Class- ^ "^?^S-^^^ Book ■ V^ OFFICIAL DONATION. DIGEST J. c ^ Sohool Laws OF TllK STATE OF FLORIDA, kXa, ■ WITH TlIK Forms, Regulations and Instructions of the Department of Education. COMPILED BY WILLIAM N. SHE ATS, 8UPBRINTENPENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. TALLAHASSEE, FLA.: • Tallahassee AN Book and Job Print. 1899. state Board of Education. (ex-officio.) Hon. W. D. BLOXHAM, Governor, President. Hon. JOHN L. CRAWFORD, Secretary of State. Hon. WILLIAM B. LAMAR, Attorney-General. Hon. J. B. WHITFIELD, State Treasurer. Hon. WILLIAM N. SHEATS, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary. Constitution of Florida. ARTIOLE XII. BUUCATION. Section 1. The Legislature shall provide for a uniform syn- tern of public free schools, and shall provide for the Hberal maintenance of the same. Skc. 2. There shall be a Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, whose duties shall be prescribed by law, and whose term ot office .shall be four years and until the election and qualifi- cation of liis successor. Skc^^. The Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney-General, Stite Treasurer, and State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion shall constitute a body corporate, to be known as the Ntate Board of Education of Florida, of which the Governor shall he President, and the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Secretary. This Board shall have power to remove any ^subordinate school officer for cause, upon notice to the incum- bent; and shall have the management and investment of all State School Funds under such regulations as may be pre- scribed by law, and such supervision of schools of hicrher grades as the law shall provide. '^ Sec. 4. The State School Fund, the interest of which shall be exclusively applied to the support and maintenance of public free schools, shall be derived from the followino- sources: ° The proceeds of all lands that have been or may hereafter be granted to the State by the United States for public school purposes. Donations to the State when the purpose is not specified. Appropriations by the State. The proceeds of escheated property.* Twenty-five per cent, of the sales of public lands which are now or may hereafter be owned by the State. ♦As. (led In 1894. Duty ot U^g- Islature. TiTTD of Slipt. Pub. lust. Pcrsounel of St;ite Roarrl o f Education. Power oi rc- moTal. Interest only to be applied. Sources of -•^tate School Fund. SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Principal in- Tiolate. One Mill Tax. Basis ofappor- tioumenl of interest and One Mill Tax (as amended in 1894). County School Tax. County School Fund ; whence derived and how disbursed (as amended in 1894 ). Provisions lor School Dis- tricts. School Trus- tees. District Tax. Town or city may be a School Dis- trict. Disbursena«jit of District FuBid. Skc. 5. The principal of the Stale School Fund shall remaii',-' sacred and inviolate. Sec. 6. A special tax of one mill on the dollar of all taxa- ble property in the State, in addition to the otliei means pro- vided, shall be levied and apportioned annual!}^ for the sup- port and maintenance of public free schools. Sec. 7. Provision shall be made by law for the apportion- ment and distribution of the interest on the State School Fund and all other means provided, including the special tax for the support and maintenance of public free schools, among the- se veral counties of the State in proportion to the average at- tendance upon schools in the said counties respectively."^^ Sec. 8. Each county shall be required to assess and collect annually for the support of public free schools therein, a tax of not less than three mills nor more than live mills on the dollar on all taxable ^^voperty in the same. Sec. 9. The County School Fund shall consist, in addition to the tax provided for in section eight of this Article, of the pi'oportion of the interest of the State School Fund and of the one mill State tax apportioned to the county; all capitation taxes collected within the county; and shall be disbursed by the County Board of Public Instruction solely for the main- tenance and support of public free schools. Sec. 10. The Legislature may provide for the division of any county or counties into convenient school districts; and for the election bi-ennially of three school trustees, who shall hold their office for two years, and who shall have the super- vision of all the schools within the district; and for the levy- ing and collection of a district school tax, for the exclusive use of public free schools, within the district, whenever a majority of the qualified electors thereof that pay a tax on real or per- sonal property shall vote in favor of such levy; Provided^. That any tax authorized by this section shall not exceed three mills on the dollar in any one year on the taxable property of the district. Sec. 11. Any incorporated town or city may constitute a School District. The fund raised by section ten may be ex- pended in the district where levied for building or repairing school houses, for the purpose of school libraries and text- books, for salaries of teachers, or for other educational pur- poses, so that the distribution among all the schools of the- district be equitable. *As amended in 1894. SCHOOL LAWS. Skc. I'J. White and colore'l (^hildrcin sliall not he taught in the sarnt! school, but impartial provision shall be made for both. Sk(;. I'-i. No law shall be enacted authoi-izing the diversion or the lending of any county or district school funds, or the ap- propriation of any))artof the permanent or available school fund to any other than school purposes; nor shall the same, or any part thereof, be appropriated to or used for the support of an}' sectarian sch'jol. Skc. 14. The Legislature at its first session shall provide for the establishment, maintenance and management of such Nor- mal Schools, not to exceed two, as the interests of public edu- cation may demand. Skc. 15. The compensation of all county school oihcers shall be paid from the school fund of their respective counties, and all other county officers receiving stated salaries shall be paid from the general funds of their respective counties. 1899. Separate schools for ne- groes. Proliibitioii.s on jJrhool Kun«l. Normal Schools. Compensation of school ol- tic;er8. AirncLE IV. Skc. 25. The Superintendent of Public Listruction shall liave supervision of all matters pertaining to public instruction; the supervision of State buildings devoted to educational pur- poses, and perform such other duties as the Legislature may j>rovide by law. Skc. 27. * * [He] shall make a full report of his official ^^,,^.^ acts, of the receipts and expenditures of his office, and of the rti>ort requirements of the same, to the Governor at the beginning of each regular session of the Legislature, or whenever the Governor shall require it. Such * * [report] shall be laid before the Legislature by the Governor at the beginning of each regular session thereof. Either house of the Legislature may at any time call uj»on * * ['lii^J io*" information re- <](uired bj it. I'owers and duties of State Superintend- ent. See. 25, Art. IV., Const. SluiU make Al>l»i'. Sec. 27. Art. IV., Const. SOHOOL L/\\A/© OF THK STATE OF FLORIDA COMPILKD From the Revised Statutes, and the Acts of the Legislatures of 1893, 1895, 1897 and 1899. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1. There shall be established and raaintained a uniform system of public instruction free to all the youth re- siding in the State between the ages of six (6) and twenty- one (21) years, as far as the funds will admit, as hereinafter provided. Sko. 2. The officer.s of the Department of Public Instruction shall be a State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a State Board of Education, a Board of Public Instruction for each county, a Superintendent of Public Instruction for each county, local School Supervisors and Treasurers. Sec. 3, All such officers who shall hold their othces by stat- ute shall conform to the regulations of the Department of Public Instruction. Sec. 4. They shall retain their offices during the faithful performance of their duties, but not to exceed ionr years at any time. Sec. 5. They shall be subject to removal for incompetency, neglect of duty, or any cause which would disqualify them for the positions if not incumbents. Sec. 6. No officer shall vote on a question lixing his own compensation. Sec. 7. A majority of any educational board shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business. A uniform - System ot Public In- struction, Rev. Stat. Sec. 2'>.'-j. lb. See, -I-Zti. Subject to regulatioiiR, tXx Sep.. 229. Tenure of ofliee. For wliat re- movnbla Wlicn iK)t. to - vote. lblrt,Se(A. 23C'! Aquorum. « lb. Sec, '2S\. 10 SCHOOL LAWS. 18 99. Designation of t-ounty suVj- (livisioas. Sec. l.Cliap. 4678. School otticers to quaJify. Rev. Stat. Sec. 23'2. To give bond with sureties. Liability lor loss. To turn over effects to suc- cessor, lb' Sec. 23:^. . Penal oflcase to mix races in Schools. (Sec. 1, chap. 4:3."5). Penalty, lb. Sec. 2. Biflferccec-j set- tled by arbi- tration. Rev. Stat. ?ec. 26.5. Sko. 8. Each county shall constitute a school unit; all sub- divisions of a county for school purposes shall be designated as school districts; all school districts levying a school district tax shall hereafter be designated as special tax school districts, and ail schools receiving any district tax, as special tax schools. Sec. 9. Every school officer who shall be appointed under statutor}^ provision, is required: 1st. Before entering upon the duties of his office, and within ten days after receiving notice of his appointment, to sub- scribe to an acce])tance of the appointment and to pledge that he will faithfully perform the duties of the position, and to forward the same with his postoffioe address to the State Su- perintendent of Public Instruction. '2d. Before receiving any school moneys or property of any kind, for safe keeping or disbursement, to give bond, with two good sureties, the bonds to be fixed and approved by the Board of Public Instruction for the county, the original to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and a certified copy to be held by the officer giving the security, to be pro- duced when required. 3d. An}^ officer in charge of school moneys or property to be so disbursed, shall satisfy himself that the officer to whom he issues it has given bond as aforesaid, or be personally liable for any loss in consequence of such neglect. Sec. 10. Every officer shall turn over to his successor in office, on retiring, all books, papers, documents, funds, moneys and property of whatever kind, which he may have acquired, received and held by virtue of his office, and take full receipts for them of his successor. Sec. 11. It shall be a penal offense for any individual, body of individuals, corporation or association, to conduct within this State any school of any grade,public, private or parochial, wherein white persons and negroes shall be instructed or boarded within the same building, or taught in the same class, or at the same time by the same teacher. Sec. 12. Any person or persons violating the provisions of section 1 [section above] of this act, by patronizing or teach- ing in such school shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not less than |!l50nor more than $500, or imprisoned in the county jail, for not less than three months nor more than six months for every such offense. Sec. 13. All matters of difference which may arise between school officers and teachers, or other persons, under the opera- tion of this act, shall be submitted to the decision of arbitra- tors. The proceedings and powers of arbitrators shall be as j)rovided by law for other arbitrations. SCHOOL LAWS. 11 POWERS AND DITTIES OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Skc. 14. The State Board of Education shall consist of the <4overnor, the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, the State Treasurer, and the State Superintendent of Public In- struction. The Governor sliall be the President, the State Treasurer shall be the Treasurer, and the State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, the Secretary of said Board. Said Board is a body corporate, with full power to perform all cor- porate acts for educational purposes. Sec. If). The State Board of Education are directed and empowered: 1st. To obtain possession ol and take the charge, oversight and management of all lands granted to or held by the Slate for educational puri)oses, and to fix the terjus of sale, rental or use of such lands, and to do whatever may be necessary to preserve them from trespass or injury, and for their improve- ment. 2d. To have the direction and management, and to proviile for the safe keeping and expenditure of all the educational funds of the State; with due regard to the liighest interest of education. 3d. To entertain and decide upon questions and appeals re- ferred to them by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion on any matter of difference or dispute arising under the operations of this act, and to prescribe the manner of making appeals and conductin lecdng student for free tuition, etc. Cfiap. 4668. Sec. 1. SOUTH FLORIDA MILITARY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. Sec. 20, The South Florida Military and Educational Insti- tute is hereby established at Bartow, Polk county, Florida, under the direction and control of the State Board of Educa- tion, who shall elect such faculty as may be required to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 21. The design of this institution is to teach such branches of learning, including military tactics, as may be re- quired by the State Board of Education. Sec, 22. The Representatives from each county in connec- tion with the Senator representing said county shall be em- powered to name upon competitive examination and in such manner as the State Board of Education may prescribe, one SCHOOL LAWS. ]'i Ktuflent for ea<*,h county who shall be resident in said coiintv to the said South Florida Military and Educational Institute who shall be entitled to receive the benefit of a full course of Instruction at said institute without charge for board, lodg- ing, tuition, use of text books, washing, fuel, lights and use of arms and equipments. Said student to be subject to such rules and regulations as may be established for the gov- ernment and direction of said institution. Sec, 23. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the sum of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) be and the same is hereby appropriated for each of the two ensuing years, commencing September 1, 1897, out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. INSTITUTE FOR BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB. Sec. 24. The members of the State Board of Education are the Trustees of the Institute hereinafter specified, under the name of the Board of Managers of the Florida Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. Sec. 25. Said Institute shall remain in its present location near St. Augustine, in St. Johns county, and shall be an asy- lum for the indigent blind and deaf and dumb in this State/ Sec. 26. Said Board of Managers shall provide for the edu- cation, care and maintenance at said asylum of all persons re- siding in this State, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, who may be blind, or deaf and dumb. Sec. 27. Any person entitled to admission into said Insti- tute, or the parent, guardian or next friend of such person, may apply to the Board of County Commissioners of the county of his residence, and the County Commissioners, if satisfied that the person is so entitled to such admission, shall issue a cer- tificate to that effect, upon which the applicant shall be re- ceived into the asylum. Sec. 28. Said Board of County Commissioners shall supply means of transportation of such persons to said asylum, and at the close of each session the Board of Managers shall sup- ply means of transportation for the inmates to their respective homes and return at the opening of the next succeeding ses- sion. The same to be paid for out of the general appropria- tion for the maintenance of said asylum; those who have the means will be required to pay the necessary expenses, tuition Excepted, of their children or wards. Sec. 29. Said Board of Managers shall provide for the in- mates of said Institute necessary bedding, clothing, food and medical attendance, and such other things as may be proper for the health and comfort of said inmates. 1899. Appropriatiiju. lb..Sm- miss ion ers to issue certiflcate of admission. (As amende*] lb). Tran-porhi- lio.i. Wlio -shiiil pay. ( As ameuded, lb). What Botifd of Mauai^ei-sshalt provide, liev. ^tat. 270. 14 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. ■Employ teaeh- . 2,0hap. 4382). To flle monthly an itemized fi- nancial state- meMt with county clerk. SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. To piiblish or post the same, lb., Sec. 3. To adopt text books. See. 1, Chap. 4680. To consult Co. 8upt. and teacriers. Term of adop- tion. Sec. 2, Chap- ter 4680. Sec. 3, Chan- ter 4680. To prescribe a course of study. Ill ancial statement showing all sums of moneys received dur- ing the month next preceding on account of county school funds, and from whom received, and from what source de- rived, all appropriations made by such Board, and for what purpose made. All warrants drawn by such Board, in whose favor and for and on what account drawn, describing such warrant by date, number and amount. zVll such monthly financial statements shall be certified by the chairman of the Board of Public Instruction for the county and attested by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the said Board shall without delay cause the same to be published in a newspaper of the county, when any such newspaper exists; Provided, The cost of such monthly publication shall not ex- ceed two dollars per month, otherwise they shall post the same at the court house and at three other public j^laces in the county. 11th. To put in operation in the public free schools in their respective counties a uniform system of school books; but however, that the adoption of such system shall be gradual and not sooner made than the interests of the pupils and pat- rons may dictate; and Provided, That the entire adoption shall be consummated by July 1, 19'J1. 12th. The selection of books to constitute such uniform system in each county shall be made by the County Board of Public Instruction of the county, who before deciding upon any book or books shall consult with the County Superintend- ent of public schools and at least three leading teachers of the county. Before any adoption shall be made at least sixty days' previous notice of the time and place such adoption will be considered published once a week for three successive weeks in some newspaper having a general circulation throughout the county, or in the absence of such newspaper to be posted in at least five different and conspicuous places in the county shall be given by the School Board; any adop- tion made hereunder shall last at least five years. The County Superintendent shall see that the books adopted are used by the pupils and the teachers shall not use any other books in teaching. 13th. Nothing in this act shall have the effect to interfere with or impair any entire or partial adoption heretofore made and now existing in any county of the State. 14th. To prescribe, in consultation with prominent teachers, a course of study for the schools of the county and grade them properly; and to require to be taught in every public SCHOOL LAWS. 19 scliool jn ihv founty over which ihey })ic'si(U', cloiieiitary phyHi()h)gy, especiall}- as it relates to the ctt'ects of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics, morally, mentally and physically; and all persons applyini«; for certificates to leach shall be examined upon this branch of study, undoi- the same conditions as other branches reqiiired by law. 16th. To fix the compensation for the sei'vices of the County Superintendent of. Public Instruction. 16th. To perform all acts reasonable and necessary for the promotion of the educational interests of the county and the general diffusion of knowledge among the citizens. 17th. To hold regular meetings for the transaction of busi- iieee, by arrangement with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and to convene a special session on emergencies when requested by the Conuty Superintendent of Public In- struction. 18th. To prepare on or before the last Monday in June of each year, an itemized estimate showing the amount of money required for the maintenance of the necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing scholastic year, stating the amount in mills on the dollar of taxable property of the count}', Avhich shall not be less than three nor more than five mills, and furnish a copy of the statement to the Assessor of Taxes of the county, and tile a copy in the office of the Board of Public Instruction, and the Assessor shall assess the amount so stated, and the Collector shall collect the amount assessed and pay over the same monthly to the County Treasurer, who is also by law School Treasurer, to be used for the sole bene- fit of the public schools. 19th. To select candidates for admission to tht^ State Col- lege and Seminaries. 20th. To appoint, prior to any authorized examination, three teachers holding the highest grade certificate among the teach- ers of the county as a grading committee; aud to keep secret the names of persons comprising said committee until its w'ork is performed. 2 1 St. To fix a school day to comprise not less than five (5) and not more than six (6) hours, exclusive of recesses, and the time for the opening of the public schools for each county; Promded, That all schools must begin so as to close before the last day of June. 1899. To rt'<|uire yiivsiologv tiuiglit. Rev. Stilt . See.-242, lOth. 'J'o lix pay of (;omity Supei- iiiientient. PlL'iiiivy [lOAV- eis. 'I'd holil reg- ular ineetin.srs. To make an itomized esti- mate for the ensuing scho- lastic vear. K.M . Stat. , Sec, •242,14th. To Femintiries, etc. Id appoint Grariing- Com- mittee. Abbr. Sec. (>, (hap. 4331, aud Sec. 44, Chapt. 4192. To 6x limits of school day and date for schools to open. A bbr. Chap - 41!W and 4t'.>«i. 20 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. To order elec- tions III school districts. Atobr. Sec. 2, Chapter 4678, June 5, 1899. Scliool Board Districts. Abbr. Chap. 4193, June 2, 1893. To take school census. Sec. 2, Chapter 4679, June o, 1899. To look after poll taxes . Abbr. Sec. 1, Chap. 4666. Not contract ■with members. Rev. Stat. , Sec. 243. Cf" unties to be divided into School Board Districts. Sec 2, Chapter 4193. 22d. To order elections for the creation of special tax school districts, for the selection of School Trustees, for fixing the rate of millage to be levied in such districts, whenever the provisions pertaining thereto in Chapter 4678 are complied with; to determine the result of all such elections, and to per- form other duties prescribed in said Chapter. 2Bd. To sub-divide the county into School Board Districts, to tile a certified copy of their action with the County Clerk and publish the same, as prescribed in Chapter 4193, Session Laws of 1893. 24th. To have school census taken, in case the County Su- perintendent of Schools shall fail to perform any duty imposed upon him by the preceding section [Sec. 48, Par. 16th], as and when the same is required to be performed, it shall be the duty of the County School Board to cause the same to be done as soon as practicable by some person or persons to be selected by such Board. 25th. To examine at least twice each year the books and records of the Tax Coll actor which relate to the collection of poll taxes and said Board shall require prompt settlement for poll taxes, assessed, together with those not assessed but col- lected. Any Tax Collector or member of a County School Board who shall neglect to comply with the provisions of this act shall be suspended from ofKce. Sec. 41. No Board of Public Instruction shall have power to enter into contract with any of its members, except for the purpose of obtaining school sites. ELECTION OP COUNTY BOARDS OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Sec. 42. At the first meeting in July, 1894, the County Board of Public Instruction in each county shall divide their respective counties into three county School Board Districts s< as to place in each district, as nearly as practicable, the same number of qualified voters, the lines of said districts being so drawn as to place each election district wholly within one or another of said county School Board Districts ; and the members of the County School Board [County Board of Pub- lic Instruction] shall file in the ofiice of the Clerk of the Cir. cuit Court for such county a certificate of their said action, containing a description of the boundaries of said district, and naming the election districts comprising each county School Board District, which certificate shall be published in a news- ^ee Sections 1, 3, 4. 