-71 1?7 # CL^ ^v TX 357 U6 1918a Copy 1 7 United States Food Administration WHEATLESS RECIPES Tested in the Experimental Kitchen of the Food Administration [Con- servation Division] and the Department of Agriculture WASHINGTON, APRIL, 1918 BAKING POWDER LOAF BREADS (Using no Wheat.) AH measurements are level. — In the following recipes the weights given are accu- rate. The measurements are approximate; that is, they are given in the nearest fraction of a cup which a housewife ordinarily uses. It is convenient to remember in measuring unusual fractions that two level tablespoons are one-eighth cup. Mix the melted fat, liquid, sirup, and egg. Combine the liquid and well mixed dry ingredients. Bake as a loaf in a moderately hot oven (205° C. or 400° F.) for one hour or until thoroughly baked. Nuts, raisins, or dates may be added, making the breads more nutritious and very palatable. LOAF BREADS. OAT AND CORN FLOUR BREAD. 1 cup liquid. 2 to 4 tablespoons fat. 4 tablespoons sirup. 2 eggs. 1 cup liquid. 2 to 4 tablespoons fat. 4 tablespoons sirup. 2 eggs. 55781°— 18 50 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. G teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. H cups (5 ounces) corn flour. lh cups (5 ounces) ground rolled oats. RICE AND BARLEY BREAD. 50 Per Cent Rice Flour. 50 Per Cent Barley Flour. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1$ cups (5 ounces) rice flour. 1| cups (5 ounces) barley (lour. <^k 5 p , ^ \ ' WHEATLESS EECIPES. CORN FLOUR AND BUCKWHEAT BREAD. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 50 Per Cent Buckwheat. 1 cup liquid. 2 to 4 tablespoons fat. 4 tablespoons sirup. 2 eggs. 1 cup liquid. 2 to 4 tablespoons fat. 4 tablespoons sirup. 2 es-es. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1\ cups (5 ounces) corn flour. 1 cup (5 ounces) buckwheat. BARLEY AND OAT BREAD. 50 Per Cent Barley Flour. 50 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1-J- cups (5 ounces) barley flour. 1 J cups (5 ounces) ground rolled oats. COMBINATION MUFFINS. (Using no Wheat.) METHOD OP MIXING. Add to the cup of milk the melted fat, sirup, and slightly beaten egg; sift the salt, baking powder, and flour together. Use a coarse sieve so that no part of the flour is wasted. Combine the two mixtures, stirring lightly without beating. Bake in a hot oven (437° F. or 225° C.) for 20 to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of the muffins. These recipes make 24 small muffins (3 of which make a 2-ounce serving) or 8 very large muffins. The ground rolled oats are the same as rolled oats ground in a food chopper. When using oats, mix them with the other sifted dry ingredients. When corn meal is used, mix — do not sift — the ingredients. . Suggestions: The wheat substitute recipes given below show that a wide variety of combinations is possible even when limited to the use of a few substitutes. All of the combinations are good. In nearly all cases a con b'nation of substitutes makes a better product than the use of only one substitute. Muffins containing oats have a particularly pleasant flavor. Other substitutes used with buckwheat will modify the color and improve the flavor of the product. The use of molasses will also do this. MUFFINS. 1. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 50 Per Cent Barley. 50 Per Cent Oats. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. lh cups barley flour (4 ounces). l| cups ground rolled oats (4 ounces). 2. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 75 Per Cent Barley. 25 Per Cent Oats. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. •J • 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 2\ cups barley flour (6 ounces). I cuTLground rolled oats (2 ounces). or it* JUL 13 |918 WHEATLESS EECIPES. S. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 5G Per Cent Buckwheat. 50 Per Cent Oats. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt, f cup buckwheat (4 ounces). 1$ cups oats, ground (4 ounces). 4. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 75 Per Cent Buckwheat. 25 Per Cent Oats. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eees. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1| cups buckwheat (6 ounces). ^ cup ground oats (2 ounces). 5. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 esrsjs. 50 Per Cent Buckwheat. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. | cup buckwheat (4 ounces). 1 cup corn flour (4 ounces). 6. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 75 Per Cent Barley. 25 Per Cent Corn Flour. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 egsrs. 4 teaspoon? baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 2\ cups barley flour (6 ounces). \ cup corn flour (2 ounces). 7. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 50 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. \\ cups ground rolled oats (4 ounces). 1 cup corn flour (4 ounces). 8. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 ea:2;s. 25 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 75 Per Cent Corn Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. \ cup rolled oats, ground (2 ounces). \\ cups corn flour (G ounces). 1 WHEATLESS RECIPES. 9. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 50 Per Cent Buckwheat. 50 Per Cent Barley. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. | cup buckwheat (4 ounces). lh cups barley flour (4 ounces). 10. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 25 Per Cent Buckwheat. 75 Per Cent Barley. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. £ cup buckwheat (2 ounces). 2\ cups barley flour (6 ounces). 11. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 50 Per Cent Rice Flour. 50 Per Cent Buckwheat. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. J cup rice flour (4 ounces). | cup buckwheat (4 ounces). 12. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 75 Per Cent Rice Flour. 25 Per Cent Buckwheat. 1 cup liquid. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1J cups rice flour (6 ounces). § cup buckwheat (2 ounces). 13. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 25 Per Cent Rice Flour. 75 Per Cent Buckwheat. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. f cup rice flour (2 ounces). 1\ cups buckwheat (6 ounces). 14. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 25 Per Cent Rice Flour. 75 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. ] or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. f cup rice flour (2 ounces). If cups ground rolled oats (6 ounces). 15. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 50 Per Cent Rice Flour. 50 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 1 cup milk. poon fat. 2 I ib!e! poona sirup. i | e ,as. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. | cup rice flour (4 ounces). 1-g cup ground rolled' oats (4 ounces), WHEATLESS EECIPES. 16. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 e»gs. 25 Per Cent Rice Flour. 75 Per Cent Barley Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. | cup rice flour (2 ounces). 2 J cup barley flour (6 ounces). 17. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 50 Per Cent Rice Flour. 50 Per Cent Barley Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. | cup rice flour (4 ounces). li cups barley flour (4 ounces). 18. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 25 Per Cent Buckwheat. 75 Per Cent Corn Flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt, f cup buckwheat (2 ounces). 1^ cup corn flour (6 ounces). 19. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 25 Per Cent Buckwheat. 75 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. -f cup buckwheat (2 ounces"). If cups ground roller! oats (6 ounces). 20. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 75 Per Cent Corn Flour. 25 Per Cent Buckwheat. 1 cup milk. i tablespoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 o"s:s. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1^ cups corn flour (6 ounces). £ cup buckwheat (2 ounces). 21. COMBINATION SUBSTITUTE MUFFINS. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 50 Per Cent Barley Flour. 1 cup milk. spoon fat. 2 tablespoons sirup. 1 or 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. K cups barley (lour (4 ounces). 1 cup corn flour (4 ounces). < WHEATLESS RECIPES. BISCUIT. (Using no wheat.) Sift dry materials together. Work in fat well. Combine liquid and dry materials, handling lightly. If oil or pat \ inch thick and cut as biscuits. Bake in a hot oven. Use a coarse sifter or mix instead of sifting if the flours are coarse, so that none is wasted. Biscuits made of the substitutes are less like the normal wheat flour product, par- ticularly in texture, than are the muffins, loaf breads, and cakes. If one-fourth more liquid is used, a drop biscuit having better texture is the result. 1. BARLEY BISCUIT. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. \\ cups liquid. 4 cups barley flour. 3 tablespoons fat. Appearance, light, well risen, cood shape. Texture, good. Color, somewhat dark, but typical of barley. Flavor, typical of barley; good. Comment. These biscuits do not get light and fluffy as wheat biscuits, but are still a desirable and edible product. 2. CORN FLOUR BISCUIT. 1 cup liquid. 2| cups corn flour. 3 tablespoons fat. Appearance, good. Texture, very dry and close. Color, white. Flavor, corn flavor. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 3. BUCKWHEAT-CORN FLOUR BISCUIT. 50 Per Cent Buckwheat. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 1 cup liquid . \\ cups buckwheat. l| cups corn flour. 3 tablespoons fat. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. Appearance, dark, but good shape. Texture, good; similar to wheat. Color, light chocolate color. Flavor, typical buckwheat. Comment, dough very soft, almost consistency of a drop biscuit. 4. CORN FLOUR-ROLLED OAT BISCUIT. 50 Per Cent Ground Rolled Oats. 50 Per Cent Corn Flour. 1 cup liquid. 1^ cups corn flour. 1 cup ground oats. Appearance, rough, but appetizing. Texture, light. Flavor, very good. Color, slightly dark; attractive. 3 tablespoons fat. 6 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. WHEATLESS RECIPES. CAKES. (Cakes made with wheat flour substitutes containing no wheat flour.) SPONGE CAKES, SPICE CAKES, AND CHOCOLATE CAKES. BARLEY SPONGE CAKE. 1J cups barley flour (3£ ounces). 1 cup sugar (7 ounces). i7 ounces). 1 tablespoon lemon juice. | teaspoon salt. CORN (FLOUR) SPONGE CAKE. | cup corn flour (3-.V ounces). 1 cup sugar (7 ounces). 4 egg- (7 ounces). 2 tablespoons lemon juice. I teaspoon salt. h cup oat flour (2f ounces). J cup corn flour (1 ounce). 1 cup sugar (7 ounces). OAT SPONGE CAKE. 4 eggs (7 ounces). ] tablespoon lemon juice. £ teaspoon salt. J cup rice flour (3^- ounces). 1 cup sugar (7 ounces). 4 ec