CD 3271 BnSli mm mm k- *^> >. >*l y A \ • p *> * ^^> / V V ^"c ' cv a.0^ THE ARCHIVES OF THE STATE OF MAINE BY ALLEN JOHNSON ri Reprinted from the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1908, Volume I, pages 257-318 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 %y- CONTENTS. Page. duction 261 ate archives 263 )ffice of secretary of state 263 Executive office 267 )ffice of state treasurer 268 )ffice of state assessors 270 ^and office . 270 )ffice of commissioners of inland fisheries and game 272 )ffice of adjutant-general. 272 )ffice of pension clerk 277 )ffice of state superintendent of public schools 277 )ffice of railroad commissioners 278 )ffice of insurance commissioner 279 )ffice of secretary of state board of health 279 )ffice of commissioner of agriculture 279 )ffice of bank examiner 279 Jureau of industrial and labor statistics 280 )ffice of attorney-general 280 ounty archives 281 Tork [ 282 Cumberland 285 incoln .- 287 lancock 288 Washington 289 Kennebec 290 >xford 292 omerset 293 'enobscot 294 Waldo 295 ranklin 296 'iscataquis 297 .roostook 298 agadahoc . . . 298 .ndroscoggin 299 :nox 300 3 roprietary records 302 ejepscot 302 lennebec Purchase 302 Windham 302 littery 303 Raymond 303 almouth. 303 hapleigh 303 259 260 CONT! . Page. IV. La n l rea sdi Kittery irk Wells Saco-Biddeford 307 Pepperrellborough-Saco Kennebunkport Brunswick 310 Waldoboro 311 Thomaaton 312 Belfaal Bath 313 Portland 314 Bangor Paris A uirust a El Isworth 317 Rockland THE ARCHIVES OF MAINE. IXTKODTJCTION. There are three epochs in the history of government within the territory now belonging to the State of Maine: (1) The period of proprietary jurisdictions claimed and in part exercised over sporadic settlements; (2) the period of control by Massachusetts, begun in 1652 and continued, with only temporary interruptions, to 1820; (3) the period of statehood. The only records of the early proprietary governments, so far as is known, are contained in the fragmentary and intermittent records of local courts and towns. For the history of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts over the province recourse must be had to records outside the present State. The records of the State of Maine are presumptively in the archives at Augusta. Throughout these transitions from one jurisdiction to another the county courts and town governments continued to function with comparative reg- ularity, and preserved remarkably well the continuity of political life. A twofold interest attaches to the records preserved within Maine. Not only are the local records older than the State, but they antedate the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and owe their existence to a coloniz- ing impulse which proceeded directly from England, and not. as in the case of Connecticut and Rhode Island, from the older colony of Massachusetts. Moreover, the relation of Massachusetts to the prov- ince was unique. The relation of the Union to the western domain is foreshadowed in the dealing of the general court with this border province. For a full century th'e province of Maine was the outpost of English settlement toward the exposed French frontier. The his- tory of the colonization of this region in the seventeenth and eight- eenth centuries has still to be written with the aid of local records. The sorry condition of the state archives, disclosed in the follow- ing pages, has already been brought to the attention of the public authorities, and plans have been made to secure remedial legislation from the next legislature. There are certain initial difficulties, how- ever, which any legislative action will encounter. The constitution provides that the records of the State shall be kept in the office of the secretary of state. The proposal to create a department of archives and history, with the state historian in charge, to which the custody 261 2G2 \mi:i:ic.\n BISTOBICAL ASSOCIATION. of the public records shall be given, would thus seem to be of doubt- ful constitutionality. Yet to leave the record- as they are, just as surely defeats the purpose of the constitutional provision. In any event, an enlargement of the office of the secretary of state with ample precaution- against fire is the very least that the next legislature can do to preserve the archives of the State. That the other oilier- are also suffering for want of storage room and properly built vault- will also appear in the following pages. It may well be that a department of archives with the present energetic and capable state historian in charge could be created with advisory powers which would do much for the proper safeguarding of both the state and the local records. v. Henry s. Barrage, l> l»., to whom I am under Bpeclal obligat in preparing this report I. State Archives. Since the year 1832, when the seat of government was removed from Portland to Augusta, the capitol has been the depository of the archives of the State of Maine. The original building has been re- modeled and enlarged, but it has long been altogether inadequate to the growing needs of the administrative offices. Lack of office room in nearly every department has led to very general carelessness in the preservation of records not in use. As the congestion has become unbearable, one office after another has resorted to various expedients to procure storage room. The adjutant-general's office has taken possession of a closet in the room assigned to the commissioners of pharmacy ; the secretary of state's office has dumped many of its older volumes of records in a storage room in the basement ; for the relief of other offices, rude wooden shelves have been erected in the base- ment. And it is to be feared that even these dubious makeshifts do not hold all the " rubbish " consigned to the basement. That this inflammable material, so loosely heaped upon the floor, creates a very real danger to all the records can hardly be denied; but with the indifference which familiarity with such conditions always breeds the officials at the capitol pin their faith to the attendants who main- tain a fire guard da} T and night. So long, however, as reliance is put upon the watchfulness of guards rather than upon fireproof vaults the state archives can not be said to have the care to which they are entitled. In the following report no attempt has been made to cite printed departmental reports or other state publications. The report is con- cerned only with the manuscript records found in the several offices, though these records may in some instances have found their way into print. In the thirty-second report of the state librarian there is printed an Index to Maine Public Documents, 1834-1867, and an elaborate Index to Economic Material in the Documents of Maine has been pre- pared by Adelaide R. Hasse and published (1907) by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. These two indices are invaluable guides to the state publications. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. The constitution of Maine requires that the records of the State be kept in the office of the secretary. More specifically, the constitu- 263 2G4 AMERICAN HISTORICAL association. lion requires this officer to "carefully keep and preserve the records of all (he official act- and proceedings of the governor and council. senate, and house of representatives.' 1 It need- no searching exami- nation to prove that these instructions have been more honored in the breach than in the observance. Not only are the record- incom- plete and fragmentary, hut no adequate protection is now afforded against loss by fire or neglect. The office of the secretary i- in the capitol at A.ugusta. There is no vault in the office of the secretary; a small fireproof safe contains the original draft of tie* constitution and a few other valuable documents. Otherwise, all the records are upon open metal shelving in a room which i- finished in wood, with unprotected windows on three side-. A room in the basement, in close proximity to what may he regarded as the genera] dumping ground of the offices, contains the overflow of the secretary's offi< LEGISLATIVE RECORDS. In the safe of the secretary of state are the following: Act of separation of the districl of Maine from Massachusetts, Juno 19, 1819; engrossed copy. Constitution of 1820, written on parchment. Constitution as amended in 1876, written on parchment Deeds to the State, one hox. Contracts, one box. Indian treaties with Massachusetts, one hox. Bonds, one hox. Miscellaneous deeds, loose documents. The following records are on the shelves of the offi< Laws of Maine, one hundred and seventy-one volumes. L820 1907. Volumes l 82 are written: the remaining volumes are printed. Resolves, seventy-five volumes. 1820 1907. The flrsl forty seven volumes written ; the rest are printed. The original drafts of hills which were passed, together with related papers and documents, are tiled away by years in metal i>" Revised laws. 1840, live volumes; 1857, live volumes; wrirt Journal of the convention for framing the constitution of Maine, 1819, volume. Journal of the constitutional commission authorised to consider and frame amendments i<> the constitution, under resolve of 1875, one trolui Journal of the senate, seventy-three volumes, 1820 1885, written; i ss T ISJ4H typewritten : L889 1905, printed. Journal of the house of representatives, seventy seven volumes. 1820 1SS5, written; 1887 p.m.;,. printed. \ \ :mi i iii Hi.- corridor contain* original paper iii. ■tatemcnl of the depot) ■ecretary) which have ool i" i >rafti or bllli which Path 'i i" paai the legislature sr< Bled in ■ room adjoining i gallerj Thej har* b a carefully Indexed bj the clerk «>f bllli which were referred to J"iui commltl ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 265 EXECUTIVE RECORDS. Journal of the council, seventy volumes. 1820-1899, written ; 1900-1905, type- written. Register of the council, seventy-seven volumes, containing reports of com- mittees, etc. 1820-1884, written; 1885-1899, printed forms. Original drafts of council reports since 1875, together with vouch- ers and other papers, are filed in boxes in the office. Earlier reports are said to be stored in a vault in the corridor of the capitol. Record of executive acts, five volumes, 1820-1907. Records of warrants of the council, one volume, 1820-1825. Governor's nomination books. Duplicate series seem to have been kept. (a) "Nomination book," 1820-1898, nine volumes, (b) "Governor's nomina- tion book," 1835-1886, nineteen volumes. There is also one volume of nomina- tions, bearing no title, for the years 1832-1835. (c) Nominations of commis- sioners out of the State, 1869-1874, one volume, (d) Governor's nomination book, commissioners out of the State, 1869-1907, one volume. Record of appointments by governor and council, six volumes, 1820-1868. Register of special appointments, orders, etc., one volume, 1831-1841. Record of commissions of justices of peace in the several counties, seventeen volumes, 1820-1871. Record of commissions of justices of peace and of the quorum in the counties, twenty-eight volumes, 1820-1880. Record of commissions to justices of the peace and of the quorum for each and every one of the counties through the State, seventeen volumes, 1831-1907. Record of commissions of trial justices, seven volumes, 1845-1856 ; 1860-1907. Record of commissions to dedimus justices, five volumes, 1820-1907. Record of commissions of notaries public, ten volumes, 1820-1907. Volume I contains also