Class __jL/L^5y^ Book. -F9^ Copyriglitl^^. . COPyRIGHT DEPOSIT. Vegetarian Cook - Book By E. G. FULTON Substitutes ior ^ Rlesh Foods Pacific Press Publishing Association Mountain View, California Kans 8 City, Missouri Portland, Oregon '^'K' .^A <^<\^ Copyright. 1910. by Pacific Press Publishing Association ©CI,A'365540 PREFACE The enthusiasm with which the first edition of "The Vegetarian Cook Book" was received by the public, and the increasing demand for a more extended work on the same subject, have led to a careful revision of the book. This edition, like the former, is placed upon the market with the intention of supplying a need not met by the ordinary cook book. It is a recognized fact that the foundation for many of the ills of the human race is laid at the table through the eating of unwholesome food. Believing that preven- tion is better than cure, special attention has been given to the preparation of healthful as well as palatable dishes. True to this plan, and as suggested by the name of the book, all meat recipes have been omitted, the superiority of other foods being recognized. Nor are the advantages of a vegetarian diet any longer a matter of experiment. The prevalence of disease among animals is leading thou- sands of thinking men and women to discard flesh foods, and to turn to the more natural diet of nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Special attention has been given in this book to the preparation of foods that will consti- tute appetizing and nutritious substitutes for meat dishes. An effort has also been made in all recipes to avoid such combinations of food elements as interfere with the pro- cesses of digestion. In fact, wholesome food, palatable, in (3) 4 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK abundant variety, and with economy in the cost of prep- aration, may be said to be the message of the book. In revising the original work, many new recipes have been added, as well as several entire chapters intended to make the book of greater value for family use, and also for restaurant and sanitarium work. Accuracy in detail has been followed throughout in the preparation of recipes; and this second edition is submitted to the public with the firm belief that aU who give the book a fair trial will find a vegetarian diet both pleasing and healthful. E. G. F. CONTENTS Bakery and Breakfast Dishes 235-252 Beverages 345-350 Cake 225-233 Cereals 253-261 Dairy Dishes 285-291 Eggs 275-284 Entrees 35-94 Food Combinations 373-378 Food Tables 367-372 Fruits and Fruit Canning 323-328 Fruits and Their Preparation 315-322 General Suggestions 381-384 Hygiene of Cooking 7-12 Ices and Sherbets 329-343 Liquid Foods 293-297 Nut Preparations 307-313 Pies 213-223 Preface 3, 4 Puddings 173-203 Pudding Sauces 205-212 Salads 141-159 (5): 6 vegetarian cook book Salad Dressings 161-171 Sandwiches 299-305 Sauces for Vegetables, Entrees, Etc 131-139 Soups 13-34 Table Etiquette and Rules for Waiters 385-400 Toasts 263-273 Utensils 351-365 Vegetables 95-130 HYGIENE OF COOKING (^ GOOD COOKING =D 0= Good cooking is not the result of accident, a species of good luck, as it were. There is reason in every process; a law governing every chemical change. A course of med- ical lectures does not make a physician, nor will a collec- tion of choice recipes make a cook. There must be a knowl- edge of compounding, as well as of compiling; of baking, as well as of mixing; and above all, one must engage in the real doing. Theory alone will not suffice; but ex- perience, which practise only can give, is of the utmost importance. Mention will be made, under this head, of only those forms of cooking which enter into vegetarian cookery as usually understood. BOILING The term "boiling," as applied to cookery, means cook- ing in a boiling liquid. Many kinds of food need the ac- tion of water or other liquid, combined with heat, to cook them in the best manner; and boiling is one of the most common forms of cookery. When water becomes too hot to bear the hand in it with comfort, it has reached one hun- dred and fifty degrees, or the scalding point. When there is a gentle tremor or undulation on the surface, one hun- (9) 10 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK dred and eighty degrees, or the simmering point, is reached. When there is quite a commotion on the surface of the water, and the bubbles breaking above it throw off steam or watery vapor, two hundred and twelve degrees, or the boiling point, is reached. After water reaches the boil- ing point, it becomes no hotter, no matter how violently it may boil. The excess of heat escapes in steam. This important fact is rarely understood by the average cook; and much fuel is often needlessly wasted because of the mistaken idea that rapidly boiling water cooks food more quickly. In all ordinary cooking, simmering is more effective than violent boiling. The temperature of the water may be slightly raised by covering the kettle. If sugar or salt, or anything to increase its density, is added to water, it takes longer for it to boil, but its boiling temperature is higher. This explains why boiling sirup and boiling salt water are hotter than boiling fresh water. Boiling effects partial destruction or removal of organic and mineral im- purities found in water; hence the importance of boiling the water where such impurities exist. Boiling also ex- pels all the air and the gases which give fresh water its sparkle and vitality; therefore the sooner water is used after it begins to boil, the more satisfactory will be the cooking. Fresh water should be used when the object is to extract the flavor, or soluble parts, as in soups and broths. Salt water should be used when it is desired to retain the flavor and soluble parts, as in most green vegetables. Cold water draws out the starch of vegetables. Boiling water bursts GOOD COOKING 11 starch grains, and is absorbed by the swelling starch, and softens the cellulose in cereals and vegetables. MILK In cooking some kinds of food, milk is used instead of water. Milk being thicker than water, less of the steam escapes, and it becomes hot sooner than water, adheres to the pan, and burns easily. At its boiling temperature (214 degrees), the casein contained in the milk is slightly hardened, and its fat rendered more difficult of digestion. By heating milk in a double boiler, these dangers are avoided. The process is a form of steaming. The milk then reaches a temperature of only 196 degrees, and is called scalding milk. STEAMING The process of cooking food over boiling water is termed steaming. It is a very satisfactory and convenient method, without much loss of substance. It takes a longer time than some other ways of cooking, but requires less attention. There are two methods of cooking by steam: (1) In a steamer, which is a covered pan with perforated bottom. The steamer is placed over boiling water, and the steam carries the heat directly to the food. (2) By means of a double boiler. By this method the heat is conveyed from the boiling water, through the inner boiler, to the food. When cooking by steam, the water should boil steadily until the food is done. Watery vegetables are made drier by steaming, and flour mixtures develop a dif- ferent flavor from that which they have when baked. 12 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK STEWING This is cooking in a small quantity of water at a low temperature for a long time, and is a form of boiling. The food loses less nutriment when stewed than when rapidly boiled. BAKING Cooking by means of dry heat, as in a close oven, is known as baking. The closely confined heat of the ovefl. develops flavors which are entirely different from those obtained by other forms of cooking. For many kinds of food the baking is as important as the mixing; and every cook should thoroughly understand how to regulate the oven. Nearly all flour mixtures, as bread, cakes, and many kinds of pudding, are more wholesome when baked than when cooked in any other way, BRAIZING This is a combination of stewing and baking. Meat cooked in a closely covered stew-pan, so that it retains its own flavor and the flavors of the vegetables and seasonings put with it, is braized. Dishes thus cooked are highly esteemed. BROILING Broiling, meaning *'to burn," is cooking directly over, or in front of, the clear fire, and is the hottest form of cooking. The intense heat, combined with the free action of the air, produces a fine flavor quite unlike that obtained in any other way. Pan broiling is broiling on a hot sur- face instead of over hot coals. SOUPS SOUPS Cream soups are seasonable at any time, using any vege- table in its season. Canned goods may be used when the fresh article is not obtainable. Vegetables that are too tough and old to cook in any other way, may be used in soups to advantage. If it can be afforded, a teaspoonful of whipped cream may be dropped into each plate, and will be found very delicious. By a puree is meant a soup thicker than a cream soup. If properly made, cream soups and purees are dainty, de- licious, and nourishing. Fruit soups are in favor during hot weather, for dinners and luncheons; they are very easily made, and are wholesome and refreshing. Any desired fruit juice may be thickened with corn-starch, sago, or arrowroot, and served with or without fruit, hot, or cold with cracked ice. KINDS OF SOUP Observing these proportions and following the foregoing directions, delicious cream soups are made of rice, squash, celery, peas, asparagus, cucumber, spinach, peanuts, po- tatoes, corn, lima beans, cauliflower, beets, tomatoes, salsify, chestnuts, mushrooms, onions, baked beans, lentils, maca- roni, spaghetti, watercress, string-beans, sago, tapioca, bar- ley, carrots, etc. All vegetables should be cooked very tender in boiling water. Add salt a short time before re- moving ; if added when the vegetables first start cooking, it tends to harden them, and they therefore require longer cooking. They may be added to the soup with or without (15) 16 VEGETAEIAJSr COOK BOOK forcing through a colander. Rice and barley may be cooked in a stew-pan, but sago and tapioca should be cooked in a double boiler. If chestnuts are to be used, they should be boiled and mashed. Macaroni, spaghetti, and vermicelli should be broken the desired length before being put into the boiling water. String-beans should be minced before they are added to the soup. VEGETABLE STOCK Boil minced turnips, carrots, celery, and onions in enough water to make half the amount of stock required. When the vegetables are done, drain, and add an equal amount of rich bean broth, with a little brown flour, nut butter, celery salt, and just enough strained tomato to remove the sweet vegetable taste. This stock should be of the consistency of broth when done. Protose may be cooked with the vegetables if it can be afforded. The vege- tables should be put to cook in cold water, that the sub- stance and flavor may be well drawn out. FOUNDATION OF CREAM SOUPS Rub one heaping tablespoon of butter and two of sifted flour to a cream; melt in a saucepan over the fire, and add slowly four cups of milk, stirring constantly. "When it thickens, add salt, and whatever seasoning and in- gredients are desired to make the soup. CROUTONS FOR SOUP Take thin slices of bread, cut them into little squares, SOUPS 17 place them in a baking pan, and brown to a golden color in a quick oven. EGG BALLS FOR SOUP Egg yolks, hard-boiled, 6. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Flour, 1/2 tablespoon. Egg yolks, raw, 2. Rub the hard-boiled yolks and flour smooth, then add the raw yolks and the salt. Mix all well together, make into balls, and drop into the soup a few minutes before serving. EGG DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP Milk, 1 cup. Flour. Eggs, 2. Beat the eggs well, add the milk, and as much flour as will make a smooth, rather thick batter, free from lumps. Drop this batter, a tablespoonful at a time, into the boil- ing soup. NOODLES FOR SOUP Beat one egg till light, add a pinch of salt, and flour enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out very thin ; sprinkle with flour to keep from sticking. Then roll up into a scroll; and beginning at the end, slice into strips as thin as straws. After all are cut, mix them lightly to- gether; and to prevent their sticking together, keep them floured a little till you are ready to drop them into the 2 18 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK soup, which should be a few minutes before serving. If boiled too long they go to pieces. VEGETABLE BOUILLON Vegetable soup stock, 2 quarts. Tomatoes, cooked and strained, 2 cups. Bay leaves, 2. Salt, 1 tablespoon. Onions, grated, medium size, 2, Mix all the ingredients together, and let simmer slowly two or three hours. There should be about one quart of soup when done. Strain, reheat, and serve. WHITE BEAN SOUP White beans, 1 cup. Onion, medium size, 1, Salt, 1 teaspoon. Water, 2 quarts. Nut butter, 1 tablespoon. Stew the beans and onions in the water until tender; add nut butter and salt; press through a sieve, bring to a boil, and serve. The addition of some cream wiU improve this soup. BEAN TAPIOCA SOUP White beans, % cup. Tapioca, % cup. Salt. Water, 4 cups. Hot water. Cream. SOUPS 19 Cook the beans in water till well done; press through a strainer, add tapioca, and cook till clear ; add hot water to make of proper consistency; season with salt and cream; heat well, and serve. LIMA BEAN SOUP Lima bean or brown bean soup may be prepared the same as bean tapioca soup, omitting the tapioca. BEAN AND TOMATO SOUP Beans, boiled, 1 cup. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Rice, cooked, y^ cup. Salt. Tomatoes, stewed, 2 cups. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Boiling water for required consistency. Eub the beans and tomatoes through a sieve; add salt, butter rubbed in flour, cooked rice, and enough boiling water to make the proper consistency; reheat and serve. BEAN BROTH Small white beans, 2 cups. Onion, small, 1. Salt. Celery salt. Butter. Wash the beans ; add the onion, and cold water enough that when they have cooked three hours there will be six cups of liquid. Strain and add a pinch of celery salt and a 20 VEGETARIAN" COOK BOOK small piece of butter. Salt to taste. This broth may be served to the sick instead of beef tea. CELERY AND TOMATO SOUP Celery, 2 cups. Vegetable stock, 2 cups. Celery salt. Tomatoes, 2 cups. Salt. Chop the celery rather fine, and cook in a little water till tender; press through a sieve, and add the tomato, salt, and soup stock; heat well, and serve. CREAM CELERY SOUP Celery, stewed, 1 cup. Milk, 1 quart. Broth from the celery, 1 cup. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Heat the milk, and thicken with the flour. Press the celery through a colander, and add it and the other in- gredients to the milk. Reheat and serve. CREAM RICE SOUP Rice, 2 tablespoons. MiUi, 5 cups. Salt. Celery salt. Wash the rice in warm water, and add to the boiling milk; cook until tender, season, and serve. SOUPS 21 CREAM CORN SOUP Corn, 1 can. Cream or milk, 4 cups. Salt. Grind the corn in vegetable mill, and press through a fine colander; add the cream and salt; heat and serve. CORN SOUP Sweet corn, rubbed fine, 2 cups. Vegetable soup stock, 4 cups. Salt, 1 heaping tablespoon. If desired, add more water. Bring to a boil, rub through a colander, reheat and serve. CORN AND TOMATO SOUP Kornlet, ground fine, 1% cups. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Water, 1 cup. Mix thoroughly, season with salt, heat to boiling point, and serve. CEREAL SOUP Onion, chopped, 1. Celery salt. Left-over porridge, 1 cup. Milk, 2 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Bay leaf. Water, 2 cups. Salt, 1 teaspoon. 22 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Into a saucepan put the chopped onion and butter ; cook carefully, without browning the butter, until the onion is perfectly soft; add the celery salt, bay leaf, and por- ridge; stir for a moment, then add the water and milk; bring to a boil, and strain; salt, reheat, and serve. NUT CHOWDER SOUP Nuttolene or protose, 14 pound. Eggs, hard-boiled, 3. Onions, browned, 3. Sage, 1 teaspoon. Thyme, 1 teaspoon. Bay leaves, 2. Salt, 1 tablespoon. Chop all together till fine, then add to boiling strained tomatoes, four cups; add boiling water, one cup; thicken with flour, one tablespoonf ul ; reheat and serve. NUT NOODLE SOUP Vegetable soup stock, 6 cups. Noodles. Cook the noodles in stock for about twenty minutes, salt, and serve. Strained tomatoes or vegetable broth may be used in place of the soup stock. NUT AND OLIVE SOUP Soup stock, 4 cups. Ripe olives, chopped, 12. Flour, browned, 1 tablespoon. Tomatoes, strained, % cup. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoon. Nut butter, 2 tablespoons. SOUPS 23 Emulsify the nut butter in a little of the stock; add the remaining stock and the rest of the ingredients, except the browned flour, which should be added after the soup has boiled. Salt and serve. NUT AND ASPARAGUS SOUP Asparagus, finely cut, 4 cups. Vegetable soup stock, 4 cups. Salt. Cook till the asparagus is very tender; put through a sieve; add stock and salt; reheat and serve. NUT MEAT BROTH Water, 4 cups. Nut meal, 1 cup. Gluten meal or browned flour, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Let all boil together thoroughly, and serve. NUT AND TOMATO SOUP Onion, 1. Savory or green herbs, 1 pinch. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Nut butter, 1 tablespoon. Tomatoes, stewed, 1 cup. Hot water, 3 cups. Gluten. Slice the onion into a heated saucepan with the butter and herbs; let brown two or three minutes, then add the nut butter; brown a little longer, and add the tomatoes and water ; boil, thicken with gluten, salt, strain, and serve. 24 VEGETAEIAN" COOK BOOK RICE AND NUT SOUP Vegetable stock, 5 cups. Sage, 1/4 teaspoon. Rice, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Water, 2 cups. Boil twenty minutes, and serve. RICE AND VEGETABLE SOUP Rice, 1-3 cup. Potato, 1. Carrot, 1. \ Turnip, 1. Onion, 1. Celery, 2 stalks. Butter, size of walnut. Salt. Grind tbe raw carrot, turnip, onion, and celery, and put with tbe rice into three quarts of water; salt, boil fifteen minutes, add the ground potatoes and the butter, and cook until done. NUT AND PEA SOUP Green peas, 1 can. Nut butter, 1 teaspoon. Hot water, 3 cups. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Press the peas through a colander; put that remaining in the colander into the hot water, stir, and again press through the colander; dilute the nut butter as for table use, and add to the puree and water; heat and thicken. SOUPS 25 CREAM PEA SOUP Peas, 1 can. Rich milk, 1 quart. Flour. Salt. Drain the juice from the peas; press tiie peas through a colander; add the portion left in the colander to the milk, stir, and press through again ; heat, salt, and thicken. CLEAR TOMATO SOUP Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. "Water, 1 pint. Onion, 1 slice. Salt. Butter. Bay leaf. Place all in a stew-pan, and cook for fifteen minutes; strain, reheat, and serve. TOMATO SAGO SOUP Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. Water, 1 pint. Sago, 2 tablespoons. Butter. Salt. Place all in a stew-pan, cook until the sago is trans- parent, and serve. 26 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK TOMATO BISQUE NO. 1 Tomatoes, 1 pint. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Nut butter, 1 tablespoon. Milk, 4 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. • Bay leaf, 1. Onion, small, 1. Place the butter in a pot; put in one bay leaf and one small onion, and let braize till light brown; add the flour, and stir until well mixed ; then add hot milk, stirring con- stantly to keep smooth. Heat the tomatoes in which has been emulsified the nut butter, and thicken slightly with flour. Beat the tomato and milk together carefully, salt, heat thoroughly, strain, and reheat and serve. TOMATO BISQUE NO. 2 Tomatoes, strained, 4 cups. Peanut butter, about 4 tablespoons. Salt. Put the tomatoes in double boiler, set on the range, and when scalding hot add the nut butter emulsified in enough water to pour readily ; mix together and salt to taste. Use plenty of salt to bring out the flavor. PLAIN TOMATO SOUP Tomatoes, strained, 3 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Salt. SOUPS 27 Melt the butter in a saucepan, stir the flour in well, and add the tomatoes and stock; let boil five minutes, sea- son, and serve. In place of the stock, barley water, or the broth from peas, beans, rice, etc., may be used. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Tomatoes, 2 cups. Rich milk, 1 cup. Flour. Salt. Heat the milk and tomatoes in separate double boilers, and thicken both with flour to consistency desired for soup ; cook about five minutes; pour half of the thickened milk in a round-bottomed dish, and beat constantly while add- ing slowly the thickened tomato ; then add, while still beat- ing, the remainder of the milk ; salt and serve. If skimmed milk is used, add butter before serving. TOMATO VERMICELLI SOUP Tomatoes, strained, 3 cups. Vermicelli, I/2 cup. Water, 2 cups. Cook the vermicelli in the tomatoes till done, and add water; if too thin, bind with a little thickening of butter and flour. A rounded tablespoonful of each will be enough for each quart of soup. Macaroni, spaghetti, or alphabet letter may be used instead of vermicelli. 28 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK LENTIL AND TOMATO SOUP Lentils, 1 cup. Water, 4 cups. Nut butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Onion, 1. Tomatoes, stewed, 2 cups. Flour, browned, 1 tablespoon. Stew the lentils and the onion in water one hour; add stewed tomatoes, nut butter, and browned flour ; bring to a brisk boil, season with salt, press through a colander, reheat, and serve. SWISS LENTIL SOUP Lentils, 1 cup. Onion, small, 1. Flour, browned, 2 rounded tablespoons. Salt. Put the lentils to cook in a large quantity of boiling water; boil rapidly a short time, then simmer without stir- ring. When they begin to get tender and are yet quite moist, slice the onion and press into the lentils until cov- ered ; keep the vessel over a slow, even fire until lentils are well dried out. The drying-out may be finished in the oven if the lentils are covered so that they will not harden on top. When well dried, add a little boiling water, and rub through a fine colander, removing the hulls. Into this pulp stir the browned flour; beat till smooth, then add gradually enough boiling water to make of consistency of soup ; salt, boil, and set where it will keep hot twenty min- utes to an hour, to blend ingredients. SOUPS 29 GERMAN LENTIL SOUP Lentik, % cup. Carrot, a few slices. Nut butter, 1 tablespoon. Celery, one sprig, or a little celery salt. Salt. Water, 4 cups. Turnip, a few slices. Apple sauce, I/2 cup. Onion, 1. Boil the lentils in the water with the onion, carrot, turnips, and celery; boil gently about one and one half hours; put through a sieve, and return to soup kettle; add nut butter and apple sauce; bring to a boil, salt, and serve. If necessary, add a little boiling water or rich milk to thin the soup. FULTON'S FAVORITE Rich milk, 1 quart. Asparagus, 10 stalks. Onion, 1 slice. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Mince the onion very fine, and brown in the butter in a saucepan. Add flour, and brown slightly. Cut off the tips of asparagus (which can be served to advantage on toast), and shred the next inch and a half very fine and place in the saucepan with the butter and flour. Next slowly add the milk, stirring carefully. Salt to taste, and serve. 30 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK MOCK CHICKEN SOUP Butter, 3^ cup. Onion, medium size, 1. Celery stalk, 1. Milk, 114 quarts. Egg, 1. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Parsley, chopped fine, 1 teaspoon. Nuttolene, 3 tablespoons. Flour. Put tlie butter in a saucepan with, the onion, parsley, and celery; cook it to a golden brown color. Stir the flour in, and cook until brown, being careful not to scorch. Pour in the milk boiling hot, and stir briskly to prevent lumping. Add the nuttolene. Beat the egg with enough flour to make a stiff batter, but thin enough to pour ; pour this into the boiling stock, stirring at the same time. This will appear as small dumplings in the soup. Let simmer twenty or thirty minutes; salt and serve. WHITE SOUBISE SOUP Bread, 4 or 5 slices. Onions, 4. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Butter, 1 teaspoon. Rich milk, 2 cups. Potatoes, 2. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Water, 4 cups. Soak the bread in the milk; boil onions and potatoes in water until well done, and mix with bread and milk; SOUPS 31 add salt and flour rubbed in the butter ; strain all through a fine sieve; bring again to the boiling point, but do not allow it to boil. If too thick, add a little boiling water. VEGETABLE OYSTER PUREE Vegetable oysters, 1 quart. Milk, 1 quart. Water, 2 quarts. Flour, 4 tablespoons. Butter. Salt. Slice the vegetable oysters, and cook in the water until tender; press through a fine colander, and add to the thickened milk; season with salt and butter, and serve. VEGETABLE OYSTER SOUP Vegetable oysters, 1 quart. Milk, 1 quart. "Water, 2 quarts. Flour, 4 tablespoons. Butter. Salt. Slice the vegetable oysters very thin, and cook in the water until tender; thicken with a little of the flour, also thicken the milk which has been heated. Add the thick- ened milk to the vegetable oysters, season with butter and salt, and serve. OKRA SOUP Okra, 1 pint can. Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. j/ Water, 1 pint. Salt. 32 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put the okra into the strained tomatoes, and stew for fifteen minutes; force through a colander, and add water and salt; reheat and serve. PLAIN VEGETABLE SOUP Water, 6 cups. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Carrot, 1. Potato, 1. Turnip, 1. Onions, 2. Celery stalk, 1. Shave the vegetables to fine shreds, add to water and tomatoes, and cook moderately for two hours. Season with sage or thyme, salt to taste, and add a little chopped parsley just before serving. JULIENNE SOUP "^' Fresh peas, 1-3 cup. Potatoes, chopped, % cup. Tomato, ^^ cup. Broth, 1 quart. Carrots, cut in dice, % cup. Turnips, chopped, 1-3 cup. Onion, minced, 1. Parsley, chopped. Cook the turnips and carrots together in just enough water to prevent scorching, the potatoes and onions in the same manner, the peas by themselves. When all are done, mix together, and add the broth from beans, barley, or vege- SOUPS 33 table stock, salt, tomato, and parsley ; reheat and serve. The water the vegetables are cooked in should be used in the soup. WHITE SWISS SOUP Rice, y2 cup. Onion, small, 1. Rich milk, II/2 cups. Flour, 14 teaspoon. Water, 2 cups. Potato, 1. Egg yolk, 1. Salt. Boil the rice in water, and add the onion and potato. When the vegetables are well done, add the rich milk, and bring to a boil. Beat well the yolk of the egg with the flour, and stir in the boiling soup. Let it boil, season with salt, rub through a sieve, reheat, and serve. SWISS POTATO SOUP Potatoes, 2 Onion, 1. Cream, 2 cups. Salt. Slice the potatoes and onions, cook in stew-pan with sufficient water to cover when done; add cream; salt and serve. 3 34 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK CREAM POTATO SOUP Milk or cream, 1 quart. Potatoes, mashed, 3 cups. Salt. A palatable soup may be made very quickly by adding hot milk to mashed potatoes in the proportion given above. This may be seasoned with celery salt, onion, or otherwise, according to taste, / FAMILY FAVORITE Y Soup stock, 3 cups. Sliced okra, 1 pod. Salt. Tomatoes, stewed, ^/^ cup. Water, 1 cup. Mix all together, and boil one hour ; strain, reheat, and serve. FRUIT SOUP Strawberry or other juice, 1 cup. Pineapple juice, 1 cup. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Sago, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. With the strawberry or other juice cook the sago in double boiler; add the pineapple and lemon juice and sugar; cool, and serve in sherbet cups with chipped ice. ENTREES MOCK WHITEFISH Farina or cream of wheat, 1-3 cup. Butter, 1 scant teaspoon. Mace, y^ teaspoon. Salt to taste. Milk, 1 cup. Onion, grated, 1 tablespoon. Potatoes, mashed, 3 cups. Heat the milk to boiling, stir in the farina or cream of wheat, butter, onion, mace, and salt. Have the potatoes ready, freshly cooked and mashed; while hot, add the farina mixture, stir, and put into a pan to cool. Let stand at least twelve hours. Cut in slices about five inches long, dip in egg and crumbs, put in oiled pan, and bake until nicely browned. Serve with parsley or butter sauce. FILLETS OF VEGETARIAN SALMON V Milk, iy2 cups. Farina, I/2 cup. Tomatoes, cooked and strained, ^ cup. Egg, 1. Salt to taste, Nuttolene or nut loaf, % cup. Eggplant, boiled and mashed, IV2 cups. Bread crumbs, fine and dry, 1 cup. Color, vegetable red enough to make salmon color. Cook and mash the eggplant, stir the nuttolene or nut loaf to a cream in a little of the milk, then add the rest of the milk, the eggplant, tomatoes, and salt. Set in (37) 38 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK double boiler; when scalding bot, add the farina and bread crumbs. Mix thoroughly, and let cook fifteen or twenty minutes. Remove from the range, stir in the raw egg and the color, mixing till the color is perfectly blended. Turn into a deep pan to cool; should be about two inches deep. When cold, cut into slices, egg, crumb, and bake. Serve with parsley sauce. The addition of a small por- tion of grated onion and a teaspoon of lemon juice may improve this for some. VEGETARIAN TAMALES ^ Nuttolene or nut loaf, % pound. Protose, 14 pound. Hominy, 1 pint. Onion, %. Celery, minced, % cup. Oil, % cup. Olives, 1 cup. Tomatoes, strained, 1 pint. Flour, 21/^ tablespoons. Salt. Cook the minced onion and celery in the oil until brown; then add the floui', and next the hot strained to- matoes. When well cooked, put in minced seeded olives, and the other ingredients, after they have been forced through a fine colander. Mix well, and set aside to cool and give the flavors time to blend well. Fill custard cups with this mixture, and bake. ENTREES 39 GUMBO STEW ^ Okra, 1 pint can. Protose, y-2 pound. Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. Rice, 1 cup. Salt. Mix all, and stew until the flavors are well blended. Nuttolene may be substituted for the protose; and grated onion may be added if desired. OKRA GUMBO, VEGETARIAN STYLE Ripe tomatoes, 2 cups. Water, Xy^ quarts. Nuttolene, diced, i/4 pound. Onion, medium size, 1. Okra, sliced, 2 cups, Protose, diced, % pound. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Rice, boiled, 1 cup. Salt, celery salt, mace. Watercress, parsley. Cook the tomatoes and okra in the water. Brown the onion in the butter; add the protose and nuttolene, with the seasoning ; brown all together a few minutes ; then add the tomato and okra; let all simmer for two hours. Serve on platters on tablespoonful of boiled rice. Garnish with the parsley or cress. 40 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK VEGETARIAN HAMBURGER STEAK Protose or nut cero, 1 pound. Sage, 1/2 teaspoon. Eggs, 2. Nuttolene, % pound. Onion, grated, 1 tablespoon. Mix thoroughly, form into patties, and brown in a hot oven. Serve with tomato sauce. VEGETARIAN SAUSAGE Boiled rice, 3 cups. Onion, grated, 1. Protose, 1 pound. Salt, iy2 teaspoons. Oil, 3 tablespoons. Sage, 3 teaspoons. Form into patties, roll in gluten or browned flour, put a small piece of butter on top of each, and brown in the oven. NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER Potatoes, 41/2 cups. Turnips, 1 cup. Onions, 2 cups. Carrots, 1% cups. Cabbage, 2% cups. Cut the potatoes, carrots, and turnips in three-quarter- inch cubes; slice the onions, and cut the cabbage into ENTREES 41 pieces about one and one half inches square. Boil the potatoes and onions together. The carrots and turnips may also be cooked together in salted water. The cabbage may either be cooked separately or be added to the carrots and turnips when they are partially cooked. "When all are done, mix together, and serve with slices of protose or other nut food that has been braized in a tomato or brown sauce. BAKED EGGPLANT A LA CREME Eggplant, 6 slices. Milk, 3 cups. Butter. Bread crumbs, toasted, i/^ cup. Salt, 2 teaspoons. Peel the eggplant, and cut in slices about three fourths of an inch thick. Place slices in a pan, and cover with sifted toasted bread crumbs or sifted granola. Pour over this the milk, add salt and small piece of butter, and bake. If it becomes too dry, add a little more milk. BAKED STUFFED TOMATOES - Tomatoes, medium size, 6. Protose, chopped, I/2 pound. Sage, % teaspoon. Parsley, chopped. Bread crumbs, toasted, % cup. Onion, chopped, 1 tablespoon. Salt, 1 teaspoon. 42 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Take out the inside of the tomatoes, and mix with this the bread crumbs. Then add the other ingredients, and fill the tomatoes, piling mixture up on top. Place a small piece of butter on each, and bake in a hot oven, until the tomatoes are cooked. When nearly done, sprinkle chopped parsley over the top. GREEN PEA SOUFFLlS Green peas, 1 can. Milk or cream, I/2 cup. Eggs, 2. Salt. Drain the juice from the peas, force them through a fine colander, and add the salt, milk, and the beaten yolks, then the well-beaten whites; pour into a greased pan, and bake until well set. Serve at once. POTATO CHOWDER, PLAIN Potatoes, diced, 2 quarts. Onion, sliced, 1. Celery, minced, % cup. Parsley, minced, 2 tablespoons. Cream sauce, 1 pint. Salt. Place all in layers in a granite pan, adding a little salt with each layer. Cover with hot water, and cook under cover, in oven, until tender; then add a pint of cream sauce, and serve. ENTREES 43 CORN CHOWDER NO. 1 Milk, 2 quarts. Corn, 1 can. Potatoes, diced, 2 cups. Onion, grated, % teaspoon. Butter, size of walnut. Flour, 3 tablespoons. Salt. Put the butter into the milk, and heat ; thicken with the flour, braided smooth with a little cold millc; add the onion, salt, corn, and potatoes; pour into a granite pan, and bake under cover until the potatoes are tender. CORN CHOWDER NO. 2 Corn, 11/^ cans. Protose or nut cero, ^2 pound. Potatoes, medium size, 3. Cream, lyo cups. Salt. Grind the corn, and place half of it on the bottom of a granite pan. Next add the protose or nut cero, which has been diced, and the sliced potatoes, sprinkled with salt; cover with the remainder of the corn, and then with the cream; bake until the potatoes are done. ESCALLOPED CORN . Corn, 2 cans. Tomatoes, 6. Tomato sauce, 1^ cups. Salt. 44 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK Grind the corn, and place a layer of it on the bottom of a granite pan; on this slice the peeled tomatoes. Now cover with the remainder of the corn, and then with the tomato sauce; sprinkle with bread crumbs; bake. BAKED COEN Com, 1 can. Egg, 1. Oil, % cup. Milk, 34 cup. Flour, 14 cup. Bread crumbs, % cup. Salt. Braid the flour with a portion of milk, beat the egg, mix all together, and bake until well set and browned. GREEN CORN NUT PIE , Corn, ground, 2 cans. Rich milk, 1 cup. Flour. Eggs, beaten, 2. Salt to taste. Onion, minced, 1. Celeiy, chopped, Y^ cup. Oil or butter. Water, 1 cup. Tomatoes, strained, % cup. Nuttolene or protose, minced, % cup. Mix the corn, the milk, three fourths of a cup of flour, the beaten eggs, and the salt. Braize the celery and onion ENTREES 45 in a little butter or oil, and add to them two table- spoons of flour, and the water, tomatoes, and minced nut- tolene or protose. Oil a baking pan, and cover the bottom with one half of the corn mixture ; then put in the nut food mixture and on top put the remainder of the com. Bake till nicely browned. VEGETABLE OYSTER PIE Vegetable oysters, 1 quart. Potatoes, 1 cup. Cream sauce, 2^/2 cups. Pie paste sufficient to cover. Parsley, chopped, 1 teaspoon. Parsnips, 1 cup. Salt. Boil the vegetables separately until tender; then mix with the other ingredients, and put in a shallow baking pan. Cover with the pie paste, and bake a light brown. Serve hot. OYSTER PIE Vegetable oysters, 1 pint. Protose or nut cero, % pound. Eggs, hard-boiled, 4. Parsley, 1 teaspoon. Onion, grated, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Cream sauce. Pie paste. 46 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Slice and stew the vegetable oysters, and place in a greased granite pan. Mince the parsley, eggs, and pro- tose or nut cero; add the salt and onion, mix well, and pnt with the vegetable oysters. Over all pour a cream sauce made of one cup of cream and the broth from the vegetable oysters, which has been boiled down until there remains only one cupful. Cover all with a thick pie paste, and bake. FISH PIE y Macaroni, 2 cups. Onion, 1. Cream sauce, 2 cups. Salt to taste. Eggs, 3. Parsley, chopped fine, 1 teaspoon. Cook the macaroni in salted water, drain, and chop fine; have the eggs boiled hard and chopped fine, and the onion grated. Mix all together, sprinkle with toasted bread crumbs, and brown in the oven. Serve with tomato Chili sauce. GREEN PEA AND NUTTOLENE PIE Nuttolene, diced, 2 cups. Green peas, cooked, 1 cup. Cream gravy, 1 quart. Potatoes, mashed, 1 pint. Egg yolks, 3. Onions, grated. Add the green peas and nuttolene to the cream gravy, and flavor with onion if desired. Pour into a granite pan. ENTREES 47 and cover with a crust made of the mashed potatoes mixed with the egg yolks. Bake until a light brown. MOCK CHICKEN PIE Potatoes, boiled, 4 cups. Nuttolene or nut loaf, I/2 pound. Eggs, 3. Pie crust, Protose or nut cero, % pound. Milk, 1 cup. Onion and parsley, chopped. Nut gravy. Substitute milk for tomatoes in the nut gravy. Put into an oiled baking pan a layer of the thinly sliced boiled potato, and over this a layer of nuttolene or nut loaf cut into thin slices. Sprinkle on a little chopped onion and parsley, then a layer of sliced protose or nut cero. Pour the gravy over this, put the sliced hard-boiled eggs over all, and let set five minutes. Cover all with pie crust, and bake till done. BAKED POT PIE Protose or nut cero, 1 pound. Carrots, li/^ cups. Tomato, strained, 1 cup. Thyme. Potatoes, 2 cups. Onion, minced, % cup. Parsley, chopped. Cook the carrots about one hour, then add potatoes, onion, protose or nut cero, and a little chopped parsley. 