LIBRARToTcONGRESa ©Ht- - &mm "^a unitedstI^es^famebica. ASSURANCE AND OTHER POEMS, BY GEORGIANA L. HEATH. JUL Zo ici(j ■w BOSTON : 1). LOTHROP AND COMPANY FRANKLIN AND HAWLEY STREETS. T5 le i°f Copyright, iS86, by D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY The collection of these poems, with the care of issu ing thein, is a7i offering of love to the memory of my only sister. S, Y. M. PREFATORY NOTE. The poetry contained in this volume is the offspring of a mind of unusual vigor,, and which had pas§e(^ through unusual experiences. The writer felt her Qvyft way, independently of human leading, into the Chris-- tian path, demanding a solid foundation for every step. Finding evidence of her regeneration only after she had attained adult age, her religion became the spring both of her thought and life. It was her habit of mind to question herself rigidly, and to be unsatisfied with any thing short of perfection in her experiences and in her work. This accounts for that peculiar characteristic of her poetry, — a perpetual reaching forward to the yet un attained, a yearning for the higher, a longing for the glory yet to be revealed. She labored over every poem, before it left her hand, till she was sure it was as nearly perfect as she could vi PREFATORY NOTE. make it. She was no copyist. Her peculiarity was an intense individualism. These poems are not designed for criticism, but as memorials of one whom God honored with rare gifts, and who consecrated her gifts to His service. Shortly before her decease, urged by many voices, she had begun the work of arranging them for publication. The title is her own; and the order, which gives " Assurance " the first place, eminently a fruit of her own experience, and a mirror of her thoughts. The rest was left for others. May these words encourage the doubting, stimulate faith, comfort the afflicted, and help those who aspire to the highest and the best. Unselfish, and ever planning in behalf of others, both in her words and in her works, she " allured to brighter worlds, and led the way." S. F. S. CONTENTS. Page Assurance ^ Consecration 2 Via Crucis . , 3 Palm Branches 4 Nazareth Flowers . 5 Christmas Carol . 7 At Last 8 Crux Terrestris Corona Ccelestis .... 10 Victory . . . n Easter Morn 12 The Shadow of the Cross 13 Perfect through Suffering 14 De Profundis 16 Teneo Teneor 17 Fulfilled 18 Thy Will be Done 20 His Benefits 21 "Forever with the Lord" 22 " Lo, I AM with Thee" 23 viii CONTENTS. Page "Love that Endureth " 25 " Workers together with Him " . . . . 26 To Miss Emma L. Upham 28 Sabbath in the Woods 32 Looking towards Sunset 34 Waiting 35 There is a Gate that Lightly Swings ... 36 Beyond the Gates ■}>1 Where 42 Sabbath Morning 44 My First Day in Heaven, — What Will It Be? , 45 Eternity 47 What Doest Thou Here, Elijah ? .... 48 " When I Awake I am still with Thee " . . 49 Three Scrolls 51 In His Own Good Time 52 Heavenly Dwelling 53 Here and There 53 Nil Desperandum 54 At Length 56 Known and Unknown 57 Life's Aim 58 AuF Wiedersehn 60 A Little While 61 In Memoriam : A. N. S d^ Mighty Lord, all Lords Excelling ... 64 "Praise Waiteth for Thee" 65 CONTENTS. ix Page Father in Heaven, Bend 5 National Thanksgiving ^-o One Thing is Needful . God's Promise ^ 69 Invitation . 70 Missionary Hymn The Name of Tesus . -' •••.... 72 Memorial Poem IZ The Resurrection and the Life Threnody ^ '' IcH MocHTE Heim " (Sighing for Home) . . .82 Fruition ... o 04 Things Unutterable g^ Unforgotten ... o^ 05 Requiem ^^ Marching On o G. A. R. (1865-1871) ','. Jo Pro Patria A Century's Weaving Tempest-Tossed ... ^o 9» Life .... 99 When ? . . . 102 Veiled .... 103 Over the Drifted Snow jq5 Refining ,„^ ••••.. 100 The Voyage Semper Idem o X CONTENTS. Page Spring Song 109 Happy Hollow . . . - no Under the Pines in The Voices of the Rain 112 Bring the Ploughshare out 113 P. P. P . . . . . .115 My Lover 115 Jack in the Pulpit 116 Sunbeam, Bright Sunbeam 118 Heliotrope 119 Bright Biue Eyes . . . ... . . 119 Summer's Coming 120 The Rose's Secret. ....... 121 Sweet Weather Bird 122 Summer Wind 123 The Fairy's Message . 124 Night on the Ocean . 125 On the Heights -. . » 127 March of the Storm King ...... 128 Anniversary Greeting . 129 Autumn 130 Mount Willard 131 October . . . . 132 Heralds of Dawn 132 In Memoriam : L. B. . . . . . . . 133 The Best Christmas Gift 133 A Song of Songs 134 CONTENTS. XI Page Falling Leaves 135 Winter Morning 136 Die Reise 137 In Memoriam : R. G 139 The Golden Lyre 140 Only 142 January 143 Drifting . 143 Sonnet 144 The Peace Jubilee 145 Scribendum 146 Thanksgiving Hymn 147 Sunset Rock 148 Ode 149 Jubitee Poem 150 September 156 Beautiful Fancies . 157 ASSURANCE. ASSURANCE. It may not come to us as we have thought, The blessed ponsciousness of sins forgiven ; We may not hear a voice that shall proclaim Our title clear to the sweet rest of heaven ; We may not see a light upon our path, Above the brightness of the noonday sun, Whose radiance shall reveal our names enrolled As ransomed by the Lord's Anointed One. Not thus may the sweet knowledge come to us, That all is well with us forevermore ; Not with a flash of glory on the soul Do all pass into life through Christ, the door ; But, like the winter merging into spring. Or, gently, as the trees put forth their leaves, May come to us the impulse of that life Which God bestows on those sin truly grieves. 2 COASECRA TION. If we are conscious of a firm resolve To follow Jesus as our constant guide ; If in prosperity, or in distress, Our hearts cling closely to the Crucified; If we are not ashamed to have it known That in His service is our chief delight ; Though we may never feel the ecstasy Which those attain who reach the mountain height ; Yet, if the hour of secret prayer be sweet, When we hold converse with a friend Divine, And dear the time when with His own we meet, — For us the promise stands, " They shall be mine." CONSECRA TION. The glad surrender has been made, We are the Lord's ; And Heaven, that owns the ransom paid, The vow records. His own ! bought at a mighty cost And sealed with blood, No longer wandering blind and lost, But sons of God. VIA CRUCIS. His own, His own ! O wondrous grace That led to Him ! We see the Sun of Righteousness, Earth lights grow dim. We own His power whose love unknown Has conquered hate, — Our hearts, our lives, to Him alone We consecrate. Henceforth, rejoicing, Christ we own As Lord and guide ; The loving, pure, and changeless One, The Crucified. Trusting the promise of His word, We shall prevail ; The grace of our ascended Lord Shall never fail. VIA CRUCIS. " Through great tribulation." Earth's discipline of suffering, O strange and fearful m'ystery ! All down the years are echoing Thy sad, sad tones, O Calvary. PALM BRANCHES. But this I know, most surely know, Sorrow and I have never met But, on the cloud that wreathed His brow, A glowing cross of light was set. Each joy that makes my life more bright Tells of thy triumph, Calvary ; Because of thy darkness, I have light ; Because of thy conflict, victory. And thus I learn that joy and woe, Trials, and strength to conquer wrong, Given to us while here below, ■ But swell the final triumph song. And whosoe'er would win at last. And share thy joy, Eternity, Must take the way that Jesus passed, Gethsemane and Calvary. PALM B RANCHES. Scatter them now for the Saviour's feet, Victory's symbols with joy replete ; Offerings for the Redeemer meet, Fair palm branches. NAZARETH FLOWERS. Scatter them wide with a loving heart, Hasten and cover each dusty part Of the road He travels, with thoughtful art ; Bring palm branches. Sing, as He passes, a triumph-song Of truth over error, right o'er wrong ; Oh, eager, surging, exultant throng. Strew palm branches ! Sing hallelujah ! the Christ has come ; Sweet hallelujah ! earth is His home ; Loud hallelujah ! no voice be dumb ; Strew palm branches. Scatter afar for the Saviour's feet Palm branches green with their odors sweet ; Offerings of love for Him most