F 497 L6 C8 Copy 1 SK ETCH OF AND Scenes Along tHe Line or The Columbus Buckeye Lake and Newark T raction R aiS way * .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .* .0 .0 .0 .* .4 .4 .0 THE MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK. JS. C0LUHBU5. OHIO. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, DEPOSITS, $ 500.000.00 200.000.00 ANY BUSINESS ALONG THE LINES OP LEGITIMATE BANKING WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. W. D. PARK, President G. M. PETERS, Vice President H. C. PARK, Cashier. \V. B. BEEBE, Ass't Cashier. M. H. SIMS, Ass't Cashier. \V. S. COIRTRIGHT. F. W HUBBARD. T. M. LIVESAY. C. E. MORRIS. GEO. J. SCHOEDINGER. WALTER ZIXX. TELEPHONE 100 1. BAZLER BROS.. BAGGAGE. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. PROMPT SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES w * 4 * * * » ■ 9 * f 82. 84. 86 North Front Street. COLUMBUS. OHIO ft trail iNTERURBnn uaion sthtion / ' *" 0" / ' 0" 0" ' d ' d ' d ' / ' d ' d ' d ' / ' -' d' d > d ' d ' d ' d ' d ' / fl & SKETCH OF The Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Neuuark Traction ftailuuay The Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Company was incor- porated in October, 1899, to build an electric road between Columbus and Newark, Ohio, a distance of about thirty-seven miles. This road, acknowl- edged by experts to be one of the best buill and equipped in this country, has been in operation since last April. In construction and equipment it represents the most advanced plans of the leading engineers and electricians of the country, and the expenditure of si vast sum of money. No expense has been spared to make it a model of Electric Railways. Since it has been in operation its Fame bas spread throughout the country and attracted experts from all sections to inspect it. Thej all declare it the most up-to-date road in existence. In point ot construction the\ concede it equal to the besl -team road itandards, and it- cars or train- the finest in the country. The dailj increasing travel over the line attests the truth of the above statement- This road i- now known as the "I'ka-ure Line." Everj person who make- a trip over it i- so pleased with the ease oi the ride and the beautiful scenery along the line, and the rapid time made, that he or she heeome- an enthusiast and induce- all friends and acquaintances to "Take a trip." Thus the endless chain and the "traction habit." A trip over the road i- a revelation to those even who have traveled on traction lines all over the country. They declare the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark road the Ai>ou Ben Adhem of them all There i- no extravagance in this claim, as everj traveler will admit. To tho-ewho have not made a trip, all we ask is a Stay Of judgment until thej have made a trial trip. This is the day of the trollej ; the -team road- have had their day. The chestnut about traction roads not making fast time is exploded. Running side 1>\ -ide, the latest traction car can run away from tin- -team cars a- there is no limit to the speed of the former. Since traction road- are rapidl\ superceding -team road- as a means ot travel for business ami pleasure, a description of one ot' the most complete and expensive of its kind oughl to be ot interest to everj intelligent person. It is impossible to give an intelligent -ketch without using some technical term-. The Columbus, Buckeye Lake ami Newark Traction Railway is counting the branch line from Hebron to Newark, about fort) mile- in length. It -tan- :; 1 5 5 ::::-::;:::::- : . ) - - ' J J - : J 9 9 - - ) - . j Wm. H. Luchtenburg & Co., I ■it General Contractors. s S = i s i: i i i •>. 106 North High Street, COLUMBUS, oillo. Both 1 1 I. |.i,..i,. - ... i 1HE ERNER-HDPKINS CO,. Electrical Supplies, ( Construction and Machinery. Columbus, Ohio The Jones^. National Fence ^£ Company, COLUMBUS, <>. ALL GOODS STANDARD THE WORLD OVER Fencing, (i<»l<"s. Metallic Netting For lir<- Proof- ing and i iulberts. The road traverses one of the richest and mosl beautiful sections of Ohio. The total population along the line, including Columbus and Newark, is about 250,000. The villages of Reynoldsburg, Etna, Kirkersville and Hebron are thriving places and with the impetus given them by the operation ot the road will increase in population and importance. The value of farm property has been materially increased all along the line. The total mileage of the road at present, measured as a single track, is a little over forty-one miles. I n Columbus the road has 10,470 feel of single track, all paved. The rails used in Columbus are 9 inch 107 Trilby. In Newark it has lis miles of track, the rails being 9 inch 90 pounds standard girder ; 1000 feel of this track i- paved. The thirty -seven miles (iOINfi i \- i i>n M"t v - :> - i i: M i . cc .it Mia S, outside of the cit,^ limits measured as a single trace is laid with standard seventy pound "T" rails, with -witches and frogs of steam railway pattern-. The grad- ing and ballast is up to the besl standard-. Uong the line arc six steel bridges from 20 to 156 feel in length. There arc more than seventy tile or iron culverts varying from six inches to three feet in diameter, and three concrete arch cul- verts of six fool span, as well as drainage tile under driveway crossings. There are numerous pile trestles. The ties are standard white oak. The "T" rail is thirty foot length- with -tandard -i\ bolt fish plates; girder 60 foot length ; the former is bonded with one l concealed crown bond to each join:, the latter with The cAlbion Hotel and Cafe JAMES G. GOODALL. SMa-- 26 West Gay St, # At Interurban Stdtion Rooms from 50 c. up DINNER, 25 Cents LUNCH. 