Qass. Book. •7?^ WHERE IS GOD IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? Where is God in the European War BY Hon. ROBERT L. OWEN UNITED STATES SENATOR OF OKLAHOMA CHAIBMAN OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE CJOMMTTTEE ON BANKINO AND CUEEENCY ^ NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1919 > ^^ ^k 0% Copyright, 1919, by Robert L. Owe© ^.6f/^/ m WHERE IS GOD IN THE EUROPEAN WARi^ WHERE IS GOD IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? ON the floor of the United States Senate recently a dis- tinguished Senator described the frightful tragedies of the European battle-fields, the terrorism pervading Europe, the slaughter of women and children, the wholesale destruction of life, and in a burst of despair the Senator cried out: "Where is God?" From many quarters has come this despairing cry: "WTiere is God? Why does He permit His children to slaughter one [1] WHERE IS GOD another with flame and sword; with poisonous gas ; with bomb and shrap- nel?" God needs no exculpation at the hands of mortal man. Men, however, do need to under- stand the majesty of the laws of God and that men cannot violate them in the slightest degree. Men only exemplify the operation of these laws. The laws of God are spiritual as well as material, and govern the spiritual, moral, ethical world with the same absolute precision as in the material world. These moral laws can no more be disregarded with impunity than the law of gravity which holds the earth in its path around the sun. The spiritual and moral law is perfectly consistent with liberty. Man is not [2] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? an automaton; he is a spirit with powers divine, endowed with the knowledge of right and wrong. If saint or sinner step from a precipice, he does not violate, he exemplifies the law of gravity, and if he murder he exemplifies the moral law in the evil results which follow. Under the moral law of God, evil consequences always ensue if man violate that which he knows to be right. He need not be learned; he need not be able to read or write, to know what is right and what is wrong. The laws of man are based on the law^s of God, and the commandments of men not to lie, or steal, or covet, or kill are based upon the everlast- ing fact that evil consequences en- sue with certainty when any of these things are done. The laws of God WHERE IS GOD give liberty of choice, and good or bad results inevitably follow accord- ing as the choice be good or bad. William II and his war lords have been violating the Ten Command- ments of Moses and exemplifying the millions of evil consequences which under the moral laws of God flow therefrom. THE LAWS OF MOSES VIOLATED. THE LAWS OF GOD EXEMPLIFIED 1. ''Thou shalt have no other gods before me." This law has been violated by William II, who worships IMaterial Force, "the good old German Gott," Thor, the god of battles, with his mighty hammer; but the violation of this Commandment brings evil consequences and exemplifies the di- vine law. [4] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? 2. Moses forbade men to commit iniquity, and promised punishment upon those guilty of "iniquity," and upon their "children unto the third and fourth generation." WilKam II and his captains have taught their soldiers and people "iniquity," the violation of plighted faith, the breaking of treaties as "scraps of paper," the disregard of the civilized Hague conventions and of their solemn covenants with other nations; have taught organized war and murder for profit, the slaughter of innocents as "terrorism" — "in- iquity" on "iniquity." The evil consequences are certain for violations of this Commandment, and are now falling on William II, his soldiers, and his people in terrible exemplification of God's moral laws. 3. "Thou shalt not take the name [5] WHERE IS GOD of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." William II has more blasphemous- ly taken the name of the Lord in vain than any ruler in the world; he pretends to speak for God as His agent or representative on earth, and has declared God a partner of his own wickedness. He and his associates are reaping the results. 4. The Commandment to rest one day in seven is necessary to the welfare of man, and this Command- ment can be violated, but evil follows. 5. "Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." This Commandment is vital to human welfare. It can be violated, but it is a Commandment based upon [6] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? the law of God which visits a penalty upon those who do not honor the father and the mother. 