral in advance of the field of the 8th, and on the advance of the army I took my position as the advance- guard. When about half a mile from the position which the ene- my were reported to have taken, I was ordered to halt and allow the artillery and infantry to pass, and await further orders. I re- mained in this position about three quarters of an hour, when I re- ceived orders to report with my squadron to the General. I did so, and was ordered by the General to charge the enemy's batteries and drive them from their pieces, which was rapidly executed, with loss of Lieutenant Inge, seven privates, and eighteen horses killed, and Sergeant Muley, nine private-, and ten horses wounded. Lieu- tenant Sackett and Sergeant Story, in the front by my side, had their horses killed under them, and Lieutenant fage was gallantly leading his platoon when he fell. We charged entirely through the enemy's batteries of seven pieces— Captain Graham, accompanied by Lieutenants Winship and Pleasanton, leading the charge against the pieces on the left of the road, and myself, accompanied by Lieutenants Inge, S ind S ckett, those on the direct road, and gained the rising ground on the opposite side of the ravine. The charge was made under a heavy fire of the enemy's batteries, which accounts for my great loss. After gaining the rising ground in the rear I could rally but si\ men, and with these I charged their gunner-, who had regained their pieces, drove them off, and took prisoner General Vega, whom 1 found gallantly fighting in person at his battery. I ordered him to surrender, and on recog- nising mc as an officer, he handed me his -word. I brought him, SKETCH OF CAPTAIN MAY. 67 under a heavy fire of their infantry, to our lines, accompanied by Lieutenant Stevens and a sergeant of my squadron. I then direct- ed Lieutenant Stevens to conduct him in safety to our rear, and present his sword to the commanding general. " From this time until the enemy were routed, I was engaged in collecting my men, who had become scattered in our lines. I suc- ceeded in assembling half of my squadron, and joined the army in pursuit of the enemy, until he crossed the Rio Grande, from which I returned to camp. " I cannot speak in terms of sufficient praise of the steadiness and gallantry of the officers and men of my command. They all behaved with that spirit of courage and noble daring which distin- guished the whole army in this memorable action, and achieved the most brilliant victory of the age. " I have the honor to be, &c. " C. A. May, " Captain 2d Dragoons, commanding 2d squadron. " Lieutenant McDonald, Adjutant 2d Dragoons." For the personal history of Captain May we have scanty mate- rial. He is a native of the city of Washington, son of Dr. May of that place. " On organizing the second regiment of dragoons, during General Jackson's administration, he was among those who, from civil life, received a commission as lieutenant in the corps, and was ordered to Florida, where the regiment was subjected to severe active service against the Seminoles, and the lieutenant was intrusted with many responsible duties. One of those led him into a personal rencontre with the celebrated chief of the tribe, Philip, whose camp a charge was made upon, and who was knocked down and secured by Lieutenant May, at the moment he was raising his rifle to shoot the daring young officer." An anecdote is related, for the occurrence of which we cannot vouch : On the 9th, when the charge was about to be made on the Mexican battery, General Taylor, in passing his lines, accosted Captain May. " Sir," said he, " your command has done nothing yet. You must take that battery." 68 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. li Men," said Captain .May, " we must take that battery ! Charge !" The result is known. He was mounted on his favorite charger, " Tom," the same on which he made the charge upon Philip's camp, and who now received a severe wound. The second dra- goons at the charge comprised seventy men and officers, of whom nine were killed and eleven wounded ; and of the horses, twenty- six were killed and ten wounded. Having made the charge, they rode over the battery, wheeled and came through the enemy's lines, while the fire of the infantry was so deadly in its effect as to carry all before it. Captain May made a cut at an officer as he charged through, and on returning he found him standing between the cannon wheels, fighting like a hero. He ordered him to surrender. He inquired if he was an officer. Captain May answered him in the affirmative, when he presented his sword, saying, " You receive (General Vega a pris- oner of war." Captain May is represented as presenting a very whimsical and eccentric appearance — "with a beard extending to his breast, and hair to his shoulders, which, as he cuts through the wind on his charger, streams out in all directions. His gait on foot is awkward, and that of his horse (an immense one) is the rack of a Canadian pony." LIEl'TKN W'T RIDGLEY. Randolph Ridoley is a Marylander, and son of General Charles Stcrret Ridgley, of Elkridge, Anne Arundel county, Ma- ryland. He belongs to the third artillery, and in the battle of the 9lh May did mosl valuable service with Ins light-artillery batter}', commanded, before he fell, by Major Ringgold. The manner in which he took his battery into action on the commencement of that battle, and the skill and bravery with which he managed it, raised him high in the estimation of the army. At the commencement of the action on the 8th, after having ad- vanced to within six hundred yards of the enemy's lines, and open- SKETCH OF LIEUT. RIDGLEY. 69 ing his battery with dreadful execution, Lieutenant Ridgley was detached from Major Ringgold with a section, consisting of two pieces, to operate with the fifth infantry, which had been sent for- ward to oppose a flank movement of the enemy making on the right of our army. He had already lost one man and two horses. Upon taking his position on the right of the fifth, who were in square, he at once unlimbered and commenced firing. The effect of his fire was tremendous, and he very shortly saw the enemy's artillery and cavalry, which was in large force, particularly the lat- ter, retiring. His fire proved effective in frustrating this grand movement of the enemy. Brevet second-lieutenant French had die immediate charge of one of the pieces. Lieutenant Ridgley continued changing his position from point to point until dark, when he encamped, and then learned the melancholy intelligence that Major Ringgold had been mortally wounded. The engagement of the 9th on the field of Resaca de la Palma was opened upon our side by Lieutenant Ridgley's battery. He was ordered to the front with his battery, and Captain Walker with his rangers was sent to point out the exact position. After moving very cautiously for a short distance, Lieutenant Ridgley discovered the Mexicans about four hundred yards in advance in the road, and almost instantly their artillery opened. He then moved rapidly to the front for about one hundred yards and returned their fire, which was kept up very spiritedly on both sides for some time, the two batteries firing canister and grape at each other when not more than one hundred yards apart. As soon as the enemy's fire slackened, Lieutenant Ridgley lim- bered up and moved rapidly forward, never unlimbering unless seeing them in front, or perceiving from the fire of their infantry they were on his flanks. After having advanced in this manner about five hundred yards, Captain May, second dragoons, rode up, and said to Lieutenant Ridgley, " Where are they ? I am going to charge." Lieutenant Ridgley gave them a volley to point the way, and Captain May dashed gallantly forward, in columns of fours, at the head of his squadron. Lieutenant Ridgley followed quickly at a gallop, only halting when he came upon the edge of a ravine, where he found three pieces of artillery, but no cannoniers ; 70 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. however, their infantry poured into him a galling fire at from twenty-five to fifty paces ; and here ensued a most desperate struggle, but our infantry coming up they were completely routed. Their cavalry came so near that at one time Lieutenant Ridgley cut at them with his sabre. On the occasion we have just related, Lieutenant R - com- pany was the only artillery used, but were sadly deficient in men, so that the officers, during the greater portion of the engagement, and always when closely pressed, had to perform the duties of not only one but two cannoniers, handling their own shot and firing their own pieces. For his gallantry in these engagements the citizens of Howard District, Maryland, forwarded to Lieutenant Ridgley an elegant sword. He has also been appointed assistant adjutant-general, with brevet rank of captain. LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 71 CHAPTER X. Movement of the Army of Occupation from Corpus Christi. — All matters connected with