^. f ■ ^ ? ' " *^^ '^(\1^^/>- ^> °o <'■ u. *•-" . ^^/ /^«"/\/; /\ o > 4 - %.*" : ^^'% " .^^% '^'^o/*' > « "^a6^ f^^c^ ^: *^ o V -' ^ ♦ . , o ' V'^ ^^ ** ♦' DIAGRAM Of Philadelphia City and adjicent Townships. Penn Township. Northern Liberties. | i Vine. u u ca a H 2; > T c 3 o Street. North Mulberry Ward. Upper Delaware Ward. Race or Sassafras Street. South Mulberry Ward. Lower Delaware Ward. Arch or Mulberry Street. North Ward. High Street Ward. Market or High Street. Middle Ward. Chesnut Ward. Chesnut Street. South Ward. W^alnut Ward. Walnut Street. Locust Ward. Dock Ward. Spruce Street. Cedar Ward. Fine Ward. Pine Street. New Market Ward. South or Cedar Street. Passyunk. to a c S 03 >. O .^^ ^'^ Southwark. STATE-HOUSE BELL, FOR FIRE. NORTH, One, One, One— SOUTH, Two, Two, Two. EAST, Three, Three, Three— WEST. Four, Four, Four. NORTH-EAST, One-Three— NORTH-WEST, One-Four. SOUTH-EAST, Two-Three— SOUTH-WEST, Two-Four. EVERY If PHILADELPHIA'S BOOK, STRANGERS' GUIDE PHILADELPHIA : ^ ■ -, THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT &; CO. SOLB BY CAREY & HART, CORNER OF FOURTH AND CHESTXUT ;- 6I1I.IS & WALKER, 32 SOUTH FOURTH STREET; ZEIBER & CO., LEDGKR BUILDINGS, CORKER OF THIRD AND CHEST- NUT STS.; COLON & ADRIANCE, 203^ CHESTNUT ST.. 28 AND 30 arcade; and all BOOKSELLERS. 1845. IN PRESS. THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT Sl CO., wni. sHouTir publish "Tremayne's United States Table of Post-Offices, con- taining an alphabetical list of Post-Offices throughout the United States; distances from Washington, D. C. ; State and Territorial capitals respectively. Also exhibiting the Post-Offices in each State separately as well as county." Entered accordhig to act of Congress, in the year 1845, by EDWARD TREMAYNE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. t o ^-i stereotyped by Murray and Charles, Phila. King and Baird, Printers, No. 9, George street, Philadelphia, CONTENTS. Memoranda Key to Market street,. 45 to 56 Street Guide, 1 Public Squares, " " Markets, " " Schools, " Public and Benevolent In- stitutions, 21 Asylums for Lost Children, " Baptist Churches, 23 Catholic do., Christian Chapel, « " Coloured do,, and Churches, " Disciples of Christ, 24 Dutch Reformed, " Episcopal Churches, " Friends' Meeting Houses,. " German Reformed, " Independent, 25 Jews' Synagogue, " Lutheran, " Mariners, " Methodist Episcopal, " " Protestant, " Moravian, " New Jerusalem, 26 Presbyterian, " Unitarian, " Universalist, " Burying Grounds and Ce- meteries, 27 Libraries, " Places of xVmusement, " Temperance Societies, .... " Sons of Temperance, 28 Divisions of do. in operation in Pennsylvania, 30 City Government, 31 Select and Com. Council, .. " Board of Controllers, ..... 32 Professors in High School, " Aldermen for the City, .... " Judges, Assessors, Inspec- tors and Constables, 33 Do., Northern Liberties, ... " Kensington, do. do., .... 34 Spring Garden, do., .... " Southwark, do., " Moyamensing, do,, 35 Life and Trust Companies, " Banking Institutions,. . . . 36 Saving Institutions, 37 Fire & Marine Ins. Co.'s. . . 38 Marine do., " Association for the Relief of Disabled Firemen, * City Oinnibusses, 39 Country do., and Offices, . . " Stages, do. do., " N. Jersey Ferry Boats, .... 40 Do. Stages, " Railroad Offices, " Steamboats, 41 Transportation Lines, .... " U. States Mails, Hours of Arrival and Departure,. . " Foreign Consuls, 42 Hackney Coaches and Cab Fares 43 Guardians of the Poor, .... 44 0~«--v— -..^ OTinsfsm® mmm AiLmmA® \ iF©m m4^^F'4^a \ Being the seventieth year* of the Independence of the \ United States of America, and the twenty-ninth Congress, ( commencing from the 4th of March, 1845. >< H ^ iM ^ H « ^ i- (M "n ji a \ft (« >« < ^s t ^ < q < ■< K U3 PS < ** ■a! ■«; a S5 ! 2 < M i (X) Q c ^ S S- p t) ^ (X) a Q tc a i£ a t> ^ 50 o I 9 tf fo M 'A " Z 1 » ^ 5 r JuLr . _ 1 2 3 5 ^ Jan'x. . . - - 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12;; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i 13 14 15 16 17 18 19^ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, 18 19 20 2122 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 - - 5 25 26 27 28,29 30 31 Aug't. . - . - . 1 2'^ - . . - 1 - . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Feb'y. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16^ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 > 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 < 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sept'r. "l 2 3 4 5 6 March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13^ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20^ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27; 22 2>5 24 25 26 27 28 28 39 30 . - - . ;: 29 30 31 - - - . Oct'h. . . - 1 2 3 4 ' April . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IM 5 6 7 8 9 1(( 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 2:^ 24 25 ] 26 27 28 29 30 31 . 26 27 28 29 30 . _ Nov'r. . . . . - - I^May - . _ - - 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 "Z 13 14 15; 10 11 12 13 14 '5 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 > 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec'b. 30 . . - - - ] 31 . - . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUXE - 1 2 3 4 5 6 { 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 J 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 j 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ^ 28 29 30 31 - - - \ 28 29 30 - - - - ^- STREET GUIDE. Abbott's ct, Kirkpatrick al be! S6th Academy, W 10th bet Arch & Cherry Acorn al, fm 52 Locust to Spruce Adams, fm Fitzwater ab S 6th Adams, 12th bet Spruce & Pine Adelphi av, fm Pegg to Noble Adelphi, fm 5th bet Walnut & Prune Alban, fm Norman to Clare al Albertson's ct, N fm John Alder, fm Poplar ab N 10th S G Allen, fm F rd to Palmer E K Allen's al, fm 159 S 6th Allen ct, E fm 159 S 6th Allen's ct, W fm 84 N Front Allen's ct, fm 150 Spruce Almond, fm Del to 315 S 2d Alton ct, S fm 12 Richard Amber, N fm Phoenix E of F rd Anderson row, Washington bet 10th & 11th Ann, fm 57 Vine N L Ann, fm Sch 7th bet Filbert & Arch Ann, S 12th bet Lombard & Cedar Ann, fm Wissahicon to Charles bet Francis & Vineyard Ann, fm Sch 3d bel Rittenhouse Apollo, Cedar to Gaskill W of 4th Apple, fm George bet S 4th & , O YR Apple tree al, fm 50 N 4 th Apricot al, fm Currant to Pop- lar al ^rcade, Chosnut bet 6(h & 7ih \rcade ct, N fm Shippen bel 9l1i ^rch, fm Delaware to Sch riv Armstrong's ct, fm 9 Prune r 106 S 4th rrison's ct, Sch 8th & Chesnuf Arsenal, fm Gray's Ferry road Ash al, fm Sch Front bet Mar- ket & Chesnut Ashton, Market E of Sch Beach Aspen al, fm Aspen ct to Lom- bard Aspen ct, S fm Ash al Aspin al. Spruce bel Sch 2d Assembly Buildings, S W 10th & Chesnut Asylum, fm Broad bet Spruce & Pine Atherton, Carpenter bet 5th & 6th Atkinson's ct, fm 153 Lombard lane Aydelott's ct, fm Parham bel Front Bache, fm Cherry ab Broad Bache's ct, fm 180 Marshall Bacon's ct, fm 25 New Market Badger's ct, fm 147 Coates Bagge's ct, from 11 John (S) Baker, fm Sch 7th bel Shippen Baker, W fm Spafford Baker's al, fm 55 New Baker's ct, fm O Y R to New Crown Baker's ct, fm 49 Budd Baker's ct, r 8th bet Fitzwater & Shippen Baldwin's ct, fm Lawrence st Ball al, fm 120 Cedar Ball's al, fm Del R to 391 N Front Ball's ct, W fm 514 N Front Bank al, fm S 2d to 67 Dock Bank pi, S W 4th cSt Chesnut Bank, fm 70 Market Bank, fm Pine E of Sch Water Barclay's al, fm 190 S 6th Barker's ct, fm Crown ab Queen (K) Barker, fm Sch 3d bel Market (i) 11 STREET GUIDE Barker, Carpenter bet 5th & Cth Barley, fm 10th bel Pine Barrington's ct. Spruce bet Sch 4th 6c 5th Barron, fm 24 Gaskill Bauersach's ct, W fm Front bel Master (K) Baxter's av, fm George bel Ship- pen (S) Baxter's ct, fm 120 German Beach, fm K. High Bridge Beam's ct, E fm 217 St John Bearsticker's ct, 68 N 6th Beaver, N 2d bet Poplar and George (N L) Beaver ct, fm 37 Cherry Beck, fm 172 Swanson Beck, from Pas Rd n 6th Beck's ct, fm 59 Coates Beck's ct, fm 41 Beck st Beck pi. Front bet Christian & Queen Becket, W fm Sch 7lh bel Coates Bedford, fm 12ih bel Cedar I Bedford, fm F rd to Hanover (K)! Beach, fm Sch Per. Bridge to Cedar I Bell's ct, Wm, fm Bingham's ct Bell's ct, Hy, fm Marshall's al Belmont pi. Spruce bel Broad Benezet, fm 24 N 11th Benfer's ct, fm St John Benner's al, fm 85 Elm Benner's ct, fm 39 Cherry Benton's av, fm Flower ab Ca- therine Berk's ct, rear 69 Apple Bethesda row, com fm S 9ih to Mackey Bickham's ct, fm 256 S Front Biddle, E fm William (F M) Biddle's al, fm 78 Market Billing's ct, fm 110 N 8th Binder's ct, fm Queen ab Cherry Bingham's ct, fm 69 Spruce Bishop, fm head of Beach (K) Blackberry al. Walnut bet 8th & 9th Black Horse al, fm 19 S 2d Black Horse al, fm 202 Cedar Black Horse al, fm 171 Market Black's ct, fm 180 Marshall Bladen's ct, fm Elfreth's al Bladen's ct, fm Spruce bel Little Dock Blight, fm Pine bel Broad & Blythe Bloom al, see Carlton Blythe, fm Pine to Bud bet Ju- niper & Broad Bcehm's ct, fm 402 N 2d Bond, fm 10th bel Spruce Bond's ct, fm 15 Laurel Bonsall, fm 9th bet Lombard & Cedar Boston Row, Chesnut ab 12th Bowdoin, fm 12th ab Arch Bowman's al, fm 460 N 4th Boyd's al, fmr 119 N 11th Boyd's av, fm Middle of North Boyd's ct, fm 3 S 10th Boyd's ct, fm Cedar to Small Boyle's ct, fm 25 Sugar al Boyle's ct, fm 79 Pas road Braceland ct, fm Front ab Chris- tian Bradford's al, fm 246 S 7th Branch, fm 3d bet Race & Ne^^ Branch al, fm 5 Madison Brandywine, fm 13th bel Green Branner's al, fm 176 Vine Brasier, from Lloyd bel Shipperi Brasier's ct, Pascal's al ab 4th I Bread, fm 77 Arch to 76 Race I Bridgewater, fm Washington abl Bridge ; Brigton, fm Broad ab Locust Briley's ct, E fm Lisle Brinton, fm 12th bel Shippen Brinton's al, fm 11th ab Callow- hill Britton's al, fm Bedford bel 8th Bntton's al, fm 205 N Water Broad, N & S fm Market &■ Penn Square Broadbent's ct, r 37 New Market: Brook, fm 101 Coates Brook's ct, fm 126 N Front Brown, fm Budden's al bet 13t^ & Juniper TREET GUIDE. Ill Brown, fm Cherry to Vienna bet Prince and Duke (K) Brown, N L & S Garden, fm High Bridge to Broad Brown's ct, fm 93 Race Brown's ct, from Carlton below Broad Browne's ct, E fm 19 Budd N L Brusstar's al, fr Beach to Queen Bryan's ct, fm 102 Cherry Buck road, fm U. S. Arsenal Buckley, fm 127 S 6th Budd, fm 67 Green to G T r Budd, fm 12th bel Spruce Budden's al, fm Juniper ab Arch Buist's row, fm Fitzwater bet r2th &. 13th Burchell's ct, fm 3d ab Christian Burr's. ct, fm Hanover bet Duke & Prince Burd, fm 78 Catharine (S) Burd's al, fm Raspberry to Wat- son's al Burd's ct, fm 124 Locust Burd's row, rear 40 Currant al Burk'sct, fm 230 S 11th Burns' ct, fm 292 S 7th Butlar's av, fm Juniper ab Pine Buttonwood, fm O Y Road to Broad bet Callowhill & Spring Garden Buttonwood al, from N 13ih to Juniper Butz's ct, fm 131 St John Cadwalader, 2d ab Master Cake's ct, fm 31 Coates' al Calbraith's ct, New Market ab Noble Caldwell, fm Sch Beach below Walnut Caldwell's row, bet Pearl and Wood west side 13ih Caledonian ct, fm Filbert ab lOth Callowhill, fm Del to Sch N of Vine Camac, fm N 2d near Mud la Campbell's ct, Sch 4th n Car- penter Campbell's ct, fm 71 German Canal, N W fm Coates n Sch r Canal, fm Master n High Bridge Cantrell'sct, fm 504 S2d Carberry's ct, fm 230 Catharine Carbon, fm Shippen ab 10th Carlisle ct, fm Parish bet Sch 8th & Broad Carlisle ct, fm 224 Coates Carlton, fm N 11th bel Wood Carlton sq, Callowhill bet 11th & 12th Carolina pi, fm Barley ab 10th Caroline, fm Wharton ab 4th Carpenter, fm S 6th ab Chesnut Carpenter, VV fm M rd op John to Shippen la (S) Carpenter's al, fm 105 Catharine Carpenter's ct, fm 118 Chesnut Carroll, fm 12th ab Poplar Carrol's ct, enters N 4th n G R Carrolton sq, 10th & Green Carson, Vine ab Broad Carter, fm Carpenter bel 11th Carter's al, fm 65 S 2d Carter's al, fm 13th near Wood (P T) Carver, fm 319 S 5th Castle, fm 10th ab Race Catharine, fm Del to 10th bet German & Queen (S) Cauffman's ct, fm 147 N 2d CaufTman's ct, fm 14 Cherry Cedar (or South) fm Del to Sch r Cedar row, W fm 11th to 12th of Cedar Centre, fm S 12th bel Walnut Centre, fm Brown ab 9th (N L) Centre al, fm 11th ab Locust Chancellor, from Sch 6th below Walnut Chancery la, fm 32 Arch Chandler's ct, from Palmer ab Queen Charles, fm 335 Callowhill Charles, N fm Cedar ab 4th Charles, fm George to Francis lane F V Charles pi, Willow ab Charles Charlotte, fm 121 Brown Chatham, fr Sch 6th bel Chesnut Chatham, fr Buttonwood ab 5th IV STREET GUIDE Cherry, fm 74 N 3d to Sch Cherry, fm Queen to Mary (K) Chesnut, fm Del to Sch Chester, fm Race bet 8th & 9th Chester ct, fm 11th bel Coates Chew's ct, E fm 281 S 5th China, fm 516 S Front China row, fm 4ih ab Master (K) Christian, fm Del riv bel Queen | Christian's ct, W fm 382 S Front Church, fm 22 Christian (S) Church, fm bel Navy Yard Church al, fm 20 N 2d to 11 N 3d Church al, fr 142 Cherry to Arch City row, fm 136 N 11th Clair, fm Carpenter op Atherton Clare al, fm N 13th bet Vine (Si- Lambert Clare's ct, S fm Washington ab 6th Clark, fm 13th bel Walnut Clark, fm 3d bel Carpenter (S) Clawges' ct, N fm Mulberry al Clay, fm Sch Beach to wharves Clifton, fm Cedar n S 11th | Clinton, fm 9th bel Spruce Clinton, n Brown bet 8th & 9th: (S G) ! Clinton, fm Franklin to Master! (EK) Clinton av, W fm 8th ab Coates Clinton ct, fm Lawrence above Noble Clinton sq, Chesnut W fr Broad to Sch 8th I Clover, fm S 12th bel Market | Clymer, fm 6th bel Fitzwater : Clymer, fm Mud la bel G R (K)| Coates, from Del to Sch N of Green Coates' al, fm 134 N Front Coates' ct, fm 31 New Market Cobb, fm 236 Catharine Cobb's ct, fm N 4th bel Poplar Cob urn, i'm Cedar ab 2d Cochran, fm Fitzwater bel 13th Coffee's ct, fm 180 N 8th Coffin's ct, fm 14 Cherry Colladay's ct, fm 137 N 8th Collard's al, fm Beach to Allen N & S (E K) College av, fm S 10th n Market College av, fm Coates to Girard College College pi, fm College Avenue College row, fm K rd ab 11th Collins' al, fm 403 S Front Collins' ct, W fm Nixon (F M) Colonade, fm Del riv ab Green Colonade row, Chesnut fm Sch 8th Columbia row, fm William ab Morris (F M) Comptroller, fm 37 Union Commerce, fm 4th to 6th above Market Concord, fm 2d bet Catharine & German Conrad's ct, fm Poplar ab Front Coomb's ct, fm 35 German Coombe's al. fm 44 N Front Cooper, fm Sch 3d bel Walnut Cooper's ct, fm Shippen bel 9th Cooper's ct, fm 403 N Front (N L) Cordwainer's al, or Fothergill st fm Pine to Lombard bet 9th &. 10th Corn, fm Marion to Reed bel M R Cornelius ct, fm Queen n Bish- op (K) Court al, fm Brown bet Front & Oak Courtlin pi, fm New Market n Vine Cox's, fm 300 S Front to 323 S 2d Cox's, fm Sch 5th bel Spruce Crabb, fm Gaskill ab 4th Craig's ct, fm St John ab Poplai Cran's ct, fm Christian bel 9th Crane's ct, fm Mead bel 2d Crawford's ct, fm Front ab No- ble Cressman's ct, fm 125 Charlotte Cresson's al, fm 96 N Fifth ; Cresson's ct, fm 61 Cherry ■ Crockett's ct, fm 5th ab Chesnut TREET GUIDE. Crooked Billet, fm 21 S Water Crown, fm 155 Race Crown, (New) fm Tamany n O YR Crown, fm Queen to F rd (K) Culvert, fm 3d ab Beaver Cummings row, Poplar fm 7th Currant ai, fm Walnut ab 10th Currie's ct, fm Shippen ab 11th Cuskadin's ct, fm IIS German Curtis' ct, fm Union ab Prince (K) Cypress, fm 144 S 3d Dannaker's av, E fm N 3d ab Pine Darby road, see Woodland Davies' ct, fm 7th ab Brown Davies' pi, fm Grear bel 12th Davis, or Davison's al, fm S 13th to Juniper bet Chesnut & Market Davis ct, W fm O Y R ab N 5th Davis', or Whitebread's ct, fm 72 Christian Davis' ct, fm Coates bel Mar- ' shall Davis' ct, fm Stanley ab 3d Deal's ct, fm 40 Cherry Dean, fm Walnut ab 12th Dean, N & S fm Franklin (K) Dean's al, fm 144 S 8th Dean's ct, S fm Pearl ab 13th Deborah ct, fm 6ih ab St James Decatur, fm Market ab 6th Decatur, fm Rye bet Marion & Wharton Delaware av, fm Cedar to Vine Depot, fm 9th bel Green Derringer's av, fm Front bel Oxford Derringer's ct, fm Coates ab Front Derringer's ct, fm 15 Tamarind Dewees' ct, fm 29 Prime Diamond, N fm Fitzwater bel 13th Diamond, fm 13th ab Chesnut Dickson's al, fm 7th bel Shippen Dickson's ct, E fm G T R ab 4th 1* Dilks' ct. Wood ab Ridge Rd Dilligent av, fm Buttonwood bel 10th Dillwyn, fm Vine ab 3d to Green Division, fm llth to 12th ab Cal- lowhill Division, N fm Ann (F R) Division row, fm N 12th ab Cal- lowhill Dock, fm 158 S Front Doman's pi, fm 131 Christian Donaldson's, fm Grays Ferry rd Donnegan's ct, fm 215 St John Dorothy, fm Sch 3d ab Market Dorr's ct, N fm Pleasant bel llth Drinker's al, 108 N Front Drinker's ct, fm 66 Union Duffy's ct, fm Fitzwater ab 6th Dugan, fm Spruce ab Sch 8th Dugan's row, Spruce fm Dean to 13th Duke, fm 242 N Front (N L) Duke, fm Palmer, bet Prince & West (K) Duncan's ct, fm 108 Shippen Dungan's av, G T rd to 2d ab Otter Dunton, fm Otter to Phoenix (WK) Dutch ct, fm Beach n Locust Duval's ct, fm 36 Ann (N L) Dyott's ct, fm Prince ab Vien- na (K) Eagle ct, fm Haliber ton's ct I across Currant al Earl, fm Duke to West (E K) Ebenezer pi, fm Catharine ab 3d Eckfeldt's ct, fm Commerce ab I 5th t Edward, fm 2d to School (W K) Eighth, N & S f m xMarket Eighth, (Sch) N & S fm Market Elbow al, fm 184 S 6th Elbow la, fm21 S3d I Elder al, fm 35 North ab 10th Eleventh, N & S f m Market Elfreth's al, fm 107 N 2d Elizabeth, fm 9th ab Race Elizabeth, fm 164 S 6th Elizabeth, fm Brown ab 5th VI STREET GUIDE, Elizabeth ct, fm S 6th bel Carp Ellen, fm Front ab Poplar EUet's av, fm 219 Race Elm, fm Pine ab Sch 3d Elms, fm Franklin ab Hanover (K) Elmes' ct, fm Vine n Sch Elmslies al, fm 118 S 2d Elmyra row, fm 13lh bel Vine Ely's av, fm Carpenter n 5th (S) Emeline, jrn 8th bel Cedar Emerald, fm Sch S 6th Emlen's al, fm Clever al to 5 Powell Emlen's ct, fm William to 4 No- ble Engard's ct, fm 443 N 3d Epprighl's ct, bet Front & Lan- Eutaw, N fm 135 Cherry Etris' ct, fm 128 N 5th Evans, fm Prime bet 3d & M R Evans ct, fm 163 N 6th Everhart's ct, fm Race n 8th Ewing's ct, fm George bel Ship Exchange pi, fm 72 Chesnut Eyre's ct, fm Beach ab Warren iK) Factory, bet Spruce & Clay Fairmount av, William ab Cal- lowhill Fairmount, fm Callowhill to Coates W fm Sch Front Fairview, fm Sch 4th to Broad Faries' ct, fm North ab N 10th Farmer, fm 32 N 6th Farmer's row, fm 41 Dock Farr, fm Mulberry al bet 5th «Sc 6th Fayette, fm 53 Filbert Fayette av, fm 34 Julianna Farries' ct, fm 148 N Front Federal, fm S Front to Sch Federal al, fm Federal Road to Arsenal Feinour's pi, fm 72 Swanson Fetter la, fm 85 N 3d to Bread Fifth, N & S fm Market Fifth, (Sch) N & S f m Market Filbert, fm 22 N 8th Filbert av, fm 1 Filbert st Fisher, fm 258 Catharine Fisher, fm Carpenter ab 3d Fisher's ct, fm 13 Laurel Fisher's ct, fr Palmer bet Prince & Queen Fisher's ct, W fm 6 Rachel Filler, fm 2d & Mud Lane Fitzwater, fm Passyunk Rd Fleming's row, W fm Sch 3d & xMarket Flickwir's ct, fm 27 German Flint's ct, fm 13 Filbert Flower ct, fm 3 T'orr's ct Flower's, fm Fitzwater ab Hub- bell Flower's al, fm 44 Budd Fontanell's ct, fm 79 Poplar Fordham's ct, fm head of Beach (K) Fothergill, fm 319 Lombard Fourth, N & S fm Market Fourth, fm Market W of Broad (Sch) Fox's ct, fr Cedar bet 12th&]3th Fox's ct, fm Fitzwater bet 12th &, 13th Farley's, Market &, Beach (K) Farlev's ct, fm Allen to Queen (Ek) Francis, fm R rd to Charles Frankford road, fm Maiden (K) jFranklin, fr Front bel Marion (S^ Franklin, fm Race to Coates Franklin, fm F rd to Hanover bet Duke &l Bedford (E K) Franklin, fm 3d to N 4ih Ger'n rd (N L) Franklin pi, fm Market to Ches- nut Franklin row, fm Coates & N 