Class I Book Oolite 3 aw?xw tJicLckjynS CONTENTS I. OF THE GENEALOGIES OF FAMILIES AND RACES WHO RESIDED IN SHERBORN, HOLLISTON, MEDWAY AND SOME OTHER TOWNS. A. Adams p. 1; Abby p. 10; Alby 10 ; Allen 10 ; Alverson 10 ; Amsden 10. B. Bacon 10; Babcock 10; Baker 11; Ball 12; Bancroft 12; Barbour 12; Barret 14; Barron 14; Bartiett 14 ; Bass 14; Batchelder 14; Bates 14; Battle 14; Battelle'* 14 ; Beals 14 ; Bedlam 14 ; Bickford 15 ; Bigelow 15 ; Blanchard 16; Bond 16; Bragg 16; Breck 16 ; Brewer 18 ; Briant 18 ; Bridges 18 ; Brown 18 ; Buckmaster 19 ; Bullen 19 ; Burbank 21 ; Bullard 22 ; Butler 58. C. Chaddock 58 ; Chamberlain 58 ; Church 59 ; Claflin 59 ; Clark 59 ; Cleale 62 ; Cobb 62; Cole 62 ; Collar 62; Coolidge 62 ; Corbett 65 ; Cousins 65 ; Crack- bone 66 ; Cragrin 67 ; Crossman 67 ; Curtis 67 ; Cushing 67 ; Cutler 67. D. Dana 71; Daniel 71; Davis 74; Day 74; Death 74; Dewing 75; Dickinson 75 ; Dix 77 ; Doane 78 ; Dowse 78 ; Durant 79. E. Eames 79; Edward 81; Emerson 81; Esty 81; Esterbrook 81; Evens 81; Everett 81. ^~ F. Fairbanks 82; Fassett 85; Fisher 85; Fisk 85; Fitch 8/; Force 89 ; Foristall 89 ; Foster 89 ; Francis 90 ; Frost 90. ( i. Gardner 90 ; Gassett 90 ; Gibbs 90 ; Gleason 90 ; Godard 91 ; Golden! alias Gould- ing 91 and 94 ; Goodhue 92 ; Gookin 92 ; Grant 94 ; Greenwood 94 ; Grout 96; Guy 95. H. Hall 95 ; Harding 95 ; Harrington 99 ; Hart 99 ; Harris 99 ; Haven 99 ; Hawes 99 ; Hayes 100 ; Hemenway 100 ; Hero 100 ; Hill 100 ; Hiscock 105 ; Hooker 105 ; Houghton 106 ; Hunt 106 ; Hunting 106 ; Holbrook 107. J. Jennings 155 ; Johnson 155 ; Jones 156. K. Kendall 157 ; Kenny 158 ; Kibbe 158 ; Kilton 159 ; Kimball 159 ; Kingsbury 160 ; Knowlton 160. L. Lane 160; Lawrence 160; Layland, alias Leland 160 ; Learned 170, Lee 309 ; Lincoln 171 ; Littlefield 171 ; Locke 173; Loverain, alias Lovering 173. M. Maccane 174 ; Madden 174 ; Mann 174 ; Marsh 174 ; Marshall 175 ; Mason 175 ; Maverick 176; Maxwell 176; Mellen 176; Merrifield 176; Messenger 177; Metcalf 177; Miller 177; Millins 177; Mills 177; Moor 177; Morse 178; Muzzy 184. N. Newell 184 ; Newton 184 ; Nichols 184 ; Norcross 184 ; Nurse 184. ( ). Otis 184. P. Palmer 184 ; Park 184 ; Parker 185 ; Parkhurst 185 ; Partridge 185 ; Payson 190 ; Perry 190; Phips and Phipps 195 ; Pierce 202 ; Pike 202 ; Plimpton 202 ; Polly 203 ; Pond 203 ; Porter 203 ; Pratt 203 ; Prentiss 204 ; Paul 206. R. Ramsdell 206; Richardson 206; Richards 210; Rider 210; Rockwood 211; Russell 231. S. Sanger 232; Sawin 239; Sheffield 240; Shepard 241; Simons 241; Slocum 241; Smith 241; Sparrowk 242 ; Stanford 242; Stanton 242; Stedman 212; Stewart 242; Stone 242; Storrs 244; Stow 244; Straten 244; Stroud 245; Sumner 245. T. Tay 245 ; Tenny 245 ; Tombling 245 ; Travis 245 ; Tucker 246 ; Twitchell 246. U. Underwood 251. W. Waight 252; Wait 253; Wair 253; Walker 253; Wallis 253; Ware 253; Warren 255; Watkins 255; Wcnzel 255; Wheaton 255; Wheelock 257; White 257; Whiting 257 ; Whitney 257 ; Wight 260 ; Williams 260; Wilson 260 ; Winship 260 ; Wiswall 260 ; Wood 261 ; Wyeth 264. II. 01 ! Ill HISTORY OF SHERBORN. The location, boundaries and size of the township p. 265 ; Originally possessed by the Nipmuek Indians id : Their history id — 266; Exploration of the country bv the English 267 ; Early Grants of the General Court 267; Indian deed of such ' Price paid for the township 271 ; Original state of the country 272 ; Origin and history of the English settlement 273 ; Origin of the town 275 ; Its original form 277 ; Origin of its name id ; Proceedings of the proprietors and G. Court id ; Indian war 278 ; The 2d Committee of the G. ('. visit S. 279 ; Their report id; Place first agreed on for the meeting-house id ; A third Committee from the G. C. determine on another place 281 ; Social Compact of the planters 282 ; Agreement on an exchange of lands with Natick 283 ; Difficulties in the town 284 ; A 4th Committee of the G. C. appointed id ; Their report 285 ; A 5th Committee of the G. C. chosen to " govern prudentials" id ; Call of llev. Daniel Gookin 286; His answer 287; Division of common lands 287 ; Persons admitted as inhabitants 288 ; Military company organ- ized id ; Grant of the G. C. confirmed id ; Enlargement of the town 289 ; Framing- ham incorporated id ; Organization of a church id ; First Grant of lands W. of Mendon 290 ; Division of these lands id ; Call of Rev. Daniel Baker 291 ; Rev. D. Gookin's letter 291 ; Rev. Mr. Baker's answer 292; His publications 293; List of persons rated in 1721, p. 294 ; Measures for rebuilding the meeting-house 296 ; Dis- agreement about its location 296 ; Petition for a division of the town 298 ; Sale of the school land 299 ; Call to Kev. Samuel Porter 305 and 299 ; Memorable mortality 300 ; Call to Rev. Samuel Locke 301 ; Call of Rev. Elijah Brown 302 ; Proceedings in relation to the revolution 302-4 ; Ditto to Shay's rebellion id ; do. to the adoption of the Federal Constitution id; do. to the war of 1812 p. 306; Call of Rev. S. Townsend 307 ; His letter id ; Call of Rev. Amos Clarke 308 ; List of graduates 309 ; do. of Pastors 310 ; do. of Deacons id; do. Physicians 311 ; do. of Lawyers id; do. of Selectmen id ; do. of Town Clerks 316 ; do. of Representatives 317; Progress of population 318; Education 318; Geology id; Mineralogy 319; Lakes and Ponds 320; Springs id; Streams id; Meteorology id; Soil and productions 321; Manu- factures and Stores id ; Ancient Garrisons 222 ; Cemeteries id. III. OF THE HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. The situation and boundaries of the township 322 ; Its first settlement id ; Origin of the name of Jasper's Hill id ; History of the titles to the site of the village id. Indian name of "Winthrop's Lake 324 ; Indian claims extinguished id ; Incorporation of the town 325 ; Its size id ; First election of town officers id ; Resolve to build a meeting-house id ; Land given the town id ; The conditions of the grant id ; The common and graveyard liable to forfeiture id ; Gift of land for the first minister 226 ; Call of Rev. James Stone id ; Division of the town into school districts 327 ; Resolve to build three school-houses id ; Mt. Hillis Academy id ; W. part of the road from S. to the Cedar swamp vacated id ; Families in the S. W. part of the town annexed to Medway precinct id ; H. fined for not keeping a school id ; Meeting-house seated and the " seats dignified " id ; 4 men allowed pews 328 ; Great sickness id ; Officers of the army 330 ; Pastors id ; Graduates id ; Town Clerks 331 ; Representatives 332 ; Selectmen id ; Deacons 336 ; Population id ; Geology, Mineralogy and soil 337 ; Streams id ; Lakes, Cemeteries 338 ; Business id 339 ; Physicians 340 ; Lawyers id. PREFACE. The following Genealogies, originally prepared at different times, with variou degrees of minuteness and extent of research, and brought down to different dates were designed, and some of them proposed for insertion in the Genealogical Register This was°done under the impression that each article might appear continuously ii one vol. of that Periodical, and be as attracting and available as if published in an other form or connection. But on further information I find that the longer articles to gain admission, must be divided into several parts, inserted here and there, mixei with other historical and genealogical matter, and be delayed for a perilous time and even beyond the probable expectancy of life in some who have expressed mm interest in the publication. I have therefore decided to issue my collections in th following form, believing that this will prove more satisfactory than the one originall proposed. This change enhance:; the cost of publication without giving the subscribe an equal number of pages or amount of matter ; but this will be made up in th binding of the work, and, as it is hoped, in the greater satisfaction of finding, inserte continuously, in the same vol., not only the race, with which his name is arrangec but also, other cognate races through which in female lines he may derive his descer from other and different stocks. To those then who pledged their patronage to the other form of issue, will copie of this be forwarded at prices barely sufficient to cover the outlay, which has bee surprisingly great. This, if stated, all might not appreciate. Indeed, none but th experienced in this department of toil, perplexity and expense could be expecte to do so. But I have not labored without pay ; for the months and years of lonel seclusion devoted to the work have abounded with seasons of sweet communion wit departed worth, and delightful views of former days. Nor do # I send forth th humble and imperfect production without hopes of future reward ; for weak an treacherous as human gratitude is, I may gain her thanks from breasts where r< finement and humility dwell, for the introduction here given to forgotten ancestor honored of God in their day with a part in that mighty agency which is changin the condition of mankind and the aspect of the world ; to ancestors who cooperate to found the institutions in which we glory ; and who becpieathed to us an ope Bible and uncorrupted gospel, and followed us in their prayers which are no being answered in our happiest experience. Nor is this all. There is pleasure in the hope that useful history has bee snatched from oblivion, and landmarks pointed out for future and more successfi explorations ; that many will be moved to perfect and transmit their genealogy ; an that generations to come will be supplied with a Directory for finding their kindre of another sex, that they may decline alliances interdicted by nature and her Autho and be saved from the sin of defeating wholly or in part a chief object of the earthly mission. The Genealogies here presented are in all cases as complete to 1800 as the re< ords consulted, and far more so. Thousands of names are here recorded for th first time ; and thousands of others, on no public record, may yet be added in supple ments, if those noticing the omissions will report them. And are none of the: kindred or descendants interested to do so ? Will it not be an act of kindness t preserve evidence of their legitimacy ? and also of their descent from the remote: ancestor remembered ? The first edition of any Genealogical work is never withoi errors. This, with all the care I have le.-towed, must have them. These, it is hopec will be carefully and immediately pointed out in writing, that they may be hereafte corrected ; and as the Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Phipps and Sangc races arc designed to be continued, any of either of these races arc especially recpueste to report whatever needs correction or addition. ABNEIl MORSE. Sherboro, Middlesex Co.. Mass., Sept. 15, 1855. EXPLANATION. ( in the left of DBmes and next to the left hand margin are two columns of Arabic figures : the right band column consisting of running numbers, and the left hand of rring numbers. The latter, if before a father's name, (and then it is ever less than the No. to the right of it) refers back to the same figures in the column of run- oing Nos. where his name occurs as a child. If the referring No. is before a child's name, ( ami then it is always larger than the No. to the right,) it refers onward to the same ligurcs in the column of running Nos. where he occurs as a father. Names haying no referring Nos. before them, are either traced no further, or they have their i dants arranged immediately below their names. Dates following the names of wives without the word awe? intervening, refer to her. Numerical letters before the names of children denote their No., which must not be eunfounded with the running numbers in Arabic figures. These numerical letters are dropped when the child becomes a parent. Small figures after namesmark their generations, their Puritan ancestor being ac- counted the first. ? after a figure, denotes the reference not certain. '.'after a name, signifies that it is inferred from circumstantial evidence or doubtful records, or that it has not been traced. a. stands for aged, ab. " about, b. " born, bp. " baptized, Br. orbr." Brother, c. " corner, chh. church, ll. died, dg. daughter, f. father, fr. from, G. C. " General Court, G. S. " grave stone, gr. great, grd. grand, 11. llolliston, h. or bus." husband, 1. stands for lived, m. married, Med. " Medway, Medf. " Medfield, Mend. " Mendon, 0. T. " Old Tenor, pr. " probably, r. residence or resided at, rm. removed to, rs. resides at, sis. sister, red. received, S. Sherborn, urn. " unmarried, w. or wf. " wife, W.Sh. " West Sherborn, yg. " young. Initial letters are put for the names of places immediately after they have been spelled. The practice of double dating between Jan. 1st and March 25th, — thus 1675-6, until the introduction of N. S. in 1752, is retained to prevent confusion, and enable families to compare and correct their dates. X. B. Prior to 1752, the civil year began in March, which was called the first month, April 2d month, often expressed thus, — 25 (2) i. e. 25th day, 2d month. To render I >. S. into N. S., the first month must be accounted the 3d, and ten days bo ad. led to all dates between 1582 and 1700, and eleven days to dates between L700 and 1752. For the single year 1600, eleven days must be added. ADAMS. 1- 2l:p Qlbflttt, 1 the ancestor of a distinguished race by tbe name of Adams, came out of the marches of Wales, a frontier space on which English troops were accustomed to march to repress incursions, and cut off stragglers. 2. Sir John Ap Adam, 2 Kt., styled also Lord Ap Adam, who, as a baron of the realm, was according to Chs. F. Adams, of Bos., summoned to Parliament from 1296 to 1307. He m. Elizabeth, dg. of John, Lord Gourney of Bev- erston, Glocester county, and bad 3. Sir John Ap Adam, 3 who had Wm. Ap Adam, 4 who had Sir John Ap Adam, 5 who was the father of Tho. Ap Adam." 6. Tho. Ap Adam ,: m. Jane, dg. and heiress of Sir John Inge, by whom he had 7. Sir John Ap Adam/ Kt., who m. Milesent, dg. of Sir Matthew Besvlls, Kt., had 8. Sir John Ap Adam, 8 alias Adams,* who m. Clara, dg. and co-heir of Mr. Roger Powell, by whom he had 9. Roger Adams, ,J who m. Jane, dg, of Ellyott, and had 10. Tho. Adams, 10 who m. Marie, dg. of Upton, and had 11. John Adams, 11 who m. Jane, dg. of Mr. Rennelegh, and had 12. John Adams, 1 - who m. Catherine, dg. and heiress of Mr. Stebbing, and had 13. John, 13 who m. Margerye, dg. and heiress of Mr. Squire, and had 14. Richard, 14 who m. Margaret, dg. to Mr. Armager, and had 15. Wm. 1 "' who m. , dg. of Boringoton [Y] and had 1G. Henry Adams, 10 " who took his flight from the Dragon persecution, in Devon- shire? in England, and alighted with eight sons? near Mount Wolliston," formerly Braintree, now Quinsey. He d. 1 046 ; and when the ancient parch- ment from which the above has been taken, was discovered in England, his death was found entered with a date synchronizing with that on our records. He had 24. 17. i. Henry, 17 b. 1604. 52. 18. ii. Samuel, 17 Capt, d. 1666; s. at Chelmsford; was Commissioner, '67. 35. 19. in. Joseph, 17 m. Abigail Baxter. 20. iv. Thomas 17 settled at Chelmsford, was Commissioner for the court of C. '67. 29. 21. v. Peter. 17 41. 22. vi. Edward. 17 49. 23. vn. Jonathan. 17 23| viii. John, 17 who had a son Joseph, m. Margaret Eames, bad Daniel; ix. ? Christopher, 17 who was a petitioner for Warwick, with Henry, senr., Henry, jun., and brothers, in 1645, and who pr. returned to Engd. * 17. 24. Henry 17 Lt. removed from Braintree to Medfield in 1649, where he was Lt. of her training band, clerk of writs, representative 1659, '65, '74, and '75. His house was situated at the W. end of the town, near Clnrles R. He was the owner of several parcels of land in Medfield. In 1659 he drew 148 acres situated about midway between Medway village and the former S. line of Hoi., and extending from Black Swamp W. to tbe Pond road. Tn 1660 he purchased of Eleazer Lusher, of'Ded., his grant of 250 acres in Sherborn, with 12 acres of meadow, and was massacred by Indians at bis own door, Feb. 21, 1675-6. His estate was inventoried at £407.6.5. [SnfF. Prob.] He m. Elizabeth Paine, 17 (8) 1643, who was wounded in Rev. Mr. Wilson's chamber by the accidental discbarge of a musket ; and d. Feb. 29, 1675-6. He bad 1 2 A 1) A M S . 56. 24}. i Elea er, 5< 6) L644. ii. Jasper, June 23, ' 17, inherited land in Sherb. and d. an aged bachelor. in. Elizabeth, II. (9) '49, at Braintree, m. '68, Dea. John Harding. 63. 25. iv. J( !m, J I v 1 I. '■"<-. at Medfield ; v. Henry, also Jly 14, '52, d. Jl^ 10, '53. 26 vi M i 26, '54. 105. 27. vi.. Ilrnrv, Nov. 19, '57. 1 18. 28. vim. Samuel, Dec. 10, '62. 21. 29. lVtrr. :; Bettled in Medfield at the beginning of the town, and in 1G59 drew 101 acres in W. Med , the farm occupied by Joseph Curtis. It was ap- pra 23, 1090, at £12. [Surf Prob.] 120. SO. i. Peter Dea., 1653; ir. Hannah. '55 ; in. Mary, '61. 31. tv. Jona., '63 ; v. Ruth, '65. '■'•'J., vi. Joseph, '68, rni. to Canterbury. 38. \ir. Samuel Dock, who practised in Medfield. S I. viii. Henry, '7:!. I'.'. 35. Joseph, 17 in. Abigail Baxter, dg. of Geo. Baxter, r. and had at Braintree i. Hannah, 1652, m. S. Savill. 124. 36 ii. .Joseph, Oct. 21, L654, d. Feb. 12, 1736-7 m. Mary Cbapin, '82, d. '87, 2d, Hannah Bass, in. Abigail, ra. John Bass of li. 130. 37. iv. John, Capt. 1661, d. prior to 1712, ui. Hannah 2d, Hannah, dg. of Anthony Checkley, Esq., r. Bos. was master of a vessel; v. Bethia, 1661, in. John Webb, of Braintree. , 38. vi. Samuel, 1665 ; vii. Mary, 1667, m. Samuel Webb, 2d Samuel Bass. 149. 39. viii. Peter, 1669, m. Mary Webb, '95. 40. ix. Jonathan, 1671 ; x. Mehitable, 1078, m. Tho. White, of B. 22. 11. Edward, 17 m. Lydia , s. in Medfield ; drew lots as the lands were as- signed, and in 1659 a lot of 102 acres in W. Med. 2-3 m. N. of the Cong. t 'Mi. in W. Med , extending from the Old Pond Road W. to the old IIol. line, which seems to have been assigned to his son John. He had, I. Lydia, 1653. 12. n. Jonathan Dea., 1655. 57. 43. m. John, '57 ; iv. Elizabeth, '58 ; v. Sarah, '60. II vi. dames, '61, settled in Barrington, R I. 45. vn Henry, settled in Canterbury, pr. m. Patience , and had at Med. 1. David, 1692 ; 2. Hanlr, or Henry, '93; vm. Mehetabel, '65. 16. i\. Elisha, 'fltl, settled in Bristol, R. I. 47. .\. Edward, '68, s. at do. where, 1704, he executed a deed of land in Medf. 18 xi. Blisbib, said to have s. at Bristol; xn. Bethia, '71 ; xiii. Bethia, '72 ; xiv. Abigail, '74; xv. Miriam, '75. 28. 19. Jonathan 17 Dea. m. Elizabeth ; r. Medf'd, drew 84 acres in W. Med. '59, a few rods N. of his brother Edward's. His estate was invento- ried 1691, when he had land and buildings W. of Chs. R. ; he had i Elizabeth, 1606 ; n. Sarah, '67 ; in. Infant, '69 ; it. Jona. '70 ; v. Jona. '71 ; vi. Jasper, '73. 51. vn. Jona., 79 ; vm. Mary, 1681 ; ix. Lydia, 1689. 156 2. Samuel 17 settled in Chelmsford, and had — 53. i. Benj. ; 54. ii. Joseph. 2-H. 55. Eleazer, m. Elizabeth , r. Medfield, had i. Elizabeth, 1672; 56. ii. Eleazer, '73. 43. 57. 179. 58. 59. 181. 60. 1941 . 61 267. 62. 152. 63. ADAMS. 3 John, 18 m. Deborah, 2d Susanna, had at Medfield. t. Eil ward, 1682, 'who fir. R. I. sold land to John Richardson at Med. ii. John, '84. in. Daniel, '86. iv. Eleazer, '87. v. Obadiah. vi. Jona. 64. vn. Tho. by 2d wf. 1695, pr. s. in Amherst ; Tin. Susanna, '97. 65. ix. Jeremiah, '99, s in Brookfield. 66. x. Abraham, 1701, s. in do. ; xi. Bethia, '02, m. Tim. Stearns of Fram. '28. 228. 67. xii. Phineas, '05 ; xm. Hannah, '07 ; xiv. Esther. 25. 68. John, 18 m. Michael , and had at M. i. Samuel, 1684 ; n. Mary, '87 ; in. Patience, '90 ; iv. Ruth, '91 ; v. Jo- siab, '93 ; VI. John, '95 ; vn. Isaac, '97, m. ? Lydia , and had at Med. Haali, 1745; MoUy, '4G; Lydia, '49; vnr. Richard, '99; ix. Joshua, 1701 ; x. Abigail, '02 ; xi. Bethia, '04-5 ; XII. Michael, '06-7. 26. 75. Moses 13 probably inherited his father's land, in Sherborn, situated on Wennekecning Brook, and now in Hoi. He seems to have had his house lot of 20 acres assigned him on Chestnut Brook, where he undoubtedly lived. He was tythingman 1696, and selectman 1701, drew land in Douglas 1715, an.l d. 1724. He m. Lydia Whitney, b. Jly. 3, 1657, and d. May 27, 1724, dg. of Jona. W. of Watertown, by w. Lydia Jones, and had — 84. 80. i. Benoni, Nov. 3, 1681 ; n. Lydia, Feb. 2, '84, m. John Fisk, Jly. 31, 1706 ; in. Elizabeth, Sep. 18, '86, d. June 17, '89 ; iv. Hannah, Feb. 8, '88, d. Jly. 21, 1718, m. Nathl., Jan. 16, 1706; v. Elizabeth, Oct. 25, '89, m. Daniel Rider, May 16, 1711. 88. 81. vi. Moses, Nov. 26, '91, d. prior to 1730. 88£. 82. vn. James, Jly. 7, 1693. 91. 83. vin. Isa:c, Mar. 4, '95, d. June 5, 1730 ; ix. Abigail, Sept. 7, '97, m. Nathl. Perry. 80. 84. Benoni, 19 m. Mary, r. in Hoi. and drew land in Doug. 1715 and '30. 92. 85. i. Asa, Mar. 15, 1725. 86. ii. Daniel, Jan. 21, '27 ; in. David, Aug. 6, '29, d. Sept. 17, '29. 87. iv. Isaac, Dec. 15, '33 ; v. Sarah, Mar. 6, '35. 81. 88. Moses, 19 m. Deborah Sawin, Mar. 27, 1716, r. S. and had, i. Moses, Dec. 14, 1716, d. Dec. 17, '16 ; n. Moses, Feb. 27, '20, d. Sept. 4, '21 ; in. Moses, who d. Jly. 23, '50, a. 35, m. Lois Haven, Nov. '44, settled in Fram. and had Moses Rev. A. M. Oct. 16, '49, gad. '71, H. C.,s. at Acton, '77, m. Abigl. Stone, of Fram., and d. Oct. 13, 1819, the f. of Moses (Har. U. 1797,) Joseph, A. M.,(H. U. 1803,) and Josiah, A. M. (1801, H. U.,) a Lawyer at Fram. and author of the Genealogy of the Havens. 82. 88^. James, 19 m. Abigail Hill, dg. of John H , was selectman 1725, r. S.,had 94. 89. i. James, Mar. 13, 1714-15 ; n. Abigail, Mar. 3, 1717, m. Saml. War- field, Mendon, Mar. 13, '33 ; in. Elizabeth, Sep. 4, 1719, m. Elisha Rock- wood, of Groton ; IT. Hannah, Jan. 21, '23-4. 100. 90. v. Moses, Apl. 27, '26; vi. John, Sept. 8, '28, d. June 21, '44. 83. 91. Isaac, 19 m. Martha , who m. 2d Benj. Grpen, of Mend., Oct. 26, '33. Isaac had by her at Hoi., i. Martha, Jly. 10, 1723 ; n. P]lizabeth, Jan. 17, '24-5; in. Abigail, Mar. 4, '26-7 ; iv. Hepsebatb, June 8, '29. ADAMS. 86. 92. A -;: m. llmli Parker, June 29, 1740, and bad at H., i. Mary, Sept. 2, L750 ; ii. Asa, Jan. 25, '53 ; .,.; ,,,. ,\-i. \ , 6, ' >; iv. Ruth, June 19, '57; v. Lois, Jan. 31, 'GO. Mi. mi Jan ... ,,,. i:< I a, r. S. rm. Dublin, N. H. ; i. John, m. Mary Bobbins, Jan. 25, 177 1. r. Nelson,N. H.j n. Susanna, Sep. 20, 1740; in. Susanna, Feb. I:;. 'II -5; rv. James, Nov. 8, '40 ; v. Rebecca, Aug. 12, '48; vi. il, Aug. 2, '50 ; vn. Samuel, Dec. 30, '52 ; vui. Benoni, Dec. 31, '54; ix. Moses '.' , 90. in. L00. Moses, m. Ilepsebath Death, r. S. and Dublin, and pr. 2d Mary — [.John, Feb. 28, 1751-2, at S.;n. Ilepsebath, Dec. 8, '61, at S. ; Abigail, June 23, '65, at Dub. by 2d wife Mary; iv. Hannah, Feb. 8, '65; \. Moses, Nov. 10, 'G8; vi. James, Apl. 23, '70; vii. Samuel, Dec. 10, 73; mi. David, Apl. 2, '75; ix. David, Dec. 25,78; x. Jesse, Feb. 17, '81. *J7. 105. Henry, 1 " m. Prudence Frary, a woman of cherished memory, b. Aug 20, 1662, d. 1750, " having seen the 5th generation." She was the daughter of John P. of Medf , by w. Elizabeth (Adams) Harding, and the niece of Dea. Theophilus F. of Boston, Lt. and commissary in Philip's war. They had i. Prudence, 19 Apl. 10, 1683. m. Joseph Morse, of Sberb., Apl. 14, 1702, and was the great grandmother of my father, who well remembered her, and handed down a high character of her. She d. Feb. 23, 1772. Her remains were exhumed, 1854, and reintered with those of ber husband and his father, Cpt. Joseph M., and mother, Mehetabel Wood, in the central ceme- tery in Hull. ii. Hannah, 1685. 109. 106. in. Tho., I9 lG88. 111. 107. iv. Jeremiah, 19 '91 ; v. Elizabeth, '93 ; vi. Sarah, '97. 114. 108. mi. Henry/ 1 1702. 106. 109. Tho. 19 m. Mary, r. Medf. i. Mary, 1711; n. Hannah, 1712; in. M.ny, 1714; iv. Tho., 20 1725, d. Jly. 13, 1811, a. 86, the father of Mrs. Hannah Adams," 1 the historian. 107. 111. Jeremiah, 19 m. Rebecca, 2d Elizabeth, r. Medway. 233. 112. i. Elisha, Esq., 1719, ; n. Elizabeth, 1728, ; in. Enos, 1733, at M. 108. 114. Henry, 13 Esq., m. Jemima Morse, dg. of Hon. Joshua M., of Medfield, and sister of Rev. Dr. Ebenezer M., of Boylston, r. Medfd., had : 234. 115. i. Amos"" A. M. Rev., Sep. 1, 1728, m. Elizabeth Chauncey, dg. of the eminent Rev. Dr. Cbs. C, of Boston, and 2d Mrs. Abigail Moars, Feb. 15, 177"; settled as pastor of the. 1st cbh. in Roxb. ; was an impressive preacher and an accomplished scholar ; wrote much, and published 2 vols, oc- tavo of his discourses. He d. Oct. 5, 1775. (See Elliot's Biog. Die.) ii. Sarah, Dec. 30, 1730; in. Elizabeth, Sept. 21, '32; iv. Enoch, June 4, '34, d. Jly. 9, 1811, m. Eunice Wight; v. Elizabeth, Aug. 1, '36, d. Dec. 11, 1822, m. Oliver Adams, of Med. ; vi. Jemima,Apl. 11, '40, d. Oct. 27, 1814, m. Joseph Lovell, Esq., of Med.; vn. Lydia, Nov. 25, '41, m. Dea. Wm. Parkman, of Townsend, '66; vui. Elijah, Esq., Nov. 14, '43, d. Apl. 4, 1823, m. Cheney; ix. Keziah, March 30, '47, d. Apl. 7, 1812, m. Doct. Isaac Holt, of Killingly, Ct. ; x. Sophia, March 3, '49, d. Apl. 14, 1826, m. Dea. Esek Marsh, of Holl. ; xi. Henry, Aug. 11, '54, d. Dec. 28, 1758. 28. 118. Samuel, ra. Mary, had at Medfd., i. Joshua, 1710. ADAMS. O 80. 120. Peter Dea. m. , had at Med., i. Rachel, 1680. 136. 121. ii. Joseph, settled in Mcdway ; in. Peter, 1684, settled in Franklin; iv. Ebenezer, 1693 ; v. Joseph and Catherine; vi. Experience, 1695-6, d. Mar. 25, 1731, in. Samuel Daniel, of Med. 234^.123. vii. George, 1699, settled at Med. 36. 124. Joseph, m. Mary Chapin, 2d Hannah Bass, prior to 1688 r. Braintree, had i. Mary, 1683, m. Ephro. Jones, of B. ; II. Abigail, 1684, m. Seth Chapin, of Mendon. 138. 125. in. Joseph, Bev. A. M., June, 1688, (H. C. 1710,) d. Msy 20, 1784, r. Newington, N. H. 142. 126. iv. John Dea, 1691, d. May 15, 1761, m. Susanna Boylston,d. May 25/61. 127. v. Samuel, '94, m. Sarah Payne. 237. 128. vi. Josiah, '96, m. Hanh. Thompson, and s. at Mendon ; vn. Hannah, '98, m. Benj. Owen, of Braintree ; vm. Ruth, 1700, m. Rev. Nathan Webb, of Uxb. ; ix. Bethia, 1702, m. Ebenezer Hunt, of "Weym. 146. 129. x. Ebenezer, Cpt., '04, s. in Lunenburg. 37. 130. John, Cpt., m. Hanh. , 2d, Hannah Checkley, r. Boston, had i. Hannah, Jan. 24, 1685, m. Samuel Holbrook of Bos. [See Holbrooks, Pt. 1, Ch. 1, No. 53.] ii. John, Sept. 28, '87, pr. the f. of John, jun., who m. Elizabeth Holbrook, of Bos., 1759. [Id. No. 70.] 147. 132. hi. Samuel, Esq., May 12, '89,; iv. Joseph, Dec. 20, '95 ; v. Mary, Dec. 20, '95, m. Samuel Jones, of Bos. ; vi. Tho., Mar. 29, 1701 ; vn. Abijah, May 11, 1702, m. Deb. Cutler. 121. 136. Joseph, m. Mary, and had at Med. (did he rm. to Chemsford ?) i. Mary, 1705; n. Joseph, 1707; in. Rachel, 1709; iv. Hannah, 1711 ; v. Ruth, 1712 ; vi. Experience, 1716 ; vn. Abigail, also 1716. 125. 138. Joseph, Rev. A. M. m. r. Newington ; had i. Benj. ; n. Joseph, M. D.; 141. in. Ebenezer. " Of this family is the inventor of the famous Adams Printing Press." 126. 142. John, m. Susanna Boylston, r. Braintree ; had, i. John, LL. D., the 2d President of U. S. ; n. Elihu, who settled at Brain- tree ; in. Peter, Esq., who s. at Boylston and Braintree. 129. 146. Ebenezer 19 Cpt., m. Anne Boylston, r. Braintree, had i. Peter 20 ; n. Ann 20 ; in. Boylston 20 ; iv. Ebenr. 20 ; v. Rev. Zabdiel, 20 of Lunenburgb, b. at B., Nov. 5, 1739, d. Mar. 1, 1801 ; vi. Micajah. 20 132. 147. Samuel, Esq., m. Mary Fyfield, Apl. 12, 1713, r. Bos., had 148. Samuel Adams, the Patriot and Gov. of Mass. 39. 149. Peter, m. Mary Webb, r. Braintree, had i. Peter ; n. Jedediah, A. M., Rev., settled in Stoughton, and bad Peter, Esq., of Stough. 63. 152, Jona. m. Dorcas, had at Med., i. Isaac, 1719; (did he rm. to Dublin?) ii. Mary, 1722; in. Keziab, '25; iv. Silas, '28; v. Lydia, '31; vi. Joel, '33 ; vn. Keziah, '35 ; 229. 155. vm. Jona., '37. 51. 156. Jona. ? m. Tbamezin Sheffield, dg. of Wm. S. sen., b. May 25, 1673; i. Thamezin, 1699; n. Hannah, 1701; 159. 157. in. Ezekiel, '05; iv. Jona., Cpt. '09. 6 ADA M S 157. 159. Ezekiel, m. Bethia', r. Med. ; i. Benoni, 1730 ; n. Thamerson, '31 ; in. Ezekiel, '35, at Med. ; iv. Nathan? at Medf. ; v. Ezekiel?; vi. Gershoni ? 158. 104. Jona., Opt. m. Patience , r. Med. ; i. Rachel, 1733 : 100. 105. ii. Oliver, '38. 105. 100. Oliver, m. Elizabeth Adams, r. Med. ; i. Jona., 1701 ; n. Oliver, '02 ; 171. 109. m. Jasper, '07; 174. 170. iv. Silvanus, '09 ; v. Elizabeth, '73 ; m. Edward Clcaveland, of Charlton ; vi. Anm. m. Joseph Richardson. 109. 171. Jasper, m. Anna, r. Med. ; i. Jasper, D. D., Aug. 27, 1793, who was prof, of lin. in B. IT., pres. of Genev. Col., author of a treatise on Politic. Economy, and d. in S. C. ; n. Elizabeth ; in. Bowen, resides in S. ; iv. Julia (d.,) m. Horatio Mason, Esq., of Med. 170. 174. Silvanus, m. B.uth, r. Med. ; i. Fanny, 1794; n. Walter, '99; in. Jo- soph, 1808; iv. Silvanus, 1807; v. John", 1813. 58. 179. Edward, said to have settled in Milton ? i. Edward, settled in Milton ; ii. John, do. do. ; in. Seth, do. do. ; 00. 181. Daniel, m. Sarah, r. W. Med.; 182. i. Benj. ; n. Deborah, 1717; in. Sarah, '19; iv. Elizabeth, '20; 243. 183. v. Daniel, '24; Daniel was of Bane, and had John '05, and Tim. 71; 180. 184. vi. Tho., '2G; vn. Ruth, '29; m. Benj. Rockwood. 192. 185. vni. Moses, '31 ; ix. Abigail, '30 ; m. Abraham Harding, r. Bent, Med. ; x. Tabitha, '38; m. John Littleneld, of Hoi. 184. 180. Tho. m. Abigail, 2d Mary, r. Med. ; i. Daniel, 1750, s. in Rutland ; ii. Molly. '51 ; in. Sybil, '53 ; iv. Asa, '57, s. in Rutland, and rm. to Eden, Vt. ; v. Tho., Capt., '59. 188. 190. Asa, m. Abigail, r. Med. ; i. Elijah, 1777 ; n. Asa, '79. 189. 191. Thos., Capt., m. Susanna, 2 Meletiah, r. Med. ; sold the homestead where Malichi Bullard, Esq., resides, ab. 1803, and rm. to Barre ; I. Tho. 1779; ii. Amos, 1779 ; in. Hannah, '81 ; iv. Susanna, '83 ; v. A.very, '85 ; vi. Polly, '89; vn. Sibil, '87, m. Strickling; vni. Patridge, '91 ; ix. Betsey, '93 ; x. Amos, '94 ; xi. Nancy, '97. 185. 192. Moses, Capt , m. Rachel Leland, inherited the homestead on Chicken Brook, in W. Med., had. ; i. Hepsebath, 1758 ; n. Rhoda, '01 ; in. Mary, '07 ; iv. Rachel, '09 ; v. Ruth, '72 ; 194. 193. vi. Aaron, Capt. 193. 194. Aaron, Cpt., m. Cate, inherited the homestead ; i. Moses, 1798 ; n. Si- lence, 1800 ; in. Aaron, 1801 ; iv. Elizabeth, '03 ; v. Joanna, '05 ; vi. Catherine, '07. 01. 1941. Eleazcr, m. Margaret, r. Med.; i. Benj. 1715; n. Margaret, '17; 198. 195. in. Eleazer, '20; iv. Mary, '22; v. Seth, '30; vi. Lois, '32; 200. 197. vn. John, r. at Brookfield, returned to M. 195. 198. Eleazer, m. Bathsheba, s. in Holl. ; I. Bathsheba, Feb. 18, 1745-6; n. Thankful, June 4, '48 ; in. Zachariah, June 3, '50 ; iv. Eleazer, Sept. 11, '51 ; v. Ithamer, Sept. 11, '54; A 1) A M S . ( •203. 199. vi. Eliakim, (jieu.,June 13, '5(5; 1205. 200. vn. Timothy, 1758 ; 204. 201. viii. Titus, also 17-)8; ix. Philimon, 1760. 199. 203. Eliakim, Gen., m. Bathsheba Metcalf, 2d Han'h (Plympton) Bullard ; I. Eliakim 1780 ; n. Elephas, '82 ; in. Christopher, '84; iv. Bathsheba, '86 ; v. Eliakim, '88; vi. Sabra, '90; vn. Polly, '93; viii. Metcalf, 94; ix. Almira, 1802, by 2d w. ; x. Wales Hn., r. Hog Creek, Mich. 201. 204. Titus, m. Anna Johnson, r. Barre, d. in Med. ; i. Lavina, Feb. 23, 1780; ii. Eleazer, Dec. 29, '83; in. Anna, Jan. 14, '87; iv. Levi, Jan. II, '89 ; v. Susanna, Nov. 25, '90 ; vi. Charlotte, Aug. 31, '95 ; vn. Elea- zer, Apl. 28, '97 ; Tin. Tho. J., 1801. 200. 205. Timothy, m. Mary, r. Hoi.; I. Ithamer, Oct. 30, 1784; n. Olive, June 8, '86; in. Olive, July 13, '88 ; iv. Timothy, Nov. 4, '90 ; v. Henry, Jan. 10, '93; vi. Rhoda, Oct. 8, '94, m. Tho. Dickenson; vi. Eleazer P., Auc 21, '98. 197. 206. John, m. Clark, 2d Zilpha Daniels, r. Brookfield and Med. ; i. John, ii. James, in. Joel, iv. Jude, v. Pbineas; vi. Elias ; 235. 206^. vn. Hezekiah, (Kiah) inherited his homestead in Med. ; vm. Lydia; ix. Peggy ; x. Patty, by 2d wife ; xi. Eleazer. 62. 207. Obadiah, m. Christian Sanford, of Mendon, Apl. 24, 1716, and s. near wid. Abigail Adams, on W. side of Chicken Brook, § in. N. of W. Med. chh. ; 208. i. David, 1715, s. in Spencer; n. Abigail, '17; 214. 209. in. Obadiah, '21; 215. 210. iv. Nathan, '23 ; 227. 211. v. Jesse, '27 ; 226. 212. vi. Stephen, '29, s. where wid. Abigail Jl.,ts. W. of Chicken Brook ; vn. Christian, '32; vm. Hepsebath, '35 ; ix. Jemima, '37; x. Amos, r. Spen. 209. 214. Obadiah, settled in Bellingham, and had 242. 214^. i. Amos, who had Amos, David, Joseph and Allison ; II. Silas, who had Levi, Joel and Lewis; in. Samuel, who had Daniel, Obadiah, John, Samuel, William, and Silas. 210. 215. Nathan, m. Keziah Thompson, and inherited the homestead £ m. S. of late Obadiah Adams, in W. Med., and had 221. 216. i. Issacher, m. Mille Alden, s. in Hubbardston ; 222. 217. ii. Nathan, 1751, m. Molly Adams, s. in Barre; 223. 218. in. Elijah, 1753, m. Elizabeth Morse, s. in Hubbardston ; 224. 219. iv. Obadiah, '58, (d. Jan. 1, 1823) m. Abigail Harding, r. Med. ; 225. 220. -v. Beuben, '60, m. Azuba Jones, r. Hub. 216. 221. Issacher, m. Millicent Alden, brought up by Eleazer Adams; i. Issa- cher, r. Jeffery ; n. Moses, r. Jeffery ; in. John, r. Hubbardston ; IV. Oba- 1 diah, r. passim ; v. Huldah ; vi. Olive ; vn. Sally. 217. 222. Nathan, m. Mary Adams, had at Barre, i. Keziah, July 7, 1773 ; it. Nathan, Oct. 12, '76, d. yg. ; in. Polly ; iv. Ruth; v. Lucinda, d. yg. 218. 223. Elijah; i. Abner, r. W. Brattleboro' ; n. Elisha, r. Hubbardston. 219. 224. Obadiah ; i. Persis, 1780 ; n. Keziah, '83, m. 1st Daniel Miller, and O ADA M S . 2d Isaac Kibby; in. Israel, '85, m. Polly Johnson, and had 1. Polly, 1810, 2. Willard II, '14; iv. Abigail, '87; v. Obadiah, '89, ra. Mary Johnson, from Worccs., had 1. Susan, 1817, 2. Roxana, '20; vi. Candice, '92. 220. 225. Reuben, m. Azubah Jones, r. Hub.; i. Cate ; n. Simeon; in. Persis; iv. Keziah; v. Lucinda ; vi. Enoch; vn. Sampson, who with his father rm. to Westminster. 212. 226. Stephen, m. Mary ; I. Sarah, 1773, m. Jesse Coombs, of Bell. ; n. Ezra, '75, m. Abigail Patridge, had Cyrus, Stephen, Ezra ; in. Stephen, 1776, m. Catherine Patridge, dg. of Joel of Med., by w. Waitstill Morse ; iv. Jotham, '78, r. Med., had 7 or 8 chd. ; v. Eli, '79, m. Esther Harding, r. Readfield, Me. ; had Elizabeth ; Abraham, rs. Pawtucket ; Esther m. Dea. Horace Patridge, rs. Hoi. ; Albert, rs. Cambridge ; Asa, rs. Milton ; Amos, rs. E. Wareham ; vi. Mary, '81, m. Moses Hill, of Bell. ; vn. Christian, '83, d. urn. ; vin. Laban, Feb. 27, '85, d. 1819, at Bos. He built and kept the Adams House in B., m. Catherine Johnson, dg. of David J. of Chester, Vt., by w. Ede Bullard, dg. of Nathan B. by w., Ede Patridge, dg. of Jas. P. of Med. 211. 227. Jesse is supposed to have settled in Holl., and to have had Jesse, who inherited his farm, m. Thankful Watkins, and had I. Levi, Oct. 23, 1773, kept a tavern on the turnpike 1 m. W. of W. Med. meeting-house, and left a bequest of $5000 to the chh. and cong'n who worship there ; n. Abigail, Nov. 20, '75, m. Warren Cushing; in. Hannah, Jan. 29, '78; iv. Huldah, m. Sol. Cushing; v. Resigned, May 14, '80 ; vi. David, May 20, '81, r. Bos. 67. 228. Phineas, m. Sarah Kingsbury, at Needh. Sep. 30, 1731, 2d Mehetabel, and had in Med. i. Sarah, 1733 ; n. Mary, '35 ; in. Phineas, m. Patience, and had Asahel, 1781 ; Phineas, '90 ; Patience, '92 ; Willard, June 19, '94 ; Lowell, Eeb. 21, '96, at H. ; vi. Moses, '38 ; v. Hannah, '42. 158. 229. Jona., m. Catherine, pr. 2d w. Ama, r. Med. ; i. Thankful, 1760; 231. 230. n. Micha, '62; in. Silas, '65, m. Lois , and had i. Joseph, 1788, and by 2d w., Patience , he had n. Silas, 1794 ; in. Jona., '97 ; iv. Samuel, 1804 ; iv. Catherine, '71 ; -v. Moses, 74 ; vi. ? Patience, 1781 ; vn. ? Jona., '86. 230. 231. Micha, m. Mercy, had at Med. i. Joel, 1791 ; n. Rebecca, '92 ; in. Nabby, '94 ; iv. Edward, '98 ; v. John, 1800 ; vi. Patty, 1804, d. 1805 ; vn. Mary, 1807. 183. 132. Daniel, m. Silence, had at Med. i. Horatio, 1777 ; m. Elizabeth , and had at Med. i. Charlotte, 1805; n. Elisha, 1,809; in. Silence, '12; iv. Emily, '14 ; v. Hepsebath, '13. 112. 233. Elisha, 20 Esq., m. Rachel, had at Med. i. Abigail, 1744 ; n. Daniel 20 Rev., 1747, d. Sep. 16, '78, at Watertown, red. A. B. at Har. Col. 1774, ord. at W. Apl. 29, '78 ; had Daniel, Mar. 26, '79, posthumous, who became a lawyer at Medfield, and d. there ab. 1853. 115. 234. Rev. Amos 20 A. M., who was ordained at Roxb. Sept. 12, 1753, had by wife Elizabeth Chauncey, i. Elizabeth, 21 b. Aug. 2, 1754, and received to the chh. May 24, 1772, m. Rev. John Bullard, of Pepperill ; n. Amos, Nov. 3, '55; in. Henry, June 29, '58; iv. Chs.. Jan. 16, '60; v. Amos, Dec. 25, '62 ; vi. Tho., bap. Jly. 8,'64 ; vn. Joseph, Jly. 12, '67. ADAMS. 9 123. 2341. George, m. Sarah, had at Med. I. Silence, 1724 ; n. Elizabeth, '26 ; in. Rachel, '28 ; iv. Sarah, '30 ; v. Experience, '32. 206^ 235. Hezekiab, m. and had in Med. i. Seigniora, 1796 ; n. Juliann, '98 ; in. Landen, 1801 ; iv. Hiram, '03 ; v. Rhoda M., '05 ; vi. Laura, '08 ; vn. Silvena, '10. 128. 237. Josiah, who settled at Mendon, was pr. the father of i. Josiah, who m. Sarah , and had at Mendon, i. Bethia, 1751 ; 211. 238. n. Joseph, Doct, 1754, m. Sarah ■ , had at Mendon, i. John, Jan. 30, 1779, and Sally, Sept. 11, '80 ; in. John ; iv. Sally, Apl. 1, '59 ; v. Bethia, April 9, '62 ; vi. Benj., Dec. 18, '04 ; vn. Seth, Jan. 2, '68. 238. 241. Joseph, m. Sarah, r. Mend., had i. John ; n. Sally ; in. Mary, Mar. 26, '83 ; iv. John, Jan. 29, '85, m. Sylvia , and had Sylvia July 2, 1806 ; v. Betsey, Sep. 2, '87 ; vi. Samuel Smith, Dec. 20, '89 ■ vn. Abigail, Apl. 10, '92 ; vni. Seth Bead, Mar. 6, '96, m. Charlotte , and had Saml. Wash., Dec. 18, 1820. 214^. 242. Amos had i. Allison, who m. Asenath , and had at Mend. i. Sally, Oct. 25, and d. Dec. 17, 1820; n. James, Feb/6, 1822. 183. 243. Daniel, m. , settled in Barre, and had i. Peter, who r. in Oak- ham ; n. Daniel, who s. on a part of the homestead in B. ; in. Luther, who s. on do. in B. ; iv. John, m. Anna Kelley, r. Eden, Vt, had Timothy, Aug. 10, 1789, m. Roxana Harrington, rs. Hoi., had Timothy H. Aug. 26, 1832, rs. um. in H. ; v. Timothy, who r. in Athol or Royalston. Jonathan Adams, born at Quincy 1752-6, settled in H., m. Jemima Hill 1776, and died in Med., aged almost 100 years, — a man of a charitable spirit and very great moral worth. He had in Hoi. i. Abner, Jan. 19, 1777 ; n. Cate, Jan. 10, '79 ; in. Jona , May 25, '81 ; iv. Luther, Jan. 22, '84 ; v. Lemuel, June 5, '88 ; vi. Nancy, Feb. 21, '91 ; vn. Wm, b. ab. '93, m. Ruth Shumway, and r. Med. ; vni. Moses, Aug. 26, '95 ; ix. Mimie, Oct. 18, '97 ; x. More, Sept. 23, '99. Win. Adams, of Mendon, (pr. s. of James No. 44, or Elishib No. 48,) a proprietor of lands on Casco Bay, Me. forfeited to his heirs thro' neglect, d. in a fit at Medfield, ab. 1725, leaving children in their minority. His wife Joanna probably deceased before him. They had I. Wm., b. Sep. 19, 1719, who pr. was brought up in Hopk. ; n. James, June 6, 1721, who do. do., m. Elizabeth, and had at HolL, i. Daniel Emerson, Feb. 24, 1772 ; in. Elia- shib, June 9, 1723, who was brought up in Natick by Saml. Perry [No. 90,] settled on the S. W. side of Peter's Hill, in S., m. Hannah Morse, gru". dg. of Oapt. Joseph M. and had i. Mary, June 3, 1750, d. Sep. 8, '51 ; ii. Elisha? m. Sarah AVatkins, b. Aug. 6, 1757, dg of Andrew W. by w. Thankful Morse, had i. James, Oct. 14, 1780 ; s. in Hopk. ; in. Asa, b. ab. 1757, m. Elizabeth Kimball, had at S., i. Chs. Jly. 24, '85, drowned at Nahant um. ; n. Asa, Jly. 9, '87, d. yg. ; in. Sally, Nov. 7, '92 ; iv. Hannah, bap". Feb. 22, '95 ; iv. Wm., m. Persia Ware, Jan. 1, '80, who was b. Aug. 12, 1761, sis. of Rev. Dr. W. settled at West Sherbom, where Tim. Twitchel resides ; sold and rm. with his father to Hopk. He had i. Sally, Mar. 2, 1781 ; II. Henry, Aug. 29, '82, r. Orange ; in. Patty, Dec. 20, '84, ra. James Hill; iv. Polly, Ju. 14, '87, um. ; v. John, Feb. 16, '92, rs. Littleton ; vi. Avery, Dec. 20, '94, committed suicide ; vn. •> 10 ABBY, ALBY, ALLEN, ALVERSON, BACON, BADCOCK. Wm. Sept. 23, 1803, m. and d. without issue ; v. James, Oct. 8, 1767, d. Jly, 9, 1808, m. Lucy Heart, r. S., and had i. Cate, Mar. 14, 1790, m. Amasa Hawkins r. S. ; n. Betsey, Aug. 12, '91 j d. Sept. 18, '91 ; in. Polly, r. blind and deaf at. S. Obadiall Abby had at Holl., by w. Jane ' , i. Jane, July 14, 1734. i p i» i Benj. Alby, one of the first petitioners for Sherborn, was of Braintree, and does not appear to have ever been permanently settled here. He probably s. in Mendon, now Bell. A Benj. Alby was one of 7 members to constitute the Baptist chh. at Swanzy, at its organization in 1663. Nehemiah Allen, pr. the son of Nath'l Allen, in whose right land was as- signed in Doug., 1730; had by w. Mary , at S., i. Timothy, Sept. 5, 1723; ii. Nehemiah, July 22, '24; ill. Hannah, July 29, '25; iv. Eli- phalet, Aug. 24, '27 ; v. Nehemiah, Oct. 17, '29 ; vi. John, Feb. 13, '31-2 ; vii. Jacob, Feb. 24, '33-4 ; vm. Abel, Feb. 20, 35-6 ; ix. Mary, Apl. 16, '38; x. David, Dec. 23, '39; xi. Abigail, Dec. 23, '41. Seth Allen, w. Elizabeth, d. Nov. 11, 1767, 2d w. Mary Treadway, m. Apl. 27, 'G9 ; had at Holl. i. Samuel, Mar. 17, 1755, m. Mary Harwood July 30, '72; ii. Ebenr., Mar. 19, '58, m. Esther , and had Millery, Dec. 28, '80; in. Amos, Jan. 23, '63 ; iv. Chloe, June 12, '60 ; v. Jona., June 18, '72; vi. Seth, Mar. 14, '74, m. Sally Curtis, and had Emeline, m. Asa Sanger, r. S. ; Wm., m. Mary Heminway, r. H., and 8 other chd. ; vii. John, Nov. 8, '78, d. Jan. 25, '80 ; vm. Dolly, Apl. 9, '80, d. um., burnt to death at Milf. ; ix. Henry, rs. Philada. Simeon AlverSOn had at Holl. by w. Eunice , d. Oct. 12, 1780, i. Mary, Apl. 11, 1774 ; n. John, March 11, '79. Dexter Amsden, fr. abroad, s. in S., on the N. part of the ancient Holbrook farm, near the S. line of the old Leland place — having bought the same of Simon Mason, who bought it of the sons of Tim. Daniels, who bought it of Bedlow, fr. Weym., who purchased it of the last Holbrook, who inherited it. Joseph. Bacon, w. Abigail, occupied and sold to Ezra or Joseph Holbrook the place now Opt. Jacob Pratt's, and had Charlotte, Jan. 25, 1769 ; Arna, Jan. 16, '71 ; Joseph, June 19, '74 ; Abigail, May 12, '76. Robert BadCOCk, from Milton, was in S. Jan. 4, 1674-5, acting as a com- moner, and was chosen on a committee to treat with Capt. Gookin, &c, for an exchange of S. for Natick lands. His location here has not been ascer- tained. He pr. returned to Milton, or d. soon after. 1. Ebenezer Badcock, was baptized at Dorchester, 5 (5) 1663, the son of Robert B., and pr. the gr. £rd. s. of James B., who was born in Essex Co., Eng., 158-, removed with the Pilgrims to Holland, and came in the ship Anne to Ply- mouth in 1623. Eben'r B. had a home lot assigned him Mar. 8, 1696, on the "W. side of W. Sherborn Meadow, where Wm. Leland resides ; m. Han- nah£«*»d* was selectman 1711 ; drew land in Doug. 1715, and d. Dec. 15, 1717. He had i. Abigail, Mar. 5, 1686, d. June 28, 1740, m. John Le- BADCOCK, BAKER. 11 land ; n. Hannah, Sept. 28, 1690 ; in. Hannah, Mar. 25, '91 ; m. 1st Benj. Learned, and 2d Eleazer Eider ; 3. 2. iv. Ebenezer, Sept. 4, '97, d. Mar. 27, 1730-1. 2. 3. Ebenezer inherited the homestead in S., drew land in Doug. 1730, m. Abi- gail Leland, gr. grd. dg. of his grd. aunt, the -wife of Henry Leland, scn'r, of S., and had i. Hannah, Apl. 27, 1723, d. Nov. 23, '28 ; n. Mary, Feb. 28, '24-5, m. Ephm. Perry ; m. Abigail, June 23, '27, m. John Sawin, r. Natick. 5. 4. iv. Maliehi, Sept. 22, '29, d. Jly. 7, 1806. 4. 5. Maliehi, m. Mary Holbrook, May 1,1755, inherited the homestead in S. Was selectman 1771, and had i. Hannah, Nov. 8, 175G, m. Stephen Pren- tice of S. it. Ebenezer, Jly. 20, '58, d. Mar. 24 1815 ; in. Amos, Apl. 11, '60, m. Betty Gardner, 2d Wid. Bichardson, r. Princeton; iv. Maliehi, Apl. 28, '62, m. Anna Bullard, red. to the chh., and had Harriot, bap. May 13, '92; v. Mary, June 30, '64; m. Bela Greenwood, r. Dublin. 13. 3. vi. Moses, Col., Jan. 8, '67 ; vin. Abigail, Apl. 25, '69, m. Joel Kendall, of Marl. r. Dublin; ix. Sarah, Oct. 4, '71, m. Azariah Ware, r. Newton, Barre ; x. Anne, Mar, 11, '74, m. Peter Bullard. of S. Worces. and Barre ; xi. Persis, Oct. 7, 76, m. Benj. Bullard of S. 10. Ebenezer, May 20, 1785, m. Bhoda Woodard, who d. Dec. 14, 1840, a. 74, r.S. i. Caroline, Mar. 1, 1786, d. Feb. 26, 1833, no. Cyrus Barbour of War- wick ; n. Patience, Apl. 11, '88, at Dublin, m. Moses Leland, Oct. 25, 1807, r. Templeton ; in. Anna, Feb. 25, '91, at D., m. Henry Patridge, r. Medfield ; iv. Ebenezer, May 15, '93, at D., m. Sylvia Jennings, 2d Mary Whitney, r. Walpole ; v. Sylvia Dec. 22, '98, at S., m. Joseph B. Flaggof S. ; vi. Mary, Dec. 17, 1802, at S., m.Tho. Bisphan, r. Natick ; vn. Mali- ehi, Dec. 17, 1802, m. Sally Kiruball, r. S. 9. 13. Moses, Col., m. Aug. 22, 1780, Betsey Leland, 2d Sarah Perry, r. S.,had i. Becca, Jan. 4, 1790, m. Luther Leland of S. 18. 14. n. Amory, Dec. 13, '93, m. Kebecca Dowse ; in. Dexter, Aug. 22, '96, m. Mary Hancock, rs. Bos. ; iv. Lowell, Alar. 18, 1801, m. Thankful San- ger, rs. Med. ; v. Mosea, Nov. 21, '06, m. Rhoda Carlton, r. Chs. T. ; vi. Rebecca E., Sep. 7, '12, m. Chs. Bigelow, r. S. ; vn. Moses C, Feb. 18, '14, m. Persis W. Hill, r. S. ; vin. Caroline, Sept. 18, '17, m. Henry W. Bullard, r. S. 14. 18. Amory, w. Rebecca Dowse, r. S. had i. Rufus Leland, June 30, 1825, d. Sept. 19, '25 ; n. Amory Leland, Nov. 15, '26, r. um. at S.. a naturalist and taxidermist ; in. Eliza Dowse, Nov. 12, '29, m. John U. Morse. 39. Rev. Daniel Baker, m. Mary Quincy, dg. of Hon. Edmund Q., whose distinguished race are sure of renown while New Eng. His. lasts. Mrs. Mary d. and Mr. B m., 2d, Rebecca Smith, and had Elizabeth, Mar. 16, 1715-16; Rebecca, May 2, 1721, by 2d w. ; Daniel, Dec. 8, 1722, who d. yg. The following notice is from No. 1425, fur May 20, 1731, of the Bos. News Letter : " Sherborn, May 14, 1731. Died here, the reverend and worthy Mr. Daniel Baker, pastor of this church, in the forty-fifth year of his age. He was born in Ded- ham, of religious and worthy parents ; had his education at Harvard College, in Cambridge, N. E. ; was ordained in the year 1712, assistant to the reverend and valuable Mr. Daniel Gooken, late pastor of this church. He married two worthy 12 IULL, BANCROFT, BARBOUR. and virtuous gentlewomen. The first was Mrs. Mary Quincy, of Braintree, by whom he had one daughter, yet surviving ; the other Mrs. Rebecca Smith, of Boston, now his mournful widow, by whom he had several children, one of which only survives. He was a gentleman of bright natural parts, much improved by acquired knowledge, very pathetical in prayer, orthodox and powerful in preaching, tender of his flock and congregation, having always the cause of God and religion much at heart. His church increased greatly under his ministry. He was exercised with much afHic : tion, under which his patience and resignation were very signal, and notwithstand- ing which, he was very pleasant and affable in conversation. In his latter years he has been attended with uncommon indisposition of body, which, growing upon him, frequently interrupted him in, and sometimes wholly incapacitated him for, his work ; and at length had so much the mastery of him, as entirely to deprive him of the power of speech some days before his death. As he was much esteemed and beloved by his people in his life, so his death is much lamented by them and all that knew him. He was decently interred the 17th instant." The following extract from the Gen. Court records is illustrative of the care shown for his family : — " Veneus Die, 28 January, A. D., 1731. A petition of Rebecca Baker, widow, and relict of the Reverend Mr. Daniel Baker, late of Sherborn, in the county of Middlesex, clerk, deceased, in behalf of herself, and as guardian to the said de- ceased's daughter Rebecca, a minor, and of Edmund Quincy, Esq., guardian and next friend to Elizabeth, a minor, another of the said deceased's daughters, praying that they may have liberty (under such restrictions as are necessary and have been usual in such cases) to make sale of all or so much of the said deceased's real estate, as the Court, or such person or persons as they shall appoint, shall judge proper, for reasons mentioned. Passed in Council, viz. : In Council, January 6, 1731. Read, and ordered, that the prayer of this petition be granted, and that Edmund Quincy, Esq., with such as shall be joined by the honourable House of Representa- tives, be and hereby are appointed trustees for the widow and children of the Rev- erend Mr. Daniel Baker, deceased, and that they be empowered to make sale of so much of the real estate of the said deceased as they judge necessary and most for the benefit of the said widow and children ; and that the said trustees put out the pro- duce thereof to interest, for the use of the widow and children in equal parts ; the children to be paid their portions out of the principal as they come of age, or are married, and the other third part thereof to be divided between them after the widow's decease. " Sent down for concurrence. Read and concurred, and ordered^ that William Brattle, Esq., be joined in the affair." Abraham Ball, w. Martha , had at H., i.Lois. Dec. 26, 1732; n. Sarah, Aug. 29, '34 ; in. Mary, Aug. 29, '34 ; iv. Martha, Jly. 24, '37 ; v. Bathsheba, May 27 '40 ; Wid. Anne Ball, d. '98, at S. a. 70. 1 . Nathaniel Bancroft, w. Mehetabel, had i. Mehetabel, Sep. 10, 1745, at S. 1 ■«■ i — — ■ George BarbOUr, a Puritan of distinction, was early in Ded., and became one of the original proprietors and settlers of Medfield ; had by w. Elizabeth >^°^ y i. Elizabeth, d. 20, 12, 1642 ; n. Mary, 27 (6) 1643, d. 23. (9) 1643 ; in. Mary, 31, (11) '44; 5. 2. iv. Samuel, 6, (11) '46, m. Sarah Millins, 7, (6) '76 ; 9. 3. v. John, 13, (1) '49; vi. Elizabeth, 11, (2) '51, at Ded.; vn. Hannah, Apl. 16, '54, at Medfield ; 12. 4. vm. Zachariah, Sept, 29, '56; ix. Abigail, Oct. 20, '59. BARBOUR. 13 2. 5. Samuel, by w. Maria . had at Medfd. i. Maria, Feb. 20, 1675 ; n.* Samuel, 7, (11) '77 ; in. James, Dec. 25, '80 ; iv. Hannah, Sept. 25, '83 ; y. Thos. July 4, '80 ; vi. Maria, May 28, '93. 3. 9. John, by w. Abigail , had at M. i. John, Apl. 24, 1676, pr. rm. Mcn- don ; ii. Abigail, Apl. 20. '70 ; in. Elizabeth, Nov. 28, '81 ; iv. George, Dec. 5, '84, m. Ann , had John, Aug. 27, 1708, who m. Ilan'h, and had Abigail, Oct. 31, 1736 ; v. Abial, Sept. 12, 1689. 4. 12. Zachariah m. Abial Ellis, Aug. 30, 1683, r. Medfd. ; i. Benoni, Sept. 9, '84; 18. 14. ii. Zachariah, Oct. 1!), '85 ; 21. 15. in. Joseph, Oct. 4, '87, d. Mar. 3, 1770 ; iv. Abiel, Oct. 4, '91 ; 25. 1G. v. John, Oct. 12, '93, d. June 20, 1754 ; vi. Ruth, Mar. 5, '95; 17. vn. Tho , May 2, '98 ; vin. Elizabeth, July 5, 1700 ; ix. Mary, May 2C, '03. 14. 18. Zachariah, w. Deborah, r. Medfd., i. Zachariah, Feb. 10, 1718-19; n. Deborah, Nov. 8, '20 ; 27. 20. in. Elisha, Nov. 23, '22, d. July 7, 1803. 15. 21. Joseph, Dea., settled on the plain E. of Chicken Brook, in W. Medway, \ m. W. of Mucksquit school-house, m. Abigail Hawes, fr. Medfd., May 19, 1726, and had i. Samuel, Mar. 23, 1727 ; n. Mary, Apl. 2, '29 ; 23. in. Joseph, Apl. 23, '31, an eccentric but righteous man ; iv. Abigail, Mar. 27, '32 ; v. Sarah, Jan. 27, '36 ; vi. James, May 4, '38 ; vn. Elizabeth, Oct. 30, '40 ; d. Sep. 24, '78. 16. 25. John, w. Mary, d. Sep. 12, 1747, a. 63, 2d w. Mary Pond, fr. Wrenth., m. 1751, d. '54, r. Med. ; i. Abigail, Aug. 14, 1719, m. Asa' Richardson ; ii. Bathsheba, Apl. 7, '22 ; in. George, July 1, '24. 20. 27. Elisha, m. Silence , d. Nov. 14, 1704, a. 77 ; settled on the farm of Cpt. Joseph Morse, deceased, and now owned by Walter Barber, in Sher- born, and had i. Zachery, m. Patience Whitney, '75, had Esther, '7G, and Olive, '78; n. Deborah, May 3, 1754, m. Tho. Greenwood, r. Winchendon; in. Sarah, Mar. 17, '56 ; m. Zibeon Hooker of S. and Newton ; 31. 29. iv. Elisha, May 31, '58, m. Martha Bullard ; 34. 30. v. Oliver, Jan. 26, '63, m. Nancy Bullard; vi. Silence, Oct. 18, '65; m. John Clark, r. S. 29. 31. Elisha, w. Martha Bullard ; I. Julia, Feb. 5, '86, d. yg. ; ii. Becca, Mar. 3, 1789, m. Bela Sawin, r. Templeton and S. ; in. Vernal, Mar. 3, '94, m. Mary Waugh, 2d Elizabeth Waugh, and had at S. 1. Vernal E., 2. Mary Ann," m. Milo R. Cambcll, and has Milo F., Robert, and Edmond A. ; iv. Calle, Mar. 22, '95, m. Sanford Tyler; V. Dana, m. Sarah Dix, r. Townsend. 30. 34. Oliver, m. Nancy Bullard, r. S. i. Eunice, June 28, 1791, m. Henry Bullard, r. Sangerville, Me. ; n. Walter, Feb. 6, '94, m. Sally Clark, b. June 21, 1795, m. May 29, 1817, r. S., had Sally A., Leander, Louisa, Joseph W., Oliver N., Eleanor C. ; m. Elliot, Oct. 15, '95, m. Eliza Stevens, r. Grafton ; iv. Nancy, Feb. 26, '98, m. Jona. Eames, r. S. ; v. Martin, Apl. 3, 1800, m. Achsah Barbour, r. S. ; vi. Oliver, Aug. 3, 1800, r. S. ; vn. Horace, Mar. 24, 1804, m. Emiline Perry, r. S., had 14 BARHET, BAltRON, BARTLETT, BASS, BATCHELDER, BATES, Abbie P., Dec. 7, '34 ; Mary E., Oct. 10, '37 ; Harriett A., Feb. 10, '40 ; Ellen L., Feb. 12, '4-2, d. June 10, '50 ; vm. Julia, Mar. 4, '00, m. Amos F. Bigelow, and 2d, Fred. Waterman, r. Graf. James Barret, w. Tabitha , bad at S., i. Sarah, May 27, 1773 ; ii. Sarah, Aug. G, '35 ; in. Tabitha, June 3, '42. Wm, Barron, pr-. s. of Moses of Chemsford, w. Sarah Morse, d. 1721 j dg. of Cpt. Jos. M., 2d w. Thankful Holbrook, b. 1705, had at S. I. Moses, Apl. 12, 1711; ii. Hannah, Feb. 1, '12-13; in. Win, Nov. 22, '24, by 2d w. Joseph Bartlett, w. Hannah , had i. Hannah, Feb. 17, 1G94-5 at S. ThO. BaSS, fr- Brain tree, signed the petition for S. 1662, m. Sarah Wood, 1660, dg. of Nicholas AY., and had i. Abigail, Jan. 2, '67 ; n. Samuel, Dec. 20, '69, and pr. others. After the decease of his father-in-law in 1669-70, near whom he had lived, he returned to B., 'where he became Dea of the ebb. Odin Batchelder, b. Sept. 16, 1775, s. of Daniel B., of Hampton, N. H., m. Huldah Searl, and 2d, Millicent Barrett, Oct. 27, 1847, had I. Wm. S., May 28, 1800, rs. IF, m. Rhoda Whiting, fr. Med., had at H., I. Mary J., Feb 26,' '29, m. Stephen Nicholas, '54 ; n. Ada M., Nov. 25, '34 ; n.'Benj. F. Nov. 1, 1801, rs. H., m. Lucinda Daniels, had 1. Curtis, m. Betsey Packard, has Chs. and Lyman ; 2. Eveline, m. Aaron Bennett, rs. Bos. 3 Benj. F. ; 4. Wm. A 7 ". ; 5. Ellen ; in. John, Mar. 21, 1803, m. Emeline Mason, rs. H., had 1. John; 2. Emily ; 3. Matilda; 4. Henry; 5 Frank; 6. A son; 7. Maria ; iv. Mary, Nov. 1, 1805, m. Isaac Johnson rs. N. Hampton, N. H ; v. Lucretia, b. ab. 1807, m. Timothy Fisk, rs. H. vi. George, b. ab. 1809, m. Hannah Kingsbury, rs. H. ; vn. Frederick L Kev. A. M., Jan. 17, ab. 1814, rs. um. at Stafford, Ct. ; vni. Otis R. Rev. Jan. 17, ab. 1816, rs. New Hampton, m. Catharine Palmer, who d. a mis- sionary at Midleypoor, Ind., and 2d, Sarah Merrill, had 1. Maria; 2 Albert; 3. Henry M. ; 4. Francis ; 5. Geo. Wm. Bates, w. Mary , had i. Theoder, Oct. 11, 1762 ; n. Olive, Aug. 27, '64, at S. Nathan'l Battle, w. Mary , i. Nath'l, Jan. 28, 1730 ; ii. Tho., Oct. 13, '81 ; in. Charlotte, Oct. 19, '83. James Battell, m. Anne , 2d Beulah Stearns, fr. Mendon, 66. i. Olive, June 22, 1757 ; n. James, June 27, '59 ; in. Joseph, Sept. 11, '62 ; iv. Anne, Sent. 1, '64. 1 1 ■»» > — Nathan'l BealS, w. Mary , had at H. i. Nathan'l, Aug. 15, 1730, at H. ■ ■»«» i — — Wm. Bedlam, w. Elizabeth , d. May 28, 1775 ; 2d wife Elizabeth, had at S., i. Hannah Dec. 18, 1771 ; H. Sallv, June 29, '73 ; in. Bccca, Jly. 10, '76 ; iv. Elizabeth, Aug. 23, '79 ; v. Charles, Jly. 11, '78; vi. Charles, May 15, '81. '". BATTLE, DEALS, BEDLAM, BICKFORD, BIGELOW. 15 Bickford, b. at Wellflect, 6. of , by w. , and whose remote ancestors were pr. of Dover, N. H., was in early and middle life en- gaged in the whale fishery, and master of a ship ; m. Lucy Lewis, of W. ; and on leaving the seas, purchased of John "Ware, of S., a part of the Hull Farm ; and had I. Sally , m. John Leland, Esq. ; n. James, m. Mille Holbrook ; in. Benj. Lewis, m. Mary Knowlton ; iv. Robert, d. urn. at sea; v. David Y., m. Catharine Crane; vi. John, d. um. ; vn. Palemon Mayo, m. Salinda Sullendine (d.) ; vin. Tho. Hopkins, m. Sarah H. Dearth. Jeremiah Bickford, m. Abigail Holbrook, b. Apl. 7. 1724, m. Sept. 19, 1748, at Wellfieet ; Elisha Bickford, m. Lucy Holbrook, b. Jan. 15, 1729, m. Sept. 19, '48, sisters. 1. Daniel BigalOW, son of John B., from Watertown, (see Bond's His. of W.,) s. on the farm late Jesse Cozzens, in Ashland, m. Abial , r. S. ; i. Abigail, Oct. 28, 1689 ; n. Daniel, Nov. 24, '91 ; in. Abial, Jan. 20, '93 ; iv. Susanna, Mar. 4, '95-6 ; 11. 3. v. Ephraim. May 12, '98 ; vi. Lydia, Jan. 2, 1702, at Tram. 4. Converse Bigilow, b. Jan. 20, 1755, son of Josiah B., of Waltham and Weston, by w. Mary Harrington, and grd. s. of Lt. Tho. B. (representative of Waltham, 1738 and '41,) by w. Mary Livermore ; and gr. grd. s. of Samuel B. (freeman 1690, and representative of W. 1708-9-10,) by w. Mary Flagg ; and gr. gr. grd. s. of John Bigelow, of "Watertown, a black- smith, who m. Mary Warren 1642; freeman 1652, and selectman '65, '70, '71 ; C. m. Ann Parks, was selectman 7 ys. 1790 — 1808, and had, i. Bet- sey, Jly. 31, 1779, m. John Goulding; n. Anne, March 21, '81, r. um. S.; 5. in. John, Jan. 26, '83, m. Hannah ; iv. Converse, Nov. 20, '84, m. Mary Viles, r. Weston ; v. Elijah, Aug. 31, '86, m. Rebecca Fisk, r. Marlb. ; 8. vi. Calvin, June 30, '90, m. Elizabeth Adams; vn. Sukey, Apl. 17, '92, m. Josiah Battelle ; vin. Sally, Feb. 4. '94, m. Stearns, r. Acton ; 9. ix. Josiah, Mar. 22, '96, m. Harriet Sawin, r. Groton ; 10. x. Amos, Mar. 17, '98, inherits the homestead in S., m. Lucy Stow, fr. Stow, had i. George Converse ; n. Amos E. ; in. Henry ; w.EdmondD.; v. Lucy A. ; vi. Wesley. 3. 11. Ephraim Biglo, m. Lydia Johnson, Jly. 24, 1729, r. H. 14. 12 i. Joseph, May 26, 1730; n. Abiel, Apl. 18, '32; m. Lydia, Oct. 22, '37 ; iv. Deborah, Mar. 16, '41-2 ; v. Asa, Jan. 27, '45-6. 12. 14. Joseph, m. Lydia Brown, Aug. 5, 1756, r. PI. ; 17. 15. i. Ephraim, Dec. 28, 1757; 22. 16. ii. Joseph, Sep. 17, '63; in. Hepzibah, Sep. 24, "67. 15. 17. Ephraim, m. Mary Knowlton, Mar. 8, 1781. r. H. ; 18. i. Lawson, May 11, 1782 ; n. James, Dec. 31. 84; 20. in. Calvin, Aug. 10, '92 ; iv. Lydia, Aug, 10, '92. 16. 22. Joseph, m. Ruth Parker, r. H. ; i. Josiah, Oct. 26, 1790 ; n. John, Jan. 28, '92 ; in. Joseph, May 4, '94, (d.,) m. Mary Ann Wilson, r. Natick ; iv. Sally, m. Gilbert D. Wilson, r. S. boro' ; v. Ruth, m. Aherst Messinger, r. N. ; vi. Ann, d. yg. ; vn. Charles, b. Mar. 12, 1807, m. Rebecca E. Bab- cock, r. S. and had i. Charles Everett, b. Sep. 3, 1833, d. Sep. 7, '53 — a young man of hopetul piety, natural refinement, and cultivated mind, having 16 BLANCHARD, BOND, BRAGU, BRECK. gained a strong hold on the affections of an extensive circle ; n. Francis A. ; in. Moses E.; iv. Francis; iv. Elizth. A. ; vi ir. George, in. Amy Learned, r. N. 1 1H I Albert Henry Blanchard, S. in S. as a physician in 1852, having pre- viously enjoyed the best opportunities for acquiring a knowledge of his pro- fession in Harv. Univ., where he graduated Jly., 1851, and subsequently spent a year in Mass. Gen. Hospital, as House Physician, witnessing every form of disease, and ascertaining from his seniors in practice the most ap- proved modes of treatment. He was born in Boston, June 25, 1828, the son of John Wheeler B., by w. Sarah Ann Badger, (dg. of Joseph and Sally Badger,) and grd. s. of Wm. Blanchard. He m. May 18, 1852, Eunice Al- den Hooper, b. at Fairhaven, Dec. 10, 1830, dg. of Joseph H, of Bridgewater, by w. Betsey Alden, dg. of Joseph A., by w. Bethiah Carver, a descendant of the 5th generation from Gov. Carver. They have i. Marion Alden, b. Mar. 1st, 1853, and n. Walter Everett, b. Oct. 10, '54. Isaac Bond, w. Margaret, (see Bond's His. of Watertown,) had at S., i. Isaac, Nov. 30, 1727 ; n. Hannah, Jly. 15, '29 ; in. Lydia, Jan. 25, '30-1 ; iv. Isaac, June 20, '33 ; v. Job, Apl. 6, '35. Isaac, w. Abigail; i. Hulcly, Feb. 27, 1759; n. Jonas, Mar. 21, '61; in. Sarah, Dec. 25, '62 ; iv. Nabby, Apl. 2, 65. Alexander Bragg, w. Sophronia, had at H., Sophrone, June 23d, 1785. 1. Edward Breck, a yeoman of some distinction, was of Dorchester, 1636, took the freeman's oath May 22, 1639, and d. Nov. 2, 1662, leaving a widow, Isabel. i. Robert, who was a merchant in D. and rm. to Boston and free May 2, '49 ; n. John, Cpt., free Apl. 18, 1690, d, Feb. 17, 1690-1, a. 40 ; w. Susanna, d. Feb. 8, 1711, a. 64; in. Mary, bap. 13, (6) 1648, m. Samuel Paul, 9, (11,) 1660 ; iv. Elizabeth m. John Minot, Mar. 11, 1670, and d. Apl. 6, 1690 ; v. Susanna m. John Harris, Mar. 20, 1674. 4. Henry Breck who was received to the chh. in Dor. 1641. 5. Tho. Breck, who m. at Dor. 12, (12) 1656, Mary Hill, dg. of John Hill, and in 1658 removed with her brother John H. to Sherborn and settled (1st on the bank of Charles R.) on a part of Robert Kaine's grant about \ m. N. of Bo- gistow pond. They having purchased of his administrator, it is presumed, about 500 acres, divided the same, Hill taking the N. part and 2 acres for a house lot, S. of Tho. Brick's present lane, bounded by the present highway on the E., and by Breck on all other sides, where H. built a 2d house. B. died Apl. 3, 1723. His wid. Mary d. Aug. 15, 1726. He had i. Mary, 17, (10) 1657, at Dorchester ; n. Susanna, September 10, 1663, d. Aug. 25, '64, recorded at Medfield ; in. Susanna, May 10, 1667. 11. 6. iv. John, Mar. 4, 1671 ; v. Bethiah, Dec. 20, 1673 ; vi. Nathaniel, Mar. 1, 1682 ; vii. Samuel, b. also Mar. 1, 1682. 9. John Breck, senr., pr. the brother of Edward above, died at Medfield, Jan. 3, 1660. 10. John Breck, (pr.) son of John, senr., d. Aug. 20, 1690, at Medfield. i; it e c k . 17 6 11. John inherited the farm opened by his father, m. Mchetabel Morse, dg. of Capt. Joseph M. of S. by w. Mchetabel Wood, dg. of Nich. W., and had i. Mehetabel, Oct. 10, 1698, m. Wm. Leland, of S. 14. 12. ii. Jonas, Mar. 9, 1700, d. June 13, 1775 ; in. Abigail, Apl. 19, 1705, d. Mar. 3, '75, m. Jona, Holbrook ; iv. Keziah, Dec. 14, '15. 20. 13. v. Elijah, June 22, '18, d. Feb. 11, '91. 12. 14. Jonas inherited the central part of the Breck farm in S., m. Feb. 18, 1734-5, Mary Daniel, of Needh., who d. 1788, a. 85. He had 28. 15. i. John, Dec. 1, 1735 ; n. Mehetabel, July 20, '37, d. Aug. 30, 1812, un. 16. in. Jonas, June 19, '39, d. yg. ; iv. Joseph, May 28, '41, s. in Medfield, m. Mary Fairbanks, fr. Med., 2d Hanh. Plimpton, of Med., had i. Jo. of M., n. Amasa of Providence ; v. Mary, Aug. 31, '43, d. Mar. 14, '43-4 ; 18. vi. Daniel, Feb. 22, '44-5 ; 33. 19. vii. Tho., Feb. 28, '47-8, in. Mary Death. " 13. 20. Elijah s. on the E. side of the Brick farm where John Ware resides, m. Sarah Hill, who d. Nov. 19, 1806, a. 78. 37. 21. i. Elijah, July 20, 1753, d. Feb. 11, , killed by a plough, was the last of the race who inherited the E. part of the Breck farm ; n. Jotham, r. on the homestead, but Dec. 1, '54, d. in Med., ; in. Keziah, Jan. 14, '57 ; 31. 23. iv. Daniel, twin brother of Jonas, not recorded, d. in S. ; v. Abigail, Apl. 2:'., '01, m. Reuben Crimpton, of Croydon, N. H. ; vi. Luther, Mar. 27, '63, m. Hannah and had Luther, drowned, and Hannah ; vn. Calvin, Dec. 13, '65 ; 34. 26. vui. Jonas, twin bro. of Daniel, m. Judith Thayer ; 38. 27. ix. Jona., Dec. 13, '67. 15. 28. John, m. Mary Hill, fr. Med., s. on the W. part of the Breck farm, f m. S. W. of the straits, and had i. Joshua, Apl. 13, 1759, d. Feb. 26, 'G2 ; 29. ii. John, Jan. 1, '61, m. Abig'l Cutler, Dec. 3, '89, d. near Barre ; 30. in. Nathan, July 31, '63, m. Mary Holbrook, Dec. 15, '85, had Anna, Miranda, Arba, Mar. 9, '91, Nathan, Feb. 13, '93, Mary, June 7, '96 ; iv. Mary, Oct. 29, '65, m. Abijali Wench, of Milford, 1790 ; v. Miriam, Aug. 24, '67, m. Wm. Heart, r. Union, Me. ; vi. Eliab, Sep. J3, '69, m. Polly Chee vers and nn. to Sterling, Worces. Co.; vn. Tabitha, Nov. 30, '73, d. Julv 31, '78 ; vin. Anna, Feb. 9, '76. 18. 31. Daniel, m. Patty Learned, dg. Capt, Edw'd L., of S., had i. Amy, Dec. 24, 1790, m. Leonard Ballard ; it. Ede, June 10, '92, m. John Sanderson, and r. a wid. at Cambridge ; ill. Patty, Apl. 15, '94, in. Donald Smith, (d,) of Bos; iv. Elijah, Feb. 2, '90, d. Sep. 3, 1834, m. Sarah A. Burroughs, 2d Lucy Lovejoy, r. N. York, left ; Elijah Fuller, r. Lawrence ,* v. Lucy, July 30, '97, m. Eleazer Ware, r. S ; vi. Nancy, Oct. 5, '99, in. Capt. Curtis Goulding, r. S. ; vn. Eliza, Jan. 27, 1802, m. Dea. Paul Daniels, of Med. ; vni. Sarah L., Feb, 13, 'OS, m. Moses Gilmore, of S. boro'. 19. 33. Thomas, in. Mary Death and inherited the ancient homestead, and had i. Rhoda, July 11, 1770, d. yg. ; n. Eli, Apl. 6, '77, m. Abig'l Jennings, and d. without issue; in. Betty, July 13, '80, m. Ira Pratt, of AVestford ; iv. Tho., June 1, '90, inherits the ancient homestead, m. Pede Sanger, 2d, Huldah (Jordan) Wood, had 2 dgs., both d. without issue ; v. Mary, Feb. 11, '94, d. yg. ; vi. Lewis, bap. 20, '94, m. Sally Sanger, had i. Eugene, r. S., n. Eleanor Maria, m. And. J. Church, r. S. 26. 34. Jonas, in. Judith Thayer, r. S. and rm. to W. part of Mass. ; i. Silas. ^ BREWER, BRIANT, BRIDGES, BROAD, BROWN. bap. Oct 24, 1784, and d. in Med.; n. Asahel, b. Feb. 20, '85 ; in. Char- lotte, b. Oct. 22, '80 ; iv. Sally, bap. July 13, '88. 21. 37. Elijah ,n. Hannah Prentice, May 28, 1789, 2d, Mary Pratt, and had only i. Alpha, bap. Mar. 10, 1795, d. yg. 27. 38 Jona in. Polly Clcaveland, of Med., and had at M. i. Reuben, bap. Nov. 15, 1801 ; ii. Lucmda, Oct. 3, 1802. l " * ■« * ' _ Capt. Moses Brewer, w. Elizabeth , had 1, Elizabeth, Jan. 6, 1761, at S. Mr. Benj. Briant, d. at S. Apr. 21, 1779. Thos. Briant, (pr. descendant fr. John B. of Scituate, 1639,) m. 1st Mehetabel — -, 2d Martha , m. after 1771 and r. where the late Reuben Cozzens did . i. Patty Jly 13, 1770, red. to the chh, Oct. 17, '90; n. Molle, Dec. }h 71 '> ™' ^ h0 \? ec \ 1 o 4 ', 79 ' IV - Ben J' J] y 21 > ' 81 J v. Nancy, Mar. 21, 83 ; vi. Sophia, Mar. 18, '8o ; a Margaret B. m. John Death, 17G9. Benj. Bridges, w. Esther , had at H. I. Timothy; n. Parker Oct S 1765 ; in. Sarah, May 6, '68 ; iv. Nathan, Nov. 26, '72, rn. Julia — and had Amos, June 28, '99, at H. ; v. Martin, Jan 27, 79. Hackaliah Bridges, w. Elizabeth Underwood, m. Nov. 29, 1764, had at H. i. Milla, Jly. 29, '65, m. James Holbrook, 1783; n. Jona., May 15, 1767- in- Jemima, Dec. 30, '68 ; iv. Betty, June 23, '70 ; v. Sampson, Jan. 12^ 72; vi. Ruth. Aug. 12, '73 ; vn. Elijah, Apr. 15, 75 ; vm. Ede, Jan. 18, <7; ix. Ziba, Nov. 11,78; x. Uraner, Apl. 4, '80; xi. Luther, Mar. 20, '82; xn. Calvin, Oct. 29, '83; xm. Sarah, Dec. 9, '87. 1 m %m t 1. ThaddeilS Broad, w. Eunice , had i. Elisha, May 29, 1741, at S. 1 ■»» i . 1. Elijah Brown, Rev., b. May 31st, 1744; grad. Har. Coll. 1765; was ordained at Sherborn, Nov. 28, 1770, and died Oct. 24, 1816. " He pos- sessed a strong mind, and at college was esteemed as a genius and a great wit. _ He was compelled to teach a select Classical and English School for most of his living; was a good teacher, fitted many students for college, and with him several studied divinity. His wit secures for him a long posthumous fame. His preaching in early life was Orthodox or Calviuistic, and he was an active minister. But he became Arminian, afterwards Arian ; contracted a very strong dislike to his early sentiments, and became neglectful of the duties of his profession. In cold weather, he preached from ten to fifteen minutes. He was reputed a good and kind husband and father. He married (1st) Dec. 13, 1770, Susanna Bigelow, of Waltham. She died May 1st, 1*07, and he afterwards m. Abigail, wid. of Gersham Flagg, of Lan- caster, a sister of his first wife, b. July 31st, 1760 ; d. Dec. 28, 1837, emphatically ' an excellent woman.' To her children, by her first husband, he left his property. By his first wife he had two chil. I. Elijah, grad. Ilarv. University 1804, beloved for his amiable manners; began the study of divinity, and d. July 28, 1805, unm. ii. Henry, grad. Ilarv. Univ. 1804 ; studied law ; was admitted to the Suf- folk bar, and died Aug. 5, 1810, aged 27, unm. " He was unamiable in his manners, and involved his father by his extravagance." [See Bond's His. of Wat. families.] BUCKMASTER, BULLEX 19 2. Wm. Brown, w. Rebecca, had at 8., 4. 3. i. Win. Apl. 9, 1G97 ; n. John, Apl. 9, '98 ; in. Rebecca, May 30, 1701 ; iv. Mary, Dec. 20, '03. 3. 4. Wm. m. Mary. i. Mary, Aug. 10, 1733; II. Abigail, Nov. 21, '36; m. Rebecca, Nov. 27, '39. 5. Asa Brown, w. Silence, had in S., i. David, 1, 1758; n. Elizabeth, Mar. 22, '60 ; in. Silence, Aug. 6, '63 ; iv. Abel, Apl. 2, '66 ; v. Oliver, Dec. 6, '67 ; vi. Elijah, bp., Jly. 31, '72 ; vn. Keziah, Dec. 18, '74. Wm., m. Susanna Graves, Jan. 24, 1793, r. S. ; i. Calvin, Aug. 15, 1793, at Natick ; n. Alfred, Jan. 4, '96 ; in. Harvey, b. also Jan. 4, '96. Joseph Brown, w. Katharine, 2d w. Hephzibath Leland, m. Oct. 11, 1733, had at H., 16. 15. i. Joseph, Feb. 23, 1733 : n. Lydia, Aug. 29, '34, m. Joseph Bigelow ; in. Mary, Aug. 29, '34 ; Iv. Katharine, Apl. 9, '37, d. 1830, a. 93, m. Samuel Messenger, had a return of sight years before her death. 15. 16. Joseph Brown, w. Lydia Twitcbell, m. Nov. 4, 1756, r. Holl. ; i. Mary, Oct. 10, 1757; n. Henry, Aug. 3, 1760 ; in. Joseph, Jan. 31, '63; iv. Lydia, Jan. 24, '66 ; v. Katharine, Jly. 29, '68. 19. Ezra Brown, m. Rhoda Rockwood, Feb. 14, 1782, r. H. 20. i. Amos, Jan. 10, 1783 ; n. Ezra, Jly. 2, '90 ; in. Martin, June 26, '92; iv. Emily, Sept. 14. '96. Zachariah Buckmaster, by w. Hannah had Zachariah, 1665, at Boston. He came to S. from B., where in l646 he had a father and a bro. Lawrence and sis, Elizabeth. He was in Shelborn 13 (3,) 1679, when he had a home lot of 14 acres assigned him at W. Sherborn, and built his house ab. 100 N. of Jacob Cushing's. where the cellar hole is still to be seen. He was alive in 1714. If he left any sons, they rm. to W. Chester Co., N. Y. 1. Samuel Bullen, Dea., the ancestor of a numerous race in New England, was an early settler and proprietor of Dedham, took the freeman's cath June 2, 1641, m. Mary Morse, dg. of Samuel, 1641, who d. Feb. 14, 1688. He d. at Medfield, Jan. 16, 1691, and red. the first head stone erected there. As a proprietor of Medfield, he drew lands in M., which by a division of the town fell, in 1713, into Medway; and particularly in 1659, a lot of 126 acres, now in W. Med. He was a tenant on Capt. Hull's farm, and had land assigned him here W. of the common, and pr. built opposite the Brush Hill Road, before he returned to Med'd. i. Samuel, 19, (10) 1642, at Dedh., d. 1727, at Medfield; n. Mary, 20, (5) '44 ; in. Elizabeth, 3, (12) '46. iv. Joseph, 1651, at Medfield, d. Jan. 1, 1703-4, w. Abigail Sabin, m. Mar. 15, 1674, d. May 1, 1721. He became a member of the chh. in Medf., and took the freeman's oath May 23, '77, had no children recorded. 8. 4. v. Ephraim, '53, at do., m. Grace and s. in Sherborn. vi. Mala- tiah '55. 20. 6. vn.' Elisha, '57, d. Feb. 19, 1735, m. Hanh. Metcalf, r. Sh. and Medf. ; vin. Eleazer, Apl. 26, '62, d. May 3, '62 ; ix. Bethia, Aug. 1, 64. 27. 7. x. John, d. Nov. 18, 1703, m. Judith Fisher, Jan 3, '83 ; 2d, Sarah Morse. 20 B U L L E N . 4. 8. Ephraim, w. Grace , d. Aug. 11, 168y, in her 26tb yr., r. Sherb. opposite the E. end of Brush Hill Road; had i. Mary, Mar. 6, 1681; 11. 9. ii. Ephraim. Apl. 19, '85, ra. Ruth Morse, r. Sh. 15. 10. in. John, Feb. 22, '86-7, m. Sarah; iv. Grace, Aug. 7, '89. 9. 11. Ephraim, w. Ruth Morse, b. 1688 ; had at S., i. Ruth, Aug. 7, 1712 ; ii. Ephraim, Feb. 18, '13-4; in. Grace, Oct. 13, '15, d. Jan. 29, '96. m. James Morse, who s. on a part oij her father's farm, now Galen Bullard's, rm. Brookfield, Vt., and d. at S. ; it. Elizabeth, Nov. 2, '17; v. Ephraim, Jan. 31, '19-20 ; vi. Joseph, Feb. 26, '21-22; vn. Mary, Feb. 13, '23-24, m. Nathan Stratten, s. on her father's homestead ; vin. Unity, Aug. 30, '26 ; ix. Abigail, Feb. 13, '33-34, m. Henry Morse, of Med., and d. without issue. 10. 15. John, w. Sarah, 2d w. Mehetabel Fisher, m. July 20, 1715, d. June 3, '51 ; her bus. d. Mar. 28, '39-40 ; had i. Noah, Sep. 2, 1710, at Sh. ; ii. Sarah, June 29, '11, at Sh. ; in. John, Oct. 23, '13, at Medf. ; iv. Mehetabel, July 7, '16, by 2d w. ; v. John, Jan. 11, '17--18, d. Aug. 24, '18; vi. Timothy, July 11, '19, d. July 14, '19 ; vn. Keziah, Sep. 5, '20 ; vin. Judith, Nov. 30, '23. 6. 20. Elisha, w. Hannah Metcalf, d. Dec. 20, 1719, r. Med. ; 24. 21. i. Elisha, Aug. 14, 1684, at Sh., m. Lydia Ellis; 33. 22. ii. Samuel, Nov. 24, '87, d. Apl. 4, 1749; in. Jona., Jan, 13, '94, d. Jan. 26, '94 ; iv. Hannah, June 28, '97 ; v. Miriam, Aug. 23, '02, m. Epbm. Wheelock, and had i. Eleazer. 21. 24, Elisha, w. Lydia Ellis, b. Oct. 4, 1689, m. Jan. 8, 1712-13, d. Apl. 28, '26, r. Med., 2d w. Abigail , d. Nov. 21, '27, 3d w. Ruth Ellis, m. July 1, 1737; i. Ebenr., July 23, 1714, d. July 24, '14; n. Mary and Martha, b. and d. May 1, 1715 ; iv. Lydia, Mar. 19, '17 ; v. Elisha, Mar. 16, '20, m. Mary Boyden, Dec. 27, '50, had Gad, d. June 28, '56 ; vi. Ichabod, Nov. 21, '27, by 2d w., m. Prudence , who had Isaiah, Apl. 12, '54 and d. Sep. 22, '54. 7. 27. John, w. Judith Fisher, m. Jan. 3, 1683, r. Med. ; i. Judith, Oct. 23, 1689 ; ii. John, Jan. 31, '91, perhaps hem. Sarah Morse above ; in. David, Jan. 14, '93-4, inherited land assigned his grandfather, Sam'l, in W. Med., and "late his in 1738"; 37. 30. iv. Michael, Apl. 2, '96, d. Jan. 28, 1747, in his 51st year, m. Lydia , was pr. f. to Michael, who d. at Needh. Oct. 20, 1769 ; v. Mary, Feb. 26, '98-9; vi. Silence, May 21, 1701, d. May 24, '01. 32. 31. vn. Samuel, Aug. 20, '02, d. Aug. 13, '36. 31. 32. Samuel, w. Experience, d. Jan. 14, 1727. 22. 33. Samuel, " hus. of Sarah, d. Apl. 4, '49," w. Sarah , r. Med., had i. Samuel, June 22, '1722, d. Oct. 25, '36; n. Sarah, Oct. 15, '26; in. Moses, May 25, '31, m. Caroline Plimptori, Mar. 9, 1758. 34. Bullen David, ? w. Abigail Dana, m. Sep. 5, 1718, d. June 3, '36, 2d w. Abigail Corning, m. Dec. 11, '37 ; i. Abigail, Aug. 14, 1719 ; n. Ju- dah, May 3, '21 ; d. July 6, 1720 ; in. Judah, May 6, '22 ; iv. Hannah, Apl. 12, '24 ; v. Patience, Mar. 8, '26, d. Mar. 9, '26 ; vi. Silence, Nov. 3, '27, d. Nov. 9, '27; vn. Submit, Aug. 16, '31, d. Aug. 19, '31 ; vin. David, Mar. 10, '32 ; ix. Ebenr., May 13, '34, d. May 28, '34. BULLEN, BUKBANK. 21 30. 37. Michael Bullen, Ens., w. Lydia, d. Aug. 21, '48, had 45. 38. ii. Daniel, Oct. 27, '20; i. Elizabeth, Dec. 15, '27, d. Oct. 1G, '34; in. John, Sep. 8, '32; iv. Jabez, Aug. 4, '34 ; v. Mary, Oct. 8, '38; vi. Benoni, Sep. 22, '40, d. 1740 ; vn. Joseph, July 30, '44, d. Nov. 1, '45 ; vni. Michael, May 18, '40; ix. Jona., probably ? 42. 43. Jona. Bullen, w. Susannah Broad, Apl. 14, '86, d. July 30, 1806, a. 40 ; i. Michael, June 25, '87 ; n, Lucy Bucknam, Dec. 4, '96 ; in. Melinda, Nov. 1, 1800; iv. Daniel, d. Oct. 3, 1802. 38. 45. Daniel, Ens., d. Oct. 28,1801, w. Rachel Adams, m. Jan. 27, 1751; i. Sarah, Feb. 24, '55 ; a. Silence, Oct. 15, '53, d. Oct. 15, '53; in. Keziah, Dec. 24, '63 ; iv. Lydia, Nov. 29, '69, d. July 18, '80. 40 Judathan Bullen. ? m. Dolly Clark, July 2, '72, 2d w., Bathsheba Daniels, m. Nov. 9, '85; i. Elizabeth, Oct. 26, '72; n. Mary, Oct. 28, '74 ; in. Judathan, May 12, '77, d. Oct. 8, '78; iv. John, Mar. 21,79; v. David, Mar. 24, '82 ; vi. Judathan, Feb. 7, '84 ; vn. Walter, Aug. 6, '87, d. June 14, '88; vin. Lowell, Oct. 8, '89; ix. Susanna, Sep. 7, '92; x. Asa, June 19, '91; xi. Betsey, Mar. 17, '95; xn. Lewis, ra. Esther Grout, 2d w., Mary A. Mann. 33^. 52. Cpt. Sam'l do. w. Eliz'th, r. Med. village, kept a tavern ; i. Rhoda, Jan. 30, '74, ru. Remmington, 2d, Lakeman," and had a dg. in. Perkins, keeps boarding h., in Boston. 56. 53. ii. 3Ioses, Aug. 31, '75, d. Feb. 15, 1850, m. China Ware, r. Med., Mar. 18, '92, m. Lawyer Rawson, of Mend 55. John Bullen, ? of Med., in. Eliz'th Adams, Dec. 21, '46 ; Comfort, dp., ? m. Jona. Wheeler, Aug. 6, '42. 53. 50. Moses m. China Ware, of S., r. Med., Bos., and S., and bad i. Charlotte Bullen, m. Baruch Leland, r. Stannocks, S. W. part" of S. John Burbank, w. Mary (pr. Emerson) had at H. i. Josiah, Apl. 28, 1774, n. John, Feb. 25, '76 ; in. Daniel Emerson, Mar. 3, '78 ; iv. Samuel May 1, '83. Samuel Burbank, w. Eunice Kendall, m. 1773. i. Sullivan, Oct. 8, 1776, at S. BULLARD. Among the early planters of New England appear seven men of the name of Bullard. The traditions concerning them are not reliable. That they were all brothers, is improbable, from indications of too great disparity of ages ; from their omission to name children for each other, and a common father, if not from the con- tinued use of a different orthography by the same clerk in recording their different names. They were — L 1. Jtenjamttt ihtUatb, who drew land in Watertown 1637 and '44. (See Chap, i.) 2. (Bcorge Jhllifltfr, who was admitted to the Freeman's oath 1641, implying that he was a member of the church. He had land assigned bim in Water- town, 1G37, and died there, June, 1680, aged 81. (See Chap, n.) 3. Sol)lt Sullfltb, who took the Freeman's oath May 13, 1640, signed the social compact of Dedham 1 day, (6 month) 1636, where his wife Magdalen was ree'd to the chh. 1639, and d. 29d. (1 mo.) 1661. He had land assigned him in Medfield, 1650 and '59, and d. there July 4, 1668. (See Chap, m.) 4. SsflGC JBttllarb, who signed the social compact of Dedham 1636, and where he, or another of the same name, m. Sarah Jones, from Dorchester, 3, (11) 1654, and was admitted townsman 1655, and d. at D. 11, (3) 1676, leaving a widow, Ann. (See Chap, iv.) 5. NcUl)fltticl jBllllflrb, who was admitted townsman at Dedham 1655, and free- man May 15, 1690, and d. there 3, (11) 1681. (See Chap, v.) 6. iDin. Blllliirb, who took the Freeman's oath May 13, 1640, signed the social compact of Dedham 18, (6) 1636, where his wife was received to the church in 1639, and he was chosen Selectman in 1643. I 7. Hobcrt JJlllIarb, who died at Watertown 24, (4) 1639, aged 40, leaving a widow, Anna. CHAPTER |I. 1. 8. Of the above list of Bullards, Uenjatnilt is the only one whose entire race admit of being traced with certainty, and separated from all others bearing the name. The orthography of our early records, that is so variable, gener- ally preserves one mode of spelling his name ; yet, from the inspection of private papers, and the uniform substitution of e for a in the last syllable, and the omission of d final by one of the best informed clerks in the colony, arises the supposition that the name was originally identical with Bulwer ; and if so, then Bulwer may be a cor- ruption of Bullard. Our sires brought with them from England the following tradition of the origin of the name : " One called a Lard, in ancient times, when on a royal hunting excursion, outstripped his company in chase of a wild bull, and killed bim — and ever after this feat was called the great Bull Lard. Hence his descendants were named Bullard."* The signature of Benjamin Bullard 1 has not been preserved, and * This story may admit of neither proof nor refutation ; and yet, is there nothing in its favor in the fact that the name, in Europe, is without a coat-of-arms, rare, and of narrow range ? But, however this may be, the authenticity of the tradition need not be doubted; for Mrs. Temper- ance D. Bullard, of Morristown, N. J., still living, (and long may she live to pray for the race and the world !) says that Mr. Jona. Bullard, a man of distinguished piety, who died 1824, aged H U L L A II D . 23 very little can be ascertained concerning him. He was undoubtedly from England, and probably among the first planters of Watertown, in 1G30. His name first occurs upon the records of that town in the oldest history of her inhabitants, and in the first division of her public lands in 1637. In 1644 more land was assigned him, and he became the proprietor of about 100 acres, and of a dwelling-house, on the W. side of Fresh Pond. How much longer he lived, or where he died, has not been discovered. The name of his wife was not improbably Sarah , and he had but two children, who lived to heir his estate, viz. : 10. 9. i. Benjamin, 2 who inherited all his real estate at W., and n. a daughter, men- tioned as the sister of Benj., in 1G72. 9. 10. Benjamin," at the decease of his father, was probably a minor, and committed to the care of an uncle at Dedham, where he appears about the time he is presumed to have attained his majority, and where he seems to have formed such connections as are usually preceded by a long and youthful acquaintance. He was admitted a townsman at Dedham 1, (11) 1G55, which then implied a previous probation, a good moral character, and the age of 21. His marriage is not on record ; but circumstances almost as conclusive show that he m. Martha Fairbank, the sister of George P., of Dedham, who was of a good family, and connected with George F., of Somerby, in the vicarage of Halifax, Yorkshire. Benj. Bullard and George Fair- bank soon after embarked together in an undertaking that must have required cour- age, enterprise, and means above the possession of most young men of their commu- nity. To Capt. Robert Kayne, of Boston, had been granted, in 1649, 1074 acres, at Pawsett Hill, and which is now partly in Sherborn and partly in Medway. Cpt. Kayne d. Mar. 23, 1655-6. Of his executors, soon after, Bullard and Fairbank are presumed to have bought the south half or third of this tract ; and Hill and Breck, also brothers-in-law, from Dorchester, purchasing at the same time another part, bounding them upon the N. These constituted the second company who planted W. of Charles River ; and they all located their dwellings with reference to natural security, and that which they soon provided. They settled here prior to Feb. 2, 1658, when their first child was born. Benj. Bullard and his brother-in-law seem to have divided their part of the tract as was then common, so as to give each other scattered lots and secure sites for building near each other. Bullard took the N. and S. W. parts, and located his dwelling on the N. side of Bogistow Pond, near a copi- ous and still valuable spring. The situation was admirably chosen for the capture of game, the rearing of stock, and for security against surprise from hostile Indians. The scenery was such as a man of taste would have chosen. It is still both beautiful and sublime. From his door he could survey the Broad Meadows, a wet prairie of five miles in extent, through which Charles River meanders, and which in vernal and autumnal seasons is converted into a lake. Hills beyond, covered with towering pines, then appeared mountains, while the soil beneath, lifted by roots two or three feet above its present level, concealed the hideous boulders which, in consequence of their decay, the absence of protecting humus and leaves, and the action of deeper and more frequent frosts, have since risen to the surface, and occasioned an inconsiderate impeachment of the judgment and taste of many an early planter. His land was then arable and rich. But his was a frontier location, cut off by river and marsh, and a 90, used often to relate it in her hearing as a tradition from his father, who professed to have received it from Bullards of the first generation, born in New England. He was born in 1706, was cotemporary with some of them, and his character is well endorsed on the records of three churches. But it is no part of my object to derive our descent from a bull-hunting lord — though, as investigation proceeds, this, perchance, may yet be done — but from a higher stock, from one of the noble Puritans — men endowed of God with moral excellence and true dignity, compared with which the piles of the millionaire, and the glories of peers, primates and princes, are mean and contemptible. 24 BULLA R L) . distance of four miles from the nearest settlement at Med6eld. His prospects and life were in danger. He found Wood,Leland and Holbrook, settled from one to two miles N., and was soon joined by llockwood and Daniels within one mile S., making, with Hill and Breck, one-third of a mile N., and Fairbank hard by on the S. W., a settlement of nine families, to be defended by themselves. ' They knew the Indian character and mode of warfare — that he never made his assault in the night, nor was he wont to cross open fields in his approach, or fail, if hungry, to publish it by killing a strayed ox. They accordingly selected for the site of their garrison the N. bank of Bogistow Pond, having long, wet prairies on the E. and N.W. The intervening neck was by fire and steel soon denuded on the N. and S., and a large vacuity secured. The waters of the pond in summer, and of Bullard's spring in winter, attracted their cattle, to report the missing and sound the alarm. Here they prepared to live, as all of them virtually did, the rest of their lives, in a state of warfare. They built for a garrison-bouse a spacious and regular fortress. It was superior to any similar structure on the then frontier. It was 65 or 70 feet long, two stories high, all of faced stone, brought over ice from a quarry one mile distant at the N.W., and laid, in a workmanlike manner, in clay mortar. It had a double row of port holes on all sides, lined with white oak plank, and flaring inward, so as to require no one to expose himself before them, while the besieged, by taking cross aims, could direct their fire to every point of the compass. This fortress was lighted and entered at the S. end, overlooking the pond, where the bank was so low that assailants from that quarter, in levelling at the high windows, would only lodge bullets in a plank chamber floor, or among the furniture of the garret. The upper story was appropriated to the women and children, and had a room partitioned off for the sick. To this place of security our ancestors, for more than two generations, were accustomed to flee in times of alarm, and here no small number of their children were born. In this fort they were once besieged by a host of Philip's warriors, who, in despair of all other means, attempted to fire the building by running down the declivity above it a cart of burning flax. Arrested in its descent by a rock still to be seen, and an Indian who had run down to start it having been killed, a retreat was sounded, and the lives of our ancestors saved. Two months afterwards the enemy returned, when our fathers sallied forth and charged them with such execution that " they never dared to show their faces there afterwards." The walls of this edifice were carefully preserved by the descendants of Benj. Bullard, until about 1785, when the proprietor sold out to a Vandal, who demolished them. Will the present proprietor, Horatio Mason, Esq., palisade the rock that scotched the cart, and saved the lives of five of his own ances- tors ? Benj. Bullard early united in the enterprise of adding a new town to the colony, and of enlarging the borders of Zion. In 16C2 he signed the first petition for the incorporation of Sherborn. In 1673, Oct. 3, he sold for £40 his patrimonial estate, in Watertown, to Justinian Holden. In 1674 he signed a second petition for the incorporation of Sherborn, when their prayer was granted, and he, by an Act of the General Court, with twelve other petitioners and twenty more of such as they might consent to receive as inhabitants, constituted a proprietor of lands, now compos- ing Sherborn, Holliston, and large districts of Framingham and Ashland. After the incorporation of Sherborn, Benj. Bullard was active in advancing her interests. In the petitions to the General Court, in the social compact of the town that he sub- scribed, he declared his high regard for the progress of the Gospel and the well-being of man. He was one of the six brethren to constitute the church at its formation. He served as Tythingman 1680, as Selectman, 1688 ; and was chosen to the very delicate office of seating the meeting when their house of worship was finished. The Indian claim to lands granted in S. prior to the incorporation of the town, not having been extinguished by the original grantees, Benj. B. united with nine other owners of these jirnnts, and for £20. paid to seven natives as principals, and em- BULLARD. 25 powered by "the natural descendants of the ancient inhabitants and proprietors of the lands in and about S.," procured, June 12, 1682, a quit-claim to 4000 acres. These included his farm of 150 do. ; and in 1686 he was rated with the forty pro- prietors and inhabitants of S. to raise an equal amount to extinguish the Indian claim to the remainder of 10,000 acres included in the township. He was rated among the highest, and this rate having been early adopted as the rule whereby the common lands should be proportioned, he and his heirs drew large shares, and became the owners of much land. He died intestate, Sept. 27, 1689, and administration was granted to his son Samuel, and Sarah Bullard? pr. his mother or sister. His per- sonal estate was appraised Nov. 28, 1689, by John Harding and Joseph Bullard, at £235 16s. ; and from another inventory, [Mid. Prob.] he seems, for his day, to have left a good property in stock and lands. The ancient Bullard farm on Bogistow Brook, in Medway, the Bullard farms in the S. and W. of Sherborn, and in the N. and W. of Holliston, were inherited from him, and drawn in his right. These have been enjoyed by many generations of his race, and well may his memory claim their gratitude and reverence. How can they show them ? He sleeps hard by the scene of his toils and perils. On the apex of one of Nature's pyramids, whose base is laved by Charles River, repose his ashes, in company with those of the founders of Sher- born. Over them are scattered the fragments of broken headstones, on their way to the river, whose gurgling waters seem to chant unheard the requiem of the dead, and whose bosom offers a more hospitable home to the tenants of their graves than their degenerate children are willing to provide, with law and justice to aid them. Editors and travellers have cried " Shame ! " in vain. Will the Bullards now interfere, redeem six feet, and mark it with a monument worthy of their great Puritan ancestor ? It can be readily and peaceably done. There is not a spirited female of the race who cannot, by her pen, accomplish it. Benj. Bullard' 2 m. 1st Martha Fairbanks, who d. Jan. 4, 1G76-7. He m. 2d Elizabeth^!!^, 1677, and had i. Mary, Sept. 14, 1663, d. July 31. '66, at Bogis'tow ; 15. 10. it. Samuel, Hn. and Capt., Dec. 26, 1667, m. Deborah Atherton ; 18. 11. in. Benj., Mar. 1, 1670, d. 1766, m. Tabitha &-^ ; iv. Hannah, Aug. 6, 1672, ro. Wm. Sheffield, of -S., May 30, '92; v. Eleazer, Lt, June 27, 1G76, m. wid. Sarah Leland, 1704, s. in Medficld ; and d. without issue ; he had land in Black Swamp, and several lots in Holl. ; S4. 12. vi. John, Mar. 7, 1678, m. Abigail Leland, dg. of Dea. Hopestill L. ; vii. Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1681, pr. d. vg., being no further reported ; via. Mary, Feb. 20, 1683, ra. HopestillLeland, jun., of S., Feb. 24, 1701-2 ; 87. 13. ix. Malachi, Mar. 8, 1685, m. Bathia Fisher; 92. 14. x. Isaac, July 25, 1688, d. 1742, m. Sarah Morse ; 10. 15. Samuel, 3 Capt. and Hon., inherited the homestead, and became the most prominent citizen in Sherborn, and left indubitable evidence of talents and integrity. For a series of years he commonly acted as Moderator of her town meetings ; served five years as Assessor ; nineteen years as Selectman ; represented her, 1708, '9, '23, '24 and '25, in the Great and General Court, and was active in procuring for the town a grant of 4000 acres west of Mendon. He lived in an eventful period of her history, during which the administration of her affairs seemed to devolve mainly on him. He d. Dec. 11, 1727, a. 60. His will, dated Sep. 20, 1720, and witnessed by Eleazer Bullard, John Brcck, and Wm. Rider, and proved Jan. 8, '27, BULLA 111). 33 bate for Worcc. Co., and in 1810, chosen Elector for President and Vice Pres. In 1844, he resigned his Judgeship, and in 1846, represented the city of Worcester. Since then, he lias resided in W. in comparative retire- ment, holding only the honorable and useful office of a Justice. His numer- ous friends, however, as though not satisfied with his enviable position in so- ciety, and convinced that he is the strongest man in the ranks of their conser- vative party, have sought to inflict on him a mission to Washington, but it is hoped that he and the entire race with which he is here incorporated, will main- tain integrity enough to keep them in these days, out of Congress as well as State Prison. He had i. Wm. Sumner, Sep. 80, 1824, at Oxford, m. Anne Elizabeth Jenni- son, Apl. 4, 1849, at Worcester, had Mary Barton, at W., Sep. 29, '43. ii. Anna Maria, Apl. 21, 1826, at Oxf., m. Nov. 7, '19, at W., John Wm. Bigelow, had at Medford, Wm. Blake, Feb. 5, '52. in. Artemas Bullafd, Aug. 12, 1828, d. June 21, '31, at Oxf. iv. Charles Henry, Apl. 10, '30, at O., m. Isabella Edwards, June 20, '53, at Greensburc:, la., had at G., Maria Edwards, Apl. 8, '54. v. Artemas Bullard, Dec. 5, 1831. at Oxf.,d. Apl. 17, '37, atW. vi. Lucy Ann, Jly. 24, 1834, at Worcester. vii. Francis Augustus, Oct. 24, 1836, at W. viii. Edmund Mills, Sep. 27, 1838, at W. ix. George Edward, Jly. 30, 1841, at W. ii. Artemas, Rev. D. D., June 3, 1802, at Northbridge. Of his early history I have no knowledge. He grad. at Amherst Col. ; and studied divinity at Theo. Sem., Andover, where he'completed his course 1827. Of his style and success as a preacher, of his vigilance and fidelity as a pastor, and of his labors and efficiency in the cause of general education and benevolence, I need not at present write. They are sure of preservation in the history of the Western country, and of the metropolis where he has latterly resided, and will constitute an instructive chapter in the future history of the Bullard race. He m. June 2, 1829, Ann T. Jones, b. Jan. 31, 1808, dg. of Samuel J., Esq., of Acton, by w. Anna Tuthill, sis. to Miss Sarah T. sec'y to Fem. Teachers' As3., Mass., and a descendant from the brother of Arch Bp. Leighton. He had i. Artemas Everett, Jly. 19, 1830, at Charlestown, Mass., d. Apl. 13, '36. ii. Ann Maria, Jly. 19, 1832, at Boston, d. Apl. 28, '33, at Walnut Hills, O. in. Tho. Green F., Mar. 25, 1834, at W. Hills, d. Nov. '38, at St. Louis. iv. Rob't Leighton, Mar. 21, 1837, at W. Hills, d. Jan. 25, '48, at St. Louis. v. Henry, Sep. 23, 1839. vr. Anna Elizabeth, Sep. 29, 1842, d. Jan. 13, '48, at St. L. vn. Edward Payson, Jan. 19, 1845, d. Jan. 12, '48. Three of the above deaths, were with the scarlet fever, in the space of only 13 days, in. Asa, Rev. A. M., b. Mar. 2G, 1804, and like most men of his use- fulness, embraced the Gospel in his youth. It was in Feb., 1821, that he first indulged hopes in the pardoning mercy of God ; and on the 12tS of Aug. of the same year, was received into the Congregational chh. at Sut. He prepared for col. at Amherst Academy, and grad. there in 1828 ; engaged for the next year in teaching at Augusta, Me. ; entered And. Theo. Sem. in the Autumn of '29, but in Apl., '31, accepted an appointment as agent for the Maine Sabbath School Union, in which office he continued for three years, 5 34 l;i LLARD. during which ho superintended the establishment of at least 300 Sabbath Schools. On the 13th of Jan., 1832, he was ordained at Portland as an Evan- gelist. On Mar. 1, '34, he was called to the Secretaryship of the Mass. Sab- bath School Society, the duties of which office he has continued to discharge for 21 years, with a promptness and efficiency that command the gratitude of the public. Besides the other onerous duties of this office, be has edited 10 vols, of the S. S. Visitor, and 11 do. of the Well Spring, and contributed to form the minds and hearts of hundreds of thousands, for time and eternity. He m. Lucretia Gr. Dickinson, May 16, 1832, dg. of the excellent and long to be remembered Samuel Fowler D. of Amherst, by w. Lucretia Gunn, from Montague, and had i. Catherine Dickinson, Aug 12, 1834, d. Aug. 17, '34. ii. Louisa Dana, Nov. 7, 1835. in. Wm. Read, Sep. 7, 1837. iv. Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1840. ' v. Helen Knight, Sep. 27, 1845. iv. Joseph, Oct. 30, 1806, s. on the Homestead at Sutton, m. Apl. 3, 1834, Olivia P. Hill, and had at Sutton, i. Eliza Ann, May 31, 1835. ii. Ira Barton, May 26, 1837, at Holden. in. Henry Beecher, Apl. 9, 1839. iv. Agnes Olivia, Aug. 20, 1841, d. Nov. 5, '41, at Holden. v. Franklin Eugene, Dec. 13, 1842. v. Lucy Ann, Nov., 1809, m. May 19, '31, Rev. Lot Jones, b. at Bruns- wick, Me., Feb. 22, 1797, grad. at Bowdoin Col., was Rector of the Epis. chh. at Clappville, but now of New York ; and had i. Wm. Henry, Mar. 14, 1832, d. Mar. 16, '38. ii. Maria Louisa, Jly. 12, 1834, at New York. hi. Emily, Nov. 27, 1835, d. Mar. 31, '36. iv. Lucy Ann, Mar. 23, 1837, d. Mar. 24, '37. v. Henry Lawrence, May 30, 1839. vi. Ebenezer Waters, Rev. A. M., Nov. 9, 1809, prepared for Col. at the Academy in Amherst, and pursued his studies for three years at the Col. in that place. Here it was in 1831, during a re vival of religion, that he first enter- tained Christian hopes, and had his heart turned to the ministry. The West- ern Country presented a field for all his ardor and enterprise ; and as a measure preparatory to the greater usefulness in that field, he transferred his relation from Amherst Col. to Miami University at Oxford, O., where he grad. In 1834, he entered Lane Theo. Sem. at Walnut Hills, Oh.; returned in feeble health to Mass., '36; was licensed in Nov. that year by the Harm'y Asso. ; ord. Pastor of the Calvinistic Congl. Chh. in Fitchburg, Aug. 8, '38 ; dismissed from his charge, Jly. 1, '52 ; reinstalled at Royalston, Sep. 2, en- suing, where he now resides. He m. Aug. 8, 1838, Mary P. Smith, dg. of Oliver S. ; of Hadley, b. June 6, 1813, d. Dec. 2, '41. He m. 2d, Harriet N. Dickinson, Sep. 15, '43, dg. of Dea. Wm. D., of Hadley, and b. Mar. 5, 1818. He had i. Harriet Marguerite, Nov. 28, '44. it. Caroline, Feb. 6, '47. in. Lucy Ann, Aug. 31, '49. iv. Wm. Ebenezer, Jan. 23, '52. v. Edmund Dickinson, Sep. 20, '53, at Royalston. vn. Eunice White, Aug. 3, or 26, 1812, m. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. viit. Talbut, M. D., Aug. 16, 1815, m. Aug. 1, '39. Susan B. Cotten. BULL AIL 1) 35 ix. Jesse Mason, Nov. 12, 1818, lost urn. with the ship Albert R. Harris, off the Bay of San Francisco, Feb. 3, 1851. x. Oliver Crosby, Jan. 20, 1822, m. Sarah Jane Hartwell, at Sutton, Oct. 19, '43, settled in Sutton ; and had i. Wm. Sumner, Sep. 11, '44. n. Lizzie Jane, Jan. 11, '47. in. Lucy Maria, Feb. 2, '50. iv. Isabella Henderson, b, and d. May 17, '54, at Lenox. 53. 80. Joshua, m. Bathiah Taft, 1782, s. in Milford and had i. Nathan, 7 May 17, 1783; ii. Josiah, 7 Oct. 4. '86; m. Lewis, 7 Apl. 12, '92; iv. Lydia, 7 Dec. 13, '94. 44. 81. Lewis, m. Eliza Fisk, dg. of John F. of S., r. Bos., had i. Harriet, 7 d. a. 18. ii. Elizabeth, 7 'd. yg. ; in. Elizabeth, 7 m. Joel Nurse of Bos. 48. 82. Leonard, m. Amy Breck, dg. of Daniel B., of S., by w. Patty Learned, and grd. dg. of Elijah B. by w. Sarah Hill, and gr. grd. dg. of John B., by w. Mehetabel Morse (dg. of Hn. C:pt. Joseph Morse), and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Tho. B., of S., by w. Mary Hill, (dg. of John H., of Dorchester,) and pr. gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Edwd. B., of Dorch. He has been a trader in Bos., but now r. in S. He had i. Harriet, 7 Aug. 2, 1827, r. Sh. ; ii Leonard, 7 Mar. 18, '30, d. May 19, '33. in. Almira L., 7 Aug. 10, '33, d. Sept. 23, '33. 47. 83. Braton, w. Irene (Death) Ware, b. Ap. 7, 1789, wid. of Henry W. and dg. of Henry D., by w. Huldah Penniman, and grd. dg. of Henry D., by w. Rachel Leland, and gr. grd. dg. of John D., Esq., by w. Waitstill , and gr. gr. grd. dg. of John and Mary D., fr. Topsfield to Sb. in 1678, had at S., i. Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1816, d. yg. ; ii. Henry Ware, Mar. 31, '18, m. Caro- line Babcock ; in. Irene, July 17, '20, m. Orrin J. Ranlett, r. Waltham ; iv. Elizabeth, Nov. 17. 21, m. Joseph Dowse, jun., r. S. ; v. Amos, Jan. 4, '24, m. Mary Ann Chamberlain, r. S. ; vi. Lewis Fisk, Feb. 28, '26, died yg. ; vn. Sarah, Jan. 7, '28, r. S. ; vin. Joseph Ware, Ap. 2, '30, m. Mary Goulding, Dec. 10, '54, rs. S. 12. 84. John" seems to have inherited a part of his father's farm which fell into the N. part of Medway, near the S. E. corner of Holl., and almost surrounded by Bogistow Brook. He m. Abig'l Leland, 4 b. Feb. 17, 1683, m. Jan. 7, 1702, dg. of Hopestill L., 3 by w. Abig'l Hill, 3 and grd. dg. of Henry L., 2 by w. Margaret Babcock, and gr. grd. dg. of Hopestill L., 1 the Puritan, who came from Yorkshire, Eng., landed and settled at Weymouth, and d. at Medfield, "1655, aged 75," the patriarch to whom belonged the honors that have been paid to the memory of his son Henry. John had at Med., i. Thankful, 4 m. John Harding, of Med., was gr. gd. mother to Rev. Sewell H. 96. 85. ii. John, 4 May 16, 1705, m. Sarah Daniels, Feb. 20, '33. Her platter, marked S. B., was presented to Mrs. Galim Bullard, of S.; in. Abigail Dec. 4, 1708, m. Tim. Clark, of Med., and was the gr. gr. grd. mother of Rev. Geo. Walker, of Holl.; iv. Hannah, 4 May 12, '14, d. ab. 1800, m. Henry Daniels, of Medway, 1733, who d. in his 99th yr. ; v. Mary, 4 Ap. 7, 1717, m. Moses Harding, of Medfield, and had Nathan, Henry, &c. ; vi. Comfort, 4 Mar. 2, 1721, m. Jona. Wheeler, of Med., and was the gr. grd. mother of Rev. Mrs. Sewell Harding. 99. 86. vi. Henry, 4 Oct. 1, 1723, d. Ap. 30, 1799, m. Jemima Pond, fr. Wrcn- tham. 36 BULLARD. 13. 87. Malachi, 3 s. H, m. N. of Medway Village, where Mrs. Lois. Bullard now resides, m. Bethia Fisher, dg. of Josiah Fisher, and grd. dg. of Anthony, fr. Dedham. He had 108. 88. i. Malachi, 4 Ap. 27, 1710, m. Eachael Hill, b. May 26, 1711, m.May 21,'31. ii. Keziah 4 , Dec. 2, 1711, d. about 1802, m. James Partridge, of M. 110. 90. in. Elisha, 4 Aug. 15 '14, m. Bathsheba Fisher, Aprl 9, 1736,was very stout. iv. Eleazer, 4 Sept. 17, '17, died June 12, 1726 ; v. Lydia, 4 June 25, '20, d. June 7, 1730. 14. 92. Isaac, 3 s. in Sherborn, now N. part of H., drew, 1715 and '30, in Dgl., 70 acres. He made his will July 6, 1742, giving the improvement of his house and lands to his wife Sarah during the minority of his son, Isaac, after which Isaac should occupy one half until her decease, when an equal division of what had been his home lands, including 70 acres previously given to his son Samuel, shd. be made to the two sons. He also mentioned his three daughters, all then living and married. Sarah and Samuel were made executors, and presented their account Sept., '43. His estate was appraised Sept. 15, 1742, but his will (see Mid. Prob.) seems not to have been proved. Sarah was appointed, Aug. 13, 1742, guardian to her son Isaac, then in his 10th year. Isaac, 3 m. Sarah Morse, dg. of Lt. Sam'l M., of Medf'ld, had i. Marj 4 , Mar. 28, 1711, m. John Haven, of Fram., Mar. 9, '31-2. 119. 93. ii. Samuel, 4 Capt., Jan. 11, '14-15, d. May 27, '93, m. Deborah Morse. in. Sarah, 4 Oct. 3, '18, m. Ephm. Littlefield, of H., May 30, '35 ; iv. Elizabeth, 4 Feb. 18, '20-1, m. Aaron Jones, of H., Mar. 17, '36-7. 121. 95. Isaac, 4 Oct. 9, '26, d. Jan. 12, 1814, m. Beulah Leland. 85. 96. John 4 s. on part of the homestead in Med. His w. was Sarah Daniels, b. May 1, 1707, dg. of Joseph D., and grd. dg. of Joseph D. of Medf d, who m. Mary Fairbanks, Nov. 16, 1665. He had i. John, 5 Dec. 1, 1733, d. yg. ; n Sarah, 5 Jan. 1, '35-6, m. David Fisk, of Hoi., and was the mother of Timo. Fisk, A. M., M. D., of H. 125. 98. in. Timothy, 6 Mar. 21, '40, d. Jan. 6, 1827, a. 87, at Med.; iv. Nathan, 5 May 16, '48, pr. d. yg. 86. 99. Henry, 4 s. on the homestead in Med., m. Jemima Pond, Mar. 14, 1745-6, who d. May 19, '66. He m. 2. Abigail Morse, dg. of Nath'l M., by w. Sarah Cooledge, and grd. dg. of Jos. M. by w. Pris. Colburne, and gr. grd. dg. of John M., and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Sam'l M., had i. Mary, 5 Oct. 14, 1746, d. Feb. 18, 1825, m. Timo. Hill, '66, r. S. and H. ; 130. 100. ii. Henry, 5 Apl. 29, 1749, d. May 11, 1821, m. Kebecca Kichardson ; 131. 101. in. Adam, 5 Aug. 10, 1752. d. Mar. 8, 1843, m. Lois Richardson, her sister ; 132. 102. iv. John, 5 A. M., Nov, 28, '56, m. Elizabeth Adams, dg. of Rev. Amos A., of Roxbury ; 133. 103. v. Eli, 5 Esq., A. M., Nov. 16, '58, d. May, 1824, m. Ruth Buckmins- ter, of Fram. ; 134. 104. vi. Royal, 5 Apl. 21, '62, d. Mar. 25, 1785, m. Ruth Penniman, of Med.; 135. 105. vii. Samuel, 5 May 15, '66, d. Sep. 1830, m. Abig'l Bullard, dg. of Tim. B. By 2d w. Abigail, he had vm. Abigail, 5 Apl. 11, '73, d. Sep. 24, '76; ix. Marg't, Nov. 1, '75, d. Oct. 14, '76; 136. 106. x. Liberty, 5 Nov. 11, '77, d. ab. 1848, m. Abig'l Learned, 2d Holbrook, fr. Bell ; BULL All D. 37 137. 107. xi. Amos, 5 Feb. 25, '80, d. ab- 1818, in. Abigail Adams, dg. of Obadi- ah of Med. ; xir. Abigail, 5 Aug. 11, '83, m. Thomas Burbank,°r. Warren. 88. 108. Malachi, m. Rachel Hill, dg. of Samuel H., of Med., by w. Rachel Adams,* and settled H- m. N. of Med. village on the homestead ; had only 109. i. Isaac, 5 b. July 9, 1744, m. Mary Fisher, dg. of Dea. Sam'l Fisher, a desdt. of Lieut. Joshua F., of Ded. 90. 110. Elisha, 4 s. 1-3 m. W. of his br. Malachi, where Seth Hixon resides, inheriting pr. one half of his father's homestead, which he sold to Samuel Howard, and rm. He had by w. Bathsheba Fisher, b. May 4, 1714, d». of Samuel F., by w. Mary Rocket, of Wrenth., i. Lydia, 5 Nov. 26, 17*36 • H. Miriam, 5 Nov. 24, '39 ; If. Samuel, 5 Oct, 4, '41, all three of whom died Jan. '41-2 ; if. Seth, 5 Feb. 1, '43 ; in. Abijah, 5 Jan. 3, '44-5 • iv. Samuel, 5 Oct. 19, '46, d. Apl. 24, '54 ; v. Daniel, 5 Dec. 26,' '48 • 118. 114. vi. Elijah, 5 Jan. 11, '50-1, m. Milcah , and r. Holl. ; 115. vn. Elisha, 5 Mar. 26, '52, m. Rachel Rockwood, b. Apl. 26, '56, dg of Benj. R. of Wrenth., by w. Ruth Mann, he then of Franklin- vin. Malachi, 5 May 6, '53, d. Oct. 1, '56; ix. John, 5 Sep. 12,' '55 • 117.x. Abel, 5 Aug. 29, '57; xi. Baruch, 5 Dec. 16, '58, 'm. Julitta Messinger, of H., Apl. 24, '78, and one other child not recorded. 93. 119. Samuel, 4 Cpt., s. in the N. part of Hoi. on a part of his father's farm m. Deborah Morse, dg. of James M., by w. Ruth Sawin, and o-rd. do-, of Capt. Joseph M., of S., by w. Hanh. Babcock, who was b. 1718, m. Julv 12, '39, d. Nov. 25, 1801. He had J 141. 120. i. Samuel, 5 Esq., Sep. 5, '42, d. Jan 27, 1816; n. Deborah, 5 Nov. 23, '47, m. Matthew Metcalf, of Hopk., had i. Fisher, n. Matthew. 95. 121. Isaac, 4 Cpt., m. Beulah Leland, b. Dee. 9, 1726, m. Mar. 27, '46, who d Dec. 27, '84, dg. of Henry L., of S„ by wife Mary Morse ; and 2d. Miriam Twitchell, Apl. 5, 1787, who d. July 13, 1801, a. 57, inherited the homestead in H., and had i. Anna, May 7, 1747, m. David Whitino-, ii. Isaac, 5 Dec. 8, 1754, m. Martha Hill, May 22, '83, had no issue ; 140. 123. in. Eleazer, 5 Dec. 4, '64, m. Jemima Hill, and Ann M. Stodder ■ iv. Mary, 5 '67; 150. 124. v. Joel, 5 Apl. 10, '71, m. Lucretia Morton ; ti. Martha, 5 ; vn. Olive 5 . 98. 125. v. Timothy, 5 s. in E. Medway. He m. Rhoda Richardson, b. Oct. 6 1746 d. May 19, 1811, dg. of Moses R. (d. Ap. 6, 1797, a. 80) by w.Abig'i Allen (d. June 10, 1807, a. 90), and grd. dg. of John R. (d. May 19, 1759, a 80) by w. Esther , who d. with a cancer, Aug. 17, 1774, in her 96th year. She remembered having often been taken in her childhood to Bul- lard's Fort for safety, and of fleeing thither with her children at alarms' of Indian hostilities nearly fifty years after Philip's war. Her s. Samuel R. d. in Wrenth. 1811, aged 96 yrs. and 1 mo. Timo. B. had 147. 126. i. Galim, G June 17, 1765, d. in Sherborn, 1853, m. Sarah Daniels. 129. ii. Ralph, 6 Dec. 10, '66, m. Ama Penniman, s. in M., had John, who inherits his place ; in. Abigail, 6 Aug. 13, '68, m. Samuel Bullard ; iv. Rhoda, 6 Dec. 25, '70, m. Maj. Timo. Whiting, of Med. 100. 130. Henry, 5 s. in the S. E. part of Holl. He built the house now occupied * Grd. dg. of Samuel Hill, of Medfield, by w. Hannah Twitchell, and pr. «r. grd. dg. of John H., of Sherborn, and doubtless gr. gr. grd. dg. of John H., of Dorchester, 1633. 38 B U L L A R D by his grd. b. Henry B., m. Rebecca Richardson, sister of Rboda above, b. Ap. o, 1751, and d. June 15, 1838. He had i. Henry, 6 Feb. 15 1774, m. Hanh Curtis b. May 25, '75 dg. of Jos. C, of M., r. Holden, where he was tound d. in Ins bed, Mar., 1881, leaving 4 children viz* r ^ Ja . me ? K{ h ,J*2 Y - }$* ^ m - Ann Smith, from Worcester, had Maria L., 8 b. 1827 ; Chs. P., 8 1829 ; Horace A. 8 '32 • Levi C. 8 '36 ii. Henry,' b Jan. 20 1802, m. Caroline Gilberts, r.W. Brookfieid, had Emerson, Oilman, Martha A. (d.,) Emer. M. Jones ^\ Si hv b -. J fe* ? 9 ' 1806 ' m - Adaline J - Gilmore, fr. Franklin, r. F., had Maria W. 8 Feb. 20, 1834 ; Mary C 8 ; Helen if. 8 : EltethA* iv. Aroasa C., 7 born July 21, 1812, r. W. Brookfieid. ii. Rebecca, Aug. 22, 1777, m. Reuben Hill, r. E. Med had I. David/ '98, d. 1839, m. Sarah Crooks, had Sarah? Keziah, 8 Sam% 8 E^i~abeth 8 ' ^ DaVid DaDielS ' had Francis >* David >* in Moses, 6 Sept. 20 1779, r. Princeton, m. Elizabeth Clark, b. Nov. 16, 1782, dg. of Samuel C, jun., of S., by w. Elizabeth Learned, and grd. dg. of Samuel C. sen., by w. Mary More, and gr. grd. dg. of Arthur C.? of S., by w. Hannah Morse, gr. grd. dg. of Samuel M., of Medfield, and had i. Calvm/ Mar. or May 17, 1805, m. Mary Ann Gleason, r. Worces., had ' Harriet E* '1830, Ghas. H. 8 '32, Sarah a, 8 '35, Caroline A.? '37. w £ r ° ? e 'n"?J}' 18 ?^r m - Erasmus D ' Goodnow, of Princeton, had Emily C 8 1832, and Wm. Edw., 8 1839 m. Charles/ Nov. 9 1809, m. Elizabeth G. Gleason, had Chs., 1836, trances C, 1839, Ame Ellen, 1844. iv Harriet/ Ap 7, 1812, m. Charles Smith, M. D., rs. Worcester, had Chas. Z>.,1841. y Elizabeth/ June 13, 1814, m. Aaron White, of Med., had Geo. A., 1841, E. Mary and Emily. yi Reb^ca/ Aug. 26, 1816, m. Daniel How, of P., had Sarah M., 1844, Wm. E., 1847. vii. Joanna/ Oct. 20, 1818; vm. Mary, Aug. 9, 1821 d 1844 ?i E rA(/ uly V 23 ' r?- Gates ' and d ' ' 46 ^ i- Samuel C, Feb. 15, '26 ; xr. Moses Henry, Jan. 31, '29. iv Titus, 6 Mar 15, 1783 d^ Jan. 8, 1849, s. in Holl., m. Esther Whiting, b. Oct. 9, 1786, dg. Elias W., of Med, had 8 I. Adeline/ May 4, 1810, d. Dec. 7, '39, m. Timo. Whiting, of Cin- cinnati, Oh. had Adrianah (d.), Adaline E. (d.), Marshall (d.) Adaline E. (d.), Horatio, Dec. 4, 1839. ii. Joanna/ Nov. 4, 1812, d. Oct. 1, '44, m. Wm. Wight, of Holl., had Henry M. (d.), Jane Joanna, 1836, Winthrop (d ) in. Henry/ July 13, 1815, m. Bethia S. Wheeler," r. H. had Lewis Henry, Nov. 8, '41 ; Alice Rebecca, Mar. 29/44 ; Albert W., July 27 46, ; Ellen Eliza, Dec. 8, '49 ; Frances Joanna, June 4, '53 iv. Rebecca/ Oct. 4, 1819, m. Nathaniel Whiting, rs. Watertown, had Adaline M, Jan. 25, '38, Wm. H, May, '43, Arthur A 7 :, May, '45 v. John A./ Oct. 31, 1822, m. Frances I. R. Sargent, rs. Watertown. v. Joanna, 6 Mar. 21, 1792, m. Elias Whiting, r. Med. Til., had only Geo./ b. and d. 1822. J B U L L A It D . 39 101. 131. Adam,"' m. Lois Richardson, b. Feb. 1, 1749-50, dg. of Moses R. above, and m. 1777. Mr. B. remained in his native place, erected mills in the N. E. part of the town, purchased and built upon the place formerly Rev. Mr. Bucknam's, and was a very enterprising, efficient man, and much respected citizen. He had i. Peggy, 6 July 27, 1778, m. Aaron Thayer, r. Hanover, Pa., had i. Cyrus B., 7 May 3, 1807, m. Abig'l Tildon, and d. May, 1840, at Havana, Cuba, having had Helen? '27 (d.), Solon C, Aug. 9, '28, Cyras B., Jan. 18, '30, Clinton, '32, Ambrose, Dec. 7, '34, Mary Jane, '37 (d.), Wm., '39, (d.) ii. Amanda M., 7 Oct. 6, 1805, m. Asahel Carpenter, r. Vt., Canada and Pa., and d. in 111., Nov. 5, 1839, having had Judd, May 4, '23, Fred., Jan. 2, '25, Cyrus, Nov. 17, '30, John, June 8, '32 (d.), Aman- da, Nov., '37 (d.), Emmet, Aug. 7, '39. in. Louisa, 7 Dec. 17, 1809, in Vt., m. Preston Richardson, A. B., (d.), 2d Rev. Edward Allen, Presb., has had and lost 2 chd., r. Pa. iv. Alma, 7 Jan. 16, 1810, in Canada, m. E Tiffany, r. Hartford, Pa., had Lucinda, '32, Alonzo, '34, Judson, '37, Melvina, '3d, Cyrus, '41, Edward, '47. v. Ira, 7 Dec. 29, 181- d. Sept. 27, 1812. vi. Louisa, 7 July 13, 1812, d. Ap., 1837, m. Geo. Blakeslee, had Amanda, '35, Ellen Louisa, '37, (d.) vn. Davis, 7 Oct. 7, 1815, m. Catherine Grunt, had Levi, '42, Ann, '44, Aaron Everett, '45. viii. Margaret, 7 Dec. 15, 1817, m. Henry Fuller, '43, and d. '44. ix. Jemima, 7 June 8, 1820, m. Henry Fuller, '46, r. Johnstown, Oh., had Frank, '47. ii. Cyrus, 6 March 6, 1780, d. urn., Ap. 18, 1806. This was a remarkable young man, the pride and ornament of his native town, as we can well re- member. It is not easy for the younger generation to estimate the evidence of his talents by modern comparisons. For a youth of such limited oppor- tunities, 55 years ago, to conceive the design of breaking away from the seclusion and monotony of rural life, and of embarking in such adventurous enterprises, and to be able to satisfy cautious friends of his competency, was a very different thing from doing it now. He sailed from Providence, Dec. 1, 1800, for Chili, where he arrived July, 1801, and took up his residence at Conception. Here he devoted some months to the acquisition of Spanish. Subsequently he gained employment as a linguist. During a portion of his time at C, he worked in gold and diamonds, and kept a store of jewelry. Sept. 3, 1803, he sailed for the Island of Masafuro. Here he remained from Sept. 11, until March 7, 1804, purchasing furs for the China market, with which he arrived at Canton in Sept. following. Having transacted his business here and recovered from dangerous sickness, he sailed in Nov. for America, and arrived at Nantucket, Ap. 7, 1805. Nov. following, he sailed from Boston as master and supercargo in the brig Littiller, for Guadaloupe, and after a prosperous voyage, returned to B., Feb. 11, 1806. Fifteen days after he sailed again, in the employ of the same house, for the same island, which he left on the 13th of Ap. for St. Thomas. Here he was arrested by a fever, with which he died Ap., 1806, a. 26. The news of his death threw a pall over the entire community of Medway, and the watchful pastor, Rev. . Luther Wright, added his voice to that of Providence, in a public discourse which by request was published, in. Jemima, 6 Oct. 26, 1780, m. Wm. Lacroix, inherits and occupies the 40 BULLARD. hospitable and venerated mansion of her father, in E. Med., and has kindly contributed much to this collection. iv. Adam," Jan. 27, 1783, drowned at sea, um., Oct., 7, 1809, on a return voyage from Eng. to New York. In him terminated the name of Bullard in the line of his father. v. Lois, June 12, 1787, d. Feb. 11, 1825, m. Wm. Lacroix, r. Ded., had i. AVm., 7 Jan. 17, 1816, d. Ap., '40 ; n. Emily, 7 June 26, '17, d. Oct., '19. in. Frederick, 7 May 7, '19. iv. Laura, 7 Nov. 1, '20, d. '44 ; v. Louis, 7 Ap. 7, '22, d. '44. vi. James, 7 Nov. 30, '23, m. Mary , had Geo. James, Oct. 18, '54. vn. Edmond, 7 Feb. 6, '25, m. Eliza, and had Henry Leland, Oct. 3, '52, d. '53 ; Fred. Wells, Ap. 20, '54. 102. 132. John, 5 Rev. A. M., Har. Col., 1776, studied divinity with Rev. Dr. Prentice, of Medfield, was ordained and settled as the minister ef Pepperell, Oct. 18, 1779, where he d. Sep. 18, 1821, a. 68, an example of piety, and ministerial dignity and conciliation. He m. Elizabeth Adams, eldest dg. of Rev. Amos Adams, of Roxb., by w. Elizb. Chauncey, dg. of the Rev. Charles Chauncey, D. D., of Boston, one of the most eminent ministers cf his times in N. Engd. Her father, Rev. Amos Adams, was b. at Medfield, Sep. 1, 1728, grad. at Har. Col. 1752, was ord. at Roxb. Sep. 12, 1753, where he d. Oct., 3 '75 ; a man of general learning and the author of valuable historical discourses. He was the son of Henry A., by w. Jemima Morse, dg. of Hon. Joshua M., of M., by w. Mary Paine, from Braintree, of the same family as Hon. Robert Treat P., signer of the Declaration. His father was the son of Henry A., by wife Prudence Frarie, a woman of distinguished family, and of eminent piety and talents, who "lived to see the fifth generation," and the grandsen of Henry A., clerk of writs, and often representative of Medfield, who with his w. Eliza- beth Paine from Braintree, perished at the Indian massacre at M., Feb. 1G, '75-6; and the gr. grd. son of Henry Adams, of Braintree, now Quincy. Rev. John Bullard, had at Pepperell : r. Elizabeth, m. Henry Bass, mercht. of Boston, and had i. Sarah Elizabeth, 7 who m. Fred. A. Gray, mercht., Bos., and had Henry Gray, 8 late of the Custom House, New York ; . ii. Henry Bass, 7 A. M., Har. U., 1819, and M. D, d. um. 1826 ; in. John Bass, 7 d. 1827, at Prairie Bluff, Al. ; iv. Wm. Bass, 7 who resided with his family on Fox R., 111. ; v. George James, 7 who d. at Pepperell, a. 16 ys. ; vi. Lucretia Bass, 7 who d. a. 8 y. ; vn. Amos Bass, 7 who died at Natchitoches, La. ; viii. Mary H. Bass, 7 who m. Henry Hanford, of Clinton, La., and has 4 children ; ix. Lucretia Bass, 7 who m. Wm. Winter, Esq., of Clin- ton, La., and d., leaving one son ; x. Charles, 7 who d. a. 5 years, ii. Lucretia Bullard, 6 d. June 22, 1827, m. Samuel Parker, mercht. 1817, and had Elizabeth Lucretia, 7 who m. Wm. Henry Prince, A. M., M. D., of Salem, June 27, 1843, and has 1. Louise, 8 and 2. John, 8 ; Mrs. Lucretia Bullard Parker m. 2d, Hon. Benj. M. Farley, Esq., of Hollis, N. H., where she now resides ; in. John Bullard, m. Sarah Parker, of Pepp., 1808, became a mercht. in Alab., and had i. John Parker, 7 A. M., Nov., 1809, who grad. 1829, at H. U., m. Lucy Brigham, fr. Cambrdg. ; settled in Clinton, La., where he d. leaving a son John, 8 now r. with his mother in Boston. He was a man of active benevolence and great promise. When at Col., he was among BULLARD. 41 the first to espouse the cause of temperance ; and afterwards in seasons of great mortality, he was accustomed to leave his business and visit and pray with the sick and dying ; ii. Sarah E., 7 Sep. 11, 1811, d. Dec. 10, '35, of consumpn. ; ni. Mary L., 7 Jly. 15, 1813, d. Oct. 7, '44, at Pepp., m. John F. Williams, M. D., r. Natchitoches, had i. John James, 8 Dec. 10, '42, ii. MaryL. B., 8 Sep. 7, '44; iv.Henry Adams Bullard, A. M. and S. H. S., b. Sep. 9, 1788, d. Apl., 1851. The following obituary appeared in the New Orleans Crescent, soon after. THE LATE JUDGE BULLARD. " A sense of duty, heightened by personal friendship, leads us to attempt a brief sketch of Henry Adams Bullard, whose death we recorded yesterday. He was born in Pepperell, Massachusetts — of which town his father was the minister — on September 9th, 1788. On the mother's side, he was closely connected with the distinguished family, whose name he bears. Ho was educated at Harvard Univer- sity, and graduated in the class of 1S07, at the age of nineteen. At the time, French was the only modern language taught in that institution. But while he pursued his law studies, both in Boston and Philadelphia, he acquired the Spanish, Italian, and German, all of which he critically understood and appreciated. It is only a few months since we found him and his son reading Mifflin's Tasso, with the original, and heard from his 'unpremeditated talk,' an essay on the ' Jerusalem,' which would have furnished a professional lecturer with an evening's dissertation. In Philadelphia, the acquaintances formed through his knowledge of the Spanish, brought him in contact with Gen. Toledo, who was organizing an expedition to revolutionize New Mexico. Judge Bullard, then just admitted to the Bar, joined him as an Aid and Military Secretary, and proceeded with him to Nashville, where be passed the winter of 1812. The following spring he accompanied Gen. Toledo, and the recruits, to Natchitoches, which was the starting point. They entered the Mexican territory and found the people already in arms, and the royal troops driven out of what now constitutes Texas, except the force in San Antonio ; but these retired at the approach of the Bepublicans. Here they remained several weeks, until the Spanish General, having concentrated an overwhelming force, defeated the Bepublicans in a pitched battle, and scattered their forces in every direction. Judge Bullard was mounted, and with one or two companions, managed to reach the American settlements, after suffering severe hardships. When he entered Natchi- toches he was ragged, sick — broken down by fatigue and privation, and, worse than all, penniless. Here he opened an office, and commenced the practice of his profes- sion. Natchitoches, in point of age, is second to New Orleans, and at that time, was second in importance. It was the trading post for the Indians and Mexicans within an extensive circuit. The great raft prevented all intercourse by river above, and it was virtually the head of navigation on Bed Biver. The removal of the raft, the purchase of the Indian lands, and the removal of the Indians — the introduction of steamboats, and the facility of communication with New Orleans, all have tended to the decline of the ancient town. All that period, a practising lawyer of the Western District was compelled to ride a circuit, embracing Opelouses, Avoyelles, Alexandria, Natchitoches, Ouachita and Concordia, a distance of three hundred miles. The practice was lucrative, and the bar num- bered more talent and learning, than at any subsequent period. The names of Wilson, Johnston, Brent, Porter, Bowen, Bronson, Thomas, and Bullard, would have done honor to any bar. Of these, General Isaac Thomas alone remains at the 6 42 B U L L A R D . bar — himself and Mr. Bronson alone survive. It was a life of great physical hard- ship, yet one of much enjoyment. Some years since, we rode from Natchez to Alexandria with Judge Bullard and Gen. Thomas. It was a region over which, some thirty years before, they had travelled twice a year. Scarcely a spring or brook was passed, which did not call up some interesting reminiscence, and they lived over again the scenes of their active and adventurous youth; and the younger men, who accompanied them, almost regretted that they, too, had not lived in those days of freedom and manly exercise. In 1822, Judge Bullard went upon the District Court Bench, and performed its duties for several years, when he resigned ; but, after a year or two, returned. In 1831, he was elected to Congress, from the Western District, and re-elected the next term. In 1834, he was elevated to the Supreme Bench, taking the place of Judge Porter, who went into the Senate of the United States. In Congress, Judge Bullard was not among the debaters. He spoke occasionally, on great questions, and after careful preparation. His most elahorate speech was on the Tariff bill, in 1832. He remained on the Supreme Bench from 1834 till 184G, with the exception of a few months in '39, when he filled the office of Secretary of State, and resumed the practice of his profession. Under the Constitution of '45, a new Judiciary was created, and not one of the members of the Supreme Court retained. He returned to his practice in this city, and was retained in much of the important litigation of the State. His decisions are models of judicial rhetoric ; brief, perspicuous and pointed. As a writer, Judge Bullard had few equals ; he wrote without effort, yet with a critical accuracy that defied correction. As a speaker, he had the advantage of a face of extreme beauty, which the ravages of excruciating disease for twenty- five years did not destroy, a speaking eye, and a musical voice. But his command of language was not copious, and though he always used the aptest words, he sometimes hesitated in selecting them. When, however, excited, he spoke with feeling, force and eloquence. His last public speech in New Orleans, was at the Bar meeting, called together by the death of Mr. Prentiss. He then spoke with much emotion, and pronounced one of the most beautiful eulogies in the language. On that mournful occasion, he thus spoke of himself: ' Who would have thought that I, whose career is ended — that I, whose sands are fast dropping away — that I, with my age and physical infirmities — I whose children no longer require a father's solicitude, should have survived to pay this feeble tribute to his memory ; while he, the young, the noble-hearted, the gifted — in the fulness of his fame and usefulness — sinks into an early grave, and leaves behind him a youthful and pious wife and four orphan children, to weep for his loss '? How inscrutable are the ways of Providence ! ' Among the many noble traits of his character, on which his friends will love to dwell, was his interest in the younger members of the Bar. We remember well the embarrassment with which, as an unknown young lawyer, from the woods, we first appeared before that awful body, the Supreme Court, and we can never forget the kindness of his manner, the considerate attention which he bestowed on the obscure advocate, at once restoring confidence and winning gratitude. Such, too, was the remark of other young men, under the same trying circumstance ; and even when suffering the torments of the gout, we never knew him to show any ill feeling to the younger and humbler members of the Bar. He kept up to the last his habit of general reading, and was familiar with all the best authors, of all languages. His conversation was that of a full man, without the slightest approach to pedantry. It may well be said of him, that ' lie was a scholar, and a wise and good one ; Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading.' . v. y2 . T.SBufForOs Lith. Boston . ZsLt^?