w * ! ' pi^'.^ |Sf7TTCT HS30\ ' L'» Book. ,' 'd ~ JO Copyright^ 10 CORfRIGHT DEPOSIT ■ MOMENTS WITH THE CONSOLING CHRIST foments tottf) t|je Consoling Christ PRAYERS SELECTED FROM THOMAS A KEMPIS BY REV. JOHN A. DILLON, LL.D. WITH FOREWORD BY Right Rev. JOHN J. O'CONNOR, D.D. BISHOP OF NEWARK NEW YORK SCHWARTZ, KIRWIN & FAUSS <; ffiltyil iDfotat Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D. Censor Librorum jmpthmtm Joseph F. Mooney, V.G. Administrator New York, December %> 1918 DEC 23 1918 COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY SCHWARTZ, KIRWIN & FAUSS ©GLA508.638 *s. < TO <*-' MARY IMMACULATE * THE VALIANT WOMAN y Mother of the Consoling Christ EXEMPLAR OF HEROIC WOMANHOOD FOREWORD LOURING the last five centuries men and women, weighed down with the cares of fife, have gathered strength and courage and comfort by reflecting on the thoughts of Thomas a Kempis. So personal is the message which his writings convey that, open them where you will, the passage that first meets the eye seems to be singularly suited to the needs of each individual soul. With the philosophy, reflections and quotations in the works of this ascetical writer are interwoven beautiful prayers, concealed like hidden treasures, just as in Holy Scripture the prayers which so effectively touched the Heart of Christ when He was on earth are sometimes lost sight of, surrounded as they are by the vivid descriptions and striking illus- trations of the Sacred Text. Doctor Dillon has collected the prayers of a Kempis and arranged them under well-chosen titles into this little volume. The words of the text have not been JForetoori altered. Hence their solidity and effi- cacy remain. At no time in the history of the world has prayer been more urgent and imper- ative. In attendance at Mass, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, preparation and thanksgiving for Confession and Communion, the use of this prayer book will do much to increase fervor and devotion. And when difficulties perplex, temptations assail and sorrow overwhelms, I am confident that troubled souls will find adequate expression of their spiritual wants in " Moments with the Consoling Christ." ^John J. O'Connor Bishop of Newark Feast of All Saints 1918 CONTENTS PAGE The Cross of Christ 1 Christ our Divine Teacher 3 Christ our Bountiful Good 7 Christ our Safe Refuge 10 Christ our Pledge of Grace .... 13 Christ our Ardent Desire 16 Christ our Infallible Truth .... 21 Christ our Firm Confidence 25 Christ our Only Rest 27 Christ our Glorious Example .... 31 Christ our Place of Strength ... 34 Christ our Anchor of Hope 37 Christ our Just Law 43 Christ our Living Way ....... 48 Christ our Unfailing Light 50 Christ our Faithful Guide 52 Christ our Hidden Wisdom 55 Christ our Merciful Deliverer ... 57 Christ our Strong Defence 60 Christ our Future Glory 63 Christ our True Friend 67 Christ our Throne of Mercy .... 73 Content* Christ our Everlasting Joy . . . Christ our Blessed Resignation . Christ our Royal Pardon .... Christ our Holy Perseverance . Christ our Generous Reward . . Christ our Priceless Ransom . . The Mother of Christ Christ our Adorable Sacrament . Christ our Spiritual Refreshment Christ our Heavenly Bread . . . Christ our Fountain of Sweetness Christ our Devout Preparation . Christ our Clean Oblation . Christ our Celestial Banquet Christ our Sovereign Peace . Christ our Abiding Presence Christ our Internal Union . Christ our Eternal Blessing 75 82 89 93 97 99 103 106 118 123 128 134 135 139 146 150 153 156 %f)t Ctpssf of C&rtet God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. — Gal 6 : 14. CROSS of my Saviour! I adore Thee, I embrace thee with the most profound humility, the most ardent love. vJ CROSS, how happy art thou to have pillowed the thorn-crowned head of the Holy of Holies, and supported His nail-pierced feet! Thou art forever sanctified by the body of Jesus and con- secrated by His blood. 1 HOU art the bed of pain which heard the last words and received the last sigh of the Son of God; the altar upon which He offered Himself for the sins of the world. Thou art the Ark of the Cove- nant bearing the Author of the Old and the New Testament, the urn of gold en- closing the hidden Manna, the treasury of the riches of heaven. 1 2 JHomente tott|) t&e Consoling C&rtet XjLESSED Cross! from thee have come the Sacraments of the Church. By thee Priests are consecrated, the sick receive the last anointing, the dying are strengthened and comforted. \J CROSS of my Redeemer and my Cod, how sweet and powerful thou art to heal the wounds of our soul, to com- fort our sorrowing hearts! Thou hast brought salvation and joy to the world, and plunged into hell the demons of gloom and despair. xHOU art the hope of the faithful, the shield of martyrs, the strength of confessors, the crown of virgins, the consolation of the sorrowing, the support of old age, the guide of youth, and the refuge of all in tribulation. PRECIOUS tree, thou that hast borne on thy branches the Fruit of Life, and witnessed the anguish of the Mother of Jesus, grant that at my death I may be received by Him to whom thou hast served as the instrument of my salvation. Amen. Cfjrist out SDtfeme Racier Direct me in Thy truth; and teach me; for Thou art God my Saviour; and on Thee have I waited all the day long. — Ps. 24:5. TRUTH! my God! make me one with Thee in everlasting love. I am often wearied with the many things I read and hear; in Thee is all that I wish or long for. JLjET all teachers hold their peace, and all created things keep silence in Thy presence; do Thou alone speak to me. 1J.ELP me, Lord God, in my good purpose and in Thy holy service, and grant that I may this day begin indeed, since what I have hitherto done is nothing. QPEAK, Lord, for Thy servant heareth. 