Class -OlXgyL Book^__. - COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT A Trapped Coyote. (Fiom a photograph.) TV/ENTY YEARS ON THE TRAP LINE. Biii^a C):i?c-tion of Revised Camp Notes Written at Intervals During a Twenty Years Experience in Trapping. Wolf- i.ig and Hunting, on the Great Northwestern Plains. BY Joseph Henr/ Taylor. - ^' Aunio:: 07 '•fr:)Ntiek and indtan life/' etc. BT SMAKCK, N. D. and AVONDALE, PA. l^j'ii^'l a'.ul Puhlishpd by the Author. kSiU. rv Copyright, 1891, BY Joseph Henry Taylor. PRSFACS, AF rEK tlu' puhlicatloj < f my recent work, '-Frontier an.l Indian Life.- a young but observing class of readers and inquirers, felt a little disappointed, that I did not go more into details about the habits of fur bearing animals, and the methods employed in en- trapping them. Th'switha knowbi^e that for a long number of years I had folio .vei the vocations of trapper and wolfer in a profes- sional way, and must necessarily be familiar with the subjects to be treated. In sending forth this little book after its companion one, I have, therefore, endeavored to supply the omission, by giving some ac- count of a hunter's, trapper's and wolfer's life, as I observed and experienced it; written somewhat in a crude foim of a rambling nar- rative covering a record of the doings of mctny of those years; iut ^rsp.^rsad with some notmgs of theprin.-ipvl fur beirnr animils of the country, and the methods used in en- snaring and te^roying them; aho. smie fur- ther acounis of the doings an I undoings of mv Indian neighbours. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. JSpirit Lake and tlie Little Sioux River — Ink paduta the Outlaw Chief. 11 CHAPTER IL Santee Sioux Outbreak of 1862 — Valley of the Little Sioux in 1803— An ''Official" Wild Turkey Hunt. 19 CHAPTER IIL An Autumn Trap on Mill Creek 18(35— Trap- per's Outfit— The Start— Meet a Winneba- f goe Chief — A Scare — Mink Leading Fur of the Season. 20 CHAPTER IV. More About the Autumn Trap on Mill Creek — Mink Trapping — Minister of the Gospel in Bad Business— A Fur Dealer's ''Round Up." '34 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. The Final Trap on Mill Creek— A Spring ''Set Out'*— Ti-apper Hawthorne — ''Calling" the Beaver — Lost on the Prairie — Inkpaduta's Sons. 41 CHAPTER VI. Ahout Beavers. 51 CHAPTER VII. Along the Elkhoi'n River — Beaver ''Up to Trai)" — Camping Among the Wild Plums An Elk Hmit— A Clean Burn out. 59 CHAPTER VIII. Wolfers and Wolfing. 69 CHAPTER IX. On the Loup Fork of Platte River — Pawnee Indians as Guests — Bloody Trail — Baiting the Mink — Hunters and Trappers as Dreamers. 75 CHAPTER X. Otter and Otter Trapping— A Mid Winter Trap OQ Shell Creek. 82 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. ^ 'Old Dakota." 87 CHAPTER XII. ''Signing Up" the Niobrara — Paper Towns for Eas era Investors — A BeaaiLful Pros- pect—The PoQcas, 93 CHAPTER XIII. Badgers. Raccoans, Skiinks and Muskrats, and iiow to Trap tbem. 105 CHAPTER XIV. Trapping at Painted Woods Lake, Heart River, and Apple Cieek in North Dakota in 1871. JU CHAPTER XV. Eagles and Eagle Trapping. 123 CHAPTER XVI. Wolfing and Trapping Around the Upper White Earth Country — JSmart Beaver Again — Vic Smith as a Dime Novel Hero. 129 CHAPTER XVII. Lake Mandan— Tlie Last Winter Hunt— An \vv (lorge on the Missouri — Desti'uetion of the Deer — Lost Indian Boy. i'lo CHAPTER XVIII. At the Painted Woods. lU ILLUSTRATIONS. A Trapped Coyote, * ' Lake of the Painted Woods, Massacre at the Spirit Lake, Santee Sioux Chief Little Crow, Sioux Chi(^f Rain in the Face, A Beaver, Loner Pog the Trapper Killer, Ljike Maiulan in Summer, L ! wyi'i Farley the White Owl Trapper, L j;i J Soldier the Trapper Scarer. TV7SKTY YUAriSO!! IIU T?J.? UM. CHAPTER I. Spirit lAke and the Little Sioux Paver— Inkpaduta the Outlaw Chief. N northwestern Iowa, near what was I t^^^t'^- known as the Do,tible plateau, and although somewhat f^iiio-iilar in shape, the primitive groves of c,ott^^>>wood and oak that once lined the back- ground of its pebbly beach, made it a view of such romantic and rtriking picturesquencss as to early mnke famous this watery domicile of the ghosts. This Lake was the eirly homo of the Mde- wakontons one of the four groups of the Santees, the supposed parent stock of the 12 TWENTY YEARS Sioux or Dakota nation of Indians. But in- cessant wars with the Omahas of the west Missouri River country and the lowas of the lower Des Moines River, with their confeder- ates, made the tenor of life so insecure to the Mdewakontons that they gave up that section as permanent residence, and made camp witli their brothers along the rivers of wliat is now western Minnesota. From tho southern shore of the Spirit Lake pours out a small stream that forms the Enah wakpa or Stone River of the Sioux, the Petite Riviere des Sioux or Uttle Sioux River of t\\^ early French traders, by which latter appell.i- tionit is now known. But a few yards in width as it Cvvnes from th*) Lake, it gathers v^jlumc as it mea-nders along for one huiidnui a?!;! twenty miles in a south western course wherei it mingles its waters with those of the wide Missouri. This river like its fountain head was once studded with groves of tall cottonwood along tlie bends of the lowlands, while on the great curved lines of the uplands with a northerrx exposure, groves of hardwood forests stood facing the outward plain. They had defied tho withering and scorching biasts of the annual ON TFTE TRAP LINE. 13 fires from the prairies and stnbhornly held their own against evey element of destruc- tion, even in a count by centuries. Notwithstanding the fact that the Santees had ceased to permanently occupy the land around the Lake they still claimed the right of possession, and th^^ir right was so respected by the General (lovernmont, that in a treaty with them Au^i^ust r)th, 1851, recognized the claims of the Mdo Arakontons and Wapekuta bands and promised to pay them for their relinquishment of the Lake and the Little Sioux Valley as well. Some time prev ioiu^ to this treaty, in a local feud among the AV ipokuta Santees, the chief, Tosa>5:i, was slain by some discontents of his tribe. The leader of the chief's murderers, Inkpaduta or the Red Point, a man of some prominence, whoso friends and relatives gathered about hi'ii to share his punish- ment, that of bani'dimeiit and outlawry. Inkpaduta and bislittiti band betook them- selves fearlessly to the Littlo Sioux Valley, and occupied a section of country that the whole Sioux nation had liorotoforo regard- ed, at best, a perilous fronllor. But with hib handful of eleven warriors anrl their re- U TWENTY YKaRS spective families they moved southward making their first hunting camp on the stream now called Mill creek, nearly opposite the'iiresent city of Cherokee. Inkpaduta was at this time represented as an Indian somewhat deceptive in appearance* He was about forty years of age, of medium height, rather spare in build, his voice soft and undertoned; his e^^es weak, and near sighted; his face badly pitted with small pox and his whole make-up had the shov/inp; of an liumblo, ilVusei mendicant, and gava littlo promise of the man whose infiu- e7"iCo and action :n the r;eaj* future j-diould in- Volvo Ruch Widespread niin oa both friend and foe. He had counseled against transfoiiiig th.-ir lands to the whites and refused to be bound by tlie treaties made for this purpose. He had doggedly determined to re-occupy the Little Sioux Valley and hold it. With true diplo-^ matic skill he matle a truce with the Om.ahas, and .18 an honored i-^uest became an occasional partaker at their savory feasts. Indeed^ siK'.h a favorable impression did the out- jiw.ui and beggarly looking chi'^ftahi maV3 oa tho BU3^eptn>!e hearts of hi^ wliiloiii ia- ON THS TRAP LINE. 15 tertainers that himself and band were en- joined to make winter camp at the mouth of Maple river a neighboring stream, one of the lower branches of the Little Sioux, and with- in an easy days ride of the village of the Omahas. During the years 1855-6, and the summer of '57, some of the finest sections of land in the Little Sioux Valley were located upon by settlers from Ohio, Illinois and other States east. The soitloment of Smithland along the lovver part of this valley, was started one of the earlier of these years. It was, as the name implies, founded by of one the branches of the numerous family bearing that name. The settlement was located principally on the w(iSt side of Little Sioux river and but a few miles north of Inkpaduta's camp on the river Maple. A distrustful fooling, almost from first con- tact, grew up between the settlers and the In- dians, culminating some time late in Novem- ber 1857, in one of the settlers charging some of the Indians with stealing about one bushel of corn from his crib. The accusation was stoutly d i*iio I by the 16 TWENTY YEARS Indians who claimed a want of motive, inas- much as their generous friends the Omahas had liberly supplied them witli that cereal. Some evidence was aftei v^ards adduced to show that the charge was really a trumped one, and that the actual cause a jealousy on t\\i) part of some of the settlers against the red men about the game along the streams ia the n.^i|^til>orhooi, us these red outlaws owing t 1 i]i»nr great proficiency in the art had often bcoii dubbed the ■'Tr.ii'pinglfid^ins," T >i( It fuio, early in DocoJiiber, a posse of the Sniithiand people after some ]>reiiiiiiiiary organization marched in a body to Inkpadu- ta's camp and after making a surround and c loping in on the wondering and surprised In- dians proceeded at once to disarm them, and with violent gestulations, ordered them in the emphatic dialect of the bordermen to "i u k-u-choe." 'i ho out H\\ed chief made an earnest pro- te;.t aguiiiLt tuch action of his white noi^^h- Lois, and in a dispationate tone called their attention to his people's hapless fate in bciig deprived of their guns, which were uljuuHt, t .e only moans of obtaining food for til hl- I ; ) ),i 1 3'it fi.aiUioa. o:n^ the trap line. 17 He also prophesied a cold winter coming upon them, as un thawed snow was laying deep upon the ground. As far as the weather w^as concerned tho chiefs predictions came to pass. The winter that followed is yet re- ijrred to by old lowans as the ''hard winter.** Inkpaduta'8 remonstrance had been in vain. With almost noiseless celerity the little band struck lodges and were off. Had the white trappers of the Smithland party understood ''Higx\in^< up" the dying embers of an Indians r.inip fire as familiarly as they did a beaver f iide, tley might have at least made some attcn] t to stay the Btorm caused by their over-cfricicufir.ess. Tho **sign" left by the departing Indian were a few small upriifht sticks placed near the embers where tho chief's lodge stood. It would read to a party uf four absent hunters, on their return, tc avoid all parties cf white i;>rn, take care of their guns and join them as f^ooQ as possible further up the valley of the I ittle »Si<.ux. The Indi;j,ns joined forces near the Corroc- lioijville Brttleiriei.t, some thirty miles j '»rfh of the mouth ef Maple rivor, where they cuiiimcu< eJ a Bciies of dopn daiioi;B 18 TWENTY YEARS against the settlers stock and appropriating their fire arms when an opportunity occurred. But after Cherokee, — a settlement thirty miles north of Correction ville — was passed, the killing of the whites commenced and ended in the total destruction of the vigorous young town of Spirit Lake 'and the exposed settle- ment at Pelican hikes, killing over sixty persons, men, women and children, carrying away witli them as captives two of the most comely of the young women, who were afterwards rescued by Government troops scut out to punish the murd(3rous band. ^B I Massacre at Spirit Lake by Inkpaduta's Band. ox THE TEAP LI.N'E. 19 CilAPTER II. S .ntoe Sioux Outbreak of i862~Valley of thcv Little Sioux in 1868— An "Offi- cial" Wild Turkey Hunt. ON Monday morning, August 18th, 1862, commenced what proved to be the most ivholesale killing of white settlers by Indians stnco tLe first settlement of our country. It had been generally termed the Minnesota massa- cre being principally confined to that State. It was brought ou' by disafiected members of the lower or Mdewakonton branch of the 8:intee Sioux. According to the story of the surviving Mdowakontong, the act was precipitated by f<>nr (Usni^pointcd, lunigry hunters, two of Ihem being a part of the survivors of Ink- ])a».'»in around the scenes of their en riy 22 TWENTY YEARS trials and triumphs as long as tho spirit of bravado ruled in their unconqucred and mer- ciless breasts. The principal part of tho j;^arriBon at Fort White had been, before their enlistment as soldiers, old hunters and trappers, and when off post duty usually followed their old voca- tion along the neighboring stroairis, as pas- time. Beaver, otter, mink and muskr-it were found within a short distance from the poet grounds. Being an inquisitive * 'tenderfoot,'* I usually sought the trappers' company on these excursions to their baits and traps, and being a novice in the art had an im- patient yearning for the high honors of an expert. Captain White was a popuLar of!ic:^r with both soldiers and citizens. While a good disci- plinarian when the exigencies of tlio service required it, he also found time for relaxation, making garrison life less prosy tlian is usu- ally found at frontier posts. Sometime in November, a dressy young military coxcomb came from Iowa's ca}>ital on a mission of some sort to the various posts garrisoned by tlie batallion. He wore tho shoulder straps and uniforui of Little Crow. J.eader of the Santee Sioux during the Indian outbreak in Minnesota, in 1802. Killed by a trapper August 1803. ON THE TRAP LINE. 23 a lieutenant p^nd was aide-de-camp to the Governor, or some military dignitary at Des Moines. He was guest of the company com- mander while at our fort, and in a confiden- tial manner unfolded to the good natured senior a burning desire to take back some be- wildering souvenir of his skill among the wild beasts and birds. For this purpose he had brought all the way by stage coach from the capital, a blooded dog and a high priced gun. The captain suggested as Thanksgiving was norU- c)t hand he try his skill on wild turkeys, and pointing his index finger toward a grove, r^^marked ;tbot the ''woods was full of them." Tlio youT^g officer waited for nothing more, but girding bis hunting rig about him, gatlior'n^^- up liis gun and wliistling to his do:r, rushed of? in the direction indicated. Ifi loss i)\\u ail liour the gay hunter re- 1urp'-d in.' (h( wring perspiration, with four hu'^o turkoys, and w)\en nearing the captain, eT^f^nf^lng therri at ;irn h length exclaimed ex- uHino:ly,^'tbisisofticial." E^irly t^'e t.ext morning, wit>i the agility of a min.'»f ^»u?-io"Rft, t)io M.idM-d'i-camp boxed uj) h'^r" ^l^r birrlM, >uil w;««j ofT for the capital, but njt v/lihout th i'lK-.irux tbe irood natured cap- 24 TWENTY YEARS t-nii f'^r favors ^^xt^'iHlvv 4. ;^^''1 inv '1 ;ji^ liim 1(^ a wild turkey feast at Des Moiiios mi Tliaiiks- giving Day. Our conimaudant accepted the invita- tion, and found a gay company before a fine spread, with the young officer enthroned as master of ceremonies. He was recounting to a seemingly delighted, lestwise an apprecia- tively attentive audience, tlie ANorth of hiB val- uable dog, and the accuracy of his "laminated steel barrels." Indeed, what more proof than the well browned gobblers in the smoking pans before them. After the dinner was over, toasts w^ere in order and one after another recited their piece, until it came to the frontier captain's turn who was expected to respond to the toast ''Wild Turkeys." He excufcd hie inability to do justice to the occasi(>n. as he was no talk- er at all, and proceeded to read from a small scrap of paper. It was a receipt for pay- ment' by the captain, for four tuikeye, the property of a widow near his post, who had been dispoiled of her flock on the day the sioi- mentioned young officer made his big hunt on her premises. The rage and discomfiture of the host was great and the joking caj^- ON THE TRAP LINE. 25 t:-.ijjj \-N«s ]c]iyJ I'it put titituiiC;:; bdt Wtrcr.D lowaW capital and hanii to himseli. In December an order came for the disband- ino; of the Batallion to enable such as desired to enter the regularlv organized regiments. Corporal Ordway ]ed a poese into the Fourth Iowa cavalry, but the main body v/as dis- chir^'i 1. Th'3 (orderly ser^^eant of the company, ^t.nd the writer were made a special detail, and detained in the service some weeks longer when we, too, were mustered out. Haviri;^ now served as a soldier with but little irjterinission since the day after Fort Sumpt^^r fell. April 14, 18G1, 1 now resolved to f dlow i>i th^ wake of the dreams of my early boyhood — hunt for the homes and haunts of free wild Indians along the streams of the wide treeless and Fcmi-deeert plains, or amor.f.; the gorgcf-: ond canons of the eternal snow-capped mountains of the great Rocky chfiin. 