BV 4510 P55 '347. Glass. Book. ( PERFECT PEACE LETTERS-MEMORIAL OF THE LATE JOHN WARREN HOWELL, ESQ, OF BATH, M.R.C.S. BY THE REV. DAVID PITCAIRN, MINISTER OF EVIE AND BESDAIL. Witt) ait Kntrotmctfott, BY THE REV. JOHN STEVENSON, Author of " Christ ou the Cross." FEOM THE NINTH LONDON EDITION, NEW-YORK: ROBERT CARTER, 58 CANAL-STREET. PITTSBURG : 56 MARKET-STREET. 1847. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIFTH EDITION. It was only in April last year that this little volume first appeared. Already eight thousand copies have been sold. Many most interesting- proofs of its use- fulness have reached the ears, and gladdened the heart, of the author. And although the price is so small, the great extent of the sale has secured a considerable pecuniary benefit to Mrs. Howell and her children. The objects for which the publication was underta- ken have thus, by the blessing of God, been accom- plished with a rapidity, and to an amount of success, far surpassing the most sanguine anticipations. In issuing a new edition, the author feels himself under a strong and pleasing obligation, to express his deep gratitude, not only to the many kind friends in different parts of the country who have interested themselves in promoting the circulation of the book, but especially to Him who overrules all events for His own glory, and who has so strikingly, in this case, IV ADVERTISEMENT. given testimony to the faithfulness of His word : " The Lord preserveth the stranger; He relieveth the fa- therless and widow." (Psalm cxlvi. 9.) Attempts are at present being made to select and arrange such portions of the valuable documents Mr. Howell left behind him, as may seem best adapted for general reading. And it is hoped that many of those who have perused with pleasure or profit the " Letters- Memorial" of his premature but peaceful death, will gladly hail the announcement of a volume of his lite- rary and scientific remains. Torquay, April, 1845. INTRODUCTION REV. J. STEVENSON. Every living man is interested in the ex- perience of the dying. It is the last school of wisdom to which the children of men can be advanced. Some, indeed, may question what concern they have with every sable narrative, and it is true they may not now feel that they are affected by it. Neverthe- less here lies their interest : Are they not travellers upon the same road ? Is not the velocity of time hurrying them onward to the same terminus ? And shall we shut our eyes upon the experience of others, and bar the inlet of wisdom till we be ourselves de- stroyed 1 The reckless navigator may deem his own sagacity a safer guide than all the charts of older mariners, and with unfurled 1* O INTRODUCTION sail he may explore the half-known coasts of distant lands, but it may only be to make a first and last discovery of his own folly upon the rock which they would have taught him to avoid. "Nil humanum a me alienumputo," was the noble sentiment of a heathen philoso- pher. The lover of wisdom puts nothing from him that concerns his kind. He feels himself linked to every form of man by the tie of a common nature, and he treasures up the lessons of their experience as sources of instruction to direct his own. This is but common prudence. We all act upon it for life, and why not also for death ? It is wis- dom for a man's self. Who is there that does not practise it in his own department? The Merchant fails not to inquire in what quarter of the globe men make their great- est gains, nor is he slow to mark that spe- cies of merchandise which has proved most lucrative. The Lawyer studies every case that bears analogy to that of his client, and makes himself familiar with the long list of precedents. The evidence which they fur- nish he will canyass, and avail himself of the successful pleas which they have urged. So likewise the Physician, the Statesman. the Leaders of armies or of navies, are all wise in their generation. They allow no BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 7 thing to pass unnoticed which can contribute to their private good or the general benefit. It would be their folly if they did. The temple of wisdom is supported by the pillars of experience. Every discovery in science, every new specimen of art, every fresh ad- vance in knowledge, is of importance to the inhabitants of the globe. Of all the objects of interest which this attractive world presents, none can equal that of a peaceful death-bed. An eclipse of the solar orb attracts the attention of all Avho are dependent on its light. The birth of an infant awakens emotions in the breast of every one that is connected with its family. But — the departure of a man — the eclipse of a fellow-mortal — the labour of his birth into eternity, should exceed them all in its thrilling interest to his fellows. No man ought to be insensible to its appeal. We know that we must follow him. We see ourselves, as it were, represented in him. His very sickness may be ours. The pain he feels, or the comforts he enjoys, may be ours also. We long, therefore, to know what are the feelings which his situation awakens. If calm and peaceful, we wish to ascertain by what means they became so ; and we see it to be our wisdom, our duty, and our happiness, so to adopt the same means, 8 INTRODUCTION that when we reach the same verge we may enjoy the same consolation. To meet this wish is the design of the ex- cellent author of the following letters. To prepare the living for death, by these details of the experience of the dying, is the object of their publication. It is a spiritual study which is here set before us. The rise and progress of a soul heavenward is here de- scribed. In the brief space of a few weeks, a "pilgrim's progress" from the city of destruction to the Zion of God is strikingly delineated. An experienced minister of Christ is here perceived guiding an immor- tal spirit on the way to everlasting happi- ness. It is a deeply interesting sight. The spiritual physician is called in to administer the medicine of eternal health. Stretched on his dying bed, lies a healer of the body; himself past healing ; and the only inquiry that bursts from his lips is this, "What shall I do to be saved?" Of all death-beds, that of the medical man is one of the most painfully interesting. He who has grappled with the king of terrors to rescue his fellow-men, he who has been used by Providence to deliver others, is now seized himself. His very profession teaches him at once to recognise the grasp of Death. He knows the ten thousand turnings of dis- BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 9 ease. He feels not only what it is, but what it will be. He can foresee its course, the stages of its progress, and the symptoms of its advance. He can calculate the various vibrations of the pulse, and fix his eye on the diseased mechanism within. The ul- cerated lung, the ossifying heart, the inter- nal cancer, are all as palpably before his mental vision as are the bleeding wound and the fractured limb to the eye of the com- mon observer. He understands alike the power and the impotence of medicines. Surely, if a case could be where ignorance were bliss, it must be to know nothing of anatomy on a sick-bed, and to be then un- read in the great pharmacopoeia of unavail- able medicines. To have long prescribed for others, and at last to find nothing to pre- scribe for one's self, is a position of peculiar trial, demanding the strongest sympathy. Such was the situation of the subject of the ensuing memorial. Mr. Howell was a rising man in the medical profession, — a profession requiring no little share of native talent, and of laborious research. In each of these he excelled. He is described by competent judges as a man of no ordinary stamp. His intellectual powers were of the highest order, and he had long been distin- guished for the most patient, persevering 10 INTRODUCTION. study. These studies and powers had heen directed to a profession which required him to be scrupulously exact in every thing that affected the well-being of man. He was accustomed to deal with realities. He could discriminate between the real and the appa- rent properties of things ; and was not like- ly, therefore, to be easily deceived, or misled by false premises or specious arguments. The quality of his mind was "reflective, not demonstrative;" we maybe therefore sure that every statement made to him, every truth propounded, would be maturely weighed and fully tested, ere utterance would be given to his accordance with it. Besides, Mr. Howell is declared to be a man of such integrity and truthfulness, that the fullest confidence might be reposed in the sincerity of every statement which he made. The truth of this abundantly ap- pears in the following Memorial. The contemplation, then, of the spiritual experience of such a character is highly sa- tisfactory ; and, were it at all needful, a sim- ilar testimony might be borne to the Chris- tian fidelity of the narrator, by whom, we know, -that the exactest shade and colouring would be given to every interview which words are capable of imparting. In the opening letter, Mr. Howell is pre- BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 11 sented before us as "peculiarly standing in need of spiritual counsel and encourage- ment." But what occasion was there? His age and prospects fair, his wife and family presented strong arguments, indeed, for love to life. But it was not to love life that he sought encouragement, — it was express- ly to meet with death. And why a man, so free from vice, so virtuous and amiable, who had spent his time so honourably to himself and so usefully to others, should shrink more than our nature doth at the approach of death, the world can see no reason ! Were he wanting in common fortitude, or did some secret sin against a fellow-creature lie heavy on his conscience, the fact would be explained. But these existed not. So far as man can judge, Mr. Howell possessed in- vincible fortitude, and a reputation unblem- ished and unimpeachable. What, then, occasioned his depression ? It was this : — Mr. Howell had begun to reckon, that though he had not sinned in the sight of men, he had sinned before God. He felt that he had neither loved nor served his Maker as he ought ; and therefore the pros- pect of soon being ushered into his holy pre- sence filled him with dismay. Like most other men, Mr. Howell, in the days of health, had chiefly looked to one side 12 INTRODUCTION of his account, and was "well satisfied with himself" when he thought he had discharg- ed the duties which he owed to his fellow- men. But what does it avail the prisoner, when tried on two indictments, to plead al- ways his innocency as to the second, and pay no regard to the accus tion of the first? Now man is such a prisoner, against whom a double indictment is made out; and, either in this world or in the next, he must give in his pleading to them both. "Thou hast sinned against thy God," and "Thou hast sinned against thy neighbour," is the two- fold charge which the Scriptures record against every human being. To the due consideration of the first charge, men seldom or never apply themselves. In general, it is deemed quite enough to show that they have not flagrantly violated the second. How awfully startled, then, must such persons be when death approaches, when conscience awakens, when the guilt of having forgotten God flashes upon their minds, and when the voice of the unerring Judge seems already to condemn them. Happy, thrice happy, surely, are those who are taught by the Spirit of God to con- sider the charge in its twofold character, and to seek for an advocate before it be too late. Of this class was Mr. Howell. He was no BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 13 longer deceiving himself. He had begun honestly to consider the twofold charge which lay against him: he felt that he was guilty, and he knew not how to escape. To a man in such circumstances, how joy- ful is the message of the minister of Christ ! — "An advocate is already appointed for you. Trust in him, and he will bring your case to a favourable termination." "But what," may the desponding prisoner answer, — "what can he do for me? what can he say on my behalf, for I am indeed guilty?" "This advocate," the messenger of God can reply, "has shed his blood to take away your guilt, and he has lived a perfectly righteous life towards God and man. Of this blood and of this righteousness he can plead, as your surety, that you may enjoy the benefit. Do you, then, place yourself in his hands?" "Who is he that I may do so?" "He is Jesus Christ the righteous, whose name is Immanuel, God with us. He is the fellow of the Most High God, and yet he is your brother, having assumed your nature, and become bone of your bone. Love to man brought him from the realms of glory, and now he is ascended up on high to plead for every one that belie veth in him." Imagine such a communication on un- doubted authority to be made to a prisoner 2 1-1 INTRODUCTION on the eve of trial. Is it not enough to trans- port him with joy? Such was the effect of the Gospel, simply and energetically stated, upon Mr. Howell. The glad tidings swal- lowed up every other feeling. "Grace and peace were multiplied unto him through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ his Lord." (2 Pet. i. 2.) And so long as his at- tention remained fixed on the love of God in Christ towards him, he continued to experi- ence the same exuberant joy. But, after- wards, when time for thought elapsed, this very natural consideration arose within his mind, "But I am altogether unworthy of such a friend as this, and of such a happi- ness as I now enjoy." We say this was a natural reflection, because, as we estimate men and things by their intrinsic value, we naturally conclude that God judges by the same rule. Though we rejoice, therefore, when we consider the free and blessed de- clarations of the Gospel of Christ, yet, when we begin to contemplate our own un worthi- ness, our joy is turned into mourning. This arises from three causes. First, imagining that God will estimate us by our own inhe- rent value; second, hoping to acquire that value in his sight ; and third, inadequately ap- prehending the nature of that Gospel which has made us glad. To remedy these errors, BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 15 we need to be convinced by the Word and Spirit of God, that he does not, and will not, estimate man by his personal value, or wor- thiness, because he has already pronounced that he possesses none. This judgment of God must be so inwrought into our judg- ment as to destroy the hope of our ever being able to possess any merit in his sight, and then, from this utter prostration of our hopes and of our own righteousness, we must nee to Him, whom God has graciously provided to be the Saviour of our souls. We must see that when God could not accept us in our own name, or for our own sake, he will re- ceive us, and pardon us, and sanctify us, in the name and for the sake of his own Son. We must be brought to believe that the blood of Jesus expiates our sins before God, which even our own blood could not have done; and also to believe that the righteousness of Christ is as freely offered to us and is as fully available for us, as if we ourselves had lived his righteous life. Such glad tidings, however, as the Gospel brings, appear at times to be too good to be true. We feel as though we could not be- lieve them for joy ! "Can such a creature as I am hope for heaven? Is the love of God so great and so gratuitous that it can reach to me? Is it really true that the Son 16 INTRODUCTION of the Most High God died upon a cross to save my soul from hell?'' Such are the thoughts that rise upon the mind. They are the natural cogitations of the heart. It does not surprise us. then, to hear a similar senti- ment from the mouth of Mr. Howell. On the contrary, we regard it as another evi- dence of that scrupulous sincerity with which he watched over each successive step of his spiritual progress. There was no eager, un- scrutinising, haste; not a single point was ever taken for granted. At one interview we observe that the bliss of heaven formed the captivating subject of conversation. The heart of the instructor was enraptured by it. An enthusiastic hearer would have appeared to reciprocate the feeling of exultation ; but not so the subject of this narrative. "Mr. Howell looked grave. At last he remarked that he admitted the truth of all that had been advanced, but added, after some hesi- tation, 'It is indeed delightful to hear about the bliss of heaven ; and my own reflections suggested by this tract, and by your conver- sations, have been most soothing and eleva- ting. At the same time, I cannot subdue a continually rising idea that it is premature in a person like me to entertain the hope of this bliss. All my former pursuits have been so exclusively of a worldly character, and BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 17 my whole life has been marked by such for- getfulness of God, and indifference to the salvation which is by our Lord Jesus Christ, that I wish for your opinion whether I am not deceiving myself in this matter.' " Whence did this new feeling originate? Mr. Howell informs us. "I thought," he added, "that your theory of salvation was too simple. It seems too easy a way of get- ting to heaven. He thought the Gospel too good to be true. Its very freeness tempted him to disbelieve it. The frankness and the generosity of the love of God, exhibited in Christ, are so beyond the thoughts and ways of man ( 8.) that even after our minds have received the idea, we find it difficult to retain it. Our sins appear to be too great to be so easily passed by. Oh, unworthy thought ! Easily passed by ! Look to Cal- vary ! See the beloved Son of God, bleed- ing, dying on the cross ! Say, hadst thou been nailed there for thine own sins, wouldest thou still believe that they were easily passed by ? Ah, no ! And if a friend will give his body to be pierced instead of thine, are thy sins easily passed by? Yea, if God himself come down, and suffer in thy room, wilt thou still say that thy sins are easily passed by? Nay, rather let us more exquisitely feel for the sufferings of our Friend than we would do 2# 18 INTRODUCTION for our own. And let his wounds indelibly impress two grand ideas upon our hearts — the greatness of our guilt and the vastness of his love. To keep these two continually in mind is the duty of every Christian. Yet we cannot, without an effort, keep them both equally before us. Like Peter, who