p I 1 Herq^^^ '" OUR ARMY IN THE GREAT REBELLION. HEKOES AND BATTLES OF THE "WAK 1861-65. HON. J.iT?HEADLEY, AUTHOR OP "WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS," "NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS," " SACRED MOUNTAINS. AND SCENES," ETC., ETC., ETC. COMPRISING AN AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF BATTLES AND SIEGES, ADVEN- TURES AND INCIDENTS, INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE PROMINENT GENERALS WHO WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN BRINGING THE CIVIL WAR TO A TRIUMPHANT CLOSE, i WITH NUMEROUS -OPYRIG ■ -^ r- ' rOPYRiG SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION. ' r, . Wj NEW YORK: E. B. TREAT, 6 COOPER UNION. Patriotic Publishing Co., Chicago, III. 1891. PUBLISHER'S NOTE. Among the most thrilling pages of American History are those which de- scribe the stirring incidents of the famous Generals and their Campaigns, in the Civil War of 1861-65, from the capture of Fort Donelson to Sherman's famous march through Georgia, ending finally in the capture of Richmond, the surrender of the Eebel armies, and the final overthrow of the most gigantic Rebellion recorded in History. Battles and sieges, adventures and incidents, in connection with the great heroes of the war, and much that is of interest in their memorable campaigns, are recorded in this vol- ume, and the descriptions of these stirring events, by the vigorous and graphic pen of Hon. J. T. Headley, enchain the reader with their vivid- ness, and make him, as it were, a spectator of the magnificent and imposing scenes so faithfully portrayed. The four years of civil war through which the United States passed created a history, the record of which is brilliant with the names of heroes and heroic deeds. A quarter of a century or more has elapsed, the smoke and din of battle have passed away and a new generation is now upon the scene, eager to know of the struggle from the pages of history, thus creat- ing a demand for a work which will give an authentic account of the daring deeds and gallant achievements of the brave and faithful men who so nobly defended and preserved our country. The Publisher esteems himself fortunate in having secured the talents of the distinguished author of this work, who has achieved a world-wide reputation as the most popular and graphic writer of military history of modern times, to prepare a book worthy of the theme and the occasion. Mr. Headley' s reputation and his facilities for obtaining facts and in- formation, his personal acquaintance with many of the officers and soldiers, his access to official documents, and the additional fact that the Generals now living have contributed to and revised their respective biographies, place the authenticity of this work beyond a doubt, and we offer it to the public as a standard and reliable addition to American literature. The great and peculiar value of this work consists in the fact that, in so smaJl a compass, the author has given a comparatively full biography of the illus- trious men whose deeds he celebrates, and, at the same time, correct pic- tures of the grand historical events in which they performed such important parts. , The Book is embellished with portraits engraved on steel in the highest style of the art, by H. B. Hall, from photographs taken from life by Brady, Babnard, (army photographer,) and others; and by spirited battle-scenes, engraved by Eoberxs, from original designs drawn expressly for this work. The Publishers. PREFACE The design in tlie present work is two-fold : first, to give the history of the two great generals who brought the war to a successful close, including a full account of the campaigns by which the final result was reached. It is as necessary to note the early training, by battles and campaigns, by which they were finally enabled to grasp the entire situation and move together to the same tri- umphant end, as it is to know the finaJ measures and move- ments that brought success. The war produced no one great military genius who at once vaulted to supreme command, and, like the first Napoleon, revolutionized military science and astonished the world by the novelty and grandeur of his movements. Both the government and the generals geew to their great positions. Hence what is needed is not indiscriminate eulogy, but truth- ful narrative and just criticism. Geant and Sherman are two names that will live forever in our history, not be- cause they were the subjects of a blind adulation, but because their worth was properly estimated and their deeds tnithfully recorded. The time has gone by to apotheosize men — make gods of them. We want to see 10 PREFACE. them as ttey are — though great, still human, and sur- rounded with human infirmities ; worthy of immortal honor, not because they are unlike us, but because they excel us — great too, not merely in their actions, but in the work they accomplished for their country. The second object is to group together those gen- erals around whom seemed to gather the most impor- tant and decisive events of the war and who at times occupied separate commands. Many great and worthy generals might be added to the list we have selected, but in the progress of the war they were dropped from active service from various reasons — some from inequalities of character or temper — improper habits, or inability to resist the temptations of pride and ambition. Some were displaced through personal or political malice of men in and ont of power ; though their deeds will find a place in history. These are omitted, because their introduction here would mar the unity of the design in this work, which is to present the chief generals who conducted the struggle to a successful issue, including their campaigns and battles. Besides, the introduction of every meritorious officer would make the work too cumbersome for our jDurpose, unless the biographies were reduced to mere encyclo- pedia articles. The utmost efforts have been made to have these sketches complete without being heavy — to give the leading qualities, peculiar characteristics, and actions of the men, in such form as to individualize each. PREFACE. 1 1 Biograpliies possess but half tlieii* tme value unless they give living portraits, so that each man stands out clear and distinct in his true character and proportions. A careful study of the war from the outset gives us, we think, the right to attempt this, without being charg- ed with vanity. At all events, the men embraced in this volume merit all the honor they ever will receive, while their names deserve the separate places which it shall be our design, and at least our effort, to give them. Newburgh, N. Y., September, 1890. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTRAITS. -^ 1. G EN. U. S. Grant, F) ontispiece. 14. Gen . 0. 0. Howard, > 2. ' Wm. T. Sherman, " :i5. J. M. SCHOFIELD ^ 3. ' P. H. Sheridan, u- tation. He had thus far exhibited only moderate ability. He, however, had shown, in two orders which he issued, the temper of the man. Some of his pickets being shot near Cairo, he ordered all the inhabitants within six miles to be brought into camp and properly guarded. "The intention," he said, "was not to make political prisoners of these people, but to cut off a dangerous clasa of spies." " This order," he said, " applied to all classes, conditions, age, and sex." The other was desio;ned to ouide the conduct of the CAIRO EXPEDITION. 37 troops in the grand " Cairo Expedition." He said, " Disgrace having been brought upon our brave fellows by the bad conduct of some of their members, showing, on all occasions, when passing through territory occupied by sympathizers of the enemy, a total disregard of the rights of citizens, and being guilty of wanton destruction of private property, the General Commanding desires and intends to enforce a change in this respect." ****** " It is ordered that the severest punishment be inflicted upon every soldier who is guilty of taking or destroying private property, and any commissioned officer guilty of like conduct, or of countenancing it, shall be deprived of his sword, and expelled from the army, not to be per- mitted to return," etc. It will stand recorded to his enduring honor, that, amid all the exasperation, public clamor, and private temptations, that carried so many beyond the limits and laws of civilized warfare, he maintained a character above reproach. Many of our officers were guilty of atrocious violations of private property, whose conduct has thus far escaped public condemnation ; but when the present chaotic state of affairs has wholly given place to calm reflection and Christian feeling, they will stand side by side in history with those epauletted marauders that dis- graced the Engiisli flag, both in our flrst and second wars with England. Grant's record in this respect is untarnished. What he was at first, he continued to be to the last, temperate in judgment, dispassionate in feeling, and forbearing in the hour of victory. When, for the third time, public attention was fixed on Grant, fortune seemed still unwilling to smile upon him. Foote had been engaged all winter in preparing a 38 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. fleet to descend the Mississippi, and the public supposed that Columbus was to be the first point attacked ; but in the previous autumn a different plan had been discussed at Washino;ton, and when Buell was assigned to Ken- tucky, he took it with him. This was to ascend the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, that flow north to the Ohio, and thus flank Columbus, and pierce the heart of Tennessee. The land force was put under General Grant, and early in February the expedition set out. He divided it in such a manner as to prevent the escape of the garrison, when it should be driven out of the fort by Foote's shells. When the latter, on the morning of the 6th, was un- mooring from the bank where the fleet had lain all night, several miles below the fort, he told Grant that he must hurry forward his columns, or he would not be up in time to take part in the action, and secure the prisoners." The latter smiled incredulously. But recent rains had made the cart-paths and roads so heavy, that his pro- gress was slow. As he toiled forward, the heavy can- nonading, as Foote advanced to the attack, broke over the woods, and rolled in deep vibrations down the shore, quickening his movements. Before, however, the fort was reached, the firing ceased. Grant was perplexed at the sudden termination of the contest ; it did not seem possible that the fort had been taken so soon ; it was far more probable that the gunboats had fallen back disabled. He sent scouts forward to ascertain the truth, which soon came galloping back with the news that our flag was flying above the fort. The unexpected tidings rolled dowr. the line, followed by long and deafening cheers. Grant, mth his staff, spurred forward, and in half an hour rode into the fort, which was immediately turned over to him. INVESTMENT OF FORT DONELSON. 39 It was a great victory, but unfortunately he had taken no part in the contest that secured it, nor did he arrive in time to prevent the escape of a large portion of the garri- son. He determined, however, in his next movement, to make up for his disappointment in this. The reduction of Fort Heruy, on the Tennessee, was only a preliminary step to the reduction of Fort Donelson, nearly opposite on the Cumberland, some twelve miles distant, and the key to Nashville. Leaving a garrison in the former. Grant struck across the country, with his army of fifteen thousand men, while six regiments were sent off by water to • cooperate with the gunboats, which were to attack the fort from the river-side. Foote having arrived first before the fort, and landed the troops and supplies for the main army, advanced against it on the 14th, and endeavored to capture it as he did Fort Henry. But although he carried his vessels gallantly into action, and held them for a long time under the overwhelming fire of the batteries, he was finally com- pelled to give it up, and drop, crippled, out of the fight. Grant had arrived two days before, and spent the inter- mediate time in completing the investment of the place. The fort stood on a high bluff, with a wooded, broken country in front, seamed with ravines that alternated with rocky heights and stretches of timber and underbrush, which ]nade the approach to it difficult. Floyd com- manded, with Pillow and Bucknei' as subordinates, and had a force of nearly twenty thousand men. Grant, in investing the place, sent McClernand's division, com- posed of three brigades, to the south, his right resting on the river above it. General Smith's was below, the army stretching back in a semicircle, till the extremes met in the centre. It was cold weather, in the middle of 40 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. February, and amid rain, sleet, and snow, the troops suffer- ed severely. The rebel officers, when they saw the place completely invested, felt that something must be done at once, or they Avould be starved into surrender. A council of \^•ar was therefore called, in which it was resolved to attempt to open a passage through our lines, on the right, to Nashville. It was Grant's purpose to intrench himself in his position, and wait till the gunboats were repaired, and then make a simultaneous attack by land and water. This plan, however, was frustrated by the determination of the enemy. On the morning of the 15th, Grant repaired on board the flag-ship of Foote, to consult upon the time and man- ner of making it, when the rebels issued from their trenches, and, without a note of warning, fell like a thun- derbolt on IMcClernand. Buckner, in the meantime, to keep the latter from being reinforced, was ordered to move out on the Wynns Ferry road, upon our centre. Pillow commanded the attacking force on our right, variously estimated at from ten to twelve thousand men. Heralded by three commanding batteries, attended by a regiment of cavalry, they struck McClernand's right with a force that threatened to sweep it from the field. But the brave lUinoians stood manfully up to their work, and the battle had hardly commenced, before it was at its height. The country was wooded, and covered with underbrusli, and broken into hollo^\^s and ridges, rendering a survey of the field impossible. Our lines extended for two miles around the fort, and this sudden uproar early in the morn- ing, on our extreme right, along the banks of the Cum- berland, called each division into line of battle. Lew. Wallace was posted next to McClernand, on the toj) of a high ridge, with forests sweeping off to the front ATTACK ON MoCLERNAND. 41 and rear. When the deep and mingled roar of artillery and muskcitry broke over the woods, he thought McCler- nand had moved on the enemy's works. But that brave chieftain was making, instead, desperate efforts to hold his own against the overwhelming numbers that, momentarily increasing, pressed his lines, with a fierceness that threat- ened his complete overthrow. Finding, at length, that his troops were giving way, he, at eight o'clock, sent off a staff-officer at full speed to Wallace, for help. The latter had received orders from Grant to hold the position he occupied, in order to keep the enemy from escaping in that direction, and dared not move ; and so hurried off the courier with his despatch to headquarters. But Grant not being there, the latter kept on to the gunboats, in search of him. McClernand, wondering that no help came, and seeing his lines swinging back, despite the heroic efforts of the commanders, hastened off another messen- ger to Wallace, saying that his flank was turned, and his whole division was wavering. Wallace could wait no longer to hear from Grant, and immediately despatched Colonel Croft, commanding a brigade, to his help. Losing his way, the latter marched clear round, almost to the river, when he was suddenly attacked by an overwhelm- ing force. Though he bravely met the assault, confusion followed, through ignorance of each other s whereabouts and purposes. After a short and sanguinary struggle, the enemy suddenly left him and bore heavily down on McClernand again. Wallace all this time sat on his horse, listening to the steady crash to the right that made the wintry woods resound, when there burst into view a crowd of fugitives, rushing up the hill on which he stood. The next moment an officer dashed on a headlong gallop up the road, shouting, " We are cut to pieces." Seeing 42 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. his whole line of the third brigade beginning to shake before this sudden irruption, he ordered its commander to move on by the right flank, he himself riding at its head to keep it steady. He had not gone far before he met portions of regiments in full retreat, yet without panic or confusion, calling aloud for ammunition. To his inquiry, how the battle was going. Colonel Wallace told him, coolly, as though it were the most ordinary circumstance, that the enemy was close behind, and would soon attack him. He immediately formed his line of battle, and sent off to the left for help. The retiring regiments kept on to the rear, a short distance, and refilled their cartridge-boxes. Scarcely Avas this new line of battle formed, when the rebels, following up their advantage on the right, swooped down, confident of victory, full upon him. The shock was firmly met, and the enemy brought to a pause. Hours had passed in the meantime, and McClernand was dis- puting every inch of ground he was compelled to yield. Desperate fighting over batteries ; repulses and advances of regiments and brigades ; shouts and yells heard amid the intervals of the uproar, sweeping like a thunder-storm through the leafless woods, out of which burst clouds of smoke, as though a conflao-ration was rao;ino; below : hur- rying crowds in all the openings, — combined to make up the terrific scene that was displayed that wintry morning on the banks of the Cumberland. About three o'clock, Grant rode on the field, to find his right thown far back, ammunition exhausted, and the ranks in confusion. Most generals in this crisis would have retired their troops, formed a new line, and waited till the attack could be re- newed with the assistance of the gunboats. But the enemy not following up his advantage at this critical mo- ment, showed to his quick eye that his strength was ex- ASSAULT OF WALLACE. 43 hausted, the force of his blow spent ; and he immediately ordered General Smith, on the extreme left, down the river — who had been comparatively idle during the day — to move at once u^^on the enemy's works in his front. It was a bold undertaking, but one of those sudden inspira- tions which, taken in the heat of battle, often decides its fate. Napoleon once said, " A. battle often turns on a single thought." It was true in this case. In order to dis- tract the enemy, while Smith was moving to this desperate task, he directed McClernand — exhausted and shattered as he was — to recover his lost ground, piled with his own dead, and assault the rebel works, from before which he had been driven. Wallace commanded the assaulting columns, composed of the two brigades of Colonels Smith and Croft. As the brave regiments moved past him, he coldly told them that desperate work was before them. Instead of being discouraged by this, they sent up loud cheers, and " Forward, forward," ran along the ranks. " Forward, then ! " he shouted, in turn. Through dense underbrush, over out-cropping ledges of rock, across open stony places, up the steep acclivity, swept by desolating vol- leys, they boldly charged, or climbed like mountain-goats. Now lying down to escape the murderous volleys, then rising with a cheer, they pushed on till they got within a hundred and fifty yards of the intrenchments, when the order came to fall back. It was now dark, and, disobey- ing the order, Wallace kept the hard-won position. H(i did not know at the time the brilliant success won on the left by Smith. Newspaper correspondents had denounced the latter as a Southern sympathizer, and he was about to show them an example of the workings of that sym- pathy. The intrenched hill in front of him commanded the interior works of the enemy, and on its bristling top he 44 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. was determined to plant his flag. Sending a force around to the right, to make a feint, he took three picked regi' ments — the Second and Seventh Iowa, and Fifty-seventh Indiana — to compose the storming column, and, i iding at their head, ordered the advance. As his eye glanced along that splendid body of men, he felt they were equal to the bloody task assigned them. The bayonet was to do the work this time. It was to be swift success, or utter destruction. ]\iounting the slope with leaning forms, those brave troops entered the desolating fire, that rolled like a lava-flood adown the height, and pressed rapidly upward and onward. Their gallant leader moved beside them, with his cap lifted on his sword, as a banner to wave them on. Grim and silent, with compressed lips and flash- ing eyes, they breasted the steep acclivity and the blind- ing, fiery sleet, without faltering for one instant. They sternly closed the rent ranks as they ascended, until at last the summit was gained. Then the long line of gleam- ing barrels came to a level together ; a simultaneous flash, a crashing volley, a cheer, ringing high and clear fi:*om the smoking top, a single bound, and they were over and in the rebel works. The flag Avent up, and with it a shout of victory that was the death-knell of Fort Donelson. Hurr3.ing up his ai'tillerj^ and supports. Smith fixed him- self firmly in position, and awaited the morning light to complete the work already more than half done. That nio'ht the rebel Generals held a council of war, which ended in Floyd's turning over the command of the fort to Pillow, and he again transferring it to Buckner. This being done, the two former, with a portion of the Virginia brigade, stole secretly on board some steamers, and escaped to Nashville. In the morning, when the roll of the drum and the bugle- THE SURRENDER. 45 note awakened the Federal army, a white flag was seen waving from Fort Donelson. Soon an officer appeared, bearing proposals from Buckner for an armistice of twelve hours, and that connnissioners might be appointed to arrange terms of capitulation. Grant replied that no terms were to be entertained ; he demanded unconditional surrender, and that immediately, or he should move at once on his works. Buckner replied, that, ungenerous and unchivalric as this was, he must submit to it; and the Fort was surrendered, with its garrison of thirteen thou- sand men, some sixty cannon, commissary stores, &c. The number of the captured was swelled by two regi- ments of Tennesseans who next day entered the Fort, ignorant of its fall. This was the first great victory of the war, and electri- fied the nation more than any after success. On the other hand, it was received by the South with the deepest mortification and rage. The Fort surrendered on Sab- bath morning, and the people of Nashville were crowding to church, elate with confidence, caused by a despatch received the night before, from Pillow, stating that our army was beaten. When the stunning news ran througli the streets of the city that the Fort had fallen, the gentle clamor of bells calling to prayer was changed to the loud clang of alarm, and soon every vehicle was engaged to carry away the alarmed inhabitants that surged in sway- ing crowds through the streets. The rebel loss in the engagement was only some twelve hundred, while ours was about double — we being com- pelled to assail the enemy behind his breastworks. Grant at once became the idol of the West, and the Illinois troops won a reputation that they maintained untarnished to the close of the war. 46 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT, Still, adverse fortune seemed to follow Grant. With the tidings of victory, there went to Washington an in- famous charge against him, and an order was telegraphed back, ordering him under arrest. Thus, just as the nation was ready to make him its idol, his career seemed about to close. But fortunately the charge was pronounced a slander, and Lincoln would not listen to the pressing de- mands on every side for his removal, but stood as ever his firm friend. Grant's district was now enlarged, and called that of West Tennessee, the Tennessee river forming its southern boundary. He was also made Major-General of Volun- teers. His first great campaign being ended, he, as sjDring opened, prepared for another, under the direction of Hal- leck. Having changed his headquarters to Fort Henry, he was directed to ascend the Tennessee to Pittsburg Landing, while Buell advanced across the country from Nashville to the same point. When the junction should be formed, the combined army was to move on Corinth, where the rebel army under Johnston and Beauregard lay strongly intrenched. Situated at the junction of the Memphis and Charleston and Mobile and Ohio railroads, it was a place of great importance. Grant's array was landed on the west bank of the Tennessee, and thrown out several miles in the direction of Corinth, and encamped to wait for Buell, who was pushing his way across the country. Beauregard, aware of the Federal plan, resolved to fall on Grant before Buell reached him, and drive him into the Tennessee. In accordance with this plan, Johnston set out from Corinth, twenty miles distant, on the 4th of April, intend- ing to attack Grant on Saturday, next day ; but pouring BATTLE OF SHILOH. 47 rains had made the roads so heavy that he was unable to Jo so until Sunday morning. The three divisions of Sherman, Prentiss, and McCler- nand, were the farthest advanced on the roads toward Corinth, where they had lain in camp for nearly three weeks ; yet, strange to say, no breastworks were thrown up, or lines of abattis made, behind which the troops, many of whom were entirely raw, especially the division of Sherman, could make a stand. So when, at day-dawn on Sunday morning, the rebel batteries opened, and their heavy lines came down on our camps, they swept them like an inundation. Some of the soldiers were preparing their breakfast, when the pickets came dashing in, crying that the rebels were upon them. A scene of indescribable confusion followed. From the very outset, the battle on our part was without plan or cohesion, while the rebel General held his army completely in hand, and hurled it Avith skill, boldness, and irresistible power, on any point he wished to strike. Prentiss in the centre, after striving in vain to bear up against the flood, was surrounded and compelled to surrender, with some three thousand oi more of his troops. Sherman and McClernand fought with their accustomed bravery, but they could hold only a portion of their troops to the deadly work. Stuart was cut oif from the main army, and compelled to fight his own battle. Cavalry charged hither and thither over the tumultuous field, riding down our disordered troops ; our batteries were swept by the hostile flood, and the broken, disjointed army borne steadily back toward the Tennessee. Sherman, awake to the peril of the army, clung to each position with the tenacity of death, and rode amid the hail-storm of bullets as though he had forgotten he had a life to lose. McClernand closed sternly in with him, and 48 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT a portion of their devoted troops breasted nobly the deso* lating fire that swept the field ; but it was all in vain to attempt to stem the refluent tide of battle, Hurlbut, too, moved bravely into the chaos, and gave Sherman breath- ing time. Grant, who was at Savannah, several miles down the river, did not reach the battle-field till ten o'clock, When he did arrive, his presence failed to arrest the disaster. The bleeding, shattered, but still bravely fighting army, swung heavily back toward the Tennes- see river, which, when once reached, would be its tomb. As the sun of that spring Sabbath stooped to the western horizon, he looked on a field trampled, torn, and crimson- ed, and apparently lost to the Union cause. The rebel leader had fallen, and Beauregard had assumed com- mand, and promised that his steed should ere night drink of the waters of the Tennessee. But as darkness fell over the field, he ceased his persistent attacks, and lay down to wait for the morning to complete the work apparently almost done. Of Grant's army of over forty thousand men, four thousand were prisoners in the hands of the enemy, six thousand were killed or wounded, while nearly a third of the entire host that had moved to battle in the morning, were skulking under the banks or scattered in disorder where they could not be brought into action. Half of the artillery was captured, and the scarce twenty thousand men that still kept their ranks, stood within sight of the rushing waters of the Tennessee. It was a sad, lost field ; but fortunately Buell was near. The heads of his eager columns, that had pushed on all day, urged by the heavy, incessant explosions that rolled over the forests in front, telling them that their comrades were in peril, appeared on the op[)Osite side of the river. " Buel] has come," rung in thrilling shouts over the field. Grant NIGHT AFTER THE BATTLE. 49 had already seen him, and now felt that the lost day might be retrieved ; and riding up to the bleeding, lion- hearted Sherman, told him to be ready in the morning to assume the offensive. That was a sad night to the army. The dead and wounded lay everywhere, the latter moaning for water, or gasping out their lives on the torn and trampled field, while ever and anon a heavy explosion from the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, that at the close of the day had helped with their ponderous shells to keep back the right wing of the rebel army, that was bearing our shattered left to swift destruction, broke through the gloom. At midnight a heavy thunder-storm burst along the river, adding deeper solemnity to the scene, and drenching with grateful rain-drops the feverish, thirsty thousands, to whom no other help than this gift of Heaven came, that long, dreary night. Thanks to Buell, light rose above its darkness to Grant. But for him, his rising fame would have tliere closed with that of other equally brave gen erals, whom disaster had laid asitle for the war. In the morning, Buell formed his line of battle near the shore, and Sherman gathered up his shattered ranks ready to strike once more the ponderous blows he knew so well how to give. McCook, and Nelson, and Crittenden were there with their brave divisions, whose serried front and long, swinging tread and steady movements, gave assurance of victory. Sherman, whose brave heart had been sore vexed at the unwieldiness of his green troops, looked atthem^ith pride. The latter, fie said, "knew not the value of combination and organization When individual fear seized them, the first impulse was to ^ei away." In the morning, he " stood patiently awaiting the 50 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. sound of Buell's advance upon the main Corinth road." At length his thunder spoke, and as the deep reverbera- tions steadily approached, he gave the word " Forward.*" The drums rolled out, and soon he came, when he said, " I saw for the first time the well-ordered and compact Kentucky forces of General Buell, whose soldierly move- ment at once gave confidence to our newer and less disci- plined forces." His quick military eye saw at a glance that dififerent soldiers were in the field, and that not mere "pluck," but discipline, was to settle the fortunes of the day. Buell's line of battle, with scarcely a check, steadily swept the field, bearing the enemy back over our camps, carried with such resistless fury the day before, and re- covering our lost artillery. Sherman also forced his shat- tered batallions forward, and the bloody field of Shiloh was ' won. But, about a third of Grant's army had disappear, ed. Many stragglers, however, afterward came in. Sher- man lost two thousand out of his single division ; McCler- nand about a third of his; Hurlbut two thousand, and McArthur half as many. Ilad the battle been lost, the rebels would have swept the country up to the Ohio. Even the victory could not shield Grant from general condemnation, and a great effort was made to induce the President to remove him from command. Several of the Governors of the Western States waited on Halleck, and urged his removal, declaring that he was not only incapa- ble, but too intemperate to be trusted with an army The more moderate satisfied themselves with the complaint tliat he had committed a gross blunder in placing liis army on the west bank of the river, without furnishing any means for its retreat in case of disaster. There was no reason for exposing it to an attack until Buelfs army should arrive, because no battle was desired until the forces could form SHERMANS LETTER. 51 a junction. There has been no satisfactory explanation given for this disposition of the army, and doubtless for the simple reason that none can be given. His retention in command was doubtless owing more to the zealous advocacy of Mr. Washburne, member of Congress from Illinois, than from any other cause. The fault of the surprise rested, of course, as he insisted, on the division commanders in front, instead of him, as well as the neg- lect to throw up field-works for self-protection. Sher- man has lately endeavored, in a long letter, to defend Grant from the public charges made against him ; and although the efibrt does credit to his heart, it cannot stand scrutiny for a moment. He says the fault of land- ing the army, if it was one, on the west side of the river, must be laid to General Smith, who placed it there. This would do, if a battle had followed immediately on the landing of the army ; but he knows, as well as any one, that in allowing it to stay there three weeks, Grant assumed the whole responsibility of the act. In fact, it became his. It seems to have dawned on his mind, that others might see it in this light, and so he endeavors to defend the act itself. If he had simply asserted it, we might have deferred to his superior military judgment, and acquiesced, though we failed to see the grounds on which it was based. But when he goes on to give the reasons for his views, we have the right to test them by common sense. In the first place, he says that the battle was not lost on the first day, for he received orders to assume the offensive the next morning, before he knew that Buell had arrived. But Grant knew he was at hand, so that the statement amounts to nothing. The intention seems to be to imply that Grant, without refer- ence to Buell's arrival, had determined to assume the 52 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. offensive; but this was impossible, for Buell had seen Grant in the afternoon, and told him of the near approach of his forces. There seems a lack here of Sherman's usual straight-forward, open way of stating things. He says, "I repeat, I received such orders before I knew Gen- eral Buelfs troops were at the river." But his knowl- edge had nothing to do with the orders ; the whole ques- tion turns on whether Grant gave the order before lie knew of Buelfs arrival. This he neglects to state. But even if it were so, we do not see how it helps the matter much; it shows pluck, but we cannot admit that it promised success. With half of his army gone, or broken into irrecoverable fragments — half his artillery captured — with an army more than double that of his own, flushed with victory, hanging along his front, " to drop the defensive " which all day long had not been maintained at any given point for only a short interval, and now weak- ened in men, guns, and morale^ " to assume the offensive" would doubtless have been very " plucky," but we fear that the impartial student of the battle-field will conclude that would have been the sum-total of the attempt. Again, he says, " there was no mistake " " in putting that army on the west side of the Tennessee ;" and proceeds to give the following reason for his opinion, which will strike one as more surprising, if possible, than the act itself He says : "It was necessary that a combat, fierce and bitter, to test the manhood of the two armies, should come off, and that was as good a place as any. It was not, then, a question of military skill and strategy, but of courage and pluck," etc. If this means anything, it asserts tha Grant's army was placed where it was overwhelmed the first day, solely to fight a square, stand-up battle, " to test the comparative pluck and endurance of the rebel and NO STRATEGY. 53 Union soldiers. There was no strategy in the case." (3ne may well ask in amazement, then, what Buell was sent across the country from Nashville for, to form a junction with them ? Besides, if there was no " strategy " in the case, both Halleck and Buell have grievously misled the public, for they assert that a plan of campaign had been laid out, the main features of which were that the two armies should form a junction before active operations commenced ; Halleck was then to assume command, and Corinth was to be the first objective point of the grand " Army of Invasion." Their statements do not tally well with the assertion that all that was wanted was a pugi- listic fight between two armies — a simple gladiatorial contest. But this is not the worst of it: the assertion proves too much, or rather, proves what is not true ; for it was not a fair test of the soldierly qualities of the two armies ; it was not a fair pitched battle. One army was taken unawares and thrown into confusion before the battle had fairly commenced ; and hence a struggle under such adverse circumstances, could in no way be considered a fair "test of the manhood" of at least our army. In the second place, Sherman, in his despatch, says : " My division was made up of regiments perfectly new, all having received their muskets, for the first time, at Paducah. None of them had ever been under fire, or beheld heavy columns of the enem}- bearing down on them. To expect of them the coolness and steadiness of older troops would be wrong." But why would it be wrong to expect this'? Simply because it was not a "/car test of the manhood " of such troops to put them against such disciplined forces as the rebels proved to be — least of all, when a battle was sprung upon them, and before they could avail themselves of the little knowledge 54 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. they had of "organization and combination." In the last place, if the battle was a "fair test of the manhood" of the opposing troops, it proved what no one believes to be true, viz., the superiority of the Southern soldier; for we were terribly beaten all day — driven from point to point, till, at nightfall, nearly half the army had dis- appeared. We therefore assert that it was never de- signed that a battle should be fought there to " test the manhood of the two armies " — that in the very nature of the circumstances it could have been no test — that the result of that first day's battle, compared with our after- experience, shows that it was no test. We fear that even the sanction of so great a name as Sherman's, will not save the bad logic of his argument. He says, in his letter, that, from the extraordinary accounts which his- torians have given of that battle, he begins to doubt whether he himself was there at all ; but we venture to say that, among all those accounts, not one has conveyed so erroneous an impression respecting the propriety of the plan, the purpose, and the actual result of the first day's battle, as that letter has done, ^vritten ostensibly for the correction, but which actually is a perversion, of history. That it should not have been brought on in the way and time it was, will be the verdict of history, in spite of all special pleading on the j^art of commanders or subordinates who had anything to do with it. If there is one maxim in military science that is irrefutable, it is, that it is wrong to expose an army to be cut up in detail by the concentrated forces of an enemy. And this is just what was done by placing the army on the west bank of the Tennessee, within twenty miles of Corinth, while Buell was still pushing across the country from Nash- ville, subject to all the delays that might arise from the HALLECK ASSUMES COMMAND. 55 weather or the enemy. Up to this j^oint, Grant had not made a movement, or fought a battle, that had not brought down on his head more or less abuse or criti- cism. But here, adverse fate seemed to give up the struggle against him, and Fortune adopted him as her favorite son. The clamors that had followed on his track, and travelled back from his camps to Washington, began to die away, until at last they were changed to peans of praise, that deepened with every revolving month, till the land was filled with the sound of his name. From that day his star has steadily climbed the heavens, until it now stands in all its bright effulgence at the zenith, shedding its tranquil light on the grateful nation. He could now ask no greater favor of his friends than that they should stop trying to prove that he was just as wise at the beginning as at the end of his career. Halleck shortly after assumed command in person of the forces in the field, under the name of the Army of Tennessee, and laid regular siege to Corinth, in which Grant commanded the right wing. The slow movements of the Commander-in- Chief were not in accordance with his ideas of the manner in which a campaign should be conducted. It is said, on good authority, that Grant lost his temper, for the first time, when urging Halleck to advance against Corinth, saying that if he did not, the rebel army, with all its material, would escape. His language to the cautious Commander-in-Chief was stronger than his subordinate position would justify, and he expected to be brought to account for it. Whether such an intention was ever entertained or not, the final escape of the rebel army, with all its guns, stores, &c., effectually quieted all desire to provoke an investigation. In July, Halleck was made General-in-Chief of all 5 56 LIEUTENAJ^T-GENERAL GRANT. the forces of the Union, and called to Washington, when the Department of West Tennessee was created, and Grant placed in command of it. He had a good deal of trouble with the disloyal people of Memphis, who held constant communication with the rebel forces, and carried on quite a traffic with them. He therefore issued an order, expelling all disloyal families who had given aid or information to the South, or who refused to sign a parole that they would not do so in future. He also issued an order, declaring that independent guerillas would not, when captured, receive the treatment due to prisoners of war. He next suspended the " Memphis Avalanche," a rebel paper. The various orders, etc., in regard to these matters, will be found in the Appendix. During the summer, while Buell was trying to reach Chattanooga, Grant's army lay comjmratively quiet, pro- tecting the railroad south from Columbus, by which supplies were forwarded. In September, hearing that Van Dorn and Price had advanced on luka, he took one portion of his forces, as- signing Kosecrans to the command of the other, and by different routes moved on the place. E-osecrans arrived at the appointed time, and fought and defeated the whole rebel force. The rebel leaders, however, instead of being disheartened by this defeat, set on foot a still more for- midable movement — one designed to cut the communica- tions north of Corinth, and stop our supplies. Rosecrans, the moment he discovered it, hastily called in all the troops within reach, and gave battle behind his intrench- ments. The rebels assaulted the place in the most deter- mined manner, and came very near carrying it ; but were finally defeated with terrible slaughter. The Mississippi having been opened to Vicksburg, GRANT AND THE TRADERS. 57 and Buell removed, Rosecrans was now put over the army of the Cumberland, with headquarters at Nash- ville, preparatory to moving on Bragg, who had retired to Murfreesboro after his invasion of Tennessee. Grant, in the meantime, turned his attention to Vicksburg. Re- organizing his forces during the autumn, he, in the mean- time, between cotton speculators, disloyal inhabitants within his lines, pilfering, etc., was exceedingly annoyed. Wishing to be conciliatory, and soften as much as he could the asperities of war, and relieve non-combatants of its oppressive burdens, he granted privileges, and modi- iied the strict rules that he had laid down as much as possible. His kindness, however, was not ajDpreciated, and his leniency abused, so that he was now and then compelled to show the iron hand. The hangers-on of the army, whose sole object was to make money, reckless of the means used, awakened his indignation. The tricky, unscrupulous Jews especially aroused his anger, and he issued an order, in December, expelling every individual of them from his Department, in twenty-four hours after the reception of the orders by the post-commanders. If any returned, they were to be seized as prisoners ; and to make the riddance final and complete, he closed the order with the following prohibition : " No passes will he given these people to visit head- quarters^ for the jyuTpose of making personal applicatioji for trade-permits.''' He thus shut the door completely in their faces. In December, everything being ready, he commenced his movement against Vicksburg. Sherman, at the head of the Fifteenth Army Corps, was to proceed do^vn the river from Memphis, and attempt to carry the place by assault, while he should follow on by rail, and bear- 58 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. ing to the left, move on Jackson, east of it, holding and engaging the rebel force there. But Sherman's large flotilla had scarcely pushed from shore, when Holly Springs was disgracefully surrendered, and the supplies on which the expedition partly depended, captured. This unexpected disaster compelled Grant to halt, and Sher- man was left unsupported. The rebels, advised of his approach, and Jackson not being threatened by Grant, were able to bring over by rail, from the latter place, all the troops necessary to defend Vicksburg. Sherman, ignorant of all this, proceeded to carry out his part of the programme, and desperately assaulted the rebel works. Hurled back, he was compelled to abandon the attempt, and reembarked his troops. Grant now adopted another plan for the capture of the place. From the knowledge gained of the strength of the works on the north side through Sherman's failure, he was convinced that opera- tions, to be successful, must be conducted against it from the south side. Concentrating his forces, therefore, he in February established them at Young s Point, prepai'a- tory to a move down the river. CHAPTER IIL VICKSBURG. OANAl, AKOUND IT — ABANDONED — LAKE PROVIDENCE ROUTE — MOON-LAKK ROUTE — THIS ALSO ABANDONED — THE STEEL's BAYOU ROUTE — DESCRIP- TION OP EXPEDITION THROUGH — A FAILURE — GRANT RESOLVES TO RUN THE BATTERIES WITH GUNBOATS AND TRANSPORTS — THE NIGHT-PASSAGE — MARCH OP TROOPS AROUND VICKSBURG INLAND — NEW CARTHAGE— HARD TIMES— GRAND GULF — ITS BATTERIES RUN — PORT GIBSON REACHED — STRIPS FOR THE RACE — BATTLE — GRAND GULP EVACUATED — BOLD DETERMINATION OF GRANT — BATTLE AT RAY- MOND — MARCH ON JACKSON — VICTORY AT — THE ARMY WHEELS ABOUT AND MARCHES ON VICKSBURG — BATTLE OF CHAMPION'S HILL — BATTLE AT BIG BLACK RIVER — VICKSBURG INVESTED — FIRST ASSAULT — SECOND GRAND ASSAULT — REASON OF — THE LONG SIEGE — THE SURRENDER. ViCKSBURG stands on a high, narrow tongue of land, made by an immense bend in the Mississippi. Hence, back of it, the upper and lower portions of the river are close together, though by the long sweep around the city they are several miles apart. Across this neck Engineer Williams some time before had cut a canal, hoping to turn enough water into it to float vessels through, and thus avoid the necessity of attacking the place at all. This had, however, been abandoned, and Grant now endeavored to re-open and enlarge it. But the giving way of one of the dams, the overflow of the land, and the obstinate adherence of the Mississippi to its old channel, caused the enterprise to be abandoned. Grant 60 LIEUTENANT-GENEEAL GRANT. now attempted to get in the rear of the place by inlai d navigation of another kind. About seventy miles above Vicksburg, and only five or six miles from the river on the west side, lies Lake Providence, a large sheet of water. Below it, and connected with it by a bayou, lies Swan Lake. This bayou runs through a forest, and is filled ^vith snags. Swan Lake is some thirty miles long, and instead of finding an outlet for its Avaters directly across the country into the Mississippi, flows directly south in a stream called Tensas River, which, running inland, passes Vicksburg, and finally joins the Black River, and through it reaches the Red River, and thus at length the Mississippi below Natchez, and lience below Vicksburg. To attempt to get boats through this long, crooked inland route, was a stupendous undertaking; yet it was not deemed impossible that the Mississippi itself might be made to pour its mighty flood through it, and thus leave Vicksburg an inland town, with its formidable batteries commanding only the muddy bed of the stream. A canal, therefore, into Lake Providence was cut, and a few barges floated successfully through .t. But the river kept on its old course, and wdth the subsidence of the spring freshets, the new channel, which had promised so much, became a shallow water-course. Time and labor had been thrown away, and Grant was compelled to resort to some other method of gettino; in rear of Vicksburo;. He now tried the other side of the river. Nearly two hundred miles by the river, above Vicksburg, there is a lake on the east side, and, like Lake Providence on the west side, lies near the bank. This is called Moon Lake, the waters of which, bearing different names as they flow south, at length empty into the Yazoo. If this latter stream could be once LAST INLAND ATTEMPT. 61 reached, it would be open sailing to the rear of Haines Bluff, which thus being turned, the rear of Vicksburg could be reached. A canal was, therefore, cut from the Mississippi into Moon Lake. The water at once poured through it of a sufficient depth to admit the steamboats, and the perilous undertaking was successfully com- menced. Now winding slowly along- the narrow and crooked channel — now backing water to keep the boats from plunging into the bank, and now creeping under- neath overhanging trees, and through dark swamps, where solitude reigned supreme, the expedition kept on its toil- some way, until the Yazoo was at length reached. But just at the moment when success seemed sure, and only a swift sail remained down the Yazoo, they came upon a fort erected in a commanding position, and so sur- rounded by bogs that a land-force could not approach it. Against the heavy guns mounted here the frail wooden boats could present no defence, and hence, after a short action, retired ; and so nothing was left but to creep dis- appointed and weary back, the long, tedious route to the Mississippi. What now can be done? was the next inquiry. Grant had no more idea of abandoning the expedition than when he first set out. A fourth plan was, therefore, adopted. Behind Haines' Bluff he must get, any way. The batteries here commanded the Yazoo River, and the fleet had tried in vain to silence them Another circuit- ous water-route remained, which led into the Yazoo, above this bluff, and yet below where Fort Pemberton, which had stopped the boats of the last expedition, stood. By a reference to the map, this will be seen to be a most extraordinary route. The expedition was to move inland, first north, and then south, making an immense oval. 62 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. Leaving the Yazoo below Haines' Bluff, it entered Steel's bayou, designing to keep north to the Rolling Fork, and through it turn back, and striking the Sunflower River, come down into the Yazoo just above Haines" Bluff, and not many miles fi'om where it original^ set out. Such labyrinthian navigation, we venture to say, was never before attempted by war- vessels. Pass- ing for thirty miles up Steel's bayou, the boats came to Black bayou, in which trees had to be cut down and torn out, and the vessels "hove around" the bends, which were too short to be turned by the rudder. Now butting the Iron-clads against trees, and toppling them over, and now tearing them up by the roots, the fifteen vessels in all worked their difficult way on. Although the bayou was only four miles long, it took twenty-four hours to get through it, thus averaging about five rods an hour. They then entered Deer Creek, where Sherman arrived with a small portion of his command, to cooperate with the boats. Up this stream to Boiling Fork was thirty- two miles by water, while by the land-route, that Sher- man was to take, it was but twelve miles. Up this narrow channel, filled with small willows, through which the boats with difficulty forced their way, Porter kept slowly on, filling the inhabitants with almost as much astonishment as though he were sailing across the solid land. The movement was a complete surprise, and Porter, hoping to outsj^eed the announcement of his coming, pushed on as rapidly as possible ; but with his utmost efforts he could make barely half a mile an hour. At length he got within seven miles of the Boiling Fork, from which point it would be plain sailing. But his pro- gress had been so slow that the rebels had penetrated his plans, and now began to line the banks with gangs of CHE LAST INLAND ROUTE OF GEN. GRANT TO REACH THE REAR OF VICKSBURa RUNNING THE BATTERIES. 65 negroes, felling trees across the narrow stream, to obstruct his passage. To chop and saw these in two and haul them out, required the most unremitting labor. He, however, pushed on till he got within half a mile of the Rolling Fork, when he found the enemy closing on him with seven pieces of artilleiy. In the meantime, the rapid strokes of the axe and the sound of falling trees were heard in his rear, showing that the enemy was attempting to block him up here, and finish him at leisure. He at once became anxious for his boats, and Sherman not havinor arrived as he expected, he determined to wheel about and make his way back while he could. In the meantime, sharp-shooters were lining the banks, and the crack of the rifle mingled in with the roar of artillery and crash of falling trees. He, however, succeeded in forcing his way back, until at length he met Sherman's force. At first, he thought of retracing his steps ; but the men, who had now for six days and nights been kept constantly at work, were worn down, while the enemy were gathering in heavy force in front, and he concluded to abandon the expedition altogether. When the boats, finally returned, and reported this last project also a failure. Grant saw that it was in vain to at- tempt longer to get to the rear of Vicksburg by an inland route. The broad Mississippi, sweeping under the enemy's batteries, was the only course now left him. Long weeks of toil had passed and nothing been accomplished, and now, by a less resolute, persevering man than Grant, the task might have been abandoned as hopeless ; but he, having made up his mind to take Vicksburg, determined to see no impossibilities in the way of doing it. The gunboats had shown that they could pass the bat- teries with comparative impunity, and he resolved to try 66 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. the experiment of getting transports past also, while he marched his army inland down the river to meet them. He had to wait, however, till the spring freshets subsided, for the country between Milliken's Bend and New Car- thage, below Vicksburg, on the west side of the river — the only route the army could take — was flooded with water. Toward the close of April it was deemed practicable for the arm}^ to move ; but before it started, the question must be decided, whether transports could be got past the eight miles of batteries that lined the shore above and below Vicksburg. It was resolved to test this matter at night, and the plan adopted was, to have the gunboats move down and engage the batteries, whilst the trans- ports, under cover of the smoke and darkness, should slip quickly by, near the western shore. It was a desjDerate enterprise, to which men could not legitimately be or- dered, and volunteers were called for. So many offered that the necessary number had finally to be drawn by lot. Grant resolved to try the experiment first with three transports. A little before midnight, the gunboats moved from their moorings and dropped silently down the river, fol- lowed meekly by the transports. It was a night of intense anxiety to Grant, for if this plan failed, even his fertile re- sources could see no way of getting to the rear of Vicks- burg. An hour had not elapsed after the boats disap- peared in the darkness, before the thunder of artillery shook the shore, followed soon after by the light of a con- flagration, kindled by the rebels, to light up the bosom of the Mississippi. Under its blaze the poor transports lay revealed as distinctly as though the noon-day sun was shining, and at once became the target of rebel batteries. They, however, steamed on through the raining shells for THE ARMY BELOW VICKSBURG. 0/ eight miles, and two of them succeeded in getting safely through. The Henry Clay was set on fire, and floated a burning wreck down the river. If he could save this proportion of transports. Grant was satisfied, and so sent down next night six more, towing twelve coal barges. Five of them and half the barges got through, though some of them were more or less damaged. It was a great success ; but now the army was to move down to meet them, through the most execrable country troops were ever called to march over. McClernand's corps, forming the advance, commenced the march ; but the comitry was soon found to be impassable, except by building corduroy roads. This required immense labor, while twenty miles of levee had to be guarded, lest the enemy should cut it and let the waters of the Mississippi over the country. All obstacles, however, were at length overcome, and New Carthage, the point where the trans- ports were to be met, arose in sight ; but alas, it was an island ! The rebels, divining Grant's purpose, had cut the levee above it, and the Mississippi was flowing around it in a broad stream that could not be crossed for want of boats. In this dilemma the only course left open was to keep on down the river, nearly fifty miles, to Hard Times, building bridges and constructing roads as they marched. This place at length was reached, where the transports were awaiting them to carry them across to Grand Gulf, the spot selected by Grant from w^hich to commence his march on Vicksburg. But here, again, the rebels had anticipated him, and formidable batteries frowned from the place. The gunboats advanced boldly against them, and a fierce engagement followed ; but the utmost efi'orts of Porter could not silence them, and the fleet had to withdraw. Here was another dilemma, and 68 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT the expedition seemed brought to a halt. Grant, seeing himself effectually stopped, disembarked his troops, which had already been put on board the transports, and started them once more throuo;h the forest down the river, to a point below, called Bruinsburg ; and directed the gunboats to run the batteries of Grand Gulf as they had those of Vicksburg. This was successfully done, and next to the last day of April the army was transported across to the eastern shore. Grant being the first man to set foot on land. That very afternoon McClernand's corps was started off toward Port Gibson, lying to the southeast of Grand Gulf. He did not even wait for the army- wagons to be brought across the river, but with three days' rations moved off at once. Grand Gulf, which he designed to make his base of svipplies, must be taken be- fore the enemy at Vicksburg, informed of his intentions, could reinforce the place. He saw that it must be swift marchmg, quick fighting, sudden and constant victories, or the storm Avould gather so heavih' about him that his ad- vance would be stopped. Hence he ordered as little bag- gage to be taken as possible, and set the example of re- trenchment himself. Washbiu'iie, member of Congress from Illinois, his ever fast friend, accompanied the ex- pedition, and says that Grant took with him " neither a horse, nor an orderly, nor a camp-chest, nor an over- coat, nor a blanket, nor even a clean shirt. His entire baggage for six days was a tooth-brush. He fared like the commonest soldier in his command, partaking of his rations and sleeping upon the ground, with no covering but the canopy of heaven." This shows not only how terribly in earnest Grant at this point was, but also how' thoroughly he comprehended the peril of his situation. McClernand's corps had started at three o'clock in GRAND GULF EVACUATED. 