6. The Mosaic law declares. Thou shalt not kill. This law may be violated, but terrible consequences assuredly follow, William II and his trained cap- tains have taught organized killing by armed men and have trained men for this purpose — not for de- fense, but for offense. They have taught murder for profit, for an- nexation, for indemnity, for pillage, for robbery, and have committed all of these and other crimes as a se- quence of the leadership of William II. The evil consequences for the wholesale violation of this law are flowing in a flood to humiliate and distress the German people with merited punishment. All the world [7] WHERE IS GOD is in arms against them for these crimes. God's moral law brings cer- tain punishment on the criminal. 7. The Mosaic law says. Thou shalt not commit adultery. This law may be violated, but under the laws of God evil consequences follow, spir- itual degradation, moral perversion, loss of dignity, disgrace. 8. The Mosaic law declares, Thou shalt not steal. This wise human statute is often violated by foolish men who think to improve their property rights by stealing, and under the law of God evil conse- quences ensue with certainty, wheth- er the man be detected by men or not, and neither men nor nations can disregard this law without pay- ing the penalties. Under German leadership the German forces have stolen all they could in Belgium and IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? northern France. Its ally, the Aus- trians, have stolen everything avail- able in Serbia, the Turks have killed and robbed and stolen the property of the Armenians, but no man will deny that under the majestic laws of God the evil consequences of these acts will be in due time visited upon the criminals. The world is marching upon the criminals, who are beginning to plead for peace, and no man dare trust them. There can be no peace until reparation is fully provided for. 9. The law of Moses says. Thou shalt not bear false witness, and this Commandment may be vio- lated by man. Evil results always follow the sin and exemplify the moral laws of God. On the most gigantic scale in the history of the world German leader- [9] WHERE IS GOD ship has committed this crime in a world-wide propaganda to embroil all nations, internally and externally, by skilful falsehoods. The evidences of this criminal conduct have been gathered from the ends of the earth, from the South and Central Amer- ican Republics; from Mexico, the United States; from Japan, China, and India ; from Siberia ; from Egypt, South Africa, North Africa; from Ireland; and above all through the European states, where these fiends incarnate have by false witness been building the fires with which to consume mankind. William II and his captains have violated the ninth Commandment most abundantly, but they are merely exemplifying the laws of God, which will inflict certain punishment for these crimes against the truth of God. [10] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? All the world is marching on Ber- lin to punish this arch fiend and his captains, whom President Wilson^ with the approval of the whole world, has described as "without honor" and "incapable of covenanted peace." 10. The law of Moses commands that men shall not covet the prop- erty of others. The Hohenzollerns and the Haps- burgs illustrate the perverted in- breeding of human beings by families to intensify the evil trait of covetous- ness to the highest degree. They marry and they are given in mar- riage in covetousness, without love, merely to enlarge their own powers and their own acquisitions. Every step of William II since his birth and conscious life has been guided by covetousness, coveting power and coveting property; he dreamed [11] WHERE IS GOD dreams of covetousness ; he coveted the world; he desired to exceed Alex- ander the Great, who wept because there were no more worlds to con- quer. He laid his plans from the day he assumed power until August, 1914, to seize the property and the territory of neighboring people and force them by the sword to pay tribute to him. He violated the Mosaic law, but he illustrates the law of God, under which evil consequences flow from covetousness. All the world is march- ing on Berlin, to inflict upon William II and his captains and his follow- ers the just penalties for the viola- tion of the human commandments which they have broken. They have violated all the laws of nations; they have treated their solemn pledges with other nations in treaties as ''scraps of paper" [121 IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? until no man could believe any prom- ise or any oath emanating from them. They are incapable of covenanted peace and can be dealt with only upon the basis of "unconditional surrender" and a dictated peace. They have taught the doctrine that *' might makes right"; that right does not make might; that God does not speak to men through the conscience and does not tell men what is right and what is wrong and does not punish the powerful or rich for wrong-doing; they have led the German people astray; they have violated all the commandments of men, but they are merely exem- plifying the laws of God which visit evil consequences on those who dis- regard the moral law. The laws of God are inconceivably majestic. They cannot be violated [13] WHERE IS GOD in the most minute particular by mice or men or planets. This war with its afflictions and sorrows will prove an infinite blessing to man- kind, by teaching men that they cannot violate the laws of God, but that the whole human family is bound together and must pay the penalty for human wrong-doing; that RIGHT must be practised, taught, and enforced throughout the earth. Right involves justice, humanity, liberty, mercy, and it is best secured by Popular Government under the mechanism by which the Sover- eignty of the Majority may be ex- ercised. If man were an automaton and had no liberty of choice, he could not rise to the level of a high per- sonal spiritual life in which all nor- mal men believe. The law of God [14] m THE EUROPEAN WAR? gives liberty to men, the divine right to choose between good and evil, but neither saint nor sinner can disregard the laws of God with impunity, whether material or moral. He can neither put his hand in the fire nor lie without immediate evil consequences. Thus is man taught not to lie and not to put his hand in the fire. The laws of God are the laws of cause and eflfect rightly in- terpreted. The European war has been brought about through the natural processes of cause and effect, THROUGH THE DEFECTS OF THE STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT in Prus- sia, Germany, Austria, and the frailty of THE FEW in administering the re- sponsibilities of government uncon- trolled by the wisdom and justice of THE PEOPLE. The war was unavoid- [15] WHERE IS GOD able when the power to prepare for war and to declare war became vested in the hands of a Kaiser who had the vanity, the ambition, and the folly to believe he could successfully conquer the world, and the insolence and wickedness to attempt it, and a subservient people to follow and sup- port his foolish ambition. If the German People had been sovereign, instead of the vainglorious Kaiser, there would have been no war. The German Constitution per- mitted the Kaiser to declare war FOR DEFENSE, and he made a war for OFFENSE under the false pretense of DEFENSE, and no man was strong enough to prevent his unspeakably wicked action. If sovereignty had been vested in the People it could not have hap- pened. [16] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? THE DIRECT CAUSE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Autocracy vs. Democracy Before the printing-press had be- come of great force, before the pub- He school and the general education of the people had become powerful, there had developed in Europe an "imperial Government" claiming to govern its subjects, the people, *'by divine right." These Governments were headed by the Hohenzollerns, the Hapsburgs, the Romanoffs, the Bourbons (Autocracies), who swore in the Secret Treaty of Verona a covenant of hostility to all repre- sentative governments (Democra- cies) and against the education of the people and the freedom of the press. [17] WHERE IS GOD These Autocratic Governments were of necessity selfish, corrupt, arrogant. To the throne became attached every selfish interest, every duke, count, baron, and junker who could profit himself; every commercial and financial interest that could profit commercially and financially by sup- porting the throne. This system enabled the few to profit out of the proceeds of the labor of the great masses of the people, governed as '* subjects," and led the autocrats to prey on the "subject" people and to conspire to keep them in ignorance, poverty, and weakness. As the printing-press developed and the great mass of the people in- creased in knowledge, they discov- ered the interesting fact that a large [18] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? part of the proceeds of their labor was taken over by their rulers, who lived in great luxury and power, while the "subject" people re- mained abjectly poor and subjected to ignorance, to physical exposure, and to moral and ethical decadence. The people, emerging from igno- rance, finally revolted in France in the French Revolution against ab- solute monarchy, and tried to estab- lish popular government by the over- throw of the monarchy. They were not yet fully prepared by education for self-government, and went to great excesses. Napoleon Bonaparte succeeded in seizing the military powers of the French people and, seduced by the covetousness of wealth and power, undertook to make himself lord over all Europe. It resulted, of course, in Waterloo [19] WHERE IS GOD (1815), but it also resulted in a solemn warning to kings in Europe that they must not disregard too far the rights of the people. THE HOLY ALLIANCE (of Autocracies) In 1815 Alexander I of Russia, head of the Romanoffs, Francis Jo- seph of Austria, head of the Haps- burgs, Frederick William of Prussia, head of the Hohenzollerns, admon- ished by Napoleon's end, entered into an astonishing treaty called the treaty of the "Holy Alliance" at the instance of Alexander I of Russia (September 26, 1815). This hypo- critical treaty was nothing more nor less than a self-serving declaration of Christian virtue by the three sig- natory monarchs. They declared themselves in favor [20] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? of the Christian rehgion; that they were the servants of God; that they held their powers for the benefit of the people; that they were honor bound to observe the interests of the people as the chief object of their reign; that they should be regarded as fathers of three great families whose interests required them to be at peace with each other and to live in accordance with the humane doctrines of Christ. Nothing could have been finer than such a conception of the rela- tion of RULERS to the "subject" people, and if they had really lived up to the high measure of these principles Europe might have had continued peace, happiness, and pros- perity in all human probability. The fatal defect was that it was not at heart sincere; it was merely a [211 WHERE IS GOD piece of camouflage to appease the people and prevent the repetition of the dreaded French Revolution. Each of these monarchies retained in its own hands the absolute control of the army and navy, the law-mak- ing and law-executing power, the right of taxing the people and ex- pending the taxes as it saw fit. Any individual citizen asserting the right to express his own opinion or to enjoy liberty, or demanding that the people should enjoy a larger part of the proceeds of the labor of the peo- ple, was subject to arrest, to prison, to coiu^t martial, to exile in Siberia, to sudden death. THE SECRET TREATY OF VERONA The insincerity of the treaty of the **Holy AlHance" was completely 122] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? demonstrated by the secret treaty of Verona of 1822, drawn by Prince Metternich of Austria as an amend- ment to that treaty; the first two articles of which are as follows: "Article I. — The high contracting pow- ers being convinced that the system of REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT [Democracy] is equally as incompatible with the mon- archical PRINCIPLES [Autocracy] as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people [Democracy] with the divine right [Autoc- racy], engage mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an END to [Democracy] the system of repre- sentative governments, in whatever country it ]may exist in Europe, and to prevent its [Democracy] being intro- duced in those countries where it is not yet known. "Article II. — ^As it cannot be doubted that THE liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pre- tended supporters of the rights of na- [23] WHERE IS GOD TioNS [Democracy] to the detriment op THOSE PRINCES [Autocracy], the high con- tracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measm-es to suppress it, [The Liberty of the Press] not only in THEIR OWN STATES, BUT ALSO IN THE REST OF Europe." (See Congressional Record, April 2G, 191G, page 6781.) It will here be observed that these absolute monarchies who in the treaty of the "Holy AUiance" had pledged themselves "To take for their sole guide the precepts of their holy religion the Saviour taught, namely: the precepts of justice. Christian charity, peace, " and who had pledged themselves in this treaty of the "Holy AlH- anee" "By unalterable good-will and mutual af- fection with which they ought to be ani- [24] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? mated, to consider themselves all as mem- bers of one and the same Christian nation; the three allied princes looking on them- selves as merely delegated by providence TO GOVERN three branches of the one fam- ily, namely Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Thus confessing that the Christian world, of which they and their people formed a part, has in reality no other Sovereign than Him to whom alone power really belongs, because in Him alone are found all of the treasures of love, science, and infinite wis- dom, — that is to say, God, Our Divine Saviour, The Word of the Most High, The Word of Life"— are now discovered deliberately and SOLEMNLY engaging to refuse to THEIR OWN PEOPLE ANY RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION in a Government supported by the taxes and by the labors and sacrifices of the people themselves. Not only did they pledge them- [25] WHERE IS GOD selves that the people should not have any right to a voice in their own government, but that they should be continued to be held as subjects (in fact, as political slaves) ; but they went much further — they pledged themselves not to permit them any liberty of expressing their opinions through the printing-press, and pledged themselves to suppress the liberty of the press so as to keep the people in ignorance of their rights, and to enable them by means of a controlled press to instruct the people falsely against their own in- terests. They solemnly covenanted in the SECRET treaty of Verona, which