A TT 520 .B28 Copy 1 ^ &■■ TT 520 .B38 Copy 1 / TT 520 B38 c°»vi iS-MAKINC AND TAILORING MADE EASY. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1890, by A. E. BEARRIE, | In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. A^^PI\|TrO \iii A. mTCr\ —we want both Ladies and Gentlemen in all parts ^^^^"'^ * ^ WWA^Ill I Cl^s of the United States to represent our business. All mail should be addressed to A. E. BEARRIE, 1220 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. m' ■^Wl"?] i me m ^9f m «5 2— f- 3=» i 31 y carefully examining it that it is so simple and the ilirections so plain for its use that any one can by first carefully reading the directions l)e enaiiled to cut any garment tliey may wish without any teaching whatever. All we ask is a fair square trial of our work, know- ing that if you will honestly investigate it that it will fully meet with your approval. Willi tli(-se few remarks we remain. Yours truly, A. E. BEARRIE & CO. \ M )h. TO APPLY THE FITTER. The first thing to be done is to take the Measures. THE MEASUREMENTS. We take five measiiivs, viz. : Chest. Waist. Length of Waist. Elbow. I^ength of Aiuii. TiiK Curst Measure, is taken tight ju.st above the bust and high up under the arms. The Waist Measure is taken straight around tlie waist as tight as tlie party wishos to wear tho (h'css you ai'e cutting for. The Length of Waist is taken from the center of l)ack at neck wlnere the collar should be attached to the dress straight down the back to the waist, being careful that the measure is even with the hips at the side. The Ei.row axi> Length of Arm is taken with arm hanging loosely at the side, commencing at the same }»oint as for length of waist measure, straight across to shouldei- point down the arm to elbow point and wrist joint. Cake must be used in taking measures. SPE(;iAL. All upper garments are laid ont by chest measure. The entire garment is laid off by rule coiTesponding with chest meas- ure, backs, front and sleeves. Accom- panying di'aft No. 1 will be found directions for applying special measures. Under each draft will be directions telling you what rule to use to l;iy the garment off by, etc. IN COMMENCING TO DRAFT. First make your base lines to work from by drawing your pencil around the outside of the squai'c. Then follow the directions For Applying the Rule, governing yourself by the special directions accompanying whatever diagram j-on are laying off. Next follow directions For Applying the Scroll to connect the points and form the di-aft. Next lay off your seams following the dii'ections On the Seams. When the gar- ment is all drafted follow yonr special directions for Changing the Size of Waist (if any change be necessary) ; when that is done your garment is completed. Then by reading Our Basting Directions care- fully the garment can be easily and properly put together. (2) HOW TO APPLY THE RULE. There aw lour distinct points or places wlicrc the end ot tin- I'nlc niiisl i»e [)laced and meusuix-nients niiide t'roni. THE FIRST Ts the to[) of the sidi' hiise line, where we coninience measuring- to get flie length of garments and the points to strike (he lines aci'oss from to get the width on. T[IE SECOND Is where we lay our rule on the cross lines to get the points for width of gai-nK'nts, which stai't from the side base line wheivver they occur on the diagram we are laying off. TIIK THIRD IS FROM THE V In making measurements with our rule, which is five s[)aces in length, we measure all points given on the diagram we are laying off. By