9, 12, Chapter 4.515, [No. 1] and Sec. 2. Chap. 4516 [No. 2.1 SCHOOL LAWS. -1 paper published in the county; or if there be no newspaper ' "^^- published in the county, then by posting at the county court- Jiouse door for four weeks thereafter. The County School I?oard may thereafter change the boundaries of any such dis- may "e^^"*"" '** tricts at a meeting in July of the year of a general election, «i>iiri^'uii. but such change shall be certified in the Clerk's ottice and pub- lished as required fur fixing such districts in the first instance. Sec. 48. That at the next general election, and every two vsars thereafter, there shall be elected in each county in this Ki'^i^npn of htate a County Board of Public Instruction, hereinafter men- tioned as the County School Board, consisting of three mem- bers, whose terms of office shall begin the first Tuesday after Ttnureof the first Monday in January after such election, and termi- ^'^P""] /"^" ' iiate upon the qualification of their successors two years there- after. Si;<'. 44. * * A County Board of Public Instruction con- . . ,. , , • 1 ,• u o u 1 T> 1 How olet'tecl. sistiiig of three members, one member from each Schoof Board Aobr. see. ;{, District, elected from the several counties at large of this ^'''''i' *"'•'" State, shall be chosen at the general election A. D. LS98, and i\i every general election thereafter, unless changed by law. Skc. 4."). All vacancies on said Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the State Board of Educa- how'^aauji. tion, on the nomination of the State Superintendent of Public ^.fl^.,^' *^'''^p- Instruction. SI'KClAL DUTY OF >IONROE ("OlN'l'Y KOAltl). Sec. 40. The County Board of Public Instruction of Mon- tq ^.H^pioy roe county are hereby autliorized and required to employ a teaciiers tor competent teacher to instruct the Cuban pupils of the San schooi. Carlos sehool, in the city of Key West, in the elements of the M'Jjy''3i*'^i8!")(> English language. Sec. 47. The said Board of Public Instruction shall make provisions for the payment of the salary of the teacher so em- ployed, out of the common school fund of said Monroe oounty. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COL^NTY SUPERIN- TENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Duties of. Sec. 48. The County Superintendent of Public Instruction is directed — 1st. To make timely inspection of the county, to ascertain ^. • . the location in which schools should be established, the num- county. ber of youth who would attend each, and the amount of aid |fc^24a' ' 22 SCIIOOL LAWS. 1899. To visit and examine each school. To give advice, To awaken in ■ terest. To confer -witk Supervisors. To select :fit persons for Supervisors . To keep record of each school. To report T© decide disputes. To leok after selaool build- ings and funds. To held ex- aminations, ete. Abbr. Chaps. 419-2 an* 4331. that the citizens of the neigliborhood will contribute to encour- age the establiishment of a school. 2d. To visit each school at least once during each school term, and to make a thorough examination of its condition as- respects the progress of the pupils in learning, the order and discipline observed, the sj'steni of inspection pursued, the at- tendance of the pupils, the mode of keeping the school records., the character and condition of the school buildings, furniture, books, apparatus and premises, the efficiency of the school Supervisor, the interest and co-operation of the citizens in re- gard to educational matters, and to give such advice as he may judge proper. 3d. To do all in his power to awaken an increased interest in parents, guardians,, school Supervisors and teachers, with re- gard to the better education of youth in every respect, and the general diffusion of knowledge. 4th. To confer with the school Supervisors frequentl}^ and see that they attend to their duties, keeping them supplied with a copy of the school laws, decisions, blanks and regula- tions of the department. 5th. To select for school Supervisors persons whose charac- ter, qualifications and sympathy with education specially com- mend them to those positions. 6th. To keep a record by number, name and description of the locality of each school established, of the expenses in- curred for, and of his visits of inspection to, the several schools. 7th. To notify the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, immediately upon entering his duties, of the names and addresses of all county school officers. 8th. To decide upon questions in dispute which arise under the operations of this act, when submitted to him by the par- ties interested, and to refer hia decisions to the Board of Public Instruction. 10th.. To see that the interests of the county are properly guarded, and its rights secured in the making and performance of every contract for the construction of school buildings, or for other purposes; and that all moneys apportioned to or raised by the county are applied to the objects for which they were granted or raised. 11th. To examine candidates for teaching and to issue cer- tificates, performing all acts is connection therewith as pre- scribed by statutes. SCHOOL LAWS. I'Jth. To lioM a specual exaiiiiiiation, ami issue tempoi-ary ^certificates for a term of not lonijer tliaii the interval between the regular examinations, provided the applicant for such cer- tificate furni>shes satisfactory reasons for having failed to at- tend the regular examination. IStli. To revoke or suspend certificates, and to suspend those issued by other autliority for cause manifestly sufficient, giving notice in writing to the authority issuing them and of the grounds for so doing; also notifying the teacher in like manner, and of the right of appeal, to whom and when such appeal should be made. See Sectioyi I'l. 14th. To receive from the Grading Committee, file and properly preserve in his office, for at least one year, all exami- nation questions; and to publish in the newspaper designated by any dissatisfied examinee the questions and his answers to the same upon request and of said examinee. 15th. Acting as Secretary of the County School Hoard, to make and forward monthly a certified copy of the monthly .]ists of persons who have paid their poll taxes, mentioned in Section 1 of this Act, [Chapter 400G] to the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, who shall file and preserve the same in his office as a part of the public records and furnish •copies thereof when requested by citizens of this State. 16th. Before the 15th day of May in the year 1900, and every ten years thereafter, to take the census of all children in his county, between the ages of 6 and 21 years; and if any such children be idiots, or insane, or blind, or deaf-mutes he ■shall so state, and he shall report such census to the School Board of the county, and to the State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, on or before the first day of June of the year in which such census shall be taken. He shall certify to such report, as being correct, and shall be paid three cents for each ■child so reported, and upon his failing to perform the duties herein required of him, he shall be relieved from office. In case he shall employ any person or persons to assist in making any such enumeration of such children, such person or per- sons shall make a sworn statement showing when and where such enumeration was made, and that the same is correct, and the same shall be filed by the Superintendent with the School Board as part of his report. Note— County Superintendent not authorized to purchase lands for school purposes without being authorized by County Board of Instruction. Board of Public Instruction Nassau County vs. BilHngs, 1.3Fhi.,68«. 1899. Special exam- inations. Abbr. .See. 9, I'll rerolce or suspend cer- tilii;ates. KeY. Stat. 8ec. •2 ft J. To tile exam • illation papers, etc. .Vbbr. Sec. i:i, CUap. 4192. I'o tile poll tax lists. Sec. '2, Chapter 4<>B({. To take .school census. Sec. I, Chap. 4699. 24 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Section 49. There shall be held two examinations a year Two examina- . • i ,-, i • • mi e .^ tions yearly, in each county in tlie State, beginning on 1 iiesday alter the first Monday in Jane and September, and each may continue Dates lor. ^^^ ^^ more daj^s at the discretion of the examiner and a vote of the examinees; Provided^ That only one examination may be held in any county if two be found unnecessary; Provided further, That County Superintendents may hold a special ex- Speeiai exam- amination, and issue Temporary Certificates for a term of not ination. Sec. ■, ^ ■ -r ^ " i ^ • • t), Chap. 4331. longer than the interval between the regular examinations^ provided the applicant for such certificate furnishes satisfac- tory reasons for having failed to attend the regular examina- tion. Sec. 50. That at least one of the examinations of teachers shall be held at the county seat of the county in which the examination is held. Provided, That where two examinations^ are held the County Board of Public Instruction may desig- nate another convenient place for holding one of such exami- nations other than the county site. Sec. 51. The State Superintendent, for sufficient cauSe^ may order examinations held on days other than those pre- scribed by Section 19 [49 above] of this act. Sec. 52. Candidates for Third, Second, or First Grade Cer- tificates shall be examined by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction on questions prepared in all cases by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, The questions shall be sent sealed to the County Superintendents of the va- rious counties, which seal shall not be broken until the morn- ing of the day on which the questions for that day are to be used, and then only in the presence of the persons assembled for examination. Any person or persons w4io shall be found guilty of securing or attempting to secure the prepared ques- tions, or who shall furnish the prepared questions to any teacher or other person in any other way than prescribed by this act, shall be debarred from teaching a school or front holding any school office in this State. The candidates for certificates shall ask no questions, nor receive assistance from any source during the examination. In case any examinee may be in doubt as to the meaning of any question, he or she may state in writing the point in doubt and answer accord- ingly, which answ^er shall receive due consideration in grading the papers. One examina- tion at county seat. Jb. Sec. 11. Special exam- inations. Sec. 20, Chap. 4192. Who County {Superinten- dent to exam- ine. Questions to 1)6 sent under seal. When to he broken . Penalty for cheating. Procedure in case of doubt as to meaning of question. lb. 10. SCHOOL LAWS. ih SEf. 5.'}. All examination papers shall be prepared in the 1899. presence of the County Superintendent or his appointed as- ' sistant, who shall collect the questions and answers on each Mode of eon- branch as completed, and said examiner shall accept no paper i^,"aUons^^^'"" of any examinee containing a name or mark which would in- •»). ii. dicate to any other than the examiner its author. Said ex- aminer shall himself, on collecting each paper, designate it by a number known only to himself, and shall keep a record by number and by name of the author of each examination paper. Every examinee shall complete and hand in the answers on each branch before the questions on any other branch shall be given out. When every examinnee has completed all the branches, the examiner shall arrange and bundle together all the papers of each examinee and shall deliver the whole to a Grading Committee. G HADING COMMITTEE. Sec. 54. It shall be the dutv of the County Hoard of Public <;oumy Board - . , „ ", , . . •: . Board to ai>- Instruction, before every public examination, to appoint a pointaudto Grading Committee, and to keep secret the names of persons nlmeso'/*^'^ comprisinor said committee until its work is performed. '^'c 14. chap- i- ^ » ler 4192. Sec. 55. The County Board of Public Instruction, prior to any authorized examination, shall appoint three teachers hold- wik, eligible. ing the highest grade certificate among the teachers of the county as a Grading Committee; said committee shall, imme- diately after the close of any examination, carefully examine and grade each paper turned over lo it by the County Super- ouut-sof. intendent. When the said committee sliall have completed its work it shall deliver back to the County Superintendent all papers turned over to it, with a gradation sheet showing the grade of each examinee in each branch upon which he or she was examined, also the average grade and rank of each ex- '^radatioa arainee. The County Superintendent shall then, for the first time, make known to the Grading Committee the names cor- responding to the number of any examinee, and shall then, in the presence of said committee, present his list and write on said gradation sheet the name of each examinee after his or her proper number. The said Grading Committee shall retain one copy of said gradation sheet, and shall lile one with the to retain copy. County Superintendent, who shall issue certificates to the ex- 4331.^'*^*^^^^' aminees, making averages according to the provisions of Sec- tions 1, 2 and 3 [62, 63 and 64 of this compilation] of this act, and to no others. 26 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. To file papers -with Couuty Superinten ■ dent sec. 13, 4192. Pay of com- mittee. Time allowed. Balance fund how applied, lb., Sec. 15. Wlio may teach. Sec. 1, Chap. 4192. June 8, 1893. Five grades of. lb., Sec. '2. Mode of exam- ination, lb., 3. Who eligible. Fee. lb. 4. Requirements for Tlaird Grade. Fee i , Chapter 4;i31. Sec. 56. All examination questions and answers prepared by the applicant for certificates shall be filed in the office of the County Superintendent and be properh^ preserved for at least one year; and in case any candidate is dissati.^fied with the grading of his or her papers, he or she may authorize the County Superintendent to have his or her answers, with the questions, published in any newspaper the examinee may des- ignate. Sec. 57. It shall be the duty of the County Board to pay the members of the Grading Committee two dollars a day and 5 cents a mile each way, one trip, for the actual distance trav- eled and for the time necessary to perform their work. In estimating a day, ten hours actual service shall be counted a day, and not more than five days shall be allowed for the com- pletion of the grading of all the papers after any examination. The Grading Committee shall be paid out of the fund created by the examination fees and the balance of said fund shall be kept by the County Board and be applied to employing lec- turers and to defraying the expenses of Teachers' Institutes in the county. TEAC 1 1 E RS' C ERTIFIC ATE S . Section 58. No person shall be permitted to teach in the public schools of this State who does not hold a teacher's cer- tificate, granted in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Sec. 59. There shall be five grades of certificates issued as herein specified, and named respectively, to- wit: Third Grade, Second Grade, First Grade, State, and Life, Certificates. Sec. 60. No certificate, except Life Certificates, shall be issued except on written examination, or written and oral ex- aminations, as provided in this act. Sec. 61. Any applicant for a certificate of any grade, before being eligible for examination, shall present to the examiner a written endorsement of good moral character from a responsi- ble person, and shall pay an examination fee of one dollar, which fund shall be applied as hereinafter provided. Sec. 62. An applicant for a Third Grade Certificate shall be examined in orthography, reading, arithmetic, English gram- mar, composition, United States history, geography, physi- ology, and theory and practice of teacliing, and must make an average grade in the abov'e named branches of sixty (60) per cent., with a grade in no branch below forty (40) per cent. The examination in reading shall be both oral and written. SCHOOL LAWS. 1m>i' First (irail.'. S For State Cer- tificate, lb., Sec. 4. Sep. Go. A Second (Trade Certificate shall be i.ssuod on e.v- 1899. amination in the branches as prescribed for Third Grade Cer- por secona tificate. An average grade of seventy-tive (75) per cent, shall «i';>'ie ^^ be required, with a grade in no branch below Mty (.lO) per cent. Sec. 64. An applicant for a First Grade Certificate shall l)e examined in civil government, algebra and physical geography, in addition to the branches required for a Third Grade Certifi- cate.. An applicant for a First Grade Certificate must make an average grade of eighty (80) per cent, and shall grade in no branch below sixty (60) per cent. Sko. 65. A State Certificate shall be issued only by the State ^superintendent of Public Instruction to persons holding a Plrst Grade Certificate and who have taught at least twenty- four (24) months, (eight months of which must have been taught in this State successfully under a First Grade Certifi- cate). The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue no State Certificate except on written examination in the fol- lowing branches: Geometry, trigonometry, physics, zoology, botany, Latin, rhetoric, English literature, mental science and general history. A candidate for a State Certificate must make an average grade on the prescribed branches of eighty- five (85) per cent, with the grade in no branch below sixty (60) per cent. ii'^SEc. 66. Any teacher holding a State Certificate i.ssued un- der this Act, and such of Chapter 4192 of the Laws of Florida as are not hereby repealed, and wlio has taught successfully in a High School in this State for the period of thirty (80) months, may be granted a Life Certificate by the State Superintendent, without further examination, if endorsed by three persons holding State Certificates as possessing eminent teaching abil- ity and as having been eminently successful in governing and conducting a school. Sec. 67. Third Grade Certificates shall be good only in the county in which they are issued. Sec. 68. First and Second Grade Certificates may be en- dorsed by the County Superintendent of any county in the State, and shall theji be good in the county in which it is en- dorsed as well as the one in wliich it was issued. Sec. 69. A Third Grade Certificate shall be goo. I for two years from date ef issue. A Second Grade Certih\-ate shall jerm of be good for three yrars from date of issue, and a First Grade ib-. ^ee. lo. Certificate shall be good for ftmi' vcars from date of issue. CO. ;?. For Life Cer- tificate, lb., Sec. 5. Tliiril rjrade limited. lb., Sec. 7. Fir.«t and Sec- ond Grades transferrable. lb.. Sec. 8. 28 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Who entitled to benefits, lb.. Sec. 1'2. First Grade is- suiihle upon ■what diplomas. Proviso, ]b., Sec. U. Revocation of. Sec. 18, Chap. 4192. With regards to studies aud mora s. Rev. Stat., Sec. 253. To habits of pupils. School prop- erty. To disei.:>line. To suspend pupils. And all certilicates granted in accordance with the provisions of this act, [Chapter 4831] and such of Chapter 4192 of the laws of Florida as are not hereby repealed, shall be re-issuable upon examination. Se€. 70. That all persons holding certificates granted in ac- cordance with the provisions of Chapter 4192 of the laws of lth. To hold a public examinaibn at the close of each Bchool term, either oral or written. 7th. To deliver up the ke3's and all school property to the Supervisor on closing or suspending the school, and in all things to conform to the regulations of the department. Sec. 74. No teacher, while actually engaged in his profes- RxL-niptioiis. sion, shall be liable to military or jury duty. "^ ' ^'^^- "-^*- 'J"<) liold oxiiin- iuatuiu'b. To confiirni u> rc,i.'-ulat,(>]is. SCHOOL SUPERYISOKS. Section 75. Every Supervisor is directed — 1st. To supervise the work and management of the school Duties of. Uev. Stilt. •211. piofijiity. 1 • • i X 1 • 1 1 • -1 T To report and Its interests over which he is appointed, and report moiuiiiy. monthly to the Board of Public Instruction, 2d. To supervise the construction, rental, repair and im- provement of the school buildings, furniture, fences, grounds and fixtures; to procure a copy of the school laws, regulations and decisions for the use of the teacher and for his own in- struction. 3d. To attend, at all times, when requested by, and cooper- ate with the teacher in his efforts to elevate the character and condition of the school; to review all suspensions from school by the teacher of pupils guilty of gross misconduct and a dis- regard of and persistent opposition to the authority of the teacher, and to promptly report the same to the County Su- report perintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 76. Whenever a special school aistrict is created and Trustees are elected, they shall have the supervision of all the public schools within said district. The position of Supervisor shall be suspended by that of Trustees, and the duties pre- scribed by law for Supervisors shall be performed b}' the Trustees. A SCHOOL YEAR, TERM, ETC. Se(^ 77. Beginning with July 1st, A. D. 18c^3,.the school year for all public schools shall begin on the first day of Jul}'^ and end with the last day of the following June; and all re- ports, financial and otherwise, to the State Department shall embrace such business and matters only as take place within the limits of the school year thus defined. To CO operate with teacher. To review sus- pensions find Supervisor !^u- per eded. A libr. , See. S, Chapter 4678. School voar. Sec. l,"cliap 41<)(). 30 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. When schools inav begin lb. ," Sec. 2. Openhis; and closing of; schools. lb. Sec. 2 . School dar. Chap. 41'i5, Juaee, 1893. Term . Year. Holiday.ii. Rev. Stat. Sec. 256. Lost timf. lb. , Sec 25" Designation of scliool dis- tricts. Sec. 1 , Chapter 467S. Election tor creating a .<-pe- cial tax school district. Sec. 78. No school in any county shall begin before July 1st of the school year to which that term of school belongs and for which the apportionment was made. Sec. 79. The time for the opening of the public schools for each county shall be determined by the County Board of Pub- lic Instruction; Provided, That all schools must begin so as to close before the last day of June. Sec. 80. 1st. A school day shall comprise not less than five (5) and not more than six (6) hours, exclusive of recesses. The time to be fixed by the Board of Public Instruction of each county. 2d. A school month contains twenty days, exclusive of the first and last days of the week. 3d. A school term contains four school months. 4th. The school year contains two terms. Sec. 81. All recognized State or National holidays are school holidays.* Sec. 82. Lost time may be made up by a teacher, at the discretion of the School Supervisor, when no conflict would be occasioned with the arrangements of the Board of Public Instruclioni. SPECIAL TAX SCHOOLS. Sec. 83. That each county shall constitute a school unit; that all sub-divisions of a county for school purposes shall be designated as school districts ; all school districts levying a school district tax shall hereafter be designated as special tax school districts, and all schools receiving any district tax, as special tax schools. Sec. 84. It shall be the 'duty of the Board of Public In- structien of any county to order an election to be held in any sub-division of any city or incorporated town, community or sub-division of the county, at such time and place as said Board maiy direct, whenever one-fourth of the qualified elec- tors that pay a tax on real or personal propert}^ and are resident in such city, incorporated town, comraimity, or sub- division of the county, shall petition for such election, to *The legal hoIida.ys are: The first day of the week, Sunda.v, .Tanuary 1st., New Year's Day; January 19th. Birth Day of Robert E. Lee; February •2:id, Washington's Birth- Day; April 36th, Memorial Day; .Tune 3.i, Birth-day of Jefferson Davis: July 4th, Independence Day: first Mondo.y in September, Labor Day: General B'ection Day; Thanksfriving- Day; December 25th, Ohri-tmas Da.v.-- Fid* Revised Statutes, Section ;?315, and Chapters 4068, 4198, 4Sir ar,d4ias, Laws of Fi nida. scnooi. LAWS. :]1 ject to lequisition for any other purpose by said Trustees; the funds estimated for other educational puiposes shall be ])aid out by warrants of the Board of Public Instruction of the county upon the County Treasurer, said warrants to be based upon requisitions made by the Board of Trustees accompanied by itemized bills for things purchased or work performed. All special funds collected within a school district shall be dis- bursed solely for school purposes within the district in which collected, and, as near as practicable, in the year in which the tax is collected, upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees; Promdcd^ That the Trustees shall make no son- tract with one of its members embracing any monetary con- sideration. Skc. 97. The Trustees of any school district shall be a corporation and may hold property, sue and be sued, and per- form other corporate functions, and perform the usual duties necessary to provide buildings, repair the same, and to pur- chase libraries and other school appliances; ProoiJed., That no debt shall be created without the approval of the County Board of Public Instruction. 