15 Cents Theatre and Supper Parties and Catering a Specialty Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Etc. American Sewer Pipe Co., columbus. o. % Manufacturers of Vitrified Salt Glazed Sewer Pipe, Flue Lining, Wall Coping, Fire Brick, <»n t %< . i-. rata .1 tn famll) "i tailors. ■ -II.. hi -. \ i k • for men and i <>. are f lawless In ever} respect; »< •■ put ■ 1. 1.. it., in -K I i hi. I .1 with ■■. i qualities. Vou have the »atlsfa< tlon ra ii I tless clothes tor thi - prlei you would have to pay elsewhert fori Ii i • •-. f* r in »< I i i lens. ^ double 4 General Electric Co.'s Crown bond spanning the fish plate. Under the ties six inches of good gravel is used :. <1 filled even with their tops. Tin paving uscn thick concrete base and grouted with cement. Overhead Construction Overhead construction is of the besl and is. excepl in cities and villages where Bpan construction was necessarj ot the bracket tj'pe, the poles are thirty-five feel long, eight inches ;it top, straight, sound and well set, and the type of bracket used is the Richmond Craighead. The trolley wire is grooved I : two \ I I M CREEK BR 1DGI NEAR COLUM BUS. ; copper feed is strung the length of the line. Between the power house al Hebron Rnd the Bub station, twenty miles toward Columbus, is n No t coppi r :'. phasi i rn nsm ission line. Pouuer House The accompanying illustration shows tin power house "t tin.' company t< '1 at Hebron It is one of the finesl in the country and cost an enormous sum of money. It is located "ti the canal close t<> the main line of the road. It will furnish plenty of power the entire eighty-tivc miles of road from Columbus to Zanesville. The building is of brick ami of striking design. It is 138x118 F OH N CASH ATT, Pre* Wftf. H. 8IMONTON, >.-. M IRK SIMONTON, rreas. and Gen I M p THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY and » CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 80 E. GAY STREET. COLUMBUS, OHIO. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Phone i HHir POWER inn-- 1 VI HI wnen You Want to Bun H PIHNO Come and Bee ua first. We will tell you plain tacts : i ii « 1 give Buch advice ;is will prevent yon from buying a Bhoddj piano or paying a high price for a low grade instrument. We Bell George Steck, Kurtzmann, Packard, Conover, Cable, Kingsbury. Prices reasonable. I '< i in- i ;i-\ GEO. B. DAY, 20 East Gay Street, Columbus, 0. Empire Theater Building after September 15. Miss Phelps' Collegiate School, Gwynne Place, 151 E. IS. <><>>r illustrated catalogue or call upon the principals. Lucre li. i Malvin Phelps. Bertha Hereford Hall. .1 I- I I. .1 v. ll 1,11. .1 -, .1 ..II II..- Int. r.itl I When you buy, Don't bU} (rouble. Most wood work shrinks Ours Don't. J. S. Maclean, M »« uf « < i " re s Office and Store Fixtures, as*- - Store Fronts - .^ interior I inish for Residences. Designs Furnished. Ml Work Guaranteed. '•"'""•"''-- I HI West Spring St., ""<*»""•"• ary BROAD STREET LAUNDRY • L rc ss-2^f**»l^i"- 101 TO in w. BROAD STREET. ar^nrtn^^S Both Telephone. i53. Columbus, Ohio. ** ' —Iffi-— - ~ A T K1AI Will. CONVINCE TOU, THAT WE ^ — -* •' ' ARE UP TO DATE feet, divided into a coal bin l s \ h'. s feet, a boiler roon 10x138 feet and an engine room 60x138 feet. The entire structure is covered bj an iron truss slate roof. The stack is 150 feet high bj ' feet inside diameter. It is constructed of radial brick In this building arc installed four 300 horse power Wilcox boilers arranged in two batteries. Twol250H. P. Hamilton Corliss cross compound engines 26 50x48 speed seventj ti\ e revolution- per minute. Two sun K. \Y. General Electric generators, 13.UO0 volt, 3 phase, each mounted on the shaft of one of the al><>\ e. Two :soi> K. \Y General Electric rotary converters. AMiNi; THE II \ I Six L10 K . W. General Electric air blast step-down transformers. fifteen Panel General Electric switchboard Blake independent condensers, < foul ert heater-. > hapman valves, i tc. Sub-Station The sub-station, a substantial and complete brick building, is located alu.ui eight miles from Columbus. The installation of this building consists of: Two 300 K. W. Genera] Electric rota rj converters Six 110 K. W. air blast Btep-down transform Sevei Panel sm it eh hoard, air bla6t Bet, and other necessary applianci \r the machinery is of the latest improved and n ost costly kind. it THE_^ JEWELEM Displays thoroughly reliable jewelry. The kind thai makes you his friend i ook at his Diamonds. They're beauties #»9 DIAMOND s*e RINGS, EAR RINGS, STUDS and BROOCHES Watches and Jewelry of all Kinds HEIMBERGER, Jeweler 271 SOUTH HIGH, near Main COLUMBUS, OHIO Designers ^ . I- ~i •■ / mgravers Printers &n<*rovm^q ILLUSTRATORS COLUMBUS **TK OHIO ^ b Trie Win. Brantner Pattern works Citi/en Thone 21 3 3/ souin scioio si. COLUmBUS. OHIO Polling Stock It is safe to Bay thai the rolling stock of this company taken as a whole is the best that has yet been made bj the leading car