10th Franklin row, S 9th bet Walnut & Locust Franklin Square, fr Race & 6th Frank's ct, fr Franklin ab Noble Eraser's ct, fm Carp'r ab 4th Freed's av, fm 262 Race Freeman's ct, fm 7th bel Green Freesion's pi, fm 51 Moy'n Rd STREET GUIDE. Vll Freytag's al, fm Bedford ab 5ih Frie's ct, fm 2 N 11th Friendship ct, fm 195 St John Fromberger's ct, fm 34 N 2d Fromberger's ct, fm Ann (F rd) Fromberger's ct, fm 30 St John Front, N & S fm Market Front, (Sch) N & S f m Market Fuller's al, fm Swansoii to 403 Front Fulton, fm 12th bel Fitzwater Furlong's ct, fm 127 Cherry Gabbell's ct, fm Lombard near Sch 5th Gabel's ct, fm 66 Brown (N L) Galbraith's ct, fm 119 Queen Gale's ct, fm 89 Proud Gamphire's ct, fm 255 Catharine Garden, fm 305 Vine Garrett's ct, fm 17 Sergeant Garretson's ct, fm 3d bet Queen & Christian Garretson's row, fr 3d ab Chris'n Garrigues' ct, fm 213 Race Garrill's ct, op 317 S 5ih Gaskill, fm 238 S 2d Gaskill pi, bet Sch 5th & 6th Gaw's ct, fm 84 N Front Gay's, fm Charlotte n Franklin Gay's ct, fm 16 Charlotte near George Gebbard, fm Cherry bet 7th & 8th Geddes' ct, N fm Johnson's la ab 4 th George, fm S 9th op Sansom George, fin 550 N 2d (N L) George, fm 82 Cedar (S) George, fm Rail Rd N of F rd George's al, from New to Vine bet 2d & 3d German, fm 334 S 2d Germantown Road, begins at N Front &. Maiden Gideon's ct, op 104 Wood Gilbert, fm 10th to Kessler Gilbert's ct, fm 103 New Mar't Gile's al, fm 181 Cedar Gilliam's ct, fm 33 Arch Girard, fm 11th bel Market Girard av, fm Broad ab Poplar Girard's Wharf, ab Market N Wharves Girl's, fm 318 S 5th Goddard's al, fm 2 New Mar't Goldsmith's ct, from Rachel ab Brown Goldsmith's ct, fm New Market near Baptist Church Goodwin al, fm Race bel Juniper Goodwin's row, Catharine from Morris Gorrel's ct, fm 318 S 5th Gorrett's ct, fm 9 Bonsall Graff, fm 11th bel Vine Grafi"s al, fm 57 Race Granite Buildings, Broad st bet Race &, Vine Grape, fm 24 S 8th Grape al, from Ann to George bet Powell & Rail Rd (F Rd) Grape ct, fm Lodge ab 8th Granel's ct, fm Coates n Broad Gray's al, from Front to 2d bet Walnut & Chesnut Gray's al, fm N 11th n Vine Gray's ct, fm Poplar n Budd Gray's ct, fm 157 N 11th Gray's ct, fm 13th n Coates Gray's Ferry Road, fm Cedarn Sch Front to G F Bridge Grear, see Pleasant Grear's ct, fm 13th ab Coates (treble's ct, see Gribbles Greenleaf 's ct, bet 10th &■ 12th S 4th Green, fm 358 N Front Green, fr 127 Pine to 152 Spr'e Green, W fm Cadwalader (K) Green's ct, fm 248 Shippen Green's ct, fm 36 Apple Greenwich, fm Del bel Jarvis la Greenwood pi, fm 201 Noble Greswold's al, from L Coak to Fitzwater Gribble's ct, fm 130 Brown n 2d Grible's ct, fm 117 Christian Grier's ct, fm 13th ab Coates Grim's ct, fm Poplar n 2d Grindstone al, fm 81 Market Vlll STREET GUIDE. Grover, fm Queen n Front Grubb, fm Catharine ab 6th Gurther's ct, fm 512 N Front Gulielma, fr Sch 8th bel Lomb'd Haas' ct, fm 391 N 3d Hagerty's ct, fr 7th N of Walnut Haines, fm 102 N Gth Hallowell, fm 6th bel Carpenter HalloweU's ct, fm Poplar ab 7th Hallowell's ct, from Faschall al ab 4th Hamilton, fm Up F rd to Broad Hamilton's ct, Linden ab S Gar Hamilton's ct, fm 76 German Hancock, fm Franklin to Master Hank's ct, r 7 Budd (N L) Hank's ct, fm 18 Rachel Hanly's ct, fm Wall ab P rd Hanover, fm Delaware n Palm- er (K) Hansil's ct, fm 326 S 5th Harberger's row, from Jones W of Sch 6th Harmony, fm 327 S 4th Harmony ct, see Cake's ct Harmony ct, fm 76 S 3d Harmony ct, fm Ship'n to Small Harmony ct, fm Cadwalader ab Jefferson Harmstead, fm Sch 2d ab Cedar Harper's al, fm 83 S Water Harrigues ct, fm Rachel above Brown Harris' ct, fm 8 Letitia ct Harrison, fm F rd to Ger rd E & W (W K) Harrison, fm Locust bel Sch 5th Harrison's av, fm N Market bet Coates & Green flarrison's ct, fm Ger rd to Wil- liam bet Otter «fc Rose (K) Harrison pi, fm Parrish bel 11th Harthorne's ct, fm 178 Marshall Harlnet's ct, E fm Lisle Hart's ct, fm 37 New Market Hartung's al, fm 26 N 2d Hatter's row, bet S Garden &- James, n Sch 8th Hause's ct, fm Cherry Eof 9th Haydock, fm Ger rd ab Master Hay's ct, fm bet Pleasant and James Hay's ct, fr Penn bel Maiden (K) Hazelhurst's ct, fm S 10th bel Market Hazzard's ct, fm 7th ab Shippen Headman's pi, fm Shoemaker bel 8th Heiberger's ct, fm St John bel Beaver Helmuth, fm Sch 7th ab Lom- bard Hemphill's ct, fm Pleasant ab 10th Henderson's ct, fr7th bel Coates Hermitage pi, fm 3d op Branch Herrige's ct, fr Rachel ab Brown Hewson, fm Prince (E K) Hiberger's ct, fm 311 Poplar Hickory ct, fm Callowhill ab 6th Higgins' ct, fm 29 John (S) High, see Market Highman's ct, fm Cadwalader bet Phoenix & Master Hight's ct, fm Pleasant bel 10th Hilliard's ct, fm Ogden n 9th Hincle's ct, fm Pleasant bel 10th Hindes' ct, fm 23 Filbert Hine's ct, fm 106 Christian (S) Hinkel's ct, fm 207 Race Hinkel's ct, fm 249 Vine (N L) Hodge's wharf, fm 85 N Water Hooting's ct, fr Cedar to Bedford Hoovin'sct, fm 448 N 4th Hoffman's al, fm 176 Race Hog al, fm 163 S 6th Hollo way pi, fm N Front near Laurel Holmes' al, fm 211 N 2d Hope, fm Otter to Phoenix (WK) Hope, fm 2d to Front ab Ger rd Hopkins' ct, fm Wm bet Otter and Rose Hopkins' ct, fm Schaal to Wra (W K) Hoppel's ct, from Brookes bet Coates and Brown Horst man's ct, fm 76 German Horter's Block, fm Broad bet Morris and F M STREET GUIDE Howard, fm Schaal to Franklin N &, S E of Hope (W K) Howard, im Market W Sch 8th Howard pi, fm Washington bet 8th and 9th Howard pi, fm Quince between Spruce and Pine Howard's ct, fr Laurel bel Pear Howard's ct, fm 268 Race Howard's ct, fm Hamilton bel Sch 6th Howard's pi, fm Baker bet 7th and 8th (S) Howard pi, fm R rd ab Coates Howe's ct, fm 14 JuUanna Howell's ct, fm Noble ab 4th Hubbell, fm Fitzwater bet 8lh and 9th Huddel's ct, fm 91 Swanson Hudson's al, fm 112 Chesnut Hudson's la, fr P rd n Christian Hughes' ct, fr Federal to Marion Hughes' ct, la or al fm M rd bel Carpenter to 3d Huling's ct, W fm "Wheat above Rule Hummell's row, N 10th below Buttonwood Hummell's row, St John below Germ road Hummell's ct, fm 525 N 3d Humphrey's ct, fm Filbert ab Sch 8th Hunter, fm Broad to F Mount bet Morris and St Andrew Hunter's ct, from N llih bet Market and Filbert Hurst, fm 146 Lombard Hutchinson, fm Poplar bet 9th and 10th Hutchinson's ct, fm F rd below Otter Hyde's ct, fm 23 Filbert Increase ct, fm George to Juni- per W ofS 10th Irish Tract Lane, S fm Cedar ab Broad to Buck Lane Irvine, fr 13th to R rd ab S Gar Jackson, fm Brown to Parrish bet 11th and 12th (S G) jjackson, fr Palmer ab West (K) Jackson, fm Budd to Adams Jackson, fm Apple to O Y R Jackson, fm Marriott to Carp'r Jackson's av, fm Front to F rd Jackson's ct, fm Maiden near N Front Jackson's ct, 336 Vine Jackson ct, N fm Baker Jacoby, from Montgomery bet 12th and 13th James, fm Maple to Lemon James, fm 9th ab Callowhill James' ct, fm Bedford ab 12th James' ct, from Front to Hope (WK) Janney's ct, fm Marshall below Coates Jarvis Lane, fm Del bel Reed Jefferson, fm Sch 5th bel Locust Jefferson, fr Harrison bel Locust Jefferson, fm F rd n Master Jefferson av, fm Broad n Walnut Jefferson pi, fm 468 N Front Jefferson row, Lombard fm 9th to 10th Jentiings' row, fm Catharine bet 3d and 4th John, fm 466 S Front John's ct, fm 2d ab Market John's ct, fm 10 Willow Johnson's la, fm M road below Wharton Johnston's ct, fm Parker's al Johnston's ct, fm 13th bel Lom- bard Johnston's ct, fr Penn n Maiden Johnston's al, fm 81 P rd Joint al, fm Sch Sth bel Market Jones, fm Sch 4th ab Market Jones' al, fm 14 N Front Jones' al, fm 15 St Mary's al Jones' al, fm Lilly ab Green Jones' al, fm Brown n 2d (N L) Jones' ct, fm Front bel Master Jones' ct, fm 491 S 2d Joseph's al, fm Montg'y ab 12th Julianna, fm 175 Vine Julianna, see Chatham Juniper, fm Market ab 13th STREET GUIDE, Juniper al, fm S 10th n Walnut Juniper la, fm George bet 10th and llih Justice ct, rear 314 N 2d Karney's ct, W fm Nixon (F M) Kean's ct, fm 25 New Market Keefe, Front bet Marion and Wharton Keenan's ct, fm Germ rd below Jefferson (K) Kelly, fm 26 S 13th Kelly's av, fm N 13th bel Vine Kelly's ct, fm Kelly bel Juniper Kelly's ct, E fm 295 S Fifth Kelly's ct, fm German bet 3d and 4th Kennedy's ct, fm 450 N Front Kensley's ct, rear 43 Duke Kenworthy's ct, fm 145 Cherry Kepler, fm Coates bet 9th & 10th Kern's ct, r Poplar n Marshall Kessler's ct, fm N 4th n Coates Kessler's ct, N fm 147 Coates Key's al, fm 160 N Front Keyser's row, fm Apple below Master (K) Kinley's ct, fr Lomb ab Sch 7th King, fm Murray to Sch 8th bel Pine Kirkpatrick's al, fm 243 S 6th Kline's ct, fm 492 N 3d Kline's ct, fm 110 Christian (S) Kneass'sct,frGeobet 10 & Uth Knight's ct, fm 194 Cherry Knoodle, see Vaughn Korndaffer's ct, fm Marriott ab M road Krider's al, fm 70 Swanson Lancaster, fm Marion ab Front Lancaster ct, fm Lancaster bel Wharton Landall's ct, fm Fraley's ct to Queen Landing, fr Coates to Lem. Hill Lane's ct, fm Lombard ab 13th Laurel, fm 29 Spruce to Pear Laurel, fm N Front op Maiden (NL) Laurel ct, r of Laurel st (C) Lawrence, fm 12th ab Market Lawrence ct, fm 533 N 4th Lawrence ct, fm Juhanna bel Green Lawrence ct, fm Penn ab Marsh Law's ct, fm 102 Christian Leadbeater's av, fm Lybrand ab Race Lebanon, fr Fitzwater ab Morris Lebanon row, Shippen fm 10th to 11th Lee's ct, fm 302 St John Leech's ct, fm 156 Spruce Leed's av, fm Vine ab Sch 8lh Leiper, fm 13th ab Chesnut Leiper al, fm Vine W of 10th Leiper's ct, fm 33 N 11th Lemon, fm Sch 6th ab Pine Lemon, fm 156 N 8th ab Pine Leopard, fm Phoenix to Franklin (WK) Lewis, fm Sch 8th op Jeff'n av Lewis, fm Poplar ab 10th Lewis' al, fm 24 Small Lewis' ct, fm St Mary ab 6th Leyden's ct, fm 117 N 10th Liberty al, fm 9 Duke Krider's ct, fm Krider's al bet, Liberty ct, fm N 10th bet Mor Almond and Mead Krider's ct, fm Bedford ab 7th Kugler's ct, fm 130 Race Kunckle's ct, fm Green ab 3d Laetitia ct, fm 30 Market La Fayette, fm 9th ab Federal La Fayette ct, fm Cedar ab 4th La Fayette pi, fr Coates ab 13th Lagrange, fm 26 N 2d Lagrange pi, fm 34 N 2d Lambert, fm N 13th n Norman gan and Vine Liberty ct, f m 2 N 9th Library, fm 62 S 4th Lily al, fm Tammany n N 2d Linden, fm S Garden ab 9th Linden, fm Sch 6th ab Chesnut Linden ct, fm 3d bel Green Linden pi, Spruce from 11th to Quince Linn, fr Sch Front bel Hamilton Linn's row, W fr Columbia row STREET GUIDE. XI Lisle, fm Fitzwater ab 8th Lister's pi, Sim Shippen bel 4th Littleboy's ct, fm 48 Mulberry Little Dock, fm 50 Spruce Little George, fm 59 S 6th Little Green, fr 2d to G rd (W K) Little German, fm 99 Swanson Little Oak, fr 12 ft al bel Shippen Little Pine, fm S 6th bel Pine Little Poplar, fm Ger rd bet 5th and 6th Little Washington, S Front bel Federal Little Water, fm 1 Lombard Lloyd's, fm Shippen ab Broad Lloyd's ct, fr Fighting Bulls (K) Locust, fm 6th bel VValnut Lodge, fm 2d bel Chesnut Lodge al, fm 16 S 7th Lodge pi, fm Lodge al ab 7th Logan, fr Buttonwood n 8th Logan sq. Vine fm Sch 3d to 5th Logan's ct, fm St John ab Bea ver (K) Lollar's ct, fm 328 N Front Lombard, fm Delaware to Sch Lombard ct, fm 4th bet Pine and Lombard Lombard row, fm 222 Lombard Long Lane, fm Cedar n Sch 7th Loud, fm 9th n Christian Lowery's ct, fr Beach ab Poplar Lowry'sct,fr R rdbel Callowhill Loxley's ct, fm 115 Mulberry Loxley's ct, fm 30 Spruce Lugar's row, fm 2d n of Beaver Lybrand, fm Race n Broad Lydia, fm Front n Rose Lyndall al, fm S 12th to below 'Walnut Lyndall ct, fm 10th bel Pine Lytle's ct, fm 363 S 2d Lytle's al, fm 2d bel Mead Mackey, fm 2d bet Reed and Wharton Madison, fm Race ab llih Madison av, fm 13th ab William Madison ct, fm 23 St Mary Magnolia, fm Noble bel 6th Maiden, fm N Front &. Ger rd Maiden's row, fr Cathar'e bel 2d Malt al, fm 206 Race Manderson, fr Beach to F rd (K) Mannell's ct, fm 221 St John Maple, fm 134 N 8th Marble, fm 14 S 10th Marble ct, N fm Mulberry al Marble ct, fm Green ab 7th Marble pi, fm N Mulberry al Marble pi, fm Green ab 7th Margaret, fm N 12th bel Race Margaretta, fm 258 N Front Maria, fm N 4th ab Coates Mariner, fm Broad bel Carpenter Marion, fm ISth ab Race Marion, fm S Front bel Federal Marion, fm 13th bel Catharine Mark Lane, fm 98 N 11th Marker, fm S 2d bel Greenwich Market, fm Delaware to Sch Market al, fm Sch 7th ab Cal- lowhill Marlboro', fm Del to F rd Marriott, fm M rd bel Christian Marriott's la, fm 4th bel Christ'n Marsh, fm Del riv n High Bridge Marshall, fm Vine ab 6th Marshall, fm 4th ab Wharton Marshall's ct, fm 122 S 4th Marshall's row, 8th N fm Wal- lace bet Green & Coates Mary, fm Cherry to Fr rd (K) Mary, fm 406 S Front Mary, fm Sch Beach to Willow ab Spruce Mary's al, fm 27 Gillis' al Mary's ct, fm 149 Cherry Mary's ct, fm 239 S 2d Master, fm F rd n Phoenix (K) Matlack's ct, fm 12 Spruce Maxwell's ct, fm 1 16 Christ'n (S) May land, fm 190 Race M'Afee's ct, fm Cedar ab 5th M'Atee's ct, fm Cadwalader ab Jefferson (K) M'Avoy's ct, fm 15 Charlotte M'Bride's ct, fm 555 N 4th M'Cloud's ct, fm 154 Race M'Coy's ct, fm 385 S Front M'Crelish'sct, fm337 N 3d Xll STREET GUIDE M'Dermott's ct,fm247 Shippen M'Duffie, fr Sch 4th bel Loinb'd M'Ginley's ct, fm Swanson bel Washington M'Ginnel ct, fm 7 Vernon M'Intire's ct, fm Marlboro' bel Allen M'Kean's ct, fm 4 Locust M'Mackin's ct, fm Dugan above Pine M'Manemy's ct, fm German bet 4th and 5th M'Mullen's ct, fm62iS4th Mead al, fm S 2d op German Mechanic, fm 318 Vine Mechanic's, fm Carpenter ab 4th Mechanic's, fm Poplar ab 4ih Mechanic ct, fm 70 xMaiden Mechanic's av, fm Lawrence ab 12th Melon, fm R Road n Girard av Melon, fm 9th n Coates Melon pi, fm Melon ab 9th Mentz ct, fm 246 N 3d Mercer, fm Warren to Locust Merchant fm 10 S 4ih Merchant's ct, fm 50 Kunckle Meredith's al, fr Poplar ab N 3d Meredith's ct, fm N 5th ab But- tonwood Mervine, fm 13th to R road Middle al, fm 168 S 6th Midlen's ct, fm 369 S Front Mifflin, fm 12tli bel Pine Mifflin's ct, fm 318 S Front Miles' al, fm 102 S 10th Miles' ct, fr Beach ab JMarsh (K) Miles' row, n Rose & William Miller's al, fm 87 S 6th Miller's al, fm Sch 8th ab Race Miller's ct, fm 314 N 2d (N L) Miller's ct, fm JN 4th ab Branch Miller's ct, fm 217 St John Miller's ct, fm 45 Green (N L) Miller's ct, fr Garden N of Wm Miller's ct, fm 260 Race Milton, fm 10th bel Christian Mineral pi, fm Bread ab Arch Minor, fm 4 S 5th Minor, fm Coates n F M Mint ct, fr Raspberry la bel Race Mintland's ct, fm 125 Plum Mintzer ct, fm 244 N 2d Moliere's ct, fm 42 Shippen Monmouth ct, fm Jones' alley Monroe, fr Cherry to Palmer (K) Monroe pi, fm N E 8th & Lo- cust to Washington sq Montgomery, fm r2th bel Vine Montgomery, fm Bl Hor.^e F rd Montgomerv sq, fm N E Cherry & 10th Moore, fr Church bel Greenwich Moore's al, fm Say bet Sch 6th & 7th Moore's ct, fm Green ab 6th Moore's ct, fr German ab 4th (S) Moore's ct, W fr Jackson (S Gj Moore's ct. fm Townsend's av Moore's ct, fr Nectarine ab 10th Morgan, fm 9th bel Vine Morgan's ct, fm Vine bel 12th Morgan's ct, fm 6th & Wash sq Morris, fm ab Sch 8th Morris, fm Broad bet Fairview & Hunter Morris, fm Pine to Lombard bet Broad & Sch 8th Morris, fm Fitzwaler ab 9th Morris, fm F rd ab Mary (K) Morris, fm 34 S 7lh Morris al, fm 62 S Front Morris row, fm N 2d bel Master Morse's ct, fm Nectarine ab 10th Movamensing av, im Fitzwater ab 6th Movamensing ct, fm Shippen bel 9th Moyamensing Road, fm Chris- tian & S 2d Mud Lane, fm Blk Horse F rd Mulberry, see Arch st Mulberry al, fm 382 N Sth Mulberry al, fm 5th ab Race I Murray. Spruce bet Sch 2d & 3d Murray, fm Pine ab Sch Sth Murray's ct, fm 338 S Front Mustin's ct, fm 9 Elder al Myers' ct, fm 221 Race Myers' ct, fm 123 N 3d STREET GUIDE. Xl]l Myers' ct, fm Sch 8th bel Vine Myers' pi, fin Mulberry al n 6th Myrtle, fm 12th bet Parrish and Poplar Naglee's ct, fm 251 St John Nectarine, fr Sth ab Buttonwood New, fm 160 N 2d New Market, fm 19 Vine Newton, fm Carpenter bet 4th &5th Nicholas, fr St John n Franklin Nicholson, fm 113 Cherry Ninth, N & S f m Market Nixon, fm Vine to Coates Noble, fm 330 N Front Nonnater's ct, fm 2S0 Arch Norman al, fm 13lh bet Race & Lambert Norris' al, fm 68 S Front Norris' ct, fm Carpenter n 4th (S) Norris' ct, N Market bel Cal- low hill Norris' row, fm Cadwalader bet PhcBnix & Master North, fm 35 N Sth to 6th North, fm N 10th bel Vine North ct, fm 216 N 8th Northampton ct, fm 54 Dillwyn Nugent' s ct, fm 246 Shippen Oak, fm Market to Penn sq Oak, fm Wm bel Front (N L) Oak, fm 22 Crabb to Pas road Oat, fm Graff bet 11th & 12th Ogden, fm 9th bet Parrish and Poplar Ohio, fm Quince bel Pine Old York Road, fm 4th & Vine Oldham's ct, fm 243 John Olive, fm Juniper to Sch Sth Olive, fm N 10th to Broad Oliver's pi, fm 122 Christian O'Morrin's ct. fr Bonsall n 10th O'Neal, fm Frankhn (W K) Ontario, fm Poplar bel R rd Orange, fm 7th to Sth ab Spruce Orange, fm Palmer to F rd (TC) Orange, fm Washingfton ab 12th Oran-zn, fm Pine hcl Sch Sth Orcliard, fm Apple bel Brown Orleans, fm Mifflin to Lombard bet 12th & 13th Osborn's ct, fm Blackberry al bel Walnut Otter, fm F rd n Queen Oxford, fm F rd to Cadwalader (W K) Pagoda, fm Rail rd n F M PahTi, fm Brown bet 9th & 10th Palmer, fm Queen bet Hanover & Cherry (K) Palmyra sq, from N W Vine & 10th Paper al, fm 13th bet Filbert & Arch Parham, fm 104 Swanson Park, W fm Washington sq Parker, fm Carpenter ab Sth (S) Parker's al, fm Fitzvvater ab 5th Parker's pi, W fm Corn Parker's row, W & S of Mutu- al Burial Ground Parrish, from 6th bet Brown & Poplar Paschal's al, fr N 4th bet Green & Coates Passmore's pi, fm Charlotte n Cohocksink Passyunk road, fm 178 Cedar Path, fr Race to Vine ab Sch Sth Paulin's ct, fm 546 N Front Paynter's ct, fm German ab 4th Peach, fm Little Oak ab Sth Pearson, fm N 7th ab Market Pearson's ct, fm Bedford above Crown (K) Pear, fm 83 S 3d to Dock Pearl, fr Race to Vine ab Sch Sth Pearl, fr 10th bet Vine & Wood Pearl, fm Coates n F rd to G rd Pegg, fm 290 N Front Pemberton's al, fm 102 Vine Penn. fm 8 Pine to Almond Penn, fm Callowhill bel 3d (K) Penn sq, Market W of Juniper Penn sq, Marshall ab Noble Penn al. fm Callowhill bel 3d Pennock's row, bet Apple & 4lh (K) Pennsylvania av, fm 118 Vine XiV STREET GUIDE. Pennsylvania av, fm Broad to Peter's Island Perkenpine, fm 43 Budd Perry, fm 466 Vine to Race Perry, fm Spruce bet 12 &- 13th Perry, from Franklin to Master (WK) Perry ct, fm 58 N 8th Perry ct, fm Cedar n 13th Peter, fm Sch 2d bel Market Peter's al, fr Charlotte n N 4th Pfeiffer's al, fm 22 New Market Pfeiffer's ct, fm N 2d to G rd Phoenix, fm F rd bet Master & Franklin (K) Philip, fm Master n 2d Pickam's ct, fm 354 S Front Pierce's ct, fm 297 N 4th Pike, fm Cherry bel 13th Pine, fm Del riv bel Spruce Pine al. fm Ball to 241 S 4th Pink, fr lAIas'r to Jeffer'n (WK) Piper's ct, fm 185 St John Put, fr Cohocksink crk ab N 2d Plain, fm Lancaster n Reed Pleasant, fr Charles n Buttonw'd Pleasant av, fm 235 Lombard Pleasant Retreat, fm N 7th bel Coates Pleasant ct, from Lawrence bet 12th & 13th Pleis' ct, fm Poplar ab 3d Pleis' ct, fm St John ab Beaver (K) Plum, fm 320 S 2d Plum al, fr Greswold al to S 6th Plumber's ct, fm 21 German Plynlimmon pi, fm 144 N Front Point Pleas' t, fm Penn n Maiden Polard, fm Ger rd to Budd Poplar, from 13th bet Carpenter & Washington Poplar, fm 440 N Front Poplar, fm Ger rd bet 5th & 6th Poplar al, fm Locust bet Currant al & nth Poplar ct, fm Rose al to ]Miles al Poplar sq. fm Parrish to Poplar N 9th Porter's ct, fm 532 N 3d Portico sq, Spruce bet 9 & 10th Portland la, fm 152 S 6th Potter's ct, fr Lomb'd W of 13th Pottery al, fm 8 Small to Little Oak Powell, fm 100 S 5th Powell, W fm Francis (F rd) Powell's row, Keefe fm c Lan- caster Pratt, fm Spruce ab Sch 7th Pratt's ct, fm 