69 the afternoon, and kept up its march till two o'clock in the morning, when it was suddenly brought to a halt by a battery in its path. At daybreak this was recon- noitred. No time could ^be wasted, and the battery, which occupied an eminence, protected by a heavy force which had been sent do^vn from Grand Gulf, was at- tacked on both flanks at once. Severe fighting followed, which lasted most of the day, and for a time it looked as if Grant would be stopped right here. But he pressed the enemy so fiercely, that, as soon as night came on, the latter retreated, leaving five cannon and a thousand prison- ers in our hands. Our loss was nearl}' eight hundred. Grant wrote his despatch respecting the battle by moon- light. The columns now pushed on to Port Gibson, which so uncovered Grand Gulf that it was hastily evacuated Grant rode across the country fifteen miles to visit it, and establish his base of supplies before advancing against Vicksburg. He designed to halt here until he could gather in all his forces and supplies, and fix everj^. thing on a firm footing before pushing into the interior. But here another disappointment met him, apparently more serious than any which had yet befallen him. He had expected Banks, with his army, to join him, when he would be strong enough to meet the combined forces of the enemy, and move cautiously to the investment of Vicksburg. But this commander refused to comply with his request, saying that he had work of his own on hand It was a serious question now what course pru- dence would dictate. Troops, he knew, were moving from the east toward Vicksburg, under Johnston, and the rebel leader could, in a short time, concentrate an over- whelming force against him. To guard against this aa much as possible, he had left Sherman s corps behind, 70 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. at Milliken's Bend, to make a demonstration against Haines' Bluff, so that the enemy would not send off troops south to op^^ose him. The ruse succeeded ; the enemy were deceived and kept at that ]3oint, when Sher- man sailed back to Milliken s ^end, and following in the track of the army, joined it at Grand Gulf. Grant now took a rapid, comprehensive survey of his position, and saw plainly that but two courses lay open to him — either to join Banks, who would not join him, and help to take Port Hudson, which he undoubtedly would have been ordered to do, could the War Depart- ment have communicated with him, or, cutting loose from everything, take his gallant army, in hand, and boldly pushing inland, like the First Napoleon in his famous Italian campaign, endeavor to strike the enemy, in detail, before he could concentrate his forces. He did not hesitate for a moment, but chose the latter course, perilous as it was. He knew he must have victories, successive, rapid, and constant, or he was lost. In this decision, and the way he carried it out, he showed that he was capable of the inspiration of true genius, which commonly belongs to those of a more imaginative, im- petuous temperament. The rebel General Bowen, when he evacuated Grand Gulf, retreated across the Big Black river, directly to Vicksburg, and joined Pemberton. Johnston, with an- other army, was at Jackson, forty-five miles east of Vicksburg, ready to move on Grant's rear the moment he advanced north on that place. The latter manoeuvred so as to favor this plan, and deceived the enemy into the belief that he designed to cross the Big Black, in the track of Bowen, and follow him to the intrenchments of Vicks- burg. Cutting loose from Grand Gulf, and depending CAPTURE OF JACKSON. 71 mainly on the country to supply his lack of" forage and supplies, he moved to the Big Black. Instead of crossing, however, he inarched rapidly up the southern bank, and struck off east toward Jackson. On the way Logan found two brigades at Raymond, and crushed them with one terrible blow. Through the blinding rain, and mud,, and darkness, McPherson, commanding the right, pushed on, and at length, on the 14th, came within two and a half miles of Jackson, where the enemy was drawn up in line of battle on the crest of a hill. A plain stretched away from the bottom of it, swept by the rebel artillery. But over it, with shouldered arms, and drums beating, the gallant troops moved without flinch- ing, till within pistol-shot of the hostile ranks, when, giving one terrible volley, they sprang forward with the bayonet, rending the rebel host like a bolt from heaven. Jackson was won, and Grant felt a load lifted from his heart as he saw himself planted between the rebel armies. No time, however, Avas to be lost. Pemberton was already on his way from Vicksburg to assail his rear, and there could be no rest to his army till it once more touch- ed the Mississippi north of Vicksburg, where suj^plies and men to any needed amount could reach him. That very evening, leaving Sherman at Jackson to complete the work of destruction of railroads, bridges, &c., he wheeled about, and moved rapidly back toward Vicksburg, When he got within two miles of the Big Black river, he came upon the enemy strongly posted on Champion's Hill, in thick woods, with their batteries sweeping all the roads and fields over which his columns must advance. Grant, who had so boldly swung his army clear of its 72 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. base, and set it down in the open country beset by foes on every side, commanded this battle in person. A heavy force from the north was hurrying down to crush him between it and Pemberton, and he must not only win victories at every step, but win them suddenly. He could n-ot risk even a delay, much less a repulse, and he at once opened the contest. The enemy chargjed boldly, and at length drove the centre slowly back. But Grant had taken the precaution, when he heard of the proximity of the rebels, to send back to Sherman to hurry forward, and one of his divisions coming up at this critical mo- ment, restored the battle. Meanwhile, Logan had been working to the rebel left, and no sooner did Grant receive word that he was in the desired position, than he gave orders for the whole line to advance. With a cheer, a plunging volley, and a headlong dash, the weary but excited troops went through the thickets and over the hill, taking two batteries and a thousand prisoners. But Grant had pushed them so fiercely forward in the conflict, that he lost between two and three thousand men. Keeping on the next morning, he found the enemy strongly posted on both sides of the Big Black river. On the side nearest him they were encircled by a bayou with its extremities touching the river above and below their position, while on the opposite side arose a blutf black with batteries. McClernand had scarcely opened with his artillery, when the gallant Osterhaus was wounded. In the meantime. General Lawler had crept unob- served around to the right till he reached the bayou, when the men, flinging their blankets and haversacks on the ground, plunged into the water, and struggling across amid the raining bullets, suddenly appeared in the enemy's rear. Fifteen hundred prisoners and eighteen cannon fell VICKSBURG INVESTED. 73 into our hands here, while our total loss was only three hundred and seventy-three. The railroad and turnpike bridges both crossed the river at this point, and the rebels, on the opposite bluff, no sooner saw our troops in possession of this position, than they destroyed them, thus cutting off at the same time our array and that portion of theirs which held the position within the semicircular bayou. Taking advantage of this transient delay to our forces, Pember- ton withdrew his troops into the defences of Vicksburg, Grant now had but one more step to take, when he would feel for the first time comparatively safe, viz., strike the Mississippi above Vicksburg with the right wing of his army. Confident that he would defeat the enemy on the Big Black, he had sent Sherman to cross farther up- stream, and move across to the Yazoo, where Porter lay with his gunboats. In the meantime, bridging the Big Black river, McClernand passed on in front, McPhersoii following the road taken by Sherman, till the latter bore to the right to strike the Yazoo. Haines' Bluff, which for so many months had been a lion in our path to Vicks- burg, was cut oft' from the latter place by Sherman's movement, and fell into our hands. By the 19th of May, the three army corps were in position, extending from the Mississippi below to its banks above Vicksburg, thus completely investing the place. After long months of toiling and waiting — after repeated failures, till the enemy laughed in derision at Grant's futile obstinacy, he had at last, by one of the most brilliant military movements on record, succeeded in flinging his strong arms around the Gibraltar of the Mis sissippi. From the perseverance he had shown from the outset, from the tireless energy with which he had worked 74 LIEUTENTAHT-GENERAL GRANT. undeviatingly toward that single point, from the rapid and tremendous blows he had dealt as he bore swiftly and fiercely down upon it at last, Pemberton well knew that "no maiden's arms were round him thrown." Still, notwithstanding all that Grant had overcome, his long marches, frequent battles, and unbroken victories, had only brought him to the threshold of his great undertak- ing. The work to be accomplished was yet all before him. Thinking that the heavy blows he had dealt the enemy, and his sudden appearance in his rear, had so demoralized him that he could not make a stubborn stand behind his defences, he attempted to carry the place by a sudden assault. Repulsed in this, he spent several days in perfecting communications with his sup- plies, and, on the 2 2d, made a second grand assault along the whole line. He caused the watches of the corps commanders to be set by his, so that the advance should be simultaneous, and at ten o'clock the devoted columns moved off. Grant took a commanding position near McPherson's quarters, from which he could see the advanc- ing columns in front, and a part of those of Sherman and McClernand. Smoking his ine\dtable cigar, he saw them steadily cross the field, enter the deadly fire, and with banners '' high advanced," move proudly on the strong defences. The fire of the enemy was fearful, and the earth trembled under the crash of artillery. At first, it seemed as if nothing could stop that grand advance ; and through the whirling smoke Grant saw, with delight, all along the line, here and there banners planted on the outer slope of the enemy's bastions. But when breast to breast with those strong defences, the fire that swept them was so awful, and the barriers that opposed them so in- accessible, that they could advance no farther. For five SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. 75 hours they stood and struggled, and fell there in vain, and at length were compelled to give it up. Our loss was heavy, and no advantage gained. Gen. Grant gave several reasons for making this as- sault, the chief of which were that Johnston was being daily reinforced, and in a few days would be able to fall on his rear ; that the possession of Vicksburg would have enabled him to turn upon him and drive him from the State ; that its immediate capture would have prevented the necessity of calling for large reinforcements that were needed elsewhere ; and, finally, that the troops were im- patient to possess Vicksburg, and would not have worked in the trenches with the same zeal, not believing it neces- sary, as they did, after their failure to carry the works by storm. These were good reasons, but we suspect that he did not give the strongest one of all. In his attack on Fort Donelson, he had said, in reply to Buckners rec[uest for an armistice, " I propose to move immediately on your works." This, at that time, he could say, for the position that Smith had secured made success morally certain. The Secretary of War, however, had taken up the phrase, and in a letter, sounding more like the rhodomontade of a school-boy than the utterance of a Secretary of War of a great nation, said, in eiFect, that this was all the strategy needed to secure victories. It had caught the popular ear, and being uttered at a time when it was all the fashion to ridicule siege operations — " General Spade" was a sobriquet applied to any one who undertook them — it was hardly safe for a commander to resort to them without the most indubitable evidence that nothing else could be done. He knew perfectly well that he was ex- pected to move immediately on the enemy's works, and Y6 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. he was far from sure, if he did not do so, that the extra* ordinary War Department would not see that some one was put in his place that would. The feelings of that Department, and the popular sentiment at the time, would not have sustained him if he had not made the attempt. It was not after all, we imagine, so much the impatience of his devoted troops, as the outside impatience, that he feared. The second assault, however, settled the question, and he sat down before the place in regular siege, and soon reinforcements began to pour in to him. These he im- peratively needed, for between casualties and sickness, his actual effective army, when he began the investment of Vicksburo;, numbered less than that of the garrison. Forts were now erected over against forts ; corridors, passages, and pits were dug ; the parallels gradually worked closer and closer, notwithstanding the steady play of artillery and ceaseless volleys of musketry, and a blaz- ing southern sun. Day after day the work went steadily on, and on the 25th, the first mine was sprung under one of the principal forts of the enemy, and a fierce, bloody struggle ensued for its possession. Other mines were dug — the enemy ran countersaps, so that often only a thin wall of earth divided the hostile working parties. All this time, at intervals, Porter was thundering away in the Mississippi at the stronghold, and in the conflict lost the Cincinnati. Shells were flung from mortars, and two one hundred pound Parrott guns mounted on rafts, and from countless batteries, until a horrible tempest fell on the hostile works and on the city itself, compelling the inhabitants to dig caves in the earth in which to hide from the incessant rain of death. Famine at length began to stare the garrison in the face, while Grant had AN ARMISTICE PROPOSED. 77 dug his way up so close to the works, that a single bound would send his eager columns over them. For forty-six days did he patiently dig his way to* wsivd the doomed city, until Pemberton, who had ex- hausted every means of defence, and held on till his scanty provisions were nearly gone, waiting and hoping for Johnston to raise the siege, at length gave up in des- pair, and sent a flag of truce to Grant with the following communication : General : I have the honor to propose to you an armistice for hours, with a view to arranging terms for the capitulation of Vicksburg. To this end, if agreeable to you, I will appoint three Commissioners to meet a like number to be appointed by yourself, at such a place and hour to-day as you may find convenient. I make this proposition to save the further effu- sion of blood, which must otherwise be shed to a frightful extent, feeling myself fully able to maintain my position for a yet indefinite period. This communication will be handed you under a flag of truce, by Major-General James Bowen. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. 0. Pemberton. To this Grant replied as follows : Geneeal : Your note of this date, just received, proposes an armistice ol several hours, for the purpose of arranging terms of capitulation through Commissioners to be appointed, &c. The efl:usion of blood you propose stop- ping by this course, can be ended at any time you may choose, by an un- conditional surrender of tlie city and garrison. Men who have shown so much endurance and courage as those now in Vicksburg, will always chal- lenge the respect of an adversary, and, I can assure you, will be treated with all the respect due them as prisoners of war. I do not favor the proposi- tion of Commissioners to arrange terms of capitulation, because I have no 'other terms than those indicated above. I am. General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Geant, Major-General. This was followed by an interview between the two 78 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. generals, midway between the two armies, at three oVlock, in which Pemberton insisted on terms which Grant could not accept, and they parted. Grant saying that he would give in a letter his ultimatum : this was the sur- render of the place and garrison — the latter to be paroled and march away, the officers with their regimental cloth- ing, and staff, field, and cavalry officers one horse eacli; the rank and file to be allowed all their clothing — nothing inore — and to take such rations as they needed, and uten- sils for cooking them. These terms, Avith very little modifications, were accepted, and the next day, the ever-memorable 4th of July, the national flag went up over the stronghold amid loud cheers. On this same anniversary of the birth- day of our Independence, there was being decided amid flame, and thunder, and carnage, the battle of Gettysburg. East and west, at the same time, on the same Jubilee day, the rebellion culminated, and ever after, though with unequal movements, staggered downward to its final overthrow. CHAPTER lY. FALL OP PORT HUDSON— THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER TO GRA:NT — REVIEW OP THE CAMPAIGN — A PUBLIC RECEPTION IN VICKSBURG — VISITS NEW ORLEANS — IS THROWN FROM HIS HORSE AND INJURED — PLACED OVER THE MILITARY DIVISION OP THE MISSISSIPPI — PLACED IN COM- MAND AT CHATTANOOGA — ORDERS SHERMAN TO MARCH ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO JOIN HIM — HIS PLAN FOR RAISING THE SIEGE — THE BAT- TLE — grant's appearance on THE FIELD — THE GRAND ATTACK OF THE CENTRE UNDER HIS OWN EYE — MISSIONARY RIDGE CARRIED — THE PURSUIT — AN INDIAN CHIEF's OPINION OF GRANT — THE PRESIDENT'S LET- TER OF THANKS — GRANT's ORDER — CONGRESS VOTES- HIM A MEDAL- HE VISITS NASHVILLE AND KNOXVILLE— REFUSES TO MAKE A SPEECH — CREATION OF THE RANK OP LIEUTENANT-GENERAL — GRANT NOMINA- TED TO IT — ENTERS ON HIS DUTIES — IMMENSE PREPARATIONS FOR THE COMING CAMPAIGN — THE COUNTRY'S PATIENCE UNDER DELAYS — TWO ARMIES TO MOVE SIMULTANEOUSLY — THE BELL OP DESTINY BEGINS TO TOLL. A FEW days after the surrender of Vicksburg, Port Hudson, which was a mere pendant to it, capitulated, and the Mississippi was open to the Gulf. The event was hailed with enthusiastic joy through- out the land che South was cut in twain, and one or two more bisections, it was felt, would finish the monstrous abortion called the Southern Confederacy. Grant was blamed for paroling the garrison, and the act complicated very much the after-exchange of prisoners of war, or rather ostensibly so, for the actual cause of the difficulty lay entirely outside of this arrangement. The President wrote a letter of congratulation to • so LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GEANT. Grant, in which he said, " When you got below, and took Port Gibson, Grand Gulf, and vicinity, I thought you sliould go down the river and join General Banks; and when you turned northward, east of the Big Black, I fear- ed it was a mistake. I now wish to make a personal acknowledgment that you were right, and I was wrong." This letter was a good deal commented on, the op- position declaring that it showed what a blunder the Government would have committed, if it had been able to have its own way. As events turned out. Grant was right : and there is never any use in reasoning against success. But in truth, looking at all the facts and un- certainties of the case, prudence would have dictated that if Banks would not join Grant, he had better join him. The former should have at once raised the siege of Port Hudson, and entered on the campaign of the latter. As he would not, however, the course that Grant took, with the comparatively small number of troops under him, was fraught with the deepest peril. When it was known that he had cut loose from his base, and, Cortez-like, struck off into the interior, the President was not the only one who feared that he had made a mistake ; but all students of military history trembled for him. Had this been the only course left open for him, the case would have been different ; but, by a little delay, he doubtless could have had the army of Banks, and been made sure against any overwhelming disaster. Where- as, by the course he took, he not only ran the risk of de- feat, but perilled the safety of his entire army. When Napoleon adopted similar tactics in his great Italian campaign, no more soldiers were within his reach, and what he did, he knew must be done with the army under him. This was not strictly the case with Grant, and HIS NEW COMMAND. 81 hence the great risk he run was to some extent unneces- sary. But, as before remarked, it is idle to reason against success. Grant won it, and not by mere good luck, but by brilliant manoeuvring, swift marching, and splendid fighting ; and he at once rose to the first rank among the generals of the army. Victory sometimes so dazzles men, that they cannot see the blunders committed, and that ouo-ht to have brouoht defeat ; but in this case, from the moment that Grant took the bold resolution of cutting loose from his communications, he made no mis- take, but moved toward his object like one of heaven's own thunderbolts, " Shattei'ing that it might reach, and shattering What it reached." Grant now took up his headquarters in Vicksburg, and soon after went to Mempliis to superintend the affairs of his department, when he was honored with a public reception. On the first of September he sailed for New Orleans. During his visit there, while reviewing the Thirteenth Corps, he was throwai from his horse, and badly bruised. Before he was entirely recovered, he went North, and at Indianapolis met General Halleck by appointment, who gave him a general order, which put him in command of the " Departments of the Ohio, of the Cumberland, and of the Tennessee, constituting the Military Division of the Mississi])|)i." This was by far the most extensive depart- ment yet given to any one commander. In the mean time Rosecrans had been defeated at Chickamauga, and shut up in Chattanooga. Thomas for awhile superseded him, when Grant was ordered there to take command in person. Sherman, mean- while, whom Grant, after the capture of Vicksburg, 82 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. sent back to Jackson to drive out the rebels, had been previously ordered to send a division to Memphis, to march from thence across the country, to the relief of Chattanooga. Another order immediately followed, directing him to move with his whole army. When Grant reached Chattanooga, he found affairs in a desperate state. Bragg had closed round it, his lines reaching from the river north of the place, along Missionary Ridge, to Lookout Moimtain on the south, and so cutting off the communications of the army, that all supplies had to be dragged for sixty miles across the country, and over abominable roads. In fact, there was momentarily danger of their being permanently severed, when the army in Chattanooga would have to retreat with the loss of its artillery, even if it saved itself In the meantime, batteries were planted by the rebels -all along the heights that overlooked the place, ready at any moment to open a bombardment upon it. Bragg, confi- dent of success, had previously sent off Longstreet, to drive Burnside from Kuoxville. Government, aware of the peril to this great strategic point, had hurried off from the east Hooker, with two corps, but even his arrival did not make Grant strong enough to assume the offensive. He, however, found a giant to lean upon in Chatta- nooga, in the noble Thomas, and with him calmly surveyed the prospect before him. His plans were soon laid, and he only waited the arrival of Sherman, toiling across the country, to put them in operation. He had previously made a lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee, at Brown's Ferry, three miles below where Lookout Moun- tain abuts on the river, by which navigation was opened to the ferry, thus shortening his land transportation, and securing certam supplies to the army. Fifty pon- CHATTANOOGA. 83 toons, carrying twelve hundred men, were floated by night down the river, unobserved by the enemy's pickets, and landed at the ferry. These were immediately ferried across to the opposite side, and about three thou- sand men, who had been secretly marched down to the point and concealed, were brought over, and the position secured, compelling the enemy to retreat to Lookout Mountain. In less than forty hours, the Eleventh Corps was also across, and encamped in Lookout Vallev Grant now had a foothold on the left flank of the rebel line, and he only waited the arrival of Sherman to take position on the right flank above Chattanooga, to carry out his projected attack. In the mean time, Bragg sent a message to Grant, to remove non-combatants from the place, as he was about to open his batteries upon it. To this Grant returned no reply, for he was about ready to answer with his batteries and charging columns. Sherman's army, when it finally reached Chattanooga, was weary and footsore, yet no time could be given it for rest, and it marched at once to its destined position. On the 24th of November it crossed the Tennessee, on a pontoon bridge, the head of which on the south shore had been secured the night before by a surprise ; and took up its position on Missionary Ridge, thus threatening Bragg's immediate communications. The day before, • Th«t)mas had made a reconnoissance in his front to develop the enemy's line, and taken, after a short conflict, Indian Hill or Orchard Knob, that overlooked the rebel rifle- pits. Hooker, in the mean time, pressed up the rugged height of Lookout Mountain, driving the enemy before him; and on the morning of the 25th, looked down from his dizzy elevation on Chattanooga below, with which he established communications. ^4 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA. Everj'tliiiig liad thus far worked as (zrant had planned ; and now the hist blow was to be struck, Sherman was to press heavily Bragg's right on Mis- sionary Ridge and threaten his communications, so that he would be compelled to weaken his centre to repel the advance, and then Thomas was to move straight on the centre, and finish the battle with a clap of thunder. Sherman commenced his attack early iii the morning, and moving down from the elevation he occupied, crossed a road, and attempted to ascend the opposite heights. It was a fearful work that had been assigned him, and his bleeding columns swayed upward and backward in the uncertain fight, yet each hour pressing the enemy's right heavier and heavier. Hookei- had come down from Lookout Mounta.in, where he had been fighting above the clouds, and was thundering away on the rel:)el left. Grant, in the centre, stood on Orchard Knob, smoking his cigar, listening to the thunder-crash to the left and right of him, and waiting for the auspicious moment when Thomas could be sent in on the centre. The forenoon slowly wore away, and Sherman, seeing the rebel bat- teries and troops steadily increasing in his front, looked anxi'ously away toward Orchard Knob ; but all was silent there. Noon came, and on both extremities the roar of battle still shook the heights, yet between, all was motionless and silent. The hour of destiny had not yet come. Sherman continued to j^ress the enemy fiercely in his front, compelling him still more to weaken his cen- tre to resist the advance ; but his men were getting weary, and his thinned Ijattalions saw no hope of reach- ing the bristling heights above them. The afternoon passed on leaden wings to them ; but at length Grant A sachem's views of grant. 85 saw that tlie decisive moment had arrived. It was now nearly four o'clock, and the signal to advance was given. This was six cannon-shots fired at intervals of two sec- onds each. With regular beat, one, two, three sounded, till, as the last deep reverberation rolled away over the heights, there was a sudden resurrection, as from the bowels of the earth, of that apparently dead line. Three divi- sions of the Army of the Cumberland composed it. A mile and a half of broken country lay before them to the rifle-pits at the base of Missionary Ridge, and then there remained the rocivy hill, four hundred feet high, to mount, every inch of it swept by artillery and musketry. Over this intervening space the columns moved at a rapid pace, breasting the fire of the rebel batteries, and at length reached the rifle-pits. Clearing these at a bound, they be- gan to climb the steep. Met by the awful fire that rolled in a lava-stream down its sides, the regiments worked their way slowly up. Taking the matter into their own hands, they seemed to act without orders, each deter- mined to be first at the top. It was a thrilling spectacle to see those banners advance — now one, and then another, fluttering highest up the acclivity amid flame and smoke. The ranks melted rapidly away, but the survivors kept on. Grant gazed, apparently unmoved, at the sight, yet with his whole soul in the struggle. Even the impassa- ble Thomas, as he saw the slow and doubtful progress, exclaimed to Grant, "I fear. General, they will never reach the top." The latter, pufling the smoke fi'om his cigar, merely replied, " Give 'em time, General ; give 'em time." At last, just as the sun was sinking in the west, flooding the heights with his departing rays, the regimental flags swung out in the breeze on the top, and then a muffled shout, like the far-ofl' murmur of the sea, came down to 86 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. Grant. Taken up by division after division, it rolled gloriously along the whole line. The bloody field waa won, and Bragg in full retreat. All next day he was pursued, as he fled, leaving guns, prisoners, wagons, and material strung along his jDath. Over seven thousand prisoners and forty-seven pieces of artillery were the fruits of the \dctory. Having chased Bragg to Dalton, he then tui-ned his attention to Longstreet, who was laying siege to Knox- ville. Sherman was despatched to its relief, and Long- street was compelled to raise the siege and retreat toward Virginia. Never was a more skilfully-planned battle, or one more gallantly fought. The victory was a clear ti'iumph of military genius, and steady, determined fighting. Bragg was fairly and openly met in his chosen position, behind his defences, on heights he deemed impregnable, and utterly routed. Grant had in this battle an Indian chief on his stafi", and the grave sachem thus desciibes his impressions of the General during the successive actions : " It has been a matter of universal wonder that Gen. Grant was not killed, for he was always in front, and perfectly heedless of the storm of hissing bullets and screaming shells flying around him. His apparent want of sensibility does not arise from* heedlessness, heartlessuess, or vain military affectation, but from a sense of the responsibility resting on him when in battle. When at Ringgold, we rode for a half a mile in the face of the enemy, under an incessant fire of cannon and musketry ; nor did we ride fast, but on an ordinary trot ; and not once, do I l^elieve, did it enter the General's mind that he was in danger. I was by his side, and watched him closely. In riding that difr BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA. 8^ tance, we were going to the front, and I could see that lie was studying the positions of the tw^o armies, and, of course, planning how to defeat the enemy, who was here making a desperate stand, and slaughtering our men fear- fully. Koads (he says) are almost useless to him, for he takes short cuts through helds and woods, and wdll s\vim liis horse through almost any stream that obstiiicts his way. Nor does it make any difference to him whether he has daylight for his movements, for he will ride from breakfast until two o'clock next morning, and that, too, without eating. The next day he will repeat the same, until he has finished the work." The country was delirious with joy at this great vic- tory, and the President issued a proclamation for a day of thanksgiving, and sent the following letter to Grant : Washington, December 8th. Major- General Grant : Understanding that your lodgment at Chattanooga and Knox- ville is now secure, I wish to tender you and all under your com- mand my more than thanks — my prolbundest gratitude for the skill, courage, and perseverance with which you and they, over so great difficulties, have effected that important object. God bless you all. A. Lincoln. Grant issued a congratulatory order to his army, in which, at the close, he said : " The General commanding thanks you individually and collectively. The loyal people of the United States thank and bless you. Their hopes and prayers for your success against this unholy rebellion are with you daily. Their faith in you will not be in vain. Their hopes will not be blasted. Their prayers to Almighty God will be answered. You will yet go to other fields of strife, and with invincible bra- very and unflinching loyalty to justice and right, whicij 88 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. have characterized you in the past, you will prove that no enemy can withstand you, and that no defence, how- ever formidable, can check your onward march." Congress voted him a medal, and different Legisla- tures passed votes of thanks, and the country with one voice demanded that he should be given the chief com- mand of all the armies. A bill was therefore passed by Congress, ci eating the rank of lieutenant-general, which had been conferred as an honorary title on Gen. Scott ; and soon after the President sent in Grant's name for the office. In the mean time Grant went to Nashville, in order to visit Knoxville to inspect in person the situation of affairs in that portion of his depai'tment. At the latter place he was received with wild enthusiasm by the peo- ple, and, in accordance with tlie universal custom of the Americans, a speech was demanded of him. But he in- formed them that lie never made a speech, and knew nothing about it; and no speech was got out of him. Returnino;, he visited St. Louis to see a sick child, and while there a public dinner was given him. His nomination for the position of lieutenant-general being confirmed, he went to Washington in February to assume the duties of his high office. All felt that a new era was now to commence. Congress, in creating the rank, confessed that it had interfered quite long enough in the conduct of military affairs, and thought the Cabi net had too. The Secretary of 'War saw in it that the country was tired of his management, and that hereafter he must confine himself to the appropriate duties of his department, which he knew so well how to perform. The new strategy he had introduced, " to move imme- diately on the enemy's works," had had its full and THE PREPARATION, 89 bloody trial; costing the country probably a hundred thousand men. The ruling politicians had become alarmed. Settino; out with the determination to control the war, they began to see that under their management the country would soon get sick of it altogether, and hence if they did not want to break down utterly, they must place its conduct exclusively in military hands. There was a general sentiment that they dare not lay hands on Grant, for with his removal there seemed nothing but chaos beyond. Grant entered on his high duties without any flourish of trumpets or high-sounding proclamations, or extrava- gant promises, but like one who knew thoroughly the great work before him ; and at once addressed himself to its accomplishment. Sherman was given the vast west- ern command which he himself had held, and the two were to move together at the appointed time, to deal the rebellion its death-blow. Weary months now passed away. Spring came with its genial weather and hard roads, and yet Grant did not move. Still no murmurs were heard, such as filled the land when the Army of the Potomac first remained so long quiet on the same ground. The country had had enough of popular campaigning, and in the thi-ee terrible years it had passed through, at last learned the much-needed lesson of patience. The *' On to Richmond " cry, which so long dazed the brains of many, was no more heard. It was plain that Grant was to be let alone, and in that lay our only hope. But though everything seemingly continued so quiet around Washington, the land was shaking to its centre under the mighty preparations going forward. The peo- ple did not know of it, because the amazing activity was made up of so many minor movements, each one of which 90 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. was not of sufficient magnitude to attract notice. But Grant had determined that when he gave the word for the mighty host, stretching from the Mississippi to the Atlantic to move, it should be a fair test between the power of the North and South — that the coming strug- gle should be conclusive and final. All through the early spring, the countless railroads of the North groaned undei- the weight of troops, either new levies, or old sol- diers returning to their respective regiments. Transports loaded with ordnance and supplies darkened all our water courses. The great thoroughfares of travel and commerce were monopolized by the Government, and he who could have embraced the vast North at that time with a single glance, would have been terrified at the mighty militaiy preparations going on. He would have seen that a struggle was impending, the like of which the world had never seen. The South, through its spies, was aware of this, and Davis saw that the coming campaign would settle the fate of the Confederacy. He therefore began to gather all his resources for the decisive struggle. Neither was the navy idle, for six hundred vessels of war hung like full-charged tliunder-clouds around the rebel fortifica- tions. Never, since the time of the first Napoleon, were such vast military resources placed in the hand of one man as now rested in that of Grant. Thus the month of April passed, and the waiting people wondered at his inaction. But hj the first of May he was ready. While the navy was to strike along the coast at important points, the two armies, one east and the other west, were to move simultaneously forward — Sherman with Atlanta as his objective point, and Grant THE GRAND MOVEMENT. 91 with Richmond for his. The Alleghany Mountains di- vided them, and thousands of miles intervened, and yet one head was to control both. When everything was ready, the two armies arose from their long inaction and moved forward. The great bell of destiny, hung in the blue dome of heaven, began to toll the knell of the Con- federacy, and the solemn sound never ceased, till its hide- ous form was laid in its deep, dark grave forever. CHAPTER V THE RICHMOND CAMPAIGN. OHAEACTER AND PLAN OF THE CAMPAIGN THE ARMY GROSSES THE EAPIDAN THE THREE DAYS' BATTLE IN THE WILDERNESS — LEE's RETREAT TO SPOTT- 6YLVANIA — BATTLES BEFORE IT GRANT, BY A FLANK MOVEMENT, MARCHES TO THE NORTH ANNA RIVER — MAKES A SECOND FLANK MOVEMENT TO THE PAMUNKEY THE OHIOKAHOMINT — BATTLE OF COLD HARBOR — STRENGTH OF THE REBEL WORKS HE MARCHES TO THE JAMES RIVER — CROSSES IT AND ATTACKS PETERSBURG IS REPULSED — REVIEW OF THE CAMPAIGN — SIEGE OF RICHMOND EARLY SENT TO THE VALLEY OF THE SHENANDOAH GOES INTO MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA THE MINE OF BURNSIDE — GRANT DEFEATED AT HATCHEr's RUN — WINTER QUARTERS — CAPTURE OF FORT FISHER SHERiMAN ADVANCING DESPERATION OF THE REBELS — THEIR ATTEMPT TO TAKE CITY POINT WITH IRON-CLADS NARROW ESCAPE OF grant's army ATTACK ON FORT 8TEADMAN LAST GREAT MOVEMENT OF THE ARMY DESCRIPTION OF PETERSBURG AND RICHMOND EVACUATED — THE RACE FOR LIFE OF THE REBEL ARMY THE SURRENDER — ACCOUNT OF IT- — A MOMENTOUS SABBATH — SURRENDER OF JOHNSTON COLLAPSE OF THE REBELLION — JOY OF THE PEOPLE ENTHUSIASM FOR GRANT HIS CHARACTER Grant's campaign diifered in some respects materially from that of Sherman, for while the latter had but one line of communication A\'ith his supplies, and that length- ening as he advanced, the former could change his base so as to keep it always about the same distance from his armj^, or, at least, never very remote. Again, the former was exposed to flank attacks on either side, while the latter could be threatened only on his right, and that by the Shenandoah valley, which a moderate force could protect. OUTLINE OF THE CAMPAIGN. 93 Grant had also a much larger army, for while that of Sherman consisted of a hundred thousand men, the former had in his army proper, or cooperating with him against Richmond, or within call, probably double that number. But he had likewise the ablest commander, and the grandest army of the Southern Confederacy to contend against. Besides, Lee was thoroughly ac- quainted with the country, and its capacities for de- fence, and, from two similar campaigns against him, had been able to fix definitely upon the best plan to defeat a third. He was, moreover, to act almost entirely on the defensive, and fight behind works ; so that, though vastly inferior in numbers, not having probably over a hundred thousand men, he was able to make it an equal contest. Grant probably did not confine himself to one single mode of operations. His great object was, whatever in- termediate events might happen, to strike Richmond on the north side, so that he could sweep around to the west, while Butler cut it ofi:' from the south. The movements of the latter, therefore, were to corres- pond with his. Like Burnside and Hooker, he wished, if possible, to get between Lee and his commu- nications, and force him at the outset to a decisive battle. If he succeeded, and the rebel army was utterly defeated, he could take his own course about investing Richmond. If Lee was forced to retreat, as he did not doubt he would be, he designed to follow him closely to the rebel capital, punishing him severely at every step. To render Lee's rapid escape by the railroads impossible, he sent Sheridan on a raid to break them up. Sigel and Couch, in the mean time, were in the Shenandoah valley, protecting his flank, and keepino- back reinforcements from that direc- tion. 94 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. With this general outline before him, Grant, on the night of the 3d of May, broke up his encampments, and the noble Army of the Potomac moved off toward the Rapidan. The next morning it crossed at two fords, Ely's and Germania, some five or six miles apart. It was divided into three corps — the Second, commanded by Hancock, the Fifth, by Warren, and the Sixth, by Sedgewick. Hancock, in front, crossed at Ely's ford, followed by Warren, while Sedgewick crossed at Ger- mania, formmg the right. Lee did not dispute the pass- age of the stream, but fell back, so as to protect the entire line of railroad from Gordonsville to Saxton's Junction. It was thought at the time that he had been taken by surprise, but this was, undoubtedly, a mistake. The two armies had confronted each other too long at that point, not to have it well understood by him that a crossing would be attempted in that neighborhood. He seemed to think that a more successful attack could be made by concentrating a heavy force on the separate corps after they were over, and while in process of reach ing their appointed positions. Carrying out this plan, he first fell on Sedgewick, who had crossed alone, and was in rear of the other two corps. If, by a sudden onset, he could crush him, or drive him into the river, he could sweep do^vn the banks in the rear of the other two corps, catting them off from the fords, and destroy the vast trains not yet over. But Grant designed neither to build pontoon bridges or protect fords ; he had crossed without any intention of returning. The onslaught upon Sedgewick was terrific; but the latter, not satisfied with bracing himself up to resist it, boldly advanced to meet it. Hurled back, Lee came ou BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. 95 again with the same result. Repulsed here, he gathered up his bleeding columns, and, quick as lightning, poured them into the gap between Hancock and Warren. So unexpected and. fierce was this onset, that for a time it threatened to be successful. Warren, endeavoring to ad- vance, was driven back, and lost two guns. The troops, however, rallied, and the fight raged with fearful ferocity till nine o'clock, long after darkness had closed over both armies. The next morning Lee made a simultaneous attack on both wing-s — Lono-street advancino- against Hancock, and A. P. Hill against Sedgewick. The fight- ing, if possible, was more terrific than the clay previous. Before these desperate charges our whole line of battle was shaken terribly. In various parts of the field the ranks were often thrown into contusion, and once, on the left, the battle seemed lost. Grant was standing under a tree, smoking, and chipping the bark with his knife, w^hen the tidino-s reached him that the left was broken. " I don't believe it ;' was his quiet reply. Still, it w^as nearly true, and would have been Avholly so, but for the timely arrival of Burnside, with his forty or fifty thousand men, consti- tuting the reserve. This bringing up the whole reserve into action so early in the campaign, shows that Grant narrowly escaped the disaster that overtook Burnside and Hooker in the same neighborhood. Burnside had made a forced march from Manassas, and on this eventful morning, with Sedgewick, -svhoiu Grant had with great forethought brought over from tlie right duriiio; the night, restored the battle. That such an enormous concentration of forces was needed here, shows how Avell Lee had laid his plans, and how, under other circumstances, they would have been successful The result taught him, in turn, that he had a commander 96 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. to deal with that would give him all he wanted to do. The next day no general engagement took place ; but the army stood in order of battle, and skirmishes and lesser conflicts were constantly occurring. This ended the three days' fight in the Wilderness — certainly one of the most remarkable on record. Grant had at least 250 pieces of artillery ; yet, in the main, they slept idly in long rows under the trees, wholly useless in this strange struggle, in which the contending hosts could see each other only as they came in contact. Althousfh the miojhtiest armies that had ever met on this continent stood up in a great pitched battle, to one on the field it seemed only bushwhacking through a forest seven or eight miles in extent. Grant could not see his army — he could only hear it. The incessant volleys, roar- ing away on either side, till lost in the distance, told of a great conflict ; but except so far as ordering up reinforce- ments and responding to calls for help, it was a succession of separate conflicts. Lee, who knew all the roads through this tangled wilderness, had greatly the advan- tage in moving his troops from point to point, and thus could more easity carry out his object — viz., to turn one flank or the other, and compel Grant to fall back across the Rapidan, thus repeating over again Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. He fought his army well, and with great desperation ; but he failed, and was compelled finally to retreat. The endurance of the men, on both sides, was won- derful. Portions of our army fought and stood in line of battle for forty-eight hours continuously. Never before did a wilderness present such a spectacle. On both sides, probably nearly 30,000 men had fallen, and though the wounded ^vere gathered together, the dead BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA. 97 lay everywhere ; and in the hurry of Lee's retreat and Grant's pursuit, those who were buried were often but half interred, and arms and legs protruded from the loose soil in every direction. As Lee retreated towards Spottsylvania, Grant, giv- ing his troops no time to rest, pressed toward the same point also, hoping to get there first and head oif his antagonist. But the former was too quick for him, and liartlett's brigade in the advance, which was ordered to attack at once on approaching the place — on the supposi- tion that oAly cavalry would be found there — ran into Longstreet's whole corps, and was fearfully cut up, one of his regiments losing three quarters of its number in fifteen minutes. Rawlinson's division, which was pushed forward to his rescue, also broke in disorder, when War- ren, coming up, seized the division-flag and rallied the troops in person, and held the ground from eight o'clock till noon. Other divisions arriving in the afternoon, the contest was renewed at six o'clock, and the first line of breastworks carried, though we lost 1,500 men in doing it. This was Sunday. The next day was passed in skirmishino; and reconnoitrinp;. On Tuesday, Grant made a grand attack on the enemy's position, and a most terrific conflict followed. Our wearied men fought as though fresh from their encampments. Bayonet charges occurred in various parts of the line, and the roar of artillery, and crash of musketry, and shouts of infuriated men, conspired to make that evening a scene of terror in- conceivable, indescribable. The carnage was awful ; not less than eight or ten thousand men falling on our side alone. We took some 1,200 prisoners; but the attack failed, and the decimated columns withdrew. But neither the obstacles which Grant met, nor the 98 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. awful slaughter of his troops, created despondency in his heart. On the contrary, they aroused him to more deter- mined efforts, and he telegraphed back — "I will light it out on this line, if it takes all summer." Keuiforcements were hurried on to him, and the garrisons around Wash- ington almost emptied to replace his fearful losses. The Secretary of War dared no longer interfere as he did with McClellan, and keep back troops to protect the capital. Grant demanded them, and they were sent for- ward. The latter now changed his base of supplies to Fred- ericksburg, while his army lay around Spottsylvania for two weeks, striving in vain to find a weak point in the enemy's position, or to overlap his right wing. Every day, the roar of artillery shook the earth, and terrible assaults on both sides strewed the ground with the dead. Heavy rains and fogs set in ; but still the work of death went on. We gained some successes — Hancock, in his bril- liant charge, taking some 5,000 prisoners ; but it placed the army no nearer success, and at length Grant gave it up, and resolved on a flank movement. It was hard to come to this, for he did not want to force Lee to a retreat, but to a decisive battle while far from his base, and with his lines of communication cut by Sheridan, who was mak- ing havoc with the rebel cavalry. Besides, he did not wish to swing round in front of the Richmond works, from which McClellan's army had been di'iven two years before ; but follow the rebel leader straight into the capital from the north. Kautz had cut the railroad be- low Petersburg, and Butler, who was occupying Ber- muda Hundreds, had destroyed it between that place and Richmond, and if he himself could come do^vn on the city from the north, its fate would be sealed. Still, no other A FLANK MOVEMENT. 99 resource was left him. So, on Friday night, Hancock moved olf to the eastward, and the next night was at Bowling Green, seventeen miles from Spottsylvania. Lee, however, made aware of the movement, started off Long- street's corps the same night, and a race between the two armies commenced. The Fifth Corps, Warren's, fol- lowed on Saturday morning, and about the same time Ewell also started ; and so, corps after corps succeeded, until Spottsylvania was deserted. The North Anna river was the goal both were aiming at. If Grant could reach it first, he would even yet force Lee to the de- cisive battle he was straining every nerve to bring about. Hancock, who had the left, struck the river about a mile west of where the Fredericksburg and Richmond railroad crosses it. Warren, on the right, struck it four miles farther up at the Jericho ford. His advance divi- sion. Griffin's, reached it a little after midnight on Mon- day, May the 23d, and immediately plunged into the stream, flowing waist deep, and stumbling in the darkness over its rocky bed, crossed without opposition. Hancock, on reaching the bridge over which he was to cross, found the enemy in force, and had to carry a tke du pont and a fort at the point of the bayonet, which he did in gallant style. Once over, he met but little op- position, while Warren had to fight his way onward. It was now ascertained that the rebels, who had got the start, held the South Anna, which had been fortified, apparently for just such a contingency as this. Grant, seeing that the position could not be forced, at least not without a loss that would make it no victory, made another flank movement, and swung his army around to the Pamunke^ , und on the last day of May,* 100 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. pitched his headquarters near Hanover Court House, the spot where, two years before, rested the extreme right of McClellan's lines. The manner in which he handled his immense army in these flanking operations, showed a military ability far above that which often wins a great battle. It seemed to be a single machine in his hand, which he worked with consummate skill, and apparently without effort. Throwing his army across the Pamunkey, he ad- vanced to the Chickahominy, while he transferred his base to the White House, from which General W. F. Smitli, with the Tenth and part of the Eighteenth corps, joined him. The rebels had learned wisdom from the lesson taught them by McClellan two years before, when the Chicka- hominy was crossed without opposition ; for now its banks bristled with fortifications. In attempting to force its passage, occurred the battle of Cold Harbor. After a determined but unsuccessful assault and a bloody repulse. Grant, impassible as ever, mounted his horse and rode along the lines to ascertain from the different command- ers the actual state of things in their immediate front. He returned leisurely, absorbed in thought, and it was evident that the attempt would not be renewed. He was now on the line of McClellan's peninsular campaign, with a much larger army, but with difficulties tenfold greater to contend with. A deep river, strongly fortified, lay before him, and beyond it, five miles of earthworks stretched to the rebel capital. It was plain the army never could travel that road to Richmond. It lay here, however, for nearly ten days, and another July in the deadly Chickahominy swamps seemed inevitable. Buf Grant, with all his obstinacy and tenacity of purpose, MARCH TO THE JAMES RIVER. 101 never exhibits these qualities in the mode of reaching his object. The moment events show that one plan is no longer feasible, he instantly drops it and adopts another. He clings to his main object with the grip of death, but cares little for the mode of securing it. Seeing, there- fore, that Richmond could not be reached by the Chicka- hominy, he determined by a sudden movement to fling his army over the James river, and seize Petersburg, which Butler had failed to take, laying the blame of defeat on Gilmore. This, however, was a delicate operation, for the op- posing lines were so close that it was hardly to be ex- pected that he could move off, unobserved, such an im- mense army, without exposing himself to a sudden attack. But concentrating his lines till his front was not more than four miles long — making it almost as deep back — and throwing up strong works to protect his flanks, he, on Sunday night, the 12th of June, quietly and swiftly changed front and marched away from the Chickahominy. Smith's corps moved ofl" to the White House and em- barked on transports, while the rest of the army struck across the country to the James river, fifty miles away. Passing below the White Oak Swamp, stirring recollec- tions were brought to the army of the Potomac, which two years before fought their way on almost the same line to the point toward which they were now pressing. Grant broke up his camp and sent off* all his immense trains on the -12th. Two days after, on the 14th, Hancock was crossing the James by ferry at Wilcox Landing, and the Sixth corps by ferry a d a pontoon bridge a little lower down. When Lee found Grant gone from his front, he evidently expected he would strike tor Malvern Hill, and from that point march on Richmond ; but the 102 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. thunder of his guns as he advanced against Petersburg dis- pelled this illusion. Grant expected to take Petersburg by this sudden movement, and thus advance his lines nearer to Richmond on the south side. The attack was at iirst successful and the outer works captured, and tlie report flew over the land that it had fallen. It ought to have been so, and would have been but for a mistake for which Grant was not responsible. At the same time that our assaulting columns moved against the place in front, Butler advanced once more to the railroad connecting it with Richmond, and from which he had previously been driven. He reached the track and tore it up ; but the rebels no sooner found our army repulsed before Peters- burg, than they sent a strong force against him, and driv- ing him back, repaired the road. Grant now had apparently played his last card and failed. The most terrific campaign on record had ended, and a long siege, of nearly a years duration, was to com- mence. He had fought his way, inch by inch, from the Rapidan to the James, yet never gained a substantial victory. Every battle had been a drawn one, and he had lost probably in the neighborhood of a hundred thousand men, while he had not weakened the enemy by more than half that number.