first getting the points straight down the side base line until we reach the end of the I'ule. Then at the end of the rule or the 5th space we mark a V as shovyn upon the diagram. Then we move the rule down its full length, placing the end of the I'ule at the point of the V we have just marked and commence measur- ing from that point again, just the same as if we were measui'ing' from the starting- point. The 5V occurs on all lines where the rule is not long enough to reach the number we reipiire on the diagram, and by sim])ly marking- the V at the end and moving the rule down if on base line or out if On cross lines, we can get any number of spaces we lecpiire. The V always occurs on the diagram just as many time's as it is necessary to move the i-ule to get all the points required. Wherever you see tlu- DVon the diagram niai-k the V at the end of I'ule and move your rule down its full length and measure again from that point just the same as if the rule had not been moved from the starting- [)oint. THE FOURTH Place we commence measurin<>- from is the waist lini'. Length of waist vai-y on differ- ent persons of the same chest measure. And the only way the measure can be made correct is with the tape-line. THK SPECIAL DIRECTIONS Accomi)anying- Diagram 'No. 1, fii'st pat- tern in the book, fnlly explain this and tell you i)laiiily how to make the waist line correct. WHEN IT IS correctf<:d Place the end of the rule upon the corrected waist line and measure again from that point, in the same way that you have been instructed to measure from the base lines an inches or one- fourth of an inch smaller. I*^ow, to make it one-fourth of an inch smaller we simply move I)oints 4D and E on waist line, which form the large or under arm dart, one-fourth of an inch apart. Move point E one-eightli of an inch or one-half the amount of tlie change and point 4D one-eighth of an inch, which makes one-fourth of an inch. By moving apart the two points one-half the amount of change required on each side, it keeps the garment in pi'opoition, wherein if it were all changed on one side it would throw the gar- ment all out of shape. Now draw your lines for inider arm dart and j^onr diagram is completed. ^N'ext is UPPER SLEEVE. 3F TO LAY OFF UPPER SLEEVE. Lay off sleeve same plan as on backs and front, marking all points down to the bot- tom of base line. Then to get proper length of sleeve measure, on back from seam line at top of neck at center of back to seam line point at shoulder point at arm's eye. We find the measure to be 7i/4 inches. ISTow place the 7' j at the top of base line or top of sleeve and make a point at 2OV2 inches down on base line, Avhich is elbow measure, and then at oO, which is length of arm measure. Point E being- elbow point, we next measure the differ- ence between elbow point just marked and oi-iginal elbow point E and find it to be one- eighth of an inch. The original elbow point would be one-eighth of an inch too long, consequently we shorten the elbow point one-eighth of an incli. When elbow point is shortened we nnist also shorten point ID the same amount. Then when we come to length of arm by measuring the difference between point 30, mai-ked with tape line and ])oiut 4F, which is length of arm point marked with rule, we find the difference to be one-half of an inch. So we must shorten the liottom point one- half an inch. Whenever bottom ]ioint is shortened we nnist also shoi-ten point 3G the same amount. N"ext is (8) UNDER SLEEVE. 