LB NT «^\3 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Teachers' Insurance and Retirement Fund. CHAPTER 251 SESSION LAWS OF 1913. Issued by the Board of Trustees. JOURNAL PUBLISHING CX>. DEVII.S Lake, N. D. STATE PRINTERS 1913 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Teachers' Insurance and Retirement Fund. CHAPTER 251 SESSION LAWS OF 1913. Issued by the Board of Trustees. JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Devils Lake. N. D. state printers 1913 Board of Trustees Term Expires Supt. John A. Haig, Presid nt, Devils Lake. 1916 Miss Clara Struble, Vice President, Grand Forks 1914 Supt. P. S. Berg, Sec, Dickinson.... 1915 Hon. Gunder Olson, Ex-officio, Treasurer, Bismarck 1915 State Supt. E. J. Taylor, Ex-officio, Bismarck ' 1915 n oro. OCT 6 1913 TEACHERS' INSURANCE AND RETIREMENT Fund. § I. Creation of Fund and Mem- bership OF Board.] There is created a teachers' insurance and retirement fund, which shall be managed by a board of trustees to be known as the board of trustees of the teachers' in- surance and retirement fund. Such board shall consist of five members. The state treasurer and the state superintendent of public instruction shall be ex-officio members of said board; three members, one of whom shall be a woman, shall be appointed by the governor from among the mem- bers of the teachers' retirement fund as provided for in this act. One such appointive member may be a retired member of the fund. The term of office of the appointive members of said board of trustees shall be three years, except as provided henin, and shall begin on the first day of July, next succeeding their appointment; provided that the terms of office of the first members appointed shall be one for a period of one year, and one for a period of two years, and one for a period of three years. ^.o, ^ 730 § 2 Annual Meeting of Members.] At the titae and place of the meetinji of the North Dakota State Education Association, those teachers whp have qualified as members of the teach- ers' insurance and retirement fund according to Section 11, 12 and 13 of this Act, shall meet for the pur- pose of hearing the report of the board created by Section 1 of this Act, and of transacting such other busines'^ as may properly come before them. § 3. Vacancies.] In case any va- cancy occurs among the members of the board, said vacancy shall be filled immediately by the governor, and the appointee shall serve the balance of the term for which the original mem- ber was appointed. § 4. Organization of the Board.] Said board of trustees shall organi7e by the election of a president. The state treasurer shall be ex-orticio treas- urer of said board, and shall receive and make payments from and account for said funds in the same manner as for other state funds. Said board may employ a secretary to be chosen for such a term as shall he determined by said board. Said secretary shall per- form such duties in connection with the teachers' insurance and retirement fund as may be prescribed by the board. § 5. Meetings and Regulations.] Said board shall meet annually within three months after Julv first of each year, at tlie office of the superinten- dent of public i'nstruction, at a time to be fixed by the board, and at any other time on the call of the president or of any two members thereof. Said board shall adopt rules for the govern- ment of its meetings and for member- ship in the fund, payments thereto and therefrom, and tor other matters which will be calculated to aid teach- ers in securing the benefit of the fund. §,6. Compensation and Secretary.] Members of said board shall receive no compensation except their necessary traveling expenses incurred in attend- ing the meetings, to be paid from the teachers' insurance and retirement fund upon the certificate of the president and secretary; but if the board shall elect one of its members secretary, such member may receive compensation for services rendered as secretary. The secretary of said board shall receive a salary to be fixed by the board, at an amount not to exceed twelve hun- dred dollars per annum. The compen- sation of the secretary and any other necessary expenses incurred by said board in carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be paid from the fund. § 7 Investment of Funds.] Said board shall have charge of the fund and shall invest the same under the same conditions as the trust funds of the state may be invested. 5 § 8. Annual Report,] On or before the first day of October of each year, said board shall report for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June pre- ceding. A copy of said report shall be transmitted to the annual meeting of the members of the teachers' insur- ance and retirement fund and to the state superintendent of public instruc- tion. Said superintendent shall in-' elude a copy of said report in his bien- nial report to the governor, § 9. Retention of Assessments ] Each school district board, each board of education, or other managing body of each city, and of each school dis- trict; and of each village^ and of each town operating its schools under the townshi'p system of school government, shall retain on every pay day from the salary of each teacher in their respective schools, the amounts herein provided. Each teacher shall be furnished a statement by such board, showing the amount so deducted from his or her salary. § 10. Amount of Assessments.] Every teacher who has joined the fund shall be assessed upon his or her salary as teacher for a period of twenty-five years as follows, one per centum per annum, but not more than twenty dol- lars per year, for each of the first ten years of service as teacher; and two per centum per annum, but not more than forty dollars per year, for each successive year of services as teacher, until sai'd teacher shall have had a total of twenty-five years of teaching service; "when said assessments shall cease. The total amount paid into said fund by each teacher shall be based upon said twenty-five years of service as teacher with assessments as provided in this Section; provided that such total amount shall not