manufacturers of the country. The company now has in use sixteen cars, or more properlj Bpeaking, trains. The beauty of design, case- and comfort of these trains is a soitrce of surprise to every new patron of the road. The splendid road bed and the weight of the trains allows of very fast time being made without the slightesl discomfort to passengers. In fact, a ride in one of them is as comfortable as sitting in an easj chair. Each car has a parlor and smoking apartment, and some of them have separate baggage apartments. Eacb has a toilet ro >m and water coob ; in fact, thej have all the comforts and elegance of the finest Pullman cars. \ N< < 11 1 IK VIEW \ I . idence tender-, Hanini sand boxes, electric headlights. Four 62-foot Biwnej and Smith combination baggage and passenger car-. Equipment similar to abo\ e. One 60-foot Barnej and Smith parlor car. Equipment similar to above * • Zhe EMPIRE THEATRE IS LOCATED JVST OPPOSITE OVR STORE THREE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR BLANK BOOKS AT NITSCHKE BROTHERS STORE ....ONE — We cany a larger stock probably than any other house in Columbus. Your chances are good to find any odd kind or style of a b< ok you want. ...TWO — I" books made to your order, we use the best materials and workmanship only — can give you either Regular or Patent Flat Opening styles. THREE — Having our own Bindery and Printing Office lit here on the premises, we naturally can »te you a better price than the man who hasn't. TYPE FASHIONABLENESS Stylish printing is just as necessary as stylish clothes — gives your business tone and prestige i >ur -skill and l he l"\ i»- l '. mnder's arl assu re 1 he ntoftl pleaslnft effects 31 TO 39 EAST GAY ST., COR. PEARL ri/Y YOI7I* Paper, Twines, and School Supplies FROM 6/>e Nitschke Paper Co. COLVMBVS, OHIO. • 1 The body is unusually handsome, being richly finished in mahoganj and with ;i recessed observation platform Five 60-fool Jewett convertible passenger cars. These have a large seating capacity and though plain in design and not particularly heavy, an strong enough and suited to their purpose. Three are equipped with 2 <;. I'.. 73 75 111', motors, the other two to be used as trailers. Motor ears have extra heavy Peckham trucks ; trailers, Taylor trucks. Except for having usual series parallel controller thej are otherwise as the above. Two tin Pool express cars are ordered, and an equipment for each of 1 <;. E. 73 75 HP.i motors with series parallel control. One single truck snow plow is to be ordered. CAR no. 70. Through Limited Trains From Columbus to INeuuark The Columbus, Buckeye Lake ami Newark Traction Company will Boon be read} to run through limited trains without making anj stops between Colum- bus and Newark ami vice versa. These trains will make very fasl time, and will be highly appreciated bj the citizens of the two cities No Traction com- pany in the country has better track, trains, or more motive power, and none Buch a smooth, level, straight track for rapid transit. The running of fast trains on this line will still further increase travel between Columbus and Newark. PARK VIEW SANATORIUM A quiel homelike institutioa for the nervously >ick. Elegant building, beautiful grounds, opposite Goodale Park. Complete modern equipment, including X Ray, for the examination and treatment ofall chronic diseases. A limited number of selected cases of morphine, alcoholic ami other drug addiction- accepted for treatment. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES BOOKLET ON REQUEST 664 North Park St. "- 3v) PHONE 5125 C-C. - COLUMBUS. OHIO THE HAT a . HAKES THE VOMA/1 FOR 4^ 4^ • STRICTLY SWELL HILLINERY CALL A I H. F O'Bamnom & Co, 2d V. MAIN STREET ^ARK. OHIO Real Estate Loans LOW RATES OF INTEREST PR0H1PT SERVICE.... An\ amount for any length of time with privilege of partial payments at an\ time, [f j our present loan i- unsatisfactory or if 3 on want tO borrow a tiw hundred more call and Bee us. M.I. Bl SINESS CONFIDENT! \ I. Both 'Phones. MILUR & STRUBLE i t If. Second St. M WARK, OHIO General fDanager J. £1. Harrigan The illustration above represents the very able and popular General Man ager of the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Company and The Newark and Granville Street Railway, Mr. Harrigan is one of the ablest and most successful managers of traction railways in the country. Everj Electric road that he has managed has been a pronounced success, consequently his rise lias been rapid, but well earned. Mr. Harrigan's success i- largelj due to his master j of details and his untiring energj II< has that rare execu- ■ vi ability of accomplishing a large amount of work in a verj short time, and doing it will, lit- is also an excellent judge of men and has surrounded him-' it with a most skillful corps of assistants. Mr. Harrigan i- a eomparativelj 5 mng man, but one of large experience. He was formerly General Manager of the Chippewa Vallej Electric railroad at Kan Claire, Wisconsin. Winn he took charge of that road, it was an unprofitable, antiquated mule oar line; when he left it, it was a profitable up to date Electric line. On March 1-t, 1901, Mr. Harrigan was made General Superintendent of the Dayton, Springfield and irhana Traction Railwaj of Springfield, <>hi<.. He operated that road successfully for one year. On March l-t, last, he