2G TO LAY OFF UNDER SLEKVE." Proecc*! same as in layiiitj;- off Tipper tog-etlici' same as waist linos, point, r)V must sleeve. AVlicn all jxiints are marked down : also l)i' shorU'ni'd-one-eig'hth of an iiicdi, hot- base line, then shorten jioint E, which is I toni points.'JB andBG, leno-thof arm |)oints. elboAV point, one-eighth of an inch same ason upper sleeve. As eli)o\v points nuistcome must also Ite shortened one-half an inch same as they were on n[)i)er sleeve. 3A-2G TO LAY OFF COLLAR. Lay off collar in the same manner yon di, we want the one-half of pattern to measure 121/4 or one-half inch longer, as one-half of the pattern did measure 11-V4 inches. To make the change move the two points 4D and K, one-half inch closer together, mov- ing each point in one-fourth of an inch, which would throw in one-half inch more goods at waist line, IIV4 original measure and one-half would be 12V4. The measure we want, twice 12v 4 would be 21:>/l', the waist measure we ai"e drafting to. If ell)ow measure had been 21 and the length of arm 31, it would have been neces- sary to lengthen elltow point three-eighths of an inch, and L. of arm one-half an inch. As original rule points would not have been long enough. Always remember in shortening or lengthening elbow jioint E, you nuist shorten or lengthen (as the case maybe) point ID the same amount and where point 4F bot- tom of sleeve is lengthened or shoi-tened you must always lengthen or shorten |)oint 3G the same amount. When you come to under sleeve i)ortion. lengthen or shorten, as the case may require, ell)ow point E and the r>V, and also ])oints3CT and 31) the same amount that you do the same points on uppei- sleeve, and in tiie same direction. Under each garment will be given the necessary measures for laying it off, all points that may require changes and all directions necessary. Read them carefully be- fore attempting to cut the garment. The garments do not generally need changing ; but in case they do, to fit them to tape measurement, we give all points on all garments that may have to be changed. DRAFTS 1 AND 2 Are so designed that any one wishing to use a plain back and French bias front can use back and side, back of No. 1 and front of No. 2. Or if one wishes to reverse and use the backs of No. 2 and plain front of 'No. 1 they can do so. Any sleeve desired may be cut with any draft. THE SHADING OR FINK CROSS LINES Show just what amount of the diagram is made up into the garment, or in other words, represents the cloth. (10) LADIES' BASQUE, FRENCH BIAS. BACKS. 28-2"^ 7?\*E-4'^ lAFOB Taki' chust, waist, lciii;lh oi' waist, elbow, and U'lig-th of ai'iii. Use rule correspondiiiij;- with eliest measure. Measure dowu from letter B to i>-et lenglli of waist. If any chaug-e be necessary, 2 A being waist line [)oiut, lengthen or shorten it, as the case may re(iaire. Points 4:E and 4A must be changed one-half as nuieh us waist hne and in llie same diieetioii. UNDER ARM GORE. IF ?D Undei- arm gore is laid off by same rule. If waist on backs is lengthened or sht)rtened. Point 3G being waist line point, mns( be lengthened or shortened same amount. (11) LADIES' BASQUE FRENCH BIAS. FRONT. ;c 2 B B A 2C WAiai 3G 3B U.se f-aiiit: rule. If vvai.sl, lini>s liavo beeu leiinthi'iRMl or .sIkii'Iiik'iI, li'i]j;Uifii or slioilcu poiiil L'C, wliicli is wai.st line, .same amoiiiit as ou Ijaclis ami under .