396 N Front Pray's ct, fm 50 Charlotte Presbyterian ct, (Bryans) fm 170 S4th Preston, fm Melon to Wallace ab 9th Price's ct, fm 66 Lombard Prince, fm Del riv bel Wash'n Prince, fr end of Franklin (E K) Prospect al, fm 27 N 10th Prospect ct, fm N 1 Ith bel Arch Prospect place, fr 230 Christian Prosperous al, fr Locust bel 12th Prosperous al, fm SpafTord bel Shippen Providence ct, fm 15 Sergeant Prune, fm 110 S 4th Pryor's ct, fm 165 S 10th Pump al, fm SpafTord bel Ship'n Quarry, fm 96 N 2d Quarry row, N of Callowhill (FM) Queen, fm^P rd bel Catharine Queen, fm F rd n Otter (K) Querville's ct, fm Tam'y ab 4th Quigg's ct, N fr Catharine ab 3d Quince, fm Walnut ab 11th Race, fm Del to Sch N of Arch Rachel, fr Brown to Laurel (NL) Rachel row, fm 113 Dillwyn Radford's row, fm 13th & Ship Rafferty's ct, fm Carp'r ab 8th Railroad ct, fm 8th bel Coates Randell's ct, from Blackberry al ab Locust Randolph's ct, fm 126 N 2d Ranstead pi, fm 26 S 4th Rapin's ct, fm 102 Market Raspberry, fm Walnut ab 9th Raspberry la, fm 173 Cherry STREET GUIDE XV Rawle, fm O Y rd to Apple Read's al, fm 190 Cedar Reakirt's ct, fm George ab 2d Reckless, fm 529 S P'ront Reckless ct, fr Church ab Reck- less Redwood, fm 4th bel Federal Reed, fm Del riv bel Wharton Reeves, fm Sen 2d op Vine Reid's av, fm Flower ab 8th Reid's ct, fm 107 German Reid's ct, fm 5th bel Christian Reiff's av, fr N Front ab Otter Relief, fm 218S Front Relief al, fm Carter's al to Dock Relief pi, fm 19 Relief Renfer's ct, fm St John ab Bea- ver Richard, fm Sch 7.th ab Lomb'd Richards, fm 96 N 9th Richardson's ct, fm 159 Race Rickard's ct, fr George ab 2d (K) Ridgeway's ct, fm 110 N 8th Ridgeway's row, Callowhill ab William Ridge Road, N W fr Vine & 9th Rigler's ct, fm F rd bel Frank- lin (K) Rihl's ct, fm 526 N 3d Rihle's ct, fm 79 Poplar Rihle's ct, fm 250 St John Ritner, fm Sch 7th ab Spruce Rittenhouse, fm Sch 3d bel Lo- cust Rittenhouse, fr Sch 7th ab Race Rittenhouse pi. Locust bet S 9ih & 10th Rittenhouse row, fr Chesnut ab 12th Rittenhouse sq, from Locust to Spruce ab Sch 4th Roach's ct, fm Union ab Bedf'd Robb's ct, fm R rd ab 13th Robert's ct, fr Mark's la ab lllh Robert's ct, fm 53 Mead Robeson's ct, fr Vine ab Broad Robinson's ct, fm 299 Callowhill Robinson's ct, frn Penn n Mai- den (K) Robinson's ct, frSth bel Coates Rodgers' ct, rear 12 Emlen's ct Rogers' ct, N fm Pegg Rollin's row, Brinton E fr 13th Ronaldson, fr Cedar bet 9 & 10th Ronaldson's row, fm S E Cedar & 9th Rooney's ct, W fm St John n Cohocksink creek Rose, fr G rd bet Otter & N 2d Rose, fm 13th bet Shippen and Fitzwater Rose, fm G rd to School (W K) Rose al, fr Tamany n N 3d (NL) Rose al, fm 127 Locust (C) Rose al, fm Rose to Lydia bet School & William (K) Ross, fm Queen to Prince (E K) Ross' ct, fm 25 Concord Ross' ct, N fm Little Oak Rowlinson's ct, fm 169 N 2d Roy's ct, fm Shippen ab 5th Rudolph's ct, fm 266 Race Rugan, fm 345 Callowhill Rule, fm Lancaster to Wheat Rule's ct, fm 291 S 5th Runkle's ct, fm 233 Green Rush's ct, fm 211 Cherry Russell, fm Shippen ab 8th Russell's ct, n Sch Front & Cal- lowhill Rutter's ct, fm 9 Federal Rye, fm Marion to Reed ab 2d Rye, fm Gralfst S to Madison Selem al, fm 12th ab Lombard- Sansom, fm S 7th bel Chesnut Sansom's al, fr William bel N 3d Sansom's row, bet Swanwick & S8th Sarah, fr Queen n F rd (K) Sassafras, see Race Sassafras al, fm 190 Race Saunders' ct, fm Pitt n Beaver Savage's row, fm 12th to 13th in Locust Say's al, from Sch 7th bet Race &. Vine Say's al, fm Cherry ab 13th Say's ct, fm 36 N 3d Scattergood's Block, fm 308 St John XVI STREET GUIDE. Scattergood's ct, fr 403 N Front Scheaff, fm 12th ab Market Scheme, (Vine al) from 13th ab Vine Scheetz, fm 331 S 2d Schively's av, fm 138 N 5th Schleisman's al, fr N 3d n Pop'r School, fm 54 Apple (N L) School, from Otter to FrankUn (W K) School av, fm Union n S 2d Schrader's ct, from Apple to ab George (N L) Schriver's ct, fm 57 N 8th Schuylkill av, fr 11th bel Spruce Schuylkill Lane, fr 11th ab Pine Scott's al, fr 379 Market Scott's ct, fm 14 Poplar Scott's ct, fm 312 S Front Scott's C. fm 153 Cedar Second, N & S fm Market Second (Sch) N & S fr Market Seiser's ct, fm 56 Race Seller's ct, fm Carlton ab 13th Sergeant, fm 9th ab Race Seventh, N & S fm IMarket Seventh, (Sch) N &. S fr Market Shackamaxon, fm Del r to F rd Shafer's ct, fm 21 Garden Shafer's ct, fr Neckta'e bel 10th Shafer's ct, fm Pv. rd ab 13th Shafer's ct, fm Rawle n Apple Sheaff'sal, fm N 11th n Race Sheldon row, fr Walnut to Park in 8th Shepard al, fm Arch bet 7 & 8th Shepherd's ct, fm 36 N 3d Shepherd's ct, fr 355 Coates ab Uth Sherborne's ct, fr Poplar bel 6th Sherker's al, fm Shippen bel 6th Shields' al, fm 140 S 9th Shields' al, fm Prosperous al to Quince Shields' al, fr Relief al ab Front Shippen, fr Del r to Broad S of Cedar Shippen la, fm Cedar n Broad Shippen's ct, fm Pearl ab 12th Shirker's al, fm Bedford ab 5th Shoemaker, fm 13 S 8th Shoemaker ct, fm 10 N Front Shorts' ct, fm N 12th ab Race Shuster's ct, fm 198 N 8th Sibert, E & W from Sch 7th ab Thompson Silvas, fm Plum ab 2d Sim's al, fr S Water bel Market Simmons' ct, fm 216 Front Simmons' ct, fm 29 N Market Simpson's ct, fm 62 Catharine Simpson's ct, fm 119 Queen Singler's row, fr N 2d ab Phce'x SinlefF's ct, N from George ab Sch Beach Sixth, N & S fm Market Sixth, (Sch) N &, S fm Market Skerrett's ct, fr Shields' al ab 9th Slessman, fm 507 N 3d Small, fm 5th bel Cedar Smith's al, fm219 S 3d Smith's al, fm 119 Green (NL) Smith's ct, fr Allen's ct, Front Smith's ct, fr Market n Sch 8th Smith's ct, fm 117 N 5th Smith's ct, fm 172 N 8th Smith's ct, fm 88 N Front Smith's ct, fm St John n GMill Smith's ct, fm Gaskill bel 3d Smith's ct, fm Bedford bel 8th Smith's pi, fr 8 Linden bel Green Snider's ct, E fr Rye bel Whar'n Sober's al, fm 129 Walnut Somers' ct, fr S 2d ab Christian South, (Cedar) fm Del to Sch and the southern boundary of the City South al, see Commerce st South av, Schuyl'l ab Catharine South ct, fm 214 N 8th South row, fr Sch 4th ab Ham'n Southampton, fm 25 Laurel Southwark Rail rd, fm Broad to Cedar Spaftord, fm 50 Bedford Spragg's av, fm 6i Christian Spring, fm Sch 7th bel Race & Vine Spring Garden Retreat, S Gar- den bel 13th STREET GUIDE. XVll Spring Garden (is 120 feet wide) fm 6th ab Buttonwood Springmill, Willow ab Linn (F M) Spruce, fr Del to Sch N of Pine Square st, fm Rye n Mackey St Andrews, from Sch Front n Coates St Bernard's ct, fm 360 S 2d St George's al, from 55 New to Vine St James, f m 7 N 7th St John, fr Callow'l bet 2d & 3d St Joseph's av, from Sch 5th be! Market St Mary, fm 220 S 6th St Mary's al, from Gilles' al ab Cedar St Paul's av, fm 7th ab Cath'ne St Stephen's pi, fm 322 Market Stable al, fm op 46 S Sth Stall's ct, fm 203 Race Stamper's al, fm 208 S 2d Stanbury, fm Broad bel Filbert Stanley, fr 3d bet Plum & Ger'n Star al, fm 188 Race State, fm Sch 7th ab Race Steam Mill al, from St John ab William bet 2d & 3d Stearley's ct, W fm Smith's al, Coates Steel's ct, fm 13 German Steel's ct, N fr St Mary ab 6th Steele's ct, fm 269 Cedar Steinmetz's ct, fm 93 N 4th Steinmetz's ct, (NL) fm Button- wood n N 5th Stephen's ct, fm 404 N Front Sterling's al, fm 15 Cherry Stevenson's ct, fm Sth n Chris'n Steward, fm Fitzwater ab 9th Stewart's al, fm Cherry to 394 Race Stewart's ct, fr N 11th n Race Stewart's ct, fm 92 Gaskill Stiles' ct, fm 110 Oak Stiles' ct, fm Beach bel Maiden (K) Stillhouse al, fm 330 N Front Stilz's ct, fr Charlotte ab Beaver 2* Stokes' ct, fm 13th n Broad Stout's al, fm 127 Coates Stoy's ct, fr Beach to Queen (E K) Strahan's ct, W fm Flower Stranahan's ct, fr 258 Shippen Strawberry, fm 58 Market Streper's ct, fr Charl'te n Beaver Stump la, N E fr Girard College Sugar al, (Farmer) fr 32 N 6th Sugar House al, fr Vine bel 3d Summer, fm Sch 6th ab Race Summer's ct, fm 414 S 2d Sutherland, Christian bet 2d & Grover Sutherland av, Cedar & Sch riv Swain's ct, fm 127 Christian Swanson, fin 10 Cedar to N Y Swanson ct, from Swanson bet Queen &c Christian Swanwick, fm Little Geo ab 6th Swarthmore pi, fm 2d bet Race & Vine Swede's al, fm 22 Christian Swede's ct, fm 463 S 2d Sweney's ct, fm 321 S 2d Sycamore, fr Walnut ab Juniper Tamarind, fm Green ab Front Tamany, fr 318 O Y rd to N 2d Tamany ct, fm Tamany ab 4th Tanner, fm Wharton to Federal Taper al, fm 53 Green Taylor's al, fm 58 S Front Taylor's ct, fr Barron ab Cedar Tavlor's ct, fm St John ab Bea- ver (K) Teas' ct, S fm Olive ab 13th Temperance (Gebhard) fr Cher- ry to Race bet Sch 7th & Sth Ten feet al, fm Middle al bet 6th & 7th Tenth, N & S fm Market Third, N «& S fm Market Third, (Sch) N & S fm Market Thirteenth, N & S fm Market Thomas' al, fm 116 Oak Thompson, fm Ger rd to 6th Thomson ct, fm 34 Race Thorn's ct, from N 4th n George (NL) XVlll STREET GUIDE, Thorn's ct, fm 9th n Coates Tidmar, fm P rd op Carp'a (S) Tiller's ct, fr Vaughn ab Locust Timber la, fm F rd ab Shack' n Tomlin's ct, fm Rachel n Laurel Ton al, fm 57 S Water Torr's ct, fm 9th to Ridge rd Townsend's av. fm 118 Budd Townsend's ct, fm 84 Spruce Traquair's ct, fm 11 N 10th Trimble's ct, fm 510 N Front Trotter's al, fm 32 S 2d Trusty's ct, tm 6 Locust I'ruxton, fm Budd to Adams ab Pine Turner, fm 337 S 4th 1'urner's ct, fr Catharine bet 2d & 3d Turner's la, op Girard College Twelfth, N & S f m Market Twelvefeet al, fr Shippen ab 5th Tyler, fr Fisher n Carp'n (S) Type al, fm 10th ab Vine Ulrick's al, fm Coates bel 5th Union, fm Bedford to F rd(EK) Union, fm 165 S Front to 4th Union, from 180 Swanson to S Front Union ct, fr Bedf 'd to Prince (K) Union ct, fm 150 Wood Union pi, fm Lombard & Ash- ton Sch Union sq, Geo fr Sch 7th to 8th Unity ct, fm 16 Little Pine Upper Ferry road, fr Callowhill & Nixon to Upper Bridge Vail's ct, fm Pearl n Sch Valley ct, fm 3 Wagner's al Van Buren ct, from Cadwalader ab Washington Van Buren, N side of Parrish bel 11th Vanzyke's ct, fm 103 German Vausrhn, fm Walnut W Sch 7th Vaux's ct, fm 293 S 10th Venango, fm 12th bel Locust Vernon, fm 44 Cedar Vernon, fm N 10th n Parrish Vernon pi, fr Vernon bel Ship'n Vicker's ct, fr Barker ab Sch 6th Videll's ct, fm 58 S 2d Vienna, fr Queen n Cherry (K) Vine, fm Del riv N of Race Vine al, fm N 10th ab Vine Vine ct, fm Vine bel 12th Vineyard, fm Rail rd n George (FV) Virginia row, fm 13th in Walnut Vollum.near 66 S 12th Wager, fm Jacoby ab Race Wager, fm Ger rd & 5th (K) Wager's ct, fm Crockett's ct Wagner's al, from Fitzwater ab 12th Wagner's al, fm 135 Cherry Wagner's ct, fr N 5th ab Noble Wagner's ct, fr 5th ab Noble to Dean Wagner's ct, fr Sch 8th ab Race Wale's av, fm 116 German Walker's ct, fm 239 N 2d Walker's ct, fm Willow ab 6th Wall, fm P rd op Queen Wall's Elbow, fm Emlen's ct Wallace from 7th bet Green and Coates Wallace's ct, fm 10 N Front Wallace's ct, rear of Ann (F V) Wallace's ct, from Church bel Christian Walnut, fr Del riv S of Chesnut Walnut al, fm 13th ab Cherry Walter's ct, N Front ab Noble Warder pi, fm Duke ab Front Warner's ct, fm 230 Shippen Warner's ct, fm 534 N 4th Warner's ct, fr Stanley to Ger- man Warner's ct, fm 118 Catharine Warner's ct, fm 234 Shippen Warren, fm Dean ab Spruce Warren, fr Beach n Hano'r (K) Warren's ct, f m 5 Sugar al Washington, see Shippen Washington, Market fr Perma- nent Bridge through Hamilton Village Washington, fm Master (WK) Washington, from Del to Broad bel Christian (S) STREET GUIDE XIX Washington, (S G) from 9th to Broad bet Green &. Wallace Washington, fm Otter ab Front Washington, fm 11th bet Lom- bard and Cedar Washington, fm Sth bel Prime Washington av, fm Willow N to Brown bet Front & Del riv (NL) Washington ct, fm 230 Lomb'd Washington ct, fm Washington ab Green Washington Market pi, fm 3d to Prd Washington pi, fr 109 W Filbert Washington road, bet Green & Hickory Washington row, fm 130 Apple Washington sq, Walnut &, 6th Water, W of Sch Front Water, N & S of Market below Front Watkins' al, fm 22 Bread Watman's ct, fr 5th ab Noble Watts, fm Sch 3d bel Lombard Watts' ct, William bel Morris Watson's al, fm Branch to New Watson's al, fm 101 Locust Weaver, fm Green ab O Y rd Weaver's ct, fm 76 German Weaver's ct, rear 337 N Front Weaver's row, fr Ger rd to Cad- walader n Camac Webb's al, fm 221 Cherry Webb's al. l"rom Oak to 371 N Front (NL) Webster's ct, W fm 26 P rd Weccacoe, fm 183 Queen Weccacoe av, S fm 12 Christian Week's ct, fr Rachel ab Poplar Wellinar, fm Arch ab Sch Front Wells' ^row, fr S E Sth & Green West, fm F rd ab Duke (K) West, bet Sch Front & Beach West, fm 233 N 2d West's ct, fm 29 New Market Western av, fr Sch Sth ab Race Westmoreland, from Broad bel Locust Wharf, fm Cedar along the whfs Wharton, fr Del riv bel Federal Wheat, fm Marion bel S 2d Wheeler's Place, fm Coates bel Broad Whetsone ct, fr c 6th & Chris'n Whilden's ct, fr Rye op Square Whitaker's ct, fm 66 S Sth White's ct, fr Cedar bel 12th & 13 th White's ct, fm Bedford n Broad Whitehall, fm 12th n Sp Garden Whitehead's ct, fm 294 S 4th Wickecoe av, fm Christian near Swanson Wiggins' ct, fm 62 Cherry Wiley's row, from Wallace bel Broad Wiley's ct, fm Castle n 10th Wiley's ct, fm 35 Plum Wiley's ct, fm 120 N 11th William, fm Vine to Coates William, fm Otter to Rose (K) William, fm Coates to Vine William, fm Sch 5th bel Cedar William, from Otter to Edward (WK) Williams' ct, from Vaughn bel Locust Williams' ct, fm 262 Cedar (M) Williams' ct, fr Pleasant bel 10th Williamson's ct, fr Concord bel 3d Willing's al, fm 98 S 3d Willow, fr Pine ab Sch 6th Willow, fm Locust n Sch Willow, fr Del riv ab Callowhill Willow, from Wood bel 12th to Pearl Willow al, fm William ab 2d Willow ct, fm Vine W of 6th Wilson's ct, rear of 3 Poplar Wilson's ct, rear of 132 Button- wood Wilson's ct, from Carpenter bel Sth & 9th Wilts' ct, S fm Brown n 10th Winter, fr George ab 3d (N L) Winter's ct, S fm Montgomery Wistar, fm 12th ab Ridge rd Wistar, fr Washington bel 7th XX STREET GUIDE. Wistar's ct, fm Phoenix bel Ger- mantown road Wistar's ct, fr Vine E of Broad Wit man's al, from Kunckle bel Callowhill Witman's ct, fm 400 N 2d Wolgam's ct, fm 75 N 8th Wood, W fm 2d ab Vine to Sch (NL) Wood, from Queen n Gunner's run (K) Wood ct, E from Swanson to Prime Work's ct, fm 275 S 3d AVoodland, W of Perm't Bridge (W P) Workman's ct, fr F't ab Mead Wright's al, fm Miller's al, W of Broad Wyatt, E fm Wistar to 7th Yeager's ct, N fr Shippen bel 7th Yeager's ct, from Carlton below Broad Yhost, fm 158 Catharine York, fm 103 S 3d York Buildings, Walnut below Washington sq & S 8th York ct, fm 37 Budd Young's al, from New Market ab Willow Young's place, from 111 Queen (S) Zachary's ct, fm 31 Walnut Zane, fm 32 N 7th to 8th PUBLIC SQUARES. Frankhn, bet Race and Vine ab 6th Independence, bet 5th & 6th & Walnut Logan, bet Race & Vine above Sch 3d Penn, N & S of Market W of Juniper Rittenhouse, bet Spruce & Pine and Sch 4th and 5th Washington, bet Walnut and Locust ab 6th PUBLIC MARKETS. Callowhill, fm 4th to 7th Car, 189 Sch 7th ab Callowhill Fish, fr Water to wharf in Mar- ket New, fm Pine to Cedar in 2d Northern Liberty, fm Coates to Poplar Southwark, Moy rd fm Prime to Washington Wharton, bet Prime & Wash'n PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Corporation School of Friends, Pme bel 2d High School, Juniper n Market Lutheran, 235 St John Model school, Chester & Maple Public school, Sch Ashton above Lombard Do do New Market above Noble Do do Zane ab 7th Do do 11th and Buttonwood Do do Race and Broad Do do cor 8th and Fitzwater Do do W Kensington, N 2d and Master Do do N Liberties, 432 N 3d Do do Catharine ab 3d Do do Callowhill n F M Do do Coates bel 13th Do do O Y road ab Poplar Do do South Eastern, Front bel Pine Do do S E 2d and Reed Do do 5th bel Prime Do do (coloured) 6th near Lombaid School of St Peter's Church, 79 Lombard Seminary of St Charles Borro- meo, Sch 5th &, Race PUBLIC AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Academy of Fine Arts, 311 Chesnut Academy of Natural Sciences, N W George and Broad Adelphi Hall, S 5th bel Walnut Alms House, Sch (west side) Alms House, (Friends) Walnut ab 3d American Baptist Publication & Sunday School Society Depo- sitory, N 6th American Board of Commerce for Foreign Missions, Perkins & Purves agents, 10 S 5th American Philosophical Society, S W 5th and Chesnut Americ'n Sunday School Union, 146 Chesnut Apprentices' Library, cor 5th & Arch Artist's Fund Hall, Chesnut ab 10th Association for the Supply of Teachers, 142 Chesnut Asylum for Lost Children, 19 S 7th Do do Commerce ab 5th Do Magdalen, cor Race and Sch 2d Athenseum, S W 5th & Chesnut Athenian Buildings, Frank'n pi Athenian Institute &. Phi. Hall, S W 5th and Chesnut Board of Education, 29 Sansom Board of Missions, 29 Sansom Bricklayer's Hall, N E 13th and Race Carpenter's Hall, N W 13th &, Race Christ Church Hosp'l, 8 Cherry City Hospital, Sch 4th n Coates City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce City Water Works, Fairmount Office 200 Cherry Clarkson Hall, 103 Cherry I College and Medical Hall, 9th n I Market 'College of Pharmacy, Zane ab I 7th County Commissioners, State- I House (west wing) up stairs ^Custom House, bet 4th &, 5th I Chesnut Dispensary^ 41 S 5th Exchange, (Mechanics) Franklin I Institute Exchange, (Merchants) cor 3d and Walnut Fairmount Water Works, ab Upper Bridge Franklin Institute Hall, 9 S 7th Fuel Saving Society, City and Liberties, Anthony M. Buck- ley President, 79 S Front, Yard Sch 7th bel Locust German Society Hall, 8 S 7th Girard College, R rd, N W of F V Girard Treasurer, S 5th above Chesnut Guardians of the Poor, 19 S 7th Health Office, cor 6th & George Historical Society of Penn, S W 5th & Chesnut Home Missionary Society, 10 S 6th House of Industry, 7 Ranstead Place House of Refuge, cor Broad & Coates Institution for the Instruction of the Bhnd, N W Sch 3d and Race Jefferson Medical College, 56 S 10th Marine Hospital, ab G Ferry ; Masonic Hall, S 3d bel Walnut I Do (old) Chesnut ab 7th i Mayor's Office, S W 5th and I Chesnut [Medi'l Institute, Locust ab 11th (21) XXll PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Menonists, Crown bel Callow- hill Merchants' Exchange, cor 3d & Walnut Navy Agent's, 34 Walnut Navy Yard, S E Front & Prime New County Prison, P road bel Federal New House of Correction, Bush Hill New Penitentiary, Coates W of House of Refuge Northern Dispensary, 1 Spring Garden Northern Liberties Gas Works, Maiden bel N Front Northern Liberty Hall, 322 N 3d Odd Fellows' Hall, 5th n Walnut Old Academy, 42 N 4th Orphan Asylum, (St Joseph's) S W Spruce and 7th Do (St John's) Chesnut above 12th Do (St Mary's) 5th n Pine Do (Shelter for Coloured) N 13th n Willow Penn's Treaty Monum't, Shack- amaxon (K) Pennsylvania Bible Society, 144 Chesnut Pennsylvania Colonization So- ciety, Walnut ab 6th Do Anti-Slavery Society, 30 N5th Do Hospital, Pine bet 8th & 9th Do Institution for Deaf and Dumb, N VV Broad & Pine Do do for Listruction of the Bhnd, Race and Sch 3d Do Medical College, Filbert ab 11th Do_ State Arsenal, 29 S Ju- niper Permanent Bridge Company, 1 York Philadelphia Bible Society, 144 Chesnut . Do Exchange, corner 3d and Walnut Do Education Society, 10 S 5th Do Gas Works, Sch Front n Market, office Franklin Institute Do Museum, N E 9th and George Do Orphans' Asylum, N E Sch 5th and Cherry Do Tract Society, 13 N 7th Philosophical Halj, S W 5ih & Chesnut, up stairs Post Office, Mer. Exchange Do do Kensington, Maiden n Market Do do Spring Garden, Cal- lowhill n 8th Preston Retreat, Hamilton near Sch 3d Recorder's Office, 3 State House east wing Rittenhouse sq, bet Walnut & Spruce