commissions of coroners, 1820-1826. Record of commissions to coroners, seven volumes, 1820-1907 (for Volume I, see record of commissions to notaries public). Record of commissions of county officers appointed, one volume, 1843-1865. Record of commissions delivered to county officers duly elected, seven vol- umes, 1842-1907. Record of commissions issued to ministers to solemnize marriage, thirteen volumes, 1821-1907. Record of commissions of justices of the supreme court, one volume, 1897- 1907. Record of certificates of the qualification of civil officers, four volumes, as fol- lows: Volume I, 1827-1857; oath recorded before secretary of state. Volume I, 1828-1831; oath taken before one of the council. Volume II, 1828-1830; oath recorded by secretary of state. Volume III, 1831-1851 ; oath recorded by secretary of state. a Record of commissions to representatives of the legislature, eight volumes, 1865-1906. & Record of commissions to senators of the state legislature, two volumes, 1869-1906. 6 a Certificates of qualification are now recorded with the commissions. The original papers are filed in metal boxes, and seem to be complete. 6 Earlier commissions are contained in the record of executive acts or in the record of letters issued from the office. 266 a.mi:i;|('\n historical ASSOCIATION. Record of certificates of Representative! to Congress, one volume, 1830-1907. Record of certificates Issued to presidential electors, one volume, i v 7 Record of commissions out of the State, four volumes, wit 1907. Record of commissions to Inspectors of ash, two volumes, 1 - Record of miscellaneous commissions, thirteen volumes, i v J" 1907. Register of commissions delivered, ten volumes. Volumes •') and A (1841- L860 i are in the storeroom. Register of civil officers for the State and counties, three volume is.;::. Record of requisitions for extraditions of fugitives from justi.-.-. two volu isc,! i L908, Record of warrants issued under requisitions, two volumes, 181 lord of pardons, two volumes, i v 7o i '. ♦» >7. COSXXSPOl Record of letters issued from the office of the secretary of state, five volumes. 1820 1884. No record of letters is uow kept by the office. Records of documents, one volume. 1827-1831. A miscellaneous coiie relating chiefly to the northeastern boundary question. The following were noted: Letters from Henry Clay to the governors of Maine and Blassachufl letters from the governors to the Departmenl oi State; correspondence i»< the governors; letters of the British ambassador, Charles l£. Vaughai of land agents and special commissioners sent to the disputed border; petitions of settlers on the New Brunswick frontier; affidavits and depositions Record of letters issued from the otlice of the adjuta nt-geueni 1. Volume til, 1828- 1833; Volume I v. 1834 is::*;. \( mi \ rs WITH Till BTATB. Ledgers, eleven volumes, 1820 1907. An account of appropriatloi current drafts upon the several funds, kept for the convenience Of the executive office. II 1S( I I I \ \l Ol s |;| ( iiiais. Journal of the commission appointed under resolve ^^ March 24, i s Ti>. to Investigate certain charges against towns, one volume. Journal of the Btate valuation commission, four volumes, 1844, 1859, i^Tn. isso. Record of state loans, one volume. 1839 1880; one volume, 1? Record of registered bonds, one volume. is?o 1889. Records of certificates <»t* organisation of corporation-, sixty-three volumes, isTo i,, date. (Corporation returns, certificates, and letters are kepi on tile in metal DOZefl from Isc.s |,, date. ) Records Of Changes in corporations. si\ volumes. 1896 to date. ords of corporations chartered by i pedal statute, one volume, 1891 to date ords of railroad corporations, one volume, 1876 191 ids of Insurance corporations, two volumes, i s 7o 1908. ol ut Ions of corporations, on< volume, 1901 to date. Record of labels ami trademarks of union- of worklngmen, one volume, 1903 to date. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 267 Record of registered trade-marks, two volumes, 1883 to date. Records of the board of registration of medicine, one volume, 1895 to date. Record of registered dentists, one volume, 1891 to date. Record of registered apothecaries, one volume, 1877 to date. Record of licensed peddlers, one volume, 1889-1896. Record of license granted for the sale of fertilizers, one volume, 1883-1884. Record of pensioners of State, one volume, 1845-1881. Record of state beneficiaries, one volume, 1874-1877. Record of state beneficiaries admitted to asylums, two volumes, 1864-1900. Record of divorces, applications and decrees, volume two, 1885-1886. Record of the organization of plantations, three volumes, 1840-1908. BASEMENT ROOM OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. A hasty examination of the contents of the storeroom already re- ferred to brought to light the following records : Records of the board of education, one volume, 1846-1852. Journal of the board of commissioners under the act of separation, one volume, 1820-1827. Register of civil officers, one volume ; 1811-1S20 for Massachusetts ; since 1820 for Maine. Register of appointments, two volumes, 1820-1839. County treasurers' accounts, one volume, 1S20-1832. Records of passports issued by the governor, one volume, 1828-1851. " Nominations," four volumes, 1827-1865. Probably duplicates of the records in the secretary's office. Register of commissions delivered, volumes 3 and 4, 1841-1860. Completing the series in the secretary's office. Record of election returns, two volumes, 1876-1882. The original election re- turns have been systematically destroyed after tabulation. Several "Abstracts of returns of votes " were found in a mutilated condition, and it is possible that a further search might bring to