1899. County Board to fix salaries and school term. County Treas- urer liable on his bond for district luud!?, Tb. , Sec. VI. The fund set apart for teach- ers not to be u.seil lor other purposes. Other part must be ap- plied solely to education . Tru,stees not contract with one of it< mem- f)ers. lb. Sec. 13. Trustees a cor- poration. . To create no debt. lb., Sei-. 14. Se< . 98. Children residing outside of any special tax school district shall not attend school in any such district without Trustees may the consent of the Trustees thereof, and of the County Board allow outsiders r T-» 1 !• T • r» .77 ri-«i 1 • 1 • 'o uttend a oi Public Instruction; Promded^ J hat nothing in this act special tax shall be so construed as to prevent attendance from an adjoin- |ecM.5. ^ " sng county, provided the County School Board of such ad- 3 36 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. To audit Tax GolJector's Commission. Ext. from Sec. 12, Chap. 4516. Duties of Tax Collector in regard to. Bee. 14, Chap. 4322. Both real and pereonal prop- erty responsi- ble for. lb., Abbr. Sec. 16. Tax Collector to file certi ■ fled lists. School Board to examine his books. joining county shall pay a pro rata share of such attendances- Such pro rata share to be estimated bj the Trustees of sucb school where such attendance is made; Provided further, TBat pupils from other districts or sub-districts [special tax school districts] shall be subject to same conditions as pupils from other counties as provided in this act. Sec. 99. The commissions for collecting the tax for school sub-districts [special tax school districts] * * shall be audited and allowed by the Trustees of such school, * * and shall be at the rate of two per cent, on such collections. LAWS RELATING TO POLL TAXES. Sec. 100. A poll tax of one dollar shall be levied upon each- male person over the age of twenty-one years, and under the age of fifty-five years, except such as have lost a limb in bat- tle, which tax shall be paid into the county school fund, and shall be collected when taxes on property are collected. It shall be illegal for a Collector to give any receipt for taxes on any property until his poll tax is paid, and the Collector shall on the first day of each month make out a statement giving the names of the parties who have paid their poll taxes, and present the same sworn to by said Collector to the County Commissioners at their regular meeting and present the receipt of the County Treasurer for the same. Src. 101. * * The assessment of personal property shall; be made separate from the assessment of real estate, but per- sonal property shall be responsible for the taxes on real estate, and real estate shall be responsible for the taxes on personal property, and both shall be responsible for a poll tax. Sec. 102. That from and after the passage of this Act it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector in every county of this State to file on or before the tenth day of every month with the County School Board [County Board of Public Instruc- tion], a certified list of the names of all persons whose poll taxes were paid during the previous month, giving the year for which such payments were made. A copy of this list shall also be filed with the County Commissioners with a receipt from the County Treasurer for the amount col- lected as such poll taxes. It shall be the duty of the School Board [County Board of Public Instruction] to examine at least twice each year the books and records of the Tax Collector which relate to the collection of poll taxes and said Board shall require prompt settlement for all poll taxes assessed, together with those not assessed but col- lected. SCHOOL LAWS. Ally Tax ('ullector or rnenibor of a ("< unity .Scliool Board [County Hoard of Public Instruction] wlio shall neglect to comply with the provisiojis of this act shall he suspended from office. Sk<-. 10']. It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, acting as Secretary of the County School Board [Countj^ Board of I*ublic Instruction], to make and forward monthly a certified co])}' of the monthly lists of persons who have paid their poll taxes, mentioned in Section 1 [Sec. lOU] of this Act, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall tile and preserve the same in his office as a part of the' public records and furnish copies thereof when requested by citizens of this State. DITTIES OF OFFICERS IN REGAPJ) TO TAXES AND FUNDS. SCHOOL 1899. Both sublect to suspeusioD. Sec. 1. Chap. 46(;6. County ftuper- iiitenduut to tile certified lists of polls collected with State Superiu- tendcnt lb. ,St?c. ti. Sko. 104. It shall be the duty of the Assessor in each county, immediately after the assessment of the county has ben reviewed and equalized by the County Commissioners, and the amount to be raised for State and county and school sub- district [special tax school district] and road sub-district pur- poses determined, to calculate and carry out the total amount of State taxes and the total amount of county taxes, and the total amount of school sub-district [special tax school district] and road sub-district taxes in three separate columns Drepared for that purpose in the assessment roll, setting opposite to the aggregate sum set down as the valuation of real and personal estate the respective sums assessed as taxes thereon in dollars and cents, etc. Skc. 105. The County Commissioners shall determine the amount to be raised for all county purposes, and shall enter upon their minutes the rate to be levied for each fund respect- ively, and shall ascertain the aggregate rate necessary to cover all such taxes and report the same to the Assessor, who shall carry out the full amount of taxes for all county purposes under one heading in the assessment roll to be provided for that purpose, and the County Commissioners shall notify the Clerk and Auditor of the county, also the Treasurer thereof, of the amount to be apportioned to the different accounts out of the total taxes levied for all purposes, and the Count}^ Treasurer in issuing receipts to the Collector shall state in each of his receipts, which shall be in duplicate, the amount apportioned to each fund out of the payment made to him by the Collector, and when any such receipts shall be given Of Assessor io Mssess school taxes. Sec. l.Chap. 4515, .June 5, 1897. Duty of County CotK- inissionere. 38 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Duty of County Treas- urer. Proviso and duties of Sub- district Trits- tees, Sec. 3, Chap. 4515. Form of war- rant to be given by the Asses ior to the Tax Collector. Collection of Sub- district taxes author- ized. Sec. 4, Chap. 4515. to the Collector by the County Treasurer, he shall immediafcelv file one of the same with the Clerk and Auditor of the county who shall credit the same to the Collector with the amoun- thereof, and shall make out and deliver to the Collector a cert tificate setting forth the payment in detail, as shown by the Treasurer's receipt; Prooided, That the Trustees of each school sub-district [special tax school district^ and road sub- district shall file a written statement with tlie Tax Assessor setting forth the boundary of such school sub-district [special tax school district] and road sub-district, and the rate of tax- ation to be levied on the real and personal property therein as provided by law, and the Assessor shall, upon receipt of such statement, proceed to assess such property and enter the taxes thereon in separate columns in the assessment roll to be provided for that purpose. Sec. 106. To the assessment roll for 1897 and subsequent years, delivered to the Tax Collector, a warrant under the hand of the Assessor shall be annexed in the following form, to-wit: State of Florida, to , Tax Collector of the county of •. : You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and per- sonal property, and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed 7-oll, the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name, corporation or parcel of land therein described, and in case the taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and. tenements so assessed, or of the person or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected for State taxes, you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law, and at the same time you are to pay to the County Treasurer all sums collected for county taxes, and to the Treasurer of the County Board of Public Instruction all sums collected for school taxes, and at the same time you are to pay to the duly qualified Trus- tees [to the County Treasurer — See Sec. 12, Chapter 4678] of each school sub-district [special tax school district] and road sub-district all sums collected for school sub-district [special tax school] and road sub-district taxes, and you are further required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or before the first Monday in July, you will make a final report to and settlement with the Comptroller and County Commissioners. SCHOOL LAWS. 39 (iiven under my hand and seal, this the da}' of . in the year A. D. 1 89 ... . , Assessor of County. Skc. 107. As soon as the assessment roll shall be delivered to the Collector, the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall make out and publish a statement showing the amount of taxes charged to the Collector to be collected for the current year and the apportionment of the same in separate columns to the several funds for which such taxes have been levied, including all poll taxes, which poll taxes shall be itemized separately in all state- ments both as to amounts assessed and as to the amounts col- lected, and at each monthly meeting of the County Commis- sioners thereafter, and until the tax books are closed, he shall publish a statement giving each fund credit with the amount collected thereon as shown by the reports of the Tax Collec- tor in his office, and when the tax books are closed he shall publish a like statement showing the amounts specifically al- lowed the collector on account of errors and insolvencies, and the amount of each fund uncollected. The aforesaid state- ments shall be posted by the Clerk at the court house door, and published in a newspaper when one is published in the county, and the costs of publishing the same shall be paid by the County Commissioners. Any Clerk failing to publish such statements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion be punished by a fin*e not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year; and it shall be the dut}'' of the Circuit Court Judges to charge this section to the grand juries in their respective counties. Sec. 108. * * The County Commissioners of each county shall levy a tax not to exceed five mills nor less than three and one-quarter (3^) mills on the dollar on the real and personal property of the county for school purposes. Note. — Fixing the minimum county levy for schools a^ 3} mills is undoubtedly unconstitutional. Sec. 109. * * Orders upon the County Treasurer of any county shall be receivable by such county for county revenue, and orders issued by the County Board of Public Instruction shall be receivable in the counties where such orders are issued for county school taxes. Sec. 110. No collector of any count}'^ shall either directly or indirectly purchase or receive in exchange any Comptroller's warrants, county orders, jurors' certificates, or school district orders, for a less arhount than expressed on the face of such orders or demand, any such person so offending shall for each 1899. Duty of Clerk of Court to ap- portion aud puDlisli amount of eacn ta.K. polls to ie itetiiiKed sep- arately. Publish col- lections monthly. Penalty for failure. Duty of Circuit Judges. Rec.34, Chap. 4322, June 1, 1895. Duty of County Com- missioners. Ext. Sec. 2. Chap. 4516. County orders receivable for ta.Kes. lb., Ext. Sec. '35 » Penalty for Ta.x Collector dealing in State or Coimty securities. lti.,Sco. 40. 40 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. I)(ity of State Treasurer. saev. Sfcat. , Sec. 262. To wliom pay School fund.s. lb., Sec. 264. Duty of ('Guil- ty Treasvirer to make monthly reports. Sec. 1, Ch al- ter 43.32. Duty of c5erk o f Court to preserve re- T)orts . Jb,, Sec. 4. Duty of ( !oun ■ ty Treasure I to keeprtv- scription of warrants not •Tiaid. To pay tlu^m in order df presentation . Sec. 1, Cliup. 4409: offense be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on convic- tion thereof, shall be fined in the sum of not less than one thousand dollars, nor more than ten thousand dollars, and be removed from office. Sec. 111. The Treasurer of the [State] Board of Education shall keep an account with the several counties, in which he shall credit each county with its proportion of the income of the common school fund, and of the fund raised by the one mill tax authorized by the Constitution, and shall charge each with the amounts receipted for by the Treasurers of the Boards of Public Instruction. Sec. 112. Every officer having moneys which by law go to the State school fund shall pay the same to the State Treas- urer, and every officer having moneys M''hich by law go to the count}'^ school fund shall pay the same to the County Treas- urer. Siic. 113. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the school fund of each count}'^ in this State by the first Monday in each and every month, to prepare and file with the County Super- intendent of Public Instruction of his county a detailed and itemized statement in writing, showing all sums of money re- ceived by such Treasurer during the fnonth next preceding, and from whom and from what source received, and all amounts by him paid out during such time and to whom paid, and describing by date, number and amount all warrants paid. Sec 114. The financial statements of account [Sec. 40, Pars. 9th and 10th] hereinbefore provided for, when. filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, shall be securely kept by him and shall at all times be open to the examination and in- spection of the people of the county without fee or charge. Sec 11.5. The County Treasurer shall enter in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, the fact .of the refusal to pay, or non-payment of any warrant which may be presented to him, as such treasurer, and include in such entry a description of the warrant or order, and by whom presented, and date of presentation, and his reason for such refusal or non-payment; and he shall also, at the request of the person presenting the same, endorse on the back of such warrant the fact of such refusal or non-payment and reason therefor, and shall pay such warrants in the order of their presentation. The Board of County Commissioners of each county shall furnish the Treas- urer a book for the purpose above specilied, which shall be open to the inspection of all citizens. SCHOOL LAWS, 41 CX)U\TV BOARDS OF I'lrBLIC INSTRUCT[OXS 1899. MAY CONTRACT I)P:iiTS OR BORROW MONEY. Skc. 116. That the Board of County Commissioners upon the request of tlie Board ot l*ublic Instruction after an affirm- ative vote of the qualified voters who are tax-payers tlierein votcofcer- and bftve paid all taxes due by them for two years next and reTiiiredf*^tc. preceding said election in any sub-school [special tax school] -district or county which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon sucli sub-school district [special tax school district] or county as the case may be, are hereby authorized to contract debts for the purchase of real estate to be used for educational purposes, for the erection of school buildings, and to pay such debts out of the current income of any 3'ear, or out of the in- come of succeeding j'ears; Provided^ That the necessary ex- school expen- pense of maintainnig the schools in any county during any otrsciujof *^^™ year shall constitute the Hist claim against the school fund of ^l"*^.. ^^^.^cX' ^ S5 Cluipter 41582. that year. Skc. 117. Tiiat the Board of Count}' Commissioners upon the request of the Board of l^ublic Instruction after an athrm- how may bor- ative vote of the qualified voters who are tax-payers therein row immey. and have paid all taxes due b}' them for two ^-ears next and preceding said election in any sub-school district [special tax school district I or county, which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon such sub-school district or county as the case may be, are hereby authorized to borrow money from time to time as occasion may require to discharge any debt or lia- bility incurred for the purchase of real estate for educational purposes, for the erection of school buildings, and to pay the interest and principal out of the current income of any 3ear, or out of the income of succeeding years; Provided, .^eiiooi expen- That the necessary expense ot" maintaining the schools in any fl'^r%^^f''im"^ county durine; any year shall constitute the first claim against any year. the school fund of that vear. ., ^ . -. COUNTY^ LINE PUPILS. Skc. 118. When it is more conventient for youth residing when permit- in one county to attend school in an adjoining county, they s*^^^i^°^'*„ may do so by the concurrence of the Superintendents of Pub- other county. lie Instruction of the two counties. The proportion of school money for each youth shall be transferred by requisition of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction of the county transferred. in which the youth resides, upon the Treasurer of the school J®'-.?*^' - tunds ot that county to the treasurer ot the school funds ot he connty in which the school is located. 42 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. SCHOOL fu:nds, when forfeited. When a coun- ty forfeits. KfcV. Slat. , Sec. 259. Sec. 119. Any county or school di-^trict neglecting to es- tablish an maintain such school or schools as the available funds will support, shall forfeit its proportion of the common school fund during such neglect, and in that case all moneys- 80 forfeited shall be apportioned among the several counties at the next annual apportionment. Sec. 120. Any public school in the county failing to com- when ascnooi plctc its public term before the terminus of the school year shall forfeit the proportion of its financial apportionment not used by neglecting or failing to maintain a school for the full term of school in that county, and in that case all moneys so forfeited shall be apportioned among the several schools of the county at the next annual apportionment. PENALTIES. Sec. 121. Whoever, within the school house or grounds^ upbraids or insults any teacher in the presence of the jsupils, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding fifteen days, or by fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. This section shall not apply to any pupil in and subject to the discipline of the school. forfeits Sec. 3, ehap. 4196, J line 2. 1893. For insulting teacher. Kev. Stat. , Sec. 2023. For disturbing a school . lb.. Sec. 2629. For introduc- ing obscene prints and lit- erature into. lb. , Sec. 2620. For obscenity ou school buildings lb. , Sec. 2621 Sec. 122. Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs any school * * shall be punished by imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty days, or by fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 123. Whoever imports, prints, publishes, sells or -dis- tributes any book, pamphlet, ballad, printed paper or other things containing obscene language, or any obscene prints, fig- ures, pictures or descriptions manifestly tending to the corrup- tion of the morals of youth, or introduces into any * * school or place of education, or buys, procures, receives, or has in his .possession any such book, pamphlet, ballad, printed pa- per or other thing, either for the purpose of sale, exhibition^ loan or circulation, or with the intent to introduce the same into any * * school, or place of education, shall be pun- ished by imprisonment in the State prison not exceeding ffve years, or in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding one hundred doUai's. Sec. 124. Whoever willfuUy cuts, paints, pastes or defaces by writing or in any other manner any school building, furni- ture, apparatus, appliance, outbuilding, ground, fence, tree, post or other school property, with obscene word, image or device, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding fif- SCHOOL LAWS. 4H teen dobirred holding any school office whatsoever, and shall be deemed a ^rnm holding ipisderaeanor, and upon conviction the party so offending shall ib. ,sec.'2G0. be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not less than thirty days. Skc. 127. Any Superintendent or School Jioard of any connty, or any person officially connected with the govern- ment or direction of a public school, or teacher thereof, who ^n'ed'^otMined violates the provisions of Section 7 [126 above], shall be pun- ib,,273t). ished by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by tine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 128. Any Superintendent, county or State, violating the provisions of this Act, [Chapter 4192, concerning exami- For vioiatinsr nation and certification of teachers] upon conviction shall be if^J^! '^^'^™"^*~ fined not less that fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, flo^^'^' ^^^^p* and shall be debarred fiom holding any school office in this State. Skc. 129. Member.-? of Boards of Public Instruction, County For failing to Superintendents of Public Instruction, and Treasurers of ^^n reports.'^** county school funds, who shall fail or refuse to perform any ^^'V^-./'-^^^p- of the duties required of them by the provisions of this Act, 44 SCHOOL LAWS. |r,1899. Beneficiary scholars. R. S. , Sec 311. Board of Visi- tors. To report. Ib.,?ec. ;512. [Chapter 4332, concerning making and publishing reports] shall for such neglect of duty be subject and liable to suspen- sion and removal from office by the Governor, under the pro- visions of Section 15, of Article IV^, ot the Constitution. EAST AND WEST FLORIDA SEMINARIES. Sec. 130. Each county in this State east or west of the Su- wannee river shall be entitled to send to said Seminary in the division in which such county is located, as many scholars or beneficiaries as it may have Representatives in the House of Representatives of Florida, who shall receive all the benefits of instruction of said Seminary free of all charge. Sec. 131. At least once in each year each Seminary shall be visited by three suitable persons — not members of the Board or Seminary — to be appointed by the Board [of Trustees], who shall examine thoroughly into the affairs of the Semi- nary, and report to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction their views with regard to its condition, success and usefulness, and any other matters they may judge expedient. Such visitors shall be appointed annually. FLORIDA NORMAL SCHOOL AND STITUTE. BUSINESS IN- ■students ad- mitted free of tuition. Abbr. Sec. 2. Chap. 3869. May .W.ISSO. Bach county entitled to one student for each memlTcr of the Assem- bly. Sec. 13'2. * * One white student, male or female, from each Senatorial District in the State shall be admitted to all the rights and privileges of the Literary and Classical De- partments of the * -* Florida Normall School and Busi- ness Institute, free .of tuition; Provided^ That appointments to scholarships to the Florida Normal School and Business In- stitute shall be made by Senators of the various Senatorial Districts of the State of Florida. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Sec. 133. * * Each count}^ shall be entitled to send an- nually, or so often as vacancies may occur, oae student for each member of the Assembly from that county; such student shall be selected by the Boards of Public Instruction of the several counties from among the most advanced pupils in the common and higher schools therein who may present them- selves as candidates. Each County Board of Public Instruc- tion shall annually, or as often as vacancies occur which should be filled by the county, give early notice of such vacancy, and of the time and place of meeting for the examination of the candidates. The County Board shall then and there, by SCHOOr. F.AWS. 4r> themselves, or with the assistance of such persons as they may appoint, examine said candidates, and select those best quali- fied as to scholastic attainments, good health and upright moral character, and furnish them with certiticates of selection for admission, subject to the re-exaraination and ap})roval of the faculty of the college. In case any [County] Hoard of In- struction fails to attend to the above duty, then pupils holding high rank in their schools in that county may make applica- tion in person to the faculty of the college and be examined and admitted on the same terms as they would have been had they passed a preliminary examination before the | County] Board of Instruction of their county. But in case such vacan- cies remained unfilled, students may be selected from the State at large by the facult}'. Sj5C. 134. Each Senator, during his term of office, sh'^U be empowered to nominate one stuilent, who shall be a resident of his Senatorial District, to said State Agricultural College, who shall be entitled to receive the benefit of a full course of instruction at said college without any charge for tuition, sub- ject to such rules and regulations as may be established for the government and direction of said college.