the Campaign to the time of the enemy's crossing. In September General Taylor established his head-quarters at Corpus Christi. But this was intended as a temporary rendezvous, as the position is far in the rear of the legitimate boundary of Texas, but a permanent depot was calculated upon as advantage- ous and secure, as its distance from the Rio Grande was a security against surprise by any hostile movement of the Mexicans, while its location on the sea-shore furnished the best facilities for the dis- embarking of troops and landing munitions of war. Remaining here nearly six months, during which time some regiments of regular troops were received, General Taylor sent scouts forward to the Rio Grande to make discovery of a suitable position for encamping the army permanently. These scouts re- turned in the latter part of February, and reported favorably with regard to Point Isabel as a place for a general depot. In the fore part of March, the army began to move from Corpus Christi for the Rio Grande, and on the 8th of this month General Taylor issued his proclamation and orders concerning his evacua- tion of the present encampment. The distance to be accomplished was one hundred and nineteen miles, which, owing to the swampy stale of the country, was a task of considerable hardship, at a sea- son of the year too when the alluvial soil was completely saturated with water. Two reconnoitring detachments, commanded by Cap- tain Hardee and Lieutenant Hamilton, preceded the movement. They approached the Rio Grande opposite Brazos Santiago, via Isla del Padre, the other by the old Matamoras road, near Sal Colorado. General Mejia, in command at Matamoras, on hearing of then- approach, mustered every soldier there, and crossed the Rio Grande in person, under the impression that he should meet the advance of the army. He marched as far as the Colorado creek, with all LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. possible dispatch, having under his command about seven hundred and fifty men, when, now sixty or seventy miles from Matamoras, lie learned these detachments had returned to the camp at Corpus ( iristi. His rage may be imagined, and is described in a letter from Matamoras as excessive, and beyond bounds, he having i \- ted to win a wreath of laurels before his return. The Mexi- can force at this time on the frontier was about two thousand sol- diers and five hundred rancheros ; under General- I s, Mejia, Garcia, Saveriego, and La Vega. General Garcia was stationed at Point Isabel, with about two hundred and eighty men, mostly infantry and artillery. I fi i ral Taylor advanced ahead of his army, with a company oi dragoons under Colonel Twiggs, and reached Point Isabel on the 24th of March, the fleet of transports arriving at the same time. [g iel is a bluff or promontory of sixty feet elevation, on the north side of the Rio Grande, a lew miles below tin- Mexican city of Matamoras, which is situated upon the southern side of that river. When near Point Isabel with the dragoons. General Taj met by thirty or forty men, bearing a proclamation and : ss from General Mejia, protesting against invasion, and gasconaelinif of defence. At the same moment, the conflagration of the custom- house, and several buildings at Point Isabel, which Rodriguez, the commandant, had set fire to on the approach of the tleet of trans- ports, was discovered. General Taylor dismissed the deputation, informing them that he would reply to General Mejia in four d opposite to Matamoras. Rodriguez was pursued some distal but made good Ins relivat to the river. < >n the 26lh, General Taylor sel out from Point Isabel, leaving company of artillerj under command of Major Munroe, and proceeded for the army opposite Matamoras. a distance of twenty- eight miles, arriving the next day. On the 28lh March, the fon 5, numbering about three thousand five hundred, encamped, while the Mexicans were drawn up upon the opposite bank of the stream. making a greal display of martial music, trumpets, flags, etc., which music was responded to from the American lines, so as to be distinctly heard, for the distance was not above two hundred and fifty van - On the nexl morn] \ rican troops discovered the Mexi- GENERAL EVENTS. 73 can artillery of eighteen-pounders lining the opposite bank, and pointing directly into their camp. Of this battery, General Taylor took no notice. Matters remained thus for several days, the Mexicans manifest- ing great anger, but no open assault. Upon one. occasion, General Worth crossed the river with a dispatch from General Taylor, but they would not permit him to enter the town, nor would General Mejia receive him, but sent one of his officers, with the message that he would not receive personally any officer but the command- ing-general himself. General Worth did not deliver the dispatch. In this interview General Worth made General de la Vega the following terse reply : " It is an easy matter for Mexico to deter- mine when and where the war shall commence, but it would re- main for the United States to determine when and where it should terminate." On the 11th of April General Ampudia marched into Matamoras with one thousand cavalry and fifteen hundred infantry ; and on the next day he notified General Taylor to break up his camp within twenty-four hours, and retire to the eastern bank of the Nueces. This notification was of a threatening character, and was regarded by General Taylor as of a belligerent nature. He ac- cordingly instructed the military commander at the Brazos to con- sider the Mexican army as in a hostile attitude. Two Mexican vessels from New Orleans were daily expected to arrive with stores and supplies for the troops at Matamoras, and General Taylor or- dered the commander at Brazos to seize them when they reached that place. To the notification of General Ampudia, General Taylor replied, that he had been instructed by the President of the United States to occupy the territory east of the Rio Grande. He came there, he said, without any hostile intention, either towards the govern- ment or the people of Mexico, but any attempt to dislodge him would be repelled by force ; and furthermore, that if General Ampudia attempted to cross the river, it would be considered a hostile act, and resisted as such. The greater portion of the inhabitants upon the east side of the river, crossed over to Matamoras, from the representations made 10 74 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. by the Mexican officers that the American army would inevitaoly be destroyed, and that they would share the same fate, but this did not prevent the army being abundantly supplied with provisions, for there were facilities of procuring them when they were not furnished from the other side. 'J 'he American army experienced considerable annoyance from the great number of desertions that took place, and so short was the distance to the enemy's camp, that they could effect their inten- tions with great ease and safety, and escape beyond tin- possibility of capture. The most frequent mode was by swimming the stream. S reral attempts had been made to put a stop to this busin - without effect, when it was resolved to resort to the last and dis- agreeable alternative of shooting such as should attempt to escape, if other means failed. Among those that next made the attempt to swim the river, two were killed by the picket, and this effectually put a stop to desertions. General Taylor set about erecting ramparts and trausses, em- ploying fifteen hundred men constantly, to render his position se- cure against an attacking force. One regimenl was also kept day and night on the move, guarding the crossings of the river, from indications, it appearing evident that the Mexicans entertained the idea of commencing hostilities in some shape. On the 12th a pri- soner was taken by the picket, who stated upon questioning, that the Mexicans were going to cross the river at a certain point on the next day. General Taylor sent a detachment of troops to the fording early the next morning. About this time the camp was thrown into consternation and gloom at the sudden disappearance of ( lolonel Cross, United Si quartermaster-general. Troops were sent out at once, and all ex- ertions made io ascertain Ins fate; but, until twelve days had ex- pired, ii was generally presumed that he had been taken prisom r and was in safety. At the end of thai period, he was iouiul where ho had been murdered, probably by a hand of rancheros. This was the first life lost in the Army of Occupation, and was -own followed by the attack upon and killing of Lieutenant Porter ami three others. Lieutenant Porter had gone with a party of twelve men to reconnoitre, when, on the third day, he was attacked by a MEASURES OF DEFENCE. 