they wisely kept secret, that they would hold the people in governmental slavery in flat violation of the pre- cepts of the holy religion the Saviour [26] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? taught, namely: "The precepts of justice, Christian charity, peace,'* which they had solemnly pledged themselves to uphold in the treaty of the "Holy Alliance" "to take for their sole guide." They proved themselves by the secret treaty of Verona to be organ- ized liars, robbers, murderers. They lied to all of the world over their own signatures in pretending to be guided by the principles of Christ, in pretending to be guided by charity and peace and brotherly love. While these seK-serving princes falsely pre- tended to be the representatives of Christ on earth, they were permitting their own subjects to be robbed, to be kept in ignorance, and in the secret treaty of Verona pledged them- selves not to permit the people, who were becoming increasingly intelli- [271 WHERE IS GOD gent, to have any part or voice in their own self-government. They did not permit them the right of petition, or any of the great rights of hfe, of hberty, of the pursuit of happiness, or the means by which these rights are safeguarded through adequate, orderly process of law. They closed the door to the people of discussing their affairs in public through a free press, because they knew that the truth was mighty and would prevail, and they WERE ENGAGED IN A CONSPIRACY TO PREVENT THE TRUTH BEING HEARD, and TO DESTROY ALL DE- MOCRACIES. Christ taught, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." [231 IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? But these self-serving monarchies did not intend to permit the people to be free or the truth to be known; they intended falsehoods to be taught to the people, that the people should not be free, and fully carried out this intent from 1822 to 1918. In the secret treaty of Verona they pledged themselves to furnish 20,- 000,000 francs per annum to enable Louis XVIII, the head of the Bour- bons, to make war on the Spanish people IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH IN Spain an absolute monarchy, in lieu of a limited monarchy ob- tained by the people of Spain by revolution as a means of protecting themselves against the unjust ex- actions of an absolute monarchy. They waged war on and killed the unoffending Spanish people, with fire and sword, and compelled [29] WHERE IS GOD them to yield to the absolute dic- tation of the Spanish King, the same king who had been governing under a Constitution forced upon the crown by the people. This same so-called '*Holy Al- liance" immediately sent an army of Austrians into Italy and murdered and SLAUGHTERED THE ITALIAN PEOPLE for their own pretended "holy and Christian purposes," and compelled the unhappy people of Italy to give up the limited monarchy which they had by revolution forced upon the King of Italy, and they es- tablished an absolute monarchy in Italy by military violence, with the same king on the throne, in order TO ESTABLISH MORE STRONGLY AU- TOCRACY IN Europe, AND to weaken THE GROWING TENDENCY TOWARD DEMOCRACY. [30] IN THE EUEOPEAN WAR? These detestable men, the heads of the families of the RomanofiFs, Hohenzollerns, Hapsburgs, and Bour- bons, then proposed to send their trained armies and navies to the Western Hemisphere for the purpose, as they said, of "reducing the colo- nies of Spain and Portugal on the Western Hemisphere," and thus strangling all representative govern- ments (Democracies) at their birth in the two Americas. They proposed, by necessary implication, the murder of THE PEOPLE IN BrAZIL and IN THE Argentine and in Chile and in Mexico, for example, not for the "holy Christian purpose" of pro- moting the doctrines of Christ, but for the unholy purpose of promoting their own selfish powers, the powers of autocracy. The blasphemous hypocrisy of the [311 WHERE IS GOD treaty of the "Holy Alliance" has never been surpassed on earth. THE MONROE DOCTRINE While they were contemplating this attack on America, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Lord Can- ning, notified the detestable Hohen- zollern-Hapsburg conspiracy of the *'Holy Alliance" that Great Britain would oppose such an assault on the former colonies of Spain and Portu- gal. It should be remembered that Great Britain, though a limited mon- archy, was already, in 1822, a gov- ernment fairly representative of the British people, loving liberty and justice, and that Great Britain had learned in the wars of 1776 and 1812 to abandon the doctrine of the Ger- [32] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? man-bred George III of Hanover, that ''Might Makes Right," and that Great Britain had at that time changed her pohcy toward her own colonies, having learned in Amer- ica that "right makes might." President Monroe, advised by Great Britain of the conspiracy of the houses of Hohenzollern and Haps- burg to invade the