and Sch 3d and 6th Sandiford Hall, Haines ab 6th Seaman's Friend Society, or Gi- rard House, 26 S 5th Shelter for Coloured Orphans, N 13th n Willow Sheriff's Office, State House, west wing Society for Faithful Domestics, 1 Minor Southern Dispensary, 98 Ship- pen Southwark Library, S 2d below Plum Sparks' Shot Factory, 21 John ^ (S) State House, Chesnut bet 5th «fe 6th State Armory, cor Juniper and Penn square Union Benevolent Society, S W 8th and Lodge Union Canal Company, 6 Car- penter's ct Union Glass Works, Beach near Warren U S Arsenal, Gray's Ferry road near Federal PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. U S Mint, c Juniper & Chesnut U S Naval Asylum, n U S Ar- U S Inspector's Office, 99 S Wharves U S Weigher's Office, 1 Lom- bard University of Pennsylvania S 9th n Market Washington sq, south side Wal- nut ab 6th Warden's Office, 33 Walnut Widows, Indigent, and Single Women's Asylum, Cherry E of Sch 5th Wills' Hospital, (for Lame and Blind) Race W of Sch 3d CHURCHES. BAPTISTS. First, Rev. Geo. B. Ide, 2d and Lagrange Place. Second, Rev. D. Dodge, New Market above Poplar. Third, Rev. G. S. Webb, 2d below Queen. New Market street, Rev. G. B. Perry, New Market ab Noble. Fifth, Rev. , George above 8th. Spruce, Rev. George Kompton, Spruce between 4th and 5th. Central, Rev. L. Fletcher, N W Sch 8th and Market. Tenth, Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, 8th above Green. Eleventh. Rev. A. D. Gillett, 12th above Race. Twelfth, Rev. ■ , Queen near Shackamaxon. Mount Tabor, Rev. Lewis, 6th and Poplar. Second, Southwark, Rev. Geo, Higgins, 5th below Carpenter. North, Rev. , Elizabeth above Parrish (N L). Schuylkill, Rev. B. R. Loxley, Ashton and Lombard. West Kenshigton, Rev. Frederick Ketcham, Hancock above Frankhn (K) . Broad street, Rev. J. L. Burrows, corner of Broad and Brown. CATHOLIC. Chapel of Consolation, Rev. Mr. O'Dyer, Crown above Vine, St Joseph's, Rev. A. Rey, Willing's alley. St Mary's, Rev. C. J. H, Carter, 4th above Spruce. St John's, Bishop Kenrick, 13th below Market. Holy Trinity, Rev. Otho H. Borge?s, 6th and Spruce. St Michael's, Rev. Wm. Loughran, 2d West Kensington. St Francis Xavier, Rev. P. Rafferty, near Fairmount. St Patrick's, Rev. D. F. Devitt, Sch 3d above Spruce. St Philip deNeri, Rev. J. Patrick Dunn, D. D., Queen ab 2d. St Peter's, Rev. Louis Carteyvels, 5th £nd Frankhn. St Paul's, Rev. P. F. Sheridan, Christian below 10th. CHRISTIAN CHAPEL. Rev. Frederick H. Plummer, Christian below 6th. COLOURED. First Presbyterian, Rev. Charles W. Gardner, 7th bel Shippen. Second Pre..byterian, St Mary above 6th. XXIV PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Third Presbyterian, Rev. S, H. Gloucester, 8th n Carpen'r (S) Bethel, Gth above Lombard. Bethel Union, Coates bel Old York road. Brick Wesley, Lombard below Gth. Little Wesley, Hurst below Lombard. First Baptist, Rev. James Burrows, Uth and Pearl. Union Baptist, Rev. Daniel Scott, Little Pine above Gth. Shiloh, , 11th above Lombard. St Thomas', Rev. William M. Douglass, 5th below Walnut, Little Union, Little Pine below 7th. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Fifth and Gaskill, Elders Taylor, Hall, and Rowzee. DUTCH REFORMED. First, Rev. C. C. Vanarsdale, Crown above Race. Third, Rev. G. W. Bethune, D. D., cor 10th and Filbert. EPISCOPAL. Christ Church, Rev. B. Dorr, D. D., 2d above Market. St James', Rev. Henry J. Morton, 7th above Market. St Peter's, Rev. Wm. H. Odenheirner, 3d and Pine. St Paul's, Rev. Richard Newton, 3d below Walnut. St Stephen's, Rev. H. W. Ducachet, D. D., 10th below High. St Andrew's, Rev. Thomas M. Clark, 8th above Spruce. St John's, Rev. George Boyd, D. D., Brown below 3d. St Luke's, Rev. Wm. W. Spear, 13th below Spruce. St Philip's, Rev. Edmund Neville, Vine below 8th. Epiphany, Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D. D., Sch 8th and Chesnut. Grace, Rev. Wm. Suddards, 12th and Cherry. St Matthew's, Rev. J. M. Douglass, Francisville. Trinity, Rev. John Coleman, D. D., Catharine above 2d. Sw^edes, Rev. J. C. Clay, D. D., Swanson near Navy Yard. Church of the Ascension, Rev. Frederick Ogilby, Lombard above 11th. Church of the Evangelists, Rev. Thos. Quinan, 5th ab Catharine. Emanuel, Rev. J. Maxwell, Marlboro' ab Franklin (K). All Saints, , Fitzwater and Shippen lane. Church of the Nativity, , 11th and Washington. Advent Church, Rev. John Kerr, Old York road ab Tamany. friends' MEETING-HOUSES. S E 4th and Mulberry ;* Washington sq. :* S 12th below Mar- ket ; cor 9th and Spruce ;* S W Gth and Noble : Cherry bet 4th and 5th ; cor Green and 4th. Those marked thus * are orthodox. GERMAN REFORMED. Rev. J. F. Berg, Race helow^ 4th, Rev. Helffenstein, School and Edward. Rev, Henry Bibighaus, D. D., St John below Green, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. XXV INDEPENDENT. Rev. John Chambers, S Broad below Chesnut. jews' synagogues. Isaac Leeser, Cherry near 3d. — — Adelphi street. LUTHERAN. St John's, Rev. P. F. Mayer, D. D., Race above 5th. St Matthew's, Rev. Theophilus Storke, New below 4th. St Michael's, Rev. Englebert Peixotto, 5th and Apple Tree al. Zion, Rev. C. R. Demme, D. D., 4th and Cherry. St Paul's, Brown and St John. mariners'. Bethel, (Methodist) Shippen and Swanson. Mariners', (Eastburn) Rev. Orson Douglas, Water n Chesnut. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. St George"S, 4th below Vine. St John street, St John above Beaver. Ebenezer, Christian below 4th. Kensington, Queen and Marlborough. Salem, Juniper and Lombard. Union, 4th above Market. Nazareth, 13th near Vine. Fifth street, 5th near Green. St Paul's, Catharine bet 6th and 7th. New Market street, New Market above Laurel. Western, Sch 3d below Walnut. Trinity, 8th above Race. Eighth street, 8th and Noble. Twelfth street, 12th near Poplar. Wharton street, Wharton above 3d. Fairmount, near Fairmount. Independent, Rev. J. Keller, Sch 6th and St Joseph avenue. Sanctuary, Rev. James Flannery, 5th above George. Parrish street, Parrish above 7th. Cohocksink, Germantown road and 5th. First German, New Market above Brown. Bethlehem Home Mission, Callowhill bet Sch 3d and 4th. METHODIST PROTESTANT. First, Rev. Thomas H. Stockton, 11th and Wood. Ebenezer, Marlborough and West (K). Brickmakers', Sch 3d above Chesnut. Southwark Mission, 4th and German. MORAVIAN. Rev. Emmanuel Rondthaler, Bread and Race. 3 XXVI PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS^ NEW JERUSALEM. Fourth street, below German. Locust street, above 8th. PRESBYTERIAN. First, Rev. Albert Barnes, Washington square. Second, Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D. D., N 7th near Arch. Third, Rev. Thomas Brainerd, 4th and Pine. Fourth, Rev, Wm. Loughridge, 12th and Lombard. Fifth, M. La Rue P. Thompson, Arch above 10th. Sixth, Rev. Jos. H. Jones, Spruce near 6th. Seventh, Rev. Willis Lord, Broad above Chesnut. Scots, Rev. Alexander Macklin, Spruce above 3d. Ninth, Rev. Archibald Tudehope, Sch 7th and George. Tenth, Rev. Henry A. Boardman, 12th and Walnut. Eleventh, Rev. John L. Grant, Vine below 13th. Twelfth, Rev. Wm. Ramsey, Cedar above 11th. Central, Rev. John McDowell, D. D., 8th and Cherry. Central, (N L) Rev. Anson Rood, Coates above 3d Cumberland, Rev. H. S. Porter, 7th above Wood. Western, Rev, Elias J. Richards, Sch 6th and Filbert. -First, (N L) Rev, Ezra Stiles Ely, Buitonwood near 6th. North, Rev. Thomas L, Janeway, 6th above Green. •First, (S) Rev. Robert Adair, German above 2d. Assembly, Rev. John H. Smaltz, Moym'g road and Christian. Fairmount, Rev. Charles Brown. Cohocksink, Rev. Daniel Easton, Ger road above 6th. Union, Rev. James W. Stewart, 13th below Spruce. ■Clinton street. Rev. Joel Parker, D. D., 10th and Chnton. First Associate, Rev. Chauncey Webster, Walnut above 4th, Second Associate, Rev. Joseph T. Cooper, Franklin ab Green. First Reformed, Rev. Sam'l B. Wylie, D. D., and Rev. T. W. J, Wylie, 11th below Market, Second Reformed, Rev. Samuel Stevenson, Fairmount. Reformed, Rev. James M. Wilson, Cherry near 11th. Reformed, S. O. Wylie, 13th and Race. First Associate Reformed, Rev. J. B. Dales, 13th ab Market. Second Associate, Rev. J. B, ScouUer, Lombd between Sch 3d and 4th. Third Associate, Rev, J, C. Lyons, F rd ab Frankhn (K). UNITARIAN, •First, Rev, W, H. Furness, 10th and Locust. UMVERSALIST. First, Asher Moore, Lombard above 4th. Second, C. C. Burr, Callowhillbelow 5th. Third, PhcenLx above Frankford road. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.. XXYII, BURYING GROUNDS AND CEMETERIES. Franklin, (Free) S 5th below Prune. Jews, N W Blackberry alley and Spruce. Lafayette, Federal between 9th and 10th. Laurel Hill, Ridge road near Schuylkill Falls,. Mackpelah, Prime near 10th. Monument, Broad above Master. Moravian, N W Lawrence and Vine. Mutual, Prime near 10th. Philanthrophic, Pas&yunk road below County Prison* Ronaldson's, Shippen between 9th and 10th. LIBRARIES. Athenaeum, S W 5th and Chesnut. Foreign Literature and Science, S W 5th and Chesnut. Friends, 84 Arch, up stairs. Harrison, Christian above 9th. Mercantile, 134 Chesnut. Northern Liberty, 260 N 3d. Philadelphia, N E corner 5th and Library. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Arch street Theatre, 219 Arch. Chesnut street Theatre, 201 Chesnut. Musical Fund Hall, 60 Locust. National Circus, Chesnut near 9th. Philadelphia Circus, Walnut above 8th. Philadelphia Museum, N E 9th and George.. Walnut street Theatre, N E 9th and Walnut, TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES IN PHILADELPHIA. Delavan T A Society, Henry Stryker, President, Sam'l S. Reed, Secretary, HaUin Cherry street above Sixth, south side. Meetings every Saturday evening. Jefferson T A Society of Northern Liberties, D. McGinley, President, Thomas Walton, Secretary, Hall S E cor of Brown and Second, entrance from Brown. Meetings every even- ing. A meeting is held once a month in the Saloon of the Tem- perance Hall in Third street, near Green, generally on the first Thursday. Washington Temperance Society of Philadelphia, Hall in Union street, above Third, south side. Meetings every Sunday evening. Washington Temperance Society of Northern Liberties, Thos. Williamson, President, V, Sleeper, Secretary, Hall in Old York toad below Callowhill street. Meetings every Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings. A religious meeting every Sunday at 3 o'clock, P. M. Spring Garden Temperance Benevolent Society, Sam'l Row- XXVUl PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. ard, President, Stacy Taylor, Secret'y, Hall in Ridge road above Cailcwhill street, west side. Meetings every Monday and Thurs- day evenings. A meeting for worstiip every Sunday morning, afternoon, and evening. Seamen's Bethel Temperance Society, Thomas Porter, Sea- men's Missionary, 229 S 3d street, Hall in Front st bet Spruce and Pine, east side. Meetings every Sunday evening. Also, meetings for worship every Sunday morning and afternoon. John Hancock T B Society of Moyaniensing, Rob. E. Shultz, Pres't, Samuel Keys, Sec'y, Hall in Shippen street above 9th. Meetings every Monday evening. Howard T B Society of Southwark, Hall in Shippen above 2d, south side. Meetings every Monday evening. Washington and Penn T A Society, of East Kensington, Hall in Shackamaxon street below Franklin, east side. George Fox T A Society, of West Kensington, Hall junction of Germantown road and Second street. Ladies Temperance Union of the City and County, Mrs. H. Clement, First Directress. Business meetings on the first Mon- day of every month, at 3 P. M., in the Lecture Room of Dr. McDowell's church corner of Cherry and Eighth. Also a pubUc meeting at least once in every month, time and place to appear in the papers. Philadelphia City and County Temperance Convention, H. Ward, Pres't, C. F. Folwell, Sect'y, Delavan Hall, Cherry ab 6th. Regular meetings last Wednesday evening in every month. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. The Grand Division of the State of Pennsylvania, organized April 26, 1844, meets Quarterly at their Hall in Chestnut Street. Thos. B. Florence, G. W. P. Geo. Crosby, G. S. THE CHARACTER AND DESIGN OF THE ORDER OF THE "SONS OF TEMPERANCE." For a number of years past, a great work has been spreading over the world, with the purpose of removing the many and dreadful evils of intemperance, by abolishing the use of intoxica- ting liquors as a drink. The success of this enterprise has been wonderful. Its blessed results will commemorate the age in which we live. The design of the Order of the Sons of Temperance is to advance this important work, and to give greater security and permanence to the blessings it confers on individuals. To prevent the sober from contracting habits of intemperance — to arrest the moderate drinker, and induce him to abandon his practice — to extend the hand of encouragement and friendship to SONS OF TEMPERANCE. XXIX the reformed inebriate — to support and confirm each other in the path of temperance and virtue — and to extend reUef to the sick and needy, without making their charities a premium for indolence and vice — are the designs of this beautiful Order. No one is admitted into the Order until he has signed the pledge of total abstinence. Each member pays a weekly contri- bution to establish a fund, from which, in case of sickness, he draws not less than three dollars per week, and in case of his death, his family receive thirty dollars. If a member should lose his wife by the visitation of death, he is entitled to fifteen dol- lars towards defraying funeral expenses. Meetings are held weekly. It is the duty of the members to look after and encour- age each other in the observance of the pledge, and in the prac- tice of all the virtues. Temperance alone is not regarded as suf- ficient to establish a good character. On the contrary, strict morality is enjoined by the terms of membership. They have certain forms and passwords to guard against impo- sition, but no oaths, and no obligations to interfere in the slightest degree with their domestic, social, religious, or political relations. '* Love, Purity and Fidelity," embrace the end and aim, the soul and substance of the Institution. From the meetings, all subjects are precluded that have not strict reference to their avowed de- sign. The meetings are conducted with seriousness and decorum,, becoming the important purpose in view. The Order of the Sons of Temperance is not designed to take the place of other temperance associations. On the contrary, most of their members are also active members of the ordinary Temperance Societies, and many of them, we doubt not, are the more active, in consequence of their connexion with the Order. One of the most serious obstructions in the way of the temper-, ance cause, is the frequent relapse of men who had signed the pledge, into their former habits. The cause has suffered much reproach on this account. It is believed that this Order is well calculated to lessen the evil, by throwing additional securities about the footsteps of reformed inebriates, and surrounding them with friends whose helping hand is constantly extended. It is mostly in cities and towns, where the temptations to drink abound, that these discouraging defections take place. — And it is in cities and towns that this Order is best calculated to flourish. In the country, drunkards are fewer, temptations less abundant, and the opportunities of temperance societies to extend care over their members are more ample. Experience has proved that some men need to be constantly reminded of the obligation of the temperance pledge, in order to maintain the observance of it. The ordinary temperance associa- tions do not impose on such persons a sufficient degree of restraint, and are not always able to watch over all their members. The organization of the Sons of Temperance remedies these evils by requiring more strict supeXYisioAi oy^yits m.Qmber?i 9,nd practising P. XXX SONS OF TEMPERANCE. a rigid enforcement of its discipline. They are not liable to for- get their obligations. Besides, they have a pecuniary interest at stake, which is found, in many instances, to exercise a salutary influence. They exercise no restraint whatever over their members, but that which enjoins temperance and moraUty. Any one who is dissatisfied may withdraw at any moment. The following are the titles and numbers of the Divisions now organised in Pennsylvania : JVame. JVo. Location:- County. Time and Place of Meeting. Philadelphia, 1, Philad. City, Philad'a. Mo. 115 S. 2d. Washington, 2, " " " W. G.D. room Masonic Hall. Hope, 3, " " " Tu. do. do. Pennsylvania,... 4, " " " Th. do. do. Franklin 5, " " " Th. 115S.2d. Penn, 6, Bethlehem,. . North'n. Lehigh, 7, Allentovvn,.. Lehigh, Tu. George Taylor, . . 8, Easton, North'n. Th. Washington, 9, Carlisle, Cunib'd. Th. Central, 10, Harrisburg,.. Dauphin.Th. Fidelity, 11, Hollidaysb'g. Hunt'n, Union, 12, Philadelphia, Philad'a. Fri. 2d and Brown. Marshall, 13, " " Sat. tjth and Haines. Niagara, 14. " " Fri. G.D.room Masonic Hall. Good Samaritan, 15, " " Tu. Ridge Road above 13th. Olive Branch, . . .16, Doylestown, Bucks,. . Th. Standing Stone,.. 17, Huntingdon, Hunt'n. Columbia, 18, Columbia,. . . Lancast. Tu. Friendship, 19, Philadelphia, Philad'a. Tu. 12th and Filbert. Crystal Fount,... 