75 party of Mexicans, fired upon and killed. On the next morn- ing, a troop of thirty dragoons was dispatched to the spot, but his body, or those of his comrades, two in number, could not be found. Lieutenant Porter was of the 3d regiment of infantry, son of the late Commodore Porter, and had but recently been married to a daughter of Major Benjamin Lloyd Beall, late commander of Fort Washita, where he had left his lady. The following extract of a letter from General Taylor explains the state 'of his defences and the position of affairs on the 25th April, prior to the attack of the Mexicans upon Captains Hardee and Thornton : " Strong guards of foot and mounted men are established on the margin of the river, and thus efficient means have been adopted on our part to prevent all intercourse. While opposite to us their pickets extend above and below for several miles, we are equally active in keeping up a strong and vigilant guard to prevent surprise, or attacks under disadvantageous circumstances. This is the more necessary, while we are to act on the defensive, and they are at liberty to take the opposite course whenever they think proper to do so. Nor have we been idle in other respects ; we have a field- work under way, besides having erected a strong battery, and a number of buildings for the security of our supplies, in addition to some respectable works for their protection. We have mounted a respectable battery, four pieces of which are long eighteen-pound- ers, with which we could batter or burn down the city of Mata- moras should it become necessary to do so. When our field-work is completed — which will soon be the case — and mounted with its proper armament, five hundred men could hold it against as many thousand Mexicans. During the twenty-seven days since our arri- val here, a most singular state of things has prevailed all through the outlines of the two armies, which, to a certain extent, have all the feelings as if there were actual war. " Fronting each other, for an extent of more than two miles, and within musket range, are batteries shotted, and the officers and men, in many instances, waiting impatiently for orders to apply the matches ; yet nothing has been done to provoke the firing of a gun or any act of violence. 76 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. " Matamoras, at ihc distance we are now from it, appears to cover a large extent of ground, with some handsome buildings, but I would imagine the greater portion of them to be indifferent one- houses, with roofs of straw, and walls of mud or unburnt brick. During peace the population is said to be five or six thou- sand, but it is now filled to overflowing with troops. Report says from five to ten thousand of all sorts, regular and militia. The number, I presume, is very much overrated. " P. 8. — Since writing the above an engagement has taken place between a detachment of our cavalry and the Mexicans, in which we are worsted. So the war has actually commenced, and the hardest must fend off. "Yours, 6ic. " Z. Taylor." GENERAL EVENTS. 77 CHAPTER XI. Captain Thornton's Expedition.— Principal Events to the leaving of General Taylor for Point Isabel. — Bombardment of Fort Brown. In the last chapter we made allusion to intelligence being re- ceived, through a prisoner, that the Mexicans were about to cross the Rio Grande, and that a squadron of dragoons was ordered to proceed to the spot. The prisoner was to act as guide. On the same day General Taylor's spies brought in news that a large body of Mexicans had crossed the river to the Texas side, above the American fort, and that about fifteen hundred had also crossed be- low. The squadron of dragoons under the guidance of the Mexi- can prisoner was commanded by Captain Thornton, and sent to the crossing above the camp, while Captain Kerr was dispatched with a squadron below ; both for the purpose of reconnoitring the ene- my's position. Captain Thornton's command consisted of Captain Hardee, Lieutenants Kane and Mason, with sixty-one privates and non- commissioned officers. They had proceeded about twenty-six miles, and to within a mile or two of the Mexican camp, when they were surprised and surrounded by a large body of the enemy, who commenced firing upon them. Lieutenant George Mason, with nine men, were killed, and two wounded. Captains Thornton and Hardee, and Lieutenant Kane, escaped, and subsequently surren- dered themselves with the non-commissioned officers and privates prisoners of war. It was now certain that the Mexicans had crossed the Rio Grande in large numbers, and for the purpose of ejecting the American army from the position it had assumed. General Taylor, therefore, immediately subsequent to the attack upon Thornton's command, advised the department at Washington that hostilities had com- menced, and dispatched a messenger with requisitions upon the governors of Texas and Louisiana for volunteers — upon the former for twenty companies of foot riflemen, and upon the latter for four regiments of infantry. LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. Crista had superseded Ampudia in the command of the Mexican forces, and it was upon this change that the first act of violation was committed by them ; he haying previously, however notified General Taylor that he " considered hostilities had com- menced, and he should prosecute them." From the capture of Thornton's command all communication .'. is 'lit off from Point Isabel with General Taylor's camp for three This was a most serious misfortune, as the entire stores of the army, with the exception of eight days' rations at the camp, op posite Matamoras, were at this place, and the prospect of re- lishing a communication was most discouraging, so large a body oi -. under Arista himself, had been interposed with ial object in view, as was probable, (and which after- wards appeared by Arista's dispatches.) Point Isabel was also daily in expectation of being attacked. Major Munroe commanded here with a force of four hundred and fifty men. The ordnance consisted of sixteen brass six-pounders, two long eighteen, and two ship's guns for artillery. The supply of powder and balls of all kinds was ample, and provisions and in abundance, so that it was calculated an opposing force of four times their number could be successfully resisted for any length of time. In addition, the masters and crews oi vessels in the harbor volunteered, and mustered to the number of five hun- dred men, went ashore, and remained under arms.. On the 28th, Captain Walker, of the Texan rangers volunl left his camp between Point Isabel and Matamoras with seventy- live men, to reconnoitre, having learned a ! ■ _ Mi \ican fon on the road. II untered one thousand five hundred Mo\i- cans, (as he supposes,) with whom he had an engagement oi fif- teen minute-. * »n In- return to Point Isaliel he volunteered with almost incredible boldness to attempt to carry a communication to General Taylor; and on the 29th be set oul with four men, and succeeded in reaching the camp oi the commanding general. i , . T . '• situation at this time was a critical one. His supply of provisions in camp was sntlicient for only eight days his Stores and munitions were at Point Isabel, twenty-seven miles dis- tant, and all communication, between the camp and depot, he had DEFENCE OF FORT BROWN. 79 good reason to believe, had been closed by the enemy. Upon the arrival of Captain Walker, therefore, and learning the state of af- fairs on the route, he resolved to set out in person, with the greater part of his force, and endeavor to effect a transit of supplies. He had nearly completed his defences opposite Matamoras. The cita- del of the position, an irregular hexagon, with bastioned fronts, and a capacity to receive twelve hundred men, though it might be de- fended with five hundred, he considered sufficient to sustain a regular assault for at least ten days from disciplined troops and scientific approach from trenches. Intrusting the works to the command of Major Brown, with the seventh regiment of infantry under Captain Lowd, and two companies of artillery under Lieu- tenant Braggs, in all about, six hundred men, General Taylor set out with the remainder of his force, on the 1st day of May, for Point Isabel. So soon as the Mexican commander learned that a large part of the American forces had been withdrawn from the fort opposite Matamoras, (now Fort Brown,) he opened his batteries in the town with seven guns. This was on the morning of the 3d May. The fire was promptly responded to by the American battery. After a brisk fire of fifteen minutes from the eighteen-pounders, the Mexican fort was silenced, two of their guns supposed to have been dismounted. A fire was then commenced from the Mexican lower fort, and a mortar battery, which was kept up without intermission until half- past seven o'clock. The cannonade from these positions was con- tinued occasionally until midnight, during which time the Mexi- cans exhausted some twelve or fifteen hundred shot, but with very little effect. On the morning of the 6th May, Major Brown, the commanding officer, was mortally wounded by the bursting of a shell, while standing near Captain Mansfield, directing the operations of