light all the tabulated returns. Disbursements, volunteer regiments, under act of 1861. One volume, " Gov- ernor and council ;" one volume, " Invoice of disbursements," 1861. Report of the commission on claims of settlers on proprietors' lands in Aroostook County, under act of 1873, one volume (small). Letters. A wooden box without cover contains a mass of papers of miscel- laneous character. One package consists of letters to the secretary of state, mostly business correspondence. The rest of the papers seem to be recom- mendations of nominations to state offices. Papers. A package of papers relating to Passamaquoddy Indians, dated 1885, contains petitions, accounts, and miscellaneous letters. RECORDS OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE. IN THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. Adjoining the governor's office is a small closet, in which are kept the following records: Record of nominations of trial justices, one volume, 1887-1908. Record of nominations of dedimus justices, one volume, 1887-1908. 268 A.MKKN AN historical ASSOCIATION. Record of nominations of Justices of the peace, one volume, 1^7-1908. Record of nominations of iish and game wardens, one volume, 1887 -1908. Record of nominations of notaries public, one volume, 1887 1908. Record of mlscellaneouf nominations, one volume, i^ s 7 1908. Letter Bleu containing the correspondence of the present governor. IN I III B1 N A I I ( HAM1II.K. Adjoining the senate chamber is a small storeroom in which the following correspondence was found: Administration of Governor Bodwell, "Official correspondence " < i. «•.. letters received), three Dies, January l-December 31, i ss 7. Administration of Governor Marble, "Official," three tiles. January 1-Decem- ber 31, L888. Administration of Governor Burleigh, 1889 L892: M Official, " tblru "Copies mailed. " twenty-four tiles: telegrams Bent, one file; telegrams received, one tile. Administration of Governor Cleaves, 1898-1896: "Official," fourteen tiles; "Official copies," sixteen tiles; telegrams received and Bent, four tiles. Administration of Governor Towers, 1897-1900: "Official," four tiles; "offi- cial copies," eleven tiles. OFFICE OF THE STATE TREA81 BEH. The treasurer's office lias been provided with a vault which may be regarded as reasonably fireproof. All the record- of the office can he accommodated at present in the vault, though the upper section is already somewhat congested, making an accurate examination of the contents extremely difficult. The most important record- are as follows : Cash books: 1820 1824, one volume; L820 1829, one volume; 1826-1834, "Monies paid," one volume; 1828 1834, "Monies received," one volume; 1835, one volume; 1886, one volume; 1835 ls|u. "Waste and Journal," One volume. 'I'll.- earlier accounting was extremely louse and Irregular, s.. thai there was much Overlapping and unnecessary duplication. From 1840 the accounts were kept wiih much greater precision. Volumes i to t»» cover the years 1840 to date. Three Isolated volumes may be used to elucidate the foregoing, ills of account, 1821 1884, one volume; Journal of the treasury department. Volume a. 1820 1828; Volume B, 1826 L88& Ledger: 1820 1888, one volunn : 18S4 1840, one volume. Volumes 2 cover i be years i s 1 1 to date. t.i\ ledger: 1820 L821, one volume; 1822 1823, one volume. One volume for each year to L836. From 1886 n> i s t<» there were no acts and \< v the assessment of taxes. I Mir volumr for earf) year to i s ~''">. 1856 1868, one vol- ume; I860 1882, volume; L888 l884^one volume, on wild lands i conl inuat ion of foregoing): 1887 1892, one volume; 1898 1889, one volume; 1896 bo date, one volume. ord of unincorporated tracts: 1866 i s ~,:». one volume; i860 1866, one volume; 1866 1870, one volume; i s 7»> 1877, one volume ; 1^7^ 1880, one volume; issi issc, one volume. ord of deeds of lands s.>id for ht volumes, i s ~.i to dal ■ id of lands s,.id for taxes, two volumes, 1854 to date. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 269 Record of taxes on corporations, two volumes, 1870 to date. Record of taxes on reserved lands, two volumes, 1894 to date. Record of county taxes, eight counties in eight volumes, 1840-1855. Ledger of surplus revenue, one volume, 1837-1838. Record of state loans, one volume, 1834-1838. Record of state bonds : Volume 1, 1821 ; volume 2, 1856-1864 ; volume 3, 1864 ; volume 4, 1868-1869. Register of bonds, loan of 1889, one volume. Record of the sinking fund, one volume, 1865 to date. Record of notes payable, one volume, 1836-1853. Record of trust funds, one volume, 1856 to date. Record of bonds given by state officers, one volume, 1821 to date. Records of certificates of commissioners on the equalization of municipal war debts, one volume, 1869. Records of allotment funds, 1862-1865 : Volume 1, " Individuals ; " volume 2, "Individuals;" volume 3, "Localities;" volume 4, "Localities;" volume 5, " Localities." Bank books (i. e., bank accounts), thirteen volumes, 1851-1905. The vault contains also the following documents and papers : Warrants and receipts, in wooden and paper boxes, complete from 1820 to date. Orders, filed in boxes, 1833-1879. Orders to pay rolls of accounts, four boxes, without date. Railroad returns, in boxes, 1874-1880. Railroad, express, and telegraph companies' returns, 1881-1882. Railroad, express, telegraph, and telephone returns, 1883-1899. Certificates of deposits, 1834-1883. Land agent's returns, one box, no date. Certificates of bounty on crows, four boxes, 1890. Certificates of bounty on seals, eleven boxes, 1892-1906. Certificates of bounty on animals, thirteen boxes, 1890-1901. Certificates of municipal war debts, two boxes. Wild lands letters, four boxes, 1885-1886 ; four boxes, 1890-1893. Assessment of county taxes on wild lands, one box, 1875-1888. Clerk's returns of treasurer, four boxes, 1885-1889. Executions, five boxes, 1820-1835. Savings banks' returns, 1872-1892. County taxes, three boxes, 1843-1868. Sheriff's returns, one box, no date. Fines and forfeitures, two boxes. Temporary loans, one box, 1840-1864. Public debts, one box, 1838-1841; one box, 1840. Inventory of property in Maine, one box, 1828. State claims on United States, one box. Bounty on wheat, one box. Lottery, one box. Peck's investigation papers, one box, 1860. Justices' fees, three boxes. Census of 1837, ten boxes for the ten counties. Public moneys received by towns (from Federal Government), 1837, 10 boxes. Pension certificates, 1836-1879. Allotment rolls, thirteen boxes. Soldiers' allotments, one hundred and three files in boxes. 