* The latter, after the battle of the Wilderness, fought always behind breastworks, where * No reports of the losses in these various battles were published, and, so far as we know, complete ones at the time were not sent in to the (iovern- ment. The above estimate is based on the report of one cgrps made to the Government at Spottsylvania. If the reports were not made till after time was given for stragglers and the sick and the slightly wounded to return, of course the sum-total will not be much more than half the above estimate. But we are convinced that if the missing from the muster-rolls after each battle were added up, the aggregate would reach very nearly, if not quite, this frightful number. The War Department makes the total loss to the close 90,000. REVIEW OF THE CAMPAIGN. 103 their losses should not have been, by ordinary rules, more than one to three. The friends of McClellan pointed to this result, and exclaimed exultingly, "l^oii see that McClellan was right, and the Administration wrong, Avhen he remonstrated against removing the Army of the Potomac from the James, and it would not listen to him." No man of sense doubts this now. Events have proved that General Scott was right when he said, " The great, the vital mistake which the Government has made dur- ing this war was to recall the Army of the Potomac from the Peninsula." The removal of its commander was one thing, and that of the army was quite another. One did not necessitate the other. They said also, and the Rich- mond papers reiterated it, that Grant could have placed his army on the spot it now occupied without the loss of a man, while, by the way he came, a vast army had dis- appeared. That was equally true, but the inference they drew from these indisputable facts was not true, viz., that Grant should have taken his arm}^ by water, as McClellan did, to the Peninsula. The iirst movement was a bril- liant one, and should have been sustained, but results have shown that had Grant imitated it, he would have committed a fatal blunder. When, two years before, the Army of the Potomac lay there, Richmond was so pooi'ly fortified in that direction, that Lee dared not spare a man from his army to operate elsewhere, so that, as McClellan said, Washington was best defended at Richmond. But that was not so now. The rebel government had profited by experience, and thrown up such impregnable works around its capital in this direction, that a few men com- paratively could hold them against a large army. • Gran I was constantly reinforced, so that when he sat down in siege 104 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. before Petersburg, he, doubtless, had as large an army as the one with which he set out. Yet Lee felt so strong that he immediately despatched an army, twenty thousand strong, into the valley of the Shenandoah, which gathered its harvests, and then crossing into Maryland and Penn- sylvania, burned Chambersburg, cut the railroad north of Baltimore, and advanced to the very gates of the na- tional capital. It spread consternation on every side, and although the Nineteenth Corps opportunely arrived from New Orleans, it Avas not considered strong enough, with all the forces that could be raised in the vicinity, to cope with the rebels, and the veteran Sixth Corps had to be detached from the Army of the Potomac, and sent to protect Washington and the neighboring loyal country. Now suppose that Lee lost only forty or fifty thou- sand men to our one hundred thousand in the march from the Rapidan to the James, and suppose further, that Grant had carried his army mtact by transports to the James, just as strong and no stronger than it actually was when it reached there, and Lee had these forty or fifty thousand men that lay in hospitals, ov strewing the battle-fields on the line of his retreat, to add to the twenty thousand he actually sent to the valley of the Shenandoah, swelling the force to sixty or seventy thou- sand men, who does not see that the siege of Richmond must have been raised, and the whole campaign gone over again ? It requires but the simplest arithmetical calculation io determine, if twenty thousand men de- manded the presence of two additional corps in front of Washington, how many corps would sixty or seventy thousand men have required. Those dead and wounded of Lee-s army, that cost us so heavily, were, in the crisis of affairs, absolutely indispensable to the maintenance of REVIEW OF THE CAMPAIGN. 105 the siege of Eichmond. Lee could not replace them — we could and did replace our losses. This statement is not a theory, but a conclusion proved by after events. Grant w^as not responsible for the extraordinary state in which he found things when he took chief command. After three years of war, he found the rebels menacing our capital, instead of we theirs. This, it was plain, had got to be reversed, or the war would never end, except in our defeat. The blunders of the Secretary of War and of the former General-in-chief had brought about this dis- gracetiil condition of affairs, at the cost of two armies. Grant saw at once it could not be reversed, without a terrible sacrifice of life, and he boldly resolved to make it. The clear, correct, straightforward view he took of the whole matter, allows his great qualities, more than any battle he ever won. The English press, in view of the terrible loss of life that marked this apparently fruit- less campaign, stigmatized him as the great butcher, but subsequent events have shown that his course saved human life in the end — in fact was the only wise one to pursue. Indeed., we believe our own countrymen make a mistake here ; they seem to think that Grant, having started for Richmond on the route he did, pursued it from mere obstinacy of purpose ; that it was the tenacity of the sleuthhound once settled on the track, rather than the stern conviction that he had chosen the only wise course, which impelled him on. Hence they take his despatch, " I will fight it out on this line, if it take all summer," as simply an evidence of pluck, which is a quality greatly admired by Americans. It showed his [)luck unquestionably, but it is unjust to suppose that this was the utterance of mere pluck ; it was also a declaration that he believed he had chosen the right 106 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRA.NT. course — notwithstanding lie had not succeeded in anni hilating Lee's army — and meant to pursue it, cost what it would. It was, in short, a simple reaffirmation of judg- ment — a judgment at first made after mature deliberation, and now on a careful review, in the light of events, be- lieved to be correct. He knew he was right, and that being settled, he would fight it out on that line as long as he had men to fight with. He is, doubtless, an obsti- nate man, but never will stick to a thing, right or wrong, simply because he has begun it. His mind is too well balanced, and his character built on too lofty a model, to allow him to do that. In the light of after events, his prescience in the matter appears to us wonder- ful. His forecast seemed to embrace all contingencies, and select the right thing under any circumstances. Grant had now a difficult problem to solve. If he should take Petersburg, or rather the line of works that commanded it by regular approaches, similar works around Richmond, twenty miles off, confronted him ; if he operated against Richmond directly from the north side of the James, he would have ten or fifteen miles of in- trenchments to traverse, and then, if he compelled the evacuation of the rebel capital, it would be comparatively a barren conquest, if all the lines of communication South were open. The great thing, therefore, was first to cut these lines ; but the invasion of Maryland by Early, and the necessary withdrawal of one of his corps, and the diver- sion of reinforcements to Washington, so weakened him, that he could not spare the force necessary for such an enterprise Still, he did what he could. The Second Corps made an advance on the 2 2d, but was repulsed, losing 1,600 men and four guns ; but a brilliant movement subsequently, north of the James, gave him possession SPRINGING OF A MINE. 107 of an advantageous position. He was never at rest ; and Lee must have been amazed at the mental activity and re- sources of his adversary. He would not give him a mo- ment's repose. The rebel chieftain could never discover in the atmosphere around him any signs of the coming storm. From that part of the heavens where not a cloud could be seen, and all was serene and clear, the thunder- bolt was more likely to burst than from any other quarter. The stiller the day, the more sure the hurricane. Instead ol forcing Grant to take his army back to Washington, Lee found himself so fiercely pushed at all points, that he could not spare the reinforcements that Early so greatly needed. During the summer, a mine was run under one of the advanced forts of the enemy, which, if once destroyed, it was thought that we could get possession of a command- ing ridge. The workmen were engaged for more than a month in digging this mine, and so noiselessly and se- cretly was it done, that the enemy never discovered it. An enormous quantity of powder was lodged in it, and on the day it was to be exploded. Grant sent a force across the James, with an immense army train, to deceive Lee into the belief that an attack was meditated on that ex- tremity of his lines. The ruse succeeded, and a large rebel force was despatched to resist the anticipated attack. In the meantime, the assaulting columns were mar- shalled, and the mine exploded. The fort rose in the air; a huge crater opened in the earth, into which the ap- palled garrison sunk ; the storming columns rushed into the gorge, and for a moment success seemed certain. But delays in the supports gave the rebels time to rally ; the colored troops, that were foolishly sent in, broke in con- fusion ; everything was thrown into disorder, and the 108 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. whole affair proved worse than a miserable failure, for we lost nearly 5,000 men, and gained nothing. The rebels lost but little over a thousand. Burnside, who had charge of the mine and the arrangements for the assault, was so severely censured, that he asked to be relieved from his command. Some blamed Meade, and some Grant, for not taking the entire control of so important a matter into their own hands. One thing is certain, neither should ever have allowed the colored troops, nor any other equally raw ones, to be selected for such an enterprise. None but the most veteran, tried, intelligent regiments, should have been permitted to undertake so hazardous a task. The Committee on the Conduct of the War investigated the matter ; but the result, like all its investigations, only beclouded the truth. Its sessions had come to be re- garded as a great farce by the whole country. The total defeat of Early by Sheridan in the Shenan- doah Valley, in the autumn, released the pressure on Grant from Washington, and he once more turned his attention to the destruction of the enemy's communica- tions; Hence, on the 27th of October, the camp of the Army of the Potomac was broken up, four days' rations issued, the sick and camp equipage sent to City Point, and the army marched to the westward and southwestward for Hatcher s Run, which was known to be strongly fortified, and which constituted the extreme right of the rebel lines. The object was to turn the enemy's right flank, seize the forts, and thus having gained the rear, move rapidly across to the Southside Railroad. The Second Corps crossed the run and moved upon the opposing works ; but the Fifth, not being able to come up and form a junction at the right time, owing to the nature of the ground, the rebel General CAPTURE OF FORT FISHER. 109 sent a division into the gap, struck right and left, capturing guns and provisions, and driving back both corps with great loss, and the whole army vv^as withdrawn. The matter was made light of at the time ; but it was a sad failure. The army now went into winter quarters, and with the exception of some cavalry raids on the Weldon and other railroads, little of interest transpired. Sherman was moving across Georgia, and his advent on the sea-coast was waited with intense anxiety. The great event of the wintq^^, in connection with Grant, was the capture of Fort Fisher, which protected the entrance to Wilmington — the chief resort of blockade- runners. Butler had been sent to take it in December; but came back and reported that it could not be done, and the attempt would be a useless sacrifice of life. Grant did not send him on a reconnoissance to report, but to take the place ; and incensed at the miserable abortion which he had made of the whole affair, removed him and sent him to Lowell, to finish with his own suicidal hand a re- putation, bad enough at best, and good only in the eyes of those whose love of revenge and cruelty, for the time being, overrode their judgment. General Terry was ap- pointed in his place, and with the same troops, only slightly increased in number, in conjunction with Admi- ral Porter, gallantly stormed and took it. The heavens were growing black around Lee and Davis ; for by the middle of this month, Sherman had commenced his northward march from Savannah, and soon they might expect the heads of his columns in North Carolina. Something must be done, and that quickly ; for though Grant had thus far been foiled in every at- tempt to seize Richmond, a new foe was fast comino- on no LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. the field. From Fort Harrison, north of the James, to Hatchers Run, on the south, our lines stretched for nearly thirty miles, from every [)ortion of which Grant had made demonstrations against the rebel works in vain ; and though another year might be wasted in the same fruitless siege, the gathering of armies on the south would, in time, make his success certain. The first desperate attempt to relieve himself was made by Lee on the 24th of January, when three iron-clads and three wooden vessels, wdth a flotilla of torpedo-boats, came down the James river, intending to run the bat- teries, take City Point, and thus cut off the base of sup- plies for the whole army, and divide the forces north and south of the James. A large rebel force was massed north of the river to make an overwhelming assault on the army there, as soon as City Point was reached. A high tower, erected at the latter place for observation by Grant, was to be set on fire as a signal of success, and at the same time, of attack. The vessels came boldly down in the darkness, and it was soon evident that we had nothing on shore or in the river that could stop their progress, and consterna- tion seized our army along the banks. Most of our gun- boats were away with Porter, and the Onondaga, on guard, retreated down the river without attempting a de- fence. By good fortune, or rather through an over- rul- ing Providence, the iron-clads ran aground, and were stopped midway in their triumphant career. The country did not know what a narro\7 escape Grant and his army ran, but the Government did. On the committee of in- vestigation which was appointed, the universal testimony was, that if these vessels had not got aground, the siege of Richmond would have been raised, to say nothing of the disasters that might have befallen the army. City ALMOST A DISASTER. Ill Point once occupied by the rebels, not a pound of food could have reached our troops. Grant alone testified that he did not think the disaster would have been irre- parable, and he, only on the single ground that he had [)rovisions enough on hand to last, with great economy, two weeks, and by the end of that time he thought the Government would have been able to re-open his com- munications. On the probable success of outside efforts alone, he testified that he relied for salvation. What fearful issues hung on the simple question, whether those three iron-clads should clear the shoals. A few more feet of water, a few more moments of safety, and Grant's disaster before Richmond would have eclipsed all that had gone before, in the way of misfortune. Heaven be praised for its interference in our behalf on that dark night! But, as the winter drew to a close, events thickened rapidly. Wilmington fell ; Scholield had pushed up the Neuse to Kinston ; Charleston was evacuated, and Sherman's columns were well up toward the North Car- olina border ; Sheridan with his 15,000 men was on his triumphant march down to the James, burning and des- troying, and sending terror into the heart of Richmond. Unable to cross the river and cut the railroad south of it, and so keep on in that direction to Grant's left \ving, he destroyed the James River canal, and sweeping down, crossed the country north of the rebel capital, and reached the White House in safety. Before he joined Grant's army in the latter part of the month (March), Lee, now thoroughly alarmed, made another desperate effort to rend asunder the coils that were tightening around him. Just before daylight, on the 25th, he made a sud- den and successful assault on Fort Steadman, intending 112 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. to cut through Grant's lines, roll up the army, and per- haps keep on to City Point, and so raise the siege of Richmond. Our lines at this point were so near to the rebels, that the two hostile columns organized for the attack, were upon us before we were aware of their inten- tions. The first column cut a gap in the abattis, stormed through, and with a single bound leaped into the fort. Three of the five batteries that surrounded it were at once turned upon our fiying troops. The second column in the mean time prepared to charge through to the rear. But this fort was flanked by Fort McGivry on the one side and Forts Hascall and Morton on the other, which at once poured a storm of shot into the captured works. Shattered and torn, the victors could not all get back through the gaps they had made ; and in the mean time Hartranft was upon them, and the whole remainder, 2,000 strong, captured. Humphreys of the Second corps, still farther to the left, hearing the uproar through the morn- ins; air, and thinkino; the line in his front must have been weakened in order to strengthen the attack on Steadman, suddenly advanced, breaking the rebel lines and taking many prisoners. The sudden success turns into a disas- ter, and Lee has evidently played his last card. Grant thinks so too, and at once prepares to move. Two days after, Sheridan joined him, and was immediately sent tci the left. To a general understanding of the grand movements that follow, it is necessary to remember that the rebel riffht rested on the Weldon Railroad, near Hatcher's and Gravelly Run. At the point where the works touched it, two roads stretched otf, the Boynton plank road, run- ning southwesterly to Dinwiddle Court House, a dis- tance of about eighteen miles from Petersburg. The THE UNION TRIUMPHANT. THE FINAL MOVEMENT. 113 other road, White Oak, ran back directly west, to the Five Forks, where five roads meet, three of them running straight to the Southside Railroad, the only one by which Lee could escape to Danville, and so south. The Boynton plank road to Dinwiddle Court House was held by the rebels — in fact might be called the outer line guarding the Southside Hailroad. But Grant's plans being all matured, and Sheridan having arrived, he pro- ceeded at once to put them into execution. The Ninth corps confronted Petersburg; the Sixth and Twenty- fourth came next on the left, then the Second corps, and last the Fifth, while still beyond it stood massed Sheri- dan's cavalry, whose duty it was to find the rebel right, sweep round it, and come back on the enemy's works in flank and rear. The great eventful moment which was to decide the fate of Lee's army and of the rebellion had come. On the 29th, Sheridan's buo-les rang out, and his columns mov- ing south of the rebel right wing, pushed toward Din- widdle Court House, while the Second and Fifth corps crossed Gravelly Bun with but slight resistance. On the 3 1st our lines were united, and advanced toward the Boynton plank road. The great battle now commenced, and the fighting all this day was most terrific. Crossing the Boynton road, Warren moved north to the White Oak road ; but when about a mile from it, the rebel col- umns came down upon him in one overpowering charge. iVyres catches it first, and is driven back ; Crawford, who advances to the rescue, shares the same fate, and last the impetuous Griffin, s>veeping forward to stem the tide, is unable to stand its fury, and the whole line is driven back to the Boynton plank i"oad. This success left the enemy at leisure to turn upon Sheridan, coming in on 114 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. the left, forcing him back also. For a short time the prospect looked gloomy ; but Sheridan, bringing up Custer and Merritt, drove back the rebels ; the Fifth corps reformed, and advancing, regained its lost ground. Grant, informed of every movement, now put the Fifth corps under Sheridan. The latter at once set to work vig- orously to carry out Grant's great plan, thus temporarily checked. On the 1st of April he moved upon the Five Forks, and a desperate battle followed. He outdid him- self on this day, pouring infantry and cavalry forward with an impetuosity that nothing could resist. The ground was strewn with the dead, but the place was carried, and the portion of the rebel army holding it cut off from Petersburg, and sent, broken and shattered, west- ward, out of harm's way. The capture of this point was the sio-nal for a oeneral advance alono; the lines, ' Before O O CD daylight on Sunday morning, the Sixth, Second, and Twenty-fourth corps started for the Southside Railroad, now directly in their front. It was reached through a storm of fire, and torn up ; then, in a grand wheel to the right, the army, moving back around Petersburg, came down on the rebel works in rear. The right stormed Fort Mahon and captured it. This will not do — the mighty line of defence, costing so much time and labor, is crumbling to atoms. The impetuous Hill re- storms the fort — a bloody hand-to-hand fight follows — he succeeds — our brave troops are about to yield, when the Sixth corps, on its grand wheel, is seen approaching oi. tbe flank. A loud shout goes up ; Hill falls, struggling desperately to retain the victory just within his grasp ; the rebels flee, and the fort is ours. Grant's splendid army now lay in the rear of the rebel works, and the game was up. That Sunday's fighting solved the prob- CAPTURE OF RICHMOND. 115 lem. Davis, at church in E-ichmond, heard the news, and, Nebuchadnezzar-like, saw the handwriting on the wall. Hastily packing up his trunk, he left the capital. That night Petersburg and Richmond were both evacu- ated. Lee started his army on a rapid march for Dan- ville, hoping to get south and join Johnston, now con- fronting Sherman, near Raleigh. Weitzel, with the col- ored troops stationed on the north side of the James, marched into the rebel capital, ran up the old flag, and saluted it with cannon and music. The news spread Uke wildfire over the land, till the electric wires quivered with joy, and one loud shout rocked the north. The doors of Libby prison were thrown open, only to close again on rebel captives. Now commenced a race between Lee's and Grant's armies — the former marching swiftly along the north bank of the Appomattox, and the latter the south side, both heading for Burke's Station, fifty-three miles from Petersburg, where the Southside and Danville Railroads intersect. If we reached it first, Lee's chances of escape were well nigh hopeless, and he knew it. But Grant had the inside track. From the Rapidan to Richmond, a year before, Lee had it. Matters were reversed now, and Grant was not the general to let this advantage be lost ; so the two armies strained forward, Sheridan all the while harassing the rebel flank. Lee's army marched for life, ours for victory. Our army, by putting forth herculean efibrts, marching as wearied men never marched before, reached it first, and Lee was cut off from Danville by that route. On Thursday afternoon, with the assist- ance of the Fifth and Sixth corps, Sheridan completely cut off and captured Ewell's entire column of nine thou- sand men, seven general officers, fifteen field-pieces of ar 116 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. tiller}-, twenty-nine battle-flags, and six miles of wagon- trains. After reaching Burkesville, Gen. Meade, witli the greater portion of the Army of the Potomac, took up the pursuit on the north side of the railroad, while Sheridan's cavalry and Ord's Twenty-fourth corps moved rapidly along the south side of the road, Sheridan being con- stantly on Lee's flanks, frequently compelling him to halt and form line of battle, and as often engaging him, cut- ting off detachments, picking up stragglers, capturing cannon without immber, and demoralizing the enemy at every stand. On Friday, at Farmville, sixteen miles west of Burkesville, a considerable engagement occurred, in which the Second corps participated largely and suffered some loss. Lee, however, was compelled to con- tinue his retreat. At High Bridge, over the Appo- mattox, Lee again crossed to the north side of the river, and two of our regiments, the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania and One Hundred and Twenty-third Ohio, Avhich were sent there to hold the bridge, were captured by a strong- rebel cavalry force. The railroad bridge at this point, a very high and long structure, was burned b}^ the enemy. " Lee now headed directly for Lynchburg, in the hope of reaching a point where he could move around the front of our left wing, and escape toward Danville by a road which runs directly south from a point about twenty- miles east of Lynchburg. But Grant was too vigorous — the pursuit was too hot. Lee's rear and flanks were so sorely pressed that he was compelled to skirmish nearly every step, and to destroy or abandon an immense amount of property, Avhile Sheridan was rapidly shooting ahead of him. The position, therefore, on Sunday morning, was one from which Lee could not possibly extricate CORRESPONDENCE. 117 himself." " His army lay massed a short distance west of Appomattox Court House ; his last avenue of escape to- ward Danville on the southwest was gone ; he was com- pletely hemmed in ; Meade was in his rear on the east and on his right flank north of Appomattox Court House ; Sheridan had headed him off completely, by getting be- tween him and Lynchburg ; Gen. Ord was on the south of the Court House, near the railroad ; the troops were in the most enthusiastic spirits, and the rebel army was doomed. Lee's last effort to escape was made on Sunday morning, by attempting to cut his way through Sheri- dan's lines, but it totally failed." Grant, now seeing that Lee's escape was hopeless, sent him the following note, under a flag of truce, which re- sulted in the correspondence given below : April 7, 1866. General R. E. Lee^ Commanding G. 8. A. Geneea-l : The result of the last week must couvince you of the hope- lessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further etfusion of blood, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States Army, known as the Army of Norihern Virginia. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General, Commanding Armies of the United States. April 7, 1865. General: I have received your note of this date. Though not entirely of the opinion you express, of the hopelessness of fur- tlier resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless elFusion of blood, and therefore, before con- sidering your )n-oposition, ask the terms you will offer, on condition of itt, turrender. R. E. Lee, General. To Lieutenant General U. S. Grant, Commanding Armies of the United States. 118 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. Atbii. 8, 1866. To General R. E. Lee, Commanding C. S. A. Genekal: Your note of last evening, in reply to mine of same date, asking the conditions on which I will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, is just received. In reply, I would say that peace heing my first desire, there is but one condition that I insist upon, viz. : That the men surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or designate officers to meet any officers you may name, for the same purpose, at any point agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia will be received. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General, Commanding Annies of the United States. April 8, 1865. General: I received, at a late hour, your note of to-day, in answer to mine of yesterday. I did not intend to projxise tlie sui-render of the Army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender. But as the restoration of peace should he the sole object of all, I desire to know whether your proposals would tend to that end. 1 cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender the army of Northern Virginia; but as far as your ^iroposition may affect the Covfederate States forces nnder my command, and. tend to the restoration of peace, 1 should be [)leased to meet you at 10 a. m. to-morrow, on the old stage-road to Eichmond, between the picket-lines of the two armies. Very re-pectfully, Your obedient servant, E. E, Lee, General C. S. A. April 9, 1866. General R. E. Lee, Commanding G. 8. A. General: Your note of yesterday is received. As I have no authority to treat on the subject of peace, the meeting proposed for 10 a. m. to-day could lead to no good. I will state, however, General, that / am equally anxious for peace with yourself; and the whole North entertain the same feeling. T7ie terms upon which peace can he had are well understood. By thi LEE SURRENDERS. 119 South, laying down their arms, they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands of human lives, and hundreds of millions of property not y(' destroyed. Sincerely lioping that all our difficulties may be settled tcithout the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General United States Army. Sunday, April 9, 1865. General: I received your note of this morning, on the picket-line, whither I had come to meet you, and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposition of yesterday with reference to the surrender of this array. I now request an interview in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General. To Lieutenant-General Grant, Commanding United States Armies. Sunday, April 9, 1865. General JR. E. Lee, Commanding G. S. A. Your note of this date is but this moment, 11:50 a. m. received. In consequence of my having parsed from the Richmond and Lynchburg road to the Farmville and Lynchburg road, I am at this writing about four miles west of Walter's church, and will push forward to the front for the purpose of meeting you. Notice sent to me, on this road, where you wish the interview to take place, will meet me. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865. General R. E. Lee, Commanding C. S. A. In accordance with the substance of my letters to you of the 8th inst., I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate, one copy to be 120 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. given to an officer designated by me, the other to be retained by such officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery, and public property to be packed and stacked and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, EACH OFFICER AND MAN WILL BE ALLOWED TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they reside. Very respectfully, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant- General. HEADarARTERS, ARMT OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, ) April 9, 18C5. f Lieutenant- General U. 8. Ch'ant^ Commandmg U. 8. A. General: I have received your letter of this date, CONTAINING THE TERMS OF SURRENDER OF THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, as proposed by you. As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th inst., THEY ARE ACCEPTED. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General. Upon the reception of this letter, Grant hastened to the front, where Lee was awaiting him. The two met in the parlor of a neighboring brick house, and saluted each other with dignified courtesy. Lee presented his sword, which Grant received, and after contemplating it a mo- ment, handed back, saying, " it could not be worn by a braver man." The scene was one of intense interest. The younger, the victor, stood there backed by a million of soldiers ; the elder, vanquished, had but the fragment of a disheartened army left him. Long years before, LENIENT TERMS. 121 they had fought side by side under the same dear old dag ; for the last year they had confronted each other as foes, and struggled to overthrow each other on many a desperately contested battle-field. At their behest, men by tens of thousands had crowded the portals of deatli, and the track behind each was a long pathway of blood. The earth had groaned under the weight of their artillery, and the battle-shouts of their brave armies had shaken the heavens. Well-matched, neither for a long year had been able to wring decided success from the other. And now they stood face to face. What memories must have crowded upon them — what different prospects opened before them ! Lee at once acknowledged the lenient terms of the surrender, and proposed to leave all the details to General Grant. In speaking of the phrase, "personal effects," Lee asked an explanation of it, saying that many of his cavalrymen owned their own horses. Grant replied that they must be turned over to the government. Lee ad- mitted the correctness of the interpretation, when Grant said that he would instruct his officers to let those men who owned their horses retain them, as they would need them to till their farms. The rebel army had scattered very much within the last few days, to say nothing of the killed and captured ; so that not more than 20,000 or 25,000 men were pres- ent to lay down their arms. A more eventful Sunday than this to the nation never passed, and could it have everywhere been known what was transpiring that afternoon, the gentle chime of hells, calling the congregations to the house of prayer, would have been changed to a wild and deafening clamor. The next day the two generals met on an eminence 122 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. in full view of the rebel army, and conversed for nearly an hour on the future prospects of the country, and the best mode of restoring unity, harmony, and prosperity. When the news reached Johnston and Sherman, an armistice was agreed on between them, the terms of which not being approved by the Government, Grant was sent do^vn to arrange matters. The same terms which had been granted Lee were offered and accepted by the former commander, and the rebellion was ended. The mighty structure, which for four years had with- stood the colossal power of the North, and attracted to it the eyes of the civilized world, suddenly dissolved, like a fabric of mist, and was straightway seen no more. Grant now became the great man of the nation, and the chief soldier of the age. The nation delighted to do him honor, and shouts and acclamations attended his footsteps wherever he moved. Smoking his cigar with the nonchalance that he was wont to do in the wild- est shock of battle, he received the adulation of the people with the same apparent indifference he had the volleys of his foes, and, without being made dizzy by the pinnacle Dn which he suddenly found himself standing, seemed pleased only that his country was once more at peace. After the war was over Grant exhibited the same well-balanced character amid the fierce and warring pas- sions of men chat he did io the strife and tumult of battle. He shared with President Lincoln in that free- dom from bitter animosity to the South, for the untold evils it had brought ol the country, which so many in and out of power felt. Not that he felt less the fear- ful crime that had been committed, or was less shocked at its results, but that he was too great and noble to live iu the foul atmosphere of revenge and hate, and HIS KINDLY FEELINGS TO THE SOUTH. 123 was too far-seeing a statesman, and too pure a patriot, not to deprecate continued animosity and wider separa- tion. He felt that if South and North were ever a2:ain to form a Union, a union in reality and not in name, by-gones must be by-gones, so far as the common safety and justice would permit. Had President Lincoln lived, there is no doubt but that they would have moved in perfect harmony and accord in the work of reconstruction. But the tragical death of the President turned the kind feelings of too many in the North into gall and wormwood ; for in their grief and passion they forgot to be just, and the act of one madman was con- strued as the act of the entire South. Grant, though no one was more shocked and grieved than he, showed that superiority to surrounding influences that made him always so calm and self-poised in the heat of con- flict — even when every thing was tossing in wreck and ruin around him. In this respect he is one of the most remarkable men in history. Though possessing a kind heart, the con- tagion of sympathy, or passion, like the panic of officers and men in battle, never warped his clear judgment or prevented his seeing the right. When Secretary Stanton demanded that General Lee should be tried for high treason. Grant, to Stan- ton's astonishment and aj^ger, calmly replied that he should not. He had given his word as commander-in- chief at his surrender, that he should not be molested, and that promise should stand. Of course, a man so prominent as he, could not re- main out of political life however much he disliked it and its crooked ways. His first experience in it in- creased his natural distaste for it. Appointed Secretary 124 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. of War, in place of Stanton, lie got involved in a quar- rel with Johnson, the President, and his cabinet, in which Grant was accused of falsehood. It created a good deal of commotion at the time, but the idea that a man, who was trnth and straightforwardness itself, could stoop even to prevarication was too absurd to be entertained seriously. As Johnson's term drew to a close, all eyes were turned towards Grant as the only one who could safely conduct the ship of state through the troublous times before it. But the difficulty was to find out to what party he belonged. Leading politicians sounded him, but he persistently refused to talk politics. He said he did not wish the presidency. He knew that the annoyances, vexations and trials to which it would subject him, would be infinitely greater than those of the camp and battle-field. Besides the term of ofiice was of short duration, while that of Lieiitenant-General would not only be far pleasanter, but woukl endure for his lifetime. He said, moreover, if lie should accept the office, it would be from the same motive that prompted him to accept command in the army — to serve his country. The position, high or low, was of secondary consequence — he must see first how he could be of benefit to the country in occupying it. If a few lead- ers expected him to be a jnere machine, the wires of which they could pull, they grievously misunderstood his character. His main views he never concealed. His platform was broad as his character. The restora- tion of the Union to peace and prosperity was its foun- dation. How pitiful do mere factions appear when contrasted with this single-hearted, lofty patriotism. He eventually became the candidate of the Republican HIS VIEWS OF RECONSTRUCTION. 125 party and was triumphantly elected. No President of this republic, or probably of any other, ever went into power under more trying circumstances, or entered on a more difficult task than he. On the other hand, there was no man in the nation more fitted to meet both successfully. The bitter hatred that still existed be- tween the great mass of the people North and South, the almost equally bitter hatred that divided the two great parties North, rendered it impossible for him, or any other President, to please all, and a strictly just and patriotic course was the only one to pursue, and clamorous complaints, and abusive epithets never moved him from his high and steadfast purpose. The reconstruction of the Union and the getting the wheels of a disordered Grovernment moving regularly presented great difficulties, but he steadily surmounted them, and the four years of his presidential term closed so successfully that he was re-elected for a second term. He entered on it under auspicious circumstances and closed it successfully. His last advice to Congress, as he left the presidential chair forever, was noble and patriotic. He advised it to ignore the past in its legis- lation, and recommended a general amnesty to the South. He advised, also, the States to provide common schools for all its youths and children, and that the attendance on them be compulsory, feeling that ignorance is one of the greatest dangers to the stability of the republic. He said, too, that no sectarianism should be taught in them. He said, moreover, that those who, after 1890, cannot read and write should be denied the right of suffrage. That miserable sophism, the abstract right of suffrage of every man, he repudiated, knowing that intelligence alone could bestow that right, and that 126 LEEUTENANT-GENEEAL GRANT. intelligence and virtue are the only safeguards of the republic. A proper understanding of the circumstances which sun^ounded him, and the obstacles that met him at every step in the path he desired to pursue, will never be fairly appreciated until this generation has passed away, and one uninfluenced by the passions and party prejudices of the present has taken its place. That he sometimes erred in judgment, and made grave mistakes, it would be foolish to deny, unless we say he was more than human. Great men almost invariably have strong and positive characteristics, which designing, selfish, un- scrupulous men often use to their own benefit. Jack- son's attachment to his friends, and hatred of his ene- mies, were well known, so that with his peculiarly obsti- nate will, if either the one or the other could be secured, the object sought for was certain to be obtained. At the close of his second presi(l.ential term, he felt the need of relaxation, and, to secure this and at the same time gratify a long-cherished desire, determined to visit the Old World. He had well earned a long holiday, and when the Government was made ac- quainted with his determination, in consideration of his high services and position, it placed the Indiana, a national vessel, at his disposal. Other Presidents had visited Europe, out only as American citizens. Al- though General Grant was nothing more than one, yet being sent out in a national vessel, it gave him a repre- sentative character, while his fame as a great military leader, who had brought to a successful close one of the most stupendous civil wars the world had ever seen, gave him a prominence that no other American GENERAL GRANT'S TOUR AROUND THE WORLD. Map of the route. He left Philadelphia, May 17, IHTT. Keturning, arrived in Chicago, November lH, 1879. 128 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT. He left his native shore amid the acclamations of the people and the thunder of cannon, and was received on that of England, by the shouts of the assembled thousands gathered to welcome him. He was given the freedom of the City of London, and was invited by the Queen to Windsor Castle. He now in turn visited every capital in Europe even going far up into Lapland. Banquets, and honors, and military reviews were given him. He then started for the East. The same honors awaited him there, and palaces w^ere put at his disposal wherever he went. His counsel was sought by emperors on vexed questions, and he was looked up to with respect and veneration never before accorded to a stranger. At length, in August, 1879, Grrant embarked at Yoko- hama for San Francisco. The city at once made prep- arations to receive him with all the pomp and displa}^ in its power. When the dark plume of smoke from the funnel of the ship, Tokio, arose over the distant ocean, the bells were set ringing, and the multitudes gathered on the heights and walls to watch the ap- proaching vessel, and as she neared the port, swarmed in uncounted thousands to the dock to welcome him with shouts and acclamations. Never has a man, in modern times, been so feted and honored as he was in that and the neighboring cities. His return Eastward was one ovation, crowned by a greater one at Philadel- phia, after he' arrived on the Atlantic seaboard. During the winter and spring of 1878 he made a tour of the South and the tropics via Cuba and Mexico ; returning, he settled down in New York. Having failed to receive the nomination for President for a third term, he entered into partnership with the house of Fish & HIS TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. 129 Ward, which proved the greatest calamity of his life. They turned out to be unscrupulous swindlers, and soon went down with a crash, carrying General Grant and all his fortune with them, and, for a time, tarnishing his good name. But it was soon ascertained that he was the victim of a vile conspiracy and not one of the conspirators. Reduced to poverty he set about to redeem his for- tune. He had been to Mexico on railroad business, and, for a time, it was thought he would be President of the Nicaragua Canal Company, in which he took a deep interest. But at last he settled down to the work of writing his memoirs. But on June 2d, 1884, a slight event took place, which changed the whole current of his life. While eating some fruit in his cottage at Long Branch he felt a lump in his throat which caused him pain in swallowing. This, at last, turned out to be a cancer in his throat. Although the most dis- tinguished physicians attended him, and at times held out hopes of a cure, it was plain they did not indulge the belief themselves. There were rallies, and relapses, and hopes, and fears, till finally despair filled all hearts, and it was plain the great chieftain was a doomed man. He worked stead- ily, however, on his memoirs, though sometimes it looked as though he never would live to finish his work. Letters of sympathy poured in, not only fi-om every part of his own country, but from monarchs r.nd distinguished men in Europe. Never in the full blaze of his military renown did he seem so great as now, as with the meekness and docility of a child he bowed to the decree of heaven. His old pastor. Dr. Newman, was summoned from California to his bed- side and remained with him to console and pray with 130 LIEUTENAT^T-GENEEAL GRANT. him, as with a sweet and forgiving spirit he calmly prepared for his departure. One night, after a dav of great suifering, the doctor said, " What parting word shall I take to-night to give to the public for you ?" " Say," feebly replied the sufferer, " that I desire the good- will of all, whether heretofore my friends or not. Is that enough ? " " Yes," replied the doctor. Stand- ing, as he believed, on the brink of the grave, his great and forgiving heart, like that of his Divine Master, felt at that solemn hour only kindness toward those who had wounded him deepest. The summer heat in the city weakening him very much, he was removed to Drexel Cottage, on Mount McGregor, near Saratoga. The high, pure air revived him at first and he was able to see a few visitors. Among these was his old opponent. General Buckner, who surrendered to him at Fort Donelson. The con- versation on Grant's part was carried on with paper and pencil. The interview was confidential, but the following sentiment was so noble and patriotic that Buckner felt it should be given to the world : " I have witnessed since my sickness," Gen. Grant wrote, " just what I have wished to see ever since the war — harmony and good feeling between the sections. I have al- ways contended that if there had been nobody left but the soldiers we should have had peace in a year. and ■ are the only two that I know of who do not seem to be satisfied on the Southern side. We have seen some on ours who failed to accomplish as much as they wished, or who did not get warmed up to the fight until it was all over, who have not had quite full satisfaction. The great majority, too, of those who did not go into the war have long since HIS SICKNESS. 131 grown tired of the long controversy. We may now well look forward to a perpetual peace at home and a national strength that will screen us against any foreign complications." Grant wished to talk of his approaching death and give some directions as to what he wished to be done after he was g-one. But his family refused to talk with him on the subject, and broke down so completely when he referred to it that he at length gave it up and communed only with his God on the solemn event. But on the 16th of July — a hot day — he wrote on a slip of paper to Doctor Douglas : " I feel sorry at the prospect of living through the summer and fall in the condition I am in. I do not think I can ; but I may. But I am losing strength." The doctor endeavored to cheer him up by saying the appearance of his throat was very much improved. The suffering man, in re- ply, wrote the following on a slip of paper : " After all that, how^ever, the disease is still there, and must be fatal in the end. My life is precious, of course, to my family, and would be to me if I could recover entirely. There never was one more willing to go than I. I know that most people have first one and then another little thing to fix up, and never get quite through. This was partially my case. I first wanted so many days to work on my book, so the au- thorship would be clearly mine. It was graciously granted to me after being apparently much lower than since, and with a capacity to do more work than I ever did in the same time. My work had been done so hastily that much was left out, and I did it all over from the crossing of the James River, in 1864, to Ap- pomattox, in 1865. Since that I have added as much 182 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GEANT. as fifty pages to the book, I should think. There is nothing more to do, and, therefore, T am not likely to be more ready to go than at this moment." From this time on little change took place, and he slowly sunk away and July 23d. 1885, he breathed his last, with his weeping family standing around his bedside. Amid the tolling of bells along the Hudson River, his body was borne to New York City, where for two days it lay in state in the City Hall, and a quarter of a million of people were supposed to have marched sadly by his coffin. On the day of the funeral Dean Farrar conducted memorial services in Westminster Abbey — an honoi- never before paid to an American. His body was entombed at Riverside Park, and the proces- sion that accompanied it to its last resting-place was six miles long. But one of the most impressive sights was that of General Johnston, his old enemy on the battle-field, with Buckner and General Lee, who so often had fiung himself on General Grant's firm-set ranks ; and, last, the Virginia troops, clad in their old Confederate gray, and carrying their old hostile flag, riddled with Union bullets, now draped in mourning — following sadly their great conqueror to his tomb. It was nearly five o'clock when the grave was reached, and the sun was stooping to the western hori- zon as they silently, sadly laid him in it. Then " Put out the lights," the last strains of the bugle that tell the army the day's work is over and the time for retir- ing has come, was played. The guns from the fleet lying off shore on the Hudson fired a farewell salute that echoed mournfully away over the water, and the scene was ended, and the old hero " left alone in his glory." HIS CHARACTER. 133 A magnificent monument is to be erected on the spot, 122d Street, New York, in full view of the Hud- son and the millions that pass up and down its shores and channel. HIS CHARACTER. It is more difficult to analyze the mental than the moral character of Grant. Indeed, he seems to have had no peculiarly striking qualities, so evenly balanced was his whole character. He was not a man of genius, like Sherman, who dared to strike out a new military system, demolish old established theories, and, like the First Napoleon, introduce new military maxims. He was rather a man of great military talent, doing things not so much in a different way from other gen- erals, as with different 'power. Amid all his splendid achievements, we cannot recall one which indicates any particular genius, except his march fiora Grrand Gulf to Vicksburg. This swift, marvellous campaign was equal to the young Napoleon's first campaign in Italy, which gave him his fame. Military annals can furnish nothing superior to it in boldness of design, skilfulness of com- bination, and amazing rapidity and success of execution. Grant's whole mental nature was sluggish. It is said that when he kept store, it was hard to make him leave his seat to wait on a customer. But this sluggish- ness was not indolence, as his career abundantly testi- fies. There are some men in this world possessing im- mense mental power, who yet, from mere inertness, pass through life with poor success. Lighter natures outstrip them in the race for wealth or position, and the strength they really possess is never known, be- cause it has never been called out. It never is called out by ordinary events. They were made for great 134 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GEANT. emergencies, and if these do not arise, they seem almost made in vaiu ; at least these extraordinary powers ap- pear to be given them in vain. Grant was one of those. He was like a great wheel, on which mere rills of water may drop for ever without moving it, or if they succeed in disturbing its equilibrium, only make it accomplish a partial revolution. It needs *an immense body of water to make it roll, and then it revolves with a 'power and majesty that awes the beholder. No slight obstructions then can arrest its mighty sweep. Acquir- ing momentum with each revolution, it crushes to atoms everything thrust before it to check its motion. This was the kind of sluggishness which character- ized Grant — the sluggishness of great weight which always takes a great force to move, but whose activity, when once set in motion, is something fearful to con- template. As a military man, he showed a remarkable power in one respect that has hardly been commented upon — the power of handling large armies. Napoleon denied that more than one or two generals besides himself in all Europe, could manoeuvre a hundred thousand men on the field of battle. Grant did more than this, and the manner in which he handled the Army of the Potomac on the route from the Rapidan to Richmond was more astonishing than the winning of a great battle. The way he swung it from Spottsylvania to the North Anna, without having his flank crushed in, and from thence to the Pamunkey, and, last of all, from the Chickahominy, for fifty miles, across the James, right from under the nose of the enemy, and yet never be attacked, showed a capacity in wielding enormous forces possessed by few men in the world. HIS CHARACTER. 135 His moral qualities lay more on the surface, and could be appreciated by all. He was grand here, as in his mental organization. Noble in his generosity, he was often kinder to his subordinates than they were to themselves. Gentle to his foes when conquered, he subdued them by his kindness after they had yielded to his arms. Envious of none, and apparently devoid of ambition, he had labored with the single desire to serve his country and vindicate her flag. No man of modern times arose from so insignificant a position to so lofty a one in so short a period, and yet there was not a word or an act that showed it dis- turbed the equipoise of his character. We regard this as more remarkable than his military success. We are told that " he that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." General Grant showed that he could do this. Taking cities is not an uncommon ex- ploit ; but this thorough control of one's self, under the most unfavorable circumstances, is little short of a miracle. He was not betrayed into a foolish word or act, nor did he exhibit a revengeful spirit towards his enemies. He never sought promotion, indulged in no recriminations under slanderous charges, nor used his power to humble an enemy. Disliking public ovations, he submitted to them with a simpleness of manner that added an inexpressible charm to his character. Though so far above the people, he felt as one of them, and wore his honors as but few of our poor fallen race can wear them. It was these qualities, that, though so undemon- strative himself, made him universally beloved. CHAPTER VT. MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN SHERMAN AND GRANT— SHERMAN'S NATIVITY AND EARLY LIFE — ADOPTED BY MR. EWING SENT TO WEST POINT — MADE SECOND LIEUTENANT IN THE THIRD ARTILLERY AND SENT TO FLORIDA — STATIONED AT PORT MOULTRIE, SOUTH CAROLINA — SENT TO CALIFORNIA — RESIGNS HIS COM- MISSION AND BECOMES PRESIDENT OP A BANKING-HOUSE IN SAN FRAN- CISCO — MADE PRESIDENT OF THE LOUISIANA STATE MILITARY ACADEMY — SEEING WAR INEVITABLE, RESIGNS HIS PLACE IN A NOBLE LETTER — VISITS WASHINGTON, AND IS ASTOUNDED AT THE APATHY THERE — GIVES THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY OP WAR HIS VIEWS, WHICH ONLY CREATE A SMILE — MADE COLONEL AND FIGHTS AT BULL RUN MADE BRIGADIER OF VOLUNTEERS AND SENT TO KENTUCKY — INTERVIEW WITH THE SECRETARY OF WAR AND AD JUT ANT -GENERAL — ANECDOTE OF HIM — PRONOUNCED CRAZY — RELIEVED PROM COMMAND AND SENT TO JEF- FERSON BARRACKS— COMMANDS A DIVISION AT SHn.OH — SAVES THE BATTLE — THE FIRST TO ENTER CORINTH — TAKES HOLLY SPRINGS — COM- MANDS AT MEMPHIS — HIS ATTACK ON VICKSBURG — ARKANSAS POST — PULL ACCOUNT OF THE PART HE TOOK IN GRANT's CAMPAIGN AGAINST VICKSBURG — ORDERED TO CHATTANOOGA — DEATH OP HIS BOY, WHOM THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT HAD ADOPTED AS A PET, AND ELECTED SERGEANT — TOUCHING LETTER TO THE REGIMENT. Sherman and Grant will always occupy a prominent place in our history, not merely because they were great generals, but because their last campaigns, though sepa- rated by a vast interval, yet, working to one common end, closed the struggle. For a year, their movements en- grossed the thoughts and anxiety of the nation, and in the end they stood together, the two grand central figures ADOPTED BY THOMAS EWING. 