* Sec. 135. The trustees shall make an annual report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction on or before the first day of October, to be by him printed with his report and laid be- fore the Legislature at the beginning of each regular session. Such report shall give a full exposition of the financial condi- tion of the corporation, the progress and improvements made, the nature, cost and results of experiments, and such other matters, including State industrial and economical statistics, as may be supposed useful; one copy of which the Superin- tendent shall transmit by mail to each of the other colleges which were endowed under the provisions of the act of Con- gress of July 2, 1862; also a copj^ to the Secretary of the In- terior, and one to each house of Congress. 1899^ Selected by the County Board of Public In- struction by examination. May make ap- plication to the Faculty. Abbr, Sec. 294. K. S. Stite Senators to nominate one student. Tb., Sec. 295. Trustees to re- port to Super- intendent of Public instruc- tion . Tb. ,Soc. 297. *.\oTE. -The Colli'j^c now admits all who apply free of tuitioti. APPENDIX. Some of The Session Laws of 1893. Chapter 4192. AN ACT to Pi'f'scrihe Rales and Regulations for Licensing Tt-achers; to Provide for Uniform Examinations; to Stcure Fairness in Ex- aminations and in Issuing Teachers' Certificates, and for Other Purposes. He it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Skction 1. No person shall be permitted to teach in the public schools of the State who does not hold a teacher's certificate, granted in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Sec. 2. There shall be five grades of certificates issued as herein specified, and named respectively, to-wit: Third grade, second grade, first grade. State, and life, certificates. Sec. 3. No certificate, except life certificates, shall be issued except on written examinatioii, or written and oral examina- tions, as provided in this Act. Sec. 4. Any applicant for a certificate of any grade, before being eligible for examination, shall present to the examiner a written endorsement of good moral character from a respon- sible person, and shall pay an examination fee of one dollar, which fund shall be applied as hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. An applicant for a third grade certificate shall be examined in orthograph}', reading, arithmetic, English gram- mar, composition, penmanship. United States history, geogra- ph}', physiology, and theory and practice of teaching, and must make an average grade on the above named branches of sixty (GO) per cent., with a grade in no branch below forty (40) per cent. The examination in reading shall be both oral and written. A third grade certificate shall be good for the period of one year from date of issue, and no person shall be per- mitted to teach longer than one year under a third grade cer- tificate. Who to teach schools. Certificates, how graded, Good charac- ter. Qualifications for third Grade Certifi- cates. 48 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. For Secouci Grade. For Krst Gracie. State Certiti- cates, how Is- sued. Average Grade. Life Certifi- cates, who en- titled to. Mode of exam- ination. Skc. ti. ,4 second grade certificate shall be issued on exam- ination in the branches a,s prescribed for a third grade certifi- cate. An average grade of seventy-five (75) per cent., shaO be required, with the grade in no branch below fifty (50) per cent., which certificate shall be good two years from date of issiie. No teacher shall be granted more than two second grade certificates. Sec. 7. An applicant for a first grade certificate shall b«^^ examined in civil government, book-keeping, algebra, and physical geography, in addition to the branches required for a. third grade certificate. An appellant for a first grade certifi- cate must make an average grade of eighty (80) per cent., and shall grade in no branch beiow^ sixty (60) per cent. A first grade certificate shall be good for three years from date of ititv issue. Sec. 8. A State certificate shall be issued only by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to persons holding a first grade certificate and who have taught at least twenty- four (24) months (eight months of which must have been taught in this State successfully under a first grade certificate). The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue no State certificate, except on written examination in the following branches in addition to those required for a first grade certifi- cate: Geometry, trigonometry, physics, zoology, botany, Latin, rhetoric, English literature, mental science and general history. A candidate for State certificate must make an average grade on the prescribed branches of eighty-five (85) per cent., with the grade io no branch below sixty (§0) per cent. A State certificate shall be good for five years from date of issue. Sec. 9. Any teacher holding a State certificate issued under this Act, and who has taught successfully in a high school in this State for the period of thirty (30) months, may be granted a life certificate by the State Superintendent, without further examination, if endorsed by three persons holding State cer- tificates as possessing eminent teaching ability and as having been eminently successfully in governing and conducting a school. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the State Superin- tendent from granting special life certificates to eminently successful kindergarten or primary teachers, who have taught three years in thiis State, go©d only in that department of schools. Sec. 10. Candidates for third, second, or first grade certifi- cates shall be examined by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction on questions prepared in all cases by the SCHOOL LAW8. 49 State Su{)«*riiiten<]erit of Public Instruction. The questions 1899. shall he sent sealed to the (/Ounty Superinteinleiits of the va- rious counties, which seals shall not be broken until the morn- ing ot the (lay on which the questions for that da^' are to be used, and then only in the presence of the persons assembled for examination. Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of securing or attempting to secure the prepared ques- tions, or who shall furnish the prepared questions to an}' teacher or other person in any other way than prescribed by this Act, shall be debarred f(-om teaching a school or fro?n holding any school office in this State, "^rhe candidates for certificates shall ask no questions, nor receive assistance from any source durmg the examination. In case any examinee may be in doubt as lo the meaning of any question, he or shjd may state in writing the point in doubt and answer accord- ingly, which answer shall receive due consideration in grading the papers. Sec. 11. All examination papers shall be prepared in the presence of the County Superintendent or his appointed as- sistant, who shall collect the questions and answers on each branch as completed, and said examiner shall accept no paper of any examinee containing a name or mark which would in- dicate to any other than the examiner its author. Said exam- iner shall himself, on collecting each paper, designate it by a number known only to himself, and shall keep a record by number and by name of the author of each examination paper. Every examinee shall complete and hand in the answers on each branch before the questions on any other branch shall b". given out. When eveiy examinee has completed all the branches, the examiner shall arrange and bundle together all the papers of each examinee, and shall deliver the whole to a grading committee. Sec. 12. The County Board of Public Instruction, prior to any authorized examination, sh\ll appoint three teachers hold- ing the highest grade certificates among the teachers of the county as a grading committee; said committee shall, imme- diately after the close of any examination, carefully examine and grade, agreeably to instructions sent out by the State Superintendent, each paper turned over to it by the County Superintendent. When the said committee shall have com- pleted its work it shall deliver back to the County Superin- Duties »fsucb tendent all papers turned over to it, with a gradation sheet committee, j showing the shade of each examinee in each branch upon which he or she was examined, ^Iso the average grade and rank of each examine*. The County Superintendent shall wIk) to pr.'puit- examiuatioLi pa per.s . G-nidias Com uiiitee. 50 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Where exami- nation papers to be filed. To keep secret names ol Com- mittee. Fees. Extent of Cer- tifieates . First Grade Certificates to toe endorsed. Kevocation of Certificate. then, for the first time, make known to the grading committee the name corresponding to the number of any examinee, and shall then in the presence of said committee present his list and write on said gradation sheet the name of each examinee after his or her proper number. Tne said grading committee shall retain one copy of said gradation sheet and shall file one with the County Superintendent, who shall issue certificates to the examinees making averages according to the provisions of Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this Act, and to no others. Sec. 13. All examination questions and answers prepared by the applicants for certificates shall be filed in the office of the County Superintendent and properly preserved for at least one year, and in case any candidate is dissatisfied with the grading of his or her papers, he or she may authorize the County Superintendent to have his or her answers, with the questions, published in any newspaper the examinee may designate. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the County Board of Pub- lic Instruction, before every public examination, to appoint a grading committee, and to keep secret the names of persons comprising said committee until its work is performed. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the County Board to pay the members of the grading committee two dollars a day and five cents a mile each way one trip for the actual distance traveled and for the time necessary to perform their work. In estimating a day, ten hours' actual service shall be counted a day, and not more than five days shall be allowed for the com- pletion of the grading of all the papers after any examination. The grading committee shall be paid out of the fund created by the examination fees, and the balance of said funds shall be kept by the County Board and be applied to employing lec- turers and to defraying the expenses of Teachers' Institutes in the county. Sec 16. Third and second grade certificates shall be good only in the county in which they are issued. Sec. 17. Any first grade certificate may be endorsed by the County Superintendent of any county in the State, and then will become good for its unexpired time in the county in which it is endorsed, as well as in the one in which it was issued. State and life certificates granted in accordance with this Act shall be good throughout the State for the periods for which they are granted. Sec. 18. A certificate of any grade may be revoked by the authority issuing it, when the holder proves to be unsuccessful, incompetent, or is proven guilty of any gross immorality. A .SCIIOOI. LAWS. 51 tirst grade cei tiKcate may be revoked for any of the aV)Ove 1S99. reasons by a County Superintenflent endorsing it. Sec. 19. There sliall be held two examinations a year in each county in tlie State, beginning on Tuesday after the tirst ,p^^.^_ examimi- Monday in Miy and September, and each may continue one tious. •or more days at the discretion of tlie examiner and a vote of the examinees; Proi'ided^ That only one examination niay be held in any county, if two be found unnecessary. Sec. 20. The State Superintendent, for sufficient cause, may wueutoire order examinations held on days other than those prescribed b}' Section 19 of this Act. Sek. "21. Any Superintendent, county or State, violating the iprovisions of this act, upon conviction shall be fined not less Peuaity. than fifty nor more one hundred dollars, and shall be de- barred from holding any school office in this State. Skc. •I'l. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act ^|,. ^^.3^, are hereby repealed. Skc. -Jo. This Act shall take effect after .lanuary 1st, ISOl. Approved Jun- -S, 189:5. CllM'TER 4193. A\ ACT to Provide for the Election of Members of County Boards of Public Instruction, an(J to Fix their Compensation. Ji<; It Enacted hi/ the Legidature of tJie St; the lioard of Public In- struction for the County Cornnussiuners. It shaU require a majority of the votes of those voting at any such election to determine any matter in the affirmative. If such sub-district is created, three school trustees shall be elected therein, upon a day to be fixed by the Board of Public Instruction, and on the same day bi ennially thereafter. Skc. 2. All voters in such election for sub-districts or trus- tees shall have the qualilications specified in section one for petitioners for electioiis to establish sub-districts. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of these trustees, on or before the last Monday in June of each year, to prepare an itemized estimate, showing the amount of money required for the nec- essary common school purposes of their sub-district for the next ensuing scholastic year; stating the rate ot millage to be assessed and. collected upon the taxable property of their sub- district to cover such amount, not to exceed three mills on the dollar, A copy of the itemized estimate herein provided for shall be hied with the Clerk of the J^oard of County Com- missioners, which Board shall direct the Assessor of Taxes to assess, and the Collector to collect the amount so stated. Moneys collected under provisions of this. Act shall be paid over to the trustees of the sub-districts in which the tax is levied. Sec. 4. These trus.tees shall, under the direction of the Board of Public Instruction, supervise each school in their district, and see that the teachers perform their work promptly and enei-geticall}'^, and that the general work, discipline and moral of the school is satisfactory^, and rei)ort to the Board of Pul>lic Instruction at their regular monthly meetings. Sec. 5. They shall also be a corporation with the usual powers for the purpose of performing their duties. Sec. 6. They shall receive and hold the money which may be assessed and collected as hereinbefore provided, as a special ^ tax to be disbursed in the district where collected solely for Powers. school purposes, such as building school houses, furnishing the same, repairing, heating and cleansing, and when necessary paying any legitimate delicit due the teachers. I'hese trustees shall be required to give bond in twice the amount raised by the special tax, to be approved by the County Board of Pub- lic Instruction before receiving any such money. Further duties of Trustees. Ti5 be corpo- rate. 54 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Mode of abol- i shins. Repeal. Sko. 7. Any sub-district may be abolished by like proceed- ings as those above provideii for its establisliment. The boundaries of such sub-district shall coincide with the bound- aries of the election di-trict, excepting that if a portion of an election district being in an incorporated city or town shall be included in a sub-district composed of such city or town, the remainder of such election district not included in such city or town may become a school sub-district in the same manner as though it were an entire election distiict. Sec. 8. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved June 2, 189:3. What to con- stitute school flay. Chapter 4195. AN ACT to Amend Section 255 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida, and to Define and Declare What Number of Hours Shall Comprise a School Day. Beit EiiacUd by tJiC Legislature of the State of ' Florida: Section 1. That Section 255, Revised Statutes of the State of Florida, be amended so as to read as follows: 255. School Dx\y, Month, Tekm and Yeae. — First. A school day shall comprise not less than five (5) and not more than six (6) hours, exclusive of recesses. The time to be fixed by the Board of Public Instruction of each county. Second. A school month contains twenty days, exclusive of the first and last days of the week. Third. A school term contains four school ;nonths. Fourth. A school year contains two terms. Approved June 6, 1893. Beginning of school year. Chapter 4196. AN ACT to Deiine a School Year, and to Provide for the Opening and Closing of School Terms. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That, beginning with July 1st, A. D. 189-3, the school year for all pubhc schools shall begin on the first day of July and end with the last day of the following June; and SCHOOL LAWS. Time of open- ing schools. that all reports, tinancial and otherwise, to the State Depart- 1899. ment shall embrace such business and matters only as take place within the limits of the school year thus defined. Sec. 2. The time for the opening of the ]iublic schools for each county shall be determined l>y the Cbunty Hoard of Pub- lic Instruction; Prorhlcd^ 'J'hat all schools must begin so as to close before the last day of June. Skc. 3. Any public school in the county failing to complete its public term before the terminus of the school year, shall Forfeit of forfeit the proportion of its tinancial apportionment not used ™oneys. by neglecting or failing to maintain a school for the full term of school in that county, and in that case all moneys so for- feited shall be apportioned among the several schools of the county at the next annual apportionment. Skc. 4. No school in any countj'^ shall begin before July first of the school year to which that term of school belongs and for which the apportionment is made. Sec, 5. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved June 2, 1893. No school to begin befoie .Jvily Ifet. l^ESOI.UTION No. 3. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing pn \mendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida. Jit' it Resoloed by the Legislature of the State of Florida: That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida be, and the same is hereby agreed to, and ^'^Ic v'^fn shall be submitted to the electors of the State at the gene- xii, ofthe' ral election in October, A. D. 1994, for ratification or rejec- <'0"^titution. tion: Section 7, of Article 12, of the Constitution is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 7. Provision shall be made by law for the appor- tionment and distribution of the interest on the State School Fund and all other means provided, including the special tax of 'st^hooi'^'"^" for the support and maintenance of public free schools, i*'""'!- among the several counties of the State in proportion to the average attendance upon schools in the said counties respect- ively. Approved June '•?, 18*1:5. SCHOOL LAWS. SESSION LAWS OF 1895. Applicant for Third Grartf Certificate. Amendment fc'coond Grai'e. AmeudraoiU First Grade. State Ceititi- cate. CHAPTER 4331— [No. 10.] AN ACT to Amend Sections .5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13. 16, 17 and 19, of Chap- ter 4192, of the Laws of Florida, the same bein? '-An Act Entitled an Act to Prescribe Rules and Regulations for Licensing Teachers, to Provide for Uniform Examinations: to Secure Fairness in Ex- aminations and in Issuing Teachers' Certificates and for Other Purposes." Be it JE)uicted by the I^eire of the fState <\f Florida: Section 1. That Section 5, of Chapter 4192, of tlie Laws of Florida be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: An applicant for a third grade certificate shall be examined in orthograph}^, reading, arithmetic, English graramer, composi- tion, United States history, geography, physiology and theory and practice of teaching, and must make an average giade in the above named branches of sixt}'^ (60) percent, with a grade in no branch below forty (40) percent. The examination in reading shall be both oral and written. Sec. 2. That Section 6, of Chapter 4192, of tlie Laws of P'iorida be, and the same is liereby amended to lead as fol- lows: A second grade certificate shall be issued on exami- nation in the branches as prescribed for a third grade certifi- cate. An average grade of seventy-five (75) per cent, shall be required, with a grade in no branch below fifty (50) per cent. Sec. o. That Section 7, of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Floi'ida be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: An applicant for a first grade certificate shall be examined i» civil government, algebra and phj^sical geography, in addition to the branches required for a third grade certificate. An ap- plicant for a first grade certificate must make an average grade of eighty (80) per cent, and shall grade in no branch below sixty (60) per cent. Sec. 4. That Section 8, of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Florida be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: A State certificate shall be issued only by the State Superintendent of Public Listruction to persons holding a first grade certificate and who have taught at least twenty-four (24) months, (eight months of which must have been taught in this State successfully under a first grade certificate). The cate. SCHOOL LAWS. 57 ^>upeiiiiterKk'iit of Pu\)iic rnstruction shall issue no State (ter- 1899. titicate t-xcepl on written examination in the followintr branches: (Geometry, trieconometry, physics, zoology, botany, Latin, rhetoric, Eiiijjlish hterature, mental science, and general history. A f-andidate for a State certificate must make an average grade on the prescribed branches of eighty-hre (85) per cent., with the grade in no branch below sixty (tjl)) per •cent. Skc. ;■). That Section 9, of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Floritla, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Any teacher holding a State certificate issued under this Act, Lue aMtifi and such of Chapter 419-i of the Laws of Florida as are not hereby repealed, and who has taught successfully in a high ^school i)i this State for the period of thirty (oO) months, may be granted a lite certificate by the State Superintemlent with- 4rnit further examination, if endorsed by three persons holding State certificates as possessing eminent teaching ability, and as having been eminently successful in governing and conduct- ing a school. Sec. G. That Section 12, of Chapter 411)2, of the Laws of Florida, be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- ilaws: Tlie Conntv Board of Public Instruction, prior to any ^iii'iiiii; Conv • * ■ .11 - , .1 , L 1 ij" ' imtU'«r. autiionzed examuiatmn, shall appoint three teachers hoiamg the highest grade certilicate among the teachers of the county as a grading committee: said committee shall, immediately after the close of any examination, carefully examine and grade each paper turned over to it by the County Su|>eriii- tendent. When the said committee shall have comjjleteil its work it shall deliver back to the County Superintendent ail papers turned over to it, with a gradation sheet showing the grade of each examinee in each branch upon which he or she was examined, also the average grade and rank of each exam- inee. The County Superintendent sball then, for the first time, make known to the grading committee the names correspond- ing to the number of any examinee, and shall then, in the presence of said committee, present his list and write on said gradation sheet the name of each exanunee after his or her proper number. The said grading committee shall retain one copy of said gradation sheet, and shall tile one with the County Superintendent, who shall issue certificates to the examinees, making averages according to the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Act, and to no others. Sec. 7. That section lb, of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Third orade Florida, be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- Certificates. lows: Third grade certificates shall be good ordy m the 1, 1S!>.-). CiiAi'TKK 4SH4— [No. ];].] AN ACT to Establish at Bartow. Florida. The South Florida MiU- tary and EJucati inal lastituie, and to Provide an Appropriatioa therefor. Ji<^ it K)i(i. Each Senator, during his term of ofHce, shall be em- powered to nominate, upon competitive examination, one stu- dent, who shall be a resident of his Senatorial District, to said nom^'iallMu- South Florida Military and Educational Institute, who shall fit^'^ts. be entitled to receive the benefit of a full course of instruc- tion at said Institute without any charge for board, lodging, tuition, use of text-books, washing, fuel, lights and use of arms and equipments. Said students to be subject to such rules and regulations as may be established for the govern nient and direction of said Institute. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the sum of sixty-four hundred dollars ($6,400.00) ^,,p,.onria- be, and the same is hereby apportioned for each two ensuing tion. years, commencing September 1, 1S95, out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Skc. 5. That this act shall take effect upon its approval by tVte (governor. Approved M ly 2!), ]89j. C-' . SCHOOL LAWS. 1,8^9- . Chapekr 4B35— [No. 14.] AN ACT to Prohibit White and Negro Youth from being Taught in the Same Schools. Be it Enaated by the Legidature of tJie ^tate of Florida: Section 1. It shall be a penal offense for any individual, body of individuals, corporation or association to conduct within this State any school of any grade, public, private or parochial wherein white persons and negroes shall be instructed or boarded within the same building, or taught in the same class, or at the same time by the same teacher. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of P^^u.^ity. Section 1 of this Act, by patronizing or teaching in such school shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not less than 1150.00 nor more than $500.00, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than three months nor more than six months for every such offense. Sec. 3. All laws or parts of laws in conflict w^ith the pro- visions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect September 1st, 1895. Approved May 29, 1895. Chapter 4336— [No. 15.] AN ACT to Provide for the Division of Counties into Convenient School Sub-Districts, and for the Election Bi-enniaily of Three School Trustees, and for the Levying and Collectija of a District School Tax, and Providing for the Holding of Elections for such Purposes. -Be it Enacted Inj the Legidaiare of the /State of Idorida: Section 1. That an election may be held in any city, town^ community, section or division of any county, under the order and direction of the Board* of Public Instruction of any county upon the petition of one-fourth of the registered and qualified voters of any such city, town, community, section or division of such county, who are tax-payers on real or personal property therein, to d^etermine whether such city, town, com- munity, section or division of such county, shall be a school sub- district, and for the election of three trustees therefor^ and to determine the raillage to be assessed and collected annuall}'- during the succeeding two years. Such election shall be held and the result ascertained and declared as nearly as practicable in the same manner as is provided by law for the holding of elections concerning Article JSC'HOOf. LAWS. G3 XIX of the C'onsUlution, substituting tlie J->i);ir(l of Piihiic In- 1899. structioji for the County Conimis.sioiiers. It shall require a ,^,^;^, of majoritv of the votes of those voting at any such election to tiioso votiu;^ determine any matter in the attirmative. At an election to '^"i"""'' • decide whether such sub-district shall be formed three school trustees shall be elected to serve as such, should a majority of the electors vote for and create such sub-district, and on the same day bi-ennially thereafter, and at each of such elections the millage to be assessed and collected annually during the succeeding two years for school pui-poses in such sub-district shall be determined by a majority vote of the qualiHed elec- tors as herein provided. Notice of holding any such election to determine whether such city, town, corumunity, section or other division of such county, shall be made a school sub- district, or for the election of school trustees, shall bo made by the Board of Public Instruction by publishing a notice in a newspaper published in such city, town, community, section or other division of such county to be made a school sub-dis- trict, for four consecutive weeks; Prorkled^ That the cost of such publication shall be paid by the school sub-districts re „ •^ .'-.''... ,,., Proviso. speclivel}^, or .by posting such notice in three public places, Avithin the limits of such city, town, comtnunity, section or other division to be made a sub-district, for thirty days })rior thereto. Skc. '1. Ail voters in such election for sub-districts or trus- tees shall have the qualifications specitied in section one for Qualification. petitioners for elections to establish sub-districts. Sec. 3. The petition mentioned in section one of this Act shall fix and detine the boundary of the city, town and adja- Q^juudary. cent territory, community, section or other division intended to be made and formed into a school sub-district, which bound- ary shall include but one public school, except in incorporated towns. Sec. a. It shall be the duty of the trustees on or before the last Monday in July of each year to prepare an itemized esti- mate, showing the amount of money required for necessary ^^^^^ °^ '^'^^^ common school purpose of their sub-district for the next en- suing scholastic year; stating the rate of millage to be assessed and collected upon the taxable property of their sub-district to cover such amount, not to exceed three mills on the dollar. A copy of the intemized estimate herein provided for shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, which Board shall dir-ect the Assessor of Taxes to assess, and the Collector to collect, the amount so stated. Moneys col- lected under the provisions of this Act shall be paid over to ^jj,*\ey"^°'^ °^ the trustees of the sub-district in which the tax is levied. 64 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. Object A corporation. Trustees to give bond. Skc 5. The object of a school sub-di>trict shall be to pro- mote the school interest of the district, when formed, by the collectioji and judicious appropriation of a special scliool tax. Skc. 6. They shall also be a corporation with the usual powers for the purpose of performing their duties. Sec. 7. The}^ shall receive and hold the money which may be assessed and collected as hereinbefore provided as a special tax, to be disbursed in the district where collected, solely for school purposes. These trustees shall be required to give bond in twice the amount raised by the special tax, to be approved by the Board of Public Instruction before receiving any such mone^^ Sec. 8. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect upon its approval by the Governor. Approved May 20, 1895. Duty of Tnis - tees. Chaptek 4337— [No 16.] AN ACT to Amencl'Section 3 Chapter 4194, Laws of Florida, Enti- tled an Act to Provide for School Sub-Districts in Counties and Towns, and to Provide for the Levying and Collection of Taxes for the Support of Schools in such Sub-Districts, Approved June 2, 1893. Be it Enacted by tJie Leg isUi tare of the State of Florida: Section" 1. That Section 3 of Chapter 4194 be amended so as to read ag follows: Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of these trustees on or before the last Monday in June of each year to prepare an itemized estimate, showing the amount of money required for the nec- essary common school purposes of their sub-district for the next ensuing scholastic year; stating the rate of millage to be assessed and collected upon the taxable property of their sub- district to cover such amount, not to exceed three mills on the dollar. A copy of the itemized estimate herein provided for shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commis- sioners and the Comptroller of the State, and it shall become the duty of the Comptroller to assess all railroads and railroad property situated in such school sub-district upon the filing with him by the County Commissioners a copy of the amount to be assessed by the County Commissioners, and the Corap- SCHOOL LAWS. troller shiill follect the ainoiiiit so assesijifd by ihe County Commissioners in such sub-district and pay over the same to the trustees of such sub-district. Sec. 2. All laws in conflict with this amendment aie heieby lepealed. Approved June 1, 1^)95. CiiAi>TEK 4a6li— [Nu. 4L] AN ACT to Amend Sctions 272, 273. 274 of the Revised Statutes of Florida, Relaiive to the Powers and Duties of the Board of Man- agers of State Bhnd. Deaf and Mute Institute. Jie it Kiuivttd bt/ the Ltujixhitare of t/w State of Floriiht: Skction 1. That Section 272 of the Revised Statutes of P'lorida be amended to read as follows: Section 272. Said Board of Managers shall provide fur the education, care and maintenance at said asvlum of all persons Duty Bourci . ,. •' 1 • o 1 .1 L- "■ • 1 ■ of Maiuigfrs. residing m this State between the ages of eix and twenty-one years, who may be blind, or deaf and dumb. Sec. 2. That Section 278 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida be amended to read as follows: Section 273. Any person entitled to admission into said In- stitute, or the parent, guardian or next friend of such person, may apply to the Board of County Commissioners of the County Com- county of his residence, and the County Commissioners, it L^sue certifi- satished that the person is so entitled to such admission, shall ^'^te to aL.m,t issue a certificate to that effect, upon which the applicant shall be received into the asylum. Sec. 3. That Section 274 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida be amended to read as follows: Section 274. Said Board of County Commissioners shall suppl}^ means of transportation of such persons to said asy- lum, and at tiie close of each session the Boaid of Managers tlou"^^"'^''^' shall supply means of transportation for the inmates to their respective homes and return at the .opening of the next suc- ceeding session. The same to be paid for out of the general appropriation for the maintenance of said asylum; those who have the means will be required to pay the necessary expenses, tuition excepted, of their children or wards. Sec. 4. All laws or parts of laws in conflict lierewith are hereby repealed. SCHOOJ. LAWS. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passasje and ap- proval by the Governor. Appi-v^ved May 31, 1895. ELECTION OF COUNTY BOAKDS OF rUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Extract from the General Election Law, being Chapter 4o28, Laws of P^lorida, approved June 1st, 1895. Section 3. * * * A County Board of Public Instruc- tion consisting of three members, one member from each School Board District elected from the several counties at large of this State, shall be chosen at the general election A. J). 1896, and at every general election thereafter, unless changed by law. SCHOOL LAWS. SESSION J.AWS OF iSOT. 67 1899. CiiAi'TKi; '4f)0G— [No. 'J'^.] AN ACT to Provide for Teachers' Summer Schools, and to Make Appropriations Therefor. Whereas, Tlie value of the public schools must be meis- ured by the character of tlie teachers employed; and Whereas, Teachers' Summer Schools have been recognized in all the States as one of the most potent means of improv- ing the work of those engaged in teaching, by awakening- greater interest and enthusiasm in their work and in improv- ing their scholarship and suggesting the best inethoils of in- struction; and Whereas, The Trustees of the Peab'ody Fund have deemed mone}' expended in the direction of improving the teaching- force as the wisest disposition of their trust in distributing its benefits to all the children, and have demanded that the Legis- lature make an appropriation to supplement their donation for this particular branch of scliool work; therefore I^e it Enacted bij the .Legislature of the State of Florida: Skctiox 1. That the sum of three thousand dollars for the year of 1897, and three thousand doUai-s for the year 1898, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the purpose of holding as many Teachers' Summer Schools at such limes and places as the State Superintendent of Fublic Instruction ma}^ designate, and as the fund appropriated and donated by the Peabody Trustees will sustain. Sec. 2. That impartial provision shall be made for the in- struction of teachers of both races in these Summer Schools for the period of two months, and the suras appropriated in the foregoing section shall be subject to the order of the State Snpermtendent of Public Instruction, and paid upon requisition of said Superintendent upon the Comptroller, out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropri- ated. . Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to submit a report to the next General Assembly, showing where and the number of such Summer Schools ('(iiiducted, the number of teachers attending each by p. e limbic. Appropriation. Appropriation subject to or- der of State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction. Duty of State Superintend- ent of Fublic Instruction. 68 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. sex and race, the number of ooiiductors of each school, the number of days service rendered by each, and submit vouch- ers for every dollar of the fund paid out. Sec. 4. Any laws in coni^ict with this act is repealed by this act. Salary and •aaileage of aaembersof County School ■Boards. aS Ch.vptku. 456(- — [No. 53.] AN ACT to Amend Section 5, of Chapter 4193, Laws of Florida, Being an Act Fixing the Salaries and Mileage of the County Scliool Boards. He it Enacted hij the Legislature of the State of Florida: Sectiox \. That Section 5 of Chapter 4193, Laws of P^'lor- ida, be amended to read as follows: The members of the various County School Boards shall be paid from the county school fund for their services, two dol- lars per day, for each days service, and ten cents per mile for every mile actually traveled in going to and from the county court house by the nearest practical route. Sec. 2. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved June 4, 1897, Maimer of •selecting stu- dent for free itirition.etc. Chapter 4568— [No. 54.] AN ACT to Amend Spctions 3 and 4, Chapter 4334, Laws of Florida, Entitled an Act to Establish at Bartow, Florida, The South Florida Military and Educational Institute and to Provide and Appropri- ate Therefor, Approved May 39, 1895. JBe it Enacted hij the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 3 of Chapter forty-three hundred and thirty-four be amended so as to read as follows: Sections. The Representatives from each county in con- nection with the Senator representing said county shall be empowered to name upon competitive examination and in such manner as the State Board of Education may prescribe, one student for each county who shall be resident in said county to the said South Florida Military and Educational Institute who shall be entitled to receive the benefit of a full course of instruction at said Institute without charge for SCHOOL LAWS. 69 board, loe held hi enniallv. Trustees have Bupervisioii of public schools. Trustees to perform duties of .Supervisor . Removal of Trustees. Schools to be under control of County Board of Pub- Instruction and County Superimend- ent. Proviso. district, that have paid a tax on I'eal or personal property for the year next preceding any such special tax election. Sec. 7. All qualified voters resiciing within the territory soaght to be made a special tax school district that pay a tax on real or personal property shall be entitled to vote in said election, and a majority of the votes cast shall deter- mine any matter voted upon, pertaining to a special ti^x school district. The cost of the publication of the notice of such election, and of the election itself, shall be paid by the County Board of Public Instruction out of the first moneys- collected from the special tax district. Sec. 8. Elections shall be held bi-ennially in each special tax school district, as near as practicable upon the anniver- sary of the original election, under the direction of the County Boftrd of Public Instruction, to determine M^ho shall be Trustees for the succeeding two j^ears, and the number of mills of district school tax to be levied for each of said years;, said elections shall be held under the same rules and resfu- lations, and qualifications of electors shall be the same as prescribed for those voting in the original election creating a special tax school district. Sec. 9. Whenever a special tax school district is created and Trustees are elected, they shall have the supervision of all the pubhc s'^hools within said district. The position of Su- pervisor shall be superseded by that of Trustees, and the- duties prescribed by law for Supervisors shall be performed by the Trustees. The powers of Trustees shall not be those of control, but of supervision only, and shall extend to all the public schools within the special district. Any Trus- tee failing to discharge the duties of the position shall be removed, after due notice to such Trustee, by the County Board of Public Instruction, and all vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees from any cause, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the County Bourd of Public Instruction,, upon nomination by the patrons of the school. Sec. 10. All public schools conducted within a special tax school district shall be under the direction and control of the County Board of Public Instruction and County Super- intendent as in other districts, and subject to the same laws, rules and regulations prescribed for the conduct of other schools, exce})t that the Trustees shall have the power to nominate to the County Board of Public Instruction teachers for all schools witliin such special district; Pr(>vided^ That no person be nominated for teacher who does not hold a teach S( IIOOL LAWS. 73 er's certiticate iinimjjaire(i by siisf)ension, revocation or limi- 1899. tation, or that will not remain in full force for the term of scliool, and obtained in compliance with the laws of the pubu^fin!"'^'^ State. The County Board of Public Instruction shall have structiou right ., • , ^ ^ . .* ^ , . ^ , T . , to reject iviiv the rigiit to reject any teacher nominated, and m case the teacher. second nomination of a teacher for any position be not rati- fied, the said Board shall then proceed on its own motion, to fill vacancies in the teachinej force in any school in the special tax school district. Sec. 11. The lioard of Trustees shall have the fuither right to say what proportion of the school funds raised within powers oi the district shall be applied in any year to building, repairs '''"'■*'^'^'^'- on buildings, to school libraries, to salaries of teachers, and to other educational purposes; Procided, That they shall make a fair and equitable distribution of the funds among all the schools in the special tax school district, which shall be showMi in their itemized estimate. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of these Trustees, on or be- fore the first day of June in each year, to prepare an itemized Duty of estimate, showing the amount of money necessary and likely '^'^^'ecs. to be raised for the supplement of the county school funds appropriated to the district for the next ensuing scholastic year, and to certify therein the rate of millage voted to be assessed and collected upon the taxable })roperty -within the special tax school district for that year. This estimate shall set forth clearl^^ the apportionment of money raised within the district pro rated to each school within the district, stat- ing the amount that will be applied to the salaries of teachers, buildings, furniture or for other educational })urposes. It shall also state the number of miles of railroad track and telegraph lines within the bounds of the district. This item- ized estimate shall be made in triplicate, one copy to be tiled with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, one copy with the Comptroller of the State, one copy with the County Board of Public Instruction; Pro^nded^ That where there are no railroad or telegraph lines in such district such itemized estimate need not be furnished to the Comptroller. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners to order the Assessor to assess, and the Collector to collect the amount legally assessed upon DutyofCouiUi the property of the special district, at the rate or millage ers. designated by the Board of Trustees, and paj^ the same to the County Treasurer; it shall be the duty of the C-omptroller of the State to assess all railroads and railroad property, to- troiicr^^ ^™**" gether with telegraph lines and telegraph property situated in 74 SCtlOOL LAWS. 1899. Duty 01 County Board of Public In- struction . County Treas- urer liable for special tax. Special tax fund. Trustees to be a corporatioli. Proviso. such school special district, and to collect the taxes thereon in the same manner as required by law to assess and collect said taxes for State and count}^ purposes, and to remit the same to the Treasurer of the counties, to be bv them held to the credit of each special tax school district fund and to be paid out as hereinafter provided. It shall be the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction to add the amount set apart for the salaries of teachers in each school within the special tax school district to the county appropriation made for that school, and upon this determine the salaries to be paid teachers and the length of the term that the school shall continue, and contract with teachers for the full term that said fund, arising from both county appropriation and the special tax fund, will sustain the school. The part of this fund aris- ing from the special tax shall be paid to tlie teachers upon the order of the County Board based upon reports approved by the Trustees, the same as other school funds are paid upon' the endorsement of school Supervisors. The County Treas- urer shall be liable for all special tax school district funds upon his oflicial bond, after receiving said funds, as in the case of other countj^ revenues. Sp:c. 13. The special tax fund set apart by the Board of Trustees for the payment of teachers shall not be subject to requisition for any other purpose by said Trustees; the funds estimated for other educational purposes shall be paid out by warrants of the Board of Public Instruction of the county upon the County Treasurer, said warrants to be based upon requisitions made by the Board of Trustees accompanied by itemized bills for things purchased or work performed. All special funds collected within a school district shall be dis- bursed solely for school purposes within the district in which collected, and, as near as practicable, in the year in which the tax is collected, upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees; Provided., That the Trustees shall make no con- tract with one of its members embracing any monetary con- sideration. Sec. 14. The Trustees of any school district shall be a cor- poration and may hold property, sue and be sued, and perform other corporate functions, and perform the usual duties neces- sary to provide buildings, repair the same, and to purchase libraries and other school appliances; Provided, That no debt shall be created without the approval of the County Board of Public Instruction. SCHOOL LAW8. 75 Sec. 15. Nothing in this act shall have the effect to abro- 1899. gate or anywise impair any existing school sub-district, but xot to eiiect the same are hereafter to be governed by this act. ^^l*!!"^ school Skc. 16. Children residing outside of any special tax school district shall not attend school in any such district without siiie oPspe^iai tlie consent of the Trustees thei'eof, and of the County Board t'\^ , ,. , . . r T-. 1 1- T • r» • J ^ rrii i • - i • KCllOOl illstnct. of Public Instruction; l^rovidea, Ihat nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent attendance from an ad- Proviso. joining county, provided the County School Board of such adjoining county shall pay a pro rata share ol such attend- ance. Such pro rata share to be estimated by the Trustees of such school where such attendance is made; Pi-otu'ded farther, That pupils from other districts or sub-districts shall be sub- proviso., ject to same conditions as i)uj»ils from other counties as pro- vided in this act. Sec. 17. Each voter voting at any election under this act shall vote but one ballot, and the same shall be Avritten, or ■ t- n- printed in black ink on plain white paper, and be substantially of the following form, according as he may desire to vote upon any, or all of the questions submitted: For (or Against) Special Tax School District School Trustees (Stating their names) Maximum Tax Levy: mill^. Sec. 18. All laws or j)arts of laws inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 19. This act shall take effect thirty days aftei- its ])as- sage and approval by the Governor. Approved June ."), 189l>. Chapter 4()79— [No. 18.] AN ACT to Amend Section 260, of the Revised Statute.s of the State of Florida, entitled '•C^^nsus by Supervisors" and Section 261. of such Revised Statutes, entitled "Oa Failure of Supervisors, Superintendent to Take Cen-ius." He it Enacted hy the Le;/!slupils and j)atrons may dictate; Atid Pnkrtded^ That the en- tire adoption shall be consummated bj July 1, 1901. ISkc. '2. The selection of books to constitute such unifoim system in each county shall be made by the County J^oard of J^ublic Instruction of the county, who before deciding upon any book or books shall consult with the County Super- intendent of Public Schools and at least three leading teach- ers of the county. J^efore any adoption shall be made at least sixty days' previous notice of the time and place such adoption will considered published once a week for three successive weeks in some newspaper having a general circula- tion throughout the county, or in the absence of such news- paper to be posted in at least live different and conspicuous places in the county shall be given by the School Board; any adoption made hereunder shall last at least five vears. The County Superintendent shall see that the books adopted are used by the pupils and the teachers shall not use any other books in teaching. Sec. 3. Nothing in this act shall have the effect to inter- fere with or impair any entire or partial adoption heretofore made and now existing in any county of the State. Se(". 