had looked simply to his Lord, and thus had walked firmly upon the water, the Christian, after a time, looks to himself and to the bil- lows that surround him, and he begins to sink. In thinking of himself and of his own weakness, Peter forgot his Master, and his mighty power. So did Mr. Howell in the case before us ; and so do all Christians in the days of their despondency. They think of sin till they lose sight of that atonement which has been made for it. They think of their own unrighteousness till they forget that Christ is of God made righteousness unto them (1 Cor. i. 30.) The true position of every disciple is this, so to see the deep that is beneath him as to lose all confidence in himself, and so to see the Saviour that is near him as to lose all terror of the billows. Christ Jesus has freely made himself our great deliverer. And shall we complain that his work is too gratuitous, and that his deli- verance is too complete ? What should we feel to hear the soldiers of Prussia say, in re- BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 19 ference to Waterloo, "It was too easy a vic- tory?" Would we not indignantly reply, "So, indeed, it was to you! Our general bore the heat and burden of the day. He gained a hard-fought victory, and gave you a retreating and conquered enemy to pur- sue?" This reply presents us with anil- lustration of the Christian's position. Jesus, the Captain of our salvation, has conquered sin, and death, and Satan. He triumphed over them on his cross (Col. ii. 15,) and calls upon us to pursue the conquered foe. The duty of Christians is to follow in the wake of victory. The whole hosts of hell are on the retreat. But never let us forget that, though vanquished, they are not yet destroyed. The retreating enemy, in a revengeful spi- rit, will turn on every opportunity, and take quick advantage of the incautious zeal or weak timidity of their pursuers. The fear- ful they will assail ; before the bold and the courageous they will retire. "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James, iv. 7.) He flees, not simply because we re- sist, but because he feels he has been already conquered by our Lord. To say, then, that our way to heaven is too easy, is to speak with selfish reference to ourselves, overlook- ing the travail, and the agony, and the blood of Him who made it easy for us. 20 INTRODUCTION Yet we ought not to forget that this wrong conclusion originated in Mr. Howell from a right feeling. He was a man of an honour- able mind. He knew that he had wronged his Maker, and he felt that he ought to make satisfaction, — nay more, he wished to make it. He could not allow himself to be happy till this was accomplished. This is a most important point. Many honourable men of the world feel utterly at a loss how to solve this difficulty. They find it to be an. effec- tual barrier to their progress; they feel as though it would not be honourable to accept such a free invitation to heaven, until they have made a full reparation. Now here the Gospel meets them. It declares, "You can- not make this reparation yourselves ; but Christ has put himself in your place, and has made it for you. He has made full satisfac- tion to God for your offences : yea, he has 'magnified the law/ which you have dis- honoured, and 'made it honourable' (Isaiah, xlii. 21.) Your invitation, to heaven, then, is made to you on the very ground on which you desire to accept it. 'A full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction,' has been made for sin; so that God may be just, and yet the justifier of him who be- lieves." (Rom. iii. 36.) Here, then, is something to lay hold of. BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 21 The justice of God is satisfied. We feel that we now tread on solid ground. We see that the Gospel is no superficial thing, but a sub- stantial reality. We learn that our case has been fully dealt with. We no longer hesi- tate. We accept the work of our Surety, and we rejoice. This became Mr. Howell's feeling; he understood the Gospel. "I see, then," he said, u that in order to be justi- fied, our faith must embrace the blood of Christ for the pardon of our innumerable of- fences, and the perfect righteousness of Christ as a substitute for our want of righteousness." From this moment his peace and his pro- gress were like a noble river in its flow. The spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Christ had been given to him (Eph. i. 17.) the eyes of his understanding were enlightened, he now knew that the hope of his calling was based on a solid and im- movable foundation; and the affections of his heart became captivated by the love of Christ. The immediate effect was an ardent desire after holiness. It is deeply interest- ing to observe this. How delightful, how instructive is it to watch the progress of a soul ! The love of Christ, like fire, con- sumes our dross, and assimilates us to him- self. No sooner did Mr. Howell understand the love of a crucified Saviour than he in- 22 INTRODUCTION quired, "But is there not provision in the Gospel scheme for our deliverance from the power of sin? God's people surely should be holy. They for whom the Son of God died should themselves die unto sin!" The soul has attained an elevated position when it can utter this sentiment. It pants after holiness. The noblest ambition that can inspire a created being has now taken possession of the Christian's breast — he longs to be restored to the image of God ! His at- tention, therefore, is again directed to the Gospel, and he finds it to be pre-eminently a provision for holiness. He finds therein not only a willing Saviour, but also a sanctify- ing Spirit. He learns that it was by the se- cret drawings of this Spirit that his thoughts and desires were first turned to the truths of God's word. He perceives that his under- standing was enlightened, his conscience awakened, and his affections captivated, by the operation of this Spirit. He now knows that the outward voice of the minister is but the instrument, and that the inward voice of the Spirit is the power that worketh in him; and he feels that, under the quickening of this Spirit, his love to prayer is strengthen- ing, that his delight in God'sword is increas- ing, and that his hatred to sin, and his de- BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. 23 sires after purity in every thought and feel- ing, are burning with an intenser glow. Thus the dying Christian is made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. He does not now estimate himself only by the external act, but by the inward motive. He is no longer, well satisfied with himself. He no longer natters himself that he has dis- charged his duties to his neighbours. He feels that he owed to their soul a debt of love, and of sympathy, and of spiritual kind- ness, which he had never taken account of. He weeps at the thought of his previous blindness and self-righteousness; and, while he casts all the past upon the atoning blood of his Redeemer, he will be enabled, in all honesty, to say, by the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit, " Henceforth it is my whole delight to love the Lord my God, with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strength, and with all my mind : and, I do desire to love my neighbour as I love myself!" What a change has here taken place ! The twofold law of condemnation has given way to the twofold law of love ! The man has grown up into Christ. (Eph. iv. 15.) Such was at last the case with Mr. Howell. He had put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness 24 INTRODUCTION (Eph. iv. 24.) And so sincerely and fully had he put off the old man with his deeds (Col. iii. 9.) that even the reflection of sin in a dream oi the night filled him with self-ab- horrence ! Behold the workmanship of God ! ' ' Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?"' The Lord alone ! Behold, then, and admire the power of God ! Go forward, reader, to the perusal of these letters. May these ex- cellent instructions, by which Mr. Howell was conducted from darkness to light, from perplexity to peace, be equally blessed to thee ! Learn, that no natural amiability of heart, no gigantic powers of intellect, noth- ing but the Gospel of Christ, can secure peace to a troubled conscience. See how former worldliness, and forgetfulness of God, and indifferency to Christ's religion, come back with a heavy weight upon the soul : what thorns to the dying pillow, what hin- derers of spiritual progress, those things be- come, of which in health, but small account is made. Pray then, earnestly, for thine own soul, that the Spirit of the living God may make thee wise unto salvation. From the sublime and solemn spectacle of a fellow- creature calmly composing himself to his last sleep, retire with this resolution indeli- bly imprinted on thy heart, "To me to BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON. > 25 live" shall be "Christ" (Phil. i. 21.) Thou shalt thus experience the same marvellous transformation with the subject of this in- teresting narrative. The medicine of the Gospel will produce in thee also the true symptoms of everlasting health. In the ten- derness of his love the Great Physician will watch over the progress of thy soul's conva- lescence. By the greatness of his skill he will insure the restoration of thy moral strength. In the fulness of his power he will raise up the new man within thee in the holy bloom of spiritual health, and, no longer re- quiring to detain thee in the sick chamber of this world, he will bid thee also to go to that genial clime, where no danger of a relapse can reach thee, where the noxious vapours of sin and of temptation cannot enter, and where, amongst the spirits of the just, thou shalt be made perfect in holiness for ever. J. S. Cury Vicarage, Helston, Cornwall. 27th January, 1844. MEMORIALS, &C. &C. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. In the Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, of Ja- nuary 10th, 1844, there appeared the following obituary : — " At Torquay, on the 4th instant, aged 33, John Warren Howell, Esq., Surgeon, of Axford Buildings, in this city. " We have a melancholy duty in recording the death of our esteemed friend, the late John War- ren Howell, M.R.C.S., late Honorary Secretary of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Insti- tution, and Corresponding Member of the Lon- don Botanical, and other learned societies. His professional life was marked by firmness, ability, and humanity. Of a powerful, energetic, and original mind, his whole life was devoted to the acquisition of knowledge, and promoting the in- tellectual attainments of mankind. As a lecturer he was eminently distinguished. Many of the articles on botany, astronomy, &c, which have 30 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH appeared in this journal, and which have been honoured bj the learned with public eulogiums, were communicated by Mr. Howell. During a long period of suffering from pulmonary consump- tion, the mind of Mr. Howell was exclusively de- voted to the truths of revelation — a subject, the deep importance of which he had contemplated from his earliest youth, but the full enjoyment of which he never realized, until, by conversation with Christian friends at Torquay, and a prayerful searching of the Scriptures, his faith became steadfast. His confidence in the all-sufficiency of his Redeemer's ransom was to the last moment of his life spoken of with humility, gratitude, and joy. Beloved by all who had the felicity of his confidence, for his unselfish character, his since- rity, and his unblemished virtue, his memory will be long cherished, and his example reverenced. He has left a widow and three infant children to deplore his loss; for whom, during his short ca- reer as a general practitioner in this city, and sub- sequent long declining state, it was impossible for him to make any provision." The information contained in the foregoing ex- tract produces the conviction, that, in point of ta- lent and attainment, Mr. Howell was elevated far above the average of mankind, and awakens a desire to know something more concerning his active life, and his peaceful death. A Memoir of his literary and scientific life would be acceptable to his personal friends, and of advantage to the interests of science. But unhappily the present HIS LITERARY REMAINS. 31 binderances to the accomplishment of this desira- ble object appear to be insurmountable. Besides a large collection of most beautiful drawings on animal and vegetable anatomy, and very numerous diagrams, illustrative of an im- mense variety of topics in the different depart- ments of natural history, Mr. Howell has left a multiplicity of notes and memoranda which would have assisted himself in prosecuting a work he contemplated on " The Unity of Nature." But these materials are considered to be too dis- connected and fragmental for publication, unless they were worked into shape and form by some person of a similar turn of mind, and who was thoroughly acquainted with Mr. Howell's parti- cular views and opinions: and such a person can- not be found. One of his literary friends in Bath writes to me : — " For the last ten years I have seen Mr. Howell almost daily, and, having his entire confidence, perfectly understood his beau- tiful character. Of his attainments and mental powers I dare not trust myself to write, and feel conscious — sadly conscious, that, amongst those who loved him, and delighted in his company, there is not one who can do justice to his memo- ry. He soared high above us all — above all I ever knew ; but it is impossible to make this evi- dent to the world." In the absence of a Memoir, the reader will be better prepared for understanding and appreci- ating the nature of that peace, into the enjoyment 32 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. of which Mr. Howell was so mercifully brought in his latter days, by a of his professional career, of his scientific and literary occupations, and of his general character and dispositions. John Warren Howell was born in Bath, on the 21st day of December, 1810. In that city he received his rudimental education, which was defective rather than liberal, so that in after-life he was wont to speak with regret of what he called " the waste of his early years." To a great ex- tent, it may be said that he was self-taught. The innate vigour of his intellect, and his insatiable thirst for knowledge, in no small degree compen- sated for the disadvantages under which he la- boured ; and, while yet a youth, it was remark- ed, that his attainments were beyond his years. At the age of fifteen he was articled to a me- dical practitioner in Bath ; and, during the five years of his apprenticeship, he not only applied himself with all diligence to the more immediate studies of his profession, but eagerly seized on all opportunities of acquiring information on every subject, and especially on subjects connected with natural history, for which he manifested an early predilection. When his apprenticeship expired in the year PROFESSIONAL COMMENCEMENT. 33 1830, he was received as a dresser into the Bath Casualty Hospital, where he passed twelve months and then matriculated as medical student in Trin- ity College, Dublin. There he enjoyed the pub- lic instructions of the late Dr. Macartney, and other eminent professional men, with whom he had also occasionally the benefit of holding pri- vate intercourse. As a student he gained consi- derable distinction; and, even at this period, his proficiency in science enabled him, in 1832, to deliver a course of lectures on Medical Botany, in the theatre of the Ring William Street School of Medicine, which were recognized by the Royal College of Surgeons, and by the Apothecaries' Company, London. This was certainly a very gratifying compliment to so young a man. Having completed his curriculum of medical education, he returned to England in 1833, bring- ing with him an increased and ardent love for the profession he had chosen, a large accumulation of professional and general knowledge, and the highest testimonials of industry, ability, and cha- racter. Mr. Howell lost no time in offering himself to the Royal College of Surgeons, London, as a candidate for a diploma. He has himself pre- served an interesting memorandum of his exami- nations. In answering the first question pro- pounded to him, he had entered so readily, so fully, and so intelligently, into an explanation of the subject, that he was dismissed in ten minutes. He expected a lengthened detention, and, as he 34 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. walked towards the door, uncertain as to the cause of his speedy dismissal, it is probable that his expressive countenance betrayed his inward feel- ings ; for one of the examinators recalled him, and said, " You are accepted, sir ; and we thank you for the gratification and pleasure you have afforded us." The porter, surprised at the can- didate's premature return, concluded he must have been rejected, and addressed him in a kind and doleful tone, " I'm sorry for you, young man." But Mr. Howell's bright smile, as he ut- tered, " All 's right," changed his condolence in- to congratulation. , In July of the same year, he commenced prac- tice in his native city, and soon felt the want of that congenial society he had enjoyed during the prosecution of his studies in Dublin. There, be- sides the kindred spirits among the students with whom he associated, he had been favoured with occasional interviews with men of the highest consideration for talent and acquirements — men from whose matured experience he gathered use- ful information, which acted both as a stimulus, and as a guide to his own inquiries. In Bath there were also many eminent literary and pro- fessional men. But it was not the privilege of Mr. Howell to have gained access to their socie- ty. He was young, and unknown, and, as yet, moving in a sphere of comparative obscurity. He endeavoured, however, to remedy this misfor- tune by cultivating the acquaintance of young men who gave indication of genius and of enter- SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. 