^s*^.-i Wr. /fey; -vvi-i:;^. ;■■ : m.. Class PRLSE.NTi;!) I!Y HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR Orange Goniity, N. Y. By Edward M. Ruttenber. NEWBURGH, N. Y. Printed for The Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands 1911. .K NEWBURGH JOURNAL PRINT. NEWBURGH, N. Y. V\ft ^ l4^ MmjU-^ n ^ kf> EDWARD M. RUTTENBPR AUlMOt^ OF STMNDARI) INDIAN AND 1 OCAL HISTORIES PREFACE This volume is published by The Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands, from a manuscript which was given to it by Mr. Ed- ward M. Ruttenber, shortly before his death. The Society has so much faith in the accuracy of Mr. Ruttenber's work along historical lines that no effort has been made to amend any of the statements contained in the manuscript except in those few in- stances in which the members of the publication committee has personal knowledge of some facts modifying Mr. Ruttenber's statements. To claim that any work of history is absolutely free from inaccuracies would be unwise. But we feel confident that out of the multiplicity of de- tails set forth in the following pages few errors will be discovered. It is to be observed that the history is not intended to be brought up to the present day. It covers only the period from the earliest settle- ment of the Town of New Windsor to about the year 1870. With a deep sense of the gratitude due to Mr. Ruttenber for his pains- taking labors in ascertaining and perpetuating the facts connected with the early history of this section of the Empire State, we submit this vol- ume to the public with the hope that our work in editing it will not do dis- credit to the work of Mr. Ruttenber in gathering the materials. THE PUBLICATION COMMITTEE OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW- BURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. February i, 1912. OID TOLL GATE FORMERLY STOOD ON NtWBURGH AND NEW WINDSOR TURNPIKE. VERY NEAR IHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR^ l<.-|.r..,i„.-,.,t from • Plr»ur..«qii.- Amorlca," by i.i.,misBinu .,i l> \ppi.Mn„ .v^ c.iiu.am History of the Town of New Windsor CHAPTER I. LOCATION — PHYSIOLOGY — NAME — ROADS — SCHOOLS, ETC. LOCATION. New Windsor, originally the extreme southeastern precinct and town •of the county of Ulster, and, under the reorganization of the counties of Orange and Ulster in 1799, the central northeastern town of the county of Orange, is bounded on the north by the city and town of Newburgh and the town of Montgomery, on the west by Montgomery and Hamp- tonburgh, on the south by Blooming-Grove and Cornwall, and on the east by Hudson's river. Substantially in the same latitude, and of cor- responding elevation, its mean temperature may be accepted as the same as that of Newburgh, viz : 50 deg. 10 min. The surface of the town is rolling and hilly. The soil may be classed in four divisions. From the Hudson to Muchattoes hill it is gravelly; more immediately adjoining the Hudson deposits of clay underlie the sand.* The southern spur of Muchattoes hill as far west as Vail's Gate, is rough and covered with l)Oulders to an extent that makes its improvement difficult. West from this ridge and until within a mile of Rock Tavern, a rolling upland pre- vails. The extreme western part is more or less broken by slate ridges. There are many broad and fertile valleys, and there are also hills (so called locally) that are cultivated to their tops. Muchattoes hill, or Snake hill as it is more generally called, on its northern border, the only ■considerable elevation in the town, rises six hundred feet above tide water. The creeks and streams are Murderer's or Moodna, Silver Stream and Beaver-dam, Goldsmith and Colemantown creeks. Quas- saick creek constitutes a portion of the northern boundary of the town and gives to it several valuable mill privileges.** Its marsh or swamp *'Dnft Deposits. — South of the Quassaick creek the deposits on the slate rock of the Hudson river group is first drift boulders, pebbles, gravel, and clay ; above this blue clay covered with gray clay, and above the whole sand and gravel. The height of these deposits is altogether about one hundred feet. The whole plateau adjoining the Hudson river presents a soil gravelly, sandy, clayey — a mixture forming a warm and fertile soil. — Geological Report. ** Hist. Orange Co. and Newburgh, 68, 69, etc. Quassaick is Indian, signify- ing stony brook ; Murderer's creek is so called from a tradition which has been woven upon the original Dutch title of Martelaer. Its Indian name is presumed to have been Waoraneck. History of The Town of New Windsor. land is the Big Swamp in the northwest part of the town. Washington Lake, for many years known as Little Pond, lies midway on its northern border; it has an elevation of two hundred and thirty feet, and covers, including overflowed swamp, an area of one hundred and seven acres. The Newburgh water-works take its waters, as well as the waters of Silver Stream. The principal agricultural products are rye, wheat, corn, oats, hay, butter and milk ; paper and brick are the almost exclusive man- ufactures, although milling, cotton and woolen goods, snuflf and tobacco, and iron implements and glass, have at different times been prosecuted with more or less success. The local divisions of the town are New Windsor village, Moodna or Orangeville, Vail's Gate or Mortonville, Little Britain, the Square and Rock Tavern ; Hunting-Grove, a division so called in its early history, is now in Hamptonburgh. It has twelve school and joint school districts, and five churches. The Newburgh Branch of the Erie railroad, and the Newburgh and New York railroad, pass through the eastern part of the town. The town has an area of 20.8/1 acres, of which about 17,500 are improved. Its population in 1790 was 1,819; 1830, 2,310; 1865, 2,697; 1875, 2,455. CIVIL ORGANIZATION — NAME. The district of which the town now forms a part had its first local government under the patent to Captain John Evans, who, being vested with the privileges and powers pertaining to a lordship and manor, had authority to establish a manorial court. It is not probable, however, that during the continuance of his patent ( 1694 to 1699) any semblance of civil authority was exercised. After the vacation of his patent and with the advent of the Palatines at Newburgh in 1709, that portion of the Evans patent lying in the county of Ulster, embracing the district be- tween Murderer's creek and New Paltz, was organized as the Precinct of the Highlands, and attached to New Paltz. In this relation it remain- ed until 1743, when three full precincts, having all the officers of towns and exercising all their duties, were established by act of the colonial as- sembly. These precincts were known and called "by the name of the Wallkill Precinct, Shawangimk Precinct,* and Highland Precinct." The latter was more particularly described in the act as "bounded on the east by Hudson's river; on the south by the line dividing the coun- ties of Ulster and Orange; on the west by the precincts of Wallkill and *Shawangnnk Precinct an organization contemporary with the Precinct of the Hifthlands, and in its original boundaries embraced the territory covered by the subsequent Precinct of Wallkill and Shawangunk. History of The Town of New Windsor. Shawangunk and the neighborhoods annexed to New Paltz, and on the north by the bounds or line of New Paltz town." The precinct meet- ings were to be held "at the house of John Humphrey, Jr., on the first Tuesday in April, annually, for the election of precinct officers." It con- tinued in existence until 1762, when it was divided into the precincts of Newburgh and New Windsor, "by a line beginning at the mouth of Ouassaick creek and running thence along the south bounds of a tract of land commonly called the German patent, to another tract granted to Alexander Baird & Co., and then along the southerly bounds of the last mentioned tract to the Wallkill precinct;" all the land theretofore comprehended "within the said Highland precinct lying to the south- ward of the said dividing line, to be called by the name of New Windsor Precinct." More clearly defined boundaries appear from those giving the limits of the Newburgh and Wallkill precincts, the latter being ex- tended on the south "to the north bounds of two thousand acres of land granted to Patrick Hume, by the north and west bounds of the lands granted to Cornelius Low aind others, and by the northwest and south- west bounds of two thousand acres of land granted to Phineas Macin- tosh." while the bounds of Newburgh extended south to Ouassaick creek and thence west along the south line of the Baird patent. The latter line has never been changed ; the western line, however, was destroyed by the organization of the town of Hamptonburgh in 1830. The dis- trict remained under the title of "precinct" until 1788, when, under the general law of that year, it was constituted the "town" of New Windsor, and its boundaries defined as follows : "All that part of the said county of Orange bounded easterly by the middle of Hudson's river, southerly by an east and west line from the mouth of Murderer's creek,* and west- erly and northerly by a line beginning at the west side of Hudson's river at the mouth of Quassaick creek, and running from thence along the south bounds of a tract of land commonly called German patent and the southerly bounds of a tract of land granted to Alexander Baird and Com- pany to the east bounds of two thousand acres of land granted to Cad- wallader Colden, and then across the same to the most northerly comer of the land granted to Patrick Hume, and thence along the westerly bounds thereof to the lands granted to Patrick McKnight. and then along the same southwesterly to the southerly corner thereof, and then con- tinuing the last mentioned line to the town of Blooming-Grove so as to include the lands formerly of Fletcher Matthews."** * The line of the county of Orange prior to 1779. ** As above stated the Western boundary was changed by the erection oi Hamptonburgh. History of The Town of New Windsor. The name of the town is from Windsor, England, with "new" pre- fixed. By whom it was conferred cannot now be ascertained, but un- doubtedly by some one of the early settlers whose associations with the English government were such as to lead him to a lively remembrance of his royal sovereign. It has its first record in connection with the mis- sionary labors of the London "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," in the annals of which it is written (1728), that "the Society has received many fresh applications from congregations of peo- ple in the Plantations to have missionaries sent to them; particularly from the inhabitants of New Windsor, in Ulster county;" and during" the following year (1729), that "the Society have received a letter from the Rev. Mr. Vesey, at New York, enclosing one from Francis Harrison, Esq., one of his Majesty's council of that Province, wherein he acquaints, that, pursuant to the decree of the Society, he has inquired into the num- ber, condition and circumstances of the inhabitants of New Windsor and parts adjacent, and is informed this district is twenty miles from north to south and sixteen from east to west, and contains about four hundred inhabitants ; that the chief of them live in good credit and reputation ; but that there is no clergyman to officiate among this large body of peo- ple within eighty miles distance," — from which it appears that the name was then applied to a specific portion of a proposed parish district. Two years later a minister was appointed for the parish who preached at three diflFerent stations within its limits, viz: New Windsor, on the Hudson; at what is now known as St. David's in Hamptonburgh (then Goshen) ; and at St. Andrews in Montgomery — 'the latter station erecting the first edifice (a log house with a fire-place) for divine worship.* A few years later the name was generally accepted as defining the southern part of the Precinct of Highlands, and is of record in that character in a report, made by Thomas Ellison in 1755, of the number of slaves there- in, the precise language being: "In the Southern Division of the Pre- cinct of New Windsor otherwise called the Highlands." In the subse- quent division of the precinct of the Highlands, and the erection there- from of the precincts of Newburgh and New Windsor, the latter assumed the name by which it had already become specifically recognized. TOWN RECORDS. The records of the town begin on the first Tuesday of April, 1763, when "agreeable to the directions of an act of the Governor, Council, * This building was located at the fork of the road now leading from St. An- drews to Shawangunk and Walden. History of The Town of New Windsor. and General Assembly of the province of New York — an act entitled 'an act for dividing the precinct of the Highlands, in Ulster county, in two precincts (by a line therein mentioned), one to be called by the name of New Windsor precinct, and the other by the name of Newburgh pre- cinct,' " a meeting was held at the house of Judah Harlow, for the pur- pose of electing precinct officers, who were chosen as follows: Joseph Belknap, clerk; George Harris, supervisor; Samuel Brewster, George Denniston, James Humphrey, assessors ; Alexander Denniston, constable and collector; Judah Harlow and Capt. James Clinton, overseers of the roads ; David Crawford and John NicoU, overseers of the poor ; Andrew Crawford and William Lawrence, fence viewers. ROADS. The earliest roads of the town were the King's highway, better known locally as the Goshen road, and the highway now known as the Little Britain road. The first extended through the town from north to south, and the second from east to west. At a later period connecting roads were opened from the Orangeville settlement on Murderer's creek; from Little Britain to Coldenham (the Ridge road), and in the village of New Windsor* The latter, however, were not recognized by the town au- thorities. In 1766 the roads of the town were defined, in the appoint- ment of overseers, as follows: "Moses Fowler, overseer from Mr. Falls' saw mill to New Windsor; George Denniston, from the west line of Johnson's patent to Mr. Falls' saw mill ; Thomas King, from the west line of Johnson's patent to the north line of the precinct ; Francis Mande- ville, for Goshen road and the roads about Murderer's creek." In 1769 the road district and overseers were : "John Galloway, overseer from William IMulliner's to the precinct line westerly ; James Denniston, from William Mulliner's to the top of Snake Hill ; Theophilus Corwin, from the top of Snake Hill through New Windsor to Hudson's river, and up Goshen road as far as the road that leads off to Arthur's mill, and to take all the inhabitants on the north side of Murderer's creek as high as they are to work ; Samuel Arthur at the creek and the rest of the road upwards, and to take the remainder of the inhabitants left therein." Patrick McClaughrey, James McClaughrey and George Clinton, com- missioners under the act of 1770, divided the town into road districts as follows : "The first or New Windso'" District — ^bounded North by the precinct lint, * The road known in Newburgh records as "the Wallkill Road," running west of Muchattoes hill from the Little Britain road to Newburgh, is also of very early date, but has no specific record in the minutes of New Windsor. History of The Town of New Windsor. West by the top of Snake Hill, and a straight line running from thence to where the King's Road meets Goshen Road near the house of Timothy Wood, and South- erly and Easterly by the East side of said King's Road and the land of Col. Thom- as Ellison and the Hudson River, including in said district the road leading from Goshen road back of William Ellison's house to New Windsor. "The second or Creek District bounded as follows : To the North and West by the New Windsor district to where the road leading from Little Britain to the Creek or Brewster's Forge meets said New Windsor District; south by the county line where the Goshen Road crosses it; West by a straight line from thence to where the said road leading from Little Britain to the Creek leaves the New Windsor road, and Southerly and Easterly by the south of said road leading to New Windsor and the New Windsor district, including in said district last mentioned the said road leading from the New Windsor road to the creek or Brewster's Forge. "The Middle or Third District is bounded as follows : To the East by the New Windsor and Creek districts; Southward by the County line and Northward by the precinct line; Westward by a line running Northerly from the County line, so as to include Alexander Falls. Jr., James McClaughry, and Charles Clinton, Esq., and cross the road one chain West of William Mulliner's house, and includ- mg in said district Alexander Falls, Senr., Robert Buchanan, and the inhabitants north of them and to the East of the Great Meadow to the precinct line, and Northward by the precinct line. "The West or Fourth District bounded as follows : East by the Middle District, South by the County line and North and West by the precinct line." The districts desigriated were generally known an'd called, and so entered on the precinct record as i, The New Windsor district; 2, The Creek district ; 3, The Little Britain district ; 4, The Hunting-Grove dis- trict. In 1772, the Creek district was divided. In 1774 the Middle and the Hunting-Grove districts were divided and a new district called the Silver Stream district, established; and in 1781 the Little Britain district was divided and a new district established called the Stonefield district.* The roads or streets of the village of New Windsor were dedicated to public use by the proprietors of the plot in 1749. The dedication is entered in their minutes as follows : "Ebenezer Seely, Esq., shall execute a conveyance of the land laid out in New Windsor for roads to Vincent Matthews, Joseph Sackett, Hezekiah Howell, John Yelverton, and Thomas Jones (executor of Dr. Evan Jones) and their heirs and assigns forever for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, to wit: That the said land shall be and remain forever hereafter for the use of the inhabitants and settlements made at New Windsor as public streets or roads according as they are laid out upon a draught or plan of New Windsor." The Newburgh and Ntew Windsor turnpike company was incorporat- ed by act of legislature passed April 2d, 1806. Capital, $5,000. Charles Clinton, Daniel Stringham, John McAuley, George Monell, Hugh Walsh, *Town Records Stonefield was the residence of Rev. John Moffat, where he kept a grammar school. It was on this road leading from Little Britain to Wash- ingtonvillc, and the residence of Robert Shaw. History of The Town of New Windsor. Isaac Hasbrouck, Selah Reeve, Joseph Morrell, Abraham Schultz, Rich- ard Trimble, Jonas Williams, John D. Nicoll, and Samuel Lockwood, were the first directors. The road extended from Newburgh to New Windsor village, where it connected with the Cornwall turnpike. The Snake Hill turnpike company was incorporated March 24, 181 5. Capital, $14,000. Jonathan Hasbrouck, William Taylor, Hiram Weller, Nathaniel DtiBois, and Jonathan Hedges, directors. The New Windsor and Blooming-Grove turnpike company was in- corporated April 3d, 1801. Capital, $7,500. Directors: John Chandler, Richard Goldsmith, William Adams, James Carpenter, William A. Thompson, Abraham Schultz, Hezekiah Howell, Johannes Decker, Jona- than Brooks, Jr., Thomas A. Thompson, Isaac Schultz, and John Gale, Jr. The line of the road was "from the village of New Windsor to the intersection of the Goshen and Warwick road." SCHOOLS. The first entry in regard to public schools is at the annual election in 1796, when David Dill, John Dill, Daniel Borden, John Denniston, and Francis Crawford, were elected commissioners, with authority to "buy a book at the expense of the town" in which to make entry of school accounts. The same persons were reappointed in 1797, but no further entry appears until 1813, when, on the loth of May, at a special election, Joseph Morrell, Thomas King, and William Mullin-er, were elected com- missioners of schools, and Thurston Wood, David Dill, and Thomas Fulton, inspectors of schools. On the iSth September, 1814, the com- missioners named divided the town into nine school districts, viz: No. I, village of New Windsor District; No. 2, Murderer's Creek District; No. 3, Good Hope District; No. 4, Center District; No. 5, Square District; No. 6, Little Britain Meeting House District; No. 7, Union District; No. 8, Good-Will District; No. 9, Hunting-Grove District. In 1816 one of the districts was divided, making ten. The first report of at- tendance and distribution of public money is recorded as follows : Num- ber of children between five and fifteen years, 597; amount of public money, $258.75. There were, probably, some private schools in the town as early as 1740. Dr. Joseph Young writes in regard to the education of his older brother, Thomas: "Our grandmother, Jane, was a good English scholar and learned us to read. As there were but few children in their new settlement (Little Britain), they had no schoolmaster; but my father, who was a tolerable arithmetician, undertook to teach him with the as- \o History of The Town of New Windsor. sistance of Cocker's Arithmetic." This was written of Thomas when he was six or seven years old, and as he was born in 173 1, it shows that there was no school at that time. He adds: "Some time after, Mr. John Wilson, a famous mathematician, opened a school about four miles dis- tant, to which the young self-taught student was sent. Mr. Wilson's mathematical fame soon procured him an invitation to open a school in New York, where he removed." Rev. John Moffat was probably Mr. Wilson's successor. He was the pastor of Goodwill Church from 175 1 to 1765. The authority already quoted continues: "Fortunately there came a minister to the parish who was a good linguist, under whom he completed his Latin education." The description and the periods to which it refers alike point to ^Ir. Mofifat, who was the pastor of Good- will church from 1751 to 1765, and whose last years are known to have been employed as an instructor. His school was known as "Moffat's Academy." It was situated on the road leading from Little Britain to Washingtonville on the farm now (1880) owned by Robert Shaw. The house was one story and a half, with basement. The school was kept in the upper rooms, Mr. Mofifat and his family occupying the basement. The school was partly, if not wholly, broken up during the Revolution. While the probabilities favor Mr. Alofifat, we find it written in connec- tion with the education of James and George Clinton, that the latter attended a school conducted by Rev. Daniel Main, a minister from Scot- land. SUPPORT OF POOR — LICENSES. The support of the poor of the town was in the manner provided by law. The first public tax appearing on record was under the act of the assembly, passed December 31st, 1762, when the sum of twenty pounds was raised to pay expenses of previous years. In 1770, twenty shillings only was raised; in 1778, eighty pounds ($200) ; 1779, one hundred and fifty pounds; 1780, five hundred pounds ($1,250), but this amount prob- ably represents depreciation in currency rather than an increase in pauperism. In 1782 the practice of selling the support of paupers to the lowest bidder was introduced and followed for many years. The town is now included in the county system. Licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors have been issued since 1796, in which year the fees received amounted to $65. In 181 5 the sum of $88 was received, and nine tavern and six permit or store licenses were granted. These figures are introduced merely as the foundation of comparative statistics. The local travel of half a century ago, how- History of The Town of New Windsor. i i ever, required a far greater number of taverns than at the present time or since the introduction of railroads. POST OFFICES. The first post office in the town was at Little Britain. It was es- tablished May 29, 1824 — Hamilton ^lorrison, postmaster; Chas. Palmer, postmaster 1834. The second, the New Windsor post office, was estab- Hshed February 19, 1829 — Abraham Schultz, postmaster; John Hall, postmaster, 1834. The third, Mortonville, was established April 10, 1850 — John D. Vail, postmaster. The fourth, Moodna, the date of es- tablishment not ascertained. , 2 History of The Town of New Windsor. CHAPTER n. PATENTS AND FIRST SETTLEMENTS — PIONEER ERA. Originally covered by the patent to Ca^^t. John Evans, the district embraced, when it was constituted a precinct in 1762, patents and por- tions of patents* issued as follows: i, Patrick MacGregorie, 160 acres, Aug-ust 24, 1721 ; 2, William Chambers and William Southerland, 1,000 acres, September 2, 1709; 3, Charles Huddy and Philip Brooks, 4,000 acres (in part), February 20, 1709 — subsequently included in a grant to Alary Ingoldsby and her daughter Mary Pinhorn, August 12, 1720; 4, John Haskell, 2,000 acres, April 9, 1719, and 2,000 acres, August 24, 1721; 5, Vincent Matthews, 800 acres, June 17, 1720; 6, John Johnson, Jr.. 1,000 acres, February 3, 1720; 7, James Henderson, 1,184 acres (in part), February 12, 1722; 8, Vincent Pierce, 1,000 acres (in part), July 21, 1 72 1 ; 9, Lewis Morris, 1,000 acres, July 21, 1721 ; 10, Andrew John- son, 2,000 acres, July 19, 1719; 11, Patrick Hume, 2,000 acres, Novem- ber 29, 1721 ; 12, CorneHus Lx)w and Company, 3,292 acres (mainly), March 17, 1720; 13, Richard Van Dam, 1,000 acres (in part), June 30, 1720; 14, Phineas Mcintosh, 2,00 acres (mainly), April 9, 1719. As defined by the boundaries of 1801, the town included, in addition to the foregoing, a considerable portion of the patent to Cadwallader Col den (15), granted April 9, 1719.** Portions of the Low, Mcintosh, and other patents were cut oflf by the erection of the town of Hamptonburgh in 1830, but all the patents enumerated are represented in the land titles of the town. MacGregorie Patent. — In the order of settlement, the town is the old- est in the present county, having been begun by Colonel Patrick Mac- Gregorie, in 1685, on the lands subsequently embraced in the patent to his son, Patrick MacGregorie, and now known as Plum Point. The story of this first settlement has the interest of romance. Its founder was a native of Scotland, and a soldier of fortune. He served in the *PatcTits described as mainly or in part included in the precint, were divided by the old line of the counties of Orange and Ulster. ■iHf *The original Golden patent was conveyed by Cadwallader Golden to his son, Cadwallader, Jr., Sept. 7, 1771. The deed particularly describes the property as that "whereon the said Cadwallader, the father, for many years resided commonly known and called Coldcngham."— Ulster Records. History of The Town of New Windsor. 13. English army in France under Charles I, and on his return took part in the religious controversy of 1681-82. One of the results of that con- troversy was the emigration to America of a large number of Presby- terians, and among others a company of which he was the chosen leader. This company landed in Maryland in 1684, and from thence came to Perth Amboy, N. J. Ultimately Staten Island was selected as the place for permanent settlement, and MacGregorie petitioned for permission to take up lands there ; but at the instance of Governor Dongan, he re- moved to the Highlands, where he purchased from the Indians four thousand acres, for himself and his associates, the latter, so far as can now be ascertained, being composed of his brother-in-law, David Tos- hack, who boasted the title of "Laird of Minivard" ; Daniel Maskrig, a servant or in the employ of Yoshack, and one Collum.* After erecting a commodious log cabin, he mastered the Indian language, and, in com- pany with Toshack, established a trading post on Sloop Hill. While in this occupation he was appointed muster-general of the militia of the province ; was subsequently sent on a mission to the French Indians, by whom he was captured and taken to Montreal. Returning from cap- tivity, he took part in the Leisler revolution, and was killed in the effort to reduce the Leisler party, in March, 1691. He left surviving him and in occupation of the lands which he had purchased, his widow, Margaret, his sons, Hugh, John, and Patrick, and his daughters, Catharine Evans and Jane Lawrence. Toshack continued the trading post on Murderer's Creek until his death in 1689, when his affairs passed into the hands of his clerk, Daniel Maskrig, for settlement.** He left one son, who died without issue. *Margaret MacGregorie, widow of Patrick MacGregorie, recites in petition of November 23, 17 10, that jn addition to her husband and David Toshack, were '■twenty-five others, their families and Sundry of their servants." Capt. Evans, in his petition, November i, 1711, states that he "planted several families of Scots and Irish under annual rent," referring without doubt to the MacGregorie colony. Soon after the death of her husband, Mrs. MacGregorie and her son Hugh, were granted 1,500 acres of land near Peekskill. This tract was sold to Stephauns Van Cortlandt, July 13, 1696. In the deed to Van Cortlandt, the reading is "Hew Mac Gregor, gentleman, of New York." No doubt the founder of he family was of the Scotch Clan MacGrgor. Some of the members of the clan chnaged their names, when the clan was prosenbed in 1296, to MacGregorie and Gregory. **Daniel Maskrig, late servant to David Toshack, late of ye county of Orange, informing that ye said Toshack is deceased, and none having power to meddle with his estate, it is danger of being embezzled. Ordered, that the said Maskrig do take all ye Indian goods, and all personal estate which ye deceased died pos- sessed of, into his custody, and make a true inventory thereof; that he dispose of ye Indian goods and receive ye debts due by ye Maskrig and render a true ac- count of what he shall do here as in Board by ye ten of April next. — Council Min- utes, Dec. 3, 1689 qA History of The Town of New Windsor. Meanwhile the lands which MacGregorie had purchased were in- cluded in a purchase made by Governor Dongan, and, after MacGreg- orie's death, were embraced in the patent to Captain John Evans. The subsequent history of the settlement is stated in a petition by Mrs. Mac- Gregorie, in 17 lo, who recites that her husband and her brother, David Toshack, "were not only the first Christians that settled and improved thereon, but also peaceably and quietly possessed and enjoyed the same during the term of their natural lives, though as yet they had no patent for the said lands, which happened partly by the death of your petition- er's brother and the public engagements of your petitioner's husband"; that since the death of her husband (March 19, 1691), a patent had been petitioned for but had not been granted; that one had been issued to Captain John Evans "comprehending the lands which your petitioner's husband and brother had taken up, purchased and truly paid for and settled as aforesaid, by force of which patent, in the dead of winter, he, the said Evans, expelled your petitioner and family from said lands, to the utter ruin of your petitioner and all depending on her." By the sub- sequent petition of Patrick MacGregorie, Jr., it would appear that Evan's object was to perfect his title, as he gave to the petitoner (Oct. 10, 1697), "and to his first wife, and to his son," a lease confirming them in the use and occupation during their natural lives of "all that the hill and land" where the petitioner lived, possession of which was threatened by a patent which had been issued to Charles Huddy and Philip Brooks. In this petition (Nov. 12, 1712), patent was asked for the lands covered by the lease and described as : "All that the hill and land whereon the peti- tioner lives, encompassed with a swamp, beginning where one Collum then lately lived, and so running along a swamp next the land, on the one side, down to Hudson's river on the other side, bounded by the said river; on the third side beginning at the end of said swamp and running to the foot of the upland till it comes to said Hudson's river, including the morass." It was not until the ninth of August, 1720, that the claim of the MacGregorie's was finally adjusted, at which time letters patent were issued conveying to Patrick MacGregorie, in acknowledgment of the purchase and occupation by his father, the Plum Point farm of one hundred and sixty acres ; and, in acknowledgment of the claim of David Toshack, a tract of five hundred acres on the north slope of Butter Hill, *"'Capt. Evans' grant has but one house on it, or rather a hut, where a poor man, Hves. and that hut built by Captain MacGregorie, a Scotchman, who was killed at the time of the Revolution here, and his widow said to be compelled by Col. Fletcher, to sell her house and land to Capt. Evans for £30 or £.35, to the ruin of herself and family. — Colonial History, IV. 822. History of The Town of New Windsor. i c to which he became heir through the death, without issue, of Toshack's son, Thomas. At what time the MacGregorie family removed from Plum Point is not of record. It is only shown that from 1685 to 1720, its occupation by them was continuous. On the 7th October, 1734, Dr. John Nicoll, of New York, purchased the place from John Waldron, Cornelius Van- Horne, and James Livingston, who appear to have been a company en- gaged in the purchase and sale of patents. The title of a portion of the tract, including the original Nicoll homestead, erected in 1735, is now in the descendants of Dr. Nicoll;* the remainder was the property, at the time of his death, of Philip A. Verplanck. Chambers and Sutherland Patent — The second settlement in the town was that of the patent to William Chambers and William Sutherland. Although issued in their names, the patentees had but one-third interest each in the grant, it being of record that they consented, "for and in consideration of one equal third part of said tract." that their names should be made use of in obtaining the grant by Colonel Peter Matthews, who. by the agreement, became the owner of the remaining third. The lands are described in the patent as "lying in the county of Ulster, north of Murderer's creek, bounded north by the Widow Plettell** and Quas- saick creek, on the east by Hudson's river, and on the west by the hill Much-Hattoes." In the division of the patent (Nov. 7. 1723), Cham- bers was assigned lands immediately south of Quassaick creek, Mat- thews received the center of the plot, and Sutherland the southern part. The land had been previously cleared of timber, as appears by a petition from Chambers for an additional tract (June 17, 1720) in which he states: "The petitioner, with great labor and expense, hath for some years past. settled, cultivated and manured a small farm to the northward of Mur- derer's creek, upon Hudson's river; but before, the said land was grant- ed unto him. most of the timber that stood thereon was cut down and carried away for the use of the crown,*** so that he hath not a sufficient t[uantity for fencing and for the use of said farm ; but near to a place or hill called Much-Hattoes there are certain lands, mostly stony and *John Nicoll, son of the purchaser, came into the possesion of the lands and erected the homestead dwelling in 1735. The house occupied the site, or nearly so, of the MacGregorie cabin on Murderer's creek, east of the highway leading to Moodna. **Lot No. I of the German Patent, Newburgh. ***\Vliile the government was directly engaged in cutting down and removi g ship timber from this and other patents contiguous to the Hudson, Captain E!vans claimed to have expended a considerable sum in the work of clearing and improv- ing. — Cvlonial History , V, 28J. J 5 History of The Town of New Windsor. unfit for cultivation, which he will take and pay the rents required there- for." Chambers died in 1738, and his portion of the tract passed to his sons, William and John. The former died without issue, and full pos- session passed to the latter, who obtained, in 1753, a grant of the lands under water extending from the lands then owned by what were known as the "Proprietors of New Windsor," to the Quassaick. On the 6th of November, 1758, he conveyed the property to Nathan Smith, "black- smith, of Kingston," together with a portion of the Ingoldsby patent, purchased by his father, William Chambers, in 1726, and also part of lot No. I, of the German patent, purchased by himself from William Brown, of Salem, Mass., in 1742. From Nathan Smith the title passed in part to Robert Boyd, Jr., and to George Clinton. Boyd erected a smithery on Quassaick creek and subsequently engaged in the manu- facture of guns for the revolutionary authorities. Clinton erected, im- mediately adjoining Boyd, a saw mill and a grist mill, and occupied the farm house on the premises. H'e sold to Hugh Walsh, April 26, 1790, and the latter conveyed the grist mill property to Isaac Schultz, July 25th, of the same year. Retaining the remainder, Walsh erected a paper mill and homestead house, subsequently the farm homestead and paper mill of his son, John H. Walsh, and now in the possession of his chil- dren. The portion more immediately representing the Chambers home- stead house and residence of George Clinton, came into the possession of Captain Charles Ludlow, and is now the residence of Thomas Christie. The central portion of the patent (that held by Peter Matthews) was purchased by John Alsop (1724-5), who, in company with his brother- in-law, Joseph Sackett, Jr., settled on the lands immediately after, and erected a dwelling house and barn, and also a store-house and landing on the Hudson.* He sold (1749) the tract, or a considerable portion of it, to an association or company organized under the name of "The Pro- prietors of New Windsor," who founded thereon what is now known as the village of New Windsor, but which was then called "The Township of New Windsor." More particular reference to this township will be made hereafter. The southern part of the patent was mortgaged by Sutherland, then in possession and occupation "for many years," to John Ellison, of New York, November 26, 1718, to secure the payment of £160. Ellison ♦Sackett purcha^-ed from Alsop a lot of land Ivin.s: at the foot of what was called "Union Street." and had there a dock and st.ve hoiise from which he sailed a sloop and where he proposed in 1743 to locate a ferry to Fishkill. There were several settlers under Alsop. one of whom, on the Haskell patent, was Robert Hoev. History of The Town of New Windsor. 17 made an additional loan of £140, May 7, 1721, and perfected his title to the property May 8, 1723, when his son, Thomas Ellison, took posses- sion, erected a stone mansion on the bluff overlooking the river, and a dock and store-house, where he conducted a mercantile and forwarding business which was continued by his descendants. Vincent Matthews Patent. — The patent to Vincent Matthews, imme- diately adjoining the southern portion of the Chambers and Sutherland patent, was purchased by Thomas Ellison on the 24th of January, 1724, and on which he erected, in 1754.* the stone farm-house and mill near Vails Gate (subsequently occupied by his son, John Ellison), now gener- ally known as Knox's Headquarters. Ingoldshy Patent. — The fourth settlement was by John or Joseph Gale, in 1726, on the northwest corner of the Ingoldsby patent. Yale sold to Thomas Ellison in 1736. William Chambers was a purchaser of part of the patent in 1726. James Edmonston is said to have pur- chased one of the lots in 1727; but his deed is not recorded, nor does his name appear on the tax-roll of that year. He was an early settler, however. The stone house, which he erected in 1754,** is still standing, and is associated with the annals of the town in the war of the Revolu- tion. Peter Post was the purchaser from George Ingoldsby, July 22, 1730, of five hundred acres on the north bank of Murderer's creek. He sold to Dr. John Nicoll, April 12, 1738, leaving behind him the name of "Post Hill," by which one of the elevations on the tract is still known. The title to a considerable portion of this purchase remains in Dr. Nicoll's descendants. The most considerable and important of the early settle- ments on the patent, however, was of that portion now embraced in the village of Moodna, which was purchased from Mary Ingoldsby by David Mandeville, May i, 1728. Mandeville sold to Samued Hazzard, who. in company with his brother, Nathaniel Hazard, established a landing at Sloop Hill, erected a mill, and laid out a township plot under the name of Orangeville. Haskell Patent. — The patent granted to Colonel John Haskell*** was settled by himself in 1726. lie erected a log house on what was after- *An earlier date has been given to this building, but the contract for its erect- ion, recently discovered, fixes the year precisely — 1754. William Bull was the builder. ' **It has been stated, but on what authority does not appear, that this house was erected in 1729, and that at that time it was the only house between New Windsor and what is now Washing^onville. ***Erroneously prin-ted "Haskins" in Eager's Orange County. He also held one fifth of the Harrison patent in the town of Newburgh, but, aside from his land- grants has no records in Colonial History. jg History of The Town of New Windsor. wards known as the Dusenberry farm, and which is now standing on lands adjoining the farm late of Ezra P. Thompson, Muchattoes hill. To this portion of his patent he gave the name of "The Hermitage"; divided it into farms, and remained in occupation of his original loca- tion, it is said, until his death. Tradition asserts that after obtaining his patent, he visited England and brought back with him many kinds of seeds, plants and cattle, which he cultivated and raised. Evan Jones, surgeon, was among the early settlers on the patent, having purchased and occupied lot No. 3. His farm of two hundred and ninety-two acres was sold by Bridget Jones, John Jones, and Thomas Jones, his execu- tors (Dec. 2-/, 1763), to Samuel Brewster, who erected (1768) what is now known as the Brewster house. Henry Haskell, a son of the pat- entee, also had a title for a portion of the tract, under which he became a freeholder in 1728. John Alsop was a purchaser on the east, and sold to the proprietors of New Windsor (1749). the deed, being given to Ebenezer Seely "of Greycourt, in the precinct of Goshen." in trust for the proprietors, as appears by their minutes. The western part of the patent, or more properly speaking, the first patent to Haskell (April, 1719), was conveyed by him to Elizabeth Stollard, June 13, 1719, who sold six hundred and thirty-one acres to John Crawford, weaver, Octo- ber i8th, 1738.* Andrew Crawford sold part of the purchase of John Crawford to Neil McArthur, March ist, 1763. Mcintosh Patent. — The first settler on the patent to Phineas Mcin- tosh, was John Davis, in 1724-5. Davis' deed (July 5, 1726), recites the sale to him of fifty acres "on which his house now stands." ** Robert Boyd, "blacksmith and farmer," was also an early settler. He sold to Nathaniel Boyd, July 12, 1759, "fifty-four acres adjoining Joseph Sweezy's land." Joseph Sweezy appears on' the military roll of 1738, *0n the military roll of the "Wall-a-Kill" district (now Montgomery) of 1738, are the names of James Crawford, John Crawford, William Crawford, James Crawford (probably son of James first mentioned), and Samuel Crawford. Whet- her they were all sons of James, the first mentioned, does not appear from any record. The late David Crawford gave his descent fiom James. John Crawford the second mentioned, has been identified as the settler on the Haskell patent. He married Sarah Barkley and had Robert I., Andrew, George, John, Israel, Nancy, Sarah, Ellen, Pelianna, and Ketura. James Crawford, jr., Samuel Crawford and Dacid Crawford, were patentees of lands in Wallkill precinct in 1761. These facts may aid in tracing the geneological lines of a very numerous and respectable family. There was still another John Crawford. He was related to the Clintons and settled near Albany. (See sketch of Doct. Young). "*The Davis house was a stone structure and is still standing. It is the third house from Rock tavern on the road to Washingtonville. John Davis is name in will of Mathew Davis, "of Hunting-Grove, Ulster County," Who died about 174F', as appears in Abstract of Wills, at Albany in Newburgh Free Literary. John Davis also appears on the tax roll of the Precinct of the Highalnds in 1728. History of The Town of New Windsor, i^ and was a settler prior to that time. The Dill family were also early purchasers. A considerable portion of the patent passed to the hands -of Nathan Smith, through his wife, Susan Mcintosh, wlio established thereon a grist mill, a fulling mill, and a store, giving to his place the name of Hunting Grove. The mills are now known as Buskirk's and are in the town of Hamptonburgh. Andrew Johnston Patent. — The district known as Little Britain, of -which this pateiu is the center, had its first settler in John Humphrey, who purchased, in 1724-5. a farm lot of two hundred and fifty acres, being part of the Andrew Johnston patent. Peter MuUinder purchased .and settled on a farm of the same patent, Sept. 29, 1729. Robert Bur- net, of Raritan, N. J., Oct. 7, 1729, and at the same time, John Reid ; Charles Clinton, of Longford. Ireland, Aug. 22, 1730, and at the same itime Mary McClaughry (widow), John Young, Alexander Denniston, Andrew McDove (McDowell), and others. J6hn Humphrey took his •deed Dec. 6, 1731. although his land was located in 1724. The lot pur- ■chased by Mary McClaughry was bounded west by Humphrey and north by lands of Betsey Mallard, widow, showing the residence there of the Mallard family (now written Mallard and Mailler), as early as 1730. Her farm was subsequently purchased by Robert Carscadden. The Clinton company was the most numerous body of settlers on the patent and in its neighborhood, but of whom it was composed cannot now be accurately ascertained. The journal of Clinton's voyage supplies the names of .\nnstrong. l?eatty, Barkey, Brooks. Denniston, Davis, Dunlap, Frazer, Gordon, Gray. Hamilton. Little. Mitchell. McDowell, McClaugh- ry. Nicholson, Oliver, Thompson, Wilson, and Young. Low & Co.'s Patent. — The patent to Cornelius Low and Company (Cornelius Low. Garret Schuyler, and John Schuyler), was divided among the patentees. The third held by John Schuyler passed by his will to his nephews. I^rant and Samuel Schuyler, and on the death of the latter to Brant Schuyler. The other patentees sold to Allan Jarratt, April 5th, 1720, a very considerable portion of their interests. Cor- nelius Low sold. Sept. ist, 1734, six hundred acres to John \'ance, of Newark, who conveyed two hundred acres to James Thompson, "lately of Drumecl, in the county of Longford, Ireland, but now a resident in Little Britain, in the county of L'lster. in the province of New York," by deed dated May 22d, 1738.* John Slaughter was a settler on the patent as early as I72r), and Thomas Shaw was a purchaser in 1726 or 1729. John McMichael was a purchaser in 1738. William Miller, *Thompson was the ancestor of Dr. J. II. I'honipson of Goshen. He was a •neighbor to Charles Clinton in Ireland, and a member of the same church there. 20 History of The Town of New Windsor. weaver, then a resident on the patent, purchased, Nov. 12, 1746, two hundred acres. Brant Sdhuyler sold (Aug. 22, 1744). to Charles Beat- ty, *two hundred acres, which the latter sold to James McClaughry, July 14. 174Q. Thomas King was also an early settler. By deed from himself and his wife, Lydia, a portion of his lands were conveyed. April 9, 1773. 'to Capt. Robert Cross, who, in company with James Clinton, laid out a town'ship plot thereon to which they gave the name of Mont- gomery. It is not to be confused with the later village now known as ATontgomery. Samuel Wood, Alex. Falls, James Denniston, George Denniston, Isaac Moffat, James McClaughry, and Alex. Stewart, were owners in 1780. Hume** Patent. — James Gembell and John Humphrey purchased, in 1724, three hundred acres of the patent granted to Patrick Hume, and divided the same equally, by agreement, April 6, 1730. Gembell sold to Patrick Byron, Alarch 12, 1744, and Humphrey sold to Patrick Mc- Claughry, Feb. 22. 1769. One-half of the remainder of the patent (850 acres) was sold by James Lithgow, of Scotland, nephew of the patentee, through his attorney, Cadwallader Colden, to James Neelly, Henry Man- Meelly, Henry Man Neelly, William Young, and Patrick McClaughry,, Mch. 6, 1794, and the remaining half (850 acres) to the same parties by Hannah Lithgow, widow, and John Nicholas, carpenter, of Philadelpliia, April, 1750. June loth, 1757, William Young sold to Samuel Sly 233 acres, now known as the Sly homestead. The Gembell and Humphrey portion of the patent was sold to William Te'lford***and Samuel Falls^ and in 1822. was owned by John Finley, Robert Burnet, Wm. IMulliner, and E. Keled, Sr. John Johnston, Jr., Patent. — This patent was transferred to Cad- wallader Colden on the date of its issue. **"*'* A branch of the Belknap family settled on it, Benjamin Belknap paying the quit rents in 1789. Van Dam Patent. — The patent to Richard Van Dam passed to the *Described in the deed as "'the Rev. Charles Beatty, of S'liammine, Penn. ' He was an eminent missionary, and the son of Christiana, sister to Charles Clin- ton. **Th.e patentee appears on the records as Home, Hume and Holme. Hume is the name on the original MSS. at Albany. ***Major William Telford- He came from (the Shire of Galloway, North Brit- am. He kept a tavern before and during the Revolution on the main road. He died in 1815. He was captain of the "9th Company, New Windsor Precinct." Col. James Clinton's second regiment Ulster militia, 1775 ; re-appoimted 1778- ****.Tan. 4, 1774, William Smith, of Newburgh sold to Thomas Nicholson, for £j^% southeast end of lot No. 2. of patent to John Johnston. Nicholson was first licutenaiit Capt. Livington's company, Col. James Livingston's battalion, Dec- 18, 1776. History of The Town of New Windsor. 21 possession of Jesse Wooclhall, who settled at Blagg's Clove, in the present town of Blooming Grove, in 1755. He subsequently became well known in Orange County as colonel of the Cornwall militia during the Revolution, and as a rq^resentative in the State Senate from 1777 to 1780. David Gallatian, John Moffat, and Peter Welling, and his brother held portions of the patent. Henderson Patent. — John Wandcl was an early purchaser of a por- tion of the Henderson patent. Davitl Edmonston was also an early pur- chaser; he held part of lots Xos. 3 and 4. Lewis Morris Patent. — Alexander Denniston, Francis Crawford, Thomas Cook and Wm. Denniston were owners of eight hundred acres of this patent in 1786. Satisfactory records showing first settlements on the remaining patents and portions of patents have not been found. They were, how- ever, occupied at an early period. From this brief recapitulation of early settlements in the precinct, it will be seen that few districts in the province were more densely occupied, sparse as was the population ; and it may be added that in few districts if any were the immigrants of a class that commanded more general respect. The upper portion of the precinct was in woodland "through which." remarks Cadwallader Colden. Jr., "one could not see the sun shine." and the honor was not witli himself alone of felling "the first tree" and "taking out the first stub." Tlie eastern part of the i^rccinct, on the contrary, was partially prepared for cultivation througli the re- moval, as has been already stated, of the forests by employ'vCS of the government for shipment to England. \\'hatever the primal condition, however, the years were not many before no small munber of the set- tlers could say : "I have made a small spot in the world, which, when I first entered upon it, was the habitation only of wolves, bears and other wild animals ; now, no unfit habitation for a civilized family. So that I, without vanity, take the comfort of not having been entirely useless in my generation." Long years before the commencement of the more active settlement of the town (1724), a road, known as the King's highway, had been opened, from Kingston, with branch to New Paltz, running through Newburgh (now Liberty Street), to Quassaick Creek, which is crossed west of Schultz's mill, turned west and passed through New Windsor, west of the village, thence to Befhlehem, and tiie Clove to the King's ferry at Stony Point, with a branch to Goshen. To early settlers it 22 History of The Town of New Windsor. became known as the Goshen road.* The tradition may well be be- lieved that at least that portion of it leading to Goshen was originally^ the Indian trial or footpath through the district which it traversed^ and there is no improbability in the story that the first settlers of Goshen^ including the heroic Sarah Wells, landed at New Windsor and from, thence followed this trail to their new 'homes. Soon after settlement commenced a road was opened through the center of the district from New Windsor to Neel\i;own and Wallkill. Along and in the vicinity of these roads the principal settlements were made. Other roads were of course subsequently opened as they were required, the earliest being the branch road to Orangeville or Brewster's forge, the Ridge road, and the roads constituting the Little Britain square.** The dwellings of the settlers were of logs or stone; in some cases the former being squared or axe-hewed. Their out-buildings were of logs, and their church edifices but mere unfinished barracks. Traveling was mainly on foot or on horse-back ; wagons were few and rude, many of them being made with wheels cut from the end of a log ; sleighs were- literally sleds, the runners formed from the limbs of trees or cut from a plank, or taking their highest mechanical form in runners bent from a sapling with supporting knees worked out by a draw-knife. If there were those who had European implements, and the "one-horse chaise," now so rarely seen, except in pictures, they were few in number. The people were poor ; their numerous acres even being worth but a paltry- sum. But wealth came gradually ; in less than forty years the more fortunate were able to inventory of household goods, "several boxes and cases of china, some cases of pictures and looking-glasses, several tables (one a marble slab), chairs, window curtains, some ornamented china^ with images of Shakespeare and Milton in plaster of Paris." Silver- ware, and stoves, and the harpiscord, too, became known among them ;. and as opportunity ofl^ered they acquired negro slaves, of whom, in 1755, Col. Thomas Ellison owned six ; James McClaughry, one ; James Ed- monston, one; Doct. Evan Jones, six; Capt. Charles Clinton, two; Chris- tian Kartell, two; Joseph Sackett, Sr., one; Rev. John Moffat, one;: Francis NicoU, one; James Jackson, Jr., two; and, John Chambers, two — a record which is of interest also as showing the social rank of the per- sons named, for few there were who could own slaves, even in those cheap times. *This name appears in patent boundaries a.s early as 171Q. The term "King's- Hig-hway" has no other significance than that it was a public road opened as all public roads are. **See road districts in Chapter I. History of The Town of New Windsor. But the reclamation of the wilderness — the erection of dwellings and mills — the opening of roads — the establishment of schools and churches — the acquirement of wealth and social rank — was not the limit of their lives. The rugged front of war was at times on their borders, and every man capable of bearing arms was not only enrolled, but obliged to be in readiness to take the field either against the native enemies of civilization, or against the French. From 1756 to '58 the militia of the district was in the field in guarding the frontiers and on duty in other parts of the province. It was in these campaigns that the Clintons re- ceived their first lessons in arms, and, with many of their neighbors, became fitted for the more arduous struggle for national independence. Writes Thomas Ellison in 1757: "It is but too well known by the late numerous murders barbarously committed on our borders, that the coun- ty of Ulster and the north end of Orange is become the only frontier part of the province left unguarded and exposed to the cruel incursions of the Indian enemy, and the inhabitants of these parts have been obliged to perform very hard military duty for these two years past, in ranging the woods and guarding the frontiers, these two counties keep- ing out almost constantly from fifty to one hundred men ; sometimes by forced detachments, both of the militia, and at other times men in pay by voluntary subscriptions ; nay, often two hundred men ; which has been an insupportable burden on the poor people, and has driven all the young men out of the county. And yet all the militia of these parte were ordered to march to Fort Edward, while the officers had no order.*: to leave a detachment to guard the frontiers. So orders were given to the whole to march ; but one might as well have torn a man assunder as to compel those who lived in the very outside 'houses to leave their wives and children to become a sacrifice to worse than wolves. How- ever, the generality of them marched, and that so soon as it was possi- ble to get so scattered a people together. And I would say for the three hundred who went out of the little distressed second regiment of Ulster, that men never marched with more cheerfulness and resolution, and had not the wind failed toward the end of their passage to Albany, they would have been at Fort Edward a day before Fort William Henry sur- rendered. When the wind failed us, every man labored at the oar; and when we arrived at Albany, made no stay to inquire particularly whether we could get kettles and such necessaries at Fort Edward; we were told in a general way that everything was provided for us. Neith- er did we wait to have a wagon provided to carry our baggage, or to lay in our stores of wine, tea. equipage, etc., but every one, both officers and privates, packed their bundles on their backs, and the colonel, though 24 History of The Town of New Windsor. an old man and afflicted with rheumatism, marched on foot with his musket on his shoulder at the head of his men, and waded through rivers crotch deep, and in two very hot days marched from Albany to Fort Ed- ward, in less time. I believe, than troops ever marched it before. Some of the men indeed dropped by the way, not being able to hold out, and in general all complained that their officers marched too hard for them. "When we got to the camp opposite to Fort Edward we had Lb.e melan- choly news of the surrender of Fort William Henry, which could not but effect the spirits of every one. However, for the first two days that we laid there, no uneasiness was discovered in the minds of the men, but an impatience to go forward and retake the fort at all events; and that this was not affectation plainly appeared when Sir William John- son informed them that an advanced party of the enemy lay between the two forts, and desired such as had courage to fight to go voluntarily with him to rout them. Upon which the whole camp, in less than an hour, got under arms and waded up to their middles in water through Hudson's river to Fort Edward, with all the life and courage imaginable. Scarce could any one be persuaded to stay in the camp 'to take care of what was left there, no one exajnining into the probability of success, but placing confidence in the judgment of the commanders. The last of the militia had not got well through the river before the attempt was thought hazardous, whereupon we were ordered back to our camp. This sudden change created great uneasiness in the minds of the men, who now soon began to complain of the intolerable hardships they suffered lying in camp, and the danger they were in of catching the smallpox, etc. But what had the greatest weight on the minds of our people and the most difficult to be removed, was the apprehension that 'the French might take the opportunity to send Indians upon the frontier settlements in order to 'throw the country into confusion, and thereby prevent the militia from marching to the as>sistance of the province, or to protect their wives and children at home. So that after laying five days in camp and hearing that the French were destroying and abandoning Fort William Henry, it was impossible to prevail with the men to stay any longer." Other manuscripts of official record show that the fears of these men were well founded. The tide of savage warfare soon rolled almost to their very doors ; the west side of the Wallkill was completely devastat- ed; ranging the woods, "and anxiety of mind which the inhabitantSi could not well avoid, increased by the perpetual lamentations of the women and children," partially draws aside the veil of the past and permits an imperfect vision of pioneer life in its most rugged aspect. History of The Town of New Windsor. 25 CHAPTER HI. THE VILLAGE OF NEW WINDSOR. The village of New W'iiuLsor was laid out as a township plot in 1749, by a company under the title of "'The Proprietors of New Windsor," and was one of four township plots similarly opened for settlement in the present county of Orange, viz: Goshen, in 1714; Newburgh ( Ol-d Town of Newburgh plot*), in 1730; Xcw Windsor, in 1749; and Chester, at about 1750.** The precise date of the organization of the company does not appear, nor are its articles of association recorded, if such were entered into.*** The first entry in its original book of minutes is under date of September 9, 1749, at which time the members of the company were \'incent Matthews, Ebenezer Seely, Michael Jackson, Joseph Sack- cn, Jr.. Daniel Everett. Hezekiah Howell. John Sackett, David Marvin, Evan Jones, and Brant Schuyler, who had, prior to that date, purchased from John Alsop. that portion of the patent to Chambers and Sutherland held (under the partition of that patent) by Col. Peter Matthews. Immediately after organizing, the proprietors employed Colonel Charles Clinton as clerk and surveyor, who surveyed and made a map of the plot, divided it into lots and streets, and rendered the following accounts : 28 days surveying a" 15s per day • • £ 21 00 Drawing deed from Mr. Alsop to Mr. Sceley i 00 o Another deed from Mi. Alsop (not signed) to Mr. Seeley i 10 A Declaration of Trii^t from Mr. Seeley to Proprietors i 00 Eight d?ys of partition with maps 16 00 o 40 ID O Mr. Ebcne/cr Seeley jmnor's. account for entertaining the Sur- veyor. Chainbearers, maikers. and the Trustee apiwinted to at- tend the survey, as also tho expenses one time when the Pro- prietors met ....•••■.. " or 7 Mr. Sceley's son. rhair.:rjj. 19 days at 3s 2 17 o David Marvin, chairiing. i'. davs • • 2 17 *Not the Glebe plot, wliicli was settled by the Palatines in 1709, but a plot now lying between First Street and Broadway (Wesitem .\venue)- ■^"The statement in several Gazetteers that New Windsor is the oldest village in the State is erroneous. ***The compTny apparently purcliased the site, paid expenses of deeds, surveys, <'tc., and when lots were sold divided the proceeds. 2 6 History of The Town of New Windsor. Joseph Sackett's servant Tom. 23 days marking trees and setting posts in the corner of the lots, at 3s 3 09 o- Dr. Jones' act: 24 days attending himself, at 8s. ........ 9 12 O' A hand of his : 9 days marking and setting posts i 07 o boarding one hand 2 weeks at 5s o 10 By cash to the Collector o 04 1V2 By a large skin of Parchment for the original deed o 03 Col. Mathews pnid to the chain-bearers o 06 Total of the charges. ... . £ 68 16 8^,^ The first sale by the proprietors was to Henry Brewster and Judah. Harlow, in September, 1749, of a store-bouse, dwelling house, barn, and. lot. In 1752, the proprietors obtained a patent for the soil under water adjoining- the township plot, uniting for that purpose with John Cham- bers,* and also established a ferry to Fishkill. The proprietors, in Janu- ary, 1 75 1 -'2, were James Tuthill, Henry Brewster, Samuel Brewster,/'^ Brant Schuyler, Evan Jones, John Yelverton, Hezekiah Howell, Joseph Sackett, Jr.. Ebenezer Seely, Vincent Matthews, and John Nelson, who executed (Jan. 3d) a deed to Samuel Bayard and Company for twelve lots, "at low rates and under value, to encourage the said Samuel Bayard r.nd Company for .he building and erecting a glass hous> fo:" :n king- glass and potash, which the said Bayard and Company have agreed to erect upon the said lots." In July of the same year, the proprietors were Vincent Matthews, Ebenezer Seely. John Yelverton. Hezekiah Howell, John Sackett. Brant Schuyler. Henry Brewster, Evan Jones, James Tuthill, Joseph Sackett, Paul Richards, Nathan Smith, and Christian Hertell, from which it appears that purchasers of lots became, to the ex- tent of contributing to the obtaining of the land under water and the opening of roads, members of the Association. In 1772, James Clinton,. Robert Boyd, Jr., Theophilus Corwin. George Clinton, David Holliday, and James Dunlap. appear in the list, in which year James Clinton was elected clerk of the township. At this point the record ceases ; it con- clusively establishes the date, however, of the founding of the village, the grants of soil under water, and the establishment of the manufacture of glass, an industry then in its infancy in the provinces of America. The village, already a commercial center of some importance, increased rapidly in population, and until after the close of the Revolution gave promise of becoming one of the first cities on the Hudson. Its business *This patent covered the land under water from Quassaick creek to the South line of the township plot, the Northern part being confined to John Chambers, immediately south of die plot, Thomas Eilison iheld the gnamt oi the same franchise. The entire river front of the town was thus taken up, except a small, section of Plum Point. History of The Town of Xew Windsor. 