Class 2ZLV Z Rnnlr ,14 ^M^ £ THE 1SHAM REPRINTS. No.z. NEWES OUT OF POWLES CHURCHYARD E. BY EDWARD HAKE. l 579- This work is printed for the fubfcribers only, and the impreflion ftridtly limited to One Hundred and Thirty- One copies, twenty-five being on Large Paper j and fix on Vellum. Every copy is numbered and figned by Small Paper, No. d. per annum. On the 16th Sept. INTRODUCTION. xi 1576, he was fupplying the place of the recorder; and in June, 1578, he is defcribed as one of the bailiffs. In the 24th Eliz. (1581 or 2) he is paid i6j. " for drawing a Booke of Statutes & orders for this Towne," in endeavours to obtain a new Charter, which, how- ever, was not granted till the commencement of the reign of James I. In the 27th Eliz. (1584 or 5) an acl, hitherto unprinted, was pafTed for paving the town; and a new market-houfe was alfo propofed ; in all which movements, Hake, then Mayor, took an active part. On 7th Jan., 1585-6, he renewed the motion for the market-houfe. On the 10th Auguft, 1586 (28th Eliz.), "The Queen being at Windfor was received there in ftate by the Corporation; when fhe was addreffed by Edward Hake, Mayor, and was prefented by him with a petition in writing, in behalf of the faid town." And on the 7th Sept. following, the Queen's birthday, he delivered in the Guildhall a long and laudatory oration. In re- turn for both which loyal proceedings the Queen, on her departure from this town eleven weeks after, fent him her gracious thanks. On the 21ft Dec, 1586 (29th Eliz.), we find that "at the pitifull Complaint of divers of the Commonalty of this Towne for the redrefs of the fmalnes of the market bufhell, Edward Hake, gentleman, then Maior, travailed to Greenewich and thence to Weftminfter divers journies till he found the Clearke of the Market, carrying with him the brazen Gallon, and obteyned the amending of the Bufhell." On the 10th Od., 1 5 88, (30th Eliz.) Hake was elefted (his colleague being Henry Neville, Efq.), a Member for Windfor to the Parliament fummoned for the 1 2th xii INTRODUCTION. Nov. This dignity he enjoyed but a fhort time ; the Parliament being diffolved the 29th March following: nor was he re-elected. What part he took in the de- bates is unknown, the Commons' Journals between the 1 8th March, 1 580-1, and 19th March, 1603-4, being wanting ; neither does any parliamentary fpeech of his appear elfewhere. In Browne Willis's Notitia Par- liamentaria his name is mifprinted Huke. The Iaft that we hear of him is in 1604, when was publifhed his " Golds Kingdome," including alfo an oration, in- tended to have been delivered at Windfor, to King James I. fhortly after his acceflion. .Whether Hake filled any office at this time is uncertain ; nor have I been able to trace the date of his death or his place of burial. Whatever rank our author may now hold as a writer, it is certain that he poffeffed fufficient literary talent, combined with more worldly-wife qualifications, to enable him to rife in the world. But after all, his fleady advance from the poor pofition of a practitioner of the law to the dignified one of Mayor of a royal borough, as well as its parliamentary reprefentative, can only be explained by the fail of his having obtained fome powerful patron who found it to his own intereft to forward that of his protege, and this advantage we know Hake poffeffed in the perfon of the_j£galJ^rLo£ Leicefter, to whom he dedicates the prefent work. And that this eminent and ambitious nobleman fhould mow favour to a man like Hake, whofe talents and religious feelings had been openly difplayed in his firft publication is not at all remarkable. Leicefter, from politic rather than, it is to be prefumed, from religious confiderations, had put himfelf forward as the head and protector of the Puritan party, and to promote his and their views it was neceffary to obtain the fervices of agents diftin- INTRODUCTION. xiii guifhed both for energy and ability. In Hake they found combined moft of the qualities required in a religious partizan, namely, literary {kill, fearleflhefs, profound reirgiouTconvi&ions, a rabid hatred of Papifts, and irrepreffible activity. Thefe qualifications, not often pofTefTed by the fame individual, pointed him out as the very man for Leicefter's purpofe, for it is difficult to conceive that many men could be found, who though enjoying the prefent protection of fo powerful a ftatefman would wantonly raife up a hoft of enemies in all clafTes of fociety by violently attacking not only their vices and follies (which from being a general charge might have been parted over with contempt) but, what was alto- gether unpardonable, their religious faith, — without a deep-feated conviction that they were advancing the caufe of morality and truth, and without an innate courage which would enable them to fet confequences at defiance. But whatever might have been the interefted motives of Leicefter and Burghley in advocating the claims of the Puritans, — and their fpoliation of Church property might give fome fort of clue to them,— England un- doubtedly owes them a deep debt of gratitude for their oppofition to the encroachments of the Roman Catholics. And this conduct is the more praifeworthy when we recollect that not only was the Queen fufpected of no very violent averfion to the tenets of the Roman Catholic church, but that her hoflility to the Puritans was evinced on every poffible occafion. Moreover it was high time that fome perfons of high official influence mould interpofe for the fake of advancing the progrefs of morality by giving an impetus to proteftant teaching. The aftertions of Hake, in feveral of his works, parti- cularly in his " Toucheftone for this Time prefent," are xiv INTRODUCTION. confirmed by many contemporary writers ; and in our own day , (to cite no others,) Mr. Marfden, in his " Hiftory of the Puritans," thus alludes to it : " The ftate of Eng- land in regard to moral and religious culture was at this time deplorable. The number of the Romifh clergy who had refigned their preferments at the Reformation appears almoft incredibly fmall. Including bifhops, abbots, heads of colleges, and other dignitaries, as well as the beneficed clergy, no writer can mufter up two hundred and fifty : Bifhop Burnet reduces them to one hundred and ninety-nine; and D'Ewes's 'Journal,' a Hill better authority, to one hundred and feventy-feven — a number altogether infignificant when diftributed among the ten thoufand parifhes of England and Wales. It would be fomething more than charity to fuppofe that fuch numbers of the Romifh clergy accommodated themfelves at once to a change fo great and fudden without violence to their confciences." It is not, there- fore, to be wondered at that fo ftrong a partizan as Hake mould exprefs himfelf with fo much vehemence againft a ftate of things which he knew to be fraught with danger to Proteftantifm and Proteftants. Without claiming for Hake any higher rank as a poet than that of an eafy rhymefter, who was able to clothe fenfible common-places in the trappings of verfe, we may ftill, I think, without impropriety, aflign to him the merit of being one of our earliefi profejfed Satirifts. This controverts the affertion of Thomas Warton, who, from the nature of his poetic taftes, leant more to the fplendid fcenes defcribed by the poets of chivalry, ro- mance, and love, than to the more homely pictures of domeftic life and manners, drawn, as thefe were for the moft part, by verlifiers inferior to their poetic rivals in INTRODUCTION, xv genius and learning, no lefs than in imagination and fancy. Nor mould this in any way furprife us. The higheft order of poetic genius, whofe vocation it is to de- pict fcenes of the fupernatural or romantic, the pidturefque and the beautiful — to elevate our common nature, and evolve its nobler qualities by a fubtle exhibition of its capabilities for the heroic, the grand, and the good — and to foften us by its perfect control over the gentler paffions and affections — revolts from wafting its powers and energies in the fterile and ungrateful regions of Satire, the fole objects of which are not the Elevated but the Degraded — a delineation of crimes unredeemed by noble extenuations — meanneffes without the excufe of neceffity, and follies palliated by no fpark of gene- rofity, brilliancy, or elegance. To proceed : Warton afferts that " Satire, fpecifically fo called, did not commence in England till the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. We have feen, indeed," continues he, "that eclogues and allegories were made the vehicle of fatire, and that many poems of a fatirical tendency had been published long ago. And here the cenfure was rather confined to the cor- ruptions of the clergy than extended to popular follies and vices." He then goes on to fay that u the firft profeffed Englifh fatirift, to fpeak technically, is Bifhop Jofeph Hall,'' of whofe fatires he thinks fo highly as to dedicate upwards of thirty pages to them. But to this afTertion of Hall's priority juft exception may be taken, for he had been preceded by John Skelton, who died in i 5 29 ; by William Roy, author of" Rede me and be nott Wrothe," publifhed in 1528; and by other writers many years before; as well as, and more recently by the elder Sir Thomas Wyatt, who died in 1 542, and of c xvi INTRODUCTION. whom Thomas Warton himfelf, in another place, in his notice of this eminent man's works, declares, " that he may juftly be deemed the firft polifhed Engliih fatirift, and that he miftook his talents when, in compliance with the mode, he became a fonnetteer," and of whom Dr. Jofeph Warton, in his efTay on Alex. Pope, afferts that he was the firft writer of fatires worth notice; by George Gascoigne, who produced, in 1 576, his " Steele Glas, a Satyre," laming man's vices and follies, and ex- hibiting what is perhaps more interefting to us, a curious and valuable picture of the manners, life, and commercial morality of that age ; by JohnJDonne, a volume of whofe fatires in MS., dated 1593, is ftill in exiftence ; and by Thomas Lodge. To this latter celebrated author, in- deed, Dr. Drake, in his valuable work, entitled " Shake- fpeare and his Times," erroneoufly afcribes the honour of being the firft who publifhed in our language a col- lection of fatires fo named ; the " Fig for Momus in- cluded in Satyres, Eclogues, etc.," according to him giving Lodge precedence as a writer of profeffed fatires. Yet thefe were not publifhed till 1595, when he was about forty years of age. And further, the fatirical works of Marfton, entitled "The Metamorphofis of Pigmalions Image, and Certaine Satyres," as well as his " Scourge of Villanie," were printed in 1 598. But an earlier cenfor morum was Robert Crowley, who publifhed in 1550 his {t One and Thyrtye Epigrammes" (really thirty-three), directed againft as many abufes current with the vulgar; and which, I think, induced Hake to fly at higher game in his "Newes." Crowley's work has juft been edited by Mr. J. M. Cowper ; but want of fpace precludes further notice of it. Charles Edmonds. Bull St., Birmingham, July, 1872. ACCOUNT OF HAKE'S WORKS. NEWES OUT OF PAVLES CHURCHEYARDE, A TRAPPE FOR SYR MONYE, 1567. Though no edition with this date is now extant, one undoubtedly- then appeared. This is clear, not only from the author's own apologetic addrefs prefixed to the re-imprefiion in 1579, wherein he declares that he had originally publifhed it twelve years before, and to ufe his own additional exprefiion, " firft made and fet forth, even as I maye faye in my childifhe yeeres," but from the entry in the Stationers' Regifter, under the date of 1567, where it is licenfed to Henry Denham ; and Turberville's allufion to it in a work pub- lifhed in 1568 is a further corroboration. NEWES OUT OF POWLES CHURCHYARDE. Now newly renued and amplifyed according to the accidents of the prefent time, 1579. and otherwife entituled, fyr Nummus.etc. Black Letter. [Oclavo. 64. leaves.] This is the edition now reprinted, and which on the evidence given above may without impropriety be defignated the fecond impreflion. Mr. W. C. Hazlitt, however, in his " Handbook," without adducing any authority for the afiertion, curtly defcribes it as the third. xviii INTRODUCTION. But as this gentleman in his defcription of the preceding edition fubftitutes " ten''' for "twelve" years, it is plain that this part of his labours has not undergone fuch a revilion as fo important a fcience as Bibliography demands. Only two copies are known ; the one formerly in the poffeflion of Richard Heber, and Sir Charles Imam's, at Lamport Hall. The work confifts of a dialogue between Bertulph and Paul as they walk in the aifle of the Cathedral, divided into eight Satyrs, levelled againft the corruptions exifting among the various clafles of fociety. The following is a lift of their fubjects : — Satyr I. Complains that Sir Nummus had taken up his abode, not with induftrious and confcientious minifters, but with bifhops, deans, &c. Satyr II. Relates to the miferies of fuitors in courts of juftice, to the corruption and partiality of judges, and to the greedinefs of counfel and attorneys. Satyr III. Is devoted to the tricks and pradtifes of phyficians. Satyr IV. Difcourfes on the abufes of apothecaries and furgeons, the fumptuary laws then in force, and other topics. Satyr V. Inveighs againft extravagant living and confequent bankruptcy, and unlawful funday fports. Satyr VI. Is, among other points, a proteft againft the ufe of St. Paul's Cathedral as a place of aflignation and converfation, even during prayer. Satyr VII. Makes an onflaught upon bawds ; alfo upon brokers who advance money to fpendthrifts, making part of it confift in goods, which the borrowers are obliged to fell at a lofs. Satyr VIII. Continues the fame fubjeft, againft covetoufnefs and uiurers. In addition to the information which the author, in the Ad- drefs to the Reader, gives concerning himfelf — as I have men- tioned on a preceding page — John Long's Addrefs to " the Citie of London," prefixed, is curious as containing a lift of fome of Hake's works. All thefe can be identified with the exception of the firft, which is defignated, perhaps metaphorically, a "great conqueft of finne." This was, probably, like the " Newes," a very early work j and like the original imprefiion of that production pofiibly every copy has perifhed. It might be aflumed that by this ex- prerfion was meant the firft iflue of the " Newes j" but the way in which the work is fpoken of in the laft quatrain feems to negative this fuppofition. The addrefs alfo of " The Author to the Carping INTRODUCTION. xix and fcornefull Sicophant" fhows that he had recently triumphed over the malice of his enemies, and had attained the pofition he had long ftriven for — probably the Under-Stewardfhip of New Windfor. The tone of this addrefs, replete with allufions to him- felf, is fo bitter as to demonftrate that if the author could fharply rebuke vice in the abftract he was equally ready to attack from perfonal motives. St. Paul's Cathedral was much injured by fire 4th June, 1561. A fermon was preached at Paul's Crofs foon afterwards by Pilk- ington, Bifliop of Durham, in which he feverely blamed the pro- fanation of the edifice by fighting, brawling, and affemblies of idle people. This occafioned a libellous work by a Papift, entitled " An Addicion, with an Appologie, to the Caufes of burnynge of Paules Church, the which Caufes were vttered at Paules CrofTe by the reuerend Bifhop of Durefme viii. Junii 1561 ;" which again was replied to by another tract, entitled " The burnynge of Paules Church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561 ;" wherein (fign. Giiii.) we have the following remarks on the fcandalous practices in the Cathedral : — " No place hais bene more abufed than Pauls hais bene, nor more againft the receyving of Chriftes Gofpell : wherfore it is more marvaile that God fpared it fo longe, rather than that he overthrewe it nowe. From the toppe of the fteple downe within the grounde no place hais bene free. From the toppe of the fpire at Coronations, or other folemne triumphes, fome for vain glory ufed to throw themfelves downe by a rope, and fo killed themfelves vainly to pleafe other mens eyes. At the battlementes of the Steple fundrye times were ufed their popiflie Antems to call upon their Goddes with torch and taper in the Eveninges. In the top of one of the pinacles is Lollers towre, where' manye an innocent foule hais bene by theym cruellye tormented and murthered. In the middeft alley was their longe Cenfer reachinge from the rofe to the ground, as though the Holy Ghoft came in their cenfing down in likenes of a Dove. On the Arches though commenly men complaine of wrong and delayed judgemente in Ecclefiafticall caufes, yet becaufe I wyll not judge by here faye I paffe over it, favinge onely for fuch as have bene con- demned there by Annas and Caiphas for Chriftes caufe, as in- nocently as any Chriftians coulde be. For their images hanged on every walle, pillar, and doore, with their pilgrimages and wor- fhippinge of them, I will not ftand to rehearfe them, becaufe they can not be unknowen to all men that have feene London, or hearde xx INTRODUCTION. of them. Their mailing and many altars wyth the reft of their Popyfhe fervyce which he fo much extolles, I paffe over, becaufe I aunfwered them afore. The South Alley for Ufurye and Poperye, the North for Simony, and the Horfe faire in the middeft for all kind of bargains, metinges, brawlinges, murthers, confpiracies, and the Font for ordinary paimentes of money, are fo well knowen to all menne as the begger knowes his difhe." The Simony and chaffering for Benefices, ilightly alluded to above is more particu- larly defcribed in the Satires of Biihop Hall ; " Virgidemiarum," Lib. ii, Sat. 7, Lond. 1597. Chaucer, in the Prologues to his Canterbury Tales, when defcribing the Parfon, has an evident allufion to the fame thing. Several other publications appeared on the fame fubjecl:, but none of them were effectual ; and the nave of the church con- tinued for many years afterwards the refort of perfons who had nothing elfe to do, and who met there to difcufs the news of the day, or for lefs innocent purpofes. But this profanation of the church was an old grievance, for, according to Rymer's Foedera, as early as a.d. 1 371, the forty-fifth year of Edward III., we find the King complaining to the Bifhop of London of many abufes in his cathedral, which were pra£tifed with the Biihop's connivance j that the refectory of the canons was become the eating-place and office of mechanics and the lurking-place and receptacle of whore- mongers [hodie faBa funt Ccenacula et Triftega Mecbanicorum, ac multa Penetralia conduBitia et Receptacula Scortatorum) etc. He alfo denounces other enormities which, he fays, royal decency for- bids him to particularize. See Dugdale's " Hiftory of St. Paul's," wherein it is alfo mentioned that King Charles I. erected at his own charge, at the weft end of the church, " that moft magnifi- cent and ftately portico, with Corinthian pillars, which was intended to be an ambulatory for fuch as ufually by walking in the body of the church difturbed the folemn fervice in the quire." This profanation of the facred edifice is alfo alluded to in the humourous trades of Thomas Dekkar. In his " Dead Terme, or Weftminfter's Complaint for Long Vacations and Short Termes," 4-to. London, 1608, St. Paul's fteeple is introduced as defcribing the company walking in the body of the church beneath : — "At one time, in one and the fame ranke, yea, foote by foote, and elbow by elbow, ftiall you fee walking, the Knight, the Gull, the Gallant, the Upftart, the Gentleman, the Clowne, the Captaine, the Appel-Squire, the Lawyer, the Ufurer, the Cittizen, the INTRODUCTION. xxi Bankerout, the Schollar, the Beggar, the Doctor, the Ideot, the Ruffian, the Cheater, the Puritan, the Cutthroat, the Hye-Men, the Low-Men, the True Man, and the Thiefe ; of all Trades and Profeffions fome, of all Countryes fome. Thus, whilft Devotion kneeles at her Prayers doth Profanation walke under her nofe in contempt of Religion." In the fame author's " Gul's Horne- book," 4to. London, 1609, we have a whole chapter on " How a gallant fnould behave himfelfe in Powles-Walkes." This making, however, of St. Paul's Cathedral a place of public refort may be accounted for by the abfence, in thofe times, of convenient places of affembly — a want which feems never to have attracted the attention it deferved. Our anceftors contented themfelves with grumbling inftead of remedying defects. So little, too, was the real public welfare underftood, that in the year 1580, Queen Elizabeth, on the plea that the exceffive increafe of the City of London was a detriment to other towns, ifTued a pro- clamation forbidding any new buildings to be eredled within three miles of the gates of the city, upon pain of imprifonment of the builders, and forfeiture of the materials. III. THE SLIGHTS OF WANTON MAYDES. This tract of Hake's, which is mentioned by John Long in his verfes prefixed to " Newes out of Powles Churchyarde," is ap- parently not now extant. An allufion feems to be made to it by George Turberville in his " Plaine Path to perfect Vertue," 1568, in the following paffage } which at the fame time, proves that the " Newes " had come out anterior to that date : — I neither write the Newes of Poules, Of late fet out to fale, Nor Meting of the London Maides, For now that fifh is ftale. On this fubjecl: Mr. Payne Collier, in his Bibliographical Catalogue, obferves : the fact is that " A mery metynge of Maydes in London" had been entered by H. Denham in 1567, and an anfwer to it, under the title of " A letter fente by the Maydes of London to the vertuous Matrons," was regiftered in the fame year : their popularity perhaps induced Turberville to fay that the " fifh " (i.e. Hake) was then " ftale." xxii INTRODUCTION. Or it may be intended for a work licenfed to W. Griffith, in 1566, entitled "Amoofte delegable coference betwene the wedde lyfe and the fingle. By Henry Hake." It is poffible that Henry may be an error for Edward, as the entering-clerks at Stationers' Hall in thofe early times were both ignorant and carelefs, fre- quently obfcuring matters extremely interefting to a literary pofterity. IV. THE IMITATION, OR FOLLOWING OF CHRIST, AND THE CONTEMNING OF WORLDLY VANITIES : At the firft written by Thomas Kempife, a Dutchman, amended and polifhed by Sebaftianus Caftalio, an Italian; and Englifhed by E. H. Seene and allowed, &c. Dedicated to Thomas duke of Norfolk. H. Denham, 1567. [O&avo.] This title is copied from Herbert's edition of Ames's " Typo- graphical Antiquities." A copy of the above imprefiion was fold at the White Knights fale, No. 2248, for izs. ; and at Heber's, pt. I, for 6s. 6d. } but I have not been able to fee it, nor do I know its prefent poffeffor. It has been afferted that an edition appeared in 1584, and alfo that another without date exifts j but both thefe ftatements feem to be without authority. THE IMITATION OR FOLLOWING OF CHRIST, AND THE CONTEMNING OF WORLDLY VANITIES : Wherevnto, as fpringing out of the fame roote, we haue adioyned another pretie treatife, entituled, The perpetuall reioyce of the Godly, euen in this lyfe. Ephefians. 