20 TWENTY YEARS CHAPTER III. An Autumn Trap on Mill Creek 1865— Trapper's Outfit— The Start— Meet a Winnebago Chief— A Scare— Mink Leading Fur of the S3aTon, AFTER nearly a year of wandering- along- the eastern base of the Rocky ^loun- tains I returned to the seehipicn of the quiet little viHage of Correctionville in the Litt]e Sioux Valley. It was in iiie month of Se] - temher, ISCo. and as that niontli inchuled the^ letter "r" the trapper's symbol for the open- ing of the fur season, a Ftir was r-bserved among the men of that ca]IiT)»v in '^ prepatory rush for choice g'ame preserves. '*Lime'* Oomstock one of th;^ m ^s;"; exjeit of those trapners was now mivl^ing re^dy. I accei'ted an cffer from Mr. CiJii^etock t«» accompany hnn as portner on a fall trap to the headwaters, (f Mill Creek, some s?zty miles north of the village. Cur llrbt ON THE TRAP LINE. 27 aal v'v'd.go£i, also an wxira riding poiiy co at- tend the trap line. We then purchased a reg- ular western camp equipment, consi»ting of tent, cooking utensils for camp fire and about forty traps of the OneiJj. Cummunity manu- facture. About one half of thcj traps were number one's or single spring. They were fastened with light chains, but sufficient to hold nink, muskrat and skunk, for which they v/»ra intended. The balance of the kit W3rc aunibered two, three and four. The nur Ler two's were used to catch otter, foxes an wolves. The other numbers were used after the ])eavcr. The three last numbcr.5 were double springs. The springs of all we e made of good springy Rt3'l with be!^ and chains of durable iron. We finally made a move one bright morn- ing about the middle of the month, and when fairly out of sight of our late rendezvous, my partner forgot liis ammunition sack, but would not return for it, avering that it would bring bad luck on him to Co so. 1 took the re- sponsibr.ty to return for 1dm, and when near- ing the ho S'>. the sight I had of a pale young f3nial3fac3 fai-ju-^h tli? window, gav^ a re" 28 TWEXTY YEARS luiudcr that thorejwere Vtbcr f1t;^n tt»c super- stitious trapper who believed in the direful re- sults of the unlucky omen. At a small creek about eight miles from our starting point we unhitched our team and be- became dinner guests of Ed Haws, loc iliy nicknamed"8muttv Bear, "from some fancied facial resemblance to the noted Yankton chief. Haw6''wa8 a^wide-a-wake borderman and at one time over on the West Fork of the Little Sioux River, headed a euccorsful tight against Inkpadutas's band, led b> the chief's son. They were evenly numbered — fifteen on a side; all mounted. Three Indians fell. The road after having "Smulty Bear's" ranch, followed along the curved river, now and then passing through cottonwood and oak groves, with their beautiful varigated autumn-tinted leaves, throwing an appdrjnt halo on every thing around them. On entering one of th.^s^ orohii^i lojiia^ openings, our ponies gave a sudden snort. A commanding appearing Indian, with a n.ei- ancholly cast of countenance, etood by the roadside. We had met before and I knew bin-. It waa Little Breast the broken hearted chuf cf \he Wimiebagoes. He w-s waiid^nig ON THE TRAP LINE. 29 among the groves. To all appearances, he had just walked down from a neighboring butte where he could survey the surrounding land- scape. From that pinnacle, out to the far- away blue, he could see the shadowy outlines of his former home on the Blue Earth River. From the Hre fingers of an extended hand, he counted the number of removels himself and tribe had passed from one reservation to another, in the vain hope of out-running and hiding from the cupidity of his pale faced brother. Though giving up his possessions as do nattd3i, in thoir rotation, with a vague hope in the equity of divine justice — that earthly possessions end3 with the earthly life — "that time right.s all things." About six miles further along the river trail, we observed a smoke curling up from a heavy patch of willows. Comstock left me with the team, and took his gun to reconnoiter. In about half an hour he returned. He said the smoke was from the camp fire of the noted Trapper Hawth( rne and partner. He further said'the trappers had ''strung out a line" and would put in the fall months at that place. They had ju{-t ivluir-cd from ''signing 30 TWENTY YEARS up" Mill Creek, bnt ^vere bott-^r pUvK^ol with thoir prospects at the place \vlunc wo foiiml them. In comimmicatiiig those things to rue. Com. stock left out a very important item— a big- scare. Just the evening before, they had reached this camp after a hard drive of thirty miles, twenty miles of which they vrei^e fol- lowed, on the run. helter skelter— rp Irill Piui down, by six dismouted Indians — Inkpaduta's hostile Santees. This too from thej^very place we were now going. — the headwaters of Mill Creek. But all tliis I learned long afterward. As we resumed our journey. I cculd not but notice the extreme watclifuhuss that my partner manifested at objects ahead of us, tis we moved along the divide on the high praries."" and partly guessed he had not told all the nevrs he had learned from the two trappers. ^Ve reached the liret grove up ^^lill Creek about sundown, and innncdiBt y went into camp for the night. After caring for our ponies, .^ach of us took a sej. arate hunting bout. Comstock returned at dusk with a nice iRt buck, while my evening trc]-hy con- sisted ( f a forlorn looking old golLIer. ON THE TRAP LINE. 31 Early the next morning we hitched up axi d started out to find the Second Forks, where we expected to hxlt and '*i3i^n up" the viciaity. Just above the Forks, to the right, stood an open grove of oak timber. As this article became more scarce as we ascended the creek we concluded to encamp there. Com.stock took his gun and a few traps, while I attended to the duties of the camp. While looking around, I observed by the bending of the grass the marks of a wagon; and that the horses feet led down stream after making a semicircle turn. I also no- ticed while watering the ponies at a beaver dam., several moccasin tracks in the soft mud and all leading one way, viz:, in the direction the waron had evidently taken. When Comstock returned, I informed him cf my d'Bcovery. He thought it might have been Hawthorne, but when reminded that trappers seldom use moccAsins in signing up a creek, be then suggested as an possibility that it might havfi been eik hunters from the fort atCherctee. ^ut Trapper Hawthorne after- v/ards inf( rmed me, it was at this very place they wer ^ ji:n!]:ed by that roving band of hostile Santejs. 32 TWENTY YEARS That evening, aftsr a.3^i>*ting to put out a few traps, rny partner surprised mo by saying that as the weather was now favorable, and traveling good, he thought he had better re- turn to Correctionville for more supplies; as he thought we might need them. So bright and early the next morning, partner and team were ratting over the prairie divide toward the Little Sioux Valley. He did not return for two months after, and then left behind him the much needed "■grub box." Nothing was left for me to do now but; buckle down to a professional trapper's life. Not knowing what fur was "on the lead," I set out a ''diversified line." But the net re- sult seemed to be a specialty in wild ducks. Almost every morning I found a dozen or more of these fowls dead in the traps. The beaver dams W3r3 lit3rally covered with them having come in from their breediag places to ''gather " before commencing their south- ward flight ^ After three weeks of solitary life, the mon- otony was broken one day by the appearance of two horsemen. It was the corporal com- manding the fort at Cherokee, and a trapper guide. The brusque young commander eoon ON THE TRAP LINE. 33 rijiii^vhat irk 301113, ind by way of diver. iion from its oaarous duties, ami soms hop a jn the pro:ifc3 lik:3ly t^ aj3rii3 therefrom, he ; had concluded to buy furg^ He assured me further, that the latest re- ports from the London fur sales places' mink on the lead, and with no wish to take advant- age of my possible ignorance of the market. as a starter he would give, for good prime skins, ten dollars each, for all I had ready; aal th3 lat33t New York fur quotations on all ether prime hides and furs in my possession. With such a genen us offer, it is needless to add that the aspiring fur merchant returned down the valley with my late stock of pelt- liee. 34 TWENTY YEARS • CHAPTER IV More About the Aiitiinm Trap en Mill Creek— Mink Trapping— Minister of tbe GoFF^l in Bad Eurinerr— A Fur Dealer's ''Eound Up." THE fur buyer and liis coiTipanion had hardly disappeared from view l^efore T set vig-orously to work re-oreanizing the trap line. The otter and heaver slides were at once abandoned and every available trap put alono;- mink runaways or set at the '"baits." Ten dollars for a prime mink hide. And now that the first snow in October had fallen, all furs were reckoned prime until the month of Mav, and beaver in this northern region held 9:ood until June. A trapper's first lesson to learn before ma- ingmuch of a success at his cftllipfr. is to'thor- oughlv understand the habits of the game he is trying: to catch. A light fall of cpow, followed by a calm ON THE TRAP LINE. 35 iiig'ht iH hlri most opportune time to "signup." The tracl^ s are then fresh an( easy defined. Mink travel with a loping motion, making regular well measured jump8 of from twelve to fifteen inches apart. Both fore feet as well as both hind ones, while traveling, are kept close to^-ether, the left of each foot usually, slightly in advance. The habits of the mink vary but little in any part of North America, though in the extremes, north and south, there is some dis- tinction. The fur of the deep water aorthern mink, is almost jet black, while the southern ones are mostly of a reddish brown; the more northern, the finer the texture and thick- er the fur. For this reason all grades of north ^.ra furs leal in pric3 in ths main fur markets of the world. In seeking its food the mink often immi- trxtes the weasel in its throat-cutting destruc tiveness when it finds itself among a lot of unprotected or helpless brood of young fowls or birds. But when hungry it will return to the place of its last feast, and if nothing more inviting presents themselves will feed upon the cold carcasses of the former feast. And if this proves scant, after eating will hide T\VE.V'I V YK.AKS enough to find this cache, — n Pure catch then'olfers itself to his vision, for the mink, if nothing happens it in the meantime, will again return. Young muskrats, fish and fresh water clams, are als > a very palatable food for mink. As mink fur does not become prime even in norlhera latitudes, before the middle of Oc- tv^ber the mink trapper in making water sets, b>hould guard against a "freeze down" by putting his traps along the runway s in the swift running water or in a never freezing spring. In water sets for mink, the trap should not be set in the water over two or three inches deep. In winter, a good call is to a flesh bait, with a land or water set. If on land, the bait should be covered on every side except where the trap is set. This side should be exposed, and the trap set within four inches of the bait. The trap should be covered over thinly with feathers, or dry tree leaves well pulver- ized. Snow coverings can only be made with any hope of success in extreme freezing weather. In the spring, a combination of fall and ON THE TRAP LINE. 37 wintor methods are best. When a mink is caught in a water runway at this season, the scent of the trapped mink draws others; and the trap should not be changed as long as * 'fresh sign" is found in the neighbourhood When not bupy with the traps or stretching and preserving the skins and furs, I found time to erect and tii up a comfortable cabin for fall quarters; with some little idea of de- fense, in case of being correlled by some stray war party. After Comstock'8 departure, my company consisted of two young fox hounds and the camp pony. A distemper shortly after killed the dogs, leaving me alone with the faithful little nag. I often clambered a neighbouring butte, saying with the redoubta- ble Robinson Chesnut : — "I am lord of all I survey My rights there are none to dispute, &:c." During one of the Indian summer days of early November, I made a journey up one of the creek's branches hunting after some elk. On looking back towards the camp, I saw great black clouds of smoke encircling the cabin on every side. The prairie was on fire and I hastened back to save my scant poRses- 38 TWKxry YKAi;s sions. The pony was tied to a pickci rope aiul would be almoBt helpless. But on arriving there found him gone, and without looking furthei proceeded at once to save the cabin by extinguishing the flames on the inside circle. After this was done, I took up gun, ammu- nition and a lunch of johnny cake and venison and started to hunt up the pony. I soon came on a fresh wagon trail and C( ncluded to follow it. Noting that the hoofs of a led pony looked familiar, and guessing that the occupants wyre the starters of the tire, I redoubled my exertions to con:e up within reach of them. A full moon shed iti* silver light along the trail which enabled me to follow it for a distance of twenty miles or more when the settlement at Peterson- was reached. I here learned that the parties I was hunting; had passed through without stopping and were heading for Buena Vista some tweniy miles further on. I reached Buena Vista about being- a distance of something over forty miles from the plac(> of starting. At this place I jearned that my game was a minister of^the gospel and his tw^o sons. They had been out ON THE TRA.P TJNE.* 39 elk iiuutiag aa.l had thought the pony Indian property, and therefore legitimate spoil. In attempting to give the preacher an ex- hibition of bad temper, when — "An answer to his whistle shrill, Was echoed back from every hill;" and I v^as glad to return to the camp on Mill Creek without other indemnification than the recovery of my pony and lariat Late in December, Comstock returned and a regular winter blizzcrd set in, and we con- cluded to pull up the traps and reach the Lit- tle Sioux Valley in time to save our stock from perishing in the storm. In croRsing an eight mile divide for this purpose, we had to face a bitter north wind; and when within a few hundred yards of the valley where the traps were strung, I suc- cumbed and fell, as in a blissful sleep, on the snow-covered ground. My partner, meantime, marking my ab- sence, retraced his steps discovering me^^proB- trate, gave me such an unmerciful thumping that I awoke maddened and followed him to- ward a bunch of dry grass which he immedi- ately ignited; and coming to my senses, all went well. That experience convinced me, T^VEXTY YEARS thnt Hawthorne's methods^ were very" successful in this line, and not hf^ving the air of mystery that uaually Purround the "medi- cine catch* ' of the French Canadian. I will state thein: He takes asniail willow i r coc- tonwood stick cuts ii in two }n^<-'<^^ <^'t (Unut. six inches in length, and each slivered at one end. This slivered end is then daubed with the concoction, the slivering helping to retain the- scent in the wood. He then searcues up,- if ^x^ssible, j\ place where beaver use. though not on its rimvravi^ I r regular slides. He then seti^ the trap al- lowing for the beaver's wide tread, and runs, the unscented ends of the sticks in the mud at the water line, allowing the scented end^N to hang over the water in the direi ticu of and within eight or ten inches of the water covered traps. Trappers, sometimes, when unob:^erYed. treat ON THE TRAP LINP:. 45 thvii- loo r.tMxliboiirly rivals hnit s^tickw to a c jat of the oil caHtora, therf^bj producing a rc'ire instead of a call to the pansing beaver. One March morning when the snow waK failing' fast, 1 Btarted ujj 4h© creek for an elk hunt, knowing that t?ie storm would bring tb'in in iht) brv^aks of the creek for shelter. I had not traveled fur before I Obpied a Ijand of al)oiit twenty, but having Bcented me were trotting out to the high prairies. I followed en tlie trail until drifting- »now obliterated their tr'jrksj-^o that 1 lo«t the game entirely. The ail* had became filled with drifting snow au'i I becatrie bewildered and loHt. 1 had no co7U5)%s» and waH (irifting out to the treeless and shell erleiiH ba^in of the upper Floyd's lliver. In th^ direction I wa^ going I could not hope to strike timber »hort of Biity miles; £.nd as the enow .was from one to three feet deep I UjUat 1 ecome exhaunted and pc^rish in a few more hours. In this dilemma, vvhile trying to take obser- vati( nn fr( rn a raise of ground, I saw oil my I ack trail v/iiat app(^ared, through a slight lull in tht^ still flying particiefl of snow, a grove of tiniber. I immediatley retraced my steps, but on arriving; wh«)re the suppoftod timber was, 4(l rwPNTY YR.V^K l(^^^•t^i at n ^ rritiMw'uiul aftf r t^v(» iwoK^ luairs of siio^v rraJin,^' wats jo\ fully surprised to tiiul r ;» 5 « '^'^ w it) hi :i !