2T enterprises and the causes of its decline are more specifically noticed in the following sketches : Glass Works. — The manufacture of glass was commenced in the vil- lage of New Windsor sometime about 1753. by a company of which Giristian Hertell, Samuel Bayard, Lodwick Bamper. and Mathias Earnest were members, the first named being the resident manager. The follow- ing agreement recites the purchase of lots for the purpose and other matters connected with it : "Memorandum that we, the subscribers, have this third day of Januar>-, 175 1-2,. agreed with Vincent Matthews, who acts in behalf of Samuel Bayard, in New York, for a parcel of lots lying and being at New Windsor, being part of the lands we purchased from John Alsop at New York, in the following majmer, that is to say: We, the said subscribers, do agree to sell the following lots with, the prices thereunto annexed, viz : James Tuthill, lots 21 and 58, for £0 9 o o Henry Brewster to Brant Schuyler, lots 22 and 59 o 7 o o Evan Jones, lots 22, and 56 o 7 o o John Yelverton, lot 57 o 3 o o Hezekiah Howell, lot 43 o 2 o Joseph Sackett, lot 71 3 o o Ebenezer Seeley, lot 68 o 3 o Vincent Matthews, lot 69 o 3 o John Nelson, lot 70 o 3 o 4000 "Provided, nevertheless, that as the chief reason for selling the above lots at such a low rate and under value, is upon this account, viz : To encourage the said Samuel Bayard & Company for the building and erecting a glass-house for making of glass and potash, which the said Bayard & Company have agreed to erect upon some of the above said lots; but in case the said Bayard & Company should fail, and throw up, and not build the said works, then and in such case the above agree- ment to be void and the lots to remain to the above owners ; and w-e, the above owners and subscribers, do hereby acknowledge to have received from the above Samuel Bayard, by the hands of Vincent Matthews, the full one equal half part of the above mentioned sum of forty pounds, being half of the above purchase money, and we do promise and agree to execute, each for himself and for his heirs, good and lawful deeds to the said Samuel Bayard & Company, each for his S'hare or part of the above lots, upon the said Samuel Bayard's paying the rest or the other half of the above purchase money — which said half is to be paid on or before the twenty-tifth day of March next ensuing the date hereof — which said deeds are to be at the proper cost and charge of the said Bayard & Company. "In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year tirst above written. "(Signature of Proprietors above named.) "Signed in the presence of us, Fletcher Matthews, Thos. Jones. "Be it remembered. That I, Christian Hertell, in company with the within Samuel Barard, Lodwick Bamper, and Mathias Earnest, did agree to the written purchase made by Vincent Mathews, with the within Proprietors of New Wind- sor; and do agree for myself and the rest of the company to fultrll the said' agree- ment; and if we fail of building the said glass-house and quit it, then and in such case to release all the said lots back again to the owmers thereof upon their re- turning the purchase money back to me and Company again, or to any of us, as witness my hand this first day of April, 1752. "C. R. HERTELL & COMPANY. "Signed and acknowledged and delivered in presence of us, Ebenezer Seely, Jr., Judah Harlow.' History of The Town of New Windsor. The works were conducted for a number of years — it is said until after the war of the Revokition. A second undertaking of the kind was commenced in 1867, by a company of gentlemen, principally residents ■of Newburgh, who regarded the peculiar stone of Butter-hill as a super- ior material for glass ware, but the experiment failed. The ordinary sand glass was subsequently made for a few years. Commercial Records. — Commercial trade on the Hudson, in colonial times, was essentially different from that of the present day. In its earl- iest stages, sloops and scows were loaded with goods and made coasting trips, stopping perhaps at different points with more or less regularity and selling goods directly to the immigrant settlers, or supplying trading posts similar to that established by MacGregorie and Toshack at Sloop- Tiill. It was in business of this character that John Ellison, the progeni- tor of the New Windsor family of that name, was engaged in New York, where he owned, at the foot of Little Queen street, at an early date, one of the four wharves on the west side of the city, a store-house and several sloops. His sloops were of course ready to convey immigrants and their household effects to their new homes along the river, for such was the mode of transit, and after they were located, to make them periodical visits with supplies. For the accommodation of themselves as well as the traders, it was not uncommon for the settlers to unite in •erecting a store-'house (not unfrequently called an "Union store-house), in which the products which they wished to send to market were placed for shipment, as well as the goods which they had purchased, awaiting convenience for removal. Indeed a common store-house on the Hudson, either as an individual undertaking or an associated enterprise, was a -necessity for every settlement ; the record of their existence at Newburgh, New Windsor, and other points, as early as 1730, is complete. New Windsor thus became one of Ellison's trading posts ; there he supplied goods to Chambers and Sutherland, and others, and there he subse- quently obtained landed interests. On his death, his sons, John and Thomas, continued his business, the latter entering into possession of the New Windsor estate, and through himself and his descendants main- tained connection with the New York house for nearly a century. The Ellisons however, were not alone in commercial venture at New Windsor. Joseph Sackett, Jr., a merchant and trader in New York, and his brother-in-law, John Alsop, bought land there at about the time of the Ellison jj'.irc'-'asL. on which Alsop settled, and the minute< of the Pro- prietors show that on the lands which they acquired from Alsop had been History of The Town of New Windsor. 29> previously erected a house, store-house and barn.* It is also of record that Sackett was the owner, in 1742, of a wharf and store-house adjoin- ing Ellison's on the north, and that it was subsequently merged in the sale to the Proprietors. This wharf was at the foot of Union street, and was subsequently occupied at different periods by Matthew DuBois, Jr., William Jackson, and Isaac and Abraham Schultz,** the latter extending it to the channel of the Hudson and constructing the store-house which in more recent years has stood in decaying solitude on its terminus. The business of the Ellisons, however, was for many years far in excess of that of their contemporaries ; their books show the names of the ances- tors of nearly aH of the old families of northern Orange and southern Ulster, who found in them not only their tradesmen, but their bankers. In later years, and until his death, the business of Abraham Schultz was by no means inconsiderable, and had it fallen to equally vigorous suc- cessors, would have occupied in the near past a not less extended record. It should not be understood that the commerce of Xew Windsor was confined to the firms which have been named. There were others. The limited advertising record shows that in 1793, Gillespy & Scudder (John Gillespy*** and William Scudder), conducted the freighting business there. In 1794, Isaac Schultz & Son and Joseph IMorrell sailed the sloop Sally, Ichabod Lockwood master, and the sloop, Susan, Jacob Wood master. In 1799, Abraham Schultz sailed "the commodious new sloop, Fanny," of which he was also the master. In 1803 and '4, he sailed two sloops, the Mary, Ichabod Lockwood master, and the Fanny, Samuel M. Logan master; in 1806 the sloop Mary, William Walsh master, and the sloop Industry, Reuben Reynolds master; in i8ii-'i6, the sloop Superior, William Feet master, and the sloop Perseverance. Thos. Sayre master, and the same vessels and masters until 1825. He died in 1830. The Ellison line was continued by Ellison & Floyd (William Ellison and Samuel Floyd), in 1804; they sailed the sloop Harriet, Jonathan Brown master, and the sloop Minerva. Reuben Reynolds master; in i8o7-'io, the sloops Harriet and Attentive. Thomas Ellison (2d) and Samuel * The first stor^e-house at Xewburgh was erected by the proprietors of the Township of Newburgh (more generally known as the "Old Town of Newburgh Plot"), in 1730. as appears by deed of partition executed by Phin«as Macintosh and John Yalverton, April 3d, of that year. It is presumed that it was under similar circumstances that the "Union dock," in New Windsor, received its name. ** Matthew DuBois united with Thomias Ellison, in 1765, in resisting the order of the officers of customs requiring all sloops trading on the Hudson to enter and clear at Albany or Xew York. He died in Xewburgh in 1799. aged 75 years. Jackson occupied the wharf at the outbreak of the Revolution, and Isaac Schultz immediately after the war. *** Gillespy at that time owned twenty-four of the town lots, besides his resi- dence on Union Street. ^o History of The Town of New Windsor. Moffat continued the line in i8ii-'i2, sailing the sloop Attentive, Samuel M. Logan master, and the sloop Envoy, Nathan H. Say re master. Of other more recent lines was the sloop Goliah, by Joseph Morrell, from •the Schultz dock in 1800, and Morrell & Walsh (Joseph Morrell and William Walsh), sloop Goshen, in 1804. The sloop Hopewell formed another line in 1802 — Daniel Borden master and owner. Among the more recent firms was Knapp, Dolson & Co., who sailed the steamer Norfolk, Capt. Jacob Wandell, and the sloop Spy, Captain Geo. L. Sher- wood, in 1832. The barge Experiment, built as a steamboat at New Windsor in 1828, for the Cornwall trade, subsequently sailed from New Windsor under command of Capt. D}Tr Brewster. The freighting business vv^s continued by different parties until after the opening of the Erie railroad. The latest advertised enterprise (1850) was that of Joseph Carpenter, who sailed the steamboat Norfolk, Capt. Lewis O. Car- penter, every Monday and Thursday. Although the commerce of the place was continued with more or less activity until the death of Thomas Ellison (2d) in 1830, and of Abra- liam Schultz, in 1835, its decadence, as well as that of the village, began at about the commencement of the century. At that time its population was nearly equal to that of Newburgh, although the latter had a much larger acreage.* Contributing to its decline and ultimate discontinuance were several causes, among which may be mentioned the active rivalry •of the village of Newburgh, the advantages which its property holders offered to settlers, the superiority of the river front for commercial pur- poses, and the efforts of the people generally of that place to improve their trade by the construction of turnpike roads. An examination of the maps of that period will show that prior to the opening of the New- burgh and Cochecton turnpike, New Windsor had the advantage in roads and in the lines of communication between the eastern and western parts of the county, as well as in what would now be termed the through travel iDetween the eastern states and the west. The construction of the Co- checton turnpike and its western connections changed all this, and chang- ed it so seriously that the old ferry from New Windsor was discon- tinued in 1 81 2, and most of the mechanical and trading population of the place removed to Newburgh. Its fatal misfortune, however, was in the previous folly of its landowners, who made the rivalry of con- temporary communities possible. The river front, capable as it was and ♦Population, 1782 — New Windsor, 1,132; Newburgh, 1,487. 1790 — New Wind- sor, 1,819; Newburgh, 2,365. 1800— New Windsor, 2,001; Newburgh, 3,258. 1810— New Windsor, 2,331; Newburgh, 4,627. 1820 — New Windsor, 2,425; New- "burgh, 5,812. 1855 — New Windsor, 2,554; Newburgth, 12,773. History of The Town of New Windsor. as it still is, of improvement, was held by one or two individuals, who were thereby enabled to control the destiny of the entire community. They 'had the trade, they had the roads, they had the wealth, why should they permit competition or encourage development? They did not; .they chained up the river front with paper deed, denied accommodation to competing business, and dried up the springs of action which impel communities to undertakings in which mutual prosperity is involved. From their presence enterprise and the enterprising fled away. True it is now as true it was when Goldsmith penned it — "111 fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth occumulales, and men decay." Beyond the product of brick, for the manufacture of which there are six establishments, the village of New Windsor has now no com- mercial business except that which finds it way by the Erie road and the Newburgh barges. The prosperous city which, under proper develop- ment, might have resulted from its founding, remains a city "neither perfected or inchoate." General Business. — The early business men of the village, aside from those engaged in freighting, have very imperfect record. Capt. Jonathan Lawrence kept store there in 1776. Abraham Van Deursen "opened a house of entertainment, at the sign of the Confederation," in 1782. Sub- sequently removed to Newburgh, where his daughter married Joseph Hoffman. William Scudder* opened a land office in July, 1793. Ben- jamin S. Hoyt, "practitioner of physic and surgery," sold medicines in 1798. Matthew C. Lyon was a physician prior to that time; he died in 1798. Richard Edgerton sold dry goods and groceries, and carried on the shoe-making business. Sanford & Fitch sold dry goods, iron mong- ery, crockery, etc. Isaac Schultz & Son. dry goods, groceries and gen- eral merchandise; William Ward carried on the silversmith business "a few rods south of the ferry." The advertisements of these gentlemen appear in the Nezv IVindsor Gazette, a weekly newspaper, the publica- tion of which was commenced by Jacob Schultz, Nov. 10, lycfy* It is presumed that all branches of business common to the times were prose- cuted there with more or kss success down to the commencement of the present century. New IVindsor Ferry. — All traditions agree that at the village of New Windsor a ferry was maintained to Fishkill at a very early period. *This paper was continued until 1799, when it was removed to Newburgh and its title changed to Orange County Gazette. David Denniston subsequently pur- •chased it. — Hist. Newburgh, 346. ^2 History of The Town of New Windsor, There is no evidence, however, of a chartered privilege there, as at New- burgh. In 1742, April 12, Joseph Sackett, Jr., of New York, represent- ing himself as "seized in fee of and in a small piece of land at a place called New Windsor, in the county of Ulster, lying on the west side of Hudson's river and contiguous thereto, between the land of John Alsop on the north and of Thomas Ellison on the south," petitioned for a "grant of the sole liberty of having a ferry, at any convenient place within the distance of five miles on each side of his said land, with priv- ilege of landing on the opposite shore."* In the minutes of the pro- ceedings of the Proprietors of New Windsor, Feb. 12, 1755, it is writ- ten : "A letter was directed to be sent to Vincent Matthews, asking him to prepare a petition to his Honor the Lieut. Governor, for a char- ter for a public ferry for the benefit of the proprietors of the said town- ship of New Windsor." A still later petition is on file at Albany, dated Nov. 23d. 1762, signed by Matthew DuBois, Jr., praying "a grant of the exclusive right of ferriage, on the east side of Hudson's river, for the distance of one hundred and sixty chains (two miles) to the south- ward of an east line across the said river from the north side of Quas- saick creek, for the purpose of establishing a ferry across said river." There is no record that any of these petitions were granted, or that that referred to in the minutes of the petitioners was even presented^ but that there was an established ferry there is certain. Morgan and his famed rifle corps passed over the river on its boats in July, 1775, on their march to join Washington at Boston. At that time it was owned by Martin Wiltsie of Fishkill and Daniel Carpenter of New Windsor, and ran from what was long known as the Lower Landing at Fishkill (more recently Lomas' brickyard) to New Windsor, or to Newburgh, if required by passengers. It is said that it was a chartered ferry, but if so the grant is not recorded.** Its history is more or less connected with that of the Colden or Newburgh ferry and of the Continental ferry. The former was chartered in 1743, and gave to Colden the exclusive right to convey passengers from Newburgh to Fishkill, but conveyed no ferriage right from Fishkill ; the latter was established by authority of the Quartermaster General of the Continental army for communica- tion between the encampment at Fishkill and Newburgh. It ran from the Upper Landing at Fishkill to the foot of Third street at Newburgh. It was discontinued in 1782. Whether the boats which it employed were *Land Papers, Vol. XIII, 117. **The absence from Hhe record of grants oi this character is not conclusive evidence that no charters were issued, as it is known that all grants are not to be found on file at Albany. History of The Town of New Windsor. 33 taken from the Colden ferry or otherwise suppHed does not appear, but its discontinuance was the occasion of the estaWishment, by Peter Bo- gardus, of Fishkill, and John Anderson and James Denton, of New- burgh, of a new ferry, which was announced by advertisement as "a private ferry at Fishkill and Newburgh Landings, where the public ferry was formerly kept" — i. e. from the Upper Landing at Fishkill to the foot of Third street, Newburgh. Wiltsie and Carpenter replied to this advertisement that its language implied that their ferry "was no more," whereas, on the contrary, their ferry "being opposite to New Windsor," was "the most convenient for travelers," and added: "We have furnish- ed ourselves with excellent new Peltyangers for the purpose. We have now larger scows building with great expedition, for transporting load- ed wagons. All such as chuse to cross at this ferry can do so at the prices set forth underneath, which are as cheap as at other ferries. For a footman, one shilling; man and horse, two shillings; two horse wagon, nine shillings ; loaded do. twelve shillings ; riding chair, six shillings ; four horse wagon, fourteen shillings ; loaded do, one pound ; phaeton and pair, twelve shillings ; ton of iron, eight shillings ; hogshead of rum, five shillings."* The Wiltsie and Carpenter ferry was consolidated with the New- burgh Ferry in 1805 — a fate, it may be remarked, which some years later overtook the Bogardus and x\nderson ferry, as well as the ferry which was subsequently established by John Peter DeWint. from the. Fishkill long wharf to the foot of Fourth street at Newburgh.** Prior to its consolidation with the Newburgh ferry, however, Abraham Schultz established a ferry from New Windsor to Fishkill, announcing, in 1800, that he had "provided a complete new ferry boat" which would "ply con- tinually between New Windsor and Fishkill Landing," and that he in- tended "to pay particular attention to the business." It is said that this ferry was discontinued in 1812, but this is presumed to be an error. No ferry has been maintained, however, for a number of years. Mr. William H. Bartley, w^o spent a half century of his life in boat- ing on the Hudson, states that his brother, Jacob Bartley, was in the em- ploy of Wiltse and Carpenter for a number of years as their ferryman at New Windsor, sailing a pirogue from the dock immediately north of the Schultz dock to the Lower Fishkill Landing. On the Fishkill side * Fishkill Packett, July 18, 1782. ** The existence of so many ferries between Newburgh and Fishkill is per- haps contrary to the generally received opinion that the exclusive grant to Colden in 1743 was valid forever. No attempt was ever made to test the force of the Colden charter against any of the rival ferries, although the latter were in com- petition with it for over forty years. 34 History of The Town of New Windsor. the ferryman was Crom. Wiltse, a slave owned by Martin Wiltse, who also sailed a pirogue.* These vessels, and two or more row-boats, con- stituted the ferry appointments. At the landing on the Fishkill side, Wiltse had a large store-house and other accommodations, and sailed from thence to New York a line of sloops. The store-house was burned some years ago. The boats landed passengers at Newburgh whenever it was desired ; indeed a very considerable traffic was carried on be- tween Newburgh and Fishkill. Famous Buildings. — The headquarters of Washington at the old Thomas Ellison house, immediately south of the bounds of the old vil- lage, is referred to in another place. Aside from this there are no other buildings historically remarkable except that known as the birth-place of DeWitt Clinton. Notwithstanding all that has been written to the contrary, we have little doubt that 'he was born here, and not in Deerpark or in Little Britain. Charles Clinton, of Little Britain, who was the clerk of the "proprietors," erected in the village a house, barn, etc., sometime about 1760. He transferred his clerkship to his son, James, the father of DeWitt, in 1762, and in 1773, sold and transferred to him the property. James married Mary DeWitt, of Deerpark, and her first child, Alexander, was bom there in 1765. In the spring of 1766, he com- menced "housekeeping" in his house in New Windsor village, and there his son Charles was born in 1767, and his son Dewitt, in 1769. After the death of his father in 1773, James removed to the homestead in Little Britain, and remained there during the Revolution. The only question at issue we believe to be whether James resided in New Windsor village, and tlhat is apparently settled by letters from his father, dated at Little Britain and addressed to Capt. James Clinton at New Windsor, covering the date of De Witt's birth, and by the facts stated in regard to the house and the business in which James was engaged. During the Revolution the house was occupied, at least a part of the time, as a hospital. It stands on the west side of the road near the foot of New Windsor hill, and although it has been repaired and changed somewhat, has still the original frame work of its first construction. Presbyterian Church mid Cemetery. — The only church in the village — tJhe New Windsor Presbyterian church — was organized Sept. 14, 1764. Its history is given elsewhere. Attached to it is a cemetery, in which repose the remains of many of the early residents, not only of the village but of the surrounding district. * A periauger was the old Spanish pirogue which found its way to the Hudson with the Dutch. It was pointed at both ends, had two masts, but no bowsprit. When horses and carriages were to be loaded they were detached and lifted into the boat or driven over wide gang-planks. History of The Town of New Windsou. 35 CHAPTER IV. LITTLE BRITAIN. The boundaries of the district known as Little Britain have never Ibeen very accurately defined. Not unlike ancient New Windsor, which is said to have extended twenty miles on the Hudson, when it was but little more than two, it has been written that Little Britain embraced the .entire country bounded east by the village of New Windsor, west by Montgomery, north by Newburgh, and south by Blooming-Grove, includ- ing part of the latter, as well as of Montgomery and Hamptonburgh .as now constituted. These traditional boundaries are not without proba- bility, if they are considered as representing the radius of the settlements more or less intimately associated with those made on the patent to Andrew Johnston, but the latter must be accepted as not only the center of the district, but the seat of the name. This patent lies west of the Little Britain church. The main road, leading from New Windsor to Goshen, runs nearly through the center of it. Beginning at Che church, it extends west to the road that leads to the fann now owned by James Getty (opposite the residence of Joseph B. Burnet). On the south it is bounded by the south lines of the farm late of John S. Bull, and the farm now owned by Peter and George Welling. The north lines of the farms late of Joseph H. Howell, Jarvis Knap, and the heirs of John R. Scott, form its north boundary. It is one 'hundred chains in width and two hundred chains in length, and is supposed to contain two thousand acres. Its north and south lii:es now run about iiurih twciUy-two degrees jeast. * The patentee ran a division line through the center of the patient, north and south and sold it in lots or farms to different persons. The first purchaser and settler on the patent was John Humphrey, who located on the north part west of the division line, on the farm late ■of Joseph H. Howell, in the year 1724. The next purchaser was Peter Mullinder (as the name was then spelled) in 1729, whose farm-lot of 250 acres adjoined Humphrey on the south. Mullinder was an English- man by birth, and is said to have been connected with the nobility of his * The boundaries of the patent, and many of the points of its histon- herein stated, have been furnished for this work by Joseph B. Burnet, Esq., aji accurate ■surveyor and for many years supervisor of the town. 36 History of The Town of New Windsor. native country. He came to New York as an attache of Gov. Cornbury.. With warm affection for his birth-place he named his settlement Little Britain, and from him and his farm the title was accepted, and extended not only to the patent, but to the district. It will be admitted, of course,, that the honor of conferring the name has been given to Charles Clin- ton ; but without authority ; on the contrary, Clinton was the last man who had regard for Britain in any of its aspects. He was of Irish birth and an exile, and had he had a name to bestow would not have selected one so suggestive of many of his misfortunes. It may be added here, that the habit of ascribing credit to Clinton to the sacrifice of his neigh- bors and of truth, has been altogether too common. He was an excel- lent citizen, perhaps of better education than his contemporaries, and certainly more eminent than any of them through his descendants, but it is yet to be ascertained that he contributed more than his share to plant- ing and development of Little Britain. But this digression anticipates. Robert Burnet purchased 200 acres of the patent in 1729; his farm ad- joined that of Peter Mullinder. John Reid, the father-in-law of Bur- net, purchased a farm-lot at the same time. Charles Clinton, Mrs. Mc- Claughry, Alexander Denniston, and John Young were next in order of settlement in 1731. and they found at that time the neighborhood and the name of Little Britain. Whence came the name of Little Britain, and wliat was Mullinder's traditional connection with the nobility? Perhaps both questions are answered by saying that he was probably a native of London and a resi- dent at birth or subsequently of Little Britain, or Bretagne street, in that city. Of this street Washington Irving wrote : "Little Britain, or Bretagne Street, was so called on account of the ancient residence of the dukes of Bretagne. The earls and dukes of Bretagne, who were English subjects, were Alan the Red, earl of Bretagne, who married Constance, daughter of William I. His son, Alan the Black, Stephen, his brother, who found- ed the abbey of St. Mary, at York. Alan, Conan le Petit, Geoffrey Plantagenet,. fourth son of Henry II. who married Constance, daughter of Duke Conan; their son was the unfortunate Arthur, Duke of Bretagne, presumptive heir to the crown of England, but prevented by murder, through the means of his uncle, King John. Ihe dukes of Bretagne, afterwards removed within the city wall, and ultimately to the Savoy palace, in the Strand. The mansion, it is said, stood near St. Botolph's Church. In this street was also the hoiise of the lords Montague, in the reign of James I. still known by the name of Montague Court. The earls of Peterborough, in the reign of Charles I., etc., also had their residence near St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The street has also been remarkable for booksellers. It appears that in 1664, no less than four hundred and sixty pamphlets were pub- lished in Little Britain, in the short space of four years. The booksellers have all fled ; for not one of the profession exists here at present." Mullinder was a member of the Church of England, and is said to have been somewhat positive in his views. A half-acre of his farm he set apart for the erection of an English church, and another half-acre for History of The Town of New Windsor. 37 a burial ground, on the Little Britain road, west of the Little Britain church. The church was never erected; the burial ground contains the remains of many of the early settlers of the district. A school was added to the neighborhood in 1735 ; the building which it occupied be- ing also used for religious worship at occasional times. The more ac- tive "Dissenters" of the neighborhood united with the Bethlehem and the Wallkill churches; those of the Church of England with St. David's, in Hamptonburgh. F'resbyterianism, in some of its classifications, was the predominant religious element of the district, and was ultimately mainly consolidated in the Associate Reformed church at Little Brittam, although the Clintons maintained their connection with the church at Bethlehem. Agreeing very generally in their religious views, they were also remarkable for the uniformity of tJieir political convictions. The names of but few who were Tories or King's men in the Revolution, has not been preserved. The representative leader of the rebellion in New York, George Clm- ton, there found his most earnest followers. Liberty boys abounded ; Liberty poles were elevated; the Square was baptized with the name of Liberty; public records conclusively show that, in proportion to popula- tion, more officers and privates entered the Revolutionary service from Little Britain than from any other district in the state. Indeed, the dis- trict was intensely disloyal, and while in adjoining districts adherents .to the King were bold and defiant, they shrunk away from the firm grasp of the patriots of Little Britain. The Square. — By some now called Washington Square, is a part of Little Britain, although not completed in the town of New Windsor. Its name is from the fact that the public roads run in such a direction .as to form a diamond-shaped enclosure, as seen in the diagram, in which a is the road to Newburgh, b to Goshen, c to Little Britain, and d to New Windsor. At the outbreak of the Revolution it received the name of Liberty Square, a title by which it is designated on Clinton's map of the town in 1798. The appellation is said to have been bestowed from the fact that there was not living on any one of the four roads a single per- .son whose disloyalty was questionable. The rare old tales that rare old men have related of Little Britain and its people, ha.ve illustration from the pen of the late Hon. Edward Mc- ■Graw, of Plymouth, Wisconsin, in the following: Recollections. — "^ly recollections of Little Britain, traditional and per- sonal, are so largely identical with the Clintons that I cannot avoid referring to them first in my notes. I had about completed my sixth ■7 8 History of The Town of New Windsor. year when General Clinton died, but, as my parents resided only a mile from his residence, I had the opportunity of seeing him frequently. Only on one occasion, however, was his personal appearance so distinct- ly impressed upon my mind that it remains still in a tolerable state of preservation. On the occasion referred to "he and his lady came to the vicinity of our house in a carriage. After tying his horse he took out his surveying instruments, and, I had never seen any thing like them before, they attracted by attention very much. He observed my curios- ity, and was good enough to let me examine his compass. When he struck his staff in the earth and began to take sight over it, I thought it at least a very strange proceeding. Notwithstanding his kindness in permitting me to look at 'his instruments, he had no power of attrac- tion for my child-nature. Had it not been for his staff and compass, I would have avoided him. I fancy I can see now, in the picture of his- son, DeWitt, the same intellectual sterness that repelled from the father. He was a tall, erect old man, and according to the fashion of the day with old men, his hair was tied in a cue and hung down between his- shoulders. IMany of the old gentlemen of that day wore knee breeches^ but I think he wore pantaloons. His lady, who accompanied him on ihis occasion, appeared and was much younger than himself. She was still less attractive for me than the General. I feared him — I disliked her. I saw her very often in years after her husband's death, but the first impression was never obliterated. It is unnecessary, I suppose, to- say the lady I speak of was his second wife. She was a widow (Mrs. Gray) and had several children when the General married her. Of her children I remember only one. John Gray, who was killed by the falling of a tree in 1816. She is said to have had a wonderful influence over the General and controlled him to do her will on all occasions. Of the truth of this, of course, I know nothing. General Clinton had five chil- dren by her ; but I remember nothing of any of them save his son, James G. Clinton, who married a daughter of Joshua Conger, of Montgomery, by whom he had one son, DeWitt, who was killed in the Walker filibus- tering expedition in Nicaragua. Mrs. Clinton moved to Newburgh, af- ter the General's death and died there. From a letter from the late Major Chas. H. Sly (1874) I learn that one of her daughters by General Clinton, was named Caroline and married a Mr. Dewey; one. Letitia, married Dr. Bohon, of Newburgh; another, Anna, married Lieut. Ross, of West Point, and the fourth died unmarried. The General had four sons by his first wife, Mary DeWitt, and several daughters. I do not know anything about the latter. His sons were Alexander, who died while acting as private secretary for his uncle, Governor George Clin- History of The Town of New Windsor. 30 ton ; Charles, who was a lawyer of some repute and married a Mulliner ; DeWitt, the leading statesman of his time, and George, who died young, but not without political distinction. "The old Clinton homestead^ — I refer to the residence of Colonel Giarles Clinton, the immigrant — consisted, when I first remember it, of a somewhat narrow, long strip of land. On the east end of the strip was the fajnily residence, and also the family cemetery. The house con- sisted of five buildings erected at diflferent times. The first was of stone and rough boards and consisted of one large room, fifteen or twenty feet square, with two windows and a door in front, and a window and door in the rear. A large fire-place and chimney occupied the north end of the room, and an open chamber covered the whole to the roof. To this was added a building on the right with one door and three win- dows, and subsequently a kitchen was put on. Then followed an ad- dition to the original building on the left, two stories ; and lastly an addition on the extreme left. The latter was erected in 1761,* and was regarded as of a superior class in its day. It had a piazza on three sides, and was of good finish. I learn that the present owner (1874), Mr. Bull, has torn down all but the center building, using the latter as an ice house. "To what base uses may we come at last." The house stood a few rods west of a small creek that comes from the north, crosses the road and follows the valley south to the Otterkill. It was consider- able of a stream when the country was new, but don't amount to much now, I am told. East of the road and nearly opposite the old buildings, the land rises to quite a hill, on the highest part of which Col. Clinton laid out a burial plot for himself and his relatives. I am told that Col. James G. Clinton, in his time, had a substantial stone and mortar wall built around that part enclosing the Clinton family. A number of neighbors and friends were buried there, among others. Col. Geo. Den- niston and his wife, Mary (daughter of Patrick McClaughrey). Be- fore the fence was commenced. Col. James G. asked the relatives of those buried there to unite with him and extend the wall so as to en- close all the graves, but they refused to contribute. Nearly all the marks of graves on the outside of the wall have since disappeared. It was some years after his death that Col. Charles Clinton's resting place was marked by an engraved stone. Two stones in the yard, procured by the old Colonel, one for his sister and one for his daughter, were quaint * Date engraved on back of fire-place. The second building on the l-eft is said to have been erected in 1745. ^o History of The Town of New Windsor. enough. I learn that the remains of the Qintons have recently been removed.* "The subject of DeWitt Clinton's birth-place comes up in my mind. He was born in 1769, at the residence of his father, General James, who then resided with his father, Colonel Charles. General James built the house where he died, on the road leading- from Newburgh to Goshen. Frank Mulliner now owns it. It was built about the commencement of the present century. My grandfather, Edward Miller, was the me- chanic. I am aware that the statement that DeWitt was born at the old homestead has been disputed in Mr. Eager's "History of Orange County," on the authority of Mr. Gumar, of Deerpark, who endeavors to make his readers believe that Mrs. Clinton left her comfortable home at the most inclement season of the year, and traveled over forty miles of the necessarily illy constructed roads of that period, including moun- tain passes and bridgeless streams, only two or three weeks before her confinement; that she was prevented from returning home, by a severe snow storm, until after the birth of her child, DeWitt. I have to say that not only do I reject the story as improbable, but assert that no such idle tale ever had currency in Little Britain. Many of the old people residing in the immediate neighborhood — ladies proverbial for their knowledge of all such matters — have I heard converse on the subject, and if so singular an occurrence was the fact, I should certainly have learned it. These old people always referred to the old homestead as the place where DeWitt was born. It is not improbable that Alexander, the oldest brother of DeWitt, was born in Deerpark, but in that case Mrs. Clinton did not travel forty miles — she had not then removed from Deerpark. I might give a score 'of names of the oldest residents in the neighborhood whom I have consulted specially on this <^ubject, and their uniform testimony is that DeWitt was born at the place I have stated. "The farm next west of the CUnton homestead was that on which General James Clinton resided at the time of his death ; and the farm next on the west was one to which Edward Miller and his wife, Susan Buchanan, had some sort of title. These were my maternal grand- parents.** About the time of my birth they left there and located on a * The remains of the Oliniton family were removed from the grounds in the soimmer of 1876, and deposited in Woodlawn Cemetery, by Jaines A. C. Gray, of New York. A substantial monument was also erected by him. ** Edward Milier was born in Dublin, and served an apprenticeship there as a carpenter. He came to New Windsor before the Revolution ; was one of the signers of the Revolutionary pledge, and was in the battle at Fort Montgomery, in Col. McClaughrey's regiment, in 1777. He was a man of some refinement; he was a good violinist and an excellent penman. He m/arried a daughter of Robert Buchanan, and was the grand-father of Hon. Edward McGraw, by whom thes€ recollections were written. History of The Town of New Windsor. 41 smaller piece of land further west of the old place. There they both died in 1809; and during the war of 181 2, my father and mother, Thomas IMcGraw and Elizabeth Miller, bought the farm of the other heirs and lived there until 1830, when the whole family emigrated to Michigan. Between the death of my grand-parents and the purchase of the prop- erty by my parents, Thomas Gourley got possession of it, as I was told, by purchase ; 'he cut off all the valuable timber, but failed to pay for the land. West of my father's farm was one on which William Cross and family resided. The next occupant was Alexander Falls. West of this was a farm of about one hundred acres occupied by James Strachan and his wife. Mrs. Strachan claimed some relationship to the General and expected to receive the farm from him, but his will only gave her a life interest in it. Mrs. Clinton had the credit of changing the Gen- eral's intentions in the matter, but the gossips were probably mistaken. Mrs. Strachan was a worthy woman ; she died probably firty years ago. Her daughter, Mary, married James Martin, of Little Britain, and when I left the county he kept a tavern in an old stone building on Golden street, before or afterwards known as Gardner's tavern. "About eighty rods (I measure from memory) from General Clin- ton's new 'house, on the road to Newburgh, another road left the main highway (and does yet) and ran westward along the line of the Clinton property. As the Newburgh road ran a little to the west of south, the two roads formed a somewhat acute angle. The extreme northeast point of this angle was not occupied, but left open as commons. On the extreme end of it, the General planted a red freestone land-mark, on which he had cut his initials, J. C, and the passage from the Bible: "Cursed be he who removeth his neighbor's land-mark." This anathema inspired the good people of Little Britain with much caution is driving their teams around the corner. Although the open triangle was driven over every day in the year, not one blundering wheel touched the inter- dicted stone up to the year 1830. From my earliest recollection it was called the "cursed stone," and the triangle was familiarly known as the "cursed corner." "South of the open space, on the Newburgh road, a store was kept by Thomas McClelland; the place is still known as McClelland's corners. His wife was a sister to General Clinton's second wife, Mrs. Gray, and their house and little store and several acres of land were donated to them by the General. This act of generosity was charged to Mrs. Clin- ton's account, with more justice perhaps than her presumed interference in Mrs. Strachan's case. Mrs. McClelland was a quick-tempered, ner- 42 History of The Town of New Windsor. vous lady. She was generally esteemed by her neighbors, and had an ex- cellent family. John McClelland, of Newburgh, was her son. "The little piece of land occupied by the McClelland family, with what I have described before, covers the whole Clinton tract, save one acre deeded to my father in trust for myself, by my grand-father, Ed- ward ]\Iiller, on the day of my birth, in compliment for my name, and half an acre on the opposite side of the road owned by Janet McNeely. My acre was situated on the corner of a road then running south from the residence of William Sly. and the road leading from the Newburgh and Gosihen road to the village of Montgomery. My claim to it was respected by General Clinton, when my grand-father removed from the place, and my father afterward sold it to William McDowell and gave me the price when I became of age. James Shaw now owns the farm my great-grandfather, Robert Buchanan, raised his family on, adjoining the old Clinton farm on the south. "One of my father's near neighbors was ]\Iajor William Sly. He was the youngest son, I think, of the Irish immigrant who settled on the land his son William owned when I first remember him.* He had brothers, Samuel and John— the latter was dead when I first remember anything about them. John, before his death owned the eastern portion of the farm his father had settled on. William owned the west end. The whole laid from half a mile to a mile and a half west of the New- burgh and Goshen road, and joined the Ginton tract on the south. John Sly's widow lived on the farm until I was quite a large boy. The family consisted of John, Letitia, Catharine, Janet, Hamilton, Rob- ert and William. There was another member of the family — Jen- ny, an old, faithful and very respectable woman, who was a slave. Every Sunday, when the weather was not inclement, the widow and family passed our house on their way to the Wallkill church, or as many old people called it, the Wallakill church. Like the majority of the farmers in those days, Mrs. Sly and her family went to church in a two- horse farm wagon. Herself and the driver (generally one of her sons) took the front seat; then the balance of the white jx^rtion of the family were ranged in couples on kitchen chairs, and in the rear of all, "Aunt Jenny," the slave. A few of the more wealthy farmers went to church in a two-wheeled covered carriage called a chair; but Mrs. Sly's mode and the manner of placing the passengers was the common way of going to church in the neighborhood, and may be related in connection with cxther families. "William Sly, "the Major," as he was always spoken of, was quite a * Samuel Sly, the father of William, bought of William Young, Tune lO, 1757. History of The Town of New Windsor. a^ leading man in the neigiiborhood. He married Nancy Barber, a member of another family of early immigrants, Patrick Barber. They had three children, Charles H., Arthur B. and Maria. The last married a Dill. Charles, like his father, was called "the Major." for many years before his death. He was in the militars^ service in the war of 1812, and his father was engaged in the war of the Revolution. The "old Major" was one of the old men of my childhood that I liked to be with, and his wife, Aunt Nancy, was a genial old lady. Major Sly was always active at public meetings, Fourth of July celebrations, etc. He was a good speak- er, though some accused him of an endeavor to be too ornate, and with using too many adjectives. "On the Goshen road, about eleven miles from Newburgh, was a tavern called the Rock Tavern, which was for many years a place of re- sort for the people of the surrounding district, both for local gatherings and public meetings. On one occasion, when it was owned by John Kerr, the neighbors held a Fourth of July celebration there. Kerr was captain of a uniformed company of artillery in the district, and as his tavern was selected for the celebration, his artillery company was natur- ally brought out and fomied a conspicuous part of the show. Major Sly was officer of the day. A committee of arrangements sat in the par- lor of the hotel on one side of a hall which opened on a stoop on the second story. Captain Kerr's company was drawn up on the rock in front of the house, with its cannon ready to assert the patriotism of its owners. All seemed to be anxiously waiting for some expected event, when Major Sly appeared on the stoop and. after waving a flag as a signal of attention, said : "Captain Kerr, I am ordered, sir, by the com- mittee of arrangements, to request you to have thirteen rounds fired from the democratic muzzle of your republican cannon!" The cannon im- mediately responded, the people huzzaed, and the Major retired as he came. "Another old man who was quite familiar with our family was John Kelso. He was sometimes called Captain Kelso. He once had com- mand of a sloop on Hudson's river. "Uncle John" was a man whom children avoided, not on account of any mental stateliness, but in obedi- ence to 'his own wish not to be "bothered with young ones." Rough as a native diamond, he was a diamond indeed. No man had a kinder heart than he, though he would accompany his acts of generosity with : "Here, take that, and don't bother me again!" Kelso was by birth an Irishman, as were nearly all of the people in the neighborhood. The entrance to his farm was by a private road opposite the residence of Rob- ert Burnet. He married Betsey Buchanan, a daughter of Robert Bu- 44 History of The Town of New Windsor. chanan.* He had three children — Polly, Elkhanna, and James, a.11 now dead. I believe some of his descendants now reside in Walden. They were a noble family. "Another family that comes to me from the past was named Morrison, William and John were the old stock of that neighborhood. They were natives of the Emerald Isle, and succeeded in accumulating much prop- •erty for that day. John kept a tavern and distillery on the Goshen road about ten miles from Newburgh, and after him two of his sons success- ively continued the business.** They were leading men in the town, the church, and the Masonic lodge. John was a strong Federalist, and one of the fields on his farm was called the "Jayite field," from the fact that the Federal party once held a grand celebration there in honor of the election of John Jay to the ofifice of Governor. "I think I am correct in saying that the old stock of Little Britain were very orthodox, in the Calvanistic understanding of that word. They were also very intolerant. The Westminster catechism was taught in the public school that I attended, to the exclusion, most of the time, of the English grammar. There was only one Methodist family in the neighborhood, Stephen Woolsey, and his child, Elijah, was taunted by playmates with his parents' heresy. Methodism, then, was held in about the same repute that Spiritualism is now. Camp meetings were be- lieved to be places of debauchery and wickedness which all Calvanistic parents would not permit their young people to attend ; prayer meet- ings were held to be an abomination, and the thought that any one should be "converted" at one of them was a constant nightmare to the faithful of other faiths. Although this ancient prejudice has somewhat softened, I believe that the sect of the Wesleys' has never taken a very deep root in Little Britain. "From a period long before my birth, Andrew King occupied the pul- pit of the Wallkill (or Goodwill) church; he died during my boyhood. Soon after his death his place was supplied by a clergyman named Gray. Mr. Gray was liked very much at first, and it was supposed that he would be installed as pastor. Some of the more critical members, how- ever, ascertained in some way that he was a Hopkinsian. This was ter- rible. A heterodox wolf had crept into the fold of Andrew King and might devour some of his lambs. The story was whispered around at ♦Buchanan was an early settler. His name was spoken as if written Bo-hon-on, the h distinctly aspirated. He was a soldier under Charles Clinton in the old French war. He was killed by the falling of a tree chopped by his son William and a man named Beattie. He owned the farm now owned by James Sliaw, as stated elsewhere. ** John Morrison's distillery was erected in 1794. History of The Town of New Windsor. 45 first, but rapidly gained voice. Mr. Gray had a powerful party in the church who denied the charge most vehemently. The quarrel became intense, and friends and even families were divided. The members of the congregation in western Little Britain were parties to it, and it was only ended by the withdrawal from the church of Mr Gray's friends, who organized the "Berea" church. Mr. Gray left the field, however, before the new church was completed.* "I never heard the attempt made to explain Hopkinsianism but once, and that was by an old gentleman, John Chambers, who had a farm and blacksmith shop a little way from Morrison's tavern. I speak of Mr. Chambers respectfully, for he and his family have, I think, passed away. He was a warm opponent to Mr. Gray and of Hopkinsianism. Some of the Gray party was ill-natured and charged that the longer Chambers tarried at Morrison's the more vehement he became in his opposition. I will not say this, but it happened that, on one occasion he had evident- ly visited that source of theological and political inspiration. He was talking with Hector King, and the latter, not taking much interest in the matter, wanted to get away. At length he said: "Chambers, you are very abusive of ]\Ir. Gray and of Hopkinsianism. now I wish you to tell me what is the peculiar heterodoxy of that faith ; in what does it differ from what we all believe?" "Certainly," said Chambers, "if you do not know I will tell you." Bracing himself against the fence and throwing out his tobacco, he continued : "\\'ell, you know that Adam fell, and Jesus Christ came to save all who would believe on him. Well, Hopkinsianism comes from Hopkins ; he believed" — "'\\"hat did he be- lieve?" asked King; Chambers having stopped to take in a supply of tobacco. "Well," said Chambers. " I can't say that I can tell that oflf just like a minister; all I have to say is, damn Hopkinsianism.!" "James Scrimgeour was a good, honest old Scoth minister. I re- member him well. He occupied the pulpit of Little Britain church for a good many years. He was wont to appear before his congregation with a pure white vest upon him, each pocket of which he would have filled with Scotch snuff. He would commence his sermon in a calm and guarded enunciation, couched in excellent English. Little by little, he warmed up, and as he warmed he would draw from his pocket an immaculate white handkerchief and into it would empty the contents of his nose. Then his right-hand thumb and finger would convey a quanti- ty of snufY from the right vest pocket to his right-hand nostril ; then his left-hand thumb and finger would follow suit from the left pocket and supply his left nostril. Then he would speak with more earnestness and ■'See Church History. A^ History of The Town of New Windsor. with a Scotch accent. Presently and successively frequent the same operations would be repeated, and in the end we would have a shower of snuff and broad Scotch, and a vest and a handkerchief the color of which I will not attempt to describe. I remember them much better than I do his sermons, which were decidedly doctrinal. "The people of Little Britain were much more addicted to the use of intoxicating- drinks, in old times, than at present. While wines and brandies had some use, whiskey, or "apple brandy," was the stimulant of the great majority. Joseph I. Houston was the only "teetotaller" that I knew when a boy. At a comparatively late day, Stephen Rapalje moved into the neig-hborhood and cut his hay without having liquor on the field. This was denounced as barbarous and mean at the time, but has many followers now. From the cradle to the grave, and at the grave, the use of liquors was considered indispensable. It was fed to infants, and taken daily by children, as well as by men and women ; and the only time I was intoxicated in my life, was at a funeral where I par- took of what had been left in the glasses of those who had taken part in the exercises of the occasion. "True to an education common to all nationalties, many of the old people were firm believers in witches, ghosts, and all other inhabitants of the invisible world so well known and so often seen in Ireland and Scotland. There was one spot in particular, in our neighborhood, around which, in the opinion of old and young, four troubled spirits perambulated nightly, and were said to be often seen by several old men on their way home from "Morrison's," and whose powers of vision were apparently intensified by the lateness of the hours of their stay at that place of resort. The story had its origin in fact. "Old Mrs. Perry," (that is the only name I ever heard for her), and three grand-children, occupied a miserable cabin, in the last quarter of the last century, situat- ed in one of my grandfather's fields, on an eminence which was long known as "Perry's hill." It had not been cultivated for many years, when I first knew it. and had grown up to a second growth of red oak trees from four to six inches in diameter. A perpendicular slate rock. about four feet high, carried the marks of the fire-place against it for *A very great reform has overtaken the district in this respect. The Rev. James M. Dickson, a pastor of Qoodwill Church, in his historical sermon, savs: -'The study of the period covered by our narrative shows that as the generations have come and gone there have been great advances in moralilv. The records of the early sessions and other church courts show that a vast amount of discipline had to be exercised in consequence of drunkenness and more heinous sins Now it IS a rare thing, with all the evil that is abroad, to find a call for such action on account of flagrant vices. Verily there has been progress." History of The Town of New Windsor. 47 a long time after the cabin was removed, and three or four rods from it were the graves of the old lady and the children, nameless and unknown. The tradition about them was that their blood ran in no ones veins in the country. They were aliens, and strangers, and miserably poor, and depended principally on the charity of the neighborhood for support. In the cold winter of 1779-80, there was one storm of great violence which lasted several days. The snow fell to an unusual depth, and exceeding •cold winds banked it up in heaps, in some places six and eight feet. It was one or two days after the subsidence of the storm before the neigh- bors could dig their way out, and when this was done they thought of the woman and children. Their good intentions came too late ; when they reached the cabin its inmates were found lying together, on their bed, dead. The storm had been kind to them in its unkindness by remov- ing them from charities which were even colder than its searching blasts. The Grandmother lay with her arm and part of her body over them, as if trying to lend them the warmth of her body to preserve their lives. There was sympathy enough for the poor things when it was no longer needed; and it is not improbable that many felt a little twitching of con- science at the manner in which they had neglected their duty to them. Be this as it may, the popular belief was that the spirits of the frozen dead came with troubled face to the cabin window, and that the moaning cries of the helpless sufferers were heard by ears that never listened to them while they were in life. "My own boyish head was full of the story, which, though old, was new to me, and I very naturally kept pretty clear of "Perry's hill." Af- .ter my apprenticeship began, I scouted my owardice. Ghosts? There could be no such thing! In this happy frame of mind, I started one night to visit my parents. I was on foot and alone, and before I reach- ed the hill, along whose base the road ran, it was quite dark. It was a cold autumn evening; the fields and forests were stripped of their ver- dure; the dead leaves cracked under my feet; all my surroundings were suggestive of the wailing ghosts that were said to nightly walk hand in hand around their place of bodily sepulture. As I neared the grave- spot, I became wonderfully conscious of some unnatural presence ; I dared not look to the right or the left ; every sound startled me. I knew I was not afraid, and yet * "The cudgel in my nieve did shake — Each bristled hair stood like a stake." "I reasoned with myself in vain; the argument against the possibility of ghosts was good, but my nature was very weak. In the midst of my ■jTiental debate, came the sound, 'Who !', and then a chuckling sound above 48 History of The Town of New Windsor. my head, and a seemingly responsive voice howled upon the air, 'Whoo t Whoo! Hoo!' For an instant I was without power to move — the blood fled in a torrent to my heart. Though in a moment I knew that my alarmant was an owl, it took hours to regain my composure. The ghosts have doubtless been forgotten in the neighborhood, but I shall ever re- member my experience on that occasion. "When one looks over the beautiful fields of Orange County at the present day and compares them with what they were seventy years ago, will not fail to accord credit to the present generation of farmers. After having helped to settle three new states, I must give it as my opinion that my native town required more energy and heroism to reclaim it from the wilderness than any locality west of the Alleghany Mountains. In looking over the smooth prairies and easily subdued forests of the west, and glancing back to the stony, rocky hard soil of dear old Little Britain^ one must wonder how men could have had the heroism to undertake the building of homes there, especially with such limited implements as were then in use and at their command. Even in my day, a hundred years after its settlement, the farms were rough, the farming implements rude, and the people generally poor. I have seen many a harvest cut with sickles, and men and women engaged in using them. 'Cradles,' it is true, were used as long ago as I can remember, but very few were owned in the old neighborhood, and very few knew how to use them or cared to learn. They were not generally liked; cradling was called a wasteful slovenly way of gathering grain. The principal crop was Indian corn ; that and grass gave food for cows and pigs ; butter and pork were the staple exports. The first patent plow in the neighborhood was brouglit there by Samuel W. Wood. It was Tice's or Freeborn's, I don't remem- ber which ; it was received with great caution by the farmers as a thing that would soon break to pieces. Of iron-tooth harrows there were a few ; but most people preferred those of wood teeth, as a break could be more early repaired. It was very common to see rye covered, after it was sown, by a bush top. There was no talk then about the ten hour system. Farm hands were up at daylight and worked as long as they could see in the evening. The women milked the cows and performed a great deal of slavish labor, perhaps not to their discredit or special dis- comfort — it was a part of their life. Threshing was performed with the 'flail,' and the cleaning up was by a miserable contrivance called a fanning mill — a machine that occupied twice as much space as those now used. Every farmer did not have one, and if he could not borrow, cleaned his grain with a 'riddle' in the wind. This was considered an excellent way to quell a hurricane. Old James Strachan used to say that no matter History of The Town of New Windsor. 49 how high the wind was blowing, it would subside when he commenced winnowing grain. Judging from the modes described in the Bible, the mechanism of agriculture had made very little progress in four thousand years. "The economy of the people of Little Britain cannot be fully describ- ed or appreciated now. Our clothing was all manufactured from flax and wool grown on the farm. There were young women who went from farm to farm to spin and weave woolen, but the fiax was spun by the women of the house. Some of the female weavers found good husbands in their travels. The economy of expenditures for clothing, was carried into the general supplies of the table. Tea without sugar, was served in the morning, and in most cases butter also; boiled pork and vegetables made the dinner, and supawn and milk was the evening diet. There were exceptions, but such was the general rule. Well, we have gone on be- yond all these things now. "The Newburgh and Goshen road, at the commencement of the cen- tury, was a thoroughfare of great importance. The products of west- ern Orange, as well as of portions of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, passed over it, either to the Newburgh or New Windsor sloops. I have seen rr.any a Jersey wagon on the road, loaded with butter and pork and grain drawn by six horses. This commerce, with the help of the inhabitants along the way, supported a great many public houses, the principal of which in our neighborhood were Morrison's and the Rock Tavern. The latter was the oldest. I have been told that John Humphrey, Jr., started it as early as 1740. John Kerr kept it when I first knew it, and afterwards John Abercrombie. The latter had been a merchant in Newburgh, and had become wealthy. He became enamored with Margaret MacNeely, a poor but very beautiful sewing girl. She was the daughter of David and Janet MacNeely, of Little Britain. Aber- crombie offered himself as her husband, and was accepted. After their marriage he closed his store in Newburgh and bought the Rock Tavern, to which he removed and in a few years, died. His widow subsequently married a young man named Baird and the tavern was continued under their management. "James Palmer and his son. Charles Palmer, kept the Morrison stand and distillery for some years, and Matthew Crist the Rock Tavern. I have spoken of both of these taverns already and need not refer to thera. again, except it be to say that the taverns and the churches were the centers of the social and religious life of Little Britain, and the dis- courses of the one were duly considered at the other. The familiar faces at both places are fresh in my memory, and I stop my rambling pen in their presence as I did my tongue long years ago." 50 History of The Town of New Windsor. CHAPTER V. ORANGEVILLE OR MOODNA — VAIL S GATE, QUASSAICK VALLEY OR MORTON- VILLE — HUNTING GROVE — STREAMS, ETC. Moodna. — The purchase and settlement of the district now known as Moodna, by Samuel and Nathaniel Hazard, who laid out there a town- ship plot under the name of Orangeville, has already been referred to.