5. Be ye followers of God as deere children, and walke in loue, euen as Chrift hath loued vs, &c. Seene and IN TROD UC TION. xxiii allowed according to the order appointed Anno. 1568. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham. Black Letter. [Octavo.] The name of the tranflator, Edward Hake, appears at the end of the Dedication to u Thomas Duke of Norfolke, Earle Marfhall of Englande," &c. The arms of this nobleman, a lion rampant, furrounded by the garter, are accompanied by the following verfes : — " Ift Lyons force that Rampaunt yeeldes the fame ? Or Norfolkes grace that beares the worthy minde ? Ift Princely race that brings the crowne of fame ? Or due defert that hath the fame affignde ? Sole Prince, fole Duke, fole paterne of renoune, Tis great Iehoue that yeeldes immortall crowne. Like as the Lyon, rampaunt, doth defcrie his worthy force, So Norfolkes grace by conftant life portendeth great remorfe." and unfortunate Henry, Earl of Surrey — one of the brighteft orna- ments of the Houfe of Howard — whofe iniquitous execution, which took place January 21, 1547, during the lifetime of his father, was the laft tyrannical adl of Henry VIII. Nor was the above fourth Duke, Surrey's fon, who fucceeded his grandfather, July 18, 1554, more happy in his end than his father, for, being at- tainted of high treafon for his communication with Mary, Queen of Scots, he was beheaded on June 2, 1572, aged only 35 5 when all his honours became forfeited. This nobleman was not, like moft of his family, a Roman Catholic, at leaft fo he declared at the place of execution, where he faid, " I have not been popifhly in- clined ever fince I had any tafte for religion ; but was always averfe to the popifti doctrine, and embraced the true religion of Jefus Chrift, and put my whole truft in the blood of Chrift, my bleffed Redeemer and Saviour. Yet I muft own that fome of my fer- vants and acquaintance were addicted to the Romiih religion." This may account for fo determined a Ptoteftant as Hake having dedicated the above work to him. Yet a few years after Hake found a new and more powerful patron in the perfon of the Earl d xxiv INTRODUCTION. of Leicefter, the determined but fecret enemy of the Duke of Nor- folk, who owed his ruin to the infidious advice of his rival. Nor was his eldeft fon, Philip Earl of Arundel, more fortunate, for he alfo fell a vidtim to the artifices of Leicefter and Walfingham, dying after trial for high treafon in confinement in the Tower, 19th November, 1595, in the thirty-ninth year of his age. A youthful portrait of the above-named Duke, by Holbein, is pub- lifhed in Chamberlaine's edition of " Holbein's Portraits of the Court of Henry VIII." The copy of this work in the Britifh Mufeum had been fuccef- fively in the poftefiion of Humphrey Chambers, 1656, of W. Herbert, and of the late Duke of SufTex. The firft treatife con- fifts of A — T in eights, but leaf B iv is wanting. The fecond ex- tends from A to D iv in eights. Included are (to fill up the fheet) " Florentii Volufani Ode," and other verfes. A fine copy of this edition, in morocco, was fold for 4/. Ss. in Dr. Blifs's fale. VI. A TOUCHESTONE FOR THIS TIME PRE- SENT, exprefly declaring fuch ruines, enormities, and abufes as trouble the Churche of God and our Chriftian common wealth at this daye. Where- vnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obferued of all Parents and Scholemaifters, in the trayning vp of their Schollers and Children in learning. Newly fet foorth by E. H. Imprinted at London by Thomas Hacket, and are to be folde at his Shop at the greene Dragon in the Royall Exchange. 1574. [Black Letter. Oclavo.] The copy of this curious work in the Bodleian Library feems to be the only one known. It confifts of 52 leaves. After the title, and occupying three leaves, begins on A 2 an " Epiftle dedicatorie," in profe : " To his knowne friende mayfter Edward Godfrey Mer- chaunt." Then follows on fheet B, ending on reverfe of E 2, " A Toucheftone for this time prefent," in profe j and after this "A Compendious fourme of Education," etc., "gathered into Englifhe meeter by Edward Hake," which begins on E 3, and concludes at INTRODUCTION. xxv the end of fheet G. This laft part is an abridged tranflation of a Latin tract, " De pueris ftatim ac liberaliter inftituendis." The rarity of this work and the nature of its contents muft be my excufe for the length of the extracts. " Looke what is good, the fame wee deride, contempne Sc refufe, and contrariwife, whatfoeuer is euil, if it bring eyther pleafure or profite, the fame doo we wifhe for, purfue and embrace : Auarice, wee account good & honeft defire : Ufury (the sone of Auarice) we account lawful trade : Exceffe we cal bountie : whoredom, pleafure : fwearing, Jolity : pride, Brauery : deceipt, policy : robbing, fhifting : and (what fhould I more fay) vice we account vertue, & vertue precife foolifhneffe. We feeke for new faftrions, we defire new lawes, new rules and newe orders, and yet no man (al this while) hath minde of a newe life ; no man feeketh to re- newe the fame, nor yet to amend the olde." (Sig. B.) In this ftrain the author proceeds till he enters upon the real grievance, which is, (as might be expected,) the Papifts, in the following abufive terms : — * And fo the Temple of God, the Lordes houfe, Chrift his Congregation, the very true fpoufe of our faviour, lyeth ruinous, al to rent & deformed. Alas, no faith, is left to faften the worke to the corner ftone, no moifture remaineth to knip vp the frame with the foundation, Chrift Jefus, our only rocke, our only foundatio, our only head and chiefe corner ftone. Loue is cold, faith is dead : trueth is naught fet by. And that fame fmal number which would faine bee doing in the daungerous worcke, are eyther daunted by their enemies, or difcouraged by their felowes : The zeale of Iofiah is gon, & Demas triumpheth : Amafiah & Diotriphes doo beare vp their villanous breafts againft the Lord & his people : Demetrius is bufy, & Simon Magus doeth florime : that hard it is to thinke whether the number is greater of fcareful fouldiers, faint workmen, & feeble Chriftians, or the boldnes of the aduerfary more vniuerfal, or in tirany more abouding. How rageth, how roareth, how thundreth, howe threateth, how whifpereth, how braggeth y e Babilonical ftrumpet, y e Romifh Drago, that bloodthirfty Ciclops, Minotaure, & horrible mofter : how buftle her couetus chapions : howe fwel her vilanous rable of rakehel Termagants : how rage beyond y e feas her bloody Bifhops : how crake the crew of her coalequechy Cardinals : whofe de- ftrudYio & horrible fal, although I know to aproche, & to be as it were begoon : Yet I do lament (& fo may al true Englifh hearts) xxvi INTRODUCTION. that our finnes are fo greeuous, as by theoccafion thereof, the lord doth deny in the time of fo chaft, fo wife, fo godly, zelous, & fo learned a Prince (as is our moft drad foueraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth, whofe life with ioyned harts & hands let vs cry, cry vnto y e Lord to lengthen) within this Realme of Englad tobring to perfectio that which he hath begon : to abolifh from her people al remnants of popery, & to fupplant the hipocritical & vnlearned minifterye." (Sheet B 4 recto.) After deploring the decay of " thofe true workmen, who were fo flout, fo zealous, fo artifitial, & fo wife," he contrails them with their fucceffors, the greateft part of whom (he fays), "are more careful in building of Pluralities, Trialities, Totquots, and Non refidens, than in furthring of this facred, fpiritual and diuine Temple of the Lorde." He accufes a great number oPthem of inordinate eating & drinking j " epicuryous in the hamperyng of theyr owne bodies," but neglectful of their flocks. He goes on thus : " Yea, I woulde to God, that the number were not great of fuche Godlefle Hipo- crites, fuche vnlearned loyterers, and verye pieuilhe pelting Para- fites, which for liuing fake haue intruded and thruft them felues into the Church : who, if they were not cloathed with the counterfaite title of bountiful houfekeepers, fhoulde haue nothing at al wherewith to couer their blockiflineffe, nor to hide their blindnefle, nor to cloake theyr lewdenefle and trecherye : where- by they fhoulde incurre the iuft reward of their naughtines, euen ignominy and reproche.'' (B 7.) " Would God (I faye) that the holye houfe were not peftered at this daye with fuch hipocrites and damnable fort of lufkifh loytering Lubbers, who (notwithftanding their great blockifhnefs their palpable ignorance & extreme want of learning) doo keepe within their clames the liuelyhood of true paftors, and painful laborers : which fuftaine Ruffias, to begger minifters : which maintaine routes of rakehel Roifters, to decreafe the nuber of honeft poore chriftians : which not only thefelues are contented to flop the roomes of learned preachers, but alfo deuifhly doo bring in moft horrible crewes of curfed Chaplins, & notorious numbers of monftrous vnlearned Sicophants, which take the fleece, & ftarue the flocke:" etc. He then goes on to accufe civil magistrates of coldnefs in God's work, of fupport of " falfe worckemen, curfed hyrelinges, and pro- feffed enemyes to the trueth." He deplores alfo the evils arifing INTRO D UC TI O N. xxvii from feeble difcipline, which is "a vizare vnto feareful Magistrates, and a prepofterous fhift vnto partial Judges." Here is a reference to the perils incurred by the denouncer of fuch iniquities ; " Who is not afraid and loath " (fays he) " to dif- pleafe ? yea, and (that worfe is) who dareth to fpeake and is not punifhed ? who finneth and is not pardoned ? Alas, fo mightely preuayleth finne at this daye, that as wee wil not fay, that to finne, it is not dangerous : fo, muft wee needes faye and affyrme, that to bee an accufar of finne and wickedneffe, is the moft daun- gerous thing in the world." He then alludes to fome matter of this kind, which he fays " is fo frefh amongft fome, that it cannot be forgotten." But his attacks on parents for negligence in the education of their children, are equally vehement. "Children " (he fays) " by nature are euyll, and being euyll, they are by example of Parentes made worfe. No loue towardes God, no honour of children to their Parentes, nor feare of Parentes in their Children is fought for, had, or regarded at all. If I fhould fpeak of the educatio of daughters, (wherof in this third place I fhould writ) the verye Pagans, Infidels, and Turckes, woulde ftand vp againft vs. I can not tell whether through forrowe, I fhoulde crye out and bewayle them, or for fhame commit them to fcilence : fo immoderate in apparell, fo lafciuious in talke, fo bolde in behauiour, and fo vnfeemely in iefture is the vniuerfall ftate, almoftas well of wiuesas of damofels. And that which moft of all fhould be regarded : I meane the prouident care of parents ouer their daughters in their young and tender years : that is altogither neglected and fet a fyde. No fooner is the daughter of age of vnderftanding, but fhee ftraightwaye and therewithall learneth the highe path to whoredome, and the principles of vanity and lewdeneffe. Eytherfhee is altogither kept from exercifes of good learning, and knowledge of good letters, or elfe fhe is fo noufeled in amorous bookes, vaine ftories and fonde trifeling fancies, that fhee fmelleth of naughtinefle euen all hir lyfe after, as a veffel which being once feafoned, doth neuer forgo the fent of the firft licour." He then contrafts them, to their difad vantage of courfe, with many Pagan ladies and early Chriftians. " But even " (continues he) " that fame fmall number which haue anye knowledge at all, doe fo greatlye abufe it, that much better were it they fhoulde vnlearne that againe which they haue alreadie learned, then mife- rably to abufe it as they doo, or at the leafte wife (as we fee them) xxviii INTRODUCTION. to make equalle Pampheticall trifles with wholefome Doctrine and tryalloflyfe." (C. v.) He complains that after reading "pernicious, vmchafte and godlefTe bookes," they accompany in pleafures and banquets, "young amorous Roifters, & mifchieuous varlettes," etc. " On the other fyde, it is to be lamented (as a cafe too too grieuous) fuch parents as doe bring vp their daughters in learning, do it to none other ende but to make them companions of carpet knightes & giglots, for amorous louers. If their intent were otherwife, how woulde they dare fo ouer curioufly, and carefully to maintaine and keepe them, at the leaft wife to wincke at them (as they almoft euery where doe) in that vaine & vngodly practife of daunfing ? vaine & vngodly I fay, only in refpect of the prefent abufe of the fame, which the very Pagans at all times and in all ages abhorred, . . O good God, fayth a certaine writer, what fhaking, what bragging, what wring- ing of handes, what whifperings, what treading vpon the toes, what vncleanly handlings, gropings, killings, and a very kindling of lecherye, doth their aflbtiate that trade and occupation of daunfing ? . . There was neuer heard of any that could hop, fkip, & tourne on the toe (as they terme it) that would fcarcely come to y e church without carying. . . And it is a world to fee, with what demurenes, fome that bee Parentes doo fit in beholding the ftraunge Jeftures, footing and countenaunce of theyr curious fantaftical Daughters : yea, oftentimes, when the felfe fame fkill is the caufe of defiling theyr bodyes and vtter loffe of theyr honefiye and good name." But, " after fhee hath once attayned Vnto the knowledge of Daunfing, fhee neuer afterward returneth backe to better thinges, fhee quite and cleane forfaketh vertue, and for the moft part, biddeth honefty adewe. Then fhee muft haue fcope, then fhee muft haue her apparel after the fafhion, then fhee muft haue paintings, Lickinges, Combings, Play tinges, Pitchinges, and all kinde of newe fafhioned Trimminges: yea, then fhee muft haue walkinges, Feaftinges, and watchinges, and al kinde of pleafure that maketh perfect the trade of a ftrumpet." He then compares, again to our difadvantage, our marriage cere- monies with thofe of the Egyptians, the Maflagetes who lived in " Tubbes and Tunnes (wives & daughters, fons & fathers toge- ther), the Bragmans," etc., followed by bitter complaints of the bad bringing up of fons, of the unneceflary licenfe given them when children — " the ouer great neifhnes and dilicacye that by INTRODUCTION. xxix Parentes is infufed into their little fonnes " — their contempt of fuperiors and excefs of apparel — " their malapart boldnes and libertye," and pronenef. to quarrelling & fighting. He then, in a ftrain of confiderable eloquence, calls upon his country as " thou Realme of Englande, thou olde Briutifh Nation, whome fometimes Forrein Peoples haue honoured for thy pietye," —to contraft her bleffings and peaceable ftate with thofe of neigh- bouring nations — to remember the goodnefs of God and Chrift — to bring up children in a better manner, etc. j and thus leads up to what was, perhaps, his primary object in writing the book — the fecond part of it, entitled, " A Compendious fourme of educa- tion." As the Epiftle Dedicatory contains perfonal allufions not found elfewhere, I have ventured to tranfcribe it in full ; but, before doing fo, I will make a remark on a fubjett which will no doubt Alike every reader — namely, the ludicrous irregularity in the orthography of certain words. This is common to moft books of the period j but here we have "plees" and "place," to defignate the fame thing, within twenty words of each other ; befides " their" and " theyr," and numerous other variations. When this is the cafe with works, which were no doubt, to fome extent, fuperintended by their authors through the prefs, how can we wonder at the defects in the quarto plays of Shakefpeare, which were furreptdtioufly executed ? I fay " to fome extent," for every one converfant with fuch matters is aware how often the matured orthography of an author is altered by the caprice or conceit of the compofitor. " To Maifter Iohn Harlowe his approoued friende. '* After that the right honourable the Lord Chiefe Iuftice of the common plees had permitted vnto me the othe of an Attourney, thereby admitting me into the number of Attourneys in the com- mon place, it was perfwaded vnto me by certain good friends of mine, for that the name of an Attourney in the common place is now adayes growen into contempt, whether in refpedr. of the multi- tude of the, whiche is great befides an hugerable of Pettipraclizers, or rather Petifoggers, difperfed into euerye corner of this Realme, or whether in refpe& of their loofe and lewde dealinges, which are manifolde, Or whether in both thofe refpe&es I knowe not : I fay, it was for this caufe perfwaded vnto me, to dedicate a litle time wholy and altogether to my profeffed ftudies of the common Lawes, that I might therby the better enable my felfe to do good in that calling. Wherevpon, refoluing my felfe determinately to xxx INTRODUCTION. followe that purpofe, I thought it conuenient to feclude from me all thofe forreine exercifes which might any wayes feeme to re- pugne, or to be (as it were) a propojtto aliena. " But (as in thofe my ftudies prefixed) being tied vnto folytari- nefle in the Countrey, which for my lot, hath hapned vnto me by mariage, after a while I perceiued that, wanting (as I there did) the benefite of mine accuftomed conference, it was impofiible for me, without fome exercife of the minde to cotinue, or with profite to go forwarde in the fame. In which refpeft, I contented my felfe (betwixt whiles and for recreation fake) to refort vnto mine accuftomed exercife, but fo, as (if it might be) fome profite might redound thereof vnto others. " And happening by good lucke vpon a certaine Latine booke intituled, De pueris Jiatim ac liberaliser inftituendis, I gathered com- pendioufly out of the fame, (as not being able to allowe my felfe time enough from my faid ftudies, to accomplifli the part of a Tranflatour) fuch certaine fummary documents as might feeme fufficient to frame an orderly and good forme of education ; which alfo I haue turned into Englifh meter, and that for thefe two caufes efpecially : Firft, for that profe requireth a more exact labour then meeter doth, and could not haue been enterprifed without going through the whole booke, whervnto my fmall allowaunce of time (as is aforefayde) coulde not be aunfwerable. Secondly jbecaufe meeter vnto the vnlearned (whom I heartily wifh to be followers of this booke) doth feeme a great deale more pleafaunt then profe, and doth mitigate (as it were) the harlhnes of the matter. " Which lit!e booke I do offer vnto you (my approued friend) as a token of my good wyll, in whom, as in my felfe, I do perceiue a fpecial loue not onely vnto this, but alfo vnto euery other good forme of education : as being trained vp (together with me your poore fcholefellow) with the instructions of that learned and exquifite teacher Maijier Iohn Hopkins, that worthy Schoolemaifter, nay rather, that moft worthy parent vnto all children committed to his charge of education : Of* whofe memory if I mould in fuch an oportunity as this is, be forgetful, I might iuftly be accompted the moft vnthankefull perfon in the world, confidering that I haue franckly tafted of his goodnes in this behalfe : that (if it be not vnfeemely fo to wiihe) would to God I had liued at his feete euen dayes and yeres longer then I did. But to returne, in refpect onely of good wyll and loue, I fend vnto you thefe few quaiers, praying you to accept the fame in equal part, reforting indifferentlye INTRODUCTION. xxxi vnto the confideration of thofe common affections of loue, which are wont rather patiently to beare reproche, than any wayes to lye hyd and vnknowen vnto the party fo beloued. Wherein I reft. " Your owne affuredlye Edwarde Hake." This work is, as is fpecified, a collection of directions for the education of youth, carried on in a feries of lively dialogues between Philopas and Chrifippus. It abounds in fenfible remarks, and, as might be expected, in fevere denunciations of the folly of parents, I have room for a few ftanzas only : — " They pinche and crooke their bodies in, the little corps they ftraine With garments far vnmeete fuch age, and to be thought as vaine. They cocke them vp with coates of pryde they vfe them for their fquires, They make them Cockneies in their kind and Apes in their attires. " Moreouer parents there be fome which when (in tender age) They heare their children likde for ought, they ftreight their ftate prefage. This child faith one wil proue wel learnd : then fayth the father, fure, I will for him fome Prebende or fome Prouoftfliip procure. Or elfe I truft to fee him rife to tipe of high degree : To be fome Judge, fome man of lawe, or man of dignitie." VII. A COMMEMORATION OF THE MOST PROSPEROUS AND PEACEABLE RAIGNE OF OUR GRATIOUS AND DEERE SOU- ERAIGNE LADY ELIZABETH BY THE xxxii INTRO D UC TION. GRACE OF GOD OF ENGLAND, FRAUNCE AND IRELANDE, QUEENE &c. Now newly fet foorth this .XVII. day of Nouember, beyng the firft day of the .XVIII. yeere of her Maiefties fayd Raigne. By Edw. Hake. Gent. Imprinted at London by William How, for Richard Johnes, dwellynge without Newgate, ouer agaynft S. Sepulchers Churche. (1575.) Black Letter. [Odlavo.] Britijb Mujeum. (Grenville Collection.) This work confifts of 20 leaves — A B in eights, and C in fours. A copy fold at Perry's fale for 11/. iij. 5 at Sir Mark Sykes's for ill. 125.; and at Sotheby's, in 1857, for 13/. 135. Heber's copy fold for only 4/. $s. This had been Bindley's, at whofe fale it pro- duced 9/. 95. It is reprinted by Thomas Park in his fupplement to the Harleian Mifcellany, vol. ix. p. 123, etfeqq.