48 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Simmer in just enough water to keep from burning until potatoes are done. Season with thyme and salt to taste. Add the strained tomato, put in an oiled pan, and cover with a rich pie paste. Bake thirty to forty minutes in a moderate oven. NUT AND VEGETABLE PIE Onion, minced, 1 cup. Parsley, minced, % cup. Oil, 4 tablespoons. Carrots, mashed, 2 cups. Potatoes, mashed, 2 cups. Nut food, % pound. Eggs, 2. Brown the onion and parsley in the oil, and add the other ingredients. Salt to taste, and put in oiled pan. Pour over these a mixture made by beating one egg in one cup milk, and bake in a moderate oven till it is nicely browned, TOMATO PIE Tomatoes, 6. Parsley, chopped. Salt. Cooking oil, 3 tablespoons. Pie paste. Peel and slice the tomatoes, and place in a small baking pan. On top of this put some chopped parsley, a pinch of salt, and cooking oil. Cover with thin pie paste, and bake. ENTREES 49 EGG MIXTURE FOR CROQUETTES, FILLETS, ETC. Break an egg into a bowl or deep saucepan, and break up with a fork; add a tablespoonful of hot water, milk, or cream to soften the albumen of the egg, and mix, but do not beat in too much air. Dip the croquettes in the egg, roll in crumbs, and bake. MOCK CHICKEN CROQUETTES Com, ll^ cans. Walnuts, chopped, i/^ cup. Bread crumbs. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Cream, 1 cup. Eggs, 3. Salt. Grind the corn, and mix all together ; form into desired shape; roll in bread crumbs, and bake. CHICKEN CROQUETTES Potatoes, mashed, y^, cup. Bread crumbs, toasted, 2-3 cup. Nut butter, y^ cup. Egg, hard-boiled, chopped fine, 1. Onion, browned, % cup. Sage, 1 teaspoon. Hot water, % cup. Walnuts, chopped, 1/4 cup. Nuttolene, minced, 2 tablespoons. Egg, beaten, 1. Rice, boiled, 1 cup. Salt, 3 teaspoons. 50 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Mix all together, and form into croquettes; dip into beaten eggs and milk, roll in browned bread crumbs which have been oiled or buttered, and bake. NUT AND EICE CROQUETTES Nut cero, 1 cup. Rice, cooked, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Salt. Sage. Onions, grated. Mix all the ingredients well, form into desired shape, roll in bread crumbs and egg, and bake until nicely browned. HASHED PROTOSE CROQUETTES Protose or nut cero, 1 pound. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Potatoes, medium size, 6, Eggs, 4. Boil and mash the potatoes; add the minced protose or nut cero, the yolks of three eggs, and salt. Mix thor- oughly, form into oblong croquettes ; egg, crumb, and bake. DRIED PEA CROQUETTES Dried peas, 1% cups. Egg, 1. Salt. Oil, 2 teaspoons. Bread crumbs. ENTREES 51 Soak the peas overnight. Wash, and cook in boiling water until tender. Drain, press through a colander, and salt. Mix thoroughly with other ingredients, and form into small rolls about three inches long, dip in beaten egg, roll in bread crumbs, and bake in a quick oven. Serve with tomato sauce. BEAN CROQUETTES Navy beans, 1 cup. Oil, 1 tablespoon. Bread crumbs. Salt, 1 level teaspoon. Egg, beaten, 1. Soak the beans overnight, drain, and cook in fresh boil- ing water until tender, or about an hour. Drain, press through a colander, add salt and oil. Mix thoroughly, and roll into cylinder-shaped croquettes, dip into beaten egg, roll in bread crumbs, and bake in moderate oven. Serve with tomato sauce. SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES Sweet potatoes, cooked, 2 cups. Bread crumbs, 1 cup. Eggs, 2. Cream, % cup. Salt. Mix all the ingredients well, form into desired shape, roll in bread crumbs, and bake. 52 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK POTATO CROQUETTES Potatoes, steamed, 1 quart. Eggs, hard-boiled, 2. Flour. Cream, 3/2 cup. Salt. Onion, grated. Mash the fresh steamed potatoes, add salt and cream, then the grated onion and minced hard-boiled eggs. Next add flour or gluten in sufficient quantity to form into shape. Bake in a slow oven until nicely browned. WALNUT LENTIL PATTIES Lentils, cooked, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Walnuts, chopped, % cup. Granola or bread crumbs. Rub the lentils through a colander, and add the chopped walnut meats, one egg, and a pinch of salt. Thicken with bread crumbs or granola, form into patties, roll in egg and buttered crumbs, and bake. Serve with gravy. LENTIL PATTIES ON MACARONI Lentils, 1 cup. Eggs, 2. Parsley, chopped, 1 teaspoon. Onion, minced, 2 tablespoons. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Bread crumbs. ENTREES 53 Cook the lentils until tender, and put through a col- ander. To this pulp add the rest of the ingredients, using sufficient bread crumbs to make stiff enough to form into patties. Dip the patties in egg and crumbs, and brown in the oven. Serve on a platter with creamed macaroni. WALNUT LENTILS Lentils, li^ cups. Walnuts, 1 cup. Butter. Cook the lentils in six cups of water until they are quite tender and the water is almost dried away. Then press them through a soup strainer. Grind the walnut meats, and put with the lentils. Add a little butter, and salt to taste. LENTIL HASH Lentils, cooked, 1^ cups. Potatoes, cold boiled or baked, minced, 2 cups. Salt. Onion, minced, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Oil, 4 tablespoons. Heat the onions in oil, add flour, and cook; put into one and a half cups of hot water, season with salt, and put with the lentils and potatoes. Turn the whole into a bake pan, add a few small pieces of butter, and bake slowly. 54 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK RICE MOLD WITH FRUIT COMPOTE Rice, 1 cup. Milk, % cup. Lemon or vanilla flavoring. ^Sg, 1. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Fruit, stewed. Wash the rice clean, and boil in sufficient water until done. Drain the water off well. Add, while hot, a custard made of egg, milk, and sugar. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. Cook until set. Form into molds, and serve with stewed prunes, peaches, or any other kind of fruit, RICE AND BANANA COMPOTE Rice, % cup. Milk, 3 cups. Vanilla. Bananas, 6. Sugar. Bring the milk to a boil, thicken with a teaspoonful of corn-starch or flour, and add sugar to taste. Simmer the bananas in this sauce for half an hour, press through a sieve, and season with vanilla. Rice for Bananas: Cook the rice in two and one fourth cups of water in a double boiler till done. The rice should be soft and each grain standing out separate when done. Make a layer of the rice, and serve the bananas on it. ENTREES 55 PROTOSE CHARTREUSE Thick cream sauce, 2 cups. Eggs, 4. Salt. Protose, % pound. Rice, cooked, 1 quart. Bread crumbs, sufficient to thicken. To the cream sauce add the protose, bread crumbs, two eggs, and salt. Mix thoroughly. Line "a baking pan with part of the rice, and fill in the center with the protose mixture; cover with the rest of the rice, and press down gently. Bake, and serve with jelly sauce in which the two remaining eggs have been mixed. GOLDEN NUT CHARTREUSE Thick cream sauce, 2 cups. Corn-meal mush, 1 quart. Bread crumbs. Eggs, 2. Protose, or other nut food, ^ pound. Salt. Make the filling the same as for protose chartreuse, line the pan with the mush, put in the filling, and cover with mush. It may be found necessary to add a little cream gravy to the mush, to get it to spread well, especially on the top of the loaf. 56 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK MOCK CHICKEN RISSOLES Protose or nut cero, % pound. Nuttolene or nut loaf, % pound. Milk, 1/2 cup. Bread crumbs. Flour, 1 tablespoon, "Butter, 14 cup. Salt. Eggs, 2. Put the butter into a saucepan; when hot, stir in the flour, and brown; add the hot milk and salt, and let cook a few minutes. Remove from the stove, and when cool, work in the eggs one at a time. Chop the nut food fine, and add it, and bread crumbs enough that the mixture will not spread. Roll out pie paste as for pies, cutting into ob- long pieces about two and one half by five inches. Place on one end of this a spoonful of the filling; moisten the edges of the pie paste, and fold together over the filling; then cut in the form of a half circle. With the finger press the cut edges closely together. Bake, and serve with jelly sauce. Lentil puree, rice, or other ingredients may be used instead of the nut food. The filling may also be seasoned with sage or grated onion. VEGETARIAN BEEF STEAK Lentils, cooked, 1 pint. Bread crumbs, coarse, 3 cups. Oil, 14 cup. Sage. Cream, % cup. Salt. ENTREES 57 Add the oil, salt, sage, and cream to the bread crumbs, and allow to soak for a few minutes; mix well with the sifted lentils, and steam for two hours or more. Allow to cool, then slice, and brown in an oiled pan. MOCK TURKEY WITH DRESSING German lentils, 1 cup. Walnut meats, chopped, i^ cup. Milk, 1 cup. Salt. Celery salt. Granola or bread crumbs. Onion, minced, 14 cup. Celery, chopped, 1 cup. Eggs, 2. Sage. Bread, sliced. 1. Thoroughly wash the lentils, boil slowly until tender, and run through a colander. Add the walnut meats, one egg, and the minced onion browned with the chopped cel- ery in a little oil. Add salt and sage to taste. Thicken with granola or bread crumbs. 2. Dip thin slices of bread in a mixture of one egg and a cup of milk; or thin slices of nuttolene or nut loaf may be used instead. Make alternate layers of 1 and 2. DRESSING NO. 1 Stale bread, l^ loaf. Cold milk, 2 cups. Eggs, 1 or 2. Butter, 1 tablespoon. 58 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Crumb the bread, and soak in the milk. If the bread does not take up most of the milk, pour off some of it. Stir in beaten egg, and season with salt, sage, butter, and onions. Serve with cranberry sauce. DRESSING NO. 2 Onions, large, 2. Stale bread, crumbed, 1 cup. Milk, % cup. Sage, 1 tablespoon. Eggs, beaten, 2. Parsley, chopped, 2 tablespoons. Butter, 1/4 cup. Salt to taste. Peel and parboil the onions. Drain, and chop fine. Soak the bread crumbs in the milk, then mix all the ingre- dients together. Bake until set. Serve a slice of roast with a spoonful of dressing on one end and cranberry sauce on the other. OLIVE PATTIES Olives, minced, 1 cup. Stale bread, % loaf. Eggs, 4. Onion, grated. Sage, Milk. Soak the bread in milk until well saturated; then squeeze out with the hand, and add the bread to the ENTREES 59 beaten egg yolis, olives, onion, and sage; mix well, form into shape, roll in bread crumbs, and bake. OLIVE AND POTATO PATTIES Potatoes, mashed, 2 cups. 'Egg, 1. Olives, minced, 2 tablespoons. Gluten. Beat egg into hot mashed potatoes, add the olives, and enough gluten that the mixture can be molded. Bake in a quick oven to a light brown. OLIVE AND NUT RAREBIT Olives, % cup. Nuttolene, ^ pound. Protose or nut eero, l^ pound. Onion, grated. Sage. Salt. Bread. Egg. Seed the olives, and mince with the protose or nut cero and nuttolene. Add the sage, grated onion, and salt, and mix well. Proceed as for making sandwiches. Trim the edges, cut in two in the center, drop in beaten egg, and cook as for cutlets. 60 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK OLIVE FILLETS Olives, 1/2 cup. Nuttolene or nut loaf, ^ pound. Protose, l^ pound. Onion, grated. Sage. Salt. Bread. Brown gravy. Mince the nuttolene or nut loaf, protose, and seeded olives, and add the salt, sage, and grated onion. Mix well, and spread on thin slices of bread, cover with a second slice as for a sandwich, trim off' the crusts, and cut through the center. Put a small amount of gravy in a granite pan, and place the prepared sandwiches therein, leaving an inch or so between them. Cover with the re- mainder of the gravy, and bake for twenty minutes. LENTIL CHARTREUSE Lentils, cooked, 1 pint. Eggs, 2. Bread crumbs, 1 cup. Oil, 1 tablespoon. Rice, 1 quart. Cream, 1 cup. Salt. Onion, grated. Sage. Press the lentils through a fine colander. Add the salt, sage, onion, cream, bread crumbs, and one egg. Mix well. ENTREES 61 Line the bottom of a bread tin with a piece of manila paper, grease this and the side of the tin, and line all with a portion of the rice with which has been mixed the re- maining eg^. Fill with the lentil preparation, and cover with the remainder of the rice. Bake until well set, and serve with jelly sauce. LENTIL FRITTERS Lentils, 1 cup. Rich milk, I/4 cup. Egg, 1. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Flour, % cup. Cook the lentils until tender, drain, and press through a colander. Put with these the milk, butter, flour, salt, and beaten yolk, mix thoroughly, and add the stiffly beaten white. Drop in spoonfuls on oiled griddle, and brown on both sides, or bake in the oven. Garnish with parsley, and serve with marmalade or apple sauce. RICE AND EGG SCRAJMBLE Rice, cooked, 2 cups. Eggs, 4, Milk, 4 cups. Scramble the eggs in the milk, add salt when nearly done, mix with the rice, and serve hot. 62 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK SPANISH RICE Rice, 1 cup. Bay leaf, 1. Celery, minced, 1 stalk. Tomatoes, 2 cups. Onion, minced, smaU, 1. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Boil the rice until about two thirds done, drain, and finish cooking in the following sauce: Sauce: Put in a saucepan the oil, celery, onion, and bay leaf; set over the fire, and stir occasionally to prevent burning, until brown. Then add the flour, and stir till brown. Pour in the tomatoes, let cook a few minutes, strain, and add to the rice. This sauce may be prepared by cooking the other ingre- dients in the tomatoes, and thickening with the flour braided in a little water. SMOTHERED GARBANZOS Boil and drain garbanzos, and cover with sauce made as follows, afterward cooking for at least fifteen minutes: Sauce: Cook one small onion, minced fine, in four tablespoonfuls of oil; add two tablespoonfuls of flour, and brown; then add two cups of hot strained tomatoes, and one and a half cups of hot water. ENTREES .63 GAEBANZO ROAST Boil, drain, and grind through a mill; add crumbs to make stiff, and one egg to each roast. Bake until well set and brown. GARBANZO CROQUETTES Grind cooked garbanzos, and onions to flavor, through a vegetable mill; add to equal quantity of thick cream gravy, bread crumbs to thicken, and one egg for each six croquettes; form into shape, roll in egg and crumbs, and bake. IMPERIAL NUT ROAST Pea pulp, iy2 cups. Walnuts, chopped, 1% cups. Bread crumbs. Sage. Egg, 1. Salt. Milk, 1 cup. Mix all together with enough bread crumbs to make right consistency; bake. HOLIDAY ROAST Lentil pulp, 2 cups. Onion, grated, I/4 cup. Parsley, chopped, 1-3 cup. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Eggs, 3 (1 hard-boiled). Walnuts, chopped, 1-3 cup. Stale bread. Mix with the lentil pulp, walnuts, onion, hard-boiled egg 64 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK minced fine, two beaten eggs, parsley minced fine, butter, and bread crumbs enough to make stiff; place a layer of this in a roast pan, and add a layer of dressing Na. 1 (recipe given on page 57), then the remainder of the mix- ture. Bake in a moderate oven, LENTIL ROAST Lentils, 1% cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Granola, 1 cup. Eggs, 2. Onion, small, 1. Walnuts, ground, 1 cup. Salt. Cook the lentils in sufficient water to prevent burning. When tender, add the sliced onion, butter, and salt to taste. Cook for twenty-five to thirty minutes longer with the pot closely covered. Eemove from fire, drain, press through a colander, and put with the granola or bread crumbs, ground wal- nuts, and eggs. Mix well, press into a baking pan, and bake forty-five minutes, or until nicely browned. NUT AND POTATO ROAST Raw potato, large, 1. Walnut meats, 1 cup. Bread crumbs, 1^ cups. Eggs, 2. Butter, size of walnut. Onion, small, 1. Hot water, 1 cup. Salt. Tomatoes, strained, 1 pint. ENTREES 65 Grind the walnut meats, onion, and raw potato through a vegetable mill, and mix with the hot water, bread crumbs, eggs, butter, and salt. Make a layer in the center of a granite pan, and pour over the hot strained tomatoes. Bake in a medium oven for one hour, basting occasionally with the tomato. If it is liable to burn on top, it should be covered, SCOTCH PEA LOAF Scotch pea pulp, li^ cups. Egg, 1. Thyme or sage. Nut food, 1/2 pound. Butter, 2 teaspoons. Stir together; thicken with toasted bread crumbs or granola; bake. BEAN AND NUT LOAF White beans, 1 cup. Onion, i^ cup. Sage. Bread crumbs, toasted, or granola. Walnuts, chopped, 1 cup. Egg, 1. Salt. Thoroughly wash the beans, and soak overnight. Boil thoroughly, and when done rub through a colander. Add the chopped walnuts, egg, onion braized in oil, sage, and salt to taste. Thicken with granola or toasted bread crumbs. Put into an oiled pan, and bake. Serve with gravy. 5 66 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK MOCK VEAL LOAF Nuttolene or nut loaf, 14 pound. Protose, minced, 14 pound. Egg, well beaten, 1. Milk, 1/4 cup. Sage, 14 teaspoon. Butter, size of an egg. Onion, small, braized in the butter, 1. Cracker or zwieback crumbs enough to make a stiff mixture. Mix all together, salt to taste, and bake in a deep bread- pan. Garnish with parsley or young celery hearts. HAMBURGER LOAF Lentils, raw, 1 cup. Protose or nut cero, i^ pound. Cooking oil, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Onion, chopped, % cup. Eggs, 5. Bread crumbs. Cook the lentils until tender, then simmer as dry as possible, and put through a colander. Brown the onions in oil, and add to the lentils, together with the protose or nut cero, and two raw eggs. Salt to taste, and mix in enough bread crumbs that it will mold nicely. Have the three remaining eggs boiled hard, and the shells removed. Put one half the loaf mixture into a bread-pan; then put the three hard-boiled eggs in a row through the center, and cover with the remaining mixture. Press down gently, and bake. Serve with sauce imperial. ENTREES 67 BOILED MACARONI, PLAIN Put two cups of macaroni, broken into inch lengths, into a saucepan, cover with plenty of boiling water, salted, and boil till tender, or about thirty minutes. Stir gently once or twice, to prevent sticking to the bottom. Add enough cold water to stop boiling, and let it come to a boil again. Drain in a colander. Boiled macaroni may be served with a gravy or fruit sauce. CREAMED MACARONI Macaroni, 1 cup. Rich milk, 2 cups. Flour, 2 large tablespoons. Salt. Butter. Boil the macaroni, and put into a gravy made of the milk, flour, butter, and salt. Mix well, and serve. MACARONI IN CREAM Macaroni, 2i/2 cups. Milk, 4 cups. Egg yolk, 1. Cream, 1 cup. Cook the macaroni in plenty of boiling water until done. Turn off the water, and wash the macaroni by pouring two or three quarts of cold water over it. Return the macaroni to the saucepan, and put with it the boiling milk ; then remove to a cool part of the stove, and cook for 68 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK thirty minutes. Before serving, add the beaten yolk and the boiling cream. Shake the pot, to mix the egg with the macaroni. Stir as little as possible. Salt to taste. EGG MACAEONI Macaroni, II/2 cups. Eggs, hard-boiled, 3. Cream gravy, 2 cups. Bread crumbs. Break the macaroni into one-inch lengths, and boil in salted water till tender. Drain, and wash with cold water. Put into a baking dish; sprinkle over it the hard- boiled eggs chopped fine; stir in the cream gravy, made from rich milk ; sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake until nicely browned. MACARONI WITH EGG SAUCE Macaroni, 2 cups. Milk, 3 cups. Granola. Eggs, 4. Salt, 1 tablespoon. Break the macaroni into inch lengths, and boil in salted water thirty to thirty-five minutes. Drain, and turn into a deep pan. Pour over this a custard made of the milk, beaten eggs, and salt. Sprinkle with granola, and bake in a moderate oven thirty minutes. ENTREES 69 MACARONI AND CORN Macaroni, cooked, 1 pint. Corn, 1 can. Cream, 1 cup. Salt. Grind the corn, and add to the cream and cooked macaroni; salt to taste, and pour into a granite pan, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake. MACARONI AND KORNLET Macaroni, raw, 1 cup. Cream or rich milk, % cup. Kornlet, % cup. Salt to taste. Break the macaroni into one-inch lengths, and boil in salted water till tender. Drain, and add the kornlet, cream, and salt. Mix thoroughly, spread in a baking pan, and bake a light brown. There should be enough kornlet and cream to cover the macaroni smoothly, and it should not be too moist when done. MACARONI WITH CREAM TOMATO SAUCE ' Macaroni, raw, 1 cup. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Cream, y^ cup. Tomatoes, stewed and strained, 2 cups. Salt to taste. Break the macaroni into one-inch lengths, and boil in salted water till thoroughly done. Boil the tomatoes, and 70 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK thicken with flour rubbed smooth in a little water. Add the cream, which should be hot; and salt to taste. Drain the macaroni, pour the sauce over, mix well, and serve. The cream may be omitted if preferred, MACARONI WITH GRANOLA Macaroni, raw, 2 cups, Grranola, % cup. Salt to taste. Cream sauce, 2% cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Cook the macaroni till tender, drain, put one half in a baking pan, sprinkle on this one half of the granola, and cover with one half of the gravy. Repeat with the re- mainder, making two layers. Bake until nicely browned. MACARONI CROQUETTES Macaroni, raw, 2 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Egg yolks, 2, Milk, 1 cup. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Salt to taste. Boil the macaroni in salted water until tender, drain, and chop fine. Heat the milk ; when boiling, add the butter and flour, that have been rubbed together until smooth; stir until thick, remove from the range, and stir in quickly the beaten yolks of the eggs. Mix this sauce with the macaroni, season with salt, turn out into flat pan, and let ENTREES 71 cool. When cold put with it sufficient bread crumbs to form into croquettes; egg, crumb, and bake. MACARONI NEAPOLITAINE Brown gravy, 3 cups. Protose, diced, % pound. Macaroni, raw, 1 cup. Salt to taste. Cook the macaroni, drain, and add the rest of the in- gredients. Let simmer thirty minutes. Serve. MACARONI A L'lTALIENNE Macaroni, raw, 1 cup. Corn-meal, 2 tablespoons. Onion, grated, 2 tablespoons. Salt to taste. Milk or cream, 2 cups. Tomatoes, cooked and strained, 1 cup. Break the macaroni into one-inch lengths ; boil in salted water till done ; drain. Boil the milk, and thicken with the corn-meal. When thoroughly cooked, add the tomatoes, onion, and salt. Pour this dressing over the macaroni, and serve hot. MACARONI DUMPLINGS Macaroni, cooked, 1 cup. Egg yolks, 3. Onion, grated. Sage. Salt. 72 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Press the macaroni through a fine colander; add the egg yolks, onion, sage, and salt; and drop from a spoon into boiling broth. Serve in the broth or with gravy. MACARONI WITH APPLE Butter a deep baking dish, and put in a layer of mashed and sweetened apple sauce. Grate a little nut- meg over, and add a layer of cooked macaroni. Eepeat till the dish is full, finishing with the apple sauce. Bake till the apples are slightly browned. Serve with sweetened cream, seasoned with nutmeg. This may be served as a dessert. MACARONI AND CHEESE, VEGETARIAN STYLE NO. 1 Macaroni, cooked, 2% cups. Egg sauce, 1 cup. Sour cream, i/^ cup. Bread crumbs. Break the macaroni into inch lengths, and boil in salted water until tender. Drain, and mix in a few bread crumbs. Add the sour cream, or thick sour milk, and about one cup of egg sauce. (See egg sauce recipe, page 68.) Pour in a granite baking pan, and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Season to taste, and bake. ENTREES 73 MACARONI AND CHEESE, VEGETARIAN STYLE NO. 2 Macaroni, 2% cups. Cottage cheese, 1^/4 cups. Milk. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Bread crumbs. Break the macaroni, and cook in salted water until about half done. Drain, pour over it enough milk to cover, and simmer until done. Add the cottage cheese and butter, and mix thoroughly. Pour into a baking pan, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake. TOMATO MACARONI -^ Macaroni, 2 cups. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Flour, 2 teaspoons. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Boil macaroni in sufficient water until tender; empty into a colander, and pour cold water over it; drain, and add to a tomato sauce made of the hot strained tomatoes, flour, and butter. Cook five minutes, salt, and serve. MACARONI BAKED WITH PROTOSE Macaroni, not cooked, 1% cups. Oil, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 1-3 cup. Salt. Protose, minced, 1 cup. Onion, medium size, minced, 1. Milk, 2 cups. 74 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK Break tlie macaroni into one-ineli lengths, and drop into boiling water, previously salted ; boil from one half to three quarters of an hour; then turn into a colander, and pour cold water over it. Drain, and turn into a baking pan. Sauce: Put the onion into a stew-pan with the oil, and braize till nicely browned ; then add the flour, and stir until brown. Next add the milk, then the protose. Season with salt. Pour this sauce over the macaroni, and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven till brown. - . MACARONI WITH EGG PLANT Egg plant, mashed, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Sage. Butter. Salt. Macaroni, cooked, 1^^ cups. Bread crumbs. Beat the eggs, and put with the tomatoes and egg plant; season with butter, salt, and sage. Add the maca- roni, and enough bread crumbs to thicken properly. Bake in a granite pan until well set and nicely browned. IVIACARONI SCALLOPED WITH VEGETABLE OYSTERS Vegetable oysters, peeled and sliced, 2 cups. Macaroni, 1 cup. Rich milk, 2 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Eggs, 2. Flour, 2 tablespoons. ENTREES 75 Boil the macaroni and vegetable oysters separately, and drain; then place in alternate layers in a pan. Pour over these a gravy made of the milk, flour, eggs, butter, and salt. Stir carefully so as to get the gravy mixed through thoroughly. Sprinkle a few bread crumbs on top, and bake in a quick oven till nicely browned. MACARONI CUTLETS Macaroni, raw, 1 cup. Flour, 2 heaping tablespoons. Protose, minced, 1 cup. Salt to taste. Milk, 1 cup. ^gg, 1. Bread crumbs. Boil the macaroni in salted water till done, drain, and chop fine. Boil the milk, and thicken with the flour; stir in the well-beaten egg; beat thoroughly. Add the maca- roni, protose, and salt, and make stiff with the bread crumbs. Form into cutlets of any shape desired. Put into an oiled pan, and bake till nicely browned. Serve with tomato or cream sauce. VERMICELLI Vermicelli is prepared from the same dough as are maca- roni and spaghetti. However, being thinner, it will cook quicker. For its use, see recipes for macaroni. 76 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK VERMICELLI NUT PIE Nuttolene, y^ pound. Vermicelli, 2 cups. Salt. Rich milk, 4 cups. Eggs, 2. Cook the nuttolene ten minutes in two cups of rich milk, then rub through a strainer. Flavor with celery salt. Cook the vermicelli fifteen minutes, strain, and pour cold water over it in the strainer. When it is well drained, line the bottom of a pie dish with one half of it. Pour over this the puree of nuttolene, and cover with the other half of the vermicelli. Make a custard of two eggs, two cups of milk, and a teaspoonful of salt. Turn this custard over the pie, making several incisions with a spoon, to permit the custard to run through. Sprinkle a few bread crumbs over the whole, and bake in a quick oven thirty minutes. Serve with or without sauce. SPAGHETTI Spaghetti can in most cases be substituted for macaroni in the recipes given in this book. y^ SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE Spaghetti, broken, 2 cups. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Tomatoes, 4 cups. Break the spaghetti into small pieces, and boil until ENTREES 77 well done. Pour over this tomato sauce, made as follows: Mix flour and oil, add hot tomatoes, and salt to taste. Let boil. SPAGHETTI AND VEGETABLE OYSTERS Vegetable oysters, 1 pint. Spaghetti, cooked, 1 pint. Cream, 1 cup. Flour. Salt. Slice and stew the vegetable oysters. Drain off the broth, return it to the stove, and boil down until there is one cup left. With this put one cup of cream. When boil- ing, add sufficient flour to make a thin gravy. Place the spaghetti and vegetable oysters in layers in a granite pan, and pour over them the cream sauce. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake well. NOODLES Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt, 1/4 teaspoon. Eggs, 2. Flour, to make a very stiff dough. Whip the eggs until light, add the salt, and work in the flour, making a smooth, stiff dough. Roll out thin, in a long, narrow strip, sprinkle with flour to prevent stick- ing, and roll up crosswise into a long roll. Then with a sharp knife cut into very thin slices, and drop into boiling salted water. Cook about twenty minutes. Drain, pour the melted butter over, and serve hot. 78 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PROTOSE OE NUT CERO Protose or nut cero may be served cold, sliced, with jelly, sliced lemon, vegetarian chilli sauce, or mayonnaise; or it may be mashed, or pressed through a colander, and mixed with lemon juice, minced parsley, sage, celery salt, or grated onion, and formed in desired shape, and served with the above garnishes without being cooked. ROAST OP PROTOSE Protose, 1 pound. Tomato, strained, % cup. Onion, chopped, 1, Nut butter, 2 tablespoons. Flour, browned, 2 tablespoons. Sage. Cut the protose lengthwise through the center, then cut each half in six pieces. Place in a deep baking pan, letting the first piece lean against the end or side of the pan, the second against the first, and so on. Sprinkle this with finely chopped onion and a little powdered sage, and pour over it a nut cream made of two heaping tablespoon- fuls of nut butter emulsified in enough hot water to cover the protose. Add to the whole the browned flour, rubbed smooth in a little tomato. Salt to taste. A little celery salt may be used if desired. Cover and bake till the gravy is thick and brown. ENTREES 79 PROTOSE WITH BEOWNED POTATOES Peel the potatoes, and cut into slices three fourths of an inch thick. Cut protose in strips of the same thickness. Place in a pan alternate layers of the potatoes and protose, and pour over them vegetable stock sufficient to cover. Bake in the oven till the potatoes are done and nicely browned. NUT FRICASSEE WITH BROWNED SWEET POTATOES Cut some nut food into half-inch cubes, and pour over it thick brown or white gravy sufficient to cover well. Let this simmer about one hour. Peel the potatoes, and steam or boil until tender but not overdone. Put them in a baking dish with a little butter or olive oil ; salt, and bake in a quick oven until nicely browned. Serve with the fricassee. NUT CERO AU GRATIN - Nut Cero, 1 pound. Tomato sauce, 1 pint. Onion, grated, if desired. Bread crumbs. Salt. Mince the nut cero, and place in a granite pan; pour over it the thick tomato sauce ; add salt and onion if desired ; sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake. 80 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK JAMBALAYA Eed Beans, cooked, 2 cups. Rice, boiled, 2 cups, Nuttolene, minced, 1 cup. Protose, minced, 1 cup. Add the above to one quart of gravy prepared as di- rected for tomato gravy. PROTOSE OR NUT CERO JAMBALAYA " Butter, 1 tablespoon. Onion, minced, 1. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Tomatoes, 1^^ cups. Rice, cooked, 1 cup. Protose, or nut cero, minced, % pound. Celery, minced, % cup. Salt. Heat the butter in a saucepan; add the onion, and brown; then put in the flour, and brown that; add the tomato, and cook a few minutes, stirring to prevent the flour from lumping. Add the other ingredients, and serve. PROTOSE PILAU Water, 3 cups. Rice, cooked, 1 cup. Butter, 1 teaspoon. Protose, i/2-inch cubes, ^^ pound. Onion, minced, 1 tablespoon. Flour, browned, 2 teaspoons. Tomatoes, strained. ENTREES 81 Let simmer ten or fifteen minutes; thicken with two heaping- teaspoonfuls of browned flour mixed with strained tomatoes to consistency to pour easily. Season with salt and celery salt to taste, PROTOSE PATTIES, PLAIN Protose, 1 pound. Salt. Cream, 3 tablespoons. Eggs, 2. Bread crumbs. Thoroughly crush the protose, and mix with the salt and one egg. Form into patties. Roll in egg and cream, then in bread crumbs. Bake in greased pan till lightly browned. If desired, the crumbs may be slightly mois- tened with cream, FRIJOLES WITH NUT CERO MEXICANO -" Red beans, I/2 cup. Brown gravy, 1 cup. Nut cero, diced, 1/4 pound. Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Salt. Cook the beans in just enough water to prevent scorch- ing. When done, have ready a brown gravy, to which add the tomatoes and salt, and pour over the beans, together with the nut cero, and let simmer for an hour or more. 6 82 VEGETABIAN COOK BOOK PROTOSE STEAK Split a pound of protose in two lengthwise, and cut into as many slices as needed. Broil in a pan and serve with brown sauce. PROTOSE STEAK A LA TARTARE Protose, minced, 1 pound. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons. Onion, 1, Eggs, 6. Olives and onion mixed to garnish. Put the butter in a saucepan, and set on the range. When hot, add the onion, and cook until brown. With this mix the minced protose, and a pinch of salt. Form into balls, making a depression in each ball, and drop an egg yolk into each depression. Bake until the eggs are done. Mince the onion and olives, add the mayonnaise, and use as a garnish. PROTOSE OR NUT CERO STEAK SMOTHERED IN ONIONS Protose or nut cero, % pound. Cooking oil, i/^ cup. Salt. Onions, large, 6, Brown gravy, 2 cups. Cut the protose or nut cero into twelve slices. Lay ENTREES 83 half of them in an oiled baking pan ; add the sliced onions and then the remainder of the protose or nut cero, pour- ing the brown gravy over all. Salt to taste. Bake until the stock is reduced to a rich brown gravy. NUT LISBON STEAK Nut cero, 6 large slices. Brown gravy, 3 cups. Broil the protose a nice brown (but do not burn), and drop into the gravy (any good brown gravy will do) ; let simmer an hour or two. Serve hot with a spoonful of the gravy. BRAIZED PROTOSE Protose, 12 slices. Vegetable stock, 3 cups. Sage. Onion, minced, medium size, 1. Butter. Butter a deep pan, and sprinkle with the minced onion and sage. On this lay the slices of protose, cut a little less than half an inch thick. Cover, and put into the oven to brown, turning the protose once, and watching care- fully that the onions do not burn. Remove from the oven, and pour over the whole the vegetable stock. Cover, and return to the oven. Bake until the stock is reduced to a thick brown gravy. 84 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK RAGOUT OF PEOTOSE Protose, cut in irregular pieces, 1 pound. Hot water, 4 cups. Flour, browned, 1 tablespoon. Celery salt. Tomatoes, strained, 1% cups. White flour, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Put all together except the flour, and let simmer thirty or forty minutes, adding enough boiling water from time to time to keep the original quantity. Thicken with the flour, and serve. PROTOSE FRICASSEE Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Parsley, minced, 1 teaspoon. Protose, 1 pound. Vegetable stock, 2 cups. Onion, 1. Egg yolks, 2. Flour. Add the minced parsley, onion, and strained tomatoes to the vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, and add the protose cut into cubes of one half inch. Cook for a few minutes, and thicken with a few spoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a ]ittle water. Salt to taste. Just before serving, add the beaten yolks. ENTREES 85 PROTOSE SMOTHERED WITH TOMATOES Protose, % pound. Butter. Salt. Tomatoes, 12. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Celery salt. Cut the protose into twelve slices, and cut each tomato in halves. Put one slice of tomato in a baking pan ; on this put a slice of protose, then a slice of tomato on top, and so on. Place a small piece of butter on each, also salt and celery salt. Cover, and bake until the tomato is nearly done; then remove the cover, and brown very lightly. Serve two tomatoes garnished with parsley to each person. NUT CERO POT ROAST u Nut cero, % pound. Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Brown gravy, 2 cups. Salt to taste. Mix the gravy with the strained tomatoes, salt to taste, and pour over the nut cero, which has been sliced and placed in a baking pan. Bake one hour. PROTOSE AND RICE Rice, 2 cups. Protose, % pound. Onion, grated. Salt. Gravy. 86 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Break up the protose, and put with the well- cooked rice. Add the grated onion and salt to taste. Mix in thoroughly a pint of brown or cream gravy. Bake in a granite pan. NUT AND VEGETABLE STEW Nuttolene or nut loaf, 1 cup. Turnips, % cup. Celery, chopped, % cup. Salt. Carrots, 1% cups. Potatoes, 1% cups. Onion, small, 1. Butter. Put all together except the nuttolene or nut loaf and potatoes, and boil one hour. Then add potatoes and nut- tolene or nut loaf, and cook slowly until potatoes are done. Salt to taste. Thicken with a little flour worked smooth with butter. A little protose might also be added. STEWED PROTOSE, SPANISH Butter, 1 tablespoon. Parsley, minced, 1 tablespoon. Tomatoes, strained, 4 cups. Onions, 4. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Protose, 1 pound. Put the butter into a saucepan, add the sliced onion and minced parsley, and cook ten minutes. Then stir in the flour, mix thoroughly, and add the tomatoes. Stir ENTREES 87 well to free from lumps. Cover, and cook twenty to thirty minutes. Slice the protose into small pieces, and simmer in sauce ten minutes. Salt and serve. FRICASSEE OF PROTOSE AND RICE Protose, % pound. Rice, cooked, 1 cup. Potatoes, small, 3. Brown gravy, 2 cups. Bread, ^ loaf. Cream or milk, 1 cup. Salt to taste. Slice the protose, potatoes, and bread thin, and place successive layers of these and the rice in a deep greased pan. Before using bread, dip each slice in the cream or milk. Cover with the brown gravy, which should be suffi- ciently salt to season the whole preparation. Bake under cover until the potatoes are done, and serve. PROTOSE AND POTATOES SMOTHERED IN ONIONS Place a layer of sliced raw potatoes in the bottom of a pan, and cover with protose, sliced onions, and stock. Bake until the potatoes are done. PROTOSE IN TOMATO SAUCE Tomato sauce, 1 pint. Protose, 1 pound. Onion, grated, if desired. 