270 A.Ml.lih \.\ HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OFFId Ol i m: 81 I 11. kSSESSORS. This is one of the few departments for the accommodation of which ample offices have been provided in the capitol. The office is thor- oughly equipped with modern steel filing cases and cabinets. The records <>f the department are as follow Retains of local . bound Into yearly volumes, from 1891 to 1904; unbound tiles for L906 r.»<><*>: current files for use in cas< Returns of s.-i \ inirs banks, in filing cases from L803 to date. Returns of banking and trust companies, express companies, loan and build- ing associations, telegraph and telephone companies, palace car companies, and trust funds arc kept in separate filing cases. Record of state valuation, four volumes, 1894 to date. Record of commitments to the state treasurer, one volume, 1891 to d Wild lands records: Plans of townships in counties containing wild lands. according to the original field surveys: also reports of explorers sent out by the assessors to furnish detailed Information regarding certain townships. These reports by experienced foresters contain data as to the kind, quality, a- bility, and probable value of timber lands in the several sections of a township. Some twenty townships have been thus surveyed or explored Letter-press hooks have been kept by the office since L891. LAM) OFFICE. The office of the land agent is in the capitol at Augusta. The more important record- are deposited in a small vault in the office, hut the capacity of the vault has already been exceeded and metal shelv- ing with screens ha- been provided in the office for the overflow, ks the depository by law of all plans and field note- of public land sur- veys, tlic office contains the following records: Surveys made by the direction of the commissioners under the art of separa- tion, one volume, small: also one volume, folio, 1822, a copy of the foregoing. ••Schedule of pnhlic lands belonging to .Maine which ha\e been surv . one volume, no date. M;ip of .Maine (by Moses Creenleaf. I 822 i to exhibit the township- to Maine ami to Massachusetts by the commissioners In 1823, one volume. Field Dotes of rarveys, one hundred and eleven volumes, numbered arbi- trarily without regard to chronology, a card Index in the office purports to be complete. Abstract of fleld notes and plans, one volume, 1794 i s «'»<>. Schedule of townships and tracts surveyed and lotted, three VOlUB I sT 'J. Description of lots. Old Town Island. PettObSCOl Indians, one Noluuje. i«i i us, i i \si B, \M' BJ in BBS 1 I i B1 DTH LI lachusetl bo volumes, copies. Volume l contal da of grants made io revolutionary soldiers. -id of ^••'•^\^ of the land oilier ,.f Maine, twenty nine volnmes. L89M to date. The earlier volumes .ire numbered as follows: Volume ia. volume in. volume 2B, volume •">. volume i. volume LB, volume 5. (The rest are numbered consecutively, | ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 271 Joint deeds of Maine and Massachusetts, two volumes, 1845-1853. The land agents of the two States were authorized to deed lands concurrently to settlers upon the undivided lands which had recently been in dispute between Great Britain and the United States. The lands were to be set off by commis- sioners appointed by the two States. Treaty deeds of Maine, one volume, two parts. Pages 1-57 contain the rec- ords of Noah Barker, appointed to ascertain the rightful claimants of the "Treaty lots," or "Preemption lots," 1868; pages 5-525 contain the deeds (printed forms) made on the basis of the foregoing record, 1869-1879. Joint deeds of land agents of Massachusetts and Maine, volume 2, 1833-1850. Volume 1 could not be found, but it is probable that all these deeds were copied in the above volumes of records of the Land Office of Maine. Record of deeds of timber on reserved lands, two volumes, 1850-1875. Record of tax deeds, three volumes, 1849-1853. Deeds of land sold for taxes under the act of 1848. Miscellaneous deeds and leases, one volume. Record of land certificates, volume 1, 1870-1873 (under act of 1871). Record of settlers' certificates, thirteen volumes, 1842-1884. SALES AND RESERVATIONS. Record of the sales of land, three volumes, 1824-1856. Record of sales of forfeited lands, one volume, 1829-1873. Record of sales of timber and grass on reserved lands, one volume, 1850-1875. Record of sales of licenses to cut timber, one volume, 1840-185S. Schedule of the sale of lands, one volume, no date. Records of reserved lots, four volumes, 1831-1908. There is also one unnum- bered volume containing i4 Miscellaneous records," 1880-1893. Journal of lands reserved for public uses, one volume, 1855. Book of advertisements, one volume, small, 1834 (scrapbook). Advertisements of public lands and timber, one volume, no date (scrapbook). ACCOUNTS. Ledger, four volumes, 1834-1908. Journal, Volumes A, B, C, D, 1834-1908. Waste book, Volumes A, B, C. D, E, 1834-1907. Bill book, six volumes, 1834-1905. Account with Massachusetts, volume 1, 1825-1827. Account with reserved lots, one volume, 1854-1875. Records of contracts, one volume, 1824-1826. Records of contracts with actual settlers, one volume, 1824-1828. Cash account with actual settlers, one volume, 1824-1828. Mortgages and bonds for settling duties and forfeitures, one volume, small, 1838-1842. Trial balances, two volumes, 1846-1874. Register of bills receivable at the land office, one volume, 1834-1867. Schedule of notes taken by the land agent, one volume, 1825-1838. Schedule of notes and other securities in the land office, January 1, 1837. Invoice of notes and other securities in the land office, January 1, 1834. Letter books seem to have been kept from 1892 to date. Earlier books were not to be found. 