Hberties of North and South America, sent his message to Congress in December, 1823, in which he announced the Monroe Doctrine in the following words: "It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system TO any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can any one believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord. It is equally impossible, therefore, that we should [33] WHERE IS GOD behold such interposition in any form with indifference." "With the existing colonies or depend- encies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great con- sideration and just principles, acknowl- edged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them or con- trolling in any other manner their destiny by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." This action of Great Britain and the United States checked the so- called "Holy Alliance" and pre- vented the covetous ambition of the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs and their un-"holy" associates from de- stroying the democracies of the Western Hemisphere. [34] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? The Governments of the ''Holy Alliance," pretending to represent Christ on earth, absolutely ignored the fundamentals of the doctrine of Christ — to love God and to love their neighbor as themselves, to obey the Commandments, not to lie, steal, murder, covet. They violated all of these laws. They permitted them to be violated. Their courts became corrupt with wickedness and intrigue from the unavoidable evil conse- quences which flow from the viola- tion of the laws of morality and righteousness. The Romanoffs have come to their inerited reward. The Bourbons came to their de- served end. The Hohenzollems and the Haps- burgs cannot last another year. It is the law of cause and effect, and [35] WHERE IS GOD the necessary consequence which must ensue under the immutable laws of God. President Monroe declared: "It is impossible that the AlHed Powers [Prussia and Austria] should EXTEND THEIR POLITICAL SYSTEM [of Autocracy] to any portion of either Continent [of America] with- out endangering our peace and hap- piness" (as Democracies). The Autocratic "system" has en- dangered the peace and happiness of all Europe and visited a frightful penalty on the whole world. The Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs were permitted by the enfeebled German and Austrian people to maintain the doctrine of "divine right" in Prussia and Austria. The Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs never did recognize the Monroe f36] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? Doctrine. They secretly denounced it. They were back of the attempt to estabhsh a monarchy under Maxi- mihan in Mexico in 1866, which the United States defeated. William II attempted to establish a footing in Venezuela, which the United States prevented. It was a Hohenzollern Admiral (1898) who attempted to block Ad- miral Dewey in Manila Bay, which was prevented by Dewey with the co-operation of a British admiral. William II followed the wicked de- signs of the "Holy Alliance" and of the secret treaty of Verona. He controlled the kindergartens, the gymnasiums, the high schools, the universities, the pulpits, the press, the magazines, the instruction of the people. He taught them the false doctrine that "Might Makes Right." [37] TVHERE IS GOD The false doctrine that every energy should be put into the development of a highly organized army kept in perfect fighting condition at all times; that war could and should be made profitable; that war was beneficial to nations ; that wars could be made with such vigor as to be short as well as profitable; that the German people were entitled to es- tablish dominion over all of the earth. He had the German people taught to sing "'Hymns of Hate'* and *'Deutschland iiber AUes"; he had the young men taught to fight duels; he had his young officers of the navy and the army drink to the mysterious ''Der Tag," "The Day," when Germany would draw its con- quering sword and master the earth. He had his military men steep themselves in the literature of the [38] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? bloodiest practises of war, to harden their hearts, and to believe that to make war fearful was to make war short and victorious. He had the German people taught that terror- ism was justified. In order to have his soldiers disregard the prompt- ings of conscience, he had them taught that unless they made war terrible they would themselves be the victims of crucifixion and mur- der by their enemies. He had the commercial and financial captains taught that the treasures of all of the world would lie at their feet when the German victorious armies seized Paris in three weeks; then captured Russia; then controlled Europe; then mastered Great Bri- tain and "levied tribute upon Amer- ica. He was convinced that "Might [39J WHERE IS GOD Made Right." He argued from cause and effect in the