'ill A ^<^. .^ r ¥ w:r.y %-wr^V »• 'J' t» I! -J , -^7 1 . » * ,0 V ,0 "^^ '0.0 0^ >!/nL'* V >; •**o< 4 o -f^ v^ ' • • • \ ' .V ♦ . o. O r "°^ f.-" ^^ \^^ H'- ^:. .0. .••,. ^- "^•: -. - \ • -.^^-^ :# '^' '* ^^ ■^^^ --M .0'^ V ^^.ri^' « « o t c u JACOB JOHNSON AND HIS DESCENDANTS PREFACE. The definite work of making this book was begun nearly nine years ago. It was at the earnest request of some of the old-r members of the Johnson family. I was then visiting at Bailey's Island, Me. I at once placed before these relatives the fragments of our Johnson history which I had collected when a lad of my grandfather, Capt. James Sinnett, who had marri(Hl Mary John- son, granddaughter of our ancestor, Jacob Johnson. He was a man of wonderful memory in regard to past events in Harpswell Me. His wife and her relatives had been a joy and strength to him in all the changing scenes of life, until he came to speak of their records as if they were his own. To my grandfather's home, more than to all others, had come on visits the widely scattered members of the Johnson family. They continued to make these pilgrimages long after the wife, familiarly known as "Aunt Polly," had passed away. He and his widowed daughter, Hannah, made these visits such pleasant seasons that the de- scendants of those who came to Bailey's Island still speak and write of them. My grandfather said tg me one evening, as if the woman whom he, and all who knew her, loved so much, were with us still, "Your grandmother is so glad to think you are writing down what I tell you about the Johnsons. I have no doubt you will make a book out of it some day." And well did I remember the quiet, loving ways of this woman, who made every one of her grand- children feel that she had a special love for them, and that her prayers were speeding away itefore them to give light on all the pathways they might follow in the coming years. And I thought, "The book should be made for her sake, even if she had been the only Johnson the world had known." She was a strong type of our Johnson line through its many generations; loving, warm- hearted and making her home one of true hospitality for each one who came thither. And in the quiet hours she could tell us the legends of the early days with that rare skill and chai-m which has characterized our Johnsons, liowev<>r far they have gone from our home town by the sea. Hundreds who read these words of 4 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. reminiscence will see before them the shining faces, will feel the honest hand clasps and hear the tales of former years ringing in their hearts as no other stories have ever done. All my collections of records of our earlier Johnsons I at once spread before those who asked mo to make this Johnson book, and calls were often made on the older members of the family in Harpswell, Portland, and many islands of Casco Bay. These pa- pers were carefully corrected, with guidance such as this, and much constantly added to them. Then also began a correspond- ence with people of our race in every town where even a rumor of one could be heard. This quest has been kept up through the years. It was no light task to carry on such a work when I had charge of two parishes among the New Hampshire hills, and was writing much for papers and magazines. Then came many cares and a removal to a hustling town in the West. But in all the hard and weary places I have never ceased to see the shining face of my grandmother, or to hear the words of her husband. Memo- ries of other friends have cheered. And the finding of far re- moved members of our Johnson line has given still more inspira- tion. So, on land and sea, in clearest mountain sunshine, and in the swirl of the darkest prairie storms, the work has gone on, and its results are given to you with grateful thanks to the host of friends who have aided in every way they could to make this volume complete. Emphasis has already been laid on some of the strongest John- son characteristics. Wherever any representative of this line has made a home it has been one of truest hospitality. Many a child in such homes has been taught, "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." And then a voice has added solemnly and tenderly, "Ay, and do not forget thy neighbor nor the stranger within thy gate." These golden rules have been handed down from generation to generation in word and example. And their glory and rewards are clearly seen if you mark to what a great age so many of our Johnsons have attained and are still attain- ing. The story-telling gifts of our people have been indicated. Old and young have felt the power of this inheritance. Some of the legends and witty sayings of our ancestors have been published in the writings of others, and have found wide praise. The power to hold fast to any chosen work of life, and out of this make a grand success, in spite of the thorny hindrances, is also a marked trait of our Johnsons. Study well the varied oc- cupations, by land and sea, of the people of whom this book tells, JOHNSON GENEALOGY. und you will be asionished to soe what they have achieved along hundreds of lines of duty and helpfulness. In the few cases of failure in the bearing out of this strong rule I have found the reason, not in any thinning of the .lohuson blood, l)ut in the per- sistent influence of some unwise teacher, or the lower ideals of some other family which has been allied with ours. I have" set in the front of this book the picture of the woman who is the oldest living of our line. I have done this with the same clear purpose with which I have spoken ot my grandmother and other women whose lives make glowing pages of history. It is that each reader may carefully note how much of the family sturdiness and love of truth has been transmitted through the female lines of the faniily. You will notice that all of the five daughters of our Ancestor Jacob Johnson married and moved into towns quite far inland from their native Harpswell. Some of their sons and daughters were widely scattered across this con- tinent. But through all the long ranks of descendants the family characteristics are clearly seen — truly a royal heritage. The addresses of most of the living descendants of our Johnson ancestor are given, that the widely-separated kindred may try and keep up the old custom of visits where it is possible, and of correspondence which shall bring us all into the close fellowship which should l)e felt. Let each branch of the family keep its record with care, that they may be added to this book from time to time. Edmore, N. D., Good Friday, March 29, 1907. OUR JOHNSON ANCESTOR. All accounts examined agree in the statement that our Ances- tor Jacob Johnson was born in England, and came to America when he was a young man. The date of his birth was about 1715. He and his wife, and other relatives, are buried in the cemetery at Bailey's Island, Harpswell, Me. His gravestone clearly states that he died in Cumberland, Me., October 15, 1803, aged 88 years. In another account the date of his death is given as June 29, 1802, but the inscription on the gravestone is no doubt correct. Many legends concerning Ancestor Jacob Johnson have come down to us, and it may be well to consider these. One writer states, "The first American Johnson of our line was Sir James Johnson, who is supposed to have been the son of an English lord." A part of this statement is no doubt derived from the fact that at Plymouth, Mass., was, at an early date, a Sir Isaac John- son. The legend has the germ of truth that there is no doubt our ancestor was of a fine old English family. Another writes: "Our Ancestor Jacob Johnson was English, and his real name was Hatheway. He took the Johnson name so as not to be discovered when he escaped from an English man-of-war." Some others give the original name as Hatheway. This seems to be partially accounted for by the following state- ment from the oldest family Bible preserved by the Johnson de- scendants: "Jonathan Hatheway Johnson was born in Sweden, and died of the plague, in Lrondon, England. He married Anna Frazier, the daughter of Jonathan Frazier of London, England." This Jonathan Hatheway Johnson would clearly appear to be the father of our Ancestor Jacob Johnson. He named his first son Jonathan, according to the custom in such old families, thus remembering his father — also his grandfather Frazier. It will be noticed how the names Frazier and Hatheway were preserved among the children of James Johnson, the son of Ancestor Jacob. Others state that the ancestor, Jacob, changed his name from Hatheway to Johnson because of a love affair. There seems to have been a rival lover, to whom Jacob surrendered all claims, leaving his native land and going to bis relatives in Virginia. Then, fearing some clue of his whereabouts might reach the home- land and shadow in some slight way the lives of his rival and wife, he changed his name and removed to the Maine coast, with the strict charge that no due to his dwelling place should be given JOHNSON GENEALOGY. / to English friends. Many sacrificos macU' by this sturdy Jacob incline one to cherish this story with cai'e. He certainly lived the purest and happiest kind of life with his noble wife, in a union which covered a space of uiore than fifty years. If one be- lieves in rewards for sacrifices in love affairs, such as is attrib- uted to Jacob Johnson, here is a glowing example in Abigail Bib- ber, whom he married at Harpswell, Me., December 17. 1752. She was one of the truest and bravest women the old town by the soa has ever known. Her gravestone on Bailey's Island, Me., states that she died April 20, 1813, aged 86 years, thus making her date of birth about 1727. She was the daughter of James Bibber, who was born on the Isle of Jersey, England, in 1706, and died in Harpswell, Me., 1773. He was the sturdy ancestor of the Bibbers of Maine. He married Abigail Drew of Dover, N. H., who died at Harpswell, Me., 1783, and who was the daughter of John Drew of a celebrated old New Hampshire family. Abigail Bibber was a very beautiful woman, dark haired, with bright eyes, red cheeks and a cheery smile for every hard place in life. Her witty words were famous throughout the neighborhood. Her courage never failed in those dark and troublous times in which her lot was cast. While living on Harpswell Neck, Me., on the spot on which the hotel called the Mau.sion House was afterwards built, she was often left alone when her husband and sons were away fishing or hunting. The Indians, who wei'e always prowling in the shaggy forests which then clothed Harpswell Neck, had long de- termined to destroy this home and take the life of the woman who had already defeated some of their plans for surprising and massacring the settlers on the Neck. To shut her bright eyes forever meant to these warriors that they could safely count on the scalps of her husband, children and others. One day Jacob Johnson and his sons went up Harpswell Bay to a tide mill to have some corn ground. "There is a fine breeze," said Jacob, "and by four o'clock we shall be home with our grist." He stooped down and kissed the ruddy cheeks of Abigail, who replied with a merry laugh and the whirr of her spinning wheel. The wheel whirred on until the sun set, though the wife knew that the bay lay white and still as if no breeze would ruffle it for many hours to come. Singing a cheery song she milked the cows and did all the household work, as if she had no thought of black-eyed sav- ages who watched beneath a great pine tree. But at an early hour after midnight, when the Indians crept to the home, and one had entered a low window of the log house, they heard the quick cry, "Ho! Jacob! Jonathan! all! fire your guns!" There was a murmur of hoarse voices, as if all the men of the household had 8 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. returnetl in some mysterious way through the calm that lay on the bay. Then two sharp cries of the old flintlock gun followed. The shriek of the Indian at the window pierced the night. It was answered by a groan from the edge of the clearing. The rest of the Indians fled and the house of Jacob Johnson was never mo- lested again. "Ugh! we shall never get the sharp-eyed squaw," was the verdict heard by many an old tree on Harpswell Neck. In the gray dawn Jacob Johnson and his sons reached home. Tliey had heard the guns, and feared much harm for their home. "How was it, Nabby?" Jacob cried, as he saw his wife on the shore. "Oh, we caught the biggest bravef' laughed Abigail, "but he put his hand in the meal chest before I could aim at him. Maybe the porridge will not taste well to you." "Everything will taste sweet, since you are safe." And the Ivisses fell fast on the cheeks of the brave woman. The clearest account of our Johnson aijcestor was given me many years ago by my grandfather, Capt. James Sinnett, who was well versed in historical matters, and who married Mary Johnson, granddaughter of the ancestor: "The Johnson ancestor came from England to Virginia at an unknown date. He was connected with the Lee family, and probably located at James- town, or near there. The names of his brothers are not known with certainty. He is said to have been impressed on an English man-of-war, and so escaped to the Maine coast." With such a good history as our forefathers of the Johnson line have made, we are well content to trace the deeds which show a true worth, saying with one of a philosophic turn of mind, "Hatheways we may be — but the Johnson name is one that we love." The author of this, book likes that kind of philosophy, too, as a descendant of the line. But he will study the history well in the coming days, and all of the family shall share in his researches. ^ ' As has already bt^n mentioned. Ancestor Jacob Johnson lived on the lower pai-t of Harpswell Neck. His children were proba- bly born there. Some think that he lived on Hope Island, in Casco Bay for a time, but the evidence of this is not clear. His death in Cumberland, Me., as given on his gravestone, would ap- pear to have occurred while he was visiting some of his descend- ants at Great Chebeague, or some other point. His sons, Jona- than, David and James, all enlisted at Harpswell in the Revo- lutionary War. He was then living in Harpswell, and his sturdy spirit of patriotism was of great help in all town efforts for truth and liberty. This home would be near that of the Bibbers, the people of the wife to wliom he was so tenderly attached. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 9 The children of Ancestor Jacob Johnson and Abigail Bibber: (2) Jonathan Johnson, b. Oct. 4, 1754: m. (first), M:i.v 1, 1776, Miriam Booker, b. Hai-pswell, Me., Jnne 23, 1755; in. (second). Sept. 3, 1809, Mrs. xMehetable Hasey: d. Lisbon, Me., 1S50. (See full records, chapter I.) ***** (2) David Johnson, b. Nov. 28, 1756; d. July IS, 1839, (72); buried Bailey's Island, Me.; ni., Oct. 25, 1781, Jane Roduck, b. Harpswell, Me., June 24. 1761; d. Sept. 19, 1832, in her 72d year. (See full records, chapter II.) (2) James Johnson, b. March 3, 1759. (The Freeport, Me., records give date of his birth March 31, 1758;) Resided Free- port, Me.; m. (first), Aug. 27, 1788, Hannah Bates, b. Jan. 9. 1751; d. Feb. 23, 1801; m. (second). May 14. 1801, Hannah P. Fickett, b. Sept. 9, 177G. (Sec lull records, chapter III.) * * . * * * (2) Sally .Johnson, b. Sept. 23, 1761: m., Feb. 25, 1784, Isaiah Booker of Auj^usta, Me., b. Harpswell, Me., Jan. 5. 1762; sou of James Booker and Mary Young. (3) William Booker. (3) Jacob Booker. ( S(>(' Booker gen- ealogy, by Rev. Charles N. Sinnett.) (2) Ebenezer Johnson, b. Sept. 9, 1764; d. in the South, where he went after his marriage. His brother, David Jolmson of Bailey's Island, Me., sent South with him the negroes which had been sent to him as part of his estate, from relatives in the South. This Ebenezer used to visit bis relatives at Harpswell, Me., but no records of his family could be found. * * * * * (2) Jacob Johnson, b. July 9, 1767; d. Bailey's Island, Me.. Sept. 17, 1858 (91 years). M. Mrs. Abigail (Eaton) Hasey, who d. Bailey's Island, Me., Nov. 6, 1859 (86 years). These dates from tlie gravestones at Bailey's Island, Me. (See full records, chap- ter IV.) * iji * * * (2) Abigail (Nabby) .Johnson, b. Miiy 7, 1771 (June S, 1770): m.. Sept. 27, 1792/3, Asa Talbot, b. July 3, 1769: d. Feb. 16, 1849. (See full records, chapter V.) * * * * * (2) Hannah Eliza Johnson, d. Weld. Me., late in 1850; m., in Durham. Me., Nov. 9, 1797, Daniel York, and resided at Farut- ington. Me. (See full records, chapter VI.) :>. * * * * (2) Anne (Annie) Johnson, b. 1782; d. Dec. 7. 1846 (64); m.. May 22, 1800 (say old North Yarmouth, Me., records). Benja- min W. Barker, who d. in Wisconsin. Oct. 11, 1870. (See full records, chapter VII.) ***** (2) Lizzie Johnson. C;ip1. James Siiuiett of Bailey's Island. Me.: "Aunt Lizzie Wilbin' died and was buried in the town of Avon. 10 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Me., whifh adjoins Phillips. She left children, but they are now all dead or gone away from the town. Her second hus- band married a second time and had three sons, one of whom is George L. Wilbur of Avon, Me., whose post office is Phillips, Me. I think that Aunt Lizzie is buried in the same cemetery as Aunt Ahbie Talbot, her sister. M. (first), Mr. Sawyer; m. (second), Mr. Wilbur." Children of first husband : (3) Two daughters, who m. and moved to Foxeroft, Me. (3) Joseph Sawyer; d. in Phillips, Me. Children of second husband: (3) "There were three daughters of this second marriage; they went to the factory to work and I lost track of them;" George W. Barker, Wayanwega, Wis. (2) Capt. James Sinnett stated that there was one more child in this family, but he did not remember the name. As no men- tion of this child was found in any town records, it probably died in infancy or youth. CHAPTER I. (2) Jonathan Johnson, b. Harpswdl, Me., Oct. 4, 1754; buried with his wives at Harpswell Centre, Me.; ni. (first). May 1, 1776, Miriam Booker, b. Harpswell, Me., June 23, 1755; 'the daughter of Dea. James Bool^er and Mercy Young of York, Me.; granddaughter of John Booker and Hester Adams of York, Me.', John Booker being the American ancestor of this fme old fam- ily, coming from England in 1707 and settling ,y's Island, Me. He lived in a house which stood near the shore a little to the southwest of the home of his grandson, the late Capt. Elisha Johnson. He was a very energetic man and of the same sturdy qualities as the other children of Ancestor Jacob Johnson. He was a successful captain of fishing vessels and is said to have owned all the lower end of Bailey's Island, which was after- wards divided into the farms of his grandsons, Capts. Ephraim and Elisha Johnson. He was one of the most earnest patriots of his day. Long before the battle of Bunker Hill be urged his townspeople to do all in their power for the defence of their country. His quick, earnest method of speaking impressed deeply on many hearts the truth of his words. In April. 1775, when Captain Mowatt, who afterwards burned Falmouth, now Portland, Me., was at Falmouth Neck in the Cancean. protect- ing Capt. Thomas Coulson in the rigging of his mast ship, Jona- than said, "Destroy Mowatt's vessel and a great blow will be made for liberty." He at once joined the company of Col. Samuel Thompson of New Meadows (afterwards the famous brigadier-general) and the Caiiccau would have been speedily captured but for the plots of the Tories in the town. Mr. Nathan Goold of Portland, Me., in his excellent history of Brig.-Gen. Samuel Thompson, well says: "The history of Brunswick, Me., states that Thompson's men were mostly young adventurers who afterwards enlisted under Capt. James Curtis. But the men who captured the Margaretta at Machias, Me., a short time after this, were just such men, and their descendants take great pride in their ancestry. The company of Colonel Thompson arrived home on Sunday. On Monday, the 15th of May, the enlistment of the company of Capt. James Curti.s began. On that day Jonathan Johnson and his brother James gladly enlisted in the first company of Harpswell, Me., men. Doctor Wheeler, in his history of Brunswick, etc., calls bis name John Johnson, but the name is clearly .Jonathan in the old records. This company contained three Johnson brothers, as David Johnson enlisted July 17, 1775. The time of enlistment is given as three months,. l)ut in reality it continued until late in October, 1775." l-I JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Of this fompauy Nathan GooUl says: "Capt. James Curtis with his men, arrived at Cambridge, Mass., July 30th, and on Aug. 8th was ordered to Deer Isle, Me., which then had a pop- ulation of about three hundred souls. They were ordered to take six whale boats, three barrels of powder, one thousand pounds weight of ball, five hundred flints and two hundred iiushels of Indian corn or flour. They were given forty shillings advance pay and the town where they might be stationed was to furnish the provisions, for which they were to receive six shillings per week per man. Their duties were to prevent the British from plundering tlie inhabitants of their cattle, sheep, Wood, etc. The soldiers of this company receipted for their advance pay at Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 9, 1775, and so their names have been preserved." This list of fifty-seven soldiers shows the wide influence for liberty of Jonathan Johnson and his brothers. The first lieuten:int of the company was Mark Rogers of Harpswell, Me.; Jacob Curtis of that town was ser- geant and twenty-four other men were from that home town of the Johnsons. The duty to which General Washington assigned these sturdy patriots shows the confidence which he placed in them, for that part of the Maine coast to which they went was not only in danger from British cruisers, but had many Tories of the most desperate character. His faith in the brave deeds which they would accomplish in a short time was well founded. Mr. Nathan Goold continues: "This company of Capt. James Curtis served until the latter part of Oct., 1775, the Capt. being credited with five months and five days service. The men did not stop here in their patriotism, but again entered the army, and many of them had long and honorable service, while some gave all that men can give, their lives, for the cause, and their names are among tlie honored dead of the republic." The children of Jonathan Johnson were all of his first mar- riage with Miriam Booker. (3) Bethiah .lohnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me., March 8, 1777; d. April 15, 1S54; m.. July 8, 1797, Elisha Allen, b. Dec, 1769; d. April 6, 1859. (Full records in the Allen genealogy by Rev. Charles N. Sinnett.) Children: (4) Abraliam J. Allen, b. Jan. 12, 1798; d. April 19, 1879; farmer at Harpswell Centre, Me.; m. (first), April 22, 1819, Hannah Hodgkins, b. June 3, 1797; d. March 9, 1855; m. (second), Nov., 1855, Mrs. Thankful (Johnson) Crawford, b. 1819; resides Brunswick, Me. (5) Five children of the first marriagt\ (5) Three children of the second marriage. (See page 25 of this chapter. ) (4) Elisha Allen, Jr., i>. April 12, 1800; d. Aug. 25, 1883; m. (first), Ann:i Mcrryman. b. Harpswell, Me., Nov. 11. 1810; d. Jan. 21, 1851; daughter of Waller Merryman and Isabella Alexander. (5) Jane E. Allen, m. Isaac Clark; George Elwood Alien, m. Carrie Smith of Wilton, Me.; Elmore I. Allen, m. Alice Merryman; Isabel M. Allen, m. Moses Bailey; Isaac Toothaker Allen, m. Hannah A. Snow; Betsy Allen, ^^^H^^U l^^l^^^^l Home of Capt. David Johnson, Bailey's Island. Maine. Built 1788. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 18 unm.; Mary Ann Allen, in. C;ipt. Jamos Dyor; Matilda Allen, in. .Jacob Henry Merryman; John M. Allen; Lu- cinda Allen, m. Charles B. Knapp. (4) Elizabeth Allen, b. Jan. 20, 1802; d. Dec. 11, 188S; ni.. Dec. 28, 1826, Ezekiel Alexander, Jr. (5) Margaret; Bethiah; Ezekiel. (4) Miriam Allen, b. Jan. 10, 1811; d. March 3, 1877; m., Dec. 25, 1S32, Charles Johnson, b. May 8, 1799; d. July, 1875. (See fnll records, chapter IV.) (4) Abigail Allen, h. April 20, 1816; m. Dec. 16, 1842. Moses Barnes. (5) Children: Elizabeth Barnes, b. Feb. 25. 1843; Francis Henry, b. Oct. 30, 1844; George Emery Barnes, b. Dec. 7, 1846; Albert S. Barnes, b. Jan., 1849; John B. Barnes, b. July 25, 1851. (Full records in Barnes genealogy, by Rev. C. N. Sinnett.) . (4) Huldah Allen, b. April 7, 1819; d. Jan. 20, 1839. (3) Capt. David Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Dec. 15, 1780; d. April 15, 1854 (June 20, 1840, says another record). He always lived in the home which he built on Bailey's Island, 1788, a picture of which is here i^iven. He was a very suc- cessful fisherman and a man of very energetic character. He owned the schooners Pilgrim and Traveller, of twenty tims. These were "pinque-storned" vessels. He bought at Glouces- ter, Mass., the Henri/, square-sterned. He had built at Gloucester, Mass., the Armorial, named for his second wife, a schooner of forty tons. His son, Jonathan Johnson, made several trips in her to the Bay of Fundy. David Johnson was captain of a large company of soldiers in Harpswell in the War of 1812; dates of service, June 20-25 and September 19-21, 1814. The tine training which he jiave this company has always been spoken of in the town, and in the historical records. En.slish warships, which had been a terror to that part of the Maine coast, were kept at bay; one boat load which attempted to land on Bailey's Island and secure sheep and provisions being quickly driven to their ship. The names of tlie over sixty men in this company was secured from the treasury department at Washinsiton, D. C, and shows that it was made up of the members of the stur- diest families in Harpswell. Me., Peleg Curtis being lieuten- ant; David Curtis, ensign. This company is said to have Ix'cn primarily organized for the protection of Bath, Me., and a full list' of the soldiers is herewith given, as showinir the true patriotism of Harpswell, Me., and the fine leadership of Capt David Johnson, whose old sword has long been pre- served in the home of Capt. Elisha Johnson at Bailey's Is- land, Me. The farm of Capt. David Johnson was divided be- tween his sons, Capt. Ephraiui and Capt. Elisha John.^on. The company of Capt. David Jobnsim of Bailey's Island, Harpswell, Me., 1814; June 20-25 and September 19-21: Captain, David Johnson. Lieutenant, Peleg Curtis. Ensign, David Curtis. Sergeant, James Merryman, 4th. Sergeant, Benjamin Randall. 14 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Sergeant, Isaac Sylvester. Sergeant, James S. Wier. Corporal, Ebenezer Curtis. Corporal, Thomas Merrynian. Corporal, John Reed, Jr. Corporal, Simeon Orr. Drumuiei", James Dunning. Fifer, B. Jacob Merrymau. Fifer, Fryeholt Esthmian. Privates, Hugh Alexander, Isaac Alexander, Joseph Alex- ander, Ephraim Allen, Jr., Rol)ert Barstow, William Bar- stow, Courtney Bibber, John Blake (waiter), William Bias- land, Daniel Booker, Jr., David Clark, Paul Clark (waiter), James Curtis, John Curtis, Paul Curtis, Simeon Curtis, George Douglass, William Douglass, James Ewing, Jr., John Swing, Winthrop Farrin, Robert Gardner, John Hersey, Benja- min Hodgkins, John M. Ingalls, William Jordan, Silas Kemp, Samuel Matthews, Benjamin Merrynian, James Mer- rymau, 3d, John Merrynian, Michael Merrynian, Jr., Samuel Merrymnn, Waitstill Mei'ryuian, William Merrynian, David Orr, David Perry, Richard Piiikham, William Reed, Hugh Sinnett, Samuel Skolfield, William H. Stevens, Daniel Stover, David Stover, John Stover, Joseph Stover, Joshua Stover, Paul Stover, Theophilus Stover, John Sylvester, William Syl- vester, Jesse Thomas, David Toothaker, Levi Totman, Charles Webber, John Wheeler, Simeon Wheeler, John Wilson. M. (first), Dec. 24, 1803, Abigail Allen, who d. July 2, 1826; daughter of Ephraim Allen and Abigail; grand- daughter of Elisha Allen and Elizabeth Toothaker; m. (sec- ond), April 19, 1827, Armorill Lowell of Phippsburg, Me. Children of the first marriage: (4) Miriam Johnson, b. Feb. 23, 1802; d. in childhood. (4) Jonathan Johnson, b. Feb. 7, 1804; buried at Portland, Me. Successful fisherman to Bay of Fundy, etc. The house which he built on Bailey's Island in the summer of 1841 is still standing, and is now occupied by Mrs. Alvira J. Leeman. He lived nearly all of his life on Bailey's Is- land, Me. M. Martha Wyman, who was born at Phippsburg, Me., and d. at the Old Ladies' Home at Portland, Me. (5) Octavia Johnson, b. Oct. 2, 1833; d. at Portland, Me.; unm. (5) Zemira Johnson, b. July 3, 1840; d. Portland, Me.; unm. (4) Miriam Johnson, b. Dec. 2, 1805; d. Dec. 20, 1869; m. as his second wife, Capt. Jonathan Roduck Johnson, b. Bai- ley's Island, Me., Dec. 15, 1796; d. May 26, 1876. (Full records of children, etc., chapter II.) (4) Rebecca Johnson, b. Dec. 2, 1S07; m. Richard Lowell of Cape Small Point, Me. (5) Mrs. Emma Lane, resides 7 Willis Street, Oakdale, Deering, Me. (4) Thankful John.son, b. Jan. 9. 1809; m., Dec. 6. 1832, as his second wife, Stephen Sinnett, b. Orr's Island, Me., Sept. 7, 1811; d. May 1, 1893 (82). (5) Abigail Johnson Sinnett, b. 1834; d. July 19, 1881, Capt, Ephraim Johnson, at 90 years. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 15 (47y 7m.); m. (first), Dec. 26. 1854, Geoi-e H Fan- no children; m. (second), Nov. 25, 1860, John H. Frve ' (6) Thanktul Frye, d. July 6, 1864 (ly., Cm ) (6) Willard S. Frye; resides South Portland Me (6) Aulena Frye, married. (4) Judah .Ichnsoii, l). Jan. 2, 1812; d. 1832 (20v)- unm (See photograph.) " (4) Capt. Ephraim Johnson, h. July 6, 1814; d. Orr's Island Me., June 1, 1905. Resided many years on lUuhn's Island' Me., where he was captain of quite a number "of fishing schooners and lobster smacks, the Matilda. Storm Kina etc. He and his brother, Elisha, owni^d the Vine of fiftv- five tons. He and Capt. Abner J(.hnson bought the Emblem, at New London, Conn.; m., Nov. 27, 1836 Martha Orr, b. Orr's Island, Me., June 6, 1817; d April '7' 1889- daughter of David Orr and Joanna Toothaker. (See gen- ealogy of Orrs and Toothakers, by Rev. Charles N Sinnett ) (5) Children that died in youth. (5) Lorando Johnson, d. Jan. 16, 1848 (7d.). (5) Arthur M. Johnson, d. July 9, 1847 (3y., 7m ) (5) Oliver N. Johnson, d. June 28, 1843 (iy., 6m ) (5) David Johnson, d. March 1, 1846 (9m.). (5) George Riley Johnson, b. Feb. 13, 1848; resides West Harpswell, Me.; captain of lobster smacks and fishin- vessels for many years; m. (first), Hannah W. Curit b'' Great Chebeague Island, Me.; daughter of Stephen Curit and Clarissa Littlefield; m. (second), March 24, 1874 Georgia Anna Pinkham, b. Harpswell, Me., Aug. 16*, 1852 •' studied in the district schools; daughter of Eii)ridge Gerry Pinkham and Pamelia N. Brown of Freeport M^e (See Pinkham genealogy, by Rev. C. N. Sinnett ) Children of first marriage: (6) Eugene Willis Johnson; b. Nov. 15, 1860; m. (fir.st) Nettie Franklin; m. (second), Ella F. Bowker. (7) Birdwell Edward Johnson, b. Jan. 25, 1900. (6) Laura Hattie Johnson, b. March 7, 1863; resides 1753 West 36th Street, Los Angeles, Cal.; m., Nov. 27, 1880, James McKean Holbrook, b. East Harpswell' Me., Sept. 8, 1858; blacksmith; son of Abizer Holbrook and Mariam Ellen Jordan. (7) Grace Gertrude Holbrook, b. April 14 1882- d Sept. 15, 1882. (7) George Stanwood Holbrook, b. April 26, 1887. (7) Ralph Eugene Holbrook, b. Aug. 2, 1892. Children of second marriage: (6) George Ellwood Johnson, b. April 26, 1876. (6) Ernest Chester Johnson, b. Jan. 12, 1880; d Juiv !'> 1880. ■ • "' (6) Annie Barker John.son, b. Nov. 9, 1882; d Nov 4 1883. ■ ' (6) Annie Lillian Johnson, b. Jan. 14, 1885; studied in the Harpswell (Me.) schools and in the Maine Wesleyan Seminary; resides Mt. Vernon. Me.; m., Nov. 23, 1904, Wesley Mason Brown, b. Vienna, Me.! Sept. 10, 1884; painter; son of Jethro Brown and Es- telle Belle Gordon. 16 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. * (5 J Harriet Patience Johuson, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Jan. 2, 1S42; resides Orr's Island, Me.; m., Jan. 6, 1864, Charles Johnson Perkins, b. Topsham, Me.. March 18, 1836; carpenter; son of Jabez Perkins and Nancy Pray. (6) Martha Aulenah Perkins, b. Orr's Island, Me., June 2, 1865; resides Bloomfield, Vt.; m., Oct. 18, 1883, Lar- nard Moore Titus, b. Bloomfield, Vt.; deceased. (7) Olive Sarah Titus, b. May 28, 1891. (7) Hattie Wanita Titus, b. June 23, 1896. (6) Charlie Ellsworth Perkins, b. Orr's Island, Me., Dec. 6, 1875; resides Orr's Island, Me.; fisherman: m. Susie E. Nickerson. (7) Victor E. Perkins. (5) Ephraim Johnson, Jr., b. Feb. 2, 1850; d. April 5, 1882 (33y.); m., Nov. 26, 1868, Lydia Jane Sinnett, b. Orr's Is- land, Me., April 20, 1849; daughter of Michael S. and Betsy Totman. (6) Beulah Smullen Johnson, b. Dee. 21. 1871; resides South Portland, Me. (5) Martha Olive Johnson, b. May 9, 1852; d. July 18, 1894; resided Orr's Island, Me.; m., Feb. 1, 1853, Capt. Edward Bertrand Alexander, b. Oi-r's Island, Me., March 15, 1846; son of Arthur Alexander and Deborah Pennell; no children. (See Alexander genealogy, by Rev. C. N. Sinnett. ) (4) Capt. Elisha Allen Johnson, b. June 20, 1817; d. Nov. 9, 1901 (83y., 9m.); always resided at Bailey's Island, Me.; his part of his father's estate was thirty-two acres; he occupied his father's house; lie was the very successful cap- tain of several fishing vessels to the Bay of Fundy, etc.: the Vine, of fifty-five tons; Garland, Fairplay. Georgia, etc.; m., July 13, 1839, Almira Sprague, b. Small Point, Me., May 11, 1816; d. April 28, 1891 (75y.). She was the daughter of Jethro Sprague" of Small Point, Me., who m. Nancy Malcolm of Bath, Me.; she was of the seventh gen- eration from the Ancestor Francis Sprague', who came to Plymouth, Mass., on the ship Ann. 1623; his only son, John Sprague=, d. in Duxbury, Mass., 1676: he m., 1655, Ruth Bassett (daughter of William Bassett, who came to Ply- mouth, Mass., in the spip Fortune in 1621); William Sprague's son, William Sprague=, d. 1712; Jethro Sprague', b. Nov. 30, 1709, came to Georgetown, Me., 1761; m.. Dec. 12, 1738, Patience Bartlett, who d. May, 1741. (Her Bart- lett line is Robert Bartlett', who m. May Warren, daughter of Richard Warren, who came in the Mayflower; Benja- min Bartlett^, who m. Sarah Brewster, daughter of Elder Brewster of the Mayflower: Samuel Bartlett'; Joseph Bart- lett*; Patience Bartlett\) (5) William Sprague, b. Nov. 9, 1740; d. May 25, 1829: al- ways lived at Small Point, Me.; lieutenant, Feb. 1. 1766. of the Fourth Com])any. under Col. Samuel McColtb: in Revolutionary War and 1812 W.\r: m.. March 2, 1763, Mrs. Mirriam (Day) Blelbcn. (6) Jethro Si)r.iguc. Capt. Elisha A, Johnson, age 81 years. ■ JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 17 IX .\lK\IOHY OK AIM- AI-.MIKA .lOllNSD.V. The fir.st spring llowers were blooming on our isijind. The grass was growing on the warm hillside; All nature spoke of life and resurrection WTien this dear mother died. The noisy winds had all been hushed to silence. And hardly murmured then the rising tide; All nature spoke of peace the Savior promised When this dear mother died. The busy hands and tongues of men were silent, The sounds of toil did everywhere subside; All nature spoke of rest, eternal resting. When this dear mother died. Darkness had settled o'er our little island. And scarce a light was anywhere descried; But all the stars told of a h(>avenly i)rightness When this dear mother died. And three white stars shone out almost together That placid evening, moving side by side. And made us think of the three angel children Watching while their mother died. The arms of Christ did long ago enfold them. And He whose love doth evermore abide Kept the living children near where they might comfort Their mother as she died. Oh. husband, bowed beneath your sorrow. Oh, children though your tears you may not hide, Think of these signs of precious, holy helping The night that mother died. Of life, peace, rest, and brightness never clouded, All nature spoke, and then you had beside God's Holy Word with promises so many When your dear mother died. Pain had been hers, but never had she murnnired; In suffering she had not moaned or sighed; That strength sublime comes only by God's helping. And peacefully she died. Oh. may the Savior's love and blessed presence Go with you all, and e'er with you abide; Pray to Him, trust Him, strive to meet the mother Who loved you always — loved you when she died. ClIAI!U;s N. SlNXKTT. Bailey's Island, Mk.. April 28, 1891. 