272 AMERICAS BI6TOBICAL ASSOCIATION. nsn ami i. ami. Di v\n i in* i. Ledger, Ave volumes, L895 n> date. Record of licenses, two volumes, Bmall, L888 n' ( »~>. Record ot petitions, tw<» volumes, 1895 to date. Mis< i;i.i.\.\i:ot -. Records of tin* board of interna] Improvements, one volume, 1834 1842. The board was authorized "to explore and examine the great water c o nrse s and other parts of the state"' where it might be supposed that canals, mads, and railroads could be constructed with profit to the state. Earlier pages contain some reports, but later pages have only the formal minutes of meeti' Card index. The office contains an elaborate card index to the various plans and field notes, to all records pertaining to the public lots, and to the records of deeds. OFFICE or THE COMMISSIONERS OF IMAM) FISHERIES AND OAJOR. A portion of (he basemenl of the capitol ha- been set aside for the museum and office of this commission. The records of the commis- sioners were not accessible owing to the accumulation of material for which no adequate depository has been provided. It was as tained from the clerk that the following record- have been kept since L897: Record of licensed guides. Record of camp proprietors. Record of hunters and trappers. Record of dealers in skins. Record of marketmen. Record of taxidermiBts. Record of commissions to take birds 1 nests and eggs for scientific purposi Record of nonresident hunters isiuco L903). Record of unnaturalized foreign-born hunters (since L907). Applications and reports of registered guides are bound in some forty - volumes covering the years 1897 1901. since 1901 these papers are filed in vertical cabinet filing cases in the ..nice. Reports of game wardens are on file since about 1899. (Mll.V selected letters .lie kept on tile ill (he oilier ; copies of letters sent out, are kept, other records of the commission are in the vault of the land office, as already noted. 01 PlCB "i ii 1 1 \nn PANT QBNSB \i . Owing to the cramped quarters of this department in the state- bouse, only records for current use arc kept in the office. The office contains neither safe nor vault The overflow has been deposited in a closed iii the room in the basement assigned to the commissioners of pharmacy. The content- of this basement closet will he described Later. The office contain- the following records: ARCHIVES OP MAINE. 273 CUKRENT RECORDS. Records of general orders, nine volumes, 1820 to date. Records of special orders, six volumes, 1820 to date. Records of commissions, six volumes, 1820 to date. Roster of commissioned officers, one volume, 1879 to date. Roster of ambulance corps, one volume, 1891 to date. Roster of signal corps, one volume, 1895 to date. Roster of naval reserves, one volume, 1899 to date. Roster of noncommissioned officers, five volumes, 1898 to date. Roster of the general staff, one volume, 1820 to date. Roster of the national guards : First Regiment, three volumes, 1880-1903 ; Second Regiment, three volumes, 1880-1903. "Roll books": First Regiment, one volume, 1901 to date; Second Regiment, one volume, 1901 to date ; naval reserves, one volume, 1S99 to date ; signal corps, one volume, 1895 to date. Record of retired officers of the national guard, one volume. Record of discharges, six volumes, 1820 to date. Record of service chevrons, one volume, 1900 to date. Record of service medals, one volume, 1876 to date. Record of medals and bars for perfect attendance, one volume, 1902 to date. Current papers of a miscellaneous character are filed in boxes under the labels: special reports, enlistment papers, returns of appointments, monthly returns of regiments, return of military property. Most of these seem to date from 1898. OLD MILITIA RECORDS. Roster of volunteer militia, thirty-eight volumes, 1820-1861. Maine Militia rolls, war of 1812, one volume. Regular Army rolls, war of 1812, one volume. Aroostook war, drafted militia, one volume, 1839. There is also in the office a box of papers labeled " Draft Aroostook war, 1839 ; " also three boxes of muster and pay rolls, 1839. Enrollment lists prior to 1861 are said to be complete. They are stored in a vault in the corridor. CIVIL WAR RECORDS. Roster of volunteer troops of Maine in the service of the United States, by requisition of the War Department, three volumes, 1861-1866. Returns of regiments (for the annual report of the adjutant-general) : 1861, five volumes; 1862, nine volumes; 1863, seven volumes; 1864, seven volumes; 1865, two volumes. These returns, by companies, indicate age, residence, date mustered into service, presence or absence, etc. Record of principals and substitutes, one volume, 1864-1865; also a small paper-covered book, " Drafted men, 1864." Register of discbarges, Volume A, 1861-1863. Register of commissions : Volume A, 1861-1863 ; volume 5, 1864-1866. List of changes in the Veteran Reserve Corps, one volume, small, 1865. Record of soldiers' service in the war of the rebellion, ten volumes, certified statements of the adjutant-general. Descriptive book of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, Maine Militia, one volume. Other volumes are in the basement. 