-irni gore and lop of darts A and li one-lialf as nuieli in the same direction. WLieii seau)s are all laid off test .size of waist, if eliange be necessary, move |ioiiit C on waist line on uutler arm gore, and |ioiut .J on waist line on front iie.Kt to under arm gore oue-lialf tlie amount of cliauge re(|uired, in tlie same manner that change was made ou Diagram No. 1 in under arm dart. If tlie waist needs to be larger the points are moved towards each other. If smaller, they are moved apart. LEG OF MUTTON SLEEVE. 3n IF-IC^- F 1G IB 3Q 3« ■£. c /5\ 3D-3B' Use rule corresponding with chest measuri'. Point '1 is elbow line. If it be changed change point E same amount. If bottom poiut be changed change points IC — F — 3G and 3A. same amount and in the same directions. (12) LADIES' MORNING DRESSING WAIST. BACK. 2B 2A-1F Tiikc c-licst waist, L. waist, I'lhow and \j. orai-iii iiicasiii't's. link' con'ospondiiii; witii clR'st is iisrd. "2X oil back is waisi point. (JliaM^c to lit tape line inuasuicincnl . ("lian<4C point 5\' oiK'-liaii' (iu' amount. FRONT. A/§\ 4A-3E lE-lft To lay off front use same ruk-. If waist is changed on back, change waist line [loint 2D same amount and top of (hirt A one-half as much the same direction. To get pro[)er size of waist change C and iC [)oints on under arm dart in or out (as the case may. require) to exact size of tape liiu' waist measiu'i'. (i;5) LADIES' MORNING DRESSING WAIST. GATHERED SLEEVE. UPPER SLEEVE. Use same rule, leiigtlieu or shorten, to tape measui'enieut ; point E is elbow point; IG must be changed same auiouut as elbow ami in same (lii'ection ; i)()int 5 is L. of arm point, and point 1 must be elianged same amount as [toint 5, if any change is made. Gather to iit notches between ])oints 2E and 2F on under sleeve. UNDER SLEEVE 2E 2F 3F 3 To lay off under sleeve use same rule ; points C and 4F must be changed same amount as points E and IG on upper sleeve, and points o and oF must be changed same amount as points -i and 5. (14) LADIES' PLAIN BASOUE. BACKS. 2B-2-tF 1A Waist "/§^ 4-A-3E 3-20-JG 1A Take chest, waist, L. of waist, ell)ow aiul leni>th of arm, measure down from point A to g'et leng'th of waist, lA, marked waist, is waist line point. Chaiigc to fit tnpe line measure. If waist is cli;ing-ed, ehang-e ]>oint 4A one-luiH' the ninoiuit. FRONT. 2A-1E IE V/AIST ^E-4D-3G-3D-2G To lay off fi-ont use same I'ule. If waist on back has been changed, chano-o waist line point IE same amount ;ind top of darts 4E and 4D one-half as much. If any ehang-e is necessary in'size of waist, regulate it at under arm dart, mrn ing points 4E and D, in or out, as the change may require. (15) LADIES' PLAIN BASQUE. GATHERED SLEEVE. UPPER SLEEVE. Use same rule. Point 4F is ell)ow mid point 1 is to be elianged same amount with it. (If change be made) oF is L. of arm point. If it is chnngcd, change 2G same amount. Gather to fit notches on luider sleeve between points 2D and 2E. UNDER SLEEVE. 20 2E 20 8>^ W^ Use same rule. If points 4F and 1 are changed on upper sleeve, change points 4:D and 3G same amount, and 2E and 2 same amount as L. of arm measures 3F and 2G. (16) LADIES' BASQUE. FOR STOUT FKJUKES. 2B-2-IF Take chest, waist, L. waist, elbow, L. of arm. Use rule corresponding with chest. Measure from point A to get L. of waist, change G waist linc' point to fit tape measurement and point 4 one-half as much. UNDER ARM GORE. ie-ic Usf same rule. If waist line was changed on hacks, change waist line point 2G same amount. FRONT. IC WAIST ^4D-4C-3F 2?" ID Use same rule if waist lines have been changed on backs and under arm gore. Change waist Hne point IC same amount and [)()ints 4D and IC at top of darts one-half as nmch. If size of waist needs changing, let out or take, as the case may require, point 2Ct on under arm goi-e next to fi'ont and ])oint4E on front next to under arm gore. Change them same as change is made in under ai'm dart. 3D UPPER SLEEVE. 