88 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Dice the protose, and add to the tomato sauce; season to taste, heat, and serve. STEWED PROTOSE, POTATO BORDER Place a spoonful of mashed potato on a platter, form this into a hollow circle with the point of the spoon, and fill with stewed protose. PROTOSE BAKED IN TOMATO ^ Protose, 6 large slices. Tomato, cooked and strained, 2 cups. Corn-starch, 1 teaspoon. Salt to taste. Cut the protose in rather thick slices, and lay in a flat baking pan. Boil the tomatoes, thicken with the corn- starch, add the salt, and pour over the protose. Bake slowly in a moderate oven. Do not bake too dry. The protose should be nice and juicy with the tomatoes when done. The corn-starch may be omitted if desired. NUT CERO BAKED WITH EGGPLANT Eggplants, medium size, 2. Onion, chopped, large, 1. Salt. Nut eero, % pound. Brown gravy. Peel the eggplants, and cut into one-fourth-ineh slices. Cut the nut eero into twelve slices. Put a layer of the ENTREES 89 eggplant in an oiled pan, then a layer of nut cero, and sprinkle with part of the onion. Make another layer with the remainder, and pour the brown gravy over all. Salt to taste, cover, and bake. If desired, tomato may be used in place of the stock. PROTOSE HASH Protose, ll^ cups. Potatoes, cold, boiled or baked, 2 cups. Oil, 4 tablespoons. Onions, chopped, 2. Salt. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Brown the flour and onions in the oil; add two cups of hot water, and cook until done. Then add the remainder of the ingredients, and bake until brown. FRIZZLED PROTOSE IN EGGS Protose, 1 pound. Eggs, 8. Oil. Cut the protose into small, thin, narrow strips ; put into a stew-pan with a little oil, and when hot pour the well- beaten eggs over it, stirring constantly until the eggs are set. Serve hot on toast. SCALLOPED PROTOSE Protose, 1 pound. Bread crumbs, % cup. Potatoes, medium size, 4. Brown gravy, sufficient to cover. 90 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Slice one half the potatoes in a baking dish; sprinkle one half the bread crumbs over them; on the crumbs put half the protose, cut into thin slices ; pour over some of the gravy, to moisten. Add the remainder of the in- gredients in the same manner, making two layers. There should be sufficient gravy to cover and cook the potatoes and protose. Bake until the potatoes are tender. NESTED EGG From a two-pound loaf of white bread cut a slice one inch thick. With a cutter made by having the rough edges melted from a quart tin can, cut a circle, and remove its center by means of a small cooky cutter. Split this inner circle with a sharp knife. Drop one of these pieces, and the large one, into salted beaten egg ; place the small one in the large one, on an oiled tin, and brown slightly in a quick oven. Then drop in a whole egg, and bake until it is well set and the bread is a golden brown. NESTED PEOTOSE Proceed as for nested egg, using a filling of protose combined with rice, macaroni, olives, or any other ingre- dient that may suggest itself as being appropriate. RAW POTATO HASH Potatoes, 5. Onion, 1. Protose, y2 pound. Brown gravy, 1 quart. Salt. ENTREES 91 Grind the potato, onion, and protose through a vegetable mill, season with salt, cover with the brown gravy, and bake until the potatoes are tender, FAVORITE PROTOSE CUTLETS Protose, ^ pound. Eggs, 3. Rich milk, 2 cups. Bread crumbs, ll^ cups. Onions, 1 tablespoon. Sage, ^ teaspoon. Salt, Oil a granite pan, and sprinkle with a few bread crumbs ; beat the eggs, and add salt, onion, sage, and milk ; cut the protose into six slices, roll in bread crumbs and egg mixture, and place on the pan ; then mix the remaining bread crumbs with the milk, and pour over the protose. Bake, and cut in desired shape. Serve with brown gravy. NUT CERO CUTLETS Nut cero, 1 pound. Cold cream gravy, very thick, % cup. Lemon juice. Sage. Salt. Parsley, chopped. Bread crumbs. Egg, 1. Mix all the ingredients well, using sufficient bread crumbs to bring them to the consistency for forming into 92 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK desired shape; roll in bread crumbs and egg beaten with milk. Bake in a moderate oven. Nut loai may be used instead of nut eero. MOTHER'S PEOTOSE CUTLETS Protose, % pound. Milk, % cup. Brown sauce. Egg, 1. Granose flakes. Cut the protose into six slices as for protose steak. Dip in beaten egg and milk, and roll in the granose flakes. Do this the second time, and bake in brown sauce about thirty minutes. NUTTOLENE For instructions for serving nuttolene without cooking, see directions under "Protose." NUTTOLENE BAKED WITH ONIONS Prepare onions as directed in the recipes for onions au gratin, putting a layer of diced nuttolene between two layers of onions. NUTTOLENE STEW Potatoes, 3. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Nuttolene, ^ pound. Onion, grated. Salt. ENTREES 93 Cut the potatoes and nuttolene in half-inch cubes, add to the boiling tomatoes, season with onion and salt, and cook until the potatoes are done. NUT CERO STEW W^ Nut cero, 1 pound. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Celery, minced, i/4 cup. Salt. Water, 2 cups. Mince the nut cero, add to the other ingredients, and boil until the celery is cooked. Thicken to proper con- sistency with a little flom* thickening. NUTTOLENE A LA CREME Nuttolene, % pound. Eggs, hard-boiled, 4. Salt. Milk, 1 pint. Eggs, 2. Onion, grated, % teaspoon. Parsley, chopped, % teaspoon. Pastry flour, i/^ cup. Break the nuttolene into irregular pieces with a fork. Salt and mix with the hard-boiled eggs, which have been chopped, or forced through a food cutter or vegetable press. Rub the flour smooth with water, and add to the hot milk. Pour this over two beaten eggs. Add salt, onion, and parsley. Put this sauce and the prepared nuttolene 94 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK in layers into a pudding dish, finishing with the sauce. Sprinkle with fine bread crumbs, and bake in a moderate oven until bubbling all through and browned on top. NUTTOLENE IN CREAM Place sliced nuttolene in a granite baking pan. Pour over it cream sauce enough to cover. Season with a little grated onion, and bake. VEGETABLES VEGETABLES The term "vegetable," as here used, is applied to such plants (grains, nuts, and fruits excepted) as are culti- vated and used for food. They should be judiciously com- bined with nuts, fruits, and grains. Green vegetables are rich in potash salts and other minerals necessary to the system, and in such a form as to be easily assimilated. Starchy vegetables, as potatoes, supply energy and heat, and give necessary bulk to the food. Peas, beans, and lentils contain a large amount of proteid, used in building and repairing tissue, and are therefore used in place of meat. For weak stomachs they are more easily digested in the form of purees and soups, with the outer indigesti- ble covering removed. Vegetables should be fresh when used; for notwithstanding anything that may be said to the contrary, all vegetables, whether roots, leaves, or any other kind, begin to lose bulk and flavor as soon as re- moved from the ground. The kind that suffer least in this respect are beets, potatoes, carrots, etc. Those which are most easily affected are cabbage, lettuce, celery, asparagus, and others similar. Vegetables that have been touched with frost should be kept in a perfectly dark place for some days. The frost is thus drawn out slowly, and the vegetables are not so liable to rot. 7 (97) 98 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR VEGETABLES Fresh green vegetables should be cooked as soon as pos- sible after being gathered. Those containing sugar, as corn and peas, lose some of their sweetness by standing. Wash thoroughly in cold water, but unless wilted do not soak. It is better not to prepare fresh green vegetables until they are needed; but if they must be prepared some time before cooking, cover with cold water. Most vegetables should be put into fresh, rapidly boil- ing water, 'and if cooked in uncovered vessels, they wiU retain a better color, as high heat destroys their color. In no instance permit them to steep in the warm water, as this toughens them, and in some instances destroys both color and flavor. Salt hardens water, and also sets the color in vegetables. For peas and beans do not add salt to the water until they are nearly done, as they do not boil tender so readily in hard water. Corn should not be boiled in salt water, as the salt hardens the outer covering of the skin, and makes it tough. Cook the vegetables rapidly, till perfectly tender, but no longer. If vegetables are cooked too long, flavor, color, and appearance are all impaired. To judge when done, watch carefully, and test by piercing with a fork. The time required to cook a vegetable varies with its age and freshness ; therefore the time-tables given for cooking serve only as approximate guides. Delicate vegetables, as green peas, shelled beans, celery, etc, should be cooked in as little water as possible, toward VEGETABLES 99 the last the water being allowed to boil away till there is just enough left to moisten. In this manner all the de- sirable soluble matter that may have been drawn out in cooking is saved. Strongly flavored vegetables, as cabbage, onions, etc., should be cooked in a generous quantity of water, and the water in which onions are cooked may be changed one or more times. The general rule for seasoning vegetables is as follows : To two cups small whole vegetables, or two cups of vegetables mashed or sliced, add a rounding teaspoonful of butter, and half a level teaspoonful of salt. To beans, peas, and squash, add one half teaspoonful of sugar. Add milk or the vegetable liquid when additional moisture is required. POTATOES Preeminent among vegetables stands the potato. The solid matter of potatoes consists largely of starch, with a small quantity of albumen and mineral salts. Po- tatoes also contain an acid juice, the greater portion of which lies near the skin. This bitter principle is set free by heat, passing into the water Avhen the potatoes are boiled, and escaping with the steam when they are baked. New potatoes may be compared to unripe fruit, as the starch grains are not fully matured. Potatoes are at their best in the fall, and they keep well during the Avinter. In the spring, when germination commences, the starch changes to dextrin or gum, rendering the potato more waxy when cooked: and the sugar then formed makes them 100 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK sweeter. When potatoes are frozen, tlie same change takes place. In the spring, when potatoes are shriveled and gummy, soaking improves them, as the water absorbed dissolves the gam, and makes them less sticky. At other times, long soaking is undesirable. Soak about half an hour in the fall, one to three hours in winter and spring. Never serve potatoes, whether boiled or baked, in a closely covered dish, as they thus become sodden and clammy; but cover with a folded nap- kin, and allow the moisture to escape. They require about forty-five minutes to one hour to bake, if of a good size, and should be served promptly when done. BAKED POTATOES Potatoes are either baked in their jackets or peeled; in either case they should not be exposed to a fierce heat, as thereby a great deal of the vegetable is scorched and rendered uneatable. They should be frequently turned while baking, and kept from touching one another in the oven or dish. When pared, they should be baked in a dish, and oil of some kind added, to prevent their being burned. MASHED POTATOES Pare and boil or steam six or eight large potatoes. If boiled, drain when tender, and let set in the kettle for a few minutes, keeping them covered, shaking the kettle occasionally to prevent scorching. Mash with a wire po- tato masher, or if convenient, press through a colander; VEGETABLES 101 add salt, a lump of butter, and sufficient hot milk to moisten thoroughly. Whip with the batter whip, or wooden spoon, until light and fluffy. Heap up on a plate, press a lump of butter into the top, and send to the table hot. POTATO PUFFS Potatoes, prepared as for mashed potatoes, 2 cups. Cream or milk, I/2 cup. Butter, melted, 2 tablespoons. Eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately, 2. Salt. Mix and beat up thoroughly, folding in the beaten whites last. Make into balls, put into greased pans, brush with beaten egg, and bake a light brown. SCALLOPED POTATOES NO. 1 Potatoes, medium size, 6. Milk sufficient to cover, mixed with tablespoon of flour. Crumbs. Butter. Salt. Cut the potatoes into even slices, put in a baking pan, and sprinkle with a little salt and a few small pieces of butter. Pour the milk and flour mixture over, and add a layer of crumbs. Cover, and bake till the potatoes are tender. Remove the cover, and brown lightly. SCALLOPED POTATOES NO. 2 Potatoes, cold, boiled, sliced. Thin cream sauce. 102 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Place in alternate layers in a pan, and sprinkle the top with ground bread crumbs. Bake until brown. NEW POTATOES AND CREAM New potatoes. Cream. Salt. Butter. Parsley. Scrape the potatoes, and drop into boiling water, and boil briskly till done, but no more. Press against, the side of the kettle with a fork; if done, they will yield to gentle pressure. In a saucepan have ready some butter and cream, hot but not boiling, a little green parsley, and salt. Drain the potatoes, add the mixture, put over hot water a minute or two, and serve. POTATOES A LA CEEME Potatoes, cold, boiled, 2 cups. Parsley, finely chopped. Flour. Milk. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Heat the milk, and add flour thickening and butter. Stir until smooth and thick. Salt, and add the potatoes, sliced, and a very little finely chopped parsley. Shake over the fire until the potatoes are heated through. Pour into a deep dish, and serve. VEGETABLES 103 POTATOES A LA DELMONICO Cut the potatoes with a vegetable cutter into small balls about the size of marbles. Put them into stew-pan with plenty of butter and a good sprinkling of salt. Keep the stew-pan covered, and shake occasionally, until they are quite done, which will be in about an hour. POTATOES AU GRATIN Place in a greased granite pan a half-inch layer of mashed potatoes, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and cover with a layer of cottage cheese; sprinkle again with bread crumbs, cover with a liberal portion of thick cream, and bake until well browned. A good method of using up cold mashed potatoes, is to place them in a pan as directed above, cover with bread crumbs and cream, and bake until well set. STUFFED POTATOES Bake potatoes until done, cut in two with a sharp knife, remove the white portion with a spoon, add salt and cream, and mash well; refill, place the halves together, and wrap with tissue paper and twist the ends so as to hold the potato together tightly. The ends of the paper may be first cut in such a manner as to leave a fringe. Another way of serving them is to cut in two lengthwise, and pro- ceed as directed above, with this exception, that instead of placing the halves together, each half is meringued with the beaten white of egg, and set in the oven for a few min- utes before it is served. 104 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK POTATO PATTIES Potato patties may be made from cold mashed potatoes, but such potatoes should be ground through a mill or forced through a colander before they are formed into shape. These may be rolled in fine bread crumbs, or egg and then bread crumbs, or may be browned in the oven without either. If made from fresh cooked potatoes (preferably steamed), mash well, adding salt and only a small por- tion of cream. When cool, add beaten eggs, form into shape, and proceed as suggested above. POTATO PUFFS Potatoes, medium size, 4. Eggs, 2. Salt. Cream, 14 cup. When the potatoes are steamed, mash well, and add salt and cream, then the beaten eggs. Drop from a spoon onto an oiled granite pan, and bake in a quick oven. BROWNED POTATOES WITH EOAST Prepare filling as for Hamburg or mock turkey, and place in the center of a granite pan; put the peeled pota- toes on both sides of this, and add a thin brown gravy. Bake in a moderate oven, basting the potatoes occasionally with the gravy. Some cooks partially cook their potatoes before proceeding as suggested above. VEGETABLES 105 HASHED BROWNED POTATOES Mince cold boiled or baked potatoes, place in baking pan, and cover with rich milk or cream to which has been added enough salt to season the potatoes; allow to bake slowly until well browned. LYONNAISE POTATOES Prepare as for hashed browned, with the addition of minced parsley and onion, ROASTED POTATOES Peel medium-sized potatoes, place in greased baking pan, season with butter and salt, dredge with flour, cover with hot water, and bake until the water has nearly all evaporated and the potatoes are done. TOMATO HOLLAND AISE POTATOES Potatoes, medium size, 6. Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Water, 2 cups. Butter. Salt. Dice the potatoes, and place in a granite pan; add salt and butter, and cover with the tomato and water; bake until tender. 106 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK POTATOES STEWED WITH CELERY Potatoes, diced, raw, 2 parts. Celery, minced, 1 part. Cream, Salt. Stew the celery and potatoes until tender, season with salt and cream, thicken slightly, and serve. NEW POTATOES AKD PEAS Boil or steam the new potatoes, stew the peas, drain off the juice, and add new potatoes and peas to a cream sauce; season and serve. GLAZED POTATOES Potatoes, 6. Eggs, 2, Salt. Steam the potatoes until tender. Add salt to the eggs, and beat until well blended. Drop the potatoes into the eggs, then lift out, place in a greased pan, set at once in a hot oven, and bake until well glazed. MASHED POTATOES AND CARROTS Potatoes, medium size, 4 Carrots, medium size, 4. Salt. Butter. VEGETABLES 107 Slice the carrots very thin, cut the potatoes in quarters, and steam until tender ; mash together, season with salt and butter, and serve. SWEEET POTATOES Sweet potatoes are more frequently served baked, boiled, or mashed. They may also be steamed, turned into a baking pan, sprinkled with oil or melted butter, and browned. BAKED BEANS Small white beans, 2 cups. Protose, if desired. Molasses, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Clean the beans, soak in cold water one hour, drain, add fresh water, season with salt and molasses, put into a cov- ered jar with plenty of water; bake overnight in a slow oven. When done, the beans should be whole, dry, and mealy, and of a rich brown color. This can only be ob- tained by baking the beans several hours in a slow oven. If desired, a little chopped protose may be added. PUEEE OF BEANS Follow the directions given for puree of peas. STEWED BEANS Wash the required quantity of navy, lima, kidney, or other beans, and put to cook in plenty of boiling water; 108 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK boil till they are swollen, then put them where they will stew till cooked; season just before they finish cooking. BAKED BEANS WITH TOMATO SAUCE Prepare the beans as for plain baked beans; put into the jars to bake; cover with a mixture of strained stewed tomatoes and water in equal proportions; a little butter or oil may be added. MASHED BEANS Drain the broth from stewed beans, press them through a sieve, add cream, and reheat. SUCCOTASH Fresh shelled lima beans, 2 cups. Sweet corn, 2 ears. Cream, % cup. Butter, size of an egg. Salt. Put the beans in a pot with cold water, rather more than will cover them; cook from thirty to forty-five minutes. Scrape the kernels from two ears of young sweet corn, add to beans, and boil for fifteen minutes ; then season with salt, butter, and cream. Serve hot. PLAIN BOILED STRING-BEANS Break off the ends of beans, and string; wash thor- oughly ; if large, cut them in two ; drop into boiling water, VEGETABLES 109 and boil till tender. Salt, and season with oil or butter; if preferred, drain off the juice, salt to taste, and add some hot, rich milk, NEW LIMA BEANS Shell, wash, cook in hot water sufficient to cover, sea- son with cream and salt. GREEN PEAS Shell the peas, and cover with cold water ; skim off un- developed peas which rise to the top of the water, and drain; barely cover with boiling water, cook till tender, then add salt. When done, very little water should remain. Season to taste, with butter, and add more salt if needed. A little sugar is sometimes an improvement. When the peas are older, half a cup of milk or cream, with sufficient flour to thicken, is considered an improve- ment. A teaspoonful of finely minced parsley cooked with peas imparts to them a very delicious flavor. SPLIT PEAS Being free from the outside hull, split peas cook very quickly. Wash, and set to cook in hot water; boil care- fully, and watch closely that they do not stick ; season and serve. Split peas are usually used in soups and purees. 110 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PUREE OF PEAS Peas, fresh, 2 cups (or dry, 1 cup). Butter, 1 tablespoon. Cream or milk, iy2 cups. Flour, 1 level tablespoon. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Put the peas to cook in cold water; boil until tender, then simmer slowly, cooking as dry as possible without scorching. When soft and dry, rub through a colander to remove the hulls. Put the butter in a saucepan; when melted, stir in the flour, being careful not to scorch; pour in the milk gradually, stirring all the time ; and when thor- oughly cooked, add the salt and the pulp of the peas. Turn all into a double boiler, heat thoroughly, and serve. LENTILS, ORIENTAL STYLE Lentils, 1 cup. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Salt, 1 level teaspoon. Rice, boiled, 1 cup. Onion, finely shredded, 1. Wash the lentils well, and cook in boiling water till tender ; drain. Put the oil into a saucepan, add the onion, and cook till the onion is soft, not brown. Add the lentils and boiled rice, mix, stir over the fire till hot, salt, and serve hot. VEQETABLES 111 LENTILS WITH ONIONS Lentils, 1 cup. Onions, 2. Butter. Wash the lentils, put to cook in a saucepan with the onions in plenty of cold water, and boil till tender. Sea- son with butter and salt, and serve. BOILED PEANUTS i^- Select fresh shelled peanuts. Place in a medium oven long enough to loosen the skin but not long enough to brown. Put in a cloth bag, and rub on a washboard; win- now out the chaff, discard all imperfect nuts, wash well in several warm waters, and soak overnight ; cook in the same water in which they are soaked, for from six to eight hours, or until tender. They may be partially cooked on the stove, and then be baked with tomato, as for beans, if desired. Passed through a fine colander and well salted, they make an excellent spread for bread. STEWED GREEN CORN Green corn, 3 cups. Butter. Salt. Milk, more or less, 1 cup. Sugar. 112 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Husk and clean as for boiling com. With a sharp knife cut off the top of the grain, being careful not to cut too close to the cob ; and with the back of the knife press out the remaining pulp. When cut in this way, the corn is much more juicy than when the grains are cut close to the cob. Place the milk in a granite saucepan, and when boiling, add the butter and corn; cook from ten to fifteen minutes, or until it loses its raw taste. Stir frequently, and season to taste, with salt and sugar. BOILED GREEN CORN Strip off the husk, remove the silk, put into fresh boil- ing water, and cook ten to twenty minutes. Cook only till done; for if boiled too long, the com hardens, and its flavor is impaired. If the corn is not very sweet, add one fourth cup of sugar to the water in which it is boiled. The addition of a small amount of milk or lemon juice to the water in which the com is boiled improves the color. NOVELTY BAKED CORN Strip the husks of the corn down so that all the silks can be removed. Cut out any imperfections. Wipe with a cloth, replace the husks, and wrap the ear with twine; place in a medium oven, and bake until tender. It may be found best to place a pan of water in the oven to add moisture. KORNLET Press corn that has been cut from the cob, or canned com, through a fine colander, or grind through a vegetable mill with a fine die; season and serve. VEGETABLES 113 STEWED TOMATOES "Wash, peel, and quarter the tomatoes; allow to stand in a granite stew-pan for a few minutes for enough juice to run out in which to cook them; stew slowly for a few minutes. Season and serve. SCALLOPED TOMATOES Add broken bread or crackers to stewed tomatoes ; cook in double boiler, or in granite pan in oven. Butter, sugar, or salt may be added to taste. BAKED TOMATOES Select tomatoes of uniform size, wash, and remove a slice from one end; place in granite baking pan; on each tomato place a small piece of butter and a little grated onion; sprinkle with salt, and bake under cover. STEWED TOMATOES AND CORN Cut corn from the cob and stew with fresh tomatoes, or add canned corn to stewed tomatoes, and heat, season, and serve. SCRAMBLED TOMATOES Tomatoes, 6. Eggs, 3. Butter. Salt. 114 VEGETiiJElIAN COOK BOOK Remove the skins from six tomatoes, and cut tliem up in a sancepan. Add a little butter and salt. When suf- ficiently boiled; beat up eggs; and just before you serve, turn them into the saucepan with the tomatoes, and stir, allowing them time to get thoroughly done. CELERY Cut off all the roots and remove all the decayed and outside leaves. Wash thoroughly, being careful to remove all specks and blemishes. If the stalks are large, divide them lengthwise into two or three pieces. Place base down- ward in a celery glass, which should be nearly filled with cold water. STEWED CELERY Celery, tender stalks, 6. White sauce, 2 cups. Cut the celery into half-inch lengths, and cook in boil- ing salted water. When tender, drain, and pour over this the sauce. Heat well, and serve. The liquid drained from the celery may be thickened, seasoned with a little butter, and used instead of the white sauce if preferred. PARSNIPS ON BROWN GRAVY Peel young parsnips, and steam until done; place in oiled granite pan, cover with thin brown gravy, place in medium hot oven, and bake under cover until done. Sliced protose or nuttolene may be added and baked with the parsnips. VEGETABLES 115 BAKED PARSNIPS Scrape and cut in half lengthwise, and boil till tender; put in a shallow baking pan, put a few pieces of chopped butter or a little cooking oil on top, sprinkle lightly with sugar, pour over sufficient cream to about half cover, salt to taste, and bake a rich brown. PARSNIPS IN EGG SAUCE Clean and cut into small dice, and boil in a little salted water until tender; drain, and pour over sufficient egg sauce to cover, STEWED PARSNIPS After washing the parsnips, slice them about half an inch thick ; put them in a saucepan containing barely enough boiling water to cook them ; add a tablespoonful of butter, season with salt, then cover closely, and stew them until the water has cooked away, and until they are soft, stirring often to prevent burning. When they are done, they will be of a light straw-color, and deliciously sweet, retaining all the nutriment of the vegetable. CARROTS A LA CREME Clean carrots, cut in slices about half an inch thick, and parboil in salted water. Drain, pour over them some hot rich milk, and let simmer till done. Add a little butter ; season with salt. 116 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK CARROTS WITH EGG SAUCE Clean carrots, cut in slices about half an inch thick, and boil until tender; drain, add egg sauce, and serve. PUREE OF CARROTS Clean young carrots, cut into slices, and boil in salted water until tender. Drain, press through a colander, and season with a little salt and cream. Serve as mashed po- tatoes, or with broiled or braized protose as an entree, YOUNG TURNIPS Cut into half -inch dice, and boil till tender ; drain, and add a small lump of butter and a little salt. MASHED TURNIPS Turnips may be cooked and mashed the same as pota- toes, keeping them as dry as possible. The addition of a little sugar is by some considered an improvement, HOLLAND BOILED TURNIPS Turnips, cut in %-ineh dice, 1 quart. Egg, 1. Butter, % cup. Lemon, large, 1, Boil the turnips till tender in just enough salted water to prevent burning; drain, and set in a covered dish on the side of the range, where they wiU keep hot but not VEGETABLES 117 burn. Melt the butter, add the beaten yolk of the egg, the juice of the lemon, and a little salt. Serve a spoon- ful of this sauce over each order of turnip. ASPARAGUS NO. 1 Asparagus, like potatoes, contains a bitter alkaloid, which is drawn into the water in cooking, and often imparts to it a very unpleasant flavor. This may be remedied by parboiling the asparagus for four or five minutes. Then drain, add more hot water, and finish cooking. ASPARAGUS NO. 2 Scrape the stalk ends of the asparagus, or break off the tough lower stalks as far as they will snap. Wash well, tie in bundles, and put into enough rapidly boiling salted water to cover. Allow a teaspoonful of salt to each quart of water. Cook uncovered from twenty to thirty minutes, or till perfectly tender. Drain, remove the string, spread with salt and butter, and serve immediately on toast. The asparagus may be neatly arranged on hot toast and cov- ered with white cream sauce, if preferred. ASPARAGUS POMPADOUR Wash the asparagus carefully, place in a saucepan of boiling salted water, and boil till done. Take out, and cut into lengths of about two inches, and place on a cloth near the fire to dry. 118 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK STEWED ASPARAGUS Break the tender parts of the asparagus into one-inch lengths, and put into enough boiling water to cover. Boil till tender, add sufficient rich milk or cream to make a gravy, thicken with flour, season with salt, let come to a boil, and serve. ASPARAGUS WITH EGGS Asparagus. Cream, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Eggs, 4. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Cut the tender tops from a bunch of asparagus, and boil about twenty minutes. Drain, and put into a baking tin with butter and salt. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately, add the cream, and pour this over the asparagus. Bake until the eggs are set. ASPARAGUS WITH GREEN PEAS Asparagus, 2 cups. Peas, 2 cups. Salt. Rich milk or cream. Flour. Break the tender parts of the asparagus into one-inch lengths, and put with the peas into boiling water enough to cover. Boil till tender, add sufficient rich milk or cream VEGETABLES 119 to make a gravy, thicken with flour, season with salt, let come to a boil, and serve. EGGPLANT BAKED IN SHELL Cook whole in boiling water, divide, scrape out the mside, add bread crumbs and cream, season with salt, and, if desired, the yolk of an egg- refill the shell, and bake with cut side up. Serve in shell. SCALLOPED EGGPLANT NO. 1 Pare, divide or quarter, cook in boiling water until tender, drain in colander, salt, and beat up with a fork; add cream, bread crumbs, and an egg yolk; bake in a granite pan. SCALLOPED EGGPLANT NO. 2 Eggplant, mashed, 2 cups. Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Sage. Butter. Salt. Bread crumbs. Mix all together, and bake. BAKED EGGPLANT Slice the eggplant thick, immerse in salted milk, and then roll in buttered bread crumbs. Place on oiled pans, sprinkle with oil, and bake. 120 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK STEWED SALSIFY, OR VEGETABLE OYSTERS Salsify, cut in %-inch slices, 1 quart. Milk, 2 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt to taste. Wash and scrape the salsify, slice, and put into cold water to prevent discoloration. Cook in sufficient boiling water to cover. When tender, drain, add the milk and butter, let simmer a few minutes, and serve. SCALLOPED VEGETABLE OYSTERS Vegetable oysters, sliced, 3 cups. Rich cream sauce. Sifted bread crumbs. Salt. Wash, scrape, cut in thin slices, and put into plenty of cold water till ready to use, to prevent discoloration. When ready to cook, boil in enough water to prevent scorch- ing. Salt when they begin to get tender. Boil a few minutes longer, but do not let them get too salt. Drain, or remove with a skimmer, putting a layer in a baking pan, then a little rich cream sauce, then another layer of each. Sprinkle the top with sifted bread crumbs, and bake a light brown. STEWED CABBAGE Cabbage, 1 head. Onion, 1. Salt. VEGETABLES 121 Slice the onion veiy fine, and place in a stew-pan ; chop the cabbage fine, and add to the onion; cover with hot water, let stew until tender, salt, and cook until seasoned. CABBAGE AND CREAM Cabbage, 1 head. Cream, I14 cups. Butter, 2 tablespoons. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Parboil the cabbage, drain, cool, and chop fine; place it in a stew-pan with butter and a little salt ; add the flour, stirring well, and then pour in the cream. Stir till the cab- bage and cream are thoroughly mixed. Cook about thirty or forty minutes, and serve hot. CABBAGE STEWED WITH TOMATO Slice and wash a good sound cabbage, and put into a stew-pan with enough chopped tomato to give it a decidedly tart taste. Season with salt. Add sufficient water to cook, and stew slowly till tender. Strained tomatoes may be used if desired. SCALLOPED CABBAGE Wash and chop the cabbage in rather fine pieces. Put a layer of the cabbage into a baking pan, sprinkle with a little salt, and cover this with finely broken fresh bread crumbs. Repeat, and pour over sufficient milk or cream to 122 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK thorouglily moisten and cover the crumbs. Cover, and bake in a moderate oven till the cabbage is well cooked. More milk may be added if necessary. HOLLAND CREAM CABBAGE Cabbage. Eggs, 2. Water, 2 cups. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Butter. Cut the cabbage fine, sprinkle with salt, and let stand a few minutes before using. Beat the eggs well; add lemon juice, water, and melted butter. Mix this with the cabbage, and cook till tender, in a vessel that does not easily burn. BAKED CABBAGE NO. 1 Wash and chop rather fine the required quantity of cabbage. Put into a stew-pan with boiling water; add a little salt, and boil twenty minutes. Drain, put in a baking pan, and cover with cream or milk to which has been added the beaten yolk of one egg to each cup of cream. Bake until the custard is nicely set. BAKED CABBAGE NO. 2 Butter. Cabbage, cold, boiled. Crumbs, browned. Salt. Egg, well-beaten, 1. Brown sauce. VEGETABLES 123 Eub sufficient cold boiled cabbage through a sieve or colander. Mix with it a piece of butter, salt, and the well- beaten egg. Stir thoroughly. Butter a pudding dish of suitable size, line with browned crumbs, press in the cab- bage, and bake in a moderate oven. Turn out on a hot dish, pour brown sauce around the base, and serve. HOT SLAW Clean a nice young head of cabbage, quarter, cut out the heart, and shred fine. Put in cold, salted water for half an hour; drain, and boil till tender; drain partly, leaving enough juice to make the cabbage moist; add lemon juice and a little butter or oil, season with salt, and serve hot. BRUSSELS SPROUTS PLAIN Select nice, fresh sprouts, cut off the stem end and out- side leaves, and wash in cold water. Cook in salted water till tender. Pour off the water ; serve with butter or cream sauce. BRUSSELS SPROUTS SAUTfi Prepare as for plain boiled; when done, drain and press dry; put in a stew-pan, season with salt, and moisten with oil and rich milk. Toss frequently, and cook till well heated through. Serve hot with mashed potato. BRUSSELS SPROUTS BAKED WITH CRUMBS Prepare as for plain boiled; when done, drain, and press dry; arrange in a baking dish, sprinkle with bread 124 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK crumbs, and pour over it a thin cream or egg sauce. Bake in the oven till nicely browned. STEWED CAULIFLOWER Prepare as for plain boiled cauliflower; cook or steam till tender ; drain, put in a stew-pan, and pour over it some rich milk or cream; stew together for a few minutes, and serve. BOILED CAULIFLOWER, PLAIN Remove the outside leaves, cut the stalk one inch from the head, split, and soak in cold salted water thirty minutes or more; remove, wash, and cook slowly in boiling water until tender. The addition of milk to the water will help to keep the cauliflower white. When ready to serve, re- move from the water, and serve with cream or butter sauce. CAULIFLOWER WITH TOMATO SAUCE Prepare as for stewed cauliflower ; and when done, serve with tomato sauce. Sauce : Strain a pint of stewed tomatoes, let come to a boil, and thicken with a tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little water; add a little oil or hot cream; salt to taste. Pour this over the cauliflower, and serve. BROWNED CAULIFLOWER Prepare as for boiled cauliflower, drain, place in a bake pan, and sprinkle with fine bread crumbs. Over this pour thin cream sauce, and brown in the oven. VEGETABLES 125 ONIONS Contrary to the opinion of many, the onion is not ob- jectionable as an article of food. Judiciously used, it fills as important a place in cooking as does salt or any other seasoning. BOILED ONIONS Onions. Cream. Flour. Select small onions, peel, wash, parboil, and cook until done. Salt, add cream, and thicken with flour. If there is too much liquid on the onions, drain off before adding cream. This liquid is desirable for flavoring soup. BAKED ONIONS NO. 1 Peel and wash onions of medium size. In each make three diametrical incisions about half way down in the blow end, leaving enough of the stem end on to hold the onion intact while cooking. Fill a baking pan with these, sprinkle with salt, place on each a small piece of butter, add hot water, cover with another pan, and bake until tender. BAKED ONIONS NO. 2 Onions, large, 6. Salt. Crumbs. Milk. Butter. 