Bulletin No. 17. (Dairy No. 8.) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SF 241 .P5 Copy i BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. FEB 34 1837 DAIEY SCHOOLS R. A. PEARSON, B. S., Assistant Chief of Dairy Division. Under tlie direction of Dr. D. E. SALMON, Cliief of 1 h.e Bureau of* Animal IrKjLusI i-y. WASHINGTON" : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. Book rp_5_ Bulletin No. 17. i Dair.\ N*o. 8.) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. DA IKY SCHOOLS K. A. PEARSON, B. S., Assistant (' An Lma 1 Industry WASHINGTON.: . .... GOVERNMENT PRINTING iofgjfite. 1896. OCT 20 1906 D, of a J LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington. I>. C, November 13, 1896. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of an article on "Dairy Schools," prepared under the supervision of Henry E. Alvord, Chiet of Dairy Division of this Bureau, and to recommend its early publication as a bulletin of this office. Dairy schools have been established in this country only a few years, but the good results of their work are already apparent. Many dairymen do not know of these schools or have only a vague idea of them, and it is the purpose of this bulletin to spread information on these points and to show some of the advantages of special training in dairy lines. An appendix to the bulletin contains statements of the facilities for instruction in dairying in the States and Territories. Respectfully, I). E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Hon. J. Sterling Morton, /Secretary of Agriculture. 3 CONTENTS. Page Dairy instruction 7 Purpose of dairy schools 8 Method of conducting dairy schools 9 Requirements for admission 13 Certificates and prizes 13 Cost of dairy course 15 Equipment 16 Advantages of a dairy course 18 Advantages of dairy schools to the public. -1 Appendix 23 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Pl. I.— Fig. 1. Dairy hall, New York 16 Fig. 2. Dairy hall, Wisconsin 16 11. — Fig. 1. Churning room, dairy short course, Wisconsin 16 Fig. 2. Operating separators, creamery course, Wisconsin 16 III.— Fig. 1. Pasteurizing milk. Illinois 16 Fig. 2. Cheese room, Minnesota 16 IV— Fig. 1. Milk laboratory, Minnesota, 16 Fig. 2. Live stock lecture room, Minnesota 16 FIGURES. « Fig. 1. Receiving and sampling milk, College creamery, Iowa 16 FlG. 2. College creamery at Fargo, N. Dak 18 DAIRY SCHOOLS. DAIRY INSTRUCTION. The fact that a young man has attended a dairy school and has suc- cessfully completed the course there offered, commends him to anyone looking for a person to fill a responsible position in a creamery or cheese factory or to take charge of a farm dairy. Scientific education in agri- cultural lines is no longer looked upon as impracticable and useless, and the one possessing it is not now necessarily considered a- theorist; on the contrary, education is regarded with more and more favor, it is recognized that practice and science are closely connected, and yield the best results when they are made to depend upon each other; rules of thumb can not compete with applied science. So far as special training is concerned, dairying is not different from other lines of industry, and in these times of rapid scientific and technical advance- ment and severe competition in all trades and professions, it is found that the butter and cheese maker and the dairyman are as much in need of the best and latest information relating to their work as the horticulturist or mechanic or tradesman is in need of the latest knowl- edge in his line. Modern advances in dairy knowledge have been rapid; the scientist and inventor have caused the apparatus and routine in use a quarter of a century ago to be almost entirely discarded and replaced by more profitable machinery and more accurate methods. Although inventions of improved dairy machinery and scientific investigations in the field of dairying are comparatively recent, important discoveries and cor- responding changes in methods of work have already been made. It is probable that these improvements have not much more than begun, and the results that have been obtained and will be obtained are cer- tain to have a marked effect on the production and care of all dairy products. It is well known that the methods of butter making prac- ticed twenty years ago can no longer be followed with profit; with modern aids more butter can be made from a given amount of milk of a given quality than it was then possible to produce. Another feature of dairying which has undergone great change in late years is the market value of dairy products. The prices of milk, butter, and cheese have recently been so low and the cost of production 8 has so nearly equaled the market values of the products most econom- ically produced, that it has become absolutely necessary to turn every- thing in dairy operations to the greatest possible gain if one would succeed in profitably producing milk, butter, or cheese. Skill and keen judgment are constantly required by the successful dairyman ; no simply imitative methods can be depended upon if the best results are expected. The changing conditions of the dairy industry, viz, its rapid advances in means and methods of manufacture, larger production of goods not always the best, and severe competition, have seemed to make it neces- sary to provide some places for giving instruction in the most advanced dairy methods. Dairy schools have been established to meet this press- ing need, and their establishment marks an important era in the history of agricultural education. Soon after the organization of agricultural colleges it was learned that they could not reach, through the long courses, the great majority of dairymen and butter and cheese makers who needed practical and theoretical instruction. Shorter courses were offered, with varying success, and it was finally decided to give instruc- tion in dairying alone for a few weeks each winter. This departure has proved to be a boon to dairying. Dairy schools are now found in every State where dairying is a prominent industry, and other States are ready to give similar opportunities for dairy instruction as soon as it is needed. These schools are usually connected with State agricultural colleges which furnish instructors and equipment. In a few States splendid buildings have been erected for the single purpose of dairy teaching. In other States creameries or cheese factories or buildings containing both have been erected for the practical operations, and class-room work is conducted in the college buildings. Schools with the largest equipment are naturally located in the chief dairy States. PURPOSE OF DAIRY SCHOOLS. It is the purpose of dairy schools to teach young men or women, in a short time, as much as possible of the theory of the different lines of work connected with dairying; and these theories are illustrated, so far as practicable, in actual practice at the churn, cheese vat, or other apparatus. They aim to so equip one who has had some practical work that he will be able to take full charge of a plant and make the best possible product. And they attempt to teach one who has had little or no practical training the things that it took his father many years to learn. They aim to improve the quality of our dairy products and to reduce the cost of their production by teaching new and advanced principles, together with methods which have been proven to yield the best results. There is no reason why'as good butter or cheese can not be produced in this country as is made in any part of the world, yet it is a painful fact that, while many of our manufactured products excel all of their kind made in other lauds, our dairy products can not com- pete in foreign markets with the butter and cheese of several coun- tries. Our successful competitors depend on their herds for their daily bread. They realize that it is to their interest to thoroughly under- stand every step in their work and have carefully organized systems of dairy instruction which have been conducted for years. It is not the purpose of short dairy courses to displace longer courses in agriculture. Each has its own place in the field of agricultural instruction, and dairy schools occupy a place that had been practically vacant. The long course of agriculture which requires four years for completion is thorough and comprehensive, and if one desiring dairy training can take that it is undoubtedly the best thing to do. Four years is none too much time to devote to the study of dairying and closely allied subjects. If it is possible to spend only two years and few outside subjects are taken, a good training can be obtained in that time. By taking these longer courses one can obtain all the instruc- tion given in the short course and a great deal more; in fact, he has an opportunity to learn much that is now known of dairying and at the same time gain a fair knowledge of