1 am Thy servant; give me under- standing, that I may know Thy testi- monies. 3 4 foments toitf) tf)e Coiusolitiff Cfcriat INCLINE my heart to the words of Thy mouth; let Thy speech distill as the dew. HERETOFORE the children of Israel said to Moses: Speak thou to us, and we will hear; let not the Lord speak to us, lest we die. IT is not thus, Lord, it is not thus I pray ; but rather with the Prophet Samuel I humbly and earnestly entreat: Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth. XjET not Moses, nor any of the Prophets, speak to me; but speak Thou rather, Lord God, the Inspirer and Enlightener of all the Prophets; for Thou alone, without them, canst per- fectly instruct me; but they, without Thee, will avail me nothing. 1 HEY may indeed sound forth words, but they give not the spirit. MOST beautifully do they speak; but if Thou be silent, they inflame not the heart. C&riat our SDtotne Ceac&er 5 THEY give the letter, but Thou disclosest the sense. 1 HEY publish the mysteries, but Thou unlockest the meaning of the things signified. 1 HEY declare the commandments, but Thou enablest us to fulfill them. 1 HEY show the way, but Thou givest strength to walk in it. WHAT they can do is only from without, but Thou instructest and en- lightenest the heart. 1 HEY water outwardly, but Thou givest the increase. 1 HEY cry aloud in words, but Thou impartest understanding to the hearing. J_jET not, then, Moses speak to us, but Thou, Lord my God, the eternal 6 foments tottj) t|>e Condoling; Clmst Truth, lest I die and prove fruitless, if I be admonished only outwardly, and not inflamed within. JLjEST it be to my condemnation that the word be heard and not fulfilled, known and not loved, believed and not observed. s PEAK then, Lord, for Thy servant heareth: for Thou hast the words of eternal life. !^PEAK to me, that it may be some comfort to my soul, and the amendment of my whole life; and also to Thy praise, and glory, and everlasting honor. BLESSED is the man whom Thou, Lord, shalt instruct, and shalt teach him Thy law; that Thou may est give him rest from the evil days and that he may not be desolate upon earth. C&ttet our ©ottnttftil (Boob I will show thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee. Verily to do judgment, and to love mercy, and to walk solicitous with thy God. — ML 6:8. LORD my God, Thou art all my good; and who am I that I should dare to speak to Thee? 1 AM Thy most poor servant, and a wretched little worm, much more poor and contemptible than I can conceive or dare express. x ET remember, Lord, that I am nothing, I have nothing, and can do nothing. 1 HOU alone art good, just, and holy; Thou canst do all things; Thou givest all things; Thou fillest all things, leaving only the sinner empty. 7 8 Jftoments tottf) tfte Consoling; Cj)ti$i REMEMBER Thy tender mercies, and fill my heart with Thy grace, Thou who wilt not that Thy works should be void. AJ.OW can I support myself in this wretched life, unless Thy mercy and grace strengthen me? J.URN not away Thy face from me; delay not Thy visitation, withdraw not Thy comfort, lest my soul become as earth without water to Thee. LORD, teach me to do Thy will; teach me to converse worthily and humbly in Thy sight; for Thou art my wisdom; Thou knowest me in the truth, and didst know me before the world was made, and before I was born in the world. JLjORD, teach me, I beseech Thee, the way of truth, that I may always seek Thee in simplicity of heart. C&rist out ^Sountifttl (S5oo*j 9 LET Thy Truth teach me, let it guard me, and preserve me unto a happy end. 1_jET it deliver me from all evil affec- tion and inordinate love, and I shall walk with Thee in great freedom of heart. Cfjttet out &afc Eefuge Our God is our refuge and strength — a helper in troubles. — Ps. 45 ; 4. I BLESS Thee, heavenly Father, Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, because Thou has vouchsafed to be mindful of me, poor as I am. FATHER of mercies, and God of aU consolation, I give thanks to Thee, that sometimes Thou art pleased to cherish with Thy consolation, me who am unworthy of any consolation. 1 BLESS and glorify Thee evermore, together with Thy only-begotten Son and the Holy Ghost the Comforter, forever and ever. LORD God, my holy lover, when Thou shalt come into my heart, all that is within me shall be filled with joy. 10 Cbridt our Safe Kefttp 11 1 HOU art my glory and the exultation of my heart. 1 HOU art my hope and my refuge in the day of tribulation. _L>UT because I am as yet weak in love and imperfect in virtue, therefore do I stand in need of being strengthened and comforted by Thee. Wherefore do Thou visit me often and instruct me in Thy holy discipline. Ij REE me from evil passions and cure my heart of all disorderly affections; so that inwardly healed and well purified, I may become apt to love, courageous to suffer, and steadfast to persevere. MY God, my Love, Thou art all mine, and I am all Thine. ENLARGE Thou me in love, that I may learn to taste with the interior 12 JWomenta toitf) tfje Consolins; Cjmat mouth of the heart how sweet it is to love, and to be dissolved, and to bathe in love. JLjET me be possessed by love, mount- ing up above myself through excess of fervor and ecstasy. 