^ but with a very inadequate notice of the author. It is dated from Barnard's Inn, and dedicated " To the worfliip- full, his verie louing Cowfen M. Edwarde Eliotte Efquier, the gueenes Maiefties Surueyour of all her Honours Manours, Landes and pofleflions within her highnes County of Efiex." The Poem occupies fifteen pages, confifting of 384 lines in quatrains ; followed by three pages of an addrefs, " To all the Queenes highnes moft honourable Counfaylers," in feven-line ftanzas. Then appears, in profe, "A Meditation wherin the godly Englifh geueth thankes to God for the Queenes Maiefties profperous gouernment," etc. " which," fays the author, " was imparted vnto mee by a learned and worfhipfull gentleman, very necefiary to bee runne vnto in the end of our reivyfinge," &c. This occupies twelve pages, the lower half of the laft one difplaying a woodcut of the royal arms. The author, in his Dedication, gives us to underftand that he is induced by his coufin and a learned friend, to whom he had fhewn his poem, to publilh it, hoping thereby " to prouoke the pen of fome renowned Homer, and to prepare the hearts of all her Highnes Subjectes to a farther and deeper confederation of Gods exceeding and fuperabundant mercies ; that in the thankfulnes and finceritie of their hartes they might (not for one day fuperfticioufly, but for ever) kepe holy unto the Lord the commemoration of the moft profperous and peaceable raigne of the fame our gracious and dere fovereign lady, Queen Elizabeth." I NT ROD UC TION. xxxiii In contracting the quiet happinefs of England with the wars and miferies prevailing in foreign countries, he thus fpeaks : — "Thine englifh people, Lord, dwell fafe : with them doth peace abide, With them doth liue a louing Queene who like a Mother raignes, And like a chofen facred Impe immortall glory gaines. Her handes fhee holdes not foorth to warre, her hart doth reft in peace : Shee Joyes to fee her peoples wealth and wayles their harmes increafe. Thy gofpelles fownde fhee fendes abroade : fhee ftoppes no wholfome Spring : But popifhe Puddles dammes fhee up which noyfome humours bring." This difference he attributes not to any tyrannical propenfity on the Queen's part, but to the influence of her milder virtues } and he thus compliments her on her perfonal charms: — " Of flefhe the feebleft fexe by kinde, of face not Junos feere ; But mylde Sufanna in her lookes, and Hefter in her cheere " But fhe is no lefs particular, according to him, in guarding popular rights and in difpenfing ftricl juftice. His ftout Pro- teftantifm, which is indeed confpicuous in every piece he wrote, is again mown thus : — " Before her raigne, bereft of peace, bereft of outwarde joy, Purfued to death by Romifhe beaftes, ftill feeking her annoy ; Whofe foamy frothy murthrous jawes, with ftomacks ftuft with guile, Each day devis'd her graces death and facred ftate to foyle." As fhe has thus been bleffed by Jehove, fhe fhould, he fays, ever be xxxiv INTRODUCTION. thankful ; as well as for the benefits derived from good counfellors and upright judges. He then turns to the Church, praying that the Queen may, " with judgment found and pure,remoove from thence debate," as well as choofe the beft preachers j and, laftly, exhorts her to redrefs the evils of the commonwealth, and remove unworthy difpenfers of the law who are likely to give trouble in troublous times j thereby evidently glancing at judges with Popifh proclivities. In the courfe of his addrefs " to all the Queenes Highnes moft honourable Counfaylers," he befeeches them to beware of foreign fraud in the following fenfible terms. The concluding couplet is worthy of being written in letters of gold j for how often has England not had occafion to regret the non-obfervance of its advice: — 11 Beware of forreign fraude, and falfe pretenfed love, Accept good will, but fecreat woorks prevent ; So joy [join?] in league, that clofe compacts you prove, So live in peace, as you to wane were bent j Yeeld truft, but try for feare ye do repent : Geve heede to peace, but live not unpreparde, The ftrongeft Irate the longeft time is fparde." He further calls upon them to purge fociety of fome of its groff- nefs ; that being, as he thus deplores, beyond the power of his pen even adequately to defcribe : — " To tax the trades that wickednefs findes out, To touch the lives that lewdneffe hath begonne, To blafe the pride that runnes the realme throughout, To preach the fpoyles that private gaine hath wonne, To fhew the fhiftes that poore men have undone, O noble wightes ! and honourable all j No pen of mine hath force or ever mail " His hatred to Roman Catholics is fhown on every poffible occafion, as thus in the penultimate ftanza ; he evidently con- fidering them at the bottom of all the troubles of the time : — " Herein the bloody papifts do confpire, And begging broodes of bankrupts in their kind Do take the courfe to let our peace on fire, By fawning force a filthy fetch to finde, A few to raife with riches ill affign'd ; Though thoufands thence do reap their endleffe neede, Whence hate for love in confequence doth breede, 1 NTR ODUC TIO N. xxxv " Herein, to fine, the feweft fortes do right, Herein the lawes that godlynefs have fixt, Herein, the peace appearing in our fight, By private heades with wickednefs are mixt j And this our peace hath dangers drawne betwixt. Herein, therefore, to finde redrefle with fpeede Shall make your names c true noble' ftill indeede ! In moft humble wife, Edward Hake." A IOYFULL CONTINUANCE OF THE COM- MEMORATION OF THE MOST PROSPER. OUS AND PEACEABLE REIGNE OF OUR GRATIOUS AND DEARE SOUERAIGNE LADY ELIZABETH, BY THE GRACE OF GOD OF ENGLANDE, FRAUNCE, AND IRELANDE QUEENE. . . . Nowe newly en- larged with an exhortation applyed to this prefent tyme. Set foorth this XVII day of Nouember beyng the fyrft day of the XXI yeere of her maiefties faid reigne. By Edw. Hake Gent. Hereunto is added a Thankefgiuing of the godly for her Maiefties prof- peritie hitherto ; with an earneft defire of the long continuance of the fame to Gods glory and our com- fort. Imprinted at London by Richard Iohnes, and are to be fould at his fhop without Newgate [1578]. [Octavo. 24 leaves.] Of this work only one copy is known, which is preferved in the Library of Lambeth Palace. It is perfect with the exception of A i, that being the title-page. The bulk of the book confifts of a reprint of the "Commemoration " printed in 1575. The follow- ing is the collation : — Title, 1 page. An Exhortation to all the Queenes Maiefties faythful and obedient Subiedts, confidently to be perufed of the fame." 7 pp. (A 1-4) finifhing with this xxxvi INTR ODUC TION. notice : — " The Printer to the Reader. By following of the old copy (gentle Reader) of Anno. 18. of her M. raigne, there is a fault efcaped in the accompt of this prefent 21. yeere : which with thy pen, I pray thee amende, viz. in the fift Leafe for 17. reade 20. and for 18. (in the margentof that leafe) reade 21." Then follows the " Commemoration " as in the former edition 5 A — C iv. But the above-named error is not the only one connected with the date of this work, which has been affigned by bibliographers, who feldom verify dates on ftricl chronological principles, to the year 1579; but as the twenty-firft year of QJElizabeth's reign com- menced 17 November, 1578, it mould properly bear this latter date. The following feems the only extract worth quoting, as it has perfonal applications : — " It was in my mynde to haue continued a yeerely remembraunce of the premiffes, at fuch tyme as I fyrft fetfoorth this fayd Pam- phlet, being then the xviij. yeere of her Maiefties reigne : or at the leaft, to haue continued the fame vntil fome good wryter had bin knowen to haue dipped his penne in this kynde of Argument : But (much to my trouble, and litle to my comfort) I haue bene helde backe by other bulinefles occafioned neceffarily, though not profitablie, in ye vocation wherein I liue. And the tyme being now inftant, wherein thefe thyngs ought rather to be put foorth, thenenterprifed and begonne, I am conftraynedwith griefe of mynde, to leave vndone that which I haue bene hytherto as defirous to accomplifhe as I am and haue bene willing to enioy the benefites of fo excellent a gouernement in common with my brethren. " It is not a flight and vulgare thing (my deare brethren and countrymen) that a royall perfonage fhoulde be firft afflicted, & then aduanced : fyrft humbled, and then exalted : fyrft brought downe to the gates of death, and then agayne fet vp in the wayes of lyfe, and in the throne of principalitie and rule. This is the order of the Lordes fchoole, this is the courfe of the almightie, and thefe are the onely wayes of the higheft. By whome foeuer hee pleafeth to worke his worke, in thofe he exprefTeth the good tokens of his election. And hath he not dealt fo with our Elizabeth?" He then complains of the " vnrecouerable wickednes of the people of this tyme and Nation" — of the practices of the Queen's enemies, rebellion, Popifh plots, &c. INTRO DUC TIO M xxxvii DAUIDS SLING AGAINST GREAT GOLIAH. A fword againft the feare of Death. A battell be- tween the Deuill & the Confcience, The dead mans fchoole. A lodge for Lazarus. A retraite from Sin. By E. H. London, by Henry Denham, 1580. [i6mo.] The only authority for the exiftence of this work, which is from the initials attributed to Edward Hake, is Maunfell's Catalogue. AN ORATION conteyning an Expoftulation As well with the Queenes Highnefle faithfull Subiects for their want of due consideration of Gods bleffings en- ioyed by meanes of her Maieftie : As alfo with the vnnaturall englifh for their difloyaltie and vnkindneile towards the fame their Soueraygne. At the firft pro- nounced vpon the Queenes Maieities Birthday, in the Guyldhall of the Burrowe of Newe Windfore, by Edward Hake of Grayes Inne Gent, then Mayer of the fame Burrowe: And now newly inprinted this xvij. day of Nouember, in the xxx. yeere of the Queenes HighnefTe moil happie Raigne. Imprinted at London for Edward Aggas. [1587.] Black Letter. [Quarto. 16 leaves, a — d.] This Oration, fpoken on the Queen's Birthday, 7th September, 1586, was according to the Regifters of the Stationers' Company, licenfed to Edw. Aggas, 30th October, 1587, in which year it was no doubt printed. It is introduced by an Addrefs by Hake to " The right Noble and vertuous his finguler good Lady, the Lady Anne Countefie of Warwicke," — (wife oFAmbrofe Dudley, elder brother of the Earl of Leicefter, and created Lord Lifle and Earl of Warwick in 1562) — in which he regrets that he has no better means of fhewing his refpect for " fo noble a Lady, as by whom (I xxxviii INTRODUCTION. confefle) both in my ficknefle and my health I haue bene often reuiued and fingulerly comforted." The only copy of this work now known is in the Library of Lambeth Palace. It is, however, reprinted in the fecond volume of Nichols's Progrefles of Queen Elizabeth. XI. THE TOUCHE-STONE OF WITTES. 1588. Though Warton, in his defcri prion of the " Mirror of Magis- trates," the firft edition of which appeared in 1559, quotes Hake's opinion as a contemporary writer upon it, as found in his " Touche- ftone of Wittes," a work " chiefly compiled," according to our great poetic critic, " with fome (lender additions from William Webbe's "Difcourfe of Englifh Poetry," publifhed in 1588 ; he fpeaks of him as " a forgotten writer," and as " one of whom he knows but little more than that he wrote alfo '* A Toucheftone for this Time prefent." But to this flight notice we are indebted for the only record we poflefs of this work of Hake's (the Touche-ftone of "Wittes) j for though a copy had undoubtedly been feen by Warton, it has efcaped the fubfequent refearches of our moft: ardent bibliomaniacs ; refembling in this refpect the fate of that curious poetic tract of 32. leaves, printed in 1601, entitled "No Whippinge nor Trippinge but a kinde friendly Snippinge," which, notwithftanding a copy of it had apparently been ufed by Malone, had never been ieen by Warton nor by any fucceeding bibliographer till another (and perhaps the only furviving one) had been dif- entombed at Lamport Hall by the prefent editor, who has no hefitation, from the moft direct internal evidence, in fathering it upon Nicholas Breton. XII. OF GOLDS KINGDOME, AND THIS VN- helping Age. Defcribed in fundry Poems intermixed \y placed after certaine other Poems of more fpeciall refpecl : And before the fame is an Oration or fpeech intended to haue bene deliuered by the Author hereof vnto the Kings Maiefty. Ipfe INTRODUCTION. xxxix licet venias Mufis comitatus Homere, Si nihil at- tuleris, ibis Homere foras. Though Homer, thou do come thy lelfe with Mufes waiting on thee, Yet Homer, if thou nothing bring, then Homer, God be with thee. Animus virtutis ftudiofus adinuenit artem Carminum ad laudandum bona: ad vituperandum vero vitiofa. Arijl. De poetica lib. i. [Emblematical Woodcut.] Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet dwelling at Paules Wharfe at the figne of the Crofle- keyes, and are there to be fold. 1604. Black Letter. [Quarto, 33 leaves.] The copy in the Britifli Mufeum is imperfect, containing only 2 4. leaves. [A to F 4.] It had belonged to Heber, who purchafed it from Longman's Bibl. Anglo-Poetica, at 3/. 3s., and then paid Lewis 135. for the binding. It produced at his fale 1/. 133. One at Bindley'' s fale, apparently perfect, brought 61. 2s. 6d., and G. Chalmers's copy, in 1842, 13/. This volume comprifes a fingular intermixture of poems on varied fubje&s in various meafures, with a few profe pieces, advert- ing to royal perfonages, to courtiers, to prelates, to judges, to lawyers, &c, and to the author's leading topic, the potency and undue influence of gold. The circumftances under which it was compofed are ftated in the following dedication in the latter part of the book : — " To the right ivorfhipfvll his very kind and curteous friend Edward Vaughan EJquire, Deputy Officer of the Office of the Pipe of the Kings Maiejties Efchequer. " Good Sir, " My occafions flaying me fo long in London this laft vacation, as that according to the bill of Certificat there died aboue 19 hundreth of the Plague in one weeke : Although I then thought it not fit to imploy that time in any ferious Study, yet I was vn- willing to pafle it wholly ouer without fome exercife of my Pen. Whereupon reforting to a few odde trifles jwhich I had penned about a yeare or two Athens, I added euefy day for diuerfe dayes together fundry others vnto them. And caufing my man to f xl INTRODUCTION. write them out after me, in the end I found the whole thereof to arife vnto a proportion of a Title Booke : which (thus written as it is) I fend vnto you, as a token of my aflured goodwill, being ready from time to time to expreffe the fame by better meanes as I fhall be enabled thereunto. And whereas in one or two places of the booke I haue made mention of outragious fees, let that light where it will : As for you, you are knowne to be a giuer of fees ; But an extreame exadter of fees I am perfwaded in my heart you neuer were, nor euer will be. And fo with my beft wilhing vnto you, I ceafe: This Firft of Januarie 1603. " Your true and hearty welwiller, " E. Hake." This Edward Vaughan was author of a little work, (not men- tioned by Lowndes, and recently in my pofTeffion,) and one in which it appears Sir W. Herbert had a part, printed by A. Iflip, London, 1594, entitled " Ten Introductions: How to Read, and in Reading how to Underftand ; and in Underftanding, how to beare in mind all the Bookes, Chapters, and Verfes, contained in the Holie Bible." In the Preface is a feeling allufion to the families " which the laft years Plague hath ruinated, deprived, and defolated." The following verfes in " Golds Kingdome" relate to the ftate of uncertainty in which the kingdom was placed by the death of the Queen, with a high compliment to the efficient adminiftra- tion of juftice in the city of London. " Of the moji commendable and honourable gouernement of the City of London, in the late times of the fickneffe and deceafe of the moft gracious and renoivmed Queene Elizabeth. " Feare, horror trembling, and difmay of heart Were each where feene upon reports that went That our late Queene i av fi c k e . O dreadful! fmart Redoubled ftill as new reports were fent. Moft men to flit and chaunge their foiles were bent, But where to feate or where to be fecure, Alas, alas, no cafting could procure. " The vpland man, thought fafeft in the Towne, The townes man thought him beft that was at large, And he that earft fate warme in long furd gowne, Could well haue brookt the fleering of a barge. Not one of other then would take'the charge, INTRODUCTION. xli But each fufpecting other, all difmayd, Not for defence, but for deftruclion ftayd. " O London then (to thy ftill lafting fame) So prudently thy Gouernement was fet, As that how euer newes then went and came, Nought could thy graue forefight or compaffe let Wifedome and courage fo in thee were met, As that the Peacefull had his quiet reft, And few men feard that they mould be oppreft. " No troupes by day nor lurkings in the night Could gather head, but ftreight they were defcryde : Each officer fo held his courfe aright, As that no doubtfull perfon durft abide. And for the care that was at water-fide, It was to all great ioy to vnderftand What rules were there for fetting men on land. " In fine, when certainty of death was knowne Of her our Queene, did hurly burly rife? No none at all : A bud then ftraight way blowne On felfe fame ftalke did London well fuffice To meafure all things with an vpright Size. The keyes were kept for him [King James] who did fucceed, And nought was heard that difcrepance might breed. " Then I as one partaker of that Good, Who with my wife and family did ftay Within the City where I vnderftood Th' occurrents of thofe times and Cities fway, Found caufe of fweete content whereas I lay, Obferuing there the orders of that place, Which with my heart I highly did imbrace." As the "Oration" included in this volume contains little but the ufual adulation addrefled to fovereignson their acceffion to the throne, and has already been reprinted in Brydges's " Reftituta," vol. iii. p. 269, it feems unneceffary to repeat it here. But it is amufing to obfervethat the author, who never lofesan opportunity of felf-laudation, manages, while alluding to the king's fhare in the government, and the "equity of the Common Lawes of Eng- land and of the High Court of Chancery," to call His Majefty's attention to " a plaine and open Treatife thereof in Englifli," which xlii INTRODUCTION. he has written, and of which he begs the king's perufal. This has apparently never been printed. I will now give a few fpecimens of the poems in " Golds Kingdome," fome of which contain paflages of considerable merit. They are preceded by the following ftanzas, mowing the ruling features of the author's mind — his zeal for religion — his yearning for the reformation of abufes in Church and State, as well as in the legal profeffion, all of which bore heavily on the people, — tempered by a profound veneration for the office of the fovereign. From its heading, " Humble Petitions of good fubiecls to their good King againft the Parliament," and from the ideas expreffed in it, it is evident that his hopes for reform centred entirely in the new ruler: — ^onfirme Religion as the Arke of God: Preferue the places where the fame fhall reft : Then lawes for life, and maners as the Rod, Wherewith offence of Sinne muft be fuppreft, So mail the land afluredly be bleft. But firie Spirits are not for that charge, Nor fuch as feeke their profits to enlarge. " Next, for the Common-wealth (as is begun) Take off oppreflions from the Subiec"b backe, And to the Commons do not alwayes runne For euery thing that Common wealth doth lacke, For fo poore Subiecls ftill fhall go to wracke, And yet muft Subiedrs Caefars duties pay: No faithfull Subieft will thereof fay nay. " As for the Lawyers faults and griefes thereby, The peoples plaints fuffice to make them knowne, And how huge monftrous fees on Suters lye, Which Officers and Clarkes claime as their owne : But if you afke quo iure they are growne The man (fay they) muft fell who firft did buy : A cafe to be redreft as caufe fhall lie. " In briefe, the fores & ficknefles that are In Englands ftate, which grieued men will fhew In Parliament, will moue the Princes care To finde the fountaines whence the fame doe flow, And fountaines found, to purge them all arow. INTRODUCTION. xliii The God of heauen preferue our bleffed King, That he to Church and Realme true peace may bring. Aftra Deo nil maius habent, Nil Caefare Terra : Sic Caefar Terras, vt Deus Aftra regat." " No gold no goodnejje. OGold that goeft in and out, That rul'ft and raigneft at thy will, thou that bringeft things about, Why art thou abfent from vs ftill ? But O our God, O where art thou That fuffreft Gold to conquer now? " You earthly men who vnto men Nought giue where you can nothing take, 1 fpeake to you, regard me then, Your Gold and Goods your God you make For where as Gold is, you are won, But where Gold is not, you haue done. M Be honeft, learned, fkilfull, wife, Be what thou canft, if Gold thou want, Thou maift lie ftill, thou fhalt not rife, For nothing proues where Gold is fkant : For Gold it is that doth the deed, But nothing profpers where is need. " What, fhall I then lie downe and die? Alas I cannot when I would : Or fhall I lit me downe and crie And with my teares my griefe vnfold ? Lament and crie, do what thou wilt, Thy caufe is loft for lacke of Gilt. " Yet fay I not that all men looke To be rewarded for their deed : But this I fay, that few men brooke To helpe a man that is in need. For though he write with Hcmers inke, Yet go he fhall before he drinke." xliv INTRODUCTION. u The fame complaining of his ivant of friends. " T 7\ TAKING in my bed I wept V V And filently complaind, The cares that on me crept All hope of fleepe reftraind, I called on my hap, I cried on my chaunce, Will none ftand in the gap ? Will none my ftate aduance? My woe that neuer ends, My want that neuer dies, My ftate that neuer mends, My foule that euer cries, All thefe are but the loome That warpeth vp my death, All thefe prefage my doome, The loffe of later breath. But is there not a Ioy That worldly Ioy excels, That helpeth all annoy And worldly woe expels ? There is no doubt, God graunt it me So ihall thofe woes extinguifht be." " Droupe and die, Looke vp and Hue. " T) E drouping N. and die my deareft friend : X) For who regardeth him whofe ioyes do end ? Looke vp and liue, make mew of greateft ftore : If litle thou pofleffe, make fhew of more : Be modeft, fimple, bafhfull in thy deed, Aflure thy felfe of nothing thou fhalt fpeed : But ftout vaunt parler ftirring in the State Will haue his paffage through a Princely Gate.' Anfiver. " Ah God my God, and muft it needes be thus ? Will nothing come by plaine and fimple courfe ? Muft Nature change her felfe and loofe her Ius? Muft humble mind be proud ? Nay (which is worfe) INTRODUCTION. xlv Muft vertue feruile be to ftalcke vpon the Stage ? Ah Lord my God, how grieuous is this Age ? He neuer liue to make fuch fained fhowes : He rather liue where peace of Confcience growes. Natura pauca, opinio mult a reprint." " A carefull Debtor. I Live in debt, yet loue not to do fo, I pay no debt, but not becaufe I would not: Tis debts difeafe that breedeth all my woe, It kils my heart (alas) becaufe I could not. But hence I go to feeke fome change of foyle Whereby to pay my debt with bodies toyle." !