^ B TJ L L A R D . 43 He delivered many lectures and addresses before the literary societies of this city which might tie well compared with similar productions of men who make literature a profession. In 1847, ho was appointed Professor of the Civil Law, in the Law fccnool or Louisiana, and delivered two courses of lectures. In 1850 he was elected to fill a vacancy in the State Legislature, and a few weeks after was elected ? 5? n V ifr a n Cy m ^° SeCOnd ( ' on S™ssional District, occasioned by the entrance ot Mr. C. M. Conrad into the Cabinet. Judge Bollard thus returned to Conn-ess after an absence of sixteen years. lie found but few of his old friends in cither House. He did not speak during the short session, though we know it had been his wish to do so on the California Bills. His thorough knowledge of the Spanish laws and their systein of land titles, would have enabled him to give Congress much valuable information, which is now lost. During the session, he argued several cases in the Supreme Court, and was treated with marked attention by that talented and learned Bench. His health during the winter was remarkably good, and the cold, dry climate braced his constitution. But he imprudently returned home by the Southern route and the fatigue and exposure of the journey completely prostrated him. He lingered for three weeks, and died at last from the gout in the stomach— His funeral was attended by a large number of the Bar, the Judges of the Supreme Court and many of the most prominent citizens." Judge Bollard m. Sarah Keasar ? and had i. Henry/ who d. 1852 ; n. Charles/ who rs. at San Francisco ; m. Mary Ann' ; iv. Virginia 7 j v. Julia. 7 J v. Royal, Rev. A. M., May, 1789, grad. 1810, at Yale Col. f 1 ?'-^- . 2 p. 1820 > M ks Esther Lewis Marry, b. at Camden, S. C, Nov o, 1800. After spending most of his years at the S., he in 1829, removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, and from thence to Lancaster, and next to Mount Carmel ; employed most of the time as agent for the American Sund. School VT v •• n S b 7 re P rescntat ions of the character and prospects of the Prairie Country and by the desire to plant religious institutions there before opposition should become organized against them, he disposed of his place at Mt. C. in 1833, and removed to Hennipen, in N. Ill, and the next year, as was then the custom of settlers, took measures to secure a claim on government land 25 miles above the mouth of Fox R„ where he finally settled with his family, and spent the remainder of his days in superintend- ing the opening of his farm, collecting the settlers around as they arrived and showing them the only way to a better country. Thus closed the life of another descendant of Prudence Frarie, in the exalted pursuit of doin* rood He d. Dec. 13, 1846, at Millbrook Farm, Kendall Co., 111. He had" • i. Sarah Elizabeth/ Nov. 2, 1822, at Camden, d. Oct. 21 '21 • ii. John Royal, 7 Nov. 21, 1824, m. Catharine L. Corns, Mar. 3,' 1853 and had i. Amelia Rebecca? Jan. 27, '54, at Millbrook Farm'- in. Sarah Elizabeth, 7 2d, Jan. 26, 1827, at C, m. May 21 '47 Geo Gale, r. Millford, 111., had r. Royal Lee, 8 Juno 19, '54 • iv. James Marry/ Jan. 30, 1827, m. Mary Jane Corns' May 13 '51 r. Millbrook Farm, had Mary Esther, Feb. 27, '52 ■ v. Henry Rudulph/ Feb. G, 1832, at Mt. Carmel, Oh., d. Au" 3 '32- vi. Rachel Blanding/ Dec. 30, 1833, at Hennipen, 111., ,n °Pcter 8 Lott, Mar. 3, '53, r. New Newark, 111., had Sarah Eliz. 8 May 11 '54 • viz. Edward S./ Jly. 20, 1836, on Fox R, r. Millbrook Farm ; viii Mary Esther/ Nov. 3, 1839, on Fox R., r. Milford, Ken. Co., 111. vi. Sarah Bollard, 6 Apl. 1, 1701, ni. Oct. 7, 1819, Joseph Brcck/ b. Jly. 1, 44 BULLARD. 1794, s. of Jona. B. 6 (b. May 12, 1762, d. 1826,) and grd. son of Edward B. 5 , (b. Juno 2, 1738, d. June 30, 1767,) and gr. grd. s. of Edwd. B. 4 (b. Feb. 24, 1699, d. 1788,) and gr. gr. grd. s. of Edwd. B. 3 (b. 1674, d. Sep, 5, 1713,) and gr. gr. gr. grd. s. of John B. 2 (b. Feb. 1650, d. Feb. 17, ,1690,) and gr. gr. gr. gr. grd. s. of Edward B., 1 of Dorchester, 1630, and d. Nov. 2, 1662. Mr. Break keeps an extensive agricultural warehouse and seed store in N. Market st., Boston, and rs. in Brighton ; had i. Charles Henry B. Breck, 7 Aug. 23, 1821, m. Fanny Brown, of Br., and has Charles Henry; ii. Margaret B.J Feb. 22. '26, m. Wm. Strong, and has Ellen ; vii. Mary Adams Bullard, 6 Apl. 21, 1794, m. Oct. 2, 1823, Shubael Blanding, M. D., of Columbia, S. C, b. Nov. 15, 1795, son of Shubael B., of Koyalston, Mass., and bad only i. Elizabeth, 7 Jly. 1, 1824, m. Apl. 23, '46, John Wm. Powell, M. D., b. Apl. 25, '23, at Fairfield, S. C, and had i. Mary Frances? Mar. 15, '41 ; ii. Wm. Blanding? Jly. 26, '48 ; in. John Henry? Jly. 3, '50 ; iv. Lucius Bullard? Nov. 18, '51 ; v. Elizabeth Carpenter? Apl. 17, '54, d. Oct. 3, '54. vni. Charles Adams Bullard, 6 Esq., A. M., grad. 1819, H. U., read law, s. at Camden, S. C, where he m. Mar. 31, '21, Margaret Douglas, fr. Scotland, who d. Aug. 1, '21, a. 21. He m. 2. Julia Ann Blood worth, Mar. 31, '29, had i. James Leonard 7 ; n. Amie Ann 7 ; in. Mary Eliza 7 ; iv. Chs. Amos 7 ; v. Julia Adams 7 . He now resides at Natchitoches, La., retired from the Bar, has been a Dis. Judge, and 5 years a member of the Legislature, of La. 103. 133. Eli, A. M., Esq., grad. at Yale Col. 1787 ; settled in Fram. where he taught an Academy, practised law, and for 8 yrs. served as Town Clerk. He m. Ruth Buckminster, 1794, dg. of Lawson B., by w. Mary , andb. Sep. 17, '76. He d. May, 1824. He had i. Chas., 6 Jly. 4, '96, d. urn. at sea. n. Nancy, 6 Dec. 20, '99, m. Otis Fairbanks, of Bos., had three children, only one of whom survives, in. Edward, 6 d. yg. iv. Maria, 6 m. Jones, of Bos., and has children. 104. 134. Royal, 5 m. Ruth Penniman ; had i. Amey. 6 105. 135. Samuel, 5 settled at Shrewsbury, and by w. Abigl. Bullard, had i. Ama, 6 June 18, 1787, d. June 3, 1848, m. John Morse, had i. Caroline, 7 Aug. 3, 1815, m. John P. Muzzy, r. Newark, N. J., has Marcus M. ; n. Cyrus, 7 Jly. 8, '10, r. N. J., has Howard 8 and John* * and Chas. 8 ; in. Harrison K., 7 Apl. 28, 1826, (see memorial of the Morses, p. 84.) ii. Dolly, 6 Apl., 1794, m. Joseph Morse, of W. Boylston. in. Jason, 6 Jly. 1798, r. Shrewsbury, m. Sarah How ; had Geo. H. 7 Aug. 1823 ; Chs. 7 May, '25 ; John, 7 Oct. '27. ; Sarah M. 7 Nov. '29; Samuel, 7 June, '31; Elizabeth, 7 June, '33; Eli, 7 1835; Harriet, 7 Dec, '37. iv. Frances, 6 Oct., 1808, m. Chauncey Bond, of Brookfield. 106. 136. Liberty, 5 s. at New Salem, m. Abigail Learned, dg. of Edward L., of S. and Sturbridge, by w. Sarah Pratt, and grd. dg. of Capt. Edward L., of S., by wife Sarah (Fuller) Pratt, and gr. grd. dg. of Dea. Benoni L., of S., by w. Sarah Fanning, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Isaac L., of Chelmsford, by w. Mary Stearns, and gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Wm. Learned, of Charlestown, BULLARD. 45 who took the freeman's oath, May 14, 1G34, and who was so highly esteemed for his intelligence and virtue, that his fellow citizens 2G (2) 1G38, associated him with Mr. Increase Nowell, Mr. John Harvard, and 3 others, to " con- sider of some things tending towards ahody of laws." She d. Feb. 29, 1808. He m. 2d, Holbrook, from B., and had i. Edward, 6 May, 1800; n. James, d. yg. ; in. James ; iv. Wm. G and by 2d w. he had ; v. Abigail" ; vi. Gilford ; viii. Aaron 6 ; ix. Betsey 6 ; x. Hannah. 6 107. 137. Amos, 5 settled in Holl., near the ancient homestead in Med., m. Abigail Adams, dg. of Obadiah A., of W. Med., by w. Abigail Harding, and gr. dg. of Nathan A. by w. Keziah Thomson, and gr. grd. dg. of Obadiah A., of Med., by w. Christian Sanford, fr. Mnndon, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of John A. of Medfield, by. w. Deborah , and gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Edward A., of M., the son of Henry, of Braintree, (now Quincy) and who drew in 1659, the land on Chicken Brook, which was inherited and occupied by her father. Amos B. had i. Amos, 6 A. M., Rev., Jly. 13, 1807, d. ab. '50. He grd. at Amherst Col. 1833 ; studied Theology at the Sem. at Andover ; was sometime Prin. of the Academy in Leicester ; and Oct. 26, 1843, was ordained Pastor of the Orthodox Congl. chh. in Barre, where he d„ He was an accurate scholar, an able theologian, an accomplished writer, a kind friend and devoted minister. He m. Mary Ann Durant, fr. Exeter, N. H., Dec. 30, 1839, and had i. Elizabeth C., 7 Dec. 12, 1842 ; n. Wm. D., 7 Sep. 29, '44 ; in. Mary L., 7 Aug. 17, '46. ii. Mary, 6 Nov. 21, 1808, m. Stephen W. Richardson, of Frank, in. Silvanus, 6 Nov. 26, '10, m. Mary F. Morse, dg. of Andrew M., of Med.; had Fred. F., 7 Nov. 30, '36, d. Sep. 15, '38. iv. Cyrus, 6 Apl. 9, 1813, inherits the ancient seat of the family in Med., m. Ede Patridge, (see memorial of Morses, Note No. XLVII) and had i. Abigail A., 7 Jly. 7, '30 ; n. Rhoda P., 7 Jly. 12, '40 ; m. Fred. F., 7 Sep. 15, '41, d. Feb. 2, '43 ; iv. Silvanus, 7 Oct. 30, '43 ; v. Amos E., 7 Oct, 4,'46 ; vi. Joanna E., 7 Sep. 12,'48. v. Eliza, 6 Jan. 7, 1816, m. Stephen W. Richardson, of Frank., and had i. Mary, 7 Feb. 28, 1836 (d.) ; n. Mary, 7 Aug. 8, '37, d. '39; in. John W., 7 Sep. 8, '39 ; iv. Henry B., 7 May 21, '40 ; v. W. S., 7 Apl. 12, '41. ? vi. Frederick, 6 Aug. 25, 1827. 107 1-2. 138. Abigail, 5 m. Tho. Burbank, of Warren, and had i. Geo., 6 1814, m. Charlotte Davis, had Geo. If., 7 Chs. E. and Charlotte. n. Chs., G 1816, m. Martha Davis ; had Martha E. 7 and Charlotte. in. Wm., 6 1819, m. Elizabeth Davis ; had Nelson C., 7 Wm. A. 7 iv. Henry, 6 1821, m. , and had Abby Jane 7 Adaline Ann. 7 v. John, 6 1826. 109. 139. Isaac, 5 inherited the farm of his father Malachi, 1 1-2 m. N. of Med. Village, m. Mary Fisher, pr. dg. of Dea. Samuel F., of Med, and b. Sep. 4, 1741. He had i. Silas, 6 Jan. 12, 1767, m. Thankful Adams ; s. at Wendafl ; had Anna, 7 Nov. 30, '93 ; Moses, 7 Jly. 26, '96, at Med. ii. Julia, 6 May 2, '68, m. Elijah Clark, of Medfield. in. Malachi, 6 Esq., Aug. 13, '70, m. Polly Littlefield, b. Oct. 29, '74, dg. 46 DULLARD. of John L. by w. Tabitba Adams, m. June 27, '54, and grd dg. of Ebenz. L., of Holl, by w. Abiah Morse, and gr. gr. grd. dg. Ebenz. L., of Newton, by w. Lydia , and gr. gr. grd. dg. of John L. by w. Mary , who, late of Wrenthanij Apl. 1675, sold a house lot there to Henry Wight, and pr. gr. gr. ,c;r. grd. dg. of John Littlefield, who d. at W. June, 13, 1674. Malachi 11, Esq., s. in early life in the N.W. of Med., where he and his lady still live, sure of grateful remembrance when they are no more.* They had i. Elias, 7 A. M., Esq., of II., who grad. 1823, B. U., read law with Elijah Morse, Esq., of Boston, s. in II., where for 20 ys. he has been in practice, serving the town in all the offices in her gift. He m. Persis Daniels, of S., and had chil. ; ir. Malachi, Rev., A. M., who grad. 1841, D. C, studied divinity with llev. Dr. Ide of Med., settled as pastor of a Cong'l chh. at Winchen- don, where he was much beloved and respected as a man and minister, and useful for the time he remained. But his labors were destined to be short. He d. with a consumption ab. 1850, greatly lamented by his flock and numerous acquaintances, leaving a young wid. and one child ; in. Appleton, who rs. in H. ; iv. Hartwell, who pr. rs. in Wcstboro'. iv. Rachel, 6 June, 29, 1772, m. Eli Thurston, r. W. boro'. v. Mary, G Dec. 17, '74, d. Aug. 22, 1802, unmarried. vi. Isaac, 6 Dec. 26, '76, m. Peuah Fisher, and inherited the homestead. vii. Achsah, 6 Aug. 21, '78, m. Elihu White, of Franklin. ix. Elihu, 6 Jan. 2, '82, d. 1847, leaving a s., Albert; r. Wendall. x. Elias, 6 May 15, '85, d. Feb. 8, 1798. xi. Nathan, 6 May 19, '87, m. Nancy Russel, dg. of Thos. R.,of Oxford, s. 1-2 m. N. W. of Med. village, and had i. Elizabeth, 7 Dec, 1816, m. Rev. John Garnon, of Limington, N. H. ; ii. Sabrina, 7 Mar. 25, '20, m. Rev. Malachi Bullard, (d.) of Winchen- don. ; in. Elmira, 7 Sep. 16, 1822, m. Simeon Morse Cutler, of Holl., and has Edwd., Wm., Mary. xn. Vestee, 6 - Dee. 21, 1789, and d. Nov. 14, 1791. 123. 140. Eleazer, 6 s. in N. of Holl, m. Jemima Hill, dg. of Timothy Hill, of S. and Holl., by w. Mary Bullard, and grd. dg. of Samuel Hill, of Med., by w. Mary, and gr. grd. dg. of Samuel H., of Medfield, by w. Rachel Adams (m. Mar. 29, 1705), and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Samuel H. (fr. Dorchester to M.) by w. Hanh. Twitchell, (m. at Medfield, Nov. 4, 1679.) Eleazer B. 6 m. 2d, Martha Parker, fr. Fram., b. Apl. 15, 1773, m. Sep. 21, '93, d. Jan. 23, 182G ; and had i. Henry, 7 Mar. 6, 1791 ; m. Eunice Barber, b. June 28, 1791, dg. of Ol- iver B. by w. Nancy Bullard, and grd. dg. of Elisha B. by w. Silence, and gr. grd. dg. of Zachariali B., of Medfield, by w. Deborah, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Zach. B. by w. Abiel Ellis, (dg. of Tho., of M.), and gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Geo. B. the Puritan of Dcd. and Medfd., r. Sangerville, Me., had i. Nelson, 1817, m. Susan M. Plummer, r. S., Me. ; n. Angeline, 1818, m. David Gilman, r. Levant, Me.; in. Nancy I., '21, m. Henry L. Ilawes, r. Franklin ; iv. Eunice, '24, r. Levant, Me. ; v. Timothy * Boston, Apl., 1855. Since the preparation of this work, I have learned, with sorrow and re- gret, that Malachi B., Esq., and lady, have both deceased, and nearly at the same time. She was a most amiable woman, and a model neighbor and mother. He merits an extended obituary, having been one of the most upright, useful, pacific, and esteemed citizens of my native town during the last 60 years. His memory honors the name. BULLARD. 47 H., '27, m. Lucinda Trundy, r. S., Me. ; vi. Henry, '29 ; vir. Julia Ann, '81. n. Charles, 7 Jly. 31, 1795, m. Apl. 25, 1827. Catherine Stodder, b. Feb. 5, 1806, rs. N. Cambridge ; bad 1. Chs., 8 jun., June, 22, '28, d. Oct 7, '28. 2. Chs. Henry, Sep. 7, '29, rs. um. a clerk in Bos, 3. Catherine,' 8 Aug. 28, '32, d. Oct. 26, '32. in. Ruth, 7 Aug. 11, 1798, d. Oct. 23, 1845 ; iv. Luke, 7 Apl. 24, '02, d. Mar. 4, '03 ; v. Jemima, 7 Sept. 10, '04, m. James M. Cutler, Apl. 25, '26, rs. Hoi.; vi. Parker, 7 Dec. 6, '06, d. Jly. 8, '09 ; vn. John,7 Sep. 13, '08, d. Sep. 18, '08 ; viii. Josiah, 7 Nov. 8, '09, in. Jan. 1833, Lucy A. Greely, b. Sep. 8, '14, rs. Milford ; had 1. Ghas. Eugene,* June 26, 1834 ; 2. Lucy M* Sep. 15, '35 ; 3. Susan G., 8 Jly. 26, '38, d. Apl. 5, '40; 4. Josiah P., 8 Mar. 18, '40 ; 5. Susan J, 8 Jan. 32, '42 ; 6. Adelbert L., 8 Mar. 9, '44, d. Feb. 19, '48 ; 7. Ada G 8 Aug. 31, '46 ; 8. Adelbert L. 8 Apl. 4, '49 ; 9. Florence J/, 8 June 26, '51. is. Eleazer, 7 March 26, 1812, m. June 19, '33, Ann Maria Stodder, b. Aug. 26, '12, rs. Boston ; had 1. Maria S., 8 Sep. 30, '34 ; 2. Eleazer, 8 jun., Jan. 1, '37 ; 3. Susan S. 8 Sep. 7, '42, d. Jly. 30, '47 ; 4. Emma E. 8 Feb. 21, '45, d. Aug. 17, '48 ; 5. Ruth A.,* Jan. 20, '47 ; 6. Susan E., 8 Mar. 15, 1850. x. Martha, 7 Jly. 21, 1814, d. Aug. 15, 1814. xi. Joseph, 7 Oct. 4, 1816, m. Clarissa Ann Williams, b. Sep. 1, 1815, m. Apl. 25, '39,. d. June 26, '39. He next m., June 14, '40, Sarah Ann Partridge, b. Dec. 3, 1818. rs. W. Med. ; had 1. Geo. W., 8 May 24, '41 ; 2. Clara Ann, 8 Max. 31, '43 ; 3. Joel Partridge 8 Oct. 18, '45 ; 4. Joseph Emerson 8 Oct. 20, '48 ; 5. Ed- mond* Oct. 27, '50 ; 6. Sarah Ella. 8 Feb. 13, '53. 120. 141. Samuel, 5 Esq., a distinguished mathematician, surveyor, and draftsman, inherited the homestead of his father in Holl., m. Lydia Partridge, of Med., dg. of James P. by w. Keziab Bullard, and grd. dg. of John P., Jun., of Medf'ld, by w. Elizabeth Ptocket, and pr. gr. grd. dg. of John P., to whom land was assigned in M. 1650. He had 145. 142. i. Aaron, 6 June 7, or 2, 1770, d. May 19, 1846, m. Jerusha Littlefield. 1451 143. n . Jotham/ ; May 11, 1773, d. Sept. 18, 1848, m. Anna Cutting. in. Joseph, May 11, '73, d. yg. 146. 144. iv. Samuel," b. 1777, m. Persis Bailey; 2d, Esther Force. 142. 145. Aaron, m. Ap. 4, 1793, Jerusha LittleQeld, dg. of Ephraim L., Esq., of II., and s. in Fram., where he had i. Ephraim, 7 Sept. 21, 1792, who died the same day; n. Dana, 7 Jan. 4, 1796, m. Dee. 10, 1819, Betsey Good- now, who d. Jan. 28, '26, and 2d, Mary Ann Tarlton, fir. New Market, N. H, Jan. 18, '29, had i. Chs. Henry 8 June 24, '20, m. Elizabeth Potter, of Norwich, Ct., and had Ida, 9 Nov. 2, '48 ; and Albert, 1 ' Ap. 4, '50, at N. ii. Emily Elizabeth, 8 June 23, '23, m. Joseph F. Tappan, Nov. 25, '45, had Frank B., 9 Mar. 16, '46 ; Edward S., 9 July 22, '48; and Wilton H., 9 Dec. 22, 50, at Ncwburyport. in. Georqe Courtland, 8 m. Caroline Goocb, of Waltham, '50, had Ella M., 9 Mar. 18, '51 ; and Emma, 9 Ap. 28, '53, at W. iv. Sarah Helen 8 Feb. 21, 1833, d. Nov. '36 ; v. Martha A. 8 Oct. 7, '34. 48 BULLARD. in. George, 7 b. July 30, 1798, rs. in Fram., has been engaged as superin- tendent of machine shops, m. May 13, 1833, Mary Cutting Bullard, fr. E. Sud., now Wayland, had r. Alfred Eodolphus, 8 May 20, '34, educated at Brown U., and now a student of medicine at Med. ii. Mary Ann,* July 30, '36 ; ni. Cyrus Arthur, 8 Feb. 22, '40. iv. Lowell Johnson, 8 Aug. 16, '44 ; v. Emily Maria, 8 Apr. 17, '47. iv. Cyrus, b. Ap. 22, 1801, m. Lucy Goodnow, of Fram., May 14, '37. v. Lydia Partridge, 7 Dec. 4, 1803, m. Hollis Clayes, Dec. 5, '22, and had i. Ann Maria, 8 Mar. 31, '24, m. Joseph Johnson, of Portland, Me., and had Helen Maria, 9 Dec. 16, '53 ; n. Frederic Hollis, 8 Dec. 2, '30 ; in. Granville Howard 8 Nov. 22, '37. vi. Emeline, 7 Nov. 4, 1811, m. Ap. 16, 1831, who d. Oct. 16, '41 ; she m. Henry Ware Coolidge ; 2d, John Broad, March 31, '47, r. Holl., had Henry Ware Coolidge, 8 Ap. 4, '38. 143. 145*-. Jotham, m. June 2, 1803, Anna Cutting, of E. Sud., s. there and had i. Joseph, 7 March 2G, 1804, in. Harriet Loker, b. March 26, 1804, had i. John C., 8 July 12, '34; n. Anna E., 8 Nov. 25, '35; in. Willard A., 8 Dec. 14, '37 ; iv. Harriet A., 8 Ap. 17, '39 ; v. Joseph O., 8 May 20, '41 ; vi. Mary A., 8 Dec. 18, '42 ; vn. Eldora C., 8 Ap. 2, '49. ii. Elvira Ann, 7 Ap. 28, 1805, d. March 27, '41. in. Mary Cutting, 7 Dec. 18, 1812, m. George Bullard, of Fram. iv. Emily, 7 Oct. 29, 1818, m. March 29, '38, Ebenezer Johnson, of Boston, had Granville Ebenezer, 8 Nov. 3, '34 ; and Geo. Jotham, 8 Oct. 29, '43. v. Joanna, 7 July 13, 1823, m. Ap. 26, '49, Ira Perry, r. E. Weymouth and W. Medway, had Maria Elvira, 7 March 31, '50 ; Albert, 8 Ap. 3, '52, at W., d. Aug. 3, '52, at W. Med. ; and Helen Emeline, 8 Oct. 14, '53. vi. Jotham, 7 also July 13, 1823, d. Nov. 13, '42. 144. 146. Samuel," inherited the homestead in H, m. Persis Bayley, who d. Aug., 1815 ; and 2d, Esther H. Force or Ford, from Med., and had i. Otis Brigham, 7 Aug. 18, 1815, m. Abigail Cutler, rs. in Holl., a Prof. of music, whose services have contributed much to the excellence of the choir in the Cong'l chh. in H, but have latterly, in the cooler seasons of the year, been rendered at the South. He inherits much of the ancient Bullard farm in the N. of H. n. Persis, 7 also Aug. 18, 1815, d. young. in. Samuel H., 7 by 2d w., d. 1832, a. H yr. iv. Esther Amelia, 7 Sept. 8, 1833, m."jan. 1, '52, George F. Walker, A. M., rs. Auburndale. § 126. 147. Galirn, s. on a part of the ancient Bullin Farm, on the W. side of Brush Hill, in S., and by w. Sarah Daniels had i. Sally, 7 Sept. 10, 1795, m. Tim. Twitchell, rs. S. ; ii. Richard, 7 Feb. 21, '98, m. Jemima Whitney; » in. Hiram, 7 iv. Lavina. 114. 148. Elijah, 5 r. Holl., had by w. Milcah, i. Abijah, June 2, 1775; n. Betsey, March 3, '77. 56. 149. Haziah, G s. in the N. part of Holl., m. Iveziah Leland, and had i. Alma, 7 m. Jonas Curtis, of H. ; n. Benj., 7 (d.) ; m. Asa, 7 who in., and had Maria 8 Martha S., 8 and Benj. H 8 ; iv. Hannah, 7 b. 1810, d. 1824. 124. 150. Joel, 5 m. Lucretia Morton, 1795, inherited a part of his grd. father Isaac's 13 U L L A II D . 49 place in IT., ami had Joel , Hatfiet, 8 July 11, 1707, Levi, Oct. 23. '99, and others. 19^. 151. Jona.,' was early admitted to full communion in the chh. in S., fr. whence he removed to Worcester, 1748, taking a letter of dismission and recommendation to the chh. there. He afterwards transferred his relation to the chh. in Holden. From II. he removed to Barre, where he d. in bis 78th year. The piety that appeared among his children, indicates that he ordered his household aright, and endears his memory. He m. Sarah , who d. at Sherborn, Ap. 3, 173'.), and a 2d wife, and had at S., 154. 152. i. Jona., 5 Oct. 21, 1734, d. Sept. 30, 1324, a. 90, at Hancock, N. H., II. Sarah, 5 Mar. 14, 1738-9, at Sherborn. ill. Samuel, 5 pr. at Worces., (by 2d wife) m. Sarah Barbour, fr. "Worcest., was a raemb. of the Congl. Chh., in Barre, and rm. to Hancock, had Lemuel? Nov. 9, 17G6 ; Abigail* Aug. 2:5, '68 ; Susey? Sep. 1, '70 ; Joel!' Nov. 26, '72 ; Samuel, 8 Nov. 10, '75 ; Daniel;- May 15, '78 ; Lois? June 12, '80 ; Abel? Jun;. 18, '82, all at Barre. iv. John, 5 of Barre, m. Joanna ■, had i. Rachel, June 12, '67 ; ii. Trypbena, Jly. 14, '68. Jona. 4 had pr. other sons, 5 b. at Worcester or Holden. 152. 154. Jona., 5 was 40 years a member and pillar in the Congl. Chh. in Barre, rm., to Hancock, N. II., where he became a Baptist, and in his extreme old age was wont to walk 8 ms. to Baptist meetings — would never ride anywhere in a wagon. "He was a very ambitious and persevering man." He m. Polly Barbour, who d. Dec. 80, 1824 a. 86. They had i. Sarah, Nov. 26, 17G3, m. Ezekiel Shattuck, r. Barre, on her father's homestead, and took care of him until he rm. to Hancock, N. 11. ; n. Asa, Jly. 8, 17G6, m. and settled in Chautaucme Co., N. Y. 160. 156. in. Isaac, Jan. 11, 1768, d. Jan. 17, 1835, having been m. three times. iv. Gardiner, June 4, 1772, m. Mehetabel Miriam, s. at Saratoga Springs, became a pillar in the Baptist Chh., and d., leaving a good estate, and three children, the worse for their inheritance. 168. 158. v. John, Aug. 20, 1776, m. Lucy Buxton, r. Shrewsbury, Vt. vi. Nathan, Oct. 5, 1779, settled at Ticonderoga, N. Y. vii, Polly, m. 2 bus., both sons of Poet. Dickenson, and rs. Cambridge, Vt. vnr. Ephraim ; ix. Samuel ; and no farther reported. 15i;. 160. Isaac, settled in Hancock, N. H., and took care of hi* aged parents, m. Betsey Jackson, who was brought up by his parents, and d. 1813 ; and 2d, Sally Davis, of Nelson, N. H, who d. 1819; and 3d, Mrs. Temperance D. Ballard, Feb. 3, 1820, still living in Morristown, N. J., and had t. Samuel 7 ; n. Arathusa 7 ; ill. Mary 7 ; iv. Eliza 7 ; v. "Warner B. 7 ; VT. Gardner 7 ; vn. Curtis 7 ; vm. Wm. B 7 ; IX. Abby A. 7 ; most of whom have d. with consumption, professors of the religion of their ancestors. 7Sf,. 166. Eli, rs. in S. Bridge, as a machinist, m. Brown, fr. Dud., by whom he had two dgs., m., and now living ; and 2d, Betsey Ellis, ab. 1824, dg. of Simeon E , of Med., by whom he had in. Geo. E., b. Jly. 31. 1826, who read med. with L. W. Curtis, M. D., of S., grad. at Albany Med. Col., 1853, is now in successful practice at Millville ; IV. Eliza Ann, m. Geo. P. Chajin, r. S. ; v. Maria C. ; VI. Willard P., r. Ware ; VII. Betsey Anna. 7 50 BULLABD. 158. 1G8. John, rs. at Shrewsbury, Vt, m. Feb. 28, 1797, Lucy Buxton, b. Nov. 13, 1775, at Barre, and d. Aug. 13, 1831 ; 2d, Melinda Mann, and had I. Polly, Nov. 20, ,, J7, (1. Ap. 30, 1849, m. Sewall Hemingway. ii. Daniel B., Jly. 2, '99, d. Ap. 15, 1802 ; in. John, Sept. 3, 1800, d. 1854, r. Rockford, 111., m. Laura Eastman, hadC^eo., Caroline, Marcia, Har- riet J/., Emetine and Laura ; iv. Lucy, Feb. 22, 1802, m. Amasa Per- kins, rs. Clarendon, Vt. ; v. Daniel, Ap. 19, 1803, d. Nov. 4, 1845, r. Shrew., m. Nancy Gates, and had Marcellus, Allen, Eliza, Emetine, Spencer, and Harrison ; vi. Gardner, Sep. 27, 1805, r. Hindsdale, N. Y., m. Diana Kinsman ; vn. Joseph A., Kev., May 31, '07, educ. at Haml. Univer., N. Y., r. Penfield, N. Y., m. Cynthia Maynard, has Edwin, Josephine, and James; vin. Julia Ann, June 22, '09, r. Chittendon, Vt., m. Willard Os- good ; ix. Etncline, Sep. 10, 1811, r. Fairhaven, Vt., m. Bcnj. F. Gilbert; x. Edwin Buxton, Sept. 12, '13, d. Ap. 5, '47, at Maulmain, Burmah, in. Ellen Huntley, grad. at Haml. University, and at Thco. Sem., Newton, bad Ellen and Edioin ; xi. Amos B., Ap. 11, '15, m. Ann Eliza Meburin, rs. Shrew., had Mary Eliza and Merrctt Almon ; xn. Geo. Whitfield, May 9, '17, m. Mary Ann Crossman, rs. Shrew., had Geo. A., Oct. 17, 1842; John C, Ap. 27, '46; Lovisa E., Ap. 26, '50; and Franklin G., Jly. 25, '52. C HAPTER II. 2. OcotQC JJulIatb, of Watertown, took the freeman's oath 1641, d. Jan. 14, 1688-9. He lived in the W. part of W., now Weston, and had by wife Beatrice, i. Mary, 2 Feb. 12, 1639-40 ; n. Jacob, 2 Ap. 6, '42, was a soldier in Philip's war; in. Sarah, 2 m. John Ball. 4. 3. iv. Jona., 2 Jly. 12, '47 ; v. Johanna, 2 m. ? Dennis Hedley, Mar. 22, '80-1. 3. 4. Jona., 2 d. 1721, and administration was granted his s. Benj., Oct. 2, 1724, m. Dec. 22, 1669, Hester Morse, dau. of Joseph M., of Water- town, and grd. dau. of Joseph, of Ipswich ; and 2d wid., Elizth. Barns, fr. Marlb., Mar. 23, 1721-2, and had at W., i. Hester, 3 Aug. 13, 1671, d. um, Jly. 1, 1713-14. 8. 5. ii. Jona., 3 Dec. 25, 1672, d. Sept. 14, 1719, m. Anna ; in. Hannah, 3 Feb. 3, 1674-5 ; iv. Joseph, 3 the proprietor of mills in Wes., d. 1722. His estate apprd. at £752 (M. Prob.) He m. Elizabeth Upham, had Esther* 1714, d. yg., and Abigail* b. 1720, m. Abahm. Bigelow, '35-6. 36. 7. v. Benj., 3 d. Nov. 18, 1740, m. Elizabeth Shepherd. 39. *l\. vi. Nathaniel, 3 who was bondsman for the guardian of his niece, Abigail, 1719; vn. Anna 3 ; vnr. Elizabeth 3 ; xi. Mary 3 ; x. Moses, 3 ; xi. Elena 3 ; xn. Ruth 3 . 5. 8. Jona., 3 s. in W., now Weston, d., and administration on his estate was granted his wid, Anna, Dec. 18, 1719, who. m. 2d, Edwd. Harrington, '31. i. Anna, 4 Oct. 24, 1700, d. Feb. 18, 1701-2. 12. 9. ii. Jona., 4 Jan. 24, 1701-2, m. Ruth Harrington. in. Samuel, 4 Mar. 11, 1704, m. Deborah , who d. a wid., and Samuel, 5 of Billerica, May G, 1756, became her admr. iv. Moses, 4 May 27, 1706, had Francis Pierce for his guardian, Feb. 4, BULLABD: 5 1 '22-3, m. Elizabeth Livcrmorc. 1730, and administration on his estate was granted his Br. Jona., Oct. 25, '31 ; v. Thankful, 1 May 14, 1708, d. yg. 10. vi. NathanT; vn. Abigail, 4 Jly. 28, 1711 ; viii. Anna, 4 bap. Dec. 6, 1713 ; ix. Thankful, 4 Dec. 2, 1715, m. Jona. Church, Aug., 21, '34. 60. 11. x. Ebenezer, 4 Oct. 14, 1719, d. May 11, 1768, at Ncwlps., N. II. He had his honored [step] father, Edw. Harrington, for bis guardian, Ap. 30, 173:1. [Mid. Prob.] 0. 12. Jona., 4 of Weston, m. Ruth Harrington, 1725-6, and had 14. 13. i. Jona. 5 Mar. 29, 1727, m. Anna Harrington, 174") ; ir. Ruth, 5 Sep. 12, '32, ra. Isaac Wbittemore, May 29, '50; in. Sibil,' 5 May 12. '37, m. Reuben Shed, Feb. 12, '71 ; iv. Abigail, 5 Apl. 5, '39, d. Mar. 1<>, '01 ; v. SairTI, Mar. 18, 1741, d. Jly. 10, '50; vi. Moses, 5 Dec. 13, '42, d. Jly. 10, '50 ; vn. Phineas, 5 Jly. 20, '45, d. Jly. 13, '50. viii. Isaiah, 5 Jly. 8, '50, m. Mary Pierce, Aug. 15, '71. 13. 14. Jona.,' settled at Rutland (District) Worces. Co., and by w. Anna Har- rington, had i. Silas, 6 May 24, 1746, at Weston ; n. Isaac,' 1 Ap. 2, '49. 23. 17. in. Jona., (; born at Rutland, d. Dec, 1854, aged 98 or 99, at Turner, Me. iv. Samuel, added from the memory of Jona." above, just before his death, and not deemed perfectly reliable. v. Phineas 6 ; vi. Moses 6 ; vn. Valentine 6 ; viii. Ebenezer 6 ; ix. Sibil 6 ; x. Hannah 6 ; xi. Anna 6 ; xn. Dolly ; xm. Ruth 1 '. 17. 23. Jona., 6 m. Ruth Whittemore, from Spencer, who d. June 15, 1833, at Turner, Me. He r. in Oakham, and T. and had 29. 24. i. Jona., 7 Sep. 18, 1800, in O., r. Forecraft, Me. ii. Isaac/ b. at Weston, d. in Oakham ; in. Hypsy, 7 in. ■ Chatborn, r. Stockbridge, Vt. ; iv. Ruth, 7 d. yg. ; v. Asa, 7 d. yg. ; vi. Ebenezer, 7 d. yg. vn. Ruth, 7 m. James Percy, of Paris, Me., and d. 1836; viii. Nathan., 7 d. in Buckfield, Me., 1828; ix. Joseph, 7 d. in do., 1821; x. Marshall, 7 d. in do. '21 ; xi. Lucy, 7 b. in Stockbridge, Vt., m. Amos Morse; xn. Sally, 7 b. in Hebron, Me., d. Sep., 1821, at Buckfield, Me. 24. 29. Jona,, 7 m. Nancy Bradford, b. at Turner, Me., Ap. 7, 1806, and had i. Nathan, 8 Ap. 22, 1825, at Buckfield, d. June 11, 1850 ; n. Cordelia, 8 Feb. 17, '27, at Turner; in. Wm. B., 8 Ap. 12, '29, at T., rs. Forecraft, Me. iv. Alanson B., 8 Nov. 19, '31, r. California; v. Lucius M., s Feb. 12, '34, r. F. ; vi. Aroline E., 8 Ap. 3, '36, r. Taunton, Mass. ; vn. Ann M., s Aug. 21, '38, r. F. ; viii. Sewell F., 8 Ap. 29, '42, at T. ; ix. Sarah M., 8 Jly. 31, '44, at F. ; x. Chs. C. 8 Dec. 29, '46; xi. and xn. Mary Emma, 8 and Martha Ella, 8 Jly. 12, '50. 7. 36. Benj., 3 of Weston, w. Elizabeth. His will proved Mar. 9, 1740-1 gave all his real estate, appraised at £555, 14s. Od. to hiswid., E., ands., Isaac, a minor, binding him, when of age, to pay annually to the wid. £10, and to pay Abner, a younger son, when out of his minority, £300 ; and to the eldest dau. Mary, £100, and to Anna, the youngest, £100. He m. Aug. 20, 1728, Kliztb. Shepherd, who by letter from the Chh., in Norton, was reed, by the Chh. in Weston, June 7, 1730. She m. for lid husb., Ap. 14, 1742, Aaron Rice, of Rutland. 65'. 37. i. Isaac, 4 May 11, 1729 ; n. Abner, 4 Oct. 27, 1740, d. Jan. 17 !<>-! ; in. Mary, 4 Ap. 9, 1731 ; iv. Anna, 1 Aug. 6, 1736. 52 DULLARD, 7',. 39. Nathaniel," Ens., d. at Nccdham, June 17, 1754. His w. Dorothy d. June 8, '50, had at N. i. Nathaniel, 1 May G, 1718, m. Abigail McWithee, Oct. 3, '46, and had Joseph, to whom Abigail Bullard, of Fram., pr. mother, is appointed guardian, Aug. 11, '67, he, having been without guardian or estate, was bound to Jos. Lock, of Leicester, by the selectmen of L. 43. 41. ii. Ephm., 4 Aug. 22, '21 ; in. Dorothy, 1 Sep. 3, '23. 49. 42. iv. Moses, 4 Mar. 9, '33-4, ra. Sarah Newell, May 4, '58, 5. Lucretia. 51 41. 43. Ephm., 4 ra. Eeulah , and had at Needham, i. Collins, 5 b. Feb. 11, '45-6. 45. n. Ephm., 5 Jly. 29, '47, m. Beulah Good now ; in. Beulah, 5 Dec. 17, '48, d. Dec. 8, '50 ; iv. Joseph, 5 Nov. 15, '50, d. Dec. 17, '54 ; v. Beulah, 5 Nov. 13, '52, d. Sep. 15, '54; vi. John, 5 Mar. 30, '55; vn. Rebecca, 5 Feb. 15, '57; vm. Timothy, 5 Aug. 24, '59. 48. ix. Joseph, 5 Feb. 5, '61, m. Elizth. ■ , had Joseph, Feb. 9, '85. x. Hannah, 5 Nov. 28, '65. 42. 49. Moses, 4 ra. Sarah Newell, May 4, '58, had at N. 50. i. Nathaniel, 5 Mar. 11, 1759, m. Sarah Sanders ; if. Sally, 5 Sep. 6, '61, m. Samuel Bracket, Oct. 7, '79. 45. 51. Ephraim, 5 w. Beulah Goodnow, m. Nov. 21, 1771, had i. Becca, 6 Mar. 11, '72 ; ii. Polly, Oct. 3, '77 ; in. Timothy/ Mar. 16, '80, 50. 53. Nathaniel, 5 w. Sarah Sanders, m. June 21, '81, r. Needh., and long served as Dep. Sheriff of Norf. Co., had i. Betsey, Sep. 15, 1782, m. Abbot, rs. Andover; n. Sarah, 6 Nov. 3, '84, m. Robt Gilman, r. N. Y in. Clarissa, Feb. 8, '87, m. Thad. Allen, Editor and Teacher, rs. Bos. 57. 54. iv. Nathaniel, May 1, '90; v. Moses Clark, 6 Jly. 24, '95, s. and d. at the South, had Nathaniel Needham, 7 Aug., 24, '92; vi. Daniel Sanders, 6 A. M., rs. Andover. 54. 57. Nathl., 6 succeeded his father in the office of Dep. Sheriff, s. in N., m. Maria Mills, had i. Nathl., 7 m. Buth Richardson, rs. Bos. ii. Chs., 7 d. yg. ; in. Moses H., 7 m. Ursula M. Hope, rs. Natick, has Fred. H., 8 Helen M., 8 Fran. C., 8 Eva A. J., 8 Florence M. 8 ; in. Clarissa M., 7 m. John L. Jewell, rs. Marlb. 11. 60. Ebenezer, 4 w. , settled at New Ipswich, where be had i. Asa, 5 b. Dec. 7, 1743, d. Sep. 12, '65 ; n. Simeon, 5 b. Aug. 19, '45 ; in. Keziah, 5 b. Ap. 22, '47 ; iv. John, 5 b. June 10, '49 ; v. Ephraim, 5 b. Ap. 13, '51, d. Dec. 1, '52 ; vi. Mary, 5 b. Sep. 12, '53; vn. Ebenezer, 5 b. Ap. 1, '56 ; vm. Sarah, 5 b. May 28, '58 ; ix. Susannah, 5 b. Feb. 13, '61, d. Mar. 18, '65; x. Asa, 5 b. Ap. 18, '65. 37. 65. Isaac, 4 settled at Barre, m. Lucy , and had i. Bcnj., 5 Sep. 4, 1753, d. Aug. 24, '5G ; ii. Lucy, June 10, '55; in. Mary, Dec. 4, '56 ; iv. Isaac, 5 Jan. 15, '60, ra. Martha , and had Justus, 6 Jan. 27, 1784. v. Lemuel, 5 Mar. 5, '62. BDLLARD. 53 CHAPTER III i. 3o\)tl Sttllarb was undoubtedly the brother of Benjamin 1 and Win., 1 and is presumed to have first settled with them at Watertown, where he became a member of the chh., and from which he with others was dismissed and received to the chh. in Dedham, 30 (5) 1641, " Mr. Phillips, pastor, and Messrs. Carter and How, elders, testifying in their favour." He was one of the original proprietors of Dedh., had land assigned him adjoining to his brother William's, and probably removed to D. as early as 1637. He was rated at D. as one of her more able citizens in 1647, and private accounts were early entered against him abroad as one of " the two Bullards at D." In 1650 he became one of the select proprietors of the new town of Med- field, enjoying with them in such a degree the confidence of the Genera Court, that, in the act of incorporation, they were not bound, as in all similar cases, within a specified time to build a meeting-house, settle a minis- ter, and establish a school ; their character being a pledge that these things would be attended to in due season. He immediately removed to M., where he shared largely in the division of her public lands, and enjoyed the respect and confidence of her citizens. In all these removals he accompanied Samuel Morse and sons," with whom and the Bullards a near relationship is presumed to have existed. On removing to M. he pr. left his place in D. to his son John, and pr. son Isaac. He m. Magdalene , who d. 29 (1) 1661, and 2d Ellen Dickerman, wid. of Tho. D. of Dorchester, and with her at M. sold land at Dorch., 29 (4) 1665. He had 4. i. Isaac, 2 ? probably, who m. 3 (11) 1654, Sarah Jones of Dorchester, and is no further reported ; ii. Magdalene, 2 who m. John Partridge, 18 (10) 1655, r. Medfd. ; 5. in. John, 2 ? pr., who remained at Ded., where a J. had HannaW 1664, and d. 1668. A J. had a son Benj. d. at D. 1713 ; iv. Abigail, 8 (8) 1641, and no further reported ; 7. 6. v. Joseph, 2 26 (2) 1643, m. Sarah , inherited his father's place in M. 6. 7 Joseph, 2 w. Sarah , had at Medfield, i. Joseph, 3 Sept. 12, 1665, d. yg. ; n. Sarah, 3 Nov. 11, 1667 ; 11. 8. in. Joseph, 3 Mar. 28, 1670, m. Margaret; iv. Samuel, 3 Sept. 15, 1672; v. Rachel, 3 Nov. 15, 1674, m. Sep. 28, 1701, Benoni Morse, of Medfd., and had Abial, 4 Jan. 28, 1703-4, maternal gr. grd. mother of the author; vi. Solomon, 3 Jly. 13, 1679, d. '79 ; 13. 10. vii. Ebenezer, 3 d. 1765, m. Susanna , d. 1763 ; vm. Hannah. 3 8. 11. Joseph, 3 w. Margaret , 2d, w. Abigail ; had. at Medfd., i. Su- sanna, 4 1694 ; ii. Joanna, 4 1696, d. yg. ; in. Jemima, 4 Jly. 14, 1698; iv. Margaret, 4 Aug. 25, 1700; 32. 12. v. Solomon, 4 Aug. 22, 1702, d. Oct. 23, '68, m. Jemima Bullard; vi. John, 4 May 16, 1705; vn. Trvall, 4 Aug. 4, 1709, d. yg. by wf. Margaret; vm. Submit, 4 Apl. 2, 1711, by w. Abigail. 10. 13. Ebenezer, 3 w. Susanna ; had at Medfd, 19. 14. i. Joshua, 4 Nov. 25, 1716, d. 1792, m. pr. three wives ; ii. Asa, 4 d. 1765 ; in. Sarah, 4 b. and d. 1721 ; iv. Susanna, 4 Oct. 28, 1722; 33. 16. v. Joseph, 4 Jan. 16, 1719, s. ab. 1741 at New Ipswich, d. Mar. 3, '92, at Mason, N. H., a. " 73 yrs."; vi. Nathan, 4 Dec. 3, 1724 ; vn. Sarah, 4 Mar. 12, 1728 ; 54 BULLARD. 28. 18. viii. Hezekiah, 4 June 27, '30 ; Keziah, 4 b. and d. '30 ; Rachel, 4 '32. 14. 19. Joshua, 4 m. Judith , who d. Jan. 20, 1743-4, 2d, Olive , who d. Mar. 17, 1746-7 ; and 3d, Ann , who d. Nov. 15, 1811, a. 87 ; i. Job 5 Dec. 26, 1743, d. yg. ; n. Rhoda, 5 Oct. 22, '45, d. yg. ; 20. in. Silas, 6 Mar. 3, '47; m. Sarah ,had Ichbaod, Sep. 16, 1780, at Medfield ; iv. Judith, Sep. 7, '49 ; 24. 21. v. Nathan, 6 June 15, '54, by 2d w. ; vi. Ann, 5 Feb. 23, '56 ; vn. John, Sep. 30, '58. in. ? Thankful , who d. Jan. 21, '84, and had at Medfd., Elijah? Feb. 25, 1780 ; Olive, 6 June 3, '82 ; ThanJcful, 6 Jan. 11, '84 ; viii. Olive, 5 Sep. 13, '61, d. '79 ; ix. Abijah, 5 Mar. 16, '64 ; x. Keziah, 5 Oct. 25, '66 ; xi. Abigail, 5 , d. 1787 ; xn. Zilla, 5 Feb. 5, '70. 21. 24. Nathan, 6 s. 1-2 m. S. of Winthrop's Lake in Med., where Dcot. Aaron Wight afterwards lived ; sold, and rm. to Shrewsbury ; m. Ede Partridge, 1750, who was b. Dec. 4, 1727, dg. of Jona. P., of Med. andBarre, by w. Elizabeth Learned, fr. Frara., and grd. dau. of John P., jun , of Medfd. by w. Elizabeth Rocket, dau. of Nicholas R., by w. Margaret Holbrook, and grd. dau. of Richard " Rockwood," of Braintree. Nathan had in Med., i. Elizabeth, 6 Nov. 3, 1750, m. 1769, James Morse, of Fitzwilliam, and was the mother of the Hon. Nathan Morse, of Northfield, Vt. ; n. Ede, 6 Mar. 18, 1752, m. David Johnson, jun., of Holl., and Chester, Vt., Nov. 3, '72, and 2d, Amos Richardson, of Med. ; in. Rhoda, 6 June 16, '54, m. Zedekiah Johnson, of Holl. ; iv. Joel, 6 Feb. 23, '56 ; v. Chloe, 6 Nov. 19, '58, m. Rev. Mr. McCauly, of Rockingham, Vt. : vi. Nathan, 6 Sep. 17, '61 ; vn Reuben, 6 who reed, three wounds in the battle of Bunker Hill, one ball passing through the stomach. He d. 14 yrs. after with bilious colic. 18. 28. Hezekiah, 4 m. Sarah ; 2d, Susanna Wheaton, had i. Elizabeth, 6 1754, at Wrentham ; II. Keziah, 5 Jan. 2, 1756; in. Joshua, 5 Apl. 14, 1758 ; iv. Hezekiah, 5 Nov. 11, 1770, by 2d w. ; v. Benj. 5 June 16, '72; vi. Joseph, 5 Mar. 27, '74. 12. 32. Solomon, 4 cordwainer, s. in the N. E. part of Walpole, m. Jemima Bul- lard, a relative of 4th deg., and had I. Solomon, 5 Feb. 11, 1733-4, d. abroad um. 101. 321 n . Seth, 5 Jan. 6, 1736-7, d. Aug. 1, 1811, m. Joanna Lewis. 114. 32|. in. Wm., 5 m. Hanh. Sumner ; iv. a dg. who d. um. 16. 33. Joseph, 4 s. at New Ipswich, N. H, but he removed to Mason, where a neat headstone marks his grave. He. m. Mar. 22, 1754, Sarah Proctor, of Westford, Mass., who was born Feb. 25, 1729, and d. Nov. 5, 1820. They had 38. 34. i. Silas, 5 Apl. 2, 1755, d. May 15, 1835 ; m. Avis Keyes. 35. ii. Peter, 6 Apl. 23, 1760, r. Wyoming. Pa., and rm. to Marietta, Oh. ; 36. in. Eleazcr, 5 rm. to Cincinnati, Oh. ; iv. Isaac, 5 b. June 29, 1757, d. '60. 34. 38. Silas, 5 s. at Mason, N. H, m. Avis Keyes, fr. Ashford, Ct., who was b. Dec. 30, 1763, m. Jly. 1, '82, and d. Mar. 23, 1836, and had at M., 51. 39. i Joseph, 6 Apl. 2, 1783, d. June 9, 1843 ; m. Lucy (Felt) Cragin ; 57. 40. n. Sampson, 6 Oct. 24, 1784 ; m. Ivah Patterson ; 61. 41. in. Silas, 6 Sept. 5, 1786, d. Feb. 5, 1835, m. Mary Ann Barrett; iv. Amasa, 6 July 22. 1788, d. Aug. 25, 1808, at Copenhagen, Den. 66. 43. v. Isaac, 6 Nov 1, 1790 ; m. Nancy Fay ; BULLARD. 55 71. 44. vi. Sally, 6 Feb. 21, 1793; vn. Eleazer, 6 Nov. 9, '94, d. July, 1825; vin. Jesse, 6 Nov. 3, 1796, d. July 21, '97; ix. John, 6 May 20, '98, d. May 20, '98 ; 79. 46. x. Caleb Emerson, 6 Aug. 29, 1799 ; ix. Charles Keyes, 6 Feb. 22, 1801 ; 83. 48. xn. Clarissa Page, 6 May 26, 1804, m. Charles Granger ; 90. 49. xm. Abigail Brooks, 6 Dec 20, 1804, m. Elias Taylor. xiv. George, 6 Oct. 26, 1806, d. May 5, 1807 ; 98. 50. xv. Harriet Keyes, 6 Dec. 22, 1808, m. John M. Maynard. 39. 51. Joseph, 6 r. Eindge, N. H., m. Oct. 23, 1809, Lucy (Felt) Cragin, of Temple, N. H., b. Nov. 26, 1780, and had i. Lucy, 7 July 20, 1810; n. Amasa, 7 May 2, 1812; in. Elvira, 7 Sept. 19, 1815 ; iv. Silas, 7 Aug. 29, 1817 ; v. Stephen Felt, 7 June 8, 1823. 40 57. Sampson, 6 r. Boston, Concord, and Littleton, N. H., m. Nov. 8, 1818, Ivah Patterson, b. June 5, 1798, d. Jly. 16, 1854, at Littleton, N. H., dg. of Enoch P., of Bos., by w. Mary Adams, who was b. June, 1780, at Newton. They had I. Enoch Patterson, 7 Sept. 16, 1819, at Boston, where he rs. um., a banker, and has liberally contributed to the issuing of this work ; II. Caroline Ivah, 7 Apl. 9, 1821, at Concord, N. H., m. at Littleton, Aug. 12, '47, Wm. J. Bellows, b. Jly 3, 1817, andrs. atL., and has Mary Adams, 8 b. Jly. 12, '49 ; Wm. Henry 8 b. Aug. 5, '52 ; in. George Henry, 7 Sept. 6, 1823, d. May 17, 1840, at Concord. 41. 61. Silas, 6 r. Boston, m. May 2, 1820, Mary Ann Barrett, of New Ipswich, who was b. Nov. 12, 1802. They had i. Mary, 7 at Boston, Nov. 6, 1821 ; n. Charles Barrett, 7 Nov. 22, 1823, at New Ipswich, N. H. ; in. Martha Ann, 7 Dec. 26, 1825, at Bos. ; iv. Sarah Jane, 7 Sept. 11. 1818, at B. 43. 66. Isaac, 6 r. Mason, N. H, m. Sept. 10, 1816, Nancy Fay, whod. Feb. 24, 1827. They had, i. Charles Augustus, 7 Jany. 9, 1818, d. Nov. 4, 1850 ; ii. Mary Ann, 7 March 26, 1820 ; Hi. George C., 7 Sept. 25, 1822, d. Dec. 24, 1826; iv. George F., 7 Jany. 7, 1827. 44. 71. Sally, 6 m. Feb. 27, 1812, John Felt, who was born at Temple, N. H., Apl. 20, 1789, r. Wilton, had, I. Diana Keyes, 7 at W., May 26, 1813 ; ii. John, 7 March 18, 18l5 ; in. Louisa, 7 at Rindge, N. H., Dec. 20, 1817 ; iv. George Bullard, 7 Nov. 3, 1819 ; v. Mary Ames, 7 at New Ipswich, Dec. 1, 1821 ; vi. Emily Mandiville, 6 Apl. 24, 1823 ; vn. Sarah Maria, 7 at Mason, Dec. 13, 1825. 46. 79. Caleb Emerson, 6 r. Mason, N. H., m. June 2, 1821, Sophronia Kimball, of Nelson, N. H., who was b. Aug. 10, 1801. He had, i. Benjamin Franklin, 7 at Mason, Jany. 22, 1826, d. Aug. 18, 1829; n. Abigail Amarilla, 7 Oct. 19, 1828 ; in. Franklin Kimball, 7 Jany. 20, 1834 ; iv. Louisa Simmons, 7 June 27, 1837, d. May 5, 1842 ; v. Mary Caroline, 7 Jany. 3, 1841. 48. 83. Clarissa Page, m. Feb. 5, 1819, Chas. Granger, b. at Suffield, Conn., June 8, 1799, r. Mason, had, i. Catharine A., 7 May 13, 1821 ; n. Charles 56 BULLARD. H., 7 March 31, 1823 ; in. James W., 7 Sept. 31, 1825 ; iv. Mary Ann/ Feby. 10, 1829; v. Martha M., 7 Oct. 3, 1833; vi. Caroline E., 7 Sept. 7, 1840. 49. 90. Abigail Brooks, 6 m. Elias Taylor, of Jeffrey, N. H., b. at J., Dec. 7, 1797, r. J., had, i. Mary Ann, 7 at Jeffrey, Dec. 23, 1831 ; n. Ellen M., 7 July 22, 1834; in. Anna A. 7 and iv. Abba J., 7 twins, June 26, 1836; v. George H. B., 7 March 21, 1842; vi. Frances, 7 May 3, 1845; vn. Emma Isabel, 7 April 25, 1847. 50. 98. Harriet Keyes, 6 m. Nov. 2, 1828, John M. Maynard, b. in Jeff., May 12, 1801, had, i. Edward, 7 Nov. 22, 1829; n. Julia A., 7 June 21, 1832; in. Ellen A., 7 Feb. 2, 1834 ; iv. George P., 7 April 29, 1838 ; v. Harriet A., 7 March 28, 1846. 32£. 101. Seth, 5 Hon., was a gent, of sound judgment and sterling integrity. He early entered the army of the Revolution, rose to the rank of Maj., and was esteemed a valuable officer. He was subsequently much engaged in transact- ing the public business of Walpole ; and represented her 20 years ; and Norfolk county 8 ys. in the G. C. He m. Joanna Lewis, b. Dec. 4, 1740, or '43, d. Mar. 5, 1816, and had, i. Elizabeth, 6 Oct. 28, 1762, m. Ebenr. Clapp of W., and rs. at Medfd., a. 93; n. Mary, 6 Oct. 30, 1764, d. Dec, 1815, m. Joseph Holmes, r. Attleb. ; in. Catherine, 6 Jan. 22, '67, d. May 6, '76; iv. Olive, 6 Mar. 21 or 28, '69, d. Apl. 9, 1834, without issue, m. Chs. Guild of Boston ; 104. 102. v. Joel, 6 Jly. 21, '71, d. May 20, 1807, m. Charlotte Billings from Sharon ; 107. 103. vi. Jabez, 6 Nov. 2, '73, d. Dec. 7, 1852, m. Mary Hartshorn ; 2d, Dorothy Hancock Quincy, dg. of Henry Q. of Bos., wid. of Chs. Clement; vn. Jemima, 6 Feb. 9, '76, m. Joseph Willet of Bos. ; vin. Solomon, 6 Jly. 17, '78, d. Dec. 18,79 ; ix. Catherine, 6 Dec. 2l, '80, d. Dec. 23 or 28, 1850, m. Henry Partridge of Bos. 102. 104. Joel, 6 w. Charlotte Billings, m. Mar. 10, 1795, d. Oct. 21, 1812, r. W. I. Charlotte Guild 7 ; n, Charles, 7 who m. Elizabeth Paul, from Stough. rs. Bos.; had, i. Ann Elizabeth* ; n. Chs. Otis 8 ; in. Mary 8 ; iv. Hannah Billings 8 ; v. Geo.' Henry 8 ; vi James 8 ; vn Joel Wm. 8 ; vni. Edw 8 ; in. Mary, 7 who m. Wm. Belknap, of Bos. ; iv. Eliza, 7 who m. Cyrus Hast- ings, of Bos. ; v. Joanna, 7 who m. Reuben Nichols, of Reading; vi. Otis, 7 who m. Sophia Loud, dg. of Rev. Stetson Raymond, of Bridgewater, rs. Bos., and had Chs. Guild, Feb. 3, 1847. 103. 107. Jabez, 6 m. Sep. 29, 1799, Mary Hartshorn, b. May 11, 1779, d. June 5, 1807; 2d, Dorothy; i. Calvin, 7 Sep. 14, 1800, at Boston; n. James, 7 Nov. 7, 1802, d. Aug. 7, 1821, at St. John's, Porto Rico; in. Francis, 7 Sep. 22, 1805, m. Harriet Monson, fr. Providence, rs. at Bos., had l. James 8 ; n. Ann D. 8 who m. Lemuel N. Ide, of Bos. ; in. Mary Monson 8 ; iv. Frank Lewis 8 ; v. Edwin 8 ; vi. Charlotte Guild 8 ; vn. Alfred 8 ; iv. Charles Guild, 7 May 6, 1807 ; v. Mary, 7 Aug. 5, 1813, by 2d w. ; m. Aaron Bean, of Bos. ; vi. Eliza, 7 Sep. 23, '15, m. Stephen Sargent, of Bos.; vn. Henry, 7 June 28, '17, d. urn. Dec. 7, 1852; vin. Caroline, 7 Jan. 31, '19 ; ix. Anne Maria, 7 Feb. 5, '22. BULLARD. 57 32J. 114. Wm. 5 Bullard, of Walpole, m. Hanh. Sumner, fr. Dedham, inherited the homestead in the N. E. part of W., and had, i. Irene, Oct. 26, 1766, m. Eliphalet Clapp, 1791 ■ n. Wm., Oct. 6, '68, d. um. j in. Isaac, 6 Sep. 9, '71, m. Nasorj, inherited the homestead, and had, i. Geo. (d.) ; n. Horace 7 ; in. Wm. 7 , r. W. ; iv. Delina, m. Asa Clapp; v. Char- lotte; vi. Sarah ; iv. Ichabod, 6 Jan. 3, '75, d. um. ; v. Hannah, 6 May 19, '78, m. Nathan Carroll, of W. ; vi. Anna, 6 Jly. 24, '80. CHAPTER IV. 4. Jfgaaf. Bttllatfr, 1 on page 22, is confounded with Isaac, 2 the son of Wm., 1 of Chap. VI. Since the preceding Chapts. were printed, I have consulted an ancient Record of Dedh., recently discovered, from which it appears, that Isaac, 1 although he signed her social compact, doubtless at Watertown, never re- moved to D. ; for, on the first division of her lands, 18 (6) 1636, no lot was as- signed him, or afterwards; and, as he was not taxed at D., nor, again, certainly mentioned on her records ; and cs his name nowhere occurs on the records of Watertowiij he probably either deceased Aug. 15, 18, 1636, or altered his purpose, and returned to England. It is not ascertained that he had a family. It is possible, that the Isaac who ra. Sarah Jones, from Dorch., in 1654, was his son ; but more probably, the son of his brother John. 1 His name was commemorated by his brother Wm. and nephew Benj., and, very likely, by his brother John, with whom Benj. 2 is supposed to have resided, after the death of his father. CHAPTER V. 5. Nflttyatlicl jBulIatfr, appears from the record above mentioned, and from family documents in the possession of Lewis Bullard, Esq., of Dedh., not to have been of the first generation of Bullards in N. Eng., but the son of Wm. 1 For his family, see Chap. VI., No. 12. CHAPTER VI 6. torn. BtlUfltfr, 1 was probably the oldest Puritan of the name who settled in N. Eng., and evidently a man of character and consideration. Circum- stances almost conclusive, indicate that he was the brother of Benjamin, 1 John, 1 and Isaac, 1 but not of Robert 1 or George 1 . Of the time and place of his embarka- tion, no positive evidence has been discovered : still, we are not in total darkness about them. While on his voyage, it would seem that he became a witness of the nuncupative will of James Harvie, of Gamscolne, Essex county, (pr. now Colne Engaine, or Little Colne), Engd., who died on shipboard, leaving property in trust for a brother at Wethersfield, near Gr., and desiring Wm. Bullard " to take the whole business upon himself." This indicates that they had been neighbors. The will has no date. It was not probated until * * * * 1638, and then sworn to by Wm. Bullard ; [see Suf. Prob., 1, 15;] but as it provided that the avails of the property should be loaned two years to poor Christians before it should be sent 57£ BULLARD. back to Engd., he not improbably delayed for more than two years, until he had collected the property loaned ; then made oath to the will, and at the same time proved the fulfilment of his trust. This would make him arrive in 1635, the year when so many came over, among whom were two others of the name of Ilarvie, and Samuel Morse and family, and no doubt his brother Joseph Morse, probable con- nections of the Bullards, each of whom had dispatched a son the year previous, as if to prepare tenements at Watertown against their arrival. These sons embarked at Ipswich, a convenient port for emigrants from Essex county. Samuel Morse embarked in the "Increase," Apl. 15, 1635, at London, another convenient place of embarkation for families from Suffolk or Essex, from one of which, since the publication of my Memorial of the Morses, I have been induced to believe my great ancestor originated. If Wm. Bullard came in the Increase, which was not im- probable, he must have embarked clandestinely, as distinguished Puritans were then obliged to do, for his name is not among her 112 enrolled passengers, nor on any similar list yet discovered. , He no doubt settled first at Watertown, and united with her church, from which he was dismissed in 1641. Here he engaged in the enterprise of planting Dedh. His name is eni'olled as the 53d signer of her social compact, and is found among the first to whom her lands were assigned, and on whom taxes were imposed. In the spring of 1637 he, with his wife and children, was pr. of the company who in boats ascended Chs. R. from W. to Ded., and on landing on the E. bank of D wight's brook, knelt in prayer for the blessing of Almighty God upon their settle- ment. He had land assigned adjacent to his brother John, and probably near West Common. Here he remained, and was annually taxed as an able inhabitant, and became one of the number to whom the management of the municipal interests of the town were confided. About 1653 he removed to Cambridge, where he m. 2d, Mary Grissel [Griswold], wid. of Francis G., who "had an estate, and two children by her former husband," and became with her a member of the chh. at Cambridge. He made his will in 1679, " being then about 85 years old." To this he added a codicil, May 2, 1684, and d. at his daughter Farrington's, in Ded., Dec. 23, 1686 ; and on the third day following, his estate was inventoried and his will subsequently probated ; [Suf. Prob., 9, 180.] He left a considerable estate in lands on Mystic R., in Charlestown, and in Ded. Nathl. his son, was appointed one of his executors, to whom he bequeathed his real estate in Ded. He had, pr. born in England, 9. 7. i. Isaac, 2 whose name in 1651 was entered on the record of D. as made a Townsman, being then pr. of age, was taxed, 23 (10) 1652 and '53, above the average of her citizens: m. Ann Wight, and was the 117th signer of the social compact, and d. 11 (3) 1676 ; 12. 8. ii. Nathaniel, 2 first taxed in 1654, d. May 1, 1705, m. Mary Richards ; in. Elizabeth 2 who m. Moses Collier, rm. to Wodbridge, N. J., had i. Eliza- beth, 3 m. Emmons and r. Bos. in 1727 ; n. Jemimah, 3 m. Gibson, r. W. in 1727. iv. Mary, 2 who m. 1650, John Farrington, of D. 7. 9. Isaac, 2 m. Ann Wight, 1655, r. Ded., had i. Hannah 3 24 (12) 1655 ; a H. d. 11 (5) 1676 ; ii. Sarah, 3 7 (11) 1657 j a S. m. 1700-1 Math. Tomblin. 13. 10. in. Samuel, 3 22 (10) 1659, m. Hannah Thorp, 14 (11) 1683 ; iv. Ju- dah, 3 10 (3) 1662 ; v. Ephraim, 3 July 20, 1664, d. Aug. 2, '64 ; vi. Ann, 3 April 17, 1666; vn. John, 3 June 26, 1668, d. July 4, '68 ; vra. Mary, 8 May 29, 1669 ; a M. d. 26 (6) 1682 ; 14. 11. ix. Wm. 3 19 (3) 1673, "d. Feb. 9, 1746, a. 73, 7 mo. 22d," m. Eliza- beth Avery. BULLARD. 57^ 12. Nathaniel, 2 m, 1658, Mary Richards ; was a soldier in Philip's war; ad- mitted freeman May 15, 1690, and at his death bequeathed his estate to his wid. Mary, two daughters and grd. s.; r. Ded. I. Mary, 3 24 (10) 1659, pr. d. yg. ; II. Susanna, 3 19 (6) 1661, pr. d. yg. ; III'. Sarah, 3 July 31, 1665, m. Eleazer Mayes, and had only Eleazer ; 4 iv. Judah, 3 Aug. 5, 1667 ; r. at D., um. 1710 ; v. Martha, 3 Aug. 6, 1670, r.atD., urn., 1710; vi. Na- thaniel, 3 3 (11) 1679, d. 3 (11) 1681. 10. 13. Samuel, 3 settled in Dorchester; was chosen constable 1716, and surveyor of highways, Mar. 14, 1719-20, « '22-3, for the Precinct;" also, '24-5, '25-6. On May 18, 1722, he petitioned Dorchester to be set off to Dedb., but was de- nied. By the division of the town Dec. 23, 1726, he was included in Stoughtonham, chosen a member of her board of selectmen for the first three years of her corporate existence, and in 1732-3 one of a committee to peti- tion the Gr. C. for permission to purchase of the Indians land for ministerial use. He married Hannah Thorp, of Ded., 14 (11) 1G83, and had at D., 31. 131. l Samuel, 4 9 (11) 1684, m. Submit White, at Dorchr., May 24, 1710, and as S. jun. was chosen surveyor, 1721-2 ; and pr. ab. this time was set off with a part of Dorchr. to Wrenth., where a Sam'l m. Elizabeth Wight, 1722 ; ii. Hannah, 4 Aug. 3, 1687 ; 13|. m. in. John, 4 Aug. 28, 1690 ;m Rebecca ; iv. Ann, 4 Jan. 15, 1692-3; v. Sarah, 4 1695 ; vi. Ebenezer, 4 Feb. 10, 1697-8, at Ded., and pr. others in Dorchr. not recorded. 13^. 13J. John, 4 r. in Dorchester and Stoughtonham, and m. Rebecca who was red. to full communion in the chh. at S., Oct. 26, 1730, and Nov. 8 following presented her 5 eldest children for baptism. They had i. John, 5 Sep. 13, 1719, at Dorch. ; n. Josiah, 5 Jly. 22, 1721 ; in. Samuel, 5 Sep. 10, 1723; iv. Rebecca, 5 Sep. 22, 1725, at Dorchr. (a R. jun. m. at Ded., 1771, Win. Coney, Jr.) ; v. Hannah, 5 bap. 1730, m. Dec. 29, '45, Nathaniel Sumner, at Ded. ; vi. Mary, 5 bap. May 14, 1731 ; a M. d. at Ded. Dec. 29, '45; vir. Henry, 5 b. Jan. 11, 1732, at Sto. ; vm. Anne, 5 b. Oct. 29, 1733 ; ix. Ezra, 5 b. Jly. 6, 1735, at Sto., after which the name there disap- pears. 11. 14. Wm. 3 Ens. settled upon the present homestead of the Bullards in D. and was through life styled cordwainer, but certainly not for sticking to his last. He seems rather to have been a trader, and "an insatiate lover of real estate." So many deeds did he take of lots in Ded., Walpole, Sutton, Upton, Sher- born Dividends (Douglas), Natick and Charlestown, as made him one of the great land owners of the colony ; and so many ancient family papers did he preserve and transmit, tending to throw light upon the history of his own and other races, that we and posterity ought to thank his memory and that of each inheritor of the legacy, for their careful preservation. May veneration and foresight continue to guard them both from the conflagration of the de- pository, and any female hand that wars with every thing old. He m. Aug. 6, 1697, Elizabeth Avery, dg. of Jon a. A., of Ded., by w. Elizabeth , and grd. dc;. of Wm. A., physician, of Boston ; and had 15. i. Wm. 4 May 9, 1698, d. pr. in 1737 ; m. Hannah Lewes, of Ded., Feb. 15, 1721-2, rra. to Dorch. Precinct, had I. Hannah? bap. at Sto., Apl. 5. 1724 ; n. Elizabeth? b. at Ded. 1725, and probably others. n. Elizabeth, 4 Nov. 8, 1699, m. Nathaniel Kingsbury ; in. Jemima. 4 Mar. 4, 1702, m Solomon Bullard, of Chap. Ill, No. 32, who s. on land at Walpole, pr inherited fr. her father. 57^ BULLARD. iv. Anna, 4 May 28, 1705, ra. 1725 Jona. Whiting, of Rox. 17. 16. v. Isaac, 4 Apl. 4, 1709, d. ab. 1776, m. 1731-2 Mary Deane. 16. 17. Isaac, 4 Ens. and Coroner, reed, in 1731 of bis fatber, Wm., a deed of tho homestead in D., and was also styled cordwainer ; w. Mary Deane, m. 1731-2, d. 1745 : 2d w. Wid. Grace Deane, m. 1747, had i. Mary, 5 Mar. 23, 1733, d. yg. : ii. Mary, 5 Jan. . 19, '35 ; in. Catherine, 5 Oct. 7, '38, d. yg. ; iv. Catherine, 5 June 4, '40, m. "Wadsworth, of Milton. 19. 18. iv. Isaac, 5 Jly. 10, '44, d. June 18, 1808, m. Patience Baker. 18. 19. Isaac, 5 Dea. and Hn., inherited the ancient homestead, and erected in 1782, the present Bullard house, ab. 20 rods S. W. of the site of the original one ; and ab. 60 do. N. W. of the C. H. of D. He was a gent, of intelligence and sterling moral worth, much employed in the transaction of public busi- ness, being often placed on important Committees with his friend and neighbor, Fisher Ames. He long served the ancient Chh. in D. as a Dea- con ; was many years returned a representative to the G. C, and annually elected Treasurer of Norf. Co. from its first organization in 1793 until 1808, the year of his death. He m., 1766, Patience Baker, of Ded., and had i. Marv, 6 Nov. 30, 1767, m. Joseph How, of D. ; 20. ii. Wm. G Jly. 19, 1769, d. Mar. 15, 1803, m. Lydia Whiting, of D. ; 21. in. Isaac, 6 Jly. 21, 1771, d. , m. Rachel Pratt, r. Chelsea; 23. 22. iv. John, 6 Jan. 9, 1773, d. Feb. 25, 1852; m. Lucy^Richards, fr. Dover. 22. 23. John, 6 Esq. , inherited the Bullard mansion in D., was appointed a Justice of the peace by Gov. Lincoln, and succeeded to the regard and confidence of Norfolk Co., manifested in his election to the office of Co. Treasurer on the death of his father ; and so acceptable were his services, and so highly was he esteemed as a man, that amidst all the violence of religious and political feeling and the changes of office, he was, by the annual voice of the Co., continued in this responsible station from 1808 to 1852, when he passed to his final reward, amidst the regrets of the public and the sorrows of numer- ous friends. He had i. Maria, 7 May 4, 1803, m. H. F. Spear, M. D v rs. Dedham ; 24. ii. John, 7 Jan. 2, 1807, m. Jane E. McKillup, rs. New-York ; ■ 25. in. Lewis, 7 Aug. 13, 1810, rs. urn. on the homestead atD. t and transacts business as a merchant in Boston ; 27. 26. iv. Wm. 7 Apl. 20, 1816, m. Mary R. Henderson, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 26. 27. Wm. 7 now rs. at Brooklyn, and transacts business as a mercht. in New York. He has been very helpful in furnishing references and the genealogy of his family. He m., Mar. 3, 1841, Mary R. Henderson, who was b. at Thomaston, Me., and has I. Wm. Merrill, 8 b. Jan. 13, 1842; II. John Richards, 8 b. March 3, 1846; in. Lewis Henderson, Dec. 21, '48 ; iv. Mary, Feb. 18, '55. 13i. 31. Samuel, 4 m. Submit White, May 24, 1710, at Dorchr. ; and pr. Elizabeth Wight, in 1722, at Wrenth., and as S. jun., was chosen surveyor at Dorchr., 1722. He is supposed to have afterwards r. in Walpole and Ded., and to have been the father of the following brothers, viz : 35. 32. i. Ebenezer, 5 who d. in Sharon, Mar. 4, 1801 ; 33. ii. Josiah, 5 who m Abigail Lewis, who d. ab. 1835, a. 97; 42. 34. in. Benj. 5 " b. in Walp. or Ded. ab. 1730," and pr. others. ' />^z /A /%r-t/ BULLARD. 57f 32. 35. ELenezer, 5 w. Judith Goodell, fr. Pomfret, Ct., r., Ded. and Sharon, had I. Ebenezer, 6 ? jun. of S., who was pubd. to Jemima Mann, of Walp. Jan. 1, 1785; II. Benj. ; in. Abner ; iv. Paul, rm. to N. Y. ; v. Dg., m. Billings, r. Francistown, N H. ; vi. Dg., m. Spur, r. Dorchr. ; vn. Silas, 8 b. Jan. 8, 1774, at S., m. May 24, 1798, Betsey Allen, fr. Dorchr, b. May 22, '79, d. Sep. 20, 1850, and had at Sharon. i. Deborah, 1 Mar. 7, 1799, d. 1833, m. Abel Hall, merch. rs. Bos. ; had 5 chd. ; n. Betsey, 7 Feb. 13,1801, m. Alden "White, fr. Bos., rs. Sharon, 'had 4 chd. ; in. Silas," Oct. 8, '02, m. Nancy Thomas, fr. Hanson, rs. Sh., had 6 chd. ; iv. Eunice, 7 June 12, '04, m. John Parks, fr. Exeter, N. H., rs. S., had 7 chd. j v. Mary 7 Apl. 25, '06, d. Aug. 24, '23 ; vi. John, 7 Feb. 24, '08, m. Sarah Dudley, fr. Heniker, N. H., rs. Leakesville, N. C., had 6 chd. ; vn. Sarah, 7 Nov. 13, '09, m. Lewis Smith, rs. Sharon, had 8 chd. ; vin. Catherine, 7 Sep. 23, '11, m. Hen- ry Porter, rs. Naugatuck, Ct., had 2 chd. ; ix. Isaac, 7 Jly. 11, '13, m. Mary B. White, rs. Bos., had 4 chd. ; x. Joel, 7 Apl. 4, '15, rs. Can- ton, m. May 21, '36, Maria B. Dow, fr. Salsbury, N. H., had 4 chd. ; xi. Emily, 7 Jly. 12, '17, d. '49, m. George Wiswall, rs. C, had 1 chd. ; xii. Ann, 7 June 27, '19, d. '19; xm. Wm. 7 Apl. 7, '21, m. Mary Khr, of Bos , rs. C, had 2 chd. ; xiv. Albert, 7 May 12, '23, m. Anne E. Baldwin, rs. C, had 4 children. 34. 42. Beuj. 5 served in the war of the Revolution, and d. at Sharon, 1778, a. 48. He m. Judith Lewis, fr. Ded., who d. at S., Aug., 1810, a. 69 ys., and had 46. 43. i. Benj., 6 Oct. 9, 1758, d. Apl. 4, 1838 ; n. Judith, Nov. 28, 1760, d. 1819. m. Edw. French, of Canton, Oct. 6, '81. in. Oliver, 6 Sep. 15, '63, d. Aug. 13, 1839, m. Abigail Gay, of S., ab. 1782, r. Francestown, N. H., and Bethel, Vt. ; iv. Zipporab, Nov. 11, '65, d. Sep. 24, 1854, a. 89, m. Israel Smith, 1789. v. Lewis, 6 b. 1768, m. Polly Leonard, of Foxboro', rm. to Francestown, N. H., ab. 1798--9, and returned to Foxb., where they d. ab. 1850. They had 10 children, 5 of whom d. in infancy. June, 7 the oldest, m. Bradish Sumner. vi. Irene, 6 b. Jan. 21, '71, at S., d. 1815, m. Wm. Capen, 1802, r. Norton. vn. Samuel, Aug. 29, 1773, d. yg. 43. 46. Benj. 6 a pensioner in 1832, m. Jan. 7, 1783, Hannah Holmes, of Sharon, b. Oct. 17, 1760, d. Jan. 10, 1849, a. 88, r. in S., and had i. Hannah, June 19, 1783, d. Aug., 1827, at Easton, m. Obed Harlow, 1809, r. Plm. ; n. Nancy, Sep., 1784, d. Nov., 1827, m. Ira Draper, '10, r. D. and E. Sudb. ; in. Mary, Sep. 26, '87, d. Nov. 4, 1821, m. Jan. 1, 1816, Addi- son Barstow, of Medfield ; iv. Betsey, Sept., 1790, d. Dec, 1822, m. Zeph- aniah Randall, of Easton ; v. Enoch, 7 Sep. 5, 1792, m., Dec. 12, 1819, Olive Gilbert, of Medf'd, long served as dep. Sheriff of Norf. Co., and rs. Sharon, had i. Helen M., 8 Jan. 5, 1820, at Medfield, m. Albert Richards, Apl. 29, '49, rs. S. ; ii. Frances M., m., 1842, Oliver H. Whittemore, rs. S., has 4 chd. ; in. Lucy Ida, m. Chester E. Morse, had a son, Jan. 6, '55, rs. S. ; iv. Sally Ann, m., Nov., '52, Geo. Richards, had a son, '54, (d.,) rs. S. : v. Daniel Webster, m., May, '52, Martha Curtis, rs. Roxb., had 2 chd. ; vi. John Marshall, b. at Roxb., is urn. vi. Sally, 7 Sep. 26, 1795, (d.,) m. Hobbs Johnson, (d.,) r. Shar., had 2 child. ; vn. Benj , 7 Aug. 27, '98, m. Mary Dixon, dg. of Samuel D., of 57f BUTXARD. Plym., and b. Jan. 29, 1806, d. Mar. 9, '35. He afterwards m. Maria Leonard, dg. of Cpt. Nathl. L., by w. Susanna Savels, rs. Sharon ; had i. Benj. B., 8 Aug. 9, 1827, d. Jan. 20, '30 ; n. Benj. B., 8 Jan. 6, '30, rs. Calif.; in. Mary Jane, 8 Feb. 2, '32, m. Frank A. Thomas, rs. Plym. ; iv. Joseph H., 8 Feb. 10, '35. viii. Josenh, 7 Aug. 27, '98, d. yg. ; ix. Lucy 7 , Sep., 1802, d. 1820. ABBENBA TO CHAPTER I OF BENJ. BULLARD'S 1 RACE. p. 23, No. 9. Benj. 2 had at Watertown two sisters, Anna 2 and Maudlin 2 ; to whom, with him, the selectmen of W. decided, in 1672, that an estate under incum- brance belonged. He was first rated at Dedham, 17 (12) 1654, only 3d., [pr. a poll tax] and again, 29 (6) 1656, 5s. Id., ab. an average sum. He was one of the last who signed without date the social compact of D. His name was entered, 1657-8, with those to whom land was about to be as- signed, but having in the mean time removed to Bogistow he received none. He m. at Ded., 1659, Martha Pidge, not Fairbank, as intimated on p. 23. p. 49, 157. Gardner, 6 d. Sep., 1842, a. 70 ys. 3 mo. ; w. Mehetabel Miriam, d. Jan., 1834; 2d w. Zilly Covel, m. Apl., 1837, r. Saratoga Springs, had I. Mehetabel, 7 Bee. 19, 1797, m. Apl. 14, 1825, Philo R. Waterbury, of S., and had i. Cynthia Ann, 8 Apl., 1828, m. Chas. J. Buell, rs. Sche- nectady; n. Edward Robinson 8 Aug., 1831, m. Oct. '34, Maria Au- gusta Rugg, rs. a silversmith at Saratoga ; in. Heman Lincoln 8 Feb., '45. ii. Pamdia, 7 Aug. 17, 1799, m. Oct. 10, 1819, Benj. Hall, rs. Saratoga, had i. Mehetabel 8 Jan. 30, '21, m. 1841, Chauncey L. Williams, rs. S. ; ii. Pamelia C., 8 June 2, '23, m. Rev. Levi Parmely, rs. Elgin, 111.; in. Myron B. 8 Jan. 27, '26, m. Clarinda Buck, rs. S. ; iv Orin G., Oct. 16, '29; v. Edwin W. 8 July 1, '36; vi. Miles M. 8 June 12, '39 ; vii. Phebe Jane 8 Mar. 13, '45. in. Gardner, 7 June 24, 1801, rs. a trader at Saratoga Springs, m. Bolly How, Oct. 1, 1821, had i. Julius Augustus 8 Mar. 26, 1822, m. Mary Jane Mosier, Oct. 10, '41, rs. S ; n. James Justin 8 Jan. 23, '28, rs. S. ; in. Elon Galusha 8 Feb. 11, '30, m. Caroline R. Elms, '55, rs. S. ; iv. Mary Adaline 8 Mar. 26, '32, m. 1851, Robert Blackall, rs. Green Bush, N. Y. ; v. Sarah Emeline 8 Feb. 20, '36, m. '53, Joseph A. Christian, rs. New York. IV. Elon Galusha, 7 Jly. 16, 1819, d. June 13, '29. For an account of tbe remarkable piety of this child, see Bapt. Tract and Youth's Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 8. v. Sarah Ann Eustatia, 7 Mar., 1740, by 2d wife. 37. 110. Elisha, 4 rm. and s. 1 m. W. of Bellingham Centre, and d a. 75 ys. 37. 113. Baniel, 5 m. Mary (?) Albee ; 2d, Mary Blake ; 3d, Mary Wheelock ; 4th, wid. Mary Torry, and inherited the homestead at B. and d. a. 75 ; had i. Beborah, 6 d. um. ; n. Baalis, 8 Bea., r. Uxb., m. Joanna or Jane Pierce, had no issue; in. Wheelock, 6 who inherits the homestead in B., m. Sally Gould, had I. John, 7 (d.;) n. Leonard P., 7 m. Elizabeth Adams, r. Woon- socket, and has George 8 ; iv. Polly, 6 m. Allen Thayer. BULLARD. 57| 37. 114. Elijah, 5 w. Milcah Pond, dg. of Aaron P., of Hoi., had i. Abijab, 6 s. in Sturb. ; n. Betsey, m. Thad. Spring ; in. Mille, 6 m. Jo. Wood. iv. Martin, 6 Sep. 13, 1782, m. Sally Corey, d. 1810 ; 2d, Nabby Carey, d. 1844 ; and 3d, Clarissa (Underwood) Hawes, rs. at W'boro ; had i. Sally G 7 Sept. 10, 1808, m. Natb'l W. Fay ; n. Franklin, 7 May 25, '10, m. Izan- na Pond, rs. W. ; in. Mary Ann 7 Apl. 10, '12, d. a. 13 ys. ; iv. Ethan 7 Aug. 11, '16, m. Mary Daniels; 2d, Martha Daniels; 3d, Nancy Chamberlain, rs. Shrewsb. ; has Martin, 8 Jane, 8 Lucy, 8 and George. 8 v. Geo. W., 7 Jly 25, '18, m. Emiline Harvey, rs Dundee, 111. ; vi. Emory, June 24, '25, in. Louisa Cooledge, rs. Milf'd, has Abby Josephine, 8 Emma, 8 Clara. 8 v Ede, 6 m. also Jo. Wood. vi. Zadock, 6 m. Betsey Richardson, dg. of Doct. Joshua R., of Hoi., and Charlton, had i. Estes, 7 d. um. ; II. Edwin, 7 m. Juliet Morse Mann, dg. of David M., of W'boro, by w. Jerusha Partridge, rs. W. ; in. Chs. 7 rs. Worces. ; iv. Betsey, 7 m. James Austin, rs. Wore. vn. Abner, 6 d. um. ; vin. Elijah, d. yg. ; ix. Ethan, 6 rs. Attleboro ; x. Pond, 6 d. yg. xi. John, 6 m. Lucy Justin; 2d, Eunice S. Clark, and had Matthew B. 7 Elijah 7 Jane G. 7 Henry G. 7 James F? xn. Lyman, 6 d. um. ; xni. Almira, 6 d. a. 16. ; xiv. Rhoda, 6 m. Geo. Brad- ford, rs. Troy, N. Y. 37. 115. Elisha, 5 w. Rachel Rockwood, r. Franklin, had i. Elijah, 6 r. Sutton ; n. Fisher, r. Dedham ; in. Elisha, 6 rs. Franklin ; iv. Piam, 6 rs. F. ; v. Ce- phas, 6 rs. F., m. Sukey Morse [see memo, of the Morses, p. 81.] bad i. Samuel Morse, 7 Dec. 18, 1818, rs. Hoi. m. Harriet Atwood War- field, b. Mar. 20, 1819, m. May 25, 1841., has Harriet C., 8 Jane M., 8 Samuel A., 8 Carrie A. 8 ; n. Gatherine Fisher 7 ; m. Eliza Ann. 7 37. 116. John, 5 bled to death, um. 37. 117. Abel, 5 s. in Newfane, Vt., rm. to Canada, m. , and bad Mason, 6 who r. Brattleboro. 37. 118. Baruch, 5 s. in Uxb., w. " Julitta" Messinger, had i. Otis. 6 ii. Luther, 6 r. Uxb., had i. John D., 7 rs. Hartford, Ct. ; n. Charles H. 7 Rev., rs. Rockville, Ct. ; in. George A., 7 rs. Philadelphia ; iv. Edward Payson/ rs. Uxb. ; v. JuliaA., 7 rs. Uxb. ; vi. Catherine M., 7 rs. Rockville. in. Fisher, 6 ; iv. Samuel, 6 d. um. p. 36, No. 99£. Mary, 5 m. Timothy Hill, rs. S. and H., see p. 104, had Timothy, 6 who d. Oct. 1848, m. Olive Lovell, fr. Medf'd, b. 1770, d. Dec. 6, 184*3, had i. Lucretia, (p. 105.) ii. Horace, Ap'l 25, 1797, m. Hepsibah Fisher, fr. H. 2d, Sarah Daniels, fr. Milf'd. in. Henry (p. 105) in. Hannah Metcalf, fr. Frank, iv. Jemima, Mar. 23, 1801, d. Nov. 19, '40. v. Albert, 7 Mar. 12, 1804, m. Mary Cook, fr. Bell., b. Dec. 26, 1807, m. May 18, '31, rs. Shrewsbury, bad Adaline A., 8 June 30, '32, d. June 1, '48 ; Chas. W., H June 5, '34 ; Ellen M. 8 June 20, '36 ; Mary Ann, 8 Aug. 26, '38; Geo. Albert, 8 Feb. 26, '41, d. Aug. 27, '42; Jemima A 8 Dec. 30, '42. 0<|- BULLARD. vi. Mary Ann, 7 Jan. 1, 1807, m. Valentine Coombs, of Med. vii. Cyrus M. 7 May 6, 1809, m. Almira Partridge, fr. Milfd. p. 49, No. 159. Nathan, 6 rs. Springwater, Liv. Co., N. Y., m. Elisabeth Fay, fr. Athol. who d. at Putnam, Wash. Co., N. Y , Ap'l, 1826 ; and 2d, Sarah Lester, '26, who d. '49 ; and had i. Eliza, 7 1801, at Hancock, N. H., d. Nov., 1825, m. '18, Jona. Blair, had John, 6 1819 j Jona.? '21 ; David* '23 ; Nathan* '25. ii. J. Barber 7 , 1802, d. 1826. in. Nathan, 7 1803, at Shrews., Vt., rm. 1827, to Aurora, St. Lawrence Co., and rs. Springwater, N. Y.. m. Lucy A. Lawrence, who d. '43 ; 2d, Theresa Aplin, m. '50., had RoVt F.* '34 ; Mary E.* '37 ; Lucy* '42. iv. Shepherd P./ 1806, at Shrews., r. Ticond. and Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y., m. '32, Helen C. Burnet of Putnam, had H. Augusta* '34 ; Elisabeth R.,* '37 ; Annette P.* '40 ; Frank C* '44, at Perry ; and Edith* '51 ; v. Isaac, 7 1808, at Bradfd, Vt., d. '52, at San Fran., Cal., m. '43, Ann Tat- tershan, fr. Hornellsville, N. Y., had Mary E.* '48, and Charlotte* '51. vi. Susan, 7 1810, at Castleton, Vt., m. '48, David Lacv, jr., of Perry, had Frank E* vii. Francis, 7 181-2, d. 1814. viii. Francis, 7 2d, 1815, at Shrews., rs. Perry, ix. Mary, 7 1817, at Rutland, Vt., rs. P. x. Sabra, 7 1819, at Putnam, N. Y., m. '47, Eli May, of Springwater, had Marian J., 8 '48 ; Ella* '52. xi. T. Orestes, 7 1821, at Put., rs. Perry. xti. Eliza, 7 1826, at Put. xiii. Sarah D., 7 1828, at Put., d. 1846, m. '44, Eli May, of Springwater, had Eli S.* '45, d. '46. GRADUATES. Ch. i. 22. Adam Bullard, 1742, Harv. Col. I. 132. John Bullard, 1776, H. C, d. 1821. l. 132. Henry Adams Bullard, 1807, Harv. Univ., d. 1851. H. 64. Asa Bullard, 1793, A. B., 1811, M. D., Dar. Col., a. H. U., 1809, d. '26., at Bos. I. 132. Charles Adams Bullard, 1819, H. U. i. 132. John Parker Bullard, 1829, H. U., d. 1845. i. 133. Eli Bullard, 1787, Yale Col., d. 1824. I. 132. Royal Bullard, 1810, do., d. 1846. Carolus H. Bullard, 1747, do. ii. 54. Daniel S. Bullard, 1817, Brown Univ. I. 139. Elias Bullard, 1823, do. Ward Bullard, 1833, Middle. Col. Cullen Bullard, 1829, M. D., Ver. Univ. i. 139. Malachi Bullard, 1841, Dart. Col., d. i. 79. Artemas Bullard, 1826, Amherst Col. ». 79. Asa Bullard, 1828, do. i. 137. Amos Bullard, 1833, do. i. 79. Ebenezer Waters Bullard, 1834, Miami Univ., O. i. 166. George E. Bullard, 1853, M. D., Alb. Med. Col., N. Y. I. 168. Edwin Buxton Bullard, Hamil. Univ., N. Y., d. 1847. K I L L A B 1) . ADDENDA W I T H O ORREOTIONB. Ch. III. No. 20. Silas,* Lt., sun of Joshua by wf. Olive Harding, served as Lt. in the war of the revolution ; in. Mar. 26\ 1778, Sarah Baxter, dg. of Rev. Jos. B. of Medfield ; and 2d, in '82, Thankful Adams, (No. 229.) Had at M.— i. Ichabod,* Sep. 16, 1780, by 1st wife, d. yg. ii. Sarah, 6 by 2d wf., in. Wales Plimpton. in. Aincy,* m. Joseph Draper of Ded. iv. Moses,* b. Jly 26, 1796, rs. Medfield, in. Sep. 8, 1822, Eliz- abeth Taylor, dg. of John T. of Stough. Had : — 1. John T., 7 Oct. 1, 1823; 2. Marv, 7 Feb. 7, 1825, d. yg ; 3. Eliz- abeth, 7 Oct. 31, '26; 4. Miry J., 7 Feb. 9, '29 ; 5. Sarah P., T Nov. 18, '30; 6. Ellen Amelia C., 7 Jan. 12, 1831, d. yg. Ch. III. No. 23. Elijah Billiard/ b. Feb. . r >, 1781? s. of John by wf. Thank- ful Allen, m. June 28, 1*12, Mary C. Temple, dg. of Stephen T. fr. Wor- cester, rs. Mcdfd, had — 1. John E., 7 b. May 15, 1n13, at Bos., m. Eliza Cole, rs. M., has John F.,' and Sarah E* 2. Elijah C., 7 Dec. 18, '14 ; d. Jan. 9, '33. 3. Wm. H., 7 Dec. 30, '15; m. Ann Hartshorn, rs. M., has Francis A.* Wm. H." and Chs. IF. 8 1. Hinsdale F., 7 Aug. 28, '17; m. Emily Thayer, rs. M., has Geo. //.*, Emily M. t H Henrietta T., s Mary E., 8 Ada L.* and Leicester C. 8 5. Mary O., 7 Feb. 13, '19 ; m. James Draper, rs. S. Natick, has Ellen E.* George R.* Susan G., 8 Jams* A.* Ida B.* and Laura A.* 6. Betsey F., 7 Dec. 11, '20; d. Mav 4, 1854; m. Frank D. Richardson of Med., had Edwd F., 8 Daniels J* 7. Laura A., 7 Dec. 7, 1 22 ; m. Bushrod W. Abbot fr. Ando., who d. Jan. 20, '52; and 2d, Frank D. Richardson ; rs. Med. 8. Susan M., 7 Sep. 29, '25, rs. M. 9. Geo. E., 7 Nov. 30, '26, at Bos., d. Jan. 4, 1835. 10. Chs. C., 7 Mar. 2, '28, d. Apl. 1, '46. 11. Sarah J., 7 Oct. 4, '29, rs. M. 12. Ellen F., 7 Sep. 17, '31, d. Jan. 29, '35. 13. Abby A., 7 July 11, '33, rs. M. Ch. 111. No. 116. Horace Bullard, 7 b. Dec. 10, 1804, s. of Isaac,* and grd. s. of Wm.,* inherits a part of the ancient homestead in Walpole, m. Sep. 3, 1826, Ann Eliza Phillips, b. Dec. 19, 1804, dg. of Chs. P. of Taunton, had i. Geo. P., 8 Jan. 31/29, m. Nov. 27, *50, Clarissa Lewis of W., has Clara A., 9 and Ella A. 9 II. Isaac H., 8 Oct. 2, '34, m. May 19, '57, Lydia Ann Capron fr. Attleboro', rs. W. ill. Chs. Horace, 8 Oct. 1, '36. iv. Sarah Ann, 8 May 26, '38, m. John Clapp of W. v. James E., 8 Jan. 27, '42. Since the publication of that unequalled genealogical work, The Watertown Family Memorial, the author, Henry Bond, M. D., of Philadelphia, with his char- acteristic generosity and kindness, informs me of his discovery of a bond by Henry Thorp, who m. the wid. of Robert Bullard ab. Nov. 25, 1639, which ; roves that Benjamin Bullard, named at the head of this article, was the son of Robert and Ann Bullard. The use of his name in his minority as sole male heir to his father among the owners and grantees of Watertown lands, led me into the belief in a Benjamin B. before him, whose lands in W. he inherited. This, with the corrections in my reprint of Chaps. IV, V, and VI, reduces the ances. tors of the New England Bullards to 4; viz., Robert, George, John and William, pr. brothers or near relatives 58 BUTLEIi, C HADDOCK, CHAMBERLAIN. I. Thomas Butler, w. Martha , came 1745 fr. Ipswich, and s. in Hopk. His will of '04, proved Mar. 6, 176G, mentions chil., i. Tho.; n. Stephen; in. Abigail ; iv. Wm. ; v. Daniel ; vi. Hannah ; vn. Sarah ; viii. Martha ; 6. 5. ix. Jeremiah ; x. Elizabeth ; xi. Ruhama ; xn. Hiphzibah ; xm. Aaron. 5. 6. Jeremiah, Executor of his father's will, m. Martha Morse, May 22, 1755, had at Hopk., I. Polly, m. Jesse Miller, son of Maj. M., of Holl. ii. Martha, m. Isaac Jones, of H'pk., had Rev. Isaac J. A. M. , of Derry. 9. 7. in. Aaron, m. Sarah Jones, grd. dg. of Col. John, of Hop. iv. Joel, m. Deborah Adams; 2d, Lydia Chamberlain, r. Winchendon. 7. 9. Aaron, by w. Sarah Jones, had at Hopk., i. Hannah, m. Joseph Hunt, of Upton ; ii. Aaron, m. Mehetabel Greenwood, 2d, Abigail Johnson. 12. 11. in. Jeremiah, Esq., Jan. 3 9, 1789, m. Emily Pratt. iv. Ruhama, m. Nathan Johnson, fr. Holl., r. Dudley or Southboro'. II. 12. Jeremiah Butler, Esq., served his time, 1812-14, at S., as an ap- prentice at carriage-making, and in the autumn of 1815, s. in S., where he has ever since resided. He served as Coroner from Feb. 19, 1824, to '45, and has been an acting Justice ever since Feb. 8, '43, to the present time, '55. He m., Nov. 5, 1818, Emily Pratt, fr. Fram., and had i. Harriet, June 1, '21, d. Feb. 7, '51, m. Geo. Daniels, had Emma A.; ii. Olive, Aug. 10, '20, d. Oct. 4, '20. in. Mary Rosaline, June 22, '28, m. Vorestus Ware, of S., had Edgar Butler, drowned Ap. 29, '49, Arthur B., Joseph W., Mary E. B,, Edgar V. x Clarence Henry. Thomas ChaddOCk, w. Margaret ■ , had Zeruiah, Nov. 10, 1734, at H. ChambGrlain, The name of Chamberlain occurred early at Concord. 1. Wm. a proprietor of Billerica, 1058 ; Wm., jun., and John, of do., '79. 2. Tho. admitted freeman, 1044, of Woburn, 1051, and Chemsford, 1058. 3. Henry was of Hingham, 1035-40 ; 4. Richard, of Braintree, had Richard, born 1042. 5. Edmund, of Haverhill, admitted freeman, 1065. 0. Moses Chamberlain, fr. Dedham to Sherborn, ab. 1800, had i. Charlotte, and ii. Jabez Dexter, both d. yg. He bought of Moses Perry, 3d, and erected tanning works, now Dea. Fisk's. 7. James Chamberlain, w. Hannah, had at S., Cyrus, Jan. 15, 1769. 8. Samuel Chamberlain, of Holl., m. Margaret Bullard, of Mend., May 13, 1755, and had at H., i. Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1756 ; n. Jemima, Nov. 1, '58. in. Rhoda, Nov. 27, '00. 9. Enoch Chamberlain, w. Elizabeth; i. Abigail, Nov. 18, 1758, d. Feb. 9, '60 ; ii. Olive, Sept. 3, '00, d. Nov. 8, '73; in. Wm., June 21, '02. iv. Enoch, Sept. 28, '64, d. Jan. 0, '73; v. Elijah, Feb. 1, '07, d. Sept. 12, '73 ; vi. Eliphalet, Jan. 0, '09, d. Dec. 27, '72. 10. vn. Calvin, June 27, '71; vm. Elizabeth, Jly. 2, '74. 11. ix. Enoch, Ap. 3, '78; x. Luther, Mar. 10, '81. CHURCH, CLAFLIN, CLARK. 59 13. Jason Chamberlain, b. Feb. 26, 1701, s. of Jacob C, of Newton, m. Hannah Clark, had i. John, Sept. C, 1728, at Newton. 19. 14. II. Staples, Sept. 1, 17-50, at H., to whom and Br. John, Dea. John Staples bequeathed £100 when of age ; uh- Jason, Lt., Mar. 8, '32, d. '70. 16. in. Samuel Jly. 18, '34, m. Margaret Bullard ; iv. Enoch, Nov. 18, '37; v. Elizabeth, Feb. 26, '39-40, d. Mar. 13, '39-40 • vi. Eben., Aug. 9, '41. 14. 19. Staples Chamberlain, Cpt., d. May 25, 1796, w. Abigail, had at II. 26. 20. i. Jason, May 31, 1758 ; n. Eliphalet, Mar. 27, '63, d. June 19, '66. 21. John Chamberlain, w. Sarah, had at II., i. Sarah, May 8, 1756, m. Samuel Phipps, '72 ; ii. Mary, Nov. 18, '57 ; Barsheba, Nov. 17, '60 j iv. Anna, Mar. 18,' 64, d. Dec. 23, '05 ; v. Moses, Oct. 26, '66; vi. Ebenezer, Sep. 6, '70. 24. Wm. Chamberlain, w. Betsey, had at H., i. Elijah, Ap. 13, 1783. ii. Sarah, June 1, '84; in. Betsey, June 1, '84; iv. Olive, Jan. 12, '86. v. Clarissa, Feb. 5, '88 ; vi. Polly, Jan. 7, '90. 20. 26. Col. Jason Chamberlain, m. Abigail, inherited the homestead, was a man of more than common education, and long a leading citizen of H., representing her in the convention that adopted the Fed. Constitution, and often in the Gen. Court. lie entered warmly into the political questions of his day, ever acting with the parties opposed to the Constitution and the administration of John AJams. 27. i. Jason Rev. Prof., A. M., Feb. 9, 1784, grad. at B. XL, s. as a pastor in Vt., was chaplain to the Leg. of Vt., Prof, of languages in V. University, and Land Agent in the Western Country where he was drowned, um. n. Eliphalet, d. without issue ; in. Mary, Jan. 10, '87 ; iv. Nathan, Oct. 9, '88, d. Jan. 20, '89; v. Abigail, Dec. 21, '89; vi. Calvin, d. Mar. 14, '92; vii. Tim., b. Jan. 25, '93; vm. Staples, May 25, '96; ix. Nath'l Whiting, Jan. 13, '98. Jona. Church, w. Thankful, had at S., i. Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1753. 1. Caleb Claflin, m. Huldah Fisk, May 19, 1763, at H. ; 2. John Claflin, fr. Hopk., the s. of Ebenezer C, whose ancestors were fr. Scot- land, m. 1770, Mary Sheffield, dg. of Isaac S., the former proprietor of Doct. Fisk's farm, and s. half m. N. E. of N. E. corner of Milfd., and had i. Amaziah, Jly. 5, '73; n. John, June 24, '75, s. in Milfd., f. of Horace B., of New York; in. Polly, Aug. 13, '79; iv. Luther, Oct. 30, '81; v. Martin, Mar. 24, '84 ; vi. Calvin, Nov. 17, '86; vn. Moses, Feb. 27, '89. 9. Wm. Claflin, s. or neph. of John above, m. Sabery , had i. Wm., Aug. 3, 1797 ; ii. Erepta, Sept. 3, '99. 1- Jonas Clark, early of Cambridge, is supposed to have had i. Samuel, - who removed to Concord, 1686, and there died 1730. His wife, Ruth, d. 1722. Samuel had i. John; n. Win., who m. and had Wm., jun., Jan. 20, 1717, at C.; in. Benj., who m. Rebecca Flagg, and had Ben}., who d. Feb. 11, 1809, a. 91. 7. 6. iv. Arthur 3 ; v. Susanna; VI. Hannah. 60 CLARK. 6. 7. Arthur Clark csme from Concord to S., 1715-18, m. Oct. 20, 1719, Han- nah Morse, dg. of Daniel M., by w. Elizth. Barbour, and grd. dg. of Daniel, and gr. grd. dg. of Samuel M., of Medfd., s. on her patrimonial estate, on the E. side of farm Lake, shared in the grants at Doug., 1730, and was sis years selectman. Pie m. for his last w. Mrs. Sarah , fr. Concord, who d. June 2, 1799, a. 99, and had by 1st wife, i. Sarah, Oct. 1, 1720, m. Benj. Morse, '52. / 11. 8. ii. Samuel, 4 .June 11, '22, d. Mar. 14, 1795; (in. Asa, 4 Mar. 14/23-4, Frank., and had issue j iv. John, 4 Oct. 7, '25, d. Nov. 1G, '26. 17. 10. v. Daniel, 4 Dec. 3, '27, df Aug. 16, 1805. 8. 11. Samuel, 4 m. 1746, Mary More, from Sud.,and2d, Sarah Harrington, '53-7, was selectman 1773 and '83, inherited E. half of the homestead, and had i. Molly, 5 Oct. 13, '47, in. Jonah Clark, and s. at Petersham. 19. 12. ii. Samuel, 5 Aug. 7, '49, m. Elizabeth Learned ; in. Arthur, 5 Jly. 24, '51, a soldier of the revolution, burnt to death at Jeffery, N, H., Mar., '85, urn. 21. 13. iv. Wm., s Dea., Oct. 21, '53, d. Ap. 15, 1846, m. Elizabeth Whitney. v. Joseph, 5 May 6, '58, d. Jan. 20, 1837, m. and settled at Gardner. vi. Josiah, 5 Ap. 27, '60, d. '79, urn., in the army. vii. Benj., 5 May 30, '62, d. Nov. 28, 1827, m. and settled at Gardner. 23. 16. viii. Asa, 5 Nov. 20, '63, d. 1846; ix. Eunice, May 14, 1765, m. Stephen Purlin, of Petersham ; x. Lois, 5 Mar. 24, '67, d. Dec. 24, '91, m. Mr. Pierce ; xi. Esther, 5 May 25, '69, d. um., a '19 ; xn. Timothy, 5 Aug. 6, '71, d. um., Dec. 29, 1800. 10. 17. Daniel, 4 m. Joanna, , inherited the homestead, and had 25. 18. i. John, 5 Nov. 22, 1750, m. Silence Barbour, June 17, '84 ; n. Hannah, Aug. 13, '61, m. June 19, '88, Enoch Draper, of Dover ; in. Olive, Sept. 9, '64, d. yg. ; iv. Olive, Mar. 19, '72, m. Geo. Colburn, of Ded., Jan. 1, 1804; v. Daniel, bp. Jly. 9, '75. 12. 19. Samuel, 5 m. Elizabeth Learned, b. Dec. 26, 1756, dg. of Capt. Edward L., by w. Sarah Pratt, fr. Newton, and grd. dg. of Dea. Benoni L., of S., by w. Mary Fanning, s. on the West Sherborn road, 1* m. W. of the Com- mon, where Bev. Amos Clark resides. He was a soldier in the revolution, and had 31.20.1. Amos, 6 Bev. A. M., Ap. 23, 1779, m. Pamelia Poor; n. Elizabeth, Nov. 16, '82, d. Mar., 1852, m. Moses Bullard, r. Princeton. 13. 21. Wm., 5 Dea, long a leading and honored citizen of S., early imbibed the spirit of '76 ; entered the army in the commencement of the conflict, served 5 years as a soldier, was in the battle of Bunker Hill and at the surrender of Burgoyne, became a member of the chh., served her as deacon and the Town as selectman, kept a store and tavern upon the plain where his son Alpheus rs., was much employed in settling estates, and sustained through a long life a high character for responsibility, soundness of judgment and integrity. He married Elizabeth Whitney, June 21, 1784, dg. of Hon. Daniel Whitney, who d. Feb. 27, 1835, He died Ap. 15, 1846, a. 92, 6m. He had 22. i. Alpheus, Esq., Mar. 29, 1785 ; n. Polly, Jan. 20, '89, d. yg. in. Polly," Jan. 18, '92, m. Samuel Leland, of S. 16. 23. Asa, 5 m. Mehetabel Esty, inherited the homestead at the Farm, and had i. Nathan, Ap. 9, 1794, d. Mar. 14, '95 ; ii. Sally, June 21, ^95, m. Walter Barbour ; in. -Nelly, Dec. 27, '96, rs. at the homestead ; iv. Samuel, CLARK. 61 Juno 1, '99, (]. Nov. 27, '99 ; v. Elijah, also June 1, '99, m. Parmelia Haven, r. H. ; vi. Asa, 8 Feb. 6, 1801, d. yg. ; vir. Lydia, 6 Ap. 20, '03, d. yg. ; vm. Asa E., u Dee. 9, '04, d. ab. 1838, m. Clarissa Whiting, had no issue; ix. Lydia G., 6 Nov. 16, '06, d. Oct. 23, '08; x. Dexter, Mar. 19, '10, d. a. 15 yrs. ; xi. Mehetabel E., Jly. 20, '13, d. a. 19 yrs. 18. 25. John. m. Silence Barbour, and inherited the homestead and had r. Prudence, Mar. 1, 1788, m. Hopestill Lovell, of Med., Oct. 1109. li. Caroline, Mar. 2, '90 ; in. Daniel, June 7, '92 ; iv. Lewis, Jly. 1, '94. v. John, Nov 5, '90; vi. Arthur, Sept. 0, 1800; vil. Silence, Mar. 22, '07 ; Tin. Cyrus, Mar. 23, '07, d. yg. 20. 31. Amos, Rev., A. M., prepared for Col. under the instruction of Rev. Elijah Drown, of S , grad. with honor at H. U., 1804, studied theology with Rev. Pres. Bates, then pastor at Dedham, with whom he subsequently became closely connected by marriage. In 1806 he was licensed to preach by the Ded. Asso. But being of too slender health for the peculiar labors of the pulpit, he engaged in the calling of a classical instructor, preaching only occasionallj*, and dividing his time between Ded., Boston, Salem and Sher- born, and spending about 5 years in each place. Many of his former pupils whose minds and hearts he contributed to form, have risen to great eminence, in the different professions, who by their inquiries, still evince an interest in his welfare honorable to all parties, proving him to be rich in friends. In 1828 Mr. C. became stated supply to the only pulpit in his native town, and on May 20, 1830, was here ordained and settled as the 7th minister of a parish 155 years old. This office he sustained until 1842, when the feeble- ness of his health called for his resignation. But his usefulness did not cease; and he has continued to watch over the interests of learning in S., and occasionally resume the desk which he had resigned. He represented S. in the Leg. of Mass., in 1845. He m. Pamelia Poor, dg. of the excellent Dea Daniel P., of Andover, the brother of Gen P., of Revolutionary fame, and the grd. dg. of Col. Fry, of French and Indian war celebrity, and had i. Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1808, m. Rev. Philander Bates, A. M., r. Virgil, N. Y./ n. Samuel, Esq., A. M., Sept. 15, 1809, m. Elizabeth Fisher, r. N. boro'. III. Daniel, M. D., Ap. 10, 1811, m. Mary E. Flint, dg. of Rev. Jacob F., of Cohasset, r. Flint, Mich. ; iv. Amos, Feb. 2, 1832, r. unm. in Flint. v. Nathaniel Fry, Jan. 8, 1815, in. Eleanor Leland, r. S. ; vi. Edward, Mar. 10, 1817, m. Cornelia Monro, r. Flint, vn. Henry B., Nov. 12, 1818, m. Martha Battiste, r. Chs'town, S. C- vm. Hannah P., Nov. 4, '20, d. Aug. 2, '21 ; ix. John B., Nov. 28, 1822, student of medicine, r. Flint, m. Cornelia Miles, May, '54 ; x. Hannah P., Oct. 20, 1824, d; Oct. 15, '25 ; xi. Anna B., Dec. 6, 1820, d. Oct. 9, '30 ; xn. Anna P., Jan. 28, 1829, m. Cadis B. Boyce, '52, r. Boston. Uriah Clark, w. Ruth, had at S., i. Gideon, May 15, 1757. 38. Michael Clark, b. June 14, 1701, and d. Dec. 12, 1829, was fr. Needh. to S., m. Lucy Allen, who d* Aug. 25, 1808, a. 46. He m. 2d Susanna Perry, Jan. 1, 1809, who d. Aug. 11, 1815, and 3d Abigail Fisk ; and had at S. i. Charles, June 14, 1790, s. in Charleston, S. C. ; ir. Henry, Aug. 10, '91, r. Dorchester; in. Martin, Feb. 22, '93, m. Sally Bullard, and d. at Savanna, Ga., without issue ; iv. Geo., Jan. 10, '95, r. S. boro. v. Lucy, Mar. 31, '96, m. Henry Pratt, r. Roxb. ; vi. Mary, Jan. 21, '98, d. Ap. 12, 1800; vn. John, Ap. 17, 1801, r. Keen, N. H., in. Clarissa 62 CLEALE, COBB, COLE, COLLAR, COOLIDGE. Daniels ; vin. Mary Allen, Sept. 30, '09, m. Nathaniel Dowse ; ix. Anna, Feb. 1/12, r. S., urn. j x. Joseph P., Dec. 29, '14, r. S., um. 45. Theophilus Clark, b. Ap. 19, 1722, the son of Theoph., of Med.,pr. de- scended from Joseph C, of Medfield, d. Nov. 24, 17G0, w. Experience , r. Holl. ; i. Jothara, d. Dec. G, 17G0. 4G. Nathl. Clark, w. Sarah, r. Holl.; i. Esther, May 25, 1765 ; n. Saml., June 20, '67; in. Sarah, Sept. 26, '69; iv. Joseph. Sept. 18, '73. 47. Samuel Clark, pr. s. of Nathl., w. Julia , had at H., i. Joanna, Nov. 23, 1795 ; ii. Simeon, Aug. 16, '97 ; 49. Benj. Clark, w. Lydia ; i. Warren, Aug. 3, 1781. 51. Nahum Clark, pr. s. of Theophilus, 2d, w. Mary, had at H. i. Jotham, Jan. 13, 1773 ; ii. Beulah, Jan. 12, '75 ; in. Abijab, Sep. 1, '76, m. Lydia, and had Elie, Dee. 24, '98 ; iv. Cynthia, Jly. 1, '78; v. Theophilus, Feb. 16, '84; vi. Nahum, Nov. 27, '86; vn. Lucinda, Ap. 2, '90. Joseph Cleale, b. May 12, 1794, at Ipswich, Mass., s. of Jos. C. (fr. Horton, (Somersetshire, Eng.,) by w. Mille Mann, fr. Walpole, Mass., s. in W. S., ab. 1816, m. Susan Wood. 2d Grace (Chamberlain) Hewens ; 3d, Betsey R. Tisdale, has i. Alfred, by 1st w., m. Mary Snelling, rs. H. ; n. Lydia Ann ; in. Susan A., m. James Robertson Whitney, ; iv. Joseph A., d. a. 17. v. Alonzo, d. a. 15; vi. Albert; vn. Augustus; vin. Artec ix. Edwin; x. Isabella; xi. Jos. A., by 2d w. ; xn. Mary A. jmas. AlHOS Cobb- Sarah Fairbanks had i. Amos, at S. Stephen Cobb, w. Abigail, had at H., i. Abigail, Mar. 12, 1744-5 ; ii. Stephen, Apl. 12. '46, d. Jan. 18, '54 ; in. Lydia, Dec. 7, '48, d. Jan. 11, '54; iv. Abigail, Dec. 10, '50; v. Ebenezer, Jly. 4, '54. Samuel Cobb, m. Rhoda Partridge, Aug. 11, 1763, had at H., i. Hannah, Dec. 28, 1763, d. May 17, '64 ; n. Japhet, Mar. 28, '66; in. Amos, Sep. 25, '68 ; iv. Luther, Mar. 19, '72. Seth Cobb, w. Kate, had i. Lydia, Sept. 20, 1770, at H. OniSSimUS Cole, m. Jemima Leland, had at S., i. Olive, Ap. 6, 1772. ii. Thaddeus, Dec. 4, '73 ; in. John, June 2, '76; iv. Samuel, May 3, '78; v. Sally, Sept. 7, '80; vi. Joseph C, Aug. 29, '84; vn. Mima Cobb, Oct. 2, '92. 1 »>» ■ — Phineas Collar, w. Hannah, had at S., i. Eliz'th., Mar. 30, 1731. John Coolidge n , (a soldier in Philip's war, and by trade a carpenter,) came from Watertown, about 1080-5, and was rated for the Indian title, 1686, and drew land, 1696, s. in the N. part of S., where Daniel C. now resides. OOOLIDGE. 63 He was the s. of Ens. John C, of W., and the grd. s. of John C, who emigrated pr. in 1G30, from Cambridgeshire, and settled in W., which town he served as selectman, and in 1058 represented. . [Bond.] The Cooledgo family in England, according to Mr. Somerby, are of great antiquity, and early had their representatives among the gentry. John, 3 served S. 10 years as selectman, and 5 years as Town Clerk. He m. Mary , who, as his wid., drew land in Doug., 1715, and d. Sep. 13, 1724. He d. Jan. 18, 1713-14, a. 51 or 57, 11 mo. He had 2. i. Isaac, Esq., Apl. 21, 1685, d. June 2, 1701 ; n. Daniel, Jan. G, 1687, d. May 20,1707 ; in. John, Aug. 31, 1689, d. Jan. 23, 1711-12. iv. Hannah, Jan. 8, '92, m. Jona. Fairbanks, June 2, 172G; v. Sarah, Oct. 13, '94, ro. Nathaniel Morse, of MedfJ. 3. vi. James, Oct. 17, '96, d. 1761 ; vn. Mary, May 13, 1701, m. Jona. Russell, Jly. 13, 1727 ; vm. Peter, Eeb. 17, "'02-3, m. Abigail Wheelock, Apl. 12, '23, 2d, Margt. Ellis, Jan. 2, '28-29, r. Medfield. ix. Amos, Cpt., May 16, '05, d. Sep. 27, '82, m. Mary Lelar.d, Dee. 25, '28, had Sarah, b. and d. 1741. He m. 2d, Zerviah Brown, Feb. 25, '68. 2. 6. Isaac, Esq., m. Hannah Morse, dg. of Capt. Joseph M., inherited the home- stead, was maj. in the militia, served S. 3 years as selectman, and 5 years as representative ; i. Hannah, Mar. 18, 1710-11, m. Tho. Russell. 10. 7. ii. John, June 21, '14 ; in. Grace, Mar. 18, 16-7, m. Ezra Holbrook, Nov. 30, '38; iv. Lucy, May 3, '19, d. Mar. 27, '91, m. Joseph Crackbone, Oct. 10, '50. 15. 8. v. Joseph, Apl. 22, '26; vi. Isaac, (according to Bond.) 7. 10. John, m. Anne, r. S. and Natick ; u Anne, May 5, 1741 ; n. Mary, Jly. 28, '42 ; in. Elizabeth, Dec. 17, '44 ; iv. Isaac, Aug. 29, '47 ; v. Abigail, Jly. 10, '49. 22. 12. vi. John, Ap. 22, '52 ; vn. Samuel, 1753 ; vm. Tho., 1755. ix. Elizabeth, 1756, d. '57 ; x. Elizabeth, 1758, m. Ebenr. Eames, of Fram. 8. 15. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Frost, Jan. 26, 1746; I. Joseph, Mar 31, 1747, d. Mar. 31, '47 ; n. Grace, Oct. 14, '48, d. Dec. 10, '50 ; in. James, Apl. 11, '51, s. in Gardner, where he d. aged above 90. 26. 17. iv. Daniel, Mar. 13, '53, m. Beulah Smith, from Need. v. Grace, May 27, '55, m. Joseph Ware, Esq. 28. 18. vi. Joseph, Jan. 16, '57, m. Martha Daniels; vn. Joel, Cpt., Jly. 19, '59, m. Martha Ware, Oct. 11, '81, had Chs., Jan. 30, '82; vm. Hannah, Nov. 18, '61, m. John Phipps, r. S. ; ix. Abraham, Jan. 1, '64, m. Sarah Hemmingway, Jan. 1, '89, r. Marlboro', N. H. ; x. Hezckiah, Feb. 13, '66, m. Esther Cleaveland, Aug. 12, 90, r. Marlb. ; xi. Sarah, Jan. 25, '69, m. Luther Haven, rs. m Milford, had two sons. xii. Asher, May 28, 1771, d. yg. 12. 22. John, m. Eunice Eames, 1780, and had at Natick, v. Samuel, Aug. 28, 1790, advantageously known as the publisher, at Bos., of the Massachusetts Teacher, who m. Mary Bates, Ap. 23, 1815, had i. Samuel B., Sep. 18, 1815, d. Dec. 3, '41 ; 25. 24. ii. George, Aug. 7, 1817, m. Hepsy Ann Seaver ; in. Mary, Nov. 23, 1820, m. Geo. Hager, rs. Boston. 64 COOLIDGE. 24. 25. George, rs. at Dcd., conducts business in Bos. as printer and publisher ; is the author of several published articles of merit, and particularly of a poem on "The Joys of Toil," delivered at the anniversary of the Bos. Mech. Appren. Lib. Asso., Feb., 1850, which alone entitles him to rank among literary men. His acrostical stanza to his infant son is a curiosity well worthy of a place in Goold Brown's standard work, " The Grammar of Eng- lish Grammars," where, as I learn from Mr. B., it would have found a place had he earlier met with it. The reader will notice that the initial letters of all the words in the stanza form the name. To secure its preservation for some work like Mr. Brown's, showing the flexibility of our language, I here introduce it : Go Ever Onward, Righteous Glories Earning, As TJnderstandingStruggles Through Its Night, — Creative Omnipresence Only Learning, — In Duty's Garland-pathway Erudite. in, Mr. C. m. Hcpsy Ann Seaver, Aug. 29, 1843, had i. George Aust,.., Apl. 12, '45, to whom the above lines refer; n. Anna Louisa, Jan. 8, '47 ; in. Ellen Frances, Feb. 8, '49 ; iv. Samuel Horace, Aug. 29, '52. 17. 26. Daniel m. Beulah Smith, May 11, 1780, inherited the ancient homestead in S., was selectman 5 years and an ornament to religion. He d. Sept. 10, 1840. His wid. d. ab. 1845, one of the excellent of the earth. They had I. Charlotte, Nov. 27, 1781, m. Hez. Fuller, of Needham ; n. Clarissa, Ap. 21, 1783, m. Dea. Danforth Colburne, of Ded. ; in. Calvin, Mar. 19, '85, m. Patty Hyde, r. Fitz Wm. ; iv. Beulah, Aug. 27, '87, m. Andrew Bullard, of S. ; v. Daniel, June 24, '89, m. Hannah Frost, fr. N. Marlb., r. S. ; vi. Lucy, Sep. 1, '91, d. unm., Sep. 11, 1851, exhibiting in a won- derful degree the power of divine grace ; vn. Aaron, Dea., Oct. 7, '93, m. Catherine Hill, had i. Emily, d. yg. ; n. Eliza, m. Wm. Dowse, in. Aaron S. ; iv. Amos H., A. M. ; v. Horatio, d. yg; vin. Elizabeth, Feb. 5, '96, d. unm., a. 26 ; ix. Cally, June 27, '98, m. Horatio Cooledge, r. S., x. Curtis, Jan. 21, 1802, m. Orinda Cooledge, r. S. ; xi. Harriot, Aug. 27, 1804, m. Wm. Phipps, of Frank. 18. 28. Joseph, m. Martha Daniels, r. S. part of S , had i. Lemuel, Feb. 2, 1782, m. Clarissa Leland, r. Rutland ; n. Lowell, Nov. 10, '84, m. Elizabeth Richardson, from Med., r. S., had I. Geo. ; n. Orinda; in. Martha; iv. Lowell-, v. Loioell, m. Julia Ann Church, b. Jan. 24, '26, m. '47, d. Apl. S, '54, leaving Emma E. and Julia Ann. in. Horatio, June 20, '95, m. Cally Cooledge, and had i. Elizabeth, (d.) ; n. Joseph D., m. Jan. 11, '51, Sarah A. Clark, r. S., has Elizth. F. ; in. Nelson; iv. Martha, Aug. 19, 1800, d. ag. 12. . 3. 32. James m. Freelove Monk, settled on the Gookin Farm, now James Bullard's, where he kept a tavern, was selectman, ] 744-5, had i. Freedove, d. yg. ii. Hezekiah, Jly. 18, 1729, grad. H. Col., '50, d. at Crownpoint, Dec, 1701, an Ensign in the army ; in. James, Nov. 8, '30, d. yg. ; iv. James d. June 23, 1757 ; v. Mary, Jan. 7, '31-2, d. Mar. 11, 1813, m. Benj. Ware, 2d, Col. Samuel Bullard ; vi. Abigail, Jly. 3, '35, m. Joseph Fair- banks, d. without issue. CORBETT, COUSINS. 65 1. Nathaniel Corbett, w. Huldah, had at II., i. Chyron, Sep. 10, 1787. ii. Lucy, Mar. 24, '89 ; in. Nath'l, Dec. 23, '92; iv. Julima, Nov. 24, '95, v. Ruth, Nov. 24, '99. 1. Edmond COUSinS, of Pulling Point, one of the first of the name in N. Eng., m. 1656 or 7, Margaret Bird, an Irish maid servant to John Grover or Glover, of Rumncy Marsh. Traditions of Irish blood in the Cozzens certainly existed among the aged 100 years ago. 2. Tsaae Cousins, of Boston, locksmith, whose wife, in 1G5G, was Elizabeth. He m. 1657, wid. Ann Hunt, formerly the wife of John Edwards. In 1658 he sold out at B. to Edward Clark. An Isaac C, pr. the same, was of Haverhill, 1653 and 59. Isaac Cousins, of Boston, by w. Rebecca , had i. Rebecca, b. Ap. 2, 1660, and 5. 4. ii. Abraham, probably. 4. 5. Abraham Cousins, who had served as a soldier in Philip's war, was in Sherborn, 1678, m. Mary Eames, at Woburn, dg. of Tho. E., and late a captive among the Indians, drew land in S., Jan. 7, 1683, and settled between Chestnut and Dopping Brooks where Jesse Kingsbury rs., drew land in Douglas, 1715, was rated in S. for the Indian title, 1686, and d. Feb. 28, 1728-9, the year that his grand dg. Rebecca, my gi'andmother, was born, by whose perfect recollection my youthful mind was stored with facts and reliable traditions which have justified assertions in these sheets, not substantiated by any record. He had 13. G. i. Abraham, Aug. 22, 1685, m. 1709, Abigail Wilkinson, of Ch'stown. 15. 7. ii. Isaac, June 2, 1688, d. Jan. 20, 1739-40. 18. 8. in. Jacob, Aug. 13, 1692. 20. 9. iv. Joseph, also Aug. 13, '92, d. 1759, m. first, at the age of 50. v. Mary, May 10, '95. 10. Samuel Cousins, pr. a brother of Abraham, r. and had in S., by w. Deborah, 11. i. Samuel, Jan. 31, 1692 ; n. Benj., Feb, 16, 1696-7. G. 13. Abraham m. Abigail Wilkinson, of Charlestown, who d. Dec. 21, 1754, and with his father and brothers drew 204 acres in Doug., and was one of a Committee to build the first meeting house in Holliston, in 1726, and d. 1726-30. He had i. Abraham, drew 42 acres in D., 1730, pr. aged 21, an only son, who m. Phebe Fairbanks, of Med., 1759, had no child, recorded. ii. Unis, Oct 16, 1716, d. Apl. 5, '18; in. Abigail, Feb. 20, 1718. iv. Ruth, Jan. 12, '23-4. 7. 15. Isaac, m. Martha (Haven) Wessan, who d. Oct. 21, 1746, at H., was constable in S., 1721, s. 1 m. S., of Washacum Pond, in Ashland, and had i. Isaac, May 13, 171G, d. unm. ; n. Martha, Dec. 2, '17, d. unm., Mar. 12, '37-8; in. Elizabeth, Nov. 25, '20, m. Daniel Jenning, of H., Jly. 11, '39, and had i. Daniel, and ii. Isaac, both of whom s. on the homestead, iv. Sarah, Nov. 22, '23, m. George Whitney, of Hoi. 21. 17. v. Joseph, Feb. 2, '26, d. Dec. 27, 1787, a. 61 ; vi. Rebecca, Mar. 24, '28-29, d. Nov. 19, 1807, m. Ezekiel Morse, of Med. ,vii. Mercy, Aug. 24, '32, d. Oct. 26, 1770, m. Joseph Johnson, of IT. 9 66 . CRACKBONE. 8. 18. Jacob, m. Mary Wallis, pr. dg. of John W., by w. Mary, of S., bad i. Joshua, Mar. 21, 1723-4, and removed to II. I. 9. 20. Joseph, m. Rebecca Hill, Nov. 3, 1742, dg. of Doet. Elcazer H., of S., r. S., had i. John, Oct. 14, 1743, d. yg. ; n. Mercy, May 8, '45, m. Rider ; in. Rebecca, Nov. 25, '46, m. Samuel Lamb, r. Phillipstown. iv. Ruth, May 27, '50. 28. 22. v. Asa, Oct. 17, '52, m. Lois Cousins, and d. Jly. 25, 1825. vi. Malady, Dec. 11, '54, m. Theophilus Candy, r. N. Y. 34. 23. vii. Isaac, June 7, '57, m. Susanna. 17. 24. Joseph m. Susanna Eames, who d. Dec. 18, '59 ; 2d, Abigail Jones, dg. of Col. Jones, of Hopk., and who d. May 25, 180G, a. 80. Joseph inherited the homestead in Holl., now Ashland, and had i. Martha, Apl. 18, 1747, m. Robt. Muzzy, r. Dublin ; n. Joseph, May 24, '49, killed in the war of the revolution ; in. Susanna, m. Isaac Cousins, of S. 27. 26. iv. Isaac, Aug. 29, '62, d. Aug. 28, 1843, m. Sarah Morse, his cous. v. Abigail, Mar. 28, '63, d. Mar. 25, 1853, m. Isaac Jennings, of H., her cousin, who d. Apl. 27, 1821 ; vi. Lois, m. Asa Cousins, the cousin of her father. 26. 27. Isaac inherited the homestead of his father, grd. and gr. grd. father. i. Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1785, m. Reuben Cozzens of S. ; n. Nabby, Nov. 14, '87; d. Nov. 13, 1806; m. Jesse, Nov. 29, '89, m. Nancy Dowse; iv. Isaac, Feb. 14, '92, m. Mary Fay, has Mary, m. Milton Bullard, of Bell. ; v. Anna, Ap. 19, '94, m. Jona. Eames. vi. Sally, Dec. 30, '97, d. yg. ; vii. Myra, Oct. 2, '99, m. Henry Babcock. vin. Dexter, Sep. 21, 1807, m. Caroline Eames, from Hopk., rs. near Pawsett Hill, of which he is proprietor, in the S. part of S. 22. 28. Asa inherited the ancient place of the family in S., m. Lois Cousins. i. Asa, Jan. 2, 1777, d. yg. ; n. Joseph, Jly. 30, '79, d. in H., m. Ruth Stratton, r. Hopk., and Jeffery; ill. John, Ap. 30, '81, m. Ruth Cheney, r. Holl., now Ashland, had Henry and John, (d.); iv. Reuben, Feb. 23, '83, m. Rebecca Cozzens, bis cousin, r. 1 m. s. of the W., and was killed, Sept. 14, 1853 ; v. Levi, Aug. 7, '88, r. unm. in Ashd. ; vi. Lois, Mar. 5, '88, m. Asa C., her cousin, and 2d, Joseph Eames; vn. Polly, May 17, '91, m. Ebenezer Twitchell, r. Jackson, Me. ; vin. Julia, July 17, '93, m. Joshua Twitchell, r. Jackson, Me. 23. 34. Isaac, a blacksmith, m. Susanna Cousins, 1779, r. opposite his brothers. i. Asa, Feb. 8, 1781, m. Lois Cousins, had no issue. She m. 2d, Joseph Eames, of Ashland ; n. Susanna, Nov. 13, '84, d. unm. ; in. Isaac, Oct. 13, '87, d. unm. 1. Joseph Crackbone, w. Lucy Cooledge, had at S. i. Lucy, Ap. 14, 1752. ii. Hannah, Dec. 19, '53, m. Sylvester Bedlam, '92, r. Ashford, Ct. in. Mary, Aug. 14, '56 ; iv. Joseph, Sept. 4, '58. 3. 2. v. Joseph, Oct. 20, '59. 2. 3. Joseph, m. Abigail Clapp, Jan. 1, 1782, and had at S. i. Lemuel, Mar. 27, 1783, d. Sept. 16, '86 ; n. Polly, Dec. 6, '84 ; in. Lemuel, Oct. 18, '86. iv. Sukey, Aug. 12, '88 ; v. Nancy, Mar. 9, '91 ; vi. Lydia, Mar. 20, '93 ; vn. Hannah, Mar. 19, '95 : vin. Joseph Oct. 22, '97. ix. Charles, Nov. 22, '99. CRAGRIN, CROSSMAN, CURTIS, GUSHING, CUTLER. 67 Cragrin, w. Kcziah, had i. Hannah, June 25, 1777. James CrOSSman, w. Mary, had i. Eunice, Mar. 1G, 1772. Ebenezer Curtis, m. Martha Hollowall, Jan. 25, 1749-50, had at Holl. i. James, Mar. 12, 1752, m. Abigail , and had I. Jason ; n. Elijah, Mar. 27, '96; n. Ebenezer, June 20, '56 ; in. Sarah, May 3, '58. iv. Elizabeth, June 27, '60; v. Adcsah, Jan. 9, '63; vi. John, Feb. 26, '66. ■ »«»■ Williams CtlShing, s. of Rev. Jacob Cushing, D. D., of Waltham, and grd. son of Rev. Job C., of Shrewsbury, was born Dec. 6, 1756, m. Sarah Bigelow, Ap. 12, 1781, and took up his residence in S. about 1800, and was the father of Jacob C, who settled on the road to W. Sherborn, about 60 rods W. of the long meadow, m. Eliza Wight and had i. Francis E., m. Augusta M. Ware ; n. Frederick ; in. Isabella. Jonathan Cutler, s. of Jona. C, of Reading, said to have been from England, ? s. W. of Chicken Brook, on Abraham's plain and 100 rods W. of the R. R. deep cut. He purchased the lot of 147 acres adjacent to him in Med., which in 1659 had been assigned by Medfield to their minister, Rev. Mr. Wilson, and prior to 1753, built a saw mill on Chicken Br., N. E. of the W. depot in H. He was a prominent citizen and acted as moderator of T. meetings. He m. Abigail Clark. In 1761, Apl. 27th, he completed the settlement of his estate, deeding to his son Simeon, when of age, the E. half of his original lot, on which he then lived, containing 80 acres, and valued at £133, bounded E. by Tim. Patridge and Ezekl. Morse, N. by John Goulding, W. by Jona. Cutler, jun., and S. by said Cutler's land, reserving to his wid. the improvement of the same, during the minority of S. He gave to Holl., 1753, the right of way through the centre of his farm in exchange for land reserved on the N. side of it, for a road between Medway (former) line and John Goulding's land, but retained the privilege of flowing across it as high as his dam. He had i. Wm., Mar. 24, 1726, at Bellingham ; ii. Mary, b. pr. 1728-32, m. Eames, of Holl. ; in. Abigail, Ap. 15, 1734, d. May 21, '36, at H. iv. Jona., Nov. 6, '35, m. Jerusha Blake, s. 80 rods N. E. of the upper Depot in H., had Calvin, who inherited his homestead and had i. Paul and Amos, f. of Rev. C. (d.) of Newton; v. Abigail, Nov. 14, '37, m. Eben- ezer Leland, of H. 8. 4. vi. Moses, Feb 11, '39-40, m. Lydia Blake; vn. David, Jly. 17, '42, m. Lydia Bixbee, r. Hopk. 11. 6. vm. Ebenezer, Nov. 24, '46, m. Esther Bacon, from Wrenth., '72. 13. 7. ix. Simeon, Col., Jly. 9, '49, d. Jly. 13, '99. x. Lydia, Jly. 1, '51, m. Joseph Johnson, Jan. 1, 1772, r. Hopk. 4. 8. Moses settled in H., f m. W. of his father's, where Reuben Fairbanks after- wards resided, became a separate and occasionally preached. He had i. Moses, Sep. 24, 1767 ; n. Aaron, Feb. 9, '70. 6. 11. Ebenezer, s. ab. 1 m. N. W. of the homestead, became a separate, occa- sionally preached, though in opposition to the advice of the friends of re- 68 C U T L E 11 ligion. He was an upright, well meaning, and hopefully pious man. He had by w. Esther Bacon, i. Esther, Feb. 5, 1775, d. unm., a very devoted Christian, whose biography was published. 12. ii. Jona , Dec. 27, 1780, an efficient memb. of the Methodist Chh. in Holl. 7. 13 18. Mellen, 2d, Sophia (Rock wood,) Jemima Bullard, has Col. Simeon, m. Elizabeth RockwOod, a woman of much energy and moral worth, who was b. Dec. 23, 1753, and d. May 1, 1849, dg. of Timothy R., senr., by w. Elizabeth Perry, dg. of James P., by w. Elizabeth Death, and grd. dg. of Joseph P., of S., by w. Martha Lovet, and gr. grd. dg. of John Perry, of S., by w. Bethia Morse, dg. of Daniel, and grd. dg. of Samuel Morse the Puritan. Col. Cutler kept a tavern during the war of the revolution, and was a leading citizen of Holl. He had 14. i. Elihu, Esq., May 25, 1771, m. Levina Newton, 1798 ; ii. Martin, Dec. 28, '73, m. Elizabeth Holbrook, inherited the homestead, had i. James Mellen, Aug. 1, 1800, rs. H., m. James iV., Henry E., Albert M., Mien J. ii. John Milton ; in. Simeon ; iv. Betsey ; v. Abner H. ; vi. Josephus W. ; by 2d w., vn. Martin L., rs. Albany, N. Y. ; vin. Timothy R., rs. A. in. Uriel, Oct. 27, '76, m. Nabby Morse, had S. Morse, rs. on a part of his gr. grd. father Cutler's homestead, (see Memorial of Morses), iv. Ursula, Aug. 29, '79, m. James Mellen, and d. leaving a son. v. Sally, Mar. 4, '82, d. unm., an amiable accomplished young lady, vi. James, Dec. 9, '85, an early and great contributor to the growth of H., m. Nancy Leland, dg. of Dea. Asaph L., of H., had # i. George, A. M. and M. D., rs. Charlestown ; n. Francis, rs. H ; in. Roswell, M. D., rs. Bos. ; iv. James, jun., rs. Bos. ; v. Addison, (d.) ; vi. Willard, rs. B. ; vn. And. J. (d.) ; vin. Chs. rs. B. 16 17. 14. 18. Hon. Elihu Cutler, as a conspicuous citizen of H. in the last century and the early part of the present, is included with those whom it was the original design sign of this work particularly to notice ; and though the whole of his history cannot be now given, yet, considering his very great age, and the improbability of his surviving the publication of this work, I make no further apology for adding an epitome of his life. He was born of respected parents. His father was a farmer and inn- holder, and held the commission of Col. in the militia, to which great honor was then attached. His mother was a woman of natural refinement, uncommon energy, and high moral worth — truly an excellent woman. From them he inherited no fortune. But they taught him to govern his passions, to be under a subordination now obsolete, and to apply himself diligently to business ; and thereby contributed more to his future happiness and success than the largest fortune could have clone without them. He passed his minority in assisting his father upon the farm and in the tavern, and in learning the trade of a wheelwright, attending, for short terms, such district schools as H., in her poverty, could then provide. Yet his mind, naturally strong and active, somehow accjuired a good common education, and even mastered treatises upon metaphysics. The information he acquired, and his ability to impart it, rendered his society attracting and profitable. Mental culture, often acquired by the study of business as well as books, early marked his countenance and gave dignity to his manners. These, coupled with a good measure of common sense, rendered him the first young man in H. This occurred at an age when seniority gave precedence, and before men guilty of grey hairs were found unfit for council and the selection of their public ser- vants ; in an age when young men learned manners from God's word, rose up before CUTLEK 69 the fathers and modestly waited for a call to posts oi distinction. Thus did young Elihu Cutler. But be did not wait long ; not longer than ignorance and impudence are now forced to wait after a self-nomination or the results of a conclave of political blacklegs. His first appearance in a public capacity that I can remember was that of n arshaf on the great and mournful occasion of the funeral of Washington ; and well do I remember the grief which sat on all countenances, and the solemn order in which he led the procession, and the laudatory remarks of aged mourners on his part of the solemnities. From about that time, for nearly 40 years he was connected with the public measures and transactions of H. ; and if not the projector of all, what one it might be asked, was ever brought to an advantageous conclusion withou him (bo portion of the influence he exerted, or of the good he accomplished, is to be measured L the offices he filled. Honest and frank in his political views as a federalist he was soon after the origin of the opposing party thrown into a minority But he was not the man to change his coat or anticipate the modern fashion of making him- self one of patched work* showing the colors of all parties He stood by his prin- ciples and remained in the minority, until libels on Hartford Convention proved more efficient than truth, and the federal party were slandered into dissolution. _ But for that circumstance, his name had been 20 years earlier connected with the history of Mass legislation. In 1820 he was chosen a member of the convention to amend the State Constitution, and in 1827-8 to represent H. in the House, and subse- quently the county of Middlesex, in the Senate of Mass., and was the first State Senator ever chosen from H. Long prior to this he had been appointed a magistrate. But it is as a man of a symmetrical character, faithful and true in the various relations of life as an upright, high-minded and honorable gent., and particularly as the con- stant friend and benefactor of H., that he commands our respect and merits a grate- ful remembrance. Years after he came upon the stage, dwellings in H. were no thicker than farms. On the main street from the E. to the W. Depot, a dis- tance of 3 m., there were only 13 houses (3 once painted), o blacksmith and 2 wheelwright shops, and one for mending ploughs, employing 12 or 14 hands a part of the time. No shoe-shop, big as a Hessian tobacco box, was there to be seen. One tavern, one store, and his little corn-mill, accommodated the farmers. Iho ancient for^e and trip-hammer had completed their dotage j the soil was exhausted and science°had found no remedy. All was stagnation. The young and enterpris- ing were removing, never to return. But he did not despair. He rebuilt his mill j enlarged his shop: erected a tannery and established a point of business such as bad not before existed in the town, creating at the same time in an honorable way, much of the capital invested. He saw that H. might be redeemed and built up by manu- factories. But prejudices against them were universal, and in instances, violent. These were to be overcome. He collected information, conversed with his neighbors, and at length exhibited a feasible plan of a mill. He did not wish to/urnish operatives or secure The agency ; and he could make investments elsewhere with equal or better prospects of gafn. But this would give no impulse to his beloved H He therefore formed a company of his townsmen, who erected the first mill in H., about 1814. Embarrassed as the enterprise became by a change of times, still it gave an impulse in the right direction that never stopped. Attraction, aided by his tact and powers of per- suasion, now began to overcome repulsion. Tradesmen and mechanics were induced to stop ; and that more might be accommodated as well as private interest advanced he and his brother, Mr. James Cutler, purchased the farm S. of the Common which Jud»e Scwell, in his penitence for sending witches to the gallows, gave H. tor her first°minister. This they divided into house lots, disposing of some and building upon others. And now H. had a centre ; soon a village, with room for every branch of business : so that young men who had sought it in vain at b. for shoe manufac- tories, found here a welcome and accommodations. One accession brought another, 70 C UTLEli. and Esq. C lived to see the village of which he was a father, attain the size of a borough. Yet he did not accomplish all. Others of equal capital and enterprise may have done more ;* still, but for his foresight, tact and enterprise, they had done the same somewhere else, and H. might have remained like her mother to this day, without a village or any centre of business. For 100 ys. after the incorporation of H. the township was of an ugly and inconvenient form, extending from Bellingham corner nearly to Framingham Depot, yet less than 1 m. wide in the centre, compar- able to a crooked-necked squash, growing to the N. bank of Charles R, or to a pair of saddle-bags hanging on the N. W. corner of Medway, with the N. E. bag stuffed and the S. W. empty. Every attempt to effect an exchange of territory with Med. had failed. But as soon as he was placed in the legislature his influence vanquished op- position, the needed exchange was effected, my birth-place transferred to another town and Co., and all the inhabitants of H. relieved from living in deformity. To him the parish of EL, now the orthodox soc., are vastly indebted. 30 years ago, in the vacancy of the parish, two parties arose under the leadership of men known to me as of opposite religious feelings and views, under one of whom there was every prospect of the introduction of a preacher of the liberal school ; and of the ultimate and permanent division of the Parish. Sach a result Esquire C. could have hastened, and secured a minister with views more congenial with his own, and probably, a large majority of the parish. But this would have been inconsistent with his regard for the peace and prosperity of H. He stood aloof and watched ; and when the morning of the very first day for action dawned, he was in motion ; and before resting he got the leaders and chief members of both parties committed for the settlement of the best orthodox candidate in the field, concealing, as he went, from each the pledges obtained from the other. Notices were soon posted, and the parish assembled with all legal speed (for opposition of course) , and the vote early called ; when lo ! each party was surprised and diverted to learn that the other had blun- dered into a unanimous vote for Josephus Wheaton for minister. Hostilities now ceased for want of excuse for carrying on the war. This wise and magnanimous act, perfectly consistent with liberal professions, has, in my view, saved a generation from the curse of religious discord, and contributed to the perpetuity and extended enjoy- ment of privileges the most precious. Such were some of his services. Such and more was Elihu Cutler — a model citizen after whom may others pattern. He m. Lavinia Newton, dg. of Simeon N. of H., by w. Jerusha Marsh, settled upon the place previously her father's, \ m. N. of the Common. After her decease, he m. 2d, Persis Phipps in 1843, and had i. Simeon N., Sep. 28, 1797, rs. Ashland, and her late representative, m. Mary Fitts, fr. Seekonk, had i. Ellen (d.); n. Edward (m.); in. Henry (m.) ; iv. Lavinia (d.); v. Martha; vi. Cornelius; vn. Win.; vin. Chs. ii. Betsey, b. Aug. 22, 1801, resides with her father ; in. Sally, Nov. 13, 1803, d. May, 1849, m. Jas. B. Wilson, r. Med., had i. Jane L. (m.); n. Jas. R. (d.); in. E. Cutler ; iv. Helen, (d.) ; v. Chs. (d.); vi. Isabella ; vn. Jason E. iv. Elihu, Hon., Dec. 7, 1806, d. Apl. 19, 1855, a gent, of strong powers of mind, liberal information, and extensive influence, the 2d State Senator fr. H., m. Ptebecca Temple, and had I. Elbridge J. Cutler, A. B., Principal of Mt. Hollis Sem. in H. ; n. Jason T. (d.); in. Arthur C. (d.); iv. Elihu (d.); v. Helen F. (d.); vi. Arthur H. . * Mr. James Cutler built the AVinthrop House, and more than 40 others, disposing of most when finished, at small or no advance on the cost. Col. Hawes and Messrs. Batch- elder built largely in the centre ; and Col. Bragg might bragg of braggish improvements in Braggville. D AN A , DANIEL. 71 v. Charles, M. D., d. Dec, 1839, r. Grafton, m. Mary A. Gt. Strickland, had Caroline (d.) David Cutler m. Mehitabel Whitney, Jan. 26, 1846, at II. Nathaniel Dana, w. Elizabeth, had i. Colville, Feb. 28, 1770, at II. 1. Robert Daniel, previously of Medfield, s. in Sherb. prior to 1715, B. of the Clark Tavern, and on the N. side of the new road fr. Fram. to the Farm bridge, where Obadiah Morse afterwards lived. He was pr. the son of Samuel D., and grd. s. of Robert D., of Cambridge, who m. Rhena Andrew for a 2d w. in 1654, and made- his will in 1655, naming Eliza- beth, the wife of Tho. Fanning, Samuel, Joseph, Sarah, and Mary Daniel. Robert of S., had by w. Esther, i. Robert, prob. who was first allowed to draw land in Doug., 1730;' n. Hester, Feb. 7, 1695-6 ; in. Lydia, Oct. 5, 1698; iv. Deborah. Apl. 1, 1700, d. Apl. 3, 1700; v. Hanh.;'Apl. 6, 1702. 48. 2. vi. Samuel, Jan. 16, '04-5, m. Lydia Hill, Jan. 15, 1729-30, r. Holl. vn. Ephraim, Mar. 25, '07 ; vm. Joshua, Feb. 1, '09-10. 3. John Daniell, w. Sarah, pr. brother of Robt., sold 1711. to Hope Lealand, 150 acres, in W. Med., had at S., i. Sarah, Aug. 28, 1701 ; n. John, Apl. 3, '03 ; in. Samuel, Apl. 3, '08; iv. Jerusha, Feb. 13, '10. 4. Joseph Daniel, m. Mary Fairbanks, Nov. 16, 1665, dg. of Geo. F., of S., and s. in Med., near Bogistow Brook, S. E. *of Richardson's mills, where Paul Daniels resides. On his premises a man was killed by Indians in Philip's war. He had 6. 5. i. Joseph, 23 (7), 1666; n. Mary, 4 f5), 1669, whose son, Henry Daniels, of Med., lived to the age of 99; ni. Samuel, 20 (8) 71. iv. Mehetabel, Jly. 10, '74. 20. 51 v. Ebenezer, Apl. 24, '77 ; vi. Elizabeth, Mar. 9, '79 ; vn. Jeremiah, "Mar. 17, '80, d. June, 1680; vm. Eleazer, Mar. 9, '81. 5. 6. Joseph, jun., m. Rachel Patridge, dg. of John P., of Medfd., 2d, Bethia, had 12. 7. 1. Jeremiah, Nov. 5, 1684, by 1st w. ; n. Rachel, Oct. 7, '86. ill. Zachariah, Apl. 9, '89, d. yg. 26. 8. in. Samuel, Dec. 25, 1693, by 2d w. 38. 9. iv. Joseph, Dec. 15, '95 ; v. David, Feb. 21, '98-9, m. Magdalen , had Seth, 1737, at Med". ; vi. Hannah, Sep. 30, 1701. 75. 11. vn. Ezra, Mar. 10, '03 ; vm. Sarah, May 1, '07, m. John Bullard, '33. ix. Abigail, d. yg. ; x. Tamer, 1717. 7. 12. Jeremiah, m. Hannah Partridge, May 7, 1713, dg. of John P., by wife Elizabeth Rocket, and 2d, Mehetabel Wilson, Jan. 7, 1754, 1. Rachel, Oct. 30, 1714, m. Elisha Adams. 14. 13. n. Jeremiah, Sep. 30, 1754 ; in. Hannah, 1756, m. Amos Lawrence, of Union, Me. 13. 14. Jeremiah, Hon., m. Pearly Richardson, 1785, dg. of Moses R./ by w. Abigail Allen, of Med., and had at M. 72 DANIEL. 63. 15. i. Timothy, Nov. 7, 1785, m. Ruth Death, and s. in S. ; ii. Eleazcr, Cpt., Jan. 30, '88, m. Charlotte Richardson, and had i. Hilton, June 9, 1816, r. Med., n. Anson ; in. Paul, Dea., Jly. 17, '89, m. Eliza Breck, and owns the ancient home- stead in Med., and had i. Perlee, m. John Bullard, of Med. ; n. Martha m. Wm. Daniels, of Med. ; in. Eliza ; iv. Joseph L. ; v. Eliiah • vi. Charlotte L. J ' 5^. 20. Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Partridge, Dec. 22, 1701, who d. Apl 25 1706 He m. 2d, Mary, who d. 1724-5, dg. of John P., of Med., s. on a part of the homestead at M., had i. Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1702-3 • n Tryphena June 12, '04 ; in. Mary, Apl. 13, '06; iv. Phebe, Sep. 5, '09 • v Me- hetabel, Sep. 5, '09; vi. Ebenezer, Jly. 5, '11 ; vn. Thankful, VJlh. 24. 22. vin. Jeremiah, Hon., 1720, d. a. 86; ix. Moses, 1725. 22. 24. Jeremiah, Hon., m. Mercy Clark, Dec. 22,1742, who. d. aged 93 d*. of Tim. C, of M., and had i. Lydia, 1743, m. Henry Ellis. ° 83. 25. ii. Isaiah, m. Abigail Hill, r. Med. ; in. Mary, m. Francis Hammond. iv. Marcy, Dec. 16, 1755, d. Mar. 2, 1854, m. Abijah Richardson, M. D. ; v. Abigail, m. Moses Richardson, of Med. 8. 26. Samuel, m. Experience Adams, dg. of Dea. Peter A., of Med., 2d, Sarah Phipps, grd. niece of Sir Wm. P. ; i. Abijah. ii. Samuel, 1720, m. Hannah Hill, from Douglas, and s. at Keene, N H 35. 28. in. Timothy, 1722, d. 1802, m. Ruth Leland 88. 29. iv. Nathan, 1725, s. in Franklin. 85.? 35. v. John, 1728 ; vi. Simeon, 1730-1, s. in Frank. vii. Reuben, 1733 ; ym. Sarah, '35 ; ix. Mary, '36 ; x. Japhet, '38, s. in Holl. ; xi. Abijah, ^40, s. in Milfd., m. Hanh. Dix, '74, had i. Diana, '76, at H., ii. Warner, '78; in. Lydia, '84. 28. 35. Timothy Daniels, w. Ruth Leland; i. Rachel, Apl. 29, 1754, m. Whitney Hill, of Holl., Aug. 5, '73, and d. 1850, having in '49, a good recollection of the past; n. Timothy, Dec. 21, '57, d. Sept. 7, '78; in. Benoni and Lona, Aug. 29, '60, both d. yg. ; iv. Martha, Sep. 12, '62, d. Nov. 13, 1847, m. Joseph Cooledge, of S., '81 ; v. Isaac, Oct. 20, '65, d. yg. vi. Olive, Oct. 3, '68, d. Sep. 20, '72 or 5. 