137 on the stage of action. Linked together, as the com- manders of our two great armies, they move together to- ward a central point, and reaching it, stand up on their field of final triumph, the centre of attraction to the civilized world. So, linked together, they will go down, side by side, to immortality. William Tecumseh Sherman was born in Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, on the 8th day of February, 1820, and hence was only forty- tour years of age at the commencement of the war. His father being an ad- mirer of the great Indian Chief, Tecumseh, gave him that name. Three years after Tecumseh's birth, the father was elected Judge of the Superior Court of Ohio, and held this position till his death, in 1829. He was suddenly taken ill while on the Bench, and died away from home, a vic- tim to the cholera. William, at this time, was only nine years of age, and one of eleven children left to the care of the widow. The Hon. Thomas Ewing, a friend of the father, proposed to adopt William as his son, and provide for his education and entrance into active life. His proposal was accepted, and placing him in the acad- emy of the place, lie kept him at school until sixteen ; when he sent him to West Point Military Academy. He graduated four years after, in 1840, the sixth of his class, and entered the service as second lieutenant of the Third Artillery. Being ordered to Florida, he served there till next year. In November, he was made first lieutenant, and afterward stationed at Fort Moultrie, South Caro- lina. In 1846, he was sent to California, where he re- mained on duty during the Mexican War, and rose to the rank of captain. In 1850, he was married in Wash- ton to the eldest daughter of his benefactor, to whom he had been attached from his schoolboy days. Three years 138 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. after, in 1853, becoming tired of a profession that cod sisted in a mere monotonous round of unvarying duties, he resigned his commission, and was made President of the Banking House of Lucas, Turner & Co., San Fran- cisco. He remained here for several years ; but in 1860, being offered the Presidency of the Louisiana State Military Academy at Alexandria, with a salary of five thousand dollars a year, he accepted it, and remained in that position till the breaking out of the war, or, rather, till he saw that war was inevitable. In January, previous to the attack on Sumter, he sent in his resignation, with the following noble letter, which shows the wonderful forecast which afterward caused him to be denounced as crazy, but which made him the great general he was. G&v. Thomas 0'' Moore. Baton Eougb, La. Sie: As I occupy a quasi-military position under this State, I deem it proper to acquaint you that I accepted such a position when Louisiana was a State in the Union, and when the motto of the Seminary was inserted in marble over the main door : — " By the liberality of the Oovernment of the United States — The Union^ Esto Pei'petua.'''' Recent events foreshadow a great change, and it becomes all men to c-hoose. If Louisiana withdraws from the Federal Union, I prefer to main- tain my allegiance to the old Constitution as long as a fragment of it sur- vives, and my longer stay here would be wrong in every sense of the word. In that event, I beg you will send or appoint some authorized agent to take charge of the arms and munitions of war here belonging to the State, or direct me what disposition shall be made of them. And, furthermore, as President of the Board of Supervisors, I beg you to take imrnediate steps to relieve me, as Superintendent, the moment the State determines to secede ; for on no earthly account will I do any act, or think any thought, hostile to, or in defiance of, the old (government of the United States. With great respect, &c., W. T. Sheeman. The closing sentence of this letter is worthy of being written in gold on the front of the national capitol. INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT. 139 His resignation being accepted, lie went to St. Louis, and, just before the attack on Fort Sumter, repaired to Washington,* and had an interview with the President and Secretary of War. He laid before them, plainly, his views, at which they smiled, evidently regarding him as a very patriotic, but excitable, imaginative, man — one who had lived so long at the south that he had imbibed its extravagant notions. The President still clung- to the in- fatuated idea to which he gave utterance while on the way to Washington to be inaugurated, that it was an " artificial excitement," and said jocularly, in reply to Sherman's earnest representations, " We shan't need many men like you, the whole affair will soon blow over."" , Sherman was completely astounded at the apparent ignorance and incredulity of the Government as to the real state of affairs, and declared openly that those in authority were sleeping on a volcano that would soon open unex- pectedly beneath them. With his great forecast, he per- ceived a struggle impending, the like of which the world had never seen — nay, he already saw the ragged edges of the thundei'-cloud above the horizon, which soon was to darken all the land, and deluge it with fire and storm. Filled with such vie^vs, and alarmed at the apathy around him, he addressed a letter to Secretary Cameron, in which he said that, as he was educated at the expense of the United States, and owed everything to his country, he had come on to tender his military services, and declared, in solemn language, that war was inevitable, and that he (the Secretary) was unprepared for it. The fall of Sumter finally convinced the Government that " the storm " threatened to be a little too boisterous while " blowing over," and it called for 75,000 three months' 140 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. men, Sherman's friends now urged him to go home to 01 do and superintend the organization of the troops. He j'ejected the proposition with scorn, replying that he did not believe in such trifling expedients. " Why," said he, in his abrupt, proud way, "you might as well undertake to extinguish the flames of a burning building with a squirt-gun, as to put down this rebellion with three months' troops." When asked what course ought to be adopted — " Organize," said he, " for a gigantic war at once ; call out the whole military power of the country, and with an overwhelming, irresistible force, strangle the rebellion in its very birth." In the army that soon began to gather at Washing- ton, Slierman's friends, knowing his ability, wished him to have an important command ; but he replied, " I do not wish a prominent place — this is to be a long and bloody war." As mountain summits catch the sunlight long before it reaches the valleys below, so great men are illuminated by a wisdom that comes to ordinary mortals only with time. Had Sherman been invested with su- preme power at this time, the monster that attained such a oioantic o-rowth would have been stranoied in its in- fancy. McDowell, in organizing his army for the advance on Manassas, was anxious to secure his services, and he re- ceived the appointment of colonel in the regular army, and was assigned to the command of the Thirteenth In- fantry. In the battle of Bull Run, that followed, he commanded a brigade (the Third) in Tylers division, which held the position in front of the Stone Bridge, while Hunter and Heintzleman were making their wide flank movement to the right. When they, pressing up their success, came lown the further bank of the stream, BULL RUN. 141 opposite to him, he crossed over, and effected a junction with Hunter's division. He arrived just in time, for, as his four regiments rose over a hill, he saw that Burnside was nearly overpowered by the enemy. Moving swiftly forward, he poured in a close and murderous volley, and held his brave regulars firmly to their work. Says Burn- side, " It was Sherman's brigade that arrived at about half-past twelve, and, by a most deadly fire, assisted in breaking the enemy's lines." How Sherman fought in this first great battle of the rebellion may be inferred from the fact, that two-thirds of the loss in the division fell on his single brigade, while it was over a fifth of that in the whole army. The member of Consjress from Ohio now uro-ed his promotion, and on the 3d of August he was made Brig- adier-General of Volunteers. When Anderson was sent to Kentucky to take charge of the department south of the Ohio, Sherman was made his second in command, and despatched by him with seven thousand men — volunteers and home guards — to occupy Muldraugh's Hill, an im- portant point south of the Boiling Fork (Salt Biver). While on the way, he made the home guards a speech, telling them of the necessity for their services, and pro- posed to muster them into the United States' service for thirty days. To this they demurred, as they were with- out tents and haversacks, and mostly without blankets. At this Sherman grew angry, and abruptly told them they were a "paltry set of fellows." Chagrined at this accusation they, on the spot, voted him a "gruff old cock." But finding that, for a time at least, they had got to be under his command, they declared that he was a "bitter pill" to swallow, and at once changed his title into "old pills." They finally consented to be mustered 142 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. in for fifteen days, which so mollified Sherman that he immediately promised them tents, blankets, and every- thing necessary for their comfort. This at once changed the feelings of the guard, and one of them, in high glee, exclaiming that " old pills " was sugar-coated, his title was immediately changed to " old sugar-coated," and by that name he continued to be called till he left the depart- ment. At the expiration of their term, the home guards left him, and he found himself with only five thousand men in a disloyal section, opposed to Buckner with twenty-five thousand. Anderson now resigning on account of ill health, Sherman assumed supreme command. He at once asked for reinforcements, and at the same time employed every artifice to conceal his real weakness from the enemy. But the correspondents of the press, in various ways, without intending to do so, counteracted his efforts, and often exposed the very things he wished to be kept secret. This so exasperated him, that he issued a stringent order, excluding all reporters and writers for the press from his lines. This was considered a high-handed proceeding, and brought down on him a storm of abuse from every side. At this time, the New York Associated Press through- out the country was employed by the Government in trans- mitting its cipher messages. Hence, Sherman visited frequently the oflice of its agent, in Louisville, where he would often remain till three o'clock in the morning, so absorbed in thought that he would not reply to even a direct question. Only some ten thousand men had been sent into Ken- tucky, and he urged the Government so persistently for EN ROUTE TO THE FRONT. PRONOUNCED CRAZY. 143 more troops, saying that his position was a perilous one, tliat the Secretary of War and Adjutant-General Thomas were sent to Louisville to investigate the condition of af fairs. In an interview at the Gait House, Sherman made a clear statement of the condition of affairs, declaring that reinforcements must at once be sent him. Said he, " My 'brces are too small for an advance, too small to hold the important positions in the State against an advance of the enemy, and altogether too large to be sacrificed in detail.'' " Well," they inquired, " how many men do you need to •drive the enemy out of the State ? " " Sixty thousand," promptly replieH Sherman. " And how many for final success in the valley ? " " Two hundred thousand." The Secretary and Adjutant-General laughed outright at the declaration, saying that it was absurd, for no such force could be given him. "Then," replied Sherman, "you had better abandon Kentucky altogether, and not endan ger the army by scattering it, and so leaving it to be over whelmed in detail." They opposed this suggestion, and proposed to divide the department, placing one column under Mitchell to operate against Knoxville, and the other under himself against Nashville. To this he would not give his consent. On that same evening, still smart- ing from the remembrance of this unpleasant interview, he visited the room of the agent of the associated press. While there, a stranger approached him, and introducing himself as a correspondent of a New York paper, asked for a pass to proceed through his lines south, Sherman bluntly replied that he could not give him one. The man insolently retorted, " Well, Secretary Cameron is in the city, and I will get one from him." This was too much for Sherman in his then irritable mood, and he at once ordered him out of his department, saying that he would 144 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. give him two hours to get away, and if he found him within his lines after that time he would hang him as a spy. The man concluded not to seek the protection of the Secretary of War under the circumstances, and left the city by the first train. On reaching Cincinnati, he reported, with apparent sincerity, that Sherman was crazy, stark, staring mad. An editor, hearing of the in- terview between Sherman and the Secretary of War, got this man to write up a report of it, who did so, and en- deavored to prove that Sherman was unquestionably in- sane. In this manner, the story of his lunacy got afloat, which chagrined him deeply, and he gave utterances to his indignation in bitter terms. A few such madmen at the head of the government at that time would have saved the nation hundreds of thousands of lives, and a national debt that lies like an incubus upon it. Soon after the Adjutant-Gen eral's official report of this interview, giving more information to the enemy than all the correspondents of the land could do, of his weak- ness and position, got into print, which so disgusted him, that he asked to be relieved. His request was granted, and Buell put in his place. That he was " crazy," was now an accepted fact, and he was sent to Jefferson bar- racks, where it was not expected that his moon-struck theories could do any harm. There is an old proverb, that there is a " special providence for children and fools." In looking over the management of the government at the outset of the rebellion, it seems that the same special, providence alone saved us fi'om ruin. To all appearance, Sherman was now laid aside for the war. But a different sort of man from the Secretary of War was now to be thrown in contact with him. Grant could appreciate such an officer as Sherman and the AT PITTSBURG LANDING. 145 manner in Avhich the latter forwarded him supplies when he moved on Fort Donelson, revealed his capacity, so that afterward, when he took position at Pittsburg Lauding, the latter was placed in command, of the Fifth Division. In the bloody battle that followed, he showed what the peculiar type of his lunacy was. He rose at once to the peril of that occasion, and all day long moved like a fabled god over the disastrous field. Clinging to his position till the last moment, lighting as he retired, his orders flying like lightning in every direction, and he himself galloping incessantly through the hottest fire ; now rallying his men, now planting a battery, he seemed omnipresent, and to bear a charmed life. Horse after horse sunk under him; he himself was struck again and again ; and yet he not. only kept the field, but blazed like a meteor over it. At noon of that Sabbath day, he was dismounted, his hand in a sling, and bleeding, giving directions to his chief of artillery, while it Avas one inces- sant crasli and roar all around him. Suddenly he saw to the riglit, his men giving way before a cloud of rebels. " I was looking for that," he exclaimed. The next moment the batteiy he had been placing in position opened, send- ing death and destruction into the close-packed ranks. The rebel commande]-, glancing at the battery, ordered the cavalry to charge it. Seeing them coming down, Sherman (piickly ordered up two companies of infantry, which, pouring in a deadly volley, sent them to the right about with empty saddles. The onset was arrested, and our troops rallied with renewed courage. Thus he acted all that fearful Sabbath day. As Sheridan was the rock that saved Rosecrans at Stone river, and Thomas the one that saved him at Chickamauga, so Sherman was the rock that saved Grant at Shiloh. At its e4ose, his old legion met 10 146 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. him, and sent up three cheers at the sight of his well remembered form. Rousseau, in speaking of his conduct in this battle, said, " No man living could surpass him." General Nelson, a few days before his death, remarked, " During eight hours, the fate of the army on the field of Shiloh depended on the life of one man; if General Sherman had fallen, the army would have been captured or destroyed." Grant said, "To his individual eftbrts, I am indebted for the success of that battle ;" and Halleck, in his despatch, bore this unqualified testimony: "It is the unanimous opinion here, that Brigadier-General W. T. Sherman saved the fortunes of the day on the 6th of April." " He was a strong man in the high places of the field, and hope shone in him like a pillar of fire when it had gone out in all other men." The next day, when Buelfs fresh battalions took the field, Sherman again k'd his battered regiments into the fight, and enacted over again the heroic deeds of the day before ; for as Rousseau said, he "fights by the week." Untiring to the last, he pushed out the third day, after the victory, and whipped the enem)''s cavalry, taking a large supply of ammunition. In the subsequent advance to Corinth, his division bore the most conspicuous part, and was the first to enter the deserted works of the enemy. In the mean time he had been promoted to Major-General of Volunteers. He could now laugh at the slander that had so an- noyed him, and joke of it publicly. There were two General Shermans in the army before Corinth, the only difference in their names being a transposition of the initials W. T. and T. W. T. W. Avas known as the Port Royal Sherman, on account of his operations there after the capture of the place by Dupont. He was a very unpopular man with his troops, on account of a ti*etfiil ASSAULTS VICKSBURG. 147 peevish disposition, exhibiting itself not only in words, but in a disagreeable, nervous manner. He was equally unpopular with the officers, who discussed his peculiari- ties freely. One day. General W. T. Sherman was call ing on Steadman, when some one gave a ludicrous account of the behavior of T. W. Sherman on a certain occasion, which created a great deal of merriment. Sherman join- ed in it, and jokingly remarked, " Oh, that is the crazy Sherman, is it?" On the 20th of June, he advanced and took Holly Springs, and broke up the Mississippi Central railroad. Memphis falling into our possession. Grant placed him in command of it, and he, by his energetic manner, put a stop to the contraband trade with the rebels South, and almost wholly cleared, for the time being, his district of guerillas. Early in the winter. Grant organized his first expedi- tion against Vicksburg. His plan was for Sherman to go down the Mississippi, plant himself suddenly before the fortifications, and carry them by assault; while he himself, proceeding inland by railroad, should move with equal suddenness on Jackson, some forty miles or more back of Vicksburg, and prevent the rebel army there from reinforcing the latter place. On the 20th of December, with four picked divisions, Sherman, in a vast fleet of steamers, set sail for his place of destination. Determined that it should be no Red River cotton expedition, he issued an order at the start, declaring it was purely of a military character, and he would allow no private interests to be mixed up with it. " No citizen, male or female," he said, " would be allowed to accompany it, unless employed as part of a crew or servants to the transports. No person whatever, citizen, 148 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN.' officer, or sutler, will on any consideration buy or deal in cotton, or other produce of the country." At the same time, he declared that any one making reports for publi- cation would be treated as a spy. He, however, had hardly got afloat down the river, when the shameful surrender of Holly Springs brought Grant to a halt, and thus allowed the enemy to increase the garrison of Vicksburg to any strength desired. Sherman, ignorant of this, kept on, and disembark- ing on the 26th and 27th of December, near the mouth of the Yazoo, at once ordered a general advance on the city, and drove the enemy to his inner lines. For two days he now pressed the place at different points, and on the 29th made a grand assault upon it. The troops be- haved with great gallantry, charging desperately over bayous, through fallen timber, across ditches filled with water, and through abattis, and driving the enemy from his rifle pits at the bottom of the hill on which the city lay. Blair s brigade, especially, covered itself with glory, losing nearly a third of its entire number. But it was of no use ; it was a slaughter of brave men without re- sults, and Sherman, sending in a flag of truce asking per- mission to bury his dead, abandoned the undertaking, and finally re-embarked his troops. McClernand now ar- rived, and took chief command ; and dividing the army into two corps, with Sherman commanding one, proceeded up the Arkansas River to take Arkansas Post. What the condition of things and prospects of success were at the time this expedition against Vicksburg was undertaken it is impossible to say, but looking at it in the light of after events, it seems to have been an ill-judged afikir. Whether Sherman really believed when he made the assault there was any reasonable chance of success, or COMMANDS A CORPS. 149 whether it was risked because he felt that tl e effect of re- tiring without making the attempt would be worse than failure, we have no means of knowing. But we strongl}; suspect the latter was the ruling motive. In announcing the fact of his being superseded, Sher- man exhorted his troops to give the same cheerful obe- dience to their new commander that they had to him ; and, alluding to their failure to take Vicksburg, said, " Ours was but a part of a combined movement, in which others were to assist. We were in time ; unforeseen con- tingencies must have delayed the others.*" Seven days after, the army and navy combined captured Arkansas Post, with seven thousand prisoners and all its guns. Grant now commenced his great and eventually suc- cessful expedition against Vicksburg, in which Sherman commanded the Fifteenth Army Corj3s. The main army lay comparatively idle during the long weeks that the gunboats were attempting, by inland navi- gation, through canals, bayous and narrow streams, to get in rear of the stronghold. But in the last attempt through Yazoo Pass, Sherman, with a land force, acted in concert with Porter s fleet. It was well he did, for the Admiral, after days of unprece- dented toil, carrying his boats along narrow water courses, where no craft larger than a row boat was ever before seen, at length got within a few miles of the Yazoo and open sailing, when the enemy, by felling trees across the stream before and behind him, threatened to shut him up entirely in the wilderness, and thus secure the destruc- tion of the fleet. In this dilemma he attempted to force his way back ; but sharpshooters lined the banks, and the number of the enemy constantly increased, while he could hear nothing of Sherman's brigade, that was toil- 150 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. ing forward, swallowed up somewhere in the woods and swamps. The latter, however, heard the heavy firing north of him, and guided by the sound, pushed on till a1 length the head of his weary column stood on the tangled banks of the sluggish stream. A shout went up at the dad sight, and Porter said : " I do not know when I felt more pleased to see that gallant officer, for without great loss we could not have performed the arduous work of clearing out the obstructions." If Sherman could have arrived two days sooner, the fleet would doubtless have reached the Yazoo, and Vicksburg been taken in a very different way than it eventually was. When Grant finally took the bold resolution of run- ning the rebel batteries with his gunboats and transports to meet his army below, marching inland, Sherman's corps was left behind, at first to wait for the completion of the roads, and then to make a feint on Haynes' Bluff*, while Grant, with McClernand's corps, attacked Grand Gulf This was for the purpose of preventing Pemberton at Vicksburg from sending reinforcements to the latter }>lace. Sherman, embarking his troops on transports, and ac- companied by the gunboats, proceeded at once to the scene of his former discomfiture, and on the 29th of April, stood in battle array before the place, while the gunboats kept up a fierce bombardment upon it. He continued to manoeuvre before it day after da}-, until a messenger ar. rived from Grant, announcing the fall of Grand Gulf, and directing him to hurry forward with his corps and join him at that place. Ke-embarking his troops, he set sail for Young's Point, and next morning started across the country. In three days, over horrible roads, he reached Hard Times, opposite Grand Gulf, a distance of sixty-thi-ee miles. That night and next day he crossed SWIFT MARCHING. 151 the Mississippi, and the day after, May 8th, marched eighteen miles to Hankinson's Ferry, on the Big Black. Grant was already on the move for Jackson. Pushing on, he approached the latter place in a torrent of rain, just in time to hear the thunder of McPherson s guns in the advance, as he was charging the enemy. After the capture of the capital he was left there to de- stroy the public property, while the rest of the army wheeled back towards Vicksburg. On the morning of the IGth, be received a message from Grant, stating that the enemy was advancing on him from Edward's Depot, and directing him to put in motion one of his divisions at once, and follow with the others as soon as the work of destruction in Jackson was complete. Steele's division was hurried off in two hours, and two hours later Tuttle's followed on, and before night Sherman with his whole corps Was twenty miles from the place, pushing on in a forced march to the help of his chief This was unparalleled marching, and filled even Grant with admiration. Doing; but little of the fio-htino; along the Big Black, he pressed forward, and on the 18th the head of the column reached the Benton road, and he commanded the Yazoo ; interposing a superior force be- tween the enemy at Vicksburg and his forts on that river. Resting here till the column could close up, and Grant arrive, he then extended his lines, till, on the 19 th, they rested on the Mississippi, with Vicksburg in plain sight. He participated in the grand assault on the 2 2d, losing some six hundred men. He continued to hold the light during the long siege that followed, carrying his lines Mteadily nearer the doomed place. Johnston, in the meantime, having concentrated a large force at Jackson, at length seriously threatened 152 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. Grant's rear, and he, having determined to assault Vicks. burg on the 6th of July, previously notified Sherman of tlie fact, and directed him, if it was successful, to be in readiness to march at once and attack the former. The place surrendered two days earlier than the date men- tioned, but Sherman was all ready to march even then, and leaving to others the glory and excitement of march- ing into Vicksburg, wheeled about, and passing quickly over the intervening space of forty-five miles, suddenly confronted the rebel leader in Jackson. The latter, under the cover of a dense fog, made a sudden assault on his lines, but he could not take this sleepless leader by surprise, and being driven back, hastily evacuated the city. Sherman now spread devastation on every side, destroying bridges, railroads, and other valuable property for miles around. In speaking of his conduct. Grant says: "The siege of Vicksburg, and last capture of Jackson, and dispersion of Johnston's army, entitle General Sherman to more credit than usually falls to the lot of one man to earn." Thus Providence was brino-ino- these two men closer and closer together, and training them for the great work be- fore them. ' Sherman's army now rested for awhile, but Rose- crans' defeat at Chickamauga, in September, by which Chattanooga was placed in great peril, caused Grant to telegraph the former to despatch a division at once to his help. He received it on the 2 2d of September, and by four o'clock the division was off. The next day he re- ceived another, directing him to follow with his whole army. In three days more the army was working its slow, tedious way up the Mississippi in transports. The water was low, and fuel scarce, and the troops had often to land and gather fence rails and haul wood from the in- A TOUCHING LETTER. /53 rerior to keep up steam, so that he did not reach JVJ emphis till the beginning of October. But while he was fuliillinsr his orders with such alac- o rity, and pushing on his troops with such energy, his heart was heavy with grief. The tread of his victorious col" umns, and the flaunting of his proud banners, no longer brought light to his eyes, nor awakened the pride of the warrior ; for the indomitable spirit of the chieftain had sunk before the feelings of a father. His beautiful boy, that bore his name, was being wafted mournfully up the Mississippi a corpse, in charge of his weeping mother. While lying along the pestiferous banks of the Big Black Eiver, his wife and family visited him, and one child, in the malarious atmosphere, sickened and died. On his first arrival in camp, he became a great pet in the Thir- teenth Regular Infantry — Sherman's old regiment, that he commanded in the battle of Bull Run — wliifli made him a sergeant, and heaped on him all those little testi- monials of affection, which soldiers know so well how to bestow. This kindness had touched Sherman's heart, and now at midnight, as he sat in his room at Memphis, and thought of his little boy pale and lifeless, far away, floating sadly up the Mississippi, this kindness all came back on him, and, bowed with grief, he sat down and wrote the following touching letter to the regiment : Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 4th, Midnight Ca2}t. C. C. Smith, Commanding Battalion Thirteenth Infantry : My Dear Friend : I cannot sleep to-night till 1 record an expression of the deep feelings of ray heart, to you, and to the officers and soldiers of the battalion for their kind behaviour to my poor child. I realize that you all feel for my family the attacliment of kindred, and I assure you of full '•eciprocity. Consistent with a sense of duty to my profession and office, I could not leave my post, and sent for my family to come to me in that fatal climate, and behold the result I The child that bore my name, and in whose 154 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. future I reposed with more confidence than I did in my own plar.6 of life, now floats a mere corpse, seeking a grave in a distant land, with a weeping mother, brother, and sisters clustered around him. But for myself I can ask no sympathy. On I must go to meet a soldier's fate, or see my country rise superior to all faction, till its flag is adored and respected by ourselves, and all the powers of the earth. But my poor Willy was, or thought he was, a sergeant of the Thirteenth. I have seen his eyes brighten, and his heart beat, as he beheld the battalion under arms, and asked me if they were not real soldiers. Child as he was. he had the enthusiasm, the pure love of truth, honor, and love of country which should animate all soldiers. God only knows why he should die thus young. He is dead, but will not be forgotten till those who knew him in life have followed him to the same mysterious end. Please convey to the battalion my heartfelt thanks, and assure each and all, that if in after years they call on me or mine, and mention that they were of the Thirteenth regulars, when poor Willy was a sergeant, they will have a key to the aifections of my family, tliat will open all that it has — that we will share with them our last blanket, our last crust. Your friend, W. T. Sherman, Maj.-Gen. Nothing can be more touching than this letter. How It lays open his inmost heart to his soldiers ! Ordinary expressions of courtesy or acknowledgments of gratitude would not answer. Their sympathy had made them for a time his equals, and he writes to them as friends — the dearest of friends, because friends of his boy. Their love for him had bound them to him by a tenderer chord than long and faithful service in the field. Ah, what a heart this man, this rough man, as many tvTfmed him, had! No man could write that letter, in whose heart did not Iwell the gentlest, noblest impulses of oui nature. The brave Thirteenth will cherish that ktter AA'hile life lasts, and transmit it as an heir-loom to their children. These sudden gleams of tenderness and sympathy, shooting athwart the stern and turbulent scenes of ^var, like bursts of sunshine along a stormy sea, reveal and assert our common brotherhood and destiny. SERGEANT WILLIE. 155 The regiment ordered a marble monument for their little sergeant, and had inscribed on it, " Our little ser- geant, Willie, from the First Battalion Thirteenth United States Infantry." " In his sinrit there was no guile." CHAPTER VII. CHATTANOOGA. Sherman's maech prom the Mississippi to chai tanooga — his arrivat —establishes himself on missionary ridge — the morning before the battle— picturesque view — opening of the battle — the vic- tory — pursuit — ordered to march north to the relief of knox- ville— state of his army — heroic devotion— sherman at vicks- burg — the expedition into central mississippi — its object and cause op its abandonment — placed over the mississippi depart- ment — plans the atlanta campaign — its originality — the number and distribution of his forces. We cannot follow Sherman in liis lono; inarch of three hundred miles or more across the country to Cliattanooga. At first he was ordered to repair the railroad as he ad- vanced, so as to bring up his supplies, but Grant, who had taken command in person at Chattanooga, saw that this was slow work, and time pressing, sent word to cut loose from the railroads, and living on the country, push on as fast as his troops could march. He did so, and on the 15th of November, rode into Chattanooga, and was wel<;omed with delight by Grant. His army was not yet across the Tennessee, and the latter directed him to get them over at once, and march them up beyond the place, and secure a lodgment on the extremity of Missionary Ridge, where it abutted on the river. The troops, foot- sore, and many of them shoeless, needed rest after tliis long and terrible march, and Sherman knew it. To ask ON THE enemy's FLANK. 157 them at once to go into battle was making a heavy de- mand, but the enemy's batteries had been planted in shelling distance of the town, and provisions were scarce, so that time for rest could not be given. As he rode through Grant's encampments, the need of haste was ap- parent, and he says: "I saw enough of the condition of men and animals in Chattanooga to inspire me with re- newed energy." In the meantime, directing Swing's division to make a demonstration on Lookout Mountain, as ordered by Grant, he jumped into a rowboat, and pulling down to his army, put it in motion. But the roads had become almost impassable with the heavy rains, and told heavily on the over-exhausted troops. Still, by laboring night and day, Sherman succeeded in getting, by the 23d, three divisions up the river, concealed behind the hills opposite Chickamauga Creek. At the same time, he had concealed one hundred and sixteen pontoons, in a stream near by, which, after dark, were floated down into the Tennessee, full of soldiers ; and by dawn the next day eight thousand men were on the other shore, and had thrown up a rifle trench as a tete du pont. A bridge thirteen hundred feet long was immediately be- gun, and by one o'clock was shaking to the tread of the hurrying columns. A drizzling rain was falling at the time, which, with the low clouds hanging along the heights, concealed the movement. By three o'clock the astonished enemy found an army hanging along the sides of Missionary Ridge, on his ex- treme left. A feeble attempt was made to repel the ad- vance, but the artillery, dragged up the steep ascent, scat- tered the enemy, and night found Sherman securely planted. A second ridge, farther in, was the great point 158 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. aimed at, and the assault on this was deferred till morn- ing light would reveal the rebel position. While this was ffoins; on, Hooker had made his gal lant assault on Lookout Mountain, and carrying it, open- ed his communications direct with Chattanooga. Grant now had his army where he wanted it, and de- termined the next day to settle the question whether Chattanooga was to be held or abandoned. During the night it cleared off, and a sharp autumnal frost rendered the air of that high region still clearer, and gave a darker blue to the deep vault of heaven. The soldiers crowned the hills with camp fires, revealing to the enemy their po- sition, as well as shoAving to their friends in Chattanooga the important point that had been gained. At midnight a staff officer of Grant reached Sherman with directions to attack at daybreak, saying that Thomas would also at- tack "early in the day." Sherman turned in for a short nap, but before daylight he was in the saddle, and riding the whole length of his lines, examined well his position and that of the enemy. By the dim light he saw that a valley or gorge lay between him and the next hill, which was very steep, and that the farther point was held by the enemy with a breastwork of logs and earth in front. A still higher hill commanded this with a plunging fire, which was also crowded with the foe. He could not see the bottom of the gorge below, and was not able to com- plete his preparations so as to attack by daylight, as he had been ordered. General Corse was to lead the ad- vance, and before he had fully marshalled his forces, the sun arose in dazzlino; brij^htness over the eastern heio-hts, CD a o " and flooded the scene with beauty. His beams were sent back from tens of thousands of bayonet points, and flash- ed athwart loiTg rows of cannon, while the increasing ASSAULTS THE ENEMY. 159 light brought out in a gTand panoramic picture, Chat^ tanooga resting quietly below in its amphitheatre of hills. Banners waved along the heights, and rose over Grant's encamj)ment in the distance, and all was bright and beautiful. Here and there a bugle-call and drum-beat gave increased interest to the scene. But its beauty was soon to change — those summits now baptized in golden light were to be wrapped in smoke and heave to volcanic tires, and strong columns stagger bleeding along their sides. Sherman at length being ready. Corse's bugles sounded the '4brward," and the assaulting regiments moved stead- ily down the hill, across the intervening valle}-, and up the opposing slope. Morgan L. Smith on the left of the ridge, and Colonel Loomis abreast of the Tunnel, drew a portion of the enemy's fire away from the assaulting column, which having closed in a death-grapple with the foe, now advanced its banners, and now receded, but never yielding the position it had at first gained. Grant could see the struggle from his position at Chattanooga, and at one time observing two brigades give Avay in disorder, thought Sherman was repulsed ; but it was not so. Corse, Loomis and Smith, stuck to the enemy with a tenacity that gave lum.not a moment's rest. Sherman's position not only threatened the rebel right fiank, but his rear and stores at Chickamauga station ; hence the persistency of iiis attack alarmed Bragg, and he steadily accumulated forces against him, that rendered an advance on Sher- man's })art impossible. Hour after hour the contest raged with terrible ferocity, and the flaming cloud-^vrap- ped heights appeared to the lookers-on at Chattanooga, like a volcano in full fierce action. Grant had told Sher- man, that Thomas would attack early in the day, but 1(J0 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. the latter watched in vain for the movement. The gal lant Corse had been borne wounded from the field, and Grant, fearful that Sherman was being too heavily press- ed, sent over to his help Baird's division ; but Sherman sent it back, saying he had all the troops that he wanted. Thus, he fought the battle alone all the forenoon, and still the banners drooped lazily along their staffs in front of Chattanooga. He began to grow impatient. In the bright clear air he could look down from his position on the " amphitheatre of Chattanooga," but could discern no signs of the promised movement. Now and then a soli- tary cannon shot alone told that the army there was alive ; but beyond, toward Lookout, where Hooker was trying to advance, the heavy reverberations of artillery and dull sound of musketry showed that he was pushing the enemy. Thus matters stood at three o'clock, when, said Sherman, " I saw column after column of the enemy streaming toward me, gun after gun poured its concentric shot on us from every hill and spur that gave a view of any part of the ground held by us." The attack of Thomas which was to be " early in the day." was unac- countably delayed, and what could it all mean, was the anxious enquiry he put to himself One thing was plain — his exhausted columns could not long stand this accumulation of numbers and concentration of artillery. Grant, too, was anxious. The appearance of Hooker's column, moving north along the ridge on the other flank of the enemy, was to be the signal of assault on the centre; but hour after hour passed by and no advancing banners were seen. The latter had been detained in building a bridge across Chattanooga creek. At length, he could wait no longer, and hearing that Hooker was well advanced, and seeing the centre weak- ROUT OF THE ENEMY. 161 ened, to overthrow Sherman, he ordered the assault to be made. Sherman, whose glass was scarcely for a moment turned from the centre, now saw with relief a "white lino of musketry fire in front of Orchard Knob, extending further right and left and on." "We could hear," he says, "only a faint echo of sound; but enough was seen to satisfy me that General Thomas was moving on the centre." That white line of smoke kept advancing, till it streaked the mountain side. "At length it disappeared behind a spur of the hill, and could be no longer seen, and it was not until night closed, that I knew the troops in Chattanooga had swept across Missionary Ridge and broken the enemy's centre." As soon as he had ascer- tained it, his columns were started in pursuit. General Morgan L. Smith being ordered to feel the Tunnel, and see what force was there ; found it "vacant save by the dead and wounded of our own and the enemy's commingled." The next morning at eleven o'clock, Sherman ap- proached the depot to find it a scene of desolation. " Corn- meal and corn in huge burning piles, broken wagons, aban- doned caissons and guns, burned carriages, pieces of pon- toons, and all manner of things burning and broken," at- tested the ravages of war. Along the road strewed with the wrecks of the fight, he pressed on till night, when just as he emerged from a miry swamp, he came upon the en- emy's rear guard. A sharp contest followed, but the night closed in so dark that he could not move forward. Here in the gloom Grant joined him. The next morning he continued the pursuit ; but finding the roads filled with all the troojos "they could accommodate," he halted and turned to the east to break up the communications be- tween Bragg, and Longstreet now before Knoxville. 11 162 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. Having finished the work assigned him, he was expecting rest, when on the 30th, just as he had entered Charleston, a letter was handed him from Grant, informing him that Burnside was completely invested at Knoxville, and had provisions only to last three days longer, and direct- ii]g him to move at once to his relief. What! after a march of four hundred niiles, and a fierce battle, and days of pursuit, now to make a forced march of eighty-four miles in winter over a broken country. It was a terrible order, and Sherman felt it to be so. " Seven days before," says he, "we had left our camp on the other side of the Tennessee with two days' rations, without a change of clothing, stripped for the fight, with but a single blanket or coat per man — from myself to the private. Of course we then had no provisions save what we gathered by the road, and were ill supplied for such a march. But we learned that twelve thousand of our fellow soldiers were beleaguered in the mountains of Kjioxville, eighty-four miles distant, that they needed relief, and must have it in three days. This was enough, and it had to be done." Yes, it had to be done; but it was hard that it must be done by that weary army. Rapidly gathering his forces together, he the next day but one, moved rapidly ofi^ toward Loudon, twenty- six miles distant. By dark, Howard had reached it; but. the bridge was gone, and he was compelled to tui'ii east to find a place for crossing. Delay was now inevi- table ; but Burnside must have notice, and that in twenty- four hours, that he was approaching; so, that night he sent forward his aid to Colonel Long, commanding the cavalry, to explain the state of afikirs to him, and direct him to pick out at once his best men and horses, and ride for life till he reached Knoxville. " The roads were RELIEF OF BURNSIDE. 163 villainous;" but before daybreak the gallant Colonel was off, and pressing on through mire and wet, across streams and over mountains, he the next night reached Knox- ville and the clatter ol" his horses' hoofs through" the sireets, bore the welcome tidings to Burnside, that Sher- man was marching to his relief Itie latter diverged to Morgantown, where his maps represented the river as shallow enough to be forded, but he found the stream chin-deep and the water freezing. A bridge, therefore, had to be built, over 1,200 feet long, but they had no tools except axes, spades and picks. Gen. Wilson, however, went to work, and using the houses of the place to make trestles and crib-work, he, by the night of the 4th, had a bridge completed. But the next night a courier arrived from Burnside, stating that Long- street had raised the siege, and was moving off towards Virginia. Hearing that Sherman was advancing, he abandoned the place just as he thought it was about to fall into his hands. Sherman now ordered his tired army to halt and rest, and sending on Granger ^vith his two di- visions, he himself rode on to Knoxville and inspected the fortifications. He then moved his army back to Chattanooga by easy marches. Sherman might well be proud of the Fifteenth corps, and he says, "I must do justice to my com- mand for the patience, cheerfulness, and courage which officers and men have displayed throughout, in battles, on the march, and in camp. For long periods with- out regular rations or supplies of any kind they have marched through mud and over rocks, sometimes bare- footed, without a murmur, without a moment's rest. After a march of over four hundred miles without stop for three successive nights, we crossed the Tennessee, 164 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. fought our part of the battle of Chattanooga, pursued the enemy out of Tennessee, and then turned more than one hundred miles north and compelled Longstreet to raise the siege of Knoxville." He says further, " I cainiol speak of the Fifteenth Army Corps without a seeming vanity, but as I am no longer its commander I assert there is no better body of soldiers in America than it, or who have done more or better service." This Avas true, and Sherman s whole course from the time he had left Mem- phis, had been a miracle of marching and fighting and endurance. In January Sherman was again at Vicksburg. While here he wrote a long and able letter on the proper treat- ment of disloyal people and a conquered territory, which shows that he knew how to handle the pen as well as the sword. At the close of the month he organized the expedition into Central Mississippi, which caused so much excite- ment at the time. North and South. It was reported that he had destroyed his communications behind him, and struck off into the heart of the country, while no one knew his destination. With about 20,000 infantry and 1,200 cavalry he set out from Vicksburg on the 3rd of February, and pushing east, crossed the entire State of Mississippi to Meridian. Smith, with 8,000 cavalry, was to leave Memphis on the 1st, and join him at this place, but he did not start till the 11th, and was then defeated and driven back. Sherman s design was to cut Mobile off from Johnston, who lay in front of Grant, break up Polk's army in his own front, and then, if possible, turn down on Mobile, at the gates of which Farragut was at that time thundering. The deleat of Smith, however, THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. 165 broke up this part of the plan ; and he was compelled to take his backward march to Vicksburg, which he reach- ed in safety. His sphere of action was now to be enlarged. Grant being appointed Lieutenant-Gen eral in March, the de- partment of the Mississippi, composed of the departments of the Ohio, CumberLand, Tennessee and Arkansas, was given to him. Under him were McPherson, Hooker, Thomas, Howard, Hurlbut and Logan, strong men all, and forming a group of subordinates, the superior of which never gathered under one commander. Now the preparations for the two grand movements commenced, which were to end in the overthrow of the rebellion. Grant, with the Army of the Potomac, was to move on Lee and Richmond, and Sherman on John- ston and Atlanta. The two campaigns, however, as before mentioned, were not alike. Grant had not half the distance to go of Sherman, and could shift his base at any moment, which he did, first to Fredericksburg, then to the Pamunkey and finally to the James river. The latter, on the con- trary, had a single base, with which he must keep con- nected by a solitary line of railroad, with cavalry swarm- ing on both flanks, watching to destroy it, and thus secure his overthrow. No such deep operations with a large army had ever before been attempted, and it was very problematical if this one could be successful. At all events, it was generally thought that a second army would be needed to hold this long line of railway. He asked for a hundred thousand men, and two hun- dred and fifty pieces of artillery. He started with this number, minus twelve hundred, and with two hundred and fifty-four pieces of artilleiy. The army was divided 166 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. as follows : The Army of the Cumberland, under Thomas^ was composed of sixty thousand seven hundred and seventy-three men, and one hundred and thirty guns; Army of the Tennessee, McPherson commanding, twenty- four thousand four hundred and sixty-five men, and ninety-six guns; Army of the Ohio, Schofield, thirteen thousand five hundred and fifty-nine men, and twenty eight ffuns. MOUND BATTERY NEAR PORT FISHER, N. C. INTERIOR VIEW OP PORT FISHER, N. C. BATTLEFIELD OP MALVERN HILL, VA. MAP OF THE ATALANTA CAMPAIGN CHAPTER VIII. ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Sherman's foresight in PEEPAErNo for contingencies — flanks dalton — BATTLE OF RESAOA — DEFEAT OF THE ENEMY — THE PURSUIT — CAPTURE OF ROME — FIGHT AT DALLAS — FLANKING OF ALLATOONA — A SECOND BASE ESTAB- LISHED THE KENESAW MOUNTAINS — STRENGTH OF THE POSITION DESPERATB ASSAULT OF DEFEAT FLANKING AGAIN RESORTED TO CHATTAHOOCHEE EIVER REACHED — VIEW OF THE COUNTET — TEREIBLE ASSAULT ON THOMAS — HOOD RETIRES TO HIS INNER WORKS — DESPERATE ATTACK ON MCPHERSON — HEAVY REBEL LOSSES — CAPTURE OF STONEMAN — CUTTING THE REBEL LINES OF COMMUNICATION — ATTACK ON HOWARD — THE ARMY SWUNG ROUND THE CITY TO THE MACON ROAD— FIGHT AT JONESBORO' — ATLANTA EVACUATED — DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY — SLOCUM TAKES POSSESSION — REVIEW OF THE CAMPAIGN — GENIUS OF SHERMAN — PURSUIT OF WHEELER, By the 1st of May he was ready, waiting the signal from over the AUeghanies, nearly a thousand miles away, to start. He planned carefully beforehand his move- ments, and resorted to ingenious devices to defend his communications and flank from Forrest's cavalry. One of his methods to protect the railroad in his rear was very simple and eftective. The track running south, crosses many streams, the bridges over which must be preserved at all hazards. Between them the preservation of the road was of minor consequence, for a few hours* labor could repair all the damage that could be inflicted upon it. To secure the bridges without detailing for their defence large forces, which would materially weaken his 170 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. army, he constructed at the head of each one a bombproof fortress, or blockhouse, provisioned for a long time, and garrisoned with from two to four hundred men, or there- abouts, with a few pieces of artillery. Being bombproof^ they cpuld not be battered down with cannon, or carried by assault, and being provisioned for a long period, they could not be reduced by siege, while their guns, sweeping the approaches to the bridge, could effectually keep off any working parties sent to destroy them. On the 6th of May, Johnston lay at or near Dalton, with an army 60,000 strong, divided into three corps, commanded by Hood, Hardee, and Polk, and 10,000 cavalry, under Wheeler. When the time came to move, Sherman confront- ed him ; but seeing the strength of the position and the impossibility of carrying it by assault, he resolved to turn it, and began that series of brilliant movements which gave him the name of the " Great Flanker." Hence, while Thomas, with his large army, moved directly from Ringgold and drew up in front of the rebel position at Dalton, McPherson was sent in a circuitous route of thirty or forty miles through Snake Creek Gap to Resaca, eighteen miles back of Johnston on the railroad. Thomas, in the meantime, pressed the latter so vigorously in front, that he could spare no troops to resist McPherson's ad- vance, until he was within a mile of Resaca. Finding his rear so seriously threatened, he abandoned his strong position, and, falling back, gave battle at Resaca. Alter several days of more or less severe fighting, one of the enemy s strongest positions was carried by assault, and he compelled to fall back again, leaving nearly a thousand prisoners in our hands and eight guns. Our loss was about 5,000 in the engagements that took place here. ALLATOONA FLANKED. 171 Afler the victory, Sherman pushed his army fonvard in rapid pursuit — a part hugging closely the rear of the enemy — a part moving, by circuitous routes, upon his flank — pontooning rivers, crossing ridges and struggling along bye-ways and wood roads, threatening or striking the astonished Johnston at every available point. In the meantime Sherman sent out J. C. Davis' division to seize Rome, lying off several miles to the west, who captured its forts, guns, mills and foundries. On the 18th, after sharp skirmishing and heavy artil- lery fighting, he entered Kingston. Here he gave his overtasked troops a few days' rest, and spent the time in hurrying forward supplies ; as it was of vital importance he should accumulate them in advance, in view of the possible severance of his communications ; and in re-estab- lishing telegraphic connection with Chattanooga. In live days the army rose refreshed like a giant from new wine, and the infantry, cavalry and artillery swept grand- ly on towards Atlanta. Leaving garrisons in Rome and Kingston, he took twenty days' provisions in his wagons, and started for Dallas. Again he was striking for John- ston's rear ; for this cautious, wily commander had taken up an impregnable position in the Allatoona Mountains, hop- ing that Sherman would dash his army to pieces in trying to force it. He had seen enough, however, of the " Great Flanker's " tactics not to rely entirely on this, and caused sti'ong works to be thrown up in front of the Dallas and Marietta railroads. More or less fighting occurred all the way, for Johnston hung threateningly on Sherman's front, ready to strike whenever an opportunity should ofi:er, and disputed with his skirmishers every inch of ground. Hooker, to whom was assigned the task of seizmg the junction of the railroads at this important point, dro\e 172 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. the enemy before him till he nearly reached the intrenched works, when sudden night and a terrible storm arrested his progress. The next three days there was constant skirmishing and fightmg, while Sherman was hurrying up his troops and developing tlie enemy's lines. Johnston, hoping to cripple him before his forces were all in position, made a furious assault on McPherson on the 28th ; but, after a bloody and desperate struggle, was repulsed with the loss of some three thousand. Sherman now paused for a few days, and by a series of skilful manoeuvres com- pletely befogged Johnston as to his real intentions, and then suddenly swung McPherson around on the left. John- ston, seeing his rear again threatened, was compelled, in rage, to abandon his strong position and fall back. All his positions, which had been selected with so much care and fortified with great skill, proved utterly worthless in the presence of such an antagonist. He might as well have retreated at the first, clear to Atlanta, for he neither could seriously cripple Sherman's army, cut off his sup- plies, nor permanently arrest his progress. He now fell back to Kenesa^^ Mountain, a stronger position, if pos- sible, than any he had yet occupied. Sherman, in the meantime, examined Allatoona Pass, andfindingit was just the spot for a secondary base, where he could accumulate supplies, and with a small garrison protect them ; at once established it, and soon the railroad was emptying abun- dant provisions into the camp there. Everything being ready — infantry and cavalry well up — "forward" was once more sounded from the bugles, and on the 9th of June his banners were seen advancing along every highway and bye-way, until he was at length brought to a halt in front of Kenesaw Mountain. This elevation stretched off to the northeast in a range covered KENESAW MOUNTAIN. 