$fc?Newes out of Powles § Churchyarde U3oto netolg renueti anD amplifpeD accoutring; to t&e acctDent# of tlje prefent time, 1579. and ©tfjertmfe entituleO,fp? Nummus - g bitten in (Engltft) Satyrs, ^ftljerefn 10 reprooueti ejceffiue ann tonlatofull fee* fcing after riel>e0, anD tpe euill fpentrincoftpefame. Compyled by E. H. Gent. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed. Horatius. Aetas parentum pet or auis, tulit Nos nequioresy mox daturos Progeniem vitiofiorem. WlzW act tpp GooU0,anu fpenu tpem toell: toell gotten, fceepe tpe fame* 33etoare of i?oor"De t poorfce patetiotp bring, anD bile reptocpfull name* Non mordet qui monet, Nan vulnerat ,fed fanat . § K p !&•? To the high and Honor a- blz > ano Iris efpeciall goon lo?tie, Lorde Robert Dudley , Earle of Leycefter, Bacon of Denbigh, anti T&ni$>t of tlje molt noble order of the Garter , high Stewarde of fier St2aiettteg ©urcoto of neto Wind, fore, Edw. Hake, fott&ecffetoartl tpZVt, toffyetfj tiaplp p^Ceruatton VoitJ increase of tjono^ to d5oti0 fflOff. C///> ^r^^ £#/£ graffed in your Noble brejl y Far re grater gifts then tipe of mundane glee: Sith high renowme,your Honour, 5s? the rejl, To Vertueyeeldy and counteruayled bee With great ejfecl ofVertues worthy vew: I make it boldefor vertues ayde to few. And though my gift {as fender to the shoe) Vnworthy feeme to shrowde himfelfe as nowe In bleffed Bay from force of deadly foe : Tet Vertue may your Lordships pitie bowe Tofenfe the Booh befet with deadly hate, For that the fame explanes the prefentjiate, Andfets to vew the vices of the time In Nouell Verfe and Satyrs sharpe effecl Still drawne along andp end in playneji rime For file intent good liuing to ered : Andfenne refcinde which rifely raignes abroade In peoples harts full fraught with finfull loade . AM. Sith \/ The Epiftle Dedicatory. Sithfo(Ifay) therefore your Noble hart Let grace fo guide and bend to Vertues bayte, That Satirs thefe (though feemingfomw hat tart) May shielded be from fuch as lie in waite The fame to sh end and bring tofowle decay e: To deadly shame,and mortall malice aye. So shall your Lordship sheweyourfelfe to bee Sole vertues flay, and friend vnto the good: So hate tofmne s ha I men appar aunt fee, And hue fet forth tofaue thefinfullbloud. Andfo shall I encouragde in mypainc, Proceede,andfet my Pen to Booke againe. And euer pray the liuing God of might Tour Lordship fo to guide by gift of grace, That you mayflande accepted in his fight Whiljl here you liue,and in the ende a place Receiue with fuch as vertues path haue trajle: And Hue with them that vertue haue imbrajle. Your Lordfhips moft humbly at commaund- ment. Edw. Hake. To the Gentle Reader. T pleafeth the Printer* (dffentle l&ea&er, ag tSou fee* iff) after rtoelue peered fct- lence, to Sale apine into tje liffSte, tSte mi? Utle boolte of engliflje £>at^0 , toincS elfe migSte Saue fOOttffe tMtO tt Celfe , Ecce nunc in puluere dormio : tofjat fjte pine flfjalbe^ 31 fenoVoe not:antJ3lamperDMtieD,tSatpinetenot ttje onelp, no no^ tSe cfjiefeft entie See re= fpectetS*But on ttje otSer part>Sat3l i^ai ptnetSatamtSe^utSo^oftSebooMone can be fo igno^aunt, but See mape eadlpe 8;SelCe.£Dnce,monep 31 P*ne none at tSig time,eitSer fo^ touting; altering; 01 co^rec-- ting: of tSe fame: $S?reofi!ttanti fo cleere, tSatbotSei anti mp boofce map be boulti to exempt our feluegfromtSe reacSeof mine otone Argument toSicS conaftetS in tSe repr00Utng;0ftS0fe\XlS0.(b?male engine) lie intoait fo^ ttr Nummus^nti tSug mttcS be fpofcen to pjeuent tSe obp^ob^ $ rep^oclje tSattStetMpmigr&tberapfetiapinffme, && fo* p^apfe anti commendation, if tSe fyarpneg of mp Satyrs toere not matter fuflftctent to fettle me apintttSe e;rpecta= tion tSereof : pet 31 am not fo farre from judgement 3 tSanfee (Bod , but tSat 31 SMU fenotoe To the gentle Reader. fenoto (in part) tot) at iglacfeinge (attoell (n ttje inuentionag in tljetierfe of tljebooke,) tfjat fyoul&e carpe atoap commentiation a* mono;ttt!)etiett0cCortot'enfflti!)^oete0of ourtpme: &no inDeetie,it [0 a mattertjjat 31 ffrpue nothing at all to attains tinto: for it 31 wu,g tooultie frequent t&e mea= ne#, tofticft are reading anti p^actife, nep= tljertoi)ereof,31!)auef)eneacquaintelitoitl) to anppurpofednce t&e firft tfoee peered toJicl^fpenttntljegnnegofCljauncerp: tmngnoto aboueatiofen of peered paffetu #nti fo longe ig it tttfjeng tjjefe »>at^eg toere fitrtf mane anfe Cet foortj, euen (as 31 ma^eCape)in mp ct)ilDitye peeres,toI)ereof nottoitjttantiing; tierpe tyttle o^ nothing 3repentmee.€)nl^3|Voi^etSatalltljat| jjaue to^itten $ publityeti fjeretofo^e toere by mereutfeti, anti tjat g migljt tjaue lp= cenfe anti lapfure to runne t§em ouer a= game, fjerebp to make tfjem a little mo^e fubftancialltfmp^abtlitgeferueDtljereto: tojicpeingoncetioneaniiperfr^meti^oto fo^toar&ejtooultie bee fromtljenffoo^tl) in fettingfo^tl)ofl)Oofee0,(!)oultieappearetin= to tfte too^lDe bp tfje continuance of my a= lence ♦ if oj (to fpeafce a trutjje) it f$ not meete toe fyoul&e elope tlje tooultie toitlj to man? To the gentle Reader. tomanpboofeesoflDeakef)andlin(r:efpeci= allp>f)ile0 tlje learned trauaileg and p^o* fitable labours of too^tljpe totters are fapne to feeepe tlje doo^e (as 3 mape terme it)o^tof)icf) te mo^e,to lie buried indlcce* But touching: tbte mp boofee:3 fjaue not abridged itof anp onefe>at^e tfjat toag in tfje firft edition thereof, neptijer tjaue 3 added finto it anp ottjer tof)ole»>at^: But 31 tjaue enlarge!) !)ere and ttjere one, and 5aue corrected p e tDbolebooke in manppla= ces* 3 confeCCe 3 coulde Ijaue beenetopl= ling to I) aue increased tlje number bp ij.oj iii*featp# at ttje lead: j^amety of tintier= ff^eeues anti Baplliffs one : #nd of 3n= formers anti £>ompner0 oi £pparitours otljer rtooo*bier> anti in euerpe fejier, tofjat Cptie ^Totone o^ Sedquiddiuitics? quid decus omne valent? Infidiis quaruntur opes^queeruntur honores: Ijla breuifugiunty & peritura volant. Perge tuos igitur fcelici tramite grejfus: Sijlere ne retrahat Zoilus iftud opus. Infidias ojiende virum,quos nulla mouere Heu pietaspoterit: queis pador omnis abejl. Sic tu Neftoria traduces Jlamina vita Hake^tuam famamfydera fumma canent. "The fame to the Citie of London. (Breat conquetf of Cnne gati) made a Student (Edtoard l£ake* flD Hondon learne foj to betoare, from Cnne artfe and toafee* (Dt toanton ^apdes Ije did alfo, tfjeaigfitg a late detect: Hearne to be toife, and loofce to tfjem, tje too$ altoapeg Mpect 3!?ee 6atl) redufde to Imitate tongue tlje imitation true #nd following of ourCaptaineCf^tfte, pod Itutng: to renue* # loucljeffone fo^ tje pjefent tpme Jeeefcefetfo^tljof late, Mlljerein tjje rupneg of t&e Cfjurclje tottti ?eaie Ije Dotft debate. a hiizf memorial* of our SEmiznz and of Ijer bleCCed raigne fee alfo to^ote in detoe difrourfe * firft once anti tjen apine* m length tljefenetDe^ are noto come fo^tlj herein tjp anneg Je (J)otoe0* Repent (ttjerefo^e) and call for grace of (Bod ecje tljtnff tljat knotoe£. FJNIS. 'The Author to the Carping and fcornefull Sicophant. AS pfateu jfinne of flentier flpcing Dare aGH^ertoitf) ti>e Seaman cuts t|?e croo&en toaue, 3(0 fcant of fojce tattaine tf>e £appp ujoare 2KK|?en c&ecfc of tpoe bac& beare0 tf?e migf)tp i^aue : So 3( (no leffe) lone lotigTie on mounting furge, aiaaas &ept aloofe bp can&ero cagtife0 gurge* &f?oug|) true intent Xiiti fipce t|?e flreame fo ftoift, Sea beaten 3Satc& coulu fcantlp pet obtaine %\>t ujoare tpil noto \ bp fubtile Zopte Drift 3nD ©iper0 tongue tf?at beat mp 33oate amaine* 2HHi)at t|>en? perforce, ?nti maugre JKomu0 fjeao, 31 f&PP on StronD, ao free fiom oaunget0 tyeatu Het Sicop£atmt0 anto iftinotauru0 broooe, Het €iclop0 Jfeere, ano fubtple Ciren $agge0, Wiixl) grinning 31atoe0 anti gafptng gpfcDp moooe (So flja&e tfmr eare0, ano tyut t?>eirf|)amele0 bagge0. 31 fojee tfjem not,no^ J73eutrall, IPapiU, noj. ©tie 3(anu0 3fac&0 : u eir league tioo 1 ab£o^ Zt)ou IPapift, t£ou, falfe i)arte"D to tl?p prince, l^at roouIuCte bereaue £er grace of princelp potore, Zo ti?ee 31 fap tijat cijec&ing , Tiooft conuince (80 feemetf? tfjee) mp popnaunt poore neuotore : JFor t|?at tf)ou tieemft me oampneo bp tf?p Doom, Stano bacB ffr 23roc&, let 33anDog ta&e ti?p room* Sf>all brocfepfl? iSafcgcr beare as noto t|?c ftoap, 2Dr SJjepijeroes Dog tijat bringeti? in tf>c S|)eepe? Sfjall toooluity mates tijat tooont ti?e fame to flap, Eebu&e tf?e aflJtyelpe ? no, no, ta&e t$ou no fcepe* ^o mp poore potore pic barc& tljee from tyz folo, anu f|?ep|>crtie0 f£all relate t£ee to t&p ijoltie* To the carping and 2iaHf)erefore,toitt)tirato tyi racing fpogle b% tiag 8nti fee t£ou lurcfc (at leaft) toitirin tfjg caue Saa^rle &unne is tip, for feare of punters prag: 2E3f>at tgme tl>g craft is not of force to faue* 3nti e&e at nigf>t, betoare ift Be t|?H !>ap > ^nti feeepe t|>2 foote from flipping $unter0 trap* 8nti notn to tfjee tljou Double facet) tirtmee , ^at plge0 tljg felfe fo plgaunt two cfjaunge, 8nti bntier fjanti lioofte beare ti>g face fo 3Sutige : ^>ou %me fclaue t^ou,^ 1 fagft mg pen Tiotf) raunge: ^0 t|>ee 3f fag (for tf>at tijou moantt mg cafe ) Eeflraine t|»p tongue,leafi 31 Defers tfjg face. t£f)g Ijootieti ijeati tijat tiott? ttoo faces beare, 3f fee ijoto clofelg fcmtierfmnti it noti0, ann triple tongue tfjat bgD0 me toare t|>igf geare, Heafl cijauge ujoulti come* 93ut ttoene t>0 + ij» be oU0» gnti tl)erfore(3(anu0) once againe 31 &£♦ <8>o ctmrme Hour tongue, leaft 31 ta&e f)ooti atoag* 9lntJ laft of all, 31 turne mg tale to t£ee, tS2f)OU Nunquamfanus togle reproc|)full mate, gnu carping careleffe canfcerti c£urle, totyom |>ee &£at torite0 eel) tuyere, reproue0 toitl) toortfjg fmte* Jfor timt tfjou belfeft toiti) fcellg burften paunch, (ffiainft t|jem tfjat #ap0 from gtile flioare to launch* Za t|>ee, to tf)ee mg flgtting J&ufe auerre0, 3ntJ bounti bg SDatfje of JFagtl), 1 "Doo auotoe ^fmt negtfjer fjate nor fjarbragnti tog inferre0 ^i0 toorfee of mgne to|>ic|> 31 tioo publguj notoe* i73or meeDe at all, tijougl? to|>ere it bringet|> gaine, 3ft pleafety fome for to requite mg paine* JFor f come full Sicophant. JFor toell tbou tootfte, if t|>prftp toere mp minbe Zo benb tbe fame to to^nne b# garnfome trabe, ^ben tooulb 31 torpte t|>e tiring tfjat gutfeow tmbe ^ gaine roitbin : anb tofjerefjgSommee be mabe* 31 m eane baine ieftes to ftirre bp filtbp came* 9Sut 31 proteft mp ijarte tiotl? ijate tl>e fame &nb onelg feefees ijoto to fequefter Gnne, 3nb g>atf>an0 fcrgfta tijat briue men botone to bell: £Bv ti?ougbt0 be cleere, mp confcience cleane tnitfjin* %$U8 fenotoetf) (Sou, tljat ecbeone0 t|?ouc|)t can tell* aiffiberfore, betoare anti let ti?p carping Ipe* (Elfe, fure mp pen mp Cfltleffe bart fljall trpe* Stab to conclude, to all t|>at toplb me toell, 9ntj loue bp tongue, Ho titter to mp face, 3f mafce requefl tbat rancour t|?ep bepell anu let tbeir berbict to tbe 3Eruetb geue place. (Elfe, let tbem ceafe to beare of frienb tbe name. JFor 3f refufe to tafce tbem for tbe fame* iDnce (fure 31 am) toitb quipping querfi0 berein, 3f baue not meant to taunt, or cbecfetbe goob, U9or (railing bent) 3f flaunlier0 Uoo begin : (Ebougb truetb 31 fan, to fucb as topll be tooou . JFor ggltie man finue0 ecbe tbing to bi0 fijame* 22flbere goob men can tbeir otone offence© blame* 3Sut toell , for fine anb finall enbe 31 fare £o all fucb gma&es 30 flpng b? ftealing pace 9nb boug£ing <&uxq that barcfe anb toinbe atoap. 31 bolbe it beft tbat tfeep no more beface 2n open truetb : JFor tben, 80 tbe^ beferue, ©nbarcfct 31 Ire to launcb toben tgme t*|>al ferue* FINIS. $$>Ad authorem Ric. Ma- thaeus,Londonienfis minifter. r T y Vus probatur a pijs labor bonus: ^ui quodpium ejl non diligit^ Noli put are vincere hunc virum tibi: Huicjit loquela libera, ghiis Zoilum fugit piusf Tu nee pot es: Bonis mali nam detrahunt. Tibi beatajit precor folatio Vita ea^ Deus quam tunc dabit 9 Cum tua fides Chriflo vtfacit des obuiam Regno pair is fummi fui. The The Noueltie of this Booke. S flirt) iRoueltie ag time dot!) b^tng, Jpeeltietnmeeterfjeere: Cuen netoeg tljat to ttje (EoMp tjart map nopfome netoeg appeere* Sut pettojat djen ? Curt) 10 tfjc ttate of tfite our p^efent time, Ifjat noto no tiape tiotft paffe toitijout fome neto tieuiCeti crime. FINIS. ^[The Glory of the Honorable, is the feare of God. The Beare doth heare me now in hand that Noble is thy race. The vertues of thy worthy minde, shevve forth the gifts of grace. The firft Satyr, (*x »> late 31 toalfced tip anti dotone, Auahor. \A m potoletf foj m? repatt, /V *#nd tljere (ag manp tooont to doo) about tlje Cljurcl) bad trade Hong tpme alone to tiieto tfje rotate, anti great confuted nopfe, QjQlitl) pleafaunt cljat (a too^ld to fee) at tengtf) 3 Ijeard a ftopce* #nd catting bacfce mine eye, 31 fppde a p^etfe topmble lad, (Lftitio faltting of Ijte mate, dpd affee toljat netoe£ tuere to be tjad* I$is fellotoe (Ipfce a gentle ftoaine, and folp beaded cijpldc) Contopned Ijandeg, and figging, fapde a ttaue batlj me begutlde* But fcarcelp bad Ije fpofcen tljitf, o^ eare Ijtg fattljfull feere jf atte clafpte t)te arme, and Ijitn befougljt, to be of better cljeere: &nd let not cbaunce (quotlj Ije) at'rigljt, no^ fo molett pour minde, #0 tlju0 to feeme a &z often apeg and brakes t)i0 tpnfell banded, i^otD,tDl)ile0 f Pauie toas fpeaking tljus, Auahor. lji'0 mate pn me efppe* l£e knetoe mp minde, 31 P^ a becke, be topnked toitlj W *V* J5.iL and Newes out of Powles ^Lnti fiel&e fitg ftnger on fiig motttfi, fufpecting fo^e tfie man : l£e tfiougfit tfiat fancied feti W fyatne, fife tiifage loo fete fo to an £nti \DDit1e0 fo tioptse of tooonteti fence* But pet (fo* tfiat ije fiigfit, 8nl3 p^omiftie fiats to fieare tfie entie) fife |ett fie kept arigfit* Pauie. g n ti fo^tij p^oceetieD Pauie at large. <i elfe to too^fee tfietr netgfi&o^ tooe, tip toaginge fute0 at ^Latoe, %o fying tfiem felueg m p^eafe anti p^'ce, anti to be fiati in atoe. ciercie. jBut a£ fo\ Clergie, fome of tfiem, tfiep tmotoe fife nature toell, %%zy knotoe fife falfe corrupting fo^ce, toitfi film tfiep toill not mell, (Creep t Churchyarde except it be toljere neetie required, and for a iuft intent. #nd Curelp Come, tljongfj not tlje Ctoape, cfgrljt Co to pine are bent* #ltljoug;lj ttjat Come apine tioo Ceefce erceflituelp tfte Came, #nd Come Do ijoo^de it lip in fto^e, to tljeir rebufee and ftame. But {it 3 tyouid tip^igrtjtl^ Cpeafce) tljeir Ipuinge^ are Co lopt, tC6at Crom tfj'inCeriour Clergie mzn, long: Gnce Cp£ Nummus ijopt* 3 meane not pompous prelates fjere, nor CJapleng oC Degree, ^eCe flaunting; Cellotoeg bp pour leaue, toill Ijaat fCt tad mape bee 31 meane, 3 meane poo^e ^milter^, Come platfe and Come tiirperft ; (Lfllfjome polling; ^atrong anti Cuclj Ipke, Ijaue g;reeuouflp amerlt £nd pet Co^Cootlje our Baldockeg bleate, anti Cap tljep fceepe no cljeere- 'Ebep catclje Cpr Nummus from tljem (till, and pet tooulD Ijaue t)im Ijeere. But toell tljep are no Cmall Cooler notoe, tljat robbe tlje Clergies mcede, (LfllljerCo^e to Cplence Voere 3 ^^, Cuclj too^deg map rancor b^eede, 3.HL #nd Newes out of Powles #n& tjert pou inuft atiuert it toell, tjat iutflp men mape feefee jfo£ Nummus to releeue tfjefr neetie, if fo ttietr fancie ieefee. £nti alfo ^o\xj tfjat tljep rigftt toell tjje Came map tfpll retaine, §>o tfjat ttje^ fcoo not fjoorti Ijtm tip £oi fole intent to game* But Cue!) a0 31 ifjall Ijere reeite, eannot Voitfjout offence W$z fame oj Ceefee, 01 fceepe, oj fpenti tojjat fo be tljeir pretence* Btcaufe tljeir mtntieg are all peruerfe : tljep fpenne foj fppte 0£ gaine : &n& tl^ouglj tlje lull of latolelTc 600^0, tlje fame tioo tjjep retaine* 8nti Vofjat are tfjep tjjat feefee it fo ? dEuen molt mm novo a &apt& 3|n Countrep, Citie anD eacfj tojere tlje^ fi'ntie Cntfter toapeg '(Pobtaine tf)e fame, anti fpenDe it pll, oi elfe to feeepe it too^fe •• &n& euer ape thziv minoegi are bent to fpll tljeir farfeti $urfe* But notoe, foi tl)at tje fcope te large Vojere Voe map fintie tljem out, &nti time but fyo^t, 3 ratfjer meane to leaue tlje Country rout, &na Churchyarde #n& meale toitlj our ^otomflj iaD0 m ilontion Cole precinct, (Except (a? nee&e) tlje »>utmrti£ mutt be tottlj tlje Cttte Hfncfct. CLfllljerag, toljen 31 Ijaue recfeneti ftp of tljem ttie molt eftateg, < pjotrttTe p^eHet!) me to ftjoto mp mintie to tfjee at large: (£ntn to t'obferue Due o^er t'0, belonging to mp charge* Harckc tljerfo^e (firtf) jjoto Nummus tiotlj beguile ecfje fetntie of men : l^otoe it tinougl) fo^ce ant! tiple effect tiotj nopfome Juntos blen : m$ beautie (firft) anti pregnant tyoio, anti tjjen Jig mtgijtp fo^ce, (Encjauntetl Co tije peopled fjartesf: t^at (tioptie of all remote) Cjjep fatone $ gape, tljep toatcf) and p^ie, tftep leaje anti eft fo^ftoeare, %%tV too^e tlje tfjtng tftat toicfced te, tjep curtte, tjep ban anD teare tlje bleffeti name of great lehoue, anti all to topn tfje fame: %ty)> put in ti^e, tljep pratftTe tttll to get tje golden fjame* •men of & nr * firtt beljoltie our men of lato: iLatoe. let tljem fjaue cljtefeft place, »>itT) bp tfje laloeg, ecfje common toeatlj tiott) runne Jig rigljtfull race. &nti Churchyarde #nD i%\ tljat llatoeg accoumpteD ace, eclje toljece tt\z ct) fef eft (tape: Het HatDier^ t|en be p^nctpall, anD firtf tottljm mp plape* But a0 fo£ Jlutig'e^ noto to iutige, ifuw*. mp luDpment totll not fape : 3 toote full toell, tijetr p^apfe toag fp^eati ftp me tljitf otljer tiape> £na ^ruetl) ft fa, our gutipmettt feateg fuclj Silent Ijeatietf poffette, #0 former Dapeg toi men of cljopfe, Ijati neuer fuel) 31 pede* clftlljat tljen ? no fo^t, no one Degree, no place, no function fo flHptfflfttlp tfanneg, but toftl) tlje goon fome Votcfeeti toeetie Dotl) n;rotoe> (Mitl) tiertueg league, font luce Dottj Ipnfe ana forme of goDlp foeto flDft equall mafceg Vottlj men of trotlj, fome Hypocrites tmtrue* 3 fenotoe frienn Bertuiph, fome tljece be toljofe Ijanng regarde no meeDe, cLQlfjoCe Ijarteg Dye no tieceppt at all, from toljome no tjarmeg p^oceeDe* ^LnH fure 31 am, toljen caufe of trotl), before fuclj men fa tcpDe, (Laiitb ftmple tcotlj, tljep ^uHizz peeltie, anti luftlp Do Decptie. But Newes out of Powles But notoe, alrtjousi) toitft t^efe tjere fyt no one tljat tiotj Mffetit l^ouijf) all of tljem fit publicque place &00 fittg; Amefme lentent get tmderljantie per^apg tjjere ace tjat notoe anti tfjen tieuoure ^Ije fugreti Cappe tfjat 3|ufttce peeltieg: #ttti tofjere tijep Ipft tu lotx^e jfo^ Cppte or gapne, o\ p^tuate tonefce, tjere 3|u(ttce eourfe t'0 ftaptie* &nti toTjere tjep Ipff to fmootljer trotf), tjere, rtg^t 10 cleane titfmapDe* »>ucl) Cudj tfjere be (or ijaue bin Come) tojjo tojien tljey rule alone, flflifjen fcope $ courCe fjatl) ijoptf tfjem tip anti Cet tfjem cljtefe in ^footie from CmCorg Ctgr&t, anti prtuate matie tfjet'r Daape ano Cupjeme place : %l)tn t^en tlje^ toeing; $ Vo^ong tlje rtgljt, tjert tljeti tljep trutf) Deface* %$ Bertulph, j)t fytW tlOt tf)fnke £OU, 3|n place of iufttce fette S>ome fameti Co^teg of fatottfng fe>p^eete0 tfjat courfe of Jutfice lette ? ^at frame a CemblauttceCoutiD anti poD, tfjat tulle anti tjolp Ceeme, &nD pet m Ijarte are fraught toitT) g;uple, ano ofte tmiuftlp tieeme ? 31 feare Churchyarde 31 feare 31 feare me falfeijotJ lurkeg in lapped of learneD fpfe 3 feare me Nummus oft peruertg m Come tljat go foj topfe : »>o t&en, fome cfjiefe anti fome befitieg fo fmallp pontier meeDe, %$at toijere t^ep fpt in common Driape, tijere, 3lttftice tiotlj p^oceetie. But fome agatne toljere place tjatl) matie tfjetr potx^eg tndtntt, 51 feare flDf poptty toilleg, tfoougt) putct) oj game tottft mucf) eno^me Do beare* ^Lnti tjence, from ijence 31 feare me come tfjefe ccpea of common fo^.t ^at oft lament and oft aflame tfjeir 3lutig;ement to be to^t £>ne Sere betoapleg ijfg toofull cafe anti tutfljetlj fjtm tmbo^ne, SLnoifyzz crpeg toitlj twinging; f)antie& ala0, 3) am fo^lo^ne $®V fute tljug long: tiepentieti Ijatfj: %ty ilatoe ig on mp fytie, #nti pet in Ijartie Delayer 31 Ipe true 3|uDpment to abptie* ¬l)er tljug: be frtentieD f#, tfie 3junge Dotfj loue jjtm toell £nti me (ag poo^e anti neetiie) tljep tioo tiaplp tjju^ tiepell Newes oat of Powles ^too fjunt^et!) triplet anti mo^e 1 come: % Wilt at Ijome (alag) %yz# tottt) mp Cljiltiren Ijalfe fo^eppntie: (fl> lamentable cafe.) 9£p potig are fpent,toj)iclj laboi i^ounrfit, t^oug!) long; anti careful! tople: CE)e iLatoe Jatfj Igcfct tip all mv Voealtl) fo^ tofticti 3 &£& turntable* ®J 5 31 can Ijaue no Hato noi ctgfrt, ne ^one^ Jane 3 notoe: 3 mull p beg, mp potie^ be gone, to Ipue 31 fettotoe not Jotoe. ^Jefe eareg of mine ablojrefc Ijaue, mine e#eg jjaue \oet mp plants flgp fjart fjat!) pernD (n 31utipment true, to fee fuel) toofull toant^ %y& fjartse to fape, 3|le fjoloe m? peace. 25ut ff t^efe plapt£ lie true, &l*l Nummus ftoapetj) tl^ere tottf) fome, (atoo^tljp caufe to ruej 3ut tjntD fyim tljat f}ffift<& fytg, anti fee0 ecfje fecrete pll, QjQittS p^aper 3 commptte tlje fame, t'amenfce it at Ijtg fej^lL ©raatfafc # ntJ no ^ e t0 fLatofec0 tljat Do parle, 10 fUClj a0 fOJ fp^ Nummus to^U turne fcarftnelfe into Ipgljt, #nD Churchyarde #nti lpgl)t into obfcuret) fence, antJ arfiuerde turne ecfje tfjmij: %o fuel) topll gj piocietie a$ noto, anD to mv matter biin$+ g topll not fpeafce of fine tieuife, no: fotole Decepptfull claufe, Jn ILeaCeg, topis, ant) otljer Ipfee, but toiefting; of tlje Hatoes &nti fotiing; of ttje Clpent fonlj : fo: tijourt tljat frattUe abount), anti ttjouglj bp falfelp framing: fo, ecije totjere are beggerg fountie: get |i ag notoe toill blafon fo^tf), anti geue pou to ell to fee, !