4. This act sliall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor. AppiQ-.-ed June 5. ISD!). 1899. Selection of books to be made l)y County Boa n Is. Notice of uiloi> tioa to b(j Kiven by Scliool iioard. Where act (loL-4 niit iTiter- ferc. ■ CiiAi'TKK 4081— [Xo. -20.] AN ACT to Provide for Teachers' Summer Schools, and to Make Appropriations Tiierefor. Whereas, Dr. J. L. M. Curr}^, Agent of the Peabody Fund, has written the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Prcambie. that he "will gladly renew the appropriation for Teachers' Summer Schools to the extent of $1200, provided the Legis- lature will supplement it hy an equal or greater sum," and there is and always will be a large proportion of the teachers in the public schools without professional training and j^oorlv fitted for the work; therefore, Be it Enacted by the Z,e«/lslature of the St((te of Florida: Section 1. That the sum of one thousand eight hunndred Appropriation dollars for the year 1^99, and one thousand eight hundred ?|°J^^'*'^* ^""^ dollars for the year 1900, be, and the same is hereby 1899. Instruction of teachers of 5'joth races. IJLity (If State Superiutend- ont. SCHOOL LAWS. appropriated for the purpose of conducting as many Summer Schools for teachers, at such times and places as the State Superintendent of Public instructian may deem best, and as the fund appropriated and donated by the Peabody Trustees will sustain. And the sums appropriated shall be jDaid by the Treasurer on the warrant of Comptroller to the teachers of said Summer Schools upon vouchers approved by the State Superintendent accompanied with a certificate of the County Superintendent of the county in which such school has been taught, that the service charged for has been rendered, such accounts to be audited by the Comptroller before payment. Sec. 2. That impartial provision shall be made for the in- struction of teachers of both races in "these Summer Schools, and the sums appropriated in the foregoing section shall be subject to the order of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and paid upon requisition of said Superintendent upon the Comptroller out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to submit a report to the next General Assembly showing the number and location of such schools, the number of teachers attending each, by sex and race, the number of instructors employed in each school, the number of daj's' service rendered by each, and submit vouchers for for every dollar of the fund paid out. Sec. 4. Any laws in conflict with this act are hereby re- pealed. Approved June 2, 1899. Chapter 4682— [No. 2L] AN ACT to Authorize the Board of Public Instruction of any ■ County of the State of Floi-ida to Contract Debts for the Purchase of Real Estate to be used for Educational Purposes, for the Erec- tion of School Buildings, and to Provide for the Payment Thereof^ He it Enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Florida .• Sk(;tion 1. That the Board of County Commissioners upon the request of the Board of Public Instruction after an af- firmative vote of the qualified voters who are tax -payers SCHOOL LAWS. 79 therein and have paid all taxes due by them for two years 1899. next and pi-eceding said election in any sub-school district or comity com- couiity which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon such missioners nu- Bub-schooi district or county as the case may be, are hereby imnhase real authorized to contract debts for the purchase of real estate to yor'educaUonaJ be used for educational purposes, for the erection of school purposes. buildings, and to pa}^ such debts out of the current income of any year, or out of the income of succeeding years; J^roolck'd^ That the necessary expense of maintaining the schools in any ffoviso. county during any year shall constitute the first claim against the school fund of that year. Sec. 2. That tlie Board of County Commissioners upon the request of tlie Board of Public Instruction after an affirma- tive vote of the qualified voters who are tax-payers therein and have paid all taxes due by them for two years next and preceding said election in any sub-school district or county, couuty com- which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon such sub-school misMonei-au- ... , ^ 111 1 • T thonzert to district or county as the case may be, are hereby authorized to borrow money. borrow money from time to time as occasion may require to discharge any debt or liability incurred for the purclaase of real estate for educational purposes, for the erection of school buildings, and to pay the interest and principal out of the current income of any year, or out of the income of succeed- ing years; Prodded, That the necessary expense of main- taining the schools in any county during any 3'ear shall con- stitute the first claim against the school fund of that year. Sec. 8. This act shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Approved June 1, 189!). Chapter 1666 — [Xo,. 5.] AN ACT Relating to- the Cf^llection of and Accounting for Poll Taxes Collected in this State. He it Enacted hy the Leoard who shall neglect to comply with the provisions of this act shall be suspended from office. Seo. 2. It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, acting as Secretary of the County School Board, to make and forward monthly a certified copy of the monthly lists of persons who have paid their poll taxes, mentioned in Section 1 of this act, to the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, who shall file and preserve the same in his office as a part of the public records and furnish copies thereof when requested by citizens of this State. Approyed June 2, 1899. REGULATIONS AND FORMS 1'UKS(K1i;ki) uy the State Board of Education J895. Dki'Artmknt oy Public Instruction, Tallahassee, Fla., Oct. 7, 1895. In cuiupliaiico with the provisions of Seclijii 33, para- j^raplis 1st and 7th, the following Regulations, Instructions and Forms have been prescribed by the State Board ot Education for tiie use and guidance of school officers and teachers. ( Yide Section 3.) REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS. GENERAL. • Regulation 1. Persons to be eligible to school offices or positions most be of good moral character, temperate, up- Eligibility to • I . •! 1 . ^ J • i.- 11 ii -Ix school office. right, resDonsibie, competent, and in luIl sjmpatliy with the public educational system of the State. Reg. 2. All Rules and Regulations prescribed by County Boards of Public Instruction, not at variance with the ForceofKeg- Statutes or the Regulations and Instructions of the State uiations. Board of Education, shall have the full force and eflect of law, and must be respected accordingly. Reg. 3. County school officers and teachers shall in all cases use the blanks, forms, registers, etc., prescribed and ^**''° "^^ ^' furnished by the State Department. 82 SCHOOL LAWS. 1899. To be com- missioned by State Superin- tend eDt. To hold regu- lar meetings. When to issue warrants. When to con- tract With teachers. To assign teachers. \Yhen to as- si an teachers. COUNTY .B0A1U)S OF PUBLIC IIs'STliCCTION. llvxi. 4. Members ot County Boards of Public Instruc- tion before assuniino- the duties of the office, must be com missioned by the State Supei-intendent of Public Instruc- tion. The Seci-etary of State, as soon as practicable after any general election, shall notify, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the election of School Board mem- bers in each county, giving name, kchool Board District, and post-otiice addiess of each; and the State Superintend- ent, on or before the lirst day of January thereafter, shall issue and transmit commissions to said members elect. Reg. 5. County Boards of Public Instruction shall hold regular meetings, at least monthly, during the session of scliools, when they shall examine carefully all teachers' reports, issue warrants, hear the I'eport'of tlie County Su- perintendent and transact other business. Reg. 6. County Boai'ds of Public Instruction shall not issue a warrant to any teacher, until the monthly I'eport of said teacher, on which the warrant is based, be made out in conformity with the blanks furnished, and in compli- ance with the directions given in the Teacher's Register. Reg. 7. County Boards of Public Instruction shall not contract with any person to teach a school who does not hold a Teacher's Certificate, unimpaii'cd by suspension, revocation or limitation, and granted in accordance with laAv. Nor shall any person be entitled to compensation from th.e public fund until he has been employed and con- tracted with by a Board. Reg. S. It is the duty ot County Boards of Public In- st^-uction to select, assign and contract with teachers. This duty can in no case be delegated to Supervisors or patrons; but tlie Supervisor may report to the County Board, for its consideration, the names of such teachers as he thinks best suited to the requii^ements oi the school and most satisfactory to tlie patrons. RiiG. 9. County Boards of Public Instruction sliall, at the first reguler meeting after the June examination in each year, proceed to assign teachers to schools for the ensuing scholastic year, selecting tirst from the list of teachers those holding State or County Certificates, sala- ries ma\ be fixed and contracts entered into at a subse- quent meeting. After the September exan)inatioii, all va- ctmcies that exist shall be filled in like nianner. IIKCJULATIONS AND lOKMS. S8 Ki'Xi. 10. Tlu! State Board of Education eanict^tly ad- 1899. rnoniBiies County Boards of Public Instruction to exercise I '~'. .•' , , ., , , , lo avoid t:i- j^reat caution in the employ inent oi teaclier^, tliat tliey vontism n)ay not subject tlieinselves to the chari>'e of beinu; inllu- •enced by personal or political favoritism, sectarianism, or by ties of relationship. 11kg. 11. The State Board of Education calls the special attention of County Boards of Public Instruction to the lo prescribe — Teacher's Third Grade Certificate. 17 — -Teacher's Second Grade Certificate. 18 — Teacher's First Grade Certificate. U> — Teacher's State Certificate. -lit — Teacher's Life Certificate. 2i — Teacher's Temporary Certificate. ii2 — Suspension (»r Revocati^m of Teacher's Certificate. '2o — Award of Board of Public Instruction on Charges Acrniust Teacher on Appeal. 1>4 -Contract with Teacher. 90 LIST OF FORMS. 25 — Teaclner's Monthiy Report. 26 — Teach (M-'s Final Report. 27 — Notice of Suspension of Pupil Uy Teacher. 28 — Notice for Special Meeting of Board. 29 — Warrant on Treasurer of County Board of Public Instruction. 30 — Notifying County Superintendent ot Apportion- ment of School Fund. 31 — Notifying Comptroller Who is Authorized to Re- ceive County School Fund. 32 — Requisition on Comptroller for School Fund Ap- portionment, 33 — Bond ot Trustees. 34 — Contract for Building School House. 35 — Deed by Husband and Wife to School Property. 36 — Itemized Estimate by County Board of Public In- struction. 37 — Itemized Estimate by Trustees. 38 — Monthly Financial Statement of County Board. 39 — Annual Report of County Superintendent. (Omitted in this Compilation.) 40 — Teacher's Daily Register. {Omitted). ^^W° County Superintendents must order these blanks by number, slating the numbd of each blank required. F^ORA^S. No. 1. Notice of Kleftion as Mentber of (Jomitij Jtnurtl <>f P>i1>h< TnKtriicHon . Notice of Elfction. Office of \ State SiirERiNTENjJENT of Public LvsiRUirriov, ^- Tallahassee, Fla., 190 . . ) SiK-You have been elected to the office of Member of the Couitty Jioard of Ptiblic Inxtrncti,o)i . Tf accepted, yoa will subscribe and execute the oath an- nexed to the Letter of Acceptance herewith transmitted. The oath may be taken before any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clerk of Court, or Notary Public. On receipt of Oath of Office, your commission will be forwarded to 3'ou. Very i-espectfully, Secretary of State Board of Education and State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. To , Esq. Every school officer is required, before entering upon the du- ties of his office, and within ten days after receiving notice of his appointment, to subscribe to an acceptance of the appointment and to pledge that he will faithfully perform the duties of the position, and to forward the same with his post office address to the State Su- perintendent of Public Instruction. — Revised Statutes, Section 332. No. ± Oath if Office of Member of County Board of Public In- struction . OATH OF office. State of Floimka, * ) County of > 1 do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of 92 FORMS. the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under this Consti- tution, that T will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Member of the Board of Public Instruction, in and for the above named county, on which I am now about to enter. So help me, God. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... day of .... 190 . To , Secretary of the State Board of Educa- tion: I accept the office of member of the Board of Public In- struction in and for the county of The above is the oath of office taken by me. My School Board District is No My Postoffice address is Yery respectfully, No. n. Com/It it^sio/t of an Elected Member of County Board of Public Instruction. DlCrARTMEXT 0¥ LvSTKUCTrOX, \ StA'J'E of FLORtOA. C In the name and by the authority of the State of Floi'ida: Whkkeas, was duly elected on the day of . . . , A. D. 190 . . , to be the member of the FORMS. m County FJoard of Public [nstniction in and for the county of , from School Board District No. ..'.., for the term of two years from the first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in January, A. I). 190. ., and untilhis successor he elected and qualified according to Section 3, Chap. 43"28, Laws of I^lorida: Now, therefore, I, , Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Florida, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the laws of the State, and by Regulation No. 4 of the State Board of Education, do hereby commission said to be a member of the County Board of Public Instruction of county, for the District and term aforesaid, to have, hold and exercise the said office and all the powers appertaining thereto, and to perform the duties and receive the privileges and emoluments thereof, in accordance with the requirements of law. In testimony whereof I do hereby set my hand and affix the seal of the State Board of Education, at Talla- [skal] hassee, the Capital, this the .... dav of A. I). 190.. State Supt. Pub. Inst. No. 4. Coniinlsslo)t of an Appointed Men) her of Coiint)/ Jioard of Pohlir rnstritction . Office of ) SiATK Board of Educatiox of Fcorioa, ,^ Tallahassee, , 190. . ) Mr /..., , Fla. Sir — Vou are hereby appointed by the State Board of Ed- ucation of Florida to be a member of the Board of Public Instruction for the county of , to fill the unex- pired term of , member from school Board District No , of county aforesaid. If accepted, notice of same must be returned on enclosed blank within ten (10) davs after receipt of appointment (Sec. 9, Par. \vr\ respectfully, [skal] , Secretary. 94 FORMS. No. 6. Acceptance of an Appointed Member of County Board of Public Instruction^ County of State of Florida, ,190. To , Secretary State Hoard of Education. SiB — I have the honor to accept the appointment bj the State Board of Education to be a member of the County Board of Public Instruction for the county of from School Board District No. ... of said county, and here- by }»ledge myself to perform faithfully and impartially the du- ties of the office. (Sec. 9, Par. Ist.) Very respectfully, No. 6. Hemoiiing Member of County Board of Public Instruction. Office op State Board of Education of Florida, [- Tallahassee, , 190 . . ) To Sir — For [state reason] you are hereby removed from the County Board of Public Instruction for county. Very respectfully. President of Board. , Secretary. P'OKMS. 95 No. 7. Rerom.>nt^ndin(]l School Supervisor. (P. O.) Fla., . ... 190. . To (Jo. Supt. Pub. Instruction. Sir — Five days' notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting having been given by the Supervisor, the pairons of school No , at met and organized by the election of the undersigned as Chairman and Secretary. After ballot of the patrons only, it was found that a majority favored the appointment of Mr. or Mrs , of (P. O.), as Supervisor of said school. We hereby endorse as a citizen of good moral character, temperate, upright, responsible, possessing a fair education, and as one who will perform the duties of the <^ffKce impartially and faithfully. Chairman. Secretary. No. 8. Appointment of School Supervisor. Office of Board of Public iNSTRUcxioisr, countv of , , Fla., ,190.. To Sir, or Madam — Having been duly recommended and en- dorsed as a suitable person to act as Supervisor of school No. . . . . , situated at , at a meeting of the Board of Public Instruction held on the .... day of , 190 .. , you were appointed accordingly (for four years, or to fill the unexpired term of)., or during the faithful performance of the duties of the office. Blank form of acceptance herewith enclosed must be signed and returned within ten (10) days, or the appointment will be considered rejected. Very respectfully. Secretary and County Superintendent. 96 FORMS. No. 9. Acceptance of Appointment as ^School Super oiKor. , Fi.A., I ,190.. ^ To , Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. List. SiK — I hereby accept the appointmeut as School Supervisor for School No . . . . , situated at , and pledge myself to perform all the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. Very respectfully, No. -10. Notice of Election of School Trustees. County or , 190 . . > State of Florida, ) To , Co. Slept, and Sec. Board JPuh. Inst. Sir — Whereas, At an election, notice of which having been given as required by law for four consecutive weeks, ordered by the County Board of Public Instruction, and held on the day of , A. D. 190 . . , to determine whether the territory fully described in a petition presented to said Board shall be a special tax school district, and for the election of three trustees therefor, and to determine the millage to be assessed and collected annually during the succeeding two years, a majority of the electors resident in said territory and qualified according to Section 7 of Chapter 4678, Laws of Florida, did vote to create such special tax school district and the district is established; therefore, we, the under- signed inspectors of said election, do recommend as en- titled to receive commissions as trustees of said special tax school district No , and otherwise known as school district, the three persons named below, because they received the highest number of votes cast for trustees at said election. FORMS. 97 Nam ks. l*<>s r-( )kfi'k Si (P. O ) ....190.. \ To , Sec. and Co, Supt. Pub. Inst. SiE — I have received your letter of enclosing commission of the Board of Public Instruction of this county as Trustee of special tax school District No . . . . , <;alled School District. I hereby accept this position and pledge myself to perform its duties impartially and faithfully. Very respectfully. No. 13. Mndorsetnent of Applicant j'or Comity Examination. To , ........;... ....,190.. i Co. Siipt. Pub, Inst., County. SiK — This is to certify that I have been personally ac- '-u,Hweiuhiifonfor Life Certi/iaafe. LA., ) 90.. {■ >Siate Si/pt Pah. Inst. S.K-We the undersigned, each of us being a holder of a ^^r^-^lf^l^l" ^r"-'^"^^ ^^^^ '^^ previous of acZa^^ted w7t^ r t^^"^f^^"^ ^eing well and personally acquainted with the work and character of o,. i haying personally observed methods and" noted ' " " success ,n the class room, both in the matter of instruction and discipline, .do therefore endorse ^«ln to you as a teacher worthy and well qualified in eyery respect to receive a 1 eacher's Life Certificate: ^ lespect ^^ery respectfully, 100 FORMS. No. IS. Teacher s Third Grade Certificate, Note. — The different grades of Certificates are lithographed and issued in books of 100 each, with stubs. Stubs in all cases must be filled out ae indicated. STATE OF FLORIDA. No [seal ok state.] Fok 2 Years. Teachee's Certificate— Third Grade. To the Board of Public Instruction of County: This certifies that having presented the requisite endorsement of good moral character^ and hav- ing been legally examied and found to possess the qualifica- tions for a Third Grade Teacher,, as prescribed in Section 1, Chapter 4331, an act to amend Chapter 4192, an act to pro- vide for the Uniform Examination of Teachers, is hereby authorized to contract with your honorable Board, to teach in the public schools of this county, for two years from this date. Given under my hand this .... day of 190 . . Supt. of Pub. Inst Co. Standing on examination, scale 100: Orthography....^ Reading . . . . , History . . . . , Arithmetic . . . , , English Gram- mar . . . . , Geography . . . . , Composition . . . . , Physiology . . . .^ Theory and Practice of Teaching . . . . , General Average .... N. B. — No candidate can be awarded this certificate who fails to make a general average of 60 per cent., or falls in any branch below 40 per cent. • Form of Stub to Third Grade Certificate. No .... Date or issue , 190 , . To Sex Race Ao^e .... Home P. O „ Certificate expires Standing on examination. Scale 100. (Same as in body of certrfie||i©). FORMS. 101 No. 17. Teachers Second Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No [seal of the state.] For 8 Years, I'ea^ueh's Certificate — Second Grade. To the Board of Public Instruciion County: This certifies that having presented the requisite endorsement of good moral character, and having been legally examined and found to possess the qualifications for a /Second Grade Teacher, as prescribed in Section 2, Chap- ter 4:331, an act to amend Chapter 4192, an act to provide for Uniform Examination of Teachers, is hereby authorized to contract with your honorable Board to teach in the public schools of this county, for three years from this date. Given under my hand this the .... day of 190 . , Supt. of Pub. Inst., Co. Standing on examination. (Subjects same as for Third Grade). Scale 100. N. B. — No candidate can be awarded this ceitificate who fails to make a general average of 76 per cent., or falls in any branch below 50 per cent. It may be endorsed by any County Superintendent, and so endorsed becomes good for its unexpired term in such county. ( Vide /Section 8, Chapter 4331). Form of Stub for Second Grade Certificate. No Date of issue , 190 . . To ... " ' . Sex Race Age Home P. O Has taught . . months .... Last Certificate was Grade, Issued from county, Dated Standing on examination (Same as in body of certificate). Scale 100. No. 18. Teache'/s First Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No.. [seal OP state.] For Four Years. Teacher's Certificate — First Grade. To County Boards of Public Instruction, Greeting: Be it known that having presented the requisite 102 FORMS. endorsement of good moral character^ and having parsed satis- factory examination as prescribed in Sec. 3, Chap. 4331, an act to amend Chapter 4192, an act to provide for the Uniform Examination of Teachers, is therefore entitled to the rank of First Grade Teacher, and is hereby licensed to teach in the Public Schools of countv for the term of four years from date. Given under my hand this the day of , 190 . . Supt. of Pub. Inst Co. Standing on examination, scale of 100. Orthography . . . ., Reading . . . ,, TJ. S. History . . . ., Geography . . . ., English Grammar . . . . , Arithmetic . . . . , Composition . . . . , Physiol- ogy . . . . , Theory and Practice of Teaching . . . . , Civil Gov- ernment . . . ., Algebra . . . ., Physical Geography . . . ., Gen- eral Average. N. B.-^This certificate may be endorsed upon the reverse side by any Count}^ Superintendent, and so endorsed becomes good for its unexpired term in such county. Sec. 8, Chap. 4331. (The following will be contained in side stub to this certifi- cate). No . . , Issued . . . . , 190 . . , To . . . . , Sex . . . . , Race . . . , , Age . . . . , Home P. O . . . . , No. months taught . . . . , Grade of last Certificate . . . . , Where issued, ....