35 prise : and, as a point of concentration, as well as a means of mutual improvement, at the sug- gestion of Mr. Howell, and chiefly through his instrumentality, the Bath Literary and Scientific Association was organized in 1837. Mr. How- ell was nominated to the office of honorary secre- tary. In connexion with this Society he first ap- peared before the Bath public as a lecturer. The subject announced was, " The Unity of Nature." A copy of the programme of this lecture now lies before me, and decidedly proves how compre- hensive were his views of this sublime subject at that early stage of his professional life. Mr. Howell's public lectures were well attend- ed; and, among other beneficial effects, they in- creased the number of the members of the Asso- ciation, — many of whom, now pursuing with suc- cess the path of industry and of knowledge, into which their zealous founder directed them, will remember with grateful pleasure the able and beautiful papers which Mr. Howell read at their weekly meetings, on Astronomy, Optics, Chem- istry, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, &c. But this Association had a short-lived existence. In fact, its prosperity, in a great measure, depended on Mr. Howell's resources and exertions, and drew more largely on his time than was conve- nient. For this, and other reasons, which need not be detailed, its dissolution became inevitable. Subsequently, Mr. Howell delivered public lec- tures, and courses of lectures, on a variety of scientific subjects. And in January 1842 he at- 36 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. tempted to exhibit, in ten lectures, " The propri- ety and usefulness of Anatomy and Physiology as a branch of general education." These lectures were delivered in the Hall of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, of which Mr. Howell had, some time previously, and in a very gratifying manner, been appointed the honorary secretary. They attracted crowd- ed audiences, and were illustrated by anatomical preparations, and by numerous large drawings executed by Mrs. Howell, under the superin- tendence of her husband. In the spring of the following year, a corre- spondence took place with the Liverpool Me- chanics' Institution, which resulted in the con- sent of Mr. Howell to give a course of lectures in Liverpool "On the Brain and Nervous Sys- tem." But his preparations for this undertaking were checked by the progress of the disease, which ultimately proved fatal. All Mr. Howell's lectures displayed a deep and accurate knowledge of the many different topics of which they treated. They were specimens of the versatility of his genius, as well as of the ex- tent of his researches. They were distinguished by great originality of thought, and by profound logical acumen. And, from his command of matter, they were generally prolonged to double the length of time that is usual ; but the atten- tion of his audiences was sustained throughout by the continual flow of new and interesting ideas, and by his elegant and engaging manner of de- SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. 37 livery. Mr, Howell was pre-eminent as a lec- turer ; and it is much to be regretted that none of his very instructive lectures were fully written out. He was gifted with an uncommon facility of expressing his sentiments in the most perspi- cuous and appropriate language ; and, on this account, he was in the habit of speaking from short notes. Sometimes, indeed, he spoke with the greatest fluency for two hours, and altogether extempore* * Since this sketch was completed I have seen letters from two of Mr. Howell's scientific companions. One of them who is at present resident in Bath, says, in refer- ence to the year 1842 and the early part of 1843, — "A week seldom passed during which I had not, on different days, spent much of my time in his company. During my intimacy with him, which was the intimacy of brothers, I could not "fail being struck with his originality of thought, with his acuteness iu analysis, and with his patient perse- verance in research. And I may say that scientific in- quiries, to be at all worthy of regard, require no small de- gree of these qualifications." " His mode of lecturing was clear and decisive, generally quiet, although the in- terest of the subject not unfrequently led the lecturer to continue speaking much beyond the usual time allotted, and 'thus to exert himself beyond his strength. It was the opinion that there was matter enough in one lecture to have made two very good ones." The other gentleman, resident in London, thus writes respecting Mr. Howell, — " As a philosopher, he was dili- gent in the pursuit of science, treading her mazy and dif- ficult paths with confidence, perseverance, and success." " His reasoning was generally characterised by original- ity of thought, and his ideas expressed in language ap- propriate, firm, and unequivocal." " His genius soared 4 38 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. On the subject of botany, however, which was one of Mr. Howell's principal favourites, two separate series of articles were inserted in the Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, to which allu- sion is made in the obituary. These articles were entitled, " Walks in the Botanic Garden," and amounted in number to no less than forty. Other articles of a scientific nature, from the same fruit- ful pen, appeared at different times in the same respectable journal. One of them, " On the Structure of the Capsule of Papaveracejs," and " On the Nature of the Stigmata of Crucifer^," was afterwards inserted in No. 65 of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History. It arrested the attention of scientific men, and a continuance of Mr. Howell's communications was requested for that very able periodical. Perhaps it may be deemed advisable to gather into a small volume all the articles on botany, astronomy, and other scientific topics, which Mr. Howell himself had thought worthy of submitting to the public, and which, in their detached forms, into heaven, and told the stars ; descended into the sea, and explored the deep ; expanded over the earth, and comprehended the three kingdoms in its grasp." "Al- though universality of acquirements is generally acknow- ledged to be incompatible with the deep, reflective sind, yet there are so many instances on record of men whose intellects were so strong as to enable them to pierce the Very penetralia of wisdom, that I do not hesitate to apply the epithet universal genius to Howell, or to class him amonsi their number. His acquirements were as sterling as his talents were varied. PAPERS ON BOTANY, ETC. 39 have already been marked by the approval of competent judges. Although they are only iso- lated parts, or small fragments, of large and com- prehensive subjects, still they bear upon them the stamp of an original and reflective mind ; for, however much Mr. Howell consulted the works of authors of established reputation, he subjected the truth of all their statements to the test of strict investigation, or of analytical experiment. He made observations for himself, and exercised care- ful and profound reflection on every subject that engaged hil attention. He tied himself down to no systems. He called no man master. Truth, wherever he could find it, and from whomsoever he could learn it, was the grand object of which he never lost sight. As an intelligent, and un- prejudiced, and persevering student of the arcana of Nature, it is known to his intimate friends that he was continually making discoveries in some one or other of the departments of science ; and had he lived to prosecute and arrange, and pub- lish his valuable researches, there is good ground for believing that he would have earned for him- self a high and deserved rank amongst the dis- tinguished few whose learning and whose labours have rendered their names illustrious in the an- na 1 " of philosophy and science. Of Mr. Howell's general character and dispo- sitions it would be presumptuous in me, on so short an acquaintance, to attempt a full and regu- lar delineation. But I feel justified in mention 40 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. ing some points that prominently appeared in the intercourse with him which I was privileged to enjoy during the latter part of his life. The first thing that struck me as unusual was the entire exclusion from his conversation of al mere commonplace remarks. As a stranger in the place, as an invalid whose comfortable sen- sations were very dependent on heat and sun- shine, and as an intelligent and social member of society, interested in the welfare of his country and of mankind, it would have been allowable — it would have been natural, to have asked of a visitor what was the news of the day, who had arrived and who departed, or what was the state of the weather. I do not, however, recollect of Mr. Howell ever saying one word to me on either of these never-ending topics of talk with ordinary people. On every occasion of my visit- ing him, he had scarcely answered my inquiries about his health, when he plunged at once into some subject of importance. He did this the very first day I sat at his bedside ; and he did so constantly. In connexion with this extraordinary absence of trifling remarks, I must notice the uncommon activity of his mind, which never was overcome, excepting by the power of opiates, or by occasion- al fits of exhaustion. Even whilst lying on bed so long, notwithstanding the general debility to which he was reduced, and his incapacity for continuous reading, he was never found in a listless or dreamy mood. His mind was not GENERAL CHARACTER AND DISPOSITION. 41 only actively employed, but his whole mental energies were intently fixed on some one particu- lar subject. This great power of abstraction, or concentrativeness, forced itself on ray attention as a peculiarity. In his circumstances, it might have been expected that the activity of his mind would have manifested itself in restlessness, — in the ungovernable roving of his thoughts amidst the immensity of subjects jvith which he was familiar, and affecting even his bodily frame with continual tossings to and fro. But the very reverse of this was manifested. His thoughts were under complete control. They ran ail in the direction of some one truth that had been submitted to his consideration ; and they never were diverted from it till he had sifted it to his satisfaction. In calling on him any day, I found him still occupied with what had been the theme of the former conversation. And then there was a calmness and composure of demeanour such as are rarely met with. In the midst of much bodily uneasiness, I have fre« quently seen him remain still as a rock for the whole period of my visit. The body was as quiescent as the mind was active. Religion, no doubt, latterly exercised a mighty and a blissful influence over him, in the patience, and resigna- tion, and peace which it supplied ; but, inde- pendent of all that was superinduced by religious principle, there was evidently a magnanimity in his constitutional temperament, which raised him superior to the pains and the annoyances 4* 42 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. which would have caused irritation to most men. And, besides, I believe that he had tutored him- self into a kind of philosophic dignity of conduct, which was equally removed from sinful pride, and from stoical indifference. His judgment always maintained the mastery over his feelings. He endured what he could not remove. He knew the folly of making worse what was be- yond his power to mend. He, therefore, endea- voured to make the best of things as they were.* Another characteristic feature that attracted my notice was a combination of opposite quali- ties, acting like antagonist forces, and imparting to his mind a peculiar and beautiful equipoise. Confidence in his own capabilities, — in his re- sources, and motives, and intentions, — was min gled with diffidence in subjecting himself to the * The following anecdote is a striking instance of his self-command and composure under circumstances of trial : — One day, when a lecture " On the Eye and Vision " had been advertised, before he went out in the morning, he gave directions about the proper placing on the wall of the room of a number of diagrams, which were necessary for illustration. He did not return from seeing his patients till the company had assembled. But, on entering the room, he discovered, on a glance, that the diagrams were entirely misplaced. To have put them right would have caused both delay and confusion. Mr. Howell betrayed neither displeasure nor disappointment. He commenced a lecture on an entirely different subject; and, at the conclusion, he explained to the audience what had happened, and intimated the day on which he would deliver the lecture he had prepared. Not one man in a thousand could have acted as he did. MORAL EXCELLENCIES. 43 judgment of other persons, and with great mo- desty in stating his own opinions. Candour and sincerity in acknowledging ignorance or error, were accompanied with a kind of reservation, as if he were afraid of committing himself too far. An apparent frankness and suavity of manners was blended with an indescribable something that forbade familiarity. And, with a very re- markable talent for communicating instruction to others, he himself was largely possessed of the spirit of docility, and was ever ready and eager to be taught. As the result of all these conflict- ing sentiments and feelings, his character was adorned by constant watchfulness over himself, and by much prudence and discretion in his dealings with mankind. He was a cautious man. The mind of Mr. Howell had, indeed, been cast in a noble mould. He was richly endowed with those high mental qualifications which constitute the true philosopher. But, in addition to so much that was purely intellectual, there was about him a moral loveliness that greatly elevates our conceptions of his general character. His conduct was very blameless in the sight of man. He did not degrade himself, as many do, by sensual and vicious indulgences. The pru- dence and self-respect which guided him in other things exerted their benign influence to uphold him in the path of virtue. The refinement of his mind, too, and his extreme delicacy of feeling, made vice odious to him. Thus he avoided many of the evil practices into which young men are 44 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. often so easily ensnared. And, by the con- current testimony of those who knew him best, he was a highly honourable, upright, and amia- ble man. But this must not be mistaken for scriptural and spiritual religion. He certain- ly had at heart an abiding theoretic reverence for the Divine Being ; and he conscientiously professed belief in Divine Revelation. He con- stantly and openly repudiated the sceptical opi- nions so prevalent in the French schools of me- dicine and of science. In his own study of the manifold works of God, he took pleasure in dis- covering the wonderful traces of divine wisdom, and of almighty power, whether in the magnifi- cence of the starry heavens, or in the anatomy of the minutest plants. And in his public lec- tures he appears to have delighted in exhibiting and explaining to his fellow-creatures, and espe- cially to the young, whatever was calculated to exalt their conceptions of the great Creator. The Divine Being whom he so habitually revered was the God of Nature. But it is, nevertheless, a painful truth, which must not be concealed, that, in the midst of all his studies, Mr. Howell practically forgot the God who is revealed to us only in the Holy Scriptures ; and forgot his obli- gations to obey those Scriptures, whose divine inspiration he acknowledged. The fear of God was not before his eyes; the love of God was not in his heart ; the glory of God was not the object he had in view, nor the end at which he aimed ; the day of holy rest which God has set INSUFFICIENCY OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. 45 apart for his own special service, was desecrated by secular occupations ; the public worship of God was seldom attended, and family worship was not thought of; the welfare of his immor- tal soul was overlooked ; the great concerns of the eternal world were neglected. This is no exaggeration. It is the substance of his own heartfelt regrets, — of his own tearful confessions, on a dying bed. It is willingly admitted that the pursuits in which Mr. Howell had employed his noble ta- lents, and spent his time, often by night, as well as by day, and prematurely wasted his strength, were not in themselves sinful, and that they had yielded him a large amount of intellectual and rational gratification. So likewise, it is no more than justice to record how kind and dutiful he was in all the varied relations of life. He was decidedly a social and domestic man. So long as he remained under the parental roof, he was far from despising parental authority. And when he married he gave to the object of his choice that faithful devotedness of affection which he claimed and received in return. The endear- ments of wedded life made him indifferent to the pleasures of public amusements and of private parties. With his wife and children, and with the quiet companionship of a few scientific friends, he found a perpetual source of social and domestic happiness. But he was brought to see and acknowledge that he had sinned in giving to creature objects that ardent regard and exclusive 46 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. affection to which they were not entitled. And lie was made to feel that God himself, as recon- ciled to us in Jesus Christ, is the only source of pure, and satisfying, and lasting enjoyment. When divine grace taught him that he was a sinner standing in need of salvation, and that he was a dying man unprepared for the eternity to which he was approaching, then he experienced the utter inefficiency of all his former pursuits, and of all his acquired knowledge, and of all his moral excellencies, and of all his social and do- mestic enjoyments, to quiet his fears, or to in- spire a cheering hope. And so soon as his heart was opened to receive " the grace, mercy, and peace," which are multiplied towards us through the knowledge and faith of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, then he would have said to his learned and scientific associates as he did actu- ally say to his wife, " We have indeed lived very happily together, but we have missed much hap- piness; we have been strangers to true happi- ness ; and, were we to live our lives over again, we should be infinitely more happy in loving and serving God than ever we have been before." Mr. Howell did not rank himself amongst the pious and the devout, nor was he in the habit of associating with them. He was too honest to profess what he did not sincerely feel and con- scientiously practise. In fact, the inconsisten- cies which he observed in persons who did make high religious professions had been a stumbling- block to him from his youth upwards. At the INSUFFICIENCY OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. 