Author •i *» ^ Oass .}r>.: Book LBdzzi Title Imprint . <737J-1 OPO To Si-cure EfBcicncy and Economy in Govi rnmenl' DETROIT BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH, Inc. too GRISWOLD STREET REPORT ON THE LIETHOD SECURING iRCHiTSCTUKAL SHRYICE in EIOHT CITIES. Prepared "by the DETROIT SURE ^U OF GOYERNMIilNTAL iSaEARCH, Inc. Jxuae, 1919. J U EI n. of D. WAV H ]y20 .CM Yer^- truii' f^ls n^o 10 «p^iir o£ U.U .rAdtigr t(- tintt Cc follow arc dlrtj aatf itoria- tempt at interior .i^vioLurui dealgn of baildlnes is c>^c4 ata end poor in otberso T8 9nd jarie are eaeiosed with hl^i'h ir paved with briokc .^^darda haT« remained v.ractic;aLl^ uid there Ib little or no evidence oorij lighted and are TejatiJLate i attljTo 9 are jtist bein? introdooed uildin^a have be. n vrneu the area ol aite irauia ^ci-:.. roTided in sow elene ' .J lar«re asaeablj hal lied in High S oatalled in aJ 0wiiOOi S U.'lUt. I'l Corridors arc fin o +■_♦• ar->>v^ IttAtel. If.'MMu zation ,500,000 |3oCQC 360.000 esoat state of aotlTit/ Busf utandarda adopted r& plsjis in use ?cs -ta UBSd 40oi of stories -^ roou CHACT "b" b . •id <■> J oh ervaKor,^ rriodt on a four oj inVpechon -n 1 ^ f::.- —1 -s » 1 f^' o r» •— o :^ C3 ii h 0) !.;- "^ Ci ^ s^ -s , 3 n O 1 cj ' l! ;5 33 -i -i - ^ T CL u:: f- :z X 5. ' o Cj _ c '-JJ*. n tX IL.' iiffiS J I J!i St p: r ^ I e ! ?^ ^ i ^- i -S [1 •i!i:i3' ^ n a 01 ! a i I m , ;^ |fm;^|;i!|.: n' ^'p lltTT; L j!l:?^iji:B^iitei< '-!laa o c: IB l! I 'I : ?jr?:?)«7^ ^^ .x^^-l :::^:;>| ^.^:^^ ^M diJ5M_.__] G'^ \l:l\Jli i^r-t 5i " iglpapiEi ;^n^ :« '— V^-"-^ Lf^^ irijjppi :||i|i I iit4!iQ ri-'il J;;- ^] , Liri^ lL_J atn ;>>j ftTiiii}! I I :: r- 5^ 5l|r^jB?r ''■••••■■■■••' '^^ '^-'^ =^ 1.0 .1 1. Ii .flfflfe, ill I L 1 1 toil rtl BJf P- ck Arc*.i(-cc*.- C-NC.NNATl Pr'ival-e ArcMec^^ f P./f v'-^ DCjje'.ll-TJPnl- MEIVV vor;^. Dr.parbnenf CHICAGO Ieparl-n:)enf &o::Ton /uperv'ujny Pe;: cirline);* bALTiNORE Private Arcblt-cck/