• i^e c* tiir traj ring oan.}>. T< ware's lii^lit it tiini^^tl 1 Ui^tio is -jv.d bitter cold, aiul tl^»^ ojvn-}) ilr^' tent up a c l.eerful g'lMe khat bid tbe death } i :^ntoni thr.t I. act foliowed ill the woko of n.y rutwHrd trail. About the uiiddlo «-»f TTav, Ir;< wilioriu^ aii-i his jniitner broke- CAinp and started htniie- ward, while I remained u few da>^ loUkrer \o tra]Uhe beaver dam nini*'aTs. In di iii^ ><> I met with the sriTiie trouble t»f the } revicus autumn, namely, from the in n)ett?^e number of wild ducks. They were there in every variety of plumai-e — the ufre^n headed mftlUrd. tlu^ j-ed headed fish duck from the Arctie .^nd thi^ Avhite plumes from the Hudson Pay country. In my twenty years ^ftj^r experience on the. tr 'p line. I r ever recollected seeing" so many varieties of these fowls, and in such numbers. at any one time, a^ durin:< that spring c?mp on Mill Creek. As the rapidly chang-ing season commen-ced to -spot'" the furs. I made ready to pull v.i> traps and move down to the settlements. On the morning of my final departure; I noticed ^\ ^^ ■ y Rain in the Face. ON THE TRAP LINE. 47 a n en f aFf^irg- akng the edge of the bluffs without ^« Iteming to «ee the camp. With gun in hand and a brace of pistols in my 'Svar" belt, I intercepted him with a^'hel- lo. " On approaching, I discovered him to be a half breed, and seemed trailing something. "Did you see nobody pass here?" he feaid in good English. "No." I answered. P'You were in luck they didn't see you !" "Why sol" "Because Inkpaduta's boys don't often let a chance slip." "Inkpadutas's boys, "I repeated mechanically. "Yes, Inkpaduta's sons!" . Inkpadutas's sons ! I well remember the cold chill that crept over my neryes at the half breed's men_ tion of thft dreaded name. As poon as he had disappeared down the winding valley I criti- cally i examined the trail he was following, and found* the moccasin tracktt of six different In- dians, allfpointing down the valley. After having taken up the traps, I moved . up' on the high divide and took a bee line for Correctionviile. A few days later news came 4S TWENTY YEARS down the vallej that the Pettlemeni at Peter- son had beoD struck by r small baud of In- dians and the'sergeant commanding the sol" diers at that place had been killed. It was the work, of course, of the same little ynrtr that had passed mv camp, as thev h fad- ing directN for Peterson settlement. Striking^.the vallev of the Little Sij:i^ ac least once a year on a hostile raid, seemed to le a fftuatical ubservence ci Inkpaduta's baud they could not AbandL'U . Whither fieh- ing pickeral around the shores of Lake Win- nipeg^or hunting antelope on the plains of the upper Jamep River, or butfalo in the Judith Baein'^or along the Muscelshell River, time and opportunity were found to start out hundreds of miles on a dreary foot journey to count a ''coup" on their aggressive conquerors The Battle on the Little Big Horn is still rated the most important engagement be- tween the Whites and Indians since that day on the banks of the turgid Tippecanoe, when the sycamore forests hid the broken column*^ of Tecumseh and the Prophet, from Har. rison's victorious army. Various writers have ascribed Custer's ON TUE TRAP LINE. 49 death, aH the ci.iliiiinatiii>;- (episode in this lat- ter d ly fight, and to highten the color of the picture, have Ic id his death to the personal prowess of Rain-in-the-Face, or on the field alter of the Chief Priest Sitting Bull. It has lon§f since been proved that Rain-in the-Fac0 was not on the field of battle that day, but liiih'S away in charge of the pony herd. About Sitting Bull's hand in the afi'air he has expresKed himself again and again, by saying in about these words to the charge: ''They tell you I murdered Custer. It is a lie. I am not a war chief. I was not in the battle that day. His eyes were blinded that he could not see. He was a fool and rode to his death. He made the fight not I. Who ever t^llc* you I killed Custer is a liar." Setting Bull's defence was but justice to himself. He was the hunted, not the hunter. Custer rode down on the Indian village on the Little Big Horn, with a ciphered scroll l!S Any int*^l]i^:>tit TnTiVton, 8?\iite'\ Uiicp-\pa the fight against Ciiflter'R batallions on that 'J-^th day < f Juiif* .' 87(>, will tell you it was difficult to tell jupt who killed Custer. They beliered he wae the laet to fall in the group where he was found — that the last leaden meBscngers of pwift death hurlod Amongst this same group of falling and dying soldiers, were belched forth from Winchesters held in the handi!^ of Inkpaduta's sons. Bea^ver. (Fi(m a lihotograpV.) ON THE TRAP LINE. 51 CILA.PTER VI. About Beavers. THE common American beaver, the Castor Fiber, of the family Castoridae as classifi- ed by the naturalist, are yet occasionally found along some of the isolated, unsettled streams and rivers of portions of the Rocky Mountain country. The beaver has usually held their own in the battle for existence through the changing climatic conditions of past centuries. They have held their own against their carnivorous enemies that beset them on all sides, and only since their warm, glossy fur covering has at- tracted man to join in its destruction, has this intelligent and prolific animal of the or- der Rodentia been compelled to almost vacate its place from among the living animals of the oirth. 52 TWENTY YEARS With the ©xceptionis of size, shape of the tail and a few other noticable peculiarities, the general appearance of the beaver ie that of a huge muskrat — the little rodent po com- mon on almost every rivulet, creek or river on the American Continant. The weight of a full grown beaver will av- erage about fcrty-tive pounds. though the wri- ter has trapped some that weighed over six- ty pounds. Their t-ars are small and short — 80 short indeed, that they are hardly notica- ble among the thick fur. Their eyes are small and black with a dull, listless look. The nose ie of the pug order. Their head near- ly round, set to a thick neck. A pair of huge incisors, set in the front of maseive jaw p. s«rve** a variety of purposes — serves them as^ impliments of labor in* felling trees and wea- pons of defenee, prejiaring food, an eating and sleeping apartment. The bed.-^ are built high, and consists of a material made from the inside bark of trees. It is built on an elavation to avoid an unpleasant nap during a sudden raise of water in the lake, But one family, occupy a houee, numb3iiig from four to seven members. Sometimes an outsider is admitted to the circle, his wolcorn^ brought about by his indefatigable industry in aidir g to repair the breakages in dams and replasterlng their house or assisting in drag- ing in the winter grub pile. They take their breakfast at sunrise and sup- per at rundown. Their dinner hour is irregu- lar. They sit ia a circle and handle their grub and eat like squirrels. I have often list- ened to them at their breakfast. They always seemed making » merr}' feast. The soft voice of tha female, the gruff notes from the head of the family and the shrill piping of ON THE TRAP LINE. 55 the juniors could be heard in a happy con- fusion around the board of good cheer. After the meal — or bark — has been serred, Mother Beaver in the absence of a table cloth, gath- ers up the pealed stickg from which the bark h»d been eaten, 3 nd pushes them out in the canal current, when they all retire until the dull twilight calls them forth to prepare for another feast or begin their nocturnal labors. Along the rivers and streams the "bank beaver" predominates. They are reckoned by some writers on the beaver, as of a different family from, those of the house build- eis of the lakes, and n^ore nearly related to the European variety. My observations have led me to believe, however, that there is no difference whatever in the stock, but their surroundings only, and the ingenuity of the beaver to adapt them, selves to changed circumstances making whatever perceptible difference noticed in their changed habits. The ''grass ^beaver," hare a more distinct change ef habit and appearance from th^ other two. They live along the pond holes be- yond the timber lines of the creeks and run- §6 TWEI\^"TY YEAKS ning streams. ^htsy live tiioiic, or in small families... They burrow in the banks, and live on grass roots or buck brush. Their wii.ter ''grub pile" has about the^ banu relation to the winter stores of the lake and dam beaver that the" distressed looking winter stores of the "bumble" bee compares with th(^ well filled combs of the little honf^y bee. The bank beaver of the running streams show a fine order of animal intellect. That they csn successfully d»m up wide rusliin*;- rivers Avith a breast w(,rk several feet in height and with such a network of masonry that defies the rush of the wildest torrents of mad waters. While in the construction of their houses they are not so elaborate, or have they th-^ fine iiui^li that adorn tha mud mansions of their brothers of the lakes, yet for uurability against the fangs of a pack of faaiishing- wolves. or ag^\inBt the grinding and ] following the course of Logan Creek, thence along the main riv er until the North Fork was reached, when after following alojg the stream for a number of ^niiles. some beaver sign was observed and we concluded t ) g; in- to camp and tiyour ]uck with the traps in the vicinity. After pitching our ten t and marking so n3 sort of order for the carop, the bright ne'/^ traps were brougt from the boxes and three enthusiastic fur catchers started out to sign up and put out^a line for beaver The <^aiiy season made sign huntiiig diili cult. But little work wai being done on th^ damB the beaver wisely waiting for the pas- sing of the sun;jner freahet.^. But suihoieiic* eign vras found to set out a three mile line. ON THE TRAP LINE. Ql The traps vvero mostly sat on the regular rail- ways leading over the breasts of the dams, or where the glide of the wood workere led out to lecentJy cut tree?. At dawn next JiurniLg Buffalo and the Go- pher started out to attend the traps, while I remained in ca-d.) In a few hours they re turned in bad humor. They had a muskrat or two and F.aid ;-oiiibody ]:ad stolc^n half of the traps and "monkey od with th3 balance." After the breakfast was over I returned w'th my partners on a visit to the trap line. A little observatiion and I was soon convinced \\ here t))e trouble la3^ It was simply a case of beaver '^up to trap." We were now loca- ted (m the trapping grounds of the Omaha In- dians, who were rated experts in that art. The few beaver that had survived through this constant waylaying, came f ut often with the loss of one or both fore feet, and a full knowledge of what a steel trap was, and be- came wary and suspicious in their evening peregrinatioiis. In this instftijce Cantor Fiber had made a demoralized looking trap line. The new traps s bin 'Hi; like silver through the water, so that even the dull eved beaver could descern them -2 TWENTY YEARS without much effort. Some of the traps were found sprung, with pealed sticks in the jaw^ of them. Some were found bottom side up but unsprung, while the "stolen" ones were found nicelj plastered against the breasts of the dams to do duty as material in making needed repairs. These observations led us to take up the line and bring the traps to camp as it was useless to contecd against old beaver with bright traps, and an exposure to the air and and a rust varnish became necessary. In the meantime while rambling around, we discovered a temporary balm from disappoint- ment at the shrewdness of Castor Fiber. It was finding an immense orchard of the wild plum. The fruit was ripe, and the trees thickly interspersed, with red and green, — the red fruit and green leaves, and some were of the yellow color. These wild plum groves are found along every considerable stream in the country of the Great Plains, and the fruit is highly prized by the housewives of the border, for jelly and preserves. The plums are of many excellent fiavors. f^nd range from the hickory nut to tbt^ walnut in size. ON THE TRAP LINE. 63 To eat plums and mora thoroii^iily on joy the prospect, we moved our camp to the grove. In this move we disturbed several wolves and covotes, who had themselves been camp- ing around and eating' the ripe fruit as a need- ed change from almost constant meat diet. They would sit around in the daytime on distant hills in silent watching, but when night came n^anifested their displeasure at our p es ^nce by moiirnf al howling. After spending about a week in the plum camp; we were surprised one morning by a new set of visitors — a band of elk. Tney were niuv^ in number, and taking their ti me feed- ing leasurly along the creek. The band had passed camp unnoticed, but as soon as we discovered them. Buffalo and 1 armed ourselves and gave chase. They walked faster as they passed out on^ the ^ open prairie, and: it became difficult to come up with them. Their trail led south of th^^ forks of the main river, where their speed ware still further accelerated by the sound of axes among the timber. It w<..s from a p-irtv of Illinoisans — the founders of the after flourish" U)^ town of Norfolk. As tlie elk were "snuffing the vvii.(:'' it was M TWENTY YEARS itot difficult in keeping h \Hih> W>h\nd {\v>u\ uuobsorYed. About simdown wc wcitched them pass down on the ^^bottoms of a little stream, now called Union Creek. Thev tlien fed leasurly toward the water giving us time to reach f^ithin shooting distance just l s they were passing down to the creek bed for a drink. A magnificent buck, larger than nny of the rest, remained standing upon the bank, with head erect, and his huge autlered crown catching the crimson rays of the faft sinking sun. He stood, indeed, a monarchy of the woods, and with a h&ughty gallantry born of his kind, he measured with his eye the sur- rounding landscape with a suspicious unrcpr. Did his sense of smelbdetect the presence of his unsated enemies, as they lay crouching in the grass an hundred yards away ? We were divining his mind in about this way. whtii at a whispered signal we fired our unerring ri_ lies at his breast. Hiu disappearance was as sudden and ccnjplete as the traiiisilcf a ghost. We arose w^ith battled expressions on our countenances and started forward plainly hearing the departing animals criisliing ON THE TRAP LINE. 65 through thii h^^yj underbrush acrosfl the HtJ-i.-aiij. Wheii . wt? i-»f ached whf*re th^^ hig elk had stood, crimson blood c^ots were found ppurted on the green grass, The trail of blood led across the stream where it min- gled"among the other tracks. Up over the bank we followed, wiien on a little island, phaded by a few big trees the proud beast was found stilled in death. As dark was creeping upon us, we conclu- ded to biiihi a lire and spend the night in car- ving vj) onv g?'nie<. The smell of blood again brought out the unmusical wolves, who whiicd the tedious night hours away in a bed- am of discordant noises from the bluffs. A little Irdian dog came timidly int<> our cam.p at n idnight. The little stray was evi- dently now iv consort of the coyotes, but being leKS timid or more hungry had ventured in on the chances of our pity and help or our inclination to destroy. He wagged his tail in glee, at our soft words accompanied by a chunk of meat, though the first streaks of light in the eastern bky found him trotting (jut with a lull belly to join his less fortunate but noisier (cmj anions. As it was easier, under the circumstances, 66 TWENTY YEARS to move uur camp to the elk, as the meat to the camp, we soon brought down our effects and mad«^ permanent camp near the junction of the creek with the Elkhoin. Here on a grassy raise of ground near a grove of wiHow. a comfortable cabin was erected, for fall, and mayhap winter quarters. AVhen everything was completed and the united voice said "well done," we stored otir wealth within the cabin and felt a conscious security as the result of our work: but, alas! The chilly nights of October were tipon us. The surrounding prairies were fast ptitting on their yellow ccat, while trees were losing their leaves. Our trap line only brr.ught in a moderate reventie. for here as at the plum patch camp, Casto* Eiber undf^rstood how to circumvent the trappeis* arts. Now and then a kitten, or a two year old. loet their caution and their hide, but a four pound bide stretched on a grape vine, was a rarity about the cairp. Orre ^indy mcrning. we each irtarttd cut to attend seperate lirres. Al cut eleven o'ck ck as I reached my line's end cUid was returning toward canip, a great clcud cf black i-moke rose up t^uddenly in the diiectien Euf ale hr.d taken. AVhen trrst noticed it was manv jniks ON THE TRAP LINE. «r a'.