* Their enterprise, although well undertaken, was not successful. After laying out their plot, they established a landing at Sloop Hill (a short distance below Smith's Half-way House), and erected a mill and a dwell- ing house, the latter more recently owned by Nathaniel Sands, and tlie former, after many conversions, now constituting a manufactory of linen goods by Whiteside Brothers. At the time of the purchase by the Hazards, the bay at the mouth of the creek had a sufficient depth of water to float vessels of the then largest class. Availing themselves of this fact, and as a part of their enterprise, they built a ship, on the bank of the creek, just north of the shore road leading to Cornwall; but, while the vessel was still on the stocks, there came an extraordinary freshet, and, the soil being a quicksand, filled up the mouth of the creek beyond the possibility of navigation for larger vessels. They succeeded in getting their vessel in the river, by the use of barrels; but the expense incurred, together with the destruction of their township plan, which was contingent upon their harbor, proved their ruin. Their mill subsequently passed to John Vanaurdal (1753); then to John Arthur, and from him to Samuel Arthur; from the latter to Joseph Horton ( 1778) ; by the executors of Horton to John and James Thome (1789) who sold to Samuel Sackett, in May, 1803. Sackett sold to Lawrence & Van Buren in 1813; the latter to Wyckoff & Van Buren. William B. Leonard purchased it in 1845, and converted it into a cotton factory, and run it as such up to i860. The Whiteside Brothers pur- chased in 1862, and changed its machinery to the manufacture of linen goods, but without success. During its occupancy by Sackett, and sub- sequently under Lawrence & VanBuren, it had a very extensive patron- age, and it was not an unfrequent occurrence to see a line of wagons a half-mile long, waiting their turn to unload wheat at its door. * Ante, p. History of The Town of New Windsor. r f The wharf which the Hazard's constructed proved also, in the hands of their successors, a profitable venture. No little commerce was car- ried on from it as late as 1845, the shipments being mainly the products of the flouring- mill and of other manufacturing establishments, for which the valley became noted in later years and which will presently be noticed. That part of the property which passed to Nathaniel Sands was occupied by him for many years, during a considerable portion of which he conducted a cider mill and distillery. In the same vicinity Britton Moore had a tannery — subsequently continued by Mr. Delamater, who also established a rope-walk and a saw and a plaster mill. Among the earHest settlers in the valley was Samuel Brewster, who iuilt a saw-mill on the north side of the creek, just below the bridge at the foot of Forge-Hill, and also ( 1755) a dwelling immediately opposite, now commonly known as the Williams house, and traditionally recogniz- ed as the headquarters of (General Lafayette. The mill soon gave place to a forge and anchor shop, known as Brewster's forge, at which, dur- ing the Revolution, a considerable portion of the chains were made which were used to obstruct the navigation of the river at Fort Montgomery and at West Point. The site of the old forge can easily be traced by the cinders and debris which are turned up by the plow. A short distance east from the Brewster house, or Williams house, was a flouring mill erected by Jonas Williams, and subsequently con- ducted by himself and sons (1794) under the name of Jonas Williams & Co. Jonathan and Jacob Morrell came into its possession at a later period; they engaged in the manufacture of cut nails, and carried on a very extensive business. Caleb and Thomas Williams succeeded the Morrells. and engaged in the manufacture of snuff, which they sold from their wagons throughout the country. Roil & Storm were the next owners ; to the business of snuff manufacture they added that of fine-cut tobacco. The next proprietor was Mrs. Miller, whose "Rose-leaf Snuff and Tobacco," enjoyed a world-wide fame and gave her a fortune. In the prosecution of her business rose leaves were of course a necessity, to supply which she planted four acres with the variety known as the Philadelphia rose. The lot on which the planting was made is still known, but the roses and their fragrance have passed away. Mrs. Mill- •er's business was continued for some years by her son-in-law. Andrew H. Mickle, who was at one time mayor of the city of New York. About 1843, Leonard, Hone & NicoU put up a factor}' for the manu- facture of cotton goods on the site now occupied by the paper mills. The first story was of brick and the two upper, frame. In September. 1845, it was destroyed by fire. In 1847, it was rebuilt wholly of brick and run C2 History of The Town of New Windsor. by Mr. Hazelhurst, for a few years, as a shoddy mill. In 1850, the prop- erty was purchased by D. Carson & Co., formerly of the Carson mills in. Massachusetts (David and David F. B. Carson and Eratus Ide), and converted into a paper mill, to which use it has since been devoted, with some changes in the proprietorship. It is now owned by James P. Town- send, of Newburg'h and is the only prosecuted manufacturing industry in the ancient township of Orangeville. The hamlet has a post office under the name of Moodna; the school house of district No. 2 is located there, and there are a few dwellings, principally occupied by operatives in the mills. It is not impossible that in the adjustments and readjustments of manufacturing industry which are constantly going on, the now almost neglected hydraulic power of the Moodna will again be utilized. Quassaick Valley. — The water power of the Quassaick, on the north- ern boundary of the town, was not employed at a very early period. The first record of its use was by Robert Boyd, Jr., who erected, in June, 1775, a forge for the manufacture of guns, bayonets, etc. He obtained a contract from the revolutionary authorities of the state, by the terms of which he was to receive "three pounds fifteen shillings, New York money, for each good musket with steel ramrod, and bayonet with scab- bard." In February, 1776, he was able to write that he had "the best, gunsmiths' shop in the colonies," but nevertheless its capacity was limited offered a large premium for gunsmiths to assist him, and empowered its agents in Europe to secure workmen.** The first regiments organized from the difficulty in obtaining workmen.* The provincial convention in the state were mainly armed with muskets of his manufacture. At what time Boyd relinquished the business has not been ascertained, bu*- sometime about 1800 he converted the works into a plaster mill. The next change was in 1808, when George Parker and Abner Armstrong advertised that they had " erected machines for breaking and carding wool at the plaster mill of Robert Boyd, on the road leading from New Windsor to Newburgh,*** one milelfrom each place." The property was sold by Samuel Boyd to George Reid who converted it to a paper mill. From tlie Reid estate it passed to John Barker, who manufactured hats. Barker sold to Benj. Carpenter, at which time it was operated by John 11. Waters who manufactured woolen goods. Carpenter sold to George *Hist. Newburgh, 281. ** Proceedings, Prov. Conv. ***Tlie road referred to ihas been discontinued for a number oi years- It was part of the old "King's Highway." History of Thk Town of New Windsor. c^ Crawshaw, Crawshaw to Wm. H. Beede ; Beede to Edward Haigh by whom it was operated under the title of the Valley Woolen Mills. The second privilege (long known as Schultz's mill) was occupied by Governor George Clinton who erected a grist mill and a saw-mill. He sold to Hugh Walsh in 1790. Walsh, July 5th of that year, conveyed to Isaac Schultz thirty-two acres extending west from Hudson's River to lands of Robert Boyd, including the undivided half part of "' grist mill stream of water " and land under water on the Hudson. ** The mill stood a short distance west of the Hudson on the east side of the old highway. In 1794 (July 6) Schultz sold to Daniel Byrnes the lot on the east including one-half of the mill building, the division line being " the middle of the post next west of the north door of said mill." including one-half of the Hume. etc.. and two mills were thereafter run under one roof, the proprietors being particular to say '' their separate mills " in their advertisements. Isaac Schultz continued his mill until his death in 1802. when it came into the possession of his brother Jacob, who sold it to Peter Townsend. The Byrnes mill and property attached passed from Dinah Byrnes, widow of Danial Byrnes, to Caleb Byrnes, March 12. 1799. The assignees of Caleb Byrnes sold to Richard Winble in 1801. and it was continued by him for some years. Winble sold to Elisha Hale in 1835, and Klisha Hale to Philip A. X'erplanck in 1837. Verplanck closed the race-way and suffered the mill to decay on its foundations. The third privilege was occupied by Hugh Walsh who retained one- half of the mill stream and the remainder of the Clinton farm not con- veyed to Schultz. and who. in company with John Craig, erected in 1792, the paper mill afterward owned by his son. John H. Walsh, and now by his grandson. J. DeWitt Walsh. This mill is still in successful opera- tion and is situated at the extreme west end of the valley. The fourth privilege was that embraced in the purchase from Jacob Schultz by Peter Townsend and was known as the cannon foundry. This foundry was erected in 1816 on a site immediately west of the Schultz mill, and consisted of two furnaces and four boring mills.** *The deed recites ithe former purchase of one hundred acres from Nathan Smith by Robert B'oyd and George Harris, of which this was a part. Th€ re- mainder of the original purchase included the subsequent mill and residence of Boyd. t)he latter now die propertty laite of Mrs. Charles 'H- Havem^yer. **During the Summer past. Mr. Peter Townsend 'has 'been engaged in building a cannon foundry on Qiambers' Creek, just below the village- It is now in com- plete operation. On Wednesday last 'the casiting of camron was commenced. — In- dex, Dec- 3, 1816. Referring to a trial of cannon cast by iMr. Townsend, *he National InttelH- _gencer of July 17, 1817, remarks : "The first cannon ever manufactured in lihe State of New York, and of metal and accuracy of firing were never excelled." 54 History of The Town of New Windsor. The enterprise was not a financial success, however, and the property passed into the possession of the U. S. Government and subsequently to.' John A. Tompkins about 1S36, who converted it into a machine shop. Mr. Tompkins was accidently drowned in December, 1838, and the property came into the possession of Charles Ludlow and Christopher B. Miller, from whom it passed to Mr. Sterritt, who converted it into a pin factory. This business also failed, and Joseph Longking and Aaron F. Palmer took it for the manufacture of daguerrean instruments, cases^ etc., but with no better success. The last occupant was John Gray who converted it into a flour mill. While being occupied by him it was destroyed by fire. Those who remember the activity which at one time prevailed there can best appreciate the desolation that now sits with folded wings on its ruins. West of the old Boyd mill, George Reid established a paper mill — date not ascertained. Reid died in 1837 or '^8, and from his executors the property passed to John H. Walsh & Sons ; from them to Samuel A. Walsh ; from him to Charles H. Havemeyer ; from Havemeyer's execu- tors to Mrs. Havemeyer, and from her to Edward Haigh. This prop- erty is now the Windsor Woolen Mills, and is next east of the high bridge on Ouassaick Avenue. The last of the milling enterprises is on a site sold by John H. Walsh to Alexander Marshall ; Marshall to Darlington ; Darlington to Isaac K. Oakley ; Oakley to Adams & Bishop. This mill has been for several years engaged in the manufacture of paper. It may not be improper to add that on the north side of the creek (Newburgh) and near its confluence with the Hudson, Richard Wim- ble erected a flouring mill, in the early part of the century. He also ob- tained a grant of the land under water (July 30, 1811) and constructed a dock and a large cooper shop ; the remains of the former are visible on the point east of the bridge. The property was purchased by Elisha Hale in 1835, and a manufacture of pumps conducted. From Hale the property passed through several parties to Homer Ramsdell, who sold to the Pennsylvania Coal Company. The mill was destroyed by fire during Mr. Ramsdell's ownership. The creek at this point was a naviga- ble stream for small vessels and the bridge of the Newburgh and New Windsor Turnpike Company was constructed as a draw-bridge for their accommodation. West of the Trimble mill was the plot celebrated for many years under the name of " The Vale," while part of the Trimble house was shrined in tradition as the scene of the attempted betrayal of Washington to the British by one Colonel Ettrick, for which reason the place was sometimes called EUrick Grove.* *Hist. Newburgih, 214. History of The Town of New Windsor. cc Vail's Gate. — Notwitlistanding repeated efforts to change its name to Mortonville. the settlement long known as Vail's Gate retains that title in local records and in railroad connections. It is a hamlet at the junction of the New Windsor and Blooming Grove turnpikes and the Snakchill turnpike and immediately southeast of the junction of the Ncwburgh Branch and Shortcut railroads. The name is from Mr. Vail an old resident and for many years keeper of the gate on the Blooming Grove turnpike. For the same reason it was at one time known as Tooker's Gate. It has a school house, and a short distance east is the Vail's Gate M. E. Church. '1 he latter is one of the oldest Methodist societies in the county, having been founded as John Elli- son's class in 1789. The Edmonston house is also located here. It is re- ferred to elsewhere. Ra-i^z'ille is the title of a hamlet of half a dozen houses and a blacksmith's shop, about two miles west of the Little Britain Church. Its name came from a man named Davenport who had a store there and exchanged goods for rags. The first property beyond was formerly the famous Morrison Tavern and distillery ; and further west Rock Tavern. Both of these taverns were, in early times, important factors in the social and political life of the district. The Rock Tavern takes its name from the rock on which it is erected. Company train- ings were held here as well as political meetings, and it was here that the initiatory steps were taken for the organization of the present County of Orange. Both taverns were embraced in the road district known at an early date as Hunting Grove, which extended west to the Otterkill and included the settlement then known as Hunting Grove, but more recently called Buskirk's mills and now known as Burnside P. O. The name of the settlement was be- stowed by Nathan Smith who established" mills and a store there. A considerable portion of the district is now in the town of Hamptonburgh, while the name Hunting Grove, after the adoption of Blooming Grove by the inhabitants of thajt town, fell into disuse. Another of the once noted localities Stonefield, was the residence and grammar school of Rev. John Moffat, who had among his pupils some of the most noted men of earlier times. CREEKS, STREAMS, SWAMPS, ETC.. Murderer's or Moodna Creek on the southern border of the town and Ouassaick Creek on the north, are too well known to require further description than has already been given elsewhere in this work. c6 History of The Town of New Windsor. Silver Stream rises near the Square and is fed by a number of springs north and south of the main road. It crosses the New Windsor road at the old Alex. Fall's saw mill and from there flows in a southeast direction through what are called the " Continental Meadows," and crosses the Snakehill road north of Vail's Gate. East of this road there is another old saw mill on the Morton place, where the creek crosses the old New Windsor turnpike and supplies power to the Morton { formerly the John Ellison) grist mill. From thence flowing south it unites with Murderer's Creek. The only mill privileges on it are those that have been mentioned, of which the Morton mill is the most important. It is not a certain stream, but being fed by a water-shed of not less than two thousand acres it is quick to respond to rain falls. Beaver Dam Creek has been claimed as the original outlet of Orange Lake. It crosses the Cochecton Turnpike between Alex. Beattie's place and the old stone house formerly owned by the Howells ; runs south through New Windsor and empties into the Otterkill, west of Salisbury Mills. There were several saw mills on it in former times of which only one remains, viz : on the old Belknap farm, now owned by Robert Mor- rison. Thomas McDowell ("Uncle Tommy") had a grist mill on it south of the main road, where he was wont to grind feed for his neigh- bors without taking toll. It cannot now be ascertained what the original power of the creek was. Its claims as the original outlet of Orange Lake were disputed in the courts many years ago and a decision obtained in favor of Quassaick Creek. Goldsmith Creek rises on the Burnet homestead in Little Britain, runs south through the old Clinton place into the Otterkill at Washing- tonville. Colemantown Creek, another small stream in the western part of the town, also flows to the Otterkill. Big Swamp or Great Swamp is in the northwest part of the town and extends into Montgomery. It commences within a quarter of a mile of the main road in Little Britain and runs thence north to near the Cohec- ton Turnpike. The north part of it has been redeemed and is now under cultivation. Its outlet forms a branch of the Tinn Brook although it does not take that name until after it crosses the Cochecton Turnpike. There is little doubt that this part of the town was once filled with water presenting a pond or lake. History of The Town of New Windsor. cy CHAPTER VI. PLEDGE OF ASSOCL\TION — MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS — RENOLUTIONARY * INCIDENTS. While New Windsor was the center of many events i:»f a general character connected with the War of the Revolution, it was not leis hO in those that were more strictly local. It was from its bosom that the then young- and vigorous George Clinton, who had made his mark in the Colonial assembly from 1768 to 1775, in opposition to the demands of the British Ministry, sprang into the leadership of the Rebellion in his native state ; and although there were some who refused to follow him, the great majority of his townsmen were his firm supporters. The primary step in the Rebellion — the non-importation resolutions of the Continental Congress of 1774 — was heartily approved, and in the sub- sequent organization of a " Committee of Safety and Observation," the action of the precinct was not uncertain. These committees, it may be observed, had their origio in New York City, so far as the province of New York was concerned, the committee of which city, of which Isaac Low was chairman, sent circulars to all the towns and precincts in the province urging similar formations and the union of the inhabitants un- der a common pledge of assoeiafiou. The records of the town state : An association for the more firm union of the inhabitants in pursuing meas- ures for their common safety — then proceeded to nominate and elect the following persons to be a Standing Committee until the next precinct meeting : Col. James Clinton, Capt. James McClaughry, John Nicoll. Esq., John Nicholson, Esq., Nathan Smith, Esq.. Robert Boyd, Jr., Samuel Brew- ster. Samuel Sly, Samuel Logan. Col. James Clinton, Capt. James McClaughry and John Nicholl, Esq., were named as delegates to represent the precinct in a convention to be held at the house of Mrs. Ann DuBois, Marlborough, to appoint dele- gates to the Provincial Convention at New York, May 25th." The signatures to the Association are not recorded, nor were they re- turned to the Provincial Congress. Fortunately, however, they were in the main preserved by Col. James Clinton, in whose hands they were plnced and were as follows : 58 History of The Town of New Windsor. " The following was set on foot in the Precinct of New Windsor, in the County of Ulster, on Monday, the eighth day of May, 1775, viz : Persuaded that the salvation of the rights and liberties of America depend, under God, on the firm union of its inhabitants in a vigorous prosecution of the measures necessary for its safety ; and convinced of the necessity of preventing anarchy and confusion, which attend the disso- lution of the powers of government, we, the freemen, freeholders, and in- habitants of New Windsor, being greatly alarmed at the avowed design of the Ministry to raise a revenue in America, and shocked by the bloody scenes now acting in Massachusetts Bay, do, in the most solemn manner^ resolve never to become slaves, and do associate, under all the ties of re- ligion, honor and love to our country, to adopt and endeavor to carry hito execution whatever measures may be recommended by the Continen- tal Congress or resolved upon by our Provincial Convention for the pur- pose of preserving our Constitution, and opposing the execution of the several arbitrary acts of the British Parliament, until a reconciliation be- tween Great Britain and America on constitutional principles (which we most ardently desire) can be obtained and that we will in all things follow the advice of our General Committee respecting the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of peace and good order, and the safety of in- dividuals and property." James Clinton, Robert Boyd, Jr., John Nicoll, John Nicholson, Nathan Smith, Samuel Brewster, James McClaughsy, Samuel Logan, Samuel Sly, Matthew DuBois, James Denniston, Matthew McDowell, John Cook, Jacob Mills, Daniel Mills, John Umphry, James Umphrey, George Umphrey, Oliver Humphrey, Thomas Cook William Gage, Robert Stewert, Alexander Telford, Alexander Kernahan, Samuel Wood, Robert Smith, William Stinson, Nathaniel Garrison, Jonah Park, Henry Roberson, Andrew Dickson, Scudder Newman, Benjamin Horman, George Coleman, (2) James Humphrey, (2) William Miller, Peter John, John Davis, William Telford, Samuel Lamb, ( ?) History of The Town of New Windsor. 59- iJaniel Clcmence, Robert Conhan, (?) john W'augh, Walter McAlichail, George Coleman, James Dunlap, (by order J James Gage, (by order) James AlcDowell, joiin Smith, Fiancis Mains, William Fulton, James M. Oliver, James Miller, James Taylor, William Miller, (2) John Morrison, Hugh Polloy, Charles Byrn, Hugh Waterson, Samuel Given, (by order) Jonathan Parshall, Caleb Dill, (by order) John Dill, (by order) Robert Burnet, Jr., James Greer, Timothy Mills, John Mills, Edward Miller, William Buchanan, Thomas Eliot, Robert Whigham, Matthew Bell, John Grudge, (by order) Robert Campbell, Robert Thompson, Nathaniel Boyd, (by order) Robert Boyd, Sr., (by order) Charles Nicholson, Charles Kernaghan, Silas Wood, Richard Wood, joiiu Coleman, John Burnet, Robert Boyd, ( ?) \\ illiam Crawford, J as. Young, j oseph Beatty, John W. Miklan, ( ?) .Xndrcw Robinson, Henry McXeeley, Jr., Alex Taylor, Robert Johnsttjn, Geo. Harris, James Perry, Joseph Sweezey, Stephen King, (by order) Samuel Boyd, Alexander Fulton, John Mnrphey, (by order) John Cunningham, lames Faulknor, Benj. r.urnani, James Jackson, Jr., David Clark. Austin Beardsley. Isaac Stonehouse. Nathan Sargent. Thomas Swafiford, John Hiffernan, Gilbert Sect, Timothy White. Tames Smith, (by order) James Docksey, (by order) Dennis Furshay, (by order) Wm. Park. Sol In Smith, George ^lavings, David Thompson, Samuel Woodward. Samuel Brewster. Jr., Nathaniel Liscomb, lonathan White. •6o History of The Town of New Windsor. William Robinson, David Mandevill, Eliphalet Leonard, William Mulender, (by order) Arthur Caddan, (?) Alexander Beatty, W^illiam Nichols, (by order) William Welling, John Johnston, Peter Welling, (by order) Edward Lyal, Isaac Belknap, Thomas McDowell, John Close, (Rev.) David Crawford, Hugh Turner, (by order) Henerry McNeeley, William Moflfat, James Crawford, Nathaniel Boyd, (2) John Morrison, ( ?) Edward Petty, William Niclos, William Beatty, Joseph Belknap, In May, 1776, the Committee of Safety was changed, in consequence of the active employment of some of its members in the field. It was then composed of Samuel Brewster, Robert Boyd, Jr.. Nathan Smith, Hugh Humphrey, George Denniston, John Nicoll, Col. James Mc- Claughry, Leonard D. Nicoll and Samuel Arthur. Samuel Brewster, chairman. The importance of this committee will be recognized when it is stat- ed that it not only was the representative of the association but was a part' of the Revolutionary Government of the province and of the pre- cinct so far as it became necessary. The government of New York differ- ed from that of the New England Colonies. The people of the latter, under their several charters, elected their own governors and legislatures ; while those of the former had no such power, the governor being ap- pointed by the King, and the governor's council composed of members of his selection. In New England, therefore, the revolution could be carried forward without disturbing" the existing order of things, while in New York the government had to be set aside, and, as in the case of the nation, a new one created. Pending this change, common law was maintained as far as practicable, while to these committees were as- signed the powers inferentially declared in the Pledge of Association : " The necessity of preventing anarchy and confusion, which attend dis- solution of government," and " the preservation of peace and good or- *N'Oite. — (?) 'indicates uncertainty of surname; (2) th&t name appears twice without suffix of Jr. or Sr- The names are from tihe original list, found among the papers of Genl. James Cliniton, obairman of ihe comm^iittee, now depo'sited in Wasihington's Headquarters, Newburgh. Wbile their gcnuincss cannot be ques- tioned, the completeness of 't)he list (as sihowing the 'full number of " freemen, free- holders and inhabitants") may be, as it fails to account for many w*ho are known to have been suoh at the time- It is not probable that a full return was ever mad**, and we are, therefore, without the names of those who refused to sign as well •as of some perhaps, who did sign the Association. History of The Town of New Windsor. 6r der, and the safety of individuals and property. At first responsible only to the general committee of New York City, the local committees were subsequently recognized by the provincial convention and its subordinate committees of safety, and invested with the control of the minute men, and all the duties of local revolutionary administration. Precinct com- mittees could appoint assessors and collectors, while county committees were to be " considered as supervisors " and could assess, raise and col- lect taxes " by distress upon the goods and chattels of the defaulters." They could also "apprehend and -secure all persons" who evinced "aa inimical disposition to the cause of America. It was not necessary, in New Windsor, that many of the duties of the committee should be exercised ; the officers of the precinct continued to perform their accustomed duties in the interest of the revolution, leaving to the committee the arrest of those inimical and the organiza- tion of the militia. In many of the cases of arrest, the New Windsor committee acted in concert with that of Newburgh. The most import- ant action of this character was the arrest of Cadwallader Colden. Jr.. at his residence in the precinct of Hanover (now Montgomery). The story as related by himself, states that in June, 1776, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, his house was surrounded by a comjjany of armed men, who, on being questioned, stated that they had been sent by order of the joint committee of Newburgh and New Windsor, with in- structions to search his house, which they proceeded to do. Standing guard over the premises until the next day, they conducted him to the home of Mr. Jackson, in New Windsor, where he was confined twenty- four hours, although Mr. Thomas Ellison ofifered to become bail for his appearance. When taken before the committee he was informed that the charge against him was that of being " inimical to the American cause." He replied that while he had liad convictions in regard to the duty of the people, and had expressed them at a time when he thought it possible to ward ofif the calamities of war, he had subsequentlv " en- tirely avoided interfering in any shape in public affairs." Given the choice of trial by the joint committee or by the county committee of Ulster, he accepted the latter, and was at once removed, under guard, to the jail at Kingston. The case was brought before the general com- mittee at New Paltz. July 4, when, on his refusal to sign the pledge of association and also to give his pledge of honor " that he would im- mediately equip himself for the field of battle, and in case of actual in- vasion, go forth with the rest of his neighbors to action in defence of *His'tory Newburgh, 3O, 138. 62 History of The Town of New Windsor. his country," he was ag-ain committed to jail. The joint committee rep- resented on the trial, that they had made the arrest under the conviction " that the committee of the precinct of Hanover were afraid to treat Mr. Colden as he deserved ; " that although not in their district he was more contiguous to them than to the district in which he lived ; that in his original signature to the pledge of association it was evident he only meant to secure a sanctuary for his person and property ; that the pro- test which he had written against the appointment of delegates to the first provincial congress, was " the evil seed sown in this county from which the whole of the fruits of toryism sprung, for to their knowledge upwards of sixty persons in the precinct of Newburgh had subscribed it"* Other reasons were stated, and especially that the pledge of associa- tion was not a pledge of neutrality, " but a firm bond of union for mutual defence, which required activity." This bond he had plainly violated. Colden remained in jail for over a year, when he was permitted to re- side on parole at the house of Jacobus Hardenburgh, in Hurley. MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS. The first military organization in the district of which New Wind- sor now forms a part was made prior to 1738, and was known as " the foot company of military of the precinct of the Highlands." It was one of the companies of the Ulster regiment of which A. Gaasbeck Chambers was colonel* So far as can now be identified the following members were residents of the New Windsor district, viz : Arthur Beatt>, Giarles Beatty, Matthew Davis, John Nicoll, Jr., John Gamble, Cor'us McClean, John Humphrey, Jr., James Humphrey, Peter MuHnder, Robert Burnet, Archibald Beaty, The regiment was divided in 1756 into two regiments, of which the first embraced Kingston, etc., and the second embraced Newburgh, New Capt. Thos. Ellison, James Neely, Ensign John Young, John Reid, Sergt. P. McClaughry, David Humphrey, Corp. Jas. Stingham, James Gamble, Corp. Jona Hazzard, Clerk Chas. Clinton John Humphrey, Alex. Falls, Joseph Shaw, James Young, Jas. Edmeston, Andrew McDaved, Caleb Curtis, David Oliver, John Jones, Joseph McMikhill. *Brod Bros. Con. ii., 245, 3O5. **Hist. Newburgh, 273. Doc Hi&t. N. Y., IV, 226. History of The Town of New Windsor. 63 Windsor, etc. The latter was under command of Col. Thomas Ellison and took part in the French and Indian war of that period. In Septem- ber, 1773, it was under the following- officers, viz : Thomas Ellison, colo- nel ; Charles Clinton, lieutenant-colonel ; Cadwallader Colden, Jr., ma- jor, and Johannes Jensen, adjutant. In 1774, Col. Ellison divided the regiment into two battalions, of which the command of the first batalion was given to James Clinton.* This was the last re-organization of the militia under authority of the English government. On the 22nd of August, 1775. the Provincial Congress of New York passed a law under which the militia of the Revolution was organized. This law set aside the commissions and the organizations which then existed, and provided that counties, cities and precincts should be di- vided by their respective committees of safety, so that in each district a company should be formed " ordinarily to consist of about eighty-three able-bodied and effective men. officers included, between sixteen and fifty years of age." The companies so formed were directed to be " joined into regiments, each regiment to consist of not less than five nor more than ten com- panies, and the regiments were to be classed in six brigades. When the organization was perfected, the counties of Orange and Ulster formed the fourth brigade, under Brigadier-General George Clinton, ar was composed of five regiments in Orange county and of four regiments in Ulster county, of which the second Ulster regiment was placed under command of James Clinton, colonel ; James McClaughry. lieutenant- colonel ; George Denniston. adjutant ; Alexander Trimble, quarter-mast- er ; Jacob Newkirk and Moses Phillips, majors ; New Windsor was a part of the second regimental district under Colonel Clinton, and was divided into three company districts — Eastern, western and village. In the eastern district the comixmy was organized on the 5th of October, 1775 — John Belknap, captain ; Silas Wood, first lieutenant ; Edward Falls, second lieutenant ; James Stickney, ensign. The western district company was organized May 6, 1776 — James Humphrey, captain ; James Kernaghan, second lieutenant ; Richard Wood, ensign. The village com- pany was organized in 1775** — John Xicoll, captain Francis Mandeville, * " Out of respedt of his family and in conardie ration of die long and farflrful services of the deceased old gentleman, and his son. James Cl'inton in the Pro- ivncial service tihe last war."— Letter of Gov.Tryon to Col. Ellison. **Prior to Bhe organ'ization of these companies, a company of militia had ex- isted in the upper part of the town and another in the lower part- Tlie officers of the former, in Mav, 1775, united in the " pledge of association " of tihat year : " To obser\^e and carry into execution to the utmost of our power, all and every the orders, rules and recommendations, made or to be made by the Continental or our Provisional Congress-" The signatures were James McClaughrey, George Denniston Johi: Burnet, James Humphrey, James Faulkner, Jacob Newkirk, Rich- ard Wood William Telford, Samuel Logan, James Kernaghan, Alexander Beatty. 64 History of The Town of New Windsor.' first lieutenant ; Hezekiah Winter, second lieutenant ; Leonard D. Nicoll, en^sign. The changes in the ofihcers and membership of these companies as well as in the second regiment were quite frequent, and mainly by reason of enlistments and commissions in continental regiments. It was in this way that the command of the regiment devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel McClaughry, who, on the 23rd of January, 1776, appointed the village of New Windsor as the place of rendezvous of his regiment in case of an alarm. From December, 1776, to May, 1778, the regiment was in service probably not less than three hundred days.* In this period was included its participation in the defence of the Highland forts (Oct. 6, 1777). where it lost, in killed, wounded and prisoners* thirty-nine mem- bers, as follows : Col. Jas. ]\IcClaughry, Henry M. Neely, Robert Henry, William Scott, Matthew DuBois, Francis McBride, Robert Houston, Andrew Wilson, Christopher Sypher, John Dankins, William Stenson, William Humphrey, George Humphrey, James Miller, John Skinner, Gradus \'inegar, Bolton \"anDyck, Cornelius Slutt, William Howell, John Hanna, Robert Barclay, James Wood, David Thompson, Elias Wool, William McMullen, Isaac Denton, George Brown, Ethan Sears, Philip Millspaugh, John VanArsdell, George Coleman, Albert Wells, Hezekiah Kane, John Manney, Isaac Kimbark, Samuel Falls, Moses Cantine, John Carmichael, James Humphrey, A special feature in the organization of the militia under the law of 1775 was what were known as minute men. The law provided "that after the whole militia " was formed, in the manner already detailed " every fourth man of each company " should " be selected for minute men " of such persons as were willing to enter into that necessary ser- *No retairn has been discov^ered. The es'timate is bnsed on the return of ser- vices of Col. Has'brouck's regiment under similar orders. — Hist. Newburgh, 141. History of The Town of New Windsor. 6c vice. The persons thus selected were to be organized in companies and elect officers, and the companies were to be organized in regiments. The plan, however, was not satisfactory in its operation, and it was abolished in June, 1776. In the meantime the provisions of the law were gener- ally complied with. In the southern district of Ulster three companies were formed, one in New Windsor, one in Xewburgh and one in New Marlborough, of which the former was organized in October, 1775 — Samuel Logan, captain ; John Robinson, ensign ; David Mandeville and John Schofield, sergeants. The regiment of which they were a part was under command of Morrnas Palmer, of Newburgh, colonel, and was on duty in the Highlands in the winter of i775-'76. The principal duty of the companies, however, was in the capacity of a posse comitatus under the direction of the local committees of safety. The first New York or " Continental " regiments as they were called, were constituted in 1775 for the term of six months. These regiments were four in number, of which the third was placed under command of Colonel James Clinton. Four companies were recruited for this regi- ment in Ulster county, of which one was raised by John Nicholson of New Windsor, who writes under date of July 13th : " Agreeable to my warrant and instructions from the Provincial Congress, I have en- listed a company of seventy-two men to serve in the Continental Army, and now wait for further directions of the Congress." The regiment composed part of the force engaged in the campaign against Canada in the winter of i775-'76, where Nicholson was raised to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. On the 19th of January, 1776. a call was issued under which New York was required to furnish four battalions " to garrison the several forts of the Colony from Crown Point to the southward, and to prevent depredations upon Long Island, and to promote the safety of the whole." The command of the second battalion was given to Colonel James Clinton, and of the three companies recruited for it in Ulster county, one under command of Captain John Belknap, was raised in New Windsor, and was engaged on garrison duty in the Highlands. In September of the same year. New York was called to furnish four battalions " to serve during the war." To the third of these battalions, under command of Colonel Peter Gunsevort, New Windsor sent one com- pany under Captain James Greggs ; George I. Denniston, ensign. A fifth battalion was added to the number in October, under command of Colonel Lewis DuBois, of Marlborough ; Samuel Logan, of New Wind- sor, major, and drew no small nimiber of recruits from New Windsor. These battalions and Colonel John Lamb's artillary were the only regi- ment raised in the State " for the war," and were kept in the field by 66 History of The Town of New Windsor. levies and by recruitimg for short periods to supply vacancies in their ranks. Colonel DuBois' regiment and Col. Lamb's artillery were en- gag-ed in the defence of the Highland forts in October, 1777, and suffered severely in killed, wounded and prisoners. Necessarily imperfect as is this record, it is sufficient to show that in every military organization in the State during the revolution, that whenever the flag of the rebellion floated — whether amid the snows of Quebec or on the burning plains of Monmouth, at Fort Schuyler, Sara- toga and Yorktown — New Windsor was honorabl}^ represented by her sons in its defense. REVOLUTIONARY INCIDENTS. TJie Fall of the Highland Forts. When the general alarm occurred on the occasion of the loss of the forts in the Highlands (Oct. 7, 1777), the people of the village of New Windsor village fled into the country for safety, leaving behind them in their haste their dwellings ready for occupation either by friends or enemies, and as the result proved in many cases it made little difiference which was the fortunate temporary possessor. William Bedlow writes that his family were unable to remove " several boxes and cases of China, some cases of pictures and looking glasses, several tables (one with marble slab), chairs, window curtains, some ornamental China, with images of Shakespear and Milton in plaster of Paris, and a parcel of table furniture left in the closets," for the recovery of which he sub- sequently advertised in vain. * Colonel Ellison, tradition says, was more fortunate. He put his money and plate under the ground in his smoke house, hung up his hams and lighted a cob fire. The hams were gone, on his return, but the treasure was safe. Governor George Clinton ap- parently suffered with his neighbors and perhaps to a greater extent. * Whereas, on the 7th of Oc-tober last, when the general alarm took place on the loss of our forts in the Highlands, my family removed from my house, at New Windsor, unable to carry off all my effects, by which cause a considerable quantity was left, consisting of several boxes and cases of china, some cases of pictures and looking glasses, several tables, one a marble slab, chairs, window curtains, some ornamental china, with images of Shakespear and Milton in plaster of Paris, and a parcel of table furniture left in the closets; the whole to the amount of upwards of six hundred pounds value. As the subscriber flatters himself the above effects have been removed for safety by persons at present unknown to him, if those who have them in possession will be so kind as to inform him by a line, directed to the care of Capt. James Jackson, Sen., at New Windsor, he will most thankfully acknowl- edge the obligation and repay anv expenses they may have been at. But should any person be so base as to have taken anything from his house with design to secrete the same, they may depend, on discovery, to be prosecuted for the whole loss. A great many small articles are missing, not mentioned above. Wn.LiAM Bedlow. Fishkill, Nov. 5, iTji.—Adv. N. Y. Packet. History of The Town of New Windsor. 67 From the place of refuge of his family (Little Britain) he writes under •date of Dec. ist, 1777 : " I have a cot at my house out of which the Jiiilitia stole the irons ; will you get it repaired for me, as I have no other bed or bedstead." It will not be presumed that any of Governor Clinton's townsmen were guilty of these appropriations; but rather that they were by the class known as " skinners " who were found in every ■camp and who robbed friend and foe alike. Morgan's Rijfoncn. — It cannot be said, however, that the people of New Windsor village were altogether law-abiding. Under date of Aug. 7, 1775. Governor Tryon writes : " Eleven companies of riflemen, con- sisting of about one hundred men each, with ammunition, from the prov- inces of Pennsylvania, Maryland and \'irginia, have lately passed through this province, crossing over Hudson's river at New Windsor, in their march to the provincial camp near Boston."'"^ Tradition adds to this statement of fact, that just before the troops entered the village, a man, meanly dressed, but otherwise of gentlemanly appearance, called at William Edmonston's and said that Col. ^Morgan was coming. He went on and stopped at Mr. William Ellison's, and there said that he was Col. Morgan. The troops soon arrived and with them Col. Morgan, The deception practiced by the stranger incensed the colonel and he handed him over to 'his troops, who tarred and feathered him without even the form of a trial. The boys of New Windsor enjoyed the mat- ter heartily, and had no trouble in obtaining from Mrs. Rachel Cooper (who lived in the village and sold cake and beer), a pillow of feathers for the purpose. SEIZURE OF SALT. An incident of a different character appears in a communication from Col. John Hathorn, of the precinct of Goshen, under date of Dec. 2d, 1776, in which he writes : "Note your memorialist had a small quantity of salt in Mr. William Ellison's store at New Windsor; that there was not more than he had engaged to his neighbors, and was obliged to keep for his own use ; that a large number of men, whose names your memor- ialist can not discover, without any legal authority, have taken out of said store, as well the sale of your memoralist (except one bushel), as of other persons, and that your memorialist is in the greatest want of *0ol. Hist., VIII, 597. These troops were the famous Morg-an Riflemen, com- manded by Daniel Morgan, "a man of powerful frame and stallvvart courage." A large proportion of them were Irishmen. Upon their breasts they wore the mtrtto, "Liberty or Death." Wonderful stories of fheir exploits went to England; tjhe written record of their services forms one of the brigihtest pages of American history- 68 History of The Town of New Windsor. salt for his own use; that unless a check is put to such unjustifiable pro- ceedings, your memorialist apprehends, from the seemingly disorderly spirit at present prevailing among the common people, his property, as well as those of others, will be very insecure." A TEA RIOT, Tea caused more trouble apparently than salt. Capt. Jonathan Lawrence was in command of Fort Constitution ; his wife remained in charge of his store in New Windsor. The Congress of New York had resolved that no person should charge to exceed six shillings a pound for tea. The local committee complained, "that Mrs. Jonathan Lawrence sold tea at eight shillings per pound, and that her husband made Fort Constitution a depot for that useless herb." The Congress replied (June 14, 1776), stating that "Capt. Lawrence, with all the commissioners at the fort, are discharged from their superintending. We are surprised at his conduct, and make no doubt you will treat him and all others ac- cording to their demerits after a fair hearing." Tea at six shillings the people seemed determined to have. In July, 1777, James Caldwell and John Maley, of Albany, purchased tea in Philadelphia, and in transporting it had occasion to pass through New Windsor. Stopping at the tavern of Isaac Schultz for the night, the contents of their wagon was noised abroad. A mob of men and women speedily collected, and, under the plea that the tea was held at a price higher than six shillings, seized the load and sold it to themselves at that price. For the time being the town was supplied with tea. The Council of Safety of the State disapproved of the transaction, and de- cided that the owners of the tea "could obtain satisfaction for the injury in the ordinary court of law ; " and this was all the remuneration, prob- ably, that they ever received. DOMINIE ANNAN. The incidents already quoted give an inside view of life in New Wind- sor village. If it is not very flattering, it is at least refreshing to meet witli them, as they serve to break up the current of Revolutionary litera- ture which usually flows in the channel of patriotic devotion and heroic deeds. We turn from them, however, to our favorite district. Little Britain, where we find the following in reference to the Rev. Robert Annan of the Little Britain Church: "In the fall of 1779, the people of Rhode Island, by reason of the great scarcity of supplies and pro- visions, applied to our State for aid. The legislature, however, refused History of The Town of New Windsor. 69 to send public stores, as they were needed at home. Meetings were held in several towns, for the purpose of raising supplies by subscription and among them, one in Hanover precinct. It was attended by many prudent people, who seemed to agree with the legislature, that the surplus supplies should not be sent out of the State. There was a discussion conducted with fai'-ness and ability on both sides, but it seemed likely to be interm- inable. At this juncture Annan sprang up and cut the matter short by exclaiming: "As many as are in favor of assisting the people of Rhode Island and the cause of liberty, follow me ! " Leaving the house 'he was surprised to find almost the entire assemblage at his heels." BOY SOLDIERS. The number of mere boys who found their way into the army was by no means inconsiderable. Lieutenant Robert Burnet and Lieut. /Vlexander Clinton were but fifteen years old when they were commissioned. Aside from this general fact, it is related that there was a regularly organized company of boys from twelve to fifteen years of age in Little Britain who were "soldier boys" in earnest, having been several times on duty as home guards. The Hessian prisoners from Sar- atoga en route for Easton, Pa., passed through Little Britain anl camp- ed at ]\Iajor Telford's tavern, then opposite the Burnet homestead. The prisoners were in charge of a company of Morgan's riflemen, who, in quest of rest themselves, turned the prisoners over to the custody of the boys, who guarded them during the night. During the night one of the Hessian women died and was buried in the morning west of Major Tel- ford's house. It was a long-remembered funeral by the boys. The woman's companion could only bury her and move on. It was a phase of war that to them was new, and for years the lone grave by the apple tree received perhaps as much regard as though its inmate had been to them kindred. MQ History of The Town of New Windsor. CHAPTER VH. revolutionary localities. Washington's Headquarters at New Windsor. — The headquarters of Washington at New Windsor were at the EUison homestead, then CoL Thomas ElHson, and subsequently of his son, William Ellison. The house was torn down some years ago. It stood on the brow of the hill on the east side of the highway immediately south of the line of the village of New Windsor. Washington came here in June, 1779, and again in the fall of 1780, where he remained until the summer of 1781. The leading events in the army, during this period, were the capture of Stony Point, by W^ayne, in July, 1779 and the majiagement of the details of the campaign of 1781, which closed with the victory at Yorktown in October of the latter year. It was while Washington was here that Cooper, in "The Spy," rep- resents him under the name of Harper, as having crossed the Hudson at night to visit HarWey Birch in his cabin in the mountains south of Fishkill Village. It was also while here that the traditional attempt at his abduction occurred. This story w,hich was given no little credence lo- cally, was that he was invited to dine with one Col. Ettrick, who lived in "The Vale" on the north side of Ouassaick Creek. Ettrick had not taken any part in the war, but his feelings were with the mother country. His daughter, on the other hand, was strongly enlisted in favor of the colo- nies. She had overheard a conversation of some tories with her father, in which it was proposed to carry ofif Washington as a prisoner. Soon after this her father invited 'him to dine, and she, suspecting that the plan was then to be consummated, went to Washington and revealed her ap- prehensions. Washington accepted the invitation, but before he left for the entertainment he ordered a detachment of his Life Guard, dressed in English uniform, to watch the house and make their appearance early in the evening. As they approached, Ettrick, taking them for tory troops, said to his guest, "General, I believe you are my prisonei."' Washington cast his eye over the Guard, and rephed, "I believe not, sirj but you are mine." Ettrick, after having been kept a prisoner for a short time, was, at the intercession of his daughter, permitted to leave the country. He settled in Nova Scotia. History of The Town of New Windsor. 71 The circumstances which led to the estrangement of Washington and Hamilton, resulting in the withdrawal of Hamilton from his position as aid-de-camp, occurred Tiere in 1781. It is referred to simply to correct the impression which prevails that Hamilton was the chosen counselor of Washington; that he and not Washington was the author of the reply of the latter to the Newburgh Letters, and that he and not Washington was the author of many of the pubHc papers of Washington, including his Farewell Address. The facts are that after the episode at the Elli- son house, Was'hington had no intercourse with Hamilton, whatever, except such as became necessary in their official relations as members of the Constitutional Convention of 1786, and subsequently while Hamilton was Secretary of the Treasury, during the first and part of the second terms of Was'hington's administration. The story, as related by Hamilton in a letter to Gen. Schuyler, under date of "Headquarters, New Windsor, February 18, 1781," is as follows: "Since I had the pleasure of writing you last, an unexpected change 'has taken place in my situation. I am no longer a member of the General's family. This information will sur- prise you, and the manner of the change will surprise you more. Two days ago, the General and I passed each other on the stairs. He told me he wanted to speak to me. I answered that I would wait upon him im- mediately. I went below and delivered Mr. Tilghman a letter to be sent to the Commissary, containing an order of a pressing and interesting nature. Returning to the General, I was stopped on the way by the Marquis de LaFayette, and we conversed together about a minute on a matter of business. He can testify how impatient I was to get back, and that I left him in a manner which, but for our intimacy would have been more than abrupt. Instead of finding the General, as is usual, in his room I met him at tlie head of the stairs, where, accosting me in an angry tone, "Colonel Hamilton," said he, "you have kept me waiting at the head of the stairs these ten minutes. I must tell you, sir, you treat me with disrespect." I replied without petulency, but with decision, "I am not conscious of it, sir ; but since you have thought it necessary to tell me so, we part." Ver\' well, sir," said he, "if it be your (Choice." or something to that effect, and we separated. In less than an hour after- wards, Tilghman* came to me in the General's name, assuring me of his desire, in a candid conversation, to heal a difference n^liich could not have happened except in a moment of passion." This interview Hamilton declined, and excused the step which he had taken from his dislike for the ofifice of an aid-de-camp "as having a kind of personal dependence."* Tilgham was Washington's favorite aide-de-camp, and the only officer of whom he ever spoke in eulogy. *W'ords of Alexander Hamilton by J. C. Hamilton, Vol. I, 211. «2 History of The Town of New Windsor. In regard to the occupation of the house by Washington in 1779, the following note has been preserved among the papers of Col. Thomas Ellison : HeadqUiarters, Smi'tih's Clove, aist June, 1779— V2 past 5 P. M. "His Excellency, ^the Conumander-in- Chief, ithinks proper to accept your house fas iheadqwarters, from the description I gave him, on my return from thence last might. He, with (his guards, set off immediately and ihis baggage will follow. Your moat dbt- H'umble Servt., C. GIBBS." Gibb was then the captain commandant of Washington's Guard Lossing fixes the date "June 23d," but the notes of Capt. Gibb, dated on the 2 1 St, s^ms to determine the date as the afternoon of that day. Dur- ing the winter of 1781, Mrs. Washington was with her husband. Plum Point. — Plum Podnt, the site of the first European settlement in the present county of Orange,* lies a short distance below the Ellison house and forms the North bank of Murderer's Creek, at its con- fluence with the Hudson. It is a singular formation, having the appearance of artificial construction. The theory in regard to it is that in the convulsions attending the dissolution of the glacial period, it was pushed out from its original bed by the pressure of water and ice. It has an area of about eighty acres, approached over a natural causeway. On the southeast side was located, in the early part of the war, a battery of fourteen guns, designed to assist in maintaining the ob- structions to the navigation of the river which, at this point, consisted of a chevaux-de-frise stretching across to PolLopel's Island, which is seen throug^h the opening in the trees. The battery was maintained during the war, for the purpose originally designed and for the protection of the works in the vicinity. It was known in official orders as "Captain Machin's Battery at New Windsor." Outlines of its embrasures may yet be seen, and can be approached by permdssion from the Verplanck resi- dence or by the old army road which runs around the face of the hill from the Nicol homestead. LaFayette^s Headqum-ters—Tht Brewster or Williams bouse at Mood- na, which is credited with occupancy by LaFayette, is just beyond the paper mills on the south siide of the Forge Hill road. Of itsi occupancy by LaFayette there is only traditionary evidence, at best it was so occupied during the winter of i78o-'8i, while Washington had his headquarters at the Ellison house. It will be remembered that LaFayette was absent in France while Washington was at Newburgh. The bouse has been in ♦Ante N. — (See Patents and Front Settlements as put in page w'hen printed). MACHIN'S BATTERY-PLUM POINT Battery of fourteen guns, erected in 1778, for defense and to cover chevaux-de-frise in channel of Hudson River, from Murderer's Creek to Pollopel's Island. Plum Point was the site of the first Puropean settlement in Orange County. / lk\& A>iS. C&^- 1 Yf "^liW ^iSi^B , - — ■ mt ■:-■::■■•-' ^^■':>P:':-r '•;'*• «' " •■." " l^g^j'. #' /?3H -- \^' ■ 'j^ "^fcr-l-'- ^ '_^ k-1^:.$,_ -^ '^ ^^ :-'' ' -■ ■''"^' v^-'JlL idH^.^ 't'V'Sfl p^^ ^B W#K- ;■ '■!i^ ■'■■' ^ ; ■"■^^;?^^; ■ - '■ V - ^ ♦ , V OJ 1/1 3 E o 1- s: < Q. Q. o > Q < cx u 0- c n JC - V c o E rv CD UO V LU ^ ^ c 1- o ijj Od >- ^ n en T3 u Q. u u £ ■o u -5 ^ ^ History of The Town of New Windsor. 73 the occupation of tenants for several years and is decaying. The vault in the cellar is said to have been the temporary place of deposit of the rtioney known as the "Dutch loan," but on what authority does not ap- pear. ]\Ir. Brewster is referred to on another page. A house on the Forge Hill road, erected by Samuel Brewster in 1763, was probably built for Mr. Brewster's son, Timothy Brewster, who removed after the war to Woodbridge, N. J. Edmonston House. — The Edmonston house at \''airs Gate is said to have been occupied by Generals Gates and St. Clair, of which there is no evidence, and also, in part at least, by the medical stafif. That it was connected with the amiy in some way is more than probable ; die head- quarters of the medical stafif, however, were in the James Qinton house in the village of NeAV Windsor, as appears by letters of Mrs. Clinton. The hospital of the army was in the vicinity. Dr. Thacher writes, under date of April 30, 1781 : "I accompanied Dr. John Hart to New Windsor to pay our respects to Dr. John Cochrane, who is lately promotea to the •office of Director-General of the hospitals of the United States, as suc- cessor to Dr. Shippen, resigned." On the 15th Dec, 17S2, after the anny returned here, he writes: "Dined with my friends, Drs. Townsend, Eastis and Adams, at the hospital, in company with Generals Gates and Howe and their aides, Dr. Cochrane, our Surgeon -General, and several other officers. Our entertainment was ample and elegant." The loca- tion of the hospital is shown on the map of the camp-ground, given else- where. The Edmonston house is of stone and is said to have been erect- ed in 1755. It stands a short distance west of the point where the "Short-Cut" intersects the Ncwburgh Branch of the Eric railroad. Fall's House or "Woods" — The Fall's house. Little Britain Square, or "Woods" as marked on the DeWitt map, was occupied by Gov. Geo. Clinton, as commander-in-chief of the military forces of the State, for a short time in October, 1777. Clinton and his brother, Gen. James Qin- ton were in command at the forts in the Highlands at the time of their reduction, October 7, 1777. The former was then a resident of the house subsequently of Capt. Charles Ludlow a short distance north of New Windsor village. On the fall of the forts his family made hasty re- treat to the interior, and found temporary refuge at the residence of Mrs. Falls.* The troops w'ho escaped from the forts as well as the militia of the district that had not been engaged, were rendezvoused in the vicinity and re-organized prior to their march for the defence of Kingston. While waiting for his men to come in. on the loth of Oc- *Ante p — (See Falls family). A 74 History of The Town of New Windsor. tober, at noon, a horseman came near the camp, where, being challenged-" by a sentinel, he replied, "I am a friend and wish to see General Clin- ton." On being conducted to the Governor's headquarters he discovered that he had made a mistake. He had been sent by Sir Henry Clinton, of the British forces with a message to General Burgoyne, and after passing the Highlands had encountered troops in British uniform. Presuming that Sir Henry's forces had moved forward, he drew near the camp only to learn that he was within the lines of the Colonists, some of whom were clothed in British uniform which had been captured from a transport some time previously and had not been redyed. When he discovered his mistake he was observed to swallow something. To recover whatever it might be. Dr. Moses Higby, who was at fhe camp, administered a powerful emetic. This brought from him a small silver ball of an oval form sihut with a screw in the middle. "Though closely watched," writes Clinton, "he had the art to conceal it a second time. I made him believe T had taken one Capt. Campbell,* another messenger who was out on the same business, that I learned from him all I wanted to know, and demanded the ball on pain of being hung up instantly and cut open to- search for it. This broug'lit it forth." The ball was found to contain the following : Fort Monitgoimery, Oot. 8, 1777 " Nous y voice, (we come), and notihing between us but Gates. I sinoerdy hope this little success oif ours may fecirita'te your operations. In answer to your letter of the 2Sth Sept., by C. C, I shall only say, I cannot presume to order, or even advise, for reasons obvious. I heartily wish you success- "Gen. Burgoyne. Faithfully yours, H. Clinton." Taylor was placed in custody, and on the 14th a general court martial- met for his trial, the proceedings of which are recorded as follows : "At a general co'urt 'martial, held at the heights of New Windsor, the I4tih October, 1777, by order oif Brigadier-General George Clinton, w'hereof Colonel' Lewis DuB'ois was present. Captain Gillespie, Captain Conklin, Captain ElHs, Captain Wood, Captain Wyllis, Captain Hamstrack, Captain Watson, Captain Lee, Captain Savage, Captain Huested, Major Huntington, Major Bradford, Daniel Taylor, charged with lurking albout the camp as a spy from the enemy, confined by order of General Clinton, was brought before said court, and to the above crime the prisoner plead not guilty. But confessed his being an Express from General (Sir Henry) Clinton to Burgoyne when taken and that he had been employed as an E.xpress also from General Burgoyne to General Clinton, i.nd was taken in the camp of the army of the United States, near New Windsor, by Lieut. Howe. Taylor likewise confessed his be^ng a first Lieutenant in Captain Stewart's Company in the >Jinth Regiment of the British troops, and but one man ^Capt. Caimpbell succeeded in passing the Aimerican lines, and readhed Bur- goyne wifh a siniiilar message on the i6th October. c O i^ S i_ T3 U (U C t_ Si o ra o u 3 u ■D a o C >^ . ^ 1- u .2 c «/) E O o J= E iTl c o 'E 1- 3 s c o u o "D *^- U- c o LU o "c c (/) — o T3 :d S. u O u £ C u n: J3 .!£ 1- '5 •. in "ra «3 3 1/1 C Q u 1- _j t> (11 i/i u cr a 1/) ro g>cc o _ O >. 05 O .2 o History of The Town of New Windsor. 