18 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Children of Elisha Johnson and Almira Sprague: (5) Elvira Jane Johnson, b. Nov. 10, 1840; always resided at Bailey's Island, Me.; m., May 18, 1862, Thomas Lee- nian, b. Georgetown, Me., Dec. 28, 1835; d. June 29, 1895 (60y.). When he was sixteen years old he went to work in a sawmill at Winnegance, Me., taking charge of a saw; when he was twenty-one years old he went to work for Scott Morse of Bath, Me., in a steam sawmill, and re- mained there several years; Sept. 29, 1862, he enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Maine Regiment and was mustered out July 10, 1863; after that he was a fisherman at Bai- ley's Island, Me.; the son of Samuel Leemau and Carrie Amanda Small. (6) Thomas Ira Leeman, b. Oct. 3, 1862; resides Bailey's Island, Me.; carpenter; ni. Evelyn R. Parr, b. Harps- well Neck, Me., Nov. 5, 1873; daughter of Jacob B. Farr and Miriam C. Stover. (7) Miriam Jane Leeman, b. Sept. 24, 1898. (7) Beatrice Ella Leeman, b. Aug. 23, 1899. (7) Cora Egretta Leeman, b. July 7, 1901. (7) Daniel Doughty Leeman, b. July 11, 1903. (6) Willie Ralmond Leeman, b. June 2, 1865; d. 1883. (6) Capt. Orrln Vickery Leeman, b. Oct. 27, 1867; re- sides Bailey's Island, Me.; captain of fishing vessels; m., April 14, 1893, Ella Bates, b. Bailey's Island, Me., May 25, 1876; daughter of A. E. N. Bates and Mary F. (Si'nnett) Toothaker. (7) Edwin Bates Leeman, b. Oct. 27, 1894. (7) Sumner Vickery Leeman, b. May 26, 1896. (6) Elisha S. Leeman, b. April 18, 1870; resides Bailey's Island, Me.; m., Dec. 5, 1889, Bessie Ella Powell, b. Candy's Harbor, Me., Oct. 10, 1872; daughter of Will- / iam Thomas Powell and Esther Olevia Catlin. (7) Willie E. Leeman, b. Nov. IS, 1890. (7) Sanford L. Leeman, b. April 2, 1895; d. July 20, 1896. (7) Hattie Evelyn Leeman, b. March 28, 1898. *« (7) Harold Munsey Leeman, b. Sept. 7, 1901. (6) George F. Leeman, b. Sept. 2, 1862; fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me.; ni., Aug. 6, 1S9S. Mary E. John- son, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Feb. 19, 1881; daughter of Charles Edward Johnson and Arvilla W. Prout. (Full records of clilldrcu, chapter II.) (6) Charles B. Leeman, b. Sept. 6, 1874; carpenter at Bailey's Island, Me.; m., July 15, 1896, Lida E. Lord, b. Bath, Mo., July 22, 1877; daughter of Charles Thomas Lord and Susan Jane Talbot. (7) Alton Burton Leeman, b. Oct. 16, 1897. (7) Sadie Elvira Leeman, b. March 10, 1901. (7) Winnifred May Leeman, b. April 26, 1903. (7) Lida Ellena Leeman, b. Oct. 23, 1904. (6) Scott Morse Leeman, b. Feb. 15, 1877; resides Bai- ley's Island, Mo.; fisherman. (6) Almira May Leeman, b. Sept. 2, 1881; fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me.; m. James A. Perry, b. Shelburne, JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 19 Nova Scotia. .June 2, 1873; sou of George D. Perry and Cordelia . (7) George F. Perry, b. Nov. 27, 1899; d. Dec. 10, 1899. (7) Edna Bessie Perry, b. Oct. IG, 1903. (5) Francis A. Johnson, d. Oct. 10, 1843 (26y.). (5) James Ira Johnson, b. Nov. 8, 1843; resides 91 Oxford Street, Portland, Me.; m., Nov. 6. 1868, Elizabetli Arvilla Sinnett, b. Orr's Island, Me., July 14 1853; d. Sept. IG, 1905; daughter of Michael Sinnett and Betsy Totman. Enlisted in Twenty-fifth Maine Retiinient, Sept. 29, 18G2; mustered out July 10, ISGo. (See Sinnett genealogy, by Rev. Charles N. Sinnett.) (6) Flora Belle J(dinson, b. Fel». 5, 1870. (6) Addie May Johnson, b. June 4, 1872; m., Dec. 24, 1895, Charles Annis. (7) Grace O. Annis. b. June 5, 1897. (6) Arthur LeForest Johnson, b. Aug. 19, 1874; ni.. May 7, 1895, Bessie Falkner. (7) James E. Johnson, b. May 11, 189G. (6) Grace Louise Johnson, 1). Feb. 17, 1877; resides 448 West Broadway, South Portland, Me.; m., Nov. 12, 1902, Ernest Miller Wiley, b. Brooklvn. N. Y., Mav 2, 1878; clerk. (7) Mildred Loring Wiley, b. April 6, 1904. ' (G) Bessie Jane Johnson, b. Feb. 24, 1881; resides 448 West Broadway, South Portland, Me.: m., Sept. 22, 1903, Walter Loring Hatch, b. Portland, Me., Sept. 23, 1878; d. Oct. 25, 1903; printer. (6) Helen Arrilla .Johnson, 1). Sept. 26, 1893. (5) Deborah Oit Johnson, b. Aug. 13, 1845; resides Cun. Feb. 9, 1903. (7) Blanche Gustina Johnson, b. Felt. 8, 1905. (6) Florence Mary Elden Johnson, b. Sept. 27, 1888. (6) Gladys Leona Johnson, b. Oct. 26, 1894. (5) Martha E. Johnsim. b. 1849; d. 1851. (5) Elizabeth Ann Johnson, b. March 10, 1852: resides Bailey's Island: m., May 31, 1870, George Hugh Johnson; son of Capt. Jonathan R. Johnson. (Full records, page 62. chajtter II.) (5) George Albion Johnson, b. March 10, 1852; resides Bai- ley's Island, Me.; fisherman; m. (first), Dec. 23, 1875, Mary Jane Sinnett, b. May 1, 1860; d. Feb. 23, 1876; daughter of Capt. William Henry Sinnett and Joanna Thompson; m. (second), April 12. 1896, Mrs. Elizabeth (Bibber) Johnson, b. Haskell's Island, Me., June 1, 1855: daughter of John Bibber and Martha Toothaker; widow of Calvin Johnson. (6) Teresa M. Johnson, b. Feb. 16, 1897. (5) Mary Celia Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me.. Sept. 20, 1885; resides Bailey's Island, Me.; m. Steven Waterman Doughty, b. Great Chebeague Island, Me., Sept. 27. 1849: fisherman; son of Job Doughty and Lucretia Ann Brown. (6) Sinnett Orr Doughty, b. Jan. 10, 1878; resides Orr's Island, Me.; fisherman; ni., Oct. 27, 1902, Sadie Talbot Lord, b. Phippsburgh, Me., April 20, 1881; son of Charles P. Lord and Susan Talbot. (7) Margery Ella Doughty, b. Aug. 30, 1903. (6) Frank Waterman Doughty, b. May 26 (1880): re- sides Bailey's Island, Me.; captain fishing sclu)oncr Albert WiUard; m. Nina Belle Sinnett, b. April IS, 1887; daughter of Everett Sinnett and Fanny Bibber. (7) Florence Sylvia Doughty, b. April 24, 1906. (6) Lizzie Eltena Doughty, b. Nov. 13, 1882: resides Bailey's Island. Me.; m., Sept. 15, 1902, Herman Little- john York, b. Orr's Island, Me., Jan. 7, 188:!: fisher- man; son of Jeremiah Gushing York and Arabella Huff. (7) Celia Arabelle York, b. April 23, 1904. (7) Agnes Lucretia York, b. Oct. 30, 1905. (6) Lulie Lucretia Doughty, b. March 14, 1886: resides Bailey's Island, Me. (6) James Ellsworth Doughty, b. Sept. 24, 1892. (6) Beatrice Winnifred Doughty, b. Aug. 26, 1900. (5) Capt. Herbert Francis Johnson, b. Jan. 10, 1859: a very successful captain of fishing vessels: Marii H. Lewis, in 1884; Little Nell: Martha D. MeLeUaii : in Feb., 1891, bought the schooner Amy Wixoii. and was captain of her for five years; resides Bailey's Island, Me.; m., Dec. 4, 1886, Emma Lecma Bibber, b. Harpswell. Me.. Dec. 28, 1863; studied in South Harpswell iMe.) 22 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. schools; daughter of William Stockbridge^ and Martha- Ann Preble. (5) Granville Curtis Johnson (adopted son of Capt. Elisha Johnson), b. Bailey's Island, Me., April 5, 1874; resides Orr's Island, Me.; captain of fishing schooner Albert W. Black, and a very industrious young man; m., Aug. 12, 1895, Addie Smullen Green, b. Orr's Island, Me., April 3, 1879; daughter of Elijah Kellogg Green and Sarah Jane Doughty. (G) Harry Edward Johnson, b. June 6, 1896. (6) Mary Jane Johnson, b. Jan. 24, 1898. (6) Albert Granville Johnson, b. Jan. 28, 1901. (4) Mercy Johnson, d. 1864; m. John Black, Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1827; d. Feb. 7, 1848; son of John Black and Mary Good- hue. (5) Charles Black, b. Orr's Island, Me., Feb. 18, 1848; mar- iner; I'esides Gloucester, Mass; married. a: H: Ht Hf * (3) Huldah Johnson, b. Aug. 25, 1784; d. ; m., Aug. 24, 1817, William H. Stephens of Portland, Me., who lived on Bailey's Island, Me., and later at Durham, Me. (4) William Stevens, b. ; d. Orr's Island, Me., March 11, 1873; carpenter, and resided at Orr's Island, Me.; m., Dec. 24, 1846, Jane D. Orr, b. Orr's Island, Me., Sept. 20, 1825; d. June 25, 1885; daughter of Dea. William Orr and Frances Jack. (5) George Stevens, 1). Sept. 28, 1848; resides Orr's Island, Me.; fisherman; m. Mary E. Hackett, b. June 9, 1848. (6) Willie T. Stevens, b. Oct. 19, 1872; lighthouse keeper; m. Clara M. Dudley. (6) Rutus A. Stevens, b. Dec. 28, 1874; fisherman; m. Stella A. Lane. (6) Esther M. Stevens, b. June 30, 1878; m. Robert Singer; fisherman at Orr's Island, Me. (7) Isabelle E. Singer, b. Nov. 7, 1903. (6) Abbie F. Stevens, b. Sept. 22, 1880. (6) Ralph L. Stevens, b. Nov. 16, 1882; m. Annie Keeley; resides Orr's Island, Me.; steamboating. (7) Mary F. Stevens, b. April 7, 1904. (6) Oliver C. Stevens, b. Oct. 22. 1888; studied at Shaw's Business College, Portland, Me., 1905. (5) Oliver Stevens, b. Dec. 12, 1850; fisherman at Orr's Island, Me.; m. Deborah Ann Littlejohn, b. Orr's Island, Me., Dec. 27, 1857; daughter of Reuben Littlejohn and Mary Ann Sinnett. (6) Etta F. Stevens, b. July 4, 1875; resides Portland, Me. (6) Walter L. Stevens, I.. Feb. 15, 1877; m. Ida E. Bovce; fisherman at Orr's Island, Me. (7) Ruthie M. Stevens, b. March 2, 1904. (6) Jennie E. Stevens, b. Jan. 22, 1879. (G) Arthur R. Stevens, b. Dec. 12, 1880. (5) Albert H. Stevens, b. Jan. 10, 1852; d. Dec. 21, 1856. (5) Eliza Frances Stevens, b. Sept. 17, 1855; d. Sept. 8, 1856. Jotham Johnson, at 97 years. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 23 (5) Charles Edward Stevens, b. Nov. 28, 1858. (5) Mary E. Stevens, h. May 11, 1862; m., Auf;. 15, 1883, Irving E. Lowell, b. North Yarmouth, Me. (6) Agnes Lowell, b. about 1888. (5) Child, b. 1864; d. Jan. 18. 1865 (3ni.). (4) Miriam Stevens, b. Feb. 23, 1812. "Married Mr. Ste- vens." "She had a son who was a doctor at Augusta, Me." (4) Edward Stevens. (4) George Stevens; died young. (4) Huldah Stevens; probably lived in Lewiston, Me. "M. (first), Mr. Diel; m. (second), Otis Cole of Lewiston, Me.; she had a son who was killed in the Civil War." (William H. Stevens married second and "had daughters, Delana and Annie, I think, who lived up in the country.") ***** (3) Jotham Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Harpswell, Me., Sept. 20, 1784; d. Durham, Me., Dec. 15, 1886 (102-2-25). "Moved to Durham, Me., 1810; soldier in the 1812 War; farmer and fisherman; united with the Free Baptist Church at 53 years of age." M., 1809, Mehetable Hersey of Brunswick, Me., b. Harpswell, Me., 1788; d. Durham, Me., Feb. 28, 1879 (91); daughter of William Hersey and Mehetable Allen. (4) Hannah Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, 1810; d. 1890; died at the home of Mrs. L. H. Richardson, Brunswick, Me.; m., March, 1844, James Fuller and resided with her parents; the husband followed the sea; d. at St. George, Me. (5) James Herbert Fuller, b. April 23, 1848; d. June 29, 1856. (4) William Henry Johnson, b. March 13, 1812; d. Nov. 22, 1894 (82y., 9m.); m., Nov. 26, 1836, Hannah G. Collins, b. Jan. 12, 1800; d. Nov. 30, 1882 (82y., 10m., 18d.); daughter of John Collins and Hannah Dow. (5) Elizabeth M. Johnson, b. April 10, 1837; d. April 23, 1842 (5y., 13d.). (5) Dr. Eugene William Johnson, b. Freeport, Me., May 6, 1839; d. May 16, 1898. "Studied in the South Durham (Me.) schools, to which town his parents removed when he was a youth. Began the study of medicine in 1861; attended the Portland (Me.) School of Medical Instruc- tion; received his degree at the Maine Medical School, 1863. In September, 1863, enlisted as assistant surgeon of volunteers in the Civil War. After the war he prac- ticed medicine at Freeport, Me., and at New Haven, Conn. Moved to Brunswick, Me., 1872, and entered the drug store of Mr. Robert B. Molcher; later on purchased this business and successfully conducted it until his very sudden death from paralysis. He was a member of the Dunlap Commandery, Knights Templar, of Bath, Me. Doctor Johnson was honest, generous and patriotic. He never took advantage of anyone in the sli;:litest degree in all his business life. It was not an uncommon remark, "I would trust, him with money uncounted. He was a lover of good music, and earlier in life sang in a church choir. He was treasurer of the Masonic lodge. His generosity is remembered, as the trembling hand of want 24 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. was uever held out to him hi vain. His sympathy for animals was daily manifostod. He hated everything low and mean. During his funeral the business places of the town were closed." M., Sept. 7, 1875, Susie A. God- dard, b. East Farnham, Canada East, March 16, 1850; daughter of Reuben Goddard and Belinda K. ; resides Brunswick, Me. (6) Reuben W. Johnson, b. Brunswick, Me., July 2, 1883. (5) Horatio Sandford Johnson, b. May 8, 1844; resides on the old homestead, South Durham, Me. (4) Abner Johnson, b. July 13, 1814; d. July 24, 1897 (83); a very faithful member of the Baptist Church for over fifty years; always resided on Bailey's Island. Me.; fisher- man and farmer; m., Nov. IG, 1846, Caroline Alexander, b. Bailey's Island, Me., April 5. 1824; d. Oct. 14, 1865 (41); daughter of John Alexander and Lorana Farr. (See Alex- ander genealogy, l)y Rev. C. N. Siimett.) (5) Milly Frances Johnson, b. July 16, 1847; m. Aug. 25, 1872, James Alexander of Long Island, Me., who d. July 2, 1896; resides at Long Island, Me. (6) James Walter Alexander, b. July 23, 1873; fisher- man. (6) Royal F. Alexander, b. July 23, 1878; fisherman. (6) Fannie Alexander, b. April 16, 1881; m. Mr. Mitchell. (5) Millard Filmore Johnson, b. Jan. 12. 1849; d. Dec. 27, 1878 (30y. ); m., Nov. 29, 1877, Almira Gardiner, b. Bai- ley's Island. Me. March 20. 1862; dauglitcr of Ephraim Gardiner and Emily Doughty. (She m. [second], Or- lando Wallace.) (5) Adrianna Luetta Johnson. 1). Oct. 29, 1851; d. Nov. 11, 1887 (33). (5) Orlando Melville Johnscm, b. Dec. 24, 1874: d. Port- land, Me., Jan. 7. 1906. He resided at Portland. Me., for some years, and was a merchant there. "About two years before his death he sold out his business in the waiting room of the Harpswell, Me., Steamboat Co., and went to California, thinking that a change in the air would greatly benefit his health. But he was only slightly improved, and came home and died of tubercu- losis. He will be greatly missed by his many friends, who knew him to be a true, honest, upright man." M., Oct. 24, 1890, Annie C. Johnson; daughter of Jeremiah Johnson. (Page 27.) (5) Hiram Franklin Johnson, b. Feb. 29, 1858; resides Bai- ley's Island, Me.; m., Oct. 1, 1880, Cassandria Gardiner, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Dec. 1, 1866; daughter of Ephraim Gardiner and Emily Doughty. (6) Josie Ann .fohnson, I». June 14, 1884. (6) Alice Gertie Johnson, b. March 4, 1891. (6) Augustus Philip Johnson, b. Oct. 13, 1896. (6) Ernest Horatio Johnson, b. August 29, 1902. (6) Olin F. Johnson, b. Sept. 9, 1904. (5) Carrie Laura Johnson, b. Oct. 14, 1865; resides Bai- ley's Isl.md, Me.; ni., Oct. 29, 1887, Francis Fremont Bib- ber, b. South Harpswell. Me.. Sept. 16, 1856; fisherman; son of William Pole Bibber and Mary O. Preble. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 25 (6) Waitstill Douglass Bil)btM-, li. Jan. 24, 1SS9. (6) Lucy Octavia Bibber, b. Aiiir. 12, 1899. (4) Thankful Day .Johnson, b. Harpswoll. Mc, .July 25, 1S19: resides Brunswick, Ale.; studied in Durham (Me.) scheols; ra. (first), Dec. 22, 1842, Rev. Thomas Crawford, b. Ireland, Jan. 18, 1818; d. July 25, 1852 (34-7); taught school in Durham and Bangor, Me.; lived Bangor, Me., four or five years, workin.s; in a sawmill there; a very earnest Chris- tian throughout his very useful life; licensed or local peeacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church; son of George Crawford and Eliza Ann Lytle; m. (.second), Nov.. 1855, Abraham Allen, 2d., b. Harpswell. Me., Jan. 12 1798; d. April 19, 1879. Children of first marriage: (5) Octavia Becker Crawford, b. Nov. 5, 1843; d. Jan. 15. 1869; graduated from Brunswick (Me.) High School; m., Jan. 2, 1865, Capt. Angler Hyde Merriman, b. Harps- well Centre, Me., Feb. 5, 1839: now resides .-it Top.sham, Me. (6) Minnie Jane Merriman, b. Jan. 14, 18G6; resides Topsham, Me.; graduated from Topsham (Me.) High School; graduated from Central Maine General Hospi- tal, Lewiston. Me., March 19, 1902. (6) Thomas Olin Merriman, b. May 3, 1869; resides Poi'tland, Me.; gradutited from Topsham (Me) High School; clerk in a hardware store; m., June 28, 1899, Martha Louise McDonald, b. Portland, Me., Feb. 4. 1869; studied in Portland (Me.) schools; daughtei- of William Walter McDonald and Altbie Ann Whittier. (7) Eleanor Merriman, b. Aug. 30, 1900; d. Sept. 1, 1900. (5) Thomas Olin Crawford, b. Brunswick. Me., Nov. 6, 1845; resides Diamond, Alameda County, Cal. "For over 30 years engaged in educational work in California. For some years superintendent of schools for Alameda County, Cal. His popularity and success are attested by his recent re-election by a majority which had increased to more th.in fotir thousand as compared with one thou- sand at his first election, while not one other of his parly name succeeded, and only one on the ticket polled a larger vote. The supervisors of Alameda County have also chosen him to have charge of the educational exhibit at the St. Louis exposition and voted a liberal approi)riation for his use." M. (first), Lucy Stodsides New York City; dentist. (6) George Frank Allen, b.. 1894. (6) Vesta Thankful Allen, b. 1898. (4) Jeremiah Johnson, b. 1824; d. 1896; carpenter; lived JOHNSON GENEALOGY. '1 1 and died at Portland, Me.: home 411 Cumberland Street: m. Mary Mareeu. (5) Julian Elmer Johnson: married: no children. (5) Annie Coral Johnstm : resides 411 Cumberland Strei't. Portland. Me.: m. Orlando .M. Johnson of P.ailey's Island. Me. : no children. (5) Mehetable (Mattie B.) Johnson: m. Will Foster; children: (6) Frederick; (6) Annie. (5) Armine, d. 1904. (4) Armine Hinkley Johnson, b. Sept. 29, 182G: resides 33 Spring: Street, Gardiner, Me.; m., Jan. 14, 1846, Levi God- dard, b. Durham, Me., April 2, 1820; d. at Lisbon, Me., where he had always lived, Sept. 17, 1888; son of Abel Goddard and Sarah Sawyer of Lewiston, Me.; milkman. (5) Milton H. Goddard, b. April 30, 1847; resides Ashland, N. H. M. (5) Osric Goddard, .b. July 31, 1851: d. March 5, 1857. (5) Mittie Goddard, b. March 7, 1857; d. Feb. 22, 1858. (5) Edith Goddard, b. July 17, 1802; resides 33 Spring Street, Gardiner, Me.; m. (first), Jan. 22, 1880, Thomas C. Noble, Jr., of Augusta, Me.; b. 1845, d. 1889; m. (second), Oct. 14, 1890, Wallace Oakes Gould of Lewis- ton, Me.; b. Oct. 13, 1866. Child of first marriage: (6) Robert H. Noble, b. April 19, 1884; stenographer at Toronto, Canada. Child of second marriaiie: (6) Amy G. Gould, b. June 19, 1893. (5) John L. Goddard, b. Oct. 13, 1869; resides Lisbon Cen- ter, Me. M. (4) Iliram Ahvin Johnson, b. 1S30 : carpenter: resided Oak- land, Cal.; m., in Portland, Me., Bttie Avery Nichols. (5) Howard Johnson, b. Portland, Me.; resides Oakland, Cal. ***** (3) Aaron Johnson, b. Harpswell, Me., April 10, 1790; d. Dur- ham, Me., Oct. 17, 1853; followed the sea: his home was in Durham, Me., for many years; a man of noble character; m., Nov. 30, 1815, Martha Lamb. b. June 4, 1792; d. Freeport, Me., Aug. 16, 1875; daughter of Richiird Lamb of Buxton, Me., and of Miss Freeman. (4) Richard Lamb Johnson, b. June 19, 1817; d. Nov. 18, 1 00-7 (4) Phoebe F. Johnson, b. April 20, 1819; resides Brunswick, Me.; m., Oct. 17. 1849, William B. Davis. 2d. b. July IS. 1817; deceased; son of William Davis and Lydia Batchel- der. (5) George W. Davis, b. Aug. 12, 1850; m.. Nov. 29, 1882. Ida J. Noyes, b. May, 1856; daniihtcM- of Gibbs Noyes and Esther Warren. (6) Julian T. Davis, b. July 21, 1883. (6) Esther P. Davis, b. Oct. 30, 1893. (5) Elizabeth E. Davis, b. July 18, 1854; resides 23 Mdl St.. Revere. Mass. (5) Wesley Davis, b. Aug. 2. 1857; d. Aug., 1859. 28 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (4) Edmund Lamb Johnson, I). Jan. 7, 1822; d. May 16, 1875: carpenter; m. Rosetta Nason, who d. at Portland, Me., July, 1853; no children. (4) Charlotte Lamb Johnson, b. March 12, 1824; resides Brunswick. Me., since 1874 : m.. Oct. 11, 1843, Sewall Cox. b. Feb. 23. 1822 ; d. June 3. 1887 : son of Nathaniel Cox and Marcia Cox : shoemaker ; Bowdoin, ^le., schools. (5) Richard Henry Cox, b. Oct. 9, 1844; resides Freeport, Me.; studied in Brunswick, Me., schools; farmer; m. (first). May 28, 1868, Mary Irena Ward, b. Jan. 14, 1843; d. Aug. 26, 1898; studied in schools of Freeport, Me.; daujrhter of Xehemiah Ward and Ruth Barton Brown. both of Freeport, Me.; m. (second), March 25, 1903, Alice Bethiah Josselyn, daughter of Nathaniel Josselyn and Bethiah Lambert of Freeport, Me.; b. Aug. 14, 1846. Children of first wife: (6) Lillian Louise Cox, b. Jan. 22, 1871; d. March 19, 1877. (6) Bertha May Cox. b. June 13. 1878: d. Jan. 27. 1899. (5) Melissa Ellen Cox, b. Dec. 14, 1849; graduated from Brunswick, Me., schools, Feb., 1869; always resided at 7 Pleasant St., Brunswick, Me.; in the village since 1884: m., Oct. 12, 1872, Reuben Whitney, b. Norridgewock, Me., Nov. 20, 1831; d. May 1, 1892; boot and shoe maker; son of Reuben Whitney and Lucy Chandler; the father d. in Norridgewock, Me.. 1838, and the mother in Lewiston, Me., 1868. (6) Charlotte May Whitney, b. Feb. 12, 1876; gi-aduated from Brunswick (Me.) High School, June, 1898; from Farmington (Me.) State Normal School, June, 1903: has since taught in several Maine and Massachusetts towns; now teaching in Stratton, Me. (6) Susie Belle Whitney, b. Dec. 16, 1880; telegraph op- erator, lis Bedford St.. Boston, Mass.; studied in the Brunswick, Me., schools; studied telegraphy in the Business College of South Framingham, Mass., grad- uating in June, 1903. (5) Leslie E. Cox, b. May 11, 1858: m., March 20, 1880, Ada Denison; resides Freeport, Me. (6) Chester G. Cox, b. Jan. 5, 1881: Herbert W. Cox, b. Feb. 26, 1882; Mildred E. Cox, b. May 20, 1887; Agnes S. Cox, b. April 21, 1891. (5) Emeline Edith Cox, b. Jan. 5, 1865; resides Lisbon Falls, Me.; m., Nov. 28, 1900, Amasa Alonzo Lyon, b. I'.-irkman. Me., Nov. 13, 1861: studied in st-liools of Park- man. Me. : farmer ; sou of Kufus Ly(m of New Gloucester. Me., and Cliloe C. Stevens of Strong, Me. ((■>) Edna Florence Lyon, b. Oct. 27, 1902: Edith Ellen Lyon, b. Oct. 16, 1904. (-1) George F. Johnson, b. Sept. 15. 1826; d. Aug. 10, 1900; carpenter at Brockton, Mass. (5) Frank A. Johnson, resides .Ionian Ave., Brunswick, Me. (4) Martha L:imb Johnson, b. Durham. .Me.. Feb. 26, 1829: d. Sept. 24, 1882;m. Oct. 5, 1861, in Durham, Me., Frederick JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 0[^ Inesou. b. Bately Yorkshire. Kuj^land. 183:. : .1. .Inn,. 1!. merchaX * ^"^''"' '"'" ^^"^''' ""^P^^": ^^^l' (5) Stella Lena Inesou h. Bath, Me.. April 22. 18G"- re- I'sir wn •'""''^•t^'*= 'i^ ^' ^""^" Free„„rt. Me.. I ./.c. 5. ifl-J'j r , V ^t^^^^i-^1; son of John Harve.v an. I'ersis J. Gocklard. ^^30.^^7^'' ^'''^''' Harvey, b. South Freeport, Me.. June (5) John Wesley Ineson, b. Bath. Me., Nov. 10 1863- in g()venimeut employ; ni. at South Freeport, Dec 24 189-> Henrietta Hamlin Illsley, b. Portland, Me., March 25 ISO:? She graduated Hallowell (Me.) Classical School 'l88l- daughter of Horatio Illsley and Ellen Maria Webster (6) Ellen Webster Ineson, b. May 28, 1895 (6) Frederica Ilsley Ineson, b. May 28, 1900. (6) John Ilsley Ineson. b. April, 1901: d. Mjiy 4 1901 ^^^o-?!®^- ^'"^- ^o'J'^^t Ineson, b. Lawrence, Mass..' Oct "it; 1865; Methodist Episcopal clergyman at Littleton N H ' m. Nov. 19, 1889, Alice Hill, b. Northwoo.l N H Dec' 26, 1861; graduated Coe's Academy, 1879; daughter of Ivory B. Hill and Eliza A. Fog.ir; no children. (4) Jonathan Frasier Johnson, b. Durham, Me.. June 28 1831; studied in Durham, Me., schools; resides Brunswick' Me.; carpenter; m.. May 4, 1801, Martha Jane Howes h Brunswick, Me., Sept. 1. 1839; she studied in Brunswick' Me., schools; daughter of Gershom House and Jane Dun- lap of Bowdoin, Me.; p.-irents always resided in Bruns- wick, Me. (5) Luella Johnson, b. April 3, 1865; d. Jan. 3, 1866 (5) Cora May Johnson, b. May 31, 1868; .studied in the Brunswick, Me., schools; resides Brunswick Me • m June 13, 1900, Charles H. Cony, b. July ll'lSGs"-' nia'-* chinist. (6) Edna May Cony, b. May 8, 1901; Herbert Chamber- lain Cony. b. Dec. 3, 1902; Martha Bell Cony, b. Dec. 11, 1904. (4) Henry Coffin Johnson, b. Durham, Me., Jan. 15, 1834- re- sides 66 Winter St., Auburn, Me.; studied in Durham, Me town schools; moved to Auburn, Me., in fall of 1873 •' car- penter; m.. Oct. 15, 1856, Louisa Douglass, b. Lisbon! Me Sept. 1, 1835; daughter of Rev. William Booker Douglas.s and Mary Duran. (5) Nellie Maria Johnson, b. .Tan. 26. 1859; resides Summer St.. Auburn, Me.; m., June 29, 1878, .John Leonard Dra- per, 1). Oldtown, Me., April 1. 1860; studied in Oldtown. Me., schools; shoemaker; son of Willi.-im J. Draper and Aurilla Finson Oakes. (6) M.-ibelle Louise Draper, b. Jan. 10, 1880; studied in Auburn, Me., schools; m., May 28, 1898, Fred Ernest Butterfield. (7) Beryl B«M-nice Butterfield. b. Sept. 22, 1904. (6) Lillian Finson Draper, b. Nov. 26, 1887; d. Jan. 26, 1888. ) JOHNSON GENEALOGY, (5) Frederick Henry Johnson, b. Durham, Me., June 17, 1868; resides 190 Gamage Ave., Auburn, Me.; book- keeper; m., Dec. 21, 1889, Neva ArabeUa Rich, b. Oxford, Me., July 8, 1872; studied in schools of Auburn, Me.; daughter of Mollis Moore Rich and Melissa Jane Brown. (6) Bernard Stanley Johnson, b. July 23, 1895; Edna Louise Johnson, b. Nov. 18. 1898. ^ ^ ^ H: ^ (3) Barstow Johnson, b. May 7, 1792; lost on the privateer Dash, 1812; single. ***** (3) Jonathan Johnson, Jr., b. Feb. 2.5, 1797; d. Jan. 24, 1803. ^^ierj)-- wm,^ ^j\^f,' IV < ,.. mm)'>y'>''^'' Home of David Johnson, Bailey Island, Me, Built in 1703. VKr,lMA CHAPTER II. (2) David Johnson, b. Ilariiswell, Me.. Nov. 28. 1755; d. I'.aile.v's Island, Me., July 18, 1839 (72.v.). Buried with his wife and others of the family on Bailey's Island. Me.; ni.. Oct. 25. 1781. Jane Koduclv. b. Ilarpsewll Xerk. .Me.. June 24, 1761; d. Sept. 19, 1832, iu her 72d year. She was the daughter of Lieut. John Roduck, who came from Boston. Mass.. at quite an early date ; he was a college-bred man of great ability and was one of the selectmen of Harpswell. Me., for several years. He is said to have come to Boston. Mass., from (Jlasgow. Scotland, and to have been of a very strong old family. His title, lieutenant, was won in the French and Indian wars. Lieut. Jolm Roduck married in Harpswell, Me., in 1750. INIary Webiier. the d.-iughter of Waitstill Webber and Meribah Ilutcliins. The Roduck family was considered one of the best in Ilariiswell. though it lias non- become so small that but few in tlie country bear the family name. But many of the strong family ch.nracteristics can be found in the descendants of the female lines of the Roducks. Many of the descendants of David Johnson and Jane Roduck were very proud of their Roduck ancestry. liabies wore often carefully scanned to see if they had "the broad thumb-nails like Lieutenant Roduck." If they had inherited these distinc- tive marks a prosperous future was predictetl for tliem. Jane Roduck Johnson was a quiet, loving woman, whose i)raise was in the hearts of all who knew her. Her home was the f.ivorite visiting place for neighbors near and far. After his marriage David Johnson lived awhile at St. George, Me., and then on Hope Island, in Casco Bay. He moved to Bailey's Island in the spring of 1800. The remaining years Avere spent in the old house of which a picture is herewith given. This house is the oldest on Bailey's Island, and one of the oldest in Harpswell. Me. It was built by Tommy Merry- man, who married Sarah Bailey, daughter of Deacon Timothy Bailey, from wliom the island received its name. As Tonnuy IMerryman built the house soon after his marri.Mge on March 26. 1763. its age is quite clear. The rooms were plastered with lime made from mussel shells, which were burned after being brought from Pond Island. David .Tohnson w;is a very successful m;in. and he owned a large jiart of Bailey's Island, with the exception of the Gardiner farm at the north end of the island. His land ran from the west to the east shore of the island, including what was known as Sand Cove Point, where his son. Jose|iii. built his house. It ran south beyond the limits of the C.-ipt. James Sinnett farm. From this that farm was taken, as well as the Jesse I'homas lot. the lot of Perry Alexandei", of Jonathan .Johnson, now owned b.v the Leeni.-ins. and many otiiers. Run- ning east from the cemetery is tlie undividinl lot wiiicli ix'Iongctl to my grandmother, Mary Johnson Sinnett. Lowell's ("ove 32 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Point, on which for years Capt. James Sinuett carried on such a large fish-clrying business, belonged to David Johnson. He said one day to liis grandsons. David and Hugh Sinnett : "That place will be worth lots of money some day. 1 want you two to have it. Can you work some for it?" Two heads were (luickly nodded in assent. Then the lads fished and dug clams with vigor, and the place became theirs for the sum of fifty dollars, which they had earned. They gave it to their father for the fish-drying business. This incident is given to show how David Johnson strove in all ways to foster industry in his family and among his neighbors. But he was always very gen- erous, though the gifts were made in such a quiet way that not many knew of them. He donated the land for the cemetery- on Bailey's Island, and his son. Ebenezer, was probably the first l)erson who was buried there. It seems fitting that here should rest his ])arents and so many relatives. This cemetery lot was afterwards enlarged by a gift of ('apt. James Sinnett. David Johnson also gave the first schoolhouse on Bailey's Island. Some of the neighbors thought it was too hard work to build one. and that it was best to wait another year, but David said : "I am willing to si)are the porch of my house if you will help haul it in place — then we can have a school right off." So the first school stood near the Sea Bank, not far from the residence of the late Capt. Sinnett Orr. It was put in place in the sum- mer of 1827. and served its purpose well until it was accident- ally burned in the winter of 1838. Not long after David Johnson moved to Bailey's Island, four negroes were sent to him from Virginia as his share of an estate there which was being settled. "Slaves?" said David. "There is nothing of the oppressive spirit in me. Brother Ebenezer. you are soon going South, and you must carry these people back again. I will take the best of care of them until then." His care was so good that when the brother, Ebenezer. was ready to sail for A'irginia, a young negress begged with tears to be allowed to stay in the home. She would work faithfully at any task set her if she could be with such people. "And these dear children and grandchildren," she sobbed, "you do not know how I have come to love them." The children knew it. Tears were on their faces and the thought of parting with this bright girl from the South. So her home was at David Johnson's. Her faithfulness helped over many hard places, and her quick wit has been haud(Hl down in many traditions. The old people have often told me how this negro girl could entertain them for hoyrs when they were children, with songs, stories, and the representation of every peculiar ])erson in the town. She represented many imaginary peo])le, too, Mrs. Tubbs of North Yarmouth being one of these. She had long stories to relate of the trials with Mr. Tubbs and others. As has already been stated, David Johnson enlisted in the Revolutionary Wai-. July 17. 1775. befcu-e he was twenty years of age. Tlie story of the services of himself and his brothers. Jonathan and James, have been given in the first chapter of this book. His patriotism of the truest type was the means of inspiring JOllNSUN GENEALOGY. 38 the same si)irit ia many others. All up and down the .Maine coast ho was known as a man of stci-lini,' inti'fjrity. He was tenderly attached to his children and graudtliildren, and hence many settknl near him. Those who moved to other towns often came to see him. and have handed down his stronj; influences thron.ch many wnerations. Trnly every reader of this book will note with interest the long list of his descend- ants who have been so heli)ful in the world's affairs. Some day we feel sure those who owe so much to David Johnson and Jane Rodnck, his wife, will rear a noble nionnment to their memory (m liai ley's Island. ;Me. (3) All these children of David Johnson, except the last two. were born on Hope Island. Me.: Ebenezer : William: John: Joseph: Mary: Phineas: Charles: Jcmathan K. : K.ilph: .lerry ; Jane. (3) Ebenezer Johnson, b. July 21. 1781: d. March 5. 1803. (3) William Johnson, b. June 27. 1783: d. at Nahant, Mass.. Jan. 4. 1874 (91y.. 11m., 8d.) : m., Ajiril 1.5. 1813, Jennie Kemp, b. Harpswell, Me.. 1781: d. Aug. 9. 1868 (87y.). Of a strons: old Massachusetts family, which early came to Harps- well, Me. William Johnson lived first on Bailey's Island, then at Durham, Me., in which town all of his <-hildren were born; he also lived many years at Nahant, Mass. (4) David Johnson, b. Durham. Me., Sept. 20, 1812; d. IN.rt- land, Me. ; m. Rachel Orr Jordan, b. Freeport, Me.. .March 4, 1815: daughter of Willi:im Jordan" and Rachel Orr: of John Orrv: Clement Orr.'. (5) Two daughters; who died without children. (5) Wm. J. Johnson: resided at Chelsea. Mass. (5) Howard Johnson: resided awhile at Brunswick, Me. (4) William Roduck Johnson, b. Durham, Me., Dec. 10, 1816: d. in California; m. Eunice Dy«'r of I'ortland, .Me. (5) Sarah Jane Johnson, b. March 19, 1838; d. Jan. 4. 1894 : m. Charles Quimby of Lynn. Mass.. who d. in the sjtring of 1898. (6) Child: lives at Dynn. Ma.ss. (3) John Johmson, b.- May 29, 1785; d. April 24. 1873 (88y. i. He lived awhile at Durham, Me., and then at Falmouth Fore- side. Me. His home was one where all were welcome, and he Avas a man of noble rew. (4) John Johnson. Jr.. b. June 29. 1812; d. .M.iy 11, 1872 (59y. ), Lived at Falmouth, Me.: a shoemaker; m. in Dur- ham, Me.. Eliza Ann Webber, b. Durham. Me.. .\ug. 17, 1814; d. March 26. 1871 (57y.). The daughter of Waitstil! Webber and his first wife. Miriam I'.ooker. (5) Waitstill Webber Johnson, b. .Vug. 16. 1835; d. Oct. 2. 1852. (5) David Bibber .Tohnson, b. July 6. 1S:'.7: d. July 1.". 1896; buried in Evergreen Cemetery, I'ortl.-md, Me.: resided Portland, .Me.; a very successful engineer: m. ( first i. .s 34 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Elizabeth McKinuey, b. Georgetown, Me. ; d. May 28, 1866; m. (second), Jan. 25, 1891, Mary Pray, who is now Mrs. Mary Richardson of Saco, Me. Children of the first marriage: (6) Cora, d. at 17 years. (6) Howard, d. at 17 years. (6) Rose. d. at 6 years. (6) Ernest, d. at 18 years. (6) Bert Leon Johnson, b. Aug. 21. 1873 ; resides Park St., Portland, Me. ; has a store at the corner of York and Park Sts. ; ni. Miss Cummings. (7) Franklin Dana Johnson, b. Oct. 30, 1897. (7) Leon Howard Johnson, b. Nov. 26, 1898. (7) Harold Kenneth Johnson, b. Jan. 12, 1900. (6) Dana Russell Earlier Johnson, b. Dec. 22, 1878. (6) Helen, b. Aug.. 1882. (6) Helen Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6. 1899. (5) Capt. Edwin Warren Johnson, b. Aug. 28, 1839; d. Aug. 7, 1899 ; resided Portland. Me. ; m., Sept. 10, 1864, Eliza A. Chandler, b. Aug. 26, 1845; the daughter of Reuben Chand- ler and Eliza Bil)ber. (6) Ida Emma Johnson, b. Portland. Me., March 13, 1867; m. (first), Sept.. 1898. Elmer Randall, who is deceased; no children; m. (second), . (No records sent.) (6) Frank David Johnson, b. Sept., 1879; d. 1893 (14y.). (5) Enoch Stover Johnson, b. Aug. 29. 1842; d. July 5, 1853 (12y.). (5) Erwin Tewksbury Johnson, b. Aug. 6. 1844; address, Kennebunk, Me.; engineer; m., Jan. 8, 1867, Georgia Bucknam : b. Falmouth. Me.. Jan. 4. 1846 ; daughter of Nathan Bucknam and Elizabeth MoOdy; no children. (5) Ira Booker Johnson, b. May 17. 1847; d. June 17, 1853. (5) Ann Eliza .Johnson, b. March 25, 1849; studied in the Falmouth, Me., schools; resides 21 Warren Street. Port- land, Me.; m., Nov. 23, 1864, James Edward Chandler, b. Feb. 21, 1843 ; steward, sou of Reuben Chandler and Eliza Bibber. (6) Fred Walter Chandler, b. Portland. Me.. April 4. 1870; druggist and chemist at Bar Harbor, Me.; grad- uated at I'ortland High School. June 28, 1888; m., Sept. 6. 1893, Emily Winifred Drew. b. Sweden, Me.. Jan. 17, 1870: I'ortland. Me.. High School and Portland \or- m;i! Training School; the daughter of Charles A. Drew and Ell:i A. Whiting. (7) Margaret Windsor Chandler, b. July 21. 1894. (7) Harold Webber Chandler, b. Aug. 8. 1896. (7) Ruth Chandler, b. June IS. 1898. (6) Lilla May Chandler, h. .May 14. 1870. (6) Maud Elia Ch.indler. b.. Portl.-ind. Me.. .Nov. 25. 1882; resides 21 Kellogg Street, Portland. Mt'. (5) .Mary Catherine Johnson. 1). March 25. 1849: address. L(>wistou. Me.. R. F. D. Xo. 2. Box 48: m. Albert W. Pot- ter of Wei)ster. .Me. (G) Flora K. Potter, b. Sei»t. 26. 1873. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 35 (6) Erwiu D. Potter, b. May 27. 1875. (6) Annie M. Pottor. b. .March 13. 1879. (6) Eddie Potter, d. at 21^. years. (6) Artbnr Potter, b. Oct.? i884. (6) James Potter, b. 1886. (5) Lydia Maria .Tolinson. b. Feb. 27. 1851; d An" 16 1870; m., Afay 24. 1869. Frwl .J. Smith ;"hi.s address! Lnnfs Corner. Portland, Me. (6) Ethel Smith, d. in infancy. (5) Daniel Webber Johnson, b. Dec. 18. 1853: en-ineer of the U. S. Government steamer. Lilac, Portland, .Me. ; ni.. May 12, 1875. Annie Florence Chandler: dan^'llter of John Chandler of Portland and Miss Small; no children. (5) Susan Lombard Johnson, b. Sept. 10. 1855; d. Brooklyn. N. Y.. July 3. 1903; studied in Falmouth, Me., schools;' m.. Jan. 19. 1876, John Porter of P.runswick. Me., an eu- fjineer. (6) Albion W. Porter, b. June 23. 1877; resides Phila- delphia, Pa. (6) Ellen Louise Porter, b. Jan. 20, 1879; resides Pitts- burs. Pa. (4) Jane Rodick Johnson, b. Oct. 18, 1814 ; d. March 17, 1886 ; resided Portland. Me.; ni., Nov. 14, 1836. Nelson Bii)ber. b* April 18, 1815 ; d. Jan. 29, 1893 : son of George Bibber and Esther Pettingill. (5) Susan Jane Bibber, b. May 17, ,1837; d. at 16 years. (5) George Edward Bibber, b. Dec. 28, 1839; resides at the Atlantic House. Portland. INIe. ; m. Mary Jane Crowley ; no cliildren. (5) Marceline M. E. Bibber, b. Nov. 23. 1845; d. at Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 21. 1900; resided for a long time at 32 St! Lawrence Street. Portland. .Me.; m.. Oct. 22. 1864. \Vm. K. Thorndike of Poi-tl.-nid. .Me. (6) Josephine Nelson Thorndike. b. Dec. 28. 