%My, hilt I he wind then hlowjng at a velocity of ahuuL /orty miles an hour, f^oon hrought it .sweeping- down among the high and dry grass ftlong the bottom lands. The rank underbrush then cauglit fire, soon extending to the large whitened cottonwoods, that had been dead- ened by previous fires, and now quickly licked up by the hot flamep. The air became stifling and filled with black smoke, falling ashes i'lid burnt particles. ' 1 had neglected to provide a necessary pre- caution in such an emergency, namely, a few matches to protect oneself by backfiring; so but one alternative was left — as the appalling mass came veering toward me — and that was to make speed for the river and stand a par- tial immersion until the danger was over. After the main sweep of fire had passed, I started for our cabin, and arrived at the place to find that the domicile had disappeared and a few charred logs were smouldering on its site. Everything was destroyed. The steel springs of the traps were overheated and ruined. The furs were all destroyed, even those that were drying in hoops, and hanging high up in limbs of trees. In truth our com- pany possessions were now limited to the few traps fortunately setting out along the water line. ^^ TWENTY YEARS A consultatiou waB held by th« dishearieuei members of the firm. Buffalo annouuced his acceptancejOf the situation as presented, and speaking for himself, thought he had suffi- cient amusemeut|^in trapping off his summer's wages, and now would look up some other occupation. Our remaining traps were gathered together and deposited in cache on a point of bench and where they still remain, for all the writer knows, though the site that marks them teems with active life, — for here a flour- ishing county seat now stands — the hop 3 of its patrons and prey of its "boomers." The Gopher wended his way dovs^n therir^r to the West Point settlement, while Buffalo and myself, after thirty hours walking with ''frog on toast" for grub, reached Columbus, the busy little town at the junction of Loup Fork and Platte River. Thus ended our autumn trap along the Elkhoin River. ox THE TRAP LINE. 69 CHAPTES VIII. Wolfers and Wolfing. W(^LF bkin overcoats becoming a part of the uniform of soldiers of portions of the Russian army, and the popularity of the wolf robe in all fur ^rearing counirieb, made the demand steady and profitable to the fur dealer and^the wolf trapper, so that new and more systimaiic ways were devised to destroy wolves for their lur value. About the year 1865, those trappers who made wolf killing a specialty, became gei*- eraliy termed wolfers. In those day., large herdf of the buffalo still roamed ov--;' many parts of ti e Great Plains, though even at that date their range limits became so cir- cumscribed that they were divided into two great divihione, the northern and southern. The southern range constituted that portion 7o TWENI^Y YEAH?? of the plaiiitt south ol' rUitli' River. rt*ai*)nn)^- down to the nortlieni bordt^rs of tlu^ St;;to of Texas, while the northern range, stretched from the Platte northward to the Saskatche- wan Valley, in Her Majesty's domain. Following every bulTalo herd, were packs of ravenous wolves that watched warily for wonnded or decrepit buffalo that would fall an ©asy prey to their savage onslaught. Old bulls, no longer able to stRud the I liiffs and butts of their ytnmger fellows, were forced to the outskirts there in turn to meet the dreaded wolf. While buil'alo were ever care- ful to give protection to their young, their aged especially the males, were literally "turned out to die," when no longer able to hold their own in a single butting combat. Every band of buRalo groat or small, was. therefore, encircled by gangs or packs of wolves, coyotes, foxes and swifts. The three latter were ranged on the outer circle, and forced to wait, as it were, for second table. With a full knowledge of the movements of his game, the wolfer riggs up an outfit similar to that of the hunter or the trapper with the exception of traps and baits. In the place oC these, he supplies himself lib- erally with strychnine poison. K TiiAPPER Killer. band of Sioux outlaws wlio i-angod along tlio Ui)p(;i- Missouri bi.'twoeu tho years 18()5 and 18S5. LoNCi !)()(; T Chi(d' of a niixod ON THE TKAP LINE. 71 If it was in the autamu, he inovud 4i\ow\j in the wake of a buffalo herd, makiugopen camp , and shooting down a few of the beaflts, and after ripping th«in open, saturating their warm blood and intestines with from one to thr«8 bottles of str^' -Ji liti-; to each carcass. After hia line of poison-.^ { biiffah) has been p ut out to his notion, iLo woifer makes camp in a raTine or coulee and prepares for the morrow. With the first giiniuier of light in the eaBt- ern Kky, ho rist-s. niakefc his lire, and cooks his ct'fTeo, then hitchewup, if he hart a tejAUi, orsad- dlcH up if with pa( kH, ftiirt Abraham Lin_ coin. ^ here he e-rrivt'd ^u the st-cond night after that battle. Wolves and buiTalo pas^^evl olY tl^e face of the plniuH abc;ut the same time, though a few coyotM5 Htiii reuuiin, and an occasional Imflalo wolf. 'Ihfcse h.«ii;g around the great cattle herdi*, and tho profesfrional wolier has ii.trged i:.ii6 occupation with that of the cow Ivi.y and the blu"[heid. O:^ THE TRAP LINE. 75 CHAPTER IX. On the Loup Pork of Platte River— Paw- nee Indians as Guests— Bloody Trail— Baiting the Mink— Hunters and Ti uppers Z.S Drcc.mers. AFTER fully recruiting from tlK3 misfor- tunesv incident to the Elkhoiii trapping ex pedition, I entered into a ccr tract with a busnesg firai to cut the timber from a small is]? nd on the Loup Fork, about six miles up fr( m its junction with Platte Pavei . A comfortable c^bin was constructed, but was hardly finished in its appointments be- fore a band of Pawnee Indian visitors made a crosrtin;^ on the ice — for it was now the month of Dx'ember — and proceeded to pitch their tents in semicircle, in front of my habi- tation. There were r.ix lodges of them or about thirtj. ^11 t(.l(l, in the pf^rty. The chief of the band answered to the nan.'^^^ of CcolaLoUKo, or "the old man." They woro of tiie Stt tHl;X> or \\\ If kind if l\\\v~ ut>es. who are inoiv nt»iirly relaitd to the Ar- iearee* of th^ Up^H>r Mi^ssouri, thjin either ot' the three rtMuaiuinij: division:^ of that Iniirtii nation. Many of tht* men wore their hair roaoh^vl. having the an^vearanoe of the familiar pietufv* of the hehi\»T orowued Roman in the days o:' the early Puuio wars. Rut in their elothinj:\ poor as u was. there weren.^ picking* forth> rag* man. Shin* thej h:\d none, or any s»i% ^tituie i?ave the rv>lH> of the butTaUv Their n\oeeaiiu8 were of the iian\en\aieri%l. Taeir leg\:ou?i Nven^ of the »kin^ of aniKop^. ail xvith hugv ear rin*|p* g^i'y suspeniel, .heir dress was Ovnnplete. The women used the jjiame material, withaliule ditfervnit style in the general make-np. The children eve:i in the coldest days, dressed like Cupid shorn ^f his vrir^^ Init retaining his bow and arrv^w. In other wvvni* these Indianiwere miserahly piV>r. Th;Mr main vil age or toica wa^ oa Reaver Creek. Sv>mr tifie^^n miles above m*-^ it^land. whe;e three thousand of them were in training for civiisaviou and ^emi ttarvation. CiX^labvHise Und a } r iv »ition to ;. ake. His pev^ple, as 1 must ^.v were :x;ai>l::a^. I ON THE TRAP LINE. 7T liiiM" I'^s) ^.)i^ '>'m 1* / ()* 1) « iv T si.!^;i a!)!*; i\\^} ri\>'r, (iii-l wolves nnd c<)yv)tc^» on the I rttirirs. 1I(^ thnn 8ii>:g'esti'(i tli;U if I viould t-Mui ^t^!^•t!y to n y tr:*i^K s.ud I aits— :i ne>/ outlit I had lately boiiivht — he wouhi see thf\t iDv wooddittir.g iid !-^>\ii)g" would f:;o on jiiht the same. He would att«»nd to tliat. They wei-e in need of foovi and wuntod tlie c*?^r(,'a(*ses of «:11 tlie trapi)i)d and pois(^nt^d an- inmls. The Tawimo (hitftain 1 1( c d 1 r his r^crd. After oatehing my lirst bt-Av^T, I t<;ok the skinned cHrohts out to the prftii-io /muI ty lu; a Htout string to it stnrted <.;tf dri4volfer8 cull "ruiiiiv.g a hlti ey trail." It is If re rted to by thui. iiia.MMcity of druw baits. One freeh killed beaver li?.s ilie "di h\N in^" ] ( wer of a dead lior&n^ < i 1 uiTnU . '1 ).v tvolvts or coyotes, ahvays ]i.itial for 1 eavvr fle^li, 811(1 cwing to its ](( ulifir i:d< r, the ^c t nt is ft f-i'y fv ]k w( d. For this ren(-< n tbt- rrolfer ]»refer« beaver carcasses to that of any[(.tlur wlien running out one of bis bloody trails. ( n lliis (ccat-icn I niade semicircle tiail of a'jout throe milan, dropping *n oceasionjvl bit -3 T^VFXTY YEARS of iiK'iAt. and abvuit every two hundred yard:? or so. a poii^oned "pill." This pill is made by placing a few grains of stryclinine in some tried out grease, cooled and linrdened. Butimlefs the poison is fiist vsrrapptd in a lit of tissue or other soft paper, it is ^con apt to dessolve in the gre.-tseHud loj:.e its strength. Both water and wolf line* brought fair re- turns, and the Indians sten:ed to feel happy over eren a dish if }eiscnv.-olf I roth. The stomach of the wolf v. as always ren:ov»^d. ai:d the meat thoroUj^hly parboiled. It was a hard mess for hi:n:ar. stini&chs: yet it was life to theee »tarvii:g Indians. Mink skins weie ttill v.eith five dollars to fur buyers, and i>b I fi^iiid considerable sign of them ui cer ciiii ] ilts and around air holes I allcweci n.y :nt^.It.*l in \Lf Indians to lack a little. aiHt ^U'-\e tcii.e i,ti»nt:«.n to tii-ip-iis after prolitable fur bearers. By following Pome mink sign one day I trailed then: to an ice gorge inhere a pony had been drowned, and which the mink were feeding upon. An investigation and tn'al eccn ccn-^inccd n:e thit horse f.ekh was a good drawing winter bait for mink, ui.d Itr skunks and badrers as welL ON TPIE TRAP LINE. 7y While supeistition in some form enters larg-c']y in tlie life of every human being- — (h - ny as they may — yet 1 believe from my ob- servations and experience with hunters, trap- pers and wolfers, that as a class, they are fully up if not a little ahead of the average in their respect and reverence for the omena of rigid fate, and a glimpse of the future as unraveled through the interpretations of a clear headed dreamer. Many of the Indian superstitions are copied, especially whatever is inimical to their call- ing. Their various charms— the lucky gun, the lucky trap, is but another name for the luck bug or "medicine" of the Indians. The dreamer, probably? , enters more largely into, and influences their actions than the prognostics of the 'totem. Joseph's Eg^'p- tian occupation, as dream interpreter would never have taken root under the canopy of haughty Pharaoh had that august personage lived in the nineteenth century. Some hunter or trap])er of the western wild», and not Joseph would have held the light. While many of these frontiersmen inter- ])rBt their own dreams or regulate the efficien- cy and power of their charms to suit them- .^0 TWENTY YEARS ^T> iaV<* a univrr^ul form A^ far as a hunter. tr»pper ninl wnlrViii calling ie* ooucernod. A hunter will not part with his lucky gun nor will a trapper ^ell his lucky trap, while the unlucky one in tlie absence of a ready purchai^er. is often coasig-aed to tha nuiddy bosom of the watery depth?, or smashed to pieces over a pile of rock^ To dr<^am of blood is general ly racoi;"aizdi as a symbol of good luck, and also to dream oi clear running water: while on the other hand muddy water means bad luck; also the di>?aming of U^g^ing teeth or the breaking or benoiiixg of a gun barrel, or a failure to tire the gun in en act of hunting. On tiio strength of their beliefs in omens» many of this class, ^ill arise in the morning to buy or soil their * 'chances" of the day's catch, to their camp partners — the offering or bidding regulated by the tthj the dreams were interpreted. Up to the time of my encampment on Cool- aliouse'8 Island for the Pawnee claimed »ov- erignty.^ 1 had not joined the trappers in their dream revelation theory, but an inci- dent of this kind occurred, thai if it did ON TllK THAT I.INR. 81 not inake a (;onv(;rt, at leawt mii,\i iiv-i r long-, though the taiJ, which has a p^'culiar flut iihapo tap^-jirjg- to the tip, is as long as the body proper. The females have a litter of from two to four every summer, which generally run about with the mother until the spring foUowmg. Ihe 3'oung then remain in a group by them- Felves, but after becoming grown, they seek other mates. The fur of an otter varies in color from a dark brow^n to a glossy black. As is the case witl nioht fur bearers, the more northern the darker the fur becomes. But sporadic cases of *'silk" otter are liable to l:e foand in most any latitude. Tbej^e "pilk ottf r" h^ve a glos- sy fur, highly prized by the wild Indiana for hair decorating purposes. A good horse ih a fair J rice for a silk otter skin. An otter's ev(ne?R in c(jlor is no^- so well distributed as that of the beaver, on account of a very light brow^n stripe under the throat extending down to the belly. But the fur will not fade by age and exposure as does the beaver after being tanned and "made up." AM otter fur finds value in the eyes of the wild Indian. The Sioux and other nations who wear their liair long, braid it with Btripg 84 ^ .j,,^^.^^,^.^,^, VK.\R?i of i>uer skin. A VP^^'^'^i'^'* ^"<* Nvrsitl. > ter are lavishly display eil ftt niOi;t ot u.c r great ceremonial dances. The general habitsh of the r-tteris something- akin to the mink, but there is n'luch difference in their bign. Instead of jumping by even leaps, with but the visible gign of two tr*ckft as mink do, they seem to jump by fours sim- ilar to the skunk, whose sign to th© unprac- ticed eye. is often taken for otter. Another habit distinctly their own i^ that c»f "coasting."' every fe'^ yards when travel- ing or playing. They are great travelers, oft-n making land journeys of many miles in sesTch of a suitable fishing creek. In liihing a stream, they "cut bends/' and always select the narrow necks of land for their crossing places. These crossing trails are often worn smoothe by coasting, and ait- a glaring "sign" to the trapper. The otter have an eye. thft they can use readily to discover their game under the water. Thus they are successful fishers, and good ?ight under water. aUo stands them in need of the trapper's wile^. An old otter "up to trap" needs all the strategy a trapper can use to "fill a trap" with him. A mud coveied. ON THE TRAP LINE. 85 ti-np nti(!( J- nater. in tl^:' cciiti-t' ■ f his coju-tii)!.': rtiidt^ will oulvvii liiin. AUhou^-li wV(mi then old otter catcheis iipseit th< y (an t mell the iron. Youiif; luid iiu^xptrienced otter are, however, as easilj trKpped as in ink. When nndistiirbed, an oltrr in fishing a Hti-eani rrill tiavcl ni llu^ rate of about five miles per day, TIk y follow frcjni the mouth of the stream to the heaci. tht^n ri^turn by the same route. A trap])er on noticing fi-esli sign by o])sei viiig thf^ course taken, can,, if he is familiar witli the length of the streani, set his trap with a good guess wliat night he will catch it. When studying the future i>rospect of a western tra})per\s life, I concluded to make a fipecialty of otter trapping, (luring the winter thaws, and acting accordingly, on the Jan- uary thaw of 1807, 1 closad the doors of my cabin on Coolahouse Island, and hired a man with his team to take my outfit to the out- ward settlement on Shell Creek, the Tes- cah-peedutt Keets of the Pawnee.- This stream flowing into the l^latte River near the north bend, is about thirty mib^s in length, headwaterg lumrly o])])osite the Paw- ne(^ village and about eighteen miles distant, due east. ^^ TWENTY YEARS I bad noticed^ ctter f>ign on croseing the cieoV fvoni iViB iiuliirky Elkhoni ('xp'^iition, and later confirmation in a talk with the Paw- nees.^ These Indians had represented the headwaters as a mass c f warm springs, well used by mink and otter as winter quarters. I. found the Indians correct, and made a^ good catch of both classes of furs. Two notches were cut in my ''coo" stick on this trip. One was on the almost providen- tial finding of a cave during a bitter blizzard; when otherwise I would have been without shelter. The other was the timely arrival of two trappers, Scully and St. Clair, who thereby saved me from an unfriendly raid of the edu- cated but bad Rodgers and his band of Peto- how-eli, or Republican Pawnees. They had just returned fronl the Republican River where they^were^ charged with killing four white trappers for their otter and other furs. ON THE TBAP LINE. 87 CIAPrEIl XL "Old Dakota." MAY DAY, 1864, was urshered into the ''Land of th^ Dakota s." with a chilly raw wind, ihat blew with v/dd fuiy ov^r its shelterlass pliins. For the two weeks previous, in the company, of Trapper Comstock, we fished the mouth of the Dakota, James or "Jim'' River, with canoe and s-pear for the buffalo fish, which were found in shoals in this neighbourhood. The buff ilo fish la that section are a favor- ite sprirg food. They usually weigh from six to ten pounds^ and are of good flavor. On this May day morning above referred to we had reached Stanage's Ferry from Mr. Comstock's residence, wl;ere his wife and a lady companion, were waiting in the chilly air for the drows> ferrymen to take them over the river to meet the outgoing Iowa stage. 