agriculture, chemistry, bacteriology, and other subjects allied to dairying and of general importance and interest. But the full course in agriculture or a special course of one or two years requires time and money for preparation and completion, and it is, therefore, beyond the means of many to take either of them. There is a large class of ambitious young men and women who can not afford a long course at college, and of others who are not interested in anything but dairying, strictly. With many the time is limited and they prefer to become as proficient as possible in one line, rather thau attempt to get a few ideas in several different lines. It is tor such as these, chiefly, that short dairy courses have been arranged, and it is endeavored to place them within the reach of all, as one of the first necessary steps toward the improvement of our dairy products is edu- cation of the many makers of butter and cheese. Each one must be properly trained, and schools adapted to but a few could not accomplish that end. The daily schools receive without special preparatiou any who are actually engaged in making butter or cheese, or who intend to make that their business. The work is so arranged that an intelligent person can get great help by devoting all his time for a few weeks to the study of dairy methods under the guidance of competent instructors. It must not be thought that all the complexities of dairying can be learned in a few weeks or months, but in this short period many useful ideas. advanced principles and methods can be obtained. METHOD OF CONDUCTING DAIRY SCHOOLS. As the most active season of dairying is in the spring, summer, and tall months, the period of work of the dairy schools has been placed in the winter, thus enabling many who are in charge of factories to finish the season's work, take the course, and open the factory the following 10 spring - , while others whose factories run the whole year can be relieved of the work for a few weeks in winter more easily than any other time. The schools being - established for those who can attend but a short period, the work is so planned that on each week day the student's time is fully occupied. Care is taken to have the scientific and practi- cal instruction so closely related that one will help the other in the daily work. The student is not only told in lectures how to make good butter and cheese, but he is shown the complete process and perforins the work himself until familiar with it. After he learns the principles of making a first-class product he is shown how to judge or score it, a blank like the following being used: Blank used for judging butter at the Wisconsin Dairy School. Report by Date 189 Scale of points. Flavor 40 Oram :J0 Color 15 Salt 10 Package 5 Total 100 This is an important exercise and a great help in detecting just where an error was made in the process of manufacture. It is also an aid to understand the expert criticisms of the product after it has reached market. The subjects in which instruction is given depend largely on the con- dition of dairying in the State where a school is located. General lec- tures on dairying are given at all schools, and instruction in the use of the Babcock and lactometer tests and in butter making is always given. Cheese making is an important industry in only a few States, and the fullest instruction in that branch may be expected in those States where the most cheese is made. The pasteurization and sterilization of milk with different kinds of machines, and the preparation of milk for the retail city market, are taught in some States. A few schools have most excellent facilities for advanced work and original investigation in dairy lines, and students who are proficient in the elementary work are encouraged to take up something more advanced. The science of dairying offers a promising field for investigation and good reward for successful work. Many short-course students have become so interested in this that they have been led to take a full four years' course in agriculture after completing the short course, and have become leading authorities on agricultural matters in their communi- ties. Sufficient practical engineering is giveu in some schools to enable one to do his own steam fitting, plumbing, belting, and simple repair- ing. Some bacteriology is taught and an effort made to impress the 11 fact that bacteria are the chief cause of good or harm in the dairy. Under the head of chemistry, is taught the composition of milk and its products and the relations of their several rrnrts. In a few cases stu- dents have opportunity to perform some simple operations in milk analysis, thus making a better impression on their minds than can be done by lectures alone. The class usually assembles at 8 o'clock in the morning to take one or more lectures, which are intended to cover much more ground than the practical work. Some of the subjects discussed and which were not mentioned above are breeds, breeding, feeding aud animal nutri- tion, selecting and judging cattle, manures, farm buildings, market quotations and requirements, veterinary science, law, and creamery bookkeeping. Special attention is given to the lectures directly bearing on the daily practical work. The importance of having the best milk is clearly shown. All the details of handling milk both before and after delivery to the factory are explained. These include milking, straining, aerat- ing, cooling, care previous to delivery, and hauling to factory; also the receipt of milk at the factory, the examining, weighing, sampling, and conducting to milk vat. The lectures on testing milk briefly describe the simplest tests which have been used and fully explain the method devised by Dr. Babcock. The payment for milk according to its fat content is explained and illustrated, in the lectures on butter making, every step of the work from taking the milk from the vat to shipping butter to the market is fully described. The lectures on cheese making cover that subject from the receipt of the milk to the shipment of cheese. Instruction is usually given in cheddar-cheese making only, but in some schools the manufacture of several kinds of cheese is described. The advantages, disadvantages, and best methods of pasteurization and sterilization are explained in some courses of lectures. The proper method of constructing dairy buildings is discussed, special importance being given to the sanitary side, the disposal of skim milk and waste products, laying of drains, etc. The part of the instruction upon which most dependence is placed is the practical work. It is by means of this that new ideas are most effectually fixed in the minds of students. This should never be con- sidered as manual labor, as it is not that in any sense. When the class room work is completed different sections of the class are assigned to various duties in connection with practical dairy work, such as receiv- ing milk, tending to separators, churning, cheese making, and pasteur- izing aud testing milk, and the assignments of the different sections are changed regularly, so that each student has an opportunity to gain experience in each branch of the work. In some schools the class is divided into three sections, each section working in the butter room, cheese room, and laboratory by turns. These sections are again divided into smaller sections and assigned by the instructor to perform different 12 duties; for example, of those assigned to the butter room some take charge of the separators, others attend to the churning, while others print and pack butter. All the work is executed under the immediate supervision of a competent instructor and careful attention to details is required. When a student is assigned to any duty a report blank is given him similar to those here shown. It provides for reporting each step in the work, and thus teaches accuracy and observation. Blank used for milk-testing report at the New Fork Dairy School. R.