173 with chestnut forests, while to the west stood Pine Moun- tain, and back of it Lost Mountain. These froMOiing natural battlements covered Marietta and the railroad back to the Chattahoochee river. Their conical peaks were all surmounted with signal stations, from which the signal corps could see and telegraph every movement of our army. Batteries also lined the summits and sides, while every spur was black with men felling trees and digging rifle-pits to arrest our progress. Banners waving along the summer-crowned heights, long lines of bayonets glisten- ing amid the green foliage, bugle calls and the stirring notes of the drum coming down on all sides into the valley below, made it an inspiring scene. On the 11th Sher- man was close up, and as soon as the different corps were in their assigned positions he determined to break through between Kenesaw and Pine Mountains. The artillery was placed in position and a heavy tire was kept up for three days. On the 14th, General Bishop Polk was in- stantly killed by a cannon shot. The next day Pine Moun- tain was found to be abandoned. Thomas and Schotield at once advanced, but discovered that the enemy had only fallen back to Lost Mountain, between which and Kene- saw stretched a long line of strong, skilfully constructed breastworks. Still slowly gaining ground at all points — now struggling across ravines — now working through dense forests of timber, out of which incessantly arose the rattle of musketry and smoke of the conflict, Shermtm pushed his foe so vigorously, that Johnston was compelled to change his position and contract his lines. In so do- ing, however, he increased his power of defence immen&(;ly. From his high perch on Kenesaw, he could look down into Sherman's camps, on which he directed his elevated batteries to play, but the shot and shell mostly went over 174 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. the lie^ds of the soldiers, as they lay close up against the base of the mountain. For three weeks Sherman tried in every way to find a vulnerable point in this stronghold. All this time it rained in torrents, until the roads were either water- beds or gullies ; and where the rocks did not prevent the passage of artillery, the fields were so soft that it could not be got across them. When Sherman entered on this campaign, he pub- lished an order foi^bidding all superfluous baggage, in- forming the army that he himself intended moving with- out a tent ; and thus far, in dry weather, he had usually slept under a tree, and in wet, in any house along the route. Here, however, he felt the need of a tent, and though it raised the laugh against him, he was glad to ac- cept of one from General Logan. Early one pleasant morning, a regiment happened to be marching on the road near a tree under which Sher- man was lying, where he had thrown himself after a hard night's toil, for a short nap. One of the men, not re- cognizing who it was, and supposing him to be drunk, remarked aloud, "That is the way we are commanded — officered by drunken Major-Generals." " Not drunk, my boy," he good-humoredly remarked, raising his head, " but I was up all night, and am very tired and sleepy/' Had a thunderbolt di'opped into that regiment, it would not have ])een more astonished. It passed quietly on, and the General lay down again to sleep. Not long after, he rode forward, and chanced to pass this regiment on the march. It in- stantly recognized him, and sent up loud and hcai'ty cheers. While he was working his way slowly up to the en- emy's works, " McPherson shoving his left forward, and General Thomas swinging, as it were, on a grand left GRAND ASSAULT. 175 wheel, his left on the mountain, connecting with McPher- son," and "Schofield to the south and east," Hood sud- denly tame out of his works, in one of his usual headlong onsets, and fell on a part of Hooker's corps. Everything went down before him till he reached Sherman's line of battle, ^vhen such an awful fire met him, that he recoiled in disorder, and again sought the cover of his works, with a loss of seven or eight hundred men. In speaking of it, Sherman said : " Although inviting the enemy at all times to commit such mistakes, I could not hope for him to repeat them, after the examples of Dallas and Kulp House," and he therefore resolved to attack in turn. Se- lecting the enemy's left centre as the chief point of attack, he, on the 24th of June, issued his orders for a grand as- sault on the 27th, by McPherson and Thomas. Three days' notice was given, in order to allow ample time for preparation and reconnoissances. On the 27th, at the appointed hour, the signal was given, the charge sounded, and these two magnificent di- visions moved to the assault. From every spur, from out the leafy foliage, from behind rifle-pits and barri- cades, from rocky ledges, and down from the top of lofty Kenesaw, shot and shell rained in one ceaseless fiery tor- rent. But right up to the rebel works the devoted col- umns pressed, and all uncovered on the rocky slopes, stood and faced the deadly sleet. But over the high and bristling works they could not pass. Brave men ad- vanced the flag, only to fall beside it. Officers leaped for- ward with waving swords to stimulate the men, only to sink in their front. Face to face, the one covered, and the other m full view, they fought — cannon and musketry, mingled with shouts and yells, making a fearful clamor there amid the overhanging peaks. But it was vain 176 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. valor. The gallant Harker, McCook, and Rice, all Gen- erals, fell one after another, killed or wounded ; officers were being borne thickly to the rear; the ranks were fast disappearing, and no foothold gained, and at last the re- call was sounded, and the bleeding columns fell sullenly back, beaten for the first time. It could hardly be called a battle — it was a slaughter — for the enemy, protected by their strong works, suffered comparatively but little, while three thousand or more of our brave men, scattered over the rugged ground, either dead or bleeding, attested how unequal the struggle had been. That was a sad night to the arni}^, as it gathered up its wounded, and buried the dead. We are inclined to think the assault was a mistake, and should not have been ordered. If so, it was the only one Sherman made during this extraordinary cam- paign. His reasons for making it are not satisfactory, and we suspect, that getting weary of being called the everlasting flanker, as though his army could not fight a straightforward battle, had more to do with it than any- thing else. He says, " all looked to me to outflank." " An army to be efficient must not settle down to one single mode of offence." In these remarks he unwittingly reveals the feeling that ruled him. No one knows better than he, that an army should always stick to that mode of offense that promises the largest results, with the least loss of life. A wise general would steadily outflank for forty }'ears, if that was the way to success. There is no fcjar that an army, by pursuing for a long time one kind of policy which proves successful, will thereby be rendered mefiicient in carrying out any other. Nothing makes men more effective than victories. It gives them such confidence in their leader that they are ready to execute THE CHATTAHOOCHEE REACHED. 177 any command. Nothing is to be feared so much as fail- ure. In this case it would have been tar better to have stuck to " the single mode of offence," than to fall back to it, as he did, after losing three thousand brave men. Five days after this unsuccessful assault, McPhersoii was thrown rapidly forward to the Chattahoochee river, and Johnston, seeing his conmiunications threatened, " settled " back to his " single mode " of operations, and hastily evacuated his strong position, which he could have held for ever against a direct attack. Sherman entered Marietta the next day (July 3d) just as John- ston's cavalry was leaving it. He now hurried forward his columns mth the utmosi rapidity, hoping to catch the enemy in the confusion of crossing the Chattahoochee. But the wary Johnston had guarded against this, and steadily held him at bay until his large army, with its artillery and transportation, was safely across the river. The next thing, therefore, was to get across himself, in the face of the enemy. But Johnston, although he was. able in a retreat, was no match for "Sherman in resources and strategy. The rapid manoeuvres and brilliant movements of the latter seemed to bewilder him, and he never knew where his agile foe would next strike. He, however, erected a strong tete du pont^ and prepared to dispute stubbornly the passage of the river. But Schofield, on the 7th, succeeded in effecting a lodgment on the opposite bank, and in three days Sherman, by threatening now this point, and now that, and handling his troops in a masterly maimer, secured three good points for passing the river above the enemy s tete du pout No sooner did Johnston discover this, than, with a sad heart, he ordered a retreat, — and re- luctantly giving up his last defensive position between 12 178 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. Chattanooga and Atlanta, gloomily fell back to the latter place, to be superseded by Hood. The Chattahoochee was ours, and one of the great objects of the campaign secured. Atlanta was- now only eight miles distant, almost within hearing of Sherman's morning drum. Marching his army over the river, he resolved, before advancing on the place, to give it a short rest. Since leaving the mountains, the heat had been more oppressive, and the men, wearied by a battle-field that stretched a hundred and thirty-five miles or more back to Chattanooga, needed repose before entering on the desperate conflicts Sherman knew to be close upon them. From the heights near the river, Atlanta, the " gate city," as it was called, could be seen. Its spires and domes rose above the tree-tops heav}^ with summer vege- tation, and the smoke of the locomotives, drao-oino- trains loaded with supplies, showed the lines of railroad running into the city from almost every point. The murmur of the busy host there could pot reach that distant point, but the echo of the morning and evening gun reminded the soldiers that a foe was awaiting their approach. Officers, and, now and then, privates, climbed these heights to look on the surpassingly beautiful landscape that stretched away from the base. The winding river, now lost in overhanging foliage, as it swept around a distant point, and now gleaming out like a silver belt be tween the green banks — swelling uplands and smiling valleys — broad sweeps of forests, with plantations like patches between — cou'ntless roads crossing and recrossing the country in every direction, combined to make a scene too lovely and tranquil to be disturbed by the rude rav- ages of war. \SSAULT ON THOMAS. 179 On the ITth day of July, the bugles sounded "forward'' again, and the refreshed army advanced and formed line on the Peach Tree road, near Atlanta. The next two days wexe employed by McPherson and Schofield in swinging around upon the Augusta road, near Decatur, Ijdng to the east of the city, thus destroying one line of communication to the enemy — that toward Richmond. In the meantime, Thomas took his grand army across Peach Tree Creek, by several bridges, directly in front of the rebel intrenchments. These movements were not made without a struggle, and the roar of cannon and the rolling fire of musketry showed that every step forward was to be gained at the price of blood. On the 20th, Hood made his first desperate attempt to escape his impending doom by a furious assault on Thomas, while his lines were in process of formation. In this onset the rebels threw themselves in solid masses and with a recklessness of death, wonderful to behold, on our hall-formed lines — the living pressing with sublime devotion over the dead — struggling hopelessly, madly, hour after hour, until 5,000 brave men lay piled on the field. Here almost an entire company lay in a heap, and there a regiment in line of battle, just as they^ stood and took our awful fire. Our loss was only a little 'over 1,700. Battered and bruised and decimated, the rebel army, two days after, abandoned its outer works and fell back to its interior position, which was immensely strong. Commanding redoubts, with water flowing between them to stop an advancing enemy, and impassable chevaux-de- frise in front, made a defence over •which no troops could be carried but with a loss too fearful to contemplate. This ^vithdrawal, however, to his inner position on the part of Hood, was not so much from inability to hold 180 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. his exterior line of intrenchments as from the necessity of reducing his garrison, while he massed his army against McPherson, sweeping doAvn fi'om Decatur toward the city. He tried the same experiment on him that he had on Thomas, that is, attacked him before his lines were well closed up. The onslaught here was full as tierce and terrible and determined as the one two days be- fore on Thomas, and, as in that, at first promised success. Six times in succession the shouting, maddened foe bore down with well-nigh irresistible fury on McPherson's lines. At times the hostile ranks were almost com- mingled, as in the hand-ta-hand fights of old. The rebels fought more like fiends than men, and seemed to court, death. But at last, exhausted, wasted and bleeding, the assaulting columns gave it up. Over three thousand lay dead on our front, mangled, torn and bleeding, while the total loss of the enemy was reported by Logan to be full twelve thousand. Ours was about the same as that two days before; but in the death of McPherson, we suffered a greater loss than could be reckoned in numbers. The next day Garrard, who had been sent with a cav- alry force to destroy the Augusta road, returned, having successfully accomplished his task. Sherman now turned his attention to the Macon road, and sent out Stoneman with five thousand cavalry, and McCook with four thousand infantry to de.^troy it. Taking different routes, they were to meet on the railroad, near Lovejoy's Station, and after completing its destruction, Stoneman was to push on, if lie deemed it prudent,* to Macon, and release a large num- ber of our prisoners known to be confined there. But for some reason he did not go to the place of rendezvous at all, but marched directly on Macon There he was ATTACK OF HOWAPtD. 181 brought to a halt by the enemy, and in attempting to re- treat, was cut off and taken prisoner, together with a thousand or more of his command, besides losing a large number in killed and wounded. McCook reached the point of destination, burned the depot at Lovejoy's and live hundred wagons, killed eight hundred mules, and tore up the railroad. But while engaged in the work of de- struction, he suddenly found himself surrounded by a superior force of cavalry and infantry. He, however, gallantly cut his way out, though losing some five hundred prisoners. On the whole, the movement was a sad failure. Sherman, having succeeded in destroying the Augusta railroad to the east of Atlanta, worked his army slowly round to the west side. A railroad runs south from Atlanta a few miles to East Point, where it branches off — one road running southeast to Macon, and the other southwest to Mobile. It will be readily seen that the junction of these roads was a very important point to seize. Sherman, therefore, while these cavalry raids were in progress, endeavored to push his right around Atlanta to it. Howard, with the Army of the Tennessee, was selected to accomplish this, and began the movement on the night of the 26th. Hood, seeing the coils thus steadily tio-hteninsi: around him, on the 28th made a third and last O CD ' desperate assault to break through them. "The enemy," says Sherman, "had come out of Atlanta by the Bell's Ferry road, and formed his masses in the open fields behind a swell of ground, and advanced in parallel lines directly against the Fifteenth Corps, expecting to catch that flank in air. His advance was magnificent, but founded on an error that cost him sadly, for our men coolly and deliberate!)' cut down his men ; and m spite of 182 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. the efforts of the rebel officers, his ranks broke and fled. But they were rallied again and again, as often as six times at some points, and a few- of the rebel officers and men reached our lines of rail piles oidy to be killed or hauled over as prisoners." From noon to four oVlock, the enemy pushed his attacks, and when he fled, left his dead and wounded in our hands. Six thousand was estimated as his loss, while ours was less than six hundred. This estimate is doubtless too large, for it shows too great a disparity. Hood now sullenly retired to his works, and suffered Sherman to extend his rioht Avino; at his leisure, and he soon closed in and be^an the sieo;e of Atlanta. Still his force was not laroje enouo-h to encircle it com pletely, without making his lines too thin and assailable, and the rebels succeeded in getting sup|)lies by the Macon road. It was evident, therefore, that he nmst cither carry the place by assault, or destroy this road altogether. He had ordered up some heavy guns from Chattanooga, and now began to shell the place; but apparently with but little eff^ect. An assault was thei*efore ordered on one of the points deemed weakest; but was repulsed with a loss to us of four hundred men. It was evident that an as- sault could not be made with any prospect of success, without a loss, which if unsuccessful, would leave him but the remnant of an army. But one other course, there- fore, now remained to be taken — to sever Atlanta entirely from its base of supplies. The occupation of the Macon road would do this, and he resolved, wide apart as it would separate Ids army, to make the attempt. But on maturer reflection, he concluded to try if it could not be done with cavalry alone, and the task was assigned to Kilpatrick. With a large force the latter succeeded in reaching ajid cutting the road ; but this was not enough, A GKAND MOVEMENT. 183 it must be kept broken, and Sherman, therefore, took the bold resolution to plant his armies on it. All the surplus wagons and baggage not immediately needed, and the wounded were sent back to the intrenched position at tht bridge, with the Twentieth corps, and on the night of the 25th, the extraordinary movement commenced. Although Hood, while it was in progress, might march out of Atlanta on the north, and overwhelm the army there, thus cutting it off entirely from its base of supplies, he, even in that contingency, would be worse off than Sherman — for the former could get no supplies from the comparative sterile country in that direction, while the latter had the garden of the South to forage from. Sherman was aware of this, and knew that Hood must and would meet him in battle on or near the line of that road, and there settle the fate of Atlanta. The Army of the Tennessee reached the West Point railroad, leading off toward Mobile, without loss. One day was spent in destroying twelve miles of it, and then, on the 29th, the whole army began to move eastward toward the Macon road. The comparative ease with which these movements were effected was owing in a great measure to the absence of the rebel cavalry. Exasperated by Sherman's cavalry raids on his comnumications. Hood resolved to practice a similar strategy on his enemy, and. sent off Wheeler toward Chattanooga to break up the railroad and capture the garrisons in that direction, and thus cut him oft' from his base of supplies. This was a fatal mis- take, for Sherman had enough provisions accumulated this side of that place to last him till he could restore his communications. He had formed a second base at Alla- toona, and he did not believe the enemy could capture the garrison stationed there. 184 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. With his flanks easily protected, therefore, he march- ed deliberately east^vard ; Howard on the right, Thomas, OS usual, in the centre, and Schofield on the left. "We mil not attempt to describe these splendid movements — everything went like clock work, and on the last day of the month Howard reached Jonesboro, on the Macon road, twenty miles southeast of Atlanta, Thomas farther north, at Couch's, and Schofield near Kough-and-Ready, still closer to Atlanta. Hood, seeing himself about to be caged like a lion, sent out Lee and Hardee to drive Thomas back. These two corps fell on the " rock of Chickamauga '" ^vith the fury of desperation, but after a sanguinary and protracted contest, were driven back with the loss of three thousand men. All the columns now bore away toward Jonesboro, where Sherman had ordered them to be at noon on the 1st day of September, So perfectly timed was every movement, that that very after- noon everything was in readiness for a general assault, and the rebel position there was carried with deafening shouts, and a whole brigade with eight guns captured, while five thousand killed and wounded were left on the field. This settled the fate of Atlanta, and that night Hood, dispirited and overwhelmed, began to evacuate it. Sending off such provisions only as he could carry in his swift retreat, he opened the storehouses of the remainder to the citizens. The surplus ammunition was loaded on cars, which were run out a little way on the Augusta railroad and blown up — the explosion shaking the shores of the Chattahoochee river miles away, where the Twen- tieth Corps lay, ignorant of what was going on south of the city. Six engines, and nearly a hundred cars, were gathered together and set on fire, and the torch applied to a thousand bales of cotton, which made the midnight hea^/- ATLANTA EVACUATED. 185 ens glow as though a conflagration was raging in the sky Lighted on his sorrowful way by such a sea of fire, Hood, with the mere remnant of his army, moved swiftly across the country toward Macon. The alarmed inhabi- tants, in carriages, wagons, and every vehicle that could be pressed into service, streamed after, making a scene of confusion and wild terror such as war alone can create. Slocum, of the Twentieth Corps, seven miles north on the Chattahoochee, heard the loud explosions, and saw the ruddy heavens, and suspecting the cause, sent out a strong column at daybreak to reconnoitre. Atlanta was found deserted, and he marched triumphantly in and took pos- session. That same morning Sherman moved south to catch the retreating army of Hood, but at Lovejoy's, ten miles beyond Jonesboro, he found him strongly entrenched and abandoning the pursuit, returned to Atlanta. His great campaign was ended. It is almost impossible to exaggerate the wonderful foresight, the skill and genius exhibited in this unparal- leled campaign — the foresight which prepared for every contingency, not only in securing his long line of com- munication, but in providing forage and provisions for his splendid army — skill, in the handling of his troops in a country seamed with water-courses, broken into moun- tains and gorges, and crossed only by the most impracti- cable roads, and sometimes rendered impassable by pro- tracted storms — the genius which enabled him to break away from the established rules of military science, or rather introduce a new principle into it, and thus crown with triumphant success a campaign which scarcely any one but himself believed could be carried out. For grandeur of design, depth and skill of combination, it stands unrivalled in military history. If the First Nar 186 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. poleon, by the originality and boldness of his designs, his daring and successful departure from old established formulas — and going back to the first principles of war, built thereon a military system of his own, which en- tirely revolutionized the one universally accepted, and by his marvellous combinations and rapid movements over- whelmed his foes — desei'ves the fame he has won, then Sherman, by his daring originality in moving so far from his base, yet still acting with mathematical precision and certainty, and winning victory, not by good fortune, but by profound calculations, merits a place among the fore- most generals of the world. This campaign will be a study for military men in all future time. He could well say, ''''Atlanta is ours^ and fairly ivoiiy The tremendous events transpiring at the same time on the Atlantic coast, somewhat overshadowed the magnitude and grandeur of the movements of this campaign, but they will take their place in history beside those of Caesar and Napoleon. Sherman, seeing that it would be next to impossible to feed the destitute population left in the place, and need- ing it solely for a military position, ordered all tlie non- combatants to leave, and sent to Hood asking his coopera- tion, so that as little distress as possible might be felt by them. The latter consented, but characterized the prop- osition as barbarous, saying, " It transcends in studied and ingenious cruelty all acts ever before brought to my attention in the dark history of war." To this Sherman replied in a scathing letter, in which the charge of cruelty was fastened by stubborn facts on him and his compeers in the rebel service.* He now gave all the corps, regiments, and batteries *See Personal Memoirs. By Gen. W, T. Sherman. A NATIONAL SALUTE. 18? permission to inscribe Atlanta on their colors, while, by order of the President, a national salute was fired at every important point at the north, in honor of the great victory. The correspondence between him and the Mayor of the place, on the removal of the inhabitants, will well re- pay perusal. Wheelers cavalry that started off to break up his communications, had now been raiding for several weeks in his rear, inflicting considerable damage, and Rousseau, Steadman, and Granger, were sent back to attend to him, while forces were hurried up from Memphis and Vicks- burg to cooperate with them. LIBBY PRISON (TOBACCO WAREHOUSK;, RICHMOND, VA. Removed to Chicago, 111., 1889, as a Museum of War Relics. MILITARY PRISON (CONFEDERATE), SALISBURY, N. C. Slocum (left wins.) -. Howard (right wins). ~~ ~.: ~. Cavllry^"'"''''""*'' ^"'P^' ^''«° separated. MAP OF SHERMAN'S CAMPAIGN. Atlanta to the Sea. CHAPTER IX. THE GEORGIA CAMPAIGN. nOOD ATTEMPTS TO CUT SHERMAN'S COMMUNICATIONS — CORSe's GALLANT DEFENCE OP ALLATOONA — PURSUIT OP HOOD — SHERMAN's ORIGINAL AND DARING PLAN— BURNING OP ROME — OP ATLANTA — SHERMAN STARTS FOR THE ATLANTIC OCEAN— VIEWS RESPECTING THE MOVEMENT — DISPOSI- TION OP HIS FORCES AND PLAN OF MOVEMENT — THE LEFT WING UNDER SLOCUM — THE RIGHT UNDER HOWARD — KILPATRICK'S CAVALRY — THE TWO MARCHES — MACON— MILLEDGEVILLE — SOLDIERS ORGANIZE THE LEGISLATURE — NOVEL SCENE — AUGUSTA THREATENED — MILLEN — MARCH TO SAVANNAH — PICTURESQUE SCENES IN THE PINE FORESTS — REVIEW OF THK MARCH — SAVANNAH REACHED AND INVESTED — STORMING OP FORT m'aLLISTER — SHERMAN WITNESSES IT PROM THE TOP OP A RICE MILL — 6URKBNDER OP SAVANNAH — MAGNITUDE OP THE CAPTURE — HARDEB RETREATS TO CHARLESTON — SHERMAN's CHRISTMAS GIFT TO THE PRESI- DENT — REVIEW OP THE CAMPAIGN. Hood, reinforced by some 40,000 Georgia militia, now prepared to put forth a desperate effort to recover his lost ground and fame. The fall of Atlanta was a terrible bk)w to the Confederacy, and Davis hastened from his capital to Georgia to try, by his presence, to raise the courage of the people. Loud and bitter curses had been hurled against him for putting Hood in Johnston's place. Denounced for his incapacity, favoritism and blunders, he found it necessary to visit important points in the State to arrest the growing desire of the people to abandon the struggle and return to the Union. He made frequent speeches, in which he departed from his usually dignified 192 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. manner, and losing his temper or reason, or both, launched forth into violent abuse of the Yankees, using language that can be accounted for only on the ground of tem- porary insanity, caused b}' strong drink. Still, with his aid, Hood was able to assemble a formidable army, and by the last of September declared himself read}^ to move. His plan was to break Sherman's long line of communi- cations, and thus compel him to evacuate Atlanta and fall back to Chattanooga. Moving with great rapidity, hi threw himself upon the railroad in various places, breaking it up. This was a bold move ; for, if successful, Sherman ^vould be compelled to abandon all he had won. But the secondary base at Allatoona now stood the latter in good stead. Beyond that, nearly to Dalton, the rebels had it all their own way, and during the entire month of October, Sherman was cut off from Chattanooga. If Allatoona could be taken, Sherman's army would be in a perilous position, and to secure its capture a whole rebel division was sent against it. French, the com- mander, demanded its surrender, giving Corse, who held it with but 1,700 men, only a brief space to con- sider the terms, and intimating that, if forced to assault, no quarter would be sho^v^n. The latter replied, that when he should get the place there would be no men left to kill. Sherman, in the meantime, had gathered up his entire army, all but the Twentieth Corps, and was marching back over the ground he had so lately traversed, in pursuit of Hood. He heard the cannonading that opened the attack on Allatoona, and ordering the 'drmy to move for- ward at the top of its speed, hastened himself to the high top of Kenesaw, overlooking the place, with signal officers, to announce to the beleaguered garrison his coming. He A THRILLING SCENE 193 heard the thunder of artillery and saw the smoke of the conflict, and also the heavy force which Hood had been able to hurl against it, and fle^v his signal. But Corse was too busy with the enemy to notice it. Sherman saw that his fire was rapid and steady, and said, "I know- Corse, he will hold it as long as he li^-es." Still he could not be certain of his life. The odds against the garrison were fearful ; but if the former could only know that strong columns were moving swiftly to his relief, all would be well. Again his signal flew, and but the roar of guns replied. Nothing but the national banner waved over the works, and still the fight went on ; Sherman grew anxious. Oh, lor a voice or trumpet-call that could reach that garrison, or that some eye would look above the sulphurous cloud to that clear height where he stood! A few hundred asrainst six thousand could not hold out o for ever. In overwhelming numbers the enemy came on, assault following assault in quick succession — fresh troops being constantly hurled against exhausted ones. Thus, from early dawn, hour after hour, the fight raged, till at last the feeble garrison was driven fi:'oin the intrenchments to the hill. The shouting foe pressed after and stormed the hill. Corse, bleeding and faint, still called his dimin ished band around him and told them it was a matter of life and death to Sherman's army that the place should be held. But, borne back by mere weight of numbers, the garrison was forced from the hill into the fort. Half the entire immber had already fallen, bravely contesting every inch of ground, and Corse, a part of the time, was insensi- ble from his wounds, but when he came to himself^ the indomitable hero faintly told them to fight on while a man was left. A more gallant defence was never made. 13 194 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. and Corse has inscribed his name on the rocks of Alla- toona forever. From daylight till noon he maintained the unequal struggle, and resolved to die there on the last spot where a defence could be made. The rebels repulsed, at last drew off for a space, and then the garrison caught the flutter of that little flag on the mountain height and knew its meaning. "Hold on," it said, "relief is coming." In silent, yet thrilling language, the answering signal came across the intervening space : " Yes, to the last man." Glorious announcement ! Sherman was satisfied, and hurried up still faster the panting troops. At length the heads of the columns appeared in sight, but the enemy had fled, leav- ing two hundred of his number stark and stiff before the works, and four hundred prisoners in our hands. Sher- man was delighted, and thanking Corse warmly for his gallant defence, issued a general order, in which he was highly complimented. Hood kept on towards Chattanooga, destroying the railroad at Dalton, followed hard by Sherman. He then struck off to the west and then southwest, at the rate of twenty-five miles a day, until he reached Gadsden. Sherman kept up the pursuit as far as Gaylesville, Ala- - bama, where he halted. While every one was expecting to see him follow Hood up and demolish him, he stopped pursuit, and struck out a plan as daring as it was new and original. Thomas had before been sent to Nashville, to collect troops from Sherman's whole department of the Missis- sippi, and now Schofield, with the Fourth and Twenty- Third Corps, was left to watch Hood, and be the nucleus of the new army Thomas was to gather, while he himself prepared to retrace his steps to Atlanta, and commence BURNING OF ROME. 195 his march through Georgia to the ocean. Strengthening a few points like Bridgeport, Chattanooga and Murfrees- boro*, that must be held, he abandoned others, and rapidly concentrated an army of about 65,000 men, thoroughly organized and equipped, and before Hood dreamed of his daring scheme, had cut loose from everything, and was on his way to Savannah. His start was like that of Cortez for Mexico, when he burned his ships on the shore, to let his soldiers know he never intended to re- turn to them again. First, everything in E-ome was burned^a thousand bales of cotton, two flour mills, two tanneries, a salt mill, foundry, machine-shops, depots, store-houses and bridges were set on fire, making a fearful conflagration. The soldiers, seeing the destruction going on, applied the torch to the private dwellings, and the night of the 10th of November witnessed an awful scene. The flames leaped and roared through the smoky atmosphere — houses tot- tered and fell with a crash amid the blazing embers, while the heavens above glowed like a furnace, shedding a ghastly light on the mounted patrols, and flooding field and mountain in flame. Four days after, the torch was also applied to all the public buildings and depots of Atlanta, making a second conflagration, and lighting up the marching columns niov- ing out to be ready to start the next morning for the sea; the bands playing, amid the wild and terrific scene, "John Brown's Soul goes Marching on." In the meantime, Sherman wrote to Porter, on the Atlantic coast, to be looking out for him about Christmas, " from Hilton Head to Savannah ; " and to his wife, say- ing, " This is my last letter from here ; you will only hear from me hereafter through rebel sources." His army, 196 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. four corps strong, was divided into two wings — the right wing, commanded by Howard, consisting of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps; and the left by Slocum, composed of the Fourteenth and Twentieth. The march, when- ever practicable, was to be by four parallel roads. There was no general train of supplies for the army, but each corps had its own, distributed among the brigades and regiments. The columns were to start regularly at seven o'clock every morning, and make an average march of fifteen miles a day. Two divisions of cavalry, the whole commanded by Kilpatrick, was to cover the flanks of the columns. An order directed the arm}' '4o forage liberally on the march," each brigade commander to organize a good and sufficient foraging party, under the command of one or more discreet officers, and "iiiming, at all times, to keep in the wagon trains at least ten days' provisions for the commands, and three days' forage." It was also ordered — " Soldiers shall not enter the dwellings of the inhabitants, or commit any trespass, but during the halt or camp they may be permitted to gather turnips, pota- toes, and other vegetables, and drive in stock in front of their camps." Where the inhabitants molested the army, or guerillas were quartered, or bridges burned to retard the march, the corps commanders were empowered to burn, destroy, and devastate to any extent they deemed the exigencies of the ease demanded. Horses, mules, and wagons were to be taken wherever found. In foraging, the officers might, if they chose, "give certificates of the facts, but no receipts; and they will endeavor to leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance." Able-bodied negroes, who could be of service, were al- lowed to accompany the army ; but he would not permit THE MARCH COMMENCED. 197 it to be encumbered with the aged, or with women and children. On the 15th of November, this splendid army of brawny western men, stripped like an athlete for the race and the struggle, set its face toward the Atlantic ocean, and with banners streaming and bands playing, bade farewell to the smouldering ruins of Atlanta. Slo- cum, commanding the left wing, was to march directly east, on the railroad leading from Atlanta to Augusta, de- stroying it as he went. Howard, with the right wing, was to follow the Georgia Central road, running south- east through IMacon and Milledgeville to Savannah. Two columns of cavalry — one to the north of Slocum, and the other to the south of Howard — were to protect their flanks, and conceal entirely from view the routes of the infantry. All between them was to be a terra incognita^ for the time being, to the external rebel world. By the road Slocum took, it was 170 miles to Augusta ; by that which Howard marched, 291 to Savannah. This was the main outline, as traced by Sherman, for this wonderful march. He had little to fear from his rear, for he had left Hood away back on the Tennessee, gathering in his forces to crush him, as he supposed, in a decisive battle. Even while the rebel speechmakers were descanting in the neighborhood of the army on the speedy overthrow of this bold invader, now declared to be in their front, his columns were far away, piercing the heart of Georgia. When this daring movement was first made public, it is hard to say which was most astonished — the North or South. Nothing like it had ever been heard of in modern warfare. The rebel editors and declaimers on the Atlantic seaboard professed to be rejoiced at it, for it secured, they said, the destruction of Sherman's armv 198 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. The aroused people, they declared, would hang along hia flanks as lightning plays along the edge of the thunder cloud, and remove beyond reach all the provisions, so that his army would be dissipated and vanquished by starvation alone. The spirit of the ancient Rolla was in- voked, "to raze every house and burn every blade of grass" in front of the invader. In Europe, it created almost equal astonishment. Said the London Times, " Since the great Duke of Marborough turned his back upon the Dutch, and plunged heroically into Germany to fight the famous battle of Blenheim, military history has recorded no stranger marvel than the mysterious expedition of General Sherman, on an unknown route against an un- discoverable enemy ; " but, after all, doubted greatly its success. The British Army and Navy Gazette, in speak- ing of it, said, " He has done either one of the most brilliant or most foolish things ever performed by a mili- tary leader." The Bichmond papers scornfully boasted, that his march "would lead him to the Paradise of fools/' The ablest critics of Europe, however, declared, that if he were successful, he would " add a fresh chapter to the theory and practice of modern warfare." At the North, many doubted the expediency of the novel movement. Some, feeling how impossible it would be for an army to march that distance through any northern State, and not taking into consideration that the hard-^\'orking classes and farmers that constitute the bulk of the population here were slaves there, and friendly to the invader, pre- dicted that he would be compelled to retrace his steps. Others, knowing that with such a rapid march as he con- templated, he could carry no siege trains with him to re- duce fortified places, said, that he could at best but strike the sea, without securing any important foothold, and DOUBTS AS TO THE RESULT. 199 thus leave only a wide and desolate track as the sole fruit of the undertaking. Others, still, feared that the west was left too much weakened, and that rebel conquests there would more than offset all that would be gained by a march across Georgia. But while at home and abroad the air was filled with ominous forebodings, the cause of them all was calm and confident. The last con- tingency — viz., disaster in the west, was the most to be feared ; and Sherman said, afterward, " If Thomas had not whipped Hood at Nashville, 600 miles away, my plans would have failed, and I would have been de- nounced the world over ; but," he added, " I knew Gen- eral Thomas, and the troops under his command, and never for a moment doubted a favorable result." He had not left his fate in the hands of an untried commander ; he could trust Thomas as implicitly as himself. The "Rock of Chickamauga" would never fail him. There was one contingency, however, he did not contemplate, which might have ruined him — the removal of Thomas by the Secretary of War, when he failed " to move at once on the enemy's works at Nashville." Had he been allowed to wield the same power that he had for the past two years, this most brilliant movement in military an- nals, and most decisive of the fate of the Confederacy, might have proved a calamitous failure. Sherman, however, trusting calmly in Thomas, Grant, his army, his oa\ti genius, and a favoring providence, cut loose his moorings and drifted boldly out to sea. Slocum, moving out on separate roads, destroying the railroad as he advanced, pushed on through Decatur, Stone Moun- tain, Social Circle, Rutledge and Madison, fiUing the in- habitants with consternation, who never dreamed that an enemy's army would penetrate to those retired, remote 200 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. regions. From Madison, Geary's division pushed on to the Oconee river, destroying a bridge over it 1,500 feet long, while a body of cavahy crossed it and advanced as far as Greensboro', eighty-four miles from Augusta. Slo- cum turned suddenly south from Madison towards Mil- ledgeville. The Fourteenth Corps Avheeled in the same direction, further back, and now Geary to the eastward, did the same thing, moving down the west bank of the Oconee. On the 21st, Slocum entered Milledgeville, the capital of the State. The next day, Howard's wing came marching in with banners displayed and music playing. He had moved on Macon, covered by a cloud of Kilpat- rick's cavalry, which found at Lovejoy's about 3,000 Georgia militia. Charging on these, Kilpatrick killed some fifty, and scattered the rest in flight. Howard followed leis- urely, destroying the railroad behind him as he advanced. At Bear Creek Wheeler's cavalry was met, and forced back finally to Macon. Here was concentrated a large army, defended by breastworks and artillery, for the enemy had no doubt that Sherman's grand object was to take this place. But while the cavalry was threatening it, he ordered Howard, when within a few miles of it, to leave the railroad, and crossing the Ocmulgee, pass north to the same railroad, beyond his line of march, making the base of an obtuse triangle, of which Macon was the apex. Thus, while the rebel commanders were preparing for a desperate defence of the place, they beheld to their amazement, the army beyond them, quietly marching on toward Milledgeville. Sherman had evi- dently never heard of or had forgotten the old established military maxim, " never to leave a fortified place of the enemy in your rear." He marched where he pleased, with the insouciance of a man oblivious of danger, and igno- A COMIC LEGISLATURE. 201 i-ant of all the rules of war. Passing rapidly through Jackson, Indian Springs, Monticello, and Hillsboro\ like one on a flying visit, he entered Milledgeville the day after Howard. Here he halted for several days, and swept the surrounding country of forage and provisions for future use. He had left a part of the Fifteenth Corps at Griswoldsville, ten miles east of Macon, where he again struck the railroad, to protect his rear while march- ing on the capital. The enemy at Macon, enraged at being thus completely outwitted, made a furious attack with three brigades of militia on it, but of course was re- pulsed with the loss of nearly a thousand men. It was a mad freak, but as something must be done, this, perhaps, was about as good as anything else in their power. Sherman took up his headquarters in the Executive ^lansion, which had been completely stripped of i'urniture, but he did not seem to miss it, for spreading a pair of blankets on the floor, he presented a much more striking appearance, though he did not keep up quite so much state as his rebel excellency had done, who had just left. The soldiers took possession of the State House, organiz- ed the Legislature by appointing a speaker, and pro- ceeded to business. Motions were made, resolutions ofl'ered and speeches delivered ; and though Jefterson's Manual Avas not strictly followed, and parliamentary eti- quette certainly violated, and the speaker very much lack- ing in dignity, and the House decidedly disorderly, yet, the proceedings, on the whole, were much more interesting and sensible than any that had taken place there for the last three years. The rebel Legislature had been in session, but Sherman's near approach broke it up in great con- fusion, and the members with the Governor fled wildly back into the interior. This scene was enacted over again 202 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. by the new Legislature, composed of the soldiers. In the midst of their comic deliberations, a courier rushed into the chamber shouting, " The Yankees are coming." In a moment all was confusion, and amid shouts and yells and laughter, the rollicking multitude rushed for the door. The army was near Milledgeville on the national Thanksgidng Day, and having prepared for it by judi- cious foraging previously, they celebrated it in the heart of rebeldom by a sumptuous dinner of chickens and tur- keys. Over every camp-fire hung a fowl, and, amid jokes and laughter, and all the abandon of camp-life, the nar tional festival was kept by the troops. Having sufficiently rested, and equipped with rations for forty days in the wagons, the armj^ now resumed its march eastward. At Sandersville, Wheeler disputed our advance ; but, after a brief action, fell back to Waynes- boro', only thirty miles south of Augusta. Kilpatrick followed on and was attacked by him, but repulsed him with a loss of two hundred men. The operations of Kil- patrick so near Augusta alarmed the inhabitants of the place, who now had no doubt that their city -sv^as the chief point of attack. But while the cavalry swarmed the country in this direction, concealing the real- move- ments of the army, it was marching rapidly on Millen, some sixty miles south of the place, and seventy-five miles from Milledgeville. It was reached in eight days, Decem'ber 2d. Here Sherman again halted, while the cavalry scoured the country in every direction. His arrival at this place seemed at last to arouse the rebel authorities to the danger that threatened them. They had affected to believe all the time that Sherman was only on a great raid ; but the nearness of his approach MARCH ON SAVANNAH. 208 both to Augusta and Savannah, convinced them that he had a greater object in view than to burn cotton and destroy railroads, and leave a wide track of desolation in his rear. Augusta lies due north from Mill en, and Savan- nah ' directly southeast — the railroad to the latter running along the Ogeechee river. From this point Sherman could look back with pride on his track. For a hundred miles the Georgia Central Railroad lay a wreck, and the Georgia road for more than sixty. He had travelled where he listed, and with but little molestation, living in the meantime on the fat of the land. It had been like a holiday march, so completely had he deceived the enemy respecting his own plans, and thwarted all of theirs. Now, for the first time, his movements were cleared from all obscurity. Concealment was no longer possible, for he was compelled to take a decisive step in some one direc- tion. On the 2d of December, with the various columns well closed up, ammunition and provisions in plenty, the ai-my, strengthened instead of weakened by its long march, and buoyant with hope and confidence in its great leader, moved out of Millen, and swinging on it as a pivot, swept down in six parallel columns, by as many different roads toward Savannah. As at Macon, so now at Augusta, the rebel army massed there, saw Sherman leaving them idle and useless far in his rear. The country through which the line of march now lay was covered with pine forests, beneath the murmuring branches of which the army moved rapidly forward. Heretofore their march had led them through richly- cultivated fields, past costly plantations, and houses tilled with luxuries, and villages smiling amid peaceful plains. The soldiers had looked with amazement on a country upon which nature had lavished her gifts with su«^h a 204 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. bountiful hand. Now they passed for a time into an entirely different world. At night the scene was often wild and picturesque. ^"'or iniles and miles throuoh the forest, the blazing torches, now moving in zigzag lines among the trees, 'now standing in long rows like a burning colonnade, lighted up the scene mth a strange splendor. Here and there large camp-fires thrcAV into bold relief, against the back- ground of darkness, the motionless triniks of trees, reced- ing away in the gloom like the columns in a dimly-lighted cathedral, and shed a cheerful glow on the countless tents that stretched as far as the eye could reach on every side, while bands of music, answering each other in the dis- tance, filled the vast forest with melody. Everywhere through the solemn arcades rang the cries of teamsters, the neighing of animals, and shouts of men. Far in front and rear, where the cavalry bivouacked, the sCene was still more inspiring. The bugle call sounding the halt, the clanking of sabres, and the endless stream of horses, winding among the trees amid the dee|)ening shadows, gave the Av^hole an air of romance, and made it seem more like the creation of the imagination, than an actual, every-day scene. The breaking-up of camp in the morn- ing, the roll of the drum, the echoing strains of the bugle, dying away in the dim solitude — the marshalling of tlie columns, the long lines of steel passing like an endless glittering stream among the trees, presented a new picture, as though some unseen hand had suddenly shifted the scenes. Thus the great army swept on through cities, villages, and forests. " In the day time, the splendor, the toil, the desolation of the march ; in the night time, the brillian- cy, the music, the joy, and the slumber of the camp. SAVANNAH REACHED. 205 Memorable tlie music ' that mocked the noon ' of No- vember of the soil of Georgia ; sometimes a triumphant march, swelling out over the plains, and echoing through the leafy solitudes, and again, an old air stirring the heart alike to recollection and hope. Floating out from throats of brass to the ears of soldiers in their blankets, and generals within their tents, these tunes hallowed the evenings to all that listened." One of the most novel features of this march was the tattered, mongrel crowd of blacks that, despite Sherman's order, followed in its trail. A river on either flank protected it, while the cavalry, no longer needed as a curtain, moved in advance and rear, as a guard. Thus, for over eighty miles, the army moved steadily down on Savannah. About ten miles from the city the left wing struck the Charleston railroad, and encountered the skirmishers of the army of Hardee, who was in command of the place. The right wing also approached the outer line of the enemy's works. Sherman was now where he could hear the signal guns, in Ossabaw Sound, that for days had been firing, as had long before been agreed upon. Their heavy boom, ringing over' Savannah and the neighboring tbrests, Avas full of mystery to the inhabitants, but they spoke a language well understood by Sherman. In the meantime. Colonel Duncan, on tlie 9th, started doA\ ii the Ogeechee, and three days after stepped aboard of Dahl- gren's flagship. Sherman had once more reached the outer world, where the news of what was going on could be received. The army now closed gradually and steadily in upon the city ; working its way day by day by hard flghting nearer and nearer to the coveted prize. The enemy had 206 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. opened the canals, and flooded the rice-fields below it, till a vast swamp met the eye on every side. Where a high road traversed these, it was swept by rebel artillery, but still the enthusiastic soldiers would see no insurmountable obstacles, and inch by inch, always advanced, and never receded. But Sherman saw that he must have water communi- cation with the fleet, to get up heavy guns, and yet there was no likelihood that Dahlgren could force his way up the Savannah river. He, therefore, determined to cap- ture Fort McAllister, at the mouth of the Ogeechee, which enters the ocean but a few miles south of the Sa- vannah. This fort was a very strong one, and had re- sisted two or three bombardments of our iron-clads ; but the rebels, by a strange fatality, seemed to overlook the possibility of a land attack by Sherman, and had neg- lected to strengthen its garrison. Sherman could hot spare the time for a siege, and hence determined to carry it by assault. The gallant Hazen, with his division, was selected for the hazardous undertaking. Having marched fifteen miles during the day and night of the 12th, the latter was ready on the afternoon of the 13th for the desperate assault. On the roof of a rice mill, on the other side of the river, stood Sherman and Howard, and their respective staffs, with signal ofiicers. To aid in the assault Dahlgren had been requested to send round a gunboat. The anxious chieftain now turned his eye toward the sea to catch the signals of the expected fleet, but nothing but a blue expanse met his gaze. Time passed with leaden footsteps, and he paced the roof nervously, exclaiming, " Hazen must carry the place by assault to-night." At length the smoke of the pipes was seen, and soon the answering signals were dis- STORMING OP FORT MoALLISTER. 207 cerned. Turning toward Hazen's waiting battalions, he saw his signal flying, " I shall assault immediately." The gunboat was now steadily steaming forward, and in reply to the enquiry of Sherman, "Can you assist*?" the captain answered, "Yes; what will you have us do*?" The thunder of the enemy's guns in the fort was the answer, and then came the rattling of small arms. Hazen was on the march. Dashing on the double quick over a space nearly a third of a mile in breadth, swept by the rebel artillery, the resolute column reached a deep ditch with its bottom planted thick with sharp palisades. Wrench- ing these out of their deep beds by main force, a living hand taking the place of a dead one as fast as it dropped, the}^ tore madly through, and breasting the awful fire that smote them, mounted with loud shouts the deadly ramparts. Sherman watched the onset through his glass with, the deepest anxiety. " There they go grandly," he exclaims. A few seconds pass, and again he almost shouts, "See that flag in the advance, Howard! how steadily it moves — not a man falters. There they go still. Grand! grand ! " Still he strains his ej^es, and a moment after speaks without looking up, "That flag still goes forward; there is no flinching there." After a moment's pause he exclaims, " Look, it has halted. They waver — no, it's the parapet. There they go again — now they reach it — some are over. Look there — a flag on the works! Another! another ! It's ours — the fort is ours ! " The glass dropped by his side, his face lighted up with a sudden gleam, and turning to one of his aids, he said, " Captain, have a boat ready ; I am going down to the fleet." Seizing a slip of paper, he wrote a despatch to the Government, closing with this assurance: "I regard Savannah as al- ready gained." 208 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. The capture of" Savannah was now a foregone conclu. sion. Being completely invested on every side but the eastern, its fall was only a (juestion of time, and on the 16th, Sherman sent in a formal demand for its surrender. Hardee refused, and the former l)rought up more siege gims, and mounted them along his lines. In four days he was ready to open the bombardment. Hardee now saw that to attempt to hold tlie place would only subject the city to certain destruction, and inflict untold horrors on the inhabitants, and so on that night, under cover of the darkness, crossed his army to the Carolina shore on a pontoon bridge, and marched it rapidly off toward Charleston. The next morning, at daylight, Geary's pickets crept up to the silent works, and over them — meeting with no resistance — and soon after Geary himself received from the Mayor the formal surrender of the place. Sherman sent the following terse despatch to the President : "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift, the city of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty guns and plenty of ammunition, and about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton." It turned out that there were thirtj^-eight thou- sand bales. Three steamers were also captured, with locomotives, cars, &c., and eight hundred prisoners. Thus ended another of the most wonderful campaigns on record. In leaving his real base at Nashville, and marching nearly three hundred miles into the enemy's country, dependent all the time on a single line of rail- way for supplies, he had exploded as before remarked, a received military maxim, and established in its place one of his own. Not content with this, he took another step forward in his bold innovations ; he gave up a base alto SAVANNAH OURS. 209 gether and permanently, and flung his army into mid-air, to live as it could, until it reached another base on a dis- tant ocean. For boldness and originality of design and masterly execution, this campaign stands alone in the history of modern warfare. The South was struck dumb at its success ; all its prophecies had proved false, while the North was jubilant with delight and rang with his praises. He had not only got through safely, but he brought into Savannah not the wreck of a half starved, exhausted army, but one in a better condition, if possible, than when it started ; the animals fresh and vigorous, and not a wagon lost. A thousand men would cover his entire loss in this long and wonderful march. Superficial observers, dazzled by a great battle, do not appreciate the mental greatness that can devise and carry out two such campaigns as the one from Chattanooga to Atlanta,, and from the latter place to Savannah ; but the military student will never cease wondering at their mag- nitude, originality and success. Grant had said that the Southern Confederacy was a shell ; Sherman had proved it. 14 OF THE CAIIOLINAS PONTOON BRIDGE, JONES LANDING, JAMES RIVER, VA. W^^ . t .^ ^IL, „^./"'', FORT DARLING, JAJIES RIVER, VA. CHAPTER X. THE CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROLINAS. 