meet, Fair palm branches. NAZARETH FLOWERS, Lately, as one of the passing hours Held up a page and bade me read, I saw there written, " Nazareth Flowers," And my thoughts flew backward with wondrous speed, — 6 NAZARETH FLOWERS. Backward, along the track of years, To the far creation's earUest dawn , And saw, 'mid joy-light and sorrow's tears, Fair flowers, springing as time rolled on. And I marked this well, that never a place Could I find so dreary, or dark, or lone, But that some blossom showed its face With a beauty and sweetness all its own. They bloomed on the crimsom fields of strife, And hid with their beauty the steps of death ; And through the wild defiles of life Was wafted along their fragrant breath. Unscorched by the flames that upward rolled, When a martyr-soul was borne to heaven, . Unblighted, in beauty manifold, They rose in the darkness, lightnnig-riven. No wondering fancy is this that tells Of starry blossoms and fragrant flowers, For rich is the hymn of praise that swells From countless hearts through countless hours. O Nazareth Child ! whose love has given These blossoms to mark the pilgrim's way ; CHRISTMAS CAROL. O Rose of Sharon ! O gift from heaven, Thyself a fairer flower than they. Lo ! all along this path of ours Thy promises uplift their flowers, Fragrant with hope of a heavenly home, Of' a glorious fruitage sure to come. Sure ! for heaven's honor is at stake ! And every pledge of God to men, Given unto them for " His name's sake," In Christ is yea, in Him amen. CHRISTMAS CAROL. Ring, ring, ye Christmas bells ! Ring out in joyful sweetness All the wonderful completeness Of the Christ-life unto men. Ring out the starry glory, Ring out the angel story Of peace, good-will again. Ring, ring, ye Christmas bells ! Ring out in hallowed chorus To ages yet before us Good news of Christmas-time ; AT LAST. Until in every dwelling The Redeemer's praise is swelling, And blending with your chime. Ring, ring, ye Christmas bells ! Ring out the joy of giving, Of pure, unselfish livmg, With every Christmas morn; For heaven to earth seems dearer, And God to man is nearer, Since Christ the Lord was born. Ring, ring, ye Christmas bells ! Ring through each century, Ring, — till eternity, With royal diadem. Shall crown, beside life's river, As King of kings forever. The Babe of Bethlehem. AT LAST. After the tossing on Time's changeful ocean, After the clouded skies, and tempest's rage, After the breasting of each wild commotion, Waiting for Christ's beloved, safe anchorage, Port, — at last ! AT LAST. After the weary journey through the desert, The scorching wind, the sun's unearthly glare, The mirage that attracts but to deceive us. To find, by waters still and pastures fair, Rest, — at last ! After the days of suffering and of toiling, When anxious cares so oft have vexed the breast. To feel, so softly stealing o'er the spirit. The long, sweet evening, bringing welcome rest, At last, — at last ! After the dreary nights and patient vigils. The eager watching for the morning's ray. To catch a glimpse, amid the purple shadows, Of the glad light that heralds coming day. Dawn, — at last ! After the clash of arms in life's great battle. After the foe is vanquished, closed the fight. To take the meed for which we long have striven, A crown of glory and a robe of light, Victors, — at last ! After the strife, the glorious victory ; After the day's hard toil, the tranquil even ; After the dreary night, the flush of morning; After a life on earth, a life in heaven ; At last, — at last ! lO CRUX TERRESTRIS CORONA CCELESTIS. CRUX TERRESTRIS CORONA CCELESTIS. " E'en though it be a cross." An earthly cross in patient meekness bearing, The while we wander in this pilgrim land ; A heavenly crown of matchless glory wearing, Placed on each head by God the Father's hand. The heavy cross on earth, — the crown in heaven ; The sorrow here, — beyond, the mighty joy; The rapture of a soul with all forgiven, A blest eternity without alloy. It may be that the cross we have to carry May bow our very souls to earth with grief, And darkly round our path wild clouds may gather, While anxiously our spirits seek relief. Yet when the gloom is deepest, and the heaviest Seemeth to us the cross we have to bear, Faith in our Father's love can rise triumphant, And show the crown of joy that we shall wear. It may be that the cross of suffering Is one known only to ourselves and God, When strongest love is powerless to aid us. Or ease one atom of the crushing load. VICTORY. II Yet even then one thought may bring us comfort : He knows our grief, for He has felt the same ; His spirit has been bowed in deepest anguish, Who claimed the " Man of sorrows" for His name. Oh, blest those hearts who know the depth of sorrow, For they shall know how great the Father's love ; For consecrated grief shall draw them nearer, And make them meeter for their home above. Then let the gloom around our spirits gather, Let every earthly joy and comfort flee ; Blest be the cross, though heavy, that shall bring us " Nearer to thee, my God, nearer to thee." VICTORY. I Corinthians, chapter xv. Victory ! Over the strongest forces death could wield. Over the strongest bars his power had sealed, There stands recorded in that book sublime, Unblurred by footsteps of the passing time, Through storm and ruth Keeping its youth. This grand, eternal, and Christ-proven truth. 12 EASTER MORN. Victory ! One more soul- conqueror in life's final hour Over the King of Terrors' utmost power ; One more to prove throughout eternity The blessed truth of Christ-won victory, — Conqueror through Him, Whom angel, seraphim, Shall praise until the light of heaven grows dim. Victory ! O joy untold, to know that victory ! O rapture infinite. His face to see. Whose glory makes eternity so bright That its remotest ages know no night; Sometimes a breath Severs the clouds beneath. The glory shines a moment through, — we call this death. EASTER MORN. Birthday of immortality, O radiant Easter-morn ! Thy light, thy life, are risen From night and death's dark prison, — Their sepulchre forlorn. THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS. 1 3 Glad hope of all the ages past, O joyful Easter-morn ! God's promises fulfilling, The heart's wild tumult stilling With peace Divinely born. On thee sin's power was vanquished. Triumphant Easter-morn ! For at thy dawning hour Christ rose in glorious power, And death was put to scorn. Reflect His praise forever, O glorious Easter-morn ! Thy resurrection glory Be theme for joyful story, For millions yet unborn. THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS. If all my way on earth were bright And joyous as could be, I might forget the home of light That waits for me. If earthly riches manifold Were given unto me. 14 PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERING. I might forget the crown of gold, The crystal sea. If never earthly ties were riven, Perchance I might not think That there is friendship known in heaven With breakless link. And so the all-wise Father sends A shadow o'er life's dreams; And heaven, because of sainted friends, More lovely seems. And, as we toil and struggle hard While in this vale we live, How soul-inspiring the reward That Heaven shall give ! PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERING. John X. I, ir, 15; Heb. ii. 10. " Perfect through suffering." A crimson light Rests on thy portals, O eternal life ! There Christ and Satan met in deadly strife ; The conflict done, Life, life was won PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERING. I 5 For us, and perfect peace ;. Behold the sight, O doubting soul, and bid forever cease AH thy vague questioning. "Perfect through suffering." O righteousness! Was there no other way to enter in .'' — No other way to break the bars of sin t No way but these Heart agonies, Borne by the sinless One ? O holiness ! O love ineffable, that far outshone Our faint imagining ! "Perfect through suffering." O Calvary 1 Thy cross is glorious with forgiving love ; Thy voice of triumph thrills the hosts above ; Eternity Shall cease to be, Ere dies the wondrous song That tells of thee, And with the lengthening ages grows more strong In rapt rejoicing ! " Perfect through suffering." To us is given 1 6 DE PRO FUND IS. To know the sacred fellowship of pain \ Soul purity at any cost to gain ; Oh, let the thought, He faltered not. Nerve us to battle on, — Till, earth-bonds riven, In perfect liberty each wears the crown Of Heaven's bestowing. DE PROFUNDIS. O Lamb of God, whose earthly life Was one long vale of shade. With darkening clouds of sorrow rife ; Whose path was made One weary pilgrimage of grief, — Oh, give relief ! '5 fc>' Thou who alone canst tell how deep The darkness of the way ; What monsters through the shadows creep, What spectres stay, And in their dreadful, clinging grasp The soul would clasp ; O Lamb of God ! let Calvary And all its suffering. TENEO TEAEOR. 