£otoe tljefe men iopne m mattery falfe, retained foi a fee. &nti fo fo^ Nummus long; Delate a pooze anti neetip foule, %o fieefe ant) ftea tlje fimple toietcfje, to pplfer anti to potole : ^o fifiietJ t)im cleane from all l)i<3 toealtt), anti ttjen perljaps relent, &nti txia^e full coltie to ap&e lji£ rigljt, toljen Nummus all i'0 fpent* gea Ipketoife tps in Doubte toft!) fome, tofyen Nummus fo Dotlj faple, Jt tljep tljiougt) lupbe of ttfotljer fp&e, let not tlje fute to quaple* a Newes out of Powles £L $ZZ Of Forma pauperis j» no no it jjatl) no Cent. &ufy fo^mall feeg fintie fmal reliefe tjep imp no lantie ne rent* fl?p frienti (tfjerfo^e) if pou Ijaue nought toijeretoitlj to fee me Itpll ffiut fo^me^ ano fyotoeg, ^afte fojmeg a-- foi Counfaple if pou tojU. (gaine But toljat Captie 3 ? toa# p^omiCe matie to paint CucS practice Jeere ? il^D no : 3|f Co, 3 mutt relent : (Breat matter botlj appeare herein: ant) tljerefo^e toill 1 leaue tjjem to tlje tooiMp fcetoe: 91 meane tje falfe anD fufm'l one#, 91 Cpeafce not of tlje true, ifcoj fuel) ag are affetfet! toell (a# many tfjere are fucj gltjougl) tlje falfe in number tioo ewetse tjjem tierp mucl)+) But toell, p too : tW ptten poti fjotoe fe it fpent 3 P^ape ? jFo^footf), no poo^e man xnuft Ijaue lantie: foj fo to^U t&ep afCa^e ^[nti practice, tfjat in tpme tjjep topll ptte all into ttjeir Ijantieg, #nti turne tje poore mzn Ijea&long fojtfi of all botj Joufe anti landed Churchyarde Si fljame tt toece anti great rep^ocfje to fee a poo^e man titoell, £Dl Ijaue a IjouCe not farce from tjetttf: tfjetr j^ofeg I) ate tlje fmelL ^Lan long: (no doubt) tfjeir ifcofeg be, rigjt mifcfjeuoug of »>ent: jf o^ ttjat tofncl) once toag lantie tiemeafne, te fjoltien notoe fo^ rent %\)tv fmeil tt fo^tlj, t^ottg!) farre tt be: tjjep fjaue a foengeatmce Ijoofcc: Botlj ^arfnage anti ottgljt beGitieg tljeple Ijaue bp Ijoofee o£ croofce* ^Ijetr ^tncelp places ftatelp be, tftetr tjoufes buplt foi ape, 'JOjeir ^urrette^ tip aloft are rapftie, foundation^ tiiepe tijep lape* &o tljus (no tioubt) anti farre mo^e pll, tljep let fp^ Nummus toagcte, l&eferufng; fttll fome miofttie ^aCCe to rult totttjfn tlje bagp* #nti Ijere pou He Voljat toapte tljep lape and efce toljat toapeg tljep tife ^o get tljte pelfe : anti gotten, fee Ijoto tljep tlje fame abufe* 'Clje nejt are ^etpp^acttTerg zuomtw anti Petpfog^fng mateg: anti mtv* gea, Clarfces, jatto^nepeg, fuclj of tljem pwaifew, a0 tyue of leVotie Debated, dEclje Newes out of Powles (Eadje Ijoneft calling: totoartieg HaVoe, fa p^eUets te from feife, ucf) fo^ce Ijatj) falfejooo, mo^e tt»I trutlj, To Deatilp can tfcef-lpfte* ^Sltjat cretoeg of greedy griping crotoeg, ft^at fotole fnfecting rotate, (Booti Ho^ti, toljat tfo^e of gleaning 3|acfe£ tiifperfeti are t^ougl) out ? Can Hatoeg reliefe lie eaCilp got, 01 gotten, can't tso eafe, ftfllljere fuclj great trouper of luiiung M$ mult fyiH %j Nummus ceafe ? flDf truett fuc| trainee, of trutljleg mates CucJ fjeapeg of monfterg Utoell ^toeene plapntg anti tgmll luogements tjat greater tooeg fn Ijell (feate, 3|f Ijell toece a# tlje poet0 to^te, 31 rtjinkz coultie not be felt* (Bare »>ute£ Ijaue entie, fuclj cljartige, fuclj ag mafce mp Jarre to melt (tople, 2Sut tofjence arpfe tljefe rauening rotated ? tofjence fp^ing tljep ? »>ure from guple ^Lnti of tiifDatne to tmlgare ftate, therein tjetr ^Barentg tople* JHUell, Churchyarde ctfllell, t^efe be tljep, tljat tofjat foj tale and tofjat fo^ falfefjoti great, 2Doo taprtt ttjelftealme toitf) (trpfeM (top tfje toape to 3|u(tice feate* lljat make tf)e iupce of Suffice fofc^e, tljat tarne tjje 3Latoe£ to fc^eake, H&at make true 3lutigenut tatfe like gall, tljat nought but falfejjoti fpeake. '(Ibat liue anti lutfilp lafye out iix purcljafe oj in puttie i^oje largely tfjen of Countrep States tiotfi anp &tate beatie* But Ijere to Hjeto tojjat pptoling meang, toljat p^anckeg tt)i0 pplfring fo^t 2Doo life to gette Cpi Nummus ftutt), and Co IjolDe top ttjeir po^te : %\}i& tfii0 to tioo, toere to to bartie* i£ape, tjjtg toere Cucft a tooojcke 21& it one only man ftjoula p^eafe to figjt againtf tlje ^urcke. But greater, pea farre greater t'toere to clenfe tf)te Cbanell cleane* 31 tfjfnke Augaeus Oxeftaiies to ere to tljid a too^cke hut meane* 3! knoVoe good 31 U &P# Jaue begoonne and toaticti tierie farre 31 knotoe ttjat fome, to Ijelpe tljefe t)urte& rigfjt godlp carefull are* €.L But Newes out of Powles But neto found Clercfceg and €>ffitcer0 Co p^eafe toitT) migfjt anti mapne, '(Xljat (Hydra itUe) 01X0 Ijead CUt Of, fr^ earp fjeati fp^inp* ttoapne* (Bood HorD^ ftall tljefe toand^ingfeprietg ape fcialcfce abrade at topll ? fejjall Nmnus no fc^ere dart, but ffreigljt tfjeCe Catcljpolleg catcf) Ijim ffpll ? fejjall no manned epe tjat Ipeg tt)t0 dap, befjolde a better ffate ? &lj, out alag, and fyall tW rotate feede aftoapeg of debate ? Sfllljp tfjen, xo^at man tyall Ipue m peace? tofjofe ponton ftall be fait ? QSlljofe lanti anti Ipuing ffmll be frie tofjere tjjefe men once are platf ? &nd tofjere almoft, o^ in toljat »>ople tio not tljefe 9£ontferg ftoarme ? flflltjat coaff trend Bertuiph can pott name tofjere tpefe men do not Sarnie ? 31 fcnotoe m tlji'Hame calling are a fo^t of feemelp (Kiligljtg Cfjat Ipue in peace, and further peace, tjjat fo tljetr Countrep digits? &Llitl) founde examples* of good life, Void) Suffice and toitj trutf), l/fjat fcarce from anp ftate of men a better Ipfe enfutf)* #nd Churchyarde #nD tu tjfef fpeaclje of mint, 3 meane anD efce tio comp^efjeriDe iPot onlp Cleccfceg anti p^acttCer^ But alfo tio fntenDe Hfjat Counfaplerg ^atie equall p^atfe anD Jigger p^atte in DeeDe 2Sp Ijotoe mucj tljep in Jigger place and t)fg;f)er tljingeg p^oceeDe* 15ut tljefe, all tljefe are notoe Co matcljt anti ouerCtoa^ne Voitf) ftoarmeg : Cbat feelD anD felDome can tljep fjelpe to feeepe tlje good from Ijarmeg. 3 toiflje to (Cod fome Thefeus mtg:6t giue a cljoppe o^ ttoapne #nD ratljer tljen tljefe IjeaDg tyoulD ftanD, to cljoppe and cljoppe agatne* jpotoe, toljerag Bertuiph ijere perljaps pott loofce 3 tyoulD Declare ^oto tty$ peat Eabftle rafee^ foj copne, anD ftotoe tljep Nummus fnare : 3 tell pou ag 3 tolDe pott earft, tljt'0 i# too mucft foj me: <3Elje penned of ttoentp ffetlfull men foj tjtjaf toottlD neeDefull be* 3n b^iefe, pet tljttg 3 Dare affpjme tjat tljefe fuperattoug trajnetf 3n Hatoperg ttate, trie fotole Decepteg t'tnlarp tljetr pifuate gapnetf* C* & (Lfllljic!) Newes out of Powles fL2lf)ttf) gotten once, 10 letotilp tpent in pompe anu p^ototie arape, Co toljofe fotole rapine Ceelj tofgf)te0 are ofte anfc ofte a p^ape* 31 leaue tfjem as 3 lefte tije reft, 31 taurije anu go mp toapegL Cite fijojt tiifcourfe iijetoeg toell enouglj ^otoe ijere C^ Nummus ftoapeg* Finis, The thyrde Satyr. Paule. /"& SDuert toe notoe tofjo elfe tftere be \Ji tjjat grafping gape for gaine, ^^ #nts let W place tfjem m tlje cue amongff tjfc gree&p trafne* WW*™*, ^ifxtiom tahe tlje teconfce roome, fo^ too^ttjp Co tijep be: Cljep tfatelp ftalcfee, anti beare a po^t in iionfcon noto toe fee* afllitlj reuerence ant! too$)ip great, tottf) cap and eafce \nify fence, Mice mutt befofje 1)is 9paitfer(!np our patient to fee* £n& Churchyarde and toljat of tfjfe ? toili tljte CuflSce ? jpo : Nummus tiott) tfje deede, Vnguentutn Aureum 0£ ftlCf) lj>kz toill mafee Ijim cunne toitlj fpeede. (Bo »>pmon go, o^ (Btlbert elfe, 50 catf mp footeclotlj on ? ijtlo ntede to bpd tfje SDocto^ go, t)e totll be gone anon* &nd tofjenljeeg tljere,tm'tf) folempne face and graue deuifed po^te ^z framed fy$ talfce £01 to perftoade 01 elCe ft^ to delate &$ tyketf Ijtm belt : Ije bottj can tioo, anii botlj Co fineip frame, ^tjat Nummus tyall be npmmeti ffreigljt* flD patting p^etie game? (Lfllfjo toould not blufye to fte fuel) fratode, anti Cuclj fine framed knacks ? flfllljo toould not Ijate tlje falfefjoode fcple of tljefe fo pteutll) 3acke# ? £nd (Cootjlj? if 1 tyould attirme) 31 tjeare fo muclj deceat ADC tjeica in pegging after game, ag tongue can not repeat* £nd (ass of courfe) 31 tioo demaunde Ijotoe tljep doo fpend tfje fame ? jFotfootJ, 31 fteate no good tfjep doo : &q man can futtlp blame i Newes out of Powles &)\ ougljt accufe tljem of good beetles But tf)(0 mp Ceife can fape, CJat moff thereof tljat 3 fee fpent, t0 on apparell gape, ifoj but of late, ene tfjug g ijeard atoo^tfip SDottoiTap: fl^p mattery frame not ag 31 tooulti, |le too^ke fame otter toap* 31 fee tjefe toeedeg beitot to toeare* lie Ijencefoitl) fo p^ouitie, ^Jat 31 totll fjaue a p^ette ipagge about tlje lotone to rttie. 31le ftaue a footecloatl), anti eac!) tiling; belonging: to tlje fame : g®y feloVo SDocto^ liatfj tje Ipfce, anti pafllng flpetf W name* 51 (Botone tottf) graunticape toiil 31 ftaue, a ftoinging Ueluet Cap, Si Coate according fcerte braue : and tljen ift be mp Jap, Mlftfi miglitp looked, and learning fuel) a# (Boll tiatl) giuen mie, lie Joofee fjs Nummus to mp ijantieg, anti make tlje IftutiDoclteg ft£e if o^ feare almofi into m? purfe- 3|le leaue mp ample gate, 31le rattier frame mp felfe to rifce Ipfee one of fjigl) eftate* anfc Churchyarde #n& toljat ? toere tljefebut ftofiBng toocD0 ? ges Cure, \ii (earnett bent) l^atfi Co puruepDe, tljat noto ije tjatl) euen all foj tljat intent. &nti tljus pou fee toftlj Ijoto great care tljep feeke t'enricf) tfteic tfo^e, gou fee tfje pride tljat tljep mapntaine tfuougb tljis e^cefliue lo^e. £n& (toell 31 toote) none otljer meaner of fpence at all 31 fee, 3ut only fuclj ag tm'cketi are: (if anp elfetljere be.) (L&ljjerefo^e, it feemeg tljep Ijoo^tie it fop ana tjptie it from tlje »>ttnne : ^Ijep couer't cloCe, anU lock it fad tpll mo^e tljereto be toonne. ^tjep gitte fmall almeg ag> 3 can ijeare, fo^ beggars barcke apace, #nti fap tljat tljep of all men tooo^ll relieue tljeir Voofull cafe : ^fjeir p^iDe is great, and fjigl) tfjep looke fo^ feare of toajing lotoe : ^Ijeple giue no place to anp man toljere ere tfjep Ijap to go. 3 Voell reco^e a p^etie tale allutiing to a trutbe : 3 fo^ce not muclj to tell it pou. l^arke ijoto tlje fame enfut&e ? €M\u 4Dnce Newes out of Powles a aiuiiian, &)ntz Japt tt (tfoougj) a fotole miCcljance) or a £ano, tljat great tiebate titti rpfe mft,orbotf?. ^etvoe^e a mm in tf)e Hafr (for Co trample l?eg) &n& 2Dottor (efte) of ^Jfdcft, tofjo tljoulti Jane tfje tipper Jantie 3|n eacf) aftemblp totjere tfiep met to toaifce, to fpt or tfanDe* %%z Hato^er lapeti fo^ltm felfe anti faptie toell to tfie cafe, p&fCitton tJ^D full totfei^ to anti Vott!) a gootity grace: &lletig;ing; toell (euen bot!) of tjjem) Ipfee Jantifome learneti men. But nought couiti be agrees tipon* &o fell tf)e matter tljen, W$ at tljep tinto ttje ^eto^ tooulti fo^ to tiecptie tfje fame* *3D|)£p matie relation of tfje cafe anti ftnelp gan it frame* %ty ^\zm toljen f)e fjearti tfje doltg contend about a »>trato 5 dfllajs foone content to mtip tfje fame, anti atfcte tfje man of ilato ft&l&o Voent tinto tlje (Ballotoeg firtf, tje hangman 01 tje Ctjt'efe ? Wfyo fo^moft toag of botlj tfjem tVoo anti tojlct) toaa tbere t|e cljtefe t Churchyarde W&z hangman quotl) ttje Hatoper tljo, foiijt Dot!) fepll tfje man: ^Efje hangman Ije mutt go before, tlje ^eefe muff Colloto* <3E5ati 3Duotl) ^eto^ tjarfce* 'arijte i£ mp muiDe ana iuDgement in tlje cafe* Station te muff go before, anD 3tatoper giue Ijim place* Mty tljen (qUOtij Bertulph) bp pour tale Bertulph. pjidtions men tioo kyll #nD Hatoperg hue bp robbing men, anD Co tljeir Coferg CplL ftftiljerebp Voiti) puttie emboffe ttjep CVoelU anD toljerebp (raging) tljep ^'aDuaunce tijemCelueg to Ijono^ tppe tmlatofttll meaner affap* gea Cure (quotl) Pauie) anD Co t&ep Doo a number oC tljem noto. But a0 toi our #l)iation0, tljeic cunning fcnotoetb Ijoto £C toell to fcpll, a«3 to purlopne : tljep are expert in all* &nD Co^ce not (Co tljat Nummus come) toljiclj toap tljeir ffaffe Doo fall. ucf> are tije mull fort* 3 Motion to cure all feirttje of Difeafes anti cjriefee. anD XCarnifi- cis potius Medici quam no- mine dig- nus. Newes out of Powles $nti fined djpltie in catting of mzn$ toaterg toljen tje^ neetie* ^izlz bpD tfje Jealtljp get ttnx Jome ants made l>t0 ftOipll toitlj Cpietie* <f)ougl) Ije liue from tljat tpme long, tottjout all feintie of paine* l^eele make Jfm tioulit anD n^eaD 610 life, anti all fo^ filtbp game. tt}z to^U perftoatie tfjat men jjaue Ipu'De m toilsome anti e;ccelTe, CLfllljere neuer raigneti fonti affect, anti toljo^etiome mutfy tje leffe. ¬l)er fjaTfo 2Doltlpfce feene anti learnetilp begupltie, ^jjat toljen Ije feetj pur trine, ije topll Cap pou tie Wtj) cljtltie <ljottgf) pou be a man : fo^ Cure but tjtttte miflfe &e &nti fo full manp of tjem plap, Co Buffartilifee tljep be. £D Paule, quotf) Bertuiph, $iuz mee leaue to interrupt pou fjere* JF01 bp pour patience, pie requite tjje tale pou toltie tofj^ie ere* Content quott) Paule (anti^itj) poti topll) 31 am rigljt toell apapDe %d teare tjp tale : mp talfce r (l)all ceafe tpll tljou tip mintie jjaue faptie* ^jjere Churchyarde W$zu Dtoelt (fomtime) tofjere 3 toag born Bertuiph a perfitte cunning; man, £ poti petition loell befeene : anti Co it fjappeti tljan, <3Tt)at tje tyoulti rp&e ab^oatie to fee a patient of fjt's. ^e Ijati a man tjjat roatie Voftlj Ijim (a folp l&naue ptoisO Ct)e SDoctor t^aue Ijte %o^fe apace anti roatie tint!) merp cljeere- ^e longed fo^e to fee tije place tojjere Nummus ftjottld appeere* But as fje packet) fo^tt) in ijafte, bp cfjaunce Ije Diti efpie # fo^t of iFelonS in a Carte atiiutipti tfjere to Die. #nt> muttngtoljatp'preafe fljoulti meane, fje fent fji0 man toitl) fpeetie, ^o fenotoe tjje caufe of all tfje crototie : I)i0 man perfo^mue tfje tieetie* £nD potting, foone Ije Did perccpue tje 'SHjeeuetf to Ranging; p^ett. l£e turnu &i0 ^ojfe at Q^t thereof : ^0 ape, lie ttjounftt it bed. anti fo tje tipti toitt) tturtiie pace, ^e pllopt on lji0 toap. anti a0 a man jjalfe ffearDe, fje fled a0 nought mig&t mafee f)im ffap + Newes out of Powles ^tsaf ^atftec lototiXp afkte tfje cauCe toj)P Ije tipti r^tie fo faft* flD ^atfter faue pour Zzliz (quotf) 5e) 31 ^t^e pott make gooti Ijafte* ^Kie 2Dottoi ftoallototie tip toitlj feare, fpur&e Cut anti matie atoap, Hun tpll !je came toitfjfn a mple, Jig l^orfe tJtD neuerJtap. 15ut Wjen Ijee came tmto fjtmfelfe, Ije called backe W ntan &n& fifm tiemauntn'ng; caufe of grtefc, tje fellotoe tljug began* flD 9£aftter, ttjanke toe d5oti (quotf) Ije) fo^ tjfg our poti efcape: (Elfe furelp tiats W CWnpfci boti) tDttljtn an fjempen ^ape. ifo^ pontier, tojiere tlje pieafe toag Co, 3 fatoe tfjrle Ijantifome men QjQI{ltct> fo^ tfje Ueatl) of onip one, hereto be Janp& tfjetu But to|)en 1 Catoe tljat tljep (fo% one) toere all atuu&pe to fcpe, ^o neetie to b^ts mee fjafte me tljence, no neefce to bpti mee ftpe : Jfo^ toell 31 toptt, if pou toere feene tojtclj Jaue a number Uaine, gou fyoulti Jaue bene t^tft tjp in ijatte anti neare return&e apine* Churchyarde b£etode Coole quotb Paule, g toarrat pou, Pauie, but fooled and cljpld^en oft 2Doo tell tlje trutt) : toi all men fcnoto tfjeir tongues ace foerp Coft* But toell, no doubte, pet Come tljere be in ilondon (tobome 31 knoto) C&at botl) tio ptte fyi Nummus toell, and toell tje Came beffotoe* ^b^t leade no tioubt a tiertuoug Ipfe, and Ipue in d5odlp feare : %$at pode0 to get bp meaner peruerCe at all ttmetf Vopll fo^beare, S>t tljoCe 31 baue not talcfced fjere, no^ oC tie Ijonetf Co^t. But Cuclj a£ (galled) iztmz to fetcfce, fjerein 31 doo e^o^t ^o fceepe tbetr patience toben tljep Cee tfjeir faults reproued tieere : JFo; Cure 1 am tbat in xn^ tale gaintf good dotb nought appeere. #nd Newes out of Powles ^nd Co g| leaue tljem to tlje Ho^de, and bid tljem all adue* fl^p tongue m o^der mult reco^de fuel) tjingg w Do enfue. Finis. The fourth Satyr. apotueca* ^jjw^apot&ecarie Sere 1 leaue, ned*&iir< «| tDjfCfl Co fo^ Nummus tUffffe0, Pauie ^^C&at Je p e people nopeg tott j pelfe, and ftltft^ (tincfcing Drugget »>o let 31 paff* tfte burgeon, tojo tottj f)f$ fotole decepte, 2Dotl) tjoofce f^ Nummus to Jig jandeg? anti takes? film at recepte* %%z pelting patches? toill p^eCume to practice ^Ijtacfe, and (Lfllt'll mmttter tykz learned mzn in placet of ttje Hand. %tt go fuel) »>qutb0 : 31 knoto tljem not. get people do complaine : &nd toell 31 toote, t$ep tiCe fuel) toapeg fo^ meare intent to gaine* & ratilement of raf fcall 3&oge£ a0 if toeeld jarroto jell, 31 tfjinfce toe tyould not finde tlje tyke in Piutoes joufe to dtoell* But Churchyarde 3nt let tbem pacfce, gie paffe tbem ore. ^erbapd tfjere manp be Botb boneft, good, anti expert men, tbep ftall g:oe bp for me. #nti notxi pie turne me to mp tale, ana (ad mp courCe tiotlj tentie) Cole atitiicteti fcnto game. 3Dne runnel me to tlje Jntied, 1o d5pnnie, »>paine, anti Calecut : toljere be Cucb cfjaffare fintied, %$ (tbere altbougb it coft bint Cmall) topll hiin$ Jim Jere a pounue : gea, ten perljapsf, oi elfe tfjep Ipe toljicb in fucb Voeltlj aboun&e. #notljer Cfeuti^ me o^e tlje »>ea£r, anli fullp frattgljt toitb toped, ^e bringtf tljem into Hontion, toljere at lengtb be toeltb enioped. dje people are Co fontilp bmt, tbeple cljaunge tfjeir Cbeefe fo\ cbalcfc. £nti fo^ Cucb pelting; pieuity trafye, tbeple let poti cbaffare toalclu 3D JHarcf?ant men« /2ot t|?e teetie but tfje intent is to be mifli&eti. Newes out of Powles Pueros pue 3D foolitye, fam&e and fcioltitye momeg, rdia de- jj mm tltUD^tie Of tDlt, ^nt. & capons cramtie tottj barlp co^ne : fjotoe facre are ftoneg tinfit ifor fuel) ppia paltmg; pteutff) Cocfeeg ? Ijotoe pll betfototie ig toeltft a jFooie flDn fuc ^ neto eangien fonnift folteg 7nlZ *>m cljatmp tie fame foj peltlj ? fcabie for ® nz brtnpg mee ojT a pamteti p^teff, ti?e ^otoer another b^mgeg a jl-Umne, of iLonuon* #nt> (|jop0 are fraught Voitlj topeg, Vofjere-- are (Engiiil) people toonne* (toitf) gnotfjer pountieti toell in toealtl), (acquainted tottf) tfje gupte) SDotj fying tig in fuclj tiapntteg, ag tlje man can belt tietuCe* £>ome elfe tfjere be, anti man? fucj (cfnefe 3l?arcf)atmtg in tf)e ^otone) %^t foj our peacock plumed fcoo tJ^tng: ana fplcfcg tfje tfreame a&otone : %tyy fcnotoe t&e 3Latoe0 tioo Ipmtt toljere, ana tofjat fttci) tyouio be too^ne, JSLnts tfjep Cud) 3Utoe0 to execute, Jaue eftCooneg office bo^ne* &n& get foj tfiat t&eir game i$ Cue!) and toealtj fo great tjerbp, Ufjep muUt fc^beare, and tDtncfctng; toalfc* %jje ilatoeg muft latoleffe Ipe : flnfc Churchyarde &nti flflarletg tiaunt about ttje ftreate, Ipfee men of tjigf) eftate : ^fjeir l^ofen ftrototing; fo^tj Vottti (ilcfce, and plumeg fcpon tljeir pate. %\% l&aflsailes noto mutt roame ab^oa&e Ipke men of boned po^t: ^LnD »>trumpet0 (tatel^ in attire i^ke JLabiz$ mud refo^t 'ZlEo places tofjere tljem felueg tljin&e belt tottfjout all kmDe of tiouOt : GHjep cuftomtje are about ttje Intone anti fyall be bo^ne out. 31 1 Ceemett) fo fcntioubtetilp : Zo\ nottjino; i£ amenDeti* jaittjougi) tlje Hatoeg ijaue tyarplp Cet and punifyment e^tenUeD. jj^otoe, otljec Come baprieg fetcf) abrade 31 toote ner tobere, $ U c& 50 SLnti tfjep facing: in molt pleafaunt fptce brine $em toitjj %op£ ano otljer geare : in for *» s %tyU make fine moutljeti (Bentlemem J*"' afores JFo* tojo but ^arc&auntg noto ? JJ^ e e ££ £fllljo toalloto mo^e in toealtl) tfjan t^ep men* ipke peered 31 toote ner Joto ? gea, to Jo are tjep but Stparcjjauntmen ^ fp ?*5 tbat Jane tbecodl? fare? ™° e f * t e W$o nolo in banquets Voitt) ttjefe men f m cor, are able to compare ? ruption of SDX for tf>e tratie $ afmfe of t|?e fame* 9U|)oug|) t|?ep £aue money in fuel) price, pet eugll Gotten cooties fljall be ill fpent. Newes out of Powles jfoj fuel) ffraunge tfo^e of tifuecg meateg anti uityes finely Vojougjt ? CLGifio liatf) tlje Ipke ? no man bett&eg. ftcEelnffflj ft cotter tljem nought* tCfitp Cell Co tieare and tafce fuel) gatne, t&at toell tljep ma? afoo^De ^o fet fine 9£arcljpane# anti fuclj Ipfce fopon tfjetr feruauntg boo^tie* 1f)u0 ma? toe fee tljefe ftfitoe of men IjOtO tlje? fO£ Nummus p^Otltie : # man tooulD tljfnfce tjat footljl? tfjep take Nummus foj a (Botitie* Cfje? labo^ fo toitf) migjt anti matne, tjep fo beffurce tfjefr tfumpeg, %^ e^erctfe fuel) acfctoarti toapeg to tiding; ft in b? lump& W&zy fcratcl), tljep ferape, tfjep mffe,tf)ep at nfgfjt tofjen tlje? ftouiti red, (mufe %tyv fearelje tjeir fenfeg anti betljfn&e fjotoe to obtepne tt betf* &n& aj ala0, fome Do tieuife to let ft outfox game: feurf) pfne a# at tlje lengtlj totll biin$ to tjem infernall pafne* #nti (not content toftlj fotole Deceit tljat tfje? in fale tio life) feome of t^em tio fn lone alag tfjeic countrymen abufe* %zt 9 laments* Churchyarde JLn Pieacljerg ccpe and tell t&em out, but nothing tofll p^euaple: W$zy ftocfce, ttie^ aoute, an& fed at iu tjaue no ffmme, but (b^afen fafbe) tfjep (ftcfc not it to call ™ e 111 £ ptnefome Occupation. &nti fo ttje people fall from Ijoneft (tate, to platne banckrotote tfoougt) Cue!) tjeir (Lflloolutty toapes. ^6e Common^ neare toere Co opp^eff a# in tljeCe toofull tiape^ Ifjep fjoofce, ttiep Ijatoke to\ Nummus fo, ttiep cogge, ttjep foptt and potole, '(Ifjep lap fuel) Cnareg booking meaner, tfjat tijug ttjep Nummus totole* & tljouCan&e meaner ttnttfee, tljep account anD call e^ctjaunge, ^Lltftoug:!) tfjerebp be men fcntione: tije cafe fe fcerie tfraunge. Stnti toofull tg$ no Doubt to fee fjoto ligljtlp tpe^ tio toap ^account toljiclj mutt be matie bp tjem to (Bod anot|ec&ap* tCtie? are rigftt toiTe m too^ltilp toptte : Curpaflinff 10 tfjeir b^afne. But ot), tfjep tio applie ttje fame to notfjtng; elfe but pine, SD.ff* 5lnti Newes out of Powles #tw tofjen tljep Jiaat, fjoto 10 it fpent ? #ttenDe a Votjple, anti pou feljali ijaue it lagtie before pour epeg and €et tittto tje tieftu %W tiap, mp ilo^e ttfg fpecfall frientie mutt Dyne toid) Jim (no nape) i?i£ ^artnerg, frtentieg anti &loermen ; tofjerefo^e Je mutt puruape 25otfj Capon, £>toan, anti Ifeerntyoe gooti, fat Bitture, Harcfce anti 3Duaple : EigSt $louer, »>nppe, anti fl&looticock fine Vottf) Curleto, ftfllppe anti lEUple ? £>tonettuet& ^eale, anti peetealeg poti, tottf) ©utterti fat anti plum, jfat ^Jeafaunt $otot, anti Pouer imfe foj tljem tjjat after come, fetent, fetocfcarti, fetampine^aterueale, ano flfllfgeonof tjjefcetti }9u£t, ^artrtcf), Blaefeturtie anti fat feijoueler tottf) tfje rett* %\no ffliarrantg efee Ije mutt pjoutDe to Jaue fome fllTenfon fat, #nti meaner Seele mafce foi reti 2Deere too, (tfjere tg no nap of t^at.) &nti neetiefullp fje mutt p^oui&e (alrtjougf) toe fpeafce not ont) 25otf) ^eacocfe, Crane, anti Curfctcocfc, and (ag fuel) mzn are toont*) ^e Churchyarde l£e muit fo^eCee tjjat $e ne lacfce cotoe bafeemeateg in tlje en&e : dZLlitf) Cufiartitf, ^arts, ana jFlo^entineg, tlje bancquet to amende* #nti (to be fljo^t and knit it tip) lie muft not toanting Cee fetraunge kintiej5 of tpfl) at Ceconti courfe to come in tljeic