LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 639 145 2 HoUinget pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1955 mm.- n^'^t: i"^ 1-^ If 00 (jftl^S^XJ E 314 ic Cop" 1 MESSAGE TROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STA T E S, TRANSMITTING THE CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN, IN RELATION TO THE SIXTH ARTICLE OF THE TREATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE & NAVIGATION, BETWEEN THE TWO NATIONS. \ 2nh APRIL, 1802. Read^ and ordered to be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means* WASHINGTON city: PRINTED BY WILLIAM DUANE. 1802, ■■11^ lifer ■I 3 BETWEEN (jEnglanD anD tfte dniteU ^mzs, CONCLUDED AT LONDON, JANUARY THE 8th, 1802. Accompanying a written message from the President^ received the 27th April, 1802. JDlFFICULTIES having arisen in the exe- cution of the sixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, concluded at London, on the fourth day of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, and in consequence thereof the proceedings of the com- missioners under the seventh article of the same treaty having been suspended, the parties to the said treaty being equally desirous, as far as may be, to obviate such difficulties, have respectively named plenipotentiaries to treat and agree respecting the same, that is to say his Britannic Majesty has named for his plenipotentiary, the right honourable Robert Banks Jenkinson, commonly called lord Hawkesbury, one of his Majesty's most honourable privy council, and his principal secretary of state for foreign affairs ; \ r^'- V > i) ( 6 ) and the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof, has named for their plenipotentiary Rufus King, Esquire, minister plenipotentiary of the said United States to i his Britannic Majesty, who have agreed to and con- ^:luded the following articles : — ARTICLE I. In satisfaction and discharge of the money / which the United States might have been liable to pay in pursuance of the provisions of the said sixth article, which is hereby declared to be cancelled and annulled, except so far as the same may relate to the execution of the said seventh article, the United States of America hereby engage to pay, and his Britannic Majesty consents to accept for the use of the persons described in the said sixth article, the sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterling, pay- able at the times and place, and in the manner fol- lowing, that is to say, the said sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterling shall be paid at the city of Washington, in three annual instalments of two hundred thousand pounds sterling each, and to such person or persons as shall be authorised by his Bri- tannic Majesty, to receive the same ; the first of the said instalments to be paid at the expiration of one year ; the second instalment at the expiration of two years ; and the third and last instalment at the expiration of three years next following the exchange of the ratifications of this convention. And to pre- vent any disagreement concerning the rate of ex- changes the said payments shall be made in the money of the said United States, reckoning four dollars and forty-ibur cents to be equal to one pound sterling. C 7 ) ARTICLE II. Whereas it is agreed by the fourth article of the definitive treaty of peace, concluded at Paris, on the third day of September, one thousand seven hundred tmd eighty-three, between his Britannic Majesty and tlte United States, that creditors on either side should tiik^t With no lav>^ful impediment to the recovery of the fuljl/value in sterling money of all " bonxi fide'' debts tEeretofore contracted ; it is hereby declared that die said fourth article, so far as respects its future opera- tion, is hereby recognized, confirmed and declared to be binding and obligatory on his Britannie Majesty and the said United States, and the same shall be ac- cordingly observed with punctuality and good faith, and so as that the said creditors shall hereafter meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value In sterling money of their bona fide debts, ARTICLE nx. It is furthermore agreed and concluded that the comftnissioners appointed in /pursuance of the seventh article of the said treaty of amity, commerce and na- vigation, and whose proceedings have been suspended as aforesaid, shall immediately after the signature of this convention, reassemble and proceed in the exe- cution of their duties, according to the provisions of the said seventh article, except only, that instead^ the sums awarded by the said commissioner*H:!^ing made payable at the time or times by them appointed, all sums of money by thepi awarded to be paid to American or British claimants, according to the pro- visions of the said seventh article, shall be made pay- able in three equal instalments, the first whereof, to be paid at the expiration of one year ; the second at the expiration of two years ; and the third and last at I LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS ■H. ( 8 y 010 639 145 2 t the expiration of three years next after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention. ' ARTICLE IV. This convention, when the same shall liave beeti ratified by his Majesty, and by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consCtot o^ the Senate thereof, and the respective ratificanon duly exchanged, shall be binding and obligatory up- on his Majesty and the said United States. In faith whereof, We the undersigned plenipo- tentiaries of his Britannic Majesty, and of the United States of America, by virtue of our respective full powers, have signed the present convention, and, have caused the seals of our arms to be afiixedj thereto. DONE at London the eighth day of January, | one thousand eight hundred and two. ' HAWKESBURY, (l. s.) RUFUS KING. (l. s.) HoUinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3-1955 \ HoUinger pH8.5 \AiU Pun F^.iQ<;<