material world and did not see the cause and effect of the moral and spiritual world that controls men. "Right Makes Might" in the moral world, and material might opposing itself to spiritual right is ultimately hum^ bled to the dust. William II, pretending to respect the ethical and moral law, had the German people taught the doctrine of the survival of the fittest, the sur- vival of the strongest, without hav- ing the wisdom to know that They Are Fittest and Strongest Who Love the Moral and Ethical Law, the law of justice and humanity, and follow it with courage. By violating these laws and threat- ening the peace of mankind he has marshaled against the German people [40] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? twenty -two nations, including all of the great nations of the earth, and brought upon himself the destruc- tion of his own dynasty, the physical destruction of milUons of the German people, the moral degradation of Germany. He has ignored the im- mutable moral laws and is illus- trating the evil consequences which flow from violating the Ten Com- mandments. William II formed the policy of storing up gigantic supplies of muni- tions of war. He built up the railroads of Ger- many to serve war purposes. He built up gigantic factories for the making of steel and powder and war munitions. He diligently and vigor- ously prepared for war, while he continually announced through the press that he was the great protector [41] WHERE IS GOD of the peace of Europe. While he continually represented himself as in favor of peace, he was secretly pre- paring for war, in imitation of Fred- erick II, who practised the same policy before he seized Silesia. When William II was finally completely ready for war, he called together the military, industrial, and financial captains of war at a meeting at Pots- dam on July 5, 1914, to ascertain if they were all ready. His war lords were ready. His financial lords requested two weeks in which to sell their foreign se- curities; and suddenly the New York Stock Exchange reflected the sale of hundreds of millions of German-held stocks and bonds. The evidence of the guilty Potsdam conference is now thoroughly well estabhshed. We now linow that this war had IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? been in preparation by William II for many years. The evidence is now overwhelm- ingly complete that William II had been deliberately planning this war for the purpose of making his name more illustrious than any Emperor in the history of the world. The crime of William II will go down as the most dastardly in the history of mankind, as having pro- voked the slaughter of a larger num- ber of human beings than any war in history. The invasion of Serbia is now known to have been a mere pre- tense and a means of starting the war in such a way that France and Russia could be struck by the Ger- man armies unawares and at the same time still make it possible to pretend at home and abroad that 43 WHERE IS GOD the German armies were directed by William II as a means of protect- ing Germany from the assault of her enemies. William II ostentatiously declared at the beginning of the war that the sword was forced into his hands — a wilful falsehood, deliberately in- vented as a means of protecting him- self against the condemnation of the moral elements of Germany and of the neutral nations of the world. It was not known at the beginning of the war what is known now — that William II had been spending hundreds of millions of dollars (earned by the industry and labor of the German people) for the pur- pose of embroiling the nations of the whole world and of preventing them from interfering with William II in pursuit of his ambition to [44] EST THE EUROPEAN WAR? dominate Europe and to dominate the world. Convincing evidence has now been secured showing his con- spiracy to stir up revolt in Ireland, in India, in Egypt, in South Africa; to stir up Mexico, the United States, Japan, China, and everywhere sow sedition, treason, revolution, and war. It is now known that he was carry- ing on a world-wide propaganda to teach war and preparedness to the German and Austrian people, while other nations were taught unpre- paredness and pacifism. The Divine Ruler of the Universe is not responsible for the European war. The insane ambition of a man of commonest clay named William Hohenzollern, and the folly of the German and Austrian people in per- mitting and following such leader- [45] WHERE IS GOD ship, and the ignorance and apathy of the other great nations, are re- sponsible for the war. It is a costly lesson. It is costly to the whole world. It will teach the whole world the laws of cause and effect, and that the laws of cause and effect are the laws of God, and that God does not interfere with the law of gravity, of morals, or of sound government, either of which may be illustrated by the folly of saint or sinner. William II, the arch criminal of all ages, had been permitted, by the moral