75^ in company when taken. The prisoner pleaded that he was not employed as a spy, but on the contrary was charged both by General Clinton and Burgoyne not to come near our camp; but meeting accidentally with some of our troops in British uniform, die was thereby deceived and discovered himself to them. The court, after considering the case, were of opinion that the prisoner is- gtiilty of the charge brought against him, and adjudged to suffer death, to be hanged at such time and place as the General shall direct- A true copy of the proceedings; Tesit. LEWIS Dubois, President. Gov. Clinton's little army had m the meantime been re-inforced by a detachment from Gen. Putnam and taken up its march toward Kingston. It was not until Marbletown was reached tfliat Qinton liad time to re- view the decision of the court martial. On the i6th he approved the sen- tence and ordered it to be airried into execution "when the troops are paraded and before they march to-morrow morning." The execution, however, did not take place until the i8th. Taylor's ultimate fate as well as an account of Clinton's march to Kingston are set forth in the fol- lowing diary-: This diary is said to 'have been written by Nathaniel Webb, an officer in the Second New York Regiment, and tihat the original is or was in possession of Dr. Ezekiel Webb of Elmira. "Oct. 6, 1777 — 'Monday — ^Tlie shipping came opposite Dunderlxirrack. About 2 o'clock p. m. ye enemy began ye attack on Fort Montgomery and Clinton, and between daylight and dark ya carried ye garrison by storm. "Colonel Meigs, with reinforcements arrived at ye ferry, two miles above ye fort, just as ye enemy prevailed. Immediately upon ye imisfortune, our people burnt ye ships Montgoimery and Congress, and ye Shark, a row galley — and blew up Fort Constitution. Govr and B. Genl. James Clinton, Col Lamb, Col- DuBois, Mr. Gano, Dr. Cook, and a principal part of officers and men made yar escape un- der cover of ye night. There were not more than 600 men to defend ye two- forts against near 3,000. > 7. Tuesday — Army marched towards Fishkill- 8. Wednesday — Arrived at Fislikill about noon and the 'Detachment with Col. Webb's Regt. marched to ye River, and crost at New Windsor- II. Saturday — Proceeded to Little Britain Headquarters. Troops encamped Major Bradford arrived in camp, to ye no small joy of ye Detachment. 15- Wednesday — The sihipping past by ye chicvaux-dc-fricc early ys morning — fhe troops ordered to march. Col. DuBois, ye train of artillery and militia ad- vanced- Col. Webb and 'Major Bradford brought up ye rear, and marcht to- Sihongom and put up- 16. Thursday — Troops marcht early ys morning. The Gov'r sent us word yt ye enemy were within 7 miles of Kingston last nigiht, 12 o'c-, and ordered us on wilfh all speed- We forced our march to Rosendol s creek, within 8 miles of ye town of Kingston, alias Esopus when we discovered ye smoke of ye buildings on fire by ye enemy. Finding we were too late to save ye town, we soon wheeled off to ye left, and reacht Mart)le Town. 'We bare marcht about thirty miles this day, having packs carried in wagons most of ye way. The people bad got most of their goods remoA'ed but several families suffered exceedingly by the fire. There was little or no resistance made to ye enemy's landing. Ya immediately, upon firing ye town, run back to ye water in great fright. They fired many pla- toons, but had not ye luck to kill anybody, except a Tory prisoner, who happened in their way as we are informed. A notable instance this of ye English Honour. Courage and Magnanimity — to at- tack a defenseless town and a few women and children, with a body of 700 men with all solemn pomp of war. Surely such troops might be a terror to ye world, for if 76 History of The Town of New Windsor. no power gbould oppose them, they may yet burn half ye towns and cities of ye earth. Yes, (most gallant Gen'l Vaun, your name will be handed down to poster- ity, and puMished to ye -world, wiitih many singular marks of honour. 17. Friday — Army maroht to Hurley, a precinct in Kingston, and encamped. The enemy advanced up ye River, burning Wherever they dare land yar troops. Ys evening we have certain intelligence yt Gen. Burgoyne and his army of 5,000 men have just submitted prisoners upon articles of capitulation' — an event most happy, and demands the highest thanks of all Americans to ye God of armies. 18. Saturday — Mr. Taylor, a spy, lately taken in Little Britain, was hung here. The 'Rev. Mr- Romain and imyself attended him yesterday, and I have spent the morning in discoursing to him, and attended him at ye gallows. He did not ap- pear to be either a political or a gospel penitent-"* Lossing, in his Field-Book, states — not without authority it is pre- sumed — that Major Armstrong, the aufhor of the "Newburgh Letters," had his quarters at the Falls house, and that there those in the secret held their private conferences. At that time the ihouse was occupied as a tavern by one Woods, (qr.' CorneHus Wood), and was used to its capacity by army officers. A fact estabhshed of record is that Col. Barber, Deputy Inspector-General under Baron Steuben, 'had his quar- ters here at the time of the accident by w'hicli he lost his life in visiting the cantonment of the army. The property was the homestead of Samuel B. Moores in later years. It has suffered little modification or change. One room is pointed out as having been occupied by Washington on several occasions and a curious closet therein as having been finished in its present form by a mechanical officer of the army. The Clinton Homestead. — The homestead erected by Col. Charles Clinton the birthplace of Gen. James Clinton and of Gen. and Gov. Geo. Clinton, and possibly of Gov. DeWitt Clinton, was in occupancy by Gen. James Clinton, his mother and family during the war and at all times tlhe seat of movements connected with the army and with the politics and history of the State. The buildings — ^there were five oi them in connec- tion — were removed, with the exception of one of them, some years ago. Substantially nothing but the historic associations of the place remain. The story of its occupants is told elsewhere in these pages. The original of the five buildings was erected in 1730, of stone and rough boards, consisted only of one large room fifteen or twenty feet square, with two small windows and a door in front and a door and a small window in the rear. A large fire-place occupied the north end of the room, and an op>en chamber covered the \\4iole to the roof. To this was added later a building on t!he right with one door and three windows, and to this was again added, on the extreme right, a kitchen with a door and one win- dow. Then followed, in 1763, an addition to the original building on the ♦From letters found in Taylor's possession lit was inferred that he was a res- ident of Kinderhook and had enlisted in 'tJhe serviices of the King. His execution as a spy wias handily justified by tJhe facts connected with ihis arrest. History of The Town of New Windsor. nn left, of two stories, and lastly an addition on tlie extreme left which was far more pretentious than any of its predecessors. It was erected in 1791, but by whom is uncertain. It had a piazza on three sides, and was of good finisli. The older parts would scarcely be regarded as habitable at the present time, their ceilings were low and their appointments ex- ceedingly limited. Gen. James Clinton, the last Clinton, owner and oc- cupant, erected a more modern structure on the Little Britain road, and occupied it at the time of his death. The CUnton burial ground was on an elevation nearly opposite the house. In it were also interred the re- mains of many relatives and friends. The plot was enclosed in later years by Hon. James G. Clinton, with a substantial stone wall with cop- ing and iron gates, but was subsequently suffered by neglect. This condi- tion led Mr. John A. Gray, of New York, grandson of the second wife of Gen. CHnton, to remove the remains of the Qintons and their principal connections to Woodlawn Cemetery, w'here their resting place is now marked by a substantial monument. Hainilto>is Tavern. — The district known as "The Square" was fam- ous in the history of the town for years anterior to the revolution ; it is more particularly referred to in another connection. Conspicuous in its revolutionary history was the hostelry of Mrs. Sarah Hamilton, which stood on the southeast corner of the roads which here cross each other No special assignment of officers to it is of record, but the general fact, attested by tradition, is that it was so occupied, and moreover that it was the scene of more army life of a given character than any of the numer- ous hostelries of the town. The building was destroyed by fire some years ago. On the opposite, southwest, corner is a building which is one of the somewhat numerous number said to have been occupied by LaFay- ette. Mr. John Ellison House or "Knox's Headquarters." — A short dis- tance northwest of Aloodna, via the old Forge Hill road, and on the old Blooming Grove and New Windsor turnpike, stands the house and es- tate for many years in the occupancy of John Ellison and his descend- ants, but erected by his father Col. Thomas Ellison, the main building in 1754, as appears by contract with Wm. Bull, the builder, and the eas- tern part at an earlier date, probably in 1734. The main building is of stone, with hig^h ceilings, wainscoting, dormer windows, heavy sash and small panes of glass ; the eastern section of wood, with low ceilings and large fireplace. The rooms in the main building are exceedingly sub- stantial and antique ; in the older part a bedroom opening from the kit- chen has a trap-door and vault which was no doubt the " strong-box " y^ History of The Town of New Windsor. of the proprietor. The house formerly fronted the old road leading from the village of New Windsor to Goshen, whidh then ran in front of the house. The turnpike changed the line of this road and runs in the rear of the house leaving the old front unexposed except on visi- tation. South of the house at the edge of a remarkable ravine the proprietor had a grist-mill of wide repute but now resmoved, but the dashing waters of Silver Stream through the ravine to the Moodna and the "twin lakes " of the old mill-pond remain. The building is locally known as "Knox's Headquarters," it having been occupied by Gen. Knox at different times in 1779, '80, '81, '82. Gen. Greene, and Cols. Wadsworth and Biddle were also quartered here, and ultimately ('82, '83) it was the headquarters of Major-General •Gates, then in command of the cantonment.* Aside from these general facts, the house has a history of interest in connection with the social life of the officers of the army who were stationed within its walls and in its vicinity. They were mainly young men, and many of them with bright wives who found here the conven- iences for the entertainments which they prized. Tradition affirms that on one occasion the brilliant Mrs. Knox gave an entertainment here at which Washington was present and opened the dance with Maria Col- den, who is said to have been a daughter of Cadwallader Colden, jr., of Coldenham, that among the guests were Gitty Wynkoop and Sally Jan- sen of Kingston, Who were great belles in their day, and that a French officer, who was present, gallantly inscribed with his diamond ring the names of the trio on one of the small window panes in the sash of the principal room. The glass with the graven names remained in the sash -to attest the truth of the story for over one hundred years and until re- moved to insure its continued preservation during a period when the property was not occupied. The question whether Washington danced will never perhaps be set- tled to the satisfaction of every one. Gen. Greene, in 1779, writes to a friend in regard to a ball which he attended the night before : "His Ex- <;ellency and Mrs. Greene danced three hours without once sitting down." Mrs. Alex. Hamilton, on the contrary, informed Historian Lossing that Washington never danced; that he often attended balls and parties on in- vitation, and sometimes zvalked the figures, but that she never saw him *Certificate of the occupation by Genl. Knox and Cols. Wadswortii and Bid- die i-9 preserved in Wasiiington's Headquarters. Occupation by Genl. Gates rests on the statement ai Ohastellux, written in December, 1782 : " After viewing the barracks, I regained the high road ; but passiing hefore Genl. Gate's housic, the same that Genl. Knox occupied in 1780, I stopped sometime to make a visit of po- liteness." Di 03 CO ii 1^ © '"' c . V S3^ ^ o E ^ l/^ (U < LU Q. V . H eo QL < ^o ZD a 2 D) c Q r-^ 'C < £^ IXJ r ^-2 ^ CO O 2 l: z: z: OJ a > -D 1 o c OJ z ra CT) CA) £ oT 1^ 1^ O Is 2f r 3 en ■D z: o — C O c 2 u o > -D 4; c -^ o CO >- 1^ _o 2ii 4; u_ rs ^ ■Jl _c Q 3 a £ < —J r X.- 1^ CO (u o a E U History of The Town of New Windsor. 8i to six affectives ; a second range of barracks is destined for the non- commissioned officers. These barracks are placed in the middle of the woods on fhe slope of the hill, and within reach of the water. As the great object is a healthy and convenient situation, the army are on sever- al hills not exactly parallel zvith each other. But it will appear singular in Europe, that these barracks should be built without a bit of iron, not even nails, which would render the work tedious and difficult were not the Americans very expert in putting wood together. After viewing the barracks I regained the main road." While the description is sufficient- ly specific it will be remembered that the word huts is frequently em- ployed in current histories ; but huts, i. e. "little walls made of stones heaped up, the intervals filled in with earth kneaded with water, or simp- ly with mud, a few planks for a roof, an outside chimney and a small door at the side of the chimney," although in frequent use were not con- sitructed here. This is also the testimony of Gen. Heath, who describes the cantonment as "regular and beautiful," and is further confirmed by the drawings made by William Tarball, a soldier of the Seventh Massa- chusetts regiment recently recovered and fully attested. The cantonment was literally a city of log houses in the woods, the counterpart of which has never existed in the history 'of armies or of nations. 4. The public building, or The Temple of Virtue as it was familiarly known in the army, was located on \Vhat is now designated Temple Hill, on the farm of William L. McGill, and its site marked by a shaft or pyramid of field stones laid up for that purpose — a crude monument perhaps but one in keeping with the circumstances which it commemo- rates. Though not shown on the map of the cantonment, not being contemporaneous with it in date, the location is thoroughly established by tradition unbroken since 1783, and inferentially by the location of the lines of the encampment. Gen. Heath writes in regard to it: "Upon an eminence the troops erected a building handsomely finished with a spacious hall, sufficient to contain a brigade of troops on Lord's Day, for public worship, wit!h an orchestra at one end; the vault of the ceil- ing was arched, at each end of the hall were two rooms conveniently situated for the issuing of general orders, for the sitting of Boards of Officers, Court Martials, etc., and an office and store for the Quar- termaster and Commissary's departments. On the top was a cup- aio, and flag staff on which a flag was hoisted occasionally for a signai "1, c." How this description came to be overlooked by Mr. Toss- ing in preparing his Field Book and a misleading pictoral representa- tive given of a building at West Point occupied for Masonic purposes, cannot be explained, but happily the error has been corrected not only 82 History of The Town of New Windsor. by the quotation from Gen. Heath, but by the recovery of a drawing by William Tarbell, of whom notice has already been made, a fac simile copy of which is given herewith, which represents the building as a large and substantial structure, resting upon a stone foundation rising four or five feet above grade to the window sills. The windows were perhaps eight feet high and the Whole height from the ground to the eaves from fifteen to twenty feet. The windows shown are nine in number (one side only represented), five of whidh are on the south and four on tlie north, with a doorway near the center, on either side of which are two Corinthian colums surmounted by a cupalo and flag- staff. The building above the foundation was clearly a framed structure with a steep shingled roof. The Corinthian columns and the tessellated pavement are unmistakable emblems of the Masonic Fraternity. Evi- dently they were not employed as ornaments merely, but as indicating the connection of that order as well as the army proper, with the struc- ture and its uses. It may well be doubted whether there is in the nation a building more invested with important revolutionary events than this — no spot more hallowed by patriotic associations. The only celebration that Washington ever ordered was held here on the 14th April, 1783; here and here alone is it noted that the army, "witli voices and instru- ments," rolled Billings' anthem, "No King but God ! " bold and strong against the sky; here that the hopes of monardhial politicians were crushed by the reply of Wasliington to the "Newburgh Letters," and here that "The Society of the Cincinnati" was organized to perpetuate not only the friendships of officers and of nations, but to maintain for- ever a nation on the broad basis of freedom and independence. 5. In the construction of barracks and a public building it was evi- dently the expectation tlhat the cantonment would have a longer con- tinuance than it had. Peace, unseen in November, 1782, began to send out its harbingers during the winter, and in April came the announce- ment of the exchange of preliminary articles which awaited only the con- currence of France. The certainty that this concurrence would follow led to the passage of orders by Congress to issue furloughs to men who had enlisted for the war, under which whole regiments marched from the cantonment, never to be again called into service. The Maryland detachment went out on the 5th of June ; the New Jersey line on the 6th, and on the same day, the New York regiments marched to Poug'h- keepsie and there surrendered their drums and battle-flags^ to Gov. Clin- ton ; the New Hampshire line on the 7th and the Massachusetts troops on the 8tb and 9th. In every direction the roads were filled with veter- ans returning to their homes with well-earned honors but in poverty. .- -o ^^ S ^ . £ 5 >^ =* £ < 6 >. o L. — ra i_ C 0) O £ *z: a. 3 «5 Q. O O) > o < >. V u- £ D H JZ c U H ^ OD Q OJ '"' C n . O O V rH C T3 C CO r- ^ '"' ? CO u CN ^ u .^ V ro J3 u ' of the Rev- Hezekiajh Watkins, who departed this life on the loth day of April, 1765, aged S7-" *The Rev. John Sayre removed from the XcAvburgh mission to Fairfield In- Ctn^y^. common with the great majority of the clerg}-- of tllie Churoh of England, and especially those under appointment and pay of the London Society, he maintained allegiance to "his Majesty's person and government," and for so doing was con- fined to bis bouse and garden and proclaimed as an enemy to his country, by the Revolutionists of Fairfield. A more severe blow than t^his, however, fell upon him ait the hands of 'his friends. On the 7th of July, 1779, the notorious Governor Trj'on, of New York, with a company of "lox^al Americans,'" landed at Fairfield and set ithe tofwn on fire, which, in its progress consumed the mission churoh and also Mr- Sayre's house, furniture, food and raiment. He then returned to New York or "within the King's lines-" — Hatvkiiis' Mission of the Church of England. **History of Newburgh, page 291. 86 History of The Town of New Windsor. Powell. The Rev. John Brown succeeded the latter as rector of St. George's and New Windsor in 1815, during which year "the Holy Com- munion was administered for the first time in the parish of Newburg^ since the Revolutionary war, to the small number of three,"** so com- pletely shattered had the church become through the participation of many of its members in the cause of the King. Througli all its history the Ellisons of New Windsor were liberal supporters of tlie Mission^ and to the liberality of one of the family, Thomas Ellison, Jr., of New York, was very largely due the re-establishment of St.. George's, and the organization of the present St. Thomas' of New Windsor. Tlie history of St. George's has been fully written as well as that of St. Andrew's. St. David's erected and enclosed a church edifice in 1771, but never completed it. It is said to have been occupied as a hospital during the- encampment of the Army of the Revolution in the vicinity; that it was- subsequently occupied for religious worship occasionally but was ulti- mately blown over and permitted to decay. The parish organization, however, was never entirely broken up, and possession of the site is- still retained. But St. David's may not be dismissed from the 'historic record at this point. The Rev. John Sayre, who succeeded Mr. Watkins, made atii efifort soon after his settlement to place the mission stations, which his- predecessor had established, on a more substantial basis, and to this end secured for them, as already stated, letters of incorporation under the titles by which they have since been known. In addition to this he en- deavored to secure the erection of a church edifice at New Windsor vil- lage and to establish there what he called the "capital" of the parish. Col. Thomas Ellison and the New Windsor members readily embraced his views, and they were also favorably entertained by the principal, parishoners of Newburgh. Indeed, the proposition would in all proba- bility, 'have been successfully accomplished had not the Rev. missionary gone one step further and added to his proposal that the charter to the- Newburgh Glebe should be amended so as to restore the title of the "Parish of New Windsor" and secure to the "capital" the income of the Glebe. He urged that New Windsor was entitled to this by reason of original dedication and from the fact that it had not only "had all the burden of the two first missionaries," but that the district was still known as the "Parish of New Windsor" by the "Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," to the records of which the title should conform. The trustees of the parish of NcAvburgh refused to agree to this amendment, saying that they would not have given their **Dr. Brown's Historical Sermon. History of The Town of New Windsor. 87 assent to the building of the church "near New Windsor" had they had "the most distant thought" that it would ""have tended to affix the Glebe at Newburgh to a church at New Windsor," and "urged their fear of the people of Newburg'h if they should consent to such a step, and that it would be unsafe for them to ride the roads for fear of assas- sination" should they do so. The matter of changing tiie charter of the Glebe was, therefore, dropped, but a subscription for building a churdh edifice was raised and from the tenor of its conditions it may be inferred that there was no little feeling upon the subject. By these con- ditions the amounts subscribed were made payable to the "Rector and members of St. David's Church, in the precinct of Cornwall," on the condition that the building should be erected "on a spot of ground to be agreed upon and procured" on the south side of Chambers' creek, "so that the same" should "be out of and independent of the jurisdiction of the trustees of the Parish of Newburgh." Whether this building was erected or not, or whether it was the building known as St. David'i Church, which is said to have been erected in 1771, as above noticed, does not appear. From the dates alone and the conditions of the S"b- scription it is inferred that the St. David's edifice was erected by this subscription. The following were the subscribers : L. Jrthn Sayre. Jr... 5 Thomas Ellisom 100 William Ellison 25 John Ellison 25 Samuel W'hi'tm'ore • • 2 Francis Mandervill • • • i John Nicoll i John Barton o "William Williams ... o Gilbert Pett o Obadiah Smith ••..•• i Jerk. Clark i Gilbert Barton o Benjamin Case o Saml. Arthur i Andrew S'herwood . . . -o Reuben Clark i Patrick McCamriel . . i ~ David Southerland, Sr. i John Celley • • o David Mandevill .... o David Sutten o James Sutten ........ Theopliilus Curwin . . i Johannah Kleck .... o Robert Newsome .... o Mank Garr .......... o James Clinton i - Joseph Wood . o s. d- 10 2 16 16 10 10 2 8 10 8 4 8 8 8 10 4 10 4 10 10 L. s. d. Vincent Matt'hews . • 5 o George Clinton 3 Leonard Nicoll ••..•• 2 o Nathaniel Liscoml . . 10 o o John Gollow ........ o 4 o Christopher Gollow . . o 4 o Isaac Stonehotise .... 2 o o Isaac Schultz i o o Henry Kilbona • • . . . o 8 o William Jackson • • . . i o o Jaines Jackson, Jr. . . i o o Samuel Logan ...... o 10 o Benjamin Homan . . . . o 8 Silas Wihite 8 o David Halliday ..... o 8 o Judah Harlow ...... o 16 o Sylvanus Dusinbcrry 100 Samuel Thorn ••...• o 5 o John Jolmson i o o Saml. Brewster ..■■•^ 3 o o Saml. Brewster, Jr. ^ 10 o Joseiph Smith o 8 o James Peters . 5 o o Thomas Jackson .... 8 Leonard Smith ...... 3 o o William Edmonston • i 00 Stephen Peet ...-.•. i 10 o Joseph Drake ....... i o c History of The Town of Nev, Windsor. The subsequent history of St. David's is comparatively a blank. It is possible that it is referred to in the minutes of St. George's under date of August 4, 1806, in which it is said that the "Church at Goshen, St. Andrews, New Windsor, and Newburgh, had agreed to unite in sup- porting a clergyman," but of this there is no certainity. As already stat- ed, however, the organization of the parish was maintained and at least occasional services held until a comparatively recent period. Its last election for Wardens was in 1857, and the persons then elected have since exercised authority over the real estate of the parish in the ab- sence of successors. Running through such records as have been preserved are traces of i: church at New Windsor. In the records of St. Andrews it is written that the Rev. Hezekiah Watkins officiated "at three divisions of the mission, viz: At New Windsor on the Hudson river, at the Otterkill, and at the Wallkill ; that during this time no place of worship was erect'^'d except at the Wallkill division ; " that after the change in the charter of the Glebe in 1750, Mr. Watkins officiated in Newburgh "every tliird Sunday in a small churdh on the Glebe built by the Lutherans ; "' tliat ■'-.he church was before that kept at the town of New WiriGso.-. and his moving to Newburgh gave offence to the heads o'f the church at New Windsor and caused an unhappy rupture that was detnm^iita^ to ihe church thereafter;" that Mr. Sayre "preached alternately at Nev.bnrgh, the Otterkill divi:>Ion, and Wallkill division," and "obtained a charter for each church, viz: St. George's, St. Andrew's, and St. David's, all dated July 30, 1770." The effort of Mr. Sayre to change the charter of the Glebe and its result have already been stated, and is in harmony with the St. Andrew's record, but further reference to a dhurch at New Windsor does not appear until 1806, when it is of record that the "Church at Goshen, St. Andrews, New Windsor, and Newburgh had agreed to unite in supporting a clergyman," and at a later date it is writ- ten that the Rev. Dr. Brown "revived the church at New Windsor" in 1 81 8. The question involved is perhaps sufficiently explained by the language of the references quoted, from which it will be gathered that the first mission station was at New Windsor, that it was removed from thence to Newburgh; that effort was made to restore it to New Wind- sor; that there was at New Windsor some kind of an organization which found shelter under the charter of St. David's; that this organization is that referred to in 1806, and that the revived church under Dr. Brown was the formal organizafion of an informal society which had existed from the institution of the "Parish of New Windsor" in 1731. From this field of research we turn to the record of History of The Town of New Windsor. 89 st. tiiomas' church. the establishment of which was largely due to a bequest made by Thomas Ellison, Jr., of New York, by his will in 1793. This bequest Avas in the following terms : 'T give and bequeath unto my brother, William Ellison, and my nep- hew, Thomas Ellison, and the survivors of them and the heirs of suoh survivors, all the lands I bought of Cornelius Tibout in New W^indsor, Ulster Co. in the State of New York, containing in the several lots about firty-five acres, in trust for a Glebe for such minister of the Gos- pel in communion with the Prostestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York as shall hereafter be settled and have the care of souls in the said town of New Windsor, and his successor for the time being, for- ever. And also I give unto my said brother, William Ellison, and my nephew, Thomas Ellison, the sum of six hundred pounds, N. Y. cur- rency, in suoh of my bonds as he and my nephew shall choose to be kept out at interest, and the annual interest arising therefrom to be paid to such minister for the time being toward his support and main- tenance, and if there should be no such minister at the time of my death, then my will is that the rents and profits of the said lands and the in- terest of the said sum of six hundred pounds, shall yearly be put out at interest by my said brother, William Ellison, and my nephew Thomas Ellison, their heirs and executors (but not to be at his or their risk) and shall become principal and be added to the said sum of six hundred pounds yearly, until such minister shall be settled and have the care of souls in the said town of New Windsor, who shall officiate as a minister for one half of his time at least, and then the interest of the whole sum, so accumulated shall be yearly paid to such minister and his successors for the time being towards his and their support and maintenance. And whenever the inhabitants, for the time being of the said town of New Windsor, in communion of the Prostestant Episcopal Church, in the State of New York, shall become a religious corporation, then the said lands and the securities for the said moneys shall be conveyed and de- livered to such corporation for the uses and purposes aforesaid." Under the encouragement of this bequest. Dr. Brown entered upon his parish labors in 181 5, and took up his residence in New Windsor, subsequently removing to Newburgh. The New Windsor Church was then revived by him, and was formally organized under his charge on the eighth of April, 181 8, at which time the name of St. Thomas was adopted and the following officers elected, viz : Wardens — Thomas Elli- son, Charles Ludlow ; Vestry — David Humphrey, Lewis DuBois, James Green, Gilbert Ogden Fowler, Joseph Morrell, Jonathan Bailey, Na- 90 History of The Town of New Windsor. than H. Sayre, Jr., James Scott. Dr. Brown gave one-half of his time- to the charge until 1844, when he resigned. A small building was fitted up 'by William Ellison in 181 5, and was occupied until its des- truction by fire in January, 1844. The erection of the present church edifice was commenced in 1847, and completed in 1849. A rectory was erected in 1859 and sold in 1864. It has more recently been owned and occupied by Mr. Robert H. Boyd. The church edifice is a neat Gothic building of stone, and is situated on the table-lands a short dis- tance south of the village of New Windsor. The following have been the rectors of the parish : i8i8-'44 — Rev. John Brown. i85i-'56 — Rev. Reuben Riley (Rev. Beverly Robinson Betts, assistant. i857-'62 — Rev. Christopher D. Wyatt (who officiated also as rector of St. Jdhn's, Canterbury). i862-'66 — Rev. R. H. Cressy. i864-'67 — Rev. Richard Temple (Rev. John Morgan officiated). 1872— Rev. Haslett McKim. THE WALLKILL OR GOODWILL CHURCH. Although taking its name from the district in which it was situated' and in which its leading founders resided, the Wallkill or Goodwill Pres- byterian Church included in its membership and congregation a consider- erable number of families residing in fhe western part of New Windsor The precise date of its organization cannot be fixed, the earliest record evidence in relation to it being under date of September 20, 1729, at which time John McNeal presented an application to the Synod of Philadelphia for supplies of preaching.* The traditional evidence is that it was originally composed of "about forty families that had emi- grated from the different parts of Ireland, but principally from (.he county of Londonderry," and who, in their new home, were called "the- people of Wallkill." At that time it was emphatically a neighborhood church, and embraced the scattered settlers of the southeast portion of *In *he mimiites of the Synod of PiliiladeLpihia, unider date of Sept. 20, 1729, is the following entry: "Application from the people of Wallkill being presenred to the Synod by their commissioner, Jahn McNeal, representing their request of supplies of preacliing among them, tbey are recoimm ended to the care of the Pres- bytery of Philiadelphia." This entry is not conclusive that the society was organ- ized at thiat time ; on lilie oomtrary, it conveys the impression that the " people of Wallakill " requested " supplies o'f preaching among them " with a view to es- *ab!ish a society. From the records O'f the commissioners o'f highways of Shawan- gunk, Sept. ist, 1735, it appears that a society ihad been formed prior to that date, and was then engaged in erecting a "mieeting ihouse near die settkiment of Adaim Graiham." The building gave place to a new one in 1765- — R^v. Jas- M. Dickson's Hist. Dis- "Goodwill" was the first or corpora r.^ name of the society. — " Wallkill " Slaving been a local designaJtion distinguishing it from the " Bethle- hem " society, w*hich was also known by the name of " Highlands " from the pre- cinct in w'hich it was located. History of The Town of New Windsor. 9« the old precinct of Shawangimk and of the northwestern part of the precinct of the Highlands. In the changing lives of civil organizations it was in the precints of Shawangunk, Wallkill and Hanover, and ulti- mately in the town of jMontgomery. No less than five churches have sprung from its loins — the Xeelytown (now Hamptonburgh) Church, Hopewell Church, Graham's Church, Berea Churc'h, and Montgomery Village Church, and several other societies have been recruited from its rank. It was served by occasional supplies until 1740, when it received its first settled pastor. Rev. Joseph Houston, who died a few months after entering upon his duties. His successor was the Rev. John Mof- fat, who was dismissed from the charge about 1765. Rev. John Blair succeeded Mr. Moffat and served from 1768 to 1771. His successor was the Rev. Andrew King, in 1776, who served until 181 5. The first edifice occupied by the church was erected sometime prior to 1735. A very complete history of the church by the present pastor. Rev. J. M. Dickson, recently published, renders further notice unnecessary. BETHLEHEM OR HIGHLAXDS CHURCH. Although now situated in the northwest part of the town of Cornwall, the Bethlehem Church was, like Goodwill, the center of a district, and originally, as it still is very largely, more strictly a New Windsor than a Cornwall Church. The date of its organization is uncertain, tradition affirming that it was as early as 1726, and that its first house of worship was erected in 1731. The following entry appears in its records of 1827: "In the year 1739, the church lot of two acres of land was conveyed by John Nicoll, physician, in the city of New York, to James Stringham, Thomas Smith, Jr., Nathaniel DuBois, Joseph Sutherland and Samuel Luckie, in trust, and in the same year, by the aforesaid trustees, to Thomas Smith, Sr-, Charles Clinton, and John Given, then Elders of the Presbyterian Church, of Bethlehem, and their suc- cessors. From the description in the deed, it appears that the church had been built previous to the date of the conveyance. According to the best information it must have been erected about the year 1731. "The parsonage lot, containing one hundred and five acres — the two acre lot excepted — was conveyed in 1751, by the Rev. Alex Cumming, of the city of New York, and Margaret Nicoll his wife, who was the daughter and on€ of the heirs of the before mentioned John Nicoll, to Hezekiah Howell, Thomas Smith. Henry Case, John Crawford, and James Humphrey for the sum of fifty-one pounds, ten shillings, current money of the province of New York.'' The date of organization depends some\\-'hat perhaps upon the date of settlement of some of the parties named in the deed of 1739. Joseph Sutherland was probably one of the descendants of William Sutherland who came into the district as early as 1709, and whose son, David, was the owner of a portion of the patent, on which the church stands, prior to 1734- John Nicoll purchased the remainder of the patent in 1734. Thos. Q2 History of The Town of New Windsor. Smith, St., petitioned for lands Sept. 3, 173 1, and obtained patent in 1732. Charles Clinton settled in 1730. While these dates indicate that the so- ciety was formally organized not long anterior to the deed from Nicoll. (1739), the fact must be borne in mind that there were Presbyterians in the vicinity of the immigration under MacGregorie as early as 1685, who may have had at least an informal society as early as 1726. The society was certainly in existence m 1735, for during that year an arrangement was made for the settlement of t'he Rev. Mr. Chalker, whose successor was the Rev. Samuel S. Sackett (as supply) in 1742-43, at which time the society was known by the title of Hig'hlands. The parsonage lot, deeded in 175 1, was in reality a Glebe for the sup- port of the minister. The original parsonage house did not stand upon it, but on the land included in the deed of 1739. A new parsonage was erected in 1836, tlie old one being reported at that time as not worth repair — "the roof was leaky, the siding defective, plastering loose, sills of the lintels rotten, and the chimney a mass of stone saturated with mois- ture, vermin and corruption." It was probably not less than one hundred years old at that time. In reference to the original church edifice, very little can now be learned beyond the fact that it contained thirty-one pews on the main floor and that it had a seated gallery. This at least was its condition in 1785, on the 7th of February of which year the society elect- ed the following persons as trustees under the general law incorporating religious societies, viz : William Denniston, James Clinton, Samuel Kek- ham, George Denniston, Jas. Kernag*han, William Mofifat, Samuel Mof- fat, Jr., WilMam Edmonston and Joseph Chandler. In a list of "original owners" of pews at that time the following names appear : No. I. Parsonage Pew. No. 17. Sylvester White. " 2. Leonard Nicoll. " 18. James Ivernaghan. " 3. Isaac Van Duzer. " ig. John Denniston. " 4. Alexander Denniston. " 20. Robert R. Burnet and " 5. James Denniston. Wm. Denniston. " 6. James Clinton. " 21. Samuel Moffat. " 7. Chris, and Henry Van Du- " 22. Nathaniel Burchard. zer. " 23. "William Moffat. " 8. Wm. and Samuel Moffat. " 24. Elijah Carpenter. " 9. John Nicholson and Gilbert " 25. Robert Grigg. Roberts. " 26. William Edmonston. " 10. WiHiani Edmonston. " 27. Samuel Ketcham. " ir. William Grigg. " 28. Daniel Harrison. " 12. Zcbulon Birdsall. " 29. Shadrack Van Duzer. " 13. Nathaniel DuBois. " 30. John Ellison. " 14. Zachariah DuIBois. " 31. Joseph Chandler. " 15. Strong and Matthews. " 16. Daniel Clemence. Enos Chandler, Richard Goldsmith, John Denniston, Daniel Harrison, Sam- uel Moffat and Daniel Clemence owned seats in the gallery. History of The Town of New Windsor. 05 In the beginning, the pulpit was suppHed quite irregularly by such clergymen as could be procured from time to time. The first settled min- ister was the Rev. Mr. Chalker, in 1735. He was succeeded by Rev. Saml. S. Sackett (supply 1742-3). Rev. Enos Ayres came as a supply about 1750, and was subsequently settled there until 1762.* Rev. Francis Peppard was his successor in 1767 and served until 1771, when the Rev. John Qose, 1773 to 1785 was installed. The Rev. Isaac Lewis served from 1796 to 1800. Rev. Jonathan Freeman followed from 1800 to 1804, when he was succeeded by Rev. Joel T. Benedict. The Rev. Henry Ford, the next pastor, was followed by Rev. Artemas Dean, who served from December, 181 3 to April, 1842. Rev. J. B. Hubbard next occupied the pulpit until 1846, when he was succeeded by Rev. John N. Lewis, who remained until July, 1853. He was followed by Rev. Robert H, Beattie from September, 1854, to J\Iay, 1866. The Rev. Wm. Holladay came next and remained until 1872. Rev. David J. Atwater, the present pastor, was installed on the first of May, 1873. During the early years of its existence the First Presbyterian Church of Newburgh and the Presbyterian Church at New Windsor were more or less associated with Bethlehem, if they were not outgrowths from it. The following is of record : "At a meeting of Elders and several members of the congregation of New Windsor, the 22d of August, 1773, for setting on foot a subscription for raising a salary for the Rev. John Qose, in order to the calling him as the stated teacher and pastor of the united congregation of Bethlehem and New Windsor. "It is lagreed, that the congregation stand divided into four districts, as in Mr- Peppard's time (i. e. 1767). That Trustees be appointed in each district in whose names the subscriptions shall be taken for the use of the said Mr. Close ; and the folowing persons were named as Trustees, viz: Nezu Cormvall District — Joseph Wood, Reuben Clark, Joseph Sniitli. Daniel Wood, Jeremiah Clark. Murdcro-'s Creek District— Franch Mandevill. Samuel Biewstcr, William Roe, Benjamin Case, William Williams. Nezi' Windsor District— John Nicoll. James Clinton. David Halladav. Samuel Brewster, Leonard Nicoll, George Clinton, Judah Harlow, Samuel Logan Charles Booth. Neivburgh I);".ffnVf— Jonathan Hasbrouck, Abel Belknap, Moses Higbv, El- nathan Foster, Isaac Belknap."** *Mr. Clialker was called by the congregation of AVallkill and Bechlchem. The former society, however, appears to have withdrawn its assent after Mr. Chalker had preached to 'them as a supply. The Synod minutes say (under date of Sept. 23- 1735) : "iMr. Chalker did transport his family from Long Island to the High- lands, being ^encouraged thereto by the people of Wallkill as well as Bethldiem." Mr. Chalker's stay at Bethlehem was limited, as appears from the minutes of Presb>"ter>- of New Brunswick, " Philadelphia, (May 29, 1742 — Mr. Sackett to sup- ply the Highlands the one half of his time, and Crompond and White Plains the other half." Oct.. 12. 1743— Application being made to the Presbytery in 1>chalf of the Higlhlands for supply, Mr. Sackett is appointed to supply them as often as he can." **History of Newburgh. - 94 History of The Town of New Windsor. The association for the support of a pastor, which apparently origi- nated in 1767, was continued until the close of Mr. Freeman's adminis- tration, during which time the societies at Newburgh and New Windsor Village had attained sufficient strength to maintain a minister — Rev. Eleazer Burnet and the Rev. Jdhn Johnson serving them until 1810. The church edifice was rebuilt in 1828, and has recently been re-seated and considerably improved. The original burying ground was enlarged in 1868, and the additional ground divided into lots, several of which exhibit modern arrangement and monuments. NEW WINDSOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The New Windsor Presbyterian Church dates its organization from September 14, 1764, at which time Joseph Wood, William Lawrence, Samuel Brewster, and Henry Smith were chosen elders. It was formally constituted May 5, 1766, by the Rev. Timothy Johnes, a committee of the Presbytery of New York. From the date of its constitution until 1805, it was associated with the Newburgh and Bethlehem societies in the sup- port of a pastor, and from 1805 to 1810, with the latter. From 1810 to 1827, it enjoyed only occasional ministerial labors. On May i, 1827, the Rev. James H. Thomas was employed in connection with the church at Canterbury, and was installed pastor of both churches February 12, 1828. The connection with the Canterbury churc^h was dissolved in 1834, Mr. Thomas serving the New Windsor church exclusively until June, 1835. Rev. James Sherwood was installed pastor August 5th, 1835, and continued in that relation until April, 1840. The pulpit was subsequently occupied by supplies — Rev. N. S. Prince, Rev. Henry Belden, Rev. Isaac C. Beach, and Rev. James Bruyn. For several years past there has been no service held, although we believe a church organization is maintained. For its connection with the Bethlehem church, and also with the Pres- byterian Church of Newburgh, the reader is referred to the history of the latter church in the history of Newburgh. The first building erected by the society was a small structure in the village of New Windsor. It is said that it was occupied as a hospital during the encampment, and was subsequently destroyed by fire. The present edifice was erected in 1807. It is a small wooden structure with spire, and adjoins the present village on the west. In the ancient burial ■ground Avhich forms a part of its real estate, the oldest monument is that which records the resting place of John Yelverton, one of the founders ^of the village, who died June 12, 1767, aged (74) years. History of The Town of New Windsor. 95 LITTLE BRITAIN CHURCH. The Associate Reformed Church of Little Britain, familiarly known .as the "Little Britain Church," was one of the organized results of the missionary labors of Rev. Robert Annan, who came over from Scotland in 1761, and who, before the expiration of ten years, established preach- ing stations throughout the district from Little Britain to Blooming- burgh. In 1765, societies of sufficient strength had been formed at Little Britain and in Wallkill to erect houses of worship, and to war- rant the calling, in 1767, of j\Ir. Annan to become their settled pastor, in which relation he was installed October 2, 1772, the societies being then and for many years subsequently the "Associate Reformed Church of Little Britain" and the "Associate Reformed Church of Neely- town."* Whatever may have been the status of the former from the ad- vent of Air. Annan in 1761 to the year 1765, its records date from Sep- tember nth of the latter year, when Patrick McClaughry sold to James Jackson, Matthew McDool (AIcDowell) and Andrew Crawford, a tract or parcel of land containing one acre, one road, and thenty-three perches, being part of the patent to Andrew Johnston, the intention of the pur- chasers, as expressed in the deed, being "to erect a meeting house there- upon to be appropriated to Divine service in the public worship of God, for the use of a Presbyterian minister and congregation in connection with the Associate Presbytery in Pennsylvania." On the site thus pur- chased a church edifice was erected, and was occupied by the congrega- tion until 1826. It was a square building with a barrack roof The en- trance was by two doors on the east, on each side of which were stairs leading to galleries en the north and south sides. The pulpit was on the west and was of the old-fashioned high structures with a sounding board. On each side of the pulpit were square pews with seats on all sides so that part of the occupants had to sit with their backs to the minister. In front of the pulpit and between that and the door were long seats or slips, on each side of which were continued the box pews. On the south side of the pulpit the first pew was owned by the Mc- Dowells ; the second by Robert Burnet; the next and corner pew by the Shaws and Kernochans. As it was not fully completed inside for sev- eral years after it was enclosed, descriptive recollections vary somewhat. Outside, the south and west sides were shingled ; the west and north clap- *Th.e Associate Presbytery r-epresented what was known as the Seceders. The Reformed Presbyterian, another independent body united w'th the former in 1792, under fhe title of the Associate Reformed Ohurch; hence the name sustained by ihe Little Britain Ohuroh. 96 History of The Town of New Windsor. boarded. One peculiarity it maintained among the early settlers— it was universally called "The Meeting House." In 1826, it gave place to the building which is now occupied. The first elders of the dhurch were Matthew McDool (McDoweh), Patrick McClaughry, and John Waugh. The first pastor was the Rev. Robert Annan, who was in charge in 1768. The records of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania state: "August 31 1762, Mr. Robert Annan was called to the exercise of the pastoral office in the congregations of Makle Creek and Cunawago in Pennsylvania, and on the 8th of June, 1763, he was ordained and install- ed. April 15th, 1767, he was called to "the congregations of Little Britain and Wallkill." April 21, 1768, the pastoral relation between him and the congregations of March Creek and Cunawago was dissolved and on October 2, 1772 he was installed pastor 'of the United Associate congregations of Little Britain and Wallkill.' " Mr. Annan served the Little Britain and Nedytown (Wallkill) con- gregations until about 1783, when he removed to Boston. His successor was Rev. Thomas J. Smith, who was installed May i, 1791. On his re- tirement the pastorate was vacant until 181 2, when the Rev. James Scrimegeour, who had served as pastor of the Associate Reformed Church of Newburgh from 1803, was installed. He remained in the charge until his death, Feb. 4, 1825. Rev. Robert H. Wallace was his successor, Oct. 6, 1825, and served until his death, when he was suc- ceeded by his son, Rev. R. Howard Wallace, who is now pastor. The original Presbyterial connection of the church was maintained until a recent date when it united with the "Old School" branch of Pres- byterians. UNION M. E. CHURCH, VAIL's GATE. The M. E. Church at Vail's Gate is called in old records the "Union Church of New Windsor," a name which was probably intended to imply that it was a neighborhood church in which professors of every creed had a common interest. It was the outgrowth of what was known in 1789 as the John Ellison class. Ellison had formerly belonged to the Church of England, which at that time had no organization in the vicin- ity, and hence he was readily led to give encouragement to the substi- tute which the Methodist Episcopal Church offered, embracing, as the creed of the latter did substantially, the creed of the Church of England of w'hich it was originally a branch. In 1791, Mr. Ellison erected a building near his residence at Monticello, the first story of which he oc- cupied as a store and the second he fitted up as a hall for religious ser- History of The Town of New Windsor. 97 vices. While itinerant preachers of all denominations were permitted to occupy the hall, it was especially reserved for those of the Methodist Church from which it became known as the Methodist Church. It was occupied by the Union Church until 1807, when the present building, which had been somewhat modernized since its erection, was constructed, and now forms the oldest church edifice of the denomination on the west bank of the Hudson River. In 1809, it was made the head of the New Windsor circuit, with Rev. Thomas Woolsey and James Coleman, preachers. At the quarterly conference of that year, held in the new Union Church, then the only one in the circuit, Andrew Cunning^ham and Benjamin Westlake appeared as local preachers, and Henry Still, James Benjamin, Thomas Collard and Jonathan Stephens as exhorters. The circuit embraced New Windsor, Sugar Loaf, Smith's Clove, Lower Clove, Oxford, Warwick, Amity, Bullet Hill, Ketchamtown, Pochuck, Newfoundland, Deepark, New Shawangimk (Bethel), Hamburgh, Bell- vale, Vernon and Cornwall. This circuit, which will be recognized as covering a wide district of country, was subsequently divided and sub- divided until it has finally substantially disappeared, only the society at Mountainville now being included with it. The first trustees of the chuich were elected April 6, i(So4, and were Daniel Holmes and Samuel Fowler of Newburgh, and Jabish Atwater (Atwood?), Samuel Dusin- berry and Henry Still of Xew Windsor. The following list of circuit preachers from 1790* to 1880 was prepared by Rev. N. S. Tuthill : 1790 — Benjamin Abbott, 1801 — Samuel Fowler, Joseph Lx)well. Mathias Swain, i/Qi^Jetter Johnson, David Best. Joshua Taylor. 1802 — James Herron, 1792 — Samuel Fowler, 1803 — Thomas St ration, Lawrence McCombs. Mitchell E. Bull. 1793 — ^Lawrence McCombs, 1804 — Robert Dillon, Smith Weeks. Isaac Candee. 1794 — Samuel Fowler, 1805 — Zenas Coxcl. Moses Crane , Isaac Candee. Wm. Storms. 1806 — Asa Cummins, 1795 — Matthias Swain, Wm. Keith. Daniel Buck. 1807 — John Crawford, 1796— Jacob Egbert, Wm. Keith. John Finnegan. 1808— John Robertson, 1797 — Samuel Fowler, J. Coleman, Thomas Woolsey. Wm. Jewett. 1798-9 — Robert Green, 1809 — Thomas Woolsey, Wm. Storms. James Coleman. 1800 — Samuel Fowler, 1810— Samuel Fowler, Elijah Woolsey. Samuel Bushnell. *From 1790 to 1809 the church was in the Newburgh Circuit. Tlic New Wind- sor Circuit was established in the latter year. 98 History of The Town of New Windsor. 1811 — John Keline, Hawley Sanford. 1812 — John Keline, James Edwards, Stephen Jacob. 1813 — Nathan Emory Ezekiel Cantield. 1814 — Luman Andrews, Bela Smith. 181 5 — Zalman Lyon, Bela Smith. 1816 — Zalman Lyon, James Kline 1817-18— J. Hunt, J. Brown. Thomas Stratton. 1819 — Almond Comber, Herman Bangs. 1820 — Phineas Rice, Herman Bangs. 1821 — Nicholas White, George Coles. 1822 — Nicholas White, Gilbert Lyon. 1823 — Gilbert Lyon, Friend W. Smith. T824 — William Jewett, Friend W. Smith. 1825 — Noah Biglow, Henry DeWolf. 1826— Jacob Hall, Luarter Stewart. 1827— Jacob Wall, Raphael Gilbert. 1828— Jarvis Z. NichoJs. Raphael Gilbert- 1829-30 — Benjamin Griffin, Humphrey Humphries. 1831 — Phineas Rice , Hiram Wing. 1832-33 — Cyrus Silliman, Noble W. Thomas. 1834 — James Coveli, Nathan Rice. 1835 — James Coveli, John R. Rice, Thomas Edwards. 1836-37 — Thomas Newman, Wm. Miller. Sylvester Strong. 1838— J. Z. Nichols, 1839-40 — Wm. W. Ferguson. 1841 — John G. Smith. 1842-43 — Ira Ferris. 1844-45 — John Reynolds. 1846— Samuel W. King. 1847-48 — James H. Romer. 1850 — David Holmes. 1851-52 — Wm. Bloomer. 1853-54— A. C. Fields. 1855 — J. C Washburn. 1856— J. C. Washburn D. C. Hull. 1857— John A. Selleck. 1858— John A. Sel'leck, Wm. E. Kekham. 1859 — David B. Turner, N. Brusie. i860 — David B. Turnc-, D. D. Gillespie. 1861— A. C. Fields, D. D. Gillespie. 1862— A. C. Fields, George C. Esray. 1863-64— Wm. Blake, 1865 — David Gibson. 1866-67 — David B. Turner. 1868-69 — David McCartney. 1870-71 — George Daniels. 1872-74 — Charles Goise. 1875— O. P. Matthews. 1876-78 — Job H. Champion. 1879-81- N. S. Tuthiill. LITTLE BRITAIN M. E. CHURCH. Information solicited in regard to the history of this church has not been furnished. The records of the trustees ( vv^hich we have been per- mitted to examine through the kindness of Wm. R. Weed, Esq.) begin July 26, 1853, at which time the erection of a churdh edifice, thirty-four feet front by forty-four feet deep, was under contract with Harvey Alexander. The building appears to have been completed and occu- pied in the fall of 1854. It is near Jackson Avenue and has a burial ground attached. The society isi now in a circuit with Gardnertown. History of The Town of New Windsor. 99 BURIAL grounds. In addition to the Xew W'iucUor rresbylerian Church burial ground, ■noticed in connection with that church, there is one attached to the Vail's Gate M. E. Church, one attached to the Little F>ritain Churcii. •one attached to the Little Britain M. E. Church and one known as the ""Mullinder Graveyard," west of Little Britain Church. There are ton, daughter of Alexan- 4er Denniston,(i) sister of James(i) and of Colonel George Denniston, and lived and died on his father's place. He died young and after his death, his widow married Matthew DuBois. He left two children, a son, William, and a daughter, Elizabeth. The latter married Charles Clinton, son of Genl. James Clinton, and died in New York Aug. 15, 1865, in her 96th year. She had three children : Maria DeWitt, Alex- ander, (Dr.), and Ann Eliza; William married first, Elizabeth Dill, sec- ond, Lydia Stewart. He had nine children by his first wife and four ■by his second: 1, Caleb; 2, William; 3, Franklin;* 4, Alexander C. ;** 5. Marcus; 6, James D. ; 7, Peter; 8, Mary, (married Geo. Denniston, Oct. 29, 1825, died 1830) ; 9, Euclid; 10, Antoinette; 11. Jane; 12. ; 13, .He died in 1831, in his 58th year. His first wife, Elizabeth Dill.*** died Feb. 22, 1817, in her 39th year; his sec- ond wife, Lydia, in 1847. in her 59th year. JOHN REID. John Reid came from County Derry, Ireland, and settled on the An- *Franklin Mulliner died May 5. 1870, aged 67 years. He married first, Jane Morrison, daughter of William Morrison, second. Caroline Palmer, and third, Susan Sly. He had three children by his first wife Robert, William, and Frank- Jin; and one by his second wife, Charles. ♦♦Postmaster at Newburgh, 1833. ***"One of the most amiable and respectable matrons of the county." — Index. I02 History of The Town of New Windsor. drew Johnston patent in 1729. His farm was north of that subsequently owned by Alexander Denniston. He had three daughters : Ann, who married Robert Burnet ; Mary who married Patrick McClaughrey, and Jean, who married James Burns, a blacksmith. His will bears date April 2. 1768. He gave his landed estate to his daughters — one hundred acres to Mrs. Burnet; seventy acres to Mrs. McClaughrey, with his home, barn and orchard, and seventy acres to William, Mary, Catharine and Jean Burns, children of his youngest daughter. His will reads : "But in case any of said four children shall at any time marry or cohabit with, any papist, or notorious drunkard, or profane swearer, then said child or children shall forfeit all right and title to said land, and the said child or children's part so forfeited shall be given by my executors unto such child or children as shall behave regularly and free of said scandals. He died in the spring of 1771. The land willed to the children of Jean is now owned by Mr. Graham, formerly by Hamilton Denniston. Through his daughter, Mrs. Burnet and Mrs. McClaughry. Mr. Reid has descendants in numbers beyond enumeration. THE BURNET FAMILY. Robert Burnet, the progenitor of the Burnet family of Little Britain^ came from Scotland near Edinburgh, about the year 1725. He first settled at Raritan, County of Somerset, N. J., where he followed his trade as v. tailor. In the year 1729, he purchased of John Parker and Andrew- Johnston, merchants of Perth Amboy, 200 acres of the Andrew John- ston patent, lying south of the main road and adjoining the farm prev- iously purchased by Peter Mullinder, "for sixty pounds current money of the said province of New Jersey at eight shillings per i." Accom- panied by his brother, who subsequently returned to New Jersey, he erected a log cabin* and made preparations for clearing and cultivation. He was also accompanied by John Reid, who purchased an ad joinings farm lot and whose daughter, Ann, soon after became his wife. He was a Scot of pure type, six feet, two inches in height; a firm Presby- terian, and a rigid disciplinarian. He left by will the farm, on which he lived, to his two oldest sons, James and John, to be equally divided be- tween them; to his other children he gave land which he owned in other places. He died in the year 1774, in the 73d year of his age. *Tihis log cabin was on the souidiwest part of ihis ifarm, near a spring oh the farm now of Joseph B.' Burnet- He afterwards built a more commodious house on the other side of his land, now the farm of J. €. Terwilliger, where he resided until his death. History of The Town of New Windsor. 103 Seven children were the issue of his marriage, viz: i, James; 2, John; 3, Robert; 4, Thomas; 5, Patrick; 6, Sarah; 7, Mary. James (i), the oldest son, was bom Jan. 25th, 1732. He married Mary, daughter of John Nicholson, about the year 1760. He was a man of good reputation. During the Revolution he served as an ensign in Capt. McClaughrey's company of militia and was on his way to Fort Montgomery with reinforcements when the fort was taken by the Brit- ish. He remained some days in the mountains near the fort collecting the men who escaped from the enemy, and then joined Genl. James Clinton at the Square and marched to the defence of Kingston. He lived on the farm left him by his father until 1801, when he sold it to his son Robert, and with his wife removed to the residence of his grandr son George, near Little Britain Church, where he died I>ec. 23d, 1807, at the age of 75 years. His wife died July 28th, 1808. aged 69 years. His children were: i, Robert; 2, Ann; 3, Elizabeth; 4, Sarah; 5, Chas. ; 6, James; 7, Thomas; 8, Mary; 9, Margaret; 10, George. John (2), married Gertrude - He was an officer in the War of the Revolution, and actively engaged on the frontiers of Orange and Ulster Counties, and under Genl. Clinton in Sullivan's cam- paign against the Six Nations.* He resided on the farm left him by his father (now occupied by Joseph B. Burnet). In 1785 he sold twenty- five acres to his nephew, Robert Burnet, and in 1791, the remainder to the same party, and with his family removed to the western part of New York. He had four children : William and Frederick, and two daugh- ters, Elizabeth, one of his daughters married Charles Humphrey. Robert (3), married Nancy, daughter of Patrick McClaughry. He had five children: i. Henry; 2. William; 3. Abner ; 4. Samuel; 5. Jane — the latter married James Davis. He first settled on a farm south of Little Britain Church (now owned by R. Wallace Genung), but subse- quently exchanged it for a farm in Hamptonburgh, on which he died. Thomas (4), known as "Uncle Blind Tommy," married a Johnston. He resided on a farm which his grandfather, John Reid. willed to his mother, Ann (Reid) Burnet. About 1794 he sold the place to John Mc- Lean and removed with his family to Western New York, in the vicini- *Lossing, in his "Field Book of the Revolution," (vol 2, p. 117) refers tx) a letter written by Wasihington to Genl. Greene, darted '" Newburgh, 6th July, 1782," in which he sipeaks o'f Major Burnet. The persorf referred bo was Major John Burnet here mentioned, and not Robert Burnet to whom Mr. Lx>ssing applies the reference. The latter was second lieutenant in Col. Lamb's Aftillery at that time. JcAm was a m'ajor in the Militia, and a second lieutenant in Continental .Army and as such filed his claim for bounty lands. I04 History of The Town of New Windsor, ty of his brother John.* He had seven children: i, John; 2, Benjamin; 3. Robert; 4, James; 5, Isaac; 6, Elizabeth; 7, Margaret. Patrick (5) married Keziah Cook. He had two children: i, George, died 1797, aged 2-^ years; 2, Robert, died 1803, in his 27th year, leaving a son Hiram. He died on his farm north of Little Britain Square, March 27, 1825, in his 75th year, and his wife, Keziah, died May 12, 1822, in her 74th year. His grandson, Hiram, sold the homestead in 1S50, and removed to Wisconsin. Sarah (6) married Henry ManNeely (his second wife). She had two sons, David and Robert, and one daughter, Ruth, who married Wil- liam McDabiel. Mary (7) married Neil McCarty. They lived in Little Britain where Mrs. McCarty died in 1831, at the age of over 90 years. Sihe had six children: i, John; 2, Alexander; 3, Neil; 4, Henry; 5, Nancy; 6, Majry. Alexander and- Henry were printers. Alexander was in the employ of Solomon Southwick at Albany on the "Plough Boy," and Henry work- ed on "The Index," in Newburgh. Nancy married a Gray, and Mary married Samuel Finley, son of John Finley, an early settler on Hume's Patent. The number of the children of Robert and Ann (Reid) Burnet was seven, and of their grandchildren, thirty-four. Dispersed as the latter became, a record of their descendants would be obtained with no little difificulty. Attention is therefore confined to a single branch, that of Rob- ert, the oldest son of James, a branch which has retained the ancient homestead and gathered around it a large local representation. Robert was born in Little Britain, February 22d, 1762. He resided with his father until his fifteenth year, and attended the school of the Rev. John Moffat.** When the Revolution came on he joined a military company, mainly composed of boys of from fourteen to sixteen years of age, for home protection, and with this company was several times under arms, *John Burnet and his brotiher Thomas removed to what was called tihe "Gene- see Country-" Other parties wemt frtwn the neigihboriliood at the same time, among the number Oliver and Obarles Htimplhrey and IDiavid Boyd. The Humpihreys were grandsons of John Humphrey, t*he first settler on ithe Johnston patent. Charles Humphrey was Major Burnet's son'-in-law- They located in the present town of Phelps, Ontario Coumty. Charles, James, Thomas and George Burnet also removed to the same vicinity. **Thi9 school was kniown as " Moffat's Academy," from it)he fact that he gave insitruction in the higher branches. It was the only school in the neighborhood and drew its pupils in some cases from patrons nine and ten miles distant. It was situated on the road leading from Little Britain to WashingConville on the place now (1879) owned by Robert Shaw. The 'house was one sitory and a half with basement- The school was kept in the upper rooms. Mr. Moffat's family, oonsis'ting of his wife and two daughters, occupying the basement. It was partly if not wholy broken up during the Revolution. History of The Town of New Windsor. 