1869; re- sides Chelsea, Mass.; m.. May 2. 1895. .John R. Smith (7) Willie H. Smith. 1). May. 1897. (6) Frank E. Thorndike. b. Jan. 13. 1877. (6) P:thel Thorndike. b. Oct. 4. 1879. (5) Frances Ellen Bibber, b. Dec. 25. 1856; resides corner of Green and Cumberland streets. Portland. Me. ; m. Henry O. Cram of Buxton. Me. (6) Blanche O. Cram. b. March 5. 1876. (6) Paul H. Cram. b. .Jan. 26. 1879. (6) Harold E. Cram. b. June. 1884. (5) Charlotte J. Bibber, b. Nov. 10. 1858: d. 1885; m. IL.r.i- ti(m Downing of Keimebunk. Me., who is deceast^l. (6) Ralph Downing, b. Nov.. 1875; resides Portland. Me. (5) Henrietta L. Bibber, b. May 22. 1860: d. April 24. 1S99 ; m. Augustus (Jraff.-im of Portland, Me. (5) timeline J. P,ibber. b. April 21. 1860; m. Cliai-jcs .M. Winslow of Deering. Me. (6) Emery H. Winslow. b. March 20. 1891. (4) Joanna Johnson, b. 1817; d. May 20. 1853 (36y.) ; un- married. 36 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (4) Charlotte Liinih Johnson, b. Sept. 30, 1818; d. Sept. 28, 1853 (35.V.) : m.. Sept., 1852, Alonzo Durgan White, b. Free- port. Me.. 1829 : d. 1891 ; no children. (4) Jonathan Roduck Johnson, b. Feb. 6, 1821; d. April 26, 1877 ; always resided in Portland, Me. ; for over tifty years he was a very successfnl engineer on steamers between Portland, :Me., and New York City ; ni. Rebecca Jane Water- house, b. Saco, :Me., Jan. 27. 1825 ; d. Dec 14, 1893 ; daugliter of Joseph Waterhonse. (5) Georgie Cushing, Johnson, b. 1850; d. A,ug. 25, 1860. (5) Mary Adelaide Johnson, b. Aug. 6, 1852; resides How- ard Street. Portland. Me. ; ni.. Sept. 1. 1873, Milton J. Tewksbury. b. Falnionth, Me., Sept. 3. 1849; deceased; engineer ; sou of Dr. T. N. Tewksbury. (6) Roger Leroy Tewksbury. b. Nov. 19. 1877; d. March 5, 1878. (6) Lillian Rebecca Tewksbury, b. Aug. 14, 1879; d. Nov. 30, 1890; studied in the schools of Falmouth and Port- land, Me. (6) Florence Wood Tewksbury. b. Oct. 12. 1880; d. Nov. 17, 1906 ; schools of Falmouth, I>eering. Me., Chicago, III., and I'ortland. Me. ; resided 13 Atlantic Street, Portland. Me. ; m.. Nov. 4. 1905, Melville Everett Libby of Westbrook. Me. (6) Grace Adelaide Tewksbury. b. April 4. 1882; resides 13 Atlantic Street, Portland, Me. ; studied schools of Deering and Portland, Me., and of Chicago, 111. (6) Erwin Charles Tewksbury. b. Nov. 10, 1883; resides 99 Zeiglei- Street. Roxbury. Mass., ; schools of Deering and Portland. Me. (5) Frankie Johnson, d. Sept. 8, 1852 ( 2y., 7m.). (5) George Johnson, b. 1855; d. in infancy. (5) Lucinda .Johnson, b. April 6. 1858; resides Woodford's, Me. ; m., Jan. 31, 1877, Edward Woodford, b. Franklin Falls, N. H., March 9, 1852; treasurer of the Portland (Me.) Rubber Co.; son of Thomas R. Woodford and Fran- ces Bradley. (6) Franklin Woodford, b. April 2. 1879. (6) Jennie May Woodford, b. Aug. 8. 1882. (5) Roger Harold Johnson, b. April 3. 1860; d. at 4 years. (5) Jennie Rebecca Johnson, b. Aug. 28. 1862; d. in Chi- cago. 111.. Jul.v 1, 1901; resided Portland and Falmouth, Me., and Moi-gan Park and Chicago. 111. ; m.. May 17, 1881. John Rowland Shays, b. Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati. Ohio, Nov. 16. 1852; graduated Woodward High School, Cincimiali. Ohio; travelling salesman; resides 7029 Princeton Avenue. Chicago, 111.; son of John W. Shays and Susan T. Crane. (6) William I.everett Shays, b. Jan. 6. 1885; studiwl Morgan P:ii-I<. 111., schools; salesman at Marshal Field & Co.'s. Cliicago. 111. (6) Edith Emily Shays, b. Sei)t. 27. 1886; d. Seiit. 21, 1887. (6) .John Rowland Shays, b. Dec 24. 18S8: Morgan Park. 111., scjiools. JUllNSUN CiENEALOGY, '■^ > (6) Robei't Tluiistou Shays, b. Doc. 21. 1892; Cliici^'o and Mortian Park. 111., schools. (6) Lillian Kcheccii Shays, h. .luue 29. 1901: d. Aug. 1. 1901. (5) Alice .Maud Johusou. b. Falmouth. Me.. Oct. 8. 1860: resides 683 Forest Ave., Tortland. Me.; studhnl in Fal- mouth. Me., schools ; m.. Oct. 6. 1886, Charles Dresser, b.. Portland. Me., March 17. 1858 ; studied in Portland, Me.. schools: cnjiineer on Portland and Kochester R. R. ; son of Stephen (1. Dresser and Marjiaret Martin. (6) Kittle Maynard Dresser, b. Sept. 29, 1887; resides Portland. Me. ; studied in I'ortland schools. (6) Lawrence Earl Dresser, b. Feb. 25. 1890; d. .Ian. 16. 1897. (6) Joseph Wordeu Dresser, b. J.in. 16. 1892. (6) Clifford Dresser, b. Manli 18. 1898; d. March 19. 1898. (6) Marguerite Wiuifred Dresser, b. May 7, 1902. (5) Kate Andros Maynard Johnson, b. Falmouth, Me.. Sept. 24. 1868; resides Englewood. Chicago. 111.; m. in Portland. Me., Sept. 8, 1887, Charles Lincoln Maynard, b. Lake Chesley, Jya., Oct. 24, 1864; bookkeei»er; sou of Ly- man I*. Maynard and Jane C. : no children. (4) Su.san Maria Johnson, b. Durham. Me., Jan. 17, 1826; d.. New Bedford, Mass., July 17. 1856 : studied in Durham. Me., schools; resided in Maine in Durham. Freeport and Falmouth and in New Bedford. Mass.: liuried Jesamine Path, Oak Grove Cemetery. New Bedford. Mass. ; m.. Nov. 17, 1850. Henry Huntington Lombard, b. July 15. 1827 ; d.. Keokuk, Iowa. March 19. 1871 ; buried Keokuk. Iowa ; lum- berman ; lived in Maine towns and at New Bedford, Mass., and in Iowa towns, Des Moines, Perry and Keokuk ; .son of Richard Lombard and P^unice Sawyer. (5) Charles Henry Lombard, b.. New Bedford. IMass., Nov. 17, 1851 : studied in New Berass. ; grad- uated from Henry li. Pierce Grammar Si-hool. Dorches- ter. ]Mass. ; marine engineer foi- two years : m.. June 3. 1905, .Teanette Elizabeth Sullivan, b. Eastport. :Me.. Sept. 27. 1880. Studied in Eastport (Me.) schools; daughter of Mr. Sullivan and Annie Parker. (6) Eleanor Rivers .Johnson, b. Ai»ril 10. 1906. (4) Charles James Johnson, b. Durham. Me.. Aug. 23, 1830; studied Durham (Me.) schools; has resided New Bedford, Mass., since 1852. Carried (m a very successful si)ar- making business for many years; now retired; m., Nov. 16, 1853. Nancy Minerva Sanderson, b. New Betlford. Mass., Sept. 11, 1832; studied in public schools of New I^edford : daughter of Win. P.lackburn Sanderson and Ruth .\nn Allen ; children born New P.edford. Mass. (5) Henry J^ombard Johnson, b. March 20, 1855; New Bed- ford public schools; carriage i)ainter at New Btnlford, Mass. ; m., Nov. 2, 1875, Isabella Brightman Sabines, b. 40 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Westport. Muss.. May 9. 1864 : daughter of Stephen Bor- tleu Sabhies aud Mary Justiiia Adrianna Mosher. (6) Henrietta Clinton .Tolnis(tu. b. New Bedford, Mass.. May 2. 1879; resides Fair Haven, Mass.; ni.. June 6. 1902, Gideon Herman Sliernian Keen. (6) George Augustus Johnson, b. New Bedford, Mass.. Sept. 3. 1881; resides Fair Haven. Mass.; a very expert telegrapher and stenogra])her. He had wonderful per- severance in this work, as his eyes troubled him much. (6) Albion Clifford Johnson, b. March 24, 1883; seaman; Russell's Mills, Dartmouth, Mass.; m., Sept. 3, 1903, Margaret Agnes Carroll, b. April 20, 1883. (6) Henrv L. Johnson, Jr.. b. Oct. 25. 1884; d. March 20. 1885. (6) Joshua Bishop Johnson, b. Jan. 7. 1886; resides Dartmouth. Mass. : seaman ; m.. Nov. 21, 1902. Annie Louise Riley, b. Nov. 16. 1880. (6) Mary Minerva Johnson, b. Nov. 20. 1888; graduated from New Bedford (Mass.) High School. 1906. (6) Mary Leola Johnson, h. July 15. 1890. (6) Hope Amelia Jolmscm. b. Feb. 27. 1894. (6) Willard Johnson, b. Dec. 2, 1896; d. Jan. 22. 1897. (5) Horace Clinton Johnson, b. March 15. 1857; resides 75 Locust Street, New Bedford. Mass. ; followed the sea from 1873 to 1887. from cabin boy to mate, and sailed to ports all over the world ; has been a pilot since 1892. steamers of the Old Colony Line, now the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., aud New England Navigation Co., from Fall River. New Bedford, etc. : m.. March 15, 1887, Lucy Anna Durfee, b. Dartmouth, Mass., Aug. 27. 1861 ; Dart- mouth schools ; daughter Barton Durfee and Louisa Amelia Sherman. (6) Harry Bibber Johnson, b. Dec. 29, 1887; studied in public schools. (6) Walter Webber Johnson, b. March 26, 1890; public schools. (6) Charles Jauies. Jr., b. Sept. 30. 1892. (6) Clinton Alcorn, b. Aug. 24. 1894. (6) Anna Rodic, b. Oct. 9, 1896. (6) Dorothy Mae, b. Aug. 27. 1899. (6) Raymond Barton, b. Feb. 5. 1903. Co) Ferdinand August Johnson, b. March 19, 1859; resides Center Moriches. Long Island. N. Y. ; farmer; studied in New Bedford CNIass.) public schools: m.. Nov. 4, 1873. , Mary lielinda Edwards, b. Galveston, Tex.. Nov. 19. 1860; ])ul>lic schools: daughter of ,Tohn Benjamin Ed- wards aTid Julia Ijueretia Wells. (6) Horace lienjamiu Johnson, b. Aug. 22. 1884; public schools of New Bedford, Mass.. and Center Moriches, Long Island: farmer; m., Feb. 25. 1906. Mabel Daisy Larraiiee of Eastport. N. Y. (6) Minerv:i Lu<'reti;i Johnson, b. May 16. 1886; .schools of New I'.edford and Center Moriches. L. I.; m.. May , 25. 1904. Jean Murdock of Center Moriches. L. I. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 41 (6) Edwin Aiijiustus Johnson, b. .Tnn«' 10. 1888: re.» was a man. like many of the otlu'i- .Tohnsons. with 42 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. a womlerfnl talent for the tellin,^ of stories of sea and land, and a visit to his home was a rare treat even to those who had often seen and heard liini. His house on Sand Cove Point. Bailev's Island, was bnilt in 1820. and was occupied by hiin until it was struck by a bolt of lightning many years aher. He then removed to the Phineas Johnson house, nearby, for he felt that this lightning stroke was a warning to him that he should dwell there no longer. Some smiled at this thought, but those were days when signs and warn- ings were a connnon thing, and it is a wtmder that these sturdy peoiile lived the lives they did when so much of this whicli has been termed superstition prevailed. I have a long list of the stories of those days which I copied down when a lad. so that I can fully ai^preciate every noble life which was lived in the midst of the stories of witches and spooks. The raising of the frame of the .Joseph .Tolmson house was one of the great events of that day. I'eople came to it from near and far. Robert Barstow, the poet of Orr's Island, climbed on the ridge pole to sprinkle it with liquor in dedi- <-ation. and said : "He may paint it. and patch it. and make it look gay. And if he don't like he can look the other way." And a shout of applause rang from the crowd. :\I.. Dec. 8, 1810. Susan Foster of Herring Gut. or Thomaston. Me. ; d. ■Tan. 27. 1881 ; daughter of Eben Foster and Susannah Ken- nedy. (4) Ebenezer .Johnson, b. May 21. 1812; drowned at Bailey's Island. Me.. Feb. 7. 1835: num. (4) Phineas .Johnson, b. .Jan. 25. 1815: d. Aug.. 1885: after his marriage he resided at Biddeford. Me. : fisherman : m. Sarah McCannell of Cape Elizabeth, Me. : no children. (4) Lucy Pennell Johnson, b. March 25. 1817: d. May 9, 1891: always resided on Bailey's Island. Me.: m.. Oct. 18, 1838, Capt. Frederick Prout. b. Scarborough. Me.. Front's Neck : d. at the home of his son. Capt. Josejih Prout, So. Harpswell. Me.. Feb. 3. 1905 (92y.). His ancestors came from England in 1676 and settled in Boston. One of the ancestor brothers settled at Front's Neck. Captain Prout spent his early days in Scarborough, Me. He then moved to Bailey's Island. He followed the sea for many years, sailing nearly around the world. He had his faculties in fine condition to the very last, and took great i>leasure in recalling the scenes of the long ago. He passed away after a brief illness from pneumonia. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. T. Chaiiman. The following children were all born at Bailey's Island. Me.: (5) .Joseph Watson J. Prout. b. Oct. 11. 1839: resides So. Harpswell. Me. He became a master of vessels at 17 years and sailed in the following craft: Errliiie. Tom Benton, (iroi-f/r W. Pierre. Gertie LeHv'.v. Annie Sarijent, Allen Lriri)^. Ocorgc IF. WiUarfl. Laura Yr/.soH. Henri/ Willard. Fran('i,. 1ST5; a tish dealer at Nahant. Mass.: t^raduated from Naiiant (Mass.) schools and from a conuncrcial (•olU'jii' in Huston. Mass. (6) Charles Corbet Johuson. b. Dec. 9. 1876; graduated at the Nahant (Mass.) schools and from the Boston (Mass.) Commercial Colleue ; town treasurer of Na- hant, Mass.; reprcscnitativc to Conixress, 1906. (6) Gordon Paul Johnson, b. May 15. 1880; resides \\- ford. Col.; ranch work and farniinj;; graduate I'lom Nahant and other schools. (6) Kouben Chester Johnson. 1>. Nov. 29. 1881; book- keejier at Hotel Oxford. New York City; graduate from Nahant, Mass.. and from the School of Pharmacy in Boston. Mass. (6) Caleb Ilartwell Johnson, b. Aui:. 25, 1884; j:iaynn High School; graduated from University of Mines. June. 1906 ; mechanical en- gineering. (6) Sylvia Pauline Johnson, !>. Nov. 1. 1887; studying in Lynn (^lass. ) Classical High School. (5) Mary Louisa Johnson, b. Falmouth. Me., Sunday. Nov. 27, 1850; d. Nahant, Mass.. March 16, 1S60. (5) Bernard Scott Johnson, b. N:ihant, Mass., M;irch 29. 1852; d. Dec. 1903; flsh dealer; m.. 1874. Ann (Junn of Boston. Mass. Children; (6) P.. Scott; (6) Maiy Kme- liiie: (6) Annie Pauline. (5) Content Percy Johnson, b. .Nahant. Mass.. Tuesday, March .30. 1858; d. April 5. 1859. (5) Chester Calden Johnson, b. Nahant, Sunday. July 8. 1860; d. East Boston. INIass.. Nov. 28. 1881; fish dealer; m.. 1881. :\Iaria Metcalf of East Bostcm. Mass. (6) Helen Chester Johnson. • (4) Rhoda P. .Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. .Me.. Nov. 25. 1823; d. March 17. 1850 (23y., 6m.) ; m.. April 14. 1842. Charles Nelson, who was drowned .Tuly 3. 1852 (34y.). (5) George H. Nelson, who d. Sept. 2. 1S47 (3y.). (4) Charles W. .Tohnson. 3d. b. Feb. 22. 1827; d. Nahant. Mas.s.. Oct. 5. 1885; m. (first). Oct. 19. 1847. Abigail Blake, who d. April 2. 1854 (28y.) ; the daughter of Charles Blake; m. (second). Mary Ann Taylor of Lynn. Mass.. wlm d. Feb. 20. 1889. Child of first marriage ; (5) Lydia Ellen .Tohnscm ; d. Aug. 27. 1853 (ly.). (4) Sophia ,Tohns(m. b. Feb. 23. 1831; d. Feb. 8. 1850; m.. May 7. 1848. James McCarty .Tohnson. b. Bailey's Lsland. Me., Jan. 19. 1824; d. July. 1865: daughter of Lsaac John- son and Mary Hodgdon of Boothbay. Me. (See full records under Isaac Johnson, etc.. Chapter IV.) (4) Jane Johnson, b. Feb. 23. 1833: resides Bay Vi.-w Street. Yarmouth. Me. ; resided )nany years at Portland. Me. ; in., Dec. 7. 1853. Daniel lilake. b. Ilarpswell. :sie.. March 4. 1828; son of Jacob Bl.-ike and Abigail ^Vilson; no children. (4) Hannah B. Johnson. I). March 24. 1835; resides Saco. Me.; 46 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. m., Nov. 14, 1850, Charles Nelsou, who was drowned July 3, 1852 (34y.). (5) James Henry Johnson (took the name of Johnson), b. July 5, 1851 ; lost at sea July, 1887 ; was on a voyage to Peiisacola. Fla.. with a load of paving stones. "On the death of his father he was taken to the home of his Nel- son grandparents; was then adopted by James Purinton of Brunswick. Me., whose wife was Olive Talbot; he moved to Chebeague Island. Me., when he was ten years old ; after his marriage he resided at Portland. Me. ;" a man of great activity and integrity ; m., March 2, 1867, Prudence Oliver Lowell, b. Small Point. Me., June 1, 1845 ; the daughter of John W. Lowell and Louisa Oliver. (6) Susan L. Johnson, b. Dee. 20, 1868; resides Portland, Me.: m.. 1887. Wilfred W. Goodenow of YarmoutU, Me. (7) Henry Goodenow. b. Feb. 7, 1887. (7) Florence Etta Goodenow, b. July 18, 1880. (7) Hattie Estelle Goodenow. b. Sept. 28. 1881. (7) William Ellis Goodenow, b. May 23, 1887. (6) Maximilla Johnson, b. Dec. 20, 1869; resides South Portland. Me. ; m., Dec. 25. 1883, Edward Henry Dyer of Cape Elizabeth. Me. (7) Alfred Oliver Dyer, b. June 4, 1890. (7) Mary Estelle Dyer. b. Jan., 1893. (6) Harry Bradford John.son, b. Sept. 12, 1871; m., July 15, 1894. Eva Thomas. (7) Pauline Estelle Johnson, b. Feb. 20, 1896. (7) Prudence Johnson, b. Sept. 2, 1898. (6) Jennie May Johnson, b. Oct. 1, 1873; d. (8m.). (6) William Lowell Johnson, b. Sept. 28, 1875; m., Oct.. 1894, Mrs. Nellie Harrington Bartlett of Cundy's Har- bor. ]Me. (6) Hattie Louise Johnson, b. Sept. 28, 1875; m., Oct. 20, 1897. William H. Doughty; .son of Franklin Doughty. (7) Bera Ryder Doughty, b. April 28, 1899. (6) James Johnson, b. April 23, 1880. (6) John Johnson, b. April 23, 1880. (4) Henry Nelson Bebee Johnson, b. March 24, 1838; d. Nov. 27. 1872 ; m.. Feb. 10. 1860. Mary Estes, who d. Dec. 16. 27, 1872; m., Feb. 10, 1860, Mary Estes; m. (second) Charles Sumner Foss of Brunswick, Me. (5) Child, b. and d. March 24. 1861. (5) Eben E. Johnson, b. July 3, 1868; m.. in Yarmouth, Me.. Carrie Soule. (6) Seven children, five of whom are living. (5) Wealthy .Johnson, b. Sei)t. 24, 1864. (5) Flora N. Johnson, b. July 25. 1866; d. at Saco. Me.; unm. (5) Addie E. Johnson, b. July 15. 1868; m. Stephen Curit of Yarmouth. Me. ; resides Yarmouth. Me. (6) Four children. (5) Susie .L Johnson, b. Oct. 4. 1870; resides Yarmouth. Me. ; m. Irving Curit of Freeport. Me. (6) Four children. JOHXSOX GENEALOGY. 47 (4) Cornelia Auu Jolmsou. b. liailey's Islautl, Me.. Feb. 11, 1840; lias rt-sidcd at Xaliant. Mass.. for iiimuv ycar.s; m. William iieiiry Kenii). b. (ireat Island. Harpswell. .Me.. Jan. 4. 1838; master mariner; son of .Ii)bn Kemi) and Khnira Sinuett. (5) Ahvilda Deligbt Kemp. 1.. llarpswell. .Me.. .Nov. 27, 1859; resides East Boston. .Mass.; m.. .May. 1878. John Sanborn Taylor; raptain of a yaclit. (6) William Vincent Taylor. i>. .March 21. 1884. (6) Cornelia Elizabeth Taylor, b. Ai)ril 20. 18SS. (6) Harold Stimpsou Taylor, b. .luly 2. 1891. (6) Chester Thorpe Taylor, b. March 28. 1894. (6) Marshall Johnson Taylor, b. May 14. 1897. (5) John Kemp, b. Sept. 27. 1861; d. Nov. 9. 1866. (5) William Henry Kemp. Jr.. b. Jnlv 28. 1863; d. Marcii 13. 1864. (5) Charles Frederick Kemp. b. Nov. 9, 1866: steamboat captain at East Boston. Mass. ; m.. Nov.. 1886. Sarah Elizabeth Coles. (6) Charles Frederick Kemp. i). April 8. 1886. (6) Sarah Elizabeth Kemi». b. April 10, 1888. (6) Rebecca Beal Kemp, b. July 20. 1894. (5) William Henry Kemp, Jr.. b. March 12. 1867; master mariner and steamboat cajttain; m.. Oct., 1887, Cora Olive Stone. (6) Harrison Sanborn Kemi). b. July 10. 1888. (6) Lillian Violet Kemp. b. July 10, 1890. (6) Mildred Dora Kemp. b. Feb. 16. 1894. (6) Eleanor Olive Kemp. b. Feb. 13. 1899. (5) Ellen Frances Kemp. b. Dec. 2. 1869; resides Win- throp. Mass.; m.. May. 1888. Shubal Thomas Collins. (6) Alice Parks Collins, b. Sept. 21. 1889. (6) Marian Kemi) Collins, b. July 30. 1890. (6) Clarence Bailey Collins, b. Jan. 10. 1892. (6) Susie Perkins Collins, b. Nov. 12. 1895. (5) Susie Marie Kemp. b. May 22. 1871; resides N.ili.iiit. Mass.; m.. Oct.. 1888. James .Vllen Coles; i>ainter. (5) Daniel Loverim,' Kemp. !>. July 2, 1872; marine ensi- ueer at East Boston. Mass. ; m.. June, 1894. Mary Clarke. (6) Edward Clarke Kemp. b. Sept. 10, 1896. (5) Joseph Ingersoll Kemp. b. Oct. 2. 1878; master mar- iner and steamboat cai)tain; n^sides East Boston, Mass.; m., July. 1894. De Lena Bean. (5) Charlotte May Kemp. b. Feb. 24. 1875; resides Denver. Col. ; m.. Oct.. 1894. Oscar Eugene Koss ; grocer. (6) Kussell Elliott Ross. b. May 10. 1896. (5) Arthur Franklin Kemp, b. Dec. 16. 1876; artist. (5) Hattie Johnson Kemp. b. Aug. 31. 1878; m.. May. 1895, William Albert Thori)e ; clerk. (6) Prestina .Johnson Thorpe, b. Dec. 22. 1898. (5) John Perry Kemp. b. .Tan. 6. 1882. (5) Benjamin Philip Kemp. b. July 27. 1884. * * * * :f (3) Mary Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. Me.. May 30. 1790; d. 48 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. March 12. 1S61 (TOy.). As has already been said, her home was one of the cheeriest on Bailey's Island. She early united with the Baptist church on Harpswell Neck, IVIe., and was a very faithful member; several of her children also unitins; with that church. She was known as Aunt Polly, and tlKHiiih her words were not many, they were full of power. "Her diildren arise and called her blessed.'" M.. March 11. 1812. Capt. James Sinnett. b. Orr's Island, Me., June 18. 1790 : d. Dec. 21, 1881 ; the second child of Stei>hen Sinnett and Hannah Bailey. He was a very successful <-ap- tain of fishiniu' vessels to the Bay of Fundy and other ]>laces. and afterwards carried on a large fish-drying business at Bailev's Island, Me. He was one of th(> most faithful mem- bers of the Congregational church at Harpswell Center. Me. : was a man of unusual gifts in knowledge of the history of the town, and of rare conversational powers. (See the full sketch of him in the Sinnett Genealogy by Rev. C. N. Sinnett.) The children, all born at Bailey's Island. Me. : (4) Capt. David Sinnett, b. Aug. 24. 1813; d. Nov. 22, 1888; a very successful captain of fishing vessels ; built a fine home near that of his parents; m., Nov. 6. 1839, Lucy J. Orr. h. Orr's Island. Me.. Dec. 1. 1818; d. Nov. 17, 1885 (67y.); daughter of Deacon William Orr and Frances Jack. (5) Mary Frances Sinnett. 1). Oct. 26. 1843; resides Bailey's Island. Me.; m. (first). Doc. 9. 1858. Abizer S. Toothaker of New A'ineyard, Me. ; son of Ephraim Toothaker ; m. (second). A. E. N. Bates of Portland, Me.; m. (third), :\Ir. Paul of Portland. Me. Cliild of first marriage: (6) Lucy Isabel Toothaker, b. Feb. 1. 1863; a very suc- ce.ssfui teacher at Knightville. Me., and at other places; resides Portland, Me. *'hild of second marriage: (6) Ella Bates, b. May 25. 1876; resides Bailey's Island. Me. ; m.. April 14, 1893, Capt. Orrin Vickery Leeman. b. Oct. 27. 1867 ; son of Thomas Leeman and Elvira Jane Johnson. (7) Edwin Bates Leeman, b. Oct. 27, 1894. (7) Sumner Vickery Leeman. b. May 26. 1896. (5) Capt. William Orr Sinnett, b. Dec. 7. 1840; d. Cape Porjioise. Me.. July 13. 1904: caiitain (if fishing vessels; resided at Cape I'orpoise, ]\Ie.. for some years: ni.. Feb. 25, 1865. Mary Ann Ham. b. ]\rahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Dec. 5. 1844; "d. Feb. 5. 1905. (6) Lemuel Stover Sinnett. 1). Bailey's Island. Me.. Aug. 23. 1866: fishei-man at Cap(> Poriioise. Me. (6) Harv«w Swett Sinnett, b. Bailey's Island, Mc.. Dec. 30, 1868; fisherman at Cape Porpoise. Me.; m.. Nov. 21. 1892. E. .Vrdelle llutchins. b. Cai»e Por])oise. :\Ie.. I>ec. 10, 1871: daugliter of Dana S. llutchins and Amelia S. Nunan. (7) William Dana Sinnett. b. A\ig. 2.j. 1895. (7) Artliur Ray Sinnett. b. Dec. 10. 1896. (6) Auslin l.emont Sinnett. 1). .Vug. 1. 1870; fislierman JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 49 at Cai)e Porpoise. Mr.: m.. Nov. 22. 1S97. Ktliel .May Wakefield, b. KenuebuiikiK)rt. Me.. Dec. 1, 1880; d:iii;,'li- ter of George WakeHeld and Mary Freeman. (7) George Lenient Siiniett. b. Feb. 12. 1898. (7) Wesley Walter Sinnett. b. July 4. 1899. (7) Lucy Mary Sinnett. b. Feb. 25. 1901. (7) Charles Francis Sinnett, b. May 30. 1903. (5) Harvey Swett Sinnett, b. Jan. 31, 1846: lost overboanl off Cai)e Horn from ship on which lie \v:is a sailor Feb 11, 1S68; unm. (5) Capt. Emery Warren Sinnett. b. .M:ir<-Ii 10. 1849; drowned at Lowell's Cove, Bailey's Island. Me., on liis first Ions trii> as captain. July 31. 1871: num. (5) Malvina Isabel Sinnett. b. Julv 10. 18.-)1 : m Sunnier W. Bra ley of Portland. Me. (6) David Sinnett Braley. b. 1892; d. 1893. (4) Capt. Hugh Sinnett, b. Oct. 27, 1814; d. April 2, 1907: always resided on Bailey's L-;laud, Me.; captain of vari- ous fishing vessels and lobster smacks plying to the fishing banks. New York City and Boston, Mass.; went to Cali- fornia in 1851 for successful work in the gold mines; m.. . Nov. 6, 1838, Margaret Philbrook Perry, b. Bailev's Island. Me., Jan. 8, 1816; d. July 11. 1902 (SOy.) : d.-iu^hter of Capt. David Perry of Vinalhjiven Me., and Jane Alexander; familiarly known as "Aunt Margret," by the neighbors .and people who occupy the summer cottages on Bailey's Island, Me. (5) Capt. David Perry Sinnett. b. Od. 19. 1843; fisherman. storekee])er. boat builder, postmaster, etc.. at Bailey's Island. Me.: m. (first). April 22. 1867. Mary Caroline Alexander, b. Bailey's Island. Me.. Oct. 16. 1840 ; d. Aug. 25. 1886 (45y.) : daughter of Perry Alexander and Finette Greenleaf of Edgecomb. Me.: m. (second). May 6. 1902. Mrs. Almira Susan Johnson, daughtei- of Cajit. .Jonathan R. Johnson and Miriam Johnson. Children of the first marriage: (6) Chester Sinnett. b. Feb. 12. 1868: fisherman at Bai- ley's Island, Me. ; m., March 24, 1892. Jennie S. Stet- son, b. Livermore, Me., July 17, 1865; daughter of Wni. M. Stetson and Eliza Jane Merrill. (7) Chester Maxin Sinnett. b. Jan. 19. 1900; Charles Perry Sinnett, b. Nov. 16, 1901. (6) Herbert Perry Sinnett. b. Oct. 30, 1870 : fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me.: m.. Sejit. 24. 1893. Mrs. Bessie D. Potter of Ilallowell. Me., b. West Gardiner. Me.. Sept. 9. 1864; daugliter of John (iould I'.altt. b. June 12. 1896. (6) Maggie Belle Sinnett. 1). M.-irch :](). 1874: d. Dec. 3. 1880. (6) Maggie E. Sinnett. b. A|>ril 2\K 1X82: studied at Westbrook Seminary. Me.: m.. .luly 7. 1900. Claude Russell .Tohnson. b. Bailey's Isljind, Mc. Dec. 17. 1878: 50 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me. ; son of Elisha and Gustina O. Bibber. (7) Yilera Belle Johnson, b. March 14, 1902. (7) Parker Russell Johnson, b. Jan. 18, 1906. (5) Charles Nelson Sinnett, b. May 31. 1847; studied in North Yarmouth Academy, Yarmouth, Me. ; graduated Bangor (Me.) Seminary, 1874; ordained as Congregational minister at Lebanon, Me., May 31, 1875 ; has been pastor of several Congregational churches in Maine and the West ; writer for the leading religious papers ; author of The Norsk Gopher, and of histories of several churches and of many old Maine families. (4) Ralph Sinnett, b. Dec. 26. 1818; d. Falmouth. Me., Sept. 24. 1891 ; buried at West Harpswell, Me. ; a very success- ful storekeeper at Bailey's Island. Me., and Falmouth. Me. He had a severe lameness, but was wonderfully perse- vei-ing and made a great success in life ; m.. Jan. 7, 1855, Jane Pinkham, b. Harpswell, Me., Feb. 5, 1826 ; a very suc- cessful school teacher ; daughter of Elijah Pinkham and Martha Wilson ; she d. Falmouth, Me., Jan. 16. 1903. (4) Mary Sinnett. b. Nov. 27, 1822; d. Bucksport, Me., June 25, 1905: one of the noblest of women; m. (first), Nov. 6, 1841. Adam Sinnett, b. Orr's Island, Me., Oct. 26, 1817; d. June 8, 1844 (27y.) ; son of James Sinnett and Susan Teal; m. (second). May 27, 1849, John Douglass, b. Bucksport. Me.. Oct. 20, 1820 ; d. March 20. 1889 ; shipbuilder at Bucks- port, Me.; a man of the noblest qualities; son of William Douglass and Mary Sinnett. Child of first marriage : (5) Edward Farr Sinnett. b. Orr's Island, Me.. Dec. 2. 1842 ; resides Bucksport, Me. ; a very successful engineer on steamers plying between New York City and Southern ports ; m.. Dec. 11. 1867. Clara Doane Hopkins, b. North Bucksport, Me, July 5, 1846 ; d. B\icksi)ort. Me.. May 15, 1896; daughter of Joel Hopkins and Eliza Kilby. (6) Vernon Howard Sinnett, b. Bucksport. Me., Aug. 29. 1868 ; resides Wilson Street. Brewer. Me. ; graduated at East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., 1887 ; stationary engineer ; m., Dec. 31, 1895, Ethel Farmer, b. Verona, Me.. Feb. 16, 1876; daughter of Charles E. Farmer and Mary Whitman. (7) Ralph Vernon Sinnett. b. March 12. 1897. (7) Frances Sinnett. b. Jan. 15, 1904. (6) Jennie StoveF Sinnett, b. Nov. 22, 1869; resides Bucksjiort. Me. Child of second marriage: (5) James Howard Douglass, b. Bucksport. Me.. Oct. 17, 1850 ; resides Providence. R. I. ; merchant and travelling salesman; m. (first), Annie L. Smith of St. John. N. B., who d. Oct. 3. 1895; m. (second). May 28. 1896. Florence Young. <'hildren of first marriage: (6) John II. Douglass, b. Oct. 13. 1884. (6) Paul Douglass, b. March 28, 1893. I JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 51 (4) ('apt. James Siniiett. Jr., b. July 9. 1825; resides Harps- well, Me.; t-iptaiu and farmer at Bailey's Island. .Me.; in. (first). May 1. 1853. Marf,'aret Jolmson," b. Kailev's Island. Me., Feb. 11. 1834; d. 1863; danjrliter of ('apt. Isaac John- son and Mary IIod?;don. (See ("haiiter IV.) M. (second), Jan. 18, 1864. Hannah Sturdevant Blake, b. Bootbbay, Me., Jan. 11, 1823; d. Jan. 29, 1900; daughter of AVilliam Blake and Rosannah I'erry. Children of first marriage. (5) Mary Jane Sinnett. b. Feb. 11, 1856; drowned .-it Bailey's Island, Me., April 22. 1864. (5) Gertrude II. Sinnett, b. May 3, 1858: drowned at Bailey's Island. Me.. April 22. 1864. (5) Walter Scott Sinnett. b.. 1860; resides Harpswell. Me.; m., Oct. 8, 1890, Lucy Emma Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. Me., May 16, 1872; daughter of Capt. Charles E. John- son and Arvilla W. Front. (6) Gertie May Sinnett. b. Sept. 18. 1892. (6) David Sinnett. b. Nov. 16, 1896. (6) John Merrill Sinnett. b. Sept. 2, 1898. (6) Ida Sinnett. b. March, 1904. Child of second marriage; (5) Curtis Sumner Sinnett, b. Aug. 1, 1867; d. 1869. (4) Capt. William Sinnett, b. Nov. 27, 1827; d. Jan. 14. 1894; a very successful captain, sailing to many foreign ports; resided at Knightville. Me., for many years; buried at Bailey's Island. Me. ; m., Jan. 4, 1852. Sarah Bennett, b. Bucksport. Me.. June 4, 1828; daughter of Davis Bennett and Sally Sinnett; resides 415 Stevens' Avenue. Woodford's, Me. (5) Clara Ella Sinnett; d. Nov. 22, 1856 (3v.. 7m.). (5) Jennie; d. Nov. 20, 1863 (ly., 3m.). (5) Clara Ella Sinnett. b. June 19, 1878; resides 1108 Fore-st Avenue, Woodford's, Me.; ni., 1878, Oscar Skill- ings. (6) Sarah Louise Skillings, b. March 31, 1879; resides 415 Stevens Avenue. Woodford's, Me. ; m., April 12. 1894, Edwin Herbert Hartshorn, b. Portland, :Mo., D<><-. 25, 1876; switchnii'in; son of Jesse Meserve Hartshorn and .lessie Fremont Sanford. (7) Alice Loui.se Hartshorn, b. Nov. 25, 1897. (6) George Hugh Bennett Skillings. b. May 19, 1880: re- sides 22 Savage Street, Woodford's. Me.; postal clerk; m.. Nov. 28. 1901, Gertrude G. Soule. b. Portland. Me.. Feb. 7, 1880; daughter of John T. Soule and Ada G. Best. (7) George Franklin Skillings. b. June 19. 1904. (6) William Franklin Skillings. b. Oct. 4. 1884: baggage master; resides 1108 Forest Avenue, Woodford's. Me. (6) Everett Sinnett Skillings, b. July 16, 1888. (4) Jane Johnson Sinnett, b. .Tune 20, 1830; d. .Tan.. 1876; one of the noblest of mothers, friends and neighbors; mem- ber of the Harpswell Center (Me.) Congregational church; resided Harpswell Center, then at Brunswick. Me. ; m.. :\Iav 52 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 1, 1851, Capt. Leuuiel Hiukley Stover, b. Ilarpswell Center. Me., March 6. 1825 ; resides Brunswick, Me. ; successful sea captain, representative to Maine Legislature several terms and in 1906-'07 ; cashier of the Pejepscot National Bank, Brunswick, Me. (5) Mary Louise Stover, b. Harpswell Center, Me., Dec. 22, 1852 ; resides Bailey's Island. Me. ; m.. Oct. 9, 1877. Capt. James Lewis Orr. b. Bailey's Island, 'Sle., March 28, 1846 ; d. May 10. 1900 : sou of Capt. Sinnett Orr and Deborah Merrymnn. (6) Ethel Waldnni Orr. b. Dec. 30, 1882; a very fine musician. (5) Lizzie Morton Stover, b. Ilarpswell Center, Me., Aug. 8, 1855; resides Newdorp, Staten Island, N. Y. ; m., April 29, 1885, Capt. Sylvester Stover Dunning, b. Harpswell. Me., Jan. 9, 1854 ; son of George S. Dunning and Mary Hall. (6) Herbert Sylvester Dunning, b. March 2. 1887. (6) Willis Chandler Dunning, b. May 2, 1889. (5) Lemuel Stover. Jr.. b. Aug. 17, 1865; d. Jan. 17, 1886. (4) Hannah Bailey Sinnett, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Jan. 11, 1836 ; d. Feb. 16, 1901 ; always resided Bailey's Island. Me. ; a writer of fine prose and verse and one of the kindest women in the home and the neighborhood; m. (first), in Portland. Me.. Dec. 6. 1852, Capt. William Thomas, b. Bai- ley's Island, Me., Oct. 23, 1823 ; d. 1858 ; a successful sea captain ; son of Jesse Thomas and Hannah Alexander ; m. (second), Jan., 1872. Capt. James Thomas, b. Bailey's Island. Me.. Aug. 23. 1819; d. March 16, 1901; brother of first husband. Children of first marriage: (5) Paulina Thomas, b. Aug. 9, 1857; resides Bailey's Island. Me. ; m.. Dec. 19. 1878, Capt. Edmund Franklin Black, b. Orr's Island. Me.. Dec. 10. 1854 : son of Charles Black and Mary Doughty. (6) Mary Isabel Black, b. Sept. 25, 1879; resides Bailey's Island, Me.; m.. Jan. 29, 1899, Walter E. Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. Me.. Dec. 16. 1872 ; son of George Hugh Johnson and Elizabeth Ann Johns(m. (7) Edna Margery Johnson, b. July 13, 1900. (6) .Tennie Emeline Black, b. March 9. 1880; m., Oct. 6. 1903. Willie Waterman .Tohnson. b. Jan. 2. 1877; book- lcoei)er ; son of Elisha C. Johnson and Gustina O. Bibber. (7) Margaret Paulina Johnson, b. July 13. 1905. (6) William Tliom:is Black, b. Sept. li. 1881; m.. .Jan.. 1903. Susie E. Bennett. (7) Dorothy E. Black. (6) Charles Percy Black, b. Mav 23. 1885: d. Nov. 14. 1902 (17y.). (6) Miirgarot Sinnett Black, b. July 4. 1887. (6) Haun.-iii P.ailey Black, b. Aug. 7. 1890. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 53 (.'bildron of socond marriage. (5) Ralph Thomas, b. April 1, 1874; m., at Pctrtsmouth, N. 11.. July 3, 1900. Charlotte .M. Estos of Ilari-swoll. Me. (5) Jennie Thomas, b. Feb. 4, 1877; d. Aug. Tl, 1S77. * * * * if (3) Phineas Johnson, b. ApiMl 21, 1792. (3 1 Charles Johnson, b. Jan. 27, 1794; d. Xortb llarpswell. .Me.. Aug. 31. 1887 (93.V.. 7m., 4d.) : storekeeper at North Harps- well, Me.; postmaster of first post ofhee. North IIari)S\velI. Me.. 1864; justice of peace; town treasurer; m. ( first i. .May 2. 1813, Mary Bishop, b. Ilariis\\t>Il. Me.. June 17. 1791; d. March 2, 1837 ( 46y., 8m.) ; daughter of Joshua Bishop and Patience Estes ; m. (second). :May 20. 1839, Eloise Bishoji. b. Harpswell, Me., Jan. 19. 180.^; d. Sept. 3. 1897 (86y., 6m.. 15d.) ; the daughter of Joshua Bishop and P;itience Estes. Children of first marriage : (4) Patience Johnson, b. North IIari)swell, Me., 8ei)t. Id. 1813 ; d. Wilton, Me., Aug. 2, 1874 ; m.. Sept. 5. 1830. Jona- than Bartlett of Wilton. Me., b. :\Iinot. Me.. Feb. 6. 1803 ; d. Oct. 16, 1881; .sailor, then a farmer; lived Minot, Harps- well and Wilton, Me. ; son of Jonathan Bartlett of Auie.s- bury, Mass., b. Dec. 6, 1777; d. about 1858. and who mar- ried Rachel . The Bartlett line: Richard Bartlett'; he and his brothers. John and Richard, came to America in 1634 ; John and Richard settled at Newbury, .Ma.ss. ; Richard Bartlett-; Richard Bartlett'; Stephen Bartlett' ; Ichabod Colby Bartlett'. b. Aniesbnry, Mass., about 1741 and m.. Aug. 1. 1774. Sarah Merrill; he was captain in Peleg Wadsworth's company. Twenty-third Regiment of Continental troops, and was taken prisoner in 1780, and d. in prison ; he was a brother of Gov. Josiah Bartlett of New Hampshire; Jonathan Bartlett^ b. .\mesbury, Mass., Dtn-. 6, 1777; farmer in Amesbury. .Mass., and at Minot. Me. Besides the son. Jonathan Bartlett. mentioned above, there was a son. Ichabod Bartlett', b. Minot. Me., 1803; d.. 1S89 at Mattapan. iNIass., and lived Jay. Me. Also daughter. Jane Bartlett'. b. Minot, Me., 1779 ; d. Oldtown. Me. (5) Capt. Charles Bartlett, b. Harpswell, Me., Aug. 11, 1831; d. Point d Pitre, Guadaloupe. Feb. 23, 1903: ni., Dec. 31, 18.50. Persis Nelscm Rowe, b. Gloucester, Me.. Aug. 17, 1838 ; d. Feb. 6. 1889. "His early life was spent in Maine, where he carried on a large milling business. He was also for some time a shipmaster and shipbuilder. For the last twenty-five years of his life he was in Ihe government service as United States Consul at St. Pierre. Martinique, and then at Point 5. I'itre, Guadaloupe, which latter position he held at the time of his death. He was well known in the business circles of Portland, Me., though he had been absent .so many years. It was one of his cherished desires to return 1o iiis native state in the near future. He was prominent in the .Ma.sonic order and was also an Odd Fellow. He transferrer! his .Ma- sonic relations to Point a, Pitre. ;iud was buried witii tlie 64 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. rites of that order, the services beiug held in the Masonic hall."' (6) Charles B. Bartlett. Jr.. b. Minot. Me.. Nov. 10, 1855; resides 10 Willis Street. Portland, Me. ; time-keeper for the Maine Steamshii) Company; m.. May 6, 1875, Catherine Isabel Douglas Willis, b. on the English Island of Antigua, Sept. 3, 1858 ; studied in a private school on her native island; daughter of Fred Willis and Sarah Jane Irving. (7) Edith Ella Bartlett, b. March 31, 1875; resides 13 Becket Street, Portland, Me.; m.. Dec. 25, 1903, Adelbert Parker Turner, b. Sedgwick, Me., Sept. 15, 1875 ; salesman ; son of Austin S. Turner and Liza Pendleton. (7) Walter Paul Bartlett b. St. Pierre, Martinique, Nov. 3, 1877; d. in infancy. (7) Harold Charles Johnson Bartlett. b. St. Pierre, Martini(pie. April 17, 1879 ; d. in infancy. (7) Mary Persis Bartlett, b. May 8, 1881; m. (first), July 3. 1902, Dr. William Bridgman Coburn of Sher- man, Me.; d. Sept. 6. 1902; m. (second), July 11, 1903, John R. Johnson of Portland, Me. (7) Ethel Malisse Bartlett. b. Oct. 8, 1883. (7) Jessie Jane Bartlett, b. Oct. 20, 1886. (7) Archibald Bartlett, b. Portland. Me., Oct. 29, 1896; d. Aug. 4, 1897. (7) Douglas Bartlett. b. Portland, Me., April 16, 1899; d. April 18. 1899. (6) Ella J. Bartlett. b. Temple. Me.. April 3. 1857; resides Veazie, Me. ; has lived Island of Martinique and in Maine towns. Wilton, Cai)e Elizabeth, Portland, Eaton. and Veazie; studied in Wilton (Me.) Academy and in Windall Institute. Farmington, Me. ; m., April 14, 1880, Warren Brown, b. Brown's Hill, now Pleasantdale. South Portland, Me., Oct. 18. 