and ethical decadence of the German people, to retain the military powers of the army and navy of the German people, which he on all occasions paraded as "my army" and "my navy," until the recent defeats (October 8, 1918), [46] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? when he suddenly speaks to the Germans of **your army." He had been permitted to retain, with his captains and junkers, the legislative powers of the people of Germany, control over the execu- tive powers of the people of Ger- many, with the power to declare war, and with no man and no set of men strong enough to oppose him. He had been left by the Ger- man people in a position where he could be controlled by his own vain ambition and by the ambitions of his military and naval war lords, his junkers and covetous business men; where he could guide the poU- cies of Germany and of Austria; where he could extend autocracy to cover the Balkans, Bulgaria, Turkey; where he could threaten the peace of all mankind by his order of mobil- [471 WHERE IS GOD ization and by his declaration of war plunge Europe and the world in the bloodiest conflict of all history. With unspeakable folly and wick- edness, he prepared *'the day." "The day" came. The night comes also for William and his co-conspirators. It is the law of cause and effect, the law of God. The doctrine of William II that "Might Makes Right" is the voice of atheism; It is a denial that there is a living God; It is a denial that conscience is a guide for men; It is a denial that God speaks to the hearts of men and tells them what is right and what is wrong; it is a denial of the primary doctrine of all of the great religions that men are [48] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? spiritual, that they are the children of God and taught by Him. The battle of Armageddon is on to determine whether or not God reigns on earth, whether or not moral and ethical laws shall stand on earth. There can be but one answer. It is the doom of William II and of the Governments which deny the doc- trines of justice, of liberty, of hu- manity, of righteousness. It is the end of Autocracy, the triumph of Democracy. It means the rebirth of the world. It means a thousand years of peace. "TMien the war drum throbs no longer And the battle-flags are furled, In the parUament of man, The federation of the world." It means that the laws of God are gloriously working, that men have [49] WHERE IS GOD learned at last by terrible suffering the evil consequences of immoral conduct, of Prussianism, of Militar- ism, of Ruling by Divine Right, of the pernicious falsehood that might makes right. They ought to know now what to expect from the Rule of the Few without the Consent of the Governed. They ought to know now that good consequences cannot flow from un- just, inhumane military government. They ought to know now the vast importance of recognizing the prin- ciples of Justice, Liberty and Hu- manity, and realize the importance of providing the mechanism of gov- ernment so that the Sovereignty of the People shall be made always and easily effective. The laws of God have been glori- ously vindicated and exemplified and men have seen a wonderful demon- [5©] IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? stration of the evil consequences of militarism and dynastic ambition, of Ruling by Divine Right without the Consent of the Governed, of unlimited power in the hands of the Few, and that these evil consequences are not local, but are world-wide. The world at last has been taught a terrible lesson by the laws of God. Now, perhaps, the world will have a world-wide League of Nations based on Justice and Liberty, recog- nizing at last the brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. Where is God.^ Everywhere! with His glorious and beautiful laws working to ever- lasting perfection, teaching at last by sorrow the weakest and most foolish of His children. Where is God? Let the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" answer — [51] WHERE IS GOD BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC "Mine eye hath seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. "I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps: They have builded him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read his righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. His day is marching on. "I have read a fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished steel: *As ye deal with my contemner, so with you my grace shall deal'; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel. Since God is marching on. [521 IN THE EUROPEAN WAR? 'He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat: Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer him! be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. 'In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me; As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free. While God is marching on." October 10, 1918. THE END [53]