1/ Its deiDth of untold agony, More closely bring Thy suffering children to Thy side Who for us died. Oh, if a prayer can move Thy heart, If Thou canst hear our cries, In pity rend the clouds apart, And let our eyes Behold Thee, Sun of Righteousness, — Else life will cease. TENEO TENEOR. " Simply to Thy cross I cling." I SEE, as ne'er before, The all-sustaining power of grace Divine ; The arch of peace now spans this soul of mine. The storm at length is o'er. Bowed low in agony, And sorely grieved, I sought the Saviour's feet ; There I found comfort, and a love replete With tenderness for me. No other help I need To bear whatever cross His love may send ; 1 8 FULFILLED. Sustained and guided by this Heavenly Friend, I shall be strong indeed. Each cup of sorrow given, Each bitter disappointment that I meet, Shall make more dear, and beautiful, and sweet, The heritage of heaven. I trust in God alone, And lay my hand in His. He knoweth best The way to lead me to eternal rest, — "His will, not mine, be done," FULFILLED. Dark was the night. Tossed into fury, waves were rolling high ; No light Of moon or star within the midnight sky. God spoke, the mariner to cheer, " Lo ! I am here, And I will guide thee ever with mine eye." A scorching sun Blazed overhead, the sand was hot beneath ; And one Walked o'er the desert, breathed its fiery breath. FULFILLED. 1 9 But hark ! the pilgrim soul to cheer, " Lo ! I am here, And I will be thy shade," Jehovah saith. The battle raged Around, before, behind, on every side ; Fierce waged The conflict was, deep ran the crimson tide. God spoke, the soldier's heart to cheer, " Lo ! I am here, And I will be thy buckler true and tried." A crushing load Was given a human heart to bear ; The road Was rugged, and the very fields were bare. God spoke, the troubled one to cheer, " Lo ! I am here, This heavy burden I will help thee bear." Unpardoned sin Kept in a wild turmoil an anxious breast. Within, As yet, had entered not the Heavenly Guest. God spoke, the weary one to cheer, " Lo ! I am here, Come unto me, and I will give you rest." 20 THY WILL BE DONE. THY WILL BE DONE. 'Tis easy for the soul, when hope's glad light Beams on us from above, When life is very beautiful and sweet, To trust a Father's love. 'Tis easy when the pathway lies 'mid flowers That open to the sun, When birds sing sweetly to the passing hours. To say, "Thy will be done." 'Tis easy when the heart is filled with joy No word can ever tell, With thankfulness to own His ruling hand Who " doeth all things well." But when the gathering clouds of trouble rise, And our joy's sun grows dim, Can we reach upward 'mid the deepening gloom, And cling in faith to Him ? Our hearts are lonely now, and very dark The way that lies before ; Our souls spring forward to rejoin the loved Upon that other shore. We would not wish them back, O Father, no ! We ask not this, not this I HIS BENEFITS. 21 We would not that earth-mists again should cloud Their light of perfect bliss. We ask that Thou shouldst teach, who only canst, Each deeply stricken heart That 'tis a Father's ever tender love Keeps but a while apart. A little while, and then with them to share The Christian's great reward ; To enter on our faith's inheritance, " Forever with the Lord." HIS BENEFITS, Psalm ciii. 2. Uncounted as the stars that thread the darkness With interlacing rays, — They brighten in our lives ; we feel their beauty, And yet forget to praise. Father in heaven, forgive, and for these blessings, These benefits of Thine, Give grateful hearts, that shall rejoice in sunshine, — In shadow not repine. Beneath the drooping cloud the grain is ripening For garners in the sky ; 22 fOREVER WITH THE LORD. Forget not that He watches till the harvest, With never-slumbering eye. Never a soul has yet been found so lonely But had some blessings left ; Never a heart entirely forsaken, And of all life bereft. Then, O my soul, recount the benefits, God-given to thy lot. And never more, however sharp the trial. Let them be quite forgot. ''FOREVER WITH THE LORD:' We know that somewhere, far beyond our sight. That earth-mists veil, Standeth our Father's house, whose glorious light No shadows pale. We know that they whose pilgrimage was spent In faith and prayer, By matchless grace redeemed and sanctified. Dwell ever there. We know that fell disease and pangs of death Are never known LO, I AM WITH THEE! 23 Among the countless throng who, robed in white, Surround the throne. We know not, it is true, in what employ The hours are passed ; We only know they bring a perfect joy That aye shall last. We know each weary longing of the Christian's heart Is satisfied When, once within these heavenly walls, he stands At Jesus' side. And we can feel that he whom Death's swift hand Has taken now, Sees Him enthroned in glory, whom his soul Long loved below. ''LO, I AM WITH THEE!'' Matthew xxviii. 20. Father, the way is dark ; My soul Dreads to go forward, — take my hand. And, in Thine own good way, Lead me to heaven's unshadowed land, Its perfect day. 24 LO, 2 AM WITH THEE ! But, hark ! 'Mid thunders that above me roll I hear a voice That makes my burdened, lonely heart rejoice, - " I will be with thee till thy life shall end. Thy guide and helper, counsellor and friend." Father, the way is lone ; My feet Are weary in the ceaseless round Of duties to be done. Thick briers overspread the ground, — The clouded sun. That shone So brightly once on life, with joy replete, Now veiled and dim, Leaves me in shaded paths to follow Him Who said, " I will be with thee to the end, Thy guide and helper, counsellor and friend." Father, the way is long ; The hours Drag their slow length of lingering pain Along the way I take, — Calvary ! thy strength my soul must gain, Else life will break ; Thy song, Once learned, the way shall bloom with flowers, LOVE THAT ENDURETH. 