126 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put onions into a saucepan of water, or water and milk mixed in equal proportions; add salt, and boil till tender. When done so that they can be easily mashed, work them up with a little butter into a paste. Cover with bread crumbs, and bake in a moderate oven. STUFFED ONIONS Peel the desired number of onions, being careful not to cut off the root end. Take out the inside of the onion, and fill the hole with a mixture of bread crumbs, beaten egg, and a little milk. Season with salt and sage. Bake in oven until brown. ONIONS AU GRATIN Peel, wash, and slice the desired amount of onions. Parboil in salted water, drain, and place a layer in a granite pan. On these sprinkle a little salt and a few bread crumbs. Cover this with good cream sauce, and re- peat v/ith other layers of onions, bread crumbs, and salt, until the onions are all used. Finish with a layer of cream gravy and bread crumbs. SUMMER SQUASH Wash and cut in pieces. Cook in the steamer, that it may be as dry as possible. When done, let it stand and drain a few minutes, shaking it occasionally. Mash, and season with salt, butter, and a little cream. VEGETABLES 127 MASHED WINTER SQUASH (HUBBARD) Cut the squash, pare, remove seeds, wash, and put into the steamer. Cook until soft, remove, and mash or press through a colander. Season with salt, butter, sugar, and a little sweet cream. Beat weU, and serve. BAKED WINTER SQUASH (HUBBARD) Cut into pieces of desired size, remove seeds, sprinkle with a little sugar and salt, and bake until done. Serve in the shell ; or it may be peeled before baking. CREAM SUMMER SQUASH Cut the squash in cubes, boil or steam, strain, and add to cream sauce. BEETS Select young red beets. Cut off the tops half an inch from the root. If cut too close, the roots will bleed, and the color will be impaired. Wash and clean carefully with a brush, to remove all particles of dirt. They may be boiled or steamed. Young beets will cook in an hour; old beets require three or four hours, according to age and size. When done, put in cold water, rub off the skins, and they are ready for use. BEET GREENS Wash young, tender beet tops, cleaning thoroughly; drain, and boil in salted water till tender ; drain, chop fine, season with butter or oil, and serve with lemon juice or cream. 128 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK BEET STALKS WITH BUTTER SAUCE Take some beet stalks, cut off tlie leaves, wash thor- oughly, tie in bunches, and let soak in cold water two or three hours to make them fresh and crisp. Boil in salted water until tender; cut the band; serve as asparagus on a platter with butter sauce. YOUNG BEETS Cream or milk, 1 cup. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Beets. Cook the beets in salted water till tender, remove skins, and cut into dice. Serve with cream sauce, made by thick- ening the milk or cream with the flour rubbed in the but- ter. Heat well, and serve at once. BEET AND POTATO HASH Beets, cold, boiled, 2 cups. Potatoes, cold, boiled, 2 cups. Salt. Butter. Cream. Chop beets and potatoes fine, and season with salt and butter. Pour over a little cream. Put on the stove in a covered saucepan, and stir occasionally. When thoroughly heated through, serve. VEGETABLES 129 BEETS AND POTATOES Boil young beets and new potatoes separately until tender; peel, slice, and put in alternate layers in a baking dish; season with salt, and moisten with rich milk. Bake until nicely browned. BAKED BEETS Select young, smooth, red beets of uniform size; clean thoroughly; bake in a slow oven from two to six hours; when done, remove the skins, and dress with lemon juice or cream sauce. STEWED YOUNG BEETS Beets, 2 pounds. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Flour, 2 teaspoons. Lemon juice, 6 tablespoons. Water, 2 cups. Salt. Red coloring, 1 teaspoon. Steam or boil the beets until tender. Peel, cut in eighths or quarters, and serve in a sauce made by heating the water, lemon juice, oil, and salt, and thickening the same with the flour braided with a little water. Add the coloring, pour over the beets, and serve. SPINACH Trim the spinach, and wash in three or four waters to remove the grit. Cook in boiling water about twenty min- 9 130 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK utes, removing the scum. Do not cover tlie vessel while cooking. When tender, turn into a colander, drain, and press well. Chop fine, put into a saucepan with butter and salt, set on the fire, and cook till quite dry, stirring it all the time. Turn into a vegetable dish, shape, and garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. CREAMED CHESTNUTS Boil or steam the chestnuts till tender. Make a cream sauce of milk or cream, seasoned with butter, and slightly thickened with flour. Pour this over the chestnuts. Serve as a vegetable. STEWED GARBANZOS Garbanzos belong to the legume family, with peas, beans, etc. They have a meaty flavor distinct to themselves, and make a desirable change in one's dietary. They are no more expensive than lentils, and can be obtained by any purveyor. They do not cook soft when done, like other legumes, but should mash when pressed between the thumb and finger. Soak over night, wash well, and start to cook in cold water, cooking slowly until tender, which will re- quire four or five hours. ARTICHOKES There are two varieties, one known as the globe, flower, or burr, and the other as the Jerusalem artichoke. To cook the former, wash well in several waters, cut off the tips, round off the bottom, and remove the outer leaves. Boil in salted water. Serve with mayonnaise. SAUCES For Vegetables, Entrees, Etc. OLIVE SAUCE Take one fourth cup of ripe olives, and after extracting the stones, chop fine. Stew for two or three hours in water enough to cover well. Brown together a little olive oil and flour, the same as for gravy. Strain through a colander, and add the stewed olives. Season with salt. BROWN REGENCY SAUCE (For vegetables and roasts) Nut butter, % cup. Sage, 1 tablespoon. Flour, browned, 3 heaping tablespoons. Salt. Onion, minced, 2 tablespoons. Water, 1% quarts. Mix all together, put in an enameled baking pan, cover, and bake till of the desired consistency. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Butter, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Egg yolks, 2. Nutmeg. Rub the butter, flour, nutmeg, and salt together until smooth, and add slowly one and one half cups hot water, stirring constantly. Boil, remove from the fire, and add the lemon juice, and the yolks of the eggs, one at a time. Beat slowly and thoroughly together. Strain and serve. (133) 134 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK SAUCE IMPERIAL ^ Tomatoes, stewed, 1 quart. Bay leaves, 2. Onion, medium, 1. Lemon, 14. Parsley, chopped, 1 tablespoon. Cooking oil, 2 tablespoons. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Put the oil, parsley, bay leaves, and onions into a stew- pan, set on the range, and cook until the onion is a golden brown, being careful not to burn; then add the flour, let cook a few minutes, add the lemon and tomato, and let stew half an hour. Strain, salt, and serve. The chopped parsley may be added just before serving, if desired. MINT SAUCE Mint, % cup. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Lemon juice, I/2 cup. Mix all together, and set on the side of the range where the sugar will melt and the sauce be hot; but it must not get too hot. Serve with protose or meat substitutes. WHITE CREAM SAUCE FOR VEGETABLES Butter, 2 rounding tablespoons. Flour, 1 rounding tablespoon. Milk, 2 cups. Salt, % teaspoon. SAUCES 135 Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour, and cook until well blended but not browned; pour in the milk gradually, and stir until boiling well ; then salt. Half milk and half broth of the vegetables may be used if desired, unless the broth has a bitter or otherwise ob- jectionable taste, as is sometimes the case with asparagus. CREAM SAUCE Cream, I/2 cup. Flour, 1 heaped tablespoon Milk, 21/2 cups. Mix the flour to a smooth cream in a little milk, heat the cream and remainder of the milk, and thicken with the flour. Salt to taste. If a richer sauce is desired, the beaten yolks of one or two eggs may be added. EGG SAUCE Cream sauce, 1 pint. Egg yolks, 2. Beat the yolks, and add to the cream sauce, mixing thoroughly, PROTOSE SAUCE -^ Water, 2 cups. Onion, small, minced, 1, Butter, 1 rounded tablespoon. Flour, browned, 2 rounded tablespoons. Protose, minced, 14 cup. Tomato, strained, enough to mix the flour smooth. White flour, 1 tablespoon. Celery salt. Salt, 136 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK Put the water, butter, and onion in a saucepan and set on the stove ; when they begin to boil, add the protose, and let simmer ten or fifteen minutes, then place where it will boil, and thicken with the browned and white flour rubbed smooth in the tomato. The thickening should be thin enough to pour readily. Let cook a few minutes, add salt and celery salt, and serve. IDEAL CHILLI SAUCE Tomatoes, stewed, 1 quart. Celery salt, 1 teaspoon. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Onion, large, sliced, 1. Salt, iy2 teaspoons. Mix all together, and let simmer two or three hours. Strain through a sieve. Serve with croquettes, broiled pro- tose, or nuttolene. NUT GRAVY Water, 1 quart. Tomatoes, strained, 1% cups. Salt to taste. Nut butter, 1 heaped tablespoon. Flour. Emulsify the butter in the tomato, add to the water, and put in a saucepan over the fire, being careful not to scorch. When it boils, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in water. Use plenty of salt to season, as it brings out the nice flavor of the sauce. SAUCES 137 CREAM TOMATO SAUCE Make a rich tomato sauce, and add one fourth part rich cream sauce, beating well. BROWN GRAVY Oil, % cup. Flour, 2 dessert-spoons. Water, 2 cups. Salt. Heat the oil, add the flour, and brown; add the hot water, and cook five minutes. CREAM BROWN GRAYY Rich milk, 2 cups. Flour, browned, 2 tablespoons. Flour, white, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Heat the milk in a double boiler ; braid the flour together with a little cold milk, and stir in the hot milk; salt, and cook well. WALNUT GRAVY Walnuts, ground, 1 cup. Milk, 1 cup. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Flour, browned, 2 tablespoons. Water, 2 cups. Salt to taste. 138 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put the water and milk in a saucepan, and when boiling add the walnuts. Thicken with the flour, and salt to taste. PARSLEY SAUCE Add two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped parsley to two cups of cream sauce. TOMATO SAUCE Tomatoes, stewed, 1 quart. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Onion, minced, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Put the tomatoes into a saucepan over the fire ; add the onion and salt; boil about twenty minutes; remove from range, and strain through a sieve. In another pan melt the butter; and as it melts, sprinkle in the flour, stirring till it browns and froths a little. Mix the tomato pulp with it, and it is ready for use. CREAM TOMATO SAUCE Cream, 2 cups. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Salt. Flour. Heat the cream and tomatoes in separate vessels; thicken with flour braided with cold water ; cook until flour is done. Pour half the cream into a round-bottom dish; SAUCES 139 and while beating, slowly add the tomato, then the re- mainder of the cream. Salt and serve. If it is desired to use skimmed milk, add butter after beating together. TOMATO GRAVY Oil, ^ cup. Flour, 3 tablespoons. Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. Onion, grated, 1 tablespoon. Heat the oil, add the flour, bro^^Ti, and mix with the hot tomato pulp and onion; cook five minutes. SALADS SALADS All green vegetables that are dressed with acid, salt, and oil, and eaten raw, are included in the list of salads; and they should always be served crisp and cool. Wash salad greens carefully, allowing them to stand in cold or iced water until crisp. Drain, and wipe dry with a soft towel, taking care not to bruise the leaves. Keep in a cool place till serving time. If they are not thoroughly dried, the water will collect in the bottom of the dish, and ruin any dressing used. Remove a thick paring from cucumbers, and a thick slice from each end; cut into thin slices, or into half -inch dice, and keep in cold water to which salt and lemon juice have been added, until ready to serve; then drain thor- oughly. To make celery crisp, let it stand in cold water. Pare tomatoes, and keep in a cold place. Sprinkle with chopped ice at serving time. The list of vegetables suitable for salads is so long that the question of kind is wholly a matter of choice. Asparagus, peas, string-beans, beets, cauliflower, etc., are all well utilized in salads. Freshly cooked vegetables or left-overs may be used, but all cooked vegetables must be cold and perfectly tender. By deftly combining these left-overs with the favorite dressing, there is material for a delicious and economical salad, to which the somewhat aristocratic name ' ' macedoine salad ' ' may be given. This salad may consist of a few or many kinds of vegetables, any combination pleasing alike to the eye and (143) 144 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK the palate being permissible, and if care is taken in the arrangement, it may be made a very attractive dish. To the dressing of salads one must give utmost care and attention, as upon its excellence the success of the dishes principally depends. While rules for dressings are innumerable, there are, after all, only a few really good ones. The French dressing and the mayonnaise are most generally known, the former being the simplest and most commonly used of all dressings. And it is quite the fa- vorite for lettuce, cresses, chicory, and other vegetable salads. As the salad wilts if allowed to stand in the dress- ing, it should not be added till just at the moment of serv- ing, and it is for this reason that it is frequently made at the table. One of the most difficult things to prepare is a per- fect mayonnaise; but once the knack is acquired, failure afterwards is rare. One essential point is to have all the materials cold. Chill in the refrigerator both the bowl and oil an hour or more before using. In warm weather it is ad- visable during the mixing to set the bowl in a larger one of cracked ice. This dressing, if covered closely, will keep several days or longer in the ice-box. Keep in a cold place till wanted, as it liquefies as soon as mixed with other in- gredients. To tone down the taste of the oil, and thus make more delicate salads, one may add to the dressing, just before it is used, a little cream beaten stiff and dry. This dressing is used vsdth nut and fruit salads, and may be used with potatoes, tomatoes, celery, and other vegetables. Most cooked vegetables intended for salads are moistened with a French dressing and allowed to stand an hour or SALADS 145 more, or until well seasoned, in a cold place. To this process the term "marinate" is applied. Just before serv- ing, pour off all the marinade that is not absorbed, and add the mayonnaise to the vegetables. A mistake frequently made in preparing salad dressing is that of using too much acid. The acid flavor should not predominate. VEGETARIAN CHICKEN SALAD Protose, chopped, % pound. Celery, chopped, 2-3 cup. Onion, grated, 1 small teaspoon. Nuttolene, chopped, ^^ pound. Lemons, juice of 2. Salt. Mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons. Mix all together, adding mayonnaise dresssing last. Serve on lettuce. VEGETARIAN SALMON SALAD Carrots, grated, 1 cup. Radishes, grated, y^ cup. Onion, grated, 2 teaspoons. Eggs, hard-boiled, 2. Nuttolene, 1-8 pound. Mayonnaise dressing. Parsley. Celery salt. Salt. Force the nuttolene through a fine colander; mince the hard-boiled eggs and parsley. Mix all the ingredients well, and serve on lettuce leaf with a garnish of a small 10 146 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK portion of the minced egg and parsley. Pecan meats may be used in the place of nuttolene. EUSSIAN SALAD Tomatoes, 2. Carrots, 4. Onion, %. Celery stalk, 1. Watercress, 2 sprigs. Mayonnaise, 1 pint. Salt. Cook and dice the carrots; chop the onion fine; chop the watercress ; cut the celery in one-inch lengths and split very fine. Mix all with the mayonnaise. Serve on a bed of lettuce and garnish with sliced tomatoes. NUT CERO SALAD Nut cero, ^^ pound. Celery, minced, 2-3 cup. Eggs, hard-boiled, 2. Lemons, 2. Radishes. Salt. Mince the celery and eggs, and put with the diced nut cero ; add the lemon juice and salt to taste. Marinate for one hour, and then serve on a lettuce leaf, garnished with the radishes cut in various shapes. SALADS 147 GELATINE SALAD Beet juice, 1 cup. Asparagus water, 1 cup. Pea juice, 1 cup. Vegetable gelatine, l^ package. Heat the beet, asparagus, and pea juice, and add to the gelatine, which should previously be dissolved in one cup of water. Add any desirable vegetable salad, and mold. When cold, serve on lettuce leaf with salad dressing. TOMATO GELATINE ^ Gelatine, i/4 package. Tomatoes, strained, 1 pint. Onion, 1 slice. Celery hearts, minced, y^ cup. Water, 1 cup. Salt. Boil the onion and celery in the tomatoes until the flavor is obtained, then strain, and add to the gelatine after dissolving it in one cup of water. Pour in molds, and set on ice to cool. Serve with mayonnaise, on lettuce leaf. COTTAGE CHEESE SALAD Cottage cheese may be served as a salad when garnished with lettuce and mayonnaise, or it may be combined with nuttolene and served as suggested above. 148 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK NUT CHEESE Nuttolene, 14 pound. Lemon juice, 3 tablespoons. Salt. Parsley, minced. Press the nuttolene through, a fine colander, add the other ingredients, form in desired shape, and serve. STUFFED TOMATOES Select well-formed tomatoes of uniform size. Wash, and slice off the stem end. Scoop out the contents, fill with a suitable salad, and cover the cut end with salad dressing or replace the portion cut off. Chill, and serve on lettuce leaf. LEMON BEETS Steam or boil beets until tender; drop in cold water, remove skins, slice thin, and add lemon juice slightly di- luted with water. Allow to stand long enough that the beets will become well seasoned. Salt the lemon juice. The beets should be stirred occasionally, so that the ones on top will receive an equal amount of lemon juice. In- stead of slicing with a knife, they may be cut with any fancy cutter. WATEECRESS Remove undesirable parts. Wash and drain well. Serve crisp and cold on deep salad plates. Dress with French salad dressing. SALADS 149 LETTUCE Separate the leaves, and carefully wash to remove every particle of grit. Shake the water off the leaves. Place on a plate or in a salad dish, and send to the table for each to prepare as preferred. Dress with lemon, salt, or olive oil. A mayonnaise or lettuce dressing may be provided for the table. If pre- ferred, lettuce may be cut fine before being sent to the table. CABBAGE SALAD Cabbage, chopped very fine, II/2 cups. Walnuts, chopped, % cup. Cream, % cup. Lemon, juice of 1. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Beat the cream, sugar, and lemon juice together; then pour over the walnuts, cabbage, and salt, which have been thoroughly mixed. CELERY AND CABBAGE SALAD Celery, 3 cups. Cabbage, 1 cup. Lemon juice, 14 cup. Mayonnaise, I/2 cup. Salt. Mince the celery and cabbage very fine, and marinate with the lemon juice. Drain off the juice, add the salt and the mayonnaise dressing, and serve. 150 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK ENDIVE SALAD Shred tlie leaves and cores of well-washed endive, and serve with a French dressing. DANDELION SALAD Wash the dandelion leaves very clean, dry well, season with French dressing, garnish with sliced beets, and serve. ASPARAGUS AND PROTOSE SALAD Asparagus, li/^ cups. Protose, 11/2 cups. Salt. Mayonnaise. Wash the asparagus, and cut into pieces half an inch long. Boil in salted water till tender. Drain; and when cold, put into salad dish with protose cut into dice. Season with salt. Serve on a lettuce leaf with mayonnaise. ASPARAGUS AND CAULIFLOWER SALAD Asparagus tips, boiled and drained, 2 cups. Cauliflower, boiled, drained, cut in small pieces, 2 cups. Dress with cream salad dressing. ASPARAGUS SALAD Cut cooked asparagus tips into three-inch lengths, and serve on lettuce leaf with cream dressing. SALADS 151 BRUSSELS SPROUTS SALAD Put plain boiled Brussels sprouts into the ice-chest to get cold. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice. Serve on lettuce. MACEDOINE SALAD This is a mixture of any kind of cooked vegetables. Cover with favorite salad dressing, and serve on lettuce leaves. POTATO SALAD Potatoes, 3. Mayonnaise, l^ cup. Onion, grated, 1 teaspoon. Parsley, minced, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Steam the potatoes until tender, cool, cut lengthwise in quarters, and slice; add salt, onion, and parsley, and mix well; then fold in the mayonnaise carefully. Keep in a cool place until ready to serve. CUCUMBERS Pare, and lay in cold, salted lemon water — ice water if possible — for an' hour. Slice very thin. ENGLISH SALAD Lettuce, chopped, 1 cup. Celery, chopped, 1 cup. Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon. Lemons, juice of 2. Mix lettuce, celery, and lemon juice thoroughly, then add mayonnaise, and salt to taste. 152 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PROTOSE AND CELERY SALAD Protose, diced, 21^ cups. Onion, grated, 1 tablespoon. Favorite salad dressing. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Crisp celery, l^^ cups. Lettuce or celery leaves. Cut protose into half -inch dice ; add a little salt, grated onion, and celery cut into the same size as protose. Dress, and serve on lettuce leaves or garnish with celery leaves. PROTOSE SALAD Protose, cut in small dice, 1 pound. Potatoes, cold, boiled, cut into dice, 2. Celery, finely cut, I/2 cup. Onion, finely minced, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Celery salt, I/2 teaspoon. Mix thoroughly with mayonnaise, and serve on lettuce leaves. OLIVE AND ALMOND SALAD Olives, 18. Celery, li/^ cups. Almonds, blanched, 1% cups. Salad dressing. Lettuce. Stone and chop the olives. Add the almonds chopped, also the celery cut fine. Mix with salad dressing and serve on lettuce. SALADS 153 LIMA BEAN SALAD Lima beans, raw, 1 cup. Celery, finely minced, 1 cup. Onions, grated. Salt. Dressing. Boil the beans until tender, but not overdone,- drain and cool; add celery and a small amount of grated onion and salt ; fold in favorite dressing. LIMA BEAN AND CELERY SALAD Lima beans, 1 cup. Celery, minced, 1 cup. Eggs, hard-boiled, 1 cup. Lettuce, minced, 1 cup. Nuttolene, ^ pound. Boil the beans till tender; drain and cool. Add the minced celery, minced lettuce, nuttolene cut into small dice, and hard-boiled eggs finely chopped. Serve with favorite dressing. EGG SALAD Eggs,_4. Dressing. Hard boil the eggs, drop in cold water, peel off shell, and cut lengthwise in quarters; place these quarters on a lettuce leaf, points nearly touching each other; in the center place a spoonful of any sour salad dressing. 154 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK STUFFED EGGS Eggs, 6. Protose, 1 slice. Sour cream, % cup. Salt. Oil. Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons, Olives, 6. Place hard-boiled eggs in cold water, so that the shells will loosen; peel, cut crosswise, and remove yolks, to which add salt, oil, and sour cream; mix well, and add lemon juice, minced protose, and olives; grated onion may be used for those who desire it, and one fourth cup of cottage cheese also may be included if liked. Refill the eggs, and fasten together with toothpicks, evening the cut portions with narrow strips of lettuce. Garnish with cut olives or mayonnaise. The halves of the white may be filled heaping full and served thus. ONION SALAD Peel, and slice in rings one fourth inch thick; steam until about half done; cool; serve on lettuce, with salad dressing, and hard-boiled eggs which have been chopped fine and mixed with minced parsley, PEA AND ONION SALAD Peas, canned or stewed, drained, 4 cups. Onion, grated, 2 tablespoons. Lettuce leaves. Mayonnaise, SALADS 155 Let the peas drain, then add the onion, and mix well. Set in a cold place; and when ready to serve, pour over the mayonnaise. Mix all together lightly, and serv^e on let- tuce leaves. GREEN PEA AND CELERY SALAD Green peas, 2 cups. Celery, minced, 1 cup. Onion. Salad dressing. Salt. Drain the peas, and add the minced celery, salt, and a dash of grated onion; stir in the salad dressing, and serve. GREEN PEA AND NUTTOLENE SALAD Peas, 1 can. Nuttolene, ^ pound. Onion. Salt. Dressing. Drain the peas; add the nuttolene cut very fine; sea- son with salt and grated onion; mix with any sour salad dressing. NUT AND PEA SALAD Walnut meats, 1 cup. French peas, 1 can. Mayonnaise. Lettuce. 156 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Drain the liquid off the peas, and let them get cold; then mix with the walnuts. Ponr mayonnaise dressing over all, and mix thoroughly. Serve on lettuce. MACARONI AND GREEN PEA SALAD Macaroni, cooked, 1 cup. Green peas, cooked, 1 cup. Pecan meats, chopped, ^ cup. Salt. Onion, grated. Mayonnaise. Cut the macaroni into quarter-inch lengths; drain the peas, mix all together, and serve. DATE AND CELERY SALAD Chop dates and celery, and serve with golden salad dressing. WALDORF SALAD Apples, cut in dice, 1% cups. Lemon juice, % cup. Lettuce. Celery, cut in dice, I14 cups. Mayonnaise dressing. Mix the apples, celery, and lemon juice well together, and pour mayonnaise dressing over. Serve on lettuce. In making Waldorf salad, use only crisp, white, tart apples, and the tender, white heart of the celery. The SALADS 157 celery should be cut a little smaller than the apples. Use mayonnaise or white salad dressing. Drain off the lemon juice before adding the dressing, or it will ruin the mayonnaise. NUT AND FRUIT SALAD Pineapple, canned, diced, 1 cup. Nuts, chopped, 1^/^ cups. Oranges, diced, 1 cup. Dates, diced, 1 cup. Mix all together, and add golden salad dressing one hour before serving. BRAZILIAN SALAD Ripe strawberries, II/2 cups. Pineapple, fresh, cut in small cubes, 1^ cups. Brazil nuts, blanched and thinly sliced, 12. Lemon juice, 4 tablespoons. Lettuce. Dressing, 1 spoon. Cut the strawberries and pineapples into small cubes, and add thinly sliced Brazil nuts that have been marinated in lemon juice. Arrange lettuce in rose shape, fill the crown with the above mixture, and cover with a spoonful of mayonnaise or golden salad dressing. 158 VEGETAItlAN COOK BOOK FRUIT SALAD Apples, cut in half -inch cubes, 1 cup. Bananas, cut in half -inch cubes, 1 cup. Oranges, cut in half-inch cubes, 1 cup. Mix all together, and serve with golden salad dressing. FANCY FRUIT SALAD NO. 1 On a select leaf of lettuce place a slice of pineapple; on this a slice of apple, cut transversely ; then a slice of an orange cut the same way ; next three slices of banana ; over this pour so that it will run down one side only, the golden salad dressing; garnish with a strawberry, cherry, or some fruit of proper color. FANCY FRUIT SALAD NO. 2 Oranges, 4. Bananas, 3. Strawberries, 1 cup. Cream, 1 cup. Lettuce. Line the dish with lettuce leaves; on these place slices of thin-cut oranges, next a layer of sliced bananas, and then a few sliced strawberries; cover with whipped cream, and garnish with strawberries. STRAWBERRY SALAD Arrange large, well-washed strawberries around a butter chip which has been placed in a bread plate. In SALADS 159 the butter chip place a mound of powdered sugar, and in this sugar place a selected berry. Currants may be served in the same manner. BANANA SALAD Cut bananas lengthwise, and slice, and cover with the uncooked sweet salad dressing or the brown fruit salad dressing. NESSLERODE SALAD This salad is prepared by a combination of various colored fruits, such as red and black cherries, red and white currants, red and black berries, pineapples, etc. Place a layer of fruit in the salad bowl, then sugar, an- other layer of fruit, more sugar, etc. Add lemon juice to taste. Shake the bowl gently from side to side to draw out the juice. Prepare two hours before serving, and keep on ice. SALAD DRESSINGS 11 MAYONNAISE DRESSING Egg yolk, 1. Cooking or olive oil. Lemon juice. Salt. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Into a saucer break the yolk of a fresh egg; put with it a large pinch of salt, and with a fork stir the yolk till it begins to stiffen. Gradually add to the yolk, a drop at a time, cooking oil or olive oil, stirring well after each drop is added. Continue this process till the mixture be- comes too stiff to stir, then thin it with lemon juice, and add more salt. The salt helps to stiffen it. Thicken again with oil in the same manner as before, and thin again with lemon juice. Continue this till the desired amount is made. When stiff enough to cut with a knife, add one tablespoonful of sugar. This will keep a number of days, if set on ice. Success in making it, depends upon the care with which the oil is added. At first add a drop at a time; and toward the last, two or three drops, and perhaps half a teaspoonful, at a time. To keep from curdling, put the lemon juice and oil on ice for fifteen minutes before using. Should the may- onnaise curdle while making, or afterward^ begin again with a clean, dry bowl and batter whip, using another egg yolk, and the curdled mayonnaise as though it were oil. (163) 164 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK GREEN MAYONNAISE Make as ordinary mayonnaise. Use two light-colored yolks and six tablespoonfuls of oil. Chop enough parsley to make one tablespoonfnl, put it into a bowl, and with a knife rub it to a pulp. Then add gradually to the mayon- naise. Add a teaspoonful of the lemon juice. POTATO MAYONNAISE Potato, 1. Egg yolks, 2. Oil, 1 cup. Lemon juice. Steam the potato until tender, mash smooth, add egg yolks, and then proceed as for the ordinary mayonnaise, adding alternately the oil and the lemon juice. FRENCH SALAD DRESSING Oil, 3 tablespoons. Salt. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Onion juice, % teaspoon. Mix and pour over the salad. NUT OR OLIVE OIL SALAD DRESSING Oil, 1/2 cup. Water, i/^ cup. Lemon juice, 1^4 cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Eggs, beaten, 3. SALAD DRESSINGS 165 Beat all well together; set in hot water over the fire, and stir constantly till thickened. As soon as it begins to thicken, remove from the fire, and place in a dish of cold water, stirring nntil it cools, and set on ice till cold. It is then ready for use, OIL SALAD DRESSING (SOUR) Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons. Oil, 14 cup. Salt, % teaspoon. Water, 2 teaspoons. Eggs, 2, Heat together in a double boiler, stirring constantly. When it begins to thicken, place in cold water and stir until cold. FAVORITE SALAD DRESSING Butter, 11/2 dessert-spoons. Flour, 1 heaped dessert-spoon. Salt. Lemon juice, 14 cup. Melt the butter in a saucepan, but be careful not to brown it. When hot, stir in the flour, and the hot lemon juice, diluted with one fourth cup water. Beat in thor- oughly the egg yolk, salt to taste, and remove. When cool, stir this dressing through the vegetables, and serve on a garnish of crisp lettuce. 166 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK NUT AND TOMATO SALAD DEESSING Nut butter, 1 teaspoon. Tomatoes, strained, 1 cup. Salt. Dilute the nut butter with a little of the tomato ; when mixed smooth, add the remainder of the tomato ; cook over a double boiler. NUT SALAD DRESSING Nut butter, 2 dessert-spoons. Lemon juice, % cup. Egg yolk, 1. Salt. Dilute the lemon juice with an equal quantity of water, and stir gradually into the nut butter as if preparing for table use; cook over boiling water until it is thickened; remove, and add salt and beaten egg yolk; beat smooth. If to be used for fruit, add sugar. WHIPPED CREAM SALAD DRESSING Egg yolks, 5. Butter, melted, Y^ cup. Lemon juice, 4 tablespoons. Salt, 1 level teaspoon. Sugar, 1 level teaspoon. Rich cream, 1 cup. To the yolks add the salt and sugar; beat with an egg whisk until thick and light, then add gradually the melted butter and the lemon juice. Cook over hot water SALAD DRESSINGS 167 until the mixture thickens and falls away from the sides of the pan. Take from the stove, put into a glass jar, and when cool cover closely. When ready to use, pour into it lightly the rich cream whipped to a stiff, dry froth. If whipped cream can not conveniently be obtained, plain sweet or sour cream may be used in the dressing, but it will not be so light and flaky. WHITE DRESSING Egg yolk, light colored, 1. Salt. Cracked ice. Cream, whipped to stiff froth, 6 tablespoons. Oil, 6 tablespoons. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Drop the yolk into a cold bowl, mix lightly, and salt; then add the oil drop by drop. The dressing should be very thick. Stand the bowl in another containing a little cracked ice, so that you may be constantly reducing the color of the egg. Slowly add the lemon juice, then stir in the whipped cream. This dressing, if properly made, should be almost as white as whipped cream, while having the flavor of mayonnaise. Serve with Waldorf salad. CREAM SALAD DRESSING NO. 1 Cream, 1 cup. Butter, size of walnut. Salt, 1 level teaspoon. Lemon juice, 4 tablespoons. Corn-starch, 1 rounded teaspoon. Eggs, 2. Sugar, 1 level teaspoon. 168 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put the cream into a double boiler. When scalding hot, add the corn-starch dissolved in a little cold milk, and cook about five minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the butter. With the yolks of the eggs put the salt and sugar ; beat till light and thick, then add alternately the lemon juice and the hot cooked mixture. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites, and set aside to become cold. This dressing may be used the same as mayonnaise. WHITE CREAM SALAD DRESSING Make the same as cream salad dressing No. 1, omitting the yolks of the eggs. CREAM SALAD DRESSING NO. 2 Cream, 1 cup. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Egg white, 2 tablespoons. Lemon juice, 3 tablespoons. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons. Salt. Heat the cream in a double boiler, thicken with corn- starch, add sugar, and remove from the fire; when par- tially cool, put in the beaten white; and when cold, the oil and salt. Just before serving, add the lemon juice. SALAD DRESSINGS 169 JOHNSON'S CREAM SALAD DRESSING Lemon juice, % cup. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Rich milk or cream, % cup. Oil, 1 tablespoon. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Eggs, well beaten, 2. Corn-starch, 2 teaspoons. Add the sugar, salt, and oil to the lemon juice; heat, and thicken with corn-starch braided with a little water J stir in the eggs; remove from the stove, and add the cream! CREAM TOMATO SALAD DRESSING ' ' Cream, 1 cup. Tomatoes, strained, 1-3 cup. Lemon juice, 14 cup. Salt. Beat the cream until stiff, then fold in the thick tomato pulp, lemon juice, and salt. UNCOOKED SWEET SALAD DRESSING Cream, thick, % cup. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. To the thick cream add the sugar; stir weU, and then slowly add the lemon juice, constantly stirring. This should thicken at once. 170 VEGETAKIAN COOK BOOK NUT FRUIT SALAD DRESSING Nut butter, 1 heaping dessert-spoon. Red grape juice, 1 cup. Dilute the nut butter with the grape juice as if to make nut cream. Cook over a double boiler until it thickens, remove, and cook on the stove until of proper consistency. GOLDEN SALAD DRESSING Pineapple juice, ^ cup. Lemon juice, 14 cup. Eggs, beaten, 2. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Corn-starch, 2 teaspoons. After beating the eggs well, add the pineapple juice, lemon juice, sugar, and a small pinch of salt. Beat to- gether and cook in a double boiler. Let cook about two minutes, and add the corn-starch. RED SALAD DRESSING Strawberry juice, % cup. Lemon juice, % cup. Sugar, 14 cup. Butter, 1/2 size of walnut. Corn-starch, 2 teaspoons. Stem and wash sufficient berries to make one half a cup of juice; add half the sugar, and crush well; allow to stand in a cool place for two hours; shake through a SALAD DRESSINGS 171 fine sieve to obtain juice; add to the juice the lemon juice and butter, bring to the boiling point, and stir in the re- mainder of the sugar, with which has been thoroughly mixed the corn-starch. Cook and cool, and add to the salad. PUDDINGS STEAMED APPLE PUDDING Apples, 6, Seedless raisins, 1 cup. Bread crumbs, 3 cups. Eggs, 4. Fruit juice, l^ cup. Sugar, l^ cup. Lemon flavor if desired. Mince the apples fine, and mix with the raisins, bread crumbs, and sugar. Add the fruit juice and the beaten yolks of the eggs, fold in the beaten whites, and steam from three to five hours. PLUM PUDDING Eggs, 4. Cream, 1 cup. Flour, 1% cups. Raisins, seeded, chopped, i^ pound. Sugar, 1 cup. Bread crumbs, 1 cup. Butter, 1-3 pound. Currants, % pound. Candied citron, size of egg. Beat the eggs, add the cream, bread crumbs, flour, and butter. Beat well together, and mix in the sugar and fruit. Mix well, pour into a buttered pan, cover, and steam about two hours. (175) 176 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK CABINET PUDDING Candied citron, % cup. Seedless raisins, % cup. Currants, % cup. Nutmeg. Stale sponge cake, 1 quart. Milk, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Butter, melted, 1 tablespoon. Salt. Mix aU together, and bake in a pan set in a pan of water, or steam in covered mold. Serve with a tart sauce. STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING Tart apple pulp, 2 cups. Sugar, 1 cup. Eggs, 6. Grape juice, 2^^ cups. Salt, y^ teaspoon. Bread crumbs, toasted, 4 cups. Seedless raisins, 1 cup. Lemon rind, grated, 1. Vanilla, 1 tablespoon. Mix all well together except the whites of the eggs, which should be beaten stiff and added last. Turn into a buttered mold, cover, and steam or boil for three hours. Serve with sweetened cream, flavored with nutmeg. PUDDINGS 177 FIG PUDDING Butter, 2 tablespoons. Corn-starch, I/2 cup. Flour, % cup. Fig marmalade, 1^ cups. Cream, 1^ cups. Sugar, 1 cup. Eggs, 4. Mix the butter with the corn-starch and flour; mix the fig marmalade and the cream, and stir in the first mix- ture, together with the sugar and the yolks of eggs. Mix well, and fold in quickly the well-beaten whites. Pour into a buttered pudding mold, cover, and steam one and one half hours. DATE PUDDING Make the same as fig pudding, using date marmalade. ADELAIDE PUDDING NO. 1 Eggs, 6. Water, 2 cups. Lemon extract, 1 teaspoon. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Corn-starch, 1 cup. Sugar, 11/4 cups. Lemon, grated rind and juice, 1. Flour, iy2 cups. Over the beaten yolks pour a sirup made by boiling the sugar in the water. Add lemon rind and juice, lemon extract, and salt. Beat up well, and mix in slowly the 19 178 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK flour and corn-starcli. Fold in the beaten whites of the eggs, pour into a greased pudding dish, and steam one and one half hours. ADELAIDE PUDDING NO. 2 Eggs, 6. "Water, 1 cup. Flour, 1 cup. Corn-starch, 1 cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemon extract, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Cooking oil, 1 tablespoon. Break the eggs in a mixing bowl, and add the sugar, water, and salt. Set the bowl on a medium hot stove, and beat until very stiff. Have the flour and starch well mixed together, then add these, the flavoring, and oil in succession, a little at a time. Put in a greased pudding dish, and steam one and one half hours. This can be baked as a cake if desired. FRUIT TAPIOCA PUDDING Tapioca, % cup. Cold water, 2% cups. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Fruit, 1 cup. Salt, % teaspoon. Sugar, 1^ cup. PUDDINGS 179 Use fresh strawberries, sliced bananas, diced pine- apple, seeded prunes, or any stewed fruit from which the juice has been drained. When the tapioca has cooked until clear, put all the seasoning into it, and put a layer into a pudding dish, then a layer of fruit, and so on, having the top layer tapioca. Serve with cream, PINEAPPLE TAPIOCA Tapioca, 1 cup. Pineapple juice> 1 cup. Water, 4 cups. Sugar, 2-3 cup. Better results follow when the tapioca is soaked over night or for several hours. Wash the tapioca, and soak in the water; just before cooking add sugar and pineapple juice. Cook in a double boiler until transparent, and pour into a flat pan to cool. If sliced pineapple is at hand, dice it, and place in the bottom of the pan, before pouring in the tapioca. If, when cooking tapioca or sago for pudding, it should cook too long and get thin, it may be made into a good dessert by beating it into beaten egg whites; season, and mold in cups or pan. Serve with a colored sauce, ORANGE SAGO MOLD Sago, % cup. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Orange juice, 1 cup. Water, 3 cups. 180 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Wash the sago, and cook in the orange juice and water with the sugar until transparent and thoroughly done; then turn into individual glass sauce dishes, and put away to cool. Garnish with a little bright colored jelly or jam, CREAM SAGO PUDDING Sago, % cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Milk or cream, 1 quart. Eggs, 2. Lemon flavoring. Wash the sago, and put with the milk into a double boiler, and cook until clear. Beat the eggs very light, and add th6 sugar and flavor. Eemove the sago from the range, and allow to cool a little ; then pour in the eggs and sugar, beating all the time. Put into a pudding pan, set in a pan of water, cover, and bake until the custard is set. PLAIN CUSTARD Sugar, % cup. Eggs, 6. Milk, 1 quart. Salt. Beat the eggs till light, and stir in the milk, sugar, and salt. Bake in a pudding pan set in a pan of hot water. Bake until the center of custard is set. PUDDINGS 181 CARAMEL CUSTARD Milk, 3 cups. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Water, ^ cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Eggs, 6. Vanilla, ^ teaspoon. Put the butter into a saucepan, and set on the range. When melted, stir in the sugar, and let cook until of a dark brown color, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Add the water, which should be hot, and stir until the caramel (the browned sugar) is dissolved. Beat up the eggs, and mix with the milk ; add this to the caramel, and flavor with the vanilla. Pour into custard cups, set into a shallow pan of water, and bake till the custard is set in the middle. If the caramel should get too brown, add sugar and only a portion of the caramel. TAPIOCA CUSTARD (RICH) Tapioca, % cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Salt, 14 teaspoon. Milk, 1 quart. Eggs, 4. Flavor to suit. Wash the tapioca, and put to cook with the milk in a double boiler; stir occasionally, and cook till clear. Beat the eggs till light, beat in the sugar and add to the tapioca. Let cook a minute, and remove from the range. Stir in the flavoring, turn into a pan of suitable size, and brown 182 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK in oven. Serve cold. If desired, the whites of two of the eggs may be used as a meringue, which should be flavored the same as the custard. BANANA TAPIOCA Same as pineapple tapioca, but use bananas instead of pineapples. Milk may be substituted for water, and two eggs used if desired. The tapioca may also be flavored and colored. FLOATING ISLAND Milk, 1 quart. Sugar, l^ cup. Eggs, 5. Jelly, 2 tablespoons. Flavor to suit. Make a custard of the milk, the yolks of the eggs, the whites of two, and the sugar. "Whip the remaining three whites to a stiff froth, with a little sugar, and flavor- ing the same as for the custard. Cool the custard, and pour into individual glass dishes. Drop spoonfuls of the whites on the custard so as to form islands; or it may be put on with a pastry tube or paper funnel. Drop a little jelly in the center of each island. The custard should be about the same consistency as cream sauce. Do not allow it to cook too long, or it may curdle. PUDDINGS 183 SWEET POTATO CUSTARD Sweet potatoes, cooked, II/2 cups. Cream or milk, 2i/^ cups. Sugar, % cup. Eggs, 3. Vanilla. Mash the potatoes well, and thin them down with the cream; then force all through a fine sieve, and add the sugar, vanilla, and well-beaten eggs. Bake in a pan set in a pan of water. CHEAP CUSTARD Eggs, 4. Milk, 1 quart. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Corn-starch, 4 level teaspoons. Beat the eggs; add the sugar in which has been mixed the corn-starch; then add the milk. Bake slowly in a par set in a pan of hot water. MALTED MILK CUSTARD Horlick's malted milk, 2 tablespoons. Egg yolks, 2. Hot water, 1 cup. Salt. Mix the malted milk with enough of the hot water to make a smooth paste ; add the remainder of the water, and pour it gradually onto the well-beaten yolks. Butter cus- 184 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK tard cups, pour in the mixture, and let it stand in a pan of boiling water in a moderate oven until the custard is set. GELATINE CUSTARD Milk, 1 quart. Eggs, 2. Sugar, y^ cup. Gelatine, ^ package. Soak the gelatine for one hour or more in v^ater about one hundred and forty degrees j drain, and put into one cup of hot milk; cook until transparent, and add to the custard, which should be previously prepared by stirring the beaten eggs into the hot milk, in which has been dis- solved the sugar. Beat all well together, remove from the stove, and pour into molds. HOELICK'S MALTED MILK BLANC-MANGE Horlick's malted milk, 2 tablespoons. Corn-starch, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Boiling water, II/2 cups. Vanilla, 14 teaspoon. Mix the starch and malted milk powder with a little cold water into a smooth paste, add the boiling water slowly, cook thoroughly in double boiler, flavor with vanilla, and pour into cold, wet molds. Chill, and serve with soft custard or whipped cream. PUDDINGS 185 CORN-STARCH BLANC-MANGE Milk, 1 quart. Corn-starch, 4 heaped tablespoons. Egg whites, 3. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Lemon flavoring. Put three cups of milk into a double boiler, and set over the fire. When scalding hot, add the remaining milk, in which have been dissolved the sugar and the corn-starch. Stir till it is thick and there are no lumps. Flavor with lemon, take from the range, and add the stiffly beaten whites. Pour into molds, and set in a cool place to get firm. A pleasing effect may be obtained by dividing the mix- ture after it is cooked, and coloring one half pink, then filling each mold one third full of one, and filling up with the other. When turned from the mold, they will look like small, white pyramids capped with pink, or pink with white. A custard to be served with this blane-mange is made with two cups of milk, the yolks of three eggs, and half of a cup of sugar. Flavor the same as blanc-mange. APPLE WALNUT PUDDING Apples, large, 4. Sugar, 14 cup. Nutmeg. Walnuts, chopped, l^ cup. Cake batter. Water, 2 cups. 186 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Peel the apples, cut into half-incli cubes, sprinkle with nutmeg and sugar, cover with water, and cook under cover, in a slow oven, until tender. Add the nut meats, and over all pour cake batter to a depth of one fourth inch. Bake, and serve with cream. The proportions given for Johnson's sponge cake are enough for three such puddings. As it is difficult to make a small amount of cake batter, the full recipe could be made, and that remaining could be baked as a cake. APPLE COCONUT PUDDING Apples, 8. Sugar, 1 cup. Milk, 1 quart. Coconut, shredded, 1^ cups. Eggs, 4. Corn-starch, 1% tablespoons. Peel the apples, cut into eighths, and place in a granite pudding pan; add three fourths cup of sugar, and water nearly to cover; set in a moderate oven, cover, and cook until tender and quite dry. Heat the milk in a double boiler, together with one cup of the coconut and one fourth cup of sugar. Thicken with the corn-starch braided with a little milk. When the corn-starch is well cooked, pour the mixture over the beaten yolks and whites of two of the eggs. Return to the double boiler, and cook again for a short time, stirring well. Sprinkle the apples with coco- nut, and pour over them the custard. When cool, meringue with the remainder of the egg whites in which has been sprinkled the remainder of the coconut. PUDDINGS 187 APPLE DUMPLINGS For each dumpling desired, select a medium-sized tart apple; peel and core, and lay on a piece of pie paste rolled out about five inches square and as thick as for pie. Fill the hole in the apple with sugar in which has been mixed grated nutmeg. Fold up the crust so as to cover. Place m granite pan, and bake until the apples are done. PLUGGED APPLES Apples, 6. Bananas, 3. Lemon. Sugar. Select large bellflower apples, wash, and remove the core; fill the hole in the apples with small bananas; add a little sugar, lemon juice, and water, and bake until tender. LEMON APPLE Tart apples, 6. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemon, 1. Pare the apples, and remove the cores, being careful not to break the apples. Put into a granite or enameled baking pan of suitable size. Fill the holes made by re- moving the cores, with the sugar; moisten the sugar with the lemon juice, and sprinkle a little of the grated rind on each apple. Pour sufficient water into the pan to half cover the apples. Cover, and bake until clear. 188 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK APPLE PUDDING, BAKED Butter, 2 tablespoons. Eggs, 4. Green tart apples, grated, 6. Sugar, % cup. Lemon, 1. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream; add to this the well-beaten yolks of the eggs, the juice and grated rind of the lemon, and the grated apples; fold in the beaten whites of the eggs, flavor, and bake. Serve cold with cream. One third of a cup of bread crumbs may be added if desired. APPLE NUT PUDDING Apple pulp, 2 cups. Walnuts, ground fine, 1 cup. Eggs, 4. Sugar, % cup. Bread crumbs, 1^ cups. Nutmeg. Grate suffi.cient tart apples to make two cups; add the sugar, nutmeg, bread crumbs, nuts, and the beaten yolks of the eggs, and beat weU. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites, put into an oiled pudding pan, set in a pan of hot water, and bake. Serve with sweetened cream or lemon sauce. SCALLOPED APPLES Pare and core tart apples; mince, and cover the bot- tom of a pudding pan with a thin layer; then sprinkle PUDDINGS 189 with bread crumbs and sugar, and add another layer of apples, and so on until the pan is three fourths full; add a little water, and bake in a quick oven. Serve with cream, APPLE SNOW Apple sauce, 1 pint. Egg whites, 2. Strain the apple sauce, and heat to boiling; while hot, pour over the beaten whites; beat well, and sweeten and flavor to taste. Serve cold. STRAWBERRY FLUFF Egg whites, 2. Strawberries, 1 pint. Sugar, % cup. Mash the strawberries with the sugar, and add to the unbeaten whites, which should be in a deep dish. Beat with an egg whisk until light and foamy. This makes a dainty, toothsome dessert, and can be prepared on short order. PEACH FLUFF Peaches, canned or stewed, 1 quart. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Egg whites, 4. Corn-starch, 3 tablespoons. Drain the juice from the peaches, add the sugar, and bring to a boil; thicken with the corn-starch braided in a little cold water. Allow to cool, and add the peaches after they have been forced through a fine colander. Next fold 190 VEGETARIAN COOK: BOOK in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Serve in glass, with a teaspoonful of red jelly on top of each dish. Other fruits may be used instead of peaches. STRAWBBREY SOUFFLE Eggs, 4. Cream or milk, 1^^ cups. Sugar. Strawberries. Place strawberries in a glass dish, and pour over them a custard made of the egg yolks, milk, and sugar. Cover with a meringue made of the whites and a little sugar. Garnish with strawberries. Do not bake the meringue. ORANGE TRIFFLE Orange juice, 1 cup. Water, 1 cup. Sugar, 3^ cup. Egg whites, 3. Corn-starch, 3 teaspoons. Heat the water, orange juice, and sugar; thicken with the corn-starch, and pour over the beaten whites. Beat well, and allow to cool before serving. SNOW PUDDING Milk, 1 quart. Salt, 1-3 teaspoon. Egg whites, 5. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Corn-starch, 1-3 cup. Vanilla to flavor. PUDDINGS 191 Set the milk, sugar, and salt in a double boiler over the fire; when scalding hot, add the corn-starch mixed smooth in a little cold milk. When nearly cold, stir in carefully the stiffly beaten whites, and flavor with vanilla. Serve with vanilla sauce. SPONGE PUDDING Milk, 2 cups. Flour, l^ cup. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Eggs, 4. Put the milk into a double boiler. Mix the sugar and flour with a little cold milk; pour this into the scalding milk, and stir till it thickens; then stir into the well- beaten yolks of the eggs ; add the whites beaten stiff. Pour the mixture into buttered cups or a pudding dish. Put into a pan of boiling water, place in the oven, and bake for a few minutes. Serve in the cups in which it is baked, or on hot plates if baked in a pudding dish. This should not be allowed to stand, but be served immediately. BREAD PUDDING Milk, 1 quart. Sugar, 1^ cup. Stale bread, II/2 cups. Eggs, 3. Flavor to suit. Soak the bread in the milk; beat the yolks and one of the whites of the eggs with the sugar, and flavor. Mix and put into a pudding dish. Set into a pan of hot water, 192 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK and bake until the custard is set. Meringue with the whites. If desired, the top of the pudding may first be marked with jelly, marmalade, or fresh fruit of some kind, and the meringue put over all. CAKE PUDDING Stale cake, 2 cups. Milk, 3 cups. Eggs, 2. Eaisins, 1/4 cup. Beat the egg yolks, add the milk, and pour over the cake, which should first be crumbled into a pudding pan. The raisins should be pressed down so that they will not burn. Set in a pan of hot water, and bake. This may be covered with a thin layer of jelly or shredded pineapple before the addition of the meringue, which is made of the two egg whites and two teaspoonfuls of sugar. PRESSED FRUIT PUDDING Bread, 8 slices. Huckleberries, stewed, 1 quart. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Trim the bread, cutting off all crusts; put four slices in the bottom of a pudding pan ; cover with half the berries, which should have the juice strained off; sprinkle over part of the sugar; then add the rest of the bread and the remainder of the berries and sugar. Over all pour the juice that has been drained; there should be enough to moisten the bread thoroughly. If to be served the same PUDDINGS 193 day, put another pan on top of the pudding, with a weight in it, to press the pudding. It is not necessary to press the pudding if not used the same day it is made. Serve with sweetened cream or sweet sauce. Strawberries or other fruit may be used in place of the huckleberries. BLUEBERRY PUDDING Remove the crusts from stale white bread, and slice the remainder of the loaf very thin ; cover the bottom of a granite pan with a layer of these slices, and cover these with stewed blueberries, which should not be very juicy. Re- peat these layers two or three times, and then press by pla- cing another pan on top of it, with weights in it. This should stand for several hours. Being prepared the day before, it would make a desirable dessert for a Sabbath dinner. Cut in squares, and serve with cream, or a cream pudding sauce. BROWN BETTY Apples, chopped, 2 cups. Bread crumbs, 1 cup. Butter, 1/2 cup. Raisins, chopped, 1 cup. Raisin or prune juice, 1 cup. Fill a pudding dish with alternate layers of the fruit and crumbs, — fruit first, finishing with bread crumbs on top. Pour over it the fruit juice and melted butter. Set the dish in a pan of hot water, cover, and bake in a mod- 13 194 VBGETABIAN COOK BOOK erate oven for nearly an hour; then remove the cover, and brown lightly. Serve with sweetened cream or lemon sauce. PRUNE PUDDING Milk or cream, 1 quart. Eggs, 3. Prune marmalade, 2 cups. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Lemon extract. Thicken the milk with the corn-starch, add the prune marmalade and beaten eggs, flavor to taste, and bake in a pan of water until well set. STRAWBERRY GRANOSE Put a layer of granose in a deep pan ; cover with a layer of crushed berries and sugar; repeat till the pan is full. Press lightly. Serve with cream. GRANOSE MOLD Milk, boiling, 2 cups. Granose flakes, 3 cups. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Eggs, beaten, 4. Stir the granose flakes into the boiling milk; then add the beaten eggs and sugar. Let boil two minutes, and pour into molds. Serve with vanilla sauce. PUDDINGS 195 PRUNE PUDDING Prune pulp, 1 cup. Egg whites, well beaten, 4. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Stir the beaten whites of eggs with the prune pulp and sugar. Bake till lightly browned, and serve with cream. BANANA FARINA Milk, 1 quart. Farina, % cup. Sugar, % cup. Vanilla. Bananas. Heat the milk and sugar, slowly add the farina, and cook on the stove until set; then finish cooking in the double boiler. Remove from the stove, stir in the vanilla, and pour over the sliced bananas. Serve hot or cold with cream. CREAM RICE PUDDING Rice, % cup. Cream or milk, 3 cups. Eggs, 4. Cook the rice in the cream or milk; when nearly done, remove from the range, and stir in the yolks of the eggs. Pour into a pan, and set in another containing water, and bake fifteen or twenty minutes, or till the eggs are cooked. Make a meringue of the whites. 196 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK RICE PUDDING Rice, % cup. Milk, 4 to 6 cups. Sugar, 1/2 cup. If the pudding is to be served as soon as cooked, less milk will be required; if cooked slowly in the oven, less milk will be required than when boiled rapidly on top of the stove. Pour the cold milk in a granite baking pan and place on top of the stove; wash the rice, and add it and the sugar to- the milk, stirring carefully occasionally with a pancake turner to prevent scorching. Allow to boil five minutes, then set in the oven and bake under cover until done; remove cover, and brown. Seedless or seeded raisins may, be added; also any other flavoring desired. RICE PATTIES Rice, cooked, 2 cups. Butter, 1% tablespoons. Eggs, well beaten, 2. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Nutmeg, Gluten, Mix, and stir over the fire till well blended ; when cold, add sufficient gluten to form into patties, roll in beaten egg, and then in bread crumbs. Bake. Serve hot with sweetened cream, flavored with nutmeg. PUDDINGS 197 CEREAL PUDDING Milk, 4 cups. Eggs, 4. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Cream of maize, or cerealine, or rice flakes, 2 cups. Lemon, grated rind and juice, 1. Heat the milk to boiling, and stir in cream of maize, cerealine, or rice flakes. Set in double boiler and cook half an hour. Remove from the range, and stir in the yolks and sugar. Flavor with grated rind and juice of lemon. Pour in a shallow pan, and set within another containing water, and bake till the custard sets. Meringue with the whites. FRUIT NUTS PUDDING Fruit nuts, 1 cup. Seedless raisins, 1 cup. Sugar, 14 cup. Milk, hot, 21/2 cups. Eggs, 2. Wash the raisins, and add them and the fruit nuts to the hot milk; allow to stand until cool, then add the beaten yolks of the eggs and the sugar. Fold in the beaten whites, and bake in a pan set in a pan of water. FARINA MOLD Milk, 1 quart. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Farina, % cup. Salt. 198 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put the milk into a double boiler; when scalding hot, set the inner boiler on the range until the milk boils ; then stir in the farina, sugar, and salt. Let boil till the farina is set, then set back in outer boiler and cook one hour. Turn into molds previously oiled or dipped into cold water. May be served with cream sweetened and flavored, or with fruit juice. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING Corn-meal mush, 1 quart. Milk or cream, 3 cups. Molasses, % cup. Sugar, 1^ cup. Eggs, 5. Seedless raisins, % cup. Ginger, 1 teaspoon. The corn-meal mush should be free from lumps. If the mush has been cooked in milk, add the three cups of milk ; if not, add cream; and then the molasses, sugar, ginger, raisins, and egg yolks. Beat the whites, and fold in last. Pour into a granite pan, set in a pan of water, and bake until well set. CAKE BLANC-MANGE Pour into a flat granite pan a small portion of blanc- mange, cover this with a thin layer of cake, and then cover with another layer of the blanc-mange. A good custard may be used instead of the blanc-mange, or sliced bananas used instead of the cake. PUDDINGS 199 ORANGE FRUIT MOLD Orange juice, 1% cups. Sugar, 11/4 cups. Lemon juice, V2 cup. Water, % cup. Vegetable gelatine, % box. Soak the vegetable gelatine in warm water. Pour this water off, and put the gelatine in one half cup of boiling water, and let boil until thoroughly dissolved. Then re- move from the stove, and stir in the other ingredients, which should be previously mixed and heated. Pour into molds, and let stand until cooled; then turn into sauce dishes, and serve with fruit sauce. LEMON HONEY White sugar, 1 cup. Egg yolks, 3. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Lemon, grated rind and juice of 1. Egg white, 1. Put the juice, sugar, and butter into a double boiler over the fire. While these are heating, beat the eggs, and add to them the grated rind of the lemon. Add this to the sugar and butter, cooking and stirring till it is thick and clear like honey. CREAM PUFFS Oil, l^ cup scant measure. Flour, 1 cup. Eggs, 3. 200 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Put the oil into one cup of hot water ; when boiling, add the flour, and beat rapidly until smooth; when partially cool, add the eggs, one at a time, rubbing the paste smooth each time ; drop this mixture in portions about the size of a walnut, from a spoon, onto greased pans, leaving room for them to expand. Bake in a moderate oven. When cool, carefully break open one side far enough to fiR with whipped cream, which has been sweetened and flavored. They can then be sprinkled with powdered sugar, and served with or without sauce. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Cream, 1 cup. Flour to make a medium soft dough. Salt. Yeast, 1 tablespoon. Warm the cream to about seventy degrees, and add the salt, yeast, and about two cups of the flour. Mix thor- oughly, cover, and set in a warm place to rise. When well risen and lively, add the rest of the flour, and knead until perfectly smooth. Roll out about half an inch thick. Put into greased pans, brush the top with melted butter, let rise until about double its original size, and bake. Split, and fill with whole or crushed berries, sprinkled with sugar. FRUIT GELEB With the aid of vegetable gelatine it is possible to utilize any bits of left-over fruit juice. The method of preparation is given in accompanying recipes. Be sure PUDDINGS 201 to cook the gelatine until it is transparent, or until no small lumps appear, but no longer. For each package of gelatine use no more than three quarts of liquid, including that in v^hich the gelatine is boiled. The juice should be heated before the gelatine is added. The package gelatine called for in the recipes in this book is that prepared by the Kellogg Food Company, The ordinary gelatine is not to be recommended, MAPLE CREAM GELEE Sanitas vegetable gelatine, 1^2 package. Milk, 1 pint. Cream, 1 pint. Maple sirup, % cup. Soak the gelatine in water of the temperature of 140 degrees for an hour or two, strain, and add to 1^ cups of boiling water; cook only until the gelatine disappears; strain into the milk, cream, and maple sirup, which have been heated in a double boiler; pour out into a flat pan, and when cool, cut into desired shape and size, or pour into individual molds. COFFEE GELEE Cereal coffee, 2 cups. Cream, 1 cup. Sugar, 1-3 cup. Gelatine, l^ package. Corn-starch, 1 teaspoon. 202 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Dissolve the vegetable gelatine in one half cup of water ; add the hot cream, coffee, and sugar, which have been thickened with the corn-starch. This thickening is to keep the cream from rising to the top while it is cooking. CHOCOLATE GELEE Cream, 2 cups. Milk, 1 cup. Chocolate, powdered, 3 heaping teaspoons. Sugar, 2 heaping teaspoons. Gelatine, ^ package. Corn-starch, 1 teaspoon. Dissolve the chocolate in a few spoonfuls of milk; put it into the milk and cream, and heat ; add the corn-starch ; cook, and then add to the vegetable gelatine, which has been dissolved in one half cup of water j mold, and set in cool place. MERINGUE This term is used to denote a covering for desserts, usually made by adding sugar to beaten whites. This may be served without cooking, or it may be spread on the dessert with a spatula, and set in a slow oven and browned. It can also be dropped on hot water, or the hot water may be poured on it in a deep dish, and then the meringue skimmed off. Cooked meringue will keep its shape longer. Add sugar in the proportion of one teaspoon to one egg white. PUDDINGS 203 STUFFED DATES Select unbroken dates, wash in warm water, remove th.e seeds as carefully as possible, and place in the hole a quarter ox a walnut meat or an entire blanched almond, press together in such a way as to leave part of the nut exposed, roU in powdered sugar, and serve. PUDDING SAUCES GERMAN SAUCE Egg yolks, 12. Fruit juice, bright colored, 1 cup. Sugar, 1/^ cup. Juice of V2 lemon. Put the sugar in a saucepan with the fruit juice (prefer- ably cherry or strawberry) ; stir it over the fire till hot; then remove it to the side, where it will not boil. Stir in the well-beaten yolks, and add the lemon juice. Whisk the sauce until well frothed and thickened, and remove from the stove. HARD SAUCE Butter, % pound. Sugar, powdered, 1 pound. Nutmeg to suit. Rub the butter and sugar together until white and creamy, then add the nutmeg. GOLDEN SAUCE Nutmeg, %. Sugar, 1 cup. Butter, 1 rounding tablespoon. Egg yolks, 2. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Water, 2 cups. Break the nutmeg into pieces, and put into a saucepan with the water; boil and add the corn-starch mixed with (207) 208 ■ VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK the sugar. Stir over th.e fire until the eom-starch is cooked, then add the butter. Beat the yolks with one tablespoon- ful of the sauce, and stir quickly into the remainder, which should be immediately removed, as the yolk will curdle if boiled. Strain and serve. COCONUT SAUCE Milk or cream, 1 quart. Coconut, shredded, 1 cup. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, % cup. Steep the coconut in the milk for about twenty minutes, strain, add the sugar, reheat, and thicken. VANILLA SAUCE Cream, 2 cups. Eggs, 3. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Sugar and vanilla. Thicken the cream with the flour, and stir in the beaten yolks. Cook a few minutes, stirring all the time. Sweeten to taste. When cool, add the beaten whites, and flavor with vanilla. ORANGE SAUCE Oranges, 2. Eggs, 2. Butter to suit. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemon juice, ^4 cup. PUDDING SAUCES 209 Put the juice of the oranges and the grated rind of one with the sugar into a saucepan. Set on the range, and stir till the sugar is dissolved, then strain through a fine sieve to remove the rind. Add the beaten eggs, lemon juice, and butter. Before serving, set in a double boiler, and stir for a few minutes to melt the butter and thor- oughly mix the eggs. Serve hot or cold. This is a good sauce for plum pudding. JELLY SAUCE Jelly, 1 cup. Water, 2 cups. Flour, 3 tablespoons. Put the jelly into the hot water, and heat; when boil- ing, add the flour braided in a little water j cook five min- utes. Butter may be added if desired. STRAWBERRY SAUCE Strawberry juice, 1 cup. Sugar, % cup. Corn-starch, 2 heaping teaspoons. Lemon juice, % cup. With the juice from crushed strawberries to which no water has been added, put the lemon juice, and heat; when it comes to a boil, add the sugar and corn-starch, which have been thoroughly mixed together. 14 210 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK LEMON SAUCE NO. 1 Sugar, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Lemons, 2. Boiling water, 1% cups. Put the grated rind and juice of the lemons with the sugar ; beat the eggs until light, and stir into the sugar. Just before serving, add the boiling water, set on the range, and cook slowly, but do not boil. For a richer sauce, add butter. LEMON SAUCE NO. 2 Water, 2 cups. Corn-starch, 1% tablespoons. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemon, grated rind and juice, 1. Boil the sugar in the water for five minutes, then stir in the corn-starch, previously mixed with a little water. Stir over the fire ten minutes, then add the grated rind and juice of the lemon and the butter. When the butter is melted, the sauce is ready for use. This sauce serves well with a fig pudding. PLAIN PUDDING SAUCE Butter, 1 large tablespoon. Hot water, 1% cups. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Sugar, 1 cup. Nutmeg, grated. PUDDING SAUCES 211 Put the butter into a saucepan; when it has melted, stir in the flour, and mix well ; then pour in gradually the hot water, and stir over the fire till well cooked; add the sugar, lemon juice, and a small quantity of grated nutmeg. MAPLE CREAM SAUCE Maple sirup, 1 cup. Cream, 2 cups. Corn-starch. Heat cream and maple sirup, and thicken with corn- starch braided with a little milk. If it is desired to use milk instead of cream, add a little butter. PINEAPPLE SAUCE Pineapple juice, 1 cup. Eggs, 2. Corn-starch, 1 teaspoon. Beat the pineapple juice and the eggs together, cook until they set, and then thicken with the com-starch braided in a little water. GRAPE JUICE SAUCE Grape juice, 1 cup. Hot water, I/2 cup. Butter, size of walnut. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Lemon juice. Nutmeg. 212 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Stir the flour into warm butter, add hot grape juice and water, cook, and flavor with a dash of lemon juice and grated nutmeg. CREAM PINEAPPLE SAUCE Prepare as for pineapple sauce, and beat in an equal amount of thick cream. PIES / PIE CRUST Pastry flour, 1 pint. Butter, 3 rounding tablespoons ; or oil, ^4 cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Cold water, 8 tablespoons. Rub the butter or the oil, and the salt, into the flour; add the water, stirring carefully with a fork. Lay a suf- ficient portion of this on a floured board, and roll out. Work the pie paste as little as possible. For tender pie crust, use spring wheat flour, as the gluten in the winter wheat flour makes it tough. This recipe will make paste enough for two double-crust pies. PIE SHELLS Cover a pie tin with good pie paste, press this into shape by setting another tin of the same size into it, trim, and bake between the tins. This keeps the crust in shape. Use the shells for lemon, prune, and other pies that do not require baking after the filling has been added. PUMPKIN PIES WITHOUT EGGS Pumpkin, mashed, 1 cup. Flour, 2 tablespoons. Sugar, scant, I/2 cup. Nutmeg, a dash. Mix together, and when smooth, add — Sweet cream, 1 cup. (215) 216 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK PASTEY GLAZING Beat an egg to which has been added a small quantity- each of milk and sugar. Apply this with a soft pastry brush to the top of the pastry. PUMPKIN FOR PIES Wash the pumpkin, but do not peel it ; remove the seeds ; cut up, cook, and put through a colander. The pumpkin is much sweeter cooked this way than when the shell is removed before cooking. PUMPKIN PIES Pumpkin, mashed, 1 cup. Molasses, 1-3 cup. Sugar, 14 cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Eggs, 2. Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon. Milk, 1 cup. Mix all together thoroughly, adding the milk last. SANITAS CHOCOLATE CUSTAED PIE Milk, 1 quart. Sugar, 1 cup. Eggs, 6. Chocolate, I/2 cup. Water, 2 cups. Vanilla, 2 teaspoons. PIES 217 Save the whites of three of the eggs for meringue. Beat together the remainder of the eggs, the sugar, and the vanilla. Dissolve the chocolate in the water, and boil for three minutes; when nearly cold, add to the eggs and sugar. Put into a pan lined with good pastry, and bake. Makes two large or three small pies. MINCE MEAT FILLING For Six Pies Apples, chopped, medium size, 14. Walnuts, chopped, 1 cup. Blanched almonds, chopped, ^ cup. Figs, chopped, % cup. Citron, chopped, i/^ cup. Raisins, seeded, 1 cup. Seedless raisins or currants, 1 cup. Caramel cereal coffee, 1 cup. Fruit juice, 3 cups. Lemons, juice of 4. Salt, 1 tablespoon. Sugar and spice to taste. Mix all, and stew until the apples are cooked. CREAM PIE Milk, 4 cups. Cream, 2 cups. Egg yolks, 5. Corn-starch, 3 heaping tablespoons. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Vanilla, 1 teaspoon. 218 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK Heat the milk and cream together in double boiler. Beat the yolks well, and add the corn-starch, which has been rubbed smooth in water. Stir this into the hot milk, put in the sugar, and let cook for fifteen or twenty minutes. Remove, and add the vanilla. Fill into baked pie shells and allow to cool. MINCE PIE Apples, minced, 4 cups. Prune juice, 1 cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Molasses (good), 1 cup. Butter, 2 tablespoons. Protose, minced, 3 cups. Seedless raisins, 2 cups. Lemon, grated rind and juice, 1. Spice to taste. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Stew all together until thick enough for filling. BAKERS' CUSTARD PIE Sugar, 3 tablespoons. Eggs, 3. Vanilla, 1 teaspoon. Salt to taste. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Milk, 2 cups. Nutmeg, grated. Beat the yolks of the eggs to a cream; stir the flour thoroughly into the sugar, and add to the eggs. Put in the vanilla, nutmeg, and salt, then the well-beaten whites. Mix PIES 219 well, and add by degrees the milk, that has been scalded and cooled (but not boiled), and turn all into a deep pie pan lined with rich paste. Bake from twenty-five to thirty minutes. LEMON PIE (SUPERIOR) Lemons, 3. Water, 3 cups. Corn-starch, 2 tablespoons. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, 21/2 cups. Eggs, 3. Flour, 4 tablespoons. Put the water and butter into an inner boiler, and set on the range. Mix the sugar, flour, and corn-starch to- gether; grate in the lemon rind, add the juice, and the beaten yolks of the eggs. When the water in the boiler is scalding hot, stir in the mixture, and cook in a double boiler till of the consistency of cold honey, stirring now and then to ensure even cooking. Remove from the fire; when cool, pour into deep baked pie shell. (See recipe for pie shells.) When done, meringue with the whites of the eggs. BLUEBERRY PIE Line a pie pan with pie paste. Put in the berries half an inch deep ; and to one quart of berries add one cup of sugar in which has been mixed a teaspoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, and a little grated nutmeg. Cover with the top crust, pressing down the edges tightly. Trim, and bake in a good oven forty-five minutes. This pie is the typical berry pie. 220 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK WASHINGTON CREAM PIE Crust: Eggs, 6. Vanilla, 1 teaspoon. Flour, 1 rounded cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons. Beat the yolks of tlie eggs till very thick ; add the sugar, vanilla, and lemon juice. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff; fold half the whites into the yolks and sugar, then half the flour, then the remainder of the whites and the rest of the flour. Divide this batter into two pie pans, and bake. "When cold, split each cake, and put in the filling. Filling : Milk, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Flour, y<2. cup. Sugar, % cup. Vanilla, \y^ teaspoons. Put three fourths of the milk into a double boiler, and set on the range. Beat the eggs very light; add the sugar, flour, and the remainder of the milk. Beat till perfectly smooth; and when the milk in the boiler is scalding hot, stir in the mixture. Beat till smooth, and cook thoroughly ; when cool, add the vanilla. If made a day or two before serving, and kept on ice, the quality of these pies is greatly improved. PIES 221 COCONUT PIE Desiccated coconut, l^ cup. Eggs, 2. Butter, size of an egg. Milk, 1 cup. Sugar, 1/2 cup. Soak the coconut in the milk; add the beaten eggs, sugar, and butter melted. Line a pie pan with rich pastry, put in the filling, and bake. The white of one of the eggs may be used as a meringue, if desired. PRUNE PIE Prune marmalade, 1 pint. Egg, 1. Lemon, 1. Sugar, % cup. To the marmalade add the grated rind and juice of the lemon, the sugar, and the beaten yolk of the egg; put into a pie pan lined with good paste, and bake till the crust is done; remove from the oven, and meringue with the white of the egg. APPLE PIE Line a pie pan with rich paste, and sprinkle over the bottom a little flour and sugar mixed. Fill with apples cut in thin slices. The pan should be slightly rounding full. Sprinkle over it a little more flour and sugar, according to 222 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK the tartness of the fruit. Add two tablespoonfuls of water, and a few small pieces of butter. Moisten the edge of the paste, put on the upper crust, press down the edges, and trim; make several perforations in the top to allow the steam to escape, brush the crust with a little milk, and bake about forty-five minutes. RHUBARB PIE Pie paste. Rhubarb, 4 cups. Sugar, 1 large cup. Nutmeg. Salt. Flour. Line a pie plate with paste rolled a little thicker than a silver dollar. Strip the skin off the rhubarb, and cut the stalks into half -inch lengths. Fill the plate an inch deep, and to a quart of rhubarb add a large cup of sugar mixed with a little flour. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and a grating of nutmeg. Cover with a rich crust, and bake in a quick oven until the pie loosens from the dish. MOCK CHERRY PIE Raisins, seeded, 1 cup. Cranberries, 2 cups. Sugar, 1 cup. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Water, ^^ cup. PIES 223 Grind or chop together the seeded raisins and cran- berries. Mix the flour in the sugar, and with one half cup of water add to the fruit. Bake in an under crust, with crusty ornaments on top. STRAWBERRY PIE Make a pie shell of tender pie paste, bake, and when cool fill with strawberry fluff; garnish with sliced straw- berries, and serve. CAKE 15 SUNSHINE CAKE Egg whites, 6. Egg yolks, 3. Granulated sugar, 1 cup. Flour, 1 scant cup. ^' Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons. Mix and bake as for favorite sponge cake ; flavor with — Rind of lemon, grated. Juice of l^ orange. ORANGE CAKE Use boiled icing flavored with orange. ANGEL CAKE Flour, 1 cup, sifted 5 times. Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons. Powdered sugar, sifted, 1 cup. Egg whites, beaten to stiff froth, 11. Vanilla, 2 teaspoons. Fold the sugar into the beaten whites very lightly and carefully, adding the vanilla and lemon juice ; after which add the flour, folding it in carefully, stirring quickly and lightly. Pour into a bright, clean cake dish, which should not be buttered nor lined. Bake at once in a moderate oven about forty minutes. Test it with a broom splint. When done, let it remain in the cake tin, turning it upside down, with the sides resting on two dishes, so that a current of air will pass over and under it. (227) 228 • VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK JOHNSON'S SPONGE CAKE Eggs, 4. Sugar, 2-3 cup. Hot water, 2 tablespoons. Flour, 1 cup. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Flavor. Break the eggs into a round-bottom basin or crock, beat for five to eiglit minutes witb a Dover egg beater, add the sugar, and beat again; then add, while beating, the hot water and flavor. Now fold in the flour and starch, which have been mixed together. Bake in a slow oven. SPONGE SHEET Mix the ingredients the same as for simple sponge cake, but bake in a sheet. Before baking, sprinkle a generous quantity of granulated sugar and chipped almonds on top of the batter. This produces a delicious crust. Bake in a buttered and floured pan, and remove from the pan as soon as done. SIMPLE SPONGE CAKE Eggs, 6. Granulated sugar, sifted, 1 cup. Flour, 1 scant cup. To the unbeaten eggs add the sugar, and beat with a wire egg beater till the mixture is thick and light colored. Then add the flour, folding it in gently. Bake in a mod- erate oven. When done, invert the pan, letting it rest on CAKE 229 two dishes till the cake is cool, when it can easily be taken out. Thus suspended from the bottom of the pan, the cake is stretched by its own weight, which makes it lighter and more elastic than if left to fall by its own weight in cooling. The quantity given will make a small loaf cake, or two layers. FAYOEITE SPONGE CAKE Eggs, 6. Granulated sugar, 1 cup. Flour, 1 scant cup. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Sift the flour and sugar several times. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth ; add the lemon juice. When well beaten, fold in carefully in regular order the sugar, the well-beaten yolks of the eggs, and the flour. Bake in a moderate oven. NUT SPONGE CAKE Eggs, 7. Water, 14 cup. Lemon extract, i^ teaspoon. English walnuts, ground, % cup. Sugar, 11^ cups. Vanilla, 1 teaspoon. Flour, 1 rounded cup. Beat the yolks of the eggs tiU thick. Boil the sugar in water till it will spin a thread; pour into the yolks, beating all the time till cool; add the vanilla and lemon extract. 230 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Mix the flour with the walnuts ; mix all together, and lastly stir in the stiffly beaten whites. Bake in tins lined with greased paper. ANDERSON'S CAKE Eggs, 8. Flour, 2 cups. Starch, 1 cup. Water, 1/4 cup. Sugar, 2 cups. Oil, 14 cup. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoon. Salt. Mix the flour and the starch. Add the water and the lemon juice to the sugar, and heat; boil a few minutes, and pour over the stiffly beaten whites, in which the well- beaten yolks have been folded, stirring in carefully. Then add flour and oil alternately, flavor, and bake in a medium oven. SPONGE JELLY CAKE Eggs, 5. Lemon, 1. Sugar, 1 cup. Flour, 1 cup. Beat the yolks till very thick ; add sugar gradually, then the grated rind, and two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice. Fold in one half of the whites of the eggs, beaten very stiff ; then one half of the flour, the other half of the whites, and lastly the remainder of the flour. Bake in a large dripping pan. Turn onto a cloth, trim the edges, spread CAKE 231 with the jelly, and roll up. Using the cloth makes it roll evenly. Wrap in the cloth, and set aside to cool. Care should be talcen to have a slow, even heat on the oven. If the cake is overbaked it wiU not roll well. ALMOND MACAROONS Egg whites, 5. Rind of 1 lemon. Ahnond meal, 1 scant cup. Sugar, 2 cups. Flour, 1 cup. Beat the eggs stiff; put in the sugar, and beat very stiff; add the lemon rind, grated; mix, and add the flour and almond meal. Drop onto oiled pans in pieces the size of a walnut, allowing plenty of room between. Smooth with a knife dipped in water. Bake a light brown. MARGUERITES Egg white, 1, partly beaten. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Walnuts, chopped, l^ cup. Stir together, and spread on crackers one inch wide by three or four inches long. Bake a light brown. CRmiB COOKIES Stale cake, 1 quart. Cream, 1 cup. Eggs, 4. Molasses, 14 cup. 232 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Crumb the cake very fine ; add the molasses, the cream, the beaten yoLks of the eggs, and spice if desired. Seedless raisins or chopped nuts may also be used. Lastly put in the beaten whites; spread with a spoon on a greased pan, and bake. CEEAM FILLING NO. 1 Sugar, 1 scant cup. Flour, 1-3 cup. Milk, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Vanilla. Salt. Mix the dry ingredients, add the eggs slightly beaten, gradually add the hot milk, and cook in double boiler. When cool, season with the vanilla. CEEAM FILLING NO. 2 Cream, 1 cup. Egg whites, 2. Beat the cream until stiff, and add to the well-beaten whites; sweeten, color, and flavor to taste. LEMON FILLING Eggs, 6. Sugar, 1 cup. Lemons, 2. CAKE 233 Beat the egg yolks until thick ; add the sugar, and the rind and juice of the lemons. Cook in a double boiler, stir- ring constantly until it thickens; then pour it over the beaten whites. Allow to cool before using, BOILED ICING Egg whites, 2. Sugar, 1 cup. Water, i/i cup. Boil the sugar in water until it will spin a thread; then pour slowly over the well-beaten whites, beating all the while. MAPLE FROSTING Maple sirup, 1 cup. Egg whites, 2. Beat the egg whites stiff, and pour over them while hot the maple sirup, which should previously be boiled until it will spin a thread when a drop of it is di^awn between the fingers. Maple sugar may be dissolved in water and treated in the same way. The egg whites should be beaten all the time the sirup is being poured on them. BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES Thin batters are about the consistency of thin cream. Thick batters are like cream. Still thicker batters, which may be poured in a continuous stream, are called pour batters. Any batter is a pour batter until it is made so stiff that it breaks or drops in the pouring, when it is called a drop batter. It will remain a batter until too stiff to be beaten, when it becomes a dough. Doughs, like batters, are of varying degrees of thick- ness, ranging from those just stiff enough to be handled, to those which may be rolled thin as paper. Generally speaking, one full measure of flour to one scant measure of liquid makes a pour batter; two full measures of flour make a drop batter ; and three full measures make a dough ; although, for various reasons, these proportions are subject to many modifications. If the ingredients in batters were simply mixed and cooked slowly, the resulting substances would be hard and compact, unfit for human digestion. Hence, to obviate this, and to make them light and porous, we must resort to other processes. This is accomplished by means of the expansion of incorporated air, by the generation of gas within the mixture, or by a combination of both methods, supplemented by quick cooking before the gas has a chance to escape. Air at seventy degrees expands to about three times its volume when exposed to the temperature of a hot oven. Consequently, as a mixture heats in cooking, incorporated (237) 238 VEGETABIAN COOK BOOK air expands, giving the desired lightness. Air is incor- porated or enclosed in batters by beating the mixture thor- oughly, as in making whole wheat gems; by adding eggs to the beaten mixture, as in popovers; and by the gas ob- tained by the union of an acid with an alkaline carbonate, as in the use of baking powders. In batters made light by the admixture of air, one must exercise care in beating, in order actually to incorporate and retain the air. When eggs are added to the mixture, the glutinous consistency of the albumin they contain assists in retaining the entangled air. LIGHT BREAD In bread making it is necessary to have first-class yeast, the best of flour, pure water, a good oven, and any amount of good common sense. Variations must be made according to locality, climate, altitude, kind of flour, and other conditions. Experience is a necessary teacher in this as in any other work. The quickest and surest way to become proficient in the art is to place yourself under the tutorage of a good bread maker. To insure the best results, the temperature should be the same throughout the process; and this can only be determined by the use of a thermometer. Ten or fifteen cents will buy one which will record 120 degrees, which is sufficiently high, as the material should not be allowed to reach more than 85 degrees ordinarily. Some localities may require a higher temperature. An earthen bowl is better than tin or granite, as it is not so subject to change of temperature. BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 239 Of the many methods of making good bread, the fol- lowing has been chosen by the writer: — Break in pieces one half of a dry yeast cake. Some use a whole cake ; but it will be noticed that the bread has a strong yeasty taste, and the sponge is likely to fall be- fore morning, thus deteriorating in both taste and nutri- tion. Soak the yeast a few minutes in a little tepid water. Into a warmed mixing bowl put a pint of water at 95 degrees. Add the soaked yeast cake, and beat in warm (not hot) flour until the batter is so stiff that it does not flatten readily. Beat until smooth, cover, and keep it warm overnight. A box of suitable size, bound about with sev- eral thicknesses of newspaper, and partly filled with hay, straw, or excelsior, makes a warm closet for bread sponge. By means of a kettle of hot water, warm bricks, or flat- irons, in the bottom of the box, the batter may be kept warm until morning, if no room in the house is warm enough. Cover the box with enough paper to insure suc- cess. The sponge will be light and warm in the morning, but should not be removed until the room in which the kneading is to be done is warmed to at least 90 degrees. Add a pint or more of warm water to the sponge, salt to taste, and add a spoonful of sugar. Have the flour, kneading board, and your hands warm. Proceed to make a stiff dough, and knead it until smooth, so it will clear the board without any sprinkling of flour. Return it to the warm bowl, and keep it warm until it has risen to twice its original size. If an extra fermentation is de- sired, it may be lightly worked down, and turned over to rise again. The more fermentation, the more the nutri- 240 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK tion is lessened. When ready for tlie tins, have them oiled and warm. Very slightly knead and symmetrically form portions of dough half the size you wish your finished loaves to be, and continue to keep them warm. If the oven is hot enough to brown a spoonful of flour on its floor, it is ready for the bread. The bread should be carefully watched, and turned if necessary to insure even baking. Should any part of the loaf have a pale surface at the end of an hour, it may be removed from the tin, and be placed in contact with a hot part of the oven to brown. When thoroughly baked, lay the loaves on a cloth in front of an open window, and slightly oil the top of each. The bread should not be packed away until thoroughly cold. It should not be eaten hot, especially if butter is used with it. The hot bread forms into doughy pellets, which are difficult of digestion ; and the addition of butter, which melts and covers the food portions, hinders the ac- tion of the digestive juices upon them. ZWIEBACK Cut bread that is at least thirty-six hours old into rather thick slices, and dry it in a cooling oven, the sun- shine, or mnd. Put it in an oven of sufficient heat to brown it through and through. It is best eaten dry, but may be moistened and covered with fruit sauce, milk gravy, or any dressing desired. CROUTONS Cut sliced stale bread into cubes. Dry and toast to a nice brown, to use in soups. BAKERY AND BBEiKPAST DISHES 241 SALT RISING BREAD put into the pitcher one pint of boiled water to cool by standing until it lowers to 120 degrees F. Stir into it fourth of a teaspoonf ul of salt and one half of a teaspoonful of sugar. Coyer with a clean napkin, and place on a TZ^rT" "* ™'''' "°<^ '^^^P ''t 120 degrees P. It will be light in SIX or seyen hours. Pour it into a warm crock rinse the pitcher with a cup of water as warm as 120 degrees F., and add to the rising. ("Emptyings" is tt old^ashioned name.) In a warm place, m^'in wari white flour to make a dough stiff enough to clear the board, form into a loaf, and place in the baking tin; pu to nse at a temperature of 120 degi-ees F., until twice its ongmal size, and bake one hour in a rather moderate oyen! COMMDNION BREAD Flour, 3 cups. Cream, % cup. Salt. Water, about % cup. ad/.^*^ ''''i! "'"^ ""''"' '" ""^ "*"' ''''"■■' ^'"J "»•> in well: TooTT "f '° "^'^ ' ^'"^ '"'"«''■ Knead untU ness. Cut into pieces ot conyenient size for handling and place on pans on which they are to be baked. Wia a p" e marker dmde them into about half-inch squares bZ in a moderate oyen. squares, uake IS 242 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK UNFERMENTED BREAD Sticks^ Rolls, or Beaten Biscuits Pastry flour, 1 quart. Oil, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Water, about % cup. Add the oil and salt to the flour, and rub well; then add enough water to make stiff dough. Grind in a vege- table mill, using a coarse die. Roll out on the molding board to the thickness of a lead pencil, and cut in strips by using a pie marker (a scalloped wooden or metal wheel about the size of a twenty-five cent piece attached to a short wooden handle ; a cut of this is represented elsewhere in this book) . If rolls are desired, have the dough of double thickness, cut in strips, about half an inch square, and roll with the hands until round. These are usually served about three inches long. Beaten biscuits are made by rolling the dough out in a large roll about one and one half inches thick, and cutting transversely about one inch thick; round out the edges, and make a hole in the center by forcing the thumb and finger together while the dough is held between them. JELLY TARTS Roll out good pie paste as for pie crust, cut with a cookie cutter, perforate with a fork to keep from blistering, and bake. Spread with jelly, and invert one on another. The crusts to be used for the top may be ornamented by cut- BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 243 ting several holes with a thimble. The preparation of tarts gives an opportunity to make use of scraps of pie paste. CORN GEMS Corn, 1 can. Bread crumbs, li/^ cups. Milk, 3 cups. Eggs, 6. Salt. Soak the bread crumbs for a few minutes; add the salt, the ground corn, and the yolks of the eggs; beat well, fold in the beaten whites, and bake in hot irons. GLUTEN GEMS Milk, 3 cups. Gluten meal, 1 2-3 cups. Eggs, 4. Salt. Beat the egg yolks, salt, and milk together until foam- ing; gradually add the gluten meal, beating all the time; lastly add the beaten whites of the eggs, and bake in hot irons. RICE GEMS Cooked rice, 2 cups. Flour, % cup. Milk, 1/2 cup. Eggs, 3. Salt. 244 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Beat the egg yolks, add the milk, and beat until foamy. Add the rice and flour, which have been previously mixed ; and lastly fold in the beaten egg whites. Bake in hot irons. Only rice that has been so cooked that each grain is separate and distinct from each other should be used in this preparation. GEMS OR PUFFS (PLAIN) Milk, ll^ cups. Salt. Cooking oil, 1 tablespoon, if desired. Egg, 1. Sifted flour, about 2 cups. Break the egg into the milk, add salt, and beat thor- oughly. Beat into this enough sifted flour to make a batter that will pile slightly when poured. Bake in hot greased gem irons in a brisk oven. A tablespoonful of cooking oil may be added to the milk if a richer batter is desired. CORN-MEAL GEMS Make same as plain gems, but use one fourth corn-meal and a little sugar. GRAHAM FRUIT GEMS Graham flour, iy2 cups. Milk, 11/2 cups. Egg, 1. Gluten, 34^ cup. Seedless raisins, ^ cup. BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 245 Beat egg well, add milk, and beat again, gradually add- ing the flour; mix the seedless raisins with the gluten, and beat in ; bake in hot irons. POPOVERS Flour, 2 cups. Milk, 1% cups. Butter. Salt, % level teaspoon. Eggs, 3. Mix the salt and flour, and pour on slowly enough of the milk to make a smooth batter; add the eggs, one at a time, beating well, and gradually the remaining milk. Beat vig- orously for a few minutes, then turn at once into hot, well- buttered gem pans, filling them about half full. Bake in rather hot oven, from twenty to thirty minutes. WHOLE WHEAT AND GRAHAM GEMS Use one fourth to one third whole wheat or graham flour, and proceed as for plain gems. GRANOSE PUFFS Eggs, 4. Salt. Sugar, 14 cup. Granose flakes, 4 cups. . 246 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Beat tlie yolks of the eggs with the sugar until light, then add the salt and two cups of granose flakes. Mix thoroughly, and add half of the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, then two more cups granose flakes, and lastly the rest of the whites. Drop into an oiled pan or into round gem irons, filling them heaping fuU, and bake a light brown. They may be iced, and a little shredded coconut sprinkled on top. COCONUT CRISPS Shredded coconut, % cup. Flour, about 4 cups. Cream, 2 cups. Sugar, y^ cup. Salt. Add the salt and the coconut to the cream, and then sufficient flour to make a stiff dough. EoU out, and cut in desired shapes with a pie marker. Perforate with a fork, and bake. CORN-MEAL ROLLS Corn-meal mush, 2^ cups. White flour, about 3 cups. Cream, % cup. Salt. To well-cooked corn-meal mush add the cream and salt, and the three cups of flour, or enough to make a stiff dough. Knead well, and form into sticks, rolls, or beaten biscuits, and bake. 1 j BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 247 \ POTATO ROLLS Potatoes, mashed, 2 cups. Cream, i/^ cup. Flour. Salt. To the mashed potatoes add the salt, cream, and flour enough to make a stiff dough. Form in the shape of sticks, rolls, or beaten biscuits, as desired. CRACKERS Crackers may be made from any of the unfermented bread mixtures by rolling the same out in sheets, and perforating well with a fork to keep them from blistering. Cut into desired shape, and bake. BOSTON BROWN BREAD Yellow corn-meal, 1 cup. White flour, % cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Eggs, 4. Graham flour, 1 cup. New Orleans molasses (good), % cup. Milk, about 3 cups. Mix the meal, flour, molasses, and milk; separate the eggs, and mix the yolks with the other ingredients. Beat the whites very stiff, and fold into the mixture, which should not be thick. Put this in a covered dish immedi- ately, and steam for three or four hours. 248 VEGETABIAN COOK BOOK RICE WAFFLES Eice flour, 1 cup. Sweet cream, 1 cup. Eggs, 6. Cooking oil, 3 tablespoons. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Rub the oil into the flour thoroughly. Mix the salt, sugar, cream, and yolks together, and add to the flour. Fold the whites of the eggs in last. Bake in oiled wafR. irons four minutes. Serve hot, CORN FLAKE DROP CAKES Eggs, 3. Salt. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Coconut, % cup. Corn flakes, % package. Cream the eggs ; add three tablespoonf uls of hot water ; beat well ; add sugar, and beat again ; then put in the corn flakes and a small portion of shredded coconut; drop on hot greased pans, and bake. VEGETARIAN HOT CAKES Bread crumbs, 4 cups. Flour, 1 cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Sugar as desired. Milk. Eggs, 5. BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 249 Mix thoroughly together the bread crumbs, flour, salt, and sugar. Add sufficient milk, heated to 140 degrees or 150 degrees, to make a thick pour batter; and into this beat the yolks of the eggs. Add the stiffly beaten whites, and bake on a soapstone griddle. Be careful not to have the milk scalding hot, as hot milk renders cakes soft and sticky. GREEN CORN GRIDDLE CAKES Corn, 1 can. Butter, 2 tablespoons. White corn-meal, 3 tablespoons. Salt, y^ teaspoon. Milk, 1 cup. Eggs, 4. Flour, y^ cup. Mix thoroughly, and bake on a soapstone griddle. NUTTOLENE CAKES Nuttolene, % pound. Cream, % cup. Eggs, 3. Salt. Force the nuttolene through a fine sieve; beat into this the salt, cream, and beaten yolks; fold in the well-beaten whites. Drop on an oiled griddle, and bake as for hot cakes ; or drop in hot oiled gem pans, and bake in the oven. Serve with jelly sauce. 250 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK CORN BREAD WITHOUT BAKING POWDER, NO. 1 Corn-meal, 2 cups. Eggs, 4. Salt. Boiling milk, 3 cups. Butter, size of egg. Put the meal into the mixing bowl, put in the butter and salt, pour the hot milk over all, and stir weU. Let cool, and if too stiff, add a little cold milk. Break the eggs, and separate them ; add the yolks to the meal, and beat five minutes. Beat the whites, and add them to the batter. Plave ready a hot oiled baking pan, and turn in the batter. Bake in a quick oven thirty minutes. CORN BREAD WITHOUT BAKING POWDER, NO. 2 Corn-meal, 2 cups. Flour, 1 cup. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Sugar, 14 cup. Boiling water. Eggs, 6. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Mix together the meal, flour, salt, and sugar; add suf- ficient boiling water to make a stiff dough; let cool; stir in the butter, then the beaten yolks, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites. BAKERY AND BREAKFAST DISHES 251 CORN BREAD NO. 3 Sponge, 3 cups. Butter, 1 rounded tablespoon. Corn-meal. Flour. Eggs, 2. Sugar, 3 heaped tablespoons. Take three cups of the sponge as set for making wheat bread, measured when light, ready to mix up stiff. Add the sugar, eggs, and butter. To this add a mixture of two thirds corn-meal and one third flour until it is as stiff as will stir conveniently (if made too stiff, the bread will be dry; if not stiff enough, it will be sticky). Put about half an inch deep in greased pans, let rise till nearly an inch deep, and bake in a moderate oven. It may be made into deeper loaves, but they are not likely to be so sat- isfactory. HOE CAKE Corn-meal, 2 cups. Water or milk, about 3 cups. Butter, melted, 1 tablespoon. Salt and sugar as desired. Mix the corn-meal with a little salt, and sugar if de- sired; scald with sufficient water or milk to make a stiff batter, but soft enough to spread easily with a knife. A tablespoonful of melted butter may be added if desired. Spread about one half inch thick or less on a baking sheet 252 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK or pan, and bake slowly till crisp clear through. If the cake bakes fast on the bottom, it may be turned over so that both sides will be evenly baked. GEORGIA PONES Southern corn-meal, 2 cups. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Salt, 1/2 teaspoon. Boilmg milk or cream. Sift the meal with the sugar and salt. Pour over these enough boiling milk or cream to make a stiff drop batter. Stir constantly, that the meal may not lump. When per- fectly smooth, drop in large spoonfuls on a cold buttered baking sheet, and bake in a brisk oven. The pones should be browned on top. CEREALS CEREALS Grains may be considered perfect food in themselves, as they contain all the food elements in nearly right pro- portions. Rice and corn are exceptions to this, the starch in the first and the protein in the latter being in excess. In cooking grains in the form of porridges, they should be introduced into rapidly boiling water, beating with a batter whip so that the grains may be thoroughly mixed with the water and be free from lumps. In cooking coarse grains, as cracked wheat, pearl barley, hominy, etc., keep them boiling, stirring occasionally until the grain does not sink to the bottom, but hangs suspended in the water. If the inner part of a double boiler has been used, it may then be set into the outer boiler, which should be placed on the range where the water will boil rapidly. Replenish the water in the outside boiler from time to time with boiling water. The cooking should be continuous; and the length of time varies according to the varying proportion of gluten in the grain. The larger the percentage of starch, the shorter the time required in cooking. Grains combine nicely with fruits, and may be cooked or served with either fruit or fruit juices. OATMEAL Oatmeal, 1 cup. Water, 1 quart. Put the water into a double boiler, place on the range, and when boiling add the oatmeal. Boil imtil it thickens, and finish in a double boiler. Cook five hours. (255) 256 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK ROLLED OATS . Rolled oats, 1% cups. Water, 1 quart. Put the water into a double boiler, place on the range, and when boiling add the rolled oats. Boil until it thickens, and finish in a double boiler. Cook four hours. CRACKED WHEAT Water, 4 cups. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Cracked wheat, 1 cup. Put the water into the inner double boiler, place on the range, and when boiling add salt and cracked wheat. Boil rapidly until the grains do not sink when the dish is lifted from the range. Place in the outer boiler, and cook constantly for four or five hours. RICE, WESTERN STYLE Rice, 1 cup. Salt, 1 tablespoon. Wash the rice, add two or three quarts of boiling water, salt, and boil till tender, stirring once or twice to prevent sticking. Drain off all the water through a colander, and pour over the rice first cold and then hot water sufficient to wash off the starchy water and separate the grains. Leave in the colander, and set into another pan, so that the bottom of the colander will not touch. Cover, and place in the oven a few minutes. CEREALS 257 RICE WITH RAISINS Rice, 1 cup. Raisins, seeded, i/^ cup. Salt, % teaspoon. Water, 2 cups. Put in an enameled pan, cover, and steam one hour. BROWNED RICE Rice may be browned in the oven until it is a straw- color; then add three cups of hot water to one of rice, salt to taste, boil for five minutes, and finish cooking in a double boiler. Care must be taken in browning that it does not scorch or get too brown. CORN-MEAL MUSH Salted water, 4 cups. Corn-meal, 1 cup. Into the salted water stir the corn-meal, continuing to stir till it begins to thicken ; then cook three or four hours in a double boiler. GRAHAM PORRIDGE Graham flour, 1 cup. Boiling water, salted, 3 cups. Stir the flour into boiling water, and beat till perfectly smooth; set in a double boiler, or in another vessel con- taining boiling water, and cook one hour. 17 258 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PEARL BARLEY Pearl barley, weU washed, 1 cup. Water, 5 cups. Put cold water into inner boiler, and add pearl barley. Heat slowly on stove, boil thirty minutes, then cook in double boiler about six hours. FARINA Milk or water, 6 cups. Farina, 1 cup. Salt. Put the water into the inner part of a double boiler, place on the range, and when boiling add salt and farina. Let it boil for two or three minutes, stirring all the time. Then place in a double boiler, and cook one hour. If milk is used, it should first be simmered or scalded in a double boiler, and then placed on the range, and the milk will boil almost immediately. In this way the mihi will not be so liable to scorch as if it was put on the range at first. Thus rule will apply to all grains cooked with milk. CREAM OF WHEAT Cook as directed for farina, using four or five parts liquid to one of cream of wheat. BROWNED MUSH Cook farina, cream of wheat, or com-meal as for thick mush, until done; pour one and one half inches thick into CEB£ALS 269 greased bread tins, and allow to cool at least ten hours. Empty out on a board, and cut in slices about one half inch thick. Roll in bread crumbs, place in a greased pan, sprinkle with oil or melted butter, and bake. Serve with maple sirup. BROWNED KORNLET Water, IV2 quarts. Corn-meal, 1% cups. Salt. Sage. Corn, 1 can. Croutons, 1 cup. Put the salt and the sage in the water, and bring to a boil; add the corn-meal as for mush. When well set, place in the outer boiler, and cook thoroughly. When well cooked, add the corn, two thirds of which has first been ground in a vegetable mill ; next add the croutons. Stir in well, and pour into an oiled pan to cool. When thoroughly cool, cut into slices, roll in bread crumbs, lay in a greased pan, and brown in oven. Serve with sirup. GRAHAM PORRIDGE WITH DATES Set as for plain graham porridge; after it has cooked one half hour, stir in the desired quantity of washed, seeded, chopped dates; let it cook half an hour longer, and serve. 260 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK GLUTEN-aHANOLA MUSH Boiling milk or water, 1 quart. Mixed gluten and granola, V^ pints. Cook fifteen minutes, and serve with cream. GLUTEN POEEIDGE Milk or water, 1 quart. Gluten meal, 2 cups. Salt. Heat the liquid, add salt, and sprinkle in carefully the gluten meal, stirring all the time. This does not need to cook after it is set. Seedless or seeded raisins or chopped dates may be added as desired. GEANOLA POEEIDGE Granola or fruit nuts, 1 cup. Milk, 1 pint. Salt. Heat the milk, add the salt and granola, cook until set, and serve. HOMINY OE HULLED COEN Select sound, bright ears of corn, rejecting any portion which may have small or ill-formed kernels. Shell enough to fill a quart cup, blow out the chaff, and put the corn into two quarts of cold water, in which has been dissolved CEREALS 261 one level teaspoonful of concentrated lye. If wood ashes are at hand, lye made from them will answer the pur- pose as well; or baking soda may be used. More of the soda than of the lye is required. Cook vigorously until, if pressed between the thumb and finger, the hull will readily slip off. Immediately remove the corn into cold water. Eub thoroughly in several waters, that all the hulls may be removed. Let it stand overnight in plenty of water. Pour off most of the water, and rub the corn in the hands to remove any hulls remaining. Rinse, and put into cold water. Cook rather slowly until tender. Salt to taste. Do not serve until the salt has penetrated each kernel. If during the cooking more water is needed, let it be added hot. Corn thus prepared is excellent eaten plain, but the taste of the consumer will decide what he will use for sauce. FRUIT DRESSING FOR CEREALS Such fruit juices as strawberry, blackberry, grape, blue- berry, or pineapple, may be heated to boiling, thickened with corn-starch, and served as a substitute for milk or cream on flakes or other cereals. TOASTS TOASTS Toasts are uniformly and properly regarded as a break- fast dish, and when properly prepared are wholesome, nutritious, and appetizing, and far more conducive to health than the fried mushes and griddle cakes with which so many are prone to appease their appetites. Zwieback should be used as the foundation of all toasts, although ordinary toasted bread can be used. In toasting bread, do not expose it to such fierce heat that the bread will be burned or singed. Singed bread is not toasted bread. It should be toasted as far through as possible, and should be crisp and brittle, not hard. In using zwie- back for toast, it may be moistened with hot milk if for cream, gravy, or egg toast ; or with hot salted water if for fruit. In either case, the toast should be dipped quickly in and out again, so as not to absorb too much liquid and become mushy. Under this head a few kinds of toast will be given, inexpensive and otherwise. While it is not an exhaustive list, it will include sufficient to suggest others equally good. ZWIEBACK For directions for preparation of zwieback, see chapter on bakery and breakfast dishes. MILK TOAST Milk, 6 cups. Flour, 1 heaped teaspoon. Butter, 1 tablespoon. Toasted bread or zwieback. (265) 266 VEGETARIAN CPOK BOOK Heat the milk and butter in a saucepan over tlie fire; when boiling, add salt and flour moistened with a little milk. Let boil, remove from the fire, and dip into this slices of toasted bread or zwieback. Pour what remains over the toast, cover, and send to the table hot. CREAM TOAST Cream, 6 cups. Zwieback. Milk. Heat the cream to boiling, dip slices of zwieback into hot milk for an instant, place on saucers, pour hot cream over, and serve. BOSTON CREAM TOAST Toast two slices of bread, trim, and cut in two length- wise, making four pieces. Place these evenly on top of one another, and cut again cornerwise, into long triangular pieces. Arrange artistically on a platter, and serve with cream sauce. CREAM GRAVY TOAST Rich milk, 1 quart. Flour, 3 teaspoons. Salt. Heat the milk, and thicken with flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk ; serve on moistened zwieback. TOASTS 267 NUN'S TOAST Eggs, hard-boiled. Parsley, minced. Cream gravy. Mince the hard-boiled eggs and parsley, add to the cream gravy, and pour over moistened pieces of zwieback. SNOWFLAKE TOAST Milk, 1 quart. Egg whites, 2. Flour, 2 teaspoons. Salt. Heat the milk, and thicken with the flour ; salt to taste, and pour over the beaten whites of the eggs; serve on moistened zwieback. CELERY TOAST Celery, raw, 2 cups, or 1 cup cooked. Cream gravy, 3 cups. Cook the chopped celery in water enough that when it is tender it will be almost dry. Drain off what juice is left; press the celery through a fine colander, and add to the cream gravy. LENTIL AND TOMATO TOAST i*^" Lentil pulp, 1 cup. Tomatoes, strained, 2 cups. Mix well, heat, season, and pour over moistened slices of zwieback. •# 268 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK CEEAM LENTIL TOAST Cream gravy, 2 cups. Lentils, strained, 1 cup. Mix well, season, and add to zwieback moistened witli hot milk. ASPAEAGUS TOAST Prepare as for stewed asparagus. Moisten and butter a piece of toast, lay four or five pieces of asparagus on it, pour a spoonful of white sauce on the bottom end of the stalks, and serve. AMERICAN OR FRENCH TOAST Eggs, 3. Salt. Butter. Milk, 3 cups. Bread. Beat the eggs thoroughly, and add the milk and a little salt. Slice light bread, and dip into the mixture, allow- ing each slice to absorb some of the milk. Then brown on a hot buttered griddle or thick-bottomed frying pan, and serve hot with jelly. NUT GRAVY TOAST Dress moistened toast with nut gravy as given under sauces. TOASTS 269 TOMATO TOAST Dress moistened toast with tomato sauce as given under sauces; or use strained tomatoes thickened with flour or corn-starch. CREAM OF TOMATO TOAST Prepare dressing as directed for cream of tomato sauce, and serve on fresh toasted zwieback. PROTOSE AND TOMATO TOAST Tomatoes, strained, 1 quart. Protose, 1/4 pound. Eggs, hard-boiled, 2. Salt. Press the hard-boiled eggs, protose, and tomatoes through a fine colander. Add salt to taste; heat and serve. PROTOSE TOAST Protose, % cup. Oil, 4 tablespoons. Flour, 1 tablespoon. Hot water, 2 cups. Salt. Brown the flour in the oil; add hot water, protose minced fine, and salt. Cook slowly for ten minutes. 270 VEGETAJEilAN COOK BOOK NUTTOLENE TOAST Nuttolene, Y^ pound. Cream gravy, 1 quart. Parsley, 1 teaspoon. Press the nuttolene through a sieve, and add with the minced parsley to the cream gravy. CREAM GRAVY PROTOSE TOAST Prepare as for nuttolene toast, using protose instead of nuttolene. PEA TOAST Peas, 1 cup. Cream, 2 cups. Flour. Salt. Press the peas through a colander, add cream and salt, heat, and thicken j add to moistened zwieback. EGG ON TOAST Prepare soft poached or scrambled eggs, and serve on cream toast. BERRY TOAST Any canned fruit, as strawberries, blackberries, blue- berries, etc., may be used for toasts. Strain off the juice, TOASTS 271 boil, and thicken with corn-starch to the consistency of cream. Stir in the berries, and reheat till the berries are well heated through. Serve as other fruit toasts. BANANA TOAST NO. 1 Peel some nice bananas, and rub them through a fine colander; sweeten, beat up with a little cream, and serve on moistened toast. Serve cold. BANANA TOAST NO. 2 Take the desired quantity of bright fruit juice, as straw- berry or cherry. Boil, and thicken with corn-starch. Into this slice some ripe bananas. The juice should not be too thick, but just so that the banana will appear suspended in the juice. Serve on moistened toast. SULTANA TOAST Stew sultana raisins in a little water, season with a little butter, and slightly thicken with corn-starch; serve on moistened zwieback. GRAPE TOAST Heat the grape juice, and slightly thicken with corn- starch and flour ; serve on moistened zwieback. 