-port by Date, ,189 . No. of sample. No. of bottle. Lactometer reading. Tempera tu re. Specific gravity at 60° F. Per cent of fat. Solids-not- fat. Adulteration, kind and amount. Date, Blank used for separator report at the Iowa Dairy School. By Temperature of milk when received Temperature separated Which separator used St art ed separator at Reached full speed at Fat in skim milk 5 minutes alter starting . Fat in skim milk 30 minutes after starting. Fat in skim milk 1 hour after starting Soiids-not-fat in skim milk 1 hour after starting Fat in cream 1 hour after starting Speed of separator 5 minutes after start- ing Speed of separator 30 minutes after start- Speed of separator 1 hour after starting rounds of milk run through per hour.. Temperature of skim milk Temperature of cream Temperature of cream in vat Temperature of water surrounding vat . Remarks: Blank used for cheese-making report at the New York Dairy School. Report by Date, 189 Vat used Condition of milk Weight of milk Rennet test for ripeness Temperature set Amount of rennet used Rate of rennet per 1,000 pounds milk Hot iron test when dipped Hot iron test when ground Weight of salt used Rate of sale per 1,000 pounds milk Rer cent of fat in milk Per cent of fat in whey Weight of fat lost Kind ot cheese Nnmlier made Weight of green cheese Weight of milk for 1 pound green cheese. Serial number Tune set Time of first curdling Minutes taken Time cut Minutes taken Time steam turned on Minutes taken Time steam turned off Minutes taken in raising to degrees. Time dipped Minutes taken Timo ground Minutes taken Time salted M mutes taken Time putto press Whole time for setting Time dressed Time taken from press Length of time in press Remarks: Farm dairying, or the making of dairy products on a small scale, is usually taught in the short course of agriculture with other subjects, 13 such as horticulture, general agriculture, and entomology. In most of the States where the factory industry is not extensive and the classes in dairying are not too large, the farm dairy instruction is given in con- nection with the creamery and cheese factory work. In this course it is endeavored to show how to make good butter in small amounts and with ordinary utensils, such as are found on the average dairy farm, as well as with the most approved aids. Lectures are usually given on breeding, feeding, and judging dairy cattle, management of the dairy, diseases of the dairy cow, the composition of milk, and the manufac- ture of dairy products. Practical work is included in separating cream by gravity and by hand separators, and making butter in small amounts and preparing it for the market. These courses have enabled many farmers to so improve their butter as to increase its price 2 or 3 cents a pound. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. The entrance requirements to dairy schools are such as to debar no worthy person who really desires to attend. Any person of good char- acter who wishes to study dairying and is capable of understanding the lectures and doing the practical work will be admitted to almost any school. In some cases there are age requirements, and in ;i few instances examinations are given or statements must be presented showing that the applicant has had a certain amount of experience in a cheese factory or creamery. These easy entrance requirements, how- ever, should not encourage anyone who is not fitted for the work to attempt to take it. An applicant should be at least 1<> years old, and it is well to have some knowledge of farm and dairy methods, although some of the best results have been shown by ambitious young men from the city who knew nothing of cattle or milk before taking the course. One should be possessed of a common school education, be able to read and write, and understand fractions, percentage, and deci- mals. Without such knowledge it is possible to make good butter or good cheese, but not possible to take charge of testing milk or appor- tioning dividends. Each student entering a dairy short course should have a strong desire to become expert in some part of the work, and this fact should be kept m mind throughout the course. Women are usually admitted to the schools on the same conditions as men. They have always been interested in the farm dairy, and are now successfully taking charge of large dairy plants. It would seem a great mistake to exclude anyone engaged in dairying from attending a dairy school, which should be ready to aid as man}' as possible. CERTIFICATES AND PRIZES. Certificates are awarded by some schools to students successfully completing the course. These do not necessarily recommend the holder to fill auy position in a creamery or cheese factory, but usually simply 14 state that be has creditably finished the prescribed work. Such a one is here shown: Certificate awarded by the Xeie Hampshire Dairy School. This certifies that has been a regularly enrolled member of the dairy school of this college during the session of 1X9 — , has attended the lecture courses, has done the prescribed work with the separators and churns and in milk testing, and has been found proficient by his instructors in the exercises required. Given at , , this day of , 189 — . Professor of Agriculture. Creamery Instructor. [seal.] Countersigned: President of the College. A student may finish the work of the dairy school and be able to make the best butter or cheese under similar conditions as were there afforded him, but he can not always do as well under the adverse cir- cumstances sometimes met by practical butter and cheese makers. To successfully cope with all conditions long experience is required. Sometimes the certificate is not given until the student has had one or two seasons of practical work, concerning which a blank statement similar to the following is filled out and sent in monthly: Blank used for report in creamery work by the Wisconsin Dairy School. Report by for the month of , 1S9 — . Name of creamery in which you work Location of creamery: P. O , County , State Nearest railway station What position do you hold, first man or helper? Is creamery cooperative or private? Number of patrons Number of cows Pounds of milk received daily Distance to next creamery or cheese factory Distance from creamery to farthest patron Are dividends made according to the per ceut of fat in the milk ? I >o you use composite test? How often is each patron's milk tested? What is the highest per cent of fat found in any patron's milk during this month?.. What is the lowest per cent of fat found in any patron's milk during this month?.. . .\\crage fat in mixed milk from all patrons What separator is used? About what proportion of cream is taken? At what temperature is milk separated? How much milk is separated per hour ? What per cent of fat is left in skim milk? Have you been troubled by separator churning the cream? How is cream ripened? How long is cream held before churning? At what temperature is cream kept? At what temperature is it churned ? 1 low long on the average is cream churned ? Is butter worked once or twice? How much salt is used? What kind of salt do you use ? Are you bothered with mottled butter ? 15 How much f:it is left in buttermilk? What per cent lactic acid is in cream when churned (Mann's acid test, or Fairing- ton's tablet) ? How much butter, packed ready for market, is made from one pound of fat, as shown by test? How much butter has been sold during the month? State highest, lowest, and average prices obtained How much is charged per pound for making ? Do patrons take back skim milk? How is skim milk divided among patrons? Remarks : Iii addition to this lie is visited at his factory by his former dairy instructors, whose reports must show that the factory is well conducted. A certificate based on these conditions is a valuable thing - , and of course a great aid in securing a position. The practice of giving prizes to the best students has been adopted in some schools. The award of these prizes is based entirely on the work done at the school. They furnish an incentive to put forth one's best efforts and they make the school work more interesting by causing friendly competition. It has been the custom m some schools of England to give the best students an extended and advanced course without cost. COST OF DAIRY COURSE. In a few cases tuition is required of all students admitted to the dairy course, but this is never a large amount, rarely exceeding $15. A deposit of from $2 to $5 is usually made to cover any loss by breakage, and the amount of this remaining unused is returned to the student at the end of the term. Each member of the course is given a full set of glassware for testing milk, and if he meets with no accident and returns a complete set he receives back the entire amount of his deposit. If a few pieces are broken, enough is deducted from the deposit to replace them and the remainder is returned. Board and room can be found at prices varying from .