•...., Date of Same . . . . , Standing on examination. Scale 100. . (Same as in body of certificate). No. 19. Teacher'^s State Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No . . [seal of state.] For Five Years. Teacher's State Cekttficate. Office of ) Superintendent of Public Instruction, )~ Tallahassee, , . . . , 190 . . ) To County Boards of Public Instruction: Whereas, The bearer has presented evidence to show that has taught successfully at least twenty- F()RM^^. 108 four nionthK (fight or more of which in schools of Florida), and that is a persoTi of good moral character, pos- sessing ability to govern and aptness to teach, and has passed satisfactory examination in the branches prescribed in Sec. 4, Chap. 4881, an act to amend Chapter 419li, an act to provide for the Uniforin Exaniination of Teac/iern is here- by licensed to teach in any county in this State, and exempt from further examination for five years from date. Witness my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Edu- cation, this the ... day of . . . . , 190 . . State Supt. Pub. Inst. Standing on Examination, scale of 100. Geometry , Trigonometry . . . . , Physics . . . , Zoology . . . . , Botany , Latin , Rhetoric , English Literature , Mental Science General Hij^tory . . . . , Average .... (The following is the side stub to this certificate). State Certificate, No , Date of issue 190 .. , To, , Sex . . . . , Race . . . . , Age ..... Home P. O Last Certificate was Grade, Issued from county. Dated , Standing on examination. (Same as in body of Certificate.) No. 20. Teacher ><■ Life CertifivaU. No.. STATE OF FLORIDA. Perpetual. Tka(^her's Life [seal of state.] Certificate. Alios JJocendo Ih'scimus. The eminent (jualifications of as a teacher of youth, having been shown b}'^ . . . .distinguished success in the schools of this State, and having presented the requisite en- dorsements and testimonials as provided by Sec. 5, Chap. 4331, Laws of Florida, is therefore awarded this Diploma which is of perpetual validitj^ and forever exempts from further examination as a teacher in the public schools of this State. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education, at the city of Tallahassee, this the . . . day of . . . . 1 90 . . , State Supt. Pub. Inst. (Seal State Board of Education). 104 FORMS, No. 21. Teacher s Temporary Certificate. Office of ^ SuPERIJ*fTENDENT OF FuBLIC INSTRUCTION, CoUNTY. >- .. . : 190.. ) This is to certify, that having placed on file in my office evidence of maintaining a good moral char- acter, having furnished satisfactory reasons for having failed to attend the regular examination, having fairly made the grade on each branch recorded below in a special examination ■conducted by me, and having, in addition thereto, manifested considerable knowledge of the art of imparting instruction and managing a school, is therefore granted this Teacher's Temporary Certificate and is hereby authorized to teach the public school No. , at in this county, only until the first State examination. STANDING IN THE EXAMINATION. Orthography Composition .... Theory and Practice Reading U. S. History . . .Algebra Arithmetic Geography Civil Government English Grammar. .Physiology General Average Co. Supt. Pub. Its St. N. B. — County Superintendents of Public Instruction will issue this certificate to no applicant who fails to make the fninimum and average grade required for a Third Grade Cer- tificate. .■ No. 22. Sasjyensicn or Bevocation of Teacher's (Jertificate. Office of Board of Public Instruction, | COUN-TV H)0.. \ •To , , Fla. Dear — It is my unpleasant duty to infortu you that certain charges have been preferred against you, on appa- rently sufficient "grounds, alleging that (state the charges plainly and briefly— see Section 48, Paragraph loth,) in conse- quence of which your certificate to teach a public school is hereby declared suspended (or revoked, as the case may be,) FOliMS. ' 105 and the. right to teach a public school in this State, as veil as the privileges conferred by said certiiicate, are suspendeD ^ o 6 'A ^ -x ^ S K O Q ??; H H H <^ O o c c S -t^ -w J^ o a fl — o o ba -u -*j ~ r« *3 JS «4-i O a c . ■ S § ^"^^ $ 5 S . 4> "^ S 0; o5 ce.^^ J ,r-j ^_2 O OP o >>„ — 9 CS O) Qj O :^S^ 2 O U J o St; c o c o c o ^ •- ^ 4J rt ^ c?^' 5^^ S g a. , 03 ^ „ ^ ^ «*_. ^ d^'o ^t; ^'a c o So I o33&D>bC>tiC>Ss33 H 55 ^3 .^ -^ O i: "T i. fc. t. S O <^ ''«-i lu ^ b ;^ ^4 1. (1) Q^ U OJ il> ^ -O jO ^X) S 3 a a E = 5333 *ST3 o= •« bC.S t? 'O O -*^ ._ tfi , Q^ — C x> a. cs 3 ^ o a. 3 j= 35 a -rj ■;:; ^'- "= ?-&^ '^ - 3 a> S CO a; 53 ■^-i >, >, >>.£ rt 03 c3 CO ;. -,- ^ o Oj 0, a <» 0« a ^ 3 en 3 a a< (£ a a 3 3 55 !z c • • • -.2: u 3 3 ^ ■ ^.2a^Z- O O +a t>>« o .a o OWh-JpLifflNO- ■5 ^ •^ ^ < ~ -J *-§ 05 S " H 5 CO 13 a, ^ 0) • o 01 .a to o.ii 03 oc 0) u 03 t>, SsBO ■" 3 •aw:: • 2'-' a* a) a *" qO^ b t, a - cj-'^ « 3 3 eS (p a a) <-^ sa t.B 2 o a CO *" oS eS ura *J a; a> oc^fi 03 OS smgaS « S3 •-' 3 wr3 1^_ i^ QE-tJ e<3'3 -iS oi Sm-tJ °1 OS '^ sS h (1) S OS 03 t».B o * B S ^> ri m C ^ f< • _+^ - * 3 • n (3^ •"•a as 3 4, P o3 ^ 3 5 3 a; a so . ^a . I* 0,v— •3i> 4; .5 OS :=H g _ a ss :«•§ — « . 3P as - MJQ p t. c S'd^'=S <» SoSs3a,«o:J aj3f--oC^-Mia c 03*3 u £ >«> o g CC S i 00 O fe "^ ?? ac.2 - a o '!- J2 ^ isC • •)- II0 o;^o^' ^ -a CD ^'S -g ^ a .2 ^ "S S'fl „; '^ "-' ■ !-i ii dj a g So - . § a M S |M2 « S-o CO 9 t» fci O — CCS ^ ^ k4 01 a> 03 aaa 3 3 3 f^ ^ CD 3 i^ M t, 3 a d a> I. i« ^^ oi O) a> x" ^ ^ .a 4;>pO saa;=i^ o § s b as a a < b 3 ■w ^ c O 3 H Pk H •"1 oi > 6li 3 a c i i ! iS'S 1 •B t. ^ •- a ; i >h5 .1 &3 W ..; "= 1 O c o « fu ^^ . O 1|^ OS O o ^4)33 33 ©"SjC o S'. d- O! "« 12 III 38 5 i i,2a\ ip\ Q \ o 1 o .1 *3 - ? §82. ^§3 «- t s 1 ^ te ,( o J . 6 bja . i n cs ■afa 3 C ca^ , ^ I; oi 11 u; «^ . Ill :..:.:.: i a -< u b H a a o o Ed -<< S ■a Q ^c c o 1^^ li « O o !;;;;;■;; «aSO §11 5^1 g-3.2 060 a, ^11 .:.::!!:: 6 a 4 X JL i ■ : : ; : : : • • -il s (£4 •/3 tc o CoiTNTY. ) This contract made and entered into between A B of the county of , State of Florida, and the Board of Pnblic Instruction for the county of , State of Florida, and their successors in office. Witnesseth: That, in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand paid to A B, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, and of the further sum of . . . . (insert total amount) to be paid as hereinafter provided, the said A B agrees to build a (describe the building here merely in general terms as log, frame, brick, etc.,) and furnish the material therefor, according to the plan and specifications for the construction of said house, hereunto appended, at (describe the local- ity) and on such lot as the Board may direct. The said house is to be built of the best material, in a sub- stantial, workman-like manner, and is to be completed and de- livered to the said Board, or their successors in office, free from any lien for work done or material furnished, by the day of , 190 . . ; and, in case the house is not fin- ished and ready for delivery by the time herein specified, the «aid A B shall forfeit and pay to the said Board, or to their successors in office, for the use of the public schools of the <50unty, the liquidated sum of (insert the forfeit money), and shall also be liable for all damages that may result to said Board in consequence of such failure. The said Board hereby agrees for themselves, and their suc- cessors in office, to pay the said A B the sum of dollars, when the said house is finished and delivered as herein stipu- lated; (or .... dollars when the foundation of the house is fin- ished; and the further sum of dollars when the walls are up to the square and ready for the roof; the remaining sura of dollars when the said house is completed) as per plan and specification and keys are delivered. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be sub-let, transferred or assigned, without the mutual consent of both parties. FORMS. 115 Witness our hamls aii Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. Witness; Note — Plans and specifications should be attached to the i'on tract. Boards should not attempt to build permanent and expen- sive school houses without getting some good mechanic or architect to draw up full and distinct plans and specifications. Work on all school buildings should be done by contract and let to the lowest responsible bidder, and the money paid by the Board directly to the contractor himself. No. 85. Deed hy Husband and Wife to School Property. Note — It is the duty of County Boards of Public Instruc- tion to obtain titles in fee simple to all school property. (Sec. 40, par. 1st.) The following form will answer in either case, whether the wife owns the property, or only signs to release dower. State ok Flokiua, ) CouMTY. ) Know all men by these presents, That we, A B and C D, his wife, of the county of , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of dollars, to us in hand paid, and by us received, do hereby bargain, sell, grant and convey unto the Board of Public Instruction for the county of , State of Florida, and to their successors in office, the following described premises, situated in the county and State aforesaid, to- wit: (Describe definitely the premises by giving starting point, metes and bounds), together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to have and to hold in fee simple forever. 8 116 FORMS. In witness whereof the said A B, as well as C D, his wife^ who joins in this conveyance for the purpose of absoluteljr transferring all her claims to, and relinquishing and convejing all her estate and her right of dower in the above described premises, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals,, this .... day of , in the year one thousand nine hundred and A B, (Seal.) C D, (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us — State of Florida,} County. v I, a {Justice of the JPeace^ or Notary Public as the case may he) in and for the State and county aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this day of A. D. 190 . . in said county, before me in person appeared ^ -5 and C D^ his wife, both of them to me personally known, each of whom did duly and severally say and acknowledge before me that they and each of them did execute, sign, seal and deliver the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses and purposes therein expressed. And the said Mrs. C JD , upon an examination had and made by me separately and apart from her said husband, did say and acknowledge before me that she executed, signed and sealed said deed for the purpose of absolutely conveying, re- leasing, relinquishing and renouncing all of her estate, right, title and interest in and to the land in said deed described, whether the same be dower interest or estate, or an independ- ent separate estate in her own right, and that she did the same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. In witness whereof I hereunto, in the presence of the said acknowledgers, set my hand and seal the day and year above written. A B (sign here). CD (sign here). [SBAL.J (J. p. or Notary sign here, and attach private or official seal). FORMS. 117 No. 36. Itemized JEstimate by County Board of Public Instruction. Office op Board of Public Instruction, County, June . . , 190 . . {See Par. 18^A, Sec. 40.) To Hon , Chairman., arid Members of the Board of County Commissioners: Sib — The County Board of Public Instruction in session on this day found the following funds necessary for school oper- ations in county for the school year beginning July 1st, A. D. 190. ., and ending June 30th, A. D. 190. . For payment of outstanding warrants $ For purchase of text-books, charts, etc , For construction of school-houses For rent of school-houses For repair of school-houses For insurance of school-houses For incidental expenses of schools For furniture for schools For per diem and mileage of School Board For incidental expenses of Board and Co. Supt. . . For salary of County Superintendent of Schools For salary of teachers of school No. 1 for .... Mos For salary of teachers of school No. 2 for .... Mos For salary of teachers of school No. 3 for. . . .Mos (Complete list of schools). Total $ A levy of . . . .mills on the taxable property of the county will be necessary to give the amount imperatively needed, and- we hereby request you to levy the same. By order of the County Board of Public Instruction. Chairman Co. Board Pub. Inst. >••• ....J Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. 118 FORMS. . ■ No. 37. Itemized Estimate of kSchool Ti'ustees. State of Florida, "^ Special School Tax District No . . . County of \- (P. O.) June... ., 190. .. .^ To Hon , Chairman, and Members Board County Commissioners. SiRS--In compliance with Sec. 12, Chapter 4678, Laws oE Florida, the School Trustees of Special Tax School District No. .... . . ,l Trustee (E^^A copy of the above must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, one with the Comptroller of the State, and one with the County Board of Public Instruc- tion. See Sec. 12, Chapter 4678, Laws of Florida. No. 38. I Monthly Piaancial Statement, of County Board of Public Instruction State of Florida, County of tIDA, \ To Hon , * Clerk Circuit Court. Sir — In compliance with Section 2, Chapter 4332, Laws of Florida, we hereby file with you the following itemized finan- cial statement of all school moneys received, appropriations made and warrants issued for the month ending, the day of , A. D. l99.. (T^^In publishing, blank items may be omitted. — o — RECAPITULATION. Total receipts during the month $ Total expenditures during the month % Balance in treasury Deficit in funds. . . . 120 FORMS. 190, ITEMIZED RECEIPTS. Balance in Treasury last report From Tax Collector, county School levy . " " poll tax " " poll tax State Treasurer, redemption of lands. . . " " one mill tax " " school fund interest County Supt., tuition non-resident pupils " '* examination fees Total receipts. *Here state amount from other sources. ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES. U 1 = To Whom. For What. Date. § S < «4 Joan Doe . . Salary as Teacher {The above is sample of entry This space may be extended to suit requirements. ) Salary County Superintendent Traveling expenses Co. Supt Oct. 2, 1895 |40 00 Per diem and mileage as mem- ber of Board (( <; <( a .( CI Office expenses of County Su- perintendent and Board School lot at No. Building school house at No FORMS. 121 ... Repairs on school building at No. ki H ki ti 1< ii Rent of school building at. . . No <« H ii i {KtulorKenieiit for linck of' tftis I''\.>ri/i.) FIXAXCrAL STATEMENT. BOARD OF I'TBLIC INSTRUCTION OK County. For month ending day of 1 90 Filed with Clrkk of Circuit Court, the day of. . . . .190.. We certify that the within statement is true and correct in every particular. Chairman Co. Board Pub. Inst. Attest: Co. Supt. Pub. Iii^t. INDEX. I'ar. Sec. Pge. ACCOUNTS - Audited and paid by County Boards 7 40 17 ACTS OF LEGISLATURE— Providing for Uniform Examination of Teach- ers (1893) 47 Amending the above (1895) 36 Election of County School Boards (1893) 51 Amending the above (1895) 66 School Sub-Districts and Special Tax (1893). . 53 Amending the above (1895) 64 School Sub-Districts and Special Tax (1895). . 62 School Districts and District School Taxes (1899) 70 Defining school day, month, etc. (1893) 54 Prescribing limits of school year, etc. (1893). . 54 School Boards and Treasurers f.o publish re- ports (1895) 5J^ Monroe County Board, special duty (1895) ... 60 Establishing South Florida Military and Edu- cational Institute (1895) ... 61 Amending the above (1897) 68 Prohibiting race co-education (1895) 63 Institute for Blind and Deaf, amending (1895) 65 Providing fo»- Teachers' Summer Schools (1897) 67 Fixing per diem and mileage of School Boards (1897) 68 School Census by County Superintendent (1899) 75 County Uniformity of Text- Books (1899) 76 Providing for Teachers' Summer Schools (1899) 77 School Boards may contract debts and borrow money 78 Poll taxes, collecting and reporting (1899) 79 AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE 44 126 INDKX. Par. Sec. Pge. APPARATUS— Counly Board to provide 5 County Superintendent to look after Penalty for defacing APPEALS— State Sui^erintendent to decide upon or refer. btate Board to entertain and decide State Board to prescribe manner of making. . County Superintendent to notify of right of. APPENDIX APPLICANTS— For examination, requirements of For Third Grade Certificates, requiremrhts for For Second Grade Certificates, requirements for For First Grade Certificates, requirements for For State Certificates, requirements for For Stfcte Certificates, must file certain evi- dence For Life CertiGcates For Temporary Certificates, to furnish satis- factory excuse, etc 49 24 APPOINTEES— To notify of acceptance and make pledge...... 1 _ 9 10 A PPORTIONME NT— Of One Mill Tax, when made Of Interest on State School Fund By VFhom made, and the basis 4 Basis changed When made on discretionary basis 5 APPROPRIATIONS— To South Florida Military Institute (1895) To same (1897) To Teachers' Summer Schools (1897), To same (1899)...... 1 77 ARBITRATIONS— What matters settled by 13 10 Powers of Hrbitrators 13 10 Who to prescribe manner of conducting 3 15 11 5 40 17 2 48 22 124 42 6 33 14 3 15 11 3 15 11 3 48 23 47 61 26 62 26 63 27 64 27 65 17 33 89 66 17 6 6 7 6 33 14 7 55 33 14 4 61 23 13 1 67 Sec. Pgc. 14 83 or, ;)4 104 37 10.-) 87 lO.) 88 ;};5 14 40 17 48 22 98 35 118 41 15 83 18 84 26 85 ixoEx. 127 Far. ARBOR L> AY -ASSESSORS OF TAXES- To assess school district tax School district tax, how to carry out County school tax, how to carry out To issue warrants ATTENDANCE OF PUPILS— A i-erage attendance, basis of apportiontnent. 4 Largest attendance, what do to secure 5 County Superintendent to look after 2 On special tax schools, when by outsiders. . . . F'-otn another county, when. Tuition for, when may be required To be restricted to own district For holidays, how reported B. BLANKS- Printiutj; and distribution of I 38 14 Use of bj' County Superintendent 4 48 22 Use of by school officers and teachers 3 81 Forms of (See list on pp. 89-90) 91-122 Reports of Co. Supts. to conform to 11 85 Applications for Life Certificates to conform to 34 86 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- See County Commissioners. BOARD OF EDUCATION— See State Board of Education. BOARD OF MANAGERS— Of Institute for Blind, Deaf and Dumb 24 13 General Duties of 26 13 Shall proTide inmates transportation 28 13 Shall provide necessary clothing, etc . .' , 89 13 Shall provide for education of inmates 30 14 Shall report to the Legislature 31 14 See Institute for Bund. Deaf and Dumb. 128 INDEX. Par. Sec. Pge, BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION-- Shall consist of three members 43 21 Electt^d every two years 43 21 One from each School Board District 44 21 Elected by county at large 44 21 By whom commissioned 4 82 When term of office shall begin 43 21 Vacancies in, how filled , 45 21 To be a body corporate, powers defined 34 15 Procedure of orgauizatioa 35 15 Titles to school property shall be vested in 36 16 Compensation of members. 37 16 From what fund paid 15 ' To hold regular meetings 17 40 19 To meet at least monthly 5 82 To convene in special session, when 17 40 19' County Superintendent to be Secretary of 38 16 To fix compensation of County Superintend- ent 15 40 19 County Treasurer to be Treasurer of 39 16 Duties of 4© 16 To disburse school funds solely for public free schools ,. 9 6 To hold and dispose of school property 1 40 16 To locate and maintain schools 2 40 16 To appoint Supervisors 3 40 16 To select and provide school sites 4 40 16 General discretionary duties and powers 5 40 17 To establish high schools § 40 17 To employ, contract with and pay teachers. .6 40 17 To locate schools not nearer than three miles. 6 40 17 To audit and pay all accounts due 7 40 17 To keep record of official acts 8 40 17 To make certain reports 8 40 17 To file itemized annual financial statement. ..9 40 17 Statement to be certified, published or posted 9 40 17 To file itemized monthly financial statement. 10 40 17 Statement to be certified, published or posted 10 40 17 To adopt county uniform system of books 11 40 18 To consult with certain ones in selection of books 12 40 18 Prior adoptions not to be impaired 13 40 18 To prescribe course of study and grade schools 14 40 18 To require physiology taught in every schocl. 14 40 18 INDKX. 129 Par. Sec. I'ge^ To exercise plenary powers 16 To prepare and file itemized estimates 18 To select students for certain echoola 19 To appoint Grading Committees 20 See also To pay members of Grading Committees To fix hours of a school day 21 To form School Board Districts, etc 28 To have school census taken, when 24 To look after collection of poll taxes 25 Not contract with a member, f^xcept To determine the date for opening schools To order Special Tax School District elections 22 When to order district elections May change boundaries of, prescribed in peti- tion To publish notice of such elections To appoint Inspectors and Clerks To pay cost of such elections To canvass the vote and declare the result. . . To hold bi-ennial district elections, for what.. To remove Trustees, for what and how To fill vacancies in Boards of Trustees To control Special Tax Schools, except The right to reject teachere and fill To fix salaries of teachers and length of school term To examine books of Tax Collector Authorized to contract debts, conditions Authorized to borrow money, conditions Prohibited from pecuniary interest in the adoption or sale of i^chool books Penalty for Penalty with regard to financial statements.. To select students for Agricultural College. .. Force and effect of Rules and Regulations of.. To use blanks prescribed by State To issue teachers' warrants, when To contract with teachers, when To select and contract with teachers Duty not to be delegated to others To assign teachers, when . . Caution in employing teachers To prescribe course of study 40 19 40 19 40 19 40 19 54-55 25 57 26 40 19 40 30 40 SO 40 30 41 20 79 30 40 30 84 30 85 31 86 31 86 31 87 83 89 33 90 33 92 33 93 33 93 33 93 33 95 34 103 36 116 41 117 41 136 43 128 43 129 43 133 44 3 81 g 81 6 83 7 82 9 82 8 82 9 83 10 83 11 83 ^ Pge. 12 83 13 83 15 83 16 84 17 84 17 84 17 84 18 84 130 TNDEX. Far. Sec To print Rules and Regulntions, etc Recommendation as to Christmas holidays. ... May require tuition fees for non -resident pu- pils To combine schools, when To sub-divide counties into school districts. . To keep record of school districts To furnish Supervisors with district bounds. .. To restrict pupils to their own school Contract with teacher not to exceed life of Certificate 19 84 BOND OR BONDS— When required, by whom fixed and approved 2 9 10 Liability for loss, when officer not uncier.. 3 9 10 Of Srhool Trustees, Form of 113 Kinds, scbool funds may be invested in 16 11 BUILDINGS, BOKOOL— Unlawful to teach whites and negroes in the same 11^ 10 Penalty for violation . .- 12 10 Under charge of State Superintendent 32 14 County Board to provide and care for 5 40 17 Not to be closer than three miles 6 40 17 County Supt. to examine condition of ....... - 3 48 32 County Supt. to look after construction of . . . 10 48 23 Teachers to see not defaced, etc 3 73 28 Teachers to control in vicinity of 4 73 38 Supervisor to overlook construction of, etc. . . 3 75 39 Trustees may provide or repair 97 35 Debts may be contracted for 116 41 Money may be borrowed for 117 41 Penalty for insulting teacher in 131 42 Penalty for introducing obscene prints into. . 133 43 Penalty for defacing with obscene thing 124 43 Penalty for marring or destroying 135 43 Contract for building, Form of 114 o. CENSUS, SCHOOL— County Supt. to take 16 Penalty for failure to take 16 Assistants to make oath 16 School Board to take, when. . , 34 48 33 48 23 48 33 40 30 INDKX. CERTIFICATES, TEAr'HERS'— No person can teac'i who does not hold one. Must be obtained in this State Five grades of Issued on examination, mode of Par. (See Examination). Applicant for, must file endorsement. Form of endorsement, No. 18 Third Grade, requirements for Form of. No. 16 . . . .^ Second Grade, requirements for W. . Form of ^^ No. 17 First Grade, requirements for Form of, No. 18 State, requirements for..; Form oF, No. 19 (See State Certificate). Life, requirements for Form of. No. 20 (See Life Certificate). Third Grade good only in county issued First and Second Grades transferable By whom issued 11 See also See also 10 Terms of Certificate See aho forms 19 and 20 By whom revoked or suspended 1 :! For w hat may be revoked Form of revocation, No. 32 Temporary Certificates, who may issue Term of Form of, No. 21 State Normal College diplomas, benefits of. ... Proviso as to the benefits Trustees to noaiinace only holders of Penalty for violating law in issuing of County Boards to contract only with holders of State and county holders of, to be selected fiist in assignment of teachers 9 Sec. Pge. r)S 2B r.8 26 ;•)<) 26 60 2f) 61 26 98 100 m 27 101 64 27 101 6.^) 27 103 66 27 10:} 67 27 68 27 4« 22 55 25 '.V^ 15 69 27 10:! 