assumed charm- of the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Company. The phenomenal success already achieved bj this partially completed road fully attests his eminent fitness for the responsible p >sition he now hold-. i: Smith's Academies 01 DANCING, DEPORTMENT AND PHYSICAL CULTURE FOUR ACADE MIES and 1 1 i - ; i - - Fourth and Long lli;i, and Euclid - - Livingston and Oakvood Pupils can cuter at any time. Tuition most reasonable. Write for Circular. B <" h 1>ll0 « 1 « Main Office, Gay and High. WHY SUFFER? Rheumatism Cured on Credit \\ i have sufficient confidence in "The Onlj Way" Rheumatism Cure '<> Bend anj Bufferer one lull month's treatment without any deposit or advance charges what* \ er. It it benefits you you Bend us .it the end of the month, (2.00, the price ■ ■I the month'x treatment. Of cours< wc 'Mid nut afford to do this, miles- we knew just what •■ The <>nl\ \\ ij ' will do. We in jusi :*- certain of getting everj $2 00, a- we are of the -mi rising everj morninc il i- Bure to be worth it in your estimation at the end of the tnont h It you miffer from Rheumatism, just write us and the month's treatmenl will he sent J I hi :it ollee, prepaid. No 'I':- ns will be asked as to your honesty. No contract to be signed. Addle--. MORISE IMPORTING COMPANY, 329 pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. To successfully manage a Traction Railwaj requires the highest kiml of executive ability. It requires untiring energy, a thorough knowledge of every branch of the service, and above all, keenness of perception. There is no time t<> think things over. Like a genera! in a battle, orders must be prompt and effeel ive. Columbus, HeuJark and Zanesville Line to Be Extended Lo Zanesville, Ohio Right of waj has been secured and the survej completed for the extension of the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Railwaj to Zanesville, OLD LOCK ON Mil CANA1 a verj prosperous manufacturing citj with a population of 35,000 inhabitants. The line to Zanesville will be equal, in everj respect, to the lin< Columbus i" Newark. It is the intention of the compnnj to push the construe ti .11 of the extension to Zanesville a- rapid!) a- the building of a first el a-- trac- tion line will permit. The build >:i will open up a vers rich Bection of country, and will be a Godsend to the entire section through which it runs. i LICKING COUNTY BANK CO. NEWARK, OHIO. Paid up Capital - - - .Si65,ooo.oo A progressive, up-to-date bank, organized to meet the requirements of a progressive city. The remarkable growth oi our business since its beginning, June 9, 1902, leads us to believe that our methods are pleasing to our customers We invite you to become one oi them. Vi. /. /// TON, Pres. 11. J. HOOVER, Cashier 1. 1. RVCC, Vice Pres. t. W. CRAYTON, Asst. Cashier • •• Columbus To tell the storj of the rapid increase in population, in wealth in manu- factures of the capita] city of Ohio would take a large book to contain it. The increase in population from 1890 to 1900 was 42^ per cent, and from 1900 to 1902, those besl informed say, the ratio of increase is even greater. Columbus easily lias 150,000 population. The advent of the traction lines into Columbus has been the most marked improvement within the pasl year. They have been instrumental in helping developments in a surprising manner Columbus is a distributing center for a ylt\ rich territory and her wholesale business is rapidlj increasing. Retail \ I \ \ \ ] SCENE. business has been largely increased bj the crowds who come in over the traction lines daily. Thousands of people come into Columbus every daj over these lines where hundreds come before the Interurban lines were built. Columbus :- also a steam railroad center. The phenomenal increase in manufactories has attracted the attention of the whole countrj to Coin ml mi-. The question of fuel does not bother the manufactures of this city iike it does in some sections. Thej have natural gas and cheap coal in abundance. P is stated that the cost of delivering coal and coke in Columbus is less than it i- at Pittsburgh. This puts int<> the hands of her manufacturers a bulwark ol ngth, which insures a Bteadj increase in every line of manufacture. SCHEIDLER Machine Works NEWARK. OHIO MANUFACTURERS OF- TRACT/ON. PORTABLE ANDSTA T/ONARY ENC/NES CIRCULAR SAW MILLS GENERAL MACHINE. BOILER AND EOUNDRY WORK MILL SUPPLIES R. SCHEIDLER. Prop. The many handsome "skj scrapers" that have been erected and new ones planned to be proves that the capitalists of Columbus have strong faith in the future of the city. The banks here are fairlj bursting with money, and it is sale 'o say that no citj of the same size in the country has as much money on deposit as can be found in the Wanks of Columbus. Everyone seems to be pros- pering and saving money. The citizens are fast waking up to the importance of the city and are making and projecting improvements on every hand. Columbus lias passed the day of small things and is now a t»ij, r , rushing, rich city with a great future. Real estate offers large returns to the present investor, for Columbus will have 250,000 inhabitants before the nexl census is taken. \ COUNTRY BRIDGK Neuua rk, Ohio The present population of Newark, the beautiful and rapidly growing count} seat of Licking County, one of the banner