1_jET me sing the canticle of love, let me follow Thee, my Beloved, on high, let my soul quite lose herself in Thy praises, jubilant in Thy love. JLjET me love Thee more than myself, and myself only for Thee, and all others in Thee, who truly love Thee, as the law of love commandeth, which shineth forth from Thee. CJjrtet out pie&ge of (Brace If I have found favour in Thy sight, show me Thy Face, that I may know Thee, and may find grace before Thy eyes. — Ex. 33 : 13. i WILL speak to my Lord, whereas I am dust and ashes. IF I repute myself greater than this, behold, Thou standest against me; and my sins bear a true testimony, and I cannot contradict it. OUT if I abase myself, and bring my- self down to very nothingness, and divest myself of all self-esteem, and reduce myself, as I really am, to mere dust, Thy grace will be favorable to me, and Thy light will draw nigh to my heart; and all self-estimation, how small soever, will be sunk in the depth of my own nothingness, and there lose itself forever. 13 14 ^amenta tottj) t^e Consoling; Clmst IT is there Thou showest me to myself, what I am, what I have been, and to what I am come; for I am nothing, and I knew it not. IF I am left to myself, behold, I am nothing, and all weakness; but if Thou suddenly look upon me, I presently become strong, and am replenished with new joy. i\ND truly wonderful it is that I am so quickly raised up and so graciously embraced by Thee; I who, by my own weight, am always sinking down to the lowest depths. IT is Thy love that effects this, gratui- tously preventing and assisting me in so many necessities, preserving me also from grievous dangers, and, as I may truly say, rescuing me from innumerable evils. F OR by a perverse loving of myself, I have lost myself; and by seeking Thee C&rtat our JJlettffe of (3vut 15 alone, and purely loving Thee, I have found both myself and Thee; and by this love have more profoundly anni- hilated myself. BECAUSE Thou, most sweet Lord, dost deal with me above all desert, and above all that I dare hope or ask for. BLESSED be Thou, my God; for though I am unworthy of all good, yet Thy generosity and infinite goodness never cease to do good even to those who are ungrateful, and that are turned far away from Thee. L/H, convert us unto Thee, that we may be humble, thankful, and devout; for Thou art our salvation, our courage, and our strength. Cfirtet out jatbmt Wt&itt I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my Beloved, that you tell Him that I languish with love. — Cant. 5 : 8. iNOW I will speak again, Lord, and will not be silent; I will say in the hear- ing of my God and my King who is on high: vJH, how great is the abundance of Thy sweetness, Lord, which Thou hast hidden for those that fear Thee! BlJT what art Thou to those that love Thee? What to those that serve Thee with their whole heart? UNSPEAKABLE, indeed, is the sweet- ness of Thy contemplation, which Thou bestowest on those that love Thee. IN this most of all hast Thou shown me the sweetness of Thy love, that when 16 C&rist ottr Slrtent SDemre 17 I had no being, Thou didst make me: and when I was straying far from Thee, Thou hast brought me back again, that I might serve Thee; and Thou hast commanded me to love Thee. « FOUNTAIN of everlasting love, what shall I say of Thee? _H_OW can I ever forget Thee, who hast vouchsafed to remember me even after that I was corrupted and was lost? BEYOND all hope hast Thou shown mercy to Thy servant; and beyond all desert hast Thou manifested Thy grace and friendship. WHAT return shall I make to Thee for this favor? for it is not granted to all to forsake all things, to renounce the world, and to assume the monastic life. i S it much that I should serve Thee, whom the whole creation is bound to serve? 18 iWcmentfii tottj) tit Conaolinff Cfcriat IT ought not to seem much to me to serve Thee; but this rather doth appear great and wonderful to me, that Thou vouchsafest to receive one so wretched and unworthy for Thy servant, and to unite Him to Thy Beloved. BEHOLD all things are Thine which I have, and with which I serve Thee. A ND yet contrariwise Thou rather servest me than I Thee. J_jO! heaven and earth, which Thou hast created for the service of man, stand prepared, and daily perform whatsoever Thou hast commanded. AND this is but little; for Thou hast also created and appointed angels for the service of man. XjUT what transcendeth all this is, that Thou Thyself hast vouchsafed to C&rtat ottr artrent TDtnivt 19 serve man, and hast promised that Thou wilt give him Thyself. WllAT shall I give Thee for all these thousand favors? Would that I could serve Thee all the days of my life! W OULD that I were able, were it but for one day, to render Thee worthy homage! VERILY Thou art worthy of all service, all honor, and of eternal praise. 1 HOU art truly my Lord, and I am Thy poor servant, who am bound with all strength to serve Thee, and ought never to grow weary of praising Thee. 1 HIS is my will, this is my desire ; and whatever is wanting in me do Thou vouchsafe to supply. IT is a great honor, a great glory, to serve Thee, and to despise all things for Thee. 20 JHomenta toity tlje Consoling Cbrtet _T OR they who willingly subject them- selves to Thy most holy service shall have great grace. JL HEY shall experience the most sweet consolation of the Holy Spirit, who for the love of Thee have cast away all carnal delight. 