that corps of engineers. Upon Major Brown receiving the wound that terminated fatally, three days afterwards, Captain Hawkins, of the seventh infantry, assumed command. This took place at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 6th, and large mounted parties of infantry were then seen in &0 LIFE OF GENERAL T.W the rear. Towards evening the enemy opened fire from town with one mortar, and with two mortars from the rear ; and at half- ; 31 10 o'clock, some infantry crept up in a ravine and fired mus- ketry, but being out of range, the fire was not returned. Lieuten- ant Bragg, at 10 o'clock the next morning, fired several rounds of canister from his battery upon parties of mounted men and infantry that seemed to surround the rear, which dispersed them, but brought forth a shower of shells, which lasted incessantly until half-past 11 o'clock, and ceased. Between this and half-past 4 P. M., five shells were thrown, at which time a white flag was shown at some old buildings in the rear, and a parley sounded by the enemy. Two Mexican officers advanced, and were met by two of Captain Hawkins' command, who received and took to Captain Hawkins a communication from General Arista, com- manding Hawkins to surrender the fort, and allowing one hour to Upon the receipt of this document, the commander of Fort Brown called a council of his officers, having command of the dif- ferent companies, and upon consultation agreed unanimously upon sending the following reply : Id \i> Qcarters, United States Fori I i Matamoras, May t>. L846, •') o'clock, p.m. * "Sir, — Your humane communication has just been received. and after the consideration due to its importance, I must respect- fully decline to surrender my tones to you. "The exact purport of your dispatch I cannot feel confident that I understand, as my interpreter is not skilled in your language; but if I have und< tly, you have my reply above. " 1 am, sir, respectfully, " Your obedient servant, •■ E. S. Hawkins, " Commanding U. S. Forces opjiosite Mataruoras. " General M. Arista, i« Commanding Division of the North." When this reply was received by the .Mexican general, he opened his batteries with a continual shower of shot and shells until sunset, BOMBARDMENT OF FORT BROWN. 81 when it, ceased.' The night passed quietly, but the utmost vigi- lance was exercised by the American commander, and every man was kept at his post, as it was confidently expected that an attack more severe than the others would be made in the morning. At daylight the next morning the enemy's batteries opened with shells, but continued but a short time, and was renewed at intervals, with canister and grape, until half-past two o'clock, p. m., when a regu- lar bombardment with shot and shells, from a howitzer and the mortars, commenced, and was kept up until sunset. Dark setting in, Captain Mansfield, of the Engineer Corps, was sent out with one hundred men to level the traverse thrown up by General Worth on the bank of the river, to prevent the use of it by the enemy to fire into the fort, which he accomplished by mid- night, at which time a random fire of musketry commenced all around, which lasted until daylight, when the enemy's batteries were again opened with shells from the sand-bag battery and from the lower fort. The bombarding was kept up during the day with great ferocity, some part of the time mortars being at play upon the little fort from the north, south, and west, at the same instant. This was the 8th of May, and at half-past two o'clock the cannonading from the field of Palo Alto was heard. This created an intense excite- ment *in the fort, as it was supposed to proceed from an engage- ment between the Mexican and American forces, and the most alarming results were feared, from the known superiority of the enemy's forces. During this day Captain Hawkins is of opinion they received .from one hundred and fifty to two hundred shells, and from sev- enty-five to one hundred round shot, and not a man was disabled. The next day, at 2 o'clock p. m., Major Brown died, and soon after the firing was heard from Resaca de la Palma, which announced a re-engagement between General Taylor and the enemy. The enemy raised the siege at about six o'clock this day, and beat a retreat. 11 62 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER XII. Battle of Palo Alto. General Taylor reached Point Isabel on the 2d of May, with- out having seen a Mexican on his way. On the day following, lie heard the cannonading, by the assault on Fort Brown, with some concern, but no scouts reported any intelligence of importance until the 4th, when Captain .May. with a squadron of dragoons re- turned to Point Isabel, with reports that a heavy force was en- camped on the road, twelve miles below Matamoras, whose camp he passed around ; and this intelligence was continued the next day, the 5th, by scouts that came in, saying that the chaparral was lined with sentinels everywhere. The firing was still heard at the fort, and General Taylor made dispositions to commence his return march on the next day, the 6th, with an ample train, of baggage-wagons, loaded with stores for the army. Whether the Mexican commander had concentrated his forces so as to assail ihe camp opposite Matamoras in rear as well as in front, during the absence of the army — whether the works w r ere found capable of sustaining the assault that had been made — or whether the great body of Mexicans would take advan- tage of the defiles and chaparrals upon the route he was about himself to enter, with so cumbrous a tram of baggage, was matter of total uncertainty. May 6th, Captain Walker arrived with dispatches from Major Brown's camp, and reported the particul i lasl chapter. M jor Brown was reserving his ammunition, and thus tar all was there. These assurances of Captain Walker determined General Taylor to postpone Ins departure, in hopes thai additional forces would arrive within a slant time at Point Isabel, for the se- curity of that important Btation, as well as to augmenl the effec- tive force with which he would soon be ready to encounter the enemy. Nothing further of importance took place until the evening of the ?lh of Mav, when the main body of the army of occupation BATTLE OF PALO ALTO. 83 moved from Point Isabel, under the immediate orders of General Taylor, and bivouacked seven miles distant. The march was resumed the following morning. About noon, when the advance of cavalry had reached the water-hole of "Palo Alto," the Mexican troops were reported in front, and were soon discovered occupying the road in force. General Taylor ordered a halt upon reaching the water, with a view to rest and refresh the men, and form deliberately the line of battle. The Mexican line was now plainly visible across the prairie, and about three-quarters of a mile distant. Their left, which was composed of a heavy force of cavalry, occupied the road, resting upon a thicket of chap- arral, while masses of infantry were discovered in succession on the right, greatly outnumbering the American force. The line of battle was now formed in the following order, com- mencing on the extreme right : Fifth infantry, commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Mcintosh ; Major Ringgold's artillery ; third infantry, commanded by Captain L. N. Morris ; two eighteen- pounders, commanded by Lieutenant Churchill, third artillery ; fourth infantry, commanded by Major G. W. Allen ; the third and fourth regiments composed the third brigade, under the command of Lieutenant-colonel Garland ; and all the above corps, together with two squadrons of dragoons under Captains Ker and May, composed the right wing, under the orders of Colonel Twiggs. The left was formed by the battalion of artillery commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Childs, Captain Duncan's light artillery, and the eighth infantry, under Captain Montgomery — all forming the first brigade, under command of Lieutenant-colonel Belknap. The train was packed near the water, under direction of Captains Grossman and Myers, and protected by Captain Ker's squadron. At two o'clock General Taylor took up the march by heads of columns, in the direction of the enemy — the eighteen-pounder bat- tery following the road. While the columns were advancing Lieut. Blake, topographical engineers, volunteered a reconnoissance of the enemy's line, which was handsomely performed, and resulted in the discovery of at least two batteries of artillery in the intervals of their cavalry and infantry. These batteries were soon opened upon the Americans ; when Gen. Taylor ordered the columns halted and de- B4 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. ployed into line, and the lire to be returned by all his artillery. The eighth infantry on the extreme left was thrown hack to secure that The first fires of the enemy did litt! a, while our eighteen-pounders, and .Major Ringgold's artillerj - >6n dispersed i avalry, while his left, Captain Duncan's battery, thrown for- ward