agricultural Counties of Ohio, is about 22,000. Within the past four years New irk has made very rapid strides, and is on the high road to greater prosperity. The cit> is a bee hive of industry, and is no longer known as merely the distributing center for a highly prosperous farming district, but as a manufacturing city, whose products sell in every clime. The number and variety of her manufacturing plants would surprise those who are tiot familiar with the city. She has extensive 28 ^¥MVM¥M¥MOM&M¥M¥^M} WHEN YOU COME TO NEWARK CALL ON THE -=? MCCUNE-CRANE HARDWARE CO. AND EXAMINE THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF General Hardware, Building Material, Paints, Varnish, Oils, Horse Blankets, Plush and Fur Robes, Shot Guns, Rifles, Etc Our prices are down to rock bottom Honest and square dealing the secret ■ • our success. Remember the place — No. II SOUTH SIDE PARK W$ilii)MWMW%iltiiM%$tfb$$iitfiitfii glass |)l;mts that emploj hundreds of operatives. The Jewett Car Works is a very extensive plant, and gives employment to a large number of men in the manufacture of electric, suburban elevated and sub- way cars '1 h< se cars sell all over the world and are equal to the best made, as evidence of the fact some of them are used by the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Company. Newark lias a stove works that employs 500 men. She has large machine works, ami manj factories of different kinds, all busy and running lull time. Tlu' business men of Newark are wide awake and progressive, ami aii readj to encourage anj substantial industry. The banking capitals of the citj is ample io meet all demands. There are five hank- at Newark and all prosperous. CO! RT lloi ~l . \ i.u VRK The buildings, both business blocks and residences, are handsome and modern and the equal >>i' any citj of it- size. During the past year over 500 houses were erected in Newark. They were of good substantial character, manj of them costing large sums of money. The eit) is well laid out, and well paved. She has splendid water and good light; her fire department is strictly up-to-date, and both tax and insurance rates ven reasonable. Newark has good -team railroad facilities for the transportation ot her manufactured products. Retail business is especially good at Newark. In addition to her arm} of well paid mechanics and laborers she has a very rich farming section and a prosperous agricultural trade to supply. There is no I III P. Smith Sons' Lumber Company. L. (>. L. P. Largest and Most Complete Stock in Central Ohio. Grades the I lighest Prices Lowest South Second Street, NEWARK, oilio. need for anj one to go away from Newark to purchase supplies of anj sort, for the stocks carried by her merchants are equal to the besl in any large city and are sold on as close margin. The impetus to business, broughl about by the operation of the COLUMBUS, BUCKEYE LAKE \M> NEWARK TRACTION RAILWAY has been most marked, and the merchants saj they have had increased business since the road was put in operation. This explodes the false idea that traction roads operate to the detriment of smaller cities when connected bj rapid transit with larger ones. The citizens of Newark arc • ager for the extension of 1 THE PR I. -i nt n i:\iin vi. ll:lll. NEWARK. the line to Zanesville, as thej know it will open up a larger trade territorj and increase business, and Newark's business men are able to meel competition from an\ quarter, [t is a certain fact that with the extension of the road to Zanes- ville more prosperous times are in Btore for Nev irk The future of Newark as a manufacturing and distributing poinl is verj bright. Annual Encampment of Ohio National Guard Newark has turn honored by being made the annual encampment of the Ohio National Guard. The state owns 125 acres within two miles of the court house in Newark and is negotiating for the purchase of i' 11 aci J. M. BROWNE & SONS GROCERS WINES oikI LIQUORS OYSTERS Wholesale and Retail in Season SPORTMAN'S SUPPLIES v^v V*/ it Guns ^^ Ammunition FishingTackle \*/ * * BROWNE'S 31 N. Third M. Newark, Ohio N( .11 C. B. L. & N. '1 paction « >>. I. n< The camp grounds are \ ery beaut iful and are located on the line of the Newark and Granville Electric Railway. Both soldiers and citizens of Newark are to be congratulated. The Famous Indian fDouncis Newark is known all over the world for her wonderful mounds, built supposedly by Indian- centuries ago. It would require too much space to attempt a description of these curiosities of a bygone age. The verj besl way to satisfy curiosity is to see them and wonder. Learned scientists from everj clime have visited these mounds, and thej are well worth seeing bj all classes of society . 1. 