1 HEY shall gain great freedom of mind, who for Thy name enter upon the narrow way, and relinquish all worldly care. JLjORD, I willingly commit all things to Thee, for my care can profit little. 1 WISH I was not too much set upon future events, but offered myself with all readiness to Thy divine pleasure. CSrtjSt our Infallible ^tutfi Love ye Truth. — Za. 8 : 19 \J LORD God, patience, I perceive, is very necessary for me, for many adverse things happen to us in this life. F OR in whatsoever way I may arrange for my peace, my life cannot be without war and sorrow. 1 HOU thunderest forth over my head Thy judgments, Lord, and Thou shakest all my bones with fear and trembling, and my soul is terrified exceedingly. 1 STAND astonished, and consider that the heavens are not pure in Thy sight. IF in the angels Thou has found de- pravity, and hast not spared them, what will become of me? 21 OTARS have fallen from heaven, and I, dust that I am, how can I presume? 1 HEY whose works seemed praise- worthy have fallen to the very lowest; and those that did eat the bread of angels I have seen delighted with the husks of swine. 1 HERE is then no sanctity, if Thou, Lord, withdraw Thy hand. l\]0 wisdom avails, if Thou cease to govern us. i\|0 strength is of any help, if Thou cease to preserve us. 1\|0 chastity is secure without Thy protection. i\lO self-custody profits us, if Thy holy vigilance be not nigh unto us. Christ our infallible QLxutb 23 _T OR left to ourselves, we sink and perish; but by Thee visited, we are raised up and live. F OR we are unsteadfast, but by Thee we are strengthened: we are tepid, but by Thee inflamed. vJH, how profoundly ought I to abase myself, under Thy unfathomable judg- ments, Lord, where I find myself to be nothing else but nothing, and alto- gether nothing! WH, how humbly and lowly ought I to think of myself; of how little worth, whatever good I may seem to have! WEIGHT immense! sea that cannot be passed over, where I find nothing of myself but only and wholly nothing! WHERE, then, is there any lurking- place for glorying? Where any con- fidence conceived of my own virtue? 24 JHomente tottj) fyt Consoling C&rtst ALL vainglory is swallowed up in the profundity of Thy judgments over me. WHAT is all flesh in Thy sight? QHALL clay glory against Him that formed it? 1J-OW can he be puffed up with vain talk whose heart is subjected to God in truth? i\LL the world will not lift him up whom truth hath subjected to itself. NEITHER will he be moved with the tongues of all that praise him, who hath settled his whole hope in God. F OR even they who speak, behold, they are all nothing, for they shall pass away with the sound of their words; but the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. C&ttet our jfftm Conffoenct For it is good for me to adhere to my God, to put my hope in the Lord God. — Ps. 72:28. J_jORD, if it be pleasing to Thee, so let it be. LORD, if it be to Thy honor, let this be done in Thy name. JLjORD, if Thou seest that this is ex- pedient, and approvest it as profitable for me, then grant that I may use it to Thy honor. BUT if Thou knowest that it will be hurtful to me, and not profitable for the salvation of my soul, take away from me such a desire. JT OR not every desire is from the Holy Ghost, though to man it may seem right and good. 25 26 jftoments toitj) t&e Conaoiinff C&rtet JuORD, Thou knowest what is best; let this or that be done as Thou wilt. IjrIVE what Thou wilt, and as much as Thou wilt, and at what time Thou wilt. J_JO with me as Thou knowest, and as best pleaseth Thee, and is most for Thy honor. Jr UT me where Thou wilt, and do with me in all things according to Thy will. 1 AM in Thy hand; turn me hither and thither as Thou choosest. IjO, I am Thy servant, ready to obey Thee in all things; for I do not desire to live for myself, but for Thee; oh, that I could do so in a worthy and perfect manner! Cfittet out flDnlg Wit0t This is my rest forever and ever: Here will I dwell, for I have chosen it. — Ps. 131 : U. Gi rRANT me Thy grace, most merciful Jesus, that it may be with me, and labor with me, and continue with me unto the end. VJrRANT me always to will and desire that which is most acceptable to Thee, and which pleaseth Thee best. JLiET Thy will be mine, and let my will always follow Thine, and agree perfectly with it. J_jET me always will or not will the same with Thee; and let me not be able to will or not to will otherwise than as Thou wiliest or wiliest not. GrRANT that I may die to all things that are in the world, and for Thy sake 27 28 Jftomenta tottf) tfce Conaottna C&rtat love to be despised, and to be unknown to this world. GRANT that I may rest in Thee above all things desired, and that my heart may be at peace in Thee. A HOU art the true peace of the heart; Thou art its only rest; out of Thee all things are hard and restless. IN this peace, in the self-same, that is in Thee, the one sovereign eternal good, I will sleep and take my rest. J3E with me, Lord Jesus, in all places and at all times. JUET this be my consolation, to be freely willing to forego all human com- fort. i\ND if Thy comfort be withdrawn, let Thy will and just trial be to me as the greatest of comforts. Christ out ©nip Refit 29 _T OR Thou wilt not always be angry, nor wilt Thou threaten forever. IjORD, what Thou say est is true. Greater is Thy care for me than all the care I can take of myself. _T OR at too great a hazard doth he stand who casteth not his whole care on Thee. J_jORD, provided that my will remain true and firm towards Thee, do with me whatsoever it shall please Thee. F OR it cannot but be good, whatever Thou shalt do with me. i F Thou wilt have me to be in dark- ness, be Thou blessed; and if Thou wilt have me to be in light, be Thou again blessed; if Thou vouchsafe to comfort me, be Thou blessed; and if it be Thy will I should be afflicted, be Thou still equally blessed. 