in advance of the line, was doing good execution at this time. Captain May's squadron was now detached to support that battery, and the left of our position. The Mexican cavalry, with two pieces of artillery, were now reported to be moving through the chaparral to our right, to threaten that flank, or make a demonstration against the train. The fifth infantry was immediately detached to check this movement, and, supported by Lieut. Ridgley, with a section ol Major Ringgold's battery and Captain Walkers company of volun- teers, effectually repulsed the enemy— the fifth infantry repelling a charge of lancers, and the artillery doing great execution in their ranks. The third infantry was now detached to the right as a still further security to that flank yet threatened by the enemy. Major Ringgold, witli the remaining section, kept up his fire from an ad- vanced position and was supported by the fourth infantry. The grass of the prairie had been accidentally fired by our artil- lery, and the volumes of smoke now partially < one.;;!,.! the armies from each other. As the enemy's left had evidently been driven back, and left the road free, as the cannonade had been suspended. the American General ordered forward the eighteen-pounders the road, nearly to the position first occupied by the Mexican i . and causi .1 the first brigade to take up a new position still on the Left ■ I [hteen-pounder battery. The fifth infantry was ad- vanced from its former position, and occupied a point on the treme right of the new hue. The enemy made a change oi position corresponding to our own, and after a suspension o( nearly an hour the action was resumed. T. lire of the artillery was now most destructive — openings instantly made through the enemy's ranks b\ our lire : and the constancy with which the Ml lican infantry sustained tins ■ cannonadi was a theme of univi real remark and admiration, -tain May's squadron was detached to make a demonstration on the left of the enemy's position, ana Buffered severely from the lire BATTLE OF PALO ALTO. 85 of artillery to which it was for some time exposed. The fourth infantry, which had been ordered to support the eighteen-pounder battery, was exposed to a most galling fire of artillery, by which several men were killed, and Captain Page dangerously wounded. The enemy's fire was directed against our 18-pounder battery, and the guns under Major Ringgold in its vicinity. The major himself, while coolly directing the fire of his pieces, was struck by a cannon ball, and mortally wounded. In the mean time the battalion of artillery under Lieutenant- colonel Childs had been brought up to support the artillery on our right. A strong demonstration of cavalry was now made by the enemy against this part of our line, and the column continued to advance under a severe fire from the eighteen-pounders. The bat- talion was instantly formed in square, and held ready to receive the charge of cavalry ; but when the advanced squadrons were within close range, a deadly fire of canister from the eighteen- pounders dispersed them. A brisk fire of small arms was now opened upon the square, by which Lieutenant Luther of second artillery w T as slightly wounded ; but a well-directed volley from the front of the square silenced all further firing from the enemy in this quarter. It was now nearly dark, and the action was closed on the right of the American line ; the enemy having been com- pletely driven back from his position, and foiled in every attempt against our line. While the above was going forward on our right, the enemy had made a serious attempt against the left of our line. Captain Dun- can, with his usual quickness of perception, discovered and com- municated to Lieutenant Belknap, commanding the brigade, the fact that the enemy was moving the entire cavalry and infantry force of his right wing upon our train in rear of the left of our line of battle, and that his battery could produce a more destructive effect upon the enemy by taking position further to the left. He was ordered to proceed to the threatened point with all possible dispatch, and hold the enemy in check until the eighth infantry could come up to his support. The battery dashed back to the left flank in full view of the enemy, and engaged him within point- blank range of his small guns. So sudden and unexpected was v ii LIFE OP GENERAL T.W this movement to the enemy, who a mon ire saw this bat- tery disappear in the opposite direction behind the smoke of the burning prairie, thai bis whole column of cavalry pulled up t halt before a shot had been fired or the guns unlimbered. \ -irongbody of the enemy's infantry, supported by two squad- rons of cavalry, now debouched from the extreme right point of the chaparral, and moved steadily forward to the attack ; < sec- tion of the battery opened upon them with round shot, shells, and spherical case, so well directed that the whole advance, horse and foot, fell back in disorder to the bushes ; the other section in the mean lime played into the masses of cavalry that had halted at the right of the guns before mentioned. Although these shot were well directed, and each made an opening through an entire squad- ron, this part of the enemy's line stood unshaken. The column of cavalry and infantry driven back in the chaparral by the other section, reformed there, and moved forward a second time to the attack with great rcgularitv. After ti. about one hundred yards from the chaparral, the section before or- dered to drive them back a ned, and drove them with even greater success than before. They fell back pell-mell to the bushes and commenced their retreat; their supporting cavalry abandoned them, rushed back upon the head of the columns that had before withstood our shot, and a flight commenced ; squadron after squad- ron took it up, and the entire right wing of the enemy was in full retreat. Both sections were now brought to bear upon the enemy's broken and flying columns, and a brisk and destructive lire kepi up till they disappeared in the chaparral, or darkness put an end to the battle. This battery, under the skilful man;. I Captain Duncan, and with the aid oi the 8th infantry, commanded by Captain Mont- gomery, and Captain Ker's Bquadron of dragoons, was of immense service, at tins peculiar crisis, on our lefl line, and to the succ< ss- ful result of the battle. They al first gallantly held the enemy al bay, and finally drove him from the field with great loss. 'This terminated the action, and our army bivouacked on the ground it occupied, while that oi the Mexicans reined into the chaparral, in - of their position. BATTLE OF PALO ALTO. 87 The American force engaged in this battle is reported by Gen- eral Taylor to have been 177 officers, and 2,111 men — in all 2,288. The Mexican force, according to the statements of their own offi- cers, taken prisoners on the following day, was not less than six thousand regular troops, with ten pieces of artillery — the irregular force not known. Their loss is estimated by Arista, the command- er-in-chief, in his hasty dispatch, at two hundred and fifty-two killed, wounded, and dispersed ; and by General Taylor at not less than two hundred killed and four hundred wounded, made upon the actual number counted upon the field, and the reports of their own officers. But the loss of the enemy was far greater even than this. S8 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER XIII. Battle of Resaca de la Palma. On the morning of the 9th of May the Mexicans were discovere . from the position occupied by the American army on the field oi Palo Alto since the close of the battle the day previous, moving by their left flank from the ground occupied by them during the night, evidently in retreat, and as was thought to gain a new position on the road to Matamoras, and there again resist the advance of our army with the stores. General Taylor ordering the supply-train to be strongly parked at its position, leaving with it four pieces of ar- tillery, and sending the wounded officers and men back to Point Isabel, moved forward with the columns to the edge of the chapar- ral or forest, which extends to the Rio Grande, a distance oi - miles. The command of Captain McCall, fourth infantry, consist- ing of the light companies of the first brigade under Captain C. T Smith, Captain Walker with his Texas Rangers, detachment of artillery and infantry under Captain McCall and troop of second dragoons under Lieut. Pleasanton, in all two hundred and twenty men, were ordered to move forward into the chaparral, to feci the enemy and ascertain his position. Captain Smith moved on the right of the road, while Captain McCall advanced on the left with his detachment of artillery and infantry. Captain Walker with his company and a small detach- ment of mounted nun \v;is ordered to examine the road in front. and Lieut. Pleasanton with his dragoons marched in rear of the columns ol infantry. Having followed the trail of the enemy aboul two and a halt miles, through