8HERMAIT PLANS HIS NORTHERN CAMPAIGN — STRENGTH AND DIVISION OP HIS ARMY — THE TRAINS — CONSTRUCTION TRAIN — THE LEFT WING THREATEN? AUGUSTA — THE RIGHT CHARLESTON — RAIN STORMS — 8ALKAHATCHIE AS A LINE OP DEFENCE — SHERMAN's PLAN TO SEPARATE THE FORCES AT CHAR- LESTON AND AUGUSTA COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL — THE RAILROAD BE- TWEEN THE TWO BROKEN UP — CAPTURE OF ORANGEBURG BRANCHVILLE LEFT IN THE REAR — THE ARMY REACHES THE SALUDA — PALL OF CO- LUMBIA — IS SET ON FIRE BY THE REBELS— SHERMAN'S ACCOUNT OF — ANEC- DOTES OF SHERMAN — CHARLOTTE THREATENED AND BEAUREGARD BEWII,- DERED — PALL OP CHARLESTON — THE ARMY WHEELS ABOUT AND MARCHES ON FAYETTEVILLE — THE TWO WINGS MEET FOR THE FIRST TIME AT CHERAW— CAPTURE OP FAYETTEVILLE AND COMMUNICATION OPENED WITH TERRY AND SCHOFIELD — RALEIGH THREATENED — BATTLE OP BEN- TONVILLE— GOLDSBORO REACHED — THE CAMPAIGN VIRTUALLY ENDED— SHERMAN VISITS GRANT AND IS DIRECTED TO CO-OPERATE WITH HIM — HIS RETURN— NEWS OF THE FALL OF PETERSBURG — SHERMAN MARCHES ON RALEIGH — NEWS OF LEE's SURRENDER — EXCITEMENT IN THE ARMY — INTERVIEW WITH JOHNSTON — THE ARMISTICE— CONDUCT OF THE SECRE- TARY OF WAR — VINDICATION OF SHERMAN — INJUSTICE AND CRUELTY OF THE ATTACKS ON HIM — HIS CHARACTER. He now gave his army rest, preparatory to another movement which should equally astonish the world, and not only fill with amazement, but demolish the rebel govern- ment. What his first step would be no one knew ; some in- sisting that his objective point would be Augusta, others Charleston. He might take ship and transport his army to the neighborhood of Richmond ; or he might in his 214 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN lordly way march all the way up through the Confeder- acy, crushing the rebel cities and fortifications like egg- shells beneath his feet as he advanced, until he caged Lee in Richmond. The problem before him did not seem a simple one, and minds of the greatest forecast saw difficulties in his way they could not solve. But Sherman appeared to have no trouble about it. From the quiet, confident man- ner in which he formed his plans and marked down the route of his march, one would think there was but one road he could travel. He exhibits no hesitation or doubt; the complications that confuse others, he appa- rently does not see. This clear insight as to the right course to pursue, and the unhesitating, confident manner in which he adopts it, is one of the most extraordinary characteristics of the man. When joined with unvarying success, it is the distinctive, unerring mark of true genius. Sherman remained not quite a month in Savannah, resting and reorganizing his arm}^, and refitting it before starting on his third and final campaign. His force, of all arms, was about sixty-five thousand men, divided into four corps, with an arm}' train consisting of four thousand five hundred vehicles of all kinds, which, if stretched out in a single line in marching order, would have extended forty-five miles. But it was divided into four parts, each moving by a separate road to avoid crowding and con- fusion. The distance to be traversed before the army should reach Goldsboro', was about five hundred miles. One of the most important divisions of the army on this march was to be the Construction Corps. Its labors had been great and invaluable from the time Sherman left Chattanooga ; but, fi'om the numerous broad rivers, and CONSTRUCTION CORPS. 215 miles and miles of swamp that crossed the li.ie of march now before him, its work was to be herciJean. Living on platform cars, wading to their necks in swanij)s and rivers, working by torch-light and day-light, heedless of cold or wet or pestiferous air, it was to make a highway from Savannah to Goldsboro'', for this wonderful arm}'. From the first, it had seemed to carry Aladdin's lamp, for at its approach bridges leaped across rivers, wrecked rail- roads rose into completeness, obstructed highways became clear, and all so suddenly, that the colunms scarcely stopped marching. The people of the countiy wondered at its magical power. Once, in Georgia, a rebel was con- gratulating a planter on the destruction of a tunnel by Forrest. " Humph ! " replied the latter, " Sherman has got a duplicate of it.'' In organizing this campaign, Sherman had determined to move straight on Columbia, as his first objective point. But to reach it without severe battles, it was of vital im- portance that he should, at the outset, divide the rebel forces at Augusta from those at Charleston and its vicini- ty ; for if they should be concentrated and make the rivers successive lines of defence,, they would at least very much retard his progress and cut up his army. Hence, he determined, with Kilpatrick's cavalry and the left wing under Slocum, to threaten Augusta, while, with his right, under Howard, he threatened Braiichville and Charleston. The former, therefore, moved off up the Savannah towards Augusta, while the right wing was taken to Beaufort, thence to the main land, where it be- gan to march up the Charleston railroad. Augusta, mth its arsenal, machine-shops, cotton, rolling stock, &c., was of vital importance to the rebels, while southern pride could not consent to give up Charleston. Had John- 216 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. ston been in command here instead of Beauregard, he would have doubtless caused Sherman a good deal of trouble. But the latter, though a superb engineer, was not an able commander, and made a fatal mistake at the outset. He should at once have abandoned both these places, and concentrated his entire force on the Salka- hatchie. If Sherman had attempted to force it, he would have met with heavy loss. If he had outflanked him, Johnston still would have had a central position, and been able to strike his flank or assail him while crossing rivers with his heav}' trains, still falling back so as to reach Colum- bia with his army tirst. But, trying to hold too much, he lost everything, and that without fighting a battle. Though delayed a long time by heavy rains which made the Savannah three miles wide at Sisters Ferry, Slocum and Kilpatrick at length crossed over, and moved up towards Augusta. Being so formidably threatened, it not only retained its garrison, but strengthened it by that portion of Hood's army which, under Cheatam, had arrived. Howard's movement on the right, kept the troops near Charleston and Branchville, at these places, till" our armies quietly slipped in between the two forces, hopelessly separating them. Sherman had advised Grant that he in- tended, with one stride, to reach Goldsboro\ and there open his communications with the seaboard b)- way of Newbern. whither Schofield had been sent to co-operate with him. Col. Wright, superintendent of military railroads, was also despatched thither, to put the railroad in order, so that there should be no delay in the movements Of Scho- field's army. Those who wish to follow the movements of the two wings and their separate corps, can consult Sherman's report, in the latter end of the book. We THE MARCH COMMENCED. 217 shall confine ourselves to a general description of the movements. The supplies for the right wing were completed at Pocotaligo, and those for the left at Sister's Ferry. The floods, from the heavy rains of January, having subsided, Howard moved forward on the last day of the month, while Hatch's division remained at Pocotaligo, to keep up the appearance of marching on Charleston by the railroad bridge over the Salkahatchie, at that point. How- ard's corps, as it moved up the river, found all the roads obstructed by trees felled in every direction across them, while the bridges over the minor streams were burned ; but the pioneer battalion removed the one and rebuilt the other, before the rear had time to close up. Charles- ton lay to the eastward of the army, while Columbia was in a direct line north. A railroad runs from Charleston to Augusta, across the State, with Midway station half Avay between, and lying due south from Columbia. To this point the right wing now directed its course. The rebels held the Salkahatchie in force, but, as narrated in the sketch of Howard, the line of the enemy was broken here,^ and the river crossed with a loss to us of less than ninety men. The army then pushed on for the railroad, which they reached on the 7th, and commenced tearing up the track, thus effectually dividing the rebel forces at Charleston and Augusta. The left wing did the same, striking the road further up, toward Augusta, and also commenced the work of destruction. While the latter was thus employed, the right wing moved north on Orangeburg, leaving the astonished rebels on the demo- lished road at Branchville waiting its approach toward Charleston, directly in the rear. The Edisto here fur- nished the next best line of defence, after the Salka- 218 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. liatchie. But the rebel commander had so long thought of nothing and labored for nothing but Charleston, that lie could not be persuaded that it was not the chief ob- ject of Sherman s desires, and so lay behind his fortifica tions at Braxichville to protect it. Still, he had caused the bridge over the South Edisto to be burned, and sta- tioned a force at the spot to oppose the passage of our army. Mower, with the advance division, as he ap proached the burned bridge was saluted with a heavy fire of artillery, which arrested his progress. Lower doAvn, however, by wadmg to the armpits, and often swimming, the men succeeded in launching four pontoon boats into the water, and just as the moon was rising, the division was got across, which, pouncing upon the astonished re- bels in flank, scattered them in confusion through the moonlit woods. Two days after, the north fork was reached. For fifteen miles along this river, the spread- out army made demonstrations at different points, so that the scattered enemy could do very little in opposing the passage, except by skirmishing. It is a peculiarity of Sherman, that he is almost always on the skirmish line, in front, where he can see personally what is going on. The rebel force in Orangeburg now fled north to (Co- lumbia, and this place, with a population of three thou- sand, fell into our hands. A conflagration, however, was raging at the time, which the soldiers, under the orders of Howard and Sherman, labored hard to extinguish. The place was set on fire by a Jew, in revenge for fifty bales of cotton of his destroyed by the rebels. The negro pioneers here ran riot among the ornamented grounds of the wealthy citizens. Sherman says : " Blaii* was then ordered to destroy the railroad eftectually up to Lewis- ville, and to push the enemj- across the Congaree, and COLUMBIA REACHED. 219 force him to bum the bridges, which he did on the 14th ; and without wasting time or labor on Branchville or Charleston, which I knew the enemy could no longer hold, I turned all the columns straight on Columbia/'' The left wing swept on in the same direction farther to the west. Over the Edisto — across swamps and streams — straight through the heart of the proud, rebellious State, the mighty columns moved with resistless power, till on the 16th, Howard drew up on the banks of the Saluda, in front of Columbia. An hour later the head of the advance column of the left wing appeared on the shore of the same stream, farther to the west, and the capital of South Carolina lay under our guns. The Mayor surrendered the city, and Sherman, in anticipation of it, says: "I made written orders to General Howard, touching the conduct of the troops. These were to de- stroy absolutely all arsenals and public property not need- ed for our own use, as well as all railroads, depots, and machinery useful in war to an enemy, but to spare all colleges, dwellings, schools, asylums, and harmless private property. I was the first to cross the pontoon bridge, and in company with General Howard, rode into the city. The day was clear, but a perfect tempest of wind was raging. The brigade of Colonel Stone was already in the city, and properly posted. Citizens and soldiers were in the streets, and general good order prevailed. General Wade Hampton, who commanded the Confederate rear-guard of cavahy, in anticipation of our capture of Columbia, had ordered that all cotton, public and private, should be moved into the streets, and fired, to prevent our making use of it. Bales were piled everywhere, the rope and bagging cut, and tufts of cotton were blown about in ♦■he wind, lodged in the trees and against houses, so as to 220 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. resemble a snow storm. Some of these piles of cotton were burning, especially one in the very heart of the city, near tlie court-house, but the fire was partially subdued by the labors of our soldiers." It must he remembered that the army did not enter Columbia. The Fifteenth Corps alone marched through, and encamped beyond on the Camden road. The Seventeenth did not enter- the place at all, while the entire left wing and cavalry did not come within two miles of the city. A single brigade was placed within it on duty. Sherman says: "Before a sin- gle public building had been fired by order, the wind had fanned the smouldering fire in the cotton bales into a flame, which extended to the houses, and soon after dark the city was wrapped in a fearful conflagration. Wood's division was now brought in to help subdue the flames, and the soldiers went to work with a will. I," says Sherman, "was up nearly all night, and saw Generals HoAvard, Lo- gan, Wood, and others, laboring to save houses and fam- ilies, thus suddenly deprived of shelter, and of bedding and wearing apparel. I disclaim, on the part of my army, any agency in this fire, but, on the contrary, claim that we saved of Columbia what remains unconsumed." He acknowledges — what any one acijuainted with armies would know must be inevitable — that, while the ofiicers and men worked hard to extinguish the flames, "others not on duty, including the ofiicers who had long been im- prisoned there, rescued by me, may have assisted in spreading the fire after it had begun, and may have in- dulged in unconcealed joy to see the ruin of the capital of South Carolina." This is a matter of course, and could not be otherwise with any army, but an army of saints, and hardly then, we fear, unless the soldiers had more grace than ordinarily good men possess. ANECDOTES. 221 An incident occurred in one of the principal streets, characteristic of Sherman. He suddenly came upon some of our prisoners who, when the main body of them was removed to Charlotte managed to escape, and were hidden by the negroes. They now crawled forth from their hiding places, to greet the old flag, and sent up loud cheers for Sherman. The latter took each tattered, wan fellow by the hand, and shaking it warmly, bade him welcome back again to the arms of his brave old comrades. Here, or at Raleigh, another curious incident occurred. An inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, formerly from Massachu- setts, came to him, requesting him to make out his papers. Sherman put him off with a vague promise, telling the poor lunatic to put his trust in God, who would take care of him. The latter looked up doubtingly, when Sherman kindly asked him if he did not believe in a Divine Provi- dence, that had power to protect him. The old man hesi- tated a moment, then fixing an earnest look on him replied hesitatingly, " Why, yes, I believe in a sort of Divine Providence^ but as to powei\ I think a man who has been tramping over the country whipping these cursed rebels, has more power than any body that I know of." Having destroyed all the public buildings except the State capitol, and leavnig enough provisions behind to sustain, tor some time, the homeless population of the place, he moved his superb force north, followed by a vast horde of negroes and refugees. The army being spread out as much as possible, in order to obtain forage, it moved over the fertile country like the locusts of Egypt. A garden was before them, a desert behind them. The inhabitants of this part of the State had seen but little of the Yankees, and the steady on-pouring columns, with their long trains, filled them 222 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. with unbounded astonishment, while the woods and fields far and near rang with music it was thought would never be heard there. "John Brown's Soul is Marching on," "Rally round the Flag," interspersed on Sabbath days with " Old Hundred," and " Hail Columbia," filled the air with strange melody to these " sons of the chivalry." Beauregard, as we have noticed, with his army and prisoners had retired to Charlotte, whither Cheatam was making his way from Augusta, to join him. Wynnesboro, northwest from Columbia, was reached on the 21st of February — Kilpatrick's cavalry all this time well out on the left. It now seemed plain to Beau- regard that Sherman would keep on north to Charlotte, and thence to Danville, and for aught he knew, strike through the rough country to Lynchburg. In fact, a general so apparently eccentric, and so totally bewildering in his movements, might take it in his head to go any- where; hence he could think of no safer course than to draw in his forces, and concentrate them at Charlotte. Heavy rains now began to set in, yet for two days Sher- man kept on northwesterly toward Charlotte, the sun each morning rising over the right shoulders of the army. It seemed prol^able that he would persevere in this course, for the streams on this route were not so defensible as to the east ; but on the 2od, the army suddenly swung on a grand right wheel, and turning its face to the rising sun, moved rapidly off toward Fayetteville. Through the pelt- ting northeast storm, beating in their faces — over the rocky country, or floundering through swamps — wading or swimming rivers here, and spanning them with pon- toons there, the army like a mighty athlete kept on its re- sistless way, regardless of storm and mud and swollen streams and foes alike. Bivouacking in the dripj)ing pine FAYETTE VILLE REACHED. 223 forests, or on the bleak hill side, seemed alike to these thrice hardened veterans. Once across the Catawba, Sher- man struck for the Pedee at Cheraw. Nearly a hundred years ago those streams presented an elFectual barrier to Cornwallis in pursuit of Greene, but now, though swollen and angry floods, they were no obstruction to this indomi- table man, who seemed to heed the forces of nature no more than those of man. In the mean time the news reached the army, that Charleston was evacuated, and our flag flying over the ruined ramparts of Fort Sumter. The rebels made a stand atCheraw, but were swept aAvay like chaff by the tempest, leaving twenty-five can- non in Sherman's hands. Here the left and right wings met for the first time since leaving Savannah. Now marching in the clear sunlight, and again breast- ing all day long a deluge of rain, the army toiled forward, and on the 12th of March reached Fayetteville. Here was an arsenal, and all the appliances for manufacturing war material for the enemy, which were soon a mass of ruins. Previous to reaching the place, Sherman had des- patched trusty scouts to Wilmington, ninety miles distant, to announce his near approach ; and the same day that the heads of his columns appeared on the banks of Cape Fear Piver, the United States tug Davidson, arrived from Wilmington, bringing news from the outer world, and opening communication with Terry. Her advent was hailed with shouts by the soldiers. After a few hours' delay, she was sent back with despatches fi-om Sherman to Terry at Wilmington, and Schofield at Newbern, telling them that on the 15th, he should start for Goldsboro, and expected to be there in 224 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. about, five days, and directing them to move straight for the same place, and join him there. The planting of these armies on the sea-board was a wise provision, for Sherman knew he would need them. By his masterly stra- tegy and swift marching, he had up to this time managed to keep his army between the divided forces of the enemy, so that nowhere in his long march, had he found him strong; enough to fjive battle. But this was now changed. He knew that Beauregard, at Charlotte, had been rein- forced by Cheatam and the garrison at Augusta, and had had ample time to move round to Raleigh. Har- dee, too, had evacuated Charleston in time to keep ahead of him, and was moving to the same point. It was easy for Johnston and Hoke in North Carolina also to effect a junction with these forces, swelling them to a formidable army. They being no longer divided, would meet him somewhere, he knew, in a desperate battle, which would decide the fate of the campaign. On the 15th, he again put his army in motion, ascend- ing the Cape Fear river with a portion of it, to make the rebels believe he was aiming at Raleigh. Goldsboro, the point he wished to reach, is not on this river, but on the Neuse, farther north, which empties into the sea at New- bern. Hardee, Avho had retreated from Fayetteville on Sherman's approach, the latter thought from the inspec- tion of the map, would make a stand in a narrow swampy neck between Cape Fear and South rivers. His conjec- ture proved correct, for here Kilpatrick found him, and sent back for Slocum, who coming up fought the battle of Averysboro, defeating the rebels. Our loss was not over six hundred, while from the number of the rebel dead left on the field, that of the enemy must have been double. BATTLE OF BENTONVILLE. 225 The next day this portion of the army stopped its feint on Raleigh, and making a right wheel, moved off toward Bentonville, to the northeast, whither in a direct line, Howard was marching; "wallowing," as Sherman expressed it, "in the miry roads." On the 18th, Slocum was five miles from the place, and Howard farther east, only a short distance off. The next day, Sherman, not dreaming that the enemy in any force was near, left Slocum, and rode across the country to see Howard. He had gone, however, only about six miles, when he heard the heavy roar of artillery behind him, in the direction of Slocum ; but one of the latter 's staff officers soon overtook him, saying, that it Avas merely an affair between Carlin's division and the rebel cavalry, and that the latter were being driven. Soon after, however, other officers arrived, telling him that Slocum had suddenly come upon the whole of Johnston's army. He immediately sent back word to Slocum to stand on the defensive until he could hurry up troops to his help. His staff were soon flying with the speed of wind over the country, one pushing for Blairs corps, others for the three divisions of the Fifteenth corps. While thus standing on the road and writing his orders, couriers came dashing up from both Schbfield and Terry. Despatches were immediately sent back for them to push on toward Goldsboro. Another order directed Blair to make a night march to Falling Creek Church, and another to Howard, to move without his wagons at day- light on Bentonville. The gallant Slocum, however, had in the meantime deployed his line of battle, and in posi- tion received like a rock six successive assaults of the com- bined forces of Hoke, Hardee, and Cheatam, under John- ston. By next evening Howaixl was up, and the rebel 15 226 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. leader, behind his intrenchments, saw himself confronted by a line cf battle it would be in vain to dash against. A portion of Howard's troops had marched twenty-five miles on empty stomachs. Some hard fighting for posi- tion now took jAace ; but Sherman finally got everything as he wanted it. He did not wish at this point or junc- ture to make an assault or bring on a pitched battle, and so the rainy, gloomy day wore away in heavy skirmish- ing and severe fighting in different parts of the line. At night Johnston retreated. The battle was emphatically Slocum's. He reported between twelve and thirteen hundred loss ; Howard, on the right, four hundred ; while the latter buried a hundred rebel dead, and took nearly thirteen hundred prisoners. Goldsboro now lay at Sherman s feet. Directing the cavalry and Howard to remain that day on the field and bur}^ the dead, he gave orders for all the armies to move the next day to the camps assigned them around Golds- boro. He himself rode back to Cox''s Bridge to meet Terry, and the next day entered Goldsboro, where he found Schofield already arrived. The point for which he started when he left Atlanta the autumn before, was at last reached, and the campaign virtually ended." And what a march it had been. A de- solated tract of country, forty miles wide, and between two and three hundred miles long, across the State of Georgia ; and then one equally wide and far more deso- late, for nearly five hundred miles, to the heart of North Carolina, marked its line of progress. For two months he had been shut up in .a hostile country. Sherman now gave the army to the 10th of April to rest and refit, preparatory to the next move. Quarter- master-General Meigs came down, and in a fortnight VISIT TO GRANT. 227 20,000 men were supplied with shoes, and 100,000 with clothing and everything necessary for another campaign. On all the slopes around Goldsboro, in the solemn pine forests and spreading fields, the tents of the army were pitched, and the toil-worn veterans took a long holiday. In the meantime, Sherman turned over the army to Schofield, and went to City Point to meet Grant, where he also saw the President, who welcomed him with the greatest cordiality. Grant here informed him of his in- tended movement on Dinwiddle Court House, and direct- ed him to co-operate with him in that direction. On the return of the latter to Goldsboro, he immediately, in accordance with this plan, issued his orders to move to- wards Weldon, and the line of the Roanoke. He was just i-eady to start, when the news of the fall of Petersburg and Richmond reached him. As the glorious tidings passed through the camps, shout after shout went up, till the heavens rang again. Of course this new aspect of affairs caused a change in Sherman's plans. Co-operation with Grant was now useless, and he at once turned his attention to Johnston. On the 10th, therefore, he took up his line of march for Smithfield, where the latter lay. As he advanced, the enemy retired towards Raleigh, destroying the bridges on the way. Sherman followed, and on the 13th received the news of Lee's surrender. It flew like wild-fire through the army, which went crazy with excitement. Cheer succeeded cheer, and shout followed shout. When tired with expressing their joy in this form, the soldiers began to yeU, 1 ill -pandemonium seemed broken loose. Sherman was almost as much excited as his brave troops, and in deep exultation exclaimed, "Glory to God and our glori- ous country." 228 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. The troops now moved forward Avith elastic tread skirmishing as the columns advanced, with the enemy. But the boom of artillery that daj^, along the front, sounded to their ears more like the salvos of artillery on a Fourth of July morning, than the prelude to battle, That night the army rested within fourteen miles of Raleigh. On the 14th, Sherman entered the place. Envoys had previously reached him from the city, which he sent back with assurances that the property of the citizens should be protected. Here he halted a short time, and then prepared to follow up Johnston. The latter, on the 15th, sent a letter to him, asking if some arrangement could not be made to prevent the further useless effusion of blood. Sherman replied that he was ready to listen to any terms, looking to a cessation of hostilities. Johnston then requested a personal interview, and the next day at noon, the two met upon the road ; aiid, advancing, shook hands as cordially as though they were old friends meet- ing after a long separation, instead of enemies, who had for a year been seeking each other's destruction. They then adjourned to a neighboring farm-house for consultation, while their respective staffs fell into friendly conversation. Already had war begun to smooth his rugged brow. Johnston, dressed in a grey uniform, ^vith a beard and moustache of snowy whiteness, pj-esented a striking ap- [)earance. He asked for four days' cessation of hostilities, which Sherman refused to grant, and a meeting for the next day was fixed upon. They met at the same hour, attended by their spleiididl}- mounted staffs, and courte- ously lifting their hats to each other, shook hands, and tlicn dismounted and walked togetlier to the farm-house. Breckenridge was present on this day, and terms of surrender THE ARMISTICE. 229 were offered, which embraced other than military mat- ters, and Sherman, not feeling authorized to deal with them, consented to an armistice till they could be for- warded to Washington. These the government refused to accept, and sent General Grant down to assume direction of affairs. He arrived on the 25th, and Johnston finally surrendered on the same terms that had been granted to Lee. Sherman knew that an armistice of forty-eight hours, during which botb armies were to remain in precisely the same position they then occupied, could make no possible change in the final result, and con- sented to it till the terms could be sent to Washington. It was a very simple affair and would have scarcely ex- cited a remark but for the extraordinary silly fuss made over it by the Secretaiy of War. But instead of stating that the terms were inadmis- sible and directing Sherman to resume hostilities, he gave to the public nine reasons why the terms could not be agreed to ; it was a charge against Sherman — ^an accusation that almost implied disloyalty. It seemed uttered on purpose to wound and humble him in the very hour of triumph. Under the excitement caused by the President's assassination, the public mind was unreasoning and wild, and jumped to the conclusion that Sherman had made a final settlement with John- ston disgraceful to the nation ; when he had simply sent to Washington the propositions that had been oft'ered. Halleck, in his despatches to the di,fferent commanders in Sherman's department, directing thera to pay no attention to the armistice, pai'took of the same spirit as that which characterized the document of the Secretary of War. The press took up the cry, 230 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. till an impartial observer would have inferred that we had suddenly discovered one of our greatest Generals to be a traitor, and that, instead of ovations, arrest and imprisonment awaited him. All this was brought about by the indiscreet, undignified display of Mr. Stanton's ardent patriotism — a patriotism so intense and absorbing that it made him forget the high position he occupied. Not satisfied with this exhibition of his peculiar devotion to his country, he gave to the public a telegram, which he had formerly sent to Grant — im- plying that Sherman had seen it and had instructions respecting the course he was expected to pursue. The latter, in his straightforward way, says, " Now I was not in possession of it, and I have reason to know that Mr. Stanton knew that I was not in possession of it.'' This was a very grave charge, but one that Mr. Stanton never saw fit to fully meet. We have not space to go fully into this disgraceful affaii' ; but for the sake of those who wish to see a thorough vindication of General Sherman, we refer them to the documents in full ("■ General Sherman's Memoirs,'^ p. 217). Sherman felt deeply wounded by this unwarrantable attack upou him b}^ the Secretar}^ of War, backed up by the press, as well he might. Chase, in a manly spirit, took occasion at this particular crisis to contrib- ute to the fund being raised to give Sherman a house, accompanying it with a generous note, in which he ex- pressed his high admiration of his character and deeds. This man, who for four long years had been peril- ing his life on the battle-field — lifting, by his genius and triumphs, his country to the highest pinnacle of military renown, and carrying it forward to the haven l>tJBLlC INGRATITUDE. 231 of peace, was assailed with a virulence that in after years will appear like a farce, except for the memory of the grief that it brought to a noble, loyal heart. True to his country's interests, he would not leave his post, even to follow the corpse of his favorite boy, that bore his own name, to his distant grave in Ohio, but, with breaking heart, saw it depart with his mother alone, then turned to his army with the order "For- ward." Toilsome days and sleepless nights had been passed, hardships untold endured, death in every shape encountered, yet he had pressed on over all obstacles, till his victorious banners attracted the gaze of the world and brought hope and joy to his country ; and just when his toils were ended, and the crushing care that for four years had weighed him down was lifting from his heart, and the smile of complete success was wreathing his countenance, he was assailed with the bitterness of a deadly foe. How, then, must have come back to him the pregnant maxim, "^Republics are %in- grateful^ What a mournful echo there is in the words he uses when speaking of those "men who sleep in comfort and security while we watch on the distant lines." Aye, watching, sleeplessly watching, " on the distant lines," only to be the more traduced by those whom no motive could induce to shoulder a musket. But history will right this matter ; and though Mr. Stanton, if lie had lived long enough, would have been- compelled to have read over his whole record by a dif- ferent light, and to a different auditory, no pai't of it would have been more difficult to get over than that which narrates his treatment of Sherman. With the return of peace his army was ordered home. Scorning the proffered hospitalities of Halleck 232 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. at Richmond, he marched sternly forward at the head of his columns. As he rode in front of his veterans through the streets of Washington, the deafening hurrahs that greeted him showed that the heart of the people was right. Afterwards, all along the route to the West, his headquarters at St. Louis, the crowds and shouts that welcomed him gave him the same pleasing assurance. In the appoiniaient of Grant as General of the army, Sherman, in July, 1869, w^as promoted to Lieu- tenant-General. Sherman succeeded him as General with quarters at Washington. Two years after he made a professional tour in Europe, and was every- where received with the greatest distinction, for his fame had preceded him. He was absent a year. Two years after his return, at his own request, he w^as placed on the retired list in order to let Sheridan take his place. This was an act of generosity and magnanimity seldom witnessed in this world of ambitious men. Among the many honors he has received may be mentioned the degree of LL.D. conferred by the colleges of Yale, Dartmouth, Harvard and Princeton. He fin- ally settled down to the quiet life of an American citizen in New York City, where he is a universal favorite and his presence sought to grace and give eclat on various public occasions, and where his appearance 4s always greeted with the acclamations of the people. HIS CHARACTER. In personal appearance, Sherman exhibits but few of the traits popularly ascribed to a hero, for he is, on the whole, a plain-looking man. Though nearly six feet in height, with a somewhat lean, though muscular frame, HIS CHARACTER. 233 his appearance has nothing commanding in it. He is a bundle of nerves, which make him quick in his move- ments, and very restless. His eyes, which are of a light brown, are restless as his body, and have a sharp, piero> ing expression. The firm manner in which his lips close indicates his firmness and decision of character. Careless of his personal appearance, he usually wears a dingy uni- form — the coat never buttoned, and the vest only by the lower button. " Old Sam," his favorite horse, when he gives the order "forward" to battle, is a tremendous walker, and moves off into shot and shell as unconcern- edly as his master. Like Grant, he is an inveterate smoker, but evidently does not enjoy a cigar like him. The former will smoke slowly, leaning back in his chair, his whole appearance indicating repose and perfect con- tentment. Sherman, on the contrary, smokes as though he were under obligations to finish his cigar as s])eedily as possible. The puffs come fast and furious, and shoot from his mouth as though he were firing off a pistol. Every few moments he snatches it from his lips, and brushes off the ashes, as if he wanted to see how near through with it he had got. He is abrupt and rapid in conversation, shingling his sentences one on to the other, and never scruples to interrupt one, though he does not like to be interrupted himself. In the field, he hates long stories, and cuts short a report the moment he gets the substance of it. He is perhaps too brusque in his manner to be pleasant, but it is not a fault of temper — it is a peculiarity always connected with a temperament like his. A nature which will never let a man keep still does not exhibit itself in rounded, graceful forms and curves. A man who, when he has nothing else to do, will beat a tat- too with his fingers on a chair or window, or whittle for 234 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. want of occupation, is always one of sharp angles. With him, as with all nervous men of great mental st/ength, danger acts apparently as a sedative. In a terrible crisis, or when ridino; alono- the ed^e of battle, his manner be- to & o ■ comes toned down. In such moments, the nervous sys- tem gets wound up so tightly, that each nerve seems made of -wire. He has a constitution of iron, which neither cold nor rain, nor heat, nor miasma, seems to affect. Ever on the alert, his first act when roused from repose by the distant sound of cannon and musketry, is usually to light a segar. If the firing increases, he mounts " Old Sam," and rides forward to the front, where, leaving his horse in the care of an orderly, he walks toward the spot where the volleys are heaviest. But with all his abruptness and curtness of manner, Sherman is at times a very social man, and enters into a frolic with great zest. His scorn of pretence, mock philanthrop}^, and as- sumed piety, and of all shams, is intense and unbounded. Straightforward, and without hypocrisy himself, he hates duplicity in others. He is naturally cautious and suspi- cious, for he finds few men open and undisguised as him- self. He has a keen penetration of character, and quickly sounds the depth of those xnth whom he comes in con- tact. His heart is kind as it is great, and in talking witli children, all the stern lines of his face disappear. He is a warm friend, but at the same time a good hater. His memory of persons and details is wonderful, and like Bonaparte, he knows everything that is going on in his army. As a military man, Sherman has few equals in the world, and he possesses all the qualities that go to make HIS CHARACTER. 235 Qp a great commander. He has that peculiarity of Bonaparte which gave him such tremendous power ; great rapidity of thought, and yet correctness of conclusion. His mind moves with the speed of lightning, and yet with the accuracy and steadiness of naked reason. So swiftly does he rush to conclusions, that many of his friends seem to think he arrives at them by intuition. He can decide quickly and correctly too. He unites two opposite natures in one, the careful, methodical man, with the quick and impetuous one. This power of thinking quickly and correctly too, is a tremendous one. It allows the possessor of it to be executing plans, while his enemy is forming them. To a courage that no danger can daunt, and an energy that nothing can tire, and a perseverance that will not admit of defeat, there is added in him a profound strategic skill. His power of combination is wonderful. He can embrace vast fields and almost innumerable contingencies in his plans, and yet reduce the latter to a simplicity that makes one forget the power which was required to do it. He alone, of all our generals, has cut loose from some of the established rules of military science, and yet suc- ceeded. Operating with a large army successfully, a hun- dred miles or more from its base, has been regarded an impossibility. Yet he did this in his Atlanta campaign. Cutting entirely loose from any base, and swinging off into open air and becoming an independent machine, fight- ing, foraging and marching all the time in an enemy's country, has ^been regarded still more impossible. Yet he did that in his Georgia and Carolina campaigns ; nearly two months at a time swallowed up in a hostile country, and yet at the end emerging into view with men and 236 MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN. animals in a better condition than when he stalled. These campaigns, like the first Napoleon's in Italy, wiL. furnish a new study for the military scholar for a century to come. Sherman also handles a great army with won- derful facility. Still, like Grant, he has grown to his present stature. Both at Pittsburg Landing, were very different men from what they are now. Sherman, how- ever, has true genius, though not of tliat peculiar kind which enables a man to mount with a single stride to the highest position, and fill it. The world furnishes but few such. The only difierence between common and great men, is, that the latter can grow to any responsi- bility or requirement of life, and the former cannot. One rises with events, the other sinks under them; one con- trols them, the other is mastered b}- them. Some call him ambitious, such natures always are; but Sherman's ambition can never override his patriotism or love of right and truth. His love of country is intense, while many of his letters and expressed views show that he could serve it just as ably in a civil as in a military capacity. CHAPTER XI. MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON. HIS WORTH AT FIRST NOT APPRECIATED — HIS BIRTfi — ENTERS WEST POINT — GRADUATES AT THE HEAD OP HIS CLASS AND APPOINTED ASSISTANT IN- STRUCTOR OP PRACTICAL ENGINEERING — TRANSFERRED TO NEW YORK HiRBOR — CHARGED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OP FORT DELAWARE— SENT TO SUPERINTEND THE FORTIFICATIONS BEING ERECTED IN THE BAY OP SAN FRANCISCO — ORDERED HOME AND SENT TO BOSTON HARBOR — ERRONE- OUS VIEWS — PLACED ON THE STAFF OP HALLECK — HIS PROMOTION — SENT TO AID ROSECRANS — A SUCCESSFUL EXPEDITION FROM LA GRANGE — UNDER GRANT IN NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI — COMIMANDS THE SEVENTEENTH CORPS IN THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST VICKSBURG — HIS GALLANT CONDUCT — CAPTURE OP JACKSON— CHAMPION HILLS— ASSAULT OF VICKSBURG — THE SURRENDER — PLACED OVER THE ARMY OP THE TENNESSEE — DEFERS HIS MARRIAGE — HIS SERVICES IN THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN — TERRIBLE FIGHT BEFORE ATLANTA — HIS DEATH— GRANT'S LETTER TO HIS GRAND- MOTHER — HIS CHARACTER. There is no officer Ik this war who has risen to the first rank of generals so quietly and unostentatiously as McPherson. The country hardly knew of him until it discovered that he stood next to the hearts of both Grant and Sherman. And what is more singular, the South knew of his military worth before the North, He had hardly been heard of when the Southern papers attributed Grant's wonderful campaign against Vicksburg to his genius alone. With no correspondents to write up his deeds, he rose to renown in the army before • he had any reputation among the [)eople ; great there before the out 238 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. MoPHERSON. side world knew of him. No politician pushed his claims to preferment — no powerful friends at coiu:'t paraded his great qualities, in order to obtain for him an important command, and no sudden brilliant success lifted him into governmental favor. By silent merit alone he steadily, unobtrusively climbed the ladder of fame, till a major- generaFs stars graced his shoulders. Over six feet high, erect and noble, he \ras every inch a soldier, and eacli step m his upward career was planted on solid worth, which was not fully apjDreciated until he had passed away forever. Of Scotch descent, James Birdseye McPherson was born in Sandusky Co., Ohio, on the 14th of November, 1828. But little is known of his childhood, which seem- ed to give no striking indications of his after greatness. Of a military turn of mind, he yet did not succeed in getting into West Point until he reached the last year of age, that they are permitted to enter, viz., twenty-one. In the Military Academy, however, his great qualities at once became apparent. In the fourth class of 1850 he stood second, and in the second class of 1852, first, and the next year graduated at the head of his class. This was a high honor, showing a scholarship that the authorities could not well overlook, and McPherson was breveted second lieutenant of Engineers, and at once appointed Assistant Instructor of Practical Engineering, at the Academy, " a compliment never before, nor since, awarded to so young an officer." He remained in this position for one year, and then was made Assistant En gineer on the defences of New York harbor, and in the improvements of the Hudson river, below Albany. He continued to be engaged in this work until the winter of 1857, and is still remembered by many of the citizens in SERVES IN CALIFORNIA. 239 and near Albany for his unostentatious bearing and kind- ness of heart. In 1855 he was made full second lieu- tenant. From the Hudson he was transferred to the Delaware river, charged with the construction of Fort Delaware, where he remained till July of that year. He was then despatched to California to superintend the erection of the fortihcations on Alcatras Island, in San Francisco hiiy^ and was also connected with the survey of the Pa- cific coast. The next winter, in December, 1858, he was made first lieutenant. He remained in California several years, and was still on duty there when tlie war broke out. His great ability as an engineer seemed to obscure his other military quali- ties, or rather it might be said that at the outset of the war the Government seemed to think we should not need engineers. The country thought so too, and General Scott was ridiculed for throwing up such elaborate de- fences in front of Washington. Mathematical science was certainly at a great discount, and the spade voted by common consent an instrument fit only for less enlightr ened times. West Point education was considered any- thin"- but a recommendation, and the war was o'oing; to demonstrate it to be an institution of the past — a sort of red tape afl:air that would be eifectually exploded. It is not to be wondered at, that in such a state of public feeling, a man like McPherson sliould be over- looked, while many a lawyer, and merchant, and school- master, Avere honored with shoulder straps. Instead, therefore, of being ordered home to assume a high position in the army assembling at Washington, he was sent to Boston harbor to take charge of its forti- fications. He indeed received a slight promotion, being 240 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. MoPHERSON; made this month junior captain of his company. But when Halleck took charge of the Western Depart,ment, McPherson was chosen his aid-de-camp, and promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. By what lucky cir- cumstance this was brought about, we are not informed, but certain it is, General Halleck, unknoAvn to himself, had on his staff one greater than himself McPherson, however, saw but little field service, being chiefly engaged on engineer duty in Missouri, till the beginning of 1862. But when Grant began his movements on Forts Henry and Donelson, he was made chief engineer. For his services in these expeditions, he was nominated brevet- major of engineers, remaining with Grant till after the battle of Pittsburg Landing. In this action he was on the staff, and for the ser\dces he rendered received honor- able mention, and was nominated for brevet lieutenant- colonel of engineers. Thus it is seen his promotion was v'ery slow, and won by hard work. The next May he was elevated to the grade of colonel on the staff. While Halleck was making his slow methodical ap- proaches against Corinth, McPherson su})erintended the engineering department. Though in carrying out the plans of his commander he exhibited great skill, and made every step the former took safe and firm, had he been in chief command, he would have done less engineer- ing and more lighting. He was now made brigadier- o-eneral of volunteers. Once fairlv in the field, his orreat qualities became so apparent to his immediate command- ers, that the higher he rose in rank, the more useful he was to them ; and hence they urged his promotion, which now went on rapidly. On Halleck's call to the chief com- mand of all our armies, Grant took his place in the West, and made McPherson superintendent of all the United SENT TO AID ROSECRANS. 241 States military railroads in the Department of West Tennessee. When the former moved on luka in con- junction with Rosecrans, the latter served on his s1aff. Shortly after, Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell, suddenly concentrated their forces against Corinth, designing to cut off the army from its supplies by railroad. Rose- crans commanded here, and was greatly outnumbered b}- the enemy. Grant, alarmed for his safety, ordered Mc- Pherson to take a division and hasten to his relief The former moved rapidly forward in a forced march, and as he approached the place, the heavy thunder of artillery, breaking over the woods, announcing the danger of the garrison, quickened his steps, and "forward, forward," rang along his swiftly marching columns. Before he reached Corinth, however, the fleeing fugitives told him that Rosecrans had repulsed the enemy; and forcing his way through the disordered lines, he marched with one brigade into the place. Rosecrans, who had ridden all along his victorious lines in the flush of victory, found him, as he wheeled back into Corinth, with his brioade drawn up in the public square. He innnediately ordered him to take the advance, and follow up the retreating en- emy. He did so, and pushing over the broken country, day after day hung like an avenging angel on the rear of the rebel army, till shattered and broken, it fled in dis- jointed fragments in every direction. He was now made major-general of volunteers, to date h-om October 8th. Though young, being but thirt}'- three years of age, he had shown a discretion and skill that marked him for high command, and from this time his movements began to arrest the public eye. With his headquarters at Bolivar, he at once commenced to reoro-an- ize his command, and place it in advantageous positions 16 242 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON. about the place. Price, recovering from his terrible pun- ishment at Corinth, began now to reassemble his forces at different points, and Grant, informed of it, directed McPherson to occupy Lagrange. This was in Novem- ber, and he moved on the place so secretly and rapidly, that the heads of his columns as they entered it saw the rebel cavalry which had been occupying it dashing pell- mell over the fields and along the roads, in the wildest dis- may. He established his headquarters here, and the same day Grant arrived. On the 11th, the latter ordered him to get in readiness a division of infantry, and a respectable cavalry force, as he wanted him to go on a reconnoissance of great importr ance and peculiar danger. McPherson was ready next morning, and moving off to the southward, by noon had marched eight miles, reaching the vicinity of Lamar, a small village, within a mile of which the cavalry engaged the enemy. Hearing the firing he spurred to the front., and rapidl}' surveying the field, deployed his column, and soon began to press the main line of the rebel army. Though greatly outnumbered, he, by the position he se- lected, held the enemy at bay, while he sent his cavalry in a wide detour to the left, with directions to get com- pletely in the rebel rear before making an attack. In the meantime, he maintained the battle in front. The move- ment of the cavalry was successful, and soon their bugles rang out far in the rear, followed by the shout of the charging squadrons. Alarmed at this sudden apparition in their rear, the enemy rushed forward in confusion into a cotton field, when McPherson fell suddenl v on their flank, and in an impetuous charge, crumbled their entu^e line to pieces. The dismayed rebels turned and fled to Holly Springs, carrying to the army there the startling report A SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE. 243 that Grant''s whole army was upon them. Directing the infantry to advance slowly and cautiously, McPherson put himself at the head of the cavalry, and pressed for- ward after the broken columns. He kept on till he came within a few miles of the rebel camp, when he drew up on an eminence, and taking out his field-glass, leisurely surveyed the hostile force, now forming in order of battle under the impression that Grant with his whole army was advancing to the attack. After having ascertained all that he was sent to find out, he quietly countermarched, and returned to Lagrange. In this important enterprise he had been left to his own judgment entirely, as to the best mode of carrying out the object sought to be secured, and the result showed that the trust was well reposed. This was his first battle, in which he had chief com- mand, and the skill with which he handled his troops, and selected his positions and mode of attack, and the vigor with which he pressed his success, stamped him at once as a leader of uncommon ability. There was a de- cision and promptness in all his movements that showed a thorough knowledge of his profession, and a perfect comprehension of the difficulties and capabilities of a field of action. In the combined movement of Grant and Sherman against Vicksburg that followed, McPherson held an im- portant command. While Sherman moved down tlifi Mississippi from Memphis, Grant, as it is known, str.ick inland into Northern Mississippi, designing to capture Jackson, forty-five miles back from the place, and thus keep reinforcements from l)eing thrown into it, to repel Sherman's attack. McPherson was given command of the right wing, which had the advance in the march. 244 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPIIERSON. The shameful surrender of Holly Springs put a sudden stop to Grant's movement, and he wlieeled about and re- traced his steps, leaving Sherman to dash in vain against the strong works of Vicksburg. This countermarch took place in December, amid tor- rents of rahi, which made the fields and roads (juagmires, while the enemy continually harassed the rear, and hung threateningly along our flanks. As McPherson was given t he post of danger in the advance, so now it was assigned him in the retreat — he being made commander of the rear guard. Over the soft and flooded tields, and along the almost bottomless roads, the army slowly moved, the soldiers, angry and muttering at the cowardice of the commander of Holly Springs, which caused this long and useless march in midwinter, on half rations, and by many of them without shoes. McPherson, however, kept up a cheerful countenance, hardly leaving the saddle night or day, and by his example of patient endurance, allayed the ferment of the men, and quieted their nuirmurs. While cursing others, the soldiers lavished unbounded praise on their brave young commander, and soon learned to love him Avith supreme devotion. ^ Grant now commenced that series of movements which finally resulted in the capture of Vicksburg. In the outset, he divided his army into four cor[)s, one of Avhich, the Seventeenth, was given to McPhers(jn, and under him acquired a renown that will live for ever in history. When he finally crossed the Mississippi below Grand Gulf, and began his march inland, McPherson was his right-hand man. He took part in the battle of Port Gibson, and bridging Bayou Pierre, pressed rapidly after the retreating enemy, whom he overtook at Raymond, A BRILLIANT CHARGE. 245 posted in a strong position. Knowing, as well as his leader, that swift victories alone conld save the army, he did not wait for sti-ategic movements, bnt hi one headlong charge broke the rebel line into fragments, losing over tour hundred in the onset. Gathering up his dead and wounded he ke[)t on towards Jackson, marching oii the 14th twelve miles through a blinding, [)itiless storm. At ten o'clock he drew up his drenched army before the formidable breastworks of the enemy, -wdio were not only strongly protected, but also out-numl)ered him heavily. The storm now broke and the s})ring sun shone forth in all its splendor, making the rain droj)s on the trees and meadows shine like jewels. Awakened by the freshness and beauty, the birds came out and tilled the air with their gay carols, a rainbow spanned the heavens, and all combined to make it a scene of transcendent loveliness. Amid this peaceful splendor, McPherson drew up his fifteen thousand bayonets, and riding along the glittering line on his splendid black charger, aroused the enthusiasm of his men by a stirring appeal. As soon as the artillery had got into position aud thoroughly searched the hostile works, he ordered a charge. At first, slowl)' and with measured, steps, as though on a dress parade, the column moved over the held, closing up, calmly, the ugly rents made by the rebel artillery, and kept sternly on without returning a shot till within thirty yards of the works, when a sudden flash leaped from the line, followed by a cheer that shook the field, and then, with one bound, they scaled the ramparts and poured like a resistless flood through the hostile camp, scattering every thing trom their path, and chasing the flying foe into and through Jackson in confusion. The next day he wheeled about, and led his weary 246 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERPlON. troops back towards Vicksburg, and to new victory at Champion Hill. His losses had been heavy, and the endurance of his troops tested to the utmost ; yet nothing coiild dampen their courage, and on the 18 th he planted his flag before the rebel city. He joined in the assaults of the 19th and 22d, which succeeded only in proving the impregnability of the works. Ili the long siege which fol- lowed, his corps occupied the centre. His engineering skill now had full scope, and under his practised eye, the army worked its slow, sure way towards the city. Great in the field, he was, if possible, still greater in the trenches. In less than two weeks his batteries and sharp-shooters had almost silenced the guns in his immediate tront. On the 25th of June he sprung a mine under one of the most important forts of the enemy, and got partial possession of it. It was plain that he would soon dig his way into the stronghold. The interview between Grant and Pemberton, just previous to the surrender, took place in front of his lines, and he was one of the two that the former selected to be present at the conference. On the 4th of July he led his victorious columns into the conquered city, over which he was placed in command. Grant now recommended him for promotion in the regular army, in the following strong language : " He has been with me in every ebattle since the commencement of the rebellion, except Belmont. At Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh, and the siege of Corinth, as a staff officer and engineer, his services were conspicuous and highly meritorious. At the second battle of Corinth, hia skill as a soldier was displayed in successfully carrjdng reinforcements to the besieged garrison, when the enemy was between him and the point to be reached. In the EULOGY OF GRANT. 