degree* &$ ^o^peiTe, »>eale anti »>almond good tottt) Sturgeon ot" tlje belt &nd burbot, Hobfier, xotttj t&e Ipke to ftjcniff) out tlje feaft* 011 tW tljeple taue, anti elCe mucf) mo^e, fpne0 ^arcljpane and greene CfjeeCe, £)tetode toardeng, P£une0, $ Ctoeete com toitlj Cpiced (Lflltne like Heeg* (ferueg (Brieneginger, bucket, »>uger Plate, and 9£armaladie fine : (b^ead* Biauncfjt 3lmondg, peaces and (Binger But peaces fyould toe atttgne #nd place before (agf nuete it feo at peat meng boo^deg : toi toljp, Ifilatoe fruiter are firtt in feruice tfpll, (KlCe Renting men tioo Ipe. But nolo me tfjinkeg, one qutpg me tip anti fpurg a question Ijeere* i£e Capeg (fotfooti)) rt)at 31 mittifce to tjaue mm fceepe good cljeere. SMU In Newes out of Pow/es 3|n Dee&e, tjie ftomacfc ouercljartipe anti man full pysfle ftiitlj meate, 2DotT) ma&e tlje mtntie anti mtoartie matt tmfit foj reafong Ceate* JFo^ cjaunp no Uoubt annopeg tlje man* anti meate not toell tntietotie, 2Dott) make tlje fame ftant fiaife a man if reafon be renetotie* &nti toljat of tl)tg ? IfToultie tljtg refoimtie* Ijoufe feeeptng; noto tiepell ? il^o fure, foi Ijofpttalttfe tiecomtj tljem tierp toelL But tljat tljig cljtere t£ altoap fuel), 31 platnelp Do tienp* »>ome feaft great mzn foj frenfcllrip fafce t anti let tfie poo^e p b^ Cfjep rather tioot to opp^effe tlje poo^e, ana bp fuel) fnentitytp got, ^Ijepoo^ejaue nought tDitStnt5etrl)anti0 toljtcb tjep get to tljem not. jfoj toljat t^ougl) frentiffnp toeltl) $ fo^ee no one entopes tbe tjjtnff, ^at (if tljep Ipfce) fome tofll not foone into tljeit cloucbeg hiin$+ But poti0 pll pte, ate eupll fpent &nD botoe ean tbep bettotoe C&eir toeltlj on poo^e anti ^eacljet# true &2il)icl) t^ougl) tiecept uto potoe ? Churchyarde j|5o fie, t'toere fyame anti fotole repjoc^e t'aue beggers at tljeir bo^tie : &n't Ceemeg (Come tljmfe) all pll beftotobe tljat's Cpent t'encreaCe (Bob* too^tie* goi (too^Ce tljen tljte) Come cannot bp&e t'atie beggerg at tljeir gate, jpoj not repine toljen ^eacljer0 Iptte m meane anti fimple tfate* fl) Labirinths oflOtj)Come Itltf, flD fjellfff) humane IjartjS, flD beatflp belcljing help gong tljat ttjug tljeic fto^e conuartg : fl) lumpfflje UttCfcea, ttjat lieffer Ijati to jjaue of (IUiant!0 tfo^e: Co toinne tfje Iftptcljman, ttjen to ttcbe tlje begger at tljeir Do^e* 3D (ton? ^art0, tfjat mo^e effeeme a ^oncfeej tp&e toftlj cljainc, dien ttjetr poo^e b^ottjer, t$i totjoCe Cake ClrJfte gieCugf Cufferbe patne. &> luicfeeD (Lflligljtg of tooolutfy feintie, tofttc^b Co t&e llambeg beuofc^e, £nb cracklp cram tfjemCeltieg tottlj Cpoplc of nee&p Coulee eacf) t)oto^e* #nn (mo^e tijen tfjte:) fo^ tjoto tiotf) toalck feir Nummus Dap bp dape ? I^oVd truUffetl) it to buy ttje Miife anU 2Daugi)ter fine arrape ? Newes out of Powles ^fjep mutt not go ag otljer boo* CLSlljerefo^e, tljep mud Demfe %$ Jaue tjjem fcnotone from comon Co^t &P Come netofangleti gutfe* C r tg meete tfjerefo^e, as» tfjep tio not tottf) courtlpfce 2Dameg compare €uzn Co tjjep iftoulD from totonify touted tfjetr garments neto rep aire* &nti fo (fo^Cootl)) Ijte totfe mull fjaue pjepareD out of Ijanti, (Bape garments of tfje ffneft ftuffe tljat te Wtfifn tfje lanti* ^>f)e muff Jaue parties Square $ ilace* toftft CJatne at) out Sir necfe: »>f)e mult Jaue cofflp fctntie of cljaunge,, anti all tfn'ngeg at T)tr beck* ^H'r 2Daugl)ter alfo muff be clad toell Ipfce a 3latite0 tore, &nti all to toalcfce about tfje ffreate tottft btr true ILouer Deere* Mlfiat t|o ? fojCootlj, fye mult not Voecs but tot'tl) fome toealtbte man, &nti one t&at mutt be groun&eti rpcj, tjougj) boneff Voljen be cam &nti tljug g| Cap (aftoell t'te Ceene) fa^e Darnell muff be p^anefct £nt> toalcke at to^ll : tofjerebp ft fjapg oft tpmeg t&at (tie i# bancfere* &nti Churchyarde anD all tlj^ourt meaner euen of Jtr fefce Vofiicf) Co confumegf $(# gooti, ana iopeg therein, mo^e tljen to $iw tlje Junpie fc^etclj Ijt'0 footie. Cljaunce Come menfee good tieedeg t^ep Do. But in g:ooti Coot!) not 3 CEljougl) man? naugfjt) can tmderttanti, £nti notoe, as fome pou fee to Ccrape bp tiple aniftce toapeg : »>o map you fee tljem fpenn ajs pll in tf)efe our later tmpe& 31 meane fo^ fo mud) a$ tljep fpenti. But toell Ijaue toe to toeete, Wbtii ^oo^tng anti tljeir Cljeffing; tip i& all as farre immeete 21$ ttjis tljeir fpence anti filtjp tratie, as tfjis tljeir piotoling; gutfe, #S tljis tljeir building; all foj pine anD p^ofite to arpfe : &S tf)t0 tljeir Ijatefull ti^le contempt of poo^e ann neetip fclligljtS: SL& t$i0 tljeir robbing ana tljeir (tealtlj* 510 tljefe tljeir dnfull ttiffiw* ^Ije poo^e complaine anti toanting, crpe tlj^ougrb hunger Ijalfe fo^epinUe : #nd fome tfoouglj toant, about tljem Ijaue tljeir fainting b^eattj rettgnti* ana Newes out of Powles £nti j?et*tfieir Coferg farceti Ipz. ^ziv Bag0 are ffltie at full. 3ut toote pou toljat ? ft i$ referu'&e ifoi 14b W p^ette Crull, 8ntr 2Dicfc Ijte Bop tfjat tiappart latitie: tol)ict) foi J10 fake, percfjaunce (Euen botl) of ftem, tojen ije 10 gone, topll make Cpj Nummus tiaunce* But altoapeg tin's 10 not tjje caufe of Cud) ttjetr fpttefuli Ijooio. jfo^ certg 31 tjinke tjep neuer loofee at all to come aboo^ti 31 n croofeeD Charons fcgip Boate : &>l elfe perljapg t!je^ tfnnfte (&& long: tfiep Ijaue) tlje $ope tyall purge anti Caue tljem all foj cfjtnfce. £nt! in tije meane time toeene tftep bed to couer't clofe anD fine, &n& biivtQ mo^e toot, t'encreafe t£e Jeape* %§i& tutigement te of mine. (Elfe tfjmgeg ami'CCe, before ejpjetf, tfjoulD nere fo pll remaine, 15ut foone tljep WoulD refojme tljem toell anti make ft em (freight aptne* ftOIljtcf) fo to Do, (0o& grattnt tjem grace, anti clenfe tljetr fyltfjte mfntieg: lljat Nuance mape once tiecap Vd6 fct> fo tjetr bo&p btntieg, flnfc Churchyarde £itti fubfect makeg to fcple tieuife, to ffljfurie anti tieceate, %\$x naught tfte^ are, anti lopll petal! tpll grace tio bloto retreate. 31 entie toitlj tljem : p^otefting ftpll 3 touclj no good man tjeere, But fuel) ag tlj^ougf) t!)eCe \xio^D0 of mine tyall ft^atljfull bent appeere, jfo* Cure % am tljat many tuft, anti mm fop^igljt remaine, (fcrempteD from t)f0 talfce of mine- QjQifto neuer pet toitt) ftaine £>£ Cpot of beaftlp atlfurte 01 bile notorious* tiice, ftfrlere once corrupted o^ infect. toljicf) are tiifcrete anti toife* 8no (trutlj it fc) ttjep nill tiiftiaine at tljte tcoti) telling tale* Sinn t$i ttje reft, let tljem atiue, mg tongue muft furtijer tiale* Finis. The fift Satyr. T310 ftrauge to fee tojat fmall account men notoe a tiapeg tio make: ^oto ftigljtlp tljep let ftip tf)e paine of Biimftone burning lafee. ^otoe Newes out of Powles l^oto fonDlp tfjep pecftoaDe tljem Celueg (at leaft Ijoto tfte^ CuppoCe) Cimt gciedp tieatl) fyall neuec tfcifce, 'QTtiat epne tyall neuec clofe* SB tottity tinfoil brittle age. *3D maD anti tiiocfettlj Q£ome* flD tiolttlTj foole, anD toilfuli tD^etcJ tljat ijece Dotf fjope foijjome &nD ntoeUtng: ape tinto tijp Celfe. l?otoe act tfjou XoiifuU blinDe ? 3 tell tljee, 3, tijou fjence tyalt ait Ipfce Duft blotone fo^tt) toitti toinDe, Het toeacify toimpleD ap gcotoe on: let JeaD be Ijoacie tojite, #nD oltie be tljou : pet at tfje laff blactoingeD Deatf) ffmll (mite* 25ut tofjat t0 Je can p^omiCe Jeere 5 tot Celfe to liue a Dap ? j£o Doubt not one. SDeatl) tmatoaceg fyall take ouc life atoap* &nD tofcen toe tijinfce ti0 Cucetf, tjen molt often DotJ fje fttifce* flD tljen tojp Do Voe Ipngce on to deepie dugpcDS Ipfce ? ®, Voljp tyoulD men tljug mucfcec tip CucJ MCelp gotten gaine ? *DJ tojp fyoulD ttjep bp toickeD toapeg feefce toealtj to* to obtaine ? But Churchyarde But Coft a tofjile, tojat tteetie tfjeCe VoorH0 ? ssancft* ag pod to t>olDe mp peace : rotote0» jfoj loe boto 23anckrototg gfnne foj gatne to put tfjem Celues m p^eaCe* »>5aU ftaude tye btd tinfriended noto ? »>ball totole 2Decept be pn ? »>l)aU Ofllplte Voant ? So, ijarcfce a totjtle, anti pou fyall Jeare anon* »>ome men ttjere be t^at beare a po^te, and Itue Ipfce to tje belt tlEijat feaft, p* ftoto, tljat cljop, tljat cljaup, and practice tottlj tlje reft, ^fjat 3Dffice beare, and toojtljp Ceeme ^ |, au e ttj^ourt toeltb to Voeelde tlje charge* mane a tnu ^jjat faue, tljat Cpende, $ bargained make, f«e«ce be- tljat feeepe tljeir trade at large* ttoeene ^ e ^Ijat toarte toojke, and tofnde to tljem ^L^ good credtte in tje ende- t|je c * lljat get Cue!) triendeg ag topll not ftfcfc a tljouCand pound to lende* flDft mo^e oft lede : almoft atf mucl) a0 tljep can toell demaunde. jfor tobp, tljetr credtte noto t'0 fuel), tljat tljep ma? men commaunde* But toljat of tljte ? <£uen tljte fo^CootJ. Cbeple ft)ut tip doore anon, ^Ijeple giue top office, trade and all: farewell, tljep tolll be gone. ftciiljen Newes out of Powles MX)tn tfjep fjaue pte t?)e moff tljep can, tijep topll become bancfcrotote, %\)ty topll no longer flrpfeleti be amongff tfje fjonett rotate* %\)t1> can no lonpr bp&e rtje tra&e tojjicj) Joneft xmn no fcfe* tE&ep fceepe at Some amongff tjeir bags?, Cfjepie Ijonettp refute. IXfjeple lurking Ipe Ipfce WbfoZz in &enne, Ipfce 2D^ane fcpon t|e fpople* W$zy\z greafe tljeir lipg, $ fat tljeir paucj, toitft Jonett ^arcfjauntg tople* flD ti^ie t^eggeg of Dampiffje caue, flD fotole infernall fientietf, S> triple ttmptJ TOperg b^ootie, AD kggeg of Ijelliffje mintieg* flD Cyclops fuclj a0 (tpll tieuoure tlje l^eepe of fo^reme foltieg, flD bjocfcify beaded Vottlj rauine goalie : t^at lurcfee toitfjin tljeir bolder fe>ljall tmffcie D^ode of Dytis caue oente infecting tieatb ? S>f)all Orcus fpare tDitb Cfealding: flio^tcb to nope tbeir tutall fyeatb ? i&o fure, tlje pitcbte burning: pit, and Eimboeg framing Hafce »>ball polpe rtjem tip, except tfjep peel&e tje goooeg tablet) ttjep Ufa tafee* Churchyarde &>l elCe to polo^e requite tjje Came, But tl)t0 tfjep neuec tljtncfe : jF 01 maccfc boto tbep Do ftill beftotoe tljte beattlp gotten ctiincfu J2lnti fjere 31 mull atmectiCe pou tbat Come bedtiegf tfjece bit M\)it\) oft bp meaner becom bancfccotote (a0 Daplp toe map Cie.) jFo$ Come ejceetie and Co abountie fn (Eptcureoug face, ^fjat Co at lengtlj tjep bancfcrotote be anti kiin$ tbem Celuess full bare. 3n& overcome tfoougb great e^celTe and pjototie Curpatttng charge, g|n b^aue arrape tio b^tng tljem Celueg into Cock lo^rels Barge* Mlljen ere Catoe pou tljetr 3Dameg Co nice, ano to meg Co rtcljlp clati ? frfrltjen tofff pou flfrlomen ere Co pjoutie, o^ %tCbanoe# ere Co matJ ? <£> tobere are ^atroneg noto become ? 3D totiere are ^uCbanti^ graue ? ftfllbere ace p c flflitueg tljat toofce Cuclj care ttjeir Joneftp to Caue ? CLGXoultie S^atrone^ toalcfte o\ Miixtg tu'C= toitlj Cpluer fyinfng b^otoetf (cceet Jfrom (treat to (treat ? no, ratber tljep J tooulti fceepe toitbtn tbeir botoCe* ftflloulti Newes out of Powles HflloulD patrons Cfcuti to common pmeg anti p^ancfce in carte p^eafe ? &o, tpg to tipie, 3 loatj to tell* lie rtjerefrne fioltie mp peace. •aCpjs tW, tpg tjig, p< Bancfcrototg t^eetie. tCJt^ bitrtffjs tje toife pll name* {E$e $uf band tjjug ig bare tfooug]) fpence, anti toife naught b^ t|je fame* &nti notoe pou Cee a Difference ttoeene Jim tljat bancfcrotote ig flDf fcple intent, anti jjtm tfjat fallen tfuougrb great e;cceffe of Jig* But botl) of tjefe perhaps a Ipfce bp frautie Ijaue Nummus pte, <3Efjoug;{) botj) in care anti Wanting pine fpng; not Ipfce tiolefull note* &nD notoe, (ag to mp p^omife matie at fp# Wjen 31 bepn) jfoolea anti 3|le place fy\ Nummus caugjt b# $00lt$ Eogfter0. anD Iftopfterg nolo anti tfjan* # toife man &pe& anti toeit&p leaues 1)10 fonne in potieg anti lantig* %ty poung; man (tojen fje i# of age) tafceg all into W Ijantie^ 0nti ttreigjt to Court, o^3|nne0 of Court, fie peg to leatie Jte Ipfe) M^tvz francfc Ije i& anti poutfjfull bent toi to 5p, fiaag Nummus rpfe* Churchyarde <&>x, elfe, if not : »>o Ije ban lanDe 0£ Ottgljt tljat'0 Money toO^t!), !£e fyall not toant of ^arctjauntmeu fine Qlck0 to fet Jim ft^tf). JPO^ Money ft ill tlje? tticfc at all to lenDe fyim at Jig neetie* #0 long a£ ougfjt lje Dot!) pofteffe, tljeple neuer ceafe to fectie ^p ponfcer and png Slpaifter Co* ^Lnti Ije (toljen once Ije feeg Ifje l^t'Dle laptie tipon Ijte necUe) ftf loatt) muclj time to leefe, jFo$ toljp, Ije tDiftjt it long; before : £no atj Ije Dot!) efpie Wje matter toljolp in jjitf Ijantieg, toljp OjoulD Ije longer Ipe %VM tilunt ^oljn (Lftiljoball all at fjome ? ipo fie, fjeele Ijatte Jim novo. Botl) Ipbertie anD Cljincfc pnougj timfelfe Ije toill allots. &nti tfreigf)ttoap (elfe tlje too^lti f# Ijacti) tyz meeteg toitlj Copegmateg, fuclj 510 to ejalt and fet Ijim fc^tf), at all to ill notljing gritted and liee fo^footlj mutt fo^emott be in euerp b^aue attempt (IQlfjo eare be one, pong S!£aittec mutt at no time be exempt. <£.U ^eele Newes out of Powles l?eeie be tfje cljiefe toit&fn tlje 9£aOte anti cfjtefe in bancquet: tjee feljall fyt e;calteti to tlje £>unne, GEuen to tlje tentj degree* &nD noto anti tljen (elCe Ccapeg fje Voell) fjeele fjaue a fp^^t at 2Dice. tyz toanteg no mateg to bring; Jim too't bp dtffjt anti fine tieutce. ^e muff Ijaue toalfcingeg m tlje ntgljt : Je mult be braue anti fine* % muff be of tlje tjopgl) no doubt* 3fte neuer muff repine jaitljotigj it be to at it oute all nigljt in cofflp game* #nfc (more tljen tljtg) ije muff not (Uc& to pape fo^ all tlje fame* #nti to!) en Ije Ceemelp Ceemetlj once, anti tljinkg Voell of fjfmfclfe, lljen, tljen no Doubt Ije f£ fftrD tip to fpenDe tW nopfome pelfe* #nti tljen (31 Cape) ftutlj polling fpeeDe lie mutt be pplie tiect In colour^ of Ijig Hatiie, and therein not ougljt neglect <3Tljat'0 incitient to euerp fute: SDl cljaunp Je muff Jane ffo^e, #nti frame Ijimfelfe full featlp ttjen to euerp luffp lo^e* £nti Churchyarde #nti tiottbtleCTe tljen \% te Co D^otontie in pleafure anti in p^itie, Ibat nought at all map f)im toitf)tija\xie : lit JatJ bene often tritie* gea, tjjouglj at iengd) je feeie great fmart tfoouglj tljat fje matie atoap : get fg ji£ mintie Co Ijatotie tfjen, tjjat be can make no (tap* jfo^ toote pou tojat, life cuftome brings, anti pongfcer tfjttS tiotlj Cap : »>ball 31 mafee rpare toljple otigbt i£ left anti fo Ipe to anting; ? iRape, 3|t loere a tyame anti great rep^ocbe, if 31 tljat euer Ijatte M pet Ipu'De Ipfte a (Bentleman, ffjoulti noto Ipue like a flaue* &nti fo mp cbpltie no cbaungling ijaf, tpll all be fpcnt ana gone : £nti till t)i0 matetf bim ncetiie leaue anti comfo^tleCfe alone, jfrom tot)irfj time fo^tb if ougbt fje fjaue, toljereof map Nummus rpfe: ^e toill Ipue ftjifting ttPt be gone* ^tjen fo^tlj of ^Eotone be apes &nti feeepes tbe Ijiglj toap ttfce (percfjaunce) to Ipue hj> tbeft anti fpople: %\\l r Cpbo^ne ttoitclj Ijim bv tbe neck anti hangman giue tbe fople. o Newes out of Powles &o tfjat'g tlje entie of all fjig toealtli ana eniring; of tlje man. But pons* perljapg toere mill pte : anti toljo can maruaile tljan ^fjoufflj tfiat tlje fame toece all confumDe m filtljp foaine e;cfpence ? 3nti loljo totll tioubt tljat pllotoes fyoulti fuel) 2Dmgt^ift0 recompence ? 25ut one tljtng; 31 Do fjere lament and tgg mod toicfceD fure, Cpg nopfome, tiple anti beatflg tca&e, get molt of all tn tye+ & (Gentleman Ijtg cljiltie notlj fentie t'applg f)t0 Ctutiie^ Ijere, (ftiftfj Ijope to Ijaue Ijtm tio tlje fame a£ Daglte tiotlj appere, Clje goutlj oft tgmeg tieclgnetfj ttretffljt a# apt to gouttjlg pife : 8nD fets Ijig mtntie to mafee Ijtm fyaue toftfj all Ije mag tieutfe. 'ZClje Citizen toljen tljat Ije fre«3 tlje fyulte fo t^auelg bent, 2Dotlj clofelg fearclj tlje gong mang Hate, anti learned tlje toljole extent flDf all Ji0 pofltbilttie, tojtcj) fcnotone, fje Ml not fpare jfo? frien&flnp Cafee tinto tlje fame of loane to let IjijS toare. ^Ije Churchyarde %ty pong: man Ijaumg toeltt) at topll anti all tljtngeg at requetf, 25pD0 fioofee atme, anti cutg it out a0 fi^auelte ag ttje belt l^oto fcple tt)t0 (0, let all mzn fatop* Joto oft ft corned to paffe, ^Efte pongmen brought to naught tfjerbp, are toitnefiTetf alag. £>!), toljere te loue oj feare of (Bod ? dfllljec's faitlj fo^ to be found ? (Lfllljer'g frientifiSnp, trutlj and fjonettie ? (HEtjere dotlj not jfame reCotmti %\)z beaftlp p^ancfceg of toicfced mea? ffll&er'sf one tljat tfjinfctf of d5od ? Mljec'tf one ttjat doubts 0£ fearetlj ougljt tfje fyarpneffe of l)te roti ? l^oto feto be tljere tijat tread tlje parties* 0^ trace 2Dame tiertueg fteptf ? 3$oto many rather be tfjcre noto tljat quite from tiertue lepg ? flD Voofull cafe : tfje beff almott tio mucl) account it nolo 3|f tftep from title notorious* faulted at any time do boVo* ^oto talfce our tatlerg of ttje trutlj and Scripture ftill Difculle ? l£oto Ipue tljep quite contrarte pet foi all tjjeir talking tju0 ? (£A\u ^oto Newes out of Powles %rto earneff bent are mm ag nolo to Jeare tlje too^tie of <0oti ? (31 meane p^ofeHo^ of tfje trued).) !§oto farre pet liue tljep oti ? die?, crte 3LojH 3Lo#i, an& <0o& be p^apftie : but aretfftjt toitljtn an fjoto^e, %W Ijeate of ttjetr^ ig colDe a£ (tone* ibucj Jeate JatJ maDe tjjem fotoje. flD tjou gooD (Bod anti father fefntie: toere not tf)p mercies g^eat, %\}on \DoulDtt tseCtro^ ttjefe men toftf) fire from tijp fupernall feat* flD Ijeauenlte ^tnce of glo^ie : anti flD tl)OU alone Iehoue, *ap&ou CBoti of grace, of) louing Clm'ft, pont) tobome toe can not roaue S>i raunge arfrtt : ponti tojome no man can perftte bliffe attatne : ^l)Ou onlp one, anD all In one, ponD toljome Dotft nougbt rematne: (Blue grace tinto tljp toantytaff tyeepe* jfetcb Jome tge fame apine, ~>ttb blooti of tbtne bad) tjem rebiemtie from tyarpe tnfernall paine. (Braunt graunt (fl) (BoD) tip bolp fpjeete to guttie, nefenti anti fce'epe £11 fuc^ a^ in mod lotfjfome (tnn* t are pet not falne a fleepe* £aaue Churchyarde fe>aue t&tne elect from nopfome tcatie of too^lDlp mmDeD mzm JLtt not tfje cuffome of tlje XDO^l&e tljetr Ipfe tottl) tuces blen* from place to place, from (treat to (treat, from ijoufe to Ijoufe, alas : gea, anti to ell nffft) from man to man tiotlj anfull Iputng; paffe* iPot too^0p^euaile,noj p^eacjtng; ougfjt, can turne tlje peopled Ijartg : j£o (untie of ttn'ng; can moue ttjeic mtn&& £>, tieatt) te tjetr Defartg, £>, #ell tjmr Sire, anti burning aame, 10 gue^on of ttjetr tiietieg : iPo one almott in Jart tioti) beare die true repentaunt feeder £>, Ijo^roj not!) po(Ce(Ce mp Jeatie, &nti toljple tlj^ouglj totone 3 trace, 2Deepe cutting; careg annop mp fjart, to fee fuclj toant of pace* il^o fparckle, tote 01 fmall rematne, no Cffne of godlg feare, ifco ba&p at all of cfoiften men tiott) anp perfon toeare <©r fceepe almoft tinougfjout tlje 'Eotone, €>, toljat a cafe is tljigf, iUot one to fintie tftat fearetl) dSoD, but all t€ tio amiffe ? <£AiiU #tt& Newes out of Powles &nt\ all to toantier from gooD Ipfe (full feto ala0 exempt) &nti all to too^e tljat totcfceD t'0 anti beatflp title attempt ? SD C5oD, Ijotoe often tio 1 tottye to be tieutDeD cleane from all tfje Dealing in tfje toojltie, ano to (BoD onlp leane ? ^oto often tio 3 feefee Come tcaDe, anti folftarte Ipfe* 3£oto fapne tooulo 31 Depart tlje place tojjere dnnzg be nolo fo r^fe. Wfyz too^lD dot!) tempt, $ nought rematng in l)t0 Due practice noto : flEcJe fctntie of traDe co^rupteD (0, ala0, 3| fcnoto not ioto* i^otljtne: almoft t'0 e^erctfDe totttjout fome title Decept: jfrauDe, falfeljooti* tljeft anti pflfrlng;, oft in matter0 are of toepgr&k. Cfje too^ltiltnotf toeene $ t^tnfee no Doubt tljere 10 none otfier place JSut grounD anti graue, ana fo tljeprunne and fceepe tjjetr tooonteD race* aailjat ijelpen teare0 01 toapltng; grtefe ? tofjat oug;T)t at all p^euaple0 (Bot>0 toojDe Qncere ? tCjep fceepe tjjepi ttjep ijaue fet tip tjegj faple0 (courfe : S>t Churchyarde flDf Deatiip dnnes anD fjatefull tjellifl) Ipfe* 'Cljep rutxne and to HI not (tap* '(pep fceepe ttjemfeltteg in Darfcfom ftole0, <3Ej)ep tjate to Cee tfje Dap* ILoofce loofee t^ougljout ttieir Staling;?