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Fellow Citizens : Bein^ assem- bled here to commemorate the cen- tennial anniversary of our National Independence, let us hope, that with- out regard to denominations, class, party, or distinctive orders, you all can cheerfully and heartily partici- pate in tiO common a purpose. Pursuent to the task to me as- signed by your committee, and in comformity to a resolution of Con- gress and the recommendation of the President of the United States and the Governor of your State, it has been made my duty, on this oc- casion, to present you a brief histor- ical sketch of Boone county. The limits allotted for this, will admit of nothing more than a mere outline histoiical compendium. You can hardly expect or desire any- thing more. I shall be compelled to omit many events and incidents and much of the facts and details which should properly be included in a complete history of your county. From the great amount of mater- ials constituting the history of the county, I shall aim to select such portions only, as may seem most ap- propriate for the occasion, expecting you to make due allowance for the omission of much that is of interest. While the history of pioneer life, the varied, rough hewed events at- tending the first settlements, as well as the growth and subsequent pros- perity of any country, must ever be attractive and entertaining, that of our own county lies so near us, and is so modern and homely, that around it is thrown no false glory, calcula- ted to lend any fanciful enchantment to the view, or robe the story in ro- mantic hue. Our theme bears us over no unvoyagable space, nor yet . does it lie within the star dust realm of inventive imagination. It is real and substantial, and as homely as home itself. It pertains to a sub- ject positively palpable, to real temt ^jirimi; or, if you object to that, we "will say, it pertains ^o what was once a humid wilderness of deep forests, wild Indians, wild animals, and much wet marshy land, which subsequent- ly became the abode of civilization, accompanied with great improve- ments, and has been the scene of much toil, great industry, many hardships and great achievements. Such is our theme ; it is a plain unpathetic story, unadorned by any foreign romance or brilliant fiction. HITORY OF BOONE COUNTY, You should, however, esteem it none the less on this account. It is worthy of being perpetuated among the annals of your county. It is an enduring monument to the industry, the perseverance, and the labor of yourselves and the hardy pioneers who here first made settlement. There are among us here to-day, some, who if they were not the first, were among the first, who made set- tlement in this county, and who can well remember the. early events and incidents attendant thereupon, as well as the then condition of the country. And although here, tliere blew no "Sabean odors from the spicy shore of Araby the blest." still this land was more richly dowered than any ancient and modern Arabian realm : for there extend the arid, torrid wastes of burning sand, where pass- ing, blew the deadly Harmattan winds, and scorch and consume all vital force of vegetable life : but not so here, where in rich luxur- iance, grew the deep umbrageous shades and shelterings cool ; nor were there wanting scenes to attract and engage the attention of the comers among these piimeval groves, where the undergrowth of shrubs and tangling bushes perplexed all path of man or beast that here would pass. The first immigrants can well re- call their solitary journeyings through the almo-t unbroken wilder- ness, following as best they could, the tree-marked ways, often en- countering and passing through or swamping down as the case might be, in the soft yielding, porous sloughs or marshy lands, meanwhile encompassed on every hand, or rath- er on every shore, by the almost im- penetrable wild woods where many of the trees grew an hundred feet in height, and beneath and amorg all these, the weeds, wild grass, and the luxuriant wild pea vine, altogether forming a growth so dense tha« it was impervious to the sun's rays at noon-day. The scene was sad, the wilderness a wild Aud mau no hermit then, for woman smiied. Yes ; your industrious and econ- omical mothers patiently and cheer- fully endured their share of the toil, the privations, and the hardships of pioneer life, and side by side with your fathers, con^tributed to build up the cheerful and comfortable homes which you to-day enjoy. But many of them have ceased from their la- bors and have passed awav. And these awful groves have not been without their solemn worship. "Formercy, from her golden urn," Poured a rich stream to them that mourned ; Behold, she bound, with tender care, The bleeding l)03oms of despair." Yet some of you who are here can well remember those earlv hardships, privations, toils aud discourage- ments which you had to encounter ; but in your determined resolutions, you never seemed once to have an- ticipated a failure. You pressed on- ward in the line of duty, never ask- ing, "Is the route practicable ?" You took it for granted that it was possible to make homes and a living for yourselves and families, though encompassed on every hand by such a wilderness : and your determined resolutions crowned your success ; and you have lived to see the glory of your hard earned achieve- ments. You have lived to see the wilder- ness transformed into one of the fin- est and most productive agricultural counties in the State. The vast for- ests have mostly been cleared away, the lands nearly all enclosed with fencing, drained and set in grass or reduced to tillage ; towns and vil- lages in many places, and fine or comfortable homes and improve- ments everywhere api)ear. As you recall the condition of things here fifty years ago, you must say, what a change ! so much surpassing our ex- pectations, that it seems almost like romance. But let us still recall the past ; how that here amidst the once wild woods and unbroken coverts, and thickets overgrown, then grotesque BY STEPHEN NEAL. and wild, duriog many dreary un- told ages gone, there had existed "the original red men, the tameless sons of the forest, occupied in their primeval pursuits, the chase of the deer, bear and the wild fowls of the wilderness which was then also the abode of numerous reptiles, snakes frogs, lizards, wild '"varments," and insects numerous, and clouds uj^on clouds of predatory mosquitos, scarce less numerous than the ancient lo- custs which in Egypt's evil day, dar- kened all the land of Nile. And when the pioneer recalls these early scenes, he well may have some sharp reminiscences and afifectingtaoughts. At early morn and dewy eve, his camp fires were built to repell his tierce assailants. He had to encoun- ter many real and severe realities. To make settlement in such a coun- try : to clear away the heavy forests, and build improvements amidst such surroundings, required courage, per- severance and immense labor, no less than that which carried the first Na- poleon and his unconquerable army over the frowning, snow clad Alps. Their labor, their achievements were greater than his, and far more worthy of historic celebrity. He wrought in the interest of an unhal- lowed ambition and in the pursuit of an empty fame ; while our immi- grants here