247 advance through Central Mississippi, General McPherson commanded one wing of the army with all the ability possible to show, he having the lead in the advance and the rear in retiring. " In the campaign and siege terminating with the fall oi Vicksburg, General McPherson has filled a conspicu- ous part. At the battle of Port Gibson it Avas under his direction that the enemy was driven late in the afternoon trom a position that they had succeeded in holding all day against an obstinate attack. His corps, the advance always under his immediate eye, Avere the pioneers in the movements from Port Gibson to Hankinson's Ferry. From the noi'th fork of the Bayou Pierre to Black river it was a constant skirmish, the whole skilfully managed. The enemy was so closely pursued as to be unable to de- stroy their bridge of boats after them. From Hankin- son's Ferry to Jackson, the Seventeenth Army Corps marched roads not travelled by other troops, fighting the entire battle of Paymond alone, and the bulk of John- ston's army was fought by this corps, entirely under the management of General McPherson. At Champion's Hill the Seventeenth Corps and General McPherson were conspicuous. All that could be termed a battle there was fought by the divisions of General McPherson s Corps and General Hovey's division of the Thirteenth Corps. In the assault of the 22d of May,* on the fortifications of Vicksburg, and during the entire siege, General Mc- Pherson and his connnand took unfading lam-els. He is one of the ablest eno-ineers and most skilful crenerals. I would respectfully but urgently recommend his promo- tion to the position of brigadier-general in the regular army." We venture to say a warmer endorsement of a subordinate by a superior was never made than this. It 248 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. MoPHERSON. shows conclusively, that what of McPherson's services reached the public ear, was but the smallest fraction of that Avhich he performed. It certainly would have been strange, if after such an unqualified eulogium and urgent recommendation of the victor of Vicksburo; ConoTess had refused to confirm the nomination cheerfully made by the President. It did not, and in December he was made brigadier-general in the regular army, his commis- sion to date back to the first of August. His gallant corps also voted him a medal of honor. After the surrender of Vicksburg, and while in com- mand of the place, McPherson made a dash, in person, on the guerillas that were infesting the neighborhood, scattering them in every direction. ' The limits of his military jurisdiction were now en- larged, reaching from Helena, Arkansas, to the mouth of the lied River. He remained with his headquartei's at Vicksburg till February, 1864, when he took the field, and bore the brimt of Sherman's great raid to Meridian. When Grant was made General-in-Chief, and Sherman took his place as i-ommander of the department ol' the Mississippi, the army of the Tennessee was left without a head, and ]^.IcPhersoii Av^as at once placed over it. He now had the Thirteenth and Sixteenth Corps added to his noble Seventeenth. Being engaged to* be married to a young lady in Bal- timore, he was about taking leave of absence to consummate the union, when he received this a})pointment. At the same time, the great Atlanta campaign was being ' organ- ized, in which the Army of the Tennessee was expected to bear a conspicuous part. With that self-sacrifice which so distinguished him, he postponed the marriage till it was completed. Alas, he was desti)ied never again to see FLANKS DALTON. 249 th(3 idol of his heart ! Like the mother of Sisera, she would exclaim, " Why stays his chariot, why are his chariot wheels so long in coming?" McPherson at once began to put his army in condition for the perilous campaign before it. His scattered forces were called in and organized at Huntsville, Alabama, and by the 1st of May he was ready to march. When Sherman finally confronted Johnston in his impregnable position in the Chattanooga mountains, and saw that he must turn it, McPherson was chosen to carry out his plan. Throwing his army beyond the mountains by Snake Creek Gap, the latter suddenly appeared near the railroad at Resaca, in the rebel rear. Had that army been a little stronger in numbers, he could have at once severed the enemy's communications, and forced Johiiston here at the outset into an open, decisive battle, which would have virtually ended the cam|)aign. Some blamed him for too much caution, asserting that a bold and sud- den stroke would have secured the road, and cut off the rebel retreat. But want of promptness and daring was not one of McPherson's faults. Whatever hesitancy he sho^ved, one may be assured was not only proper, but that an opposite course would have been criminal. He had made a difficult, circuitous march of thirty or forty miles, hoping to carry Pesaca by surprise, as Sherman trusted he would ; and then, if heavily pressed, fall back to a strong, defensive point, ready to dash on the enemj^'s flank the moment he attempted to retreat. But the crafty Johnston had guarded against this disaster, and McPher- son, when he arrived near the [)lace saw that it was too strong to be carried by assault, and that the rapid con- centration of troops there would certainly overwhelm him, and he fell back to Snake Creek Gap, and reported 250 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B, McPHERSON. to Slierman the condition of things, who immediately sent Hooker s corps to his support. McPherson now feeling that he liad sufficient force to assume the oiTensive, stormed and carried the enemy's works. Stung by this defeat, Johnston threw himself with desperate fury upon him, determined to regain the lost position. But his efforts were in vain, and he finally fell back, leaving the ground in front of McPherson dark with the slain. The army now moved on, McPherson holding the right, and occupied Kinston May 18th; and still push- ing forward, at length came upon the enemy turned at bay in the Kenesaw Mountains. Here Johnston attacked him with a heavy force, but after a most sanguinary struggle, was repulsed at all points, with a loss of twenty- five hundred men. When Sherman, finding that he could not force the strong position of Kenesaw Mountain, resorted to his old flanking process, he sent McPherson around to the right, to the Chattahoochee River. Johnston at once aban- doned his impregnable position, and fell back to Atlanta. McPherson was now transferred from the right to the left, with directions to seize and break up the railroad near Decatur, that lay several miles east of Atlanta, and thus cut off the direct communication between Lee's army at E,ichmond, and Johnston's, now commanded by Hood. M pherson's death. While Thomas, on the 20th, near Peach Tree Creek, directly in front of the enemy's works, was assaulted with desperate fury by Hood, and narrowly escaped HIS DEATH. 251 serious disaster, McPherson was moving down from De- catur eastward, to close around the doomed city from that quarter. Hood, having tailed to break through Thomas's lines, now determined to repeat the experiment on Mc- Pherson, and so the next day but one, gathered up his shattered battalions to attack him. Leaving only suffi- cient force in the intrencliments to man them, he massed his entire army on our left, resolved by mere weight and suddenness of onset to break through our lines, which were at this terrible juncture in the process of formation. The assault was made with their accustomed desperation, and at first a part of the army gave way, and for a time it seemed as if the enemy would get in McPherson's rear and finish the battle with a blow. The onset ^vas one ol" the most determined that had been made during the ^var, and it was evident that Hood was niakino- a last oreat effort to burst the coils that were slowly tightening around him. The crowding battalions swept up to the very muz- zles of the guns, and at times the standards of the con- tending hosts seemed commingled, so close and deadly was the embrace. The crash of cannon and roar of mus- ketry were incessant and deafening, and the slaughter of the enemy frightful. Bent on success, the rebels, reckless of life, were hurled back but to return with greater fury to the attack. Their lines seemed made of steel, and bent backward only to spring with greater force to their place. McPherson's black steed flitted like a phantom through the smoke of the batteries, the tall form that bestrode it towering unhurt amid the devouring tire that steadily engulfed the devoted ranks. With the chivalric feeling of a knight of old, he was always to be found at the point of greatest danger, steadying the wavering, and till- ing all with his own high, enthusiastic spirit. Eloquent ^n^') MAJOR-UENERAl. JAMES B. MrPIIERSON. only on the battle-field, and always so tliei'e, his words rang like a bugle-blast, and his brave battalions closed round him in a wall of iron. Thus the battle raged till noon, when there came a lull in the contest, and the en- emy fell back to gather for a new and more determined attack on some other point. At this time the Sixteenth Corps stood perpendicular to the main line of battle, and facing to the left, so as to cover the ti'ains which the en- emy, by swinging round the extremity of the line, might reach. Bet^veen it and the Seventeenth Corps there was a slight gap which had existed during the whole of the hght. This had caused McPlierson considerable uneasi- ness ; but under the fierce onsets of the enemy he could do nothing more than hold his own. But now he deter- mined to close this, for he knew the enemy's next attack would be at that vulnerable point; and should he break through, nothing could save him from defeat. Tliis gap consisted of a piece of wood, through which there ran but a single country road; the only direct way by which he could reach the left, of the Seventeenth Corps, and give the necessary directions to meet the approaching at- tack. He could have got to the desired spot by going to the rear and making a wide circuit, but this would have taken him over a broken country, and across ravines and streams, and impeded and delayed his movements. Time was precious, for he did not know how soon the attack >vould be made. He had ridden over this road at ten o'clock, and soldiers had passed and repassed along it all the forenoon. Hence it ^vas not supposed that the en- emy had as yet tried to occupy it, and McPherson took it without hesitation. Before he entered the wood, however, he stopped, and looked over the ground carefully, as if he had a pre- '^c ">^ ^J .%-' -V>> .h^ \ R-^^. ^^ ' i ?li Lt vl' ^^. y' 't^f a. ■^^ ^9H)^k {f^.f^-^^ ^^ HIS DEATH. 253 monition that danger lurked in its leafy arcades. But dismissing his apprehensions, if he had any, he sent the only officer remaining with him (all the rest being off with despatches) back to General Logan, with orders to send a brigade and close up the gap at once, and hasten forward to join him on the other side of the wood at Smith's headquarters. Then, accompanied by only one orderly, he dashed the sjjurs into his black steed, which had carried him safeh' through every battle since Shiloh, and which seemed like his master to love "the confused noise of battle and the shouting of the captains," and dis- appeared in the green foliage of the forest. But the rebels had already advanced their skirmish line into the woods, and now held a part of the road. Suddenly con- fronting him, as he galloped forward, they ordered him to surrender. He had not discovered them till that moment, and was so near that half a dozen more bounds of his horse would have brought him into their very midst. Startled at the sudden apparition, he threw the animal back on his haunches with a sudden pull. Then, suddenly recollecting himself, he gallantly raised his cap, and made a graceful salutation. At the same moment he reined his steed quickly to the right, and sending the spurs home, with a bound dashed into the woods. A volley followed him, and, pierced by several balls, he reeled from his saddle and fell. The rebels rushed alter, and though they found him still breathing, rifled his pockets, taking his watch and private papers, and also his sword, belt and field-glass.* Then, ajDparently fear- ing an attack, they retired. Some of our men, socn after, passing down the road, saw the black steed, as well * These, all hut the watch, were recovered from prisoners. 254 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. MoPHERSON. known by the troops as his master, come limping out of the wood, riderless and wounded in two places — one bul- let hole through the saddle-cloth. The sight of the mute beast told better than words, the fate of his brave master. His body was immediately searched for, and among others, by a wounded private named George Reynolds, who, forgetful of his own suffering, thought only of his beloved commander. He found him not fifty yards from the road, showing that the horse had made but a few leaps before McPherson fell. The noble form lay stretch- ed under the green leaves, still breathmg. George, with his heart bursting with grief, bent over him, and asked him if he would have a drink of water. Receiving no answer, he again enquired if anything could be done for him. Whether his spii'it was so far gone toward that land where the tread of armies is never heard, and the sound of battle never comes, that he could not hear the last words addressed to him on earth, or hearing, could not answer, will never be known. His feet had already entered the waters of "that dark ocean on which we are all to embark so soon,'' and in a few minutes he ceased to breathe. George, with another private, then came down the road, and meeting some ofHcers, told them they had just left the body of McPherson. An ambulance was at once secured, and the body brought away. "No- ble George Reynolds," states an officer, " not enough can be said in praise of young Reynolds. He was severely wounded through the left arm ; and although weak and faint from loss of blood, remained with the general till he died, and did everything in his power to cc^mfort him, and refused to have his wounds dressed until his remains had been secured and carried to Sherman's headquarters."" When the latter beheld the noble form he loved so well Mcpherson's revenue. 255 stretched stiff in death before him, even his stern heart gave way, and the eye that had gazed so often unmoved on scenes of carnage and blood, overflowed in tears, and like Napoleon over the dying Lannes and the dead Duroc, he gave way to the deepest sorrow. When the news reached Grant, he exclaimed: " The country has lost one of its best soldiers, and I have lost my best friend,^'' and burst into tears. What a touching tribute to the unconscious hero was the grief of these two great chief- tains. " How sleep the brave who sink to rest, By all their country's wishes blest." His death carried grief to thousands of hearts ; but in one it crushed out the very life — the lady, in Baltimore, whom he was about to claim as a bride, at the time he received the news of his appointment to the command of Sherman's former army, but postponed it to prepare for the great campaign at the close of which he fell. McPherson's death was soon known throughout his army, awakening, first, bitter grief, and then the keenest thirst for vengeance. And when the enemy came on again that afternoon, " McPherson and revenge,"" resound- ing from right to left of the eager line, was the fearful slogan with which they charged on the foe. Thousands went down before it, and at night-fall the dripping ensan- guined earth bore mute testimony to the terrible ven- geance his devoted followers had taken on his slayers. The grandmother of McPherson, aged eighty-seven, hearing that Grant retired to his tent and wept, when he received the tidings of McPherson's death, wrote him an interesting letter, and, among other things, said, " I wish to inform you that his remains were conducted by a 256 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON. kind guard to the very parlor where he spent a cheerful evenmg, in 1861, with his widowed mother, two brothers, and an only sister, and his aged grandmothei', who is now trying to write. His funeral services were attended in his mother s orchard, where liis youthful feet had often pressed the soil to gather the falling fruit, and his re- mains are resting in the silent grave, scarce half a mile from the place of his birth." She closes by saying, " I pray that the God of battles may be with you, and go forth with your arms, till rebellion shall cease, the Union be restored, and the old flag wave over our entire land. " With much respect, I remain your friend, " Lydia Slocum, "Aged 87 years and 4 months." To this Grant sent the follo^ving reply, exhibiting not only a beautiful phase of his own character, but showing his high appreciation of that oi' McPherson : HEADaUARTERS ARMIES OF THE U. S., t CiTT Point, Va., Aug. 10, 186-1. ( J/;-.<. Lydia Slocum: My Dear Madam : Your very welcome letter of the 3d instant has reached me. 1 am glad to know that the relatives of the lamented Major- General McPherson are aware of the more than friendship existing between him and my.-elf A nation grieves at the loss of one so dear to our nation's cause. It is a selfish grief, because the nation had more to expect from him than from almost any one living. I join in this selfish grief, and add the grief of personal love for the departed. lie formed, for some time, one of my military family. I knew him well ; to know him was to love. It may be some consolation to you, his aged grandmother, to know that every officer and every soldier who served under your grandson felt the highest reverence for his patriotism, his zeal, his great, almost unequalled ability, his amiability, and all the manly virtues that can adorn a commander. Your bereavement is great, but cannot exceed mine. Yours truly, U. S. Grant. In personal appearance McPherson was very com- manding. Over six feet high, with a noble forehead, and HIS CHARACTER. 257 an eye clear and open as the day, he seemed made for a knight of the olden time. He was a splendid rider, and amid the smoke and carnage of battle both he and his black steed seemed to be inspired. Wherever regi- ments were wavering, the presence of that horse and rider arrested at once the disorder, and the shaking line became compact and steady as granite. He never lost a battle. A braver man never drew sword, if bravery can be predicated of one, who by natnre seemed totally uncon- scious of fear. If he had any fault, it was the too reckless exposure of his person. His life was too valuable to be risked as it was often done by him. While pi-eparing for a o-reat battle, which would in all likelihood be lost if he fell, he would sometimes in person accompany his skir- mishers ; and, in the fight, where the pressure was hea- viest on his lines, there he was always sure to be found. Conspicuous by his commanding height and his black horse, he had often been made the target of sharj'shooters, in fact, of whole battalions and batteries, yet never re- ceived a wound till the last fatal one. He never used profane language, even in the heat of the contest. He needed no oaths to give emphasis to his harangues and orders, for though on ordinary occasions he was a poor speaker, embarrassed, and common-place, and tiresome — in the he.it and clangor of battle his words rang like a bugle-call. There, he was in his true element, and his form dilated and his clear eye blazed, and he rode at the head of his columns the model of a hero. Courteous and affable, his head(juarters were always the centre of hospitalit}'. Admired by his officers, he was loved by all. With a mind capable of great combinations, and an ex- rensive energy to match it, he was a, tower of strength to the general under whom he served.. .Had he been given 17 258 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON. a wider field, he would have ranked second to none. Full of honor and noble generosity, he finished his short, bright career, leaving no stain on his blade. Plunder and lawless violence were his detestation, and, like Thomas, he had no enemies. " Noble in all his impulses, pure in all his relations, true to the integrity of his country, able in council, and great as a militarj^ chieftain, his fall was a sad calamity to our cause and country." War brings to the surface but few such men, and the casualties of battle seldom remove a leader of so much worth and promise. Peace to his ashes and a grateful monument to his memory! .^||lll|j^lV ^\ '/tki - r 'ill I itar liii" 4i ^> '111 II ':i'!iiiii,Hil iiiitaijljliiijliy^ CHAPTEK Xll. MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. HIS RESEMBLANCE TO WASHINGTON — HIS BIRTH AND EARLY EDUCATION — HIS STANDING AT WEST POINT — ACCOUNT OP HIS EARLY MILITAR"! CAREER — WOUNDED IN A FIGHT WITH THE INDIANS WHILE ON AN EX- PLORING EXPEDITION — BREAKING OUT OF THE WAR— STANDS BY THE OLD FLAG — COMMANDS IN PATTERSON'S ARMY — IS UNDER BANKS — SENT TO KENTUCKY UNDER GENERAL ANDERSON — CAMP DICK ROBINSON — WILD- CAT CAMP — DEFEATS ZOLLICOFFER BATTLE OF MILL SPRING — DEATH OF ZOLLICOFFER — MADE MAJOR-GENERAL OF VOLUNTEERS — MARCHES TO PITTSBURG LANDING — AFTER OPERATIONS UNDER BUELL — ORDERED TO SUPERSEDE BUELL — DECLINES — SERVES UNDER ROSECRANS— CONFIDENCE IN HIM — FEELING OP THE ARMY — PET NAMES — HIS BRAVERY AT MUR- FREESBORO — HIS BRILLIANT HEROIC CONDUCT AT CHICKAMAUQA — SUPER- SEDES ROSECRANS— COMMANDS. THE CENTRE UNDER GRANT IN THE BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE — SHERMAN'S CHIEF RELIANCE IN THE ATLANTA CAM- PAIGN—ASSAULTED BY HOOD — AT JONESBORO — SENT TO NASH~V"ILLE TO RAISE AN ARMY — CORRESPONDENCE WITH GRANT — BATTLE OF NASH- VILLE — HIS CHARACTER. It is very rare in this world that a man occupies for years a position of great responsibility and of hazard, without doing or saying something for which his friends feel the necessity of apologizing. This is especially true when the elevation to such a position is sudden and rapid, and when he is surrounded by incapable men and often compelled to act under those who have neither his honor nor ability. Under such trying circumstances to utter no angry, hasty word, and do no imprudent act, is evidence of an equipoise of character seldom found. And }'et this is strictly true of Thomas. From the beginning to the 262 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. end of the war, not a breath of slander has tarnished his fair fame. Handed about from one army to another, serving under some commanders who were removed for incompetency, and with others who have been disgraced, he himself has never been asked to defend his con- duct, or apologize for his mistakes. From the same state as Washington, he resembles him in many points. This, Rosecrans, for a time his commander, remarked of him, saying that when they were cadets together at West Point, he had noted this resemblance and " was in the habit of callino; him General Washinoton." He was born in Southampton county, Virginia, on the last day of July, 1816. His mother was of French origin, being descended from a Huguenot famih'. Born to affluence, he received a fair education and began the study of the law. But having a strong predilection for the military profession, he sought and obtained, through his friends, the appointment of cadet in the school at West Point. -Distinguished there for his probity, honor, and steadiness of character, he finished his course with credit, graduating in 1840, twelfth in a class of fortj'-five, and was appointed second lieutenant in the Third Artillery. The country then being engaged in a war ^vith the Indians of Florida, he was sent thither, and the next fall was brevet- ted first lieutenant for gallant conduct. In January, 1842, his regiment was ordered to the New Orleans barracks, but in June was transferred to Fort Moultrie, in Charleston harbor. The next December he was sent to Fort Mc- Henry, Maryland, where, in May, he was promoted to first lieutenant of artillery. The next spring he returned to Fort Moultrie, where he remained till the summer of 1845, when, war being imminent with Mexico, he was ordered, Avith his company, to report to General Taylor in HIS BRAVERY AT MONTEREY. 263 Texas, and was among the first to arrive on the held. The army lay for a while on the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, and when Taylor, with his main force, fell back to Point Isabel to establish a depot of supplies, Thomas' company was one of the eight left to garrison Fort Brown. He helped defend the beleaguered place under the tremendous bombardment of the Mexicans, until it was finally relieved by the victorious return of Taylor. He was then detached from his company, and, with a section of his battery, stationed at Keynosa with the advance guard. In September he joined the main arm}^ in its march to Monterey, and in the battle at that place, did such good service that he was brevetted captain. In December, 1846, he was placed in the advance with the brigade of Quitman, who entered Victoria early in the winter. In the bloody battle of Buena Vista, no one worked his guns with more steadiness, skill and bravery than young Thomas, and for his gallant conduct he was brevetted Major. He remained in Mexico till August, .1848, when he was ordered back to Texas. In the fall, he was put in charge of the Commissary Department at Brazos San- tiago, where he remained till December. From thence he was sent to Fort Adams, Rhode Island. But hostili- ties having broke out again in Florida, he was transferred, with his company, to that State, where he remained on duty till December, 1850. He was next stationed in Boston harbor, (January, 1851,) but before three months had expired, was relieved from his command and as- signed to duty at West Point, as Instructor of Artillery and Cavalry. Here he remained for four years, until the summer of 1854. During this period he married Miss Frances S. Kellogg, of Troy. 264: MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. On leaving West Point, he was sent with a battalion of artillery to California, and being assigned to Fort Yuma, relieved Major Heintzelman, who commanded the post. He now got transferred to the cavalry, in which he received the appointment of Junior Major, and the next year, 1855, joined his regiment at Jefferson barracks, Missouri. Being ordered to Texas, he remained there with his regiment over four years, Avhen he obtained leave of absence. During this time his duties were often very arduous. He was sent on two exploring expeditions, in one of which he had a fight with a body of Indians, and received a wound in the face. When the rebellion broke out, although a Virginian by birth, he did not hesitate a moment as to his duty. Though his State seceded, and his old acquaintances there looked to see him come over from the Federal army and fight in her defence, he stood firmly by the old fiag. In the summer of 1861 he was ordered to Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, to re-mount his old cavalry regiment, which he had left in Texas, and which the rebel Twiggs had sent out of the Stiite without their horses. Equipping and sending on a portion of the regiment to Washington, he reported himself at Greencastle. In the meantime he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and in May to colonel. I^ the fore part of the summer, he com- manded a brigade in Patterson's army in Northern Virginia, and afterwards tiU August, was under General Banks. In this month he was made brigadier-general of volunteers and ordered to report to General Robert An- derson, at Louisville, Kentucky. Assigned by this com- mander to Camp Dick Robinson, to relieve Nelson, who, though only a lieutenant in the navy, had, by his indomit- BATTLE OF MILL SPRING. 265 able energy, assembled there a force of six thousand men, he at once began the re-organization of the troops. ZollicofFer now marched into Kentucky through Cumberland Gaj), and Thomas made preparations to meet him. He sent General Schoepf to establish Wild-Cat Camp, twenty miles southeast of him, who, being attacked by Zollicoffer, beat him and drove him back to Cumber- land Gap. Thomas immediately advanced to Crab Orch- ard, to follow up this success and relieve East Tennessee. But the rebels, assemblino- in laro;e force at Bowlino; Green, arrested the movement, and he was ordered to march to Lebanon, where he organized the first division of the Army of the Cumberland. In the meantime, Zollicoifer had again moved for- ward, and, crossing the Cumberland river, established his camp at Mill Spring. Thomas ^vas now ordered by Buell to move against him, and attack him in his intrenchments. This was in mid- winter, and long, heavy rains had made the roads mere mortar beds, over which the new recruits marched wearily and the guns were drawn with great difficulty. Thomas made slow progress, but pushing steadily forward, he, at the end of nineteen days, arrived at Logan's Cross Roads, within ten miles of the rebel camp. Here he halted to let the remainder of his army, that was still toiling painfully for^\■ard, come up, and also to arrange with Schoepf, who was at Somerset, for a. com- bined attack on the enemy. But the rebel General being informed by his spies and scouts that only a portion of the Federal army had come up, determined not to wait behind his works until the forces moving against him could be concentrated. So, on Saturday evening, the 1 8th of January, he marched out of his camp, and push- ing on all night, at daylight came suddenly upon oui 266 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. pickets. The assault was totally unexpected, but Thomas was in the saddle at the first gun, and galloping to the front, soon had two regiments in line of battle, which nobly held the enemy at bay until the other troops could be brought up, when the contest became close and stub- born. For half an hour the firing was rapid, close and heavy, but at last the Ninth Ohio moved down on the rebel left with the bayonet, while the T^velfth Kentucky fell simultaneously on the other flank, crumbling both to pieces, and hurling the whole disordered line back behind its reserves. The next moment, the rebel bugles were heard sounding retreat, and the baffled enem}^ retreated in confusion to their intrenchments, leaving their com- mander, ZollicofFer, dead on the field. Thomas gather- ing up his wounded, followed after, and came before the intrenchments at evening, but not wishing to risk" an assault by night resolved to wait till morning. The rebels, however, that same night abandoned their provisions, artillery, wagons, ammunition, and camp equij^age of every kind, and fled across the ri^'er, streaming, a disorderly mob, over the country, and carrying consternation wherever they went. This was the first victory, of any importance, that we had won since the war commenced, and hence caused in- tense satisfaction throughout the country. It first brought Thomas' name into public notice, and from that day on lie never was beaten. He now resumed his original plan of invading East Tennessee, and began to collect the necessary subsistence for his army. But when about ready to move, he re- ceived orders from General Buell to join him with his command, preparatory to an immediate advance on Bowl- ing; Green. But the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson RETREATS TO LOUISVILLE. 267 caused the evacuation of this place, and Thomas was or- dered to take his division to Louisville, and thence by ste&,mers to Nashville, which he reached on the 2d of March. Here he remained till May, when Buell began his march across the country to Pittsburg Landing, in order to join Grant's army, encamped there. His divi- sion being in reserve, did not reach the battle-field till the victory was won. Havuig been made major-general of volunteers, his division was transferred to the Army of the Tennessee, and he given the command of the right wing. He bore his part in the slow campaign that followed, and after the evacuation of Corinth, was stationed with his division along the Memphis and Charleston railroad, his command extending from luka, in Mississippi, to Tuscumbia, in Alabama. In June, he was transferred to the Army of the Ohio, as it was then called, and concentrated his division at Dechard, Tennessee. Leaving Schoepf in command here, he went to McMinnville, to take charge of two divisions located in that place. In September, he received orders from Buell to join him at Murfreesboro. On reaching that town, however, he found that Buell was falling back to- ward Nashville, and had left orders for him to follow on. He did so ; reaching Nashville on the 8th, and was im mediately put in command of that post. But Buell con tinning to fall back to Louisville, Thomas, on the 13th, received orders to march thither also, and at the close of the month reached the city. This rapid retreat was made to checkmate Bragg, who, with a heavy force, had crossed the Cumberland mountains, and was invading Kentucky. At Louisville, a telegram was received from Wash 268 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. ington, removing Buell from the head of the army, and putting Thomas in his place. The latter immediately de- clined the proffered honor, and telegraphed back, urging the Government to retain Buell, as he was the only pro- per man to command the army. In accordance with his earnest request, the order was rescinded, and Buell re- tained in command. Thomas knew, if those at Wasli- ington did not, the great military capacity of Buell. The latter now moved off to oive Brao-o- battle wherev- er he could find him, Thomas being second in command. After the battle of Perry ville, Buell was again re- moved, and the command of the army given to Rose- crans, which again assumed the name of the " Army of the Cumberland." When the latter commenced his ad- vance on Murfreesboro, Thomas, at the head of the Fourteenth Corps, had the centre. The career of Thomas since the commencement of the war had been in perfect keeping with Rosecrans' early, opinion of him. He had called him Washington, in their early days, and the latter had showed by his pru- dence, combined with daring, his correct judgment and unmoved equanimity, his probity and modesty, and, above all, his unconquerable firmness, that he deserved the appellation. It was natural, therefore, that in the im- portant campaign before him, Kosecrans should lean heavily on him, and look to him more than to all others for advice and counsel. His frequent confidential inter- views with him soon became known to the army, and the more they saw that " Pap Thomas," as the soldiers familiarly and affectionately called him, had to do with the management of affairs, the greater their con- fidence became in their new commander. Thomas was known throughout the army by another favorite sobri " SLOW TROT." 269 quet, " Old Slow Trot;^' given to him on account of hia deliberate and dignified movements. Sometimes his escort would get impatient, and hurry on at a gallop, which Thomas, absorbed in reverie, would not at first notice, but the moment he did, would order, " slow trot r when the eager riders would be compelled to draw rein, and adopt the more dignified gait of their chieftain. In the first day's terrible defeat at Murfreesboro, when our whole right wing was crushed into fragments, and swung back till it stood at right angles to the centre, where Thomas was -with his thirteen thousand veterans, that gallant leader s usually quiet nature became thorough- ly aroused. He was a rock in his steadfast immovabil- ity, but like that rock, when once loosened from its l^ed, and descending the cliffs in its headlong plunge, was swift and terrible, and resistless in his onset. As he saw the line crumble rapidly away, his blue eyes flashed, and his teeth set like a vice. In the crisis of the fight, as he spurred over the field, he came upon Rosecrans, Crittenden, and McCook, with their respective staffs and escorts, gathered on a gentle eminence. The whole presented a brilliant group, whicli at once attracted the attention of the enemy, and the next instant shell and shot were rushing and hissing over them. McCook, seeing the hazard they were running, exclaimed, " This is a nice mark for shells. Can't you thin out, men?" Thomas, throwing a quiet glance around him, remarked, with, a tone of bitterness, " I guess it's about as safe one place as another," and turning his horse's head to the front, rode off to where the storm was raging fiercest. When the gallant Sheridan — the last of the right wing — was compelled to give way, the rebels pressing on, 270 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. struck Thomas' right flank, and poured around hia rear. For i moment he looked up astonished, and then turning to Negley said, quiekl}- and sternly, " Cut your way out.*" With fixed bayonets the brave fellows moved swiftly on the victorious foe, and with the naked steel did " (iut " a terrible path through them, clearing once more his rear. In the consultation of general officers on the cold and stormy night after the first day's battle, Thomas' voice was for fighting it out on the ground they occupied. Rosecrans, in his report of the battle, speaking oi Thomas, calls him '•'•true and iwadeiit^ distinguished in council and on many battle-fields for his courage." The next day the enemy made several attempts to advance on the position of Thomas, but was met with such a fierce fire of artillery that he dared not leave the woods. This was New Year s Day. On the 2d, Bragg, at daylight, opened a terrific artillery fire on him, but did not venture on an attack. Toward sunset, Critten- den advanced across the river to reconnoitre, ^\■hen the enemy fell on him in such overwhelming numbers, that though he bore up gallantly for awhile, he was at length compelled to fall back. This being reported to Thomas, he ordered Negley to move at once to his support, which lie did, the men crossing the river almost on a run, and charging the rebels so impetuously that they broke and fied, leaving four pieces of artillery, and a stand of colors in our hands. Bragg having retreated on the night of the 3d, Thomas spent the next night in burying the dead left on the field, and the following day, preceded by Stanley's cavalry, marched with waving banners and triumphant music intc MurfreesV)or(), and took possession of the place. THOMAS AT CHICKAMAUGA. 271 When Rosecrans, after a long repose, finally took up his march for Chattanooga, Thomas, as ever, was his right- hand man. THOMAS AT CHICKAMAUGA. After the evacuation of Chattanooga, and when Rosecranz, almost too late, found that Bragg, instead of being in full flight, as he supposed, was actually march- ing hack on the place ; thus compelling him to strain every nerve to concentrate his scattered corps, a part of which had got beyond the enemy, with, the Lookout Mountain between them ; he turned to Thomas, as his chief reliance, to save the army. Crittenden was alone in the Chickamauga Valley, op- posed to the whole rebel army, which was moving back on him. Thomas, separated from him by the Lookout Mountain, was at once ordered to fling his corps across it to his rescue. The rebel Hindman was directed to hold the only gap by which he could pass to reach him in time, and had he done so, Crittenden, if not the whole army, would have been lost. But Thomas was too quick for him, and, sweeping through it, left Nagley to hold it, while he closed up with Crittenden, to wait for Mc- Cook, struggling back from his long and bootless march to cut off the retreat of Bragg. Finding that the enemy was swinging around Crittenden's left, to get between him and Chattanooga ; and seeing very plainly that the heaviest fighting would be there, Rosecranz directed Thomas to leave his position on Crittenden's right, and, falling back by night, march past his rear, and plant himself on his left, where the storm was certain first tv, 272 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. break. When at last it did suddenly strike Lis extreme left, and drove the advanced divisions broken back, he galloped to the front, and rallying by his presence the disordered battalions, hurled them with such fury on the shouting foe that he suddenly halted. TJie sight of his brave regulars in confusion, of Scribner';:. bngade cut off, and well nigh lost, aroused the sleeping lion of his na- ture ; and, re-forming, as by magic, his whole line, till it presented once more a solid front, he ordered the whole to advance. The troops, inspired by his presence, and catching the lofty spirit that breathed in every look and action, sent up a shout of defiance. Not swift and head- long, but graijd and steady, like its great commander, the mighty line swept steadily over the field. Longstreet, who commanded here, and a moment before felt siu'e of victory, saw with amazement its terrible advance. He at once ordered a charge, and, calling up his reserves, determined at all hazards to arrest it. But its onward movement was like the inrolliug tide of the sea, crush- ing beneath its resistless mass of foaming waves every obstacle that lay in its path. The rebel batteries played on it with deadly effect ; yet still on it kept. Forced back, the hostile guns would wheel into new positions, and again sweep the firm formations mth their rapid fire, but all in vain. The rebel leaders, enraged to see their troops give way, flung themselves along the line with flashing swords, and oaths, and stirring appeals ; but the steadfast rock was now in motion, and each onward step was a crash. Never did troops rall}^ more bravely, and fling themselves into the jaws of death with more heroism than did these veterans of Longstreet. But scarcely would the head of a column be formed, ere it would melt away before the destructive fire that met it. The move THOMAS AT CHICKAMAUGA. 273 ruent of that unbroken line was like the march of fate. Everything went down before it, and the rebel host was driven remorselessly back for more than a mile. But while victory was thus perching on Thomas's standard, the centre gave way before the impetuous onset of the enemy, and he had to halt, and then to fall back, to avert the disaster there. Baffled in their efforts to crush Thomas, the rebel host swept down our whole line to the right, vainly striving to find some weak point, where they might break through, until darkness put an end to the conflict, and the two armies lay down to wait for the Sabbath morning to light them once more to the scene of carnage. During this night Rosecrans made some changes in his positions ; and by withdrawing his right, till it rested on Missionary Ridge, he made it firmer, and shortened his line of battle by a mile. Thomas in the mean time threw up a breastwork of rails and logs in front of his position. The rebels being heavily reinforced that night, felt con- fident that the next day they would secure that victory which, but for Thomas, would have been theirs before nightfall the day before. The Sabbath morning dawned peacefully over the quiet valley, and spread its soft light on the overhanging mountains ; but its holy quiet was soon broken by the roar of artillery, as the enemy once more moved down on our line of battle. As on the day before, the storm burst first on Thomas. The rebels ad- vanced against his position with determined valor, and though that frail breastwork was an unbroken line of fire, before which the advancing battalions ^vent down like frost-work, fresh ones still came on. The dead lay in heaps in front of Thomas, but there seemed no end to the living tide that still pressed over the slippery ground 274 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. Maddened by the stubborn resistance that met them, and determined, at whatever sacrifice of life, to carry that vital position, the rebel leaders gathered their over- whelming forces for one final assault. Thomas saw with anxiety the deep, heavy formations, and rode along his bleeding line to steady it. Heralded by artillery, the assaulting columns moved steadily forward, and though met with the same destructive fire as before, never for a moment faltered. In vain the halfdemolished l3reast- work glowed with flame — in vain grape and canister made horrible gaps in the deep-set ranks — determined to be stopped by nothing short of annihilation, they crept nearer and nearer, till the hostile lines could look sternly in each others eyes. Outnumbered and exhausted, Thomas's brave troops now began to waver. He made superhuman efforts to hold them to their work ; but, overborne by mere weight alone, they could no longer maintain their ground. Division after division slowly yielded to the pressure, until the whole corps swung dis- orderly back. Finding a new and strong position, Thomas at length succeeded in rallying them, and once more presented a determined fi-ont to the enemy. In the mean time, he sent ofi^ an urgent appeal for help. It was now about noon, and before his appeal could reach Rose- cranz, the latter had issued that fatal order to Wood to change his position, which being misunderstood by some one or wrongly given by Rosecrans,left that sudaen gap in our lines which the enemy was so prompt to take advantage of, and poured through it — cutting the army in twain, and hurling the centre and left into irrecoverable fragments. Rosecrans's headquarters were swept as by a sudden hur- ricane, and he and McCook and Crittenden borne back with the demolished army. The battle seemed over, for THOMAS AT CHICKAMAUGA. 275 all was gone save the exhausted left wing, which stood alone on the tumultuous field. The prospect might well daunt the stoutest heart, — a few divisions, exhausted by a whole forenoon's desperate fighting, cumbered with wounded, and sadly weakened in number, against full seventy thousand victorious and exultant troops. Thus stood the battle a little after noon, on that eventful Sal)- bath. But this was just the situation to develupe tlie true strength of Tliomas's character. With an almost exhaustless reserve power, it required a desperate condi- tion to bring it forth into the light. He had no thought of retreating. It might be Thermopylae over again in the hopelessness of victory, bvit it still should be Ther- mopylae in its fame to all future time. Right there he and his braves would stand, and if they could do no more would leave a bright example for coming generations. Lining the semicircular ridge on which he was posted with cannon, he sternly awaited the shock. Nor did he have long to wait, for soon the whole rebel army moved in one mighty mass upon him. But so well had he planted his batteries, and so steady and deadly was the fii-e that swept the field in front, that all the exertions of its leaders could not carry their troops through it. Again and again they advanced in splendid order, and charged with unearthly yells against that wall of fire. Our men, lying down behind the ridge, and rising only as they fired, presented a poor mark for the foe, while the very numbers of the latter, in the open field, allowed every shot to tell. Hour after hour the fighting and carnage here were awful. Seeing at length that his fi'ont could not be carried, rhe rebel leaders determined to get in his rear, and so Qnish him with one blow. Through the ridge on which 18 276 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOxMAS. his right rest« d, and tack of him, a gorge ran, and the enemy, moving along out of sight beyond this ridge, now began to pour through it, directly in his rear. Even the lion heart of Thomas stood still at this appalling sight. He could spare no troops to drive back this force — no retreat could save him. It could no longer be a battle — ^it must be a butchery, or a quick surrender. Oh, to come to this after all ! But fate, as if trying this man to the utmost, and relenting at last, at this critical mo- ment brought him succor. While on his right the rebels were streaming in overwhelming masses to his rear, he saw far away to the left a cloud of dust rising over the tree-tops, and soon after, dark columns emerging into the open ground. Were they friends or foes ? was the anxious question he asked himself. Cut off from his commander, he had not heard from him for hours — no courier had reached him, and he could -not tell whether it was the enemy thus closing in on him from every side, or whether help was coming at last. At one time he said nervously to his staff: "Take my glass, some of you whose horse is steady — tell me what you can ■seeT A civilian, standing near him, remarked that he felt sure that he could see the United States flag. " Do you think so ? do you think so % " asked the General nervously. Captain Johnson, of Nagley's staff, having got separated from his commander in the fight, at this moment galloped up and reported liim- himself for duty. " Find out," almost shouted Thomas, through his set teeth, " what troops those are comino- in on the left." In the mean time he never turned hi^ glass away from them. Nearer and nearer they came, every moment big with hope and dread. Long and anxiously he looked, till at last his glass drops, and a THOMAS AT CHICKAMAUGA. 277 gleam like sudden lightning passes over tliat fiice, which had gi'own dark with trouble. It is the battle-flag of Granger that flutters in the breeze, and the fierce, swaft tread of those huirying battalions is bringing help. Oh what a load was lifted from his heart as the truth at last came home to him. The gallant Granger was hurrying to the field. It needed no consultation to tell Am what to do. A few minutes more and he would have been too late. The impetuous Steadman, his soul on fire at the fearful peril, seized the regimental colors, and putting himself at the head of those tw^o brigades, fell like a loosened cliff on Hind man's columns, now almost in Thomas's rear. There was no skii^mishing — no move- ments for an advantageous position — right on, and right over the astonished enemy, they went in one wild charge, bearing back the astonished broken columns with irresistible fury. It was over in twenty minutes. Yet in that brief time a thousand of those two immortal brigades had fallen. Scarcely had the smoke of the onset cleared away, when Thomas, with inexpressible delight, saw the regimental colors waving along the ridge where just before the rebel banners had fioated. The shout that went up at the sight was the shout of victory. What Steadman had so gallantly won he nobly held, and though the enemy made desperate struggles to get back their lost advantage, it was all in vain. As a last effort, they moved a column around to the left to get in the rear in that direction. Thomas saw it approaching, and, turning to Reynolds, said : " Go in there." He did go in, walking straight over the column, capturing several hundred prisoners, and scattering it in confusion. Night now was coming on, and the rebels rallied for 278 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. a last effort. Thomas saw them coming steadily on througli tlie gloom, and, with the order " to stand fast," awaited their approach. When the shadowy mass came within striking distance, he shouted,' " Give them the cold steel ! " With bayonets at charge, the line, with one loud, defiant cry, leaped forward. The rebels caught the sheen of the levelled steel in the dim light, and turned and fled. Without food, water, or ammunition, Thomas saw that he could not stay where he was, and so fell back unmolested to Rossville ; and next day the whole army retired to Chattanooga. Thomas at once became the favorite of the nation. The rockfast firmness and splendid courage which had saved us from overwhelming defeat — that lofty heroism which scoffed at numbers, and scorned to retreat, and that noble devotion which counted his life as nothing when the honor of his country was in jeopardy, extorted unbounded admiration from every heart. But the hero of all this did not seem to think he had done anything remarkable. He simply felt that he had whipped the enemy, saved the honor of the flag of his corps, and was satisfied. He remained cooped up in Chattanooga with Rose- cranz, until the latter was removed, when he assumed command, until the arrival of Grant. The hero of Vicks burgh sought his advice, and leaned heavily upon him for aid. When he planned his grand attack on the strong positions of the enemy, Thomas commanded the centre, on which was to rest the fate of the battle. While Hooker and Sherman were getting into position on either flank, \'e made a bold reconnoissance. MOVEMENT ON MISSIONARY RIDGE. 279 of the enemy's lines, and took possession of Orchard Knob, from which he was to make the decisive move on Missionary Ridge. Here, from early in the morning till the middle of the afternoon, he held his strong battalions like hounds in the leash, while the thunder of Hookei-'s and Sherman's artillery shook the hills. And when at last the order " Forward," broke along the silent line, his noble troops, knowing that his eye was upon them, swept gaily over the mile or more of broken ground, toward the base of the ridge, taking the shot and shell from the heights above as unconcernedly as though they had been hailstones. Thomas saw them with delight roll like a dark, resistless wave over the rifle-pits at the base of the steep hill, whose top was black with batteries above, and around which the sulphurous clouds hung in angry masses. Side by side with Grant he stood, and watched the regi- ments clamber up the steep acclivity, lacing here and there the slope with waving lines, while j)uffs of smoke here, and there, and everywhere, showed where brave men were struggling and falling. When the top was tinally reached, and the rebel line broken beyond redemp- tion, he dashed his spurs into his horse, and was soon pouring his columns forward on the retreating foe. After the pursuit was abandoned, he returned to Chattanooga, where he remained for the winter. When Grant was promoted to the chief command, and Sherman put in his place, the latter turned to Thomas " with the same confidence that Grant and Rosecrans and Buell had done before him." The reliance which every com- mander reposed on him was so plain, even to the common soldier, that he began to be called the " brains of the army." He and Sherman were as opposite as two great commanders well could be, and at first glance one would 280 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. nave said they never could work together. One was methodical, attempting nothing that was not based on strict military rules ; the other daring and ready to make rules for himself. But while Thomas did everything ac- cording to the well-established principles of military sci- ence, he was far from being a martinet. He did not lei rules use liim^ but he used them. He was constitution- ally methodical, and if he did anything at all he must do it in his own way. He himself was aware of this, and hence would not permit the Government or his superiors to force him to make a movement if he was expected to take the responsibility, until he was ready. He would serve as a subordinate cheerfully, and go anywhere, even to death if he was ordered, but if made responsible for success, he must be left, alone. Yet though so unlike as these two men were, instead of jarring with each other, they seemed exactly fitted to act together. Each appeared to be the supplement to the other, and while Sherman leaned with confidence on the solid judgment of Thomas, the latter felt pride in the daring, brilliant genius of the other, and so, though differ- ent in almost every particular, they moved on in perfect accord to glory and victory together. When Sherman commenced his grand movement into Georgia, with the distant Atlanta his objective point, of tlie hundred thousand men that composed his army, over sixty-seven thousand were under the command of Thomas, and of the two hundred and fifty pieces of ar- tillery, the latter had one hundred and thirty. It was plain that the Arm}- of the Cumberland was to be Sher mans chief reliance in reaching Atlanta. When the latter, at the outset, sent McPherson to make the flank movement which should force Johnston AT ATLANTA. 281 from the strong position at Dalton, Thomas moved boldly up in front to occupy him till the former could reach his destination. It was not expected that he would deci- mate his army by a desperate attempt to carry the posi- tion by storm, yet it was necessary that his demonstra- tions against it should be heavy and bold, so that the enemy would feel compelled to keep all his force in hand to hold it. On the 7th of May, Thomas seized the strong position at Tunnel Hill, driving the enemy's cavalry be- fore him ; and two days after carried Rockyface Ridge, above the Gap, and threatened the latter so seriously that Johnston did not send off any troops to impede McPher- son's movement, till he got within a mile of Resaca, his point of destination. He lost a thousand men in this bold feint, for it was designed to be nothing more. Johnston retreated to Resaca, and here in the san- guinary battle that followed, Thomas as usual held the centre of our line. At Kenesaw Mountain, the chief fighting was done by his army. When the army finally approached Atlanta, the first grand assault of Hood was made on Thomas, while in the act of forming his lines, and was one of the most desperate of the war. Though caught unexpectedly, and while getting into position, he nevertheless was found prepared, as he always was for any emergency. His orders flew like lightning over the battle-field ; and though the rebel troops rushed to death as to a banquet, determined to f )rce their way through, they were mowed down so remorselessly, that they were at length compelled to abandon the attempt, leaving, as Thomas reported, five thousand on the field. "W'hen Sherman, finding Atlanta too strong to be car- ried by assault, determined to place his army below on 282 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. the Macon road, so as to cut off its supplies, Thomas conimanded the centre in the delicate movement, and planted himself where the enemy had to come out and attack him. This the latter did with the two corps of Lee and Hardee, on the last day of August, falling on him with the same desperation that characterized Hood's onset. But of all men to drive from a position once taken, Thomas was the worst ; Chickamauga had shown that. This the rebels found to their cost, for they only dashed on a rock, and after a protracted, determined struggle, recoiled with the loss of full three thousand men. This settled the fate of Atlanta, and Hood retreated to Macon. When in September following. Hood marched to the rear of Sherman, ex})ect>ng him to evacuate Atlanta and Georgia, to save his communications, the latter, who had secretly sent Thomas to Nashville to organize and equip a new army, showed no concern, but kept on gathering his supplies preparatory to his march across the country to the Atlantic. Hood believing that the latter, when he finally left his front, had been outgeneraled and compelled to fall back to Atlanta, pressed swiftly forward in order to seize Nashville. Thomas, in the meantime, was straining every nerve to get an army together large enough to cope \(^ith that of Hood, Schofield had charge of all the forces in the field opposed to him, and these Hood drove swiftly before him, and came near capturing the entire army train. At Franklin, Schofield gave battle, and though the enemy was repulsed, he himself had to fall rapidly back to Nash- viUe, leaving Hood to claim a victory. The eyes of the latter were now opened, and he saw that Sherman was movino; in another direction. He was too far off to turn HOOD AT NASHVILLE. 