3E i^ 3F Lay off by same rule;,5V is elbow. If changed, change point F same amount. 3E is L. of arm point. If changed, change 2(t same amount. (18) UNDER SLEEVE. 2G 2G - 2B y^G-4C l-G Use same rule. If 5V and F have been changed on upper, change 4G and 40 elijovv points same amount, and also 2G and 2B same as 8E and 2G on upper sleeve. (19; LADIES' TEA GOWN. 5 j=; 03 cr o +-■ ^ 5 be 01 O 0) « ^ C! f~' +j t/. (.> r^ >, 'ri P o &. r-^ 03 0) ^^ 0) ,^ rt Qh '""' 2 i-" p^ o ai 1— 1 a -tJ ? c3 aD O 1^1 4; r^ Of) p K ^ CJ i*- 0> .i^ ■"O c^ o 4^ ^ CfJ •t' hJ •^ -M £^ o ,i4 =2 0; (/J ■ 1 ■ ^i-i t1 < s '^'' «^ ";> o ■+- "^ '^ be --^ ? Z r- ■/. -V x: « •= ^ =<- . hH -O -t^ s^^ s ■£ s u. w t4-( >■ '- ^, ■^ ^ • it 1- • — -4— o 21= Cb .1. o cc y ~ •;: ^ ^ M=5 ^ •: t. -^'Z ►-^ o -5 ?^ -2 ^ rt > . =£ 00 - — _c (D en o 1 -T- OJ • -- -' ^ -c r ::/ +J ?^, ~ - c -"^H .■•' ->-^ - CO n p^ -t^ w it_ — u. -C M Cl- w (20) LADIES' TEA GOWN. FRONT. C5 ~ ic •" O :/? « UJ S I>^ O . ^ a> 33 iJD « -a cc J3 OD -US o o "o C5 ^^ +J • O «* *^ c y , y-S CS «i 5 ^^ iJ CD • ^ -3 -M <-- r-« :<-l . •■' CS ^ 1 •w T— 1 o -^ ^ Q C^I l&J ^ •^ Z/ tM < ^ — ' ? cz -^ ^ ct .^ c; Q a; rt ■ W •^-j OD ^ w 2 " C^l o 4-i >% KJ r o c ^ o ■t-^ ^ « ^ -^ ^ ^ y. • S o ^ -4-' w ^ .22 " ^ rt 2 o ^ = 13 cu X S 'j; '2 CM ;= r.iil o o 'c5 i5 •—1 br, 01 ^ ^ o o OC in — ic — ^ .« SJ •) .s O) O ?.J ^' — ^« ' \ — ■r T" 'C 4_ « X w " '"^ '*" r-* -^^ +j rr OD ^ tu a -o * > ■^J ;i E <4-l J ^' '. -M ^ 1— I ,M *" VJ ,^ ^ CM ^^ o ri o r^ >-* ,M X l-H C3 C3 m O ^ ^ c O O . a; ^ QJ N C- -O CC (21) LADIES' TEA GOWN. UPPER SLEEVE. 4E 3G Use same rule. D is elbow. If changed, change and ID same amount. 4E is L. of arm measure. If necessary to change, change 3Ct same amount. 2G 2B UNDER SLEEVE, 2E Lay off by same rule. Lengthen or shorten points 4D and SG same amount as D elbow point on upper sleeve, and 2G and 2B same amount as points 4E and 3G. (22) LADIES' SKIRT. FOR MEDIUM FIGURES. SIDE GORE. FRONT GORE. lA lenir^lfn.^PnTi'in'"''-, ,'{ '*'"-'" "='" '"■<•" '•-'""'ged on front gore, ch.anKc T y^hi"v ,"^ """.'-^ "'"'l'' »"'«'">' ""'1 5V onohalf .as much. *" aver'iBu ronns ' ""' ""■"'«'" >^'«™ "I" fc'""il' a'-out 40 laches wide tor (23) and length ot skirt. Use rule corrcsi)ond- measure Take L. of skirt measure In front Take waisi ,',',','rf lT,',l';,il™'*' "!p"'""= ia^e 1.. oi sKirt measure In froii and lengthen or shorten, as the case may reoulrc. Kront core to tape l.ne measurement bottom point lli Is length point hal aTmuil "^*' '"""" ' """" "'""""' "'"' •'°"'' *<= on« LADIES' SKIRT. FOR STOUT FIGURES. SIDE GORE. u. _.4M ^ .f» '° FRONT GORE. Use rule con-esponding- with waist measure. Follow the same rule as in cutting- No. 7 skirt. Take L. of skirt measure same way and if changes are necessary they are made exactly the same as on No. 7. (24) LADIES' SKIRT YOKE. 48 TE «^ F-C/^\4E 2 C - t D - 1 /sVJ. D- 4-3E** 2 C lA Take waist measure and use rule corresponding therewith. It can be cnt as deep as one wishes. (25) FULL WAIST FOR LADIES OR MISSES. BACK. Take chest, waist, L. of waist, el))ow and L. of arm, measure down from A and regulate 2B waist ])oint to tape measurement. 2P»ac wamt To lay off front use same rule. If waist has been changed on back, change same amount on front. Cut waistband, which is a straight piece of goods, about two inches wide to exact waist measure and gather fronts between points IG and 3C and backs between points 2A and 3G, to fit waistband. (26) FULL WAIST FOR LADIES OR MISSES. COLLAR. 