labored to subdue and remove a wilderness, and develop and build up an empire of wealth ; and what they have accomplished is greater than the achievement of lev- eling down the Alpine heights. And shall not history accord these noble toilers a just meed of praise ? It has been only 46 years since the Territory now included within Boone county, was in the posses- sion and the home and hunting groiind of roving Indian bands. The Eel River tribe of the Miami Indians, which was one of the many tribes that constituted the powerful Confederacy of the Miami's, whose capital was at or near the site of Post Miami, (since Fort Wayne) had Held and occupied the country now included within the limits of this county, as their special huntingf ground. Here before them, their fathers had pursued the chase, had died and been buried on the banks of the many silent streams, with no other requiem but the soft music of the soughing winds and rustling leaves. In the year 1828, the United States govern 'Tient by purchase and by treaty, extinguished forever the Miami Reservation, in which the limits of Boone county had been in- cluded. In the year 1819, these In- dians and a few French traders had a town with a population of about 400 inhabitant at the location where Thorntown now stands. Yet, not- withstanding, the Indian reservation was extinguished in 1828, many of these Indians loth to give up and leave the home and hunting grounds of their fathers, remained here, following their old pursuit, the chase, up to the year 1835, some five years after the organization of the county. In their various wanderings, they encamped within the limits of the town of Lebanon as late as 1833» But that mighty Indian Confederacy has vanished ; even the graves of their chieftans are unknown ; you look in vain for the monumental col- umn ; there remains no enduring monument to tell that here they ever had an existence : the rude bark huts and the grove-encompassed wigwams are no more ; they have disappeared, and like the baseless fabric of a vision, left no trace to tell that they ever existed, save some rude marks on the old forest trees of their encampment. And now after the lapse of forty- six years, what a grand transforma tion appears ; transcending in real- ities the inventions of the imagina- tion in the storj of the Arabian Nights. The story seems like an old day dream. Oar children can scarcely believe it true; it seems bo passing strange; such a great change m so HISTORY OF BOONE COUNTY, short a time. We ^vbo have been here all the while, can hardly realize the wonderful transforniation ; little by little, day after day, and year af ter year, the changes have been pro- duced. During the winter of the year 1829. the State Legislature enacted a law providing for the organization of Boone county, and naming it in honor of Daniel Boone, one of the celebrated pioneer settlers of Ken- tucky; and in pursuence to the law aforesaid, the county was organized in the year 1830, at which time the population of the county, Indians ex- cepted, was only G22 persons. Up to this time there had been but little improvement made. A few log cabins had been built, and a few small "patches" partly cleared. The interior portion of the county con tained numerous sloughs and much swampy land, varying in size from one to live hundred acres, each. The sloughs were overgrown with a tall growth of rough grass and flags, upon which the water during the wet seasons of the year, stood vary- ing from one inch to three feet in depth. The soil in these sloughs consists of a decomposed vegetable mould, the result of vegetable de- composition during, untold ages, which soil is a dark loam very fer- tile. Such was the condition of the county at the time of its organiza- tion. It was a wilderness. The southeastern portion of the county, through which flows Eagle creek and its tributaries, has an un- dulating surface more or less rolling. The northern part of the county, through which flows Sugar Creek, from east to west, also has an une- ven surface though not hilly. The western part of the county has part- ly an uneven surface. The interior or central portions of the county contain the highest land between the "Wabash and White riv- er, and is what might be called the summit level — and though it is such it is very level land, with not suf- ricient slope for the water to run oflf, without artificial drains. Considering the levelness of the surface, the unparalleled fertility of the soil and the humidity of the cli- mate, supplied by frequent and co- pious rains at all reasons of the year, and also the fact that everywhere be- neath the surface at a depth varying from ten to eighteen feet, can be found an abundai.t supply of excel- lent water for all purposes during the year, it is not surprising that the first settlers found her^ such a deep wilderness of timber, undergrowth, flags, weeds, wild grasses, and wild vines. And although from the cen- tral part of the county the streams flow thence to nearly every point of the compass, still in many respects this land was unlike the Eden, which "stretched her line from Auran east- ward to tbe royal tow.ers of great Seleucia ;" nevertheless its groves were as deep and dense as those of old, that overshadowed Vallambro- sia's ancient vale. The forest trees were sugar maple, oak, ash, walnut, poplar, Cottonwood, elm, beech, lin- den, and many other kinds. And in fertility of soil end in capacity for productiveness, it might well be compared to that of the famous land of the Nile, which in the days of Rome, was said to have been the granary of that great city and from which it obtained its supply of bread. Such would seem to be naturally the productive capacity of the soil of this county, jn'ovided it should be thoroughly drained by artificial drain- age and improved to its highest de- gree of tillage. And here amidst the advantages and disadvantages, scarcely fifty- six years ago, came the first settlers, who were, however, soon followed by others, who after having selected their locations, cleared away the brush and logs, and erected their log cabins ; and year after year, little by little, they chopped away the un- derbrush and felled the heavy forest trees, chopped them into logs and BY STEPHEN NEAL. rolled and burned them. Sueb weie the small bef>-innings in the building' up and d'evelopinf? of what is now Boone county. But who can esti- mate the" amount of labor that presented itself and lay before these determined immi'^rants. We shall aim to take a giance at what has been accomplished. But if these pi oneers had their cares and toils, they also had their enjoyments amidst these primeval scenes. "They saw bv the smoke that so gracefully curled Above the green elms, that a cottage w.is near. And they thought, if there is peace to be found in the world, A heart that is humble might hope for it here." Here they found in the forests an abundant supply of wild honey, and the most delicious venison. The first settlement by our people was commenced in what is now Ea- gle township, in the year 1823. EAriLE TOWNSHIP. In this township was made (so far as we have learned) the first settle- ment in the county, by our people ; though the Indians and a few French traders, prior to this, had an Indian town and trading post at the site where Thorntown now stands. In