30 JHomenta tott& fyt Consnltns Cfortet JLiORD, I will suffer willingly for Thee whatsoever Thou art pleased should befall me. 1 AM willing indifferently to receive from Thy hand good and evil, sweet and bitter, joy and sorrow, and to give Thee thanks for all that happeneth to me. JV.EEP me from all sin, and I will fear neither death nor hell. s k50 that Thou cast me not off forever, nor blot me out of the book of life, what tribulation soever befalleth me shall not hurt me. C&ttet our dBIottottgf (Kiample As the Lord liveth, and as my lord the king liveth; in what place soever thou shalt be, my lord king, either in death or in life, there will thy servant be. — 2 Kings 15 : 21. JLjORD, because Thou wast patient in Thy life-time, herein especially fulfilling the commandment of Thy Father, it is fitting that I, a wretched sinner, should, according to Thy will, bear myself patiently, and, as long as Thou pleasest, support the burden of this corruptible life, in order to my salvation. _T OR though this present life is felt to be burdensome, yet it is now rendered, through Thy grace, very meritorious; and by Thy example and the footsteps of Thy Saints, more bright and supportable to the weak. IT is also much more full of consolation than it was formerly under the law, when 31 32 Jflomenta toitj t^e Condoling: C&riat the gate of heaven remained shut; and even the way to heaven seemed more obscure, when so few concerned them- selves to seek the kingdom of heaven. MOREOVER, too, they who were then just, and to be saved, could not enter into Thy heavenly kingdom before Thy Passion, and the payment of our debt by Thy sacred death. vJH, what great thanks am I bound to render unto Thee, for having vouchsafed to show me and all the faithful a right and good way to Thine everlasting kingdom! JT OR Thy life is our way; and by holy patience we walk on to Thee, who art our crown. IF Thou hadst not gone before and instructed us, who would have cared to follow? ALAS, how many would have stayed afar off and a great way behind, had C&rtat ottr (glorious ©sample 33 they not before their eyes Thy glorious example! IJEHOLD we are still tepid, notwith- standing all Thy miracles and instruc- tions we have heard; what, then, would it be if we had not so great light to follow Thee? Cfjtisft our place of &tmtgtfi Be Thou unto me a God, a protector and a place of strength: That Thou mayest make me safe. — Ps. 70 : 3. 1 WILL confess against myself my injustice; I will confess to Thee, Lord, my infirmity. IT is oftentimes a small thing which casteth me down and troubleth me. I PURPOSE to behave myself valiantly; but when a small temptation cometh, I am brought into great straits. IT is sometimes a very trifling thing whence a grievous temptation pro- ceedeth. i\_ND when I think myself somewhat safe, when I least apprehend it, I find myself sometimes almost overcome by a light blast. 34 Christ ant pace of Strenfftf) 35 JDEHOLD, then, Lord, my abjection and frailty, every way known to Thee. XXAVE pity on me, and draw me out of the mire, that I stick not fast therein, that I may not be utterly cast down forever. 1 HIS it is which often drives me back, and confounds me in Thy sight, that I am so subject to fall, and so powerless to resist my passions. i\ND although I do not altogether consent, yet their assaults are trouble- some and grievous to me; and I am weary of thus always living in conflict. 1TENCE my infirmity is made known to me; because abominable imaginations much more easily rush in upon me than they forsake me. UK, that Thou, the most mighty God of Israel, zealous Lover of faithful souls, 36 JHomenta toiib t&e Confiolitiff C&tist wouldst regard the labor and sorrow of Thy servant, and stand by him in all his undertakings! STRENGTHEN me with heavenly fortitude, lest the old man, the miserable flesh not fully subdued to the spirit, pre- vail and get the upper hand; against which we must battle so long as we breathe in this most wretched life. C&ttgt out anchor at ^ope I cried unto Thee, O Lord, and said: Thou art my hope, my portion in the land of the living. — Ps. 1U1 : 6. ABOVE all things, and in all things, do thou, my soul, rest always in the Lord, for He is the eternal rest of the saints. IjrIVE me, most sweet and loving Jesus, to repose in Thee above all things created: above all health and beauty; above all glory and honor; above all power and dignity; above all knowledge and subtlety; above all riches and arts; above all joy and gladness; above all fame and praise; above all sweetness and consolation; above all hope and promise; above all merit and desire; above all gifts and presents that Thou canst give and infuse; above all joy and jubilation that the mind can contain or feel; in fine, above all angels and arch- angels, and all the host of heaven; above 37 38 JHomenta tottf) t|)e Confiiolinff Cfcrtet all things visible and invisible; and above all that is not Thee, my God; for Thou, my God, art supremely good above all things. 