36. vn. Joseph, Sep. 11, '70, m. Persis Mason, dg. of Abner M., of M., had i. Olive, Mar. 30, 1800, m. Amory Leland, and 2d, Col. Joseph Parks, of H. ; ii. Sylvia, Jly. 6, 1802, m. Amos Cutler Leland, ofH. in. Ruth, 1804, m. Nathan Grout, of S., had Alfred, A. M. iv. Timothy, Dea., Aug. 10, 1806, m. Emily Perry, 2d, Harriet M. Harding, r. H.; v. Phebe, Feb. 18, 1810, d. yg. ; vi. Persis, Apl. 6, 1812, m. Elias Bullard, Esq., of H. 9.. 38. Joseph m. Elizabeth Groce, 1725, r. Med., had I. Asa, Dea., 1726; m. Bathsheba Fairbanks, 2d, Lydia Daniels, had i. Asa, Dea., 1753, d. 1840, without children, leaving a legacy of over $8000 to the 1st chh. in Med. ; n. David, A. M., M. D., 1757, r. Danvers, the f. of Hon. Robert Daniels, of Salem ; in. Jesse, 1760,'m. Hanh. Holbrook, fr. Wrenth., r. Med., had i. Hanh. m. Elijah H. Pratt 2d, Zibeon Hooker; U.Mary; in. Sally ; iv. Cynthia. DANIEL. 73 iv. Bathsheba, 1760, m. Jed. Bullen of Med. ; v. Levi, d. a. 46, at Brookfield. n. Joseph, Cpt , 1735, m. Deborah , r. Med., had i. Joseph, 1757, m. Thankful Penniman, and had i. Calvin, 178G ; ir. Joseph, Nov. 19, '89; II. Lemuel, 1759, m. Tilly Penniman ; in. Israel, 1768, m. Anna Parker, 2d, Lavina Daniels; iv. Noah, 1770, m. Abigail Allen, fr. Medfd. in. Daniel, 1743, perhaps m. Mary Atwood, and had in Holl., i. Elisha, Sep. 22, 1770; n. Jesse, May '!'), '73, or these were the grd. sons of Robert D., iv. Jemima, m. AVm. Leland, No. 1. » 2. 48. Samuel, m. Lydia Hill, 2d, Hanh. Gardner, and had in Holl., i. Moses, Dec. 18, '35; it. Lydia, Jly. 17, '39; in. Hanh., June 17, '41, m. Dea. James Morse, of Med. ; iv. Amariah, Sep. 27, '46 ; v. Sarah, who m. Tim. Force, Jan. 25, '58 ? ; vi. John, m. Miriam Perry, Feb. 4, '67, had Julitta, May 3, '67; Otfed, Dec. 27, '68; John, Jan. 14, '75; Perry, May 10, 76. vn. Experience, Oct. 6, 1748, by 2d w. ; vni. Addington, May 18, '51. ix. Peter, Oct. 27, '56 ; x. Lois, Ap. 6. '59. 57. Japheth, pr. a grd. s. of Robert D., (No. 1.) m. Melatiah, and had at H. I. Cynthia, May 17, 1765; II. Osimus, Dec. 28, '68; III. Amariah, Nov. 28, '70, m. Olive Rider, '94, r. Palmyra, Portage Co., O., had I. Vespatian, Nov. 14, '99, at H. ; iv. Sabra, Sep. 10, '72 ; v. Japheth, Aug 14, '77, m. Betsey Rider, 1800 ; vi. Melatiah, Nov. 2, '79. 60. John, (not traceable, perhaps No. 30,) m. Abigail , and had i. Abigail, 1752, at Med. ; n. Zebulon, Aug. 24, 1758, at H. 61. Asa, (do.) m. Mary Rider, '58, bad i. Ephraim, '58. 62. Samuel, w. Elizabeth, had Elizth., '52; Hannah, '53; Elisha, Ap. 10, 1755, at H. 15. 63. Timothy, w. Ruth Death, had at'Sh., i. David, May 5, 1809, m. Sybel Hooker, r. S., had I. Lewis; II. Edward, and in. Edwin; iv. Henry; v. Mary Ann; vi. Alma Maria ; vn. Harriet ; vm. Daniel W. ; ix. Sarah Agnes. n. Moses, May 5, '09 ; in. Alvira, Aug. 19, '13, m. Geo. Cooledge. iv. Geo., Apl. 3, '18, m. Harriet Butler. 67. Henry, grd. s. of Joseph, No. 4, m. Hannah Bullard, Dec. 31, 1733, r. on W. side of Black Swamp and was the most ancient man to whom the author ever listened. He had i. Abigail, 1734; n. Rachel, '38, m. Joseph Curtis, had Jeremiah E., f. of Jo., of Med. ; in. Henry, '40, m. Elizth. Harding, had i. Patience, '68, m. Silas Adams, of Med. ; n. Elizabeth, '70, m. Zabina Kingsbury ; m Sabin, '74, who m. Hanh. Ellice, and had at Med. Henry, 1799 ; Marinda, 1801 ; Cyrus, '03, (m. Louisa, had I. Hannah, 1829 ; n. Henry, m. '30) ; Harding; Elizabeth ; Ellice. iv. .lesse, 1741 ; v. Elijah, '45; vi. Jeremiah, '47, scalded to death '53. vn. Abigail, '51 ; vni. Hannah, '55. 11. 75. Ezra, w. Martha Death ; I. Aaron, 1728--9, m. Keziah Holbrook, who had only Keziah, who m. Jona. Hill ; II. Moses, 1737, m. Abigail Adams, r. Med., had i. Abigail, 1768, m. Silas Richardson ; II. Sarah, '77, m. Israel 10 74 DAVIS, DAY, DEATH. Daniels, 2d, Ezra Richardson ; m. Amos, m. 1st, Sally Day, 2d, Anna Daniels, 3d, Sally Pierce, had Leonard, of Hartford, Ct, hy 1st w. Hiram, Rev., by 3d w., b. 1815 ; iv. Elias, 1775, m. Betsey Derby, r. Med. ; v. Obed, '78, m. Sarah Metcalf, r. Frank. ; vi. Ezra, '80, in. Esther Richardson, 2d, Mary Richardson, r. Med. ; vn. Moses, '82, m. Mary Harding, r. Warwick ; vm. Cate, '84, m. Michael Lovell, r. Med. ; ix. Olive, '87, m. Tho. Lawrence, r. Leominster. 25. 83. Isaiah, m. Abigail Hill, dg. of John and Ruth Hill, had i. Julia, 1769, m. Nathan Fisk, of Hoi. ; II. Ursula, '71, m. Tisdell Puffer ; in. Tryphena, '73 ; iv. Abigail, '75, m. Moses Felt, of Med. ; v. Jeremiah ; vr. Rhoda, m. Timothy Fisk, M. D., of Hoi. 30.? 85. John, m. Elizabeth Keith, 1753, and had at Holl. i. Rhoda, '54. 86. ii. John, '50 ; in. James, 'Gl. 29. 88. Nathan, m. Mary , had at Med. i. Nepthali, 1747 ; n. Nathan, '48. Zepbaniah, '50; iv. Silas, '52; v. Benoni, '55; vi. Adams, '57. vii. Seth, '60 ; vm. Mary, '61 ; ix. Silence, 'GO. Elisha Daniels, w. Phebe , had Hastings, Aug. 6, '99, at H. John D., w. Sarah , had Clark, June 16, '93, at H. Jesse D., w. Prude , had Luther, Jan. 17, '93, at H. ChS. Davis, s. of Eliakim D., of Rutland, m. Fanny Morse, fr. Natick, s. in S., 1825, had i. Angelina, m. Ouvra Taylor, and with him was murdered, Sep. 17, 1852; u. Angenette, (d.) ; in. Sarah E. ; iv. Geo. W. Nathan Day, w. Sarah, had i. Lydia, Oct. 30, 1790, at H. 1. John Death, was received to Sherborn, Jan. 1, 1677-8, he having previously settled within the limits of Natick. He had by w. Mary 8. 2. i. John, 2 Esq., Jan. 2, 1676--7, at Topsfield Barry, d. at S., Dec. 14, 1754, in his 78th year ; n. Hepsibath, June 5, 1680, at S., m, David How ; in. Lydia, Mar. 26, '82, m. Jona. Lamb, of Fram. ; iv. Samuel, 2 Sep. 12, '84 ; v. Ruth, Jly. 20, '88, m. Samuel How, Nov. 23, 1715. 4. vi. Oliver, 2 ?d. Mar. 3, 1704-5, at Fram., m. Martha Fairbanks, 1797, who d. Apl. 3, '54, had i. Oliver, 3 '98 ; n. Caleb, Jan. 7, 1699-10, d. Mar. 14, 1711 ; in. John, 3 May 30, 1702, m. Hanh. Morse, May 15, '29, had i. Jotham* May 13, '1730, at S., m. Marcy , had Benj.," 3 Dec. 23, 1751, at Holl.; n. John* Ap. 3, '32; in. Martha, May 27, '38. 2. 8. John, 2 Esq., m. Elizth. Barber, '98-9, pr. s. where Reuben Cuzzens lived. 2d w. Waitstill , m. before 1714, 3d w. Mrs. Martha Perry, '50, had i. Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1796; i£. John, 3 b. and d. 1710, at Fram. 10. 9. ii. Henry, Sept. 22, 1714, by~2d w. at S., m. Rachel Leland; hi. Mary, Oct. 10, 1716, m. Daniel Leland, '37 ; iv. John, Dec. 4, '18, DEWING, DICKENSON. 75 d. Jly. 15, '21 ; v. Ruth, Apl. 20, '21, m. John Wesson, of Fram., '40. vi. Abigail, Oct. 8, 1723, m. Wm. Greenwood, of S., '45 ; vn. John, May 27, '26, d. Ap. 29, J 797, aged 71, inherited the homestead in S., had John, d. unm. ; vm. Waitstill, Oct. 27, '28, in. Caleb Greenwood, '49. ix. Hepsebath, 1731, in. Moses Adams, of Sh., 51. 9. 10. Henry, w. Rachel Leland, m. 1736, d. his wid. Sep. 14, '97, a. 81. He resided where the late Reuben Couzzens did, and had i. Benoni, Oct. 23, 1737, s. in Holl., m. and d. without issue. 13. 12. ii. Henry, June 6, '41 ; in. Elizabeth, Sep. 24, '43, m. Ebenezer Fair- banks, '61 ; iv. John, June 27, '46, d. Feb. 1, '46-7 ; v. Rachel, May 8, '48, m. Moses Holbrook; vi. Mary, Ap. 13, '50, m. Tho. Brick, '70. 12. 13. Henry, purchased of Jona. Hill and w. Esther, of Med., the farm at Death's Bridge, m. Ruth Thayer, and 2d, wid. Huldah Penniman, had at S. I. John, March 6, 1776, d. ab. 1850, w. Mehetabel Eames, who. d. 1833, r. Hoi. and Ashland, had i. Ezra, r. Fram., m. Catherine Hartshorn, and John, m. Mary Frost, ii. Tho., Mar. 26, '77, m. and s. in Tcmpleton, and rm. to Brimfield. in. Henry, Jly. 13, '78, d. at sea, unm. 18. 17. iv. Ezra, Feb. 5, '80; v. Philena, Nov. 28, '81, m. Clough, r. Newton ; vi. Rachel, Mar. 18, '83, d. yg. ; vn. Ruth, Jly. 13, 1787, by 2d w., m. Tim. Daniels, r. S. ; vin. Rhene, April 7, 'i?9, m. Henry Ware, 2d, Brayton Billiard ; ix. Leonard, Oct. 30, '91, s. in Sangerville, Me., has a family ; x. Mercy, Sep. 10, '93, m. Hadley, r. Mendon. 17. 18. Ezra, inherited the homestead at Death's Bridge, m. Rebecca How, from N. boro', and had i. Henry, d. yg. ; ii. Chs. Austin How, Mar. 27, 1810, whose surname and that of his br. and their children was legally changed to How, in 1855, and the former ancient name has by a similar course become nearly or quite extinct in N. Eng. Mr. Chs. A. How inherits the homestead, and by w. Eliza Wetherbee had i. Elizabeth H, m. Wm. Morse, 1854, r. Brighton ; n. Chs. H. How, in. Frank Irving How ; iv. Albert Augus- tus Howe. in. Sarah H., m. Tho. Brickford ; iv. Almira R., m. Horace Carley, r. Cambridge ; v. Henry How, m. Hanh. Maria Phipps, fr. Hopk., r. S., has i. Caroline Maria How ; n. Henry )l aldo How. vi. Rebecca H., m. Sanford Drake, r. Hoi. ; vn. Ruthy Ann, m. Lorenzo Carley, r. S. 19. Caleb Death, w. Abigail, had at S. i. Polly, Aug. 8, 1772; ii. Ebenr. Messenger, d. Nov. 8, 1780. 1. Jona. Dewing, m. Tabitha Learned, Jan. 5, 1721, had at S. i. Daniel, Mar. 16, 1720-1 ; n. Keziah, Mar. 8, '28-9 ; in. Sarah, July 3, '26. Rev. Timothy Dickenson, b. June 25, 1761, ord. at H. 1789, d. Jly. 6, 1813, at the height of his influence and usefulness, a model of ministerial dignity and consistency, and endowed with every Christian virtue. " Mr. Dickinson was born of respectable and pious parents, at Amherst. The traits of character which, more than any other, marked the opening period of his existence, were the mildness and amiableness of his natural disposition. Ho was also noted in 76 DICKENSON. early childhood for a great fondness for literary pursuits. So that, ' although his constitution was naturally slender, and his health feeble and interrupted,' a very considerable portion of the hours, which were not employed in manual labor, were devoted to study. ' He lived with his parents, and labored upon a farm until six- teen years of age;' wben, beholding his country engaged in a common and dubious struggle for independence, the deep interest excited in his bosom for her welfare roused his youthful ardor, and would not suffer him to be dissuaded from espousing her cause, and enlisting, as a private soldier, in the militia. In this capacity he con- tinued to serve in the army about fifteen months. Upon leaving this post of suffer- ing and danger, his health having been enfeebled by the exposures and hardships to which he was unaccustomed, he commenced fitting for College, under the tuition of the Rev. Dr. Dwight, late President of Yale College, who was then engaged in the instruction of a private school at Northampton. ' It is believed, on good authority, that Mr. Dickinson was principally induced to seek a liberal education in consequence of his witnessing so much depravity and wickedness in the army. This depravity and licentiousness which he found to be more or less acted out by mankind generally, he felt determined to combat ; and that he might do it the more effectually, he sought the aid of a public education.' Having completed the preparatory course of study, he was admitted at the age of about eighteen, a member of Dartmouth Col- lege. During the first year of his collegiate life, the Institution and vicinity were visited with a 'special and remarkable revival of religion,' in which he became a hopeful subject of renewing grace ; and subsequently made a public profession of the religion of the gospel. ' While at College, Mr. Dickinson was diligent and persevering in the prosecution of his studies ; appeared to advantage at recitations and all the literary exhibitions of his class ; and acquired the reputation of a correct, classical scholar.' He grad. in 1785 ; and was immediately after appointed Pre- ceptor of Moore's Charity School, connected with the College. In the instruction of this school, he continued one year ; wben, for the more advantageous prosecution of his theological studies, he put himself under the private instruction of the Rev. Dr. Tappan, then minister of Newbury, Mass. — and afterwards Professor of Divinity in Harvard University. Previous to his settlement in this place, he preached at Exeter and Hopkinton in N. H., and in several vacant parishes in the northern part of this State. ' As a preacher,' says the discriminating Dr. Emmons in his funeral Ser- mon, 'he was plain, faithful, and affectionate. And as he firmly believed in those doctrines, which are usually denominated the doctrines of grace, he felt it his duty often, plainly and affectionately to state and illustrate them. The native and total depravity of sinners ; the necessity of regeneration by the special operations of the Holy Spirit ; the doctrine of personal election ; the necessity of disinterested and holy affections towards God and men, in order to become interested in the atonement of the Saviour ; the Deity of Christ, and the doctrine of a Trinity of persons in the Godhead, together with those doctrines, which naturally grow out of the preceding, are sentiments which he firmly belief ed, and which he considered as of the greatest importance. No considerations of popularity or self-interest could deter him from a plain and frequent exhibition of those truths which are so offensive to the carnal mind.' ' He was very apparently,' is the language of Dr. Emmons, a man of God, who exhibited the reality and beauty of religion in his private conversation, as well as in his more public and official conduct. He gave convincing evidence, that he loved those doctrines which he taught to others, and taught them in love to their souls. The whole tenor of his preaching plainly indicated, that he sought to please God, rather than men ; for he did not shun to exhibit the most essential, the most humiliating, and the most heart-searching truths, in terms too plain for any to mis- understand. He had a clear, strong, and pleasant voice, which enabled him to speak with peculiar propriety and energy ; and as he aimed to draw the attention of his dix. 77 hearers to bis subject, rather than to himself, so be seldom failed of deeply impress- ing their hearts and consciences. He loved to converge upon religious subjects, and greatly excelled in private discourses with his people. lie was among the most zealous ministers and Christians to spread the gospel, and to extend the kingdom of Christ through the world.' * "Mr. Dickinson's ministry was attended with some peculiar and great trials. At one period of it, there was much uneasiness, animosity, and disturbance, which con- tinued, in a greater or less degree, through several years ; so that the parish twice refused to grant his salary. But in each of these instances the people were wise enough to discover their mistake, and rescind their votes. The origin and occasion of the difficulties which existed do not appear from any record either of the town, or the Church ; but arc commonly understood to be found in the offensiveness of the doctrines upon which he insisted. t They, however, resulted in the calling of a Council by the Church, June 4th, 1804; which advised to the dissolution of the pastoral connection subsisting between him and the people of his charge, in the August following, should not an amicable adjustment of difficulties previously take place \ Happily those difficulties were so far settled, that, on the 25th of the same month in which the Council sat, the parish passed a resolution in favor of the continu- ance of the connection. For about nine years subsequently, Mr. Dickinson continued, in peace and quietness, to exercise the office of a gospel minister in H., and, after a lingering and painful sickness, calmly and peacefully expired." [Fitch's Cent. Ser.] He m. Margaret Prentice, Nov. 26, 1789, dg. of Rev. Joshua P., his predecessor, a lady of great amiability, meekness and prudence, whose examples, through a long life, were irreproachable, and especially commendable to her sex and the wives of clergymen of any age or station. She d. in peace, ab. 1836. They had i. Nancy, Oct. 14, 1790, d. agd. ab. 18 ; ii. Joshua Prentice, A. M., M. D., Aug. 21, 1792, rs. at Bangor, Me. ; in. Tho., June 24, 1794, inherited the homestead, was P. M. and trader, a devoted Christian, and invaluable citizen, d. a. ab. 50, leaving only dgs. ; IV. Edwards, Apl. 22, '96, A. M., M. D., a respectable scholar, and unsfr amiable man, whose life was marked with unusual and painful vicissitudes, which wrouuht their designed effect of preparing him for the mansions of the blessed. He fell in the mornins: of his usefulness, leaving a son and dg. ; v. Irene, Dec. 28, '97, m. , and rs. Barre ; vi. John, Feb. 11, 1801, d. in infancy; vn. Esther, Oct. 2, 1803, rs. H. James Dix, by w. Mary, had at H., Benj. Alexr., Oct. 30, 1790. * Mr. Dickinson was one of the most zealous founders of the Massachusetts Missionary Society ; was repeatedly elected a member of its Board of Trustees; and in 1811 delivered its Anniversary Sermon, which was published. f If Mr. D. had only springled robin-shot in the aisles, instead of throwing bombs at the pews, he would have been to the opposition unexceptionable. But that he was right, and they wron?, was evident from confessions to him when on his death-bed. X The question submitted to the Council was simply, "In existing circumstances, is it duty, that my pastoral relation to this Church should be continued?" It is, perhaps, due to the character of Mr. Dickinson, that the following paragraph, extracted from its declared result, should be here inserted. " The Council are deeply affected witli the calamitous situ tion of this Church, and the divisions which subsist in this town. They tenderly reflect on the trying situa- tion in which the Pastor, a brother honored in the Churches, and affectionately respected by them- selves, is placed. The merits of the ('o?itroversy have not beeti sttbmitted to this Council. They, therefore, will not undertake to approve or condemn ; but recommend it, with great solicitude for the present comfort, and highest spiritual interests of the Pastor, the Church, and the People, that they respectively cultivate that unoffending and conciliating spirit ; that attachment to truth and virtue; and that love to one another, which reason so poicerfully dictates; and the gospel, under so many motives^ enjoins." 78 DOAXE, DOWSE. Nathl. Doane, w. Elizabeth, had at S., Nancy, Aug. 7, 1768. 1- Lodwick DOWSG was in Sherborn as early as 1683, and had a lot of 30 acres assigned him, May 27, 1684. He did not long remain. No connexion has been discovered between him and the ancestors of those of this name, who now reside in S. He had at S., i. Mary, Sep. 8, 16S3 ; n. Stephen, Mar. 4, '8G ; in. Martha, Jly. 18, '88 ; iv. Samuel, Apl. 29, '95. 4. Eleazer Dowse, a leather-dresser, came to S. from Charlestown, immediately after the destruction of that town in 1775. He is presumed to have been a descendant of Lawrence D., by w. Margery, who had Benj., b. Jly. 4, 1656, at C, who m. Mary Huin, at Roxb., Apl. 7. 1680, and who enjoyed the peculiar esteem and confidence of some of the most eminent and excellent men of his day, in the colony. Eleazer Dowse, according to tradition, was a man of natural refinement and much moral worth. He m. Eunice Dana, and 2d, Mehitabel Brentnall, who d. Mar. 6, 1809, a. 78. He d. June 25, 1807, a. 80. He had 8. 5. i. Eleazer, who d. Jan. 12, 1826, a. 75, m. Mary Bullard ; II. Eunice, who d. 1838, a. 82, m. Henry Morse of Nat. ; in. Benj., who died without issue, at Holl. 11. 6. iv. Joseph, Dea., b. of 1st. w., m. Deb. Perry; v. John, d. urn. at Roxb. ; 15. 7. VI. James, by 2d w., m. Rebecca Leland ; vii. Tho., who rs. um. at Cambridge, devoted to science. 5. 8. Eleazer, s. as a leather-dresser, on the plain where Ebenr. Mann rs., served as a soldier in the Revolution, and was great'y beloved in the army, and much esteemed as a citizen and neighbor. He m. Mary Bullard, who sur- vived him 17 yrs., d. Nov. 16, 1843, a. 88. They had i. Dana, Dec. 26, 1785, m. Mary Sanderson, s. and d. in Brighton, the f. of Doct. D. of Harvard ; n. Polly, Aug. 26, '87, m. Ebenr. Mann, Feb. 8, 1810 ; in. Nancy, June 7, '89, m. Jesse Cousins, of Hoi. 19. 10. iv. Samuel, June 28, '97, d. Sep. 14, 1844. 6. 11. Joseph, Dea., who followed the trade of his father, was a very discreet, amiable man, and devoted Christian ; often visited and conversed with the sick and dying; m. Deborah Perry, Sep. 4, 1783, who d. Sep. 30, 1822, a. 63, dg. of Moses P., by w. Susanna Childs, and grd. dg. of Nathl. P., by w. Abigl. ■ , and gr. grd. dg. of John P. of S., 1665, by w. Bethia Morse, 3 dg. of Danl. a and grd. dg. of Saml. M. 1 He d. Mar. 29, 1839, a. 79, had 18. 12. i. Benj., Jly. 22, 1784, m. Thankful Chamberlain ; n. Eunice, June 20, '87, m. Joseph Crafts, of Watertown, Feb. 14, 1813 ; in. Betsey, Mar. 12, '90, m. Jno. Ryan, of Charlton, Apl. 20, 1812. 19. 13. iv. Joseph, Jan. 4, '94, m. Martha Chamberlain, b. Mar. 4, 1800, r. S. ; v. Nathl., Jly. 26, 1801, d. Aug. 9, '01. 20. 14. vi. Nathl., Sep. 7, 1802, m. Hephzibah Daniels, 2d, Mary A. Clark. 7. 15. James, who d. in middle life, m. Rebecca Leland, Dec. 24, 1791, dg. of Adam L., by w. Prudence Leland, dg. of Caleb L., by w. Judith Morse. He had 16. i. Adam, Nov. 9, 1792, m. Maria Lundy, r. N. Y. ; n. Rebecca, Ap. 4, 1796, m. Amory Babcock of S. 17. in. Tho., bap. June 8, 1802, d. 1830, at New York, m. Henrietta Knapp ; iv. Eliza, bap. June 8, 1802, m. Fred. D. Valentine, r. S. Natick. : " ED Mi ME) iHWi D U U A N T , E A M E S . 79 12. 18. Bcnj., a manufacturer of whips, rs. S., ra. Thankful Chamberlain, b. Mar. 6, 1792, dg. of Elisha C, of Keene, N. H., originally fr. Newton, by w. Susanna Brown, from Brighton, and had I. Edmund, Rev.; A. M., b. Sept. 17, 1813, united with tho chh. at S., in his youth, prepared for Col. under the instruction of Bev. Amos Clark, grad. at Amherst Col, 183G, studied Theology with Bev. Dr. Ide, of Med., was ord. Oct. 10, '38, pastor of the same chh., in which he had been brought up, and for 17 years has continued their vigilant and successful minister. He in. Elizabeth 11. Leland, dg. of Dea. Daniel L , 1838, who d. June 16, '42, and 2d, Elizabeth Bowditcb, Dec. 18, 1843, and had i. Elizabeth R. L., June 12, '42 ; n. Priscilla, B , (&.)• in Deborah Dowse; iv. Sarah, (d.) ; v. William Bradford. n. Wm., Sept. 2, '15, m. 1st, , 2d, E. Coolidge, rs. S., has two chd. ; in. Joseph Perry, Aug. 15, '20, d. ab. '46; iv. Deborah, Jan. 28, '24, m. Jones Leland, had Sarah; v. Benj., Ap. 1, '30, rs. at Weymouth, unm. 10. 19. Samuel s. as a merchant and manufacturer, at Oxford, m. Casendiana, Shumway, June 3, 1824, and had i. Mary Bullard, Ap. 1, '25, m. Oct. 7, '45, Henry G. Davis, r. Pittsfield, had I. Elizabeth D., Oct. 10, '46; ii. Mary G., Oct. 11, '48 ; in. a son, b. Apl. 19, and d. May 10, '5l! ii. Elizabeth Diana, Dec 2, '28, m. Nov. 2, '53, Jabez L. Peck, of P. in. Tho., May 10, '33, rs. unm. at Chicago, 111. iv. Martha S., May 10, '40, rs. with her mother at Oxford. 13. 19. Joseph, w. Mar ha Chamberlain, m. June 12, 1819, r. Sh., had i. Martha Ann, June 27, 1820, d. Dec. 22, '42, unm. ; n. Joseph, Apl. 10, '22, m. Elizabeth Bullard ; in. Bebecca, Dec. 25, '25, d. Jan. 28, '26. iv. Rebecca P., Feb. 22, '29; v. Chs. D., Feb. 13, '33; vi. Emily A May 26, '36. 14. 20. Nathaniel, w. Hephzibah Daniels, b. Nov. 28, 1798, m. Dec. 4, 1823, d. June 8, 1837, 2d w. Mary A. Clark, b. Sep. 30, 1809, m. Ap. 12, 1838, r. a manufacturer of shoes on the paternal home, in S., had i. Lucy D., Nov. 27, 1824 ; n. Eunice Maria, June 14, '29, d. May 15, '53, m. Chs! Edward Durant, by w. Mary, had i. Edward, Ap. 19, 1766, at S.; n. Tho., June 5, '68, at liol. ; in. Jackson, Mar. 20, '70 ; iv. Samuel, Mar. 13 '72.; v. Mary, Dec. 8, '74. 1. Tho. EameS, 1 from Ded., s. in the N. part of S., now Fram., was reed, an inhabitant of S., Jan. 4, 1674—5, was selectman, '78, and one of a commit- tee to build the first meeting house, for which land was granted him. The first planters appear to have been very anxious to retain him in their commu- nity. His house was burnt by Indians, Feb. 1, '76-7, his wife and several children murdered and others taken captive. [Barry.] He d. Jan. 15, '80. He had i. John, 2 b. at Ded., Oct. 6, 1642, m. Mary -», — , d. Apl. 3, '81, and 2d, Elizabeth Eames, '82, had i. Margaret, 1666, d. yg. at 80 EAMES. Watertown ; ir. Anna, m. Flagg; m. Martha, Feh. 28, '78, m. Smith ; iv. Priscilla, Feb. 2, '82, at S. ; v. Elizabeth, Apl. 11, '85. vi. John, Jan. 10, '87 ; vn. The, Jly. 22, '94 ; vin. Mary, Jan. 4, '96-7 ; ix. Henry, Apl. 28, '98 ; x. Abigail, Mar. 9, 1706. ir. Nathaniel, 2 br. of John above, and b. Dee. 30, 16G8, m. Anna, had I. Lydia, Dec. 10, 1694, m. Benj. Muzzy, of Lex. ; n. Rebecca, Jly. 25, '97, in. Daniel Bigelow ; in. Win., m. Sarah Perry, 1733, of Hoi., had i. Sarah, '34 ; n. Hanh., '37, d. '37. in. Samuel," br. of John, b. Jan. 15, '64-5, had by w. Patience Twitchell, at S., I. Gershom, Dec. 29, 1698, d. Dec. 9, 1762, m. Susanna Whitney, dg. of Jona. W., of S., who d. '39. He m. 2d, Mary (Hunt) Leland, 1741, (wid. of Isaac L.) and bad i. Susanna, Feb. 16, 1725, ra. Joseph Cozzens. ii. Patience, May 5, '28 ; in. Gershom, June 20, '30 ; vi. Mjtttha, Jly. 2 0, '32, m. Tho. Drorv : v. Lois, Aug. 28, '34; vi. Lydia, Aug. 19, '36; vn. Mary, Ap. 22, '39, d. May 6, '39. 13. 11. vin. Reuben, Lt., Apl. 10, 1743, m. Elizabeth Whipple. 17. 12. ix. Ezra, Capt., d. 1833, a. 87, m. Sarah Jones, 1768; x. Mary, '47-8. 11. 13. Reuben, Lt., s. on the farm lately owned by Jesse Cozzens, in S. part of Ashland, m. Elizabeth Whipple, d. Feb. 6, 1768, 2d, Jane Kendall, of Sh., Sep., '68, and had i. Elizabeth, Apl. 7, 1766; n. Sarah, Oct. 25, '69, m. Isaac Foster, '89; in. Martha, Jan. 10, '71 ; iv. Hannah, Jan. 24, '74. v. Warren, Ap. 7, '76, d. Jan. 12, '81 ; vi. Wm., Apl. 21, '78. vn. Eli, Apl. 15, '82; vin. Joseph, Mar. 22, '87, m. Lois (cousins) Cousins, and rs. in Ashland. 12. 17. Ezra, Capt., s. in the North part of II., now Ashland, m. Sarah Jones, 1768, and 2d, Twitchell, and had i. Simeon, Oct. 10, 1768. ii. Gershom, Dec. 25, '69; in. Mary, Aug. 29, '71 ; iv. Isaac, Jly. 4, '73 ; v. John, May 4, '76 ; vi. Martin, June 14, '78 ; vn. Hester, Apl, 10, '80 ; vin. Suca, Nov. 21, '85 ; ix. Julia, Mar. 3, '88. 23. Daniel, 3 b. Mar. 20, 1711-12, at Fram., the s. of Nathl., 2 and grd. s. of Tho., (No. 1), m. Silence Leland, Sept. 21, 1738, and had i. Daniel, Mar. 28, 1740, m. Mary Cutler, '61 ; n. Hopestill, d. yg. ; in. Hopestill, June 28, '42, d. Ap. 5, 1821, m. Mary Leland, dg. of David L., of H, '68, and had in Hopk. and Holl. i. David, 5 Dec. 5, '69, d. Jly. 14, 1843, m. Mercy Morse, dg. of Ezek., Med., and had i. Aaron, 6 Dec. 10, '91, ; n. Camilla, Feb. 19, 1800, d. June 1, 1S06 ; in. Appleton, Jan. 4, 1803, d. Jan. 3, '44, unm. ; iv. David, June 20, '08, m. Dickenson, r. Hopk., has Abner Morse r and David/ v. Dorinda, Oct, 25, '10, m. Elihu P. Warfield, (d.), has 2 sons. ti. Anna, 5 m. Rowland Jacobs, of Tho'town, Me. ; n^. Wm., m. Sally Parker; in. John, May 2, 1779, m. Anna Whiting; iv. Mary, Jan. 7, '84, m. Martin Eames ; v. Peter, 5 Aug. 11, '83, m. Martha Jones, of Hopk. ; vi. Lavinia, Nov. 9, '85, m. Jonah Holbrook, of S. ; vn. Hope- still, May 7, '88, d. Aug. 5, '91 ; vin. Nathan, Feb. 18, '92, m. Cynthia Hayward ; iv. Lydia, 1746, d. June 5, 1814, m. Joshua Underwood of II. v. Anna, m. Col. John Gleason, of Fram. ; vi. Wm. in. Lois Fisk, and 2d, , and d. in Boylston. 35. vn. Aaron, Cpt., 1753, d. Feb. 11, 1827, m. Sarah Leland, dg. of David L., irwra iiirigmiEra, jlmlmlj. EDWARD, EMERSON, ESTERBROOK, ESTY, EVENS, EVERETT. 81 of H., and 2d, wid. Polly Fisk, 1826. Had r. Aaron, Nov. 12, 1784, d. yg. He left $10,000 to the 1st Chh. and Parish in Hoi., which has not yet accomplished their ruin. 36. Daniel, jun., pr. s. of Daniel, (No. 24), m. Molly Wight, dg. of Doct. Aaron W., of Med., and had in H. r. Kitteridge, June 30, 1789. it. Daniel, Dec. 26, '90 ; in. Mima, June 23, '92. He afterwards rem. to Black R., N. Y. 39. Moses Eamcs, w. Elizabeth, had at H. i. Moses, Jan. 5, 1787 ; II. Jona., Jan. 29, '89 ; in. Betsey, Aug. 8, '91 j iv. Ruth, Aug. 8, '93 ; v. Clary, Nov. 11, '95 ; vi. Reuben, Oct. 3, '97. 43. Jesse Eames, w. Anna, had i. Amara. Nov. 29, 1795, at H. ; n. Anna, Mar. 20, '98. Abigail, w. of Jona. Eames, died in Hoi., Apl. 20, 1742. Daniel Edward, w. Deborah, had Betsey, Dec. 23, 71, at H. Daniel Emerson, d. in H, 1765, owned the land near, and pr. r. where late Nathl. Johnson, Esq., lived. James Emerson, m. Jerusha Newton, Dec. 2 1, 1784. Elijah Esty, w. Lydia, had at S. i. Reuben, Sep. 2, 1763, s. at Watertown. ii. Elijah, May 16, '66, s. at Natick; in. Mehetabel, 1770, m, Asa Clark, iv. Ebenr., m. and r. Lincoln; v. Sarah, 1777, d. unm.; vi. Rhoda, d. yg. Elijah EsterbrOOk, w. Hanh. , had at S. i. Hannah, Sep. 29, 1734. II. Joseph, Aug. 10, '36: in. Samuel, Nov. 27, '38: iv. Aaron, Mar. 20. '40-1. Jona. Evens, w. Elizabeth, had Win., Oct 24, 1757, at H. Oliver Everett, A. M. and M. D., b. at Dedh., a lineal descendant of Richard Evered, of D., 1637, grad. 1821 at Brown Univ., and subsequently received M. D. at Dart. Col. He s. in S. ab. 1824, where he spent bis days, and d. aged ab. 50, worn out by professional labors. To do any justice to his character as a man, a citizen, or a physician, would exceed my ability and limits. Suffice it to say, his worth became inefFaceably stamped upon the minds and hearts of the entire community, and no man of his generation ever fell in S. whose death was so universally and deeply lamented. His character seems to call for a more extended obituary than has appeared ; and I cannot but hope that his successor, or some cotemporary practitioner, will supply it for embodiment with the history of the physicians of Midd. Co. It is due to merit, and might be a valuable legacy to medical students, at least in guarding them against self sacrifice, and pointing out the way to an honor- able and enduring reputation. He m. Maria Sanger, dg. of Joseph S., of S., by w. Sally Phips, and had i. Edward H. (d.) ; n. Rufus S., m. Rosilla Gr. Biekford ; in. Helen M. ; iv. Mary C. ; v. Abby S. : vi. Francis Oliver. 11 82 FAIRBANKS. 1. Richard Fairbanks took the freeman's oath, May 14, 1634, and the name occurs on the records of Boston, 1638-51. Several of the early set- tlers of Dcdham were of this name, viz. : 2. John Fairbank, senr., whose dg. Mary m. Michael Metcalf, Apl. 12, 1644. 3. Jona., Mr., who appears to have been the cousin of Geo. of Somerby, in the Vicarage of Halifax, Yorkshire, who willed to him as such, 20s., 1650. Mr. Jona F.'s wife was Deborah, and children, i. Deborah, b. 3 (4), 1654 ; ii. Grace, '56; in. Sarah, '58; iv. Edward, 10 (11), '60; v. David, 28 (11), '62; vi. Mary, 1667; vn. A. Jona. pr. his son took the freeman's oath, May 15, 1690. Mr. Jona. F. d. Dec. 5, 1668. His widow, Deb., d. Sep. 7, 1705. 4. John Fairbank, who d. Nov. 13, 1684, and whose w. Sarah, the mother of his children, d. 26 (9), 1G83. He had at Dedham, i. Joshua, 26 (3), 1642 ; ii. John, 7 (12), 1643, who m. Hanh. and had John, 1677, at D., rm. Wrenth; in. Sarah, 9 (10), '45; iv. Jona., 10 (9), '48, (a. Jona. d. 1661-2) ; v. Mary, '50 ; vi. Martha, '50, d. '50 ; vn. Joseph, 10 (3), '56, took the freeman's oath, May 8, 1678; (another Joseph, of Ded. took do., Feb. 13, 1683-4) ; vm. Benj. 17 (12), '61, who ra. Mary, and had Benj. 1695, at D. 5. Jonas Fairbank, early of Essex Co., who, not being worth £200, was fined for wearing great boots. 6. George Fairbank, pr. brother of the above Jonas, John and Jona., had £5 willed to him, May 28, 1650, by Geo. F., clothier, of Somerby, Yorkshire, resided in Ded. until about 1657, when he removed, and s. in the S. part of Sherborn, now-Med,, having purchased of Robt. Kainc, or his executors, a part of the grant made to him, 1649. Here he signed petitions for S., 1662 and '74, was selectman, 1678, drew land in 1681, and seems to have been an orderly and esteemed citizen. He m. Mary , and died Jan. 10, 1682. His wid. d. ab. 1703. i. Mary, 10 (9), 1647; 15. 10. ii. George, 26 (3), '50 ; in. Samuel, 28 (8), '52, d. Nov. 20, 1676; 18. 12. iv. Eliezer, 8 (4), '55; v. Jonas, 23 (12), '56, at Ded., d. Nov. 28, 1676 ; 20. 14. vi. Jona., May 1, '62, recorded at Medfd., and d. Dec. 18, 1719; vn. Margaret, June 27, '64, record, at Do. 10. 15. George inherited the homestead in the S. part of S., drew lands in S., and in 1715 and '30 he drew 100 acres in Doug., m. Rachel, who d. May 12, 1678 ; and 2d, Susanna, and 3d, Sarah , in 1686 or '87, and had I. Rachel, Sep. 29, 1672 ; n. Marie, 5 (1), 1675 ; in. Susanna, Mar. 24, 1680, by 2d w. ; iv. Susanna, Mar. 17, 1682 ; v. Dorotha, Nov. 6, 1683 ; vi. Margaret, Jan. 5, 1685 ; vn. Jonas, Feb. 15, 1687-8, d. Nov. 10, '90, by 3d w. ; vm. Sarah, Nov. 16, 1690 ; 27. 16. ix. George, Oct. 2, 1694 ; x. John, Oct. 9, 1697. 12. 18. Eleazer drew a home lot in 1679 of 18 acres on the main St. in S., adjoin- ing Peters' Hill, was selectman, 1703. He m. Martha, dg. of Capt. Samuel Bullard, and had FAIRBANKS. 83 i. Mary, Oct. 31, 1678; n. Martha, Jan. 22, 1080, rn. Oliver Death, Apl. 17, '97, who d. Mar. 3, 1704--5 ; 2d, Ebenr. Lelatid, jun., of S., Jan. 10, 1708; in. Lydia, Mar. 8, 1682 ; iv. Margaret, Dec. 9, 1684, d. 1698 ; v. Mercy, Oct. 18, 1688, m. Joshua Underwood, 1707-8 ; 32. 19. vi. Eleazer, Dec. 29, 1690, " d. Sep. 19, 1741, in his 51st y." 14. 20. Jona. was the first physician who settled in Sh. He is supposed to have lived N. of Bogestow Pond, in the old stone house, and was drowned by falling through the ice, in crossing from Medfield in the night. Pie was an important man in his day ; was selectman, 1695-'98, '99, 1700. and '01; Town Clerk, 1699, 1700, and '01. He drew 107?, acres in Doug, in 1715, and in 1730, 54 acres were assigned to his estate. He m. Sarah , who d. Jly. 9, 1713. 39. 21. i George, Apl. 14, 1685. 44. 22. ii. Jona., Mar. 21, 1689, d. Nov. 26, 1754; m. Comfort, Oct. 30, '90; iv. Joseph, Apl. 25, '92. 53. 25. v. Samuel, Feb. 27, '93 ; vi. Jonas, June 9, '97. 16. 27. George, who s. in Med. on part of the old homestead, m. Sarah , had i. John, d. Dec. 14, 1714; n. Phebe, May 16, '16, m. Abraham Cousins, of Hoi., 1759; in. John, Feb. 5, '18-19; 58. 29. iv. Jonas, Oct. 20, '20 ; 60. 30. v. George, Dec. 12, '22, d. Sep. 29, 1795 ; vi. " Barshab," Oct. 7, '24, m. Dea. Asa Daniels, senr. of Med. ; vn. Silence, Feb. 26, '27, m. Elisha Barber; vm. Elijah, Apl. 29, '29, d. Oct. 1, '46 ; ix. David, Jly. 10, '31, d. Oct. 8, '46 ; x. John, Oct. 27, '33, was insane, d. urn. ; xi. Joseph, Dec. 8, '35, m. Abigail Coolidge, and d. without issue; xn. Sarah, b. 1737, d. Oct. 13, '37 ; xin. Elizabeth, Dec. 29, '40, d. Aug. 20, '44. 19. 32. Eleazer, Capt., m. Martha Bullard, r. S., had, i. Eleazer, Jly. 23, 1716, rm. Plainfield, Ct. m. Prudence , and had Prudence, May 20, '47, at Sh. ; ii. Joseph, Sep. 17, '18, rm. Halifax, N. S. ; in. Deborah, Nov. 12, '19, m. Joseph Twitchell, Esq.; iv. Moses, Aug. 14, '21 ; v. Sarah, Sep. 25, '22 ; vi. Martha, Aug. 2, '24, m. Benj. Mason ; 2d, John Phips, '43, and rm. to Brookfield ; vn. Abel, Nov. 28, '26 ; vm. Abigail, Aug. 18, '28 ; ix. David, Feb. 2, '30-31 ; x. Abigl., May 5, '32. 92. 38. xi. Ebenezer, June 1, '34 ; xn. Mary, m. Capt. Saml. Sanger, and d. without issue. 21. 39. George, m. Lydia Gay, of Wrenth, Dec. 24, 1707 ; 2d, Rachel Drury ; 3d, Sarah , who d. Jan. 26, 1748, a. 62, settled in H, N. W. part, and had, i. Geo., Dec. 2, 1708, m. Deborah Sawin, 1735, and had Reuben of H., June 1, '39; n. Lydia, Nov. 13, 1710. 69. 41. in. Jabesh, Oct. 4, 1713; iv. Sarah, May 26, '16; v. Joseph, May 1, '20, by w. Kachel ; vi. Rachel, Dec. 31, '21, d. Jan. 6, 1729 ; vn. Abigail, Oct. 10, '23, d. Jan. 14, '29; vm. Submit, Sept. 18, '29, in Holl, m. Daniel Fairbank ; ix. Mary, Sep. 28, '30, m. Micha Morse, Nov. 5, '52. 89. 43. x. Drury, May 1, '33, d. June 19, 1786; xi. Rachel, Nov. 14, '35, d. Dec. 9, '44. 22. 44. Jona., Doct., m. Lydia Holbrook ; 2d, Hanh. Cooledge, b. Jan. 8, 1692, m. June 2, 1726, r. S., had, i. Jona., Feb. 18, 1714; n. Benj., Aug. 16, 84 FAIRBANKS. '15, d. young; in. Mary, Feb, 5, '16-17; it. Lydia, Oct. 1, '18; v. Comfort, Feb. 8, '10-20, a dg. ; vi. Moses, Mar. 1, '22. 73. 49. vii. Daniel, Nov. 5, '23 ; vm. Josbua, Apl. 5, '27, by 2d w. 88. 51. ix. John, Aug. 12. '29; x. Hannab, Jly. 3, '31 ; xi. Grace, June 16, '34; xii. Abner, Mar. 28, '36, m. Elizabeth Hill, Jly. 5, 1759, who d. Feb. 2, '64, had, 1 John, d. Dec. 3, '63 ; 2 Sarah, Apl. 30, 1762 ; 3 Elizabeth, Feb. 2, '64, at S. 25. 53. Samuel, m. Susanna , r. S., had, 1. Jonas, Sep. 19, 1718; 11. Samuel, Jly. 21, '20: ill. Rebecca, Apl. 26, '23; iv. Sarah, Oct. 19, '24; v. Benj., Sep. 10, '26 ; vi. Jemima, Aug. 29, '29 ; vii. Levi, Feb. 6, '33-4. 29. 58. Jonas, w. Experience Leland, b. June 21, 1725, m. 1745, r. Med., had, I. Miriam, Mar. 9, 1745--6, d. Oct. 21, '79, the grd. mother of Rev. Daniel Wight, of Scituate ; n. Deborah, June, 2, '47, m. Job Patridge, of Bell., Nov. 29, '69, and was the mother of Rev. Moses P. ; in. Sarah, Jan. 4, '48-9 ; iv. Mary, June 4, '51. ; v. Elijah, Mar. 21, '53, d. urn. in the army ; vi. Experience, Apl. 19, '55, m. Jabez Whitney, of Med. ; vn. Hopestill, Mar. 4, '57 ; vm. Rufus, Dec. 8, '58, perisned at sea ; ix. Joseph, Feb. 22, '61, d. Jan. 5, 1835, m. Mary, dg. of Judge Stephen Metcalf, of Bell, and settled in Bell. 30. 60. George was bowed in person, m. Jerusha , who d. Jan. 9, '96, and inherited the ancient seat of the family in Med. 77. 61. 1. Abijah, Jan. 21, 1745-6, m. Mary Clark, rm. Me. 79. 62. 11. Joel, Jan. 26, '47 ; in. Elizabeth, Aug. 11, '49. 86. 63. iv. George, Doct., Jly. 12, '51, r. in Wrenth. 87. 65. v. Silas, Sep. 29, '53. 83. 66. vi. Jotham, Apl. 6, '57 ; vn. Asahel, June 2, '61 ; vm. Adam, Dec. 1, '63. 41. 69. Jabez, w. Susanna Corning, m. Nov. 23, 1738, r. H., had 1. Lydia, Sep. 20, 1739; 11. Joseph, June 3, '41; 111/ Joshua, Aug. 2, '43; iv. Abigail, Jan. 11, '47 ; v. Susanna, June 20, '52 ; vi. Jerusha, Apl. 21, 57. vn. George, Apl. 12, '62. 49. 73. Daniel, w. Submit Fairbank, r. H. ; 1. Rachel, May 13, 1748, m. Jethro Peters, '69; 11. Comfort, Jly. 4, '50; in. George, Jly. 30, '52, d. Jly. 18, '59 ; iv, Jona., Mar. 29, '55 ; v. Drury, Aug. 6, '57 ; vi. Submit, Nov. 5, '59. 61. 77. Abijah, w. Mary Clark, r. Med. ; 1. Olive, Sep. 5, 1769, m. Patridge, rm. Me. ; n. Mary, June 20, '73, d. Apl. 12, '78 ; in. Asa, Jan. 2, '79. 62. 79. Joel, w. Mary, r. Med.; 1. David, Jan. 30, 1774; n. Alexander, May 24 ; '72, at Oxford; in. Cynthia, Aug. 2, '76; iv. Joel, May 8, '78. 66. 83. Jotham, w. Beulah Daniels, r. Med. ; 1. Jotham, Oct. 19, 1778; II. Leonard, rs. Med. 63. 86. George, Doct., w. Cally Boyden, r. Med; 1. Cally, Sep. 8, 1779; 11. Lucy, Oct. 3, '86 ; in. Olive, Sep. 1, '93. FASSET, FISHEB, F I S K . 85 65. 87. Silas, w. Mary Day, r. on the ancient Fairbank's homestead, S. W. of Bogistow Pond, where Jason Daniels resides and had at Medway ; l Tolly, Mar. 14, '85, m. Moses Pond; it. Charles, Sep. 30, '87, r. W. Med. ; in. Silas, in. Mille Plimpton, and was the last occupant by the name of F. of the ancient homestead ; iv. James ; v. Betsey, m. Baruch Perry ; vi. Nancy, m. Moses Pond, of W. Med. ; vn. Charlotte, r. in Med., unm. 51. 88. John, m. Hannah, i. Martha, Jly. 28, 1755; n. Levi, Sep. 28, '57; in. Hannah, July 18, '59. 43. 89. Drury, m. Deborah Leland, of Hoi., r. H. and had 91. 90. i. John, Mar. 15, 1759, m. Mary Whiting; n. Perley, Aug. 22, '61, m. Tabitha Littlefield, dg. of John Stedman, and s. in Wardsbury, Vt. in. Joseph, Mar. 4, '64; iv. Rhoda, Jan. 7, '66, m. Eli Perry, Mar. 10, 'S5 ; v. Elijah, June 30, '70 ; vi. Drury, Rev., Oct. 13, '72, m. Lucretia Rockwood, May 25, 1800, s. at Plymouth, N. H., had Johy Milton, Aman- da, Mary, Timothy R., Lucretia, Drury ; vn. Deborah, June 7, '75, m. Caleb Perry; vm. Mary, Feb. 7, '81. 90. 91. John, w. Mary Whiting, from Med., m. June 24, 1784, r. Holl. ; i. Martha, March 26, 1785 ; n. John, Sep. 14, '86; m. Nathan, Nov. 27, '88 ; iv. Calvin, Oct. 2, '91 ; v. Drury, Mar. 31, '96 ; vi. Otis, Jan. 25, '94, 38. 92. Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth; i. Asa, Mar. 4, 1762; n. Joseph, Nov. 1, '63; in. Betty, Aug. 23, '66; iv. Ebenezer, Dec. 15, '68; v. Henry, Dec. 31, '70, bp., '71 ; vi. Thaddeus, Mar. 13, '73; vn. Elizabeth, Jan. 3, '75. at H. ; vm. Levi, Aug. 24, 1778, at S. Reuben, of Holl., m. Mary Grant, at H. Asa FaSSett, w. Margaret, had at S., Benj., Sep. 7, 1707. ■ 1 m*m i Lewis Fisher, w. Hanh., had at H., Hephzebah Albe, Mar. 24, '99. Simeon Fisher, w. Hephzibah, had at H. i. Lewis, Feb. 15, 1771. 1. Nathaniel Fisk, b. June 9, 1678, at Watertown, the s. of Nathl. and grd. s. of Nathan F., of W., 1642, free May 10, '43, and selectman '73, (see Bond) came to S. and m. Jan. 16, 1706, Hannah Adams, dg. of Moses A. He had i. Nathaniel, Nov. 11, 1706, at S. ; n. Asa, b. at W., Feb. 22, 1708, m. Jan. 30, 1735, Lois Leland, dg. of Dea. Tim. L., and had at H. i. Lydia, Nov. 12, '38, m. Burbank, d. without issue; n. Huldah, Mar. 13, '41, m. Caleb Claflin, of Hopk. ; in. Abel, Mar. 14, '44, d. in Hopk., aged 80, had no chd. ; iv. Asa, Sep. 3, '46, m. Mercy Jones, dg.of Eli J., had Lydia, '72 ; Hanh., '73 ; Elijah, '74 ; Asa, '79 ; Aaron and Mary, '80 ; v. Aaron, March 20, '49, d. aged 88, s. in Chesterfield ; vi. Lois, May 6, '51, m. Amariah Marsh, and d. at Pawtucket, aged above 90 ; vn. Abner, Mar. 27, '54, m. Grout, r. N. Y., had Fanny, '78 ; Betsey, '83 ; Anna, '86 ; Lois, '90, at H. in. Hanh., Sept. 9, 1710; iv. Moses, Jan. 29, '13, d. in Natick, m. Mehe- tabel; v. Lydia, Apl. 24, '15; vi. Lydia, Oct. 5, '18. 86 }•• [ s k . 7. John Fisk, the Br. of Nathl. (No. 1,) and grd. s. of Nathan, m. Lydia Adams, Jly. 31, 170G, dg. of Moses A., and had at H. 11. 8. i. John, May 8, 1709, m. Abigail (Leland) Babcock.of Sh. II. Lydia, Jan. 14, '11-12 ; ill. Isaac, Aug. 24, '14; it. Lydia, Aug. 4, '20 ; v. Peter, Mar. 12, '22-3; vr. Abigail, Jly. 24, '27, d. '27. vn. Nathl, Mar. 31, '30, d. '56. 8. 11. John, m. Abigail Leland, wid. of Ebenr. Babcock, and seems to have lived on or near the farm of her late husbaud at W. Sherborn, and had I. David, Apl. 16, 1732, m. Sarah Bullard, dg. of John Bullard of E. Med., and had i. John, Mar. 15, 1760, m. Abigail Albee, r. II., ii. Nathan, May 3, 1761, m. Jemima Leland, '86, 2d, Julia Daniels, and had Jemima, '88 ; Isaiah Daniels, '91 ; and Horatio, '94; in. David, Apl. 19, '63, m. Hannah Eames; iv. Levi, Feb. 23, '(55, m. Jemima Underwood, had at II. ; i. Lewis, - Feb. 25, '93 ; n. Sally, Sep. 2, '94 ; in. Martin, Oct. 23, '96 ; iv. Anna, Dec. 24, '98. v. Nathaniel, March 9, '67, m. Allen ; vi. Amos, Nov. 23, '69, d. Nov. 6, '76 ; vn. Sally, Dec. 17, '71, m. Simeon Newton, r. Tem- pleton; vm. Gad, Jan. 31, '74, d. Oct. 26, '76; ix. Keren, Jly. 24, '76, d. Sep. 17, '78. 28. 17. x. Timothy, A. M., M. D., Nov. 3, '78; xi. Aner, Sept. 20, '80, m. Martha Fairbanks ; ii. Hannah, Jan. 24, 1733-4, m. Fairbanks, 2d, Caleb Hill. 24. 19. in. Amos, Mar. 5, '35-6, m. Anne Briant. 23. 20. iv. John, Mar. 16, '37-8, m. Sarah Hill ; v. Joel, Apl. 22, '40, in. Ruth Reed, and s. in Camb'dge. 26. 22. vi. Jonas, Dec. 4, '42, m. Mary Hill ; vn. Martha, Jan. 5, '48-9, d. yg. 20. 23. John, s. \ m. E. of school house No. 6, in S., m. Abigail, and had I. Abigail, June 29, 1766, m. Cpt. Samuel Learned; n. Sarah, Jly. 8, '72, m. Tapley Wyeth, A. M., M. D., of S. ; in. Ede, m. Aaron Whitney, of S ; iv. Elizabeth, Feb. 3, '76, m. Lewis Bullard ; v. John, Dec. 2, '78, [a John had Horace, Jly. 11,1800?]; vi. Sukey, Feb. 26, '81 ; vn. Sally, Jan. 19, '83. 19. 24. Amos, w. Anne Briant, had at S. i. Peggy, Jly. 16, 1771 ; n. Hannah, Nov. 4, '73 ; in. Polly, Nov. 17, '75; iv. John H„ Oct. 23, '77. 22. 26. Jonas, m. Mary Hill, s. where James Hill is , and had at S., i. Jonas, Feb. 4, '79; ii. Mary, Nov. 11, '81. 27. Samuel,? w. Abigail, had at S., i. Samuel, Feb. 8, 1762 ; n. Hepsibath, Mar. 18, '66. 17. 28. Timothy Fisk, A. M., M. D., and M. M. S. S., grad. 1801, at II. IL, sub- sequently studied medicine, s. in his native town, and was her first regularly educated physician. His course from the first was marked with that modesty and gentlemanly bearing which cultivation insures and which are equally removed from the swaggering pretensions of empiricism and the low and vile arts of rude and jealous rivalry. His skill was soon appreciated and his conduct rewarded in a wide practice. This he retained, to the great advan- tage of the public, for a series of years, seldom attained by a laborious phy- sician. Ho has long held a high reputation abroad ; shared largely in the F I T C II . 87 confidence of the faculty ; ever maintained the strictest regard for moral vir- tue; and he cannot fail of being long remembered as the beloved physician. He has taken a deep interest in all the benevolent enterprises of his time, is an Honorary member of the Am. Board of C. for F. Missions; a life member of the A. Bible Society ; do. of the Home Miss. Soc. ; do. of the Am. For. and Chr. Union ; and a welcome communicant in the Orthodox Congl. Chh. He has sons, i. Frederick, n. Ferdinand. Dea. Oliver Fisk, born Aug. 8, 1786, son of Dea. Samuel F., of Weston, by w. Abigail Murdock from Newton, and grd. son of Nathan F., of W., by w. Mary Fisk, dg. of Dea. Jona. F., of Sud., by w. Abigail Reed, and gr. grd. s. of Dea. Nathan F., of Watertown, (representative 1727, '28, '29, '32, and much confided in by his townsmen) by w. Sarah Cooledge, and gr. gr. grd. s. of Lt. Nathan F., of W., by w. Elizabeth , and gr. gr. gr. grd. s. of Nathan P., admitted freeman 1043, and selectman of W., 1673. (See Bond) Dea. Oliver F. purchased the place on which he now rs. of Moses Chamberlain, s. in S., 1814, m. Abigail Park, and 2d, Elizabeth Park; had i. Mary, in. James A. Cogswell, r. Brighton; II. Samuel, m. Mary Ann Bowditch, r. lloxb. Rev. Jailies Pitch 1 , b. Dec. 24. 1622, at Borking, Essex Co , England, came to New Eng., 1638, with his brother Tho., having already made good pro- ficiency in the acquisition of Latin and Greek. He spent 7 years after his arrival under the tuition of Rev. Messrs. Hooker & Stone, in preparing for the ministry. He d. at Lebanon, Nov., 1702. His w. was Abigail Whitfield, dg. of Rev. Henry W., of Guilford, by whom he had James Fitch 2 , b. Aug., 1649, d. 1727, who s. at Norwich and was one of the brave defenders of the colonies in 1675-6 ; appointed Capt. in 1680, and Maj. in 1686; chosen a member of the Council of Con., 1683, and continued to be elected until 1708. He was, in i690, among the first planters of Canterbury; one of the first donors of Yale Col., giving in 4701, 637 acres in Killingly, and all the glass and nails for the Col. edifice. He had much influence in procuring her charter. [Hinman.J He m. for a 2d wife Alice (Bradford) Adams, May, 1686, the wid. of Rev. Wm. A., 2d minister of Dedh., and dg. of Maj. Wm. Bradford, by wife Alice Richards, and grd. dau. of Gov. Bradford, by w. Alice Southworth, by whom he had only Jabez,' 3 b. 1703. Jabez s. at Canterbury, m. Lydia Gale, 1722, held the offices of Capt., Col., Esq., and Judge of Probate, was a man of superior talents, devoted piety, and extensive influence. He d. 1784, aged 81. He was the father of Col. Jabez, 4 b. May 23, 1729, at Newent, Ct., and d. at Sheldon, Vt., Dec. 19, 1806. He m. Lydia Huntington, Aug. 22, 1754, dau. of Dea. Ebenezer H., of Norwich, Ct. He was a physician of eminence, had many med. students ; and was the father of i. Jabez, 5 who was 12 years U. S. Marshall for Dis. of Vt. ; ii. Chauncey, 5 M. D., the father of Dr. S. S. Fitch, of New York ; 6. 3. Ebenezer, 5 D. D., b. Sep. 26, 1756, at Canterbury, d. Mar. 31, 1833 ; and of five daus., 5 who m. Professional men of Col. education. 3. 6. Ebenezer, 5 D. D., grad. at Yale Col., 1777, in which instit. he was five years a tutor under the presidency of the learned Dr. Stiles. In 1793, hav- ing previously visited Europe, he was inaugurated the first Pres. of Williams Col., and officiated until 1815. In 1800 he reed. D. D. from Harv. Univ. •' Dr. Fitch possessed a mind of a high order ; and for uniformity of deportment, 88 FITCH consistency of character, ardor of piety, kindness of feeling, diligence and fidel ty m discharging the various duties to which he was called, had but few superiors. [Key. C Durfee.] Subsequently to his resignation of the presidency of W. Col., he was iz vears castor of the Con-1. Chh. at W. Bloomfield, N. Y., where he became one ot S»552^totoWpii«»- of Auburne Theo Sen; and where Ins ashes repose without any such mark of respect as the gratitude of the Trustees and alumni of W. Col. must prompt them ere long to show. He m. Mary (Backus) Coggswel, d». of Ebenezer B., of Windham, a lady distinguished for intelligence, .amiability and piety, who d. at Cleaveland, O., Nov. 21, 1834. They had, besides other children, Charles Fitcb, G Rev., A. M., b. June 26, 1799. # Rev. Charles Fitch entered Williams Col. at the age of 15, gr a dm 1819, entered the Theo. Sem. at Princeton, the same year, where he grad 1821, having previously received licensure from the Presbytery of N. Bruns., before the age of 21. lhe tost of his labors were in the then frontier and sparsely settled Cos. of Erie and Catter- aucms, N. Y., in the employ of the Young Men's Miss. Soc, New York. Aug. ZZ, 1822, he was ordained and installed by Cooperstown Presbytery over the 1 res u. Chh., of Cherry Valley, formerly the charge of Rev. Dr. Nott and then embracing men of high attainments and standing, from whom no call could have been obtained for any youn % .... » — 1. ThO. GleaSOn. had land assigned him in S., 1682, m., 1st, Sarah -— ; 2dw., Mary , r. N. part of S., had, 'i. Mary, June 19, 1680 ; n. Iho., Feb. 26, 1690-7, by w. Mary; ni. Richar^l, Jan. 31, '98-9; iv. Jonas, : GODARD, GOLDEN. 91 Nov. 6, 1700, v. Elijah, Oct. 18, '02; vi. Moses, Dec. 22, '04; vn. Uriah, Dec. 28, '06 ; vm. Mary, Feb. 19, '08-9. 2. Isaac Gleason, w. Deborah, had, at S., I. Isaac, May 17, 1706 ; n. Prudence, Oct. 3, '08. 3. John Gleason, w. Abigail, had Ebenr., Sep. 1, 1703. Wm. Godard, s. of Wm., of Watertown,- (Bond, p. 237), m. Leah Fisher, was rated at Sherborn for the Indian title, 1686, had a home lot assigned him, 13 (3), 1679, of 19 acres, on the Plain where Mrs. Jas. Bigelow resides. His wid. Leah drew land at Doug., 1715; had at S., i. Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1687 ; n. Wm., Aug.. 18, '89, d. 1703; in. Sarah, Nov. 24, '93 ; iv. Abigail, Dec. 2, '96, d. Mar. 6, 1716-17; m. Saml. Williams. - 2. JollR Golden, Capt., a man of wealth, and herculean size and strength, purchased Winthrop's grant of 600 acres, bounding the N. and E. sides of Winthrop's Lake, to which, by purchase, and the division of common lands, he made large additions on the W., extending nearly, or quite, to the cedar swamp. He s. in Si ab. 1705, built a large and elegant house on the S. E. side of the hill, N. E. of the Lake, from which he and family, by alarms of Indians in the dead of night, were repeatedly driven to the garrison that stood near John Leland, Esq.'s, in S. He was early ,a«d through the rest of his life, treated with great respect, and his memory long reverenced in H. During her first 25 years he was her " principal inhabitant," and public ser- vant. A tradition among his descendants exists that he was b. in Eng., and had been a mariner. Several circumstances, however, favor the belief that he was the son of Peter Goulding, senr., and more probably b. in Bos. He d. Jan. 19, 1750-1, m. Abigail Curtis, pr. of Roxb., who d. Jan. 16, 1766 ; and had at S., now H. i. John, Sep. 21, 1707, died in infancy, in Sherb., now Holl. 4. 3. n. Curtis, Aug. 3, '10, cl. Mar. 25, '74, m. Zipporah, dg. of Capt. Joseph Ware, by w. Hanh.Wood, dg. of Eleazer Wood, by w. Dorotha, pr. Babcock,' and grd. dg. of Nicholas Wood, the first planter of Sherborn, by w. Mary, pr. Williams, and eldest dg. of Dea. Robt. W. of Roxbury. in. John, Aug. 21, '13, d. an aged bachelor at the Homestead ; iv. Peter, May 12, '15, d. June 29, '42, urn. ; v.' Abigail, Aug. 18, '17, m. Jona. Eames, Feb. 18, '41-2; vi. Mary, Jly. 27, '20, m. Jona. Foster/ June 13, '44 ; vn. James , d. Dec. 27, '53, m. Bethia Plimpton}- May 23, '50, had" Abigail, Apl. 14, '53, m. Rev. Alexr. Thayer, Aug. 18, 573, then of Paxton, inherited and s. on the homestead, had i. John G., A. M.>; n. Alexander, M. D., r. Mend., and 3 dgs., one of' whom in. Lem. Adams, and s. on the N. part of the homestead. - , 3. 4. Curtis, w. Zipporah, b. Nov. 22,12, m. Apl. 30, .'43, d. De*c. 21, '93, i. Mary, Oct. 21, '45, m. Capt. Henry Leland, Apl. 15, '90, no chd. 8. 5. ii. Joseph, Jly. 13, '47, m. Keziah, Parker, Sep. 23, '73 ; in. Hannah, June 24, '49, m. Aaron Rider, rm. to-'N: Y. ; iv. Zipporah, Jan. 10, '50-l,_ m. Jona. Bacon, of Nat. ; 13. 6. v. John, Oct. 30, '52, d. "181», m. Elizabeth Twitchell, r. S. 16. 7. vi. Eleazer, Apl. 30, '57, d. Aug- 13, '26, m. Jemima Bacon,JTunc 28, '81. 92 GOODHU, GOOK1N. 5. 8. Joseph, w. Keziah Parker, t. H., and rm. to Eaton, N. Y., had, i. Julia, Jly. 25, 74 ; n. Curtis, Aug. 10, 76 ; in. Hannah, June 12, 78 ; iv. Persis, Apl. 30, '80 ; v. Timothy, Dec. 16, '82 : vi. Luther, Apl. 18, '85 ; vii. Otis, Jly. 14, '90. 6. 13. John, Capt., w., Elizabeth Twitchell, m. May 23, 76, d. Feb. 21, 1847. i. Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 77, d. yg.; n. Matilda, Feb. 4, 79, bp. at her father's house, (sick) Oct. 4, 1801, d. Oct. 5, '01. 19. 14. in. John, Maj., Apl. 2, '81, m. Betsey Bigelow. 15. iv. Dalton, Esq., Oct. 19, '90, was early in life a teacher; has long acted as surveyor, draftsman, and justice ; served S. 7 yrs. as selectman, 7 do. as t. clerk and treasr. ; was a member of the convention in 1853 to amend the State constitution, and representative 1854. For ab. 20 yrs. he has com- monly acted as moderator of town and parish meetings, and devoted much time freely to the service of the public. He m. Martha Ware, dg. of Henry W., who died Jly. 7, 1849, had i. Elizabeth, Apl. 29, 1830; n. Matilda, Jan. 2, '32, m. Jas.W. Spinney, r. S. ; in. Joseph Ware, Apl. 12, '35. 7. 16. Eleazer, w. Jemima Bacon, dg. of Oliver B., of Nat., r. N. and S., had, 24. 17. i. Zillah, June 10, '82, d. Jly. 2, '49, m. June 9, '02, Daniel Wight of N. ii. Mary, Aug. 28, '84, d. June 11, 1815, m., Nov. 17, 1806, Calvin San- ger, jun., of S. 22. 18. in. Curtis, Capt. Jan. 6, '87, m. Nancy Breck, May 13, '27, r. Sh., had Eleazer, Oct. 14, '28 ; Mary, Nov. 29, '30, m. Joseph W. Bullard. iv. Ede, Mar. 27, '95. d. Dec. 25, '02. 14. 19. John, Maj., m. Betsey Bigelow, May, 27, 1807, occupies the N. E. divi- sion of Parker's grant. ; has served S. 10 ys. as selectman, and by the culti- vation of choice fruit trees, contributed much to increase her staple ; had i. John Adams, Apl. 2, 1808, r. um. at S. ; n. Sumner Gore, Apl. 2, '09, m. Martha (Burr) Cutler, r. Natick ; in. Oren, May 10, '11, d. yg. : iv. Henry, Nov. 25, '13, m, Emeline Edwards, r. Dover; v. Oren, Jan. 26, '16, m. Ellen Holbrook, and d., leaving a son. 17. 24. Zillah, hus. Daniel Wight, r. at Natick, had i. Eleazer Goulding, Dec. 16, 1803, m. Phebe Carter, r. N. ; n. Ede Goulding, Sep. 6, '05, m. Wil- lard Childs, of N. ; in. Daniel, Rev., A. M., Sep. 18, '08, gd. Har. U., '37, and And. Theo. Sem., '40 ; ord. at Scituate, Sep. 28, '42, m. Lucy Flint, Sep. 26, '42, d. Aug. 5, '46 ; 2d, Julia Russell, m. Sep. 7, '47, d. Aug. 8, '49 ; 3d, Mary Anna, dg. of Rev. Jonas Perkins, of Brain- tree, m. Apl. 28, '51, d. Oct. 26, '53, had, i. Lucy Ellen, b. Jly. 25, '43 ; ii. Danl P., Oct. 26, d. 27, '53. iv. Miriam F.. Aug. 3, '11, m. James J. Sawin, of Nat., Apl. 9, '34; v. Mary, May 26, '14, d. June 21, '15; vi. Willard Amory, Apl. 21, '16, m. Lucy B. Morse, Nov. 30, '41, r. N. ; vn. Mary Matilda, Oct. 3, '18, r. Nat. ; vin. Eleanor Curtis, June 27, '21, m. Geo. Howe, Nov. 30, '43. Wm. Goodhu, w., Marcy, had Wm., Sep. 29, 1747, at H. Rev. Daniel Gookin, s. of Maj. Gen. G., of Cambdg., grad. J.669, at H. Col. red. A. M., 1673 ; was chosen fellow of H. C, 73, became assistant to the apostle Elliot, in the Indian Mission at Natick, who, in a letter to Hon. Robert (xOULD. 93 Boyle, dated Apl. 22, 1G84, says of him, " He is a pious and learned young man, about thirty-three years old, hath been eight years a fellow of the College ; he hath taught and trained up two classes of young scholars unto their commencement ; he is a man, whose abilities are above exception, though not above envy. His father, with his inclination, advised him to Sherborn. " Mr. Gooking holdeth a lecture in Natick Meeting-house once a month, which many English, especially of Sherborn, do frequent. He first preaches in English to the English audience, and then the same matter is delivered to the Indians, by an in- terpreter, whom, with much pains, Mr. Gooking had fore-prepared." In April, 1681, " The inhabitants of Sherborn being desirous (if God permit) to have one amongst us, to break the bread of life to us and ours, and, especially, the Rev. Mr. Daniel Gooking," applied to him " to be the settled minister of Sher- born." He was not ordained until March 20, 1685. Judge Sewall " went to ye Gathering of ye cbh., at Sherborn, and ordaining Mr. Daniel Gooking their Pastor." He says "but sis brethren — and 3 of the names Mors. — Mr. Wilson, [of Medfield,] Mr. Adams, [of Dedh.,] and Mr. Nathaniel Gooking, of Cambridge, managed the work." Mr. Nathl. Gooking ye younger, in- troduced ye Elder, a happy type of ye calling of ye Jews. Mr. Torrey [Weym.], Brinsmade [Dorchester], Fisk [Braintree], Esterbrooks [Lexington], Man [Wrenth.], Moody [Bos.], Hubbard (alias Hobart,) Neh. [New- ton], Sherman [Watertown], VVoodrop, or Woodruff, [Lancaster], Rawson [Mend.], Wilson, jr., [Medfield] — these, and Fellows of the College. Only Major Gen,, and self, of the Magistrates. Mr. G. made his will, June 12, 1706, and d. Jan. 8, 1717-18, in his 68th yr. The following obituary, pr. fr. his colleague (Mr. Baker), dated Jan. 9, 1717-18, is taken from the Boston News Letter : — " The Rev. Mr. Daniel Gooking, the first pastor of this Church, died yesterday, in the 08th year of his age. He was the eldest son of Honorable Daniel Gooking, Esq., a good scholar and solid Divine ; was many years a fellow of Harvard College, and a Tutor. From his ordination, he continued our minister about 34 years, being dili- gent in his study, tender of his flock, and exemplary in his life. The vicinity of Natick gave him the opportunity of preaching lectures to the Indians there, and, although by great pain and indisposition of body, he was taken off from his work, for some considerable time, (about 7 years), he died lamented." He m. Elizabeth Quincey ; and 2d, Bethiah Collicut, Jly. 21, 1092. i. Daniel, Jly. 7, 1082 ; n. Mary, Oct. 10, '80, m. Tho. Pain, of Newcastle, N H., JuneO, 1712; in. Edmund, Mar. 31, '88, m. Sarah , had at S., Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1710; Mary, Mar. 1, '18-19, and Daniel, Mar. 11, '20-1; iv. Elizabeth, May 20, '90 ; v. Bethia, Oct. 7, '93, d. Mar. 1, '94; vi. Nathaniel, June 5, '95, d. Aug. 9, '95 ; vn. Richard, Jly. 12, '90, m. Feb. 19, 1716-17, Margaret Morse, had Bethiah, Jan. 14, '17-18; Hanh., Dec. 24, '22; Daniel, Jan. 13, '25-6, and Richard also, Jan. 13, '25-6. The descendants of Rev. Mr. G. have been traced by Mr. Thornton, of Bos., to Ded., Haverhill, and Claremount, N. II., Rutland, Vt., and Ohio. 1. Benjamin Gould, w. Elizabeth, had, at II., i. Daniel, Jan 10, 1737-8 ; ii. John, Mar. 12, '45-6. 2. Paul Gould, m. Christian Hill, Dec. 20. 1770, d. Aug. 10, '70; 2d w., Sarah Pike, Feb. 20, '77, and had at H. ; i. Pruda, Nov 12, 71, in. Jesse 94 GOULDING, GRANT, GREENWOOD. Daniels, Oct. 25, '92; n. Olive, Jly. 27, '73; in. Isaiah, Nov. 21, '74; iv. Kutb, June 17, '76. 3. Tho. Gould, w., Huldah, had Dorcas, Oct. 3, 1751 or '7, d. yg., at H. 1. Peter Goulding, w. Jane , had Peter, b. 1GG5, at Boston. Wtyi. Grant, s. of Joshua G. of Watertown, by w. Ann Nevinson, and grd. s. of Joseph, and gr. grd. f. of Christopher G., b. 1608, and an early settler of W. [Bond]; in. Elizth. Marshall, '41 ; had at H. i. Anna, Mar. 7, 1741-2 ; ii. Neverson, Nov. 28, '43, d. Oct. 31, '45; m. Sarah, Nov. 17, '45, who, or a 2d Sarah, m. Ephm. Lettlefield, Esq., of H. ; iv. Nevenson, m. Sarah, had Sally, Oct. 1, 1788, at H., r. Stratton, Vt. 1. Dea. Wm. Greenwood, fr. Newton, settled in S., £ in. S.W. of the Common, where Nathan Grout lives. About 1730 he received the first po- tatoes brought to S., and in testing their esculent qualities, declared that " after freezing and thawing a few times, they would be good." He drew land in Doug. 1730 ; was 24 years Town Clerk ; 6 years selectman, and representative in 1747. He m. Abigail , and had, i. Abigail, June 2, 1716; ii. Dorcas, Jly. 17, '17. 12. 2. in. Wm., Esq., Nov. 4, '21. 8. 3. iv. Caleb, Sep. 9, 24, d. Feb. 4, 1800. 22. 3i. v. Jonas, Apl. 25, 27, d. May 28, 1802 ; vi. Samuel, Mar. 21, '29 ; vn. " John, Dec. 16, '30 ; vm. Daniel, Jly. 22, '32 ; 18. 7. ix. Joseph, June 10, '34 ; x. Abigail, Aug. 10, '37. 3. 8. Caleb, m. Waitstill ; 2d, Jemima (Daniels) Leland. 27. 9. i. Tho., Dec. 7, '50 ; n. Moses, June 9, '53 ; in. Aaron, Nov. 10, '55, m. Anna Learned, '85 ; iv. Ruth, Mar. 13, '57 ; v. Waitstill, June 11, '62 ; vi. Wm., Aug. 24, '66, d. Oct. 12, '74. 2. 12. Wm., Esq., jun., w., Abigail, d. Sep. 9, 1775, r. S., and rm. to Dublin, where he was town clerk, treasr., repres. , schoolmaster, and her first Justice ; was a carpenter, and built the 1st meeting house in D. i. Waitstill, Nov. 17, 1745, at S. ; n. John Death, Sep. 24, '47; in. Daniel, Oct. 1, '49, m. Rebecca Church, of S., May 28, '72, and s. in Dublin ; iv. Eli, Sep. 30, '51 ; v. Elizabeth, Apl. 8, '54, m. Moses Greenwood, '72, fr. Newton, and s. in Dub.; vi. Joshua, Oct. 11, '55; vn. Wm., June 25, '58; vm. Wm., Nov. 6, '60 ; 7. 18. Joseph, w., Sarah Greenwood, fr. Newton, m. 1759, r. S., and Dublin, and rm. to Me. i. Ebenezer, Mar. 4, 1759, d. Jan. 30, 1780, at Dub. ; n. John, Dec. 24, '60 ;,m. Nathl., Nov. 6, '61, at S. 3£. 22. Jonas, w. Sarah. I. Jona., Nov. 12, 1755, m. Sybil , had Alvan, Apl. 3, '81 ; Sybil, bap. Jan. 2, '85, at S. ii. Mary, March 16, '58; in. Bele, Apl. 4, 'GO, m. Mary Babcock, Jly. 10, '83 ; iv. Betty, Jan. 23, '65 ; v. Betty, Aug. 4, '67, m. Ebenr. Greenwood, Aug. 30, '98 ; vi. Reuben, Jan. 9, '70, m. Cate, had i. Betsey, G R U T . G U Y , II A L L , II A It D I N G . 95 Dec. 12, '96; ii. Senica, Jly. 16, '99 ; in. Bela, bp. Sep. C, 1801; iv. Elihu, bp. Sep. 6, '07 ; v. Catherine, bp. Sep. 9, '10; vn. Susanna, June 4, '72 ; vm. Jonas, Jly. 19, '75, m. Polly Stratton, bad, Aaron, b. Oct. 30, '99 ; Sally Stratton, bp. Oct. 13, 11. ix. Acbsab, Dec. 16, '78. 9. 27. Tho. m. Deborah Barbour, Apl. 17, 1777. I. John, bp. Oct, 22, 1786; ii. Oliver, b. Dec. 21, '81; in. Deborah, Mar. 16, '85; iv. Tho., Apl. 27, '87. 28. James Greenwood, m. Patience Leland, dg. of Isaac L., Nov. 13, 1740, and had at H., i. James, June 5, 1741-2, d. Jan. 1G/41--2 ; n. Thankful, May 15, '4- ; in. Patience, June 7, '48 ; iv. James, Dec. 23, '5- ; v. Keziah, Jly. 3, '53. 1- John GrOUt, fr. Sudbury to S., m. Sarah, who d. Aug. 12, 1775 ; and 2d, Elizabeth Chamberlain, Dec. 9, '79. He d. with the dropsy, Mar. 7, '9G, a. 78, had, I. Olive, Aug. 28, 1761 ; n. Royal, Apl. 8, '63 ; in. Bela, Jly. 29, '65, d. Dec. 19, 1800. 2. Elias Grouts, w., Esther, d. Aug. 5, 1795, a. 23; 2d w., Rhoda; had, i. Sophia, Aug. 14, '91 ; n. John, Apl. 10/93 ; in. Esther, Jly. 27, '95; iv. Mary, Nov. 9, '99, by w. Rhoda, and pr. v. Nathan. Abel Guy, m. Rachel Boyden, Aug. 18, 1779, and had at H. i. Alpheus, Nov. 4, '79; ii. Rocity, Aug. 31, '81; in. Sarah, Apl. 24, '84 ; iv. Hannah, Apl. 24, '87. i»i»i Samuel Hall, m. Sarah Johnson, 1755, had at H., i. Abel, Aug. 10, '55 ; ii. Sarah, Ap. 10, '59 ; in. Richard, Sep. 18, '63. 1. Cpt. Robert Harding, of Boston, was admitted freeman, May 18, 1631, a merchant much employed in the public affairs of the town and colony ; and in 1650 returned to London. 2. John Harding was of Dunboro', able to bear arms in 1643. 3. John Harding took the freeman's oath, May 13, 1640, and was acting as a commoner in Weymouth in 1643, d. 1682. Estate inventoried at £167. 4. Joseph Harding, was of Eastham in 1657, whose descendants I have exten- sively traced. He probably went from Plymouth or vicinity that year, and m. Bethiah Cook, at E., Apl. 4, 1660. There is such an identity of names among his descendants, with those of the Hardings, of Plym. and Norf. Cos., as indicates a descent from the same ancestors. 5. Nehemiah Harding, of Braintree, m. Hanh. Neals, 1678 ; had no children recorded. 8. G. John Hardine, of Braintree, 1679. 24. 7. Abraham Harding, " glover," previously of Braintree, became proprietor of Medfield, 1649-'50, and sold 2, (1) 1653 to Tho. Holbrooke his house, barn and 53 acres at B. — Suf. Prob., L. 5, p. 512. It is highly probable that the 1st and 2d John above were the same man, and that Joseph, of East- ham, and Nehemiah, John and Abraham, of Braintree, were his sons. 96 HARDING. 6. 8. John, of Braintree, by w. Hannah, had, i. Susanna, Nov. 28, 1679 ; 13. 9. ii. John, June 1, 1681 ; in. Lydia Dec. 22, '84; iv. Peter, May 29, '87; v. Abigail, May 26, '89 ; vi. Nathaniel, Jan. 9, '92 ; vn. Samuel, Feb. 27, '98. 9. 13. John, m. Mary Littlefield, 1703-'4, at B., settled in Abington, and had, i. Mary, July 25, 1705, m. Isaac Hobart, Apl. 9, '24 ; n. Sarah, Apl. 9, 1707 ; in. Joan, Nov. 19, 1709, m. Ebenz. Spear, Dec. 29, '31 ; iv. llebecca, Jan. 27, 1715-16, m. Samuel Noyes, March 3, '36-7 ; v. Lydia, Aug. 4, '20 ; 15. 14. vi. John, Sept, 3, '23. 14. 15. John, m. Anna , s. in Abington, and had, i. Anna, Dec. 14, 1754 ; ii. John, Feb. 12, '57 ; in. Samuel, March 19, '64; 18. iv. Seth, Aug. 29, '69. 19. Seth Harden, pr. the s. of John, (No. 13,) m. Mehetabel , and a 2d w. and had at Abington, i. Polly, Sept. 8, 1779 ; n. Jacob, July 25, '82 ; in. Nancy, Apl. 2, '85 ; iv. Cushing, now rs. in A. ; v. James S., by 2d w. ; vi. Prescott A., by do. 7. 24. Abraham, r. Braintree, Dedham and Medfield, is presumed to have been the father of 27. 25. I. Abraham, who settled in Medfield. 58. 26. ii. John, who s. do., and d. March 4, 1719-20. * 25. 27. Abraham, d. May 22, 1655, at M. leaving a wid. Elizabeth Adams, who m. John Frary, 1656, had, i. Mary, May 1, 1653 ; and 29. 28. ii. Abraham, Aug. 18, 1655, whom Mr. Frarie brought up and remembered in his will with his 2 children by her, one of whom was the excellent Prudence Frary, the grandmother of Mrs. Joseph Lovell, of Med. 28. 29. Abraham, m. 1st, Marie , and 2d, Sarah , ab. 1695, settled on the old Hartford road, in the S. E. part of Medway, and had, i. Marie, Apl. 25, 1687 ; n. Elizabeth, Jan. 1, '89, d. Apl. 15, 1708. 36. 30. in. Tho., Dec. 7, 1692 ; 40. 31. iv. John, April 6, '94; v. Sarah, Feb. 22, '95-6; vi. Samuel, May 15, '98; vn. Lydia, Dec. 14, 1701; vin. Isaac, Feb. 1G, 1705-6; ix. Elizabeth, July 25, 1708 ; x. Joseph, March 22, 1710-11, of 2d parish, Wrent., 1769 ; xi. ? Abraham, who Aug. 20, 1754, gave half his house and land in Med. to his son Abraham. He had a s. Job, then d. 30. 36. Tho. m., settled in E. Medway, and had 76. 37. i. Joshua, who m. Clark, and s. in Sturbridge; 83. 38. ii. Elijah, who settled at Sturbridge ; 39. in. Tho., who. m. Susannab Cummings, and s. in Med. and probably others. 31. 40. John, m. Thankful Bullard, dg. of John B. of Med. by w. Abigail Leland, dg. of Hopestill L., by w. Abigail Hill, and grd. dg. of Henry L., by w. Margaret Babcock, and gr. grd. dg. of Hopestill L. of Weymouth, b. 1580; r. E. Med., had 42. 41. i. John, Jan. 20, 1723-4, d. Sept. 7, 1809, m. Kezia Pond; n Abigail, Sept. 22, 1726, m. Nathan Fiske, of Med., Feb. 7, '44-45 ; tit. Thankful, HARDING. 97 Dec. 17, 1735, m. James Boyden, Dec. 3, '55 ; iv. Mercy, Dec. 9, 1735 ; m. Seth Patridge, of Wrentk , Oct. 9, '60. 41. 42. John, left the ancient homestead in E. Med. and settled on the W. side of Chicken Brook, in W. Med., ab. 1-3 m. S. of the upper depot in Holl., m. Kezia Pond from Wrentb. and had, I. Kezia; n. Hannah, m. David Leland. 45. 43. in. Abijab, Capt., d. Feb. 17, 1826 ; iv. Mary, m. Jeremiah Leland, of H. 52. 44. v. John, Capt.. d. March 11, 1833 ; vi. Alpheus, pr., d. young. 43. 45. Abijab, m. Sybil Adams, of Med., who d. Feb.. 6, 1813, a. 60. He m. 2d, Mary Smith, March 3, 1814. He settled in Barre, and was a substantial and respected citizen. He had, i. Keziah, Feb. 10, 1771, at Med., m. Luke Adams, and 2d, Josiah Allen, '94 ; n. Sybil, m. Joseph Broad ; 46. in. Alpheus, Rev. A. M., Jan. 19, 1780, m. Sarah Bridge, Oct. 10, 1808, settled as pastor of the Congl. Chh. in New Salem, where he has for a long period sustained this relation and shared the high esteem of bis people, and that of an extensive acquaintance abroad. He had i. Martha S., "July 1, 1813, m. Rev. Azarelah Morse Bridge, of Norton, July 31, '38, and d. May 21, '41, leaving Fred. H, b. Sept. 1, '39 ; ii. Josiah Bridge, July 11, 1816, m. Sarah S. Proctor, Aug. 12, '39, r. Como, 111., had 1. Chs. P., Sept. 12, 1840, at N. Salem; 2. Geo. W., May 2, '42, at do. ; 3. Alpheus, July 25, '44, at Como ; 4. Arthur A., July 9, '47; in. Alpheus, Jan. 12, '18, d. yg. iv. Rhoda, who m. Hubbard Parker; v. Abijah, who m. Mary Shattuck, March 19, 1807; vi. Oliver, b. 1774, d. Oct. 22, 1843, m. Elizabeth Browning, and had Sybil, who m. Luke Adams, '38, had Austin F., '40 ; 50. vn. John, who settled in Vt. ; vin. Silas, who m. Polly Barrett, and d. at N. Salem. He had i. Eliza B., March 29, 1821 ; m. Gustavus Atwood, and has Eliza J., and Chs. F. ; ii. Mary Ann, Jan. 12, 1825, m. Hugh Henry, '44; ix. Tho., who was deformed, and d. unm. 44. 52. John, Capt., m. Beulah Metcalf, b. March 26, 1762, d. March 20, 1839, dg. of Judge Steph. M., of Bell., inherited bis father's farm in Med. He was a very amiable man, a good neighbor, an upright and useful citizen. He had, i. Hephzibah, March 7, 1785, m. Alexr. Leland, of Hoi. 53. n. Alpheus, Apl. 20/89, m. Abigl.Chamberlain, had only Hephzibah L., 1813. in. Beulah, July 23, '90, m. Lemuel Littlefield, of H. ; it. Sewall, Rev., A. M., b. March 20, '93, grad. at Union Col. 1818, studied Theology with Rev. Dr. Emmons and Rev. Dr. Ide, was ord. Jan. 17, 1821 as 1st pastor of the Orthodox Congl. Chh. in Waltham, of which he is to be regarded as the father. In Nov., 1837, he was dismissed from this charge and installed over the 1st Chh. in his native town. After a suc- cessful ministry here of 13 ys., he was appointed secretary of the Cong'l Board of Publication, in the establishment of which he had been a prominent and efficient agent. This organization is wisely calculated to preserve the ancient landmarks of the churches, and promote the " faith once delivered to the saints." From this station, Mr. H., through the publications of the Board, is now speaking to the churches, not only in America, but in foreign lands, and will do so to coming generations. To him has been granted the privilege of consecrating children of his household to public service in that of the Lord. May bo abide to reap an abundant reward from a knowledge of 13 98 HARDING. their usefulness. Ho m. Eliza Wheeler, dg. of Capt. Lewis and Betsey (Richardson) TV. of Med., and had i. John TV., Rev., A. M., Oct. 12, 1821, grad. at Yale Col. 1845, and at Theo. Sem., Ando., 1848 ; ord. pas. of the ancient Cong'l chh. at Longmeadow, Jan. 1, 1850, with every prospect of an efficient min- istry. He m. Mehetabel Lane, has Wm. C., b. '54. ii. Sewall B., Dec. 25, 1828, d. Sept. 19, '34; in. Eliza Mercy, Dec. 24, 1826, m. Rev. Augustus Walker, A. M., rs. as a miss'y at Diarbekir, W. Asia, has Sewall H. Among other heavy trials since her arrival in Asia, Mrs. TV. and husband have been in perils among robbers, un- equalled in the history of modern missions. Of her cheerful endurance and entire consecration ; of her presence of mind, disinterested affection, and more than heroic fortitude, see Puritan Recorder for July 13, 1854. iv. George L., Jan. 9, '30 ; v. Wm. Greenough, Aug/5, '34 ; vi. Harriot B., Sept. 15, '36. 26. 58. John, Dea., m. Nov. 26, 1665, Hannah Wood, dg. of Nicholas W., of Bogistow, now Sherborn, who d. Feb. 23, 1667--8. He m. 2d Elizabeth Adams, b. 11, (9) 1649, m. Dec. 16, 1668, dg. of Lt. Henry A. of Medf., and had at M., i. Hannah, Feb. 13, 1666-7, d. 26, (3) '67 ; ii. Abraham, Feb. 6, 1667-8, d. Apl. 5, '70 ; in. John, Sept. 11, 1669, d. May 16, '70; iv. John, Feb. 21, '70-1, d. 8, (4), '72 ; 62. 59. v. Henrie, June 7, '73 ; 63. 60. vi. Ichabod, Nov. 23, '75, d. Feb. 2, 1729-30 ; vn. Elizabeth, Dec. 2, '78 : vm. Marie, June 22, '81, d. Jan. 12, '82 ; 66. 61. ix. Abraham, Dec. 27, 1683, d. May 4, 1741; x. Hannah, Oct. 16, '86, d. Jan. 13, 1717-18 ; xi. John, Sept, 23, '91, d. Jan. 16, '92-3 ; 59. 62. Henrie, m. Marie Allen, of Medfd., July 7, 1698, who d. Aug. 18, 1723. He had at M., i. John, Nov. 14, 1699, d. Dec. 4, '99 ; ii. Mary, May 11, 1701, d. June 11, '13; in. Abigail, cl. June 13, 1713. 60. 63. Ichabod, m. Abigail Barbour, fr. Milton, 1699, and had at Medfield, i. John, d. Jan. 10, 1703; n. John, 1704; in. Benoni, Apl. 25, 1707. 61. 66. Abraham, jun., Capt., m. Mary Smith, 1706, who d. Jan. 22, 1748-9. He had, 73. 67. i. Moses, Dec. 23, 1707; n. Mary ; in. Elisha, Apl. 11, 1711 ; iv. John, April 19, 1713 ; v. Caleb, Nov. 26, '14 ; vi. Stephen, May 26, '17, d. July 29, '17 ; vn. Simon, Apl. 11, '19, m. Patience, who d. '51, 2d Mary Gardner, '52 ; vm. Olive, Sept. 4, '22 ; ix. Jabez, June 28, '26, d. Feb., 1800, m. 1754, Miriam Wells, b. May 4, 1735, d. 1820-5, and settled at Sturbridge, where he had i. Stephen ; II. Jabez ; in. Amy, who m. Ebenr. Morse, of Sturb. 67. 73. Moses, m. Mary Bullard, dg. of John B., by w. Abigail Leland, settled in Medfd., and had i. Abigail, April 4, 1736 ; n. Nathan, May 1, '38 ; in. Henry, June 5, '40. 37. 36. Josiah, m. Clark, and 2d, Jemima Corbin, from Woodstock, Ct., and had at Sturbridge, i. Hannah, who m. Hemingway ; n. Sarah, m. Shumway; in. Joshua, m. Jemima Fiske ; iv. Juda, m. Timothy HARRINGTON, HART, HARRIS, HAVEN, HAWES. 99 Chamberlain ; v. Tryphena, m. Reuben Marsh; vi. Jemima, by 2d w., m. Moses Clark ; vn. Tryphosa, m. Doct. Abel Howard ; 79. 78. vni. Ralph, m. Azuba Goodell, 2d Nancy Goodell, r. Sturb, ; ix. Louis d. yg. 78. 79. Ealpb, by w. Azuba Goodell, had at S., i. Calvin, Feb. 19, 1798, m. Lydia Jackson ; n. Palmer, Dec. 23, '99, m. Bathsheba Wood, r. St. in. Nancy, Oct. 4, 1801 ; iv. Stillman, Nov. 26, 1803, drowned Aug. 9, '19; v. Dwight, Apl. 27, '07, m. Holbrook, and rm. with the Mormons. 37. 83. Elijah had at Sturbridge, i. Sarah ; n. Deborah ; in. Elijah, who d. at the S. ; iv. Lyman, a distinguished lawyer, d. at Natchez'; v. Nathan, m. Marsh, had Newell, Deb., &c. Seth Harding, pr. s. of Abraham, the br. of Job. and cous. of Capt. John, m. Mary Learned, r. Bent st., Med., had, i. Mary Ann, d. um. ; ii. Abigail, m. Wm. Patridge, 2d Clark P. ; in. Mary, m. Clark P. ; iv. Sarah A., m. Edw. Eaton ; v. Abraham S., rs. Med., m. Harriet L. Clark ; vi. Adaliza, m. Francis W. Clark ; vn. Edw. L., rs. Raleigh, N. C vni. Harriet M., m. Dea. Tim. Daniels, of H., 1853. Joshua Harrington, w. Mary, had at H., i. Hanb., July 9, 1756; ii. Noah, Feb. 1, '60. Wm, Hart, fr. Dedham, w. Mary, d. May 15, 1802, a. 59, had at S., i. Fisher, Nov. 6, 1783; n. Wm., jun., pr. who m. Miriam Breck, Ap. 22, '92, and had Betsey, June 1, '93. Willard Hart, m. Deborah Sanger, Nov. 7, 1793, had Ede, June 3, '94, at S. ErastUS Harris, w. Rebecca, had at H., Hanh., Ap. 7, 1754. 1. John Haven, w. Mary, had at H., i. Anna, Oct. 1, 1737. 3. 2. n. Jesse, Feb. 20, '44-5 ; in. Sarah, Dec. 17, '50. 2. 3. Jesse Haven, Dea., was an excellent citizen, chosen Dea., May 1, 1789, was T. clerk 1 y. and selectman 6 yrs., m. Catherine Marsh, June 3, 1767 ; i. Anna, Feb. 17, '68, at H. ; n. John, Mar. 9, '74 ; in. Mary, June 6, '76; iv. Jesse, May 1, '79 ; v. Elisha, Ap. 16, '82. 4. Wm. Haven, m. Miriam Hemenway, March 31, 1774, and had at H. i. Joseph. 5. Luther Haven, w. Experience, had at H., Clarissa, Feb. 25, '98. ZacheUS Hawes, w. Mary, had at S., Ichabod, July 22, 17G7. Benj. Hawes, m. Sarah Leland, bad at S., i. Olive, Ap. 29, '80; ii. Sarah, Oct. 28, '83 ; in. Amos, June 16, '94. 100 HAYES, HAYWARD, IIEMENWAY, HERO, HILL. Daniel Hawes, w. Jemima, had at S., i. Carlos, Oct. 10, 1796 ; ii. Jemima, Feb. 25, '98 ; in. Silas Metcalf Mann, May 27, '99. Jeremiah R. Hawes, b. 1808, s. of Samuel H. (b. 1775, at Dorchr.) by w. Hannah Stratton, dg. of Daniel S., of Natick, m. Nancy Whiting, b. 1815, dg. of Nathaniel, of Amherst, N. H., and had at S. i. Alfred; n. Asa Claris; in. Edw. ; iv. Willard. Elisha Hayes, w. Sarah, had Sophia Gardner, June 4, 1799, at S. Nathan Hayward, or Howard, (p. fr. Med.,) m. Cynthia Daniels, 1782, and had at H, i. Phebe, Sep. 13, 1782; n. Zeanas, Jan. 27, '84; in. Hannah and Huldah, Sep. 16, '85 ; iv. Cephas, May 9, '87. Ezekiel Hayward, w. Hanh., had at H, Joel, Dec. 22, 1779. 1. Joshua Hemenway, m. Anna Twitchell, Feb. 23, 1749, had at H., i. Miriam, Dec. 24, 1749; n. John, March 10, '52; in. Anne, Jan. 25, '54, d. '59 ; iv. Joshua, Dec. 22, '55 ; v. Hanh., June 11, '58 ; vi. Anna, March 6, '60; vn. Rhoda, June 15, '62; vin. Joseph, June 8, '64 ; ix. Lydia, June 20, 1766 ; x. Asa, Aug. 27, '68 ; xi. Ezra, June 24, '74. 2. Josiah Hemenway, w. Zerviah Mellen, 2d w. Mary, had at H, i. Abigail, Sep. 18, 1761, d. '66; n. Josiah, May 16, '63 ; in. Sarah, Nov. 26, '65. tv. Abigail, March 7, 1767 ; v. Daniel, Oct. 27, '68, m. Mary , had i. Nathan, Dec. 8, '95 ; n. Lovet, May 28, '97 ; in. Daniel, Nov. 15, '98. vi Wm, Mellen, Jan. 25, '71 ; vi. Mary, Jan. 25, '73 ; vn. James, Sep. 16, '74; vin. Eliphalet, Feb. 6, '76; ix. Zerviah, Dec. 18, '77; x. Elihu, Jan. 1, '79; xi. Josiah, March 15, '80; xn. Zerviah, Nov. 8, '82 ; xin. Sarah, (by w. Mary,) May 5, '86 ; xiv. James, Nov. 17,, '89. 1 *tm * John Hero, w. Hannah , had Aaron, Aug. 11, 1794, at H. — Hill. So many of this name early settled in N. Eng. as to make every part of it a Hilly country. 1. John Hill, a blacksmith, seems to have been one of the early settlers of Plymouth Colony, for in 1632 he was named among those to whom Gov. Bradford offered to give a dismission. He was in Dorchester in 1633, be- came a member of the Boston Artillery Co., and d. 1664. His wife was Frances , and his children 6. 2. i. John, d. at Sherborn, Jan. 23, 1717-18, leaving a wid., Elizabeth, who d. Dec. 1, 1719 ; n. Frances, who m. Austin, and rm. to Taunton, 1675; in. Jona., who removed to Bridgewater; iv. Mary, who m. Tho. Breck, 12 (12), 1656, and rm. to Sherborn; v. Samuel, b. 1640, at Dor- chester ; vi. Hannah, b. 1641, m. Fisher, and in 1671 rm. to Taunton. vn. Mercy, b. 1642, and probably ; vin. Ebenezer, who sold land in Dorch., 1675. M • 2. 6. John, in. Hannah , s. in S. part of Sherborn, on W. bank of Charles R., about half a mile N. of Bogistow pond, and between his brother-in-law, Breck, and Tho. Holbrook, signed petitions for the incorporation of S., in 1662 and 1674, and was assessed the highest among the proprietors of S. to extinguish Indian claims, in 1686. He drew many lots of the public lands in S. and Douglas, gave his children a deed of his proprietary in S., Sep. 16, 1715, yet drew 32^! acres in Doug., pr. Oct. 1715, and d. prior to March 20, 1717--18. He^had by w. Hannah , who d. Nov., 1690 ; 11. 7. i. Samuel, b. pr. at Dorchester, who m. Hannah Twitchell, and s. in Med. ii. Abigail, Feb. 2, 1658, m. Jan. 1, 1712-13, James Adams, 15. 8. in. John, Feb. 2, 1661, d. May 23, 1738, leaving a wid., Rebecca, who d. Feb. 17, 1738--9 ; iv. Maria, Oct. 28, '62, d. yg. 19. 9. v. Eleazer, June 29, '64, drew land in S., 1696, and d. prior to 1730. 22. 10. vi. Ebenezer, but not recorded. 7. 11. Samuel, w. Hanh. Twitchell, m. Nov. 4, 1679, dg. pr. of Benj. T., of » Medf'ld, r. Medfield, now Med., near S.W. corner of Sherborn, and had, i. Samuel. Nov. 18, 1680, at S., d. Dee. 30, '80. 29. 12. ii. Samuel, March 29, 1682, in. Rachel Adams, March 29, 1705 ; in. Sarah, March 7, 84. 39. 13. iv. Ephraim, Nov. 5, '88, the first planter of Douglas. 41. 14. v. Jona., Nov. 6, '91 ; vi. Maria, July 15, '96; vn. Hanh., 21 (1), **; vin. Dorothy, Jly. 18, '98 ; ix. Lydia, May 8, 1701 ; x. Rachel, Dec. 12, '03. 8. 15. John, as jun., drew 36^ acres at Doug., 1715, and 58 do. in 1730, which his son Samuel sold to Ralph Shepard, of Stoughton, 1754 ; m. Hannah Rocket, who d. Feb. 7, 1729-30, dg. of Dea. Samuel R., of Medfd., in- herited the homestead of his father in S., had, 33. 16. i. John, m. Ruth ; n. Aaron, settled in Wrentham, a blacksmith, sold 58 acres in Douglas, to Samuel Hill, 1744-5 ; in. Hannah, Aug. 9, 1702, m. Wm. Mann, of Wrenth. ; iv. Sarah, Nov. 11, 1705, m. Samuel Morse, of W., a blacksmith. 43. 18. v. Samuel, Aug. 11, 1710, d. prior to 1771. vi. James, March 3, '11-12, d. yg., May 11, '29. 9. 19. Eleazer, first assessed, 1684, at S., drew lands in Doug., 1715, and' in 1730, 43 acres were drawn there in his right, m. Sarah , d. July 6, 1699, r. S., had, 44. 20. i. Eleazer, Jan. 1, 1688 ; ii. Sarah, Nov. 30, '90. 49. 21. in. Solomon, Dec. 27, '91. 10. 22. Ebenezer, w. Mary , 2d w., Sarah . s. in S., was rated for the Indian title with his father, 1686, and early drew lands in S. In 1715, he drew 192^ acres in Doug., and after the proprietors of 4000 acres at D., had voted to accept a charge of £10 for the survey of the same, " Old Mr. Ebenr. Hill appeared, his lot falling well, and freely undertook to satisfy the Committee and Surveyor." He had at S., 51. 23. i. Ebenr., March 2, 1692, drew land in Douglas, as E., jun., 1715 and 1730. 55. 24. ii. Nathl., Dee. 25, '93, drew 461 acres at D., and d. at S., Mar. 10, V4. 57. 25. in. David, June 1, '94, drew 42 do., in 1730 at D. 60. 20. iv. Moses, Mar. 30, '99, by 2d w.. drew 36, do., at D., in 1730, in the right of Tho. Jones, 46 do. more. 62. 27. v. Joseph, Apl. 1, 1701. 102 HILL. 63. 28. vi. Isaac, Feb. 28, '03-4 ; vn. Lydia, Nov. 30, '06 ; vni. Judith, June 3, '10, m. Benj. Bullard, of S., 1727. 12. 29. Samuel, w. Rachel Adams, r. Med. 64. 30. i. Samuel, Jan. 12, 1706-7. 69. 31. ii. Joshua, Feb. 27, '08-9; ra. Kachel, March 26, '11, m. Malachi Bul- lard, 1731 ; iv. Experience, Oct. 7, '13. 74. 32. v. Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 16. 16. 33. John, w. Ruth . 79. 34. I. James, Aug. 13, 1734, d. Jan. 9, 1810, m. Grace Jones, from Acton. 84. 35. ii. Caleb, Aug. 17, '36 ; in. Ruth, Ap. 22, '39, m. Cheney, had Ruth; iv. Hanh., Oct. 16, '41, m. Asa P. Richardson, of Med ; v. Ebenr., July 8, '44, removed to Dulin, N. H. ; vi. Abigail, Feb. 4, '46, m. Isaiah Daniels, of Med. 89. 37. vn. John, Apl. 28, '50, d. Dec. 15, 1811, in N. part of S. ; vni. pr. Solomon. 13. 39. Ephraim, drew 20 acres in Douglas, in 1730, in consideration of his being the 1st settled inhabitant, m. Hannah Sheffield, June 15, 1715, r. Med. and Douglas; i. Caleb, May 23, 1716; n. Elizabeth, June 10, '19; in. Hannah, Feb. 4, 1725, at Holl. 14. 41. Jona., w. Hannah, r. Medway ; 93. 42. i. Jona., Dec. 7, 1723 ; n. Sarah, May 27, '28 ; in. Loas, May 17, '31. 18. 43. Samuel, w. Elizabeth, who m. 2d Joseph Daniels, of Needham, Nov. 27, 1771. Samuel settled in S. as a housewright, and had, i. Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1739 ; ii. Sarah, Aug. 24, '41 ; in. Mary, May 7, '44 ; iv. Ede, Feb. 22, '47-8 ; v. Hannah, Nov. 23, '52 ; vi. Martha, Jan. 1, '55, m. Isaac Bullard, of Holl., May 22, 1783. 20. 44. Eleazer, " Dr.," w. Rebecca Richardson, m. Aug. 18, 1172. He as E., jun., drew 53 acres in Douglas in 1715 and '30, r. S. had 98. 45. i. Asa, Feb. 20, 1712-13.? 101. 46. ii. Wm., June 23, '15 ; in. Joseph, Aug. 23, '18 ; iv. Rebecca, Mar. 6, '21-22, m. Joseph Cousins, of H., and 2d Patrick ' Shays, Oct. 30, 1765, the father of Daniel, the Rebel; v. Elizabeth, Jan. 30, '23-24; vi. Ruth, Feb. 26, '26-7; vn. Daniel, Feb. 22, '32-3, d. Sept. 16,? '35. 21. 49. Solomon, w. Mary. He drew 33 acres in Doug., 1715 and '30, r. S. had i. Sarah, July 3, 1715 ; n. Joanna, Nov. 13, '20 ; 130. 50. in. Jona., Dec. 25, '25 ; iv. Mary, July 8, '29 ; v. Kezia, Apl. 13, '32 ; vi. Zervia, April 13, '32. 23. 51. Ebenezer, w. Mary, r. S. had, i. Hannah, Oct. 13, 1712 ; n. Asa, Feb. 20, '12-13?; in. Seth, Feb. 28, '16-17; iv. Ebenezer. 24. 55. Nathaniel, w. Elizabeth Phips, m. May 20, 1719, d. Oct. 5, '73, 2d w. Hannah Haven, m. Mar. 13, 1766, and had at S., i. Abigail, Aug. 26, '26 ; d. Dec. 12, ? '26 ; 109. 56. ii. Moses, Apl. 26, '28. 25. 57. David, w. Sarah, r. Holl., had 104.58. i. John Sept. 16, 1717; n. Isaac, Aug. 11, '20; in. Mary, July 12, '24 ; iv. Huldah, Sept. 13, '27. HILL W>1 26. 60. Moses, w. Hannah Hill, m. June 27. 1720, r. Holl., had 10G. 61. i. Moses, May, 10, 1730 ; n. Mary, Feb. 14, '33. 27. G2. Joseph, w. Huldah , s. near Bell'h'm, established a tavern on the old Hartford road, and a blacksmith's shop where the late Job Partridge r., then H., now Med., and had, I. Bathsheba, May 24, 1744, m. Nathan Bullard, '60, of Holl. ; ii. Huldah, Oct. 7, '48 ; in. Hannah, Oct.7, '48. A Joseph, by w. Phebe, had David, March 20, '62, and by w. Elizabeth, had Phebe, Feb. 27, '66, at H., and by w. Hannah, had Aaron, Apl. 27, '52, at S. 28. 63. Isaac, w. Lydia Whitney, r. N. E. part of Holl., had 125. 63^. t. Jona., March 8, 1745, m. Kezia Daniels, who inherited the farm at Deaths' Bridge, and sold to Henry Death, and rm. N. Y. ; n. Isaac, d. yg. ; 117. 63^. in. Whitney, May 13, '48, s. near E. Holl. depot; iv. Dorotha, Oct. 18, '40, d. urn. ; v. Lydia, m. Fisher, of Dub. ; vi. Susanna, m. James Whitney, of S. 30. 64. Samuel, w. Mary, r. Med., had, i. Mary, Feb. 15, 1733-4 ; n. Samuel, May 10, '36, m. Abigail , had Samuel, Dec. 5, 1767, in Med. ; in. Simon, July 17, '38, m. Prudence , had 1. Simon, Aug. 6, '62 ; 2. Prudence, Feb. 5, '74 ; 115. 67. iv. Timothy, Dec. 1G, '40 ; v. Keziah, Feb. 3, '42-3 ; vi. Miriam, Feb. 27, '45-6 ; vn. Moses, Jan. 25, '48. 31. 60. Joshua, w. Mary, r. Holl., had, i. Nathan, March 31, 1737 ; n. Lois, Nov. 17, '30 ; in. Silas, June 15, '41 ; iv. Joshua, June 13, '43 ; v. Mary, March 21, '48, m. John Fisk ; vi. Simon, Sept. 8, '50. 32. 74. Ebenezer, w. Bethia ; i. Eber., b. 1744, d. 1834, m. Esther Pratt, June 19, '1771, r. S., had 1. Asahel, March 22, '72, at S., rm. to Dublin ; ii. Moses, Apl. 18, '46 ; in. Aaron, Apl. 18, '46 ; iv. Elijah, May 22, ? '45 ; v. Josos or Jasor, May 24, '48. 34. 70. James, w. Grace Jones, fr. Acton, m. July 5, 1758, r. S., had i. Lois, Feb. 9, 1761, m. Amos Fisher, of Fram. ; 118. 80. ii. Samuel, June 24, '63 ; in. Eunice, Dec. 17, '65 ; 119. 81. iv. James, March 1, '68, m. Abial Nason, 2d, Patty Adams; v. Grace-, March 25, '70 ; vi. Josiah, May 23, '72, m. 2d, Morey, r. Walpole, and had Lydia and Catherine ; vn. Hannah, Apl. 28, '74 ; vni. Martha ; 01. 83. ix. Elijah. May 12, '77, m. Jan. 17, 1810, Catherine Sawyer, 2d Carley. 35. 84. Caleb, w. Hannah (Fisk) Fairbank, rn. March 17, 1762, r. S., had i. Rhoda, Jan. 23, 1763, m. Simeon Leland, Sept. 27, '81 ; n. David, July 13, '65, d. in Medf'd; in. Aaron, Apl. 11, '67, s. in Worces. Co.; iv. Abigail, Apl. 26, '60 ; v. John, Nov. 21, '71, bap. Nov. 24, '71, rm. Ohio ; vi. Lavinia, Oct. 3, '73 ; vn. Elijah, May 10, '75, pr. d. yg. ; vni. Timothy, March 3, '78, rm. to N. Wrentham. 37. 80. John was a serg. in the revolutionary army at W. Point, 1778, resided 9 ys. with Rev. Mr. Bucknum, of Med., w. Caturah Smith, fr. Walpole, s. on the S. side of Chestnut Brook, 30 rods fr. Natick line on a farm bought of Isacc Russell, and had i. Cate, May 15, '1794, m. Dea. Aaron Coolidge, of S. ; ii. John, Dec. 23, '95, m. Rebecca Rugg, fr. Leominster, r. Sangerville, Me. 104 HILL. in. Amos, Capt., Apl. 16, '98, m. Abigail Bowker, fr. Hopk., b. June 19, 1805, m. '30, inherits the homestead, has i. Isaac N., m. Abby Ramsdell; ir. Mary E. 83. 91. Elijah, m. Catherine Sawyer, 2d, Carley, had at S. ; T.Jones; n. Addison, m. Hannah H. Wentworth, dg. of Isaac TV., fr. Canton, via Newton, by w. Mary Hunting, and had at S. i. Lucy Mason ; it. Mary Elizabeth ; in. Anne. 42. 93. Jona., w. Rebecca , r. Med., had, i. Moses, Oct. 28, 1746-7 ; ii. Theodore, Aug. 27, '48 ; in. Lois, Sept. 9, '50 ; iv. Sarah, July 6, '53 ; v. Aaron, Nov. 1, '55 ; vi. Jesse, May 26, '58. 45. 98. Asa, w. Sarah, r. Sh., had i. Sarah, Aug. 21, 1736, d. Sep. 2, 1740 ; ii. Asa, Sep. 3, '37 ; in. Olive, June 8, '39 ; iv. Sarah, Jan. 29, '40-41 ; v. Martha, Apl. 29, '42 ; vi. Daniel, Apl. 19, '44 ; vn. Sarah, May 6, '49, d. Nov. 8, '44 ; vm. Tabitha, May 8, '51. 46. 101. Win. w. Joanna Sawin, m. Feb. 19, 1740, r. S., had i. Susanna, Jan. 26, 1741-2, d. yg. ; n. Miriam, Feb. 14, '43-4 ; in. Zedakiah, Oct. 4, '46 ; iv. Jesse, Nov. 15, 49; ivi. Susanna, b. ab. 1756, m. James Whitney of S., 1780. She of H. ; v. Joanna, Jly. 17, '5-. 58. 104. John, w. Thankful, r. Holl, had i. David, May 19, 1745 ; n. Sarah, Mar. 6, '46-7 ; in. David, Apl. 27, '49 ; iv. Mercy, Feb. 29, '53. 61. 106. Moses, w. Christian, r. Holl, had i. Jemima, Jly. 8, 1755; n. Chris- tian, Jan.- 22, '53; in. Moses, Jly. 9, '57 ; iv. Abner. Mar. 25, '60, d. '61 ; v. Uriah, Oct. 27, '62. 56. 109. Moses, w. Abigail, r. S., had i. Mary, Sep. 15, 1749; n. Elizabeth, Mar. 26, '51, m. Caleb Leland, jun., May 19, '74; in. Mercy, Oct. 29, '53 ; iv. Moses, Aug. 24, '55, had Elizabeth Clark, bap. May 10, '78 ; v. Jesse, Aug. 17, '57, m. Keziah Brick, May 14, '78, had Keziah, Sep. 8, '79, and rm. to Gardner ; vi. Nathl., Jly. 3, '60 ; vn. Bezeleel, Sep. 17, '63 ; vm. Silvanus, Jly. 10, '65. 67. 115. Timothy, w. Mary Bullard, dg. of Henry B., of Med., r. S. and H. i. Timothy, July 24, 1767; n. Jemima, Feb. 15, 1772; in. Mary, Jan. 4, '75 ; iv. Henry. Jan. 26, '85, d. Feb. 8, '86 ; v. Clary, Nov. 13, '89, bp. Jan. 3, '90. 63£. 117. Whitney, w. Rachel Daniels, b. Apl. 29, 1754, m. Aug. 5, 1773, and d. Sep. 7, 1850, retaining a good recollection. She was the daughter of Tim. D., of S., by w. Ruth Leland, and grd. dg. of Saml. D., by w. Expe. Adams, and gr. grd. dg. of Joseph, of Medfd., and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Jo., of M., by w. Mary Fairbanks, i. Hannah, May 22, 1774, m. Nathan Penneman, of Bell., Oct. 18, '98; n. Lona, June 20, '76, m. John Clemens, of Hopk. ; in. Arnold, Sep. 4, '78, m. Lavina Smith, fr. Bell., r. Hubbardton, Vt. ; iv. Rachel, bp. Aug. 19, '81, m. Elijah Thayer, of Mend. ; v. Daniels, May 19, '84, m. Mary Leland ; vi. Betsey, Oct. 25, '86, m. James Leland, of H. ; vn. Calvin, Mar. 14, '92, m. Elona Wiswell. HISCOCK, HOOKER. 105 80. 118. Samuel, w. Mary Patridge, m. May 15, 1791; 2d w. Lydia Pratt, m. Apl. 8, 1802. i. Anne, Dec. 29, 1792, m. Amos Nichols, of Me. ; ii. Chs., Sep. 27, '9G, m. Nancy Jones, dg. of Simson J., of Med., by w. Abigail Hammond, and inherits the ancient homestead; in. Patridge, bp. Oct. 9, 1803, m. Phebe Whitney, had r. Chs., m. Martha Cooledge, r. Newton; n. Lydia P., m. Elbridge M. Bickford. 81. 119. James, m. Sep. 5, 1792, Abial Nason, purchased Jonas Fisk's farm, 2d w., Patty Adams, m. Nov. 21, 1811, dg. of Wm. A., of Sh., and b. Dec. 26, '8-1, r. S., had 120. i. Lewis, bapd. Dec. 12, 1795, d. yg. ; 129. 122. ii. James Nason, Oct. 25, 1812, m. Jano Whitney ; in. Persis, Apl. 7, 1820, who m. Moses Babcock, of Sh. 11G. 123. Timothy, w. Olive Mason, r. S. and Holl, i. Cretia, Nov. 3, 1794, m. Preston Metcalf, of Frank. ; n. Harris, Apl. 25, '97 ; 124. in. Henry, Apl. 27, '99, and others at Holl. 63^. 125. Jona., m. Keziah Daniels, fr. Med., r. where late John Death did, in Ashl., and sold the S. half of the ancient Holbrook Farm, at Death's Bridge, in S., which had been assigned to her as the heir of Sam. Holbrook, by whom she had been brought up. I. Isaac, June 23, 1774; n. Chas., Feb. 19, '77 ; in. Lydia, Jly. 17, '79, m. Clayes, fr. Fram. ; iv. Chloe, Dec. 7, 'SI ; v. Lemuel, Nov. 10, '84 ; vi. Kezia. 122. 129. James inherits the homestead, a part of the original Hill Farm, and by w. Jane Whitney, m. 1835, has George A., James Whitney and Elizabeth. 50.? 130. Jona., by w. Mercy, had at Med., Silence, Jan. 16, 1752. 131. Jona., perhaps id. as 125, m. Kezia , and had at Med., Reuben, who m. Rebecca, and had at H., David, Oct. 11, 1798. Moses HiscOCk, m. Mary Hemingway, 1789, and had in H. i. Abigail, Oct. 24, '89; ii. Polly, Feb. 21, '97. Zibeon Hooker, (b. in Medfield, son of Wm. H.), w. Sarah Barbour, r. S., had, i. Zibeon, m. Mary Stearns, d. Feb. 26, 1832, fr. Hopk., had, I. Hiram, 1805, r. Cambridgeport ; n. Mary Ann, 1806, m. Jacob Pratt; in. Geo. B., b. Apl. 17, 1808, m. Hanh. Kimball, r. S. ; iv. Laura, 1809, m. Tho. Gould, r. Nat.; v. Sybil, 1811, m. David Daniels, r. S. ; VI. Harrison Gr. O., 1812, m. Mira Whitney, r. H. ; vii. Zibeon, 1814, d. urn. '30; vm. Oliver B., 1816, r. New York; ix. David Stearns, 1818 ; x. Hannah T. 1819, m. Aaron Weeks, r. 111. ; xi. Harlow, 1S24, m. Sophronia Travis ; xn. Thankful W., 1826, d. urn. ; xm. Sarah E., 1829, m. Lucius Cook, r. Frank. ii. Etsey, m. Chs. Bemis; in. Adolphus, r. Canada; iv. Brayton, d. in Newton, um. ; v. Harlow, r. Milton, d. without issue ; vi. Sarah, m. Wm. Heard, r. Newton and Fram. ; vn. Geo., m. and r. Newton and Bridge- water, and Newark, N. J. ; viir. Charlotte, m. Silas Warren, rs. Boston ; ix. Adeline, m. Oliver Hill, r. Newton ; x. Laura, d. um. 14 106 HOOKER, HOUGHTON, HUNT, HUNTING Wm. Hooker, m. Sarah Ilolbrook, had at S., i. Alone, Aug. 17, 1786. Zibeon Hooker, m. Sarah Barbour, 1779, had at S., i. Zibeon, Ap. 6, '80 ; ii. Henrietta, Nov. 29, '81 ; Adolphus, Ap. 3, '84. Benj. Houghton, w. Elizabeth, had at S., i. Benj., May 4, 1783 ; n. Wm. Boden, Feb. 23,. '85; in. Betsey, Sep. 12, '8G ; iv. Sally, Nov. 20, '88; v. Asaph, about '90 ; vi. Polly, do. '92 ; vn. Lucy, Jan. 10, '96. 1. Abida Hunt, m. Phebe Pratt, July 26, 1739, had at H., i. Willard, May 7, 1741 ; n. Daniel, Sep. 17, 43 ; in. Abigail, Aug. 23, '45; iv. Lewis, Jan. 10, '47-8; v. Margery, March 4, '52 2. Jona. Hunt, r. a shoemaker on the N. road to Hoi., and E. of the Brush Hill road, in a house pr. built by Dea. Bullen, w. Sarah , had at S., i. Sarah, Oct. 2, 1769 ; n. Nabby, July 22, 70 ; in. Miriam, March 2, '72 ; iv. Jona., June 26, '74 ; v. John Vining, March 25, '76. 3. Ebenezer Hunt, m. Dorothy Whitney, May 9, 1734, '2d w., Deliverance, had at H., i. Ebenezer, Ap. 15, 1735 ; n. Tho., Aug. 23, '37, d. March 5, '44-5 ; in. Tho., May 8, '56, by w. Deliverance ; iv. Joseph, Nov. 22, '57. 4. Henry Hunt, w. Elizabeth, had at H., i. Elizabeth, July 22, 1736; ii. Keuben, Dec. 11, '37. 5. Tho. Hunt, formerly merch. in Boston, s. in S., on the ancient Pratt farm, 1845. He was b. at Sud., the s. of Wm. H, m. Olive Puffer, and 2d, Miranda (Smith) Holbrook, has i. Harvey, and by 2d w., n. Andrew; in. Thomas. Joseph Hunting, w. Hanh., had at S., i. Sarah, March 5, 1764 ; n. Elizth., June 4, 'GG. HOLBROOK. The name of Holbrooke is ancient and distinguished ; and in the English world it has long since attained a wide range. It does not however occur in Doom's Book or ltheimer's Foedera, yet as early as the reign of Richard II, one of the name was ad- vanced to the order of Knighthood, and "a chev. between three martlets assigned as his coat of arms. Others with equal claims to distinction, or averse to the monopoly, either attained to the same honor or assumed the badge of having done so : for in books of Heraldry I find the name of Holbrooke distinguished by nine other coats of arms, viz., Holbroake Gu. a chev. betw. ten crosses crosslet gu. Holbrokes. Or. a fess. between sis crosslets, gu. Holbrook (Suffolk) Ar. a chev., betw. ten crosses crosslet, gu. Holbrooke, the same arms. Crest A lion pass, guard, tail extended ppr. — Holbrook. Or a chev. between ten crosses crosslet gu. — Holbrooke (Newington, Co. Kent). Az. a cross, or fretty of the first between four mullets of the second. — Holbrooke (Suffolk) Or. a chev. gu., surmounted with a cross formeo fitchee at the foot of the second. Crest — A lion's head erased, charged with a chev. or, as in the arms. — Holbrooke (Suffolk) Or, crusily gu. a bend of the second. — Holbrooke (Suffolk) Ar. a chev. between three crosses crosslet gu." These badges of vanity, so little esteemed by the Puritans and their republican descendants, have their use in a historical point of view, as indicating the original and early seats of the race, and may guide some future explorer of the ancestry of our Holbrooks in the mother country where they must have been men of character and consideration. Of the origin of the name I find nothing. Camden docs not mention it, though common in his day. This omission may be accounted for, if it was so obviously of local origin as to be included with names of this class : and imagination suggests that in a former age of belief in holy waters, there was some Holy Brooke from which the name was borrowed, the tradition of which might have lingered in his day. But I would not originate a tradition. Too long have the Holbrooks fol- lowed this jack-o'-lantern, believing, like other races, in their descent from three brothers, a story suggested, it has been thought, by nothing better, if so good, than the following analogy. Shem, Ham, and Japheth were religious men, so were our ancestors ; they came from an old world to a new one, and came by water, so did our fathers; there was just three of them that came, from whom the human race have descended ; therefore there was the sacred orthodox number of three from Old to New Eng., from whom each race of a common name have sprung. But the stale tradition that formerly concealed ignorance now exposes it; and the Holbrooks, better posted than some other races, may now correct legends of their ancestry ; and on truthful history found their claim to a more respectable origin than false tradition has attempted to give. Many Holbrooks were early in New Eng. Hitherto all attempts to trace and reduce them to one family have resulted in despair, with the exception of those of the lamented Wm. T. Harris, A. M. He had thoroughly mastered the 5 first gen- erations, of one branch, while I, without knowing it, was attempting the same ; and having, through the kindness of his bereaved father, the Librarian of Har. Univ., been favored with the perusal of bis MSS., I have become confirmed in the correct- ness of my arrangement, and added names and references which his sharper eye and more thorough hand had detected and recorded. Thanks to his memory. He was of the third generation of the same family to whom I am indebted for kindred help. The other families of the name of Holbrook,- not descended from Tho., and col- lected from what were remote parts of New Eng., I have, at the end of eight years 108 HOLBROOK of frequent investigation, succeeded, in my own view more from circumstantial than documentary evidence, in reducing to the descendents of a common father, whose name was probably John, and he the brother and companion of Tho. No date of their embarkation or arrival is presumed to exist. The name first occurs at Wey- mouth, in 1640, and under circumstances showing that they could not then have been new comers. The settlement of Weymouth was attempted in 1622 ; and in 1624 a colony of substantial settlers arrived from Weymouth in Dorsetshire, and gave name to the place, and in 1635 another company with a minister, and no doubt from the same place. With one of the latter companies probably came Tho. and John Holbrook, and more likely with the former. If so, Tho. must then have had one or two children ; and if with the latter, they might have had an embarrassing number. They were probably from Weymouth, 8 miles from Dorchester, from whence came the planters of our Dorchester; and not remote from these towns was a place, " a small farm," long afterward and perhaps still called "Holbrook." Who of the race will undertake investigations in that quarter, or pledge to a correspondent the means of his doing so ? Thomas Holbrooke, and no doubt John, settled in that part of Weymouth called Old Spain. It was chosen, for its harbor and peninsular form, for confining their cattle. As early as 1643 the stock of the planters had so increased as to render a removal necessary. Seekonk Prairie had been discovered, and it was resolved that as many as chose might remove, and that if a majority were in favor of removing, Mr. Newman their minister should attend them. Thomas and John Holbrook ap- peared in the affirmative, and in order " that the land of Rehoboth might be divided according to person and estate," each of them gave in their property at precisely £186. This indicates that they were partners. Were they Thomas and John, sen's, or jun's? The former might be presumed if there was not so much evidence that the Holbrooks of the second generation began life in good circumstances, showing that their fathers for their day must have been rich. Home lots at Rehoboth were assigned them 31, (4), 1644. But as John, jun.'s, wife died, leaving one or two children, Jan. 24, 1643-4, pr. after they had pledged themselves to remove and given in their property; and as Thomas, jun., was then young and unmarried, they had reasons, which Thomas and John, sen's, might not have had, for altering their purposes and forfeiting these lots, as they did 10 (11), 1644, by not taking possession. The records of Weym. chh. perished in 1644, with the removal of Mr. Newman; and while subsequent records refer to Thomas, sen., as one of the principal inhabitants, they make no mention of his brother John. Still circumstances, not easily resisted, point to a brother probably of that name, as an early inhabitant of W., and the father of a numerous family, who might have died before 1644. I have, therefore, in these sheets arranged the New Eng. Holbrooks as the descendants of two brothers, 3. 1. Thomas Holbrooke. 1 (See Part I.) 2. John ? Holbrooke. 1 (See Part II.) PART I. 1. 3. Tho. Holbrooke, 1 was advanced in years when tho records of W. began and then had talented sons to render public service. In 1641, immediately after the earliest preserved records begin, he was chosen the second member of a board of selectmen called townsmen, and served as such in 1645, '46, '51, '52, '54, having his brother or eldest son, John, after '47, associated HOLBItOOK 109 with him for a portion of the time. As a citizen of standing and long acquainted with the country, the Gen. Court in 1G49 appointed him the first member of a com- mittee to lay out a county highway from Weym. to Dorchester. The following is a copy verbatim ad literatim of his will from Suffulk Prob. In the n. His wid., Mary, d. Apl. 26, 1735; i. Bethia, 4 Apl. 2, 1681 ; n. Elizabeth, 4 1684 ; in. Mary, 4 Nov. 2, 1686, m. Eleazer Daniell, 1709. 31. 24. iv. Samuel, 4 Feb. 9, 1688, m. Jane Clapp, Dec. 15, 1708. 19. 25. Wm., 4 settled at Weym., inheriting probably and occupying the land in S. Weym., originally his grd. father AVm.'s. 2 He m. Feb. 20, 1783-4, Mar- garet Torry, who d. July 29, '36 ; and 2d, Elizabeth Pool, whose intention of ra. was entered, Jan. 15, 1738, and he m. " May 11, '39 ; " made his will, Nov. 23, '64, giving to his daughter Mary, his Negro girl, £13, and the goods which he had by his last wife. Also, one fifth of his estate to Elizabeth, Hannah, Samuel and Silas Holbrook, the children of his son, Samuel, de- ceased. To his sons, Abner, Nathaniel, Adam, and Wm., he bequeathed the residue of his property, making the two first executors. His lands were not assigned to his heirs, until July 6, 1784. He had, i. Wm., 5 Oct. 20, 1734, who d. July 21, '36. 40. 26. ii. Samuel, 5 Dec. 2, 1735, m. Elizabeth Shaw, and d. prior to Nov. 23, '64 ; in. Wm., 5 Mar. 16, 1739-4, by w. Elizabeth, d. a soldier, at Lake George. 44. 27. iv. Abner, 5 Mar. 9, 1741, d. May 31, 1788; v. Cornelius, 5 d. Dec. 14, '42. 54. 28. vi. Nathaniel, 5 Mar. 7, 1744, m. Hannah Torrey ; vn. Margaret, 5 b. Feb. 16, and died June 31, 1747 ; vin. Adam, 5 Aug. 4, 1750, d. a. 82, was non compos, had been under the guardianship of bro. Abner, 18 yrs. in '88, II L B R K 137 when Wm. was appointed ; ix. Margaret, 5 Apl. 18, 1754, d. unm., after July 12, 1790 ; x. Mary, 5 in. John? Hunt, rm. to Curainington. 57. 30. xi. Wm., 5 was 21 in 1784. He settled in E. Abington, d. Sep., 1832. 24. 31. Samuel, 4 m. Jane Clapp, Dec. 15, 1708, r. in Scituate, and had, i. Hannah, 5 Oct. 23, 1710 ; n. Mary, 5 July 22, 1712, in. Jacob Lincoln ; in. Bethiah, 5 Apl. 28, 1716 ; iv. Jane, 5 Jan. 8, 1719 ; v. Lydia, 5 June 13, 1722 ; vi. Priscilla, 5 Apl. 18, 1724 ; vn. Desire, 5 Dec. 28, 1726. 39. vin. Samuel, 5 Feb. 1, 1729, whose m. with Sarah Pierce was entered, Aug. 30, 1751. A widow. Sarah Holbrook ? d. at Weyin., whose estate, Apl. 9, 1783, was divided to Benj. Farrow, Mary Cothall, Joseph and Tamer Carriell, Samuel and Mary Hatch, Amos and Abigail Damon, David and Christian Foster and Leah Farrow. Whose wid., was she? ix. William, 5 Dec. 21, 1733, d. Jan. 27, 1737. 26. 40. Samuel 5 m. Elizabeth Shaw, Apl. 11, 1754, (who m. 2d, Joshua Bayley, and rm. to Me.,) r.Weym.,and had, i. Samuel, who died unm. in the army. ii. Silas.' 1 Apl. 6, 1757, m. Sarah Stockbridge, 1777, had 1. Susannah, 7 Feb. 20, 1779, at Weym., 2. Silas, who d. in the navy in the war of 1812 ; in. Elizabeth," went with her mother to Frecport, Me. iv. Hannah, 5 m. Col. Tho. Vincent, r.„S. Weym. 27. 44. Abner, 5 m. Jerusha Vining, 1763, r. at Weym., d. intestate, May 29, 1788, and administration was granted to his wid., Jerusha, and £40 of his estate decreed to her. He had i. Betty, 6 Apl. 29, 1764, d. unm., '89. 64. 45. ii. John, 6 Oct. 25, 1765, m. Sally Burrell, r. S. Weym. ; in. Abner, 6 Dec. 26, 1767, d. yg. j iv. Sarah, 6 Jan. 22, 1770, d. unm., Aug. 15, 1843. 69. 47. v. Abner, 6 Jan. 21, 1772, m. Mehetabel Beals, 1796, r. S. Weym. ,' 75. 48. vi. David, 6 Jan. 30, 1774, d. Aug. 19, 1844, m. Hannah Holbrook, dau. of Nathl., rs. S. Weym. ; vn. Jerusha, 6 May 30, 1776, m. lleuben Pack- ard, rm. to Me. 79. 50. vin. James, 6 Oct. 16, 1779, m. Hannah Bates, r. S. Weym. 87. 51. ix. Jacob, 6 Oct. 20, 1782, m. Nov. 6, 1807, Dolly Blanchard, rs. S. Wey. x. Lydia, 6 Feb. 16, 1784, m. Lemuel Payn, r. S. Weym. 91. 53. xi. Daniel, 6 Apl. 3, 1787, m. Deb. Shaw, 2d, Lyd. (Vining) Holbrook. 28. 54. Nathaniel, 5 m. Hannah Torry, Nov. 24, 1768, r. Weym., had, 100. 55. i. Nathaniel, 6 Feb. 26, 1770, m. Mehetabel Torrey, Dec. 17, 1792 ; ii. Benj., 6 ra. Huldah Pratt, Sep. 11, 1794, who left no children, in. Polly, 6 Jan. 14, 1776, m. John Dyer, Dec. 25, '94 ; iv. Abigail, 6 m. Micah Pool, rs. E. Ab. ; v. Hannah, 6 m. David Holbrook ; vi. Buth, m. Tho. White, r. S. Weym. ; vn. Susanna, 6 Dec. 15, 1780, ra. Noah Terrell, jun., July 8, 1807. 30. 57. Wm., 5 m. 01ive*Blanchard, Jan. 10, 1782, r. E. Abington; i.Wm., 6 Apl. 3, 1785, at Abington, m. Polly Jenkins, r. E. Ab. ; n. Reuben, 6 m. Betsey Lovell, r. E. Abington; in. Josiah, 6 Sep. 23, 1788, m. Hannah Smith, r. E. Ab. ; iv. Richard, 6 m. Anna Bead, rs. E. Abington ; v. Zenas, 6 m. Mary Pool, rs. E. Ab. ; vi. Olive, 6 m. Melvin Gurney, rs. E. Ab. ; vn. Betsey, 6 d. yg. 45. 64. John, 6 m. Sally Burrell, pub. Apl. 11, '95, r. S. Weym., had i. John, 7 m. Polly Lovell, 1815, rm. to Chicago ; n. Silas, 7 Mar. 6, 1796, rs. unm. at S. Weym.; in. Arvin, 7 m. Sarah Keen, r. E. Bridgewater ; iv. Eliza,' m. 1822, John Curtis, rs. E. Abington. 18 138 HO LB ROOK. 47. GO. Aimer,* m. Mehetabel Beales, 1790, r. S. Wevra. ; i. Asa, 7 Mar. 1, 1798, m. Lucetta Trufanfc, Nov. 30, 1826, r. R Weym., 2d, Deb. F. Torrey, Mar. 22, '36, and 3d, Caroline (Cropsey) Trufant, ]\Iar. 6, '54, rs. a manufr. at S. Weym. and has Lydia B., 8 and Asa P. 8 ; ii. Ira, 7 Mar. 22, 1805, m. Mary L. Pratt, June 21, 1830, rs. S. W., has, Mehetabel, 8 Ansel? Susan C.?J. Quincy A., s Fananda A.? Henry F? in. Abner, 7 Mar. 11, 1811, m. Abigail Gushing, 1831, 2d, Lydia Lovell, Mar. -2-2, '43-51, rs. S. Weym., has Alanson? Melvina F? Abner? Jo.W? .v. Ansel, 7 Nov. 9, 1812, d. yg. v. Ben]., 7 Jan. 31, '17, m. Pyrena Young, rs. S. Weym., and lias, Samuel M.? Henry G'., 8 Walter C? vi. Thais, 7 June 13, '15, m. Chs. Totman, has Anthony Z., who rs S. W. 48. 75. David, m. Oct. 2G, 1800, Hannah Holbrook, "his coup.," 2d, Chloe Pratt. 1814, was a very judicious and efficient man and devout Christian, and d. Aug. 19, '44, greatly lamented, r. S. Weym. ; i. Lucy, 7 Nov. 2, 1801, d. May 29, 1827, unm. ; n. Laura, 7 Dec. 28, 1803, died young; in. Mary, 7 Oct. 24, 1807, d. Feb. 24, 1825 ; iv. Jason, 7 May 30, 1810, m. Caroline White, Nov. 29, 1832, r. W., had Jason S., s Hanh. T.? Geo., 8 Fred H 8 50. 79. James," m. Hannah Bates, 1803, r. S. Weym. ; i. Orin, 7 July 23, 1804, m. Oct. 14, 1824, Lydia T. Vining, had Charles Everett and Geo. A. ; ii. Minot, 7 Nov. 22, 1805, m. Sep. 30, 1829, Lavinia Littlefield, r. do. in. Edmond, 7 Nov. 8, 1808, d. unm., at W. ; iv. Louisa, Nov. 14, 1812 ; v. James, 7 Jan. 31, 1815 or 16, m. Eliz. Jane Terrell, r. S. Wey. ; vi. Hannah, Mar. 27, 1817, m. Alanson Cushing, Aug. 14, 1834 ; vn. Wm., 7 Mar. 20, 1820, m. July IS, 1839, Lucy B. Sampson, r. do. ; vili. Jeremiah, 7 Dec. 15, 1821, m. Elizabeth Hunt, r. do. Lucy Ann, May 15, 1827 ; ix. Cornelius, 7 Jan. 9, 1822, gone to California ; x. Belinda, Feb. 14, 1825; xi. Lucy Ann, May 15, 1827. 51. 87. Jacob, m. Dolly Blanchard, r. S. Weym. ; i. Ruth, 7 Nov. 24, 1811, m. Luther Dyer, and d. without issue ; n. Tho., 7 July 22, 1813, m. Mary A. Read, rs. E. Weym., has, Tho. F., 8 and Ruth. 8 in. Jacob, 7 Dec. 13, 1818, m. Betsey Jane Torrey, rs. S. Weym., has, Orin P.? and Chs. Sumner. 8 53. 91. Daniel, m. Deborah Shaw; 2d, Lydia T. (Vining) Holbrook, rs. E. Ab. i. Daniel Alden, 7 d. unm. ; n Osbert, 7 m. Catherine Holbrook, his cous., r. do. ; in. David, 7 rs. unm., at do. ; iv. Quincy, 7 m. Sarah Leavett, r. do. v. John, 7 rs. unm., at do. ; vi. Wm., 7 rs. do. do. ; vn. Eliza Ann, 7 in. Ad- dison Pratt, rs. E. Bridgewater ; vm. Sarah, 7 m. Jas. Gardner, rs. E. Ab. 55. 100. Nathaniel, m. Mehetabel Torrey, Dec. 17, 17-92, r. Weym., had, i. Cyrus, 7 Oct. 6, 1793, rs. unm., S. Weym. ; n. Betsey, 7 Feb. 14, 1796, m. tho. Whitman, rs. S. Weymouth, has Benj. W. in. David, 7 Sep. 26, 1799, m. Ann Rice, Oct. 4, 1821, rs. S. Weym., has, i. Betsey, m. Joshua C. Sprague ; n. Ann 3L, m. Joseph Vining. iv. Ludovicus, 7 Sep. 4, 1805, m. Jane V. Tirrell, Jan. 19, 1825. i. Richmond A., 8 July 17, 1826, m. Emeline W. Terrell, rs. S. Wey., has, Emma F. 9 ti. Ludovicus, July 11, '33, d. Dec. 17, '45 ; in. Sarah J., Mar. 17, '35, d. Oct. 7, '42; iv. Nathl. E., Nov. 7, '44, d. Sep. 27, '45 ; v. Leonard O., Jan. 25, '46, r. S. Wey. U OLE ROOK. 139 PART II. John ? Holbrook, 1 is presumed to have been early of Weymouth, and the brother of Tho., 1 of W. [sec p. 108], and the father of the following children, whom numerous circumstances indicate to have been brothers. If he was not one of the two, he had either deceased prior to the declining of a Tho. and John Holbrook to remove to Rehoboth, in 1644, or removed with his sons to Dorchester, now Milton, or perhaps to the N. part of Sloughton, where the necessity for a removal would have been answered in a wide range for their cattle, and in wet prairies for hay. 8. 2. i. Tho.,- b. pr. ab. 1627, at Wcy., d. Ap. 11, 1705, r. Dorch., 1645--'52, and Sherborn, 1652 — 1705. [See Ch i.] ii. Richard,-' who with Wm. Daniel, of Dorch., took the freeman's oath, May 10, 1 1 S , pr. removed to Huntington, Long Island, [Farmer.] He seems to have been induced to purchase a house lot at Sherborn, where he was rated 8^d. in 1686, but never r. there. ^ in, Margaret, 2 who m., as his 2d w., in 1656, Nicholas Rocket, of Medfield, neighbor to Tho. Holbrook,- then of Bogistow, afterwards Sherborn, was pr. tho sis. of Tho.,- or his sis. -in-law, the wid. of his late brother Nathaniel. 2 IV. John, 2 a tanner, was of Roxb., 1667, and of Dorchr., 1671, d. at Roxb., Dec. 25, 1678, m. Elizabeth , who by her 2d bus., had her last child, Jan. 16, 1682-8. He also became the owner of a house lot at Sherborn where he or his estate was also rated 8^d, 1686. He never r. at S. [See Ch. n.] v. Daniel, 2 " Brother of John, of Roxb.," d. 1673, m. Miriam _, r. Ded., lloxb., Dorchr. [See Ch. in.] vi.V Samuel, 2 senr., of W., m. Mary , named a dau. Hopestill, as if in affectionate remembrance of a deceased dau. of his supposed brother Tho., 2 of Sherborn, who was unm, in 1696. According to Judge Mitchell's His. of Bridgewater, Samuel, " late of Weym.," d. about 1696, leaving 7 children and three daugs. married. He left no son, grd. son or nephew bearing his name ; but the first grandchild of Tho., 2 of Sherborn, b. after his death, and whose name, according to almost invariable usage, should have been Tho., was called Samuel : and the amount of intercourse kept up by the Holbrooks of Sherborn, with those of Weym., would indicate that the seat of the family continued at Weym., and that their nearest and most coniidential and helpful relatives resided there. Further than this, I have discovered no reason for arranging his name as I have done. The names given to his children were nearly identical with those of the other A\ r eym. Holbrooks. If Judge Mitchell has made no mistake, he could not have been Samuel, No. 13, Ch. i., Part i., who d. 1695, at Weymouth, leaving also 7 children, and 3 of them daus. Tho., senr.'s will renders it improbable that this Samuel was his son. [See Ch. iv.] vn. Nathaniel, pr., who pr. died without issue, for whom Tho., 3 at Sherborn, named his oldest son. 140 HOLBROOK CHAPTER I. 2. 8. Thomas Holbrook,'-' in company with Geo. Allen. & Anthony Fisher, of Dor- chester, was admitted to the freeman's oath, May, 1645, implying that he was already a member of the Chh. and of age. In 1648, he purchased of Elizabeth, wid. of Col. Israel Stoughton, 30 acres of land in Dorch. This was the first real estate in D. discovered to have been owned by one of the name On 8, (3rno.) 1652, he with Nicholas Wood and Andrew Pitcher, of D. [now Milton] purchased of Richard Parker, of Bos., to whom it had been granted by the Gen. Court, in 1649, 535 acres in the woods, on the W. side of Charles R., now in the S. E. part of Sherborn, including the lower meadows on SewalFs Br. This they so divided as to give him building sites where Dexter Amsden resides, and at Death's Bridge. He built his first house at the latter place, where the trace is still to be seen, and where he raised an extensive orchard, with the produce of which he prac- tised such hospitality as secured his buildings from the torch of the enemy while those of his nearest neighbor on the other side of the stream were laid in ashes. In 1657 he petitioned for the high rocky point E. of Parker's grant, now called the Neck, and the Gen. Court granted him 50 acres, he purchasing 43 acres more of the government, including the entire tract between their first purchase and the R. In 1662 and '74 he signed petitions for the incorporation of S., and became one of the proprietors of this extensive township. In 1666, he had erected a new dwelling house where Dexter Amsden resides, and that year deeded 80 acres of his first purchase of Parker, to his brother-in-law, Henry Leland, who had already occupied it 12 years. In 1682, he owned 300 acres of the early grants, and with the nine other owners extinguished the Indian claims. In 1682 and '84, he drew 112 acres of the common lands of S., and in 1686 he out of 40 freeholders, was rated the 4th in amount to satisfy the Indian claims to these lands. He served as selectman in 1690, and was one of the six brethren to constitute the Chh. in S., at its formation, in 1685. He d. Apl. 11, 1705. Tho. Holbrook, 2 senr., of Sherborn, made his will May, 1704, giving his home- stead to his son, Eleazer; and all his neck of land in S. r except a piece of meadow, to his son, Tho. To his son, Nathaniel, he gave his little lot (| acre) near [S. W. of] the Meeting-house, also a lot S. of Brown's meadow, and the piece of meadow above excepted. To his son, John, he gave 20 acres of his 1st dividend land, next to Abraham Cousins'. To his dau., Experience Mcintosh, £10, and 18 acres, another part of his first division of common lands, near Cousins'. To his dau., Hannah Battle, £10, and 5 acres of his first dividend land, near C's. To Patience Leland, £10, and 15 acres (the Hope-field), near do., and 2 acres and 40 rods, near her husband's house ; and to Susanna Morse, wife of Daniel M., he made similar bequests. To his grandchildren, Edmund, Margaret and Elizabeth Morse, children of his dau., Bethia Morse, £8, viz., "£5 to the boy, and 20s. apiece to the girls, when of age." Eleazer was cxr. ; and Ebenr., Jeremiah and Joseph Daniell, senr., witnesses. Will, probated Apl. 23,1705. [Mid. Prob. ] He m. 1st, Experience ? Leland, dau. of Hopestill L., by w. Experience, ? of Weymouth, and sis. of Henry L., of S. ; and 2d, Hannah Shepard, 28 (3), 1656, at Medfd., and pr. fr. Weym., who d. Aug. 28, 1668 ; and 3d, Margaret Bouker, fr. Weym., dau. of a Swede, Jan. 26, 1668-9, who d. Apl. 9, 1690; and 4th, Mary Rogers, of Weym., Oct. 31, 1693. His partiality to the females of W., indicates that he had been reared among them. He had i. Experience, 3 m. Wm. Mcintosh, r. Dedham ; n. Abigail, 3 baptized at HOLBROOK. 141 Dorchester, May 22, 1648, pr. d. yg. ; in. Hannah, 3 m. John Battle, of Dedham, in 1678 ; iv. Nathaniel, 3 Mar. 6, 1658, d. Nov. 6, 1676, killed by a tree ; 13. 9. v. Tho., 3 Sep. 2, 1659 ; d. 1717-18, m. Mary Bouker ; 2d, Mary , both fr. Weym. ; 15. 10. vi. Eleazer, 3 Dec. 20, 1660, d. Feb. 28, 1725-6, m. Sarah Pond, fr. Bed. ;\vn. Patience, 3 Jan. 27, 1669-70, d. Oct. 5, 1740, m. Hopestill Leland ; vm. Hopestill, 3 a dau., 2 (5), 1671, d. yg. This was a female name in the race of John 1 ; 18 11. ix. John, 3 d. Feb. 28, 1740, m. ab. 1694, Silence Wood, b. Feb. 1675--6 ; x. Bethia, 3 d. prior to May, 1704, m. Samuel Morse, b. Aug. 10, 1676 ; xi. Susanna, 3 d. 1717, m. 1696, Daniel Morse, who was b. Jly. 10, 1672; 23. 12. xn. Nathaniel"; 2d, June 20, 1677, d. Oct. 14, 1716, m. for his last wife, Elizabeth Sheffield, Jan. 18, 1714-15. 9. 13. Tho., 3 inherited tho homestead at Death's Bridge, served as a constable, 1694 ; surveyor, '95 and '98 ; tythingman, 1702, commissioner of assess- ments, '06 and '09, and selectman, 1710. He made his will, May 23, 1713, giving to his widow, Mary, the improvement of all his estate, until his 8. Samuel should become of age, when he should possess one-half of his homestead, and all his meadow in Medfd., and she the whole of his estate at Weym., in lands that came by her. After her decease, Sam. should inherit all his lands. To his dau., Lydia, he gave £5, and to Thankful, when of age, £60. To his grd. s., Eleazer Perry, he gave £20. Mary was sole exr. Will proved, Mar. 13, 1717-18. Edmd. Gookin and Wm. Eider, witns. He m. Mary Bowker, Jan. 20, 1684, who d. Dec. 1692 ; and 2d, Mary, fr. Weym., whose will, proved Nov. 18, 1737, gave £3 to the chh., and consid- erable sums to dau. Thankful and " her 11 grd. children." He had i. Mary, Feb. 26, 1685, m. Eleazer Perry, 1705; n. Lydia, Sep. 6, 1694, d. 1723-6, m. Doct, Jona. Fairbanks, of S. ; 25 14. in. Samuel, 4 Aug. 23, 1699, m. Kezia Morse; iv. Thankful,' June 21, 1705, m. Wm. Barron, for 2d w., and had Wm. 10. 15. Eleazer, 3 Hn., inherited the N. part of the homestead, and resided where Dexter Amsden does. He served as commissioner, 6 years, selectman, 4 years ; representative, 1711 and '20. He drew in 1715, in Doug., 77 acres, and d. intestate, 1725-6, the proprietor of 300 acres, in Holl., and his estate was inventoried at £2,084 13. 6d. 27. 16. i. Daniel, 4 May 8, 1699, m. Elizabeth Clark, fr. Medfd. ; n. Abigail," Mar. 1701-2, m. Joseph Perry, of S., and inherited £174 ; 32. 17. in. Eleazer, 4 Feb. 26, 1704-5, m. Deborah Bullard, dg. of Cpt. Sam. ; iv. Sarah, 4 Oct. 20, 1707, d. yg. ; v. Anne, 4 who was in her loth year, May 3, 1726, had her br., Eleazer, for her guardian. 11. 18. John, 3 m. Silence Wood, b. Feb. 22, 1675-6, whose father, Jona. W.. was massacred by Indians the day before, and her mother expired soon after. She d. intestate, May 11, 1756. Her husband had d. intestate about 15 ys. previous ; and Ezra, their son, was now, June 3, '56, appointed admr. to settle such of their estates as the heirs had not already settled. John served as constable, 1697; sealer of leather, 1705-32; commissioner of assess- ments, 1715 ; tythingman, '04; selectman, 6 ys. ; and representative, 17^2. He settled, where Jona. Holbrook, one of his descendants, resides, on his wife's estate, inherited from her father He had 142 11 O L 13 II O O K 35. 19. i. John, 1 Mar. 22, 1694-5, m. Rath Hill, and d. at Mondon, 1756; II. Elizabeth, 1 Jly. 22, 1606, d. 1782, m. Joseph Twitchill, Mar. 27, 1718 ; and 2d, Doa. James Whitney, and was the mother of the Hon. Daniel Whitney, of S., and the gr. grd. mother of Amos Twitchell, M. 1)., of Ivccnc N\ H. * 39. 20. in. Jona., 4 Dec. 21, 1690, d. 1754, m. Abigail Breck ; iv. Joseph, 4 May 1, 1702, d. Mar. 13, '25-6, urn. ; 41. 21. v. Ezra, 4 Ens., May 16, '09, d. Nov. 10, '86, m. Grace Cooledge ; 22. vi. Joshua, 4 Aug. 22, '14, d. Nov. 1, 1740, urn., and intestate. 12. 23. Nathaniel,'' 1st Mary Morse, daughter of Jona., by w. Elizabeth Barbour ; and 2d, Elizabeth Sheffield ; but by the latter had no issue. He drew land in Doug., 1715, and d. intestate, 1716. At his funeral, £6 were expended for gloves. Administration was granted, Nov. 20, 1716, to his wid., Eliza- beth, who m. 2d, Geo. Blanchard, of Killingly, Ct., from whence she and husband, 11 years after, petitioned for allowance, and gave in an account of her administration, " so far as she had proceeded." Nathaniel was pr. a cordwainer, and settled on the lot bequeathed him, S. W. of the Meeting- house common ; 45. 24, i. Nathaniel, 4 Sep. 13, 1701, d. June 3, 1774, was left to be brought up by his grandfather, Jona. Morse, who gave him a deed of his farm, on the N. side of the Lake, on which is now kept a house of entertainment. He m. Sarah Sanger. 14. 25. Samuel,' inherited the ancient homestead at Death's Bridge, drew 21 acres at Doug., 1730. He served as surveyor, 1725 ; assessor, '29; con- stable, '30; and selectman, 7 ys. He m. Kezia Morse, Sep. 4, 1718, dau. of Cpt. Joseph M., who d. Feb. 18, '54; and 2d, Elizabeth, pr. wid. of Joseph Daniels, of Med., and had i. Hannah, 5 Sep. 11, 1720, m. Ephm. Perry, 1742, and d. 1744, without issue ; n. Tho., 5 Apl. 21, '23, d. yg. ; 26. in. Asa, 5 Jan. 17, '25-6, d. Jly. 28, '73, m. Mary Rider, Mar. 30, '56 ; iv. Kezia, 5 Aug. 23, '29, m. Aaron Daniels, of Med., had only Kezia, 6 who m. Jona. Hill, of Med., and inherited all her grd. father H.'s estate ; v. Lydia, 5 Aug. 12, '34 ; and no further reported. Samuel 4 seems to have survived all his children ; or the division of his estate was postponed until after tho decease of his son, Asa ; for, I find that his farm of 195 acres, at Death's Bridge, Dec. 7, 1773, "was ordered and assigned to his grd. dau., Kezia, the wife of Jona. Hill; provided, that if any other lawful heirs or heir shall appear, then she or her heirs shall refund to them their proportional part of the value of the same." Elizabeth, wid. of Samuel, at the same time relinquished to Hill, for £40, her right of dower ; and Kezia and her husband afterwards sold the place to Henry Death, and thus it passed out of the race of the Holbrooks, and is now owned and occupied by Mr. Charles A. How. 16. 