the year 1823, Patrick H. Sullivan, who is still living and who is here to-day, and who yet resides in Eagle township, came, he being the first pioneer settler in this township, and probably the first in the county. He came seven years before the county was org-anized, while it was a part of the Miami Indian Reservation. But soon after he settled here other im- migrants came : among whom were David Hoover. Jacob Sheets, John Sheets and William Smith. We can fancy that we see their small rough log cabins, surrounded by the thick tall forests, near the place where Zi- onsville now stands. Eagle township and Boone county were not then known in /tii>i>e. The widow Cross, who is a daughter of David Hoover, is yet living and is a I'esidenfc in Eagle township at Zionsville. They came in 1824. The Lane and Lowe families came in the year 1826. In this township, in a rough log house, was held the first Circuit Court ever held in the couu- tv. David Hoover was the first clerk of the Circuit Court. So far as the population was concerned, the peo- ple of Eagle township was then the county or nearly so. When P. H. Sullivan came, and for some time af- ter, there was neither a white nor a black man between where he lived and Thorntown. Austin Davenport was the first sheriff of the county, and Jacob Sheets was the first jus- tice of the peace; and William Smith was the first constable. These were all of Old Efigle ! But from then till now what a change ! To- day, Eagle township has a popula- tion of about three thousand per- sons. The wilderness has disap- peared. Zionsville is the largest town in the township ; it has a pop- ulation of about 1,200. It has one graded school. All the land in the township has been enclosed with fencing and mostly well improved. J.ICKSOX TOWNSHIP. John Gibson, Jacob Tipton, John Galvin and Samuel Hughes were among the first settlers in this town- ship. John Gibson settled there in the j-ear 1829, and John Galvin in the year 1831. They located at or near the present site of Jamestown. Jamestown is the principal town in the township ; it has a population of about 1,000 persons. The whole population of the township is about 3,650 persons. There are ten school houses in this township ; one of these is occupied by the graded school in Jamestown. The I. B. & W. railway passes through Jamestown and a part of the township. The southern portion of the township is much the best im- proved, containing many desirable, nicely undulating farms. One branch of Eel Piiver and Raccoon Creek passes through this township. SUG.^R CREEK TOWNSHIP. The names of the.first settlers in this township were George Harness, who HISTORY OF BOONE COUNTY, was the first, afterwards, James Scott, James VaneatoB, Joshua Burn- ham, Nehemiah and George McKin- sey, Isaac Morgan, David Daily, Zachariah Gapen, William Ken- worty and Cornelius Westlall. George Harness lived to the ripe old age of 108 years, and departed this life on the 27th day of February. 1876, in Deer Creek township, in the county ©f Cass, m this State. The aforsesaid Cornelius Westfall was the original proprietor of the town of Thorntown, which town was laid off and platted in 1830. The settlers above named settled in said township during the year 1827, and thence forward to the year 1831. The first child born in said township was Mary Sweeney, in the year 1827 ; the first marriage was John Pauley and Emily Sween- ey, in the year 1828 ; the first death was that of Mary Ann Westfall, in the year 1829. The first school house was built in 1833, the first church (Presbyter- ian) was set in order in the year 1831, Claiborn Young, minister, including twelve members ; the first Sunday School was organized in April, 1834, with fifteen scholars, Linsey McCon- nel, superintendent ; the first church edifice was erected by the Presby- terians in 1836. The first merchant who set up in 'ihorntown was C. H. Baldridge; he exchanged his goods for money, furs, veni.<-on and ginseng. The first postoflfice was held by Robert Hammil, the first justice of the peace was Benjamin Sweeney, the first minister of tie gci-pel was Robert Hall, the first lawyer was Eufus A. Lockwood. the first tavern keeper was Isaac Morgan, the fii-st physi- cian was Dr. Farmer, and first hatter was Sam Daily. This township now has a popula- tion of about 4.400 persons. Thorn- tow n is its capital ; it has a popula- tion of al out 2.* 00 : it has one grad- ed school, and eleven school houses in the township. Formerly the town was the most business town in the county. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. The first settlers in this township so far as we know, were John Whitchel, in the year 1829, and also John Slocum, Thomas McCann and others about the year 1830. The town of Mechanicsburg was survey- ed and platted in the year 1835, Isaac Snow being the original pro- prietor of the same. This township has a population of 2.430 inhabitants ; it has ten school houses. The farms in this toTUship are mostly well improved : the land IS mcstlj' rolling. Sugar Creek runs through this township- PEKEY TOWNSHIP. I learn of no settlement in this town- ship earlier than the year 1835 or 1836. Among the first setlers were William Turner, Eli Smith, Edmond Shirley, John Doyle, Phillip Neal, Isaac Smith, Isaac Pennington, Sen. and John Howard. The population of this township is 2,200 : it has seven school houses. Fayette, or White Lick post office, is the principal village ; the land is level and the soil very fertile. White Lick creek rises in this township and flows south. WORTH TOWNSHIP. This township was the last civil township organized in the county: it has a population of 2.200: it has eight school houses. Whitestown is the principal village. CLINTON TOW'NSHIP. The first settlement in this town- ship was made in the northwest cor- ner thereof, in the year 1832-33. The names of the first settlers were William Xelson, Isacc Cassiday and James Downing. In the year 1834 and 1835, Robert Stephenson. A. B. Clark, James H. Sami>le and Hugh Wiley, Sen. and John Evans settled on the banks of Mnd Creek in said' township. The first church set iit order was in 1837. under the name of Associate Reformed, now as the BY STEPHEN NEAL. United Presbyterians. This township has a population of about 1,552 inhabitants, with ten school houses. Elizaville is the principal vallage. Sugar Creek, Mud Creek and Brown's Wonder flow through the township. Hugh Wilev, Sr.. was the original proprie- tor of Elizaville. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIH. This township has a population of 2,200 : it has twelve school houses. Wolf Creek heads in this township, and flows northwardly into Sugar Creek ; the land is mostly level or slightly undulating. UNION T0\YNSHIP. This township has a population of 1.180; it has eight school houses. Eagle Creek flows southwardly through the township. Northfield is its principal village ; a portion of its lands are undulating, but not too much so for farming purposes. MARION TOWNSHIP. This township has 12 school houses; its population is 2.750. Eat^le Creek heads in this township ; and also the south bi-anch of Sugar Creek heads in the north part of the township and flows northwardly. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. The population of this township is 1,403; it has eight school houses. Its villages are New Brunswick and Mil- ledgeville. The head waters of Eel River flow south-westwardly through this township; the surface is mostly level, and the soil rich. CENTER TOWNSHIP. This township includes the central portion of the county ; it has now a population of near G.GOO inhabitants. Lebanon, the capital of the county, is situated- near the center of the township, and very near the exact center of the county. The original plat of the town, (now city) was laid out by Messrs. Drake & Kinnard, "who were the original pvoprie.tor'' of the same. They donated to the county one third of the town lots, and 40 acres of land near the town, and also brick and shingles to be ap- plied in building the former court bouse. The town was laid out by them in 1830, soon after the location had been selected. Col. Kinnard had been chosen one of the commis- sioners to select a site for the county seat. The rival points claiming this honor were Thorntown, Eagle Vil- lage and Northlield, The commis- sioners examined and considered the different localities, and after passing from place to place, they fovmd them- selves at the spot where Lebanon now stands. Col. Kinnard drove a stake into the ground and announced to the other commissioners that here should be the county seat. For a while the otlaers objected, but being defeated in argument by the Colonel, they finally yielded, and here the capital of Boone county was fixed. The town as yet was no town — that is, there was not a man to till the ground or to erect a shanty. The first settler in the original town plat of the town of Lebanon, was Abner H. Longley. He says in his first visit here in 1832, his wagon became '■swamped" south east of Lebanon, and he had to leave it to seek assist- ance. That a man by the name of Benjamin Dun who then resided about 3 miles north-west from Leba- non, yoked "Buck" and "Bright," and accompanied him, and that they bi'ought the wagon into the "port of Lebanon, without steam or sail." (See appendix No. 1.) This first log cabin was erected on the corner lot at south-west corner of the public square, where the marble front build- ing now stands. In that rough log house was held the first Circuit Court in Lebanon ; present. Judge Morris, Wm. Quarles and Calvin Fletcher, Esqs. The court was held partly underneath an arbor in front of it, which had been made of green forest brushes. This court house was also used for kitchen, dining room and parlor. It is said that when the judge and the two attor- neys first came to Lebanon, they re- marked, "Here is Lebanon, but HISTORY OF BOOXE COUNTY, where are the houses ?" As the loj? tavern had a sufficient supply of boarders, one of the side or associ- ate judges, who had to come many tniles, brought feed for his horse and his own dinner with him, and at noon ate his dinner under the shade of the trees. John Patterson was the second settler, and built the second log cabin in Lebanon. In the year 1833, Wm. M. Smith and family came and erected the third log cabin in the town. He made the first log rolling on the town plat, in 1833. He relates that the Indians en- camped on the town plat after he settled here ; and it surely was a rather favorable place to camp, since Mr. Smith says that he killed twenty- two deer within the limits of the town plat, during the first year, j^.mong the other early settlers were S. S. Brown, J. S. Forsythe, J. C. Lane and others of the Lane family, also Jonathan H. Rose. During the winter of 1835, the trees on the pub lie square were felled, and in the spring of the year of 1836, the logs | were rolled and burned. Lebanon ; now contains a population of near ; 3,000 people. It lias a fine court house, to build which cost about j $40,000. Besides, it has numerous manufacturing establishments, fine church edifices, and one excellent graded school. It has also two banks; and though it has made no rapid growth at any time, it has been steadily on the increase both in num- bers and in improvements. As it may be of some interest, we here give you a list of the names of those who have been elected in the county to the more important offices: Members of the Lower House of the State Legislature — Austin Dav- enport, elected iu 1832 and in 1833, being the first. Robert H. Hanna- man in 1834 and 1835. Abner H. Louo-ley in 1836. Joseph E, Hacker in 1837. John H. Nelson in 1838 and 1839. John Christman in 1840 and 1841. John Christman and Jonathan H. Rose in 1842. Benja- min Boone in 1843. John Dazan and H. G. Hazelrigg in 1844. H. G. Hazelrigg in 1845. Stephen Neal in 1846. Stephen Neal and Hiram Blackstoue in 1847. L. C. Dough- erty in 1S48 and 1849. John H. Nelson and H. M. Marvin in 1850. Wm. B. Beach in 1851. Up to this time the sessions of the lesfislature had been held annually ; afterward every two years. Wm. P. Jones in 1853. NVm. G. Gordon in 1855. E. D. Herod and H. M. Marvin in 1857. Clark Devol in 1859, Nelson For- dice in 1861. Sherman Hostetter in 1863. Thomas M. Stringer in 1865. T. J. Cason in 1865, Joint Repre- sentative. A. E. Gordon in 1867, 1869 and 1871. O. S. Hamilton, 1859, Joint Representative. C. S. Wesner in 1873, for Boone county alone. John Higgins in 3873, Joint Representative. H. M. Marvin in 1875. Senators of State Legislature from Boone county — L. C. Dougherty in 1850. Thomas J. Cason in 1864. A. J. Boone in 1873. Sheriffs — Austin Davenport in 1830. Jacob Tipton in 1832 and 1834. Wm. Zion in 1836 and 1838. John Forsythe in 1840 and 1842. Samuel Daily in 1844. Fielding Ut- terback in 1846. Wm. Staton in 1848. John Hazlett in 1850. A. W. Larimore in 1852 and 1854. John H. Rodman in 1856. "Riley Colgrove in 1858 and 1860. John Kenworthy in 1862 and 1864. L. B. Edwards in 1866. Wm. R. Simp- kins in 1868. R. S. Camplin in 1870. Wm. R. Simpkins in 1872 : he died, and R. S. Camplin held over. Ed- ward Reynolds in 1874. Delegates to revise the constitu- tion — M. Duzau and Wm. McLean, in 1851. Treasurers — The first Treasurer after it was made a separate office, was J. T. McLaughHn in 1841, and he held the office 9 years. J. J. Nesbit in 1850. J. C Daily in 1852 and 1854. A. H. Shephard in 1856. David Kenworthy in 1857 and 1860. F. M. Busbv in 1862 and 1804. J. H. Dooley inl866 and 1808. Sam- BY STEPHEN NRAL. 9 uel S. Daily in 1870 and 1872. Wm. D. Hudson in 1874. Clerks of Circuit Court David Hoover, the first, S. S. Brown, John Christman, Levi Lane, Wm. C. Kise, two terms, H. Shannon, A. C. Daily, S. A. Lee, A. O. Miller, and Jesse Neff. Auditors — A. J. Boone, S. A. Gil- more, J, A. Nunn, -Toseph B. Pitzer, A. C. Daily, R. W. Matthews, J. M. Ball, and J. W. Hedges. Recorders of the county — James McCann, Thomas P. Miller, Sanford Peters, John Thomas, F. M. Davis, J. W. Kise, and Wm. Morgan. Judges elected in this county — L. C Dougherty, Common Pleas. T. J. Cason, Common Pleas. W. B. Beach was elected of Supreme Court ; T. J. Cason to Congress two terms. Having now passed in rapid review the several townships of the county, and given the primitive condition of the county, together with a list of the names of those who have been elected in the county to the more im- portant officeS; let us now take a general view of the county and its resources. The county is 24 miles long from east to west, and 17^ miles wide, containing 420- square miles or 268,800 square acres. The total as- sessed valuation of all the real estate in the county is about .