1HOU alone art high; Thou alone most powerful; Thou alone most full and most sufficient; Thou alone most sweet and most full of consolation. JL HOU alone most beautiful and most loving; Thou alone most noble and most glorious above all things; in whom are all that are both good and perfect, and always have been and always will be. AND therefore all is too little and insufficient, whatever Thou bestowest upon me, that is not Thyself; and whatever Thou revealest to me con- cerning Thyself, or promisest, as long as I see Thee not, nor fully possess Thee; because indeed my heart cannot truly rest, nor be entirely contented, till it rest in Thee, and transcend every gift and every creature. C&rtst ottr ancljor of $>ope 39 vJ MY most beloved Spouse, Christ Jesus, most pure Lover, Lord of the whole creation! who will give me the wings of true liberty, to fly and repose in Thee? L/H, when shall it be fully granted me to be free, and to see how sweet Thou art, Lord my God? WHEN shall I fully collect myself in Thee, that through Thy love I may not feel myself, but Thee alone, above all feeling and measure, in a manner not known to all? _DUT now I often lament, and bear with grief, my unhappiness. JDECAUSE many evils happen in this vale of miseries, which frequently disturb me, afflict me, and cast a cloud over me; often do they hinder and distract me, allure and entangle me, so that I can neither have free access to Thee, nor enjoy Thy sweet embraces, which are ever present to blessed spirits. 40 JWomentd toitl) ti)t Consoling; C&tist vJH, let my sighs move Thee, and this my manifold desolation upon earth. \J JESUS, Brightness of eternal glory, the Comfort of the pilgrim souls, with Thee is my mouth without voice, and my silence speaketh to Thee. XxOW long doth my Lord delay to come? Let Him come to me, His poor servant, and make me joyful. Let Him stretch forth His hand y and deliver me, wretched, from all anguish. vjOME, oh, come, for without Thee I can never have one joyful day nor hour; for Thou art my joy, and without Thee my table is empty. 1 AM miserable, and in a manner im- prisoned, and weighed down with fetters, till, with the light of Thy presence, Thou comfortest me, givest me liberty and showest me Thy friendly counte- nance. C&rifiit our ancfjor of 5>ope 41 JljET others seek, instead of Thee, whatever else they please; nothing else meanwhile doth or shall please me, but Thou, my God, my hope, my eternal salvation. 1 WILL not hold my peace, nor will I cease to pray, till Thy grace return, and Thou say est interiorly to me: Behold, here I am; behold, I come to thee, because thou hast called Me. 1 HY tears, and the desire of thy soul, thy humiliation and contrition of heart, have inclined and brought Me to thee. AND I said, Lord, I have called upon Thee, and have desired to enjoy Thee, and am prepared to reject all things for Thy sake. F OR Thou didst first stir me up, that I should seek Thee. Be Thou therefore blessed, Lord, who hath showed this goodness to Thy servant, according to the multitude of Thy mercies. 42 ^omenta tottl) t&e Conaoiins Cfcruit WHAT more hath Thy servant to say in Thy presence, but to humble him- self exceedingly before Thee, mindful always of his own iniquity and vileness? Jr OR there is none like to Thee amongst all the wonders of heaven and earth. 1 HY works are exceedingly good, Thy judgments true, and by Thy providence the universe is ruled. i RAISE, therefore, and glory be to Thee, Wisdom of the Father; let my tongue, my soul, and all things created, join in praising and blessing Thee. C&ttet our ^ttgt 3Uto My son, forget not My law, and let thy heart keep My commandments. — Prov. 3:1. o PEN, Lord, my heart, in Thy law, and teach me to walk in Thy command- ments. Gi rIVE me grace to understand Thy will, and to commemorate, with great reverence and diligent consideration, all Thy benefits, as well in general as in particular, so that henceforward I may be able worthily to return thanks for them. 1 KNOW and confess, indeed, that I am not able to return Thee due thanks of praise, not even for the least. 1 AM less than any of Thy benefits bestowed upon me; and when I consider Thy excellency, my spirit fainteth before the greatness thereof. 43 44 JKoments tottlj tlje Condoling: Cfcrtet i\.LL things that we have in soul and body, and whatsoever outwardly and inwardly, naturally or supernaturally, we possess, are Thy benefits, and cele- brate Thy bounty, mercy, and goodness, from whom we have received all good. ALTHOUGH one hath received more, another less, yet all are Thine, and without Thee even the least cannot be had. JLlE who hath received greater things, cannot glory of his own merit, nor extol himself above others, nor exult over the lesser; because he is indeed greater and better, who attributeth less to himself, and is more humble and devout in return- ing thanks. iVND he who esteemeth himself the vilest of all men, and judgeth himself the most unworthy, is fitted to receive still greater blessings. J3UT he who hath received fewer ought not to be saddened, nor take it ill, nor Cbrtat our ^ttat Lata 45 envy him that is more enriched; but attend rather to Thee, and very much praise Thy goodness, for that Thou bestowest Thy gifts so plentifully, so freely and willingly, without acceptance of persons. i\LL things are from Thee, and there- fore Thou art to be praised in all. JL HOU knowest what is expedient to be given to each; and why this one hath less, and the other more, is not ours to decide, but Thine, with whom are determined the merits of each. WHEREFORE, Lord God, I deem it a great benefit not to have much which outwardly and according to men might appear praiseworthy and glorious; for Thou, God, hast chosen the poor and the humble, and those that are despised by this world, for Thy familiar friends and domestics. 