1: 1 l".i m \i: KIRKERSVILL] Express Cars Lo Be Run The I'.ariu \ & Smith Car Company of Dayton, Ohio, is now building for this companj two fine e xpress cars which will be run over the line, making two trips a day for the trans p >rl it ion oi i xpr< ss at a reasonable rate. This will he a verj great boon to business men of both Columbus and Newark, and to all the townB along the line. In ihi- daj of bustle, >\u'wl service i- highlj appreciated and abso- lutely necessary. It is expected that the cars will be readj in a verj shorl time. THE MILLER MANURE SPREADER FOR 1902 Double Drive, Safety Endgate. Etc., Making Pcrfecl Machine WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NEWARK MACHINE CO., Newark, Ohio HARDWARE LEAD AND OIL BUILDING MATERIAL MIXED PAINTS D. L. Jones & Co., DEALER II* Ci E N E EL AL II A l> I) W A l> E r**)*^y**y**y^y*0r y ** y s^l ** j *ry >^p^| *r y **y>*ry**r\**ryy*y-** j Horse Blankets, Robes, Dusters, Etc. No. 13 South Third St., si NEWARK, O. Beautiful Buckeye Lake Buckeye Lake is the only large bodj of water in Central Ohio. This beau- tiful artificial lake is nine miles long bj two miles broad. It has been set aside byj[the state asa public park. It would be hard to find a more beautiful bodj of water or more attractive surroundings This resort is destined bj next summer to become one of the most popular in the country. The travel t<> the park this summer has been larger than ever before known and has been of the best class of people in Central Ohio. This is due to the excellent transportation facilities afforded bj the Columbus, Buckeye Lake and Newark Traction Com pany, who run excursions almost dailj to the lake. Visitors to the lake Bpeak MOONLIGHl ON BCCKEYE LAKE. in the highest terms of praise of Mr. \\\ C. Wells, who has entire charge Hi i- a high toned gentleman and conducts everything in strictly first class manner. The management of the hotel is under his od the excellent meals served help to make a sta\ at tin- lake memorable. M i Wi has made Buckeye Lake popular with the -- of people, a- he will not tolerate rowdj i^ m. I ' m hi- hi- charge no intoxicating liquors are sold and the brii it on th ■ grounds is discouraged. He i> certainh the right man in the right plaee. and 90 Ion- a- he i> the managi n reh on it that Buckeye Lake will !>e a popular resort tor refined people The New Lumber Yard | w w w ^LARGEST IN THE COUNTY^- © ® iffir | Newark Lumber Co Cor, 6th and Wilson Sts., Newark, Ohio. # M I^I^SjS;^; ; The lake is well storked with Bsh oi manj kinds, and fishinj o i mosl all of the time from earlj spring until late in the fall. Some verj large black bass have been caughl there this summer. It is the boatman's paradise, and everj day large crowds can be seen engaging in this splendid sport. The bathing i^ also tine and not the least attractive of t he man \ pleasures to lie found there. Gathering the large water lilies affords keen pleasure to nil, ;i~ hardly a person can be seen leaving the lake without a bunch of these lilii- The country Btirrounding the lake i> most beautiful and t> the scene of man) gaj parties. People go to Buckeye Lake to have a good time ami thej most always find it. In the fall it is tin- greal lesort for duck hunters. A sc< ne in tin- I ; shows one day's shool of Manager W. C. Wells. 1 1 f X 1 v. > *' > * 4- ^ ? : Ja Iff* ~* gsfes? \ SCENI \ i BI'CKl il I \ K I Improvements al the Lake This company is now building a fini dancing pavilion, which will be rapidh pushed to completion. The building oi h | I hotel is the next improvement planned. It will l>e a mosl beautiful structure and thoroughly modern. It will he completed by next summer in time for the immense crowds that will visit the lake next season. From non until late in the fall Buckeye Lake will be a popular resort, as September and October are always the mosl beautiful months in the year. Tin man\ improvements planned and underway will surely make Buckeye Lake the mosl populai resort in ■ THE Traction, Portable and Stationery ENGINES McNAMAR And MACHINE Circular Saw WORKS MOUNTED SA W and PICKET MILLS Rearm Variable Feed Knight Patent Dogs Mill Supplies of all kinds : Send for Circular - : JULIUS J. D. McNAMAR, NEWARK, OHIO. W. J. Henderson Practical ^ Plumber GAS FITTING A SPECIALTY s* TENTS AND AWNINGS i* MADE TO ()l>l>l k> Auditorium Building HI WAR K. OI1IO LOUIS E. [ONES Electrical Contractor ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CONSTRUCTION BOTH PHONES OFFICE WITH TH KING CYCLE STORE NORTH THIRD S N FWARK. OHIO. M ?• ■ M SN \l' -II' 'I - I \k I N \ T BUC Kl VI I. \K I THE SPRING HILL BOTTLING WORKS MANUFACTURERS STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE SOFT DRINKS. RECOMMENDED AS STRICTLY PURE AND HFALTHY. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND QUALITY CUARAN I tl- I >. J. A. VOGEl.. Proprietor. NEWARK. OHIO. The company owns stum- thirty-three acres at the end i>i the Electric line and has a lease 01 three miles of lake frontage. One of the keenest pleasures to be experienced is the ride to :nnl from the lake over tit*- Traction line. Those who have not tried it haven't the sligl idea of the satisfaction of a ride to the lake- from either Columbus or NYv Usually people who go on excursions dread the ride. Mosl of the exeui over the Buckeye Lake line are organized in most every instane* to 1 the ride. What i- more enjoyable than riding rapidly and easily through :i beautiful country without noise, smoke or dust. !