$2.50 to $5 per week and laundry work costs about 50 cents more each week. Most schools require students to wear white suits when at work in the dairy building. Those made of white duck, similar to the ones worn by painters, are very satisfac- tory and can usually be obtained for $1 a suit. Each student should have at least two suits. The incidental expenses depend largely on the individual; they can be kept quite low if necessary. It is thus seen that the total cost of attending a dairy school is very reasonable — exclusive of the railroad fare in going and returning — it may even be as low as $25. With few exceptions §50 will cover the entire outlay. Some energetic young men have been able to make a large part of their expenses while attending such a school by working in the barns and on the farms connected with the college, but it is not safe to depend on this unless assured beforehand that work can be obtained, as there are seldom as many positions as persons seeking them. 1G In the brief statements of the schools, in the appendix, the esti- mated amount of the required expense in each case is given. Laundry and incidentals are not included. Each student should have a few blank books for taking notes in the lectures and laboratories. The price of board and room varies with the location and the accommoda- tions offered; the lowest price is usually stated. EQUIPMENT. A few schools are equipped with buildings which have been erected at the expense of the States for the purpose of dairy instruction only. These buildings are as complete and perfect in construction and as fine in appearance as other college buildings and lack nothing in arrange- Fig. 1. — Receiving and sampling milk, college creamery, Iowa. ment or equipment which would aid in the purpose for which they are intended (PI. I). They contain both lecture rooms and work rooms, also laboratories, reading rooms, libraries, bath rooms, and dressing rooms. Each building is so arranged that all the work connected with butter making is done in a part by itself, and practical cheese making- is carried on in another part. The work rooms are arranged as nearly as possible like a modern creamery or cheese factory. The receiving room (fig. 1) contains a receiving can, scales, various arrangements for taking samples of milk, and milk vats or conductors leading to vats in Bui. 1 7, Bureau of Animal Industry Plate I. Fig. 1.— Dairy Hall, New York. Fig. 2.-Dairy Hall, Wisconsin. Bui. 1 7, Bureau of Animal Industry. Plate II. Fig. 1.— Churning Room, Dairy Short Course, Wisconsin. Fig. 2. -Operating Separators, Creamery Course, Iowa. Bui 17, Bureau of Animal Indust Plate III Fig. 1.— Pasteurizing Milk, Illinois. Fig. 2.- Cheese Room, Minnesota. Bui. 17, Buieau of Animal Industry Plate IV. Fig. l-Milk Laboratory. Minnesota. Fig. 2.— Live Stock Lecture Room. Minnesota 17 another room. The butter room (PI, II) is fitted with all the apparatus necessary to make large or small amounts of butter — separators, cream ripening vats, churns, and butter workers, and usually different styles of each kind of machinery are iu use, so that several squads can be working- at the same time on the same kind of work, but with varied appliances. Each student changes from one kind of apparatus to another until he becomes familiar with all. Manufacturers frequently loan dairy machinery to the schools, thus getting a good opportunity to make their implements known, while the equipment of the school is increased and improved. In the cheese room (PI. Ill, fig. 2) are found small cheese vats and all the accessories necessary in cheese making. In connection with this room is the curing room, where it is customary to keep careful record of the heat and moisture conditions throughout the term. The laboratory (PI. IV, fig. 1) resembles in many respects a chemical laboratory. Long benches are provided with drawers and closets, sinks, hot and cold water, and gas. Numerous testing machines run by direct steam jets, belt, and hand power are placed in the laboratory. Jars of sulphuric acid with rapid measuring arrangements for use in filling test bottles and apparatus for the acid tests and other experimental and chemical work have their place in this room. Each student keeps the glassware necessary for testing milk, cream, and skim milk in his own locker. Usually the lactometer and acid tests are used, and some of the earlier known rapid fat tests are sometimes shown. The reading room and library contain numerous dairy papers and books, herd books, etc. When special rooms are provided for instruction in farm dairying they are equipped with hand churns and separators, the conditions being made as near like those of a model farm dairy as possible. A special room is used for the engine and boiler, and instruction may here be given in firing, steam fitting, plumbing, and the care of the engine. (PI. II, fig. 1.) The lecture room is fitted with seats, having a wide folding arm rest suitable for holding a notebook. Blackboards and (harts are on the wall for use in illustrating the lectures. A live stock lecture room (PI. IV, fig. 2) is now in use in a few schools. It contains a large platform where animals can be brought in full view of the class and their peculiar and prominent points of excellence or failure discussed. Schools not equipped with buildings as above described usually oper- ate a creamery and perform all practical work iu a building by itself. and conduct class-room work in other buildings. The fact that they have no costly structure is not evidence that they can not give good dairy instruction. (PI. Ill, fig. 1.) (See fig. 2. text.) Most dairy schools control herds of cows which furnish a part of their milk supply. In some cases these are pure bred, and the herd may contain animals of several different breeds; in other cases grade herds are kept with the intention of illustrating how a good herd can 7188— No. 17 2 18 bo built up from native stock at little or no more expense than is required to keep an ordinary herd with no improvement from year to year. The advantage of having cows of the best types, and medium good and poor animals, is evident. Fig 2 College creamery at Fargo, N. Dak. Other facilities which aid in giving dairy instruction consist of col- lege and experiment station libraries and farms well equipped with buildings and machinery, silos, feed cutters, grinders, and, frequently, electric power. The associations formed at dairy schools may become of great value long after the course is ended. ADVANTAGES OF A DAIRY COURSE. The benefits of a dairy course are so many that only a part of them can be mentioned here. The chief advantage of any kind of education is that it trains one to think. Dairymen should know why as well as how, and the one who understands the reasons for each of the steps in making dairy products is the one who most successfully meets unex- pected and unfavorable conditions when they occur. Good operators who can think and who possess some original resources are wanted by creamery and cheese factory managers. The latter are not slow to learn that an employee, understanding practical dairy work and capable of sound reasoning, is worth much more than the one who acts mechanic- ally. If the skim milk or whey can be made to test one-tenth per cent less in butter fat, they want the man who can do it. There is a demand for good dairymen, and it is doubtful if many up-to-date butter makers or cheese makers can be found in the army of "educated unemployed;" such men are needed in too many places. The best students from the 1!) dairy schools are usually successful in securing first-class positions; in fact, the schools are sometimes unable to till all the positions referred to them because of the lack of candidates. Another benefit of special dairy training is, it makes one more inde- pendent. It frequently happens that the profits from a dairy concern can be much increased by changing the kind of product. If the butter market is depressed, it may be well to manufacture cheese foi a time, or if the milk market is flooded, it will very likely be advantageous to the shipper or the dealer to make batter or cheese for a few days, until normal conditions of the market are resumed. This matter of being able to change at the right time may save many dollars' worth of milk which would otherwise be a total loss. A great advantage of dairy schools is that they teach the same methods to all students, and in this way have much influence in making dairy products more uniform. Butter and cheese have been justly criticised for lack of this quality, but greater uniformity is already noticed as the result of dairy school training. Though several different lots of butter, alike except in minor particulars, may be equally good, they do not sell as well on the market as they would if more alike. When the makers in any section have been trained to rjpen their cream in the same way, churn it at the same stage, use salt and color in the same degree, and pack the product in the same way, material benefits will accrue to all the creameries in that community. From a financial standpoint a short dairy course may be regarded by an ambitious person who is much interested in dairying as a good investment. Many earnest men and women, limited in both time and money, have been able to help themselves very considerably by making the most of a few weeks at a dairy school. It must be remembered that tact and skill and keen interest in the work are necessary; without these the manager of a new and promising dairy enterprise may ruin it, but with them an ordinary place may be made to prosper and be a source of great profit to the community. Many rundown and strug- gling creameries are scattered through the country; often their unpros- perous condition is due to a small supply of milk — this is