272 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PRUNE WHIPPED TOAST Prune pulp, 2 cups. Sugar, 1 tai)lespoon. Egg whites, 3. Beat the whites very stiff, and stir in the hot prune pulp and sugar. Serve on slices of zwieback which have been dipped in hot water. PEUNE TOAST Prepare as for apricot toast, using prune marmalade. DATE TOAST Prepare as for apricot toast, except that the dates should be steamed, not boiled. Walnuts may be added. APPLE TOAST Fresh stewed apples, rubbed through a colander and sweetened, make a nice dressing. The apples may be fla- vored with lemon, or mixed with grape or cranberry sauce. 'v^Tien the apples are put into the colander, the liquid may be poured into a saucepan and boiled into a sirup, and the toast moistened with this. Serve a spoonful or two of the apple sauce over all. APRICOT TOAST In making apricot marmalade, save the juice by itself, and boil it down into a sirup. Moisten the toast, and pour over some of the sirup and some of the marmalade. TOASTS 273 CHERRY TOAST Seed and stew cherries; sweeten, and slightly thicken; serve on moistened zwieback. PEACH TOAST Stew peaches, press through a colander, reheat, and serve on moistened zwieback. FANCY FRUIT TOAST From a two-pound loaf of white bread, cut slices. With a cutter made by having the rough edges melted from a quart tin can, cut a circle, and remove its center by means of a small cookie cutter. Toast these in a slow oven, and serve with whole fruit, the juice of which hgis been thick- ened with corn-starch. In serving this, place the toasted bread on the dish, and pour the fruit into the hollow center, and the juice around the outside. 18 EGGS OMELET SOUFPLi: Beat the whites of two eggs very stiff, salt, and add the yolks, beating just enough to mix the yoUcs with the whites. Turn into a hot oiled omelet pan, put in a medium hot oven, and bake till done, or to a rich brown. Serve quickly on being removed from the oven. SWEET OMELET S0UFFL:E3 Eggs, 4. Powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons. Flavoring. Beat the yolks of the eggs as light as possible, and add the sugar and a few drops of flavoring. Beat the whites until you can turn the plate bottom side up with- out their falling. Pour the beaten whites and yolks to- gether, and mix thoroughly. Put into an oiled baking dish, and dust with powdered sugar. Bake in a moderate oven till a golden brown. Serve at once. CARROT SOUFFLE! Carrots, mashed, II/2 cups. Stale bread, 2 slices. Milk. Onion, 1 tablespoon. Eggs, 3. Salt. Crumb the bread into cold milk, and let soak a few minutes ; squeeze out most of the milk, and add the soaked (277) 278 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK bread to the egg yolks, carrots, salt, and onion. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff, and fold in. Put into an oiled pan, and bake in a moderate oven. FRUIT SOUFFLE A very delicate souffle is made of whites of eggs beaten stiff, adding a tablespoonful of sugar to two whites, and chopped apricots or peaches. Any kind of marmalade may be used in place of fruit. PLAIN FRENCH OMELET Break the eggs into a dish, whip lightly with an egg whip or fork, turn into a hot oiled skillet, and place on range. As soon as they begin to set, lift the edges of the omelet, so that the uncooked part can run under next to the bottom of the skillet. When light brown, turn, and cook till light brown on the other side. Fold about one third over with knife, then toss out on hot platter, so that the one third fold will be underneath. Garnish with pars- ley or watercress. Serve at once. PLAIN OMELET ^ Eggs, 4. Salt. "Water, milk, or cream, 4 tablespoons. Add the liquid and the salt to the eggs, beat lightly, and pour enough of this to make one omelet, into a hot, greased omelet pan ; cook on hot stove ; run knife or spatula EGGS 279 under first one side, and then another, of the omelet, at the same time tilting the pan to the side where the knife is inserted, thus allowing the uncooked portion to run underneath. Double one third part over, invert on hot plate, and serve. LEMON OMELET Eggs, 4. Cream, % cup. Corn-starch, 1 dessert-spoon. Flour, 1 teaspoon. Butter. Sugar. Salt. Boiling milk. Lemon honey. Mix the corn-starch, flour, salt, sugar, and cream; beat until smooth, and add the beaten yolks of the eggs, and the boiling milk; fold in the beaten whites, and bake in greased individual dishes in a quick oven, ten minutes; spread lemon honey on half of each one, and fold over; sprinkle powdered sugar on the top, and serve hot. For lemon honey, see chapter on puddings. PROTOSE OMELET Protose, % a thin slice. Eggs, 2. Parsley, minced. Cooking oil. Mince the protose fine; beat the yolks of the eggs a 280 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK little, and stir the minced protose into them. Beat the whites into a froth, not stiff, and stir into the protose; add a little minced parsley. Put a little oil into an omelet pan, and when hot pour in the mixture. Cook a few min- utes. Insert a knife between the omelet and the pan, and with a sudden turn of the hand fold the omelet in two. Cook in a hot oven two or three seconds. Serve hot. GLUTEN OMELET Same as plain omelet, adding one tablespoonful of gluten to eggs and milk before beating. Serve at once on a hot platter. RICE OMELET Same as plain omelet, only adding one ' tablespoonful of cooked rice to eggs and milk before beating. Serve on a hot platter at once. APPLE OMELET Same as plain omelet. Serve with a tablespoonful of well-seasoned apple sauce, mixed with an equal amount of beaten white of egg on side of platter. GRANOSE OMELET Same as plain omelet, adding two tablespoonfuls of cream instead of milk, and one or two tablespoonfuls of granose before beating. EGGS 281 OMELET WITH TOMATO Prepare a plain omelet; and when ready to fold, put a layer of baked ripe tomatoes on one half, and fold the other half over it. Serve with or without a tomato gravy, as preferred. ONION OMELET Make as for plain omelet, placing one dessert-spoonful of lightly braized onion on the omelet just before folding. Serve on a hot platter at once. GREEN PEA OMELET Make as for plain omelet, folding one tablespoonful of French peas with a little thick cream sauce over them. Serve at once on a hot platter, ASPARAGUS OMELET Make as for plain omelet, folding in one tablespoonful of asparagus tips, which have been nicely seasoned. Serve on hot platter at once. OMELETS Onions, peas, lentils, granose, gluten, rice, nuts, minced olives, etc., may be used in omelets. 282 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH SUGAR CORN Prepare as for scrambled eggs with, protose, using nice, tender com in place of protose. Salt, and serve at once on liot platters. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH ONIONS Prepare as for scrambled eggs with protose, using one teaspoonful of lightly braized onion in place of protose. Salt, and serve on hot platters at once. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PROTOSE Cream or milk, 1 tablespoon (for one person). Fresh eggs, 2. Protose, minced, 1 tablespoon. Into an oiled skillet containing one tablespoonful of cream or milk, break the eggs, slightly whipping them with an egg whip or spoon; then add protose. Stir to prevent sticking to the bottom, also to mix thoroughly the egg with the protose. Salt; scramble (soft, medium, or hard) as desired. Serve at once on hot platters. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PARSLEY Prepare as for scrambled eggs with protose, omitting protose and substituting minced parsley. POACHED EGGS Take fresh eggs, as only fresh eggs poach nicely; break them into a pan of hot water, almost boiling. Let the pan EGGS 283 set on the range where it will not boil; poach as desired, — soft, two minutes; medium, three minutes; hard, five min- utes. Serve on a platter; garnish with watercress or parsley. Serve while very hot. POACHED EGGS ON GRANOSE Heat granose in the oven a few minutes; put a few spoonfuls on a plate, and place poached eggs on top. POACHED EGGS ON TOAST Serve poached eggs on light browoi slices of zwieback, or fresh toast if preferred, that has been slightly moistened, not soaked, with hot cream, milk, or water. CURDLED EGGS Bring a kettle of water to boiling point, set on back of range for two minutes, then drop in eggs, and leave for eight minutes. Serve in cups. JELLIED EGGS Cook the same as curdled eggs, leaving in water fifteen minutes instead of eight. FLOATED EGGS Take two fresh eggs ; separate whites from yolks, being careful not to break yolks; place them in a dish of boil- ing water, and cook till set as desired,— two minutes for medium, four minutes for hard. Meantime beat the whites 284 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK very stiff, mold them in a soup bowl, and float the molds on boiling water two or three minutes till nicely set. Then place them on a large platter, place a yolk in the center of each, garnish with parsley, and serve. BAKED EGGS IN TOMATO CASES From ripe, medium-sized tomatoes remove the stems; and with a sharp paring knife or spoon remove sufficient of the centers to encase an egg nicely in each tomato. Place them in an oiled granite baking pan, break an egg into each one, salt , sprinkle with chopped parsley, and add a small piece of butter. Set in a moderate oven, and bake till the eggs are medium done. Serve at once. SHIERED EGGS Grease the shir pans, and drop the eggs in; sprinkle with salt, and bake in a moderate oven until the eggs are set. These may be seasoned with butter or grated onion if desired. Small granite or porcelain pans about half an inch deep are to be obtained in any first-class hard- ware store. These are made expressly for shirring eggs. TOMATO SHIRRED EGGS Prepare as for plain shirred eggs, adding a small por- tion of thin tomato sauce before cooking. CREAM SHIRRED EGGS Prepare eggs as for shirring, pour about one tablespoon- ful of rich cream over them, salt, set in oven, and bake as desired. Serve at once. DAIRY DISHES WHIPPED CREAM That satisfactory results may be obtained, the cream to be whipped must be quite rich. Cool the cream to a tem- perature of 64 degrees or less, and beat with a batter whip or a dover egg beater until of the desired consistency. This may be flavored and sweetened as desired. Care should be exercised not to beat too long, or the butter may begin to separate. COTTAGE CHEESE Cheese made from sour milk contains much of the protein element, and is preferable to the cheese of com- merce. Many fail signally in making this article, and lose its nutritive value, and also spoil its palatableness. The milk should be allowed to thicken, and then be skimmed be- fore any attempt is made to heat it. Heat it slowly — preferably in hot water or in a moderate oven. The milk should not be stirred while cooking, but an advantage is gained by passing a knife through it so as to cut it in squares, just as the curd begins to form. This helps to give uniformity of texture, which is more pleasing than to have some parts hard and others soft. A short method is to pour boiling water into the lob- bered milk, with gentle stirring, until the curd forms and separates from the watery whey. Rapid cooking is likely to cause lumps and a stringiness not altogether agreeable. As soon as well curded, it should be poured into a strong (287) 288 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK but loose cloth to drain without pressure. Overnight is none too long for it to remain quiescent. It may then have added to it a portion of salt, and as much sweet cream or milk or sour cream as will be required to make it of the desired consistency. Should there be any lack of smooth- ness, the cheese will be vastly improved Ity passing through a colander or an ordinary meat mill. Various seasonings may be added, as minced onion, parsley, or other herbs, and the whole formed into balls or other shapes. Served with a garnish of lettuce or other green, it gives a pleasing variety. Used in place of common cheese with macaroni, it is more wholesome than that article. Sweet milk may be readily curded by the addition of lemon juice. One cup stirred into a gallon of warm milk will usually gather all the curd. If the whey is white and milky, add a little more juice, and more curd will form, BUTTEEMILK CHEESE Buttermilk, 2 quarts. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Add the lemon juice to the buttermilk, and set in warm water, or in a warm place, until it wheys off. Then drain in a cloth, and proceed as for other cheese. STERILIZED MILK Milk is so liable to be infected with disease germs, that it is much the safest plan to sterilize it before using. Heat DAIRY DISHES 289 the water in an outer boiler to the boiling point, and set into it the inner boiler containing the milk, and cook over a hot fire until the albumen rises to the top in the form of little bubbles. Remove, pour into shallow pans, and cool rapidly. If, when cool, it is poured from one dish to an- other for a few minutes, it will be likely to have less of the cooked taste. Some authorities favor cooking the milk for thirty minutes. Be that as it may, the milk should be heated, and cooled quickly. CONDENSED MILK Condensed milk is prepared by a vacuum process by which much of the water is removed by evaporation. Such milk is usually wholesome, as it has to be sterilized in the process of canning. It can be prepared for use by add- ing from one to five parts water. For some purposes it has an advantage over ordinary milk. MILK SHAKE Milk, 1 pint. 'Egg, 1. Sugar, 2 tablespoons. Ice, finely chopped, 1 cup. Flavor. Put aU in a two quart glass jar, seal tightly, shake vigorously for several minutes, pour into glasses, and serve at once. 19 290 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK RENNET BLANC-]\iANGE Milk, 1 quart, Rennet tablet, i/^. Egg whites, 2. Powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons. Currant jelly, 4 tablespoons. Beat tbe whites of the eggs stiff, add the sugar, and beat again, then gradually beat into it the jelly. Dissolve the sugar in the milk, which should be at blood heat. Flavor to taste, and add the rennet, which should be previously dissolved in a tablespoonful of water. Stir quickly, pour into a dish, and when firm put in a cool place. Before serving, cover with a meringue. JUNKET Milk, 1 quart. Rennet tablet, 1. Sugar, 1/^ cup. Dissolve the sugar in the milk, which should be about blood heat, or 100 degrees. Pour the milk into the dish from which it is to be served, and add one rennet tablet dissolved in a small quantity of water, stirring quickly for about a haK minute. Let it stand until it thickens, which it will do in five to ten minutes. Then set in a cold place until time to serve. Rennet tablets may be purchased at any drug-store. YOGURT NO. 1 Milk, 1 quart. Yogurt tablets, 6. DAIRY DISHES 291 Bring the milk to scalding heat, and cook for ten min- utes in a double boiler. Cool to a temperature of 106 de- grees, and add the yogurt tablets which have been mashed fine. Set in a warm place, cover and wrap well, and allow to stand from eight to twelve hours, or until it has thick- ened. Keep in a cool place. For a second batch use one tablespoonful of the yogurt instead of the tablets. YOGURT NO. 2 Lactone tablets, 1. Skimmed milk, 1 quart. Procure lactone tablets manufactured by Park, Davis & Co., and proceed as for yogurt No. 1. LEBBEN Milk, 31/2 pints. Yeast, 3 tablespoons. Heat one cup of rich milk to 90 degrees; into this put three tablespoonfuls of home-made or brewers' yeast, cover, and let stand in a warm place twelve hours. At the end of that time, it will be thick like clabber. Beat well with an egg beater until of the consistency of cream. Heat a pint of milk to 90 degrees, add four tablespoonfuls of this mixture, cover, and set in a warm place twelve hours; then beat well. Do this twice more, always discarding all but what you add to the milk. You are now ready to make the lebben by using four tablespoonfuls of this starter to a pint of milk, proceeding as for the starter. LIQUID FOODS BARLEY BROTH Wash barley well, and start to cook in cold water in the proportion of about one of barley to ten of water. Boil slowly for several hours, seasoning with salt an hour or so before it is done. Strain off the broth, and season with cream if desired. GRAHAM GRUEL Water, 1% quarts. Graham flour, sifted, 2-3 cup. Salt. Cream or milk if desired. Heat the water to boiling, add the salt, and then sprinlde in slowly the flour, stirring all the time with a batter whip. Boil until well set, then cool in a double boiler for one hour. Add cream or milk if desired. RICE GRUEL Water, 1 quart. Rice, 2 tablespoons. Salt. Cream or milk, 1 pint. Add the salt to the water, and heat to boiling; wash the rice in warm water, and add to the boiling water; boil until the rice is very tender, pass through a colander, add cream, reheat, and serve. ;(295) 296 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK CORN-MEAL GRUEL Corn-meal, 2 tablespoons. Milk, 1 quart. Salt. Heat the milk to boiling, and sprinkle in the corn-meal, stirring meanwhile with a batter whip ; when well set, place in an outer boiler, and cook thoroughly. OATMEAL GRUEL This gruel may be prepared as directed for corn-meal gruel, using water instead of milk; or oatmeal mush that has been sufficiently cooked, may be thinned, stewed for a few minutes, and then strained and served. GLUTEN MEAL Sanitarium gluten meal, % cup. Milk or water, 1 pint. Salt. Salt the boiling liquid, and stir in carefully the meal. A little peanut butter rubbed smooth may be added if de- sired. MALTED MILK Mix one tablespoonful of Horlick's malted milk powder with a little tepid water to make a smooth paste ; add three fourths of a cup of water, hot or cold, stirring briskly, and serve. LIQUID FOODS 297 It may be prepared with hot milk instead of water, and a little cream added if desired. MALTED MILK AND CUREANT JELLY Horliek 's malted milk, 1 tablespoon. Boiling water, ^ cup. Currant jelly, 1 tablespoon. Cold water, % cup. Cracked ice. Mix the malted milk powder with a little of the boil- ing water to make a smooth paste; add the jelly and the rest of the water, and stir till the jelly is dissolved. Add the cold water and ice, strain, and serve daintily in a glass or a sherbet cup, partly filled, and set on a small plate with doily. TAMARIND MALTED MILK Horliek 's malted milk, 2 tablespoons. Tamarinds, 1 tablespoon. Hot water, 14 cup. Cold water, % cup. Cracked ice. Make a smooth paste of the malted milk powder and the hot water ; add the preserved tamarinds and the cold water. Strain and chill, or add pure cracked ice. SANDWICHES NUT CERO SANDWICHES Nut cero, I/2 pound. Fresh tomatoes, 2. Salt. Lettuce. Bread. Press the nut cero through a fine colander; wash firm tomatoes, slice into the colander, and press the pulp through into the nut cero; add salt, and sprinkle of celery salt if desired; spread on thin sliced bread, and serve with a lettuce leaf in each sandwich. NUTTOLENE OR NUT LOAF SANDWICHES Prepare nuttolene as for nuttolene cheese, and spread on slices of thin bread; lay crisp lettuce leaves on half of these, invert the others on the lettuce leaves, press together, and cut comerwise. NUT AND EGG SANDWICHES Prepare eggs as for scrambled eggs. While cooking, add an equal quantity of minced protose or nuttolene; cook until set and remove ; add celery salt and lemon juice to taste, spread on thin sliced bread, press slices together, and cut comerwise in four pieces. Arrange tastily on a smaU plate on which has been laid a crisp lettuce leaf. (301) 302 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK NUT AND JELLY SANDWICHES Very palatable sandwiches may be made by spreading bread with jelly, and then sprinkling it with finely chopped nut meats. PROTOSE OR NUT CERO SANDWICHES Spread bread with nut or dairy butter, and fill with protose rubbed smooth with a fork and seasoned with salt and lemon juice. Grated onion, celery salt, or minced olives may be added if desired. DATE SANDWICHES Dates, 15. Walnuts, y^ cup. Spread thin slices of bread with nut or dairy butter, and make a fiUing by grinding the dates and walnuts together in a vegetable mill. Seeded raisins or figs may be used if preferred. If the mixture is too stiff, add a little warm water. BEAN SANDWICHES Spread thin slices of bread with nut or dairy butter, and fill with bean puree with which lemon juice has been mixed. Garnish with olives. CRESS SANDWICHES NO. 1 Spread thin sliced bread with mayonnaise dressing, and SANDWICHES 303 add crisp, well-washed watercress which has been cut in half -inch lengths. CRESS SANDWICHES NO. 2 Mince equal quantities of nuttolene or protose and watercress, and mix with enough mayonnaise to spread well. COTTAGE CHEESE SANDWICHES Proceed as for other sandwiches, filling with cottage cheese. PEANUT SANDWICHES Dilute nut butter with water and lemon juice, add salt, and spread on the bread. MOCK SALMON SANDWICHES Cut the bread in thin slices, spread with nut or dairy butter, and add a filling made as directed for mock salmon salad. Place a crisp leaf of lettuce between each two slices, cut cornerwise, and serve. OLIVE SANDWICHES Mince seeded olives rather fine. Remove the crusts from thin sliced bread, and spread with nut or dairy butter or mayonnaise, and then with the minced olives. Press the slices together, and serve at once, or keep under an earthen dish or a moist cloth until ready to serve. 304 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK OLIVE NUT SANDWICHES Olives, % cup. Protose, ^ pound. Nuttoiene, 14 pound. Sage. Onions. Salt. Lemon juice. Bread. Seed the olives, and mince with the nuttoiene and pro- tose ; add the sage, grated onion, salt, and lemon juice, and mix weU. Proceed as for other sandwiches. OLIVE ALMOND SANDWICHES Olives, 1 cup. Almonds, I/2 cup. Salt. Lemon juice. Blanch the almonds, and toast to a light brown in the oven; seed the olives, and grind in a vegetable mill with the almonds. Mix with these the salt and lemon juice, and proceed as for other sandwiches. HOT SANDWICHES Prepare as for ordinary sandwiches, trimming the crust from the edges, and serving on a platter covered with a hot cream or brown gravy. These sandwiches may be fiUed with Spanish rice, macaroni preparations, chowders, or slices of hot roast. This is a nice way of using up small fragments that could not well be used in any other manner. SANDWICHES 305 SALAD SANDWICHES Cut stale bread into thin triangular slices ; spread with mayonnaise and the desired salad, such as egg, protose, beet, macedcine, celery, lima bean, or vegetarian chicken salad; put a leaf of lettuce in each sandwich and over all pour mayonnaise dressing. FRUIT SALAD SANDWICHES Proceed as for salad sandwiches, using fruit salad for a filling, and golden salad dressing instead of mayonnaise. 20 NUT PREPARATIONS NUT BUTTER Nut butter can be easily made in the home; but nearly all the prepared nut foods on sale require expensive ma- chinery and a steam plant to produce, hence can not be made in the home. Peanuts and almonds are the nuts most suitable for making nut butter. The other varieties are difficult to blanch, and do not make good butter. The best variety of peanuts for making nut butter is the Spanish shelled. They are easily blanched. Removing the skins from the nuts after they are shelled is called blanching. Peanuts can not be blanched unless they have been thoroughly heated. To properly cook peanuts is the essential thing to pro- duce a healthful, palatable nut butter. This can be ac- complished if care is exercised. There are three ways of cooking them; namely, baking or roasting, boiling, and steaming. The baking process is the easiest way, but care should be used not to scorch them. Scorched or burned peanuts are unfit to use in any form. PROCESS NO. 1 '• Put a layer of peanuts about one half inch deep into a dripping pan, and place on a perforated shelf in a mod- erate oven. Allow them to bake slowly for about one hour, until they are a light brown or straw-color. Shake the pan or stir the peanuts every few minutes. When the ker- nels begin to crack and pop, they brown very quickly, and should be watched closely. (309) 310 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK A satisfactory way to cook the nuts is to fill a tight covered dish about two thirds full, place in the oven, and shake occasionally. Cooked this way, they are not so liable to bum, and they retain their flavor better. When they have cooked sufficiently, spread them out at once. When they have become quite cool, blanch. This can be done by rubbing them in the hands, or what is better, in a coarse bag, or with a piece of cloth with the ends folded together, forming a bag. Another good device is a screen made of coarse wire. Rub them until the skins are loose. The chaff can be removed by using a fan, or by pouring from one dish to another where the wind is blowing. Look the nuts over carefully, removing defective ones and foreign substances. Grrind when fresh cooked, as they do not make good butter when left a day or two after they are cooked. PROCESS NO. 2 Thoroughly heat the nuts in an oven, but do not let them brown. Allow them to cool, then blanch as described in process No. 1. Boil them from three to four hours, until they are tender. Drain, spread out on tins, and thoroughly dry them; then grind them through a mill. ALMOND BUTTER Almond butter is more difficult to make than peanut butter, on account of the difficulty in removing the skins. Dry heat does not loosen the skins of almonds as it does those of peanuts. To blanch almonds, soak them in boiling NUT PREPAEATIONS 311 water from two to five minutes ; then the skins become loose and can be pinched off by pressing on the nut with thumb and finger; the skins will crack and the kernel pop out. Dry the kernels in a slow oven until they become thor- oughly dry and crisp, taking care not to burn them. Then grind them through a loosely adjusted miU. Place on tins or on a cloth stretched over the stove, until perfectly dry. Then grind in the nut butter mill tightly adjusted. This makes excellent butter if the almonds are first-class. PEANUT MEAL £^ Heat the peanuts sufficiently to remove the skins, but do not brown them. Blanch and look over. Boil or steam them until tender, taking care to have them quite dry when done. Drain off aU the water possible, and put them through a colander. Put on tins suspended over the stove, or in a slow oven with the door open, taking care not to brown them. When perfectly dry and hard, grind through the mill loosely adjusted. If it is not fine enough, spread out to dry, and afterward pass through the mill again more tightly adjusted. If the mill is too tight it will grind the nuts into butter. A good plan is to rub the meal through a flour sieve. NUT BUTTER FOR THE TABLE l^ Put into a bowl one half the amount of butter required for the meal, and dilute with an equal quantity of water, adding a little at a time, beating it thoroughly with a fork until it is smooth and light. Enough water should be used 312 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK to make the proper consistency to spread nicely. A wire whip or potato masher is an excellent utensil for mixing. A little salt can be added if desired. Nut butter does not keep long when mixed with water. NUT CREAM Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons. Hot water, 1 pint. Salt, 1 teaspoon. Add enough water to the peanut butter to emulsify it as for table use; then dilute with the remainder of water, add salt, set on the stove, and bring to a boil; it is then ready to serve. CRYSTALLIZED PEANUTS Peanuts, 1 quart. Egg, 1. Sugar. Use peanuts that have been baked enough that they will not have a raw taste. Beat the egg slightly with two tablespoonfuls of water, stir well into the peanuts, and let stand about ten minutes in a colander; then roll in sugar, and turn again into the colander, which should have rather large perforations ; rub out all loose sugar, spread on a pan, and dry slowly in a warm place. NUT PREPARATIONS 313 SALTED PEANUTS Prepare as for crystallized peanuts, using salt instead of sugar. Care should be exercised not to leave too much salt on the nuts. If not for immediate use, place in fruit- jars, and screw on the covers tight. TO BLANCH ALMONDS Remove the hard shells, and let the kernels stand in boiling water until the red skins will slip off when pressed between the fingers. FRUITS AND THEIR PREPARATION FEUITS AND THEIR PREPARATION It is not the intent of this chapter to exhaust the con- sideration of the topic of fruit and its service, but to drop a few suggestions that wiU assist the reader in varying the bill of fare. Fruits are usually served first at break- fast and lunch, and last at dinner. Apples: plain; sauce; baked, and served with cream and sirup. Apricots: plain; sauce; sliced, and served with cream. Bananas : plain ; sliced or baked, and served with cream. Blackberries: plain; with cream; stewed. Cherries: plain; stewed. Currants, black, red, or white: plain; stewed; as salad. (See strawberry salad.) Date^: plain; puree; sometimes stewed. Figs : plain ; sliced with cream ; stewed ; steamed. Grapes: plain; stewed; salad. Grapefruit; cut in halves, and sprinkled with sugar; served plain. Green gage plums: plain; stewed. Huckleberries: plain; with cream. Melons — cantaloup, musk, and Spanish melons, and casabas: cut in suitable pieces, seeds removed, filled with broken ice, and served. Nectarines: plain; sliced with cream; stewed. Oranges: plain; sliced with powdered sugar. Peaches: plain; stewed; sliced with cream. Pears: plain; stewed; baked. (317) 318 VEGETABIAN COOK BOOK Plums: plain; stewed. Pineapples: fresh sliced; diced; grated; canned. Pomegranates : cut in sections and served plain ; seeded, crushed, and prepared as nectar. Prunes: fresh; stewed. Quinces: usually served as preserves, or stewed with apples. Easpberries, red and black : plain ; with cream ; stewed*. Strawberries: plain; with cream; salad; stewed. APPLE SAUCE Much time, effort, and material may be saved by the following method of stewing apples: Wash the fruit, re- move decayed portions, cut in quarters, and remove only a small portion of stem and blossom ends. No harm comes from cooking sound cores and skins. Pass through a fine colander, and sweeten. If they were cooked in very little water, the portion remaining in the colander may be moist- ened, and thus a trifle more of pulp be saved. MAPLE APPLES Apples, 4. Maple sirup, 1 cup. Water, 1 cup. Peel and slice the apples; mix the maple sirup and the water, and pour over the apples; bake under cover in a medium oven, until tender and dark brown. FRUITS AND THEIR PREPARATION 319 GEAPE APPLES Pare and core tart apples, and boil in grape juice until tender; remove the apples, and boil down the juice to a thick sirup, and pour over the apples before serving. BAKED APPLE SAUCE Pare, quarter, and core tart apples ; place in a bean pot or deep granite kettle, add sugar and water, and cover; set on the stove until it comes to a boil, then place in a medium oven, and bake slowly until tender and dark red. BAKED APPLES Wash and core apples which are free from defects, place in a granite pan, sprinkle with sugar, add water, cover with an inverted pan, and bake in a slow oven. The amount of sugar and water and the length of time required for baking will depend upon the variety of apples. BAKED PEARS Select firm tart pears, cut in halves, remove cores, lay in granite pan, sprinkle with sugar, and cover with water; invert another pan over them, and bake in a slow oven until tender. Pears too green to be eaten raw, bake up very nicely this way. BAKED QUINCES Pare, core, and proceed as for baked apples. 320 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK BAKED PEACHES Pare, remove stones, and bake as directed for pears. Cover with meringue, and brown. Serve with cream. STEWED PRUNES Cover prunes with warm water, and allow to soak for several hours. Rinse well in several waters, either lifting out of the water with the hands, or pouring prunes and water into a colander. If the water is simply poured off of the prunes, the dirt is liable to settle to the bottom of the kettle, and thus remain with the prunes. When well washed, place the prunes in a kettle with an abun- dance of cold water, and simmer slowly for several hours. If cooked too fast they will break up. PRUNE MARMALADE Remove the juice from stewed prunes, force out the seeds, and then press through a colander with medium- sized perforations. PRUNE WHIP Prune marmalade, 2 cups. Eggs, 2. Vanilla. Add the yolks to prune marmalade, flavor and sweeten to taste, stir well, then fold in the beaten whites of the eggs, reserving enough of the latter with which to gar- nish. Serve in glasses. FBUITS AND THEIR PREPAEATION 321 MUSKMELONS WITH SLICED PEACHES Divide smaU muskmelons, remove seeds, and chill by filling with cracked ice; when cool, fill with sliced peaches, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve. SLICED ORANGES Peel, and remove all the white pulp, also the pulpy core ; reject a thin slice from each end; the remainder, when sliced thin, cover with sugar, and set in a cool place for an hour or so. Just before serving, sprinkle with pow- dered sugar. A little grape juice may be added if desired. PINEAPPLE Slice off the outside, dig out the eyes, and remove the core; slice thin, or break off with a fork; add sugar, and allow to stand at least two hours. BAKED BANANAS Peel, slice lengthwise, place in granite pan, sprinkle with sugar, add a little hot water, and bake in a medium hot oven until tender. They may also be baked in their skins. STEWED BERRIES Some make a mistake in stewing berries too long. Wash thoroughly, add sugar to taste, and but little water. 