25 And sweet and clear Shall come to me those helpful words of cheer : " Lo, I am with thee till thy life shall end, Thy guide and helper, counsellor and friend." ''LOVE THAT ENDURETH:' John xiii. i. To believe it is life, To feel it is heaven. Love that endureth, O deepening rapture ! Thrilling the soul-depths with rich melody, Bringing the joy of eternity nearer, Making the rest of eternity nearer, And heaven itself more real to me. , Love that endureth, 'tis life to know it, Changeless and firm as eternity's throne. Fountain of gladness forevermore springing, Anthem of ecstasy evermore ringing, Oh, what delight to call Thee my own ! Love that endureth, no shadows can cover. High as the heavens it towers on high ; Doubts may not cloud it, nor deep sorrows drown it Tested through ages, the present doth crown it. Faithful and true as the Lord of the sky. 26 WORKERS TOGETHER WITH HIM. Love that endureth, which trials but strengthen ; Christ-love that brightens this sin-darkened earth Joy of the burdened whose sins are forgiven ; Theme of the ransomed forever in heaven ; Words cannot tell of thy wonderful worth. Love that endureth, Oh ! sing of it ever, Pilgrim who treadest the heavenly way ; Think oft of Calvary's wonderful story : Think till thou feelest its love-illumed glory Outshine the radiance of earth's brightest day. " WORKERS TOGETHER WITH HI Mr 2 Cor. vi. I. Ages ago, in Judea's hallowed land. Heaven's mighty Lord came down to dwell on earth ; Angelic legions hovered o'er the spot, Hailing with joy the great Redeemer's birth. For over thirty years He walked with men. Sharing alike their happiness and woe ; Save sinful anger, and guilt's keen remorse. All else He felt that human creatures know. Then when His work was finished, ere the cloud Received in glory the ascending Lord, ' WORKERS TOGETHER WITH HIM. 27 He spoke : " Go, teach what ye have heard of Me ; Lo ! I am with you," as His parting word. Children of Zion, haste ! arise, and work ! High in the heavens already hangs the sun ; The whitened harvest waits the reaper's hand, Let not the evening find your work undone. Haste ! There are souls now hungering for the truth, Hearts yearning for the knowledge of the Lord ; Go, tell them of the peace that you have found, The rest of perfect trust in Jesus' word. Haste ! There are spirits longing, even now. To quench their thirst at Heaven's unfailing spring; Oh ! seek by kindly word, and earnest prayer. To that blest fount their fainting souls to bring. Oh ! sit not down with idly folded hands. While there is any work for Christ to do ; All your life's best devotion cannot pay The debt you owe to Him who died for you. The work is mighty and the laborers few ; Awake ! awake ! and to that work go forth ; Remember that a universe of worlds Is nothing to one soul's God-given worth. 28 70 MISS EMMA L. UPHAM. Be faithful unto death, thus saith the Lord. And I will give to thee a glorious crown ; A crown of righteousness adorned with stars, A star for every soul to Jesus won. TO MISS EMMA L. UP HAM. (On the eve of her sailing as a missionary to Burma, September, iSSo.) I STOOD not long ago within a room Whose very air was crowded with the sound Of rattling shuttle and of shifting loom, And tremulous with motion all around. Row after row, frame overtopping frame, Until my eyes were dizzy with the sight, Stretched the long lines of colors as they came Under the weaver's hands, to place them right. High overhead, above the weaver's eyes, The folded pattern slowly rose and fell, And by its strange mysterious traceries The work below was deftly done and well. This thing I marked, that patiently Each weaver in his own place wrought, And sought, by ever-constant industry, To make reality the master's thought. TO MISS EMMA L. UPHAM. 29 No fretful look, no hard complaint, was there Because he gave to this one brighter hues And fairer pattern ; not one jealous care Or feverish eagerness for himself to choose. Patiently, Constantly, Untiringly, the hosts of weavers wrought, Until at length In beauty, strength, The finished fabric showed the master's thought. There is another place where weavers sit. Another Master, whose love, boundless, free, Giveth to each the place He sees most fit, And says, " Sit here and weave for Me." Then let us take, For His dear sake, Tlie place, the pattern, that to us is given. And work for him Whom seraphim Haste to obey through the glad years of heaven. We have been working side by side for years Because the Master kindly willed it so ; Weaving for Him, with mingled joy and fears, The pattern that His goodness did bestow. 30 TO MISS EMMA L. UPHAM. We have been happy as we labored thus, Seeking to weave the countless threads aright ; We have been thankful that He gave to us The privilege of toiling in His sight. Now unto you the Master's voice has spoken, Bidding you rise and take a higher place ; Oh ! what a priceless honor is this token, Proving the wondrous riches of His grace. Hark ! Yet again, in tones so passing sweet. The voice of thy high Master now replies, " Take now the pattern, and in yonder seat Weave it for me in glowing Indian dyes." So now we bid you go, our messenger To tell the heathen that a Saviour died ; Go, show the Gaudama's proud worshipper The glorious mystery of the Crucified. Go where He bids you, weave as He commands, Forever thankful for the honor given. Of weavmg into hearts, in eastern lands, The message of good-will to men from Heaven Weave prayerfully. The power of God alone Can keep you day by day and hour by hour ; Can melt to penitence the heart of stone, TO MISS EMMA L. UPHAM. 31 Can be your refuge in the darkest hour. Weave prayerfully. Weave earnestly, nor dally at your post ; Think not some better time will come to you ; Half-hearted service is as good as lost ; Do well whatever comes to you to do ; Weave earnestly. Weave joyfully. You're weaving for the King ; Think of this often, heir of Christ and heaven ; Think who has called you to the work, and sing For joyful wonder that you are forgiven. Weave joyfully. Weave for eternity. The time will come — We know not when, but it will surely be — When the assembled universe shall view The life-time weaving done by you and me. Go, then, and sitting at the appointed loom. Where tropic beauties shine 'neath Burman skies, The prayers of countless Christian hearts at home Weave, intermingling, with those Indian dyes. Old ocean, with its wild, tempestuous winds. Its pulsing tides, its hidden mighty powers, Is but a grand connecting link that binds Forever Burma's distant shores and ours. 32 SABBATH IN THE WOODS. That ocean, lapsing on that other shore, Shall bear a kindly thought on every wave, While the returning winds shall waft us o'er Glad tidings of Christ's wondrous power to save Go, labor then for Him, until complete The work He gave into your hands shall be ; Then lay it down before the Master's feet, And reap the glad reward eternally. SABBATH IN THE WOODS. A DEEPER hush in the forest, A sweeter song from the birds, And an echo from the distance, — A joy unvoiced in words. O sacred depth of the woodland. Moss-carpeted, dim aisles ! What joy to tread thy pathways In the light of the Father's smiles ! It may be grand to worship Where the frescoed chancels rise, It may be sweet to listen To the choral symphonies ; SABBATH IN THE- WOODS. It may thrill us with gladness lb meet where thousands thronof. Bowing before Jehovah, Or worshipping in song ; But a deeper knowledge cometh Of the Lord of heaven's throne, When, in the grand old forest, The scul meets God alone. When, to the farthest \ision, Come only the mighty hills, With their crowns of glistening granite, And the flash of thousand rills. Where the trailing moss on the hemlocks, That girdle the lone lake shore, Bears a message to the spirit It has never heard before. Then the spirit bows in homage To the Maker of wave and sod, And the century-laden forest Becomes eloquent for God. ll> 34 LOOKING TOWARD SUNSET. LOOKING TOWARD SUNSET, Life's day lies all behind me, The night of death before ; The closing hour will find me Before that twilight door , Whose hinges turn Where softly burn The starry lights forevermore. Has all the day been cloudless, Then soft the tints shall die, And softly come thy morning, O long eternity ! Whose days go on Without a sun To measure hours in passing by. Ah me ! have skies been o'ercast With mist and passing showers ; And hearts, shadowed by forecast Of dread for coming hours ? Then it may be, More radiantly Shall bloom for us the heavenly bowers. Beyond life's sunset portal. Beyond earth's changeful sky, WAITING. Lieth thy realm immortal, O glad eternity ! Once let thy light Fall on our sight, And heaven becomes reality. Dawn of perfected splendor, Unto thy light is given A radiance soft and tender. From this blest truth deriven, That, partings o'er Forevermore, No lonely hearts are found in heaven. 