27. Daniel, 1 removed to Wrentham ab. 1722; drew 82 acres in Doug., 1715, and '30, ra. Elizabeth Clark, fr. Medfd., and had I. Miriam, 5 Jly. 16, 1723, m. Daniel Kingsbury, Esq., of Walpole ; 53. 28. ii. David, 5 Dea., June 10, '26, m. Lydia Bragg; 2d, Abigl. Blake ; 59. 29. in. Daniel, 5 Apl. 5, '29, d. Jan. 17, 1807, " a worthy example and loss to the chh. ; " 61. 30. iv. James, 5 Apl. 11, '31, d. Feb. 1, 1815, m. Hannah Fisher; 2d, Mary Morse ; LI L 15 110 OK . 143 31. v. Amos, 5 Mar. 12, '34-5, m. Lydia Kingsbury, Deo., 17GG, settled at Worcester, and was lulled by a fall from a hayloft, leaving two children. 17. 32. Eleazer, 4 inherited the N. half of the ancient homestead in S., and v., where Amsdcn does, was selectman, 171"), m. Deborah Bullard, b. Nov. 9, 17—, m. Apl. 4, '28, d. Feb. 10, '54, daughter of Cpt. Samuel B., by w. Deb. Atherton. 79. 33. i. Eleazer, 5 Oct. 2, 1729, m. Kezia Leland ; n. Bcnj., 5 Jan. 15, '30-1, d. Apl. 2, '31 ; in. Sarah, 5 June 6, '32 ; 81. 34. iv. Abel, 5 Aug. 12, '34, m. Lydia Leland ; v. Deborah, 5 Jly. 20, '37, d. Aug. 15, '44 ; vi. Anne, Nov. 10, '39, d. Aug. 15, '44 ; vn. Samuel, 5 Apl. 30, '30, d. May 11, '30; to Mary, Apl. 29, '41, d. June 18, '41. 19. 35. John, 4 is presumed to have settled first on the homestead, by Ilolbrook's Mills, and to have sold to his brothers, Jona. and Joshua, who held the place in common, until both had deceased, which was the occasion of much trouble to heirs, administrators and guardians. Ho m. Ruth Hill, Mar. 13, 1718--19, drew 37 acres in Doug., 1730, and about 1733, removed to Mendon. Hehnd 30. i. Wm., 5 May 24/1719; n. Silence, Mar. 23, '23-4, m. Goodale ; in. Ruth, 5 Dec. 28, '20, m. * Eames ; iv. Elizabeth, 5 June 0, '30, urn. in '50 ; 37. v. John, 5 Aug. 28, '33 ; vi. Sarah, 5 b. pr. at Mendon ; 38. vii. Moses, 5 b. pr. do., had Ephm. Sherman for his guardian. John, 4 their father, was three times married. His will, proved Apl. 27, 1750, gave John 5 half of all his lands in Grafton fvn& Douglas, and Moses the other half. To Wra.'s portion he added 3 acres of intervale, near Cpt. Leland's, now Leland station, in Grafton. [Worces. Prob.] 20. 39. Jona., 4 m. Abigail Breck, Nov. 5, 1730, who. d. Mar. 30, '75, a. 70. He inherited the homestead, (now occupied by Jona. Holbrook, his gr. grd. s.,) in common with his brother Joshua ; was selectman of S., 1749--0G, and d. intestate. Administration was granted to his wid., Abigail, and inven- tories of his estate (appraised at £3,113 10s.), presented, May 20, 1754, and she appointed guardian of the three youngest children, but did not succeed in the execution of the trust to the satisfaction of all parties concerned or of her neighbors. They had i. Abigail, 5 May 8, 1732, in. Joshua Morse ; ii. Mchetabel, 5 Mar. 7, '33-4, d. Jan. 18, '54 ; in. Joseph, 5 Dec. 20, '37, d. Dec. 19, '40; iv. Silence, 5 Nov. 7, '41, d. Aug. 15, '75, m. Micah Holbrook ; 50. 40. v. Jona., 5 June 30, '43, cl. Nov. 2, '70, from a wound at the Battle at White Plains; vi. Hannah, 5 Dec. 15, '45. 21. 41. Ezra, 4 settled upon the farm and built the house now owned and occupied by Dalton Goulding, Esq., of S., served 4 ys. as selectman, m. Grace Cooledge, Nov. 30, 1738, dau. of Isaac C, Esq., who d. Apl. 5, 178D. lie d. Nov. 10, '86 ; and his homestead was settled upon his s., Joshua, i. Elizabeth, 5 Sep. 8, 1739 ; n. Mary, Jan. 19, '41-2, d. Dec. 3, '42 ; 100. 42. in. Joshua, 5 Oct. 31, '43, m. Experience Dana, Jan. 4, '87 ; 52. 43. iv. Joseph, 5 Nov. 3, '45, m. Mary Parker; 140. 44. v. Tho., 5 Feb. 1, '47-8, a gunsmith, m. Sally Dana, Jan. 18, '81; vi. Mary, 5 Jly. 5, '50, d. Mar. 2, '54. 24. 45. Nathaniel*, 4 settled N. E. of tho Lake ; the W. part of whoso farm has become an attractive watering place. He was a very shrewd man ; served 1 44 II O L 13 R O O K . S. 4 ys., as selectman, m. Aug. 20,1728, Sarah Sanger, dau. of Richd. S., by w. Elizabeth Morse, and aunt to Rev. Dr. Sanger, formerly of Bridge- water. His will, dated Jan. 18, 1773, and probated, June 14, '74, gave his homestead to his son, Moses, requiring him to keep 2 cows and a horse for his wid. Sarah, and pay her one-fourth of the produce of the land ; and to take care of a helpless dau., Azuha. To s., Micba, he gave £23, and half his lands in Doug., and to s. James, the other half. To dau., Mary Babcock, Hannah Whitney and Mercy Twitchell, he gave 50s. each. To his s., Nathaniel, whom he had already settled on the W. half of his farm, he gave 5s., charging him to sec to the execution of his will. His wid. is said to have attained almost to her 100th year, and to have d. at Templeton. Nathaniel, 4 had / 66. 46. i. James,"' Aug. 3, '29, d. Sep. 2, '74, m. Sibilla Clark, r. S. ; 69. 47. ii. Mieab, 5 Feb. 14, '31-2 ; in. Mary, 5 Oct, 31, '33, m. Mai. Babcock, r.S.; 76. 48. iv. Nathaniel, 5 Dec. 9,'36, d. June 3, '74; v. Azubah, May 31, '39 ; vi. Hannah, 5 June 3, '41, m. John Whitney; vn. Mercy, 5 Oct. 4, '43, m. Jos. Twitchell, of Dub. ; 77. 49. viii. Moses, 5 Nov. 21, '45, m. Rachel Death, r. S. and Templeton. 40. 50. Jona., 5 w. Mary Ware, m. Dec. 6, 1770, d. Apl. 7, '74 • 2d, Sarah Bedlow, m. May 9, '76, r. Sh., had i. Mehetable, Oct. 6, '71, d. Dec. 26, '80 ; ii. Mary, G Feb. 6, '74, d. Mar. 1, '74. 82. 51. in. Jona.,* 5 Jly. 19, '76, d. Sep. 10, 1848. 43. 52. Joseph, 5 w., Mary Parker, m. Jly. 1, 1779, d. Mar. 17, '97. He was a blacksmith; sold, in 1802, the farm on which Capt. Jacob Pratt, rs., and was then of Weston ; had i. Polly, Oct. 3, '81 ; n. Nancy , G Jan. 15, '93, at S., Joseph, '80, Ezra, '83, John, '90. 28. 53. David, 5 weaver, w., Lydia Bragg, m. Jan. 22, 1746-7, d. Sep. 8, '67 ; 2d w., Abigail Blake, m. Jan. 8, 1770. His will, probated June 4, 1793, settled the homestead upon his s., David, and divided a library to 10 chil- dren ; r. Wrentbam, had 89. 54. i. David, 6 Feb. 10, 1747-8 ; ii. Chloe, Nov. 8, '49, m. Farrington ; 55. in. Adan, c Apl. 22, '52 ; iv. Lydia, Jan. 10, '54, m. Crooks ; v. Olive, May 25, '56 ; vi. Lois, June 10, '58 ; vn. Luther, Mar. 22, '61, d. Sep. 20, '72 ; 86. 56. viii. Darius, Dec. 6, '70, r. Bos. and Dor., and had Darius B., of New York ; ix. Susanna, Nov. 11, '72, d. yg. ; 57. x. Amos, Apl. 20, '77, d. in N. J. ; 58. xi. Luther, Mar. 16, '80, rs. Chicago ; xn. Calvin, named 2d in his father's will, with 9 other children. 29. 59. Daniel, 5 w. Esther Hall, m. May 29, 1751, d. Dec. 22, 1806, had at Wrentham, i Jacob, Jan. 21, 1752, d. Apl. 24, '81, without issue; n. Molly, Apl. 11, '53, m. Isaac Newton, r. Wore, had 11 children; in. Abigail, Oct. 23, '55, d. of consumption, '77, um. ; 92. 60. iv. Daniel, Feb. 14, '57, d. Apl. 17, 1839. He was a soldier of the Revolution; m. Mary (Edwards) Holbrook, Oct. 9, 1800. i. Eliza E., 7 Nov. 11, 1802, at W. ; n. Mary B., 7 Jan. 13, 1804, m. Silas J. Hol- brook; in. Geo. E., 7 Cpt., Sep. 13, 1806, m. Clarissa Turner, r. N. Wrenth., had t. Silas P." '37 ; ir. Geo. E., B '39 ; in. Mary E.,* '44 ; 142. HOLBROOK. 145 v. Esther, 6 Feb. 4, 1761, A. Nov. 10, 1808, m. Dea. Joseph Ware, of W. ; vi. Josiab, 6 Rev., A. M., Jan. 19, '65, grad. at B. U., '88, s. as a clergy- man at Beaufort, S. C, d. 1708, with the stranger's fever ; vu. George, 6 b. 1763, d. 1846, was a distinguished musician, and extensively known as a bell founder, r. Brookfield and Medway, m., had i. George/ Col., m. Louisa Harding, rs. E. Medway, and carries on the Bell Foundry, and the manufactory of organs, has i. Edwin X., 8 m. Abby D. Hills ; ii. H. jEvalina, 8 m. John Baker, of Ded. ; vin. Paul, 6 Rev., Nov. 9, 1768, d. Oct. 3, 1824, m. Lucy Snow, b. 1778, d. Sep. 15, 1803. Rev. Paul m. 2d, Nancy Hamet, b. Mar. 11, 1786 ; s. at Montpelier, A r t., and about 1800, was ordained among the Freewill Bap- tists, and much beloved and respected for his active benevolence and purity of life. He had i. Sarali S./ 1798 ; m. Junius B. Davis, r. Plainfield, Vt. ; ii. Silas J., 7 June 7, 1802, m. Oct. 29, 1835, Mary B. Hol- brook, and had Daniel J., 8 June 30, '39. He rs. at N. Wrenth, and is the author of a little vol. of useful Hymns. in. Mary E., 7 Oct. 1, 1808, m. Hiram H. Hart, rs. Montpelier ; iv. Lucy E., 7 Dec. 3, 1811, m. Amasa Cummings, rs. M. ; ix. Silas, 6 b. 1768, d. at W., Mar. 3, 1800, was prepared to enter the senior class at B. U., and became a teacher at Beaufort, S. C, m. Mary Edwards, and had i. John E., 7 Dec. 30, 1794, grad. B. U., 1815 j studied medicine with Dr. Ingalls, of Bos. ; m. Harriet P. Rutledge, and rs. at at Charleston, S. C. ; II. Silas P., 7 b. June 1, 1796, grad. at B. U., 1815 : studied law with Wm. Sullivan, of Boston ; m. Esther Gourdin, r. Bos. and Medfield, wrote much for the Boston Courier and other papers, and was the author of a popular journal, entitled, Spectacles. He was naturally of an amiable disposition, led an irreproachable life, and showed the highest regard for religion. He d. atPineville, S. C, May 26, 1835. 30. 61. James, 5 w., Hanh. Fisher, m. Nov. 26, 1753, d. Aug. 21, '55, a. 22 ; 2d w., Mary Morse, dg. of Henry M., of Attleboro', [see p. 78, of my memorial of the Morses], b. May 4, 1732, m. May 13, '56, r. W., had 95. 62. i. James, 6 Jly. 24, '54, d. Nov. 30, 1843, m. Olive Smith, fr. Medfd, and had Olive, 7 May 4, 1789 ; 98. 63. ii. Henry, 6 May 2, '57, d. a. 66, m. Martha Perry, fr. Medfd., r. Medfd. ; 64. in. Elihu, 6 Jly. 3, '60, m. Polly Bugbee, s. in Keen, had i. Henry, 7 who rs. in Bos.; n. John F. ; in. Fanny; iv. Mary; iv. Hannah, Oct. 8, '63, m. Jesse Daniels, r. Medfd. ; 93. 65. v. Samuel, 6 Sep. 27, '68, m. Lois Fisher ; 2d, Mary Fisher, Jly. 3, 1798. 46. 66. James. 5 w., Sibilla Clark, m. Feb. 11, 1756, m. 2d, Jas. Marshall, '86, r. S. i. Sarah, 6 Jly. 16, '56 ; n. Mary, 6 May 2, '58, m. Doct. Jona. Tay, of S., Jan. 5, '75 ; in. Sybil, 6 May 21, '60, m. Jona. Greenwood, May 4, '80. 67. iv. James, 6 Dec. 16,' '62, d. Apl. 4, 1829; v. Marcy, 6 Nov. 5, '67; vi. Elizabeth, Oct. 13, '72 ; vu. ? Moses, 6 pr. 47, 69. Micah, 5 s. 1 m. W. of the Common in S., m. Silence Holbrook, who was b. in S. [not " in Weymouth," see No. 39 back], and d. Aug. 15, '75; 2d w., Lydia Kendall, m. Mar. 28, '76. 109. 70. i. David, 6 May 17, '58, d. Jly 21, 1828; n. Daniel, Apl. 26, '61, d. May 5, '63 ; 19 146 HOLBEOOK 118. 71. in. Amos, 6 Gen. and Hn., Mar. 4, '64, served, a soldier in Cpt. Josh. Leland's Co., Col. Abner Perry's Regt., 1780, at R. I. j 121. 72. iv. Daniel, 6 Apl. 14, '67, d. Jan. 18, 1841 ; 126. 72^ v. Asa, 6 Apl. 29, '70, d. Jan. 30, 1818; 129. 73. vi. Cyrus, 6 Mar. 29, '75, d. Oct. 6, 1819 ; 131. 74. vn. Elliot, 6 Jan. 3, '73, d. Nov. 19, 1829, m. Sally Broad, of Natick, Apl. 11, 1799; 75. via. Royal, 6 Aug. 2, '77, lived to manhood ; ix. Eunice, 6 bap. May 6, '81, m. John Whipple, 1805; x. Silence, 6 bap., May 18, '83, m. John Whitney, of Boston, 1811. 48. 76. Nathaniel, 5 w., Asenath Kendall, d. Oct. 5, '73, a. 33 ys., r. S., where Cpt. Mears lives, had i. Rebecca, 6 May 4, '64, d. Aug. 28, '74 ; n. Anna, 6 Jly. 15, '66, d. Sep. 8, '74 ; in. Asenath, 6 Sep. 11, '68, m. Henry Pratt, June 1, '86 ; iv. Eunice, 5 Aug. 6, '70, d. Aug. 25, '74 ; v. Olive, 6 bap., May 7, '80 ; vi. Rebecca, 5 Jan. 15, '82. 49 77. Moses, 5 w., Rachel Death, r. S., was selectman, 1780-81, had i. Levi, 5 June 27, 1768, d. Aug. 26, '74 ; n. Patty, 6 d. Aug. 19, '74, a. 4 y. 8d. ; in. Hanh., d..Aug. 17, '74, a. 1 y. 10 mo. ; iv. Rachel, May 25, '75, bap. May 28, '75 ; 78. v. Moses, 6 May 23, '77, bap. May 25, '77, d. June 10, '77 ; vi. Cynthia, 6 Jly. 22, '81, m. Daniel Brown, of Ring. ; 115. 78^. vn. Aaron, 6 a twin, d. at sea, Jly. 6, 1840, m. Susan Miles ; vm. Moses, 6 lived to manhood ; ix. Rufus, 6 lived to manhood. 33. 79. Eleazer, 4 w., Keziah Leland, m. Oct. 28, '55, r. S., had 80. i. Benj., 6 June 14, 1757 ; n. Deborah, 5 Mar. 28, '59. 34. 81. Abel, 5 served as a teamster in the Revolution, lost his oxen by famine, and was discharged at Peekskill, Nov. 24, '81, w., Lydia Leland, r. S., had i. Saml., 6 b. Jly. 8, d. Dec. 10, '63 ; n. Anne, 6 Feb. 7, '65. 51 82. Jona., 6 w., Betsey Leland, b. Jan. 22, 1780, d. Jly. 25, 1820 ; 2d w., Sally (Sawin) Morse, d. Oct. 19, 1826, a. 37 ; 3d w., Lavina Eames, r. S. i. Avery, 7 Dec. 22, 1802, bap., May 22, '03, d. Nov. 24, '37; 83. ii. Wm. 7 Aug. 20, '04 ; in. Leland, Aug. 17, '00, d. Jan. 8, '08 ; 108. 84. iv. Jona., 7 Feb. 16, '09, bap., May 21, '09, r. S. ; v. Mary L., Oct. 31, '11 ; vi. Sarah B., 7 Nov. 2, '13; vn. Betsey Harding, Jly. 16, '16, d. Jan. 17, '18 ; 85. vm. Henry, 7 Sep. 2d, '22, by w. Sally. 56. 86. Darius, 6 m. Elizabeth Miller, and settled in Bos. I. John Miller, 7 who d. um. ; ii. Darius Blake, 7 m. Elizabeth Ingraham, fr. Portland, Me., rs. New York ; in. Charles Augustus, 7 m , r. Dorchester ; iv. Samuel Ridgeway M., 7 m. Frances Lodge, r. D. ; v. Wm. Read, 7 who rs. at Cincin- nati, Ohio ; vi. Elizabeth, 7 who rs. Dor. ; vn. Edward, 7 who m. Frances Doane, rs. Bos. 54. 89. David, 6 Esq., was Lt. in the army of the Revolution, and drew pay, 1780, (a pension amounting to a fortune is due to his heirs,) w., Margaret , had at Wrentham, i. "I John, 7 pr. was a teacher in New York, where he d. um. ; 90. ii. Chandler, 7 Jan. 2, 1787, r. in Newark, N. J., 1826, had a dg.; 91. in. David Lyman, 7 Jan. 2, '95, rm. S. HOLBKOOK. 147 60. 92. Daniel, 6 w., Mrs. Mary (Edwards) Holbrook, wid. of Silas, his br., m. Oct. 9, 1800, r. W., where he was D. jun., and witnessed a deed to Silas Holbrook, 1799. i. Eliza Edwards/ Nov. 7, 1801 ; n. Mary. 7 65. 93. Samuel, 6 w. Lois Fisher, d. Dec. 18, '96; 2d w., Mary Fisher, m. Jly. 3, '98, b. Jan. 6, '69, d. Feb. 1, 1804 ; 3d w., Hannah Ware, r. W., and had 94. i. Nathan Fisher, 7 Dec. 12, '9G, at Wrentham ; n. Lois Fisher, 7 Aug. 7, '99 ; in. Nabby, 7 m. Doct. Metcalf, of Mend. ; iv. Samuel E., 7 by 3d w., andd. Jly. 30, 1850; v. Hannah W., 7 d. Feb. 8, '46; vi. Caleb W. 7 ; vn. Mary A. 7 62. 95. James, 6 w., Olive Smith, r. W., and Sturb. and W., had i. Elisha Smith, 7 Sep. 7, 1780, d., urn., Jly. 27, 1807; 96. ii. James, 7 Nov. 29, 1782, d., um, Sep. 7, 1809 ; 97. in. Pliny, 7 Mar. 30, '85, rs. um. in W. ; iv. Olive, 7 May 4, 1789, m. Ezra Shaw, fr. Sturb., rs. on the ancient H. homestead in W., has Olivia* James H? 63. 98. Henry, 6 w., Martha Perry, d. at Wrenth., a. ab. 90, r. Medfd. and W. 99. i. Henry, 7 d. yg. ; n. Wm., 7 d. yg., unmarried ; 100. in. Henry, 7 m. Priscilla Sumner ; 2d, wid. Sally (Farrington) Walcot, r. Bos., and Cleveland, O., had i. Henry S., s Aug. 8, 1818, and Joseph P., 8 Nov. 1822, both r. Cleveland ; 101. iv. Joseph Perry, 7 m. Asenath Williams, r. N. Wrenth., had Susan, 8 d. um. ; Louisa, 8 m. Geo. Ide, r. Ohio; 104. 102. v. Horatio, 7 Feb. 10, 1790, read med. with Doct. Danl. Fisk, of Oxford, m. Arcena Richardson ; 2d, Almira Drake, fr. Wrenth., and s. in Thompson, Connecticut ; 103. vi. Lowell, 7 m. Angeline Nelson, dg. of Dr. Tho. N., of Bristol, R. I., r. Brookline, N. Y. ; vn. Jesse Daniels, 7 d. agd. 8 ys. 102. 104. Horatio, 7 M. D., w., Asenath Richardson, d., 1846, had i. Laura Fisk, 8 Sep. 5, 1816, m. Benj. F. Hutchins, r. Thomp. ; 105. ii. Lowell, 8 M. D., Oct. 6, '18, m. Mary E. Fisher, r. T. ; in. Martha Perry, 8 Jly. 28, '21, m. Wm. H. Jacobs, r. Worcester; iv. Mary, 8 r. um., at T. ; v. Elvira A., 8 r. T. 42. 106. Joshua, 5 s. in Sherborn, where Dalton Golden, Esq., resides, served as a soldier in Cpt. Josh. Leland's Co., 1780, at R. I., and d. aged 75, leaving only 107. Lewis, 6 Mar. 7, '96, who m. Hannah Phips, and r. in S., W. of Little Pond. i. Chs., 7 r. Milford ; n. Joshua, 7 Sep. 20, 1819, m. Julia S. War- ner, r. S., had Rufus P., 8 Nov. 25, 1849, Joshua E., 8 Aug. 5, '52; in. Rufus, 7 Oct. 9, '22, m. Mary Bond, r, S. ; iv. Ellen, 7 Dec. 19, '24, (d.) m. Orin Golden ; v. Geo. Lewis, 7 Apl. 20, '27. 84. 108. Jona., 7 w., Catherine B. Mann, b. Aug. 16, 1810, m. May 10, '33, r. Sherborn, had i. Mary E., 8 May 12, '35, d. Oct. 14, '36; n. Wm. H., s Jly. 4, '38 ; in. Georgianna E., 8 Feb. 7, '41 ; iv. Ebenr. Mann, 8 Apl. 29, '46; v. Jona. P., 8 Nov. 17, '48 ; vi. Mary Agnes, 8 Nov. 8, '54. 70. 109. David, 6 m. Judith Bullard, dg. of AsaB., of Hoi., r. Princeton, 1788-95, and Holden, 1795, until his death. He had 133. 110. i. James, 7 Mar. 29, 1780, d. May 31, 1829, m. Sarah Wheeler; and a 2d wf. ; 111. ii. Aaron, 7 Doct., Dec. 23, '82, d. Dec. 18, 1825, m. Margaret Jones ; 148 IIOLBROOK. 112. in. Levi, 7 June 9, '85, m. Eliza Grout, rs. Danville, Va., as a physician, and has Levi, 8 jun. ; iv. Hannah/ Dec. 20, '87, d. Dec. 31, 1836 ; v. Betsey, 7 Sep. 2, '91, m. Theodore Winn, r. Winchendon ; 137. 113. vi. Micah, Aug. 15, '94, m. Roxanna Richardson, r. II olden ; vii. Amos, 7 Mar. 24, '97, d. Aug. 26, '98 ; vm. Mary, 7 Sep. 15, 1800, m. John Briggs, r. S. Orange ; ix. Asa, 7 Jan. 15, 1805, in. Sarah Nye, r. Hol- den, had i. Daniel G. ; n. Marion E., and Mary E. • x. David, 7 Aug. 8, 1807, d. um, June 8, '38. 78^. 115. Aaron, 6 followed the seas, d. fr. home, and was interred at Key West, had, by w., Susan Miles, fr. New Salem, and 2d, Mary Wellington, fr. Waltham, i. Aaron, 7 master of a vessel, m. Ann Finch, fr. Bos. ii. Susan, 7 m. Wm. H. Smith, of E. Lexington, and rs. there, has Geo. E. 8 iii. Henry C., 7 r. Georgia ; iv. Rufus W., 7 r. Bos. ; v. Edwin W., 7 r. Bos. vi. Mary A., 7 r. with her mother, at E. Lexington. 71. 118. Amos, c Gen., 1st, Mary ? Badger ; 2d, Lydia Owen, dg. of Gov. Owen, of Gloucester, R. I., b. May 27, 1764, d. Dec. 15, 1820, r. Cummington, had 148. 119. i. Amos, 7 May 22, 1782, m. Betsey Craft, fr.Watertown, rs. W. Roxb. ; ii. Mercy, 7 Feb. 27, 1784, by 2d lady, d. Jly. 24, 1815, m. Wm. Hubbard, of Cummington, and had Laura O. 8 Wm. 0.,x. Oswego, N.Y., Samuel P., Francis E. ; in. Owen, 7 Apl. 22, '86, d. Oct. 4, '90 ; iv. Hannah, 7 Apl. 19, '88, d. Aug. 16, 1826, m. Daniel Coman, of Cheshire; v. Olive, 7 Aug. 18, '90, m. Capt. Joseph Warner, of Cumming. ; 120. vi. Daniel, 7 Aug. 19, '92, m. Mary Ann Dutton, rs. Attica, N. Y., had i. Edwin A. 8 rs. Buffalo, N. Y. ; n. Lydia S. 8 m. Leonidas Doty, rs. Attica, N. Y. ; in. Wm. O. 8 rs. B. ; iv. ILenry J. 8 rs. B. ; vn. Lydia, 7 Aug. 21, '94, m. Alexander Dorn ; 2d, R. Weller ; 3d, Ezra Whitman, rs. Windsor ; vm. Sarah, 7 June 19, '96, m. Wm. Hubbard; ix. Czarina, 7 Nov. 22, '98, m. Dea. Alpbeus Brown, of Dalton; x. Sumner, 7 Feb. 5, 1801, m. Olivia Davis ; 2d, Laurina Parks, rs. Chester Mills, had i. Harriet 8 m. Billings Palmer, Esq., of Sheffield ; n. Laura 8 m. Newell Bliss, rs. N. York ; in. Owen 8 ; iv. David S. 8 ; xi. Fidelia, 7 Dec. 4, 1803, m. Chs. O. Fanning, r. Amherst, Me. ; xii. Laura, 7 Aug. 15, 1807, d. Jly. 23, 1808. 72. 121. Daniel, w., Molly Bowman, b. Sep. 20, 1765, r. , had i. Polly, 7 Feb. 14, 1791, d. Nov. 16, 1826; 122. ii. Daniel, 7 Sep. 28, '92, d. Oct. 17. 1835, m. Susan Grout, and had Chs. B. 8 Sep. 8, 1821, d. June 35, 1850; in. Lowell, 7 Oct. 14, '94, rs. N.boro', m. Sarah Hastings, d. Apl. 29, 1837 ; and 2d, Lucy Barns, had i. Sophia 8 m. Francis L. Gould, rs. Bos. ; n. Benj. 8 (d.) ; in. Dexter 8 ; iv. Cyrus 8 ; v. Sarah 8 ; vi. Benj. L. 8 (d.) ; vm. Lucy 8 ; vm. Lucy 8 '42 ; iv. Cyrus, 7 Feb. 28, '97, m. Ann B. Davis, fr. N.boro', r. Sterling ; v. Dexter, 7 Mar. 24, '99, d. Aug. 6, 1826; vi. Silence, 7 Jan. 1, 1801, m. Israel P. Sibley, rs. Templeton, had Sophia S. 8 and Israel Dexter 8 of T. ; vn. Sophia, 7 Sep. 1, 1802, d. Sep. 7, 1821. 72£ 126. Asa, m. Sarah Winship, who d. Oct. 1, 1842, r. Boston, had i. Charles, 7 Oct. 10, 1794, d. 1836 ; n. Edward, 7 Feb. 24, '98, d. Oct. 5, HOLBROOK. 149 1800 ; in. Charlotte, 7 Feb. 24, 1800, m. T. V. Wiesenthal, M. D., r. Bos., had Sarah E., 8 Charlotte M. 8 Clark* Elizabeth, 8 Charlotte 8 Andrew 8 Tho. W. 8 Theodore V 8 ; iv. Lucy W./Mar. 11, 1802, d. Aug. 2, 1814 ; v. Mary A., 7 Feb. 10, '04, d. Feb. 28, '18; vi. Edward H., 7 Apl. 26, '07, in. Dorothea W. Smith, fr. Hadley : and 2d, Adaline Johnson, fr. Brooklyn, N. Y., rs. Boston, had Edwd. H 8 Jan. 12, '35 ; Sarah M. 8 Mar. 12, '37 ; Wm. A. 8 Oct. 31, '39; vii. Wm. A., 7 June 6, '10, d. 1839; vm. Theodore, 7 Nov. 29, '11, m. Kachel B. Smith (d.), rs. Chicago, 111., has Julia T. 8 T. Lewis 8 Henry E. 8 (d.), Maria L. 8 Dora 8 Emily 8 ; ix. Lucy M., 7 Apl. 10, '15, m. Rev. D. C. Millet, r. Portsmouth, R. I. 73. 129. Cyrus, m. Mary Winship, of Brighton, rs., a druggist, in Boston, had I. Mary B., 7 June 17, 1802, d. May 3, 1841, m. Francis J. Williams, of Bos., had Chs. E., s Rev., A. M., Nov. 2, 1824, rs. as Pastor of 1st. chh., Andover ; ii. Charles W., 7 Aug. 4, 1804, m. Delia A. Gardner. 74. 131. Elliot, 6 w., Sally Broad, inherited the homstead 1 m. W. of S. Common, and had i. Eliza, 7 Feb. 3, 1800, m. John Bacon, r. New York, had John E. 8 who m. Charlotte A. Reynolds, r. N. York, has Alphonso E./» John W., n Eliza A. 9 ; ii. Edward, 7 Mar. 14, 1803, m. Lois B. Combs, inherits the homestead, has Fred. T. 8 Sarah E. 8 Charlotte M., 8 Ellen S. 8 Micah Edward 8 LydiaB. 8 Mary E. 8 ; in. Tho. B., 7 Dec. 30, 1807, d. Jly. 5, 1808 ; iv. Tho. B., 7 Apl. 18, 1811, d. May 14, 1827 ; v. Mary F., 7 Dec. 7, 1816, rs. New York, urn. 110. 133. James, 7 r. W. Boylston, had, by w. Sarah Wheeler, i. Clarissa, 8 Sep. 25, 1805, m. Tho. Sargent, r. W. Boylst. ; n. Hannah, 8 May 25, 1807, m. Percival Taylor, rs. Sutton; in. Eli W., 8 Dec. 22, 1809, m. Adaline Wor- cester, rs. W. Boyl., has Susan (7.,° Emeline M. 9 ; iv. Levi, 8 Apl. 16, 1815, m. Rebecca Emerson, r. E. Boyl. ; v. Reuben W., s May 10, 1818, m. Clarissa A. Fairbanks, r. Clinton, has Chs.E. 9 Harriet L?; vi. Clara. 8 Aug. 4, 1829, by 2d w. ; vn. Eliza, 8 Dec. 4, '31 ; vm. Sarah, 8 Nov. 4, '33. 113. 137. Micah, 7 r. Holden, and by w., Roxanna Richardson, had i. Caroline, 8 May 1G, 1824, m. Rev. A. P. Marvin, rs. Wincheudon, had Caroline, 9 Apl. 20, '46 ; Mary A., 9 Jly. 17, '49 ; n. Charles W., 8 May 10, 1828, late a memb. of Wms. Col., where he col- lected and published a catalogue of most of his gr. grd. father's descendants ; in. Wm. D., 8 Nov-1, '30, rs. Worcester. 44. 140. Tho., ' a gunsmith, r. where Curtis Cooledge rs., served S. as selectman, and rm. to S. Natick. He had at S., by w. Sally Dana, i. Grace, Nov. II, 1781, m. John W. Adams, of Medfd. ; n. Sally, 6 Oct. 11, '85, m. Morrill, rs. Lexington ; in. Betsey, Sep. 14, '87, r. N., um. ; iv. Tho.,° b. pr. at N. ; v. Sylvia, r. um. Nat. 67. 142. James, 6 r. ab. 40 rods S. W. of the new S. Burying ground in S., was a blacksmith ; and by w., Mille Bridges, had i. Moses, 7 A. M., M. D., who 150 HOLBROOK. s. at the S. ; n. Sybil 7 ; in. James, 7 d. at Batavia, N. Y. ; iv. Sylvius, 7 Jly. 12, 1791, cl. at Natick; v. Clark, 7 June 4, '93, d. at Lowell; vi. Walter, 7 Aug. 12, '96, rs. Pelham ; vn. Mille, 7 Sep. 3, 1801 ; viii. Elizabeth, 7 Sep. 27, '03; ix. Benj., 7 m. Louisa Phipps ; x. Sarah Ann, 7 Feb. 3, '07 ; xi. Maria, 7 Dec. 5, '08. 119. 148. Amos, 7 m. Betsey Crafts, dg. of Cpt. Abner C, of Watertown, by w. Han- nah Child, rs.W. Roxb., had i. Hephzibah, 8 Nov. 6, 1807, d. Sep. 22, '52, m. Ebenr. Rhodes, r. Roxb., had Ebenr.? John S., Henry, Frank, and Sarah. n. Amos, 8 June 30, 1809, rs. a manuf'r at Watertown, m. Sophia Waite, b. Aug. 16, 1806, dg. of John W., of Brookfield, and had Amos, 5 June 20, '35 ; John G., Feb. 9, '38; Wm. K, Nov. 11, '40, d. Dec. 26, '44; Frank, Aug. 21, '43, d. Jan. 9, '45 ; Elizabeth, Dec. 1, '45 ; Frank, Oct. 9, '48 ; in. Elizabeth, 8 Oct. 30, '11, d. Julv 13, '27 ; iv. Parker Craft, Sep. 7, '12, d. Sep. 25, '14 ; v. John George Holbrooke, 8 * Feb. 14, '14, rs. New York, m. Jly. 2, 1844, Marian Marshall, dg. of Josiah M., of Bos., and had i. Char- lotte Marshall 5 Apl. 11, '45 ; n. Stephen, Aug. 7, '46 ; in. Margaret Meredith Read, June 19, '49 ; d. Sep. 17, '52 ; iv. George Otis, Aug. 20, '50. vi. Harriet, 8 Dec. 15, '15, d. Jan. 21, '16; vn. Charles Crafts, 8 Oct. 17, '17, m. Zebiah Smith, dg. of John S., of Bos., and has Charles, Fanny C, Ella, Margaret, and infant. viii. Stephen Child, 8 June 14, '19, drowned in Boston harbor, urn., Dec. 12, '44, on a return voyage fr. Calcutta ; ix. Wm. Henry., 8 July 17, '21, rs. Calif, um.; x. Daniel P., 8 May 11, '23, rs.W. Roxb.; xi. Ellen Mary, 8 June 23, '26, um., rs. R. CHAPTER II. 5. John, 2 a tanner, settled at Roxbury, and d. there, Dec. 25, 1678, leaving an estate appraised at £474. His will, dated Dec. 16, 1678, gave half his estate to his son John, when of age, he to pay £40 to each of his two sisters, when of age or married, and £10 apiece for money bequeathed to them by Jane Burge, of Dorch., then in the testator's hands ; and his son Daniel to have one-third of his lands and to pay one-third of the legacies. Elizabeth, his wife, to be sole executor and to have the entire income of his estate in case John was not kind and helpful to her in bringing up the younger children. Ralph Bradhurst and Samuel Williams, senr., appointed overseers in trust for the performance of his will. His wid., Elizabeth, m. 2d, Richard Hall, of Roxb., May 22, 1679, and had, Martha, Sep. 6, '80, and Richard, Jan. 1, '82-3, both d. yg. 8. 6. i. John, 3 Mr., bap. 30, (2), 1071, d. Sep. 26, 1735, m. Mary Cheiny, Sep. 24, 1684; n. Elizabeth, 3 b. Apl. 6, 1670, m. Joseph Mayo, Mar. 10, 1691-2 ; in. Abigail, 3 b. Aug. 27, 1674, and no further reported. 32. 7. iv. Daniel, 3 b. Mar. 15, 1676, m. Elizabeth Seaver, May 29, '96. 6. 8. John, 3 " Mr.," settled at Roxbury, took the freeman's oath, Apl. 16, 1690. He m. Mary Cheiny, of Roxbury, presumed to have been of the same family as * Mr. John G. Holbrooke returned years ago to the original spelling of the name. *•" ■ *■(*■• **> S* 7 ^i^^^^ HOLBROOK. 151 Doct. C. of that place, who was cousin to an Irish lord of the same family name. He m. 2d, " Mrs." Sarah Ruggles, Aug. 19, 1714, and covenanted, Oct. 23, 1738. He had, 12. 9. i. John, 4 Cpt, 20, (6), 1092, d. at Woodstock, Ct., Nov. 22, 1774, " in his 83d year," [G. S.], m. Mary Palmer ; n. Elizabeth, 4 d. Feb. 5, 1715-16 ; in. Mary, 4 d. Sep. 7, 1712 ; iv. Hannah, 4 m. June 25, 1724, m. Daniel Williams, of Eox., who was b. 1695; v. Ebenezer, 4 Dea., who settled at Pomfret, Ct., and had one son and 8 daus. ; vi. Mehetabel, 4 b. 1701, m. Nehemiah May, of Woodstock, Nov. 30, 1726 ; vn. Martha, 4 b. 1703, d. unm. at Woodstock ; vm. Sarah, 4 Sep. 17, 1704; ix. Margaret, 4 Apl. 9, 1706, d. unm., at Roxb. 18. 11. x. Ralph, 4 Capt., Oct. 1, 1708, m. Dorothy Williams, Jan. 9, '39-40. 9. 12. John, 4 Capt., executed a deed, June 21, 1747., for 76 acres, in Stoughton, he being then of Roxb., his wife Mary, and sister Margaret witnessing the deed. Apl. 17, 1747, he for £700 sold his Br. Ralph 7 acres in Roxb., bounded S. and E. by Gov. Shirley ; John Williams and Elizabeth Cheney witnessed the deed, but he did not acknowledge it until Jan. 28, 1764. He m. Mary Palmer, dau. of Rev. P., of Middleboro', who d. Sep. 9, 1768, in her 55th year [G. S.] He s. at Woodstock, pr. ab. 1747. He had, i. Abigail. 5 22. 13. n. John, 5 Capt., b. 1738, m. Susan Cabot. 24. 14. in. Tho., 5 b. May 4, 1740, d. at Thompson, Ct., June 2, '9G.? 15. iv. Ralph, 5 July 19, 1741, and also, v. Dorothy, July 19, 1741 ; 16. vi. Daniel, 5 Feb. 6, 1743-4, m. Polly Perrin, and d. without issue, at Roxb., Oct. 7, 1827, aged 83. 25. 17. vii. Job., 5 b. pr. at Woodstock, m. Irene Morse, and d. at Fairlee, Vt. ; vni. Sarah, 5 who m. Abel Morse, of Woodstock, 1770. (See Memo, of Morses, p. 113.) 11. 18. Ralph, 4 Capt., covenanted with his wife, July 19, 1741, at Roxb., sold to Moses White, May 15, 1767, all his lands at Roxb., for £1333, 6s., he being then of Andover. His wife was reed, to full communion in the Chh. in R., Aug. 11, 1751, and dismissed to the Chh. in Andover, July 24, '68. He had by wife Dorothy Williams, I. Mary, 5 July 31, 1741, at Roxb. ; ii. Ralph, 5 Feb. 14, 1743-4 ; in. Ralph, 5 Aug. 20, 1748 ; iv. Elizabeth, 5 May 1, 1751 ; v. Ebenezer, 5 Aug. 28, 1754. 21. vi. John, 5 b. Mar. 20, and bap. 26, 1758 ; vn. Dorothy, b. Jly. 24, and bap. 27, 1760. 13. 22. John, 5 Capt., m. Susan Cabot, dau. of Rev. Cabot, of Thompson, Ct., settled in T. or vicinity, and had i. John, G who rm. from Ct. to N. Y., and had sons, Cabot 1 and Marston 7 ; n. Susan, 6 who m. Mr. Goodell, of Thompson. 14. 24. Tho., 5 m. Abigail Adams, had Abigail, m. Houghton. 17. 25. Job, 5 m. Irene Morse, 1768, dau. of Parker Morse, A. M., M. D., of W., who d. 1831, s. in Killingly, and rm. to Fairlee, Vt, had, i. Sarah, 6 Feb. 11, 1769, at Killingly; n. Mary,' 5 Mar. 8, '70; in. Hannah, 6 May 20, '71 ; iv. Irene, 6 b. pr. at Fairlee; v. Parker, 6 s. at Potsdam, N. Y. ; vi. Job, 6 s. in Genesee Co., N. Y. ; vn. Daniel, 6 Hon., r. N. part of Vt. ; vm. Tho. 6 r. do.; ix. Wm., 6 rm. to Western States. 31. x. John, 6 rm. to do. 152 HOLBROOK. 7. 32. Daniel, 3 first styled Smith, and in 1712 Farmer, resided at Roxbury, where he perhaps d. or more probably removed with his sons to Lebanon, Ct. He m. Elizabeth Seaver, May 29, 1696, and had at R., i. Daniel, 4 June 28, 1696-7, d. July 12, 1697; II. Elizabeth, 4 Apl. 1, 1698-9 ; in. Daniel, 4 Oct. 25, 1701, d. yg. ; iv. Nathaniel, 4 July 31, 1703, "d. at Lebanon, Jan. 25, 1787, aged 84;" v. Daniel, 4 Jan. 12, 1704. A Daniel of Stoughton, aged about 19 years in 1723, chose Samuel Paul, of Dorchester, to be his guardian. Lt. Daniel, of Sto., pr. the same, was surveyor, 1747-8, '54, '58, 'G2, m. Mary Stone, 1758, and d. Dec. 24, 1762, intestate, and administration was granted his wid., Mary, Jan. 28, 1763, [Suff. Prob., 61, 169.1 She d. Sep. 29, 1775. John, of Sto., pr. his s. by a former wife, and b. while Sto. was a part of Dorchr., had a son bap. Sep. 6, '78. A Daniel* had at New Haven, i. Lydia, Dec. 25, 1729 ; n. Mabel, Oct. 22, '31 ; in. Isabel, Sep. 10, '34; iv. Abigail, June 2, '37; v. David, Dec. 15, '39; vr. Daniel, Nov. 12, '42 ; vn. Hannah, June 23, '44-5. vi. Abel, 4 June 28, 1705 ; vn. Abel, 4 Feb. 16, 1706-7, resided in Leb- anon, 1742 ; vin. Elizabeth, 4 Dec. 23, 1709 ; ix. Samuel, 4 Dec. 13, 1712, d. July 25, 1714 ; x. Sarah, May 31, 1713, d. Sep. 12, 1714; XI. Nicholas. 4 Dec. 17, 1711, resided at Lebanon ; 40. 39. xn. Pelatiah, 4 Mar. 14, 1717, resided in Lebanon. 39. 40. Pelatiah, 4 appears to have s. in Lebanon, and to have been the father of i. Pelatiah, 5 b. Aug. 25, 1743, who m. Mary Clark, r. Leb., and had, i. Pelatiah, 15 Aug. 1, 1769, d. Oct. 13, '75; n. Mary, 6 Aug. 7, '71, d. ab. 1820 ; in. Eliphalet, 6 Feb. 15, '73, m. Hannah Wilson„r. Pots- dam, N. Y. ; iv. Nathaniel, 6 Oct. 18, '78 ; v. Wm., 6 Aug. 23, '81, rs. Painsville, Oh. ; vi. David, June 9, '85. ii. Sarah, 5 Aug. 17, 1758, d. Oct. 25, 1757; in. Daniel. 5 CHAPTER III 6. Daniel, 2 w. Miriam , resided at Dedham, Roxb. and Dorchr. He "late of Dorch.," d. intestate, ab. 1673. Administration first granted his wid. Miriam, and by her renounced, was granted, Nov. 7, 1673, to " his brother," John Holbrook, of Roxb., and Tho. Harris, " the greatest credi- tor," who, Sep. 1, 1673, had made oath to an inventory of his estate, "he late of Roxb." [Suff. Prob., xxiii. 7.] He had, i. Daniel," Aug. 18, 1667, at Dedham ; n. Abigail, 3 May 13, 1669. 10. 7. in. Daniel, 3 Nov. 13, 1671, m. Abigail Craft. 11. 8. iv.? Eleazer, 3 probably who m. Elizabeth. 15. 9. v.? Nathaniel, 3 pr. the eldest if his child.? 7. 10. Daniel, 3 m. Abigail Craft, at Roxb., May 29, 1698, who d. Nov. 5, 1702, He d. July 31, 1719. For inventory of his estate, [see Suff. Prob., 21, 281.] He had, i. Rebecca, 4 Feb. 9, 1699; n. Abigail, 4 Aug. 13, 1700. He not improhably had another family. * Perhaps the grd. s. of Richard, of Huntington, Long Island. See p. 139. II OL 15 ROOK. 153 8. 11. Eleazer, 3 seems to have been drawn to Medfield by bis uncle Tbo., and to have been intimate 'with his sons. He by w. Elizabeth , at Medf'ld, had 12. i. Eleazer, 4 1G93 ; n. Joseph, 4 1695 ; in. Elizabeth, 4 1696 ; iv. A son, 4 1698; v. Miriam, 4 1700, named pr. for his mother ; VI. Mary, 4 1700; vir. Rachael, 4 1701-2 ; via. Silence, 4 1704, named pr. for the wife of his neighbor and cousin, John,' 1 of Sherborn ; ix. Abigail, 4 170-. 9.? 15. Nathaniel, 3 * had by wife Lydia , at Medfield ; i. Lydia, 1 1G87 ; ii. Nathaniel, 4 1689; in. Elisha, 4 1691 ; iv. Deborah, 4 1694 ; v. Sarah, 4 1698; vi. Ephraim, 4 1701--2 ; vn. Josiah, 4 1706 ; vm. Ann, 4 July 21, 1708; ix. Edward, 4 Sep. 14, '10; x. Nathaniel, 4 Oct. 22, '15. CHAPTER IV. 7. Samuel," senr., of Weym., (p. 139), appears from his will, reported in Mitchell's His. of Bridgewater, to have left an estate, 169G, to his children. 8. i. Cornelius, 3 ii. Wm. 3 ; in. Elizabeth, 3 b. at Scituate, Dee. 14, 167G? the w. of John Buck ; iv. Mehetabel, 3 w. of Jona. Sprague ; v. Jane, 3 the wife of Balcom ; " vi.V Persis, 3 b. Oct. 11, 1676 7 by wife Mary ; " vn. Hopestill, 3 a dau. unm. 1696, named pr. for a dau. his bro. Tho., of Sherborn, had lost. NOT TRACED. 1. Abner Holbrook, of Townsend, Vt, where the name is common, ra. Sarah Lee, and had i. Harriet, nl. Sam. Stevens ; n. Adin, b. 1802, m. Mary Hallet, rs. New York ; in. Harvey, is. T. ; iv. Chester ; v. Horton ; vi. Sarah ; vn. Benj. 2. John, doubtless the grd. s. of Wm., 2 and pr. son of John, 3 of p. 136, m. Deb- orah Thayer at Mend., Dec. 19, 171G. She d. Jly. 24, 1750, at M. 3. John, of Uxb., m. Zilpah Thayer, of Mend., Mar. 11, 1732. 4. John, of Uxb., a Quaker, m. Jan. 13, 1762, Lydia Holbrook, of Bellingh., left an estate inventoried, Sep. 12, 1774, at £696, to be divided between his wid. Lydia and children Micba, Amoriah, John, and Ilboda : viz., to Micah, his right to common lands in Mend, and the N. part of his homestead in U. ; to Amoriah, land near the pond in M. ; to John, the homestead and care of wid. 5. John, m. Martha Wilson, Sep. 6, 1757, at Mendon. 6. John, of Uxb., m. Rboda Thayer, of M., Dec. 6, 1770. 7. Peter, of Uxb., m. Lydia Darling, of Mend., May 27, 1761. 8. Peter, of Mend., ra. Mary Taft, June, 178G. 9. Deborah, m. Jos. Torrey, Sep. 6, 1752, at M. [See recs. of Uxb. and Sturb.] 10. Amariah, w. Keziah, had Otis, Nov. 24, 1783, at Mend. 11. John, Esq., [pr. s. of Dea. Ebenr., p. 151,] m. Anna Field, r. Pomfret. 12. Silas, [pr. Pt. i, Ch. in, No. 25,] who, July 1,1717, drew pay as surgeon's mate. 13. John, Esq., of Sturb., had Phebe, m. Dwight Harding, [b. 1807.] 14. Chloe, of Oxford, m. Preserved Pierce, of Brookline, Ct., Sep. 9, 1821. * Nathaniel, whom I have doubly queried, should be classed with estravs — might have been the son of Nathaniel of Pt. II, No. VII. 20 154 H O L B It O K GRADUATES. Daniel Holbrook, ? Harv. Col., 1719, A. B. Pt. i. Ch. i. 53. Samuel Holbrook, do., 1734, A. B. Pt. ii. Ch. I. 59. Josias Holbrook, Brown U., 1788, A. B. Josephus Holbrook,? Brown U., 1791, A. B. Abiel Holbrook, ? Har. Col., 1800. Samuel Holbrook,? Yale Col., 1801. Pt. ii. Ch. i. 142. Moses Holbrook, Har. U., 1808. Josias Holbrook, ? Yale Col., 1810. Pt. i. Ch. ii. 270. Amos Holbrook, Dart. Col., 1807, M. D. Clarendon G. Holbrook, ? Harv. U., 1837, M. D. Levi Holbrook, ? Ver. U., 1811, A. B. Pt. i. Ch. ii. 261. Willard Holbrook, Brown U., 1814, A. B. Pt ii. Ch. i. 59. JohnE. Holbrook, do., 1815, A. B. Pt. ii. Ch. i. 59. Silas P. Holbrook, do., 1815, A. B. John Holbrook,? Mid. Col., 1828, A. B. Stephen E. Holbrook, ? Amh. Col., 1839, A. B. Pt. i. Ch. ii. 261. Amory Holbrook, Bod. Col., 1841. TO THE HOLBROOKS. Gent. : Since the foreoging was in type I have received assurance of such aid in the examination of records in England as may enable me or the inheritor of my MSS. to render this work more certain, complete, and available. Being descended on both sides from ancestors in common with thousands of Holbrooks, a circumstance that led to this production, I shall be most happy to receive and impart more of their history ; and if this humble offering should prove acceptable, a supplement may follow it, con- taining information expected from England, notes and obituaries of many only here named, and the history of branches not yet fully traced. To accumulate materials for such an addition and improvement will require delay and the aid of others. In the mean time let any of the race who have records and notes to communicate, direct the same to me at Boston, to the care of Mr. Charles C. Holbrook, No. 305 Washing- ton st., pointing out any error in this work, however trivial, that can be detected ; and bearing firmly in mind that it is only by concentrating the correspondence and patronage in the hands of one man, and he not merely desirous of the undertaking, but by situation and long experience rendered competent to it, that the desired im- provement can be made and issued. Direct your letters, then, as here requested ; and if I fail to arrange a supplement, I will pass them to some Holbrook, high- minded, honorable, and competent, tender of reputation, and alive to the honor of the name, who shall consent to receive our MSS., and act in my place. Antiquarians desire emulation, but they all deprecate and despise competition. The former assists, the latter defeats the labors of all. Yours very affectionately, ABNER MORSE. N. B. Each purchaser of a copy of this book is requested to leave or forward his address. HOLBROOK. ADDENDA. 95 Pt T Ph II No. 961. Stephen Holbrook, 4 m. only Mary Penniman — -wa« contomponrv will, a Stephen II. of Grafton and a Stephen II. of ^*°- " bo »° r childr^ under No. 261 have been confounded irith his. He had i. Willard' Rev, A.M. : ii Amory, 7 drowned Jly. 20, 1816; IB. Polly, d. yg. ; iv Mar/ ; v. Lewis," vi. Delia Maria/ Pt I Ch. If. No. 26lf Amory Holbrook/ Esq., A. M , was j born at Rowley, Mass An". 15, 1*20, became a distinguished scholar ; studied law Hon. .1 C Perkins, of Salem, and bis cousin, Hon. Rufus Choate of Boston ; was admitted to the E sons and 1 dg. all Mr. II after ll edic«1 ag an ,i ending ful ministry bare of 1 1 years, he was called to the editorial chair of the Congregational 1 1 at Chicago which he accepted. While resident at C. be labored also as a minister, and was instrumental in gathering the N. Bog < longl Chh. in that city. Jan. 1, '5(1, he received a call to return to his former charge at Dabuque, where, as one of the first ministers of that city and the father of its 1st Congl Chh.. his instructing history may he found by my successor, who will mark coincidences of char- acter in him and his gr. gr. gr. grd. father, Capt. John, which, as in similar cases, have pr. been transmitted through each intervening generation. ° 9. V/„ ./ A P 1. 20, 1810, d. Nov. '27, 1813. 10. Frederick- Hon. Feb. 15, 1813, at E. Windsor, Ct., re. at B haa often been a member of the leg. of Vt ; is the author of able articles on agriculture, and Judgo of Probate for Wind. Co m. Harriet S Goodhue, Jan. IS, »35, has Frank F.,» and 2 other sons, n. Sally, d. ab. 1800, m. Nov. 80, 1786, Silas Knowlton, the brother of her sis, in law, and had 1. Paid Holland, 1 Hon*. ; 2. Luke, 1 ; 3. Samantha, 1 4. a son, b. at Stukely, L. Canada, ab. 1800. hi. Sy]yan«s.'b. ab. 1770, m. Abigail Cheney, fr. Orange, Mass., and d. 1846, at r ranklin, Frank. Co., Vt., leaving no sons. iv. Wealthy," d. in Franklin Co., Vt.. ab. 1845. v. "Joe,"' pr Joanna, d. 1851, a. ab. 70 ys. m. Doct. Cole, rs. -IN. Y., and had children rs. N. Y. Ti. George Bradford ,« Esq., b. Sep. 11, 1782, rm. to Chautauque Co., N. i., where he was elected a magistrate, held the offices of under-Sheriff and Jailer, and transacted a great amount of business. During 40 yrs. iaoT) a l mUCh BB, P 1, V? d in surveying lands in different States. Aiout 18L- he rm. to Euclid, O., where he rs. an acting justice and solitary survivor of his generation. He m. May 28, 1812, Salinda Holden, who d. Nov. 17, 1831, and 2d, Selina Jones, Jan. 6, 1833, and had 11 Children, 9 of whom survive, viz. 1. Persis,' Au^. 6, 1815, formerly Post mistress at Ripley, N. Y. ■ m. Elisha Bruce, and 2d, Wilson Mo- Clmtock, rs. 20 m. fr. Chicago. 2. Lane, 7 Jan. 27, 1817, in Dec. 10, 38, Mary Hay ward, who d. Sep. 23, '48 ; and 2d, Sarah Ames, and keeps a public house upon the State line, on the road from Buffalo to • Hon Paul Holland Knowlton m. Laura Moss, b. 1788, rs. Eroom C. E. a gent, of wealth, ?"%*'■ ounsellor. During the war of 1812 two maiden ladies, the only survivors in ot an extinct race of Knowltons, being in quest of cis-Atlantic heirs, and' reading of the expulsion fr, m ( anada of a band of marauders from Vt. bv a force under hia command, kaaresstHl him letters of inquiry, and at length invited him to England, where through knowledge or the historj oi his ancestors be convinced them of his descent from a Knowlton stock, common to both parties, and after their decease received from them a princely l< ff-p i9ii /fVC HOLBROOK. 97 Erie. 3. Cordelia/ r». Chant Co. 4. Elbaaan Winchester/ Nor. 88, '23, rs. urn. in Ashtabula Co. O. 5. Simon Bolivar/ Apl. 28, '26, m. Mar. 15, '47, Sarah Ann Harris, n. Chau. Co. 6. Caroline/ Jan. ... '29, m. Phineas Smith, June 27, '46, rs. Ashtab. Co. 7. John/ Mar. 4. '31, m. Feb. 16, '53, AnnU Booth, (d.) : and 2d, Elizabeth Maskaline, fr. Eng., rs. Asbtab. Co. 8. Salinda/ Feb. 4, '34, m. Sep. 6, '53, Henry Johnson, rs. Euclid. 9 Helen/ Oct. 20, '38, m. ApL 30, '56, John Perew, rs. Cleveland. Pt. I. Ch. I. No. 90 and 156. Nathaniel,' rm. Cummington, Maw., and had iv. Galin, r. Ontario Co., N. Y. Pt. I. Ch. II. No. 268J. Rufus Holbrook, w. Mary Wyman, ra Charleston, had i. Mary W., 8 Oct. 2, 1823, (d.) m John C. Famsworth, of Somerville ; ii. Rufus H., 8 May 15, 27, m. May, 21, '48, CathWine E. Broadman r. Bos; in. Atwood D., 8 Apl. 16, '81, m. June 9, 53, Harriet C. Crehore, dg. of Geo. C. of Surry, N. H. ra Chs'town ; iv. Lydia Ann/ Sep. 8, '33, ra. Nov., '5 3, G. H. Cutler ; v. Henry J., 8 Feb. 2, '36,(d.) ; vi. Pamelia, 8 b. and d. Nov. 2, '38. Pt. I. Ch. II. No. 281. Solomon Holbrook, 8 bad also XIII. Richard/ b. Jly. 22, 1811, who m. Catherine Bruce, rs. Waltham, has I. Maynard, 8 ii. Caroline 8 ; in. Theodore K. 8 ; iv. Martha E. 8 ; v. Ch*. K.J PL II. Ch. I. No. 54 and 89. David, 6 Holbrook, Esq., d. Jan. 30, 1834, aged 87 ys. " His early habits are said to have been marked by sobriety, and in his sentiments and conduct were exhibited the salutary fruits of seasonable, judicious and religious instructions, though he did not make a public profession of religion, until some time after the close of the Revolutionary war. Early imbued with the spirit of patriotism, and willing to make sacrifices for the welfare of Ais country, he was among the first to volunteer his services in our great Revolutionary struggle, and among the last to leave the field, while there was any supposed danger from foreign invasion. When the news of the battle of Lexington reached him, be was clearing a piece of fallow ground. He immediately left his tools in the place of bis work, and never again stepped upon the spot for eight years, or until after the close of the war. The part which be took in that eventful contest, we will describe in his own words, taken from a MS which he left with his friends. " I turned out as a volunteer, Apl. 20th, '75, and remained in different grades of office, till the close of the Revolutionary war, which was in June '83, and without fear of punishment, or hope of reward, except to save my country free and independent, in which I felt the church to be included, which I felt a strong interest in. " The actions in which I took part are as follows, Long Island, Harlem Heights, Frogs Point, White Plains, Danbury, Saratoga, White Marsh, Phil- adelphia, Monmouth, Newport, and several scouts for Indians. To the above statement is subjoined the following reflections and remarks : " I have lived to see the world full of perturbation, and have long been pre- paring to leave it, and gathering comfort for the important hour of making up my account with God, which 1 now apprehend to be near at band ; and I think I have, by his grace, been enabled to love bim in early life, and I think I find in my old age, I have labored to keep a conscience void of offence towards H:m snd. towards all men. 5*1 98 UOLBROOK. 'And since, Lord, I owo thee a death, permit it to be easy and tranquil, then choose thy own lime. I submit to th«e ; not my will hut tMne 1>»' done." Dating a considerable part of the war, Esq. Bolbrook sustained the rank of Captain, and we believe was erer approved by his sMj»<>ri'>r officers, who on all occasions, understood his duty and was ready to perform it. The orders of military discipline to which ho was accustomed in the Revolution, seemed in a greal measure, t" influence his feelings during hie subsequent life. Every thing transacted in public meetings, or on especial occasions, with which he had anything to do, he was desirous of seeing proceed with perfect Byetein. 11' approached his dissolution with perfect composure, and his death, accord- ing to his prayers, was " easy and tranquil. " He gave all necessary directions concerning his funeral, and waited with resignation ft* his departure, saying, he had no will of his own." In 1784, he ni. Margaret Druee, dg. of l>r. John 1)., of Wreath , who sur- vived him. They had, I. John Druce, 7 Oct. 3<>, 17s."), d. Oct. 21, 1885, a gent, of rare refinement both natural and acquired, ardently loved by bis intimates and highly esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintance. He was by profession a teacher. He early commenced in dis. schools in his native town, rui. to Newark, N. .1., and next to New York, where he opened a select school for boys, in which he continued for many years under the patronage of families of the highest respectability. Here he united with the Presb. ('hh. under the care of Rev. Dr. Spring, and by bis consistent walk and liberality to well-chosen objects of charity, greatly honored his Christian profession. When worn out by labors, he retired to the home of his uncje Luther, then at Whiteboro', N. Y , in the bosom of whose family " he d. in a firm hope of a blessed future." ii. Chandler/ (see Pt II. Ch. I No. 90 and 154) whose wf. Deborah d. 1856 ; in. David Lyman, 7 Jan. 2, 1795, m. Mary Tuite, at Cincin, ()., aud d. sine prole at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 4, 1844. Pt. II. Ch. I. No. 55. Adin,« m. Mar. 15, 1778, Hannah Day, of Keene, N. H., where he d. July 20, 1843, a. 91 yrs. and 3 mos. He had, i. Adin, 7 May 2, 1780, who invented in 1796, machinery for spinning flax by water, by which the labor of 3 days was performed in 1, and the first thread spun by water in the U. S. He m. Pollv Warren, b. Mar. 21, 1790, and had, 1. Laurinda* Feb. Id, 1811, m. Chs. D. Abbott, mercht., and had Mary E., 9 Feb. 22, '43 ; 2. Chat. Warren': Feb. 0, 1814, m. Sarah A. Boardman, dg. of Col. "Wm. B , of Nashua, rs. N< w York ; 3. Mary Abbott* Feb. 10, 1819, m. Onslow Stearns, has Chas. O.,' Mary L., 1 Margt. A. u it. Clariuda, 7 May 1*. 1782, m. Daniel Chapman, of K., mercht. Apl. 1">, 1800, and'd. Dec. 0, 1811,had Clarinda: Harriet,* Hank.," Daniel Wm.* in. Chin., 7 Jly. V.\ 178G. m. Hon. B. M. Atherton, rs. 111. ; iv. Enos, 7 Sep. 17, '89, m. Mary Kendall, fr. Athol, b. Sep. 1700. had, 1. Sarah: June 13, 1823 ; 2. M'/».,* Jan. 23. 1825 ; :!. Mary A., 6 June 8. '27 ; 4. Clarinda A.* Aug. 15, '31, u. Oct. 5. '68 ; v. Cornelia, 7 July 2, 1792, m. Edwin Wales, rs. Westminster, Vt Tt. II. Ch. I. No. 58£. Calvin/ 1 b. Jan. 31, 17G3, m. Mary Bugbee, of Wrenth.. r. Brewer, Me. rVe IIOLBROOK. 99 Pu II. Ch. I. No. 57. Amos, 9 a Prof, of music, m. Sophia Cook, r. and . Francis L.; Sep. 20, 'id. ii. M ny, May 5. 1HD7, ■ Betl 11. Mann, ra. Rock Island, III., had Hat- tie, in. ■ — Miller, rs. Chu- rn. Am. . V M;iv -'•'». L809,at Winchester, N. II, m. Ellen 8. Briggs, of hioago, had 1. Lucat M.* Oil 2*. '88 ; 8. FJkn. A/.," Nov. 17, '87 ; 8. Edmond li; Sep. 17, '39 ; 4. Ellen M., H No?. 16, '48 ; \. Jlirttett: June 18, '49' IV. Too.. 1 b. also May 26, '09, ni. Nancy Ferguson, of Whiteeboro', N. Y., rt Iloini •!•. N. V., his 4 dgs./ one in. to Dunhar. rs. II. v. Luther L .'" Dee 2S, l s l r >. m. Frances Wilder, of Keene (d.) and d. leaving Harriti ,/.: and Edwardf ra. K. vi. David A., r Bev. Jas 8, 1820, m. Susan Bartlett, of Poughkecpsie, r». Brooklyn, N. V., associated with Rev. Mr. Dwigbt, in the instruction of a High School f. r boys, has Dudley: and DwighC vn. Leverett II ,'' Sep. 15, 1821, m. Susan Jones, of Pen Yan, N. Y., has Dai id," and Frederick: Pt. I. Ch. II. No. 30. Tho. Holbrook,' r. Sturbridge, had, I. Asa,' m. Nabby Stacy, s. in Tuwnsend, Yt. bad, 1. Tho., 7 2. Dg., 1 8. Sarah} 1. Alfred': u. Ezra/ m. Mehetabel Tyler, from Uxb., r. T., bad 1. Aimer. 7 2. Sarah, 7 )n. Reuben Nichols; 3. Jerod; in. Cldoe Dunton, of T. j 4. Arba, 7 m. Miss HasletOD, of T. ; 0. llittty, 1 r*. unni. at T. ; 6. Sula, rs. do. in. Eli, 1 ' b. Feb. 11, 1740, lost bit father at the age of 11 ys , was adopted by his uncle Aaron, of Bell., whom be ever culled father, inherited land in Brinifd. bequeathed by bis grd. father, John, m. at Sturbridge, Nov. 10, 1772, Sibil Thompson, who d. 1810, a. o'J ys. 5 mo. 22 d. He s. in 8., served in the Revolutionary war until the surrender of Burgoyne, and in 17*U rra. to T., where be d. 1828, a. 82 ys. 8 mo. and JO ds. He bad, 1. Arad: May S 1 , 1771, at S. m. 1798, Patience Mason, of Putney, Yt . s. in T., had Orpha,' Mar. 4,1700, m. Gordon U. Gale, rs. T., Alva, s Aug. 28, 1 sou, d. June 18, 1804| Thompson,* Apl. 12, '04, rs. una). atT.; Vernon, s Oat. 25, 1805, m. Adeline Chamberlain, fr. Brattlab., rs Boston; Orissa,* June 23, 'o7, d. Aug. 29, '34 ; /aeon,' Jan. 17, *01, d. Oct. 12, '52, at St. Louis, in. Laura King, and had Chs • Norman/ May 29, '12, d. Feb. 23, '13 ; Oreille,* Dec. 21, 17, -n. Reuben H. Potter, rs. Carthage, N. Y. 2. Warram. 7 Jly. 5, 1782, m. at T., Mercy Cody. fr. Brimfield, rm. to Harrisburg, Pa , where he d. Oct. 12, 1833. He had, f*f 100 HOLBROOX. 1. Alvah Morris, 8 Esq., Aug. 23, 1808, rs. at New Orleana, an associate editor and proprietor of the N. Orleans Picayune ; 2. Marcus D., N Apl. 24, 1810, rs. Lancaster, Pa., formerly editor of the Lancastrian and Chronicle of the Times, m. and had Samuel Schock* and Mary Dorr, Oct 23, 1840 ; Alva Morris, 9 Dec. 16, '42; Hannah Slaymaker* Dec. 15, '44 ; Sarah Rebecca, Oct, 81, '46. 8. Sibil Thompson, 8 Deo. 11, 1811, m. Adam Konigmacher Fohnestook,b. July 12, 1800, baa Harris* Holbrook* Edward Morris* James, 9 Sibil Amelia? Chs. Adam* Wallace Weir* 4. Richy Warram, 8 rs. unm. at N. Orleans. 3. Orra,' Oot. 28, 1785, m. 1822, Fanny Qloyd, of Jericho, Vt., b. Jan. 21, 1791, ra. Milton, Vt., had 1. Mariett F., 8 Sep. 2, 1827; 2. Eli Thompson, 8 Oct. 16, 1832 4. Eli, 7 Oct. 12, 1791, m. Jerusha White, and d. 1852, without issue, r. at Saratoga, was Sheriff and Pros, of a Fire Ins. Co., rm. and d. at Detroit. iv. Abner, 8 s. of Tho." above, perished in the revolutionary war. T. Elias, 6 m. May 2, 1774, at Sturb., Abigail Shumway, a. and d. in Townsend, Vt., leaving a family, who rm. to N. Y. vi. Rboda, 8 d. unm. ; vn. Lydia," ra. Jea. Walker, of T., had 5 sons, 7 3 dgs. Pt. I. Ch. II. No. 32. Moses, 3 m. Ruth , and hnd at Sturb. i. Mary, Nov. 18, 1747; ii. Hannah, Apl. 10. '52; ui. Amos, Mar. 13, '54; iv. Ruth, Dec. 23, '57. He rm. to Townsend, Vt., d. leaving 1 son and 3 dgs. Pt. II. Ch. I. No. 145. Clark Holbrook, 1 m. Betsey Bullen.b. Mar. 17, 1795, dg. of Judathan B , by w. Dolly Clark, rm. to Walpole, N. H. to conduct an ex- tensive farm for Col. Mason, of Bos. Four years afterwards he purchased two farms at Dummerston, Vt , on which he resided several ys. In 1840 he rm. to Lowell, where hed. Feb. 24, '41. He had i. James Clark, 8 Esq., May 27, 1817, m. May, '45, Isabella Eliza McDill, of Hamilton. O., dg. of Kev. David McDill, D. D. ; studied law in the office of Gov. Bebb, of O. ; was admitted to the bar of that State, but s. at Chester, 111. ; has 1. lhtvid Clark* 2. Clara* 3. Edward Everett* H. Moses, 8 b May 10. 1810, m. Doroas Ann Spofford, dg of Col. S. of Buxton. Me., rs. B.. bad, 1. Albert* (d.) ; 2. Geo.*; 8. Emma* in. Lowell, 8 b. June 20, 1821. d. Oct, 14, '89, at Lowell, iv. Horatio Nelson, 8 Esq., b. Nov. 29, '23, studied law with his brother ; was admitted to practice in all the courts of 111., but now rs. in Bos. Ho m. Henrietta Williams, of Buxport, Me., has Olin Adams* b. July 20, '55. r v. Frederic Augustus." b. Feb. 15, 1829, m. Jan. 2, '63, Harriet Battles, dg. of Cyrus B , of Lowell, M. L., has Willis Paul* b. Aug., '54. ti. Sarah Ann E./ b. Feb. 17, 1831, m. Oot. 7, '49, Silvanus Coleman, rs. Milford. v. Robert Shillabcr D , 8 b. Feb. 4, 1833, rs. M. HOLBROOK. 101 PL I. Ch. II. No. 86. Benajah Holbrook,* Esq., emigrated in early life from Bellingbam to N. Adams, Mass. Here be m. Judith Badger, and prior to 1 810 removed to Riga, Monro Co., N. Y. About 1840 be moved from R. to Cbili in tbe same Co., where his lady deceased. He then went to Livonia, Wayne Co., Mich., where he spent the remainder of his days with his daughter, Roena. He was by avocaiion a farmer, inherited an excellent constitution, was never sick until shortly before his death, and was to wise and happy in the choice of a wife as to transmit bis excellent constitution to his children ; and if bis ex- ample in this thing could reach and control the future generations of the race, he would be one of their greatest benefactors. Mr. H. served as Maj. in the militia, in the war of 1812, and waa for a time stationed at Buffalo. " He was never in any battle, yet constantly doing battle for Gen. Jackson.' During bis residence at Riga be transacted much publio business, and was repeatedly elected a justice of tbe peace. He had i. Judith/ in. Jan. 1826, Henry Ide, who d. 1833, and 2d, Davis, rs. ML Morris, N. Y., had 1. Helen Ide* Nov. 1826; 2. Che. Henry Ide* ii. Benajah, 7 b. Jan. 26, 1805, was a mercht., r. San Francisco, Cal., where he d. Sep. 27, 1850. He m. Jerusha E. Ingraham, Apl. 13, '30, who (1. Oct. 8, 1835, and 2d, Jane Herr, May 19, 1836, who rs., with her children, at Plymouth, Mich. They had, 1. Benajah* Jan. 7. 1834 ; 2. John H*Au%. 27, 1839. 3. Sarah J* July, 11, 1841. 4. Roena* Dec. 20, 1842. 5. Mary Ann,* Julf 26, 1845. 6. George* July, 4, 1848. in. Henry 1$./ formerly a mercht., now rs. a land agent at Grand Rapids' Mich., m. Nov. J 8, 1832, Sarah Woodruff, had 1. Chas. Henry* Dec" 2, 1834. 2. Mary* June 2, 1842. 3. Ella* Feb. 2, 1847. 4* Kate* Aug. 23, 1848. iv. Mary Ann, 7 m. Doct. Willard Slocum, Aug. 31, 1831, wbo d. Jan. 17, 1847 ; and 2d, Jona. F. Chubb, Jan. 8, 1849, wbo rs. as a mercht. at Grand Rapids, bad 1, Herbert Slocum* Feb. 27, 1837. v. Charles/ m. Eliza Pinkney, Feb. 19, 1845, rs. as a farmer at Lansing, Mich., had, 1. Edward P., 8 Jan. 30, 1846; 2. John* Oct., 1, 1848; 3. Chat. H .* Apl. 30, 1856. vi. Roena,(notRoxa,)b.Dec. 14, 1813, m. Julius C.Willcox, Dec. 31. 1840, who rs. a farmer at Livonia, Mich., bad, 1. John E.* Mar. 11, 1845 ; 2. Caroline E.* Jan. 16, 1847 ; 8. Julia S.* May 27, 1849 ; 4. Julius E.* Dec. 1, 1852. vn. Milton/ b. Jan. 14, 1817, m. Sarah A. Bronson, Deo. 2, 1844, who d. Jan. 9, 1853; and 2d, Electa Woodruff, Oct. 4, 1855, sister of his br's. wife, and now lives at Detroit, a gen. collecting agent ; bad, 1. Nettie B.* Mar. 29, 1849. viii. DeWitt C/ Holbrook/ Esq., a lawyer of good standing in the profession, and a gentleman much esteemed in society, rs. at Detroit ; m. Sep. 26, 1850, Mrs. Mary A. Berdan, dg. of Tho. P. May, senr., of Plymouth, Mich., and formerly from London, Eng., and had, 1. DeWitt C* jun., b. May 25, 1 851 ; 2. Mary* Apl. 23, 1853 ; 3. John BuUdey* Dec. 25, 1854. ix. Ursula True/ m. Sylvester Fuller, ab. 1853 ; and rs. at Utica, Mich. PL II. Ch. 1. No. 58$. Calvin Holbrook, b. Jan. 31. 1763, d. Apl. 11, 1813. He m. Mary Bugbee of Wrenth., May 20. 1790, and s. 1792 at Orrington, now Brewer, Me, d. Sept. 14, 1826; was a very indubtri- /r*v & 102 HOLHHOOK. ous man, and like most of tho Wrenth. branch, distinguished for music, of which he w:i- a. teacher. He had, i. Calvin/ jun., b. Nov. 17, 1791, d. Feb. 10, 1846, m. Martha Blood ; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and in tho Hampden bat- tle. S,>j,. 5, 1814. ' ii. Sully, 7 Sep. 21, 17 l .>3, d. Apl. 17, 1833, m. Nathan Kingsbury, ha.J, 1. Lewis, 6 rs. a farmer in B. ; 2. Nathan * rs. u inercht. at Bradford, and three others, d. in. Hervey/ Apl. 28, 1796, d. Dee. 1"), 1839, m. Phebe Fitts of Wor- cester, Mass., had 7 children: 1 of whom now r. at Indian Orchard, iv. Watson/ Apl. 11, 1798, in. Mary Ann Burr, rs. 15., had, 1. Chs. Watsom* Jui. 7, 1882, d. Oct, 80, '82; 2. Chs. Watson, 6 Aug. 31, '38, rs. Grass Valley, Nevada Co., Cal. ; 8. James Warren 6 Aug. 23, '37, is a mariner; 4. John Calvin; Sep. 27, '11 ; 5. Infant, b. and d. Feb. 4, '45 ; 6. Samuel Bugbee; May 13, '46 ; 7. Mary Annah Gushing* Jan. 2, '51. v. Mary/b. " A." 19, 1801, m. Dea. Alex'r Arno Fisher, had 5 childrc?i, two of whom r. with their parents in B. vi. Abigail; b. June 12, and d. June 14, 1808. vii. Julia Ann/ Feb. 10, 1804, d. Aug. 23, '42, m. John Holyoke, had three children, 6 all r. B. Tin. James Hastings, 8 Mar. 29, 1806, inhabits the homestead in IS. iv. Nancy/ Jly. 20, 1808, d. Mar. 20, 1830. x. Samuel Bugbee/ Jly. 15, 1811, in. Humphrey, at Warren, R. I., where he is. a ship carpenter. Pt. I. Ch. II. No. 258. George Holbrook/ m. Mary Staples, dg. of Simeon S. of Mend., who d. Sep., 1835 : and 2d, Mrs. J;me K. Bugbee, dg. of of the excellent Dea. John Robinson, formerly of Brookline, where he now rs. He had by his first wf. l. George R., 8 m. Abby Warren, rs. Nebraska, has 1, Mary Staples ; 2, Alfred* now in New York. ii. Benj., 8 rs. Milford. in. Mellen, 8 re. Brookline. iv. Albert, 8 d. in New York, leaving a wid. and chd. 9 v. Delia/ m. Mr. Dean or Bean, rs. Milford. His other children d yg. P. II. Ch. I. No. 38. Moses/ b. 14, 1738, at Grafton, where he died Mar. 26, 1802. He m. Mary , who d. May 15, 1788, and had at G. only i. Moses, 6 b. Oct. 28, 17G7, d. Jan. 1,1808, m. Sally ,r G , bad 1. Austin, 7 Sept. 27, 1702, m. Martha G. Harrington, Nov. 28, 1816. 2. Bobert Afe/fen/May 10, 1704, in. Clarissa J. Pierce, Dec. 17. 181C 3. Puuh- Oct. 2, 1706. 4. Sail,,, 7 May 6, 1798. Mary U'./ May 6, 1798, d. Oct. 7, 1815. 6. Martha,' Mar. 14, 1802. 7. Candace, 7 Mar. 4, 1X04. Pt. II. Ch I. No. 36. Win.,'' m. Sarah Batcheller, May 15, 175.'?, and bad at G. I Sarah/ Mar. 4, 1754. II. Hannah/ Apl. 13, '57. III. Josiah/ Apl. 15, '50. iv. Nathaniel/ Mav 23/01. v. Anna," May 29, '03 vi. Mary, 8 Sept. 22. '05. vn. Stephen, 6 Oct. 8, '67. d. May 2G, 1850, m. Sally .who d. Jan. 3_>. 1822, a. 4:!, and had atG. 1. Polly, Aug. 3, 1700. 2. Lewis, Oct. 16, 1800, rs. G. 3. Josiah, Oct. 18, '02. 4. Asenath, Aug. 1, '05. 5. Wm , Jly 9, '07, d. '56, at Leices. m. sift / if 10 VI. ▼ii. ▼in. IX. X. > 102. Harve HOLBROOK. 103 6. Sally B.; r Aug. 20, 1809. 7. Martha P., 7 Jan. 19, '12. 8. Han- nah G.J Jan, 12, '14. 9. Edmond Stephen, 7 Apl. 23, '16. ix. Am/ Nov. 16, 1769; x. Martha, 6 Deo, 7, '71 ; xi. Patty, 8 Juno 82, 78, 2. Austin Holbrook/ Esq., s. of Moses* by wf. Sally Mellon, and grd. s. of Moses 4 by wf. Mary Whipple, is a highly respected citizen of Grafton, and resides upon the place first improved by his gr. grd. f. John, 4 who was registered as belonging to Mendon. He had, by wf. Martha G. Harrington, i. Martha Harrington, 8 Apl. 19, 1818, d. Feb. 13, '56, in. Lorenxo Leland, Esq., of Ottawa, 111. ii. Sarah Caroline, 8 Jly. 29, 1820, died Jan. 17, 1821. in. Charles Austin, 8 Dec. 6, 1821, m. Saraho W. McNatnard, b. atG., Dec. 9, 1821, and rs. at Worcester, engaged in the boot and shoe business, iv. George Mellen, 8 Oct. 28, 1823, rs. at Chicago, 111. v. Ann Frances, 8 Sep. 6, 1825, died May 5, '51. Wm., 8 Deo. 8, 1828, rs. a farmer at Ottawa, 111. Frederic, 8 Oct. 28, 1830, rs. a mcrcht. at Ottawa. Ferdinand, 8 Nov. 21, 1833, rs. at Geneseo, 111. Benj. Estabrook, 8 May 21, 1835, rs. a clerk at Worcester. John Mellen, 8 Mar. 12, 1838, rs. at W. ' p. 102. Harvey/ 3J chd. of Calvin, m. Phebe Fitts, Sep. 1, 1821, dg. of John F. of Charlton, and had i. Calista, 8 Nov. 7. 1822 ; ii. Lorinda, 8 Feb. 13, '24, d. Oct. 13, '27 ; hi. John Fitts, 8 Feb. 27. 1825, d. Aug. 27, '28 ; iv. Lou- isa, 8 Oct. 17, 1826, d. Oct. 17, '27 ; v. Lucy, 8 Sep. 9, 1828, d. Mar. 17. '34; vi Julia Ann 8 Jly. 21, 1830, d. Mar. 7, '34 ; vn. Chester, 8 May 25, 1832 ; vm. Fanny Elita, Nov. 16, 1834 ; ix. John Chandler, 8 June 16, 1837; x. Elvira, 8 Aug. 23, 1839, d. Nov. 5, '44. This family since 1854 have r. at Indian Orchard, Mass. Pi. II. C!i. 1. No. 57. Amos Holbrook, Esq., with a view to the ministry, gd. 1807 at I Ian . College, where he had acquired a thorough classical educa- tion ; but having become the subject of an organic affection which would embarrass if not speedily terminate his labors in the pulpit, he relinquished his darling and long cherished purpose and devoted himself to teaching. The instructions which he gave in tho Latin, Greek and Hebrew Languages, led to his being styled Prof. H. He was an eminent musician, and long served the 2d Pres. Church in Newark, N. J. as chorister. July 26, 1849, this amiable man closed his useful life, " in full hope of Him for whom he had lived." Aged '72. He had by wf. Sophia Cook, still r. in N., i. Sophia, 7 Jly. 16, 1809, m. June 11, '26, John Edward West, jun., fr. New York, rs. Newark. ii. Amos Stephen, 7 Nov. 23, 1817, m. Nov. 7, '44, Elizabeth Adams Randcl, dg. of Wm. Stephen li., of Albany, N. Y., rs. N , a printer and successor to his honored father as chorister to the 2d Pres. Ch. in Andrew Law, 7 Nov. 20, 1821, m. Nov. 21, '44, Elizabeth B. Nich- ols, and d. Oct. 22, '47, soon after the commencement of u brilliant career in the legal profession. iv. Albert Marsh. 7 Apl. 27, 1827, m. Dec. 23, '48, Mary Emily D. Garretson, rs N. 104 HOLBROOK. Ch II. No 53 Silvanua Holbrook, 4 d. at Uxb. ab 1782 « t% wui Tbajrer who J. Uia wid. Dec 10, 1798, a. 73 -had ' ' ^ nkfal «• fS^-lAprl 21, 1750, m. Molly fh.rer . in Don* h*l 1 H. Ruth, 8 Aug. 10, 1751 P ' * Damel L< * ee ' T ' Dm 8- m. Rachel," Nov. 6, '53. iv. Comfort, 6 Mar. 12, '56. v. Margaret,* Aug. 14, '57. vi. Thankful, 8 Feb. 23, '60 vii. Mollv," Feb. 1, '62. v,,, "^raiirj!i'^> J i% 1 8 ^^ 8 ^i i -jiw.H-.. Su/aa ai • » t> . j«i^2 M ^7'£;n ha i d 4, 1 .5 A,ul ' ide "•• July 24, >45 ; 2 - &**. JENNINGS, JOHNSON, 155 1. Daniel Jennings, m. Elizabeth Cozzens, July 11, 1739, had at H., i. Isaac, Jan. 24, 1739-40, d. Oct. 21, '43; n. Susanna, Dec. 20, '41, d. Oct. 19, '43; in. Susanna, Dec. 30, '43, d. Oct. 18, '56; iv. Elizabeth, Mar. 16, '45-6; v. Martha, Aug. 15, '48; vi. Patience, Mar. 15, '53, m. Simeon Miller, '74. 5. 2. vn. Daniel; vin. Susanna, Apl. 3, '61, m. and r. Dublin; ix. Abigail, Sep. 22, '63. 3. Jesse Jennings, w. Hannah, r. H., had, i. Selecte, Mar. 18, '97 ; ii. Horris, Apl. 8, '88. 2. 5. Daniel, m. Lydia , and inherited the homestead in N. E. corner of H., now Ashland, and had, i. Isaac, Mar. 15, 1777 ; n. Lydia, Dec. 18, '72 ; m. Micah, July 25, '79. 6. Isaac, pr. s. of Daniel, senr., m. Abigail, and had at H. i. Nabba, Feb. 1, 1782; n. Calvin, Nov. 21, '86. 1. Nathaniel Johnson, born at Roxbury, Mar. 21, 1669, had a lot assigned him in S., Mar. 8, 1696, and either d. or rm. soon after. His w. was Abigail , and he was pr. the father of, 5. 2. i. Joseph, who remained at S. and H. and inherited his lands and rights, and d. Mar. 25, 1744-5 ; n. Nathaniel, who m. Mary Haven, Nov. 23, 1708, and had Jona., Jan. 30, 1709-10 ; in. Wm., who m. Mary Morse, and had at S., Sarah, Mar. 20, 1716; iv. Mary, who m. Noah Morse, 1705; v. Martha, Feb. 19, 1696-7 ; vi. Mehetabel, Oct. 15, 1699. 2. 5. Joseph, m. Lydia , drew land in Doug., 1715, and r. where Jonas Curtis rs. in H., and had, i. Lydia, July 27, 1709. 15. 6. ii. Moses, Nov. 18, 1711. 20. 7. hi. Isaac, Mar. 28, 1714 ; iv. David, July 8, 1719. 28. 8. v. Elisha, Nov. 20, '20. 24. 9. vi. David, Aug. 28, '23 ; vn. Sarah, July 18, '27 ; vm. Joseph, '29. 11. 10. ix. Joseph, Jan. 30, '31. 10. 11. Joseph, m. Marcy Cousins, May 1, 1755, who d. '70. He m.? 2d, Keziah , who d. July 26, '78, and had at H, i. Mercy, May 19, 1758. ii. Joseph, Apl. 26, '60. 46. 13. in. Silvanus, Dec. 18, '61, m. Marcy ; iv. Zuba, Sep. 27, '63, d. unm. ; v. Rhoda, June 10, '65, m. July 27, '82, Samuel Rockwood ; vi. Lois, June 3, '67, m. Moses Rockwood, of Med. ; vn. Eneas, May 10, '69, m. and had a family, and d. in H. about 1808. 6. 15. Moses, m. Sabilla Plimpton, of S., May 18, 1732, had at H. 39. 16. i. Simeon, June 22, 1733 ; n. Sabilla, Oct. 4, '34 ; in. Moses, Oct. 5, '38; iv. Lydia, Sep. 15, '42; v. Zedakiah, Dec. 5, '40, d. July 5, '45; vi. Mary, Feb. 24, '44-5; vn. Ithamer, Jan. 10, '52; 7. 20. Isaac, m. Abigail Leland, of H, Feb. 15, 1736-7, who d. Aug. 23, '45, 2d, Elizabeth Jones, Sep. 21, '49. 35. 21. i. Abner, Sep. 10, 1737, at H. ; n. Isaac, May 8, '39; in. Hannah, Feb. 7, '41 ; iv. Abigail, May 26, '43, d. July 29, '45. 38. 23. v. Reuben, Apl. 12, '45. 156 JONES. 9. 24. David, m. Sarali Foster, May 25, 1749, 2d, Keziah Parker, Dec. 13, '56. r. ia N. part of H. bad, i. David, May 25, '50, m. Ede Bullard, Nov. 3, '72, r. Chester, Vt, and was killed by a tree; n. Samuel, June 12, '52, d. Aug. 27, '95 ; in. Sarah, Sep. 29, '57, by 2d w., and m. James Perry, '82; iv. Timothy, Mar. 21, '59. 41. 28. v. Nathaniel, Esq., Mar. G, '61. 8. 28. Elisha, m. Mary Guy, of H., Oct. 1, 1741, bad at H., i. Perry, Mar. 24, '41-2; ii. Levi, Feb. 1, '44-5; in. Aaron, Dec. 26, '47; iv. Elisha, Apl. 6, '49, m. Hephzibah Adams, '70; v. Zedakiab, Apl. 19, '51, m. Rhoda Bullard, '72, 2d, Ruth Perry ; vi. Mary, Sep. 26, '54 ; vn. James, Dec. 25, '57 ; vm. Anne, Sep. 8, '60, m. Silas Pratt, '72. 21. 35. Abner, m. Miriam Jones, Mar. 19, 1761, and had in H., i. Abigail, June 15, 1762; ii. Milla, d. July 14, '64; in. Eli, Feb. 13, '67; iv. Jerusba, June 12, '69; v. Miriam, May 9, '74; vi. Abner, Esq., Dec. 28, '76. 23. 38. Reuben, m. Lydia , and had Amos, Dec. 30, 1763. 16. 39. Simeon, m. Elizabeth Gardner, An". 19, 1756. 40. i. Moses, Mar. 4, 1757 ; n. Eliza., Apl. 7, '60 ; in. Charlotte, Nov. 22, '66. 28. 41. Nathaniel, Esq., s. ^m. S. "W. of Hoi. Common, was an efficient business man, and a citizen of influence. He m. Persis Gibbs, of Hopk., pub., Dec. 30, 1784, a woman of great value to the chh. and world, and had, i. Anna, June 28, 1786; II. Nathan, May 26. '88, r. S.boro. ; in. Asenetb, Mar. 22, '91, d. yg.; iv. Calvin, Sep. 1, '93; v. David, Apl. 7, '96; vi. Nathaniel ; vn. Persis, m. and rs. on the homestead. 13. 46. Silvanus, w. Mercy, had i. Joseph, Mar. 10, 1792 ; n. Malinda, June 7, '94, m. Willard Clark, of Med. ; in. Pamelia, Dec. 1, '95, and others. Laban Johnson? w. Penelope, had Laban, May 4, 1772, at H., who m. Lucy , and had Rhoena, Feb. 2, '97. Joseph Johnson ? w. Keziah; i. Phebe, Jan. 1, 1782; n. Jesse, Sep. 2, '84; in. Eleazer, Apl. 22, '87. Nathan Johnson? m. Hannah Leland, of S., 1778, and had at S., i. Susanna, Nov. 22, '78, m. David Sanger, of S., '98; n. Artemas, Nov. 18, '80, A. M., M. D., s. and d. at Pawtucket, without issue; in. Herman, Nov. 25, '85 ; iv. Nathan, Jan 21, '88; v. Herman, Nov. 22, '90, r. S. vi. Hannah, Sep. 4, '93; vn. Plympton, Sep. 20, '96. 1 ThO. Jones, was rated in Sherborn, in 1721, higher than any other citizen. He d. 1729, and land was drawn in his right at Doug., 1730. By wife Elizabeth, he had, 6. 2. t. Jona., Dec. 13, 1701. 9. 3. ii. Eli, Dec. 5, 1704, m. Mary , had Eli, Apl. 24, '56 ; in. Tho., May 27, '06, d. June 23, 1734. He bad only Tho., jun., b. 1725, m. 1745, Mary Morse, had Phebe, Oct. 29, '45, and perished a prisoner among Indians; iv. Elizabeth, May 27, '11. 15. 5. v. Aaron, Apl. 11, 13, d. July 30, '42. KENDALL. 157 2. 0. Jona., w. Hannah, had at H., I. Hannah, d. Sep., 1729; u.Ezekiel, May 19, '29 ; in. Jona., July 12, '31 ; iv. Elizabeth, Oct. 1, '40. 3. 9. Eli, ra. Marcy Underwood, Mav 15, 1729, and had i. David, Feb. 17, '31. n. Eli ; HI. Hannah, Aug. 6, '34, m. Benj. Ballard, of H. ; iv. Thankful, Apl. 6, '38, m. John Foristall; v. Miriam, June 1, '41, m. Abner John- son; vi. Mercy, Sep. 18, '45. 12. Benj. ? w. Ruth , had, i. Ruth, Mar. 9, 1731-2; n. Elizabeth, Apl. 25, '34; hi. Stephen, Dec. 4, '42; iv. Anna, June 21, '45; v. Elias, Mar. 17, '47-8. 5. 15. Aaron, m. Elizabeth Bullard, Mar. 17, 1736--7, had at H., 16. i. Jesse, June 28, '38, d. Nov. 17, '55. 20. 17. ii. Samuel, June 15, '40; in. Elizabeth, Nov. 22, '40. 17. 20. Samuel, w. Hannah , had Azubah, June 22, 17G2. 1. Beilj. Kendall, was the s. of Tho. K., of Lexington, by w., Sarah Cheever, dg. of Rev. Tho. C, of Chelsea, and grd. s. of Tho. K., of Woburn, and gr. grd. s. of Francis K., of W., by w., Mary Tidd, who took the freeman's oath, May 26, 1647, and d. 1707, agd. ab. 87. Benj. was dismissed from the chh. in Lex., Sep. 26, 1734, to the chh. in S., and s. in the N. part of S., where Timothy K., one of his descendants, now resides. He served as selectman, 1768, '70, '78, and d., aged 96. He m. Keziah Leland, dg. of Ens. Henry L., 1733 ; and 2d, Eunice Leland, 1736, dg. of Dea. Timothy L., of II., and had i. Benj., who d. with his mother, '36 ; ii. Keziah, Aug. 7, '37, m. Wm. Boden, '57 ; in. Asenath, Mar. 29, '40, d., Oct. 6, 6, '73, m. Nathl. Holbrook, of S., '63 ; iv. Lydia, Nov. 26, '42, m. Micah Holbrook, of S., '76; 4. 2. v. Benj., Mar. 18, '45, m. Keziah Twitchell, Apl. 1, '68; vr. Asaph, Oct. 3, '47, d. aged 15 ys. ; vn. Eunice, Apl. 28, '50, m. Saml. Bur- bank, of H., '73 ; vin. Rebecca, Nov. 12, '52 ; ix. Elizabeth, Aug. 23, '55, m. Benj. Houghton, of S., '82 ; 8. 3. x. Timothy, Dec. 9, '57, d. Nov. 5, 1829. 2. 4. Benj., by w , Keziah Twitchel, r. S. and Gardner; 11. 5. i. Asaph, Mar. 23, 1769, r. Haverhill, and rs. Portland, Me. ; ii. Rebecca, June 2, '71, d. Oct. 31, '74; 17. 6. in. Jona., Apl. 24, '73, r. at Gardner and Hubbardston ; iv. Rebecca, Oct. 17, '75, m. Hubbard Dunster, r. Gardner ; 7. v. Martin, Sep. 8, '78, m. Prudence Kendall, r. Jamaica, Vt. ; vi. Anna, June 20, '81, m. Marshall Stodard, r. Hingham ; vn. Miriam, b. pr. at Gardner, m. Bartlett Stodard, r. G. ; vin. Keziah, b. pr. at G., m. Simon Stone, r. G. 3. 8. Timothy, m. Lucy Rice, d. 1839, inherited the homestead in S., which he left to his only son ; 9. i. Timothy, b. Feb. 4, 1787, m. Polly Flagg, dg. of Jona. F., of Fram., by w., Hepzibah Greenwood, and had 10. i. Lucy R., Jly. 18, 1815, m. Col. Seth Hawes, of Fram. ; n. Benj., A. M., Oct. 15, 1817, m. Lucy Bullard, and r., a teacher, at New- 158 KENNY, KIBBE . buryport; m. Mary A., Feb. 7, '20, m. Geo. Chamberlain, r. Fram ; iv. Frances, Aug. 3, '22, m. Adam Littlefield, r. Fram. ; v. Chs. R., Dec. 20, '25, r. Dover, Me. 5. 11. Asapb, m. Eunice Case, of Haverhill; and 2d, Hanh. Batchelder, of H., and s. in Portland, Me. He had 12. i. Wm., 1795, m. Eliza. Greenough, and r. Boston; 13. ii. Benj., m. Betsey Clark, and resides in Fitchburg ; 14. in. Asaph, m., and had a son ; iv. Mary, d. um. ; 15. v. James, m., and s. in Ipswich ; vi. Timothy, d. yg. ; vn. Bathiah, m. in Me. ; 16. vni. Daniel, s. in Danvers; ix. Geo., by 2d w., d. in Portland, a. 30.; x. Jane, m., and r. in P. 6. 17. Jona., m. Mary Nichols, rs. Hubbardston, had 18. i. Asaph, Sep. 3, 1794, m. Charity Snow, r. Alexanderville, Oh. ; 19. ii. Hubbard, Apl. 18, '96, m. Rhoda Sawin, r. Gardner ; 20. in. Moses, m. Balinda Gates ; 2d, Esther Bullock, of Richmond, N. H. ; iv. Eunice, m. Lafayette Colman, r. Gardner ; 21. v. Orison, r., um., at G. ; 22. vr. Edmund, m. Mary Bennett, r., a landlord, at G. ; 23. vii. Crusoe (d.), m. Minerva Gates, r. Hub'n ; vni. Rebecca, m. David N. Bishop, of H. ; ix. Mary, m. Sylvester Gilson, r. Templeton ; x. Fanny, m. Harrison How, r. Gard. ; xi. Harrison, d. yg. Elisha Kendall, ? w., Ruth, had i. Samuel at S. pr., ab. 1740. James Kenny, w., Margt,, had Jane, Oct. 30, 1730, at H. 1. Henry Kibbe, 1 a tailor, joined the chh. in Dorchester, 4 (9), 1639, and the Boston Artillery Co, 1644 ; took the freeman's oath, May 18, 1642. Rachel K., supposed to be his wife, d. at D., 16 (5) 1657. He was m. by Gov. Bellingham, 5 (9) 1657, to Grizel , by whom he had Sherebiah, bp. at D., 8 (10) 1659, on a thanksgiving day, and so named, " because his father prevailed with God by prayer for him." The father d. 10 (6) 1661, at D. Sherebiah, cordwainer, was of Cambridge, 1682, and " owned land on Jones Hill." [Bond.] " Henry Kidby " and Lewis Kidby 1 , had land assigned them by Boston, at Mt. Woolliston (Quincy) 1639. 2. Edward Keyby, 1 a sawyer, had, by the authorities of Boston, John Bery apprenticed to him in 1645. He was of Roxbury in 1654. He had i. Deborah, 2 bap. at Old South chh., in Bos. ; ii. Mary, 2 bap. 1645 at Dorchester ; 3. in. James, 2 bap. 1645 at D., d. 1732, m. Hannah, and had at Cambridge i. Mary, 3 1668 ; n. Anna, 3 1670 ; 4. in. James 3 1674, who m. Sarah , and resided for a time at Sherborn; iv. Elizabeth 3 1681, who d. um., Dec. 20, 1715, at Sherborn ; 5. iv. Elisha, 2 bap. 1645 at Dorchester ; 6. v. Joshua, 2 probably ; vi. Elizabeth, by w. Mary, 27 (11) 1654, at Muddy River ; vn. Rebecca, May 1, 1657, at do. ; vni. Edward, 2 pr. who r. at Enfield, and Oct. 4, 1722, m. wid. Rebecca Cooley, of Springfield ; ix. Hannah, ? whose hus. was drowned in public service, petitioned for his pay, Sep. 5, 1723. KILT ON, KIMBALL. 159 6. 7. Joshua,'- m. Mary Corny, at Woburn, May 24, 1688, s. in W. Sherborn, ab. 1710, drew 103 acres in Douglas in 1715 and '30, and in 1721, was, out of 59 citizens, rated the highest in S., except three. He d. 1731. His wife d. Jly. 9, 1712. They had i. Joshua,' June 2, 1712, at S., who settled at the S. end of the Morse meadow, in Med., was a carpenter, owned a saw-mill on Chicken Brook, drew land in Doug., 1730, m. Abigail .Dowse, of S., June 7, 1733, but had no issue. From a malformation, he could never articulate sounds. He d. Jan. 29, 1754. His estate, inventoried at £1,118, (old tenor), he gave to be equally divided to his wid. Abigail, and his br. Edward, [Suff. Prob.] ; ir. Sarah, 3 b. 1708, d. Nov. 17, 17G2, m. Henry Morse, 1725, and s. | m. E. of her br. Joshua, and where wid. Uriel Cutler lives, while bears were thick, against which she, with a blazing fire-brand, was wont to defend her swine ; 9. in. Edward, 3 m. Abi. Morse, 1724, dg. of Jona. M., of S., who. d. about 1792. He, with his br. Joshua, Mar. 26, 1726, bought of Sam. Bullen, for £250, a tract of 126 acres in Med. He s. £ m. S. E. of the upper depot, in II., and on the E. of Chicken Brk., 100 rods S. E. of Ellis Daniel's house, and owned a saw-mill 100 do. N. W., had i. Joshua, Apl. 20, 1731, d. Oct. 15, '32; ii. James, May 8, '32, d. Aug. 22, '32 j 12. 10. in. Isaac, Aug. 12, '46, or '47, d. Mar. 1, 1834 ; 11. iv. Edward, Oct. 27, '51, m. '67, Mary Goudy, of Hopk., rm. to Peru ; and 2d, to Western part of N. Y. ; v. Betty, m. , Maxwell, and rm. S. of Seneca Lake, N. Y. ; vi. Abigail, m. Tim. Madden ; vii. Lydia, m. Wm. Watkins; viii. A dau., m. Nathan Watkins, rm. to Genesee, pr. Naples. 10. 12. Isaac, ra. Phebe Whitney, May 28, 1765, inherited the homestead of his father, lived where the W. depot is in H., and left it to his s. Isaac, who sold it to a R. R. Co., ab. 1849. He had i. Asa, Sep. 14, 1766; [an Asa (pr. another), s. at Somers, Ct., and rm. to Frankfort, Herk. Co., N. Y., m. Jerusha Kibbe, and had i. Asa, of Mexico, N. Y., f. of Geo. ; n. Walter, of Winfield, N. Y. ; in. Martin, of Galena, 111.] ; ii. Keziah, Mar. 28, '68; in. James, Nov. 16, '70, d. agd. 38, m. and s. in N. Y. ; iv. Eli, Mar. 25, '72 ; v. Joseph, Jly. 12, '75 ; vi. Isaac, m. Sally Bragg; and 2d, Keziah (Adams) Miller, rs. Hoi., has i. Sally ; n. Lyman 31., m. Elizabeth Kingsbury, rs. H. ; vn. Phebe, m. Jeremiah Hartwell, of Bos. ; viii. Joshua, s. in Boston ; ix. Hannah, m. David Claflin, of Bos., had David D., of B. ; x. Whitney, b. Jan. 5, 1791, rs. H., m. Eliz'th (Hall) Sawin. Walter Kibbe, a lawyer, and Gen. Amariah K., of Somers, Ct.,are supposed to be from the same stock ; also the Kibbies of Galway, Oppenheim and Strat- ford, N. Y. 1 »i» i Jona. Kilton, w. Margaret, had at H., i. Jona., Feb. 6, 1756 ; n. Luke, Feb. 4, '60; in. Mary, Dec. 10, '61; iv. Tho., Oct. 30, '63; v. Benj., Dec. 3, '65, at S. ; vi. James, Mar. 23, '68, at S. ThO. Kimball, s. of Richd. K., of Nat., w., Hannah Fuller, fr. Ded.,hadatS. i. David, Mar. 25, 1791, m. Rebecca Pratt, fr. Me., r. and d. Til. ; 160 KINGSBURY, KNOWLTON, LANE, LAWRENCE, LAYLAND. ii. Ebenezer, Sep. 3, '92, m. Eliza Bobbins, fr. Brighton, r. Cambridge ; »in. Abigail, Mar. 5, '94, m. Albert Ellis, r. Ashland ; iv. Catherine, Apl. 1, '96, m. Wm. Davis, r. Milton ; v. Betsey, June 9, '98, m. John St rat ten, r. Nat. ; vi. Rebecca, Nov. 12, 1800, d. Aug. 1, '02 ; vn. Tho. J., pr. d. um. ; vin. Sally, Mar. 28, 1809, m. Malachi Babcock ; ix. Hannah Sep. 30, 1811, m. Geo. Hooker. Jesse P. Kingsbury, b. Oct. 4, 1813, s. of Jesse, of Needham and grd. s. of Jesse K., of N., m. Mary O. Stevens, settled in S., 1847, on the ancient seat of the Cozzens family, has Sarah Helen, Chs. E. Daniel KnOWltOn, w. Abigail, had Mary, July, 1750. John Knowlton, m. Martha Jennings, Apl. 20, 17G9, and had at H., i. Martha, Apl. 16, '69. Nathan Knowlton, m. Patience Miller, Aug. 20, 1781, had at H., I. Micah, Jan. 8, 1782 ; ii. Susanna, May H, '84; in. Becca, March 21, '86 ; iv. Phila, May 20, '88 ; v. Sophia, Oct. 6, '96. Elias Knowlton, w. Elizabeth , 2d w., Lydia Fisk, m. Aug. 2, '89, had at H., i. Elias, May 14, 1769, m. Lydia , had i. Sally, Eeb. 26, '95 ; n. Lticinda, June 3, '98. ii. Elizabeth, Apl. 19, '76; in. Gilbert, Mar. 6, '78; iv. Simeon, Oct. 31, '89, by w. Lydia; v. James, June 6, '91. Wm. Knowlton, w. Rachel, had at S., i. Kate, Nov. 30, 1773; ii. Oliver, July 8, '79. Ephraim Lane, w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1763, at S. John Lawrence, w. Susanna, had at S., i. Sarah, Oct. 21, 1698 ; tt. Mercy, Mar. 20, 1707 ; in. Samuel, Jan. 29, 1711-12, at Natick. 1. Hopestill Layland, the common ancestor of the New England Lelands, was from Yorkshire, Eng. He landed and settled at Weymouth, probably as early as 1624. When the removal of Rev. Mr. Newman and the majority of the planters of W., to Rehoboth, occurred in 1644, he seems to have removed with the family of John? Holbrook, to that part of Dorchester which became Milton. Here his son Henry, the child of his old age, as it would seem, and born no doubt at Weymouth, grew up, formed the acquaintance of Nicholas Wood and Tho. Holbrook, both residents of the same part of Dorchester, and in company with them began the first settlement cf Sherborn, 1652-4. Hopestill L. is believed to have had daughters married to some of the first planters in Medfield and Bogis- tow, many of whom were from Weymouth, Braintree and Dorchester, viz., one mar- ried to ■ Lovell, from whom descended Hopestill and Nathaniel L., of Med., another, Experience, the first wife of Tho. Holbrook, of Sherborn. When upwards of 70 years old he seems to have removed to Bogistow to reside with his children. Here the patriarch slept with his fathers in 1655; "aged 75." The manner in which his death is recorded indicates distinction. He was one of the most ancient LAYLAND. 1G1 men, if not the most, ancient, who ever settled in New England. Holliston, more than half of whose inhabitants are his descendants, can have his bones but little de- cayed with evidence of their identity, if they will give him a protected grave and headstone. No monumental inscription in New England but his will date back to 1580. 2. Henry Lay land m. Margaret Badeock, the sister of Robt. B., of Dorch., now Milton, and no doubt the grd. dg. of James B., who was born 158--, in Essex Co., England, removed with the Pilgrims to Holland and came in the ship Anne to Plymouth, in 1623. Henry L. was reed, to the chh. in D., 22, (3), 1653; and the next year came to Bogistow, as the S. E. quarter of S. was then called, and lived on land owned by Tho. Holbrook, for the ensuing 12 years ; working pei'haps still at his trade, as he continued to be styled tailor. In 1GG0, Mar. 3, he gave his bond for £40 to Henry Lane, of Boston, for 200 acres of land, formerly Capt. Keayne's, which he bought of Richard Brown, the grantee. This he discharged three years after, yet did not obtain a deed until 1667, when Sec'y Rawson and Gov. Danforth made oath to the purchase and payment. This tract included a meadow, still called Brown's meadow, and extended from the W. line of Parker's grant, which separated it from Charles R., almost or quite to Holl. line; and formed the nucleus of the great Leland farm. In 1666, he reed, a deed of Tho. Holbrook for 80 acres in three lots, which II. had previously bought of Andrew Pitcher, who had purchased it of Parker, the original grantee. The first lot consisted of 20 acres lying unto the new dwelling house of Tho. Holbrook, bounded N. by Pitcher, W. by Holbrook, abutting on a brook, E. [Sewell's] and on a highway TV., 2^ acres of the same being meadow. This includes the site of his first habitation, which was burnt in his absence, leaving his wife and then only child without shelter, food or e fleets. A 2d lot of 20 acres on a plain, bounded S. by Wood, N. by Pitcher, and E. and TV. by common land ; and a third lot of 39 acres was to be laid out upon the same plain, to include 5 acres of meadow, to be bounded precisely like the 2d lot. The first lot is now owned by David Daniels. He left the ' : old field " of 11 acres near Brush Hill, which Eleazer L. sold to his brother, Hopestill, for £16, whose descend- ants inherited it with his other lands, until the present century. He did not sur- vive to draw much of the public land, but his right being inherited, secured his descendants extensive tracts and most of the farms in S. and II. which they still occupy. Henry L. signed both petitions for the incorporation of S. He was chosen on a committee to provide a minister for S., and was associated with the selectmen " to grant town lots to those that were known among the inhabitants ; " and tradition has brought down a high character of him for piety and kindness to the Indians. He d. Apl. 4, 1080, a. pr. about 50, and was interred about 100 rods S. E. of his dwelling. His wid., Margaret, d. at her s. HopestilPs, 21, (3), 1705, a. pr. ab. 75, having that year conveyed her property to him for having taken care of her, and for her future support. They had, 5. 3. i. Hopestill, 15, (9), 1653, at Dorchester; ri. Margaret, b. 1655, at Bogistow; in. Experience, 1G, (3), 1656, m. John Colburne, of Medfd., June 5, '74, and pr. 2d, Mr. Adams, of do. 1 1. 4. iv. Ebenezer, 2, (11), 1657, d. June 30, 1742, at Holliston; v. Eleazer, 13, (5), 1660, m. Sarah ■, and d. Dec. 5, 1703, at Medfd., without issue. E. was a tailor, and at the ajre of 17 lived at Milton. 5. Hopestill, Dea., occupied the homestead which his father purchased of Tho. Holbrook, the E. part of Brown's grant and other lands adjacent ; was rated for the Indian title, 1686, drew land in S., in '82, and subsequently, 166 acres in Doug. He served 10 vears as selectman, m. Abigail Hill, Nov. 5, 21 162 LAYLAND. 1G78, who d. Oct. 5, 1C89 ; and 2d, Patience Holbrook, Lis cousin, who d. Oct. 5, 1740. He d. Aug. 19, 1729. He had, 20. 6. i. Henry, Feb. 22, 1679, d. 1732, m. Mary Morse; 23. 7. ii. Hopestill, Aug. 4, '81, d. June 7, 1700, m. Mary Bullard ; in. Abigail, F(!b. 17, '83, m. John Bullard, Jan. 7, 1702. 25. 8. iv. John, Oct. 11, '87, d. Jan. 7, 1759, m. Abigail Badcock. 28. 9. v. Win., Dea., Feb. 11, '92, d. Mar. 18, '43, m. Mehetabel Breck. 10. vi. Eleazer, Apl. 8, '95, d. 1717, m. Abigail Clapp, from Ded. 32. 11. vii. Joseph, May 9, '98, m. Esther Whitney. 33. 12. vin. Isaac, June 2, 1701, d. after 1760, m. Abigail Mason. 34. 13. ix. Joshua, May 5, '05, d., m. Ruth Morse ; x. Margaret, Dec. 25, '08, m. John Carpenter of H., and was the grd. mother of Moses Pond, of W. Med. 4. 14. Ebenezer, s. 2 m. S. W. of Sherborn common, where the late Wm. Leland lived ; was rated for the Indian title, 1686, selectman 4 yrs., drew 122 acres in Doug., engaged for a time in keeping sheep on Seekonk plain, m. Deborah , 2d, Patience Sabine, fr. Rehoboth, who d. Juue 1, 1720, and 3d, Mary Hunt, fr. Sud. He resided in advanced life with his son, Dea. Tim. L., of H., and to him and Capt. John Goulding, were assigned, when the meeting house was finished, the two most honorable pews, viz., the 2d on the right and left of the pulpit, which their descendants occupied for nearly 100 years. He had, i. Deborah, Aug. 16, 1679, m. Isaac Gleason. 38. 15. ii. Ebenezer, Jan. 14, '81, d. 1746, m. Martha (Fairbank) Death. 40. 16. in. Timothy, Dea., Feb. 22, '84, d. Apl. 1, 1748, m. Elizabeth Learned. 17. iv. James, Capt., Sep. 22, '87, d. Feb. 13, 1768, m. Hannah Learned, removed to Grafton ; v. Susanna, b. '89, m. John Page, of Fram., 1712. vi. Patience, '95, by 2d w., m. Elkanah Haven; vn. Martha, Sep. 8, '99. 44. 18. vin. Isaac, Apl. 19, 1702, d. prior to '41, m. Mary Hunt, fr. Sud. ; ix. Sybil, 1708, m. Francis Dudley, of Sutton, '32; 18. x. Amariah, Dec. 11, 1710, m. Ursula Lovet, s. with his father in S., rm. and d. at Mt. Desert, Me. 6. 20. Henry, Ens., s. in the N. part of S., where Mrs. Luther Leland rs. on a farm of about 500 acres, drew 228 acres in Doug., was 6 yrs. selectman and representative in 1726, m. Mary Morse, dg. of Jeremiah, of Medfd., who d. Oct. 16, '60, aged 75, and had, 46. 21. i. Jona., Apl. 11, 1706, m. Deborah Leland; n. Mary, Sep. 13, '08, m. Amos Cooledge, '28 ; in. Sarah, Aug. 15, '10, d. Mar. 17, '35-6, m. Capt. Edward Learned ; iv. Keziah, July 9, '12, m. Benj. Kendall, Jan. 24, '32--3, s. where Tim. K. rs. ; v. Hephzibah, Sep. 22, '14, m. Dea. Joseph Brown, of H. ; vi. Thankful, July 17, '16, m. David Leland of H. ; vii. Anna, Mar. 26, '18, m. Aaron Morse, of Hoi. ; vin. Jeremiah, Feb. 2, '19-20, d. June 23, '42, unm. ; ix. Ezekiel, June 11, '22, d. unm. x. Mercy, Feb. 6, '25, m. Nathl. Winship, of II. and S. ; xi. Beulah, Dec. 9, '26, m. Isaac Bullard, '46, of H. ; 63. 22. xn. Henry, Capt., Apl. 11, '29, m. Keziah Bullard, dg. of Benj., and 2d, Mary Goulding. 7. 23. Hopestill inherited the middle division of the Leland farm, r. S. of Sewell's Meadow, drew 95 acres in Doug., engaged in the rearing of hemp and the manufacturing of ropes and halters which he annually carried to Rhode Island and exchanged for wool ; m. Mary Bullard, who d. May 8, 1758. He had, i. Daniel, Apl. 24, 1702, d. yg. ; LAYLAND. 163 II. Abigail, May 3, '04, m. Ebenezcr Badcoek. 68. 24. in. Daniel, Oct. 14, '07, m. Mary Death; iv. Ruth, Sep. 12, '12, ra. Samuel Perry ; v. Rachel, May 28, '15, m. Henry Death ; vi. Esther, June 2, '17, m. Phineaa Adams? of Med., '40; vn. Mary, May 7, '20, m. Joseph Marshall ; vin. Silence, May 31, '22, m. Daniel Eames; ix. Experience, June 21, '25, m. Jonas Fairbanks, of Med. ; x. Sarah, Aug. 19, '28, m. John Carpenter, of II. 8. 25. John, s. in the N. part of II., and after public wp. was established in EL, became clerk and read the hymns, drew 75 acres in Doug., m. Abigail Bad- cock, who d. June 28, 1740; and 2d, Sarah (Morse) Bullard, wid. of Isaac, July 12, '44, and had, 81. 26. i. Samuel, May 3, 1711, m. Dinah White ; 84. 27. ir. John, jun., June 10, '13, m. Lydia Leland^; in. Abigail, Mar. 28, '16, m. Isaac Johnson. 9. 28. Win., Dea., s. in the S. W. part of S., where Lemuel L. rs., was 8 years selectman, town clerk 5 yrs., and representative in 1735, drew 57 acres in Doug., m. Mehetabel Breck, and had, 100. 29. i. Efeazer, Dec. 18, 1717, m. Mary Lovet; ii. Asa, Nov. 1, '19, d. Nov. 26, '30. 103. 30. in. Wm., Jan. 3, '25, d. Jan. 30, '62, m. Jemima Daniels, who m. 2d, Caleb Greenwood. 105. 31. iv. Simeon, Aug. 21, '30, d. '90, m. Hannah Partridge, Mar. 7, '50-1, and 2d, Martha Bullard, Dec. G, '56. v. Abigail, Apl. 7, '34, d. Dec. 4, '36 ; vi. Abigail, Sep. 24, '37, d. unm. aired 70. 11. 32. Joseph, drew 17 acres at Doug., in 1730, was selectman in '37 and '39, m. Esther Thurston, who m. 2d, Bichardson, and lived to be aged. Ho lived in S. where S. and H. and Ashland now corner, and gave his extensive farm to his grd. son, James Whitney. He had, i. Patience, May 26, 1722, m. James Whitney; n. Esther, July 31, '28, m. Benj. Whitney, of S. ; in. Abigail, 1734, ra. Ezekiel Wood, of Uxb.; iv. Bhoda, Dec. 31, '35, d. '57, unm. 12. 33. Isaac, received of his father Hopestill, in 1722, a deed of one half of the buildings and farm of 400 acres, on which he lived, including the ancient homestead. He s. E. of the road to E. Med., had by w., Abigail Mason, only a dg. that survived, viz., i. Patience, b. Dec. 28, 1745, m. Peter Bul- lard, May 11, 1762, and d. Feb. 27, '63, leaving no issue, and the father having no descendants, gave his place to his brother Joshua's s., Col. Joshua. 13. 34. Joshua inherited half of his father Ilopestill's farm, and lived on the W. side of the road, and S. of the new S. burying ground. He had by w. Ruth Morse, dg. of James M., by w. Buth Sawin, and grd. dg. of Capt. Joseph M. 45. 35. i. Hopestill, Sep. 29, 1733, m. Mary Russell ; n. Ruth, Dec. 27, '35, ra. Timothy Daniels ; in. Rhoda, '36, d. yg. ; iv. Joshua, Col. and Judge, b. Aug. '41, m. Waitstill Greenwood, 2d, Phebe Howard, was selectman in S. 9 years, and a man of rare energy in the cause of freedom. He received from his uncle Isaac, the E. part of the old homestead, and on removing to 164 LAYLAND. Eaton, N. Y., sold it to Joseph Cooledge, who conveyed it to Tim. Daniels, whose son David now occupies it, including the site of Henry Leland's first house ; v. Joseph, Sep. 5, '44, m. Abigail Howard, inherited the S. part of his father's half of his grd. father's farm, had, i. Achsah, Oct. 13, 1771, in. Simeon Whitney, 2d, Asa Leland ; ii. Joshua, Feb. 27, '77, d. 1827, m. Rachel Phillips, of Med., who survives, and had Joseph and Jedediah, who occupy this part of the consecrated homestead, and also Henry, rs. S. unm. 15. 38. Ebenezer, settled on the W. part of his father's farm, and pr. planted the magnificent elms now 25 feet in girth, whose age may be reckoned from his marriage in 1708, to ; Mrs. Martha (Fairbanks) Death. He drew 97 acres in Doug., and had, i. Deborah, Apl. 25, 1710, d. Jan. 1, '84, m. Jona. Leland, of S. 119. 39. ii. Caleb, Capt # Nov. 1712, d. Aug. 25, '80, m. Judith Morse. in. Lydia, Aug. 20, '16, m. John Leland, of H. 16. 40. Timothy, Dea., was a man of great worth, and for his day, of considerable distinction. Prior to the division of the town ho served S. as constable and selectman. He was 13 years selectman of H., and above 20 years town treasurer, and often moderator of town meetings. He settled 1 m. N. of the common, where Wm. Loveringrs., opened his house for public worship on the Sabbath, while the first meeting house in H. was being erected, and here the chh. of H. was organized Nov. 20, 1728. He was chosen Dea., Dec. 25, 1728, in which office he served 20 years. He drew 88 acres in Doug., and gave each of his sons spacious farms. He m. Elizabeth Learned, dg. of Dea. Benoni L., of S., and had, 123. 41. I. David, June 23, 1711, m. Thankful Leland; n. Lois, Sep. 2, 1714, in. Asa Fisk, of H. ; in. Eunice, July 14, '17, m. Benj. Kendall, of S. ; iv. Elizabeth, Nov. 22, '19, d. Dec. 11, '57, unm. ; v. Jemima, Aug. 22, '22, m. Joseph Underwood, and 2d, Tim. Rockwood ; 130. 42. vi. Timothy, Nov. 20, '25, d. May 22, '86; vn. Asaph, Lt., Feb. 7, '30, d. Aug. 7, 1812, a member of the chh. and a most affectionate and conscientious man. He m. Beulah Littlefield, and had, I. Beulah, May 17, '54, d. 1837, m. Luke Johnson, of Leominster ; ii. Anna, July 9, '57, d. May 5, 1838, m. James R. Park, and was the mother of Col. Joseph Park, of H. ; in. Milte, July 2, '61, d. Mar. 15, 1821, m. Abner Morse, Esq., of Medway, and was the amiable and honored mother of the author; iv. Asaph, Dea., Dec. 4, '03, d. Feb. 7, 1827, one of the excellent of the earth, was chosen Dea., Feb. 27, 1816, of the chh. in H. He was the father of Mrs. Cynthia Hawcs, Mrs. James Cutler, Mr. Amory, (d.), and Capt. Amos (J. Le- land, who inherits the homestead. 18. 44. Isaac, s. in the N. E. part of H., now Ashland, m. Mary Hunt, who m. 2d, Gershom Ernes, '41, and had at H., i. Mary, June 13, 1723, m. Sara'l Lovering, Nov. 8, '39; n. Patience, Nov. 18, '24, m. James Greenwood, Nov. 13, '40; in. Beulah, Aug. 21, '26 ; iv. Keziah, '28, m. John Shef- field ; v. Isaac, Aug. 29, '30, r. H. and Nat., was slain in battle, near Ticonderoga ; vi. Abiah, July 20, '32 ; vn. Hannah. 35. 45. Hopcstill, Lt., inherited the N. W. part of bis father's half of his grand father, Dea. Hopestill's farm, built where Zibeon Hooker rs., m. Mary Russell, who d. 1820, aged 92, and had, i. Sarah, Sep. 13, 1759, m. Benj. Hawes, LAYLAND. 165 of Leominster; ir. Amos, Capt,, '62, m. Keziah Cole, inherited bis father's place, and d. without issue; in. Hopestill, Aug. 19, 'Go, d. Sep. 6, 1854, in. Betsey Tay, s. on the place of her father, Doct. Jona. T., originally James Morse's, and had, Mary A., Horace, Sylvia, Alfred A., Amos, m. Nancy Brown, and inherits the same place ; iv. Mary, '68, r. unm. at Nat. or Fram. ; v. Buth, '77, m. Jonas Phelps, r. Leominster. 21. 46. Jona. inherited the E. part of his father's farm, and lived where Daniel Leland, jun., rs., and had, by w. Deborah Leland, i. Keziah, May 1, 1732, m. Eleazer Holbrook ; n. Jona., Sep. 2G, '34, d. Feb. 21, '35; in. Lydia, Feb. IS, '36, m. Abel Holbrook ; iv. Martha, Nov. 18, '38, in. Jona. Frost ; 40. 47. v. Micah. Aug. 19, '41, m. Betty Mason ; 2d, Anna Pratt ; VI. Jeremiah, Mar. 3, '44, d. Oct. 28, '51 ; Gl. 48. vii. Jona., Apl. 4, '47, d. Dec, 1827, m. Mary Leland; vni. Deborah, Feb. 9, '51, m. Dea. Aaron Leland. 47. 49. Micah, s. upon the homestead of his grandfather, was a selectman, 1782 and '84, m. Betty Mason ; and 2d, Anna Pratt, and had i. Jeremiah, June 11, 1764, m. Abigail Haven, and had I. Martin, Mar. 8, '93; n. Walter, Feb. 27, '96, and rm. to Sullivan, N. Y. ; ii. Patty, May 2, '67, d. '71 ; in. Betty, Oct. 12, '70 ; iv. Patty, May 15, '72, d. Sep. 22, '78 ; v. Anna, Apl. 30, '74, d. Sep. 22, '78 ; vi. Persis.Nov._3, '70, d. Sep. 21, '78; ,"> 1. 51. vn. Micah, Dea., Jly. 9, '79, d. Sep., 1847, m. Lois Leland ; nil. Anna, Dec. 11, '81, m. Draper Smith, rs. Dover ; 59. 52. ix. Calvin, Dea., Jly. 9, '84, m. Nabby Perry, rs. Natick ; x. Luther, 1786, inherited the homestead, m. Bebecca Babcock ; 2d, Daphne Stone, and d. 1842, leaving a wid., but no children, who survived ; xi. Levi, 1789, m. Belief Sawin, had Ezra, Edwd., Levi. 51. 54. Micah, Dea., s. at TV. Sherborn on S. part of the farm first occupied by Joseph Morse 2d ; was a very public spirited and amiable man, 8 years selectman, and representative in 1832, and had, by w. Lois Leland, i. Orlando, Jan. 7, 1807, m. Ursula Cutler, rs. N. H., has Isabella C, Lewis A. ; ii. Augustine, Nov. 9, '08, grad. at B. U., '34, d. Oct. 18, '36, at S. C, m. Lucy Ann Brown, and had Lucy Ann ; in. Micah, Jan. 17, '11, m. Tryphena Bennett, rs. Fram. ; iv. Emlyn, Apl. 29, '13, m. Irene Knowlton, rs. homestead; v. Harrison, Feb. 27, '15, m. Eunice S. Hancock, rs. a teacher at Newton ; vi. Harriet, Jly. 6, '17, m. Alonzo Whipple, rs. S.boro'. 52. 59. Calvin, Dea., w., Abigail Perry, rs. Natick, had I. Calvin, 1817, m. Mary E. Wolcott, r. N. ; ir. Joseph P., 1812, d. '34, a mem. of Amherst Col., a young man of great promise; in. Mary P., 1815, m. Benj. W. Fletcher, and d. 1844, leaving Jos. P. 48. 61. Jona., s. where Daniel L., jun., rs., served 3 years as selectman, and had, by w. Mary Leland, i. Daniel, 1769, d. yg. ; ii. Julia, Jan. 25, '72, m. Obadiah Burrage, of Dover; in. Lydia, d. '78; iv. Lydia, 1774, m. Joel Tainter, of Framingham ; v. Mary, '7G, m. Samuel Nichols, r. S.boro'. ; vi. Persis, '78, m. Simon Mann, of Dover; 62. vn. Daniel, jun., Aug. 18, 'S3, m. Bachel Partridge, fr. Med., served 11 166 LAYLAND. ys. as selectman, is the father of Mrs. Lyman Whitney, of S., Mrs. Nathl. Clark, and of Samuel N. Leland, who rs. with him, and of Mrs. Henry Partridge, of Medfd. ; viii. Lucinda, Mar. 20, '86, m. Calvin Richards, of Dover. 22. 63. Henry, Opt., in. Keziah Bullard, who d. 1787 ; and 2d, Mary Goulding, ' was selectman, 1766, r. S., and had i. Mary, 1753, m. Samuel Leland, of S. ; ii. Jeremiah, '54, m. Elizabeth Dean ; in. Keziah, '58, m. Asa Bullard, of S. ; iv. Henry, '61, d. June 26, 1834, in. Sarah Phipps, had Walter, '85, rs. Sangerville, Me. ; Keziah, '87 ; Lowell, '90 ; Harry, '92 ; Jedediah P., '95 ; Sarah, '97 ; Lucy K., 1801 ; Mary, '04 ; v. Miriam, '64, d. '64; vi. James, '65, killed by a cart wheel ; vii. Benj., '67, m. Phebe Gates, r. Reading, Vt. ; viii. Jonas, m. Olive Cole. 24. 68. Daniel, inherited his father's place, S. W. of Sewell's meadow, m. Mary Death, dg. of John D., Esq., by w , Waitstill , and had i. Rachel, Feb. 26, 1737-8, d. Jly. 16, 1826, m. Cpt. Moses Adams, of Med. ; n. Miriam, Sep. 1, '40, ra. Hon. Daniel Whitney, of S. ; in. Daniel, Jan. 8, '42, d. Dec. 14, 1835, m. Sibbillah Eames; was a soldier of the Revolution, r. Hoi., had i. Rhoda, Feb. 27, '68 ; n. Mary, '69, d. um ; in. Sibbel, '71, m. Simeon Thompson, of Peru ; 2d, David Tuttle ; iv. Moses, '73, m. Betsey Shattuck, '96, r. H. and Peru, had i. Leonard, '97, d. um. ; n. Ede, '99 ; in. Ezra, 1801 ; iv. Mary, '03 ; v. Carissa, '05 ; VI. Emeline, '07 ; vn. Moses, '09, r. Hinsdale ; v. Daniel, '75, d. Jly. 20, 1822, had at H. i. Lucy, May 16, '98, m. Tho. J. Morse, Esq., of S. ; n. Wm., '99; Alice, 1801 Barney, '04 ; Daniel J., '06 ; Lemuel, '08 ; Eleanor, '09 Edward, '13 ; Fanny, '15 ; x. Hephzibah, '18 ; xr. Hannah J., '20 vi. Lavina, '78, d. 1807, um. ; vn. Lemuel, June 6, '80, m. Clarissa Perry, r. H. ; viii. Louisa, '82, m. Daniel Stowell, rm. to 111. ; ix. John, '87, m. Sylvia Leland, dg. of Oliver L., r. Pa. iv. Adam, Apl. 10, 1745, d. Mar. 10, 1827, m. Prudence Leland, dg. of Caleb L., by w., Judith Morse, s. on the old road to Nat., 100 rods E. of the Plain Burying-ground, was selectman, '86, '89, and had i. Betsey, 1771, m. Col. Moses Babcock ; and 2d, Hez.Rockwood, of Upton ; H. Rebecca, '73, m. James Dowse, of S. ; in. Judith, '75, m. Alpheus Mason, of Med. ; iv. Hannah, '78, d. '78 ; v. Hannah, '81, m. Wm. Perry, of Nat. ; vi. Leonard, m. Chloe Rice, had Lorinda, Lewis A., Lester ; v. Hephzibah, Mar. 12, 1747, m. Rev. John Leland, of Peru ; vi. Mary, Oct. 10, 1748, m. Jona. Leland, of S. ; vn. Aaron, Dea., Jly. 18, 1751, d. 1846, m. Deborah Leland, who d. 1787 ; and 2d, Keturah Perry, who d. 1834, inherited the W. half of his father's farm, was of an inventive and enterprising genius, and through his long life, generally and highly esteemed. He desired no official distinction, yet served the public much in a private capacity, and especially the chh. He had i. Lewis, Apl. 24, 1775, m. Patty Smith, s. in New York, had i. Aaron Augustus; n. Lewis; in. Emeline; iv. Francis; v. Martha ; vi. Sophrona ; vn. Mary B. ; vin. Chs. ; ix. Louisa A. ; x. Herman X. ; it. Aaron, Dec. 6, 1776,'d. '92 ; in. Lydia, Jly. 19, '79, m. Hon. John / LAY LAND. 167 Leland, of Amherst ; iv. Larkin,Dec. 15, '82, d. yg. ; v. Deborah, Nov. 15, '85, m. Otis Drury of Le Roy, N. Y. ; VI. Joseph Perry, Cpt., Nov. 3, '89, m. Trypkena Richardson, and had i. Aaron L., A. M., M. D., of Detroit; n. Francis, A. M., M. D.,rs. Milford ; ill. Abijah Ii., m. Mary Ann Sawyer, fr. Shrewsbury, rs. with his parents, and has Lewis A. and Mercy D. ; n. Eliza T., m. Rev. John H. M. Leland, from Amherst ; vni. Moses, Jly. 18, 1751, inherited the E. half of his father's farm, lived on the most affectionate and intimate terms with his twin brother, Aaron, his next door neighbor, ever manifesting the strictest regard to moral virtue. He m. Mercy Twitchell, and had i. Eli, 1775. d. 1847, m. Rebecca Sanger, and had i. Dexter, A. M., Apl. 6, 1779, r. S. C. ; n. Sally, Apl. 1, 1808, m. John Cozzens ; and 2d, Henry Leland ; in. Joanna D.. Oct. 30, 1811, m. Albert P. Ware; iv. Artemas J., Oct. 13, '18, m. Eliza Snelling, r. S. ; n. Betsey, 1777, m. Simeon Mason, of Med; in. Lois, '79, m.Dca. Micah Leland; iv. Daniel, Col., '81, m. Elizabeth Heard, who d. 1847 ; and 2d, Mary (Greenbatch) Felt, inherited his father's farm ; served 8 ys. as selectman, and 4 ys. as town clerk and treasurer, and has long been conspicuous in managing the municipal and religious interests of the town. He had i. Augustus H., Feb. 15, 1807, d '07 ; n. Augustus H., Nov. 18, '09, m. Lois Whitney, has Geo. A., and Abba M. ; in. Elizabeth H., June 18, '10, d. 1842, m. Rev. Edmd. Dowse ; iv. Frederick, Aug. 30, '13, m. Mary Ann Rattelle, inherits the homestead, and has Emma R, and Almeda S. ; v. Daniel, Jly. 17, '15, m. Julia Ann Bigelow, r. Cambridge; vi. Samuel R., May 12, '17, m. Mary Draper, r. Worcester ; VII. Mercy, Mar. 18, '19, m. Newell Clark, r. Framingham ; vni. Sophona, Nov. 25, '22, a teacher of music, rs. Framingham ; v. Moses, 1784, m. Patience Babcock, r. Templeton, which town he has repeatedly represented in the G. C. He had i. Leander, 1808, m. Elizth. S. Wellington, r. T. ; II. Wm. E., '11, m. Sarah Follet, r. T. ; in. Larkin M., '11, m. Aurelia M. Sawyer; 2d, Eliza Ann Gale ; and r. Augusta, Me.; IV. Moses, '13, m. Sarah Brooks, r. T. ; v. Chs., '15, m. Julia F. Sawyer, r. T. ; VI. Rhoda W., '17, m. Elisha Mathews, r. T. ; vn. Henry, '20, d. '22 ; vni. Henry, '23, d. urn., 1846 ; ix. Frederick, '26 ; x. Geo. Handel, '28 ; vr. Lemuel, Apl. 4, '86, s. as a gunsmith inS., was eminently skilful in the business, fair and honorable in all his dealings ; true and kind in all his relations in life. He served 11 ys. as selectman, and his ability as a juror, was highly valued. He m. 1st, Polly Clark, who d. Nov. 8,1814 ; and 2d, Chloe Morse, Nov. 30, 1815, and had i. Wm. C, Nov. 4, 1810, d. 1815; ii. Edwin, Feb. 8, '13, d. Jly. 20, 1852, m. Emily Morse ; in. Wm., Jly. 30, '17, m. Ama Eames, rs. on the ancient Babcock place ; iv. Chs. G., Nov. 15, '20 ; v. Abner Morse, Oct. 16, '22, r. Providence ; VI. Lemuel Nelson, Apl. 30, '25 ; vn. Francis, Nov. 14, '27; vni. Erastus, Apl. 18, '30, m. Ellen Pratt, rs. S. ; ix. Moses F., Mar. 27, '35, rs. New York ; vn. Nancy, m. Alpheus Clark, Esq., of S. 26. 81. Samuel, m. Dinah White, who d. 1792, a. 78, and had at H. i. Mathias, Dec. 25, 1737, d. Jan. 5, '37-8 ; 168 L A y L A N D . 88. 82. n. Asa, Jan. 28, '39, d. Sep. 22, 1822, m. Lois Marshall; ill. Abigail, Jly. '41, m. John Partridge; 92. 83. it. Abner, Feb. 16, '44, d. 1819, m. Hannah Thayer, fr. Mendon ; v. Dinah, Aug. 10, '46; vi. Anna, Oct. 22, '48; vn. Ruth, m. Theoder Rider, Oct. 7, '84. 27. 84. John, m. Lydia Leland, inherited the homestead in the N. part of H., and had i. Ebenezer, Feb. 5, 1738, d. 1806, at Hinsdale, m. Abigail Cutler; ii. Deborah, Mar. 6, '39, m. Drury Fairbanks ; in. John, Cpt. and Rev., Jan. 12, '45, d. 1826, at Peru, m. Hepbzibah Leland, of S. ; iv. Caleb, Cpt., Dec. 8, '47, d. Jan. 16, 1824, r. Leominster; v. Lydia, Mar. 28, '50, d. 1816, in. Asa Perry, of H., r. Fitchburg ; vi. Martha, Jly. 8, '53, m. Henry Leland, of Warwick. 82. 88. Asa, w . ois Marshall, who d. Nov. 3, 1815, a. 72, had at II., i. Aaron, Rev., and Lt. Gov. of Vt., b. May 28, 1761, m. 1783, Joanna Alden, dg. of Rev. Noah Alden, of Bell., r. Chester, Vt. ; n. Abigail, m. Cyrus Cumstock, r. Wrenth. ; in. Miriam, Apl. 4, '68, m. Nathan Whiting, r. C; iv. Asa, Feb. 15, '70, d. 1832, m. Araa Norcross, had i. Moses Rev., 1796 ; n. Ama, d. '97 ; in. Asa, '98 ; iv. Allen ; v. Cephas R., Esq.; vi. Marshall R. Rev., A. M. ; vn. Wm. H. ; vin. Dexter, M. D. ; v. Nathan, Cpt., Jly. 26, 78, m. Polly Pratt, fr. S. ; and 2d, Ruth Parker, and had i. Aharon, 1805 ; n. Alden, 1807, m. Anna Temple, r. H., and has three times represented her in the Gen. Court ; in. Laurin, '11; iv. Betsey, '13 ; v. Lydia P. ; vi. Nathan C, and vn. John, '22, by 2d w. ; vin. Leander, '26 ; ix. Erastus, '29 ; x. Polly L., '32 ; vi. Elizabeth, Jly. 3, '80, m. Church; 2d, Wiswall, r. Milfd. ; vn. Alexander, Jan. 30, '84, ra. Hepbzibah Harding ; vin. Simeon, Jly. 16, '86, d. Feb. 15, 1817, m. SyviaPond, and r. Chester, Vt. 83. 92. Abner, by w., Hannah Thayer, had i. Elijah, 1775, d. 1827, m. Nancy Wakefield, r. Mendon, N. Y., had Amos, Nov. 20, '97 ; ii. Amasa, Oct. 25, '76, d. Apl. 19, 1838, m. Rebecca Adams ; in. Jonathan, '79, m. Fanny Perry ; iv. Luther, Rev., A. M., Oct. 30, '81, s. at Derby, Vt. ; v. Eliab, Oct. 30, '81, in. Perly Adams, r. Milfd. ; vi. Samuel, Dea., '84, rn. Achsa Mason, 180G, r. Ashld. ; vn. Abner, and vin. Adam, '89. 29. 100. Eleazer, by w., Mary Lovet, had at S. 101. i. Asa, Nov. 11, 1743; n. Hannah, May 19, '46, d. Oct. 7, '50; in. Mehetabel, Jly. 2, '48, d. Oct, 13, '56 ; 102. iv. Eleazer, May 22, '50 ; v. Mary, '52, d. Oct. 18, '56; vi. Margaret, '55, d. Oct. 22, '56 ; vn. Mary, '57; vin. Mehetabel, '60, d. 1S46, m. Benj. Ware. 30. 103. Wm., settled where Barach Leland rs., in the S. W. part of S., and had by w., Jemima Daniels, i. Jemima, May 17, 1751, m. Onissimus Cole; ii. Deborah, '53, m. Tim. Sparrowk ; 113. 104. in. Baruck, '56, d. Dec. 8, 1833, m. Sarah Prentice; 2d, Julia Fisk ; iv. Rhoda, '58, m. Eli Twitchcll ; v. Oliver, Aug. 6, '60, m. Abigail Perry, had I. Henry, 1787, d. yg. ; n. Sylvia, m. John Leland ; in. Chs. ; iv. Geo. ; v. Amos, Mar. 29, '98, in H. ; VI. Ambrose. LE LAND. 169 31. 105. Simon, m. Hanh. Partridge, 1751; 2d, Martha Bullard, '50, and had 116. 10G. i. Samuel, 1752, m. Mary Leland j n. Hannah, '58, m. Nathan Johnson ; lit. Simeon, Esq., '50, m. Rhoda Hill, r. Gardener; iv. Martha, '02, m. Henry Ary, has Henry, rs. Catskill ; v. Patience, '03, d. 'G5; vi. Wm., '05, d. Oct. 17, 1853, xa. Mercy Ellis, fr. Med., r. whore his gr. grd. uncle, Ebenezer L., settled, and had i. Simon, 1794, d. ab. 1835, m. Cynthia Daniels, had Jesse D. ; ii. Henry, d. 1843, m. Bullard, had Henry ; ni.Wm., um., r. S.; iv. Charles, m. Sarah How, has Chs. H. and Geo. W., r. S. 104. 113. Baruck, m. Sarah Prentice, who d. Jly. 5,1812 ; and 2d, Julia (Daniel) Fisk, who d. Oct. 20, 1833, s. where Baruck L. rs. i. Wm., 1779, d. Feb. 21, 1812, um. ; n. Lemuel, 17S3, m. Mary Ware, had i. Mehetabel ; it. China W., m. Ira Harris, had JElttn A., m. Wm. Drummond ; in. Wm. W., m. Clary H. I.: i1 irdson, and has Ada Z., Frank R., Willie E. ; iv. Benj. W., m. Sarah G. Town, has Eloise A. ; v. Lemuel Prentice, m. Sarah Anna Allen, had i. Edgar P. (d.) ; n. Ida Estelle, rs. S. ; in. Walter, 1787, d. May 20, 1831, m. Hannah Johnson, inherited the homestead, and had Baruck, m. Charlotte Bullen, rs. on the homestead in the S. W. part of S. , has Charlotte Josephine, Mary Emma, Walter W. 100. 110. Samuel, by w., Mary Leland, had in S. i. Hannah, June 23,1776, d. '77; ii. Hannah, '78, m. Elisha Rockwood ; in. James, '80, m. Mary Daniels, has i. James H., m. Justina M. Freeman, rs. on the homestead ; iv. Polly, Jly. 19, '84, m. Adin Partridge ; v. Samuel, May 27, '80, m. Sibbeller School, has Sylva Ann, and rs. on the homestead ; vi. Clarissa, Nov. 30, '87, d. yg., fr. a scald. 33. 119. Caleb, Capt., was the proprietor of 700 acres of the best land in S., resided, in middle life, where the late Dea. Micah Leland did, served ys. as selectman, and was active in church matters ; m. Dec. 24, 1741, Judith Morse, who d. Oct. 20, 1774 ; and 2d, Mary Harding, fr. Medfd., had i. Caleb, Nov. 5, 1742, d. '46 ; n. John, Aug. 27, '44, d. Sep. 29, '45 ; in. Anne, Jly. 0, '40, m. John Sanger ; iv. Prudence, Oct. 12, '48, m. Adam Leland; v. Rebecca, June 10, '51, m. Ephm. Dana; vi. Caleb, May 28, '53, d. '76, in the army, at Ticonderoga, m. Elizabeth Hill, and had Caleb, d. yg. ; vn. Judith, Apl. 14, '55, m. Jacob Sparrowk ; vin. Hannah, May 17, '57, m. John Ware ; ix. John, June 1, '60, m. Caroline Jones, inherited the place where his grandfather lived, and had i Caleb, 1784, who left no chd. ; 122. 121. ii. John, Esq., 1784, m. Sally Bickford ; in. Carissa, '88, m. Lemuel Cooledge. 121. 122. John, Esq., inherited the homestead, served 5 years as selectman, and represented S. in 1843-4, and had, by w., Sally Bickford, dg. of Capt. James B., of S., i. Caroline, 1810, d. 1814; n. Clarissa, 1813, d. 1832; hi. John Jones, 1814, m. Deborah Dowse (d.), and has only Sarah, and is engaged as principal of a High School ; iv. Caroline J., 1818, m. Brigham of W.boro'. 41. 123. David, settled g m. E. of Holliston Common, in. Thankful Leland, his 170 LEARNED. 2d cousin, and had I. Brazilla, 1740, pr. d. yg. » n. Mary, May 4, '42 ; 124. in. David, Apl. 10, '44, d. 1820, m. Hanh. Harding, inherited his father's place, and had i. Brazilla, Nov. 24, 1767, m. Lucy Wood, and had Mary, Sally, and Lucy M. ; ii. Abijah, Jan. 1, '69, d. '71; in. Kcziah, Jan. 1, '72, m. Haziah Bullard, of H. ; iv. Hannah, Sep. 2, '74, d. ura. ; v. Thankful, May 5, '77, d. Sep. 22, 1840; vi. Unice, Jly. 2, '79; vn. Mercy, Aug. 1, '81 ; viii. David, Aug. 12, '82, d. Aug. 18, 1838, m. Phcbe Despeau, and had Henry, of S., d. 1847; ix. Sally, Feb. 22, '85, d. 1806, um. ; x. Jemima, Jan. 7, '88, rs. um. at the homestead ; xi. Henry, Apl. 22, '91, m. Ede Bowker. rs. Hopk. iv. Mary, Mar. 2, 1747, m. Hopest ill Eames ; v. Henry, Sep. 3, '50, d. Sep. 9, 1826, at Warwick, m. Martha Leland, and had Perley, Apl 2, 72, d. Jly. 15, 1847, at W., m. Hanh. Harding, of Med, '94; 135. 129. vi. Jeremiah, Aug. 22, '52, d. Oct. 5, 1808, m. Mary Harding; vn. Thankful, Feb. 27, '55, m. Wm. Freeland, '78, r. Hopk. ; viii. Sarah, Aug. 17, '57, m. Cpt. Aaron Eames. 42. 130. Timothy, settled on the W. half of his father's farm, * m. W. of Wm. Lovering's, in H., m. Hannah Twitchell, Jan. 5, 1748--9, dg. of Eph. T., who d. Jan. 2, 1764 ; and 2d, Abigail How, who d. Jan. 12, '66 ; and 3d, Beulah Foster, who d. '97, and had at H. i. Hannah, Apl. 4, 1750 ; n. Timothy, Jan. 7, '52, m. Mercy Johnson, and had at H., i. Nathan, 1780, m. Merribah Gay, had Susan and Eliza A. ; ii. James, Apl. 25, '83, d. Jly. 16, 1754, m. Betsey Hill, had i. Mary, m. Edwd. C. Parker, has James E. and Joseph S. ; and n. James, m. Fran's S. Thompson, and d. Feb. 23, '54, w. o. issue ; in. Mary, '86, m. Daniels Hill ; in. Eli, Aug. 13, '54, m. Mehetabel Miller, r. Upton ; iv. Bathsheba, Sep. 2, '56, d. um., 1823 ; v. James, June 18, '59, d. Dec. 15, '61 ; vi. Jemima, Jan. 5, '62, m. Nathan Fisk, '86 ; vn. Jotham, Jan. 27, '71, d. Oct 2, '77, by 3d w. ; viii. Nathan, Jly. 6, '73, d. Oct. 8, '77; ix. Mary, Jly. 18, '75, d. Oct. 5, '77. 129. 135. Jeremiah, settled a few rods S. of Holl. Central Depot, m. Mary Hard- ing, 1775; and 2d, Mrs. Sarah Hawes, fr. Franklin, and had i. Thankful, 1777, (a. T. m. Benjamin Bullard, of H. and Pax;) ii. Polly, '78, m. Perry Daniels, r. Hopk. ; in. Betsey, '80, m. Jona. Holbrook, of S. ; iv. Unice, '84, m. N. Richardson, of Hopk. ; v. Herman, June 22, '98, m. Sarah Barret, and had Granville T. and Alethina M., and inherits the homestead ; vi. Alethina, 1800, d yg. ; vn. Almira, 1801, m. Lovet Walker, rs. H. 1. Benoni Learned, Dea., (s. of Isaac L., of Woburn, by w. Mary Stearns, and grd. s. of Wm. L., of Chs. town, free 1034, and member of chh., 1632, and much respected for his sound judgment) s. in S., where the late Doct. Wythe r., had lots assigned him 1679, was rated, 1686, for the Indian title, served as committee to divide common lands ; was 12 years selectman^ and one year representative, drew 138 acres in Doug. He was born Dec. 4, 1656, and d. Apl. 10, 1738. He m. Mary Fanning, of Water- town, June 18, 1680, who d. Oct. 14, '88, dg. of Tho. F., by wf. Elizabeth Daniel, dg. of Robert D., of Cambridge; and 2d, Sarah More, of Sud., LINCOLN, LITTLEFIELD. 171 who was reed, to the chh. '90, and d. Jan. 25, 1736-7. He m. 3d, Sarah , who survived him. He had, i. Tho., Feb. 11, 1681-2, who d. at Watertown, 1729 ; n. Benj., Aug. 15, 1685, d. 1712, m. Hannah Badeock, 1710, no issue; in. Mary, Oct. 10, '88, m. Wm. Bond ; iv. Hannah, Sep. 10, '90, m. James Leland ; v. Sarah, May 31, '92, m. Isaac Kendall ; vi. Elizabeth, Apl. 28, '94, m. Dea. Timothy Leland ; mi. John, May 2, '96, drew 33 acres in Doug., 1730, and no further reported ; vin. Tabitha, Mar. 19, '97-8, m. Jona. Dewing, of S. ; ix. Abigail, July 4, 1700, m. John Woodbury, of Sud. ; x. Thankful, Aug. 1, '02, m. Joseph Hovey. of Mansfield. 6. 5. xi. Edward, Capt., Dec. 2, '05, m. Sarah Leland ; xii. Bathsheba, May 3, '08, m. Josiah Hendee, of Ashford. 5. 6. Edward, Capt., inherited the homestead, was 3 years selectman, m. 1st, Sarah Leland, dg. of Ens. Henry L., who d. May 17, '36, 2d, Abigail More, of Sud., '37, who d. Sep. 22, '45 ; and 3d, Sarah (Fuller), Pratt, of Newton, Aug. 25, '48, who d. Jan. 11, '83. He d. Sep. 9, 1775, had at S., r. Mary, Sep. 18, 1729, m. Abijah Stratton ; n. Sarah, Jan. 18, '31-2, m. Jedediah Phipps ; in. Daniel, Apl. 30, '34, d. Oct. 11, '52; iv. John, Mar. 30, '38, d. Nov. 10, 1832, m. Mary White, r. Swansea, N. IL, and Alleghany Co., N. Y., (Bond) ; v. Abigail, Sep. 28, '39, d. yg. ; vr. Benj., July 23, '41, s. at Dublin, m. Apl. 11, '65, Elizabeth Wilson, of S. ; vn. Abigail, Sep. 22, '45, reed, to the chh., '64, and rrn. to Dublin. 11.9. vin. Ewd., June 18, '49, by 2d w., m. Sarah Pratt, May 13, '73, d. at Stur- bridge ; ix. Esther, May 26, 1751, m. Edward West Perry ; x. Jona., Apl. 21, '53, pr. d. yg. ; xi. Daniel, Mar. 16, '55, pr. d. yg. ; xn. Elizabeth, bap., Dec. 26, '56, m. Samuel Clark, of S. ; xin Anna, b. Jan. 14. '59, m. Aaron Greenwood, of S. ; 13. 10. xiv. Samuel, Dee. 12, '60, d. Aug. 7, 1838, m. Abigail Fisk ; xv. Patty, Oct. 7, '62, m. Daniel Breck ; xvi. Amos, Apl. 3, '64, d. unm. at Havanna. 9. 11. Edward, jun., by w. Sarah Pratt, had at S., i. Sarah, July 5, 1776, m. Calvin Perry, of S. and Oxfd. ; n. Abigail, m. Liberty Bullard, of Med. in. Polly, m. Seth Harding, 2d, Comfort Walker, both of Med. ; iv. Gershom, m. Nabby , and s. in Natick. 10. 13. Samuel, s. in the S. part of S., and by w. Abigail Fisk, had, i. Nabby, Feb. 2, 1790 ; n. Amanda, Mar. 11, '92; in. Myra, Jan. 20, '96 ; iv. Sally, Jan. 30, 1802 ; v. Ede, Nov. 11, '06. Asa Lincoln, w. Esther Miller, had at IL, i. Ira, Nov. 15, 1794. Littlefield. Several of this name appear upon our early records, without indi- cations of any connexion. Francis and Tho. were rated at Dover, N. H., 1648. Edward Littlefield was of Exeter, 1651, and Edmond and Caleb were of Braintree, 1691. 1. John Littlefield was an early settler of Dedham, and ran. to Wrentham, where he sold a house lot, Apl., 1675. His wife Mary was reed, to the chh. 172 L1TTLEFELD. in Ded., 19, (6), 166G, and d. at W., June 13, 1674. They had at D., i. Experience, 7, (10), 1659; n. John, Oct. 5, 1664. 4. 3. in. Ebenezer, Oct. 13, 1669, d. Apl. 9, 1727. 3. 4. Ebenezer, w. Lydia, d. Oct. 12, 1717, r. Newton, had, i. Jemima, Aug. 19, 1697; ii. Ezra, Mar. '99, d. Aug. 15, 1703. 9. 5. in. Ebenezer, May 2, 1701, d. 1798. 12. 6. iv. Pelatiab, Oct. 12, '03; v. Lydia, Feb. 15, '00; vi. Jerusha, Apl. 15, '08, m. John Taylor, '30, at Newton ; vn. Praisever, Mar. 5, '10. 15. 8. vin. Ephraim, Nov. 21, '12, d. 1778; ix. Susanna, Nov. 21, '12; x. Sybil, Nov. 1, '14, m. James Cheney, '40, at Newton. 5. 9. Ebenezer, m. Abiah Morse, dg. of Benoni M., of Medfd., by w. Rachel Bullard, m. at Roxb., Sep. 28, 1702, s. in H., and became a prominent citizen. He had, i. Simeon, Oct. 29, 1728, m. Dinah Marshall, '56 ; ii. Beulah, Oct. 31, '31, d. '98, m. Lt. Asaph Leland. 19.? 11. in. John, May 25, '37. 6. 12. Pelatiab, m. Alice Hobbs, at Ipswich, Apl. 4, 1732. He had at H., i. Ebenezer, June 23, 1735. 22. 13. ii. Jeremiah, July 13, '36; in. Lydia, Aug. 14, '37; iv. Elizabeth, Mar. 16, '33-4; v. Huldah, Mar. 28, '39; vi. Alice, Sep. 6, '41; vn. Ebenezer, Capt., Mar. 16, '47, d. '98, m. 1st, Rebecca Ware, Dec, 1785, 2d, Alice Ware of Hopk, '93, and had, Warren, June 29, '93 ; vin. Elizabeth, Oct. 12, '52. 8. 15. Ephraim, m. Sarah Bullard, May 3, 1735, dg. of Isaac, of H. i. Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1735-6 ; n. Sarah, Feb. 15, '39, m. James Perry; in. Eleazer, Mar. 6, '41, d. yg. ; iv. Sibbilla, May 15, '43, m. Asa Rock- wood ; v. Elizabeth, Apl. 6, '47, m. Thaddeus Lovering, of H. 25. 16. vi. Ephraim, Esq., May 1, '49, d. 1828 ; vn. Isaac, s. in Milford, m. Eliza- beth Lovering, Dec. 16, '73, had Ephraim, of Milfd., who m. Rhoda Par- tridge, of Bell., Mar. 5, 1805 ; vin. Asa, 1757, m. Mary Adams, of H. ; ix. Anne, m. Pelatiab Gibbs. 11.? 19. John, m. Tabitha Adams, June 27, 1754, r. H., had, i. Jotham, June 26, 1761, m. Chloe Mann, Oct. 4, '99; n. Tabitha, Dec. 15, '63, m. Hn. Perley Fairbanks, r. Wardsbury, Vt. ; in. Ruth, d. Oct. 26, 1835, m. Calvin Cutler, of Med., May 8, '88 ; iv. John, Jan. 22, '69, m. Bathsheba Clark, Aug. '93, had i. Clark, Aug. 21, '94, rs. H. ; n. Emra, Mar. 13, '96; in. Joanna, May 5, '97. v. Sally, ra. Jotham Adams, of Med ; vi. Polly, Oct. 29, '74, m. Malachi Bullard, Esq., of Med ; vn. Hannah. 13. 22. Jeremiah, m. Elizabeth Barbour, Jan. 14, 1786, and 2d, Elizabeth Everett, Apl. 20, '80, who rm. to Hopk. He purchased of Wheaton, a farm on the S. side of Winthrop's Lake, on the E. side of the Pond Road, which he long occupied, and which was afterwards sold to Samuel Cleaveland, and had in Med., i. Pelatiab, Sep. 18, '68, r. Hopk., m. Abigail Crooks, Feb. 28, '93 ; n. Amos, Feb. 9, '70 ; in. Sarah, Mar. 12, '72 ; iv. Abigail, July 12, '74 ; v. Levina, Mar. 14, '76 ; vi. Elizabeth, Apl. 16, '78. 16. 25. Ephraim, Esq., a mirthful man and citizen of influence, inherited the ancient homestead on the Milford Road, 2 ms. S. W. of the common in H., LOCK, LOVERAIN. 173 kept a tavern, served the town in various offices, and tbe Co. of Middlesex 27 years as dep. sheriff. He m. Sarah Grant, pr. dg. of Win, Gr., of H., and had, i. Jerusha, in. Aaron Bullard, of Fram. ; II. Elial, who succeeded his father in the service of IL, in. Sophia Mellon, and has a family, in. Loammi, long a teacher, in. Beulah Harding, and two other ladies, rs. on or near the homestead ; iv. Sally, in. John Eames, jun., of Fram. ReV. Samuel Lock, the 4th pastor of the chh. in S., was from Lancaster, (see Book of the Locks, a very labored and available work, by John Good- win Lock) grad. Harv. Col., ITT).), studied divinity with Rev. Mr. Harring- ton, D. D., ofLan., wasord. Nov. 7, '50, inaugurated Pres. ofH. C, March 21, '70, resigned the presidency, Dec. 1, '73 ; returned to S., opened a classical school, which was patronized by the best families in Boston and vicinity ; transferred his relation from the chh. in Cambridge to the chh. in Med field, d. in an " apoplectic fit," or rather from the rupture of a blood vessel, by running, Jan. 5, 1778, aged 47. During his ministry in S., he was very recluse and studious, and he left no monuments of remarkable suc- cess as a preacher or pastor. But after his return, he laid aside the prudence which had marked his previous course, in relation to resistance, and became a good whig, and co-operated in urging his fellow citizens to fight for inde- pendence. He m. Mary Porter, Jan. 2, '60, dg. of Rev. Samuel P., his predecessor in S., who d. as his wid., Feb. 1, 1788, a. 50. They had, I. Samuel, Jan. 22, '61, d. Aug. 31, '88, was a physician at S., m. Mary Cowden, had i. Hannah, m. Sawyer ; n. Charlotte, m. John Whitcomb ; in. Keziah Bullard, '87, m. Jona. Haskell; iv. Eunice Newell, '87, d. yg. ii. Mary, Jan. 23, '63, d. single, at S., 1706, aged 33 ; in. John, Oct. 10, '65, d. unm., 1800, at N. Hampton, a dissipated man. 1. Robert IiOVerain, presumed to have been the common ancestor of the N. Engd. Loverings, and pr. grd. son of Win. L., of Aldham, Suffolk Co., Eng., m. Allis Craft, at Roxb., Jan. 3, 1704--5, who was b. 1678, and d. at the house of her grd. son, Joseph L., in H., ab. 1784, in her 105th year, and " in her 5th widowhood, having m. 2d, Ephm. Lyon, July 4, 1723, at Roxb. ; and 3d, Mr. John Greenwood, of Newton, July 24, 1720; and 4th, Mr. Shedd ; and 5th, Mr. Winchester. She survived to see several of her gr. gr. grd. children, to whom she gave mementos." Their children, born at Roxb., were, i. Elizabeth, May 10, 1708, m. John Eaton, 1720 ; n. Robert, Sep. 26, 1710, m. Rebecca Gardner, 1735 ; in. Wm., Mar. 1, 1713. 6. 4. iv. Samuel, Dec. 5, 1715, when his father r. in Boston. 15. 5. v. Joseph, b. pr. in Boston, and perhaps others. 4. 6. Samuel Lovering, m. Mary Leland, Nov. 8, 1730, dg. of Isaac L , of H., by w. Mary Hunt, and b. June 13, 1723, and had, 8. 7. i. Samuel, Aug. 13, 1741 ; n. Mary, Mar. 13, '44. 27. 8. in. Jesse, Mar. 27, '4G ; iv. Abigail, Oct. 30, '48, m. Tho. Carr, '68. 20. 9. v. Joseph, Dec. 10, '50. 19. 10. vr. Isaac, June 10, '53 ; vtt. Henry, Mar. 9, '58; vm. Rufus, July 7, '64. 213. Samuel, in. Phebe Smith, Apl. 7, '6:5, had at IL, 174 MACCANE, MADDEN, MAN, MA R S II . 19. 14. i. Isaac, Aug. 20, 17G3, m. Martha Tamerlain, '85 ; n. Anna, Mar. 7, '65; in. Samuel, Nov. 15, '67; iv. David, May 22, '70 ; • v. John, Oct. 11, '72; vi. Aaron, May 7, '75. 5. 15. Josepb, m. Hannah , 2d, Mercy , had at H., i. Mary, June 10, 1739, d. June 22, '39 ; n. Mary, Jan. 7, '42 ; m. Elizabeth, Oct. 23, '50 ; iv. Mercy, May 19, '58 ; v. Josepb, Apl. 26, '60 ; a Jo. d. at Bos., June 13, 1848, in his 90th year?; vi. Silvanus, Dec. 18, '61 ; vii. Ehoda, June 10, '65. 17. Craft Lovering, (pr. son of Wra., No. 3,) w. Unis , had at H., i. Sarah, Sep. 13, 1765 ; n. Elias, June 2, '68. 10. 19. Isaac, by w. Martha Tamerlain, had at H., Henry, Oct. 3, 1789. 9. 20. Joseph, w. Keziah, had at H., Jonas, Feb. 10, 1775. His grd. mother, Winchester, d. at his house. 21. Thaddeus Lovering, (pr. son of Wm., No. 3,) w. Elizabeth , had at H., i. Thaddeus, July 28, '66, s in Medway, and d. ab. 1852 ; n. Anne, Oct. 13, '70; in. Amos, June 6, '72, s. in Med., and was the father of Warren L., Esq., A. M., of M. ; iv. Wm., Jan. 16, '75, rs. in II.. v. Gilbert, May 16, '87. 26. Daniel Lovering? w. Lydia , had Lawson. 