105 and especially assisted in guarding the Hessian prisoners from Bur- goyne's army in 1777, who, on their march through Little Britain, en- camped for a night at Major Telford's tavern opposite the Burnet home- stead. In June, 1781, then nineteen years of age, he received from Gov. Clinton a commission as second lieutenant in Colonel Lamb's regiment of artillery, then stationed at West Point, and with his regiment at the capture of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Returning with the regiment to West Point, he remained there until the disbandment of the army, and commanded the rear guard in the march into the city of New York as the British evacuated it in November, 1783, where, after bidding Wash- ington farewell, at Fraunce's tavern, he folded up his epaulette and laid it away — a memorial which is still preserved. While stationed at West Point, he was one of the delegates appointed to meet W^ashington at the Temple (March, 1783), and particii)ate(l in the proceedings on that oc- casion. He was also present at a meeting of officers for the organization of the Society of the Cincinnati, of which he became a member.* Re- leased from military duty, he immediately entered upon his life-work at Little Britain. On the 9th of June, 1784, he married Rachael DeWitt, and in 1785, purchased twenty acres from his uncle, Major John Bur- net, and commenced housekeeping in the log cabin which his grand- father had occupied on his first settlement. In 1791. he purchased th-i remainder of his uncle's farm and took possession of the house which the latter had built. In 1801, he purchased of his father, James, one hundred acres, and thus became the owner of the original homesteac' of two hundred acres. In 1804, he erected the commodious mansion in which he resided at his death, now owned ( 1886) by his grandson, Jos- eph B. Burnet. He took an active part in the business affairs of his na- tive town and county; was Justice of the Peace and Town Clerk for a number of years, and Member of Assembly for two terms, 1800 and 1804. He was frequently an executor and an administrator of estates, among others of the estate of General James Clinton and of Moses De- Witt, the latter, his wife's brother. In person he was tall and erect, with *Ait the tiiTi€ of his death he was the last surviving, original member of the Society, as well as the last surviving officer of the 'army of the Revolution. He died N'ov- 241th, 1854, in his 93d year. His wife Rachael DeWitt was the daughter of Jacob Rutsen DeWitt of Peenpack, Mrs. Geiil. James Clinton's brother. The acquaintance which resulted in her marriage is said to have come througli her visits to her aunt and especially from the continued residence of her father's fa»m- ily at Genl. Clinton's after the Brandt raid on 'Minisink in 1779. The General's son, Alexander and young Burnet were especially intimate and entered the arrny to- gether. Mrs. Burnett was a most excellent woman, and is especially remembered in her later years as a rotund, rosy-cheeked dame, who spoke the English language with a Dutch accent and idioms io6 History of The Town of New Windsor. a kindly face and presence — a man whose integrity was never ques- tioned. Rachel DeWitt died Jime 4th, 1830, in her 68th year. Their chil- dren were : 1. Alexander Clinton, born Dec. 9th, 1785; married Mary Ann Cur- tis, Dec. 19th. 1807, and had thirteen children: i. Robert; 2, Curtis, 3. Moses DeWitt; 4, Sylvester: 5, Jacob: 6, Rutsen ; 7, Alexander; 8, Charles; 9, Rachel Ann: 10. Sarah; 11, Mary Jane; 12. Ann Eliza; 13, James Alexander. Alexander Clinton died Dec. 2, 1845, aged 60 yea ■., his wife. Ann Curtis, is also deceased. 2. Charles, born July 13th, 1787; married first, Elizabeth BrouTi. May 3rd, 1810. She died Jan. 7th, 1814, aged 23 years, leaving two children: i, Rachel DeWitt and 2, James. He married second, Mary Ann, daughter of Capt. Joseph Barber of Montgomery, May 13th, 1817, and had five children: i, Joseph B. ; 2, Jane Ann; 3, Charles Fowler; 4, Helen Eliza; 5. Robert, died in infancy. He died Nov. 9th, 1869, in '.'is 83d year, and his wife, Mary Ann Barber, died February 19th, 1875, in her 82d year. 3. Jane, born June i8th. 1789; married first, Samuel Crawford, Dec. 15th, 1807. He died August loth, 1810, leaving i, Eunice Watkins Craw- ford, who married Dr. James VanKeuren. She married second, Capt. John Finley, May 12th, 1S12, and had i, James; 2, Robert; 3, John; 4, Samuel; 5, Mary Elizabeth. Robert Samuel and Mary Elizabeth aie dead (1879). She died Oct. 25th, 1857, aged 68 years; her husband^ Capt. John Finley, died March 9th 1839, aged 66 years. 2, Francis Crawford, known as Francis Crawford, Jr., who married and resided in Newburgh, from whence he removed to Detroit, Mich., where he died. 4. Moses DeWitt, born Jan. 13th, 1792, married first, Margaret,, daughter of John Barber, July 16, 1817. She died April 14th, 1818, in he- 27th y«ar, leaving one son, the present (1879) John Barber Burnet of Syracuse. He married second, Mrs. Helen Creed, of Syracuse. He was in service in the war of 1812, and was subsequently Sheriff of Orange County. He removed to Syracuse, where his uncle, Moses DeWitt was largely interested in real estate, and died there Dec. 29th, 1876, in his 85th year. His wife, Helen, died April 27th, 1874, aged 76 years. 5. Mary DeWitt. born Dec. ist, 1795; married Samuel Hall, Au- gust 27, 1814, and had six children: i, Margaret DeWitt; 2. Mary Jane; 3, Robert Burnet; 4. Rachel Ann; 5, Moses DeWitt; 6, John James. She died Oct. 28tjh, 1874. aged 46 years ; her husband, Samuel Hall, is also dead. 6. Robert, Jr.. born May 6th, 1803, died April 23th. 1804 History of The Town of New Windsor. 107 DEXMSTON.* The Dennistoii family of New Windsor, now widely dispersed, are the descendants of Alexander Denniston. the brother-in-law of Charles Clinton and one of the company of immigrants who settled in Little Britain in 1730. Alexander Denniston, the father of this immi- grant, was an officer under St. Ruth, in 1691, at Athlone. and aided in the defence of that place against the English. In this contest the Irish troops defended their works with undaunted braver}'. In the final charge, in which the English were repulsed, the Irish troops set fire to the enemy's breastwork, destroying all their defences and pontoons and producing great consternation in the English camp, .\fter the reduction of Athlone, he accompanied St. Ruth to Kilcommeden in Roscommon, where the latter was killed and his forces dispersed. After this battle followed the i)erio(l ii; which it is said that "Ireland had no history," a period in which was developed nothing by tyranny on the ])art of the gov- ernment and bitter suffering on the part of the people. This induced Denniston to remove to Scotland to avoid threatened persecution. In 1701, he returned to Ireland, where he remained quiet and secluded in the Town of Grenard, until the accession of George I, in 1714. when the Whigs obtaincrd the ascendancy and all adhering to them were taken in- to favor. In 1727, on the accession of George II, by bills which passed Parliament, five-sixths of the population of Ireland were disfranchised; stringent additions were also made to the penal code, and other legisla- tive action taken which convinced many that Ireland was to be treated as a conquered province, and induced them to emigrate to America. " This," says the author of the foregoing brief sketch, Hon. Goldsmith Denniston, " was the cause of the emigration of what is known as the Clinton company in 1729, among whom was .Vlexander Dciuiiston, son of the officer under St. Ruth, already described." Alexander Denniston (i), married fir.st Elizabeth Beatty. who died childless, probably on Cape Cod in 1730. second Frances Little, a fellow passenger on the "George and .\nne." daughter of George Little* and sister of James and Archibald Little, by whom he had i. James, who married first Jane Crawford (marriage license ( >ct. iith. 17^)0). and second Rachel Falls,*''' (marriage license dated Oct. 13, 1773; 2, (George *ProperIy Dcnnis'sou. or son of Dennis. The name goes back to a period when the given name of the father became the surname of his son. Dennis is the French form of Dionvsius was born about the middle of the century before Christ. The name was probably introduced in Ireland by the Normans. **Said to have been widow of George Falls and daughter of Peter Mulliner. io8 History of The Town of New Windsor. married first Isabella Craig, daughter of David Craig, marriage license dated Dec. lo, 1769), second Mary McClaughry, daughter of James Mc- Claughry, (marriage license dated Aug. 12, 1772), and died in 1804; 3, Alexander married first Nancy Gray, second Margaret J., third ]\Iartha Sears, (the widow Ellison), and died in 1817 aged // years; 4, William, married Fanny Little, and died in 1825 aged 86 years; *5, John, married Anna Moffat, and died in 1836 aged 85 years; 6, Charles, married the widow Millig"an, (Mary Blake), and died in 1808; 7, Esther married first Alexander Falls, second Phineas Helme; 8, Elizabeth married Henry Douw; 9. Mary, married, first William Mulliner, second Matthew DuBois; 10, Catherine married, first Edward Falls, second Samuel Wood. James (2), son of James (O. married Prudence ^Morrison, daughter of John Morrison and his wife Elizabeth Scott, of w'hat is now the town of Montgomery, and was the father of the late Hon. Robert Denniston. He died July 9, 1825, aged 59 years. Abraham, son of James (1), married Bathsheba Goldsmith and wa-> the father of the late Goldsmith Denniston, and the late Mrs. Aaron P. Johnes ofNewburgh. He died Sept. 10, 1825, aged 55 years. George (2) was the father of Colonel James Denniston, who was the father of George A. Denniston. for one term Sheriff of Orange County. The sons of William (4) were Isaac,* Andrew and Archi- bald. This branch of the family settled in Cornwall and gave to its local history a long list of honored names. Archibald, the youngest son of William, removed to Sullivan County and settled in the present Town of Tremont. ".\nother branch of the descendants of Alexander, son of a brother of Alexander d), of Little Britain. He was a native of the county Longford, Ireland, from whence he came to Little Britain in 1798, and soon after opened a store in Newburgh. His wife, Sarah, died in Little Britain Dec. 11, 1813, in her 44th year, and was buried in the OHnton burying ground. He took an active part in the W^ar of 181 2 and attained the rank of Colonel of the 27th Regiment, U. S. Infantry. One author- *John Denniston died Jan. 7, 1836, aged 85 years and 23 days. His wife, Ann Moffat, died Feb. 13, 1835, aged 84 years. She was the daughter of Saml. Moffat, (bom in BaJlehag, county Antrim, Ireland, 1704, died at Blagg's Clove, Orange county, 1787), and his wife Jane, (born at Slush Hall, county of Fermanaugh, Ireland, 1716, O. S., died at Blaggs Clove, 1794, aged 78 years). John Denniston, jr., son, born Dec. 14, 1778, graduated at Yale college 1807, died Jan. 13, 1810. Ann,, daughter of John and Ann Denniston, married Jacob Schultz; she was born Jan. 22, 1780, and died Sept. 22, i849;their daughter, Mary Ann, married Thomas J. Fulton Samuel M., son of John and Ann Denniston, d-ed July 23, 1862, aged 87 years. History of The Town of New Windsor. ioq ity states that he removed to the west, and anotlier, that he settled in SulHvan county, in 1815, in company with Archibald Denniston, referred to in the text. The latter located at a place now known as Denniston's Ford, where he died in 1863."* Members of the family have had part in all the principal wars of the country. Alexander Denniston (ij, the founder of the family, was a rnemiber of Capt. Ellison's New Windsor militia in 1738, and on frontier service in the war of 1755; Daniel, was Lieutenant in the 2d X. Y. Continental, 1776. ser\-ed to the end of the war, was half-jiay officer for life, and a member of the Cincinnati ; Georg^e L., son of Alexander was Adjutant in Col. James Clinton's Southern Ulster militia, (his five brothers were privates in the same res^iment), member of the Com mittee of Safety of New Windsor, 1775, Ensign, 3d N. 'S'. Continental, 1776, promoted Lieut., served during the war, half-pay officer for life and member of the Cincinnati, and William, was Lieut, in Col. Clinton's Southern Ulster militia, 1776, and Captain of nth Co., Wallkill Pre- cinct, 1775. The name of another George stands on he rolls as Lieut. in 4'th N. Y. Continental, but we fail to place him except as son of George L. The name of the latter, by the way, was George L., and not George L as entered in several lists. A complete genealogy of the family has not been preserved, and the details which have been obtained are fragmentary. It is perhaps suffi- cient to say that the descendants of .\lexander Denniston are still nu- merous in New Windsor, Cornwall and Blooming Grove, and that he has representatives in other towns, in other parts of the state, and in the west. Taken as a whole there have been few families in the state that have been the peers of the soldier under St. Ruth. David Denniston was, it is believed, the first printer in Newburgh, for, although it is of record that the Ncxvburgh Packet was printed by Lucius Cary in 1795, a book printed the same year by David Denniston is in existence, and his name is associated with the publication of The Mirror and The Rights of Man, of Newburgh, and the American Citi- zen and Watch Tozver, of New York. His occupation was that of a printer and book-binder ; his association with newspapers is presumed to have grown out of his interest in the religious discussions of the era in which he lived. The New York Evening Post has the following record of his death: "At Newburgh, Dec. 13, 1803, of an inflammation of the lungs. Air. David Denniston, late proprietor of the American Citizen." In another announcement his death is recorded as having been from "malignant fever." His proper place in the genealogy of *From Ouinlan's Sullivan County. I JO History of The Town of New Windsor. the family has not been ascertained. He was a man of decided strength of character. Robert Denniston, son of James Denniston and his wife, Prudence Morrison, daughter of John Morrison, and his wife EHzabeth Scott, of the town of Montgomery, was born in what Ii now the town of Blooming Grove, October 15, 1800. He married first, Julianna Howell, September 24, 1823, who died without issue Feb. 21, 1825. His second wife was Mary Scoitt, only daughter of William Scott, of Northumberland, England, who settled near Elizabethtown, N. J., in 1795, and subsequently removed to New- burgh. By this marriage he had five sons and six daughters. He ser- ved as an officer of militia and as justice of the peace in his native town; was appointed by Governor Marcy judge of the court of common pleas of Orange County ; was elected member of the assembly in 1835, and again in 1839 and 1840, and in the fall of the latter year was elected senator in the second senate district, in which position he remained for seven years, during the whole of which time he was chairman of the ■committee on canals, then a very important committee; by virtue of hi-i office he was also a member of the "court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors." In 1859 he was elected comptroller o^ the State, and at the close of his term retired to his farm in Blooming Grove, where he resided until his death, Dec. 2, 1^867. His five sons were in the service of the United States during the Civil War, viz. : William S., as volunteer surgeon died in the service; Robert, Jr., as paymaster's clerk, died in the service ; Henry M. was paymaster in the Navy and has subsequently attained the rank of Rear Admiral, he married Emma J. Dusenberry, they have one son, Robert; James O. was lieutenant in Co. G., 124th Regt., N. Y. S. Volunteers, after the war he entered the ministry and is a Presbyterian minister, he married Mar- garet Crosby, they have one daughter, Mary ; Augustus was quarter- master of the same regiment, and has since served two terms as mem- ber of Assembly for the first district of Orange County, has been presi- dent of the Orange County Agricultural Society since 1878, and direc- tor, vice-president and president of the Higliland National Bank of Newburgh and has filled many other positions of honor and trust. The six daughters of Robert Denniston and his wife Mary Scott were JuHana H., who married Edward Stevens of Buffalo, and died leaving a son who died young, and a daug'hter Catherine C, who married Frank B. Phillips ; Mary S., who married Walter R. Marsh of New York city, and has one daughter^ Antoinette, who married Wil'lard C. Reid ; Caro- History of The Town of New Windsor. i i i line M., unmarried; Jane C, wlio married R. Emmet Deyo of New York and has four daughters, CorneUa. Juliana, Marji^aret and EveHne ; Abbey L., unmarried, and Ag-nes, who died in 1868. Goldsmith Denniston, son of Abraham and grandson of James and Prudence Denniston, was born in the town of New Windsor, where he resided until 1838, when he removed to Newburgh and engaged in mercantile business, from whence he removed to Steuben county. He was elected member of assembly in 1838, and from Steuben county in 1858. He was also judge of the court of common pleas of Orange county from April, 1841, to the expiration of the court under the con- stitution of 1847. By his wife, Fanny, he had Abraham, Harvey G., and Aaron J. Abraham was born in New Windsor in 1827; enlisted as a volunteer in the 107th Regiment, August, 1862 ; died in hospital at Washington, Feb. 5th, 1863. Harvey G., born .August 27,, 1829; enlisted in Co. G, 107th Regiment, August, 1862; promoted second lieutenant; resigned in 1864; subsequently captain of Co. C, i88th Regi- ment; mustered out July i, 1865. Aaron J., commissioned second lieu- tenant Co. D, i88th Regiment, in 1864, but was compelled to resign soon after entering the service. JOHN LITTLE. John Little, gentlemen, as written in his will, and Rev. John Little, .as of other record, was an early settler in the original town, and gave to his plantation of many acres the name of "Stoncfield," where he erected, in 1745, the stone mansion which is still standing and is known as "The Denniston or Robert's House," and in local notings as "Moffat's Academy." The house is now in the town of Blooming Grove, near Salisbury Mills. His sister, Fanny, was the wife of Alexander Den- niston, and Alexander Denniston's sister was the wife of Charles Clin- ton, from which fact it is presumed that he was one of the Clinton com- pany who immigrated from Ireland in 1729-30. After his death his mansion was occupied by his son-in-law. Rev. John Moffat, who con- ducted therein a private school. James Denniston bought the property from the heirs of John Moffat, and sold to James Roberts. Very little is known of Rev. John Little. By his wife, Frances, who survived him, he had, as noted in his will, dated Feb. 21, 1753. five daughters, viz: i, Elizabeth; 2, Frances, who married John Nicoll, of New Windsor, and had son, Isaac, who was Sheriff of Orange County during the Revolution and executed Claudius Smith, the noted partizan ; 3, Elinor, who married John McGarrah, of Cornwall, and had son, 1 12 HisTOKY OF The Town of New Windsor. John ; 4, Hannah, who married David Gallatian, of what is now Walden, and had sons John and David, as named in will of John Little, and pre- sumably James, who administered the estate of David in 1760; 5, Mar- garet, who married Rev. John Moffat, as stated above, and had son, John Little Moffat, who located in Goshen prior to the Revolution; Elizabeth, married, it is presumed, John McLean, of Cornwall, in 1762, as per marriage license dated June loth of that year. It is said that Rev. John Moffat has no descendants now residents of Orange County. John Nicoll was married twice. From his son, Isaac, he was repre- sented in the war of the Rebellion by Captain Isaac Nicoll, of Bloom- ing Grove. David Gallatian was the holder of a patent for 1,000 acres of land on the west side of Wallkill river, at Walden, June 14, 1719. His grandson (?) James conducted a mill at Walden. and descendants ?re still met in Orange County. John McGarrah has, or did have until recently, descendants bearing his name in the town of Monroe. John McLean, 2d, was a paymaster in the army of the Revolution, and later Commissary-General of the state of New York, although this is not certain. The descendants of Rev. John Little, through his daughters, were among the most useful and substantial members of the Colonial era. THE ELLISON FAMILY. The Ellisons, of New Windsor, are the descendants of Cuthbert Ellison, of New Castle-on-Tyne, merchant, sheriff of New Castle in 1544, and mayor in 1549-54; died 1580. His children were Robert, William, George, and Cuthbert. The latter was the father of Ben- jamin, who was the father of Robert, who was the father of John, born February 11, 1647. John Ellison emigrated from New Castle-on-Tyne, England, accom- panied by his sister, Elizabeth Finch, and her two daughters, in 1688,* during the reign of James II. In 1691, after a legal residence of three years, he was admitted a freeman of the city of New York, where he became a merchant, and amassed what for those times was a large fortune. The city then was of small dimensions, the business portion lying about Broad and Bridge streets. Broadway was laid out, and extended from the foot of Bowling Green to the Palisades at Wall street, erected to prevent the incursions of the Indians. It contained forty-five houses. Mr. Ellison made his principal investments in real *The fact rerftains unexplained that among the inhabitants of Hempstead, L. I., in 1673, were John Ellison and John Ellison, Jr. Thomas Ellison and Thomas El- lison, Jr., and Richard Ellison. — Doc. Hist. N. Y., i, 658. There is remarkable similarity in the names whatever may have been the family connection, if any. History of The Town of New Windsor. JI3 estate in the business part of the town, near the Great Dock, and what is now known as Whitehall. In 1703, he purchased of Matthew Hutch- ins a piece of land described as being "in the country" and "without the north gate of the city," bounded by Little Queen street, Thames and Lumbard street, the latter being its easterly boundary, and extending thence to Hudson's river. Here he erected dwellings and built a wharf; the maps of 1728 show the Ellison dock, it being one of the four at that time existing on the west side of the city. Portions of this purchase still remain in the possession of his descendants. In 1718, to secure the payment of a certain sum of money loaned to William Sutherland, he received from that person the deeds of a tract of land "lying in the precinct of the Highlands, at a place afterwards called New Windsor." This property was the southerly third part of what is known as the "Chambers and Sutherland patent." * His title was perfected in 1723, at which time his son, Thomas, was living upon it. He died in 1724, leaving a widow, Eleanor, and four sons: i, John; 2, Thomas; 3, William; and 4, Joseph. The two former continued the mercantile business established by their father, while the two latter (William and Joseph) followed the sea, making voyages to the West Indies and South America. John (i) married Mary Van Imburgh, daughter of Gysbert Van Imburgh, who lived in "The Broadway." He died in 1725, leaving two children, John and Mary. John married Mary Wessels, and Mary married John Jeffreys. William (3) married Mary , and left but one child, a daughter, who married Robert Cromeline. Joseph (4) married Margaret . He died in 1733 without issue. Thomas (2), in whose history we are more immediately interested, was born in 1701. He was married in 1723, by Rev. Mr. Bull, Dutch minister, in New York, to Margaret, daughter of Francis Garrabrant, merchant. He immediately removed to the property at New Windsor, purchased by his father, and commenced improving it. From the de- scription in the survey made at the time — "commencing at a certain tree on the shore and running thence directly into the woods" — it will be inferred that the tract was mainly in its primal condition. His house, a Dutch cottage in style — which nearly sixty years afterwards became the headquarters of Washington — was situated on a bluff over- looking the river, and was probably erected about 1723-4. **He also built ♦Ante p **There is a tradition that he first lived in a log house, but such was not the fact. The log house was built for his negro slaves, a number of whom were set- tled upon the property some six months before he came to reside upon it. The occupations of the homestead by Washington is referred to in another part of this volume. 1 14 History of The Town of New Windsor, a dock and a large warehouse, established a line of sloops from thence to his father's, at the foot of Little Queen street, and became in a few years the principal merchant and banker, not only of the neighborhood, but of a very considerable portion of the district now embraced in the county of Orange. In 1754, he erected the old stone building known as the "Ellison House," near Vail's Gate, after the style of the farm houses of his English forefathers; the mason was Wm. Bull (husband of Sarah Wells, the reputed first white woman on the Wawayanda patent). At the same time he built the mill where for very many years was converted into flour and meal the grain of the inhabitants of a large section of country, and whose busy wheel continued in motion for over a century. The old house, though so many years have elapsed since its foundations were laid, is still as sound as ever, and bids fair to last another century. It is one and a half stories high with dormor windows and irregular roof. The chimneys are very massive, covering nearly one side of a room, and are entirely covered with paneling; the original fire-places very large and adapted to the burning of wood. At the time of the occupation of this neighborhood by the American army, the mansion became the headquarters of General Knox,* and on a window of the parlor, scratched with a diamond, is still to be seen, the names of three of the belles of Revolutionary times — Sally Janson, Getty Winkoop and Maria Golden. There were few larger landed proprietors. In addition to the Suth- erland tract, he purchased, in 1724, the Vincent Matthews patent of 800 acres adjoining. In 1737 a patent for about 2,000 acres, in three several parcels, was granted him by the government; in 1750 he ob- tained patent for six several parcels embracing 3,554 acres, and in 1753 patents for two parcels embracing 1,080 acres; at the latter date he was also granted patent for 31 acres of land under water at New Windsor, covering the entire front of his property on the Hudson to a distance of 600 feet from high-water mark. The record of his land purchases in addition to the foregoing is altogether too voluminous for publica- tion in this connection. When he first came to New Windsor, he was appointed Deputy Queen's Ranger under Cadwallader Golden, an office involving no little local administration. In 1738 he was captain of "the foot company of military of the precinct of the Highlands" ; and in 1756 he was com- missioned colonel of the second regiment of militia of Ulster county, continuing his duties in that capacity until the outbreak of the Revolu- tion in 1775. His command was in service on the western frontiers of ♦Ante p. History of The Town of New Windsor. i i the county against the Indians, and also in the expedition for the relief of Fort Wm. Henry in 1757. He was also a local magistrate. He died in 1784, at the advanced age of 79 years, nearly sixty years of his life having been spent in New Windsor. His wife died in 1783. He was the father of eleven children, seven of whom survived him, viz: 1. Elizabeth, born in 1726, married Cadwallader Golden, Jr., of Coldenham. They had twelve children, of whom throe died in infancy, and three before reaching maturity.* Her surviving children were: Cadwallader, Thomas, Alexander, l^avid, Alice, Margaret. 2. Margaret, born 1728, married John Crooke. 3. Eleanor, born 1730, died unmarried. 4. Thomas, born 1732, married Mary Reck, of New York. 5. Mary, born 1733, died unmarried. 6. John, lx)rn 1736, married Catharine Johnson, of Kingston. 7. William, born 1739, married Mary Floyd, of Long Island. Margaret (2), who married John Crooke, had but one child, a daughter. Her father dying when quite young, she was brought up by her grandfather. She married Rev. Charles Inglis, an English clergyman attached to Trinity church in New York.** Thomas (4), after having served his father for a number of years, went to New York, where, in connection with his father and brothers *Her husband writes of her in 1796: "She is of the name of Ellison, an Eng- lish family, the most respectable then in this neighborhood, and also wealthy. We have now lived together about tifty years, and, I believe, no fifty years were spent haopicr by any one pair." — Eai^cr's Orange Co. 247. **Charles Inglis, D. D-, was bom in 1734. He conducted a free school at Lan- caster, Pa., from 1755 to 1758, when he was recommended to the Bishop of Lon- don for orders. On receiving ordination in England, he returned to America in July, 1759, and entered on his mission as pastor to the church of Dover, Pa. Here he lost his first wife. Sometime after this he removed to New York, where he became assistant to the Rev. Dr. Auchmuty, in 1765, whom he succeeded in 1777. He was an active leader in the cause of the crown, and refused the request to omit prayers for the King on the occasion of Washington's visit to Trinity. Pending the outbreak of hostilities he removed (1775) his family, then consisting of his second wife and three children, Mrs. Crooke, (his mother-in-law), and four servants to Goshen for safety. In 1776 he obtained permission from the Provincial Convention, of New York, for their return to New York by flag of truce, and they accordingly returned, (via New Windsor), in one of Mr. Ellison's sloops. Having been included in the act of attainder of 1779. the return of peace rendered it obligatory on him to leave the States. He accordingly accompanied some loyalists of his congregation to Annapolis, N. S- He was consecrated Bishop of that Province on the 12th -Aug.. 1787. and was appointed member of the Pro- vincial Council in 1809. He died in 1816, aged 82 years. His son John was the third Protestant Bishop of Nova Scotia. — Doc. Hist. N- Y., iii. 1066, ck. Prov Com. N. y., I. 1746. 748; ii 249. Haivkuis' Missons. One of his daughters mar- ried Judge Haleburton, author of "Sam Slick," etc. In 1778 he procured the re- lease of Major DuBois, of Salisbury's Mills, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, and had him sent home on parole. 1 1 6 History of The Town of New Windsor. John and William, in New Windsor, he carried on a large business in breadstuffs. His place of business was at Coenties and Old Slip, and his residence in later years at 13 Broadway. He became a man of large wealth, and at his death, in 1796, left to the Episcopal church in New Windsor a generous endowment. His family servants were all remembered; those too old to enjoy freedom were provided for for the rest of their days. He left no children. John (6), inherited that portion of his father's landed estate lying about what is now Vail's Gate. He took possession of the old stone mansion erected by his father at that place and lived therein until his death in 1814. In religious belief he was an ardent admirer of Wesley, and religious services in the Methodist faith were held for a long time in one of his tenant houses. As the members of the congregation in- creased and a large building became necessary, he interested himself in erecting a new edifice on his own land. This was the first Methodist church in Orange county. His house, as already stated, was the head- quarters of General Knox during the encampment. The timber on his farm was mainly cut down for firewood for the army, for which he was awarded compensation.* He left no children. William (7), who married Mary, daughter of Benjamin Floyd, of Brookhaven, L. I., resided with his father in the homestead at New Windsor village. He succeeded him in his business at New Windsor, but after the Revolution the business declined in favor of the greater advantages possessed by Newburgh, and ultimately ceased. He served as captain in the second regiment of militia of Ulster county (his father being colonel), under commission bearing date Dec. 13th, 1772. His name also appears among the judiciary of the county as judge of common pleas in 1782. He died in 1810, leaving three children, viz: I. Thomas, who married Harriet Rumsey, of Maryland, daughter of Col. Chas. Rumsey, of the Revolutionary army. He left eight chil- dren, viz: I, Mary Jane, who married Thomas DeLancey; 2, Eliza, who married Dr. Edward Bullus ; 3, Henrietta, who married Chas. F. Morton**; 4, John, who married Mary A. Ross (died in 1835, leaving two sons, Robert R. and Charles L. Ellison) ; 5, Caroline, who married Edmund Morton; 6, Emily, who married John L. Morton; 7, Thomas, *Joshua Sears and Matthew Smith, appraisers, awarded him "for timber and firewood in the years 1777 and '78, to the amount of two thousand cords and in the years '79, '80 and '81, four thousand and fifty cords; also for one hundred large trees for timber for the use of the garrison at West Point, which amounts to two hundred cords of wood." **Chas. F. Morton occupied for several years the homestead of John Ellison, at Vail's Gate. History of The Town of New Windsor. i i 7 who married Mary A. Ellison (has three children, Mary A., Thomas W., and Matilda) ; 8, Charlotte, who married William C. Maitland. 2. Elizabeth, who married Benjamin Floyd, of Long Island. She died without issue. 3. Margaret, who married John Blackburn Miller, of New York, and left three children, viz: i. Wm. Ellison Miller; 2, Christopher; 3, Mary E. There was much in the business career of Col. Thomas Ellison, much in his experience in pioneer life, and much in his example that deserve a more complete record. There were few men who enjoyed more unreservedly the confidence of the people of the district. He was their agent, their adviser, their merchant, their banker, and their mili- tary commander. Through his family connection with Governor Col- den, he was for years influential with the government of the province, and through his personal kindness and aid to the Clintons, secured their aid at a time when perhaps political necessity made it most es- sential. His conduct during the Revolution comes down to us some- what obscure. In the early stages of the trouble with England he was with the remonstrants against the measures of the ministry ; but with large property interests in New York as well as in Ulster county, he was peculiarly situated — the one he could not retain, after the British troops gained possession of the city, without allegiance to the crown ; the other was lost without allegiance to the revolutionary government of New York. Precisely how the difficulty was met is perhaps of little moment; it is sufficient to know that the Ellison estates suffered no losses from the war, except those incident to business, and that the founder of the family lived and died very greatly respected. The business at New Windsor was continued during the war so far as it could be from the almost total suspension of intercourse with New York. It is said that at the time of the reduction of the forts in the Highlands, when the people of New Wind.sor, as well as of other ex- posed settlements, hastily fled to the country, William Ellison, then occupying the homestead (Col. Ellison being in New York), gathered up the plate and jewelry of the family and deposited in the bottom of the smoke house, covered it with earth and ashes, lighted the cob fire and left a number of hams on the poles. When the alarm passed over and he returned the hams were gone, but the treasure was safe. However true the story may be, it is a well attested fact that Col. Thomas Ellison was for many years in the habit of burying his accumulations of coin in his garden. At his death he left a chart of his deposits by which it 1 1 8 History of The Town of New Windsor. was all recovered by his heirs except perhaps a single pot.* There is now very little of the Ellison estate in the hands of the family. THE NICOLL FAMILY. The ancestor of the Nicoll family of New Windsor was Dr. John Nicoll, of Scotland, who came to New York in 171 1. He was an earn- est Presbyterian, and appears very soon after his arrival to have been at work in the interest of that denomination, having in 1716, in com- pany with Patrick McKnight, Gilbert Livingston, and Thomas Smith, organized the Wall street Presbyterian church, the first society under the discipline of the church of Scotland in New York city. Samuel Miller, D. D., in his memoir of the Rev. John Rodgers. D. D., a late pastor of this society, says of Dr. Nicoll : "His exertions in behalf of the church in New York were as useful as they were unwearied." In a sermon preached on the occasion of his death, by the Rev. Dr. Pem- berton, at that time pastor of the church, which was afterward pub- lished, the speaker said : "These walls will be a lasting monument to his (Dr. Nicoll's) zeal for the house and the public worship of God; in the erecting of which he spent a considerable part of his estate, and undertook a hazardous voyage to Europe,** for the establishment of security of this infant society. Upon these and other accounts too numerous to be mentioned, while a Presbyterian church subsists in the city of New York, the name of Nicoll will ever be remembered with honor as one of its principal founders and its greatest benefactor." Dr. Nicoll was an early purchaser of land covered by the Minisink patent; and also of patents in New Windsor and Cornwall, holding at the time of his death 14,500 acres. Of these lands falling more par- ticularly in the field of this volume, may be enumerated the following, viz : On the 7th October, 1734, he purchased from John Waldron, Cornelius Van Home and James Livingston, one hundred and sixty acres at Plum Point, being the lands granted by patent August 6, 1720, to "Patrick Mac Gregorie, otherwise called Peter MacGregory." From the same parties, two thousand acres previously granted by patent to John Lawrence, excepting one hundred acres for which a deed had been given to John McLean. This purchase was subsequently known as the Bethlehem tract. From the same parties, seven hundred and *A pot containing some $600 was unearthed by Mr. H. F. Corwin in 1869. There was no eivdence in regard to its ownership. It may or may not have been a part of Mr. Ellison's treasure. * ^During the visit to Europe here referred to, Dr. NicoM was made Burger and Guild Brother of the Burgh of Linlithgow, Scotland. History of The Town of New Windsor. i iq sixty-five acres, which had also been patented to John Lawrence, ad- joining the Bethlehem tract — excepting one hundred acres previously sold to David Sutherland. From the same parties, six small islands in the mouth of Murderer's creek, containing about seven acres. On the I2th April, 1838, he purchased of Peter Post and Anne, his wife, five hundred acres on the north bank of Murderer's creek and imme- diately west of Plum Point.* On the Plum Point lands he erected a homestead house, still in good preservation, its site being that or near that of the log house built by Patrick MacGregorie in 1685. This homestead remains in his descendants as well as the principal part of the purchase from Peter Post. Dr. Nicoll married IVIrs. Rebecca Ransford, nee Dowden, of Boston. Mass. He lived in New York city, where he died October 2, 1743, in his sixty-fourth year. He was buried under the communion table in the Wall street church. His children were: (i) John^ (2) Mar- garet^. (i) John Nicoll^ was sent to Scotland to be educated and graduated at the University of King James at Edinburgh, where his father re- ceived his degree. He married (marriage license Sept. 7, 1736) Fran- ces Little, daughter of Rev. John Little and Frances Fitzgerald, of Stoncficld. *-Thcir children were: (3) John^ (4) Leonard Dowden', (5) Isaac^ (6) William^ (2) Margaret-, daughter of Dr. John Nicoll, married, first, Isaac DuBois, and second Rev. Alex. Gumming, of New York. She had one daughter by her first husband, Margaret DuBois. John (3), Leonard D. (4), and Isaac (5), were all more or less active for the colonies in the war of the Revolution. John (3) occu- pied the homestead on Plum Point, and was there probably soon after his marriage. He was commissioned second lieutenant in Col. Ellison's regiment of militia, Dec. 15. 1763, by Gov. Golden, and again by Gov. Tryon, Dec. 9, 1772. In May, 1775, he was chosen one of the com- mittee of safety of New Windsor, and identified himself fully with the revolution. On the 20th September of the same year, he was com- missioned captain in second Ulster regiment of militia, under Colonel James Clinton, and was on duty in the frequent services in which that *The deed to Peter Post is dated July 22, 1732, and was from George lii- goldsby, son of Mary Ingoldsby and lieutenant-governor Richard Ingoldsby. The pdateau above the creek is called "Post HiJl," in deeds of over one hundred years ago. **The Little's were among the members of the Clinton colony. Fanny Little was the wife of Alexander Denniston, and George Little, one of the charter party of 1729- I20 History of The Town of New Windsor. reg-iment had part, and especially in the short but sharp campaign in defence of the Highland forts and the march for the protection of Kingston. He was associated with Captain Machin in the construction of the booms and chains for the obstruction of Hudson's river, and rendered other important public services. He married Hannah Youngs, daughter of Abimael Youngs and Phebe Birdsey, of Wallkill precinct, Jan. 26, 1766, and had: (7) Abimael Youngs*, (8) Francis*, (9) John Dowden*, and (10) Leonard William*. He died at the old homestead on Plum Point, Sept. 27, 1783. Leonard Dowden Nicoll* was also a captain in Colonel James Clin- ton's regiment of militia, and was in service at Fort Montgomery at the time of its capture. He was also on frontier duty. In 1778-80 he was a member of the committee of safety of New Windsor. He married Ruth Birdsley, Dec. 18, 1768. Their children were: (11) Eliza- beth*, and (12) John*. His father built a house for him on the site now occupied by the house belonging to the estate of his grandson, the late Ethelbert B. Nicoll.* He died there June 12, 1815. Isaac NicolP was commissioned colonel of minute men, Jan. 5, I77^» and immediately following was placed in command of the forts in the Highlands, then being constructed, "until the arrival of a proper con- tinental officer, or until otherwise ordered." He continued in this duty until relieved by Lieutenant-Colonel Livingston in May following, and for "his faithful service and his strict attention to the public in- terests" was given a vote of thanks by the provincial convention of New York. The minute-men having been disbanded in June, 1776, he was, on the 1 2th July following, commissioned colonel of militia of Orange county, to go into immediate service under a resolution calling out one-fourth of the militia. In this capacity he was in command at Haverstraw, Aug. '''th ; at Moriscaug, Sept. 29th, and at Peekskill, Dec I2th. On the 24th September, 1777, he was appointed by Gov. Clin- ton sheriff of Orange county, and served in that office until March 22, 1781. In this capacity he had charge of the execution of Claudius Smith and several of his band of outlaws. In 1783, he moved to New Jersey, where, for a number of years, he was a member of the state legislature. He married Deborah Woodhull, sister of General Na- thaniel Woodhull and daugliter of Nathaniel Woodhull and Sarah Smith, of Mastic, L. I., May 20, 1763. Their children were: (13) Frances*, (14) John*, (15) Sarah*, (16) Nathaniel W.*, (17) Walter D.*, (18) William*, (19) Sarah*, (20) Elizabeth*, (21) Margaret*, *This house was burned in 1780, and another erected. The latter was taken down and the present, third, one erected by (12) John 4. PJfiSTORY OF The Town of New Windsor. j 2 i (22) Julia*. He resided for some years in New Windsor, and sub- sequently at Goshen. He died Oct. 9, 1804, at Scrawlingborough, near Hackensack, New Jersey. William Nicoll (6), choosing a sea-faring life, owned and com- manded different merchant vessels. He was not in the country dur- ing the Revolution. He married Ann Bicknall, of Plymouth, Eng- land, which place he made his home, and died there Sept. i, 1808, leav- ing two children, William and Elizabeth. (7) Abimael Young Nicoll , oldest son of John (3), was commis- sioned lieutenant in U. S. artillery, March 4, 1791 ; was promoted to the ranks of captain and major, and on the 13th March, 1813. was made adjutant and inspector-general with the rank of colonel. He re- signed his commission June i, 1814. He married Caroline Agnes Led- better, daughter of Col. Drury Ledbetter and Winifred Lanier, of Vir- ginia, in 1792. Their children were: (2;^) John C^, (24) William H."^, (25) James S.\ (26) Charles H.^ (27) Alexander Y."^, (28) Lewis F.', (29) Caroline W.^ (30) George A."^, (31) Francis E.^, (32) Fred- erick''. His descendants are living in Georgia. (8) Frances Nicoll*, daughter of John (3), married William Ber- nard Gififord, son of Arthur and Mary Gifford, of Flatbush, L. L, June 20, 1792. (9) John Dowden Nicoll*, son of John (3), married (11) Mrs. Elizabeth Woodhull (nee Nicoll), Jan. 28, 1802. Their children were: (33) Eliza Ann^ (34) John W.^ (35) Leonard D.^ He lived in the old homestead, now belonging to the estate of his son, (35) Leonard Dowden NicolP, until 1843, when he removed to a new house about half a mile north. (35) Leonard Dowden Nicoll', married Arietta Denton, daughter of Henry Denton and Sarah Bedford, of Goshen, June 26, 1838. Their chil- dren were: John Dowden, Sarah, Wm. Leonard, Henry D., Elizabeth, and Francis G. He dropped "Dowden" from his name when (12) John Nicoll* named one of his sons Leonard Dowden. His eldest son, John D,, married Helen Irene Lee, daughter of Leonard Lee and Ann Maria Graham, of New Windsor, May 15, 1861. They had no chil- dren. His second son, Henry D., married Anna, daughter of Dr. Will- iam and Ellen M. Camac, of Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1877. His young- est son, Francis G., married Alice, daughter of Joseph H. and Cornelia Scranton, of Scranton, Pa., Oct. 13, 1775, and had one child, Leonard. (10) Leonard William Nicoll*, never married. (11) Elizabeth Nicoll*, married Nathaniel Woodhull, son of Col. Jesse Woodhull and Hester DuBois, of Blagg's Clove, Sept. 3, 1787. 1 2 2 History of The Town of New Windsor. There was only one child, who died in infancy. Nathaniel Woodhull was born Oct. i, 1758, and died April 12, 1799. (12) John Nicoll . married Anna Williams, daughter of Jonas Will- iams and Abigail Brewster (daughter of Elder Samuel Brewster), of New Windsor, Oct. 2g, 1802. Their children were: (36) Helen M.', (37) Frances E.^ (38) Ruth^ (39) Leonard D.^ (40) Leonard D.^ (41) Mary A.», (42) John W.^ (43) Ethelbert B.^ (44) Jonas W.^ His father left him his house and land, which now belong to the estate of his son, Ethelbert B. Nicoll. (37) Frances E. NicolP, married George W. Johnes, son of Dr. Timothy Johnes and Abigail Blanchard, of Morristown, N. J., June 5. 1827. (38) Ruth NicolP, married John Richard Caldwell, son of Richard Caldwell and Maria Chandler, of Blooming Grove, Sept. 13, 1831. Charles Caldwell, of Newburgh, is her son. (40) Leonard D. NicolP, married Ann, daughter of Gen'l Gilbert O. Fowler and Rachel Ann Walker, of NewburgTi, Oct. 23, 1839. Their children are : Gilbert Ogden Fowler and Edward Leonard. (41) ]\Iary A. NicolP, married Enoch L. Fancher, son of Samuel M. Fancher and Matilda Lewis, June 11, 1840. (42) John W. NicolP, married Elizabeth P. Craig, daughter of James J. and Harriet P. Craig, of 'Craigville, Sept. 28, 1843. (43) Ethelbert B. NicolP, married Frances F. Randolph, daughter of Hugh F. and Sarah N. Randolph, of Bloomfield, N. J., Oct. 19, 1853. Their children are: Helen M., Anna R., Frances L., Mary G. F., and John William. (18) William NicolP married Euphemia, daughter of Frederick and' Mary Ten Eyck Fine, of New York, June 16, 1796. Their children were: (45) Willianl^ (46) John ^ and (47) Mary F.^ (45) William NicolP, son of William Nicoll (iS), married Mary^ Montfort Brinkerhoff, daughter of John V. D. L. Brinkerhoff and Sarab Montfort, of Fishldll, Sept. 28, 1823. Their children were: William,. Mary M., Euphemia F., William J. and George Z. Some of these- reside at Middle Hope, Orange County. (46) John NicolP, son of William Nicoll (18), married, second, Mrs. Elizabeth Howell Denniston, daughter of Judge Nathan White and Fanny Howell, of Blooming Grove, Dec. 21, 1855. Their children by this marriage were: John M., Augustus W., Isaac, Julianna, Charles, Edward, Charles and Elizabeth W., some of whom are living at Wash- ingtonville. There was one child, William, by former marriage. History of The Town of New Windsor 1 2\ THE JOHN YOUNG FAMILY. The John Young family, of Little Britain, sprang (maternally) from the same stock as Colonel Charles Clinton. In "a genealogical and biographical sketch, written by Joseph Young," in 1807, it is said: "James Clinton, Esquire, who lived near Belfast, in the North of Ire- land, had a sister named Margaret, and one son, named Charles, and two daughters, viz : Christiana and Mary. James Clinton's sister, Mar- garet Clinton, was married to my great-grandfather, John Parks, and had a son named John (who was the grandfather of Arthur Parks), and two daughters. Jane and Barbara." About the year 1700, the whole connection removed to the county of Longford, and lived nearly con- tiguous to each other near Edgeworthstown, where Jane Parks (daugh- ter of Margaret Clinton Parks), was married to my grandfather, John Young, and had a son named John Young, 2d, and a daughter, Mary ; and my grand-aunt, Barbara Parks (sister of Jane Parks and daugh- ter of Margaret Clinton Parks), was married to John Crawford, and had three sons, viz : T^Iatthew, Alexander and Joseph, and a daughter named Mary. After my grandfather, John Young, died, his widow, Jane Parks, was married to Thomas Armstrong," who died on the passage to America, in 1729. Jane Parks- Young- Armstrong died at Little Britain. Feb. 5th, 1761. aged 84 years, as inscribed on her monu- inent in the Clinton burial ground at Little Britain. John Young. 2d, son of John Young, ist, and his wife, Jane Parks, married his cousin, Mary Crawford, and her husband, John Crawford, and daughter of Bar- bara Parks, sister of Jane Parks, wife of John Young, ist. A sketch more particularly of the descendants of John Young and his wife, Mary Craw- ford, is appended. John Young, 2d. one of the immigrants with Charles Clinton in 1729, was born in Ireland in 1702. His wife was Mary Crawford, granddaughter of Margaret Clinton and John Parks. She was born in Ireland in 1704. and. according to the sketch of the family by her son, Joseph, was living in the vicinity of .\lbany in 1807. at the age of 103 years. He settled on the Johnston patent, east of the Clinton home- stead, his deed dating Aug. 22, 1730, on which day Clinton also received deed. He sold to John Welling, about 1764, and removed to the White Creek district* in what is now Washington county, and from thence to the residence of his son. Joseph, in Albany, soon after the *The names of John Young. Andrew McClaug-hry. Richard McClaughn.' and Matthew AlcClaughn.' appear on the records of White Creek in 1774. but their settlement was made there at an earlier period. 124 History of The Town of New Windsor. outbreak of the war of the revolution. He died in 1784, aged 82 years. His children were: i, Thomas; 2, Joseph; 3, John; 4, Isaac; 5, Jane; 6. Mary; 7, Barbara. Thomas Young (i) was born in Little Britain, Feb. 19, 183 1 ; died at Philadelphia in June, 1777. He was an apt scholar in his youth, and subsequently studied medicine, attaining high rank in his profes- sion. He located at Sharon, Conn., from which he removed to Albany in 1764. While here he was not only active in his profession, but also in the political measures in which the colony embarked in opposition to the stamp act. In the fall of 1766 he removed to Boston, Mass., where 'his political proclivities soon gave him rank with the most ex- treme men of the Hancock and Adams school, and rendered himself specially obnoxious to the local officers of the British government from his leadership of the band of "Mohawks," so called, who threw over- board the cargo of tea in Boston Harbor, Dec. i6th, 1778, for which, s.nd other activities against the British government, he was among the number designated for arrest and transportation to England for trial for high treason. To escape arrest he fled to Newport, whence he was followed by the officers of the frigate Rose, and barely escaped seizure by flight in the night. He found refuge in Philadelphia, where he fell into some practice, and when the general army hospital was estab- lished there he was appointed its senior physician with the celebrated Dr. Rush, and had its chief care until his death. While at Sharon, Conn., he married Mary, daughter of Captain Winegar, by whom he had two sons and four daughters, viz : Rosmond, John, Susan, Cath- erine, Sarah, and Mary. Rosmond died young. Susan married Mr. Knies, of Philadelphia, and had two sons, Thomas Y. and John; she died in 1803 or '04, and her sons, Thomas Y. and John, removed to the westward of Albany, where their grandmother resided with them. John, the only son of Thomas (i), who survived him, studied medicine with his father and was mate in the hospital at Philadelphia until his father's death, when he was transferred to the army hospital at Albany, then under charge of his uncle, Joseph. At the close of the war he re- roved to Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and from thence to Henderson- ville, Tenn., where he was killed by a fall from his horse in November, 1805. He married Mary Hammond, of Fayette, Pa., by whom he had four children : Mary, Thomas, William, and Sarah. Catherine, the second daughter of Thomas (i), married Daniel Castle, who removed near Canandaigua Lake, where she died. Sarah, the third daughter, married Mr. Clark, of Sharon or Amenia; and Mary, the fourth daugh- ter, married a Doctor Strong. History of The Town of New Windsor. 125 Joseph Young- (2), the second son of John and Mary Young, was born in Little Britain, Feb. 7, 1733. He also studied medicine, prin- cipally with Doctor Alex. Clinton, and after his death, with his brother, Doctor Thomas Young. When his brother removed to Boston in 1765, hp remained in Albany in private practice until early in 1776, when he was appointed by order of Gen'l Montgomery to establish and superin- tend a hospital there for the reception of the sick of the northern army, in which charge he remained, with only temporary interruption, until May 4, 1784, when the establishment was broken up. He then removed to and practiced in New York until the fall of 1797. In 1762 he mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Samuel Brown, of Colchester, Conn. She died in Albany in 1768, without issue. John (3) and Jane (5), children of John and Mary Young, died in childhood. Mary (6) married Samuel King, and had Mary, who married Doc- tor Strong; Thomas, who married Cornelia Tracy; John, who married Kliza Godfrey; Samuel, who married Nancy Montagnie ; Anna, who married Nicholas King; Sarah, who married Isaac Mills; Mary, who married David Godfrey; and Rhoda, who married Elijah Tucker. Barbara (7) married Matthew Neely, son of Robert Xeely (who married Isabella, sister to Adam Graham), of Montgomery. She died soon after the birth of her only child, Barbara Amelia (born Dec. 19, 1775), who married Thomas Hertell.* Isaac (4) married Esther Wolcott in the state of Rhode Island. She died after having a son, William, and three daughters, one of whom, Sarah, married Cornelius Tiebout, an eminent copper engraver of Phila- delphia. Isaac married, second, Susanna Ross, of Fayette county. Pa., by whom he had seven children : Robert, Nancy, Isaac, EfTy, Nelly, Joseph and Jane, who all removed to Kentucky except Isaac, who re- mained in partnership with his half-brother, William, at or near Union- town, Pa. Isaac, their father, visited New York in the summer of 1795, where he died of yellow fever and was buried in Potter's Field. The history of the family, if not of special mention in local records, is eminently so in that of one of its sons. Dr. Thomas Young, the com- patriot of Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Dr. Warren, of New Eng- land, in resisting the efforts of the British ministry to tax the colonies. ♦Christian Hertell was the principal factor in the firm of Christian Hertell and company, of the New Windsor Glass Works, in 1752 Thomas Hertell was Mem- ber of the Assembly from New York from 1833 to 1840. 1 2 6 History of The Town of New Windsor. MC CLAUGHRY. The McClaughry family, of Little Britain, were of the company of immigrants with Charles Clinton in 1729, and at one time among the most numerous and influential in that district. The name has now, liowever, entirely disappeared there, and descendants can only be im- perfectly traced in lateral connections. In his journal of the voyage of the colony which accompanied him, Clinton writes : "Matthew Mc- Claughry, his wife and two of his family, went on shore at Glenarm, May 24th, and quit their voyage." Inferentially a portion of his family remained on board. Subsequently Clinton records in his list of deaths at sea the names of Margaret MoClaughry, Joseph McClaughry, and Mat- thew McClaughry, who were probably children of Mary McClaughry and grandchildren of Matthew. Be this as it may, Mary McClaughry, widow, and her children, accompanied Clinton to Little Britain and made purchase from Andrew Johnston and John Parker, Aug. 2, I730> of one hundred and twenty acres of the Johnston patent, on which she located with her family, of whom Patrick McClaughry appears on the militia roll in 1738, as the first male representative of the line in local records. Later Colonel James McClaughry was a well-known resident of the district. Jane McClaughry married James McCobb, of Mont- gomery in 1758, and Sarah McClaughry married Alexander Trimble, of Montgomery in 1754; but the exact relation which they held to each other and to the widowed Mary can not be definitely stated. She was probably the daughter of the widow, Mary, whose husband would, from the same standpoint, seem to have been William. There is a tradition that Colonel James was the son of a brother to the husband of widow McClaugtiry, and that his father and mother died on the voyage, or soon after ; but of this there is no record. The family can only be treated in the relation of branches from Matthew, of Ireland, who "quit their voyage." "Patrick McClaughry," writes Joseph Burnet, Esq., "married Mary, daughter of Jdhn Reid, and sister of the wife of Robert Burnet, He settled on the Johnston patent, near the Little Britain church, on the farm lately owned by Colonel James Denuiston, his grandson. He owned the land the Little Britain church stands on, and deeded the same to the congregation in 1765. He had three or four daughters and two sons. One daugliter, Mary, married Col. Geo. Denniston (1762), who lived on and owned his father- in-law's place after the death of the latter. Another daughter, Eliza- beth, married John Finley (1766), who settled on Hume's patent, on History of The Town of New Windsor. i 27 -the road leading from Little Britain to the Coldenham church. Her •grand-children, Samuel and James B. Finley, now own and occupy the place. Catherine (Katy), another daug-hter, had quite a romantic history. At the time the continental army was encamped near the square, she was coming into womanhood, sprightly and good-look- ing. She attended the balls and other social gatherings of the army officers, and among the number that she became acquainted with was Captain Stephen Potter, of one of the Connecticut regiments, who fell desperately in love with her and they were married. After the army disbanded, the captain, if he did not desert his colors, did his young bride, and left her on her father's hands. She had one child by this marriage, a girl named Mary (Polly). Herself and daughter lived together in Montgomery, and, after Capt. Potter's death, she applied for and received a widow's pension. She died near Bloomingburgh, in 1840, over 80 years of age. Patrick McClaughry had another daughter, I believe. She married George Nicholson, of Montgomery, and, after his death, a Mr. Smith, of Bloomingburgh. Of his sons, John married a widow Budd. He lived on part of his father's farm for some years, but ultimately sold out and went to the west, where he died.* His second son, James, died unmarried at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Finley." Patrick McClaughry was a carpenter, and one of the first, if not the first, of that trade in his neighborhood. The old Little Britain church was erected by him. He became one of the first elders of the church, and served in that capacity with honor. He was the oldest son of Mary McClaughry. James McClaughry, known as Colonel McClaughry, was born in Ireland in 1723, died at Little Britain, August 18, 1790. He married, first, (June 2.2, 1749), Catherine, daughter of Col. Charles Clinton. She died in Little Britain in 1762, without issue, and he married, sec- ond (1763), Agnes, daughter of John Humphrey, who also died with- out issue, April 11, 1808, in her 65th year. His fami was a part of the Low patent and adjoined the farm of Charles Clinton on the south. He was a man of considerable activity and prominence in the neigh- borhood. Under the law of August 22d, 1775, organizing the militia of the Revolution, James McClaughry was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the second Ulster regiment, under command of his brother-in-law, *John was an ensign in James Stewart's company in DuBoise's X. Y. regi- ment; commissioned Nov. 21, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct. 6, 1777; promoted lieutenant July i, i/iSo. He probably retired from the army be- fore the revolution closed, as his name does not appear in the list of haJf-pay of- ■ficers for life. J 28 History of The Town of New Windsor. Colonel James Clinton. The transfer of the latter to the command of the third New York regiment in the expedition against Canada, and subsequently to other positions in the Continental service, left the power of command of the regiment to him, and it was under him that the regiment took part in the defence of Fort Clinton, where he was wound- ed and taken prisoner. In reference to at least a portion of his ser- vice on that occasion, Gov. Clinton wrote in his report of the action: "I immediately sent lieutenant Jackson with a small party to discover the movements of the enemy; but they had not moved more than two miles on the Haverstraw road, when they were attacked by a part of the enemy, who had formed an ambuscade at a place called Doodletown. They immediately retreated, after returning the fire. As soon as the firing was heard, I detached Lieutenant-Colonel Bruyn with fifty con- tinental troops, and as many militia under Lieutenant-Colonel Mc- Claughry, to sustain Lieutenant Jackson, the garrison being at that time so weak that we could not afford them greater aid on that road. The detachment under Colonel Bruyn and McClaughry were soon engaged, but, being too weak to withstand the enemy's great force, retreated to Fort Qinton, disputing the ground, inch by inch. Their gallant op- position, and the roughness of the ground, checked the progress of the enemy for sometime." The manner in which McClaughry was taken prisoner in the action is related by Dr. Young, in his "Recollections," written in 1807: "When the nenemy rushed into the redoubts, Col. Mc- Claughry and a Mr. James Humphreys, the lock of whose gun had been shot off. turned back to back and defended themselves desperately. They were assailed on all sides and would undoubtedly have been killed, but a British member of Parliament, who witnessed this spirit and bravery, exclaimed that it would be a pity to kill such brave men. They then rushed on and seized them." During his captivity Colonel Mc- Claughry was confined in a hospital in New York, where he was joined by his wife, Agnes, who made that provision for his comfort which his captors denied. Most of the prisoners were soon exchanged or pa- rolled ; but McQaughry saw and suffered quite sufficiently to deepen and broaden his hatred for the English. In his last will he manumitted all his negro servants, except two females, who were retained for his wife, and in addition to manumission gave them oxen, farming imple- ments, etc., and from £180 to £200 each.