* ^bfc n of science pertaining to transportation. Rareh an the fout oftravi repi'esented so clearlj and vividh as the scene portrays. V\'hat the nexl step upward will be is more or less conjecture 1 1 is certain, however, that the Traction line is h vast improvement over the former three and ha- staj . BAILEY If KEELEY Manufacturers and Erectors <>t Steel < eilings, Sheet, Metal and Slate lioofing, Qalvan ized Conductor 1 Pipe.Eave Trough and Cornices. Sheet Iron « * ■ ■ < I Copper 1 Work A Specialty. Agents for The Celebrated Schill Warm Air Furnace 78-8<> West Main Street, NEWARK, oilio. ooM©TEL O 1 WHMOi M runvEius F. Q. WARDEN. PROF PANCT POTTED PUNERAL PLANTS OF ® DE5ICN5 ALL VARI-TIE5 George L Miller . . RATES FLORIST FROH $2 50 jp GREEN HOUSES: CEDAR AND INDIANA 5T5. ® NEWARK. OHIO STORE .... NO \2 FAST PARK PLA, 1 NEWARK OHIO icue 4' Excursion Rales Tho road will make excursion rates to parties of thirty • to Buckeye Lake or to any point along the line. The Columbus, Buckey< Lake and N< Traction Railwaj is the most popular pleasure seekers' line in the state, because iif the many attraction along its line and the excellenl service rend< < Organize a part} and be convinced of the fact. The Means of Travel Nathan Parker Willis verj trulj > «. i * 1 : "The value of life increases incal- culably with the'privilege of travel." [ftrue when Willi- '-aid il a half century w \i , i: \ M ago when means of transportation were crude, how much more true it is today, with the Electric Traction car, a veritable Hying, smooth running palaci wheels as a means of travel. This leads to a quen as to the most pleasureable ways of transportation which include the horse, the bicycle, the steam railway, the automobile, the steamship, and last bu1 first, the travel bj means 01 tr The spirited high priced horse will always be popular with the rich, but the horse cannot properlj be classed as a means of travel for long distances. The bicycle so popular a tew years ago is almost a thing of the past. The steam railway with its horrible wreck-, noise, smoke and high prices for ti ■u HENRY O. NORRIS LUMBER m 1 >oors, Sash. ( Mass. Lowest Prices - ■ Fourth and Locust St>. NEWARK, O. Ok M< ^=^ JAMES C. LINN. CONTRACTOR \M» BUILDER JOB WORK A SPECIALTY Residence, '" Granville m M WAl'K. 0. HOOVER <» GRAVES LIVERY, FEED, wi>.. SALE STABLES. Hacks for Weddinge mid Funerals REAR OF HOTEL WARDEN. NEWARK. O. TELEPHONE NO. 14 portation still has a strong pull for long distances, but its days are numbered, for already Traction roads arc running through trains al the rate of fortj miles an hour and over long distances, rhe automobile is a delusion and a snai now constructed. It nol onlj costs a small fortune, bul is always in nei repairand a man never knows when he starts out how far he can go without a serious accident, henc< the anxietj robs the proposed journc of all its pleas- ures. The seasickness caused by lake and ocean travel is its most serious drawback, and it costs lots of monej and man} trips mmune Nol the leasl argument in favor of traveling bj the Traction road is the greatly decreased cost, less than one-half of any known means of rapid transit. Mfek^, \ I.i iNi . THE >. W M . The main argument in favor of the latter means of travel is that it affords rest and ease. When you take a scat in one of these cars, you relax your muscles and unstring the nerves and prepare to enjoj -our ride What man or woman i- BO dead to tile beauties of nature as not to be interested at 1 1 1 « sight of green pastures and woods, with well tilled farms and gardens laden with rich harvests.to see cattle, sheep and horses contentedlj grazing in rich pastures; vine covered farm houses, well laden fruit tree-, flower gardens and a hundred beautiful sights to hold the rapt attention. Who could not forget the worry of business and renew youth amidst such peaceful and beautiful so A feeling ol peace and joj gradually steals over you which lasta until your mi Newark Steam Laundry, Corner of CHURCH and FOURTH STREETS. One of the Most Thoroughly Equipped Laundries in the State, and with a reputation for turn- ing out a quality of work unex- celled by any : : : : W. A. LOVETT, Proprietoi PRATT & MONTGOMERY, MANUFACTURERS OF L.FERGUSON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. NEWARK, OHIO VENEERED DOORS AND INTERIOR FINISH HIGH t.KADE. OFFICE, BANK and STORE FIXTURES. NEWARK. - OHIO. I 1 riZENS. 110 TELEPHONES BELL-UNION, 234. journey's end, and the remembrance ol it long afterwards. I m the soothing effects of a tonic or narcotic, there is n<> tonic that acts on th< brain and strained nerves like such a ride. As well might one compare riding on a rah of logs to an ocean steamer, as to compare h noisj , jangling ride city street car to a journej on a heavy, smooth running Traction ai speeding across country. Better and more pleasurable means of trav< I may be discovered in the future, l>ut today it is "The Only Way." What Traction Lines Wave IDone For the Country Districts The immense value of Traction lines to the countn and small towns and BIG w.MAI l BRl I". I villages along their lines is hard t<> calculate. It l>a^ jm t new life i in < > such territory and greatlj increased the value of land. The farmers and the inhab- itants of small towns are put in closer touch with the world. Everything along the line is now a scene of activity, wh there was n<>t much doin? If the small storekeeper needs a l>ill of goods he can step aboard a oar be in th in a few minutes, order his goods and have them shipped to him <>n the Traction line and get them the same daj he ordered th< [f the farmer has a breakdown in anj machinery h< board h car and be back with it and have the machit The Consumers Brewing Co., » OF NEWARK, OHIO. ^ BREW THE PUREST AND BEST USING ONLY THE CHOICEST HOPS AND MALT. Call for CONSUMERS Keg and Bottle Beer. IT IS ALWAYS GOOD. Arthur N. Banton J. C. JONES, Manufacturer of Tin. Copper and sneei iron Ware. ELECTRICAL and Dealer in CONTRACTOR Moser & Wehrle Stoves. and SUPPLIES and Stove Repairs r ^ TN ^ rr " TW " WARM AIR FDRNA1 I -. Mantels, Pumps, Plows, House Furnish. 