the chaparral, a prisoner was taken. and one of the enemy killed by Captain Walker's men. Having ci prairie and examined the opposite side. Captain Walker reported the road clear ; when desiring to obtain definite information as to the position ol the enemy, Captain McCall pushed him forward into the chaparral, (within supporting distance,) and one or two parties ol from three to si\ were seen in the bushes, and a mounted party was tired upon by the thinkers. BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA. 89 On reaching the open ground at Resaca de la Palma, the nead of Captain McCall's column received three rounds of canister shot from a masked battery, which killed one private and wounded two sergeants on the left of the road, and made his men take cover. They rallied however handsomely within forty or fifty paces, Captain McCall now brought Captain Smith's detachment to the left of the road, proposing to attack by flank movement what he supposed to be only the rear-guard of the retiring army ; and he recalled Lieut. Dobbins, who, with a few men, had deployed to the left, where he had killed one or two of the enemy who had shown himself in his front. Being now satisfied that the Mexican army was in force on his front, Captain McCall dispatched three dragoons to inform General Taylor of the fact, and then moved his command to a stronger position to await his arrival. General Taylor, upon the receipt of this intelligence, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, immediately put his command in motion, and came up with Captain McCall about four o'clock. Cap- tain McC. reporting the enemy in force in front, occupying a ravine which intersects the road, and is skirted by thickets of dense chap- arral, General Taylor ordered Ridgley's battery, and the advance un- der Captain McCall, to be thrown forward on the road and into the chaparral on either side, while the fifth infantry, and one wing of the fourth, was thrown into the forest on the left, and the third, and the other wing of the fourth, on the right of the road. These corps were employed as skirmishers to cover the battery and en- gage the Mexican infantry. Lieutenant Ridgley now being in front with his light-artillery, Captain Walker was sent to point him out the enemy, and his ex- act position. After moving very cautiously for some time, Lieut. Ridgley discovered the Mexicans in the road, about four hundred yards in front, with their artillery, which they instantly opened. Lieut. Ridgley moved rapidly to the front, about one hundred yards, and returned their fire, which was kept up very spiritedly on both sides for some time, their grape-shot passing through Lieut. Ridg- ley's battery in every direction. So soon as it slackened he lim- bered up and moved rapidly forward, never unlimbering unless seeing them in front, or perceiving from the fire of their infantry 12 90 J.IKK OF GENERAL TAYLOR. the)' were on his flnnks, and discharging canister frequently from J of his pieces, at a distance of not over one hundred or one hundred and fifty yards from the enemy. He had advanced in this mann< i for about live hundred yards, when Captain .May of second dragoons, came up, under orders to charge the enemy's battery. Captain May. during the morning, had been actively engaged in reconnoitring the chaparral in advance of 'he army ; and was about half a mile from the position the enemy was reported to have taken, when he was ordered to charge the enemy's batteries and drive him from his pieces, which he proceeded rapidly to execute. When Captain May r< Rii gley, the latter discharged a volley to show the way, when May dashed gallantly on in column of fours at the head of his squadron, and was followed by Lieut. Ridgley and his command, on a gallop. Captain May drove the enemy from bis guns amidst a heavy fire, but with a loss of Lieutenant Inge, seven privates, and eighteen horses killed. Lieutenant Inge was gallantly leading his platoon when he fell; and Lieutenants Sergeant and Story, in the front, had their horses killed under them. Captain May charged entirely through the enemy's batteries of seven pieces. Captain Graham, accompanied by Lieutenants \\ inship and Pleasanton, leading the charge against the piei - the left of the road ; and himself, accompanied by Lieutenants Inge, Sackett, and Stevens, those on the direct road, and gained the rising ground on the opposite side of the ravine. After gaining 'lie rising ground in the rear he could rally bul hx men, and with these he charged the enemy's gunners, who had regained their ve them off, and took j G La Vega, whom Mid gallantly fighting in person at his batl When Lieutenant l«' up to the ravine, three of the enemy's - of artillery were abandoned; their infantry, how- poured into linn a most galling fire, at from twenty-five to fifty paces; and here en-iied a operate Struggle; their cavalry coming - be reached by the sabre. The « infantry under Captain Montgomery now came up, and for a time was warmly engaged, but succeeded in Becuring the battery, and the regiment then charged upon the ravine and across the small BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA. 91 prairie amidst a sheet of fire from the front, left, and right, drove the supporting column before it, destroying the enemy in vast numbers, they having maintained a most determined and obstinate resistance until finally repulsed and driven from the field. During this charge, the eighth infantry was joined by a part of the fifth infantry under the gallant Captain Martin Scott, who had just been engaged in a hot personal contest with the enemy, from which he was timely relieved by a part of the eighth infantry un- der Lieutenant Wood ; Lieutenants Ruggles and Crittenden with a small command of the fifth, with the eighth infantry, all under Captain Montgomery, routed the enemy's right wing, carrying his right battery, between which and his centre batteries had been posted the celebrated Tampico Regiment, all of which, except some seventeen men, fell in their position, making the most gallant and determined resistance. A part of the fifth infantry — Captains Wood's and Merrill's companies — under Colonel Mcintosh, charged across the enemy's position, carrying one of his centre batteries, and with the third and fourth infantry put to rout his left wing, in which gallant charge, Colonel Mcintosh fell dangerously wounded. Captain Marcy of the fifth infantry, with a small com- mand of that regiment, had turned the enemy's left flank, and taken a piece which, leaving in the rear, was removed by the enemy, but retaken by Captain Buchanan of the fourth infantry. The light companies of the first brigade, and the third and fourth regiments of infantry, had been deployed on the right of the road, when at various points they became briskly engaged with the enemy. The fourth infantry, under command of Brevet-Major Allen, advancing, discovered that the enemy were pouring a heavy fire of grape and musketry from a small breastwork just in front, defended by one piece of artillery and about 150 infantry. Cap- tain Buchanan was ordered to cross to the right and advance. He had in his command some thirty men of the regiment, together with Lieutenants Hays and Woods. He deployed his men upon the crest of the hill, charged, took the piece, and bore it back to a place of safety. The enemy had a breastwork in Captain Bu- chanan's rear, and opened a heavy fire on him ; when, with about ten men, he dislodged him and drove him across the road. Lieu- 92 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. tenants Hays and Woods first reached the piece of ordnance and captured it, and were attacked in the act of bearing it away by a party of the enemy determined to regain it, which they repulsed. The 3d infantry, commanded by Captain Morris, was also de- ployed in the commencement of the engagement as skirmishers on the right of the road, the left resting on the road. The regiment advanced rapidly to the front, where it became exposed to a cross fire of both armies, but upon changing position joined in the action with service to the successful result. Captain Barbour, with his command, also repulsed a party attempting to retake the piece spoken of. The 4th regiment, after taking the battery, pushed forward until it emerged Groin the thicket into the main camp of the enemy, con- taining the head-quarters of the commanding general of the Mexi- can army, their ammunition, some 300 or 400 mules, saddles, and every variety of camp equipage, with the commander's offi- cial correspondence, which they captured. Lieutenant Cochrane fell at the edge of the camp whilst gallantly leading his men into it. The artillery battalion, excepting the flank companies, had ordered to guard the baggage-train, which was parked some dis- tance in the rear. That battalion was now ordered to pursue the enemy, and with the 3d infantry Captain Kit's dragoons, and Captain Duncan's battery, followed him rapidly to the river, ma- king a number of prisoners. Several of the enemy were drowned in attempting to cross the river near the town. The corps Last mentioned encamped near the river — the remainder of the army on the field of battle. The aggregate marching force under General Taylor this day was 2222. The actual number engaged with the enemy did not exceed 1700 men. The American loss was three officers and thirty-Si^ men killed, and sevenl\-ollc Wounded. The exact force of the .Mexican- is HOI known, but is sup, - by Genera] Taylor to have been 6000. Their loss in killed, wounded, and missing, in the two affairs, is estimated by General Taylor at 1000. Gen. Taylor remarks thus on the result of the tie : GENERAL TAYLOR CROSSES THE RIO GRANDE. 