35 WAITING. In the shelter of the harbor. For the ceasing of the blast ; In the rock-cleft of the mountain, Till the storm be overpast; In the rush and roar of tempests. For the calmness sure to come ; In the dreariness of exile, For the welcome of the home ; In the midnight's starless quiet, For the messenger of day ; 36 THERE IS A GATE THAT LIGHTLY SWINGS. In the depth of soul despairing, For the strength to hope and pray ; In the midst of pain and sickness, For the health that comes at length ; In the shadow of temptation, For the grace that gives us strength ; In the gladness of the present, For the greater joy to be ; In the clay-imprisoning shackles, For the perfect liberty — Waiting, hoping, trusting, longing, As the days on earth go by ; What will be thy glad fulfilment. Timeless time, eternity ? THERE IS A GATE THAT LIGHTLY SWINGS. There is a gate that lightly swings Between the future life and this, Hiding the flash of angels' wings, And all heaven's wondrous mysteries. Above its arch we mortals read, With tearful eyes and trembling breath. BEYOND THE GATES. 37 A name that makes our fond hearts bleed, — The terror-striking name of death ! Above the arch on glory's side, Unshadowed by the mists of strife, The holy ones who there abide Read the eternal name of life. So while we gaze upon the gate That now a passing soul receives, And say, " He's dead," and sadly wait, — The angel welcome says, "He lives!" BEYOND THE GATES. Memorial Poem, January, 1884. When eyes we love have looked their last on earth, And nevermore our eager glances greet, — When, in the rapture of the heavenly birth. The saint redeemed and sinless seraph meet. We long, beyond expression, that our eyes Behold thy wondrous realm, O Paradise. Jerusalem, our home, Jerusalem The golden, — pure, eternal, ever blest, — Thine are the robe, the palm, the diadem, The perfect health, the ecstasy of rest, 38 BEYOND THE GATES. When, in thy deep soul-cahn, eternity, The heart is satisfied with Christ and ihee. The years on earth roll by ; as each is gone. Some who were linked to earth by tenderest bond Have left us ; ties were broken ; one by one They entered on the life that lies beyond, — Their steadfast trust finding fulfilment blest, Their weary feet, the pilgrim's perfect rest ! The first to prove the full reality Of heavenly joys was one whose closing years Were passed in shadow ; wdien she came to die, She knew not of its terror and its fears ; But, as a little child goes to its rest. She slept on earth, and woke, forever blest. 'Mid drifting snows that fled before the wind, Swift heralds of the ad\-ent of the spring. He who so dearly loved the church did find Place in the church triumphant, worshipping ; "I love thy kingdom, Lord," on earth he sang; " I love thy kingdom, Lord," heaven's chorus rang. He knoweth now, better than e'er on earth, Of that blest union binding kindred minds ; "Grace, everlasting grace," the priceless worth Of free forgiveness, now his spirit finds. BEYOND THE GATES. 39 Sing on, blest spirit, in thy joy begun, — Sing till eternal ages all are done. When March gales fiercely blew upon the land. Ere yet the violets bloomed 'neath April skies, Transplanted kindly by the Master's hand, Our Easter lily bloomed in Paradise ; Safe in the everlasting gardens there. Death's hand can never touch our blossom fair. Amid the countless voices that awoke In field and wood, in budding tree and flower, Again the angel summons silence broke. And sealed another life with closing hour; A Christian wife, her record stands secure, Among the blest who to the end endure. June, radiant June ! when glowed thy opening days, Brilliant with prophecy of joys to come. Into the life of never-ending praise. Into the promised many-mansioned home, Where rolls life's river, shines the crystal sea, Into God's presence, entered pilgrims three. What ! not enough, O death ? Must thou again Throw thy dark shadow o'er the summer hours ? Must birds' sweet carols have a sound of pain. And fairest blossoms seem but funeral flowers ? 40 BE\'OND THE GATES. And must one tie so suddenly be riven, Morn spent on earth, and eventide in heaven ? The year's high noontide came, and, as it passed, One went from us unto that land whose day Knoweth no setting sun nor tempest blast, Jehovah and the Lamb its light alway : Another voice to praise the Crucified, Another soul forever satisfied ! September, harvest time ! With sharp, quick blow The reaper came and took the ripened wheat ; Erect and strong at noon, at night laid low, • The grain Was garnered, life-work was complete. He knoweth now of those deep mysteries That lie "beyond the gates" in Paradise. Leaves fall and flowers wither ; and, like them. Friends fade away. What time more sweet Than when the forest's emerald diadem Flames into golden and carnation glow ? So one more soul, made pure by suffering. Obeyed with joy the summons of her King. If any thing can make the bright beyond More bright, can add unto the bliss That ever makes the reunited bond Of earthly love and friendship, it is this, — BEYOND THE GATES. 4 1 That the sharp anguish of a piercmg pain Can never in that life be known again. And when our brother for the first time felt The thrill and glow of heaven's eternal youth, When low before the throne of God he knelt, And worshipped Him in spirit and in truth, What wonder then if, next to sins forgiven, He praised Him for the perfect health of heaven. But, hark ! whose little timid feet are these That stand before the city's pearly gate ? They never trod earth's thorny wilderness ; The guardian angel does not bid them wait, But opes at once : " The Master's word," saith he, Is, '' Suffer little ones to come to Me." 'Tis Christmas time ! We give each other gifts, And wish each other blessings numberless; And the glad memory of Bethlehem lifts The heart into a sacred happiness ; Another goes from earth to heaven, to prove The fuller knowledge of Christ's wondrous love. Thus one by one they pass beyond the gates, — The aged saint, the child without a fear ; Only a litile while the angel waits Ere he begins thy record, O new year. 42 WHERE ? The future hides behind a veil of mist, And some one's name, — but whose? — shall head the list. We may be what we will, — God gives the power; And days to come will show for what we've striven ; The past is gone ; only the present hour Belongs to us to use for God and heaven. Then keep the past, — it's thine, O memory I The future ours and thine, eternity ! WHERE ? The night is dark around me, The starlight fled ; The gladness that once crowned me Is withered, dead ! And 'mid the chilling shadows That fill the air, I cry, Where is the sunlight, — Where ? The winter's icy fingers Have clasped the earth, And all around there lingers A frosty dearth ; WHERE ? 43 While trees outline 'gainst heaven Their branches bare, I cry, Where is the springtime, — Where ? Life, like a restless ocean, Moves to and fro, Now stirred to wild commotion, Now sad and slow ; waves ! as I list to your sighing, Voicing despair, 1 cry. Where is the Father, — Where ? Somewhere shineth the sunlight Without a cloud ; Somewhere reigneth the springtime With life endowed ; Somewhere life's restless surges Roll calm and fair ; But where is this glorious heaven, — Where ? God's presence maketh sunlight For any soul ; His love, perpetual springtime ; No storm can roll. 44 SABBATH MORNING, O'er any sky so darkening, But that His voice Can calm the waves, and bid vx Rejoice. SABBATH MORNING. Heart, my heart, what rapture blest Thrills to-day my tranquil breast ? Eye, my eye, what holy light Beams most glorious on thy sight? Is it heaven's o'erarching blue ? Is it flowers of every hue ? Is it birdling's song at dawn ? Is it dewdrops of the morn ? Beautiful this world of God, — Arching heaven and flowery sward ; In the breath of morning sweet. Rose and pink in fragrance meet. Deeper cause for joy have I Than the scenes that round me lie ; 'Tis the day my Lord hath blest, Happy he who shares its rest. MY FIRST DAY IN HEAVEN. 