be less than the full amount of the annuity to which such teacher shall be en- titled for the first year. § II. All New Teachers Assessed After January i, 1914-] I^ becoming a teacher in said public schools after January 1, 1914, he or she shall be conclusively deemed to join the fund and to undertake and agree to pay such assessments, and to have such assessments deducted from his or her salary as herein provided. § 12. Assessments Optional for Teachers Now Teaching in the State.] Any person employed as teach- er in said public schools when this Act takes effect, may, at any time before January 1, 1914, elect to join the fund and to come within the provisions of this Act, by notifying in writing the board of trustees of the teachers' in- surance and retirement fund, but no person employed as teacher in said public schools, when this Act takes effect, shall be compelled to join the fund; or to come within the provisions of this Act or to pay the assessments or to have the same deducted from his or her salary without his or her consent. S 13. Notification by Teacher.] At the time of giving said notice to the board of trustees, as herein provided, such teacher shall notify the local school board or any other managing body, iii 'writing, of his or her election to come within the provisions of this Act; and thall authorize said school board, as a part of said notice, to de- duct from each payment of salary due him or her a sum equal to said per centum of such payment as provided in Section 10. § 14. Transmission of Money to County Treasurer.] Each such school district board, each board of educa- tion, or other managing body, shall each year, between the 20th and the 30th days of June, forward to the treasurer of the county in which the school house of said teacher is located, a statement verified by the secretary or clerk thereof, of the moneys so re- tained, in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act. together with said moneys so retained. Said statement shall also include the following: Name and monthly salary of each of said teachers: number of months of school taught by each teacher in said public schools of the district, village, or city over which said school board or other managing body has jurisdic- tion during the school year for which the statement is made; the number of months constituting a school year in such district, village or city; the total salary of each teacher; the total amount withheld from the salary of each teacher^ in accordance with the provisions of this Act; the total amount withheld from the salaries of all of said teaoiieis for the school yeai next precee Ti-.g, and the total number of years such teacher has taught in the public schools of the state. § 15. Statements to be Sent to County Superintendent and County Auditor.] Said school board shall at the same time send a copy of said statement to the superintendenr of the county^ in whie.-i >aid school house is located, and also a duplicate copy of the same to the auditor of said county,. § 16. Statement to be Sent in All Cases.] If no teacher in such city, vi'llage , town or school district comes under the provisons of this Act, th*^ school board or other managing body of such city, village, town or school district, shall state this fact under the oath of the secretary or the clerk thereof, to the treasurvr of said coun- ty; and shall at the same time forward copies of said statement to the super- intendent of said 3ouuty ard to the auditor of sai'd -county. § I/. Reports to be Made to the Board.] Each county superintendent shall each year, between the 30th day of June and the lOth day of July, re- port under oath to the board of trus- tees of the teachers' insurance and re- tirement fund. Said report shall con- tain an itemized account of the stato- ments received by him from the school boards and a statement of t.ho total amount withheld from the salaiies of all of the said teachers in said report. § i8. Reports to be Preserved.] The board of trustees of the teachers' insurance and retirement fund, each county superintendent, each county auditor, each county treasurer, each school distri'ct board, each town board of education, or other managing body, shall keep complete records of the data contained in said reports and of the statements hereinbefore mentioned. § 19. Transmission of Funds to State Treasurer.] Between the 15th day of July and the 1st day of August of each year, the county treasurer shall transmit to the state treasurer all moneys which he has received from the school boards in accordance with the provisions of this Act; and shall certify under oath to the board of trustees of the teachers' insurance and retirement fund the amount so received and transmitted to the state treasurer, as herein provided. The state treasurer shall credit all moneys received under 10 the provisions of this Act to the fund designated as the teachers ' insurance and retirement fund. § 20. Penalty for Failure to Re- port AND Transmit Funds.] No city, village, town or school district shall share in the apportionment of the state tuition fund for any year, un- less it has made the report as herein provided and paid over to the state treasurer for the teachers' insurance and retirement fund such per centum as provided i'n Section 10 of the total sum paid in wages to such teachers as come under the provisions of this Act, and also the portion of the county tuition fund described in Section 21. § 21. Fund to be Set Aside From County Tuition Fund and Transmit- ted TO State Treasurer,] Each county treasurer shall annually set aside from the county tuition fund a sum equaJ to ten cents for each child of school age i'n his county and shall transmit this sum to the state tr-eagurer at the same time that he transmits the funds received from the school boards in ac- cordance with Section 19, and shall certify under oath to the board of trustees of the teachers' insurance and retirement fund the amount so tramsimitted to the stajte treasurer The state treasurer shall credit all moneys received in accordance with this Section to the fund designated as the teachers' insurance