20, " " Mo. G.D. room Mas. Hall Hierophant, 21, " " Th. 6lh and CallowhilK Delaware, 22, New Hope,. . Bucks, .. Sat. Craneville, 23, Craneville,. . Lehigh,.. Newtown, 24, Newtown, . . Bucks, .. Sat. Spring Garden,. .25, Philadelphia, Philad'a. Tu. 10th and Callowhill. Standard, 26, Chester, Dclaw'e. Fn. Gnadenhutton,...27, MauchCh'k., Carbon, Wyoming, 28, Wilkesbarre, Luzerne, Independence,. . .29, Philadelphia, Philad'a Tu. Carpenter n. 6th Southw: Hand-in-Hand,. .30, " " W. 2d and Brown. Northampton,. . .31, Easton, North'n. Dauphin, 32, Harrisburg,.. Dauphin, Marion, 33, Attleborn',... Bucks,.. Sat. Integrity, 34, Philadeljihia, Philad'a. Fri. Ridge Road ^bove 13th Schuylkill, 35, " " Mo. 12th and Filbert. Fredonia, 36, " " Tu. 2d and Brown. Norristown, ....37, Norristown, Montg'y. Meridian Sun,. . .38, Philadelphia, Philad'a. Wed. 12th and Filbert. Beacon Light, . ..39, Carbondale,. Luzerne, Conshohocken, . .40, Conshohoc'n. Montg'y. Sat, Phoenix, . .41, Reading, Berks, . . Sat. Pittsburgh, 42, Pittsburgh,. . Alleg'y. Jefferson, 43, Philadelphia, Philad'a. Mon. Carpenter n. 6th So. Anthracite, 44, Beaver Mead. Carbon. Howard, 45, Philad'a Philad'a. Perseverance,... .46 do. do. CITY GOVERNMENT. Peter McCall, Mayor, corner 5th and Chesnut. Richard Vaux, Recorder, State House Row. CorneUus Stevenson, Treasurer, cor 5th and Chesnut. Robert H. Smith, City Clerk, cor 5th and Chesnut. Edward Olmstead, SoUcitor, S 5th above Walnut. Owen Bailey, Mayor's Clerk. Lieutenant of Police, James Young. Second Lieutenant, J. Henry Bulkley. MEMBERS OF SELECT COUNCIL. Wm. M. Meredith, President— John P. Wetherill, Wm. Mor- ris, Charles Gilpin, Thomas P. Cope, John Trucks, Joseph R. Chandler, Gideon Scull, Algernon S. Roberts, Thos. C. Rock- hill, Abm. J. Lewis, Isaac Elliott. Clerk, Henry Helmuth, 53 South Fifth street. COMMON COUNCIL. Samuel Norris, President — Isaac Barton, Thomas Snowden, Henry C. Corbit, George Campbell, Jacob SennefF, Andrew R. Chambers, John Devereux, Jacob E. Hagert, John Agnew, Ja- cob Amos, Archibald Campbell, Wm. H. Hart, Saunders Lewis. Dan'l L. Miller, J. Rodman Paul, Thos. Robbins, Edmund Wil- cox, Edmund A. Souder, James J. Boswell. Clerk, T. Birch, jr. Treasurer of the Girard Trust — Charles S. Smith, S Fifth near Chesnut. City Commissioners — Adam Traquair, President, S W 5th and Chesnut, Thos. K. Wallace, and Lane Schofield. John Diehl, Commissioner of City Property. Regulators and Surveyors — Samuel Hains, S 5th near Chesnut. Marine, T. W. Chandler, Assistant. Hisrh Constables — J Young, Chas. Downer, John Walker, Jas. W. Moore. Collectors of Water Rents — James Hickey, George W, Gilling- ham, Thomas Millar. Superintendent for Cleansing the City — Henry Bickley, Locust below Sch 5th. Clerks of High street MarTtet—V eiex Conrad, 93 Filbert, and James Gladines, S W Little Water and Lombard. Clerk W of Tenth st, James Stille. Clerk of Second street Market— Hemy B. Gillingham, 65 Cedar. Sheriff for City and County — Morton McMichael, State House Row, house, Filbert above Broad. Coroner for City and County— F. Brelsford, 178 S 11th and 6th above Fitzwater. County Commissioners — Joshua Andrews, Phihp Justus, and T. D. Grover. Clerk, James C. Justus. (31) XXXI] CITY GOVERNMENT. Treasurer — Penrose Ash. Auditors— \N m. W. Weeks, A. R. Peale, and H. D. Steever. Office, State House, west wing, up stairs. Aldermen, Assessors, hispectors of Election, Justices of the Peace, Constables, &c., chosen at the Spring Elections in the various Wards and Townships of the City and County. Aldermen and Justices are elected for five years, and other officers for one year ensuing. There was no election this year (1845) for Al- dermen in Cedar, First, Second, and Fourth Wards. Board of Co7itrollers — John Miller, President. Thomas B. Flo- rence, Secretary. First Section. Geo. M. Wharton, Geo. Emlen, Jr., William S. Perot, Thos. G. HoUingsworth, Geo. H. Burgin, M. D., Jas. J. Barclay, Theodore Cuyler. Second Sec. John C. Smith, John Miller, Wm. F. Ireland. Third Sec. Wm. J. Crans, H. O'Donnell. Fourth Sec. Joseph Yeager, Michael D. Wartman. Fifth Sec. Jacob Shearer. Sixth Sec. G. F. Calmont. Seventh and Eighth Sees. Louis Crousillat. Ninth Sec. Francis Lyons. Tenth Sec. Peter Rambo and Samuel Grice. Eleventh Sec. Alexander M. Macpherson. Professors in High 5'c^ooZ-^Principal, John S. Hart, LL D. Department of B'elle Lettres, John Frost, A. M. Mathematics, Wm. Vodges and Otis Kendall. French and Spanish, F. A. Bregy. Natural History, Henry McMurtrie, M. D. Latin and Greek, Henry Haverstick. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, James C. Booth. Drawing and Writing, George J. Becker. Aldermen for the Ci^y— Cedar Ward. Rob't E. Johnston, 238 South 7th street. Chesnut Ward. Joel Cook, 189 Chesnut. Dock Ward. Chauncey Bulkley, 20 Prune. High or Market Ward. Joshua Mitchell, 17 N 6th. Locust Ward. Jno. A. White, Locust above Juniper. Lower Delaware Ward. Peter Christian, 87 N 3d. Middle Ward. Armon Davis, 20 S 7th. New Market. Elisha Crowell, 176 S 3d. North Ward. John Thompson, 401 Market. North Mulberry Ward. John Wile, 131 N 13th. Pine Ward. John B. Kenney, 10 Comptroller. South Ward. George Griscom, 32 S 7th. South Mulberry or Arch Ward. Jacob Snider. 70 N 8th. LTpper Delaware Ward. Christopher Brazer, 69 N 5th. Walnut Ward. Thomas D. Smith, 116 Walnut. CITY GOVERNMENT. XXXIU Judges, Assessors, Inspectors, and Constables of City Wards — Cedar — Jas. Remington, Judge; John Lindsay, Ass'r ; Wm. Elliott and R. E. tSheelhy, Ins'rs; J. R. Moore, Constable. Chesnnt — Rob't McCrory, Judge ; Wm. L. Boggs, Ass'r; G. W. Watson and H. M. Cole, Ins'rs ; Jas. Crawford, Con. Dock — H. Binney, Jr., Judge ; S. H. Simmons, Ass'r: J. W, Paul and B. F. Mifflin, Ins'rs; Ed. Schlemm, Constable. High or Market — Wm. L. Ward, Judge ; N . T. Barou.x, Ass.; R. Hazelton and L. G. Thomas, Ins'rs; P. Steinmetz, Con. Locust — J. Rutherford, Jr., Judge ; John Hicks, Ass'r; T. H. Snyder and J. M. Harris, Ins'rs; Edw, Clark, Con. Lower Delaware — T. Clark, Judge; J. Loudenslager, Ass'r ; J. T. Thomas and A. Leonard, Ins'rs; E. G. Wood, Con. Middle— Wm. Struthers, Judge; S. D. Breed, Ass'r ;^ G. F. Jones and T. B. Lovaire, Ins'rs; Wm. Garrigues, Con. New Market — C. Morris, Judge; Wm. Richardson, Ass'r; F. A. Trego and Wm. K. Smith, Ins'rs; W. Delany, Con. North — John McCall, Judge ; A. Harper, Ass'r ; Wm. Yard and J. T. Rowand, Ins'rs; Samuel Day, Con. N. Mulberry — Wm. S. Peters, Judge; 1'hos. Marsh, Ass'r; Jas. Pugh and Wm. G. Mentz, Ins'rs ; J. Hansberry, Con. Pine — Burgin and Gilbert (tie vote), Judge ; Thos. J. Hemp- hill, Ass^'r; B. Jeffries and C. J. Smith, Ins'rs; Jacob P. Wolfe, Constable. South— Wm. P. Blight, Judge ; Geo. S. Fisher, Ass'r; J. A. Riston and J. Parham, Jr., Ins'rs; Jos. Greer, Con. S. Mulberry — Sam'l Johnson, Judge ; Wm. Hughes, Ass'r ; H. Beck and Peter Rodgers, Ins'rs; Wells Walton, Con. Upper Delaware — Jas. Longhead, Judge ; N. B. Leidy, Ass'r; J. McDowell and C. F. Folwell, Ins'rs; H. Roberts, Con. Walnut — Wm. F. Boone, Judge; Wm. B. Chambers, Ass'r; T. C. Steele and H. M. PhiUips, Ins'rs; M. Naylor, Con. COUNTY— NORTHERN LIBERTIES. John BelsterHng, Mayor, 134 New Market. Jacob Mintzer, Treasurer. John Miller, Clerk, Aldermen— 1st Ward— Jno. F. Fenner, 213 N Front. Second— John Conrad, 208 N 3d. Third — John Laws, 74 Green. Fourth— George Erety, 288 N 3d. Fifth— William F. Ireland, 50 Brown. Sixth— John Apple, 33 Apple. Seventh-7-Thomas Walton. Judges, Assessors, Inspectors, and Constables, of the Wards~- First — P. Armbruster, judge; WiUiam Berger, ass'r; E. H. Murphy and J. J. Kee, ins'rs ; D. Dillinger, constable. Second — Edw, T. Mott, judge ; J. L. Loudenslager, ass'r ; S. L. McKinney and J, Watson, ins'rs ; Abm. G, High, con. XXXIV G I T Y GOVERNMENT . Third— D. K. Miller, judge ; F. F. Johnson, a?s'r ; C. Kensill and T. M. Ross, ins'rs; Allen Voorhes, constable. Fourth— Franklin Lee, judge; Benj. vStimble, ass'r; Wm. B. Maun and J. Kiesley, ins'rs; C. H. Roberts, con. Fifth — J. W. Watson, judge ; Wm. Kensil, ass'r; D. Vickers and J. Little, ins'rs; Joseph Abel, con. Sixth — J. V. Rink, judge; A. Brown, ass'r; D. W. CoUpm and Edvv. Mentz, ins'rs; Nathan Lukens, con; Seventh — W. G. Knganian, judge ; A. Coffman, ass'r; S. D. Anderson andD. Grim, ins'rs; (GJeo. Painter, con. KENSINGTON. Treasurer— John Taylor. Clerk, Wm. F. Small. Aldermen — First Ward — Sam'l Weyant, Frank' d road & Allen. Second — Isaac Boileau, 538 North Second. Third — Hugh Clark, North Fourth near Master, Fourth — John Clouds. Fifth — Richard M. Eyre, Queen below Warren. Jud^res, Assessors, Inspectors, and Constables of the Wards — • First — Wm. Davis, judge; Charles Delany, ass'r; Wm. C. Rohman and C. C. Watson, ins'rs; Saunders Gavitt, con. Second — D. Lewellen, judge; S. C. Cox, ass'r; J. D. Camp- bell and J. C. Kimball, ins'rs; Edw. McCoy, con. Third— Geo. F. Bates, judge ; Elisha Lovett, ass'r; C. B. F. O'Neiland Wm. Freeheller, ins'rs; Rob't Cams, con. Fourth — W. West, judge; J. Smith, ass'r; Wm. G. Snyder and Jacob Robson, ins'rs; Jos. D. Wllkins, con. Fifth — J. V. Kellinger, judge ; J. Moser, jr., ass'r; S. Hasted and Wm. Banoldt, ins'rs; Chas. Lukemire, con. SPRING GARDEN. Treasurer — Samuel D. Patterson. Clerk, Wm. Roderfield. Alderme7i—F\xsi Ward— Geo. W, Ash, 194 North Sixth. Second— Martin Lutz, 14 Ridge rd and 443 Vine Third^ — Thomas Cummings. Fourth— Wm. Galloway, 4 Hermitage Place.. Judges, Assessors, hispectors, and Constables of the Wards — - First — Wm. Whaland, judge ; Addis Hays, ass'r ; G, Voneida and R. T. Pancost, ins'rs; G. W, Jackson, con. Second — Edw. Miller, judge ; Jno. G. Moore, ass'r ; John W. , Young and Jos. A. Dean, ins'rs; Jos. H. Smile, con. Third — ^Henry Young, judge ; John Conhn, ass'r ; T. Boyd and Alex. Wilson, ins'rs ; Francis Lake, con. Fourth — Francis Durfor, judge ; D. Cramer, ass'r ;. J. L, Fox and Jer. Berrill, ins'rs ; Jon. McGarge, con. SOUTHWARK. Treasurer — D. F. Condie. Clerk, John Oakford. CITY GOVERNMENT* XXXV Aldermen^-Yirst Ward — Richard Palmer, 64 Shippen. Second — Charles Hortz, 103 Queen. Third — James Sanders, 252 South Fourth. Fourth — Nathan'l McKinley, Sixth above Queen. Fifth— D. L. Donaldson. Judges, Assessors, Inspectors, and Constables of the TVardsr— P'irst— F. A. Blake, judge; T. B. Wade, ass'r; C. S, Close and J. B. Herron, ins'rs ; Richard Berry, con. Second — J. Thompson, judge; D. S. Paul, ass'r; J. Elliott and R. Leich, jr., ins'rs; J. D. McClain, con. Third — H. H. Redstreke, judge; G. M. Crapp, ass'r; J. L. Hamblinand J. Albright, ins'rs; Dan. Kelly, con. Fourth — J as. Bayne, judge ; Wrn. Harper, jr., ass'r ; Ephraim Palmer and Hen. Lavelle, ins'rs; John Towell, con. Fifth— Wm. McCully, judge ; J. W. Smith, ass'r ; W. Sheer and John Potts, ins'rs; Sam'l Gilfry, con. MOYAMENSING. Treasurer — John McCann. Clerk, J. M. Raybold. Aldermen — First Ward — John D. HofTner, 221 South Sixth. Second — James W. Fletcher, Morris ab Christian. Third— Daniel McClain. Fourth — William McCaully. Judges., Assessors, Inspectors, and Constables of the Wards — First — John Paisly, judge; Mat. M. Rogers, ass'r ; George McGonigal and J. Whartnaby, ins'rs; Abm. Megary, con. Second — Peter Nugent, judge ; Mahlon Gilbert, ass'r; G. W. Palmer and D. Stewart, ins'rs ; James Maynes, con. Third — Jos. Stewart, judge ; A. McElwee, ass'r ; Wm. Self- ridge and Edw. Dowling, ins'rs; Jas. McCullum, con. Fourih — Abm. De Hart, judge; Geo. HoUick, ass'r; G. M. Whartnaby and Ar. Hughes, ins'rs; George Field, con. LIFE AND TRUST COMPANIES. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Company of Philadelphia, 159 Chesnut street. B. VV. Richards, President, John F. James, Treasurer and Actuary. The Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Grant- ing Annuities, 66 VValnut. Hyman Gratz, President, Wm, ' B. Hill, Actuary. National I-oan Fund and Life Assurance Company of I^ondon. William Peter, Esq., British Consul, Agent, (>8 S Fourth. Gl(^e Insurance and Trust Company, 435 N 2d. James Marsh, President, Jonathan Alden, Cashier. Southern Insurance and Trust Company, S W cor 2d & Spruce. George K. Childs, President, Wm. Smith, Cashier. BANKING INSTITUTIONS. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA— Chesnut bet 3d and 4tb. Chartered 1781. Capital 1,000,000 Dollars. Discount days Mon. and Thttrs; J. Richardson, pres't, J. Hockley, cashier. Directors.— Ji^hn Richardson, James C.Hand, Stephen Baldwin, Jno. Grigff, Wm. S. Boyd, Henry Sloan, M. S. Hallowell. Thos. T. Lea, Jno. B. Budd, E. Yarnall, Thomas M. Smith. Notary, Samuel Badger. BANK OF NORTHERN LIBERTIES— Vine bet 2d and 3d. Chartered 1813. Capital 500,000 Dollars. Discount days Monday and Friday. R. L. Pitfield, pres't, S. W. Caldwell, cashier. Directors.— R. L. Pitfield, J. W. Norris, M. Magrath, Joseph Jeanes, Joshua Lippincott, Thomas Hart. Dexter Stone, A. C. Barclay, E. W. Keyser, Charles J. Sutter, John Naglee, D. Kirkpatrick, John Patterson, James Starr, Joseph R. Jenks. Notary, John H. Frick. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA— S 2d bet Chesnut & Walnut Chartered 179:^ Capital 2,-500.000 Dollars. Discount days Wednesday and Sat- urday. Joseph Troiter, pres't, George Philler, cashier. Directors.— 3feph Tatigert. Henry White, Francis Tate, Seth Craige, A. E. Borie, J. Ashurst, I R Davis, A. R. Chambfrs, I. S. Waterman, S. A. Mercer, John Tucker, Joseph W. Throckmorton, Benjamin A. Farnham. Notary, Sam- uel Badger. GIKARD BANK— Assignees' Office 82 Walnut. Chartered 1832— extended and capital incrensed 1836. Capital ,5,000,000 Dol- ars, nnd alt paid. Charier! S. B.iker, pres't, W. D. Lewis, cashier. Dirf.ctors.— VUnr\Ks S. Boker, Henry J. Boiler, Jas. Harper, Romulus Riggs, Christian Knepss, Thomas Priicheit, Edmund Wilcox, William M. Muzzey, Jno. G. Wheian, Samuel Hood, William M. Clarke. A. H. Julian, Edwin Coolidge. KENSINGTOxN BANK— Beach bel Maiden. Re-chartered for 15 years in 1836. Capital 2.50,000 Dollars. Discount days Tuesday and Friday. Jonathan Wainwiight, pres't, Chailee Keen, cashier. (36) BANKING INSTITUTIONS. XXXVll Directors. — J. Wainwri^ht. John E. Keen, John M. Brown, Alexander Peter- son, George Landell, Andrew McHride, Michael D.iy, John Vaughan, Henry Crilley, Jiiines Keen, Samuel Megargee, George G. Weaver, L. Shmneck. No- rary, Francm J. Troobat. MANUFACTURERS & MECHANICS BANK, N. L.-Cor Vine & 3d. Chartered 1832. Capital 600,000. Discount days Tuesday and Friday. John Farr. prej<'t, M. W. Woodward, cashier. Directors. John Farr, John Welsh, jr., N. Randolph, John Phillips, D. S. .Miller, John Ross, Jesse Godley, Curwen Stoddart, E. L. Moss, Heniy Conrad, John Jordan, jr., A. W. Adunis, George W. Carpenter. Notary, Sam'l Badger. MECHANICS' BANK— S 3d bel Market (west side.) Chartered 1814. Capital 1,400,000 Dollars. Discount days Tuesday and Fri- day. Joseph B. Mitchell, pies't, William Thaw, Cashier. ZJzVecfor*.— Joseph B. Mitchell, William H. Hart, John Wright, R. C. Sea, Alex. Symington. E. D Wolfe, G. D. Rosengarten, Lewis Cooper, William M. Collins. B. W. Tingley, Fred. Lennig. Robert Steeii, F. N. Buck. Notary. F. J. Troubat. MOYAMENSING OR BANK OF COMMERCE— 2d & Chesnut. Chartered 18>2. t^apital 250,000 Dollars. Discount days Wednesday and Sat- urday. Peier A Keyser, pres't, James C Donnell, Cashier. Directors.— ? A Keyser, G Tolin. A W Thompson, J McAUi-ster, J Ripka, H Bohten. P Cullen. F A Fisher, E A Holmes. M Hulchms, S Miller, J Palmer, J Starr. Notary, Edward Hurst. PHILADELPHIA BANK— S W 4lh & Chesnut. Chartered 1824. Capital 2,000,000 Dollars. Discount days Mon. and Thurs. Samuel F Smith, pres't. John H Taylor, Cashier. Direct or s.—S F Smith, J Welsh. S W Jones. J R Evans. Wm Phillips J Longsirelh, Wm Worrell, R Patterson. U Campbell, R D Wood. E M Lewis, J W Claghorn, H C Corbit. Notary. Edward Hurst. SCHUYLKILL BANK— S E 6th & Market. Chartered 1814. Capital 1,0(10,000 Dollars. Discount daily. John P Weth- erill, president, , (Jashier. Directors. -i P W.-tlierill. R M ire. jr. (.' Stokes, John Gethin, O Sheridan. R Deinpsey, E Pryor, C Brouer. W Yardley, jr, J L Sharpe, H Culherwood, S Jones. John Trucks. Notary, SOUTHWARK BANK-S2d bel Cedar, west side. Chartered 1H25. Capital 2.50,000 Dollars. Discount days Monday and Thurs- day. T Sparks, president, Joseph S Smith, cashier. Director.-'.— T Sparks. [.. Clark. J Bak^r F Williamson, J Thompson. Benj'n Pevis. EC Knight, James Splicer J C Kartsher, D H Flickwir, R Clark, T D G rover, 1 Barnett. Notary. John W Nesbiit. WESTERN BANK-N W" 6th and Market. Chartered 1832. Capital .500,000 Dollars. Discount days Tuesday and Friday. Jciseph Paitersoii, president. Gforjje M Troiitnian. cashier. Dirccturs. — i Patter.son. J Twnddle, J K Worrell, \j M Trnutman. L Ryan, M Faiiersnn, J Yeaser. R Allen, W L Abbott, J Magee, F Hieskiil, D William- son, J W Kesier. Notary, Edward Hurst. STATE BANK AT CAMDEN. N. J.— Office 12 Church al, Phila. Chartered 1812. Capital 300.000 Dollars. Discount days Wednesday and Sat- ■ rday. John Gill, president, A McCalla, cashier. /Jirectors.—J Gill, J W Cooper, J R Perry, S R Lippincoft, S C Champion. R Fellers C CStratton. Philadelphia Director R Fillers. Gillies Dalleit Philadelphia Directors.— J Good. J M Taylor, jr. Oliver Boyd, Benj Jonea. Notary. J H Porter, Camden, N J. The Philndflphia Loan Cnmpnvy. 6 Minor street. William Almindinger, president, Thomas J Hemphill, secretary. The Philailelphia Saving Fitnd Societv. 68 Walnut. Incorporated 25th of February, J8I1I. Open on Mmulays and Thursdays from 9 .\ M to I P M. «nd . Cjement C Biddle, president, George Greiner. Treasurer, Managers. 4 XXXVlll INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. American, 72 Walnut, Wm. Davidson, Pres.; Fred'k. Fraley, Sec. County Fire, 248 N. 3d, Augustin Stevenson, President; Jacob F. Hoeckley, Secretary. Citizens Mutual Ins. Co. of Pemi., 152 Walnut, James Todd, President ; D. B. Poultney, Secretary. Fire Association, 34 N. 5th, Geo. W. Tryon, President ; Andrew Butler, Secretary. Franklin, 163| Chestnut, C. N. Bancker, President; C. G. Bancker, Secretary. Mutual Assurance, 54 Walnut, Rich'd. Willing, President ; Law- rence Davis, Tre. & Secretary. Fen7i. Fire Insurance, 134 Walnut, Q. Campbell, President; Benton Smith, Secretary. Philadelphia Contrihutionship, 96 S. 4th, incorporated March 25th, 1752, James S. Smith, Treasurer & Secr'y. Reliance Mutual, S. W. cor. Walnut and 5th, Geo. W. Toland, President; B. M. Hinchman, Secretary. Southioark Fire Ins. Co., 74 Walnut, Geo. M. Hickhng, Pres't.; Jno. M'Collom, Secretary. Spring Garden Mutual, 196 N. 6th, Lawrence Shuster, Pres't.; Lewis Krumbhar, Secretary. FIRE AND MARINE. Columbia, 5 Exchange, C. N. Buck, Pres.; Jno. S. PhiUips, Sec. Delaware Mutual Safety Ins. Co., Gowen's Bd'gs. S. E. Dock and 3d, Wm. Martin, Pres't.; Wm. Eyre, Jr., V. P.; Wm. D. Sherrerd, Secr'y. Ins. Co. of the State of Pennsylvariia, 4 Exchange, Simeon Toby, President ; Wm. Harper, Secretary. North America, S. W. cor. Walnut and Dock, Jno. C. Smith, President; Arthur G. Coffin, Secretary. MARINE. American Muttial, N. E. cor. 3d and Walnut, Exchange Build- ings, Wm. Craig, Pres't.; J. P. Haven, Secr'y. Delaware, 3 Exchange Buildings, Joshua Emlen, Pres't. ; Jno. Donnaldson, Secr'y. Phoenix Mutual, 52 Walnut, John R. Wucherer, Pres't. ; David Lewis. Secr'y. Union Mutual, 6 Exchange Buildings, Rich'd. T. Smith, Pres't.; George Lewis, Secr'y. Washington Mutual, 48 Walnut, Chas. S. Riche, President; L. Kimball, Secretary. Associatio?i for the Belief of Disabled Firemen, S. W. cor. 5th and North, Chas. Scliaffer, Pres't.; Geo. W. Tryon, V. P.; E. A. Souder, Treasurer; Andrew Butler, Secretary; John Rutherford, Assistant Secretary. N. B. The officers meet on the 4th Tuesday evening of every month. OMNIBUSSES AND STAGES, XXXIX CITY OMNIBUSSES. From, the Mercfiants' Exchange, corner of Third and Walnut Sts. For Broad Street via 3d and Arch Streets. " " via 3d and Chestnut Streets. " " via 3d and Spruce Streets. " " via Walnut Street. Fairmount via Chestnut and Broad Streets. Girard College via Chestnut, 10th, and Coates. Kensington via 2d and Beach Streets. " via 2d and Frankford Road. Moyamensing r/a Chestnut and 6th Streets. Navy Yard via 2d Street. Norristown Railroad via Chestnut, 6th, and Green Streets. Richmond Village via 2d Street. Schuylkill Front Street via Chestnut Street. " " " via Market Street. Trenton Depot via 2d and Frankford Road. West Philadelphia via Market Street. Mantua or Hamilton Village via Market Street. N. B. The above leave every 10 to 20 minutes, fare 6i cents, except West Philadelphia and Mantua, every hour, fare 10 cents. COUNTRY OMNIBUSSES AND STAGES. Destination. Office. Addisville, 130 North 2d st. AUentow^n, 104 Race st. Barrenhill, 138 Race st. Belvidere, 104 Race st. Bethlehem, 104 Race st. Blue Bell, 118 N. 3d st. Broad-Axe, 118 N. 3dst. Bustleton, 95 N. 2d, Cattawissa, 104 Race St. Chestnut Hill, 118 N. 3d. Danville, 104 Race. Darby, 4th below Market. Davisville, 130 N. 2d. Doylestown, 104 Race. 193 N. 2d. Easton, 104 Race. Fox Chase, 193 :N. 2d. " 130 N. 2d. Frankford, 2d St.House b. Arch. Germantown, 118 N. 3d, Haddington, 6th below Market. Harrisburg, 104 Race. Hazleton, 104 Race. Hazleton, 95 N. 2d. Destination. Office. Hickory Town, 138 Race. Holmesburg, 95 N. 2d. 2d St. House. Huntingdon, 130 N. 2d. Kennet Sq. Bulls H. Mk'tb.llth Lancaster, 104 Race. Manayunk, via Laurel Hill and Falls Schuylkill, 138 Race. Mauch Chunk, 95 N. 2d. 104 Race. Milford, 104 Race. Montrose, 104 Race. Moorestown, Pa. 193 N. 2d. New Hope, 2d below Vine. 130 N. 2d. Newtown, 