45 Sweeter than the birdling's lay Chime the Sabbath bells to-day ; Gentler than spring zephyrs mild Floats God's peace around His child. In my chamber's secrecy Doth my Saviour meet with me ; While in temples men shall raise Unto heaven high songs of praise. As the dew, with silent power, Raiseth drooping herb and flower, Let thy Spirit, Lord, I pray, Feed each waiting soul to-day. Day of God, I welcome thee, Messenger of peace to me ; Star of morn and spring of life, Rest, amid earth's busy strife. MY FIRST DAY IN HEAVEN,— WHAT WILL IT BE? I OFTEN wonder, thinking of the time When for my spirit earth-ties shall be riven, How it will seem, within a sinless clime. To enter on the first glad day of heaven ; 46 MV FIRST DA Y IN HE A VEN. How it will seem to feel no stinging pain, No shadowing sorrow, darkening the life, To know that I shall never meet again My soul's dread foes upon the field of strife ; How it will seem to know that I have won The long desired and seeming distant goal, To know the weary pilgrimage is done, And feel heaven's rapture thrilling in my soul ; How it will seem to read in glory's light. Backward, the scroll of earth-life's mystery, And find my wanderings for aye set right In thy fulfilment, O eternity ! How it will seem really to see and know Immanuel, Jesus, once the Crucified, — The diadem of ages on His brow, Thousands of seraphim His throne beside ; How it will seem, — but all in vain my thought Seeks but a single glance within the gate ; Faint are the echoes that to me are brought, Dim is the light, — I can but watch and wait : But watch and wait, and wonder in my heart How it will seem to see the gates unfold, And pass between them, while they stand apart, Safe into heaven, and walk its streets of gold. ETERNITY. 47 ETERNITY. Earthly life is but a song, 'Tis a fleeting mystery ; But thy years are very long, Eternity ! Here the mists come drifting down, And the light is hid from me ; But no shadows dim thy sun, Eternity ! Oft the way is sad and lone, And the wind sighs mournfully ; But thy glories beckon on, Eternity ! On the fevered pulse of time Soon thy kindly touch shall be ; There will come a rest sublime, Eternity ! Tempting voices shall be dumb, And all doubts shall cease to be. In the infinite To-come, Eternity ! 48 WHAT DOEST THOU HERE, ELIJAH? WHAT DOEST THOU HERE, ELIJAH? What doest thou, In the cave of doubting and unbelief. When the Eternal One Waiteth to give thy soul relief ? The work is done ; Go forth And stand upon the mountain crest, And, trusting, take the promised rest. What doest thou, In the cave of idleness, to-day, When the harvests bend. And laborers toil, and hope, and pray Until the end ? Go forth And stand upon the granite hill. And there in patience learn His will. What doest thou, In the cave of selfishness, to-day. On a kingly throne Demanding that all things help and please Thyself alone ? Go forth And stand where thou canst see displayed The deep distress that needs thy aid. WHEN I A WAKE I AM STILL WITH THEE. 49 What doest thou, In any cave where thy soul doth hide In shame or in fear ? No longer in the shadows abide ; Thy God is here ! Go forth And listen to the still small voice ; Attend what it commands, obey, rejoice ! WHEN I A WAKE I AM STILL WITH THEE: When the radiant light of morning Brightens in the eastern sky ; When the myriad twinkling dewdrops On each tree and flower lie ; 'Mid the glory of the dawning, As it falls on land and sea ; Heavenward rising, Lord, my spirit At that hour would be with Thee, — Still with Thee ; At each dawning be with Thee. As the daylight grows in brightness, When meridian splendors glow On the dreamy summer woodland, Or the winter's ice and snow ; 50 WHEN I AWAKE I AM STILL WLTLL THEE. When light clouds are floating o'er me ; When the wind is murmuring free ; Floating upward on its pinions, Still my spirit soars to Thee, — Still to Thee ; God and Father, still to Thee. As the daylight fades in silence, And the bright stars, one by one, Twinkle in the clear blue heaven. Each upon a golden throne ; When the birdling's song is floating Linojeringly in bush and tree. When its music thrills my spirit. Saviour, I would be with Thee, — Still wiih Thee ; Ever would I be with Thee. When the star-gems flash and glisten Proudly on the brow of night ; When the storm-cloud shrouds the heavens. When the lightning flashes bright ; Morn, or eve, at noon, or midnight, On the land or on the sea. In each joy, in every sorrow, Would my spirit rest with Thee, — Still with Thee ; Calmly would I rest with Thee. THREE SCROLLS $1 Still with Thee, O God and Father! Would I tread life's toilsome way, Trusting in Thy love to keep me, Lest my feet should go astray ; With my hand in Thine, and striving To Thy will conformed to be ; Then, when earth-life shall be ended, I shall ever be with Thee, — Still with Thee ; Eternally be still with Thee. THREE SCROLLS. To each one entering on life A triple scroll is given, Whereon to write our acts and words, - Our inmost longings even. One scroll in our own hearts we keep. One in the world at large ; One at the court of Heaven supreme God's justice has in charge. So let us live, that when at last The scrolls shall be unsealed, And to the assembled universe Their contents be revealed, 52 IN HIS OWN GOOD TIME. It shall be ours to hear pronounced The welcome words, " Well done ! Co-regents with the Eternal King, Possess the promised throne. IN HIS OWN GOOD TIME, In His own good time, And own good way. He will lead from darkness Into day ! His sheltering arms. And tender care, Are round his children Everywhere ! How can we despair, When such a friend Has promised to keep us To the end ? 'Tis sweet to believe, Whatever may come. The way that He guides us Leadeth home. HERE AND THERE. 53 And, better than all That earth can give, Is to know that He loves us, And, trusting, live ! HEAVENLY DWELLING. Heavenly dwelUng, flowers unfading Bloom beneath thy wondrous light ; Trees of life the banks are shading Where the ransomed walk in white. Heavenly dwelling. Oh, to enter On thine everlasting rest ! Oh, to reach that blissful centre, Salem, city of the blest ! HERE AND THERE. Here, to love awhile and then to sever, To find one's idols made of only clay ; There, where joy and peace flow like a river, To live and love, one glad, eternal day. Here, to watch our loved ones slowly fading, And know the hour of parting soon must be ; 54 ^'IL DESPERANDUM. There, where glory shines undimmed forever, To know they live, from sickness ever free. Oh, blest those hearts which know the depths of sorrow, That they may know how great the Father's love, For consecrated grief shall draw them nearer, And make them meeter for their home above. Oh, blest assurance for our comfort given. We all shall meet upon that glorious shore, — They who have anchored, we who now are sailing, Life's restless tossings all forever o'er. Guide us, O Father, o'er time's changeful ocean, Safe to the haven of eternal peace ; Then, when the word shall come, "Let go the an- chor ! " Our hearts shall hail with joy the glad release. NIL DESPERANDUM. It may be the sorrows that grieve us Are but shadows from the gate That is opening to give us A joy more true and great ; NIL DESPERANDUM. 55 It may be the long, dark hours, That slowly drag along, Are only just the prelude Coming before the song. And what if the gateway's shadow Lieth across our way ? It will only show that somewhere Shineth the light of day. And what if the song of a lifetime Is set to a minor key ? 'Twill merge at last into gladness And wonderful melody ! And He that stands at the gateway, Opening and shutting at will, In sunshine or in shadow Cares for His children still. 