beyond the control of the operator. But the trouble is sometimes in the factory itself, and in such a case an intelligent, energetic operator is usually the one thing needed. A few cases may be cited showing how dairy schools have benefited individuals. A young man who had spent all his life at ordinary farm work and had very little knowledge of dairy methods took a ten weeks' creameryman's course and at its close obtained a position in a creamery paying $50 a month for ten months in the year. Before taking the course he had been getting $25 about eight mouths each year. Fifty dollars covered his entire expense at the school and by the outlay of this amount he more than doubled his income. The next winter he returned to the dairy school, heard the lectures a second 20 time, repeated a part of the work, and took some advanced study. He then secured a position which paid him $55 per month with house rent free. The creamery of which this young man has charge has a neat, tidy appearance. He is agreeable to patrons and has the reputa- tion of beiug the best creameryman in the community. If one has had no practical experience in factory work he should endeavor to get at least one season's work as helper to a first-class maker. A man about 30 years of age had spent his life at general farm work. He decided to learn butter making and took a short dairy course, at the completion of which he became helper in a creamery at $27 a month. The next year he was butter maker in another creamery at a salary of $50 per month, and the next year, with one helper, he took charge of a large plant at a salary of $00 per month and free house rent. The beginning of this improvement was a determination to excel in dairy work, and the first act was to attend a short dairy course which cost, in all, about $50. A young man who had just finished school attended a three months' daiiy course at a total cost oi nearly $75. The next summer he took full charge of a creamery receiving 12,000 pounds of milk a day, and besides making the butter kept the books and apportioned payments on the basis of fat delivered. His butter was awarded both first and second premiums in a close contest at the county fair. He was paid $65 a month. The next year he took full charge of a large creamery pro- ducing almost a ton of butter a day and had three assistants, — salary $80 per month. Similar examples could be given of cheese makers receiving much help by a dairy school training and the marked success of young women could also be cited. At a recent Western State fair more than half the premiums on dairy products were taken by students holding dairy school certificates. These illustrations are given to show that a short scientific training in dairying can be made good use of by a practical person who wishes to learn more of creamery or cheese-factory work. Special dairy training can be a means of just as great profit to the dairy farmer as to the factory operator. The butter produced on farms is far from perfect. As a rule, it sells for several ceuts less than the "best creamery," although some farmers receive the highest market price for their product. It is not an uncommon occurrence for two tanners living close together, having the same kind of stock and the same advantages for dairying, to differ 50 per cent in the profits from their herds. Lack of uniformity is a chief criticism of farm dairy butter. This is mainly due to different methods in the care of milk and cream and in making the butter, and defects resulting from the incom- petency of the maker. The dairy school offers to the busy farmer or any member of his family a quick and cheap way of learning the best methods. The value of farm dairy butter 'should be materially increased; this can be easily done, and would mean many thousands of 21 additional dollars to farmers. Farm dairy butter i s often excellent in all points but one or two, winch could be easily corrected. For example, it may not be well packed, though all right in other' particulars; in such a case the use of a better package may raise the price a few cents per pound. Neat packages of well-made butter have been the means of lifting many mortgages. Dairying has recently come to be regarded as the most profitable branch of agriculture in many localities where grain raising or general farming had been the leading occupation and farmers have been com- pelled to give their chief attention to their herds. Those who have not been in the business long, or have never put their best effort into it, little appreciate the great losses due to poor methods in feeding, selecting, and caring for stock and preparing the product for market. It has been shown repeatedly that one cow may easily produce twice the butter of another, making her profit more than double the profit from the poor cow. The lectures and practical work on selecting, judging, and managing stock give valuable instruction on these mat- ters. It is claimed that the fat which remains in the skim milk and buttermilk on farms would increase the yield of farm dairy butter 25 per cent if it could be saved. Nearly all of this can be saved by the careful practice of modern methods. ADVANTAGES OF DAIRY SCHOOLS TO THE PUBLIC. Dairy schools are a benefit to the public as well as to the few indi- viduals who attend them for instruction. In countries where they have been in operation for many years this is very evident, and in parts of this country the benefits may already be seen. Each school becomes a center for advanced dairy thought and each successive year, as class after class goes out, its influence is widened. Every student carries new ideas to his home, and though some may make little use of the training others will make much of it, both in their own work and in helping their neighbors. The creamery or cheese-factory operator occupies a peculiar place in the community; he is in a position to do much more than simply receive milk from the patrons and manufacture the product. If he understands the care and feeding of cows, the com- pounding of rations, value of manures, and, especially, the proper care of milk before its delivery at the factory, his advice on these things is of great value to the fanners whom he meets daily. The more the influence of these schools can be spread the greater will be their good to the public. Besides the community in which they are located, they benefit distant consuming communities by improving and cheapening dairy products. If the money expended in the support of dairy schools is well used, a small amount of it is capable of doing great good. Many schemes have been proposed for aiding schools in the instruction of dairymen. In England traveling dairy schools have been tried with some success. 22 Dairymaids are sent out to remain on a single farm several days, teaching the best methods of conducting the dairy with whatever appliances may be at hand. With some persons sufficient interest is aroused to lead them to take a short course at a dairy school. This system of instruction could be followed with profit in parts of this country, especially in the outlying districts. If means were avail- able, capable instructors might be advantageously employed for the entire year, spending the winter at dairy schools and the remaining months in the field. Valuable service for the State could be rendered by visiting farms and factories and showing in each place how the best product can be made under the conditions furnished. It is an excellent plan for dairy school instructors to visit their students after the completion of the course, when they have taken up practical work, to aid them in putting into practice the ideas gamed at the school and to sec if conditions exist which permit successful work. The importance of instruction in farm dairying is very great. About 85 per cent of the butter produced in this country is made on farms, and as the quality of our dairy products as a whole can not be much improved until this large proportion shows improvement, the need is very evident of offering every inducement to learn to those who make butter in small amounts on the home farm. Several agencies have been used to supplement the efforts of the dairy schools in this line. Dairy conferences have been held in this country and good results thus accomplished. Courses of reading similar to the Chautauqua courses have been started; these might be directed from the dairy schools. Systematic instruction can also be given by correspondence. APPENDIX Brief statements follow, showing the facilities for instruction in dairy- ing now offered in the several States. Some schools receive generous support from the States in which they arc located, and have everything necessary to enable them to do much good work. In other States the equipment is not on an elaborate scale; in a few there are no dairy schools, as there seems to be no demand for them. When the need for widespread education in