88 TWENTY YEARS While thus in discomfort, our attention was riTeted on an apparation gliding around a neighbouring bend. It was a canoe of light color and peculiar shape, with the rays of the morning sun streaming agaluFt it. The low was piled high with furs and skins, many of them still drying in hoops, and fantasticly arranged on larboard and starl)oard. On a pile of beaver pelts in the stern, set an old man with a long white beard, dud flowing locks of snowy hair, which followed his mo- tions as he deftly handled his glistening pad- dle in the wind-lashed waters. When nearly opposite us. and without a word being spuken. ihe car.oe suddenly pointed to the shore .where we were standing. and with a polite courtesy, the old man asked in broken English — with a French accent, if any of us desired to cross over the river. The ladies wire pointed out. when he invited tlieni on his well laden craft, and a few strokes of the paddle placed them on the opposite bank. Then with a wave of his hand and "good day'* he continued on hi8 way singing snatches of French Canadian songs, until the curved liver hid the canoe and its strange occupant from view, and with ON THE TRAP LINE. 89 this ended my last glimpse of ''Old Dakota." Of the early antec3ieats of ''Old Dakota/' littie or nothing is known to the early white settii r^ ( f the Dakotas, outside of the fact that he came to^the Si( ux country from Can- ada abort the year 1820; was a trapper by profession when he came, and first employed ly th^^ no/:5d E ninuil Liza, and then Pierre ^''hnteau, after which he became a free trap- ])er andTndian trader. His real name is un- known, even to the few with whom he asio- ciate I. an 1 the sobriquent by which the mem- ory - f him is now knowm was applied to him (luring the last twenty yeai-s of his life. As will be seen from a map. South Dakota, east of the Missouri River' is watered by three considerable streams, — the Big Sioux, Vermillion and Dakota or "Jim"' Rivers. These »tieams are not navigable except by small boats, such as skiffs and canoes, and even these find formidable obstructions in low water during the dry seasons. The Big Sioux and Dakota River are several hundred miles in length, and were navigated almost their entire distance by these small crafts, during the snring and early summer months. 90 TWENTY YEARS In the earlier years of the reign of the fur companies, these streams were looked upon a? vahiable territory to tliem. and g-reat risks were sometimes run by the trappers to lih;h the gnme from them, unkiv. n totl.o Indians. AVhen "Oki Dakota" set up business for himself, he adopted the taetios of his French Canadi*n countrymen, by eliangi ig- tie lanii'uage. but not th.^ text of th.^ old saw — that "when among Indians To as il e Indians do/' Much of this old man's life had therefore been spent in their ca!n;)s aoaj thcv>j rivers above named. His dealings with the Indians was much in the nature of a commission merchant be- wern them and the regular fur companies with a very narrow margin in his own profits. From the early spring until late in the fall, he could be found in one of these rivers, either in solitary camp or with an Indian family. trappirg some choice fur bearers resort, or gliding along in a canoe as described in the opening of this chapter. In his earlier years he made his principal stay among the Sioux of the "Dirt Lodges** on Firesteel Oreek that puts into the Dakota River sixty miles from its junction with the ^lissouri. ON THE TRAP LINK. 91 Immediately following the San tee Sioux outbreak in Minnesota, in 1862, several mur- ders were v< mmitt ^d in the southern part of Dakota Territory, by hostile Indians. In 186:3, the Waterman family, living on the Nebraska side of the Missouri nearly opposite the m.outh of the Dakota River, were found to have been murdered. About the same time two men were found dead in their blankets at Greenway's Ferry, on the Dako- ta, some four miles from Yankton, the new territorial capital. And a few months later, the Sioux City and Fort Randall stage was attacked hy Indians at Choteau Creek. All of these depredations happening in the neighboihood of Yankton, the people were easily influenced to become suspicious of the friendly Yankton Sioux, and wild rumors of ^^Old Dakota' ^ being a spy were freely circu- lated, breeding an ill feeling against him. But justice to the old Frenchman's niem- oiy, ar(^ of tl.e red Yanktons, compels me to s\y that these outrage's were committed by dlst-'int hauls of lOTing hostile^, with the possible rxcv'])tion of the attack on the stage. And further to the old man's credit, may it Le .^,iid. that of the Indians with whom he 92 TWENTY YEAK8 intimately associated, — the Sioux of the Dirt Lodg-es; none more faithfully kept the peace with their white neighbors during those troubleeome limes than they. * And yet when all was over, few suffered worse fiom the land grabber, — and none bore it with a, more patient re ignat'on. In truth their chief, the Stormy Goose — the Sioux Quakei—whose pleadings for his peo- ple's homes will livelong among the recoids of Dakota's Territorial land history. And StormyGoose had for a life long friend and counsellor, "'Old Dakota'" ihe veteran trap- per. ON THE TRAP LINE. 93 CHAPTER XII. 'Signing Tp'; the NioLraia— Paper Towns for Is stern Investors— A Beautiful Prospect— The Poncas. JUNE loth, 18G8, I crossed the Missouri, and rodf out of sight from Dakota's capital on the back of a vigorous mule, taking a iiortheriijy direction, intending to ''sign up" the Ni()l)rara River as far west as the Piney oreeks. Seven miles along the Missouri, through heaut if ul groves of Cottonwood and oak — ^al- ternate with ()p(niiugs, with a marginal rim of <-hal]iy bluil.s, that hid ait times the morn ing sun. Beyond tlie chalk hue the path Lwds ovei- a "^eoc^ud bene h," where the ruins of Teep;' Ot i and Wakpominy, wliich bjried the financial hopes of the projectors of these "might have b.'cn"' towns among the dtibris. 94 TWENTY YEARS Further along was ths town of Frankfort, that boasted of a lone log cabin. These with a ''city" on the raging EmaLual, across, and further up the "Fig Miiddj.'* that droo: ed frcm tie 1 cur cf its christening, though annoin ted in name wi.h bibi^al Askalon. Twenty miles or more, and Bon Homne Island is reached It vvas on th"s Islanl. that the ancient fortifications were found and des- cribed by the famous explorers — Lewis and Clark, in 1804. The works, most probably, being a fortified winter c imp of the Aricaree built upon great sanl dunes to tide over the spring floods. Almost all trace had now dis- appeared, as the Island h.d niovcvl further down the river. T( e:xplain more clearly, the channel cross currents had cut away the head of the Island, while a like counter movement had filled it in at the lower end. At thirty miles, I had entered and p.issc-d the Santee Agency, where the women and. children, and the surviving remnant of the men who had participated in the Sioux war of Minnesota, were now quietly located. Eight miles further and Bazille Creek, was. passed. Here the blue lodges of Big Eagle's, camp — also. Santee Sioux — were pitched and ON THE TRAP LINE. 95 the inmates sweltering under temporary ar- bors cut f n m neighboring trees. The level plain markino^ the mouth of the Niobrara now came in view, and standing alone, like a castle v)f other days, stood the ten- entless, ten thousand dollar hotel, that was to have housed and fed the loiterers and way f arers of Niob rara City . Half a mile beyond the big building, were lo- cated two small trading stores, whose proprie- tors did a thrifty business trading their goods to passing Indians. At one of these places, I passed the night. Early the next morning, I again started on my journey, taking a westward Course follow- ing the windings of the Niobrara alc-ng a "blind" trail. When the sun rose snd cast its prismatic rays over the verdure of the wide vallc3y, it formed a beautiful picture for the eye and mind to rest on, and the heart to fill with gratitude to the all ru"ing; all see- ing power. There is a sermon given us that all can understand in any solitary ramble on a fine summer morning. The sweet smelling wild roses were in great profusion on every side; besides cluster upcn cluster of otl:er wild floweis 96 TWENTY YEARS ei's of every shade and of every hue. Wiki strawberries reddened the unused trail, and sparkling, cool water gushed from wayside springs that would have rivaled those of the •'down east" land. In truth the tirst fe^w miks up the Niobrara valley from where it joins the great Missouri, comes nearer fill- ing the measure — or did at that time — of the extravagant language of the land "boomer.'' Here indeed, if anywhere in this western land the "summer's sun loves to linger." After the Verdegris Creek was passed. I took the range of bluffs following the river so that there would be less danger of meeting an Indian war party, as at this time nearly every neighboring tribe had parties out hunt- ing for each others scalps: and some of them would not object to taking ^^■hite men's espe- cially if returning homeward in dissappoint- ment. Fifteen miles froin the Missouri, and on the north side of the Niobrara, the ruins of the old Ponca Agvncy could be seen and beyond that site, the broken buttes that marked the line of the windings of theKeya Paha or Turtle Head River. Here I observed a baud of buffalo scampering over ihe distant prairie ON THE 1RAP LINE. 97 in evident alarm, and though I watched with some suspense no Indians appeared to be fol- lowing them. Atter I'iding seveial miles further. I dis mounted at a water hole and put the night in. The musquitoes were so ravenous that I moved on the windy side of a high butte. but the move availed nothing after the calm at midnight. A reflection of the situation on the night's "wake" suggested if the future farmers of the Niobrara Valley, raised as large crops of grain in a ''wet season" as the musquito crop would be, they could laugh to scorn the mortgage sh rk and the county assessors levy. Bright and early on the morning of the 17th, I rode out to the Little Piney and com- menced a systematic "sign up" for gime. Elk, black tailed deer and antek)})e were found to be plentiful: also some white tailed deer. As the priucip il object of the tr p was the water game, and especi illy otter. I ex- amined the creaks carefully with no v^ery flattering result There were some ott.'r «nd mink sign, but very little beaver. The result on the whole was a disappointment, so I re- traced mv route to the Niobnira River with •'iS TWKNTY YKAK8 tho intention of inakin^- a oareful inspection, also, oi its banks for wator oanio sign. While tho time o( the year was against an aeeurate sii;n up. yet if the i;aine was there they wvuiUl leave sonuMuarks tv^ niakt' thrir presenee knv^wn. 1 luul follvuved the banks along- for prob- ably ten n\iles. wlien about to eutei* a e a •'oali" with ui- tonations louJ and deep, aui was aa>A\-*/el by nuilt^s and pomes fa the tanber. To attempt an escape nv>N\ w\.ulvl bj out o;" the question, as the uuile was tu\'d. aad tiiosji of tlie war party, if ^u.•lx laey w.'r.\ won 11 be tresh j\nd re>tea. I wab in buspen>e. but had LO. long to wait. First a cautious n.^'Vemout v.lis observed in. a clump ot bushes, aud a f.tiing- \h..i tiic\ had llu' Ueaa oa lue, a.- ui^.tter^ ^tood. >.exi came a glistening- gun barrel, then a bronze form. Standing- erect, and patting his naked ON TIfK TRAP LINK. 99 breast with his disengaged hand, he ex- cdaimed in a l)a«H voicxi : ''Meah Ponca." Hut the bjiss voice liad the sweetness of tenor just then. He was of the friendly Pon- r:i Iii(li;m t !•!!)<'. ;iii(! Ihat its(-'lf was a relief for tlie nerves. He lost no time, in parley- iiv^ l)ut invited me t«: dismount and follow his way. 'J'hat way l(;d to a sand hill opening, ■where were pitched two skin lodges, and half a dozen Indians of both sexes, scattered about. No sto(!k were at first seen, but a ff;w mules and poni(^s wm-o soon 1(m1 forth to th(nr accustomed j)lac(; with picket j)ir and 1 area I The good natured women of tlu^ ])ar- ty now assured me, that my loud voiced niul<^ ]iad thrown th(^m in a panic. Tl;ey were on the 1( okout for a (!amp of Brule Sioux, wliose ti^n thev had noticed across the river, and froiM whom they w(u-e now in hiding. My ])n.'sence was now looked U[)()n as a welcome reinforcement, and (jvery attention was giv(;n ni^ bv a p M)ple, (^ver generous in their homes to a friendly strang<'i-. I was ])resingly in- A^eti to remain their guest for the ni^ht. No host over acc(pitted himself better than tlil.3 b/^t'iT o: t'l ' l^>:)•^ ciii'f. St m iiu''- 100 TWENTY YEAR8 Bear. Feasts of strawberries, pemniican for lunch, and a bed of newly tanned buffalo robes for a royal roost. There is a saying, "after the feast the giver shakes his head." Not ao with my Ponca friends. The whole family gathered about me on my departure next morning, and made prodigal offers of a continuence of attention and good cheer, if I would remain their guest during the remainder of the hunt. I continued my homeward route along the river's course. Evidence was not wanting to show that the scarcity of water game, was due to the skill of my Ponca friends and their Omaha relatives. Th»^ castaway trap stake and tcggle. n:arked the sign of tht^ trapper plainly. In a clump of cedars near the mouth of Verdegris Creek. I noticed, cu my way up some one building a cabin. Stopping on my return. I found a white settler buildinix ^^ place for himself. He w8s alone, well up in vears. but in a cheerful vein. Two milts I e> low was the cowboys crossing Tliree Texan herders were killed at thiis place six Aveel s later, bv a Sioux war party. The old Uii\n iu tie cedars was found shct to death cind ON THE TRAP LINE. 101 scalped about the same time, and most prob- ably by the same raiders. A few words more about the Poncas before I leave them ami their country. A smalj tribe, numbering less than a thousand, with language similar to the Omahas, the Poncas had been able to call the lower Niobrara Valley their own for two hundred years or more. A. compact built and healthy people they have little to ask. Generous in peace, brave and self reliant in war, plodding along in the line marked out by their grand parents; accepting new conditions slowly. They loved their wild life; had plenty, and saw no neces- sity for change. They courted the frendship of their white neighbors wherever practical. In short the Poncas as a tribe are, or were, of the better class of wild Indians. In April 1869, on my way to Fort Berth- old, I took a spin to the Ponca Agency before engaging passage on an up bound steamer. The Gregory brothers, two of President Lin- coln's appointments, had been serving the Government as agent and trader there and left the alfairs of the agency in fair shape to K'J TVVKN rv VKAKS Dr. Potter. President Johnson's aj^pointee. In all my rounds of the ageneies I never ree- lect of seeino- such a happy condition of af- fairs between agre ImiuL;" obedience from his scholars, than was awarded the agent by these simple minded Poncas. These im- pressions, were! not alon? min \ but the seati ment universal among visitors. The Poncas had plenty to eat and eared carefully for th.eir herds, and did some farming— to be sure, in ^ small way. We will pass on a few years. We wi^! pass to the admiaistration ot PresicLnit Hayes — an excellent executive in some respects, but the worst administration for the helpless In- dian, of any of the Presidents since the (tov- ernmeiit was founded, riiis might have been laid upon his Secretary of tlii^ Interior^ whose zeal to mak^^ places for his nation dty,. overlooked their fitness for the work assigned. Or it may have been the fault of his (.Hunmis- sioner of Indian AlTairs. who had the iu- stincts of a brute. ON THE TRAP LINE. 103 The Ponnas suffered in common with other friendly trihes. They had already given up all their land hut a small stip; hut now, this too, wa,s wanted. Contractors, who fatten on Govern tnf.'nt jobs, were ready — they nre al- ways ready. To the Indian Territory the j^jncas must he sent. Vain were their pro- tests. Soldiers were used, and the hapless j)eople forced into the contractors wagons with ropes, bayonets and sabres. They were placed in a milarial spot, in that southern land and missionaries invited to look after them. Many tried to escape and make their way to their old home. My intertainer of the "sign up" was among the first killed that was trying the desperative alternative of escape. His brother with a small yjarty finally reached th(- Omahas after fifty days journey ihrr)ugh midwinter snow. The generous Omahas once mor.