27. Jesse Lovering, m. Mercy Jennings, Apl. 30, 1772, and had at H-, i. Jesse, Mar. 11, '73 ; ir. Levi, Dec. 22, '76; in. Lawson, Aug. 15, '78. iv. Marcy, Mar. 1, '81. James MaCCane, w., Margaret, had John, Mar. 2, 1733--4, at H. Michael Madden, w. , Mary, had David, Jly. 14, 1763, at H. James Man, w , Abigail, had i. Mary, Jan. 13, 1744--5, at H. Alexander Marsh, pr. grd. a. of Lt. Alexr. M., who d. at Braintrec, Mar. 7, 1698, a. ab. 70, came fr. B. ab. 1750, s. on Winthrop's Grant, on the N. side of Winthrop's Lake, in H., had, i. Jerusha, who m. Simeon Newton, of H. ; II. Amariah, m. Lois Fisk. and had, i. Seneca, Jly. 14, '69 ; ii. Martin, Apl. 27, '71; in. Amariah, May 30, '73; iv. Betsey, m. Mr. Peck, of Mend. ; v. Sylvia, lives single ; vi. John, d. yg. ; vn. Nancy, d. um., a. 21 ; vin. Lois, m. Isaac Wilkinson, of Pawtucket, and had Nancy and Mary, one of whom m. Rev. Mr. Fezzendon, fr. Sandwich, and rs. in P. in. Esek, Dea., inherited the homestead, was naturally of a very facetious turn of mind, industrious, frugal, cautious and non-committal, much devoted to reading, and well informed on general subjects. He was chosen Dea., June 3, 1793, and d. at a very advanced age, having served as Dea., ab. 40 M A R S II , M A ii S II ALL, M A .SON. 1 75 ys. He m. Sophia Adams, of Medfield, dg. of Henry A., by w., Jemima Morse, and grd. dg. of the excellent Prudence Fearie, and had in H., i. Esek, who s. at Charlton ; ii. Amelia Sophia, Mar. 10, 1776; in. Lucinda, Dec. 2G, '78; iv. Alexander, Jan. 3, '82 ; v. diaries, Oct. 30, '85 ; vi. Elizabeth, Aug. 15, '92; vn. Amos, and pr. others, not recorded in H. ; iv. Reuben, the father of Mrs. Calvin Sparrowk, of S., who rru. and d. near Black River, New York. Joseph Marsh, w. Sarah, had at S., i. Kezia, Sep. 3, 1720 ; n. Seth, Jan. 18, '22-3. 1. ThO. Marshall, Dea. (see Barry), m. Esther , in Newton ; and 2d, Abigail, wid. of Jona. Cutler, 1762; served as selectman of H. 18 ys., as Dea. 3S ys., and d. Apl. 3, 1766, a. 75, had 7. 2. I. Tho., who in. Beriah Grant, at H., '44, and d. in Temple, N. H. ; 13. 3. n. Joseph, m. Mary Leland ; in. Ebenezer, Sep. 18, 1721, m. Mehetabcl Haven, '48 ; iv. John, Nov. 21, 1723, at H. ; v. Dinah, Dec. 26, '25 ; vi. Ezra, Sep. 1, '29, d. May 7, '32 ; vn. Nahum. Oct. 3, '32; Har. Col., '55, m. Martha Lord, and d. at Somersworth, N. H. 2. 7. Tho. Marshall, m. Bariah Grant, Apl. 19, 1744 ; and 2d, Abigail Cobb, Sjp. 12, '54; and 3d, Marv , in II., and had, i. Keziah, Mar 2, '44-5 ; ii. Tho., Jan. 24, '46 ; in. Aaron, Nov. 8, '47 ; iv. David, Dec. 13, '50 ; v. Jona., Oct. 26, '52 ; vi. Jona., Jan. 24, '57, by w. Mary. 3. 13. Joseph, m. Mary Leland, of S., Feb. 2, 1736-7. and had at H., i. Esther, Aug. 3, 1738; ii. Ezra, June 30, '40; in. Ichabod, Aug. 10, '42; iv. Joseph. This family removed to Milford. 17. Ebenezer ? m. Elizabeth Jones, Jan. 15, 1729-30, i. Abigail, Jly. 26, '34, d. Oct. 12, '36 ; n. Dinah, Aug. 7, '37, m. Simeon Littlefield, '56 ; in. Elizabeth, Aug. 20, '42. 18. Benj. Marshall, fr. Marblehead, m. Sibbilla Johnson, Sep. 28, 1756, and had in H., i. Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 176- ; n. Sarah, Apl. 17, '63, m. Amariah Force ; in. Mary, Oct. 10, '65 ; iv. Annis, Feb. 12, '68 ; v. Sibbel, Feb. 15, '70; vi. Moses, Dec. 15, '75. 5. 20. John, w., Mary, i. Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1749--50; n. Farnsworth, Mar. 2, '52. 1. Benj. MaSOn, w., Martha, s. at Dublin, 1763, had at S., i. Thaddeus, Jly. 4, 1746 ; n. Abigail, Apl. 8, 1752 ; in. Benj., May 28, '60. 4. Moses Mason, pr. s. of Benj., from Dover, w., Lydia (pr. Thayer). He removed to Walpole, N. II., had at S., i. Mary, Mar. 22, 17G0 ; II. Hannah, May 4, '62 ; in. Betty, Jly. 18, '64. 5. Moses Mason, w., Olive, had at S., i. Gregory, Sep. 12, 1784; n. Henry, Feb. 14, '87. 8. Abner Mason, who purchased in S. (now in Med.), a part of the original 176 MAVERICK, MAXWELL, MELLEN, MERKIFIELD. Bulked farm of Opt. Benj. B., about 177 MORSE. 183 ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 8, '53, d. Dec. '31, 1833, m. Elijah Adams, r. Hubbard- ston ; in. Waitstill, Mar. 6, '55, d. Mar. 8, 1825, m. Joel Partridge, of Med. ; iv. Lvdia, Sep. 12, '57, d. Mar. 18, 73. 17. 16. v. Abner, Esq., Oct. 11, '59, d. Mar. 11, 1821, m. Mille Leland ; vi. Sarah, Dec. 21, '61, d. July 31, 1839, ra. Isaac Cozzens, of H. ; vii. Abigail. June 16, 'G5, d Mar. 18, '73; vm. Mercy, Dec. 26, '72, d. July 6, 1845, m. David Eames, r. Hopk. 16. 17. Abner, Esq., inherited the homestead, was much employed in transacting public business ; served Medway 14 years as selectman, and 3 do. as repre- sentative ; was a Justice of the peace for about 12 years, and much employed in settling estates, &c. He had, i. Nabby, Aug. 13, 1783, m. Uriel Cutler, rs. on the homestead of her father, now annexed to II.; n. Elijah, A. M., Esq., Sep. 10, '85, d. Aug. 23, 1831, m. Mary Jackson, r. Bos. ; in. Mille, June 23, '89, d. Nov. 16, 1851, m. Alexr. H. Jones, r. Fram. ; iv. Chloe, July 24, '91, m. Lemuel Leland, r. S. ; v. Abner, Rev., A. M., m. i. Sarah Ann Voorhces, who d. Sep. 27, 1833; and 2d, Hannah Peck. Oct. 15, 1836, who d. Aug. 29, '42, and had, i. Lucretia, Sep, 18, '33, d. Sep. 24, '33, at Boundbrook, N. J.; n. Abner Leland, Oct. .1, 1838, at South Bend, Ind. ; in. Elijah Adams, May 25, '41, at do. ; iv. Albert Field, Aug. 1, '42, at Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; vi. Betsey, Nov. 12, 1796, d. July 15, 1853, m. Seneca Wight, r. Bell. ; vn. Tho. J., Esq., May 27, 1801, m. Lucy Leland, came to S. 1828, was appointed a magistrate, 1849, and subsequently became a trader; vm. Lucretia, Aug. 17, 1804, d. unm. Dec. 28, '28. 14. 20. James, Dea., s. E. of the Morse meadow, -} m. S. of the R. R. deep- cut ; was a leading citizen of Med., and early chosen Dea. of the 2d chh., of which he was a bright ornament. He had, by w. Hannah Daniels, i. Obadiah, 1761, d. '66, at Med., now H. ; n. John, Rev. A. M., Mar. 24, '63, d. Jan. 3, 1844, m. Clarissa Sanford. r. Otego, N. Y. ; 22. in. Henry, Dea., Apl. 25, '66, d. about 1851, at Paxton ; iv. Ruth, '68, d. also Jan. 3, 1844, m. Joel Howard, r. Milfd. ; v. Rhoda, '68 ; vi. Polly, '79, m. Daniel Elliot, of Sutton ; vn. Catherine, m. Nathl. Fletcher, of Carlton. 23. James, s. on land given him by his father, at W. Sherborn, built his house near the junction of the Holl. road, with the way to the W., on a spot marked by an ancient elm, and drew land in Doug, 1715, and had by w. Ruth Sawin, i. Thomas, Dec. 5, 1709, m. Mary Treadway. inherited the homestead, and had at S., prior to removing to Dublin, N. H, i. Mary, '37-8 ; n. Ruth, '39; in. Reuben, Dea., and Esq., '42; iv. Rachel, '44 ; v. Silence, '45; vi. Abigail, '46; vn. Tho., '48; vm. Sarah, '50; ix. Ezra, '52 ; x. John, May, '54 ; xi. Jona., '56 ; xn. Hannah, '58 ; xiii. Amos, '60 ; II. Ruth, 1713, m. Joshua Leland, had Josh., Col. and Judge ; in. Deborah, '18, m. Capt. Samuel Bullard, of Holl., had Samuel, Esq., a mathemati- cian ; iv. James, 1720, d. 1812, m. Grace Bullen, s. on her father's farm, in S., now occupied by Isaac Cozzens, had, i. James, 1745-6, m. Betsey Bul- lard, and was the father of Judge Nathan M., of N.field, Vt. ; ii. Susanna, '48 ; in. Deborah, '50, m. Benj. Guy, of Dov. ; iv. Elizth. ; v. Joseph, '57, m. Ilanh. Miller, r. Templcton ; vi. Abner, Dea., 1761, r. Randolph, Vt. ; v. Abraham, 1720, d. yg. [See my Memorial of the Morses.] 184 MUZZY, NEWELL, NEWTON, NICHOLS, NORCROSS, NURSE, &C 1. TllO. Muzzy, m. Abigail Cozzens, Feb. 12, 1735-6, and bad at H., i. Ebenezer, Aug. 19, '37, d. Sep. 25, '37 j n. The, June 16, '50. 3. Robert Muzzy, w., Martha, had at H., i. Robert, Jly. 16, 1769. Andrew Newell, previously master of a vessel, bought of Mr. Aniory, of Boston, the lot originally assigned to Nathaniel Morse, upon the plain (now Danl. Lcland's), settled in S. about 1767, was selectman 1771--72, Justice of the Peace, and Commissary for the army in the time of the Revolution. He m. Elizabeth , who d. June 21, 1808, a. 78. He d. Jan. 1, 1798, a. 68. They had, i. Andrew, who followed the seas; n. Tho., d. at Fram., Jly. 19, 1819, a. 53, m. Polly Phips, dg. of Jedediah, and had i. Joseph, May 4, 1790 ; n. Geo., Aug. 18, '91 ; in. Andrew, Apl. 16, '93; iv. Tho.; v. Richard; vi. Austin, bap. May 15, 1803; in. Jona. Emery, bap. Feb. 17, 1771 ; iv. Eunice, b. 1769, d. Apl. 8, '9G, a. 27 ; v. Rebecca, d. June 29, 1799, a. 25. Simeon Newton, m. Jerusha Marsh, and had, I. Simeon, jun., d. Feb. 24, 1801, m. Sally Fisk, Feb. 21, 1792, had Amos, Sep. 3, '92 ; ii. Hannah, Dec. 13, '62, m. Ichabod Perry, Jan. 24, '82 ; m. Jerusha, Mar. 15, '66, d. yg. ; in. Jerusha, July 13, '73, d. Sep. 23, 1835, m. James Eames, May 29, '85 ; iv. Haven, Oct. 29, '68 ; v. Sarah, Jan. 12, '76, d. Dec. 18, 1808, urn. ; vi. Elizabeth, Jly. 10, '78, m. Nahum Rockwood ; vn. Levina, m. Hon. Elihu Cutler. A Jerusha N. m. James Emerson, Dec. 24, 1784, at H. Zachariah McholS, w., Rebecca, had at S., i. Rebecca, Aug. 1, 1744; ii. Sarah, 1745 ; m. Lydia, May 7, '47. Samuel Nichols, w., Polly, had Otis, May 2, 1798, at S. Asa NorerOSS, w., Elizabeth, had at H., i. Anna, Jly. 10, 1776; ii. Sibbel, Apl. 6, '79 ; in. Moses, Aug. 23, '84. Ebenezer Nurse, w., Mary Haven, bad at S., i. Ebenezer, Oct. 3, 1720. Wm. W. Otis, b. Aug. 21, 1821, s. of Wm. O., of Exeter, N. H. m. Sarah D. Maddox, fr. Me., s. in S. ab. 1850, has Chs. F. Y- Joseph Palmer, m. Jerusha Johnson, Oct. 18, 1787, i, Wm., May 22, '88, at H. ; n. Sarah, Nov. 24, '89 ; in. Jerusha, Jly. 2, '91 ; iv. Hannah, Apl. '93. 1. Solomon Park, son of Tho. P., of Newton, .and grd. s. of Richard P., who, according to tradition, came fr. Scotland, and s. 2 mis. above Newton Corner, on the bank of Chs. R. ; located ab. 1732, in the N. part of H., near PARKER, PARKHUST, PARTRIDGE. 185 Hopk. (now Ashland), and soon became a leading citizen of II., and served 7 ys. as selectman, and 10 ys. as town clerk. He m. Lydia, and had, i. Solomon, b. pr. at N. ; grad. at Harv. Univ., 1753, and d. at H. urn. ; 2. ii. Samuel, Esq., b. Apl. 23, 1734, d. ab. 1807, at Berlin ; nr. Keziah, who. d. at H., Apl. 19, 17-42 ; iv. Elizabeth, d. yg. 3. Samuel, Esq., inherited the homestead; lost an arm, from its being caught and crushed in a cider mill. He was chosen representative of H., in 1787-8, and selectman, 1789, and was many ys. an acting magistrate. In advanced life, he rm. to Berlin, to reside with his son, where he d. He m., Mar. 30, 1758, Mary Russell, dg. of Dea. James R., of H., and had 4. i. James Russell, who m. Anna Leland; u. Solomon, who m., Oct. 8, 1789, Mary Twitchell, had, Sene, Mar. S, '90; Miranda, May 1, '91; Adams, Dec. 10, '94 ; James Russell, Aug. 22, '96 ; Almira, Sep. 3, '98, at H., and Appleton and Warren, b. pr. at Wardsbury, Vt, where S. is said to have s., and d. ; in. Samuel, who m. Sarah Perry, had Sele, 1797 : Nelesse, Jan. 12, '99, at H., and rm. to Auburn, N. Y. ; iv. Abigail ; v. Betsey, who m. Stephen Barns. 7. James Russell, m. Anna Leland [see No. 43 of Leland], s. in Berlin, where he d., had, i. Joseph, Col., Nov. 11, 1787, at H., who inherited the home- stead and mills of his father, at Berlin, represented B., 1835 -6-7, and rm. to H. ab. 1852. He m. Hannah Meriam ; 2d, Eliza Cole; and 3d, Olive (Daniels) Leland, had Beulah, d. yg. ; James B., is. Oxfd. ; Melissa, d. um. ; Law son, d. yg. Timothy Parker, w., Keziah, had in H., I. Sibbella, Dec. 28, 1746; ii. Mary, May 7, 174- ; in. Margaret, June 24, '52 ; iv. Keziah, Mar. 19, '54. Sol. Parker, w., Elizabeth, had atH., i. Anna, Oct. 2, 1766; n. Elizabeth, Jan. 19, '69; in. Achsah, June 16, '73; iv. Hannah, Jan. 28, '82; v. Sally, Sep. 12, '84. John Parkes, w., Lydia, had at H., i. Aaron Eames, Jan. 23, 1790; ii. Emra, Mar. 10, '93 ; in. Nancy, Sep. 14, '95; iv. Lydia, Mar. 19, '97 ; v. Calista, Nov. 28, '98. Wm. ParkhUSt,, w., Martha, had at II., i. Joel, Jly. 7, 1706 ; ii. Nahum, Apl. 4, '68. 1 . Wm. Partridge, Lt. Gov. of N. II., was father-in-law to Gov. Belcher, b. 1681 ; 1^. Dame Mary Patridge, relict of Gov. P., ? d. at Newbury, June 10, 1639 ; 2." Mr. Patridge, admitted freeman Mar. 14, 1638-9 ; 3. Wm. Partridge, had children b. at Salisbury, 1642-50, and d. there 1654; 12. 4, Wm. Partridge, proprietor of Medfield, 1650, r. there ; 7. 5. John Partridge, proprietor of do. do. ; (5. John Patridge, was of Duxbury, 1690. 5. 7. John Partridge, w., Magdalene, had at Medfield, i. John ; 24 186 PARTRIDGE 37. 8£. ii. Eleazcr, b. 1664; nr. Abiel, b. 1667; iv. Experience, '67; v. Bachel, 'G9, in. Joseph Daniel; 27. 10. vi. Samuel, '71, m. Hannah ; 25. 11. vii. Zachariah, '74, d. Sep. 23, 1710 ; vm. Elizabeth, '79, m. Ebenr. Daniel. 4. 12. Wm. Partridge, w., Sarah , had at Medfield, 13. I. John, 1602 ; n. Elisha, 'G5 ; in. Joseph, Mar. 13, '08 ; 21. 10. iv. Wm., '09; v. Priscilla, '72; vi. Sarah, '74; vn. Marie, '82. 17. John, junr., w., Elizabeth Kocket, m. ab. 1079 ; 2d w., Anna , had at Medfd., i. Marie, 1681. 46. 18. ii. Benoni, '87 ; r 130. 19. in. Jona., '93, m. Elizabeth Learned, of Fram., Nov. 13, 1717. lie and w., Ann, deeded his land and house in Med. to his brother James, in 1742 ; iv. Hannah, '9G ; v. Deborah, '98 ; 71. 20. vi. James, Oct., 1700, d. Mar. 9, '68, m. Keziah, dg. of Malachi Billiard ; vn. Sarah, '02 ; vm. Seven, Apl. 10, '00 ; ix. Anna, 1709, by 2dw. 10. 21. Wm., w. Hannah, had at Medfield, i. Wm., 1095 ; ii. Joseph, '99 ; in. Hannah, Dec. 24, 1702; iv. Seth, '00 ; v. Mary, '09. 11. 25. Zachariah, w., Elizabeth, had at Medfd., i. Mary, 1702; ii. Magdalene, '03 ; in. Sarah, '00; iv. Zachariah, '09, d. Aug. 31, '18 ; 26. v. Asa, '12 ; vi. , dg., Aug. 27, '14. 10. 27. Samuel, w., Hannah , had in Medfield and Medway, i. Hannah 1702 ; ii. Thankful, '03 ; ill. Samuel, '04 ; iv. Ebcnezer, '06 ; v. Abigail, '07 ; vi. Benj., '09, r. Bellingham, had Job, who had Job, m. Tamer Patridge ; and Moses, Bev. A. M. ; vn. Silence, '09; vm. Mahitable, '10; 83. 31. ix. Joshua, Jly. 27, '13, d. Jan. 19, '99, m. Elizabeth Kingsbury, 1742 ; x. Caleb, Mar. 17, '10-7 ; xi. Silence, Mar. 5, '19, m. Stephen Kingsbury, Dec. 23, '42. 33. Oliver, of Medfd., w. Kate, had at Medfd., i. Nathan, Oct. 11,1094; ii. Seth, Mar. 21, '90. 30. Jesse, of do., w. Keziah, had, i. David, Oct. 14, 1071. 81. 37. Eleazer, w. Elizabeth ; 2d w., Sarah, had at Medfield, 158. 38. i. Joseph, 1706; n. David, '08; in. Benj., '13; iv. Elisha, '16, by w. Sarah; v. Eleazer, '17; vi. Sarah, '19; vn. Peter, May 1G, '22; vm. Zachariah, Mar. 22, '19-20. 18. 40. Benoni, w., Mehetabel Wheelock, m. 1709, had in Medfd., 154. 47. i. Preservet, 1709, m. Catherine Armstrong; n. The, '11 ; 56. 49. in. Seth, '13; iv. David, May 21, '18, v. Mahitable, Apl. 24, '20; vi. Samuel, June 24, '22; vn. Sarah, Sep. 27, '24, m Obadiah Adams, of Bell., '44 ; 87. 53. vm. Timothy, Jan. 18, '26-7; 159. 54. ix. Eli, June 3, '29; 90. 55. x. Moses, Aug. 28, '33. 49. 50. Seth, w. Sarah ; 2d, w. Mary, had at Medfd., i. Olive, Jime 22, '33 TART RIDGE. 187 97. 57. ir. Seth, June 27, '35 ; in. Abel, by w. Mary; iv. ? Anna, who m. Lt. Jona. Holbrook, and inherited the homestead. 59. Edward, ? w. Sarah, had at Medfield, i. Elisha, Jly. S, 1734 ; ii. Asa, May 23, '36 ; in. Edward, May 23, '38 ; iv. Simeon, Apl. 5, '41 ; G4. v. Silas, Sep. 2, '44. 20. 71. James, w., Keziah Ballard, b. Dec. 2, 1711, d. ab. 1802, r. 1 m. N. of Med. Vil., where late Joel Patrid^e, 2d, lived, and had, 92. 72. i. James, Oct. 10, 1730, s. in Boylston ; n. Malachi, Nov. 30, '31, r. Sturbridgc and Ashtield ; in. Keziah, Nov. 12, '33, m. Moses Thompson, of Med. ; iv. Asa, Mar. 6, '34-5, d. pr. urn.; v. Lois, Sep. 20, '3(5, m. Benj. Pond, jun., of Wrcnth., Jly. 29, '56; vi. Bethiah, Nov. 22, '38, m. Seth Hixon, b. at Stoug., '34. d. ag. 86, at Med. ; 74. vii. Eleazer, Apl. 19, '40, m. Lois Rockwood, of Wrenth., '64, and r. Eranklin ; vm. Lydia, Dec. 6, '43, d. a. 97, m. Saml. Bullard, Esq., of Holl. ; ix. Stephen, June 10, '46, r. Passim ; 102. 77. x. Joel, Feb. 19, '47-8, m. Waitstill Morse, r. 1 m. N. of Med. Vil.; xi. Eunice, Jly. 26, '49 ; 105. 78. xii. Nathan, Mar. 20, '51, m. Melatiah Holbrook, dg. of Dea. Joseph H., of Bell., who m. Capt. Tho. Adams, for 2d husb. He r. a few rods E. of Joel, on the place since owned by Peter Lewett; xm. Hannah, Sep. 19, '53 ; xiv. Elizabeth, subject to derangement, d. um. ; xv. Chloe, Apl. 11, '56, d. unm., was insane. 79. Ephraim, of Medway, w. Lydia, had, I. Lydia, Dec. 27, 1728 ; ii. Elizabeth, Nov. 19, '30 ; in. Sarah. Dec. 20, '32 ; 94. 80. iv. Nathl., Dea., Dec. 17, '34; v. Elisha, June 3, '37; vi. Elisha, June 21, '38; vii. Deborah, Aug. 24, '41, m. Levi Warren, of W.boro'; vm. Olive, Dec. 31, '43. 82. Stephen, of Med., w. Mary, had, i. Mary, JuneJ 20, '38 ; ii. Azubah, Apl. 16, '42 ; 113 82^ m . Stephen.? 31. 83. Joshua, w., Elizabeth Kingsbury, m. Dec. 23, 1742, had at Med., i. Elizabeth, Sep. 28, '43 ; 114. 84. ii. Joshua, Apl. 5, '45, m. Hannah Cutler, 1767; in. Elizabeth, Mar. 20, '47, m. Wheeler ; iv. Ichabod, Aug. 13, '49 ; 120. 86. v. Samuel, Dec. 26, '52 ; Feb. 17, 1842; m. Mahitable Allen ; vi. Rhoda, Feb. 3, '57. 53. 87. Timothy, w., Abigail Barbour, m. 1755, r. 80 rods W. of Mucksquit School-house, W. Med., and had 117 87i-. i. Samuel, Mar. 18, '56, s. at Paxton, inherited the Partridge pasture and orchard, W. of Winthrop's Lake ; n. Eunice, Mar. 15, '58 ; 121. 88. in. Elijah, Apl. 4, '62, m. Keziah Curtis; 2d, Catherine Clark; iv. David, Dec. 30, '65 ; 125. 89. v. Timothy (probably). 55. 90. Moses, of Med., w.", Rachel Thayer, m. '55, bad, i. Frcelove, Feb. 11, '57 ; ii. Deadan, Feb. 14, '59 ; 188 PARTRIDGE. 91. m. Simeon, Capt., Feb. 28, '60, m. Jerusha White, r. W. Med., had Eliliu, Sep. 28. '87, who m. Charlotte Wight, and inherited the homestead; iv. Beulah, Jly. 5, '62 j v. Tabitha, Apl. 30, '65 ; vi. Clarissa, June 14, 75. 72. 92. James, of Med. and Bojlston, w., Abigail Partridge, m. '59, had i. Rhoda, Dec. 9, '00 ; n. Asa, Dec. 20, '61 ; in. Ozias, June 18, 'G3 j iv. Asahel, Mar. 7, '66. 80. 94. Nathl., Dea., of W. Med., w. Mahitable, had, i. Lucretia, May 5, '64 ; n. Ephraim, Nov. 18, '65, d. a member of Col. at Providence; in. Sarah, June 19, '70; iv. Olive, Jan. 31, '75, m. Samuel Clark, and inherited her father's homestead, where Wm. Adams resides in W. Med. ; v. Grace, Oct. 6, '77; vi. Lydia, Oct. 3, '79 ; vn. Deborah, June 19, '83. 57. 97. Seth, jun., of Med. and Wrentham, w., Mercy (Harding), had 100. 98. I. Ziba, Sep. 27, '61, m. Elizabeth Knowlton ; n. Darius, m. Abigail Ellice ; in. Mercy, m. Abner Pond, of Wrenth. 98. 100. Ziba, of Med., w., Elizabeth Knowlton, had at Med., i. Mary, Nov. 13, '89, m. John Abbe, of Med. ; n. John, Nov. 17, '99, m. Susan, dg. of Calvin Turner, of Med., r. at Athol, and is dep. sheriff. 77. 102. Joel, of Med., w., Waitstill Morse, bad, i. Ezekiel, Jly. 1, '75, m. Deborah Harding; n. Nabby, Jan. 9, '77, m. Ezra Adams; in. Catherine, Apl. 1, '79, m. Stephen Adams ; iv. Tamer, Aug. 8, '81, m. Job Patridge ; v. Joel, Mar. 1, '84, m. Sarah Clark; 2d, Joanna Sanford ; vi. Jerusha, May 2, '87, m. David Mann, of W.boro'. ; vn. Ede, June 25, '89, m. Nathl. Clark ; viii. James, Sep. 3, '93, d. agd. 20, in hopes of a blessed, immortality. 78. 105. Nathan, of Med., w., Melatiah Holbrook, bad, i. Levina, Jan. 8, '77, d. young ; 107 106. ii. Nathan, Dec. 27, '78, m. Isabella Fessendon ; in. Susanna, Nov. 30, '83, m. Capt. Asa Fisk, of Holl. 106. 107. Nathan, of Barre, w., Isabella Fessendon, had, i. Hiram F., June 16, 1805, d. agd. 40 ys. ; n. Lavina ; in. Albert ; iv. Augusta M. ; v. Winfield S. ; vi. Wm. A. 82|-. 113. Stephen, of Med., w. Esther, had, i. Hannah, Jan. 30, 1773; ii. Judith, Apl. 20, '74. 84. 114. Josbua, jun., of Med., w., Hannah Cutler, had, i. Joseph, Apl. 26, '68, d. Oct. 26, 1822, m. Chloe Puffer ; II. Priscilla, June 14, '74, d. Aug. 12, '74 ; 129. 116. in. David, also Sep. 20, '75, m. Miriam Partridge, 1804. 87J. 117. Samuel, of Med. and Paxton, w. Elizabeth, had, i. Nabby, Nov. 14, '82 ; ii. Silence, Oct. 9, '84; in. Zilla, May 27, '86; iv. Polly, May 11, '89; v. Betsey, Nov. 11, '91 ; vi. David, Mar. 31, '95. 86. 120. Samuel, of Med., w., Mahitable Allen, had, i. Elizabeth, Apl. 8, 1776 ; ii. Matilda, May 9, '78 ; in. Rhoda, Dec. 20, '80 ; iv. Vesta, Sep. 22, '82 : v. Miriam, Aug. 23, '85, m. David Partridge, 1804 ; vi. Mahitable, Dec. 20, '88 ; vn. Clarissa, May 13, '91. PARTRIDGE. 189 88. 121. Elijah, of TV. Med., w.JveziaW. Curtis, d. Jan. 16, '95; 2d w., Catherine Clark, had, i. Rachael, Dec. 7, '85, m. Daniel Leland, jun., of Sherbom ; ii. Leah, Jan. 7, '88, d. yg. ; in. Timothy, Mar. 14, '89 ; iv. Clark, May 16, '99, by 2d w. ; v. Cata, Feb. 6, 1801 ; vi. Elijah, Jan. 29, '05. 89. 125. Timothy, of Med., w., Lois Ware, m. '87, had, i. David, Feb. 16,1788. 126. Joseph, of Med., w. Chloe, had, i. Chloe, Mar. 18, '95 ; n. Betsey, 1802. 127. Bernard, of do., w. Mary, had, I. Betsey, Oct. 31, 1802; ii. Mary Ann, Feb. 15, '04. 116. 129. David, m. Miriam Partridge, 1804, r. Brimfield, had Allen, Jan. 16, 1806, m. Pegga Daniels, 1828, r. Sharon, and had, i. Frances 31., Dec. 31, 1829, m. Augustus A. Sampson, 1847, of Sharon, had i. Ezra, '47, d. '48 ; ii. Harriot A., Sep. 2, '31, b. in Milford ; in. David A.,Apl. 3, '33 ; iv. Warren Y., Feb. 3, '39, at Harwington, Ct. ; v. Wm. S., Api. 30, '41 ; vr. Geo. V., Nov. 9, '42. 19. 130. Jona. Partridge, m. Elizabeth Learned, Nov. 13, 1717 ; 2d, Anna Phipps, Jan., 1739, sold his place 1 m. N. of Med. Vil„ 1742, to his brother James, and rni. first to Sherborn. He was a Baptist, and had resided in Bos. ; had, i. Mathew, Mar. 16, 1718, at Med. ; n. Elizabeth, Aug. 17, '20 ; in. Huldah, Jly. 18, '22; 140. 132. iv. Jona., Jly. — , '24, m. Abigail Lovet, fr. Med., 1748; v. Mary, Jly. 19, '26, m. Abner Ellice, '47 ; vi. Ede, Dec. 4, '27, m. Nathan Bullard, '50 ; vn. Hannah, Feb. 12, '29 ; vm. Jasper, Apl. 15, '32 ; ix. Learned, Feb. 7, '34-5 ; x. Silas, Jly. 22, '37, s. at Peru, m. Abigail, and had, Melatiah, Aug. 23, '65; xi. Thadeus, Nov. 28, '39, m. Thankful, s. at Barre, had, i. John, Dec. 30, '67; II. Eleazcr, rs. B. ; 148. 137. xn. Reuben, Nov. 21, 1741, m. Mary , r. where Alpheus Clark rs. ; xin. Jabez, also Nov. 21, 1741 ; xiv. Rhoda, Feb. 11, '43-4, at Sherborn ; xv. John, Oct. 28, '46, at do., m. Phebe , and s. in Barre, had, i. Silas, June 5, '74 ; n. Rhoda, Jly. 10, '76 ; in. Chloe, Sep. 20, '79 ; iv. John, Mar. 27, '82. 132. 140. Jona. Partridge, w., Abigail Lovet, m. Oct. 12, 1748, had at S., i. Jabez, Dec. 11, 1748, m. Anna Twitchell, b. May 24, '51, m. May W, '72, and rm. to Gardner, had at S. i. Adam, Jan. 2, '73 ; n. Deborah, Apl. 25, '75 ; in. Adam, Mar. 11, '78 ; iv. Hannah, Dee. 7, '80 ; v. Anna, Nov. 4, '83 ; vi. Cynthia ; vn. Miriam ; vm. Henry, m. Anna Holbrook, of S., r. Medfield, has i. Anna Maria, m. James Bigelow (d.), has I. Anna M. ; ii. Win. H. ; in. Henry (d.) ; iv. James F. ; v. Caroline S. ; vi. Jas. R. ii. Henry, Jan., m. Electa Leland, r. M. ; in. Caroline, m. Rev. Daniel W. Stevens, of Mansfield ; ii. Lovet, Sep. 13, '50, at S. ; in. Stephen, Aug. 2, '52, at S.; iv. Jona., Feb. 21, 1757, by 2nd w., Keziah, at Barre ; v. Jacob, Dec. 12, '59, at B. ; vi. Keziah, Apl. 29, '61 ; vn. Lydia, Jly. 14, '64. 190 1' AYS OX, PERRY. 137. 148. Reuben Partridge, m. Mary Perry, s. on the place where Alphcus Clark, Esq., rs., which he sold to Dea. Wm. C, and rm. to Gardner. He had, i. Mary, May 15, 1767. at S., m. Samuel Hill, May 15, '91 ; n. Amos, Nov. 25, '08; in. Anne, May 23, '70; iv. Deborah, Apl. 25, '73; v. Elizabeth, May 8, '74 ; vi. Moses, Mar. 8, '76 ; vn. John, Dec. 7, '77 ; viii. Nathaniel, Nov. 5, '81 ; ix. Wm., May 14, '83 ; x. Wm. Mar. 1G, '88. 47. 154. Preservet Partridge, or " Patridge," b. 1700, s. of Benoni P., of Med., by w. Mehetabel Wheeloek, and grd. s. of John P., of Medfield, by w. Elizabeth Rocket, and gr. grd. s. of Wm. P., who had land assigned him at Medfield, 1G50, m. Katherine Armstrong, 1737, and bad, i. Nathan, Aug. 3, 1738, at Med. ; n. Bathsheba, Aug. 19, '40, at Holl. ; in. Jesse, Aug. 29, '42, at H. ; it. Katherine, Aug. 26, '44; v. David, Jan. 26, '46-7. 38. 158. Joseph Partridge, b. 1706, s. of Eleazer P., of Medfd., by w. Elizabeth , and grd. s. of John P., of M., by w. Magdalene , who had land assigned him at Medfd., 1650, m. Unice Morse, 1732 (p. 22 of Memorial), and 2d, Mary Sheffield, '46-7. He had in H., i. Phebe, Jly. 2, '41 ; II. Urania, Oct. 7, '50, and pr. rm. to Bell. 54. 159. Eli Partridge, ? by w. Rachel, had in H., i. Sheffield, Nov. 2, 1752. Wid. Hannah P. d. at H., Jly. 19, 1754 ; Mr. P. m. Abigail Leland, June 2, '63, at H. Samuel PaySOn, fr. Walpole to H. ab. 1817, m. Addela Pond, fr. Frank., and had, i. Edwin, Aug. 31, 1819, m. Susan Sole, fr. Portland, Me. ; n. Warren L., Jly. 15, '22, m. Adelia M. Pond, rs. a housewright in H. 1. John Perry, from Medfield, had a home lot assigned him, 1679, upon the Plain in S. where the late Lemuel Leland resided, was rated for the Indian title 1686 ; was selectman 1692-93, and d. prior to 1715. He m. Bethiah Morse, May 23, 1665, who was b. 24 (1), 1648, dg. of Daniel M. of S., and d. 1717. He had i. John, Sept. or Dec. 24, 1667, m. Sarah Hill, July 28, 1691, had Hanh. Oct. 27, '94. 9. 3. n. Samuel, Aug. 25, 1674, m. Joanna Lovet, April 26, 1698. 12. 4. in. Joseph, Aug. 25, 1674, m. Martha Lovet also, April 26, '98 ; iv. Na- thaniel, May 18, 1671, at Medfield, d. Jan. 28, 1681. 16. 6. v. A Nathaniel d. Sep. 7, '56, m. Abigail , d. Mar. 15, 1728-29 ; vi. Bethiah, b. 1685, who m. Aaron Morse; vn. Eleazer, June 1, 1680, m. Mary Holbrook, June 19, 1705, and had 161. 8. I. Eleazer, June 2, 1706. 3. 9. Samuel, w. Joanna Lovet, r. Sh. ; I. Hannah, Mar. 17, 1698-9; n. John, June 16, 1703 ; ill. Sarah, Feb. 10, 1705-6. 90. 11. iv. Samuel, Oct. 2, '08, d. Oct. 10, '55, m. Ruth Leland April 9, '35, rm. Natick. 4. 12. Joseph, w. Martha Lovet, r. pr. N. of Brush Hill in Sh. 20. 13. I. Joseph, Esq., Dec. 1, 1699, d. May 7, 1789, m. Abigail Holbrook, r. N. of Brush Hill, where Noyes Mann rs. 147. 14. ii. James, May 15, 1703, m. Elizabeth Death, Feb. 8, '27-28, s. near the upper Depot in Hoi. PERRY. 191 25. 15. in. David, Apl. 22, '00, d. Sep. 27, a. 87, s. N. of Brush Hill, where late Uriel Cutler r. G. 10. Nathaniel, w. Abigail Mason, d. Mar. 15, '28-9, r. Sh. ; I. Abigail, May 5, 1715, m. John Whitney, of Fram., Feb. 8, '38-9. 29. 17. II. Nathaniel, Jan. 2, '10-17, d. Jan. 24, '54. 34. 18. in. Mdses, Jly. 28, '19, (a Moses d. Jly. 20, 1820, a. 85,) d. Mar. 18, 1809, a. 90, m. Deborah Ivery, of Fram., Feb. 17, '42-3 ; iv. Hezekiah, Feb. 28, '20-1 ; v. Mary, Aug. 10, '24, d. Jly. 29, '27 ; VI. Deliverance, Oct. 12, '20, m. Samuel Whiting, June 14, '50; vn. Mary, Feb. 21, '28-9, d. Mar. 31, '29. 13. 20. Joseph, Capt. and Esq., w. Abigail Holbrook, m. Oct. 1G, 1722, r. Sh. He was representative 1741, and an excellent proprietor's clerk, and 1G years selectman ; i. Daniel, Nov. 24, 1724, m. Mary, had Sarah, Nov. 2-'!, '48, and Joseph, Mar. 12, '49-50 ; if. Martha, Ma V 2, '28, m. John Death, Nov. 22, '50; in. Joseph, Aug. 15, '31, Rev. A. M, Harv. Col., 1752 ; iv. Abigail, Jan 10, '33-4 ; v. Simeon, Aug. 5, '30. 48. 24. Amos, Feb. 19, '40-41, sold to John Sanger his father's homestead, N. of Brush Hill. 15. 25. David, w. Mary, " wf. of D. d. Jan. 29, '91, a. 79," r. Sb. I. Hannah, Aug. 19, 1735; il. Mary, Sept. 24, '37; in. Desire, Dec. 20, '39, m. John Clayes, of Fram., 1702 ; iv. Anne, Oct. 19, '42; v. Martha, Jly. 3, '45, d. urn. ; vi. Kate, Nov. 2, '47 ; vn. David, Apl. 22, '52, m. Sarah Fisher, of Fram., Aug. 19, '73; vin. pr. Abigail, m. Thos. llussel, jun., on the same day; ix. Simeon, Jan. 9, '57 ; 78. 28. x. Tyler. 17. 29. Nathaniel, w. Elizabeth Soutre, or Soughton, a French lady, fr. Water T., who m. 2d, John Morse, of Med. and Medf., and had Elizth., John, Hanh. 55. 30. i. Moses, May 19, 1741, d. Jly. 20, 1820, a. 85, m. 1st Abigail Perry ; 2d, Catherine Haven. 60. 31. ii. Edward West, Mar. 8, '43, d. June 5, '10, a. 00, m. Esther Learned, r. Brush Hill, and afterwards where Elisha Barbour re. ; in. Daniel, Apl. 4, '40, d. Feb. 0, '54 ; iv. Hezekiah, Dec. 15, '50, d. Feb. 1, '54. 18. 34. MoseS, (called Shock), w. Deborah Ivery, d. June 12, '00; 2d, Susanna Child, from Newton, d. Nov. 11, 1800, a. 73, r. Plain S. ; i. Ivory, Nov. 10, 1743, m. Keziah Broad, Sep. 3, '07, of Natick, rm. Dublin ; n. Mary, Apl. 2, '45, m. Reuben Partridge, r. Sh. and Gardner, sold to Dea. Win. Clark his place on Edward's plain; in. Abigail, Jan. 31, '40, m. Moses Perry, of Brush Hill ; iv. Deborah, Dec. 2, '48, d. Oct. 27, '54 ; v. Moses, Dec. 15, '50, d. Oct. 30, '54; vi. Elizabeth, Oct. 15, '52, m. ■ Cleve- land when advanced, d., no chd. ; vn. Phebe, Oct. 15, '52, d. Jly. 15, '54.. 03. 37. vin. Moses 3d, a cooper, Nov. 25, '55, d. Mar. 2, 1819, m. Mary Sanger, d. Dec. 17, 1818, r. Sh., where Davis r., near Peter's Hill, also where Dea. Fisk rs.and sold to Chamberlain, a tanner; ix. Nathaniel, Sept. 10, '57, rm. S. C, to a place called 90, m. had a family ; x. Deborah, June 15, '59, m. Dea. Jos. Dowse, Sept. 4, '83; xi. Benj., Sept. 15, '01, rm. S. C, and never returned ; xn. Anna, Aug. 23, '02, by 2d w., and d. urn. 67. 40. xin. West, Apl. 1, '70, m. Mary Stone, Dec. 23, '94, rm. N. Y. 06. 41. xiv. Calvin, Apl. 1, '74, m. Sally Learned ; xv. Eli, Oct. 28, '70, d. Jan. 192 ' PERRY. 23, " '75"; an Eli d. Sep. 29, '80; xvi. Susanna, Jan. 13, '79, m. Michael Clark, Jan. 1, 1809, had Jos., Mary A. 43. Ephraim, 1st w. Hannah Holbrook, b. Sept. 11, '20, m. 1742, d. June 27, '44; 2d w. Mary Babcock ; i. Ebenezer, Mar. 27, 174G ; n. Jesse, Oct. 22, '47 ; in. John. Oct. 30, '49; iv. Jona., Dec. 7, '51. 24. 48. Amos, Capt., w. Patience, r. Sh. ; i. Luther, Dec. 23, 17G4, d. ; n. Josiah, Apl. 15, '60, m. Anna Sanger, May 30, '90, and died without issue. 73. 51. in. Daniel, Jan. 22, '68; iv. Julia, Jly. 27, '70; v. Richard, June 29, '71; vi. Lemuel, Aug. 17, '73; vn. Washington, Oct. 22, '75; viii. Desire, Aug. 24, '78, d. urn. 30. 55. Moses, Lt., w. Abigail Perry, d. May 2, 1790; 2d, Catherine Haven, d. June 5, 1852, a. 80, r. Brush Hill; i. Abigail, Feb. 20, 1768, m. Oliver Lcland, Jan. 10, '88, r. Holl. ; n. Hezekiah, Aug. 18, '69, d. urn., May 5, 1807, at So, r. in Boston. 86. 57. in. John, Mar. 7, '71, m. Dec. 25, '94, Catherine Fast, of Bos.,dg. of Peter and Mary or Catherine F., fr. Germany. He d. a. 80, and she d. a. 81 ; iv. Persis, Mar. 9, '73, d. um., ag. ab. 20; v. Geo., Feb. 8, '75, d. Feb. 22, 1823, r. Boston, m. How; 2d Mary Baxter, had 1 Chs. T., of Hoboken, N. Y. ; vi. Charles, Mar. 11, '77, d. pr. yg. ; vn. Eunice, Mar. 6, '79, m. Doct. Fitch, r. Greenfield, N. H. ; vni. Elizabeth, Mar. 28, '81, m. Josiah Jaquill, and d. in Brunswick, Me., and left no issue ; ix. Deborah, Jly. 23, '83, m. Benj. Whittemore, of Greenfield, N. H., Aug. 28, 1809; x. Phebe, May 25, '85, m. Gilbert Hall, N. H., r. Ben- nington ; xi. Catherine Haven, June 2, 1809, by 2d w., rs. in Sh. 31. 60. Edward West, w. Esther Learned, m. Sept. 4, '71, d. Mar. 12, '13, a. 01 ; i. Daniel, Jan. 5, 1772, m. Rebecca Prentice, Apl. 9, '95, r. Brookline ; i^. Amy, Jan. 10, '74, m. Peter Twitchell, r. Bethel, Me. ; n. Sarah, Jan. 26, '76, d. um. Feb. 28, 1801 ; in. Hannah, Oct. 3, '78, d. um., Mar. 27, '09, a. 30 ; iv. Esther, Nov. 5, '82, m. Elisha Barber, Feb. 15, 1808, r S ; v. Amos, Apl. 20, '89, m. Rebecca Sawin, had Harriet, 1820, who rs. Natick. 37. G3. Moses " 3d," w. Mary Sanger, m. Nov. 21, '82, and, with his Br. Nathl., bought the original Fairbank's lot (late Dea. Fairbank's) S. E. of Peter's Hill; i. Nathaniel, Feb. 5, 1787, m. Sally Tucker, 1808, and d. at Bos., leaving $40,000 for charitable uses; n. Nabby, Dec. 1, '90, m. Dea. Calvin Leland, May 2, 1811, r. Natick; in. Polly, June 2, '94, d. yg. ; iv. Joseph, bp. Oct. 23, '96, d. yg. 41. 06. Calvin, m. Sally Learned, Oct. 1, '95, r., a blacksmith, Oxford ; i. Sylvia, Sep. 14, 1796. 40. 07. West, w. Mary Stone, m. Dec. 24. '94, r. N. Y. ; i. Emma, Mar. 2, 1795; ii. Benj., June 19, '9G, d. Nov. 11, '02; in. Eli, Nov. 30, '97; 70. iv. Amos S., Dec. 1, 1801; v. Benj. W., Mar. 21, '03 ; vi. Calvin, Dec. 29, '04. 51. 73. Daniel, w. Becca Prentice, r. Brookline; i. Dexter, Jan. 13, 1797, r. Dexter; II. Edward, June 1, '99; in. Wm., r. um. at Brookline; iv. Sarah, um. ; v. Daniel, June 2, 1809, m. Mary Earle, r. N. Providence ; PERRY. 193 vi. Hanh., ra. Saml. Lincoln; vit. llebecca, d. yg. ; vin. Charles, Feb. 10, 1812, m. Mary Jamerson, dg. of Wm. J., of Holl., had i. Chs. Wm., Dec. 6, 1838, and r. Cohasset. 28. 78. Tyler, w. Sally, r. N. W. side of Brush Hill, and removed to Orange ; 79. I. David, Sept. 3, 178G ; n. Sally, Feb. 22, '89 ; in. Nancy, Feb. 15, '91; iv. Polly, Aug. 30, '93; v. Clarissa, Dec. 18, '95; vi. Lucy, bp. May 25, 1800 ; vn. Clarissa, bp. Jly. 4, '02. 80. John, w. Silence ; I. John, Sep. 3, 1759, at S. ; n. Joseph, Mar. 27, '64, at Natick ; in. Simeon, Oct. 25, '66 ; iv. Joshua, Apl., '72, d. May 8, '72. 57 86. John, w. Catherine Fast, m. Dec. 25, '94, b. Jly. 16, 1770, r. Bos., now in 1855 rs. S. ; i. John Morse, Oct. 16, '95, d. Sept. 14, 1837, urn., at S. ; ii. Catherine, Feb. 3, '98, m. Samuel Wheeler, Sept. 21, '24, r. Boston; in. Eleanor Brown, Jly. 11, 1800, m. Isaac Thayer, June, '41 ; iv. Chs. Mason, Sept. 17, '02, was a dwarf, d. Jly. 16, '33 ; v. Harriot, Feb. 18, '05, d. May 10, '42, m. Elisha Copeland ; vi. Almira Hall, Feb. 10, '08, d. Mar. 11, '36, subject to fits; vn. Wm. Henry. Feb. 19, '11, m. Elizth. Wight, and 2d, Susan Gore Wight, r. Brush Hill, S. 11. 90. Samuel, m. Ruth Leland, Apl. 9, 1735, r. Natick. 96. 91. i. Abel, d. Apl. 13, 1808, m. Ruth Morse, drew by law a double portion of his father's estate. 99. 92. n. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Row, 1766 ; in. Asa, m. Lydia Leland, of H., 1769, r. Fitchburg ; iv. Ichabod, Jan. 7, 1756, m. in do., r. Fitchburg ; v. Eleazer, Feb. 17, '50, m. Esther Morse, '73, dg. of Pelatiah M., r. and d. Medf. ; vi. Miriam, Apl. 25, '48, m, John Daniels, of Holl. ; vn. Mary, Feb. 17, '53, m. Hastings, r. Cambridge, N. H. (?) ; vnr. Ruth, in. John Smith, r. Dublin, N. H. ; ix. Sarah, m. Elijah Bacon, s. Natick. 91. 96. Abel, m. Keziah Morse, 1757, d. Oct. 9, '94, r. N. 105. 97. i. Abel, June 12, '57, ru. Asenath Haven, '82 ; n. Keziah, Nov. 30, '58 ; in. Sarah, Oct. 25, '60 ; iv. Ruth, Apl. 9, '63, m. Phineas Rice, '84, of Framingham. 115. 98. v. Samuel, 2d, Aug. 8, '67, m. Hanh. Parks, '89. 92. 99. Samuel, 1st, w. Elizabeth Row, m. 1766, d. Sept. 26, '11, a. 07, r. N. ; i. Elizabeth, Apl. 10, '07, m. Hezekiah Morse, r. Eaton, N. Y. 110. 100. ii. Samuel, 3d, June 20, '69, m. Olive Rice. 123. 101. in. Elijah, Jly. 7, '71, m. Mary Jones, r. N. ; iv. Dolly, Mar. 21, '74, m. Elijah Drury, r.'N. 130. 102. v. Wm., Aug. 22, '77, m. Hanh. Leland, dg. of Adam L., and grd. dg. of Caleb by w. Judith Morse ; vi. Mary, Jly. 30, '80, m. Tho. Holland, Esq., r. Eaton, N. Y. ; vn. Sarah, Feb. 7, '83, m. Moses Babcock ; vin. John W., m. Sally Rice, r. N, had i. John W., r. Medf. ; n. Andreio J., (d). 95. 104. Eleazer, w. Esther Morse, ds;. of Pelatiah, m. June 24, '73, r. N. and Medf. ; i. Ruby, Mar. 10, '74, 'd. May 5, '70, at N. ; n. Hannah, Apl. 20, '76 ; in. Ruby, Mar. 28, '79 ; iv. Rebecca, Apl. 28, '82, d. Aug. 7, '85 ; v. Elizabeth, Dec. 22, '84, at N. 97. 105. Abel, Jan., m. Asenath Haven, Jan. 20, '82 ; 2d, Mary Jackson, of Newton, '97, r. N.; i. Wm., Oct. 28, '82, m. Hannah Leland, 1802; 25 194 PEItRY. 143.? 107. II. Abel, Mar. 5, '85; m. David, Sept. G, '87, (d.), m. Betsey Morse, 1808, r. N. ; tv. Hannah, Aug. 15, .'91, m. Elias How; v. Asa, June 7, '04, d. Sept. 20, '97 ; vi. Asenath, Sept. 24, '98, m. Perly How, r. N. Y. 100. 110. Samuel, m. Olive Rice, Oct., 1789, r. N. ; i. Otis, Dec. 16, '91, d. 1800 ; n. Nabby, Nov. 27, '92, m. Isaac Greenwood, r. S. Natick ; in. Lowell, Oct. 3, '94, m. Harriet Perry, r. N. Natick; iv. Stephen, Aug. 11, '96, m. Catherine W. Sevens, r. Newton ; v. Kozia, b. 1798, m. Mason Brown, r. Dover; vi. Jona., Aug. 7, 1800, m. Margaret Nichless ('!), r. Dover, has i. 31argt., m. Jedediah S. Mann, r. S. ; n. Ann; in. George. vir. Eliza, Nov. 11, '01, m. Otis S. Travis, r. N. Natick; vin. Lucy, Nov., '03, m. Alvan Knowlton; ix. Samuel, b. '05, m. Nancy B. Foster; x. Fanny, b. '09, m. Albert G. Whipple. 98. 115. Samuel, jun., '99, w. Hannah Parks, m. '93, r. Nat. and rm. Brookfield ; i. Lyman, Aug. 30, '94, d. Nov. 19, 1803 ; n. John, Jan. 25, '96, d. urn. in Pa. ; in. Dexter, Feb. 5, '98, rm. Penn., d. urn. ; iv. Samuel, Jly. 3, '99, m . , ^y, his cousin ; 2d, Martha Stone ; v. Sally, Apl. 30, '01, m. Richardson, r. Ware ; vi. Elizabeth, bp. May 22, '03 ; vn. Chs., Apl. 25, '05, d. June 20, '05 ; vm. Lyman, Apl. 27, '07, m. Lucy Parks, his cous., r. Bos. ; ix. Hannah, bp. May 7, '09, m. Asa Drury, her cousin, r. N. ; x. Elbridge, bp. Oct. 19, '11, r. um. at Brookfield; xi. Emily, bp. Jly. 11, '13, m. Harvey Drury, her cousin. 101. 123. Elijah, w. Mary Jones, r. N. ; i. Leonard, Jan. 3, '96, d. Apl. 26, '96 ; ii. Elijah, Feb. 13, '97, d. Apl. 25, '99; in. Leonard, Mar. 29, '99, m. Allin, rm. to Penn ; iv. Mary, Mar. 21, '01, m. Richards, r. N.; v. Caroline, Nov. 1, '03, m. John Miller, r. Holl. ; vi. Rebecca, Sept. 24, '05, m. Hartwell, r. N. ; vn. Elijah, Nov. 14, '07, m. Mary Battle, r. Dover ; vm. Calvin, m. Slack, r. N. ; ix. Amos, A. M., Har. Col., m. Phillips, r. Providence, a teacher ; x. Jones, m. Mary Bacon, r. N. 102. 130. Wm, w. Hannah Leland, m. 1802, had baptized at S. ; i. Lendall, Oct. 16, 1803; ii. Prudence Leland, Nov. 17, '05; in. Wm. Kitridge, June 26, '08; iv. Charles, June 24, '10; v. Eveline, Oct. 27, '11; vi. Han- nah, June 3, '14 ; vn. Susan ; vm. George ; ix. Emory. 135. Wm. Perry, jun., ? w. Keziah Drury, m. 1801, r. Natick ; I. Harriet, May 10, 1802; ii. Mary, June 7, '04; in. Edwin, Oct. 11, '06; iv. Asa Drury, Nov. 12, '08 ; v. Abel, m. Miranda Adams, r. Holl. ; vi. Albert ; vn. Otis ; vm. Isaac ; ix. Calvin ; x. Keziah. 107. ? 143. Abel Perry, 3d, " br. of Samuel," m. Mitta Morse, 1806, r. N. had i. Asa Ellis, Sep. 9, 1806. 21. 145. Daniel Perry, w. Mary, d. Sept. 17, 1756 ; 2d w. Thankful Morse, m. 1758, at Medf.j r. N„ had i. Sarah, Nov. 23, 1748 ; n. Joseph, Mar. 12, '49-50 ; in. Abigail, Sept. 22, 1751 ; iv. Mary, Sept. 1, '56, d. Dec. 27, '56. 14. 147. James, m. Elizabeth Death, and s. a short distance fr. upper Depot, in IIol., and had 151. 148. i. Abner, Col., Jan. 17, 1728--9; n. Elizabeth, Oct. 25, '31. 157. 149. in. James, Aug. 12, '34; iv. Martha, Sept. 18, '36; v. Ruth, Oct. 15, '39 ; vi. Barak, Aug. 11, '43 m. Submit Sprague, Feb. 10, '68. phips. 195 148. 151. Abncr, Col., served as commander of a regiment in an expedition to R. I., 1780 ; and was long a leading citizen of H., and her representative in G-. C. ; m. Mary Adams, Jan. 28, 1752, and had, in H., i. Nathan, Oct. 31, '52, m. Lydia Parker, '7-'!, and had at Ilopk., i. Nathan, Feb. 28, '80 ; ir. Lydia, '82 ; in. Fanny, '84 ; iv. John, Feb. 24, '80 ; v. Timothy, Sept. 14, '88. ir. Ruth, Apl. 15, '54; in. Abner, Jly. 17, '55, m. Anne Phippsj iv. Moses, May 28, '58, m. "Hannah Adams, '78 : v. Eli, June 10, '02 ; vi. Adams, who m. Anna Wait, Aug. 28, '90, inherited the homestead, had i. Barak, Aug. 21, 1793 ;" n. Abner, Jly. 24, '95 ; in. Polly, Jly. 15, '97 ; iv. Emery, Jly. 25, '99, and others. 149. 157. James, m. Sarah Littlefield, Feb. 24, 1757, and r. -} m. S. of the Upper Depot in H., sold to John Harding, and rm. to Charlton ; had at H. i. James, Dec. 22, 1757 ; II. Eleazer, Feb. 2, 'GO; in. Elizabeth, Dec. 10, '61 ; iv. Elihu, Jly. 23, '64 ; and v. Alpheus, rs. C. 8. 161. Eleazer, jun , m. Mary Johnson, June 14, 1732, s. in H., and had i. Eleazer, Apl. 12, 1733 ; n. Asa, Aug. 13, 1735 ; in. Lois, Sept. 9, '37 ; iv. Reuben, Oct. 26, '39 ; v. Ezra, Mar. 4, '41-2. 160. Ephraim Perry, ? w. Sarah Wood, m. Jly. 11, 1771, r. N., had i. Geo., Feb. 22, '72 ; n. Mehetabel, Aug. 22, '73 ; in. David, Jan. 13, '76 ; iv. Sarah, Dec. 24, '83. 1G9. Ebenezer Perry,? w. Mary, r. N., had i. Chs., May 21, 1808. 171. Obadiah Perry,? w. Katherine, r. N., had i. Obadiah, June 19, 1747. 1- Solomon PhipS, of Charlestown, took the freeman's oath, May IS, 1642, and had by w. Elizabeth, a dg. Elizabeth, born 1643. He d. Jly. 25, 1671, aged 52 : 2. Solomon Phips, jun., of C, who m. Mary Danforth, b. Jly. 20, 1G50, dg. of Dep. Gov. Tho. D. He took the freeman's oath, May 11, 1G71 ; and d. suddenly, saying he was bewitched. This, the Baptists regarded as a judgment upon him for the sin of having purchased land taken from one of their communion, and sold for the payment of a fine. 3. Samuel Phipps, who kept the Grammar School at Charlestown, in 1678. . 4. Thomas Phips, who m. Eleanor Cutt, at Portsmouth, N. II., 1699. 5. James Phips, from Bristol, Eng., settled as a shipwright, at Pemacpiid, near the mouth of Kennebec R., Me., prior to 1650. He had 20 children, 5 dgs. and 21 sons, one of whom was Sir Win. P., Gov., b. Feb. 2, 1650 ; m. Mary Spencer, dg. of Capt. Roger S., and the widow of John Hull, raercht., of Bos. who m. for her 3d. hus. Peter Sargent, Esq., Oct. 9, 1701. She had no children by Gov. Phips. Spencer Bonnet, son of her sis. Margaret, took the name of Phips, and was adopted by her, and became Lt. Gov. of Mass. ; while the Gov. adopted John Phips, the son of his brother John, and promised him the largest share of his estate. In his 2d. will, (see Suff. Prob.) dated Dec. 13, 1G93, designed to quell domestic discord at a time when he must have been the least able to endure it, he gave all of his estate, real and personal, to his wife, Mary, to dispose of as she should sec fit ; and if she should die without a will, then all should descend to the adopted son, Spencer Phips alias Bonnet, and the heirs of his body. But if said Spencer P. should die without issue, then whatever of his estate might be left, should 196 phips. be equally shared ; one-half by his sisters, Mary and Margaret, and the heirs of his sis. Ann, or their heirs ; and the other half by the heirs of his -wife Mary ; reserving out of the whole estate £100 N. Eng. currency, -which his relations and the relations of his wife should cause to be paid to John Phips, son to his brother, John P., de- ceased, or to his heirs, adding, " if this clause be not repealed by my xvifc afore- said."* Dame Mary Phips was appointed executrix, and a letter of admin, was granted, June 13, 1095. Sir Wm. deceased at London, Feb. 18, 1694-5. " At the E. end of the Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, near the N. E. angle, is a pretty white marble monument, adorned with an urn between two cupids, the figure of a ship, and also a boat at sea, with persons in the water ; these beheld by a winged eye, all done in basso relievo; also seven medals, as that of K. Wm. and Q. Mary ; some with Spanish impressions, as the castle, cross-potent, &c. ; and likewise the figures of a sea-quaclrant, cross-staff, &c, and this incription : Near this place is interred the body of Sir Wm. Phipps, Knight ; who in the year 1G87, by his great industry, discovered among the rocks, near the banks of Bahama, on the N. side of Hispaniola, a Spanish plate ship, which had been under water 44 years, out of which he took, in gold and silver, to the value of £300,000 sterling ; and with a fidelity equal to his conduct, brought it all to London, where it was di- vided between himself and the rest of the adventurers : For which great service he was knighted, by his then Majesty, King James the 2d ; and afterward, by the command of his present Majesty, and at the request of the principal inhabitants of New England, he accepted of the government of the Massachusetts, in which he con- tinued to the time of his death ; and discharged his trust with that zeal for the inter- est of his country, and with so little regard to his own private advantage, that he justly gained the good esteem and affections of the greatest and best part of the inhabitants of that Colony. Here are also his arms depicted : i. e. sable, a trefoil slipt, within an orl of eight Mullets Argent." This was erected by Lady Phipps, and it is worthy of remark, that the place of his birth and age at death, are omitted. The insertion of these might have affected her future prospects. [Gen'l Ptegr.] G. John Phips who settled at Wrentham, before 1700, was the nephew of Sir Wm. Phipps and his adopted son. A tradition, deemed in this instance per- fectly reliable, declares that Gov. Phipps, Dec. 18, 1G93, before embarking for Eng., made his will, giving his son, as he had previously promised, a large share of his vast estate, to which Lady Phipps made such violent opposition as to in- duce the ex-Gov. to destroy this will and make one to her mind ; he promis- ing privately to make another like the first as soon as he should reach Eng. On his arrival, he was much harassed, and died without fulfilling his prom- ise. Lady P. in administering on his estate, offered John a pittance of what had been promised. This he spurned — purchased a farm at Wrentham, [pr. N. part] where he seems to have bad I. Elizabeth, who m., May 20, 1719, Nathaniel Hill, of Medway ; • II. Sarah, who m., 1728-33, as a 2d wife, Samuel Daniel, of Wed. ; in. Margaret, who m., Dec. 1 9, 1727, Dea. Nathaniel Rockwood, of Wrentham ; iv. Anna, who m., Jan., 1739-40, as a 2d wife, Jona. Partridge, of Med. 8. 7. v. John, b., 1G96, d. Oct. 10, 174G, m. Hannah Bullen. 7. 8. John Phips, jun., in 1720, removed to Sherborn, and settled on a farm in^ herited by his wife from her father, half a mile S. W. of the Common, on the * This woman, who had not scrupled in the absence of her husband to act as Gov., did repeal the last clause, and the whole of Sir Wm's. estate went to Spencer P. ; though John P. had been with his uncle in that adventurous voyage by which it had been acquired. But the above will was not intended for execution. [See next article.] For the further history of Sir Wm. P., see Cotton Mather's Magnaha ; Robert Calif's More Wonders, &c, and Drake's His. of Bos. phi ps. 197 road to Holliston, and lived at the foot of the hill where David Sanger re- sides. To him was committed the sacred trust of taking care of the sanc- tuary. He was chosen assessor 1735, tithingman 1734-5, '45-6, surveyor '3G-7, selectman '36-7 and '39-40, and sealer of weights and measures 1738-9 until his death. In 1730 he drew 18£ acres in Douglas. He d. Oct, 16, 174G, in his 50th year. He m. Hannah Bullen, b. June 28, 1697, " d. Apl. 4, 1743, aged 46," dg. of Elisha B., by w. Hannah Metcalf, and grd. dg. of Dea. Samuel B., of Medfd., by w. Mary Morse, dg. of Samuel, and the sis. of Col. Morse, of Cromwell's army. Mr. P. and wife were interred in the Central Burying Ground, where neat headstones mark their "•rave. They had I. fm, Aug. 28, 1718, at Medway, d. yg. 13. 8. ir. Wm, Bev. A. M., Apl. 17, 1720, d., agd. ab. 9*0 ; in. John, Feb. 18, '21-2, d., June 12, '22; i\. John, May 13, '23, d., aged 88, was reed, to full communion in the chh. of S., Oct. 2, '43, m. Martha (Fairbanks) Mason dg. of Capt F., b. Aug. 2, '24, m. Dec. 22, '43, r. Brookfield. 30. 10. \\ Jedediah, Mar. 11, '24-5, d. in his 95th year; vi. Moses, June 28, '27, d. j'oung. 32. 11. vn. Aaron, Dea., Jan. 12, '29-30, d. with smallpox, at H., Oct. 18, '92; vin. Hannah, Mar. 7, '31-2, d.,aged 97; m. Sylvester Plympton, of Medfield' 32. 12. ix. Jason, Esq., Oct. 19, '34, d. May 8, 1817, aged 83 ; x. Samuel, Mar. 1, '3G-7, d. young; xi. David, Oct. 25, '39, d. young. 8. 13. Wm., Bev. A. M., as well as his brothers, must have been by nature a remarkable man. His genius for the acquisition of languages was such, that with the little aid of his time, he is said to have mastered no less than 12 ; a circumstance thought indicative of a descent from literary ancestors. New Sherborn as a District had been called, having been erected into a town by the name of Doug- las ; and " Dr. Wm. Douglas, a Scotchman, of Boston, and large proprietor of D° having settled £500, O. T., on a free school, and £50 per annum for seven years on the first minister of D., besides other bounties;" and a chh. having been fathered there, Mr. P. received a call, and was ordained, Dec. 16, 1747, 4 years after bfs recep- tion to full communion in the chh. at S., 1 year and 5 months after his graduation at II. ('., and "less than 7 years after he first began grammar learning." Bev. Samuel Porter, the godly pastor of S., preached on the occasion ; and in commen- dation of the pastor elect, said : " We of the town and chh. from whence he came do bless God who raised up one of our children with so blameless a character at home and abroad, and who we have so much reason to hope will be a rich blessin" to you and to the world in his day. And indeed, if I should boast to you somewhat of his parts and acquirements, considering the very short time he has had for improve- ment, I should be in no fear that he would make me ashamed, having had oppor- tunity to see the uncommon progress he made while under instruction. You must not think it hard, brethren, if I am very free and earnest with you on his account whom I call my son for the love I bear to him and the share I have had in his edu- cation." The death of his father had lately subjected a numerous family to orphan- age. Wm., as the senior child, became to them a father, and they removed, most if not all of them to D., where some of them remained until about the time of his resig- nation. In his life and doctrine he seems never to have disappointed the fond hopes entertained at his ordination. But he was settled too near B. I., to find an orderly, ministerial people, and in too poor a town to realize an adequate salary. Ho was starved into toil and trade for support; and afier a ministry of about 20 years less barren than the engagements of the people, he retired to Oxford, now Auburn with talents so improved for business as to compensate for want of salary ; was appointed a magistrate ; espoused the cause of freedom ; acted as moderator of county conven- 198 phips. tions ; wrote thrilling addresses to the people, and contributed to arouse and guide that spirit of resistance which achieved our independence. He m. Abigail , who d. Jly. 31, 1820, aged 92, at Oxfd., and had I. Susanna, who m. Craig, r. Auburn ; n. Moses, who probably d. at Oxford, Feb. 9, 1813, aged 46; Sylvester Phips, now of Oxford, Moses P., of Webster, and Calvin P., who d. 1822, aged, 32, at Oxford, are supposed to have been his descendants. 10. 30. Jedediah Phips had a rare sensibility to beauties in language, creation, and Providence. I visited him in 1811, then in his 94th year, when the faculties of his mind had a vigor that many lose at GO. He had never been sick in his life ; could describe the constellations as easily as the fields of his farm, repeat quotations correctly from the classics, and give the names of his former acquaintance who had seen and conversed with Peregrine White. He dwelt much upon the divine goodness, past and present, and anticipated its enjoyment forever. Though professedly a laboring man, he had stored his mind by a habit of spending his minutes of relaxation in reading ; and he had long been the oracle of his vicinity, and was well known in all the bordering towns. He first settled in Douglas, from whence he removed to Sherborn, May 5, 1768, with his wife and four children, and settled on the W. side of Peter's Hill, and on the E. side of the N. road to Fram. In middle life he had a good landed estate. He became a zealous whig of '76 ; was moderator of town meetings '78 and '79, selectman '73 and '80, and with Pres. Lock and Hon. Daniel Whitney, chosen on a standing committee of correspondence for 1774 and '75. He was a member of the Co. convention, held at Concord, 1779 ; and on committees to instruct the repre- sentative of S., in '77, and to hire soldiers ; and one of a committee of safety, '80. The records of the General Court at the beginning of the struggle, when the army was almost without ammunition, state that, " Whereas Mr. Jedediah Phips, of Sher- born, has produced to this Court several pounds of genuine saltpetre, of his own manufacturing, and given full evidence of his knowledge in discovering earth impregnated therewith, as well as of his abilities to manufacture said commodity ; and has also consented to enter into the employment of the government for improv- ing the art and business aforesaid, and engaged to communicate his useful discov- eries therein : Therefore resolved, that the said Jedediah Phips be taken into the service of this Colony, as aforesaid, until the 15th of Dec. next ; and he is hereby directed to repair to Newburyport as soon as may be, and use his utmost efforts with Doct. Whiting, Mr. Baker, and Capt. John Peck, a committee of this Court for the purpose aforesaid, or either of them, to make further improvements in tbe art of manufacturing said -commodity, and for every clay which he shall be absent from home and employed agreeable to the direction of this resolve, ho shall be allowed and paid out of the public Treasury, the sum of 6s. per day for bis service, and 20s. per week, to defray his expenses, as already provided for said Committee." He m. Sarah Learned, b. 1731-2, d. Mar. 6, 1S10, dg. of Capt. Edward L., of S., by w. Sarah Leland, (dg. of Ens. Henry Leland, by w. Mary Morse) and grd. dg. of Dea. Benoni L., by w. Sarah Fanning, and gr. grd. dg. of Isaac L., of Woburn, by w. Mary Stearns, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Win. L., of Ch'stown. Mr. P. and wife were received by letter from Doug, into the ebb. in S., Oct., 1769. They had, 48. 31. r. John, b. at Douglas, m. Hannah Cooledge ; ii. Jedediah, b. at D., d. 1847, a. 88, at Digby, Me., was a teacher of music and of a grammar school; in. Jesse, who was drowned, m. Elizabeth King, r. S., and Fred- erick, N 15., had I. Wm. K '., m. Hannah Coon, rs. Fram. ; II. Rufus, (d ), r. Chs'town, m. Elvira Copps ; in. Mary, m. John Coon, r. Bos. p hips. 199 iv. Sarah, May 15, 176G, m. Henry Leland, of Sherb. ; v. Persis, Aug. 16, 1768, bap. Oct. 9, '68, m. Daniel Sanger, of Fram ; VI. Polly, July 8, 1770, bap. Aug. 20, '70, m. Tlio. Newell, son of Commis. And. N., of S., and had i. Joseph, '90; ir. Geo., '91 ; in. Andrew, '93; and was grandmother to llev. F. R. Newell, of Brewster ; vii. Anna, bap. Nov. 29, '78, m. Hon. Calvin Sanger, of S., and now living here, giving promise of great longevity, having by her unimpaired memory greatly aided in recovering this genealogy. For her family see Sanger. 11. 32. Aaron, Dea., after the death of his father was apprenticed to Dea. James Russel, of Holl., as a blacksmith; and during his time, 1747—51, planted the magnificent elms in front of Col. Whiting's house, one third of a mile N. of Hoi. common. He purchased, at different times, of the heirs of Aaron Morse, the farm now owned by Eli Phips, one half m. S. "W. of Hoi. centre, on which he settled and spent his days. He was a superior man ; distinguished for independence and strength of mind, soundness of judgment, enterprise, tact, and energy in worldly pursuits. He was rather acquisitive, yet ever just ; and if he sometimes stood for his rights where others would have quailed, it was because they were rights ; and he himself lawyer and advocate enough to maintain them, as he did triumphantly. "He was a natural debater, could speak with rhetorical propriety and logical force, whether in town meetings, civil or ecclesiastical courts, or before the Gov. and Council. He often acted as draftsman, and much of his neat, unam- biguous chirography exists in ancient wills, &c. He had a taste for the beautiful in nature and art, as his adorned and spacious mansion continued to testify within my own recollection. He had a high sense of character, never sought popularity, and " knew," as he said, " no distinction between inferiors and equals so long as both retained their self-respect and integrity of character." He was chosen Dea. of the chh. in H., May 2, 1766, and also treasurer ; was greatly respected for his consistent deportment, and beloved for his tender piety ; a most excellent neighbor, much relied upon for advice and aid in emergencies, and given to hospitality, the abuse of which cost him his life and the community a severe loss. He d. with the small pox, contracted in receiving from a guest an infected bundle from a pest house. He m. Mar. 17, 1757, Zeruiah Haven, b. Feb. 18, 1736, d. Dec. 8, '80, dg. of John H., by w. Mary Bullard, and grd. dg. of Joseph II., by w. Martha , of Fram. ; and gr. grd. dg. of Moses H., fr. Lynn, to F., by w. Mary Ballord, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Pucbard Haven, fr. Eng., to Lynn, 1645. He m. 2d, wid. Deborah Day, fr. Mend., 1781, a lady of superior talents, yet subject to fits and derangement, who survived him. He had I. Samuel, Dec. 11, 1757, m. Sarah Chamberlain, s. in Hopk., had I. Aaron; n. Nathan; Hi. David; iv. Moses ; all r. in Hopk. ; ii. Aaron, Dec. 11, '59, d. yg. 44. 321 Iir . Aaron, Feb. 11, '61, m. Hannah Bullard; iv. Anne, Dec. 9, '62, m. Abner Perry, of H. ; v. John, Oct. 8, '65, d. about 1820, r. a mercht. at Pomfret, Ct. ; vi. Moses, Aug. 24, '67, m. May 17, '87, Hopestill Day, at H. ; 327. 82§. vii. Joseph, June 24, '69, d. May 6, 1842, m. Mary Fames; viii. Mary, June 24, '69, also and d. yg, ; ix. Wm., Dea., Sep. 3, '71 ; x. Mary, Dec. 25, '73, d. Sep. 26, '75. 200 PHIPS 32§. 32$. Joseph Phipps at his birth was less than one fourth of the size of his twin sister, a circumstance however that dwarfed neither mind nor body. On the contrary his growth, and the early development of his intellect, and a taste for books, induced the aspiring parents, like others of their time, to select him as the son destined for the college and ministry ; as though God would call whom they chose ; or they could read the divine purpose in the capacity and bias of an unconverted boy. But he was destined to another sphere ; and the family, whom he moulded as no minister, pent-up or absent, could have done, may yet demonstrate that it was probably one of greater use- fulness. The sudden death of his excellent mother, and the unfortunate 2d marriage of his father, interrupted his course, and he exchanged his books for a musket in the army that suppressed the rebellion of '87. He married very early in life the youthful and only daughter of Capt. Daniel Eames, of Hopk., the patriot soldier of 1775-83; and took charge of the farm at Phipps Hill. After the decease of his father and erratic step-mother, he - sold his interest in the homestead, and removed with a handsome property to Lee, N. Y. Here fortune smiled as if she would give edge to ensuing frowns. His agricultural pursuits were successful, and brought him the means of purchasing the unoccupied site of Utica, and but for the perfidy of the man to whom he loaned his money, it had been his, just before he saw a city piled upon it. " Bitter disappointment, unproductive seasons, and unforeseen reverses left him in a few years with a numerous young family, dependent alone upon his energies and those of his persevering wife for their support and education." Still he did not despair, nor remit his exertions to mould their minds and hearts for usefulness and honor. For years he strug- gled with poverty and its temptations without ever compromising his honor or integrity. At length he removed to Orleans Co., N. Y., and during the last 9 years of his life resided at the Phipps Female Seminary, in Albion, which bis daughters by their enterprise and energy had established. Here lie d. May 6, 1842, having lived to see all his children but one (and he since added,) walking in the truth which he had inculcated; and nobly en- gaged in transmitting its influence to others. Mr. P. seems to have inherited characteristics of his father's race. He loved knowledge and was a great general reader. He reverenced and adorned religion. As a husband and father he was faithful and kind ; and as a man, uniformly conscientious. He was much respected by my brethren in the minis- try, one of whom, Rev. Dr. Frost, pronounced him among the best theolo- gians of the day. " He had a very retentive memory, rare argumentative powers, an easy flow of words and a calm self-control, which secured him advantages in discussion ; and though ever reluctant to engage in religious debates as unprofitable, yet when forced to do so his antagonists were sure to feel his strength." He m. Mary Eames, dg. of Capt. Daniel E., of Hopk., by w. Mary Cutler, (dg. of Jona. C, by w. Abigail Clark,) and grd. dg. of Daniel E , of H, by w. Silence Leland, and gr. grd. dg. of Nath'l E., of Fram., and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Tho. E., of Sherborn. She still survives, aged 83, r. with her dgs. They had, i. Nancy, Nov. 4, 1788, rs. at Albion, a late assistant in Phipps Fem. Sem. ii. Zeruiah, Dec. 3, 1791, d. yg. ; in. Mary, Apl. 25, '94. rs. A., a late assistant in do. iv. Zeruiah, May 27, '9G, m. Eber. Ingalsbe, Jan. 10, 1819, rs a wid. at Camillus, N. Y., has 6 sons 2 dgs. ; one a teacher in Phipps Fem. Sem. v. Sarah, Feb. 25, 1800, m. Macy Pratt, rs. Eagle Harbor, N. Y., has 2 sons and 3 dgs., one of whom is also a teacher in the same Sem. phips. 201 vi. Aaron, Mar. 10, 1803, m. Oct. 23, '31, Judith Pratt, rs. on a farm in. Barre, near Albion, on which he and his father s. ab. 1825, has 3 sons and 1 dg. ; vir. Joseph, Oct. 14, 1805; vin. Mahala, July 10, 1807, m. June, 1836, Hon. Samuel Anderson, rs. Cassopohs, Mich., has 2 sons and 3 dgs. at school at Rochester and Albion ; ix. Caroline, Mar. 21, 1812, the founder of the Fem. Sera, at Albion, in acknowledgment of whose services the institution received its corporate name, m. Henry Achilles, Feb. 14, 1839, had a dg. who d. a. 1 yr. 3 mo. ; x. Sophonia, May 23, 1814, succeeded Caroline as Princp. of the Sem., m. James L. Hodge, D. D., Sep. 1847, rs. Brooklyn, N. Y., has 2 dgs. xi. Wm. W., June 10, 1818, m. '50, Mary, rs. Padueah, Kg., ? has 2 chd. 12. 33. Jason Phipps, m. Eebecca Adams, fr. S., a descendant fr. Henry A., of Braintree, who d. Nov. 21, 1792, in "her 70th year?" 2d, wid. Sarah Palmer, Nov. 20, '98, s. in Killingly, now Thompson, Ct., had, i. Hannah, oc oo ! 23 ' 17 ° 6 ' at Sherborn ; "• J^on, July 23, 1758, d. Sep. 5, '59; db. S3. n§. Jason, June 23, 'GO; in. Moses, Nov. 29; 61; iv. David, Nov. 9, 40. 35. v. David, Aug. 3, 'G8. 33. 36. Jason Phipps, jun., m. Mary , r. Thompson, Ct. ; i. Polly, June 11, 1788, m. Wm. Patrick, May 6, 1812; 58. 37. ii. Payton Randolph, July 29, '89, m. Clarissa, r. T. ; m. Salem, Nov. 25, '90 ; iv. Rebecca, Aug. 11, '92 ; v. Persis, June 18, '94 ; vi. Hannah, May 28, '96 ; vn. Mary Ann, Jan. 28, '99 : 62. 39. vin. Jason, July 15, 1802. 35. 40. David Phipps, m. Betsey , r. T., had, i. Paraclete, Jan. 1, 1795, at Dudley, d. Oct. 27, '97, at T. ; n. Paraclete Goldsmith, 1801, d. 1802 • in. Helena Guthrie, May 8, 1804; iv. Elmon Cammcn, Aug. 1 '06 • v. David Hartley, Oct. 7, '07; vi. Albialban. Mar. 11, '10; vn. Frances Betsey, Sep. 15, '12; vin. Lewis Luzerne, Nov. 28, '14; 321 44 Aaron, m. Hannah Bullard, dg. of Asa, of H., r. H, had, i. Eli, June 16, l/8o, m. Betsey Whiting, b. Dec. 28, '89, in. May 27, 1813, (d.), inherited the homestead, and had, i. Joann W., Sep. 11, 1814 m Elijah Kingsbury; n. Aaron, July 16, '1G, m. Elouisa Fuller, and had War- ren Lovenng, Jan. 19, '55; m. Wm., Mar. 17, '19, rs. unm. at H. ; iv. Sarah Ann W., Feb. 14, '23, rs. H. ; v. Martin Whiting, May -1, 2o, m. Cornelia Robinson ; vi. Cornelia A., Feb. 24 '30 m Warren Lovering, Esq., A. M., of Med.; ii. Joseph, Sep. 13, '87 ; in. Zeruiah, Nov. G, '90, d. July 30, '97 • iy. Aaron, Nov. 23, '93, d. aged ab. 12 ; v. Hannah, Dec. 10, '97, m. Benj. Rockwood, of Frank. 31. 48. John, m. Hannah Cooledge, dg. of Joseph C, by w. Elizth. Frost, and grd dg. of Isaac C, Esq., of S., by w. Hannah Morse, (dg. of Capt. Jo. M.), and gr. grd. dg. of John C, of S., by w. Mary , and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Ens. John C, of Watertown, by w. Hannah Livermore and "r gr. ?^£ rd " I?' ° f Hn ' John C -' of W " who took the freeman's oath, May 25, o, i~ Q o G *£?}' ^ 18 ' 1761 « m - Au S- 2 ' 178l > had > T - Betsey, Feb. 21, 1 1 82, m. Richard Gammage, of Hopk. ; ii. Sally, June 7, '83, m. Joseph Sanger, of Sh. ; 26 202 PIERCE, PIKE, PLIMTON. 52. 49. in. Sylvanus, Jan. 16, '85, m. Anna Winch, 2d, Polly Grout, and 3d, Mehetabel Cooledge ; iv. Wm., Feb. 4, '87, m. Moulton ; 2d, Harriet Cooledge, r. Frk. ; v. Persis, June 2, '89, m. Moses Hill, of Med. ; vi. Polly, May 19, '91, m. Faxton Dean, r. Bos.; vn. Hannah, Sep. 26, '93, m. Lewis Holbrook, of S. ; vin. Anna, Dec. 24, '95, d. with dropsy, aged 16 ; ix. Martha, Jan. 16, '98, d. Nov. 8, 1805 ; x. Jedediah, Sep. 2, 1800, r. Wrenth. ; xi. Eunice, Nov. 25, '02, m. Walter Holbrook, of San- gerville, Me. ; xn. Martha, Nov. 10, '05, m. Walker, r. Lawrence ; 49. 52. Silvanus, w. Anna Winch, rs. Fram., had, i. George, Apl. 13, 1802 ; ii. Sally, Nov. 25, '03, m. Luther Metcalf, Esq., of Med; in. Charles, Feb. 6, '06, r. unm. at Cincinnati, O. ; iv. Joseph, June 8, '08, m. Hellen Bell, of F., r. F. ; v. Ann, m. Col. Hastings, r. F. ; vi. Gardner, m. , r. Cincinnati ; vn. Harriet, m. Geo. Richard- son, r. F. ; vin. Mary, m. Horatio Read, r. N. York. 37. 58. Payton Randolph, w. Clarissa, r. T., had, i. Clarissa, Oct. 22, 1814 ; ii. Benj. Fairbanks, Jan. 3, 1816, r. T. ; in. Edward Davis, June 26, '17 ; iv. Lucretia, June 25, '19 ; v. Abigail Davis, June 5, 20 ; vi. Wm., Randolph, Aug. 24, '21 ; vn. Zeruiah, dg., May 3, '26 ; vin. Albigence Waldo, Apl. 26, '27. 39. 62. Jason, " 3d," m. Town, r. T. ; i. Mary H., Nov. 27, 1831 ; n. Betsey C, July 1, '33. Nathaniel Pierce, w., Triphena, had in H., i. Sarah, Feb. 17, 1788; ii. Nathaniel, Nov. 4, '89 ; in. Kezia, Mar. 30, '91 ; iv. James, Mar. 21, '92 ; v. Kezia Adams, Oct. 20, '93 ; vi. Polly ; vn. John, Jan. 4, '98. 1. Samuel Pike, pr. s. of James, of Fram., and grd. s. of Jeremiah P., and gr. grd. s. of James P., of Reading, came from Hopk. to H., m. Abigail Morse, dg. of Aaron, of H., and d. at Straton, Vt., a. 90. He had in H., I. Abigail, May 24, 1752, m. Cephas Thayer, of Bell. ; n. Sarah, b. 1753, m. Paul Gould, and was in good health and of sound memory, Oct., 1848, r. Milford ; in. Mary, June 4, '55, m. Boice Kimball, of Pelham ; iv. Rachel, Oct. 7, ,'57, long resided with Rev. Mr. Sanford, of Med., andd. um. ; v. Samuel, Oct. 27, '59 ; vi. Reuben, Feb. 9, '62, enlisted, and pr. d. in the army ; . vn. Aaron, May 20, '64, d. at Hoi. ab. 1850; vin. Moses, Dec. 28, '67 ; ix. Ruth, m. Josiah Danforth, of Bos. ; x. Oliver, who removed to the West. 4. 7. Aaron, m. Anna Pike, fr. Hopk., 1787, had in H., i. Aaron, Apl. 16, 1789 ; ii. Anna, May 8, '91 , in. Elijah, Nov. 5, '92 ; iv. Joanna, Jan. 8, '95; v. Amilly, Apl. 4, '97; vi. Loisa, Mar. 10, '99. 10. Timothy Pike, w., Abigail, had at H., i. Asa, Nov. 20, 1770 ; ii. Chloe, Feb. 28, '75 ; in. Timothy, Aug. 25, '79. E. G. PlimtOD., son of Calvin P., by w. Caroline Cutler, and grd. son of Job P., of Med., m. Susan L. Richardson, Dec. 11, 1845, from Groton, and s. in H., as a printer, ab. 1850, has Helen M. and Susie M. POLLY, rOND, PORTER, PRATT. 203 Nathl. Polly, w., Anna, had at H., i. Nathaniel, May 23, 1786 ; ii. Anne, Mar. 15, '88 ; in. Nabby, Oct. 20, '91. 1. Aaron Pond, of H., m. Elia Bridges, Sep. 10, 1793. 2. Aaron Pond, m. Elizabeth Jones, Nov. 2, 1759, had, i. Milcha, Aug. 24, 'GO, at II. ; n. Aaron, Jly. 10, 'G3, m. Silence Leland, and had, i. Silva, Jan. 9, '87; n. Lyman, Jly. 1, '91 ; ill. Preston, Mar. 17, '93 ; iv. Philip, Apl. 19, '95 ; v. Betsey Jones, Oct. 6, '98 ; ill. Theoder, Oct. 5,'G5; iv. Abnor, Aug. 8, '68 ; v. Zadock, Nov. 20, '71, had, i. Silva, June 9, '87; n. Lyman, Jly. 1, '91. 4. Israel Pond, w., Dorcas, had, i. Dorcas, June 9, 1740, at H. 5. Eli Pond, w., Huldah, had, i. Hannah, Sep. 27, 1765, at H. 6. Paul Pond, w., Mehetabel, had, i. Simeon, Apl. 4, 1787, at H. 7. Jonu. Pond, w., Polly , had, Alvira, Dec. 5, 1799, at H. Rev. Samuel Porter, fr. Hadley, the 3d Pastor of the chh. in S., appears to have been a very highly esteemed and devoted pastor. He grad. at H. C, 1730 ; was ordained, Oct. 23, 173--, and d. Sep. 17, '58, a. 59. He m. Mary Cooledge, of Cambridge, Oct. 20, 1735, had, i. Samuel, Oct. 27, 1736 ; ii. Mary, Aug. 22, '38, m. Rev. Samuel Locke, '60, her father's successor in S., and inherited the place now owned by Calvin Sanger, jun., where she d. 1788 ; in. Rebecca, Jan. 21, '40--1 ; iv. Samuel, Sep. 4, '43 ; v. Samuel, Jly. 29, '45 ; all of whom, except M., seem to have d. yg. 1- ThO- Pratt, of Watertown, who was admitted freeman, 1652, came to S., where he, as Tho., senr., had land assigned him, in 1682. He d. 1692, leaving a wid. Susanna. He had, b. pr. at W., 12. 2. i. Tho., b. ab. 1656; 15. 3. n. John ; 17. 4. in. Ebenezer ; iv. Joseph; v. Philip; vi. David; vn. Jabez ; vin. Nathaniel ; ix. Abial ; x. Ephraim ; xi. Jona. 2. 12. Tho., jun., had land assigned him in S., 1682, m. Lydia Parmenter, June 5, 1681, s. near the "W., where Tho. Hunt rs., and had, i. Tho., Jly. 16, 1682 ; ii. Lydia, Jan. 15, '84; in. Daniel, Mar. 24, '87; iv. Abigail, Oct. 11, '92; v. Deborah, Sep. 15, '94. 3. 15. John, w. Ruth, had at S., i. John, Nov. 27, 1691. 4. 17. Ebenezer, w. Mary, s. near the W. in S., i. Sarah, Nov. 7, 1693 ; 25. 18. ii. Ebenezer, June 13, '95; in. Jacob, Nov. 7, '97; 21. 20. iv. Gershom, Sep. 18, 1702 ; v. Mercy, Dec. 8, 1702. 20. 21. Gershom, m. Abigail Rice, Jly. 3, 1729, and had in S., 27. 22. i. Jacob, Oct. 3, 1735; n. Abigail, Apl. 3, '38; in. Ebenezer, May 13, '41 ; iv. Mary, Nov. 10, '43, d. yg. ; v. Anna, Mar. 24, '45-6, m. Micha Leland ; vi. Sarah, May 10, '48, m. Edwd. Learned, jun., '73, r. Sturbridge ; vn. Mary, May 28, '50 ; vin. Gershom, Aug. 20, '53. 204 PRENTISS 18. 25. Ebenezer, w. Mary, had at S., i. Mary, Oct. 3, 1721 ; 26. ii. Jacob, Mar. 1, '23-4. 22. 27. Jacob, w. Lydia , inherited the ancient homestead, and had 39. 28. i. Ebenezer, Jly. 26, 1761 ; n. Lavina, Oct. 23, '62 j 29. in. Henry, Aug. 3, '64, m. 1st, Aseneth Holbrook, June 1, '86, d. Apl. 16, 1804; 2d, Hannah Whitney , d. Mar. 14, 1841, purchased, Jly. 26, 1802, of Joseph Holbrook, the farm now Capt. Jacob Pratt's, and had i. Nathaniel, Jly. 15, 1788, d. Sep. 3, 1818 ; n. Alvin,Nov. 23, '90 ; in. Lewis, Jan. 28, and d. Jan. 31, '92; iv. Henry, Feb. 21, '93; v, Eli, June 1, '95; vi. Moses, Jly. 13, '98; vn. Orra, Sep. 16, 1800 ; Tin. Asenath, Apl. 2, 1803, d. Jan. 22, 1846 ; ix. Jacob, Cpt., Apl. 25, 1806, by 2d w. ; inherited his father's farm, bought of Jo. Holbrook, who, or his father, bought it of Joseph Bacon. He m. Mary Ann Hooker, and 2d, Phebe (Whitney) Hill, 1840 s had i. Elaner, m. Peter Johnson, of H. ; n. Mary ; in. Samuel ; iv. Lorenzo; v. Theodore; x. Elaner, Oct. 6, 1807, d. Jly. 17, 1808 ; xi. Wm., May 5, 1809, d. Aug. 2, '10 ; xi. Wm., Nov. 6, 1811, d. Dec. 26, '31 ; xn. John W., Aug. 8, '17 ; iv. Aaron, Dec. 5, '65 ; v. Jacob, Jan. 17, '67 ; vi. Abigail, Aug. 17, '68 ; vn. Sarah, Sep. 2, '72; vm. Lydia, Apl. 18, '74; ix. Sally, Aug. 9, '80. 28. 39. Ebenezer, w. Miriam Bullard, i. Leonard, May 23, 1790 ; n. Anne, Feb. 18, '94; in. Charles, Feb. 12,1800, (d.)m. Joanna Hart, inherited the homestead. Ira Pratt, ? by w. Betsey, had at S., i. Mary, Nov. 26, 1798 ; n. Horatio, June 6, 1803. 1. Nathaniel PrentiSS, brother of Rev. Joshua, of Hoi., d. Jan. 23, '96, agd. ab. 81, m. Abigail Ware, who d. Mar. 1, '88. He was a tailor, fr. Cambridge, s. where Vernal Barbour rs., in S., on a part of her father's farm, had, i. Abigail, May 23, 1745 ; n. Anne, May 10, '47 ; 9. 2. in. Benj., Oct. 13, '50, d. Oct. 25, '98 ; 4. 3. iv. Stephen, Jly. 28, '52, inherited the homestead, and squandered it; v. Hannah, June 11, '55; vi. Hephzibah, Apl. 7, '58; vn. Sarah, May 9, '60, m. Barak Leland, Aug. 5, '79. 3. 4. Stephen, w., Hannah Badcock, m. June 2, '74, had, i. Becca, bp. Jly. 30, '75, at S. ; i|. Asenath, Dec. 5, 1775, bap. Dec. 10, '75 ; n. Nathaniel, Oct. 24, '78 ; in. Solomon, bp. May 6, '81 ; iv. Angelina, Nov. 4, '84 ; v. Mary, Oct. 10, '87 ; vi. Hannah, Sep. 15, '90, pr. '89, at Scituate, 11. 1., bp. at S., Sep. 19, '90 ; vn. Abigail, Apl. 8, '91, at Gloucester, B. I. ; vm. Orlando, June 12, '93, at S. ; ix. Dexter, Jan. 4, '95 ; x. Orlando, May 25, '97. 2. 9. Benj., s. where Ellis Warers., in S., m. Hannah Morse, 1777, had, i. Sally, Jan. 29, 1780 ; n. Isaac, May 2, '83, d. Jan. 10, '99, a. 16 ; in. Alvin, Feb. 4, '85, bp. Mar. 20, '85 ; iv. Hannah, Jly. 24, '89, do. Aug. 2, '85. 12. Rev. Joshua Prentiss, b. at Cambridge, 1718 ; grd., 1738, II. U., ord. at PRENTISS. 205 H., May 18, 1743, d. Apl. 24, '88. " He was the oldest son of an intelligent and pious father. From a letter addressed to him hy his father, a few days previous to his ordination, containing most affectionate and faithful advice, we learn, that when seven years of age he was visited with a violent fever, which reduced him so low as to leave little hope of his recovery. Under the anxiety and distress produced by the forbidding prospect of losing a child upon whom he doted, his father writes ; ' retiring from the bed to another chamber, I spread my case before the great God, and prayed earnestly for the life of the child, — yet with sub- mission, — that if it might be consistent with his holy will to spare his life, and to bring him back from the grave's mouth, and restore him to health, I would then according as he should enable me, give him up, and devote him to his service ; and by his grace, I have been enabled, in some measure, to perform those vows which my lips uttered, and my mouth spake when I was in trouble.' In addition to his baptismal dedication to God in infancy, his father says, ' you have been, by a more particular and renewed promise of your father, given and devoted to God's service.' And there is no inconsiderable ground for believing, that the prayers, and vows, and pious efforts of the father, in regard to this son, were not unavailing. In early life, he professed faith in Christ, and publicly assumed the obligations of his parents in his baptism, and devoted himself to the service of God. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1738 ; being at that time only twenty years of age. His religious sentiments were Calvinistie; and his preaching was plain, instructive, and evangelical. For about five years before his death, his health was so greatly impaired as to render him unable to preach only occasionally. And perhaps it was owing wholly to this circumstance, that the congregation was induced to procure, in 1784, a dissolution of the pastoral connection subsisting between him and them. But the fact, which seems the most unpleasant upon this subject, is, that having fallen behind in the pay- ment of his salary, the people should refuse his pecuniary claims, and compel him to the ungrateful task of a civil prosecution. The demand was, however, ultimately discharged without a legal process ; greatly to the credit of the people, and the satis- faction of the pastor. From the time of this settlement to his death, peace and good feeling prevailed ; as is evident from the fact, that after his dismission the town ex- empted his estate from taxation, and appropriated, for the the use of his family, a seat in the Meeting-house." [See Fitch's His. Dis.] He m. Mary Angier, Nov. 9, '43, who d. Jan. 4, 1754 ; 2d, Margaret Appleton,'55 ; 3d w. Mary Haley, '70. i. Joshua, Oct. 18, 1744, r. a merch. at Marblehead ; u. Tho., Rev. D. D., Oct. 14, '47, adm. A. B., 1766, S. T. D., 1808, H. U.; ord. at Medfd. ab. 1770; d. 1814; m. Henry, Feb. 24, '48-9, r. as a merch. in Bos., d. at Medfd., a. 73 ; iv. Mary, Jan. 19, '52, d. Nov. 9, '52 ; v. Mary, d. Aug. 3, '59 ; vi. Appleton, Jan. 22, '56, d. June 16, '58, by 2d w. ; vn. Appleton, 2d, grad. H. U., 1781, d. 1821, r. as a merchant in Bos. ; vm. Margaret, Nov. 8, '59, m. Nov. 26, 1789, Timothy Dickenson; ix. Elizabeth, Jan. 9, '64, passed her days um., and d. in H, at an advanced age. The prayers of a godly ancestry were answered in her early and sound conversion ; and throughout her long life, she was zealously and uniformly devoted to the immortal good of her race, of every color and clime. Precious and admonitory is her memory. It seems to inquire, Who has arisen, who will arise to take her place in the chh. ? and, like her and Susan Anthony, lead a life of prayer, making all whom she meets think of prepara- tion for the life to come, and of the immediate duty of doing more for God in the world ? In her life she devoted her earnings and the proceeds of her property to the cause of Christian benevolence, and by will consecrated all her estate to the use of the Theo. Sem., at Bangor. 206 PAUL, RAMSDELL, 11ANSTEAD, RICHARDSON. Daniel Paul, Esq., early master of a vessel in the European trade, was b. at Sanford, Me., the s. of Josiah and Betsey P., and m. Sarah Smith fr. Need., purchased the ancient Whitney Farm, and s. in S., 1825, as landlord, farmer, and manufacturer. Stillman S. Ramsdell, s. of Gideon R., of Garland, Me., and b. Aug. 5, 1817, m. Eunice Fay, fr. S. boro', s. in S., ab. 1837, has Eunice A., Hufus F, Stillman F. John Ranstead, w. Hannah, had in S., i. Roger, Feb. 19, 17G9 ; n. Rufus; Sept 2, '70. Richardson; This is a patronymic ; and when surnames were introduced, there were so many Richards who had sons, as to exclude the idea of a com- mon origin of the Richardsons since the time of Noah. Even in this country so many'of the name early appear, and the records are so incomplete, that no individual or association can derive our Richardsons any more than our Smiths, from one stock, The Gen. Register reports, and I have discovered that Symon Richardson, aged 23, and Tho., aged 26, embarked at Grave- send for Virginia, 1635. Tho. arrived in the Speedwell, 1656. Tho., of Chemford, had Mary, 1673. Tho. d. at Woburn, 1774, a. 93. Tho. d. at do., 1773, a. 67 ; Amos, wf. Sarah, had Stephen, 14, (4), 1652, at Bos. Rev. John, d. at Newbury, 1696, in his 50th year; Lt. John, d. at Wo- burn, 1G96--7, a. 58; John witnessed a will at Exeter, 1G42; John d. at W., 1749, a. 81; Samuel took the freeman's oath, May 2, 1638; Samuel d. at W., 1754, a. 84; Samuel, w. Susanna, d. at W., 1726, a, 56; Samuel d. at W., 1712, aged 66 ; Ezekiel took the freeman's oath, Oct. 19, 1630. This name occurred early in Needham ; Capt. Josiah was of Chemsford, 1659; Nathan, w. Tabitha, d. at W., 1739, a. 33; Nathan's wid. Esther d. at W., 1727, a. 27; Joshua, d. at W., 1748, aged 68 ; Dea. Nathan, d. 1775, at W., aged 74; Lydia, wid. of Nathan, d. at W., 1776, aged 85 ; Theophilus, m. Hannah Chickering, at Needham, Feb. 1, 1739-40, and had Abijah, '41, d. yg. ; Theo.znA. Ebenr. Several of this name early settled in Medfield. Tradition says they came from Concord, where the name early occurred, and they were not improb- ably the descendants of Samuel, senr., of Woburn, who was selectman, 1644-5-6-9-51. They were i. John Richardson 1st, who s. where his gr. gr. grd. s., Henry R. resides, near the centre of E. Med., and d. May 29, 1697. By w. Rebecca, he had 11. 2. i. John, 3d, Aug. 25, 1679, " d. May 19, 1759, in his 80th year ; " ii. Elizabeth, Sep. 20, 1681; 32. 3. in. Daniel, Aug. 31, 1685; iv. Mehetabel, June 16, 1689; v. Rebecca, Feb. 28, 1696-7. 4. John Richardson, 2d, d. in Med., Aug. 17, 1774, aged " 97 years, minus 8 days." He was probably a kinsman of John 1st, and might have been the father of 20. 5. Joseph ? who m. Hannah Barbour, Oct. 18, 1706, at Medfield ; 35. 6. of Seth? who m. Bathsheba , ab. 1747, and s. at Med., and 56. 7. of Wm.? who ra. Hannah Ellice, May 21, 1739, and 25. 8. of Samuel? who m. Mary Allin, Apl. 2, 1734, and RICHARDSON. 207 51. 9. of Benjamin? who m. Elizabeth , and d. 1761, aged 68, and of 46. 10. Henry ? who m. Jemima Pond, prior to 174G : but these six remain to be traced. a I 74/ - 2. 11. John, 3d, m. Esther^ ? who well remembered fleeing to Bullard's fort at Bogistow pond, in times of alarm of Indians. She d. of a cancer Aug. 17, 1774, in her 96th year. They had, i. Sarah, b. 1700 ; 12 ii. John, Oct. 22, 1701 j in. David, June 19, 1703, d. Mar. 9, ? 23-4 ■ 43. Jona., Feb. 1, '04, m. Kuth Clark, July 4, '28; v. Esther, Jan. 2 '06-7 ; vi. Mary Sep. 9, '09 ; 48. 14. vii. Joseph, Apl. 3, '11, m. Abigail j ™ \l' vm - Samuel > Jan. 3, '13-14, d. in Wrenth., Feb. 10, 1811, a S ed 9G ; 00. 16. ix. Solomon, Apl. 4, 16 ; . 65. 17. x. Moses, Feb. 8, 17-18, m. Abigail Allen, Mar. 17-40 • 69. 18. xi. Asa, Oct. 16, '20, d. July 15, '64, m. Abigail Barbour, '40 ; id. 19. xn. David, Dec. 6, '24, m. Jemima Smith ; 5. 20 Joseph, w. Hannah Barber, m. Oct. 18, '1706, r. Medfd., had i. Joseph Sep. 21, 1707 ; n. Mary, Aug. 15, '08, at Medfd. ; in. Samuel, Mar. 31 '13' at do. ; iv. James, Mar. 14, '15, m. Hannah , had Hanh., Au*' is' 1/G9, and James, Oct. 11, '71; (a J. of Med., m. Sarah Eames, of Holl ' Dec. 3, '89;) v. Seth, Apl. 3, '19; vi. Ebenr., May 23, '22, d. Mav 23, 22 ; vn. Peter, Aug. 28, '23, d. June 25, '48. 7 8. 25 Samuel w Mary Allin, m. Apl. 2, 1734, r. Medfd. ; 1. Sarah, May 4, 1/34 at Medfd., d. June 5, '34 ; 11. Kezia, do. ; 111. Sibbil, Au-. 10 '35 • iv. Ohve, July 4, '37; v. Nathan, Nov. 15, '39, in Med. • or Si?' M S I 8 ' 2V , Me /. > Vn - Sam ' ] ' 0ct - 7 ' ' U ' VIIr - A ™*> Aug. 2Q, 46, m. Phebe Holbrook, fr. Bell. ; ix. Mary, Feb. 3, '48-9 • x Rabb May 15, '52 ; xi. Patty, Apl. 11. '56 ; xn. Caroline, July 9, '58 ■ ' xiii. Isaac, Feb. 17, '61. J ' 3. 32. Daniel, Lt w. Hannah , d. Aug. 28, 1778, r. Medfd. and Med. ; n f "^ h V 10 " 11 ' at Medfd " m - Hannah Ellice, May 21, '39 ■ n. Hanh., Dec, 25, '18, at Med; J ' 781 34. III# Daniel j une 2 6, '21, at do. 13. 43. Jona., w. Kuth Clark, m. July 4, 1728, r. Med. ; 1. Ruth, Apl. 2G '29 • 11. The, Mar. 2, '34 ; in. Jonah, Feb. 23, '3Q. P ' ' 10. 46 Henry, w. Jemima Pond d. May 19, 1766, r. Med. ; 1. Mary, Oct. 14 46 ; n. Henry, Apl. 29, '49. " ' 14. 48 Joseph, w. Abigail-—- r. Med and rm. to Uxbridge ; 1. Joseph, Oct. 17, 1/89 d Aug. 18, '45; 11. Mary, Feb. 6, '41 ; in. Esther Apl 1 '42; iv. Abigail, Oct. 21, '44; v. Thankful, Nov/ 1, '46 Wos P h Nov. 12, '48; vn. Chloe, Aug. 15, '50 ; vm. Benj., Apl. 13, '53. P 9. 51. Benj., w. Elizabeth, r. Med., 1. Benj., Mar. 9, 1739 ; n. Elizabeth, Dec. 208 UICIIARDSON. 20/40; in. Ezekiel, Apl. 3, '44; iv. Job, Apl. 15, '45; v. Jeremiah, Nov. 25, '48 ; vi. Catherine, Apl. 9, '53. 7. 56. Wm. m. Hanh. Ellice, May 21, '39; 2d, Abigail Curtis, '59, r. Med., where Geo. Newall rs. i. Mary, Feb. 17, 1739-40 ; ir. David, Dec. 24, '4G, d. or b. then ; in. Nathan, Jan. 2, '46«7 ; iv. Sarah, Apl. 8, '48 ; 81. 59. v. Amos, b. pr. ab. '42. 16. CO. Solomon, w. Rebecca, r. Med., rm. to Brookfield, i. Rebecca, Jly. 5, 1743; ii. Amasa, Mar. 8, '44-5; ill. Sarah, Oct. 24, '46; iv. Solomon, Oct. 20, '48 ; v. Asa, Sep. 25, '52 ; vi. Oliver, Aug. 12, '54. 17. 65. Moses, d. Apl. 6, 1797, agd. 80, w. Abigl. Allen, of diminutive stature, who d. June 10, 1807, agd. 90, r. Med. 99. 66. i. Moses, Esq. ; n. Abigl., Feb. 12, 1742, pr. d. yg. ; 91. 67. in. Simeon, June 27, '44, m. Elizth. Jones; iv. Rhoda, Oct. 6, '46, m. Tim. Bullard, r. Med. ; v. Lois, Feb. 1, '48-9, m. Adam Bullard, r. Med. ; vi. Rebecca, Apl. 3, '51, m. Henry Bullard, r. Med. ; 95. 68. vn. Oliver, d. agd. 90, m. Vashti Ramsden, 2d ; vin. Keziah, m. Hall, of Oxfd. ; ix. Perlee, m. Jeremiah Daniels, 1785, r. Med. 18. 69. Asa, w. Abigail Barbour, dg. of John B., of Med., r. Roekville, Med., 84. 70. i. Asa Patridge, m. Catherine Adams ; 2d, Betsey Dexter ; n. Miriam, Jly. 4, 1741-2, m. Slocum, r. Hobbardston ; in. Abigl., June 24, '44, m . Cutler, rm. to N. S. ; iv. Eli, Aug. 4, '49, d. Oct. 2, '52 ; 87. 71. v. Abijah,A.M., M. D., Aug. 30, '52, at "Old Hill," near Roekville, E. Med., and d. 1822 ; vi. Hephzibah, June 30, '55, d. Sep. 23, '59 ; vii. Mary, b. Nov. 14, '57, d. Sep. 17, '59 ; 110. 72. vin. Ezra, Mar. 17, '60, m. Jemima Lovell, 1786. 19. 73. David, m. Esther Smith, r. Med., i. Esther, Dec. 29, 1748, d. June 22, '55; ii. David, Oct. 5, '52, d. June 4, '55; in. Rachel, May 10, '56; iv. David, Apl. 23, '58; v. Rufus, Sep. 21, 'GO; vi. Abner, June 11, '63, d. Oct. 11, '63 ; vn. Asa, Aug. 3, 'G6. 77. Joshua, prob. son of Daniel, No. 32, w. Lydia, had at Med., i. Amos, May 10, 1754. 34. 78-]>. Daniel, m., and had, i. Daniel ; 103. 78|. ii. Elisha, m. Sarah Ellice ; 79. 78|. in. Joshua, Dr. ; iv. Silas, who s. at Leominster ; and four dgs. 782- 79. i. Joshua, Doct., m. Sarah Morse, fr. Holl., Aug. 2, 1781; 2d, Mrs. Polly Babbitt, 1800, r. Med. and H., had 80. i. Daniel, Aug. 31, '82, at Med. ; n. Lucinda, Jan. 23, '84, at Med. ; in. Sarah, Mar. 12, '88, at Hoi. ; iv. Betsey, June 2, '90, at H. ; v. Electy, Oct. 2, 93 ; vi. Hannah, Jly. 31, '95. 59. 81. Amos, w. Phebe Holbrook, d. Apl. 30, 1706, r. Med., i. Ursula, Nov. 22, '66, m. Amos Clark, '88 ; n. Abigl, Sep. 5, '68, m. Luther Green, '90 ; in. Nathan, Feb. 21, '71, d. Apl. 27, '73 ; iv. Esther, Jly. 18, '76 ; 82. v. Amos, Mar. 13, '78, m. Johnson, fr. Chester, Vt., r. W. Med. ; 83. vi. Artemas, Mar. 21, '80, m. Johnson, fr. do., r. W. Med. RICHARDSON. 209 84. Asa Partridge Richardson, a miller, \v. Hanh. Hill, fr. Sh., r. Med. 85. i. Asa, Jly. 12, 17G8, m. Catherine Adams; 2d, Betsey Dexter; ii. Persis, Nov. 22. '69, in. Paul Mctcalf, '90, r. Frank. ; 86. in. Lewis, Nov. 23, '85, m. Abigail Tyler, r. Rockville, E. Med. ; iv. Hannah, in. Adams Jones, r. Med. 71. 87. Abijah Richardson, M. D., in 1770, entered Harv. Col., where he remained two years. He then commenced the study of Medicine. Having completed bis studies, be entered the Revolutionary army in the capacity of surgeon's mate, under Dr. Samuel Whitwell. He afterwards received a surgeon's commission, and continued in the service of bis country until the close, or near the close of the war. He then settled as a physician, in Medway, and there con- tinued in the active and successful performance of the duties of his profession until bis death, May 10, 1822, a. 70. Few physicians pass their professional career more honored or beloved. He was an eminent Botanist ; indefatigable in the pur- suit of knowledge, and with a memory so retentive that he seldom forgot what he had once acquired. He performed the duties of every relation of life with the most scrupulous exactness. He was affable, communicative, benevolent ; but not obtrusive. He was an honor to his profession and to his country ; and for many years to come bis memory will be held in grateful recollection in the vicinity in which be lived. He m. Mercy Daniels, who lived until 1854, receiving from her grateful and prosperous country a handsome annual pension, as a token of gratitude for services rendered by her husband in the day which tried men's souls. [Dr. Ebenr. Alden's address before Norf. Dis. Med. Soe.] They bad i. Betsey, Apl. 2, 1773, m. Capt. Lewis Wheeler, of Med., '93 ; 107. 88. ii. Joseph, Apl. 24, '75, rn. Anna, dg. of Oliver Adams; 89. in. Abijah, Nov. 21,' '81, m. Olive, dg. of Doct. Pond, of Frank. ; iv. Mercy, May 2, '83, m. John Stedman, r. Hoi. ; v. Charlotte, Jly. 28, '85, d. Oct. 5, '95; vi. Abigb, Jly. 31, '87, m. Asa Thayer; 2d, Zachariah Lovell, of Med., had Abijah, Asa C, and Davis Thayer (all d. yg.), and Francis Alexr. Lovell, b. June 5, 1830 ; vn. Mary, Mar. 29, '89, r. um. w. her mother, in Med. ; viii. Eliza, Jly. 2, '91, m. Sylvanus Adams, r. Med. ; ix. Tryphcna, June 9, '94, m. J. Perry Leland, of Sh. ; 90. x. Daniels, 1796, m. Laurana Beals, r- homestead, and has Francis and Chs., and Clarissa, w. of Wm. Leland, of S. 67. 91. Simeon, w. Elizabeth Jones, dg. of Tho. J., r. Med., i. Abigb, July 24, 1774, d. Sep. 17, '78 ; n. Elizabeth, Jly. 22, '76, d. Sep. 18, '78 ; in. Matilda, Nov. 18, '78, d. yg. : iv. Solomon, Mar. 8, '83, m. Olive Morse, 2d, Rice; 3d, Rice, r. Brookfield; v. Elizabeth, Nov. 12, '85, m. Lowell Cooledge ; 2d, Cpt. Samuel Sanger.; vi. Henry, Mar. 30, '88, m. Rebecca Adams, inherits the ancient homestead ; vn. Perley, June 22, '90, m. Joseph L. Richardson, Esq. ; vni. Simeon, May 16, '99, m. Abigb Richardson; ix. Orinda, d. Mar. 31, 1800 ; x. Irene, m. Obed. Turner; 2d, Lewis Hawes, r. Med. 68. 95. Oliver, w. Vasbti Ramsdel, r. Med., i. Priscilla, Dec. 2, 1775, m. Danl. Allen; 2d, Manning, of Lex. ; n. Oliver, Mar. 16, '78, m. Matilda Patridge, '97, had Oliver ; in. Chs., May 26, '80, m., and had Francis and others ; iv. Ira, Dec. 27, '82, d. yg. ; v. Abigb, May 30, '86, m. Joel Brown, r. Brookfield. 27 * 210 RICHARDS, RIDER. 66. 99. Moses, junr., Landlord and Esq., m. Abigail Daniels, 1774, dg. of Jeremiah D., i. Moses, Apl. 3, 1776, in. Patty, dg. of Doct. Aaron Wight, '97 ; ii. Jabez, Apl. 10, '78, pr. d. yg. ; in. John, Feb. 9, '82, m. Mary (Harding) Daniels, fell a victim to mental derangement. 101. Asaph,? w. Hannah, r. Med., i. Chs., Mar. 22, 1777, d. Oct. 25, '78 ii. Hannah, Mar. 1, '80; in. Silence, (also) Mar. 1, '80 ; d. Mar. 16, '80 78|. 103. Elisha, m. Sarah Ellis, 1773, had at Med., i. Elisha, Feb. 4, '79, d. Mar 10, '79; ii. Marcus, Oct, 30, '80, m. Prudence Hill, dg. of Simon H. in. Sarah, Mar. 19, '85, d. yg., a cripple ; iv. Hannah, Nov. 23, '87, m Oliver Phillips, r. Med. ; v. Anna, Oct. 7, '89, d. yg. ; vi. Aaron, d. Nov 3, 1803, a cripple ; vn. Silas, m. Mary Carlton, r. Med., had i. Ama, m Rev. White ; 2d, Addison. 88. 107. Joseph, w. Anna Adams, 1795, r. near Ptichardson's mills, Med., i. Horace, Sep. 23, 1795, m. Catherine Draper ; n. Charlotte, Feb. '97, m. Cpt. Eleazer Daniels; in. Anna, m. Cpt. Elisha A.Jones, r.Med.; iv. Richard, an orchardist, m. Eliza. Bullard ; 2d, Elizabeth Baker ; v. Joseph, d. urn. ; vi. Adams, m. Bingham, rs. Bos. 72. 110. Ezra, w. Jemima Lovell, m. 1786, r. Med., 113. 111. i. Joseph Lovell, Hon., Mar. 29, 1787, r. Med., succeeded his revered grd. father, Joseph Lovell, Esq., as Town Clerk, for 20 ys., and has been much in public service ; n. Jemima, Nov. 30, '88, m. Hon. Nathan Jones, of Med. ; in. Abigl., Dec. 4, '90, at Holl., m. Aaron Wight; iv. Ezra, Feb. 16, '93, at Med., m. Mary Goodell, fr. Newfatie, who d. 1853, r. Med. and Natick ; v. Asa, Jan. 2, '95, d. um. at Med. ; vi. Sarah, Sep. 24, '96, m. Rev. AlvinBond, D. D., of Sturb. ; vn. Eli, Mar. 20, 1800, d. 1800. 111. 113. Joseph Lovell, Hon., w. Perlee Richardson, b. June 22, '90, m. June 20, 1811, had in Med., i. Elizth., Aug. 14. '12, d. Oct. 15, '33, m. Adams Daniels ; n. Jemima, Mar. 20, '14, d. June 21, '50, m. Doct. Lyman B. Larkin, r. Wrenth. ; in. Joseph L., Jly. 11, '15, m. Sylvia Partridge, has Geo. Lovell, Joseph H., and Allen M. ; iv. Stephen Baxter, Jly. 15, '18, m. Lorette How, r. Nashua, N. H. ; v. John Perlee, Mar. 18, '24, d. Jan. 12, '27. Joseph Richards, ? w. Chloe, had at S., Willard, Feb. 15, 1800. 1 m » m+ — — 1. WlH. Rider, previously of Watertown and Cambridge, moved to S. after Philip's war, and on 13, (3), 1679, had a home lot of 20 acres assigned him, S. E. of Peter's Hill, where Benj. Dowse rs. In 1686 he was rated for the Indian title, and in 1715 drew land in Doug. He was selectman 1696-98, and d. Aug. 27, 1724. He. m. Hanh. Lovet, Aug. 11, 1G74, who d. Nov. 23, 1715. He had at Cambridge, 5. 2. i. Wm, Jly. 29, 1675 ; ii. Hannah, Apl. 4, '78, d. yg. ; m. Hannah, May 28, '80, m. Wm. Johnson, of S., 1699 ; iv. Daniel, pr. m. Elizabeth Adams, May 16, 1711, 9. 4. v. Eleazer, Jan. 22, 1687 ; vi. Esther, pr. 2. 5. Wm., jun., m. Deborah Morse, Nov. 27, 1701, dg. of Joseph M., of Medfd., by w. Priscilla Colburne, s. in S., and became one of her most distinguished ROCK WOOD. 211 and useful citizens. Tie served the town 19 years as selectman, represented her in the Gen. Court, and was 13 years Town Clerk. His chirography for neatness and plainness was not surpassed in the Colony. He acted as surveyor and draftsman in this and bordering townships, and particularly in Natick, to which town he removed ah. 1734, and there served as T. Clerk. 16. 6. i. Theodore, Oct. 15, 1702 ; n. Mary, Aug. 13, 170G, m. Asa Morse, and s. in N. ; nr. Deborah, June 22, '10, m. Richard Sanger, jun. 19. 7. iv. Wm. Oct. 24, '15; v. John, Jan. 15, '18-19. 4. 9. Eleazer, m. Hannah (Badcock) Learned, Sept. 22, 1713, and had at IT., I. Eleazer, Oct. 21, 1714. 25. 11. ir. Gideon, Oct. 9, '21, m. Lucy Smith, of Ilopk., '44; in. Ebenezer, Dec. 14, ; iv. Jonas, Dec. 27, '25 ; v. Preservet, Mar. 16, '28; 15. vi. John, Aug. 12, '29 ; vn. Hannah, Jly. 18, '31, d. '44. 6. 16. Theodore, m. Sarah Bacon, of Needh., 1726; i. Sarah, Feb. 1, '26-7. 28. 17. ir. Joseph, May 19, '29, d. Dec. 3, 1819 ; in. Mary, Dec. 23, '31, m. Asa Daniels, of H., '58 ; iv. Theodore, '33-4, d. '45 ; v. Deborah, '36. 7. 19. Wm. m. Elizabeth Hill, of S., Apl. 10, 1746, and had at S., i. Aaron, Oct. 30, 174S, m. Feb. 14, '71, Hannah Goulding, and had at S., i. Mary, Aug. 30, '71 ; ii. Moses, Aug. 9, '73; in. Martin, Mar. 8, '76. ii. Wm., Mar. 9, '50, m. Malady Cozzens, Feb. 24, '74, had Elizabeth, Mar. 7, '75, at Nat. in. Peter, Nov. 20, '51 ; iv. Moses, Jan. 29, '53, m. Mary Twitchell. 11. 25. Gideon, m. Lucy Smith, 1744, and had at S., i. Hannah; n. Elizabeth, Jan. 3, '45-6 ; in. Jonas, Mar. 2, '48-9 ; iv. Gideon, Sept. 28, '51. 17. 28. Joseph, m. Sarah Morse, dg. of Henry, of Med., by w. Sarah Kibby, was a clockmaker, and r. on the Milfordroad, in the W. of II. ; had i. Hannah, Aug. 8, 1751, m. Ephraim Chapin, of Milford. 30. 29. ii. Asa, Sept. 17, '55, d. June 30, 1825; in. Theodore, Jan. 12, '59, d. Mar. 3, '59 ; iv. Molly, June 8, '65, d. ab. '86, um. 29. 30. Asa, inherited the homestead in H., m. Margaret Johnson, Nov. 4, '76, d. May 11, 1805; 2d, Dinah Wheeler, Oct., 1805, d. Jan., 1823; 3d, Sabrina Osgood, June 2, '23, and had i. Olive, Aug. 14, 1777, m. Amariah Daniels; it. John, Dec. 27, '78, d. '79; in. Betsey, June 27, '80, in. Japhet Daniels ; iv. James, Apl. 22, '82, m. Lucy Thayer, of Milfd. ; v. John, Oct. 10, '84, m. Lucy Corbett, of II.; VI. Polly, Jan. 3, '87, m. Solomon Wright, of Bel. ROCkWOOCl.* The names Bockwood and Bocket were formerly identical, and the latter a corruption of the former. For in the mother country the Bockwoods are an ancient and somewhat numerous race, wlrile the Bockets are almost unknown, there being lately only one in London, and he> unacquainted with the existence of the name out of the circle of his relatives in the interior of the kingdom. The name of Rockwood was no doubt local, derived from Bocky Woods, the place of the exploits, or of the abode of the first who assumed it; and if " there is not an ancient town, * Tradition says that a page by the name of Rockwood, at the court of Henry VIII, in a game of chess with his king, won a manor belonging to one of the monasteries distributed in his reign ; and that, in commemoration of the victory, received from the king for his arms 6 chessrooks. Tradition, like other great liars, sometimes speaks the truth, and perhaps in this instance does so. The above estate is said to be still occupied by Uockwoods who are of the gentry. 212 HOCKWOOD. village or hamlet in England or Normandy, that did not give name to some family in England ; " if John de Hill and James of under the Hill ; if Peter of the sandy Ford, and John of the lay [Plain] Land ; if Nicholas of the woods, and Joseph of under the Woods derived their names from land marks, no marvel if, while the English were assuming lower or surnames, some Nicholas, Richard or John should have taken his from the liocky Woods, once so common in the W. of England ; and when the customs of another age and country are considered, none need fear for the rank or dignity of their ancestor in conceding that his name came out of the woods. In this country it was first recorded Rocket, and this orthography was generally pre- served until 1728, when Dea. Nathaniel R., of Wrentham, and brothers, restored the original spelling of Rockwood. This they did 19 years before the death of their revered uncle Benjamin, who was born in 1G51, and whose grandfather and perhaps father were both from England, and who must have known .the true orthography of the name, and might have influenced his nephews to the contrary if they were attempting an innovation. Besides, I am inclined to believe that he, rather than bis nephew, Benj., who was then jun., was the " Benj. Rockwood " who subscribed a petition to the General Court in 1737, on account of " services and sufferings in the late Indian wars ; " and if so, then he joined with his nephews, or preceded them in restorino - the true spelling. But this was not the first resort to the original orthog- raphy. The corruption of the name seems to have been resisted far earlier, and from the first, at the very place where they first settled : for I have recently found it spelt " Rockwood " upon a very ancient record at Braintree, from whence the entire race had removed in 1G64, so that I am satisfied that in the further pursuit of their genealogy, the Rockwoods of New England must explore the history of their Puri- tan sire, not among the Rockets, but the Rockwoods of England, and in Dorset, and Suffolk Co's, rather than in other parts of the kingdom.* Of the number of Rockets who early arrived in New England, and of their pre- vious history, nothing reliable can be gathered from tradition. The names of only two have been preserved, only one of whom left issue ; and from whom all the Rockwoods of New England origin have sprung. Of their history prior to their arrival nothing is yet ascertained, and almost nothing but their names occurs on our records. Yet if we regard them as following the uniform custom of their times, of naming the first son after the paternal grandfather, and the second after the father, or the reverse, then one of them has told us that their father was Nicholas Rock- wood. Other circumstances add more. The high and holy character of the com- munity which attracted them, and in which they first appear ; the strict morality exacted of all who entered or tarried in it, and the silence of all town, church and colonial records as to anything amiss, indicate that in conduct they were moral, and in heart, pious ; while their early arrival excuses them from the sinister motives that drew later emigrants, and proves them to have been men of enterprise and moral courage. Their names were, 1. John Rocket, 1 who was enrolled as a planter in Dorchester, in 1C3G, indi- * Further examination and reflection convince me that the name was never spelled Rocket by the family. It was so pronounced, as it still is, and so written by others, and answered to by the Rockwoods. But on no petition, deed, will, or certificate, ancient or modern, signed by either of them, have I ever found it subscribed otherwise than Rockwood ; and both Nicholas- and John,'-' as if mindful of the importance of the true orthography, had their marriages in 1656 and 1662 recorded by the name of Rockwood. Such precaution in their day and circumstances •was anomalous and significant Other families yielded to innovations, adopted without resist- ance the misspelling of cferks, and seldom, if ever, recovered the original orthography of their names when thus publicly corrupted. But the Rockwoods (some, if not all, of the 4 first gen- erations) withstood the corruption, [universal on Town Records until 1728.] continued to sub- scribe their names Rockwood; and they seem finally to have effected the correction everywhere, though at different and wide intervals. None of the race are known to retain the more con- venient spelling of Rocket, which further indicates that such was never the name. A rule, however, of antiquarians requires a literal transcript from records. ROCK WOOD. 213 eating that he had passed a previous probation of at least one year. Nothing more is recorded of him. He either returned to England with some others from D. about this time, or more probably d. without issue. 2. Richard ''Rocket, 1 " alias " Rockwood," probably the brother of John, was also a planter in Dorchester, in 163(5. Ho and his wife the same year sold a house and 20 acres of land at Weymouth, formerly Zachary Bicknell's, (" after Bicknell's death,") which belonged to their child; [pr. Nicholas] ; and the General Court, Mar. 9, 1636-7, bound the son when of age, either to ratify the sale or " allow all such costs as the Court shall think meete." Richard 1 m. two, and perhaps three wives. His first is supposed to have been the daughter of Zachary Bickncll, to whom he must have been m. as early as 1627, three years prior to the settlement of Dorchester. This leads to the presumption that he had previously lived at Weymouth, where the marriage had taken place, or more probably at Weymouth in Dorsetshire, from whence the early planters of our Wey- mouth came ; and that he and his brother John were among the number who re- moved from W. to D. after the arrival of their former neighbors, and perhaps kins- men from Dorchester, 8 ms. from Weymouth in Dorsetshire. But however this might have been, his earliest connections and company point us to one of these towns or their vicinity, as his natal place ; so that the Rockwoods of New England need not despair of further knowledge of their Puritan sire, and of their ancestors of remote antiquity. Richard m. Agnes , who d. at Braintree, 9 (5), 1643; and 2d, Ann , who d. 1664. He d. 1660, intestate, and Dec. 15, 1660, his wid., Ann "Rock- wood " and E. Kingsbury made oath to an " Inventory of the estate of Richard Rockwood." His wid., "Ann Rockwood" d. four years after, and administration on her estate was granted John Taylor, Apl. 28, 1664, [Suff. Prob.] He had, 5. 3. i. Nicholas, 2 b. as early as 1628, m. Jane ; 2d, Margaret Holbrook ; 12. 4. ii. John, 2 1, (10), 1641, after the recognition of his brother's right to land, formerly Bicknell's; in.? Lydia, who pr. m. Edward Adams, of Medfield, and pr. other daus. who s. in Medfield and Mendon. 3. 5. Nicholas Rocket, 2 first located at Braintree. In 1650, the enterprise of settling the new town of Medfield, drew him and the sons of Henry Adams 1 senr., from B. ; and he became one of the first settlers and proprietors of that town. He drew lots from time to time, most of which, by a division of the township in 1713, fell into Medway. In 1663, a company of 15 of his former townsmen, with others from Weym., having undertaken the settlement of Mendon, he and the Adamses at Medfield proposed to join them ; and he actually presented his request for acceptance as a proprietor ; but the Adamses finally declined, and his proposal seems not to have been acted upon, he having most likely withdrawn it. He finally settled, it is presumed, about one quarter m. S. W. of Richardson's mills, in the N. E. part of Medway, and was with most of his family in the stone house, at Bo2 vn. John, 5 Sep. 16, '78 ; vm. Sarah, 5 Aug. 4, '81. 38. 53. Elisha Roekwood, 5 s. of Benj., m. June 3, 1778, Eunice Clark, dg. of 28 218 ROCK WOOD. Elijah C., of Mcdway, who d. Sep. 28, 1838, s. at N. Wrentham, and had, i. Abigail, Sep. 19, 1779, resides urn. at N. Wrentham ; 177. 54. n. Benj., 6 Oct. 18, '83, m. Lucy Ware ; 55. in. Peter, 6 Dea., Sep. 25, '87, in. Parnell ; 2d,Boxa Stone, b. June 30, 1788, dg. of Elijah S., of Milf., by w. Sophronisba Bawson, r. Milf. ; •v. Eunice, Oct. 30, '91 : v. Eunice, 6 June 14, '93, m. Jotham Clark, of Med way, who d. 1845, without issue ; vi. Charlotte, 6 Feb. 1G, '95, r. urn. at N. Wrenth. ; 56. Air. Jefferson, 6 Oct. 11, 1801, m., and resided at Nashua, N. II., has Thomas J. 7 Andrew J. 7 and Sarah. 7 37. 57. Timothy PiOckwood, 5 w. Sarah Phillips, r. Unionville, Franklin, had, i. Sally, 6 Dee. 24, 1783, r. urn. in Franklin ; 60. 58. ii. Asa, 6 Mar. 25, '87, m. Julia Thurston ; in. Timothy, 6 Jan. 1, '94, d. yg.; 59. iv. Nathan, 6 Jan. 9, '98, m. Hanh. Miller, r. F., had Nathan 7 Hannah J. 7 Surah J. 7 58. 60. Asa Bockwood, 6 w. Julia Thurston, r. Franklin, had, 61. i. Erastus, 7 Aug. 17, 1813, w. Mary Ann Daniels, d. Apl. 7, '42 ; 2d w., Louisa Morse, b. Apl. 11, '18, m. Apl. 2, '45, r. F., had, I. Erastus D., 8 Apl. 7, '38; n. Edmund J. , 8 Apl. 2, '42; in. Mary Louisa, 9, Feb. 3, '46; iv. Eugene Morse, 8 Dec. 15, '48; v. Elmer Lucine 8 Dec. 14, '53. ; 62. ii. Asa P., 7 Jan. 6, 1816, d. Aug. 11, '21 ; in. Julia Ann, Jan. 24, '18, d. Aug. 28, '36 ; 63. iv. Abijah T., 7 Mar. 24, '20, m. Sarah M. Peck, r. F., has Lucius O. 8 Jidietta 8 ; Frank. 8 ; 64. v. James, 7 Nov. 6, '21, d. yg. ; vi. Susan B., 7 May 17, '24, m. Francis B. Bay, May 27, '53, r. F., has Wm. F. 8 b. Mar. 2, '54; vn. Wm., 7 Jly. 16, '27. 65. Benj. Bockwood, jun., in 1769? w. Anna, had Olive, Jan. 20, 1787, at Franklin. ? 25. 66. Samuel Bocket, 4 m. Mary White, from Mendon, and s. on the N. E. corner lot of 149 acres, of Medfield, New Grant., \ m. S. E. of Winthrop's Pond. His land was assigned, 1659, to Geo. Barbour. He had 67. i. Samuel, 5 jun., May 3, 1724, d. Jan. 19, '54, m. Sarah Pierce, Nov. 7, 1750, who was esteemed a witch, inherited the homestead, had i. Obadiah, d. yg. ; n. Amos, Jly. 20, '51, inherited the homestead, d. without issue ; in. Molly, d. um. y 84. 68. ii. Timothy, 5 May 23, 1727, s. in Holl., m. Elizabeth Perry ; 99. 69. in. Asa, 5 Dec. 28, '34, m. Sybil Littlefield, s. in W. part of Holl. ; 101. 70. iv. Moses, 5 May 19, '37, m. Lydia Ellis; and 2d Hanh. Ellis, sisters, and dgs. of Tim. E., of Med., by w. Hanh. Adams, who m. 2d, Wm. Bickard- son, and had Amos. ; 71. v. Aaron, 5 Mar. 8, '43-4, d. um. in the army, near Ticonderoga. 26. 72. Benj. Bocket, 4 w. Bachel Morse, b. May 30, 1702, dg. of Benoni M., by w. Bachel Bullard, r. Grafron, and had 73. i. Benj., 5 Nov. 18/23; n. Bachel, 5 Jly. 5, '37, at Med. 27. 74. Hezekiah, 4 w. Esther, s. 100 rods. S. W. of his father, Rev. John, in E KOCKWOOD 219 Medway, and had, i. Josiah, 8 Apl. 7, 1733, d. Oct. 20, '62; n. Seth, 5 Apl. 10, '37, d. Sep. 15, '01 ; in. Amos, 5 May 22, '39, d. Feb. 26, '47. 28. 75. John Rocket, 4 served as a soldier in the first French war, m. Hannah Fisher, from Dedhani, and s. at Bear Hill, then included in Mendon, and probably on land that had been assigned by the proprietors of Mendon, 1720—1, to Josiah Rocket (No. 15), who had no male issue. He was admitted to full communion, 1743, in the chh. in Hopk., and had 76. i. John, 5 juu., Dec. 3, 1733, m. Anne Taft, 1758, who no. 2d, Dea. Josiah Adams, of Mend., Feb. 14, 1702. He covenanted, 1758, and had 77. i. Amos, 6 Jan. 20, 1760, at Hopk ; 240. 78. n. ffezekiah? Feb. 0, '61, d. June 17, 1838, m. Elizabeth Wood, '81 ; 2d, Retsey Leland, dg. of Adam L., of Sh. ; nr. Hannah 6 Apl. 18, 'G3, m. Daniel Fisk, of Upton, and d. without issue ; 247. 79. iv. Josiah 6 Aug. 4, '05, m. Thankful Batchelder, of U-, '87; 130. 80. v. Elisha 6 Sep. S, '67, m. Hanh Leland, Apl. 10, 1800 ; vi. Moses 6 who was idiotic, d. in H^; vn. Deborah 6 m. John Wood ; 81. vin. Amiel Weeks, 6 who m. the sister of Oliver Ellice, of Med., and s. 10 m. from the capitol, at Montpelier, Vt. ; 250. 82. ix. John, 6 m. Apl. 10, 1781, m. Lydia Whitney, r. Hopk. 83. n. ? Ben]. Rockwood, of Upton, m. Ruth Adams, b. 1729, dg. of Daniel, of Med., had at U., i. Abigail, Mar. 12, 1754; n. Ruth, Mar. 12, '50 ; in. Rhoda, June 30, } 5S, d. May 10, '59 ; 83^. iv. Benj., May 23, '00. 68. 84. Timothy Rockwood, 5 s. 1 m. S. W. of Holliston Meetingdiouse, where Isaac Kibby resides, was distinguished for energy, industry and integrity, and was much relied on as an appraiser of estates. He in. 1st, Elizabeth Perry, Jan. 24, 1750-1 ; 2d w., Jemima (Leland) Underwood, Mar. 12, 'G7 ; 3d' Alice Littlefield, Aug. 22, '71, and 4th, Deborah (Leland) Fairbanks, Jan 15, '87, who d. May 21, 1805. He d. Feb. 21, 1800. He had 91. 85. i. Timothy, 6 b. in Med. Oct. 30, 175], s. \ m. N. of his father, in Holl. ; n. Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1753, d. May 1, 1849^ ni. Col. Simeon Cutler, of H. ; 80. in. Samuel, 6 Oct. 30, '55, d. yg. ; v. Deborah, 6 Dec. 10, '58, m. James Mellen, Esq., of Holl. ; vi. Rhoda, (i Oct. 12, '03, m. Ezra Brown, of H. ; 88. vn. Aaron, 6 Jly. 6, '72, d. yg. ; vin. Miriam, 6 Dec. 13, '73, d. yg! ; ix. Lucretia, 6 Jly. 25, '75, m. Rev. Drury Fairbanks, r. Plym., N. H., whose descendants r. in and near St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; x. xVnna, 6 June 14 '77, m. Sampson Bridges, of Hopk. ; 259. 89. xi. Luther, Jan. 7, '80 in. Ruth Perry; 2d, Ruth (Littlefield) Temple r. Hoi. ; xn. Calvin, 6 Dec. 25, '83, d. yg. 85. 91. Timothy Rockwood, 6 jun., w. Margaret Parker, m. Dec. 12, 1770, r. Holl. ; y 92 i. Nathan/ Aug. 8, '71, m. Sep. 20, '93, Joanna Day, and settled in Hopk. ; ii. Elizabeth, 7 Apl. 10, '73, d. yg. ; 20D. 93. in. Nahum, 7 Dec, 1775, m. Elizabeth Newton, s. in Leicester; 94. iv. Wm., 7 Nov. 13, '77, m. Polly Burnet, r. H., had Wm. (d.) and Mary; 108. 95. v. Aaron, 7 Oct. 28, '79, m. Mille Watkins, r. Med., and Bell.; vi. Sophia, 7 Oct. 12, '82, m. Abner Ilolbrook ; and 2d, Martin Cutler; 90. vn. Ezra, 7 Nov. 5, '84, m. Polly Stone ; 2d, Betsey (Stone) Perry, r. H.; vin. Milla, 7 Dec. 20, '80, m. EUhu Whiting, r. Barre ; 97. ix. Timothy, 7 Jan. 17, '89, in. Polly Chamberlain ; 2d, Nancy Adams, r. H.; 98. x. Calvin, 7 June 3, '92, m. Lois How, r. H. 220 ROCKWOOD. 69. 99. Asa Rock wood/' w. Sybil Littlefield, r. Holliston, had 100. i. Samuel, 6 who m. Hanh. Pond, Jan. 7, '87, s. in Milford, and mi. to New Braintrce and Oakham; II. Sybil, 6 m. Ellis, of Med., and r. with her son, a surveyor in Hopk. ; ill. Lydia, 6 m. Saunders, of Milfd. 70. 101. Moses, inherited the W. half of the homestead in Med. He was an industrious, frugal, kind and veracious man, possessed of an astonishing memory, and seemed to know the history of his vicinity and race as well as if he had lived there over since the beginning of the settlement. Many aii evening did I listen in my youth and early manhood to his narratives of the past. He was nearly 11 ys. old at the death of his grd. uncle, Benj., who was born in 1G51, and well remembered him. He m Hannah Ellis, and had only 102. i. Moses, Cpt., d. Mar. 12, 1854, a ab. '82. He being an only child, settled with his father, and inherited his integrity, industry and tenacity of life. AVhen 80 years eld, his memory was unimpaired, and his active labors un- remitted. In early life he embarked in trapping in the then unbroken wil- derness of W. N, York, — learned the languages of the Indians ; and many a lon<* evening did the author in his boyhood, listen with delight to the history of his romantic adventures, receiving therefrom a bias for life. Capt. R. in. Lois Johnson, Jly. 1, 1798, dg. of Joseph Johnson, of Hoi., by w. Mercy Cozzens, b. June 3, 1767. They had 103. i. Simeon, 7 Sep. 21, '99, m. Melatiah Clark ; n. Johnson, 7 d. yg. ; 104. in. Hannah Ellis 7 Dec. 11, '02, m. Geo. Blake, of Med; 100. iv. Calvin 7 m. Elizabeth Marsh, r. II., ; v. Eliza 7 m. Newell Lovering ; 107. vi. Moses, Mar. 24, 1809, m. Adaline Johnson, r. Holl. 95. 108. Aaron, w. Mille Watkins, r. Med. and Bell. ; 109. I. Newell, 8 Jly. 29, 1801, m. Ann S. Winter; 2d, Susan Leland ; 3d, Sarah Smith ; n. Mary Ann, 8 Feb. 8, '05, m. Simeon Fisher, 1824 ; 110. in. Aaron W., 8 May 2, '07, r. Bos., m. Almira Cobb, has Angelina, Jane M. ; iv. Caroline, 8 Feb. 8, '10, d. Mar. 1G, '24, at Bellingham ; v. Mille P., 8 Aug. 4, '12, d. Jly. 9, '24, at Bellingham; 111. vi. Ezra B., 8 Bee. 29, '16, m. Hannah Sargent, r. Fitchburg ; vii. Harriot, 8 May 25, '21, m. Addison Warfield, of Holl, has Aaron R. ; vni. Sabrina Morse^Mar. 25, '23. 93. 112. Nahum, 7 Bea., w. Elizabeth Newton, r. Leicester ; i. Mary 8 , Apl. 12, 1801, r. um. atL. ; II. Ursula 8 , (d.) m. Edwin Waite of L. ; in. Elizabeth, 8 m. Elijah, and 2d, Nathan Harkness, rs. Worcester; iv. Timothy P. 8 89. 113. Luther, 6 m. Ruth Perry, and 2d, Ruth (Littlefield) Temple, inherits the homestead in II., and had i. Miriam, 7 Aug. 2, 1803, d. March 10, 1814; ii. Albert Perry/ June 9, 1805, m. Nancy Haven, r. Salt Lake City, Utah ; in. Elbridge L., 7 Oct. 3, 1808, a. Aug. 7, 1813; iv. Mary Ann, 7 June 13, '10, d.°Aug. 5, '13 ; v. Thomas T., 7 June 5, '16, m. Eviline Leonard, rs. Norton ; vi. Eviline, 7 Sept. 4, '14, d. Feb. 17, '19; vn. Ruth, 7 June 5 '16, m. Eli II. Warren, rs. H. ; VIII. Elsie L., 7 Dec. 13, '19, rs. H.; ix. Elbridge L , 7 Nov. 24, '24, m. Elizabeth Phipps, rs. H., has i. Wil- bur, 8 • ii. a son. 6 109. 135. Newell, 8 w. Ann Sophia Winter, m. Apl. 20, 1823, d. Aug. 15, '24, a. 21 ; 2d w., Susan Leland, m. Mar. 12, '26, d. Bee. 28, '29, a. 23 ; 3d h^/< '/ /s ■( ? ROCKWOOD. 221 w., Sarah Smith, m. Oct. 6, '30, rs. IIoll. had i. Ann Sophia, 1 ' Dec. 10, '27 ; n. Goo. Leland, 1 ' Dec. 9, '29; in. Sarah Jemima, 8 Oct. 17, '31, d. Nov. 24, '33. 80. 130> Elisba Rockwood, w. Hannah Leland, dg. of Saml. L., the s. of Simon and Hanh. Partridge L., and grd. s. of Dea. Win. L., by w. Mehetabcl Breck, dg. of John and Mehetabel Morse 13. Her mother was Mary Leland, b. Feb. 19, 1753, dg. of Henry L., by w. Keziah Bullard, and grd. dg. of Ens. Henry L., by w. Mary Morse, r. Slierborn, had T. John, 7 Feb. 27, 1801, m. Adaline Farrington, r. S. Abington ; n. Clarissa, 7 July 17, 1803, d. urn : in. Charles/ Mar. 27, 1806, in. Lois E. Farrington, dg. of Alfred F., ofWrenth., by w. Harriet Pond, sis.. of Rev. Enoch P., D. D., r. Natick, had i. Eden Maria? Mar. 11, 1834, m. Isaac N. Travis, of N., had Emma E., ,J Sept. 9, '54; n. Adeline* Mar. 3, '37; in. John* Jan. 4, '44 ; iv. Chs. E? Jan. 14, '4G. iv. Joseph, 7 and v. Mary, 7 Jly. 13, 1809, both d. yg. ; vi. Samuel Leland, 7 Rev., A. M., b. Nov. 16, 1810, m. Christina Gilbert, dg. of James G., of Mansfield, by w. Deborah Sprague, the dg. of Gen. George Godfrey, of Taunton, and grd. dg. of James G , of Norton, a soldier in the French war of 1755. Mr. R. grad. at Amherst Col., 183(5, and was ordained at Han- son, where he still remains. He had i. Clarissa Erances? Apl. 15, 1842, d. May 8, '42; n. Samuel Gilbert? Mar. or May 1(5, '44; in. John Edwards? May 1G, '4G ; iv. Christina Eliza? June 1, '50. vn. Elizabeth Ann, 7 Apl. 1, 1814, (d.) m. James Austin, had i. Ann? (d.) vin. Hannah Adams, 7 Dec. 28, 1817, r. Natick. 45. 140. Ebenezer Rockwood, 5 A. M., M. D., possessed a " character of great worth and acknowledged excellence," which his posterity and the race would do well to emulate. The excellent spirit which dwelt first in his ancestors lived in him, and throughout his long life he adhered to sound Christian principles in all his intercourse in society, in all his relations to the Church, and in all his influence over his family. He grad. at H. Col. 1773, studied medicine, entered the army of U. S. as surgeon, and afterward settled as a physician at Wilton, became eminent in his profession, and ever had an ex- tensive practice. On Feb. 10, 1830, then in his 84th year, he passed to his final reward, amidst the grief of friends and the regrets of the community. He m. June 10, 1779, Mary Emerson, b. Nov. 14, 1753, d. Mar. 9, 1848, (dg. of Rev. Daniel E., of Hollis, N. II., b. at Reading, May 1G, 1716,) by whom he had i. Win. E.,°Mar. 22, 1780, m. Oct. 22, 1812, Abigail Conant, dg. of Dea. Josiah C, of Hollis., rs. Merrimack, N. II., has I. Wm. J.? rs. Yonkers, N. Y. ; n. Elizabeth E. 146. 142. ii. Ebenezer, Esq., A. M., June 2, 1781, d. May S, 1815 ; in. Betsey, Dec. 9, 1782, d. Oct G, 1846, in. Timothy Abbot, Esq. ; iv. Polly," Aug. 6, 1784, resides in Hollis, N. II. 145. 143. v. Lubin, Apl. 6, 178G, d. May 15, 1826, in the triumphs of faith ; vi. Daniel, A. M., Oct. 15, 1787, d. Jan. 31, 1821, at Cuba. He settled as a lawyer in Boston, where I knew and regarded him as a gentleman of great urbanity, and destined for eminence ; Vii. Hannah," Feb. 19, 1790, d. Nov. 7, 1808; vin. Sally, Jly. 18, 1792, m. Rev. Leonard Jewett, r. Temple and Hollis, N. II. ; ix. Matilda, 6 Nov. 30, 1793, d. Apl. 21, 1823. 143. 145. Lubin, 6 was a Christian of sound orthodox principles and firm esfablished 222 ROCKWOOD. character. He was a devoted child, a worthy citizen, and a kind and devoted husband and father ; and his memory will long be cherished with respect and gratitude. He m. Lydia Burton, dg. of Abraham B., of Hollis. who still survives, by whom lie had i. Hannah, 7 Jly. 8, 1814, d. Apl. 13, 1832, eminent for piety and talent; ir. L. Burton, 7 Rev., A. M., Apl. 8, 1816, who grad. at, Dar. Col. 1839, and at Union Theo. Sem., New York, 1843 ; was financial agent of that Sem. 1843-50, and on Jly. 10, of the latter year, he was installed as col- league with the venerable and excellent Calvin Chapin, D. D., over the Congl. chb. at Bocky Hill, Ct,, which delicate and important station he now fills. He m. Abby Anne Abbot, May 1, 1845, dg. of Dea. Ezra A., of Wilton, N. H., and had i. Arthur Burton? Nov. 20, '46, d. Oct. 4, '47 ; ii. Edward Nelson, 8 Oct. 9, '48, d. Feb. 10, '49; in. Sarah Hale, 8 Dec. 9, '49; iv. Fanny Larcom? Aug. 23, '51; v. Wm. Emerson 8 Nov. 5, '54. in. L. Henritta, 7 May 24, 1819, d. June 22, '40, with strong and triumph- ant hopes in Christ ; iv. Mary E., 7 May 14, '21, m. Col. I. P. Clark, Dec. 5, '39, r. N. Ipsw., N. H.; v. Betsey D., 7 Apl. 19, '25, m. Chs. S. Davis, Esq., Aug. 28, '45, vs. Bos- ton, Mass., had i. Henrietta J?., 8 Aug. 28, '46, d. Sept. 10, '46; ii. Charles A., 8 Apl. 7, '47 ; in. Walter Ii. 8 Nov. 9, '49. 142. 14G. Ebenezer Rockwood, 6 Esq., A. M. grad. at H. U., 1802, read law, s. in Bos., where he d. May 8, 1815, at the age of 34 ys. While he lived his intimate associates were of the highest circle of talent and refinement. Numbers of them, ere merit had ceased to be a passport, rose to the highest stations of honor in the gift of their fellow-citizens ; and had Mr. Rockwood been spared, such were his talents and address, and such his moral worth, that he could hardly have failed of a full share of such honors. One fact illustrates the nobility of his friends, and the esteem in which he was held. When his death was announced, the members of a class club of which he was a founder while at the University, met and resolved, as one of their testimonials, " that $500 of their funds be put out on inter- est for the aid of the first of his children who should wish a col. education," and thus it would have been cheerfully expended had there been need. The following obituary appeared in the Weekly Messenger of June 2, 1815 : — The late Mr. Rockwood but a few days since, was seen in our judicial tribunals, giving proof of powers of mind destined, as was anticipated, to adorn the bar and pub- lic assemblies of our country. Without the aid of fortune, and with no friends but those attached to him by his own merit, he was advancing with undeviating step to the first rank in his profession. His example has illustrated the truth, that patronage is not necessary to talents ; but that associated with virtue, they lead, with an inde- pendent vigor, over every obstruction, to the honors and advantages of society. He came into Boston a stranger. But there was in his exterior such a recommendation r of dignity and intelligence, that notice and respect were soon attracted to him. Ac- quaintance became esteem, and the great number of those who regarded him, are left to feel for his loss a regret much more lasting than was the period permitted to their friendship. Mr. Rockvvood's mind was naturally of a high cast. His understanding was sound and clear, and extremely rapid in its deductions. It possessed a springing energy which supplied at the same time quickness and force. lie was not habituated to long trains of reasoning — while others were arranging their arguments, he threw out his bold and luminous opinions. They were received with surprise, often with incredulity — but all who reasoned justly, came at last to the same result, though by a far longer process. ..•I lit* IIKIE^O .;W®(DE) r o c k w o o i) . 993 Although he was young, his knowledge was abundant ; for this, however, he was not much indebted to books. He never resorted to them, when he had opportunities for observation, and even in that profession, in which great erudition is almost a sufficient qualification, and learning often succeeds where talent alone fails, he seldom had recourse to books except as authorities, — his arrangement, his argument and his decision, were origi- nal, and apparently intuitive. ° But these powers, though rare and valuable, are not all that is worthy to be described in Mr. Rockwood. Clear and true as was the glance of his mind, this was not more admirable than his noble and generous heart, The selfish man would have shrunk in his presence and felt how elevated a principle of action is disinterestedness. He was ever more active, judicious, and even cautious, when others were concerned. The energy of his understanding, and the ardor of his feelings, found their true focus in the interest of others. He was full of affection and humanity —yet he had little of_ that tenderness which often weakens the best resolves. He neither shrunk from pain himself when it was salutary, nor hesitated in like circumstances to" inflict it on others. _ He was called from amidst the most active scenes in life to the bed of death. He did indeed desire to live ; for to him the prospect of life presented a scene of use- fulness, of tender attachments, and of advancing reputation. Few had less to fear and few had more to resign ; yet he looked up to Heaven with that humility which 'fears to trust even the approbation of conscience. He could not approach the throne of his Maker without trembling; yet with that decision which uniformly accompanied him, he bent his few remaining hours to prepare for death. Religion, that principle so congenial with great and good minds, was here his first resource. By her aid he was enabled to turn, with resignation and tranquillity, from the endearments of life to sever the tenderest ties which bound him to this world, and to await his last mo- ments, with a steady and confiding mind. He m. Abigail Breese Hazard, (now the w. of Eev. Dr. Tho. E. Yermilye of New York,) dg.of Hon. Ebenr. Hazard, of Phila., (P. M. General under Washington,) by w. Abigail Arthur, b. Aug. 5, 1759, dg. of Cot. Joseph A., by w. Jane (Chevalier) Anderson, (b. at Phila. Nov. 3, 1723 m at Bos. Jan 4, '49-50.) Capt. A. (b. in Bos. July 2, 1715) was the 'son of Joseph A., senr., (b. st Salem, Apl. 11, 1G91,) by w. Abigail A. (b. in Bos. 1G96, and d. Aug. 12, 1761. Mr. Rockwood had i. Abigail Arthur, 7 Sept. 19, 1808, resides a maiden lady in New York • ii. Ebenezer Hazard/ Aug. 1810, grad. M. D. at Yale Col., 1S32 and rs as a physician at Enfield, m. Juliet Bliss, fr. W. Springfield, b. Au* 16* 1811 m Nov. 7 '32, d. June 11, '54; and 2d, Adelia 0. Wilson, dg. of tal. Smith, fr. Reboboth ; and had i. Ellen Louisa, 8 Jan. 31, 1831 at Longmeadow ; ir. Ebenezer Arthur? Jan. G, 1839, at Enfie'ld ■ in. Charlotte Elizabeth,' Feb. 3, 1842, at E. ; iv. Charles Ers- kme,* June 20, 1847. in. Yv r m. Erskine, 7 June, 1812, d. urn. 1SC5 at Havana, Cuba • iv. Charles Green,' Jly. 19, 1814, rs. a banker at Mauch Chunk Pa m June 23, 1840, Sarah Smith, dg. of Geo. B. S., of New York, by' w * Joanna Vermilye, and had i. Wm! Erskine, May 21, 1841, d. Jly. »42 ■ ii. Chs. Green? Jan. 11, '43; in. Joanna Smith,* June 13 '45 ■ iv. Elizabeth Vermilye? May 30, '48, d. May 6, '53. 43. 150. Elisha, 5 jun., m. Mary Farnsworth, Apl. 29, l7G2,who d. Nov. 11, '65 He m. 2d, Abigail Stone, b. July 8, 1749, of Groton, m. June 4, '71 He rm. fr. G. to Chesterfield, N. H. He had, t. Hannah, Feb. 10 1763 224 rook w ooi). (1. yg. ; 2d, Mollv,' ; Oct. 20, '64, d. yg. ; in. Elisha, 6 Apl. 16, '72, d. Sop. 9, 77 ; iv. Erame, 6 July 21, '73, ra. Deraatus Bennet, of Brattleboro'.Vt., and d. Feb. 4, 1810, without issue; v. Mary, 6 Aug. 13, '7a, d. July 15, 1818, m. Roswell Parker, of Putney, Vt., had Emme, 7 m. Josiah Aiken ; vr. Abigail, Sep. 10, '76, d. Sep. 7, '77 ; 155. 