1855 ; Cape Elizabeth High School and Kent's Hill Seminary ; a very successful railroad telegrai)h operator; son of John Brown and Mary Eliza Roberts. (7) Ella Lillian Brown, b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Dec. 25, 1880. (7) Mary Delia Brown, b. :\Iay 25. 1882 ; employed in the hospital at Palmer. Mass. (7) Theresa Althea Brown, b. F^aton, now a part of Danforth, Me.. April 13, 1884. (7) Cora Alice Brown, b. Eaton. Me., Dec. 5, 1885; re- sides Portland. Me. (7) Malissie Brown, b. Eaton. :Me.. Oct. 30, 1887. (7) Philip Warren lirown, b. Eaton. Me., Aug. 28. 1889, in school at South Portland. Me. (7) Beulah Jennie Brown, b. Eaton, Me.. Aug. 27, 1890: d. Sept. 20. 1892. (7) Carl Max Brown, b. Eaton. Me., Feb. 8. 1893. (7) Clara Isabel Brown, b. Eaton, Me., Aug. C, 1895. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 55 (6) Malissa Bartlett. 1». Teinplt>. Me.. Oct. 7, 1859; n- sides 57 Merrill Street, Portland. Me.; uiiiii. (6) Jonathan Bartlctt. b. Wilton. Me.. Mav 28. 1864; d. Nov. 18. 1874. (5) Colby Hartlett. b. llarii.swoll. Mc. May 7. 1833; d. Wilton. Me.. Feb. 29. 1904; .studied in the s<-bools of Minot and Wilton. Me. ; sailor, fanner, bootmaker, engl- , neer. trial justiee, and chaplain of M.isunic order; ni.. Jan. 8. 1854. Mary A. Nickerson. b. Aslilaml. .Mass.. now- South Franiin.u'hnni, Ajtril 5. 1837; she now resides at Tosns. Me.; daughter of Willard C Nicker.son and Han- nah A. White of Sniithfield. Me. (6) G. Willard Bartlett. b. Wilton. Me.. Jan. 7. 1857; resides 89 Court Street. Boston, Mass. ; admitted to the bar at Denver. Col.. June. 1880; nominated for the Legislature at Livermore Falls. Me.. 1884 ; has edited papers at liivermore Falls. Me.. Leadville. Col.. Elgin. Texas: connnander of Co. G. Colorado Xational Guard; lawyer and in the real estate business; has lived in many towns and cities. East and West; num. (6) Patience A. Bartlett. b. Wilton, Me.. Feb. 2, 1864; resides South Framingham, Mass.. 60 Grant Street; studied in the common schools of Woonsocket. R. I., South Boston and Ashland, Mass. ; m.. Providence, li. I., Dec. 6, 1883, Samuel B. Hogan, b. March 16, 1865; en- gineer in the South Framingham (Mass.) box shop; son of Thomas Hogan and Elizabeth Braden. (5) Mary Bartlett, b. Hari)swell, or Minot, Me., Jan. 4, 1834; d. March 3. 1892; studietl in Wilton (Me.) schools; m. Enoch Wood. b. Acton. Me.. Dec. 17, 1825 ; d. April 4. 1884; Acton (Me.) schools and Farmington (Me.) Acad- emy; resided Wilton, Me. (6) John Wesley Wood; d. East Wilton, Me., about 1858 (2y., 11m.). (6) Samuel Sewall Wood, b. Wilton, Me., May 11, 1860; resides Livermore Falls. Me.; has lived Wilton and Auburn, Me., and at West IMedway and Boston. Mass. ; Wilton (Me.) schools and academy; fanner; m., Mav 23. 1884. Clara Ella Ilebard. b. Nashua. N. IT.. Jan. 29. 1869 ; common schools and Edward Little High School of Auburn. Me.; daughter of James Currier Hebard and Louisa Grant. Children born at Livermore Falls. Me. : (7) Idamae W^)od. b. Dec. 15. 1884; graduated from Wilton (Me.) grammar school. 1897, and from Liver- more Falls High School, 1901; teacher in the public schools; violinist and singer. (7) Myra Edith Wood, b. Sept. 14, 1889; a student in the Livermore Falls (Me.) Hiirli School. (7) Eva May Wood, b. Oct. 23, 1891. (6) Johnson Bartlett Wood, b. East Wilton, Me., Feb. 26, 1863; resides Wilton, Me.; has lived Lewiston, Me., and in Boston, Mass.; Wilton schools; farmer; m., Ai)ril 21. 1891. Emeline Mary Calden. b. Jay. Me.. April 21. 1871; o6 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Wilton (Me.) schools: daughter of Oriiiau Calden and Mary Jane Foster. Children horn in Wilton. Me. : (7) Ralph Johnson Wood, b. May 5, 1893. (7) Robert Enoch Wood, b. July 28. 1903. (7) Ruth Emeline Wood, b. July 28, 1903. (5) Jane (Jennie in sonic records) Bartlett. b. Jan. 4, 1834 ; d. Feb. 25. 1883 : ni.. Justin E. Hodgkins, who died April 10. 1886 ; he was a travelini: man and resided at Wilton. Me. (6) Frank K. Hodgkins. (6) Rosa E. Hodgkins; d. Feb. 25, 1891; graduated at Wilton (Me.) Academy; m.. Oct. 14, 1883, Frank Lorin Paine, b. Jay, Me., April 21. 1861 ; Wilton schools and academy; mechanic; lived in Maine and Massachusetts. (7) .Jennie Elvira Paine, b. Dec. 29. 1882: resides Wilton. Me. (7) Elvie Rernice Paine; d. Nov. 2. 1904 (17y, 3m., 17d.). (6) Dexter Hodgkins. (5) Hepzibeth Bartlett, b. Wilton. Me.; d. June 3. 1876; m. Winfield Scott Hinkley. b. Lisbon, Me.. April 29, 1839 ; he resides Lisbon, Me. ; studied in the town and high schools : is an undertaker. (6) Lucie Carlton Hinkley, b. Wilton, Me., Sept. 5, 1867; resides Thomaston, Me.; studied in Wilton (Me.) schools and took a special course in Wilton Academy and Farmington Normal School ; m.. May 24, 1893, Edward C. Weston, b. Warren, Me., Nov. 24, 1866; studied in Warren (Me.) schools: travelling salesman; son of Miles S. Weston and Mary A. Andrews. (7) Myron Hinckley Weston, b. Sept. 24. 1895. (7) Myles Scott Weston, b. Aug. 9. 1898. (5) Abbie Bartlett, b. Wilton. Me.. March 21. 1845; re- sides 4 Spring Street. Auburn, Me. ; m.. March 5. 1865. George W. Prescott. b. New Sharon, Me.; d. Oct. 24, 1899 (68y. ) ; studied in Kent's Hill Seminary: carriage maker. (6) Alice M. Prescott. b. Wilton, Me., April 9. 1866; works in Auburn (Me.) paper box factory. (6) CJrace L. Prescott, b. Farmington. Me.. June 28, 1874 : m., Dec. 25. 1899. George A. Sawyer, a barber. (4) Jane Rodick Johnson, b. Aug. 20. 1815; m. Ira Berry of Minot, Me., who died jit Oldtown. Me., July 19. 1894 (85y.. 2m.. 18d.). (5) Mary Berry: (5) Fannie Berry; (5) An- drew Berry, who d. July 26. 1841 (ly., 6m.) ; (5) Andrew T. Berry, who d. July 25. 1844 (2y.). (4) Isaac Alexander Johnson, b. Feb. 7, 1818; d. Oct. 10, 1874 (56y.. 10m.) : always resided at North Harpswell. Me.; m.. Nov. 9, 1841, Rebecc.i Curtis; d. Oct. 2, 1868 (50y.), or July 10, 1869; daughter of .John Curtis and Abigail Alex- ander. (5) Abby Curtis .Johnson, b. Sept. 3, 1842: resides Bath, Me.; m.. Nov. 26. 1884. (Jeorge Hawley of Bath, Me. (5) Elizabeth Curtis Johnson; d. 3y., 3m. (5) Rel)ecca Jane Johnson: b. Nov. 30. 1844; d. July 12, JOHNSON GENEALOGY. iu 1901; 111., Alls. 22, 1864. ('apt. Jeremiah K. (Jetchel: d. March 23, 1887 (45.V.'). (6) William E. Getchell. b. Nov. 23, 1869: d. Dei-. 15, 1900 : num. (6) Charles Johnson Gotchell. b. Oct. 3. 1877. (5) Etta B. Johnson, b. Sept. 25, 1853; in.. Oct. 29, 1882, James Edward Alexander, b. Harpswell, Me., April 24, 1854 ; blacksmith at North Harpswell. Mo. ; son of J.unes Alexander and Fannie Stover. Xo children. (5) Isaac Alexander .Johnson, b. Jan. 28, 1856; in.. Fel>. 29, 1884, Mariani S. Merryman, b. West Harpswell, Me.. Jan. 13. 1857; danghter of Capt. Daniel Merriman and Dei>orah W. Curtis. (6) Flora Charlotte Johnson, b. Sept. 25, 1885. (6) Deborah Curtis .Tohnson. b. Jun(» 23, 1887; d. .\pril 10, 1889. (6) Ira Berry Johnscm, b. June 4. 1890. (6) Samuel Kelsey Johnson, b. :March 12. 1892. (5) Maud Johnson, b. 1858; resides P.rnnswick, Me.; iii. Lincoln Colby. (4) Joshua Bishop Johnson, b. Auj:. 1, 1820; d. .Nahant. Mass., Sept. 26, 1896; m. (first), Nov. 25, 1847, Caroline A. .John- son of Nahant, Mass.. who d. 1849; m. (secondl, Nov. 24, 1850, Almira Clioate Estes of Lynn. Mass. Child of first marriage: (5) Frederic Johnson, b. April 27. 1849; d. Oct., 1870. » Children of second marriage : (5) Julia Norton Johnson, b. Nov. 7. 1852; d. Feb. 3, 1874. (5) Fannie Miller .Johnson, b. Jan. 22. 1856; ra., Mav 3, 1878. John Edwin Stanley. (6) Carrie Bishop Stanley, b. Dec. 16. 1880. (5) Otis Alden .Johnson, b. Ajiril 27. 1860; m.. June 27, 1888. Lucy Glover Chase. 1). Sept. 12. 1863. (6) Ellen Bishoji .Johnson, b. July 24. 1890. (6) Almira Elizabeth .Johnson, b. Aug. 5. 1894. (4) Margaret Bishop .Johnson, b. Dec. 30, 1822; resides Knth, Me.; m. (first), Nov. 15, 1844, Othniel C. Morton of Wilton, Me., who died March 20. 1848; m. (second), Feb. 29. 1858, .Josiali D. Blethen of Durham. Me., who d. Sept. 12. 1898. Child of first marriage : (5) Charles .Johnson Morton, b. Nov. 23, 1845; d. Jiilv 10. 1849 (4y.. 6ni.). Children of second marriage: (5) .John Bishop Blethen. I>. J.an. 8, 1855; m.. Di^-. 25. 1882. H.ittie Howe of Andover. Me.; no children. (5) Charles Johnson Blethen. b. S(>pt. 10. 1S60; resides Lynn, Mass.; m., June 17, 1883. Lizzie Dennis of Afarble- head, Mass. (6) Edith May Blethen. b. Dec. 6. 1884. (5) Emma Coombs Blethen, b. Sept. 10. 1862: resides l^ith. Me.; m.. May 7. 1884. Edwin C. Dunning, b. North Harps- well, Me., M;iy 2, 1856: civil engineer: son of George Skolfield Dunning and Mary Hall. (4) Abigail Bibber Joimson. b. Oct. 11. 1824: d. Wilton. .Me.. June 16. 1862: m.. .Kjirij 21. 1846. David Miller of Wilton, 58 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Me b. Fall River, Mass., July 10, 1815; d. May 10, 1893; farmer in Wilton, Me.; son of David Miller and Betsy Tierce of Fall Kiver, Mass. (5) Hattie Elizabeth Miller, b. Dec. 17. 1848; resides Bean's Corner, Me.; graduated from Wilton (Me.) Acad- emy and State Normal School ; m., April 13, 1870, Andrew J. Linscott of Jay, Me., b. Nov. 18, 1845 ; schools of Wilton and Jay, Me. ; farmer and dealer in apples, etc. ; son of Andrew Linscott and Lucy Butterfield. (6) Fannie A. Linscott, b. Feb. 12, 1872; studied in Wil- ton (Me.) Academy and in Virgil Clavier School of Music; a music teacher for several years in Wilton and Jay, Me. (5) Charles Morton Miller, b. Oct. 6, 1850; resides Wilton, Me., and owns a large farm near that village; studied in the town schools and Wilton (Me.) Academy; m., Jan. 13, 1874. Lucinda Rich of Boston, Mass., b. Jan. 24, 1853 ; studied in the Boston schools; daughter of Josiah Rich and of Lucy Baker of Wellfleet, Mass. ; granddaughter of Solon Rich and Benjamin Baker. (6) Leita Josephine Miller, b. March 10, 1878; book- keeper in H. E. Houghton's hardware store, Wilton, Me.; graduated Wilton (Me.) Academy and at Farm- iugtou (Me.) State Normal School and Perrier's Short Hand School in Boston, Mass. (6) Alice May Miller, b. April 8, 1881; studied in Wilton (Me.) Academv; resides Wilton, Me.; m. Carl H. Hall. (7) Donald Miller Hall. b. March 19. 1901. (7) Charles Lewis Hall, b. July 6. 1902. (5) William Harlow Johnson Miller, b. Sept. 20, 1852; re- sides 5 Goff Street. Auburn, Me. ; m.. Oct. 31, 1888. Doro- thv E. Randall of Auburn, Me. (5) Isaac Alexander Miller, b. Feb. 21. 1854; d. Nov. 20, 1856. (5) Jennie Florence Miller, b. June 14, 1856; d. March 20. 1900; m., Jan. 1. 1878, William A. Daseomb of Wilton, Me., b. April 16. 1855; farmer; lives Wilton. Me.; grad- uated Wilton Academy, 1897 ; teacher. (6) Chester Miller Daseomb, b. Oct. 18, 1878. (6) Daisy F. Daseomb, b. Sept. 26, 1883; graduated Wil- ton (Me.) Academy, 1900. (5) Freddie Morton Miller, b. Dec. 23, 1858; d. Jan. 5. 1859. (5) Mary Louisa Miller, b. March 2. 1860; d. March 6. 1902; graduatefl at Wilton (Me.) Academy; m., Jan. 1, 1890, Dr. Corydon W. Harlow of Auburn. Me., who re- sides Melrose Highlands. Mass. ; no children. (4) Harriet Springer Johnson b. North Harpswell, Me., Sept. n, 1829; d. Brunswick, Me., Aug. 28, 1898; m., Sept. 12, 1847, Capt. John Bishop, b. North Harpswell, Me., Oct. 21, 1821; d. March 17, 1900, at Brunswick, Me.; a very suc- cessful sen cai)t:iin, whose home was a place of large cheer and generosity: their last years wei'e spent in Brunswick, Me. : son of .Tohn Bishop and Margaret Alexander. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 59 IN MEMORY OF MBS. CAPT. JOHN BISHOP. By Capt. L. H. Stover. Gone, dear friend, w(> mourn thy loss, God give us strength to bear the cross; With thy husband we shall share The memory of thy life so rare; We can witness to thy worth From thy death back to thy birth, And on earth we seldom find One so loving, tender, kind, In all thy life a constant friend On whom we always could depend; Exhibiting in man-led life The model of a loving wife. A life so filled with kindly deeds Needs no aid from human creeds; Death itself has lost its sting. The grave no victory can sing; Oh, how sweet to those who meet O'er the grave where loved ones sleep, To think that on that other shore We shall meet to part no more. IN MEMORY OF CAPT. .JOHN BISHOP. By Capt. L. H. Stover. Farewell, dear friend, thy work is done. Life's toils are o'er, thy victory won; Thou art gone, and we remain. But our great loss must be thy gain; Thy loving heart by grief distressed. Is with thy loved one now at rest, All thy longing and thy grief Has found in death a sweet relief; E'en deafh itself cannot impair The memory of a life so fair; An honest man, a steadfast friend. Thy noble traits we here commend, Thy lifelong friends their tears restrain. Hoping ere long to meet again On that eternal, mystic shore Where those who greet shall part no more. (4) William II. Johnson, b. Nov. 9, 1832; d. New Orleans, La., Oct. 12, 1852: umn. Children of second marriage: (4) Mary Bishop Johnson, b. Sept. 12, 1842; resides 165 Clin- ton Avenue, Brooldyn, N. Y. ; m., Feb. 28, 1863, Capt. Horatio Hall, b. Brunswick. Me.. Aug. 17. 1844 ; agent of tiie Maine Steamship Company, New York City; son of Horatio Hall and Jane H. . (5) Jennie K. Hall. b. Nov. 27, 1863: m.. April 13, 1885, James R. Clark of Boston, Mass. (5) William Harlow Bishop Hall. b. Feb. 12. 1867: resides 60 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. New York City; ni.. April 12, 1885, Francis Houjrli of New York City. (6) Horation Hall, 2(1, b. March 23, 1889. (6) Marie Kloise Hall, b. Sept. 15, 1896. (4) Narcissa Stone Johnson, b. Jan. 26, 1844: resides 2l' Deering Street. Portland, Me.; m., Sept. 29, 1866, Samnel Kelsey of Freeport, Me. (5) Frederic B. Kelsey, b. July 18, 1867 ; m.. May 24. 1890, Cora L. Chase. (6) Margaret Eloise Kelsey. b. April 5, 1891. (4) Caroline Amelia Johnson, b. Nov. 14, 1846; studied in Harpswell (Me.) Academy; m., Feb. 8. 1872, Horace Fisher, b. Topsham, Me., May 10, 1848; d. May 13, 1901; farmer; studied in the Topsham (Me.) schools and Harpswell (Me.i Academy. (5) Harriet Helen Fisher, li. Aug. 21. 1876: studied in Topsham (Me.) schools. (5) Ethel Maude Fisher, b. Feb. 23, 1883; graduated Topsham (Me.) High School, June 15, 1900. ***** (3) Capt Jonathan Roduck Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. Me., Dec. 15. 1796 ; d. May 26, 1876 ; resided Bailey's Island. Me. : he made many voyages up the Mediterranean, to the Azore Islands, West Indies, etc; he m. (first), 1821. at Anquilla. Island of St. Martin's, by the Episcopal rector, Sophia Le- tounier, b. St. Martin's. West India Islands, Tuesday, April 17, 1799; d. Bailey's Island, Me.. Sept. 14. 1840: one of the noblest of women and mothers; daughter of Francis Le- tounier, a French gentleman, and of Mary, his wife, who was of Dutch parentage. Far from her native isle she dwelt. But kept her faith in God secure ; Her hope so strong, her trust so i"ii'e, Is still in scores of jilaces felt ; They caln) in all life's toil and fret. And still for all her noble line This glowing heritage shall shine 'Till life's last sun on earth shall set. C. A-, f^. Capt. Jonathan Roduck Johnson m. (second). Oct. 8, 1840, Miri.'tm Johnson, b. Bailey's Island. Me.. Dec. 2. 1805; d. Dec. 20, 1869; daughter (»f David Johnson and Abigail Allen. (See Cl^apter I.) Cliildren of first marriage: (4) Mary Jane Johnson, b. Aug. 14, 1821 ; d. at Nahant, Mass.. Jan. 3, 1902; m. (first). Feb. 24. 1840. Edward Smith: ni. (second). Dec. 7, 1845, Joseph Johnson. Jr.. b. Bailey's Island. Me., May 5. 1820; d. Xahant. Mass.. Sept. 16, 1901. (See full records, pp. 44. 45.) Son of Joseph Johnson ;ind Susan Foster. (4) John Francis Johnson, b. Jime 14. 1825; d. at sea; num. (4) James Henry Rebeau Johnson, I>. I'ailey's Island, Me., Nov. 28, 1828; d. at Portland, .Me., Aug 12, 1905; buried Capt. Jonathan R. Johnson, at 73 years. f JOHNSON GENEALOGY. «il iu Evertrreeu Cemetery, l'ortlaiis and Mayhew grannnar schools of Boston, .Mass., grad- uating July, 1871; merchant; m. Rosa Vinello, a teacher of the voice. (5) Victor Letounier Johnson, b. Boston. .Mass.. Aug. 24. 1863; d. Altoona. Fla., Jan., 1884; burled at Nahant. Mass. He attended the Phillips School, Boston, Mass.. and the Little Blue School, Farmington, Me. ; a very s\i<- cessful newspaper worker; in 1883 he bought and edlteem to others. This was finel.v demonstratefl in the story of how he became a member of the Congregational church at Harpswell Center, Me., of which he was a faithful deacon for many years. I said to him once in his cosey home on Orr's Island. Me. : "How did you decide to unite with the old church .at tin- Center?" "Well. Charlie," he said, with a loving look at the white spire of the church up the hay. "it was because it seemed a plain duty, and my mother had always taught me that when any work seemed very hard it sliowe<1 .a road to great peace of mind and help for others. My father came home one morning with a sad look on his face. 'The oldest member in the Congregational church is dead, and T wonder who can take the i)lace of such a good man.' My fallicr seemed to be looking straight into my heart — .and lie always thought Ralph could do any kind of work. I rose at ouce 64 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. and could oiilv say, 'Father, you are tired, and I will so and pull the lobster traps for you.' He thanked me and let me go without another word. A heavy storm had moved many of the traps out of their places, but I got them all in line again. It was hard work, but all through it I seemed to hear God saying to me, 'Try and straighten the line of the church work.' When I reached home my mind was fully made up. I told my father that I would unite with the church, and was sorry 1 had not done it before. I never dreamed they would choose me deacon of the church later on. I simply wanted to do what was right." The story was told so simply that it touched the hearts of all of us who listened to it. And \vell did I remember how^ Eli.iah Kellog, the pastor of the Center church, had said to me: "He has been a man on whom I could always depend. His help in the church no man can measure. On Orr's Island he and his faithful wife have done all in their power for the Master's cause." Deacon Rali)h Johnson lived on Orr's Island many years, and his house is known far and wide as the "Pearl House," so well described in Mrs. Stowe's "Pearl of Orr's Island." In Loudon I saw some people looking at this picture and saying. "It must have been a homelike place." And I knew that hundreds of people could say. "Amen — and Amen!" M. (first). May 10, 1821. Lydia Farr. b. Ilarpswell Neck. Me., June 7. 1799 ; d. June 17. 1836 ; daughter of Isaac Farr and Eleanor lioduck ; m. (second), Nov. 2. 1837, Content Percy, b. Phippsburgh. Me.. Dec. 3, 1814; d. April 25. 1880: one of the most devoted of Christians: daughter of James Percy and Sarah . No children of the second marriage. The i-hildren of the first marriage, all born at Orr's Island. Me. : (4) Ralph Johnson, b. Sept. 14. 1821; d. Oct. 11. 1869 (48y.) ; m., Oct. 13. 1844. Lettice Orr Reed, b. June 9. 1825 : she re- sides 3 Quincy Street, Portland, Me.; daughter of Charles Reed and Eliza Pennell ; granddaughter of John Reed and Lettice Orr. (See Orr and Reed genealogy by Rev. C. N. Sinnett.) (5) Capt. Alfred Johnson, b. May 5. 1845; resides 18 Sher- man Street. Portland, Me. ; moved to Portland, Me.. 1871 ; is now captain of the steamer Horatio Hall of the Maine Steamship Company ; he was mate for several years on the steamer Cottutjc City of this same company; m.. May 23. 1865, Clara O. Jordan, b. Freeport. Me., April 1, 1845 ; daughter of George Washington Jordan and Rhoda A. Field; granddaughter of William Jordan and Rachel Orr. (6) Lydia Skolfield Johnson, b. Sept. 3. 1867; resides 18 Sherman Street, Portland. Me. ; graduated from Port- land (Me.) High School; m.. Dec. 15, 1886, Wilbert R. Pitcher, b. Bangor, Me.. Aug. 31, 1865 ; d. Feb. 20. 1902 ; a travelling salesman. (7) Marie Louise Pitcher, b. Nov. 3, 1891. (6) Ernest Percy Johnson, b. Feb. 18. 1874; graduated North School and High School, Portland. Me.; resides 45 Winter Street. Portland. Me.: clerk with Parker, JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 65 Thomas & Co. ; ui.. Jmii. 3, 189.5. K.litli A. no„tl.hv b rortland. Me Sept. 29. 1874: f^nuluate.! lU.tler (/ra,..: ...ar School and IIi,m, Sch.,ol „f I'ortlaud. Me. ; dau^htiT (7) Ruth Lydia Johnson, b. .Mav 5 1897 (6) Clara Ennna Johnson, b. Feb."ii. 1883 ; studied Port- i np'?7''''iQrr" T^r'^'l;'^^:^ ^'""^ '^'' "'S^ school; m.. June 27 190o. John Frederick Pennell of New York (itv. b. Brunswick, Me.. Aujr. 1, 1871: f^radunt..! Yal.. aX'1 Reed.''^ '"" "' '"'"• •'^'"'^ ^- '■--" ''u'l (7) Daughter, b. March 31, 1906 (6) George Alfred Johnson, b. Feb. 1. 1888- jrradu-ittHl Port and schools and fron, High s.-bool : n aior o S Portland (Me.) High School Cadet.s, 1905-"06 (5) Reed Orr Johnson, b. July 13, 1848; resides Orr's Island Mt^ ; ni. Elizabeth Jane Stover, b. Harnswell Cen Lois Hinckley; no children. (5) Lettice Ennna .Tolmson, b. Feb. 1. 1853; resides Port- /;='! n V"- 'i':,V'^^^ ^- •^"""- ^- 1868; d. Portland. Me. (b) Only child; d. in infancy %'^^f7'^l VT'^ Johnson, b. July 25, 1856; m.. Aug. dl, 1876, John E. Osborne; I>. P., Auir 27 IS'S?- q-ilo«ma» (5) Clement Skoltield Johnson, b. Xov 10 1867 las !": sided in Portland. Me., some twenty-eight vears: grocer corner of Cumberland and Smith streets, Portland, Me •' ni., Nov. 29, 1892, Lilla Amelia Rog(>rs, b Feb " 1870 at Deering, Me. ; d.iughter of Charles Ilenrv Roge'rs and Agnes Lewis; she studied in the Westbrook (Me.) schools, (b) Rali)h Henry Johnson, b. April 13, 1894. (6) Philip Marshall .Tolmson, b. Aug. 31. 1895. (6) Helen Agnes Johnson, b. April 29. 1898 (6) Clement S. Johnson. .Jr., b. May 24.' 1900. (6) Harold Rogers Johnson, b. Dec 27 190'> (4) Alfred Johnson, b. 1823; d. Sept. 18, 1826" (3y )' ''n/^-''"^''? ^?^Z^T ''• ^•'^- 1^- 1825: d. .Tune 17.' 1897: m Clement Skoltield, b. North Harpswell, Me Oct 23 1819- d. Dec. 5. 1886; son of Samuel Skolfield and Marv Reed ' (5) Curtis Johnson Scolfield, U. Jan. 30, 1853; d. Sept.' 24, (5^ Ralph Johnson Scolfield: d. Sej.t. 6. 1856 (3m.. 5d.). "' ' ' " " 1889: (4) Eleanor Johnson, b. Oct. 10. 1827; d March 11 . unni. (4) Charity Johnson, b. Aug. 11. 1829; d. June 17. 1S97 ***** (3) Jenny Johnson, b. Dec. 30. 1801 : d. Dec. 30. 1802. ***** (3) Jane Johnson, b. Sept. 11. 1803; d. in vouth. imiii. CHAPTER III. (2) James Johnson, b. Harpswell, Me., March 3, 1759; d. Free- port, Me., Feb. 10, 1838. He spent most of his life at Freeport, Me 'on the farm at Wolf's Neck. Enlisted with brother, Jona- than, May 17, 1775. (See chapter I.) "Good Old Times" at North Yarmouth, Me., states: "James Johnson and seven of his children were baptized by Rev. Mr. Mitmore at a lecture on Great Chebeague Island, Me. Of the children it is said, Lucy (married); Abner, James, Sarah, Edward, Lewis, Abigail." Maj. C. J. House of Augusta, Me., feels sure that in this list the names Edward and Abigail are incorrectly given, and that Hannah and Harod were the right names of these children. M (first), Aug. 27, 1788, Hannah Bates, b. Jan. 9, 1751. "She was formerly of Scituate, Mass., and is the sister of the fine old Doctor Bates, so well known at Yarmouth, Me." M. (second), May 14, 1801, Hannah P. Fickett, b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Sept. 9, 1756. By some correspondents she is spoken of as "Widow Fickett." Children of the first marriage: (3) Alexander Johnson, b. Oct. 12, 1779; d. at Bates Island, Me. Durinii much of his life he resided on Hope Island, Casco Bay, Me. (See full records, section I.) (3) Jacob Johnson; d. in youth. ***** (3) Mary Johnson, b. Jan. 15. 1783; d. 1857. She resided at Brunswick. Me., most of her life. M. (first), Nov. 5, 1801, James Springer, b. Jan. 18, 1783; d. March 1, 1802; m. (sec- ond), at Harpswell, Me., James McManus of Brunswick, Me., who d. March, 1844. Child of the first marriage: (4) William Springer. "He died in California just after ar- riving there in tlie time of the gold fever." Children of the second marriage: ( 4 ) Barnwell McManus. (4) Rhoda McManus; m. (first), Mr. Dunham: m. (second), Mr. Sprague of Bath, Me. (4) Lucy Ann McManus; m. Mr. Ellsworth and lived and died at Ellsworth, Me. (4) Lydia R. McManus, b. March 8, 1819; in., at Brunswick, Me., May 2, 1837, Thomas Edes, b. County Straffordsbire, England", June 3, 1816. (5) James W. Edes. b. Brunswick. Me.. May 8. 1840. (5) Mary S. Edes, b. Brunswick Me.. April 4. 1842. (5) Edward Freeman Edes, b. Brunswick, Me.. May 24, (5) Lewis More Edes, b. Farmington. Me.. April 6, 1848. * * (3) Lucy .lohnsoii, b. May 9 (12), 1785; d. Bruuswick, Me., JOHNSON GENEALOGY. t>. March 11, 1856; m. William Ponneil. ( Sw full records, sec- tion 2.) ***** (3) Barnewell Johnson, b. Sept. 17, 17SS; tl. Cheboagne Island. Me., Oct. 13, 1866; ni. Martha Soule. (See full records, sec- tion 3.) ***** (3) James Johnson; said to have l)een lost in the privateer Dash. Aug. 25, 1810. ***** (3) Abner Johnson; "Lost, Aug. 25, 1810, in the privateer Dash:' ***** (3) Joel Bibber Johnson; "Lost on a lumber-laden vessel." M., Oct. 26, 1809, Molly Fickett. No children. ***** (3) Harod Johnson, b. Oct. 20, 1794; d. Aug. 20, 1844. "He resided in New York state for a number of years, and was drowned from the canal boat on which he had long worked." Another writer says, "Lost from a load of lumber." M., Sept. 1, 1814, Sally Curtis of Freeport, Me. (4) Amasa Johnson. "Moved away from Maine." (4) Ansel Johnson. "He was run over and killed by a team in Portland, Me., when he was twelve years old." (4) Woodbury Johnson. "He was brought up in the family of Barnewell Johnson and moved to New York state where, remembering the kind care given to himself, he brought up five children." (4) Pamelia Johnson; m. Mr. Lapham. (3) Sarah Johnson, b. Oct. 20. 1794; d. June 15. 1879; m., Jan. 1, 1810, George Lapham, who d. Jan. 24, 1827. This family resided at Freeport, Me., in old Lapham homestead. (4) Charles Henry Lapham, b. Aug. 11 (Oct. 12), 1810. "He went to sea, and was last heard from in 1833." (4) Thomas Lapham, b. Aug. 11, 1S12. (4) George Lapham, b. March 5, 1814; d. July 5, 1881. (4) Daniel Lapham, b. April 14, 1817; d. 1872. (4) Sarah Abiah Lapham, b. March 12, 1820; d. Saturday, March 9, 1907 (87y.). "Had long resided on the old Lap- ham homestead." (4) Frederick L. Lapham, b. Jan. 16, 1822; d. 1902. (4) Freeman F. Lapham, b. .Jan. 16, 1824; resides Brunswick, Me.; m. Nancy Merryman of Brunswick, Me. (5) Ralph Lapham. (4) Ansel F. Lapham, b. Sept. 11, 1825. (3) Hannah Bates Johnson, b. Aug. 12 Nov. 16, 1815, Joel Chandler Bibber, 1840. (See records, section 4.) 1797; d. June. 1872; m.. b. July 7. 1796; d. about 68 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Children of second marriage: (3) Jane R. Jolinson, b. Oct. 29, 1802; d. Oct. 16, 1806. V 'f! 3|! SfC S|C (3) Lewis Johnson, b. Feb. 28, 1805; d. City Point, Sept. 6, 1833; unm. (3) Abigail F. Jolinson, b. Oct. 20, 1807; d. Jan. 4, 1811. (3) Capt. Hathaway Frazier Johnson, b. Dec. 11, 1808; d. at the Straits of Canso, and buried there. "He was a young man and unmarried." (3) Capt. Hancock Washington Johnson, b. June 15, 1811; d. June 24, 1874; m., Jan. 15, 1834, Esther Fickett of Cape Eliza- beth, Me., b. Pownal, Me., May 16, 1813. "Her father was a very faithful member of the Friends' Church." (4) Abner Johnson b. Freeport, Me., Jan. 7, 1835. (4) George W. Johnson, b. Oct. 2, 1838; resides at Hotel St. James, Portland, Me.; m. in Blddeford, Me., Oct. 13, 1862, Elizabeth E. Phillips of Kennebunk, Me. (5) Flora Bell Johnson, b. Georgetown, Mass., Nov. 3, 1872. (5) Henrietta Johnson, d. at Havei'hill, Mass., April 28, 1870, aged 18 months. (4) Arthur Johnson, b. Sept. 23, 1840; d. Sept. 26, 1861. (4) Emily S. Johnson, b. Nov. 20, 1842; d. Nov. 14, 1880; m., Dec. 6, 1861, James H. Banks of Freeport, Me., who d. April 16, 1906 (68y.); no children. (4) Smith Johnson, b. March 17, 1848; resides Freeport, Me.; m., Jan. 15, 1883, Josephine True. (5) Maud Johnson, b. Nov. 25, 1886. (4) Henrietta Johnson, b. Feb. 26, 1850. * * ^. ♦ ^ (3) Eleanor Jameson Johnson, b. Jan. 29, 1813; d. July 5, 1833. (3) Joseph McKeen Johnson, b. Jan. 15, 1815; d. Haverhill. Mass.; buried at Freeport, Me.; m., Dec. 5, 1839, Catherine Coffin of Freeport, Me., who d. Jan. 21, 1859 (38y.). (4) Cyrus M. Johnson, b. Oct. 20, 1840; m. Sophia Buscock of Prince Edward's Island. (4) Allen Albert Johnson, b. May 16, 1843; d. in the army in the Civil War; unm. (4) Edgar H. Johnson, b. Jan. 29, 1846; foreman in a shoe shop at Haverhill, Mass.; m. Harriet E. Miller. (5) Albert K. Johnson, b. Methuen, Mass.; m., Nov. 25, 1896, Nellie H. Miller. (4) Mary F. Johnson, b. Feb. 27, 1848; d. (3y.). (4) Georgianna Johnson, b. March 24, 1851; m. Ira Noyes of Haverhill, Mass. (4) Catherine Johnson, b. Oct. 3, 1854; m. Thomas Conley; resides 62 Melbourne Street, Portland, Me. (4) Mary Johnson, b. Dec. 8, 1856; ni. Mr. Soule of Free- port, Me. 1. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. ti9 (3) James Johnson, b. Sept. 9, 1818; d. in New York City m Mary . (4) John M. Johnson, h. New York City, N. Y.. Oct. G. 1846: (1. South Portland, Me., June 3, 1897." "When he w:ls four years ohl he was adopted l)y Capt. John Johns.)n of Fal- nioutli, Me. In early life he Itei^an work as a ste.-nnboat en- gineer. He was employed by large corporations, like the In- ternational Steamboat Company, until some five years be- fore his death. In those last years he was engineer on the United States boat Lihic. He was a very competent man, and respected l)y all his neighbors." M. (first), Lot- tie E. Ramsdell, who d. Sept. 30, 1885; the daughter of El- nathan W. Ramsdell and Caroline Kelly of Lubec, Me.; m. (second), Mrs. Rebecca Mitchell of Hampden, Me., the daughter of Andrew Oliver and Elizabeth Sprague of New Brunswick; no cliildren. Children of first marriage: (5) Jennie L. Johnson, b. Aug. 14, 1873; m., Sept. 19, 1S91, Edwin L. Eaton of We.st Lul)ec, Me. (6) Elva Maylow Eaton, b. April 2, 1894; d. Mav 22, 1894. (6) Hazel Marian Eaton, b. July 4, 1895. (6) Vivian E. Eaton, b. Sept. 8, 1897. (5) Carrie M. .Johnson, b. May 14, 1876: unm. (5) Lottie Ramsdell .Johnscm, b. Sept. 30, 1885. ***** (3) S. Cornelia Rogers Johnson, b. .July 13, 1820; d. June 10, 1860 (39y., 11m.); resided at South Freeport, Me.; studied in the Freeport schools; m., Aug. 23, 1846, Samuel Bacon Moore of Sidney, Me., b. 1805; d. May 29, 1881 (76y.) ; ship carpenter. (4) Eleanor Orinda Moore, b. May 2, 1850; resides Yarmouth- ville, Me.; studied in the schools of Freeport and Yarmouth, Me.; m., May 16, 1885, George Henry Welch, b. Freeport, Me., March 4, 1854; was mate at first and then a machin- ist; the son of Colby S. Welch and Clarissa Jane York. (5) Eva Viola Welch, b. July 11, 1886. Has been an in- valid for some years. (4) James William Moore, b. April 21, 1855; d. Jan. 13, 1855 (ly.). (4) Belle Stewart Moore, b. June 20, 1856. Resides with her sister Ellen at Yarmouthville, Me. 3f5 «]C vfC ^ SfC (3) Capt. William Lawrence Johnson, b. Feb. 13, 1821; resides South Freeport, Me.; sailed to foreign ports for some forty years: m., Dec. 4, 1844, Jane Soule Bennett, b. Freeport, Me., May 9, 1823; d. Dec. 3, 1844; the daughter of Elisha Torrey Beimett and Jane Soule. (4) Martin Alonzo Johnson, b. Aug. 31, 1845; d. in the United States hospital at Baltimore, Md.; unm. (4) Ellinor Johnson, b. April 23, 1848. "Went West some years ago." M. Townsend of Freeport, Me. (5) Child is deceased. (4) Emeline Reed Johnscm, b. May 27, 1850; d. Aug. 29, 1855. (4) Walter Henry Johnson, b. Freeport, Me., Oct. 27. 1856; 70 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. resides Norridgewock, Me., where he removed a few years ago; marine eugiueer; m. Sarah Trecartine of Lubec, Me., b. Eastport, Me., Aug. 9, 1859; studied in the common sc-liools; daughter of Stephen H. Trecartine and Aseneth S. Nicker- son. (5) Mabel Bradford Johnson, 1). May 28, 1890. (5) Warren Hubert Johnson, b. Dec. 26, 1893. (5) Vance Martin Johnson, b. Jan. 21, 1895; d. Nov. 2, 1895. (5) Ruth Mary Johnson, b. April 3, 1896. SECTION ONE. (3) Alexander Johnson, b. Oct. 12, 1779; d. Bates Island, Me. For many years he lived on Hope Island, Casco Bay, Me.; m. (first), Nov. 13, 1800, Betsy Bennett, b. Sept. 12, 1780; d. Nov. 23, 1823; said to have been born Great Chebeague Is- land, Me.; the daughter of Job Bennett of Freeport, Me., and Mary Harridan; m. (second), Rachel Wallace. Children of second marriage: (4) Ansel Johnson, who resides at South Portland, Me. (4) William Johnson, who d. at Boothbay, Me. Children of first marriage; born on Hope Island. Me.: (4) Jacob Johnson. After his marriage he lived on Long Island, Casco Bay, Me., and died there; buried on Great Chebeague; m. Mary F. Doughty, b. Bangs Island, Me., and d. at Cutler, Me.; daughter of Nathaniel Doughty of Great Chebeague Island, Me., and Molly Eaton of Topsham, Me. "Jacob Johnson died soon after this marriage and the widow m. (second), Captain Shiverick." (4) Alexander Johnson, b. 1805; d. March 14, 1845; m. Lizzie Woodbury, b. 1805; d. 1866. (5) James Henry Johnson, b. Hope Island, Me., Oct. 17, 1824; d. Sept. 2, 1898. "He died from blood poisoning, but though a great sufferer, he was very patient through all his sickness. He was a man of sterling character and was beloved by all who knew him, and was one of the kindest of fathers. For years he followed the sea; he then worked for his uncle, Abner Johnson, in the lobster business; he then started in the grocery business and was very successful for years, until there came a great depression in business and he was so crippled with rheu- matism that he had to go on crutches. But in the midst of these afflictions, and while people were owing him much money, he nobly paid every debt of his with the very strictest fidelity." M., July 6, 1848, Sarah J. Gush- ing, who d. May 13, 1899; the daughter of John Gushing and Hannah Chase, a direct descendant of Col. Ezekiel Gushing. (6) Medora Ann Johnson, b. S(>pt. 25, 1849; d. Dec. 1, 1852. (6) Hannah Frances Johnson, b. Aug. 25, 1851; resides 64 Stanford Street, South Portland, Me.; studied in the South Portland (Me.) schools; m., Aug. 31, 1871, Jo- seph Edward .fones, b. Willard, Me., M:iy 20, 1844. For JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 71 mjiiiy years employed by the Twitchell-Cliaiiiplin Pack- ing Company; a cooper by trade; the son of William Jones and Sarah Dyer. (7) William H(>nry Jones. It. May 3, 1872; jrraduated at South Portland (Me.) High School, 1890; resides 179 Franklin Str(>et, Portland, Me.; bookkeeper for J. H. Hamlin Company, Portland, Me.; m., Feb. 9, 1894. Florence Susan Curtis, b. Porlland, Me.. Nov. 4, 1876! The children all born at South Portland, Me.:' (8) Florence May Jones, b. Oct. 21, 189G. (8) William Henry Jones, b. Nov.' 19, 1897. (8) Lewis F^-ancis Jones, b. Oct. 27, 1899. (8) Myrtle Ethelyn Jones, b. Aug. 6, 1903: d June 3, 1904. (7) Lewis Edward Jones, b. Oct. 5, 1874; resides South Portland, Me.; graduated at an early age at South Portland (Me.) High School; studied in a Portland (Me.) business college; took a course in architecture at the Scranton (Pa.) Correspondence School; car- penter; m. June 15, 1904, Zilla Adelle Small of Bowdoin, Me. (7) Emma May Jones, b. Sept. 12, 1877; d. Feb. 3, 1880. (7) Joseph Emerson Jones. Ii. Jan. 30, 1884; resides South Portland, Me.; graduated at South Portland High School. (7) Woodene Pillsbiiry Jones, b. Aug. 5, 1888; at- tended Portland (Me.) High School, class of 1906, but left to accept a position as clerk in Cole Bros.' grocery. South Portland, Me. (6) Sarah Virginia Johnson, b. May 20, 1853: d. Aug. 20, 1853. (6) S. Emma Johnson, b. Jan. 3, 1855; d. April 11, 1900; m., Nov. 7, 1880, Woodbury Cobb Leavitt of Willard, Me. "She faithfully took care of her parents through their long years of suffering, almost at the cost of her own life." (6) Ida Virginia Johnson, b. Julv 21. 1856; d. Jan. 8. 1857. (6) James Henry Johnson, Jr., b. May 24, 1867; Evelyn Hotel, 286 Pleasant Street, Maiden Mass. A very indus- trious and faithful workman; for some time he worked on the fortifications at Gcrrish Island and Fort Con- stitution; ni. (first), Mabel G. Lowell, who d. 1892; the daughter of Granville Lowell and Hamiah ; m. (second), Feb. 21, 1894, Mrs. Inez I. S. Brown; daugh- ter of Dr. J. H. Syphers and Lucy S. . Children of first marriage: (7) Two boys, d. in infancy. Children of second marriage: (7) Gladys Estelle Johnscm, b. Jan., 1895. (7) Louise T. Johnson; d. at 27d. (7) Emma Frances Johnson, b. July, 1899. (5) Elizabeth Jane Johnson, b. Dec. 4, 1825; d. Aug. 4, 1889; m., 1844, Albert Coffin, b. Freeport. Me.. July 24, 72 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 1822; now resides in Portland; after his marriage he re- sided in Bath Me.; a carpenter. (6) James Albert Coffin, b. April 29, 1845; clerk in a fish store at South Partland, Me.; m., May 8, 1876. Adella Provost, b. Jan. 2, 1852. (6) Helen Gardiner Coffin, b. Oct. 17, 184G: d. Dec. 24, 1847. (6) Alexander Johnson Coffin, 1). Hope Island, Me., May 10, 1850; address, Sebasco, Me.; he has resided in Phipps- burgh, Me., some thirty-six years; trader eight years; tax collector for eight years and still holds the position; studied in the schools of Winnegance, Me.; m., Sept. 21. 