^ C'vnii^ to the rescue. Once more they donated land to plundered members of their uihappy r ice. and the disheartened band en- joined from attempting to proceed further in the direction of their old village. They were advised against trying to relocate on land jiow probaly o'/cu[)ieii by white settlris in the Kiclrara c of this stripe. The is lunger on the sides than on the back, giving the animal a Hat appearance. 1(>; TWENTY YEAR8 The fore feet of the hadgor is thick and very stout, and with fore claws an inch long. With such instruments they can dig very fast and deep in the hardest and dryest of soils. The are tenacious and hard fighters and will flee on man's approach but will turn and fight a dog. I remember a case of the badger's fighting qualities at Fort Stevenson, during the sum- mer of 1872. Interpreter Brown captured a half grown badger and brought it to the post w^here it was turned loose among the dogs, cleaning out all the worthless curs of the garrison. It fought for life and liberty, and and well deserved both, but among the vic- tims of its prowess, was the interpreter's blooded bull terrier for which oifensepoor bad- ger was slain. The badger is solitary in its nature, an I is generally seen traveling alone. Ldk^ tha ground hog they are good weather prognostic cators, and know enough to tak e advantage of and spin around in every thaw in winter. They are not a very prolific animal, the female seldom bearing or raising more than two each year. Its food consists principally of meat when it can get it.. Other ^vise it wiU Uve ou ON THE TRAP LINE. 107 certain roots and plants. They are inveter- ate foes of moles, field mice and gophers, and thus protects the farmers from being over run b/ these pests where badgers are allowed to live undisturbed. The trapping of a badger \t^ easily accom- })lished. A number tw(. trap, set in the mouth of the hole they are using, is one of the suc- cessful ways. The trap, chain and stake, should be coverel with loose earth, and care taken to allow the pan a chance to give, so that the trap can spring when trod upon. Another way to trap them and the method I umally fvollowad, was a "call" to a flesh bait The bait should be staked down in the neigh- borhood ot their burrow, and the trap and chain covered. As the fur of the badger is reckoned among the furs of the lower grade, the market price for a clean well strefched skin is from sixty cents to one dollar. The raccoon is so well known that a descrip- tion of them is almost unnecessary, as they are found in almost any considerable timber tract between the Great Plains and the At- lantic coast, as well as in some of the Pacific States. iw TWENTY YEARS They are somewhat smaller than a badger, with a short bulky body; a long tail encircled with rirgs. The fur is long and thick; grey near the roots, turning to a kind of a blackish color toward the surface. The nose of the raccoon is long and pointed; eyes large and ears catlike. They have tirm legs, and with their hind ones make a flait track similar to a porcupine or bear. Raccoon are flesh eaters, but aie also fond of certain fruits, nuts and corn. In fact they have epicurian tastes of no mean pretentions. Notwithstanding that their na.ns has passe.l into a proverb as typical of all that is cunning and crafty, his coonship often finds himself inveigled in a trapper's cold steel clasps; yet he neither shows the ingenuity of the fox or beaver, similarly caught, in his efl*orts to escape. He imitates the muskrat, rather, in a patient resignation to accept his fate. The raccoon's habits are in many respects similar to the mink; following along water courses in wild or timbered sections in search of their prey. In settled districts they occa- sionaly raid the poultry yard, and during the "roasting ear'' season sometimes make havoc ox THE TRAP LINK. 109 in a farmer's cornfield, especially if it bor- ders a timber tract. The frisky squirrel often suffers in reputation, for the raccoon's mischief in the cornfield. The trap usually set for coon is m nnmlx-r two. They are set in narrow passages in runs or small creeks near their known haunts. A fresh meat bait, partly covered and hidden as in mink trapping is a successful way. But such a bait is as likely to catch a mink or a skunk, as a coon. To bait with a half husked ear of corn, would be more of a spe- cialty for coon. In either set, for a front foot catch, the pan of the trap should not be placed further than five inches from the bait. The average paid by buyers for a well dried coon skin is from fifty cents to one dollar. The fur of the skunk follows along on the fur buyer's lists with the badger and raccoon; with a tend mcy, of late years to lead them in price. The skunk or polecat is as common as raccoon or groundhog. And although not so destructive to poultry as mink or weasels, still the skunk is not very far behind them. Their average^ weight is about eight or ten pounds. They have a black fur no TWENTY YEARS with two wide white stripes its full length. The width of stripe varies, while some are stripeless. Their tail is long and bushy. They have feet shaped much the same as raccoons and porcupines, but have a peculiar short : oping motion by fours, easily distinguished from the tracks of any other animal, in ra-id mud or snow. Among the Sioux, Winnebrgc e^^ and some other Indian nations; the flesh of skunks is esteemed a great delicacy, and next to a fat dog ranks highest in the menu at their epi- curian feasts. A.t ceremor.ial dances, no well regulated jumping artist of scaring j re- tensions, could enter the ring, keep time to the music of rattles aiid drum and sonorious song, without dragging a beaded polecat skin to his lively hopping heels The skunk is trapped in about the same manner as mink are caught. In fact when both classes of animals are plentiful in the same neighborhood, a trap set for them is just as likely to catch a mink as a skunk. This is especially the case with a ''call" to a fresh meat bait. The musk rat need but little introduction. The little rodent being an inhabitant of every ON THE TRAP LINE. Ill creek, river and lake on the North American Continent. Though of the lower grade of fur bearing animals, their pelts seldom bring- ing over twenty-five cents in the markets, yet so proific are they, that more money is made by trappers in geneial, from them than of any other special class of furs in the country. This is particularly the case in the lake regions of Minnesota where many thousands of dol- lars of raw muskral furs are bought yearly from the trappers of that section. And we might add further, that more money is made by furriers in general from the muskrat than of any other furs. Its pli- ability, softness and fine texture, renders it a fur when placed in the hands of an adept finisher, a good subject in the imitation of furs of a higher grade, so that it is often made to do duty in the furriers' show win- dows as elegant substitutes for fine and costly beaver, otter and pine martin "make ups.'' The muskrat is considered next to the rab- bit the easiest animal caught, on the trapper's catalo;^ue. Like the rabbit in size, a small single spring trap is sufficient to hold them. They feed along the shores on flag, rush and other roots. In hunting feed they have cer- 112 TWENTY YEARS tain paths and routes which they are con- stantly using. It is on these paths leadmg out to the bank the trapper sets his traps. They are placed on the trail in the water, and submerged about two inches. In the sprnig they often congregate on a mound which can be readily noticed from the reddish stain of ground there. This will be found to be a successful place for the traps, and muskrats can be caught there nightly without scaring them. In shallow creeks, there are certain stones they frequently use which are also good places to set submerged traps. The oil of anise seed, obtainable in drug stores, is a gocvd spring bait, used in a similar m inner to that of baiting the beaver. The general habits of the musk rat is sim- ilar to tl at cf the beaver. In the lakes and lagoons of the north i.nd west they live in large cammunities or villages. They build l)artly subire'gad houses in shallow places, (adiuarily abcut three or four feet in height, l)ee hive shaped. When froze down by the rio-ors of winter, which is often the case, and can no longer use their subteranian passage ways, they literally '-eat themselves out of house and home" by masticating the strua- ON THE TRAP LINE. Il3 ture itself, which is made of a composition of rushes float weed and blue mud. When th ^ improvident little rodent is thus in hard luck the •"spearing-" trap})er appears. This individual armed with a sharp pointed spear walks on the ice and thursts his weapon through the frail houses of the imprisoned aDima^s and thus destroys them. The bank musk rats are more fortunate in the winter as they cannot be so readily loca- ted as their kindred of the houses, though like'them 'often suffer in a shortage of win- ter provender. lU TWENTY YEARS CHAPTER XIV. Trapping at Painted Woods Lake, Heart River and Apple Creek, in North Dakota, 1871. WHILE at odd intervals, during t-h© two years of 1860-70, I had been giving some attention to hunting wolfing and trapping along the neutral or fighting grounds of heligerant Indians on the Missou- ri, between Forts Rice and Stevenson, it was not until the month of September 1871, that I became one of a party of threj in a trap- ping and trading firm, thoroughly equipped to follow the business in a system.atic way. The two young members of the new firm were of varied experience. First we intro- duce Trapper Williams a whilom rafting pilot from the eddies and swirls of Wiscon sin's turbulent rivers, and the other partner- passed in his card as Hunter Mercer, who> liad taught school, killed deer, and hunted huckleberries iu Pennsylvania's mountains. ON THE TRAP LINE. 115 On the evening of the 17th, of that month, we arrived at the prairie banks of the Lake of the Painted, Woods, from our late rendez- vous on the Missouri, some four miles below. We made camp near a bunch of bushes facing the lake with a good view of the greater part of it. With the going down of the sun we etcod locking upon scenes that never was our fortune but the once to see — an animal's earthly paradise. The slanting rays of the sun shone full upon the shining fresh plastered houses of the industrious beaver, that stood upon the lake's edge like the gorgeous castles of It- aly's watery Venice, of a past age. Otter were in plain sight, and without fear. Wild ducks, geese and brants, proudly crested the fanning waves in front of camp, unconcerned at our prescence. Even the antelope losi their timidity and stood in a soldierly line, on a bluff near by and watched in wonderment our movements about th3 fire an J smoke. In fact, "generations of animals and birds had been born and reared there, since the last tropper. white or red, had put out trap and t )^gle around this lake's shore. Bu- 116 TWENTY YEARS chaump, old and decrepit, was, like Cooper's hero of the Prairie, closing his remaining days in the lodges of his Indian friends. Jeff Smith was hopelessly blind; Bush was killed by the Yanktoneys; and poor old LaFrance had fallen across the trap he was setting by a pistol shot supposed to be fired b}' Bloody Knife. These were the last trappers of the old fur company days, and thirty years had now passed since the sign of their calling was last seen around the shores of this beau- tiful body of water. The night with a moon clear -faced and in its full, threw its beams upon us as we lay within the folds of our blankets. The breeze of the day went down with the sun, and the air was calm and fros.t-laden. Our camp fire continued to blaze and seemed a danger sig- nal for all the beasts and fowls within sight of its glare. Elk whistled and d^er sn:)rted continuously from the dense jungle between the lake and the Missouri Ever^^ living thing seemed as sleepless as ourselves. The coyote with his sharp bark and the wolf wth the art of a yoice throwing yentriloquist. help swell the din and confusion. ON THE TRAP LINE. H'^ Strange noises now strain our waking ears. It sounds like some one beating the water with a huge b:)ard. Thisa sounds multiply. It is the beaver's alarm, and the fowls and animals seem to understand it. When the beaver commenced alarming each other, I felt no ^lalion. No buoyancy of spirits at the good trapping prospects be- fore us. Rather a feeling of regret at this self -assigned work. I would gladly have left this animal paradise undisturbed could I but know that it would remain so. But we were but an advance guard. We were on \hj proposed route of the Northern Pacific railway and soon this valley would be filled froxn every nation of peop e in northern Eu- rope. And if thj beaver was to be dojmed we vvrould make the first strike. If we could not save we would destt-oy. At daybreak the next morning Williams and myself loaded the bull boat with traps and guns, took our seats and paddled up the lake through the flocks, which on oar ap- proach moved leasurly out of the way. Five otter followed in our wake, puffing, snorting and diving. A heavy fog hung low, ani thi.^ k^pt three 118 TWENTY YEARS elk, bathing in a bayou from seeing- us. Wil- liams steadied the boat, while I reached a rifle and shot a large pronged buck dead. The other two being cows were permitted to es- cape. On our return from signing up and setting out the traps, we boated the dead elk to the camp and commenced to cut it up and jerk or sun dry the meat. While all three were busy we were startled by shots and yells. We looked in the direction of our poor pony and saw that he was surrounded by about tvv^enty Indians yelling with a loud uproar. On discovering us they spread out like a fan and made toward us. At this, we jumped for our rifles and plunked ourselves in the grass. Some of the Indians commenced to yell "pah-don -ee" (Sioux name for Arricaree,) and they all halted but one. He advanced slowly bearing aloft a white flag. They were a war party o: Gios Ventres and Mandans, looking for the scalps of Sioux stragglers. We presented them half of the fresh meat, when they all rode up in grand style, dis- mounted, and each broiled his own allotted share over the camp fire. After the lunch they remounted and rode away. ON THE TRAP LINE. 119 After having spent about one week with our trap line, well attended, we counted our pelts, and found about thirty beaver: onr dozen otter: alxnit twenty five wolves nnd foxes, and a lot of mink and otl-er miscella- neous furs. Among the wolves, was a black bufPalo wolf, a very rare animal in that sec- tion of country. The week following was occupied by the Trapper and myself in a journey to Fort Ber- thold, described in Frontier and Indian Life, under ihe caption, ''With a Gros Ventre War Party." About the 1st of October we re- set the traps at the lake with profitable re- sults: after which we freighted down our boats and packed the pony and commenced a journey "by land and sea" to the mouth of Heart River, some twenty-five miles down the Missouri; coming in on the west side. The morning of our departure a dead calm and a light mist hung over the river, so that a continual roar could be heard apparently coming from underneath the surface. At a little Cottonwood point a mile below the place of starting we saw and heard what we thought was a man caught on a sawyer— a movino- sna-;?. When wj came nearer the 120 TWENTY YEARS strange object disappeared, and as we moved along, nothing but the sawyer in its per- petual motion could be observed. We then concluded that, perhaps it was some solitary boatman coming down from the mountains, and being asleep, his skiff ran foul of the moving snag and was capsized. But the Indi- ans call the place Ghost i'oint^ from strange^ unaccountable objects being seen, or as they sometimes express it, "'where people have medicine put over their eyes." That evening we reached Heart River ^ when after landing I took a gun and tra])^^ to reconnoiter, At the edge of the willows. I struck a band of elk and killed two large bucks. In the meantime Hunter xJercer could be seen riding down a band of antelope on the bluffs on the east side of the Missouri,, on same ground where North Dakota's capital now stands. We used much caution in trapping Heart Rirer. General Whistler's military expedi- tion to the Yellowstone River had returned followed closely by some of Chief Gall's, Uncapapa Sioux. They had shot oae officer and lassoed another to deaj^l;. A colored cook was also caught and put tj to.-tLir.