dairy lines is better understood and the good results which accrue from such education are better appreciated, even more facilities for instruction will be offered than is the case to-day. In the statements following, the names and locations of the different schools are given, together with the officers in charge and the proper officials to address for further information. The different courses of study which are offered are briefly described, flic approximate cost of these courses stated, and certain features of the equipment referred to. In States where a large number of people are interested in dairying the classes at the dairy schools are usually large, and there is a correspond- ingly large force of instructors; some schools have been obliged to refuse admission to applicants on account of lack of room. When one has concluded to attend a dairy school it is not always an easy matter to decide where to go. The school in his own State would be the natural place to choose, as it probably makes a specialty of the kind of dairying most practiced in that State. Each school naturally has the interests of its own State uppermost; for example, if cheese making is prominent in a certain State, that branch of the industry is likely to receive special attention at the dairy school of that State. If it is decided to attend a school in another State, the list following may he consulted, and when a few are found that seem to meet the require- ments, their circulars should be obtained for further information: ALABAMA. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, Auburn. [William Leroy Broun, M. A., LL. I)., president ; J. F. Duggar, M. S., professor "I' agriculture.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. J. F. Duggar, Auburn, Ala. A regular short dairy course is not offered. A person desiring instruction in farm dairy work can spend the fall term of three months at the college and lake dairying and allied subjects. 23 24 Cost: Fees, $6; board and room, per week, $2.50. (No uniform required.) Equipment: A creamery, hand separator, and outfit for making butter in small quantities. Otber facilities: Experiment station and neighboring dairy herds. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (incorporated), Tuskegee. | Booker T. Washington, principal ; J. n. Washington, superintendent of industries.] For full information concerning dairy instruction address Prof. J. W. Hoffman, Tuskegee, Ala. This institution is established for the education of colored young men and women. A course of eight months is ottered in farm dairying, beginning early in September. Instruction is given by lectures and practical work. The lectures treat of milk, butter making, dairy chemistry and bacteriology, and dairy cattle. Cost: Tuition (for dairy course), free; board and room, per week, $2.25. Equipment: A dairy building, well equipped for practical farm dairy work, test- ing of milk, butter making, etc. Other facilities: Herd of pure bred and grade Jersey cattle. University of Arizona, Tucson. [Howard Billman, M. A. president; William Stowe Devol, B. A.gr., professor of agriculture,] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. William S. Devol, Tucson, Ariz. No regular short dairy course is offered; some dairy instruction is given, however, in (he regular agricultural course. A person can attend for a brief period and receive instruction in dairying any time during the session of the university by making special arrangements with the professor of agriculture. Cost: Tuition, free; board and room per week, $4. Equipment: Facilities for making butter and cheese. ARKANSAS. Arkansas Industrial University, Fayetteville. [J. I.. Buchanan, M. A., LL. D , president ; R. L. Bennett, M. S., superintended of agriculture.] For full particulars concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. K. L. Bennett, Fayetteville, Ark. A regular short dairy course is not offered, but instruction in dairying may be taken for a brief period in the winter term by making special arrangements with the professor of agriculture. Cost : Tuition, free; board and room per week, $3. Equipment: All necessary appliances for conducting a modern dairy. CALIFORNIA. College of Agriculture and University of California, Berkeley. [M. Kellogg, LL. D., president ; E. W. Hilgard, Ph. I)., LL. D., professor of agriculture.] For full particulars concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. E. J. Wickson, Berkeley, Cal. A special dairy course is not offered. A course of three lectures per week, begin- ning the middle of August and continuing six months, treats of stock breeding and dairy husbandry. This is given in connection with a lecture and laboratory course in dairy feeding. A laboratory course in the chemistry of milk and dairy products is also given. Special students who are qualified to carry out the work are taken for any period. 25 Cost: Laboratory fee per annum, $10; board and room per month, $20. Equipment: Laboratory fully equipped for analysis of dairy products and feeding materials and with apparatus for milk testing, Orowth of forage plants adapted to arid conditions. COLORADO. The Slate Agricultural College of Colorado, Fort Collins. [Alston Ellis, M.A.,Ph.D.,LL.D., president; W. W. Cooke, B. S., M. A., professor of agriculture.] For full particulars concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. W. W. Cooke, Fort Collins, Colo. Instruction in butter making in small amounts is given in the short course of agri- culture. Any person can receive instruction in milk testing at any time. Cost: Tuition, free; hoard and room per week, $3. Equipment: Deep-setting apparatus, hand separator, and appliances for making butter in small lots. Efforts are being made to have a building erected suitable for giving instruction in creamery work. Other facilities: A herd of cows supplies part of the milk used. CONNECTICUT. Storrs Agricultural College, Storrs. [B. F. Koons, Ph. !>., president; C. S. Phelps, l!. S., professor of agriculture.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. C. S. Phelps. Storrs, Conn. A short dairy course is not offered, hut special students are admitted during the winter term of twelve weeks, and can put all their time on dairying and allied sub- jects it they so elect. Twenty lectures are given on dairy farming, the composition and testing of milk, manufacture of butter and cheese, and the preparation of milk and cream for market. The practical work consists of testing milk, separating milk by gravity and centrifugal methods, and butter making. Cost: Tuition, free: board and room per week, $3. Equipment: One thousand five hundred dollars have recently been appropriated for new dairy machinery, and complete modern apparatus for giving instruction as outlined will he purchased. A complete dairy building is in process of construction, the creamery wing of which will he ready for use in January, 1897. Other facilities : One thousand eight hundred dollars have been appropriated for the purchase of thoroughbred stock. DELAWARE. Delaware College, Newark. [George A. Harter, M. A., Ph. I)., president; "W. H. Bishop, B. S., professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. W. H. Bishop. Newark, Del. No regular short course in practical dairying is offered. Some dairy instruction is given by lectures in the agricultural course, and any person so desiring can take this work with other agricultural subjects in the short winter course. Laboratory instruction in the use of the Babcock tester is also given. Cost: Tuition, free; board and room per week, $3.50. Equipment: Babcock tester. In Florida no instruction in dairying is offered at the State Agricultural College, located at Lake City. 26 GEORGIA. Georgia state College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Athens. [II. C. White, Ph.D., president; J. 15. Hunnicutt, B. A., professor of agriculture; H.J. Wing, instructor in dairying.] For full particulars concerning dairy instruction, address H. J. Wing, Athens, 6a. A regular short dairy course of two to three weeks in March is offered, and students desiring special instruction in milk testing or butter or cheese making are admitted at any time. Cost: Tuition, free; board and room per week, .$2.50. Equipment: A dairy building is fitted with the necessary apparatus for the work outlined. IDAHO. College of Agriculture of the University of Idaho, Moscow. [F. B. ( iaull, M. S.. president ; ('. P. Fox, M. Agr., professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. C. P. Fox, Moscow, Idaho. Dairy course: A six weeks' course in farm dairy work commences early in November. Cost : Tuition, free; board and room per week, $3 50. Equipment: Power ami apparatus necessary for making butter and testing milk. School of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Veterinary Science of Purdue University, Lafayette. [Janics IT. Smart, M. A., LL.D., president; William ('. Latta, M. S., director of the school of agricul- ture; <'. S. Plumb, B. S., professor of animal industry and dairying.