MtiJi>:'i^^--'^'v':u': ■■m^fm 'ipmf. 1906 \§M '«:i^-^'4;''^ % .*:i^/%. .4? '"- /-^aUf^ co*.-i.:^.% /.iss^'% 0° ^'.o' V*^^'./ %*i^\o' V*^^'./ 'o -•• °o ^*.i^S>** //i^.^o ^*V--^'--'*- -o^ '\SP V'^VT'V/ %.'^^'«P' \'^''\^- .:^ >^' Brtuluns as muc|) as tt)ej> please. ^^/% } V'^^jX:^ i^^^^U -^^^^-'^ ^^^'" .'-■■ ;ifeg;^ '" ^ J\ ^o foil can tell all about pour fine olli eroto> Ci)ampasne. sl)etr?> anil so anti so, Qc>^U -$6' o,,0'^ mB^ m j& ,^^ 33ut just st\)e me t|)e juice of t|)at 'ere olD mill anti a small bop's suction potoer jfor a quarter of an i)our> ^^'^^^^ Wi '^': =.- '^> s. as long as tfje potoer of suction stooti antj tf)t ctDer tasteD SOoD. ^i.iCf^^'^t^^:^ «lfc 'feSitc.a)i6(rtA(jr3ittii. ^ alurai^s Vtauc sai6 ani $ sai^ it yet", Shah tf 5 coul6 W i^oun^ again for fiftwn mmutes ^'6 mahc a b^ i^its5-«& can shut m\^ <2^ '^ ?v* \**^^°/ "V^^V* "Si'^^^V''* "v*^"* ^•V^ "v^^v^ \*'<^y ^v**^^^/^ *v^?^\. "^^n C.'^" ^^^ -.-r^-V /\ '•-^^•* **'\ °.^ F. 0^ ^b. •' %/ "w* I ^^^/VM^^/\ K^^/\.^^g.\.*'% VT*' A •