47 same time, it would be a perversion of truth to say, or to give reason to suppose, that he ever was regardless of religion. He was as far re- moved as possible from scepticism, and the frame of his mind was too serious to allow him to scoff at what was sacred. His desire to obtain know- ledge of all kinds prompted him to make a study of what is called natural theology. He also carefully examined the evidences of the inspira- tion of the Bible, and he spoke to me of his fondness for controversial divinity. Such sub- jects afforded scope for intellectual prowess, — for reflection, and for argument Besides, his constitutional love of truth, — his love of finding out where truth lay, — worked together with bis natural inquisitiveness in renewing his religious inquiries from time to time. Neither was he speculatively ignorant of the peculiar and essen- tial doctrines of Christianity. These, as well as less important and more curious matters, receiv- ed a share of his all-grasping consideration. With his professional friend, Dr. Morgan, he used to cnn verse freely on religious topics. From this gentleman he obtained much information on the errors of Popery, and likewise on the Unita- rian heresy. And latterly, when the appearance of consumptive symptoms led him to think of their probable termination, he was thankful for *' the words in season" which the doctor occa- sionally dropped while in professional attend- ance upon Mr. Howell previous to his leaving Bath. 48 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. Having thus briefly sketched the character of Mr. Howell, and adverted to his literary and scientific attainments, the duty which now de- volves on me is to furnish the reader with & j^arr attbe of the gracious dealings of God with this highly gifted man, and particularly of what fell under my own observation during the latter part of his fatal illness. This duty is as free from difficulty as it is full of delight. In the arrangements of Providence, it not un- frequently happens that the loss of bodily health and temporal advantages is made subservient to the acquisition of spiritual and eternal life. It was so with Mr. Howell. His illness set a limit to the extent of his exertions ; it interrupted the constancy of his persevering application ; it checked the ardour of his pursuit after increas- ing knowledge ; it put the stamp of " van- ity and vexation of spirit" on his ambitious de- sires to gain some notoriety in the world of let- ters ; and thus anew direction was given to his thoughts and his inquiries. In fact, it constituted the commencement of a new era in his history, for from this time he began to regard religion as something practical and personal ; and yet the change was slow and gentle, rather than sudden and decided. When first he came to Torquay, in May last year, his disease had not made great progress, FIRST ILLNESS. 49 and he was alone. His wife and family were left behind, as his stay was not intended to be for any length of time. His physical strength was not as yet so much impaired as to incapaci- tate him for out-of-doors exercise and enjoyment ; and to him it was a real and a great enjoyment to saunter in the Devonshire lanes, where the luxuriant hedges afforded him the richest fields for hotanising. Still more peculiar and enthu- siastic was his delight in strolling along the shores of Torbay, and in examining the varie- ties of marine plants and animals with which the locality abounds ; for he had been in the habit, now and then, of having a box of the nett-refuse sent to him at Bath from the very place where he now resided. It was quite a pleasure to find himself at the sea-side ; and here he had the additional pleasure of meeting with different individuals of similar tastes with himself, with whom he could converse on his favourite topics, and who were qualified to appreciate his attain- ments. It was on the occasion of his first visit to Tor- quay that he made the acquaintance of Dr. Tet- ley, who soon became his attached friend as well as his skilful physician. He was a daily visitor at the house of the Rev. S. F. Statham ; and by degrees his friends and acquaintances increased, all of whom, as far as I have heard, were led to feel an unusual interest in Mr. Howell ; and some of them, under the constraining influence of Christian love, yearned over him as a hopeful 5 50 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. young man who was not far from the kingdom of heaven. He was frequently drawn into im- portant conversation on the fundamental truths of the Gospel by individuals who longed to see him partaking of those consolations which nothing earthly can administer to the sick and dying, and of that hope which is full of immortality. A young clergyman from Suffolk, who was also at Torquay as an invalid, took a peculiar interest in Mr. Howell. He frequently accompanied him in his botanising excursions, and was sedulous in his endeavours to bring him to the simple faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. But God's time of mer- cy was not yet come. Mr. Howell listened with patient attention to every statement of divine truth that was submitted to him, and where there was room for it he entered eagerly into the argument. But, as he afterwards acknowledged, it was no- thing more than the play of the understanding, In the letters which he every day wrote home, there were continual and interesting notices of the places he had visited, and of the natural ob- jects he had examined, and of the benefit which his health was deriving from the genial climate ; but he said little on that one subject which he af- terwards felt to be the " one thing needful." He did not write as a man who had been convinced of his guilt and danger. His letters breathed no anxious concern about spiritual health, no urgent desires after everlasting salvation : the compara- tively unimportant researches into the beautiful and wonderful mechanism and properties of the works FIRST RESIDENCE AT TORQUAY. 51 of God still maintained a disproportionate share of his mental energies. He was not yet brought to feel that the greatest and most important of all studies is, the knowledge of God himself as he is revealed to his sinful creatures in the Holy Scrip tures. Mr. Howell improved in health and strength very steadily ; and in the beginning of July he left Torquay, under the impression that every un favourable symptom had been subdued, and that he was able to resume his usual occupations at Bath. In this, however, he was sadly mistaken. The warning he had had of consumptive tendencies was unhappily and unaccountably lost upon him. Misled by the delusive character of the disease, and flushed with the speedy renovation of his health, he devoted himself with too much eager- ness to his professional practice, and to his scien- tific pursuits. In a few weeks he became worse than ever. A consultation was held, and his medical advisers judged it necessary that he should instantly again leave Bath. They were ^lso of opinion, that the only probability of his ultimate recovery depended on a residence for a term of years in a soft and genial climate. Mr. Howell was therefore obliged, in a hurried manner, to break up his establishment, and abandon his prac- tice ; and he resolved on returning to the place where he had formerly been benefitted. But he was thrown into a state of great alarm by the decidedly unfavourable view w T hich had been taken of his case, and by the subsequent ar- 52 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. rangements ; and, when he came the second time into Devonshire, early in August, there was a very manifest alteration on him in respect both of body and of mind. His strength was prostrated. His nervous system had sustained a dreadful shock. He was depressed in spirits, and greatly agitated. A lodging had been taken for him in the village of Torre, adjoining to Torquay ; and, on his ar- rival, although he had spent a night on the road, he suffered under such extreme exhaustion, that the people of the house feared he might have died. It was deemed advisable, not only that Mr. Howell should leave Bath without delay, but that he should avoid the bustle and disagreeableness of a family movement under such trying circum- stances. Matters of indispensable business were devolved on Mrs. Howell, who was detained for several days ; and, when she arrived at Torre, she found her husband in a state of great uneasi- ness, from the apprehension that his death was certain, and that it might be sudden. That evening, after his wife had read a por- tion of Scripture to soothe and comfort him, he asked her to pray with him. This request took her by surprise,- it was something quite new. She was unaccustomed to pray aloud, and felt obliged to decline. " Then I must do it myself," said Howell ; and he did pray with her, which he had never done before. He was in distress, and felt that God was his only refuge. He felt that prayer was more than a duty — it was a pri- SEEKS CONSOLATION IN RELIGION. 53 vilege ; and from this time they had always pray- er together, morning and evening, although a book of prayers was commonly used. On Sunday morning, Mrs. Howell went to Torre Church. At the commencement of the Litany, it startled her to hear the name of her husband read out as a sick person desiring the prayers of the Church; and* on inquiry after- wards, she found this had been done at his own solicitation. He had written a note to the Rev. J. Blackrnore, the officiating curate, in which he requested to be publicly prayed for, and, at the same time, hoped Mr. Blackmore would visit him. Every thing now indicated that Mr. Howell was in earnest. -He read the Bible diligently, with a wish to understand it. His correspond- ence with his friends at Bath did not entirely omit the mention of literary and scientific sub- jects ; but it was characterised by this new fea- ture, that he intimated, without disguise or re- serve, the dangerous condition to which he was reduced, and his desire to seek for consolation in religion. As he himself confessed on a dying bed, the first chastisement laid upon him by his heavenly Father was not severe enough. He was not sufficiently humbled ; nor had he been brought to any real and permanent contrition. But now he was sorely chastened ; and it was the chasten- ing of a loving Father, who designed to bless, and not to curse— to pardon, and not to punish; and who, by means of chastisement, was about to 5* 54 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. impart to this wanderer the spirit of adoption, and to prepare him for enjoying the privileges of the heavenly family. Whilst God laid him low under the rod of disease, he seemed to be address- ing him in the very words of remonstrance, which of old he put into the mouth of his pro- phet, " Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread 1 and your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live." God had purposes of mercy towards him, and was softening his heart under this remon- strance, and opening his ear to welcome the gra- cious invitation, " Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters ; and he that hath no mo- ney, come ye, buy and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk, without money, and without price." Isaiah, lv. I, 2. Dr. Tetley renewed his professional attendance on Mr. Howell. He found that the insidious dis- ease which preyed on him had made rapid pro- gress ; but, on the other hand, there was a cheer- ing earnestness for instruction in divine things, and for the experience of their power on his own heart, such as had not been manifested at any period of his former visit to Torquay. The doc- tor saw him daily, and was encouraged by his subdued and teachable spirit, to hope that a time of blessing was at hand.; Mr. Blackmore also visited him frequently ; and he has told me he PROGRESS OF DISEASE. 55 took great pleasure in conversing- with Mr. How- el!. Although his spiritual progress was not as yet very marked, still he always found in him a singularly interesting and hopeful inquirer after the way of life which the Gospel reveals. The subjects on which they chiefly conversed were the amazing love of God to sinners, displayed in the gift of his Son for our salvation, and the atonement for sin which was effected by the Sa- viour's humiliation and death on our account. These were the grand consoling truths that now supremely engaged his thoughts, and the contem- plation of which tended to tranquillise his agitated mind. But as yet he had not obtained a spiri- tual discernment of them, nor had his faith so embraced them as to give him a peaceful and sa- tisfying hope of his own forgiveness and accept- ance with God. After a few weeks he considerably recovered in health and in spirits. He got out in a bath- chair to enjoy the open air, and the lovely land- scapes that met the eye at every turn. . He even gained strength sufficient to walk short distances; and he greatly rejoiced in being able to go to Torre Church, where he gave public thanks to God for what he had experienced of his goodness. But, as the season advanced, he again relapsed. After his removal to Torquay for the winter, he only once attended divine service, although his residence was close to Trinity Church. He now declined rapidly ; and he was entirely confined to 56 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. bed towards the end of November, when my ac- quaintance with him commenced. At this important crisis, the loss of the strength which he had recently regained, and the appear- ance of fresh symptoms which marked the pro- gress his disease was making, again disappointed his hopes of recovery, and deprived him of the comparative tranquillity he had been enjoying. His inward distress became great; and so did his anxiety for relief. All human refuges were una- vailing. But he was looking to God, and crying for mercy ; and he neither looked nor cried in vain. As a minister of the Gospel of Christ, I was asked to visit Mr. Howell, in consequence of the absence of other clergymen who were wont to see him ; and I was urged to go, because he was a dying man who truly needed, and who greatly desired, spiritual consolation. Although I had not hitherto happened to meet Mr. Howell, nor ever heard one word of his splendid talents and high acquirements, the first sight of him convinced me that he was a supe- rior man ; and, in our first conversation, there was something so unusually interesting as to make me resolve to keep some record of his case. In the following LETTERS RESPECTING HIM. 57 Scrus of 21 titers, there is preserved a simple and faithful statement of those divine truths which were successively- submitted to his consideration, and likewise of the impressions which their reception made upon his mind^of his deliverance out of spiritual dark- ness and distress, and of his entrance into the en- joyment of that " peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," which is the accompaniment of a heaven-taught faith. It ought to be mentioned that the letters are genuine, and that they were not originally intend- ed for publication ; but, to the much-valued friend and brother to whom they were addressed, the work of grace in Mr. Howell appeared so pecu- liarly instructive, that he hoped it might prove a blessing to many. And I could not gainsay the assertion, that the unconstrained communications of one friend to another concerning any recent event, have a freshness and naturalness about them that never can be imparted to a more for- mal narrative drawn up at a subsequent period. For this reason I have consented to the insertion of the letters in this place, although it may sub- ject me to the charge of bringing myself too pro- minently into view. And it is my earnest request that the reader may fix his mind on the dying man, and on the great truths which were the sub- ject of conversation, without giving a thought of any kind to the writer of the letters. LETTER I. To the Rev. John Stevenson, Cury Vicarage. Torquay, November 28th, 1843. My beloved Friend You are not unacquainted with the peculi- arities of this place. The natural beauties of the locality have feasted your taste for fine scenery; the kindness of Christian friends has oft refreshed your spirit; and the poor invalids, who make up so large a portion of its winter inhabitants, have called forth your warmest sympathies. During your own occasional sojournings here you heard of many cases of most affecting inte- rest, and not a few passed under your immediate personal observation. In the midst of your own suspension from active duty, I am well aware how much of a painful pleasure you felt in visit- ing the chambers of sickness and of death, and in administering the consolations of the Gospel of Christ to your fellow-sufferers ; and you know that, during those welcome respites from severe INTRODUCTORY REFLECTIONS. 