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. W. C. Latta, Lafay- ette, I)i(). Equipment: A dairy building of five rooms is furnished with a complete outfit for making butter and cheese and for testing milk. ILLINOIS. College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois, Urbana. [Andrew S. Draper, LL. D., president Eugene Davenport M Agr, professor of animal husbandry and dean. W.J. Fraser, instructor m dairying ] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. Eugene Daven- port, Urbana, 111. Dairy course: The department of dairying has recently been established. A short course in farm dairying will be ottered commencing early in January. Instruction will be given in testing and pasteurizing milk and cream, and making butter in small amounts. * Two scholarships are offered each county agricultural society, farmers' institute, F. M. IS. A., grange, etc., and the persons to whom these are granted are exempt from the incidental fee of $10. 27 Cost: Tuition, fret'; board and room per week. $3. Equipment: The dairy building contains ;i small engine and boiler, pasteurizer and apparatus for making butter in small churnings, and arrangements for handling milk for city trade. loira State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, .inns. [W. M. Beardshear, M. A..LL.1>.. president; James Wilson, professor of agriculture; G.L.McKay, instructor in dairying.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. James Wilson. Ames, Iowa. Courses: (a) An eight weeks' winter school in dairying commences early in Jan- uary. Ir is planned for those who wish to make a specialty of dairying, and is mostly attended l>y men who have had practical experience in dairy work. Six half days per week a re spent in practical work in the butter and cheese departments; class-room instruction is given by daily lectures on dairy operations, chemistry, bac- teriology, and bookkeeping. (b) and (c) Two summer schools of dairying begin, respectively, in February and July, and continue sixteen weeks. Instruction covers the same ground that is »oue over in the winter course, hut as the term is longer the different parts of the work can he taken up in greater detail: some experimental work is conducted. i */ ) A one year's course is offered, and students successfully completing it are given certificates. Cost: Tuition, free; hoard and room per week, $3.50; two white suits, $2. Buildings : The dairy instruction is given in a building fitted as a large creamery, which is operated throughout the year. A cheese room, laboratory, class room, dressing room, and dwelling apartments are in the same building. Equipment: The building is fitted with the necessary apparatus for making but- ter and cheese in large or small amounts and for testing milk. Other facilities: A herd of cows representing six different breeds of cattle is kept on the farm and stabled iu a building fitted with the latest improvements for dairy barns. Kansas Stale Agricultural College, Manhattan. [George T. Faircliild, LL. IX, president; U. C. Georyeson, M. S., professor <>( agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address President George T. Fair- child, Manhattan, Kans. No regular short course in dairying is offered. Instruction in the theory and prac- tice of making butter in small amounts is given for ten weeks each spring term to the young women in the second year of the regular agricultural course. Equipment: Deep and shallow setting apparatus for raising cream and appliances for making butter in small amounts. KENTUCKY. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, Lexington. [J.K. Patterson, Ph. D., president; C. W.Mathews, B. S., professor of agriculture; M. A. Scovell M. S., lecturer on dairying.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. C. W. Mathews, Lexington, Ky. Dairy course: Instruction in farm dairying is given in connection with the regular eight weeks' short course iu agriculture, beginning early in January. The field of 28 dairying is covered briefly by lectures; the practical work cousists of fifteen 2-hour hour exercises in testing milk and making butter and cheese. Cost: Tuition, residents of Kentucky, free; room and board per week, $3. Equipment: A dairy house has recently been erected and fully equipped for experimental work in handling milk and making butter and cheese. Other facilities: A herd of cows on the college farm. LOUISIANA. lu Louisiana no instruction in dairying is offered at the State Agricultural College, located at Baton Rouge. MAINE. Maim State College, Orono. [Abrain W\ Harris, M. A., D. So., president; Charles D. Woods B S., professor of agriculture.] For full information concerning dairy instruction address Prof Charles D. Woods, Orono, Me. Dairy course: A six weeks' course in dairying is offered, commencing in January. It is designed for those who wish to become expert butter or cheese makers. If it is pursued two terms, and two seasons' satisfactory work is performed in a butter or cheese factory, the student will be granted a certificate of proficiency Practical work is conducted each afternoon; m the mornings lectures are given on dairy cat- tle, dairy products and operations, care of boilers, diseases of cattle, and business law. Cost: Tuition, free; board and room per week, $3.50; two white suits, $2 Equipment: A building especially constructed for instruction in dairying is fitted with modern dairy appliances for testing milk and making butter and cheese. MARYLAND. Maryland Agricultural College, College Park. [R. W Sylvester, president; W. T L. Taliaferro, professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. H. J Patterson, Col- lege Park, Md. No regular short dairy course is offered. Instruction in dairying is given to the agricultural students and twelve weeks of work in general dairy lines is offered to others each winter. Cost: Tuition, $5; board and room per week, $5. Equipment: A newly equipped dairy building. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. [Henry II. Goodell, LL. D., president; William P. Brooks, B. S., professor of agriculture.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. William P. Brooks, Amherst, Mass. Dairy course: (a) An eleven weeks' course in creamery work commences early in January. Lectures are given on the principles of dairy farming, breeding and man. ageaient of cattle, cattle diseases, stable construction, bookkeeping, composition of milk, pasteurization, milk testing, and butter making. Practical creamery work is conducted. Applicants for this course must be 16 years of age or over. Cost: Tuition to citizens of the State, free; laboratory fees, cost of materials; board and room per week, $3.75; two white suits, $2. (b) A course in farm dairying is conducted at the same time in connection with the short winter course in agriculture. 29 Equipment: A wing of the bain, containing several rooms, lias been fitted with modern machinery for practical and educational work in dairying as above outlined. Power is furnished by an electric motor. Other facilities: A herd of selected grade cows is being bred with especial atten- tion to their dairy qualifications; museum of illustrative material; agricultural library. MICHIGAX. Michigan Agricultural College, Agricultural <'<>11<. Smith, Agricultural College, Mich. Dairy course: A six weeks' course in farm dairying is offered. Tic course begins early in January. Instruction isgiven by lectures and practical work, special atten- tion being given to chemistry of milk, butter making, and stock judging and feeding. Practical butter making is conducted six half days each week and work at the barn mornings and afternoons. Equipment: The haseiuent of the experiment station building is fitted up for butter making in small amounts. Studies in bacteriology and chemistry are eon- ducted in fully equipped laboratories. Other facilities: A herd of cows representing eight different breeds is on the col- lege farm; various forms of silos, stalls and fixtures are iu operation MINNESOTA. College of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. [Cyrus Northrup, LL. D., president; William M. Liggett, dean. School of Agriculture, St, Anthony Park, Henry Webb Brewster, l'h. D., principal; T. L. Haecker, professor of dairy husbandry, iu charge of dairy school.