93 " Our victory has been decisive. A small force has overcome immense odds of the best troops Mexico can furnish — veteran regiments perfectly equipped and appointed. Eight pieces of ar- tillery, several colors and standards, a great number of prisoners, including fourteen officers, and a large amount of baggage and public property, have fallen into our hands. " The causes of victory are doubtless to be found in the supe- rior quality of our officers and men. I have already, in former reports, paid a general tribute to the admirable conduct of the troops on both days ; it now becomes my duty, and I feel it to be one of great delicacy, to notice individuals." General Taylor then adverts to acts of individual gallantry, as we have also in other places. On account of General Taylor's limited means for crossing riv- ers, he was not able to prosecute so complete a victory, and greatly felt the necessity of a ponton train, such as he recommended to the department a year ago. He was therefore obliged to wait for heavy mortars, with which to menace the town from the left bank, and also the accumulation of small boats. He at length made ev- ery preparation to cross the river above the town, while Lieuten- ant-colonel Wilson made a diversion on the side of Barita, and the order of march was given out for ten o'clock on the 17th May, from the camp near Fort Brown, when he was waited on by Gen- eral Reguena, empowered by General Arista to treat for an armis- tice until the government should finally settle the question. General Taylor replied that an armistice was out of the question ; that a month since he had proposed one to Ampudia, which was declined, and that circumstances had now changed, &c. An answer from Arista was promised in the afternoon, but not coming, General Taylor commenced the crossing, with a view to take the town of Matamoras on the morning following. Upon land- ing on the other side no resistance was made, and he was soon in- formed from various quarters that Arista had abandoned the town with all his troops. A staff officer was immediately dispatched to the Prefect to demand a surrender, which was granted, and Gen- eral Taylor marched in and took possession of the town and public property left behind. 94 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. CHAPTER XIV. Incidents of Pebsonax Valor, Sec. Lieutenant C. D. Jordax. — In the battle of the 9th, when the 8th regiment to which he belongs was ordered to advance to support the bold charge of the dragoons, led by Captain May, Lieutenant Jordan, with his company, rushed on the enemy, com- pelled them to break their ranks, and fight in detached squads, which, after a brief but severe contest, were destroyed or disp - Lieutenant Jordan, seeing a party of five Mexicans firing on our forces, rushed upon them sword in hand, expecting thai he was supported by three soldiers of the regiment. " Two or three shots were dis I at him when at the distance of only a few paces, but fortunately missed him ; and at this instant he perceived he was alone, his men having met with other enemies, and his foes were prepared to receive him with the bayonet. It was do time for hesitation. He made a blow with his sword at the nearest Mexican, which wounded him severely, although it was partly par- ried with his musket ; and at this critical moment his fool struck something, he stumbled, fell forward to the ground, and lost his sword. Before he could recover his feel he received three bayonet stabs in his body; but he threw himself on one of the Mexicans, wrenched his cutlass from his hand, when he was fired upon by another, and a buck-shot was lodged in his arm near the shoulder, and one passed through his arm. He fell upon his back, and his 9 were about to dispatch him, when Lieutenant ('. Lincoln, having vanquished those previously opp — d t>> him, hastened with others in good time to the rescue Lieutenant Lincoln cut down one of the Mexicans, whosi comi immediately subdued." Li i:i n:\wt Blake. — On the morning of the 8th, Cencral Taylor rode down his line and surveyed his command. He wished to ascertain whether the enemy had artillery, and how much. For this purpose Captain May was ordered out with a Bquadron to INCIDENTS OF PERSONAL VALOR. 95 reconnoitre, and, if possible, draw a fire from the enemy ; but to no purpose. Lieutenant Blake of the topographical engineers now- offered to go forward alone and reconnoitre. A brother officer vol- unteered to accompany him, and they set out together on horse- back, and dashed to within eighty yards of the enemy's line. " Lieutenant Blake alighted from his horse and with his glass sur- veyed the whole line, the American army looking on with astonish- ment. Just then two Mexican officers rode out towards them, but they drawing their pistols, the Mexicans halted. Lieut. Blake and his companion now mounted and galloped down their line to the other end, and returned, having procured the information neces- sary, which was, that the enemy had two batteries, one composed of seven, and the other five pieces. They but reached their own line when the batteries opened and the work of destruction com- menced. " Lieutenant Blake was the next day killed by the accidental dis- charge of his own pistol. He had thrown his sword, to which his pistols were attached, to the ground, on entering his tent. One pistol was discharged, and the ball entering his thigh was taken out of his breast. He died in three hours afterwards, regretting he had not been killed the day before. He was a native of Phila- delphia, a noble fellow, and an ornament to the army." Captain Allen Lowd, second artillery, occupied an important position in the works opposite Matamoras during the siege. He was the senior artillery officer present. A correspondent of the Albany Argus thus speaks of Captain Lowd and the part he took : " On the morning of the 3d of May, for six successive hours did Captain Lowd pour his fire into the enemy's batteries and into the town of Matamoras; his men working their guns till they were nigh totally exhausted, and he himself in the thickest of the fire, the enemy's balls flying round him and his men like hail — the Mexicans having concentrated their fire on his buttery. His cap was blown from his head by the wind of a passing ball, and the guns near his person were frequently struck by the shot, which the enemy, with wonderful precision, fired through the embrasures. It is almost miraculous that neither he nor any one of his company 96 LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. was injured. Officers and men were covered with the sand which the enemy's balls, striking near, ploughed from the faces of the embrasures and the edge of the parapet. " Independent of Captain Lowd's energy and activity during the fight with the enemy, his calmness and discretion during the whole of the siege were such as to elicit the admiration of all, and to render his counsel in those long, perilous hours, of infinite value to those who sought it." The following named officers are natives of the State of New York, and were engaged in the defence of Fort Brown, and in the actions of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. The names will suggest the proud part the Empire State took in these affairs. ENGAGED IN DEFENCE OF FORT BROWN. Second Regiment Artillery — Lieutenant A. B. Lansing. Seventh Regiment Infantry — Captain E. S. Hawkins. do. do. do. Captain D. P. Whiting. do. do. do. Lieutenant J. C. Henshaw. do. do. do. Lieutenant F. (Gardner. do. do. do. Lieutenant 11. B. Cuts. do. do. do. Lieutenant \V. K. Van Bokkelen. PRESENT IN THE ACTIONS OF 8TII AND 9TH MAY. General Staff — Captain W. W. S. Bliss, Assistant Adjutant-general. \|. d cal Staff— Dr. .M. Mills. First luLMiiKiit Artillery — Lieutenant J. S. Hatheway. Second Regiment Artillery — Captain J. Duncan, commanding company Horse Artillery. do. do. do. Lieutenant L Chase. do. do. do. Lieutenant .1. J. Peck. Third Regiment Artillery— Lieutenant W. H. Churchill. Fourth Regiment Artillery— Brevet Major W. W. .Morris. do. do. Lieutenant C. Benjamin. Second Regiment Dragoons — Lieutenant F. Hamilton. do. da il"- Lieutenant O. F. Winahip. do. do. do. Lieutenant 1>. II. Socket Third Regiment Infantry — Captain L. N. .Morris. do. do. do. Captain II. Bamhridge. do. do. do. Captain G. P. Field- da do. do. Lieutenant W. S. Henry. Fourth Regiment Infantry — Captain P. Moi do. do. do. Captain Gouverneur Morris. Fifth Regiment Infantry — Lieutenant M. Roeecranta Eighth Regiment Infantry — Brevet Lieuti aant-colone] Belknap. Captain II M< Kavett Captam J. V. BomfonL Lieutenant .1 V. 1>. Reeve. Lieutenant ( '■ K. 1 1 Lieutenant C. F. Morris. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. D. Appleton fy Co. have recently published, TWENTY- FOUR YEARS IN THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC; EMBRACING ITS CIVIL AND MILITARY HISTORY, And an account of its Political Condition, before and during the Admitiistiation of Governor Rosas ; his Course of Policy j the Causes and Character of his Interference with the Government of Montevideo, and the Circum- stances which led to the Interposition of England and France. BY COL. J. ANTHONY KING, An Officer in the Army of the Republic, and twenty-four years a resident of the country. One handsome volume, 12mo. $1. Summary op Contents. — Departure from New- York— the Army of the Argentine — Battle with Gen. Artigas — Treach- ery of the Supreme Director, Pursedon — Carrere's Expedition toward Chili— Battles of tho Punta San Luis, and Villa do Ranchos — Defeat and Death of Gen. Ramarez — Treachery of Echagua— Gen. Bustes— Fate of Carrere— Tho Cordilloras — Army of Co-operation for Alto Peru — War between the Provinces of Salta and Tucuman — Great Battle of Tucuman The great Cavrado de Humaguaca— Expedition into Alto Peru — Siege, and Battle of Carriparee— The Chiriviono Indians— Sojourn among the Chirivione Indians — Col. Gerrure — Surprise and Capture of the town of Pascaye in Peru — The Mattacca Indians—. Supremacy of the Church — Persecution — Journey toward the Frontier — Earthquake — Ruins of Estcca Celebration of Neustra Sefiora de losdolores— Catholic Superstition — Death of Governor Rouze of Tucuman — Santiago— Journey to Cata- marca — Gen. Queroga — Oppression of tho English Miners — Cordova — Independence of Uruguay — Revolution at Buenos Ayres — Death of Gov. Dorago— Entrance of Gen. Paz into the city of Cordova — Buenos Ayres besieged by Rosas— Capitula- tion and triumphant entrance — The Unitarians and the Federals — Despotic course of Rosas— Revolution in the Interior- Arrest and Imprisonment — Gov. Paz and his flatterers — The Cavildo — Mode3 of Execution — Quiroga's Campaigns against Cordova — Battles of the Tablada and the Lagona Lago — Flight of Quiroga — Provincial Congress at Cordova, and Declaration against Rosas — Expedition against Cordova — Downfall of tho Unitarians and supremacy of Rosas — Murder of Quiroga and Ortis — Execution of the Ranafes and Gov. Rodriguez— Rosas' interference with Montevideo— Revolution under Savaliaand Rivera— French Protest — Reign of Terror at Buenos Ayres— The Massorca Club— Rebellion in the South— Paragua— French Blockade — Insurrection at the North — Death of Lavalia — Resignation of Oribo and election of Rivera President of Uruguay- Don Manuel de Masa— Sacrilegious adulation of the Priesthood— Attempt to restrict tho Execution power— Cienfuiga— . Oribe's Expedition to the North — Dona Mnnuela — Brutal policy of the Dictator — Arrest and Murder of young Masa — Assas- sination of the elder Maso— Murder of Col. French and five others— Noble sacrifice by a British oflicer — Treaty with Franco — Removal of the Blockade — Invasion of the Banda Oriental— Intervention of England and Franco— Rosas and his Represen- tatives—Summary of Victims— Remarks on the Political Condition of the Country— Its Products— Customs of tho People, &c. " This narrative of tbe Civil Wars in the Argentine Republic embraces from the period of the expulsion of the Spaniards, to 1841, and is replete with matters of thrilling interest, and exhibits in a concise manner the mass of contending elements that have so long distracted that interesting country. The political history of Rosas, his course of policy, the origin of his invasion of tho Banda Oriental, and the ordeal of blood through which the people are parsing under his rulo. are all exhibited in this work, rendering it one of the utmost interest to tho historian, tho statesman, and tho general reader." ANIMAL MAGNETISM, OR PSYCODUNAMY. BY THEODORE LEG EH y Doctor of the Medical Faculty of Paris ; late Professor of Anatomy at the Practical School ; Fellow of the Society of Sciences and Art3 of the Dep. de la Mame ; late Professor of the Medical College of Mexico, etc. One neat volume, 12mo. Price $1 25. CONTENTS. — First Section— Academical Histort. Introduction. Chap. I. — The name. II.— Psycodunamy versus Prejudices. III. — First Academical Report on Psycodunamy in 1825. IV. — Academical Discussion of the First Re- port. — Opinion of Drs. Desgenettes, Con. — Virey, Pro. — Bally, Con. — Orfila, Pro. — Double, Con — Laennec, Con. — Chardel, Pro. — Rochoux, Con. — Marc, Pro. — Nncquart, Con. — Itard, Pro — Recamier, Con. — Georgot, Con. — Magendic, Con. — Guer- sent, Pro. — Gasc, Con.— Lerminier, Pro V. — Answer of the Committee to the Objections made against their Report, and .results of the Secret Voting on the Question. VI. — Report upon the Psycodunamic Experiments by tho Committee of the Koyal Academy of Paris— 1831. VII. — Dr. Ilerna's Experiments and Report on them by M. Oubois d'Amiens — 1S37. VIII.— Opinion of Dr. Husson on tho Report of M. Dubois d'Amiens. IX.— Academical Report i the Communication of Dr. Pige- aire (of Montpelier) on Psycodunamic Facts, and its Consequences. Second Section General Distort. Chap. 1. — History of Psycodunamy in the Ages of Antiquity. — Psycodunamy among tbe Indians. Persians, Egyptians, Hebrews. Greeks, feomans and Gauls. II. — Psycodunamy through the Middle Ages till tho days of Mesmer. III. — Mesmer. IV. — Discovery of Psycodunamic Somnambulism. V.— Psycodunamic Experiments in the Public Hospitals of Paris. VI.— Psycodunamy in England. VII. — Psycodunamy in the United States. "Tho author seeks to substitute a new word for tho popular term Magnetism in Psycodunamy, a Greek compound, signi- fying the power of the soul. His first chapter discusses this nar:: >, snd disposes of tho various terms " Mesmerism," " Neu- rology," " Pathctism," &e. The second treats of " prejodicos" on this topic, with a shot or two al tho physicians. Then follows a critical examination of the Academical History of the Science, with 'he roportB for and against, Another division Carries Magnetism or Psycodunamy far back in the history of the world among the Egyptians, Persians, and others, follows it through the middle ages to tho experiments of Mesmer, and describes its subseqn ''am, England, and the UaU t ted States." — Morning News. I APPLETON'S LITERARY MISCELLANY NEW VO -NOW READY, THE PEOPLE. MICHELET, Author of 1 * The History ofFlU r.slnted by G. II. Smith, F. G. 8. i-enu cloth G3 cU. PART ITRBT. Or Sutiih '■ II —Servitudes of the Workman da-{ i the Workman. IV.— Servitude*: of the M a n i if actui m. VII.— P li and ofllic Boargi',,-. "\" 1 1 1 . nchisemk*t »t Lots. — N altered, but ;• -?es. IV.— Ol" ibe • their Favor. VII. — IX.— U< IfaTiTi ■ titiun. IV.— Ou I.— Are! li^iun. V1L The Faith of ibe Revolution It tli.I nni : /111.— No Education without Faith. IX.— God in . .—Tho Young Country of lb..- Future.— * No. 13. THE LIFE OF MARTIN LUTHER, ROM EIIS OWN WRIT] BY Autliorof " The Hi Jtor . he Roman Rcpul.lic," olc. etr. Translated by G. U. Smith, I'. <:. S. ry of Franco," etc. Onun cent*. CONTF.NTs 1 .— Boos I. A D. "f Luther— His Ordination, Temptations, and II.— 1 Dt her attack* the I Ungeo— Worms— Hi turns to Witti i '» authority— Hie Writings against ll I i u 1 1 , i. c . 1 11 . — C - ip. I.— The Turks ! A i III.— J Chan. I.— Luther's Conversations on Du. ,!o— The Futhors , Krarna— v therms Father, ofhis Daughter, &c II— < >f I IV —Of" In loubU of his Friends and 1 wn. Doubts. - ions. VIL— Oil Ailments Longings for Death and Judgment— Death, A. D. 1540. No. 14. THE LIFE OF MRS. GODOLPHIN, WITH EXTRACTS FROM UVAl CORRESPONDENCE. BY JOHN EVELYK. (Now first publishod from the Original Manuscript.) LATELY PUBLISHED. No. 1 s» We know D, than Gertrude." i I alian of Ali i i [ n p I :ll8. iur ancestors prior t ! M \s Cablylb; •!,l the exhanst i KosTt, 'AH LITER \HV M a Gal I entire from the London edition. Papa i familiar to us, his hook is one which cannot fail to bo road with i [STOR^ I SOLUTION OF HMO; commonly called the Grea Charles I. to hi.- death. By F. Gcuot, the Prime Mini* " \< ..rk .il Lhrilli ' iting to somo of tho most important and stirring events in Eng lish II ridity."— '/"ribunf. r" OF CIVILIZATION IN EUROPE, from the Fall of th. 1 Bl F. Guizot, the Prime Minister of France. &c. A 1 1 1» . Profi M m ol History and Philosophy iu the Uni i cover 75 cents, or one vol., cloth, SI. "A work eloMly luiiing nothing useless, omitting nothing essential, written with grace, and concoivoi and arranged with consummate ability." * K> > • . 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