|10.000,000 ; this is far less than its actual value. The total taxable valuation of all the personal property is !ir3,257,720. total actual value of all the property, both real and personal, is not less than .'^20,000,000. The total annual value of all farm products is placed at $4,000,000. The county has with- in its limits not less than 150 manu- facturing establishments, such as grist mills, woolen mills, saw mills, stave and heading factories, wagon and carriage shops, hub and spoke factories, tile factories and many others. There are about sixty steam engines and about six water wheels in the county. The manufacturing interest affords employment for more than 1,000 persons ; which work up annually near S^GOO.OOO worth of raw material, producing annually about $1,000,000 worth of manufactured goods. About 40 miles of railway traverses the county from south-east to north-west, besides another rail- way running from east to west is nearly completed, thus affording the county the facilities of three railways. The county contains in the aggregate about 30,000 people. There are now about 6,000 voters in the county. Owing to heavy timber, thick under- brush, level surface, and wet, swampy porous soil, this county was not very attractive to the agriculturist at its first settlement, and hence the pursuit of wild game and the collec- tion of the skins of wild animals, wild honey, ginseng and furs were considered far more remunerative than the pursuit of farming. These articles of trafic supplied in great measure the place of a currency. At that early period of the county's his- tory, the only real necessaries for the support of a family, were consid- ered to be two rifle guns, a supply of lead and powder, a barrel of salt, a camp kettle, and a couple of dogs. The deer, bears, wild turkeys and wolves were abundant. The people then had need for but little money ; they could pay most of their taxes in the pelts of the 'coon, the deer and the mink. The first election held in the coun- ty, was on the first Monday of Au- gust, 1832, at which the whole vote polled in the county, was only 3(>5, being the exact number of days in a year, a singular coincidence. In an early day, this county had the unenviable reputation of being afflicted with ague, chills, and mala- rial fever, as well as with corduroy roads, swamps, frogs, mosquitoes, and other odious proclivities. Some outside "barbarians" called it the "State of Boone." and reported that some of the inhabitants were "web- footed," moss-legged," and even "am- phil)ious." But those same babari- aus have lived long euougn to see 10 HISTORY OF BOONE COUNTY, the county take her place as the 13th county m the State in population, and excluding the large cities in the other 12 counties, and but very few counties in the State to-daj-, will equal this, either in population oi in agricultural resources. There are but few acres of waste land in the county, and there is no quarter sec- tion wanting in the capacity to make a good farm. And yet more than half remains untold. Look at the thriving towns and villages in differ- ent parts of the county. Look at the well -improved farms.farm houses, fruit orchards, and the graveled and ungraveled public highways ; and in some places fine iron bridges span- ning the larger streams. Look at your public buildings — 113 school houses, either brick or frame ; also many fine church edifices, ard be- sides, many excellent lodge buildings for the different charitable or benev- olent orders. And then consider the vast amount of artificial ditching and draining that has been made. There are to-day not less than 300 miles of large artificial drains, open ditches cut in the county, much of this aver- aging ten feet in depth, and from ten to fifteen feet in width. Besides these larger drains, there are proba- bl}' not less than 2.000 miles of smaller artificial drains, made of wood or burnt tile. Some may con- sider this an o"oer estimate. Let us see. There are about 4,000 farms, large and small, in the county : sup- pose 2,000 of these are more or lessf ditched, so as to have one mile of ditching on each, this would give 2,000 miles of. artificial drainage in the county. The lands of the county now rate at the price ranging from $20 to .*100 per acre. I know of no tract of land in the county, rating below S20 per acre. If j-ou will en- compass in one view the whole coun- ty including the 4,000 farms, the farm buildings and other improve- ments on these farms, and the public highways — giaveled and ungraveled — and ijIso the three railways, and the towns and villages, und the many manufacturing establishments, and also the vast quantity of artificial drainage which has been made, and then tiT to estimate the amount of labor which has been required in the accomplishment of all this, I think you aaIII agree with me that the same amount of labor and toil would have leveled the Alpine heights, and that it IS greater than the labor endured by the army of Darius of Persia, in its campaign, when it crossed the Danube, and invaded the cold, bar- ren country of the invincible Scythi- ans. And who will say that the pio- neer army of this country, who have cleared away a wilderness, and im- proved it to what it is, are entitled to less praise, or deserve less fame than that mighty Persian army ? But your pioneer army needs no sculptured marble column or storied urn to perpetuate their peace achieve- ments. They have constructed a more valuable and enduring monu- ment than that erected by the Am- pnion builders of old, who in their day, through the ages of aacient Theban story, toiled well and fast. They wrought in the interest of an empty vanity ; while the work of 5^our hands has been for the practi- cal and the useful ; and yet not de- void of the Beautiful, for in its many excellencies, your coiint}' to-day sur- passes old Sharon's rose-clad vale in all its ancient gloi'y ; though its beauties have been painted by mas- terly skill. Yet notwithstanding all that these our industrious pioneers and their co-workers have achieved, the county may be said yet to be only in its infancv, compared to what it should be fifty years hence, when it shall all be thoroughly drained with sufficient artificial drainage, and tilled to its highest capacity. The little republic of San Marino, containing a superficial area of only 21 square miles, has a population of 8,100 ; while the kingdom of Saxony with a superficial area of 5,705 square miles, has a population of 1,757,800 persons ; and according to the same ratio per square mile, our county BY STEPHEN NEAL. 11 wonld have a population of 135,215 inhabitants. It can be rendered ca- pable of furnishing the needful sup- plies of life for this number of peo- This is no extravagant predic- ple. tion. The view of the yast lends a niystieal lore, "And couaing events cast their shadows before." Presbyterianism. THE GERM AND GROWTH OF THE CHURCH IN LEBANON. BY EEV. J. M. BISHOP. Isaiah ix-7— "Of tlie increase of His governtuent and peace there shall be no end." John iii-30- crease." 