283 in pursuit, and unless he could take Nashville, his whole movement would be a complete failure. He, therefore, at once advanced his lines around the city, occupying a crest of hills some four or five miles out from the place, and completely invested it from the south. The defensive works were on a similar series of hills nearer the city. Hood also planted batteries on the Cumberland river, west of the place, so that the only line of communication left open to Thomas, was the Nashville and Louisville railroad. If the former had advanced at once to the assault, there was a possible chance of success ; but the moment he sat down before it in regular siege, giving Thomas just what he wanted and all that he wanted — time — the result was no longer doubtful. Eight gunboats, including the iron-clad Monitor, Neosho, came up the Cumberland, and were quite able to take care of Hood's river batteries. The people were set to labor on the fortifications, and two lines of works, exterior and interior, were constructed at a distance varying from a mile to two miles from the city, with forts, redoubts and rifle-pits at the necessary points, till all the outlying hills looked like separate fortresses. Early in December, Thomas opened on him with artillery ; but, said an officer, "Hood evidently had the strange idea that Thomas would either evacuate without fighting, or would be starved into a surrender by the destruction of his communications ; therefore, all he had to do was to keep good his investment, and strike as he was able at the Louisville railroad, just as Sherman did at the Macon road when aiming at Atlanta." But Thomas with his works completed, "with fair supplies of all kinds on hand, and an abundance of most," had ceased to be anxious about maintaining his position, and "his usually 284 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS quiet eyes uow ])egan to gleam with the fier '"- light of battle; and it was soon apparent to all who happened to be much at headquarters, that ' old Pap George,' as his soL.iers persist in calling him, prudent general as he is, would very speedily be spoiling for a fight." Although he was now to all appearance ready to take the field, he was sadly deficient in cavalry. He washed not only to defeat Hood, but to have the means of pur- suing him when beaten. It was reported that the Sec- retary of War became impatient at his delay, and re- quested Grant to order him to move, and that the latter telegraphed him the views of the Department, and got back the answer that he was not ready yet, and, if he was dissatisfied with his course, to send some one on to take his place, and he would cheerfully act as his subordinate. But this report was not true. Grant, of his own sugges- tion, telegraphed to Thomas that he wished him to move at once upon the enemy, and he replied, in substance, as above. Grant sent back word that he had more confi- dence in him than any other man, and to take his own time ; still, he would like to know the reasons of his de- lay. But Thomas, determined that in no way should these reasons leak out, did not give them, and Grant let him alone, to act as his own judgment dictated. It was well that he did. Thomas now wrote that he must have cavalry, and the Secretary of War telegraphed Wilson, chief of cavalry, to seize and impress all serviceable horses wherever he could find them in Kentucky or Tennessee ; to do it quickly, and not stand on the form of his action. In a week Thomas had the horses, without which he could not have moved; though by no means the cavalry force he needed. By the middle of the month he felt ready t33 moment of victory, desperate!}- wounded. A rifle ball had entered the groin, and almost miraculously escaping a vital point, passed out of the hip. Reeling from l.'is saddle, he was borne bleeding, fainting to the rear. It was plain that if he recovered, he would not be able again to enter the field for some time, and therefore as soon as he was strong enough to be moved, he returned to his home on the Hudson, to recruit.* Before he was fit again to take the saddle, he ascer- tained by the papers that Sherman w^as in ft'ont of At- lanta, and that the place must fall in a few days. De- termined not to lose the glory of partaking in the final movements for its overthrow, he took the next train, and rode night and day till he reached his command at Cartersville. Still unable to sit on his horse he rode for- ward in a carriage fitted up for him by his command, and joined Sherman before Atlanta. The cavalry was much needed in breaking up the railroads that supplied the city, and at once entered on this service. Soon all were cut except the one leading to Macon. To destroy it, there- fore, was now the chief object of Sherman, and the task was assigned to Kilpatrick. With two divisions of caval- ry and eight pieces of artillery he set out just at night trom his camp, and sweeping round to the west of Atlanta, fighting his way forward, reached the Macon railroad in the afternoon the next day, and began to tear up the track. The enemy, alarmed at his audacious movement, sent out a heavy force of infantry and cavalry, which came upon him just before midnight, engaged in the work of destruction. The lieavens were lurid with the con- flagration, and the w^ork was going bravely on, when the thunder of artillery compelled him to leave his task but half accomplislied. Repulsing the enemy, he made a wide 334 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRICK. circuit, and struck the railroad further down at Love- joy's Station. But, made aAvare of his movements, the rebel force, by keeping straight down the road, was able to reach the threatened point before him. Foiled here, he began to cast about to see what his next movement should be, when he discovered that the way by which he had come was blocked up, while various forces were rapidly ac- cumulating on all sides of him to secure his capture. Finding he had got to cut his way out, he formed his command into six columns, and sounding the charge made straight for the rebel barricades in his front. Pour- ing like a torrent over these, he cut down the astonished enemy without mercy, and drove them in disorderly flight on every side. With four guns, a large number of prison- ers, and three battle-llags as trophies of the fight, he How moved on to the east of Atlanta, and finally reached the lines at Decatur, having made the entire circuit of the city and Hood's army. His success, however, was onl}' partial, and Sherman seeing that to break this conniiunication permanently, he must transfer his army to it, now began that great move- ment that gave us Atlanta. In carrying it out Kilpatrick operated in front and on the flank of Howard's Army of the Tennessee. Before entering on his grand expedition across the State of Georgia, Sherman had a review of Kilpatrick's cavalry, on which he knew he would have to lean so heavily for the protection of his flanks in his long march. Kilpatrick, informed of the General's plans, now called in his detachments, exchanged poor horses for good ones, and put everything in as complete preparation as possible for the arduous work before him. When all were as- sembled and mounted, he found he had five thousand ACCOMPANIES HOWARD. 335 five hundred men, with six pieceb of artillery. These he di- vided into two brigades of two thousand hve hundred men each, the first under -Colonel Murray, and the second under Colonel Atkins. Before starting, he invited the officers to his headquarters to a social entertainment, when he addressed them in his gloAving style, and animated all with a spirit of emulation. Ill the march, Kilpatrick accompanied the right wing of the army, under Howard, which moved down the Macon road, called the Georgia Central, in two columns. He had hardly left Atlanta before he came upon the pickets of the enemy, who had been hanging around the place. Scattering these from his path, he drove them through Eastport and Jonesboro, and pressing on, came upon the enemy two or three, thousand strong at Love- joy's, occupying the old rebel works there. Without waiting to reconnoitre and turn the position he charged the barricades, driving the enemy pell-mell from them, killing fifty and capturing two guns which the rebels had taken from Stoneman. From thence he moved down the road, the infantry following leisurely, until he came on Wheel- er s cavalry, at Bear Creek, ten miles from Griffin, Driving them back to Barnesville, he attacked them again, compelling them to take refuge in Macon. Howard now approached the Ocmulgee, and it was necessary that his movements should be covered, while he effected a crossing. To do this, Kilpatrick took his cavalry over, and marched to Griswoldsville, ten miles east of Macon, when he wheeled about and moved boldly back on the place. There was a large army here, and the object of Kilpatrick was to keep it thert to defend the town, till Howard could get beyond it on his march toward Milledgeville. By his bold and skilful movements he 336 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRICK. succeeded admirably, for in a succession of rapid advances he drove in the rebel outlying picket posts and forced the enemy back to East Macon, two miles from the city. Not satisfied with this, a brigade charged the rebel line, and one regiment, the Tenth Ohio, dashing across an interven- ing creek burst with wild clamor up the hill beyond, on Nvhich the earthworks were, and drove the artillerymen and infantry from their posts. This bold movement con- lirmed the rebel commanders in their opinion, that Macon was to be attacked, and the army was kept busy on the foitifications, and in a constant state of alarm by the sound of Kilpatrick's bugles. Howard, in the meantime, quietly slipped by and was miles away before the rebels woke up to the clever trick that had been played upon them. While a part of the cavalry was thus keeping the rebel army in Macon in constant fear of an attack, another portion destroyed depots, a foundry, chemical works, and other public buildings at Griswoldsville, and then working eastward, tore up the railroad as they ad- vanced. After the short rest at Milledgeville, the army moved on, and now began the real hard work of the cavalry during the campaign. Its chief business thus far had been to destroy, but Wheeler's cavalry had become so formidable in numbers that, from this time on, it re- quired all Kilpatrick's attention. The Savannah railroad runs north from Millen to Augusta, about midway be- tween which is Waynesboro. While the army was mov- ing in a somewhat southeasterly direction toward this place, Kilpatrick was sent forward on the road to Waynes- boro, which was the proper route to Augusta, in order to confirm the impression of the rebel commanders that it DEFEAT OF WHEELER. 337 was the point aimed at by Sherman. A large army was here also, and it was important it should remain in its position, till it was effectually cut off from Savannah. At Sandersville, Wheeler made a stand, but after some sharp skirmishing, fell back' toward Waynesboro. Almost every day now there was severe fighting. On the 29th, Wheeler suddenly assumed the offensive, and made a furious attapk on Kilpatrick. The latter had thrown up barricades, and, a part of his force using the Spencer rifles, received his adversary with a murderous fire, and stub- bornly held him at bay, killing and wounding two or three hundred men, with a small loss to himself. Falling back to Louisville, on the Fourteenth Corps, he rested for one daj-, and on the next, again moved off toward Waynesboro. Reaching the railroad a few miles south of it, at Thomas' Station, he broke it up. The next day he moved against Wheeler, and attacking him with fury be- hind his barricades, forced him to flight. For two days, the 3d and 4th, he fought him with such determination, that the rebel chieftain gave up all hope of arresting our progress. Having accomplished his object, viz., to keep the rebel army shut up in Augusta, Kilpatrick gathered up his dead and wounded, numbering about sixty, and wheeling south, now joined Sherman at Millen. From this point, on to Savannah, seventy-five miles distant, the cavalry, divided into two portions, marched in front and rear of the army. Hitherto it had seemed to the aston- ished ill habitants to be everywhere, and burning cotton, blazing depots, foundries, mills, and workshops, and smoking railroads in all directions, had so completely con- liised and bewildered the rebel leaders, that they did not know where to concentrate their forces. While watching for Kilpatrick in one place, he struck them in another ; 338 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRICK, all the time stretching such an impenetrable curtain along the flanks of the main army, that its movements were shrouded in complete myster)-. Detachments sent off in all directions had threatened every possible point almost at the same time, and for nearly five hundred miles his bold troopers had ridden without let or hindrance over the astonished country. Their bugle blasts by night and day had roused up the solitar}' planter, the quiet rural village, and the busy town alike, till his gay and reckless squadrons seemed in the eyes of the inhabitants to fill all the State. But from Millen to Savannah they marched in mass, and kept step to the leisurely movements of the army. Through the broad pine barrens, in front and rear, their bugles awoke the still echoes, and cheered the long march, mitil the spires of Savannah rose to view, and its work was accomplished. In summing up his operations, Kilpatrick said that the enemy's cavalry had not been able even once to reach the trains in the rear or flank of either infantry column. "We have," said he, "three times crossed from left to right in front of our army, and have marched upwards of five hundred and forty-one miles since the 15th day of November, and have destroyed fourteen hundred bales of cotton, two hundred and seventy-one cotton gins, and much other valuable property ; captured two 3-inch rifled guns, eight hundred and sixty-three stands of small arms, and killed and wounded and disabled not less than fifteen hundred of the enem}^," while his own loss was but three liundred and sixty-five. Sherman, in a letter to him, dated in front of Savannah, complimented him highly, saying, among other things, " But the fact that to you, in a great measure, we owe the march of four strong infan- AUGUSTA THREATENED. 339 try columns, with heavy teams and wagons, over three hundred miles through an enemy's country, without the loss of a single wagon, and without the annoyance of cavalry dashes on our flanks, is honor enough for any cavalry commander." While at Savannah he received the appointment ol Major-General. When Sherman, in the middle of winter, marched out of Savannah to traverse the two Carolinas, he was sent off on his old mission of making feints and distracting and dividing the rebel forces. Slocum, as we have seen, marched up the Savannah, and crossed at Sisters' Ferry. Kilpatrick crossed behind him, and at once marched for the Charleston and Augusta Raih^oad, striking it at Black- ville, and driving his old enemy, Wheeler, over tlie Edisto. He then took the track, and moved off toward Augusta, destroying it as he advanced. The enemy was not certain whether Sherman intended to attack Augusta first, or move directly north toward Columbia ; but sus- })ecting lie would take the latter course, had all the bridges and crossin.gs of the Edisto well guarded But Kilpatrick\s steady approach toward Augusta alarmed Wheeler, and when the former had got well up toward the place he abandoned the Edisto, and by marching night and day reached Aiken, a few miles out of the city, first, and supported by an infantry force under Cheatham, disputed his further progress. Kilpatrick at once com- menced skirmishing with him, and kept it up for two days. All this time Sherman's columns were pouring across the Edisto, and heading straight for Columbia. Kilpatrick having accom})lished the object he sought, suddenly broke up camp, and moving SAviftly north, threw himself between the enem} and Columbia, so 22 340 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRICK. that the latter could not reach it except by a wide circuit westward. WheiJ Sherman reached Columbia, the enemy remain ed just as much in the dark respecting the point he would next strike as they were Avhen he left Savannah ; not know- ing whether he would move east to effect a junction with the columns marching up from Newberii and Wilmington, or keep on north toward Charlotte. To delude the rebel leader into the belief that he was aiming at the latter place, Kil- patrick was sent off toward it, and manoeuvred so that it was thought the array was advancing in that direction. For a whole day, he marched parallel to and within three miles of Cheatham's infantry, moving in the same direc- tion. Meanwhile, Sherman was pushing his columns toward Fayetteville. The result was, Beauregard kept his army massed at Charlotteville, till our array had safely crossed the Pedee. It is impossible to describe without an accompanying map on a large scale, the various movements of the cav- alry, while thus operating on the left flank of Sherman's army. About this time Kilpatrick was informed that our sol- diers were killed by the rebels after they had surrendered : "In one case (he says), a lieutenant and seven men : in ano- ther, nine cavalrymen were found murdered ; five in a barn- yard, three in a field, and one in the road; two with their throats cut from ear to ear.'' He at once wrote to Wheeler, closing his letter in the following language: "Unless some satisfactory explanation be made to me before sundown, February 23d, I will cause eighteen of your soldiers, now my prisoners, to be shot at that hour; and if this cowardly act be repeated, if my men when taken are not treated in all cases as prisoners of Avar RETALIATION. 341 should be, I will not only retaliate as I have already men- tioned, but there shall not be left a house standing within reach of my scouting parties along my line of march ; nor will I be answerable for the conduct of my soldiers, who will not only be allowed, but encouraged to take a fear- ful revenge. I know of no other way to intimidate cowards." To this Wheeler replied, that he " was shock- ed at his statements," and declared that it must be a mis- take, and promised to "have the matter investigated." Kilpatrick, on this representation, said he would "take no action for the present." The rebels, however, were taught that a course of brutality was a hazardous game to play at, and certain to be a losing one to them. Hampton, who had joined Wheeler, and who was soon placed in command of all the rebel cavalry operating against our army, now tried hard to reach Fayetteville, whither Hardee was marching in his retreat from Char- leston. Kilpatrick at once determined, if possible, to cut off the former. Finding that he was moving on two par- allel roads, he posted upon each, a brigade of cavalry ; but hearing there was still another road farther north, along which a part might pass, he took three regiments, 400 dismounted men, and a section of artillery, and by a rapid night-march reached it, and took post in advance, where it intersected the Morgantown road, farther south. Here he came very near ending his career. Hampton, made aware of his movements, broke away from the main column of Kilpatrick farther south, and by a rapid, forced march, came upon the camp of the latter just before day- liarht. The blast of his buojles was the first announce- ment of his presence, and while the charge was still peal- ing, he burst with three divisions into the panic-stricken camp, and swept it in one wild rush. It was a sudden 342 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRICK. whirlwind, for in one minute after the first bugle-blast and shout, the whole command was flying terror-stricken through the gloom. Kilpatrick's headquarters were swept in a twinkling, his aids captured, his artillerj^ taken, and he himself compelled to flee on foot for his life. Dashing in amid his cavalrymen, whose camp was in the rear of that of the infantry, he found them fighting for their horses, but leader and all were again borne away in the maddened torrent, and driven into an im- penetrable swamp. This was a miserable plight for the foremost cavalry officer of the da}^, and a major-general to boot ; his headquarters and camp all gone, and he himself with his scattered followers floundering amid darkness in a swamp that could not be crossed. To all human appearance, Kilpatrick's ride through the Caro- linas had come to an ignoble end. But one of his strik- ing peculiarities is that he never admits any condition to be so desperate that it cannot be remedied, and, like General Taylor, he never knows when he is beaten. Casting about him, he resolved, with his mere handful of men, to retake his camp, and give the enemy battle. Peering out from his hiding place, he found the victors were wholly taken up with plundering his camp, and, rallying his men, he charged first on the cavalrj' camp. The rebels, who expected to see no more of the enemy, were taken by surprise, and driven back on the other portion of their force. Taking advantage of this sudden success, and enraged at the sight of the rebels plundering his headquarters and harnessing up his battery horses, in order to carry oif his. artillery, he ordered the charge to sound, and, himself leading, fell so furiously on them that they recoiled in astonishment. Seizing the guns al- ready loaded, be \vheeled them quick as thought on the DEFEAT AND VICTORY. 343 dense mass around his headquarters, now looming through the darkness, within close pistol-shot. A sudden blaze, a roar, and that mass was rent as by a thunderbolt Dismay and confusion seized on the disorganized, halt- dismounted crowTl. Kilpatrick gave them no time to rally, but pouring in the grape, and charging like fire on their half-completed formations, he, with his little band, forced them back, and though they outnumbered him three to one, finally turned them in flight, leaving the ground heaped with over a hundred slain. The prisoners and artillery were recaptured, and the men overwhelmed and vanquished a moment before, now stood up in the early daylight, and shouted victory. So unexpected was the onset, so swift the overthrow, so sudden and complete the victory, that it all seemed more like a passing vision than a reality. But the dead and wounded, strewing the red and trampled earth like autumn leaves, with gaping sabre-wounds and forms rent into shreds by the artillery, made a real, though sickening, sight in the light of that wintry morning. Kilpatrick, as he rested from that morning's hard work, felt a glow of triumph greater than if he had won a pitched battle, for he had snatched victory out of the very jaws of destruction ; and from the abyss of despair, vaulted with a single bound to the sum- mit of exultation. It was a narrow escape, and a most wonderful success. Not one commander in a thousand would have done w^hat he did. Kilpatrick now moved to Fayetteville, where he rested his command for a few days, and then crossing the river, moved off toward Raleigh, in advance of two di- visions of infantry. When within six miles of Averys- boro', he met a heavy force of rebel infantry, moving down the road in line of l)attle. Quickly dismounting a 344 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATMCK. part of his force to keep the enemy in check, he took a hasty survey of the ground around him. Near him was a broad, deep ravine, with one extremity running into a river, and the other into a swamp. His officers urged him to fall back behind this strong position ; but he saw wdth his quick intuition, that this was unquestionably the very point the rebel force was marching for — -once firmly posted here, it could keep an advancing army at bay for a long time. " No," said he, " General Sherman must pass this way to-morrow ; if the enemy secure this ravine, it will take the whole army to dislodge him. This must be prevented if possible, and we will fight 1 ight here ; we may get the worst of it ; but the enemy shall not hold this ravine if the cavalry can prevent it.""* Hurrying off swift riders to Slocum, six miles in the rear, he dismounted his men, and throwing up a hast}- breastwork of rails, brush and trees, coolly awaited the onset. The rebels opened with artillery, and Kilpatrick re- plied, and by his splendid firing, and skilful management, held the enemy in check till darkness put an end to the conflict. In the meantime, Slocum, urged by his dis- patches, sent forward a brigade, A\'hich making a forced march over the muddy roads and swampy fields, arrived before morning. Thus reinforced, Kilpatrick moved out of his extemporized works at daylight, and advanced upon the enemy. A severe fight followed, in which the rebels were driven out of their first line of works, with the loss of three pieces of artillery. In the meantime, Slocum himself came up and took command, and the enemy was repulsed. This was the last battle of the campaign in which * See Life of Kilpatrick. HIS CHARACTER. 345 Kilpatrick's cavalry took an active part, and here he rested on his laurels. He issued an address to his troops, closing with the following words : " Soldiers, be proud ! Of all the brave men of this great army you have a right to be. You have won the admiration of our infantry, fighting on foot and mounted, and you will receive the outspoken words of praise* from the great Sherman himself He appreciates and will reward your patient endurance of hardships, gallant deeds, and valuable services. With the old laurels of Georgia entmne those won in the Caro- linas, and proudly wear them. General Sherman is satisfied with his cavalry.'''' After the war he for a time commanded a division of cavalry in Mississippi. He resigned his commission as Major-General of Volunteers in 1866, and the next year his commission in the regular army. In the mean- time, 1866, he had been appointed minister to Chili by President Johnson. He was recalled by Grant,in 1868, took up his residence in New Jersey on a farm, between which and lecturing and politics he devoted his time until the election of Garfield, when he was agaia sent as minister to Chili, where he married, and he died in Santiago an Ambassador for his country, 1883. His body was brought home and buried at "West Point, the home of his mother. Though but a youth, Kilpatrick won a world-wide reputation. He was in every respect fitted for a cav- alry commander, for he had all the dash necessary to success, and that. chivalrous daring which wins the admi- ration and love of the common soldier. Possessed of a fertility of resource seldom found, he was equal to every emergency, and saw the way to success where other men would perceive only certain ruin. A bold, fearless rider, 346 MAJOR-GENERAL HUGH JUDSON KILPATRIOK. he never asked his men to go where he dare not lead. Nervous and excitable, he had the power of electrifying his troops with thrilling appeals, and in the "high places of the field," and in the perilous onset, he flamed at the head of his column like a being from another sphere. A rigid disciplinarian, he yet knew when to slacken the reins, while his tender care of his soldiers bound them to him by love instead of fear. To see him sometimes amid his cavalrymen, one would think from the freedom of manner and language he allowed, that he would have no control over them. But just let them hear once the rallying call of his bugle, and that impression would vanish in a twinkling. When the hour for duty came each man leaped to his place, knowing that hesitation or delay would meet with swift punishment. He had a rare combination of qualities, for while bold and dar- ing even to ajjparent rashness, he was nevertheless pruden4 and sagacious, and whfn seemingly acting from mere excitement or impiiise, was nevertheless gov- erned by the most careful calculations and true fore- thought. Small in stature, with light complexion and eyes, he had nothing imposing either in his appearance or cos- tume. Like the first Napoleon, who had the sense to per- ceive that splendor of attire would not become him, Kil- patrick never affected the showy commander. When on a raid or campaign, as far as appeaiances went, he might have passed for a corporal or sergeant. He believed in deeds, not words — power, not pomp. ■ Of great business tact and ability himself, he surrounded himself with working men. He left to fancy generals the business of seeking to have their deeds emblazoned by correspond- ents, and wrote his own record with his sword. CHAPTER XV. MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEAPE. mS CAREEK FURNISHING BUT FEW STRIKING POINTS TO A BIOGRAPHEK— HIS BIRTH — GRADUATES AT WEST POINT — SERVES IN THE MEXICAN WAR — PROMOTED FOR GALLANT CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OP MONTEKYY — MADE BRIGADIER OP VOI;UNTEERS SOON AFTER THE BREAKING OUT OF THE WAR — COMMANDS A FORAGING EXPEDITION NEAR DRAINSVILLE — HIS CAREER ON THE PENINSULA — IS DESPERATELY WOUNDED IN I ilE BATTLE OF GLENDALE — SERVES UNDER HOOKER AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN AND ANTIE- TAM — HIS BRILLIANT CHARGE AT THE LATTER PLACE — AF'PER HOOKER IS WOUNDED ASSUMES COiUIAND OF THE CORPS — AT CHANCELLORSVILLE — APPOINTED TO THE COMMAND OP THE ARMY OP THE POTOMAC — HIS MODEL ORDER — -PURSUIT OP LEE — BATTLE OP GETTYSBURG HEAD- QUARTERS UNDER FIRE — THE VICTORY— THE PURSUIT — STRANGE INAC TION IN FRONT OF LEE — CROSSES THE POTOMAC — OUTMARCHED BY LEE — COMPELLED TO RETREAT TO BULL RUN — ADVANCES TO THE RAPPA- HANNOCK — VARIOUS DETACHED CONFLICTS — WINTER QUARTERS — GRANT PLACES HIMSELF AT THE HEAD OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC — GRANT AND MEADE TOGETHER — CHARACTER OP THE LATTER. It is seldom that a man occupies, while momentous events are transpiring, so eminent a position as General Meade has done, about whose personal conduct as a mili- tary man so little can be said. Not belonging to the dash- ing school of generals, he, at the outset, was distinguished only for always doing his duty and doing it to the entire satisfaction of those under whom he served. As com- mander 0+' the Army of the Potomac, he won a world- 348 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. wide fame by his defeat of Lee at Gettysburg, but since that time, though nominally still its head, the pres- ence and superior rank of Gen. Grant entirely over- shadowed his actions, so that it is impossible to give him his fair proportion of merit. Where to draw the line between the two, during the eventful year that elapsed between the crossing of the Kapidan and the surrender of Lee's army, it is impossible to determine. The relations of the two to the Grand Army ca" not be clearly defined, and as all the great movements must be primarily referred to Grant, to speak of them a second time in reference to Meade, would be a mere repetition. Hence, though he occupied so high a position, it is difficult to give him a separate place in any one of the movements made. His parents, though Americans, were in Spain when he was born, in the year 1816. He entered West Point from the District of Columbia, and graduated in 1839, receiving the appointment of second lieutenant in the Third Artillery. After some time he resigned his commission, and was appomted in May, 1842, second lieutenant in the Topographical Engineers. At the breaking out of the Mexican war, he was ordered to the army of General Taylor, and for his gallantry at Monterey received the brevet of first lieutenant. In August, 1851, he was made full lieutenant, and five years after, captain. The next month after the battle of Bull Run, he was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers, and com- manded a brigade in McCalfs division of Pennsylvania volunteers, that was so long stationed up the Potomac, near Drainsville. While here he commanded a success- ful foraging expedition in the vicinity of the place. On the Peninsula, we find him fighting bravely at Gaines' Mill, and in the fearful battle of Glen dale, in the A GALLANT CHARGE. 349 White Oak Swamp, he was borne, desperately wounded, from the field. ^ On his recovery, he again joined the army, and in McClellan's celebrated campaign against Lee in Maryland, commanded a division in Hooker's corps. In the battle of South Mountain, McClellan speaks of him as " gal- lantly driving the enemy on the right.'' At Antietam, Meade held the centre, and made that terrific charge early in the day, w^hich at first drove the rebels. The war correspondent of the Tribune thus describes it : " The half hour passed and the rebels began to give way a little, and only a little ; but at the first indication of a receding fire, ' forward,' was the word, and on went the line with a cheer and a rush. Back across the corn-field, leaving dead and wounded behind them, over the fence and across the road and then back again into the dark wood, which closed around them, went the retreating rebels. Meade and his Pennsylvanians followed hard and fast — followed till they came within easy range of the woods, among which they saw their beaten enemy disappearing — follow- ed still with another cheer, and flung themselves against the cover. " But out of these gloomy woods came suddenly and heavily, terrible volleys, volleys which smote and bent and broke in a moment that eager front, and hurled them swiftly back for half the distance they had won. Not swiftly nor in panic any further. Closing up their shattered lines, they came slowly away, a regiment where a brigade had been ; hardly a brigade where a whole division had been, victorious. They had met at the woods the first volleys of musketry from fresh troops — had met and re- turned them till their line had yielded, and gone down before the weight of fire, and till their ammunition ^vas 350 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE R. MEADE. exhausted." Meade ])ehaved with great gallantry in this crisis, and rode among his shaking ranks, steadying them by jis presence and words, sho^\'ing that he was worthy to command that immortal body of troops, the Pennsyl- vania Reserves. When Hooker was wounded, he, being the senior in rank, took command of the corps. After the battle, in reporting the heavy loss in tlie corps, he said, "I am satisfied the great reduction in the corps since the recent engagement, is not due solely to the casualties of battle, and that a considerable number of men are still in the rear, some having dropped out on the march, and many dispersing and leaving yesterday dur- ing the light. I think the efficiency of the corps, so far as it goes, good," &c. He was Hooker s right-hand man, in the disastrous battle of Chancellorsville, and after the removal of the former from the head of the army, was put in his place. His appointment at the time took the country by surprise, as but little had been heard of him. His merits, how- ever, were well known to the Department, but his selection was probably owing to his being next in rank to Hooker, in the command of the corps. It was a trying position, under the circumstances, to place him in. The army was on the march, seeking a battle-field on which to settle the fate of Washington and Maryland, and probably of Philadel})liia. Still, no one probably in that arm\ so well understood its prganization at that time as he, from his position, necessarily did. His order on assuming, without a monient"'s warning, this responsible position, is a model one. He says: " By direction of the President of the I'nited States, I hereby assume command of the Army of the Potomac. As a soldier in obeying this order, an order totally unexpected and unsolicited, I have no promises or A MODEL ORDER. 351 pledge to make. The country looks to tliis army to relieve it from the devas- tation and disgrace of a hostile invasion. Whatever fatigues and sacrifices we may be called upon to undergo, let us have in view constantly the magni- tude of the interests involved, and let each man determine to do his duty, leaving to an all-controlling Providence the decision of the contest. It is with just diffidence that I relieve in command of this array an eminent and accomplished soldier, whose name must ever be conspicuous in the history of its achievements ; but I rely upon the hearty support of my companions in arms, to assist me in the discharge of the duties of the Important trust which has been confided to me. "GEOEGE G. MEADE, " Major-General Commanding." He issued also the following circular to the army: " The Commanding General requests that previous to the engagement soon expected with the enemy, corps and all other commanding officers address their troops, and ex- plain to them the immense issues involved in the strug- gle. The enemy is now on our soil. The whole country looks anxiously to this army to deliver it from the pre- sence of the foe. Our failure to do so will leave us no such welcome as the swelling of millions of hearts with pride and joy at our success would give to every soldier of the armv Homes, firesides and domestic altars are in- volved. The army has fought well heretofore. It is believed that it will fight more bravely than ever if it is addressed in fitting terms. Corps and other commanders are authorized to order the instant death of any soldier who fails to do his duty at this hour." Instead of following up the enemy directly in his rear, he marched parallel with him — the Cumberland Mountains separating the two armies. Hearing that Lee was debouching through the mountains near Gettysburg, he ordered General Reynolds, in advance, to occupy the place. The latter met the enemy here, and in the con- flict that followed, fell mortally wounded, while our for^^es 352 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. were defeated and driven back through Gettysburg, with the loss of some two thousand prisoners. General How- ard, who had arrived on the field during the action, and assumed command, withdrew the troops to the strong position of Cemetery Hill. The moment the news of Reynolds' death reached Meade, he despatched Hancock to represent him on the field. The latter, together with Howard, reporting that the position they held was a good one, he resolved to give battle there, and immediately hurried off his aids to the different corps, with directions to concentrate at Gettys- burg with all speed, and to send the trains to the rear. Having issued these orders, he mounted his horse and pressed forward that night, reaching the field at one o'clock next morning. As soon as it was daylight, he rode over the ground to inspect it, and fix the location of the several corps as fast as they should arrive. One after another they reached the field, and were assigned their re- spective positions. About three o'clock, as he was riding along his ex- treme left, he saw that General Sickles was advancing his corps a half a mile or more from his selected line of bat- tle. Spurring forward till he found him, he began to ex- plain the propriety of withdrawing his corps, when the rebel batteries opened in front and flank, and down came a heavy body of infantry to the charge, and the battle ol" Gettysburg commenced. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Though the troops held their ground manfully, the re- sult showed that Meade was right ; for the corps, after a fierce fight, in which Sickles fell wounded, was compelled GETTYSBURG. 353 to fall back. The battle raged with terrific violence here till night, and after night on the left, where the rebels made a lodgment. On the whole, Meade saw that the day had gone against him, and looked forward with the deepest anxiety to the struggle which the morning was sure to usher in. His nervous temperament was strung to its utmost tension, but he coolly made his dispositions, and awaited the light of the morning, which was to de- cide, in all human probability, the fate of the capital. The battle commenced early, and deepened every moment, till, by nine o'clock, the uproar was terrific. Howard, in the centre, after listening: awhile to the tremendous firino on the right, turned to one of his aids, and said, "E-ide over to General Meade, and tell him the fio-htino; on the right seems more terrific than ever, and appears swing- ing somewhat toward the centre, but that we know little or nothing of how the battle goes ; and ask him if he has any orders." Away dashed the aid, and in a few minutes galloped back with the short, stern reply, " The troops are to stand to arms, sir, and watch the frontr Headquarters were in a little whitewashed farm-house, in the shadow of which lay wearied statf officers and war correspondents, Meade received reports here, coming oc- casional!}' to the door to make some enquiry of some staff officers who were reclining under a tree near by. Orderlies and aids were going and coming on a wild gal- lop, while outside of a garden fence, stood hitched some twenty or thirty horses. Suddenly a shell screamed over the house, then another, and another, till a whole battery seemed playing on the hitherto quiet little building. A Imndred a minute burst and shrieked around it, causing the horses to rear in terror, and pull at their fastenings 354 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. Faster and faster fell the shot and shell, horse after horsf \\'ent down, his boAvels torn out, or his legs shot off, un till sixteen lay dead, still tied to the fence, from which the}' had struggled in vain to free themselves. The steps and porch of the building were torn away by a shell, another burst in the garret, still another pierced the chimney, till the air was fall of the missiles of death, whose horrid sounds seemed the shrieks of flying demons. Either by design or accident, the rebels had got head- quartei's under tire, and Meade observing it, appeared at the door and told the staff that the enemy plainly had our range, and they had better go up the slope fifteen or twenty yards, to the stable. When the last awful attack, ])receded by the simul- taneous roar of nearly two hundred cannon, commenced, an expression of the deepest anxiety passed over Meade's face, and it was plain that a mountain lay on his heart. The minutes were lengthened into hours, while earth for the time seemed turned into hell, with all its fires raging The heights groaned and trembled under the awful explo- sions, the sun grew dark in the sulphurous battle cloud, shouts and shrieks mingled in the fearful din, and he knew that death ^vas reaping down his brave men with frightful rapidity. At length there came a lull, and then a shout ; and such a shout, rolling for miles along the wearied, bleeding line. The enemy Avas repulsed at last, and the (lay won. Meade established his headquarters again near Slocum's Hill, and though scattering shells dropped around them, he heeded them not. Kiding up, he caller! for paper and aids, and sat down to despatch his orders. Just then a band came marching over the hill, playing "Hail to the Chief." That was a proud night for him. He had saved Washingtun, hurled back the invader, and AFTER THE BATTLE. 355 in a few hours made his name to he known the world over. The next morning broke fresh and fair, the birds once more sang in the trees, and all nature smiled peaceful as ever. In the distance, occasional shots of skirmishers were heard, l)ut all else was quiet, save where the ambu- lances, laden with the wounded, made their way to the roads and hospitals. Meade sat in a little wall tent, dic- tating orders, while the chief quartermaster had his writ- ing table in the end of a wagon. i\.ll the rest of the offi- cers had slept on the ground, and were now huddling around the camp fires in the highest spirits, talking and laughing, and munching their fried pork and bread, which they held in their hands, and unbounded joy reign- ed on every side, save where the thousands lay heaped in agony.'*' It was a great victory, and Lee was soon in full retreat for the mountains, leaving a whole army of dead and wounded behind him. Over twenty-three thousand of our own brave men had disappeared in this Waterloo to the rebels. The cannons that heralded in our great anniversary day announced at the same time this great victory, and the fall of Vicksburg. These two defeats to the enemy East and West, were the turning point in the fate of the Southern Confederacy. From that ever memorable Fourth of July it never successfully rallied from its downward tendency, and not a single victory lighted its diirk path way to final death. It put forth superhuman efforts, and though blind and staggering from the awful blo^xs dealt it, rallied bravely to the fight, yet rallied in vain. It was a striking coincidence that the culminating * Army conespuudeuce. 23 356 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. victories, though occurring more than a thousand miles apart, should have been on the same day, and that day the Fourth of July, and that the two men who won them, should afterward come together and move side by side to the close of the war. Meade found it impossible to follow up the enemy directly in his rear, as the latter could hold the mountain pass by which he had retired with a small force, while the main army was retreating. He, therefore, sent Kil- patrick's cavalry after him, and with the army followed back in the same way that he had pursued him and by a parallel route, with the Cumberland mountains between them, hoping to strike Lee while crossing the Potomac. The latter, however, got there first, but to his dismay a heavy rain-storm had so raised the river, that it swept in a fierce torrent above all its former fords, while the only pontoon bridge he had across it was destroyed by a de- tachment of Meade's army. His fate now seemed sealed, for storm succeeded storm, holding him there on the per- ilous banks, until ]^'Ieade was able to concentrate his entire army in his front. A whole week now passed in most strange inaction, during which time Lee built rafts and boats, and finally crossed with all his artillery and trains. Every one believed that his capture was certain, and the news of his successful escape awakened the deepest mortification and rage. No satisfactory reason has ever been given for thus allowing him to get off unscathed. It was said that Lee's position was too strong to force, and that a council of war decided that it would be unwise to attempt it. All this may be true, but it does not account for Lee's getting off with so little damage. There can b no sufficient excuse for letting him slip away with all his artillery and trains, without dealing him a single heavy A BOLD MOVEMENT. 857 blow. He might not have been destroyed, but he should have been seriously crippled. Meade must have outnumbered him by the close of that week, nearly two to one ; and if the circumstances justified the escape of Lee intact, then the pursuit without the expectation of being aided by a swollen river, had better not have been attempted. When Meade found Lee had crossed the river, he resumed the pursuit by a flank movement, crossing the Potomac at Berlin, and moved down the Loudon Valley, hoping at Manassas Gap to intercept and cut off a part of the rebel army. But Lee outmarched and outmanoeu- vred him completely, and Meade's army at the close of July, lay along the Rappahannock boldly confronted by the foe. Lee now weakened his diminished force still more, by sending off a portion of it to reinforce Bragg in Georgia, yet, with the remainder he assumed the offen- sive, and so manoeuvred, that he actually turned Meade's flank, compelling hhn to fall back to Bull Run. De- stroying the Orange and Alexandria railroad, from the Rapidan to Manassas, he then retired once more to his old position near the Orange Court House. Meade now advanced again to the Rappahannock, and all through the autumn, there was more or less fighting between portions of the armies, but no general engagement took placa At Robertson s River, Brandy Station, Bristoe Station, Buckland Mills and the Rappahannock Bridge, there were sharp conflicts, especially at Bristoe Station, where we captured five cannon and four hundred and fifty prisoners. At Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford, Sedgewick and French captured several redoubts, four guns, eight l:>attle-flags, and about two thousand prisoners. Lee now fell back to his old line behind the Rapidan. 358 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. and the t^vo armies went into winter quarters. The iiexl spring, Grant, having been made Lieutenanl^General, took the field at the head of the Army of the Potomac, thouo-h Meade was still its nominal commander. o We shall not follow the latter farther in his military career, for, as before remarked, it is impossible to dis- criminate between his actions and those of Grant. Their headquarters were usually close together, and the move- ments of the army were the result of their united counsels. Hence, a separate narrative of Meade's actions cannot be given, unless at some future time he shall choose to fur- nish it himself. We suppose, however, that he had much to do in the handling of the army m its various brilliant movements which showed such signal ability. He seem- ed to have chief command after the inauguration of the last great movement, and showed himself equal to the tremendous responsibilities* throAvn upon him. Grant also gave over the direction of the pursuit to him, thus showing his entire confidence in his ability. As a mark of its appi'eciation of his services, the Government, at the close of the war, placed him in com- mand of the whole Atlantic Department. Notwithstanding General Meade's long service and high position, he has never held chief command in but one battle. With Grant he saw some of the most severe fighting of the war, and doubtless, at times executed in- dependent movements of great importance; still they always have been and always will be attributed to Grant, who was the real head of the army. As a division commander he never failed to dis- tinguish himself; but the one battle that gave him his fame was Gett}^sburg. Still, sharing with Grant the dangers and responsibilities of the last year of the war. ■4iiM^ BATTLEFIELD OF GSTT YSBURG-First Da '.T.^rTTYsmi'RftN BATTLEFIELD OF GETTYSBURG-Third Day. HIS CHARACTER. 359 also the glory of final success, lie will go down to pos- terity with liim, their names indissolubly linked to- gether, and sharers of a common fame. After the war he was appointed to the military division of the Atlantic. From August, 1866, till 1868 he commanded the Department of the East. He was subsequently ti-ansferred to the district embracing Geor- gia and Alabama. Again transferred to the Atlantic division, he I'emained in it till his death, 1872. He died from pneumonia, aggravated from a wound re- ceived at New Market Cross Roads. He received the title of LL.D. from several colleges, and an equestrian statue was subsequently erected to him in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Meade's qualities were rather solid than brilliant. Cautious and reliable, he probably never would have originated those daring, unexpected movements which distinguished Grant and Sherman. Still, his military qualities were of a high order, and his fame rests on a solid basis. He was a Catholic by profession, and maintained his religious character under all circumstances. Brave without being rash, his coolness under fire gave him entire possession of his faculties ; and though not cal- culated by nature to awaken great enthusiasm among soldiers, he had their entire confidence, and secured their hearty obedience. He was a good as well as great man, and well deserved the fame he had so nobly won. CHAPTEK XVI. MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER. HIS BIKTH AND NATIVITY — ENTERS WEST POINT — SEEVES TINDEE TAYLOR IN MEXICO — JOINS THE ARMY OF GENERAL SCOTT — PROMOTED FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT THE NATIONAL BRIDGE AND CHAPDLTEPEO — RESIGNS HIS COMMISSION, AND BECOMES A CALIFORNIA FARMER APPOINTED BRIGADIER OF VOLUNTEERS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WAR 18 STATIONED BELOW WASHINGTON — BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG HIS AFTER SERVICES IN THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC UNDER POPE BATTLE OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN OF ANTIETAM IS WOUNDED UNDER BURNSIDE — SUPERSEDES HIM — HIS CONFIDENT ORDERS FEELING OF THE PEOPLE — BATTLE OF CHANCELLORS- VIliLE — LEE MARCHES AROUND HIM — RESIGNS HIS POSITION — SENT TO CHATTANOOGA TO ASSIST ROSECRANS — OCCUPIES LOOKOUT VALLEY — BATTL?: ABOVE THE CLOUDS — HIS GALLANT RECORD IN THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN — TERRIFIC FIGHT BEFORE THE CITY — OFFENDED AT HOWARD'S PROMOTION AND RESIGNS — SENT TO OHIO — NOW COMMANDS NEW ENG- LAND DEPARTMENT. Joseph Hooker was born in Hadley, Massachusetts, in the year 1819, and entered West Point at the early age of fourteen. Graduating, in 1837, at eighteen, he was made second lieutenant in the First Artillery. At I he conim en cement of the Mexican war he received a po- sition on Brig.-Gen. Hamar s staff, and was present at the l)attie of jlonterey, in which he exhibited that dash and daring that have ever since characterized him. He rode amid the shot and shell as if their shrieks were ex- citing music, and so distinguished himself by his gallant bearing that he was breveted captam. In March, 1847, A CALIFORNIA FARMER. 361 he obtained the full rank of captain, with the post of Assistant- Adjutant-General. He afterwards joined Scott's army at Vera Cruz, and was made major and lieutenant- colonel for gallant conduct at the National Bridge and Chapultepec. In his despatch concerning the latter battle, Scott says, " Captain Hooker won special applause suc- cessively on the staff of Pillow and Cadwallader." This was a high encomium from the commander-in-chief, and shows that his bearing was so gallant as to be conspicu- ous even where all were brave. But the dull routine of military duties in time of peace did not suit him, and, in 1853, he resigned his commission, and settled on a farm in California. This was the more remarkable, as he had reached the rank of lieutenant-colonel at the age of thirty- three — a rapidity of promotion which would have satis- fied, at that time, the ambition of most young officers. Many anecdotes are told of him while residing in Cali- fornia, all showing that the life of a farmer did not des- troy his love of excitement, and was not the one for which he by nature was fitted. The rebellion of 1861 found him quite ready to resume once more his old pro- fession. Offering his services to the Government, he was made, in May, brigadier-general in the Army of the Po- tomac, and afterwards promoted to a division in Heintzel- man's Corps. From July to the next February, 1862, he was stationed on the north bank of the Potomac, in Southern Maryland, to watch the enemy, and defeat any attempt to cross over for the purpose of moving on Wash- ington in that direction. His division afterwards formed a part of McClellan s army in its movements on the Pen- insula. When it was ascertained that the enemy had evacu« ated Yorktown, Stoneman was immediately^ sent forward 362 MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER. with his cavalry to harass the rebel rear, and Hooker^ with his division, ordered to support him. The latter left camp about noon the 4th of May, and marched rapidly forward, till he was brought to a halt by Smith's division filing into the road in front of him. But ob- taining, after a long delay, permission to take the Hamp- ton road, he wheeled off just at night, and again pressed forward. It was dark as Erebus, and to make the march more difficult, the rain, falling in torrents, rendered the roads almost impassable. He, however, pushed on through the Cimmerian gloom, and mud and storm, till an hour or so before midnight, when he found it necessary to halt, and give his exhausted troops a little rest, and to wait for daylight, for he was close upon the enemy. Right there, in the middle of the miry road and gloomy forest, the column halted, and stood out the long dark night in the pelting rain, as it best could. With the first streak of dawn the bugles sounded " forward,"' and, drenched and weary, the division cautiously advanced. About five o'clock, just before leaving the woods, he ordered it to halt, and rode forward to ascertain the position of the enemy. He found Fort Magruder directly in his path, with a cordon of redoubts, stretching on 'either side to the James and York Rivers. In front of these redoubts, the forest had been cut away to give the artillery a clear sweep of an attacking force, and felled so as to entangle and ob- struct its march, and hold the troops under fire, while rifle-pits seamed the ground in every direction. Beyond, a wide plain extended to Willialnsburg, two miles distant, whose lofty shade-trees gave a picturesque appearance to the landscape. Thinking it his duty to hold the rebels in check tiU the main army could come up. Hooker determined, not- BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG.' 363 tvitlistanding his inferior force, to advance at once to the attack. Emerging from the Avood, he was instantly sa- luted with the rebel artillery, and so well directed was the fire, that Webber s battery, w^hich had been hurried forward beyond the fallen timber, was swept clean of every cannonier before it had fired a single shot. Volunteers were immediately sent forward, and in a minute the bat- tery was manned, and began to hurl shell and shot in the hostile w^orks. Other guns were brought up, and between the batteries and sharp-shooters, by nine o'clock the guns of the fort were silenced. The infantry were now ad- vanced into position, and the battle opened. The retreat- ing army of the rebels beyond Williamsburg, hearing the firing, halted and sent back reinforcements, and Hooker had to contend with overwhelming numbers. Seeing this, he immediately sent back to Heintzelman for help. So heavily was he pushed, that he had to bring up all his reserves to check the onsets that were incessantly made, and each time with fresh troops and in greater numbers. Here and there he was forced back, } et he stubbornly held the road, which was the centre of his operations. Three times the hostile columns advanced to within eighty yards of this key to his position, determined at all hazards to force it by mere weight of numbers ; but the steady, desolating fire that met them was too much for human endurance, and shattered, r6nt, and bleeding, they fell back. Some of the regiments got out of am- munition, and were compelled to suj)ply themselves from the cartridge-boxes of the fallen. Thus he fought all the forenoon, and soon after mid- day Longstreet came up with a fresh division, when a simultaneous attack was made on his left and centre. So heavy was this onset, and so close and desperate the strug- 364 MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER. • gle, that though Hooker repulsed the attack, he lost four of his guns. Thus he stood, from early ui the morning till after four o'clock in the afternoon, one against three, cimging with death-like tenacity to his position, while his eye incessantly turned back along the road, to catch sight of the heads of the columns advancing to his support Heintzelman had come with his staff ; but the troops were floundering far back, with their artillery stuck fast in the mud. The arrival of Kearney, however, with his divi- sion at this juncture, relieved his weary, decimated divi- sion. Nearly 1,700 had fallen in this unequal struggle, and Hooker, enraged at his loss, and the unsatisfactory issue of the battle, so far as his division was concerned, blamed severely those whose business he deemed it to be to reinforce him. A part of Hooker s division participated in the battle of Fair Oaks, On the second day he himself led in per- son a charge of bayonets by two regiments, driving the enemy a mile. His appearance in this charge was gal- lant in the extreme. He also took an important part in the advance movement that was preparatory to a general assault on the works around Richmond, just previous to the flank attack that compelled McClellan to retreat to the James River. In this famous retreat, Hooker was directed to cover the Quaker road, over which the troops and artillery and 'rains were to pass. This road, as it stretches toward the James River, is cut by the principal highways leading down from Richmond. Kearney's division was assigned to the same duty, and the two commanders, looking over the ground together early in the morning, to see by which the enemy would be most likely to advance, it was decided that Hooker shoul