1869, Hannah Elizabeth Wallace, b. Phippsburgh, Me., June 2, 1853; studied in Phippsburgh (Me.) schools; daughter of John Lowell Wallace and Jane Rogers Sprague. (7) Capt. John Wallace Coffin, b. June 7, 1872. He studied in the Phippslmrgh (Me.) schools; has been captain over ten years; m., Jan. 12, 1898, Stella M. Witliee, b. Corinna, Me. (8) Elroy Inilah Coffin, b. Dec. 28, 1898. (8) Clyson John Coffin, b. Aug. 22, 1901. (7) William Albert Coffin, b. July 12, 1874; d. 1877. (7) Helen Gertrude Coffin, b. April 12, 1876; resides Phippsburgh, Me.; studied in schools there; m. Abner C. York of Phippslmrgh, Me. (8) Lillian Florence York, b. June 18, 1897. (8) Elizabeth Frances York, b. Sept. 29. 1898. (8) Philip Charles York, b. July 15, 1900. (8) Ethel Maud York, b. Dec. 15, 1901. (8) James Alexander York, b. March 28, 1904. (8) Paul Bradford York, b. Jan. 10, 1906. (7) Amelia Maria Coffin, b. March 11, 1877; resides Phippsburgh, Me., and studied in the schools there; m. Floyd Augustus Wallace of Phippsburgh. (8) Almond Stanley Wallace, b. April 23, 1896. (8) Cecil Raynor Wallace, b. Aug. 12, 1897. (8) Clayton Augustus Wallace, b. April 30, 1901. (8) Walter C. Wallace, b. April 27. 1903; d. Aug. 25, 1903. (7) William Albert Coffin, b. July 11, 1879; resides in Phippsburgh, Me., and studied in the schools there; fireman on a steamer; will be an engineer. (7) Walter Alfred Coffin, b. July 4, 1880; fisherman at Phippsburgh, Me. (7) Anna Frances Coffin, b. Jan. studied in Phippsburgh (Me.) Frank Fletcher of Phippsburgh, (8) Susie Elizabeth Fletclier, b. (7) Jane Alwilda Coffin, b. March 28, 1882; resides Phippsburgh. Me., and studied in the schools there; m. Elijah Pinkham Bartlett, b. Feb. 10, 1867: son of Jeremiah Bartlett and Alniira Pinkham; merchant. (8) Geniveve Bartlett, b. July 8, 1899. (8) Mabel Pinkham Bartlett, b. June 24. 1900. 22, 1881 : deceased; schools; m., 1900, Me. Dec. 13, 1901. I JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 73 (8) Evelyn Almira Bartlett, b. Aug. 22. 1902. (8) Etta Frances Bartlett, b. April 28. 1904. (7) Alexander Coflfin, Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1SS4: fisherman at Phippsburgh, Me.; m. Mabel Walker of Phlppsburuh Me. (8) Victoria Evelyn Coffin. (7) Hattie Ellen Coffin, b. Aug. 20, 1886; d. May 22 1887. (7) Adella Coffin, b. Feb. 17, 1889; m., Nov. 17. 1906, Frederick Libby York of Phippsburgh, Me. (6) George W. Coffin, b. April 22, 1S52; drowned at Lonj: Island. Me., Sept. 3, 1893; fisherman. (6) William Sewall Coffin, b. March 12, 1853; d. Nov 17 1856. (6) William Sewall Coffin, b. March 27, 1855; resides Mayo Street, Portland, Me.; married. (7) "Two children, one of whom is dead." (6) Charles Coffin, b. May 17, 1857; resides Ashdale, Me. (6) Lizzie Frances Coffin, b. Jan. 16, 1S60; d. Feb. 4, 1885; m., Nov. 15, 1880, Elijah Pinkhani Rogers, b. April 2, 1852; d. April 5, 1881; the son of John J. Rogers and Ann Pinkham. (6) Walter E. Coffin, b. May 8, 1862; clerk in the post office, Critchell, Col. "I left home, Maine, Dec. 15, 1879, and have resided Cambridgeport and Somerville, Mass., and was postmaster at Deer Creek, Col., two .vears; m.. Nov. 24, 1891, Ann Walsh, b. Harbor Grace. Newfound- land, Aug. 9, 1867; daughter of Francis Walsli and Mary Smallcomb." (5) Mary A. Johnson, b. Sept. 5, 1827; m. (first), John R. Stil.son of Durham, Me.; m. (second), George Burgess of Bath, Me. "His father was a drill sergeant in the English army for seventeen years, and served under the Duke of Wellington at the l)attle of Waterloo." Child of first marriage: (6) William Howard Stilson. "He went West with Gen- eral Custer and was killed before the general, when about twenty years old; a brave soldier; unni. Children of second marriage: (6) Laura E. Burgess, b. March 14, 1853; resides Water- ville Street, Portland, Me.; m. Carl Carlson. (6) George Alexander Burgess, b. Aug. 6, 1854; drowned on the fishing banks in the Cliy of Portland, summer of 1884. (6) Lizzie M. Burgess, b. Aug. 16, 1856; resides with her mother; m. John E. Mordaunt. (7) William H. Mordaunt, I). May 18, 1879. (6) Joshua Burgess, b. Aug. 4. 1S58: is on a warship at the Philippines; m. Susan Bartoi. (7) Nellie May Burgess, b. May 4, 1883. (6) Annie May Burgess, it. Aug. G. 1860; resides South Portland. Me., corner of High and Sawyer streets; ni. (first). Thomas A. Doughty; son of Isaac Doughty; m. (second), All)ert Parsons. Children of first marriage: 74 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (7) Thomas Doughty, d. young. (7) Albertina P. Doughty, b. 1882. Children of second marriage. (7) Elsie Parsons, b. Dec. 14, 1885. (7) George Parsons, b. Oct. 31, 1887. (7) Orrlnna May Parsons, b. March 27, 1891. (6) .James Henry Burgess, b. April 14, 1863; d. Aug. 6, 1899; m. Wealthy Wallace; daughter of Augustus Wal- lace. (7) Thomas A. Burgess, b. Sept. 18, 1882. (7) Edel F. E. Burgess, b. May 14, 1886. (5) Rachel Johnson, b. Nov. 12, 1829; d. March 14, 1877; unm. (5) Nancy H. Johnson, b. July 20, 1831; resides South Portland, Me.; m. (first), 1849, Merrill C. Grossman, who d. 1850: ni. (second), Daniel D. Smith of Falmouth, Me. Child of first m.arriage: (6) Charles M. Gross, b. 1850. Children of second marriage: (6) Mary Caroline Smith, b. 1853; m. Edward Hutching of Aul>urn, Me. (6) Lydia E. Smith, b. 1856; m. Simon D. .Jordan of South Portland, Me.; resides 6 Pickering Avenue, Rox- bury, Mass. (6) Abbie L. Smith, b. 1858; m. Fred Greene of Wilton, Me. (6) Jolni H. Smith, b. 1862; d. 1885. (6) Vernon H. Smith, b. 1866; resides South Portland, Me.; num. (6) Pauline H. Smith, b. ISCS; m. Elmer P. Jordan of South Portland, Me. (5) Ellinor Johnson, b. Long Island, Me., March 25, 1833; has resided in South Portland, Me., since 1834; m., 1858, John H. Parsons, b. Peaks Island, Me., June 27, 1834; house carpenter. (6) Albert W. Parsons, b. Peaks Island. Me., 1859; d. South Portland, Me., 1889; house carpenter. (6) Hattie E. Parsons, b. 1864; m., 1895, Hiram L. Booth- man and resides South Portland, Me.; in the last few years he has been employed in testing cement for the United States government. (7) Albert J. Boothman, b. 1896. (7) Leona Boothman, 1). 1898. (5) Eunice H. Johnson, b. April 24, 1834; m. John Dillow. (6) Mrs. Medora Seavey, 101 Cumberland Street, Port- land, Me. (6) Edward Dillow. (6) Willie Dillow. (5) Alexander Johnson, b. Oct. 10, 1S36; employed with W. H. Kenny, Custom House Wharf. Portland, Me.; m., Jan. 6, 1873, Deborah Frances Trott, b. May 20, 1847; d. March 19, 1890; daughter of Capt. Thomas Brackett Trott, b. May 8, 1819; d. Dec. 2, 1892, and of Deborah Lane , b. Sept. 22, 1816, at Waldoboro, Me., and d. Sept. 19, 1898. (She was of Dutch descent.) JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 75 (6) Daisy Deborah Johusdu, b. Jan. i:5. 1874- d Marcli 8, 1880. (6) Eliza Ellt'ii Jdhiisoii. b. Ai)ril 2G, 1875. (6) Hattie May Johnson, b. Oct. 2, 1S7G. (5) Joshua W. Johnson, b. March 5. 1838. "He went to sea and was never heard from." M. Albertina Sandford; no children. (5) Lucy A. Johnson, b. 1840; d. 1840. (5) Jacob Johnson, b. 1843; d. 1843. (5) Josephine Johnson, b. May 1, 1845; d. 1845. ***** (4) Mary Bennett Johnson, b. Dec. 28, 1810; d. Oct. 25, 1885; m., 1827, Nelson Sprague Day, b. Phippsburgh, Me., April 2, 1807; drowned off Cape Elizabeth, Me., March 2, 1876; son of Abraham Day and Mary Sprague. (5) Alexander Johnson Day. b. June 19. 1829; d. Oct. 22, 1883; m., 1843, Marie T. Doyle of Liverpool, England. (6) Philip G. Day, b. Nov. 19, 1860; resides Lynn, Mass.; steamboat captain between Lynn aiid Boston, Mass.; ni. Lizzie Collins. (6) Thomas Day, b. Oct. 15, 1864; bookkeeper at New Bedford, Mass. (6) Maria Day, b. May 23, 1867; nj. Martin Sullivan of New Bedford, Mass. He is a conti'actor and builder. (7) Mary Theresa Sullivan. (7) Agnes Louise Sullivan. (7) Margaret Isabell Sullivan. (6) Mary Day, b. Aug. 22, 1869; resides New Bedford. Mass.; m. Andrew Donaghly. (7) Gertrude Donaghly. (7) Martin H. Donaghly. (5) Campbell Wymau Day, b. Sept. 25, 1833; resides South Portland, Me.; m., 1860, Angle R. Wallace: daughter of Capt. Isaac Wallace. (6) Juliette A. Day, b. June 1, 1805; m. Fernand Wal- lace of South Portland, Me. (6) George H. Day, b. Aug. 10, 1870; m. at Ashdale, Me., Addie M. Hosmer; deceased. (7) Eva B. Day. (6) Arietta Day, b. May 5, 1876; compositor at Portland, Me. (5) Minnie Lavina Day, b. June 24, 1839; resides South Portland, Me., m., Sept. 29, 1859, George F. Henley, b. June 8, 1840. (See Merryman genealogy.) (5) James Bradford Day, b. June 14, 1839; d. (4m.). ■i* •!• *p •!* V (4) Charles Johnson. Mrs. George F. Heidey. South Port- land, Me.: "He left home when a young man, and settled on St. Catherine's Island, the Spanish main." Capt. Will- iam Johnson of South Frccport, Me.: "He went to sea when a young man; came back in tliree years; then went to Brazil and became the governor of St. Catherine's Is- land." Charles Johnson wrote the following letter, which is dated Feb. 24, 1850: 76 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. "Dear Fatiiek, Brothers axd Sisters: These few lines are to inform you tliat I am yet alive, but not in good health at present, on account of the fever sores which I have on my left leg; but that is nothing. Dear friends, I now in- form you that I am now on the Island of St. Catherine's, on the coast of the Breseals. I am now married to my sec- ond wife, and am the father of fifteen children. I have sons and daughters as large as any of you. I have thir- teen children by my first wife, but I have buried nine of my children, and my first wife. I have now living Caro- line, Mary, Samuel, Foster, John and Francisco. Dear friends, take warning of me, and do n't ramble astray, for I am a warning to you in this desolate country, far from home. I have wandered this wide world through. I have been in the Spanish and the Portuguese war, and very badly treated. Dear friends, I long to see you, but it is in vain. God bless all and keep all from dangers. I would give all the world if I could hear from you all, but that is impos- sible. I have sent 27 letters but have never received an answer. Oh, what a pleasure it would be to I'ead one line from my dear friends. Times I dream of you, and times I see you before me. I raise coffee and sugar in abundance. Here are plenty of fish of different qualities. I am well content with these things, but long to see my dear home. You must excuse my writing, for I have almost forgot my own tongue, being so accu.stomed to the Portuguese tongue. This is my love to you all, father, mother, brothers, sis- ters, uncles, aunts, and all friends. Farewell to you and adieu. Your dear son, Charles Johnson." (4) Capt. Abner H. Johnson, b. Great Chebeague Island, Me., Feb. 9, 1817; d. Feb. 22, 1890 (74y.). "He spent his boy- hood days on Hope Island, Me., where his father carried on a grocery and fishing business. When young, he en- tered the United States revenue service on the cutter Nor- ris. He was disabled by being knocked down in a gale. He then left the service and located at Small Point, Me., and was occupied in the fishing business. He moved to Harpswell, Me., in 1861, and remained there four years. He then moved to Portland, Me., where he carried on the fishing and lobster business for about twenty-five years. He was a most faithful worker in the Free Baptist Church for forty years. He was one of the founders of the Sea- man's Sail Loft meetings at Portland, Me., which are still doing great good. His heart was in all his Christian work, and he saw the conversion of many precious souls. His wallet was always quickly opened for help in every worthy cause." He m. (first), Abigail Bates of Bates Island, Casco Bay, Me.; m. (second), Feb. 22, 1842, Lorana Wal- lace, b. Phippsburgh, Me., May 17, 1818; d. Portland, Me.. Oct. 5, 1894; daughter of Absalom Wallace and Elizabeth Day. Child of first marriage: (5) Fidelia Sprague Johnson, b. 1839; d. 1898; m. Silas C. Wallace, Capt. Abner Johnson. Born Feb. 9. 1817 : Died Feb. 22, 1890. I JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 77 (6) Mary Abbie Wallace, li. 1S55; (0) CU'iueiit C. Wallac-e, b. 1857; (G) Cora Ada Wallace. i>. 1859; (G) Tssachar Wallace, b. 18G1; (6) George Wllliain Wallace; (G) Elizabeth Wallace; (G) Meliiula Wallace; (6) Thomas Wallace; (G) Adeline Morse Wallace; (6) Cleveland Wallace. Children of second marriage: (5) Augustus Henry Johnson, b. May 23, 184:1: d. Fei). 16, 1855. (5) Drusilla Batchelder Johnson, b. Dec. 16, 1844; m., Sept. 30, 1858, Henry Oliver Pierce of Swampscott, Mass., b. Nov. 11, 1837; d. Jan. 12, 1906; resides South Portland, Me. (5) Lucy Woodbury Johnson, b. Phippslmrgh, Me., S(>pt. 27. 1846; studied in the Phippsburgh (Me.) .schools; lived Harpswell, Boston, and Portland, Me.; m.. Doc. 2. 1863. Capt. James W. Carter, b. Port Mouton. Nova Scotia, March 13, 1826; d. Portland, Me., Dec, 27, 1901. He came to Maine when twelve years old; he studied in the schools at Peaks Island, Me.; son of James Carter of Nova Scotia and of Betsy Craig. (6) Angle Prescott Carter, b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Sept. 24, 1865; resides 398 Spring Street, Portland. Me.; m., July 2, 1889, Willis Alexander Gates, b. Belfast, Me.. Aug. 24, 1867; president of the Crackerjack Mining Company, California; a fine assayer of metals; 'son of Jedediali C. Gates and Amelia S. Alexander, both of Belfast, Me. (7) Willis Sherburne Gates, b. Portland, Me.. Dec. 8. 1894. (6) Harriet Evelyn Carter, b. Harpswell. Me.. Sept. 22. 1867; resides New York City; m., Dec. 24, 1899. Regi- nald Garrlngton Short of Horsham, England; an .-ictor under the name of Garrington. (7) Reginald Carrington, Jr.. b. Dec. 1, 1901. (7) Helen Jane Garrlngton, b. Roxbury, Mass., March 1, 1905. (6) Albert Quincy Garter, b. Portland, Me.. July 5, 1S70; resides Freeport, Me., and has a summer home on Pe.-iks Island, Portland Harbor; graduated from the Portland (Me.) High School, 1886; has resided at Portland. Brunswick. Boston. Mass.. etc.; traveling salesman for mill supplies; before that position was taken he had charge of a sulphite pulp and paper mill for five years at Lincoln, N. H.; writer of stories; m., Nov. 30, 1898, Izah Whitehouse, b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1870; she graduated from the Norway (Me.) High School, 1887, and from the Emerson School of Oratory. Boston. Mass.; the daughter of George Whitehouse of Norway. Me., and of Clara Towle of Boston, Mass. (7) Clara Whitehouse Carter, b. Portland. Sept. 2. 1899 (6) Bessie May Carter, b. Portland. Me., Dec. 23, 1S72; resides Holden. Mass.; studied in the Portland (Me.) schools; has lived in Massachusetts towns: Boston, 78 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Lyiin, Maiden, etc.; in. in Lynn, Mass., May 10, 1893, Frank Hall Washburn of Portland, Me., b. West Fal- mouth, Me., Sept. 21, 1871; studied in Falmouth (Me.) schools, Westbrook Seminary, Shaw's Business College, Portland, Me.; Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, one year; graduated at Tufts College Medical School, 1899; he was a druggist at Jamaica Plains, Mass., until 1898; now a physician and surgeon at Holden. Mass.; the son of Lorenzo Stone Washburn, I). Paris, Me., and of Mary Maria Barker of Hansford, Nova Scotia. (7) Ruth Hazel Washburn, b. March 14, 1894; d. Dec. 23, 1894. (7) Agnes May Washburn, b. March 1, 189.5. (7) Bessie May Washburn, b. Aug. 25, 189 G; d. Jan. 24, 1899. (7) Frank Hall Washburn, Jr., b. Portland, Me., Feb. 20, 1899. (7) Lorenzo Stone Washburn, 2d., b. Jamaica Plains, Mass., Feb. 17, 1901. (6) Lucy Drusilla Carter, b. Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1875; resides 30 East Cedar Ave., Merchantsville, N. J.; studied in schools of Portland, Me., and Roxbury, Mass.; m., Feb .3. 1902. Daniel Tate McLeod, b. Can- ton, Mass., April 3, 1873; schools of Cambridge, Mass; mechanical engineer; sou of John McLeod and Eliza Jones Hamilton. (7) Muriel McLeod, b. Nov. 25, 1902. (6) Lottie Inez Carter, b. Portland, Me., June 7, 1878; resides 16 Humphrey Place, Dorchester, Mass.; has lived Portland, Me., and Boston, Mass.; graduated from Dorchester (Mass.) Grammar School and from Shaw's Business College, Portland, Me.; m., June 2, 1906, Henry Ernest Warren, b. Roxbury, Mass., May 12, 1873; graduated from George Putnam Grammar School, English High School and Boston University School of Law; attorney-at-law; son of John Calvin Warren and Catherine Elizabeth Blood. (6) Elizabeth Scot Carter, b. Portland, Me., Oct. 28, 1882; resides Salem Depot, N. H.; has resided at Portland, Me., Boston, Mass., etc.; graduated from the Hugh O'Brien School, 1900, and Hickok's Shorthand School; m., Oct. 30, 1905, Clifton Senter Hall of Bath, Me., b. Salem Depot, N. H., April 22, 1870; graduated from Pierce Grammar School and English High School; salesman and buyer with John Carter Paper Company; son of Prescott Coburn Hall and Mary Ann McCurdy. (5) Almon Luther Johnson, b. Phippsburgh, Me., June 6, 1849; resides 47 Morning Street, Portland, Me.; studied in the common schools and in Bryant & Stratton's Com- mercial College of Poi-tland, Me.; ni. (first), July, 1870, Ada Louisa Marston of Lynn, Mass., b. July 23, 1852; d. Dec, 1895; daughter of George H. Marston: m. (.■second), July 12, 1877, Margaret Elizabeth Masterton, b. Port- land, Me., Oct. 8, 1857; studied in the city schools; daugh- ter of John Bruce Masterton and Elizabeth Afflect. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 79 Child of first maiTiage: (G) Ad;i Rl.iiichc .Tohiisoii, d. at loin. Children of st'coiid inai-riago: (G) Clarence Alnion Johnson, b. May 22. 1S7S. (6) Edward M. Johnson, b. May 23, ISSl'. (6) Rena Belle Johnson, b. .Jaii. 29,' 1SS4. (G) Edith Mar^an't Johnson, b. Juno 11, 1S87. (G) Emery Bakor Johnson, b. Dec. 28, 1893. (5) Mary Theresa Johnson, b. Feb. 9, 1850; d April 11 1854. (5) Hannah Elizabeth Johnson, b. Phippsburgh, Me., Sept 28, 1853: resides 10 Everett Street, Brunswick, Me'.; has lived in Phippsburgh, Harpswell and Brunswick, Me.; m July 28, 1872, Clarence May Bryant, I). Providence, R. I.', Feb. 4, 1850; studied in Kent's Hill School: tallow chan- dler; son of Lewis Hatheway Bryant, b. Swansea, Mass.. who m. Mary Thompson of St. John, N. B., grandson of Caleb Bryant and Avis Rounds. Mary Thompson was the daughter of William Thompson, who lived in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. (6) Blanche May Bryant, b. Portland. Me.. Nov. 17, 1873; graduated Brunswick (Me.) High School. 1893; clerk in College Bookstore, Brunswick, Me., thirteen years. (6) Harold Stanley Johnson, b. Brunswick, Me., June 30, 1877; resides Pike, N. H.; employed with the Pike Manufacturing Company; he has lately been employed in Boston, Mass.; he is well known and liked through- out Maine, as he played on the Bowdoin College and other football teams.; m., Jan. 9, 1907, Annette May Pennell, b. Jan. 10. 1800 : daughter of Frank Pennell and p]lbertiua E. Prince: for the past five years she was a clerk with J. F. Will & Co. of Brunswick. Me., and is a very popular young lady. (6) Ernest Files Bryant, b. Brunswick, Me., June Id. 1881; carpenter; resides Brunswick. Me.: m. at Topsham, Me., June 20, 1906, Bertha Annie Smith, b. at Head-of-Tide, Ristagouche County, N. B., Dec. 24, 1882; daughter of William H. Smith and Helen Eliz:i- beth Christopher. (7) Ernest F. Bryant, Jr., b. April 10, 1907. (5) Abner Campbell Johnscm, b. Aug. G, 1855; merchant; fish warden of Sagadoboc County, Me.; m. Jan. 12, 1881, Elizabeth Davis Duley of Parker's Head. Phi)ipslmrgh, Me.; daughtei- of George Dule.v and Elizabeth Davis. (6) Alice Florence Cahill Johnson, b. Oct. 19, 1882; teacher; now clerk at J. F. Will & Co.'s, Brunswick, Me. (5) Harriet Evelyn Johnson, b. Oct. 6, 1857; resides Ash- dale, Me.; m. (first), Jan. 1, 1876, Georg(> Henry Morton, b. Phippsburgh, Me.. June 19, 1846; lost at sea Oct. 25, 1889; son of John Morton and Eliza Sprague; m. (sec- ond), Sept. 29, 1895, Harry Sw:uiton Hosuier, b. Phipps- burgh, Me., Aug. 17, 1871; harness maker; son of George W.irren Hosmer and Mary Caroline Lotvell. Children of first marriage: (6) Anna Eliza Mortem, b. Jan. 7, 1877. (6) Ada Lorana Morton, b. July 24, 1879. so JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (6) George Henry Morton, h. Dee. 7, 1881. (6) Perley Ray Morton, b. Sept. 18, 1884; d. April 16, 1885. (6) Hurry Stewart Morton. 1.. April 1, 1886. (6) Nellie Ray Morton, b. Oct. 20, 1888. Children of second marriage: (6) Walter P. Hosmer, b. Nov. 17, 1895. (6) Madeline Ruth Hosmer, b. July 31, 1897; d. Feb. 2, 1898. (6) Russell Morton Hosmer, b. July 17, 1900. (6) Rena Mason Hosmer, b. April 5, 1904. H: * :{( ^ * (4) Susan Johnson, m. William Chase of Portland, Me. (5) William Porter Chase; Steven Chase; Frank Chase (deceased); Bertha Chase (deceased); Oatley Chase, re- sides Deering, Me. 4: ^ ^ # ^ (4) Sarah Ann Johnson; resided Falmouth, Me.; m. (first), Michael Kennedy; m. (second), ; no children. Children of first marriage: (5) John Kennedy, m. Lizzie Ricker of Chebeague Island, Me. (5) Alexander Kennedy; m. twice at Bristol, Me. (5) William Kennedy; in business at Custom House Wharf, Portland, Me.: m. Miss Perry of Phippsburgh, Me. (5) Michael Kennedy; one child. (5) Sarah Ellen Kennedy; m. Charles Nickerson. (5) Lucy Kennedy; m. Capt. Henry Seabury and resides South Portland, Me. (5) Martha Kemiedy; went to Georgia. (5) Mary Ann Kennedy (deceased); m. Charles Gould of Portland, Me.; two sons. (5) Steven Kennedy. ***** (4) Lucy Johnson, m. James Woodbury and lived Long Is- land, Me. (5) Hannah E. Woodbury, d. 1883 (47y.) ; ui. Bradbury P. Wallace. (6) Clara Wallace, resides Cundy's Harbor, Me. (G) Harry H. Wallace. (6) Bradbury P. Wallace, captain; m. Etta Trufant (7) Robert Wallace. (6) Margaret E. Wallace. (5) James Frank Woodbury, b. Feb. 19, 1846; m. (first), Hannfli Skillings. (6) Frank H. Woodbury, m.. Jan. 27, 1893, Mary E. Hoar. (7) Francis E. Woodlmry, b. 1894. (6) Warren B. Woodbury. (6) Ernest B. Woodbury, d. (6y.). ***** (4) Hannah Johnson, m. John Wallace of Phippsburgh, Me. (5) Susan C. Wallace; dec(>as(Hl; married. (5) Matilda Wallace; "died at 40 yrs." JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 81 (5) Sophia Wallace; deceased; married. (5) James Rose Wallace; resides Orr's Island, Me.; sea- man; m. Frances M. Turner. (6) Lenmel R. Wallace. (5) Frank Wallace; resides Cundy's Harbor. Me.; m Mary Wallace. (6) Anson; (0) Irvinj?; (6) Roscoe; (6) Walter; (6) Celia. ***** (4) Rhoda Bennett Johnson, b. Hope Island, Mc, .June 1, 1821; d. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carrie R. Mil- let, Boston, Mass., after a long illness, April 27, 1893 (Tly.j. "For a number of years she was a resident of Gloucester, Mass., where she was well known and univl, Me.; no children. (5) Caroline Roberts Bailey, b. June 9, 1848; resides 'A Aldie Street, Allston, Mass.; m. Nov. 21, 1868, Arthur Caswell Millett, who d. June 6, 1890; common school edu- cation; be learned the trade of caulker and graver of his uncles, George and Samuel Caswell and followed- this work until the Civil War. His last W(.rk at his trad.- was on the ship California, a painting of wliic li is in tlie alderman's room, Gloucestei-, Mass. Enlisted. April 7, 1861, as a private in Comiiany G, Eighth Regiment, in a three months' company campaign at President Lincoln's first call for troops. Rei-nlisted for three years as a pri- vate in Company C, Twent.v-third Regiment : mustered 6 82 • JOHNSON GENEALOGY, out in Sept., 1861; promoted to sergeant, Oct. 23, 1861; participated in all the engagements of the regiment until the battle of Newburn, N. C, March 14, 1862, when his right arm was shot off at the elbow, the same shot also tearing off the right arm of Private Matthew Vas- couelles of the same company. After being taken to the hospital the arm was amputated at the shoulder and he received an honorable discharge, April 23, 1863. After his return home he was employed in various pursuits. In 1877 he was appointed night watchman at the City Hall and retained this place until 1884. He was then ap- pointed inspector of customs, and held this place until his death. He was a good citizen, a devoted husband and father; of kindly disposition, meeting all the changing scenes of life with a cheerful spirit. He was loved by his soldier comrades; ever loyal and patriotic and faithful to ail duties. He was a member of Col. Allen Post, No. 45, G. A. R., and of the lodge of Masons." "Mr. Millett was of French descent, his grandfather being born in Paris, France, and came to Boston, where the father of A. C. Millett was born. When the family came to Amer- ica the name was spelled with one t. The family was a small one and all its members resided in Massachusetts." (6) Arthur Logan Millett, b. Aug. 1, 1869; on Gloucester (Mass.) Daily Tivies. (6) Louis Tremere Millett, b. March 27, 1871; a jeweler at Gloucester, Mass. (6) Guy Lancelot Millett, b. Oct. 20, 1872; jeweler at Gloucester, Mass. (5) Ada Charles Bailey, b. July 6, 1851; resides Newport, R. L; m. (hrst), Dec, 1875, Frank Griffin of Cape Eliza- beth Ferry, Me.; carpenter; m. (second), James Brown of United States Artillery, stationed at Fort Riley, Junc- tion City, Kan. Children of first marriage: (6) Frank Dexter Griffin, b. Dec, 1876; in 1900 with United States regulars in Philippines; married. (6) Horace Decatur Griffin, b. May, 1879; seaman. (5) Annie Marie Bailey, b. Oct. 11, 1855; d. May 9, 1893; m. Williani Lewis Millett, who d. Aug. 18, 1897; carriage painter at Gloucester, Mass.; fifer in the Civil War, Com- pany D, Thirty-second Massachusetts Regiment; was then detailed on hospital work; was at the battle of Gettys- burg. After the war he was one of the leading musicians in the Gloucester (Mass.) Cornet Band, and also carried on an extensive carriage painting business. (6) William Louis Millett, Jr.. li. Aug. 11, 1872; mer- cliant; resides 39 Cottage Street, R()xl)ury, Mass.; m., June 10, 1895, Kezia Swameeur of Rockville, Mass.; no children. (6) Ada Maria Millett, b. Oct. 26. 1873; m.. Aug. 21, 1890, Alonzo B. Payne, a clerk in Gloucester, Mass. (7) Paulina Rhoda Payne, b. Aug. 8. 1891. (G) Kittie Bertha Millett, b. April 23, 1875; cashier. (5) Robert Henry Breckenridge Bailey, b. Sept. 14, 1837; I I JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 83 resides West Falnioutli, .Mt-.; can-iaj;e maker; iii.. 1883, Charlotte Doughty, duu^'hter of Ezra Dou}:hty. (6) Orville Lainont Doughty, h. Sept., 18S5. SECTION TWO. (3) Lucy C. Johnson, h. Harpswell. Me., xMay 9, 17S5: d. Bruns- wick, Me., March 11, 1856; in., Jan. 20, 1806, William Pennell', b. Brunswick, Me.. Sept. 17, 1781; d. BauRor, Me., Nov. 13, 1832; son of Thomas Pennell, Jr.; and Alice Anderson: graml- son of Thomas Pennell' and Rachel Rig.trs. '•This f.-miily moved to Williamsburg, Me., about 1829; moved lo Banj,'or, Me., in 1831. William Pennell was a .shipbuilder, running a shipyard at :Middle Bay. Brunswick, over twenty years. He was fatally injured by timbers falling on him while build- ing a vessel in Bangor. ***** The children of William Pennell and Lucy C. Johnson: all hut the eldest moved to Williamsburg, Me.; all b. Brunswick, Me.: (4) Hannah Bates Pennell, b. Brunswick, Me., Nov. 21 (23), 1806; d. Oct. 27, 1876; m. Capt. Samuel Berry, b. Bruns- wick, Me., July 4, 1799; lost at .sea, Dec. 8, 1844; son of Samuel Berry and Mary Gould. He began th(> scafarin;.' life as a boy of fourteen years, and at twenty-oni' years he was captain of a vessel. Ever after this he followed the sea, depriving himself of the society of his wife and chil- dren, which he so greatly enjoyed, hoping to soon spend all his time at home. Pnn'ious to his last voyage he re- marked that he hoped in a few more years to retire from his constant .sea .service and enjoy the companionship of friends and home. His wife had frequently made voyages with him, but, fortunately, illness prevented her going on this last voyage with her husb.nnd. "On this voyage he sailed from Bath, Me., on the bark Guudaloupe. and no news ever came from him. Captain Berry was a very hand- some man." Children all b. Brunswick, Me. (5) Samuel Henry Berry, b. Jan. 19, 1825; d. Dec. S, 1844; lost at sea with his father. (5) William Curtis Berry, b. Brunswick, Me., June 28, 1830; d. at Brunswick, Me., Feb. 24, 1906; he resided at Brunswick, Me., most of his life; m. (first), Annie Par- rel of Boston, Mass. Children all b. in Boston. M. (sec- ond), Georgianna Decovin, b. Brunswick, Me., Oct. 4. 1845; daughter of John Decovin and Mary Jane Stevens. Children born in Brunswick, Me. Children of first marriage: (6) Etta Berry, d. in infancy. (6) William Berry, d. in infancy. (6) Samuel Henry Berry, b. 186G; d. Brunswick. Me., Aug. 15, 1885. Children of second marriage: (6) Charles William Berry, b. Oct. 25, 1873; scrvi-d in First Maine Heavy Artillery Battalion in war with Spain; m., in Brocton, Ma.ss., Nov. 25, 19();'., Iv.inctta Wilbur, daughter of Harrison Wilbui-. 84 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (7) Edith Louise Berry, b. Brockton, Mass., Jan. 20, 1905. (6) Nellie Etta Berry, b. April 25, 1S75; m., in Bruns- wick, Me., Jan. 11, 1905, Isaac Burton Snow, .son of Alvah Snow and Mary Josephine Linscott. (6) Major Mitchell Berry, b. June 17, 1877. (6) James Arthur Berry, b. April 19, 1879. (6) Mary Esther Berry, b. March 21, 1881. (6) John Decovin Berry, b. Jan. 28, 1883. (6) Irving Elmar Berry, b. April 2, 1885. (6) Robert Stanwood Berry, b. April 29, 1889. (5) Mary G. Berry, b. Nov. 15. 1832; d. 7 Martin Street, Medford Hillside, Mass., fall of 1904; ni., Aug. 18, 1851, John Otis Whittemore, b. Monmouth, Me., April 13, 1831; machinist; son of Otis Whittemore, b. Sharon, Mass., May 8, 1798, and of Susan Lord, b. Hn Howell, Me., Jan. 15, 1814. (6) Clara B. Whittemore, b. Brunswick, Me., Feb. 11, 1853; d. Weston, Mass., Aug. 10, 1861. (6) Susan E. Whittemore, b. Augusta, Me., March 14, 1856; m., Oct. 28, 1875, W. G. Miller of Woburn, Mass., b. New York City, May 25, 1848; a steel and copper- plate painter. (7) Emma Winnifred Miller, b. Oct. 29, 1876. (7) Mary E. Miller, b. Oct. 16, 1879. (7) Ethelyn W. Miller, b. May 27. 1884. These chil- dren b. at Woburn, Mass. (6) William Pennell Whittemore, b. Brunswick, Me., June 3, 1857; d. July 1, 1857. (6) C. Frederick Whittemore, b. Brunswick, Me., Aug. 16, 1859; m., June 6, 1892, Olive M. Bates. (7) Walter Otis Whittemore, b. Medford, Mass., Nov. 20, 1893. (6) Carrie W. Whittemore, I). Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 30, 1865; m., Feb. 19, 1886, Fred Lawrence Welch, b. Lon- don, Conn., 18G3; a painter. (7) Fred W. Welch, b. Bo.ston, Mass., Nov., 1887. (7) Marcia Emma Welch, b. Woburn, Mass., Sept., 1891. (6) Walter F. Whittemore, b. Woliurn, Mass., Dec. 16, 1870; d. Somerville, Mass., Sept. 17, 1890. (5) James J. Berry, b. March 13, 1834; accidentally killed in Boston, Mass., Feb. 11, 1871; m., Jan., 1866, Sarah J. Stanwood of Brunswick, Me.; no children. (5) Hannah Bates Berry, b. Sept. 24, 1837; resides Port- land, Me.; m. Robert Ross, who d. 1895. ( 6 ) Samuel H. Ross, m. Lena Anderson. (6) Robert W. Ross, m. Julia Anderson. (6) Mabel B. Ross, m. Edwin Howard Whiteley. (5) Charles Snow Berry, b. Brunswick, Me., June IS, 1842; d., China, Me.. Feb. 26, 1906, two days after the death of his brother, William C. Berry (63y., 8m.); had resided in China, Me., for some years; served in the Civil War. Com- pany D, Twenty-fifth Reiriment Maine Infantry, and Com- pany G, Twelfth Regiment Maine Inf.uitry; m. (fii-st). JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 85 in Boston. Mass., Feb. 15. 1885, Marv Comfort .lonos b .iMckson, Mo., .Juno 24, 1841; d. China, Mo.. Fob. 17. 1892; (laughter of Amos Peasloy .Tones and Lizzie ; m* (seooml), in Watorvillo. Me., May 9. 1893, Emma Fra'noes Day, b. Richmond. Quebec, Nov. 27. 1861; daui,'htor of Georjio Day and Sophia Woods. (5) Samuel Arthur Berry, U. Oct. 21, 1844; d. Sent 17 1848. ***** (4) Alice Anderson Ponnoll. i). Brunswick, Me.. April 11, 1808; d. Augusta, Me., July 1. 1884; m. Stanwood Dunning,' b. Brunswick. Me.. Sept. 25, 1804; d. April 7, 1855. (5) William Penneil Dunnim,', ii. Oct. 25, 1S27- d .Ian 5 1827/8. (5) Adopted sou, Henry P. Duiuiini.', b. Sept. ?.0, 1830; d. March 2, 1899. ***** (4) Ebenezer Johnson Eennell, b. Fel). 13, 1810: d. Brunswick Me., Oct. 17, 1812 (li/oy.). ***** (4) William Penneil. Jr.. b. March 22, 1812; d. at sea, March 16, 1843; m. Catherine Alexander; no children. ***** (4) James Johnson Penneil, b. Feb. 13, 1814; d. Feb. 16. 1814. ***** (4) Margaret Penneil, b. July 29, 1815; d. Lee, Me.. Nov. 30, 1897; m., in Williamsburg, Me., Sept. 25, 1834. Charles House, b. Brunswick, Me., May 10, 1810; farmer; son of Thomas House a brick mason, and of Margaret (M;iilott) Doughty, widow of John Doughty and daughter of John Mallett. "The education of Mr. House was limited, but he was a man of sterling integrity and possessed a great deal of natural force. He went into the forests of Maine empty handed and hewed out a comfortable home for liis family, where his widow, a woman beloved by all. spent her declining years. These parents were ver.v careful to give to all their children that grew to maturity, a good academic education." Their children were: (5) Alice Maria House, b. Williamsburg. Me., Jan. 31, 1835; d. Lee, Me.. Nov. 6, 1857; m., in Carroll. Me., Oct. IS. 1856, John Holman Farrar, b. Lisbon. Me.; farmer; son of James Farrar of Lisbon, Me., .ind Emily Hamilton. (5) George William House, b. Williamsburi:, Mo.. ,luly 30, 1836: d. Council Bluffs, la.. July 10. 1883: farmer and school teacher: resided most of his life in Loo. Me.; served in the Civil War. Comjiany I. Sixth Maine In- fantry, and in Company D. Eighth Regiment. United States Veteran Infantry. General Hancock's Corps; m. in Lee, Aug. 19, 1870, Laura Melis.sa Ridi. i>. Loo. Mt'.. Sept. 27, 1848; the daughter of Harrison Gray Otis Rich and Charlotte Giles; she m. (second). Sept. 19, 1884, 86 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Seth H. Riggs, who served in the Civil War, Company B, Eleventh Regiment Maine Infantry. (6) Elmore Cobb House, b. Lee, Me., June G, 1871; re- sides Lincoln, Me.; studied in the Lee (Me.) Normal Academy and graduated from Dirlgo Business College, Augusta, Me., May 15, 1891; taught twenty-five terms of school in Lee, Lincoln, Mattawamkeag, Springfield, Carroll, Topsfield and other Maine towns; he Is also a surveyor of lumber; m., June 28, 1893, Jerusha Flor- ence Moors, b. Carroll, Me., Feb. 18, 1878; she studied in Lee (Me.) Normal Academy; daughter of John William Moors and Maria Margaret Card, who resides Lee, Me. (7) Ethel Ella House, b. July 8, 1894. (7) George Webster House, b. Sept. 8, 1896. (7) Myrtle Lillian House, b. June 30, 1898. (6) Ella Cobb House, b. Lee, Me., June 6, 1871; d. Lee, Me., Aug. 21, 1892; m., in Lee, Me., Sept. 21, 1890, Howard Percy Budge; farmei"; son of John Budge of Springfield, Me., and Nancy Hanscom, who resided in Lee, Me. (7) Howard Percy Budge, b. Lee, Me., June 22, 1891. (6) Lottie House, b. Lee, Me., May 20, 1873; studied Lee (Me.) Normal Academy, 1887 to 1890; has always re- sided in Lee, Me.; m.. May 29, 1891, James Alexander Smith, b. Upper Nelson, Northumberland County, N. B., May 4, 1861; farmer; son of James Smith and Mary Ranney. (7) Regina Grace Smith, b. Lee, Me., March 28, 1892; d. Lee, Me., April 1, 1892. (7) James William Smith, b. Lee, Me., Sept. 21, 1895. (7) Bertrand Seth Smith, b. Lee, Me., Sept. 3, 1900. (5) Eliza Jane House, b. Williamsburg, Me., Sept. 9, 1837; resides Lee, Me.; has lived also in Brunswick and Will- iamsburg, Me., as u child; studied in Brunswick and Lee (Me.) schools; m., Aug. 17, 1856, Charles Henry Merrill, b. Lee, Me., Jan. 8, 1835; studied in Lee (Me.) schools; farmer, millman and lumber manufacturer; served in the Civil War, Company D, Eleventh Maine Regiment In- fantry; enlisted Aug. 13, 1863; honorably discharged. May 14, 1865; son of James Merrill, Jr., and Mary Mallett • Hewey. (6) Lilla Augusta Merrill, b. Lee, Me., May 24, 1859; resides Lee, Me.; studied in Lee (Me.) schools; m., in Lee, Me., July 31, 1878, Frederic Augustus Ludden, b. East Lincoln, Me., June 3, 1853; studied in schools of East Lincoln and Lee, Me.; carpenter; son of Sidney Ludden and Arobine Lowell. Children b. at East Lin- coln, Me.; (7) Charles Sidney Ludden, b. May 14, 1S79; resides Lee, Me.; m., at Lee, Me., April 9, 1904, Flossie Gif- ford, b. Lee, Me., July 30, 1SS5; daughter of John T. Gifford and Maria L. CrandlcMuire. (8) Arleigh F^-ederick Ludden, b. Lee, Me., June 28, 1906. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 87 (7) Josephine Liuhieii, h. June 22, 18S1 ; m., at 0I<1- towii, Me.. Oct. 12, 1901, Hormon Russell Lowell, Jr.. h. Lee, Me., Aug. 9, 1878; son of Hermon R. Lowell and Rachel Bowker. (8) Pansy Maud Lowell, h. Okltown. Me., April 14, 1902. (7) Florence Ellen Ludden, b. Feb. 19, 1884; graduated from Lee (Me.) Normal Academy, May 11, 1905; m., Nov. 18, 1905, William Albert Maflett, b. Dayton, Nev., July 28, 1879; resid(>s Lee, Me.; son of Charles W. Mallett and Mary W. Barrett. (7) Lloyd Lee Ludden, b. April 3, 1887. (7) Blanche Eliza Ludden, b. Aug. 30, 1889. (7) Alice Lillian Ludden, b. Sept. 4, 1892. (7) Rome Derwood Ludden, b. Jan. 14, 1895. (6) Cora Alice Merrill, b. Lee, Me., April 6, 18G3; resides Lee, Me.; studied in Lee scliools; permanently injured by being thrown from a carriage when a girl, but a woman of great strength of character, who has a firm trust in her Savior; m., in Lee, Me., Dec. 25, 1886, Sid- ney Hayes Adams, b. Canaan, Me., Feb. 12, 1857; studied in schools of Canaan, Me.; farmer; son of Jo- seph Adams and Margaret Bell. Mrs. Adams has writ- ten many poems; among them are the following: THE OLD FIREPLACE. I love it, I love it, and who in life's race Will chide me for loving the old fireplace; Its old frame a welcome always extended. From the cold blasts of winter our home it defended. And many chilled hearts in its warm, radiant light Grew hopeful and happy by day and by night. Show me one, if you can, who has known the fireplace, Who has not found relief in its bright, cheerful face When the clouds of despair o'er the soul seemed to hover And the bright spots in life those clouds seemed to cover. Sit down by its side for a half hour or so, And lose your sad thoughts in its bright, healthful glow. SATURDAY NIOHT. Saturday night, and the toil is o'er. The soft breeze stirs at the open door. Wafting sweet thoughts on its scented breath. Speaking of Him who triumphs o'er death; Guiding our minds o'er life's troubled sea Into the realms (if eternity; Speaking in whispers so faint and clear Of a purer life than the one lived here; Bidding us rest from the toil and the strife Besetting our paths through this earthly life. Rest, and give thanks to our God above, Who holds us all in His mighty love; Thanks for the blessings received each day. And a prayer for grace and strength on our way; Lee, Me., June 11, 1870; Lee, Me., Jan. 18, 1890, Lee, Me., Jan. 13, 1872; 88 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Love towards our enemies, peace in our homes. Protection and guidance for loved ones who roam. On the soft, gentle breeze in the fading light. These are the whispers heard Saturday night. (6) Leland Franklin Merrill, b. Lee, Me., Sept. 2, 1867; d. Jan. 5, 1884. (6) Hersey Pennell Merrill, b. farmer at Lee, Me.; m., in Amanda Harriet Knights, b. daughter of Willard Knights and Eliza Jane Cole. (7) Lena Alice Merrill, b. May 9, 1890. (7) Eliza Ellen Merrill, b. Feb. 21, 1892. (7) Ruth Merrill, h. July 31, 1898. (7) Harold Hersey Merrill, b. June 1, 1900. (6) Amy Margaret Merrill, b. Lee, Me., July 31, 1873; resides Lee, Me.; m., in Lee, Me., April 16, 1892, Charles Henry Hanscom, b. Lee, Me., April 10, 1869; farmer; sou of John H. Hanscom and Althea Kneeland. (7) Leland John Hanscom, b. Dec. 27, 1892. (7) Ivan Asa Hanscom, b. Feb. 6, 1896. (7) Kenneth Everard Hanscom, b. May 24, 1900. (7) Florence Ella Hanscom, b. June 8, 1905. (5) Ellen Hamlin House, b. Williamsburg, Me., March 26, 1839; d. Brunswick, Me., Sept. 29, 1840. (5) Charles James House, b. Brunswick, Me.. Oct. 19, 1841; has resided at Augusta, Me., for many years; educated at Foxcroft (Me.) Academy and Lee (Me.) Normal Academy; a very successful teacher, but since then en- gaged in clerical work in Maine state departments and for many years messenger to the governor of Maine and his council; served very faithfully in the Civil War; pri- vate corporal, sergeant and first sergeant in Company E, second lieutenant in Company C and first lieutenant in Company G, First Regiment, Maine Heavy Artillery, 1862, to 1865, twice wounded in service; also captain and major in the First Regiment, Maine Reserve Militia, 1877-1882; m. (first), in Lee, Me., May 1. 1867, Clara Jane Merrill, b. Lee, Me., March 15, 1846; d. Augusta, Me., Dec. 7, 1888; daughter of Dexter Merrill and Abi- gail Morrison; she studied in the Lee (Me.) Normal Academy; m. (second), in Augusta. Me., Sept. 1, 1892, Abbie Elinor Rollins, b. Sherburn, Mass., July 31, 1851; daughter of Augustus Washington Rollins and Elizabeth Blunt, who resided at Abbott and Blanchard, Me.; she studied in the Augusta (Me.) schools. Children of the first marriage: (6) Anna Bean House, b. Lee, Me., April 22, 1868; d. Monson, Me., Jan. 19, 1877. (6) Alice May House, b. Lee, Me., Nov. 8, 1869; d. Mon- son, Me., Feb. 5, 1877. (6) Thomas House, b. Lee, Me., April 28, 1872; d. same dav. (6) Clara Estelle House, b. Lee, Me., June 10. 1873; d. Monson, Me., Jan. 15, 1877. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 89 (6) Blaine Housf, h. Monson, Mo., Nov. 23. ISTu: d. Jan. 21, 1877, at Monson, Me. ^ (0) Ralph Hoyt House, b. Mimson. Me., Feli. 7. 1S77; d. Falmouth, Me., .June 12, 1904; frraduated Cony Hinh School, Augusta, Me., 1894; three years at Coll>y Col- lege, Waterville, Me., class of 1S9S: left on account of ill health. (6) Emma Merrill House, h. Monson, Me., Oct. 25, 1879; graduated from Grammar School, Augusta, Me., class of 1894; she resides Augusta, Me. (6) Charles Dexter House, b. Augusta, Me., May 17, 1884; studied in schools of Augusta, Me.; resides Los An- geles, Cal.; machinist. (5) Matthew Pennell House, b. Lee, Me.. .Jan. 20, 1844; re- sides Poclone, I. T.; served in the Civil War, Company D, Eleventh Maine Infantry and in Comi)any L Fifth Maine Regiment, United States Veteran Infantry, Gen- eral Hancock's Corps; m., in Lee, Me., March 16, 18G5, Abbie (Foss) Isham, b. Bangor, Me., Aug. 16, 1848; d. Bangor, Me., July 30, 1903; the daughter of John Isham ami Betsy Watson; she was adopted by William Foss and Mary Staples, his wife; no children. (5) Lucy Ellen House, b. Lee, Me.. Dec. 2, 1845; d. Lee, Me., Nov. 12, 1883; m. (first), in Lee, Me., Jan. 12, 18G7, Caleb Wilbur, b. Sidney, Me., July 22, 1798; d. Glenwood Plantation. Me., June 30, 1870; farmer and trader: son of Asa Wilbur and Sylvia Jackson; m. (second). Ruggles Sylvester Torrey, who d. at Hermon. Me.. May 2. 1883 (65y.); resided in Hanson, Mass., Glenwood Plantation, Lee and Hermon, Me. Children of first marriage: (6) Hannah Hatch Wilbur, b. Hanson, Mass., Sept. 21. 1867; resides Somerville, Mass.; m., in Clifton. Me., Sept. 22, 1883, David Webster Tibbetts, b. Burnham, Me., June 15, 1860; a paper maker; son of Andrew Kinney Tibbetts and Jane Swan Fessenden. (7) Grace Inez Tibbetts, b. East Eddington, Me., Jan. 29, 1884; m., in Gardiner, Me., Sept. 18, 1901. Nathan Corrin Prescott. b. Gardiner, Me., July 26, 18S2; son of Newell Edward Prescott and Mary A. McLauflin. (8) Corrin Wilbur Prescott, b. Gardiner. Me.. March 31, 1902. (8) Helen Marion Prescott, b. Gardiner. Mc.. Jan. 1. 1904. (7) Lucy Etta Tibbetts. b. Bangor, Me., Jan. 13, 1888. (7) Gertrude May Tibbetts, b. Waterville, Me., April 26, 1890. (7) Vinal Eugene Tibbetts, b. Waterville. Mc Nov. 2, 1892. (6) Caroline Ellen Wilbur, b. Glenwood Plantation. Mc., April 23, 1869; studied in Auirusta (Me.) schools; re- sides Bangor, Me.; m.. in Bangor. Me., May 29. 1887, Otis Augustus Davis, b. Bangor, Me., May 11, 1867; a fruit dealer: son of Otis Woodman Davis and Eliza- beth Ellen Fessenden: studied in Bangor (Me.) schools. 90 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (7) Lillian Ellen Davis, b. Marcli 11. 1888; m., Ban- gor. Me., Dec. 12, 1906, Walter B. Allen. (7) Ethel Margaret Davis, b. Nov. 23, 1890. (7) Caroline Esther Davis, b. Dec. 25, 1894. These children have studied in the Bangor (Me.) schools. (5) John Adams House, b. Lee, Me., Aug. 25, 1847; resides Lee, Me.; farmer; m. (first), in Lee, Me., Oct. 23, 1870, Mrs. Clymena Ella (Hennessy) Dwelly, b. Weston, Me., May 10, 1847; d. Lee, Me., June 2, 1885; daughter of James Hennessy and Eliza Collier; m. (second). March 2, 1893, Mrs. Victoria Elizabeth (Hughes) Garcelon, b. Medway, Me., March 30, 1862; daughter of John Owen Hughes and Rebecca Smith Archer. Children of the first marriage; b. in Lee, Me.: (6) Thomas William House, b. Nov. 18, 1870; ni. Elnora Bunker, b. Burlington, Me., Jan. 7, 1884; daughter of John K. Bunker and Merena Hogan. Children b. in Lee, Me.: (7) Elleuor Margaret House, b. Nov. 28, 1902. (7) Alice Marion House, b. July 26, 1905. (6) Clarence Milton House, b. Oct. 4, 1872. (6) Clymena Margaret House, b. Feb. 3, 1875; d. St. Regis Falls, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1902; m., in Lee, Me., Dec. 18, 1898, Francis Loring Moore, b. Ellsworth, Me., Nov. 13, 1861; son of John Moore and Thankful Garland. (7) Vivian Ella Moore, b. Lee, Me., Jan. 16, 1899; d. Lee, Me., Jan. 26, 1899. (7) John House Moore, b. Passadumkeag, Me., Feb. 15, 1901. (6) Arthur Benjamin House, b. Jan. 30, 1877; d. Bur- lington, Me., Jan. 2C, 1904. (6) Joseph Lee House, b. Feb. 16, 1879; m., in Lee, Me., Feb. 7, 1902, Ellenor Mary Lancaster; daughter of William Lancaster and Abbie Coffin. (5) Arthur House, b. Lee, Me., Jan.. 27, 1850; resides Eustis, Lake County, Fla.; cares for orange groves; m. (first), in Lee, Me., Feb. 5, 1871, Thirza Lewis Royal, b. Lee, Me., Dec. 12, 1850; d. East Winn, Me., Sept. 22, 1878; daughter of Charles Royal and Lydia Knapp Mar- shall; m. (second), in Eustis, Fla., Nov. 1, 1885, Caroline King, b. Wooten, Hampshire, England, June 7, 1850; daughter of John Spelt King and Harriet Fye. Children of the first marriage: (6) Jennie Maud House, b. Lee, Me., Dec. 2, 1871; d. iu Lee, Me., Dec. 2, 1888. (6) Ada Bell House, b. East Winn, Me., May 2, 1875; d. Lee, Me., March 13, 1884. Children of the second marriage: (6) Walter King House, b. Eustis, Fla., Aug. 31, 1888; drowned while I)athing, July 7, 1890. (6) Alice Margaret House, b. Eustis, Fla., May 23, 1890. (5) Margaret House, b. Lee, Me., July 30, 1852; d. Lee, Me., April 16, 1880; m., in Lee, Me., June 25, 1871. Henry Coffin, b. Lee, Me., June 14, 1846; d. in Lee, Me., Jan. 12, 1882; kept a variety store in Lee, Me.; son of Walter Coffin and Nancy Clark. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. " 91 (6) Ora Adel Coffin, b. Lee, Me., Aug. 12, 1S73; d. Ban- gor, Me., Aug. 4, 1895. (6) Ada Margaret Coffin, h. Lee, Me., Jan. :'.0, 1876; d. Lee, Me., April 2, 1900; re.sided Springfield, Me., m.. in Parish ol" Manners, Sutton, N. B., May 15, 1899, Roy Alfred Burr, b. Springfield, Me., Sept. 10, 1875; son oV Benjamin Harrison Burr and Josephine Weatherbee. (7) Agnes Pauline Burr, b. Sprinuficld. iMe., Nov 9 1899. ■ ■ (6) Harris Eugene Coffin, b. Lee, Me., May 7, 1878; d. Lee, Me., Sept. G, 1878. (6) Russell Henry Coffin, b. July 14, 1879; ni.. in Ban- gor, Me., Hannah S. , b. March 12, 1880, who d. Bangor, Me., Feb. 17, 190G. (5) Albert House, h. Lee, Me., May 28, 1854; d. Lee, Me., May 17, 1857. (5) Stanwood Dunning House, !>. Lee, Me., Oct. 13, 1856; d. Lee, Me., Oct. 17, 18G2. (5) Ozias Goodwin House, b. Lee, Me., March 1, 1861; d. Lee, Me., Nov. 3, 1862. * * * * aif (4) Sarah Jane Pemiell, b. Brunswick, Me., Sept. 13, 1817; d. Providence, R. L, Aug. 19, 1889; m., in Foxcroft, Me., Feb. 8, 1849, as his second wife, George W. Goodwin of Fox- croft, Me., b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 3, 179G; d. Foxi-roft, Me., July 15, 1860; son of Ozias F. Goodwin :uid Margaret Chap- man Goodwin. The history of Hartford, Conn., has the de- scendants of William and Ozias F. Goodwin. Published, 1891, by Brown & Gray; copyright by James F. Goodwin. (George Goodwin m. [firstl, Maria Anderson, who d. Oct. 1, 1847; no children by this first marriage.) George W. Goodwin moved to Foxcroft, Me., about 1845; he studied in the schools of Boston, Mass., and was a "Frankton Medal student." He was a merchant in the East India and South American trade. The widow resided in Providence, R. L, from 1869 to 1889. She and her husband are iiuried in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Brunswick, Me. (5) Ozias Chapman Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., March 25, 1850; graduated from Foxcroft (Me.) Academy; resides Peace Dale, R. L; is president and secretary of the Amer- ican Fish Culture Company; m., Oct. 16, 1872, Eleanor P. West, b. Providence, R. L, and studied in the schools of that city; daughter of Nathaniel West and Charlotte Brown. (6) Sarah Elizabeth Goodwin, b. Nov., 1876; studied in Friends' School, Providence, R. I.; received A. B. from Smith College, and A. M. from Brown University: teacher of Latin and Greek, Beauford (Conn.) Higli School; unni. (5) John Bray Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., July 23, 1851; d. Oct. 11, 1902; resided Philadelphia, Pa.; architect; m.. May 24, 1876, Ella Willoughby Raymond, b. N(n-wicli. Conn.; studied in Norwich (Conn.) Academy; daughter of Theodore Raymond and Sarah Clark. (G) Theodore Raymond Goodwin, i». Sept. 26, 1877; 92 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. studied iu public schools of Providence, R. I.; m., April, 1902, Isabel Inez Wigbtmnn, b. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 26, 1879; the daughter of Frank V. Wightman of South Carolina. (7) Theodora Isabel Goodwin, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 13, 1903. (6) Richard Chapman Goodwin, b. Jan. 28, 1879; d. Feb. 5, 1879. (6) Philip Russell Goodwin, b. Sept. 16, 1881; resides New York City; an artist; studied in Providence (R. I.) public schools. Providence School of Design, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; num. C6) Alice Louise Goodwin, b. Oct. 13, 1885; d. March 1, 1887. (5) William Pennell Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., Dec. 28, 1852; resides 33 Stinson Avenue, Providence, R. I.; studied in private schools at home; president of the Mer- chants' Fire Insurance Company; treasurer of the Rhode Island Homeopathic Hospital; treasurer of the Beneficent Congrej;ati(mal Church Society; unm. (5) Eliza Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., Feb. 5. 1854; resides 123 St. Mark's Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y.; studied at home and under a private governess; m., Oct. 10, 1876, Charles P. Chapin, b. Providence, R. I., Sept. IG, 1851; studied in Providence (R. I.) public schools; importer and jobber of coffee. (6) Elizabeth Goodwin Chapin, b. Aug. 23, 1877; resides 123 St. Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.; studied in Packer Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. (6) Edwin Eaton Chapin, b. Nov. 25, 1885; studied in Adelphic Institute and in Amherst College. (5) Lucy Pennell Goodwin, b. July 11, 1855; d. July 19, 1883; unm. (5) Gj^orge Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., Sept. 16, 1856; private studies at home and .graduated at Brown Univer- sity; resides 314 New Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; piano tuner; unm. (5) Sarah Jane Goodwin, b. Foxcroft, Me., Sept. 24, 1858; graduated from Doctor Stockbridge's School, Providence, R. I.; resides 33 Stinson Avenue, Providence, R. I.; unm. ***** (4) Matthew Simpson Pennell, b. April 15, 1819; d. at sea, Nov. 9, 1837; unm. ***** (4) Deborah Dunninii Pennell, b. Dec. 4, 1820; d. Ashland, Me., Dec. 14, 1903; m., Auji. 31, 1848, Isaiah Elder, 1>. Gray, Me., Aug. 4, 1819; d. Dec. 3, 1878; sailor; son of Jacob Elder of Portland, Me., and Harriet Higgins of Windham, Me. (5) Isaiah Greenleaf Elder, b. April 4, 1854; resides Bruns- wick, Me.; employed by Maine Central Railroad Com- pany; m., Sept. 18, 1893, Abbie E. Curtis, b. Bowdoin, Me.; daughter of George W. Curtis and Hattie Doyle. (5) James R<'dwood Elder, b. May 26, 1859; resides Sears- port, Me.; conductor on Bangor & Aroostook Railroad; JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 98 ni., April 27, 1887. Alice Jiuie Hah-v, b. Topsiiani Me Aug. 1, 1862. (6) Ethel M. Elder, b. Feb. 20. 18SS. (6) Harold W. Elder, i». .Inly 10, 1889. ***** (4) Lucy Nichols Peiuieli, b. Brunswick, Me., ,Ian. 11, lS2n- d. New Orleans, La.. May 31. 1900; ni.. Sept. 1, 1848. Ca"pt". .lames Ross, Jr., b. Brunswick. Me., Sept. 24, 1819; d. Liv- <'rpool, England, May 28, 1878. "He followed the sea from the age of nine years until he was forty-one years old. He then purchased an interest in the parafine "oil works five miles from Batli.^ate, St-otland. After two years he sold out this interest and moved to Liverpool, England, engag- ing in the ship chandlery and sail-making business. Two years after this, with Capt. Alfred Skolfield of Brunswick, Me., he established a ship's ai;cncy liusiness, which is still carried on in Liverpool, England, under the name Ross, Skolfield & Co." His successes were marked and his noble wife was his constant companion and helper. Capt. .James Ross, .Jr., was the only son of Capt. .James Ross, who was b. at Brunswick, Me., March 27. 1785 and d. in New York City, Nov. 15, 1823 (38y.). Though his life was such a short one it was filled with successful work .along many lines, and marked by good deeds, the memory of wliich is still cherished. He m., June 23, 1813, Hannah Dunning, b. Brunswick, Me., June 1, 1790; d. Aug. 15, 1839 (49y.). She was the daughter of David Dunning, Jr., and Elizabeth Hunt; granddaughter of Lieut. James Dunning and Martha Lithgow, and great-granddaughter of Ancestor Andrew Dun- ning and Susan Bond, all these lines showing thai Capt. James Ross was descended from the sturdiest old settlers of Brunswick, Me. (The only sister of Capt. James Ross, Jr., w.as Hannah Ross, who m. [first], Abner Melcher and [.second!, William Penly, and was a woman of great worth.) Capt. James Ross, Jr.. was the grandson of William Ross and his wife. Jennett. both of whom are buried in the old cemetery at Brunswick, Me. The great-grandfather of Capt. James Ross, Jr., was no doubt the William Ross who, 1741, owned lot No. 24, not fiir fi'om thi> old church at Brunswick, Me. Nothing more of certainty has been found in regard to this first William Ross, but the descendants have always claimed a sturdy Scotch ancestry, and tht- hardy and enterprising charactcM" of the descend.-ints bear out this assertion. Since the first William Ross lived side by side with the noblest of the early settlers of Brunswick. Me., such as the Dunnings, Spears, Finneys, etc., all of whom came from the north of Ireland in the famous Scotch-Irish colony of Rev. William Boyd, it setMUs clear that the Ross family came wilii these chosen and li.ardy people. Outside of the family, writers have attempted to tr.ace the Ross line to the James Ross who was at Falmouth (now Portland), Me., in 1GG2; but the arguments only seem to show a connection between these families across the sea. !»4 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Wbatover may have been the descent, the members of the Ross family through all generations have shown a sturdy and kindly power among men, and a wonderful success in varied lines of usefulness on sea and land. Their patriot- ism is clearly shown in the fact that in Brunswick, Me., in the famous 1812 War, Company of Capt. Richard T. Dun- lap appear the names of James Ross'', John Ross, Robert Ross- and William Ross". Tiie most famous teacher in Harpswell, Me., in the days of my grandparents, was Aunt Sallie Ross, b. Brunswick, Me., April 21, 1790, and who was a sister of the father of Capt. James Ross, Jr. The memo- ries of her fine teaching and noble Christian character are still cherished in the old town by the sea. (Further his- tory of the Ross, Hunt and Dunning families may be found in the genealogj' of each of these by Rev. Charles N. Sinnett.) (5) James Ross, b. Brunswick, Me., Nov. 20, 1849; d. at Brady, Tex., June 26, 1892; a pi-ofessor of music; unm. (5) William Pennell Ross, b. Brunswick, Me., July 19, 1852; resides New Orleans, La.; resided in Liverpool, England from nine to nineteen years, since then in New Orleans, La.; steamship and insurance agent, Belfast and Dublin service, the Ross Steamship Line to European ports; Ross & Heyn. steamship agents, agents for Head Line, New Orleans and Galveston; Belfast, Dublin, Swan- sea and Barry Docks; agents for Macklay-Prentice Line, New Orleans to Glasgow; Fabre Line, Gulf Transport Line, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. M. Clara Keen, daughter of Alfred Keen of Rockland, Me. (6) James Alfred Ross, b. Aug. 23, 1874; insurance agent, New Orleans, La.; m., Jan. 18, 1899, Annie P. Eustis, daughter of Henry C. Eustis of New Orleans. (6) Cora Kean Ross, b. 1876; d. 1882. (5) Elizabeth Hannah Ross, b. Brunswick. Me., June 30, 1854; studied in the Misses Dalling's Private School for Girls, Liverpool, England, finishing the course in 1872; since Dec, 1901, has resided New Orleans, La.; has also lived in Brunswick, Me.; Liverpool, England; Glasgow, Scotland, and Washington, Kan.; m., June 30, 1875, Capt. Frederick Elwell Counco, b. Warren, Me., April 10, 1851; graduated from Croft Ledge Academy, Rothsay, Island of Bute, Scotland; son of Edwin S. Counce and Sarah Alice Scribner of Topsham, Me. (6) Lucv Counce, b. Glasgow, Scotland, June 17, 1876; d. Sept. 11, 1879. (6) Lewis Ross Counce, b. Glasgow, Scotland. June 10, 1878; graduated from High School of Washington, Kan., May 28, 1897; resides Washington Avenue, New Orleans, La.; cashier ;ind bookkeeper; m., Sept. 7, 1901, Elizabeth Conway. (7) John Henderson Counce, b. Aug. 5, 1902. (7) Elizabeth Mildred Counce, b. Feb. 25, 1904. (7) Lewis R. Counce, b. July 15, 1900. (6) Charles Frederick Ccmncc. b. March 8, 1884, at Glasgow, Scotland; graduated from the High School, Washington, Kan; num.; clerk. k h JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 95 (5) Lucy Ross, It. Brunswick, Mc, .July S, 1857: m., Sept. 4, 1882, John Brockic of Edinburgh, Scotland. (6) Lucy Brockie, li. Aug. 25. 1883. (G) John Brockic, b. Oct. 4, 1887. (5) Arabella Ross, b. Brunswick, Me., Nov. 18. 1859; unni. (5) John Osborne Baker Ross, b. Liverpool, England, Feb. 26, 1862; has resided in Ni'w Orleans. La., for over twenty years; graduated Birkenhead, Cheshire (England) school, Christmas, 1877; ni. (first), Jan. 17, 1885, Ada Geniveve Earhart, b. New Orleans, La., Feb. 1, 1862; studied in New Orleans schools; daughter of Thomas J. Earhart and Elizabeth Atherton Butler; m. (.second), Oct., 1899, . Child of first marriage. (6) Jessie Ada Ross, b. Aug. 29, 1885. (5) Albert Minot Ross, b. Liverpool, England. July 6, 1866; resides Winnipeg. Manitoba; in early life attended a pri- vate scliool; from 12 to 16 years of age altt'iided the Birkenhead School, England; at the age of 16 years went to work in the reporting and sub-editing departments of the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo newspapers, remain- ing until 1887; thence to New Orleans, La., as stenog- rapher for two years; returned to Liverpool, England, and up to 1904 was connected with sliorthand and type- writing work, doing special reporting, and part of the time commercial travelling. Since removing to Winni- peg, Manitoba, in 1904, lias been shorthand reporter, being reporter for the provincial police court, Wiiuiipeg, under Magistrate McMicken, and also reporter in the Court of Kings' Bench, assize courts and general report- ing, as well as newspaper work. He has spiMit 2'i years of Ills life in Liverpool, England; five years in Birming- ham, England; four years in Sheffield, England, and four years in the neighborhood of Bristol, England, making Clevedon his home, but travelling through the surround- ing counties and in South Wales. M., Aug. 4, 1887, Isa- bella May Parsons, b. Birkenhead. England. June 6, 1866; educated in the private schools of Birkenhead, England, the third daughter of Edward Parsons of Par- sonstown, Ireland, and of Mary A. McKnight, the daugh- ter of Major McKnight, chief constable, West Broniwich, Staffordshire. England. (6) Harold Osborne Ross, b. Birkenhead, England, Feb. 26, 1890; educated at King Edward's Grammar School, Camp Hill, Birmingham, and in Clevedon College, Som- erset, England; came to Canada in 190:'^; studying as a scenic painter. (6) Dorothy May Ross, b. Birkenhead, England. April 9, 1891; educated in schools of Birk(Mihead and Chn-edon, England. if! it: * * * (4) George R. Lapham Pennell, b. Aug. 23, 1825; d. Aug. I'l, 1825. ***** (4) Abigail Berry Pennell, ii. Brunswick. Me.. Sept. 17. 1829; d. Sept. 20, 1829. 96 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. SECTION THREE. (3) Barnawell Johnson, b. Sept. 17, 1788; d. Great Chebeague Island, Me., Oct. 13, 1866; proprietor of a grocery store; m., May 5, 1812, Martha Soule, who d. June 25, 1844; the daugh- ter of James Soule. Children born on Great Chebeague Island, Me.: (4) Jane Johnson, b. May, 1813; d. Jan. 13, 1899 (86y.); m., Sept. 13, 1834, Nathaniel Thompson of Chebeasue Island, b. 1812; d. May 24, 1844 (82y., 3m.); farmer; the son of William Thompson. (5) Maria Thompson, b. Dee. 5, 1835; resides Great Che- beague Island; m., Dec. 10, 1855, Joshua L. Curit, b. Sept. 3, 1835. (G) Bdsyl Curit, b. Dec. 20, 1856; d. Jan. 25, 1857. (6) Addie A. Curit, 1). May 7 (12), 1857; m. George Hill, b. Great Chebeague Island, Me., March 15, 1856. (7) Willie G. Hill, b. Nov. 26, 1881. (7) Harry E. Hill, li. Feb. 18, 1884. (7) Johnny F. Hill, li. Jan. 13, 1886. (6) Willie G. Curit, b. July 4, 1859; d. Nov. 19, 1873. (6) Lilla B. Curit, b. Feb. 17, 1864; m., Dec. 10, 1889, William J. Stone, who d. April 8, 1899 (38y.), of Attle- boro, Mass. (7) Clarence L. Stone, b. March 24, 1891. (6) Alice M. Curit, b. Feb. 18, 1866; m.. May 2, 1894, Dr. Leon Hale, b. June 26, 1854. (7) Lilla F. Hale, b. Nov. 10, 1896. (7) Estella L. Hale, b. Dec. 13, 1897. (6) Merton E. Curit, b. March 15, 1868; m., 1884, Lizzie Pomerov. (6) Walter J. Curit, b. April 13, 1871; m., June 18, 1896, Lizzie A. Cleaves of Great Chebeague Island, Me. (7) Celia Lenora Curit, b. 1900. (6) Clara E. Curit. b. March 22, 1875; m., April 8, 1896, Winfield Hamilton. (6) Minnie E. Curit, b. Fel). 15, 1878. (5) Barnawell Johnson Thompson, b. June 22, 1839; re- sides Great Chebeague Island. Me.; m. (first), Phyleina J. Gushing, who d. Jan. 6, 1861 (17-4-4); daughter of Charles Cushii.g; m. (second), Nov. 27, 1872, Mrs. Har- riet Ann (Hamilton) Webber, b. Feb. 22, 1849; she m. (first), John D. Webber. Child of first marriage: (6) Son; d. in infancy. Children of second marriage: (6) Jennie F. Thompson, b. Nov. 22, 1873. (6) George E. Thompson, I). Aug. 5. 1877: m., Nov. 18, 1898, Bernice E. Delano of Portland, Me. (7) Helen Leona Thompson, b. June 26, 1899. (6) Leroy O. Thompson, !>. June 7, 1879. (6) Lizzie M. Thompson, b. Sept. 21, 1882. (6) Josie R. Thompscm, b. March 10, 1886. (5) Martha Thompson, b. Dec. 25, 1840; resides Great Clie- beague Island, Me.; m., May 10, 1864, Joseph Frederic Curit, 1). Feb. 25, 1839. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 97 (6) Elmer F. Curit, h. Oit. 25. 1SG5; in., in Pnrll.iiid. Mf., Maggie M. Barton. (7) Child: d. in infancy. (7) Beatrice; d. at 7y. (7) Gertrude, h. Nov.. 1897. (6) Howard Marion Curit, b. Aufi. 25, 18GG. (G) Nellie M. Curit, b. Oct. 11, 18G8; m., 1880. P.vam P. Alexander, b. Orr's Island, Me., Aug. 5, 1863; salesman at Orr's Island, Me.; son of" Thomas Alexander and Mar- tha R. Prince. (7) Marian Alexander, b. July G, 189G. (6) Eva B. Curit. b. May 3. 1879. (5) Nathaniel Thompson, Jr., b. July 22, 1842; house joiner; m., at Willard, Me., Oct. 18, 1872, Ida May Strout, b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., June IG, 1850. (G) Lydla Estelle Thompson, b. Willard, Me.. May 24. 1873; m., in Boston, Mass., Marcli 14, 1895. Frederick Carle Morrill, b. Hampden, Me., June 2G, 1866. (7) Carl Huntress Morrill, b. Boston, Mass.. Oct. 2G, 1895. (7) Frederick Lewis Morrill, b. Boston, Mar«-h 24, 1897. (6) Howard Seymour Thompson, b. Willard, Me., Sept. 16, 1874; m., at Willard, Me., March 14, 1898, Jane Foote, b. April, 1875. (7) Nathaniel Seymour Thompson, b. May 24. 1879. (6) Walter Armstrong Thompson, b. Willard, Me., Oct. 22, 1876. (6) Alice May Thompson, b. Willard, Me., Aug. 4, 1882. (5) Dorcas Thompson, b. July 17, 1843; resides at the old Chebeague Island (Me.) homestead. (5) Joanna Thompson, b. March 25, 1845; resides Great Chebeague Island, Me.; m. (first), June 14, 1865, Asa Doughty, h. 0<-t. 2, 1842; d. Feb. 18, 1881; son of Stephen Doughty and Charity Mariner; m. (second), Nov. 10, 1882, John Rose; mariner; no children. Chililren of first marriage: (6) Herman L. Doughty, b. May 28, 1867; marinei-; m.. Jan. 1, 1890, Almedia E. Hamilton; daughter of Ros- well Hamilton and Georgianna — - — . (7) Mina W. Dimghty, b. April 25, 1895. (C) James Bertrand Doughty, b. Jan. 3, 1870; ni.. July 12, 1893, Lillian S. Bemiett. (6) Amanda Ellen Doughty, b. Ai)ril 10, 1875; d. April 4, 1896. (6) Joseph Clifton Doughty, 1). May 2, 1879; d. Sept. 17. 1887. (5) James Thompscm, b. June 8, 1848; mariner; m. Phi- lena F. Littlefield; daughter of Newell Littlefield and Courtney Britt. (6) Eugene R. Thompson, b. Dec. 17, 1872. (6) Frances Ann Thompson, b. Oct. 17, 1874; m.. Jan. 5, 1892, Herman Webl)er Hamilton; clerk; .son of Solo- mon F. Hamilton and Lucy Hill. (7) Irwin Oscar Hamilton, i». April 23, 1893. 98 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (7) Evelyn F. Hamilton, b. Sept. 12, 1894. (7) Pearl S. Hamilton, b. Jan. 28, 1896. (7) Lena A. Hamilton, b. Nov. 12, 1897. (6) Herbert A. Thompson, b. Aug. 31, 1878. (6) Effie M. Thompson, 1). March 17, 1880. (6) Mabel L. Thompscm, b. Oct. 26, 1883. (6) Clarence Thompson, b. July 14, 1884. (5) Eliza Ann Thompson, b. May 25, 1852; resides Great Chebeague Island, Me.; m., June 7, 1874, George W. Lit- tlefield; mariner; son of George W. Littlefield and Jane (6) Edith B. Littlefield, b. Nov. 22, 1875; m., Nov. IS, 1898, Wesley Bates. (7) Pearl Blanche Bates, b. May 3, 1899. (6) Mary F. Littlefield, b. Dec. 3, 1876. (6) Charley A. Littlefield, b. May 12, 1882. (6) Georgia B. Littlefield, b. Oct. 23, 1883. (6) Dollv E. Littlefield, b. Oct. 16, 1885. (6) Mattie V. Littlefield, b. Oct. 22, 1891. (6) Leslie L. Littlefield, 1). March 1, 189[ 3o. (4) James Johnson, b. Aug., 1812; d. Sept. 28, 1878 (62y., 11m.): resided Great Chel)eague Island, Me.; m. Susan Lit- tlefit'ld; daughter of Enoch Littlefield of Chebeague Island, Me. (5) Barnawell Johnson; m. Miss Clossman. (G) Barnawell C. Johnson and Florence Johnson in Port- land, Me. (5) Margaret Johnson, b. Oct. 15, 1841; m. Benjamin Woodbury; fisherman. (6) Joseph Alfred Woodbury, b. Nov. 21, 1861; d. (15m.). (6) B. Franklin Woodbury, b. July 27, 1864; fisherman; m. Effie Wallace; daughter of Frederick Wallace of Small Point, Me. (7) Two children; d. in infancy. (7) Everett Woodlmry, b. Sept. 6, 1899. (6) George E. Woodbury, b. Oct. 2, 1868; fisherman; m., Dec. 25, 1886, Celinda E. Wallace. (7) Ethel E. Woodbury, b. Aug. 1, 1887. (6) Rachel Frances Woodbury, 1). April 12, 1870; d. 1894 (23y., 11m.); resided at Chelsea, Mass.; m.. Feb. 9, 1887, B. W. Latham; captain of a fishing vessel. (7) Lizzie Ellen Latham, b. June 10, 1889. (7) Ritta Frances Latham; b. Oct. 7, 1892. (6) Miiiani J. Woodliury, b. Dec. 17, 1872; resides Lon? Island, Portland Harl)()r, Me.; m., Sept. 30, 1893, Mark Steward; fisherman. (7) Bernice Everett Steward, b. Sept. 10, 1896. (6) Clara Augusta Woodbury, b. Dec. 17, 1872; d. Dec. 24. 1872. (5) Huldah Ann .lohnsou, b. Nov. 19. 1842; ni., Jan. 12. 1861, Charles McVaint^ of Long Island, Me., b. East Poinr. Prince Edward's Island, July 30, 1842; son of Cliarlcs McVaine and Mary . (6) Peter Mc-Vaiiic 1). Dec 3, ISCl; m. Henrietta Cusli- JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 99 ins, I>. Jan. 3, 1865; daughter of George Gushing and Elizabeth . (7) George Edward McVaine. b. Aug. 22, 1883. (7) Undine Ray MoVaine, b. Nov. 23, 1886. (7) Gertrude Ann McVaine, b. Aug. 27, 1888. (7) Grace McVaine, b. .July 31, 1890. (7) Eva Maude McVaine, b. .June 23, 1892. (7) Lillian McVaine, b. Oct. 22, 1894. (7) Annie Rhoa McVaine, b. Dec. 20. 1897. (6) Nancy McVaine, b. Sept. 23, 18G2; (1. (ly.). (6) George McVaine, It. Dec. 6, 18G4. (6) Mary McVaine, b. Dec. 22, 18G6. (6) James McVaine, b. Nov. 11. 1868; m., Jan. 1, 1891, Vivian Salirina Bickford. b. Oct. 29. 1S72: daughter of David Henry Bickford and Ursula Elizabeth . (7) Earle Leroy McVaine. 1). June 3, 1893. (7) James Leon McVaine, 1). Sept. 10, 1897. (7) Leslie Ray McVaine, b. July 20, 1899. (6) Cora McVaine, 1». Oct. 12, 1870; m., Auir. 29, 1890. Albert Woodbury, b. Oct. 16, 1869; son of Howard Woodbury. (6) Mary Ann McVaine, b. Oct. 8, 1872; resides Long Island, Me. (6) Pauline McVaine, b. Nov. 12. 1874; m. Adelbert Johnson, b. 1875; son of George Johnson. (6) Jacob McVaine, b. March 29, 1876; m. Mrs. Cor.i Miller. (6) Benjamin McVaine. b. Feb. 7, 1878; purser on New York steamer Xorth Stdf: ui.. June 5, 1905, Jennie M. Skolfield, b. Cundy's Harbor, Me., Nov. 23, 1877; daughter of Capt. Humphrey S. Skolfield and Deborah O. Johnson. (6) Charlie McVaine, b. Feb., 1882. (6) Henry McVaine, b. April 1. 1884. (5) Robert Johnson, b. Nov., 1846; m., Dec. 15, 1870. Mar- garet Griffin, b. Long Island, Me.. Aug. 8, 1853; d. Feb. 26, 1889; the dauuhter of Jeremiah Griffin and Marv (6) Susie May Johnson, b. April 3, 1873; m., April 30, 1894, John Everett Bickford of Long Island, Me. (6) Jeremiah M. Johnson, b. July 12, 1875; machinist. (6) Frank A. Johnson, b. March 12. 1883. (6) Robbie A. Johnson, b. Feb. 22, 1889. (5) Albert Johnson, b. Aug. 19, 1851; painter; then a farmer at Belgrade. Me.; m. (first), Dec. 25, 1874, Alvira C. Gushing, b. Lonj; Island, Me., 1855; d. Long Island. Me., Sept. 3, 1882; daughter of EnuM'y Cushinj: and .Ann Eliza ; m. (second), Sept. 29, 1885, Mrs. Harriet Webb. Children of first marriage: (6) Eliza Ellen Johnson, b. Fei>. 28. 1876; m., June 5, 1895, Percy Gii>l)«ms, b. Jan. 6. 1892; resides 224 Frank- lin Street, Portland, Me.; son of Watson R. Gibl)ons and Mary ; fish dealer. (7) Myrtie Althea Gibbons, b. Aug. 20. 1898. Lore. 100 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (6) Julia E. Johnson, b. Sept. 25, 1878; m., June 28, 1899, Watson R. Gibbons, Jr. (6) Albert Johnson, b. Nov. 29, 1880; d. Sept. 29, 1881. Children of second marriage: (6) Ernest E. Johnson, b. July 2, 1886. (6) Everett P. Johnson, b. Sept. 25, 1895. (6) Elvira Johnson, b. Sept. 1, 1897. (5) George Edwai-d Johnson, b. Aug. 19, 1851; resides Long Island, Portland Harbor, Me.; farmer; m., Dec. 5, 1873, Madora Stevens, b. Embden, Me., May 24, 1852; daughter of Bradford Stevens and Cornelia Williams. (6) Ira Albert Johnson, b. Oct. 10, 1875; fisherman at Long Island, Me.; m.. May 27, 1896, Pauline McVaine, b. Nov. 12, 1871; daughter of Charles McValne and Huldah Ann Johnson. (7) Thelma Marian Johnson, b. Oct. 27, 1899. (7) Iva Pauline Johnson, b. Sept. 21. 1902. (6) Julia Aurilla Johnson, b. May 8, 1877; resides Long Island, Me.; m., Feb. 9, 1903, William Keating. (6) Nettie Margaret Johnson, b. Jan. 19, 1879. (6) Herbert Marshall Johnson; b. Jan 19, 1879; painter. (6) Nellie Josephine Johnson; b. May 14, 1882. (6) Susie Ann Johnson, b. Oct. 1, 1890. (6) George Evarts Johnson, b. Sept. 26, 1891. (6) John Augustus Johnson, b. Dec. 17, 1894. (5) Theodore Johnson, b. July 2, 1853; resides Long Is- land, Me.; studied in Great Chebeague Island (Me.) schools; fisherman; m., July 4, 1874, Clara Etta Wallace, b. June 19, 1856; the daughter of David Robert Wallace and Catherine Morrow. (6) Arthur Edwin Johnson, b. Oct. 2, 1876; d. Dec. 12, 1876. (6) Lydia Margaret Johnson, b. Nov. 6, 1878; studied Long Island (Me.) schools; m., Sept. 14, 1895, Edwin Benjamin Alexander, b. New York City, July 4, 1865; studied South Portland (Me.) schools; tender of street lights: son of Benjamin Alexander. (7) Clara Edna Alexander, b. Sept. 1, 1896. (7) Lewis Theodore Alexander, b. April 14, 1905. (6) Charles Barnewell Johnson, b. Oct. 9, 1880; d. July 4, 1881. (6) Harry Warren Johnson, b. Nov. 2, 1882; studied in Long Island (Me.) schools; fisherman. (6) Lewis Alvin Johnson, b. May 11, 1883. (5) James Johnson, b. June 2, 1853; resides 44 Newbury Street, Portland, Me. (5) Pamelia Johnson; resides Readfield, Me.; m. Edward Lewis Johnson; painter. (5) Emma Johnson; resides 14 Middle Street, Portland, Me.; m. Francis Gushing of Long Island, Portland Har- bor, Me. ***** (4) Barnewell Johnson, b. July 15, 1815; d. Oct. 13, 1900; re- sided Great Chebeague Island, Me.; m. (first), June, 1838, Dorcas A. Littlefield, who d. Dec. 1, 1884 (60y.); daughter JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 101 of Enoch LittU'fiold; m. (second), Oct. IG, 1S8G. Mrs. Re- becca Jane (Sawyer) Small, b. St. Stephen's, N.' B., April 30, 1827; stndied Portland (Me.) schotds; dans. Cumberland, Me.; now resides Cumberland Mills, Me.; captain of Portland and Harpswell (Me.) steamers twen- ty-three years; son of Nathaniel Long and Nancy Little- field. (6) William Francis Long, b. Great Chebeague Island, Me., Aug. 22, 1878; 13 Wilson Street Portland, Me.; police officer; m., Jan. 1, 1902, Marcia Sarah Prince, b. South Portland. Me., Jan. 11, 1881; studied in the schools of Orr's Island, Me.; the daughter of Marcellus Prince and Ada Pauline Buxton. (7) Marcellus Elliot Long, b. Sept. 20, 1903; d. Dec. 9, 1904. (7) Janice Pauline Long, b. April 16, 1906. (5) Sophronia Hamilton Johnson, 1). Great Chebeague Is- land, Me., June 27, 1849; resides Great Chebeague Island. Me.; studied in Chebeague schools; m., July 16, 1865, Albert Grannell, b. Cocagne, N. B., July 11, 1843; d. Oct. 23, 1905; the youngest son of Delaney Grannell and Sarah Selden. "His parents were fine. Christian peoi)le; his father, who died when Albert H. was eleven years old. was a Methodist class leader for years. Soon after his father's death his mother moved to Great Chebeague Island, Me. As a young man. Mr. Albert H. (^.rannell followed the sea, but for fifteen years previous to his I death he was in the grocery business. Mr. Grannell ! joined the Methodist Church on Great Chebeague Island. I April 24, 1870, and ever since has led a very faithful i Christian life. For many years he was an official mem- ! b(>r of the church, serving as steward, treasurer, Sunday- 102 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. school superintendent and trustee. The entire commu- nity loved and respected him." (6) Minnie Louise Grannell, b. Feb. 6, 1867; resides Great Chebeague Island, Me.; studied in its schools; m., Aug 21, 1883, Will Bennett. (7) Living children: Lenore S.; Stanley T.; Mabel W.; Violet N.; Virginia M.; Thomas T.; Julian D. (6) Carrie Esther Grannell, b. Jan. 2, 1871; graduated from High School of Chebeague Island, Me.; m., Aug. 22, 1894, Charles A. Hamilton. (7) Beatrice I. Hamilton. (7) Lula H. Hamilton. (6) Stella Mabel Grannell, b. July 28, 1878; d. June 22, 1880 (ly., 11m.). (6) Mary Mildred Grannell, b. Feb. 16, 1880; resides Portland, Me.; studied Chebeague Island schools; m., June 12, 1897, Edwin H. Bishop. (7) Louise B. Bishop. (6) Lulu Rose Grannell, b. July 7, 1885; resides Rum- ford Falls, Me.; studied in High School of Chebeague Island, Me.; m., Dec. 24, 1905, Arthur Nathaniel Per- kins, b. Brooklin, Me., Nov. 19, 1873; graduated from East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me.; steam engineer; son of Frank C. Perkins and Mary S. of Bucksport, Me. (6) Lillian Sadie Grannell, b. Aug. 25, 1887; educated in High School of Chebeague Island, Me.; m., Feb. 17, 1906, Ervin M. Monroe Hamilton of South Harpswell, Me. "One of our esteemed young men. Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hamilton." The bride is one of the most popular young ladies of Great Chebeague Island, Me. Reside South Harpswell, Me. (5) Truman T. Johnson; fisherman; resides Great Che- beague Island, Me.; m. Aug. 31, 1875, Ida Thompson of Chebeague Island, Me.; daughter of Charles Thompson. (6) Bertha Johnson, b. April 13, 1876; m. Angus McDon- ald of North Berwick, Me. (7) Carlyle McDonald, b. Oct. 20, 1895. (7) Pearly McDonald, b. Aug. 20, 1897. (7) Ida A. McDonald, I>. Sept., 1899. (6) Eugene W. Johnson, b. Aug. 31, 1884. (6) Fannie R. Johnson, b. July 13, 1886. (5) Willie F. Johnson, b. July 27, 1863; resides Great Che- beague Island, Me.; m., Nov., 1890, Inez Ross; daughter of Edward Ross. (6) Mildred Johnson, b. Oct. 1, 1896. (5) Evvie A. Johnson, b. May 3, 1867; m.. Sept. 7, 1883, Leonard Ross; sailor; b. Oct. 18. 1859; resides mostly on Chebeague Island, Me. (6) Josie F. Ross, b. March 13, 1885. (6) Oscar F. Ross, b. July 12, 1887. (6) Beulah S. Ross, b. Feb. 12, 1895. b JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 103 SECTION FOUR. (3) Hauuah Batfs Juiiusuu, b. Au.tr. 12. 1797: d. .luiic, ls72, in Brunswick, Me., at tlie lionu' of lu>r daugliter. Mrs. Hannnli Day; ni., Nov. 16, 1815, .Joel Chandler Biliber. b. Bustin's Island, Me.. .Inly 7, 179G; d. about 1S4(»: .son of James Bibber and .loauna Bailey: ^'rands()n of Ancestor James Bibber and Abigail Drew. (4) Joel Bibber, d. young and buried Bustin's Island, Casco Bay, Me. (4) Ann Eliza Bibber, b. Aug. 12, 1S18; d. Sept. 20, 1S94; m., April 7, 1839, Seward P. Coi)b of Westbrook, Me.; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Me.; no children. (4) Martha Jane Bibber, b. June 10, 1820; resides Cape Eliz- abeth, Me.; ni. (first), June G, 1843, Amos Stetson of Lew- iston. Me.; m. (second), Thomas Hart of Lewiston, Me. (Records of children and descendants not sent. I (4) Joel Bibber, b. Freeport, Mo., Aug. 26, 1822; resided for years at 49 Lafayette Street, Portland, Me.; m. (first), April 30, 1848, Wealthy J. Wilbur, 1). Durham, Me.. Sept. 14, 1809; d. ; m. (second), Dec. 9, ISGO, Rebecca McDuffy, b. Cornwallis, N. S., Sept. 17, 1826; dau.ghter of John McDuffy. Children of first marriage: (5) Euphemia V. Bibber, b. March 23, 1850; resided Somer- ville, Mass.; m., Aug. 10, 1868, William O. Diggers, b. Nov. 16, 1841; paper manufacturer; no children. (5) Netty Wealthy Bibl>er, b. May 5, 1852; resided 8 Dex- ter Avenue, Watertown, Mass.; m. (first), March 21, 1872, John Lund McQuesten, b. Nov. 24. 1845: d. July 8, 1883; engineer on the Boston & Maine Railroad: m. (sec- (md), Nov. 14, 1893, Charles H. Dean, b. Oct. IG, 1834; clerk in the Boston (Mass.) custom house. Children of first marriage: (6) Ralph Herbert McQueston, b. Dec. 10, 1875: d. May 15, 1876. (6) Mary Elizabeth McQueston, b. Oct. 11. 1879; m., Oct. 11, 1899, Clinton Tutth> Fisher, b. July 25, 1872; resides 8 Dexter Avenue, Watertown, Mass. (5) Abby Cross Bibber, b. Dec. 19, 1854; resided Contoo- cook, N. H.; m., Oct. 27, 1872, Stephen Allen Merrill,, b. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 12, 1876; machinist; son of Stephen Merrill and Marcia . (6) William Allen Merrill, b. Sept. 29, 1873: d. Aug. 20. 1876. (6) Gertrude Euphemia Merrill, b. Aug. 21, 1877: re- sides Cumberland, Me.; m., Feb. 21, 1897. Albert Clar- ence Crosby. (6) Lena Marie Merrill, b. Feb. 6, 1880; m., Feb. 16. 1898. I George White; conductor on street railway. I (6) Nellie Grace Merrill, b. Feb. 7, 1886. I (6) Edward Lund Merrill, b. March 28, 1899. I (4) Hannah Bates Bibber, b. Brunswick. Me., Feb. 16, 1S25; I resides Oakland, Cal.; resided Portland, Me., 182G to 1841; ! Phippsburgh, Me., 1842 to 1849; Bath. Me., 1849 to 1851; 104 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1851 to 1865 ; Segiiin Island, Me.. 1875 to 1887; Brunswick, Me., 1887 to 1898; San Francisco, Cal., 1899; Oakland, Cal., 1901 to 1907; studied in the Portland (Me.) schools; a woman of rare helpfulness, courage and strength; m., Oct. 16, 1841, Capt. Thomas Day, b. Phipps- burgh, Me., July 3, 1818; d. Brunswick, Me., Dec. 10, 1898; a very successful sea captain for thirty years, sailing to all ports, some of his ships being the Pelican. State. South Carolina and Continent ; after retiring from the sea he was the keeper of Sequin light, Maine, for eleven years; he was a man of noble and sturdy character, and very benevolent; son of Abram Day and Mary Sprague, of two strong old Phippsburgh (Me.) families. (5) Althea Homes Day, b. Small Point, Me., July 3, 1842; d. Bath, Me., Dec. 24, 1874; studied in the schools of South Portland, Me.; resided in Brunswick and North Bath, Me.; m., Sept., 1863, Anthony Frank, b. Buffalo, N. Y., 1840; d. March, 1878; studied in the Buffalo (N. Y.) schools; a fine musician; son of John Frank of Germany. (6) Gertrude Hannah Frank, b. South Portland, Me., Dec. 2, 1863; resides 18 Dummer Street, Bath, Me.; has resided Brunswick and Bath, Me., and in St. Paul, Minn., 1889-1898; m., Aug. 22, 1889, Harry Banks Saw- yer, b. Bath, Me., Dec. 27, 1863; graduated from Bath (Me.) High School, 1882; ship builder; son of Elijah Field Sawyer and Sarah Norris Marston of Bath, Me. (7) Jennie Mae Sawyer, b. Bath, Me., June 28, 1894. (5) Mary Louise Day, b. Phippsburgh, Me., Aug. 28, 1844; resides Arrowsmith, 111.; studied in schools of South Portland, Me.; m. (first), Aug., 1861. George York; m. (second), Feb., 1905, William Hurt, b. in the South and reared in Kentucky. (5) Thomas William White Day, b. Oct. 29, 1846; d. Feb. 16, 1865; enlisted, 1863, in the Twenty-ninth Maine Regi- ment; d. in a rebel prison in North Carolina. (5) Kate Day, 1). Bath, Me., May 20, 1852; resides Elma, Wash.; m. (first), William Ohler of Texas; m. (second), Francis Asbury Craig; hai'ness maker; no children. Children of first marriage: (6) Three children; the only living one, Stanley Ohler of Arizona. (5) Henry K. Day, b. June 2, 1856; d. at sea, July 2, 1854. (5) Henry Day, b. South Portland Me., Jan. 20, 1858; re- sides Brunswick, Me.; studied in the schools of Bruns- wick, Me.; lived Phippsburgh, Me., 1875-1890; in Wal- tham, Mass., 1890-1902; in Brunswick, Me., since 1902; manager of a pi'ovision and meat market; assisted his father in the keeping of the Seguin (Me.) lighthouse eleven years; then cared for the light very faithfully for four more years; m., March 13, 1882, Georgie Etta Clark, b. Popham Beach, Me., Dec. 21, 1861; studied in the schools of Popham Beach and Augusta, Me.; daughter of Henry Mildrum Clark and Sarah Ann Perkins; the father b. Middleton, Conn., and llie mother b. Popham Beach, Me. \ JOHNSON GENEALOGY. lOo (5) Dora Frank Day, b. South Portland. .Me.. May 7, ISGG; resides 106 63d Street, Oakland, Cal.; to Brunswick, Me., Oct. 5, 1866; to Seguin Island, Mc. Auj,'. Kt, 1875: to Brunswick, Me., May, ]SS7; to San Francisco, Cal., Am:. 18, 1899; iu Oakland. Cal., .since April 10, 1901; studied in schools of Phippshurgh, Me.; m., in San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 29, 1900, William Thomas Lane, It. London, England, Feb. 11, 1869; marine (engineer; son of Thomas Lane and Emma Lane of London. England; n(» children. (4) Capt. William Pennell Bibber, b. March 31, 1827; d. May 27 1871; m. (fir.st), Sept. 28, 1847, Catherine O'Brien; m. (second), Jan. 20, 1870, .Tosephine Nason of Bath, Me., who resides Beckett Street. Portland. Me. Children of first marriage: (5) William P. Bibber, b. April 2, 1848; d. Jan. 4. 187G; buried Portland, Me. (5) Joseph Henry Bibber, b. Feb. 22, 1851; d. 1852. (5) Nellie Frances Bibber, b. Aug. 7, 1854; resides Minne- apolis, Minn.; m. (first), Nov. 20, 1874, Joseph H. Buz- zell, b. HoUis, Me., March 17, 1852; deceased; painter; m. (second), Nov. 17, 1894, Winthrop Merritt of Decring, Me., b. Portland, Me., Jan. 3, 1856; harness maker. Children of first marriage: (6) Silas Buzzell, b. Deerin^, Me., Aug. 11, 1875. (6) Josephine Buzzell, b. Scnrboro, Me., Sept. 20, 1877. (6) William Pennell Buzzell, b. Deering, Me., Oct. 2, 1881. (6) Jennie Alice Buzzell, b. Buxton, Me.. May 1, 1884. (6) Walter S. Buzzell, b. March 15. 1888. (4) Rachel Bray Bibber, b. Aug. 13. 1829; d. 1886; m.. Oct. 5, 1848, William W. Hall of Belfast. Me. (5) Ralph Greenwood Hall. (5) Maud Hall; m.. at Rutland, Vt., Mr. Clark. (6) Three boys, one of whom d. young. (5) Hannah Bertha Hall; m. Lewis Gret^nwood of Peaks Island. Me. (6) Charles Greenwood; (6) Jennie May Greenwood. (5) Rachel Elizabeth Hall; ni. Mr. Emerson. (6) Bertha; (6) Maud; (G) Three boys. (5) Annie Hall; m. Mr. Scammon. (6) Son, who resides in Massachusetts. (4) Abigail Frances Bibber, b. Jan. 26, 1831: resides Roch- ester, N. H.; m.. Feb. 14, 1847, Nathaniel Cross of Roch- ester! N. H. ^ „^.,,. „ ,, (5) Ella Cross; resides Saco, Me.; m. (first), William Hall of Saco, Me.; m. (second), Benjamin Donald: no chil- dren. (4) Andrew Bibber; d. in youth, 1834; buried Freeport, Mc (4) Sarah Abia Laphani Bibber, b. Falmouth, Me., March 15 1835- resides Lisbon Falls, Me.; studied in Portland (Me.) schools; m., Nov. 12, 1857, Capt. Edgar McL<>llan. b. Sherness, England, March 13, 1825; lost at sea on the brig Rio Grande, of which he was captain, June 1. 1873; as a mate of ships he sailed to all parts of the world; was n verv successful captain for fifteen years. 106 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (5) Lizzie McLellan, b. Ot-t. 27, 1S5S; resides Lisbon Palls, Me.; m. Frederic S. Fluellen of Houltou, Me. (G) Louis Prank Pluellen, b. Peb. 2C, 1889. (5) Edward Arthur McLellan, b. Jan. 31, 1862; resides 343 Pront Street, Bath, Me.; spar maker; now employed by the Bath (Me.) Iron Works; m., June 28, 1894, Sarah Albertina Wiggins, b. Bath, Me.; daughter of Capt. John Wiggins. (6) Edward Arthur McLellan, b. Peb. 14, 1901. (5) Alice Maud McLellan, b. Dec. 30, 1863; drowned at Bangor, Me., Aug. 17, 1871. (5) Child; d. at birth. (5) Prank Seward McLellan, b. BoothI)ay, Me., Jan. 10, 1868; sailmaker; now employed in the Kittery (Me.) Navy Yard; m., Nov. 5, 1890, Emma Norton of Bath, Me. (6) Arline Rosamond McLellan, It. July 22, 1892. (6) Clara Elizabeth McLellan, b. Sept. 17, 1904. (5) Victoria McLellan, b. Oct. 28, 1871; d. June 4, 1891; a very faithful member of the Wesley Church of Bath, Me., and of the Epworth League. (4) Charles James Bibber, b. Portland, Me., March 22, 1837; d. Revere, Mass., Oct. 8 1883; schools of Portland, Me.; lived in Charlestown, Mass., 18G5; Chelsea, Mass., 1866; Revere, Mass., 1875; followed the sea the greater part of his life; entered the U. S. naval service, May 1, 1864, by shipping as seaman of Portland, Me., on board the U. S. Steamer Aga- wani: served on that ship until the August following; was then rated as gunner's mate; March, 1865, appointed mas- ters' mate. He served as a volunteer under Captain Rhine in the powder boat exploded off Fort Fisher on the morning of Dec. 24, 1864, for which service he received a medal of honor. He remained attached to the Afiawum as master's mate until Sept. 11, 1865, when he was granted a leave of absence, with orders to report for duty at the navy yard, Boston, Mass. on board the receiving ship Ohio, with which vessel he remained until March 13. 1871. when he was or- dered to duty on the receiving ship Poiomuv at Philadel- phia, where he served three years. He was then ordered back to Boston Navy Yard, where he remained until his death. M., Nov. 12, 1862, Angeline Goddard, b. Lewiston, Me.. Dec. 19. 1832; studied in the Lewiston (Me.) schools; daughter of John Goddard. 1). Lewiston. Me., and Judith Hanson, b. Lewiston, Me. (5) George Henley Bibber, b. Lewiston. Me., .riig. 11.. 1863; resides 140 Beach St., Revere, Mass.; studied in the Center School, Chelsea, Mass., and Shurtleff School, Re- vere, Mass.; formerly a plumber, now a collector; m., July 16, 1890, May Henrietta Stokes, b. Revere, Mass., Dec. 30, 1866; studied Shurtleff School of Revere, Mass., and High School, Chelsea, Mass.; daughter of Wm. Henry Stokes, I). Boston, Mass., and of Nancy Beaty, b. Parrs- boro, N. S.; parents resided Chelsea, Mass. (6) James William Bibber, h. Revere, Mass., March 2, 1891. (6) George Henley Bibber, b. West Somerville, Mass.. April 4, 1892. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 107 (5) Augie Judith Bibber, b. Lewiston, ^k"., Juh i^u, 1867; resides 134 Mountain Ave., Revere, Mass.; studied schools of Revere, Mass.; ni., Jan. 29, 1887, James William Ed- wards, b. South Boston, Mass.. May 8, 1SG7; schools of Fair Haven and New Haven. Ct.; plumber; son of James Wm. Edwards and Mary E. Bnzzy. (6) Gertrude May Edwards, b. June 1, 1889; Revere (Mass.) schools. (6) James William Edwards, b. Jan. 5. 1891; Revere (Mass.) schools. (6) Bertha Elizabeth Edwards, b. June 11. 1892; schools of Revere, Mass. (6) Charles Albert Edwards, b. Jan. 16. 1894- d Feb Feb. 6, 1898. FU)rence Marion Edwards, b. Ai)ril 30, 1895. (6) Inez Hortense Edwards, b. Aug. 1, 1900. (6) Robert Bibber Edwards, b. Nov. 29, 1905. (5) Charles James Bibber, Jr., b. Chelsea, Mass., March 9, 1870; has lived in Revere, Mass., since 1875; studied Revere (Mass.) schools; plumber and gas fitter; un- married. (4) Thomas Henry Bibber, b. Portland, Me., Dec. 19, 1839: d. Jan. 8, 1887; m., July 2, ISGl, Rebecca C. McDuffee. (5) Edith A. Bibber, b. Aug. IG, 18G2; resided Ashniont, Mass.; m., March 1, 1889, Austin Gay. (5) Charles Edwin Bibber, b. Dec. 30, 1863; resided 49 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; m., Nov. 8, 1884, Florence Edith Durgan, b. April 28, 1866; son of J. O. Durgan and Eunice Seavey. (6) Arthur E. Bibber, b. April 17, 1886. (6) Philip F. Bibber, b. Sept. 28, 1892. (5) Fannie May Bibber, b. May 16, 1870; resided Aslimont, Mass.; m., June 25, 1892, David O. Proctor, b. Aug. 18, 1868; son of Joseph H. Proctor and Eliza i)eth C. . (6) Earl Henry Proctor, b. June 16, 1889. (5) Thomas Henry Bibber, Jr., b. Jan. 28, 1872; resides 3 Van Winkle Street, Dorchester, Mass.; m., Aug. 7, 1899, Grace H. D. Hamilton of Springfield, Mass.; daughter of Horation Hamilton and Josephine . CHAPTER IV. (2) Jacob Johnson, h. July 9, 1767; d. Bailey's Island, Me., Sept. 17, 1858 (96y.); m. Abigail (Eaton) Hasey of Deer Isle, Me.: d. Bailey's Island, Me., Nov. 6, 1859 (86y.). Jacob Johnson built the main part of the house which still stands at what is known as the "Nubble," on Bailey's Island, Me., where he re- sided for many years. He was a very successful fisherman, and his favorite vessel was the Ranger, of twenty tons. (3) Capt. Isaac Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Nov. 6, 1795; d. May 8, 1870 (73y.). Always resided Bailey's Island, Me.; a very energetic and successful captain of fishing vessels. He started in this line of work early in life, going to the Bay of Fundy with Capt. James Clark and with the McCartys of Westport, Me. He was soon able to buy the Nightingale, a schooner of forty tons. He and Capt. James Sinnett made many trips together in the Content, which was built at Squaui Harl)or, Gloucester, Mass., by Epes Davis. Capt. Isaac John- son was the first man from Bailey's Island, Me., to fish in the deep water of the Bay of Fundy, and thus was the means of bringing much money to Bailey's Island. He bought the point on the west side of Mackerel Cove, Bailey's Island, Me., and built the house which is now known as the Abner John- son house. This was a house of love and cheer. The wife, May Hodgdon, was of one of the finest old families of Booth- bay, Me., etc., and was a woman of great industry and beloved by all who knew her. M. (first), Mary Hodgdon of Edge- comb, Me.; d. Bailey's Island, Me., Aug. 23, 1855 (53y.); m. (second), April 28, 1856, Mrs. Laura White of Augusta, Me., b. July 4, 1825; d. May 14, 1889; no children. (4) James McCarty Johnson, b. Jan. 19, 1824; d. July, 1865; fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me.; bought at Gloucester, Mass., the Saugammon, of forty tons; m. (first), May 7, 1848, Sophia Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me., Feb. 23, 1831; d. Feb. 8, 1850 (19y.); the daughter of Joseph Johu- and Susan Foster; m. (second), Mary Tarbox of Boothbay, Me. Child of first marriage: (5) Calvin Johnson, b. April 22, 1849; d. Jan. 23, 189o; a successful fisherman at Bailey's Island, Me.; m., Sept. 29, 1868, Eliza Jane Bibber, b. Haskell's Island, Me., June 1, 1855; daughter of John Bibber and Martha Toothaker. (6) Edith Maria Johnson, b. May 7, 1880; m., Dec. 2, 1904, Jerry Nehemiah Gilliam, b. ; fisherman; son of James Oliver Gilliam and Julia A. Wallace. (6) George Willard Johnson, b. Dec. 6, 1882; fisherman at Bailev's Island, Me.; m., May 25, 1902. Inez Vilera Johnson," b. Bailey's Island, Oct. 28. 1884; daughter of Elisha C. Johnson and Gustina O. Bibber. (7) William Bernard Johnson, b. Feb. 9, 1903. (6) John Alfred Johnson, b. Dec. 29, 1886. (6) Effie Azalia Johnson, b. April 13, 1887; m., Sept. 20. 1906. Albert J. Smith; reside Bailey's Island, Me. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 1()!( Child of second nijirriagt': (5) James Leslie Johnson, b. Dec. S. ISGl; went ;iwav from Bailey's Island and not heard from (4) Isaac Johnson, b. June 2U, lS2i;: spent many vears min- ing in California, and then returned to Maine (4) Abigail Johnson, b. 1828; d. Sept. 11. 1834 (Gv 4m ) (4) Susan Bailey Johnson, b. June 20, 1831; d" Sept ''9 1852; m., June 30, 1850, Capt. James Thomas as his first wife; he b. Bailey's Island, Me., April 23. 1819; d March 16, 1901. (5) Lizzie Thomas, b. Sept. 2G. 1851; drowned at Mackerel Cove, Bailey's Island, Me., July 21, 1870. (4) Harriet Johnson, b. 1833; d. Jan. 8, 1837. (4) Margaret Johnson, b. Feb. 11, 1834; d. 1SG3; in.. May 1 1853, Capt. James Sinnett", b. July 9, 1825. (5) Mary Jane Sinnett, b. Feb. 11, 185G; drowned at Bai- ley's Island, Me., April 22, 1864. (5) Gertrude Howard Sinnett, b. May 3, 1858; drowned with her sister, April 22, 1SG4. (5) Walter Scott Johnson Sinnett, b. 1860; m., Oct. 8, 1890, Lucy Emma Johnson, b. May 16, 1872; dauirhter of Charles E. Johnson and Arvilla W. Prout of Bailey'.s Island. (6) Gertie May Sinnett, b. Sept. 18, 1892. (6) David Sinnett, b. Nov. 16, 1896. (6) John Merrill Sinnett, b. Sept. 2, 1898. (6) Ira Smith Sinnett, b. March, 1904. (4) Sinnett Orr Johnson, b. Dec. 31, 1836 (widow says Jan. 1, 1837; d. Dec. 8, 1877; followed the sea; a very kind- hearted man; m., March 16 (15), 1875, Eliza Blake Stover, b. Harpsw^Ml Neck. Me.. Nov. 18, 1853; resides West Harpswell. Me.; dauirhter of Theoi)liihis Stover and Mar- garet C. Blake. (5) Orrin Linwood Johnson, b. Jan. 17, 1876; fisherman at West Harpswell, Me.; a young man of fine musical ability. (5) Alvah Sinnett Johnson, i). April 17, 1878; attended Harpswell (Me.) schools; carpenter; m., June 22, 1906, Bessie Hortense Merriman. b. July 27, 1878; daughter of John W. Merriman and Mary Aristine Stover; reside at Livermore Falls, Me. At his wedding the friends on Orr's Island presented the groom with a fine Moriis chair. (4) John Merrill Johnson, b. Sept. 6, 1840; d. April 13. 1887; fisherman and storekeeper at Bailey's Island. Me.; m.. April 20. 1867, Almira Susan Johnson, b. Bailey's Island, Me.. Jan. 3, 1848; daughter of Capt. Jonathan Ro.liick Johnson and his second wife, Miriam Johnson. (See full records under Capt. Jonathan R. Johnson.) (4) Deborah Orr Johnson, b. Oct. 8, 1842; d. Sept. 30. 1841. ***** (3) Dianna Johnson, b. Nov. 8, 1797; d. Oct. 15, 1798. ***** (3) Charles Johnson, b. May 8, 1799; d. July, 1875; lived at 110 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Harpswell Centre, Me.; m., Dec. 25, 1832, Miriam Allen, b. Harpswell Centre, Me., June 10, 1811; d. March 3, 1877 (66-8-28); daughter of Elisha Allen and Bethiah Johnson. (4) Thomas Jefferson Johnson, b. Dec. 14, 1833; m. Eliza Clinton of Mexico, Me.; no children. (4) Capt. Stephen Decatur Johnson, b. Oct. 16, 1833; resides Harpswell Centre, Me.; m., Jan. 12, 1875, Charlotte Little- john, b. Orr's Island, Me. (5) Gershom I. Johnson, b. Nov. 9, 1875; farmer. (5) Anna Maria Johnson, b. Jan. 22, 1878. (5) Abbie Johnson, b. Feb. 27, 1879. (5) Ora Ethel Johnson, b. April 10, 1882; m., Oct. 24, 1896, Jason Ornian Bibber, b. . (6) Daughter, b. July 26, 1903. (5) Child, b. Dec. 23, 1887; d. Jan. 3, 1888. (5) Child, 1>. and d. same date. (5) Sadie Estelle Johnson, b. Jan. 14, 1889. (5) Albert Francis Johnson, b. May 7, 1891. (4) Josephine Bonaparte Johnson, b. Jan. 8, 1837; d. Feb. 28, 1882 (45y.) ; m., Oct. 30, 1859, Charles Hodgklns, b. Nov. 12 1825. (5) Samuel; David; Emma; Charles; Capt. Frank M. (See Hodgkins genealogy, by Rev. Charles N. Sinnett.) (4) Huldah Johnson, b. Oct. 18, 1841; m. Reulel Hamilton of Great Chebeague Island, Me. (4) Maria L. Johnson, b. 1846; d. Sept. 18, 1865 (19y., 7m.). 11 I CHAPTER V. (2) Abigail Johnson, b. June 9, 1770; d. spring of 1S54; m., Sept. 27, 1792, Asa T:ilI)Ot, b. July :^. 17G9: <1. Feb. IG. 1849. He was a seaman in his early life, and then a tarnier at Avun. Me. He and his wife are buried at Avon, Me. Capt. James Sinnett of Bailey's Island, Me.: "Unele Asa Talbot was a great singer and used to sing much to us when he came to Harpswell, Me. 'Daniel in the Lion's Den' was one of his favorite pieces." (3) Charles Talbot. "He left home at the age of 18 years, and was not heard from after that." * * * :!: * (3) Archibald Talbot. "Farmer at Wilton. Me." * * * * * (3) Asa Talbot, b. July 29, 1802; d. Auj;. S, 1893; farmer at Avon, Me.; m., April 27, 1826, Mary Talbot of Freeport, Me., b. May 3, 1799; d. Feb. 14, 1875; the daughter of Ambrose Talbot and Olive Carter. (4) Hester Ann Rogers Tall)(it, b. Julv 14, 1827; d. April 3, 1848. (4) Archibald H. Talbot, b. March 4, 1829; d. April 4, 1875; moved to Minnesota, 1870: farmer at Chatfield, Minn.: m.. March 14, 1861, Emily A. Carson, b. Avon, Me., March 9. 1833; d. March 9, 1872; studied in the schools of Avon, Me.; the daughter of Seth Carson and Rachel B. Hanscom. (5) Ella Abbie Talbot, b. Avon, Me., Jan. 4, 1864; studied in the Jordan District schools, Avon, Me.; resides Wy- coff, Filmore County, Minn.; m., March 21, 1886, James M. Baker, b. Warsaw, Ind., March 11, 1860; farmer; son of Abraham Baker and Mary Jane Norman. (6) James Clarence Baker, b. Fob. 16, 1892. (6) Marv Emily Baker, b. Sept. 2, 1894. (6) Lucy Arvilla Baker, b. Feb. 11, 1902. (4) Luna Talbot, d. 1831. (4) Charles Wesley Talbot, b. F(>b. 6, 1832; farmer at Mont- ville. Me.; m., 1854, Tabitha Butler. (5) Henrv Talbot, b. April 5, 1856; d. July, 1873. (5) Almon Talbot, b. Sept. 29, 1858; .1. Sept. 27, 1S72. (5) Helen Talbot, b. March 18, 1860; m., at Vinalhaven. Me., Sept., 1880, Llewelyn Arey; stone cutter. (6) Ethel Arey, b 1886. (4) Mary Olive Talbot, b. Phillips, Me., Feb. 1. 1836; resides Watertown, Mass.; studied in .schools of Phillips and Avon, Me.; lived Avon, Me.; and in Massachusetts cities. Water- town, Gloucester and Hyde Park; m.. March 14. 1861, Llewellyn Palmer Hanunond. b. Avon, Me., Dec. 14, 1838; grain dealer; sttulied Avon (Me.) schools: son of Nathan- iel Kennard Hammond and Orpha Packard. (5) Nettie Louise Hammond, b. Avon, Me., Nov. 3, 1S64: resides 18 Wells Street, Gloucester. Mass.; graduated 1 1 '2 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. from Watertowu (Mass.) Graiumar School, 1880; m., Dec. 17, 1889, Henry P. Denuer, b. Essex, Mass., 1857; provision dealer; studied Gloucester (Mass.) schools and in Salem (Mass.) Commercial College; son of Will- iam Henry Deuner and Nancy Burnham. (6) William Llewellyn Denner, b. Feb. IG, 1894. (6) Charles Russell Denner, b. Jan. 4, 1898. (4) John Fairfield Talbot, b. June 23, 1838; d. Aug. 5, 1888; resided Vinalhaven, Me.; m., Jan. 1, 1861, Mary Smith. (5) Rachel Talbot, b. Dec. 6, 1861; d. Jan. 9, 1879. (5) Annie Talbot, b. July 20, 1864. (5) Llewellyn H. Talbot, b. Sept. 12, 1867; d. May 8, 1868. (5) William T. Talbot, b. July 9, 1870; resides Gloucester, Mass. (5) Almond R. Talbot, b. June 28, 1873; d. Feb. 21, 1874. (5) Ernest V. Talbot, b. March 2, 1880. (4) Lois Fogg Talbot, b. Avon, Me., May 8, 1841; d. Sept. 4, 1899; studied in Avon (Me.) schools; resided Bethel, Me.; m., in Strong, Me., Dec, 1860, Charles Henry Brackett, b. Harrison, Me., Feb., 1836; d. Elena, Cal., Sept., 1904; car- penter and machinist; son of Walker Brackett and Calista Wight. (5) Lizzie May Brackett, b. May 12, 1861; resides Monroe, Me.; studied in schools of Vinalhaven, Me.; has lived in Maine towns: Avon, Weld, Chesterville, Lincoln, Vinal- haven, Norway, etc.; m. (first). Dee. 22, 1883, Everett Jenkins, b. Monroe, Me., Jan. 22, 1853; d. Aug. 4, 1892; the son of Hamilton Jenkins and Martha Jane Curtis; m. (second), Nov. 5, 1894, Nathan Stearns, b. Monroe, Me., Jan. 7, 1820; d. March 23. 1904; studied in Monroe (Me.) schools; farmer; son of David Stearns and Hannah Putnam. (5) Clarence Herbert Brackett, b. Avon, Me., July 6, 1865; studied in schools of Vinalhaven, Me.; resides Athol Center, Mass.; shoemaker: m., Aug. 14, 1886, Georgia Bell Andrews, b. Lowell, Mass, June 16, 1868; studied in Lowell (Me.) schools; daughter of Nason H. Andrews and Eliza Kenniston. (6) Ralph Eugene Brackett, b. Aug. 6, 1887. (6) Howard Leroy Spencer Brackett, b. Dec. 21, 1889. (6) Clarence Herbert Brackett, Jr., b. April 5, 1894. (6) Harry Hastings Brackett, b. July 27, 1897. (6) George Francis Brackett, b. April 8, 1903. (5) Eva Costilla Brackett, b. Avon, Me., March 2, 1867; resides 112 Main Svreet, Andover, Mass. (5) William Henry Brackett, b. April 5, 1869: d. Lincoln, Me., 1871. (5) Emily Augusta Brackett, b. Lincoln. Me., June 2, 1872; resides 42 Riverside Street, Watertowu, Mass.: m., June 5, 1895, Fred E. Whitney, b. Gorham, Me., June, 1867; meat cutter; son of Calvin E. Whitney and Eliza- beth Blake; no children. (5) Charles Wesley Brackett, b. Oct. 13, 1874; resides Ingot, Cal. (5) Leroy Bean Brackett, 1). Dec. 25, 1876; d. San Fran- cisco, Cal., July 3, 1904: studied to be a doctor. I CHAPTER VI. (2) Hannah Eliza Johnson, h. Harpswell, Mv.\ d. Weld. Me.. 1S50; m., Nov. 9, 1797, in Durham, Me., Daniel York. "He was the son of Samuel York, Jr.. and Sarah Hoyt, who wen- married at Cape Elizabeth, Me., Aug. 2G, 17GG." "Hannah Eliza (.lohn- son) York and her husband moved from Durham, Me., to Avon, Me., shortly after 1810; then to Farmington, Me., where the husband died. He is buried near the briek ehurt-h on Farming- ton Hill, on the opposite side of the river from Farmington, Me. One adds, 'Buried at Fairbanks." " 4s % s|: « ^ (3) Samuel York, b. Pownal, Me., Jan., 1800; d. F.irm- ington, Me., March 29, 1864; m.. Dee. 5, 1822; Mary Tufts, b. Maiden, Mass., June 11, 1802; d. Jan. 27, 1879; daughter of Josiah Tufts and Betsy Merritt; ; carpenter. (4) Shepherd York, b. March 29, 1824; d. July 18, 1833. (4) Lydia York; b. Jan. 29, 1827; d. July 7, 1833. (4) Shepherd York, b. June 2, 1834; d. Nov. 28, 1835. (4) Samuel York, b. Farmington, Me., June 2, 1836; farmer at East Sharon, Me.; studied Farmington (Me.) schools and Academy; m., Oct. 26, 1862, Ellen Augusta Drew of Quincy, 111., b. Lowell. Mass., April 3, 1841; graduated from the Burlington (Vt.) High School; daughter of William C. Drew and Fannie Warner. Children, born in New Sharon, Me.: (5) Frank Prentiss York, b. Dec. 22, 1866; grocer at Man- chester, N. H.; griuluated New Sharon High School; ni., Sept. 3, 1895, Bessie Waite of Manchester, N. H., b. Clarenceville, Quebec; daughter of Jacob Waite. (5) Mary Emma York, b. July 3, 1869; resides New Sharon, Me.; educated in New Sharon schools and Man- chester (N. H.) High School; m., Feb. 20, 1889, George Albert Howes, b. Industry, Me., Aug. 28, 1858; farmer; studied in New Sharon schools; son of Lot Howes and Loretta Gage. (6) Jerome Louvia Howes, b. Dec. 16, 1889. (6) Gussie Augusta Loretta Howes, b. Sept. 6, 1892. (6) Albert Prentiss Howes, b. June 27, 1900. (5) Hattie Augusta York, b. Oct. 12, 1878; studied in schools of New Sharon, Me.. Manchester, N. H., and Bos- ton, Mass. (4) Rufus Bailey York, b. Farmington, Me., Aug. 25. 1838; d. Farmington, Me., Jan. 17, 1899; graduated fnmi Farm- ington (Me.) Academy; farmer; m., Sept. 6, 1862. Lizzie Jane Jordan, b. Durham, Me., Oct. 13, 1841; resides New Sharon, Me., R. F. D. No. 2; daughter of Seconib .lord.-in and Jane Hoyt. (5) Fred Elmar York, b. Farmington, Me., Dec. 28, 1S03; resides Kingsfield, Me.; studied in Farmington (Me.) 8 114 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. High School; railway postal t-lerk; m., Nov. 3, 1898, Mary Jane Ham of Derry, N. H., b. Essex, Mass., Aug. 25, 1877; studied in Massachusetts schools; daughter of John Henry Ham. (6) Boy, b. Jan. 9, 1900; d. Jan. 11, 1900. (6) Daughter, b. March 16, 1902; d. March 18, 1902. (5) Harry Irving York, b. July 1, 1867; farmer at New Sharon, Me.; R. F. D. No. 2. (5) George Linwood York, b. Sept. 23, 1869; d. April 27, 1888. (5) Jennie Levlnia York, b. Feb. 13, 1872; d. Sept. 15, 1900. (5) Ada Alice York, b. July 29, 1874; d. April 29. 1876. (5) Ina May York, b. May 14, 1877; studied in schools of New Sharon, Me. (5) Grace Leslie York, b. June 7, 1882; teacher at Vienna, Me.; m., March 15, 1905, Sherman Webb, b. Mt. Vernon, Me., mail carrier; sou of Hiram Webb and Annie Blunt. (6) Genevieve Iris Webb, b. Aug. 8, 1905. * * * * * (3) Isaiah Booker York, b. Durham, Me., Feb. 13, 1804; d. Weld, Me., March 25, 1883; moved to Farmington, Me., in 1835, and nearly always resided there; m., Jan. 1, 1829, Hep- sibah M. Kinney of Temple, Me., b. April 13, 1806; d. Weld, Me., Jan. 13, 1880; daughter of John King and Almira . (4) James E. York, b. Avon, Me., Jan. 3, 1831; farmer at Hartford, Me.; has lived: Weld, Farmington, Wilton, Phil- lips and Canton, Me.; m., Aug. 19, 1854, Keziah S. Sanborn of Weld, Me., b. Nov. 21, 1829; the daughter of David San- born, who d. Feb. 18, 1878, and Keziah, who d. April 17, 1836. (5) Estella L. York, b. Weld, Me., May 22, 1855; d. July 13, 1855. (5) Clarence Sherman York. b. Farmington, Me., May 14, 1862; studied in Wilton (Me.) schools. Weld (Me.) High School, Wilton (Me.) Academy; dealer in boots and shoes, 139 Water Street, Augusta, Me.; was a photog- rapher at Bethel, Me., for ten years; m., Oct. 23, 1889, Marcia Evelyn Narbis of Orland, Me., b. May 29, 1866; studied in Orland (Me.) schools and in Bucksport (Me.) Seminary; daughter of Albert Narbis and Laura E. Crane. (0) Helen Sherman York, b. Bethel, Me., Jan. 15, 1892. (5) Elmer H. York, b. Wilton, Me., Sept. 15, 1864; resides Hartland, Me.; farmer; m. (first), Feb. 10, 1889, Ellen S. Beedy, in Weld, Me.; she d. Phillips, Me.. Oct. 30, 1894; m". (second), Dec. 19, 1896, Luella Gordon of Liv- ermore. Me. Children of first marriage: (6) Gladys Pearl York, b. Weld, Me., March 16. 1890. (C) Guy L. York, b. Weld. Me.. Sept. 23, 1892. (6) Eleanor York, b. Phillips, Me., Oct. 10, 1894. Children of second marriage: (6) Myrle L. York, b. Hartland. Me., Aug. 4, 1897. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 11.') (C) Mildred M. York, h. Feb. 4, 1898. (6) Tilson L. York, b. Dtv. 10. 1899 (5) Ernest L. York, 1.. Weld. Me., July 4, 1868; shoemaker at Gardiner, Mo.: ni.. July 3, 1890, Ada Grover of Avon Me. (6) Ralph York, b. Avon, Me., Oct. 18, 1891. (6) Roy York. b. Phillips, iMe., Nov. 10 1894 (6) Ruby York, b. Phillips, Me., July 20, 1899. (4) Julia A. York, b. Farmington, Me., Nov 19 1833- d Weld, Me., March 10, 1852. (4) Rev. Samuel Shepherd York, !>. Farmington, Me., Nov. 5, 1835; died at Wilton, Me.; Congregational minister- ni Mary Jane Scales, b. Temple, Me.. June 24, 1832; died in Wilton, Me.; daughter of Dea. James Scales. (5) James Kendall York, h. .June 12, 1858. (6) Five children. (5) Fred Richard York, b. July IS, 18G1; died in Bridjje- port, Conn. (G) Four children. (5) Nellie Frances York, b. Aug. 20, 1863; deceased. (5) George Shepherd York, b. Dec. 30, 1867. (5) Albert Isaiah York, b. March 6, 1870. (The above children b. Temple, Me.) (5) Mary Anna York, b. Wilton, Me., Jan. 13, 1S73; unni. (5) Minnie Alice York, b. Perkins Plantation. Me., April 3. 1877; deceased. (4) Jacob .Johnson York, b. April 18, 1837. (4) Ellen H. York, b. June 24. 1841; resides Augusta. Me.; ni.. in Weld. .Me.. June 2. 1860. .Vbel D. Itussell. b. Weld. Me., June 15, 1837; resided Weld, Me., until July 15, 1888; he has been an engrossing clerk in the office of the secre- tary of state since Jan. 1, 1881. (5) Charles W. Russell, b. Weld, Me., Sept. 29, 1864; d. July 31, 1883. (5) Olie A. Russell, b. Weld, Me., March 8, 1868; d. July 15, 1871. (5) Ethel M. Russell, b. Weld, Me., Oct 23. 1877; gradu- ated at Colby College, class of 1900. (5) Maurice W. Russell, b. W(>ld, Me., Aug. 15, 1881; student at U. of P. Dental College. (3) Benjamin York. "He died in a camp above West Milan, N. H., where the Grand Trunk Railroad was l>elng built. He married in Massachusetts, but I know nothing of his family. I think, however, that he had no children. He was a stone cutter." llf * 1)! * * (3) Rev. James J. York b. Durham. Me., Dec. 10. ISOS; d. Temple, Me.. March 13, 1881; a Free Baptist minister; resided in Weld, Me., for many years; he preached in Mar, carpenter ;ind poet. The following lines were among his compositions: 116 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. May our faith be like that of the good Hebrew Daniel, Who was the most faithful of those of his day; Throu^'h Christ he endured many vile persecutions, From his faithful I.x)rd he'd not turn away. It seems that now by their human inventions They had given commands he should cease to pray; But despite of all their wicked intentions He called on his Savior three times a day. He did not retire into dark place and secret. Towards Jerusalem his windows were open then, As for the commandment he never would keep it, He feared not the king, nor the fierce lions' den. He was firm to his trust and he would not give over. Through God he defeated each wicked plan, He believed there was strength in the arm of Jehovah, He had no faith in the weak hand of man. They make new arrangements, and call for assistance To bear him away to a lonely place; He gave himself up without sign of resistance. Still calling on God with l)elief in His grace. They bear him away to yon lonely cavern, Aiul now lower him down to that fearful hole; But it seemed unto him like a little Heaven. With glory in view, and with Christ in bis soul. He now finds himself in the den with the lions. And feels that he's standing upon holy ground; He soon breaks the silence with an old song of Zion, And makes the whole cavern with praises resound. The night passes on, and the morning is breaking. The king rises early and starts on his way. His path to the prison of Daniel he's making To see if he lives and continues to pray. With trembling step from a past recollection The king is approaching, and now bear him say, "Oh. Daniel! Oh, Daniel! bast thou found protection? Hast thy God delivered, and dost thou still pray?" "Yes; God has been with me, and I am not fearful, His presence I've found, and my faith is the same; And now I am trustful, I'm happy as ever. My God has come down, and the lions are tame. Ob. king, there's no danger, no shadow of trouble. While praying to God, by night or by day, Though lions might roar and my foes be redoubled. At the word of the Lord they would all calm away." "Come up, thou good Hebrew; thou shalt have my favor; Now let it be published and sounded abi'oad. Beside Daniel's God there is no other Savior; Let all come and worship the brave Hebi-ew's God." M. (first), Liiciiida Fiank. b. Mount Vernon, Me., who d. April 1833; the daughter of Abel Frank: m. (second), Sept. 9. 1S:M. Martha Lewis Lawrence, b. Temple. Me.. Feb. 1, 1817; d". T<"mple, Me.. .luly 9 1884. Child ol first marriaiic: (4) William Farrington York, b. March 2G, 1833; d. March JOUXSOX (JENEALOGY. 117 23, 1905; in., April 9, 18G3, Elizabeth E. Kennedy of Jay, Me. (5) Cora Lucinda York, b. Nov. 29. 18G8; graduated from the Normal School; teacher; ni., Nov. 29, 1S92, Joliii Sinnett Prince, b. Orr's Island, Me., Sept. 27. 1868; d. Dee. 22, 1893; son of Sylvanus C. Prince and Fidelia S. Sinnett. (5) Eva Melville York, b. IMay 29, 1875; graduated from Fjirmington (Me.) Normal School; teacher. Children of second marriage: (4) Abigail Whittemore York, b. Nov. 11, lS3f;; d. O.ikdale. Mass., Oct. 11. 