104 Race. Northumberland, 104 Race. Owego, 104 Race. Pittsburg, 104 Race Plymouth, 138 Race. Pottstown, 104 Race «& 95 N.2d. Pottsville, 104 Race & 95 N. 2d. Reading, 104 Race. Rising Sun, 118 N. 3d. xl OMNIBUSSES AND STAGES. Destination. Office. Roxboro', 138 Race. Sorrel Horse, 130 N. 2d. Spread Eagle, 130 N. 2d. Springville, 130 N. 2d. Sunbury, 104 Race. Tamaqua, 95 N. 2d. & 104 Race. Westchester, 285 Market. West Town, 184 Callowhill. Wilkesbarre, 104 Race. Williamsport, 104 Race. NEW JERSEY FERRY BOATS. Cake's Ferry, Market street. Cooper's Point, Arch street. " " Poplar street. Elwood's Ferry, Walnut street. English's " Arch street. Gloucester Point, South street. Hollinshead's F'y. Callowhill st. " " Walnut St. Kaighn's Point, Point House. NEW JERSEY STAGES. Blackwoodstown, Market st. F. Cedarville, via Carp's Landing, Barnesboro', Hardingville, Pittstown,Centreville, Bridge- ton & Taunton, Market st. F. Dolington, 130 N. 2d. Flemington, 193 N. 2d. Glassboro', via Carp's Landing and Barnesboro' , Market st.F. Great Egg Harbour, do. Greenwich, do. Haddonfield, do. Jackson & Tansboro', do. Lambertsville, 193 N. 2d st. 130 N. 2d St. Leeds' Point, Market st. Ferry. Marlton, do. do. ' Medford, do. do. " Foot of Arch st. Millville, Market st. Ferry. Moorestown, do. do. Mount Holly, Foot of Arch st. Mount Laurel, 2 S. Wharves. MulUca Hill, via Carp's Land- ing and Gloucester Point, 2d St. House. Destination. Office. Newtown, 130 N. 2d st. Pennberton, Foot of Arch st. Pennington, 130 N. 2d st. Port Elizabeth, via Carp's Land- ing, Barnesboro', Glassboro', Malaga & Millville, 130 N.2d. Salem, Market st. Ferry. Swedesboro', via Berkley and Clarksboro', Market st. Fer. Taylorsville, 130 N. 2d st. Tuckerton, Market st. S. side. Williamstown, Market st. Fer. Woodbury, Market st. Ferry. RAILROADS. Amboy, N. J., Walnut st. Fer. Baltimore, 11th and Market. Bordentown, Walnut st. Wharf. Bristol, Blk. Horse Tav. F. Rd. Burlington, Walnut st. Wharf. Carlisle, 274 Market, & c. 8th. Chambersburg, do. do. Chester, 11th and Market. Columbia, c. 8th, & 274 Market. Conshohocken, 9th and Green. Frankford, Bl.HorseTav.F.Rd. Freehold, N.J. , Walnut Wharf. Germantown, 9th and Green. Harrisburg, c. 8th, & 274 Mark. Heightstown, Walnut Wharf. Lancaster, c. 8th, & 274 Markt. Lazaretto, 11th and Market. Manayunk, 9th and Green. Marcus Hook, 11th and Market. New Brunswick, Walnut Wh. New York, Walnut Wharf. N. Jersey City, do. do. Norristown, 9th and Green. " Broad and Race. Phcenixville, " " Pittsburg, c. 8th & 274 Market. Pittsburg, via Baltimore, 11th and Market. Pottstown, Broad and Race. Pottsville, do. do. Rancocas, Walnut st. Wharf. Reading, Broad and Race. Sand Hill, Walnut st. Wharf. Spottswood, do. do. TRANSPORTATION LINES. xH Destination. Office. Spring Mill, 9th and Green. Trenton, N. J., Walnut Wharf. West Chester, Broad bel. Race. Wheeling, c. 8th & 1 1th Market. Wilmington, Del., do. do. Wissahiccon, 9th and Green. Woodbury, N.J., Market Fer. STEAMBOATS. Baltimore, Chestnut st. Wharf. " Dock St. Wharf. Bordentown, Walnut st. Wharf. Bristol, do. do. " Chestnut St. Wharf. BurHngton, Walnut st. Wharf. " Chestnut St. Wharf. Chesapeake City, do. do. Chester, do. do. Destination. Office. Chester, Arch st. Wharf. " Dock St. Wharf. Delaware City, ChestnutWharf. Marcus Hook, do. do. New Castle, Arch st. Wharf. •' " Chestnut St. Wharf. " Dock St. Wharf. Penn's Grove and Pennsville, Arch St. Wharf. Port Penn, Arch st. Wharf. Rancocas Creek, Arch st. Whf. Richmond Village, Chestnut st. Salem, Arch st. Wharf. " Chestnut st. Wharf. Smyrna, Del. City, and Port Penn, Arch st. Wharf. Trenton, Walnut st. Wharf. Wilmington, Del., Chestnut W. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Destination. Office^ Agent. Albany and Troy, S. side of Dock St., G. P. Aspinwall. Baltimore & southern cit's. 19 S. Wharves, A. Groves, Jr. " " 60 S. Wharves, A. Patton. 11th (fc Market St., G. H. Huddell. N.York, N'n.&E'n. cit's. 45 S. Wharves. Pittsburg and the West, - - 249, 251 Market st. J. M. Davis & Co. " " 276 Market st. Thos. Bingham. " " 365 Market St. E.G. Whitesides& Co. " " 13, 15 S. 3d St., Harris & Tustin. "■ " 272 Market St., Thos. Borbidge. 10 N. 4th St., S. B. Sexton. UNITED STATES MAILS. EASTERN. Destinntion. Time of dosing. Due. New York city Daily, 5 A.M. & 4 PM 11 A.M. 3 P.M. N. Y. state, Ct.. Mass., R. I., N.H.,Vt., Me., Canada... do. do. do. 3 P.M. Towns in Pa. on N.Y. route, Daily, 5 A.M. ex. Sunday — 3 P.M. Bordentown, Trenton, N.J. do. do. do. do. All other towns in N. J. on the New York route Daily, 4 P.M., 5 A.M. e.\. Sun. 3 P.M. SOUTHERN. All towns in Pa., South, route. Daily, 5 A.M. ex. Sunday, 4 P.M. Md. Del. Va.Dist. of Columbia, do. do. do. do. N. C, S. C. Oa., Ala. La Daily 2 P.M do. 4* xlii FOREIGN CONSULS. WESTERN AND PENNSYLVANIA. Destination. Time of closing. Due, Ohio, except N. Eastern counties, Ky. la. 111. Ten. Mo. Mis. Ark. Daily, 2 P.M 4 P.M Cities & towns in Pa., W'n. route, " 10 P.M 4 P.M. Lancaster, Harrisburg & Carlisle, (second iwaii.) " 5 A.M 10 P.M. N. Eastern counties of Ohio " 10 P.M. 4 P.M. Stateof Mich, and Wisconsin Ter. " " North'n. &, West'n. co's. of Pa " " " Armstrong, Columbia, McKean, Northumberland, Potter, Tioga, & Lycoming counties, Pa '• 12 P.M 3 P.M. Cambria, Clearfield, Cumberland, Dauphin, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Mifflin, Perry, Union, Venango and York counties, Pa. " 10 P.M 12 P.M. Montgomery, Berks, Lebanon and Schuylkill counties, Pa Daily, 12 P.M. 5 A.M. e.x. S, 4 P.M. Northampton, Pike, Wayne and Munroe counties. Pa " 12 P.M. ex. Sat.. .6P.M. ex.Sua. Lehigh, Luzerne, Bradford & Sus- quehanna counties. Pa " 9 P.M. " " " FOREIGN CONSULS, &c. Austria, Daniel J. Desmond, Vice Consul 99 Spruce street. Bavaria, C. F. Hagerdorn, 72 South 5Lh st. Belgium, A. E. Boris, 45 Dock st. Brazil, Edward S. Sayres, Vice Con., 17 Walnut st. Bremen, J. C. Mecke, 54 South Front st. Buenos Ayres, Nalloo Frazier, Vice Consul. Denmark, John Bohlen, 67 South 4th st. France, Baron D'Hauterive, 120 South 4th st. Great Britain, William Peter, 68 South 4th st. Hamburgh, Chas. N. Buck, Con. Gen., 5 Merchants' Exchange. Hanover, John Leppien, 54 South Front st. Mexico, Fehx Merino, Vice Consul, S. W. 5th and Howell sts. Netherlands, Henry Bohlen, 69 South 4th st. Portugal, Commander J. C. Figaniere e Mora©, Minister resi- dent ; Le Chevalier Menezes de Brito do Rio, Attache to the legation ; Daniel J. Desmond, Vice Consul ; 99 Spruce st. Prussia, J. C. Lang, 67 South 4th st. Rome, Daniel J. Desmond, Con. Gen., 99 Spruce St.; Charles Picot, Vice Con., L5 Washington Sq. Sardinia, Daniel J. Desmond 99 Spruce st. Saxony, R. Ralston, Vice Consul, 4 South Front st, Sicily, A. E. Borie, Acting Consul, 45 Dock st. Spain, Don Pablo Chacon, Con. Gen., Pine above 9th. Sweden, R. D. Seldner, Vice Consul, 68 South Front st. Switzerland, J. G. Syz, 8 Chestnut st. Texas, F. Gurney Smith, 37 South Front st. Tuscany, Daniel J. Desmond, Consular Ag't,, 99 Spruce st, Uraouay, George Guert, Vice Consul. Venezuela, Wm. M'llhenney, S. W. 5th and Chestnut. HACKNEY COACHES, AND CABS. xllil RATES OF FARE FOR HACKNEY COACHES. 1. For conveying one passenger from any place East of Broad street, to any other place East of Broad street, within the city limits, 25 cts. 2. For conveying one passenger from any place West of Broad street, to any other place West of Broad street, within the city limits, 25 cts. Each additional passenger 25 cts. Not more than four passengers to be charged for any one carriage. 3. For conveying one passenger from any place East of Broad st., to any place West of Broad street, or from any place West of said street to any place East of the same, within the city limits, 50 cts. If more than one passenger, then for each passenger 25 cts. 4. For conveying one or more passengers in any other direction, within the limits of the pavement, for each passenger per mile, 25 cts. 5. For conveying one or more passengers, when a carriage is employed by the hour, $1 per hour. And at the same rate for a longer period. 1. For each trunk or other baggage placed inside, at the owner's request, and which would exclude a passenger, for each passenger that might be excluded thereby, 25 cts. 2. For each trunk, .fee, placed outside, 12^ cts. Baggage placed outside not to pay more in the whole than 25 cts. gj'PENALTY for exceeding the above charges, Five Dollars. RATES OF FARE FOR CABS, 1. For conveying one passenger from any place East of the centre of Broad street, to any other place East of the centre of a-oad street; or from any place West of the centre of Broad street, to any other place West of the centre of Broad street, within the city limits, 25 cts. Each additional passenger 12^ cts. 2. For conveying one passenger from any place East of the centre of Broad street, to any other place West of the centre of Broad street; or from any place West of the centre of Broad street, to any other place East of the centre of Broad street, within the city limits, 37^ cts. Each additional passenger, 12^ cts. 3. For the use of a cab by the hour, within the city limits, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place and stopping as often as may be required, for each and every hour, 50 cts. 4. Whenever a cab shall be detained, except as in the foregoing section, the owner or driver shall be allowed per hour, 50 cts. And so, in proportion, for any part of an hour exceeding 15 minutes. 5. For conveying one or two persons, with reasonable baggage, to or from anv of the steam-boats or rail-roads, (except the Trenton & New York Rail-Roads), 50 cts. More than two persons, each 25 cts. Penalty for exceeding the above charges, or for refusing or neglecting, when unemployed, to convey any persons or their baggage to any place within the limits prescribed by the ordinance, upon being applied to for that purpose, Five Dollars. GUARDIANS OF THE CITY POOR. Ofice 19 South Seventh. William S. Hansell, 28 Market street. George W. Jones, 223 Chesnut street. John P. Wetherill, 13th above Arch street. John F. Gilpin, 307 Spruce street. Reese D. Fell, 62 Chesnut street. William Abbott, 212 South Third street. District of Southwark — Thos. D. Grover, 12 Federal, William G. Alexander, 315 South Front. Northern Liberties— John T. Smith, 497 North Fo-urth, Alexander Brown, 445 North Sixth. Kensington and Unincorporated Northern Liberties — William O. Khne, 183 Germantown road. Peter Fisher, Shackamaxon near Franklin (K) . Spring Garden and Penn Township — Geo. Williams, east side of iOth above Washington. Christopher Mason, Wood below 12th. Township of Moyamensing — Sam'l F. Reed, 234 S 6th. Thos. D. Grover, President, 12 Federal street. George Williams, Treasurer, office at the Guard'ns of the Poor. Samuel J. Robbins, Secretary, 19 South 7th street. James Hanna, Solicitor, 195 Walnut street. Daniel Smith, steward. The Board meets at the Aims-House, Blockley, every Mon- day at 3 o'clock, where applicants for Apprentices, with the chil- dren to be housed, must attend. The Committee on the Aims- House attend there every Wednesday and Friday at 3 o'clock. N. B. All applications for temporary relief must be made to the Visiters of the City or Districts in which the applicant resides. Office of the Secretary, Visiters of the City, and out-door agent, No 19 S 7th. Office hours from 8 until 1 o'clock, and from 3 until sunset. (44) MARKET (45) STREET. KEY TO MARKET STREET. Ko. NORTH SIDE. 1. JV. W. cor. Delaware Avenue, Burr, Joseph, Ridgway H. 3. Killion, Francis, Grocer. 5, Mason, William R., Fancy Store. 7. Attniore &. Shumway, Boots and Shoes. 9. Middleton, E. P., Grocer. 11. Souder &l Middleton, Boots and Shoes. " Jerseyman's Retreat Refec. 13. N.E. cor. of Water, Reeves, J. C. & Co., Wh. Grocers. 15, N. W. cor. Water, Brown, Ann, Tailor. " Jones, Barber. ^' Mulford, Jonathan, Grocer. 17. N. E. cor. Front, Mulford & Mingles, Seed &. Com. M. 19. N. W.cor. Front, Albertson, Benjamin, Dry Goods. 21. Goldey, Sam'I. Boots & Sh. " Mecauley, Thos. J., Tinsm. 23. Powell, M. S., Seeds and Agricultural Implements. 25. Paul, Bettle, Canton Goods. 27. Sheppard, Thos. R.Dry G. " Pomeroy, Valentine, Tinsm. 29. Biddle, R. & W. C, Hard- ware, Guns, &c. 31. Allen, Wm. H., Hardware. 33. Browning & Brothers, Wh. Druggists. 33i. Bonsall, Thos. L., Books and Stationary. 35. Roberts &. Conrad, Dry G. 37. M'Dowell, Jos., Wh. Book. " English, G. B.&J. B.,Imp. English and French Goods. 39. Yarnall, E. C. & Co., Wh. Druggists. 41. Throckmorton & Green, D. Goods Jobbers. " Thorspecken, F. & Co., D. Goods. " Oberteuffer, J.H., D. Goods. " Freytag, G., Imp. Saws, endleton&Truitt, Hardware. 171. Davis, Thos., Bookseller. 173. Duncan, James J. & Co., Hardware. " Baylis, Jno., Needles, &c. 175. Wurts,Musgrave&Wurts, Dry Goods Jobbers. 177. Reed &. Brother, do. do. 177i Reeves, Allen R. & Co., Hardware. " SchafFer &- Roberts, Combs, Looking Glasses, &c. 179. Lind & Brother, Dry G'ds Jobbers. " Sarchet & M'Clure, Dry Goods Jobbers. 181. Coolidge, Edwin, B'ts and Shoes. " Howell, Wm. T. «fe Co., Hardware. 183. Bureh. Thos. Jr., Combs I and Fancy Goods. " Shepherd. S. P. & Co., Im. and M'r. Bonnets, B'ds. &c. No. SO0TH SIDE. 148. Eckert & Snider, Dry Gs. Jobbers. " Johnes, Thos. A., Shoes, Bonnets, &c. 150. Levick, Jenkins & Co., Bs. Shoes, Bonnets, tS6c. '• Scott & Baker, Dry.G. Job. 152. Henry «& Wainwright, do. 154. Wise, Pusey & Wise, do. 156. Julian, Mason & Co., do. 158. Whelan, W. E. & J. G., Straw Goods, Shoes, &c. 160. Rockhill, Smhh & Co., Dry Goods Merchants. 162. Hansall, Wm. M., Dry G. Jobber, 164. Davis & Hamerrly, Dry Goods Jobbers. 166. Wingate, Chas., Boots, Sh. Bonnets, &c. 166A Lippincott, B., Dr.Gs. Job. " Sharpless, D. O., do, do, 168, S.E. cor.bth, Taylor, G. W. & L.B., Boots, Sh„ Bon's. " Pennington's Refectory. 170, .S. W. c. 5th. Hoopes, Wolfe & Baker, Hardware. " Bauersachs, L. C, Import. German and Fancy Goods. 172. Bryan & Ferree, Dry G's. Jobbers. " Fluck, Jacob, Boots and S. " Hall, G. T., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. 172^ Hoge & Austin, D. Goods Jobbers. 174. FuIIerton, Alex'r., Wh'le Druggist. 176. Bowen, Elijah, Hatter. " Spering, Chas. C, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets, 178. Gillespie & Jones, Whol. Grocers. 180. Toland. Rob't. W. do. 182. Patterson, Roh't. & Co., Wholesale (irocers. " Patterson, Wm. C., do. 184. Meredith, Edwin & Co.. Wholesale Druggists. MARKET (50) STREET. No. NORTH SIDE. lS3i Kay &, Brother, Booksell- ers & Stationers. 185. Reese & HayUn, Dry Gs. Jobbers. 187. Deacon &Peterson,Hardw. " Silvers, A., Brush Manuf'r. 189. Jacobs & Cushman, Dry Goods Jobbers. " Cotter, Jas. T., Shoes and Straw Goods. 191. Powell, Renshaw & Co., Dry Goods Jobbers. 193. Sturgeon & Hunter, Dry Goods Jobbers. 195. Buehler, M. & Brother, Hardware. 197. N.E.cor. 5^/i, Hood, Sam' 1. & Co., Dry Goods Jobbers. 199. iV. W.cor.5th,liieskel\,lios^ kins & Co., Dry G. Job's. 201. Morrelldi Co., Prints, Ging- hams, &c. 203. Conrad, J. M., Hardware. " Mouelle,& Co, Boots &,Sh. 205. Reed, Alex'r., China and Queensware. 207. Gemmill, Z., & Co., Dry Goods Jobbers. " Taylor, Mrs., Boarding H. 209. Moore & Mellon, Dry G. Jobbers. " Kester, Jno.W., Com. Mer. Dry Goods, Furs, &c. " Stiles, Wm. C, Com. Mer. " Gillingham, M., do. do. 211. Key &, Dehaven, Hardw. '' Hughes, Jos. B., Manuf rs. Finding Store. " Nugent, Geo., Com. Wool Dealer. 213. Lex, Jacob & Son, Wh. Grocers. 213i Polls, Linn & Plarris, Wh. Druggists. 215. Baker, M. V., Hardware. 215^ Horn & Kneass, Hardw, 217. Tarns, James & Co., Im. China and Queensware. No. SOUTH ?IDE. 186. Steen, Rob't. C.& Co., W. Grocers. 188. Smith, Brother & Co., Hardware. " Thaver, Z.. Boots and Sh. 190. Conover, J. B. & W. P., Shoes, Bonnets, &c. 192. Bennett & Co., Cloth'g. S. 194. Stokes, J. W. & E. D., Clothing Store. " Ilman & Sons, Engravers and Printers. 194^ Prouty, David O., Agric'l and Seed Store. " Ascheim, Si. & Co., Cap Manufacturer. " Mayers & Co., Scale Man'r. 196. Colton, David, Plane M'r. 198. Perry, Jno. B., Bookseller. " Matson,Thos.W.,Trunkra, S.E. cor. 6th, Schuylkill Bank. S. TV. cor. 6th, Deal, Milligan & Burk, Dry Goods Jobbers. 198. Elmes, H. S., Hatter. " Elmes, Abner, do. 200. Clothmg Store. " Hammell, F. J., Boots, Sh. and Trunks. " Ashton, Isaac M., Hats and Caps. " Brower, C, R. Lion Hotel. 202. Conover, Peter, Boots, Sh. and Trunks. 204. Bates, Jas., Clothing Store. 206. Levering & Clifton, Cloth- ing Store. 208. Anners, Henry F,, Books and Stationary. " Lord. Geo.W., Auctioneer. 210. 5. E. cor. Decatur, Creth, Dan'l., Clothing Store. " Hammond, Sam'l., Refect. 212. S.W. cor. Decatur, James, Thos. P., Wh. Druggist. 214. Miller, Geo., Confectioner and Fruiterer. " Alio, Jos., Spanish Interp'r. " Thiell, C, Refectory. MARKET (51) TREET No. NORTH SIDE. 219. Bingham, Kintzle &. Co.., Dry Goods Jobbers. 221. Roset, Clarke &. Co., Dry Goods Jobbers. 223. Smith, Bagaley &Co., Wh. Grocers. 225. Everly, Wm. A., Combs and Variety. 227. Cave & Schaeffer, Wh. Druggists. 229. Knight, Wm. W., Hard- ware. 231. Sellers & Pennock, Ma- chine Card Makers. " Sellers, J. & D., Wirew. Sieves, &-c. 231f Stuart, James, Clock and Watches. 233. N.E. cor. 6tJi, Talman, Jos. Boot and Shoe Manuf'rs. " Allman, Jos., Hatter. N.W.cor. 6th, Western Bank. 235. Simmons & Keene, Auct. 237. Troutman, L. M., Grocer. 239. Patterson, Morris & Co., Grocers. 241. Tracy, Michael, Wh. and Ret. Conf r. and Fruiterer. 243. Lesley, Rob't., Hardware. " Lesley, Jas. Jr., A.M. 245. Rushton, John Y., China and Queensware. 247. Mullbrd & Alter, Wholes. Grocers. 249. Davis, Jas. M., Commis'n Forwarding House. 253. Thomas, Cowperthwait «fe Co., Booksellers. " Lindsay &, Blakiston, > Bookbinders. " Horsey, J., Bookbinder. 255. Knight, Wm. H., Hardw. 257. Wayne, Wm. do, 259. Wright, Peter & Sons, Ch. and Queensware. 261. Bispham. Sam'l, Grocer. 263. Musser, Wm. & Co., Hide and Leather Dealers. 265. Steinmetz, Geo., Brushes. No. SOUTH SIDE. 216. Baily, Wm., Watch M'r. and Jeweller. " Richardson, Mrs., Boardmg House. " Proud, John, Refectory. 218. Nichols, L.F., Farmerslnn. 22Q. Bitting, H. & L., Grocers. 222. Barras & VVahers, Cloih'g Store. 224. Troth, Sam'l. F. & Co., Wholesale Druggists. 226. O'Daniel, Perry, Watch Maker, &.c. "• O'Daniel, Peter, Tailor. S.E. cor. 1th, Eldridge, Stilwell, Clothing Store. 230. S. W. cor. llh, Crawford, Benj'n., Clothing Store. " Johnson, George, Tinplate Worker. 232. Jordan, Wm., Boots, Sh. and Trunks. 234. Collins, Charles & Son, Clothing Store. 236. Hansen, Jas., Watch M'r. " Ellis, Mrs. Ann, P. R. " Kurz,Jno., Boot &Sh. M'r. 238. Holden, E., Watch Maker and Jeweller. " Barber, James, Clocks. " Kellum, Mrs., Boarding H. 240. Crawford, B., Cloth's. St. " Dawson, Mrs. H., P. R. 242. Henrion & Chauveau, Im. and Manuf'r. Confection'y. 244. Jenkins, J. C, Temper- ance Grocer. 244^ Fr'n Temperance Board'g House. 246. Albright, Thoa. F., Watch Maker. 248. Giovanni & Oliver, Conf. and Fruiterers. 250. Moyer,Edw'd. P., Saddl'y. " Gracey, Jno., Refectory. " Rex, Mary, Boarding H, 252. M'Calla, Andrew, Hats, Caps, &c. 254. Jones, Thos., Cloth'g. St. MARKET (53) STREET. No. NORTH SIDE. 265. Ghriskey, Mrs. L. Boarding House. 267. Watson & Rennels, Wh. Cont'rs. and Fruiterers. N.E.cor.lth, Banister, Edw'd., Carpets and Floor Cloths. iV. W. cor. lih, Webb, Charles, Grocer. 273. Sharpe, J. L. & Co., Wh. Grocers. 275. Klemm & Brother, Imp'r. Musical Inst's. and Publ'r. 277. Brown, W. & J., Grocers. 