'He must increase, but I mubt de- I select these passages as a motto for a discourse on Presbyterianism in Leba- non, Boone county, Indiana. I. On the texts. Isaiah here gives one of the most minutely accurate de- scriptions of Christ to be found in the Old Testament, and because of its mi- nute accuracy it surely was hard to be understood before its wonderful fulfill- ment. We may imagine the perplexed prophet "searching what, or what man- ner of time, the spirit of Christ which was in him did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow." But if perplexing to the writer B. C. 740, how plain to the reader A. D. 187fi. The text from the Evangelist is an ut- terance from John the Baptist, the last and the chief of the O. T. forerunners of the Savior. As he was less than the least in the kingdom of the new dispen- sation, we may suppose he, too, very im- perfectly comprehended the character of the <-)ne he was introducing. But we now understand in the light of history, what could not in the nature of the case, be understood as it existed only in prophecy. From the combined passages I would draw this theme: THE GROWTH OF OHRIST'S KINGDOM ON THE EARTH, And will consider the subject under three heads ; First, The fact of growth; Second, Its elements ; Third, the agents. 1. The Fact OF Growth. — Some have very despondent views on this point. — Does the kingdom advance ? Some in- variably say, it does not ; all occasional- ly feel that the cause is at a standstill, or going backward. Let us consider this question. There is a God who is the Creator of all existences, not sinful, besides Him- self. All beings, sinful as well as holy, are under impulses of development, ac- cording to the respective nature and circumstances of each. To be, is to de-- velo»^ ; to develop is to grow. Now, the church is not an exception, but the most wonderful of all illustra- tions of this law. In all pertaining to it we see the unfolding of the vital germ. The new nature divinely given in re- generation grows, and complete sancti- ification in heaven gives a more suitable field for growth than can be found on earth. You may trace the growth of the Bible. How little it was once ! Only a few verses; then a few chapters; then the Old Testament stood, as some think finished, for 400 years, from Malachi to Matthew. But what would the Old Testament have been as the Bikle with- 12 PRESBYTERIANISM IX LEBANON, out the growth of the New Testament? So with reference to the formulated the- ology as it comes forth from the word of Godj as pious aud profound students bring fortli from these pages things new and old, placing them in a better ad- justed system. What progress! If there is this vital growth in and out of God's word, much more so, both in constancy and value is there growth in and out "of God's people. There is no gap here between Malachi and Matthew, f'rom Abel until now every regenerated soul is growing and helping on the king- dom. In members the kingdom gr(;ws, and in methods of wprk there is develop- ment. Of the increase of His govern- ment and peace there shall be no end. 2, The ELEMENTS ot growth. We are limited by the text to two, viz: govern- ment and peace. Other par.softhe Bible much enlarge this elemental cata- logue — (t?ee Gal. v-22, Eph. v-9.) But it is in harmony with a practical and philosophical study of Presbyterianism, local or general, to emphasize these two, or, uniting them, to notice the growth of Christ's kingdom in peaceful govern- ment. Uncomplaining — nay, hearty submission to law ; noi merely submis- sion, but co-operative obedience. Peace- lul government implies social life,almost as different from individual life as in- stinct is different from reason. And yet in the individual Christian we see the germ of this peaceful government. An unrenewed man or woman is a rebel. The will has never yielded to God. In re- generation Christ begins to rule in and over us. But a Christian after the manner of a conveited Saul "assays to join himself to the disciples." He no longer lives to or for himself. He weeps with those that ■weep, rejoicing with those that rejoice. He enters with fellow workers the vine- yard ; he returns with his sheaves to the common garner. The will of the church, looking at it from the human stand- point, is the result of a fair majority vote. Secession is sin, and should be con- quered at immense cost. This is our one chief glory as Presbyterians, as compared with other evangelical denominations, peaceful governuient. The grandest Epluribub unumthe world has ever seen. Our own national unity, is largely an outgrowth of Presbyterianism. 3 The Agents of Geons'th. — Here our Calvinislic doctrine is prominent, as under the head just considered our dis- cipline was prominent. There are two agents of church growth, the Divine and i the human. Each of them is most dis- i tinctly brought out in the Bible. We believe in God, the Father, Almighty, and in Jesus Christ, his only son, and in the Holy Ghost. And this one God is the supreme and essential agent ot church lirowth. Our religion has God in it. One like the Son of man, sent from the Father, abides, by tbe Holy Ghost, with the elect in their trials and triumphs. Hence the church grows. — "Goil ordinarily making use of means, is yet free to work without, above, and against them, at His pleasure." As He appears in providi nee and grace, the human instrument disappears. The lantern is not needed after sunrise. — •'None but God is great." And yet it is the practical excellency of our theology that the instrumental agent merely takes a subordinate place in church growth, compared and contrasted with the Head. It is not annihilated or ab- sorbed. Our agency, after regeneration, becomes more and more parallel with God's activity — never under-valued. A cup of cold water is of use, and its giver remembered and rewarded. Nor are these human agents in each other's way, if they could but know it. (1 Cor. 12). — \\ hen John the Baptist decreased until he suffered martyrdom, the disciples took up the body and buried it, and went and told Jesus. II. Under the inflaence of these princi, pies pertaining to the great fact, the ele- ments and the agents of church growth, I would put in order the history of this church. Only one-third of a century do we go backward, and yet the wave of oblivion makes it difficult to satisfy cu- riosity. Our predecessors were modest men. Perhaps they under-valued the field they were cultivating. They could no more see the moral, than the first settlers could see the natural, value of Boone county, especially of this site of Lebanon. This Presbyterian Church was organ- ized January 3, 1840, by Rev. William F. Furgerson,D.D. Of this worthy man I have been able to obtain few statistics. He was educated at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, aud for several years he was Principal of the Gram-i^ar School in that institution. He served the O. S, Presbyterian Church of Thornto>vn from 1838 to 1847, a longer time than any Pre.sbyterian minister, of either branch of the church, lias been able to live in Thorntown. I have the names of 23 ministers who have served that churcU since 1833, BY REV. J. M. BISHOP 13 Dr. Furgerson removed from Indiana to Illinois, and died a number of years ago, in the office of Presideui of Ma- comb College. Rev. t?. X. Evans assist- ed Dr. Furgerson at the organization of this church. Our church records are minute and unquestionable as to the date of our or- ganization, and yet several living wit- nesses testify