1838. (4) Sherman Russell York, b. Aug. 14, 1839; d. May 29, 1872; unm. (4) Abbie Jane York, h. May 28, 1841; d. Sept. 2, 1902; re- sided 43 Elm Grove Avenue, Providence, R. I.; ni., June 28, 1861, Albert E. Farwcll, li. Uxhridge, Mass.; woolen manu- facturer. (5) Ednmnd Albert Farwell, b. Uxhridge, Mass., March 22, 1862; resides Providence, R. I.; ui., June 12, 1883, Emma A. Patten of Pascoag, R. I.; Mr. Farwell is a cotton trader in the South. (6) Mary Louise Farwell, b. May 6, 1886. (6) Albert Patten Farwell, b. Feb. 13, 1888. (6) Howard Farwell, b. Oct. 1, 1890. (6) Raymond Farwell, b. May 20, 1896. (5) Harriet Eldora Farwell, b. Temple, Me., Sept. 30. 1864; resides Worcester, Mass.; m., in Providence, R. I., Dee. 2, 1896, Brigham :m. Scott; a merchant in Worces- ter, Mass. (6) Abigail Farwell Scott, b. Nov. 16, 1899. (5) Marian Viola Farwell, b. Webster, Mass., Dec. 11, 1869. (4) Harriet Emogene York, b. Feb. 3, 1844; resides Killingly, Conn.; m., in Temple, Me., Sept. 5, 1868, Marcus Edgar Randall; a retired itoss dyer. (4) James Edwin York, b. Jan. 26, 1848; resides Farming- ton, Me.; employed in a novelty mill; m., Nov., 1895, Hepsy Keen. (4) Roland Sylvest(>r York, b. May 20, 1852; d. New York, April 9, 1902. He was the proprietor of Loon Lake Camp, a noted summei- resort for sportsmen and their friends. M., Nov., 1880, Alice May Morton, who d. Jan. 9. 1900. (5) James Lewis York, b. Feb., 1882. (4) Mary Eldora York, b. Tenii)le, Me.. Aug. 28. 1855; re- sides Temple, Me.; graduated from the Templi' (Me.) schools and has always resided in that town; m., April 10. 1877, Melvin Mitchell, b. Ti^nple, Me.. Nov. 26, 1848; grad- uated from the Temple schools; farmer; son of Luther Mitchell and Sarah H. Staph-s. (5) Albert Sherman Mitchell, b. Nov. 25, 1874; farmer in Temple, Me.; m., Oct. 23, 1894, Mary Ellen Ranger, b. Temple, Me., Jan. 25, 1875; daughter of John S. Ranger and Olive E. Howard. (4) Amy Farwell York, b. Temple. Mc.. Dec. !t, 1860; m., July 4, 1880, James Alfonso Derby, b. Temple. Me.. May 27, 1850; studied in Temple schools; farmer; son of Aaron Derby and Jane Wilder. 11^ JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (5) Abbie Martha Derby, b. Oct. 28, 1884. (5) Hattie Eula Derby, h. .Jan. 22, 1887. (5) Mary Eldora Derliy, 1). Feb. 25, 1890. (5) James Lawrence Derl)y, b. Dec. 2, 1894. * * * Hs * (3) Daniel York, b. 1816; d. 1867; farmer; m. (first), 1837, Elinor Shaw, b. 1810; d. 1859. (4) Charles W. York, b. Dec. 6, 1839; d. 1897; resided at Healdsborough, Sonoma County, Cal.; blacksmith. (5) Two children. (4) Augustus A. York, 1». Jan. 26, 1841; I)lacksniith at Healdsborough, Cal.; m. Cora Blackington. (4) Hester A. R. T. York, b. Jan. 29, 1843; resides Fair- banks, Me.; m., Dec. 21, 1862, Henry D. Pike; farmer; son of Jacob Pike and Lorana . (4) Benjamin J. York, b. June 22, 1845; resides in Cali- fornia. (4) Wesley G. York, b. April 25, 1848; d. 1860. (4) Laroy N. York, b. Nov. 15, 1851; resides Dodge City, Kan.; in the employ of the United States government, sup- plying forts. ^ ^ H^ :^ i'fi (3) Sarah Johnson York, 1). Durham, Me., Feb. 2, 1818; d. Strong, Me., Nov. 9, 1824; after her marriage she removed to Weld, Me.; also lived Solon and Stronji', Me.; m., June 6, 1841, Elisha Gay Jones, b. Farmington, Me., Sept 9, 1817; d. Strong, Me., June 29, 1896; farmer; son of Reul)en Jones, who d. May 14, 1849 (71y.) ; fanner of Farmington, Me.; he m. Azul)ah A. Gay, who d. at Farmington, Me., Sept. 23, 1853 (77y.). (4) Albert Elisha Jones, b. Weld, Me., Aug. 16, 1842; re- sides Topeka, Kan.; educated in schools of Weld, Me.; went to Kansas, Sept., 1877, and has been in Topeka ever since; resided on the farm until 23 years of age, then a druggist; contributor for the Kansm Farmer for five years; employed in a packing house; m. (first), Oct. 21, 1865, Frances Ellen Vining, b. Strong, Me., July 10, 1838; d. Nov. 1, 1897; studied in the Strong (Me.) schools; daugh- ter of David Vining and Jane C. Thomas of Strong, Me.; m. (second), June 6, 1898, Hattie E. Harden, b. Avon, Me., Jan. 28, 1838; d. Aug. 7, 1904; daughter of Seward P. Vin- ing and Martha C. ; no children of this second mar- riage; m. (third), Feb. 1, 1905, Mrs. Emma E. Sanf(»rd of Chicago, 111., b. Parshallburg. Mich., Sept. 5, 1861, nee Richards; her parents came from England to New York in 1857. Children of first marriage: (5) Everett Linwood Jones, b. Strong, Me., Jan. 6, 1868; resides 456 Freeman Ave., Topeka, Kan; studied in Strong (Me.) schools and in business college; maimfac- turer of paints; m., March 7, 1894. Eadie P. Self, b. Kan- sas City, Kan., July 13, 1869; studied in the conunon schools; the daughter of Jacob Self and Elizabetli Mc- Farland. (6) Etta Frances Jones, b. Dec. 20, 1894. (5) Henrietta Aldrich Jones, b. Strong. Me., Aug. 21, 1870; JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 119 luovod to Kansas in ISTS; studied in coiiinion schools of Temple, Me.; resides Silver Lake, Kan.; ni.. Sept. 12, 1S91, Grant Elwood Kelsey, h. Grt'enshnrg, Ind., March 11. 1SG7; farmer: son of Seott Kelsey and Mahala Allen. (6) Allen Lauren Kelsey, 1». Oakwood, Kan., Julv 31, 1892. (.6) Myra Scott Kelsey, b. Oakwood, Kan.. .Inne 28. 1894. (6) Albert Lloyd Kelsey. b. Silver Lake, K:in., .July G, 1897. (6) Viola Frances Kelsey, b. Silver Lake, Kan.. .July 3. 1900. (5) Willie Albert .lones, b. Farmington, Me.. June 3, 1877: d. Oct. 30, 1893; studied in the eonimon schools and business college; a printer; m., .Inly 20, 1898, Orah Le- nora Hall, b. Topeka, Kan., April 25, 1879; studied in common schools and business collejie; daughter of Quincy A. Hall. (6) Dorris Pearl .Jones, b. Dec. 25, 1899. (4) Mary Isadore Jones, b. Weld, Me., April 1, 1845; resides Strong, Me.; m., May 4, 1870, George W. Keene, b. Salem, Me., Nov. 24, 1844; d. Feb. 4, 1901; farmer; sim of Wash- ington Keene and Nancy Curtis, b. Salem, Me., Aujr. 1, 1825. (5) Olie Albert S. Keene, b. Dec. 9, 1871; drug;;ist at To- peka, Kan. (5) Sarah Frances Keene, b. Strong, Me., Nov. IG, 1879; a music teacher. (4) James Keith Jones, b. Strong. Me., April 11, 1849; re- sides 805 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan.; studied in schools of Strong, Me.; has lived Strong, Me.; Boston, Mass.; Farminiiton, Me., and in Topeka, Kan., since 1877; dealer in paints and glass; m., Feb: 13, 1884, Mrs. Eustatia Maria (Bennett) Mills, b. Belleville. Ontario, Feb. 27, 1844; d. April 12, 1905; studied in Simcoe Academy, Ontario; daugh- ter of Mr. Bennett and Miss Ruttan; she m. (first), 1870, in Topeka, Kan., Theodore Mills, who d. about 1881. (4) Benjamin Fremont Jones, b. Salem, Me., Aug. 4, 1854; d. Strong, Me., June 24, 1881 (27-11-20); druggist at To- peka, Kan. (4) Walter Lamountain Jones, b. Strong, Me., June 4, 1857; resides Strong, Me.; graduated from Strong (Me.) High School; tailor; m., Nov. 27, 1872, Louise L. Howard, b. Phillips, Me., March 24, 1856; studied in schools of Phillips, Me.; daughter of Seth Howard and Rachel Parker. (5) Benjamin Jones, b. April 18, 1883; studied Strong (Me.) schools and Farmington (Me.) High School and Bliss Business College, Lewiston, Me.; bookkeeper at Lewiston, Me. (4) Lloyd .Ton.'s, b. Aug. 30, 18G0; d. .Ian. 25, 18G1. * * * * * (3) Sabrina G. York, b. 1824; d. Strong, Me., Aug. 22, 1897 (73y.); m., in Temple, Me., Dec. 5, 1844, by Rev. James York. Isaac N. Allen, b. New Gloucester, Me., April 17, 1S14; d. Jan. 18, 1885 (71y.) ; son of Nathaniel Allen and Sarah . (4) Mary Augusta Allen, b. Feb. 14, 184G; graduated from Strong (Me.) High School; resides Eagle Grove, la.; m.. 120 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Nov. 3, 18CG, ill Strong, Me., Benjamin Franklin Smith, b. New Portland, Me., June 10, 1841; farmer; moved to Ea^'le Grove, la., fall of 1869; graduated from Strong (Me.) High School; son of Silvanus Smith and Jerusha Jackson. (5) Elmer Burton Smith. 1). Strong, Me., Oct. 21, 1867; a farmer at Tower City. North Dakota; m., Jan. 11, 1893, Nellie Gray, b. Clifford, Indiana; daughter of George Washington Gray and Mary A. . (6) Arthur Sinitli, b. March 18, 1894. (6) George H. Smith, b. May 4, 1896. (G) Benjamin Smith, b. April 26, 1900. (6) Raymond Smith, b. Feb. 6. 1903. (6) Daisy Smith, b. Feb. 15, 1905. (5) Fred Alfred Smith, b. May 12, 1873; farmer at Tower City, North Dakota; m., Aug. 29, 1896, Mabel Gray; daughter of George W. Gray and Wilhelmina . (5) Arthur Amini Smith, b. April 21, 1875; farmer and inventor at Eagle Grove, la.; m., March 10, 1896, Char- lotte Loring, b. Woodstock, la., Jan. 19, 1877; graduated from Eagle Grove High School; daughter of David Gor- don Loring. (6) Joseph Harry Smith, b. July 2, 1897. (5) Roy Francis Smith, b. March 21, 1883; went to Tower City, N. D., March 10, 1905; farmer; m., Jan. 14, 1904, Anna Lona Fletcher, b. Packertown, Ind.; studied in common schools and Eagle Grove (la.) schools; daughter of Daniel F. Fletcher and Saloma Seal. (4) Abbie S. Allen, b. March 29, 1849; resides Strong, Me.; m., April 28, 1872, John H. Bell, b. Preston, England, Aug. 11, 1832; son of W. Bell and Rosanna . (5) Dr. Charles W. Bell, b. Jan. 29, 1877; resides Strong, Me.; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1897. (5) Henry E. Bell, b. Oct. 28, 1872; resides Phillips, Me.; hardware dealer; m., Dec. 29, 1897, Flora Blanche Bangs, b. West Temple, Me., Nov. 2, 1879. (5) Mattie V. Bell, b. Sept. 25, 1878. (4) Charles F. Allen, b. Dec. 13, 1851; hardware dealer at Deniing, N. M.; m., at Las Vegas, N. M., Eva Angell. (5) Two sons, the eldest of whom died of smallpox, July 26, 1899. (4) Carrie Eliza Allen, b. Farmingtoii, Me., Sept. 5, 1856; resides Strong, Me., and has also lived in Gardiner and New Gloucester, Me.; m., Nov. 5, 1882, Enoch Sylvester Staples, b. Phillips, Me., May 1, 1857; studied in Phillips schools; carpenter; son of Ephraim Staples and Phoebe Whitney. (5) Howard Allen Staples, b. Aug. 25. 1884; resides Strong, Me.; educated in district and high schools; railroading. (4) Maria H. Allen, b. Jan. 16, 1862; resides Stinmg. Me.; m., Oct. 29, 1887, Samuel Toothaker, b. New Vineyard, Me., April 24, 1864; in the railroad business; son of Josinnr Toothaker and Mary .tiL^ty-r , /\, 'SacK^oH (5) Bernard L. Toothaker, b. Feb. 2, 1897. * * * * * (3) Mary B. York, d. UxInMdge, Mass., June 17, 1849. "She worked in Uxbridge, Mass., many years and then married Chauncy Aldrich, who died soon after this marriage." CHAPTER VII. (2) Annie Johnson, It. 17S2, d. Phillips, Me., Dec-. 3, 1S4G (G4y.); bniied at Phillips, Me.; ni., May 23, 1800, Capt. Benjamin' W. Barker, who d. in Wisconsin, Oct. 11, 1870. He was a ship carpenter in Maine; moved to Wisconsin in 1851 and bei-ame a farmer at Snjjar Creek, Walworth County, and at Weyauwega, Wis. He was the son of Caleb Barker, who was b. i749, and d. Oct. 23, 1843 (94y.), and of Elletheria Howland, it. 1751; d. Oct. 18, 1824 (73y.). (3) Ann Carr Barker, b. May 28, 1801; d. Skowhegan, Me., 1888; m. John Wells; a farmer. (3) Jacob J(thns(tu Barker, b. Dresden, Me., May (or April i 7, 1803; d. Phillips, Me., Dec, 1889; resided Phillips, Me.; carpenter and farmer. The Richardscm history says he was born in Readfield, Me.; m. Mary Jane Richardson, b. Read- field, Me.. Sept. 20, 1807; d. Nov. 19, 1851. She was the sixth fieneration of the Richardstm family; daughter of Tliatl- deus Richardson^ b. Limington, Me., Oct. 7, 1779; he was a farmer; he resided in Unity, Me., three or four years, then in Readfield, Me., and after 1810 in Phillips, Me.; he m., Dec. 25, 1805, Sarah Blethen of Unity, Me.; granddaughter of Thad- deus Richardson', b. Newton, Mass., May 29, 1750; d. Read- field, Me., April 6, 1819; m., about 1777, Mary Sanborn; great-granddaughter of David Richardson', b. Woburn, Mass., April 14, 1700; d. 1770; he was a blacksmith in N«'Wt(tn, Mass., where all of his children seem to have been born; his second wife. Remember Ward, was the mother . in England about 1610; m Joanna ; lived in Charlestowu, Mass., and then located in Woburn, Mass. (4) Charles Barker, b. Sept. 4, 1827; d. May 31, 1834. (4) George WasliiuKtctn Barker, It. Phillips, Me., Jan. 26, 1829; resides Crandon, Forest County, Wis.; removed to Wisconsin, Dec, 1865. "My father-in-law and brother-in- law moved with me." Miller, farmer, etc.: m., at Range- ley, Me., Oct. 12, 1856, Catherine P. H«tar, b. Av.tn. Me., June 2, 1834; studied in the schools of Dallas, Rangeley and Phillips, Me.; teacher; the daughter of Daniel Hoar, b. Jan. 26, 1811; d. Weyauwega, Wis., Jan. 26, 1884. and of his wife, Tryphena Bo(tdy, b. Feb. 29, 1816; d. Dec. 10, 1885. , ,^,., (5) Miles Standish Barker, b. Ranjieley, Me., Oct. 11. ISoc moved to Wisconsin, 1865; resides Crandon. Forest County, Wis.: a large farmer, merchant, and dealer in general merchandise, hardwaiH'. Hour, itrick, cement, stoves lime, wood, coal, evergreens in their season, etc • m. Oct. 17, 1882, Hattie Elvira Piiillips. it. O.-t. 17. 122 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 1882, Barre, Orleans County, N. Y. ; studied in the schools of Perrysburg, N. Y.; the daughter of George Phillips and Sarah Northrup, who reside Weyauwega, Wis. (6) George Washington Barker, b. Weyauwega, Wis., April 14, 1884; resides Crandon, Wis.; studied in Cran- don schools; a dairy and truck gardener. (6) Mary Lillian Barker, b. Crandon, Wis., May 5, 1889; studied in Crandon schools. (6) Hazel Stella Barker, b. Crandon, Jan. 26, 1891; studied in Crandon schools. (6) Lynn Elmer Barker, b. Crandon, May 6, 1893. (6) Hattie Jane Barker, b. Crandon, April 28, 1897. (5) Mary Jane Barker, b. Rangeley, Me., Aug. 16, 1860; d. in Vermont; m., in Vermont, Frank C. Brown, b. Ver- mont, Feb. 17, 1858; d. Weyauwega, Wis., Dec. 10, 1886; fireman on the railroad; the son of Cornelius Brown and Sarah ; these parents moved to Wisconsin and then to Michigan. . (6) George Washington Brown, b. Dec. 19, 1879; resides Troy, Wis.; studied in Weyauwega (Wis.) district and High School; graduate grom the Wisconsin School of Telegraphy, Oshkosh. Wis.; telegraph operator at Troy, Wis. (6) Abbie Estelle Brown, b. April 27, 1883; resides Cran- don, Wis.; m.. May 25, 1904, Almond Rogers of Cran- don, Wis. (6) Twin boys; not named; b. and d. Jan. 10, 1883. (5) Estelle Barker, b. Weyauwega, Wis., April 19, 1867; resides Crandon, Wis.; studied in Weyauwega schools; m., Oct. 16, 1884, Charles T. Walworth, b. Bloomfield, Wis., April 24, 1861; farmer; the son of Francis Whitcomb and Elizabeth Walworth; his father was killed in the last battle of the Civil War, and he was adopted by his mother's people, and so took the name of Walworth. Children, born at Weyauwega, Wis.: (6) Clar« Elizabeth Walworth, b. Aug. 10, 1885; d. Aug. 21, 1885. (6) Roy Miles Walworth, b. Aug. 12. 1886; graduated from Crandon (Wis.) High School, Jan. 19, 1903; clerk in a hardware store at Crandon, Wis. (6) Daniel Charles Walworth, b. June 28, 1888; studied in Crandon (Wis.) High School. (6) Kathryn Walworth, b. Oct. 19, 1889; student in Crandon (Wis.) High School. (6) Irrena Apple Walworth, b. Aug. 19, 1893. (6) Edward Clayton Walworth, b. Sept. 8, 1899. (5) Olevia Percy Barker, b. Aug. 31, 1876; m. (first). April 14, 1897, Horace Greeley Martin, b. Aroostook County, Me.; deceased; official sheriff: m. (second), June, 1903, Robert Perdy. Children of the first marriage: (6) Neil Burr Martin, b. 1904. (6) Pearl A. Martin (adopted), b. July 29, 1899. (6) Baby, two weeks old. May, 1906. (4) Thaddeus Richardson Barker, b. Phillips, Me., Jan. 19, JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 123 1831; resides Reed's Mills, Me.; address. Phillips, Me.. R. F. D. No. 3.; farmer; always lived in Phillips, Me.; m.. March 28, 1858, .lane Ellen Donahne, 1.. Phillips, Me. May 27. 1836; d. March 24, 1905 (G8-10-2S); danghter of Syl- vanns Donahue .•iiid Anna . (5) Charles Edgar Barker, b. Madrid. Me., Dee. 1(J. ISCl; resides Phillips, Me.; educated in Phillips schools; re- sided in Rnniford Falls, Me., for two years; cn^'inccr. machinist and (>lectrician; m., May 1. 1892. Cora May Whitney, I). Salem, Me., March 10, 1SG9; daujihter of Samuel Whitney and Allina H. Preston. (6) Estelle Whitney Barker, b. Feb. 25, 1893. (6) Malcolm Everett Barker, b. Feb. 7, 1894. (5) William Sylvester Barker, b. Aug. 19, 1871; killed Dec. 20, 1897. on the Sandy River Railroad, while trying to save his fireman and engineer; an engineer; m., Dec. , 25, 1892, Emma I. Sargent, b. Phillips, Me., July G, 1869; resides Farmington. Me.; no children. (5) Nellie Gissella Barker, b. Feb. 22. 1873; resides Phil- lips. Me., R. F. D. No. 3; studied in Phillips schools; ni.. Oct. 4, 1899, Albert Henry Sargent, b. Madrid, Me., May I 16, 1863; studied in the connnon schools; farmer; son / of Andrew Newton Sargent and Nancy Winslow Daven- { port. ] (6) Philip Kent Sargent, b. April 20, 1901. I (4) Clara Ann Barker, b. Aug. 27, 1832; d. May, 1881; re- \ sided Sparta, Wis.; m. Thomas .Jefferson Wyman, who d. some years ago; farmer; no children. (4) John Barker, b. June 15, 1835; farmer at Riley Brook, N. B.; m., Nov. IG. 1873, Henrietta Abigail Ahcrn. 1). June 10. 1844. (5) Charles Lewis Barker, 1>. Jan. 10, 187G; ni., Aug. 12, 1903. (Wife's name not sent.) (G) Robert Bruce Barker, b. Oct. 21, 1904. (5) Roy John Barker, b. Oct. 16, 1879. (5) Arthur Clarence Barker, b. Feb. 11, 1882. (5) Claribel Maude Barker, b. Nov. 6, 1884. (4) Hiram A. Barker, b. Phillips. Me.. Jan. 7, 1838; resides Phillips, Me.; farmer; in. Lizzie A. Hammond of East Liv- ermore. Me., who d. May, 1902; some adopted children. (4) Eliza J. Barker, b. Phillips, Me., Jan. 29. 1840; resides 48 High Street. Lewiston. Me.; has lived Phillips and Lew- iston. Me., and at Clinton. Mass.; m., July G, 18G6, Sylves- ter Greenlief Pierce, b. New Gloucester, Me., Nov. 15. 1837; studied in the town schools; nnichinist; son of George Pierce and Mebetable Cheney Row(>. (5) Edith Annie Pierce, b. .Inly G, 1SG8; d. Feb. 24, 1870. (5) Harry Pierce, b. Feb. 22, 1870; d. Feb. 23, 1870. (5) Dr. Edwin Francis Pierce, b. April 12, 1872; resides Lewiston, Me.; graduated Bates College, 1894; at Colum- bia University, 1901. (5) Linwood Mariner Pierce, 1). July 2. 1S74; d. Sept. 13, 1874. (4) Henrietta Barker, b. April 8, 1841; address. Box 55, Oak- dale, Mass.; m. Albert Shattuck. deceased. 124 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (5) Two sons, one of whom d. several years ago; the other, Ernest R. Shattuck, resides Richford, Vt. (4) Martha Albina Barker, b. Phillips, Me., April 4, 1844; resides Hubbardston, Mass.; cook at Lancaster (Mass.) county farm for several years; m., Feb. 7, 1864, Thomas Bento'n Hodges, b. Hallowell, Me., June 7, 1841; d. July 9, 1879; shoemaker; son of Daniel "F. Hodges and Al)igail Soule Porter; enlisted in the Civil War, Sept. 7, 1861; honorably discharged May, 1863; reenlisted, Jan. 31, 1864, for three years; captured, Nov. 27, 18G4, and in Libby prison for three months; released and sent back to his regi- ment; a very faithful soldier. (5) Gertrude Emily Hodges, b. March 30, 1866; resides Hubbardston, Mass.; studied in Clinton (Mass.) schools; m., in Clinton, Mass., by Rev. C. M. Powers. Eveleth M. Felton, b. Bolton, Mass., Jan. 9, 18C5; farmer; son of "William Neal Felton and Matilda Blood. (6) Everett Earl Felton, b. May 5, 1886. (6) William Jacob Felton, b. Dec. 10, 1888. (6) Hazel Gertrude Felton, b. Nov. 8, 1891. (6) Grace Clara Felton, b. Nov. 30, 1892. (5) Florence Pearl Hodges, h. Dec. 13, 1868; d. Dec. 24, 1886; resided Leominster, Mass.; m., in Clinton, Mass., by Rev. C. M. Bowers, April 21, 1884, Harry Elmer Se- brey; comb maker; son of John Sebrey and Harriet Eggles. (6) Harry Norman Sebrey, b. Au.u. 24, 1884. (4) Mary Abigail Barker, b. July 15, 1846; resided for some time jit Baltimore, Md.; m. (first), Carlton D. Perry of Holyoke, Mass.: m. (second), Capt. James Condit of Sparta, Wis.; m. (third), Harry Bush of New York; no children. (4) Charles L. Barker, b. June 12, 1848; d. Aug. 10, 1904; farmer; resided Kingsfield, Me.; m. Ellen Statira Hutch- ins of Kingsfield, Me., b. April 3, 1849, who was killed by lightning Aug. 22, 1902; daughter of Ira Hutchins. (5) Carroll Elmer Barker, b. Oct. 12, 1873; resides Worces- ter, Mass. (5) Althea Edith Barker, b. Feb. 3, 1876; m., April 18, 1896, Will D. Page of Freeman, Me.; resides Kingsfield, Me. (5) Roy Condit Barker, b. Feb. 20, 1884. (5) Fannie Hutchins Barker, b. June 1, 1882; m. Feb. 27, 1906. (3) Martha Barker, b. April 27, 1805; d. Delton, Wis., March 17, 1853; lived in Wisconsin towns: Elkhorn, Sugar Creek and Sheboygan: m., April 20, 1833, at Delton, Wis., Josiah S. Whitney, b. Aug. 1, 1807: son of Jacob S. Whitney, farmer and cabinet maker of Phillips, Me., and Hannah Mills, who d. Waupaca, Wis. Children, all born at Phillips, Me.: (4) Charles Ashlev Whitney, b. Phillips, Me., Dec. 27, 1843; resides Chetah, Wis.; m., Feb. 22, 1871, Christina Bred- son, b. Mortevetton, Norway, Aug. 25. 1853: daughter of Gilbert Bredson and Caroline Anderson. (5) Martha C. Whitney, b. March 22, 1872; resides Oronoco, Minn.; ni. C. M. Bates. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 1*J.") (5) Wollingtoii Whiuiey, b. April (J, 1870; d. Aug. 24, ISSS. (5) AiitoiK' Whitney, b. Feb. 3, 1880; fiiniuT at Gordon, Wis.: ni., D(H-. 25. 1S94. (Wife's n;inie not sent.) (G) Bernjinl Whitney, b. Dec 9, 1905. (5) Ettii A. Whitney, 1>. Oct. 13, 1882; resides ChetJih. Wis. (4) Samuel Wellington Whitney, b. Aug. 8, lS3(t: d. Dec. G, 1869. (4) Orpha Cornelia Whitney, b. Oct. 20. 1841; d. in K:insas, May 15, 1897; ni. Curtis A. Smith. (5) Son; resides in Kansas. (5) Ernest Smith. (5) George T. Smith. (5) Frank H. Smith. (4) Annie Carr Whitney, b. Aug. 29, 1834; resides Oronoco, Minn; box 27; studied in schools of Phillips, Me.; ni. Nel- son C. Bates, b. Kirtland, O.; farmer. His parents lived in New York state; father, Norman A. Bates, m., Sept. 24, 1823, Caroline Marsh, who was !>. April 4, 1797; d. . (5) Marcus Wellington Bates, b. Dalton, Wis., Aug. 10, 1852; farmer; resides Chippewa Falls, Wis.; m., .Jan. 25, County. Wis.. March 11, 1873: resides Oronoco. Minn.: m. sas ; also in IMenlo. la. (5) Olive E. Bates, b. Dalton, Wis.; Edson, Chippewa County. Wis.. March 11. 1873: resides Oronoco, .Mimi. ; m. Mr. Gray. (5) Martha E. Bates, b. March 11, 1873; m. Mr. Gray. (4) Virginia G. F. Whitney, b. Sept. 13, 1839; d. in Oregon; ni. M. F. Rich, who was killed by a train. (5) Ida Rich; Harry Rich, resides Springfield, Ore.; Cora A. Rich; Mary E. Rich. (3) Jane Barker, b. March 22, 1807; d. Weyauwega, Wis.. ,Tan. 29, 1873; m. Mr. Haylord. (4) Mrs. Illitheria Alden. (4) Nesheh; deceased. (4) Isaac; deceased. (4) Orlando; deceased. (4) Mrs. Martha A. Wrightman, Weyauwejra, Wis. (3) Eletheria Barker, b. Jan. 21, 1809; d. Dec. 23, 1889; m. John Tarr, b. New Vineyard, Me., Dec. 24, 1805; d. Oct. G, 1881; farmer; resided in Maine towns: Phillips, Solon. Lewiston and Carmel; lived in Wisconsin towns: Wey;iuwega, Sugar Creek and Elkhorn; resided Jefferson, la.; buried there; son of John Tarr, b. Sept. 2G, 1777; d. Aug. 5, 18G0, and Mary Pettingill, b. Oct. 15, 1781; d. Feb. 5, 1885; they lived and di(>d in Salem, Me. (4) Charles M. Tarr, b. Phillips, Me., Nov. 2, 1832; d. Wales. Me., April 3, 1870; mechanic and farmer; m. (first), ISGO, Caroline DeLand; m. (second), 1870, Mary Jones, b. Wales. Me.; living. Children of first marriage: (5) Melvin E. Tarr, b. Sept. 10, 1862; resides Fifield. Wis.; m. Hattie Fospender, b. Wisconsin, Aug. 24, 1S74. (6) Daniel Tarr, b. July, 1900. (6) Bernice Tarr, b. March, 1902. (5) Nellie M. Tarr, b. April 28, 1864; resides Park Falls, Wis.; m. William LaRue. 12() JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (G) Walter LaRue, b. Mart-h 4, 1894. (G) Ralph C. LaRue, b. Feb., 1902. (5) Rosalie M. Tarr, b. May 1, 1868; d. June, 1875. (4) Benjamin Barker Tarr, b. Phillips, Me., April 7, 1834; d. Fifleld, Prince County, Wis., Feb. 23, 190G; studied in the conimon schools; farmer and miller; he enlisted in the Civil War at the first call for soldiers, April, 18G1, Fourth Wis- consin Volunteers, Company B; a brave soldier for three years; m., April 8, 1865, at Weyauwega, Wis., Ellen Tern- mouth, b. Wisconsin, Dec. 8, 1846; d. June, 1892. Children, born Weyauwega, Wis.: (5) Nona L. Tarr, b. Nov. 26, 1868; d. March 28, 1874. (5) John Tarr, b. Nov. 2, 1870; d. March 16, 1874. (5) Abbie E. Tarr, b. Feb. 8, 1874; m. Frederick Miller of Factoryville, Mich., where they reside. (4) Llewellyn Tarr, b. May 17, 1838; d. New Orleans, La., Aug. 22, 1862; num.; enlisted at the first call for soldiers in the Civil War, Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry; enlisted, April, 1861, with brother, Benjamin B. Tarr; he d. in the army. (4) Johnson Tarr, b. Phillips, Me., May 17, 1838; resides ■ Park Falls, Wis.; a very successful merchant, now retired; enlisted, Feb., 1864, in the Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry; discharged honorably on account of wounds, Oct. 4, 1864; vice-president of the soldiers' aid connnission of Price County, Wis.; resided in Salem and Carmel, Me.; Wiscon- sin towns: Elkhorn, Weyauwega, Fifield and Park Falls; real estate dealer; m., April 3, 1861, Cornelia Maria Starks, b. Moores, Clinton County, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1844; educated in the common schools; daughter of Isaac Hubl)le Starks and Louisa Randall. (5) Luella May Tarr, b. Nov. 28, 1860; studied in the com- mon schools; resides at Park Falls, Wis.; m.. May 1, 1881, Eusene P. Rackliff, b. Caribou, Me., Sept. 19, 1863; common school education; lumberman; son of Benjamin Rackliff and Parmelia Lowell. (G) Maud Avis Rackliff, b. Fifield, Wis., Oct. 5, 1883; resides Park Falls, Wis.; graduated from schools, 1898; m., Aug. 3, 1900, Henry McKilligan, b. Muske- gon, Mich., July 20, 1881; studied in the Sacred Heart School; paper maker; son of George McKilligan and Jeannette Lonesdale. (7) Fay Georgiette McKilligan b. June 5, 1901. (7) Luella Jeannette McKilligan, b. July 3. 1903; d. April 11, 1904. (G) Percival Eugene Rackliff b. Jan. 25, 1885; d. Aul:. la. 1885. „ , (G) Fay Luella Rackliff, b. June 4, 1886; resmes Park Fallsi Wis.; graduated from schools. 1904; m., July 3, 1904 ' Joseph Raymond Wells, b. July 3, 1884; paper maker; son of Charles Wells and Marguerite Hender- son. (6) Earl Eugene Rackliff, b. Feb. G, 1889. (5) Cora Adell Tarr, b. Nov. 9. 1867; d. April 14, 1874. (5) Illctheria Louise Tarr, b. .March 14, 1875; d. Aug. 20, 1889. JOHNSON GENEALOGY. 127 (4) Melviii B. Tarr, 1». Salciii, .Me., May 13. 1841; resides Wcyauwega, Wis.; tMilisted in the P'ourth Wisconsin Cav- alry; honorably discharstHl alier si.x years of faithful ser- vice; enlisted, April, 18G1. at Ripon. Wis.; lieutenant Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry; m., 1870, Antoinette Lewis, who d. June, 1873; b. Moores, N. Y., 1841; dauyiiter of Calvin Lewis and Sarah Maning. (5) Holbert Payne Tarr, b. April 2, 1873; ni., 1898, Belle Cole of Ashland, Wis.; daughter of Luther James Cole. (6) Mary Tarr, b. 1899. (6) James Tarr, b. 1904. (4) Abigail Tarr, b. Carmel, Me., Aug. 10, 1843; resides Fi- field. Wis.; has lived Weyauwega, Wis., Guthrie and Jeffer- son, la.; moved to Wisconsin, 1849; m. Daniel D. Berry, b. Madrid, Me., July 27, 1845; studied in Madrid and Phillips (Me.) schools; merchant; son of EIkmi Berry and Harriet Whitney; no children. (4) Washington Irving Tarr, b. Elkhart, Wis., Dec. 28, 1851; resides Fifield, Wis.; farmer; ni., Nov., 1887, Laura Her- rick of Missouri; m. in Iowa; d. 1899. (5) Sterling Tarr, b. Aug. 10, 1888; resides Fifield, Wis. (3) Abigail Barker, b. Feb. 18, 1811; d. in Kansas; lived in Maine: Bangor, Lewiston, Skowhegan, etc.; m. (first), James Webb; m. (second), IsVael Brown. Children of first marriage: (4) Two sons, one of whom, Benjamin F. Wel)lt, was last heard from in Oklahoma. (3) Carr Barker, b. Phillips, Me., April 21, 1814; d. Derry Caunty, Okla., June 27, 1902; farmer; lived Weyauwega, Wis.; Jefferson, la.; Grove Town.ship, la.; and a short time in Kansas and Nebraska; then moved to Oklahoma with his son, Benjamin Hariand Barker; m., about INKi, Emeline Mitchell, who was probably b. in Avon, Me., and d. Feb. 8, 1874; daughter of William Mitchell and Avis (3uKt«oH- of Avon, Me. ■ • (4) Lydia J. Barker, b. Franklin County. Me., March 15, 1842; d. Menlo, la., Aug., 1901; m., at Weyauwega, Wis., Oct., 1864, Benjamin Webb, and moved to Oklahoma in the spring of 1902; resided in Nevada some y(>ars: then in Kan- sas ; also in Menlo, la. (5) Four childr(Mi; one b. in Weyauwega, Wis., and the others in Nevada. (4) Cassandra Barker, b. Phillips, Me., April 27, 184G; re- sides Kalispell, Flathead County, Mon. "I moved to Wis- consin when I was four years old; have lived Weyauwega, Wis.; Jefferson township, la.; Adair, la.; Kalispell, Mon. I taught school before my marriage." M., April 20, 18GG, Orville Denny, b. Oswego County, N. Y., Jan. 2. 1842; studied in the Wisccmsin schools; farmer and land lorater; son of Jackson Denny and Hannah Hill. (5) Ella Denny, b. Weyauwega. Wis., Feb. 24, ISGT; resides Mountford, Mon.; m., near Menlo, la., Jefferson Town- ship, Nov. 29, 1892, David Johnson, b. Cambridge. 111., Fel». 22, 18f)3; farmer; son of David Johnson and Eli/,a- betli Parks. Children all born in lowa: 128 JOHNSON GENEALOGY. (6) Margaret Ellen Johnson, b. Feb. 18, 1894. (6) Mary Esther Johnson, b. Nov. 26, 1897. (6) James Homer Johnson, 1). Feb. 26, 1900. (5) Abl)ie Denny, b. Weyauwega, Wis., Jan. 5, 1869; re- sides Kalispell, Mon.; m., at Menlo, la., Dec. 12, 1888, C. M. McCarty. (6) Five children; three b. in Iowa; one in Kalispell, Mon.; one rt. in infancy. (5) Emeline Denny, 1). Jefferson Township, la., April 5, 1873; resides Monntford, Mon.; m., Jnne 29, 1904, Albert Batem of Grove, la.; no children. (5) Gny Denny, b. Jefferson Township, la.. May 4, 1875; resides Monntford, Mon.; Timber cruiser; studied in Menlo and Stuart (la.) high schools; m., June 8, 1904, Emily Arcelia Moody of Fairview, Mon., b. Nashua, la., June 21, 1886; daughter of Clarence H. Moody and Jennie E. Monroe; no children. (5) Inez Denny, b. Jefferson Township, la., July 27, 1879; m., Nov. 19, 1903, Alfred Milton. (6) Vaughan Milton, b. Nov. 10, 1904. (5) Lloyd Denny, b. Jefferson Township, la.. Au^. 18, 1SS8; resides Kalispell, Mon. (4) Benjamin Rowland Barker, b. Feb. 23, 1848; resides Okla- homa; m., in Weyauwega, Wis., June, 1870, Miranda Thier- nian; lived in Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma. (5) Cora Barker, b. Weyauwega, Wis., Feb. 8, 1873. (5) George Barker, b. Weyauwega, Wis., Dec, 1875; re- sides Menlo, la. yZ) Jc^-iohine Barker, b. Jefferson Township, la., Dec, 1877. (5) Euuene Barker, b. Grove, la.; resides Menlo or Glen- don, la. (5) Harry Barker, b. Grove, la. (5) Walter Barker, b. Menlo, la. (3) Benjamin H. Barker, b. Nov. 16, 1816; resides Weyauwega, Wis.; lived Belleville, Canada; Orono, Me.; Weyauwega, Wis. "He can tell you about Aunt Annie's death." (4) Mrs. Ella Lewis, b. Weyauwega, Wis. (4) Boy. (3) Charles Barker, b. March 13, 1821; d. Aug. 28, 1826. (From Fifield, Wis. The Carr name. "One of the ancestors was Ann Carr— I think it was on the Barker side. Uncle Ben- jamin of Weyauwega is the only one who could tell you anything about this matter.") INDEX TO JOHNSON GENEALOGY. Aaron aiul familv 27-30 Ahif;ail and family...')-. 58, 111, 112 Abner and I'amil.v 24 Almor. ("ai)t.. and familv 76-80 AlmiT Caniphell 79, 80 Albert and family 09 Alfred, ("ain.. and family 64. (I'l Alexander and family 66,70-83 Alice Clifford and family 39 Almira Snsan 62. 63 Almon F 78 Ann Kliza and family 34 Annie and family 121-128 Annie Belle and family 39 Annie Lillian 1"> Ansel 70 Arniine II. and family 27 Arthur 6,s Barnawell and family 06-102 Bethiali and family 12 Benlah S 16 Calvin and family I08 Caroline A. and family 60 Carrie I,, and familv 24 Charles and family ... r)3-6o. 7."). 110 Charles Kdward and family 62 Charles .Tames and family .... 30-41 Charles \V. and family 4r> Charlotte I.amb 2S. 36 Claude Itussell 20 iMement SkoUield 6r> Cornelia Ann 47 Daniel Webber 35 David. Cai)t.. and family 13-22 David and family ."{l-iiO David Bibber and family •■',:;. :'.4 David William and family 62 Deborah Orr and family 19.20 Dianna D'9 Ebenezer 3. 9. 33. 42 Kdwin Warren, ('apt 34 Eleanor '"'^ Elinor 69 Elisha. Capt 16-22 Elisha C 20 Elizabeth Ann 21 Eliza Jane 71.72 Elvira .lane 18 Emeline Hill Rl Kmilv S 68 Ephraim, Capt .l-"). 16 Ephraim. .Tr Ifi Erwin Tewlcsbury 35 Eujjene W ' l-'' EuRene William. Dr 23 Eunice H 74 Evie A 102 Ferdinand Augustus 40. 41 George Albion -1 (Teorfje Au^nstus 40 Oeorjre Edward 100 Oeorse Erwin '^9 C.eorge IIui,'h ^'- George Kiley 15 Granville C 22 Hannah 23. 45. 46. 80. 81 Hannah Bates lo:{-l07 Hannah Eliza 113-120 Hannah l-:iizabeth 70 Hannah Frances 7o, 71 Hancock Washington (58 Harriet E 79. 80 Harriet I'atience 16 Harriet Springer 5.S. 5!> Ha rod 67 llatheway Frazier •'18 I Ii'iirielta t>S lleiirv Collin 29. 3o lliiiry Lombard .30. 40 I I I'll ry Nelson 46 Herbert Francis. Capt 21 I liiam 27 lliiani Franklin 24 Ihildah 22. 23. IKt Horace Clinton 4. 57 Isaac. .Tr loO .lacob and family 6-1 o .lames. .Ir 67 .l.-niK's and family 66-107 .lames. .Tr 67 .Iftmes of Chebeague Island. Me.. . 08-Hio .lames Henrv 46. (!0 .lames McCarty 108. loO .lane and Daniel I'.lake 45 .lane and Xathanid Thompson. .0(»-08 .lane Uodiick .3.5. .56 .lennie Ke!)ecca .56 .lereniiah 26. 27 .loel Bibber <>7 .lohn 33-41 .lohn. .Ir 33-:!5 .Tohii .M ufy I'ennell 42-44 Lucy Woodbury 77, 78 Mary and Capt. .lames Sinnett. .47-.J.3 Mary and James Springer 66 Mary Adelaide 36 Mary Bennett 77> Mary t'atherine :!4. ;-!."> jiary Celia 21 Mary .Tane 44. 4."(. 6(» Mary Sinnett 44 Margaret 98. 10ft Margaret Bisliop .57 :Martlia Lamb 28. 29 Martha Olive 16 Mercy 22 Miriam 14. 61. 62 ?sancy II 74 Karcissa S 60 Norman 2(1 Octavia 14 Orlando M 24 Pamelia 92 Patience and family ."i:!-.">6 Pauline Thomas 44. 4.">. 65 Phlneas 42, .58 Rachel 67 Ralph and family 63-6.') Ralph. .Tr 64. 6.'. Rhoda Bennett 81-83 Rhoda P 4.-) Reed 6.". Robert 99-100 Hamuel Tarbox :!7-39 Sarah Ann 83 8. Cornelia 69 Sarah M 101 Sinnett Orr 109 Smith 68 Sojjhia 4.") Sophr(mia i! 101. 1(I2 Stephen Decatur llo Susan 80 Susan BaiTey 109 Susan Lombard .■!."■> Susan Mnria :!7 Thankful 14 Thankful IHiy 2.j. 26 Theodore lo(i Thomas .Tetfersou llo Truman T Mrj TTvsses (irant 41 Walter II ti9 William 33, 74 William Henry 2:; William Lawrence, ('apt 69 Willie K loii Willie Waterman 20 Zemira 14 OTHER NAMES THAN JOHNSON, Aflams. Sidney II., and fainilv... 87 Allen. Ahiirnil. and family 13 Abrani. and t'aiiiily 12 Klisha. and I'aniilv 12, i;', Isaac N., and faniily . . . 1 10, 120 Itailey. (Jcor.m'. and faniil.\ . . . .SI, 82 r.aiker. Capr. Itenianiin \V.. and laniily 121-12,S l$en.janiin II.. and t'aniily. . . . 1 2S ("arr. and laniily 127, 12S Charles, and family 1 24 (Jeoi-Ke \V., and family. .121-12:! .Tacol) .lohnson. and family.. 1 '21 -124 .Tohu, and l"amily 12rf .Miles Standisli, and family. . 121, 122 Thaddeus K.. and family. . . . 122. 12:! r.arnes, Moses, and family i:i Bartlett, .Idnaihan, ancestors and descendants .">;{-.>(! Bates. Klla. and family 48 Bates, Hannah, and family, ,!), ()(!-l(>7 I{err\\ ('apt. Samuel, and family s:;, ,S4, s." liihher, Ahiuail. and family K-l(i Ahin Henry, and family.... 4:! Chailiiite Albertina. ancl fam- ily 42, 4:^ lOmma Leona 21 Kliza .lane, and family lo.s Francis F., and family... 24, 2."> (Jnstina ()., and family... 20. 21 .loel Chandler, and family. . . In:{-l(i7 Nelson, and family :!.■> liishoj). lOloise, and family .">.S < ".ipl , .lohii .">!• Mary, and family 53 Blake. Daniel 4."> Blelheii, .losiali I»., and family... .■')7 Booker, Isaiah Miriam 11 Bri.tfham, ('apt. .Tacoh o., and family 10 Brown. B.urr, and family : .Tones, .Tosepli E., and family .. 70, 71 Kelscy, Samnel, and family (!(i Kemp. Win. Ileni-y. and family., 47 Kennedy, Michael, and family. . . . S(» I.apham. (leorue, and family 07 l.eeman. Thomas, and t"amily..lS. 10 Lombard, Henry IL, and family,. ;>7 Lon^i'. ('apt. .lames Lester, and family 101 Lowell, .Vrmorill 14 Itcbecca 14 Liibee, Maurice, and family 2(i Liiddeii. I'rederick .\.. and family SO. S7 .Mcl.ellaii. ('apt. Edirar, and fam ily lo.">, liiO .McMamis, ,Iames 00 M(\aine, Charles, and family , .9S. 99 Merrill. Charles Henry, and fam- ily SO-SS Meiriman, .\nt;ier 11., and family. 2.''i >Iiller. Dayid, and family ."m, TiS Morion. (Jeorfie II . and family 70. so Nelson Charles 4.% Orr, .Martha K> I'arsons, .lohn S.. and family.,.. 74 Bennell. William, and family.. s:: 00 132 INDEX. Fercy. Content 63 I'erkins, Charles, and family 16 I'ierce, Sylvester, and family .... 126 Piukham, Georgianna. and family 15 Kutli Lillian 43 I'rout, Capt. Fredei-ick, and fam- ily 42-44 Racklifte. Engene P.. and family. 126 Richardson, Charles, and family 25, 26 Iloduek, .lane, ancestors and fam- ily 31 Iloss, George 101 Capt. James, and family . . 93-95 Shays, John Rowland, and family 36, 37 Sinnett, Capt. James, and de- scendants 48-53 Stephen, and family 14 Skoltield, Capt. Humphrey S., and family 19, 20 Smith, Benjamin F., and family. .121 Daniel D., and family 74 James Alexander, and family 86 Sprague, Almira. ancestry and de- scendants 16 Springer, James, and family 66 Stevens, William, and family.. 22, 23 Talbot, Asa, and family .... 111. 112 Charles Ill Talbot, John F 112 Lois Fogg 112 Marv Olive Ill Tarr. John, and family 125-127 Johnson, and family 126 Melvin B.. and family 127 Washington Irving, and fam- ily 127 Tewksbury, Milton J., and family 36 Thompson. Nathaniel, and family 96 Totmau. Horace, and family 44 Walworth, Charles T.. and family 122 Warren, Edwin F.. and family. . . 38 Webber. Eliza Ann. and family. . 33 Whitnev. Josiah S.. and family 124. 125 Whittemore. 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