89160— H. Doc. 137, 61-2— vol 1 18 274 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIO Monthly returns of regiment* are said to be complete They are bow being mounted upon large linen sheets to prevent mutilation by frequent handling. The mounts are kepi In large wooden drawers. War ledger, one volume, 1863 I Quotas and credits, two volumes, 1862 i s *;~< (by towns). There are alio tw<> small volumes labeled "Bangor quota" and "Portland quota, L862 U respectively. Town bounties and advances, calls of 1863 and 1864, one volume. Accounts with towns for advances of state bounty to troops, call of 1864, one \ olume. Record of state bounty paid by paymasters, 1861 L866, small folio in paper covers. Record of state bounty paid to recruits for regiments In field, one small volume, L862; recruits under call of i^ 1 "-:; and 1864, one small volume; "Con- scripts," one small volume, 1863; recruits, om small volume, 1864. Accounts of towns againsl 1 1 » * » state for aid to families of volunteers, one volume. 1SC,L\ Enlistment papers for all branches of the Bervice (1861 1866) are filed In boxes uumbered consecutively i<» ill. They are said t<> be complete. state bounty receipts, 1861 1865, are filed In boxi Receipts for town advances of state bounty, 1864, are filed In I" Statements for reimbursement to towns for advances on account of state bounty, L864, are tiled in Poxes. claims of towns for reimbursement, 1868 1869, are filed In box< Reports of battles and casualties, 1862 1863, are Bled In a box. Hospital returns, 1862 1805, are filed In three boxes. SPANISH WAB in COEDS, 1 898. Record of commissions In Spanish war. one volume, L8 Roster of .Maine volunteers In the Bervice of the Tinted states, one volume, 1808. Basement Room oi thi Adji i \n i General's Office, i < Jommissioners of pharmacy ■ | This room is in qo sense a vault, l>ut only a closet separated from the adjoining room by a wooden door. Ets general aspect suggests that it has been used a^ a convenient dumping ground for the office. It is probable that this condition is due to overcrowding rather than to intentional neglect of the records. Any account of tin* contents of thi^ room must he tentative, until a general house cleaning is under- taken by the department. The following contents were noted ■ Copy of general orders of the adjutant general of Massachusetts, one volume, L818 1819. « Paper cover.) Record of general orders of the adjutant general: One volume. L820 volume i. i s,, 'i : volumes, 1884. it La probable that these volumes are duplicates Of 1 li"s«> in t Ii> Record of general orders received at headquarters: One volume, 1880 i ss -. Pirsl Division (small); one volume, 1888 1887, Pirsl Regiment (small); one ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 275 volume, 1885-1886, Company B, Second Regiment (small) ; one volume, 1885- 1886, Company H, Second Regiment (small). Record of special orders: One volume, 1861-1864; one volume, 1865-1889 (small). Records courts-martial and inquiry, one volume, 1820. Records courts-martial, volume 3, 1834-1852. Records circuit courts-martial, volume 1, 1827-1832. Book of reports, one volume, 1853-1856. Letters and appointments of the adjutant-general, one volume, April to Oc- tober, 1861. Telegrams to and from the adjutant-general, volume 1, 1861. OLD MILITIA KECORDS. Ordnance, stores, and camp equipage received of Massachusetts, under act of separation, 1820, and from the United States, 1821-1859, one volume. Account of military articles and supplies furnished the militia, one volume, 1821-1843. Record of the annual abstracts of militia, one thin volume, 1820-1828. Record book of William P. Parrott, deputy land agent at Fort Fairfield, one volume, April to November, 1839. Accounts of acting quartermaster, 1839 : One volume, " Journal ; " one volume, "Ledger." Record of commissions and discharges forwarded, one volume, 1841-1860. Returns of active volunteer militia, one volume, 1856-1861. Returns of enrolled militia, one volume, 1856-1862. CIVIL WAR RECORDS. Regimental order book : Twenty-fifth Regiment, one volume, September, 1862- March, 1863; Twenty-first Regiment, one volume, October, 1862-July, 1863; Twenty-fourth Regiment, one volume, September, 1862-July, 1863. Descriptive book : Tenth Regiment, one volume ; Second Regiment, one vol- ume ; Twenty-fourth Regiment, one volume ; First Regiment, one volume. Enlistments commencing January 1, 1863, one volume. Record of enlistments, October 17, 1863-June 1, 1864; sixteen volumes, one volume to each county (two for Knox County) ; lists by towns. Quota record, volume 3, 1864. " Deserters, etc.," one volume, 1862. List of volunteers who have received state bounty under general order of July 17, 1862, one volume (by cities, towns, and plantations). Credits under call of October 17, 1863, and state bounties advanced by towns in 1864 : First district, one volume ; second district, one volume ; third district, one volume; fifth district, one volume. Record of enlistment of volunteers in navy, one volume, 1864-1865. Substitutes in the navy, one volume, 1864. Naval credits allowed by the naval commissioners, one volume, 1864. List of rejected and suspended claims, one small volume, 1862-1864. Claims allowed by the committee on military affairs in executive council : One volume, 1864; one small volume, 1865. Record of applications for state pensions, under act of February 23, 1866, one volume, 1866-1868. Applications for state pensions, under act of February 24, 1869, one volume. Record of indigent orphans of soldiers and seamen : One volume, 1868-1870 ; one volume, 1870-1871 ; one volume, 1871 ; one volume, 1872 ; one volume, 1873. 