to the existence of a Pres- byterian Church several years previous to 1840, and much faithful labor had been given to this field by ministers and laymen not mentioned on our records. Probably, the first Presbyterian preacher officiating in Lebanon was Rev. Moody Chase, then residing at Danville, Hendricks county. His visit was in the year 1834 or '5. His special object, he says, was to visit a sick man, "Mr. Burns, a former acquaintance at Orleans, Orange county, and perhaps a member of that church." He remained over the Sabbath and preached in the old log court house (lot 7, block 8) to a congre- gation "respectable in size and appear- ance." Some months after he again came to Lebanon, at an urgent call of a former Danville friend, then living here, He speaks of the difficulty of finding his way to this place — riding seven miles without seeing a house. Rev. Moody Chase was born in Cor- nish, New Hampshire, February 25,LS02; fitted for college at Kimbal Union Aca- demy ; graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege in 1829; was in Andover Theological Seminary three years ; was licensed by the Andover Congregational Associa- tion ; removed immediately to Indiana, and was ordained by Salem Presbytery, June 7, 1833. He has labored faithfully and successfully in Orange, Hendricks and Montgomery counties, and now re- sides in comfortable circumstances near Parkersbugh, Indiana. Elder J. H. Benefiel, of Crawfords- ville,is about a cotemporaneous witness. He came to Lebanon in the winter of 1835-0, a young man not a professor of of religion, but of Presbyterian parents and baptism, He came here, as a clerk, in a dry goods store, opened by Rose & Harris. He says, "the Rey. Claiborn Young preached a number of times in the old log court house in 1835. Mr. Benefiel led the singing of that early congregation. He says, "there wa.s a very small amount of the Presbyterian element here, and little prospect for sev- eral years of any increase, but since the waters have abated, and the dry land appeared, (of excellent quality) things have here greatly changed." Rev. Claiborn Young was born in Hawkins county, Tennessee, October 27, 1800; received his literary educational Maryville College, and was a student of theology under Isaac Anderson, D. D. ; ordained by the Presbytery of Union in 1828; the same year he removed to Ed- gar county, Illinois. In 1829 he removed to Vigo county, Indiana. He came to Boone county in 1830. His is the first name on the long list of Pre.sbyteriaa preachers at Thorn town, where he was supply 1833-4835. He died at his farm near Thorntown September 9. 186G. — Mr. Young or the Rev. Samuel G. Dow- ry, or perhaps both of them, probably organized the first Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, before the division in 1837. Rev. Samuel Gardener Lowry was born in Wasnington county, Tennessee, March 26, 1800. His mother's father was the Rev. Samuel Doak, D. D. — Young Lowry was educated in Dr. Doak's school, first called Martin Aca- demy, afterwards Washington College. He was taken under the care of West Lexington Presbytery in 1819. My father was received at the .ame meeting into the Presbyterian Church as a min- ister, from the Associate Reformed Church. Mr. Lowry was licensed by Ebenezer Presbytery, October, 1821, and ordained in December, the same year ; preached at Cabin Creek, Ky ; was settled 1822-1825 in Richmond, O. Removed to Indiana in 1825 ; was in- stalled in. Decatur county 1825-1832. — John Finley Crowe, D, D , preached the sermon. In 1832 he united with the C rawfordsvilie Presbytery, and labored faithfully in Parke, Montiromery and Hendricks counties. In 1847 he moved to Sumner, Minue-ota. Elder T. J. McCorkle, of Thorntown, writes: "There was a New School Pres- byterian Church in Jjebanon before the Old fchool was organized." He men- tions the names of the Elders and mem- bers. Samuel Craig and Jeremiah Cory were Elders — the wives of the Elders and a son and two daughters of Craig, Robert Olive, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown and one other lady were the members — ten persons in all. Rev. Daniel Jones, the .second named minister on the Thorntown list, 1839-40 — and of whom I learn nothing addi- tional — preached a few times in Leba- non, and possibly had a part in the or- ganization of the first church. Rev. Thompson Bird, who was settled 14 PRESBYTERIANISM IN LEBANON as stated supply of the Thorntown Pres- byterian Church (Xew School) from 1840 to 1847 ; did considerable ministe- rial work in Lebanon. He was born in Caswell county, North Carolina, Janu- ary 7, 1804; was graduated at the Uni- versity of North Carolina in 1S27 : was a tutor in the University; studied the- ology in the full course at Andover, Massachusetts, After a few years of service in his native State and Virginia, he settled in Thorntown, through the intluence of his class-mate, Prof. C. Mills. He removed frona. Indiana to Iowa and settled in Des Moines at its first location as a town, where he died January 5, 1869. His funeral sermon was preached by Eev. J. A, Nash, of the Baptist Church. This was at the re- quest of Mr. Bird. Mr. Nash says: "January 3, 1851, 1 came to Des Moines, and hence for eighteen years our work has crossed and overlaopea all the time." The last name which I will mention, as connected with this period and organiza- tion, is Elder Isaac Cory. He was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, May 1796 — now is an old man of SO, living near Bloom- ington, in this State, He moved to this caunty in August, 1841. He, his "Wife and three daughters connected with the New School Presbyterian Church in Lebanon. His brother, Jere- miah Cory, was the oniy Elder fit the time. Shortly after he came to this county, Mr. Bird held a communion meeting here, and Isaac Cory and Rob- ert Olive were chosen and ordained El- aers. In the fall of 1852 Mr. Cory re- moved from the county ; the Presbytery of Indianapolis disbanded the church, and dismissed the remaining members to connect with the church in Thorn- town, rather than with the O S. Church in Lebanon. That was the fashion in those days. Thank God, the fashion has chanj^ed. We turn now to our own records. On the 3rd of January, 1840, this church was organized with twelve members, whose names you have on our printed roll. 1. Eev. Jno. C. Eastman is the first minister mentio .ed as serving the church. It could only have been an oc- casional supply rendered, as he was in charge of the first church of Crawford'*- ville from 1840 to 1849. He was born March 17, 1813, in Bradford, Massachu- setts, was educated at Phillips Academy, and Amherst College, studied theology, and was licensed by Chillicothe Presby- tery September 19, 1834. He was first settled in Ohio, His last earthly labor was as financial agent for Hanoyer Col- lege. 2. Of Rev. N. P. Chariot I only learn that he was a member of Craw- fordsville Presbytery, and removed many years ago to Texas, leaving the Presby- terian Church. He united with the Episcopal Church, and returning to In- diana, was for a short time Rector of the Episcopal Church in Crawfordsville. He and Eastman were at ihe same meet- ings in Lebanon. 