59 illness with which God is pleased to favour my-" self, I, also, according to my ability, willingly take a part in the work of comforting the sick, the dying, and the bereaved. Since I first came to Torquay, there have oc- curred many events which produced a very deep and solemn interest, but of which I now regret having preserved no record. Memory is often treacherous ; and, by permitting such occur- rences to sink into the grave of oblivion, we de- prive ourselves and others of the profitable les- sons they are calculated to imparl. It is good not only to notice at the time, but afterwards to meditate upon, the wonderful workings of Pro- vidence. The Psalmist says, " Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving-kindness of the Lord." (Psalm cvii. v. 43J. And oh, how blessed it is to possess this understanding ! — to understand that there is loving-kindness in all the doings of the Lord, and especially in His afflictive dispen- sations ! And this blessedness comes from a wise observation of passing events. I have been led to these reflections in conse- quence of being called to the bedside of a gentle- man on whose constitution pulmonary disease has already made great encroachments ; and whose case, so far as it is yet developed, appears to me to merit something more particular and more permanent than a few ephemeral expres- . sions of hope or of thankfulness. And I write to you on the subject, because the love which 60 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. dwells in your heart to the souls of poor sinner?, and to their Saviour, gives me the assurance of awakening your Christian sympathies in behalf of Mr. Howell, and of securing your prayers, that God may more and more prosper our inter- course. Mr. Howell has been at Torre with his family since the autumn. It is only within the last few weeks that he removed down to Torquay for greater warmth, and he took the house called Beulah, next to Trinity Church, in the hope of Mrs. Howell getting some pupils. I had heard a good deal said among my friends about this family, as their circumstances excited commise- ration ; but I had not met with them, nor had I intended calling, as my circle of acquaintance is already sufficiently large. Our excellent friend Dr. Tetley, however, came in to see me one evening last week, and made so earnest a re- quest, that I could not refuse promising to visit Mr. Howell. The doctor said his patient was now confined to his bed, and he feared was rapidly sinking. Mr. Blackmore had seen him fre- quently, so long as he remained at Torre ; and Mr. Fayle has called several times since he came to Beulah. But now Mr. Fayle's time and attention were absorbed in the dangerous illness of his wife, and Mr. Blackmore was from home on business. This was a plea for my try- ing to supply their place. Moreover, the doctor represented the sick man's state of mind as pe- REASONS FOR VISITING HIM. 61 culialy standing in need of spiritual counsel and encouragement. He knew the dangerous nature of his malady ; and he was alive to the impor- tance of salvation. But he did not seem to have an experimental knowledge of that one way of a sinner's acceptance with God which the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ reveals. The clergymen who had visited him faithfully directed him to the Saviour, and urged him to rest his hopes on Christ alone. This he complained he could not do. He confessed it was what was right, and what, indeed, he desired ; but he could not believe, and he felt himself without comfort, be- cause he was without hope. It was manifest, however, that he was an earnest and anxious in- quirer after Gospel truth, from many circum- stances, and, amongst others, from the effect produced upon him by the doctor's repeating some little remark he had heard from my lips, on one occasion last winter, in a time of serious illness. This was the connecting link between Mr. Howell and me. His desire was to see me, and now my desire was to see him. I had called at the door both on Friday and Saturday ; but on Sunday, after the morning service, I was for the first time admitted. Mr. Howell was in bed. I had never happened to see him until now, and assuredly the first im- pression made upon me will not soon be effaced. There was the stamp of superior intelligence on his countenance ; there was more than that ; — there was dignity of character, combined with 6 62 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. great benignity: whilst his hazel eyes, and long dark eyelashes ; — his capacious brow, crowned with a profusion of jet black locks; and the scarlet scarf that was loosely twisted round his neck, gave me the idea of what is generally de- signated genius. I had been told he was a clever and very accomplished man, and now I could not doubt it; and the miniature picture I have sketched will help your conception of his appear- ance, and perhaps increase your interest in him. We entered at once into important conversa- tion ; and I spent at his bedside as interesting an hour as you and I once did with a poor man in the garden of Cury Vicarage. We seemed to know each other, and this inspired that kind of mutual confidence which is requisite for free and profitable intercourse. He showed no taste for idle words. The public worship of God, in which I had been privileged to engage, and from which he had been detained, furnished a natural topic to begin with. The sermon I had heard preached brought us more directly to his own views and prospects ; and we were now eagerly occupied with the fundamental truths of the Gospel. Howell spoke with great kindness of the Christian friends who had so assiduously visited and instructed him. He confessed that his understanding went along with their state- ments, but that his heart remained untouched. There was something very touching to me in this confession, and I felt that it lay with the Holy Spirit to work upon his heart. At the PRIMARY CONVERSATION. 63 same time, as the Spirit works by means of the revealed word, the duty which devolved on me was, with the utmost simplicity, to unfold to him " the truth as it is in Jesus," secretly praying that the Spirit of Truth might take of the things of Jesus, and apply them with power to the heart of this earnest inquirer. Now, my dear brother, I must mention it as a singular coincidence, that in the prosecution of my work on Doubts, I had been meditating much for the previous fortnight on imperfect and inaccurate views of the Person of Christ, as one of the causes out of which doubts arise, and had just completed a letter on the subject. My mind was strongly impressed with the conviction, that many people who are anxious for salvation are kept in a state of anxiety, without experiencing peace or joy in believing, because they look to the loork which Christ has accomplished, with- out duly considering the peculiar and wonderful constitution of His Person as Emmanuel, "God with us," which alone fitted him for the work which he undertook as our Deliverer from sin, and death, and hell. And, therefore by way of laying a good and solid foundation, I deemed it advisable fully to explain the doctrine of the in- carnation of the Son of God. You can imagine the ground over which we travelled together, and the various texts of Scrip- ture to which reference was made.* It would * Mrs. Howell has informed me that her husband con- stantly referred to this conversation on the humanity of 64 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. fill several pages, were I to attempt an outline of what passed. But it was extremely gratifying to observe how completely the subject arrested his attention, and with what quickness he seized on the true humanity of our Lord, as connecting him with us, and securing his sympathy, and altogether qualifying him to act as our surety. The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah satisfied him that the sufferings of the Saviour were both sacri- ficial and substitutionary. Jehovah laid the ini- quity of us all on his righteous servant ; and on that account he was wounded, and bruised, and poured out his soul unto death. And now Mr. Howell saw, in a light he had never done before, how this wonderful punishment of sin in the person of Christ depended on his taking upon him our nature ; and, again, that our deliverance from the punishment to which, as sinners, we are exposed, depends upon what the incarnate Son of God has done in our stead. Of course we conversed about the divinity of our Lord also, our Saviour with peculiar satisfaction. He always said it was the opening up of this subject that led him, by God's blessing, to a distinct knowledge of the Gospel. She has expressed a wish that the conversation had been more fully preserved in the letter. A clerical friend, also, to whom the MS. was shown, and whose judgment is en- titled to the highest respect, thought it might have been useful to others had the subject been expanded, and some of the principal texts submitted to the consideration of the reader. For these reasons a few additional particulars will be found in an Appendix, as they are too long for a note. CHRIST MADE PRECIOUS. 65 and the union of the two distinct natures in his one person, without which he could not have been the Mediator between God and man, nor could the shedding of his blood have been ef- fectual for the remission of sins. But on the divinity of the Saviour I found him well establish- ed. The reality, and the importance, and the necessity of his humanity, had burst upon him with all the power and freshness of a new subject. He said it had never before been so fully and plainly opened up to him ; and the satisfaction it afforded him was still more manifestly displayed in the expression of his countenance than in the language he employed. It was truly delightful to mark the avidity with which he drank in the truth, as I was enabled to state it, and how the truth commended itself to his conscience. His teachableness struck me very particularly. There was no disposition to start objections, nor any of that captiousness which one has so often to encoun- ter in dealing with men of talent ; on the con- trary, he rejoiced at God's word " as one that findeth great spoil." It is a sure step in advance towards the attain- ment of Christian peace, hope, and joy, when a person, under the consciousness of guilt, and with enlightened views of the holiness of the divine character and of the Gospel scheme of sal- vation, makes the discovery how sin is effectually punished, and yet the sinner himself is eternally saved. It removes difficulties which appear to him to have been insurmountable, and imparts a 66 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. satisfying- blessedness to his soul, when he beholds how "God is just," and at the same time the " justi- fierof him whohelieveth in Jesus." And I thank- fully cherished the persuasion, that these were the circumstances into which Howell was brought. "The wind bloweth where it listeth;" and the Spirit of God worketh when, and where, and how he pleaseth. Our conversation had ranged over a variety of topics ; all of them aided in pointing out in what the Gospel salvation consisted, and how it has been freely procured for us, and the means by which its inestimable blessings become ours. But the one centre from whence all these topics emanated, and into which they all again converg- ed, was " God manifested in the Jlesh." This is declared by the inspired apostle to be " the great mystery of godliness," because it explains how infinitely God hates sin, and how marvellously he has loved his sinful creatures. And it seemed to me that Howell understood this mystery, and believed it, and felt its life-giving power. You will not accuse me either "of presumption or enthusiasm when I express my conviction, that the Holy Spirit had equally guided me in speaking and him in hearing, and that there was and would be a blessing. We did not separate without kneeling at the footstool of the throne of grace, and asking from the God of all grace, in the name of our glorified High-Priest, that measure of blessing which should redound to his own glory. DEEP DISTRESS OF MIND. 67 I did not find it convenient to call yesterday, nor did it seem to be necessary ; but in the even- ing, about nine o'clock, just as I had concluded family worship with the friends who lodge in the same house with me, the door-bell rang, and Mrs. Howell was ushered in. She had come at the solicitations of her husband, who had been labour- ing for some hours under deep distress of mind, and wished particularly to see me. The call of duty was imperative. I instantly accompanied her. On entering his bedchamber, Howell flung out his arms across the bed, and grasped my hand with a cordiality and firmness that spoke more powerfully than words how thankful he was to see me. But he could not speak, and his fine countenance was expressive of inward agony : it was quite an appalling spectacle. I silently- gazed upon him for a minute or two, and then said, "God is our refuge in every time of distress and trouble. Before we attempt to converse with each other, we had best cast ourselves upon God. If you please, we will pray for his presence with us, for his guidance, his deliverance, and for his blessing." The distressed man signified his approval. During the prayer, which had special reference to his case, it was very affecting to be continually interrupted with his whispered " Yes, yes!" "Amen, amen!" joined with the sobs and responses of his wife. We were very earnest in our supplications; and while we were yet speak- ing, it happened to us, as to Daniel of old, that God heard, and answered. Indeed, I never was 68 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. so sensible of an immediate answer to prayer. On rising from my knees, and opening my eyes on Howell, I found him greatly soothed. His countenance had regained its usual placidity; and from a low and feeble voice, in which at first he spoke, by degrees he gathered strength and animation. He mentioned how great his enjoy- ment of spiritual comfort had been after my visit on Sunday. He acknowledged that he never in all his life had experienced such pure happiness; it was like an anticipation of the joys of heaven. This elevated state of religious feeling continued uninterrupted the whole of Sunday afternoon and evening, during the midnight hours, and through- out the forenoon of Monday. The excitement connected with this great and joyful change had borne hard on his debilitated frame. As the day advanced, he sank into great exhaustion ; and, amidst this weakness of body, what he described as "a cloud of horrible darkness" enveloped his mind. He could not believe anything. The truths which had been the joy and rejoicing of his heart vanished from his hold like unsubstan- tial shadows. All his hopes and consolations had suddenly fled. And so terrible was the in- ward conflict to which he had been subjected, that he used the liberty of sending for me. I listened to this narrative with intense interest. It taught me that a real work and a great work was going forward in this sick man's soul. The good Spirit had sown and watered the good seed, which had already sprung up, and was bringing forth the RENEWED INWARD CONFLICT. 69 holy fruits of love, and joy, and peace : and the wicked one had been attempting, not merely to blight and blast, but to uproot and destroy. 1 could regard the " cloud of horrible darkness " in no other light than that of S;itanic temptation. How- ell's experience enabled him to say with the Psalmist, " The entrance of thy words giveth light." His inquisitive and highly cultivated mind had just been gratified by a wonderful ac- cession of knowledge, and of that kind of know- ledge which was far more precious than rubies to a dying man. This cast a bright gleam of sun- shine around his path and his prospects, and made him happy ; but " the Prince of Darkness" used his crafts and assaults to extinguish the heavenly light, and to counteract the good work of the Holy Spirit. For a time, it would appear, lie had succeeded; but the "terrible conflict" which agonised the mind of Howell was a very satisfactory proof how highly he prized that light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, with which God had shone upon him, and how ardently he desired its continuance, and how intensely he was affected by its tempo- rary withdrawal. This, I doubt not, will appear to you, as it did to me, to evidence his sincerity in seeking after Gospel truth, and the unspeaka- ble value he attached to its possession. And, painful as this conflict was, I believe it was a wisely permitted stroke of discipline to remind my new friend that as it was not by dint of his own application, nor in the exercise of his own i\3 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. natural abilities, that he had acquired the know- ledge of salvation, so neither could he of himself retain what God in sovereign mercy had im- parted. This was a most useful lesson to him at the commencement of his new career as a be- liever in the Lord Jesus Christ.* * Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Howell has ex- plained to me, that the distress into which he sank oa this occasion,, and the darkness which overspread his mind, was connected with deep conviction of sin. As she sat by him, endeavouring to administer comfort, he complained that he could not remember what had been said to him the day before : he could not keep hold of it. And, suddenly throwing both his hands upon his head, he exclaimed, " Oh ! 1 have been a great sinner .'" and the tears rolled down his cheeks. Under this overwhelming sense of sin, he lost hope, and became disconsolate. Mrs. Howell was overwhelmed too. She felt there was something beyond her power to mitigate or remove ; and in these painful circumstances they both thought of ap- plying to me. I am still of opinion that Howell's spiritual darkness and distress were the work of our " adversary, the devil, who, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour. " The conviction of sin is the province and the prerogative of God's own Spirit, who is called " the Com- forter," and whose special work it is to lighten our dark- ness. And that Howell's convictions should have been so deep and so overwhelming is peculiarly satisfactory. It is strictly consistent with his high conscientiousness, and his strong love of truth. Whenever he saw sin to be sin- ful, he utterly loathed it ; and when he felt himself to be a sinner, he sank into the very depths of sorrow and self- abasement. He was tempted to look away from Christ at the time he most needed him, and hence his distress. But he was a man of the greatest natural amiability, and his RECOURSE TO THE WORD OP GOD. 7b I sat beside him till half-past ten o'clock. It is vain to argue with people who are in the dis- tressing condition in which I found Howell. I briefly stated to him what I have just stated to you, as my opinion of the origin and design of the dark cloud which had frowned upon him. I thankfully observed that its blackness was al- ready somewhat brightened ; and instead of making his own distress the subject of conversa- tion, I asked for a Bible, and read a portion of the sixth chapter of St. John. The introduction of light is the only way to dispel darkness. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit, and that is the weapon wherewith we shall most surely scare away all spiritual enemies. We spoke of the Son of God as the alone food of an immortal soul — the bread of life — of which, if a man eat, he shall never hunger. This supplied sublime materials for thought, and placed before him the true object of that faith which sanctifies and saves. We spoke also with considerable large- ness on the repeated declarations of our Lord re- moral character was unblemished in the sight of men. This was a snare out of which he must be brought. It was necessary that he should see his own sinfulness in the sight of God ; and I doubt not that his experience that eve ning prepared the way for his more thoroughly apprecia- ting " the great salvation." This fact, which Mrs. Howell has communicated, adds interest to the narrative, and furnishes another evidence of the reality of that " repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ," which her husband experienced and exhibited. 