* all, anti pou f^ail nothing ftnDe But couen, craft, anD fpltljp lo^e, Wwi Ijaue goon Ipfe retignDe* 3let# aft $ Cearclje ouc Celue# tijrougtjout* Hetg rippe our intoacDe man : Het'0 toap ouc Celueg cue toitf) our Celueg, #nD toe tyall Cee tig tljan, 3nD finDe our Celuetf but D^oCCe anD Deatlj and fotole infetteD ^>to(ne. 9£off bgCome tyapeg, ano creature^, fuclj as 31 can not Define. CLfllljat faitlj in bargained can be founD ? OfllSat fto^e of otfjeg muft bee 31 n ecfje compact ? &nD pet fn enDe tojjat talCejoD do toe fee ? j£ot ^arcljaunt tifetl) onelp frautie : noj men of gceatelt meeDe* But eclje one noto tljat bargaine mate, Ijatl) CalCeljoD in Ijig DeeDe* l£oto oft anti tiaplie |)ap0 it noto tljat cljpUnen Do begin H&&iz parent^ enDeD, anD Do enDe tojere parents DiD begin ? Newes out of Powles W^z parents? begprg firft began, Cfjep cntie great mzn of toealtS* %\)t Conne begins a toeltljp man : anD enDeg ijte Ipfe bp ttealtl), (Di toofull toanting ample date. lioto oft cornet t&t0 to paffe ? %$$ Daplte feene of common coucfe, it Japped) ffillalag. fefjall toeltlj tfjat'0 tooonne bp frauDe, be tljali ricljeg fuclj tiefcentie (kept ? jfrom Ijetre to ftetre ? i£o no, Cuclj Voeltl) tyall qutcfelp Jane an enDe* 3|t cannot biDe, no^ p^ofper toeiL 25ut Vofio DotS tjat regarDe ? dail)o jet foj Voeltlj moft Mz Deceit at any tpme Jatf) CpatDe ? j|Jo one toell niglje: (tf)e too^lD 10 Cuct>) #nD ijere Dotlj come to minDe W$z pairing; pjtoe in common Zm VoljicJ noto ect)e toljere toe finDe* feucij i£ tljetr rage, anD fotole affect, tfjat tljougf) tljeir bellied toant : djeir backs muUt b^aueip clotijeD be : appareli nothing fcant* ifoj Vojjat caufe elfe tbep Do referue eclje toljece tije feabotf) Dap, 35ut ioi to iette about tlje (treated in pafllng fyatte arrap ? Churchyarde %\)z Voeltl)^ fo^t ercecDe tljefr date, anD meane Degree tlje fame: %\z common fojt topll Do tlje Ipfce* »>o all goe£ out of frame : £nD l&optterg ruffle all about anD tofte tije Bplboto blade, #nD to maintame fuel) fcple exceffe, beljolDe toljat ftnftg be maDe ? £>uclj cogging;, foptfmg, coffening: fuel) fplcljing, tljeft anD guile: »>ucl) pelting, pplt'ring, pieuify Drifts*, as are almott ta tiple #nD beattlp to be nameD once. 3le rijerefo^e aient bee: jfoj fure 3 am fucf) Ijfe of tf)eir0 all men map plainly fee* 0 b^ottjel bapteg, % toeing Denes : 'ZOjec'g lurching (trumpets loDge: ^Scc'0 ffuffe eclje toljece £oj luffp »>toaty fo^ &imfetn, 2Dicfc, anD ^oDge* Hoofce loofce 4e Eancs about tlje ^otone, anD fearclj ectje corner t^ougl) : •anD you ftall finDe 3 Doubt not 31 of broken bare pnougt) : Corrupt at lead mud) feemesf to be : fo fyigljtlp (ijine tlje bjotoetf, &o piicfct $ pranefct, fo Ipckt anD trimDe 10 Banckrototea pjetie fpotofe, feearclj Newes out of Powles »>earc|) lauerneg tJ^oufflj, anti tppling; eclje »>abotI) Dap at mo^ne : (bot^eg, #nti pou Ojall tfjtnke tW pare to be ene too too mucf) fo^bo^ne* lake care a Wjpie to feelo ttje £>&otote0 t anti toanton talking trulleg : ^tnD pou tyail fie fjotoe fuffratmce notoe poti lylz atoagtoara pulley. Sfllljat fyottlD 31 Tape ? ^arfce ecfje tofjere anti pou fyall tm&erttan&e (Voelf, 3nD plainelp fee {joto finite ig fpacoe ants cloketi tintier JanDe, ^seare bag, flfllljat elfe but pine anti 9?onep pte tine on t&e maintained eacf) »>abott) Dap sabots ^ toting; of tje 35eare anti Bull ? * ae * (Lfllljat b^ins0 tfifc biutiifj plap ? (Kllfjat f# tlje caufe tXjat it tg bo^ne, and not controlled ougfit, jaitfjouglj tlje fame of cuttome be, on tjolp »>abotl) to^ougit ? Soto fure 3 ttjinfee tf>& pine oj fpite, pintf poti ana pDlp Ipfe: 3t UzmziS it i$ t'pnuegle men, toljpleg d5oD0 too^tie te fo rpfe: 3! cannot anp to^ere percepue toljere pine ig ptten toell : 31 can not fie Vojere toell tg& fpent, 31 tjjinfce no man can tell Churchyarde S>i iuttlie Cape, Ijere goett) one (fox mott part noto 3 meane) Cljat iuttlp lotted ana leaded Ijts Ipfe : ttjat tjotlj to terttte leane* But toell, to (Bon 1 leaue tfjis geare, 31 fjaue bene fometoljat long : lie turne mp tale to otljer talfee : gie Ong Come otljcr fong* Finis. The fyxt Satyr. //^^at tljinh pott (Bertulph) of tl)te plate JPotato (tfjisf Cljttrct) of Powies ^| meane) 0$utc$ li?oto tljinfee pou of tiyaiuifes Ijere, abufetK 31 n talfce anti talcs tincleane, 3n fearefull oatljcS and title compacts, m tiatne ejpence of totntie, 3n bilelp fpcntung tpme therein, in ptile cljat to fintie 9pen occupptie at p^aper time, anti otljcr tpmcs tonmeete, in topes, ant) timers nopfome traties ? (3S tl)ou ttjp felfe boa toeeteO anti footljlp tell mee, toljat tljott tieemtf, anti IjoVd it feemes to tljee, 3[n place referu'De to Ijeare d5oti0 too^tie, fuel) Chaos bple to fee ? m Newes out of Powles Bertuiph. &>t trutlj, to fyeto mp mmDe tbecm (at leaft toljat 3 tiaue tone) ^fje tpme (a# noto) topll not permit: tpg to farce fpent 3 toeene* #game, tttf) pou fjaue toell begonne of Nummus to intreate, ^'toere pttie (fare) tjat toant of tpme iftoulti let pou to repeate feucj tfjingg agame tottlj fyiefe Difcourfe, of toell p^opofeD Cljeame : Eeturne tberfo^e, anD mafce fome enDe of tjfg t|p faittjfull D^eame* #nD 3 at elfe appointed time (foj time it Dotlj DemaunDe) Mill notljing faple, in eclje refpetf, toljerein pou ffjall commaunDe* Paule. Mlell, WW (qUOtl) Paule) fo tyall it be* lie enDe mp tale begonne> g|le not be long : giue Clent eare, tfje fame tyall foone be Donne* &nD noto, bettDeg tlje great abufe tljat 1 toljileare Did name, l?ere m tW temple (Dap ftp Dape) t^emfelue0 Do lifeetoiTe frame flemieme* & number of our fojraine jfeere# anD men of gcounDeD toeltl), £Dur catotie countreg (Gentlemen to topn tW nopfome peltlj. Churchyarde W&z fertile fople tljat fopfon t^ingeg of goodly l^eaueti graine, tDje Sl£etioto ground tjat plenty peeldes of Igape tfoougl) little paine, #nd rancfelj? fp^nging patfure, tofitcfi dotl) fat tlje aeefed fljeepe, Mill not fufiSce tljeic greedp minded, no£ tljem contented fceepe> jfrot gaine inougl) by pinfome tcatie, to tljem to ill no to arife, &o\ toeltl) inougri) can qucncf) ttjeir tljirtf : too mucl) toill not fufiSfe flDj (tap tljeir lutt : (tpll luft tljep moje* &*t WW rapfed rentsf jffcot loftp fines can Jumo^ purge, noj ejtreame totjole extents Can fpll tljeir tjungrie gaping gulletf, noi (taunct) tfjeic fotole dedre* WbW ace fo fell, tljat mo^e tljep fjaue, t|je mo^e ttjep no require, Wbttt (BraudGreg peat, of log: time ttnce, tfjeir auncetto^ of po^e, CLfllitlj fole reuenetoeg of tljeic lands, tjaue maintainde euermo^e Eig;t)t too^tljp po^teg, forgetting nought tjje (tap of tljeir good name : ftaiell gote tljep toeltlj, in botmtie, and toell fpent t|ep (till tlje fame. W$ty Newes out of Powles %\)tV neuer (moft of tljem 1 meane) encrocjt on neighbors* ground &oi ere mcloCDe tomttlg ougljt, W$zy fyu'h tofdjtn tlje bounti flDE Ctjarttie anti reaCong latoe, contenteti toitlj tjetr otone* 'Etjep Ceot«e tottjjin tjeic <3Tetmre tttU : CoVole fratttie toagtfjen trnfenolone, Sit lead tfie frauDe tjat' notoe in fye* tCjiep neare erijjauntt tljeir renter, &oi founti Cue!) beatflp p^acttfeg a0 t[)10 tiple age tnuentg. tlTljeir oton CuffiCtie : tfjep Cougr&t no mo^e, ttiep Ip'fce toell of tfje fame : get tyu'&e tfjep not tinto tfjemCeltteg, ag tSetr CucceCCo^0 frame* ^fje^ toell coulD bptie tljat beggerg lljoulti jjaue comfort at tfjetr gate : 'Cfjep toere cotent, tjougl) tijat tljep trtoelt bp men of meane eftate* JBni noto not Co* Ifjat 3g;e te Cpent, anti Cfjantte toitljall: C&eCe mzn are not contenteti noto : to Cpople erfje one tiotj fall* <3Ef)ep racking ftretcf) tfjetr Ituing Co ? Cud) tooolutflj toapes ttjep frame, ^at tMougl) fine fo^ce, $ ptlfring tytfts, ttoiCe tioubleo are tfje Came* 0nti Churchyarde &nD double ttoife DecapeD pet IjotoCe&eping W no Doubt* flftep liue Ipfee $)tCertf to ttjem Celueg* ^jjeir neighbours* rountie about flDf poo^e etfate map not app^octje noj come toitlu'n tftetr gateg : ^omettme0 perljapg fo^ fafln'on Cafce tjep tioe inuitz tjeir 9£ate& £nD Cue!) a# Doe tlje Ipfce to tfjem : oj elCe bp tojjome Dootlj rpfe fe>ome tjope of gapne 0£ getting; ougfjt 3nD tfjutf tfjeir bountie lpe& 25ttt tljte not all : toi toote pou toljat ? 'Qtfiep fyame not noto to Tap tlTfeat beggerg Doe Co eate tljem fcp, tljat tljep no longer mape ffie able to feeepe ope ttjeic Doo^e^, noj tjotofefceping mamtaine* ^erljapg tljep fie Come otljer traDe toljere Ipetf fome greater game* &nD toe tljep Doe, for toljen tljep Ijaue once gotten to tfjefr IjanDeg 35p purcljafe, frauDe, anD fubtile meane tljeir neeDp neigljbourg lanDe0 3bout tljem rounDe (toljerebp of truetlj tljep come to great Decape) %$m ffjut tljep Dooje fuel) a one a£ tjope of gaine feill not procure to dune* gi tljinfc full fefee tie Ipuing; nofe toljome mee&e map notljing; femne : &>l feljome tljat feealtl) map neuer feinDe from (0oti0 p^efcribeD lafee* ^D eartlj, jdD dnne, ffl)j S>atljan0 tl) jailed : l!?ofee Doe fee ftill feitljtijafee Newes out of Powles ope of gooti retoarDe ? 3 tfjtnfee if 3 coulti perfeuere one ^ontf) m ttjig mp tale, 3 Ccantlp fyoulD t|e Jalfe Difcrie (Dt frauDe, (fo? tof)?) in fale 3nD ecije compart, tie Cole regarDe of game i# altoap l)ati : 8nD tljtrlt of (to^e, eacje toljere almoft Dotlj make tie people matu *3D totjere are tiitg to fying tljem in, anD latoeg to lap tt)etr rage ? 3D toljere igf fattj, o^ feare of (BoD in tjt'0 presumptuous age ? (Eacje one tiootlj line as Ipfces f)tm belt, tje latoeg tioe Ipe fo\ gapne* BefiDes Deceit anD tile Deuife, Doott) nothing noto remaine CLQIitljin tlje fjarts of Cnglify men, farre aeD is all remote : 5111 loue of (0oD, all feare of plague, anD Keyfers tmgjtie fo^ce* ©apifte^ *?oto 9l*w* our ^apifttf p^'uflp ? !&oto Doe tijeCe men puruape ? %oto pjotole tlje Cagttoeg noto about, fo^ Nummus Dap tip Dape ? l^ere Churchyarde %ere, in ttjte CburcJ a toalck tljere fg tojere ^apiffeg tioe frequent ^ e ©a* ^o talfce of netoeg among tfjemfelueg : ptftee and oft ttje time tg fpent *»«* m In glati recounting; of tfjeir flate : mtoits* topics tfjougl) not at tlje beff, get top tljep (till to fee fjoto men tn aptie thereof be p^elt ^Lnti nolo comegone anti cljeereg tljemfcp, %t>t tnai&e lie teller ttiem toitlj great top, ** in t&e ll) at Pope anD Spaniard fopnetl be, fout|) Sle# (Botig people to annop* IBp folempne p^oteffatton corned an ottier bp anti bp ^e telg IjoVo^tljat tn JFlauntierg ttill> tlje (0ofpeller0 Doe Dpe ifoj fole p^ofeCBng: of t|e trutlj : anti toitl) a cljeerefull face, ^t fljetoeg JoVd faff tlje »>tjeepe are flame, afyoatie in ear? place* #nti toljat great totoneg are noto befiegtie anti Cities? rountie about* £nti boto (0oD0 Voojtie tiecages apace, etten all tlje too^ltie tlj^ougljout* another neVo fontie felloto cornet, anti t)e beginner to tell Ikoto ^opifye Cljampfontf lantieti are, anti 3rity men rebelL SMU t£olo tyme pott not feene tpe fcnac&e to fenotoe Inaue0 bg* compiles bg mang fena* ue0? Newes out of Powles Iftoto tolpe fatljerg bleCKng bjougljt in 25iffiop0 facreti b^ette, l^atj matte tfje lan&e before profane* notoe fjolp ag t^e refte* ^Lntl f)Oto tjat Stukeley lott 1)10 life, amOltg Barbariens late, Si ^arqueffe of tlje Romifh marfce, 3D too tintimelp fate : $}i$ pact (alag) toag pet to plap in places? neerer tjantie. Ue ment anti bent W ^oim 1)e, agafnft tlje Irish lan&e : But tofjat tfite ^arqueUe left tm&one, Mack Morice jje COnttpu'D : #n& Ijotlp pn putfue tfje charge, ISut at), it neuer tjtpu'tu ifoj 3t£art^lpfee %z loft Ijte JeaD, a lode (in tieetie) to toaple: feitlje Jolp ifatjer, tfuourt tljte loffe, of W intent DootJ faple. (Breat feacfcg of netoeg are poureti fo^tj in tjat fame tooltip toalfc** &nti fcnauity fmacfceg ate t&ere tieuifoe tojilft tjat tljep ftatelp ftalcfe &bout tfje place Ipfce Ijoneft mtn^ anti fubiectg true of Ijart* jfrom tfiat fame place Doe rumo# rife (BoD0 trutj) to ouertjtoart Jfrom Ghurchyarde jfrom tljat fame place Hoe daunDcrg come anti title reppcbful Ipeg agatnff (Bods too^i anti ^eac^erg true* jfrom tljat fame comer ftpeg HetoDe f&ofiSng ieffeg anti taunting taleg : tljcre Doe tljefe l&ebels copne ^Ijeir Cuttle Drifts anD nojfome tale& gea, tljere Doe tfjep coniopne, ^nD cleaue Itfee burred toitlj Colemne fcoto tlje trutt) fin to read* #nD Doubt tljcrd none, fo: toljp ? 1 tljinke tljat ttjep toil! Co perCft* Sinttll tljat ^>atljan fnatclj ttjem Ijence, tlje (BraunDCIre great of lyeg : anD till tljiouglj toant of foitall bieatlj, tljep map no mo:e DetuTe* QHlSat funDe of men be tpefe (3 pjape) Bertulph. tljat tlju£ tljcmCelueg in bje ? fallijat, are tljep open foes pzofeft tljat bp tljcfe meaner piocure %\z QaunDer of tlje certatne trutlj anD tcacbcrg of tlje fame, flDi 3pocrite0 tljat couertlp tl)e (EljofpeU Doe Diffame \ Cnce, Bertulph, tps xoell fcnotone to tljee Pauie. tljat fmall reftraint tljere is $$l papitfes tongues tljat pymDlp piate, (Jjoto ere tljep gabbe amiffe.) fJfff. tClep Newes out of Powles %tyl> talfee from feace of cfjecfc at large* %ut pet of tjem tjere bee ^fjat p^eafe among!* pjofeflCo^ true, anD toell toitlj tljem agrk* ifoi totjp, tfjeir Ipuingg fo Doe Ipe, tfjat but tljep feemeD fucj, %\\z$ neuer coultie afpice fo fjigi), noj pet obtaine fo muct) #0 novo ttjep Doe. flD ianus lacfca anD Double taceD 2Dogg ? 3D toplte ^inching top^arD OSloolueff, ■iflD grunting groaning; ^ogg ? ^atjefe mzn (1 fay) fo^ftoeaje tfjem felueg (SL& periurDe ^apitteg Do.) 'atbep graunt tje 3Dueene igfup^eme JeaD anD murmure at it to* IBut tojat of t&at ; fine fileD JeaDg toell fraught toitj trim Deuife £nD ciuile tteigljts, Vnitljout remote, Cuclje Ccrupleg count fcntoife* 3nD Co tfuougl) tyarpe anD toplie toitjaf, #nD tl^ougj farre fetcljing fyaine^ W$zv mount aloft to &ono$ tipe, anD come lip greateft gainer #nD tljefe be tljep tfjat tmDer JanDe tlje truetj Do tfill annop, &nD let tje tooling of tlje toojDe in fucft ag migbt eniop Churchyarde %^z Harnett falue of fatting Jealtf). £>ucl) lap tje lotbfome fnareg, #nd toijen good feede ig fotone, fr^tfjtoitlj fuel) men fotoe nopfome tares* gea, fuel) 3 to? (a* to mp tale) lap toaite bp toplte toapes ifo^ Nummus : and to get tlje fame, are p^ett at all affapeg* W^zti be fuppo^ting pttruepo^g U\ papitteg notoe fupp^eft W$ztz ranc&lp feede tje pamperd »>lopne fcpttalled in tljeir nett W$ziz fopfon b^ing, anti brokers* Cet tl^ottgt) bend of popiffje creto, #nd ttjefe tnzn fotter Balamites <2Eo Vojome teuenge te deft* %$ziz men ate fole abettor of tlje curfeti ^iettg of Baall : &nd ttjefe men fyauelingg tioe fuffulfe, tofjtcS elfe toolde tjaue a fall, 3|tt meruatle tjjougt) tljep crancklp crotoe toell lodged m tljeir cage ? Mit\) p^otten p^iefct, ptt meruaile nolo, 'Cbat tljug tfje 'Eigarg cage ? foEljat neede Ijaue tljep to pelde tpfeluetf fcnto tljeir latofull tfciuzznz ? Jfor totjat intent fljould fubiecteg tjep at an? time be feene ? %$zv Newes out of Powles ^fjep toant notljino;, no pleafant loDge : of titanti0 tljep abounDe, Botf) QUenfon, Mint, anD finetf categ* almotfe tfjat map be founDe 'JEljep tioe eniop : pea, ana fuel) fto^e a# true report Dotlj Cape, CJat (rather tfjan tjjepoo^e ffjouttie ijaat) tftej? eaft tljeic f craps atoape* &nti fn poa food), tljeic VoeltJ i$ fuel) and Daintp fare Co rpfe, ^at tdo^lDiing:0 toil not blame tjeir toit to leatie fuel) eaptiue Ipfe* &nD fooled tljep loere it tljep tooullie not be perfeeuteti fo : $ea fome of tljem fo foje be ljurt tljat b^oatie tjep rpDe anD go* W$zy toalfee anD toalloto at tljetr totll : tfjep fialofee anD ljunt pfeere aSiitfi fuel) a0 Ijaue tje cljarp of tljem i tfjep quaffe anD mafce poD cjeere, feet Cock on Ijoope, toitl) Ijoape tljat once, a tiape fyall pape foj all i ^eane time tl)ep toil not Die tjjougj tare noj from t^eir treafon fall. Bertulph ®MP Pawle (quOtl) Bertulph) merC£ tDtil perljapg fo pierce tljeir Ijart, ^fcat tSjougJ tje meucpe of tfje prince tjep Ml to truetlj conuart Churchyarde /£ap Bertuiph, t?0 Co farre^tljat tljep Paule. toit!) mercpe fyoulDe tie toonne, <3Efjat fcauntinglp tjep b^agp anD fape bounDe Dutie Voill jjaue Done 811 tljat i$t done: anti (tjusei) tjjep crafce ttiat it tfje £Dueene bp latoe (Dj conscience coulDe tfjem gpltie Dampne, flje Vooultie not tfanDe in atoe '<3Eo CenD tfjem to tljeir Doome : no^ to reffraine tfjeir tongues Co looCe* i:t)u0 bleate tfje popity Balamiteg, tfju<* creafeeg tfje IBlomflJje gooCe* &nD tofjat, fljoulD meccie fjere be fljetoDe, o\ can tfje Came pjeuaile ? j£o no, a0 long: as* mercp 10, tfjeir tongues fljall neuer quaile, iPoj tjarte obDureD once relent: no^ common (fate be CounDe* ifor fjoto can gentle Calue Doe poD 01 cure tfje fetfreD toounDe ? l^oto can tfje boDp be in fjealtfj, * meane tfjat in toitfj 23ile0 mfett ? $«& of 4? 8)1 %viz Cpilg: toell tfjat fjatft DeaD rpjaie«5 omj? nmt tmleffe pou Doe refect f>aue bene %$t fyauncfjeg of ? O&fjat man fo maD * iftaine a toil! fljetoe Ijimfelfe to bee, £* Jf f ag ougfjt to fiope foj leaueg o* frufte ^ um* to come from rotten 'ZCrre ? ftainw. ^oto Newes out of Powles ^oto can tie ftate of c&fft W flocfc, tie fenced from tiecap : (HnleCCe tlje Jfgjec potoerg Hoe call tlje {tumbling: ttocfeg atoap ? ^oto can t^e Hojti of trutj be pleaf&e, fc>Sen Cttcf) falfe ^opljetg liue ? l^oto toill |)e like to ijmte tljem feept $i$ Gety Hambeg to grieue ? &no tioubt tie l4raunt£ nolo to fap tljat time fyall come againe ftfliljeretn tie bleffeti £>aintg of <0oti by tiem tyall fuffer paine ? iPo no, tiep feare not to pjotetf, tljat toiere tiej put to iieati totne ? But tljefe be tiep foj tojom (no tioubt) mm ftrape ana fo putloine : JFoj toiome tiefe factor iaue fuci care ana pafftng; great reprti : JFoi toljom tiep potole tie ^eacierg true tiefe ^onfter^ to regard* #n& iate of tfjeir^ fo iapnoug te, tieir rancor iati fuci fojee &g;aintt tie (Biofpell of tlje Eo^De, tiat (tioptie of all remote) Churchyarde W$t$ eft procure pluralities jfor title fcifguifeti lacks* Nummus Do tjje? fetfe in tieetie, toljlcl) fetfeti tmploes no fe>cljooles: $loi mate no ttoches £01 men decapDe, no Bertulph Co plapes fooles* But Ijere pou ma? not take me fo as if 3 did defafe ftaiitljout refpect, tlje good Vm'tlj badde in eacfje Catfjed^all place. 9puclj lede tjjat 3 dep^aued Ijaue all ^eacljers fo att^de 3n ^iettify toeedes, as popeltngtf toere, and as tljepj (late requeue* j£o: farce and farce, be tijiS fcom me, ft* toiP II fenotoe rtgftt toell : C&at in tljefe ^ieltifl) toeedes tljere are, full man? tjat zxttll 0m Newes out of Powles jj^ape Bertuiph nape, tljen blame Ijaue 31 if Co mp too^eg be meante : f 01 fome of tjefe att^ieti tljug, in peacefull totfe are bent: #n& b^atole not tDftft tftetr b^et^en, tofio neglette oj cleane refufe : &nti tjerefo^e great fmfu&fce t'toece, fuel) P^eacfier^ to accute* ^ItSourt 31 toffte (that's? all 31 mape,) tfiat fi^eacljerg migljt be fenofcme jfrom ^optfy 3|acfe0 in toeetieg ano VdojH^ a tiling; confuted grotone* But fjutyt, 3|le Salle me to tlje fyo^e : g|le tyonne CucJ mounting toaue& 3|le leaue tijfg »>ea fo^ to be ftoomme of trpple tongueD jl-iaueg* FINIS. The feauenth Satyr. Pauie. -jOfc^ ^arfeen Bertuiph to tje entie of tjt'0 mp p^efenttale. 31 am enfo^ft mp aottng; 15oate to fyo^e from courfe to Ijale* %ty time runneg on, tlje nap i$ fpent, <3£|je niffljt atoaptoarti pulley #nD enfcleCCe fcope of mp pretence, tiotone puffed pallate dulled Churchyarde 3D enDleCte potoje, (D VoelCpimg, toljence all loiCetiome toiCelp ttotoeg : 3D dSoti, toljoCe grace uoetf) guitie tje gooD, in tobome all bountp grotoeg : <3Ef)ou fcnotoft tlje t)art& $ Ceett tfje rapneg pea, ttjintoartie tljougfjtg of men 2Doe open Ipe before tty face: CSjou fcnotoft fjoto, toljere anD toljen €iij tijing Ijatl), 10, 01 fyall be Done 01 elfe committed : tjou Igatte perfite tietoe anti in(igl)t gooD toljiclj toape man£ Ijact Dotf) bofcu l^ou, tfjou, 31 Cap, Cole (BotfoC migf)t, beljottjtf tfje Ijarts of men, cLcllljat ttje^ pretend, toljat pll tfje^ Voo^e: Co iuftlp iuDge me tljen, £nti Q)ut tlip mercp fromim; Coule, if aaunnrouap mp Ipps 2Doe ope at all : 01 it mp tongue of baine p^eCumption Cfcppg jfrom ttjic? to ttjat, 0^ rafljl^rtm moje tben tlje truti) tiotfi fyge, S>i mo^e tljen tftat t^ouglj ejtreame rage anD Co^ce of anfull Curge 31 am contfrainDe fcntf) Diepe remote and moaning plaint to tell. flD, olj, Ijoto man? bjotljell BaloDetf \sitfyn tie totone Doe Dtoell ? «?oto Newes out of Powles I£oto man? filtfrp ftu&Mng; fcototeg, beaurre tljeir croofceti ttumpe^ f jfoj game, foj pine, oltie mother 3 Soto fyee ftill lumping lumpg, &n& p^otitieg about toitj actrtoartie pace tinto !)er beattlp Ijatmt ? l£oto tioe tljefe fubtile groyning; &otoe£ poo^e aelp fftrle* encjaunt, #n& oft abet tlje loueti fpoufe to ttart from fiuCbanW beti ? ©eftolDe 31 Cape, joto b? tfjeCe ffiato&eg, are toomen capttue led ana ample maptieg fcnto fte fpople* Beljoloe aim fee t$tfc traoe, feee, fee, tojat toplp toinkfng flufte£, bp clfffe tyoto&e beattg are maoe. OX. courfe anti cuttome, common 3)nne# tSep toatcl) tottl) toarfe epe 3|f tfjat at anp tpme tijeg map (a0 oft tljep Do) efppe <3Cj}e countrep mattieg t!)at come from far, a# ttraungerg to tjje totone : ftaijome tttll tje ^rotteg tioe tittle fo, tjat araigljt all tyame lap&e tiotone* Ijjep pelDe t|e felucg ag captiue queaneg, tinto fome tDjjojtf!) caue: ClflJJere trotting 3|aoe fo^ filtljpe pine tiotl) fyp tljem to beljaue full Churchyarde jfull Coone tljemfelueg title (trumpet Ipfce to Ipue bp toijo^'fye trade : £nd l|ie bir felfe dotl) let tljem fojtj) ttjat game bp tbem be made* 3ut (out alag) dje ^aideng mindeg and comming toag tobtaine »>ome ferutce toljere to fpend tljeir timesf a0 feruauntg to remaine* ^D ardent fo^ce of aaming Cane. S) rage, flD riot, 3D ^bat euer fuel) tyould be futfainde 0£ once on grounde fltjould goe ? Beljolde bebolde boto good mens* topueg inuegled arebp tbem? Bejold Ijotoe feruauntg tbep fuppojt ? Beljolde boto tljep doe tiem £nd fjoofee to tljem tf^ougb crooked guile #nd tmdereating craft, (Breat doje of {Entltf ? Beljolde 31 fa? boto often te beraft Bp tljem alaa tbe fruttfull toife, of b*r mode louing mate : &nd bufband bearing boneft po^t, of toife in tljat fame rate. Bebolde alfo Ijoto boned 9£aide£ and fetuaunts tljep entpce <3Co Voljo^edome, tljeft, and filching bp tljeir diuilifl) title deuice* Dap bp tljem Deceptg Doe groto 3|n Cucj) abounDance, ttjat (alas) 31 Ceare, 31 fraw a# noto, Sill DzeaD of plagued cleane Cet apart, to frauDe mens mfnDes Doe boto : £>equettreD cleane from at|) falne out tftfjewe fuel? ortier maoe. * (Smtleme, trs|>eri t|?ep caa pet no Jftonep of loane, are Cfau to tafec toateja toi;ereof Jftoneg mnpe be mstie* Newes out of Powles Wfyttm (31 Cap) of late tljte act tiecrecti toag fr^ intent, C&at looking trade migljt pjacti^d be bp men Co toell pbent, Cfjat reafon ruling tjjem tljerein, (tijougj) Cl^otis toojde Dot!) forbid, &nd cleane condemne all loane foj gafne) tftetr fact migjt Co Ipe Jid* iPoto noto alag, (€> fmfull fact) tl)e St£agi(tcate0, Serein, ipot Co content foj to diCpence toitl) Cue!) an fjapnous dnne, 2Doe altogether cleane neglect bp tljem fuel) o^der made : flfll&erebp Voljole Ijund^edg noto Doe liue by bealtlp booking trade* #nd in Cud) Co^t Doe tljep tiemeane t|)emCelue0, and Co deuiCe, ^fjat to^rible it f* to tell toljict) toap tljeir gaine dotf) riCe* * i0 28p toljom ttjep tftfnhe to Caue tljemCeluetf : {JJL"^ anti Co tfje goolieg ace laptie an „ gat'ai* 3n brokers fjanoeg : toijo pantile ttjem fo for ufime Co tjantiComlp 31 trotoe, 'flTfjat all tfje game ft at map tie bat), liotlj to tfje Broker grotoe* jfo^ (at tje leatf) one part tjjereot* be ktepegfcnto bis (Ijare: and pet tmto tje gentleman be peelDetb fo^ bte toare $erbapg mucbe mo^e tben Ije IjimCelfe coultie \mz obtain&e tberefi^e. l£e nicks t)tm, ana beiitieg Ije takes a ccotone in earie fco^e $o\ papment of W paineg tbecein* <® execrable crime ? Ifllere euer Ceene Cue!) Cubtile tyitw in anp former time, 2L& are in tW our p^eCent age ? tobat fyoulto 3 tbinke therein ? /£o Doubt, no Doubt, tbat men as nolo Hoe Cno^tmg tte'epe in dnne* (B*iiij. tCfte Newes out of Powles %\)Z Lethargie qj Come fUCj pll Dot!) rifely ratine afyoaD* ^Ijep are Dotone p^etf to* monltroug dug anD pet Cuffatne tlje loaDe* Sfll&at craft fg copneD Dap tip Dap ? tojjat frauDe af frefy 10 fotinDe ? MUjat neto DetttCe anD ftraunp Decepte tiotjj trt tfit0 age abounDe ? 