3. Rev. Samuel Newel Evans was born in Pulaski county, K'entueky, No- vember 12, 1812, was removed by his pa- rents to Owen county, Indiana. He was educated in his college course at Bloomington and Hanover, graduating at the latter college, studied theology at New Albany, was licensed and ordained by Salem Presbytery, labored in Mis- souri and Mississippi, returned to Indi- ana, supplied at Bedford, came to Thorn- town in 1847, removed to Waveland la 1855, then awhile in Minnesota, which he left with the intention of returning to Lebanon, but was providenMally led to Lane, Illinois, (now Rochelle) where on the day after a meeting of Presby- tery in his church (a new building wa* dedicated on the previous Sabbath) he was killed by lightning as he was walking in a field, 4. Rev, Joseph Piatt preached in Lebanon in 1853, and now lives in Bar- dolph, Illinois, 5. Rev, Henry W. Bigga was born in Frankford, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1828. He was graduated from Cincin- nati College, of which his father, Rev, Thomas J. Biggs, D. D., was President in 1845. He spent three years in theo- logical study at Princeton, New Jersey, and was licensed in 1851, and came to Lebanon in the summer of that year. He was ordained by Crawfordsville, Presbytery in 1852. In March, 1853, he settled in Princeton, Gibson county, Indiana. His next field of labor waa Morgantown, Virginia, from 1855 to 1864, when he removed to Chillicothe, Ohio, where he has labored since as pas- tor of the 1st Church, 6. Rev, Peter Rulfson Vanata was born April 10. 1814, near Fiemington, New Jersey, graduated at Princeton in the college in 1840, and from the semi- nary in 1843, was licensed by the Pres- bytery of Newton in 1842, ordained by the Presbytery of jStarion in 1845, and was pastor at Marion, Ohio, and in 1847, was pastor at Logansport, For sixteen BY REV. J. M. BISHOP. 15 years he bas been employed by the Amer- ican Bible bociety, very successfully. He only preached occasionally in Lebanon. 7. Rev. J. L. Hawkins, was in Leba- non in 1S57, and this is all I can learn of him. 8. Rev. John B. Logan was corn in Washington county, Virginia, of Scotch- Irish parents, July 23. 181S. He re- ceived his education mainly in the com- mon schools, with one year in the High School at Abingdom, Virginia, and his theological course wa« pursued private- ly. He has labored in the ministry eight years in Virginia, ten years in Tennessee, and fifteen years in Indiana. He supplied this pulpit from Januaay 2, 1859, to March 13, 1859. At this time he is pastor in Seymour. 9. Rev. Charles K. Thompson was born six miles north-east from Vin- cennes, Indiana, January 31, 1811. He was graduated at Hanover College in 1834, in the first graduating cl.ass, was a student of theology under Dr. Tohu Mathews at the Hanover Seminary, was licensed by the Presbytery of Madison, April, 1837. His first settlement was at Carlisle, Sullivan county, Indiana, where be was ordained and installed pastor Septembei 1839. He remained there Dine years, and removed to Covington March 1848, to Crawfordsville, in 1850, to Darlington October 1354, to Thorn- town, April, 1859, supplied Lebanon two years while living in Thorntown ; removing here " January 1, 1362. In November 18(57 he moved to Eliza- bethtown, which wss uis home until his death, which occurred at Carlisle, Feb- ruary 8, 1872. His labors in Boone county were of inestimable value. And his life, as a whole, was one of remarka- ble success. His last labors were the most fruithful. 10. Francis Marion Symmes was born November 18, 1827, graduated at Hano- Ter College in 1852, and at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1855. His ministry has been entirely in Indiana. First in the Presbytery of Madison 1835 to 1864, in the Presbytery of New Alba- ny 1865 to 1867, in the Presbytery of Crawfordsville from 1867 to the present time. 11. John Mason Bishop was born in Lexington, Kentucky, April 2, 1819, graduated at ^liami University in 1841, was licensed by Cincinnati Presbytery in 1843, and ordained by La Porte'Pres- bytery in 1845. Many other ministers, some of them of national reputation have yiaited this congregation, and are affectionately re- membered for their work's sake. Jno. S. Craig, son of the first Elder, has preached here, John Mitchell, R. H. Al- len. D. D., Levi Hughes, D. R. Coltnery, L W. Monfort, Daniei Rice, D. D., A. C. Allen, H. Little, D. D., VV. T. Allen, J. L. Witherow, D. D.. J. T. Tuttle, D. D., and many others, who, giving valu- able aid to the regular supplies, have ministered to this congregation, for which privilege the hearers, I trust, will give account with joy and not with grief. These regular ministers, with di- verse gift-* or Lick of gifts, have each contributed somewhat to the pres- ent position of this church — each as the General for the lime being, of thi« little detachment of the sacramental army, has been praised or blamed for apparent victory or defeat. This is the law of so- cial life and organization that can not be avoided. "Like priest-like people," is the inspired expression. But, while we reverence the Divine appointment of the ministry, most emphatically do we say, the general is for the army, and the army for the country and the cause. A history of this church fully and suita- bly given, wowld add to these ministers many names of men and women and children, elders, deacons, trustees, building committees, Sabbath School superintendents and teachers, and working and praying women, not a few. Among these were Craig and Cory Richey and James Hamilton, and others who have gone from us to their final rest and reward. There are also men now living, such as J. M. Coyner, who with the dead, were, or are, the peers of any ministers on our roll in piety and usefulness. Especially do I wish to mention with honor the names of loyal ladies, living and dead, who have been faithful in times of trial, and modest in times of triumph ; who in the various circles for work and prayer have encour- aged the minister a»id pleased the Master. But the list is ton long and our informa- tion and power of discription too small for the tash. This is all I can say : Their record is on high, and the founda- tion of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal . The Lord kuoweth them that are his — we do not forget them. These forty odd years since the germ of Pres- byterianism appeared in Lebanon may be studied in chnpters and epochs. As e. g. when Presbyteries met here, when protracted meetings were held and revivals were enjoyed. There were 16 PKESBYTEKIANISM IN LEBANON. days of discipline— dark: and trying day^ enough, we hope, for many years to come. The educational work of Pres- hyteriani:5m in this community, as initi- ated and directed "by C K. Thompson and J. M. Covner, is worthy of grateful study. And house builaing, our present task, has pressed us hard on other shoul- ders. The 132 psalms, 4 and 5, has been the motto of other hearts than ours. How the past would instruct and en- courage, could we only learn and profit by its lesions! But this church has grown and will grow, in peaceful gov- ernment, by the Divinely appointed agerit. If we decrease, He will increase, j and to Him be the glory, now and ever^ Amen ! t/?'ccc^." (■ «oi'*^>(G< cc « c. <«£. «:c g.:^ /■ Wf ^-^^ ^.w , ^7"^ ,-^i-, ^y- c cccc cccc. J: cc ;ccic ' ®: ^..CCi;c: ^iC »lkA>sV C CCiCCCi^ c a c^ 1(C <3t C> cc ccc®. cCcCCsVf?^ caoc £.6 ICC cc C€«;*^''^'-'^ ^ i?.f «COC