72 FIRST LETTER TO REV. J. STEVENSON. specting the " will of the Father," — see verses 37 — 40. To do that will the Son became incar- nate ; and in the accomplishment of that will sinners become the heirs of eternal life. This led us to the fountain-head of God's love. Here was a theme of fathomless depth and of immeas- urable height. Salvation was wholly to be as- cribed to sovereign grace, a doctrine most hum- bling to the proud, the self-conceited, and the self-righteous ; but, at the same time, most en- couraging to the anxious inquirer and to the humble penitent. " Whosoever cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." Thus we talked on and on, and the disconso- late man forgot his sorrows. We talked of Christ, and " the light of life " began to shine upon him ; we still talked of Christ, and he found him to be his nourishment and strength, his balm and consolation. When I left Howell his mind was as tranquil and peaceful as could be desired. I retired praising God for his goodness. This morning I have not seen him, but the answer returned to a message of inquiry was that he had had some re- freshing sleep, and felt comfortable. He request- ed me not to call till the afternoon, as that is the time of day he is apt to sink,. and it is the time when his wife is obliged to leave him. I feel pretty confident that the perusal of this letter will not exhaust your patience, and that so far from complaining of its great length, you will desire the receipt of another. You may expect EFFECT OF BLESSING ON THE WORD. 73 to hear again in a few days ; meantime let me entreat you to pray for dear Howell, that he may g/ow in grace and in the knowledge of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pray also for me, that I may be divinely guided in all my inter- course with this interesting and hopeful invalid, so as to be, in the hand of God, an instrument of good to his precious soul. And now adieu. May the light of God's countenance ever cheer you onward amidst all present ailments and all ministerial obstacles. Believe me most affectionately, quaintancewith Howell first commenced. I often longed to meet with him, that we might talk to- gether, and compare notes as to the progress of the good work that was going on in the heart of the dying man. But the Doctor was particular- ly busy about that time, and often called into the country; besides, his visits to Howell were al- ways in the morning ; mine were in the after- noon. And thus, from one cause and another, I had seen Dr. Tetley only once, and on that occa- sion only for a few minutes, from the evening when he called, and requested me to visit his pa- tient, until after Howell's death. His testimony, then, may be received as distinct from mine, and independent of it. Even now the Doctor has not read one of my 130 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTIMONIES. letters to Mr. Stevenson ; but, at ray request, he has committed to paper his own observations and impressions in regard to Mr. Howell's state of mind. And I do think every impartial reader must admit, that what the Doctor states briefly, and in the general, corresponds exactly with what I have narrated at greater length and with more of detail. To the Rev. David Pitcairn. Torre, Jan. 26, 1844. My dear Friend, In attempting to give you an outline of ^rny intercourse with Mr. Howell, I feel the want of memoranda, which, had they been made at the time, would have afforded many interesting indi- cations of his spiritual progress. I hope, how- ever, I may be enabled to give a faithful transcript of the impression left on my mind, desiring to write in prayerful dependence on His help, who can, even by the feeblest instrumentality, accom- plish " the good pleasure of His will." Mr. Howell consulted me soon after his arrival in Torquay, in the early part of last year ; and from that time till the time of his death we had free and frequent communication with each other. He evidently possessed talents and acquirements of a superior order ; and I do not remember to have spent an hour with him without advantage. His information on all subjects was profound and LETTER FROM DR. TETLEY. 137 accurate, and his facility of communicating it ex- traordinary. The subject of religion was soon introduced, and I was delighted to find that he took it up with much interest. He appeared, however, to have studied this all-important and first business of life much in the same way as he had studied the sciences, bringing religion to reason ; and consequently his mind was beset with difficulties, proving that the world by wisdom knows not God. Still there was about him a straightforward since- rity and seriousness which gave promise of the approach of a better state. After a few weeks he left Torquay, improved in health, and fully expecting to renew his pro- fessional occupations. I felt some degree of dis- appointment, as we had never got beyond a certain point ; and he appeared to guard so cau- tiously against every attempt to draw the affec- tions of the heart, as well as the powers of the understanding, into exercise, in contemplating "the Gospel of the glory of the blessed God." In a short time he returned to Torre. His health was much broken, and every hope of re- suming the practice of his profession altogether abandoned. He had a correct estimate of his state and prospects, and sometimes spoke of death as not far distant. There was now a humble spirit, and a growing desire to appre- hend the truth as it is in Jesus. He felt that if there was any thing valuable in religion, it was something beyond what he had as yet attained : 12* 138 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTIMONIES. and, in the spirit of one conscious of ignorance and insufficiency, he now sought first the king- dom of God and his righteousness, exhibiting the disposition of a little child, without which there is no entrance into the kingdom of Heaven. He continued to study religion as he had studied the various sciences, in which he had made such remarkable proficiency ; but every effort of the understanding, and every obstacle to the recep- tion of its sacred truths, were now lost in the all- absorbing desire to know what he must do to be saved. He began to feel the importance of prayer, and frequently asked me to join him in seeking mercy. At length his earnest longing for rest in Christ could only be described in the words of/our Saviour's command, " Agonise to enter into the strait gate." And his deepen- ing humility and growing earnestness gave no uncertain indication that the darkness would soon pass away, and the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings. At this time he had frequent interviews with Mr. Blackmore, and often mentioned most grate- fully his deep obligation to him for the pains he took in meeting his difficulties, and instructing his ignorance. Soon afterwards he removed to Beulah House, and his loss of strength became daily more apparent. I was sitting by his bed- side one evening, endeavouring to set before him the suitableness and sufficiency of the Gospel of Christ ; and with the view of encouraging him to cast his burden altogether on the Lord, I LETTER FROM DR. TETLEY. 139 mentioned your experience in a time of severe illness ; when, unable even to retain a few words of Scripture in the mind for a moment, you were kept in perfect peace, because you felt you were on " the Rock.^ On hearing this, he clasped his emaciated hands, and, lifting up his eyes to heaven, exclaimed, " God grant that this may be my lot !" I went from his room to yours, and asked your prayerful interest and assistance. Like Peter going to Cornelius, you did well that you went without delay ; for he was prepared to hear all things that were commanded you of God. The power of the Holy Spirit appeared to attend your message from your first interview. Peace and joy in believing took possession of his soul, and with only occasional interruptions, con- tinued and increased to the last. I remember he told me that Mrs. Howell had sent for you one evening in consequence of his being for a time in a state of almost "black des- pair ;" as if the enemy here determined to do his worst, knowing that his time was short. I saw him early the following morning. The tempta- tion had passed away, and tranquillity was fully restored. His disease now made rapid progress, and he was conscious that the closing scene could not be far distant, although with a characteristic fluctuation of feeling he occasionally spoke of rallying again. But the peace of God rose supe- rior to every other feeling of nature ; and, while 140 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTIMONIES. he could only refer to himself with distrust and dissatisfaction, he spoke of the Saviour with evi- dent delight, and was ever ready to hear of his character and work. Thus did he " look to Him and was lightened, and his face was not ashamed." At length the appointed hour of departure ar- rived, and it was a scene never to be forgotten. He knew that he was dying, and had deliberate- ly laid himself on his back, and carefully adjust- ed the bed-clothes. Every feature spoke compo- sure, and every limb repose. Thus did this child of God fall asleep, resting securely on the bosom of everlasting Love, without a struggle, a sigh, or a groan. We knelt around his bed, and committed his passing spirit to " the Shep- herd of Israel," who had already given such cheering evidence of his saving power and gra- cious presence. Nothing I ever witnessed has made me more sensible of the completeness of the salvation of Christ. The suffering and worn- out body was now at rest ; and the calm, con- templative countenance and attitude of repose reminded me of Dr. Watts' beautiful lines : — t( By strict experience I have known Thy sovereign power to save; At thy command I venture down Securely to the grave.' " Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Nothing could LETTER FROM DR. TETLEY. 141 be plainer than that in this case death was a con- quered enemy. But who conquered him 1 Cer- tainly not that wreck of his former self who lay before us. Mind and memory had fled ; and had there been no " stronger man" there, the departing spirit would have been an easy prey to the adversary, who had already given an earnest of what he would do, if permitted to take his own unrestrained course. But He was there of whom it is written, " Forasmuch, then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also, himself, likewise took part of the same ; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil ; and deliver them who, through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Thus was the enemy of souls defeated with his own wea- pon — death ; and the happy spirit entered into the presence of that friend, who, when on earth, was so wont to say, " It is I ; be not afraid." Ever, my dear friend, Yours affectionately, James Tetley. P. S. I find I have omitted to mention two circumstances forming important features in Mr. Howell's history. 1 never heard any thing ap- proaching to a murmur, from first to last. And I observed, after his return to Torre, a growing love for the study of the Scriptures. I ought also to have said that he expressed the deepest obliga- 142 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTIMONIES. tions to you for the kind interest you had taken in his spiritual welfare, and spoke of a MS. you had lent him, as affording much relief and com- fort to his agitated mind. CONCLUSION. The word of God declares, " It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judg- ment," (Heb. ix. 27.) Sooner or later this is the doom of every man ; and surely it is unwise in any one to neglect preparation for that solemn event, from which he cannot escape, and the nearness or remoteness of which he can neither calculate nor control. To a large class of persons, who find their plea- sure exclusively in the business or in the amuse- ments of this world, the subject of death is always unwelcome, and they adopt all expedients to ba- nish it, not only from their conversation, but from their thoughts. This is a common and a fearful specimen of that infatuation and insensibility which sin engenders. To those inconsiderate in- dividuals who thus shrink even from the contem- plation of death, and who, nevertheless, know that some day or other die they must, there is the truest kindness in submitting a question, which 144 CONCLUSION. Hannah More has clothed in very forcible lan- guage, "If you cannot face the image, how will you encounter the reality 1" We could wish an answer to this question. The image of death may be shunned and avoided ; but death is a re- ality, and it must be met. How 1 and what is to follow? Reader, pause, and consider. Mr. Howell had tried every way. For years he lived as entirely engrossed with the concerns of this present world as if he were never to die. He was of a peculiarly reflective habit : he thought much, and his thoughts ranged over a vast variety of objects; but he thought not about death, nor of that eternal world into which death is the door of entrance ; although what he was daily witnessing, as a medical practitioner, was well fitted to force this grave and important sub- ject on his attention. In this respect he was un- wise, notwithstanding his high character for what passes among men under the name of wisdom. But the loss of health reminded him of his folly, and the progress of disease warned him of the approach of death. In these circumstances he acted like a wise man. Finding that he could not face the image of this terrible enemy without having all his fears awakened, he felt it was full time to consider in what way he should be able, without fear, to encounter the reality. He ceased to shut his eyes on the danger of his situation, and now he applied himself with all diligence to seek for the removal of sin which gives to death its condemning sting. He sought relief in the conclusion. 145: Gospel of the grace of God ; and in the faith of Him " who hath abolished death," the terrors of conscious guilt were subdued ; — in the faith of Him who is "the resurrection and the life," his hopes of immortality became bright. Thus, as his appointed time drew near, he could think of death without dismay, — he could talk of death with calm delight: and at last, in the hour of dis- solution, he neither shrunk from the contest, nor dreaded the consequences ; but, with the most as- tonishing moral courage, he arranged the very posture of his own body; and when the spirit fled, the lifeless countenance still retained the expres- sion of that heavenly peace and placidity which death itself had not disturbed. Who can read of his uuruffled composure, and of his perfect peace, without the secret prayer, or the expressed desire, " Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his !" Ignorant as we are of the plans and purposes of God, it appears to us a dark and unaccount- able dispensation that a man like Mr. Howell should be taken out of the world just at the, time when he hud become most fitted for usefulness amongst his fellow-creatures, and when he had been prepared and disposed, for dedicating all his talents, and all his attainments, to the advance- ment of the glory of God. We have, indeed, many philosophers and men of science ; but we have few Christian philosophers: we have few examples of eminence in human knowledge com- 13 146 CONCLUSION. bined with devotedness to the service of God. We have not many men of distinguished ability and learning, who consider " the knowledge of the glory of God, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ," as the summit of all knowledge. We have not many, excepting among professed theo- logians, who examine the word of God with that minute and intense application which they give to the works of God, and who study the character of God the Saviour with a deeper and holier in- terest than that wherewith they contemplate the wondrous attributes of the great Creator. After his mind had been enlightened in the knowledge of salvation by Jesus Christ our Lord, Mr. Howell himself remarked, that " he felt as if he were only beginning to live." This was a memorable saying ; and its meaning is definite and intelligible. He felt that his past life had been misspent — he felt, that now he was in pos- session of new principles of action ; and that in prosecuting even the same pursuits as formerly, he would be influenced by new motives. And had he been permitted to resume his elaborate researches into the numerous departments of na- tural science, and to transfuse into all of them the true spirit of Christianity, he might have shone before men as a Christian philosopher with a bright and attracting lustre, and, according to our judgment, been the honoured instrument of leading many up "from nature, and from nature's God," to the still more sublime and precious, and CONCLUSION. 