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. T. L. Haecker, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Dairy courses: (a) A fourweeks' course, commencing early in January, is designed for butter and cheese makers who have had at least one season's experience in factory work. The course consists of sixty lectures on the various branches of dairying and closely allied subjects. The practical work consists of the making of butter in small and large amounts, manufacture of cheese, including the Swiss, brick, Edam, and Gouda varieties, methods of testing milk, scoring butter and cheese, and practical engineering. Each morning is given to lectures and all afternoons to practical work. Certificates of proficiency will be given to students who show themselves after two terms' work at the school and two seasons' practical work in cheese factory or creamery to be efficient in factory or creamery work. Cost: Registration fee, $15; board and room per week, $3.50; two white suits, $2. (b) Instruction in farm dairying is given iu a short special course iu agriculture Lectures and practical work are given twice a week for sixteen weeks. (c) A six weeks' course in early summer is offered to women, dairying and other subjects being given. The only expense of this course is $3.50 per week for board. Buildings: Dairy Hall, specialy erected for this purpose, is a large building con- taining rooms for instruction in butter and cheese making, pasteurizing and testing milk, also lecture rooms, reading room, and dressing rooms. Ecpiipmeut: Complete and modern appliances and machinery necessary to the courses of instruction described. Other facilities; A large herd representing three different breeds and the best types of grade dairy stock supplies part of the milk used at the school. 30 MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural College. [S. D. Lee, president ; \V. C. Welborn, M. S., professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. W. C. Welborn, Agri- cultural College, Miss. A regular short dairy course is not offered, but instruction in dairying is niven in the agricultural course. Work in the creamery is offered to any desiring it, who make special arrangements with the professor of agriculture. Cost: Tuition, free; board and room per week, $.?. Equipment for giving dairy instruction consists of a regularly equipped creamery aud large herd of dairy cows. MISSOURI. College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts of the University of Missouri, Columbia. [R. H. Jesse, LL. D., president; H. J. Waters, B. Agr., dean; F. 1'.. Mumford, M. S., professor of agriculture. ] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. 11. .1. Waters, Columbia, Mo. A special course in dairying is not offered. Three weeks of practical work in farm dairying is given in connection with the twelve weeks' winter course in agri- culture, which begins early in January. A person can attend for these three weeks only if he is unable to take the complete short course. The dairy instruction con sists of twenty lectures, supplemented by practical work in the care of milk and butter making. With the dairy work, subjects allied to dairying may also be taken, as lectures on stock breeding and feeding, selection aud management of a dairy herd, dairy chemistry, and bacteriology. Applicants must be lb' years of age or older. Cost: Laboratory fee, $.">; board and room per week, $3.50. Equipment: A dairy building is equipped with Babcoek testers, apparatus for pasteurizing milk and cream, and different styles of hand-power machinery for sep- arating milk and making butter. Other facilities: A herd of twenty thoroughbred Jersey cows is kept for illustra- tion aud practice in judging dairy cattle. MONTANA. The Montana College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Bozeman. [Rev. James Reid, 1!. A., president: Frank Beach, B. S , professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address President James Reid, Boze- man, Mont. No regular short course in dairying is offered. Some dairy instruction is given, however, in the agricultural course, and arrangements can be made to attend for this instruction for a brief period between September and June. Cost: Entrance fee, $10; board and room per week, $4. NEBRASKA. The Industrial College of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. [George E. Mai Lean, Ph.D., LL. I) , chancellor,- Charles E. Bessey, Ph. I)., dean; T. Lyttleton Lyon, B. S. A ., professor of agriculture ; A. L. Haecker, instructor in dairying.] For full information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. T. L. Lyon, Lincoln, Nebr. Dairy course: A twelve weeks' course in farm dairying is offered, commencing 31 early in January. Instruction will consist of lectures <>n dairy methods and closely allied subjects, supplemented l>\ practical work in butter making and milk chemisl ry. Cost : Fee, $1; board and room per week, $2.75; white suits, $2. Equipment: A dairy house lias just, been completed; it contains a large work room and two class rooms. Apparatus consists of hand separators, deep-setting cans, and necessary utensils for making butter as in a home dairy. NEVADA. School of Agriculture of the Nevada State University, Reno. [Joseph E. Stnbbs, M A . IX 1 > , I , I,. 1 >. president; R. H. McDowell, B. S., professorof agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. R. II. McDowell, Reno, Ne\ . \'o regular dairy course is ottered. Some dairy instruction is given by lectures in the agricultural course, and practical work with the Babcock tester is also given. Arrangements can lie made to attend tor twelve weeks in the tall to receive instruc- tion by lectures and practical work in a creamery. Cost: Tuition, tree: board and room per week, $4.00; two white suits, $2.00. Equipment: A Babcock tester and use of a public creamery at lv'eno. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Netv Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham. [C. S. Murkland, M. A. Ph. I), president; Charles II. Pettee M A., C. E., dean; F. William Rane, B A.gr , M. S , professor el' agriculture. I For information concerning dairy instruction, address President Charles S. Murk- land, Durham, N. II. Dairy courses: A course in creamery and farm dairy work extends throughout the winter term for regular students in the college, and any four continuous weeks thereof for special students. Instruction is given by lectures, demonstrations, and practical work. Dairy husbandry, milk testing and pasteurizing, butter making, dairy bac- teriology, dairy engineering, and the care of animals receive special attention. Cer- tificates are granted upon the satisfactory completion of the term's work. Cost: Fee, $5; board and room per week, $1; two white suits, $2. Equipment: A creamery building is fitted with various styles of apparatus neces- sary for making butter and pasteurizing aud testing milk. ( >ther facilities : A herd on the college farm eontaina typical animals of four differ- ent breeds aud grades. NEW .JERSEY. Rutgers Scientific School, the New Jersey State College J'<>r the Benefit of Agriculture and tin Mechanical Arts, New Brunstcick. Austin Sc.it i, Ph. !>., I.L. D.. president ; E. B. Voorhees, M. A. professor of agriculture.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. E. I!. Voorhees, New Brunswick, N. J. A special short dairy course is not offered. Instruction in dairying is given in the regular agricultural course. Equipment: A dairy house lifted with modern dairy apparatus, and a laboratory fitted for testing dairy products. NEW MEXICO. In New Mexico no instruction in dairying is offered at the State College, located at Mesilla Park. 32 NEW YORK. College of Agriculture of Cornell University, Ithaca. [Jacob G. Schurman, D. Sc, LL. D., president; Isaac P. Roberts, M. Agr., professor of agriculture and dean ; II. H. Wing, M. S., professor of animal industry and dairy husbandry.] For information concerning dairy instruction, address Prof. I. P. Eoberts, Ithaca, N. Y. Dairy courses: (a) A winter dairy course of eleven weeks is offered, commencing early in January. It is especially designed to meet the needs of creamery and cheese factory men who desire more thorough instruction and to train those who expect to make hutter and cheese making a profession. One lecture on dairying is given throughout the course, at 8 o'clock each morning. The management of the dairy and the operations in butter and cheese making are explained, the business manage- ment of the factory, dairy mechanics, and the care and breeding of cattle are dis- cussed; from 9 to 10 o'clock Various subjects more or less intimately related to dairying are discussed. At 10 o'clock each morning practical work is commenced, being so arranged that each student spends two days a week on each branch, viz, butter making; cheese making; and milk testing, problems, and bookkeeping. Certificates of proficiency are awarded to all who successfully complete the dairy course and one full season at an approved creamery, cheese factory, or dairy. Applicants must be at least 17 years of age and possess a common school education. Cost: Fee, $15; deposit to cover breakage (returnable), $4 ; board and room per week, $3.50; two white suits. $2. (ft) Instruction with special reference to the needs of the farm dairy is given in connection with the winter course of agriculture. Buildings: A building was erected in 1