* *Two of his male slaves bore the names of Thomas McClaughry and William McClaughry. They located themselves in the town of Wallkill, as did also Lou- don, one of their companions. Mr. Eager, in his "Orange County," says they set- tled at a place called Honey Pot but this is denied on equally good authority. The name is still met in several colored families in this district, who are ranked as the "better class — generally thrifty and well-to-do." History of The Town of New Windsor. i 29 Jane McClaughry, probably daughter of widow Mary McClaughry, married James McCobb, of Montgomery, in 1758. She has descend- ants through her daughter, Mary (Polly), who married George, son of Alexander Trimble and his wife Sarah McClaughry; and through her second husband, Col. John Nicholson^ by whom she had one son, who became the heir to the Nicholson farm at Neelytown. Sarah McClaughry, born April 7, 1735 ; married Alexander Trim- ble, April II, 1754; died June 10, 1773. Their children: i. Isabel, born Jan. 15, 1753, married Peter Hill; 2, John, born July 25, 1757; 3. George, born Feb. 5, 1760, married Mary McClaughry; 4, William, born April 12, 1763; 5, Jane, born Nov. 25, 1765, died April 25, 1797, married Rev. Andrew King, of Goodwill church, Montgomery, by whom she had several children, two of whom arrived at maturity, viz : James and Andrew. The former became a lawyer and settled in Albany, where he died June 20, 1841, aged 53 years, the latter was a physician and married first, Eliza, daughter of Hamilton Morrison and his wife, Lydia Beemer, of the Town of Montgomery ; they had two children, Ruth S., who died at Ocean Grove, N. J., unmarried, eighty-three year5 of age, and William L., who resided in New York and married Catha- rine Moffatt — they had two children, Imogene M. and Angela. Dr. King's second wife was Eliza Hornbeck, daughter of Dr. H. W. Horn- beck, of Scotchtown, by whom he had three children, Henry PL, Gil- bert and Mary E. — all of whom married, had children, and resided in New York. Late in life he removed to Nashville, Tenn, where he died ; 6, Alexander, born July 17, 1767; 7, Elizabeth, born May i. 1770, mar- ried Samuel Hunter; 8, Sarah, born April 7, 1773, married Rev. David Comfort. Elizabeth McClaughry has the following record on monument in Goodwill cemetery: "In memory of Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary McClaughry, who departed this life May 31st, 181 8, aged 79 years." She was probably the daughter of the widow, Mary, whose husband would, from the same standpoint, seem to have been William. SAMUEL SLY. One of the most substantial of the early settlers of New Windsor was Samuel Sly, who purchased, loth of June, 1757, from William Young and Elizabeth, his wife, a portion of the Hume patent. In the deed he is described as a resident of the precinct of the Highlands, which, the reader is aware, included the present town of New Windsor, and it is altogether probable that he lived in the Little Britain neighbor- I ^o History of The Town of New Windsor. hood for some time prior to the purchase. His wife was Letitia, daugh- ter of WilHam Hamilton, one of the CHnton company of immigrants. The farm which he purchased is still, or was recently, in possession of his descendants. His wife, Letitia, died Sept. i6, 1776, in her 56th year and he died Sept. 4, 1786, in his 76th year. Their children were: I, Samuel; 2, John; 3, WilHam; 4, Elizabeth; 5, Mary; 6, Catharine. The three daughters married three brothers of the surname of Cross. Samuel Sly was one of the committee of safety of the town of New Windsor in 1775. 1. Samuel, married Margaret McMichael, of a Little Britain family in 1738. Their children were: i, George; 2, Mary (married James Strachan) ; 3, Letitia (married Robert Cunningham); 4, Nancy; 5, Lilly. He was in service in Malcom's regiment in the war of the Revo- lution. 2. John, married Margaret Simpson, and lived and died on a por- tion of the original homestead bequeathed to him by his father. Their children were: i, Letitia (Mrs. Robert Carlisle); 2, Catharine (Mrs, John Milliken) ; 3, Janet; 4, John; 5, Hamilton; 6, Robert; 7, William. Robert (6) was a member of the legislature in 1836 and again in 1841. John (4) was in military service in the war of 1812. William E. Sly, a grandson, was in the Civil War. 3. William was in service in Livingston's regiment in the War of the Revolution. He occupied that portion of the homestead bequeathed to him by his father, and it is still held by his descendants.* He was born February 14, 1760; died November 17, 1834. He married Ann Gouldsberry Barber, daughter of Arthur Barber. She was born Decem- ber 23d, 1758; died August nth, 1825. Their children were: i. Charles Hamilton; 2. Arthur Barber; 3. Maria Gouldsberry. 1. Charles Hamilton, born May 14, 1792; died August 7, 1875, "'" his 84th year. Married, first, Susan Haines, daughter of Samuel Haines, of Montgomery, by whom he had one daughter, Susan H., married Franklin Mulliner. His second wife (Oct. 4, 1825) was Sarah John- ston, sister of the Rev. John Johnston of Newburgh.** Their children, aside from two sons who died young, were: Jane Ann and Catharine Johnston (Mrs. Charles Woodruff). 2. Arthur Barber married Catharine Johnston, sister of Rev. John *See Recollections by Hon. Edward MacGrau. ♦*Rev. John Johnston was the son of John Johnston and Jane Moncriff, his wife, who emigrated from Ireland, in 1774, and settled in the present town of Crawford, Orange County. He was for forty-seven years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of Newburgh, where he died, Aug. 23d, 1855. History of The Town of New Windsor. i 3 i Johnston. One daug-hter, Sarah Elizabeth, survived them. He died September 3d, 1841. 3. Maria Gouldsberry married Joseph Dill. Their children were : I. William S. ; 2. Henry; 3. David; 4. Ann Eliza; 5. Maria. Charles Hamilton Sly was a second lieutenant under Capt Alexander C. Burnet in the War of 181 2, and a captain in the 14th regiment, 34th brigade of the militia in 1823, afterwards ranking as major. For fifty- one years he was one of the trustees of Goodwill Church, although never a professor of religion. JOHN WI'XLING. John Welling came from Long Island ])rior to the Revolution. He married IMary, daughter of Peter IMullindcr, by whom he had eight children — Peter, William, John, Frederick, Isabella, Anna, Sarah and Mary. Isabella married Alexander Pieattie ; Mary married Matthew DuBois. Jr.; Anna died young; Sarah married Isaac DuBois.* Hir> farm, or part of it. is now owned by his grandsons, Peter and George Welling. It was orignally purchased from the patentees by John Young. FALLS FAMILY. Alexander Falls, the progenitor of the Falls family of New Windsor, was a native of Ireland, from where he emigrated, it is said, with th:? Clinton company in 1729. However this may be. his name appears on the military roll of Capt. Ellison's New Windsor company in 1738. about which time he is said to have settled on the Hume patent. Hi.~ fami was afterwards owned by John Findley and his heirs. He died in 1755. He had children: i. Alexander, Jr.; 2, Samuel; 3, Edward; 4, George; 5. Elizabeth, who married Buchan.an ; 6. Mary. *Isaac. David, James and Matthew Dubois, were the sons of Matthew Dubois who was of the fourth generation of the first Louis Dubois, one of the Huguenot settlers of New Paltz. .Matthew, Jr., was engaged in commercial business in the village of New Windsor; was a petitioner for a ferry franchise there m 1762 and during the Revolution was an assistant commissary. He lived neighbor to Robert Burnet, in Little Britain, but subsequently removed to Newburgh, where he engaged in the manufacture of tobacco and where he died in 1799, in his 75th year. (Hist, of of Newburgh) His wife. Mary Welling, died Sept. 21, 1799. His daughter, Mary W., in 1829. Ann M., died Sept. 17, 1828; and his son, David ^L, died in 1855 aged 77 years. David and James (brothers of Matthew, Jr.,) were engaged in the war the of Revolution, the former as lieutenant in Col. James Clinton's regiment in the ex- pedition against Canada in 1775, from which^he returned with impaired healih and died soon after, and the latter under Gen'l McDougal in the battle of Monmouth. JEager' sOraJtge Co.) I ^2 History of The Town of New Windsor. I. Alexander, Jr., married Easther , He died about Oc- tober, 1773, without children — at least none are named in his will on file in Albany, dated July 27, 1773 — probated October 16, 1773. 2. Samuel, married ]\Iary Denton. They had Elizabeth, Alexander and Samuel. He was wounded and taken prisoner in service in the militia at Fort Montgomery, October 6, 1777, as was also a brother whose name has not been ascertained. He died of wounds while in prison in the old Sugar House, New York, January 30, 1778. He was a member of Col. James McCaughrey's regiment. 3. Edward, born 1745, died January 21, 1776, from injuries acci- dentally received in his saw mill. (See Eager's Orange Co., correcting the name "Alex." to "Edward"). He was the 2d Lieutenant in Col. McClaughrey's New Windsor regiment, commissioned in 1775. He married Catharine, daughter of Alexander Denniston ( i ) . They had sons Alexander and George, and daughters Esther and Frances, as named in his will, January 16, 1776, of whom i. Alexander was a merchant ia Newburgh, and the father, (by his first wife), of William H., George, Edward, Hiram and Alexander Falls, all of whom were engaged in mercantile pursuits in Newburgh. William H. was a member of the firm of Reeve & Falls ; subsequently removed to New York, where he was for many years president of the Tradesmans Bank. George and Edward died unmarried. Hiram married Deborah, daughter of Capt. Charles Birdsall. He served as an apprentice to his uncle, Hiram Wood, as a wagonmaker ; was subsequently in the crockery trade, and, a few years prior to his death, was associated with Charles Johnston in the forwarding business. He left no children. Alexander married Sarah, daughter of John Leyard. After conducting mercantile business in Newburgh, he removed to Columbia, S. C, where he died without issue. William H. left two sons and two daughters. Alexander, his father, was thrice married. His third wife, Fanny Belknap, died at Philadel- phia, Pa., December ist, 1877, aged 92 years and 6 months. She wa^' buried at Goodwill Church in Montgomery. As appears by his will Edward Falls, his grandfather, was an "innholder" at the time of his death in the house now known as the "Headquarters of General George Clinton," after the fall of the forts in the Highlands, October, 1777. His widow married Samuel Wood and continued the inn, which became known as the "Wood's House." Later the house became the home of Samuel Brewster Moores, a descendant of Deacon Samuel Brewster of New Windsor. 4. George, married (1760) Rachel, youngest daughter of Peter Mulliner, an early settler on the Hume or Hermitage patent. They History of The Town of New Windsor. i ->'> lived on the Square, on a farm lately owned by Samuel Moore. He died sometime about 1770, leaving, it is said, two children, William and Isabella, of whom William only is mentioned in the will of his brother Alexander, Jr. His widow. Rachel jMulliner, married James Denniston, October, 1773. His son William, married Elsie Davis, by whom he had five children: i. George; 2. Rachel, married James Roberts; 3. Isabella, married David Scott and had descendant in Little Britain ; 4. Jane, mar- ried Obadiah Beatty ; 5. James, removed to the South when a young man, and died there. 5. Elizabeth, married Robert Buchanan and had Alexander, James. Arthur, George, Jane, Isabella and Elizabeth, as named in the will of her brother, Alexander Falls, Jr. 6. Mary, married Hiram Wood. The facts stated are from a memorandum of the late Wm. E. Warren of Newburgh, brother-in-law of Hiram Falls, and from wills of Alex- ander, Jr. and Edward Falls on file at Albany. THE CLINTON FAMILY. The Clintons, of New Windsor, occupy so conspicuous a position in the annals of the State of New York, and in standard historical and biographical literature, that an extended notice, in a work of the charac- ter of this volume, would be superogatory. Nevertheless it is due to a town whose history is so intimately associated with that of the family that more than a passing reference should be made to them. It will be generally understood that two branches of the Clintons are represented in the history of the state, and that their relationship was very remote. The first was that of the colonial governor, George Clinton, the youngest son of Francis, sixth Earl of Lincoln, who was governor of the province from 1743 to 1753, when he returned to Eng- land. He was the father of Sir Henry Clinton, who was in command of the English army in America during a part of the Revolutioa The second and more honored branch of the family in this country, were the descendants of William Clinton, grandson of Henry Clinton 2d, Earl of Lincoln, an adherent to the fortunes of royalty in the civil wars of Eng- land, and an officer in the army of Charles I. On the fall of the King whose cause he had espoused and whom he had served with marked de- votion,* he fled to the continent to escape the fury of Cromwell's army, *His coat of arms and its motto, "Loyatilte n' a Itontc," illustrates his devotion and his position. His bearings are thus described: Argont-six crosses crosslet fitchee, sa. three, three, two, one ; on a chief az. two mullets or pierced gules, Crest — out of a ducal coronet gu. a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. banded with 134 History of The Town of New Windsor. and remained for several years in France and Spain. On his return he settled in Scotland, where he married a lady of the family of Kennedy. He was soon compelled to seek personal safety in Ireland, where he died leaving an orphan son, James, then about two years of age, and a daughter, Margaret.* On attaining his majority, James visited Eng- land for the purpose of recovering the estates of his father but, being barred by the limitation of an act of Parliament, returned to Ireland, af- ter marrying Elizabeth Smith, daughter of a captain Wm. Smith of Crom- well's army. He afterwards became an officer in the English army, and was granted, for his military services, a valuable estate in the county of Longford. He died January 14. 1717, and his wife December 5, 1728, leaving a son, Charles and two daughters, Christian and Mary. Charles married Elizabeth Denniston, and soon after united with the "dis- senters" and opposed the ruling party in Ireland. It will be remem- bered that after the Irish Revolution, in 1689, and the accession of the house of Hanover, Ireland was treated as a conquered province. Clin- ton with others of his faith fell under the law of religious and political proscription, and led him to the detennination to remove to America. Having leased his estate for ninety-nine years to Lord Granard, and succeeded in enlisting a company of his friends and neighbors to ac- company him, * he sailed from Dublin on the 20th day of May, 1729, with the intention of debarking at Philadelphia. It soon became apparent that a fortunate selection had not been made in the ship, the "George and Anne," or her commander. The vessel was slow and the voyage exceedingly long and tedious, to which was added the breaking out of a fatal type of measles and a failure in the supply of provisions. Some ninety persons, heads of families and children, fell victims to the disease and the absence of proper food, the track of the ship was marked with bodies of the dead. Under the circumstances the passengers were anxious to reach land at any point favorable for debarkation, and the captain was induced for a consideration to change his course with that object in view. On the 4th of October, after a voyage of five months, a line laid chevronways, az. Supporters— two greyhounds ar. each collared and lined gu. ^otto—"Loyaulte n' a lionte/'. Charles Clinton brought this coat of arms with him to New Windsor, and it is retained my the family the present day, changing the motto, however, to the more appropriate: "Patria cara, carior liber- tas." *By a receipt preserved among his papers it appears that the charter party was composed of ninety-four persons, heads of famiHes with children and servants. The names of most of these heads of families will be found in Clinton's journal Appendix. **See Biographical Sketch by Joseph Young in Appendix. History of The Town of New Windsor. 135 land was hailed with joy and in a few hours thereafter the survivors of the company were on shore at Cape Cod on the coast of Massachusetts. The season was then so far advanced that httle could be done and i considerable portion, if not all, of the company remained at Cape CoJ. until the Spring of 1730, when they removed to New York and from thence to Ulster County, and located on and in the vicinity of the An- drew Johnston patent,* in the district known as Little Britain.** Clinton was an acknowledged leader among his neighbors in the wilderness, as he had been in the community from which he had emi- grated. He was a good mathematical scholar and surveyor and quali- fied for any duty which might be required at his hands. He soon be- came an agent for the sale of patented lands in his vicinity, to which no doubt was due the subsequent settlement in the district of so large a number of immigrants from his old neighborhood. He was appointed Justice of the Peace soon after his arrival and in 1769, a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Ulster County. In 1756 he was commis- sioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Regiment of Militia of Ulster County, and in 1758, by Governor Sir Charles Hardy, Lieutenant-Col- onel of the battallion under the command of Colonel Piradstreet, in which capacity he took part in the French and Indian war. He wa** stationed at Fort Herkimer, in the valley of the Mohawk, in 1758, and in the Summer of that year was in the capture of Fort Frontenac.***At the close of the war he returned to Little Britain where he spent the re- mainder of his days in the cultivation of literature and the management of his estate. Dr. Joseph Young writes of him at this period: "Col. Charles Clinton possessed an accute genius, a penetrating solid judg- ment, an extensive fund of useful as well as ornamental knowledge, with the aflfability and polished manners of a polite gentleman. He was a tall, straight, graceful person, of a majestic appearance." In his private and in his public relations he sustained a pure and elevated character, and exerted a great influence in the district in which he lived. He was also active in the cause of religion and good morals. Bringing with him *The purchase of farms was made in the autumn of 1730, sometime having been spent in prospecting. **Clinton has had the credit of naming the settlement, but it is now asserted that that honor belongs to Peter MuUinder, a prior immigrant. The question ha» been referred to in Chapter IV. ***The New York troops, under Col. Bradstreet, consisted of two detachments, one commanded by lieutenant-colonel Clinton, consisting of 440 men, under Cap- tains Ogden of Westchester, DuBois of Ulster, Bladgley of Duchess, and Wright of Queens. The second was commander by lieutenant-colonel Isaac Corse of Queens, and consisted of 668 men. 1^5 History of The Town of New Windsor. from Ireland a certificate of his church connection, **he united with th^ Bethlehem church, of which he was made an elder and held that relation until his death. He was born on his father's estate in county Longford, Ireland, in 1690, and died at his residence in Little Britain, November JI9, 1773, in his eighty-third year, in full view of the approach of the Revolution. "He expired," writes Dr. Hosack, "breathing an ardent spirit of patriotism, and in his last moments conjured his sons to stand by the liberties of America." His wife, Elizabeth Denniston, was the daughter of Alexander Denniston, an officer under St. Rutte in 169 1. She was well acquainted with the military operations of the times, and shared largely in the patriotic ardor of her husband and sons. Her let- ters to her husband, during the periods of his official absence, place? her in an interesting and commanding light. She was born in 1704, and died at the residence of her son James (the old homestead of her hus- band) on the 25th December, 1779, in her seventy-fifty year.* Charles Clinton and Elizabeth Denniston had seven children : 1. Catharine, born in Ireland August 11, 1723; married James Mc- Claughry June 22, 1749; died without issue November 28, 1762, in her fortieth year. 2. James, born in Ireland March 31, 1726; died at sea August 28. 1729. 3. Mary, born in Ireland July 11, 1728; died at sea August 2, 1729. 4. Alexander, born In Little Britain April 28, 1732 ; married Mary Kane, Novem'ber, 1757; died March 11, 1758, without issue, aged 26. Alexander Clinton was a graduate of Princeton college in 1750. He studied medicine in New York with Dr. Middleton ; located at Shawan • gunk, and "practiced with great success and reputation. He excelled in everything to which he turned his attention ; he was a good classic **This certificate reads : "Whereas the bearer, Mr. Charles Clinton, and his wife, Elizabeth, lived within the bounds of this Protestant dissenting congregation from their infancy, and now design for America ; this is to certify, that all along they have behaved themselves soberly and inoffensively, and are fit to be received into any Christian congregation that Providence may cast their lot. Also, that said Charles Clint:on was a member of our Session, and discharged the office of ruling elder very acceptably, this, with advice of Session, given at Corbay, in the county of Longford, Ireland. JOSEPH BOND, Minister. *Charles Clinton and his wife, Elizabeth, his daughter, Catharine (Mrs. Mc- Claughry), his sons, Charles and Gen. James, with the wives and children of the latter, were buried in the family burial ground at Little Britain. The plot was enclosed with a substantial wall and monuments erected ; but the removal of th* relatives from the vicinity left the place to the care of strangers. The wall and gate becoming broken, and rank weeds and bushes springing up, induced John A. C. Gray, grandson of Mrs. Mary Gray Clinton, to remove the remains and monu- ments to Woodlawn Cemetery in 1875. They now occupy a fine plot, with a sub- f History of The Town of New Windsor, 1-77 scholar, a great physician, a considerable poet, an excellent musician and understood the use of the broadsword in a superior degree. He was as estimable in character as in acquirements and was beloved and re- spected by all who knew him. He died of confluent smallpox and was buried in the cemetery at Bruynswick (Shawangunk). 5. Charles, born in Little Britain July 20, 1734; died at his rcidence in Montgomery, April 3, 1791, in his fifty-seventh year, without issue. Charles Clinton also studied medicine under Doctor INIiddleton. and, was much esteemed for his skill in surgery by the celebrated Dr. Houck. He was a surgeon in the British army at the capture of Havana. He ultimately settled in the precinct of Hanover (Montgomery) where he practiced with success. He died of consumption, unmarried. 6. James, born at Little Britain, August 9. 1736; died December 22. 1812, in his seventy-seventh year. James Clinton received an excellent education, and acquired much proficiency in the exact sciences, but his ruling inclination was for mili- tary life. He was appointed a lieutenant in the second regiment of mil- itia of Ulster County in 1756, and was subsequently captain of a com- pany in the battalion of which his father was lieutenant-colonel, and par ticularly distinguished himself in the war between the English and th'* French, at the capture of Fort Frontenac, by taking a sloop of war on Lake Ontario, which had obstructed the advance of the English force:. In the militia regiment, of which he was lieutenant, he rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in 1772, but in the interim was appointed captain-com- mandant of four regiments levied for the protection of the western frontiers of Orange and Ulster, a post of great responsibility and danger, as it devolved upon him the protection of a line of settlements of at least fifty miles in extent, which were continually threatened by the In- dians. At the outbreak of the revolution he was appointed by the Pro- vincial Convention of New York (1775) colonel of the militia of south- stantial granite monument around wliicli the old monuments arc suitably grouped. As a question may at some time arise las to the title of the Little Britain plot, the following extract from Charles Clinton's will is here quoted: '"It is my will that I be buried in the graveyard on my own farm, beside my daughter. Catharine; and it is my will the said graveyard be made four rods square, and an open road to it at all times, when it shall be necessary ; and I nominate and appoint my said three sons, Charles, James and George, to see the same executed accordingly ; and I order that my said Executors procure a suitable stone to lay over my grave, •whereon I would have the time of my death, my age and coat of arms cut. I hope they will indulge me in this last piece of vanity."' The remains of some of his neighbors were also buried in the plot, among others, Mrs. Jane Armstrong, daughter of his aunt Margaret. Her remains were not removed, and strange to say, the remains of Mary DeWitt, the first wife of General James Clinton, and mother of DeWitt Clinton, were left in the old burial ground. 1^8 History of The Town of New Windsor. ern Ulster, embracing part of the regiment theretofore commanded by Colonel Thomas Ellison, and in the same year was appointed colonel of the third continental regiment of New York, marched with Montgomery to Quebec and took part in the heroic campaign in Canada. August 9th. 1776, he was promoted brigadier-general, and was placed in command of the construction of the forts in the Highlands. In October. 1777, he commanded under his brother. Governor Clinton, at forts Clinton and Montgomery, in the defense against Sir Henry Clinton, who with three thousand men carried the forts by storm, they being defended by only about five hundred men. Himself and his brother narrowly escaped capture, the latter by springing into a boat and rowing away in the dark- ness, and the former by sliding down the steep bank of Poplopen's Kill and passing up the bed of that stream. Although wounded he made his way to his home in Little Britain and commenced the reorganization of the militia for the defense of Kington. In 1779, with sixteen hun- dred men, he joined General Sullivan in the expedition against the Six Nations. Proceeding up the Mohawk in bateaux, about fifty miles above Schenectady, he conveyed his boats by land to the head of Otsego Lake, one of the sources of the Susquehanna, down which stream he was to proceed. As the water in the outlet was too low to float boats, he constructed a dam across it and thus accumulated water in the lake. By letting out this water and suddenly flushing the stream, his boats and troops were rapidly conveyed to Tioga, where he joined SulliVan, who had ascended the Susquehanna. After one engagement the Indians fled — were pursued and fifty-four of their towns burned. In 1780 he was placed in command of the northern department, with his headquarters at Albany, and was next in the field at Yorktown. In 1782, some pro- motions were made in which junior officers were given the precedence, and he solicited and obtained leave to withdraw from active duty until such time as there should be pressing need of his services.* He made- his last appearance in arms on the evacuation of the city of New York by the British, when he bade farewell to Washington, whose respect he enjoyed. He subsequently discharged several civic trusts ; was one of the commissioners to adjust the boundary line between Pennsylvania and New York; a member of the legislature and of the convention which *His letter of application bears date April 10, 1782, and is characteristic of the man. "At an early period of the war," he writes, "I entered the service of my country, and I have continued in it during all the vicissitudesof fortune, and am conscious that I have exerted my best endeavor to serve it with fidelity. I have never sought emolument, or promotion, and as the different commands I have held were unsolicited, I might have reasonably expected, if my services were no longer wanted, to have been indulged at least with a decent dismission." History of The Town of New Windsor. i -^q adopted the constitution of the United States, and a State Senator. All these offices he filled with credit to himself and usefulness to his country. In private life he was mild and aflfectionate, although reserved, in manner — a trait peculiar to his father and also to his son, DeWitt ; in battle he was calm and collected but full of energy and activity. He was an abL^ soldier, an incorruptible patriot and a true hearted man. By his wife, Mary DeWitt,* "a young lady of extraordinary merit," he had: i. Alexander; 2. Charles; 3. DeWitt; 4. George; 5. Mary; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Catharine. May i, 1797, in New York city, he married, second, Mrs. Mary Gray,** by whom he had: 8. James, died young; 9. Caroline H. ; 10. Emma L. ; 11. James G. ; 12. Letitia ; 13. Anna. Alexander (i), born at Deerpark in 1765, was drowned while sailing from New York to Bull's Ferry, in a "ferry periagua." March 15, 17S7. in his twenty-second year. He was appointed a lieutenant in Colonel Lamb's regiment of artillery, in the War of the Revolution, when but fourteen years of age, and became a member of the Society of Cincin- nati. After the war he was private secretary to his uncle. Governor George Clinton. He died unmarried. Charles (2), born at New Windsor, February 18. 1767, was a lawyer in Newburgh ; he was also an excellent surveyor, and more of his time was spnet in that profession, (which he preferred), than in the law. He was employed in various positions of trust in the village and town of Newburgh — was one of the trustees of the Newburgh Academy and ."• director of the Newburgh and Cochecton turnpike, one of the most im- portant local undertakings, and served as a member of the legislature i'l 1802. He died in New York, April 26, 1829, aged 62 years. He mar- ried Elizabeth, only daughter of William Mulliner, of Little Britain, in T790. Her mother was Mary, daughter of Alexander Denniston. whose sister married the first Charles Clinton. She was born in Little Britain *Daughter of Egbert and Mary DeWitt, of Deerpark. born Sept: 5. 1737, died Dec. 12, 1795. The marriage was by Rev. John Gottcliius. of Shawangunk. Feb. I9> 1765. Their first child. Alexander, was baptized in bhawangunk church. **Mrs. Gray was the daughter of Graham Little, of the town and county of Longford, Ireland, where she was horn, .Aug. 22. 1768, and died at Newburgh, N. Y., June 23, 1835. She was married on May 19, 1788, to Alexander Gray, and ia 1795 came with him to America. They landed at New Castle, July 22d, and pro- ceeded thence to Philadelphia, where Mr. Gray took ill and died. A few days after Mrs. Gray, with her four children, left for New York, the place of their original destination. Having letters in her possession to General Clinton, she came to Little Britain, where she was kindly received. In a short time she re- turned to New York, and with a view to support herself and children opened a ladles' cap store. After her marriage to him, General Clinton adopted her child- ren and divided his property equally between them and his own ch-ldren- After the General's death, she removed to Newburgh. where she maintained the repu- tation of a verv excellent woman. 140 History of The Town of New Windsor. April 2^, 1770, died in New York, August 15, 1865, in her ninety-sixth year. They had three children: i. Maria DeWitt, born in Little Brit- ain, March 26, 1791 ; married May i, 1816, Robert Gourlay captain in U, S. army in 1812. 2. Alexander, born in Little Britain, i\pril 7, 1793; died in New York, February 18, 1878, in his eighty-fifth year; married September 22, 1821, Adeline Arden Hamilton, fourth daughter of cap- tain Alexander James Hamilton, of the British army — a Scotch gentle- man of the family of lanerwick — and Mary Deane, youngest daughter of Richard Deane, an Irish gentleman of good birth and standing. Mrs. Clinton was born in Brooklyn Heights, September 5, 1795; died in New York, July 15, 1873. They had seven children: i, Mary Elizabeth, who married John Rhinelander Bleecker ; 2. Adeline Hamilton, who married Thomas Ellis Brown ; 3. Alexander James, president of the Eagle Fire Insurance Company of New York;* 4. Anna E., who married Thomas A. Wilmerding; 5. Catharine Spencer, who died young; 6. Charles Will- iam, architect ; 7. DeWitt, stock-broker, who married Elizabeth Sigour- ney Burnham. 3. Ann Eliza, born April, i795,- died June 14, 1845, married James Foster, Jr.* DeWitt (3), third son of Gen. Jas. Clinton, and his wife Mary De- Witt, was born in New Windsor, March 2, 1769; died in Albany, Feb. 11, 1828, in his fifty. ninth year. He married first, Maria Franklin, eldest daughter of Waiter Franklin, a wealthy Quaker of New York city, and Maria Bowne, daughter of Daniel Bowne of Flushing. Mrs. Clinton was a "lady of great beauty, and was highly accomplished." She was born in 1775 and died in 1818; married Feb. 10, 1796. Ten children were the is- sue of this marriage, viz: i. Franklin, who died young; 2. Charles Alex- ander, died November 23, 1861, married Catharine Hone, daughter of John Hone and niece of PhiHp Hone. She died October 5, 1841. Six children — DeWitt, Catharine S., George William, Augusta, Maria E., Maria F. — all of whom died young except Catharine S., who married Joseph M. Carville, and died May 15, 1870, and Augusta, who mar- *Dr. Alexander Clinton was educated at Columbia college and was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1819. He practiced for some years in his native county and returned to this city in 1831, where he continued in the exercise of his profession until advanced age obliged him to abandon it. He was a successful practitioner, and notwithstanding the great degree of sensibility and diffident*', tli.at characterized him, his skill and talents were well known and justly held in high esteem by his brother physicians, some of the most noted of whom were among his mo'st inMmate friends. He was an officer in the United States army during the war of 1812 and with one exception the oldest member of the Society of the Cincinnati at the time of his death. A true gentleman of the old school, he was unostentatious and courteous to every one, inferiors as well as equals. — .V. Y. Herald. **Her descendants deny this, although it may be true. £),.^i^ History of The Town of New Windsor. 141 ried Thomas L. Winthrop, and died October 25, 1859. 3. Walter, died young. 4. Julia died yuung. 5. James Henry, burn in 1802, died in 1824, unmarried. 6. DeWitt, died young. 7. George William, a lawyer of Buffalo, N. Y., born April 13, 1807, married Laura Catharine Spencer, daughter of Hon. John C. Spencer, May, 1832, by whom he had seven children, viz. : DeWitt, a lawyer of Buffalo, — judge advocate with the right of major in the Civil War — married Eleanor Sappington died 1873, bearing no issue ; Elizabeth Spencer, who married Henry L. Clinton; Charles A., married I\Irs. Mary Lightner Southard; Spencer, lawyer; married Sarah Riley; Catharine Norton, who married Albert J. Wheeler; Mary Norton, who married Abraham H. Bald- win; George, lawyer, who married Alice Thornton; 8. Mary, daugh- ter of DeWitt. married David S. Jones; 9. Franklin, died unmarried: 10. Julia, born August 20, 1815, died unmarried November 21. 1839. Me married, second, Catharine Jones, a "lady of accomplished manners and superior talents and acquirements." She was the daughter of Doc- tor Thomas Jones, an eminent physician of New York; her mother was the second daughter of Philip Livingston. She died without issue. July 2d, 1855, at the residence of her step-daughter, Mary Clinton Jones, widow of David S. Jones, at Poughkeepsie. DeWitt Clinton was one of the most remarkable men of his time. He was born in New Windsor village* in 1769; received his primary education in the school conducted by Rev. John Moffat in the Little Brit- ain neighborhood; attended the Kingston Academy in 1782; graduated at Columbia College in 1786 and entered the law office of Samuel Jone.^ *Tl:e question of his birthplace will perhaps never be authoritatively deter- mined. Although a matter of little importance, it has elicited considerable dis- cussion. A local tradition has received credence to considerable extent that he was born in Deerpark, at the residence of Jacob Ruken DeWitt, Mrs. Clinton's brother. This tradition is countenanced by Mr. Eager in his "Orange County," (p. 630). The story is that Mrs. Clinton went on a visit to her brother, in Feb- ruary, 1769, and while there was prevented by a heavy snow storm from returning until after the birth of her child. The probability of the story is marred by its preciseness. That Mrs. Clinton left New Windsor in February and traversed the rough mountain roads for forty-five miles in her condition, would have been an indiscretion to say the least- Rev. Charles Scott attempted to correct the state- ment by saying that Mrs. Clinton went from Wawarsing to the residence of her brother in March, not thinking, perhaps, that in so writing he makes her take her trip about twenty-four hours before confinement. The tradition in its most reason- able form comes through the Burnet's, of New Windsor, one of whom, (Robert 2), married Mrs. Clinton's niece, who says Mrs. Clinton went to Deerpark in the early part of the winter, that a heavy snow storm came on soon after and so blocked the roads that she did not deem it prudent to return. James Renwick, L. L. D., Professor of Columbia College, says in his bio- graphy: "DeWitt Clinton was born March 2. 1769, at Little Britain, the residence of his father, Gcnl. James Clinton." Assuming that this statement was made after special inquiry on that point, either at the time of DeWitt's entrance at col- 1^2 History of The Town of New Windsor. of New York, then of high rank in his profession. In 1789, he was a^l- initted to the bar, but accepting the appointment of secretary to his i;nck, Governor George, he gave up law for poUtics and from that time until his death was identified with the political history of the state. He was member of the assembly in 1798; elected United States Senator in 1802, but resigned the place to accept the office of Mayor of New York, serving in the latter capacity in 1803, 1808-9 and 1811-15; was a mem- ber of the State Senate from 1799 to 1802, and 1806 to 1811 ; Canal Commissioner 1816 to 1822; Governor 1817, and in 1820, '24 and '26, being elected in the first instance by 43,310 votes out of a total cast of 44,989. He died of hydro-throax, or dropsy of the chest, while sitting in his study, on the evening of February 11, 1828. "In person he was, " says Hammond in his Political History of New York, "the most perfect- specimens of humanity, combining dignity with elegance and symmetry of features ever produced in the state of New York." As governor, he was the reputed author, and at any rate assumed the responsibility of rec- ommending a larger number of great and important measures, which be- came laws, than all the governors who had preceded him. Perhaps no man who had yet lived in the state had equal natural abilities combined with equal advantages for becoming what he was. He was the pupil of liis uncle in politics and in the requirements of the state, and those a: all familiar with the expressed convictions of the former, cannot fail to see their reflection in the latter. He carried out his uncle's views in regard to internal improvements and other measures of state policy, through evil and through good report, with a steadiness of purpose that no obstacle could divert, and lived to see the former a successful com- pletion. "Among the masses of his fellow citizens," says Hammond. lege or subsequently, it cannot fail to be received as authority, but presuming that it was based on "the residence of his father," at the time he entered college, it is of no special value. It is not, however, unsupported by local tradition. Barber, in giving the place of birth as New Windsor village, is sustained by testimony, of no little force, but of which he was perhaps ignorant. That testi- mony is, that Charles Clinton, the grandfather of DeWitt, was surveyor and agent for the sale of lots in the village of New Windsor; that he acquired there a lot on which he erected a house, barn. etc. ; that he transferred his agency to his son, James, about 1762, and soon after, (Sept. 17. 1763 — Ulster Records G. G., no), sold and transferrd to him the property referred to, and that there the latter opened an office, and after his marriage, (probably in the fall of 1765), took and continued his residence there, remaining until after the death of his father in 1773, when he removed to the old homestead, i^etters are extant written by Col. Clin- ton, dated "Little Britain," addressed to Capt. James Clinton, "at New Windsor," which are additional evidence of the latter's residence there. The removal to Lit- tle Britain during his infancy would explain the tradition that DeWitt was born there, while the fact that his brother, Alexander, vras born in Deerpark and bap- tized in the church at Shawangunk, explains the probable origin of the story that DtWitt was bom there. History of The Town of New Windsor. 143 "he was personally unpopular, from a certain coldness and hauteur of manner." This peculiarity was a family inheritance. Nor was he rt markable for his conversational powers : on literary subjects and othe- grave topics, he was interesting though not eloquent ; his attempts at wit, among those with whom he associated were generally puerile and sometimes offensive. As a political writer, he was capable of keen and Siting sarcasm, perhaps more so than any other writer of the age." .\n index of his mind is perhaps to be found in the decisions which he ren- dered while member of the State Senate, by virtue of which position he was also, ex officio, a member of the highest court of the state. "Some of these," says Chancellor Kent, "are models of judicial and parlia- mentary eloquence, and they all relate to important questions, affecting constitutional rights and personal liberty. They partake more of the character of a statesman's discussions than that of a dry technical law- yer." The general summary of his character will be anticipated from what has been written: As a statesman he was preeminent; as a politic- ian, he was defective in natural tact and address. He was able, honest and patriotic in his conduct as a public servant and a man of indomitable personal and moral courage. He died poor, and in view of the cir- cumstances the legislature voted an annuity of $10,000 for the supiwrt and education of his children. George (4), son of General James Clinton, was born June 6, 1771 and died in New York city, September 16, 1809, in his thirty-ninth year. He was an "intelligent and accomplished gentleman, and at different times represented the city of New York in the State Legislature and ia Congress." He married Hannah Franklin, sister of the wife of his brother, DeWitt. She was born in 1785 and died Afay 12, 1855. They had three children: i. Mary Caroline, born j\Iay 9, 1802, died January 18, 1870, was the wife of Henry Overing; 2. Franklin, died young: 3. Julia Matilda, married first, George Ginton Tallmadge, 1826, and second. James Foster, Jr. She died November ist, 1880. Mary (5), eldest daughter of General Clinton, born Julv 20, 1773, died at Albany, September 4, 1808. She married first (1795) Robert Burrage Norton, and second (1807) Judge Ambrose Spencer. Elizabeth (6) was born January 12, 1776 and died at Binghamton August 2y, 1832, in her fifty-seventh year. She married William Stuart in 1803. Catharine (7), born September 24, 1778, died at Albany, Augiist 20, 1837. She married first (1805) Samuel J. L. Norton, and second {1809) Judge Ambrose Spencer. J . , History of The Town of New Windsor. James (8), General Clinton's first child by Mrs. Gray his secon.i wife, died young. Caroline H. (9), born March 27, 1800, married Judge Charles H. Dewey 1824, died May 21, 1864. Emma (10), born February, 1802, died unmarried, 1823. James Graham (11), born January 2, 1804, died in New York, May 28, 1849. He was admitted to the bar in 1826; was for some years a master in chancery, and represented the district in Congress from 1841 to 1845. ^^ was married December 2^, 1826 to Maigaret Ellsworth Conger, daughter of Joshua Conger, of Montgomery; she died Decem- ber 29, 1863. They had one son, DeWitt. He was captain in the army, during the war with Mexico, and died unmarried at battle of Riva.<. April 7, 1856. Letitia (12), born April 17, 1806, married Dr. Francis Bolton, Jan- uary 26, 1830, and died April 23, 1842, leaving one son surviving, James Clinton Bolton, now dead. Anna (13), born July 26, 1809, married Lieutenant Edward Ross of U. S. army, November 9, 1830. died December 11, 1833. George (7), youngest son of Charles and Elizabeth Clinton, was born at Little Britain, Sunday, July 26, 1739, and died in Washington city (where he was buried) April 20, 1812, in his seventy-third year. George Clinton was to the state of New York what Washington was to the nation. In early life he gave promise of great activity and cour- age; he left his father's house and sailed in a privateer in the French war, and on his return demanded and received a place in the expedition under his father and his brother against Fort Frontenac. At the close of the war he settled down to the study of law under Judge William Smith. In 1759 he was appointed Clerk of Ulster County, but held that position for only about one year. He took an active part in colonial politics and was elected to a seat in the Assembly in 1760, serving until the closing session of that body imder the English government. In the discussions of that period no voice raised in the province was more con- sistent and firm in resisting the demands of the ministry, nor was there *New York was represented in the continental congress by twelve delegates, and three or four of whom were authorized to cast the vote of the State. The vote on the Declaration being taken by states, and the delegates from New York being under instructions, none of them voted for the measure. Clinton and several of his associates hurried home to secure the repeal of their instructions, and having effected that object, the signature of the state was attached to the instrument by the representatives there present, William Floyds, Philip Livingston. Francis Lewis and Lewis Morris. Whatever may have been their personal opinions, their signatures were not judicially a personal act- Their names stand as the synonym of th state which they represented. History of The Town of New Windsor. 145 of his contemporaries one whose energy and zeal was more devoted. In 1775 he was elected to the Continental Congress and served in that body tntil after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, that instru ment, however, failing to receive, under instructions from the provincial convention of New York, either his vote or his signature.* He was ap- pointed a brigadier-general in the army of the United States in 1776 and during the earlier years of the war was active in military affairs in New York, where he held, by virtue of appointment, commission as brigadier - general of militia, subsequently by virtue of his office as governor, he was commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the state. In the former capacity he was in the field with his brigade for the defense of 'New York city in 1776; and in the latter, held command of the forts m the Highlands at the time of their reduction by Sir Henry Clinton, Oc- tober 7, 1777, and marched to the defense of the Mohawk Valley in 1779. In April, 1777, he was elected Governor and Lieutenant-Gover- nor, under the first constitution of the state, and was continued in the former office eighteen years. His duties were peculiarly trying. The state wag the battle-ground of the nation during almost the entire war of the Revolution ; invasions of the enemy swept in on the north and on the south, while the western frontiers were ravaged by savages and tories ; yet through the darkest clouds of the heroic stniggle he held the helm with a firm hand and an inspiring courage. His duties after peace was established were not less trying though of a different type ; poverty and distress were in his borders, and crude laws required shaping to the changed political relations of the people. In this respect New York dif- fered from the eastern provinces. There, the rebellion carried with It the provincial government, in New York a government had to be formed, and that it was wisely formed and still moie wisely administered no one v.'ill question. He was president of the convention assembled at Pough- keepsie to consider the federal constitution in 1788;* was again chosen *See note bottom of page. 144 **To understand fully the politics of that period one must read Hammond's "Political History of New York," "History of the Constitution," etc. New York had a policy of its own growing out of its geographical position which it was loath to relinquish. The legislature had voted to send delegates to the consti- tutional convention to amend the articles of confederation, not to frame a new- instrument, and, had not approved that instrument in the convention. The new instrument was believed to be defective in its judical provisions, and in other respects, and above all it contained no bill of rights guaranteeing personal lib- erty, freedom of religion, etc. Massachusetts and Virginia opposed its adoption, and only consented to it under an implied agreement that amendments should be made. Those amendments were made and may be found in all publications of the constitution. Without them, very few men would be found to-day who would vote for the constitution. He is a very ignorant man who denounces Clinton for his opposition. 146 History of The Town of New Windsor. Governor of New York in 1801, and in 1804 was elected Vice-President of the United States, which position he held, by re-election in 1808, at the time of his death. It was by his casting vote that the bill for re- newing the first charter of the bank of the United States was defeated, his opposition being placed on the ground that at best the power of Congress was doubtful, and that it should ever be considered the safest rule that Congress should not exercise doubtful powers. In whatever position he was placed, either in public or in private life, whatever he esteemed to be his duty was executed fearlessly and promptly. When 'a the city of New York, at the close of the war, he saw an English officer in the hands of the mob, to be tarred and feathered, he rushed single- handed to his rescue and saved him from the ignominy, and when again what was known as the Doctors' Mob was raging, he called out the mi- litia and quelled the disturbance. In the most trying periods of the Rev- olution he did waver in the protection of friends. His old legal instruc- tor was a "King's Man," or Tory. He gave him liberty under restraim, but, he added, "Don't write to me again while the war lasts. Col. Col- den and Vincent Matthews of his own neighborhood, met similar treat- ment, and Silas Gardner was pardoned by him under the gallows. These incidents simply show his character. As early as 1783, he considered and discussed the construction of canals for the internal commerce of the state, and it was from these discussions that his nephew, DeWitt Clinton, became the executive in measures which won for the state the title of Empire; indeed the latter only extended and sounded the ad- ministration of his uncle, with the added brilliancy of his own great in- tellect. In private life he was frank, amiable and warm in his friend- ships. He married Cornelia Tappen, only daughter of Petrus and Tyante Tappen, of Kingston, Feb. 7, 1770, and immediately thereafter took up his residence in New Windsor, where he remained until October, 1777, when on the fall of the Highland forts his family hastily removed to Litth-^ Britain, and from the latter place to Poughkeepsie in December.* Hir, children were: i. Catharine, born in New Windsor November 5, 1770; married, first John Taylor, of New York city, October 25, 1791. Mr. jTaylor died November 26, of the same year, and, June 4, 1801, she married Major-General Pierre Van Cortlandt. She died at Peekskill, Jan. 10, 181 1, in her forty-first year. 2. Cornelia Tappen, born in New *His residence in New Windsor was on the farm late of Thomas W. Christie. It was sold by Clinton to Hugh Walsh, who sold the Christie homestead to Capt Charles Ludlow, who bequeathed it to his daughter, Mrs. Christie. His removal to Poughkeepsie and subsequently to New York wias in consequence of the changes in the location of the state government. History of The Town of New Windsor. 147 Windsor June 29, 1774; married Citizen Edmund Charles Genet,** No- vember 6, 1794, and died March 23, 1810, in her thirty-sixth year. ,v Gerog-e Washing-ton, born at Poug'hkeepsie, October 18, 1778; married Anna Floyd, daug^hter of General William Floyd, September 19, 1808; died March 27, 1813, leaving one son, George William Floyd, born In Poughkeepsie. October 31, 1809, died unmarried in New York May 12. 1842, in his 33d year. 4. Elizabeth, born in Poughkeepsie. July to. 1780; married Mathias B. Tallmadge, October 25, 1803, died April 8, 1825. 5. Martha Washington, born in Poughkeepsie. October 12, 1783, died February 20, 1795. 6. Maria, born in New York, October 6, 1785, married Dr. Stephen D. Beekman, died April 17, 1829. In connection with the descendants of Charles Clinton may properly be noticed those of his sisters. Christiana and Mary, aud also of his aunt, Margaret. Christiana Clinton, first married John Beatty. a resident native of County Antrim, Ireland, by whom she had, Charles, Arthur, Mary and Martha, and a son James, who died on the voyage to America in 1729, and on the same voyage, her husband, John Beatty. also died.* Some- time after her settlement in Little Britain, she married James Scott, and removed to New York, where her husband died in March. 1757. She continued her residence in New York until her death, which oc- curred in March or April, 1776 or 1777, in the 91st year of her age. It is said of her that "she was possessed of a mind, both naturally and b/ cultivation, of a superior order, and of great moral purity. She was exceedingly dignified in her deportment, and a pattern of propriety in her manners, conversation and dress. The portrait of her represents a lady with quite an agreeable and intelligent countenance." Her daughter, Mary, married at Little Britain, Robert Gregg, to whom she bore five children. Within the space of six weeks, she was deprived by death of her husband, a daughter, Jane, and three sons. John Charles and James. These most afflictive events produced mental derangement. She lived to a great age, and towards the close of her life her intellect was restored. Her son, James Gregg, was in command of a company of volunteers, under Colonel James Clinton, in the Canada expedition of 1775, and subsequently under Col. Gansevort, at Fort Schuyler. During the investment of that post bv St. Leger, in 1777, he was the subject of a most remarkable adventure. Going out from the fort one day with two soldiers to shoot pigeons, ♦♦Embassador from the French Republic to the United States in 1793. *See Genealogical Sketch, by Joseph Young, in Appendix. 148 History of The Town of New Windsor. all three were shot down and scalped by Indians in ambush Recovering consciousness, he bade his dog, who had accompanied him, to go for 'help. As if endowed with intelligence the animal at once obeyed. He ran about a mile and found two men fishing, who were induced by his moans to follow him to his master. The captain was conveyed to the fort, and after suffering much, was restored to health. "He was a most frightful spectacle," says Dr. Macher. "The whole of his scalp was re- moved; in two places on the forepart of his head the tomahawk had penetrated the skull; there was a wound in his back with the same in- strument, besides a wound in his side and another through his arm with a musket ball." (Lossing's Field Book. History Newburgh, 279). He continued in the service until the close of the war, was a half-pay officer, and also a member of the Society of the Cincinatti. He died without is- stje; as did also his brothers John and Charles. His sister married Stuart Wilson and has descendants. Martha, the second daughter of Christiana Clinton, was distinguished for great personal beauty. She married a Mr. McMillan, by whom she had one son. Her husband died at an early age, and she took up her residence with her mother, in New York, where she died. Charles Beatty, Christiana Qinton's eldest son, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, about 171 5. He accompanied his mother and her rel- atives to Little Britain in 1736, where we find his name among the en- rolled militia in 1738. August 22, 1744, being then a resident of Nesh- aming, Penn., he purchased two hundred and fifty acres of the Cornelius Low patent, and sold the same to James McClaughry, July 14, 1749. What his early occupation was is not known. It is said, however, that he started out as a merchant, carrying his goods in a pack on his back. In one of his tours he stopped at the "Log College," in Bucks County, Penn., then under the care of the elder William Lennet, who, becoming interested in him, induced him to enter the ministry. He was licensed to preach the gospel by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, October 13th, 1742, and on the 26th March, 1743, was called to succeed his patron and instructor, at the Forks of Neshaming, where he was ordained and in- stalled on the 14th of December. After a laborious and useful life in the ministry, he died at Bridgeton, in the island of Barbadoes (whither he had gone to solicit funds for the College of New Jersey), August I3tli, 1772, of yellow fever. He married, June 24th, 1746, Ann, daughter of John Reading, of New Jersey, who bore him eleven children, nine of whom reached ma- ture life, viz: Mary, Christiana, John, Elizabeth, Martha, Charles Clin- ton, Reading, Erkuries, George, William Pitt and Ann. Erkuries was History of The Town of New Windsor. iao an officer in the army of the Revolution, and the father of Rev. Charles Clinton Beatty, D. D., L. L. D., of Steubenville, Ohio. The complete list of Christiana Clinton's descendants exhibits one of the most remarkable families in American history. What the descen- dants of her brother were in the politics of the nation, hers were in the relig"ious field, in which she still has several distinguished representatives. Mary Clinton, the second sister of Charles, married a Mr. Condy and had a daughter, Ann, who was the mother of Hon. John Taylor, of Al- bany, The latter died without issue. Margaret Clinton, aunt of Charles, married John Parks, and was the maternal ancestor of John Young, one of the Clinton immigrants of 1729, and also of Arthur Parks, who settled at Montgomery some years iater. The Craw fords of Albany, and the Bost wicks of Troy, are also of her lineage. jcQ History of The Town of New Windsor. CHAPTER IX. biographical and genealogical sketches. In a previous chapter of this work has been given, in connection with the settlement of patents, the names of the pioneer famiHes of New Windsor.* In regard to Patrick MacGregorie and his associates no fur- ther information has been obtained than is stated in that connection. They were unquestionably the first European immigrants in the present county. Following the JMacGregorie colony, and, very nearly in chrono- logical order, were the families of William Chambers, William Suther- land, Peter Matthews, John Alsop, Joseph Sackett, Thomas Ellison, John Nicoll, Peter Mullinder, John Humphrey, John Reid and Robert Burnet, who were followed by Charles Clinton, Alexander Denniston, John Young and others, known as the Clinton immigrants, in 1730, after which time settlements were more rapid and at dates which cannot now be ascertained with certainty, but are in many cases approximated by the military roll of 1738. WILLIAM CHAMBERS. William Chambers, one of the holders of the Chambers and Suther- land patent, was a resident thereon prior to its date of issue. He died in 1738 leaving sons William and John. William entered the English Navy and rose to the rank of Admiral. He died without issue. ** John studied law and entered practice in New York city in 1730. In August, 175 1, Governor CHnton,(the first), recommended him for appointment as a member of the Council, saying that he was "a gentleman of good reputation and a large estate, and a person the most agreeable in the whole province," as he had "always behaved with moderation, never countenancing any faction." He served in this capacity until 1762. In 1754. he was one of the representatives of the province in the famous Congress at Albany. In 175 1, he was appointed Second Justice of the Supreme Court, which lie resigned in 1761. He died in 1762-3. Gov- *See Patents and First Settlements. ♦Ante p. — Patents and First Settlements. History of The Town of New Windsor. i c j ernor Colden writes: "I never heard his integrity called in question." "His religion was that of the Church of England, of which he was no* only a zealous professor but an ornament, and an honor to the religio;' he professed." (Jones' History N. Y.) WILLIAM SOUTHERLAND. William Southerland, (now written Sutherland), was also a settler on the patent with Chambers prior to its issue. He died leaving a family, of whom David Sutherland was a purchaser from Dr. John Nicoll of a portion' of the Lawrence patent, in the town of Cornwall, and is pre- sumed to have been the founder of the Cornwall family of Sutherlands. Sutherland's creek takes its name from him. Charles Sutherland was the holder of part of the original purchase in 1815. From abstract of wills on file in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, at Albany, the following abstracts are taken : "Southerland. David, of New Cornwall Precinct. Orange Co.. yeo- man. Wife Mary; grandson Charles Southerland; sons Andrew, David, Alexander ; granddaughters : Mary and Jane, daughters of dec'd son Patrick; daughters Jane, wife of William Edminster ( ?) ; Lesbia ( ?) wife of Moses Clark; Mary, wife of Robert Farrier; da.-in-law Mar- garet, widow of son Patrick. "Dated February 27, 1769; probated November 3, 1778. "Alack Gregory, Patrick, of Orange Co. yeoman. Daughter Mary, wife of David Southerland of Ulster Co., and her sons Patrick and David ; grandson Gregor AlacGregory. Executors : son-in-law David Southerland and John Alsop. Dated Feb. 25, 1727-8; probated Nov. 20, 1728." Patrick Alack Gregory was son of Patrick A'lacGregory or Alac- Gregor, of Plum Point. PETER MATTHEWS. Peter Matthews, originally from Ireland, was a captain in the ^^''ar of i692-'93, and engaged in active service in the Alohawk country. Gov- ernor Bellomont made a lieutenant of him, and wrote, in 1700, that h.^ kept a tap-house in New York; that he was "bred up from a child with Governor Fletcher ;" that it was at his house the "angry people" of New York had their club and held their cabals, and that he was no friend to bim (Bellomont), for which reason he tried to have him removed or ex- changed, but did not succeed. Governor Cornbury was his friend and JC2 History of The Town of New Windsor. sent him to England as bearer of dispatches in 1702. On his return he appears to have resumed his miHtary duties, and in 17 15 was ap- pointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs. He held several patents and was a party in others which were obtained in the names of other per- sons, among the number that to Chambers and Sutherland. He died in 1719. His son, Vincent Matthews (there is no record of other child- ren), purchased, August 22d, 1721, for £1000, of Rip Van Dam & Co.,* the patent for three thousand acres of land, granted to them in 1709, on which he settled and to which he gave the name of Matthewsfield. He served as Clerk of the original County of Orange from 1726 to 1763; as Member of Assembly from 1726 to 1759, and as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1733. He was largely interested in land patents, holding among others the New Windsor tract, and the Poresr of Dean tract. He died in June, 1784. It appears by his will, which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the State of New York, that he was married, first to Catalina Abeel, of Westen- hook, Columbia County, by whom he had four childrn — i. Fletcher; 2. James; 3. David; 4. Bridget, (who married Doctor Evan Jones)" all of whom were born in Orange County. By his second wife Elizabeth, he had a daughter of the same name, who married Theo- philus Beekman, of New York. Fletcher (i), married Sarah, daughter ♦The patentees were Rip Van Dam. Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Jr., Lancaster Syrus, and Thomas Jones. The tract contained 3,000 acres, of which each patentee held one-fifth. The patent was granted March 23, 1709. Rip Van Dam & Co. (patent) — Rip Van Dam. Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Jr., Lancaster Syrus, and Thomas Jones — 3,000 acres — "beginning at a station bearing from Maringoman's wigwam west 24d., S. 85 chains." Issued March 23 d, 1700. S5old by Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Lancaster Syrus, John Thomas and David Jones, to Vincent Matthews, Aug. 22, 1721. Described. "Beginning at a certain station bearing from Maringoman's wigwam W. 24d. 85 ch. and runs thence N. lid. E. 120 ch., thence E. 11 d. S. 200 ch., thence S. I id. W. 180 ch.. thence W. 27d. N. 211 ch., to the station above named, bounded on all four sides by unpatented lands. Containing in the whole 3,000 acres, be it more or less " Oinsideration ii.ooo. Vincent Matthews erected grist mill at Salisbur\^ — date not known' — ^and sold the same to John Carpenter, July 21, 1762, for £800 N. Y. lawful money. Deed conveys lands and falls and grist mills on Murderer's Creek. — Orange County Review. Lib. C, 445. Henry Wisner, in company with John Carpenter, was authorized to erect Powder Mill, "at or near John Carpenter's saw mill," in the precinct of Cornwall. April 27, 1776. — Prov. Con, N. Y. **Dr. Evan Jones had his residence in New Windsor. He died about 1763. leaving sons John and Thomas. The latter was a physician in practice in New York city, from which place he returned to Matthewsfield in 1777. He was ap- pointed member of the State Senate from New York, under the first constitution ('1777)< but resigned in consequence of failing health. — Journal Prov. Con., 11, 440. History of The Town of New Windsor. i c -> of Jesse Woodhull, in 1758.** He resided in the city of x\e\v York, during the latter part of his life,*** and died there. His daughter, Catalina, married Jonathan Brooks. David (3), married Sarah Sey- mour in 1758, by whom he had ten children. He succeeded his fathc as Clerk of the County of Orange (1763), but subsequently removed to New York, of which city he was appointed Mayor, by Governor Tryon. in 1776. Soon after his appointment, he was arrested by the Commit tee of Safety, charged with conduct inimical to the cause of American Independence, and sent for safe keeping to Hartford, Conn. James (2), married Hannah Strong, in 1762. He was the father of General Vin- cent Matthews, of Rochester (born in Orange County in June, 1766; died June 2t„ 1846), who served in the State Senate, and in Congress, and was regarded, at the time of his death, as the father of the bar of western New York. \"incent and his sons David and Fletcher, and hi.s grandson, Vincent, were members of the bar of Orange County. The family was a remarkable one in many respects. General Vincent Matthews, born Orange County, 1766; died Roches- ter, 1846; m Juliana Strong, born 1773, died Rochester, 1850; daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Amy (Brewster) Strong, of Blooming Grove. Orange County, N. Y., Vincent was a son of James Matthews, born at Matthewsfield (Blooming Grove), 1742; died at Ebserion, 1816; married Hannah Strong, born 1742, daughter of Selah and Hannah (Woodhull) Strong. Born, 1722, died 1776; Vincent (2), son of Vincent Matthews (i), born 1699, died at New York, 1784. m. Catalina Abell, born, 1698, daughter of John Abell: born 1667, died 1711. Mayor of Albany, i694-'5. Fletcher Matthews, of New York — During the war he was pro- ceeded against by the Commissioners appointed to the charge of per sons who adhered to the crown, and was ordered to be sent within the British lines. But Governor Clinton having so far interfered with tht decision as to detain him for the purpose of exchange, he was suffered to remain in the country without interruption. Sabrine. — He was not a resident of New York city, but of Orange County, living near the home of Governor Clinton, and an early neigh- borhood associate, and under Governor Clinton's protection he lived and died at Matthewsfield. **Fletcher Matthews' residence was in the old town of New Windsor prior to his removal to New York. The property was subsequently occupied by his son- in-law, Jonathan Brooks. ***Civil list. Eager's Orange Co., 53S. 154 History of The Town of New Windsor. JOHN ALSOP. John Alsop was the son of Richard AIsop, who died at Newton, L, L, October. 1718, aged about fifty-eight years. He married December,. 1718, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Sackett. He adopted the profes- sion of law; located at New Windsor m i724-'5. and was admit- ted to practice in the courts of Orange County in 1734. He removed to New York in 1749, and there continued his legal pursuits until his death, which occurred April 8, 1761, aged 64 years. He left two sons, John, Jr., and Richard, and two daughters, Euphemia and Frances. Euphemia married Thos. Stevenson; Frances died single. John, Jr., became eminen<: as a politician, represented the city of New York in the Provincial Con- vention, and was a delegate to the first Continental Congress in 1774. Although a whig, in the early part of the controversy with the Mothc country, he was opposed to separation from the crown, and hence when the. Declaration of Independence was adopted, he resigned his seat in Con- gress. He died November 22, 1794, leaving one child, Mary, who mar- ried the distinguished Rufus King, and was the mother of the late Hon. John A. King. Governor George Clinton and John Alsop, Jr., wers born almost side by side, in the town of New Windsor ; served together in the historical Continental Congress, and had the latter been as fortu- nate in his political associations as the former, he would have left be hind him a completed record. JOSEPH SACKETT. Joseph Sackett and Joseph Sackett, Jr., whose names are more or less identified with the history of the town, were natives of New- town, L. I.* Joseph, Jr., was the fourth of that name, and also the fourth son of his father. He married Millicent, daughter of Samuel Clowse, of Jamaica, and after doing business in New York as a mer- chant for some years, removed to New Windsor prior to the organiza- tion of the township, where he owned a "small piece of land between the land of John Alsop on the north, and the land of Thomas Ellison on the south," on which he established a store and a wharf, and from which he proposed to run a ferry to Fishkill in 1742, but failed to obtain a charter. "Sackett's Alley," in the village of New Windsor, was so called from his use and possession. *Riker's Annual of Neiutown. History of The Town of New Windsor. 155 SAMUEL BREWSTER. Samuel Brewster, who became a resident of the town of New Wind- sor about 1743, was the son of Timothy (2), son of Timothy (i), Who was the son of Nathaniel Brewster,* who was the son of Jonathan Brewster, son of Elder William Brewster, of Plymouth colony, who eni barked from England on the Mayflower, September 6, 1620, and died at Duxbury, Mass., in 1644. On his removal to New Windsor he was accompanied by his brother, Henry, who, with himself, formed two of sixteen proprietors of the "Township of New Windsor" (now the vil- lage of New Windsor), in 1749. He established a saw mill at the foo: of Forge-hill, now in the village of Moodna, and subsequently a forge and anchorage, which he conducted for several years, and at which he constructed in part the obstructions to the navigations of the liudson dur- ing the war of the Revolution. His early residences would seem to have been in New Windsor village and later at ]\Ioodna (then Orangevillej. In 1763 he erected a stone house on the Forge-hill road, a short dis- tance north of Temple Hill, now or lately on the farm of the late Francis Weygant. A stone in the north gable bears the initials of his name and aate. It is presumed that it was erected for his son Timothy, who re- moved to Woodbridge, N. J., after the Revolution. The house is marked on the DeWitt Map of the cantonment of the army in 1783, and has re- mained as an unmistakable landmark. From his first advent in the town he seems to have taken the rank of a man of substantial character and to have maintained it. On the organization of the Presbyterian Church of New Windsor, September 14, 1764, he was chosen one of its Elders, and in 1773, served as Trustee of the united congregations 3f Bethlehem and New Windsor for the Murderer's Creek district and also for the New Windsor district. In 1763, he was one of the Assessors of the town. He was active in promoting the success of the Revolution, and filled the post of Chairman of the Committee of Safety of the town during the entire period, and served as a member of the Provincial Con- vention, 1775-6, and of the Committee of Safety of that body in which was vested all authority during the recess of the Convention. His more pressing duties in the con'Struction of the river obstructions compelled his retirement in 1777. He died February 10, 1802, in his 83d year, and his wife, Mary Wood, died February 3d, 1807. in her 85th year *Webster in his "History of Presbyterianism in .America." writes: "Brook haven, L. L, was settled from Boston, in 1655. For thirty-five years the town had for its minister Nathaniel Brewster, the grandson of the Ruling Elder of the Pil- gj-im Church of Pl)rmouth." 156 History of The Town of New Windsor. Their children were: i. Samuel; 2. Timothy; 3. Hannah (marrie-i DuBois) ; 4. Abigail (married Jonas Williams) ; 5. Susanna (married Moores) — tof whom Samuel (i), settled in Rock- land (then Orange) County, and, was State Senator in 1805. (See History Rockland County). Timothy (2), was born in New Windsor, November 3, 1746; married Phebe Wood, born February 17, 1754; re- moved to Basking Ridge, N. J., near the close of the Revolution, and from thence to Woodbridge, N. J., where he occupied a large tract of land bordering oon Staten Island Sound, now or lately in the possession of one branch of his descendants. His children were : 1. Samuel, (2), born July 12, 1775; married Jane Wood, and had Phebe, Benjamin, Timothy, Jonas W., Harriet,* Mary, Amy Maria, mar- ried Jesse Smith Woodhull, died September 30, 1824, aged 27 years, and one whose name has not been learned. 2. John, born August 15, 1777; died August 27, 1822; married, February 27, 1797, Nancy, daughter of James Meeker. {See Munsell's American Ancestry. 3. Jonas W., bom February 28, 1780 — ^^had one son and two daugh t-.rs — names not ascertained. 4. Mary, born April 7, 1782, married Noe, had Catharine and Albert, the latter a well-known resident of Newburgh. 5. Nathaniel, born October 27, 1786, married, first, Keziah O Smedes, had William C. (known as Captain William C. Brewster, of Coldenham), Nathaniel Augustus, and Susan Ann, (Mrs. George C. Weeks). His first wife died April 9, 1853, ^^d he married second, Mary Ann Bowne, without issue. Nathaniel Brewster removed from Woodbridge to Orange County about 1812, and located on a farm in the town of Montgomery. In 1823, he was elected an elder of Goodwill Church, in which ofifice he remained until his death in 1869. 6. Timothy, born April 22, 1789, married Juliet Wood, and haa Cordelia, Mary (Mrs. Martine), Harriet, Eugene A.,**and Catharine — *Harriet, daug-hter of Samuel (2) married Andrew J. Callwell, of Salisbury Mills, by whom she had three daughters and two sons; of whom Samuel Brewster and Richard were survivors in 1885. Her father was State Senator from thi*. Middle District 1805. 6, 7. 8. See Civil List; also Hammond's Politicail History. 207, etc. **Eugene A. Brewster was born in New York city April 13, 1827, the family re- moving to Newburgh when he was three years old. Thrown upon his own re- sources he was an earnest student, and early qualified for the position of a sub- ordinate instructor in the Newburgh High School, where he was employed for two years- In August, 1843, he entered the office of the late Hon. John W. Brown as a student and was admitted to the bar in 1848. He remained in Judge Brown's office until that gentleman took bis seat as Judge of the Supreme Court in January, 1850. He then united in partnership with Nathan Reeve, under the History of The Town of New Windsor. i ry residents of Nevvburgh. Phebe Wood, first wife of Timothy (i), die J May ID, 1792, aged 38 years. By his second wife he had: 7. George Y., born December 28, 1794, married Elizabeth , had Catharine, born July 23, 1821 ; Ezra M., born January 2%, 1823; Walter, born October 11, 1824; Sarah E,, born SeptemV>>- '- .826; Albert, born November 18, 1830. 8. James, born in 1798, died in infancy. Abigail, daughter of Samuel Brewster (i), who married. January 13, 1779, Jonas Williams, of Moodna, had five daughters: i. Mary, who married Jacob Drake, of New York; 2. Anne, who married John NicoU, of New Windsor; 3. Helen, who married Doctor J. B. Johnes, of Mor- ristown, N. J.; 4. Susan E., who married Peter Roe,* of New Windsor: and 5. Abigail, who married Samuel Oakley, of New York. Her sons were: Richard and Samuel Williams, the latter for several years a mer- chant in Nevvburgh and the father of Colonel George A. Williams, U. .S. A., Charles E. Williams, Jonas William and Mrs. Robert .\. Forsyth. William, Jr., Captain 56th Regiment, killed at Fair Oaks. Mrs. Abigail (Brewster) Williams died December 22, 1804. Anne Williams, daughter of Jonas and Abigail (Brewster) Williams, born December 22, 1785. died August 29, i86t. married John Nicoll. October 29, 1802. Ruth Nicoll, daugliter of Anne and Jonas Williams, born July 12, 1810, died July 9th, 1885, marri.ed September 13, 1831, John Richard Coldwell — children, William. John Nicoll, Richard, Charles. Mary, James Parks. TIMOTHY BREWSTER. Timothy Brewster, brother of Samuel Brewster, located in Cornwall near Murderer's Creek, where, in 1765, he was chosen, at Precinct meet- ing, one of Overseers of Roads for the "water-side" district. He mar- ried EHzabeth, third daughter of Nathan Clark, Jr., and Abigail Mill-: his wife. She was born in Bedford, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1741, and married at Cornwall. N. Y., sometime prior to 1766, and bt firm name of Reeve & Brewster, which continued for five years, at the expiration of which time he opened an office and has since conducted a large legal business, ranking among the most competent in his profession. He was one of the original members of the Almshouse Commission, and has also served with credit as a member of the Board of Education. He married in 1859, Anna W., daughter of Rev. John Brown, D. D. *See Roe Family in History of Newburgh. Rev. E. P. Roe was one of her descendants. I eg History of The Town of New Windsor. tliat date herself and husband united by profession with the Presbyterian Church at its organization, May 5th, of that year, as appears by the rec- ords of that church. The children of Timothy Brewster and Elizabetli, his wife, were Nathan, Isaac, Jacob, Phebe (married John Canfield), and Sarah (married a Buttervvorth) — (Genealogy of Samuel Clark, Sr.). Nathan Clark, Sr. was one of the settlers at Rippowanis, now Stamford. Conn., in 1646. The following entries appear in New Windsor Church records : "1778, Nov. 30 — Married — Timothy Brewster and Sarila Wood, widow, Cornwall Precinct. "1776, March i — Baptised — Elizabeth, daughter to Timothy Brew- -ster, Senior." John and Henry Brewster, also brothers ( ?) of Samuel, settled m the Blooming Grove district and founded families. ROBERT BOYD. The Boyds of New Windsor, Robert and Robert, Jr., were natives of Scotland and blacksmiths by occupation. Robert, Sr. was a pur- chaser on the Mcintosh patent, prior to 1751. Robert, Jr., obtained from Nathan Smith (Jan. 14, 1761 lot No. 51, in the village of New Windsor, and at a later period, a farm of one hundred acres on the northeast cor- ner of the Chambers patent. He was especially active in local affair?, and was Chairman of the County Committee of Ulster in i775-'76, and of the Committe of Safety of his town. From 1779 to 1781 he was a Member of the Legislature. In 1775 he established a forge, near what is now Walsh's paper mills, for the manufacture of gun-barrels, bayonets etc., for which he had a contract from the Revolutionary authorities of the state. He was one of the founders of the Associate Reformed Church of Newburgh in 1798, and one of its incorporators in 1803. The property which he occupied for many years was in the vicinity of his mill, on the road leading from Newburgh to New Windsor, and has been known in later years as the Havemeyer place. He died October 2g, 1804, aged 70 years. His father died February 15, 1786, aged 83 years. Who his children were, besides Robert, Jr., has not been ascer- tained.* Robert, Jr. left two sons, Samuel and Nathaniel, and one daugh- ter, Janet. The latter married Doctor Baltus L. Van Kleeck, for many years an esteemed physician of Newburgli. The late Rev. R. B. Van Kleeck, of the Episcopal Church, was her son. ♦Geortje Boyd, born 1788, died 1850, removed to Philadelphia, married Eliza- beth Livingston, — Colgate's American Ancestors. History of The Town of New Windsor. i cq NATHAN SMITH. Few of the early settlers of the town were more active in its atlfairs than Nathan Smith.* The date of his settlement was as early as 1768. as liis name then appears in the list of town officers. It is said that he was born in the town of Huntingdon, L. I., and that his father was c Presbyterian minister, who left Eng-land on account of religious perse- cution, and who married a Miss Mowbray of Long- Island, by whom he bad two sons and two daughters, some of whose descendants are still living on the south side of Long Island. Nathan, his youngest son. married at Paramus, N. J., Susan Mcintosh, a daughter or grand-daugh- ter of Phineas Mcintosh, one of the early patent holders in New Wind- sor, upon whose patent he settled and where he established a fulling mill, a grist mill, and a store, giving to his place the title of Hunting- Grove. He continued his residence here until a year before his death, when he exchanged it for a farm two miles west of the then village of Newburgh. He was Supervisor of New Windsor from 1776 to 1780. and Member of the Committee of safety of the town. From 1777 to ti793 he was one of the representatives in the Assembly from Ulster County, with the exception of two terms. In 1793 he was appointed First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of Ulster County, and held that office at the time of his death. In September, 1798, he was in Nev/ York visiting Governor Clinton and friends, apparently in his usual health. On his way to the sloop on which he was to take passage for Newburgh, he was attacked by yellow fever and conveyed to the hospital, where he died. At the time of his death he was fifty-two years of age. He left seven children: i. Susan, married William W. Sackett, resided in New Windsor and Newburgh, but ultimately settled in Sullivan County; 2. Charles F., a lawyer, settled at Clyde, N. Y. ; 3. Augustus, a lawyer, died unmarried; 4. Mowbray, married and removed to south- ern Virofinia ; ^. Nathan, died unmarried; 6. Fell, died unmarried; 7. *There were two persons of this name in the town. The first Nathan was the purchaser from John Chambers, in 1758, of that portion cf the Chambers and Sutherland patent held by William Chambers, one of the patentees, and also part of the Ingoldsby patent and one half of lot No. i. of the German patent. In the deed to him he is described as a "blacksmith of Kingston." He was one of the proprietors of the Township of New Windsor, where he sold lot No. 51, to ••Rob- ert Boyd, blacksmith of the city of New York," January 14, 1761. He is not known to have been in any way connected with the person referred to in this sketch. i6o History of The Town of New Windsor. Elizabeth, married David Hunter,* and died in 1854. Her oldest son, C. F. Hunter, is now (1878) President of the People's Bank, of New York city. He has five children. A younger son, E. M. Hunter, U. S. Commissioner, at Milwaukee, Wis., died in 1877. Her daughters, Cor- nelia B. and Susan F., married (first and second) T. Van Wyck Brink- trhoff, of Hopewell, Dutdhess Co. Judge Smith is described as of fin? personal appearance, and mild and gentle disposition. He had a legal education, and was in every respect qualified for the official stations to which he was called, and was a trusted friend and supporter of New York's first governor, George CHnton. ♦David Hunter was a widower when he married Miss Smith. His first wife was a daughter of Johannes Miller, of Montgomery, by whom he had two child- dreii. Emehne and Johannes M. Emeline married Ur. Samuel Dimmick. of Sullivan County, father of Samuel E. Dimmick of Newburgh. He was a son of James Hunter, and in his day was a man of considerable prominence. In company with Daniel Sloan he conducted a large lumber, grocery and mercantile business in BJoommgburgh. History of The Town of New Windsor. i6i CHAPTER X CIVIL LIST, 1763 — Joseph Belknap, Clerk; George Harris, Supervisor; Samuel Brewster, James Humphrey and George Denniston, Assessors; Alexander Denniston, Constable and Collector; Judah Harlow and Capt. James Clinton, Overseers of the Roads; David Crawford and John Nicoll, Overseers of the PoOr; An- drew Crawford and William Lawrence, Fence Viewers. Election at the home of Judah Harlow. 1764— Joseph Belknap, Clerk; Isaac Hodge, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Bel- knap and David Humphrey, Assessors; Hezekiah White, Constable and Col- lector; Charles McCallister, Deputy Constable; Hezekiah White. Leonard Nic- oll, John Arthur and Silas Wood, Overseers of the Roads ; John Yelverton, and Robert Carscaden, Overseers of the Poor; Andrew Crawford and Will- iam Lawrence, Fence Viewers. Election at the house of Joseph Belknap, 1764 to '68. 1765 — Joseph Belknap, Clerk; Capt. James Clinton, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap and David Humphrey, Assessors ; Edward Falls, Constable and Collector; Alexander Falls and Robert Buchanan, Security for Collector; Silas Wood, Overseer of the Roads ; Jonathan Parshal and Hezekiah White, Overseers of the Poor; Moses Fowler and John Nicholson, Fence Viewers. 1766 — Joseph Belknap, Clerk; Isaac Nicoll, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Bel- knap, David Humphrey, Assessors ; William Edmonston, Constable and Col- lector; Moses Fowler, George Denniston, Thomas King, Francis Mandevillc, Overseers of the Roads; Moses Fowler and John Nicholson, Fence Viewers; John Monell and Robert Boyd, Overseers of the Poor. 1767 — Joseph Belknap, Clerk; Isaac Nicoll, Supervisor; John Nicoll, David Hum- phrey, Joseph Belknap, Assessors; William Edmonston, Constable and Col- lector; Theophilus Corwin, Nathaniel Boyd, Overseers of the Poor; James Jackson, James Neely, John Nicholson, Overseers of Roads; John Nicholson, Isaac Nicoll, Fence Viewers. 1768 — Joseph Belknap, Clerk; John Ellison, Supervisor; George Denniston, John Nicholson and Hezekiah White, Assessors ; William Edmonston, Constable and Collector; Arthur Beatty and Nathan Smith, Overseers of Poor; Roben Boyd, Joseph Belknap, James Jackson, Overseers of Roads ; Patrick Mc- Claughry and Judah Harlow, Fence Viewers. 1769 — James Qinton, Clerk; John Ellison, Supervisor; George Denniston. John Nicholson, Hezekiah White. Assessors; Reuben Wee'd, Constable and Col- lector; Samuel Brewster and Samuel Sly, Overseers of the Poor; John Gal- loway, James Denniston, Theophilus Corwin, Samuel Arthur, Overseers of Roads; Judah Harlow and James Humphrey, Fence Viewers. Election at the house of Neal McArthur, 1769 to '85. 1770 — James Clinton, Clerk; John Ellison, Supervisor; Hezekiah White, James Denniston, David Humphrey, Assessors; Nathan Smith, Constable and Col- 1 62 History of The Town of New Windsor. lector; Judah Harlow and Timothy Mills, Overseers of the Poor; James Mc- Claughry, George Clinton and Patrick McClaughry, Commissioners of the Roads; Samuel Logan. William Edmonston, Alexander Falls, Samuel Sly, Overseers of Roads; Walter McMichael and Theophilus Corwin, Fence Viewers. I77i_James Clinton. Clerk, William Jackson, Supervisor; Hezekiah White, James Denniston, James McClaughry. Assessors; Nathan Smith. Collector and Constable; Leonard Nicoll. James Buchanan, Overseers of the Poor; James McClaughry, Patrick McClaughry, James Cl'nton, Commissioners of the Roads; Isaac Schultz, Edward Neely, Fence Viewers; James Jackson, Na- thaniel Liscounb. Alexander Falls. Jr., Samuel Sly, Overseers of the Poor. t772 — James Clinton, Clerk; John Ellison. Supervisor; John Nicoll, John Nichol- son and Joseph Belknap, Assessors; Nathan Smithy Constable and Collector; (Timothy Mills and Thos. Johnson his securities). David Holladay. John Gal- loway, Overseers of the Poor; George Denniston; James Faulkner, John Nicoll, Road Commissioners; Robert Boyd, Alexander Falls, Samuel Sly, William Edmonston. Francis Mandeville, Overseers of Roads ; James Dunlap, William Rider, Fence Viewers. 1773 — James Clinton. Clerk; John Ellison, Supervisor; John Nicoll, John Nichol- son, Joseph Belknap, Assessors; George Coleman, Collector and Constable; Isaac Schultz and James Neely, Overseers of the Poor; Judah Harlow, Ed- ward Neely, Fence Viewers ; James Dunlap, Samuel Arthur, Leonard Nicoll. Thomas Belknap, Samuel Sly, Overseers of Roads. 1774 — James Clinton. Clerk; John Ellison, Supervisor; John Nicholson. John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap, Assessors ; Robert Boyd, Robert Stewart, Overseers of the Poor; Theophilus Corwin. Archibald Beatty. Fence Viewers; Judah Harlow, Leonard Nicoll, Gilbert Peet, Isaac Belknap, James McClaughry, Samuel Sly, Overseers of Roads. 1775 — James Clinton. Clerk; John Nicholson, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Josepn Belknap John Nicholson, Assessors; James Hays, Constable and Collector; Silas White, Henry MacNeely, Overseers of the Poor; David Halliday. John Beatty. Fence Viewers ; Isaac Schultz, John Dean, Benjamin Case, Silas Wood, James McClaughry, Nathaniel Boyd, Overseers of Roads. (^omnir'ttee of Safety — "At a meeting of ihe freeholders and inhabitants of the precinct of New Windsor, in the county of Ulster, this eighth day of May, 1775. for the purpose of choosing a committee and signing an association for the more firm union of the inhabitants m pursuing measures for their com- mon safety — then proceeded to nom-nate and elect the following persons to be a Standing Committee until the next precinct meeting: Col. James Clinton, Capt. James McClaughry, John Nicoll. Esq., John Nicholson, Esq., Nathan Smith Esq.. Robert Boyd, Jr.. Samuel Brewster. Samuel Sly. Samuel Logan. "Col. James Clinton, Capt. James McClaughrA' and John NicoH, Esq., were named as delegates to represent the precinct in a convention to be held at the house of Mrs. Ann DuBois, Marlborough, to appoint delegates to the Provincial Convention at New York, May 25th." — Tozun Record. 1776 — Robert Boyd, Jr.* Clerk; Nathan Smith, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap, George Denniston, Assessors; James Hays, Constable for New Windsor; Thomas McDowell, Constable and Collecior; Francis Mandeville, Alexander Denniston, Overseers of the Poor; Judah Harlow, Robert Burnet, Fence Viewers; James Jackson, Sr., William Edmonston, Samuel Arthur, Silas Wood, Hugh Humphrey, Stephen King, Overseers of Roads. 1777— Robert Boyd, Jr., Clerk; Nathan Smith, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap, George Denniston, Asses.sors ; James Hays, Constable for New Wind- sor; Nathan Boyd, Constable and Collector; Gilbert Reet, John Waugh, Over- History of The Town of New Windsor. 163 seers of the Poor; John Gollow. Highwaymaster for New Windsor. William Edmonston for Goshen Road, Samuel Arthur for Murderer's Creek Road. Silas Wood for Silver Stream. Hugh Humphrey for Little Britain. Samuel Sly for Huntinjr Grove; James Jackson. Sr.. and Thomas Parshall, Fence Viewers; Samuel Brewster. Robert Boyd. Jr.. Nathan Smith. Hvigh Hum- phrey, George Denniston. John Xicoll. James McClaughry. Leonard D. Nicoll, Samuel Arthur. Committee of Safety. 1778— Robert Boyd. Jr.. Clerk; Nathan Smith. Sujiervi.sor ; John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap. George Denniston. James Faulkner. James Kernochan. Assessors, James Hays. Constable; Nathaniel Garrison, Constable and Collector; Leonard D. Nicoll, James Burnet. Overseers of the Poor; Joshua Scars. Highwaymaster for New Windsor. Willinm Edmonston tor Goshen, David Mandeville for Creek. Silas Wood for Silver Stream. Hugh Humphrey for Little Britain, Samuel Sly for Hunting Grove. 1779— Robert Boyd, Jr., Clerk; Nathan Smith, Supervisor; John Xicoll, Neal McArthur, William ScOtt, James Faulkner, John VVaugh, Assessors; James Hays, Constable; Archibald Beatty, Constable and Collector; John Nicoll, Nathan Smith, ALatthew DuBois, William Telford, Robert Boyd, Jr., Commissioners of Highways; Joshua Sears, Robert Burnet, Overseers of the Poor; Leonard D. Nicoll. Alex. Denniston, Fence Viewers; Hugh Turner. William Edmonston, David Mandevlle. Jacob Mills, Samuel Boyd, Samuel Sly, Highwaymasters. 1780 — Robert Boyd, Jr., Clerk; Nathan Smith, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Neal McArthur, William Scott, James Faulkner; John Waugh, Assessors ; James Hays, Robert Cross, Constables ; Isaac Schultz, John Burnet, John Moffat, William Telford, Robert Boyd, Jr., Commissioners of Highways; David Man- deville, Stephen King, Overseers of the Poor; Jonas Williams. Edward Neely, Fence Viewers; Barualas Corwin, Highwaymaster for New Windsor, William Edmonston for Goshen Road, Vincent Helmes fOr Creek Road, Joseph Bel- knap for Silver Stream, Samuel Boyd, for Little Britain, Samuel Sly fo"- Hunting Grove. 1781 — John L. Moffat, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Josepli Belknap, Jonathan Parshal. William Telford, Matthew Gillespie. Assessors; James Hays. .Mex. Kernochan. Constables; Isaac Schultz, Leonard D. Nicoll. James Kernochan, William Telford. John L. Moffat, Commissioners of High- ways ; Colvill Stewart, Moses Gale, Overseers of Poor ; James Latta, David Mandeville, John Ellison, Silas Wood, Thomas Palmer, Hugh Humphrey, William Sly, William Crawford, Highwaymasters, the latter for Stonelield- 1782 — John L. Moffat, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; John Nicoll, Joseph Belknap, Edward Neely, Assessors ; James Hays, William Sly, Constables ; Isaac Schultz, Leonard D. Nicoll, Thomas Belknap, William Telford. John L. Moffat, Commissioners of Highways ; Thomas Belknap. Nathan Smith, Overseers of the Poor; Joshua Sayre, Vincent Helmes, William Edmonston, Isaac Belknap, David Parshal, Samuel Sly, Aletx. Denniston, Highway- masters ; Robert Johnson, Thomas McDowell, Fence Viewers. 1783 — William Telford. Clerk; Matthew DuBois. Supervisor; Vincent Helmes Isaac DuBois, Constables ; John Nicoll. James Kernochan. Edward Neely, Assessors; Robert Boyd, Jr., Leonard D. Nicoll, Thomas Belknap. John Burnet, William Telford, Commissioners of Highways; William Ellison, Jonathan Parshal, Overseers of the Poor ; John Denniston, James Burnet, Fence Viewers. 1784 — William Telford, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, Samuel Boyd, Edward Neely, Assessors ; James Latta, Leonard D. Nicoll, George Denniston, James Clinton, John Burnet, Commissioners of Highways; John Ellison. William, Telford, Overseers of Poor. J 54. History of The Town of New Windsor. T^Rc— William Telford, Clerk; Matthew DuBois. Supervisor; Leonard D. NicoU, Tames Kernochan, Archibald Beatty Assessors; Samuel Logan, Joshua Sears, Wm am Scott, Thomas Belknap, Matthew Gillespie, Commissioners of High way rSi^as Wood, James DuBois, Constables; Samuel Brewster, Mills Caven, Overseers of the Poor. Election at the house of Isaac Belknap. 1786-William Telford, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leoiiard D. Nicoll, Umes Kernochan, William Telford, Assessors; Jonas Williams, Samuel Boyle, Isaac Belknap, James Denniston, Abraham Neely, Commissioners of Highwavs; William Hunter, David Cook, Constables; John McConeley, George Denniston, Poormasters. Election at the house of William Hum- phrey, 1786 to '91. J787— William Telford, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, James Kernochan, William Telford, Assessors; Jonas Wilhams,_ Samue. Boyd, James Hamilton, Alexander St-.wart. Robert Cross, Cnmmissioners of Highways; Daniel Gauthey, David Cook. Constables; John Ellison, James Denniston, Collectors ; Gideon Solomon, CoVin Stewart, Overseers of Poor. ^788— William Telford, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll John Denniston, William Telford, Assessors; Jonas Williams. Samuel Boyd, James Hamilton, Archibald Beatty, Robert Boyd, Commissioners of High- ways- Silas Wood Jr., David Cook, Constables; William Denniston, Edward Neely, Collectors, Silas White, Jacob Mills, John Morrison, Poormasters. 1789 William Telford. Cerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, John Denniston, William Telford, Assessors. Jonas Williams, James Ker- nochan, Edward Neely, Commissioners of Highways; William Edmonston, John Morrison, Constables; Samuel Boyd, John Dill, Poormasters. xygo William Telford. Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, John Denniston, William Telford, Assessors, John Gillespie, James Kernochan, William Watson, Commissioners of Highways; William Edmonston. David McNeely, John Morrison, Constables; James Thorn, David Dill, Poormasters. xygi — William Telford. Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, John Denniston. William Telford, Assessors; John Gillespie, Francis Craw- ford, David Dill, Commissioners of Highways; Jonas Williams, John Mor- rison, Collector; John Morrison, David Clark, Constables; James Thorn, David Dill, Poormasters. 1792 — Robert R- Burnet, Clerk; Matthew DuBois, Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, John Denniston, Abraham Neely, Assessors ; Jonas Williams, John Morrison, Collectors ; David Clerk, John Morrison, Constables ; John Gillespie, Francis Crawford, David Dill, Commissioners of Highways ; Jonas Williams, John Morrison, Overseers of the Poor. Election at the house of David Clement, "being the usual place." In May folowing a special meeting was held "at the house of Sarah Hamilton, the usual place of town meetings." The house was built long before the Revolution, and was burned down a few years ago. Elections were held there from 1792 to 1816. 1793 — Robert R. Burnet. Clerk; James Clinton, Supervisor; Jonas Williams, Francis Crawford, David Dill, Assessors; Leonard D. Nicoll. John Morrison, Jr., Collectors, David Clark, John Morrison, Jr., Constables; William Ellison, GeOrge Denniston. Nathan Smith, Commisioners of Highways ; Isaac Schultz, William W. Sackett, Overseers of the Poor. 1794 — Robert R. Burnet, Clerk; James Clinton, Supervisor; Jonas Williams, Francis Crawford, David Dill, Assessors; James Thorn, Colvill Stewart, Col- lector. William Older, John Morrison, Jr., Constables; Joseph Morrell, Alex- ander Denniston, Archibald Beatty, Commissioners of Highways; Jacob Smith, Alex. Falls, Overseers of Poor. History of The Town of New Windsor. i6- 1795— Robert R- Burnet, Clerk; Francis Crawford, Supervisor; Leonard D. Xicoll, John Denniston, David Dill, Assessors; Vincent Helms, George Denniston] Collectors; John Scott. John Morrison, Jr., Constables; Asa Byram, Alex. Denniston, Archibald Beatty. Commissioners of Highways; John Scott. John Morrison, Jr., Overseers of Poor. 1796 — Robert R. Burnet, Clerk; Francis Crawford. Supervisor; Leonard D. Nicoll, John Denniston, David Dill. Assessors; ohn D. Nicoll. John Scott. Collectors; John Morrison. Jr.. John Scott. Constables; William Elli.son. William Moffat, Archibald Beatty. Commissioners Highways; ohn Scott. John Arorrison. Jr., Overseers of the Poor. 1797 — Robert R. Burnet. Clerk; Francis Crawford. Supervisor; William Beatty, Alexander Stewart, Leonard D. Nicoll. Assessors; William Ellison, William Falls, Collectors; Joshua Green, William Falls, Constables; Asa Byram, Samuel Moffat. Archibald Beatty. Commissioners of Highways; Samuel Logan, Joshua Green, William Telford, Overseers of Poor. 1798 — Robert R. Burnet, Clerk; Francis Crawford, Supervisor; William Beatty. Alexander Stewart, Joseph Morrell, Assessors; Abraham Schultz. Samuel Finley, Collectors ; Joshua Green. George Johnston, Constables, Archibald Beatty, Samuel Moffat, Asa Byram, Commissioners of Highways; Leonard D. Nicoll, Joshua Green, Overseers of the Poor. 1799 — Robert R. Burnet. Clerk; Francis Crawford, Supervisor; William Reatty, Alexander Stewart, Leonard D. Nicoll, Assessors; Daniel Borden. Benjamin Van Keuren, Collectors ; Joshua Green, John McMichacl. Constables ; Archi- bald Beatty. Samuel Moffat, Asa Byram, Commissioners of Highways; Isaac Schultz, Joshua Green, Overseers of the Poor. The Clerks and Supervisors from 1800 to 1885 have been as follows : Clerks — William Mulliner, 1800-23; Robert Burnet. 1823-24; William Mulliner, i824-'28; John S. Wear. i85Q-'6i ; William H. Weed. "i862-'63; James W. Cor- win, i864-'67; James L. Mapes, 1868; William S. Fulton. i869-'74; James L. Mapes, 1875 ; James W. Corwin, i876-'85. Supervisors — Francis Crawford, i8oo-'o3; Abraham Schultz. i8o4-'o6; Josepn Morrell, i8o7-'og; David Dill. i8io-'i2; Abraham Schultz. i8i3-'27; Joseph J. Houston, 1828; Charles Ludlow, i829-'32; Robert Sly, i833-'37; Walter Hal- sey, 1838; James Denniston. 1839: Robert Sly. !84o-'42; Samuel B. Sackett, 1843; James R. Dickson. i844-'5o; Joseph B. Burnet. t85T-'54; Ehenezer Keeler, i835-'56; Thomas J. Fulton. i857-'5S: George A. Denniston i859-'62; Thomas J. Fulton, 1863; Georee A. Denniston. 1864: William R. Weed, 1865; Joseph B. Burnet, iS66-'67; William R. Weed. i868-'7o; Charles G. Corley, i87i-'75; William R. Weed. 1876; George McCartney, i877-'78; *Benjamin B. Odell 1879,; George McCartney, 1880; William R. Weed, 1881 ; George Mc- Cartney, 1882; Edward D. Pierson, 1883; Joseph A. Morrison, i884-'85. ♦Resigned January, i88o- George McCartney elected for unexpired term. 1 56 History of The Town of New Windsor. CHAPTER XI CI\IL WAR. The number of volunteers furnished by the Town during the Civil War was : Prior to July ist, 1863 129 January and February, 1864 72 August, 1864 • • • 24 December Call, 1864 2 227 In the settlement with the State under the act to equalize bounties, the town was paid for an excess of sixty-nine years or twenty-three three-years'-men, $13,800; and for bounties for two men $1,200 — total —$15,000. The sum of $4,620 was raised by subscription for the payment of bounties in 1862, of which sum $300 unexpended v/as returned to th-^. subscribers. The town shared in the county bounty of 1863, but sub- sequently issued its own bonds for the payment of town bounties. Of the county bounty it paid in principal and interest $23,935.21, and the principal and interest of its town bonds amounted to $17,290.48.* The total payment for bounties, after deducting the $300 refunded and the $15,000 from the State, amounted to $30,545.69. The proportion of the State tax levied for all war purposes has not been ascertained. The following list of volunteers is compiled from county lists and credits of Senatorial Committee : Ackerman, Daniel, I24t'h Regiment. Areson, Stephen W., 9th N. Y. Regiment; enlisted August 30, 1862. Anthony, J. Newton, Mozart. Acker, James, 15th Cavalry; enlisted 1864. Ackert, William H., enlisted 1864. Anderson, George L., enlisted 1864. *The supervisor reported in 1870, that the total of town bonds issued was $21,044.05. The figures given alwve are the total of taxes ra'sed as per ratio table. History of The Town of New Windsor. 1 67 Boyd, Andrew M., Co. B, 124th Regiment; enlisted August 14, 1862. Missing in action June 6, 1864. Bennett, John W., 124th Regiment; enlisted August 8. 1862. Taken prisoner at Chancellorsville. Deserted while i)ar()lcfl iirisoner. Bennett, Garrett H.. 124th Regiment; enlisted August 2, 1862: Wounded at Gettyshurg. Died January 17. 1865 of pneumonia. Burns. John, r24th Regiment; enlisted August 22, 1862. Brock, Selah, 124th Regiment; euHsted August 26. 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged February 2, 1864. Benjamin. John F., 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 2g. 1862. Benjamin. Samuel A.. 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 29, 1862. Burns, Matthew, 36th; enlisted September 1, 1862. Butler, John, i66th Regiment; enlisted 1862. Babcock, Theodore W., i66th Regiment; enlisted October 14. 1862. Brown, Charles, i68th Regiment; enlisted October 22, 1862. Beames. John. i68th Regiment; October 18, 1862. Brown, Josiah FL, 2d Cavalry. Sept. 24, 1862. Brundage, J. Howley, Mozart. Brown, John, 2d Cavalry. Burton, William, Mozart. Bowers, Harvey, Duryea's. Bradley, John, 56th Infantry. Bowen. George L. 7th Tnd. Battalion; enlisted October 1861. Dis- charged January, 1863. Brown, John. Berdan's S. S. Baird, Thomas, 2d Cavalry; enlisted 1862. Buckmaster, Robert M. 71st and Co. R. 9th Regiment. Bigger, Samuel, 15th Artiller}-, 1864. Bush. Joseph H., 15th Artillery; enlisted 1864. Burns, Martin. 15th .Vrtillery; enlisted 1864. Brown, Isaac \'. D., 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Bulkley. Frederick. 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Bowles, Willian; J., Colored; enlisted 1864. Balf, William C. enlisted 1864. Also 3d Regiment. Co. B., May 14, 1861. Baird, Ira H., enlisted August, 1864. Chambers, John. Co. G., 124th Regiment; enlisted August 17, 1862. Died April 22, 1864. Cooper, Charles G., Co. G., 124th Regiment; enlisted .\ugust 18, 1862. 1 68 History of The Town of New Windsor. Cressy, Charles T., Lieutenant, 124th Regiment A.; enlisted August 18, 1862. Died of disease, January 14, 1864. Coleman, George W., 124th Regiment; enlisted August 23, 1862. Killed at Chancellorsville. Coldwell, William, 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 28, 1862. Dis- charged. Carr, Solomon, 124th Regiment; enlisted September 2, 1862. Carroll, Dennis, i68th Regiment; enlisted October 7, 1862. Carr, David, i66th Regiment; enlisted October 7, 1862. Call, Joel, i66th Regiment; enlisted October 7, 1862. Conkling, Peter R., i66th Regiment ; enlisted October 7, 1862. Conkling, Martin C, i66th; enlisted October 7, 1862. Coleman, George S., i66th; enlisted October 7, 1862. Cloyd, James C, 87th ; wounded at Fair Oaks, discharged. Cloyd, David C, Lieutenant, 87th. Resigned May 8, 1866. Died at New Windsor. Cypher, Henry L., 56th; enlisted October, 1861. Cook, Francis, i68th. Curtis, Robert, i68th. Craig, Robert C, i68th. Courter, David L., 87th; enlisted 1861. Casey, Joseph N., 124th; enlisted 1864. Casey, William, 124th; enlisted 1864. Conkling, Edward, 156th; enlisted 1864. Conkling Edward, 156th; enlisted January 19, 1864. Conkling, James, 156th; enlisted January 18, 1864. Cameron, William H., 2d Battalion; enlisted January 18, 1864. Cherry, Sylvanus B., enlisted January 18, 1864. Clearwater, William B., enlisted January 18, 1864. Crowse, William H., 7th Battalion, enlisted January 18, 1864. De Groat Nelson, 124th; enhsted August 22, 1862. Died at New Windsor. De Groat, Hiram W., i'24th; enlisted August 31, 1862; went to 93d. Davy, John James, 2nd Cavalry; enlisted August 26, 1862. Davy, George W., 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 29, 1862. Dickson, Francis, 124th Infantry; enlisted September 5, 1862; went to 93d. Downing, Charles, 124th E. ; enlisted September 2, 1862. Served full term. Davis, Charles, 2d Cavalry; enlisted October 7, 1862. History of The Town of New Windsor. 169 Dougherty, Robert, 2d Cavalry; enlisted October 6. Downs, James, 2d Cavalry; enlisted October 13, 1862. Duzenberry, Zenophen, 124th; enlisted August 22d, 1862. Dutcher, Timothy, Mozart; enlisted August 22, 1862. Doitline, John, i68th. Doitline, John, 98th Regiment; enlisted 1864; also in i68th. Doty, Ezra, 98th Regiment; enlisted 1864. Diamond, Charles, 20 Colored; enlisted in 1864. Derwin, Joseph S., 20th Colored; enlisted 1864. Decker, Garret, 124th; enlisted 1864. Davis, John, 80 Artillery; enlisted October 25, 1861. Edwards, Charles, Co. T, 124th Regiment; enlisted August 19, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg. Ensign, Charles A., Co. I., 124th Regiment; enlisted August 19, 1862. Ellis, A. Van Home, Colonel, 124th Regiment; enlisted August 19, 1862; also in 71st Regiment. Killed at Gettysburg. Ellsworth, Frank, 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Ennis, Michael, 7th Artillery; enlisted 1864. Fitzgibbons, Patrick, 7th Artillery; enlisted September 3, 1864. Fuller, Alex D., 7th Artillery; enlisLed September 3, 1861. Foot, Horatio, 47th Mass. Regiment. Faulkner, Matthew, 15th Artiller}^; enlisted January 18, 1864. Fuller, Alex. D., 63d Infantry; enlisted January 18, 1864; also in- 7th Battalion, 1861. Fairchild, Andrew, 63d Infantry; enlisted January 18, 1864. Frohlick, Rudolph, enlisted 1864. Fulton, Charles, enlisted 1864. Gardner, Daniel S., 124th; enlisted August 20, 1862. Wounded, May 3, 1863, and in hospital until December. Served full term. Glen, Edward, 124th; enlisted September 2, 1862. Gerow, Charles N., 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 29, 1862. Garrison, John W., i66th ; enlisted October 14, 1862. Garrison, David, i66th ; enlisted October 14, 1862. Goeklius, Isaac N., 124th A; enlisted August 8, 1862. Wounded slightly at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Graham, William, 2d Cavalry. Gage, Eli, 87th K; October 3, 1861. Greeley, Cyrus D., 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Humphries, George H., enlisted 1864. ; ^ lyo History of The Town of New Windsor. Humphries, Joseph, 63d Regiment; enlisted 1864. Higgins, Benjamin F., 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 9, 1862. Hider, William H,, 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 24, 1862. Hovercamp, Jacob, i6th; enlisted October 14, 1862. Harris, George, 2d Cavalry. Hughs, John H., 56th ; enlisted 1864. Howe, Ira F., enlisted 1864. Howard, James E., 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Jennings, Daniel C. 124th; enlisted August 14, 1862. Jennings, Thomas. i66th; enlisted October 14, 1862. Jones, William, 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 24, 1862. Johnson George B., 2d Artillery; enlisted 1864. Johnson, Thomas, enlisted 1864. King, William H., 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 11, 1862. Kelly, Nathaniel. 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 24, 1862. Kirk, David, i68th Regiment. Kirk, Charles H., i68th Regiment. Krampf, Henry, 15th Artillery; enlisted 1864. Kane, Thomas D., 56th ; enlisted 1864. Kemp, James H., 7th Artillery; January 16, 1864. Mustered out July 31, 1865. Kirkwood, Andrew, 6th Cavalry; enlisted 1864. Kelly, Marcus, Colored; enHsted 1864. Leahy, Patrick, i68th; enlisted October 2^, 1862, Latham, Samuel D., 124th; enlisted August 18, 1862. La Fountain, John, 2d Cavalry ; enlisted August 14, 1862. Lent, Henry, 56th; enlisted 1861. Lent, James, 56th; enlisted 1861. Lynch, William, 15th Cavalry; enlisted 1864. Maxwell, Robert, 2d Cavalry. Morgan, George, 124th; enlisted September 2, 1862. Mabie, Jeremiah, i68th ; enlisted October 17, 1862. Manly, John, 2d Cavalry; enlisted October 22, 1862. Miller, Charles, 2d Cavalry; enlisted September 30, 1862. Malone, John, i68th. Morrow, Frank, 124th. Morton, George C, Lieutenant, 2d Cavalry. Morton Charles E., 2d Cavalry. McMahon, Francis, Co. G, 124th Regiment; enlisted September 3,. 1862. Wounded at Jones' Cross-Roads. November 27, 1863. History of The Town of New Windsor. i 71 McCullough, Hamilton, 2d Cavalry. McCartney, John, i68th. Mclntyre, Martin V., Lieutenant, 7th L Battalion. Many, Mortimer, 36th. McMahon, Michael, 56th. Mahan, James, 20th Conn. Morrow, Stephen, 2d Cavalry. McCormick, Robert B., Co. B, 36th Reg-iment; enlisted June 17, 1861. 2 years. Murphy, Martin V., 2d Met. Rifles; enlisted 1864. Matthews, James, 7t'h Battalion ; enlisted 1864. Mackay, Edward, 15th Cavalry; enlisted 1864. Milliken, James, 15th Artillery; enlisted 1864. McConnell, Andrew J., enlisted 1864. Murphy, John, enlisted 1864. Morehead, Samuel, 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Newell. Jacob, i66th Regiment; enlisted October 7, 1862. Owen, William R., Co. C. 124th Regiment; enlisted August 14, 1862. Shot through breast at Spotsylvania. May 12, 1864; died of wounds. May 14, 1864. Oney, Edward. 124th Regiment; enlisted August 19, 1862. O'Hara, Daniel, 124th C; enlisted August 16, 1862. Wounded se- verely at Chancellorsville. Transferred to V. R. Corps, died of wounds October 28, 1863. Overton. John B.. 2d Met. Rifles; enlisted 1864. Oakley, William S., enlisted August, 1864. Parker, Charles H., 2d Cavalry; enlisted October 10, 1862. Pierce, Bowen, i66th ; enlisted October 7. 1862. Pike, George, 3d, N. Y. ; enlisted 1861. Pires, Wesley, 3d Alb.; enlisted i86t. Price, Arthur C, 56th; enlisted 1861. Pierce, Edmund A., i66th ; enlisted 1866. Post, Beverly, 7th Artillery; enlisted January 17, 1864. Pas'swater, Thomas E., 56t'h ; enlisted 1864. Quinn, Edward. 56th; enlisted 1861. Ryan, James, 124th; enlisted August 16, 1862. Robinson, John H., 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 26, 1862. Rodgers, Edgar, 2d Cavalry; enlisted August 10, 1862. Rake, Isaac, i68th; enlisted August 10, 1862. Root, George O., i66th; enlisted August 16, 1862. I 72 History of The Town of New Windsor. Root, James, 87. Riley, Thomas, 87th Co. R. ; enlisted October 3, 1861. Roe, Edward R., 2d Cavalry; enlisted 1862. Roach, James, ist. Engineers'; enlisted 1864. Roselle, James, enlisted 1864. Reid, William, 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Simmons, Charles, enlisted August 24, 1862. Not on roll by that name. Stafford, John J., Co. E, 124th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862. Discharged March 23, 1863, at hospital. Stalter, Peter T., 124th E; enlisted August 27, 1862. Discharged at Washingtonville, November 3, 1862. Stalter, Abraham, 124th G; enlisLed August 14, 1862. Wounded at Chancellorsville. Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps. Shaw, Rodman, i66th; enlisted October 7, 1862. Smith, James H., Mozart; enlisted 1861. Smith, Abraham, 7th I. B. enlisted 1861. Seaman, Charles, 124th H; enlisted August 26, 1862; Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Smith, William, i68th; enlisted 1862. Smith, John, i68th; enlisted 1862. Snell, David H., 87th; enlisted October 21, 1861. Schneider, Victor, 98th; enlisted 1864. Storms, William, enlisted 1864. Snyder, Alexander, enlisted 1864. Simons, Lymon N., enlisted 1864. Simons. Daniel J., enlisted 1864. Sagar, Morris, 63d ; enlisted 1864. Smith, John H., 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Sniffen, William, 56th; enlisted 1864. Tilton, James D.. 124th C; enlisted August 14, 1862. Supposed killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Tuttle, Abraham, 71st M; enlisted 1861. Topping, Jacob, Duryea's Z; enlisted 1861. Verplanck, William A., IJeutenant, 124th E; enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Discharged September 15, 1863. Van Horn, Thomas, 26th U. S. Colored; enlisted 1864. Van Gordon, William R., 7th Battalion; enlisted 1864. Ward, George V,. r68th; enlisted October 7, 1862. History of The Town of New Windsor. i n-i Wise, Albert, 124th C. Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; sick from June 7, to July 6, 1863. Mustered out with Regulars. Wilson, Robert, Jr., 7th Ind. B; enlisted October, 1861. Wood William B., i66th; enlisted October 7, 1862. Wilbert, Charles, 98th; enlisted 1864. Wilbert, Louis, 98th; enlisted 1864. Walton, John H., 15th Artillery; enlisted January 19, 1864. Youmans, George, 7th Artillery; enlisted 1864. PRINCIPALS AND SUBSTITUTES. September and August, 1864. Burnett, Charles F., principal, supplied Andrew Cohner, substitute, three years. Burnett, Robert R., principal, supplied Martin Holland, substitute. three years. Cooper, Shadrack V., principal, supplied James R. Conner, substitute, three years. Chandler, Daniel C, principal, supplied James Bennett, substitute, three years, Caldwell, John R., principal, supplied Robert Ellison, substitute, three years. Caldwell, John N., principal, supplied John Thew, substitute, three years. Caldwell, Charles, principal, supplied Robert Cox, substitute, three years. Denniston, William Y., principal, supplied Jacob Reeder, substitute, three years. Denniston, Luther, principal, supplied M. Vassler, substitute, three years. Fulton, Thomas J. Jr.. principal, supplied Thomas King, substitute. three years. Humphries, George C, principal, supplied Charles Schmidt, substi- tute, three years. Jones, John, principal, supplied John Lelan, substitute, three years. Jones, Charles, principal, supplied Peter O. Cranes, substitute, three years. Miller, James H., principal, .'"ipplied John Kelly, substitute, three years. 174 HisroRY OF The Town of New Windsor. Miller, James V. K., principal, supplied Jo'hn Grififin, substitute, three years. Oakley, Lucas, principal, supplied Francis Brown, substitute, three years. Scott, William F.. principal, supplied William Schroeder, substitute, three years. Smith, Charles, principal, supplied , three years. Terwilliger, Granville C, principal, supplied Isaac Schrompff, sub- stitute, three years. Van Cleft, Lewis A., principal, supplied John Peters, substitute, three years. Wals'h, John H., principal, supplied Horton ^Turray, substitute, three years. Wood, David F., principal, supplied Edward Lee, substitute, three years. Call of December 19, 1864. Derbyshire, John, principal, supplied Anton Mayee. substitute, three years. Upright, Benjamin, principal, supplied James ^^loffit, substitute, three years. SUBSCRIPTIONS. To promote enlistments in 1862, a subscription was raised, amount- ing to $4,620. The subscribers were : Philip Verplanck $ 500 Erastus Ide 250 J. DeWitt Walsh 250 John D. Van Buren . 250 E. B. Nicoll ................. 100 B. Franklin Gark 250 Thomas Morton 250 Peter Roe ■ 100 George A. Denniston 100 Thomas J. Fulton 100 Ezra R. Thompson 100 Mary E. Miller . . 400 Marie ATcKnight 200 James Patton . 100 Samuel L. Denniston ........ 100 David C. Chandler 100 Lewis Van Cleft . 100 William H. Miller . 100 Joseph B. Burnett 100 Franklin Mulliner ,. . . 100 'ranklin Mulliner, Jr. 100 Alexander Elliott 100 James Shaw loc John B. Kernochan ..••.•..... loO Mrs. Arietta NichoU 50 John R. Caldwell 50 Jam'es W. Morrison .....••... 25 Francis vVygant 50 George Arnott . • ■ 25 D. C. Brown 10 David Goldsmith 20 Thomas Wiley 20 William Maxwell 20 William F. Scott ............ 50 John Cromwell 10 John D. Vail 23 Alfred Denniston . 10 Thomas Denniston 25 John Buchanan 25 William Couser to History of The Town of New Windsor. i jc Selah W. Strong 25 William F. Cooper 50 Joseph Kelly 23 Daniel Moorcs ............... 25 Gr. C. Terwilliger 25 Euclid Mulliner 50 William R. Weed 10 Daniel A. Shuart 50 Thomas Still 10 David D. C. Wood 10 The money was expended through a committoe, composed of George A. Denniston, John B. Kernochan, John D. Van Buren and J. DeWict Walsh, the latter acting as treasurer. The sum of 4.320 was paid for bounties and incidental expenses, and $300 returned to the subscribers. APPENDIX History of The Town of New Windsor. 179 Journal of the Voyage of Charles Clinton from Ireland to America, I 729. "A Journal of my voyage and Travels from the County of Longford in the Kingdom of Ireland to Pennsylvania, in America, A. D. 1729. "I took my Journey from The County of Longford, on I'Viday the 9th day of May; came to Dublin ye 12th ditto. Entered on shipboard the ship called the George and Ann, ye i8th. Sett sail the 20th. "Came to anchor at Glanarm on the 24th, where Matthw. McClaughry and his wife and two of his family went on shoar and quit their voyage. "Set sail from Glenarm on ye 25th and came to anchor at Green Castle, in the Lough of Foyle, the 26th, where we stay'd till ye 29th; then sett sail in company with the John of Dublin, bound for New- castle in the same country. "Ditto. Came in sight of Loughsuly (Lough Swilly) ye 30th. Sail' J by Tory (Tory Island) and Horn-head. "On the 30th, at night, a strong wind arose, ye continued to ye first of June at evening which Loosened our Bowsprit with Hazard of our Masts. "June 2d we had a fair breeze for our westerly course. "On the 3d ditto my daughter Catharine and son James fell sick of the measles. "A strong gale of westerly wind continues to ye loth ditto. "James Wilson's child died ye 5th. "On the 7th met ye Mary from Pennsylvania from which she sail'd to us in 5 weeks and 5 days. "On the 8th ditto a child of James McDowel's died and was thrown overboard. "On the loth ye wind came to East and be South. "On ye nth changed more Easterly and continues fair and season- able. "On the 1 2th the wind blew North and be East, a fresh gale by vrhich we sail'd 40 leagues in 20 hours, and foimd we were in 49 degrees 20 minutes North Latitude by observation. i8o History of The Town of New Windsor. "The wind changed on ye 14th to ye South, and so continued to ye 15th, being Sunday morning. One of ye S erv'ts on board belonging to one Gerald Cruise, thew himself over deck and was drowned. "On ye 15th ditto my daughter Mary, fell sick of ye measles. "A Serv't of Mr. Cruise's died on' ye 17th and was thrown over deck. The wind came to be S. and continued a violent fresh gale to the i8th. "The 19th and 20th we had a South be West wind; on the 21st being Sunday we had a perfect calm in Latt. 27 degrees, 30 minutes. "A Serv't of Mr, Cruise's died, on Monday a child of James Thomp- son's died. "On Tuesday ye 23d child of John Brook's died ; we had a fair wind on ye 22d. 23d then another child of James Thompson's died. "On the 28th a child of James Majore died and one of Robt. Frazer's. "We now have W : N : W : wind. "Tuesday ye ist of July a fair wind. "July ye 3d a child of John Brooks died. A child, a daughter of Will McCalihan's died. Ditto a dhild of John Brooks died. "July ye 5th came in sight of the Islands" of Corvo and Flores (Az- ores) which belongs to the Portugese. They lie in the Lattd. of 40 degrees 09 minutes north and 32 \2.'>^ West Longitude. " A Child of James McDowel's died ye 7th. Ditto Robert Todd died. "A Return of the persons that died on board ye George and Ann: James Wilson's child. James McDowell's child. A servant of Mr. Cruise's. A.nother servant of his. Another servant of his. A child of James Thompson's. A child of John Brooks. A child of James Thompson's. A child of James Majore's. A ch'ld of Robert Frazer's. A child of Thomas Delap's. A servant of Cruise's. A child of John Beatty's. A child of John Brook's. A girl of Robert Frazer's. A child of Alexander Mitchell's. A son of James Majore's. Robert Todd. A son of James McDowel's. A servant of Cruise's. Another servant of Cruise's. A child of Walter Davis. John Darbie. Thomas. Cowan. John McCay. A son of Robert Frazer's- Another son of his. A son of Christiana Beatty,s. A brother of Will Hamilton's. Will Gray. My own daughter, Mary on 2d of August, at night. A child of James Majore's. A daughter of Widow Hamilton. Tames Majore's wife. Thomas Delap's wife. Alexander Mitchell. A child of James Thompson's. Walter Davis, his wife. Widow Hamilton. Robert Gray. A child of Widow Hamilton. Walter Davis. IJane Armstrong. A child of James Majore's. Another servant of Cruise's. William Gordon. Isabel McCutchan. History of The Town of New Windsor. 8i My son James, on ye 28th of August, 1729. at 7 in ye morning. A son of James Majore's. 'A brother of Andrew McDowell's. Two daughters of James McDowell's. A daughter of Walter Davis's. Robert Frazer. Patt McCann, servant to Tho. Armstrong. Will Hamilton. ,[ames Greer, servant to Alex. Mitch- ell. Widow Gordon's daughter. James Mondy died Thursday, nth of September. A servant of Mr. Cruise's. A son of James Beatty's. Fran. Nicholson. A sister of Andrew McDowell's. A daughter of John Beatty's. (See John Beatty aboye) fTwo of Mr. Cruise's men servants. Margarey Armstrong, (daughter of Thos. Armstrong. A servant of Mr. Cruise's. Two of John Beatty's children. fames Thompson's wife. James Brown. A daughter of James McDowell's. A daughter of Thos. Delap'j. A servant of Mr. Cruise's. A child of Widow Mitchell's. John Oliver's wife. James Majore's eldest daughter. John Crook, a sailor. Joseph Stafford. John McDowell. John Beatty. Andrew McDowell's sister. James Wilson's wife. Tames McDowell's wife. Sarah Hamilton, Will Hamilton's sister. Thos. Armstrong, died Monday ye 29th of September. John Beatty's wife. Isabella Johnston. Edward Norris. Margaret McClaughry. Widow Frazcr's daughter. Andrew McDowell's brother. Joseph McClaughr>'. Mattw McClaughry. A young sister of Andrew McDowel Thorn Delap. and his daughter Cath- erine. James Barkly. 'Discovered land on ye Continent of America ye 4th dav of October. 1729. RECAPITULATION. Armstrong Captain Thomas — with his wife, Jane, and children, Margery and Jane, and servant, all of whom died on tlie voyage ex- cept Mrs. Jane Armstrong, who died at Little Britain in 1762. Armstrong, William — Settled in Warwick, where he died in 1805. He was but a boy when he came to America. Beatty, Christiana, widow Charles C. Beatty. Her son became a noted preacher. Beatty, John — himself, wife and five children died. Barkly, James — died. Family presumed to have settled in Mont- gomery or Crawford. Brooks, John — Two children of, died. (John Brooks settled in Little Britain. — now Hamptonburgli. Brown, James — died. Cowan, Thomas — died. 1 82 History of The Town of New Windsor. Clinton, Charles — with his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Catharine, James and Mary. The two latter died. Clinton settled at Little Brit- ain in 1730, where he became the father of General James, Governor George, Doctor Alexander and Doctor Charles — of whom Genercil James was the father of DeWitt. Denniston, Alexander and wife^ — the latter a daughter of George Little, a passenger on the same ship. Settled at Little Britain in 1730; ancestor of Hons. Robert and Goldsmith Denniston. Davis, Walter — himself, wife and two children died on the voyage. Darby, John — died. Dunlap, Thomas — himself, wife and three children died on the voy- age. Frazer, Robert — ^himself and five children, died. Gordon, William — himself and daughter, died. Gray, William and Robert, died. Greer, James, died. Hamilton, William — ^^himself, his sister Sarah and a brother, died. The brother (whose name is not given) left a wife and child who sub- sequently died. Johnston, Isabel — died. Little, George Majores, James — ^himself, wife and five children — died. Mondday, James — died. Mitchell, Alexander — ^himself and two of his children. McCalihan, William' — child, died. McCann, Patrick — died. McClaug^hry — Joseph, Matthew and Margaret, died on the voyage. A widow, Mary McClaughry, widow of William, with her children, set- tled in Little Britain in 173 1. The Journal states that "Matthew Mcl Gaughry, his wife and two of his family, went on shore at Glenarm. May 24th, and quit their voyage." Possibly he was the father anA grandfather. McCay, John — died. (Alex. McCay member Ellison's militia, 1738). McCutcheon, Isabel — died. McDowell, Andrew — two brothers and three sisters, died. He set- tled in Little Britain, where he was a member of Ellison's militia in 1738. McDowell, James — wife and five children, died on the voyage. McDowell, John — died. History of The Town of New Windsor. 183 Nicholson, Francis — died. Family settled in Little Britain. Col. John Nicholson, of Montgomery, who served in the campaign against Canada, iyy$-6, was of this stock. Norris, Edward — died. Oliver, John — wife of, died. Settled at Little Britain. David Oli- ver was a member of Ellison's militia company in 1738. Stafford, Joseph — died, Thompson, James — wife and three children, died on the voyage. Todd, Robert — died. Wilson, James — wife and child of, died on the voyage. Young, John — Settled at Little Britain. History of The Town of New Windsor. A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch Written by Joseph Young, at the request of his niece, Barbara Hartell, uho wished to gain some knowledge of her progenitors and collateral kindred, as recolltcted in memory. Written m June, J 807. James Clinton, Esquire, who lived near Belfast, in the north of Ireland ihad a sister named Margaret; and one son named Qiarles, and two •daughters, viz : Christina and Mary. Margaret, the sister of James, was married to my great-grandfather, John Parks, and had a son named John (who was the grandfather of Arthur Parks), and two daughter'.. Jane and Barbara. About the year 1700, the whole connexion removed to the County of Longford, and lived nearly contiguous to each other near Edgeworthstown, where Jane Parks was married to my grand- father, John Young, and had a son named John, and a daughter, Mary ; -and my grand-aunt Barbara Parks (sister to Jane and daughter of Mar- ■garet Clinton), was married to John Crawford,* and has three sons, viz: Matthew, Alexander and Joseph, and a daughter named Mary. After my grandfather John Young died, his widow (Jane) was married to Thomas Armstrong.