279. Berrell, Wontz & Berrell, Auctioneers. 281. Nassau, Wni. Jr., Tobacco. " Hess, Mrs., Board'g House. 383. EUmaker, P.C, Wh.Groc. " Watts, Mrs., Boarding H. 285. Moore, Mordecai, White Hall Hotel. 285^ M'Kinley, Jas., Grocer. 287. Yarnall & Co., Hardware and Tools. 289. Desauque, Chas. L., Wines and Liquors. " Graham, Thos., Gentleman. 291. Pohl, Henry, Confectioner and fruiterer. 293. Barrington & Haswell, Booksellers. 295. Richards, Wm. H., Fancy and Variety. " Sheldrac, Mrs., Board'g H. " Comfort, A., Thomsonian Medicines. " Perot, Chas., Merchant. 297. Mason, C. A., Liquor St. 299. Store unoccupied. " Richards, John, Printer. " Martin, A. M., Trunk M'r. " Maynard, Edw'd.A., Fringe and Tassel Manufacturer. 301. Carpenter, Geo. W., Wh. Druggist. 303. N.E. cor. 8th, to let. N.W.cor.Sth, Cox, Gideon, D. Goods. 307. M'Kinley, Wm., Grocer. No. SOUTH SIDE. 256. Williams & Co., Imp. Tin- ware, &c. " Riesseir, S. E.. Merchant. 258. Morgan & Fithian, Cloth'g Store. Meggs, Mrs. R., Board'g H. 260. Bauersachs, J. N., DryGs. 262. Stokes, Granville, Clothing Store " Wilbank, J., Bell Founder. " Davis, L. C, Refectory. 264. Brolasky & Bro., Dry Gs. " Amies, Mrs., P. R. 266. S.E. cor. 8th, Cadmus. Jer. Boots, Shoes and Trunks. 268. S.W. cor. 8th. Libhard, J., Good Intent Stage Office. 270. Montehus, M. & W., To- bacconists. 272. Miller, David, R. R'd. Of. Phoenix L. for Columbus. " Borbidge, Thos., Com. and Forwarding Merchant. " Yerkes, Harman, MillAg't. 274. M'Mahon's Nursery and Seed Store. " Prosser, J., Refectory. " Hudson's Gymnasium and Pistol Gallery. " Eagle R. R'd. forHarrisb'g. and Pittsburgh, Cummings, A. B. Agent. 276. Bingham, Dock &Stratton, Com. and For. Merchants. 2- 280. Unoccupied. 282. "Taylor, E. G. & Co., Dry Goods. 284. Shotwell, Isaac, Hats and Caps. Miller & Shotwell' s Steam Blowing-Machine for Hatters' Furs and Winding Felts, Steam- Mill Alley, near 2d and Willow Str'ts. 284. Morris, H. M., Tinsmith. 286. Brown & Hicks, Clothiers. " Park, A. M., Boots and Sh. 288. Arbuckle, Wm., Western Hotel. MARKET (53) STREET. No. NORTH SIDE. 309, Bouvier, Etienne, Confect. - and Fruiterer. " Van Patten, Jno., Bookb'r. 311. Carnes, John, Hatter. " Locken, John, Bookbinder. 313. Kerr, J. D., China and Queensware. 315. Unoccupied. 317. Metz, George W., Brushes and Bellows. " Akers, Thomas, China and Queensware. 319. Canon & Brother, Tinsm. 3195 Naylor, Geo. J., Brushes. 321. M' Govern, Edw'd., Cliina and Queensw. 323. Bachman, Henry, Wash- ington Inn. 325. Dougherty, Wm. & J., Grocers. 327. Henry, Jno.W., Hardware and Cutlery. 327^ Killion, H. & D., Grocers. 329. Waterman & Chalfant, W. Penn Inn. 331. Frederick, G., Eagle Hotel. 333. Auner, J. G., Bookseller. " Eiserman, Geo., Painter & Glazier. 335. Cox, Gideon, private Resi- U6n.C6. 337. Cox, Gid., Wooden Ware and Variety. 339. N. E. cor. 9tk, Kehoe, D., Grocer. N.W.cor.9th, Henry & Bro., Hardware. 341. Gladding, Jno., Bookseller. " Donald, D., Cedar Cooper. " Smith, Dr., Examiner for the University. " Cooper, F., Tobacconist. 343. Hinton, N. B., Fancy St. " James, Wm.M., Tinw. &,c. " Williamson's Boarding H. { 345. Robbins, G., Watch M'r. 347. Chandler, Wm. G., Groc. " Longstreth, H'y., Books'r. " Keddy, Mrs. A., Bd'g. H. j 5* No. SOUTH SIDE. 288. Herbert, C.C., Refectory. 288i Scott, Wm.R.6L Brother, Boots and Shoes. 290. Beck and Burns, Tobacco- nists. 292. Tracy, Michael, Clothier. " Cortlip's Boarding House. 294. Wilkinson, Alex., Cloth'g. " Whartman, Boarding H. 296. Stokes, Charles, Clothing. " Williams, H. C, Refectory. 298. Zell & Smith, Hardware. 300. S.E.cor.9th, Garey, H. & Co., Woollen Drapers and Tailors. " Yates, Wm., do. do. 302. S. W.cor.Sth, Allen, Enoch, Clothing Store. 304. Bartalott&Blynn, Hatters. 30(i. Smart, John, Watchm'r. " Matlack, Elwood, Clothing Store. 308. Hagey & Whitman, Conf. and Fruiterers. 310. Livezey, S., Boots, Shoes and Bonnets. 312. Matlack, Elwood, Clothing Store. 314. Hagner «fc Co., Dry G'ds. 316. Pedrick & Allison, Cloth'g Store. " Mulock, Miss, Board'g. H. 318. Morris, J. & Brother, Clo- ' thing Store. 320. Lehman, Peter, Druggist. " Lehman, J. C, M.D. 322. Schnebley, H. C, Merch't. " Clark, J. S., Tin and Stove Manufacturer. 324. Buck, Chr'n., Boots and S. Adams & Selby, Hatters. 328. Stockton, 0. J., Tailor,&c. Melligan, P. W., Refectory. 326. Allen,Geo., Boots, Sh.,&c. 330. Clark & Brian, Clothiers. 332. Johnson, W. M. T., Clo- thier and Tailor. 334. Williams, Jno. Edward, Clothing Store. MARKET (54) STREET. No. 349, 351. NORTH SIDE. No. SOUTH SIDI 353. 355. 357. 359, 361. 365. 367. Morgan, Jos., Dry Goods. Kelly, Mrs., Boarding H. Morris, J. & W. M., Dry Goods. Alden, D. P., Music Tea'r. Taylor, S., Dry Goods. Boyer, Wm., Wooden W. Hall. Dry Goods. Boarding House. Halsted, Jno. J., Dry Gs. Mickley, J. J., Piano, &c. Dolbey, Abr., Farm's. Inn. Buzby & Bro., Com. Mer. Whitesides, E. G. & Co., Com. & For. Merchants. Haines, A., Painter & Gl'r. " Thomas & Goehmann, Tur- ners. " Brady, Jas., Organ Build'r. 369. Logan &, Tanguy, Dry G. " Brintzinghoffer, C., Brush Manufacturer. 371. HoUins, John, China and Queensware. 373. N.E. cor. lOth, Taylor, J., Dry Goods. 375. N. W. cor. lOth, Gest, Jno. Flour Merchant. " Campbell &- Co., Druggists. 377. Emerick & Co., Hardw. " Stretch, Jos., Ced. Cooper. 379. Randall, B., Upholsterer. 379i^ Colton, J., Hardware. 381. Cooper, J. P., Dry Goods. 383. Wester, Mrs. 385. Lye, H'y., Black'g. Man'r. 387. Acheson& Rommel, Flour Merchants. 3873 Galloney, Chas., Dry Gs. " Campbell, Ann, Dress and Cloak Maker. 387. Guer, James, Grocer. 389. Stackhouse,Amos, Stovem. 391. Mathews, Jno. Paper Ware- house. 393. Cooper, Hiram T., Dry G. " Garrett, Andrew, Grocer. 397. Torbert, Jas., Bull's Head. 399. Parker & Robinson, Dr.G. 336. M'Namee, Jas., Boots &S. 338. Erskine & J^'itzgerald, B'ts. Shoes, Trunks, &,c. 340. S.E.cor. 10!h, Franklin, E., Boots, Shoes, &,c. " Gallagher, Hu^h, Refect' y. S.W.cor.lOth, Doyle, J., Groc. 344. Sleeper, Sharon, Umbrella Manufacturer. " De Angelis, G. G.'s Guar- dian, I'insmith. 346. Hollins, J. B., China and Queensware. 348. Pastorius, Dan'l., Grocer. 350. Souder, J. W. & Co., Clo- thing Store. 352. Lock, T., Private Res. " Graham, Jas., Clothing St. 354. Lemont, Jno. P., Tobacco. " Lewis, Mary, White H. Inn. " Bourhill, R. F., do. do. 356. Ray, David, Clothing St. 358. Warren, Geo. S., do. do. " Struthers, Jno., Marble Y. 360. Swift, R., Toys & Fan.G. 362. Dunn, Chr'n., Boots &, S. " Thompson, L., Refectory. 364. Lindsay, H'y. H., Hatter. 366. Souder, Edw'd., Clothier. 368. Wilson, And'w., Jeweller. S.E.cor. nth, Horter & Booth, Mansion House Hotel. " Philad'a. Baltimore & Wil- mington R. Road Co, " Carter, Geo., Tobacconist. S.W. cor. nth, Gillespie, W. & J., Wholesale Grocers. 376. Rowand, J. T., Druggist and Agent for Coals. 378. Hale, Wm., Clothing St. 380. Maguire, Wm., do. do. 382. Conway, Peter, Hatter. 384. James, Ebenezer, Boots, Shoes and Clothing. " Moodes, H., Refectory. 386. Brown's Spruce Beer Br'y. " Maguire, Jas., Clothing St. 388. Evans, Wm. R., Bottling Establishment. MARKET (55) STREET. No. NORTH SIDE. 399. Burnett, Eli S., Priv. Res. 401. Mears, Samuel, Hatter. " Thompson, John, Alderm. 403. Berrell, Mrs., Board'g. H. " Graham, J as., Grocer and Tea Warehouse. " Fisher, Wm., Ced. Cooper. 405. N.E. cor.Uth, Hoopes, Jas. Dry Goods. N.W.cor. nth, Parker, Jno.H., Grocer. 405. M'Neal, Chas., Tinware. 409. Bradley, James, Baker. " Trump, Jac, Paper Hanger. 411. Archambault & Hoopes, Dry Goods. " Littler, Mrs., Boarding H. 413, Ford, Rob't. H., Tinsmith. 4131 Ladomus, L., Watchm'r. " Williams, Isaac, Board'g, H. 415. Fox, James, Upholsterer. 417. Darley, Jno., Private Res. US. Wetherill, S., Jr. do. 421. Unoccupied. 423. Hinchman & Steel, Com. and Forwarding Merchants. 427. Leonard, T., Black Horse. 429. Jones, Joel, Judge U. S. Circuit Court. 431. Donoghue, Chas., Grocer. " Kingsley, Geo., Music T'r. 433. George, T. & E., Iron Warehouse. " Worley, Mrs. P., Private R. 435. N.E. cor. \2th, George, T. & E., Iron Merchants. 437. N. TV. cor. mh, M'Kinley, Jno., Grocer. J39. London, Jas., Cabinet Fur- niture Store. 141. Hough &, Knowles, Flour Merchants. 113. Linnard & Brother, Hardw. " Donnochs, T., Board'g. H. 145. Jones, Wm. H., Auclion'r. 147. Buck, Chauncey, Tin and Japan Ware. 149. Lylburn, Jno., Leather D'r. 151. Harper, Alex'r., Druggist. No. SOUTH SIDE. 388. Mulvaney & Gillespie, Car- penters. " Smylie, Jno., Saddler and Harness Maker. " Arthur, Rob., Sash Maker. 390. Harned, Jno., Stoves. 392. Schnebly, B., Merchant. 394. Richardson & Abbott, En- gine Makers. 396. Taylor, Robert F., Com. Merchant. 398. Lincoln, William, Paper Hanger. " Williams- & Hinds, Stoves. 400. Walker, Lewis, Flour M't. " Lexiroy, Job, Rag Dealer. 402. Prentzell, Chas., Flour and Feed Store. 404. Beath, Rob't., Manufact'r. Domestic Dry Goods. 406. Lloyd & Feltwell, Stove Manufacturers. 408. Witmer, Jacob & Son, Com. and For. Merchants. 410. Beastman, B., Agent for Spring Beds. " CoUins, S., Agent for Pic- torial Geography. 412. Hoskins, E. A., Wh. Drug Store. " Hughes, Jno., Carpet M'r. 414. FizelH A., Stove Maker. 416. S.E. cor. mh, M'Laughlin, Jno., Grocer. " Coates, Printer. S.W. cor. ]2th, Patterson, H. & W., Wholesale Grocers. 420. Ligget, R., Furniture St. 422. Toner, T., Boots & Shoes. 424. M'Kee, Robert, Furniture. " Mereto, Jos., Con. &- Fruits. 426. Beach, Wm., Agricultural Implement Manui;icturer. 428. Mossop & Reed, Boot and Shoe Makers. 430. Stewart, Wm., Baker. 432. Harper, R., Temp. Grocer. 434. Harper, R., Hotel. 436. Fiiley, H., Tinpl. Worker. MARKET (56) TREET. No. NORTH SIDE. 453. Levy, P., Wine & Liquor. 455. Quigley, Dominick, White Bear Hotel. 457. Jones, J. B., Furniture St. 459. Sinies, Jas. W., Druggist. 4(",l. Potts, Wm. F., Iron Merc. 463. Gleason, J., Stove Manuf. " M'Elroy, R. D., Dry G'ds. 465. Parks, Ingram, Grocer and Brick Manufacturer. 467. Kisterboek, J., Stoves. 46y. Walter, W. P., Hardware. 471. Harned & Elliott, Tinplate Workers. 473. Davis, John, Bookseller, 475. N.E. cor. \3tk, M'Glensey, John, Grocer. 477. N. W. cor. nth, Baily, S. & Bro., Dry Goods. 479. Brown, Thos., Dry Goods. 481. Ketchum, Samuel, Boots, Shoes and Trunks. " Waters, J., Franklin Hall. 483. Kochersperger, Thos., Gol- den Horse. 483| Buck, J., Tinsmith. 485. Jenkins, J. P., Gr. Western Hotel. 487. Goines, Wm., Barber. " Bradford, Mrs., Board'g.H. 491. Dallett, E. & Gilles, Tal- low Chandlers, Soap, &,c. 493. Elden, Henry L., Hardw. " Jones, S'l. P., Bookbinder. 495. Dawson, Robt. B., Furni- ture Store. 499. N. E. cor. Juniper, Cava- naugh, Wm. FenTi Square to Broad Street. SOUTH JIOE. 438. M'Kanna, A., Trimming S. 440. Ragan, Dan'l., Fruit Store, 442. M'Grath,Han., Crock'y. S. Sharp, Patrick, Tailor. 444. Wise, John, Boots and Shoes. 446, Caskey, Joseph, Flour amd Liquor Store. 448. Freed & Sons, (D.), Com. and Flour Merchants. Hudson, Jno., Boots, Shoes and Trunks. Willis, James, do. do. 452. Shoemaker, John J., To- bacconist. 454. Brown, B, M. & Co., Clo- thiers. S.E. cor. I3th, Sharp, Jno,, Dry Goods. S. W. cor. 13th, Craig, Andrew C. & Co., Wine & Liquor Store. 404. Campbell, Fra's., Variety, Books, &c. 406. Gardiner, Richard, Furni- ture and Crockery. 408. Boyd, Wm,, Grocer. " Carnes, Jno., Hatter. " Keebler, Chas., Baker. 410. Good, Arthur, Candy St. 412. O'Hara, Patrick, Tavern. 414. Osman, J. H., Tinsmhh. 416. dinger, Sam'L, Grocer. 418. Slevin,Jno.,Var'y., Books, Watches, &c. 420. Gorham, J. S., Old Horse Market, " Haus, J. W., Refectory. Penn Square. AD'^im^H^lMllMf^o ILADELPHIA CITY, PA We, the undersigned houses, beg leave to inform Western and South- ern Merchants, that the assortment of GOODS in our respective depart- ments are equal in every respect to the stock of our neighbouring cities, and respectfully solicit a thorough examination of our market. Caleb Cope & Co., 165 Market street, ") DEALERS IN Dunlap & Grossman, 123 Market street, > SILKS AND Thomas Wood & Co., N. W. cor. Fourth and Market, 3 FANCY GOODS. Reed & Brother, 177 Market street, Wood & Oliver, 131 Market street, Fassitt & Co., No. 48 Market street. Miller, Hand & Easle, 161 Market street, Rockhill, Smith & Co., 160 Market street, Alfred J. Austin, 142 Market street. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS. Boker & Brothers, 82 Market street, J DEALERS IN STRAW GOODS, t BOOTS, AND SHOES. W. & W. H. Richardson, 106 Market street, William A. Drown, 86 Market street. Sleeper, Brothers, 126 Market street, Wright & Brothers, 125 Market street, Josiah W. Clarke, N. W. corner Fourth and Mar- ket streets, Henry B. Fussell, No. 3 North Fourth street. Manufacturers OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Dickson & Co., S. E. corner Third and Market ) DEALERS IN streets, \ WATCHES, Isaac Reed & Son, corner Second and Vine sts., C JEWELLERY, AND James Peters & Co., 105 North Second street, ^ PLATED WAKE, ThomasBurch Jr., 183 Market street 1 cOMBS, LOOKING-GLASSES. Wilmer & Brother, 121 Market street, J ' Edward P. Moyer 38 Market street, Milton J. Lukins, } TRUNKS AND SADDLERY. , 11 North Fourth street, ") & Sons, 28 Market st., > Jr., 21 N. Third street, } Fairbairn &. Co., 11 North Fourth : Wm. S. Hansen Jacob Carrigan, SADDLERY & SADDLERY HARDWARE. R. & G. A. Wright, 23 South Fourth street, ) FANCY ARTICLES. Eugene Roussell, 111 Chestnut street, C SOAPS AND A. F. Ott Monrose, Importer, 16 South Fourth C BRUSHES, street, ^ PERFUMERY. LIFE INSURANCES. PARTICIPATION OF PROFITS WITH THE ASSURED. Of5ce No 66 WALNUT STUEET. Philadelphia— The PENNSYLVANIA COMPA- NY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, having organised their plan for conducting the business of MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCES, are prepared to receive proposals for Mutual Insurances, at the same rates as heretofore, with the additional advantage to the insurer of eharins; half the profits of this branch of the Company's business. All premiums for one or more years, received after the 1st of January, 1845, entitle the policy holders to a credit on the books of the Company for one half of the estimated profits of insurance for the year. Every five years, or oftener, at the discretion of the Company, Certificates of estimated profits are issued for tliese credits, bearing interest at six per cent, per annum. The Company invite the attention of insurers to these proposals, as furnishing, by their Capital of a Half Million of Dollars, a perfect security for the pay- ment of all claims, with a liberal share of profits. They also grant ANNUITIES AND ENDOV/MENTS, receive money to accumulate at compound interest, and e.\ecute special TRUSTS, ASSIGNEE- SHIPS, GUARDIANSHIPS, &c. The yearly premium for insuring ^100 is as follows : — 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.. 29.. 30. 31. 32. 3.3-. 34. 35. 36. 37- for 1 y r. ..69.... .76. .79.. .82.. .86.. .i)0. . .94.. whole life. ,...1 44 ...1 49 ...1 54 . . . . 1 59 ...1 64 . ...1 69 Prem. .90. .tjO. ...94.. ...97 ...99.. .1 00. .1 07. .] 12.. .1 20., .1 28., .1 31. .1 32., .1 33.. .1 34.. .1 35.. .1 3(3. .1 39. .1 43. 38. 39., 40. 41., 42.. 43. , ...95 1 75 I 44., ...97 i 81 45 ...99 1 87 .1 03 1 93 .1 07 1 98 .1 12 2 04 .1 17 2 11 .1 23 2 17 •128 2 24 • 1 35 2 31 1 .1 3() 2 30 .1 42 2 43 .1 4(5 2 50 .1 48 2 57 .1 50 2 64 .1 53 2 75 .1 57 2 81 .1 63 2 90 .1 48.. .] 57.. . .] 69. .1 78., .1 85.. .1 89.. Prem. Prem. for 7 yre. whole lifo , .1 70 3 02 ..1 76 311 . .1 83 3 20 ..1 88 331 ..1 89 340 . .1 92 3 51 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 .53 54 .1 90 1 94. .1 91 1 96. .1 92 I 98. .1 93 1 99. .2 02. .2 04. .2 09. .2 20. .2 37. .2 59. .2 ^0. .3 21. .3 56. .4 01. .4 22. .4 44. .4 67. .1 94. .1 95. .1 96- 1 97. .2 02. .2 10 .2 18. .2 32. .2 47. • 2 70. .3 14. .3 67. 4 14. .3 63 .3 73 .3 87 .4 01 .4 17 .4 49 .4 75 .4 90 .5 24 .5 46 .5 68 .5 90 .6 13 .6 37 .6 62 .6 88 EXAMPLE:— A person aged thirty yesirs, by paying the Company $1 31 would secure to his heirs §!00, ?hi;uld ho die in one year; or for ^'13 10, he secures to them $1000; or for ,5'!3 60, annually for seven years, he secures to them $1000 should he die in 7 years ; or for §23 60, paid annually during life, he provides for them § 10(10 whenever he dies. DIRECTORS. — Wm. Parker, Wm. Kirkham, John Moss, Henry J. Wil- liams, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Dulilh. J. K. Mitchell, M. D.. I. Pemberton Hutchinson, R. M. Patterson, M. D., Edwin M. Lewis, S. A. Mercer, Dexter Stone. HYMAN GRATZ. President. Wm. B. HILL, Actuary. LIFE INSURANCE WITH PROSPECTIVE BONUS. The Girard Liife Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co. of Pliil, CAPITAL $300,000 — CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office 159 Chestimt Street, Continue to make Insurances on Lives, grant Annuities and Endowments, and accept Trusts from individuals, corporate bodies, or courts of justice, and execute them agreeably to the desire of tho parties; ahd receive Deposits of money in Trust and on Interest. The company add a Bonus at stated periods, to the insurances for Life. The first Bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amount- ing to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the oldest policies — to 8 J per cent. — Ih per cent., &c. on others in proportion to the timo of standing, making an addition of $100, $87.50, $75, &.c,, on every $1000 originally insured. The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the following exam- ples for the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus : F Policy. Sum Insured. Bonus or addition. Amount of Policy and Bonus, payable at the party's decease. No. 58 1000 100.00 $1,100,00 89 2500 250.00 2,750.00 205 4000 400.00 4.400.00 276 2000 175.00 2,175.00 333 5000 437.50 5,437.50 385 5000 375.00 5,375.00 &c. &;c. &c. &c. RATES FOR INSURING $100 ON A SINGLE LIFE. Age. 20 30 40 50 For 1 year. $0.91 1.31 1.69 1.96 4.35 For 7 years, annually. $•0.95 1.36 1.83 209 4.91 For Life. annually. $1.77 2.36 3.20 4.60 7.00 Example : — A person aged 30 years next birth-day, by paying the Company $1.31, would secure to his family or heirs $100, should he die in one year ; or for $13.10 he secures to them $1000; or for $13.60 annually for 7 years, he secures to them $1000 should he die in 7 years ; or for $23.60 paid annually during life he provides for them $1000 whenever he dies; for $65.50 they would receive $5000 should he die in one year. Further particulars respecting Life Insurance, Trusts, &,c., may be had at the office. MANAGERS. Thomas Ridgway, George N. Baker, Robert Pearsall, Joseph Yeager, S. Wagner, (York, P) George W. Tucker, David Williamson, WmR. Hanson, F. R. Wharton, Armon Davis, L.B.Clarke, B. W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. B. W. Richards, Timothy Abbott, John J. Smith, Jr. NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. EMPOWERED BT ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Capital $2,500,000. London Board of Directors. — T. L. Murray, Chairman ; J. El- liotson, John Griffith Frith, Hunter Gordon, John Rawson, Clement Tabor, and Joseph Thompson, Esqs. United States Board of Directors. — Jacob Harvey, Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Jonathan Goodhue, James Boorman, George Bar- clay, Samuel S. Howland, Gorham A.Worth, Samuel M. Fox, of New York, and Clement C. Biddle, of Philadelphia, Esqs. Bankers.