147 satisfying knowledge of redemption, and of the great Redeemer. But it sometimes happens in the spiritual, as it does in the natural world, that the commencement and the close of earthly existence are almost sim- ultaneous. In the inscrutable arrangements of Providence, it is not unfrequently the case that children are born only to die. Their connexion with this material world has just been recognised, when it is again dissolved. They have scarcely breathed the breath of life, and opened their eyes on visible objects, when death terminates their brief sojourn in the land of living men, and hur- ries them into the world of spirits. It need not, therefore, be a matter of surprise, that, among those who are born again — who are born of the Spirit, and become new creatures in Christ Jesus, some should be taken away in the very infancy of their spiritual existence. No doubt it is true that most of those who experience the new birth are spared to pass onwards, from being at first mere babes in Christ, to reach the vigour of youth, or the prime of manhood, or the maturity of old age; and, were it not so, the Church of Christ on earth would become extinct, just as the human race would soon disappear were all children to die in infancy. But it is possible that the number of those who are removed from earth to heaven, in the earlier stages of their new and better being, is far larger than generally sup- posed or allowed. Nothing like encouragement must be held out to postpone the great concerns 148 CONCLUSION. of salvation till a time of sickness and danger ; nor dare we flatter any with the assurance of a death-bed repentance. Still it is a blessed truth that the mercy of God is rich towards all who call on him with sincerity and earnestness, even at the eleventh hour. And it is pleasing to hope, that, in the exercise of sovereign grace, not a few who have wasted life and health in the neg- lect of the Saviour are, in their dying hours, con- strained to seek, and privileged to find, a refuge from the wrath to come in his meritorious right- eousness and all-atoning blood. Let it be admitted, however, that the number is not great, we may affirm with certainty that there are, at least, some who have barely begun to " live by the faith of the Son of God," and to behold with enlightened eyes the wondrous truths which his Gospel unfolds, when death mars our anticipations of delightful intercourse and fel- lowship with them as Christian friends and brethren. But when we are called to mourn for their departure from the church below, we ought to rejoice, on account of their speedy admission to the church above. Let such be our feelings in regard to Mr. Howell. We are not forbidden to mourn over his removal from a world where we think his sanctified talents and activities pro- mised fair to have been a blessing to other pro- fessional and literary men ; but we bow submis- sive to the will and to the wisdom of God, who is never at a loss for instruments to accomplish his own designs, and we may rest assured, that CONCLUSION. 149 had the services of Mr. Howell been needed here, they would have been secured. God has called him hence, and for his own sake we ought to rejoice and give thanks. If his Christian pil- grimage was of short duration, it was distinctly marked by divine guidance, and by divine sup- port. If the bud began at length to open which had been slowly forming during the several pre- vious months, its rapid expansion into a flower of the loveliest hues and fragrance explicitly be- spoke its heavenly culture* In his case there was no dubiety* We could not err in estimating the origin and the character of that change which his whole inner man underwent. It was none other than the Spirit of the living and the holy God who raised him up from the death of trespasses and sins unto newness of life. No other agency could have effected such deep con- viction of guilt; such comprehensive knowledge of salvation ; such humble, holy, and loving re- liance on the Saviour of sinners ; such patience, and resignation, and fortitude under bodily dis- tress ; and such mellowed ripeness for " the inheritance of the saints in light." On his ac- count it would be wrong not to rejoice. Even the angels in heaven rejoice over every sinner who is brought to repentance, because his deli- verance from sin and from Satan adds a fresh jewel to the Redeemer's crown, and opens up a new and everlasting source of glory to the God of all grace. Surely then, we, who are men upon earth, ought with still greater alacrity and 13* 150 CONCLUSION. ardour to swell the anthem of praise to redeem- ing love, and to rejoice over this our brother, who was lost and is found, who was dead and is alive ; and who, though so soon removed from us, after having " passed from death unto life," has only left the imperfections of earth to enter into the joys of heaven. Blessed be God ! cases of conversion are not rare things. Under the preaching of the Gospel, they are continually occurring in our own coun- try and in other lands, among all ranks and conditions of people, — chiefly, however, among the poorer classes. — comparatively seldom among the rich and the noble. And, beyond the circle of his own immediate friends and acquaintances, no notice would have been taken of the case of Mr. Howell, had there not appeared something unusual both in his own character, and in the gracious dealings of God with him. It must have struck ,every reader of this little volume that before Mr. Howell arrived at that state of peace, in the enjoyment of which his earthly existence so gloriously terminated, he had previously undergone a diligent, and anx- ious, and even distressful inquiry after rest for his soul. From the beginning of August, when he left Bath, up to the latter end of November, a period of nearly four months, the principal occu- pation of his acute, and thoughtful, and logical mind, was to discover in the religion of Christ that solid foundation of truth on which, as a sin* CONCLUSION. 151 ful and immortal creature, he might build a sure and certain hope of pardon and of life everlast- ing. Nothing short of certainty on a point of such momentous importance could satisfy a mind like his. And as he laboured hard, and waited long ere he attained the object of his fervent de- sire, it may prove useful to others to examine the causes in which his mental anxieties origin- ated, and the purposes of God in permitting their lengthened continuance. In the first place, then, it may be observed, that from the time the physicians pronounced a hopeless opinion of Mr. Howell's disease, the idea of dying, and of entering into an untried and never-ending state of existence, produced in him great agitation and alarm. So long as health permitted the undisturbed ardour of his professional and literary pursuits, he found therein a never-failing source of present satisfaction ; so long as he gave no thought to the requirements of that holy and immutable law of God against which" he was a daily offender, he had no influential apprehension of any im- pending punishment ; and so long as he under- valued and neglected the free grace of God, pro- claimed in the Gospel of his Son, from ignorance of his own guilty and helpless condition, he did not smart under the lashings of an upbraiding conscience. Like multitudes around him, he was conversant only with men, and with the material world. Practically considered, his con- 152 CONCLUSION. dition resembled that of the heathen Ephesians, previous to their reception of Christianity, of whom St. Paul writes, " At that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the common- wealth of Israel and strangers* from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world." (Eph. ii. 12.) But this actual and deplorable destitution of spiritual blessings was not felt, and therefore caused no distress. The calmness and serenity of mind which he general- ly enjoyed was not at all of a religious character. His peace and self-satisfaction arose entirely from spiritual indifference ; and from sinful inat- tention to the just claims of God on the affections and services of his rational creatures ; and from utter forgetfulness of the great day of reckoning, which cannot be evaded. Out of this false secu- rity he was roused by the announcement that disease had attacked the vital organs of his body. He knew that a death-blow was given to all his fondly cherished schemes and projects for scien? tine discoveries and professional distinction. A sense of danger withdrew his thoughts from an exclusive attention to " the things that are seen, and temporal ;" and he could not contemplate " the things that are unseen and eternal," with- out terror and dismay. The state of great alarm into which Mr. How- ell was thrown by the near prospect of death was the precursor of a state of pure peace and of great blessedness. It was the method which God, in the exercise of his sovereign grace, was pleased CONCLUSION. 153 to employ with this gifted individual, to break the fascinating spell with which the study of anima- ted and inanimated nature had monopolized his intellectual powers ; and to awaken him to a feel- ing of personal concern with that spiritual world of wonders revealed to us in the great salvation which is by Jesus Christ our Lord. But the pe- culiar structure of his mind tended for a time to aggravate his alarm : and this is the more deserv- ing of notice, because many persons of weaker in- tellect, and of inferior moral character, when in- formed of their dying circumstances, betray com- paratively little fear of death ; or, at all events, they succeed in quieting their fears by one expe- dient or another. One reason for Mr. Howell's extreme uneasi- ness under deadly disease we shall find in that resolute uprightness, that high conscientiousness, that unswerving love of truth, which were govern- ing principles in all his conduct. In ordinary cases, such high moral qualities act as a quietus to the natural conscience ; and might have done so with him also had not the Holy Spirit made use of them as instruments for the destruction of all false peace. His love of truth had a certain mea- sure of divine illumination to guide it. Thus he did not attempt to deceive himself as to his real situation ; nor did he wish to be deceived by others. He was dying, and he was not prepared to die. This was his honest conviction. Not- withstanding the amiability of his dispositions, and his strict regard to morality, he never sought a 154 CONCLUSION. refuge in self-righteousness. This is a re- markable fact, and goes far to explain the pecu- liar character of his early convictions, and of his subsequent peace and composure. Long before he had any spiritual discernment of the holiness of God's law, and of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, he never attempted to deny or to extenuate his manifold short-comings. He laid no claims to a piety which he did not possess ; he was in nowise tinctured with formalism ; he attached no worth to the outward observance of religious du- ties in which the heart was not engaged ; he knew how far removed he was from moral per- fection. He was well aware that he had neither feared, nor loved, nor obeyed God as he ought to have done ; and, with all these convictions and impressions, his conscientiousness, which had formerly administered peace and comfort to his mind in his intercourse with mankind, became a humbling reprover to him, and a ceaseless tor- menter, when he found that he had to deal with his Maker. There was safety amidst this distress to which Mr. Howell was subjected. Had his mind been differently constituted, unless proportionately am- ple supplies of grace had been vouchsafed, he might have been tempted to indulge a delusive satisfaction with the inoffensiveness of his studies and avocations, or with the conscious integrity of his conduct, or with the estimation in which he was held by his friends and associates. In this snare multitudes are caught who gladly suffer CONCLUSION. 155 themselves to be deluded, and who thus descend to the grave with a lie in their right hand. Most men are prone to overvalue their own paltry and imperfect performances, and to overlook the strict demands of the divine law. But it was otherwise with Mr. Howell. He saw nothing in himself re- sembling that holiness which God requires of all who would approach unto him, neither could he rest contented with those vague expectations of divine mercy and forbearance, which quiet the fears of many dying sinners. He did think of God ; but he thought candidly of his justice as well as of his mercy ; of his faithfulness as well as of his forbearance : and such thoughts trou- bled him, because he felt that he could not stand the scrutiny of a just and faithful God. He was also necessitated to think of death, judgment, and eternity ; and in the consideration of these sub- jects he was overwhelmed. Hence it is obvious that the honesty and candour which he brought to the examination of his own state and prospects operated very powerfully in causing and increas- ing his mental distress. But the anguish and alarm under which he suffered were amply com- pensated by his freedom from a self-righteous spi- rit, which, in general, is the greatest obstacle to the reception of a gratuitous salvation ; and by his possession of that humility and self-abase- ment, which dispose a man to look for relief out of himself. Some persons may imagine that Mr. Howell's 156 CONCLUSION. high intellectual faculties might have raised him out of the uneasiness and fears, to which the de- licacy of his moral sense subjected him. This, however, is quite a mistake. On the contrary, the peculiar character of his mind explains the reason why he could not shake off his agitatinc apprehensions. We have seen that he was dis- tinguished by an excessive inquisitiveness, by profound reflection, by unwavering truthfulness, by energetic perseverance, and by great logical acumen. These mental properties, in their united activity, had often secured his success in the in- vestigation of scientific subjects. But, so far from facilitating his attainment of that good hope for another world, which, as a dying man, was indispensable to his peace, they were the very cause of a continual succession of difficulties and hinderances; for, the more he inquired into the moral character of God, and the deeper he re- flected on the principles of rectitude, which must regulate his moral government of his creatures, the distance between God and himself seemed to increase. The more he pondered over his own diseased and dying condition, proofs of his sinfulness multiplied upon him; and, the nrore he impartially considered the justice of God's threat- ened punishment of sin, the difficulty of being saved appeared the greater. The more he tried to grasp the immensity of an eternal existence, and the more intensely he felt the paramount im- portance of personal salvation, the insignificance CONCLUSION. 157 and insufficiency of all human means of deliver- ance became painfully manifest to him. - But his attention had been directed, even be- fore his illness, to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, — that only true foundation of a sinner's hope towards God, — the only fountain that sends forth a pure and enduring blessing to the dis- tressed. And it is true that, after his arrival at Torre, his mind was often soothed when hearing of the love of God to his guilty creatures, in send- ing his well-beloved Son as their Saviour. Yes; it did soothe him to hear of an atonement for hu- man transgressions, whereby the justice of God is satisfied ; and of a perfect righteousness wrought out in their behalf, wherein even the chief of sinners may find acceptance with God. These wondrous truths excited his interest and his grati- tude; but still they failed to yield him the satis- faction he required, because, however vigorously he applied his understanding to their compre- hension, they produced no moral influence upon his affections. His heart, as he afterwards con- fessed, remained untouched. His natural incre- dulity and demand for proof was a barrier in the way of his realising the love of God so marvel- lously exhibited. He did not feel himself to be the object of this love. He could not appropri- ate the atoning sacrifice and meritorious right- eousness of Christ as the ground of his own jus- tification. He could not believe in Christ as a Saviour to himself. Thus, at that initiatory pe- riod of his spiritual history, because of his ina- 14 158 CONCLUSION. bility to believe it, that Gospel which is the power of God, and the wisdom of God unto salvation, was nothing better in his experience than a pleasing but profitless speculation. His heart was not yet opened to receive it. It did not pa- cify his conscience — it gave him no assurance of being forgiven — it did not secure him of admission into a world of happiness and life, when he should leave this world of sin and death. He saw that other people with whom he had inter- course did believe this Gospel, and that they had "joy and peace in believing," But this rather augmented than diminished the uneasiness with which he was oppressed ; and thus the fruitless efforts of his own extraordinary intellect were well calculated to teach himself a most instruct- ive lesson, which, it is to be hoped may not be lost on others. For, whether he fixed his attention on the want of righteousness in himself, or on the all-perfect righteousness which is in Christ Jesus, as the sinner's surety, instead of obtaining the satisfaction which he so eagerly and so honestly desired, he suffered a greater degree of mental disquietude than is usual with other inquirers, whose conscientiousness is less active, or who think less profoundly, or whose reason yields more easily to argument. We know there are people in the world whose mental obtuseness is so decided, or whose moral sensibility is so deficient, that the prospect of death neither intimidates nor appals them. Certainly CONCLUSION. 159 Mr. Howell did not belong to that pitiable class of human beings. But, although it has been shown that the peculiar construction of his noble mind increased, and could not remove the alarm into which the knowledge of his dangerous situ- ation had thrown him, yet we ought to believe it was the grace of God that awakened him to that sense of his, sinfulness which made the thought of death so terrible. Thus his alarm, however trying and painful, was the commencement of blessing to his soul; and, no doubt, had it pleas- ed God to bestow it, a larger measure of grace at first would not only have convinced him of his sins, and of the danger to which they exposed him, but speedily conducted him to that know- ledge, and faith, and love of the Saviour, which is the peaceful haven of safety for tempest-tossed and afflicted sinners. That haven he was des- tined to reach ; and there, at length, when he had escaped from the inward storm, he did enjoy " a great calm." But the purposes of God, in reference to this talented and interesting man, while they were fraught with the richest mercies for time and for eternity, were slowly developed, as if with the avowed design of setting forth in a con- spicuous way the foolishness of human wisdom, and the impotency of even the highest intellectual powers, to silence the condemning voice of a guilty conscience, or to irradiate the gloom of death with the gladdening hope of a new, and a better, and an endless life. It was good for Mr. Howell himself to learn 160 CONCLUSION. how little his own unaided abilities and accom- plishments could forward or secure his everlasting salvation. It was necessary for him to know experimentally that "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned," (1 Cor. ii. 14.) This humbling lesson prepared the way for another still more humbling to the proud heart of an unrenewed man. But let us mark how wise it was in God to teach him, in the manner best suited to his natural genius, and to his studious habits, those doctrines of salvation by free and unmerited grace, which are the very glory of the Gospel dispensation. He was left for a time — for a long time, to exercise his inquisitiveness, his reflectiveness, his patient rea- soning, his persevering research, on the all- important topic of how a sinner is to be pardoned and reconciled unto God consistently with his holiness and justice, and how he himself might be delivered from the bondage of the fear of death. During all this time of inquiry he was diligently using the proper means of grace. But his prayers were not answered as he expected; and his Scripture readings and religious conversations did not bring him the relief he needed. Still, though he might be unconscious of it, a great work was going on. He was growing in humil- ity, in teachableness, in earnestness, and in dependence upon God. This Was the training to which he was so wisely subjected, and now the 14* CONCLUSION. 