151. vn. Elisba, 6 Kev., D. D., m. May 9, '78, Susanna B. Parkman ; 161. 152. vin. Wm., 6 July 27, '80, m. Anna Horton ; 168. 153. ix. Jobn, 6 July 7, '82, m. Sally Green, of Westmoreland ; 174. 154. x. Otis, 6 Rev., A. M., May 1, '91, m. Maria Johnston. 151. 155. Elisba, 6 D.D., orad. atDar. Col., 1802, and became one of its tutors for two years. He was ord. at Westboro', Mass., Oct, 28, 1808, m. Oct. 5, 1809, Susanna Brigham Parkman, dg. of Breek P., Esq., and grd. dg. of Rev. Ebenezer P., the first minister of W., and b. Apl. 13, 1782, and d. June 4, 1830. He next m. Feb. 21, 1838, Emily W. Herrick, b. Dec. 18, 1798, dg. of Abel Wilder, of Keene, N. IF, and wid. of Rev. Osgood Herrick, formerly of Millbury. Mr. Rockwood continued the minister of W. for the now remarkable term of 27 years, where his labors were greatly blessed and an amount of good accomplished through his instrumentality, to be measured by no scale in an angel's hand. Long may he survive, the object of our gratitude and reverence, until we salute him as our father, where sacred ties ^hall be sundered no more. He was dismissed from W., March 11, 1835, and installed at Swanzey, N.H., Nov. 16, '36, where he continues his labors with great acceptance, though now in his 77th year. He had, at W., i. Elisba Parkman, 7 June 19, 1811, d. Jan. 22, 1828. 157. 156. ii. Wm. Otis, 7 Feb. 12, 1814; in. Susanna < Brigham,' Oct. 1,1815, d. May 12, '43, m. Dea. Christopher C. Denny, of Keene, Oct. 10, '37, had, Henry Rockwood* Feb. 22, '39 ; iv. HannahAbiga,il, 7 Feb. 1, 1817, m. Feb. 1G, '42, Dexter Brigham, jun., of Harnden & Co.'s Express, and had, I. Susan Emily? Apl. 19, '46, d. Au*. 27, '46 ; n. Rockwood? July 27, '48 ; v. Robert Sreck, Jan. 17, 1S22, d. Jan. 17, '22. 156. 157. Wm. Otis, 7 m. Dec. 6,1842, Helen-Mar More, of Quincy, 111., pre- vious of Auburne, N. Y., settled in Indianapolis, Ind., and had, I. Helen- Mar, 8 Sep. 13, 1844 ; n. Susan Brigham, 8 June 8, '46, d. Apl. 7, '47 ; in. Wm. Elisha, 8 Oct. 26, '47 ; iv. Charles Brigham, 8 Nov. 7, 'o0 ; v. Brock Parkman, 8 Nov. 6, '51. 152. 161. Wm., 6 m. Dec, 1804, Anna Horton, from Brattleboro', who d. May % 1806. He m. 2d, Chloe Heminwav, Apl. 2, 1807, dg. of Jacob IF, Esq., of Bridport, Vt., and b. Oct. 19, 1787. He rs. a respectable farmer, at Bridport, had, i. Wm. Horton, 7 by 1st w., who m. Susan G. West, dg. of John \\ ., Esq., ot New York, and rs. in N. Yk. a merchant ; ii. Elisha Heminway, 7 M. D., Jan. 6, 1808, m. Eliza Thompson, dg of Judge Amos T., of Poultney, Vt., and is. in Newark, N. Y., where he has a good practice and standing in society, lie had, i. Wm. T., s Jan. 17, 1836 ; ii. Harriet Grace? Nov. 13, 1840 ; in. Derastus Bennett, 7 Apl. 15, 1810, m. Mary Flinn, of Buffalo, r. Chi- cago, engaged in Lake navigation ; iv. Henry Otis, 7 Dec. 17, 1812, ra, Eliza A. Martin, r. New York ; ROCKWOOD. 225 v. Daniel Parker, 7 May 27, 1815, m. Oct. 24, '48, Sarah B. Wilder, dg. of Abel W., of Kcene, N. H., r. Bridport, and lias Brigham 8 b. Sep. 8, '49 ; Elizabeth IF., 8 b. Nov. 1, '50; Jamie, 8 b. Jan. 21,' 53 ; vr. Charles Almeron, 7 Aug. 29, 1817, m. Emeline Barker, of Fredonia, N.Y., and r. a merchant at Cincinnati, O. ; vn. Harriet Ann, 7 Mar. 27, 1821, m. Nicholas W. West, of New York, and d. without issue, Jan. 9, '41 ; vni. Susan Elizabeth, 7 Oct. 13, 1823, m. Chs. N. Hayward, of Bridport. 153. 168. Jobn, G m. June 26, 1817, Sally Green, dg. of Cpt. Levi G., of Westmore- land, resided on the paternal farm in Chesterfield until 1835, when he rm. to Ottawa, 111., where he now resides. He had, i. Mary Abigail, 7 Sep. 5, 1818, m. Sep. 18, '44, Rev. James Bice Dunn, of Collinsville, 111. ; ii. Elisha Green, 7 Mar. 11, 1820, d. Jan. 29, '21 ; m. Martha Elizabeth, 7 Nov. 8, 1821, d. Nov. 20, '29; iv. Laura Maria, 7 May 28, 1823; v. Loring Otis, 7 May 28, '23 ; vi. John Adams, 7 July 3, '25, m. May 23, '50, Sarah Jane Lewis, of Berwick, 111., dg. of John L., had, Emily Beach 8 June 1, '51, d. July 21, '54 ; vn. Wm. Henrv, 7 Nov. 21, '26; vni. Levi Green, 7 Mar. 13, '29, d. Feb. 19, '36; ix. Efisha Earl, 7 Sep. 29, '34. 154. 174. Rev. Otis Rockwood, A. M., graduated at Midd. Col., Vt., 1813, and at the Theol. Sem., Andover, 1817; after which he spent six months in the 1st Cong. Socy. in Charlestown, where he had a call to settle as Colleague Pastor with the Rev. Dr. Morse, and at the same time a call from the 1st Cong. Chh. and Socy. in Lynn. After due deliberation he concluded to accept the latter, and was ordained July 1st, 1818. He found that ancient and venerable chh. in very depressed and disheartening circumstances, being reduced to 40 members, only 8 of whom were males, and the Socy. much embarrassed with debt ; and their house of worship so much dilapidated as to be deemed unworthy of repair. During his ministry there of 14 years, the chh. was increased to 130 members — their pecuniary obligations discharged and their house of worship rebuilt. In Dr. " Cooke's Centuries " in Lynn, there is an interesting notice of Mr. Rockwood's ministry in that city, from which the following is an extract : " But the true importance of the work which he did here consisted in break- ing the force of the tide which was bearing all to destruction, and beginning to set it an opposite direction. He found here a church having but two praying families, and left it with many. He found few minds evincing an attachment for the doctrines of the cross, and left a church prepared to unite in a successor who gave fearless utterance to those doctrines. He found the church declining in life and strength, and left it in a state of thrift and rapid increase. And he has been honored of God to break the succession of an erroneous and life-depressing ministry, and head a new series of the preachers of the truth, to whose labors God will attach his blessing ; and whoever comes in after generations to write the history of this church, and trace events as time will then have developed them, will trace great results to causes which had their spring under his labors. " The honor which the providence of God put upon his ministry was this, that it was the turning point of life to an apparently expiring church. He sacrificed his own interests, and perilled his prospects of a happy settlement in the ministry, to make here what was thought to be the doubtful experiment whether this church could live. Such instances of self-sacrifice on the part of ministers are little thought of. With most it is taken as a first principle 29 226 ROCKWOOD. that ministers have a selflsh motive for every act. And when he declined a call to one of the best churches in the State, that he might unite his fortunes here with an apparently linking cause, he had no credit for his self-denial : it was even turned to his disadvantage ; and many inferred that he must be a small affair if he would consent to labor here with such a forlorn hope of a church. So little do the world, judging others by themselves, appreciate the moral sublime in self-denial. But it matters not. He has not lost his reward. Events in after years will show — they have already begun to show — more good accomplished, that is, more honor achieved, by that self-sacrific- ing ministry than is ordinarily secured by a ministry in our largest churches. God has honored him by setting him at the head of a many-branching stream of life-giving influence here, where children and children's children will sec cause to call him blessed." The effect of the sea air upon Mr. R.'s health urged him to seek an inland situation, and his pastoral relation was dissolved, July 1st, 1832. He sub- sequently preached in Hopkinton, in Berkley, and Wayland, and in Canaan, N. Y., where he had invitations to settle. He was at length installed over the 1st Cong. Chh. in S. Woodstock, Ct., where he labored with success till 1844, when his ministerial relation was again dissolved. For several years past he with his family have had their residence in Boston. He m. Maria Johnston, July 28, 1819, dg. of Nathaniel Johnston, Esq., of Hillsboro', N. H., by w. Catharine Clark, and had, i. Nathaniel Johnston, 7 m. June, 1855, Emily Daniels; ii. Charlotte Clark 7 ; in. Edward Otis 7 ; iv. Abby Ann, 7 m. Hon. Edward Kent, r. Bangor; v. Catharine Elizabeth 7 . 54. 177. Benj., 6 m. Lucy Ware, b. Mar. 25, 1787, m. Jan. 17, 1810, dg. of Josiah W., s. in N. Wrentham, and had, i. Samuel, 7 Jan. 7, 1811. 181. 179. ii. Benj., 7 Nov. 8, 1812 ; 187. 180. m. Elisba, 7 Sep. 21, 1814; iv. Lucy M., 7 July 12, 1820, m. Ward A. Clark, Oct. '45, r. N. Wrenth., bad Willard P., Dec. 4, '46. 179. 181. Benj., 7 m. Sarah R. Pond, b. Jan. 15, 1815, m. Dec. 27, '35, dg. of Jacob P., by w. Rebecca , r. N. Wrentham, and had, i. Benj. H., 8 Jan. 20, 1839; n. Stephen T., 8 Jan. 18, '41 ; in. Sarah Maria, 8 Aug. 5, '43; iv. Nathan H., 8 Mar. 22, '46; v. Eunice A., 8 Oct. 27, '48; vi. Elisha W., 8 Mar. 10, '51 ; vn. Elijah C., 8 Oct. 9, '53. 180. 187. Elisha, 7 m. Elizabeth Hewins, b. Jan. 6, 1815, m. Oct. 21, '41, dg. of Ebenr. H., by w. Anna , r. N. Wrenth., and had, i. Edwin O., 8 Nov. 4, 1842 ; n. Walter H., 8 Aug. 23, 1850. 24. 188. Joseph Rocket, 4 was sent in early manhood to keep garrison at Oxford, and became enamored with the country, and resolved on settling there. After the dispersion of the French Huguenots and the acquisition of a title to O. by a second company of settlers, he was upon the ground, and on the 5th of Feb., 1715, in the first division of lands, drew 60 acres where Oxford vil- lage now stands, and in 1730, a 12 acre lot on the N. side of Great Swamp. He was unfortunate in his location, however rich might have been his soil, for the substratum was too coarse for capillary attraction, and in seasons of unfrequent showers he must have lost his crops. This was probably learned by experience, for his sons settled in other parts of the town, and particularly in the S. E. part. He must have been an acquisition to the strength of the settlement, for his mother was a Twitchell, and " if a Twitchell, strong," said . v<* ROCK WOOD. 227 the ballad of his day ; and several of bis grd. nephews, to my knowledge, had the strength of two common laborers, coupled with rare activity and modera- tion of diet. He m. Hannah , and had at O., Feb. 9, 1714-15, I. Sibila 5 ; it. Rebecca, 5 Dec. 4, 17; in. Mary, 5 May 11, '19; iv. Joseph, 5 Dec 11, '21, d. Dec. 11, '21; 191. 189. v. Joseph, 5 Dec. 7, '23, d. 1749; vi. Sarah, 5 Nov. 16, '26; vii. John, 5 Mar. 5, '30, d. Nov. 26, '35 ; vin. Hannah, 5 Dee. 12, '33, d. Sep. 26, '40 ; 192. 190. ix. John, 5 Nov. 7, '35. 189. 191. Joseph Rocket, 5 jun., d. a husbandman at 0., 1749, and his estate was appraised at £783, 19s. He m. Mary Pratt, Feb. 2, 1743-4, who m. 2d, Mr. Jedediah Barton, Apl. 27, '65. He had at 0., i. Hannah, 6 Mar: 14, 1745, m. Abner Claflin, '63; n. Rebecca, Feb. 21, '47-8. 190. 192. John Rocket, 5 m. Hannah Frost, June 14, 1753, who m. 2d, Wm. Lamb, '92. They had at Oxfd. ; 197. 193. i. James Frost, 8 Nov. 24, 1754, m. Sarah Pratt; 204. 194. ii. Joseph, Feb. 5. '57, m. Martba Shumway; in. Samuel, Dec. 1, '59, s. and d. at Fitz Wm., N. H. ; iv. Salmon, Mar. 15, '62; v. Sarah, 6 Aug. 25, '64, m. Theoph. Hamlin, '88, of Hallowell, Me. ; vi. Mary, Mar. 7, '67, m. Pettingale; vn. Hannah, 6 Mar. 21, '70, m. Amos Patridge, of Augusta, Me. ; vm. Salmon, June 9, '72, m. Sally Marsh, rm. and d. Augusta, Me. ; ix. John, 6 Dec. 27, '74, s. and d. at Belfast, Me.; x. Ruth, Mar. 27, '77, m. Moses Patridge, of Augusta, Me. 193. 197. James Frost Rockwood, m. Sarah Pratt, May 16, 1776, and had, 198. i. Frost 7 ; n. Elias 7 ; in. Warren 7 ; iv. Rebecca, 7 June 15, 1783, at Oxf.; v. Fanny, 7 July 12, '85; vi. Samuel, 7 Aug. 24, '87, m. and had John and Samuel; 202. vn. Rufus, 7 June 27, '89 ; 203. vin. John, 7 July 5, ? 91 ; ix. Sally; x. Mary. 194. 204. Joseph Rockwood, m. Martha Shumway, Nov. 11, 1779, and had at vi. Bet.-ey, 7 Aug. 24, '91, m. Ezra Davis, of Oxfd, Dec. 12, 1813, had, Ezra Davis, jun., who m. Ann Harwood, r. O., has Jane E?, Chs. H.\ Frank. P. 8 vn. Polly, 7 Mar. 24, '94, m. Asa Wood, of Thompson, Ct., Mar. 11, 1813, has 6 chd. ; vm. Josephus, 7 May 1, '97, d. unm. in Me. ; ix. Ruel, 7 June 13, '99, d. Jan. 20, 1802 ; x. Charles, 7 July 21, 1801, m. Jane McFarland, rs. in Hopk., and has Moses? Robert, 9 and Gibbs 8 ; xi. Hannah Frost, 7 June 27, 1804, m. Learned Sears, has 8 chd. 14. 207. Joseph Rocket, 3 who seems to have inherited the paternal seat E. of Men- don Village, had land assigned him 1707, and subsequently on the E. side of Bear Hill, then included in M. ; and in 1718 a lot E. of the village. He m. Mary . and had at M. i. Mary, 4 Jly. 31, 1690 ; n. Johannab, 4 Aug. 15, '92, m. Eliphalct Holbrook, Nov. 7, 1716; 214. 207?,. in. Joseph, 4 Aujr. 4. '94, d. Jan. 22, 1722; 216. 208. iv. John, 4 Aug. 22, '96; v. Margaret, 4 Feb. 8, '98-9; 228 ft o c k w o o d . 209. vi. Samuel, 4 Dec. 29, 1700, m. Elizabeth Wood, Apl. 9, '22 ; 210. vii. Josiah, 4 Sept. 10, 1702; vm. Trial, 4 Jly. 31, '04; 222. 212. ix. Richard, 4 Dec. 10, '0G, m. Sarah Thayer ; x. Susanna, 4 Oct. 15, '09 ; 224. 213. xi. Benjamin, 4 May 8, '11. 207J. 214. Joseph Rocket, 4 m. Elizabeth Turner, Nov. 28, 1717, and had at M., i. Joseph, 5 Oct. 25, 1719 ; n. Joseph, 5 Jly. 30, '22, posthumous. 208. 216. John Rocket, 4 jun., had land assigned him at Bear Hill, 1719, and after- wards. He m. Deborah , who d. Jly. 24, 1750. He next m. Mar. 18, '51, Elizabeth Daniels, wid. of Ephm. D. She d. '58, while he was still liv- ing. He bad at M., 227. 217. i. Ebenezer, 5 Sept. 7, 1718 ; 229. 218. ii. John, 5 Aug. 24, '21 ; in. Simeon, 5 Aug. 23, **** ; iv. Abigail, 5 Mar. 2, **** ; v. Mary, 5 Jly. 12, 1725, at Bell ; 257. 220. vi. Joseph, 5 Feb. 14, '28, at Bell., " d. Nov. 10, '78, in his 51st year ; " 221. vii. Reuben, 5 Jan. 26, '29-30 at Mendon, ra. Lydia Green, Sept. 11, '54, and had, i. Hanh., Dec. 3, '55 ; n. Lydia, Feb. 8, '57 ; vm. Margery, 5 Apl. 29, '32; ix. Deborah, 5 May, 2, '34. 212. 222. Richard Rocket, 4 m. Sarah Thayer, Feb. 12, 1729-30. He had, 223. i. Josiah, 5 Dec. 22, "1730-1." 213. 224. Benj. Rocket, 4 m. Margaret , who d. Oct. 9, 1739, and 2d, Meheta- bel , and had at Mendon in 1731, land assigned him on 2d Bridge River, near bis father's ; i. Johannah, 5 Nov. 30, 1735 ; n. Silence, 5 May 17, '45 ; in. Benj., 5 Jly. 10, '50-1 ; iv. Seth, 5 Jan. 17, '52, pr. '52-3. 217. 227. Ebenezer Rocket, 5 a cordwainer, d. Mar. 22, 1742. His estate was ap- praised by Saml. Hayward and Joshua Underwood, (fr. Holl.), at £36. His wid. Sarah administered. They had at M., 228. i. Ebenezer, 6 Oct, 6, 1740. 218. 229. John, 5 jun., m. Deborah , who in 1753 administered on his estate, inventoried Aug. 22, 1753, at £122 5s. She m. 2d, Amos Gates, who be- came guardian to her children by her 1st husband, viz. : i. Molly, b. Dec. 22, 1750 ; 231. 230. ii. Simon, b. Oct. 8, 1752, and d. at Green, near Erie, Pa., 1823. 230. 231. Simeon Rockwood, m. Damaris Olds, dg. of Silas Olds, of Brookfield, and resided successively at Brookfield, New Haven and Green, Pa., where his w. d. He had, 236. 232. i. John, 7 Aug. 8, 1772, d. Feb. 21, 184G ; n. Win., 7 who sailed from New Haven unm., was never heard from afterwards ; in. Simon Thayer, 7 Apl. 1795 or G, who became a soldier in the war of 1812, and afterwards re- moved with his parents and sister Sarah to Pa. He m. Mary Fenno, and rs. at Green, Pa.; iv. Polly, 7 d. ab. 1824, m. Carter, and had a large family at Brookfield ; v. Sally, 7 m. Levi Madden, fr., Hopk., and bad, i. Asia?; n. Africa? in. Euro-pi 1 ; iv. America? and v. Uzekiel 8 ; and d. at Green or Erie, ab. 1832 ; vi. Susan, 7 m. John Stoddard of Brookfield, and rra. N. Y. ; vn. Zeruiah, 7 d. unm. 1826, at Sturbridge ; vm. Bathsheba, 7 m. Newton, and r. Mass. ; ix. Damaris, 7 d. 1826, m. Foster Newton, r. Brookfield ; x. Deborah, 7 m. John or David Edwards, r. Rockdale, Pa. uockwood. 229 232. 23G. John, 7 m. Hannah Upham, dg. of Nathan U., of Brookfield, and r suc- cessively at B., Warren and Munson, where they both deceased. They h-id i. Bathsheba,* Jan. 4, 1797, m. Orin Coy, r. Munson, had i. Ghs. F.» Mar. 7, 1821, d. Feb. 15, '52; n. Ann Maria 9 Nov 11 23, m. James II. Beach, of Plym., Ct. ; in. Wm. Hurley? Sen 13' 2o, d Jly. 26, '49; iv. Henry W.? Apl. 4, '29, m. Hanh M. Clove*' n. Maria, 8 Jly. 30, 1799, um. ; J « lr u H oT£'r 8 AP n 8 «! 18U3 ' IU - Ma ^ ParS ° nS ' d & 0f AmaS * *•> Of Spring- field; 2d, Mary C. Sargent from Brattleboro', and 3d, Susan Sargent from do., rs. as a landlord at Hartford, Ct., and has, 1. John Thos. ; 11. Thos. II. ; in. Fred. S. ; iv. Franklin B. ; iv. Caroline, 8 June 20, 1805, m. Apl. 4, '20, Amos Ellis ■ v. Chester, 8 Mar. 22, 1808, d. Aug. 13, 1813 • vi. Gilbert/ Rev Aug. 29, 1811, m. Avis Bowman Hooper, clg. of Isaac H., of Braintree, Oakham and Boylston, by w. Sarah Wood, and r a Mis sionary among the Tuscarora Indians, N. Y. He had, 1. Sarah 9 Nov 18 1838 ; 11. Gilbert? Aug. 28, '40 ; in. Harlan? May 11 '42 • iv. John? Apl. 24, '44 ; v. Avis Maria? Apl. 3, 46 ; ' «™ r, VH - Laura > 8 J1 y- 17 » 1814, m. Samuel Wellington Bliss, r.' SDrin*fieM 239. 8 John Thayer, 8 Oct. 2, 1817, w. Caroline A. Granger, » June 29 '42 d May 26, '43 ; and 2d, Caroline Stebbins, b. Nov. 24 18^3 m Sen"^/ '45, r. a merchant at Springfield, had, ' ' F ' ' 1. John Granger? May 18, '43, d. Aug. 20, '43 ; n. Mary E 9 Anl 20, '47; in. Martha G.? Oct . 25, '49; iv. John F? May 5,\l. 78. 240 Hezekiah Rockwood, c m. ElizabetlTTVood, 17S4; 2d, Betsy Leland, d ff . of Adam L., of Sherborn, and had at Upton, 1. Ezra/ Nov. 30 1785 A unm Jly 27 1804 ; n. Betsey/ Oct. 10, '87, d. unm., Mar. 23, 1808 '92 dTnm ' ' "' *" HaVen ' ° f H ° pk - ; IV< Le ^ 7 Jan. 25, 243. 242. v. Pearly/ Dec 7, '93, d. June, 1839; vi. Comfort/ Mar. 3 '90 m Lambert Pierce, r U. ; vii. Anna/ May 19, '98, d. 1854, m. Philo. Fisher" r. Frank. ; vm. Lovisa/ Aug. 2, 1801, d. yg. ' 242. 243. Perley/m. Prudence Ward, and had at U., 1. Ezra, 8 Sep. 2 1819 m Amanda Starkey; n. Melita W., 8 Sep. 12, '21, m. Richard p P Harrin.t'on • 245. in. Alanson P., 8 Aug. 2, '23, m! Betsey M. Fisk ; had at U g ' „ _ r ' teg*™ M.? Sep. 3, '44 ; n. Lelia A.? Nov. 25 '40 • 246. iv. Pardius N., 8 Aug. 26, '25, m. Susan Ann Taylor, r. U • ' v. Betsey, 8 m. Geo. A. Corbin, (d.,) r. Milfd. ; vi. Melissa, 8 d.'y*. • vn. Sehna A., 8 m. Lyman Gleason ; vm. Phylira A., 8 r. unm. U • ix. Winslow, 8 d. yg. ' 79 ' 2 B^eS^r BCar Hm **™^ and U P ton ' and h ? »■ Ttankfal 250. 248. 1. Lewis/ m. Julia Haggles, 2d, Sarah Monro ; n. Emily/- ;4J. in. Josiah Adams/ m. Esther Fisk, inherits the homestead at Bear Hill resides Upton. ' 248. 250. Lewis Rockwood/ of Upton, m. Julia Ruggles, d. June 18, 1823, and -d, barah Monro, and had, 1. Lewis Lcander, 8 Apl. 17, 1810 m Marv A. Morse, r. U. and Hoi., bad, [ ' ary X ;H el ™^nn <7./Jly. 13, '34; it. Oscar Leandcr M* Feb 21 61, r. Holl. ; in. Mary Ann? r. U. ; iv. Edwin? d. yg. • 230 ROCK WOOD. ii. Charles R., Apl. 22, 1812, d. yg. 252. in. Tho. McD., 8 Jan. 13/15, m. Sarah Lackey, r. U. ; iv. Levi R., Jly. 30, '17, m. Maria Slocum, r. U. ; v. Calvin R., 8 Mar. 15, '20, m. Ann Maria Aldrich, r. Worcester; vi. Julia Ann, 8 June 18, '23, m. Lewis Woodward, r. U. ; vn. Francis A., 8 June 14, '24, m. Julia Lackey, r. TJ. ; vin. Sarah C, 8 Apl. 17, '26, m. Tho. Aldrieh, r. Worcester; ix Jame3 A., 8 Aug. 13, '28, m. Jane M. Walker, r. U. ; had, I. Clara E.? Jan. 19, '49 ; x. Clarissa, 8 m. Albert Pierce, r. U. ; xi. Esther, 8 m, Willard Comce. 82 256. John Rockwood, 6 m. Lydia Whitney, b. Dec. 10, 1783, m. Mar. 19, 1804, r. Hopk., had, i. Emily, 7 May 27, 1805, d. Nov. 3, '40, m. Elijah Forbush, r. U. ; had, Melissa E., s Oct. 17, '27, d. May 18, '42; ii. Deb. #, 8 June 7, '32, d. Apl. 12, '42; ii Deborah 7 Au". 3, 1807, d. Jly. 12, '32, m. Joshua Picket, r. H., had, John i?., 8 Fib. 9, '33 ; in. Betsey, 7 Jly. 13, 1809, d. Aug. 13,1813; iv. Gregory S.,' Jly. 28, 1811 m. Silence Brown, Apl. 11, 33, r. Natick., has, i. Jane Maria? Feb. 14, '34 ; n. Geo. £., s Oct. 3, '35 ; in. Ann E., s Sept. 16, '37 ; iv. Harriet C., 8 Sep. 25, '40. 2 9 257, Joseph Rocket, 5 m. Alice , settled in Bellingham and had, 261 °5S' i Levi e Dec. 10, 1751, d. June 15, 1806, m. Deborah Lazell ; XI.' Deborah, June 17, '54, d. Oct. 3 9, '79, m. Robt. Batty; in. John, 6 March 19, '56, d. Dec. 9, '86, drowned at sea ; iv. Alice, 6 Mar. 2, 58, d. 1842, m. John Cook of B., had no issue; v. Joseph, 6 Apl. 14, '60, d. Oct. 6 '78, on returning from the army ; vi. Melatiah, 6 Apl. 14, 'G2, m. Asa Holbrook, 2d, Caleb Adams, rs. Bell. ; vn. Cephas, 6 May 25, '66, d. Dec. 10, '86, drowned at sea ; vra. Daniel, 6 Feb. 24, '68, m. Lovice Pond, Feb. 1$, '93, had Alice, d. at Chicago, 111. 258 261 Levi Rockwood, 6 w. Deborah Lazell, b. 1750, d. 1807, r. Bell, had, i. Rachel, 7 Jly. 31, '74, d. Apr. 6, 1852, m. Levi Thompson, r. near Lock- nort N Y.; ii. Susanna, 7 May 21, '76, d. 1840, m. Nahum Holbrook, r. Adamsville, N. Y. ; in. Hannah, 7 May 2, '78, d Nov. 18, '78 ; 272. 262. iv. Joseph, 7 March 18, '80, d. Apl. 29, 1854 m. Anne Chilson,r. Bell.; 263. v. Levi, 7 May 24, '82, d. 1839, m. Tryphena Holbrook, r. Boston, N. ¥.; 264 vi Nathan, 7 Nov. 4, '84, r. Boston, near Buffalo, N. Y.; 267 265. vn. Martin, 7 March 29, '87, m. Abigail Bates, 2d, Lois Hitchcock ; * 266. vin. Reuben, 7 . Dec. 26, '90, r. Eden, N. Y., near Buffalo. 265. 2G7. Martin, 7 Dea., w. Abigail Bates, m. March 29, 1810, r. Bell; 2G8. i. Horace, 8 Aug. 29, 1811, m.ElizaSmith r. Bel; ii. Caroline B., 8 Apr. 25, '13, m. Pelatiab S. Bates, r. B. ; in. Martin, 8 Sept. 12, 14 m Julia Cook, 2d, Lydia Phelps, r. B. ; it. Abigail Legg, 8 Sep. 2o 10 (d)m. George Darling; v. Sena E., 8 Dec. 2, '19, d yg. ; vi. E hzabeth 8 Feb 27, '22 m. Silas F. Thayer, r. Ashland; vn. Varnum B., 8 Oct. 10, 24, m. Julia Burr, r. B. ; Tni. Calvi n N., 8 Aug. 12, '30, m. Jane Fornstall, r. B. 262. 272. Joseph, 7 w. Ann Chilson, Oct. 28, 1783, r. Bell bad, i Lucena, 8 Oct. 18, 1800, r. Bell; n. Preston, 8 Aug. 2, '08, r. Bell ; in. Artemon , 8 Dec. 23 '10, r. Bell. ; iv. Susan, 8 May 15, '13, d. Aug. 22, '43, m. E. N. .Paine, E«q. of Blackstone; v. Maria, 8 Oct, 13, '15, ni. do. ; vi. Joseph Monro, Jly. 1, 18, m. Elizabeth II. Bixby, of Newton ; and had, ROCRWOOD. 2$0\ 92,28.?. Nathan Rock wood/ d. nt Hopk. Aug. 7. 1841, m. Joanna Day, who d. Oct. 26, 1804 ; aud lid, Olive McFarland. Nov. 10. 1805; had i Deborah,' Sep. 20, 17! »5. n. Dexter/ Dae. .">. '97. nx. Bttoej,' Jane 18, 1800. iv. Erekiel Day," Feb. 23, 1802. re. S.boro', m. Ann S. Williams-.' | p. 264), had 1, Charles Henry,* Apl 13, 1820. 2, Alfred Elliot, 1 Apl 28, 'S3. 3, Edward Payson/ Aug. 7, '35. 4, Justin Ed- wards.-' Oct. 5, '39. v. Joanna,' July 23, 1804. vi. Nathan." Sept. 11, 1S0G, d. 1851 vn. Emily A., 8 Mar. 30, '08. vm. Sophia," Mar. 21, '1(1. IX. Charlotte.' May 12, '12. x. Fanny W / July 9, '14, d. '52. XL Olive, May 23, '10. xii. Lucrotia, Juno 17, '19. 19- .2,7. James Frost Rockwood/ dropped his first name, served as a soldier in the Revolution, and d. at Worcester, Mar. 0. 1842, a. 87 yre., 7 mo. In 1800 ho abandoned the use of spirituous liquors, and for 12 yrs.' was a consis- tent temperance man. In 1833 he became a devoted member of the Old South Chh. in W., and d. longing to depart and be with his Redeemer. He m. May IT,. 1776, Sarah Pratt, b. at Hopk., Jan. 18, 1758, d. Nov. 1845, had i. Ejus ' Jan. 1, 1778, d. Feb. 24, 1S34, at Augusta, N. Y., m. Polly Rlenden, and had Samuel; and 4 das. H ii. Sally/ Oct. 11, 1779, m. Jes. Smith, of W., and had 1 son" and 5 das' in. barren.' July 22, 1781, d. Oct. 28, 1851. iv. Rel>ecca/ June 15, 178-i. m. Jona. Morrison, of Peterboro', N. H., and 2d, All.ina Fairbanks, of Smithfield, N. Y., and had by the former, 3 son,: and by the latter 2 sons" and 1 da,» and rs. a wid. with her s. Ira Fairbanks, at Wooster, O. v. Geo. W./ July 12, 1785, a twin, and d. July 14, '85. vi. Fanny P., 7 July 12, J 85, rs. unm. at W. tii. Samuel/ Aug. 24, 1787, m. Hanh Rasset, fr. New Salem ; rs. Sheri- dan, N. V., had 1, Samuel,* Warren; and 2 more sons* and 3 dqs* viii. Rufus,' June 27. 1780, m. Clarissa Glover, and 2d, Sally (Wilson) Adams ; re. Leicester; had by the former 1, Iienr V ; 2, Sarah? 3, Wil- ham, 4, Charles: 5, Francis; 0, Eliza; 7, Geo. IK/ b. Jan. 18, 1828; re. .Newton Falls, m. Mary A. Martin, had Ada," (d.) Clarissa,' (d.) ix. John ' July 5, 1791, d. July 24, 1841, m. Abigail Witt, fr. Dana; rs. Petersham, had 1, John; and 3 das. 1 x. Frost/ June 10, 1703, m. at Elkland, Pa. Junia Osterbout ; rs. Nel- son. Tioga Co., Pa. ; had 1, Sarah F., s Oct. 1825; m. Mar. 12, 49 >( Clius. Hoyt, of Elkland, and has two did./ 2, Mahala; Feb. 28, '27, m. Apl., '4»;, ( )rrin Crandall, and d. Apl. 22, '51, leaving larker/ William, 1 * and Emogine," 3, Emily; May 15, '29, d. Mar. ,J\ 7; 4 ' rAwrr «. s Nov. 14, '31 ; 5, Gervsha; Aug. 15, '34 : 6, Phebe Ann; oct. 24, '37. * xi. Mary Eddy/ Sept. 17, 1795, re. unm. at Worcester. !83 Satnuel/ Dea. d. May 29, 1804, w. Lucy Hubbard, dg. of Nathan fc i>7 a , Q ,0fl * r °! 0n ' andb - An *29. 1757; m. Jan. 19, '80, 40,283. ft"? it, 1048, r. (f. bad i. Samuel/ Nov. 19, 1781, d. May 9, 1851, m. No. 19, 1818, Anna Houghton, b. Apl. 4, 1781, at Winchester, N. H. d. May 3, 1834, and 230J ROCKWOOD. 2d, Lucy Weston, Mar. 12, 1840, who was b. Mar. 11, 1789, and d. Apl. 15, 1843, and had 1. Samuel Curtis, 7 Jan. 4, 1820, rs. unm. at Springfield, an armorer, and machinist, and efficient member of the Cong'l Chb., has taken much interest in his genealogy, restored and published that of his brothers and cousins, as here introduced, but has been betrayed by another into statements relative to his Puritan sire, unauthorized by records or reliable traditions. 2. Albert Smith, 7 Mar. 10, '23; m. at Palmer, Nov. 27, '51, Har- riet Josephine Clark, b. at Dedh. Mar. 15, '32, rs. at Beaver Dam, Wis. and had Albert E., 8 July 16, '53, d. Jan. 12, '55, and Carlos Smith, 8 Oct 23, '54. 3. James Sidney, 7 Aug. 21, '24 ; rs. Beaver Dam. ii. Sewell, 6 June 22, 1783, m. Jan. 11, 1814, Lucy Moors, dg. of Jo- seph M., Esq., of Groton, and b. Dec. 26, 1700, d. Feb. 5, 1855 ; re. G., had 1, Caroline 7 June 9, 1816, and 2, Charles, 7 Sept. 30, '22. in. Elisha, 6 Dec. 11, 1784, d. Dec. 13, '86. iv. Lucinda, 6 Nov. 8,' 86. v. Curtis, 6 Aug. 22, '88, d. Sept. 7, 1843. vi. James, Sept. 9, '90, d. July 28, '95. vii. John 6 , June 29, '92, m. Jan. 23, 1823, Christiana Patterson, at Lu- nenburg, b. Apl 29, 1800 ; had 1, Walter P., 7 Jan. 4, '24, d. Apl 9, '55, m. Aug. 18, '50, Nancy, Shumway, fr. Townsend, Vt., b. Mar. 31, 1814 ; had Agnes Sophia, 8 Mar. 2, '52, d. Feb. 18, '53, and Ann Walter, 8 Apl 11, '55. Till. Thomas, 6 Apl 7, 1794, d. Aug. 17, '95. ix. James, 8 Feb. 4, 1797. x. Abel, 6 Jan. 27, 1799, d. Nov. 21, 1828. No. 249. 294. Josiah Adams Rockwood, 7 Esq., a gent, of standing and respec- tability, inherits the enviable place of his ancestors at Bare Hill,* which about 1779 was detached fr. Hopk. and annexed to Upton. May 26, 1714, the G. C. confirmed to Wm. Torry a grant of 515 acres near Mendon, on the road fr. M. to Marlboro'. In 1718-19 Eben'r Cook and Benj. Thayer gave a quit claim of their interest in this tract to Oliver Hayward, of Bell, who in 1716 had rec'd fr. his father, Wm. H., another quitclaim to the same. Mar. 17, 1720-21, Oliver H. for £143 sold 533J acres of this land to Lt. (Rev.) John Rockwood, 3 and Jasper Adams, then " both of Medway." Apl 15, 1729, Jasper A., reserving 142 acres of the E. part, gave Lt. R. a quit claim to the remainder, who Dec. 4, 1729, deeded to his s. John* 291 acres of the original grant, who ab. this time took possession and began im- provements. Jan. 10, 1759, John R.' gave his s. John 5 a deed of half his real estate of 244 acres in Hopk. and elsewhere," who by his will in 1 78G left it to Josiah and his oth- er sons, through whom most of it has passed into the hands of the present occupant, who has only adopted children to possess it. No. 275. 295. Joseph Monro, by w. Elizabeth II. Bixby, had (see page 231.) ERRATA. No. 146. EbenezerRockwood, 6 Esq. m. Sept. 9, 1S07 , Elizabeth Breese Hazard, (not Abigail) b. at New York, and had 1, Abigail Arthur/ Sept. 22, 1808 ; 2, Ebenezer Hazard, 7 Aug. 1, 1810; 4, Charles Greene. No. 75. 2d line, for Mendon read Hopk. No. 83. " Benj. 3 ?" was not the s. of John, 4 but pr. of Benj. No. 72. No. 89 before which for 259 read 113. * There was another Bare Hill in Mendon, now Milford. RUSSELL. • 231 i. Ann Elizabeth, 9 May 10, '43; n. John, Feb. 10, '46 ; lit. Lydia Maria, May 31, '48; iv. Susan Alice, Apl. 5, '51 ; v. Mary Agnes, Dec. 10, '53 ; vn. John, 8 Jan. 25, '21, m. Mary Eay, rs. Milford ; vin. Emily, 8 June 2, '23, m. Joseph Hay, of Blackstone ; ix. Abby A., 8 May 30, '26, m. L. Halsey Cook, of Milford. GRADUATES. No. 140. Ebenezcr Rockwood, A. B., Harvard University, 1773. 142. Ebenezcr Hockwood, A. B., Harvard University, 1802. 151. Elisha Hockwood, A. B., Dartmouth College, 1802. 144. Daniel Hockwood, A. B., Dartmouth College, 1811. Joseph Rockwood, A. B., Dartmouth College, 1837. 145|. Lubin Burton Rockwood, A. B., Dartmouth College, 1839. 139. Samuel L. Rockwood, A. B., Amherst College, 1836. 154. Otis Rockwood, A. B., Middlebury College, 1813. 146|. Ebenezer Hazard Rockwood, M. D., Yale College, 1832. Cephas L. Rockwood, A. B., Middlebury College, 1808. James Russell, Esq. and Dea. ; pr. of the distinguished family of this name, early in Charlestown, and perhaps s. or neph. of " Mr." James Russell, of Medford, 1690, came fr. Marblehead to H., s. as a blacksmith where Col. Whiting rs., opened the first house of entertainment in II., was chosen Dea., June, 1748, and was the first magistrate appointed in H. He was of a generous and hospitable disposition, and seems to have been a man of refinement. He d. Sept. 16, 1777, a. 62. He m. Nov. 24, 1737, Abigail Lovet, whose family are reported to have been from Salem, but quite as probably from Braintree, and of the same stock as the Lovets of Mend. She had many sisters, and if H. and S. then had an aristocracy, they belonged to it. Dea. R. had i. Mary, Aug. 18, 1738, m. Samuel Park, Esq., of H; n. Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1739, m. James Mellen, of Hopk., had i. David, M. D., who d. at Hudson, N. Y., a. 83 ; n. Win., who d. at do., a. 60; in. James, whos. at Spafford, N. Y. ; iv. A dg., who m. Rev. Dr. Fisk, of New Braintree, and now living, in. Lovet, Mar. 4, 1741-2, d. Apl. 5, '45 ; iv. John, June 24, '44, d. Sept. 21, '45 ; v. Abigail, Apl. 13, '46, m. " Mr." Jona. Russell, of Provi- dence, 1768, and was the mother of Hon. Jona. Russell, LL. D , who as U. S. Legatus Pacificus, signed the Treaty of Ghent, 1814. 1. Tho. Russell, from Woburn, s. on the S. E. side of Coarse Brook, where Capt. Amos Hill rs. His w., Hannah Cooledge, d. Dec. 21, 1800, a. 90. He d. prior to 1790; had i. Joel, Mar. 7, 1733--4, d. a. 115 ys., m. Rebecca , and had Edward, 1770, and removed ; n. Rebecca, Apl. 20, '35 ; in. Isaac, Sept. 27, '36 ; iv. Hannah, Jan. 27, '38-9 : v. Hannah' Feb. 21, '40-1 ; vi. Isaac, Nov. 21, '42, d. yg. 13. 4. vn. Tho., Dec. 13, '44 ; vin. Hanh., May 11, '46 ; ix. Sarah, Sept. 28, '48. 7. 5. x. Isaac, Lt., Mar. 8, '50 ; xi. Hanh., Apl. 2, '52, m. Sam'l Cooledge, '79 ; 6. xii. Samuel, Nov. 18, '54. 5. 7. Isaac, inherited and sold the homestead to John Hill, m. Hanh. Fairbanks, and had i. Isaac, 1778 ; n. James, Sept. 24, 1779 ; in. Rhoda, Apl. 28,' 232 SANGER. '81 ; iv. Polly, Apl. 15, '83; v. Persis, Mar. 15, '85; vi. Hanb., May 1, 1788. 9. Dea. Jona. Russell, (br. of Tbo. 1st,) s. N. E. of Farm Lake, and d. Aug. 21, 1775. His w. Mary Cooledge, m. Jly. 13, 1727, d. Jly. 18, 1771, a. 70. He was selectmau 10 ys., and 17 vs. Pea. in tbe ebb. He bad i. Mary, Dec. 11, 1728; ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 7, '30, m. Silas Stone, of Natick ; 19. 10. in. Jona. Apl. 5, '32 ; iv. Mary, Mar. 7, '33-4, d. 1826, a. 92, m. Hopestill Leland ; v. Sarab, Aug. 4, '36 ; VI. Judith, Oct. 30, '38; vir. John, Mar. 1G, '40--1, d. 1760, on his return fr. the army at Crown- point ; vin. Amos, Mar. 29, '45. 4. 13. Tho., w. Abigail; I. Daniel, Apl. 7, 1775; n. Joseph, Nov. 1, '76 ; in. Arnold, bp. Aug. 23, '78 ; iv. Tho., bap. Mar. 4, '81 ; v. Nabby, May 30, '83 ; vi. Shubael, bp. Nov. 20, '85. 10 19. Jona., w. Elizabeth Daniels, who d. May 13, 1793. Tbey had in S., I. John, Dec. 1, 1769, d. yg. ; II. Jona., Apl. 3, '72, inherits the home- stead at the farm ; in. Anna, June 5, '74, m. Dea. Jeremiah Smith, Sept. 19, 1799, of Medfd. ; iv. Mary, Apl. 13, ; 76, m. Oliver Wight, Oct. 14, 1800 ; v. Joseph, Apl. 13, '76, d. yg. ; vi. Betty, June 15, '79, m. Oliver Wight, (not the above) ; vn. Julia, Feb. 3, '86, m. Solomon Bigelow, of Sh. tmtmt 4 1. Richard Sanger, if not a German by birth, had a German name, denoting minstrel, wbich did not occur in England much earlier than bis day, and wbich has not in the English world yet become common. In Germany it may be more ancient than Sangerhausen. Ricbard Sanger, tbe progenitor of the New England Sangers, embarked Apl., 1638, at South Hampton, settled as a blacksmith at Sudbury, 1646, took the oath of fidelity 1647, [Barry's His. of Fram.] removed 8, (9mo.) 1649, to Watertown, where he died, Aug. 20, 1690, leaving an estate, the inventory of which, though humble in°amount, shows tbat he bad, for bis day, tbe ordinary comforts and conveniences of life. To him and his two adult sons, with three others, was intrusted, during Philip's war, the charge of guarding the mill at Watertown. Richard, 1 w. Mary Rannals, 2d w., Sarah , r. Watertown, had, i. Mary, 2 Sep. 26, 1650, at Watertown, m. John Harris at W., 1670 ; 5. 2. ii. Nath'l, 2 Feb. 14, '51--2, d. ab. 1735, m. 1st, Mary, 2d, Ruth; 10. 3. in. John, 2 Sep. 6, '57, m. Rebecca Park, r. a blacksmith in W. ; iv. Sary, by 2d w., b. and d. '61 ; v. Sary, Mar. 31, '63, no further reported ; - 19. 4. vi. Richard, 2 Feb. 22, '66-7, d. Apl. 1, 1731, m. Elizabeth Morse, of Sh. vn. Elizabeth, 2 July 23, '68 ; vm. David, 2 Pec. 21, '70, d. 1695. pr. urn. 2. 5. Nath'l, 2 1st w. Mary , 2d w., Ruth , r. Sh., Roxb., Ms., Wood- stock, Ct. ; i. >Mehetabel, 1680, at Sberborn, and baptized atRoxbury, 1684; ii. Mary, 3 1681, at Roxb., and bap. 1684 ; in. Jane, 1683, bap. '84; iv. a son, bap. 1684, at Roxbury ; v. Nath'l, 3 1685 ; vi. Benj., 1688, bp. 1688, at R. ; vn. David 3 ; vm. Elizabeth 3 ; ix. Jona. 3 ; x. Eliazar, 3 who r. Hardwick, Petersham, and d. at Keene, N. H., Mar., 1765, a. 66, leaving a wid. Mary, who d. 1783, a. 80. [Barry's His. of Fram.] 3. 10. John, 2 w. Rebecca Park, r. a blacksmith at Watertown ; I. John, 3 Dec. 19, 1685 ; ii. Rebecca, Mar. 7, '88-9, m. Tbo. Flagg ; in. David, 3 Mar. 21, '97, m. Patience Benjamin, 1720, and had, i. John'; n. David 4 ; SANGE1I. 233 in. Win.* ; iv. Nath'l* ; v. Solomon*; vi. Sam*l* who m. Mary Fairbanks, 1757, 2d, Grace ; iv. Elizabeth, 3 born June 2, 1703, at Watertown, and no further reported. ' 4. 19. Richard,- came to Sherborn at the age of 21, with his brother N'athl, to establish the business of blacksmithing. He probably built his house on the North side of the common. A few rods further north, cinders reveal the site of his shop. After passing the customary year of probation, he was approved as a good and wholesome inhabitant, and presented, by a vote of the proprietors, July 1, 1689, with "20 acres of land and town rights in future with themselves ; he to bear proportionable charges with them in the town, having no power to sell, let, or give said land for the space of 7 years." He subsequently, and at different times, drew other lots. July 5, 1690, Edward West gave him a deed of 31 acres, i. e. 12 of meadow received by his wife from her father, Daniel Morse, (jun.,) and 19 of upland received from the town. This tract was bounded N. by West's land, which separated it from Rev. D. Grookin's ; " W. by the road (from the plain), to the Meeting house in part: S. by Jona. and Nath'l Morse's, and by common lands on all other parts." This includes the sight of Elbridge Sanger's buildings. — By common lands must be included the burying-ground which formed a part of the West boundary ; for Eleazar Morse in 1722, deeded to " Richard Sanger, 2 3^ acres, bounded E. by Richard's own land," and " N. with the common land reserved or set apart for the burying place,"* (see Mid. Re°\ of Deeds, Lib. 32), " W. by the highway leading from the Plain to the S. part of Slier., andS. by Wm. Barron's, the said land beingnear the Meeting house." Richard's 2 estate at his death was inventoried at £706, not including town rights and allotments at Douglas. He seems to have been a useful and respected citizen, and an exemplary member of society. To him was committed the sacred charge of taking care of the Meeting house, to which his was much the nearest dwelling. His children were, I. Elizabeth, 3 Ap. 2 or 16, 1693, d. 1775, unm. at Sherborn; n. Mary, Apt. 11, '95, m. Andrew Morse, 1745, d. without issue ; in. Hannah, Feb. 7, '97, m. Ephm. Twitch- ell, of Sherborn, Feb. 9, 1726--7 j iv. Esther, Oct. 20, '98, d. 1732, m. John Twitchell, of S., Feb. 2, '20-21, had David and Moses; v. Deborah, Aug. 5, 1701, d. Jan. 10, '27-8; . vi. Sarah, Feb. 10, '05, m. Nath'l Hollrook, Aug. 20, '28, r. Sherborn; 22. 20. vii. Richard, 3 Nov. 4, 1706, d. May 14, '86, reed, to chh. Jan. 23, '85 ; vin. Abigail, July 3, 1709, reed, to full communion in chh. Aug. 8, '36, pr. d. unm. ix. David, 3 Feb. 22, 1715, (yeoman) m. Bathsheba Pratt, r. Framingham. * Richard Sanger 2 having: become the proprietor on three sides of this Reservation, probably inclosed it with his own land, as in it few interments had yet been made. The town bein<* inter- ested in two older graveyards, and having no record of the reservation, neglected to fence it until it came to be regarded as private property. Capt. Samuel Sanger the 1st so regarded it' and repeatedly offered to give the land, if the town would inclose it. But they disregarded the offer, ;. nd he, for the sake of decency, inclosed the portion containing monuments, and used it as a private burying place ; and it has since, in opposition to the wishes and effoits of his heirs, been sold and subjected to profane trespass. But the sale, though ordered by a Jud<*e of Prob., will be set aside whenever the land is reclaimed, as it can be at any future time. Possession " for no period whatever " can give title to land set apart like this, whose bounds are ascer- tainable : and if the town has forfeited all moral right, then let them procure an act of the Le°\ vacating the land as a cemetery, and give a quit claim to the present occupants. Regard for justice and the peace of posterity may require it. 30 234 S A N GE R . 20. 22. Richard, 8 was a remarkable num. He inherited the combative, mirthful acquisitive, and persevering characteristics of his mother's race, and excelled them in enterprise. He was brought up to the business of his father, and continued to be styled blacksmith until thirty years of age. Soon after attaining his majority, he purchased of Rev. Daniel Baker, two acres on the west side of the road, opposite his father's land, bounded south and west by Baker, and north by James Coolidge ; and the next year commenced build- ing the north half of the Old Sanger House, now occupied by Mr. Joseph Sanger. At the age of 23 he m. Deborah, dg. of Hn. Wm. Rider, by w. Deborah Morse, (see " Mem. of Morses," p. 3,) and at the next town meeting received a certificate of his marriage in the customary form of an election to the office of hogreeve. About this time he seems to have come into possession of the five acre building lot of Rev. Daniel Gookin, now in the first lot on the east side of the way upon the plain north of the meeting bouse, and for some time to have lived in the Gookin house. This house stood upon an eminence near the north side of the lot, and about twenty rods east of the road. His shop stood between the house and highway. On the death of his father, two thirds of his real estate was assigned to him and his brother David, whom he, in 1735, bought out. He soon after took down the Gookin house, and erected and adjoined it to the south end of the tene- ment he commenced in 1729. This part of the house was built in 1679, and is 176 years old. Near it may still be seen, in the rear of Eldridge Sanger's house, the Old Gookin Barn, having by repeated demands for sound tenants to new sills, lost half of its lower story. In 1733, he purchased, for £63, of Edmond Quincy and William Brattell, commissioners for the sale of lands formerly given by the town to Rev. D. Baker, seven acres south of his own land, east of the road from the meeting house to the south end, north of the farm road, and Nathaniel Holbrook's land, and west of N. Holbrook's. In 1734-5, he bought of Rev. Wm. Cooper and Judith his wife, (the dg. of Chief Justice Sewall), 200 acres, or one half of the Hull Farm; Capt. Joseph Ware purchasing at the same time the other half. In 1737, he opened a store, which he seems to have left in the hands of another in 1747, when he removed to Boston, and for a short time did a large and lucrative business. The climate disagreeing with the health of his lady, he returned the next year to S., and here traded extensively in mer- chandise and real estate. He was at that day concerned in land speculations in Maine. He accumulated a lar^e fortune, which he divided among seven children, without reserving enomrh for protracted old age. Between 1740 and '67, he served the town ten years as selectman, and often acted as moderator at town meetings. He was a good whig, served on com- mittees to provide for the poor of Boston, in the time of the war, and to report on the services of soldiers employed by S. In 1776, he was the first man placed on the committee of safety with President Locke. His wife, the daughter of the accomplished surveyor and clerk, Wm. Rider, and the niece of Rev. Joseph Morse, of Stoughton, was a lady of uncommon dignity and excellence. Her library consisted of such works as Willard's Divinity, Flavel's and Tillotson's works, &c. From the markings in these volumes, I infer that she kept a theological school in the nursery, doubtless from the conviction that doctrine is the only foundation of correct practice. She d. Aug. 15, 1789, aged 79, but her influence survives to this day. Their children were, i. Zcdekiah, Nov. 27, 1730, d. Jan. 23, '35-5 ; II. Deborah, Mar. 4, '32-3, d. Feb. 2, '35-G ; S A N G E li . 235 _3p. _ issue; v. Daniel, 4 Feb. 13, '39-40, d. Sep. 27, 1807, m. 0. Hooker, r. Fram.; vr. Mary, Sep. 30, 1742, dan. Oct, 10, '42, 33. 25 Sarah Eames, r. Sherborn, New Hartford, N. Y. ; 40. 28. x. Asa, 4 May 19, '53, bap. May 27, '53, d. Feb. 14, 1839, m. Joanna Dana, of Natiek, r. Sh. 2:5. 2!'. sonaj Capt. Samuel Sanger, 4 senr., was distinguished for his athletic frame, per- nal dignity, moral integrity, courage, independence, and energy. During a long period of active life, he bore a conspicuous part in the civil transactions of Sherborn, and was eminently serviceable during the great conflicts for our liberties and the maintenance of the constitution against the rebellion of '87. Then it was, that his appeals, from the moderator's chair, were wont to rouse his townsmen to en- thusiasm in their country's cause ; so that no town of its size in this patriotic com- monwealth, went before S. in the number of volunteers for the public service, or in promptness in furnishing supplies. To him Pomologists owe the discoverv and first cultivation of the incomparable Porter apple. He inherited the ancient Sanger house, kept a small store and tavern, and once entertained Gen. Washington. As a landlord he did much to discourage idleness and excess. No man dared roll at his ninepins between one holiday and another. Gross offenders against decency and good order would hide from his presence, and feel more terror at his rebuke, than at any fulminations from S. pulpit. On the sabbath his bar was locked, and a key of gold could not open it ; yet his rooms were open and fires free during the interim of divine service, while a solemnity befitting the day, reigned throughout the house, and no discourse was entered upon which could interrupt him in hi> uniform practice of read- ing the Bible. His children, all by bis 2d wife, Abigail Whiting, a lady of eminent piety, were : i. Mary, 5 Nov. 6, 1757, bap. June 11, '58, d. Dec. 17, 1819, m. Moses Perry, 3:1, of S., and had Nathaniel, of Boston ; 43. 30. n. Samuel, 5 Capt., Oct. 23, '64, m. 1st, Mary Hart ; 2d, Margaret (Smith) Wyer ; and 3d, Elizabeth (Richardson) Coolidge, from Medway, and for 20 years a merchant in Boston ; 46. 31. nr. Calvin, 5 Esq., Oct. 10, '68, d. Nov. 5, 1835, m. Anna Phipps, dg. of Jed. P., (gn grd. nephew of Sir Wm. P.) by w. Sarah Learned, dg. of Capt. Edward L., by w. Sarah Leland, dg. of Ens. Henry L. by w. Mary Morse ; 50. 32 -_ n ;- Joseph, 5 June 24, '81, bap. July 1, '81, m. Sally Phipps, b. Jul. 7, 1783, grd. dg. of Jed. Phipps and Sarah Learned, and dg. of John P., by w. Hanh. Coolidge, dg. of Jo. C, by Elizth. Frost; and grd. dg. of Isaac C, Esq., and Hannah Morse. 25. 3;!. John, 4 Lt., s. with his father n. the ancient Phipps House, kept a store and tavern ; sold that place to Samuel Sanger, the late occupant, rm. to N. part of S., where he d. He was a man of integrity, a member of the chh.. and often one of the selectmen of Sh. He had by 1st w., 236 SANGER. i. Anne, 5 Dec. 17, 1769, bap. Dec. 25, '74, m. Josiah Perry; II. Abigail, 4 Aug. G, '72, bap. Dee. 25, '74 ; in. John, 5 Ap. 5, '77, d. '89 ; iv. Bonj., 5 Dec. G, '81, m. , had Thankful, w. of Lowell Bahcock ; v. Louisa, 5 Mar. 24, 1800, (by his 2d wife) ; vi. Evalina, 5 Feb. 20, '02, m. Joseph Sanger, of Sherborn ; vir. Jedediah, June 27, '05, d. Oct. 13, '25, um., at Sherborn. 2G. 34. Zedekiah, 4 Rev. D. D., grad. H. U., 1771, settled in the ministry at Dux- bury. From D. he rm. 1788 to S. Bridgewater, where he performed the la- borious duties of pastor until about 1820 ; and instructed a private classical school. He was highly esteemed for genius and learning, reverenced as a minister, and sought for as a counsellor. He had, i. Richard, Mar. 25, 1778, d. Jan. 1st, 1831. He grad. atH.U. 1800, where he became tutor ; m. Sally Tisdale, 1807 ; n. Deborah, Sep. 26, 1779, m. John Ames, jun., of Easton, 1799; in. Jos., Mar. 17, 1781, m. Hannah Marcy, of Plymo., r. Sullivan, N. Y. ; iv. Caroline, Sep. 5, 1782, in. Rev. Samuel Clark; 2d, Hon. Alvah Foot, of Burlington, Vt. ; v. Zedekiah, June 5, 1784; grad. at B. U., m. Sarah Kissam, r. merchant, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; 55. 38. vi. Ralph, Rev A. M., June 22, 1786, m. Charlotte Kingman, of East Bridgewater; vn. Samuel F., Feb. 3, 1788, m. Susan Alden, r. S. Bridgewater; vni. Irene, Oct. 19, 1789, died Oct. 2, 1789, at South Bridgewater; ix. Olivia, Oct. 8, 1790, m. George Moore, of Burlington, Vt., 1815; x. George P., Sep. 30, 1792, d. Aug. 24, 1818; xi. Sarah, Nov. 22, 1795, m. Wm. Henry Allen, of Providence, R. I., Nov. 3, 1833, and had Franklin Sterling, Apl. 4, '36; xn. Eliza, Mar. 16, 1797, d. um. Jan. 28, 1847 ; xin. John, andxiv. Martin, (twins) Nov. 22, 1798, d. Apl. 25, 1799 ; xv. John M., June 3, 1800, m. Mary Fuller, who d. Oct. '48, r. Sharon. 28. 40. Asa, 4 received a deed of half his father's home farm, and in 1775, com- menced the house in which his s. David resides, and had, i. Deborah, 5 Oct. 16, '73, m. Willard Hart, of Sherborn; n. Rebecca, 5 Feb. 18, '76, m. Eli Leland, of S. ; 60. 41. i;i. David, 5 Feb. 19, '78, m. Susannah Johnson of S. ; iv. Polly, 5 May 26, '80, m. Alpheus Ware of S. ; v. Calvin, 5 Sep. 2, '82, d. Aug. 9, 1831, m. Mary Goulding ; vi. Nancy, 5 Apl. 27, '85, m. Col. Alpheus Ware for 2d wife, r. Sherborn ; vn. Richard, 5 May 23, '90, m. Ruth Wood, had no children, r. Sherborn ; vni. Experience, 5 June 20, '92, m. Tho. Brick, of S. ; ix. Sally, 5 Feb. 27, '95, m. Lewis Brick, of S. 30. 43. Samuel, 5 Capt., formerly a merchant in Boston ; r. Sherborn, had i. Avery, 6 Jan. 1, 1788, became master of a vessel and d. at sea without issue; n. Ambrose, 6 Oct. 31, '89, died at sea, unmarried, aged 26 jears ; in. Lucy, 6 May 28, '92, d. June 22, 1843, m. Joshua Crane, r. Boston; iv. Abigail, 6 Dec. 17, '94, m. Geo. Howard of S., has only C/ias. Henry 7 ; v. Mary, 6 Mar. 23, '97, m. John Park of Boston, had, I. Mary C. 7 d. ; n. Abigail S. 7 ; in. John B 7 ; iv. Lydia Ann 7 ; v. Mary C 7 ; vi. Samuel Heart, 6 Jan. 16, 1800, m. Eliza Weston, r. Sh., had Samuel A. 7 Ann M. 7 Ambrose, 7 Abigail, 7 Wm. H. 7 Eliza 7 Mary 1 ; vn. Elizabeth, 6 Aug. 19, 1804, m. Joel Powers, r. Lowell, has Ellen M., 7 Mary A., 7 Wm., 7 Grant 7 ; vni. Wm. P. S.,° May 26, 1810, m. Martha Webb., Feb. 20, '34, r. Wash- ington city, had, i. Wm. Alex. 7 Nov. 3, '34 ; n. Geo. D. 7 Feb. 9, '37 ; ix. Sarah C., fi Oct., 1808, at Boston, and d. Aug., 1848, unm., at Sh. SANGER. 237 31. 46. Hon. Calvin Sanger, 5 of Sherbom, one of the most distinguished citizens who ever lived in this ancient town, was not born to an independency, nor favored with academical advantages above the youth of his day in the country. His constitution was naturally feeble, and his health too precarious to justify hopes of success in the toilsome pursuits of agriculture, then the only pursuit towards which the emulation of his associates was directed. Under circumstances thus adverse, he passed his minority without any regular initiation for cither mechani- cal, mercantile, or professional employments. But not more wisely adapted to benefi- cent ends, are nature's irregularities in the physical world, than are the dispensa- tians of Providence to develop talent when and where it is needed. Sherborn would soon want a leader. Her aged counsellor and guide, Daniel Whitney, Esq., was ad- vanced in years. Her social and civil order, which had been preserved with scarcely a temporary interruption, from the arrival of Nicholas Wood and his colony in 1G52, would be in danger. Her inhabitants, being an intelligent, strong-minded, and inde pendent yeomanry, would furnish numerous aspirants, with equal claims to office ; the political sophistries, and base appeals of Jefferson's pen, to the vilest passions and prejudices, were being circulated ; men were taking sides ; the political conflict was coming on ; and some man of master spirit would soon be needed for the good of all. Such a man could not be expected from abroad. There was nothing to allure him. One must be raised up among them, — a man of patriotism, honesty, and responsibility, of intelligence, modesty, and good address; and above all, one who could give the strongest reasons. Young Sanger was endowed with the natural gifts, and, in consequence of feeble health, subjected to the right discipline, to fit him for the service which his fellow citizens would require. Besides possessing the rare gift of an uncommon share of common sense, he had an active and discriminating mind, a tenacious memory, and a remarkably sound judgment. He was fond of books. He treasured up facts in history and political economy, and investigated the political questions of the day, which enabled to form and defend correct opinions. He acquired so much knowledge of law, as made him the Lawyer and draftsman of his community : and had he de-" voted himself to the legal profession, his judgment was so good, and his memory so capacious and ready, he could hardly have failed of eminence. As his health was improved by travelling, he was much abroad in distant States, and often in cultivated society, to which be owed, among other acquisitions, easy and polished manners, and the happy use of language. By intercourse with senior and maturer minds, he escaped every symptom of that vanity which is so liable to sprout in situations admitting few comparisons. Thus was he formed; and in 1806, as soon as Sherborn had need, they almost by acclamation placed him at the head of her public affairs. When a company of cavalry was first raised in S. and vicinity, he was elected Capt., and subsequently Col. of cavalry. In 1806, he was chosen to represent S. in the General Court, and for 30 years after, re-elected almost without opposition, as often as he would consent to be a candi- date, until he was advanced to the Senate ; and the records of the Legislature attest the high and continued confidence of that body in his wisdom and fidelity. He was appointed a magistrate about 1806, and acted in that capacity until his death. For more than 40 years he served the town in various minor offices, freely devoting a large amount of time and labor. He was Town Clerk in 1800, and for 25 years be kept her books in a model style. The plainness of his chirography, considering its range, will enroll him as a favorite with antiquarians. In his care for the public, he was vigilant, self-denying, and persevering, consulting the interest of the future as well as of the present. His earliest efforts at trade were directed to the purchase 238 SANGER. of soldiers' rights, choice tracts of land in "Western N. Y., and the township of San- gerville, and a part of (larland in Maine. In 1805, he opened a store in Sherborn, and for a series of years, did an extensive business, and established a high reputa- tion for honesty, fairness, and responsibility. During this period, above 20 farms in S., beside others in conterminous towns, passed through his hands ; and never, during this time, nor, on inquiry, since, have I been able to hear of those who ever charged him with fraud, or any act inconsistent with fair and honorable traffic. With him originated tbe first cotton manufactory in Framingham ; and other enter- prises, in the benefits of which, individuals and the public have largely participated. In all business transactions his honesty and judgment were universally acknowledged. Such confidence was reposed in him, that he was wont to be the first chosen to arbi- trate differences at home and abroad, and he was sometimes associated in such courts with the most eminent lawyers in Mass., where immense sums were in dispute. Col. Sanger possessed a large and liberal spirit. He never forgot the imperfect rights of the unfortunate, nor waited for their cries to pain him to action. He antici- pated their wants, sympathized with their feelings, and gave without ostentation, not in stinted measures, but heaped, and in proportion at least to his ample means. His history supplies no argument for agrarianism. All had reason to rejoice that he was rich, and all, honorably dismissed from his employ, were his fast friends. Tbe old adage that familiarity breeds disgust is founded in the fact, that human nature is so corrupt, that it loses more than it gains by inspection. But in reference to Col. Sanger, it is evident that those who knew him best, esteemed him most ; and none but an envious man can deny him great benevolence and extensive usefulness. In his domestic relations, he was true, affectionate, indulgent, and kind. He left a widow still living, and eight children, six of whom survive in houorable prosperity, testifying by their refinement and beneficence to the wisdom and care of a father in their nature and education. He had, i. Calvin Phipps, 6 Jan. 8, 1779, m. Mary II. Ingersoll, of Cbarlestown, N. H, had Geo. T. 7 grad. H. U. 1855, Chs. F 7 Edmond P. 7 James H. 7 Wm. H M., Calvin P. and r. a merchant, New York ; ir. Mary Ann, 6 Nov. 7, 1805, m. 1st, Eugene Bell ; 2d, James Lord, r. Fram., had Emily F. 7 and Henry G. 7 Bell ; Chs. L. 7 and Mary Agnes 7 and Isaac Sanger" Lord ; in. Maria, Oct. 2, '07, d. Oct, 14, '07 ; iv. Hamlet, 6 Nov. 13, '08, m. Sarah Ann Paul, had, i. George Henry 7 who r. New York ; n. Anna, m. Nathl. H. Dowse, r. Sherborn ; v. Hellen, 6 July 14, 1810, m. Wm. Mellen, merchant, r. New York, and had Ellen, d. agd. 2 years; vi. Ophelia, 6 Jan. 7, '13, m. Elbridge Sanger, of S. ; vii. Agnes, Apl. 9, '15, m. Horace B. Claflin, merchant, r. New York,- and had Horace B., Wm. B., and John Clafiin ; vni. Anna Phipps, 6 Sept. 8, '17, d. 1847, at Sherb. ; ix, Whiting Phipps, Aug. 14, '19, m. Lucy Tomlinson, had Anna P. S., Francis W., r. Cali- fornia ; x. Infant son, b. Mar. 4, '23, and d. unnamed. 32. 50. Joseph, 5 long and honorably associated with his brothers in trade, r. Sh., had, i. Elbridge, 6 June 8, 1805, m. Ophelia Sanger, had Agnes G. (d.), John Francis 7 (d.), Frederick Whiting 7 (d.), Agnes Clafiin, (d.), infant, r. Sherborn ; ii. William Whiting, November 19, 1807, resides unm. in Sherborn; in. Maria, 6 May 9, '09, m. Oliver Everett, A. M., M. D., of S. ; iv. Rufus, 6 June 14, '12, m. Marie Louise Debost, had, Eugene, Orlando, Rufus, r. New York ; SAWIN, SCOTT. 239 v. Eleanor, June 11, '15, m. Samuel 0. Daniels, of Framingham, and had, I. Albert 7 ; II. Eleanor S. 7 ; III. Samuel Olney ; IV. Infant son ; vi. Sarah Eliza, Mar. 3, '18, ra. Geo. F. Sanford (d.), had Martha F, Geo. S., Edna J. ; vii. Abigail Whiting, July 16, '23, d. Sep. 19, '45 ; viii. Joseph Eugene, Feb. 18, '27. 38. 55. Ralph, Rev., grad. at H. U., 1808, where he became tutor, '11, studied divinity with his revered father, was ordained at Dover, 1813, where he has served as pastor until the present time, and repeatedly represented D. in the Leg. of Mass. By w. Charlotte Kingman, b. July 5, 1792, m. 1817, he had I. Ralph, 6 Mar. 31, 1818, m. Mary Maywood, r. trader, at New Orleans, where be d. witbout issue, Mar. 31, '50 ; n. Geo. Partridge, 8 Nov. 27, '19, grad. H. U., 1840, m. Elizabeth S. Thompson, of Portsm., N. H., Sep. 15, '46, has 2 sons 7 and r. a lawyer, in Boston ; in. Charlotte K., 6 Aug. 17, '22, m. Wm. W. Gannett, has Thomas Brattle ; iv. John W.^ Mar. 14, '24, is a mariner; v. Simon Greenleaf, 6 Mar. 0, '27, grad. at H. U., and is a teacher; vi. Irene F., G Aug. 13, '30. 41. GO. David, 8 inherits the homestead, a part of the Phipps farm in Sh. He had t. Rebecca, Feb. 8, 1799, m. Benj. Capen, had Benj., 7 r. Holl. ; Ellen 7 m. Jona. Morse; Elizabeth,' m. Ben. Ware, of S. ; n. Joseph, Feb. 25, L801, d. ab. 1837.; in. David, Jan. 13, '03, m. Anna Sawin, r. S., had Geo., 7 Sarah, Mary (d.), Maria, Fanny, Justin, Horatio, Mary" ; iv. Natal., 6 Apl. 1, '05, r. unm. in Sherborn ; v. Horatio, 6 Mar. 12, '07, Susan E. 1. ThO. Sawill, b. Sept. 27, 1657, the son of John S., of Watertown, by w. Abigail Manning, and grd. s. of Robert S., of Roxford, Suffolk Co., England, in. Deborah Rice, b. Feb. 14, 1659-60, dg. of Mathew B., of Sudbury, by w. Martha Lamson, (see Bond) was a millwright, settled at Chestnut Brook, in Sherborn, whore he had a* home lot of 24 acres assigned him, 13 (3), 1679, and built the first mill in S. lie afterwards removed to Natiek. He bad in S., i. Ruth, Jly. 24, 1686 ; 3. 2. ii. John, June 26, '89 ; in. Deborah, Apl. 4, '96. 2. 3. John, m. Joanna , inherited his father's rights in S. ; drew land in Douq;., 1715 and '30, and had, i. Joanna, Aug. 28, 1715 ; n. Tho., Oct. 12, '17; in. Deborah, Jan. 23, '19-20, m. Geo. Fairbanks, of H, '35; iv. John, Jly. 23. '22; v. Abigail, Jan. 24, '24-5; vi. Ezekiel, Apl. 3, '28; vii. Mary, Nov. 2, '31. Abijah, w. Millicent, had Joseph, Dec. 14, 1715, at S. Hugll Scott, w. Sarah, had Sarah, June 2, 1733, at S. 240 SHEFFIELD 1- Edmund Sheffield, was of Boxbury, 1644-5, where he m., Apl. it, 1044, Mary Wooddy, ?nd of Braintree, 164G-67, where he m. 2d, feirali Marsh, 5 (7), 16G2. In 1672, he, in company with his brother, Wm. S., purchased of Lt. Joshua Fisher, the grantee, 600 acres at Chabboquasset, E. 7. Wm. Sheffield and w. Mary , were of Braintree in 1660, and began the first settlement of IL, 1673, on what is now called the Stedman place. On the breaking out of Philip's war, he is supposed to have retreated to Portsmouth, N. EL, from whence he afterwards came to S., where land was assigned him, 27 (11), 1682. Of the land which he purchased with his brother, of Lt. Fisher, he had obtained no deed in 1688, Lt. F. having d. 10 (6), 1672, im- mediately after the sale, and before completing him a deed ; and, not knowing how to proceed in the case, the poor man was in much trouble, and "on a training day in Sherborn, Nov. 22, 1688. the following petition of Wm. Sheffield was pre- sented " to ye fathers, with all the inhabitants of Sherborn." "' Wm. Sheffield, of Sherborn, the aged, your humble petitioner, doe humbly intreat you to show your love to me, to give, grant or con6rm my land which I bought of Lt. Fisher, of Ded- ham, to confirm to me and mine, I shall be very thankful to you forever; for I am like a man having myself half in the mire, and want to be holpen, help I pray you and damnifie no man with it." In answer to this " request, the inhabitants then present, did generally by their vote, grant and confirm to him the said land, soe far as they had any interest in it." He seems, by an order of the Court, to have after- wards obtained his deed ; but the Indian title to this tract he had extinguished in 1675. Inl68G, he was rated the 3d highest in S., and d. Dec. 6, 1700. He had 12. 9. I. Wm., m. Hannah Bullard ; ir. Joseph, d. urn. ab. 1750, leaving a large estate to his brothers and nephews, and Natha'l and Jeremiah Clark, of Med. ; 16. 10. in. Nathaniel; iv. Daniel, pr. d. um. ; v. Mary, m. John Clark; vi. Hannah, m. Patridge, was dependent on her brother Natha'l in 1752 ; vn. Martha ; vm. Thamazin, m. Jona. Adams ; ix. Susanna ; x. Elizabeth ; xi. Rachel, b. 24 (3), 1660, at Braintree. Wm., senr., in his will, proved Mar. 24, 1700-1, gave a house and land in Boston to his wid. Mary, and 54 acres W. of Black Swamp, in Med., to each of his daughters ; and to his 4 sons, he divided his farm of 600 acres, giving Wm., junr., the N. E. part, Joseph the S. W., Nathaniel the N. W., and Daniel and the wid. Mary, the S. and S. E. part. 9. 12. Wm., purchased Hopper's farm of 280 acres in the W. part of IL, d. intestate, Aug. 23, 1732, and his s. Wm., 3d, and wid. Hannah administered on his estate. She made her will, June 23, 1741, giving her estate to sons Isaac and Wm., Hannah Hill and Mary Foster, and d. Mar. 31, 1750. He was selectman, 1709, and had at S., i. Hannah, Nov. 24, 1693, m. Ephm. Hill ; it. Isaac, Mar. 3, 1697, drew land in Doug., 1730 ; 15. 14. in. Win., Feb. 28, 1699 ; iv. Bachel, Oct. 12, 1702, m. Edmond Morse, '22, and rm. to Mendon, had Beulah, who m. Mr. Lovet, and had Beulah, who m. Col. Andrew Peters, of Medfd., and had Lovet Peters, Esq., of Westboro' ; v. Sarah, June 18, '08, m. Paul Morse ; vi. Mary, Nov. 27, '10, m. Jacob Foster. SHEPAIiD, SIMONS, SLOCUM, SMITH. 241 14. 15. Win., a clothier, ra. Mary , rm. to Mend. ab. 1730. He had in H., i. Mary, Sep. 7, 1722; n. Hannah, Feb. 28, '23-4, in S; m. Deborah. Sep. 3, '26, in Hoi.; it. Abigail, Jly. 21, '29; v. Rachel, d. Mar. 3, 1731, at Mendon. 10. 16. Nathaniel, d. Jan. 21, 1753. His will, dated Dec. 8, 1752, when he was aged, weak and infirm, gave half his farm to his wid Mary, to dispose of as she should see fit, instructing her to provide for his aged sister, Hannah Partridge, and the other half to his s. Nathaniel, and legacies to two dgs. His wid. Mary, d. Jan. 25, 1754, " aged about 53 years," [see her will, Mid. Prob.] She gave clothes to her honored mother, her half of the farm to Nathl., (he to take care of his aunt, Hannah Partridge,) and other property to dgs. Mary and Rachel Partridge ; 23. 17. i. Nathaniel, Feb. 3, 1727 ; n. Rachel, Mar. 30, '32, m. Partridge ; in. Ann, Mar. 15, '34, d. Nov. 13, '43 ; iv. Katherine, June 13, '37, d. Jan. 1, '43-4; v. Mary, m. Partridge. 18. Isaac, ? m. Martha Albee, of Mend., Feb. 16, 1737-8. He r. on Doctor Fisk's place, S. E. part of H., and had, i. Elizabeth, Mar. 25, '41, d. Apl. 2, '41 ; ii. Isaac, Jan. 2, '48-9, m. Abigail Wood, r. Upton; m. Mary, Mar. 12, '52, m. John Claflin ; iv. Elizabeth, Sep. 16, '51, d. Dec. 9, '60. 20. John,? w. KeziaLeland, m. Apl. 17, 1750, d. Aug. 6, '58 ; 2d w., Mary , had at Hoi., i. Denning, Oct. 14, '50 ; n. Lois, Jan. 2, '52, d. Apl. 5, '57 ; in. Mercy, Sep. 10, '57 ; iv. Catherine, Mar. 3, '60 ; v. Mary, Apl. }2, '63, by w. Mary ; vi. Joseph, June 12, '65. 17. 23. Nathaniel, m. Lydia Gibbs, Oct. 11, 1751, had at H., i. Daniel, Oct. 31, '51 ; ii. Jona., Oct. 23, '54; in. Joseph, Dec. 7, '58. 27. Daniel, m. Lydia Burbank, Mar. 1, 1772, had, i. Hannah, Oct, 8, '72; ii. Daniel, Jan. 23, '83. 29. Edmond, ? m. Rachel , r. at Mendon, had, i. Elizabeth, d. Sep. 21, 174- ; ii. Wm., d. Jan. 31, '35-6; in. Margaret, d. Oct. 4, 174- ; iv. Wm., d. Feb. 11, '47-8, at M. Nathaniel Shepard, w. Phebe, had in S., I. John, Dec. 1, 1765; ii. Martha, June 13, '67 ; m. Nathaniel, Aug. 29, '69. James P. Simons, fr. Boston, s. in H. as a merchant tailor, 1829. Lewis SlOCTim, s. of John S., by w. Esther Plympton, of Bellingham, m. Elmira Richardson ; and 2d, Louisa Watson, s. in H. ab. 1830, had Asa R., Lewis W., Francis D., Joseph W., Geo. W., Albert, Elmira. 1- Nathaniel Smith,? w. Abigail, had at S., I. Katherine, Apl. 2 . 1746; ii. Abigail, Apl. 18, '48; in. Nathaniel, Jan. 4, '49-50; iv. Hannah, Mar. 8, '52 ; v. Wm., Feb. 28, '54 ; vi. Wm., Mar. 24, '57 ; vn. David, Nov. 4, '58 , vin. Jona., Nov. 4, '58. 31 242 SPAEROWK, STANFORD, STANTON, STEDMAN, STEWART, STONE. 0. Caleb Smith, ? w. Deborah, had in H., i. Baruck, and n. Deborah, Feb. 11, 1705. 8. Abel Smith,? v.-. Sarah, had in 11., i. Abigail, Oct. 19, 1766 ; n. Samuel, June 5, '80 ; 10. Isaac Smith, «. of John S., of Hopk., w. Mary; 2d w., Prudence, had in H., i. Betsey, Nov. 9, 1778 ; it. John, Apl. 19, '81, r. H. ; in. Achsah, Apl. 19, '81 ; iv. Isaac, Jan. 5, '92, by 2d w., d. in H. ; v. Anna, May 18, '96. 1. Timothy Sparrowk, from Natiek, whose father was b. in Medfd., m. Deborah Leland, Dec. 14, 1775, dg. of Wm. L., of S., by w. Jemima Daniels, and grd. dg. of Dea. Wm. L., by w. Mehetabel Breck. He had in S., i. Deborah, Apl. 12, 1776, m. Wardsworth, r. N. Y. ; II. Timothy, Sep. 15, 1779, d. umii. ; in. Melvin, Jan 29, '80, d. yg. ; iv. John, Oct. 5, '81, m. Betsey Young, r. N. Y. ; v. Calvin, Dec, 19, '82, m. Betsey, dg. of Reuben Marsh, of II., and had at S., i. Emlyn, m. Sally Green- wood, and 2d, Sarah H. Whitney, and has a son ; n. Emily, m. Lendall Perry, r. Nat. ; in. Ellis, m. Mary J. Sweet, Bos., rs. S., has Edwd. E., Ellen E., Chs. E., Melvin G. ; vi. Betsey, Apl. 21, '85, m. John Curtis, rs. Provid. ; vn. Polly, Oct. 24, '90, m. Samuel Fuller, of Medfd. 6. Jacob Sparrowk, (br. of Tim. above) m. Judith Leland, 1775, dg. of Caleb Leland, by w. Judith Morse, had at S., i. Sinthy, Sep. 5, 1776, d. uum. ; ii. Alclen, Sep. 5, '79, rm. Me., m. and d. without issue ; iv. Rowland, Dec. 11, '87, (d.), rm. Me., m. and had issue ; v. Ambrose, Oct. 3, '90, d. urn. 1. David Stanford, m. Lydia Morse. Dec. 30, 1712, (p. 20 of Memorial of Morses), and had at S., i. Richard, May 23, 1714; 4. 3. n. Caleb, Aug. 31, '16; m. Lydia, Mar. 8, '17-18 ; iv. Sarah, Sep. 22, '19 ; v. Rebecca, Aug. 22, '23. 3. 4. Caleb, w. Ruth, had in S., i. Lydia, Apl. 19, 1741 ; n. Joseph, Mar. 9, 1744--5 ; in. Abner, May 12, '47 ; iv. Phineas, Feb. 1, '48-9, m. Comfort Morse, '73; v. Betty, May 22, 1751; vi. Caleb, Mar. 27, '53; vn. Joshua, Mar. 27, '53 ; vm. Caleb, Dec. 27, '54 ; ix. Caleb, Feb. 27, '5G ; x. Joshua, May 4, '58 ; xi. Betty, June 3, '60 ; xn. David, May 8,. '62. TllO. Stanton, w. Mary, had in S., i. Mary, Jan. 25, 1742-3. John Stedman, m. Abigail, s." at Chabboquisset, in S. E. part of Hull., and had, i. Anna, Mar. 17, 1766, m. Daniel Tidd, May 5, 1791 ; ii. Mary, Mar. 4, '68 ; in. John, May 17, '72. Benj. Stewart, m. Deborah Rider, Apl. 10, 1754, who d. Jan. 9, '66. He had, in 11., i. Alenath, Sep. 17, '54; n. Anna, May 21, '59. 1. James Stone, Rev. the first pastor of the chh. in IIoll., b. June 8, 1701, s. of Ebenezer S., of Watertown, by w. Margt. Trowbridge, and grd. s. of Simon S., by w. Mary Whipple, and gr. grd. s. of Simon S. (w. Joan) STONE. 243 who came from England in the Increase, 1G34, and settled at Watertown. Rev. James grad. II. Col., 17-4, kept a school at Fram., '25, ord. at Hoi., Nov. 20, '28, d. July 28, 1742. aged 38. "In an uncommonly sickly- time among his people, when he was almost constantly, night and day, visiting and praying with the sick, sometimes for whole nights together, being, as he said, willing to spend and be spent in the service of the souls of his people, he composed his last sermon from John 17:4. 'I have glorified thee on the earth ; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.' This sermon was published after his death, with the following preface, by Rev. Messrs. Porter, of S., and Peabody, of Natick. [Fitch's Dis ] " The great esteem which his own people, as well as those in the neighbor- ing towns, had of the author for his great sweetness of temper, his good humor, his instructive conversation, his exemplary piety, his great diligence and faithfulness in the work of the ministry, his prudence in all his conduct, his uncommon and excelling gift in prayer, and his orthodox, judicious and fervent preaching, — all which, and many more desirable qualifications were well known to shine in him, — have caused many in Holliston, and some in other towns to urge the publication of this sermon." He married Apl. 15, 1731, Elizabeth Swift, who d. Apl. 12, 1739. He m. 2d, , and had, 2. r. John, Esq., b. June 21, 1732, d. Aug. 13, 1817, at Fram. ; ii. Elizabeth, May 13, 1735; [ii. Ncvinson, b. March 17, '36-7, d. Dec. 8, 1740. 2. 3. John, Esq., inherited the place of his father, whose house is yet standing a few rods N. of the Wictbrop House in II., in which he long kept a tavern. He m. Mary Haven, from Fram., who d. Oct. 1, 1809, a. 77, and had, 5. 4. i, James, June 25, 1754, m. Deborah Puce ; n. Sarah, Dec. 2, '59, d. 1843, m. John Bent, of Fram. ; in. John, June 6, '65, m. Rebecca Sanger, '00, kept the only store in H. for almost 20 years, and d. without issue. 4. 5. James settled about 40 rods S. of his father as a ploughmaker, m. Deborah Rice, '79, and had, i. Hannah, July 24, 1783, m. Luther Hart, r S.boro', ii. James, 's6 ; in. Nathan; VI. Nevinson, Nov. 14, '93; v. Deborah, July 19, '97. 9. Daniel Stone ? m. Hannah Foster, Sep., 15, 1755, and had at H, Nath'l, Mar. 22, 1750. 11. Timothy Dwight P. Stone, Rev., born at Cornwall, Ct., about 1811, son of Rev. S. and the adopted s. of Rev. Ebenr. Porter, D. D., Prof, in Theo. Sem., And., grad. at Amh. Col., 1834, studied Theology at the Sem. in And., where he m. He was ord. at H. Mar. 1. 1843, dism. Mar. 2, '49, chaplain of the S. Reform School, at W.boro', next Princ. of the S. Normal School, of Ct., and now, 1855, rs. a teacher at Norwich, Ct. 12. Silas Stone, Esq., b. at Natick, Apl. 5, 1755, s. of Silas S., by wife Elizabeth Russell, s. at W. Sherborn, having previously lived at Dublin. He was selectman, 1793, 1801, '08, '09, '14, had a facetious turn of mind, an inventive genius, and uncommon knowledge of books. He m. Jennett Twitchell, who d. June, 181<>. lied. .July, 1820, had, i. Caroline, May 21, 1781, d. nnm. ; n. Ebenezer, May 20, 1783, d. yg. ; in. Daphne, March 10, '85, m. Luther Leland, of S. ; iv. Roval, 'Mar. 6, '87, d. Nov. 11, 1854 ; v. Deborah, Apl. 17, '89, d. unm. ; vi. Seneca, Feb. 21, '91, d. a. 244 STOItRS, STOW, STRATEN. 13 yr. ; vn. Silas, Jan. 16, '93, d. unm., '47 ; vm. Emlyn, Feb. 28, '95, d. aged 18 yrs. ; ix. Ebenezer, Oct. 10, '97, M. D., r. Walpole, m. Elizth. H. Hawes; x. Mary, Oct. 20, '99, r. S. John.StorrS, Bev., b. at Mansfield, Ct.,_Sep. 6, 1801, grad. at Middleb. Col., '24, studied Theology at the Sem. in New Haven, was installed pastor of Congl. Chh. in H., Dec. 20, '36, dis. Nov. 2, '42, and s. in Winchendon, Aug. 22, '49, where he d. May, '54. Samuel StOW, w. Abigail, had in S., I. Anne, Aug. 17, 1770 ; n. Samuel, June 25, '72; in. Melvin, Jly. 6, '74; iv. Sally, Oct. 28, '77; v. Andrew Newell, May 13, '80 ; vi. Polly, Dec. 12, '84 ; vn. Walter, Oct. 27, '88. ■ « i » « 1. Jabez Straten, b. May 28, 1701, from Natick to S., where he d. Feb. 15, 1774. His w., Tabatha Cooledge, m. Apl. 29, 1725, d. Jly. 21, 1794, a. 94. He, according to Bond, was the s. of John S., of Watertown, and grd. s. of John, of W., by w. Elizabeth Traine, and the gr. grd. s. of Samuel, of Concord, by w. Mary Fry, and gr. gr. grd. s. of Samuel S., of W., who was b. 1592, and admitted freeman, May 18, 1653. He had 17. 2. i. Abijah, May 4, 1726, m. Sarah Kimball ; 6. 3. ii. Nathan, Oct. 7, 28 ; 11.4. in. Elias, Oct. 22, '30 ; iv. Sarah, Nov. 29, '34 ; v. Ebenezer, Apl. 30, '41. 3. 6. Nathan, Col., m. Oct. 27, 1784, Mary Bullen, settled upon the farm left by her father, at Chestnut Brook, now Isaac Cozzen's, and d. Feb. 7, 1805, laying down a wen which he long carried upon his back, the post mortem weight of which exceeded 401b. She d. Apl. 24, 1810, a. 87, and was the last witch in S. accused of miraculous power derived from Satan. They had in S., i. Nathan, May 1, 1761, who m. Sarah Stratten, his cousin, and had in S., i. Ruth, Nov. 12, 1784; n. Amelia, Mar. 18, '87; in. Mary, Feb. 12, '89; iv. Ephraim, Nov. 27, '93 ; v. Jabez, May 12, '96, s. pr. in Leominster ; vi. John, May 17, '98, s. pr. ditto; vn. Sally, Dec. 2, 1800. 4. 11. Elias, m. Mellicent , and had, i. Mellicent, May 20, '55 ; u. Sarah, June 13, '57 ; 12. in. Ebenezer, Aug. 27, '59 ; 13. iv. Elias, Dec. 20, '61 ; 14. v. Jona., Jan. 20, '65; vi. Hannah, Apl. 23, '66; vn. Joseph, June 11, '68 ; vm. Jabez, Apl. 2, '70 ; ix. Abijah, Mar. 6, '72 ; x. Molly, Jly. 1, '73. 2. 17. Abijah, Cpt., w. Sarah Kimball, i. Abigail, m. Warren; 25. 18. n. Daniel, m. Susanna Morse, r. N. ; in. Betsey, m. ■ Adams; iv. Abijah, Apl. 10, 1751, m. Sarah, b. Jan. 3 4, 1756, had 21. 20. i. Abijah, May 25, 1775, d. Oct, 29, 1838, m. Hannah Bacon; 2d, Hannah (Fuller) Kimball ; n. Polly, May 2, '78, m. Jonas Green- wood ; in. Sally, May 21, '80, d. urn.; iv. Betsey, Mar. 13, '83, m. Ezra Morse, of S. 20. 21. Abijah, w. Hannah Bacon, r. on the homestead, on the old road fr. S. to STROUD, SUMNER, TAY, TENNEY, TOMBLING, TRAVIS. 245 S. Nat,, E. of a brook, and had at N., i. John, Nov. 4, 1798, inherited the ancient homestead, m. Betsey Kimball, and had, i. Catherine D. (d.) ; n. Elizabeth A. ; in. Harriet A. j iv. Hanh. ; v. Catherine D. (d.) ; vi. Abijah E. ; vn. John H. ; vin. Martha I. ; ix. Geo. W. ; ii. Moses, r. on the farm formerly Samuel Perry's, m. Sarah Perry ; 2d, Mary Whitney, and had at N., i. Mary W. (d.) ; n. Chs. (d.) ; in. Francis ; iv. Miriam C. ; in. Mary, d. urn. ; iv. Sarah, m. Caleb Fosket, r. N. ; v. Aaron, Jan. 26, 1811, m. Susanna Russel, r. on his father's homestead, S. of Peter's Hill, had i. John E. ; ii. Horace J. 18. 25. Daniel, by w. Susanna Morse, had at N., i. Daniel ; II, Jona. ; in. Wm., Mar. 0, 1795, (d.,) ra. Sally Bullard, r. S., had i. John, rs. Bos. ; and Eliza M., Apl. 6, 1829, m. Andrew Becker, b. Alp. 6, 1824, at Schornsheim, Hesse Darmstad, Ger., s. of Andrew B., by w. Catherine Lahr, and has Mary E., and Wm. Wm. Stroud, w. Rebecca , had at S., i. Moses, Dec. 30, 1778 ; n. Aaron, Dec. 4, '80. Daniel Sumner, m. Lydia Fairbanks, and had Joel, July 31, 1761. DOCt. Jona. Tay came from Salem and established himself as a physician in the S. W. part of S., had an extensive practice, served as selectman, 1795-1807, m. Mary Holbrook and had, i. Polly, Jan. 11, 1776 ; ii. Betsey, Sep. 30, '77; in. Calvin, Nov. 8, '81, a teacher, pr. d. unm.; iv. Mary, Aug. 23, '84 ; v. Sally, May 11, '90 ; vi. Sylvia, Aug. 29, '93 ; vii. Jona., July 25, '96, d. yg. Tho. Tenney, w. Abigail, had in H., i. Samuel, July 19, 1745 ; ii. Deborah, Sep. 16, '47, d. Sep. 20, '48 ; in. Daniel, May 13, '49 ; iv. Ebenezer, May 24, '51 ; v. Sarah, May 8, '55 ; vi. Ruth, Mar. 5, '57 ; vn. Tho., July 29, '58; vin. Isaac, May 28, '60; ix. Oliver, Aug. 21, '62 ; x. Olive, Aug. 21, '62, m. Seth Sprague, Aug. 9, '83 ; xi. Abigail, July 8, '64. Seth Tombling, m. Susanna Thompson, Nov. 6, 1746, and had in H., i. Martha, Oct. 17, '47, d. Aug. 3, '59; n. Rebecca, Feb. 1, '48-9, m. John Travis, '70; m. Susanna, Oct. 29, '50, d. Aug. 27, '59; iv. Sarah, Oct. 30, '52, d. Aug. 20, '51; v. Seth, Dec. 10, '54; vi. Timothy, Nov. 11, '56; vn. Pegga, Dec. 25, '58, m. Elkanor Prentice, '84; vin. Patty, Jan. 23, '67; ix. Eleoner, Sep. 23, '69. Joseph Travis, w. Mehetabel , had in S., i. Sarah, Apl. 21, 1728 ; n. Asa May 28, '29; ill. Zeruiah, July 10, '33. Daniel Travis, m. Abigail Sanger, May 29, 1793, had i. John, Apl. 8, 1794; ii. Curtis, Feb. 8, '96; Mercy, w. of Jas. Travis, d. Dec. 1, 1744. 246 TUCKER, TWITCHELI. James Travis, w. Rebecca, d. a wid., Dec. 8, 1757, had in H., i. James, b. Feb. 29, 1731-2; n. Daniel, June 17, '34; m. Thankful, July 15, '37. John Travis, m. Anna Maxwell, Jan. 7, 1741-2, had, in IIol., i. Isaac, Apl. 27, 174G, d. May 12, '46; n. John, Sep. 15, '47 ; in. Mary, Oct. 1, '49, d. July 20, '51 ; iv. Mercy, Nov. 23, '51 ; v. Sarah, Sep. 27, '53. . m*^* JOSh.Ua TllOmaS Tucker, Rev., born Sep. 20, 1812, son of Joshua T., of Milton, by w. Wealthy Thomas, from Pembroke, grd. s. of Samuel T., and gr. grd. s. of Samuel, and gr. gr. grd. s. of Manasseh, (Dea. of 1st chh. in Milton) and gr. gr. gr. grd. son of Robert Tucker, of Weymouth, in 1639, fitted for Col. at Phillips Acad., grad. at Y. C, 1833, studied Theol- ogy at Lane Sem., ord. by the Presbytery of Alton, 111., '37, missionary at Rushville, 111., '37-40 ; Pastor at-Hannibal, Mo., '40-46, and do. and editor at St. Louis, Mo., '46-48 ; and installed at H., June 6, '49, and is the present Pastor. Mr. T. is advantageously known both as a preacher and writer. His publications, besides many rich contributions to our periodical literature, are 11 in No., viz., Dying Scenes, a memorial of Mrs. Mary 0. Tucker; Thanksgiving Ser., Hannibal, Mo., '45 ; Hist, of 1st chh. at Hannibal, '45 ; Ser. on God's Ministry of Judgment, Holliston, '49 ; Funeral Ser. on Mr. Harding Daniels, H., '49 ; Ser. on State Fast, H, '51 ; Maine Temperance Law, '51 ; Sers. on the Death of Dea. Horace Partridge, II., '53 ; to Young Men, '53 ; and on the death of Rev. Alfred Hawes, H., '54. His work en- titled The Sinless One, or the Life Manifested, a 12mo vol. of 324 pp., Bos., '55, is a work of great merit, proving what may be expected hereafter from his pen. He m. Mary O. Stibbs, dg. of Christopher and Elizabeth S., of Lond., England, who d. '44 ; and 2d, Ann D. Shackford, dg. of John and Jane S., of Portsmouth, N. H, has had 5 chid., only 2 of whom survive. William Tucker, from Milton with a family, s. in S., about 80 rods S. W. of Peters Hill, was T. clerk, and rep. in 1787, and selectman in '87 and '90. His son Wm., jun., m. Julia Twitchell, May 18, 1786, and had in S., i. Sally, Jan. 4, '87 ; n. Wm., Feb. 17, '89 ; m. Calvin, Apl. 15, '91. 1. Joseph Twitchell, of Dorchester, was admitted freeman, May 14, 1634, had land there assigned him, Feb. 18, 1635-6, was received into the chh. 8 (1), 1644, lost a son Joseph, 13 (7), 1657. He might have had a 2d Joseph, [No. 3 and 8,] who bought land, and s. in S. ? or he did so. 2. Benj. Tutchell, of Dorchester, probably his brother, appears to have re- moved to Medfield as early as 1663, where he and his children took the name of Twitchell. His wife's name was Mary. He had 8. 3. i. pr. Joseph, ? d. Oct. 24, 1710, at S. ; or as I had reported, he might have been the sou of Joseph, No. 1., and named after 13 (7). 1 <> ">7 ; 63. 4. ii. Benj., m. Mary White, at Medfield, Apl. 5, 1683, d. at_S., 1715-30, pr. with issue ; in. Mary, 8 (1), 1658-9, at Dorch., m. Josiah Rocket, at Medfield, May 9, 1677, d. 1699. She had Bethia, Hank., Mehet. ; iv. Hannah, who m. Nov. 4, 1679, Samuel Hill, at Sh., son of John Hill, fr. Dorch., had Bphm., Sarah, Lydla ; v. Bethia, who m. Jly. 19, 1688, John Rocket, and d. Jan. 1, 1706-7. She had Joseph, Benj., Deborah, fyc. ; 5. vi. Abiell, b. Nov. 1, 1663, at Medfield, and pr. others, from whom TWITCH ELL. 24 7 G. Benoni T., of Medfd., descended, who m. Hannah Allen, Apl. 18, 7. 1705, and had, besides 4 children that d. yg. ; Seth, Nov. 9, 1711, who m. Dorothy Bishop, Jan. 7, 1735--G, at Wrenth., and became in 1715, with Joseph Hoeket, his cousin, apronrietor of Oxford. 8.? 8. Joseph, became the owner of 100 acres of the 1st grants in S., and united with others to extinguish the Indian claim to them, June 12, 1GS2, and was rated, 1686, to extinguish the Indian claim to the rest of the lands in S. He, Jos., the younger, m. Lydia, who d. 1715-30, s. at W. Sherborn, and built Ins house a few rods N. W. of Royal Stone's, where home lots were assigned him and his namesake, Benj. He had, i. Patience, Dec. 2, 1G78, m. Samuel Eames, Apl. 21, 1698; n. Content, Jan. 25, '80; in. Charity, Dec. 7, '82 ; iv. Sarah, Nov. 15, '84 ; v. Lydia, Oct. 11, '8G, d. 1710 ; 11. 9. vi. Joseph, Sep. 3, '88, d. Jan. 31, 1728; 14. 10. vii. Epbraim, Oct. 24, '95. 9. 11. Joseph, m. Klizabeth Holbrook, of p. 142, and had at Sherborn 15. 12. i. Joseph, Esq., Feb. 13, 1718-19; 27. 13. ii. Jona., Den., July 22, '21, d. prior to 1781. 10. 14. Ephraim, m. Sarah Millen, who d. Aug. 28, 1725. He m. 2d, Hannah Sanger, Feb. 9, '2G--7, do. of Richard S., by w. Elizth. Morse ; had at S., 50. 15. t. Tho., Sep. 29, 1722; 1G. ii. Ephraim, Oct. 25, '23, m. Patience Eames, 1752, he then of Mcndon ; in. James, Aug. 7. '25. d. May 5, '52 ; iv. Hannah, June 7, '29, m. Tim. Leland, jun., of H.-; v. Sarah, Sep. 1, '31, d. Nov. 9, '34; vi. Lydia, Dec. G, '33; 52. 17. vii. Timothy, June*ll, '36; vnr. Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 'S3. From this family, the Twitchells of Milford have probably descended. 12. 18. Joseph, Esq. Tradition has brought down a high character of this man, and the records confirm it. He was Capt. of the militia, Commissary for the army in the war of '7G, Town Clerk, Representative and Magistrate, and the leading man of the town, until succeeded by his junr. half brother, the Hon. Daniel Whitney. He m. Deborah Fairbanks, June 28, 1739, dg. of Capt. Eleazer F., of S., and was, with her, received into the chh., Jly. 27, 1740. He m. 2d, Deborah (Sanser) Fassct, Jan. 1, 178G, and d. with the apo- plexy, Mar. 12. ''.12. He had 28. 19. i.'Samuel, Capt., Aug. 24, 1740 ; 33. 20. ii. Joseph, jun., Nov. 27. '41; m. Elizabeth, Jly. 27, '13, m. Joel White, fr. Medfd., May 30, '67, and rm. Dublin, N. H. ; 21. iv. Eleazer, Jan. 22, '44-5, r. Nelson, N. H., Bethel, Me., m. Martha Mason, Apl. 4, '68, had Simeon, Feb. 18, 1770, at S., Deborah, Feb.l, '72, at Dub., rm. Bethel. 3Ie. ; 35. 22. v. Ezra, June 23, '46; vr. Martha, Deq. 16, '47, m. Nathan Bixby, of Fram., Oct. 3, '71 ; vn. Deborah, Mar. 26, '49, d. May 13, '52 ; 41. 23. vin. Abel, May 28, '51 ; ix. Deborah, Dec' 23. '52, m. Joseph May- nard, of F., May 5, ? 7"» ; x. Molly, May 17, '55, m. Moses Rider, of Jeffery, N. II., dan. IS. '84, and bad Ezra, Aug. 30, '86, of Kecne; 2-1. xi. Amos, Dec. 28, '56, who d. in the army ; 25. xii. Eli, Feb. 17, '59, m. Rhoda Leland, Sep. 23, '84; 48. 20. xin. Peter, bap. Aug. 30, 'GO ; xiv. Jule, Mar. 18, 'GG, m. Wm. Tucker, of Fram. 248 TWITCHELL. 13. 27. Jona., Dea., m. Deborah Bullard, Mar. 1, 1743-4, dg. of Benj. B., of S., by W. Miriam Morse, and was killed by a fall from a horse, Jly. 23, '81. He was a merab. of thechh.,had, i. Miriam, Dec. 17, '44, m. Capt. Isaac Bullard, of Hob, Apl. 5, '87 ; ii. Jona., Apl. 7, '47, d. Aug. 7, '49; in. Kezia, Apl. 13, '49, ni. Benj. Kendall, of Sh., Apl. 1, '67; iv. Anne, May 24, '51, m. Jabez Patridge, of S., May 19, '72, and had Henry, of Medfield; v. Jona., Apl. 6, '54, d. yg. ; vi. Peter, Aug. 11, '57, d. yg. ; vn. Jennett, Nov. 5, '60, m. Silas Stone, Jan. 9, '81, and s. on the home- stead ; vin. Deborah, Dec. 15, '64, d. yg. ; ix. Jona., Sep. 2, '67, d. yg. 19. 28. Samuel, united with the chh. in S., Mar. 18, 1764, m. Alice Wilson, Feb. 2, 1766, dg. of Dr. John and Mary W., of S. ; 2d, Elizabeth Young, Nov. 2, 1807, and was among the first planters of Dublin, and resided on the place now occupied by Harvy Learned. He had, i. Hannah, Jly. 7, '67 ; 29. ii. Ephraim, Aug. 7, '68 ; in. Mary, Jan. 23, '71, m. Samuel Fisk, of D. ; iv. Betty, Apl. 18, '73 ; v. Samuel, June 13, '75, d. Sep. 1, '77 ; vi. Samuel, Nov. 13, '77, d. Apl. 8, '84 ; • 30. vn. Amos, M. D., Apl. 11, '81, d. May 26, 1850, m. Betsey Goodhue, r. Keene, was a physician and surgeon of great eminence, [see Bowditch's Life of him ; 31. vin. Timothy, Jan., '83, r. Mobile, Alaba. ; 32. ix. Samuel, Feb. 26, '85, s. on the homestead at D. 20. 33. Joseph, m. Marcy Holbrook, Nov. 13, '66, dg. of Nathl. H., of S., by w. Sarah Sanger, settled very early at Dublin, and had, i. Joseph, Nov. 24, 1767, d. yg. ; n. John, Nov. 24, '67, d. yg. ; in. Jona., June 27, '69, pr. d. yg. ; iv. Marcy, June 4, '72, d. yg. ; v. Joseph, Nov. 12, '74, d- yg- ; vi. Moses, Jan. 6, '77 ; vn. Marcy, Feb. 4, '79, m. John Snow ; vin. Joseph, June 21, '81, m. Sally Taggart ; ix. Persis, May 4, '84, m. Daniel Twitchell ; 119. 34. x. Reuben, May 17, '86, m. Sally Wilder. 22. 35. Ezra, m. Susanna Rice, fr. Fram., r. Dublin, Nelson, Bethel, i. Susanna, Nov. 9, '68, d. Dec. 19, '76, at Fram. ; n. Hannah, Nov. 9, '68 ; in. Anna, Dec. 15, '70 ; iv. Calvin, June 4, '73 ; v. Susanna, Nov. 27, '77 ; 36. vi. Calvin, Nov. 2, '79 ; 37. vn. Ezra, Nov. 24, '81, r. Bethel, Me. ; 38. vin. Eli, Jly. 26, '85 ; 39. ix. Thadeus; 40. x. Nathan, r. Bethel, Me. 23. 41. Abel, m. Sarah Adams, settled in Dublin, and had, i. Sally, Apl. 9, 1775; ii. Deborah, Aug. 14, '76 ; 43. in. Cyrus, Mar. 13, '78; iv. Polly, Feb. 5, '80; 44. v. Peter, Jly. 10, .'81, m. Hannah Belknap, Dec. 22, 1803 ; 116. 45. vi. Abel, Jly. 13, '83, d. Jly. 15, 1834, m. Abigail Greenwood; vn. Betsey, Oct. 18, '84 ; 46. vin. Timothy Adams, May 29, '92. 26. 48. Peter, rs. at Bethel, Me., has been for 40 ys. a vegetarian in diet; was accustomed in 1851 to walk 4 m. to chh. and back on the Sabbath, and stand during the delivery of the sermon ; has aided, by his clear recollection, in re- ' TWITCHELL 249 covering the his. of S., and long been in intellect, heart, and habits, an honor to his race. He m. Sarah Bullard, May 8, 1783, d. Sep. 20, '91 ; and 2d, Amy Perry, Jan. 10, '93, dg. of Edwd. West Perry, of S., and had i. Almond, Jly. 10, '83, d. Nov. 18, '92, a. ab. 9 ys. ; n. Jona., b. 1789 ; in. Eli, d. of small pox, Sep. 26, '92, at S. ; iv. Eli, b. Jly. 22,'94 ; v. Julia, Apl. 10, '97. 15. 50. Tho., m. Susannah, and had at Hoi., i. Sarah, Jan. 25, 1718-9 ; ii. Joshua, Nov. 13, '50; in. Mary, May 2, '51. 17. 52. Timothy, inherited the farm of his father, in Hoi., which he sold to Major Miller, about 1802, and rm. to Barre. He m. Sarah Adams, Feb. 25 1702, dg. of Benoni A., of Hoi., and grd. dg. of Moses A., and gr. grd dg. of Moses, of Sh., and had 5G. 53. i. Joseph, Jan. 9, '63, rm. to Wardsbury, Vt. ; n. Hannah, Jly. 4, '64 in. Sarah, Sep. 2, '66 ; iv. Mary, Jan. 20, '69 ; 54. v. Timothy, Oct. 1, '70, s. in Wardsbury, Vt. ; vi. Lucy, Dec. 13, '72 vn. Ruth, Oct. 9, '74; 55. vm. Uriel, Feb. 2, '77, rm. to Black River, N. Y. 53. 56. Joseph, s. pr. at Wardsbury, Vt., and had i. Joseph, of Hoston; n. Appleton, rs. Jamaica, Vt. ; in. Horace, rs. at do.; iv. David, rs. on Black R., N. Y. ; v. Timothy, rs. do.; vi. Uriel , rs. do. 62. Joshua, ? m. Sarah Cousins, Jan. 1, 1778, and settled in Dublin. 4. 63. Benj., settled in S., with Joseph T., as early as 1678, drew a home lot of 14 acres, at W. Sherborn, 13 (3), 1679, and seems to have been con- nected with Ebenr. Badcock, fr. Milton. He had, by w. Mary White 67. 64. i.. Benj., Sep. 15, '84, d. 1722-30 ; 71. 65. n. John, Jan. 4, '88 ; 74. 66. in. Ebenezer, Dec. 10, '91, d. June 14, 1778 ; iv. Mary, Aug. 28, '94; v. Abigail, June 5, '99. 64. 67. Benj., m. Mary , and had, t. Daniel, Nov. 11, 1711 ; 68. ii. Daniel, Feb. 22, '14-15 ; 77. 69. in. Benj., Dec. 2, '16 ; 70. iv. Jonas, May 15, 19 ; v. Abigail, Mar. 24, '21-22. 65. 71. John, m. Esther Sanger, Feb. 2, 1720-1, who d. ab. '28; and 2d, Hanh. Perry, Mar. 10, 1728-9, dg. of John P., jun., of S., by w. Sarah Hill, and had at H. 79. 72. i. David, Mar., 1722, m. Sarah Marsh, May 21, '47 ; 81. 73. ii. Moses, Mar. 18, '23-4, m. Mary Foster, Nov. 24, '49; in. Miriam, Feb. 27, '33. 66. 74. Ebenezer, m. Sarah Pratt, of S., Dec, 1717, who was red. to the chh., Apl. 7, '54, r. S., had 82. 75. i. Ebenezer, Dec. 20, '18, d. Aug. 18, 1800, m Mercy Sawin ; ii. Sarah, June 12, '20, m. Seth Bullard ; 87. 76. in. Gersham, Oct. 6, '25, m. Hanh. Sawin, fr. Watertown. 69. 77. Benj., m. Lydia Fisk, Nov. 25, 1740, at Med., pr. dg. of John F., of S., 32 250 TWITCHBLL. by w. Lydia Adams, and b. Jan. 14,1711-12, or her sis. L., 2d, and had at S., i. Lydia, June 7, '41 ; 78. n. Isaac, Feb. 9, '42-3 ; in. Lois, Dec. 20, '44. 72. '79. David, m. Sarah Marsh, May 21, 1747, dg. pr. of Joseph M., of S., by w. Sarah, and had, i. Esther, Sep. 29, '48 ; n. Joseph, Sep. 10, '50. 73. 81. Moses, m. Mary Foster, Nov. 24, 1749, dg. of Jacob F., of Holl., and had at Holl., i. Rachel, Aug. 19, '50. 75. 82. Ebenezer ( " doublet "), m. Mercy , d. Jan. 29, 1774, had at S. i. John, Aug. 24, 1743, d. Oct. 28, '46, r. in S., h m. S. of the W. ; 92. 83. ii. Ebenezer ("triplet"), Ens., Aug. 15, '45 ; in. John, Apl. 7, '48; 112. SSh iv. Abijah, Aug. 3, '50, d. Jly. 11, '77, in the army; 99. 84." v. Joshua, Mar. 4, '53, r, Fitzwm., Dub., N. H., and rm. Andover, Vt. ; vi. Mercy, Mar. 4, '55, m. Moses Leland, of S., May 26, '74; vn. Elizth, bap. Mar. 26, '58, m. John Golden, of S., May 23, '76; vm. Comfort, bap. June 8, '60 ; •> 96. 85. ix. John, bap. Jan. 30, '63, m. Catherine Tucker, June 1, '86 ; x. Julia, bap. Mar. 25, '65, m. Wm. Tucker, jun., of S., May 18, '86 ; 86. xi. Sawin, bap. Oct. 7, '69, r. Fitzwm., and rm. Andover, Vt. 76. 87. Gersham, was reed, to the chh. in S., 1748, m. Hanh. , rm. to Dub. ; 105. 88. i. Gersham, Sep. 13, '48 ; n. Sarah, Nov. 12, '50 ; 111. 89. in. Stephen, June 25, '53; iv. Hannah, Dec. 20, '55 ; v. Isaac, Mar. 29, '58 ; vi. Isaac, 2d, Sep. 27, '67 ; vn. Sawin, Oct. 6, '69. 83. 92. Ebenezer, Ens., m. Waitstill Greenwood, June 4, 1767, dg. of Wm. G., of S., who d. June 11, '88, settled in Dublin, and had i. Sarah, Jan. 9, '68 ; 114. 93. ii. John, June 2, '70, m. Dorcas Twitchell ; in. Mary, Jan. 23, '71 ; 94. iv. Eli, Oct. 29, '72, r. Unity, N. H., or Vt. ; 117. 95. v. Daniel, Apl. 3, '75 ; vi. Lydia, Apl. 2, '81 ; vn. Miriam, Apl. 7, '83 ; vm. Waitstill, Jan. 21, '86, m. Aaron Brooks, Mar. 13, 1806 ; ix. Julia, May 28, '88. 85. 96. John, m. Catherine Tucker, June 1, '86, inherited his father's farm in S. i. Abigail, Oct. 1, 1787, d. urn. ; 120. 97. ii. John, Mar. 6, 1789, m. Lucy Metcalf, dg. of Philip M., d. where his son, Ben. Twitchell; r. in S. ; in. Clary, Oct. 5, '92, m. Daniel Metcalf, r. Med. ; iv. Calvin, b. Feb. 25, '99, m. Mary Greenwood, r. Fram. ; v. Polly, bap. June 5, 1803, d. yg. ; vi. Chs., Oct. 20, '05, d. yg. ; vn. Chs., m. Joanna Cuzzens, r. Ashland ; vm. Mary Ann, bap. Apl. 3, '09, m. Gardner Edmunds, r. Boston. 84. 99. Joshua, m. Sarah Cousens, Jan. 1, 1778, had at Dublin 100. i. Abijah, Apl. 10, '78, m. Rachel Hogg, Dec. 4, 1800, r. Me. ; n. Sally, Mar. 21, '80, m. Benj. Wilder, r. Plymouth, Vt. ; 101. in. Joshua, Aug. 26, '82, r. Jackson, Me., m. Julia Cozzens; 102. iv. Ebenezer, Jly. 7, '84, m. Polly Cozzens, r. J. ; 118. 103. v. Joseph, Sep. 16, '86, m. Hannah Greenwood, r. Dublin ; 104. vi. Timothy, Mar. 23, '89, m. Sally Bullard, and s. in Sherborn ; vn. Patty, Mar. 28, '91, d. urn. : vm. Betsey, June 12, '93, r. Dub., urn. ; ix. Asa; x. Hanh., m. Crombe Chadwick ; xi. Moses, r. um., Dublin ; xn. Aaron, r. Harbour Cr., Pa. UNDERWOOD. 251 88. 105. Gersham, m. Prudence Adams, Sep. 12, 1771 ; 2d, Prissilla Holt, Oct. 2, '79, settled at Dublin, and had, i. Luther, Sep. 18, '73 ; ii. Hannah, May 20, '75 ; hi. Prudence, Apl. 19, '77 ; iv. Josiah, Mar. 14, '79 ; v. Daniel, Feb. 21, '81 ; vi.. Prudence, June 10, '83, ra. John Minot, Sep. 15, '05 ; vn. Polly, Apl. 22, '85 ; vm. Dorcas, June 1, '87 ; ix. Gersham, Apl. 10, '89; x. John, Apl. 20, '92. 89. 111. Stephen, m. Lucy Norcross, May 27, 1779, r. D., had, i. Elizabeth, Dec. 7, '80 j ii. Sarah, Jly. 8, '81 ; in. Julah, Oct. 6, '82 ; iv. Hannah, Oct. 13, '94. 831 112. Abijah, m. Lydia Adams, Feb. 27, '72, d. Mar. 10, '76, r. D., had, 115. 113. i. Thaddeus, Jan. 23, '73, reared by his grd. father, T. ; n. Dorcas, Oct. 5, '74, m. John Twitchell ; in. Lydia, Mar. 2, '76, d. yg. 93. 114. John, m. Dorcas Twitchell, had at D., i. John, Aug. 20, '98, d. Oct. 11, '98; ii. Gilman, Jly. 28, 1800, d. Oct. .19, 1800; ra. Matilda G., Jly. 28, '01 ; iv. Silvia, Mar. 23, '03 ; v. Leander, Nov. 16, '04, d. Oct. 20, '05 ; vi. Emily, Feb. 19, '06, d. Oct. 31, '07. 113. 115. Thaddeus, m. Nancy Fairbank, of Mend., Nov. 25, 1795, r. Dublin. i. Abijah, Feb. 3, '97 ; n. Hannah, Apl. 5, '99 ; in. Mary, Jly. 6, 1801 ; iv. Nancy, Aug. 20, '03 ; v. Mira, Jly. 31, '06 ; vi. Lucy, Sep. 1, '08. 45. 116. Abel, m. Abigail, i. Elvira, Apl. 25, 1809 ; n. Albertson, Feb. 23, '11; in. Elvira, Apl. 14, '17. 95. 117. Daniel, m. Persis, r. D., i. Adaline, May 30, 1807 ; n. Almira, Jly. 15, '08; in. Darius, June 25, '10; iv. Persis A., June 25, '14; v. Joseph, d. Oct. .5, '16. 103. 118. Joseph, m, Hannah Greenwood, Dec. 29, 1814, r. D., i. Rufus, Oct. 9, 1815, d. yg. ; n. Horace, Nov. 21, '16, r. Med. ; in. Julia Ann, Feb. 9, '19, d. yg. ; and others. 34. 119. Reuben, m. Sally, i. Orlando, Feb. 6, 1808 ; Reuben W., Sep. 17, 10. 97. 120. John, w. Lucy Metcalf, had, i. Benj., Jan. 23, 1817, m. Mary Chap- man, has Harriet N. ; ii. Abigail, m. Sylvester Eames, r. H.; in. Lucy E., m. Luther E. Leland, r. Ashd. ; iv. Chs., m. Catherine Dearth, r. Fram. ; v. Susan, in. John Allen, r. Holl. John Twitchell, jun., ? of Warwick, m. Lydia Tenny, Nov. 3, 1781, at Milfd. ; Thomas, ? of W.boro', m. Phebe Pond, Nov. 5, 1783 ; Morris, ? m. Cath. French, Nov. 9, 1797, at Mendon ; Gersham, ? of Milford, had i. Martin, Jan. 18, 1779, who m. Elinor Lamb, of Oxfd., Jan. 25, 1807; n. Levi, 1780, d. um. ; in. Elisha, r. M., and um. ; iv. Betsey, Sep. 18, '85, m. Paine, of Custom House, Boston ; v. Gersham, d. without issue ; vi. Ella, May 18, '83 ; Ephra ,? of Milfd., by w. Lydia, had, i. Lydia, Feb. 2, 1770 ; n. Mercy, Sep. 22, '73 ; in. Mary, Oct. 4, '76 ; iv. Olive, Mar. 14, '80 ; Jonas,'? of Mil, by w. Olive, bad John, Apl. 28, 1785 ; Benj., ? of do., by w. Patience, had Patience, Oct. 26, 1774. 1 . Joseph UnderWOOd, of Hing., 1637, of Reading and Watertown,1645, was admitted to the freeman's oath, 1645. His first w. Mary, d. 13 (12,) 1658. Hem. 2d, Mary How, at Dorch., 29, (2), 1665, who wasdism. from 252 WAIGHT, the chh. in D. to the chh. in TV., 1666. He d. at TV., 16, (12), 1676, a. 62. lie was probably the father of I. Tho., of Dorchester, and of TV., 1690-1, whose children s. in Lex. ; n. Joseph, of TV., who was admitted to the chh-. Dec. 5, 1686, took the freeman's oath Apl. 18, 1690, m. Elizabeth -,' who was received to the chh. 1687. They had at TV., [see Barre & Bond] 3. i. John, Mar. 6, 1676-7 ; n. Elizabeth, May 8, '79 ; in. Joseph, May 28, '81 ; 6. 5. iv. Joshua, Lt., 28, (11), '82, d. Sep. 2, 1727; v. Sarah, Feb. 9, '87; vi. Hanh., bap. Apl. 13, '90, m. Daniel Richardson, at S., 1709. .5 6. Joshua, Lt., m. Mercy Fairbanks Jan. 13, 1707-8, dg. of Eleazer F., of S., 2d, Hannah TVheelock, Feb. 16, '37-8. He purchased part of Hopper's farm in H., in 1712, and s. on the TV. side of Chicken Brook about 1 m. S. W. of the common in H., drew land in Doug., 1715, was rated, 1721, amono; the 8 highest, and d. Sep. 2, 1727. He had at S., I. Mercy, Apl. 3, 1709, m. Eli Jones, '29; n. Jona., Nov. 4, '11, m. Priscilla Bailla, '40 ; in. Joshua, Sep. 22, '14, d. July 17, '31 ; 10. 8. iv. Joseph, Nov. 21, '10, d. June 7, '59; v. Thankful, Feb. 8, '19, m. John Hill, June 4, '44 ; vi. David, May 18, '21, d. July 7, '42 ; vn. Mary, Feb. 2, '22-3, m. Eleazer Robbins, Jan. 26, '43-4. 8. 10. Joseph inherited the homestead, m. Jemima Leland, dg. of Dea. Timothy L., and had at H., i. Reuben, Jan. 17, 1740-1, m. Abigail Burbank, May 20, '62, and had Thankful, Feb. 19, '96 ; n. David, Nov. 24, '42, m. Bathsheba Adams, Nov. 10, '63, and s. in Barre ; in. Elizabeth, Oct. 20, '46, m. Bridges, of H. ; iv. Timothy, Dec. 18, '48, tn. and. s. in Hubbard- ston, had i. Isaac, of Jamaica, Vt. ; n. Asa ; 17. 14. v. Joshua, Nov. 21, '44, d. Mar. 15, 1821 ; vi. Joseph, Jan. 31, '54, d. Aug. 31, '56 ; vn. Millicent, Sep. 18, '56, d. Sep. 18, '56 ; 15. vni. Asa, July 26, '57, m. Mary Kilton, Feb. 29, '83, s. at TVardsbury, Vt., and had Asa, July 27, '86, of Newfane ; 16. ix. Joseph, June 5, '59, s. at TVardsbury, Vt. 14. 17. Joshua inherited the homestead, was a member of the chh. in H., and by trade a tanner, m. Lydia Eames, noted for benevolence, dg. of Daniel E., of H., by w. Silence Leland, who inherited insanity from her mother, who inherited it from her mother, born 1683. They had, i. Silence, Oct. 7, 1766, m. Aaron Pond, of H., 2d, John Claflin, of H. ; n. Lydia, Jan. 8, '68, m. TVm. Mellen, 2d, Win. Unthank, 3d, Ebenr. Sumner; in. Daniel, # Jan. 28, '70, m. Susan Bowker, 2d, Mille Bowker, r. Hopk. ; iv. Jemima, Oct. 22, '72, m. Levi Fisk, of H., '91 ; v. Anna, Oct. 25, '74, m. TVm. Claflin, May 18, '94 ; vi. Joshua, Mar. 14, '77, r. New York ; vn. Joseph, Doct, May 9, '80, m. Sylvia Chapin, Apl. 22, 1801, at Mend. ; and s. at Belfast, Me.; vni. Noah, Mar. 4, '82, m. Sophronia Bragg, 1704, r. N.york ; ix. Betsey, Mar. 4, '84, m. Timothy Mellen, 1802 ; x. Clarissa, Mar. 13, '86, in. Ichabod Hawes, from Frank. ; xi. Shem, July 2, '89, d. yg. ; xn. Chloe, May 22, '91, m. TVm. Drake, of Mend., 1812. Reuben Underwood ? w. Mercy , had Lucinda, Mar. 25, '94, at H. Ezekiel Waight, w. Rebecca, had in H., i. Tho., July 29, 1753 ; ii. Thaddeus, May 26, '55 ; in. Silas, July 12, '58. Mercy TVaight, m. Daniel Claflin, Nov. 22, 1750. WAIR, WAIT, WALKER, WALLIS, WARE. 253 Geo. Wair, m. Lucy Littlefield, bad in H., i. Sally, June 22, 1791 ; ir. Wm, Aug. 10, '95 ; tii. Lucy, Sep. 28, '97 ; IV. Geo. S., Nov. 11 , '99. Wm. Wait, w. Abigail, bad in S., i. Gersbom ; n. Jason ; in. Sarab ; iv. Hepsebath, Nov. 25, 1707 ; v. Rebecca, June 29, '09 ; vi. Abiel, Nov. 18, '11 ; vn. Betsey, Aug. 31, '14. 1 «i» i 1. Solomon Walker, w. Sarab , bad Josepb, Dec. 26, 1760, at S. 2. Timothy Walker, Dea., son of Comfort "W., from Rehoboth. to Med., came from Med. to Hoi., 1850, built at his own expense on the S. side of Jasper Hill, Mt. Hollis Academy, in which instruction in the classics and higher branches of English, have been given by accomplished instructors to the present time. Mr. Elbridge J. Cutler, a grad. of Harv. U., is now Princ. Mr. W. m. Louisa Turner, dg. of Col. Amos T., of Med., and grd. dg. of Amos T., and gr. grd. dg. of Amos T., Esq., of Hanover, representative, 1720, '27, '28, '32, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of John T., of Scituate, by wife Mary Brewster, dg. of Jona. B., and grd. dg. of Elder Brewster of Plym., and gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Humphrey Turner, who arrived at Plym, 1628, s. at Scituate, erected a tannery, and was much employed in public affairs. They have i. Geo. Fred., A. M., b. May 31, 1825, m. Amelia E. Bullard, rs. a teacher at Auburndale ; n. Louisa A., b. Apl. 21, '34. 1. John WalliS, w. Mary , had at S., I. John, Dec. 20, 1717 ; ii. Nathaniel, Oct. 12, '21 ; in. Benj., Dec. 15, '23 ; iv. Rachel, Apl. 10, '34, at Hoi. ; 5. Nathaniel Wallis, w. Abigail, had in S., i. Abigail, Nov. 21, 1724 ; ii. Lydia, Jan. 25, '27-8 ; in. Daniel, Nov. 28, '30. Joseph Ware, Cpt., b. Jan. 2, 1681-2, s. of John W., of Wrenth., by w. Joanna , and grd. s. of Robert W., of Decl., m. Jan. 5, 1708, Hannah Wood, b. Feb. 11, 1688, dg. of Eleazer W., by w. Dorotha Bab- cock, ? from Milton, and grd. dg. of Nicholas W., by w. Mary, pr. Williams, from Roxb., and through her succeeded to the inheritance of *!ie E. half of the ancient Wood farm, now owned and occupied by Maj. John Goulding, a descendant. Capt. W. was an able, enterprising man, and much respected citizen. He served as cornet of horse in an expedition against the Indians, and was selectman 11 years. About 1710, he, in company with Cpt. Joseph Morse, built the first grist mill on Se well's brook, and bis slave, Duty, being a better miller than Capt. M. could supply, secured him all the custom, and induced my ancestor to sell out, and the privilege has remained to this day in the family of Capt. W. The ancient Hull farm having descended through Hull's only dg., Mrs. Judge Sewell, to her dg. Judith, the wife of Rev. Dr. Cooper, of Boston, Capt. W. in 1734-5, purchased of them, for ■, the the S. E. half of the same, consisting of 250 acres, Richard Sanger purchas- ing at the same time, for an equal sum, the N. W. half. Capt. W. proceeded immediately, it is believed, to ei*ect the venerable mansion yet standing on the N. bank of Sewell's Brook, upon the W. side of the road to E. Med., known from a magnificent Elm, planted about the same time by his slave, Duty, moved into it and there spent the remainder of bis days. His remains were interred in the desecrated burying-ground at the S end of S., where his elegant headstone may be found lying in the vicinity of his grave, if not yet thrown into Charles R. He had, i. Hannah, 2\ug. 10, 1710 ; 254 W A E E . ii. Zipporah, Nov. 22, '12, m. Curtis Goulding; in. Abigail, Apl. 27, '15 ; 5. 2. iv. John, May 26, '17, m. Martha Prentiss; v. Eleazer, Nov. 3, '19; vi. Abigail, Jan. 7, '22--3, m. Nathaniel Prentiss, who s. upon the S. quarter of the Hull farm ; vn. Joseph, Aug. 3, '25, pr. d. yg. ; viii. Benj., Apl. 18, '30, d. about 1754, m. Mary Cooledge, had no issue. 2. 5. John inherited the N. half of the homestead, § m. S. of S. Common, was selectman, 1758, had by w. Martha Printiss, who d. Apl. 20, 1805, a 81, i. Martha, May 7, 1744, d. yg. ; n. Elizabeth, Aug. 22, '46, m. Peter Bullard, 'Go ; in. Mary, Dec. 5, '48, m. Jona. Holbrook, Dec. 20, 70 ; 9. 6. iv. Joseph, Esq., Apl. 30, '51, m. Grace Cooledge; 14. 7. v. John, July 4, '53, m. Hannah Leland ; vi. Martha, June 6, '56, m. Joel Cooledge, Oct. 11, '81 ; 18. 8. vn. Benj., Jan. 8, '59, d. Feb. 2, 1814, m. Mehetabel Leland ; viii. Persis, Aug. 12, '61, m. Wm. Adams, Jan. 1, '80 ; ix. Henry, Rev., D. D., Apl. 1, '64, m. Mary Clark; x. Uriah, Jan. 12, '69, a clothier, m. Sarah Babcock, Nov. 25, '90, had, Otis and Mira, rm. to Newton and next to Barre. 6. 9. Joseph, Esq., enlisted in the army of the Revolution, lost an arm in the battle at White Plains, but became an able surveyor and instructor of youth. He inherited the homestead ; was appointed a magistrate, served the town in various offices, but could never be induced to represent her in the Gr. C. He was a gent, of great intelligence, personal dignity, and moral worth, and ought to be long and gratefully remembered as one of the most exemplary and useful citizens whom S. has ever had. He m. Grace Cooledge, and had, i. Betsey, Dec. 7, 1777, m. John Mason, of Shrewsburv ; 23. 10. ii. Alpheus, Col., Mar. 23, '81, m. Polly Sanger; in. Asher, Hon., LL.D., Feb. 10, '82, formerly a Prof, in Harv. Univ., now a Judge of U. S. Dis. Court, rs. at Portland, Me. ; iv. Patty, Apl. 21, '87, m. Horatio Gardner ; v. Henry, Feb. 15, '89, d. about 1814, m. Irene Death, Jan. 11, 1810, had, I. Martha, (d.), m. Dalton Goulding, Esq. ; n. Albert, P., who owns the homestead ; in. Henry, d. yg. 7. 14. John m. Sep. 28, 1775, Hannah Leland, who was b. May 17, '57, and d. in childbed, Mar. 1, '90, and 2d, Zeruiah Brown, Dec. 13, '90, r. S. and Newton, had, i. Sylvia, Jan. 22, 1776, m. Doct, Starr, of Newton ; ii. Walter, Sep. 28, '77, rm. to Canada ; m. Orland, Aug. 29, '79, rs. Deerf'd. iv. Sophia, Aug. 13, '81, r. unm. Bos. ; v. Eleanor, June 28, '83, d. 1852, m. Small, r. Newton ; vi. Elbridge, Aug. 14, '85, was clerk in Epis. chh. at N. and rm. N. J. ; vn. Pamelia, Jan. 22, '88, r. Deerfield; viii. Gabriel, Mar. 1, '90, d. at her birth with her mother; ix. Harriet, July 30, '91 ; x. Emily, Feb. 23, '94, at Newton. 8. 18. Benj., Capt., w. Mehetabel Leland, b. Mar. 11, 1759, m. Dec, '78, d. July 20, 1846, had i. Caroline, Jan. 15, '82, d. June 21, 1806, unm. ; ii. Polly, Feb. 7, '84, m. Lemuel Leland, senr. ; in. China, July 30, '86, d. Oct. 6, 1838, m. Moses Bullen ; iv. Dan., Sep. 11, '88, d. 1816, unm., at Louisville, Ky. ; v. Eleazer, Nov. 2, '91, m. Lucy Breck, b. July 30. '97, r. S., and inherits the water-power where his gr. grd. father, Joseph, built the first mill on Sewell's Br., had, i. Caroline, 1820; n. Vorestus, Apl. 27, '22, ra. Mary Butler, (see Butler;) in. Benj., Jan. 24, '24, m. Elizabeth Capen ; iv. Samuel L., June 21, '30; v. Lucy D., June 15, '33. WARREN, W ATKINS, WENZEL, WHEAT ON. 255 10. 23. Alpheus, Col., inherited the talents of his ancestors, served as selectman, 1820-1, m. Polly Sanger, 1798, who d. Sep. 10, 1810, and 2d, Nancy Sanger, had, i. Betsey, Jan. 10, '99; n. Orlando, who r at Wor- cester ; in. Charles, who rm. to Con. ; iv. John, who m. Mary Wentworth, dg. of Isaac W. from Canton, rs. on the E. part of the ancient Breck Farm, has Ann Maria and Mary Elizabeth ; v. Joseph ; vi. Dana. Wm. Warren, had bap. at S. Sep. 29, 1793, had, i. Wm. ; n. Nabby ; in. Benj. ; iv. Polly; v. Joseph. 1. Andrew WatkinS, of Boxb., had bap., 1686-88, i. Andrew; ii. Peter ; in. Samuel ; IV. Elizabeth ; v. Mary ; VI. Sarah ; vn. Abigail. 2. Andrew W., pr. of the same race, w. Mary, had i. Andrew, b. Mar. 5, 1706, at Needh. 3. Andrew W., pr. gr. grd. son of the 1st And., was killed by falling from a load of hay, July 26, 1805, a. 68 yrs. 4 mos. and 16 days, m. Thankful Morse, and s. in W. part of H., nest to Hopk., had, i. Sarah, Aug. 6, 1757, m. Elisha Adams, of Hopk. ; n. Henry, Mar. 22, '60, d. Dec. 13, '72 ; in. John, d. yg. ; iv. Stephen, Mar. 23, '62, d. Dec. '72 ; v. Chloe, '64, d. Dec. '72 ; vi. Aaron, Oct. 5, '65, d. Nov. 20, '72 ; vii. Moses, d. Nov. 28, '72 ; vra. Daniel, Oct. 25, '66, d. July 10, '67 ; ix. Thankful, d. Sep. 14, '75 ; x. Elijah, July 18, '76, m. Polly Badger, b. in Natick, Feb. 14, '72, in- herited the homestead, and had, Nancy, d. yg., Emilia, Miranda, Nathan, d. 184:1, Andreiv, m. Chloe Wilcox, rs. at Sandisfield, had, Geo. E., June 13, 1832, rs. in H. ; Jane, m. Wm. Perham, rs. Hopk. ; Mary E., Sarah B., Chs. S. ; xi. Henry, d. Sep. 20, '75 ; xn. Ede, b. Jan. 20, '81, m. Claflin, of Hopk. ; xin. Mille, Nov. 25, '83, m. Aaron Bockwood, and d. Aug. 20, 1841. Jacob Wenzel, w. Sibble , had, at H., i. Louisa, Apl. 20, '87 ; ii. Seneca, Jan. 22, '99. JosephuS Wheaton, Bev., b. Mar. 16, 1788, s. of Joseph W., Esq., of Behoboth, a descendant fr. Bev. W., the 2d pastor of the Bap. chh. of Swansey, " early evinced a strong thirst for knowledge," and by his own energy and perseverance, obtained a thorough education. Hegrad. with distinguished honor, in 1812, at B. U., where he continued his residence, studied theology, and at the same time, had charge of the Acad, connected with the Univ., was tutor in the same, 1813-15 ; licensed, 1814 ; ordainea pastor at H., Dec. 6, 1815 ; and d. of a consumption, Feb. 4, 1825. He was by nature, a most amiable man, endowed with fine sensibilities, rare sagacity and self-control. He penetrated into the arcana of whatever he made his study, and could communicate his knowledge with readiness and propriety. As a tutor, he excelled in gaining the esteem of undergraduates, and in rendering them thorough in their studies, and circumspect in their deportment ; and had he chosen the profession of a teacher, few of his* cotemporaries could have excelled him at the head .of a college. But this was to him a secondary calling. From the date of brightened hopes in the pardoning mercy of God, his heart and understanding were fixed upon preaching the Gospel as the highest pursuit in which 256 WHEATON. men or angels can engage ; and from that time he devoted all his energies to become a workman that would not need to be ashamed. He had previously pursued a variety of studies, having no reputed direct connection with the duties o f the sacred office, yet " well calculated " to prevent that hostility to science, which battles not a few otherwise valuable men, and " to enlarge his sphere of ministerial usefulness." His various attainments, soundness in doctrine and evident consecration — his ap- pearance as a speaker, and his plain, yet winning address, fitted him peculiarly to harmonize and restrain the then discordant elements of H., and to inculcate and de- fend those truths, which alone could ensure permanent peace. For such reasons, II. was proposed to him, and he to H. ; and he was engaged to supply the pulpit, be- fore he resigned his tutorship. After his settlement, the chh. had rest, and was edified. " In his intercourse with his people, Mr. Wheaton's wisdom was evangelical ; first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated. His conciliating deportment, amiable temper, and dignified, yet unaffected manners, won the affections of those who were not always pleased with his theological sentiments ; " which closely resembled those of his worthy predecessor, and embraced the peculiarities of Calvinism to which the term Hopkinsian is applied by way of designation. He was completely success- ful in uniting and harmonizing this people at a time when they were found not a little discordant in opinion and feeling • and enjoyed, in an unusual degree, their respect, confidence, and affection, from the commencement to the close of his ministerial life. " Mr. W. was a student as well as a pastor. What time the more active duties of his office would permit, he was with his book and his pen. He excelled in an intimate acquaintance with the classics. His literary character, and eminent talents as an instructor of youth, made his house a favorite resort of young men fitting for college, or perfecting their education." " As a preacher, Mr. TV. was, what he principally aimed to be, instructive. Yet he was also an animated and animating preacher. His whole soul appeared in his work. To be eloquent was not his object ; and yet he was occasionally eloquent to a high degree. His style was worthy the man who wrote, and of the important subjects on which it was employed. He seemed to think with Addison, that good thoughts ought to be well dressed. As it respects the delivery of his discourses, it was natural," though uncommonly rapid ; " and his animation, united with the rich materials of his sermons, made him a highly acceptable speaker." " His piety was ardent ; and humility was a distinguishing feature of it. His trials with respect to his own piety, though not without example, were peculiarly severe. But his sun was not always overcast ; he hoped in God ; resigned himself with confi- dence to his disposal ; and often had joy and peace in believing." [Chris. Magaz.] During his ministry the present orthodox chh. was built and consecrated. On the latter occasion Mr. TV. delivered a discourse, which was published — "a lasting monu- ment of the man and the event." He published several other sermons, a work on School Education, and one often referred to, on the Equality of Mankind, and the Evils of Slavery. He m. 1st, Mary Ide, Jan., 183 6, who d. Jly , 1817 ; and 2d, Abby Fales, and had, i. Francis, grad. B. U., 1840, a lawyer; n. Henry Stewart, grad. B. U., 1841, r. a lawyer in Calf. ; in. Mary; iv. Louisa. 1. David Wheaton, w. Susanna, had in H., i. David, Dec. 1, 1731 : G. 3. 3. G. Daniel, w. Unity, had, in H., i. Abigail, Aug. 13, '61 ; n. Daniel, May 12, 1763; in. Amos, Jan. 16, '66, by w. Emily. WHEELOCK, WHITE, WHITING, WHITNEY.' 257 1. ThO. Wheelock, w. Hannah, had in H., i. Henry, Aug. 8, 1771 ; ii. Moses, Mar. 8, '70. 3. Jc )h Wheelock, had by w. Sarah, at S., i. Cyrus, Mar. 29, 1776; H. Sally, Oct. 17, '78, d Nov. 19. 1802 j in. Ebenezer, Feb. 2, '81 ; iv. Thankful, Aug. 23, '82. 1. David White, w. Abigail, had in S., i. David, Sep. 16, 1731 ; ii. Sarah, Mar. 16, '33-4 ; m. Peter, July 28, '35 ; iv. Abigail, Feb. 10, '38-9. 4. Stephen White, w. Mary, had in H., Mary, Mar. 17, 1763. 1. Josiah Whiting, w. Abigail , from Ded. to S., and rm. to Barre, had in S., i. Amos, Nov. 16, 1761 ; n. Abigail, Oct. 11, '63 ; in. Martha, Jan. 11, 'G6; iv. Josiah, July 25, '70, rm. to Barre. 4. Jason Whiting, br. to Josiah above, w. Deborah , had in S., I. Molle, Aug. 2, 17 G7, and rm. to Barre. 5. Samuel Whiting, br. to Jason, w. Deliverance , had in S., 7. 6. i. David, d.1807, a. 55; ii. Abigail, m. James Curtis; in. Sam'l, d. um. 6. 7. David Whiting, m. Anna Bullard, and had at H., i. Nathan, July 28, 1774, d. 1819, m. Meletiah Partridge, fr. Med., and s. on the farm formerly Col. Perry's, in H. ; n. Rhoda, June 14, '76; in. Ede, Jan. 14, '78, m. Wm. Heminway, of Leverett ; iv. Anna, Oct. 17, '79, m. John Eames, of Ashland; v. Sarah, Mar. 16, '81, d. unm. ; vi. Asa, Col., Nov. 3, '82, m. Clarissa Hill, dg. of Tim. H., 2d, Cynthia, (Sawyer) Wheelock, r. H. ; vn. Elihu. Sep. 27, '81, m. Mille Rockwood, r. Barre ; vnr ' aniel, June 13, '86, m. Sally Bridges, dg. of Hachaliah B., of H. ; ix. Amos, Mar. 2, '88, gd. B.Univ., 1812, d. '38, at Port Gibson, Miss , a lawyer, had Charles William, A. M. ; x. Betsey, Dec. 28, '89, (d.) m. Eli Phipps, of H. ; xi. Martin, Nov. 4, '91, Har. U., 1814, d. 1823, at Natches, unm., a lawyer; xn. Joanna, Dec. 20, '94, d. unm. a. 21. 13- Nathan Whiting ? w. Miriam , had, i. Nathan, June 19, 1794, at H. ; n. Miriam, Nov. 4, '86. 15. Phineas Whiting,? had, at S., i. Betty, bp. June 3, 1781 ; ii. Ebenezer, bp. do. ; in. Micajah, bp. do. 1- John Whitney, w. Elinor, according to Dr. Bond, embarked at Ips- wich, 1635, a. 35, s. at Watertown and became a prominent citizen. He had, 3. 2. i. Jona., b. in England, 1631 ; n. Benjamin, b. June 6, 1613, m. Jane , s. first at Saco, 2d at Watertown, and 3d at S., where his w. d. Nov. 14, 1690. As Benj., senr., he drew land at Doug., 1715. 2. 3. Jonathan m. Lydia Jones, Oct. 30, 1656, s. first in Watertown, where all his children are recorded, and where he sold his property for a considerable sum, and ab. 1678 or 9, came to S., built his house, 1678 or early in '79, on the spot where Capt. Paul rs., and this pr. by agreement with the proprietors before the lot was legally assigned him. He had a home lot of 30 acres, includ- 33 258 WHITNEY. ingthe Rocky Hill N. of bis house, and lying on both sides of the main road ; also, 24 acres more in three other lots. He d. about 1702. He had, i. Lydia, July 3, 1657, d. 1719, m. Moses Adams, of S. 8. 4. ii. Jona., Oct. 20, '58; in. Anna, Apl. 28, 'CO, m. Cornelius Fisher. 9. 5. iv. John, June 27, '62; v. Josiah, Way 19, '64 ; vi. Elinor, Oct. 12, '60, d. Nov. 23, '78 ; vn. James, Nov. 28, '68, d. Nov. 30, '90 ; vin. Isaac, Jan. 12, '70-1, d. Dec. 2, '90 ; 24. 6. ix. Joseph, Mar. 10, '72-3 ; x. Abigail, Aug. 18, '75 ; 7. xi. Benj., Jan. 6, '78-9, d. 1718. 4. 8. Jona., m. Sarah pr. Hapgood, s. on lands assigned to his father near Chest- nut Brook, and rm. to W. He had at S., i. Sarah, Mar. 2, 1692-3 ; ii. Jona., Sep. 27, '94, d. yg. ; m. Tabitha, Aug. 22, '96. 5. 9. John, m. Mary Hapgood, fr. W., dg. of Shadreck H., 2d, Sarah , 3d, Martha Walker, 1718, inherited the homestead in S., and had, i. Mary, Mar. 27, 1689, m. Daniel Moore, 1709 ; ii. Elizabeth, Jan. 29, '90, m. Jona. Willard. 11. 10. m. James, Dea., Dec. 28, '92, " d. Apl. 10, 1770, a. 77;" vi. Lydia, Apl. 18, '96, m. Richard Haven, 1713-14; v. Hannah, Sep. 27, '97, m. Ezekail Rice, 1722-3. 10. 11. James, Dea., inherited, ab. 1727, the homestead at Edward West's Plain, m. Martha Rice, and 2d, Elizabeth (Holhrook) Twitchell, (the wid. os Joseph T , of S., and the mother of Joseph T., Esq.,) 1696, d. Mar. 31, 1782, a. 85. He had, i John, Apl. 10, 1716, m. Abigail Perry, '38-9 ; 30. 1\\. ii. James, June 4, '18, m. Patience Leland ; in. Mary, May 12, 1720; iv. Martha, Nov. 9, '21 ; v. Benj , June 13, '23, d. yg. ; vi. Micha, June 4, '25, d. June 23, I860, m. Lydia Mason, '47, r. Nat. 16. 13. vn. Benj., Oct. 23, '27 ; vin. Ezra, Feb. 22, '29-30, m. Mercy Morse, r. Doug., had i. Elizabeth, June 29, 1754; 39. 15. ix. Daniel, Hon., Dec. 13, '33, of 2d w., and d. Apl. 6, 1810, a. 76. 13. 16. Benj., Dea., m. Esther Leland, b. July 31, 1728, dg. of Joseph L., by w. Esther Thurston, and grd. dg. of Hopestill L., by \y. Patience Holbiook, and gr. grd. dg. of Henry L., by w. Margaret Babcock, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Hopestill L., s. at W. Sheiborn, where Capt. Curtis Golding rs. He had, 19. 17. i. James, b. Oct. 21, 1755, m. Susanna Hill, 1780; 18. ii. Joseph, b. 1762, inherited the homestead which he sold to Eleazer Goulding,m. Sally Parks, fr.Fram., and rm. to Gardner, had i. Joseph Park; ii. Geo. ; in. Chs. ; iv. Samuel ; v. Ann P., all bp. at S., 1800-9. 17. 19. James received from his grd. father Leland, in 1779, a deed of half his farm, situated partly in Holl., and upon which occurs a valuable quarry of sienite, and upon which the towns of S., Holl. and Ashland corner. In 1785, he received from the same hand another deed. He r. where Tim. Twitchell rs., but sold this farm to Wm. Adams, and d. at Dover. He had, 23. 20. i. Isaac, Col. and Esq., Sep. 6, 17S3, m. Mary More, and 2d 5> Sally Thayer; n. Benj., who m. More, and s. in N. Y. ; in. Martin, m. and s. in Attleboro' ; iv. Sylvia, d. unm. ; v. Patty, d. unm. 20. 23. Isaac, Col., inherited the homestead of his father, was esteemed a man of strong mind and an able military officer. He was long a leading citizen of the Town. He m. 1st, Mary More, and 2d, Sally Thayer, (still hving) dg. of WHITNEY. 259 Elijili T., of Mil ford, by w. Sarah Robinson, the dg. of Samuel R., pr. a descendant of Elder John Robinson, of the Pilgrim Chh. He had, i. Susan, m. Chs. Bonney ; n. Martha, m. Moses Stratton; in. Mary, May 7, 1812, m. Ebenr. Babcock ; iv. Jane, Apl. 9, 1816, m. ' James N. Hill ; v. Warren, b. June 15, 18 10, m. Ann E. Watson, b. Feb. 2, '23, and had Abhy, Apl. 11, '46, r. Homestead ; IV. James R., Feb. 24, '21, m. Almira Cleale ; vir. Amanda; VIII. Sally Ann. 6. 24. Joseph, m. Rebecca, r. S., had, i. Jonas, June 7, 1708 ; II. Joseph, Mar. 22, '10; ill. Sylvanus, Feb. 22, '11-12; vi. James, Mar. 22, '14; v. Ephraim, Mar. 11, '15-1G, r. Natick ; 11^. 30. James, m. Patience Leland, s. at W. Sherborn, at the junction of the roads to Ashland and the W., and had, 33. 31. I.John, Mar. 10, 1742--3, m. Hannah Holbrook ; II. Joseph, May 7, 1745; ill. Martha, Aug. 16, '47 ; iv. Abigail, Dec. 11, '49. 31. 33. John, 1st w. "Molly" , 2d w. Hannah Holbrook, dg. of Nath'l H., inherited the homestead at W. Sh., and had, i. Hannah, Sep. 3, 1768, m. Henry Pratt; n. Nathaniel, July 12, '72, m. Eames, fr. Fram., r. N. Y.; in. John, bp. '72-81, m. Clarissa Slack, r. Boston. 38. 30. iv. James, bp. '72-81, m. Lois Blodget, fr. N. Y. ; v. Ezra, bp. '72-81, s. at Medibemps, Me. ; VI. Patty, bp. "72-81, pr. d. yg. 3G. 38. James, s. on the homestead, but built with his father the house now occu- pied by Mr Lyman W., and had, i. Louisa, m. Cyrus Daniels, of Med. ; II. Phebe, m. Partridge Hill; 2d, Jacob Pratt, of S. ; III. Ljman, m. Mary Leland, and inherits the homestead ; iv. Sylvester, m. Fanny Sanger, r. W. Sherborn ; v. Lois, m. Augustus Leland ; vi. Elmira, m Harrison G. O. Hooker, of S. ; vir. James, m. Mary Ann Clark; viii. Vespatian, d. yg. ; ix. Caroline, m. James Wight of Newton; x. Abigail, d. yg. 15. 39. Daniel, Hon., was a strong-minded, facetious and patriotic citizen. He was early and long in public life, and during the revolutionary struggle, an efficient instrument in arousing and directing; the energies of his fellow-citizens. He was a member of the Provincial Congress, 1775, rep. '76 ; member of the convention to form the State Constitution, '80, and of that which adopted the Federal Constitution, in '88 ; and between 17il and '09, he represented S. 14 years in the G. C, and was several sessions a member of the Senate, and repeatedly of the Executive Council. As a magistrate, he was much valued, and he passed away amidst the regrets of an extended acquaintance. The following inscription on his gravestone should be exempt from the sar- casm, "Here lie the dead, and here the living lie." " Stranger, tread lightly on the remains of one such as thou ought to be, true to his conscience and country." He m Miriam Leland, June 11, 1761, dg. of Daniel L., by w. Mary Death, inherited the ancient homestead on Edward's Plain, and had, i. Amos, a mercht. in Boston, d. without issue ; ir. Daniel, m. White, fr. Newport, R. I., and bad, i. Daniel, rm. South ; ii. Amos, d. in New York ; in. Win. S. (d.) ; in. Aaron, Feb. 0, 1772, d. Nov. 20, 1810, m. Edie Fisk, Apl. 30, '04, who d. Sep. 1, 1848. He had at S., i. John, Jan. 21, '05, d. a. 21 ; n. Mary, July 24, 1801, m. Moses Stratton, of S. ; in. Elizabeth, July 16, '03, d. Aug. 24, '24; iv. Daniel, July 26, '05, d. Aug. 10, '44, m. Hanh. (Smith) Rcaud, and had Mary E. m. Robert F. Berwick of New York : 260 WIGHT, WILLIAMS, WILSON, WINSIIIP, WISWALL. v. Aaron, Sep. 15, '09, rs. Natiek has a family ; vi. Miriam L., Nov. 8, '11, r. S. ; vii. Sarah H., July 9, '13, m. Emlyn Sparahawk ; vni. John F., Feb. 20, '16, d. 1816 ; iv. Elizabeth, m. Dea. Win. Clark, of S. ; v. Mary, m. John Billiard, Esq., of S. The following occur on S. and Holl. records, supposed to be the descendants of Benjamin Whitney, No 2, but incapable of being traced by our records. 47. Benj? w. Hester, hail Benj., May 22, 1709, at S was innholder and drew lands in Douglas, 1715, but disappeared before 1730. 48. Eleazer,? had Daniel, Feb. 27, 1704--5, at S. ; 49. Jona.,? w. Susanna, had, at S., i. Susanna, Jan. 20, 1702-3; n. Jona., Oct. 17, 1704; in. Keziah, July 31, '06; iv. Dorotha, Aug. 28, '08 ; v. Mary, May 28, '10 ; vi Lydia, Mar. 3, '11-12 ; vn. Jesse, Feb. 8, '14 ; vni. Hanh., Feb. 11, '14-15 ; ix. Elias, Nov. 14, '1G ; x. Mehit., Dec. 27, '18; xi. Geo., '21 ; 50. Geo.,? w. Sarah Cozzens, had, i. Isaac, Sep. 7, 1746; n. Hanh., Apl. 12, '48 ; in. Mercy, Dec. 22, '49 ; iv. Sarah, Nov. 30, '52, at H. ; 51. Elias,? w. Elizth., had i. Abigail, Mar. 19, 1747 ; II. Elias, June 15, '50 ; in. Ann Allen, June 1, '53, at H. ; 52. Isaac,? w. Lydia, had Lydia, May 4, '52, at Holl ; 53. Samuel,? w. Deliverance, had Samuel, Nov. 21, '65; 54. Isaac Whitney,? w. Mary , had at II., i. Sarah, Sep. 12, 1773 ; ii. Isaac, Aug. 12, '75. 