'Tis a Master's hand controlleth Life's hidden harmonies, And death is but the changing From minor to major keys. 56 AT LENGTH. AT LENGTH. Patience ! the tempest cannot last forever ; The storm will cease, the light will surely come ; God's children cannot drift into "the never," That vast, vast ocean where all hopes are dumb. Whene'er the soul shall pierce the storm's dark centre, And find the fiercest winds and loudest gale. Let this thought, with its wealth of comfort, enter, — The end is near ; His word can never fail. No swirl of sudden, terrible temptation Can ever cut the links that bind to Him ; No sense of seeming utter desolation Can crush our faith, even though its light grow dim. No tempest on our souls can beat with power So terrible as that in which the life Of the Incarnate found its closing hour, Surrounded, darkened, in a dreadful strife. And for that He has known the fiercest gale That ever beat upon a human soul, Trust in Him fully, — He will never fail, But safely pilot to the destined goal. KNOWN AND UNKNOWN. S7 KNOWN AND UNKNOWN. When slumber leaveth on the care-marked forehead His seal of peace impressed, And for a little while the anxious spirit Tasteth a longed-for rest, — Whether the morrow's dawn shall find us pilgrims, Or saints before the throne. Upon whose gaze shall break heaven's radiant morning; Is all unknown. But this we know : the eye of Israel's keeper Is never closed in sleep ; The Lord of Hosts hath never need of resting, 'Tis He that guards His sheep. Whether the pathway given for our treading Be shadowy or bright ; Whether the crosses given for our bearing Be burdensome or light ; Whether to us uncounted friends be given, Or we be left alone. Saving the Friend who ever lives in heaven, Is all unknown. But this we know : His grace is all-sufficient To light the darkest day ; His arm omnipotent will safely bear us. Over the roughest way. 58 LIFE'S AIM. Safe to those mansions in the Father's dwelling Waiting each ransomed one, Where the glad chorus is forever ringing, " Knowing as we are known." 'fc) Then let us leave, with loving trust, the future, With all its hopes and fears. Its golden opportunities for labor. Its smiles and tears, — To Him whose eye beholds the lapse of ages As but a single day : Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Changeless for aye. LIFE'S AIM. " What is the aim of iife? Why do we struggle here? " Oh, wherefore do we struggle here, With weary heart and hand ? Why ceaseless toil amid the scenes Of time's dim border land ? Oh, why ! What is the end we seek, The prize we strive to gain ? Whose image nerves the soul to bear Earth's discipline of pain ? LIFE'S AIM, 59 'Tis happiness for which we strive, The goal to which we press, Its Hght within the future gleams In starry loveliness. With eager hands we strive to reach And grasp the glittering prize ; Yet, as we move, still farther on The radiant vision flies. Still, wearied with the vain pursuit. We pause amid the strife, And ask our souls the question oft, " What is the aim of life ? " And just as often the reply Comes to each wondering one, " To teach the heart to bow to Him Who sits on heaven's throne." For only as the soul shall learn Obedience to His will. Can we in patient faith and love Life's noblest aim fulfil ; And, learning this, the soul shall know A deep, abiding joy ; The "troubled " life shall feel a calm Earth-cares cannot destroy. 6o AUF WIEDERSEHJSr. AUF IVIEDERSEHN. When weary, and worn, and lonely, We wish that morn were night ; When the hopes we fondly cherished ' For a while are hidden from sight, There whispers soft to the spirit A voice, and 'mid our pain We feel a thrill of comfort : " Auf wiedersehn." When the thunder of the ocean Dies on the lonely shore. From the dim blue of the distance, Coming forevermore, Bringing reluctant memories Into my heart again, I hear in the lapse of the breakers, "Auf wiedersehn." When the last brown leaf of autumn Has fluttered down to earth. And the flowers all lie slumbering. Waiting the springtime's birth ; When the winter's sceptred silence Lies on the hill and plain, I read in the snowy crystals, "Auf wiedersehn." A LITTLE WHILE. 6 1 When the rose of life has faded, And death has set his seal, Till the resurrection morning All secrets shall reveal, — When we yearn with speechless longing Life's mysteries to explain, Oh, thy breath of soulful meaning, " Auf wiedersehn ! " When we stand with glad exultance On the shore of the bright beyond. And feel the new life throbbing. And renewed each severed bond, — Then hearts shall thrill with rapture That now pulse with a living pain : O eternity, eternity, " Auf wiedersehn ! " A LITTLE WHILE. A LITTLE while to watch the daylight streaming In golden radiance from the ether blue ; A little while to see the sun in setting Encircled round with clouds of every hue. A little while to watch the twilight deepen : A little while to see the stars aglow •, 62 A LITTLE WHILE. A little while to watch the pale moon gleaming ; A little while to hear the night wind blow. A little while to watch the brightening glories That usher in the ever-welcome day; A little while to watch the rainbow splendors, And then to see them swiftly pass away ; A little while to watch the changing seasons, As on they roll with varied beauties dight, — Spring's opening buds and summer's radiant flowers, Autumn's drooping leaves and winter's frosty blight. A little while, with doubts and fears surrounding. To tread our pathway through ihis vale of tears ; It may seem long, and yet indeed, 'tis truly A little while at most, though it be years. A little while to dream of joys awaiting, A little while to see them fade away ; To feel that all upon this earth is fleeting. And know the dearest object may not stay. A little while to watch, and wait, and linger. Where hopes so oft deceive the trusting soul ; A little while, with spirit worn and weary. To press on toward our life's far-distant goal ; K little while to muse upon past hours. To cherish memories of the days long flown, While one by one our friends are taken from us, And we are left to struggle on alone. IN MEMORIAM. 63 A little while to sail upon life's ocean, Our barques oft tossed about by wind and tide ; A little while to brave their wild commotion, Then safe within our destined port to ride ; A little while to utter words of kindness ; A little while to do our deeds of love ; A little while to cheer a brother's pathway, And help him onward to his home above. There is a morn whose fadeless glories brighten As year by year eternally flows on ; And in that country which its rays enlighten, Christ's chosen ones each wear a starry crown ; For they who trusted in His hand to guide them, Who struggled on through trials, doubts, and fears, And who a little while on earth did serve Him, Shall sing His praise above through endless years. IN MEMORIAM: A. N. S. March 5, 1883. We know not how near us lieth The kingdom of which we sing ; No eye of mortal descrieth Its palaces or its King ; Yet the heart that loves it sigheth To behold it, worshipping. 64 MIGHTY LORD, ALL LORDS EXCELLING. We sing of its wondrous glory, We tell of Its rapturous song, Whose theme is the ' old, old story," That never grows old, nor long. We talk oft with one another, Of home and the homeward way ; We say that unto our brother The summons has come to-day. Now, from earth-cares removed. Crowned prince of God, forever He walks beside thy river, O kingdom that he loved ! MIGHTY LORD, ALL LORDS EXCELLING. Mighty Lord, all lords excelling. Throned in never-paling light. Hear us from thy heavenly dwelling, God of everlasting might ; Endless praises. Great Jehovah, are Thy right. Praise to Thee whose hand has wielded, For Thy people's good, Thy power ; Whose unbounded love has shielded In each dark and trying hour. PRAISE WAITETH FOR THEE. 65 We would praise Thee For Thy mighty love and power. Children of the King of heaven, Heirs to Salem's bright abode, By a grateful offering given, Let us mark the year for God. Let us praise Him For the way our fathers trod. Mighty God, preserve our nation, Keep it ever true to Thee ; Let Thy glorious salvation Cover it, as waves the sea. Hear and answer. So forever let it be. PRAISE WAITETH FOR THEE. For thy mercies freely given, Hourly, as we pass along ; For the glory that awaits us, We would wake the grateful song, - Praise is waiting. Lord, in Zion now for Thee. For thy guardian