161 abundance of grace was vouchsafed unto him. He no longer had to complain that his heart remained untouched. The fire of divine love had touched it ; and its blindness was enlightened, its obduracy was softened, its enmity was sub- dued. The pride of intellect was cast at the foot of the cross of Christ. The teaching of the Holy Spirit brought him at once to understand, and appreciate, aiid believe those doctrines of the cross which gave to his mind that rest, and satisfaction, and comfort, for which, in the strength of his own intellectual faculties, he had laboured so long in vain. " The truth as it is in Jesus" commended itself to his judgment, and to his conscience. He received it without hesi- tation, and with all thankfulness ; and, as has been well illustrated in the Introduction, it was just as natural, after he experienced spiritual illumination, that he should have entered so readily and so fully into the enjoyment of " perfect peace," as it was that, without it, he should have continued in a state of spiritual darkness and distress. Such was the constitution, or tempera- ment of his mind, that he had no rest until the Spirit of God discovered to him the truth he was in pursuit of to rest upon. But having once found the truth, he held it fast, and in its posses- sion he enjoyed the fulness of its blessings. The Letters addressed to Mr. Stevenson contain the record only of what may be termed the Christian experience of Mr. Howell. They 162 CONCLUSION. exhibit the commencement, the progress, and the close of his bright career as a Christian man; and it was inconsistent with the plan of The Bio- graphical Sketch which is prefixed to the Letters to do more than briefly state the fact, that he continued for some months, after his return to Devonshire, to suffer more or less of mental agitation or anxiety. It appeared, there- fore, to be essential to a correct understanding of his case, that, in winding up the narrative, there should be presented to the consideration of the reader some specific details of that intellectual and spiritual discipline which he underwent, be- fore he was enabled calmly to repose on the bosom of God's forgiving love, and to descend into the corruption of the grave "in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ." And now it is most fervently desired that every reader, and especially every man of like mind and similar pursuits, may profit by the lessons which the experience of Mr. Howell so plainly enforces. 1. How utterly important in the matter of salvation are the noblest intellectual powers, the most extensive attainments in secular or scientific pursuits, the most blameless moral behaviour, or the highest place in the estimation of friends and acquaintances ! These are valuable possessions in respect of "the life that now is :" and, so far as they can enrich, Mr. Howell was rich indeed. But in reference to "the life which is to come," — that awful hereafter, to the brink of which disease CONCLUSION. 163 had brought him, he found them to be entirely worthless ; and so will every one who, with equal honesty and earnestness, thinks of God, and of death, and of eternity. It is, indeed, a hard and humiliating lesson ; but it is needful to all men, whether rich or poor, whether learned or unlearn- ed ; for ihere is no safety, no peace, no hope for any awakened sinner, until he feels and confesses that in regard to his deliverance from guilt and its consequences, "it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy," (Rom. ix. 16.) 2. And how omnipotent is that grace of God which brings to us salvation ! So soon as it pleas- ed God to work effectually by his Spirit on the un- derstanding, and on the will, and on the affections of Mr. Howell, a great and happy change took place. Every barrier was broken down; every obstacle was removed ; every difficulty vanished. The way of a sinner's return to God stood wide open before him. He saw that Christ himself was the way; he felt the Holy Spirit was his guide; and now he was no longer faithless, but believing. Here is another humbling lesson to man, — he must submit to receive salvation wholly as a free gift. But, oh ! how thankful should a sinner be to be saved on any terms ! how thankful should a sinner be that salvation is the work of God! Nothing short of that Almighty power, which at first created man in the image of his Maker, can renew what sin has defaced. Nothing less pow- erful than that omnipotent word which called the 164 CONCLUSION. material universe into being can transform the fallen sons of Adam into "new creatures in Christ Jesus." Hence we read that " the Gospel of Christ" is " the power of God unto salvation, unto every one that believeth," ("Rom. i. 16.) Again, " the preaching of the Cross" is " the power of God," (1 Cor. i. 18.) And in exact harmony with these doctrinal statements, St. Paul prays for the Ephesians, that they might know "what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead," &c. (Eph. i. 18 — 22.) Truly this is a very re- markable and most emphatic passage of Scrip- ture ! It sets before us this wondrous truth, that every sinner who believes in Christ for salvation has been made to experience, not merely " the -power of God," nor yet " the greatness of his pow- er," but " the exceeding greatness of his power; " and, oh ! how important it is to "know" that un- til we do experience the omnipotence of divine grace, we never shall believe in the Saviour whom God hath sent to bless us. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the grand remedial scheme for man's moral and spirit- ual maladies, is, " the power of God." How en- couraging is this ! the belief of it will inspire a feeling of security. " If God be for us, who can be against us 1 " (Rom. viii. 31.) But let it be remembered that the same omnipotence which has •provided the remedy must also apply it. The CONCLUSION. 165 grace of God, which brings salvation to us, must likewise work faith in us. " For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God ; not of works, lest any man should boast," (Eph. ii. 8, 9.) And then " the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low, and the Lord alone shall be exalted," flsaiah ii. 17.) APPENDIX. ON THE HUMAN NATURE OF CHRIST. See page 64. The incarnation of the Son of God is a subject as important as it is wonderful. It is a subject also <^ great magnitude in a theological point of view ; out the one point claiming further elucidation at present is, not that the Son of God became man, which might have been accomplished by a direct act of creation, as in the case of Adam; but that, by means of generation, he connected him- self with humanity as it exists since the fall, while he himself " knew no sin," and " did no sin." (2 Cor. v. 21 ; 1 Pet. ii. 22.) It is to this that St. Paul refers, when he says, "And, with- out controversy, great is the mystery of godli- ness." (1 Tim. iii. 16.) The greatness of the mystery lies not so much in the manifestation of God, in visible form as a man, as in his being " manifested in the flesh." This expression, " the flesh," is of very frequent occurrence in Scrip- ture, and has many various significations , but, 168 APPENDIX. when applied to human beings, it always denotes a state of physical or moral existence affected by sin. " So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God." But here is the mystery. — God sent forth his Son "in the likeness of sinful flesh," subject to all the infirmities and distresses that are incident to the sinful nature of man, subject even to death itself, and still throughout his whole earthly existence he continued to be " the Holy One and the Just." He took the nature that had sinned, but he himself was altogether " without sin." These two things, apparently incompatible, the connexion of God's incarnate Son with us sin- ners, and his own spotless holiness, were abso- lutely necessary ; the one to iusure his sympathy with us, and the other to insure our salvation by him. May we not here exclaim, in the language employed by the apostle on another occasion, " O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God !" The doctrine of our Lord's true humanity is distinctly acknowledged in the Articles and Con- fessions of all the Protestant churches. The statements of the Athanasian Ci'eed are specially explicit on his manhood as well as his godhead. But our proofs must primarily be taken from Scripture. The very first intimation of a Saviour is re- markable. After the disobedience of Adam and Eve, their hope of pardon and deliverance from the tempter was directed to " The Seed of the woman/' (Gen. iii. 15.) The Great Deliverer was APPENDIX. 169 subsequently promised as " The Seed of Abra- ham" (Gen. xxii. 18.) " In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." And of this promise St. Paul has given us an inspired inter- pretation : " Now to Abraham and to his Seed were the promises made. He saith not, and to seeds, as of many ; but as of one, and to thy Seed, which is Christ," (Gal. iii. 16.) In the opening of his Epistle to the Romans, the apostle speaks of himself as " separated unto the Gospel of God," — " concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the Seed of David according to the flesh" (Rom. i. 5.) So it had been pre- dicted by Isaiah : " And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots," (xi. 1.) And also by Micha : " And thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be Ruler in Israel," &c. (v. 2-4.) With these predictions the Jewish people were familiar ; and hence, when there was a division among them concerning our Lord, some said, " Hath not the Scripture said, that Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?" (John vii. 42.) The reader will do well to peruse the discourse of St. Peter on the day of Pentecost, where particular reference is made to our Lord's connexion with David, (Acts ii. 25-36.) In complete harmony with Old Tes- tament prophecies, the commencement of the New Testament Scriptures is called, " The book of 15 170 APPENDIX. the Generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of Da- vid, the Son of Abraham" (Matt. i. 1.) And, in the same chapter, we read that the angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph in a dream, saying, " Thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife ; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus," &c. This, too, is in fulfilment of prophecy: " Hear ye now, O house of David ; is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary God also 1 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign ; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel," (Is. vii. 13, 14.) " For unto us a child is horn, unto us a Son is given ; and the government shall be upon his shoulder ; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Fa- ther, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, &c. (Is. ix. 6, 7.) Thus we read, in St. Luke's Gospel, that the angel' Gabriel was sent from God, " to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Jo- seph, of the house of David ; and the virgin's name was Mary." And the angel said unto her, " Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest ; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his Father David," &c. (i. 26- 32.) Again, in the second chapter, it is recorded APPENDIX. 171 that Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judsea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, (because he was of the house and lineage of David,) &c. There Mary " brought forth her first-born Son ;" and there the angel of the Lord announced the wondrous event to the shep- herds of Bethlehem, " Behold, I bring you good ti- dings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." All these quotations from the prophets, and evangelists, and apostles, when grouped together, and arranged in juxtaposition, present an interesting mass of evi- dance. And their united testimony most incon- trovertibly establishes the fact, that our Almighty Saviour was " of the seed of David according to the Flesh," — that he was a true man, and a man truly connected with the existing race of mankind : — "the seed of the woman," through the line of Abraham and of David. It is likewise deserving of very particular no- tice, that, during the brief period of his intercourse with men on earth, our' Lord so very frequently speaks of himself as " the Son of Man," and of men as his brethren. By such modes of ex- pression he evinced his anxiety to strengthen our belief in his true humanity, and in his connexion with ourselves. The apostles have been led by the Holy Spirit to the use of a similar style of language, and, no doubt, for the same object. St. John, in the commencement of his Gospel 172 APPENDIX. history, first mentions the second person in the adorable Trinity as the Word, who was with God in the beginning, and who was God ; and then, after this unequivocal assertion of his essen- tial divinity, we find it written, " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," (John i. 14.) St. Peter, in his memorable discourse on the day of Pentecost, to which allusion has already been made, has these words, — " Jesus of Nazar- eth, a man approved of God among you by mira- cles, and wonders," &c. ; " ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain ;" " this Jesus hath God raised up ;" " therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ," (Acts ii. 22-36.) St. Paul, in the synagogue at Antioch, goes over much of the same ground, in regard to the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth ; and then draws this practical conclusion, " Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the for- giveness of sins," &c. (Acts xiii. 38.) And at Athens he finished his powerful address with these words, — " Because he (God) hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained ; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead," (Acts xvii. 31.) The only other passage to which it seems ne- cessary to refer is in the First Epistle to Timothy, — "For there is one God, and one Mediator be- APPENDIX. 173 tween God and man, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time," (ii. 5, 6.) In the immediately preceding verses the apostle had spoken of our Saviour as God, who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the know- ledge of the truth. Here he speaks of the sinner's way of approach to God, and of that inestimable " ransom," through which alone there is salvation for any. And, therefore, as an'encouragement to our confidence in Him, the living Mediator, who interposes between a holy God and his guilty creatures, is designated " the man Christ Jesus," because it was his humanity that enabled him, as our substitute, to give himself, to shed his own most precious blood, as the ransom-price of our deliver- ance. Thus how real and how great is our en- couragement to cling to the God-man Mediator, with loving and thankful hearts! "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham f and, forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same/ 3 (Heb. ii. 14-16.) " The Man " who is the Mediator, is substan- tially allied by a common humanity to " the men " for whom he mediates. But the difference between him and us lies, not only in his being " without sin," but especially in this, that he is more than man. In his one person the divine nature is mys- teriously but indissolubly united with the human. He who was born of the Virgin Mary is at the 15* 174 APPENDIX. the same time "the Son of the Highest." Such a Mediator is precisely what we need, and what we want; for something within tells us that he who is to effect a reconciliation between God and man must be man's brother, as well as God's fel- low ; — that He who is to act the part of our Re- deemer must be our kinsman. None else can legally and effectually interfere to raise us from the low estate into which we have fallen ; none else can procure our discharge from the debts we have incurred by transgression against God ; none else has right or authority to put us in possession of our forfeited inheritance ; and hence the vast importance of distinctly understanding the pecu- liar constitution of the Saviour's person, in order to a firm reliance on his work. Unless we be- lieve that in his one person he was, and is, and ever shall be, both God and man, we cannot con- sistently and confidently trust in him, either as our Surety or as our Saviour. To effect our salva- tion it was needful that he should act in each of these capacities : but, were he not possessed of the human nature, he could not be our surety ; and, were he not possessed of the divine nature, he could not be a Saviour at all. Thus the im- portance of clear and spiritual views on this sub- ject can scarcely be overrated. Many Christians practically lose sight and hold of the Saviour's true humanity, although they doctrinally acknowledge it. They run into this error either from the contemplation of his perfect holiness, as separating him ; in nature, from us APPENDIX. 175 who are so sinful ; or from an exclusive attention to his divinity, in which they conceive his power to save must altogether lie. But it is most desir- able that this practical error should be prevented or removed, as its existence cannot fail to inter- fere with the stability of a Christian's faith, and with his enjoyment of the privileges and consola- tions of the Gospel. LBAg'26 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Oct. 2005 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111