4N 2:} 72 28 104 49 24 49 24 104 71 28 71 28 9:5 m .28 43 7 82 9 83 Sec. Pge. 31 86 35 86 35 86 107 35 9 10 85 15 40 17 40 17 114 40 42 20' 42 20 95 34 107 39 107 39 132 INDEX. Par. Certificate to be exhibited Teachers should seek the highest grade of . . . . Teachers content with any certificate they may oStain should be dropped CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES— Duties of CLERK CIRCUIT COURT— Bond of school officers to be filed with 2 To record organization of School Board Annual financial statement to be filed with. . 9 Monthly financial statement to be filed with.. 10 To keep above statements open to inspection. School Board Districts, creation of, filed with Change in boundaries of, certified in office of. Itemized estimate of Trustees to be filed with To publish assessments and collection of taxes Penalty for failure to publish COMMON SCHOOL FUND— See Statu: School FuiND. COMPTROLLER, STATE— Itemized estimate of Trustees to be filed with 95 34 To assess and collect certain taxes 95 34 To remit to County Treasurers 95 34 No Collector to buy, etc., warrants of 110 39' CONSTITUTION, STATE— Article XII, on Education 5 Article IV, Extract from 7 CONTRACT— . To be made with teachers 6 Form of, No. 24 For school buildings, to be looked after by County Superintendent 10 Form of. for building school house. No. 34. . . Not to be made with teacher, when County Board required to make Not to exceed life of teacher's certificate Primary duty of teachers to enter into a CONVENTION OF SCHOOL OFFICERS— For what and by whom may be called 3 33 14 40 17 100 48 22 114 7 82 8 83 19 84 31 86 / INDKX. 133 P(tr .Sec. Pge, COUNTY BOARD— See Board of Public Instruction COUNTY COMMISSIONERS— Duties of, to Institute for Blind, Deaf and Dumb 27 13 To supply trdnsportatioii to one entering. ... 28 13 To Special Tax School Districts 95 34 To poll taxes 100 36 See also 102 36 To levy county school tax 108 39 To provide book to record warrants 115 40 To contract debts for school houses, when 116 41 To borrow money for school houses, when. . . 117 41: COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD— See Board of Public Instruction. COUNTY SCHOOL FUND- See Funds. COUxNTY SUPERINrENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— An ofScer of the Department 2 9 Requirements for eligibility 1 81 Shall conform to regulations 3 9 Secretary of County Board 38 1& Compensation of 15 40 19 Duties of, to require monthly reports of Su- pervisors 3 40 16 To attest annual financial statements 9 40 17 To attest monthly financial statements 10 40 17 To see text books adopted are used 12 40 18 To look after locating schools 1 48 21 To visit and examine condition of each school 2 48 22 To give advice 2 48 22 Tj awaken interest in education 3 48 22 To confer with Supervisor's, etc 4 48 23 To keep them supplied with laws, blanks, etc. 4 48 22 To select fit persons for Supervisors 5 48 22 See also. 29 86 To keep complete record of each school 6 48 22 To report to State Supt. names, etc 7 48 22; To dtcide disputes and refer his decisions . . 8 48 22 To look after school buildings and funds 10 48 2^ 134 INDEX. Par. Sec. Pge. To conduct examinations and issue certificates 11 See also sections 53 and 55 To hold special examinations and issue tem- porary certificates, proviso regarding 13 See also Sec. 49 To revoke or suspend certificates 13 To file examination papers, when to publish. . 14 See also To forward monthly certified list of persons who have paid poll taxes 15 See also To take school census 16 Not to purchase land without authority — Note To give notice of Teachers' examinations. . . To appoint assistant exy miners, when To require applicants to file endorsement .... What candidates for certificates may examine How proceed with examination quuestions . . . Mode of conducting examinations Duties with Grading Committee May endorse certain teachers' certificates . . . May issue certain certificates upon diplomas. . May revoke endorsed certificates To review reports relating to expelled or sus- pended pupils i 75 £9 To have same control of special tax schools as of others Monthly reports of Treasurer to be filed with, Duties pertaining to County line pupils Not to be interested m the eale or adoption of school books Penalty for (see also Sec. 127). Penalty for violating examination laws Penalty relating to financial statements To report tuition fees to County Board When authorized to appoint teachers To instruct teachers in reporting holidays . . . May suspend or close a school To be satisfied teacher has legal certificate be- fore contracting 31 86 To recommend removal of teachers from the corps, when 35 87 To make annual report to State Supt. , when . . 21 84 For what removable 5 9 48 22 25 48 23 24 48 23 48 23 56 26 48 23 103 37 48 23 23 22 85 23 85 24 85 52 24 52 24 53 25 53 25 68 27 71 28 72 28 93 33 113 40 118 41 126 43 126 43 128 43 129 43 15 83 25 85 26 85 28 85 INDEX. IBS- Par. See. Pge COURSE OF STUDY- 40 18- 49 la-- VI 8S^ To be prescribed by County Board 14 To embrace physiology as to alcoholics, etc. . 14 Its publication recommended ID. Eay— See School Day. DEBT— Trustees shall create none 97 3^ May be contracted, when and how 116 41 Monej^ borrowed to discharge, when and how 117 41 DEEDS— To school property, Form of, No. 35 115» DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— Officfrsof 2 9' Shall conform to regulations of Tenure of office For what removable By whom removed 4 State Supt. to prescribe regulations for 7 DISPUTES, OR DIFFERENCES - May be submitted to arbitrators To be entertained by State Board, when. . . . .. 3 To be decided by State Supt. or referred 6 County Supt. to decide and refer 8 DISTRICT— School districts, constitution for Town or city may constitute School districts defined (see also Sec. 83) Special tax school districts, defined See Special Tax School District. School Board Districts, how formed 43 20^ See School Board District. Permanent and convenient school districs... 17 84 Pupils restricted to own school district 18 81 DISTRICT, SCHOOL TAX— Constitution for 10 fe 3 9 4 9v 5 9 15 11 33 15. 13 10^ 15 11 33 14 48 2a 10 6; 11 6. 8 10= 8 lOv 136 INDEX. Par. Where and for what may be expended Procedure required to^levy Elections biennial to fix^millage of Commissions for collecting to be audited by Trustees Assessor to carry out in separate column Trustees to notify Assessor^of millage to levy. EDUCATION, HIGHER— State Board of Education'to^ foster .' .ELECTION— Of Boards of Public Instruction See also I To create special taxTschool districts Of Trustees, and for fixing millage, etc Notice of district elections to be published Qualifications of voters in Majority of the votes cast to determine Conducted as general elections, except List of qualified voters to be furnishea by Su- pervisor of Registvation Vote canvassed by County Board Biennial elections for Trustees and millage.... Ballot^ form of ESTIMATE, ITEMIZED— See Itemized Estimate. EXAMINATIONS, TEACHERS'— Notice of, to be given: Held in June and September yearly One must be held at County Site Others may be ordered by State Supt Questions prepared by State Supt Sent under seal For County Certificates, conducted by County Supt For State Certificates, by State Supt Prerequisite for, (see also Sec. 61) When County Supt. may appoint assistants. . . JExaminees mu3t file character endorsement. . Must pay a fee of $1 Fees, how applied ^ Sec. Pge. 11 6 84 30 90 33 99 38 104 37 105 37 15 11 43 21 44 21 84 30 84 30 86 31 87 32 87 32 88 33 88 32 89 32 90 32 91 32 22 85 49 24 50 24 51 24 52 24 53 24 52 24 65 72 38 86 23 85 61 26 61 26 57 26 137 Par. Sec Pgp. 53 25 53 24 52 24 56 26 56 26 4!) 24 128 43 Mode of conducting pxaiuinations Penalty for cheating in Procedure when doubtful of meaning of ques- tion Papers to be preserved by County Supt Privilege of dissatisfied examinee County Supt. may bold special, vs^hen Penalty for violating examination laws EXA.MINATIONS, SCHOOL- When teacher must hold 6 73 29 IF-. .FENCES, SCHOOL - County Board to provide and repair 5 40 17 Teachers to protect from injury .... 3 73 28 Penalty for putting obscene tilings OQ 124 42 Penalty forjinjuring or destroying 125 43 IQORMAL SCHOOL AND BUSINESS SUBSTITUTE— A free pupil for each Senatorial District 132 44 FORFEITURES— When by a county .... 119 42 When by a school 120 42 FORMS— (See List of, Pages 89-90) 91-123 funds- No law shall be enacted authorizing appropri- ation to other than school purposes Shall not be issued for any sectarian school . . All resident youth shall have free instruction, as far as the funds will'admit Every officer in charge of, to give bond 3 To turn over to his successor Arising from examination fees, disposition of Rate levied to be recorded Treasurer's receipts to State amount of each rund 105 37 Each fund to be given 'credit in publishing taxes charged to Collector 107 39 Monthly collections shall give each fund 107 39 Final \ settlement with Collector to show amount of each fund uncollected 107 39 To whom different funds are to be paid 112 40 13 7 13 7 1 9 9 10 10 10 57 26 105 37 3 .5- 4 5 4 ry 5 & 16 11 15 11 7 6 33 14 138 INDEX. Par. Sec. Fge.. FUNDS, STATE SCHOOL— Who to manage Sources of Interest on, only to be used Principal of, inviolate Securities may be invested in Who to manage all State educational funds. . 2 Basis of apportionment of Who to apportion 4 State Treasurer to keep account of with coun- ties Ill 40 In apportioning, Forms used Nos . 30, 31 and 32... U2-11S FUNDS, COUNTY SCHOOL— Sources of 9 6- No lavp shall be enacted divertiug 13 7 County school officers to be paid from 15 7 Itemized Monthly Statements, certified to, to be filed, and published or posted 10 40 17 Item^ized estimate of supplement to, to be filed 95 34 Teacher's certificate to be for term both funds will sustain school - 95 34 Monthly report of, to be filed by Treasurer. . . 113 40 Necessary expenses of schools for any year, first claim on fund of that year 116 117 41 Transference of, for pupils going to another county , When forfeited Penalty for failing to file reports of. FUNDS, DISTRICT SCHOOL— Constitutional provision for For what may be expended No law shall be enacted to divert. Who to apportion, and proviso To be held for each district by County Treas- urer Treasurer liable for on his bond Part for teachers can not be diverted Other part subject to requisition of Truttees. . To be used in district solely for school pur- poses 96 35 118 41 119 42 129 43; 10 & 11 16 13 7 94 34 95 34 95 34 96 35 96 35 INDKX. 139 ■* Par. Sec. Pge, FURNITURE- School Board to Rui)ply •'> 40 17 Penalty for defacing 1-4 42 GRADING COMMITTEE- To be appointed by County Board 20 40 \9 See also ''J4 25 Who eligible, and duties of 5-^ 35 Time allowed and from what fund paid •'>7 26 Balance of fund, how applied •''>~ 20 GRADING SHEET— Grading Committee must make two copies.. . 55 25 Retain one and file one with County Superin- t tendent '>'5 25 GROUNDS— For school site, by whom provided 4 40 1(5 Improvement and care of 5 40 17 Authority of teacher on 4 73 28 Improvement of by Super visi)r 2 75 20 Arbor Daj-, to be devote i to planting trees on 14 83 BE. HIGHER EDUCATION— State Board to provide for. ^) 15 11 HIGH SCHOOLS- When County Boar Js shall establish 5 40 17 Who eligible to attend -. 18 84 HOLIDAYS— Which are school holidays 81 30 Legal holidays. See Note 30 Recommendation concerning Christmas 13 83 Arbor Day not a holiday 14 88 How to be reported by teachers. 26 85 I. IDIOTS OR INSANE-Census of, to be taken Itj 48 23 IMMORALITY — Cause for revoking a teacher's cer- tificate 72 28 Sec. Pge. 73 28 5 9 15 11 72 28 3 5 48 23 140 INDEX. Far. Cause for suspend in^ a pupil 5 INCOMPETENCY— Cause for removal from ofiSce.. Who empowered to remove 4 Cause for revoking a teachers cercificate. .... INCUMBENT— To be notified before removal Teacher to be notified of revocation of certifi- cate 13 INDUSTRY — Neatness, promptness, etc., to be in- culcated by teacher 2 73 28 INSPECTION— By . County Superintendent, for proper location of schools • 1 48 21 Of each school once a terra, by County Super- intendent 2 48 22 To keep record of his visits of 6 48 22 INSPECTORS AND CLERKS— Of district elections, appointed by County Board , Duties of To make returns to County Boards INSTITUTE FOR BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB— Board of Managers Location of Who entitled to benefits Procedure to become a beneficiary of First transportation to, paid by County Com- missioners 28 13 See ALSO BoARi) of Managers. INSTITUTE, SOUTH FLORIDA MILITARY— See Military Institute. INSTITUTES— State Superintendent to provide for 3 33 14 County Institutes, what fund applied to 57 26 INSTRUCTIONS— Regulations, decisions, etc, by whom pre- pared 1 33 14 INSULTING— A teacher before his pupils, penalty for 121 43 86 31 86 31 89 31 24 13 25 ^3 26 13 27 13 INDEX. 141 Par. Sec, Pge. INTEREST— See Funds, also Monkys. INTERRUPTING— A school, penalty for V22 42 INVESTMENTS— Of State funds, by whom and in what made.. lO 11 In what securities, may not be made Ki 11 ITEMIZED— Annual Reports of County Boards, to be fi 40 17 Financial Statements of County Boards, to bo 10 10 17 Bills accompanying requisitions of Trustee?, to be % 35 Poll taxes in publications of Clerks, to be. . . . 107 39 ITEMIZED ESTIMATE- Oounty Boards to prepare and file IS -10 19 Form of, No. 36 117 Trustees to prepare and tile 9o 34 When copy not to be filed with Comptroller. . 95 34 Form of , No. 37 1 18 J". JURY — When teacher not liable to duty on 74 39 KNOWLEDGE— State Board to co operate in dif- fusing -adaal, when completed. 11 County Board, consulting others, to adopt.... 12 Before adoption, 60 days notice to be given. .. 12 Term of adoption 12 Use of others by teachers, prohibited 12 County Superintendent to see books adopted used 12 Condition of. County Superintendent to exam- ine once a school term 2 School officers and teachers to have no pecuni- ary interest in sale or adoption of Penalty for violation SCHOOL BUILDINCS— See Buildings. SCHOOL CENSUS— See Census. SCHOOL DAY— Fixed by County Board, within limits (See Sec. 80) 21 40 19 Number in a school month 2 80 30 SCHOOL DISTRICT— See District. SCHOOL EXAMINATION— Teacher must hold at close of term 6 73 29 SCHOOL FUNDS— See Funds; also Moneys. SCHOOL FURNITURE— See Furniture. 40 20 42 20 42 20 43 20 40 18 40 18 40 18 40 18 40 18 40 18 40 18 48 22 126 43 127 43 40 17 73 28 73 38 150 INDEX. Par. Sec. Pge. SCHOOLfGROUNDS— Bee Grounds. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS— See Holidays. SCHOOL HOUSE— County Board to provide for warming, etc 5 Care of by teacher 3 Authority of teacher in or near 4 See Buildings. SCHOOL LANDS— See Lakds. SCHOOL LAWS— To be printed and distributed by State Superintendent .• ■ 1 33 14 Copy of, County Superintendent to furnish Supervisor 4 48 22 Copy of, Supervisor to procure for teacher. ... 2 75 29 See Laws; also Appendix. • SCHOOL LEVY— See Tax. SCHOOL LIBRARIES— See Libraries. SCHOOL MONTH— Defined— twenty school days. . 2 Report of teacher for SCHOOL PROPERTY— Titles to, to be vested in County Board Duty of County Board to obtain titles 1 Special Tax School Districts may own 1 When to be delivered by teachers with keys. . 7 SCHOOL SITE— County Board to select, require- ments in 4 To do whatever necessary in providing 5 Board may obtain of a member SCHOOL SUB-DISTRICT— See Special Tax School District. SCHOOL SUPERVISOR— See Supervisor. SCHOOL TEACHER— See Teacher. SCHOOL TERM— Defined— four school months ... 3 Minimum term of school allowable 2 At close of each, a pubUc examination. ..... 6 SCHOOL TRUSTEES— See Trustees. SCHOOL YEAR— Defined, as to limits 77 29 Defined, as to length — two terms 4 80 30 80 30 26 85 36 16 40 16 40 16 73 29 40 16 40 17 41 20 80 30 40 19 73 29 VM) u :y.', 15 vn 44: INDEX. ' IM Par. Sec. Pge. SEAL— State Supt. to have, purposes of 8 ?>■] 15 Exan illation seal, when and in whose presence may be broken ... .").> 2i SEMINARIES— Beneficiaries of State Supt. to visit and reoort 1',' Visitors to report to State Supt SITE— See School Sitk. SOUrri FLORIDA MILILARY INSTITUTE- See Military Institute. SPE lAL EXAMINATION— Who authorized to hold, and when 12 48 2:^ SPECIAL TAX— Constitutional one mill levy G (5 To be apportioned annually 7 7 By whom apportioned, and the basis 4 33 14 SPE' lAL TAX SCBOOLS— Constitutional provision for Defined Subject to same control as other schools SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICTS- Constitutional provision for Defined May acquire and hold school property 1 Shall receive just portion of county fund 1 Created by petition and election (Sec. 84) 22 Boundaries m petition, subject to change. . . . Once established are permanent, until Majority of votes cast necessary to carry Election^to be held in, what to determine Form of ballot in 91 33 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION— Constitution for. and personnel President and Secretary of Powers and duties of To manage school lands To manage all educational funds of the State To entertain and decide questions and appeals To remove subordinates for cause To foster higher education To co-operat« with State Supt 6 15 15 10 () S3 30 03 3:? 10 6 83 30 40 10 40 K) 40 20 85 31 85 31 87 33 90 33 3 K 15 15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 152 i\i)Ex. Par. Sec. Pge . To invest permanent school fund 16 11 To fill vacancies in School Boards. 17 13 To direct and control the Normal Schools 18 12 * To manage South Florida Military Institute... 20 12 To manage Institute for Blind, Deaf and Dumb 24 13 STATE CERTIFICATE— By'whom issued, and prerequisites 65 27 Scholarship requirements..... 65 27 Endorsement for exaniinttion required 33 86 Form of application for examination, No. 14. 98 Form of Certificate, No. 19 102 See also Certificate. STATE SCHOOL FUND— See Funds; also Moneys, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Secretary and member of State Board 3 5 Constitutional powers and duties of 25 7 Given general oversight of school affairs .... 32 14 Special duties 33 14 Topublish and distribute laws, forms, etc., etc. 1 33 14 To call conventions of school officers 2 33 14 To hold Teachers' Institutes 3 33 14 To apportion school funds 4 33 14 To make discretionary apportionments 5 33 14 To entertain and decide, or refer appeals , 6 33 14 To prescribe Rules and Regulations 7 33 15 To have a seal of office, purpose of S 33 15 Residence and office of . . 9 33 15 To prepare questions for county examinations , (see also, Sec. 52)... 10 33 15 Authority of , relative to examinations 51 34 To hold examinations for State Certificates 10 33 15 To grant Life Certificates 10 33 15 To nominate to fill facancies on School Boards 11 33 15 To visit Seminaries and report .'. 13 33 15 To keep record of persons who have paid poll taxes 13 33 15 STATE TREASURER— See Treasurer. SUB-DISTRICTS— See Special Tax School Dis- tricts, INDEX. 153 Pa r. Sec. Pge SUCCESSORS— To be delivered school effecte, a-id to give receipts 10 10 SUPERVISOR— An ofticer of the Department Appointed by County Board 8 To supervise the school and report to County Superintendent monthly 3 Efficiency of, to be examined into once a term by County Superintendent 2 To awaken increased interest in, County Su- perintendent to do all in his power 3 To be conferred with by County Superintend- ent, who is to see that he attends to his du- ties 4 To be kept supplied with school laws, etc., by Count}^ Superintendent 4 Persons fitted for the duties of, to be selected by County Superintendent 5 To be notified by teacher of suspension of pu- pil 5 When teacher is to deliver to, keys and all school property 7 To supervise the school and report monthly to County Board 1 To supervise the property and procure copy of school laws 2 To attend and co-operate with teacher in ele- vating the school 3 To review suspensions of pupils and report the same promptly to County Superintenc.ent. . 8 The duties of, when to be performed by Trus- tees To select and contract with teacher, not to be delegated to May suggest a teacher satisfactory to patrons Subject to direction of County Board A position of oversight, not of control Form of Recommendation of. No. 7 Form of Appointment, No. 8 ....... Form of Acceptance of Appointment, No. 9. . 96 See also Regulations, Nos. 17 and 29 84-86 SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION- Duty of. relative to school districts. .. . .... 88 33 2 &■ 40 16 40^' '16 48 .22 48 23 48 23 48,. _22 48 22 73 28 73 29 75 29 75 29 75 29 75 29 76 29 8 82 8 82 27 85 28 85 95 95 154 Par. T. TAX, CAPITATION— CoDstihition provision for Amount and application , .. Both real and personal property liable for. . . . Certified lists of persons pajdng, to be filed. . . . Lists to be pa'eserved by State Superintend- ent TAX, COUNTY SCHOOL— Not less than three nor more than five niilU, . . Millage to be estimated by County Board . 18 County Commissioners to levy Orders of (.ounty Board receivable for, TAX, DISTRICT SCHOOL— Constitutional provisions — maximum 3 mills. The levy and millage decided by election Vote required to determine Qualifications of electors for Trustees to file estimate and certify millage. . County Commissioners to order Duties of Comptroller concerning. County Treasurer to hold and pay out. . .... TAX, SPECIAL [STATE]— Constitutional levy of one mill Apportioned among the counties, basis 4 TAX COLLECTOR— To pay County Treasurer monthly 18 Poll tax records of, County Board to examine 25 Penalty for neglect about poll taxes .... 25 To pay dii-trict tax to County Treasurer Not receipt for other tax till poll is paid To file monthly certified list of poll tax payers with the County Board To file copy of the above with receipt of Treasurer M^ith County Commissioners Penalty for failure To file receipts of Treasurer with County Clerk Not deal in State, county, or district securi- ties Penaltyjfor'violatior «Sec. Pye^ 9 6 100 36 101 36 102 36 103 37 40 19 108 39 109 39 10 6 84 30 84 30 87 30 95 84 95 34- 95 34 95 34 6 6 33 14 40 19' 40 20' 40 20 95 34 100 36 102 36 102 36 102 36 105 37 110 39^ 110 3: , INDKX. 155 l\ir. :Sec. Pge. TEACHERS— To be nssenibled in Institutes by State Supt 3 33 14 County Board to employ, contract with and pay 40 17 Leading ones, to be consulted in book adop- tions 12 Prominent ones, to assist with course of study 14 Who to be appointed on grading committee. . To be told cause of revoked certificate and right of appeal 13 Required to obtain certificate in this State. . . Primary duty of General duties of When exempt from military and jury duty. . Concerning contract and compensation Supervisor and patrons may not employ When and how County Boards are to assign. . Favoritism to be avoided Duties concerning Arbor Day Limitation as to term of contract How to report holidays May use corporal punishment Duty to advance grade of certificate Not to deal in, or influence adoption of school books for a consideration Penalty for violation Penalty for insult to TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES— See Certificates. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE— State Supt. to hold and provide instruction. . 3 33 14 County Board to apply certain fund to ST L'6 TEACHING—Candidates for, County Supt. to ex- amine and certiticate 11 48 22 TEMPORARY CFRTIFICATES— Term of, and proviso pertaining 12 48 23 TERM— See School Term. TERMS OF OFFICE-Of State Supt 2 5 Maxmium, of all officers Of member of County Board Of School Tru-t-es 40 18 40 18 5.-) 25 48 23 58 26 :^1 86 73 2S 74 29 i 82 8 82 9 . 82 10 88- 14 83 19 84 26 85 32 86 B5 86 126 43 127 43 121 42 4 9 43 21 84 31 TEXT BOOKS-See School Books. 15(j TREASURER, COUNTY- Par. Sec. Pge. 2 9 39 16 40 17 95 34 105 37 112 40 113 40 115 40 129 44 An officer of the Department Treasurer of county school funds To certifj^ financial statements of County Board 9 Liable on bond for district funds In receipting Collector, to specify each fund and amount. All county school funds go to To file monthly report with County Supt To keep description of warrants and pay in order Penalty for failure to make reports TREASURER, STATE— Member of and Treasurer of State Board.... 14 11 To keep an account with counties Ill 40 All State school funds go to 112 40 TRUSTEES OF AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— To make annual report to State Supt 135 45 TRUSTEES, SCHOOL— Constitutional provision for Election of Term of oflfi ce Jurisdiction, duties and powers of Subject to removal May nominate teachers, proviso, Shall apportion district fund To file itemized estimate and certify millage. To file copies of above, with whom Certain fund not subject to requisition of , . . . May not contract with a member To be a corporation, etc. Make no debt without approval of County Board 97 35 When and how may admit non-residents of the district to their school. 98 35 To audit commissions of Collector 99 36 10 6 84 30 84 30 92 33 92 33 93 33 94 34 95 34 95 34 96 35 96 35 97 35 INDEX. l''^7 P(ir. Sec. 'ST. \\VCANCIES— How filled on (Jouuty Boards 45 31 In Boards of Trustees, how filled 93 8:5 In teacliers, when County Superintendent may fill ~"> ^^ VISITORS— See Seminaries. VOTERS— See Electors. * -□•. • UNIFORM SYSTEM- Of public free schools demanded 1 5 Of publicjinstruction established 1 9 Of school books to be used in each county 11 . 40 18 UNIT, SCHOOL— Defined 8 10 WARRANTS— When to be described minutel}'' 10 40 17 County Board to issue monthly 5 8"3 Not to be issued teacher till report is filed and properly made 6 ^'^ Form of, No. 29 lit IT YEAR— See School Year. LB^r'05