\ AIL ON THE TRAP LINE. 121 happened on this stream ahove us; and the servant's take cff was but a short distance from our trap line. Tv> did not swim onr pony across the Missouri having finally concluded to encamp at the oner Tail Crossing, on the east side, opposite the mouth of Heart. This was the crossing place of the Minnesota Santees when flying from General Sibley's pursuing column. Hun- dreds of carts a id Avagons abandoned by the Indie ns, were cut to pieces by the soldiers. This happened in July 1863. The cart rem- nants were now made to do duty in our camp arrangements. While m.y partners would cross the river and tend the Heart River traps, I took charge of the company pony and put out a line of otter traps near the upper military crossing of Apple Creek, some ten miles away. About tha 20th of October, we pulled in both lines, Mercer returning to our headquar- ters at Painted Woods, while the Trapper and I continued with our bull boats to Sibley Island. Here Suttles and Miller, two young Canadians owned a successful woody ard. They had a strong stockade; horses and cat. tie, plenty of provisions and a celler full of 122 TWENTY YEARS wine made from the native grape, of which the island abounded; and no neighbors within twenty-five miles. After enjoying a short stay with these na- bobs of the wilderness we continued trapping to within a few miles of Fort Rice, Avhen our absent partner came to us with a newly purchased team, so closing up a successful autumn trap, we returned to the Painted Woods for winter quarters. ON THE TRAP LIXE. 123 CHAPTER XV. Eagles and Ea^le Trapping. EAGLES of the difPerant American vari- eties ar^ found in considerable numbers in many parts of the Great Northwestern Plains. Along the Upper Missouri Riv-er, and eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, the famous war eagle holds sway, and rates that section his native heath. This eagle, also sometimes called the calu- met eagle, are the most beautiful of all the American eagles. They have a richly variegated color ot black and white. Each wing have good sized circular spot in the' jniddle, which is only visible when they are extended. The body is variously marked l)y black and white. The tail feathers are twelve in number and of unequal length "i'hey are pure white except about two inches «'f the tip. which is jet black, Thes- tail 124 TWENTY YEARS feathers made into a war bonnet is the proud- est possession known to the wild Indian. These war eagles are s.inaller than the bald or black eagle, are swifter in flight and more pugnacious. Their principal breeding places. were formerly in the Black Hilis^ or inaces- sible parts of ihe Little Missouri or Yellow- stone Bad Lands. While the tail feathers of the others are used for decorative purposes, they have not the value of a war eagle's, pluckings. The money market rate for these favored birds is one dollar for each tail feather, or a pony for a whole bird. A war bonnet of thirty six tail feathers will find a ready exchange from the Indians for a two hundred dollar mule.. War eagles do not appear on the Missouri fiom their breeding places' unti" about Sep- tember. Then small parties of Indians sally out to a place f L-equented by^ these kings of birds, and a ceremony gone though with to bring them to bait. After a dream tells them the eagles will come, a deer is hmited up and killed, the trappers fasting the mean while. A pit is then dug in some pinnacle or high point, and one^ of the trappers therein ensconsed. The su.~ ON th:^ !rap li:;e ^zo face is then covered over with brush, hvavinvr an apperture for observation. The deer is then carefully laid u])ou tlie brusli. Tlie rest of til ' i)a]'ty u(»\v retire to some secluded place and ''make medicine." If a hungry eagle sights the d ^ad deer in his soaring rounds he very .^l)\vly circles round and round, and if hisk^^en eyes sees no danger he alights and sinks his talons in the flesh at once. A quick red hand is tliurst out and the eagle's legs are clasp.^d firmly and'an- otherred hand is tugging at the tail feathers until he is plucked of the coveted black tips, when he is released to grow a new set. ''Man's inhumanity to man," sometimes turns the tables upon the eagle trapper. Sharp eyes are w^atching the soaring of the big birds until an eagle catchers camp is located. It is a war party; and a trapper is trapped. His own locks become a trophy and the brush pit his grave. The Indians are firm believers in the eagles strength of talons and invulnerable to many leaden balls of death sped after them. Indeed, when many Indians shoot at a flying eagle, they are prepared to juke the return 12G TWENTY YEARS bullet, they believing it caught by the eagle's talons to be hurled back defiantly on the head of its would be destroyer. The Aricaree and Gros Ventre Indians in earlier days, sent out small parties in June to locate war eagles nests and rob them of the young eagles, take them to their villages, and^tame them for the annual crop of the. tail feathers. When I -came to the Painted Woods in 18G0, there were several black and bald eagles nests. on the top of the tallest of the cottonwoods. Two in particula-r v/ere occupied the first few years following. One of these, a black eagle had her nest at the mouth of Otter Creek, and a bald eagle had its nest at the famous group of big Cottonwood^, that was formerl}' the- place where war parties painted the trees, that kept alive its legendary name. This* group surrounded by old oaks and elms, stood near where, the Like empties into the Missouri^ One noticeable peculiarity in the nesting hab- its of the eagles, that they avoid bulking in large groves, but always chose an old tall:. Cottonwood, either in a small group or entire] y aloEe near the bank of the river, with a clear view in every direction, wdiile perched uponi their- big and show^y nest.. ON THE TRAP LINE. 127 Several eagles, both bald and black, were poisoned at the wolf baits or caught at the fox traps that I had set out on both F^ide> nf the MissiHiri, duj-ing tlie v/iiitri> i-f ls71-lj. sc tluU but ciU' lU'^t was («ccupied in the bpiing of 1873, around the Painted Woods, and that one was at the painted tree group. About the first of June of that year, Rich- mond and Raney — two hunters, and myself, rigged up and went to this bald ^eagle's nest to capture the young birds if possible, for the purpose of rearing and taming them. We found the eagl^ on her nest, but the distance from the ground was fully one hun- dred feet, with no branches to assist in climbing the first forty feet. An oak was cut to fall against the big Cottonwood, and Raney mounted this as a ladder and " by some ropes to £ssist, reached within a few yards of the nest. Up to the time of the climber's near approach the eagle had remained quietly on her nest. But she now seemed to get frightened and darted out and commenced soaring toward the clouds. Meanwhile, at Raney's request, I stood watching the eagle while he continued his cliiid)ing and had readied and was stand- 128 TWENTY YEARS ing on a limb, baffled and resting. A mothers fur J at the peril of her young seemed now to possess the bird for after a few lowering cir- cles she darted downward with terrible rapid- ity, evidently aiming to dash herself against Raney's back and would have knocked hin\ from the tree at the probable expense crashed through the lower limbs to the earth- She was then made captive, andRiney fail- ing to reach the nest, as a last resort the giant Cottonwood was felled to tli3 earthy with no accumulated trophies save a few dead birds. The eag'le got well and escaped after a few days of morose captivity. She was seen to circle around the fallen monarch of this ancient group of cottonwoods, after which she and her kind disapperecl never a^ain to nest in that section of country. ON THE TRAP LINE. 129 CHAPTKR XVL Wolfing and Trapping Around the Upper Whi'3 Eartli Country— Smart Baa- ver Again— Vic Smith as a Dime Novel Hero. U?PFR Whits Earth River flows into the Missouri a few miles above the great bend of this mig-hty watery thoroughfare, and has its source in the neighborhood of the boundary line bordering the British posses- sions. The White Earth, so named from its chail^y bluffs, is a narrow river with a cramped, deep cut valley as it approaches the bluffs of the Missouri. The water of the stream is compar- atively free from alkali, considering the sec- tion of country, and is fed by numerous clear water springs. The timber is scarce and in patches mostly in deep, side ravines. The country arounipg 130 TWENTY YEARS grounds. Elk and bear were plentiful, also deer and antelope. Buffalo were likewise found there before their extermination. The Red River half breeds made the stream a frequent camping place. They were good trappers and kept ihe water game well down. While having frequently passed up and down the military trail crossing this river, yet I did not commence trapping there until the autumn of 1874. On this occasion three of us; fitted out with four ponies and traps at Painted Woods and struck across the divides^ signing up Snake Creek^ Sully ^s. L?ike and Upper Knife River on the route. The new members of this trapping trip were Raney the eagle trapper^ and a young man named Buck, who was afte-rwards killed by Joseph's Nez Perces. We spent most of our time hunting, wolfing and foxing witk varied fortunes. The spring following^ in the company of Vic Smith, I again visited the ^^ kite Earth Smith next to Reynol is, was the heading hun- ter that had appeared on tl e Upper Missoui-i». Our business on this trip was to k c ite a band of elk, and capture the calves. We fonnd a small band of thenx n.ea.r tLe ON THE TRAP LINE. 131 Trappers Buttes, but flnding no calves, we concluded it was probably too early, therefore went into camp in a timbered ravine keeping the elk herd continually in sight, though re- maining our;'.elves unseen to tliem. But shortly after a not entirely unexpected state of affairs ended the novel hunt. A band of White Hat's wandering Santees came along and skughtered every elk in the band. It was a disappointment in a financial way to us as we had been offered five hundred dollars for a pair of healthy young elks, to be delivered at a Northern I'acific railway sta- tion. After the elk fiasco, Smith saddled up and started for the Yellowstone, whil^ I remained and run out a li::e of beaver traps between the Buttes and the Missouri. Here again Castor Fiber, exhibited his wit as bought by experience. Alter catching two or three the first night, they seemed to be thoroughly on their guard. Besides the usual trick of spring- ing the trap with peeled sticks, or turning them bottom side up, they piled stones on them, some weighing several pounds. These beavers, having been educated at the Half Breeds expense, I cheerfu ly yielded to them 132 TWENTY YEARS the advantages derived and pulled out for GrinnelPs ranch near Strawberry Island on the Missouri. In the autumn of 1875^ I made my last trapping raid to the White Earth country^ "Sioux*' Jack and Dickens were my escort on this occasion. We signed and trapped the Little Muddy Riv^er and other streams around Fort Buford. We turned our ponies into the Gros Ventre camp at Old Fort Union, giving their care to "Bony part" their chief. Our intention was. to charter or buy a skiff and trap the Muddy Shute, Strawberry Island and other beaver resorts along the Missouri. The chief as- sured us on leavetaking that the ponies were a. present, that they would not be called for. Setting Bull was just acoss on Cherry Creek with eighty lodges, and Long Dog the Trapper Killer was perambulating along the west side of the Missouri with some "bad young men.'" Believing that the Gros Ventre had some foundation for his earnesi talk, we concluded to notify the woody ard men as we passed along, especially the we«t siders. The first woodyard we touched on our pas- sage was Scotts. on the west side !-ome tc^ ON THE TRAP LINE. 133 miles below Fort Buford. As the day was waning on our arrival, we concluded to camp there. Besides proprietor Scott, we f(nmd Yic Smith the hunter aud Deacon Henmiing- way the tidier, the latter formerly of the Painted Woods. Smith invited me to look over his hunting grounds, and while doing so I explained the Indian situat'on. On the next day after our departure, while the Deacon was busy putting some after din- ner licks into his growing wood pile he was startled by a shot; a painted Indian filling- from behind a tree in fj-ont of him, and a yell from Smith. It was a (Wnie novel episode in its startling actuality. It appears Smith, who had been restingin ll e Deacon's cabin, concluded to go to the };iaiiie edge and kill a deer. He followed the (Id man's path to where he was chopping. He wasglidmg noiselessly along in his moccasins when his quick eye noticed a red object near a tree. He saw that it was a painted Indian and that he was taking a deliberate aim at the Deacon, and was tuo absorbed to notice Smith's approach. What then happened has l,een already described. A -war party of ti" interme- diate between that point arjd I ower or Big Knife River. It is a place of historic interest as being the vicinity of old camping grounds of confederated Indians. It was near this place where the explorers Lewis and Clarn , found the lower village of the Mandans. in October 1804. The shores and neighboring plain is still well marked by the raised circles of eartli where savage life had its time of joys and sor- rows—where the soft voiced maidens danced and sang their wild lullabies in circles in the shadowy twilight of sumniv^r days. Whera the ambitious vv^arrior returned from tlu wjr 13G TWENTY YEARS path to show his spoil and vaunt his deeds; or Fome heart broken mother or wife wail- in<;"ni()nrnfully from some bluff's pinnacle for he wlio went forth to hunt, or do battle, and returned no more. After the remnants of the Mar dans and Ariearees moved to the vicinity of Fort Ber- thold in 185G, the large brush bottoms south of Lake Mandan bectame a resort for numer- ous herds of elk and deer, while the broken buttes west were favarite s-uiRtner pas- ture grounds of the gazelle like antelope Otter, too, though remorcelesslj hunted by the red men, began to appear on a body of water well suited to them. Here, also, im hiding like the deer he huntecl, — passing his. last days in the quiet* of a hermit's life, hid den among the thick willows, — scrowling and soured — wasPartizan, the last heriditary chief of the Wanderers a defunci band of the once numerous Aricarees^. In the centre of Lake Mandan with its growth of sand ridged cottonwood, — a black eagle's nest on the top of the oldest and tall- est, — stands o-ut in bold relief the Haunted Island. An Indian mermaid once floatinl here: to beguile and betray. Assuming all forms^ ON THE TRAP LINE. 137 and appearing sometimes as trysting maid and' sometimes as gay feathered hunter. Could it 1).' t]i:\t t]i(' yoiin.-- clerk McCh-ll;in(l. wli'-ii lif \rl'\ lilt' l;:i!i,h' pliilik of i\ sfrainei- r"u'(l lip foi- ill" uighl oil the Mi«suuri"s bank facing this Islar.d, walked out in the dark- ness to meet the guiles of the watery nymp, decked out as pretty maid ; or w^as seized and dragged through the m'ry depths to the myeteiicus subteranian al cde of the morose but feathery dressed hunter At any event, after he passed beyond the glare of the boats landing torches on that November night 1870 he passed from human sight forever. During the winter of 1S77-8, I visited this lake for mink and otter, aad made profit> - ble catches. These animals liad left the lake and were wintering, as their wont, on the small spring branches. In December 183 ), a h i iti.i ; a 1 1 tr.ip^^'n ; party of five of us making two camps, pro- ceeded to try for a final clean up of water game'. The winter was severe by spells, but deep snows and melting thaws enabled us to kill several deer and trap some foxes, wolves, catamounts, mink and beaver. The writing m3mb3r of th3 firm. Lxwyar 138 TWENTY YEARS If/ ^- < OiSr THE TRAP LINE. 139 Farley, received word from Periot, the Chi- cago furriers, that the large snowy owl was ill demand, and if eanoht. carefully skinned and sln])|)(Ml. llu\\' 1),miil;- woi-th fi-(Mii two to live (lollai'.-> lo!" each l)ii-(1. The White Owl Mountains east of the Missouri, Avas visited for this purpose without success. In Febru- ary the party, less myself, pulled out for Kill De.