3E-3C 2B IB Lay off collar by same rule. Reg-ulate size of neck by tape line. UPPER SLEEVE. O x; ^- ID CD o Q ti r* T*^ O -w . o .5 ,i^ o O & C3 1^. ■ ~ T1 ■ n r- CD CS • 1-H oi -t^ ^ 3 biO be a o s o3 ^_ cS (U C4_ CJ C3 c8 M 1—1 •+J •^ br CB ^ G C5 c be =4-1 r- 03 ■•^ O O h^ «f-i -tJ IS s -. a C3 o to -1^ rr> • ^^ •)-> (D O tu ^ ? OS cS tc Sb aj «i be -« rt a O c; tr 0) r^ C3 ci ^ s A c (U ^ 'O r^ crt ^ O -*-» bo ■ o C8 « ^ ^ <£ su O CS OX) J5 rr OD =*- o O OJ O '^ ^ ^ •^ C3 PI O C3 P CO i_ OJ o QD -^ ou n •w «N \i\e (37) ^ C3 o OJ ^ 4^ o "3 M r~! «— t rt 1 00 0/ H^ o O -*-j ^^- o ;:: =4^ o r- 4— o 'o CO r\ ^J s ' - 'o ■*-> eS .S rQ • • o zn ^ O m 0; ro H °f P^ C3 'o Q o H tT (H w -l-J o P t— H a o J^ Q . BAR > n ox: 03 OB p pq Hi -M .£ =t^ P C3 O . ERH o 4J B pq CM 6 a w o 4J ^ CM o p .5 ■4—' ^ 0/ o "o OJ .— ( m !2 C3 bJCi O l-H OJ p Q r-; < CM =4H < U o h^ 0; TS 1 , o3 « 3 =4-( 33 t3 OD ^ n 4-' cS .S O 4^ *o cc "S 1— 1 O 4^ ^ s r^ ^M — r O O P h4 S ■+^ -M r- *o CC O o C' r-i X "S r2 p o -M r^ iUD =m 1 3J eS d5 (38) FRONT. LADIES' MOTHER HUBBARD NIGHT DRESS. SLEEVE. 3A-2C-2A /Q\ 4C 1G-1E-1B-G Use same riik-. Gather sleeves at points marked gather. -iC is elbow. Change to fit. Make lengtii whatever yon desire. If 3'on change point HA, change 2C and 2A the same amount. YOKE. -^nfe«^, 1 3B-3 ID Lay off by same rule. Fit to size of neck with tape. (40) LADIES' DRAWERS. Take waist and length desired. Use rule corresponding with waist measure. If yoke is used, cut off two and one-half inches from top of pattern. Cut on the outside line for l)acks and then turn away the goods and cut on the inside line for fronts. YOKE. 4F 3-28 E A'^E - 3D Lay off hy same rule. (41) 1G MISSES' DRAWERS. Take waist and lengtli desired. Follow same rule as lor No. 17. Make a band exact size of waist and g-athei- goods into it. Cut by outside line for backs and inside line for fronts. (42) GENTS' SACK COAT. BACK Take chest, L. of waist, full length in back, elbow and length of arm. In measuring foi- L. of arm, measui-e down to knuckle joint. Measure from A and make IF waist to fit tape measurement and point 4E to full length measurement. FRONT. 4G-40-4 WAIBT Use same rule. If changes have been made on back, make siimc cluinges on front. If length point 4G has to be changed, cbangv points 41) — 4 and iJA same amount. (43) GENTS' SACK COAT. UPPER SLEEVE. 3F \^2A 5-4C G /5\ 3 - 2A IB - e Use same rule. Regulate length same as on other sleeves. UNDER SLEEVE. 4D-4 O /5\ 2E 1E-1C-G Use same i-ule. If any changes are made on upper sleeve, make same changes on under sleeve. 3-2F-28 Lay off by same rule. Fit to neck by tape measure. (44) GENTS' VEST. BACK. Iir -.1A ID WAIST Take chest and length of waist ; regulate length of waist with tape. 2E - 2-1D C»2D WAIST G - 8/5\ 4.E.4A IC-IA Use sanu- rulo. If waist lias been changed on back change waist on front same amount. (45) GENTS' PANTS. • «4-l 0) rG O o ic OJ cS c o -t^ OJ 00 tpl — O 4-' o S r- -4-) o ^ Oi a -rl ov 2 ^ OS O ,J3 O r^ cS =4-1 c o • ^ , * ^ OJ C -tJ 01 n o 00 g a; a) .2 s o3 0) f-i U nC rial M -4—' « %-i ^ =+- H a o 03 , -M •^ n'l bo s r-" c & o •1 5 o Q o CO en ri«) gi o -^J o 1- Ph o g O a; bo o g 5 ^4-1 O w o P •v ^ ^-1 ■^ ■r) r^ w ^ o C3 (— t oi - o be c a: 03 |I3 ^ o t/> X! cS nd 4J =<-l OJ s bJD g o3 G Eh s a 05 a 0) C3 «H a 0) s 5 01 =4-1 ^ (—■ a p; o C3 r^ o ^ O Ct 00 rS O br c)L rt a; ^ ^ .