and retirement fund. 11 § 22. Name of Fund.] The moneys received by the state treasurer under the provisions of Sections 19 and 21 of this Act, together with donations or legacies received therefor, or monrys received from any legal source of increment, shall constitute a fund to be known as the "teachers' insur- ance and retiVement fund. ' ' § 22). Payment of Back Assess- ments.] Any teacher coming from schools not included under the provi- sions of this Act shall pay assesments for said years of service in such schools, as provided in Section 10, based upon his or her first annual salary in said public schools of the state, tog^'ther with the regular as- sessments as provided in Section 10, before receiving any retirement an- nuity. § 24. Retirement of Teachers Who Are Eligible to Annuity.] A.ny teacher who may be teaching in said public schools and who has complied with the provisions of these Sections may re- tire and receive the annuity provided for in the following cases: 1. After a period or periods agg:e- gating twenty-five years of s^er vice as teacher, of which eighteen years, including the last five, must have been spent in public schools of this state provided that pay- ments by said teacher to the fund shall have amounted to a sum as pro- 12 vided in Section 10. If said pay- ments shall not have amounted to said sum, the teacher shall pay into the fund the deficiency before receiving said annuity. 2, After fifteen years of service as teacher in the public schools of the state, when sai'd teacher suffers from a permanent mental or physical dis- ability, to be determined by said board after an examination by two physicians appointed by said board, provided that payments by said teach- er to the fund shall have amounted to a sum as provided in SectJon 10. If said payments shall not have amount- ed to said sum, the teacher shall pay into the fund the deficiency before receiving the annuity. The examina- tion fees of such physicians shall be paid by said applicant. § 25. Legal School Year Defined ] In computihig the terms of service under Section 24, a year shall be a legal school year at the time and place where paid service was rendered, ex- cept that "where the service was rendered in schools not included with- in th-^ provisions of this Act, a time less than a legal school year in this state shall not be included as a year, but only as such proportion of a year as the number of teaching weeks in each such year bears to the number of weeks required at the time to constitute a legal school year in this state. 1.3 § 26. Application to the Board.] Any person who has compliefl with the provisions of this Act and desires to retire from active service i'n said public schools, shall apply in writing to the board of trustees of the teach- ers' insurance and retirement fund. § '- N>'()i\-r oi" Axvui'N'.t Ea-h teacher retiring from the service of said public schools under the provi- sions of Section 24, shall annually and for life be entitled to receive as an- nuity a sum equal to one fiftieth of his or her average annual salary for the last five years of service, multi- plied by the whole number of years of service as teacher; provided, how- ever, that said annuity shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars in any one year, or be less than three hundred and fifty dollars in any one year, subject, however, to all the pro- visions of this Act, § 28. Trustees May Ratably Dim- inish Annuities.] The board of trus- tees may ratably reduce the annuities provided in this Act, whenever in the judgment of the board, the condition of the fund shall require such reduc- tion, § 29. Withdrawals from Member- ship IN the Fund.] Any teacher who shall cease to teach in said public schools before receiving any benefit or annuity from the fund, shall if application be made in writing to the 14 board of trustees within six months after the date of hi's or her resigna- tion, be entitled to the return of one- half of the amount, without interest, which shall have been paid into the fund by such teacher. If such teacher should again thereafter teach in said public schools he or she shall within one year from the date of his or her return to the service in said public schools refund to said fund the amount so returned to such teacher, together with simple interest on said amount (but not to exceed four per centum per annum) for the time such amount was withdrawn from the fund. § 30. Annuities to be Paid Quar- terly.] The state treasurer shall pay said annuities quarterly in September, December, March and June of each year, upon the warrants of the state auditor issued upon certificates of the president and secretary of said board. No payments shall be made prior to September 1915. § 31. Annuities Paid from Inter- est AND Principal.] Pavments from the fund shall be made from the in- come thereof and in addition thereto, when necessary, from the principal of moneys received under Sections 19 and 21. § 32. Annuity to Cease Upon Re- sumption OF Teaching.] Any person retiring under these Sections may again enter upon the work of teaching 15 in said public schools; during said term, of teaching the annuity paid to such person shall cease. Said annuity shall agai'n be paid to said person up- on his or her further retirement. § 3S. Annuities Not Subject to Le- gal Process.] The annuities so created shall not be subject to attachment, garnishment, execution or other sciz lire or process, nor shall they be sub- ject to sale, assignment, pledge, mort- gage, or other alienation. § 34. The Term "Teacher" Defined for the Act.] The term "teacher," as used in this Act, shall include all persons employed in teaching by any city board of educati'on, or school board or other managing body of any city, town, village, or rural school dis- trict in this state, and all superintend- ents and assistant superintendents of said schools, including county superin- tendents and their assistants, all su- pervisors of instruction all principals and assistant principles and special teachers of said schools. !•;. (.'' '-JKr LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 300 428 1