1 HE Apostles themselves are witnesses, whom Thou hast appointed rulers over the whole earth. 46 JRomente tottl) tfte Conisalinff Christ AND yet they lived in this world without complaint, so humble and simple without any malice or guile, that they even rejoiced to suffer reproaches for Thy name; and what things the world flies from, those they embraced with great affection. NOTHING, therefore, ought to give so great a joy to one that loveth Thee and knoweth Thy benefits, as the accom- plishment of Thy will in himself, and the good pleasure of Thy eternal appoint- ment. WlTH which He ought to be so far contented and comforted as to be as willing to be the least as any one would wish to be the greatest; to enjoy as much peace and content in the lowest place as in the highest; and to be as willing to be despicable and mean and of no name and repute, as to be more honorable and of greater rank in the world than others. FOR Thy will and the love of Thy honor ought to take precedence of all C&risit our 3C ttdt iato 47 things, and to comfort and please one more than any benefits whatsoever which have been or can be given. JLSUT Thou, Lord, who canst do all things, and always lovest the profit of the soul, increase in me a greater grace, that I may fulfill this Thy work, and accomplish my salvation. Cfjrtet our JLMn$ Wiav Lead me, O Lord, in Thy way, and I will walk in Thy truth; let my heart rejoice that it may fear Thy name. — Ps. 85:11. \J LORD, my God, depart not far from me; my God, have regard to help me; for divers evil thoughts have risen up against me, and great fears afflict my soul. XlOW shall I pass without hurt? How shall I break through them? IjET all wicked thoughts, Lord, fly from before Thy face. 1 HIS is my hope and my only comfort, to fly to Thee in all tribulations, to con- fide in Thee, to call on Thee from my inmost heart, and patiently to look for Thy consolation. 48 C&riat our itotna; Wz? 49 IVlAY Thy grace, Lord, make that possible to me, which seems impossible to me by nature. 1 HOU knowest that I can bear but little, and that I am quickly cast down by a small adversity. J_jET all exercises of tribulation become lovely and most desirable to me, for Thy name's sake: for to suffer and to be afflicted for Thee is very healthful for my soul. Cfitigt out Jttnt ailing 3Li£f)t In Thy light we shall see light. — Ps.35:10. Enlighten me, o good Jesus, with the brightness of internal light, and cast out all darkness from the dwelling of my heart. JLVESTRAIN my many wandering thoughts, and destroy the temptations that violently assault me. JT IGHT strongly for me, and overcome these wicked beasts, these alluring con- cupiscences, that peace may be made in Thy power, and the abundance of Thy praise may resound in Thy holy court, that is, a clean conscience. COMMAND the winds and storms; say to the sea: Be still; to the north wind, Blow thou not; and there shall be a great calm. 50 C&ttet our Unfailing: Lifffct 51 SEND forth Thy light and Thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth; for I am an earth that is empty and void, till Thou enlightenest me. Jl OUR forth Thy grace from above; water my heart with the dew of heaven; supply fresh waters of devotion, to wash the face of the earth, to bring forth good and perfect fruit. JLilFT up my mind, oppressed with the load of sins, and raise my whole desire towards heavenly things; that having tasted the sweetness of supernal happi- ness, I may have no pleasure in thinking of the things of earth. lJRAW me away, and deliver me from all unstable comfort of creatures; for no created thing can fully quiet and satisfy my desire. J OIN me to Thyself by an inseparable bond of love; for Thou alone art suffi- cient for the soul that loveth Thee, and without Thee all other things are frivolous. C&ttet out jfattfrful (Buttie I will give thee understanding and I will instruct thee in the way thou shalt go; I will fix mine eyes upon thee. — Ps. 31 : 8. JLjORD, this is the work of a perfect man, never to let the mind slacken from attending to heavenly things, and to pass through many cares, as it were without care; not after the manner of an indolent person, but by a certain prerogative of a free mind, not cleaving with an inordi- nate affection to anything created. PRESERVE me, I beseech Thee, my most merciful Lord, from the cares of this life, that I be not too much entangled by them; from the many necessities of the body, that I be not ensnared by pleasure; and from all hindrances of the soul, lest, being over- come by troubles, I be quite cast down. 1 DO not say from those things which worldly vanity covets with so much 52 CJmat our jFatt&M (Buittz 53 eagerness; but from those miseries, which, by the general curse of our mor- tality, as punishments, weigh down and keep back the soul of Thy servant from being able, when it will, to enter into liberty of spirit. \J MY God, who art unspeakable