^ •^ o; s «4-l . ' ' I—* 3 ^ <» -w ^ ^fH c?; o> C -G r- _C ^ fcij fcJO -i-j a; 01 O ' * ;2L, 1— 1 >► C3 C3 to ^ o ■ o ^) be ^-^ 5 -i4 bJD o o OJ •^ ?-< c o , r c: ;3 Oi •-■ -f Irt o t>D 01 P o C3 -i^ Oi m r^ s 4J =4-1 O (M ■M ^ T-f tc cz '■i ^ K" o =M OJJ o , ^ ■ £ 3 -^ o n " CJ o r^ 0) ra ta - 01 H - OJO rt BACK UPPER SLEEVE. Use same rule. Test length same as on other sleeves. D 'o (48) 4A — 3A - 2C 1A Use same rule. UNDER SLEEVE. FRONT. Use same rale. Make changes according to up- per sleeve. s :: c 4J o o c c^ F -t-> n rr -4— • ^ s 0/ o 00 P i. « CS r^ ^ pC C5 4-> "5 2- o i (V re -t- — X O 5 *x «f- c 5 1— ' +j ^ re c -t^ 1 ^ H- 1 .- ^ rC IB -D be OS a; =(-l o o3 >-, T3 Crt P h-^ C3 cc 03 ^ o3 FRONT. SLEEVE. Lay off Ijy same rule. Add one inch to L. of arm measure (which is taken wrist joint), for making up ; E. is elbow point. NECK BAND. 3G«3F»3B 1C Lay off by same rule. Xt-ek band should be 2 inches longer than measure to allow for mak- ing up. (53) GENTS' AND BOYS' SACK SHIRT. CO o 1 0) o QJ f; -1-1 S 01 0? r^ ^ u O =4-1 o) rs o tc OD o ■Xl a> c3 O -U-f C3 ^M S Si O <1) • f-H 0- • ? h-1 O 0) be .s tc X T3 ^- ^ C3 ^~^ o TfH HH O Ol 0) , -o (—1 o 0) in cc H CO rs a w o -t^ o a; C3 < be 00 S a; n ^ o; bt c oj 3 05 '^ =4-1 C3 .- ^ >, Oj > iOD ^ o 0) u i* «<-( a; 0) be «4H OJ ^ c3 o -i-T =5 • 0/ "S ^3 ^ O o OS & c3 UNDER SLEEVE. 3C 3 A .ca 2C - ID/IC-G Lay off by same rule. If any changes are made on upper sleeve, make same changes on under sleeve. * -3C 2B 1 Lay off by same rule, test to tape line measurement for size. (59) BOYS' VEST. BACK. WAiax Take chest, L. of waist and full length; use rule corresponding with chest, regulate length of waist and full length same as on Gents' Vest. FRONT. 2a-1G-1B B-3 V/AlST F-D /5\4-D 3C 1( Lay off by same rule, follow same directions as for Gents' Vest. Cut off half inch on left front. (60) BOYS' WAIST. 1E.1D WAIST To lay off boys' waist, take chest, L. of waist, elbow and length of arm. Locate waist length from point B. If ID waist be changed, change IE same amount. Make same change on front. FRONT. 2E-2C WAIST Lay off by same rule. Waist band is a straight piece of goods. Gather the sfoods into waist band. ^ (61) UPPER SLEEVE. 2F- 2A A 4c IG - 1 Lay off by same rule. Regulate length same as on other sleeves. Lay off by same rule, regulating according to upper sleeve. (62) BOYS' PANTS. BACK. 1E-1C 1 E F-D-C To lay off pants, take hip, waist, L. of knee and full length measm-e. Use rule corresponding with hip measure and make same changes (if any changes are necessary) same as in gents' pants. 3A point is knee line and IE is full length point. FRONT. ^~1^ 4-3E-3A Lay off by same rule. If any changes be made on back make same changes on front. To make waist larger let out point F on top one-half the amount ; if to make smaller change in dart on back. (63) LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 061 876 7 3E*3B'3 Lay off by same rule. Waist band is a straight piece of goods about IV2 inches wide. (64) I r- TT 520 .B3Q Copy 1 ^ V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 061 876 7 place our system of Fitting befcl nents for ^ood workers. xier rare I Those who are out of employment or otlicis wishing to change their business will find our work a very pleasant, easy and profitable business. WRITE FOR TERMS. Lc- /2 inc. js wide. OFFICE, 1220 OLIYE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. \ TT 520 .B38 ^ Copy 1 / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1 i'lllll il 014 061 876 7 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5