31 feare, 3 feare, true Dealing; nolo DerpDeD t'0 Vottli men* 31 feare me tfjep Doe pjactife jfaitf) anD %xufy but no\x> anD tljen* 23ut (ag imto mp former tale*) 30 tW tl)e too^ft t&ep tiCe ? clflitll B^ofcer tiCe xW onelp tfieft anD otjjer frauDe refufe ? So no, tl)e tarlet toenpablpe can copne moje nopCome D^fft0 : H?e jatlj |t0 tiouget fraught toitfi trauDe, anD ifotfe ftnatuf}) ffrift0. Mlell Ccape0 tje Detto^ if lie Doe t^ee part0 thereof obtafne* $ap, oftentimes l\k& glaD to take one onelp part ajyafne. g*l looker toljen fje Jjatl) tfje poDeg, at lapfure fcull repap C&e Came 6p peecemeale: anD perfjapg fo^ all Ji0 foule Delap, Churchyarde W$z better tyall be glad to take on quarter of tlje fame. gjf tfti0 be toell, (as true it is) tljen nothing's out of frame : £nti all map be rfgtjt toell ft^bo^ne, as it tjatl) bene full long:. But Ijapt tlje fame to a£agfftrates, tfjep tooulti ret^effe tfte fc^ong, &nti not fet ligfjt bp fuctje tiecept : no; tofncfcing, let it Ipe. f^ati tjeg fuclj loffe, tljep toould 3! Cape reti^eCCe full foone efppe. ©ut tofjo cares ougljt, fo game be IjaD, antJ toares be matie atoap ? W$it litter bp fuel) meanest tfjeir toares. ftfllljp tljen, totiat ljurt Ijaue tljep ? ^jjep tyall be pap&e, toljo eare Do leefe, and game fltjall tljep bp lone, aitljouglj tbe better loofe tlje fjalfe, pet tljcple take beetle to one. £nti oftentimes (fuel) is tje faptl) of tfjefe tile braking fcnaues) ftfllljen tljep ijaue gotte tlje DettojS gooties, t|ep topll Ipfce roging daues ^>ome of tijem tljeVoe a pa^e of Ijeeles : tlje fUfceijells topll be gone. W$ty\z runne atoap toitft goo&es anD all, ttjougl) lp£e Ipe rtjerfopon* ana Newes out of Powles #nd doubtlette, manp of tljem doe Co p^acti^e noto a dapeg, 'cDjat djep come top anti rtCe to tocltf), bp fuclj tinpdlp toapeg* »>ome of tljem toCe Cuct) puttie fyifttf, and fuel) cloCe coucljed topleg, 'Eljat tjep come tip anti beace pod po^t anti onlp liue bp g;uple& &nd ottjer Come Co ttauifye lie and cuttfooate cullton leefce, 'Ctiat toljen tljep Jjaue a bootie pte, ttjegle tttefgfjttoape $w tlje gleefce, 3nd pack atoap* #g, noto and tljen t'0 b^ougftt into tjetr Jandeg & CJatne of (Mde, a tablet 01 Come bracelet golden bandeg 3$ (Gentlemen to lap to patone jfoj Nummus wben t&ep neede: CLQifiicf), top tftep Jaue once in tjeir fjandtf, tfjeple pack atoap txu'tf) Cpeede* 31 tell pou Bertuiph, on mp Ca^tJ, ttgi fyould nolo Dilate die title deceite of B^okerg, anti Co Cet to fceto tljeir tfate, gou Ccantlp could abide to fjeer't, Co tojrible it f& But tju^ toe muH conttdec ont, and Co 3 ende tottft tW< flfll&ere Churchyarde Kllfjere tfjat ttje tfate corrupted is bp tljem ttjat beare tlje ftoape, ^ere meaner people to ill peruert arm biin$ it to decape* 3|£ ^ateftrate doe toinne toitti fraude, tfje commons to ill tje fame* 3|f ^agiftcate muft toinck foj feare, tfcen all pes out of frame. £nd Co 31 entie till time renue tbts tale of mine begonne* 31 tell pou truetl), tfjere rettetf) pet muclj mo^e ere it be Done. But Ijere pou Ijaue bnto mp Ijeft, declared (as 3 can) l^oto Nummus i0 atoapted foj bp mofte men noto and tljan : &nd Joto tlje fame is put to bfe molt toicked noto a dapes : £nd fjoto it is bp men abufde in spending; manp toapes* gou eke baue fjearde erp^eCCeti fjere, Soto often times it is jFoj Ijoojde kept clofe and coffecd tip* 31 tjaue delated tljfS- ipoto relletb tljat 31 doe declare t)oto tjee tatt) farmed mee* But tfii0 (as | intende) fjereaf-- ter (Jail dilated bee: $o\ Newes out of Powles JFoj (tioubtlelTe) jjerem Dotft eonQtt a tfjmo; impoitftig toane, Co fljeVo fjoto Nummus tiotlj tiecefue bp »>atf)ang Cubttle Height* &nt! fitfje 31 tioe enten&e at large of tW (C^oti grauating grace) Co tojtte fjereafter, noto 3 entie : anti (toitt) erecteD face) (Httto mp <0oD peat tfjanfces 3] peelDe, tfjat Co JatJ beene fjte to ill Co gut'De mp tongue tlje tfnng to Cpeafce tofjerem not!) reft fttclj lit janti p^ape toe ijarttlp fonto Jfm to mitigate tlje patne &n& plague toljtd) fo^ our monftroug Ipfe a# Due tiotj) novo remame* Amen, The Churchyarde The. viii.and laft Satyr. The Author. '"p^ougj Mufe fjaue matie W finali enD, and ^enrxe fjaue runne f)i0 race, get cartful! cutfome cauCetlj me to toaile tlje toant of grace* &n& quaking quill renetoeg tlje plaint tfjat lurcfceg in penaue fyeaft Commtet toitl) cares tljat aoto from tjeati full fraught toftj) great tinreflL 'flEbe time bacfce beaten mine iDle b^aine ttjat labour ginned to leaue : #nti rage of fmne returned tf)e griefe mp Client patofe to reaue* l£oto tyall g| fafelp feefee tfje fyoare ? l^oto map 31 Own tfie feas, aintfll tljat Triton bloto retreate an& mounting toaue appear ? W$z tiatoning dap Dotlj fceepe aloofe, anti 3Loatieg man lofet^ apme : ^Ije rpffle rock Dot!) Ipe in toapte mp beaten barke to maime. #nti pet toljen tiape fljall once tiifcrpe tlje tiaunger of tlje furge, W^zn fyall mp puppe Due courfe obferue anti gli&e tfoougb ccooketi gurge- ^eane Newes out of Powles ^eane time betoff tot'tj great turmople, and temped bitter Eatoe, 3|le feeepe m? Celfe amid t^e ttreame : ann pet a toljile toitfjti^atoe $®V $en from po^t of quiet patofe* jfoi time fcott) tijge me fo : %i)t time alag infect toitb dime* gea time herein tiotft groto %\>z rap of finne anti rpotg fo^ce, tpe raumping Serpents* guile, flfliitj) alt Deceit ttjat mape be founlie : pea finne almoft to title %o be ejp^ett oj fet to foetoe* But fucb is »>att)an0 fo^ce : feucj are tjje Jattg of tianquifyt tf^alleg, cleane fruftrate of remote* Call call to mintie pou careleffe cretoe: Hap cufiome nolo a fitie ; 0n& let pour faptlj Voitl) faitJleCTe fruiter Jerein a xoljile be tcitie. Confirme tje Ipfe tljat pou Doe ieatie #n& ratifie tje fame* janti tfcen lew fee JoVd toilfullp pou toan&er too^tbp blame. £ f)i0 neetie, EepairD tmto a Sl£arrt)ant man to bo^otoe on Ijig tieetie tEfje Churchyarde W$t ^arcljant (a* ft te of courfe) IjaD 9£onep none to lentie : 2Sut toaregf j)e p^oferti tofllfnglp* anti 3Dettoj in tje entie <3Et)e fame became : anti toofce to loane a0 mucf) a0 tiiti amount ^o tfjirtp poundes of currant copne bp Slparcfjantmana account. (L&lljtct) toareg fo taken tip to loane, to Broker are tfjep b^ougljt: <&\)t Broker to tlje ^arctjaunt Ije (of tojjome tlje fame toere bought) jfull falfelp Dot!) returne tljem ftreigljt : toljo nolo ttoiTe ffapneg tljerebp : ifoj fp^Cte Ije foultie anti noto eftfoone^ tlje fame appne tiott) bupe. &o tljat totjen tljte our Clelp foule fyoulti rapfe thereof tlje fumme : #boue tlje p^tce of ttoentp pounoe, tlje crcUit toill not come* jFo^ ten in tljfrtp could tiouc^fafe, tlje Creditor to Ijaue jFoj recompence tn Slfurfe. 3D careleCfe canfcectJ daue, C catotp cuttfooate, cullton, tojetctj, <£> Caterppllcrg jfeere, €> miferable ^urtljerer, Canft tljou abp&e tljte geare ? »M* f ^Ije Newes out of Powles f tCJe time ig noto at Ijantie toljeretn tljou ilraigljt account fyalt make : (Lftlljeun tljou fyalt ^eli fire gain loi %ainz ttjat tljou tJi&tf take* €> filHecer, tljou ^atljans tfoall, anD Butcher of tfre jf ienDe, W$y C^oltie iljall be tcanCfo^mtie to muck : tljp plagues fyall neuer entie* i5ut as tljou tiooft tip £Dckec life t'opp^elfe tljp neighbour Siere : <£uen To tje fco^cljing Earner of ??ell tfjp captpfe co^pg iljatt Deere* It? tuft? Ijoojtie afcentieg tlje Cfefe: t\tf Detto^f Ijarme Dot}) mount Unto tlje Ijiglj fupernall feate to call tjee to account* ^ou greet)? (Blea&e, tljou ljugrp l^atoke, tljou ftarueltng (Hultureg mate, Hioto tiartfe tljou tljug bp rauine feeke to maintains tljfne etfate ? 3 fe'e IjoVo tljou canft (bare aloft like ljungrp Igatoke tefppe &nD catcljing Bite, toljen p^ap Ojal fp^ing, foj befte game bent to ftpe* 31 fee tljp fubttle lagging; pace, and craftie coloucfcie guile: 31 fee tljp falfe iulTembling Height: 3 fee tljp plagteti toile. Iljou Churchyarde r €f)ou Ijaft DeuiCeD bp ttje ^ontl), toi gaine to let tfjp toare : •TIP&p monep eke from montlj to montlj, tljou canff rigfjt toell fc^beare* But toi eclje filling; (Cajttfe tljou) fit furplpfage toilt take &penfe: anD of rtoentie tyfl* ling#, ttuentie pennies mafce: £nD (in tljat rate) foj fo^tie pounDe, fo lent out : in a peere, '(Iljou toilt receiue ttoiCe fojtg pounDgf, *Bf lata full St^onep clkre* ^6ou tocentt to toelter Ijere fo& ape, ano toallotoe in tljp toeltlj : <3Tl)ou neuer tt)inktt to Uz tfje Dape to part from tjfef t§^ peltj* But 3 toill tell tljee Co^mo^ant, tljou fell anD epe D^oane : (Kcje pennie fljall accountaunt tie tojjiclj tljou Ijaft let m loane* #nD tftougrf) ad noto ttje lato be tljine to lape beneath tljp foote : get tljen ttje furpes bp Decree tyall renDe tljp Ijart at roote : ftOifjen agf ttje libell of tfip lull anD baplitoicfc abufDe, »>l)all t^e conDempne to Limboe pit anD fcalDing lake confuCDe* ».K. FINIS. The AuElhor vpon the Booke, m t&e Defence of t&e gouerne* mentoftfteCitte* HJ^ffiHo fortes of men repaire onto tyis 3Soofce» JL tEpe one to carpe anD cauell at mg toorues : Spe otper tprouep UeIpGl>tt thereon Dotp loo&e : 3nD reaDinc it, true iuDgement toeu aforoeg* $e Deemetp Graic|?t (topen papty 31 reproue) ^pat mine intent 10 tices to remoue* 9Sut notoe, tappeafe ano fattffie tpe minBe 3Df fuel) a0 vailg ronne trntp open moutp 3t mr reproofe ropicp often pere fyzi n'nDe, If tpu0 mucp fag to tpem in mp bepoue* If meane, 1 toucp, 3f qwip no priuate man jfor pate, ne fpite unce firfl mr toorfee began, J® or get 000 31 (toitp cp2lfci& race ftiro op) €>eefce to Deface a toortpg commmon ftate SDf fucp a0 felUome Dtin&e of finfull Cup 93g matter fucp m If tioo pere "Debate* jfor If proteft, If fcnoto no matter topp If ftjoutD fo tioo : tftp no man can Denp &pat in tpe ^otone are Diuer0 forte0 of men 33g topome t^t oertuouo are fupporteD ftgll : aiSHitp tobome tpe toic&eD mar at no trme Men ^peir no^fome Drifts, nor toor& tpe tping tpats gU 1 23r topome tpe poore anD neeDie are fuftainDe : SJnti e&e ioitp toi)om true jeale pa?p ft^I remainDe* If meane botp IfuDse, IPpitftion, Hatoger anD ^pe Jiftarcpaunt (topom euen all If muft comment) WLitfy otper elfe topicp in mr 9Soo&e Do ftanoe* If far, of tpem tpere be topome to DefenDe If neeDe not pere* &petr lrue0 auorDe tpe blame, SnD tproucp cooD igfe, tpeg torn immortall fame* FINIS. Gentle Reader \ for the ji Hinge vp of emptie pages, this letter written by the Author to his friende lying at the point of death is inferted. Ir, howe and in what wife euecp man fyoultie beare Jfm felfe totoac&e fy<$ ftientie in time of l)caltl), in time of p^o* ^ fperitie anti ftrengtlje, motte men fcnotoe: pea,fuct)e W t&e fcntrufte ttjat 10 in man,moe men can fpeafce plauQblp in time of good Ijappe, as toe tecme it, tljen in timeoffifene^iuliptip^igljtlv^la^intime ofQchneCCe and in atfaultes of deatlj(toljecin tlje bodpe is not mo^e greuoudp opp^ettetJ tljen tlje mintie tnuerflp Diffracted and tlje foule migljtelpe alfaulted) ftoVo fetoe tioe conQder, 01 at tlje leatttoife, Do applp tljem feluestotljereliefoftfjepoo^eafflictedfoule, totljeffrengtljningoftljefeeblempnde^nd to tberepellingoftljofebptter temptations andaffaultsoftljecommonenemiesofman fcinde, tlje oltie ^erpente, tlje tiaine, toicfted andtonconftanttoo2lde,and tljefraile,per= uerfe anti rebellious ftety tofjiclj altoapes doe attend and attempt tlje (icke enfeebled IWii* and A letter vnto his friende anD opp^elfeDperCon? fe>ureip,toereitnot t^at (Bod in time of Cucbe ertremttpeDotbe mlQ^tzliz comfo^te anti confirme Cucbe a# be W in tbe p^omiCeg of Ijte mercpe,in tie Deat&ofi)i0Deare3efu0,anDintbemerpte2( of Ijte paUf on: ft (9 not poCCible but tbatttclu negf fyoulDe be intolerable, Deatb bobble, l$zl fcucto2iou0,tbeboDpeliuing,to be a ter= rour to tbempnDe, anti tbempnDe Co terrific eti anti b^ougljt to DeCperation,to be tlje per petualDampnatiounof tbe boDpe anD foule* ^bicti tbinffconaDereD, anD from mpfoe= rpeljarte rememb^eD,! cannot cboofe but in tW blelleD battaile, anD 3 trufte (tbougbe Cometojat fyarpe anD egre) pet mod fjappp conffpete Vobertmto (ag a Cellotoe foulDper, anD aDopteD blotter) pou are calleD fo^pour trpall, 31 cannot cboofe 3 fape,but,to tbe in= creaCe of pout courage, enDeuoure to ma&e plaine tinto pou in all tbat^l mape, ttje fruit of affliction anD tbe commoDitpe of Deatlj : imparting toitb pou Cucbe toeapong ag foj mine oxone tfo^e, tbe HojDe our Captaine fjatfje alloteD tinto me, to tbe enDe, tbat be- ing conuenientlp appopnteD,pou map react anD auopDe at all affape0,anD become bolDe, tialiaunt, conftant anD perCeuerable to tbe Deatb-tCoucbinglDbicbtieat^nottDitSftan^ Ding lying at the point of death. Uinff it be greeuoug to tfje fraile fteff), pet 10 it mofte iopfullpe to be recepea ag an tm= Doubted entie of all griefe, for loljp ? it i$ t&e beffinninsof^opeandperpetualltrpumpl) toljeretipon a certainepdlp man torptetf)* If thou haddeft a good confcience, thou wol- deft not flye death. And againe, why hafte thou pleafure in that wretched body, whofe felowfhippe doth nothing els but violentlye withdrawe and deteine thee from the king- come of euerlafting glorie? flD COUfen : toljat elfe but a place of ejile \# tij e miferable bodie totije^oule?8ndtotoljattljingeelfemape tjjig our Ipfemoreaptlpe be compared, tljen to an to^ftoatc or ttage playe toljere mm Do aGTemble to beljoulde fondrpe feates, and toljere euerpe man laboured in all tljat j)e mape, to toinne praife, promotion and au» tljo^tpeaftertljeentieofljt^trafftcallpart: (Bod onelpeitf permanent immortallteuer laftinp : 311 tljtng# elfe are trandtorpe and fubfecte to corruption* ^Ijep be conftituted corruptible and mortall, and mutt be confu= medoitnne,andt)auetljeirende0bpcorrup= tioru tElje feunne tyall paffe, for it toag? madebutformansufe^lje^oone^andtije ttarreg tyall peril!), for tfjep toere created but for tt)c necetfitpe of man. Ikeauen anti tyAiiu eartlj A letter vnto his friende tartj tyail Decape, toi tljep conteine but a place of ejile anD pjiConfoubeboDpof mam pea, tlje boDp of man alfo tyall p WO), f o^ ft i$ but a0 an enemp to erercpfe tbe Coule, anD to mafee it aptno append bp faptlj, tbelopegofbeauenanDcrotoneoftmmo^ tttytiz. Qfyoftz ceitaineOI Capitis tjattbe frapleboDptpalberefolueDtoeartlje,f£tbere fyall deepe till tbe Coule returne tmto it, and tpll tfje memberg be retro^eD to tfjeir rigbt place0.daif)erefoie,at^e eartb anD co^rupti= onigtbeenDeoftbeboDpeipea^tbeenDofall fyin%$ tfjat toere maDe $ creates, anD tbat tbeCameenDeoftljeboDpetetbe beginning; of Ijfe, toitye foi Deatjj, toitye foj a peacea= bleDeparture ? anDfinDing;tbeCame,imb2ace it.-fa]?ino:in^ourf)art:ComelLo^,come31e s Cu#, maftebafte anD tacpnot: ComeEo^De tjjat 1 mape be one toiti) tbee anD coljep^e of tfje fcingDome purcbaCeD toitb tbp precious blouD* 2Deere Cofen anD beloueD in tfje 3lojDe,lettenotlongeftckene(teDtfcourage pou,ne£tljer be pou in anpioife perplejeD 01 ffreeueD Voitlj tlje lotoetfate anD contfttutio of pour boDp : 8nD in anD aboue all tbin^eg, let hot bpnD^aunce in too^lDlp affa^eg DiC-- qupetpou* &0poubauebepnne,fofurtljer tje toillof tbeilojD, anD be reaDp to receiue tobat* lying at the poynte of death. toljatfoeuer Je toll lap tipo pou.iFo^ tlje gre= tetf affliction smiferp ttjat man map o^tiotlj fuffer in tfjte Ipfe, ig not too^tljie tlje leatte of ttiofe treafureg toljicb (Boti toill betfotoe tjpon tjimin tlje Ipfcto come, toljtcf) i0tatra« ble,permanent,glo2iou0$altoijitl)erfullof bleffetine0*8ntJairurepourfelfe(fo£fo(]f5oti tjatl) p^omiTeD, anti topll not goe one iote from fjig toojtie) tljat Ije topll lape no mo^e topon pott, ttjen bp \)i$ pace anti tfrentjtlje pou lljalbe abletobeare, altljouglje Ijefceme fometobatfyarplp to correct pou, antJfome= toljatfeuerelptotiealetoitl) pou : fc^toljote tje toljome tlje Ho^tie cljaftenetlj not ? fe>ttre= Ip, fttrelp,toljomel)elouetl), tlje fame tiotlje Jecl)atten,ttnt)tmi0tielieliff6teliadt5efas tljen'nJt^fon^offecinffStmfelCtintoljtmas aDeerefatljertobtefonnertoljereagiftoerc; fufe clja(tpcement,toe are no fonne0,but ba= tfartitf, and not inheritable bp anp ritjljt. lo= fephtoasf affltcteti anti tielpuereti b^ p'Ho^ti. Dauid toa0 cljatftTeti, anti Ije acfcnotoletipti ttje Ho^tie anti fottntie relieve in bte bottle* Tobias toa0 co^cecteD, anD t)e fountiefjealtlj* lob toag trpeti <* toag matie perfect* W$at ft)0ultie3ifap,euenall t5e^ippoaie0,all tje ¥^opljetg : pea, and all tijegooti men t&at e- uer toerctjaue bine trpeti bp affliction, djo- Cen A letter vnto his friende fen tip perfecuto, ann crotoneti tip patience, abptiinge tlje topll anti pleasure of C^oti. (HUljerefo^e, tie ttrong: in tfte ILo^D, $ Defire of Jiminpourtiart^tii^tDillmaptietojourtt in pou, $ ttjat pou map toitf) a glad fjart re= cepue toljatfoeuer Jig ^paieftp tyal lap tipon pou.&ffttrepourfelfe tljat tfjiapour p^efent Ccfene0i9eitt)erfo^puniil)mentoffinne,fo^ e^ereifeofpoucfaitt),ou^P f tieat^antit^er- foje,ifittiefo^puni(!)ment,tiefeec|)et)imto giue pou patience anti allurepourfelfe tipon repentaunce, totjauefrie $ full remifftonin Chttt:3fittiefo^tcpall,giuel)tmt{)anfe0:$ if ittie to tl)etieatt),reioife in it,$tl)m&e it id p e greateft giftt&at euer tje gaue pou in tjis too^ti, being: tljetierp paltage to tlje tjeauen-- lpeanti3ngeltcall^aratiice+3nti p^ap zmn from ttje bottom of pour Ijart, tljat neptljer ttje loue of ttje too^lbe, noj tlje feare of ttje fame Deatlj, map tiitfracte pou from ttje tie-- Ore ofit* Be not carefull to leatte pour fcinf= folcfces, friend^, anti acquaintaunce, let it not gceeuepou to partfrom pour goods, no£ tjaue anp loue Depending: tipon anp eartfjlp tt)inge toljatfoeuer* &$ fo^ pour feinffolke0 anti too^ltilp friended at pour (Brauettjep toil leaue pou, anti toitljin atotiile after fo^ get pou : anti tyo^tlpe after tljat, ftjali tipe tt)em= lying at the poynte of death. t^emCelue^,antit)efo^ottcnt!)emCelue2(al'- Co. gour potief toilbe fatonfng tipon otljer men,atfooneatftf)efyeatl)ff)albeoutofyour bofcy : anti euen atf tljey ferueti you, Co are tjey rea&ye to ferue an otl)er,anti perbapg toljispertiftton, tottbouttlje fpeciall pace of (0ot)> ^o conclu&e, liftjtip your Sarte, <* cal together ^our\x>tt0» to Ijiclj are tuTperCetianti tiiuerfely affected to things totjicl) are co^= ruptible, anti fall not from(15oti,fo£ tljinga tljat are fo tieceytfull anti tiame. & battaile mud be, no queftion : j£o trtumpfje te obtet-- neti lofti)outfyg;!)te,neyti)erany (Barlande giuen,but to Iji'm tljat manfully tfan&etb in tbe?Lo^e-3f any fo^roto befounti tntieat^, it arifetj but of our otone fnfy^me 0^ Defpe= ratefeare: fo^ Dead) \& but aitoyfte &?$\>tz 01 paCf age of tljefoule fro tlje corruptible bo= tiye, rather to betiefyreti tljen to beaeti from of men. (BoMgtljeretoartieroftljigconfltc^ sljeauen f# tlje eternal (tfpentu&liljerefore, let tfjefe gifted prouofce you to effeeme tljte battailetlieliffbter: fojc&eerefully ffjallyou palCe after tieatl), into y e plcafantCampe£of ljeaue,tol)tct) place 10 conuenientfo^tljofep 1 ijaue minuet) Ijeaucly tl)inQ#. W$z faints? of leauc toil recetue you ag a frientily copanto oftf)e(rgintoy c po^talle0ofclcerenes(,VDl)er= aj5 A letter vnto his friende as pou Ojall fintie tierce glorious aftgWng, W$m tyall pou (at t^e laff) come fro gree= ttotts cares and front large continuing: trou- bles into a peccable reft anti manfton of qui* ernes* g|n tje ^arantfe abotte o? like place ofpleafureamongfteDeparteti^aint^^al be pour continuattnee, Ijauing: all tfje \>z& uens at pour pleafure- Si celeftiall fongtoil^ betmereti attljofe recreations, anti foftoete melotiies as are able to mooue tlje %>tarreS. Mity tf)efeaints,3ifap,t)eparteti Ijence tyal pou Ipue, anti toitlj tljem itjall pott raigne in Jeauen Void) pour Ketieemertfomucijglo^e hereafter ffmll potttjaue, anti Co mucjejeas umtytionour* (LOXfjat fyoultie3! fty* ? 3n tljat place is eternall pleasure, anti a Ipfe replenifye&^'t|)perpetuallfelicptie:pea,in tl)atplace^alltl)ea;lo^eoftlje(0oti5eatibe reuealeDlinto pou, anti fe'enetoitlj pourtierp epeS i mm toftt) tljofe pour epes of ftellje, totiictj from tje foundations of tj)e tooU&e 5att)ebinet)it)tiefrom manfeintie in tl)isl)is mo2talttpe«fpnallpe,tljeretyaIlpoutoapte tip0ntljeHambe,pour»>auiourg|efus,tDl)o Curelpe loues pou and reiopfetl) tljat Ije Jatlj Cauetipou*(ll5ooDCouCen,aiIurepourCelftj)at in tjis bleHeo place you mufte nee&es bee. #nti tfjat as furelp as pour feauioure Iptteti 5 ere lying at the poynte of death. ijere tipon tlje eartf), Co Cureip pou mutt anti fljall ratgne toitlj Ijtm in tlje Ijeaueng- jFo£ tberei0ljee,tljereis tbat»>auiourpourl)eati tofjo can not no^ toill not be Ceparateti from anp o£ lj(0 members*. #£ foj tlje toeigljt of ^^nne,^oVDe^aupe,l)otDe5^nou0,ljo\xie ljuip anti burtljenCome Coeuer it be, catfe it all topon Ijim, loi tljerefo^e be&peti, anti not foi fmall anneg onelp, but £oj all tljefmneg tljatmantuntieljatlj committed, tiotlwW committe from tlje begpnninge of tfte tooUtie to tlje entie of tlje Came* 31 1 i£ l)te onelpe anti great* fflo^e to be a »>autour*#nDfo£ tljat cauCe i£ Ije afcentieti to tlje beaueng in our aetf),anti Voill in notoiCe tiecepuetboCepoojeCeelponetffopontljeeartl) tfjat cling; tintoljimfo^belpeantiCaluation, ^Lnti toljere aa (tjapip) pou map feare, be= cauCe of tlje toeafceneg oC pour faptb, toljiclj notoe in pour ejtreame and lafte bat= taple) if Co to be tlje ito^tie Ijaue appopnteti ittintopou)!0tiiuera]?ea{fapletiantiaCCaul= teli: Beof ffooU comfoiteanti plucfeetp^our courage, Co^ tljat meefce »>auiour topll not cattepou of: no,betoill notcatteof Ijtefeelpe creature ttjottgtl Je be table to touclje but tlje Ijemme of big toetture* 31 1 fa toulue fcg in t|e Cacreti Ccriptureg tljat ^e toill not quentbe A letter vnto his friend, quenclje tlje Cmofcing; flajcz no£ b^eafce tfte b^uiTel3E£eD.€),f)ei0 5eatie,5t)tUmaaeall petfecttjjatinfljepoo^efouleofmatetinpers feet* !fte knotoetl) ana tjatf) feltljotoSartiea tfiingttt^fo^poo^eman^toftantiebponl)^ leg;gf,txi6m5e5at^t0tiealetoitl)ttoCeg;^oli'- Ipan&rtaftlpentmteg: »>atljan, tfte Voa^lti, ami tfje aety : butefpeciallp tntl)e8pnpeof tieatl)* £D poto toell acquaiuteD, t'0 ?je tottlj tljofe conaict^? jFearenot,ColDfie,fearenot: 3|f pour fait!) be but ag a&raineof ^ullecti-- fcetie^outyalbe fatten* -auiour Ijatlj ratDit^rxDa0fo^t6ot:ctDOunti0antirfearre0 t^attSeCeblDuti^ertemte^Sauematieo^al make in pour feeble foule,tj)at Ijeauenlp Sa- maritane fyall binde tf)em tip againe, anti tyallfupple tfjem txstttj tfjeo^le of Ijte pace, fo tjat tfjep fyallnotiiintierpouatoljit^e to til in no totTe&iftiapnepu,n0: altjiougfj pou toere ag fotole a£ a Reaper, jfoj tojat are tljep but ftng? toljatarettep(3|fap)but fotole atxtilot5fomeanne0t|)at|i0p^eciou0 blouD fcatl) toatyeD and fyall toaty atoap frt manktn&e,fo longe ag manfcin&e fljalljaue place anD abiding; in tfje tabernacle of Cn-- fuiaefy? ^efenotoetf),pea,f)eknotoetf) anti ttiatttj^ougftl^, to&at pooje man igstoljere; of &et0matie* ^ntia^^fenotoetjljim^foje pfttietf) lying at the poynte of death. pittietlj l)tm, and tljeceof Ijarlj gtuen Ijtm a a Cure anti euerlaftmg; ^Eeftimonp : Jfo^ Ije ftatt) DpeDfrn t}im : tje Ijatf) &#*&,(3 Cape)foj man,tl)atmanmtg!)tltueVoitit)tmfojeuet: beraueU.lntjtmtticrefo^ebecomfojtetJ^nti bpontiimonlprepoCepurVDijoleconfiDece, totljclaftpCpeQ£pourltfe:Captontoljfm,iT not to itf) a loVotie anti ftrong: ^oice^etCoftlp tnpour ficfctoule* ILoi^z ^eCu recepue mp fpicit.Come ilo^ti anti make Ijatte*3|nto tlj^ tjantisHo^tieJ commend mp Cpirit^c#nO Co Captng, toaigljtpacientlptoljenjjefyall come tinto pou,antiput afinallenDto pour tjappp conftptfe. ^o tfje Came 3Loitie,tieing; (Boh inlrimtpe, toitt) tfjetatljer anti tfjeljol? (Btjott,be all Ijono^ p^atfe anti glo^ eternally. SLxntn. Jmprinted at London by John Charlewood, and Richard I hones. CHISWICK PRESS:— REPRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 1869. i5