21 332 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK STEWED EAISINS Soak the raisins in warm water for a time, to remove all dirt that may have adhered to them; pour into a col- ander, and rinse well; cover with cold water, and stew until tender. The juice may be slightly thickened with corn-starch. TO KEEP LEMONS If it is desired to keep lemons fresh, place them in a vessel of cold water in a cool place, changing the water frequently. DRIED FRUIT When drying fruit, select that which is sound and not overripe; peel, slice, and lay on racks in the sun or in a very slow oven. Turn occasionally. When thoroughly dried, bring to as high a temperature as can be done with- out injury, and pack in tight boxes or paper sacks. If soaked several hours, it wiU require but little cooking. Many dried fruits are in the market, but they are open to at least two objections. They are usually sul- phured to improve their appearance, and are exposed to dust and flies, if to nothing worse. AU dried fruit should be washed before cooking. Fruit dried at home should be carefully protected from dust and flies, and be thoroughly heated before storing, that the eggs of insects may be destroyed. FRUITS AND FRUIT CANNING FRUITS AND FRUIT CANNING Many if not all ripened fruits may be eaten uncooked ; but since they do not continue through, the year, we wish to preserve them for use at such times as they can not be obtained fresh. This may be done in various ways. Fifty years ago there was the choice of only two common methods, — drying and making ' ' pound-f or-pound preserves. ' ' This latter method requires so much sugar that it should be ignored. In these times of improved methods, canning fruit is the most popular method of preservation; and it seems scarcely possible there can ever be any better, unless it were that access might be had to the fresh article the year round. Different methods are employed, according to kind of fruit, locality, etc. Frequently much more sugar is used than is necessary. Boiling the sugar with acid fruit, changes it to invert sugar, thus lessening its sweetening properties two and one half times. To overcome this and still have the fruit sweet enough to be palatable, make a sirup in one kettle, and cook the fruit in another, and combine them just as they are to be put into the jar; or, better still, put in some fruit, and then the required amount of sirup. A few movements of the jar will mix them. Always choose the best quality of fruit. It should be washed sufficiently to remove all sand and dust. Slow cook- ing is much better than rapid boiling, though the fruit should reach the boiling point just before canning. The (325) 326 VEOETAKIAN COOK BOOK boiling temperature at sea level is 212 degrees ; b¥it in high altitudes it is several degrees lower, hence greater care must be taken to keep the fruit from spoiling. One good way to do this is to re-cook it once or laore on as many- successive days. The amount of sugar necessary for palatabiUty does not materially aid in the keeping of the fruit. Sugar may be added a few hours before the meal, and thus can room is economized. Moreover, sugar is usually less expensive in winter than in the height of fruit canning season. Large jars are more economical than small ones, though a few of the latter are needed for the re-canning of what may be left from the large ones. A fruit funnel is a convenience, and granite is to be preferred. It is well to set the jar on a wet, folded cloth in a broad but shallow pan. In case of a "spill" or a cracking jar, there need be little waste. Be cautious about fragments of glass. There are steam cookers in which the jars filled with the fresh fruit may be placed, and the fruit gradually heated to a thoroughly cooked condition, when the sirup may be added, and any deficiency be supplied from another jar. A common wash-boiler, covered wash-tub, or two dish pans, one as a cover, answer the same purpose, if cloth be laid in the bottom and between the jars to prevent breakage. Not much water is required in these vessels, but it must be gradually heated after the jars of fruit have been placed in it. Be careful not to expose the hot jars to drafts. It is well to replenish the jars while in the water, seal them, FBUITS AND FRUIT CANNING 327 and let them stand until partially cooled. The steaming or bailing may be done with the rubbers in place, and the covers lightly laid on. If old ones are used, they should be critically examined to determine whether they are well fitted to the work. Any uneven cover edges may be pressed to the jar by using something like a knife-handle, running it round and round. To make sure there is no leak, invert the jar of fruit on a clean dry shelf to remain until cold. If any juice exudes, attention should be given it. Should there be a foamy appearance, be sure there is a crack or other break somewhere; but do not be anxious about hubbies, for they are only "air," and that is sterilized if the work has been properly done. TOMATO CANNING Probably no fruit is more abundantly canned than tomatoes, and they supply a place not held by all fruits. Peeled, sliced, and canned in the ordinary way, they are excellent, and every household should have an abundant supply. Tomatoes in glass are much superior to those in tin cans. If tins must be used, the fruit should be removed from the can immediately on opening. Acids and tin do not make a favorable combination. Try this method of preserving tomatoes: Thoroughly wash, and remove all imperfections. Cut in two or three pieces, and cook, adding little or no water, until just soft enough to pass through a colander or sieve, which will re- tain the skins and seeds. Return to the stove, boil for a 328 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK few minutes, and put in jars. Large bottles with well-fitted corks answer an excellent purpose if closed with sealing- wax. Occasionally the cork is drawn into a bottle. To prevent this, loop a strong but rather fine twine under the cork, and fasten over it and around the neck of the bottle. Have the cork cut off even with the bottle, and pour on the melted wax. The string will be an assistance in re- moving the cork when the bottle is to be opened. If one does not object to the use of tin, sirup cans may be filled, and closed much the same as a bottle. Tomatoes canned in this way are always ready for soups, gravies, toasts, and to be used in many other ways. ICES AND SHERBETS ICES AND SHERBETS These are mostly made from water, sugar, and the juice of fruit. When fresh fruit is not obtainable, juices or pulp wh^ch have been canned may be substituted. Fruit jellies may be dissolved in hot water and then frozen. As fruits vary in sweetness, it is advisable to test the mix- tures before all the sugar or sirup called for in the recipe is added. A mixture which seems sweet enough before freezing, will be found to be lacking in sweetness after freezing. If a rich fruit ice or sherbet is desired, the pure fruit juice may be used without the addition of any water. Sherbets are practically the same as fruit ice, only that gelatine, egg whites, or corn-starch have been added to give more body to the preparation. The texture of fruit ice is often more or less granular and icy, more like wet snow. The sherbets are often so much like the cream ices, that it is difficult to believe that there is no cream in them. If the sugar is boiled with the water, a finer grained ice will be the result. There are many freezers on the market, but the one having a double motion is the most satisfactory. To pre- pare the ice, one should provide one 's self with a grain sack and something with which to break the ice. A 2 x 4 about two and one half feet long, with one end prepared for a handle, is desirable. Or an iron pipe of the same length may be used. Place the ice in a sack, and hold the open end in the left hand while you strike with the bludg- eon in the right, occasionally turning the sack. When (331) 332 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK sufficiently beaten, empty the ice into a tight box, pick out the pieces too large for use, and return them to the sack. Better results mil be obtained from finely crushed ice; if the pieces are too large, they are liable to dent the freezer. Mix the coarse salt with the crushed ice in the box, and from it pack the freezer. Authorities differ in refer- ence to the proportion of ice and salt to be used. Some say one of salt to three of ice ; others one of the former to seven of the latter. Too much salt causes the finished product to be coarse-grained. It is possible to freeze a batch of fruit ice with ice and salt left from a former freezing, although it may have become somewhat liquefied ; so do not think it necessary to refill the freezer because some water is seen with the ice and salt. Freezers which are properly constructed have an outlet for water just below the level of the top of the freezing can, and not in the bottom as some might suppose. Fine salt will accomplish the desired end, but the coarse is cheaper and better. Care should be exercised to keep the bearings, gear, and sockets of the freezer frequently oiled. If only a small batch of ice is to be frozen, the freezer need not be packed its full depth. When the mixture is frozen, remove the paddle, scrape off the ice, cover the can, place a cork in the hole in the cover, and throw over all the wet sack in which the ice was broken. Keep in a cool place until time to serve. To produce a soft, creamy texture, the freezer should be turned continually and rapidly until the mixture is hard. Always turn the freezer to the right. If turned to the lOES AND SHEEBETS 3&3 left, the contents which lie nearest the outside of the freezing can will freeze and adhere to the side of the can, and thias prevent turning it in the right direction. Keep the paddle moving. If allowed to stand, the freezer will set, and make further turning impossible. Under such conditions, in an effort to turn the paddle, some part of the freezer may break. If for any reason the freezer does become set, do not bring too much strain to bear on it, but take out the can, and set in a kettle of hot water for ten seconds, and then repack, and it will be found that it will turn readily. These frozen preparations will be found much improved if allowed to stand for an hour or so after freezing. This is called curing. Fruit ice or sherbet can be made if no other utensils than a quart cup and a dover egg beater are at hand. Pack the cup in ice and salt as usual, and scrape from the sides and bottom occasionally with a knife. Fruit ices served with lady fingers, kisses, or cookies, directions for the preparation of which are given in axi- other chapter, make a very delicate and toothsome dessert for luncheon, and are very easily and quickly prepared when once the art is mastered. SIRUP FOR FRUIT ICE AND SHERBET Sugar, 1 cup. "Water, 4 cups. Place the water and sugar in a stew-pan, and bring to a boil ; as the scum rises, skim it off. When the fluid boils, 334 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK remove, strain, and cool. This sirup can be prepared m quantity and be bottled up ready for use. This same sirup may be served as a sauce for baked apples and other desserts. LEMiON SHERBET Lemons, 5. Sugar, 1 cup. Egg whites, 3. "Water, 1 quart. Add the sugar to the water, and bring to a boil. Re- move from the stove, cool, and add the lemon juice, and part of the grated rinds if desired. Pour into the freezer, and freeze until well coagulated. Then add the beaten egg whites, and finish freezing. STRAWBERRY SHERBET Strawberries, 1 pint. Sugar, % cup. Lemon juice, 14 cup. Water, 1 cup. Sirup, 1 pint. Egg whites, 3, Pick over and wash the berries, cover with the sugar, and mash well; allow to stand for an hour or so, then pass through a coarse colander; add the water, and force through a coarse cloth or fine wire strainer, until nothing but the seeds are left; put in the lemon juice and sirup, and freeze until well coagulated; then add the beaten egg whites. lOES AND SHERBETS 335 CEANBBRRT SHERBET Cranberry sauce, 1 cup. Sirup, 2 cups. Egg whites, 2. Proceed as for strawberry sherbet, JELLY SHERBET Jelly, 1/^ cup. Water, 1 pint. Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon. Egg whites, 2. Place the jelly and the water in a stew-pan, set on the stove, and bring to a boil to dissolve the jelly. Remove, and add the lemon juice; cool, strain, and freeze, adding the beaten whites when the sherbet is nearly frozen. The flavor and kind of jelly will alter the proportions of water and lemon juice. APPLE WALNUT SNOW Strained apple sauce, 2 cups. Sugar, % cup. Water, 1 pint. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Egg whites, 2. Walnut meal, y^ cup. Prepare as for apple snow, adding the beaten ^^g whites and wabiut meal after the mixture has begun to freeze. The nut meal may be obtained by sifting chopped or ground nuts through a flour sieve. 336 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK PRUNE SHERBET Prune juice, 1 cup. Prune pulp, 1 cup. Sirup, 1 pint. Egg whites, 2. Stew prunes as for prune sauce; strain off the juice, and force the prunes through a fine colander. Whisk up the egg whites slightly with a little of the liquid, mix all together, and freeze. It will be noticed that a different procedure is adopted for adding the egg whites than in some of the other sherbets. This is not necessary, but is done to suggest an- other of the various methods that may be followed. PEACH SHERBET Peaches, stewed, 1 pint. Sirup, 1 pint. Egg whites, 2, Press stewed peaches, dried or fresh, through a fine sieve; add the sirup, and freeze, adding the beaten egg whites as for other sherbets. MRS. FULTON'S FAVORITE Lemon juice, % cup. Pineapple juice, 1 cup. Sirup, 1 quart. Eggs, 3. Beat the whole eggs, and pour over them the other in- gredients. Freeze as for other sherbets. ICES AND SHERBETS 337 CORN-STARCH SHERBET Fruit juice, 1 quart. Corn-starch, 1 tablespoon. Heat tlie juice to boiling, and thicken with the corn- starch, braided with a little cold water. When cool, pour into the freezer, and freeze. This recipe is given to show how corn-starch may be substituted for egg whites or gelatine in giving body to the mixture. SHERBET IN CANTALOUPS Wash and divide small cantaloups, remove all seeds and imperfections, fill with crushed ice, and set aside to chill. When cold, remove the crushed ice, and fill with fruit sherbet, the flavor of which should combine well with that of the cantaloup. BANANA SHERBET Bananas, 5. Sirup, 3 cups. Egg whites, 2, Peel the bananas, and press through a fine colander: add the sirup, and beat well. Pour into freezer ; and when partially frozen, add the egg whites, and finish freezing. HONEY SHERBET Strained honey, 1 cup. Water, 1 quart. Egg whites, 2. 2a 338 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Beat the water into the honey, and freeze, adding the egg whites in the usual way. COFFEE SHERBET Cereal coffee, 2 cups. Sirup, 2 cups. Eggs, 3. Prepare cereal coffee as for ordinary service, and cool. Add the sirup and the beaten yolks. Partially freeze, and add the beaten whites. This may be an agreeable change, although not a favorite. WATERMELON SHERBET Cut melon in small slices, remove the red portion, and proceed as for watermelon ice, adding five egg whites. Place the rinds in a pan, and cover well vsdth cracked ice. When ready to serve, fill the slices with the sherbet, build- ing up the original shape of the cut melon. Press into this a few of the seeds in such a manner as to make it ap- pear like the original. A piece of greased tin will be found serviceable in accomplishing this. Double the tin in the center; place on one half of it a portion of the sherbet; press the rind well up against it; then, while holding the rind with one hand, press down on the other half of the tin, forcing out all the sherbet that will not fit into the hollow of the rind. ICES AND SHERBETS 339 FRUIT SHERBET WITH MAPLE SIRUP AND WALNUTS Some sherbets may be improved by serving them with a dressing of maple sirup and chopped walnuts. MALTED NUT AND MELTOSE SHERBET Malted nuts, 1 cup. Meltose, 1 cup. Water, 1 quart. Egg whites, 2. Add enough of the water to the malted nuts to make a smooth paste, dilute the meltose with a small portion of water, mix all together, and freeze. Add the beaten whites when nearly frozen. This recipe is given for the benefit of those who find it inconvenient to use cane sugar. For others it will be im- proved by the addition of some sirup. WATERMELON ICE Watermelon juice, 1 quart. Sugar, 1 cup. Cut the watermelon in such a manner that the edges of the halves are escalloped. Remove the pulp, fill the shells with cracked ice, and set aside to cool. Crush the pulp so that the juice will separate from it. Strain off such juice as separates from the pulp. Place the remain- der of the pulp in a strong cloth, and squeeze it until as much juice as possible has been removed. Add the sugar 340 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK to the juice, and freeze. When ready to serve, remove the cracked ice from one of the shells, and fill with the frozen preparation. If a surprise is desired, invert the second half over the first. These can be securely fastened to- gether by toothpicks. OEANGE ICE Orange juice, 2 cups. Sirup, 2 cups. Lemon juice, y^ cup. Freeze as for other ice, and serve in the half shells which have been preserved when removing the juice. Another nice method is to remove a round plug from the stem end large enough to allow a teaspoon to be inserted; with the spoon remove the pulp and juice, strain and freeze the juice, and fill the shells with it. Return the plug, and serve with other fruit as a surprise. Bananas, muskmelons, or other fruit can be filled in the same manner. The shells should be chilled before filling, and should be left in a cool place until time to serve. GRAPEFRUIT ICE Grapefruit juice, 1 cup. Sirup, 2 cups. Divide the grapefruit; remove the center portion and seeds ; squeeze out the juice, and strain ; add the sirup, and freeze. ICES AND SHERBETS 341 GRAPE ICE Much depends upon the strength and flavor of the juice used. If it is very rich, it may be thinned down with sirup or water ; if not too strong, it may be frozen as it is. PINEAPPLE ICE Pineapple pulp and juice, ^ can. Lemons, 4. Sirup, 1 quart. If sliced pineapple is used, it should be minced very fine. The juice alone is more desirable. Mix all the in- gredients, and freeze in the usual manner. APRICOT ICE Lemon ice mixture, 2 quarts. Apricots, stewed, 1 pint. Press the apricots through a colander, add to the other mixture, and proceed in the usual manner. GREEN GAGE ICE Lemon ice mixture, 2 quarts. Green gages, 1 quart. Proceed as for apricot ice. Add a small amount of spinach coloring. 342 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK APPLE SNOW Apple sauce, strained, 2 cups. Sugar, % cup. "Water, 1 pint. Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons. Mix the sugar and water, bring to a boil, and add this sirup and the lemon juice to the apples; cool and freeze in the usual manner. More or less sugar may be required for various apples. MAPLE ICE Maple sirup, 2 cups. Water, 3 cups. Mix and freeze in the usual manner. Add two beaten egg whites if it is desired to make maple sherbet. PEANUT ICE Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons. Hot water, 1 quart. Salt. Sirup, 3 cups. Add salt and a small portion of the hot water to the nut butter, and mix as for table use. When smooth, dilute with the remainder of the hot water. Set on the stove, and bring to a boil ; then strain and cool, add sirup, and freeze. The addition of egg whites is of course an improvement. This recipe is not a general favorite, but may be enjoyed by some who are fond of nut butter. ICES AND SHERBETS 343 YOGURT ICE Under some circumstances it may be found desirable to serve yogurt in the form of ice. This will not be found difficult. Simply pour the yogurt in the freezing can, and proceed as for other preparations. BEVERAGES CARAMEL CEREAL A Substitute for Coffee For each cup of the beverage required, use two table- spoonfuls of the cereal, and boil for ten to twenty minutes. Then remove to the side of the range, and let steep a few minutes. The strength and aroma of cereal coffee are de- veloped by long steeping. CHOCOLATE Sanitas To each two ounces of Sanitas chocolate, allow one cup of cold water. Let it stand until the chocolate is soft, place over the fire, and after it boils, cook one minute. Work it briskly with an egg beater, then serve at once, adding at the last moment a tablespoonful of whipped cream to each cup. It is considered an improvement by some to use two thirds chocolate and one third malted nuts. Other chocolate is not recommended, as it contains an injurious alkaloid, which in the Sanitas brand is removed by a special process. EGG-NOG Milk, 1/2 glass. Sugar, 1 teaspoon. (347) 348 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK Beat tlie white of tlie egg stiff, and add the sugar; beat again, and add the yolk; beat, and add the milk. Flavor to suit, mix well, and garnish with a half spoonful of the white. Either part or all of the milk may be left out, and fruit juice added in its place. FEUIT NECTAE For every eight parts of other fruit juice used, add one part of lemon juice, and sweeten to taste. A combination of fruit juices, as grape, cherry, and raspberry, makes a very fine nectar. Always include the lemon juice. The nectar should be served ice cold. STRAWBERRY NECTAR Ripe strawberries, crushed, 4 cups. "Water, 4 cups. Lemon, sliced very thin, 1. Sugar, 2 cups. Mix all together, and let stand in a glass or earthen jar for two hours; strain through a coarse cloth, and keep on ice until served. MINT JULEP Sugar, 1 cup. Mint sprigs, 6. Strawberry juice, % cup. Juice of 4 lemons. Water, 1 pint. Boiling water, 1 cup. Raspberry juice, % cup. Ice. BEVERAGES 349 Boil the sugar and water twenty minutes; crush the mint, and pour over it one cup of boiling water. Let stand five or ten minutes, strain, and pour into the sirup. To this add strawberry, raspberry, and lemon juices. Serve ice-cold. LEMONADE NO. 1 The best lemonade is made from lemon sirup. Into the juice of twelve lemons grate the rind of six. Be careful to exclude all seeds and the inner white skin, as they impart a bitter taste. Let stand overnight. Make thick sirup of white sugar, and when cold strain the lemon juice into it. A tablespoonful added to a glass of water makes a perfect lemonade. LEMONADE NO. 2 Three lemons to a pint of water make a strong lem- onade. Sweeten to taste. PINEAPPLE LEMONADE Lemon juice, % cup. Pineapple juice, 1 cup. Sugar, 1 cup. Water, 1 quart. Bring the water and sugar to a boil, cool, and add lemon and pineapple juices. Serve ice-cold. 350 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK OEANGEADE Sugar, 1 cup. Water, 2 cups. Orange juice, 2 cups. Cracked ice. Boil sugar and water together ten minutes to make a sirup; then add the orange juice, and let it cool. When cold, pour into goblets half filled with cracked ice. APOLLINARIS LEMONADE Juice of 6 lemons. Rind of 4 lemons, sliced very thin. Sugar, 2 cups. Apollinaris water, ice-cold, ^ bottle. Cracked ice. Mix the lemon juice, rind of the lemons, and sugar to- gether, and add Apollinaris water. Serve in goblets of cracked ice. UTENSILS Convenient Articles for the Kitchen Omelet Pan 23 Flour Sieve (353) 354 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Frencli Enife Pastry Tubes UTENSILS 355 Batter Bowl Milk Pan Strainer Vegetable Slicer Pie Markers UTENSILS 357 Pastry Bag Feel mjim Scallop Knife 358 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK Asbestos Mat Wire Potato Masher Batter Whip Scales Double Boiler KITCHEN UTENSILS No room in the house or institution requires more care and painstaking effort in the matter of furnishing than the kitchen. A large part of the health and comfort of the family depends upon the success of this all-important room. A good kitchen outfit is one of the foundation stones of good housekeeping. NUMBER OF UTENSILS The number of cooking utensils will depend upon the size of the household and the extent of work to be done. It is unwise to lay in a large stock of all possible articles just because there is a possibility of their being used at some time. The better plan is to secure the necessary articles first, and buy the others as occasion may demand. This list should not be curtailed for the sake of display in some other department where less depends upon the re- sult. It is true economy to buy the best quality and of simple construction. Kitchen utensils should have a smooth surface, and be light enough to handle well and heavy enough to be durable. They should be of such material as will not dis- color the food prepared in them and will stand a high temperature without becoming rough. They should be suf- ficiently solid not to absorb flavors and thus transmit them to other preparations. (359) 360 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK GRANITE WARE For the preparation of cooked salad dressings, cooking of fruits, desserts, etc., granite ware is very desirable; but in many eases aluminum is displacing granite. TINWARE Such, articles as steamers, cake tins, strainers, graters, flour scoops, molds for puddings, measures, milk pans, dip- pers, cutters, flour sieves, funnels, salt shakers, dust-pans, bread tins, strainers, and boxes for meal and bread, cake, etc., can as well be of tin as of more expensive material. A tin pie pan will render good service for a time, but is liable to discolor the crust. For this and other reasons we recommend granite pie pans. It is not profitable to purchase tin teakettles if durability is considered. STEEL WARE Iron utensils can not be used for cooking fruit or any food substance containing acids, as they discolor the food and destroy the flavor. Steel ware, tho more expensive at first, is cheaper in the long run, both in the home and in institutions, because of its practicability and lasting quali- ties. Where the granite is chipped it is irreparable, while a steel kettle can be retrimmed at a small expense. WOOD The following articles made of wood are serviceable: molding boards, rolling-pins, spoons, potato mashers, chop- UTENSILS 361 ping-bowls, paddles for stirring, rollers for towels, pie markers. GENERAL UTENSILS NEEDED IN THE KITCHEN Stone jars for butter, jugs, knives, egg beater, steel dish-cloth, tablespoons, iron spoons, lemon squeezer, cake turner, skimmer, can opener, ice pick, batter whips, steels, apple corer, scales, scrubbing and vegetable brushes, brooms, roll bakers, iron gem pans, toasters, saucepans, corkscrew, refrigerator. For mincing such foods as cold potatoes, beets, fruit, etc., choppers may be made by melting off the ends of small tin cans on top of a hot stove. A can should be selected that has been opened on the end not containing the inner circular piece of tin. After melting off the whole of the smooth end, the small round piece on the other end can be melted off without removing the whole end, if it is set on a red hot stove for a short time. While the can is still hot, run the back of a vegetable knife around the edge to remove the rough solder. Use this chopper on food in a flat pan to keep the food from spreading. Bread, pie, and cake tins should be placed in the oven before using the first time, and be heated until they are tarnished. This wiU give the food baked in them a better color. A vegetable mill is almost indispensable to a kitchen. This with its various dies may be used for grinding onions, nuts, stale bread, legumes, corn for cornlet, etc. Some of the articles shown in the accompanying illus- tration should be found in every kitchen. Experience has 362 VEGETAEIAN COOK BOOK tauglit US that it is to tlie advantage of every cook to have a reasonable number of labor-saving devices at hand. A bakery brush such as is shown in the illustration is very handy for brushing up the flour from the molding board. The spatula has so many uses that a person who once finds out its value, will never be without one. The peel is very convenient for removing pies, gem pans, and such articles from the hot oven. For one of the uses of the pie marker, see Unfermented Rolls. For beating large quantities of eggs and many other things, the batter whip is indispensable. The pastry brush is used to brush the tops of two- crust pies. See Pastry Glazing. The cake tin shown in the illustration is desirable, be- cause the cake can be so easily removed. The same results, however, can be obtained by placing in the bottom of the tin an oiled piece of manila paper. The trough scraper is a convenient article for scra- ping the dough from the board or table, as well as clean- ing the trough. There are several varieties of flour sieves, but one sim- ilar to that shown in the cut is the most practical. It can be used to strain thin sauces and soups, as well as for flour. For family use the steamer here shown is very prac- tical, as it can be set over a pie tin with water in it, or over a large kettle. Double boilers of the shape shown in the cut are better UTENSILS 363 than those with more flaring bottoms, because they take up less room on the stove. The sieve represented in the illustration is very service- able for removing dirt from such articles as beans, pea- nuts, etc. If the seedless raisins from which it is so dif- ficult to remove the stems, are placed in this, and vigor- ously rubbed, good results will be obtained. The milk-pan strainer is the right size to fit an eight quart double boiler; and having a flare bottom, it is very handy for straining soups, tomatoes, etc. The Chinese strainer is serviceable for such work as washing raw rice, and straining thin gravies, sauces, and soups. The metal batter bowl is not so likely to be broken, and for all-round purposes is more practical than the earthen ware. The vegetable mill shown in the accompanying illustra- tion can be so adjusted as to cut fine or coarse slices. It also has a device for pushing the vegetables to be cut, toward the cutting knives, so that there need be no danger of cutting the fingers. There are many varieties of food grinders. The one shown in the cut is a good one, having several dies. The kitchen equipment is not complete without it. The asbestos mat is especially convenient where one is cooking over gas or oil fires, or where one wishes some article to cook slowly. Gem pans similar to those here shown, are preferable to the ones having flat bottoms. A soapstone griddle will be found a great aid in pro- 364 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK ducing desirable hot cakes or in broiling protose, nnttolene, and the like. Food preparations are not so liable to stick to such a griddle, therefore less oil need be used. A pan used for the preparation of omelets should not be used for anything else. Shir pans similar to the ones shown, are made for one or two eggs. The pan should not be too large, or the egg will spread out too thin. Three brushes are shown on the page of illustrations. The vegetable brush is convenient for washing celery, and other vegetables that are to be cooked with the skins on, such as potatoes for baking, new potatoes, beets, etc. The other brushes will be found useful in the washing of pots. The iron dish-cloth is also a desirable adjunct. By the assistance of the vegetable scoop, imitations of new potatoes may be scooped out of large old potatoes. These, cooked and served with canned peas in the early spring, are quite suggestive. With the use of this scoop, balls of jelly or gelatine may be prepared for garnishing salads and desserts. An ice pick similar to the one shown will be found to save time and money in cutting ice. A French knife is much more convenient for mincing vegetables and other foods than the kind that leaves no room for the hand between the handle and the cutting board. If one possesses two such knives, grasp the handles of both in the right hand, and place the palm of the left over the back of the blades to hold the points in position ; then with rapid up-and-down motions of the right hand, UTENSILS 365 the mincing of parsley, celery, and other vegetables will be found to be very easy. No kitchen should be without its steel, and every cook should know how to use it. Much time is lost because of dull knives. A wire potato masher will enable the cook to prepare a much better article in a great deal less time than with a wooden one. FOOD TABLES FOOD TABLES In the accompanying tables of food values, published by Prof. W. 0. Atwater, Ph.D., in a bulletin of the United States Agricultural Department, the nutritive food ele- ments are classified under four heads: protein, or that which builds muscle and other tissue; fat and carbohy- drates, which supply heat and energy; and the ash, or mineral, which contains elements needed to repair bones and nerves. Gluten, found principally in wheat ; albumen, in eggs and meat; casein, in milk; fibrin, in flesh; and legumin, in legumes, are protein. Carbohydrates include starch and sugar. According to scientific research, it has been found that to nourish the body properly it must be supplied with about five times as much of the carbohy- drates as of the protein. This is a matter all should understand, for thus much inconvenience may be avoided. 24 (369) AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF COMMON AMERICAN FOOD PRODUCTS rood materials (as purchased) 1 'S 1 "A ANIMAL FOOD Beef and pork Porterhouse steak Perct. 12.7 8.4 10.7 Perct. 52.4 49.2 48.0 7.9 17.4 47.1 42.4 58.5 40.4 40.2 19.2 63.5 53.6 88.3 80.8 36.7 30.7 65.5 11.0 87.0 90.5 91.0 26.9 74.0 27.4 34.2 11.4 11.3 12.0 12.0 10.3 9.6 13.6 12.9 12.5 7.7 12.3 11.4 Perct. 19.1 14.3 13.5 1.9 9.1 13.7 16.1 11.1 10.2 16.0 20.5 21.8 23.7 6.0 10.6 7.9 5.9 13.1 1.0 3.3 3.4 3.0 8.8 2.5 27.7 25.9 13.8 13.3 11.4 14.0 13.4 12.1 6.4 6.8 9.2 16.7 8.0 .4 Perct. 17.9 23.8 25.9 86.2 62.2 12.3 18.4 .2 4.2 .4 8.8 12.1 12.1 1.3 1.1 .9 .7 9.3 85.0 4.0 .3 .5 8.3 18.5 36.8 33.7 1.9 2.2 1.0 1.9 .9 1.8 1.2 .9 1.9 7.3 .3 .1 Perct. 3.3 5.2 .6 .2 "h'.h 5.1 4.8 54.1 4.5 4.1 2.4 71.9 71.4 75.1 71.2 74.1 75.2 77.9 78.7 75.4 66.2 79.0 88.0 90.0 53.1 47.1 Perct. I .8 4.6 .8 3.9 4.1 .7 .8 .8 .7 18.5 7.4 2.6 5.3 1.1 2.3 1.5 .8 .9 3.0 .7 .7 .7 1.9 .5 4.0 3.8 1.0 1.8 .5 .9 1.3 1.3 .9 .7 1.0 2.1 .4 .1 1.1 2.1 ^erct. 37.8 42.7 jjam 40.2 92.0 7.7 25.9 22.7 29.9 44.7 24.9 44.4 75.4 Poultry 26.7 35.3 Fisli 12.1 15.1 Cod salt 34.9 36.7 Fish, canned 36.5 o5.0 41.1 SheUflsh 11.7 19.2 52.4 61.7 oil. 2 10.9 7.6 23.8 Dairy products, etc. Butter 89.0 Whole milk 13.0 9.5 9.0 73.1 26.0 72.6 65.8 VEGETABLE FOOD Flour, meal, etc. 88.6 88.7 Wheat flour, roller process — High-grade and medium. . 88.0 88.0 Macaroni, vermicelli, etc. . . . 89.7 90.4 86.4 87.1 87.5 92.3 87.7 88.6 90.0 Bread, pastry, etc. 35.3 43.6 9.2 5.4 1.3 1.8 64.7 Brown bread 56.4 aRefuse, shell. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF COMMON AMERICAN FOOD PRODUCTS Food materials (as purchased) 1 1 a '3 g 1 .§2 o < VEGETABLE FOOD — (continued) Graham bread Perct Perct. 35.7 38.4 35.7 19.9 6.8 4.8 5.9 Perct 8.9 9.7 9.0 6.3 9.7 11.3 9.8 Perct 1.8 .9 .6 9.0 12.1 10.5 9.1 Perct 52,1 49.7 53.2 63.3 69.7 70.5 73.1 70.0 96.0 81.0 100.0 71.4 59.6 22.0 6.9 7.7 4.8 2.6 19.7 2.6 2.5 6.8 8.9 10.8 62.0 16.9 60.8 14.7 2.2 21.9 3.2 4.5 3.9 5.7 19.6 9.8 19.0 18.6 4.0 5.0 1.1 5.6 Perct 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.7 2.9 2.1 3.5 1.7 .7 .9 .9 .8 .7 .4 .8 1.2 .5 1.1 2.9 1.0 3.4 .8 .4 .9 2.1 .4 .5 .6 2.1 1.1 .9 ,9 .6 1.5 1.2 1.5 Perct. 64.3 Whole wheat bread 61.6 Rye bread 64.3 Cake 80.1 Cream crackers 93.2 95.2 94.1 Sugars, etc. Molasses 70.0 Candy a 96 Honey 81.0 Sugar, granulated 100 Maple sirup 71 4 Vegetables b Beans, dried 12.6 68.5 83.0 70.0 77.7 75.6 75.4 81.1 80.5 88.1 78.9 66.4 9.5 74.6 13.0 62.6 56.6 55.2 92.3 44.2 94.3 62.7 68.9 85.3 76.1 75.9 94.0 88.6 92.9 90.0 22.5 7.1 2.1 1.3 1.4 .9 3.1 .7 1.0 3.5 1.4 1.3 24.6 7.0 21.4 1.8 .4 1.4 2.1 .7 .9 .9 6.9 3.6 2.8 3.6 1.2 2.1 4.4 1.8 1.8 .7 .3 .1 .2 .1 1.1 .2 .2 .4 .3 .4 1.0 .5 1.4 .1 .4 .6 .3 .2 .4 .1 2.5 .2 1.2 1.0 .2 2.8 .4 1.1 87 4 Beans, Lima, shelled 31 5 Beans, string 7.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 'is .'6 15.0 10 Beets 10 Cabbage 7 3 4 4 Corn, green (sweet), edible part Cucumbers 24.6 3.9 Lettuce 4 5 Mushrooms 11 9 10.0 20.0 11 1 Parsnips 13 6 Peas (Pisum sativum) , dried Peas (Pisum sativum) , shel'd Cowpeas, dried 90.5 25.4 87 Potatoes 20.0 40.0 20.0 17.4 3.4 24 8 Rhubarb Sweet potatoes Spinach 7.7 5.8 5.7 7.3 31.1 14.7 23.9 24.1 6.0 11.4 7.1 10.0 Squash 50.0 Tomatoes Turnips 30.0 Vegetables, canned Baked beans Peas (Pisum sativum) , green Com, green Succotash Tomatoes Soups Celery, cream of Beef Tomato aPlain confectionery not containing nuts, fruit, or chocolate. bSuch vegetables as potatoes, squash, beets, etc., have a certain amount of inedible material, skin, seeds, etc. The amount varies with the method of pre- paring the vegetables, and can not be accurately estimated. The figures given for refuse of vegetables, fruits, etc., are assumed to represent approximately the amount of refuse in these foods as ordinarily prepared. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF COMMON AMERICAN FOOD PRODUCTS Pood materials (as purchased) 1 3 o u ll .CI < J ■2g a 'A VEGETABLE FOOD — (continued) Fruits, berries, etc., fresh a Perct. 25.0 35.0 25.0 80.0 50.0 27.0 10.0 Perct. 63.3 48.9 58.0 62.5 44.8 63.4 76.0 66.1 85.8 85.9 87.5 28.1 29.4 13.8 18.8 13.1 2.7 2.6 .6 87.8 4.5 7.2 8.5 1.8 1.4 1.4 6.9 2.0 .6 1.0 5.9 4,6 98.2 Perct. .3 .8 1.0 .7 .8 .6 .5 .8 1.0 .9 .2 1.6 4.7 1.9 4.8 2.3 11.5 8.6 3.8 5.2 8.1 2.9 6.3 7.5 5.8 5.2 19.5 8.7 7.2 6.9 12.9 21.6 .2 Perct. .3 ,4 1.2 .5 "\i .4 .7 "'\k .1 2.2 1.0 2.5 .3 3.0 30.2 83.7 8.3 4.5 5.3 25.9 57.4 31.3 25.5 33.3 29.1 36.8 14.6 26.6 48.7 28.9 Perct. 10.8 14.3 14.4 5.9 4.6 8.5 12.7 31.5 12.6 7.0 2.7 66.1 62.5 70.6 74.2 68.5 9.5 3.5 .5 35.4 56.4 14.8 31.5 6.2 4.3 6.2 18.5 10.2 3.0 6.8 30.3 37.7 1.4 Perct. .3 .6 .4 .4 .3 .4 .4 .9 .6 .6 .1 2.0 2.4 1.2 2.4 3.1 1.1 2.0 .4 1.1 1.7 .9 1.3 1.1 .8 .7 1.5 1.7 .5 .6 2.2 7.2 .2 Perct. 11.7 16.1 17.0 7.5 5.2 9.6 14.0 Persimmons, edible portion. . 83.9 14.2 5.0 59.4 9.1 8.1 Fruits, dried 71.9 70.6 10.0 76.2 81.2 10.0 45.0 49.6 86.4 16.0 24.0 648.8 76.9 Nuts 52.3 47.8 13.0 46.2 71.5 44.0 96.5 Filberts 52. i 62.2 53.2 24.5 40.6 74.1 58.1 46.1 36.4 45.4 68.6 Pinon (Pinus edulis) 57.4 25.3 "Walnuts, English 40.9 Miscellaneous 94.1 95.4 Cereal coffee, infusion (Ipart boiled in 20 parts water )c 1.8 aFruits contain a certain portion of inedible materials, as skin, seeds, etc., •which are properly classed as refuse. _ In some fruits, as oranges and prunes, the amount rejected in eating is practically the same as refuse. In others, as apples and pears, more or less of the edible materal is ordinarily rejected with the skin and seeds and other inedible portions. The edible material which is thus thrown away, and should properly be classed with the waste, is here classed with the refuse. The figures for refuse here given represent, as nearly as can be ascertained, the quantities ordinarily rejected. 2)Milk and shell. cThe average of five analyses of cereal coffee grain is: Water 6:2, protein 13.8, fat 8.4, carbohydrates 72.6, and ash 4.5 per cent. Only a portion of the nutrients, however, enter into the infusion. The average in the table repre- sents the available nutrients in the beverage. Infusions of genuine coffee and of tea like the above contain practically no nutrients. FOOD COMBINATIONS FOOD COMBINATIONS If one would obtain the best result from food, certain rules in regard to its combination should be observed. This instruction applies to all, but more particularly to the cook who has the framing of the bill of fare for the home. We recommend simplicity in diet, bringing in variety, not by having many kinds at one meal, but by varying from meal to meal. Therefore such foods as are placed on the table should be those that combine well. For example, a fruit dessert such as berry pie should not be served with a vegetable dinner. Squash or custard pie might be served in its place. If it is desired to serve a fruit dessert, such foods as rice, macaroni, and nut foods might accompany it. If a careful study is made of this phase of dietetics, much good will follow. Study the classifications given below. GOOD COMBINATIONS Grains and fruits. Grains and eggs. Milk and grains. Grains and vegetables. BAD COMBINATIONS Sugar and milk. Fruit and vegetables. Milk and meat. Fats with fruits or vegetables. The weights given in the following table are for one cup of the articles mentioned. OUNCES OUNCES Graham flour 4% Scotch peas 7 White flour 4% Granulated sugar 6% Whole wheat 4% Cane sugar 4% Seconds 3% Milk 7^ (375) 376 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK OUNCES Eye meal 3% Corn-meal 6 Oatmeal 5% Eolled oats 3% Eolled wheat 3% Cracked wheat 5% Qrits 5 Eiee 7 Farina 5% Hominy 7 Sago 6% Tapioca 5% Pearl barley 6% Lima beans 6 White beans 7 LentUs 6% OUNCES Seedless raisins 6% Granola 4 Popcorn 6% Prunes 7 Almonds 2% Hickory nuts 4 Pecans 4 Brazil nuts 3^^ Pine nuts 6% Dates 6% Pigs 8 Broken macaroni 4 Vermicelli 3% Corn-starch 4^ Shredded coconut 2 The aceompanying tables showing the composition of milk and its by-products wiU be of interest to those study- ing the subject from a scientific standpoint: MILK Protein 4.1 Fat 3.9 Sugar of milk 5.2 Mineral matter 0.8 Water 86.0 SKIM MILK Protein 4.0 Fat 7.8 Sugar 3.8 Mineral matter 0.8 Water 88.0 CEEAM Protein 2.7 Fat 26.7 Sugar of mUk 2.8 Mineral matter 1.8 Water 66.0 BUTTEEMILK Protein 4.1 Fat 0.7 Sugar 3.6 Mineral matter 0.8 Water 88.0 FOOD COMBINATIONS 377 The following table of weights and measures may be helpful in case no scales are at hand: 5 heaping tablespoons of flour 1 cupful. 5 heaping tablespoons of sugar i^ cupful. 2 rounding tablespoons of flour 1 ounce. I heaping tablespoon of sugar 1 ounce, 9 eggs 1 pound. II eggs 1 pint, 1 pint of liquid 1 pound. 1 cup % pint. 3% cups sifted flour 1 pound, 2% cups of flour 1 pound, 2 cups of butter 1 pound. 2 cups of sugar 1 pound. 10 tablespoons of oil % cupful. By practise one is enabled to guess quite accurately as to the amount of grain to be used with any given amount of water in the cooking of cereals. For the benefit of be- ginners and any who wish to be accurate, the following table is given. It is not our purpose to make this list an extensive one, as good judgment will tell one that various grains of the same nature, will require the same amount of water; for instance, rolled oats and rolled wheat. QEAIN WATBE Oatmeal 1 part 4 parts Eolled oats 1 " 3 Pearl barley 1 " 5 Cracked wheat 1 " ^V^ Eolled rye 1 " 3 Coarse hominy 1 * * 5 Corn-meal 1 " 4 Cream of wheat 1 * * 4 378 VEGETARIAN COOK BOOK GRAIN WATER Graham 1 part 3 parts Steamed riee 1 " 2 " Browned rice 1 " 3 * * The time required for cooking depends on tlie kind of cereal, and upon the method by which it is cooked. The first seven given in this list are more wholesome when cooked from three to five hours. The last four will cook properly in one half to one hour. PECUNIARY ECONOMY OF FOOD Amounts of Actually Nutritive Ingredients Obtained in Different Food Materials for 10 Cents Amount of nutrient in pounds ; fuel value in calories Protei, Fats Carbohydrates Kielliz/ue FOOD MATERIALS cSlls t'Ai Pounds oF Nutrienij and Ca/oHe.s of Fuel Value Iti lO cents Worth, eoooCai. ' li^£t^,fiOwnd 14 .71 aPgfc^, MaJlOViX- 20 .50 jp££|-, xoRoufeg/I/ 12 .85 dlfjudXarv, \£x^ 16 .65 <^ (I . Bl> Qrjyi/l^, ^cJiZ, fat .85 Stanh, Mnanic! 56 Ccuj^ftw, ^tc, 2>b^iOMa'A l>2ib ^jMe/o 25 .40 OfWi ^ Ife .fe5 (^44^, 24'^ciQ^m.> • 1(0 .65 IT \Xj\wa)b%^izad 2.00 [Mneai ^iou/i/ 5.53 Hit.: i^otn^m&cvL/ n 4.00 &