^r Mountains, in the Little Missouii Bad Lsnds to look for otter sign and kill bear, wliich were reported plenty there. I now remained back to close up the trap- ping and recross the river before the sjDring break up. I was not altogether alone. About one mile above camp; along the river, were two lodges of Aricarees. One lodge was pre- sided over by Good Heart, an Arapahoe, cap- tured when a child by the Aricarees, adopted and brought up as one of their own. The other lodge had for its master Little Bull, a good hunter, who had for his wife the sister of Bob Tailed Bull, the bravest warrior and most noted hunter among all the Aricarees. Little Bull was a frequent visitor to my camp, bringing along his wife and an only son, a bright eyed little fellow of seven or^ight summers. Some picture books I had 110 TWENTY YEARS with me claimed the little fel'ow's attention, and he would hardly enter the cabin before he would ask for the books and pour intently over them during the parents stay. Finally an early March thaw started the water running' over the i;-e. thus obstructing* for a time the ice trail of my visitors. One night soon after, I was awakened by the terrible sounds on the still air of a moun- tain lion. The sounds were located on a low piece of ground, and a visit to the river bank told me the Iion*s trouble. The river was rising rapidly and the animal submerged. The camp was between the river and lake, a dangerous place in a flood. My two ponies were already on the prairie, so tumbled the effects in a bull boat, made out for higher ground . In a day or two the water receded, but I never returned to the cabin. Early one morn- ing while attending some fox baits I saw a band of seven deer and at one stand killed them alL Hunting up the Indians I Tnade them a present of the meat, reserving myself the hides only. I had killed two and three at a stand quite often; had once killed five at one time but tliis was my highest hunter" ci ON THE TRAP LINE. Ul notch. Unknown to the Indians I saddled up the ponies and moved along the river to the Burnt Woods— seven miles below. The new camp was in a laiid slide opposite the Painted Woods bottoms, wliere w^ere Ranchman Merry's cattle and horse herds. One mornmg I awoke, threw off the cover- ing and saw a vast field of ice. It was a gorge caused by the ice of the Yellowstone running under the solid unthawed ice of the Missouri, then four feet thick. It was a prodigous up- heavel spreading out tor miles on either side of the river's natural bed, bearing down and crushing mighty forests of cottonwoods like reeds in a mill pond. A cold wave followed, the river kept rising- higher and extending its banks. About mid- night after gradual raise of forty -eight hours I could hear the dying bellowings, neighs and moar.s, of the freezing and drowning horses and cattle, intermingled with the crash of trees and craunching of ice floes. At daylight the deer, now driven from their Lisi: p3rch.KS on the ' sandhills in the timber, v/ere vainly striving to swim ashore, break- ing the newly frozen ice as they slowdy strug- ling along. Nunibeis haJ reached the bank 142 TWENTY YEARS but others finaly tired out sank down out oi sight. When the channel ice commenced moving, a large floe of it came down witli a])(nit ten deerhangingon the sidt's. Xow and tlien the floe would roll round and loand. or break eachmoveone after another deer disappeared. The silent supplication for life, and the earn- est struggle, was a pitying spectacle. Nor were the troubles of those safely ashore over. Burnt prairies and bitter cold wind kept them close to the bank. They came around my camp, like pleading lambs. They were safe. I harmed none of them, though had I so willed could have probably killed fifty. The truth was my heart softened at the sight. My hunting days were about to end. A few day later I returned to Lake Mandan for a cache of traps. While their the Bear, one of the'members of Good Heart's lodge came to the place where the traps where buried. He told me he almost alone now. Good Hait was taken to the agency, snow blind. Point- my finger to an object like a shaft of stone on a high point of bluffs— a something my eyes had not seen there before. "What is that?" I said. "Oh I that is Little Bull looking for hi& Lawyer Farley, The White Owl Trapper. ON THE TRAP LINE. 143 son," "Looking for his son." I answered. '•Yes he is almost crazy now." Bear replied. Bear then sit down to tell me Avliat had happened. Tlie day after 1 gave thcni tlie seven deer, the ice still firm, rose on the river turtle shaped, giving it a solid appearance be- tween my cabin and ihe Indian lodges. Bull was out and mother and son were alone. "I am going to see Pawnee Talker's books," said the boy, and out the door flap he bolted. The mother thinking him jesting paid no at- tention for some time Becoming uneasy she followed out and took his trail. His little tracks led along the ice ridge until a.n open fissure through the ice to the water was reached and there they suddenly ended. The mother's agonizing screams brought the husband and father. He led His wife away a maniac and in three days she was dead Hanging herself to a lodge pole. "Do you know what I think," said the Bear gravely to me in concluding, "I think that tiiJ Mer.naid stole that boy." lU TWENTY YEARS CHAPTER XVIII. At the Painted Woods. HEADQUARTERS or inore properly, in the trappers' vernacular, ''rendezvous," dur- ing the cksing years of niy trapping experi- ence. ^^-8Sttthe tainted Wocds. Here ina heavy cottonwood forest I erected a stoc- kaded dwelling in 1873, but was destroyed by a great ice gorge froii; the Missouri, the year following. Another less preten^^ious building was erected on its site. This latter stockade passed the iloods and inundations unscathed until 1881, when it followed its predecessor., and by the same route. A part of^each. year was jut in at the let.- desvous, as the game^in tliat neigh boih(.(./d was as plentiful as elsewhere in th. t scciioii of country. Deer, elk and antelope wtie iu abundance up to about the year 187G. Elk, were mostly contioed to the timbv-ie.t bends. Every considerable timber point had. a herd of from ten to twenty, and sometimes as many as forty. Ihey lemained in a i)oiiit (m THE TRAP LINE. Uo until scared, when they were liable to trot off into another section of country altogether. These elk around tli^ Painted Woods, were foi- tlie most i)ai-t netMflessly and wantonlv destroyed. U}) to tJie summer of JS7t. tliere resided in a clump of ehns. now called Fair- man's Homestead, an immense buck elk, vv^ith a heavy pair of horns. Unlike his fel- lows, he refused to be scared away. Reynolds, Blanchard, Little Dan, Archy and hosts of others had ''pumped lead" into the patient heast, but he refused to down. He was named "Bull of the Woods" by some; also "hunters' lead mine." He was believed to lead a charmed life. But the spell was broken. Bull of the Woods was slaughtered. Not by one of these "mighty hunters'^ but by a green little L'ish boy, who fired the first shot of his life, at this woods monarch, and the giant dropped dead from a broken neck. A short distance above the abode of the Bull of ths Woods, lived another wonder to the professional hunter, and this was the "Daer's GlioKt/'or sometimes called the Hid- den v/ood buck, fi'om his appearing Gucasion- .-iJly along the banks" of Hiddenwood Creek, on the high prairies, He was crowned 146 TWENTY YEARS with a mighty pair of antlers, and wore a hairy suit of never changing iron grey. Like the Bull of the Woods, he seemed ini- pervious to the leaden showers of the hunter's rifles. One of these nimrods — Garrett Howe, a-verred the Deer's Ghost circled around him continually on one of his hunts and drew his shots often enough to scare other deer away, thereby keeping him from killing any "•real"' deer. Unlike the eik, he' did not fall from an amateurs rifle, or from any hunter's rifle — white or red, as far as ever known. He dis- appeared from his haunts during the year of the Custer massacre, and about the same time of that event. Antelope, during the flrst few years of my residence at the Woods, were frequently seen around there in large and numei-ous herds. The introduction of long range repeating rifles into that country was death to antelope and buffalo alike. The Missouri river was dividing line for two great communities of antelopes. Those of them that wintered in the Bad Lands west of the river, came to the biutf s and banks near that stream tor early spring feed, and the ON THE TRAP LINE. 147 the females to care for there young. They soon fattened by the nutritious buffalo grass, cincl wQYs the chief early summer food supply of Indians and woudynrd men. Around the Square Buttes. and along the -Missouri, opposite the Painted Woods, were a favorite resort in early summer for the an- tjlope. I had noticed as many as twenty seperate flocks or herds at one time feeding as quietly as sheep. The two hunters Reynolds and Diamond made frequent summer camp to kill these animals and sun dry the meat. It was a wasteful way as but little more than a part of the hams could be used. The antelope on the east side come only to the Missouri, in autumn and winter exactly leversing those en the west side. When the prairies are burned and the snow deep, the poor brutes became starved and poor. In this condition a few winters ago, the east river jintelgpe were destroyed. Starving and weakened antelope saw no mercy in the eyes of starving settlers with long range repeaters a.iicl this beautiful ai.imal has passed out of tlie. pale of game laws enacte I ^ifter their virtual c x'( rnjinaiion in the Dakotc.s. 148 TWENTY YEARS^ The meat eating mcgp"e, were the most nu- merous of the bird kind on my first advent in northern Dakota. They remained all winter and shared with the eagles, ravens and wolves, and foxes, the pickings, from offalst of Inmt- ing eamps. They are birds of neai-ly pigeon size, long tailed, variegated with white, black, and 1) ue plumage. They are very intelligent and great chattei'ers. Tliey often served a. himter instead of a dog: would fly over and ahead of him while hunting, and when deer or elk were located, set up a gTeiit uDisa* wliicli the observing hunter well understood.. Of course the bird expected the entrails for its- services. But laier on when tlie poisoner and the trapper came, these choice bits oi meat th? magpie formerly cluittered so loquatiously over, were turned into instruments of (Unith for tho poor bird. It was not intended for them of coiu'se, bui being a sharer of the subtle banquet speal for th3 foxaaith? wolf^ he unwittingly died for their sake. _About 'the year I87U, every solitary m.xgpiv?= left tliat section of country. They seemed t> to have gone to stay for none have be.^n b.Aclv siuce tlieir heLi,"ira. ON THE TRAP LINE. 149 After the high water had subsided follow- ing- the break-up of 1882, the water in the low point around the stockade remained darned u]> and as a consequence. I made open camp ou a (li-v knoll among the hard wood. Thr water between the camp and residence in consequence of the cold became a mass of ice. While preparing breakfast one morning I heard sounds in the brush above camp about one hundred yards away. The sounds bore on my ears at the time, as that of a combat between two badgers. Breakfast over the !•;( uEcs had ccaeed, I took up the rifle to reconnoiter. On the ice lay an immense buck deer just killed, apparently, with his liams partly eaten. Around and about was the marks of a terrible struggle on the ice, and the huge tracks of two mountain lions. They had run the deer on the ice, where they mastered him, though he made a desperately brave light for his life. The lions satisfied, tied ia dense brush as I came in sijfht. Vriiiie tra})ping along Painted Woods Oreek. in 187(3. I discovered two immense snap])ing turtles near the old military cross- ing, and ^,^]:ot them. Tlu' weight of each 150 TWENTY YEARS luitle was OAxr sixty pounds. I hauled Ihcm to Rhude's Tuitle Valley Ranch where the genial pu I'liftcr gave the meat a t\^ o d } s boilmg without any perceptible effect. The Indians considered their killing almost a. sacrilege. They claimed that tlu^se same two turtles w^ere living and known to their grand- fathers. They believed their destruction boded ill to future poople living along thj banks of these tw^o turtle's former liaunts. ; The fall of 1880, another shot from my rifle, if not so far reaching in its eflacts, w^as at least an odd one. This happened on Lookout Point, back on the bluffs from my residence. A light snow had fallen, and w^iile out hunt; ing spied a fox and shot it. On going to it a mutilated $20 bill dropped from ats jnoiith. I took its back trail, an d in about half of a mile found the place where the fox had picked it up. The smell of grease on the bill had attracted the fox's appetite. Ashufllingof the snow turned up nearly §100 in bills.. Ic bud been lost by a w^agon master of the Fort B.r- holel Agency, two months previous. From the building of the first stockade at the Rendezvous J the place became a c^.-^iij^^- Long Soldier, the Trapper Scarer. War chief of tlie h >.itilo Sioux during the expeditions of Generals Sibley and Sullj into the Sioux country, in 1863-4. ON THE TRAP LIKE. l51 for Indians of different tribes, while passing along the river. During the closing days of the hereditary war l)ptwepn tlie Sioiix and the Tuclians of Foit lu'i-tliold. the ^\•ar piu'tius of the latter frequently stopped there to rest and dry their bull boats. When the war was ended, both parties made it their passing camping ground. — Among the occassional campers was Long Sol- dier the giant chief of the lower Uncpapa Sioux. He was a prominent war chief during the expeditions of General Sully in ISGo-i. H3 said that in the days of his power, he fought to kill soldiers only. With citizens, ti-appers and woodchoppers, he was sat- isfied when he gave them a good scare occa- sionally. He claimed to have frequently interfered to save their lives from the ven- geance of his followers. One dark night in October, 1870, while alone at the Rendezvous, I was disturbed from late reading by the violent barking^of the wntrh dog: but on going out to investigate found nothing. After a short time the bark- ing was again, more violent than lo'2 TWEXTY YEARS over. I took up the i^'un. aiui after ninking- a eirolo arouml the stockade, went to the river bank hut nothing- coiiki be seen. At tliisi re- tririTtYl and entered the lumse. when someone with head niutHed in a bhniket was setting- beft-ire the lighted tirej.vh\ee. and deii^ned not to notire n»y approach. I knew tliat habit was Indian, though I quirt ly asked in En^-Jish who was there. Xo answtM'. 1 tlien asked the same in Sioux, still tu^ answer. 'Hun in Ariearee. At this the iloure ariose. dr(>pped the bUu>ket UKisk. and reverded an Indian woman in tears. **nv)n'r voukui^w me:*' she s(4>biHl. "I am Mrs. ." 1 knew her. I remembt^'ed her. as but vesteuhiy tlie liandsome luvlian wife of a rich white trader: a position where every her want antieipatevl. every whim ^-ratified- A pv>sitioiu too. Ml at brought envy that ;\i>ened on tlie reckoning:. Her luisband was ambitious and proud. He was brave as a lion in batth\ but in t'acii:g- the social worhi and its imperious h\w, a c.nv- ard. When that section was liulian hmd and under Indian d*.>minion. his Indian wife who. as a queen among her tribe, he delighted to di> her honor. But now with his own race h^ ii- inaiit aiifl thf^y tht5 n^fi racj', }it not l)f' l^'ssojieil oc })is sori.'iJ st;iiHlin<4' impaired. Tonr lii(li;ii) \vl;;it of licr. She li;i(| rciturned to \\ 'V |)'M)})le to \)('y r(Mii(;uled— misfortune nior ; oft ;n l)rin;^s that, tlian sirnpathy — from e](;^aiit mansion or Truiian ](;s(5t by drunken men; had fled in deep timber and lay hi(Jir)^- witliout (.'atiii;^ for two days. Sfi ; remain (3d at rny jdace until I could cojrnnunicate with her friends, when she Avas '^ taken to the a;^ency. If f'vcr- I w IS tl r jwn in tlie preseence of a broken h(3art, it was during the few chiys stay of this Indian woman at the stockad(3. Her ])!f';eliri;^s that she might see her children once again — for they had been taken long ago to a distant Stat j— ring yet in my ears \u i'li Hess c'lim'^. 'Hiough sh<' was at this time comparatively young, healthy and strong, y(!t but a few I .oiitlis pnss(-l whfn Sharj) Hot-fi, the medi- ; 154 TWENTY YEARS "^^^^ - cine man or chief priest of the Aricareesr, came to me to say tiie woman was dead. ''She cried herself," he said ''into her grave." In some of these closing- pagvs 1 shown how the deer, elk, and antelop destroyed in one section. Throughout t west, it was very much the same u Great Plains are no long-er reckoned one of the wild game preserves in the 1 Wild buffalo have many years since, out of the wild game lists forever. In the Dakotas, the poisoning of the little fox-like swift, g^ave the gT)phers a chance to mutiply by the million, and thousands of acres of grain are annually destroyed. To save their crops poisoned seeds are sown broadcast, and birds of all kinds must suffer. Among the birds thus disappearing is the little yellow breasted prairie lark, prized for its song of four notes, which it sings so s^weetly every suim^iier morning. It will be sadly missed by the lonely prairie denizens in that half desert land. THE. END,