sweetness, make me look upon as bitter, all carnal comfort which withdraws me from the love of things eternal, and wickedly allures me to itself, by setting before me a certain present delightful good. MY God, let not flesh and blood prevail over me; let it not overcome me; let not the world and its transitory glory deceive me; let not the devil supplant me by his craftiness. vJTlVE me courage to resist, patience to endure, and constancy to persevere. vJlVE me, instead of all worldly con- solation, the most sweet unction of Thy 54 ^omenta toitfc tj)e Consalinff Christ spirit; and instead of carnal love, infuse into me the love of Thy name. JDEHOLD, eating, drinking, clothing, and other necessaries pertaining to the support of the body, are burdensome to a fervent spirit. VJrRANT that I may use such things with moderation, and not be entangled with any inordinate affection. IT is not lawful to cast them all away, for nature must be supported; but to require superfluities, and such things as are most delightful, Thy holy law for- bids; for otherwise the flesh would grow insolent against the spirit. IN all this I beseech Thee let Thy hand govern and direct me, that I may in no way exceed. C&tfet out lijfo&m flflitebom And God hath given to me to speak as I would, and to conceive thoughts worthy of those things that are given me; because He is the guide of wisdom, and the director of the wise. — Wis. 7: 15. G ONFIRM me, God, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant me power to be strengthened in the inward man, and to cast out of my heart all unprofit- able care and trouble. Let me not be drawn away with various desires of any thing whatsoever, whether it be of little or great value; but teach me to look upon all things as passing away, and myself as passing along with them. Jr OR nothing is lasting under the sun, where all is vanity and affliction of spirit. Oh, how wise is he who considers things in this manner! Gi rRANT me, Lord, heavenly wis- dom, that I may learn above all things 55 56 Jlomentg toify fyt Consoling Christ to seek Thee, and to find Thee; above all things to relish Thee and to love Thee; and to understand all other things as they are, according to the order of Thy wisdom. vjrRANT that I may prudently avoid him that flattereth me, and patiently bear with him that contradicteth me. F OR it is great wisdom not to be moved with every kind of words, nor to give ear to the wicked flattering siren; for thus shall we go on securely in the way we have begun. C&rist out S^erctful SDdttatet Keep Thou my soul, and deliver me. — Ps. 24 ; 20. BLESSED, Lord, be Thy name forever, who hast been pleased that this trial and tribulation should come upon me. 1 CANNOT escape it, but must of necessity fly to Thee; that Thou may est help me, and turn it to my good. JLiORD, I am now in tribulation, and my heart is not at ease; but I am much afflicted with my present suffering. AND now, beloved Father, what shall I say? I am taken, Lord, in these straits; Oh, save me from this hour! -DUT for this reason I came unto this hour, that Thou mightest be glorified, 57 58 Jftomente tottf) tjje Conjoints Christ when I shall be exceedingly humbled, and delivered by Thee. MAY it please Thee, Lord, to de- liver me; for, poor wretch that I am, what can I do, and whither shall I go without Thee? (jrlVE me patience, Lord, at this time also. JJLELP me, my God, and I will not fear how much soever I may be oppressed. AND now in the midst of these things, what shall I say? Lord, Thy will be done; I have well deserved to be afflicted and troubled. 1 MUST needs bear it, and would that it were with patience, till the storm pass over, and it grow better. J3UT Thy Almighty hand is able to take away from me this temptation also, C&rtat ottr ^jHercifttl SDeltoerer 59 and to moderate its violence, as Thou hast often done heretofore for me, lest I quite sink under it, my God, my mercy ! AND how much the more difficult this is to me, so much the easier to Thee is this change of the right hand of the Most High. IjORD, I stand much in need of a grace yet greater, if I must arrive so far that it may not be in the power of any man nor any thing created to hinder me. JT OR as long as any thing holds me back, I cannot freely fly to Thee. llE was desirous to fly freely to Thee who said: Who will give me wings like a dove, and I will fly and be at rest? Cljttet out Strong ^Defence Take up Thy arms and buckler, arise to help me. Say to my soul, I am thy Saviour. — Ps. 3h : 2-3. BEHOLD, my God and my all! What would I more, and what greater happiness can I desire? SWEET and savory Word! but to him that loveth the Word, not the world nor the things that are in the world. My God and my all! To one that understandeth sufficient is said; to one that loveth, to repeat it often is delight- ful. F OR when Thou art present, all things yield delight; but when Thou art absent, all things are loathsome. x HOU givest a tranquil heart, great peace, and festive joy. 60 C&tist our ^trona; defence 61 1 HOU makest us to think well of all things, and praise Thee in all things, nor can anything without Thee afford any lasting pleasure; but to make it agree- able and well-pleasing to us, Thy grace must be present, and it must be seasoned with the savor of Thy wisdom. \J LIGHT eternal, transcending all created lights, dart forth Thy light from above, that it may penetrate all the secret recesses of my heart. v>