** They lived in this vicinity (Edgeworthstown), un- til sometime in the year 1727 or 1728 the whole connexion growing more and more dissatisfied with the government, resolved to emigrate to the ;then colony of New York; and as if bound together by the indissoluble ties of consanguinity and friendship, the greatest number of t^ose who "had emigrated from the north, with some additional members, engaged a ship at Dublin, commanded by a Captain Rymer, and all paid their passage money there, and had the ship bound to them for the faithful performance of their agreement. They laid in a sufficient stock of pro- vision? for an ordinary passage, but instead of a common passage he k<>pt them at sea :wenty-one weeks and three days. During the passage ♦John Crawford purchased lands in New Windsor in 1738- He is presumed to have been son of James Crawford, and brother of James, 2d. **Jane, wife of Thomas Armstrong, died at Little Britain. February- 5th, 1761, aged 84 years. (Monument in Clinton burial grounds.) Thomas Armstrong, who was her second husband, died on the voyage to America. i86 History of The Town of New Windsor. they one moriTing came in full sight of the coast of Virginia, which the" boatswain, who was an old seaman, affirmed he knew perfectly well, as he had frequently been on that coast before ; but the captain called him a lying, skulking dog, and immediately ordered to put the ship about and put off to sea ; in consequence of this unequivocal disclosure of the Cap- tain's intention to famish them all to death at sea, William Armstrong (my father's half-brother) would have put him to death, had he not been forcibly restrained. Colonel Charles Clinton, who by his age and superior abilities, appears to have been the head or chief of the con- nexion, who had a better knowledge of the laws than the others, told them that unless the other officers belonging to the ship would join them, their rising forcibly against the captain would, upon trial, be ad- judged piracy. But the spirits of the officers were so completely sub- dued by the tyrannical conduct of the captain, who had killed a man on board by striking him on the head with a pipe-stave, that they dare not join the passengers against him. In this shocking dilemma the cap- tain exorted from them a very considerable sum of money, as a bribe for landing them on any part of the coast. Soon after tliis agreement he landed them at Cape Cod. For several days previous to their landing, their allowance had been a half biscuit and half a pint of water for twenty-four hours. In conse- quence of this cruel treatment many of the passengers died, and amongst this number who perished with famine, was Thos. Armstrong. He was a very valuable man. His son William and his daugliter Margery, shared ihe same fate. They arrived at Cape Cod in the fall and remained there until spring, and then sailed for New Windsor in Ulster County, M'here Colonel Charles Clinton, Alexander Denniston and my father. John Young, bought three farms adjoining each other and lived in the greatest friendship and harmony ; and called their neighborhood Little Britain. The Colonel's two sisters. Christina and Mary, lived some years con- tiguous to their brother and then removed to New York. Sometime in the year 1729 or '30 my father married his cousin. Mary Crawford, daughter of Barbara and sister to James Parks. By this means the descendants of John Young have derived a double portion of Clinton blood, from their grandmothers, which they prize much more than to have been related to the assuming family of Livingston. My father had four sons, to wit : Thomas, Joseph, John and Isaac, and three daugh ■ ters, viz: Jane, Mary and Barbara. Thomas was born the 19th of Feb- ruary, 173 1. He ex'hibited very early signs of a fertile genius, and sur- History of The Town of New Windsor. igr prising memory. Our grandmother, Jane, was a good English scholar and learned us to read, and by the time Thomas was six years old he could read any English book correctly and fluently. As there were but few children in their new settlement, they had no schoolmaster. But mv father, who was a tolerable arithmetician, undertook to teach him with the assistance of Cocker's Arithmetic. My father found little more nec- essary than to explain the reasons of each operation, in the first questions in each of the first rules, when he took up the business himself and went tiiroug'h the book without any further instructions. This uncommon rapid progress in the acquisition of useful knowledge, by a person so young, excited the admiration of many. Sometime after Mr. John Wil- son, a famous mathematician, opened a school about four miles distan^ to whidi the young self-taught student was sent. The neighbors vvh(> knew the strength of his genius, told the master that he would acquire great credit by teaching him ; but it appears that the genius of our young sti'dent was not confined to one track — he was extremely sprightly and playful and his invention quite equal to his other talents, which he did not fail to exercise in a pretty full school, by diverting the attention of the ■■cliolars from their studies. The master called at the house of one who had said so much in praise Tommy's great genius, who asked him how Tommy improved? The master replied. "I have as yet suspended my ■Judgment concerning him, but if his other talents are equal to his inven- tion of means to excite laughter and merriment, he is surely a most sur- prising lad." Tommy went on in his thoughtless career, until he one day chanced to displease a pompous young man. who had made considerable progress in figures, who insultingly told him. "since Providence has denied you the capacity or talents to acquire any useful knowledge, you should not interrupt those who have both the inclination and capacity to learn ; be- sides, I shall have a great estate to manage, which will require all the knowledge I can gain to manage it. and support my rank. Rut if you can g^in a knowledge of pounds, shillings and pence, it is all you will ever have occasion for." Tommy, viewing him with the most sovereign contempt, replied, "Sir. you talk very exultingly of your talents and ca- pacity ; but I will convince you before the end of six weeks I will be qua!- 'ified to teach you. and from that period as long as you and I shall live." From that hour he quit his wild pranks and commenced the attentive student, and fairly verified his promise to the satisfaction and gratifica- tion of the whole school. Mr. Wilson's fame as a mathematical teacher soon procured him an invitation to open a school in New York, where he removed. 1 88 History of The Town of New Windsor. Thomas had from infancy an invincible propensity to the study of physic, and often declared to me, when we were very young, that if !<■ should be proposed by those who possessed the power to confer it, to make him Emperor of the whole earth, on condition that he would re- lingiiish the study of physic, he would spurn the proposal. But as he knew, a knowledge of the Languages would be a necessary acquirement, he now turned all his attention to effect this purpose. But as there was TiO Latin master in the place at that time, he resolved to learn it from books. He accordingly borrowed a Vocabulary and a Concordi from Co^l. Clinton, who observed that he would find it much more difficult to learn Latin without the help of a master, than to go through Cocker without assistance. He returned the books in about six weeks. The Colonel naturally concluded that Thomas had been convinced of the im- practicability of his design ; he, however, examined him to find out what progress he had made, and soon discovered that every word of both books were perfectly imprinted in the memory of his student. The Colonel laid by the books and told Tommy that he wished to see hi.s father on business. Our father soon waited on the Colonel, who told him that it would be almost criminal to let such a promising genius sinl: in obscurity for want of an education that could be so easily acquired, and added : "I am going to New York and if you wish to give him the mean? of improvement, in any degree adequate to tlie merit of his uncommon dihgence and surprising talents, if you will give me the money I wil! bring him a set of the Classics; and after he has perused them sufiic- iftntlv, I am confident that, by the assistance of a good tutor, for a few months, will give him a good knowledge of the Latin language." The plan was executed and wihen the young student got his books he retired every fair day to a pleasant arbor, composed of young trees interwoven with grape vines so as to render it impervious to the rays of the sun, and was rarely seen except at meal time. But the effect of such intense ap- plication became so visible in his conduct that his parents were alarmed with apprehension, that if he could not be immediately diverted from hi', studies, his mental faculties mig'ht be much injured. Matters were s."> arranged that one of tihe Colonel's sons called and coaxed him to go home with him, Where they would have a variety of books to read ; but matters were so contrived that the key of the Colonel's library was mis- laid and could not be found. He remained in this friendly asylum until he resumed his dheerful sprig'htly humor. This happened in the golden age, when friendship was a reality and not an empty name. He assumed his studies again with more prudence and much better success, for now History of The Town of New Windsor. 189 everything which he learned was indelibly impressed in his memory, and from this period I do candidly believe that he never forgot anything, unless past the power of recollection, that was worth retaining. Afte' he had obtained a very considerable knowledge of his grammar and lather Latin authors, there fortunately came a minister to the parish, who was a good linguist, under whom he completed his Latin education. And I have reason to believe that although he was not a complete Grecian scholar, he knew the radical meaning of every technical term in the arts and sciences that has been borrowed from that language. He had gained a tolerable knowledge of the High Dutch language, by reading their books, Which he completed during his medical apprenticeship with Doctor John Kitterman. He could read and understand the French language, but never attempted to converse in it, as he was unacquainted with its pronunciation. But as the study of physic was always his darl- ing pursuit, his books on that favorite subject still made one of the se- lerfed number. He was indefatigable in the study of Botany, and at a very early period in life, he was acquainted with almost all the indigenous plants in our part of the country and their virtues. With these preparatory qualifications he commenced his apprentice- ship, probably about the age of 17, and remained about two years, but before the expiration of that time, many of the patients reposed more confidence in the skill of the apprentice, than in that of the tutor (Dr. Kitterman). During this period he gained a facility of conversing in both High and Low Dutch. He then took lodgings at the house of Cap- tain Winogar, in Sharon, Conn., and soon acquired fame and «. very extensive practice, being frequently called to remote parts in Con- necticut, Massachusetts and New York. * * * As his j^ractice in the country was very extensive and fatiguing, I urged him to remove to some popular city, w'here the toil would be less and the profits greater. He at length consented and resolved to remove to Abany. as he and a number of wealthy men were agreeing with Colonel John Henry Lydius. of the city of Albany for several townships of land of six miles square, w^hich lie in the now State of Vermont. But the great land-jobbers in New York, by endeavoring to defeat Lydius' title, that they might share in the profits, retarded the settlement of the country, and by their eager- ness to grasp the shadow (they lost the substance). We removed to Albany in October, 1764. Doctor Young displayed the strength and power of his mind to very great advantage in combating the great lawyers, in defense of Colonel Lydius' title, but as the history would be too lengthly I must omit it. But when the Stamp .A.ct was loo History of The Town of New Windsor. passed he exerted himself strenuously to oppose it, and when the Stamps arrived, he was one of a small number who visited the Stamp Officer and caused him to resign. In the fall of 1766 he resolved to remove to Boston, where the energies of numbers of American patriots were in full operation. When he arrived, he soon became an active member of the patriotic band, and was honored by the Tories and British by being classed by them among the number of the anti-rebels, to wit: John Han- cock, Samuel Adams, the great and truly excellent Doctor Warren, etc., etc. Doctor Young, by his great activity and strenuous exertions to counteract the nefarious designs of the British, had excited their indig- nation to sudh a degree that two of their officers attacked him one night in the street. They knocked him down and probably supposing they had killed him, ran off. He was carried home to his family all bloody. When he recovered he said he sfhould certainly have been killed, but as he had seen the blow coming he had moved his head to one side ; the v.'eapon in consequence had brushed down his temple, and spent its chief force on his soulder. But this atrocious attempt to assassinate him had alarmed his wife to such a degree that when he went out at night she frequently cried until he returned. His friends, in consequence, advised him to remove to Newport, Rhode Island, until some favorable change took place. He accordingly removed there, and remained until the British concerted their design to seize those who they called the ring- leaders of the rebellion and send them in irons to England. But as ir would be necessary to seize them all at one time, a particular day was appointed and Wallace of the Rose man-of-war, was deputed to go to Newport and seize Doctor Young, but lest he should have a long pass- age, I think they allowed him three or four days. He, however, had a very short passage and had time to concert plans with the Tories an-l watch the Doctor until the arrival of the appointed day. Intelligence of the intent against his liberty was gained by Doctor Young by mean- of a sewing girl, who had frequerutely been employed in his family, but was now employed in. a Tory family. She overheard them whispering and learned that the Doctor was to be taken prisoner that nig^t. She hid her thread to make an errand to go out to get more. She went di- rectly to a merchant, who sihe knew to be a great friend of the Doctor, ond told him what she had heard. He set ofif to go the Doctor, but met him by the way, and told him if he was not ofif the Island before midnight he would be a prisoner on board of the Rose man-of-war. The Doctor replied, "What will become of my family?" The generous mer- chant told him not to concern himself about his family. "You must go History of The Town of New Windsor. iqi off immediately to Philadelphia; I will take care of them and send them to you by water" — which he performed most faithfully without charg- mg the Doctor one farthing. He told him there were spies watching his motions, but that he should come to his house after it began to grow dark; that he would equip him and have him sent off the Island. The Doctor thanked him for his kindness. When he returned home he found two young ladies from a Tory family there who had never visited liim before. He was at no loss to guess the cause of such a friendly visit, but assumed a very spriglitly air, took his violin and played a num- ber of tunes ; then took his oldest daughter into another room pretend- ing to want her assistance to prepare some medicine. He then told her that he had a secret to communicate to her, if she would promise to keep it in\^olate, even from her mother, which she promised; he then told her the whole, and exhorted her by all means to appear cheerful. .He then caused her to pack up some shirts and put the bundle out of a back window. Fortunately about dusk, a messenger called on him to visit a patient at some little distance. He told the messenger to return and that he would set off in a few minutes. The messenger returned, and \Vhen it grew dark the Doctor went to his friend, who equipped him m a complete sailor's dress. Our new made Jack Tar took up his bundle, embarked on board of a boat, and his brother sailors soon landed him on terra firma. He pushed on and soon met his brother fugitives. John Hancock and Samuel Adams in Philadelphia ; and soon after had the felicity to receive his family from on board of one of his benefactor's vessels. The fugitives hired a house in Philadelphia and fell into some pri- vate practice until the General Hospital was established, when he was appointed a senior physician, and with the celebrated Doctor Rush, had the chief care of the Hospital until his death. He died in June, 1777, of a most virulent putrid fever; w'hich appeared to be almost as fatal a<5 the plague. His very valuable library, which he had collected with great care and cost, was sold for Continental money, and was in a great measure lost to his family. These are a few of the incidents which oc- curred in the Hfe of a man of superior talents, and, as far as I am ca- pable of judging, of the most consummate physician I ever knew. He married Mary, the daughter of Captain Winegar, of Sharon, Conn., by whom he had two sons, viz: John and Rosmond, and four daughters, viz: Susannah, Catharine, Sarah and Mary. Rosmond died young. Susan was married to a Mr. Knies, of Philadelphia, and had two sons, Thomas and John. She died about 1803 or '4; her sons, Thomas and 102 History of The Town of New Windsor. John, removed to the westward of Albany, and their grandmother, Mary V^oung, lives with them. John Young, the only surviving son of Doctor Thomas, studied physic under his father and was a Mate, in the Hos- pital, until his father died, and was then sent to the Hospital, at Albany, io be under my care. After the conclusion of the war he practiced in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, but removed to Hendersonville, Tennes- see, where he was killed by a fall from his horse, in November, 1805. He married Mary Hammond, at Fayette, by whom he had four child- ren, viz : Mary, Thomas, William and Sarah. Catharine, the second daughter of Doctor Thomas, was married to Mr. Daniel Castle, wlio re- moved to near Canandaigua Lake, where she died, but I do not know how many children she left. Sarah was married to Mr. Clark, at Sharon or Amenia; and Mary was married to a Doctor Strong, but I know nothing of their children. Joseph, the second son of John Young, was bom on the seventh da/ of February, 1733. He had an equal desire to acquire useful knowledge, but was neither blessed with that penetrative conception, which seemed to border on intuition, nor that admirable relentive memory, which gave 'his brother Thomas such superior advantages ; but he endeavored to compensate for the defect by accurate observations and attentive appli- cation, aiming in all his pursuits at the investigation of first principles, and cautiously reasoning from these to form conclusions founded on the intrinsic nature of the subject, strictly following the example of the celebrated Alexander Pope, to reason truly from what he knew — that is to say, from well known facts or axiom that cannot deceive or mis- lead the cautious inquirer, as he was convinced at a very early period, that the neglect of this rule was the prolific source of endless errop, which no branch of science has escaped, either moral or physical, un- less we may except the mathematics. He had, like his brother, an ar- dent desire to gain a knowledge of physic, and improved every oppor- tunity in his power for that purpose, in which he was greatly assisted by Doctor Alexander Clinton, not as a professed student, but by riding with him and receiving oral instructions. He remained with his father until Doctor Clinton died, and then went and studied with his brother Thomas until 1765, and when Thomas removed to Boston, he remained »*■• private practice in Albany until the Spring of 1776, when he was ap- pointed by order of General Montgomery, to establish and superintend a hospital for the reception of the sick of the Continental Army. As our troops occupied Ticonderoga and Crown Point, there was a Hos- pital opened at Lake George, under the superintendence of Doctor S. History of The Town of New Windsor. m^ Stringer, and as the enemy were encroaching, General Schuyler con- cluded to send all the sick down to the Hospital at Albany, and ordered Doctor Stringer to send Doctor Young immediate notice that he might have time to prepare for their reception. Doctor Stringer probably wishing that Doctor Young might be embarrassed, omitted to send him any notice of the intended removal of the sick. General Schuyler, knowing Doctor Stringer's disposition, feared a calamitous result, and to prevent it sent his Aide-de-camp, John Lansing, Jr., to Albany to inquire if his order had been communicated to Doctor Young. Finding that it had not, Lieutenant Lansing reported to General Schuyler, and Doctor Stringer was soon cashiered. Doctor Young immediately em- ployed carpenters who wrought like beavers and soon furnished every room with bunks. The sick soon came crowding down, and as there had not yet been a clerk appointed. Doctor Young had to enter their names, companies and regiments, to write orders for their provisions and pre- scribe for them; but the sick exulted greatly in the change of their con- dition. In 1776, Congress appointed Doctor Jonathan Polts to super- intend a Hospital in the Canada department, but as our people were obliged to retreat, Polts came down to Albany and assumed the direc- tion there, and commissioned some persons as prescribing physician.-., who were scarcely qualified to be Mates. The Juniors and Mates, in derision called them Celestials. They, however, were not very trouble- some about the Hospital; their chief amusement being to dance atten- dance at headquarters and visit some officers, who were at lodgings iu the town. Everything went on cordially until sometime late in the year 1780, when Congress made a new arrangement in the General Hospital, when many of those who attended least to their duty and attended most to their own interest, made personal application, or by their influential friends, and were retained in service, while Doctor Young, who had and was faithfully performing his duty, was by Doctor Shippen, left out of employment. Doctor Young and some of his friends immediately wrote to Congress the facts and the Doctor was immediately reinstated, Doctor John Cochran appointed Director, and the indolent Shippen removed. Doctor Young remained in charge of the Hospitnl at Albany until May 4th, 1784, when he sent off the few remaining invalids to be attended by a Mate in New York. He then removed to and practiced in New York until the fall of the year, 1797. He married in the fall of the year, 1762, Sarah, daughter of Mr. Samuel Brown, of Colchester, Conn., a most amiable, placid, benevolent woman, who died without issue in the month of November, 1768, and was buried in a vault under the 194 History of The Town or New Windsor. Presbyterian 'meeting house, in Albany, much lamented by her husband and friends. John and Jane, son and daughter of John Young, died young, and Mary was married to Mr. Samuel King, and had three sons, viz: Thomas, John and Samuel,* and four daughters, viz : Anna, S'arah, Mary and Rhody. Anna was married to Nicholas King and lives in the township of Galen ; Sarah was m'arried to Isaac Mills ; Mary to David Godfrey, and Rhody to Elijah Tucker. Messrs. Mills, Godfrey and Tucker are dead, and I have no knowledge of their children. My sister Barbara, was married to Matthew Neely (son of Robert, who married Isabella, sister to Adam Graham). She died soon after she was delivered of her only child, Barbara Amelia, the wife of Thomas Herttell, Esq. Isaac, my brother, married Esther Wolcott in the state of Rhode Island, who died after having a son William and three daughters, viz : Sarah, married to Cornelius Tiebout, an eminent copperplate engraver, now in Philadelphia. She has two children, Joseph and Caroline. Isaac married a second wife, viz : Susannah Roos, of Fayette County, by whom he had seven children, viz : Robert, Nancy, Isaac, Effy, Nelly, Joseph and Jane, who all live in Kentucky, except Isaac, who is In partnership with his brother William at or near Uniontown, Pennsyl- vania. My brother Isaac came to New York on a visit in the sum- mer of 1795, and died of yellow fever and was buried in Potter's Field. My aunt, Mary Young, my father's sister, was married to John Brooks and had two daughters, viz : Jane and Mary. Jane was mar- ried to Doctor Isaac Vanheren Caspel, but herself and two children, which she had are dead. Mary, her sister, married Paul Blouck and left several children, who live in this city (New York). My uncle, Joseph Crawford, married Catharine Nelson, at Rhinebeck, and re- moved to Curriesbush, near Schenectady. He left several children, viz : Leah, John, Alexander and Lucretia ; the names of the others I do not remember. My father, John Young, died in 1784, aged 82 years. Colonel Charles Clinton, nephew to my great grandmother Mar- garet, possessed an acute genius, a penetrating solid judgment, an ex- tensive fund of useful as well as ornamental knowledge, with the affa- bility and polished manners of a polite gentleman. He was a tall, straight, graceful person, of a majestic appearance. If he chanced to *In another place Dr. Young states that Thomas King married Pamelia Tracey, John King married Eliza Godfrey and Samuel King married Nancy Montanie. History of The Town of New Windsor. 195 come into company where a number of young people were cheerfully di- verting themselves, their first impressions were those of awe and rever- ence; but in the course of a few minutes he would enter into the most pleasing, and frequently instructive conversation, which soon dis- pelled their pa'nic. and inspired them with pleasing and respectful confi- dence. He was a Judge of the County Court, and Justice of the Peace until he died ; and a Colonel in the Army in the war, which commenced in the year 1756. He married Elizabeth Denniston, sister to Alexander, by whom he had one daughter, Catharine, a sensible, friendly, ingeniou.^. placid being, who was married to Colonel James McClaughry, as brav? an officer as America could boast of, she died without issue. Colonel Clin- ton and his wife, also four sons, viz : Alexander, Charles, James and George. After Alexander had acquired an excellent school education, he remained six years in College at Newark, when Mr. liurr was President; he then studied physic under Dr. Middletown, in Xew York, which he afterwards practiced in Ulster County and parts adjacent ; witii great success and rep- utation. He excelled in everything to which he turned his attention ; he was a good classic scholar, a great physician, a considerable poet, an ex- cellent musidan, and understood the use of the broadsword in a superior degree ; but what finished and gave lustre to a truly great character was, that he was a most placid, agreeable, benevolent, friendly being, be- loved and highly respected by every person who knew him ; and I shail ever remember with pleasure and gratitude the attention and friendship with which he honored me. He married Miss ]\Iaria Kane, but dieil soon after of the confluent smallpox, greatly and very generally l-i- mented ; his memory is dear to many at this day, and to none more than to Joseph Young. Charles, the second son. was a very sprig-htly lad, and had a good education. He also studied physic under Doctor Middletown, and em- barked as a physician in the expedition against the Havana, and was much esteemed by the celebrated Doctor Huck. When he returned he practiced medicine with success and reputation in Ulster County and parts adjacent, and died a bachelor, of a lingering consumption. James, like David of old. had been a warrior from his youth up. .\ftcr he ha(l obtained a good education, he enlisted a company and served with repu- tation as a captain in the war. which commenced in 1736. He was a general in the Continental army, and signalized himself in endeavoring to defend a redoubt on the west bank of the North River, that was honored by the name of Fort Montgomery. When it became almost cer- tain that thev wotild finallv be obliged to submit to superior numbers. I ^6 History of The Town of New Windsor. General James tried to persuade his brother George to leave the redoubt, alleging it would be a greater injury to our cause to have the Governor cf the State taken prisoner, than if he should fall into their hands. They, however, both remained until it grew dark, and were mixed with the enemy; the Governor escaped in a boat to the east side of the river, and James slid down the very steep bank of a creek* which ran near the re- doubt, and fell into the top of a hemlock tree, and made his escape by going up the bed of the brook, in which there was but little water at that time. When the enemy rushed into the redoubt, Colonel Mc- Claughry and a Mr. James Humphrey,** the cock of whose gun had been shot off, turned back to back and defended themselves desperately : they were assailed on all sides, and would undoubtedly have been killed, but a British Senator, who witnessed their spirit and bravery, exclaimed that it would be a pity to kill such brave men; they then rushed on and seized them, and when the Colonel was brought to the British General Clinton, he asked him where his friend George was? The Colonel re- plied, "Thank God, he is safe beyond the reach of your friendship." Gen- eral James married an amiable woman, of the name of DeWitt, by whom he had four sons, viz : Alexander, DeWitt, Charles and George, Alexan- der was a youth of a very promising genius, but when he was — years old he was drowned in crossing the river from the city to Hoboken or Bull's Ferry. After DeWitt acquired a good education, he studied law under Samuel Jones, and being a firm, undeviating, inflexible patriot and a man of superior talents, he was soon honored with a seat in the Assem- bly of the State and has been a Senator in Congress, where he did honor to himself and to his State. In i8oi he was apointed to be Mayor of the c'ty of New York, which ofifice he executed with ability and integrity, until the winter of 1807, when he was displaced by Gov. Lewis and his nefarious Council, and Colonel Marinus Willett, an old doating super- annuated Burrite, substituted in his stead. But he is yet State Senator, and is nominated as a Republican candidate for the next four years. He married Maria Franklin, a daughter of Mr. Walter Franklin, an eminent merchant in this city (New York). Charles married Miss Elizabeth Mulliner, of Little Britain and now lives at Newburgh. I have been told that he is a valuable man and an expert surveyor of land. George studieil law under his brother DeWitt, and being a man of capacity, he was honored with a seat m the State Assembly 1804, and in 1805, 1806 and ♦Poplopen's Kill a stream flowing between Forts Clinton and Montgomery. **Humphrey wis the brother-in-law of Col. McClaughry. History of The Town of New Windsor. '97 1807, has been a Member of Congress. He married .Miss Hannah Frank- lin, sister to Mrs. Maria CHnton. George, the youngest son of Colonel Charles Clinton, was placed when very young under the tuition of Mr. Daniel Thame, a gentleman who had acquired a liberal education in the college of Edinburgh. The activity and strength of tiie intellectual faculties of the young student became very perceptible at an early period, which caused him to be caressed by all his friends. After having acquired an excellent school education under several eminent tutors, he served either one or two cam- paigns as a Heutenant under his brother James. And then studied the law under the direction of William Smith, Esquire, which he practiced in Ulster County with ability and integrity. He had previously been ap- pointed Clerk of this County, by Governor George Clinton. When the troubles commenced between Britain and America, he was elected a ]\Iember of the Legislature, where he signalized himself in combating and defeating the nefarious schemes of the Tories. He was appointed a General in the Continental Army, in the year , and when the State Constitution was formed he was unanimously chosen Governor of the State, and was successively re-elected to that most important office, in times that tried men's courage, ability and prin- ciples, until the year 1795, when, having greatly injured his health by his long and faithful service, he wished for a respite from public business ; the consequence of which was that John Jay, Esquire, was chosen 10 succeed him. In the Spring of 1801, he was reinstated in the chair, which he had filled for eighteen years, with so much honor to himself iind great advantage to the State and to the Union. Soon after he had declined a re-election in 1804, he was nominated for \'icc- President of the United States, and elected without opposition, which station he now deservedly enjoys. He married Miss Catherine Tap- pen, in Kingston, Ulster County, of an ingenious, friendly, placid dis- position, by whom he had one son named, George Washington, and five daughters, viz: Catharine, married Pierre Van Courtlandt, Esquire; Cor- nelia, married Monsieur Genet, formerly Embassador from the French Republic to the United States; EHza, married Mathias B. Tallmadge ; Maria . Christina Clinton, sister of the Colonel,* was married to a Mr. John Beatty, (in Ireland), and had a son, Charles, who was a celebrate.! Presbyterian clergyman. He married in Jersey, and had son-; that were officers in the Continental Army. She had also two daughters, *Col. Charles, the progenitor of the family. 1^8 History of The Town of New Windsor. Martha and Mary. Martha was married in New York to , and Mary to Mr. Robert Gregg, and had three sons, viz ; John, Charle>; and James, and one daughter, Jane. John was a youth of the most promising talents, and was supposed to be the best scribe on the con- tinent. He was Secretary to Governor Belcher, of New Jersey ; he died young. Charles was also a promising lad, but he also died young. James served with reputation as a Captain in the Continenital Army, and died a bachelor. Jane was married to Stuart Wilson and had one son, George, and one daughter. They live about i6 miles from Schenectady, on the place which formerly belonged to Colonel Daniel Claus. Mary Clinton, sister to Christiana, was married to Mr. Condy, and had one daughter Ann, commonly called Nancy, who was married to Mr. William Taylor, by whom he had one son, John, who is a man of emi- nent abilities, and an undeviating, inflexible patriot. He lived at Lake George until the commencement of the late war with Britain, when he removed to the city of Albany, and was soon chosen a member of the General Committee, where he distinguished himself in detecting and de- feating the nefarious schemes of the Tories, and some half-way patriots. Since the termination of the war he has, by his abilities and upright un- deviating conduct, gained the confidence of his fellow citizens so that he has been President of the State Bank, in Albany, a Judge of the County Court, and a Senator in the Legislature, and is now in nomina- tion as a candidate for that important office. He married Miss Mar- garet Volkenberg, who died without issue. But he has adopted his niece, Margaret, daughter of John Vernor, Esquire, who is now married to Doctor Charles D. Cooper, who now lives with him. William Parks, who was related to my grandmothers Jane and Bar- bara, married Janet Beatty, by whom he had two children, Arthur and Margaret. Arthur is now living at Ward's Bridge, on the Wallkill. He is a man of good natured abilities, which he greatly improved by leading, of which he was always very fond. He was elected a member of the State Legislature, at a very early period of the war, and was suc- cessively reelected for several years, and was a very valuable member. He married Miss Howell, daughter of Hezekiah Howell, of Smith's Clove, by whom he has a son Charles, who studied physic and attended the medical lectures in New York. His sister Margaret, an accomplished woman, was married to Mr. David Bostwick, son of Mr. Eostwick, formerly a minister in New York. She is now a widow and lemoved to Troy. JOSEPH YOUNG. New York, Catherine Street, No. 53, April nth, 1807. History of The Town of New Windsok. iqq COPY OF THE ORIGINAL PATENT OF EAST- ERN END OF NEW WINDSOR The following is a copy of the Patent which covers much of the eastern end of the Town of New Windsor (said never to have been print- ed before) : ANNE by the Grace of God of Great Brittainc fFrancc and Ireland Queen Defender of the fTaith &c To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern Sendeth Greeting": WHEREAS our Loving Subjects William Sunderland and William Chambers by their humble Petition presented to our Trusty and well be- loved Richard Ingoldesby Esqr. our Livt. Governor and Comandr in Chiefe in and over our Province of New and Territories in America and Vice Admirall of ye same &c in Council HAVE Prayed our Grant and Confirmation of a Certaine Tract of Land Scituate lying and being on 'the West side of Hudsons River and in ye County of Ulster beginning at a Large White Oak Tree Standing near the River marked with three Knotches and a Cross and Runs thence into the Woods North ffifty three Degrees West Eighty Chains to a Young black Oak Tree marked as aforesaid and thence Runs in the Rear North Seventeen Degrees East to Ouassaick Creek and thence by Quassaick Creek and the Line of the Widdow Plettle including the said Creek to Hudsons River and by Hud- sons River to the place where begunn Containing in the whol one thous- and acres be it more or less with all and Singular the Houses Edifices and Buildings which now are Erected and Built on the said Tract of Land and Premises or on any part thereof & all other Improvements what- soever on the same which said Land and premises are bounded North by the said W'iddow Plettle and Ouassaick Creek East by Hudsons River South by marked Trees and West by the Hill Much Hattoes the which Pet'tion wee being willing to Grant KNOW YEE that of our especiill Grace Certain knowledge and meer motion we have Given Granted Rati- fyed and Confirmed and by these Presents for our selves our Heirs and Successors Doe Give Grant Ratifye and Confirn:e unto the sd Williini Sunderland and William Chambers all and Singular the said Tract of Land above mentioned and all" and Singular the Houses Edifices Build- ings and Improvemts thereupon and Hereditaments and Abburtenances thereunto belonging within the Bounds and Limitts above in these pres- 200 History of The Town of New Windsor. ents mentioned and Expressed together with all Woods Underwoods Trees Timber ffeedings Pastures Meadows Marshes Swamps Ponds Pooles Waters Watercourses Rivers Rivoletts Runs and Streams of Water fishing fowling hawking hunting Mines & Mineralls Standing Growing lying & being or to be used had & Enjoyed within the Bounds and Limitts above said and all other Profitts beneffitts Priviledges Liber- ties Advantages Hereditaments & Appurtenances wtsover unto the said Tract of Land and Premises or any Part or Parcell thereof belonging or in any wise Appurtaining and all our Estate Right Title Interest benefitt Advantage Claim Demand of in or to the said Tract off Land & premises with their Appurtenances or any Part or Parcell thereof and the Rever- sion & Reversions Remaindr and Remaindrs Together with ye Yearly and other Rents and Proffitts of the prmisses & of every Part & Parcell thereof in two Equall Parts to be Divided (Except & allways Reserved out of this our prsent Grant unto us our Heirs and Successors all such ffirr Trees & Pine Trees of the Diamiter of ffour & twenty Inches att twelve Inches from the Ground or Root thereof as shall be fitt for Masts ffor our Royal Navy and allso all such other Trees as are or shall be fitt to make Plank and Knees for the use of our Navy aforesd only wch now are Standing Growing and being & which hereafter shall Stand Grow and be in & upon the said Tract of Land & prmisses or any Part or Par- cell thereof wth free Liberty and Lycence for any Person or Persons whatsoever by us thereunto appointed with workmen Horses Wagons Carts & Carriages or without to Enter & Come into and upon the said Tract of Land and prmisses hereby Granted or any Part thereof there to fell Cut Root up hew Saw Rive have take Cart and Carry away the same at his & their Will & Pleasure for ye use aforesd and allso Except and Re- served out of this our Present Grant all Gold and Silver Mines TO HAVE AND TO HOLD one full Moyety or half Part of the said Tract of Land and Premisses with their Appurtenances hereby Granted as aforesd (Except before Excepted) unto ye said William Sunderland his Heirs and Assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof e of ye said William Sunderland His Heirs and Assignes forever and the other full Moyety or half Part thereof unto the said William Chambers his Heirs and Assignes forever to tlie only proper use and behoofe of ye said William Chambers and his Heirs and Assignes forever to be holden of us our Heirs and Successors in ffree and Comon Soccage as of our Mannor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent within our Kingdom of Great Brittain YEILDING Rendring and Paying therefore Yearly and every Year from henceforth unto us our Heirs & Successors att our Custome House att New Yorke to our Collector or Receiver Genii there for the time being at or upon the Annunciation of our Blessed Virgin History of The Town of New Windsor. 201 Mary (Comonly Called Lady Day) the Rent or Sume of two Shillings & Six pence Currant Money of our Province of New York for ever hun- dred acres of Land of the before mentioned one thousand Acres of Land herein before Granted & Confirmed in Liew & Stead of all other Rents Dues Duties Services and Demands wtsoever PROVIDED always & these Presents are upon this Condition that they the said W^illiam Sunder- land & William Chambers or one of them or some or one of their Heirs and Assigns shall and will within ye Space of three Years now next En- sueing the Date hereof Settle Clear and make Improvemt of three Acres of Land att the Least for every fififty Acres of the said Tract of Land and Premisses of one thousand Acres herein before Granted and in Default thereof or if the said William Sunderland & William Chambers their Heirs or Assignes any or either of them or any other Person or Per- sons wtsoever by their Means Consent or Procurement or by the Means Consent and Procurement of any or either of them shall Sett onftire and burn the \Voods on the said Tract of Land & Premisses hereby Granted or on any Part or Parcell thereof to Clear ye same that then & in either of these Cases this our Present Grant & every Clause and Article heroin Contained shall Cease Determine & be utterly \'oid & of none Effect any thing herein Contained to the Contrary hereof in any wise Notwithstand- ing and We Doe hereby Will and Grant that these our Letters Pattents or ye Record thereof in our Secretary's Office of our said Province of New York shall be Good & Effectual in the Law to all Intents Purposes Notwithstanding the not true & well reciting or menconing of the prniisses or any Part thereof or the Limitts and Bounds thereof or any former or other Letters Patents or Grants wtsoever made or Granted or of any Part thereof by us or any of our Progenitors unto any Person or Persons whatsoever Body Pollitick or Corporate or any Law or other Re- straint incertainty of imperfection whatsoever to the Contrary in any ways Notwithstanding IN TESTIMONY whereof wee Have Caused these our Letters to be made Pattents and the Seal of our said Province of New York to our said Letters Pattents to be affixted & the same to be Recorded in our Secretarys Office of our said Province WITNESS our trusty and well beloved Richard Ingoldesby Esqr our Livt Govr & Com- mandr in Chiefe of our said Province of New York & Territories De- pending thereon in America and Vice Admirall of ye same &c in Coun- cill att our fifort att New York this two and twentyeth Day of Semtembr in the Eighth Year of our Reign Annoq Dm 1709. GEORGE CLARKE. I do hereby Certify the aforegoing to be a true Copy of the Original Record, Word the 23d line page 431 written on a Razure. And as in said Record Words thereon depending 202 History of The Town of New Windsor. 55'th line page 429 & 21st line page 431 obliterated, and the letters ear of the word Rear in 2d line of page 430 inter- lined instead of an obliteration. COMPARED therewith By Me. LEWIS A. SCOTT, Secretary. STATE OF NEW YORK, Office of the Secretary of State ss I have compared the preceding copy of letters-patent with the record thereof in this office, in Book Number 7, of Patents at page 389 and I do hereby certify the same to be a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the City of Albany, the twenty-third day of Sep- tember, one thousand nine hundred and three. HORACE G. TERMANT, Second Deputy Secretary of State. (Seal) History of The Town of New Windsor. 203 GENERAL INDEX Beaverdam Creek 3-5^-80 Berea Church 45-91 Bethlehem Church 91 Big Swamp 4-5^ Biographical Sketches 1 50 Blooming Grive Turnpike 55-77 Burial Grounds 99 Butterhill 14 Camp Ground 79 Cannon, manufacture of 53 Cantonment of 1782-3 79 Church History 84 Church of England Mission 84 Civil List, 1763-1885 161 Civil Organization 4 Civil War iC6 Clinton Homestead 39-76 Colemantown Creek y^6 Committee of Safety 56-58-162 Creeks 3 Early Settlements 12 Edmonston House • •, 73 Ellison House 114 Fall's House 73-/9 Ferry to Fishkill 16-26-30-3 1-154 Forge Hill 51-72-77-80 Gate's Fleadquarters 78-79 Genealogical Sketches 150 Goldsmith Creek 56 Goodwill Church 44-46-(:o Graham's Church 91 Great Meadow 8 Hamilton's Tavern y^j Hopewell Church ()i Hunting Grove ^')-55 King's Highway /-2 1 -52 Knox's Headquarters • ^7-/7-^ H Lafayette's Headquarters 51-72 Licenses 10 Little Britain 7-8-9-10-19-34-35-79-135 Little Britain Church 95 Little Britain M. E. Church 98 204 History of The Town of New Windsor. Little Pond 4 Local Divisions 4 Location of Town 3 Methodist Church, first in Orange County 1 16 Military Organizations 62 Minute Men 64-120 Moffat's Academy 10-104 Montgomery Church 9^ Moodna 50 Moodna Creek 3-50-55 Aluchattoes Hill 3-7-15-18 Murderer's Creek 3-4-5-7-13-15-55-72-119 Neelytown Church 91 New Windsor and Blooming Grove Turnpike 9-55 Newburgh and New Windsor Turnpike 8-54 New Windsor Gazette 3^ New Windsor Village 25 Cemetery 34-94-99 Early Commerce 28 Presbyterian Church 34-94 Patents 12 Chambers, Wm 12-15 Colden, Cadwallader 12 Ellison, Thomas 114 Evans, John 4-12 German 5 Haskell, John 12-17 Henderson, James 12-21 Hume, Patrick 12-20-126-129-131 Ingoldsby, Mary 12-17 Johnson, Andrew 12-19-35-135 Johnson, John, Jr 12-20 Low, (Cornelius) & Co 12-19 Mcintosh, Peter 12-18 MacGregorie, Patrick 12-1 18 Matthews, Vincent 12-17-1 14 Morris, Lewis 12-21 Pierce, Vincent 12 Southerland, Wm 12-15-114 Van Dam, Richard 12-20 Perry's Hill 46 Physiolo"-^' 3 Pioneer Era 12 Pioneer Eamilies 12 Pledge of Association 57 Plum Point 1 2- 1 5 -72-79- 1 19 Population 4 Post Hill 17-119 Postmasters 11 Post Offices II Quassaick Creek 3-5-15-16-21-32-52-55-56 History of The Town of New Windsor. 205 Quassaick Valley 52 Ragville 55 Revolutionary Incidents 66 Revolutionary Localities 70 Roads in Town 7 Rock Tavern 3-18-43-49-55 Schools 9 Silver Stream 3-4-56-80 Slaves 6-22- 113 Sloop Hill 50 Snake Hill 3-7 Snake Hill Turnpike 9-55-83 St. Thomas' Church 89 Supi)ort of Poor 10 Temple, The 81 Temple Hill 81 Town Records 6 Vail's Gate 55 Vail's Gate Church 96 Wallkill Church 90 Washington, attempted abduction of 70 Washington's Headquarters 34-/0 Washington Lake 4 Washington Square T^y Woodlawn Cemetery 99-1 36 The APPENDIX (p.177) includes : "Journal of the Voyage of Charles Clinton from Ireland to America, 1729." " A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch written by Joseph Young in 1807, at the request of his niece, Barbara HartcU." " Copy of the Patent covering much of the eastern end of the Town of New Windsor," Dated Sept. 22, i/Og. 206 History of The Town of New Windsor. INDIVIDUAL INDEX This individual index covers tlie first liundred pages of the vi^ork. Pages 100 to 160 cover biographical and genealogical records and are referred to in this index only by name of the family or earliest progenitor. Pages 161-165 cover the Civil List. Pages 166-175 record those citizens who participated in the Civil War, and contributors to the fund to promote enlistments. Abbott, Benjamin 97 Abercrombie 49 Adams, Dr 73 Adams, William 9 Adams & Bishop 54 Alexander, Harvey 98 Alsop, John 16, 18, 25, 28,84 154 Anderson, John 33 Andrews, Luman 98 Annan, Robert 68, 95, 96 Armstrong, Abner 52 Armstrong, Major 76 Arthur, John 50 Arthur, Samuel 7, 50 60, 87 Atwater, David J 93 Atwater, Jabish 97 Ayres, Enos 9J Bailey, Jonathan 89 Baird, (Alexander & Co.) 5 Bamper, Lodwick 27 Bangs, Herman 98 Barber, Col 76 Barber, Nancy 43 Barber, Patrick 43 Barclay, Robert 64 Darker, John 52 Barlow, Joel 83 Bartley, William H 33 Barton, Gilbert 87 Barton, John 87 Bayard, Sammel & Co 26, 27 Beach, Isaac C 94 Beardsley, Austin 59' Beattie, Alex 56, 60 Beattie, Robert H 93 Beatty, Arthur 62 Beatty, Charles 62 Beatty, Joseph 59 Beatty, William 60 Beatty, Archibald 62 Bedlow, William 66 Beede, William H 53 Belden, Henry 94 Belknap, Abel 93 Belknap, Benjamin 20 Belknap, John 63, 65' Belknap, Isaac 60, 93 Belknap, Joseph 7, 60 Bell, Matthew 59 Benedict, Joel T 93 Benjamin, James 97" Best, David 9T Betts, Bieverly Robinson 90 Biddle, Col 78 Biglow, Noah 98 Birch, Harney 70 Birdsall, Zebulon 92 Blair, John 91 Blake, William 98' Bloomer, William 98 Bogardus, Peter 33 Booth, Charles 93 Borden, Daniel 9, 30 Boyd, Robert, Jr., 16, 18, 26, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60 Boyd, Robert H 90 Boyd Samuel 52, 59 Brewster, Dyer 30 Brewster, Henry .-. . . ^ . . ; 26 Brewster, Samuel, 18, 26, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 73, 83, 87, 93, 94 Brewster, Samuel, Jr 87 Brewster, Timothy 73, 157 Brooks, Jonathan, Jr 9 Brooks, Philip 12, 14 Brown, Dr 89 History of The Town of New Windsor. 207 Brown, George 64 Brown, J 98 Brown, John 86, 90 Brown, Jonathan 29 Brown, William 16 Bruser, N 98 Bruyn, James 94 Buchanan, Adam G 99 Buchanan, Betsey 43 Buchanan, Robert 42 Buchanan, Susan 40 Buchanan, William 5? Buck, Daniel 9T Bull, Mitchell E 97 Bull, William 17 Burchard, Nathaniel 92 Burgoyne, Gen 74 Burnam, Benjamin 59 Burnet, Eleazer 94 Burnet, John 59 Burnet, Joseph B 35 Burnet, Robert ..19, 20, 36, 43, 62, 69, 92, 95 Burnet, Robert, Jr 59 Burnet Family 102 Bushnell, Samuel 97 Byrn, Charles 5.9 Byrnes, Caleb 53 Byrnes, Daniel 53 Byrnes, Deviah 53 Byron, Patrick 20 Caddan, Arthur 6(J Caldwell, James 68' Campbell, Capt 74 Campbell, Robert 59 Candee. Isaac 97 Canfield, Ezekiel 98 Cantine, Moses 64 Carmichael, John 64 Carpenter, Benjamin 52 Carpenter, Daniel 32 Carpenter, Elijah 92 Carpenter, James 9 Carpenter, Joseph 30 Carpenter, Lewis 3(J Carscadden, Robert 19 Carson, D. & Co 52 Case, Benjamin 87, 93 Celley, John 87 Chalker 92, 93" Chambers, A. Gaasheck 62, 84 Chambers, John 22, 26, 45 Chambers, William . .12, 15, 16, 17. 150 Champion, Job H 98 Chandler, Enos 92 Cliandler, John 9 Chandler, Joseph 92 Charlton, Richard 84 Chastellux, Marquis de 80 Christie, Thomas lb Clark, David 59 Clark, Jerk 87, 93 Clark, Reuben 87, 93 Clemence, Daniel 59, 92 Clinton, Alexander 69 Clinton, Charles 8, 19, 22, 25, b4, 36, 39, 62, 76, 92 Clinton, Dewitt 34. 76 Clinton, George.. 7, 10, 16, Jb, 37, 38, 53, 57, l.:2, 66, 67, 73, 75. 70. >,2. 87. f»3. Cliiton, Sir 1-enry .... 74 Clirion, James. .7, 10, 2"), 1:6, 31, 08, 30, 40, 57, 5?: 63, 65, 1?,, 73, 77, 79, 87 Ol.iMon Family 133 Close, John 60. 93 Cochrane, John 73 Colden, Cadwallader. .5, 12, 20, 61, 63, 78, 79. Colden, Maria 78, 79 Coleman, George 58, 59, 64 Coleman, J 97 Coleman, James 97 Coleman, John 59 Coles, George 98 Collard, Thomas 97 Coomber, Almond 98 Conger, Joshua 38 Conhan. Robert 59 Cook, John 58 Cook, Thomas 21, 58 Cooper, Mrs. Rachel 67 Corwin, Theophilies 7, 26 Covell, James 98 Craig. John 53 Crane, Moses 97 Crawford, Andrew 7, 18. 95 Crawford, David 7, 60 Crawford, Francis 9, 21 Crawford, .Tames 60 Crawford, John 18 Crawford, William 59 Crawshaw, George 52 Cressy, R. H 90 Crist. Matthew 49" Cross, Robert 20 Cross, William 41 Crudge, John 59 208 History of The Town of New Windsor. Cumins, Asa 9V Cunningham, John 59 Ctirtis, Caleb 62 Curwin, Theophilies 87 Daniels, George 98 Dankins, John 64 Davis, John 18, 58 Davis, Matthew 62 Dean, Artemas 93 Decker, Johannes 9 Denniston, Alexander. .7, 19, 21, 36, 92, Denniston, George. .7, 20, 39, 60, 63, 65, 92. Denniston, James 7, 20, 58, 92 Denniston, John 9, 92 Denniston, William 21, 92 Denniston Family 107 Denton, Isaac 64 Denton, James 33 DeWint, John Peter 33 DeWitt, Mary 34, 38 De Wolf, Henry 98 Dickson, Andrew 58 Dickson, J. M 9i Dill, Caleb 59 Dill, David 9 Dill, John 9, 59 Dillon, Robert 97 Docksey, James 59 Dongan, Governor 13, 14 Drake, Joseph 87 DuBois, Mrs. Ann 57 DuEois, Lewis 65, 66, 89 DuBois, Matthew, Jr., 29, 32, 58, 64 DuBois, Nathaniel 9, 92 DuBois, Zachariah 92 Dunlap, James 26, 59 Dusinberry, Samuel 97 Dusinberry, Sylvanus 87 Earnest, Mathias 27 Eastis, Dr 73 Edgerton, Richard 31 Edraonston, David 21 Edmonston, James 17, 22, 62 Edmonston, William 67, 87, 92 Edwards, James 98 Edwards, Thomas 98 Epbert, Jacob 97 Elliott, Thomas 59 Ellison, .John. .16, 28, 55, 77, 79, 80, 84, 87, 92. 96 Ellison, Robert R 79 Ellison Thomas.. 6, 17, 22, 23, 29, 32, 34, 61, 62, 63, 70, 77, 86, 87, 89. Ellison, William) 67, 70, 87 89 Ellison Family 112 Emory Nathan 98 Esray, George C 98 Ettrick, Col 70 Evans, Catherine 13 Evans, John 4, 12, 14 Everett, Daniel 25 Falls, Mrs 73 Falls, Alex 20, 62 Falls, Edward 63 Falls, Samuel 20, 64 Falls Family 131 Fancher, Judge 80 Faulkner, James 59 Ferguson, Wm. W 98 Ferris, Ira 98 Fields, A. C 98 Finley, John i04 Finnegan, John 97 Ford, Henry 93 Foster, Elnathan 93 Fowler, Gilbert Ogden 89 Fowler, Moses 7 Fowler, Samuel 97 Freeman, Jonathan 93, 94 Fulton, Alexander 59 Fulton, Thomas 9 Fulton, William 59 Furshay, Dennis 59 Gage, James 59 Gage, William 58 Gale, John Jr. 9, 17 Gale, Joseph 17 Gallatian, David 21 Galloway, John 7" iGamble, James 62 Gamble, John 62 Garrison, Nathaniel 58 Gates, Gen 73, 78, 79, 80 Gemibell, James 20 Getty, Jamies 35 Gibb, C 72 Gibson, David 98 Gilbert, Raphael 98 Gillespie, D. D 98 Gillespy, John 29 Given, Samuel 59 Goldsmith, Richard 9, 92 Gallow, Christopher 87" Gallow, John 87* Gorse, Charles 98 Gourley, Thomas 41 Gren, Gen 78 History of The Town of New Windsor. 209 Gren, James 89 Gray, John 38, 54, 77 Green, Robert 97 Greer, James 59 Greggs, James 65 Griffiin, Benjamin 98 Grigg, Robert 92 Grigg, William 92 Gunswort, Peter 65 Haigh, Edward 53, 54 Hale, Elisha 53, 54 Hall, Jacob 98 Hall, John .' 11 Halliday, David 87, 93 Hamilton 71 Hamilton, Mrs. Alex 78 Hamilton, Mrs. Sarah 77 Hanna, John 64 Hardenburgh, Jacobus 62 Harlow, Judah 7, 26, 87, 93 Harris, George 59 Harrison, Daniel 92 Harrison, Francis 6 Hart, John 73 Kartell, Christian 22, 26, 27 Hasbrouck, Isaac 9 Hasbrcuck, Jonathan 9, 93 Haskell, Henry 18 Haskell, John 12, 17 Hathorn, John 67 Havemeyer, Charles H 54 Hazzard, Nathaniel 17, 50 Hazzard, Jonah 62 Hazzard, Samuel 17, 50 Heath, Maj.-Gen 79, 81, 82 Hedges, Jonathan 9 Henderson, James 12 Henry, Robert 64 Herron, James 97 Hiffernan, John 59 Higby, Moses 74. 93 Hoffman, Joseph 31 Holladay, Wm 93 Holliday, David 26 Holmes, Daniel 97 Holmes, David 98 Homan, Benjamin 8V Horman, Benjamin 58 Horton, Joseph 50 Houston, Joseph 91 Houston, Joseph 1 46 Houston, Robert 64 Howell, Hezekiah 8, 9, 25, 26 Howell, Joseph H 35 Howell, William 64 Hubbard, J. B 93 Huddy, Charles 12, 14 Hull, D. C 98 Hume, Patrick 5, i2, 20 Humphrey, David 62, 89 Humphrey, George 64 Humphrey, Hugh 60 Humphrey, James 7, 58, 62, 63, 64 Humphrey, John 19, 20, 49, 62, 100 Humphrey, John, Jr 5, 62 Humphrey, Oliver 58 Humphrey, William 64 Humphries, Humphrey 98 Hunt, J 98 Ingoldsby, George 17 Ingoldsby, Mary 12, 17 Jackson, James, Jr 22, 59, 87, 95 Jackson, Michael 25 Jackson, Thomas 87 Jackson, William 29, 87 Jacob, Stephen 98 Jarrett, Allan 19 Jansen, Catherine 79 Jansen, Johannes 63 Jewett, Wm 97, 98 Jansen, Sally 78, 79 John, Peter 58 Johnes, Timothy 94 Johnson, Andrew 12, 35 Johnson, John 12, 18, 60, 87, 94 Johnson, William 24 Johnston, Andrew 19, 95 Johnston, Jetter 97 Johnston, Robert 59 Jones, Bridget IS Jones, Cane 85 Jones, Evan 8, 18, 25, 26 Jones, John 62 Jones, Thomas 8, 18 Kane, Hezekiah 64 Keith, William 97 Kekham, Samuel 92 Kekham, Wm. E 98 Keled, E., Sr 20 Keline, John 98 Kernahan, Alexander 58 Kernaghan, Charles 59 Kernaghan, James 63, 92 Kernochans 95 Kerr, John 43, 49 Ketcham, Samuel 92 Kilbona, Henry 87 Kilpatrick, W 84 2IO History of The Town of New Windsor. Kimbark, Isaac 64 King, Andrew 44, 91 King, Hector 45 King, Samuel W 98 King, Stephen 59 King, Thomas 7,9, 20 Kleck, Johannah 87 Kline, James 98 Knap, Jarvis 35 Knox, Gen. 78 Knox, Mrs 78, 79 La Fayette, Marquis de 71, 72 Lamb, John 65, 66 Lamb, Samuel 58 Lawrence, Jane 13 Lawrence, Jonathan 31, 68 Lawrence, Mrs. Jonathan 68 Lawrence, Wm 7, 94 Leonard, Eliphalet 60 Leonard, Hone and Nicoll 51 •Leonard, William B 50 Lewis, John N 93 Lewis, Isaac 93 Liscomb, Nathaniel 59, 87 Lithgow, Hannah 20 Lithgow, James 20 Little, John ill Livingston, James 15 Lockwood, Ichabod 29 Lockwood, Samuel 9 Logan, Samuel M 29, 30, 57, 58, 65 87, 93. Longking, Joseph 54 Lossing 81 Low, Oornelius 5, 12, 19 Low, Isaac 57 Lowell, Joseph 97 Ludlow, Charles 16, 54, 73, 89 Lyal, Edward 60 Lyon, Gilbert 98 Lyon, Matthew C 31 Lyon, Zalman 98 McArthur, Neil 18 McAuley, John 8 MoBride, Francis 64 McCamriel, Patrick 87 McCartney, David 98 McClaughrey, James 7, 20, 22, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64. McClaughrey, Mary 19 McClaughrey, Patrick. .7, 20, 62, 95, 96 McClaughrey Family 126 McClean, Cor'us 62 McClelland, Thomas 41 McCombs, Lawrence 97 McDavid, Andrew 62 McDool, (McDowell) Matthew.. 95, 96, 99. McDove, (McDowell) Andrew .... 19 McDowell, James 59 McDowell, Matthew 58 McDowell, Thomas 56, 60 McDowell, William 42 McGill, William L 81 McGraw, Hon. Edward 37 McGraw, Thomas 41 Mcintosh, Phineas 84 Mcintosh, Susan 19 McKnight, Patrick 5 McMichael, John 19 McMichael, Walter 59 McMikhill, Joseph 62 McMullen, William 64 McNeal, John 90 McNeeley, Henry, Jr 59, 60 McNeeley, Janet 42, 49 MacGregorie, Patrick 12 MacGregorie, Patrick, Jr 14 Macintosh, Phineas 5, 12, 18 Mackin, Mr ' 85 MacNeeley, David 49 MacNeeley, Margaret 49 Main, Daniel 10 Mains, Francis . ._ 59 Maley, John 68 Mallard, Betsey 19 Mandeville, David 17, 60, 65, 87 Mandeville, Francis 7, 63, 87, 93 Manney, John 64 Marshall, Alexander 54 Martin, James 41 Marvin, David 25 Maskrig, Daniel 13 Matthews 92 Matthews, Fletcher 5 Matthews, O. P 98 Matthews, Peter 15, 84, 151 Matthews, Vincent 8, 12, 17, 25, 26, 32, 87. Mavings, George 59 Mickle, Andrew H 51 Micklan, John W 59 Miller, Christopher B 54 Miller, Edward 40, 42, 59 Miller, Elizabeth 41 Miller, James 59, 64 History of The Town of New Windsor. 2 I I Miller, William 19, 58, 59, 98 Mills, Daniel 58 Mills, Jacob 58 Mills, John 59 Mills, Timothy 59 Milspaugh, Philip 64 Moffat, John 10, 21, 22, 55, 91 Moffat, Isaac 20 Moffat, Samuel 30, 92 Moffat, William 60. 92 Monell, George 8 Moores, Samuel B 76 Morgan 67 Morgan, John 90 Morrell, Jacob 51 Morrell, Jonathan 51 Morrell, Joseph 9, 29, 30, 89 Morris, Lewis 12 Morrison, Hamilton 11 Morrison, John 44, 59, 60 Morrison, Robert 56 Morrison, William 44 Mulender, William 60 Miillinder, Frank 40 Mullinder, Peter. .19, 35, 36, 62, 84, 100 Mulliner, William 7, 9, 20 Murphey, John 59 Neelly, Henryman 20, 64 Neelly, James 20, 62 Nelson, John 26 Newkirk, Jacob 63 Newman, Scudder 58 Newman, Thomas 98 Newsome, Robert 87 Nicholas, John 20 Nichols, Jarvis Z 98 Nichols, William 60 Nicholson, Charles 59 Nicholson, John 57, 58, 65, 92 Niclos, William 60 Nicoll, Francis 22 Nicoll, John V, x.. 17, 62 Nicoll, John D 9, 57, 58, 60, 63, 87, 91, 93. Nicoll, Leonard D 60, 64. 87, 92. 93 Nicoll Family 118 Oakley. Isaac K 54 Oliver, David 62 Oliver, James M 59 Palmer. Aaron F 54 Palmer, Charles 11, 49 Palmer, James 49 Palmer, Mornas 65 Park, Jonah 58 IPark, William 59 Parker, George 52 Parshall, Jonathan 59 Peet, Stephen 87 Peet, William 29 Peppard. F'rancis 93 Perry, James 59 Peters. James 87 Pett. Gilbert 87 Petty. Edward 60 Phillips. Moses 63 Pierce, Vincent 12 Pinhorn, Mary 12 'PoHoy. Hugh 59 Post. Peter 17 Powell. Wm 86 Prince, N. S 94 Ramsdell, Homer 54 Rapelye, Stephen 46 Reeve, Selah 9 Reid, George 52, 54 Reid. John 19. 36, 62, 101 Reynolds, John 98 Reynolds, Reuben 29 Rice, John R 98 Rice, Nathan 98 Rice, Phineas 98 Richards, Paul 26 Riley, Reuben 90 Roberson, Henry 58 Roberts, Gilbert 92 Robertson, John 97 Robinson. Andrew 59 Robinson, John 65 Robinson, William 60 Rae. William 93 Roel & Storm 51 Romer, James H 98 Sackett, John x- 25 Sackett. Joseph 8, 22. 28, 154 Sackett. Joseph. Jr 16, 25, 26, 32 Sackett, Samuel 50, 92, 93 Sands, Nathaniel 50, 51 Sanford, Hawley 98 Sargent. Nathan 59 Sayre. John 85, 86 Sayre, John, Jr 87 Sayre. Nathan 30 Sayre. Nathan H.. Jr 90 Sayre, Thomas 29, 88 Schoeld, John 65 Schultz. Abraham 9. 11. 29. 30 212 History of The Town of New Windsor. Schultz, Isaac 9, 16, 29, 53, 68, 87 Schultz, Isaac & Son 31 Schultz, Jacob 31, 53 Schuyler, Brant .49, 20, 25, 26 Schuyler, Gen VI Schuyler, John 19 Schuyler, Samuel 19 Scott, John R 35 Scott, William 64 Scrimgeour, James 45, 96 Scudder, William 29, 31 Sears, Ethan 64 Sect, Gilbert 59 Seely, Ebenezer, Esq 8, 25, 26 Selleck, John A 98 Shaw, James 42 Shaw, Joseph 62 Shaw, Robert 10 Shaw, Thomas 19 Shaws 95 Sherwood, Andrew 87 Sherwood, George L 30 Sherwood, James 94 Shippen, Dr 93 Silliman, Cyrus 98 1 Skinner, John 64 Slutt, Cornelius 64 Sly, Chas. H 38 Sly, Samuel 20, 57, 58, 129 Sly, William 42 Smith, Bella 98 Smith, Friend W 98 Smith, James 59 Smith, John 59 Smith, John G 98 Smith, Joseph 87, 93 Smith, Leonard 87 Smith, Nathan 16, 19, 26, 57, 58, 60, 159. Smith, Obadiah 87 Smith, Robert 58 Smith, Soeln 59 Smith, Thomas.Sr 92 Smith, Thomas J 96 Sutherland, David, Sr 87 Sutherland, William 12, 151 Spierin, George H 85 St. Clair, Gen 73 Stenson, William 58, 64 Stephens, Jonathan 97 Steuben, Baron 76 Stewart, Alex 20 Stewart, Luarter, 98 Stewart, Robert 58 Stickney, James 63 Still, Henry 97 Stingham, James 62 StoUard, Elizabeth 18 Stonehouse, Isaac 59, 87 Storms, William 97 Strachan, James 41, 48 Stratton, Thomas 97, 98 Stringham, Daniel 8 Strong 92 Strong, Sylvester 98 Sutherland, Joseph 91 Sutherland, William 15, 91 Sutten, David 87 Sutten, James 87 Swafford, Thomas 59 Swain, Matthias 9T Sweezy, Joseph 18, 59 Sypher, Christopher 64 Tarball, William 81, 82 Taylor 74 Taylor, Alex 59 Taylor, James 59 Taylor, Joshua 97 Taylor, William 9 Telford, Alexander 58 Telford, William 20, 58 Temple, Richard 90 Thomas, James H 94 Thomas, Noble W 98 Thompson, David 59, 64 Thompson, Ezra P 18 Thompson, James 19 Thompson, Robert 59 Thompson, Thomas A 9 Thompson, William A 9 Thorn, Samuel 87 Thorne, James 50 Thorne, John 50 Tibaut, Cornelius 89 Tilghman 71, 80 Tompkins, John A 54 Toshack, David 13, 14 Towsend, Dr 73 Townsend, James P 52 Townsend, Peter 53 Trimble, Alexander 63 Trimble, Richard 9 Turner, David B 98 Turner, Hugh 60 Tuthill, James 26 Tuthill, N. S 98 History of The Town of New Windsor. 213 Umphrey, George 58 Umphrey, James 58 Umphrey, Johu 58 Van Ars dell, John 64 Vanaurdal, John 50 Vance, John 19 Van Dam, Richard 12, 20 Van Deursen, Abraham 31 Van Duzer, Christopher 92 Van Duzer, Henry 92 Van Duzer, Isaac 92 Van Duzer, Shadrack 92 Van Dyck, Bolton 64 Van Home, Cornelius 15 Van Home, Frederick 85 Vail, John D 11 Verplanck, Philip A 15, 53 Vesey, Rev. Mr 6 Vinegar, Gradus 64 Wadsworth, Col 78 Waldron, John 15 Wall, Jacob 98 Wallace, R. Howard 96 Wallace, Robert H 96 Walsh, Hugh 8, 16, 53 Walsh, J. DeWitt 53 Walsh, John H 16, 53, 54 Walsh, Samuel A 54 Walsh, William 29 Wandel, John 21 Wandell, Jacob .^. 30 Ward, William ;.. . 31 Washburn, J. C 98 Washington 70, 71, 72, 80 Waters, John H 52 Waterson, Hugh 59 Watkins, Hezekiah 85, 88 Waugh, John 59, 96 Webb, Nathaniel 75 Weed, Wm. R 98 Weeks, Smith 97 Weller, Hiram 9 Welling, George 35 Welling, John Ill Welling, Peter 21, 60 Welling, William 60 Wells, Albert 64 Wells, Sarah 22 Westlake, Benjamin 97 Whigham, Robert 59 White, Jonathan 59 White, Nicholas 98 White, Silas 87 White, Sylvester 92 White, Timothy 59 Whitmore, Samuel 87 Wileman, Henry 84 William, Caleb 51 Williams, Jonas 9, 51 Williams, Thomas 51 Williams, William 87, 93 Wilson, Andrew 64 Wilson, John 10 Wiltsie, Martin 32, 34 Wimble, Richard 53, 54 Wingham, Hiram 98 Winter, Hezekiah 64 Wood, Cornelius 76 Wood, Daniel 93 Wood, James 64 Wood, Joseph 87, 93, 94 Wood, Richard 59, 63 Wood, Samuel 20, 48, 58 Wood, Silas 59, 63 Wood, Thurston 9 Woodhall, Jesse 21 Woodward, Samuel 59 Wood, Ellas 64 Woolsey, Elijah 97 Woolsey, Stephen 44 Woolsey, Thomas 97 Wyatt, Christopher D 90 Wyncoop, Gitty 78 Yelverton, John 8, 26, 94 Young, James 59, 62 Young, John 19, 36, 62 Young, (John) Family 123 Young, Joseph 9 Young, William 20 yC^ 2-^' / ^V "-WW^^Wi Pifii f,. l\-"a 'V,'^4w,i ^1 li^ !'J™ ■:'.,i^--! : 'j)[: 'M'WM ■•;■',' ;i','.'..ta