55. Simeon had Betsey, bp. '95, at S. 1. JaiUGS Wight, an active and useful citizen, long leader of the Choir in H., had, i. James, r. II. ; n. Warren, Aug. 13, 1794, r. II. 4. Nahum Wight w. Hannah, had, Hanh., July 27, 1772, at S. 5. Joel Wight, had, I. Hannah, Mar. 11, 17G9, at Dublin; ii. Ephraim, May 20, '71, at S. ; ill. Eli, May 6, '73. Samuel Williams, m. Abigail Godard, who d. Mar. 6, 1716-17 ; 2d, Abig'l Wood, Feb. 4, '19-20, bad at S., i. Eleazer Wood, Jan. 5, 1720-1; n. Dorotha, July 8, '22, and rm. to Marlboro'. John Wilson, Doct., w. Mary , had at S., i. Elizabeth, July 25, 1740; ii. Alice, Aug. 4, '42, d. Nov. 7, 1805, m. Samuel Twitchell, Esq., of Dub. ; in. Sarah, Feb. 8, '44-5 ; iv. John, Nov. 14, '47 ; v. Hannah, June 2, '53. Nathaniel Winship, w. Mercy, had in H., i. Amos, Aug. 10, 1745 ; ii. Mary, Nov. 24, '47, d. yg. ; in. Nath'l, d Dec. 27, '53; iv. Mercy, b. Apl. 26, '54, at S. Jona. WiSWall, m. Mary Daniels, July 5, 1764, had in H., i. David, Mar. 3, 1765, m. Mary , and had, i. Moses C, June 30, '94 ; ii. Lowell, Oct. 8, '95 ; in. David, Oct. 27, '98 ; wood. 261 ii. Margery, Sep. 11, '66; in. Sabery, Jan. 23, '71 ; iv. Betty, Aug. 10,72 ; v. Sally, Aug. 7, '74; vi. Mary, Aug. 12, '76. 3. Jona. Wiswell, w. Polly , had, Margery, Dec. 2G, '97, at H. Nicholas Wood. In the early forest of Woods in New England, appeared 1. Nicholas, of Concord, where he had Abigail, 10 (2), 1642 ; 2. Nicholas, of Dorchester, in 1G40, who, in company with And- Pitcher, took the freeman's oath, June 2, 1641, and for a series of years occupied as tenant, the extensive farm of Hon. John Glover, in what is now Milton. Here a gross insult was offered to his wife by an Indian, from about Providence, which the Government noticed, by sending to Meantanomo, Sep. 8, 1642, a demand that the offender should be sent to them to be punished, " not with death, but some other punishment." The Sachems, Sacanonoco, of Pawtuxet, and Pumhom of Shawomock (now Warwick, 11. 1.) having, on 22 (4mo.) 1643, formally placed themselves and country under the jurisdiction of Mass., Nicholas Wood, with Henry Adams, senr., of Brain- tree, Henry Adams, junr., and Tho. Samuel, John and Christopher Adams, and above twenty others, were induced to petition the General Court, who, Oct. 1, 1645, granted them 10,000 acres West of Narragansett Bay, to be " set out for their town," and resolved that the number of 7 actual settlers should have power to admit or keep out whom they should think' good ; that the General Court should write letters to Benedict Arnold to compound with Pumhom at the easiest rate he could, for his right in any improved ground ; and that the petitioners should dispose of the houses built upon said ground [by the persecuted Gortonites], and pay to such as built them, what the Court shall hereafter appoint, adding for their encouragement, " if they shall see cause so to do." [Col. Rec. and Drake's Book of Indians.] The iniquity of this enterprise, which no doubt originated with the intolerant and grasping Winthrop & Co., was probably discovered, and voluntarily relinquished; or the prior sale of Shawomock, by Miantonomo to the Earl of Warwick, and by the Earl to Rev. Samuel Gorton and associates, compelled the Government to revoke their grant, and yield to Gorton his prior rights ; for neither Nicholas W. nor his associate grantees ever took permanent possession ; nor does it appear that they ever received indemnification for the relinquishment of the grant. On 8 (omo.) 1652, Nicholas W., with Tho. Holbrook and Andrew Pitcher, all of D., received of Richard Parker, of Boston, a deed for 535 acres of meadow and upland, "lying in the woods on the W. side of Charles River, 3 ms. from Natick, lying between the land of Capt. Robert Kayne on the S. side, and Mr. Richard Browne, of Watertown, in some part on the S. side, also ; by Charles R. on the E., [and a rocky point, now called the neck, running into the R.] ; and by common woods on the W." This tract now includes most of the farms of Mj. John Goulding, Jona. Holbrook, Martin Barbour, Walter Barbour, David Daniels, Joseph and Jedh. Leland, Dexter Amsden, and Charles How. It seems probable that Goodman Wood had taken pos- session, and made improvements prior to the date of this deed, for an act of the Gen. Court, passed three weeks after, directing the laying out of Natick, ordered the Eastern line to be extended up the river as far as his house ; and he had a child, b. pr. at Milton, recorded at Medfield, the nearest incorporated town, as early as Jan. 3, 1651. He erected his house 13 rods S. of Holbrook's mills, where the road now runs, and founded it upon a rock ; as if he would say to succeeding generations of the town he first planted, build upon the rock of ages. He seems to have been a very responsible and enterprising man. He signed the first petition for the incorporation of S.; was a member of the chh., and for his day, possessed of a lart'e property. He left no male posterity, who perpetuated his name, but his blood has mingled 262 wood. extensively with families of other names ; and from him have descended many orna- ments of literature, science and religion. His grave, marked by a mound, more than that of any other founder of S., merits an imperishable monument. WILL OF NICHOLAS WOOD. In the year of our Lord, 1669, on the 16th day of January, I, Nicholas Wood, living at my farme in Natick Bounds, having been for some considerable time under the afflicting hand of God, and thereby very weak and low in body, but of perfect remembrance, thanks be to God, and considering that the end of man's life is very uncertain, and forasmuch as I am persuaded that it is my duty to provide for death, that [ be not unprovided when I shall approach [my Judge] I have thought it good for the quiet of my mind, to ordain and make this my last will and testament, in manner and form as followeth : — First, I having most and chiefest care of my soule, do humbly commend the same into the hands of Almighty God, from whom I first received [it], trusting in and through the mercy of Jesus Christ, my Saviour, that my said soule, after it be departed out of this my body, shall immediately inherit life and glory ; and as for my body, I commit it to the earth from whence it was taken to be Christianly buried at the discretion of my Executors. And as concerning my worldly goods, which God of his mercy have given me, I do dispose of them as followeth : — First, I will and bequeath unto Anna, my now loving wife, the thirds of all my houses and lands at my farm, which I formerly bought of Mr. Parker, with all her wearing clothes and linen, and £17 a year out of the produce of the farm and my other lands, until my son, Jona., come to one-and-twenty years of age, for the bringing up of my two younger children. Item, I will and bequeath unto my son, Jona. Wood, all those lands, both upland and meadow, which I formerly bought of Mr. Parker, being the farme which I now live upon, with all the buildings upon it ; 4 acres of English pasture, lying on the N. side of the brooke, that runneth by my house, excepted ; allsoe I give unto the above said Jona., ten acres of meadow land out of that parcell of meadow, which I formerly bought of Lt. Fisher, of Dedham, as it shall be set out to him by my executors, at the south line of the said meadow next unto Mr. Jno. Hull's far d : allsoe I give unto the said Jona., one pair of oxen, one cow, one young horse, two ewes, one-half of all my tackling belonging to my teame, onedialf of all my wearing clothes, and one-fifth part of all my household stuff. Item, I will and bequeath unto my son, Eleazer Wood, all those lands, meadow and upland, which I formerly bought of Lt. Fisher, of Dedham, adjoining to my other farme above said, the ten acres of meadow land given to my son, Jona., above said, only excepted. Allsoe I give unto the said Eleazer, four acres of English pasture, which lyeth on the North side of the Brook above excepted : allsoe I give unto the said Eleazer, one pair of oxen, one cow, one young horse, three ewes, onedialf of all my tackling belonging to my teame, one-half of all my wearing clothes, and one-fifth part of my household stuff. Item, I will and bequeath unto my daughter, Mehetabel Wood, all that my meadow land, lying in the town of Milton, in the salt marsh, provid >d that what it shall amount to more than £60, upon a just and due valuation by indifferent men, shall be returned into the hands of my executors. Moreover, I give unto the said Mehetabel, two cows, two ewes, and one-fifth part of all my house- hold stuff. Item, I will and bequeath unto my daughter, Abigail Wood, all those my lands lying and being in the town of Roxbury, both upland and meadow, and what it shall fall short of £60, upon a just and due valuation by indifferent men, it shall be made up by [my] executors out of my other estate. Moreover, I give unto the said Abigail two cows, two ewes, and one-fifth part of all my household stuff. Item, I give unto my daughter, Bethya, all those houses and lands that I have in Watcrtowne, which I had with my last wife, after her decease, provided that what wood. 263 they shall amount to more than £G0, upon a just and due valuation by indifferent men, shall be returned to my executors. Moreover, I give unto the said Bethya, two cows, three sheep, and one-fifth part of all my household stuff. And further, my will is, that if it should please the Lord to take away my son Jona. befoie he come to one-and-twenty jears of age, being in a single condition, that then my son Eleazer shall be sole heir to his portion, paying out to all his sisters then living, ten pounds apiece, which said payments shall be made as followeth, viz., ten pounds to his sister Mary Thurston within one year after the decease of ye said Jona , and so annually until he have paid to each of them ten pounds ; or if it should please God to take away my son Eleazer by death, before he shall come to the age of one-and- twenty years of age, that then my son Jona. shall be sole heir to his estate, paying out thereof six pounds apiece to all his sisters then living, which said payments shall be as followeth, viz., £G to his sister, Mary Thurston, within one year after the decease of his brother, and so annually until such time as he have paid each of them £6 ; or if it should please God to take away any of my three daughters, now in their minority, before they be of age to dispose of what I have left, then being in a single condition, that then their portions shall be equally divided between their brothers and sisters then living. Item, I will to my grandchild, Abraham Harding, the son of my dear daughter, Hannah Harding, now deceased, the sum of £5, to be paid him by my son Jona. •when the said Abraham shall be one-and-twenty years of age. And as for the residue of my estate, bills, bonds, debts, or moveables, with the produce of my farme, and my other lands, the £17 a year above mentioned, for the bringing up of my two younger children, except unbequeathed,and not given in this my last will and testament, my debts being paid, and funeral expenses, with all other necessary charges defraid, my mind and will is, that it should be equally divided between my two sons and my six daughters, when my son, Jona. Wood come to one- and-twenty years of age. And considering that the future as well as the present good of my family consists as much in their peace and love, as in what I have done for them ; and therefore as it have been so, at present is, as my duty, so my care, God assisting, so to leave things as might most conduce to the end, and therefore my will is, that if any of my children, one or other, son or daughter, shall be discon- tented with what I have here done, and shall thereby occasion any uncomfortable agitations or distractions, or suits at law, thereby to trouble my executors, notwith- standing their faithful endeavors to perform the trust committed to them, according to my true intent and purpose, their so doing shall stand as a just plea and bar against them, whosoever they be, for having any right to any part of my estate left, and the portion above willed them, shall be equally divided between the rest of my children. Item, I constitute, appoint and ordain Anna, my now loving wife, and John Thurston, jun., and Tho. Bass, both my sons-in-law, all executors of this my last will and testament, to ye intent that they shall see the same effectually performed, according to my true intent and meaning in the same. Item, I nominate and appoint my loving friend, George Barbour, of " Medfield," suproursar of this my last will and testament, desiring him, that he would be aiding and assisting to my executors in the execution thereof ; and I do hereby utterly revoke all other wills made by me at any time, with all gifts, legacies, whatever, by me at any time made ; and in token that this is my last will and testament, I have hereunto put my hand and seal this 18 of ye 4, 1G69, in the presence of Henry Layland, at ., ^ , . , , , ~ Hopestill Layland. Nicholas X Wood, his mark, and seal.* * He wrote when in health a fair hand, as did other Puritans whose wills were signed by a mark. The same could not be anciently said of all the nobility of England. 264 W Y E T II . Nicholas W. d. Feb. 7 1G69-70 and his estate was inventoried 1. (12) 16G9-70 at £1,040, consisting of real estate, 88 bus. of wheat at 4s. 6d. per bus., GO do. of Indian corn at 4s. 4d. ].er bus. ; 12 oxen at £60 ; 4 horses and a colt at £15 ; 11 cows at £36 ; 12 young cattle at £24 ; 12 swine at £7 10s. ; 13 sheep and 3 lambs at £6 ; 2 carts and 2 tumbrels ; 7 sickles ; 6 scythes, hempbrake, &c. By Robert Badcock and Win. Daniell of 31ilton, by Robert and Samuel Williams of Roxbury, and by others of Medfd. All debts, including £50 due to his wid. " by agreement upon marriage," and his funeral expenses, &c, amounted to £72 2s., leaving £978 18s., a large estate for his day. He m. Mary (pr. Williams, ? and elder dg. of Dea. Robert W., of Roxb.), who seems to have returned from D. to Roxb., for her first confinement, and whose reputed fattier and brother, Dea. Robert and Samuel Williams, were appointed appraisers of lands in R , acquired by her. She d. Feb. 19, 1662--3. He m. 2d, Anna , pr. sis. or sister-in-law to Robert Badcock, of Milton, and do. to the wife of Henry Layland, of Sherhorn. He had, i. Mary, Dec. 25, 1642, at Roxb., m. John Thurston, of Medfd. ; ii. Sarah, b. also Dec. 25, 1G42, m. Tho. Bass, Dea., Oct. 4, 1660, and d. Dec 29, 1678, at Braintree ; in. Hannah, m. Dea. John Harding, of Medfield, Nov. 28, 1665; iv. Jona., Jan. 3, 1651, d. Feb. 21, 1675--6, killed by Indians on the 2d bank of Charles R , opposite Death's bridge, m. , and had only Silence, posthumous, b. in Dullard's fort the day after the massacre of her father ; and her mother expired a few hours after giving her birth. She m. John Hulbrook, of S. ; v. Mehetabel, Jly. 22, '55, the first Anglo-American child ascertained to have been born in S., m. Oct. 17, 1671, Capt. Joseph Morse, from Medfd., who settled upon a part of the farm left by her father, and built where Welter Barbour rs. She d. Nov. 12, 1G81 ; vi. Abigail, Sep. 13, 1657 ; vn. Bethiah, Jly. 28, 1660 ; vin. Eleazer, May. 14, 1662, d. May 20, 1704, m. Dorotha , pr. Badcock, fr. Milton, dg. of Geo. B. He fell beneath the tomahawk, by the side of his brother, in '75-6 ; was scalped and left for dead, yet recovered. He was ever after depressed in mind, and "strange." He inherited a large landed estate, and lived near Maj. Goulding's. He had i. Dorotha, who m. Capt. John Ware, senr., of Wrenth., Dec. 21, 1709, and d. pr. without issue ; ii. Hannah, b. Feb.ll, 1688, m. Cpt. Joseph Ware, fr.W., Jan. 5,1708, who first settled on the place left by her father ; was grd.mother of Henry Ware, sen., D. D., Harv.U., and gr grd. do. of Hon. Asher W., of Me. nr. Abigail, Nov. 25, 1692, who m. Feb. 4, 1719-20, Samuel Williams, of S., the s. of Isaac Williams, of Newton, b. 1692, and grd. s. of Isaac W., of Roxb. and N., and gr. grd s. of Dea. Robt. W., of R., her reputed 2d, or rather 3d cousin, and rm. to Marlboro'. She had, i. Eleazer Wood, Jan. 5, 1720-1, at S. ; n. Dorotha, Jly. 8, 1722, at S., and pr. others at Marlb. Tapley Wyeth, M. D., grad. at H. U., 1786, and was M. M. S. S. He m. Sally Fisk, dg. of John F., of S., s. upon the Plain where Dea. Benoni Learned and his s. Capt. Edwd. L. had lived, and became an eminent physician and valuable citizen. He served 6 years as selectman, and repre- sented S. 1813, and was especially useful in the cause of education. He d. 1813, had, i. Eliza Fisk, Jan. 21, 1799, d. unm. ; ii. Lucy Cooledge, bap. June 17, 1804, rs. at the homestead. H.cK N.N C.C. Chvniile?-!- 1.1th XoSton KEY TO THE MAP OF SHERBOM, Showing the original grant and changes of the township prior to the incorporation of Frarningham in 1701. S. R., Sudbury River. H. ch., Hopkinton 1st and 2d meeting-house. F. ch., Frarningham do. N. ch., Natick, North do. I. ch., Indian meeting-house. M. M. s Medfield 1st, 2d and 3d do. E. M., E. Medway, 1st, 2d, and 3d do W. M., W. Medway, 1st do. II. ch., Holliston, 1st and 2d do. S. M., Sherborh, 1st, 2d and 3d d ». P. Dedham, now Bellingham and Dover. W. Wrentham, now Franklin. A. A.. Medfield first grant. B. B., Medfield second grant. S. S., part of Natick first grant, given Sherborn for X. X. H. H., Sherborn first grant. M. Mendham corner taken out of Sherborn 1st grant. X T . N., given out of do. to Natick for S. S. rant that all the farmes & lands of your petitioners, & all the other farmes, improved or not improved, lying betweene the bounds of Mead- feild & the bounds of Naticke, with the quantity of land of six miles square of the wildernesse land, and all those farmes formerly granted falling within that tract of land as may [be] layed out, may be by this Hon- oured Court made a towne, & that the name thereof may be [ ], and your petitioners shall ever be your remembrancers. And further your petitioners humbly desire leave that this Court would grant unto us liberty of Naticke Indians to purchase, by way of exchange of lands or otherwise, for pay, two miles in breadth of their lands on the south side of their bounds from the west bounds of the farm of Daniel Morse unto the west end of Naticke bounds, and also that this Court would be pleased to grant us freedome from country rates for 7 years, or such time as this Court shall please. Joseph Morse, Henry Adams," v- Samuel Bullen, Benj. Bullard, Tho. Holbrooke, John Hill, Henry Laland, Tho. Breck (his mark), Geo. Fairbank, Daniel Morse, John Perry, Daniel Morse, Jr., Jonathan Morse, Obadiah Morse, John Bullen, <- Jonathan Wood. " At a General Court, held at Boston, Oct. 7, 1674.— In answer to the Petition of the Inhabitants and proprietors of Land near Bogestow, the Court, Oct. 21, granted the Petitioners the quantity of Six miles square, not exceeding eight miles in length, to take in as many Farms with the vacant Lands adjoining or intermixed therewith as that quan- tity of Land will admitt ; provided that none of the Farmers shall have any part of the aforesaid vacant Land now granted by this Court ;— but the said Land to be distributed amongst such other persons as will come to inhabit in the said Town as the major part of the Farmers think meet ; provided that there be a Farm of 200 Acres of meet land re- served, and by Captain Fisher laid out for a Farm for the Country ; * Henry Adams was of Medfield, but signed the petition as a proprietor and occu- pier. The remainder were residents. HISTORY OP SHERBORN. 277 and that no Man shall have allotted above fifty Acres, till there be twen- ty new families settled there, and then the whole that is free to be dis- posed of as the major part of the Inhabitants, capable by law to vote, shall judge meet. And the name of the Town to be called Shearborn. A true Coppy attested. Edward Rawson, Secretary." The form of the township, when laid out, was very peculiar. The original S. line of Natick was directed to be drawn 4 miles Westerly from Charles River, or the house of Nicholas Wood, which stood 13 rods S. of Holbrook's mills, and it extended W. to a rock on Jasper Hill W. of the Comb manufactory in Holliston. From this " corner" or " Jasper Rock" the W. line of Natick extended N. Westerly to Sud- bury River to a point 4 miles in a straight line S. W. of " the wading place" on Cochituate Brook, supposed to have been not far from its mouth. When, therefore, Sherborn was protracted, it must, in form, have resembled a hand card with its handle between Natick and Medfield, about 1 mile wide, and with its blade W. of those towns extending N. to Sudbury R. and S. to Charles R. and the N. line of Bellingham, then a part of Dedham. It included the S. W. quarter of Ashland, except 500 acres between Sudbury R. and Cold Spring Brook, the East- ern third of Hopkinton, and the E. part of Milford, then Mendon. But when the survey was found to have " intrenched" upon a previous grant, and Mendon corner had been taken out, its form next resembled the arms of a wind-mill with the North and West arms conjoined. Af- ter an exchange of the N. W. quarter of the township for the S. part of Natick, the form was more convenient, but hardly more comely. As the petitioners modestly refrained from proposing any name for their town, the G. C. are presumed, as in similar instances, to have as- signed the name of the native place of some settler or proprietor. Sherborn, after which it is named, is an ancient, large and well inhabited town in the N. part of Dorsetshire, 40 miles W. by S. from Salsbury, and 118 W. by S. from London.* Present population about 2,000. It was formerly a place of much distinction, where some of the an- cient Saxon kings were buried, and where a monastery existed. It was at a later day rendered famous as the place where the prime nobil- ity met William, Prince of Orange, and welcomed him to the throne of England. Other circumstances almost prove that some of the sires of the first planters were from Dorsetshire ; and Sherborn was not improbably the birth-place of some prominent settler or proprietor, and most likely of Henry Adams, then a venerable member of the G. C, from Medfield, and the most distinguished of the petitioners and proprie- tors. Six weeks after the passage of the above act the records of the town commence. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOWN, AND GENERAL COURT. Sherborn, 1674-5, Jan. 4th. — Assembled for the ordering the affairs of Shearborn, Daniel Morse, George Fairbanks, Robert Badcock, Henry ♦Some antiquarians derive the name of Sherborn from the Saxon words Seine brim — denoting pure water. If this etymology is correct, it is most appropriately applied to our town. 278 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. Adams, Thomas Holbrook, Benjamin Bullard, John Hill, Henry La- land, Joseph Morse, Obediah Morse, Daniel Morse, jr., Jonathan Morse, John Perry, Jonathan AVood. Thomas Eames is accepted as an inhabi- tant of Shearborn. At this meeting Committees ■were appointed, to take a view of the Land for the laying out of the Courts grant ; to agree with Thomas Thurston, Surveyor, for the laying out that Tract of Land — and assist the measurer about laying out the Land, &c. Also, Henry Adams, Robert Badcock & Thomas Eames are required to treat with Capt. Gooken and -whom it may concern else, for the purchasing of some Na- tick Land to the accommodating the Plantation, and to make return to the Company. Sherborn, 1675, — March 8th — Assembled for the ordering the affairs of Sherborn. " Voted to raise fifty shillings for the Surveyor for his work." At this Meeting Committees were chosen " to take a view •where to add to the grants of Land what is yet wanting to make up the complement, and to take a view of Natick Land, for the exchanging with them." But the consent of the G. C. was first to be obtained, and on their records the following act occurs, dated May 12, 1675 : — " In answer to the petition of Henry Adams, in the name and by appointment of the far- mers and petitioners of Sherborne, it is ordered that Capt. Daniel Fisher, Sarjant Richard Ellis, and Sarjant Tho. Thurston, of Meadfield, be a Committee to see the said exchange performed to mutual consent of par- ties ; and Capt. Gookin and Mr. Eliot, on behalf of the Indians, and to consider the equality of their other request, [probably the offer of <£50 to boot,] provided Natick bounds be first layd out and agreed upon, and pre- sented perfected to this Committee by the 1st of Sept. next, however, that the Committee go on to perfect the plantation by the next session making their report to this Court." Philip's war broke out immediately afterwards, and suspended for nearly two years all further action relative to the town. Alarmed for the safety of their lives, the inhabitants prepared for the murderous visit to which they were peculiarly exposed. Their two garrisons were doubtless put in order, and every man, woman and boy trained to handle a musket and watch against surprise from an enemy who knew no honor or mercy. Of their situation let imagination conceive. Surely the pains of fear and suspense which they must have endured would have worn out any but the stoutest hearts and the most determined purposes. But they meditated no retreat, as appears from the following note, ad- dressed, as is supposed, to Maj. Gen. John Leverett, then Governor, and found in the Sec'y of State's office : — " May it please your Worship, Prostrating my humble service to your Worship, I made bold lately to request your help of 4 men to be the garrison at my house which is for my family and my sons with me, most being married men ; I humbly prosecute my request that so it HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 279 might be that I might have 4 men out of Medfield, and that Edward West and Benjamin Fisk (sons-in-law) might be two of them, they living in the remote part of Medfield next my farme and they being willing to come if liberty by authority were given that they might be imprest by authority to be ready when I shall call for them. Thus I make bold, humbly begging the everlasting blessing and constant presence of the Almighty to be with your Worship. So prays Your humble servant, Daniel Morse, Sen'r, " Sherborne, 26, 11, 1675-6. In the name of my sons. " Granted for the present." (See also p. 24.) Although only one house was burnt in S. by the enemy, the inhabi- tants suffered the loss of 5 or 6 lives, (see p. '79 and 264) and of pro- perty to such an amount that they were included in the act of the G. C. ordering them and the people of Medfield a remittance of £120. Sherborn 1676-7. — March 15th — Then was Obediah Morse chosen to keep the Records of Sherborn. It was the mind of the Inhabitants and their desire that Capt. Fisher should be treated with, that He would be helpful, or undertake the settlement of the Plantation. G. C. Record, Jan. 24th, 1676, [pr. 1676-7.]— It being pro- pounded in Court at Nonantum to have a parcel of land belonging to Natick encompassed by Mr. Danforth, Goodman Death and John Stone, on three parts, it was consented that this parcel shall be included with the land Sherborn men have in exchange from Natick. This tract was bounded W. by Washacum and Farm ponds, now in Fram., N. by Sud. River, E. by the lands of Stone and Death which lay W. of Cochituate lake and brook. Death's farm was subsequently annexed to S. 1676. — 2d m. 13th day — Assembled to prepare for the exchange of Land between Natick and Sherborn, as encouragement has been given at the Court by Mr. Eliot and Major Gookin. 3d month, 9th day. — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Sherborn, The Committee chosen by the General Court being then with us The Committee enquiring where was the place intended for a Meetinghouse. It was then voted and agreed on that the place intended for a Meetinghouse should be on a parcel of Land joining or bordering on the Land of the late Nicolas Wood and Capt. Hull's Farm. — Capt Hull's house stood a few rods W. of Mr. Thos. Bickford's, and the spot agreed upon was on the top of the hill about 20 rods N. E. of the New South burying ground. Voted that propositions should be made to Maj. Gookin and Mr. Eliot and to the Indians in referring to the exchange of Lands between Natick and Sherborn, as to give Fifty Pounds in current pay and as much Land as a Committee of the General Court shall think meet. Report of the Committee of the General Court. At a General Court held at Boston, 28th of May, 1677. We, whose names are subscribed, being appointed by the Gen. Court to consider the case referring to the petition of Sherborn about exchang- 280 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. in"- of Lands with the Indians and other things contained in that Peti- tion, in pursuant whereof & obedience whereunto, being desired by Sher- born the 1st of the III mo., 1677, when we expected major Gookin & Mr. Eleot with some Indians : but waiting some time, only two Indians came with a paper from Mr. Eliot, by which we understood nothing was likely to be done. But taking notice of the order referring to the pur- chasing the Plantation, we find there is but little or no Country Land near the place where they intend to sett their Meetinghouse. 2d. " As to the farmes adjacent we conceive all those, in Medfield bounds that were granted by this Court and received nothing from Med- field, shall be accounted and liable to all charges and take up priviledges in Sherborn : those in Natick bounds, all the Petitioners Lands shall be accounted Inhabitants in Sherborn, and all other Farms that are nighest Sherborn Meetinghouse, shall be likewise in the bounds of Sherborn, and do duty and receive priviledges therein : but we doubt whether they be like to a Town, if some considerable tract of Land be not procured from the Indians, either by exchange or purchase or both. Your Honors humble servants, Daniel Fisher, Richard Ellice, Thomas Thurston. 23 3mo. (77) The Court approves of this Returne provided always, that the tract of waste Lands, situate and lying indifferently accommodable for Sud- bury and Marlborough as well as Sherborn and are now belonging to Thomas Danforth, Esq., Dep. Governor, be excepted. A true Coppy. Attest, Edward Rawson, Secretary. Sherborn, July 31, 1677.— Voted and agreed to hj all of us from this time to improve the Liberty of a Town in a Civil Body that the honored Court and Laws of our Country gives to us. At this meeting it was voted that Edward West, as Sergeant, should take the care of the Military in Sherborn. 7 mo. — Voted if any of the Inhabitants shall neglect to attend Town meetings appointed and being warned of it, shall be under the penalty of 3s. 4d. for every such offence, to be for Town use. G. C. Rec, Oct. 7, 1678.— Granted Sherborn inhabitants freedom from one single rate in a year during the term of three years now next coming, provided they be supplied with an able minister there. Sh., 1677— 8th Month 26th day. Then was consultation and con- sideration in way of preparation for a Minister, &c. Voted to raise thirty pounds per year by the present Inhabitants, one third part to be paid in money, and two thirds to be in current country pay as may be raised by us. N. B. Only 15 persons were present when the above vote passed. Sherborn, '78—11 mo.— 1 day .—Voted that five men be chosen as Se- lectmen, Daniel Morse, sen., Geo. Fairbanks, Edw. West, Thomas Eames, Obediah Morse chosen to keep the Records or as a Clark. N. B. This was the first time the Town chose Selectmen who stood for 10 years. HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 281 Voted That the first second day of January should be from year to year held to be a public meeting for the public affairs of S. Sh., 1779. — 13th mo. In reference to the settleing a Minister ; Voted, that we shall pay to the Maintenance of the Minister .£40 per year by the Inhabitants ; £20 in money & £20 in good country pay as is most suitable to the Minister and to build a suitable house. Voted, that Daniel Morse, sen., Thomas Eames, Henry Lealand, and Edward West be chosen as a committee to act as the town for the set- tleing the Minister amongst us, Mr. Gooking or some other Minister as God shall direct. Voted, to Ewd. West that in case he do stay in Sherburn one year from the date hereof then he shall have that land and meadow formerly granted to him by the Town, in the same state as the Petitioners land is ; if the Town have not a Minister settled. If there be a Minister settled, then to be in the same state and condition with other Inhab- itants. July 18th. — At a meeting &c. to choose a Committee to treat with Mr. Nathaniel Gookings to settle amongst us. Then was chosen this Committee, Daniel Morse, sen., George Fairbanks, Thomas Eames, En- sign Bullen, to act representing the Town to engage & settle a Minister amongst us. 7 mo. 18th.— Voted, That this Committee Capt. Prentice, Deacon John Stone, & Mr. William Bond which are chosen by the Councell 12th present month to act according to the Law published since the last ses- sion, in 19th this present month this Committee conserning the plape they have determined for the settled place for the Meetinghouse. For their satisfaction desiring should be voted by the Inhabitants of the town, the place voted was and thereby determined on a hill. Mr. the Committee and the Inhabitants made a second stand to look about on that account near Edwards Plain. 8 mo. 29. — Then was chosen four Men to be undertakers for our- selves in building a suitable House for a Minister, viz. Edward West, Thomas Eames, Joseph Morse & John Hill, these 4 to call others to as- sist in that work as they shall see meet, and as Men are capable to help. Also, that all shall bear equal charges on their house Lots according to their proportion of Acres. And concerning the Ministers House that is to be built it is voted and concluded that it shall be built according as is agreed with the 4 Men chosen as undertakers to see it done. The length 38 feet the breath 20 feet. It was also concluded that the undertakers shall see that this House be covered and inclosed by the last of May next ; and that this house be thoroughly finished by the last of September next. Also, that the place concluded upon by the Committee for the Meet- inghouse near Edwards plain be reserved for the accommodation thereof to the quantity of 20 rods square as may suit. 2«2 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. SOCIAL COMPACT OF SHERBORN ADOPTED. 1679. u For as much as the further promulgation of the Gospel, the subdueing this part of the Earth, among the rest given to the Sons of Adam, and the enlargement of the bounds of the habitations formerly designed by God for some of His people in this wilderness ; It hath pleased the Lord to move and direct the much Honoured Gen. Court to grant a tract of land in the land adjoining to or near the place called Bogestow 'with the Farms therein laid as is judged a meet place for the erecting and settleing of a Town." " We the persons whose names are next under written, for the pre- vention of questions and mistakes, disorders and contentions that might otherwise arise, do order and determine and resolve as fol- lowed." 1. " That all persons whatsoever, that shall receive lands by grant from the said Town now called Sherborne, shall become subject to all such Orders in every part and point of Town Government, as are at present, or hereafter by the authority of the said Town shall be made and appointed for the ordering, regulating, or governing thereof: Pro- vided they be not repugnant to the Orders, or any Orders of the general Court from time to time. And that every such Grantee, shall for the firm engagement of himself and his successors, thereunto subscribe his name to our Town Book, or otherwise, his grant made to him shall be of none effect." 2. " That if questions, differences, or contentions should fall out or arise in any manner or way in our Society, or betwixt any party therein ; that they shall really endeavour, to resolve and issue the same even in the most practicable way and manner, by Refference, Arbitration, or some other like means before it shall come to any place of publick Judicature except it be in our own Town." 3. " That we shall all of us in the said Town faithfully endeavour that only such shall be received to our society and Township as we may have sufficient satisfaction that they are honest, peaceable, and free from Scandal and erroneous opinions." 4. " That none of the inhabitants aforesaid or our successors at any time hereafter for the space of seven years from the date hereof upon any pretence whatsoever without the consent of the Selectmen for the time being first had and obtained, shall alienate, Let, assign or set over for the space of seven whole years any part or parcel of Land formerly granted to him or them by the Town, except to some formerly accepted of by our society ; always provided that this shall in no sort prejudice or hinder any Heirs at Common Law." (signed) Edward West, Daniel Gookin, Ephraim Bullen, Benjamin Bullard, William Sheffield, Moses Adams, John Holbrook, Joseph Morse, Benj. Twitchell, Jonathan Whitney, Jr., Thomas Holbrook, Joseph Twitchell, Eleazer Wood, Jonathan Morse, Abraham Cusanes, Thomas Hol- brook, Jr., John Death, Walter Shephard, William Rider, John Perry, Benoni Learned, Eleazer Fairbanks, Hopestill Lealand, Nathan HISTORY OP SHERBORN. 283 iel Morse, Obediah Morse, Thomas Sawin, William Goddard, Thomas Breck, Benjamin Whitney, Ebenezer Lealand, Nathaniel Johnson, John Coolidge. 1679. — Articles of agreement between Daniel Morse, sen., Thomas Eames, Henry Lealand and Obediah Morse in behalf of the Town of Sherborne on the one part. Wabon, Pimbow, Thomas Tray, John Awonssamage, sen., Peter Ephraim and Daniel Takawombpait on be- half of the Town of Natick on the other part, concluded and agreed upon this sixteen day of April, 1679. Whereas, It hath pleased the general Court by their Order bearing date May 12th, 1679, to give leave to the People of Sherborn to pur- chase by way of exchange, from the people of Natick, a quantity of Land belonging to Natick, for their furtherance and promoting of Sher- born Plantation. 2. The people of Sherborne above named in behalf of the rest, do de- sire about Four Thousand Acres as it is Plotted, described and bounded on the Northeast with Natick : on the Southeast Southwest and West by Sherborn, on the West and Northwest with a Farm belonging to Mr. Danforth. 3. In compensation for the same, they agree to give by way of ex- change the like quantity of Land be it 4,000 acres more or less, lying and being adjoining to Mauguncoog Indian Hill, which Land was grant- ed unto Sherborn by the general Court of Massachusetts ; moreover they do promise and covenant to pay unto the persons above named, their Heirs or Assigns, the full and just quantity of 200 bushels of In- dian Grain to be paid one half in hand or at demand, and the other half the last of March next ensuing. Moreover, they are willing that Peter Ephraim do enjoy the Land he hath broken up within that Tract of Land they are to have of Natick, at a place called Brush Hill, and to add thereunto so much more as may make the Lot 12 Acres, with an equal proportion of Meadow, to enjoy to him the said Peter Ephraim and his Heirs and Assigns forever ; but to be under the government of the Township of Sherborne as the English Are. 4th, Also, Ave agree & consent that on the Lands we are to have of Natick there be a Lot of Fifty Acres sett out where the Commissioners of the Colonies, Major Gookin and Mr. Eliott, and Indian Rulers shall choose within that Tract of Land, to be appropriated forever to the use of a free School for teaching the English and Indian Children there, th« English Tongue & other Sciences. In witness whereof, &c. Witnessed by Daniel Gookin, Nathl. Gookin, Edw'd. West. Signed as above. Coppy attested by Daniel Gookin, Senr. In answer to a motion in behalf of Sherborn Inhabitants this Court does ratify and allow of the exchange of Lands made as abovesaid. Attest, Edward Rawson, Secretanj. 284 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. '79. — At a meetting of the Inhabitants of Sherborne, in reference to exchange of Land with Natick : for the paying of 200 bushels of Corn to boot, &c. 18 persons present. Daniel Morse for his Farm do engage 25 bushels of Indian Corn this year. Thomas Eames and that Corner of the Town, 25 bushels. Henry Lealand 25 bushels, others assisting him — and in case the other quarter cannot be defrayed, then Obediah Morse do engage for the other quar- ter upon the desire and promise others to bear him out in either Corn in wheat or money ; to be paid wheat at 5s. per bushel, money at reason- able abatement." Ensign Bullen and Henry Lealand are chosen a Committee with the Selectmen to grant home Lots to those that are come amongst us. Sherborne granteth to such as shall make a sawmill on a Brook [Bog- istow, where the cotton mill stands in Hoi.] about half a mile on this side the corner [Jasper] rock that was Natick bounds, the sum of 50 Acres of upland adjoining to that brook, and 3 or 4 Acres of Meadow, if it may be found upon that Brook as may be convenient — also 10 Acres of Swamp, the Cedar timber excepted. This sawmill to be built by the end of 12 months, and be continued three years, or as the Selectmen then in being, and the owners shall agree. So the Land to be settled to the owners. This offer seems to have been accepted by Samuel Lind of Boston, who early built a corn mill upon it. '79 — 9rao. 29 — Thomas Sawin is accepted as one of the new inhabi- tants at Chestnut Brook, to take up a first Lot, as may be convenient for building a Sawmill on it. This is where the late Galim Bullard lived. This mill stood a few rods below the mill of Mr. Isaac Cozens. 1679. — Daniel Morse, sen., and Joseph Morse and another, were chosen to treat with a minister for settlement. 1680. — Ensign Saml. Bullen & George Fairbanks, refusing to take the oath of Tytheingmen, the Selectmen, in obedience to the Law, do choose Thomas Holbrook to have inspection over those families at the widow Lealand, Hopestill Lealands, &c, 10 Families. And Joseph Morse as tytheingman to inspect over Eleazer Fairbanks and 5 other Families. Difficulties of a serious nature had now arisen, the nature of which we are left in part to infer from the action of the Court. The inhabitants at the S. end had insisted on the place first staked, for the meeting-house and roads referred to on proprietors' records, had been laid from that place to remote parts of the town. They had as yet obtained no minis- ter, and the condition on which they had been exempted from rates had not been complied with. A few lots appear to have been illegally as- signed. Daniel Morse, senr., Dea Benoni Learned and others, in 1680 petitioned the G. C, imploring " aid that they may be relieved of their difficulties, professing a desire to settle a pious and able minister, without which their hopeful plantation would be ruined, and they and their wives and children be forced either to live like heathen, without God's Sabbaths and ordinances, or remove." G. C. Rec, May, 1680. — " In answer to the petition of the inhabi- tants of S., Maj. Thos. Savage, Mr. Bartholomew Gedney, Capt. Hutch- HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 285 enson, Mr. Joseph Lind and Mr. Joseph Cook, are appointed a Com- mittee, and required to repair to S. and settle all differences depending among said inhabitants, and give such directions as to them shall seem meete for ordering of their prudentials ; and what any four of them shall agree upon, shall be valid for the determining of such controversies as are among them, and what they shall do herein they are to make return thereof to the present session. (" Which they did, and is on file, not perfected.") 1680.— June 2d— At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Sherborne to attend the consultation of the honored Committee, Major Savage, with the other Gent, of that Committee — did then agree before them and en- gage to lay down of their lands for needful highways for the use of the Town, and to choose a Committee to lay them out. On the return of the Committee, and the rendition of their report, the G. C, June 11, 1680, say : — There appearing something necessary to be further donne with refer- ence to^ the settlement of Sherborne Towne, and the well ordering the prudentialls thereof, and some dissatisfaction with reference to the placing the meeting-house, this Court, judging it necessary to remove all obstructions that may hinder their quiet and peaceable proceeding, doe appoint and impower Wm. Stoughton, Tho. Savage, and John Richards, Esqs., a committee to order and governe the prudentialls of the said towne for three years next commencing, as to laying out lotts, and raysing of taxes. From the above date until June 11, 1684, the town was placed under loving guardianship, and submitted like an affectionate and dutiful ward. October 12th.— Reckoned with Thomas Sawin for his work about the Meetinghouse for framing the Meetinghouse and provideing Boards, Shingles and Clapboards, and making Windows and Doors according to bargain about the Meetinghouse, £50 For Boards and his work laying the Floor of do. 3 Daniel Morse, sen., John Hill, Benj. Bullard, John Death with the Selectmen, are chosen to seat the Meeting when seats are made. 1680.— 9th mo. 15. The Committee that formerly was chosen and impowered to act as the town for the settling Mr. Gookin or some other Minister as God should direct, making their, return to the town that ex- cept the Inhabitants do agree to what was done by that Committee in '79, 7 mo. they see no likely hood of obtaining Mr. Daniel Gookin to settle among us. _ Voted, that John Hill, Thomas Holbrook & George Fairbanks is de- sired to assist a Committee to settle a gospel Orthodox Minister on the place obtained for a Minister according to what is voted by the town for Ministers maintenance, &c. Edward West chosen Town Clerk. 1681.— Voted, that Daniel Morse, senr., Joseph Morse, and Edward West are chosen to treat with Mr. Cusheon or some other Minister to settle in Sherborne. And Thomas Holbrook was chosen to go to speak 286 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. to Mr. Cuslieon for an answer from him in reference to his settleing in Sherborne. * * 1681. — April 29. Whereas we the Inhabitants of Sherborn having formerly applied ourselves to the Rev. Daniel Gookin to be our settled Minister of Sherborn, he was pleased to give us his mind and word and writing to be willing to come amongst us, provided that we could agree to have the Meetinghouse on that place appointed by Capt. Prentice, but some not willing for it, did put us upon further trouble and the im- peding that work amongst us wherefore having a meeting of the inha- bitants & proposals being made if ***** would adhere to the settling a Minister on that place commonly amongst us called the Lot place, we, being desirous of not only the settleing a Minister amongst us, but also peace and concord, did yield to the motion, and made choice of some of those that did oppose our former proceeding to act accordingly ; but now we perceiving their fruitless endeavors in that respect, and being desireous, if God permit, to have one amongst us to break the bread of life to us and ours, and especially the Rev. Mr. Daniel Gookin, do if authority permit of it, bind ourselves to these particulars under written in the full sum of Ten pounds Sterling to be paid by us upon every wil- ful neglect or refusal. 1st, That application be made to the Rev Mr. Daniel Gookin, to be the settled Minister of Sherborn, by those three Men the town have lately made choice of to Settle a Minister in Sherborn, viz. : Daniel Morse , senr., Joseph Morse & Edward West, with as much speed as may be. 2d, That in case Mr. Gookin do agree to come amongst us, we do engage to pay to him annually as the Town in general have voted, viz. twenty pounds in money, and twenty pounds in country pay, such as we raise among ourselves, and such as the Minister wants, at such prises as go from man to man amongst ourselves : as also when the Minister hath a family or the people increase in the Town by the addition of new Families considerably, then to augment his allowance and this to continue with the help of such as may by Law be brought in to pay, during our abode in Sherborn. 3d, That the house for the Minister, in the place where it now stands, be fitted and finished conveniently to dwell in, and one Acre of Land to be broken up and fenced in a town charge ; and this House and Land as it is now in part lotted out shall be given to him the said Mr. Gookin, and his heirs forever, provided he do engage himself to us to be our set- tled, constant Minister, together with his interest in common Lands as other inhabitants. 4th, We do agree that when we do build our Meetinghouse it shall stand where it was ordered and agreed, near Edwards Plain. Finally, We do agree that all those above written charges shall be raised according to the Town vote viz. by heads & estates ratable in the country Invoice, and do also agree that all forfeitures that shall be made as above said shall be paid to the Minister towards his yearly mainte- nance. To these above said particulars we do bind us and our heirs in HISTORY OP SHERBORN. 287 the sum above said firmly and do make of the Men above •written to see to the execution of this agreement of ours according to the true intent thereof. In witness whereof -we have putt to our hands, dated 29th .April 1681. Daniel Morse, Senr. Thos. Gleason, John Hill, Edward West, Thos. Holbrook, Joseph Morse, Moses Adams, Benoni Learned, Ephraim Bullen, Nathl. Morse, John Death, Daniel Morse, Jr., Thos. Sawin, Ebenezer Lealand, John Eames, Jonathan Morse, Isaac Lealand, John Perry, Zachari Padleford, Jonathan Whitney, Obadiah Morse, Ebenezer Fairbanks. Benj. Bullard objected to the 4th Article. I whose name is here subscribed do freely and fully engage to remain in the work of the Ministry at Sherborn so long as I can live in said place so as to attend my work without distraction. Daniel Gookin, Jr. This note has no date but was pr. written soon after Apl. 29, 1681. 1681. — July 4th — George Fairbanks proposed to resign up to the Town all his rights and Interests in Sherborn with all his former charges from the first petitioning provided they would free him from Sherborne. 1681. — 8 mo. 27 — Voted by the Inhabitants that there shall be a division of so much of our common Land as is judged meet for a divi- dend by Daniel Morse, Thomas Holbrook, Jonathan Whitney, John Death, and Joseph Morse, If our honored Committee approve of it. Also a Committee -was chosen to acquaint the honored Committee with the state of the Town as to the accommodation of the new Inhabitants, and intreat their power and advice which way this Dividend shall be laid out. Also the Committee to obtain a Survey to' lay out this Land. Each man shall choose his Lot : and if 2, 3, 4 or more shall pitch upon one place, then they to draw Lots who shall have that Lot. Each man that shall take up Land shall pay the charges of the laying out his Lot. If any Man do mislike his Lot : then he to choose his Lot out of any part of any of the Towns upland without circumference. Boston, Nov. 3d, 1681. Having perused and considered the first vote above written concern- ing a division of common Land in Sherborne, We the Committee for that Town do approve and confirm the same, And for the way thereof We advise that it be first divided into 4 parts, to lye to each quarter of the Town according as they shall find it most convenient as to vicinity, respect being had to the quality of the land, that there may be an equality 288 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. in each quarter as much as may be ; Then each quarter or squad- ron of the Town to divide their part amongst themselves by lot. We fur- ther order, that before any division be made of upland, such new inhab- itants as have not had proportionable meadow already allowed them, shall have due shares alloted and laid out to them. And according to a former vote of the Town, we adjudge the new Inhabitants to pay two shillings per Acre upon their home lots, towards public charges, and then for the future to be equally rated with the rest. (Signed,) Thomas Savage, John Richards, William Stoughton. 1682. — Granted to John Awasamug 20 acres of Land, to clear all Indian Titles that concern the Land exchanged between Natick and Sherborne. A list of persons admitted to be Inhabitants of Sherborn since its in- corporation with the dates of admission : Ensign Samuel Bullen, Thomas Pratt, sen., 2 mo. 1679 Edward West, William Sheffield, May 1679 Jos. Morse, Zacry Paddleford, 2 mo. 1679 John Perry, John Eames, " " 1679 William Allen, Isaac Learned, " " 1679 Thomas Eeames, Jan. 4, 1674 Thomas Pratt, Jr. " " 1679 John Death, 11 mo. 1. 1677 Thomas Sawin, 9 mo. 29 1679 Thomas Gleason, 8 mo. 5. 1678 Jonathan Whitney, 1679 Hopestill Lealand. 11— 1 1678 Will. Goddard, " " 1679 Ebenexer Lealand " " 1678 Bononi Learned, " " 1679 Joseph Twitchell, " " 1678 Will. Rider, " " 1679 G. C. Rec, Oct. 11, 1682. Whereas there is about 50 soldiers at Sherborne, in probability they will increase to a greater number in a short time, and they having no higher officer than a Sarjant, it is or- dered by this Court and the authority thereof that Sargeant Edward West be Leiftenant to the said company and Jonathan Morse, Ensign ; and they are to choose two sarjants, a drummer and dark for the said company according as the law directs ; and that the said company do be- long to the regiment of Maj. Gookin and ye secretary is ordered to issue both commissions for them. G. C, Rec, May 17,1684. " In ans. to the petition of Tho. Hol- brooke, Edward West, selectmen for the towne of Sherborne, it is ordered that the grant of land unto the inhabitants and others at or near Boggestow shall be and hereby is confirmed unto them according to the plat now before the Court dated, 25 (3 mo.) 1677, signed Thos. Thirston, provid always it doe not intrench upon former grants to any toune or particular persons, and it is ordered that the name of the toune be Sherborne and that it belongs to the County of Middlesex." N. B. The great delay of the usual act of confirmation doubtless arose from the confused state of the town and their tardiness in comply- ing with the conditions of their incorporation. 1684. — Decern. 8. — "Voted by the Inhabitants of S., being assembled, HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 289 that the difference that is now between John Hill, J. Eames & John Death for catching Wolves, it shall be referred to the Ilond. Deputy Governor and Major Gookin to issue the Cause between them. 1694. — June 4 — Edward West was chose Schoolmaster for S. 1695. — Feb. 3d — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of S. for to con- sider and conclude of a inlardgment of our Town bounds by our * * * * of some of Naticks land that joins to the farm of Henry Rice to make one Township. It was concluded by the Inhabitants, met this day, that we shall go on to lay that tract of land that is taken in platt with a inlargement to the farm of Henry llice, and those Farmers that are willing to join in our Township according as offers have been made to themselves as also to procure a surveyor to run a straight line from the south Corner of Henry Pace's Farm to the Cartway crossing Cochituate Brook near where Course Brook meets with Cochituate Brook the charges of the whole to be borne by the Town of S. The Selectmen are chosen a Committee to see this work carried on for the benefit of the Town. 1700. — June 25. — The town of Framingham was incorporated and seventeen Families belonging to Sherborn were annexed to that Town. " A controversy soon arose between S. and F. respecting certain rights and privileges, which was at last settled without legal process." — [See Barry's His. of Fram.J 1705-6 — Jan. 8th. — Was granted £20, for the repairing and better finishing the Meetinghouse. The Committee chosen were Sergt. Sawin, Lt. Joseph Morse, Deacon Benoni Learned, Corpl. Isaac Learned and Richard Sanger. 1707. — May 28th — Ordered, That whosoever should take bring or convey any Cattle from other towns to feed on the Commons in S., and such Cattle being taken up ; the Person or persons who conveyed the said Cattle into Town, or the owner of them sd pay a fine of 5s. per head, the one moiety to the person who took them up and the other moiety to the use of the Town. These orders were allowed of by the Court of quarter Sessions at Concord, June 17th, 1707, till further order. ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. Public worship was first set up at the house of Cpt. Joseph Morse, and there continued until the meeting-house was finished ; and he received a grant from the town for accommodating the congregation. The existing records of the Church begin Oct. 27, 1734. They give no account of the formation of the Chh. ; but the MSS. of Judge Sewall contain the following notice of its origin : " Thursday, Mar., 1685. Went to the gathering of the Church in Sherborne, & ordaining of Mr. Daniel Gookin, their Pastor. But six Brethren & three of the name of Mors.* Mr. Willson [of Boston,] Mr. * The other three brethren were pr. Itenj. Bullard, Tho. Holbrook & Benoni Learned. 4 290 HISTORY OF SHEKBORN. Adams [of Dedham,] Mrs. Nathaniel Gookin [of Cambridge,] managed the -work. Mr. Nathl. Gookin, ye younger, introduced ye elder — a happy type of ye calling of ye Jews ; Mr. Torry [of Weymouth,] Brinsmeade [of Boston,] Fisk [of Braintree,] Esterbrook [of Lexing- ton,] Mann [of Wrentham,] Moody [of Boston,] Hubbard [or Hobart, of Newton,] Nehcmiah Sherman [of Watertown,] Woodrop [of Lan- caster,] Rawson, Grendal [ofMendon,] Willson, Junr., [of Medfield,] there, and the fellows of the College. Only Maj. Generall & self of the magistrates. No relations were made, but I hope God was with them." 1707. — May 29. At a meeting of the Selectmen it was ordered, that each person in town, for the Pool or Pools he or she is rated for, shall cut and carry to the house of the Rev. Mr. Gookin, one half Cord of wood per poll ; and each and every person who neglect to perform as aforesaid shall pay a Fine of 2 Shillings per poll to the use of said Minister. Oct. 23. — Voted to hire a minister while March next and that Mr. Baker be the man to supply Mr. Gookings Pulpit, now in the time of his restraint, if he may be obtained. 1708-9. — March 7th — At a Town meeting, &c. It was then mani- fested to the town what had been offered to the Hon. General Court by our Representative Saml. Bullard concerning the seventeen Families on the north part of the Town : with the acceptance and Concurance of the Court therewith : and was consented to by a general vote. G. C. Rec, June 3, 1715. — Upon the reading a petition of Joseph Morse, representative and the selectmen of the Town of Sherborn in be- half of the said town, praying that a Piatt of 4,000 acres of land there- with exhibited, laid out and protracted by Thomas White, surveyer, pur- suant to a grant of this Court at their session in June, 1710, on the West side of Mendon may be confirmed to the said Town. Voted a concurrence with the order passed thereon in the House of Representa- tives, viz : The plat having been presented for confirmation and viewed and inspected by this House. Ordered, that the land therein described be allowed and granted and confirmed to the town of Sherborn as an equivalent for the 17 families laid to Framingham, mentioned in the plat provided it intrench upon no former grant. Consented to. J. Dudley. Sh. June 17, 1715. — Voted, That the Invoice of Polls and ratable Estate taken in August 1714, shall be the Rule whereby the said 4000 Acres of Land granted and confirmed to the town by the G. C, shall be proportioned to and among the present Inhabitants being freeholders and such other inhabitants that have lived upon hire in the Town for some years past. The above-mentioned New Grant was divided amongst 105 Persons "being Freeholders and such other Inhabitants that have lived upon hire." December 29th, 1721, the proprietors granted to Ephraim Hill and his heirs forever, 20 acres of Land in the said 4000 acres, in con- sideration of his being the first settled Inhabitant there. HISTORY OE SHERBORN. 291 Two further grants of G700 acres, now in Douglas, were obtained of the General Court by purchase. In 1730, these Lands were divided among the Inhabitants of S. in the same manner as the other Grant had been. 1710. — Dec. 11. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Sherborn, Capt. Joseph Morse & Deacon Benoni Learned, Moderators. Then it was put to the Inhabitants by the said Moderators that inas- much as the work of the Ministery is apparently two hard for our Rev. and worthey Pastor, Mr. Daniel Gooking, he being a Crazie and infirm man and well stricken in years, whither they were willing to give the Rev. Mr. Baker a call or invitation to settle with us in this Town in the work of Gospel Service as an assistant to our Rev. Pastor aforesaid ; and after some debate on the matter it being put to try the minds of the inhabitants it was voted verry fully on the affirmative to give the Rev. Mr. Daniel Baker a call to settle in Gospel Service as an assistant to our Rev. Pastor aforesaid. Voted on the affirmative. Also it was voted at said meeting To give the said Mr. Baker a year- ly salary of 50 pounds money during the life of our Rev. Pastor and after his decease to augment Mr. Baker's Salary if need be. — Voted in the affirmative. Attest, Jos. Morse, Benoni Learned, Moderators. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Sherborn, April 2d, 1711. Then the Rev. Mr. Daniel Gookin was pleased to exhibit the following: " I have formerly as is well known, and several of the leading Men of the Town can testifie, yielded to sink ten pounds of the country part of my Salary for the encourageing of the Town to proceed in yt. weigh- ty design that they have been lately upon, and are not yet come to a full conclusion about But it hath been signified to me that what I did (and that freely) would not be accepted of by those to whom the offer was made, or at least it would not be accepted of by the Town : but if I thought it would not be imagined that I had a mind to force the Town to an acceptance of it, I would say that I do freely give back to the Town ten pounds of the country part of my yearly Salary, which they may improve for the encouragement of the Rev. Gentleman whom they are treating withall with reference to a settlement : in case they canob- tain him, otherwise if I must still carry on the whole work, as formerly, I do desire, and it is best meet that it should return to me and be paid to me as formerly — thus wishing Heaven to guide you in what is this day be- fore you, I take leave and rest your assured friend, Daniel Gookin." This being publickly read at the said meeting it was gratefully ac- cepted of by the Town. • Attest, Wm. Rider, Town Cleric. 1711. — Sept. 17. At a meeting to consider upon some proposals that the Rev. Mr. Baker hath made to said Town about the advancement of his sallary after the Rev. Daniel Gookins decease. Voted to advance Rev. Daniel Bakers Sallary to the sum of seventy Pounds per Annum immediately after the decease of our Rev. Paster. 292 HISTORY OF SHERBORN,. These, with other inducements, as 1st, the sincere concurrance of ye Rev. Daniel Gookin, with the church & Town in ye above mentioned affair ; as also the generosity of the good People of said Sherborne, in subscribing liberally towards building and settleing of the Rev. Daniel Baker aforesaid, together with the land yt is offered to him for a settle- ment, and the good Council and advice of several of the Rev. Elders, our common friends and well wishers, hath prevailed with the Rev. Gentleman to give the following Answer to the Invitation given him to settle in the Gospel service in said town. To the Committees of the Church and Town of Sherborn, To be communicated to the Church and Town. Reverend and dearly beloved in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is now a considerable time since you have given me an invitation to settle with you in the glorious Gospel of peace, and it is with no small importunity that you have for some time pressed for an Answer to your desires. The w r eightiness of the work you have asked me to- engage in, with some other things I have had under consideration, will atone for my delaying an answer so long. I hope I have not been backward in seeking direction from the All-wise Counsellor, nor have I been wanting in asking the advice of several of the Rev. Elders, our common Friends and well- wishers, whose Counsel I highly esteem. I am at length (though not without a deep sense of the weightiness of the work you have called me unto, and my own utter insufficiency therefor, and to answer what possibly you may expect, for who is sufficient for these things !) persuaded to accept of and embrace your Invitation, acknowledging the encourage- ment you have proposed. And do signify to you my resolution (in convenient time) to come and abide with you in Gospel service, so long as you shall afford me gospel Encouragement, which, as you will doubt- less conclude, I should charitably believe you will not fail to do, so you will not take it amiss that I assure you that I expect it. Thus promising myself that you will not fail to ask for me at the throne of Grace all suitable and seasonable enlargements of the holy Spirit of Grace, that I may come to you in the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel, and that all my ministrations amongst you may be continually accompanied with the allpowerfull influences of God's Spirit as a means to the conversion and edification of Souls. To the gracious guidance of the same holy Spirit I commend you, and rest yours in Gospel service. Daniel Baker. Dedham, Dec. 29th, 1711. 1711-12.— Jan. 14th. At a meeting, Voted that Rev. Daniel Baker's Answer be verry gratefully excepted, and the Town renders thanks to him for his good intentions towards them, and do freely concur and take up with his said Answer. At the same meeting a committee w r as chosen to take care about what is subscribed towards the Building for Rev. Daniel Baker, that it be regularly and orderly performed. The only reported publications of Mr. Baker were two Fast Day ser- HISTORY OF SIIERBORN. 293 mons, one preached at Dedh., 1726, and the other at S., 1727, which make an 18mo vol. of 164 pages. His dedication of the latter dis- course to his people illustrates his style and the condition of both pastor and flock in his day. "Beloved Friends, — It is now more than Seventeen Years since you first Invited me to Preach to you, and above Fourteen since my Inau- guration into the Office of Pastor to you, as an assistant to my worthy Predecessor, the Rev. Mr. Grookin ; whose Company and Help in the great Work I had undertaken, I so much prized, that might I have yet enjoyed it, I have often thought that I could have been contented with the smaU Salary you first gave me. But a righteous God has ordered it otherwise ; However much to My loss, yet undoubtedly to Eis great Gain and Advantage. It is now more than Ten Years that I have had the whole Pastoral Care of you. And it has been in Weakness and in much Fear that I have been with you. Yet I have this to Comfort and Encourage me, that I have reason to hope that my Preaching has not beenaltogether in vain to you. God has (and to Him be afl the Glory) since my coming amongst you, made a very considerable Addi- tion to His Church ; and I am willing to hope of such as shall be saved. Moreover, it has been no small Encouragement to me that my Labours have found so much Acceptance with you. One Instance of which you have now given, in your forwardness to be at the Charge of Printing those Sermons which were Preached on Days of Fasting and Prayer for Toil and Others. It is well known that it is owing to the Repeated and Undeniable Request of some of you (especially) that these Sermons are thus come to Publick View. Might I have had my own Inclination, and if I had no more regard to publick usefulness than my own private Interest, or Applause, and had it not been a pain to me to deny you, they had never seen the Light. ****** I have one Request to you, since I have granted you yours. I must freely confess, I don't remember that ever I asked anything of you of- an external nature, or on a worldly account, but you always granted it. And now my Request is, that you would be earnest in your Prayers to God for me, that I may obtain mercy to be Faithful to God and Souls ; that my ministry may yet be more successful among you, and that I may save my own Soul as well as yours. I am Your Affectionate Friend and Servant of your Souls. Daniel Baker." 1^18. — Sept. 26 — A Committee was chosen to inspect the timber at Badluck Swamp, within the late grant of 3000 acres of land, and im- powered to prosecute any person, or persons, should cut, make strip or pillage any wood or timber upon said premises. The ensuing Warrant and Rate found among the papers left by my gr. grd. father Cuzzens is here inserted as showing the former manner of raising support for ministers, and the No. of polls and heads of fam ilies in S. in 1721, and also the comparative amount of real and personal estate which each possessed. 294 HISTORY OF S1IERB0RN. Midd'x ss. To the Constable or Constables of the Town of Sherborn, Within the County of Midd'x & every of them. Greeting. In His Majest's Name you are Required to levy and Collect of ye Severall persons Named in the list herewith committed unto you, Each One his respective proportion (herein Set Down) of the Sum Totall of such list ; being a Tax or Assessment made by the Assessors of the said Town of Sherborn for the paying our minister the Rev'd Mr. Daniel Ba- ker his Salary this present year, according to ye Grant, and agreement of the said Town, And to Deliver and pay in the Sum and Sums which you shall so Levy and Collect unto Ensign Jno. Death Treasurer of the said Town and to Compleat and make up an accompt of your Collections of the whole sum, at, on, or before the last Day of March next : And if any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to make payment of the Sum or Sums whereat he or they are respectively assessed and sett in ye said list, to Distrein the Goods or Chattells of such person or persons to the Value thereof and the Distress or Distresses So Taken to keep by the space of four days at the Cost and Charge of the Owner : And if the Owner do not pay the Sum or Sums of Money So Assessed upon him Within the said four Days Then the said Distress or Distresses So Taken, you are to Expose and Openly Sell at an Out-Cry, for pay- ment of the said Money and Charges ; Notice of Such Sale being posted up in some publick place within the same Town, Twenty-four hours before- hand : And the Overplus coming by the Said Sale (if any be) beside the Sum or Sums of the Assesment & the Charges of Taking and keep- ing of the Distress and Distresses, to be Emmediately restored to the Owner — And for Want of Goods Or Chattels whereon to make Distress, you are to Seise the Body or Bodies of the person or persons So refus- ing, and him or them commit unto the Common Goal of the said County, there to remain until he or they pay and satisfie the severall Sum or Sums whereat they are Respectively Assessed as aforesaid ; unless upon application made to the Court of Generall Sessions of the peace, the same or any part thereof shall be abated. Dated at Sherborn the Sixth Day of November In the Eighth year of His Majest's Reign. Annoque Domini 1721. By Order of the Assessors of Sherborn, Wm. Rider, Jun'r, Toivn Clerk. The Ministers Rate, Anno 1721 [not including aged citizens who had pr. settled their estates, nor the Assessors who were also Selectmen, but all minors over 18 ys.] Upon Polls. Real & Per'l Estate. Sum Total. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ebenezer Lealand, Sen'r 8 16 11 1 4 11 Ebenezer Lealand, Jun'r, 4 10 14 James Morse, 4 10 2 14 2 Joseph Morse, 8 9 10 17 10 Ebenezer Badcock, 4 10 5 d 14 5 Joseph Twitchell, 4 10 10 14 10 HISTORY OF SIIERBORN. 295 Upon. Polls. Real & Pcr'l Estate. Sum Total. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ephraim Twitchell, 4 3 8 7 8 The Widow Twitchell, 1 8 1 8 Benja. Bullard, 8 6 8 14 8 Elea'r Hill, Sen'r, 4 9 3 13 3 Elea'r Hill, Jun'r, 4 4 8 Solomon Hill, 4 5 2 9 2 Nath. Hill, 4 2 8 6 8 Benj. Twitchell, 4 6 2 10 2 Ebenezer Twitchell, 4 6 8 10 8 Abrah'm Cuzzens, Sen'r, 4 9 G 13 6 Jacob Cuzzens, 4 4 8 8 8 Joseph Cuzzens, 1 5 9 Hope Lealand, Jun'r, 4 11 5 15 5 Joshua Kebbey, Sen'r, 8 10 8 18 8 Joshua Kebbey, Jun'r, 4 2 10 6 10 William Lealand, 4 5 10 9 10 William Sheffield, 8 15 1 3 o O Isaac Sheffield, 4 8 . 4 s Daniel Sheffield, 4 3 2 7 2 Joseph Sheffield, 4 G 8 10 8 Nath. Sheffield, 3 7 9 15 9 John Goulding, 4 17 5 1 1 5 George Fairbank, 4 14 3 18 3 Farm Aaron Morse, 4 7 8 11 8 Joshua Underwood, 8 11 2 19 2 Ebenezer Hill, Sen., 8 19 6 1 7 G Eben'r Hill, Jun., 4 1 2 5 2 David Hill, 4 7 6 11 6 Thomas Jones, 12 7 2 19 2 Eben'r Pratt, Jun'r, 4 4 2 8 2 John Lealand, 4 10 14 Joseph Johnson, 4 9 4 13 4 Moses Adams, Jun., 4 6 8 10 8 Benony Adams, 4 5 4 9 4 Isaac Morse, Sen'r, 4 1 8 5 8 Timothy Lealand, 4 9 5 13 5 James Lealand, 4 7 2 11 2 Isaac Bullard, 4 7 8 11 8 Isaac Foster, 4 9 8 13 8 Timothy Knowlton, 4 7 10 11 10 John Twitchell, 4 4 10 8 10 Jonath. Whitney, 8 12 8 1 8 Abrah. Cuzzens, Jun'r, 4 5 6 9 6 Isaac Cuzzens, 4 8 6 12 6 Gershom Eames, 4 3 8 % 8 John Wallis, 4 1 8 5 8 Polls. Real & Per'l Estate. Sum Total. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 4 1 2 5 2 4 2 2 6 2 4 1 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 296 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. Upon. Joseph Lealand, John Holbrook, Jun'r, Plain Aaron Morse, Edmond Morse, John Learned, Zacry Paddlefoot, Joseph Haven, 59. The Sum Totall, [or the half of £70, payable in money,] 34 10 This Rate was made by us the Subscribers November ye 6th, 1721, for the paying the Rev. Mr. Daniel Baker His Salary this present year according to the Grant and agreement of the Town with Him. To Constable Isaac Cuzzens this list is Committed to Collect. Sam'l Bullard, } Assessors John Death, of Wm. Rider, Jun., ) Sherborn. 1720-1. — Feb. 20 — A committee of 3 from the W. and 3 from the E. part of the town, were chosen to consult together and report at the next meeting, respecting the building of a new meetinghouse near dirty meadow, [W. Sherborn] bridge, and to deliberate and make report of what they may think may be for the best for the town to act upon in the premises ; and to propose any method, that may be likely to conduce to the peace and well-being of the town referring to the concern of the meeting-house, &c. March 20. The report of this committee not being accepted, it was voted to run a direct line from Framingham corner to Dopping brook, and then the brook to be the bound till it come into Bogestow brook, and then that to be the bound till it come to Medway line. Sept. 25, 1721. — Voted to receive £267, their proportion of £50,- 000 of bills of credit, issued by the G. C. for the relief of the towns of the colony and to let it out in sums not above £80 nor less than £10 to a man so it might be timely paid in to the public treasury accord- ing to the provisions of the act. N. B. The interest of these loans went to defray Town charges. 1721-2. — Feb. 5. Voted by a majority that money be raised by way of rate, (sufficient with the old meeting-house) to build a new one upon the land that the town formerly set apart for that purpose, near or upon the place occupied by the old house. 1722. — Nov. 12. It being moved to reconsider and nullifie the above vote, the motion was negatived by a majority. 1722-3.— March 6. The qualified voters met at the meeting-house, and immediately adjourned to meet at " the platt seventy or six Score Rods Easterly from Dirty Meadow Bridge, or Thereabouts," [about half a mile E. of the E. Depot in Hoi.] when and where it was voted unanimously by all present, " that a meetinghouse be built for the town HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 297 to worship God in, on Lord's Days upon a certain hill by the road side, where was laid a heap of stones to know the place by, &c. and made null and void and of no effect the former vote of the town above and bearing date Feb. 5th, 1721-2, so that the town remain together for the strengthening thereof." 1723. — Nov. 18th. The inhabitants " voted to nullifie and make void this vote of March 6, in consideration that the Form and Situation of the Town is so ill Convenient, that one Meeting house Cannot be so placed as to Suit the Whole town, but that in time there will be need of two to accommodate the Inhabitants." Also voted to build on or near the spot where the old meeting house is standing a new one, " ye Demen- sions to be about forty foot in length, about thirty two foot in bredth and about twenty foot post." And " that £160 be Levied on ye In- habitants by way of Rate upon Polls & Estates to be Emproved towards the defreying the Charge of the said Building." " At said Meeting after Sundry votes had passed, relating to the building, or rebuilding of ye publick Meeting house, the following mo- tion was made by Sundry of ye Principle Inhabitants of ye said town, Who are Dwellers on ye West side of Dopping Brook. The request of us the Subscribers in behalf of Our Selves and the Other Western Inhabitants of ye town ; Do desire that the following articles may be put to vote, viz. Whether they will not be free to Grant us ye liberty of Having that part of ye Sheffield's Farm Lying en ye East Side of Boggestow Brook and Edmund Morses Land and possessions on ye East side of Dopping brook aforesaid over and above ye Dividing line projected between the Eastern and Western parts of the town from Colonel Buckminsters Corner, &c. Then We will do all publick Duty to the town as heretofore 'till the Genii. Court Shall Set us off Except in ye Cost of Building or rebuilding the meeting house, as it has been this day voted. And if so We'll ask for a Dividing line no further Eastward." Jonathan Whitney, John Goulding, Timothy Lealand, Joshua Underwood, Aaron Morse, Thomas Jones, Moses Adams, Jr., Isaac Adams, Joseph Johnson, John Twitchell, Ebenezer Pratt, John Larnit. Gershom Eames, On the above the following vote is recorded. " The town by their vote do save to the said Western Inhabitants over Doppin Brook when- soever they are sett off, their proportion in ye £160 this day granted towards ye Building ye publick Meeting House where it now stands." The remainder of the above motion passed in the affirmative, " for the sake of future peace and good Neighborhood." Sh., 1725. — Sept. 13. " One hundred and fourty pounds was granted to Defray ye Cost & Charge of Building & finishing the Meetinghouse in Sherborn." 298 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. Dec. 6th. Voted that " the room round the sides of the meeting- house below (except the alley room) be Emproved for the building of Pues, and that Such persons unto Whome the Town Should See reason to grant the liberty of the room for pues, Should do it at their own Cost." G. C. Rec, June 3, 1724. A petition of the inhabitants of the Westerly part of Sherborn. showing the great inconvenience they are under by reason of their great distance from the place of Public Wor- ship, the said town being near 12 miles long and the meeting house situated at the Easterly End ; That they have applyed to the Town to be set off but cannot obtain a division by such a line as they think rea- sonable ; and therefore praying that they may be made a distinct and separate township by such boundarys as arc in the said petition particu- larly set forth. In Council read and ordered that Adam Winthrop, Jona. Dowse, Esqs., (with whom the House joined Eben'r Stone, John Quincy, Esqs., and Mr. Edward White) be a Committee to repair as soon as may be to Sherborn and make inquiry into the matter of this petition and report what they think proper for this Court to do thereon. The charge of the Committee to be born by the petitioners. June 16, 1724. A petition of Timothy Leland and others. A Com- mittee of the inhabitants of the Westerly part of Sherborn, praying that this Court would direct the said town not to levy any tax on them for. building the meeting house till September next. The Committee appointed to consider their former petition not being able to proceed to Sherborn till the recess of the Court. In Council read and ordered that the prayer of this petition be granted. In the House read and concurred in. Nov. 20, 1724. Reported and recommended the Western part be erected into a precinct and separated from the first parish by the line that now divides Sherborn from Holliston and Ashland ; that they be obliged within eighteen months to erect and finish at their own charge a suitable house of worship ; that they provide as soon as may be a learned and orthodox minister ; that they be allowed to assess the lands of non-residents within said precinct Id. per acre towards the charge of building and settling a minister ; that they be freed from paying any part of .£160 lately assessed by said town for building a meeting-house in the Easterly part of the town ; that they continue to pay their pro- portion for the support of the present minister of the town until they obtain a minister of their own, and no longer ; that they procure and maintain a schoolmaster to instruct their youth in reading and writing. Their report was accepted in the several articles thereof, " saving that the Western part of S. be a Town and not a precinct, and that a bill be brought in to erect the said lands into a Township ; and that the inhabitants of the W. part pay the charges of the Committee, viz., <£10." This bill passed to be enacted by both Houses, Dec. 3, 1724, dividing Sherborn, and erecting the W. part into a township by the name of Holliston, in honor of the illustrious Thomas Hollis, Esq., of London; and directing that Mr. John Goulding, a principal inhabitant of Hollis- HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 299 ton be empowered and directed to summon the inhabitants qualified for voters to meet for the chusing of town officers to stand until the next annual election according to law. In the House read and concurred in and consented to by Wm. Dummer. Sherborn, 1726. — Sept. 26. Leave was granted to all persons in ye said town that are disposed to build stables or Houses [called noon houses] for their conveniences on Lord's Day, to build on ye sides of ye Meeting- house Common, so as not to Discommode the Same. 1726-7 — Jan. 27. — Voted that what persons payed in ye last Meet- inghouse rate be a rule to seat ye meetinghouse by allowing but one head to an Estate having respect to old age ; that the third seat below and ye fore front be equal in dignity and ye fourth seat below and ye second front be equal in dignity. Deacon Hopestill Lealand, Dea. Be- noni Lerned and William Greenwood were chosen a committee to seat the meetinghouse. 1727. — Dec. 29. A vote passed to build a schoolhouse 18 feet wide and 20 feet long, and to set it on Meettinghouse Common on the South easterly side of the Meetinghouse. 1728. — April 16. A committee was chosen to sell ye school land in the town towards defraying the Charge of building and finishing the school house. This no doubt included the 50 acre lot that was " to be appropriated forever for the use of a free school for teaching the Eng- lish and Indian children " if " it was ever set out." The consent of the G. C. seems not to have been asked. 1728-9. — Jan. 6. The school lands were sold to Obediah Morse and Dea. Benoni Learned, the former paying forty and the latter ten pounds. 1731 . — Dec. 8. Voted and granted that ten shillings be assessed in the next town rate to repair the old, or build new stocks. 1733. — Dec. 7. Granted to Capt. Death the sum of ten shillings which is now in his hands to pay the Cost he was at for Entering a peti- tion at the G. C. on the towns behalf relating to their being Doomd for Not sending a representative. Granted to Mrs. Rebecca Baker the sum of £3 to make up a De- ficiency in the late reverd. Mr. Bakers salary. 1736. — May 18. Several other grants were made to individuals, " to be paid out of the fine the G. C. sent back to the town." 1737. — May 18. Several other grants were made to individuals to be paid out " of the fine the Genii. Court returned to the town." 1746.— Nov. 12. Then ye Town Voted to pay Mr. Wilson, for Preaching (in the time of ye Revd. Mr. Porter's sickness) out of money returned to ye Town for not sending a representative. 1749.— Octr. 31. Then the town voted that the Revd. Mr. Porter's Sallary, for this present year, Shall be four hundred Pounds Old tenor. — Then a vote was asked whither the women should sit with their chairs in the alleys of the meeting house, and it passed in the Negative. 1752. — May 19. Isaac Coolege, Esq., was Chosen to represent the town in a Great and General Court appointed to be Convened for his Majesty's service at Concord, may 27, 1752. 300 HISTORY OF SHEHBORN. 1753. — March 6. Granted <£13 6s. 8d. to Recrute the town stock of Ammunition. Granted to Elisha Kendal for ye Locks to Lock up the amunition 8d. Granted to the Selectmen that Were at Expence in Geting a fine remitted for the towns not- sending a Representative the Last year, 13s. 4d. 1754. — " This year is remarkable,. for the prevalence of an uncommon disorder, which prevailed in this town and Holliston, denominated in the latter place, the Great Sickness, and, in Sherborne, the Memorable Mortality. The number of deaths recorded in January is 12 ; Febru- ary, 6 ; March, 2 ; April, 5. During the next six months no deaths are recorded. November 3, Dec. 5. The whole number who died of this fatal malady in S. was between 20 and 30." 1759. — Septr. 9. A certificate was sent from the Baptist Church of Christ in Boston, declaring Mr. Jonathan Partridge, of said Sher- borne, to be a member of said Church, under the care of Mr. Ephraim Bounde, Elder of scl. Church. Septr. 10. — Then the town voted that Mr. Porter's Sallary should be this present year 66 pound 13 shillings and 4 pence. 1758. — Oct. 2d. Granted twenty seven pounds and fifteen shillings to fulfil and Complete what remained due from the town for the Sallary of the Revd. Mr. Samuel Porter, Late Deced.* At the said meeting, the town granted £66 13s. 4d. to supply the town with Preaching for time to Come. At the above said meeting, the town made Choice of Deacon James Whitney, Deacon Jonathan Russell and Mr. Arthur Clark, a Committee to supply the Pulpit in sd. town. Deer. 18 — Voted that the committee Which Ware appointed to sup- ply the Pulpit be Desird to Ingage Mr. Minot for 1 or 2 months Longer to preach in sd. town. 1758-9. — Jan 29. The Church and town unitedly made Choice of Mr. Steven Minot to be their Gospel minister by a Unanemos Vote, and offered £133 6s. 8d. towards his settlement; and <£66 13s. 4d. for his Salary. June 29. — The town Voted that the Committee allready Chosen, are desired to Ingage Mr. Locke, to Supply the town with Preaching, or Some other gentleman or gentlemen, Until there shall be another meet- ing on that affair. August 15. — The town Concurred with the act of the Church, in Choosing Revd. Samuel Locke for their Gospel minister, by a majority of * The following Translation of his Latin epitaph in the central graveyard in S. is presumed to be a just discription of his character. " Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of the Reverend Samfel Porter ; a man distinguished for active powers of mind; conspicuous for piety and prudence, for benevolence and courtesy of manners ; a zealous preacher of the gospel ; an ornament of the doctrine, and a shining example of the life of Christ ; a most watch- ful and affectionate pastor of the church at Sherboum, during twenty-four years. He was also well versed in human learning and sacred Theology, and distinguishingly endowed and adorned with social affections and virtues. He passed from this life to the heavenly regions, September 16, 1758, in the 49th year of his age." HISTORY OF SHERB0UN. 301 Votes, and voted <£133 6s. 8d. for his encouragement to settle -with us ; also £lo Gs. 8d. per annum, for his salary, provided he settle with us in the Gospel ministry, and so Long as he continues in the same. At the aforesaid meeting, the town chose as a committee, to join with the churches committee, Dr. Bela Lincoln and John Morse, to treet with Revd. Samuel Lock. Rev. Samuel Lock, by his answer in ye affirmitiue, on September 23d, 1759, manifested his Exceptence of the choice above mentioned. Octr. 11. — In town meeting, voted that Wednesday, the 7th day of November next, be the day for the Ordenation of Revd. Samuel Lock, into the office and service of the Gospel ministry in Shurborne,by a ma- jority of Votes. Also at ye said meeting, the town chose Capt. Edward Learned, Capt. Amos Coolidge & Mr. Samuel Sanger, a committee to provide entertainment for the Revd. councel, at ye sd. ordenation, and voted that the selectmen are desired to draw money out of the town treasury, so much as they Judge needfull for ye sd. Entertainment. 1760. — Deer. 3d. The selectmen gave order to the Town Treasurer to pay Mr. Stephen Minot's Heirs what remained due to Him for preaching. 1763. — March 7. Voted to pay Mr. Brooks for preaching when Mr. Locke was sick. May 7. — Mr. Benjamin Whitney, Deacon Jonathan Russell and Ebenezer Twitchell, were chosen to supply the town with preaching, and voted that the committee provide three young ministers to preach one month each, as soon as may be convenient. Granted <£40 for the purpose. Dec. 3. — Voted to pay Timothy Hilliard his account for preaching at Sherborn. 1767. — Oct. 17. Granted £9 to be assessed on Polls and Estates to pay ye fine and Cost of a Presentment for not Having a Gramer School in S. 1768. — Granted to Esqr. Perry 6s. & to Jos. Twitchell 18s. for the cost and charge they ware at in Giting a fine granted by sessions to the town to be spent in a Gramer School. 1768. — Feb. 15. Gave order to the Treasurer to pay Mr. Thomas Prentice, ye School Master and the several Persons that Borded him at the Several Parts of the Town their Proportion of <£18 — the School- master to Have after the Rate of <£26 13s. 6d. a year, and those that Borded him 4s. per week. 1769. — May 22. Voted to put in twenty feet in the length of the Meeting-house, and that the Peace be put in the middle. Granted one hundred pounds for this purpose : Chose, a committee of five to see How they would Git it Done. 1770. — Jan. Joseph Bacon was engaged to enlarge the meeting house, and <£150 lawful money granted to him, as a full compensation. " This was done by sawing the house in two in the middle, moving the western half to the distance desired, and connecting the two parts to- gether by a new piece." 302 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 1770. — July 9. Voted to have the Committee Ingage Mr. Brown four Saboths more than they have already. August 27. — Voted that the town ware determined to come to the choice of a minister before they heard any more on probation ; and that the committee Imploy Mr. Brown till the town come to the choice, and voted £30 to pay for preaching. Sept. 19. — The town concurred with the Church by choosing Rev. Elijah Brown their Gospell minister by a majority of votes. Granted £160 settlement ; £73 6s. 4d. pr. annum salary. Chose a committee to Joyn with the Churches committee to treat with Rev. Elijah Brown. Nov. 8. — Voted that the last Wednesday of this instant Novr. be the day for the ordination of Rev. Elijah Brown ; chose Dr. Leavit to en- tertain the Counsel. Also voted that the town will not make a publick entertainment. 1771. — Jan. 21. Chose a committee to make application to the Hon. and Rev. Board of Overseers of Harvard College for the neces- sary expence of the Resettlement of a minister. March 4. — Granted to Samuel Sanger for keeping ministers horses £2 6s. to Dr. Josiah Levet for providing for ordination £10 2s. 8d. 1772. — March 2. Voted to have the town Treasurer let out the money granted by the Corporation of Harvard Collidge and the Province Treasurer to the town, on good security ; being in all £51 7s. 4d. 1774. — May 19. The following men were chosen a committee of correspondence, Rev. Samuel Locke, Capt. Richard Sanger, Capt. Joseph Twitchell, Mr. Samuel Bullard, Mr. Daniel Whitney, Mr. Ben- jamin Fasset and Mr. Jedediah Phipps. July 8th. The Selectmen and commissioned officers examined and tried the Town's stock of Ammunition and there is 200 lbs. of Powder, 150 lbs. of Bullets and 295 flints. One cask of powder bought A. D. 1702, one do. 1722, 1 do. without date, two do. 1774. Lead 200 lbs. bought, Sept. 1774. August 24. — Chose Capt. Richard Sanger, Mr. Samuel Bullard and Mr. Benjamin Fasset to meet committees of the several towns in this county, on the 30th instant. Sept. 20. Mr. Samuel Bullard and Mr. Jonathan Lealand were chosen a committee to send to Concord. Voted to git a six pound field piece, or cannon, and chose Joshua Lealand, Daniel Whitney and Ben- jamin Bullard to procure it. Granted £18 to procure said piece and necessaries. Oct. 18. — Voted to accept the three pieces of cannon, which the com- mittee procured instead of a six pounder, that the committee prove them at the town's expence, and fire the biggest as soon as may be, with all the necessaries that may be needed. 1775. — Jan. 9. Chose Mr. Benjamin Fasset and Capt. Richard Sanger to represent the town in Congress at Cambridge, on the 1st day of February next. Voted to consent to the Resolves of the Continen- tal and Provincial Congresses — to give a bounty to encourage the raising HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 303 of sheep and flax — that the Constables pay the Province money to Henry Gardner, Esq. of Stow — to choose a committee of Inspection, to see that the Resolves of the Congress be complied with. Feb. 6. — Chose a Committee of five to receive donations and sub- scriptions for the poor people of Boston. March 6. — Voted that those that have and shall enlist as minute men, to the number of fifty-three be a company intire by themselves — to grant <£8 to provide ammunition for the cannon — that the cannon be under the care and direction of the militia officers of this town ; that the cannon be shot three times with powder and ball at the cost of the town. May 24. — Chose Daniel Whitney, Esq , to represent the town in Congress at Watertown, to be held on 31st instant. Oct. 2d. — Granted <£30 for the support of the poor of Boston. 1776. — March 5. Voted to choose a committee of five to procure places for the poor of Boston to live in. May 21. — Voted, that if the Hon. Continental Congress should in their wisdom declare the Colonies independent of great Britain, we, the inhabitants of the town of S. will, with our lives and fortunes, endeavour to support them in that measure ; and we do hereby instruct Mr. Daniel Whitney, now Chosen our representative for the year ensuing to act in conformity to the above said vote. July 5. — Voted to give £7 per man, in addition to the bounty that is given by the colony, to twenty one men that shall enlist to go to Canada. August 26. — The last vote was reconsidered. Voted that the Select- men procure a hospital for inoculating for Small-pox, if they can get liberty from the court. 1776. — Nov. 28. Voted that the present General Court of this State should form such a Constitution and form of Government, as they judge will most conduce to the happiness, peace and safety of the In- habitants thereof, and that the same be made publick for the inspection and approbation of the Inhabitants of this State, before the ratification thereof. " The votes of the Inhabitants of this town, .during the whole of the re- volutionary struggle, prove that they were animated, to a high degree with that spirit which achieved our independence. As soon as the news reached them of the massacre at Lexington, on the 19th of April, 1775, the minute men proved themselves worthy of their title, by marching immediately to meet the assailants, and the rest of the able bodied men, of all ages, followed with all possible alacrity. But the distance was so great and the route of the enemy so uncertain, that they had not the satisfaction of meeting and helping to chastise them. They, however, furnished their quota to assist in the besieging of Boston ; and a number of them displayed their heroism in the battles of Bunker Hill,'' White Plains, and Brandywine. Seven brothers, the sons of Mr. Samuel Clark, (p. 60, No. 11,) enlisted as soldiers, and served, on an average, over three years per man. Other instances of 304 HISTORY OF SHERBOItN. remarkable devotion to freedom's cause might be cited, but it is deemed impracticable to ascertain the names or number of all from S. who served in that war. 1786. — This year was remarkable on account of an insurrection, called " Shays' rebellion." On this occasion the inhabitants of S. proved themselves to be firm friends of liberty and order, by readily furnishing their portion of officers and privates, to join the troops under the command of General Lincoln. " Mr John Ware of S. acted as adjutant in this expedition. Being sent with orders to a distance from Lincoln's army, he stopped for refresh- ment, at a tavern in, or near Brookfield, where there happened to be a small party of insurgents, who took him prisoner and confined him in an upper room of the house, while they kept guard below. In the course of the day, Ware saw from his prison a company of cavalry approaching, which he soon recognized as being on the side of government. He hailed them from a window of his apartment and made them acquainted with his situation. The house was immediately surrounded, the Shaysites surrendered at discretion, and W. was enabled to accomplish the object of his mission." 1787. — Dec 10. Daniel Whitney, Esq. was chosen a delegate to represent the town in the convention, to be holden in Boston, on the 2d Wednesday of January next, for the purpose of approving, or disap- proving the Constitution, or Frame of Government for the United States of America. Voted to give the delegate instructions, which conclude thus : " But, sir, we mean not to give you positive instructions, relative to your voting for or against the reported Constitution. When assembled, you will have the collected wisdom of the State before you ; will hear all that can be said on the subject, and consequently be able to form a judicious opinion. And having the fullest confidence in your political wisdom, integrity and patriotism, we cheerfully, on our part, submit the all important question to your decision. And we beseech the Allwise Governor of the world to take the Convention under his holy influence, that so the result may be the best good of the people of the United States of America." " This truly honorable member was one of the majority, who voted in favour of this truly invaluable instrument." 1793. — D ec . 2d. A vote was asked whether the town will accept of the bell, on the terms proposed by the subscribers, viz. That the town shall hang the said bell handsomely, and cause it to be rung, as usual in towns ; then said bell to remain for the use of the town, so long as they shall remain a religious society. Passed in the affirmative. 1797.— Nov. G. Voted to make up the wages of the militia, that shall be detached from this town, according to a resolve of Congress," in expectation of a war with France, ten dollars a month, provided they march, and also $1 bounty, whether they march or not, for non-commis- sioned officers and privates. Also to give them $2 more bounty, if they march out of the Commonwealth. HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 305 The following acts of the Town, from June, 1731, to Aug., 1734, accidentally omitted on p. "299, should be there read in the order of dates. [1731. — June 1G. A committee of three, viz., Deacon Greenwood, William Lealand and John Holbrook, to take care for the supply of the pulpit, untill ye Town Com into Sum other method ; Then was granted the sum of Fifty pounds for the Supply of ye Pulpit. Sept. 27. — It was put to vote which of the Gentlemen who had of late supplyed the pulpit, they wold here further in ye Supply of ye Pulpit, if they might be obtained, And Mr Uarney had the majority of votes. Dec. 10. — Granted the sum of Sixty Pounds for the Support, and to pay those ministers which supply the Pulpit with preaching. 1731-2. — Jan. 26. It being tryed by a vote whether ye Town in- clined to hire som other Gentleman in the pulpit, and it passed fully in the affirmative. 1732. — April 25. The Churches choice of Rev. John Warren to be their Gospil minister was presented to the Town for their Concurrance. And the Town by a full Vote accepted of the Churches Choice ; And Lt. Joseph Ware, Dfea. Greenwood and Samuel Holbrook, ware Chosen a Committee to Treat with Mr. John Warren, and report what the Town has dun, &c. At this meeting twenty six voters entred their dis- sent to the above proceedings, said meeting being counted irregular and Not Legal. And they observe Further more, We do not Concur with the Choice of the Church this Day. Oct. 12. — Then it was put to the town to know their minds, whither they would accept of the Churches Choice of ye Rev. Mr. Ward Cotton to be their Gospel Minister, and the town unanimously manifested their ac- ceptance of the Churches choice, of the Reverend gentleman aforesaid, by written votes. The town made choice of a committee to join with that of the church, to treat with Mr. Cotton, &c. Nothing further ap- pears respecting Mr. Cotton on the records. At this meeting the town voted one hundred and twenty pounds, to supply the town with preach- ing, &c. 1733. — June 14. At said meeting, Mr. Nathaniel Walter was chosen the Gospel minister of said Church and town by a majority of votes — Also, a committee was chosen to treet with Mr. Walter, &c. Nothing further respecting Mr. W. on record. Sept. 28th. — At a meeting of the Church in Sherborn, with the rest of the freeholders, and other Inhabitants of said Town, Duly qualified to vote in Town affairs, and to joyn Ishue, or Concur With, the Church in the choice of a Gospel minister — The Church and Town Unanimously voted and made choice of Ebenezer Hancock to be their Gospel minister, and a committee was chosen to Give him an Invitation or call to settle with us in the Work and service, &c. Nothing is further recorded of Mr. Hancock. 1734. — April 25. The Church and town by a Unanimous Vote made choice of Mr. Samuel Porter to be their Gospel Minister, and Voted three hundred pounds in Bills of Publick credit towards his Settlement. 6 oOG HISTORY OF SHERB0RN. Also, voted one hundred and thirty pounds per annum for his Salary in Bills of credit on this province, according to their present value : and to rise and fall as Silver money doth With the Marchants of this pro- vince — Provided he Settle with us, in the Gospel ministry, and so long as he Continues in the Same. Mr. John Holbrook, Capt. John* Death, Lieut. Isaac Coolidge, Mr. James Whitney & Ensign Eleazer Fairbanks, were Chosen a Committee to joyn with the Churches Committee, To Treet with the lleverd. Gentlm. Chosen as afore sd., And to give him an Invitation, or call to Settle in Said Town, in the Work *and Service of the Gospel Ministry. July 16. — Voted that the Revd. Mr. Samuel Porter's Yearly Salary Shall be one hundred and Thirty ounces of Silver, or the amount thereof in Bills of Public Credit, And the Salary Annually to Rise and fall ac- cording to the Standard of Silver money at Twenty Shillings per ounce. August 20. — The Church and Town Voted that the fourth Wednes- day in October next, Shall be the Day appointed to ordain the Revd. Mr. Samuel Porter, and granted Twenty five pounds, to be Levied on Polls and Estats by Way of vote, according to the rules prescribed in the Law for the Support of the Ministers and Messingers at the or- dination, &c] 1807. — Voted to give the officers and soldiers, that are or may be detached, as our proportion of one hundred thousand militia, ordered by the President of U. S., to be detached and held in readiness to march at a moment's warning, at the rate of $12 per month, including the pay allowed them by the U. S., provided they are called into actual service. 1808. — Dec. 11. Voted to allow and pay to the officers and soldiers that were detached, in the course of the present month, as our propor- tion of one hundred thousand militia, &c, such sums, as shall, together with the pay allowed them by the U. S., be equal to $12 per month, during the time they shall be in actual service. 1809. — August 22. From this time the " Parish Records " have been kept in a book, separate from the Town Records. 1814. — August 29. Voted to hire some person to assist the Revd. Elijah Brown, in the discharge of his ministerial duties, during his feeble state of health, and granted $100 for this purpose. 1814. — Voted to allow and pay to the soldiers that are or may be detached from this town, previous to the first Monday of March next, to serve in the armies of the U. S. such sums as shall, together with the pay allowed them by the State and General government, be equal to $15 per month during the time they shall be in actual service. Also voted to pay the commissioned and non-commissioned officers, the same sum granted to the soldiers, in addition to the pay allowed them by the State and General government. 1815.— May 23. Voted to raise $240 for hiring Preaching. 181G. — March 4. A vote similar to the above was past, money granted and a committed chosen to hire preaching. Septr. Monday the day of A vote was asked whether the Parish would concur with the Church of Christ in this place, in giving the HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 307 Revd. Ephraim Randall an invitation to settle with them, as their Gos- pel minister, and it passed in the negative. Nov. 4. — Voted and granted $75 to defray the expences of the Funeral of the late Revd. Elijah Brown. 1816. — Nov. 25. Shear jashub Bourne Toivnsend, a native of Bar- rington, R. I., and graduate of Brown University, 1814, was chosen by a vote of the church to be their pastor. Dec. 16. — The parish voted to concur with the church in calling Mr. S. B. Townsend to settle with them, as their gospel minister. Three hundred dollars were granted to be paid him within one year from the time of his settlement ; the further sum of $300 in two years from that time ; and $600 annually. 1817. — June 9. The parish voted to concur with the church in ap- pointing the second day of July next for the ordination of Mr. Towns- end, who was then ordained. 1828. — August 25. Voted that the Parish Committee in concur- • • • rence with Rev. Mr. Townsend be directed to hire a minister, to supply the pulpit, during Mr. Townsend's inability to discharge his ministerial duties ; and that they draw on the Treasurer for money to defray the expense to an amount, not exceeding $100. 1829. — July 1. " G-entlemen, Selectmen of the Town of Sher- born — Having, after serious consideration, come to the conclusion to resign my Salary at the close of this year of my Ministry, I take this method of signifying my determination to you, and through you to the People at a convenient opportunity. The occasion would prompt me to say much ; but my strength admonishes me to leave my motives to be chiefly interpreted by my past conduct and my known sentiments. The People will not be insensible, that I voluntarily remit what, if I live, I might long and legally retain. I see no reasonable prospect that I shall within several years, if ever, be able to perform the regular and necessary duties of the stated ministry, even on the supposition that I should live and my health be much improved. I deem it my duty to say that I hope it will be considered one of my principal reasons for adopting the present measures, that the Church and people may have an early opportunity of concurring in the choice of a Christian Pastor and Teacher, before discord shall invade and divide a People hitherto noted for Peace. If I make any sacrifice by this relinquishment, all I wish for myself in return is the affectionate remembrance of this People, and the perma- nent effect of my labors among them. I am sensible of many errors and deficiencies ; I ask their forgiveness. And I shall cherish as long as life a deep sense of their past generosity and friendship. I am yours, Gentlemen, with respect and affection. Sher jashub B. Townsend. " P. S. As I have delayed till this time to make this communica- tion, I have engaged Rev. Mr. Clarke to preach for three succeeding Sabbaths. 308 HISTORY OP SHERBORN. If any explanation of the above is required, it will be understood,, that I desire to retain a nominal relation to this Society as Minister J and a Person settled would therefore be settled as colleague. But he would have all the compensation to receive, and, except what might be voluntary on my part, he would have all the ministerial duties to perform." July 20. — Voted to discharge Rev. Mr. Townsend partially from his , official duties — upon the conditions expressed in the above communication. In the autumn of this year, Mr. T. and his wife went on a journey for the benefit of his health ; first to Charleston, S. C, and thence to St. Augustine, in Florida, where he died without issue. He had for- merly been a tutor in Brown University. He possessed a mind of a high order, though subject at times to partial alienation. Of his benev- olence and piety none qualified to judge could doubt. 1830, — March 22. Rev. Amos Clarke, was invited by a vote of the church and congregation united,* to become the Associate Pastor, with the Rev. Mr. Townsend, over this Society. June 7. — Voted that the Parish Committee be requested to write to the Rev. Mr. Townsend, our senior Pastor, and express to him our sym- pathy and sorrow for the continuance of his indisposition ; our gratitude for the magnanimous sacrifice he has made by relinquishing his salary, to promote our union and harmony ; and our anxious desire for his res- toration to health and his early return to his People : — and also to make him particularly acquainted with all the important circumstances, that have taken place in the Parish during his absence. August 18 and 19. — This Society raised a meeting-house which was finished in December following. It is 83 by 48 feet, containing 78 pews on the ground floor and 6 in the gallery, besides seats for mu- sicians. The architecture of this house exhibits a happy union of sim- plicity and elegance. On Lord's day, Dec. 26, of the same year, pub- lic worship was attended, for the last time, and an interesting and in- structive sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Clarke, in the old meeting- house, which had been devoted to that purpose, for more than a cen- tury. On Wednesday, the 2 ( Jth of the same month and year, the new house, erected within a few feet of the old one, was solemnly dedicated to the worship of God. On the 10th of February, 1830, a petition to William Harriss, Esq., or either of the Justices of the Peace, in the town of Natiek, was signed by twelve of the male inhabitants of the town of Sherborn, in behalf of a majority of the church, and a minority of the congregation, requesting that " a warrant may be issued, in due form of law, for the purpose of forming a Second religious Congregational Society, in said town " A warrant was accordingly issued, on the next day, by Sam- uel Fisk, Esq., of Natick ; and, on the 22d of the same month and year, the Society was duly organized. This division of the parish, so lamentable in itself, and of the neces- sity of which doubts may be honestly entertained, had quite a majority * Was not this an innovation on the usage of the church and parish ? See pp. 300, 302, 305-307. c~ ^-*~ -x---». HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 309 of the Church ; and as they retained the previous forms of government and belief, they must be considered as the original Puritan Church of 1085, and the rightful depositaries of the records of that body. On the 8th of July following, this society raised the frame of a meeting-house, on a rising piece of ground, about 40 rods S. E. of Meeting-house Hill. This house is 60 by [6 feet, contains 64 p'ews on the floor, and a gallery for musicians. It is a pleasing specimen of plain and neat architecture. The congregation worshipping in this house, styled the Trinitarian Church and Society, Sept. BO, 1830, called Mr. Samuel Lee,f who graduated 1827 at Yale College, and sub- sequently at the Theological Seminary at New Haven. He was installed Nov. 4th following. Mr. Lee, after a successful ministry of some years, was succeeded as pastor of this church by Mr. Smith, now Professor in Bangor Theological Seminary, who was succeeded by Edmund Dowse, the present minister. COLLEGE GRADUATES. 27. 22. "Adam Bullard, H. U.,1742,d. about 1748, at Halifax, N. S. 197. 8. * William Phipps, H. U., 1746, d. 1798, a. 64. 33. *Hezekiah Coolidge, H. XL, 1750, d. 1761, at Crown Point. 191. 22. * Joseph Perry, H. U., 1752, d. 1755, pr. in Ct. * Eliab Stone, H. U., 1758, d. 1822, minister in Reading, Ms. 235. 26. *Zedekiah Sanger, H. U.,1771. S. T. D. 1820. * Enoch Whipple, H. U., 1779. 158. 25.1* Samuel Kendall, H. U., 1782. S. T. D. d. 1814. Min- ister of Weston, Mass. Henry Ware, H. XL, 1785. S. T. D. d. 1845. Aaron Gardner, B. IT., 1799, r. a Teacher on Long Island, N. Y. Elijah Brown, H. U., 1804, d. 1805. Henry Brown, H. U., 1804, d. 1810. Amos Clarke, H. U., 1804. Ashur Ware, H. U., 1804, LL.D. fRev. Samuel Lee 6 [now pastor of a Chh. in New Ipswich, N. H.,] was b. 1 m. S. of the meeting house in Kensington, Berlin, Ct., Mar. 3, 1803, the s. of Samuel L. 5 (b. Oct. 2, 1757, d. Mar. 31, 1803), by w. Sarah Burnet, (m. 1794, d. Mar. 23, 1830,) who m. Jly. 1810, Nathan Boardman of W.field, Middletown, Ct., with- whom her son was brought up. Mr. L. 6 was the grd. s. of Dea. John Lee, 4 of Christian lane, Kensington, (b. Apl. 22, 1725, d. 1796,) by w. Sarah Cole, (m. May 7, 1752,) and the gr. grd. s. of Dea. Jona. L. 3 of the same place, in K. (b. Mar. 20, 1686, d. June 16, 1758), by w. Mary Root, (m. June 4, 1713), and the gr. gr. grd. s. of John L. 2 of Farmington, (b. June 11, 1659, d. Apl. 24, 1723), by w. Elizabeth Loomis, (m. Dec. 27, 1682) ; and gr. gr. gr. grd. s. of John Lee, 1 the Puritan, who arrived early at Hartford, m. Mary Hart, dg. of Dea. Stephen Hart, became one of the 61 proprietors of Farmington, where he settled in 1640, and with his wife joined the chh. 1660. He built his house S. of the meeting-house, on the site of a brick building, occupied as a boarding-house of a fem. sem. Mr. Lee 6 m. Nov. 3, 1834, Emily Fiske, dg. of Dea. Samuel F., of Natick, who d. Mar. 5, '43 ; and 2d, Lydia Coggswell "Wentworth, dg. of Paul "VV., Esq., of Concord, N. H., Jan. 14, 1846, who d. Mar. 6, '55; and had 1. Sarah Fiske, 7 Sep. 14. '38 ; 2. Samuel W., 7 Sep. 12, '47; 3. John W., 7 Apl. 3, '52; 4. Geo. Win., 7 June 20, '55. "Deceased. 254. 9. 90. 5. 18. H. 18. 12- 60. 20. 254. 11. 310 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 149.143. 'Moses Holbrook, H. U., 1808, d. about 1745. 156. 53. *Artemas Johnson, B. U., 1808. 244. 14. Ebenezer Stone, B. U., 1820. 167. * Dexter Leland, B. U., 1822. 238. 51. Elbridge Sanger, entered B. U. 1822, left 1824, from a defect in hearing. 165. 56. Augustin Leland, B. TJ., 1834, d. 1836. 167. Francis Leland, B. TJ., 1838. 61. 32.? Samuel Clarke, Y. C, 1836. 95. 4. Alfred Grout, Y. C, 1854, son of Nathan G., and now a Student at Law. 64. 27g. Amos H. Cooledge, Amh. C.,1854, and now a member of Theo. Sem., Andover. CLERGYMEN. 92. * Daniel Gookin, 1785-1717-'18. 11. * Daniel Baker, 1712-1731. 203. * Samuel Porter, 1734-1758. 173. * Samuel Locke, D. D., 1759-1770. 18. * Elijah Brown, 1770-1816. * Shearjashub B. Townsend, 1817-1829. 61. Amos Clark, 1830-1842. Richard C. Stone, 1843-1855. Theodore H. Dorr, 1854, to the present time. PASTORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH AND SOCIETY. Samuel Lee, 1830. Smith. 79. Edmund Dowse, 1838, to the present time. DEACONS IN THE PRESUMED ORDER OF THEIR ELECTION. * Obadiah Morse, elected, 1655. *Benoni Learned. * Hopestill Lealand. *Wm. Lealand. *Wm. Greenwood. * James Whitney. * Jona. Russell. * Jona. Twitchell. *Benj. Whitney. * Ebenezer Fairbanks. *Wm. Clark. *Wm. Tucker.? * Joseph Dowse. * Aaron Leland. Oliver Fisk. *Micha Leland. * Deceased. HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 311 Of the Orthodox Ohh. Daniel Leland. Aaron Cooledge, of do. Lowell Cooledge, of do., elected, 1854. Martin Barber, do., 1854. PHYSICIANS. 83. Jonathan Fairbank, ab. 1685—1719. 102. Eleazer Hill, ab. 1712-**** r. at City Hill. 245. Jonathan Tay, 1772-1827. 173. Samuel Locke, ab. 1783-1788. 264. Tapley Wyeth, 1784-1813. Win. Sweetser, ab. 1818, " for a considerable time," who was afterwards Prof, in V. U.,at Burlington. 81. Oliver Everett, 1825-1852. 16. Albert H. Blanchard, 1852 to the present time. Docts. Lincoln, Shepherd, Levet, Blodget, Flagg, Wise and Wight, are reported as having resided here, but when and for what time is not ascertained. LAWYERS. Sherborn has never had a lawyer ; and yet is believed to have trans- acted her own business as legally, and to have been afflicted and im- poverished far less by litigation than her sister towns, which have long had able and high-minded lawyers established in their midst. Such was formerly her relative rank for other characteristics than litigation, as to attract hither the immortal Ames to establish himself in practice ; but he soon left for Dedhain. Daniel Warren, about 1812, opened a Law Office here, but his fees did not encourage his continuance; and the like result would probably be realized from a third attempt, if made before Sherborn changes her inhabitants or greatly increases her business. SELECTMEN. Daniel Morse, Sen., chosen 1678, and served until his death in 1688, probably without re-election. Thos. Eames, chosen 1678, and served until his death, 1680. Geo. Fairbank, chosen 1678, and served until his death, 1682. Edward West, chosen 1678, and re-elected at the end of 10 years, 1688, '89, '90, '91, '92, and '94. Obadiah Morse, 1078, pr. served until 1688, and re-elected 1695, '96, '97, '98, 1700, '02, '03, '04. Joseph Morse, chosen 1688, '89, '90, '91, '91, '96, '97, '99, 1700, '02, '05, '07, '10, '11, '12, '14. John Death, 1688, '90, '93-4, '96. Benj. Bullard, 1688. Jona. Morse, Senr., 1688, '89, '90, '91, '93, '95, 1711. Hopestill Lealand, 1689, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '99, 1700-'03. John Eames, 1690, '92. 312 HISTORY OF SIIERBORN. Thos. Holbrook, Senr., 1690. Benoni Learned, 1690, '93, '95, '97, 1700, '01, '02, '03, '01, '05, '06, '10. John Perry, Senr., 1692, '93. Isaac Learned, 1692, '98, i706. John Cooledge, 1692, '93, '94, '98, 1700, '02, '06, '07, '08, '09. Jona. Fairbank, 1695, '98, '99, 1700, '01. Win. Rider, Senr., 1696, '97, '98. Sam'l Bullard, 1699, 1704, '05, '09, '10, '11, '12, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '23, '24, '26, '27. Eben. Leland, 1699. Thos. Sawin, 1701, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '10, '11, '12, '14. Moses Adams, 1701. Eleazer Fairbank, 1703. Samuel Morse, 1704. Abraham Cousens, 1707, '08. Nathaniel Morse, 1707, '08. Wm. Eider, Junr., 1708, '09, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '23, '24, '27, '29, '31, '33. Wm. Sheffield, 1709. Eleazer Holbrook, 1709, '11, '12, '22. " Thos. Holbrook," 1710. Eben. Badcock, 1711. John Death, Esq., 1712, '15, '16, '21, '23, '26, '27, '28, '30, '33, '36, '37, '40, '42, '44, '46. Henry Lealand, 1713, '14, '21, '23, '24, '27. Joseph Ware, 1713, sarg. '15, '16, '17, '20, '21, '22, '23, '24, '25, '29, '34, '36. Benj. Whitney, Jim., 1713, '15, '16, '17, '18. Edmond Gookin, 1718. Eben. Lealand, Sen., 1719, '20, '31. John Golding, 1719, '22. Nathaniel Sheffield, 1722. John Holbrook, 1722, '28, '29, '30, '31, '32. Timothy Lealand, 1722. James Adams, 1725. Eleazer Fairbank, Jun., 1725. William Lealand, 1725, '27, '28, '29, '33, '34, '36, '38, '40. Isaac Cooledge, 1725, 31, 32, 34, 43. Jona. Fairbank, 1726. Eleazer Morse, 1726, '32, '44. Joseph Twitchell, 1726. Benj. Muzzey, 1726, '30, '33. Wm. Greenwood, 1728, '29, '32, '35, '36, '47. John Brick, 1728. Ephm. Bullen, 1730. Sam'l Holbrook, 1731, '35, '37, '39, '41, '43, '55. HISTORY OB SHERBORN. 313 Benj. Bullard, 1730, '32, j.m. '35, '38, '40, '42, '44, '46, '47, '50, '51, '53, '54, '56, '59. »>»!,*">, Samuel Fairbank, 1733. Eleazer Fairbank, Ens., 1734, '36. James Whitney, 1735, '39, '42, '52, '59. Joseph Perry, Jan., '35, '37, '39, '41, '42, '43, '45, '49, '50, '54, '55, '58, '59, '62, '63, '64. John Phippg, 1737, '40. Joseph Lealand, 1737, '39. Obadiah Morse, 1738. . Ephm. Bullen, 1738. | Arthur Clark, 1739, '49, '51, '57, '58, '60. Jona. Russel, 1740, '43, '45, '46, '54, 59, '63, '64, '65, '66. Nathaniel Hill, 1741, '42, '44, '46, '50. Jona. Fairbank, 1741. Richard Sanger, 1741, '48, '51, '54, '56, '57, '58, '60, '61, '67. James Cooledge, 1744, '53. Eleazer Holbrook, 1745. Edward Learned, 1745, Cpt., '50, '55. Thos. Morse, 1745. Joseph Frost, 1743. Amos Cooledge, 1746, '55. Jona. Lealand, 1747, '57, '67. Nathaniel Holbrook, 1747, '50, '56, '57. Caleb Leland, 1747, ? 