— Glyn, Halifax, Mills &:, Co., London; British Bank of North America, and Merchants' Bank, New York. General Agents and Managers. — J. L. Starr, New York ; E. A. Grattan, Boston ; B. Mcllvain, Baltimore ; and William Peter, Philadelphia. Amongst the many advantages which this Institution offers, are 1st, its PERFECT SECURITY arising from a large paid up and safely invested Capital ; — 2d, its moderate rates of premium ; — 3d its Loan Fund, from which the insured are, at any time after the first year, entitled to draw two-thirds of their previous payments ; and 4th, the participation of profits amongst the insured, either by addition to the amountof the sum assured, — by immediate payment in cash,— or else by reductiofi of annual premium, as may best suit the con- venience of the insured. For example, take the case of A. B., who, in 1837, at the age of 60, eff'ected a policy for $5000. On the dis- tribution of profits in May, 1844, he became entitled, at his own option, either to a bonus on the sum assured of $852.32, (making the sum to be paid at his death $5,852.32,) or to $386.26 in imme- diate cash; orelse, if he prefered it, to a permanent reduction, in hia annual premium, of $60.93 ; so that in future, instead of $370.84, yearly, he would only have to pay $309.91. Add to this he might (if in want of accommodation) have had two-thirds of his former payments or $1,730.50 by way of loan. A portion of the Capital of the Company is permanently invested in the United States, as a Guarantee Fund, (in the name of the Local Directors,) and will thus be always available to the assured at the shortest notice. [Travelling leave extensive and liberal.] Detailed Prospectuses, with the Society's rates and every other information may be obtained on application at their Office, 68 South Fourth Street, Philadelplila. CAMBRIBGE'S No. 91 Soutli Ei^htli St.^ below Walnut, PHILADELPHIA H. L. Cambridge would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he is prepared to accommodate either permanent or transient hoarders at the above spacious establishment. The location is eligible, as it is but a few minutes' walk from the principal public buildings, squares, places of amusement, &c. Philadelphia, July 1, 1844. ^W^^S€ II^^^^S, THOMAS E. J. KERRISON^S ARCADE BATHS. LADIES AND GENTLEM EN^S Sbower) Vapour, Medicated, and Sulphur «BATHSt** CHESNUT STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH & SEVENTH, OPPOSITE JONES' HOTEL. 5^ The Ladies' entrance is entirely distinct, being on Carpenter Street. A competent Female is always in attendance on the Ladies* apartments. PRICES OP BATHING. COLD BATH, 12 1-2 CENTS. WARM BATH, 25 CENTS.— FIVE TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. ELEGANT HATS & CAPS! To Country Merchants and Others VISITING PHILADELPHIA. BKEMOND & FLORENCE, PRACTIC Ali MiiT AMm (BAi? isiiKfiuiriiCTiDimffimi, JTo. 129 Chesnut Street, ONE DOOR BELOW FOUETH STREET, UPPER SIDE,] WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Invite the attention of Country Merchants and of Gentlemen visiting Philadelphia, to the facilities afforded at their establishment, for procur- ing Buperior Hats and elegant Caps, at the very lowest prices for CJiSH. The combination of Economy, Utility and Beauty, in the manufacture of the Hats sold by Bremond and Florence, have given them a character for d\ita.hi\\ly universally acknowledged ; and the prices are so arranged as to meet ihe wishes of the most fastidious. to An examination is respectfully solicited. WANTED! IFWIESS H^IIIIiSSS If\S/IBS2 2 8 OF ALL KINDS, VIZ : Otter, Rabbit, Opossum, Mink, Muskrat, Bear, Marten, Fisher, Gray Fox, Red Fox, Cross Fox, Raccoon. Wild and Tame Cat, &c. For which the Highest Cash Prices will be paid, by BREMOND & FLORENCE, Cheap Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Manufacturers, No. 129 Ches- nut Street, one door below Fourth Street, Philadelphia. N. B. — All varieties of Army and Navy Caps. ISAAC SHOTWELL, HAT MANUFACTURER, 284 Market St., South side, above 8th. IF EI n IL A E) H ]Li IP EIE Ji a Would respectfully invite the attention of his friends and the public generally, to his assortment of HA'J'S AND CAPS, at wholesale and retail. Having his own manufactory, employing the best workmen, and giving his personal attention to the different departments. N. B. All kinds of Hats in the rough, also Hat Felts. ZdZIiIiSR & SHOT'WIIZiIi, FELT MANUFACTURERS AND BLOWERS OF HATTERS' FURS, ilTIlAMI MHILIL ^ILMEW^ Near Second and Willow Streets^ N. L. PHILADELPHIA. FIEAir(DIIS BEZI^Y DRAF£SR AMD TAIILOU, No. 257 RACE STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, NORTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Gentlemen furnishing their own Cloth, can have it made and trimmed in a neat and fashionable manner, at prices in accordance with the times. All garments warranted to fit. MRS. NUGENT'S PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, No. 255 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Mrs. N. would inform her friends and the public, that she is prepared to accommodate either permanent or transient Boarders. The location is desirable for persons engagea a A a The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they manufacture and keep constantly on hand WIRE WORK IN ALL ITS TARETES; Also, Safes, Screens, Sieves, of all sizes ; Strainer Wire, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Plain and Fancy Bird Cages, Rat and Mouse Traps, Dog Muzzles, Trellis-work for Vines, &c. Also, constantly on hand a general assortment of Brass and Iron Wove Wire for Paper Makers. NOTICE. To Railroad Companies, liocomotive V^^ and Steam !EIugine Biiildei'St Constantly on hand, HEAVY TWILLED WOVE WIRE FOR SPARK CATCHERS. To Brickmakers. — Sieves and Gravel Screens made. To Carpenters. — All kinds of Plain, Diamond and Fancy Wire Work, for Cellar Windows, Book Cases, Doors, Aviaries, &c. To Coal Dealers and Foundry Masters. — A large assortment of very heavy Sieves, made expressly for Coal Yards and Foundries. Carpenters, Builders and others, wanting any article in the above line, will find it to their advantage to give the establishment a call. Cork Catchers, a new article for Hotel Keepers and others, to prevent damage from Corks when opening mineral water, &c. ^fCr All articles are warranted to be made of the best materials and workmanship, and sold at the lowest cash prices. COLON & ADRIAMCE'S PERIODICAL BOOK STORES, AND ]Vos. 2§, 29, 30, and 31, ARCADE, C. & A. keep constantly on file, all the principal Newspapers of New York, Boston, Baltimore, and Washington, as well as those of this city, which will be always open to the public. Newspapers and Periodicals purchased at this establishment, will be mailed, if desired, free of expense to the purchaser. The above establishment containing no less than four stores in one, is constantly supplied with all the Periodicals, cheap books, and important newspapers of the day, and the extensive arrange- ments which its proprietors have made, warrant them in ranking it with any other of the kind in the world. All cheap books and newspapers of importance, published in the United States or Europe, can be procured at the counters. Attached to the stores is an extensive reading room, to which visitors can have access, Free of Charge, from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. N. B. The trade may depend upon having their orders promptly attended to, and punctuaUy performed, at the publisher's lowest prices. Ten shilling books will be sold at $1 00; Ten twenty-five cent do., at $2 00 ; or, Ten fifty cents works, at $4 00. C. & A. have always on hand, and can supply, wholesale and retail, at the lowest publishers' prices, every Book, Periodical, or Newspaper, published in the United States, the Re -publications of the Foreign Quarterlies, Magazines, Pictorial and other Newspapers. Foolscap and Letter Paper, Note Paper, Pens, Ink, Wafers, Quills, Sealing Wax, Lead Pencils, Indian Rubber, Playing Cards, Visiting Cards, &c. &c. With every article comprised in plain and fancy stationery. BLANK BOOKS. Ledgers, Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, Receipt Books, Memorandums, Bank Books, Pass Books, &c. THE CHEAPEST MANUFACTORY IN THE WORLD!!! WRIGHT Sl brothers, 135 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully invite the attention of Dealers to the Largest, Cheapest, best Manufactured, and most Fashionable assortment of UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, PARASOLETTES In the United States, for Sale, for Casli or approved Acceptances. Among which are the newest Parisian styles of Lace and Pink-Edged SUN SHADES and PARASOLS, beautiful Chameliore Fringed Parasols and Sun Shades, with every variety of style and finish ; also, SttK, GINGHAl, AND COHON TOIBRELLAS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING OUR VERT SUPERIOR •WATER-PROOF UMBRELLAS, Made of the very finest An>erican Ribbed Bordered Long Cloths, which have been brought to the greatest perfection, fully warranting the encomiums and Medal awarded by the Franklin Institute in 1842. The long experience, close application to the routine of manu- facture ; buying our supplies of materials with great care and scrutiny ; steadily employing the best of workmen, and possess- ing the greatest possible facilities, enable us to put up better and cheaper goods than any other estabhshment, and which will bo always equal to sample. (4) NO. 23, SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN MARKET & CHESNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. R. 8u G. A. WRIGHT, IMPORTERS OF VIZ: Hair, Tooth, Shaving, Nail & Comb Brushes, Ivory, Shell, Buffalo & Horn Dressing, Side & Tuck Combs, Cologne Water, Essences, Oils & Perfumeries, of all kinds, French & English Fancy Soaps & Shaving Creams, Steel Pens, Sliver & Gold Pencils, Pocket Knives, Razors, Dressing Cases, Fans, Accordions, Silk & Cotton Purses, Toilette Bottles, White Skins, Suspensories, Bougies, Si,c. AGENCY FOR W. HULL Sl SON's CELEBRATED NEW YORK FANCY SOAPS. ALEXANDER'S TRICOBAPHE, A NEW AND INVALUABLE DISCOVERY, EEIXG A Which instantaneously changes the colour of the hair to a beau- tiful brown or black, without injury to the hair or skin. The great superiority of this Dye consists in its easy mode of appUca- tion, and instantaneous effect — all other dyes requiring from ten to twelve hours to produce any change. Its superior excellence will be apparent to every one upon a single application. Extract from the "Philadelphia Daily Sun." — Alexander's Tricobaphe. — The effect of the above on the hair is truly asto- nishing. It was tried yesterday in our ofhce, and the change from gray to black was instantaneous. Extract from the " Philadelphia Daily Forum." — Several of our acquaintances have recently applied to their hair the valuable Liquid Dye known as Alexander's Tricobaphe — a new and valu- able discovery ; and it has in no case failed to produce the desired effect. Immediately after applying it to gray hair or whiskers, it imparts a beautiful brown or black colour. For Sale by all the principal Druggists throughout the United States, and by the sole Agents, R. & G. A. WRIGHT, 23 south Fourth street, Philada. (3) OFFICE. BAIRD, GE STREET, ELPHIA, ALEX. BAIUD, jcute all orders for 'IB IPIEHHSM©, iracy and despatch. ^SONABLE. jTou n&rg. CHARLES, 3E STREET, )LPHIA, GEORGE CHAKLES. : founts of type, and a variety of nts, to d on reasonable terms, the Stereotyping of Music. ,^ NO. 23, SOUTH BETWEEN MARKI PHILAI IMPOP V Hair, Tooth, Shaving, Nail Ivorv, Shell, Buffalo & Hor Cologne Water, Essences, ( French & English Fancy S( Steel Pens, Silver & Gold I Dressing Cases, Fans, Accc Toilette Bottles, White Skii AG FOR W. HULL & son's CELEB ALEXANDER'^ A NEW AND INVj Which instantaneously change tiful brown or black, without great superiority of this Dye c( tion, and instantaneous effect - to twelve hours to produce anj will be apparent to every one i; Extract from the " Philade Tricobaphe. — The effect of t nishing. It was tried yesterday gray to black was instantaneou Extract from the " Philade our acquaintances have recentl Liquid Dye known as Alexand able discovery ; and it has in m effect. Immediately after app imparts a beautiful brown or bl For Sale by all the principa States, and by the sole Agents PRINTING OFFICE KING & BAIRD, NO. 9 GEORGE STREET, R. P. KING. PHILADELPHIA, alex. BAmtx Are prepared to execute all orders for S®®1S. AMIS) fl®IB JPIEHMffiSKBs With neatness, accuracy and despatch. TERMS REASONABLE. 0tere0t|3pe fonnhx^. MURRAY & CHARLES, NO. 9 GEORGE STREET, c. w, MURRAY. PHILADELPHIA, george charles. Are now prepared, with extensive founts of type, and a variety of ornaments, to In the best manner, and on reasonable terms, i)^' Particular attention given to the Stereotyping of Music. ,^ PHILADELPHIA PRINTING-OFFICE, CHESNUT STREET, ENTRANCE, HUDSON'S ALLEY. WM, F. GEDDES IS PKEPAKED TO EXECUTE Printing in tmv^ rarietg of stj^le in tlje 2lrt. His Office embraces nearly every kind of TYPES, CUTS, FLOWERS, aitd ORNAMENTS, Cast in the United States. XYLOGRAPHIC PRINTING IN FANCY COLOURED INKS. GOLD, SILVER, & MUONZE, PRIKTIHG, In the best manner. ENGRAVINGS, CUTS AND ORNAMENTS, Suitable for different Trades & Professions. •,• All orders neatly executed at the shortest notice. WOOD ENGRAVER, 86 WALNUT STREET, SECOND DOOR ABOVE FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. S5-fefc News from England, by Express to Philadelphia. Arrangements have been made by which THE EUROPEAN TIMES, Published in England, EXPRESSLY FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, Will, on the arrival of all the Steamships at Boston and New York FROM ENGLAND, REACH PHILADELPHIA BY EXPRESS. And be delivered by special messenger, to Subscribers only, IN ADVANCE OF THE MAILS FROM ENGLAND. It has already attained a very high character, and may, with great propriety, be said to contain THE BEST SHIPPING LIST, AND IS Tbe best Foreign European ^e^rspaper Which reaches this country from England, — for it comprises in a condensed form of twenty-four columns, every description of news of interest to America, which has transpired in England and other Foreign parts, from the sailing of the previous up to the hour of departure of the Steamship which conveys the forthcoming number. OCT Amongst other numerous and flattering testimonials, the Boston Morning Post says : — " We are greatly indebted to this newspaper, for our foreign, miscellaneous and commercial news. — One number of Willmer Sr Smithes European Times, is worth a whole file of any other English paper." Subscription $4 per annum, may be ordered at any of the offices of WILLMER & SMITH'S EUROPEAN TIMES. Philadelphia, 3 Ledger Building. I New York, 7 Wall Street. Boston, 9 Court Street. | Baltimore, 7 Light Street. Liverpool, 32 Church Street. ro]PACT®m¥i No. 105 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. List of Inks for sale at the Manufactory, Wholesale and Retail. HOVER'S FINE BLACK INK, put up in 1 oz., 4 oz., 6 oz., 8 oz., pint and quart bottles. HOVER'S COPYING INK, superior for its easy flow, and in giving a fine impression under the " Press." HOVER'S FINE RED INK, peculiar for its permanency and brilliancy. HOVER'S FINE BLUE INK, warranted not to fade. HOVER'S INDELIBLE INK, without a preparation, warranted superior. HOVER'S INDESTRUCTIBLE RECORD INK, which will prove serviceable in preventing frauds by alterations or erasures. The whole of the above are safely packed for transportation. The bottles are made and the Corlcs are sealed with the manufacturer's name on them, as well as his signature upon the lable, for the purpose of guard- ing the public against counterfeitin-r, as none are genuine without those marks. The great popularity of his Inks induce him to give this caution. The attention of all those who desire a pure limpid ink, one that will not clog or corrode the steel pen, and which will prove permanent by age, are invited to this Ink. Its quality has been fully tested (and cer- tified to) by gentlemen of all professions. The following from Professor Locke, of Cincinnati, whose distinguished reputation both in this country and in Europe, will be sufficient to satisfy the most incredulous of the superiority of this article. "Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, Jan. 17, 1845. "Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am satisfied that it is the best which has ever come to my knowledge, and especially is it excellent for the use of steel pens, and will not corrode them even in long use. JOHN LOCKE, Professor of Chemistry.'* Orders from all parts of the country (will receive prompt attention) addressed to JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, No. 105 North Third Street, Philad'a. ^M^^@ ^ ^#^^ISI^^, i«Sli|PS&«% NORTH EAST CORNER OF Seventh and Carpenter Streets, PHILADELPHIA. S. & R. being practical Binders, will warrant their Blank Books to be of the best quality, and cheaper than any other establishment, for Cash or approved Notes. For Banks, Offices, and Merchants, ruled to any pattern, and bound in a superior manner, at the shortest notice. Orders for furnishing Banks with Books, Stationery, &c. promptly attended to. IB®(DE.§ EIiIB(DISrilIl), On tlie most reasonable terms. In neat Plain and Fancy Binding, Cloth, Sheep, Roan and Fancy Coloured Calf, Morocco, Turkey and Russia. Super extra Gilt or Marble Edges, with Flexible or Spring Backs, Tucks or Clasps. PRINCIPAL HOTELS IN PHILADELPHIA. 152 Chesnut Street, opposite the Arcade, American House, American Hotel, Arch Street House, .Baltimore House, Slack Bear Inn, City Hotel, Columbia Hotel, Congress Hall, Franklin House, Golden Swan, Madison House, Mansion House, Merchants^ Hotel, Morris House, Mount Vernon House, Red Lion Hotel, Second Street House, Tremont House, United States Hotel, Walnut Street House, Washington House, Western Exchange, Western Hotel, White Swan, John W. Maxwell, Sixth below Market Henry A. Charter, 181 Chesnut C. Champion c Arch and N Wharves W. S. BerrilJ, c Dock and Front John Tustin, S Fifth, near Market R. W. Dunlap, N Third near Arch McKensie, Bagley & Co. Chesnut John Sturdivant, 27 S Third, and 83 Chesnat J. M. Sanderson & Son, Chesnut above Thi'd Charles Weiss, N Third above Arch George Ferree, 39 N Second Joseph Head, S Third near Spruce A. F. Glass, N Fourth above Market Thomas Fletcher, 188 Chesnut John S. Adams, 95 N Second C. Brower, 200 Market John Hall, 42 N Second Herr, Chesnut below Fourth Thomas C. Rea, Chesnut above Fourth J. B. Bloodgood, 2 Walnut H. J. Hartwell, 223 Chesnut Jos. Waterman, W Market, W Penn Squa'9 Wm. Arbuckle, 288 Market John Webb, 208 Race DA"E"TOIJ BUVAL, Tn the Philadelphia Arcade, No. 5 East Avenm Manufactures in a superior style, of the best materials Stocks, Suspenders, Russian Belts or Abdominal Supporters* rOR GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, Travelling Belts, Superior Shoulder Braces, etc. He also keeps on hand, a general assortment of the above mei lioned articles, and other gentlemen's apparel, such as SHIRTS, DRAWERS, BOSOMS, COLLARS, GLOVES, &c. Which he will sell cheap. He also makes up Embroidered Suspe - ders to order, in a superior style, cheap. All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended ta ^/ T> ^, *^. >.1;^, % o <>^ s- S' V ■3" ^-; ^. ■^l^f^^ ,G^ i-'«\ ,0^ V "°o .%^ -., .:^^ °-^ *<^ y • o fc*|y/^/|P^ ^^BM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 311 805 8 ♦