care protecting. Watching us by night and day ; 66 GOD'S PROMISE. For thy arms of love enfolding, That we may not go astray, — Praise is waiting, Lord, in Zion now for Thee, For the friends we fondly cherish, For the joys our spirits know. For the hours of sweet communion We have held with Thee below, — Praise is waiting, Lord, in Zion now for Thee. For the greatness of salvation, For Thy word that tells Thy love, For the gift of Christ our Saviour, Praise shall fill the courts above, — Heaven shall echo Grateful, ceaseless praise to Thee. GOD'S PROMISE. Earth's firmest pillars may be riven, Her deep foundations shake. Yet He who made the earth and heaven. His word will never break. Pledged by His own eternal name. There stands, forever sure. FATHER IN HEAVEN, BEND. 6/ The promise that His watchful care Shall make His saints secure. Rejoice in Him, heaven's lofty King, Ye whom He makes His own ; Let your glad hearts an offering bring Of praise before His throne. Guided and kept by power Divine, Your song should ever be. Thanks unto God for all His gifts, — Praise Him eternally. FA THER IN HE A VEN, BEND. Father in heaven, bend To us a listening ear, And kindly condescend Our feeble prayer to hear. In Jesus' name. Thy only Son, We humbly come, And blessin2:s claim. 't)" All powerful art Thou, Weak and defenceless we ; Strength for the hour of need We come and ask of Thee. 6S NATIONAL THANKSGIVING. Be Thou our stay In danger's hour, When dark clouds lower, And hide the way. All merciful art Thou : O Father, hear our cry, And send, to heal our hearts, Thy Spirit from on high. To Thee we come : Oh, guide us through Each joy and woe. To Thee at home. NATIONAL THANKSGIVING. Hail, Jesus, sweetest name in song, A Prince and Saviour Thou ; With joy Thy people hither throng, And in Thy presence bow. All hail that kind, preserving power By which the nations stand, That safely, to this happy hour, Has brought our native land. Let all who have Thy name professed. And owned Thee as their king. ONE THING IS NEEDFUL. 69 In north and south, and east and west, A grateful offering bring. Lord Jesus, hear Thy people's prayer, And speed the joyful day. When loyal subjects everywhere Shall own Messiah's sway. ONE THING IS NEEDFUL, One thing is needful, O sinner, for thee. To guide thee in safety O'er life's troubled sea. To anchor thee safe when the journey is -done, - 'Tis heart-faith in Jesus, the Crucified One. Chorus : One thing is needful, — 'Tis faith in the name And mighty atonement Of Calvary's Lamb. When death-shadows gather, And earth-scenes grow dim, Thy soul will be friendless Without faith in Him ; 'Twill perish in night, with its sin unforgiven, Forever debarred from the pleasures of heaven. yo INVITATION. Then haste and secure it ; Time passes away, And danger attends Every hour of delay ; 'Tis free unto all who His grace will receive But one thing is needful, 'tis "only believe." INVITA TIOJV. Come, weary sinner, with grief oppressed. Sin-burdened spirit longing for rest ; Voices from Calvary Evermore call for thee, Tenderly, lovingly, — Come, sinner, come. Come to the Saviour, do not delay; Leave there thy sorrow, bear joy away ; Come to the Crucified, Wash in the crimson tide, 'Twas for thee Jesus died, — Come, sinner, come. Linger no longer; soon, daylight past, Shadows will deepen round thee at last; MISSIONARY HYMN. /I Come ere the night shall fall, List to the Saviour's call, Come yield to Him thine all, — Come, sinner, come. MISSIONARY HYMN. Air, " The morning light is breaking." Ye soldiers of Jehovah, Attend His high command ; He bids your conquering legions Possess the promised land. Then forward to the conflict. The battlefield is broad, And be your rallying watchword, Humanity for God ! The helmet of salvation. The Spirit's mighty sword. The shield of faith unfailing. The promise of the Lord ; Take these and wage the conflict, Remembering this word, — The whole wide world for Jesus, Humanity for God ! The foe is ranged before you In dread and stern array ; 72 THE NAME OF JESUS. But God shall battle for you, And you shall win the day. Then forward to the conflict, Nor sheathe the Spirit's sword Till you can sing in triumph. Humanity for God ! Till from earth's thronging millions One rapturous song shall rise. In praise of free redemption To Him who rules the skies ; Till every hill and valley, Throughout the world so broad, Reflects the glorious tidings. Humanity for God ! THE NAME OF JESUS. O Jesus ! sweetest name By saint or seraph sung. The never-failing theme Of heaven's enraptured throng. O Jesus ! with praises We would surround Thy name. Who, through the changing ages, Art evermore the same. MEMORIAL POEM. 73 No mortal ear can take That wondrous sweetness in, Till grace Divine shall break The power of reigning sin; Then, Jesus, with praises We will surround Thy name, Who, through the changing ages, Art evermore the same. When Salem's pearly gates Receive our weary feet. And we behold, at last. Our rest and joy complete, — Then, Jesus, with praises' We will surround Thy name. Who, through the changing ages, Art evermore the same. MEMORIAL POEM. (Read by the author at the annual New Year's concert, Sunday evening, Jan. 10, 1886*) Each year of life we pass a dozen gateways That in succession rise ; And one by one the gates are closed behind us. Till, in a dazed surprise, * Miss Heath, the author of these poems, died after a brief ilhiess, Jan. ig 1S86. 74 MEMORIAL POEM. We stand upon the threshold of the last one, And realize how near We are to entering on the joys and sorrows Of one more earthly year; Then, with twelve clanging strokes, the iron gate Of history is barred, and we the future wait. The journey we have made has known no resting, And sometimes it has been That friends we fondly loved stopped at some gate- way. And we alone went in ; And, as we heard the closing of the portal, We looked for them in vain, And felt that only in the realm immortal Should we behold again The loved companions of earth's pilgrim way, Whose love made sunshine for us day by day. O January ! as the gate swung to behind us That closed thy history, Some hearts sat in the shadow, striving To pierce death's mystery. And February, lo ! thine earthly portals, closing, Seemed but an opening door Leading into that place wherein the people Know suffering nevermore. MEMORIAL POEM. 75 March, April, — as God's sure recording angel Wrote down, in words of light. Death's seeming conquests, I could hear resounding The victor's song of might. May, as the flower-wreathed gateway slowly parted, And earthly summer time Bade spring good-by, and in its beauty taught us God's love fills every clime ; It told our hearts the grander, noble truth That Heaven bestows a never-failing youth. June, July, August, — soft as dew at twilight Closed each successively. And through the deep blue of the summer heaven This message came to me, — That God, the " Lord, is mindful of His own," And each shall find, at last, the promised throne. September, September, with crimson bars and golden I October shut the gate. And gave the keys in charge to Heaven, awaiting The sure award of fate. October, — when the frost-touch made thy closing Bright as star-points on high, On leafless boughs the resurrection story Is written for each eye. 76 MEMORIAL POEM. And lest in thy bleak shadows, O November ! Our hearts should faint and fall, The Lord has graven on thy portal's archway His promise for us all. Behold, the keystone of thine arch, December, A radiant Christmas morn. And angel music ringing through the ages. For Christ the Lord was born ! Dear be thy memory ever, O year just gone ! Thy days of strong endeavor. Thy conquests won ; Dear, as sometimes we cherish, — Lovingly, long, Though tones themselves may perish, — Echoes of song. We give them to thy keeping, O sacred past ! The countless recollections. The treasures vast Of love, and tender caring That once we knew ; Henceforth, our hearts be sharing Thy peace, de