55, '61, '62 : Cpt. '67, '68. Jona. Partridge, 1748. Gershom Piatt, 1748, '56. Eben. Twitchell, 1748 ; jun., '59. Jona. Holbrook, 1749, '66. Jabez Stratten, 1749. John Fisk, 1749. David Perry, 1751. Joseph Craekbone, 1751. Joseph or John Ware, 1752. Thos. Russel, 1752, '53. Joshua Lealand, 1752, '57, '63, '64, '77, '79, (see next pa*e.) Joseph Twitchell, 1752, '60, '67, '70, '71 ; Cpt. '78, '74, 76, '77. Eleazer Morse, 1753. Addington Gardner, 1753. Jona. Twitchell, 1754, '61, '63, '64, '65 ; Dea. '70, '72. Eleazer Lealand, 1756. Joseph Lealand, 1758. John Ware, 1758. Doct. Bela Lincoln, 1760, '61 ; Esq. '62, '63. Samuel Ballard, 1760, '62, '63, 'M, '68, '69, '72 ; Col. '75, '78. Ezra Holbrook, 1761, '67. Moses Perry, 1762. Daniel Whitney, 1764, '70, '73, '74, '76, 'S2, (see next page.) 314 HISTORY OF SHERBOBHST. * John Morse, 1765. Henry Lealand, 1765, '66, '69, '72, '75. Asa Holbrook, 1766. Ezra Holbrook, 1767, '68, '69. Benj. Kendall, 1768, '70, '78. Benj. Whitney, 1768. Jonas Greenwood, 1769, '76. Simon Leland, 1769, '75. Peter Bullard, 1770. Capt. Andrew Newell, 1771 ; Esq., '82. Samuel Sanger, 1771, '77, '80, '81, '82. Malachi Babcock, 1771. Elisha Barber, 1771. Benj. Fasset, 1772, '73, '76, '77, '80. Curtis Goulding, 1772. Jedediah Phips, 1773, '80. Nathaniel Prentice, 1773. Samuel Clark,'1773, '83. Thos. Holbrook, 1774. Jesse Morse, 1774. Jona. Russell, Jan., 1775, '76, '79. llopestill Leland, 1775, '78. Timothy Daniels, 1776. John Grout, 1776. Timothy Hill, 1778, '89, '92, '93. John Fisk, 1778, '86, '87, '91, 92. Jedediah Sanger, 1779, '80, '81. Amos Perry, 1779, '81. Joseph Ware, 1779, '81, '90. Benj. Bullard, 1780. Moses Holbrook, 1780, '81. John Ware, 1782, '83, '84, '85. '86, '88, '89, '90. Micha Leland, 1782, '84. Col. Joshua Leland, 1783, '84, '90. Cpt. Joseph Twitchell, 1783, '84. Jona. Morse, 1783. Daniel Whitney, Esq., 1784, '8G, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, ' '95, 1800, '01, '02, '03. Saml. Sanger, 1785. James Hill, 1785. Jona. Russel, 1785, '87, '88, '94, '96. Daniel Cooledge, 1785, '94, '97, '12, '14. Adam Leland, 1786, '89. Doct. Timothy Sheppard, 1788. Benj. Whitney, 1787. John Whitney, 1794. Abner Mason, 1787. Dea. Wm. Tucker, 1787, '90. HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 315 Hopestill Leland, 1788. Cpt. Aaron Gardner, 1788. Jona. Leland, 1789, '91, '95. Converse Bigelow, 1790, '95, '98, 1802, '03, '07, '08. Joseph Ware, 1791, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96. Benj. Ware, 1793, '99, 1801, '02, '03, '11, '12, '13. Silas Stone, 1793, 1801, '08, '09, '14. Doct. Jona. Tay, 1795, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800, '01, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07. John Sanger, 1796, '98, '99, 1800, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '07, '08, '09. Dea. Win. Clark, 1796, '97. Samuel Clark, 1797. Dr. Tapley Wyth, 1798, 1800, '01, '06, '09, '10. Elias Grout, 1*799. Nathan Grout, 1804, '11, '12, '13, '15, '32. Moses Morse, 1804, '04, '05, '06. Asa Sanger, 1804, '07. Samuel Leland, 1805, '07. Cpt. Samuel Learned, 1806, '09, '10. '17. Lt. Joseph Daniel, 1806, '11. Joseph Cooledge, 1808, '10, '12, '14, '16. ElishaRockwood, 1808. Calvin Sanger, Esq., 1809, '10, '11, '14, '28. Apollos Pond, 1810, '11. James Bullard, 1813, '14, '20. Uriel Cutler, 1813, '28. John Bullard, 1815, '16, '17, '18, '19, '21. Eleazer Goulding, 1815. Henry Pratt, 1815. James Holbrook, 1815. Joseph Sanger, 1816, '21. Col. Isaac Whitney, 1816, '18, '19, '20, '23. Col. Daniel Leland, 1816, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23. Daniel Leland, Jun., 1820, '21, '22, '23, '28. John Bigelow, 1817, '18, '19. James Leland, 1817. Alpheus Ware, 1820, '21. Hezekiah Morse, 1822. John Bullard, Esq., 1824, '28. John Bigelow, 1824, '25. Curtis Golding, 1824, '39. Walter Leland, 1824. John Leland, 1824, '34, '35, '36, '43. John Goulding, Senr., 1791, '92, '97, '98, '99, 1800, '04. Maj. John Goulding, 1818, '19, '22, '23, '25, '26, '30, '31, 32, '4". Daniel Leland 2d, 1825, '26, '27, '34, '35, '39, '40. Silas Stone, Esq., 1825, '26, '27, '28, '53. 316 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. Joseph P. Leland, 1825, '26. Lemuel Leland, 2d, 1826, '27, '33, '34, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '43 Elijah Hill, 1827, '28, '29, '31. James Hill, 1827. Ziheon Hooker, 1829, '36, '41. Leonard Morse, 1829. Joseph Eames, 1829. Amos Perry, 1829. Micha Leland, 1812, '13, '17, '30, '31, '32, '33, '37. Alpheus Clark, 1830, '31, '34, '35, '36, '37. Elisha Barber, 1830. Daniel Paul, 1830. Henry Partridge, 1831, '32, '33. Amos Hill, 1832, '37, '38. Braton Bullard, 1833, '34. Jeremiah Butler, Esq., 1833, '41, '42, '44, '49, '53. John Clark, 1835, '36, '37. Jacob Cushing, 1837, '39, '4S. Jacob Pratt, 1838, '54. Henry Bullard, 1838, '42. Samuel Sanger, 1839, '40. Charles Rockwood, 1841. Dalton Goulding, Esq., '42, '48, '49, '50, '51, '52, '53. Benj. Dowse, 1822, '23, '43, '44, '53. Tho. Bispham, 1844, '46. Nathl. Dowse, 1845, '46. Daniel W. Bullard, 1845, '46, '47. David Daniels, 1847. Tho. J. Morse, Esq., 1847. Royal Stone, 1848, '49, '50, '51, '53. Warren Whitney, 1850, '51, '52, '53. Lyman Whitney, 1852, '53, '54. Rev. Amos Clark, 1853. James Bullard, 1854. TOWN CLERKS, AND TIME. OF SERVICE. Obadiah Morse, 1677-'87, 1695-98, 1702 and 1704. Edward West, 1688, 1693-'4. Jona. Fairbank, 1699-1701. John Cooledge, 1705-'10. William Rider, Jun., 1713-'21, 1723-'5, and 1729. John Goulding, 1722. William Greenwood, 1726-'8, and 1735-'56. William Leland, 1730-'4. Joseph Perry, Esq., A. M., 1757-9. Joseph Twitchell, 1760-'71 . Samuel Bullard, 1772. HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 317 Daniel Whitney, Clerk, 1773, Clerk and Treasurer/ 1775-'81. Joseph Ware, Clerk and Treasurer, 1782-'3, 1791-'96, and 1798. John Ware, do. and do., 1784-'6,and 1788-'90. Wm. Tucker, do. and do., 1787. Samuel Sanger, do. and do., 1797. Elias Grout, do. and do., 1799. Calvin Sanger, do. and do., 1800-'14, and 1816-'19, 1821-'27, 1829, 1831, and 1834. Nathan Grout, do. and do., 1815. Daniel Leland, do. and do., 1820-'23. Dal ton Goulding, do. and do., 1825-32. Silas Stone, do. and do., 1833-'7. Alpheus Clark, do. and do., 1838-'54. REPRESENTATIVES. Thos. Sawin, 1703. Jona. Morse, 1706, and 1707. Samuel Bullard, 1708, 1709 and 1723, '24 and '25. Eleazer Holbrook, 1711 and 1720. Joseph Morse, 1715. Benjamin Whitney, 1716. Wm. Rider, Jun., 1719. John Holbrook, Senr., 1722. John Death, 1721, '28, '30, '38, '39 and '40. Henry Leland, 1726. Isaac Cooledge, Esq., 1729, '43, '46, '52, '53. William Leland, 1735. Joseph Perry, Esq., 1741. Wm. Greenwood, 1747. Joseph Twitchell, 1772, '73. Samuel Bullard, 1774. RiTharc^Sanger, } Members of Provincial Congress, Feb. 1, 1775. Daniel Whitney, member of Provincial Congress, May 31, 1775, and '76 ; member of the Convention to form the State Constitution, 1780 ; Rep. 1781, '83, '84, '85, '88, '89, '91, '92, '94, '95, '96, '98, '99, 1800, '01, '03 ; member of the Convention to ratify the Federal Con- stitution, 1788. Wm. Tucker, 1787. Calvin Sanger, 1806, '09, '10, '11, '12, '14, '16, '21, '23, '24 ; member of the Convention to amend the Constitution, 1820. Tapley Wythe, 1813. John Bullard, 1819. Silas Stone, 1830, '35, '36, '37. Micha Leland, 18o2. John Goulding, 1833. * The two offices were then first permanently united B13 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. Joseph Sanger, 1840. John Leland, 1843, '44. Amos Clark, Rev., 1845. Jacob Pratt, 1848. Alpheus Clark, 1838, '39, '51, '52. Dal ton Goulding, Esq., member of Convention to amend the State Constitution, 1853, and rep., 1854. Malachi Babcock, 1855. POPULATION. In 1674, when incorporated, S. contained about 108 souls ; in 1721, three years before Holl. -was set off, she had about 408 souls ; in 1764, there were 113 families and 630 inhabitants ; in 1820, 811 do. ; in 1830, 900 do. ; and in 1850, 1043 do. During the last 5 years, in con- sequence of the introduction of shoe manufactories, her population has increased more rapidly, and may now amount to 1,400. EDUCATION. S. from the first was attentive to education ; and she has furnished for her population a rare number of graduates, mostly the sons of lay- men. In 1770, Rev. Dr. Locke, and after him, Rev. Mr. Brown, kept schools for preparing young men for college. In 1825, an edifice was erected, principally by subscription, in which Rev. Mr. Clark and others gave regular instruction in the Classics and higher branches of English ; and which has of late years continued to be thus used only for an Autumn term. The town, first divided into 3 districts, now con- sists of 7. Each is furnished with a neat and commodious school-house, in which a school is supported by liberal grants from the town for a term, varying with the number of scholars, from 5 to 8 months in a year. Improvements in the organization and management of the schools are anticipated, and a High School, under favorable circumstances, is about to go into operation. A circulating library of good size and well-chosen volumes is owned by an association, and a great variety and number of periodicals are weekly received. Lyceums and meetings for the discussion of various subjects, (some of late on agriculture,) Sunday schools and Bible classes have been established for years ; and the modern practice of employing distinguished lecturers from abroad has been introduced, much to the amusement, if not profit of the young. GEOLOGY. Primitive crystalline rocks outcrop abundantly in the S. W. and E. parts of the town ; and altered mica slate in the central and W. parts. Superimposed upon these is a deep deposit of very coarse drift, con- sisting of large bowlders and angular fragments of ledges, situated invariably to the North, at a distance varying from a few paces to forty miles. The ledges, when uncovered, reveal the marks of the drift always pointing in the direction from which it was urged by the waves aud HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 819 currents of a former sea. In the valleys and meadows, and beneath the ponds, occur alluvial formations. Every division of the town bears ■witness to remote volcanic action ; producing changes in the relative level of different tracts, altering, fracturing, dislocating, and overturning rocks of aqueous origin and former horizontal position, and forcing through them mineral matter in a state of fusion, forming veins and dykes of a different rock. The mica slate formation exhibits all these effects. On the common, it is traversed by veins of quartz, and N. of the plain it is the wall-rock of an eruption of porphyritic trap. S. contains 4 remarkable uplifts, viz. : Pocasset Mountain in the S. part, City Hill in the W. ; Brush Hill in the N. W., and Peter's Hill in the N. The latter, upraised apparently by a force acting in a S. W. direction, leaving its adjoining strata to subside and become deep buried at its base, must originally have presented a perpendicular wall of about 75 feet in height, and ^ m. in length. This, acted upon by water, frost, and gravity, now presents a bold and rocky talus, almost inaccessible, yet yielding a thrifty growth of wood. Brush Hill is the highest land in S., and affords an extensive and delightful prospect, of such easy access as to invite admirers of nature from abroad. It admits of cultivation on all sides to its summit. City Hill and Pocasset Mountain are mere cones of almost naked rocks. In the E. part of the town are indications of the presence of icebergs stranded during the period of the drift. The basins of Farm Lake and the meadow immediately E. of it seem to have been formed by one which kept its moorings until the sea had piled up gravel to a great depth on the N. side, and filled two fissures with the same, which on the melting of the iceberg formed the narrow bank on the E side of the lake, and the island near the S. shore. One fourth of a mile N. W. of the lake others appear to have lodged and occasioned in a similar way the ridge over which the road passes, between two deep basins still partially filled with water. MINERALOGY. Near the W. line of S., on the farm of Messrs. Warren & James R. Whitney, occurs a bed of sienite, which from its proximity to the R. R. promises to be extensively quarried. The presence of iron in City Hill and in a swamp near Fram., is reported by the magnetic needle. On and about the common, crystals of epidote, the associate mineral of copper, have been obtained ; and around the same locality have been deposited bowlders of limestone in considerable quantities, brought, as may yet be verified, from Bolton. Intermingled with these, and also in other places, erratic blocks occur, so highly charged with pyrites of iron, as to render buildings underpinned with them liable to spontaneous combustion. In the E. part of the town porphyritic trap is common, which in one instance is associated with calcareous spar. And there are in this vicinity extensive depo-its of well-formed peat, of great prospective value to scientific agriculture. In the drift have been found rose quartz, white carnelian, brucite, jasper, asbestos, &c. 320 HISTORY OF SHERBORN. LAKES AND PONDS. Most of these which anciently existed had made their escape long prior to the arrival of the pale faces ; giving room to those aquatic reeds and grasses which, like those of Western prairies, formed a sward that bid defiance to the encroachment of trees. Before the wearing away of the rock at the Narrows, a deep lake covered the Broad Meadows. Farm Lake, in the E. part of the town, near Charles R., remains, covering about 200 acres. It is a beautiful sheet of water, fed entirely by springs, and subject only to the slightest oscillations. It has an outlet, preserving its waters pure in midsummer ; and is well stored with pickerel, perch, &c. It has within a few years been furnished with sail-boats, a house of entertainment, and conveniences for bathing, and become a place of much resort during the watering season. The scenery is highly rural. Little Pond, covering about 40 acres, is 1 m. N. of this, and has little besides fish to attract visitors. SPRINGS. S. is well supplied with salubrious springs, and a surface admitting of their artificial formation. Most of the streams by which the town is -drained, take their rise on the sides of Brush Hill, at an altitude sufficient for the conveyance of the water to the dwellings and farm houses of a large proportion of the inhabitants. A mineral spring, of ancient celebrity, exists on the S. side of Little Pond ; but the most efficacious ones remain to be created ; perhaps by draining the meadow E. of Farm Lake, tapping it beneath its bank, and drawing its waters tardily through conduits, charged with the soluble salts contained in celebrated medicinal waters. Such springs at this place of increas- ing resort might possibly remunerate the cost of construction, and perhaps benefit valetudinarians, and prove a cheaper remedy for home- ' sickness than those of Saratoga. STREAMS. The streams which drain the township and supply mill sites, are Sewall's Br.,m,the S. E., Dopping and W. Sherborn Brs.,in the S. W., Chestnut or Coarse Br., in the-N. W., and Sawin's Br., in the N. E. They were formerly considerable streams, and drove mills for a greater number of months in the year than at present. METEOROLOGY. On the higher grounds, exposed to currents from the ocean, the temperature is more uniform, and vernal frosts seldom occur ; but where the surface is arenaceous and depressed, as in the E. part, liabilities to this evil, both in spring and autumn, are increased. Yet the crops in S. are as certain as in any conterminous town. The frequency and amount of rain deposited have vastly diminished since the highest grounds have been denuded of their lofty and thick forests. While these remained, they occasioned a greater elevation of currents charged with humidity, facilitated the intermixture of warm and cold atmos- "HISTORY OF SHERBORN. 321 pheres, and thereby secured a greater reduction of temperature, the formation of more clouds, and the descent of more water. The restoration of such forests in S. and throughout the State is a great desideratum, and ought to be a subject of legislative action. In an age of miracles, the prophet prayed rain from heaven : but the freemen of Mass. have power to legislate it from the air ; and while they hold fasts in droughts and pray for showers, let them use the means ordained at creation for bringing them. SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS. The soil is generally rocky and of difficult tillage, yet fertile. Its inorganic constituents have resulted from the disintegration and decom- position of the rocks and pebbles with which it is so plentifully mixed ; and it is minevalogically identical with them. Where they change, so do the soil and the uses to which it is best adapted. The alkaline phosphates never abounded in any part of it, nor have they been sup- plied by the weathering of the rocks so fast as they have been absorbed and removed. The soil, therefore, is not well adapted to the growth of the cereal grains. The mica slate, which might have been cut by a spade, had Adam's sons arrived some geological periods earlier, has by volcanic heat been rendered intensely hard, yet where naked, or reached by the atmosphere, it weathers rapidly, supplying the pabulum of plants, and especially of the apple, in as great variety as any other rock, or greater. One of its results has been clay, mixed with the drift, however coarse, insuring through capillary attraction the ascent of water in seasons of drought, preventing trees from prematurely shed- ding their fruit. And as the mica slate drift covers more than half of the township, and is often deeper than the vertical range of the apple, none need wonder at the celebrity of S. for apples, cider, and vinegar ; nor charge her with vain presumption if she shall aspire, as a fruit- growing town, to the first rank in Mass. Her geographical position, and meteorology, the constituents of her soil, the interests and neces- sities, the intelligence, industry, and enterprise of her population, guided by the light of science, almost insure her this distinction. The soil in the N. W. and E. parts of S., is easier of cultivation, more attracting in appearance, and contains valuable orchards and cranberry beds, but has no mica slate. Its pebbles and few bowlders are hard, and weather slow ; and more time is needed for the repairing principle to perform its office. Some tracts are deficient in alumine, and the sand and pebbles too coarse for the ascent of water or culture of productive orchards. These, for the most part, have been abandoned to forest trees, from the growth and sale of which, for firewood and timber, good profits are derived. The soil is excellent for grass and pasturage. The produce of the dairy, the sty, and the stall, continue, as formerly, to be chief staples, and also that of vegetable gardens. MANUFACTORIES, STORES, &C. These are few in number, and mostly conducted on a small scale. Mr. Nath'l Dowse, and Dea. Lowell Cooledge & Co., carry on the manu- 8 322 HISTORY OF SHERI50RN.* facture of shoes quite extensively ; Messrs. Benj. & Joseph Dowse, that of whips ; Mr. Malachi Rabcock, that of knives ; and Messrs. Flemings, that of willow baskets. A large building has been erected by Mr. Palcmon Bickford, for the manufacture of straw goods, and this branch of business is being introduced. Many are extensively engaged in making vinegar, and some still in clarifying cider. S. contains a post office, of which Jeremiah R. Hawes is P. M. ; three stores, for the sale of dry goods and groceries, by Messrs. Geo. & Chas. A. Clark, and Tho. J. Morse, Esq. ; one do. by Messrs. J. R. Hawes and Henry W. Bullard, for that of shoes, &c. ; and one by Mr. And. Becker (p. 245) for that of clothing, and is supplied with a requisite number of skilful carpenters, stonecutters, and other mechanics. Ancient Garrisons. Besides the three garrisons mentioned on pp. 24, 91, and 278, there were two others, viz., one near Holbrook's mills, another N. of Edward's plain, near Nath'l Dowse's, all built at private expense, and the three last, after Philip's war. At the commencement of the Revolution a build- ing was erected near Dea. Fisk's, for the storage of provisions for the army, and a guard stationed over it. Cemeteries. These are eight in number, viz. : 1. The ancient South End, [see p. 25] which received the body of Hopestill Layland, 1655. 2. The Farm ditto that of Daniel Morse, senr., 1688. 3. The Central, [see p. 233] " in which ye first grain was sown," June ye 17, 1686. 4. The Brush Hill, in which the first interment was in 1785. 5. The New South, ditto ditto, March 2, 1790. 6. The Plain, ditto ditto, 1792. 7. The West Sherborn, ditto ditto, 1825, and perhaps earlier. 8. The New Central, most judiciously chosen by Dr. Everett, and laid out with much taste by Capt. Jacob Pratt, received, as its first de- posit, the remains of the lamented Dr. Everett in 1852, and the bones of Rev. President Locke in 1853. May it be further consecrated by the removal of those of Rev. Messrs. Gookin, Baker, and Porter. The mineral character of this ground is eminently adapted to the preservation of the bones of the dead, and its situation to defend it against the sacrilegious encroachments of avarice, and the negligence of barbarism. It even claims attention from residents of the city in quest of lots more secure than those at Mount Auburn. For when the hearts of the children shall become wholly turned from the fathers, the land bereft of present security, and the metropolis subjected to another siege, Mount Auburn may be needed for a fort, and its monu- ments for a breastwork ; while - in S., the contest may be decided on the plain, with shoe-knives, shillalahs and brickbats. HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. Holliston is situated between 22 and 28 miles S. W. of Boston, on the Milford Branch of the Boston and Worcester R. Road, and con- stitutes the S. W. corner of Middlesex Co. It has Medway on the S., Milford on the W., Hopkinton on the N. W., Ashland on the N., and Sherborn on the E. It began to be explored and settled long prior to its incoporation as an integral part of Sherborn. As early as May 26, 1659, W'pfulMaj. Eleazer Lusher, of Dedh., "one of the right stamp and pure mettle, a gracious, humble, and heavenly-minded man," dis- tinguished for his public services, received a grant from the General Court, [see p. 268] of the land now occupied by most of the Village. The lot was laid out by Lt. Joshua Fisher the same year. The N. ex- tremity of it extended beyond Jar Brook, and probably touched the S. line of Natick, and the S. extremity reached to a point opposite to the Winthrop House. It had Jasper's Hill on the W. , and through it flowed Bogistow Brook. This tract Lusher sold 15 (5) 1660, to my ancestor, Lt. Henry Adams of Medfield, who no doubt took immediate possession and mowed the meadows that year. Here he placed his cattle, and elder sons as herdsmen, and especially Jasper who gave name to " Jasper's Hill," from the top of which he could, by signal fires, communicate with his father near his own door in Medfield. A tenement, if not a farmery, Lt. Adams doubtless erected upon the place, and circumstances almost prove that he built 1-3 m. N. of the Common where Col. Whiting resides. Here Jasper Adams is pre- sumed to have lived unmarried, often visited and attended by his father, * until driven off in 1676 by Indian hostilities, a period of 14 years, f * Lt. Adams did not permanently remove to his new farm, though his name is enrolled with the petitioners for Sherborn, and with those of the grantees at their first meeting in 1675-6 "for ordering the affairs" of the town; for in 1674 he represented Medfield in the G. C, and had the command of her training band in 1675-6, when he was massacred. [See p. 1.] Lt. Adams and wife having died intestate, leaving children in their minority, the farm was doubtless sold to Hon. Wm. Brown of Salem, whose son, Hon. Col. Samuel B. owned it in 1725, and until his death, June 19, 1731. In 1744 it was in the hands of his heirs ; and Jacob Foster, presumed to have been one of them, sold to Dea. James Russell for £360 O. T., [or $160 in Fed. money] 50 acres of it, bounded E. and N. E. by Bogistow and Jar Brooks. May 15, 1745, having come into possession of the remaining 200 acres, he sold them to Jona. Foster for £200 N. Eng. currency, " excepting" in the deed "land for highways and private ways [to the meeting house] and 5 acres E. of the country road and adjoin- ing to the highway leading out of it to the pond," viz. : the land that had doubtless been preconveyed to Rev. Mr. Prentice for a house lot, now situated E. and S. E. of the common. In this deed, he mentions the land of Mr. Prentice and David Lea- land as forming parts of the S, or S. W. boundaries of the tract, and includes about 5 acres of the Pond meadow, and speaks of a way two rods wide laid out by Lt. Fisher from the 250 acre lot to the Pond meadow, through the land of Francis Varnum. This shows that the 12 acres of meadow included with Lusher's grant, [see p. 26S] were not on Chicken Brook, but on the outlet of AVinthrop's Lake, and suggests that the aboriginal name of that Lake was Winnekening, which the sur- 324 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. The second planter of Holliston was Wm. Sheffield, who settled at Chabboquasset, near the S. E. corner of the town, but not certainly before 1674, although he was the proprietor of a large tract at the place as early as 1663, (not 1673, as on p. 240) and extinguished the Indian claim in 1675. He probably resided in Medfield, and like Lt. Adams occupied his tract 1663-1674. Further than these no oc- cupancies appear to have occurred thus early, nor until about 1680 ; and then, only by proprietors of grants made prior to the incorporation of S. Sheffield was early upon the ground, and the encouragement given by the town [p. 284] soon drew Lind to commence the building of a mill below the junction of Bogistow and Jar brooks. But the 2d division of the common lands of S. which included all now in H., was not made until 1682, and other settlers were until then excluded. Complete preparation was soon after made for taking possession of these lands; for Oct. 13, 1686, John Hill, senr., Benj. Bullard, Oba- diah Morse, Jona. Morse, and Edward West, in the name of the inhabi- tants of Sherborn, purchased for .£10 [see pp. 270-1] of John Awasamog 2,000 acres, more or less, it being [the remainder of] all that tract granted to the town by the G. C, sitting Oct. 7, 1674, and bounded W. by Mr. Edward Rawson. * veyor, in this solitary instance, applied to the outlet, either, not discovering that it was the identical stream which he had a day or two before called Bogistow Brook in his description of the grant, he first laid out to Dean AVinthrop and Francis Vernon, alias Varnum, or, wishing to make more certain his description of these outlets, only one of which seems to have been upon the brook, while the other was nearer the W. shore of the lake, he applied to the stream the name of the Lake from which it issues. The meaning of the word AVinne, is pleasant, and derived from two Indian words denoting the smile of the Great Spirit. This might, to barbarians, have seemed applicable to the Lake with its four islands and diversified banks, but by no means that can be conjectured to a stagnant brook without a romantic bank or enlivening fall in its entire course, [see p. 2G8, and on all preceding pp. for Wennekeen- ing read Chicken Br.] The long desired discovery of the true Indian name of our lake seems to be made ; and our AVinnekening House may yet supplant the AVinthrop, and AVinnekening Lake that of AVinthrop's Pond. The laying of a road through the land of A r arnum shows that the AV. part, 200 of the 700 acres granted to him and AVintrop, was assigned to V. This tract was probably purchased by the Hon. John Hull of Boston, and inherited by his only child the wife of the Hon. Samuel Sewall, who after the death of Hull was with his children the proprietor of a farm south of Brown's. After the death of Sewall in 1735, if not before, this farm, consisting probably of 200 acres, appears to have been divided, and the N. part owned by David Lealand,? the S. part by Capt. Goulding, and the N. AV. corner by Rev. Mr. Stone. The first occupancy of this grant by tenants, is supposed to have commenced where the late Dea. Marsh resided, and as early as 1680. (?) t Jasper retired to the settlement in S., drew land in 1682, and afterwards moved with his cattle and built his cabin against a ledge, about 6 rods AV. of a spring, and about 12 rods S. E. of the Morse meadow, where the trace of his cellar and natural fireplace in the rock is now plainly to be seen. The land was then owned, or had previously been, by John Frairy jun., of Medfield, in which it continued to be included until 1713. Here Jasper lived in double solitude for many years, and nearly to the time of his grand nephew, Henry Morse's taking possession of the lot. AVhen advanced in years, he retired to S., where he " died an aged bacheldor." *liawson owned a " farm" of 2,000 acres, now in Milfd, which, as described in his Indian deed of 1685, fell entirely within the card-shaped plat of S, being bound- ed E. by Medfield, S. by Dedham, AV. by Mendon and N. by Sherborn, [common lands]. It was afterwards laid out pr. on the AV. side of his two great Indian pur- chase and annexed to Mendon, by which event S. lost a corner of her protracted territory, and the AV. line [now of II.] was rendered so irregular. HISTORY OP HOLLISTON. 325 No considerable number of families, however, had settled in H. so early as 1700 ; and in 1723, when the settlers petitioned to be set off from S., the petition was subscribed by only 13 freeholders, [p. 297]^ doubtless a majority, and probably all except 5 then located W. of the line between the two townships. For the history of the incorpora- tion of H. see pp. 296-99. This happy event occurred Dec. 3, 1724, just 50 years from her incorporation with S., and 72 years after the first settlement W. of Charles River ; so slow was the progress of set- tlements in N. Eng'd, after the first emigrations in 1620-41. The township at its incorporation comprised 15,086 acres. In 1826 it underwent a small reduction by an exchange of territory with Med- way, and a larger one in 1846 by the incorporation of Ashland. Dec. 21, 1724, 18 days after H. was erected into a town the free- holders met at the house of Timothy Lealand, where Wm. Lovering re- sides, and according to the provisions of the act, elected town officers. " This gave the first impulse to the operations of this infant member of the body politick." Jan. 4, 1724-5, only 11 days later, they resolved to erect a meeting- house, 32 ft. by 40 ft. with 20 ft. posts and to assess £100 Old Tenor, i. e. about $44.45 cents on the inhabitants towards defraying the cost, and to allow each man assessed the privilege of paying one-half of his rate in labor. This house was founded the next year and " completed in 1728," at a cost of little more than another ,£100. It was seated in 1749, repaired and enlarged in 1772, and remained the only house of worship in H. until the erection of the present Congregational Church in 1824. 1725. The next subject which engaged the attention of the town was the location of the House which they had resolved to build. Col. Samuel Brown, of Salem, seems to have promised them a site, but they hesitated from which corner of his farm to accept it. They first pitched upon the land that was finally accepted. But as nearly all the inhabitants then lived in the N. and E. parts of the town, they afterwards resolved to build near the comb manufactory on Jar Brook. This site they became convinced would not be commodious eventually to the inhabitants of the whole town, and they peaceably rescinded the vote, and resolved " to set their meeting house S. of Jasper's Hill on the W. side of the road that goes over [around] there on the Hon. Col. Brown's farm." A lot of 3 acres at that place was afterwards given by Col. Samuel Brown to H. " to be perpetually occupied as a site for a meeting-house and burying- ground." * The town took measures the same year to procure preaching, and public worship was first set up at Timothy Lealand's and there continued while the house was being erected. * Do not the conditions of this grant place the land on the same footing as Boston Common, and if any part of the ground is ever converted, as has been proposed, to another use, will it not be forfeited to his heirs of which he has many in the vicinity, able to prove their heirship and prosecute their claim ? and when improvements shall have greatly enhanced its value may they not be expected to do so ? N. B. " The act which shall forfeit the original S. E. half of the burying-ground, will likewise forfeit the beautified common and site of the orthodox chh." 326 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. June 26, 1727. " It was voted by the inhabitants to give the sum of .£100 in bills of credit towards the settlement of the first Gospel minis- ter yt. shall be settled in ye said town. Jona. Whitney and George Fairbank were appointed a committee to address Hon. Samuel Sewall as to the obtaining a piece of land toward the settlement of a minister." In answer to their application, Judge Sewall May 9, 1723, and his sons, Samuel S. Esq., Rev. Joseph S. and son-inlaw, Rev. Wm. Cooper and wife Judith (Sewall) Cooper, all of Boston, signed a deed of gift con veying to them in trust 11 acres " for the ye sole proper use, benefit and behoof of ye first Orthodox, Congregational or Presbyterian minis- ter of ye Gospel which shall be settled in ye said town of H. and to his heirs and assigns forever." f The 2nd article in the warrant for this meeting was " peculiarly char- acteristic" of our fathers, and reads thus, " to choose an orthodox, learned and pious person to dispense the word of God as a minister of the gospel said town." The result of the meeting was an invitation to Mr. James Stone to undertake the work of the ministry in II. But as the meeting-house was not finished, and no church as yet organized, his ordination was defered until Nov. 20, 1728. Then a church of 8 mem- bers including the pastor elect was organized, and he the same day or- dained. " Previous to the solemn and interesting occasion, a day of fasting and prayer was observed, a practice still followed for the purpose of devoutly seeking the divine blessing on such transactions." Besides a settlement of £ 100 O. T. , i. e. about $44, the town promised Rev. Mr. S. a salary of £75, i. e. $33.33, and to increase it to £85 on the addition of 20 more families to the Parish. In 1742 it was raised to <£150 or $67. The salary of his successor was equally humble in amount. " Rev. Mr. Stone, pursuant to ye choice and election of ye Church and Town of H., and with ye concurance and assistance of a council of neighbor Churches having accepted ye Pastoral office in said town and received ordination, it was resolved that Jona. Whitney and George Fair- bank make conveyance to him of their interest in the land given in trust by Hon. Samuel Sewall and children." This conveyance they accord- ingly made Jan. 2, 1729-30 ; and the same year was built as is pre- sumed for Mr. S. the ancient house still in repair and so long known as the Stone Tavern. May 16, 1729, voted thatDea. Tho. Marshall andDea. Timothy Lea- land be a committee fully empowered by said town and desired to pro- cure and provide £100 in bills of credit and then forthwith to pay it to ye Rev. Mr. Stone according as ye Town have voted. Also that they go to ye Hon. Samuel Brown, Esq., for money and take up £100 upon interest on ye town's account if his Honr. pleases. Col. Brown died June 19, 1731, and the town by a vote acknowledged their obligations to his heirs for the aid they had received, and instructed a committee to remind them of " hit promise to make it up £100." t This 11 acre lot was a corner of their farm of probably 200 acres. Upon it now stands the Winthrop House and most of the S. W. quarter of the village. It was bounded S. (or S. E.) by the road, 94 perches ; W. by Adams alias Sheffield's land 56 rods, and N. by Col. Brown's farm 60 rods. HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. 327 1737-8. The town was divided into 3 districts, viz. : the North, the West, and the Central, and it was resolved that three school houses should be built, viz. : one for the N. between John Haven's and Lt. Isaac Bullard's, 14 ft. by 18 ft. with 7 ft. posts ; one of the same dimensions for the W. between Joseph Brown's (now Messinger's), and Hoppin River; and another for the central district, 16 ft. by 20; that £100 be assessed upon the inhabitants to defray the cost, and that each man have liberty to work out life part of the assessment : That Gershom Eames, Ephm. Biglow and Sol. Park be the building committee for the N. ; Ebenr. Littlefield, Benj. Bullard and James Perry for the W. ; and Ephm. Twitchell, John Death and Jacob Foster for the Central district. The latter house was built in the street E. of the graveyard, the deed to the town of 3 acres adjacent not allowing even a school house to be placed upon it. This house continued to be used by the central district until about 1805. The No. of Districts have since been trebled, and education liberally promoted. But the most important event in the history of education in H. has been the erection of Mt. Hollis Academy on the S. side of Mt. Jasper. [See p. 250.] 1739 voted to raise £8 to make the stocks and to fence in the bury- ing ground ; and chose a committee to put the law in force for prevent- ing the destruction of deer. 1742 voted £60 to defray the expense of Rev. Mr. Stone's funeral. 1746-7 voted to remove (vacate) 2 rods of the S. side of a road laid out 3 rods wide by Sherborn in 1683 from the further side of Parker's Farm (grant) now E. of Maj. Goulding's in S. across (around) Jasper's Hill to the cedar swamp ; and to accept it at the S. end of said hill, so that the inhabitants on the W. side of H. might have a convenient way to the meeting house. The narrowing or discontinuing of the western part of this road has been the occasion of much uneasiness and trouble to individuals and the public. 1748. The families residing in the S. W. extremity of the town be- tween Medway and Milford, petitioned to be incorporated as a part of the W. Parish of Medway. While their petition was pending, the town forwarded a remonstrance to the G. C. without effect. 1749. The town was fined £5 for not keeping a school as required by law. » Until this date the meeting house had been furnished only with tem- porary seats. This year it was internally completed and the town chose a committee " to dignify the seats." This committee reported that " the fore seat below should be considered the 1st in dignity, and the 2d be- low do. the 2d in dignity ; and the 3d below and the front seat in the gallery do. equal, and the 3d in dignity, &c, assigning to the seats 7 degrees of dignity. Whether seats built for the colored people were dignified, or they required to sit upon the stairs, has not been discovered. The committee proposed that " the invoice taken in 1748 should be the rule " for seating the meeting, " having a proper regard to age." Their report was accepted by the town ; but Geo. Fairbank, John Lealand, John Twitchell, Stephen and Jona. Foster protested, 1st, that the meeting was 328 HISTORY OF IIOLLISTON. not regularly carried on ; 2nd, that it was not opened according to law ; and 3d, that the rule of seating the meeting was not according to law or reason. Capt. John Goulding by a vote of the town was allowed to build a pew next to the pulpit stairs ; and Ebenezer Lealand, the father of Dea. Timothy, to build a second remove from that point of honour. Two other pews were probably allowed on the other side of the pulpit, and the one next to it given to the minister. Joseph Johnson was permitted to build on the right, and Isaac Bullartl on the left of the great doors. These pews probably accommodated most of the nobility who did not occupy the deacon's seat, or act as clerk and chorister. 1753-4. From Dec. 18 to Jan. 30 of these years prevailed the great sickness unexampled in the history of the town, and probably of any other in N. England. Rev. Mr. Fitch, in his Cent. Serm. p. 32, says : — " The symptoms, which peculiarly marked the disease, were violent and pirceing pains in the breast or side ; a high fever ; and extreme difficulty of expectoration, which in some cases, — if not in most, — resulted in strangulation. Some, it is said, apparently in the last stages of the disease, were evidently relieved by administering oil, who event- ually recovered. No derangement of mind usually accompanied the disease. The sick generally survived their attack only from three to six days. From notes taken during the prevalence of the sickness, by the Rev. Joshua Prentiss, and which were found among his papers after his decease, we learn that on the 31st of December, 7, and on the 4th of January 10 lay unburied ; — that during the week on which the last date occurred, 17 died ; and that from 2 to 5 were buried in a day for many days successively. The whole number who died of this fatal malady was 53 ; — more than one-eighth of the population. Of this number 27 were heads of families — 15 males and 12 females ; — 12 were unmarried persons of adult age — 8 males and 4 females ; — 7 were children ; — and 7 were inhabitants of other towns, all of whom were males, with one exception. — In the fearful desolations produced by this disease, the church of Christ was bereft of 15 of its members. Few families escaped ; and four were entirely broken up by the removal of both the husband and the wife. — For more than a month there were not enough in health to Sttend the sick and bury the dead, though their whole time was employed in such services. The sick suffered, and the dead laid unburied, notwithstanding charitable assistance and personal attendance were furnished by people in the vicinity. A most remark- able circumstance attending this sickness is its being almost wholly confined to a small town, without the smallest apparent natural cause for its existence at all ; especially for its restriction within so narrow a compass. [See p. 300.] To those, however, who are disposed devoutly to trace whatever effects are discernable in the natural world back to the Great First Cause of all things, and to view every event as ordered and directed for some wise and righteous purpose, by his controlling hand, there will appear something, at least, remarkable in the facts, — of which there is little doubt, — that previous to the breaking out of HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. 320 this desolating sickness, the people were violently engaged in fierce law contentions, which seemed to have originated in the proceedings of the town upon the subject of roads ; — that two of the principal men in town were engaged against each other in a lawsuit about a most trifling matter, and were tbe first seized with the disease while on their return from Court, both of whom fell its speedy victims — one of them before he could reach home, and the other soon after, — and that immediately upon the removal of the scourge with which the people had been most sorely visited, their contentions ceased ; their tumults'were hushed, and peace and concord prevailed. Since that afflictive season no tow r n has been more noted, probably, for the little its inhabitants have troubled themselves with disputes in law. May the children continue to profit by the lesson which the sorrowful experience of their fathers furnishes them." 1768. — Voted, that this town will endeavor to raise more hemp, flax and wool, and take all prudent and legal measures to encourage the produce and manufactures of this province, and to lessen the use of superfluities : that we accept from Mr. Daniel Mellen the gift of his workshop [offered for the encouragement of manufactures by the town ;] that we will not give more for rhum, sugar, molasses and rasons than what they can be bought for at Boston ; that the representatives in G. C. be desired to use their influence to promote a suitable encourage- ment for raising wool and flax in such a way as to prevent importation of the same : that we will not have any gloves at funerals but what are made in this province ; nor procure any new garment on such occasions but what are absolutely necessary. 1769. — Voted, [for the first time] to send a representative to the G. C, and elected Mr. Joshua Hemenway, and gave him instructions agreeable to those given to the representatives of Boston. He then presented to the town 13s. 4d., which they voted to accept. 1770. — Voted, not to purchase any European goods of John Bernard, James Mc Masters and other importers who had been posted, nor to have any dealings with any country shop-keepers who shall purchase of such importers ; that we will use the utmost of our endeavours to encourage and assist those applauded merchants of Boston in their non- importation agreement ; and that the Moderator, Dea. James Russell, communicate to them our sincere and hearty thanks for those late measures pursued by them for the good of their country. 1774, March 23. — Alex. Marsh, Joshua Heminway, Aaron Phipps, Mathew Metcalf and Edward Durand were chosen a committee of cor- respondence with Boston and other towns. Sep. 12. Voted unanimously, to accept the report of the congress of Middlesex Co., at their late meeting at Concord, and chose James Russell to agree with a founder for two cannon, and to procure 3 half blls. of powder. 1775, Jan. 9. — Voted, to adhere to the advice and association of Continental Congress, and that Joshua Hemingway, Timothy Rockwood, Joseph Bigelow, Samuel Whiting, Jacob Miller, Aaron Phipps and 9 330 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. Abner Johnson be a Committ. to inspect the inhabitants of the town in their observation and conforming to the aforesaid obligation. 1775, March. — Voted, that no man shall serve in any town office who shall refuse or neglect to subscribe consent to, and compliance with the advice of the late Continental Congress. With such promptitude, decision and energy did the inhabitants of this town engage in the awful conflict that achieved our independence; and during the whole of its continuance " they bore a decided and honorable part. They sacrificed their property, hazarded and several lost their lives in the cause of liberty ; and their reward is in the grateful remembrance of their posterity. May we never, by our ingrat- itude and degeneracy, forfeit the inestimable blessings purchased for us at such a sacrifice." The number and names of officers and soldiers who served in that war, it may be impossible to ascertain. Among the former should be mentioned Col. Abner Perry, Maj. Jacob Miller and Capt. Daniel Eames, who were conspicuous. The remainder of such civil and eccle- siastical transactions, and changes, as are deemed most w.orthy of publication, may be gathered from pp. 69-70, from notes on the several pastors, and from the ensuing lists of town officers. PASTORS. •James Stone from 1728-1742. •Joshua Prentiss, do. 1743-1788. •Timothy Dickinson, do. 1789-1813. •Josephus Wheaton, do. 1815-1825. Charles Fitch, do. 1826-1832. Elijah Demond, do. 1832-1836. •JohnStorrs, 1836-1812. T. D. P. Stone, 1843-1849. Joshua T. Tucker, do. 1849-to the present time. GRADUATES. * Solomon Park, H. C, 1753 * Jacob Foster ? H. C. 1754. * Nahum Marshall, gd. H. C, 1755. *Tho. Prentise, H. C, 1766, *Appleton Prentise, H. C, 1781. *JohnMorse,f B. U.,1791. * Elisha Fiske, B. U., 1795. * Roswell Messinger, H. U., 1797. *Drury Fairbanks, B. U., 1797. * Jason Chamberlain, B. U. 1804. John Goulding Thayer, 1804. * Luther Lealand, M. C, ab. 1806. Timothy Fisk,H. U., 1801. * Elijah Morse,f B. U., 1809. t T5orn in a part of Medway, since annexed to H. HISTORY OP HOLLISTON. 331 Joshua P. Dickinson, B. U., 1811, and M. D. Harv., 1816. *Amos Whiting, B. U., 1812. * Martin Whiting, H. U., 1814. Abner Morse, t B. U., 181G. * Edward Dickinson, II. U., 1818. Sewall Harding,! U. C, 1818. Wm. Chamberlain Mellen, B. U., 1836. Charles Chamberlain, B. U., 183G Sewall Fisk, Middletown. C, ab. 1839. Frederic Lyman Batchelder, B. U.. 1839. George Cutler, B. U., 1839, and M. D., Harv., 1845. Francis Ide Wheaton, B. U., 1840. Roswell Cutler, M. D., Harv., U., 1847. Elbridge J. Cutler, II. U., 1854. TOWN CLERKS OF HOLLISTON AND TIMES OF SERVICE. John Goulding, 1724-'33. Solomon Park, 1734-'44. Daniel Emerson, 1745-'5G ; 'G0-'65, and Treasurer, 1747. Joseph Underwood, Clerk and Treasurer, 1757-59. John Stone, Clerk and Treasurer, 1766, '68-' 74. Joshua Heminway, 1767. Aaron Phipps, Clerk and Treasurer, 1775-'77. Joseph Mellen, 1778-'79. Samuel Bullard, 1780-'9G. James Mellen, 1797-1804. Jason Chamberlain, 1805-'08. John Fairbanks, 1809-'16. Elial Littlefield, Clerk and Treasurer, 1817-'30. Thomas Dickinson, 1831-'34. Elihu Cutler, Jr., 1835-'37. Thomas T. Rockwood, '44 and '48. Elias Bullard, Esq., Clerk and Treasurer, 1831-'32 ; Cl'k, 38-'39. Alden Leland, Clerk and Treasurer, 1833-'34. William E. Rockwood, 1835. Elijah B. Craig, Clerk and Treasurer, 1836-'37 ; Cl'k, 40-42 ? Hiram A. Morse, 1838, '56. Ebenezer H. Currier, 1840-'42 ? Otis B. Bullard, '43-'44. Abel Pond, Clerk and Treasurer, '45-'46. William R. Thayer, '47 and '49. D. Bucklin Fitts, '50. Edward W. Blood, '51. Augustus N. Currier, 1843 ; '49-'54. Thos. C. Andrews, '53. Orrin Thompson, '54. Geo. E. Johnson, '55. 332 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. REPRESENTATIVES AND TEARS OF THEIR ELECTION. Joshua Hemenway, 1769. Abner Perry, 1775-'6-'7-'8-'9. Samuel Park, Esq., 1787-8. Dea. Moses Hill, '91. Capt. James Mellen, 1795~'6~'7~'8 ; 1800. Ephraim Littlefield, 1801-'03--'04. Jason Chamberlin, 1806-' 7-9-' 10-11. Dea. Jesse Haven, 1808. Lt. Timothy Rocket, 1812-'13-'16. Col. John Mellen, 1821. Elihu Cutler, Esq., 1827«'28. Abner Johnson, 1830-'31. Elias Bullard, 1 833-' 34. Eben. H. Currier, 1833~'34. Nathan Leland, 1836. Benjamin F. Batchelcler, 1836-'37. Alden Leland, 1837-'38-'42-'51. Daniel Perry, 1838. Wm. S. Batchelder, 1840. Sam'l Payson, 1839. Calvin Rockwood, 1839. John Nichols, 1849. Simeon Fisher, 1850. Geo. Batchelcler, 1854. SELECTMEN. John Goulding, 1724, '25, '26, '27, '28, '29, '30, '32, '33, '40. Wm. Sheffield, Dec. 21, 1724, '25. Jona. Whitney, Dec. 1724, '25, '26, '27, '28, '32, '36, '37. Dea. Thos. Marshall, 1724, '25, '26, '27, '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42, '48, '54. Isaac Bullard, 1724, '25, '32, '34, '36, '38, '39, '40. Eben'r Hill, 1724, '25. Joshua Underwood, 1726. Joseph Johnson, 1726, '28, '29, '31, '33, '36, '38, '39, '40, '42, '43, '45, '46. Isaac Foster, 1727, '31, '34, '35. Timothy Leland, 1727, '28, '29, '30, '31, 32, '34, '38, '39, '40, '43, '44, '45. Thos. Jones, 1728. John Lealand, 1729, '33, '35, '45. Jason Chamberlin, 1729. Aaron Morse, 1730, '33. Isaac Cozzens, 1730, '37, '46, '50. Benoni Adams, 1731, '34. Nathaniel Sheffield, 1735, '37. Jason Chamberlin, 1735. HISTOHY OF HOLLISTON. 333 John Twitchell, 1735. Solomon Park, 1736, '37, '38, '39, '41, '42, '44. Ephraim Twitchell, 1741. James Perry, 1741, '43, '45, '47, '49, '51, '53. Jacob Foster, 1741, '43, '46, '47, '48, '49. Gershom Eamcs, 1742. Capt. Eben. Littlefield, 1742, '46, '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54. Lieut. Eben. Marshall, 1743, '46, '47, '55. Joseph Hill, 1744. Dea. James Russel, Esq., 1744, '59, '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '66, '71, '73. Jona. Jones, 1744. Dea. Joseph Brown, 1745, '47, '54, '61, '62, '04. Ephraim Biglow, 1747. Daniel Emerson, 1748, '56, '65. John Haven, 1748, '59. Eli Jones, 1748, '57. Moses Johnson, 1749. Aaron Morse, Jr., 1749, '52. Capt, Ephraim Littlefield, 1750, '57. Curtis Goulding, 1750. Benj. Bullard, 1750, '56, '60. Stephen Foster, 1751, '53, '55. Capt. Samuel Bullard, 1751, '56, '57, '59, '61, '65, '67. Theodore Rider, 1751, '61. Lieut John Lealand, Jr., 1752, 1755, '60, '61, '65, '68, '69, '76. Asa Fisk, 1752, '55, '58. Isaac Johnson, 1752, '56, '58, '62. Moses Johnson, 1753. Jona. Jones, 1753, '55, '57. John Haven, 1754, '60, '62, '69. Joseph Underwood, 1754, '58, '59. Mr. John Goulding, 1756. Lt. Samuel Daniels, 1758. Daniel Jennings, 1758, '73. Joseph Hill, 1759 Isaac Hill, 1759, '64, '71. Daniel Millen, 1760. Timothy Rockwood, 1761, '64, '65, 'Q6, '68, '69, '75, '76, '79. Col. Abner Perry, 1762, '64, '66, '68, '71, '74, '77, '78, '80, '82, '86, '98. Asa Bullard, 1763, '72, '76, '82. Joshua Hemingway, 1763, '71. Staples Chamberlin, 1763, '67, '69, '71, '75, '76, '78, '80, '81, '83, '84, '87, '95. Joseph Rider, 1765, '84. Isaac Bullard, 2d, 1766, '71, '80, '85, '95. Moses Hill, 1766, '68, '75, '91. 334 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. Asa Adams, 1767. Daniel Mellen, 1767. Asaph Leland, 1767, '83, '86. Joseph Biglow, 1768, '74, '76, '78. Capt. Samuel Whiting, 1769, 1778, '80, '81. Jesse Adams, 1769, '77. Alexander Marsh, 1770. Joseph Gibbs, 1770. John Chamberlin, 1770. David Fisk, 1770. David Laaland, 177 1. Hachaliah Bridges, 1771. Dea. Aaron Phipps, 1773, '77. Maj. Jacob Miller, 1773. Enoch Chamberlin, 1773. John Stone, Esq., 1774, 1795. Lieut. Joseph Mellen, 1774, '85. Sam. Daniels, 1774, '79. Drury Fairbank, 1775. Simeon Newton, 1775. Benj. Bridges, 1777, '96, '99, 1801, '05. Dea. Jesse Haven, 1777, '91, '93, '94, '96, 1801. Jona. Wiswell, 1778, '81. Josiah Hemenway, 1779. Timothy Twitchell, 1779. David Johnson, 1780. Timothy Lealand, 2d, 1780. Eben Hill, 2d, 1780: Lieut. Joseph Johnson, 1781, '84, '86. Abel Smith, 1781. John Steadman, 1782. Capt: Ezra Eames, 1782, '88, '89, '90, '92, 1802, '05, '12 Samuel Park, Esq., 1782. Capt. James Perry, 1779, 1783, '86, '92, '94. Robt: Mellen, 1783, '87. Aaron Pond, 1783, '85. Thaddeus Lovering, 1784, '86, '91, '93. Samuel Bullard, Jun., 1784, '85. Capt. Tim. Rockwood, Jun., 1785, '88, '89, '90, '93, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800, '04, '10, '11. Dea. Esek Marsh, 1787. Nathan Bullard, 1787, '94. Andrew Watkins, 1787. Ephm. Littlefield, Esq. 1788, '89, '90, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800, '03, '05, '06. Capt. James Mellen, Esq., 1788, '89, '90, 1807, '08. Joshua Underwood, 1789. David Whiting, 1790, '92, '93, '94, '96. HISTORY OF IIOLLISTON. 335 John Haven, 1794. Henry Bui lard, 1791. Lieut. Aaron Eames, 1791, '97, 1800, '07, '08, '15, '16. Capt. Jason Chamberlin, Esq., 1792, '93, 1802, '04, '09. Lieut. Jona. Adams, 1792. Ezra Brown, 1797* '99, 1801, '03, '08, '10, '11, '12, '13. Japhet Daniels, — . Israel Smith, 1798, 1800, '01. Asa Fisk, 1798. Nath'l. Johnson, 1798, 1805, '06, '12, '13, '17, '18, '19, '24 '25 Aaron Phipps, 2d, 1799, 1800, '01, '02, '04. John Fairbanks, 1802, '06! Aaron Pond, Jun., 1804, '10. Col. John Mellen, 1802, '03, '10, '13, '14, '15, '20. Daniel Ileminway, 1802. Lewis Fisher, 1803, '07, '14, '27, '28. James Wight, 1804. Eleazer Bullard, 1805. Asa Lincoln, 1806, '07, '08. Elijah Watkins, 1806, '07, '11, '13, '14. Capt. Obed Miller, 1808, '09, '16. Aseph Leland, Jun., 1809, '10, '11. Timothy Hill, Jun., 1809, '12. Isaac Cozzens, 1809, '14. John Daniels, Jun., 1812, '16. James Curtis, 1812. Nathan Bridges, 1815, '17, '22, '23, '25 '27 '28 Nathan Leland, 1814, '15, '16, '24. Elihu Cutler, Esq., 1815, '17, '18, '19, '20, >26, '27, '28 John Haven, 1816. Stephen Adams, 1817, '21. Abner Johnson, 1818, '19, '23, '29, '30, '31, '32,34, '35. Timothy Rockwood, 3d, 1818, '23, '29, '31, '32 Levi Adams, Esq., 1818, '19, '20, '22, '23, '24, '25, '26. Asa Fisk, 2d, 1818, '19. ' ' Aaron Eames, 2d, 1820, '21. Col. William Rockwood, 1820, '21, '22, '26, '29, '30, '36, '37. Dr. Timothy Fisk, 1821. Capt. Tim. Mellen, 1821, '25. Col. Asa Whiting, 1822. William Phipps, 1822. Capt. Luther Rockwood, 1823. William Claflin, 1824, '25. John Death, 1824, '26. James Adams, 1826, '27. Col. Ichabod Hawes, 1827, '28, ''29 '30 Lemuel Adams, 1828, '29. Martin Cutler, 1830. 336 HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. Capt. Sam. Bullard, 3d. Elial Littlefield, 1831, '32, '33. Wm. S. Batchelder, 1832, '33, '39, '40, '53. Ebenr. H. Currier, 1832, '38. Elias Bullard, 1833. Calvin Rockwood, 1833, '38. '39. Elijah B. Craig, 1847. Lauren Leland, 1848, '49. Abner Fisk, 1848. Benjamin W. Colburn, 1849. Abel Pond, 1850. William H. Blodgett, 1851. Cyrus Houghton, 1852. Appleton Bullard, 1852. Orrin Thomson, 1852. Sydny Wilder, 1853, '54. Warren L. Payson, 1853. Gaius Thompson, 1854. George Batchelder, 1855. William Jones, 1855. DEACONS. * Timothy Lealand, 1728—1748. * Thomas Marshall, 1728—1766. * James Russell, 1748—1777. ** Aaron Phipps, 1766—1792. * Joseph Brown, 1777 ?— 1789 ? * Jesse Haven, 1789—1816 ? * Esek Marsh, 1793— ab. 1847 ? * Asaph Leland, 1816—1827. * Jesse Haven, 2d, 1827 ? * Timothy Rockwood. * Partridge. Timothy Daniels. POPULATION. In 1724, Holliston contained about 100 souls. In 1748, there were " about 90 families. " In 1753, there were " about 400 [pr. 500] inhabitants. In 1765, there were 705 ditto. In 1790, there were 875 ditto. In 1800, there were 783 ditto. In 1810, there were 989 ditto. In 1820, there were 1,042 ditto. In 1830, there were 1,304 ditto. In 1840, there were 1,782 ditto. In 1850, there were 2,428 ditto. In 1856, there are probably 3,100. HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. 337 GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND SOIL. Of these, little beyond a bird's-eye view has been taken. The geo- logical formation in general is primitive, and mostly covered at very une- qual depths with a coarse drift of similar mineral character. In this oc- cur huge boulders of sienite, valuable to be quarried, whose parent bed is to be explored at the North. Overlapping this in small depressed areas are deposits of the same mineral composition, reduced to a good degree of comminution, whose origin was probably alluvial. These are some times deep enough for the subsoil plough, and well adapted to tillage. Upon Phipp's Hill, and in the S. W. part of the town, occurs the pecu- liar loam that results from the disintegration of mica slate, and proba- bly also in other places. A quarry of soapstone was opened many years ago, immediately E. of the site of the upper R. R. depot, but it proved too pyritiferous to be wrought, and is of no economical value ex- cept as a dressing for orchards. No mine, except one plough-share deep, has as yet been much explored, but there is another immediately beneath this to be reached by the subsoil plough. Rocks in place upon the high- est land are embossed as if by the action of a former sea and rasped by icebergs with stone teeth, many of which were knocked out and dropped upon the ledges against which they struck. Several of these, if not quarried, appear upon the hill 1-2 mile S. of the R. R. deep cut : but when thus dislodged they were commonly carried by the force of the sea over the hills and rolled down their S. declivities. A remarkable instance of this occurs on the S. side of the hill, N. of Mrs. Abigail Cut- ler's. Other signs of the presence of icebergs during the glacial period appear in the formation of the basins of the Cedar swamp and Winne- kening Lake. The beautiful islands embosomed by the latter, and still belonging to the proprietors of Medfleld and Sherborn, might have ori- ginated in loads of gravel, brought hither in an iceberg that was stranded, or have been washed into fissures in the same ; and the hill on the N. side" of the Lake may be composed of no other materials than such as currents from the N. would have piled up against it ; while the hills on the S. side are of such form and composition, as eddies in the sea would have deposited on the leeside of an obstruction, whose form like that of an ice- berg frequently varied. STREAMS. Bogistow Brook rises in Medway, flows through Winnekening Lake and the central and S. E. parts of II. receiving Jar and Dopping Brooks from the N. and affording two mill-sites of inconstant power. Deer Brook, one of the head branches of Charles River, forms part of the W. boundary of H. Iloppin River and Chicken Brook cross the W. parts of the town, supplying power available for mills during part of the year. Were the crowns of the intervening hills plumed with towering evergreens, more vapor would be condensed, and the size of 10 ■<■)■ HISTORY OF HOLLI6ION. these streams augmented : and if the farms located within their basins were sub-trenched, and all the surplus water by a system of sewerage de- livered af their banks, they would be less variable than at present, and perfectly constant in midsummer. The land, moreover, thus treated, would absorb most of the rain which now escapes upon the surface,' ex- tract therefrom all its ammonia, converting it into spring water, and be further enriched by a deeper chemical action of the atmosphere upon its mineral constituents. The trenches, kept open at their extremities, would condense vapor charged with another supply of ammonia out of the subterranean air, sure of motion while the breeze above is lulled, and full of water in the driest time as a cellar wall or ice-charged pitcher report. This, by capillary attraction, would spread and ascend to the drying surface, vegetable life and growth be sustained in droughts, crops be rendered certain and far more abundant ; and the country in midsum- mer would be robed in living green, and the terraced acclivities of sterile Jasper's Hill might become like the hanging gardens of Babylon. LAKES AND SCENERY. WinnekeningLake, [seep. 324] alias "Winthrop's Pond," half a mile S. E. of the Common, is a beautiful sheet of water, of rather triangular form, being from N. to S. about lm. in length, and fromE. to W.upon the S. shore if m., and upon the N. do. %m. in width. It once extended from Med- way line to the foot of the hill N. E. of the Common, where its outlet ex- cavated a channel and drained it to its present dimensions, redeeming the site of a part of the village. Its ancient banks are still visible, and their base is on a water level.- Upon the S. side it is indented with several points, consisting of so many shovel loads of drift thrown down by nature, as if to serve for wharves to the Indian town of Mucks- quit. It embraces, in the broadest part, 3 islands, varying in size from £ to f of an acre. These were formerly covered with wood, which no wood'thief dared'molest ; and no lover of the beautiful could do so. On the N. side stood a long row of ornamental trees, planted by Dea. E. Marsh, who ought to be remembered for his intended gift to posterity, and the barbarian forgotten who cut them down. On the E. is Mount Goulding, a rocky eminence, created, not to expose sterility, but to grow wood, reflect heat, and produce showers. This, until recently, was covered with a tall forest, and looked like a mountain : so that the Lake, viewed from the S. W., was truly winne ; and whenever these groves shall be restored, it will not fail to attract the pencil of the artist. It receives two inlets from the S., one of which, at little expense, might be materially increased by the drainage of a marsh in Medway, whose waters are now mostly evaporated. It formerly abounded with perch, pout, and pickerel, and was the meat tub of many poor families, supply- ing probably as much food as an equal area of pasturage and meadow. The economical regulation of its fishery seems worthy of legislative action ; and the rebeautifying of its shores and islands, as an enterprise of benevolence and laudable distinction, solicits the attention of gen tlewen HISTORY OF HOLLISTON. 339 of wealth and taste. For if the desolations complained of were repaired, some small marshes diked and lifted,* and either cultivated or stocked with dark cedar groves, it would vie in beauty and attractiveness with any other lake in Massachusetts, and contribute to health and rational enjoyment. The trees would render the air damper and cooler, check evaporation, and secure an increase of water for its outlet. H. has much pleasant scenery. Upon the hill S. W. of the upper or Mcdway depot, and upon Mt. Jasper, extensive views may be had of the beautiful val- ley of Chicken Brook, and of the neighboring villages and country. CnURCHES. Besides the enlarged Orthodox Church, built in 1823, and lately fur- nished with one of the finest organs in N. Eng., there are also Metho- dist and Universalist meeting-houses of neat appearance, in which reg- ular services are conducted by stationed and settled ministers. CEMETERIES. Of these there are several, all hitherto reverently protected ; and all, save one, of comparatively modern establishment. The central yard was laid out soon after the incorporation of the town, and contains the ashes of its founders, whose sacred memories it was designed in the conditions of the gift and acceptance to preserve ; and can we who owe them so vast a debt of gratitude endure to see their monuments removed and the hallowed place of their repose desecrated at the bid of a sickly taste or thirst for speculation ? Land set apart for a public burying place vir- tually becomes perpetually leased in lots of 6 ft. as fast as the dead are interred and monuments erected. See Rev. Stat, of Mass., Ch. 130, Sec. 20. " If any person shall wil- fully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure or thing, placed or designed for a memo- rial of the dead, or any fence, railing, curb, or other thing, intended for the protection, or for the ornament, of any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure before mentioned, or of any enclosure for the burial of the dead, or shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, remove, cut, break, or injure any tree, shrub or plant, placed or being within any such enclosure, the person so offending shall be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than ten dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail, not more than one year." Lots containing headstones in the original part of the central yard have been sold to individuals ; but could the town or any district Com- mittee give valid titles to such lots, and authorize the removal of monu- ments without a previous enactment of the legislature, had after the ac- tual or tacit consent of every individual interested, and this at the close of a process of years in duration ? But it is not ascertained that the town has acted in this matter, and it is confidently presumed that they will never compromise their honor in obliterating the graves of their fathers, or peril the interest of the town or posterity by a forfeiture of the ground. It is sacred : and if ever profaned, let it be by barba- rians of another race. * Rocks in abundance, hard by, and already dug, exist for the purpose. 340 HISTORY uF HOLLISTON. BUSINESS. See p. G9. Since 1814 manufactures have been introduced and during the last 25 years have engaged a large proportion of the inhabi- tants. Combs are extensively manufactured by,Houghton and Daniels ■ cotton goods by Drury Fairbanks ; straw goods by Lewis Slocom, and by Richardson & Slocom ; copper pumps by Joslyn & Wilder ; but the principal manufactures are of shoes, and conducted most extensively by Wm. Benj. and John Batchelder, Daniels & Blood, Hawkes & Co., Perry & Travis, Alden Leland, Claflin, Bemis & Co. Nearly half of the population are more or less devoted to agricul- ture and the growth of fire-wood, fruits and garden vegetables. stores, &c. Of these, there are 9, viz. : — 1st by Andrews, Thompson & Co. 2d, by Pond & Thayer. 3d, by J. S. & J. Gill. 4th, by Hiram A. Morse & Son. 5th, by William Jones. (1th, by Caleb Steavens. 7th by Ambrose Sanger. 8th by Stephen Metcalf. 9th, [Book] by Lorenzo Parker. A Printing Office is here conducted by E. G. Plimpton. The Winthrop House, a spacious and commodious hotel, is kept by Mr. George H. Frances. physicians. Timothy Fisk, A. M. and M. D., Sewall G. Burnap, M. D., and Doct. Jewett, M. D., are the present practising physicians. LAWYERS. Elias Bullard, A. M., the only lawyer ever permanently settled in H., has continued here in the practice of his profession for above 30 years, receiving from the town ample testimonials of their confidence and esteem. Litigation, for the present business and population is as uncommon as formerly. Addenda for 2d paragraph on p. 288. G. C. Rec, Mar. 17, 1681-3. In answer to a petition from the in- habitants of S., alleging that they had been deserted in the late war, to their great impoverishing, but had become resettled with about 30 families, who through the favour of God had procured a minister and undertaken to build him a house and also a meeting-house, both at a cost of above .£200, the court allowed them their country rates for 2 ys. towards the expenses of the same. For p. 326, A. D. 1729. Much as H. needed more inhabitants, its selectmen, as well as those of S. 5 were accustomed to warn out of town any intruders who were corrupt or liable to become a town charge. 247 TWITCHELL. Tins name occurs rarely in the directories of London and Dublin; and is, doubtless, a corruption of Tucliel, an English name of local origin and high antiquity \t the introducti if the feudal »ystem by N illmm the Conqueror, „,,d the division of the kingdom among Ins followers, A. I>. 10&5, 96 district* W ere assigned to "Alvercd de Ispannia," one of which, in Devonshire, was called " Tuchel " * No local nam.- in England, thus early introduced, bos failed to fix itself u,m,u some family. Thai this manor was held by the descendants of lh ,s ennobled Spaniard until the introduction of lower or m names, am that one of his race thon received Ins name from it, is highly probable ; lor, in 1309, men. tion is made of William Tuchel. Later than this, I have not found the name thus spelled i.. English history. But, in books of here dry, occur fwo coats o< Brms -lboth very simple, and, therefore, very ancient; the one, «7 sheldrakes or " and the other with "the field replenished with marlets or., by the name of'Tuchct both Gu. Neither of these arc the arms ol the present Karl ot nven alias Lord Audlcy, whose family, lor four hundred years, have I their names Touchet, having, probably, altered the orthography to get rtd< Saxon name,and publish a Norman French origin.t Ihomas [Whet was of Whitley in the reign of Henry VII. John roucliet, as Lord Audley, received, in 1461 of Edward IV., the manor of Shcre,Vachery and Cranley, in Surry, and 1 191 ■ but he was nol the first who bore tins title and had a manor. From 1105 to 1631, the family of Touchet held the baronage of Audley, which became led The title, however, has continued, or been recorered ; for, in 1838, it belonged to Thickness Touchet, to winch Hon. George E. Thickness Touchet was heir apparent, and, possibly, possessed of such family history as might connect the New England Twitchella with them and Alvared,the founder of the nee The manor Tuchel is supposed to be now called Twitchin, a parish of Devon The ancestor of the New England Twitchella was, no doubt, from that Dart of the kingdom where ancient Tuchel was situated. His name was first registered Twitchel, and his son's "Tuchel;" but afterwards, with Blight ran* tions, both modes of spelling their names were practiced .ndiscrmmiately-and, even at this day, in Dublin, the names of Twitchcll and " Iouchel, the name of a Huguenot, arc, bv the common people, invariably pronounced alike— Twitchcll,— which indicates their original identity with Touchet' and Twitchet'. Joseph Twitchel, or Tuchel, the common ancestor of the race in this country, was probably from Dorsetshire, adjacent to Devonshire, as early as 1633, and perhaps 1030. He settled at Dorchester; and. being recognized as a member of some chh., was admitted to the free- man's oath May 1 1, 1634, and had land assigned him Feb. 18, 1635-G On 8 (1; lb 11, he or his son Joseph was admitted to the chh. of D. 1. i. Joseph,' who died at Dorchester 13 (7) 1657, pr. urn. 2. II. Bern.,' who removed from 1). ab. 1GG3 to Dogistow, having, it is presumed, bought 100 acres of Kaine's grant, and built bis house ab. 80 rods S. W. of Death's Bridge., in Sherborn, where ♦ "Alveredde Ispannia In I. mans, que voealnr Alferdiniona huic c I man*, que xorainr Tmh.l.' id in another place ii is called "Tuichel," aad ... another, - terra Alvcrcdi Ispaniewia in Deven- M h not been upon tl.c throne. HOI IM-VIl II M»II IIM- III1VUII . , . c ... t \s surnames were nol iniroduce-<>, to have been killed by Indians, and his house burnt. Immediately afterwards, Ins family reappeared at Shcrborn, and s. in the vicinity of Ins former home. Joseph t"<>k possession of the 100 acres, w Inch was afterwards sold to Samuel Morse, of Med- field. Benj. 1 had by wf. Marv — B, :; Joseph, 8 who in. Lvdia [pr. IV. Lancaster?] and d. Oct. '24, 1710. n. Marv,- I., s 1) 1658-9, at D., m. May 9, '77, Joseph Rocket, and d. '99. in. Hannah, 9 who m. Nov. 1. 1679, Samuel Hill, of S. (i:{. 4. iv. Beni., a m. April 5, 1683, .Marv White, of Medfield, and d. about 17-jj'»-:h). v. Bethia," whom.Jly I'd, 1688, John R cket,and d. Jan. 1,1706-7. .">. vi. Abiell,' I). Nov. 1663, at Bogistow, tin' presumed father of 251. »>. 1. Benoni, 3 b. ab. 1684, supposed to have early been left an orphan, and adopted by Josiah Rocket, of M., with whom and his cousin, Joseph R., ho became a proprietor of Oxford, and, at the age of ah. 60, attended the expedition to Louisburg, pr. as commissary to the army ; in. Hannah Allen, April IN, 170.">, and had, besides 1 children that d. young — 254. ~. 1. Seth, Nov. 0, 1711, who m. Dorothy Bishop, Jan. 7, '.'*."»-(;, at Wrentham. '.I. 8. Joseph, 1 as the owner of 100 acres of the first grants in S.. united, with others, to extinguish the Indian claim, Juno 12, 1682, and was rated, 1 * » — > * > , to extinguish the Indian claim to the rest of the hinds in S. As early as l(i><>, he rented ami mowed the Pond meadows in Hoi. lie in. Lydia , who d. 1715—30, s. at \V. Sherborn, and built his house a few roils N. VV. of Royal Stone's, where home lots had been assigned him and his br. Benj. He had, i. Patience, Doe. 2, 1678, m. Samuel Eamcs, April 21, 1698; n. Content, Jan. 25, '80 ; in. Charity, D« c 7, '82 ; IV. Sarah, No\ 15, '84 ; v. Lydia, Oct. 11, "Mi, d. 1810 ; 11. !>. vi. Joseph, Sept. 3, '88, d. Jan. 31, 1728, m. Elizabeth Holbrook ; 11. 10. vii. Ephraim, Oct. 24, '95, m. Sarah Millen. !>. 11. Joseph, 3 by wf. Elizabeth Holbrook, Pt. n. Ch. i. Xo. 19£,) had at s - L8. 12. i. Joseph, Esq., Feb. 13, 1718-19, m. Deborah Fairbanks ; 27. 13. ii. Jona., Dea., July 22, '21, d. prior to 1781. 10. 11. Ephraim, 3 bought March 19, 17 19-J0, for £45, of Daniel Morse :."> acres, drawn in the right of his f., Daniel M., sen., hounded \V. hy Hoppin's farm, N. by a highway, (Milford road,) E. by Med. former) line, S. by Lodwick Dowse, which, with additions, his s., Tun., sold Feb., 1796, for $3,000, to Maj. Jacob ami Obed Miller, lie m. Sarah Milieu, who d. Aug. 28, 1725, and, 2d, Hannah Sanger, Feb. 9, '26-7, d'_ r . of Richard S., by wf. Elizabeth Morse; had at Hoi. 50. 15. i. Tho.,Sep.29, 1722, d. Feb.25, Wboro, m. Susanna ; Id. ii. Ephraim, Oct. 25, '23, m. Patience Eamcs 1752,he then of Men- don ; in. James, Aug. 7, '•~ , ~>, d. May 5, '52 : iv. Hannah. June 7, '•j:>, m. Tun. Lcland ; v. Sarah, Sept. 1, '.'51, d. Nov. 9, '34 ; VI. Lydia, Dec. 6, '33 ; TWITCH ELL. 249 52. 17. vii. Timothy, June 11, '88 ; vm. Elisabeth, Nov. 20, \'tN. 12. IN. Joseph, 4 Esq, Tradition has brought down a high character of this man, and the records confirm it. He nraa Capt. of the militia, com- a> missary for the army in the war of *76, town clerk, representative and magistrate, and the leading man of the town, until succeeded by Ins junior half-brother, the Hon. Daniel Whitney. By appointment from the G. C. he acted for years as an associate guurdian of the Nalick Indians. !!<■ m. Deborah Fairbanks, June 28, l?:i!», dg. of Cap*. Eleazcr F„ of S., and was, with her, received into the chh. July 27. 17 in He in. 2.1, Deborah (Sangor) Fasset, Jan. 1, 1786, and d with the apoplexy, March 12, '92. 1 1 < - had i. Samuel, Capt., Aug. 24, 1740, m. Alice Wilson; ii. Joseph, jun., Nov. 27, '11, m. Marry Hoi brook : in. Elizabeth, July 27, ' 13, m. Joel White, Maj :m>. '. m. Susanna Rice ; vi. Martha, Dec. 1U, '17, in. Nathan Bixhv, of From., Oct. 3, *71 ; vm. Deborah, March 26,'49, d. May 13, '52 ; •11. -j:{. vm. Abel, May 28, '51, m. Sarah Adams; tx. Deborah, Dec. 23, '52, m. Joseph Maynard, of F., May ">, "75 : \. Molly, May 17, '55, m. Moses Rider, of Jeffery, N. H., Jan. 18, '84, and had Ezra, Aug. 30, '86, of Kecne; xi. Amos, Dec. 28, '.">(), who d. in the armv ; xn. Eli, Feb. 17, '59, m. Rhoda Leland, Sept. 23, '84 ; xiii. Peter, June 13, "•>•) or '61, m. Sarah Bui lard ; xiv. Jule, Mar. 18, '•><>, m. William Tucker, of Fram. 28. lit 33. 20 166. 21 .T). 2J 2 1. 281. 25. 18. 26. 230. 26 J 13. 27. Jona., Dea., m. Debomh Bullard, March 1, 1743-4, dg. of Benj. B., of S., by wf. Miriam Morse. She was killed by a fall from a horsi . July 23, '81. lie was a member of the chh., had, i. Miriam, Dec. 17.'' 1 1. in. ( lapt. Isaac Bullard, of Hoi, April ">, '87 ; n. Jona., April 7, '47, d. Vug. 7, '49; in. Kezia, April 13, '49, m. Benj. Kendall, of Sh., April I, '67; iv. Anne, May24,'51, m.Jabez Partridge, of S., M i\ 19, '72, and had Henry, of Medfield ; v. Jona., April (I, '54, d. yg. ; vi. Peter, Aug. 11, '57, d. yg. ; vn. Jcnnctt, Nov. 5, 'do, m. Silas Stone, Jan. i>, '81, s. on homestead, vin. Deborah, Dec. 15, '64, d. yg. ; ix. Jona.. Sept. 2. 'ti7. d. yg. 1!». 28. Samuel, 5 united with the chh. in S., Mar. IS, 17*. I. m. Alice Wil I b. 2, 17(iti, dg. of Dr. John and Mary W., of S. ; 2d, Elizabeth Young, Nov. 2, 1807, and was among the firsl planters of Dublin, and resided on the place now occupied by I larvey Learned. He had, I. Hannah, July 7, "li\ siei.ui ami surgeon of great eminence, - e Bowditch's life of him] ; vm. Timothy, Jan. 's;{. ,-. Mobile, Ala. ; ix. Samuel, Feb. 2<>, '85, s. on the homestead at D. 10'J. 31 •jo. 33 Joseph, in. Marry Holbrook, Nov. 13, '66, dg. of Nath'l II., of S., bywf. Sarah Sanger, settled very early at Dublin, and had, i. Joseph, l'^m 3 m c 249$ 'I w ITCHELL. 119. 31. ■:■:. 35, 30. 226. 37. 292. 38. .':.:. 31). 2 10. 1(1. 23. 1 1 . 286. 13. 287. n. •jo:'. 15. 291. 16. 26. 18. Nov. 21, 1767, d.yg.; . \ iv. 24, '67, I. vg. ; m. Jona., 2' . *ii!». |>r. «l. j g. : iv. Murcj . June 1, '72, il. j ■_•. ; \ . Joseph, V .. 12, '7 I, d. yg. : \ i. Moses, Jan. 6, '" ; vii. Mnrcy, Feb. I, '79, m. John Snow ; vm. Joseph, June 21, '81, in. Sally Taggart; ix. Persis, May 1. '84, m. Daniel Twitcholl ; \. Reuben, May 1",, '86, in. Sally Wilder. Ezra, m. Susanna Rice, fr. Pram., r. Dublin, Nelson, Bethel, i. Susanna, Nov. 9, '68, d. '76 ; n. Hannah, Nov. 9, '68 ; u \ Dec. 15, '70; iv. Calvin, June 1,*7.>': v. Susanna, Nov. 27, '77 ; vi. Calvin, Nov. 2, '79 ; vn. Ezra, Nov. 24, '81 or '63, in. Betsey Collin ; vm. Eli, July 26, '85, m. Betsey Gould ; i i. Thaddeus, June , "s0 ; v. Peter, July 10, '81, m. Hannah Belknap, Dec. 22, 1803 ; vi. Abel, July 13, "*<{. ,1. July 15, 1834, in. Ala-ail Greenwood; vn. Bctsi \ . i >ct. 18, '8 1 : vm. Timothj Adams, May 29, '92. Peter, was for 15 years a vegetarian indict; was accustomed, at the age of 90 \ cars, !.. walk live mile-, to chh. and back on the Sabbath ; in. Sarah Bullard, d. Sept. -JO. "ill ; and, 2d, Amy Perry, Jan. 10, '93, dg. of Edward West Perry, of S., had ;. Almond, who d. Nov. 18, '92; n. Eli, Feb. 8, '86, d. Sept. 26, '92 : in. Jona., May 20, '88 ; iv. Eli, July 22, '94; v. Julia, April 10, "97, see N'>. 21 1, p. 'A IT. 1"). :>(). Thos., in. Susannah, who .1. Dec. 12, 1809, had at IT., i. Sarah, Jan. 'j:>. 17 is-!) ; ii. Joshua, Nov. 13, '50; in. Mary, May, 2, '."»1 ; iv. Thos., July 2, '57, at W'boro, f. of Nahum, of W., b. '86. Timothy, inherited the homi stead, m. Sarah Adams. Feb. 25, '62, had i. Joseph, Jan. !>,'(!.'{. rm. to Wardsbury, Vt. ; n. I lannali, July 4, '64; in. Sarah, Sept. 2, '66 : iv. Mary, Jan. -JO, ' : v. Timothy,Oct. 1,'70; vi. Lun ,Dec. 13, '72; vn. Ruth, Oct. 9, '74; vm. Uriel, Feb. 2, '72, m. Ruth Wright. 1 /. :>-J 122. 53 157. 51 158. 59 1. 63 «i7. 64 73. 65 76, (i Ins s . Ebenezer ; had, by wf. Mary White, grd. dg. of Thos. YV., of ( 'harlcstow n, i. Benj., Sept. 15, 'si, d. 1722-30; ii. John, Jan. 1, '88 : in. Ebenezer, Dec. 10, '91, .1. June II, 177S ; [V . Mary, Aug. 28, '1)1, in. John Wallis; v. Abigail, Juno .">, '«.)!>, in. Nath'l Wallis. Benj., in. Mary , and had, i. Daniel, Nov. 11, 1711 ; a. Daniel, Feb. 22, '11-15; TWITCHELL. 250 >0. G9. ni. Bcnj., Dec. 2, '16 ; [Abijah, '55; 70. iv. Jonas, May 15, 'lit, m. Lydin , p. W'boro, had Samuel, '68, 7-J. v. Abigail, March 24, »21-22. <;:>. i:\. John, m. Esther Sanger, Feb. 2, 1720-1, who d. nb. '-J* : and, 2d, Hannah Perry, March 10, 1728-8, d. of John P., jun., of S., by irf. Sarah Hill, and had al II. 62. "3 I. i. David, Murch, I'll, m. Sarah Marsh, May 21/47; B4. 75. ii. Mosi , Mar. 18, *23-4, m. Mary Foster; m. Miriam, Feb. 27, *38. ijG. 7G. Ebenezer, m. Sarah Pratt, of S., Dec, 1717, who was received to the chh., April 7, '54, r. S., had BS. 77. i. Ebenezer, Dec. 20, '18, d. is. 1800, m. Mercy Sawin; 78. ii. Sarah, June 12, '20, m. Seth Bullard ; 99. 7'J. in. Gersham, Oct. 6, '25, in. Hannah Sawin, fr. Watertown. 69. B0. Benj., m. LydiaFisk,Nov.25,'40,ai Med.,had t. Lydia, June7,'41 ; 81. ii. Isaac, Feb. 9, '42-3 ; in. Lois, Dec. 20, '44. 71. 82. David, m. Sarah Marsh, May 21, 1717, dg. pr. of Joseph M., of S., s:{. by wf. Sarah, had, i. Esther, Sept. 29, '48; n. Joseph, Sept. 10, '50. 75. 84. Moses, m. Mary Foster, Nov. 24, 17 19, dg. of Jacob P., of Holl., and 85. had at Holl., i. Rachel, Aug. 19, '50 ; u. Jacob, Feb. IN, '5G, at 87. W'boro; in. Moses, Nov. 14, V> s ; iv. Jeremiah, Feb. 21, '61. 77. 88. Ebenezer, m. Mercy Sawin, d. Jan. '-ii', 1771, r. S., .[ m. S. of the W., had, i. John; Aug. 2 I, 17 13, d. ( tet, 28, * l<; ; 101. 89. ii. Ebenezer, Ens., Aug. 15, '45 ; m. John, April 7, '48 ; 112. 91. iv. Abijah, Aug. .'{, '">0, d. July 11, '77, in the army ; 103. 92. v. Joshua, Mar. (, '53, r. Fitzwm., Dub., Andovcr, Vt. ; vi. Mercy, !»:{. Mar. 1, '55, m. Mosea Leland, of S., May 26, '74 ; vn. Elizabeth, 94. I»i». Mar. *JG, '58, m. John Goulding; vim. (Join fort, bp. June 8, 'GO; 96. 95. ix. John, l>|>. Jan. 30, *(!:{, m. Catharine Tucker, June 1, 'bG ; x. Julia, bp. Mar. "J."), '<>."> ; II. Sawin, l))>. Oct. 7, "<»!>, r. Fitzwm., ami nil. Andover, Vt. !•."). 96. John, m. Catharine Tucker, June 1, '86, inherited his father's farm in S., had, i. Abigail, Oct. 1, 17, '92, m. Daniel lis. Mctcalf, r. Mod.; iv. Calvin, b. Feb. -•">, '99, m. Mary Greenwood, r. Fram. ; v. Polly, bp. Juno 5, 1803, d. yg. ; vi. Chas., Oct. 20, '05, •,J7G. 9N.\. vn. Chas., 2d, m. Joanna Cuzzens, r. Ashland ; viii. Mary Ann, bap. April .'$, '09, in. Gardner Edmunds, r. Boston, 79. 99. Gersham, red. to the chh. in S., 17 is, m . Hanh. , rm. to Dub. ; 10."). 100. i. Gersham, Sept. l:J, " In ; n. Sarah, Nov. 12, '50; 111. lOO^. 111. Stephen, June 25, '.">:} ; iv. Hannah, Dec. 20, '55; v. Isaac, Mar. 'J!>, '58 ; n. Isaac, 2d, Sept 27, 'G7 ; vn. Sawin, Oct. G, 'G9. 89. 101. Ebenezer, Ens , m. Waiistill Greenwood, June 4, 17G7, d^ r . of Wm. C., of S., who d. June 11, '88, s. in Dub , had, 1. Sarah, Jan. 9, '68; 111. 102. 11. John, Juno 2, "70, in. Dorcas Twitchell ; 111. Mary, Jan. M, '71 ; #• iv. Eli, Oct. 29, "72, r. Unity, N. II. or Vt. ; 251 TWITCHELL. 117. 102$. v. Daniel, April 3, '75 ; vi. Lydia, April 2, '81 ; vn. Miriam, April 7, "s:i ; vim. Waitstill, Jan.21,'86, m. Aaron Brooks, Mar. 13, ]*<>»; ; ix. Julia, .May 28, '8N. 92. 103. Joshua, m. Sarah Cousens, Jan. 1, 177s, had at Dublin, i. Abijah, April 10, '78, m. Rachel Hogg, Dec. I, L800, r. Maine; ii. Sally, March 21, 'SO, m. Benj. Wilder, r. Plymouth, Vt. ; in. Joshua, Aug. 26, '82, r. Jackson, Mo., in. Julia Cozzeus; iv. Ebenczcr, July 7, '84, m. Polly Cozzcns, r. J,; US. 101. v. Joseph, Si pt. K», '86, m. Hannah Greenwood, r. Dublin; vi. Timothy, Mar. 23, '89, in. Sally Bullard, and s. in Shcrborn : vn. Patty, March 28, '91, d.uin. ; vm. Betsey, June 12, '93, r. Dub., urn.; ix. Asa; x. Hannah, in. Crombe Chadwick ; xi. Moses, r. urn., Dublin; xn. Aaron, r. Harbour Or., Pa. 100. 105. Gersham, m. Prudence Adams, Sept. 12, 1771: 2d, Priscilla Holt, Oct. 2, '79, settled at Dublin, ami had, i. Luther, Sept. is, '73 ; ii. Hannah, May 20, '75 ; in. Prudence, April 19, '77 5 iv. Josiah, Mar. 14, "71); v. Daniel, Feb. 21, '81 ; vi. Prudence, June 10, '88, in. John Minot,Sept. 15,'05; vn. Polly, April 22,'85; vm. Dorcas, . June 1, '87 ; ix. Gersham, April 10, '89 ; x. John, April -JO, *9v>. 100). HI. Stephen, m. Lucy Norcross, May 22, 1779, r. D., had, 1. Elizabeth, Dec. 7. '80; 11. Sarah, July 8, '81 : in. Julah, Oct. G, '82; IV. Hannah, Oct. 13, '94. 91. 112. Abijah, m. Lydia A. lams, Feb. 27, '72, d. Mar. 10, '76, r. D., had, 115. 113. i. Thaddcus, Jan. 23, '73, reared by his grd. father, T. ; n. Dorcas, Oct. .">, "7 !, in. John Twitchell ; in. Lydia, Mar. 2, '7G, d. yg. 102. 11 1. John, m. Dorcas Twitchell, bad at D., i. John, Aug. 20, '98, d. Oct. 11, '98; n. Oilman, July 28, 1800, d. Oct. 1!>, 1800; in. Matilda O.. July MS, '01 ; iv. Silvia, March 23, '03; v. Lcandcr, Nov. 16, "01, d. Oct. M0, '05; vi. Emily, Feb. Ii), '06, d. Oct. 31, '07. 113. 115. Thaddcus, m. Nancy Fairbank, of Mend., Nov. 25, 17!'."). r. Dublin, i. Abijah, Feb. 3, '97; n. Han'h, Ap'l 5, '99 ; in. Mary, July 6, 1801 ; iv. Nancy, Aug. 20, '03 ; v. Mira, July 31, '06 ; vi. Lucy,Sep. 1,'08. 102J. 117. Daniel, m. Pcrsis, r. D., had, i. Adalinc, May 30, 1^07 ; n. Almira, July 15, "OS; in. Darius, June 25, M0; iv. Persis A.. June 25, Ml: V. Joseph, d. Oct. 5, '16. 101. 118. roseph, m. Hannah Greenwood, Dec. 29, 1814, r. D., had, i. Rufus, Oct. 9, '15, d. yg. ; n. Horace, Nov. Ml,M(i, r. Med.; in. Julia Ann, Feb. 9, '19, d. yg., and others. 31. 11!>. Reuben, m. Sally, had, i. Orlando, Feb. 6, 1808 ; n. Reuben W., Sept. 17, M0. 97. 1-20. John, wf. Lucy Metcalf, had, i. Benj., Jan. 23, 1817, m. Mary Chap- man, has Harriet N. ; ii. Abigail, m. Sylvester Eames, r. 11.; in. Lucy E., in. Luther E. Lcland, r. Ashd.; iv. ('has., m. Catherine Hearth, r. Fram. : v. Susan, m. John Allen, r. I loll. {Continued on p. 3 4^1 TWICHKLL. $4$ Continued from page 261. 52. 121. Timothy Twitehell, sonr., s. of Ephm. s and grd. s. of Joseph,* and as I now believe gr. grd. s. of Joseph, 1 sen. of Dorchester, d at Barre "a<:d ab. 1(1" ys. His wf , Sarah Adam*, d. of a cancer." 58. 122. Joseph Twitehell* d. it Wardsbury, Vt, Apl. 5, 1885, a. 72. He m. Lucy Rice, 1). May, 13, 17»iA. dg. of Jotham B.,of Darre, and d. Apl. 20, 1849, at Jamaica, Vt. They had i Malinda 6 Dec. 2 1798, d. June 1C, '95. II. A son, Apl. 5, (1. Apl. 15, 1795. 128. in. Hollis 1 Mar. 28, 1795, rs. at Jamaica, Vt., m. Charlotte Rugg, and had 1, Harriet, 7 d. um. ; 2, Lorenzo/ 3 Strah, 7 m. Luinprey. of Boa., and d. without issue; 4, Adam's ■/ 5, .Maliinla ;'" 6, Nathaniel Franklin 7 , and 7, Eliza Frances 7 , twins ; 8, Lucy. 7 130. it. Appleton* Dee. 10, 1 Ti>< », rs. at Jamaica, m. Ducretia Kugg. and had 1, Hannah, 7 m. Anson Bice, r. Darre; 2. Nancy, 7 tn. Stone, r. B. j 3, Edith f 4, Olive Ann/ 5, Mari- on, 7 in. Bailey, r Hinsdale, N H. 134. v. Joseph,' Sept. Di, 17'.)* rs. in Boston, in. Pbebe Gray, b. at Tiverton, R. I., a!.. 1802, d. 1H37 ; and 2d, Betsey Moore, Feb. 22, is:}'!, dg. of lVter M., of Stratham, N. H. ; and had 1, Lucy Ann, 7 Jly. 17, 1831 ; 2, Philip Henry, 7 Dec. 18, 1833, d. a. ab. 7 yrs. ; 3, Joseph Augustus, 7 Mar. 3, 1*:S5, d.yg. ; 4, Sarah Frances, 7 May 23, 1839, by 2d wife; 5, Joseph Henry, 7 Jly. 7, 1840 ; 0, Mary Jane, 7 Feb. (i, 1842, d. Sep. 15, '42 ; 7,' Charles Augustus, 7 July 4, 1*4:; ; 8, Mary Jane, 7 Jly. 2, 1845; 9, Addaliza, 7 Nov. 25. 1847, d. Dec. 28, , 51 ; 1«>, Albert Munroe, 7 Jly 21, 1852. 138. vi. MicbV May 27, 1800, d. Jan. 1, 1*5.'}, r. Jamaica, m. Sophronia My rick, and 2d, Tony, and had 1, Elon, 7 m. Doct. Win. Maynard ; 2, Hannah, 7 m. Stodard ; 3, Joseph ;" 4, George;' 5, Philena ; 7 (», Eunice, 7 by 2d wife. 141. vn. Lucy, ,J Feb. 22, 1802, m. Dwight Pendleton, and 2d, John B. Gates, rs. at Bennington, Vt., had 1, Clarissa 1). Pendle- ton, 7 m. Morse, and d. in Bos., no ehd. ; 2, Polly Gates, 7 m. Stephen Thies, fr. Germany ; 3, I) wight Gates, 7 4, John Gates j 7 5, Oscar Gates; 7 6, Lewis Gates; 7 7, Henry Paul Gates. 7 147. vm. Adams, u b. Dec. 22, 1803, rs. at Boston, m. Lucia Allen, dg. of Sylvester A. (who d. agd. 92), by wf. Mary Col, from Sterling, Ct, (who also d. agd. 92,) and grd. dg. of George Allen, who emigrated from Eng. and s. in Bchoboth, and from wdiom distinguished families of the name in Providence have descended. They had 1, Emcline, 7 Oct. 9, 1883 ; 2, Edward, 7 Oct. 9, '33 ; 3, Wellcome Allen, 7 Oct. 30, 1835, d. Sep. 14, '40. ix. Hannah, Oct G. 1805, d. Jly. 25, 1827, um. 150. x. Jotham, 6 b. Jly 30, 1807, rs. at Boston, m. Hannah Godfrey, from Hamjiton, N. H., and had 1, George W., 7 June 22, 1*37 ; 2, Sarah T., 7 d. agd. 6 mo. : M4 rwH m.i.i . 152. xi. David," b. Feb. 25, 1809, rs. at Jamaica, Vt., m. Louisa Wood. and had I, Joseph f 2, Melisna^ 3, Henry;' 4, Laura/ 5, Florindn ; ; ('>. Louisa ; r 7. David Fremont.' 160. xn. Timothy,* b.Sop. -J."., 1810, d. Oct. 17, 1845, r. Wardsbury, \'t , in. Eliza Ami Cuahing, dg. of Warren C, of Newfane, hud 1. Fiances; 1 2. Lucy Ami; 7 :t, Aliliy ; r 4, Sarah.' xni. Sarah, 8 b. Sep. 11, 1813. d. Oct. 14, '44, m. Ira Young, had no issue. On j». 249 No. 01 & 01^ erase v. Timothy ami vi Uriel. 54. 157. Timothy T./jun., d. May 'J!'. 1843, at Lyden, Lewis Co., N. Y. He was married at Barre, Feb. 24, 1801, by Rev. W. Dana, to Hannah Farrar. b. Sept. 00, 177'J. at Concord, Alas?., d. Deo. 10, 1851, at L. They had i. Almira,'' Apl. ."», 1802, at li., m. Christopher Irvin, at Demark, X. Y. Mir. 10, 1827, who rs. a farmer at Os- wego, N. Y., had M<»it«jomery Irvin, 7 Jan. 8, 1832. ii. Jerome, 6 Oct. 11, 1803, at B., I).. Dec. 11, 1834, Eliza Spalding, b. Apr. 15, 1810, at Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y., rs. as a farmer at 1)., had 1, Albert S.J Aug. 18, 1835; 2, John IT., 7 Juno 30, 1838 ; 0, Emily J'J., 7 Oct. 25, 1843, d. May ii."., 1845; 4, Sarah Ji. 7 Sep. 19, 1S40, all at D. in. Isabella," Sep. 22. 1805, at B. m. Apl. 1:5, 18.",:!, at D.. Aaron W. Porter, a druggist, who d. Apl. 30, 1846, at Rutland, N. Y., where she rs. IV. Eliza Ann, Aug. 18, 1808, at B.,d. Aug. 29, 1851, m., at I). Solomon D. Fisher, farmer, who resides at Lyden, Lewis Co , N. Y.. had Willard Fisher,' Aug 10, 1840, at L. v. Sam icl 11.,*' Jan. 12, 1815, at Denmark, m. at Whitehall, N. Y.. Jan. 1»>, 1850, Phebc Judd, b. Nov. 17, 1823, at Warrensburgh, Warren Co., X. Y., and rs. as a dentist at Williamsburg, L. I.; had 1, Emma L., 7 Nov. 2, 1851, at W. ; 2, James 11. ■ Apl. 7, 1852, at W. vi. Willard," Oct. 6, 1817, at D ,m. at Syracuse, N.Y., Nov. 14, '48 ■Theda Rcdelia Fillmore, b. Aug. 0, 1826, at New York, rs. as a painter at S. had 1, 1)'///. //./ Dec 27, 1850, at S. vn. Sabrina, Dec. 17, 1820, at D. rs. Rutland, Jeff. Co., N. Y. , 59. 158. Uriel Twitchell 4 d. Nov. 19, 1850, at Copenhagen, Denmark, Lewis Co.. N. \' , m. Ruth Wright, b. Apl. ."JO, 1781, m. Feb. 14, 1804, had i. Charlotte M.,' ; b. Jly. 6, lsml, m . Jan. 25, '30, Richard Tay- lor, r Watertown, N. Y'., and had 1. Dunne J)., 7 Jan. 23, 1837 ; 2, (ieonjc A.,' Nov. 10, 1838; '•'>, Emma Jan* A. 7 Oct. 20, lS4.->." n. Arattausa, b. Aug. 18, ISO'.), d. Jan. 20, 1845. 159. in. Erastus F.,' b. June 14, 1811, rs. C, m. 1844. Jael Clark, 1.. Oct. 17, 1812, and had 1, Chs. E., 7 Dec 29, 1845; 2, Levant D., 7 June 1."), 1847; 3, Dealton 7 Mar. 15, and d. Mar. 19, 1849; 4, Jul/, 7 Sept. 1 .">, 1850; 5. George A. 7 Nov. 30, is:>:;. 165. iv. Uriel A ," b. Sop 9, 1822, is. ('. m. Sep. 2:;, 1847, Catharine Spalding, b. June 17, 1827, had Arathusa //April 10, 1850 TWICHELL 345 21. 1GG. Elenzcr Twifchell, 6 one of tho original pr o pri etora and first settlers of Bethel, Me., removed thither in the winter from N. H., about 1780, while the willernos around abounded with Indians, many of whom were hostile to the settlement of the whites and to the cause of the colonies then struggling for independence. This ren- dered the situation of Mr T. and company peculiarly dangerous and perplexing, and required of then great caution and forbearance. Several of the inhabitants were toon leiied by Indians, and carried to Canada and kept us prisoners until the close of the war Among the number was Mr.T., but through great presence of mind and determi- nation of will he foiled tho attempt of bis captors and made his es- cape. With this exception be ever lived at peace with his Indian neighbors, won their confidence, and by his energy and per- severance contributed much to tho settlement and prosperity of tho place. He m. Martha Mason, b. May 28th, 1751, dg. of Moses M. of Dub. by wf. Lydia Knap, d^. of Jesse K., of Boston, and found in her a companion every way qualified to counsel, aid, and encourage him in all the trying scenes through which they passed. Ucr generosity, kindness, and affability secured the esteem and friendship of her Indian neighbors, and contributed much to the good understanding between the infant settlement and those with whom they mingled. They had — 107. I. Simeon, b. Feb. 11th, 1770, d. 1845, m. Hannah Abbot, fr. Andovcr, and had a large family, ir. Deborah/ Feb. 1, or 8, 1772, m. Isaac Adams and was drowned soon after. 108. hi. Martha,* May 0, 1774, m, Ephm. ttowe, had 1. Lucina Rowe 7 ; 2. Caleb Rowe, 7 b. Aug. 17, 1707, m. 1826, Abigail I'lummer, had, 1. FraneinaM.'July 19,1828. 2. Harriet I., 8 Aug. 8, '30. 3. Leander l'. s Dec. 25, '33 1. Almon IV Apr. 0, *35. 5. Ceylon," Apr. 1, '37. 0. Sabra Ann, 8 Oct. 10, '42. 7. Octa- via>Mar. 22. '45. 8. Edwin C., s Apr 11, '48. 0. Edward C., M Apr. 11, '48. 3. Eleazer Rowe; 7 4. Martha Rowe; 7 5 Mary Rowe ;' 6. Eph- riam Rowe; 7 7 Asa Rowe f 8. Joanna; 7 ami !». Lucia Rowe. 7 100. iv. Amos," Aug. 22, '76 (d. ) m. — Stearns; has no descendants. 170. v. Moses, 8 Mar. .'», 78, is. III., m. Miss. Harris, fr. Lcwistoo, Mo. 175. 171. vi. Joseph, 6 Mar. 12, '82, m. Mary Abbott. 1"'J. vn. Lydia, 6 May 28, '84 (d.), m. Jesse Cross, of Andover, Mau. and bad — ■ 1. Moses T. Cross, 7 m. 1833, Rebecca Staples, of Hanover, Mo., who d. Sept. 30, 1844. 2d, Caroline E. Smith, of ditto, and had— 1. Celestine," Feb. 10, 1834; 2. Anstress, 8 Mar. 25, '35 ; 3. Altbea Augusta/ Jan. 21, '39; 4. Abbie, 8 Nov. 10, '41 ; and 5. Erra, s Sept. 3. '55 ; 2. Aaron 7 twin br. to M. T. 3. Abigail f 4. Lydia ; 7 5. Franklin ; 7 6. Jona f 7. Caroline. 200. 173. viii. Eleazer, 8 Nov. 28, '80, m. Lydia Mason, ix. Sylvanus,' ; May 11, '89, d. yg. 174. x. Asa, 1 ' June 15, '91, rs. Shawncetown, 111., m. — Gorham. xi. Cynthia, 'July 14, '93. XII. Adalinc, 6 Apr. 2, '97. 171. 175. Joseph,' 1 in. Mary Abbot, dg. of Stephen A., of Concord, N. II., I. in J>. and had — 346 TWITCHELL. I. Deborah Adams/ Dee. 8, 1805, d. 1844, m. Leonard Whit- man and left no children. ii. Martha, 7 Nov. 12, 1*07, d. 1881. in. Mary/ Jly. 8, 1800, d. Aug. 1810. 181. 170. iv. Almon/ Sept. 14, 1811, m. Phebo M. Buxton. 177. v. Albert, 7 June 25, 1814. 18G. 178. vi. Alfred, 7 June 25, 1814, m. Martha Stevens. 193. 179. ( vii. Joseph Abbot/ May 29, 1817, m. Orinda L. Mason. 204. 180. vi ii. Ozmon Mason/ June 29, 1819, m. Kosalba Chandler. 176. 181. Almon Twitehell/ M. 1)., like many of New England's sons who have attained professional eminence and elevated positions in socie- ty, was brought up on a farm, and accustomed to manual labor. His early opportunities for the acquisition of an education were con-, fined to district schools of the humblest character and the shortest annual terms, seminaries of a higher order being then too remote and expensive for the limited means of his father. He seems there- fore to have early set about educating himself, so that at the age of 18 years he commenced teaching, and made it his annual winter vocation until he commenced the practice of medicine. In Apr. 1837, he began the regular study of his profession with Dr. Kuel Barrows of Fryeburg, and continued with him for three years. In 1840 he graduated at the Medical School of Brunswick, Me., and immediately commenced practice at Paris, Me., from whence, after three years of successful labor, he removed to Bethel, his na- tive place, where he now resides in the enjoyment of a wido practice and the peculiar confidence of his fellow-citizens. In 1856 he was elected from the Co. of Oxford to a seat in the Senate of Me. He m. Jly., 1843, Phebe M. Buxton, dg. of Capt. Jeremiah B. of N. Yarmouth, and had — 1. Alice G, M b. Jly. 18, 1844. 2. Cornelia Buxton, H Sept. 10, 1845, died, 1S47. 3. George M. 8 Sept. 17, 1847. 4. Mary Jane, 8 Sept. 10, 1849. 5. Edward Almon," Nov. 22, 1853 d. Apl. 1854. 6. Anna Buxton," May 1, 1856. 178. 186. Alfred Twitehell/ m. Martha Stevens, dg. of Ebenezer S.,ofSwe den, rs. B. had — 1. Mary Elizabeth,* Apr. 27, 1840. 2. Ozmon Mason," Sept. 2, 1842. 3. Austin Frisbie," Apr. 13, 1845. 4. Alfred Eugenc, M May 11, 1848. 5. Horace Q. B., 8 Apr. 27, 1*51. G. Fanny Perly," Jan 27, 1 855. 179. 193. Joseph A. Twitehell/ in. Orinda L. Mason, dg. of John M., of Oil- ead, rs. B, and had — 1. Albert S* Sep. 16, 1840; 2. Virgil V.* Aug. 27, 1842; 3. Wm, E* Aug. 17, 1844 ; 4. Charles E* Jly. 29, 1848. » '80. 198. Ozmon M. Twitehell/ M. 1)., spent his minority with his father upon a farm, and 2 ys. afterwards at the Academy now established at B. In 1842 he began the study of medicine with his br. Almon, with whom he remained until 1846, when he graduated at the Med. School in Hanover. Since then he has resided as a practitioner at Milan, N. II., sharing largely in the confi- 1Y ^'♦< . Twicur.i i.. 347 deoce and esteem <>f lier citizens, which thej have manifested in his repented election to the Legislature of N. II. He m. Rosalba Chandler, dg. ofHaatn C of M., and had, i. Milton Chandler," Jly 1850. Eleazer," s. in I,., served as an officer in the war of 1812, m. Lydia of Moses, II. of Dub., and b. Jlj. 21, 1751, m. Jly. J:i, 1S12. Susan, 1 in. Henry Tuttle, r. 15. Charlotte, 1 m. Samuel Walker, rs. B. W'm. Amoa/b. Au;'. 23, 1823, rs. :i shipwright st Boston, n. Rosanna McGratb, IV. the N. of Ireland, had 1. Wm. Eleazer f J, Margaret E ;' •'!, Lydia E f 1, ('/is. Woodbury^ Martin \ .in Buren/ rs. Bos., m. Sarah , 1856; Martha, 7 d. agd. 18. . .1 Jly. 15, 1834, in. Abigail Greenwood, b. Apl. 28, 1786, m. 1806, d. 1854, dg. of Joshua ('<., jun, by wf. Abigail Bird, fr. Need., b. Feb. 22, 17(17, d. Aug. 9, 1830 ; and bad I. Klvira.'Apl. 25, 1809, d May 18, '45 um. ii. Elbertson,' Feb. 23, '11 (d.); in. Che, M. Adams, d. yg. J'» v . 210. iv. Charles Mansell Adams. 8 !). Feb. 22, 1819, m. Oct. 8, 1845, Eliza Fay Bliss, d^ Levi B., Esq., of Bos. by wf. Harriet Jeffs fr. Ulocester, rs. a trader iii Boston, had 1, Linette Fran- ce*, 1 Dec. 15, I849j 2, Cltarlcs Edwin, 7 Sep. -•"', l^.VJ; 3, Levi Eliss, 7 Feb. 1, 1856. 173. 200. Mason, Elc dg. , t it. HI. !10. 'JON. IV. 45. 209. V. AIM 2G. 214. Peter Twitchell * Capt., b. June 13, 1761, (see p. 248) d. Nov. 18, 1855, a. 94 ys. ."> mo., from injuries received in good health by being run over by a horse and vehicle. His wife, Amy Perry, d. Oct. 9, 1835. Capt. T., previous to bis removal to Me., kept a tavern at 8., served the town as an \--ossor, and bad the command of ber militia at tbe funeral of Washington. In 1816 be united with the Cong'l chb in B., with which he walked through life. He was of a philosophical turn of mind, and many years ago published the following Kiddle, which has not yet received a solution : — • The Earth and the Moon travel around the Sun. If they travel one way, every time they go around the Sun there will be one day more than the Earth revolves on its axis, and one Moon more than the Moon travels around the Earth. If they travel the other way, the Earth will revolve on its axis once more than we have days, and the Moon will travel around tlie Earth once more than we have Moons. Question. "Which way should they travel to have tbe extra day and extra Moon ? Besides his children named on p. 249, he bad ii. Jona., b. May 20, 1798, rs. um. at Bethel, Me. v. Julia, (p. 24i>) m. Hollica Greenwood, of B., Aug 25, 1818, had 1, Fanny E., Dec. 3, '20 ; 2, Aliemina P., Jly. 1, '23; JIG. vi. Jo! 3, Harky E., Sep. 3, '25, d. dune 21, '27 ; 4, Hurley E '., Sep. 1, '27, d. Mav D>, '41 ; 5, Mia Ann li., dune JO. '30, d. Dec. 81, '32 ; 6, Geo. //., Aug. II, '33. hn Adams,'" b. Sept. 7, 17 ( .'S, m. Koxana Howe, June 17. 1S23 ; rs. Bethel; a bouse carpenter ; had 1, Tho. Emlyn, May 15, 1824 ; rs. a wholesale merchant at Portland, Me. ; m. Dolly (i. Barker, June 1. '54 j had Frith Henry. 1 Nov. 15, '55 ; 2, Mary Amanda, 7 Dec. 5, 1825, d. Apl. 6, '46; •54S 1 wit HE] I . 3, Salome Greenwood, 7 Oct. 4, 1828, grad. at Female Semi- nary, at Bradford, is."),"); 4, Daniel Alphin 7 Feb. 25, 1831; rs. a merch't at 15. ; 5, Roxana Althea, 1 Feb. 15 s , 1836; 0,John Quincy Adams, 7 May is, is^s ; 7, Zyrfta Lucinda Frost,' Aug. 8, 1840. VII. Harriet,' 1 b. .Jane 1, 1805, m. Chs. W. Farwell. vin. Sural) Perry,' 1>. Sep. 6, 1811, m. Nov. 27. '34, Amasa Bean, of Bethel, had 1, Amy P. Perry, Oct. 29, ':>">; 1, Julia Ann (.' ., I'M). 28, '-'i7 ; 3, Sarah J. A., Sep. IG, '39; 4, Peter Twitchell, Dec. :5, '41 ; 5, Adelmer ./., Mar. lit, '11 } *;, /avow A'., Oct 12, '47 ; 7. Arthur /•;., ,)]y. 20, '50. 221. iv. Eli Twitchell," Col., (p. 249) in. Dec. .">, 1822, Sopbrooia Bar- ker, 'i'_ r . nt' Dea. Samuel 15., of Bethel, and had 1, Edward Perry, 7 h. Aug. 17, 1823, d. Feb. 11, 1*2 1 ; 2, Aim Johnson? Nov. 12, '25, in. Jarvis Chapman- Oct, 17. '49, and had 1, Fordyce G., M Sep. 2, 1850, d. Feb. 2:5, '51 ; 2, Claranee E., 8 June 27, '51; ami:;, Adelaide Josephine, 8 Jly. 11, '53; :;, Edward Perry? 1'. Jly. is, 1^27; 4, 11'///. Parker, 1). Oct. 1, 1829; 5, George Henry Greenwood 7 b. Mar. 2 1* 1832; C, Chs. McLellen, 7 Jan. 11, 1834, d. Dec. 5, '34; 7 Ellen Maria: Apl. I."), IS.'!;"); s, C/iS. Jenkins,' b. Nov. 8 1838 ; !', Alice Amelia, 7 Mar. 2 1. Is41 ; 10, Fanny liar her, 7 Mar. 25, 1844, d. Nov. 21. '45; 11, Caroline Little, Feb. 21, 1S47. 37. 202. Ezra," b. Nov. 24, 17s:5, m. Betsey Coffin, r. Bethel, had i. Daniel, 7 Mar. 5, lso:5, <1. Aug. !», ';;:; ; ii. Alphin/ Dec. 27, 1804, m. lloxanna A. Twitchell, July 5, '35, r B., had 1, Adelbert P: Dec. 1 !. '36 ; 2, Adeltha, s April 13, '40; :!, Amelia J.» Sept. 2. '42 ; 4, Adelia P.; May 7, '47, d. Feb., '4s ; :>, Mary Ella,* April 23, '49. in. Nancy/ Oct. 2, IOC, d. Oct. 21, 1826; iv. Cyntha, 7 Mar. 11, '09, in. John Russel, r. B. v. Abiah H./ April 27, '11, d. Dee. 5, '26 ; vi. Samuel/ Feb., and d. Mar., 1813 ; vii. Samuel 15./ A. M. and M. P., May 27, '16, d. July 25, '55, m. Sarah E. Swasey, of Wakefield . N. U., where he prac- tised medicine six years previous to his death ; VIII. Richard E., 7 Feb. 10, '19,8. in Portland, Me. ; ix. Betsey 0./ June 1, '21, in. Edward Godard, r. P. ; x. Lucien/ July 29, '23, d. Oct. 2, 'lit ; !'. 247. No. 2b.V. Julia Twitchell, d. Oct. 4, 1790, at Fram., bus. Wm. Tucker, d. July 27, 17«J7, at F. They bad i. Win. Tucker, Esq., b. Feb. 17, 17s7, rs. at Boston, a commis- sion merchant, in. Mary Ann Kirk by, b. at London, Eng., Oct. 10, 1788, has the arms and Genealogy of the Tuckers from the reign of Henry I. ; m. Pec. 10, 1S0S, d. Nov. 5, 1848, at Bos- ton ; had 1. Two sons, twins, b. and d. Oct. 23, 1809 ; 2. Win. Kirkby, Oct. 1, 1810, d. on board the Bombay, Aug. 5, 1849, on bis return from Manilla to Bostons m. Emily .lane, who d. at Brooklyn, N. V., Oct. 2;!. 184G; 3. Julia Ann, Aug. 4, and d. Dec. 12, 1812; *-ff r 1 ^ "y^f '"<%,?& s TWICHELL. 349 I Charles Loveland, Mar. 2, 1811, ra. Mary Gibbf, who d. Sept. 8, 1853 ; 5. Mary Ann, Oct. 13, 1815, d. Jan. 1, 1H34 ; 6. Elizabeth, Mav 3tt, 1H17 : 7. Henry Wadsw'orth. Jan. 28, L819,d. Mar. 22, 1821 ; 8. Sarah Maria, July 9, and d. Jan. 24, 1821 ; :•. Maria, April 15, and d. Aug. 2<>, ls-j:} ; 10. Maria Henrietta, May 27, 1824, d. Jan. 14, 1831 ; 11. Caroline Matilda, Aug. 81, 1826; 12. Sarah Wadsworth. July 27, 1*28 ; 13. Francis Henry, Feb. 28, 1^30; 14. Edgar, April 24, 1831. 30 283. Thaddeus,' June G, 1788, m. Suky Barker, 1813, r B., had i. Abigail B., 7 who m. Oct. 17, '35, Kob't G. Wiley, M. D. fr. Fryburg, Me., r. B., had 1, Leland R; June G, 1837, d. May 12, '30; 'J, J'hlenthias Clcaveland,* Feb. 21, '40; 3, Philelius Ltland* dan. 20, '43, d. Oct. 20, '50 ; 4. Goodwin Robert; Jan. 18, '46 ; 5, Thaddeus T.,* Jan. 10, '48, d. Oct. 12, '50 ; G. Lawson Ruckminstcr,* May 26, '52, d. Jan. 8, '5G ; 7, Mary Elizabeth* Jan. 28, '5G ; ii. Boxanna A, 7 Dec. 20, 1816, m. Alphin Twitcbell, r. B. ; III. Mary Elizabeth/ Jan. 1<>, 1821, m. Bev. David Carland, Sept. 17, '49, fr. Newfield, Me., now pas. of 2d Cong. Ch., B. ; iv. Susannah B., 7 May 30, 1824, m. Bev. Javan K. Mason, of B , Mar. 7, '49, now pas. of a Cong. Ch. at Hampden, Me., had 1, Fannie; Oct. 12, '51, d. Sept. 18, '54 ; 2, Herbert,* Mar. 26, '55 ; v. Samuel B., r Mar. 16, 1820, m. Melvina A. Chapman, Dec. 11, '53, r. B., had Marion R.; Nov. 4, '55. 4(1. 240. Nathan F., H Dea. and Capt., m. Harriet Hill, and 2d, Sarah J. Bur- bank, rs. B., had i. Harriet H, 7 by first wife; n. Nancy 7 , by 2d wife, m. Asa P. Knight ; m. Maynard, 7 um., rs. Boston ; iv. Somerville, 7 m. Adaline Farrington ; v. Ester A., (d.) ; to. Chester L., 7 um. ; vii. Anna F., 7 um. ; vin. Preston, 7 uni. ; ix. Nathan,' um. ; x. Fordice 7 ; xi. Sarah Emily. 7 0. 251. Benoni " Twitchell 3 " was evidently a man of character and considera- tion, distinguished for courage, energy, and enterprise. He was one of the 30 grantees to whom Wm. Taylor, Peter Sergent, John Nelson, and John Danforth, heirs of Joseph Dudley, Wm.Stougbton, and Maj. llob't Thompson, tho original grantees of Oxford, convey- ed that grant July 8, 1713, on condition that they settled upon it within two years, the samo having been relinquished and forfeited by " the 30 French Protestant families whom they had brought over" and settled conditionally upon it. Jan. 14, 1722-3, he was •tyled on Oxford records Innholder ; and between Jan. 1, 1720-1, and April 15, 1740, he was largely engaged in the transfer of real estate in O. and vicinity. In 1727 he purchased of John Chan- dler, of Woodstock, 100 acres, containing a mansion house in Oxford village, which ho had previously owned, and which, May 10, 1733, he, then living on Manchaug farm, near Oxford, sold to his son Seth, of the aforesaid place, for £40, and £120 of Seth's portion :].-)() TWICHELL. oi the 100 acre?. lie became the proprietor of lands at Poquiog, now Athol, anil July 16, 174(», lor the tender love he bore towards bis son Jeremiah, gave him :i deed of lot No. 10, on the E. side of the river, and \V. side of a highway in P. " March 8, 17 H--.">, Benoni T.. of Thompson Parish, in Killingly, Ct., being l>\ Pi- vino Providence, engaged in the expedition against Cape Britton," made a " deed," or rather will, giving all his lands at Oxford, to daughters Abigail and Hannah, and after the deatli of bis wife, Hannah, all the household goods left to her, and all his "debts, money and dues" to Seth. He lived to return to Oxford, where, May Id, 1748, he acknowedged the above named deed. Suf. Deeds, P 27, p. 174 ; 39, 281 ; Wore. Deeds, L. 1, p. 221 ; 2,70: 2, 369, 37, &c. II. had -•'-• '• Seth, 4 in. Dorothy Bishop. [will. '•'P "■ Jeremiah, 4 owned land at Athol, 1741, not named in the above III. Hannah, 4 in. Dana, and r. in Oxford in 1748. iv. Abigail, 4 m. -John Buship (pr. Bishop) of Attleboro'. '-•>l. Seth Twichell, 4 a husbandman, was of Thompson Parish, in Killing- ly, in 1717, where he purchased for £7 of Richard Morton, lot No. 25 at Lyon's Hill, in the new town, Poquiog, (Athol,) on Miller's liver. Aug. 26, 1748, he bought for £365 O. T., of John Vin- ton, 70 acres in Dudley, bounded on the S. by Woodstock. lie subsequently lived in Sturbridge, and afterwards removed to Athol. He had Jeremy, 5 vi. Sally 5 , m. "Ward. Knos. 5 vii. Dolly,"' Pay. Benoni."' vm. Abigail, 5 m. Pay. Abner. ' Seth,' who in. Huldah Eaton, fr. New Salem; '2d, Phebo Goddard, r. Athol, had I. Wm., a who is. in Athol. ii. Francis, who rs. in A. in. Edward,' 1 by 1st wf., who rs. in Alab. iv. David Goddard, who d. at Athol. v. Seth, who rs. in A. VI. Chester, 1 ' who r. and d. in A. vii. Elvira,' 1 by 2d wf., who rs. in Winchendon. 261. 2GG. Francis Twichell," ('apt., settled upon the homestead in Athol, where he now resides in the enjoyment of perfect health, in his 73d year. He m. Sally Fish, of A. and had -67. i. Sylvanus Twichell, who rs. a landlord at A. ; m. Masylva Barnard, has only Charles F. 268. ii. Ginery Twichell, 7 Esq. b. Aug. 26, 1811, rs. Brookline. He was formerly engaged extensively in the forwarding business at Norwich, Ct., but has for years discharged the duties of Superintendent to the Boston & Worcester Kailroad with such vigilance, energy, and courtesy, as to command the en- tire confidence and secure the peculiar respect and gratitude of the public. Long may he continue in a station of such responsibility, lie m. Theolotia 15. Buggies, b. at Ilard- wich, Apl. 26, 1S20, dg. ofCapt. Creighton Ii. of Barre, and gr. grd. neice of the famous Brig. Gen R. of II., and had •_'.».). i. 25 G. ii. ->7. in. 258. IV. 259. V. 2G0. 2G6. 261. 2G2. 263. 264. 265. Off . ^^rc y^T'/ty. AUtgg TWICHELL. 351 i. Delia* Oct. 4, 1N17. II. Julia,' b. also Oct. 4, '47, d. Jan. 'J'), »51. hi. Callu* May lt>, '49 j d. July I, '50. iv. Frankf Dec. 20, '50; d. Feb. 18, '56? v. Edward Gineryf Jan. 1, '52 ; vi. Alfred Dwigktf Feb. .">, '.">:}, d. Sept. 16, '66. 170. in. I'ri Twichell, 1 (d.) iii. Samantha Eaton, r. Athol, had i. .Vary, 8 and n. Caroline* d. yg. ; m. Ella*; iv. Charles'; v. Hettic*. 17'J. iv. Francis, 1 m. Arramintha Barnard, rs. a landlord al A. v. Mary Ami, 7 d.) m. Clark El lis, of New Salem ; had 3 child. vi. Harriet, 7 died in 1827, a. 12 yean. 17."{. vn. Amaziah, 1 rs. a landlord at Northboro', has i. Emma* \ n. Frank 6 ; in. Celia* ; iv. lizza* \ v. George*, vin. Lucinda, m. Crighton Rugglcs, of Lawrence, III., lias Calla*. 17.'». i.\. Simeon Fish Twichell, 1 l>. July vJ7, 1827, rs. a landlord ai S. Fram., in. in 1H50 Lucinda F. Howard, dg. of Wm. II., of Winchester, N. II., had i. Kirk Albert* Jan. 21, lNo;>, d. Sept. 16, '52; n. Jennie Alice* April 2, '53. 98i. \"iG. C'liarlcs Twitchell, 1 rs. Ashland, in. Joanna Cousins, had i. Maria, 7 May IN, lH.'jo, d. May 24, '32; ii. Edward Payton,' April 30, '32, rs. Cal. ; in. Justin Edwards, 1 Jan. 20, '35, at S., now memb. of Ainh. Col. ; iv. George H., 7 April 19, '45, at Hoi.; v. Abby L., 7 Jan. "J(>, '47, at Ash. •J."> 181. Eli Twitchell, 1 Esq. in early life removed to Bethel, on Andros- coggin R., Me., then an entire wilderness, with only ten white in- habitants. The place was still occupied by Indians. He was a man of genius, and the wants of the settlement drew it out. He became blacksmith, carpenter, cooper, watch and elock-maker, and manufacturer of all his own tools and of every article required by the farmer, mechanic or tradesman. There are still preserved in the family, many relics of his workmanship, among which arc a compass and chain. He imbibed the spirit of '76, and was among the first to resist British oppression in the field, as his noble father had been in the General Court. In the battle of Hunker Hill he received a wound in his arm, which always troubled him to the day of his death. He became a member of the first court of session* for Oxf. Co., and represented B. in the house, and ( >.\f. Co. in the senate of his State. He was of a kind, generous, charitable and forgiving spirit ; a man of daily fumily prayer, an efficient sup- porter of an evangelical ministry, and one of the pioneers in the cause of temperance. He inherited a strong constitution, which, by regular industry and strict temperance, he preserved to the age of almost S7 years. He d. Nov., is ir>. He in. Rhoda Leland, b. 1758, d. 1794, dg. of Wm. L M of Sher- bom, by wf. Jemima Daniels, (dg. of Joseph I), of Med way., by wf. Mary CJroec, and grd. dg. of Joseph 1)., and gr. grd.dg. of Joseph D., of Medfield, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Joseph D., of If., by wf. Mary Fairbanks,) and grd. i]^. of Dea. Wm. Leland, of S., by wf. Me- hitabel Brcck, (dg. of John B. and grd. dg. of Thomas B., also grd. dg. of Capt. Joseph Morse, of S., by wf. Mehitabel Wood, dg. of 352 TWITCHELL. Nicholas W.,the first plainer of S.,) and gr. grd. dg. of Dea. Ilope- still L., by wf. Patience Holbrook, (dg. of Thos. H., of S., by wf. Margt. Bowkcr fr. Weymouth, dg. of a Swede,) and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Henry Leland, of S., by wf. Margaret Badcock, and gr. gr. gr. grd. dg. of Hopestill Layland, the Puritan. He m. second, Lucy Segur, who died 1 8-1-1, and had by first wf. i. Julia Twitchell,* Jly 7, 1778, m. Barbour Bartlett, of Bethel, ** Nov. 26, 1812, and had 1. Julia Ann, 1 July 2, 1813, m. May, '42 Geo. E. Smith, a farmer of Hanover, Me., and had Henri/ B. 9 Aug. '43 ; John B. 9 Jan.,'41; Mary S. 9 June, '46 ; Ezra S. 9 Nov., '47 ; George 9 May, '49 ; Edwin Porter 9 Sept., T>0 ; Chs. Frost 9 Sept., '51. 2. Eli Leland, 7 July 25, 1814, d. April, '36, was prepared for college, and a young man of great promise. 3. Curatio Twitchell, 7 April, 1816, m. Jan., '39, Laura A. Presscy, of B., rs. on the home place of his grdf. T., had Eli L., 8 May, '42 ; James C., 8 April, '11 ; Frances Jane 9 March, '46. 4. Alison Barbour, 7 July 12, 1818, grad. at Bowdoin Col., Bruns., '12, road law, opened an office at Norway, where he practiced with great success, and for years served as one of the board of education for Oxf. Co. In '55, he re- moved to Boston, where he continues his professional la- bors. He m. June 18, 1845, Sarah E. Thompson, of Bruns- wick, Me., and had 1. Edward Leland 9 Oct. 21, 1847; 2. Mary Eliza 9 April 12, 1854. 5. Sylvanus Porter, 7 Feb. 1, 1820. d. Aug. 24, '23. 6. Lucia Kimball, 7 June 7, 1821, m. Oct. '45 Isaac Adams, merchant of Rockton, 111., had Ella Cornelia* Sept., '48. 7. Miranda Jane, 7 Nov. 14, 1822, d. Aug. 31, '23. 8. Sylvanus Porter, 7 July 24, 1824, rs. unm., a merchant in Boston. 9. Edwin Wallace, 7 Sept. 12, 1829, grad. '48 with distin- guished honors at Bowdoin Col., devoted himself to teach- ing, and d. Feb. 20, '55. j) 10. Thomas Spencer, 7 Jan. 20, 1830, rs. a farmer at Bethel, m. Mar. 21, '53 Caroline P. Adams, of Bruns., and had 1. A son, 8 Mar., '51, d. Aug., 54; 2. Lucia 9 June, '55 ; 3. Isabella B. 9 Sept. '56. 11. Jane Cornelia, 7 Nov. 13, 1831, d. July 21, '33. u. Lucia, 6 m. John Kimball, of Bethel, had 1. Belinda, 7 m. Dea. Elbridgc Chapman, trader, of B. 2. John Eli Leland, 7 M. D., rs. Saco, Me. 43. 186. Cyrus Twitchell,* w. Eunice Belknap, fr. Dublin, b. Mar. 8, 17?,s. m. Jan. 16, 1801, d. April 4, 1856, rs. Milan, N. EL, had i. Ransom, 7 Oct. 31, 1801, m. Aug. 20, '24 Julia E. Swan, of Bethel, Me., had 1. Mehitabel S. 9 July 20, '25, in. Ormando Lary, of Milan, N. II. Dec. 29, '44, and had Ilanh E., 9 Mar. 24, '46 ; Julia A., 9 Mar. 25, '49 ; Wilard B., 9 Oct. 29, '51 Frank E., 9 Feb. 2, '54 ; Mary B., Oct. 14, '56. 2. Paulina A.? Sept. 1827, d. July 1, 1831; 3. Julia A. 9 Nov. 1829. d. July 3, '31; 4. Ransom T. 9 Jan. 16, '32 ; 5. Jonathan TWITCH ELL. 353 C. S., 8 Jan. 7, '34 ; 6. Timothy A.,' May 10, 36 ; 7. O'Neil R., 8 Oct. 3, '38 ; 8. Clarinda £.," Feb. 2, '41 ; 9. Lucy A.' I >.•«•. 26, '46. II. Oilman, 7 Dec. 27, 1802, m. Lucy Harris, of Milan, Nov. 14, 1831, had 1. Eunice B.* Nov. 8, •», d. Mar. 6, '52, m. Jacob E. Ellingwood, of M., Jan. '48, had Cynflia ('., Nov. 31, »49, Eunice M.,» Oct. 15*, '51 ; 2. Afford A," May 28 '37: 3. Lucy A.* Mav 18, '40, m. Nov. 27, »66, Stephen P. Fuleom, of M. ; 4. Richard E.' May 20, '43 ; 5. Julia A 8 Dec. 20 '51. in. Ocorgc'sv April 18, 1*04, m. Emily Harvey, of Provi- dence, R. I., and 2d, Emily Skinner, of Philadelphia, rs. 1 ., had 1. George S. 3 ; 2. Emily C l ; 3. Selden* j I. Marxela A. ; 5. Oscar*. iv. Cyrus. T Aug. 10, 1805, d. Oct. 9, '06. v. Cyrus, 1 Mar. 26, 1807, d. April 7, '5 1, m. Rebecca B. Heath, of Harrington, R. I., Nov. 9, '36, had 1. Julia T., 8 June 17, •37, in. Horace C. Sawyer Nov. 3, '55; 2. Geo. M.,' Dec. 12, '38. vi. Harvey, 1 Nov. 21, 1808, d. Feb. 16, 1814., vn Hannah B., 7 July 4, 1810, m. Nathan Bickford, of M., Sept. 13, 1828, had 1. Sylbia F., 8 Mar. 4, »29, m. Larkin Petten- gill, of M., May 21, '49, had Alpheus W., 9 Aug. 26, '50, Auriler M.,» Nov. 28, '53, Oeo. P.,» May 23, '56 ; 2. Suliran T., 8 Dec. 27, '30, m. Susan M. Hamlin, of M., Sept. 10, '54 ; 3. Charles P., 8 May 11, '33, m. Amanda A. Folsom, of M., Aug. 23, '54, had Han'h L. Jan. 13, '57 ; 4. Lucy AT., 8 Feb. 4, '35, d. Nov. 18, '38; 5. Betsey A., B April 14, '38, m. Franklin Wheeler, of M., Mar. 6, '55, had Albert,* April 23, '56; 6. Nathati B.,* Jan. 29, '40; 7. Harlan P.* Sept. 21, '42 ; 8. Hannah S.f July 20, '45 ; 9. Adaline H., 8 July 4, '47 ; 10. Luclla S., 8 Jan. 23, '51, d. Oct. 22, '51 ; 11. Al- phonso B.* Feb. 21, '54. Wli. Adams, 7 Jan. 27, 1812, m. Lusylvia T. Bartlett, of Bethel, Me., Oct. 31, '43, had 1. Claudius A.," Mar. 25, '45; 2. Vir- tue T., 8 Nov. 5, '46; 3. Lois A., s May 31/48; 4. Helen AT., 8 Aug. 14, '50; 5. Cassias M. C,, 8 Oct. 12, '52. ix. Clayton, 7 Jan. 13. 1814, m. Mary Phipps, of M., had 1. Eli- jah P.," May 4, 1831, m. Frances A. Ellingwood, of M., • Sept. 16, '55, had II. Clayton, 9 Oct. 9, '56 ; 2. Cyrus," Aug. 31, '40 ; 3. Mary," Sept. 9, '41 ; 4. Clayton,' June 2, '43, d. Mar. 18, '48 ; 5. Eudora* Aug. 8, '44 ; 6. Charles AT./ Dec. 28, '45 ; 7. Clayton, 3 Nov. 4, '47, drowned Mar. 17, '51 ; 8. Hazen C., 8 Dec. 15, '49. x. Lucy, 7 Nov. 15, 1815, d. Jly 5, '16 ; xi. Harvey, 7 2d, June 21, '17, d. Mar. 21, '52; XII. Lucy, 7 2d, April 4, '21, d. Sept. 2, '23. I \ 1H7. Peter,* m. Hannah Belknap at Dublin, N. II. He s. in Bethel, Me., rm. to Pctcrboro', N. H. next to Swanzcy. He also r. at Mid- dlebury, Vt. and Saratoga, N. Y., where he d. He had I. Mel- vin 7 ; it. Calvin 7 ; III. Louisa 7 ; iv. Eliza 7 ; v. Winslow 7 ; vi. Pamclia 7 . 16. 191. Timothy Adams, 6 m. and r. in Dublin, N. H., where he d. Feb. 1816, leaving only a dg. 7 who m. and rs. in Hinsdale, N. H. 354 TW1TCHELL. 38, 192. Eli. 1 (s. of Ezra,) in. Feb. 13, 1807 Betsey Gould, b. Dec. 13, 1786, d. Mar. 24, 1821, dg. of Jona.G.of Military, Mass., and 2d, Abi- gail Russell, Nov. 21, 1822, who was b." Mar. 3, 1786, dg. of Jacob R. fr. Andover r r. a landlord and trader at Bethel, Me., but 20 ys. ago mi. to Rushville, N. Y., and is engaged in horti- culture and the meat trade- ; had I. Clarissa, 7 Mar. 22, 1M)8 at Bethel, in. Sept. 23, '27 Jesse P. Wilson, is. Topsham, Me., had 1. Frances J. 8 ; 2. Al- mini*; 3. Eliza A." .1. ; 4. Eveline" ; 5. Albion D** 6. Henry C. 8 (d.) ; 7. Frederic //. 8 ; 8. George E.* u. Jona., 7 April 14, 1801), rs. Rushville, m. ab. '33 Hannah (Page) Steele, d. '51, 2d, Almena (Wiman) Gates, '55, had 1. Mary, d. '54, a. ab. 19 ; 2. Henry, d. '53, a. 16; 'A. Eli, (d.); in. Almira, 7 Jan. 8, 1811, (d.|, m. Horace Wilson, had Ellen M., rs. Bath, Me. ; IV. Eli, 7 Aug. 6, 1812 ; v. Freeman, 7 Mar. 20, 1814, m. and had 3 chd. ; VI. Betsey, 7 Jan. 28, 1816, d. April 3, 1818. VII. Nathan F., 7 b. Jan. 7 or 18, 1818, rs. Rochester, N. Y., a carpenter, m. Eliza Steele, dg. of Wm. S. of Notting- ham, N. H. and b. June 3, '18; had Royal C., 8 June 18, '42 ; Henry C., 8 July 5, '44, d. Sept. 24, '45 ; Ori- son T/., s Nov. 14, '46; Samantha A.,* June 15, '52. viii. Ezra, 7 Sept. 10, 1819, d. Jan. 3, '20. tx. Leander, 7 Nov. 30, 1820, d. Aug. 19, '23. x. Philomela,' Oct. 25, 1823, d. Aug. 26, '37 ; bv 2d wf. xi. Wm. L., 7 M. D., h. Feb. 17, 1825, at Bethel, Me. The first fourteen years of his life were passed in his native town, in which time he was favored with the usual ad- vantages of common schools, and had the additional privilege of spending a few months at the Academy on Bethel Hill. In the fall of 1839 he removed, with his father's family, to Rushville, Yates Co., N. Y. The fol- lowing winter he commenced attending school at the academy of that place ; and, being extremely fond of study, soon began to cherish the idea of obtaining a liberal education ; and, as a consequence, he then, and ,' subsequently, whenever he had an opportunity to attend school, pursued a course of study preparatory to entering college. When about nineteen years old, an unfavorable combination of circumstances compelled him to relin- quish his hopes of entering college. However, in the spring of 1846, being then of age, he resolved to engage in the study of medicine ; and, in the fall of that year, he returned to his native State, and soon commenced his studies under the instructions of Dr. John D. Lincoln, of Brunswick, Me. In May of 1850, he graduated at the medical school in Brunswick, and in July of the same yeap went to California, where for three years he devoted most of his time to gold mining, attending to the practice of medicine only when he could not well avoid it. In July of 1853 he started on his return to the Atlantic States, and arrived in New York on the 10th of August. On the 26th of August he was married to Miss Lydia P. TWITCHELL. 355 Russell, only (laughter of Mr. Jacob Russell, of Rich- land, Oswego Co., N. Y. A part of the fall was spent in visiting triendi in western New York and in Muinc, mill for the remainder of (he time he was employed in a drug ntore in Brunswick, Me. About the first of Dccom- ber h" w < n t to New York, where he spent the winter, as ;i member of the class at the medical college on Thir- teenth itn et, and in attendance upon clinical lecturei at Bellevue hospital. < >n the first of March, 1654, he moved to Benton Centre, Yates Co., N. Y., where he settled and engaged in the practice of his profession, and where lie -till continues to reside and practice at the present time, May 18th, 1857. xn. Betsey, Mar. 25, 1N27, d. July 26, '27. xiu. George Washington, June 16, 1838, m. April .30, '51 Caroline E. Twitchell, dp of Renfew T., of R. xiv. Martha A., Aug. 13, 1N30. U>. 19^. Ephraim Twitched, 4 s. in Mendon, now Mil ford, m. 1752 his cousin. Patience Eames, b. May 5, 1728, dg. of (Jershom E. by W, Patience Twitchell, and had 201. 199. i. Gcrsham,* July 17, 1754, d. agd ab. 70 ys., m. Mary . ii. Ephraim,* who r. Milf. and pr. Harrc, m. Lydia (pr. John- son , had 1. Lydia/ Feb. 2, 1770 ; 2. Mercy, Sept. 22, '73 ; 3. Mary, Oct. I, '76; J. Olive, Mar. 14, '80, and pr. others. 199. 201 » in-sham,* r. at Milford and had by wf. Mary who was b. Sept. •J*!. 17f>r>, and d. aged 86. They had i. Martin,' Jan. 18, 1779, d. Aug. 31, 1834, m. Eleanor Lamb Jan. 25, 1807, r. M., had I. Emmons,'' Nov. 6, 1807, who rs. ut Brookfield, *a gent. of enterprise, shrewdness and prosperity in business, re- spected for his morality and intelligence, and prompt public services ; m. Sarah Ann Draper, of B., Sept. 26, 1832; and 2d, Jan. 7, \35, Adeline Wight, dg. of Alpheus W. of Sturb. by wf. Miriam Belknap, and grd. dg. of David W. by wf. Catharine Morse (see memorial of the Morses, p. 41), had I. Sarah Ann, 8 Sept. 23, \33, d. Oct. 23, '33 ; 2. Nancy Ann, 8 Nov. 18, '35; 3. Eleanor Maria, 8 Dec. 19, '38; 1. Geo. Levins, 8 Dec. 31,' 10; 5. Julia Adeline,* Sept. I, 17. «!. Feb. 26, '53; 6. Emmons Wight,' July 21, '49? 7. Alice Evelina, 8 April I, *53 j 8. Emma Rice,' Dec. 3, '54, d. Aug. 13, '56. 2. Otis, 1 June 10, 1809, rs. a landlord at B., m. Lydia ( >lds, and 2d, Sarah W. Morris, had 1. Sarah Ann," Feb. 6, '10; 2. Frances Amelia,* Jan. 2, '47. 3. 1 fairy Martin, 1 Feb. 21, 1829, rs. B. ii. Levi,* Sept. 12, 1780, d. agd. G2. in. Ella,* Mav 18, '83, r. urn. ;»t Milf. iv. Betsey, Sept. 18, 'n:>. v. Polly, Dec. 25, '90 (d), m. Nathaniel Paine. vt. (Jersham, Jan. 20, '95, r. Milf.