40 Hudson Ave NEWARK. OHIO log Goods, Etc., ! K BOTH PHONES. Slate and Tin Roofing a Specialty. done Ho. •>\ NEWARK. OHIO. hours or perhaps in one. [fa citj physician, surgeon or veterinary is needed he can be brought on the ground j,, ;i twinkling. II he wants to send his childi citj - ihools he can do so at a small cost and have them at home under the mother's watchful care ever} evening and night. If he lias anj produce to send to markel he loads it on the express car and it n destination Fresh and fine [fheoranj of his familj want picnic, -how or theatre, he knows when he can go and when he will return, all at a small cost For transportation. The farmer's life along the Traction line is no longer an isolated, humdrum, "dem'd horrid grind." He has the same advant- age as his citj cousin without paying half the pi The influx of population to the cities has been most marked in the past ten years. It is hi- lie veil this condition of affairs is on the eve of a change and the reverse maj soon be witnessed. One of the strongest factors in this changi will be the Interurban Electric roads, with their cheap rates of travel and fast time have made life in the countrj more desirable. Theincreased cost of living in cities will have a tendency to make people seek a home in the countrj where they can decrease the cost bj raising or having raised main of the necessaries ol life. What citj man but has a longing for a home in the countrj close to a citj ? The Traction lines make this a possibility now bj affording rapid and cheap means of transportation to business men, who want to li thecountrj and do business in the city. Great is the mission of the Traction companii s. C VIMT \I. I "- T3 C3 ® 1 H CfiJ ~m m 1 3 O o Columbus mi 55 1 00 1 00 50 90 ,11 80 45 7 i ill 75 (ill 30 tin 25 1 > 20 35 15 25 in 20 10 20 5 10 10 5 10 CAPITAL University 55 95 50 95 15 85 15 80 10 75 65 30 • • 25 20 15 15 to Crumms :,ii 90 15 90 40 75 in 7(i 35 65 30 i5 25 l i 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 5 in Hi 20 11 1 Reynolos- BURC 45 (0 75 35 65 35 60 30 25 16 20 15 15 30 in 20 i 10 10 10 20 15 25 11 9 Wacram 4(i 65 35 65 30 55 30 50 25 l i 20 35 15 30 10 20 in 5 10 10 20 16 30 20 17.3 19. 2] g 25 1 27 6 31 33 06 36 9 Etna :;.') 30 25 15 25 10 20 35 15 30 10 20 5 10 HI in 20 15 30 20 35 45 Parkinsons 30 60 25 15 20 40 20 35 15 30 10 20 5 in in in •_'(i 15 20 in 25 50 30 60 KlRKERSVILLE 25 10 20 10 15 : ti i 15 25 10 20 5 10 5 in Hi 20 15 30 20 25 15 30 16 till LURAY 20 15 30 in 20 Ki 20 5 10 5 in in 20 1 i 30 20 : i 25 15 :,.-, 1 • Ki 75 Hebron 15 26 Ki 20 10 ■ i 10 in in 20 15 30 20 25 15 30 10 7 i i • : ■ Buckeye Lake 20 35 15 30 10 20 • 10 in 2 i 16 2 i 25 10 10 7 " 50 80 Taylors Bridce Hi •_'n Ki Ki 20 5 in 10 20 15 30 20 in 25 l ■ 30 10 7 ■ 16 Armstrongs Newari 5 in LO 5 in 10 20 16 30 20 in 20 15 25 1 "• 30 20 20 10 l • 10 90 1 00 60 1 00 10 30 mi in SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE i Run Every Hour on t hi- H"tn from Columbni and Hi BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME ^ WITH A NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE. w K now have a complete stock of everything in the Furniture line and invite your inspection, as we guarantee to save Voll 1 1 li il 1« 'V J. GLEICHAUF, We paj iht-- Freight; 22 N. Main, NEWARK. NEWARK ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO. Capacity, 30 Tons Distilled Water Ice per day. Cold Storage Capacity, sn Thous- and Cubic I -^ -^ PURE ICE FROH DISTILLED WATER ECC STORAGE A SPECIALTY HE WARh, OHIO. L1VER.Y, FEED, am. SALE STABLE FINEST TURNOUTS IN THE CITY Both Phonea No i i7 22 North Fourth Street 66566661 V ♦4 AV- 1 1 ■ ■ 1 .'31 ^J l L . '"I , • ^c L_^ =c^ MEff THE CLOTHIEF MATTER AND FiraiSHE WORDS. Are like leaves, \\ here mi I abound, Much fruil of sense is rarel j found. IVu w ords are best, « hen well applied, Come see the Btock com pure the pi ice A n) 1 I' W 1^ UJOJJ B9|l|^ y y "1 IS y -j y y ll !'.l. ■ T '•? " " r |lUllu;| ~ • — U — u o y U y y 1 : - : - - •a c -i — — ~ 0S : l ^>'i lll "i"") 3 03 ou |)U¥ l)JV «.i«^ ll.t.i « | = .)(| Mill | '..I 1111111.) s r : -r = O C C iC O — -i :: -: i- (0 < - 1 - i - i - i - i - i - « * c/i -. 7 u y z y ~ .— o S — ■■ a ; — H ^ - / < cc "q S^ "rt e f— y (/> is £ ^ a be r c •= a y c ~ Z ffi ^ — £ « c 5 u _: < i ^ ate. «nquin|(>3 ' , ^~ ~. _ . _ Ml it J | S i|l ( s — se — — 1 - i-c 1 - 5C duj, •j z u *~ — — t i 1 1 :: i- i© O UJ c l>uii";| ~~ Tl : i K — se i- r 01 — y U y - - s -i :i -- — •— — c — -- Oil MJvm^n 3 - o r uv tnquin|o •> uaa « i •aq jiiii | ;iiniiun)| s r - 1 — c c 17 r r - 9 S •or it / — u y y j! = = * c < e w * c > * * « tS c. 0<« J^iLstei \s Hesfauranf OLDEST AND MOST POPULAR IN NEWARK. Regular Meals <>r Short Order Service Lunches Prepared for Pleasure Parties, Etc. REASONABLE .'•». 28 ..n.-..r ( . B. 1 . 1-' N. Depot. PRICES. NEWARK, OHIO. We Have The Best Dog BUT Sites & Kellenberger HAS THE BEST FLOUR. Try It. GEORGE T. STREAM, SUNDRIES BICYCLES ,\M> REPAIRS < or. Wesl Mlain «m