276 AMEBICAH 3IST0BICAL ASSOCIATION. II l I I KS AM) PAP1 Records of letters: Volume v. L836 1887; Volume VI, 1837 L839; Volume VII, L839 L841; Volume VIII, L841 1858; Volume IX. 1853 L850. Letter tiles, five boxes, each labeled " 1820 1865.** Letters and papers of the mosl miscellaneous character. The following titles are typical: Letters to the secretary of state; letters to the adjutant-general; letters to the governor; election returns; petitions; copies <>f bills passed to be engrossed; reports <>f legislative committees; applications for pensions; papers relating to proJ< railroads. Undated letter tiles, thirteen boxes without labels. < >ne boi contains corre- spondence covering the years i s, '»i L865. Among these letters are some from the governor, some from the secretary of state, and some from the adjutant- general. The hulk of the papers in the other boxes, however, seems to belong to the adjutant-general's department Among these are pay rolls, receipts, Inspection roils, claims. Invoices, etc Miscellaneous letters to the adjutant-general: rive boxes. 1881; sii b 1862; four boxes. L863; Ave boxes. L864; foar boxes. 1865; two boxes, L866. Letters from military officers, 1861, ene box. Orders, circulars t<> and by General Hodsdon, one box. Proposals, etc., and offers <>f loans by banks. Isci L862, one bo General and special orders from the War Department, L861 L868, one box. Affidavits and depositions relating to the ease of Robert Elliott, 1861, one box. Letters from various officers, 1861, one box. Letters to the executive department: Miscellaneous, 1861, six boxes; recom- mendations. L861, two boxes; miscellaneous. Isci'. eight DO "ininenda- tions. L862, Qve boxes; from orderly sergeants and recruiting officers, 1862, two boxes; from municipal authorities, 1862, three boxes; of transmittal and acknowledgment, 1863, <>ne box ; orders of governors to issue commissions, L863 L865, <>ne box; miscellaneous. is<'>:i. two boxes; recommendations. four boxes; orders of the War Department, L863 L865, two boxes; from provost- marshals .Hid United states officers, L863 L865, one box; from orderly geants and recruiting officers, L863 1864, one box; recommendations, L864, four bo\e>; of transmittal, etc.. L864, <>ne box: recommendations, 1865, <>ne box; of transmittal, etc.. 1865, em 1 box. Medical examinations of recruits, three boxes, 1861. Medical examinations of drafted men or of volunteers in lieu, four l L862. United States pension returns, two boxes. Descriptive roils of regiments, i s, ">i 1864, four i>. Morning reports, L861 1862, four boi Monthly reports, L861 L866, Bve box.-.. Exhibits of troops for service, i s, ''i L864; papers relative to the number of men furnished by Maine in 1861, One bOX, Miscellaneous letters, one box: Letters from United States officers, 1862; communications from the War Department, 1863; letters from senators and Representatives at Washington, 1861 1862 (from Hamlin, Fessenden, Morrill. and others) : petitions for an extra session of the legislature, i v Letters bj Governor Washburn, L861 L862; letters from General Hod* during the war. one box. Letter books containing copies of letters sent out from the adjutant-general's cilice. isT'.i 1900, abOUl thirty \olnmes. apparently complete. Letter Dies of letters received in the adjutanl general's office seem to be com- plete since L884. AitCHIVES^OF MAINE, 277 MISCELLANEOUS EECORDS. Roster of Maine Volunteer Militia, one volume, 1868-1880. Account of military property issued by the adjutant-general, one volume, 1883-1897. Historical memoranda, war of 1861, compiled by the adjutant-general: Re- marks from returns of Twentieth Regiment, one volume; remarks from returns of Tenth Regiment, one volume; remarks from returns of Twenty-ninth Regi- ment, one volume; diary of Ansel Small, Third Battery, one volume; letters and diary of William M. Harthorn, Fourth Regiment, two volumes (second volume contains also diary and letters of Col. J. W. Welch, Ifineteenth Regiment) ; diary of Gen. J. P. Cilley, First Cavalry, one volume. Records of the governor and council : a One volume, 1850-1852 ; one volume, 1854. Journal of the joint legislative committee on state valuation, 1841, one volume. Proceedings of the council in relation to reports of standing committee on military affairs, with orders issued in accordance therewith by the adjutant- general, one thin volume, 1856. OFFICE OF THE PENSION CLEEK. The pension clerk occupies an office adjoining the quarters of the commissioner of agriculture. The office is without a safe, and all the records, books, and papers are kept on wooden shelves. The following contents were noted : * Records of state pension certificates, two volumes, 1866 and 1867. The series is continued as " state pension accounts," in yearly volumes, 1868 to date. Since the year 1876 three small books accompany the foregoing for each year : , Record of applications and allowances ; record of certificates issued ; record of applications (index). Original application papers are filed in pasteboard boxes. They seem to be complete. Vouchers are filed in the same manner, and also seem complete. The office has made no effort to keep records of letters received or sent. OFFICE OF THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Like most of the older departments of the State, this has outgrown its accommodations in the capitol. A vault in the office is filled to overflowing with papers, and a storeroom in the basement is now also filled to its full capacity. The accessible records may be summarized as follows: IN THE VAULT. Returns of free high schools, in boxes, 1878-1892, 1903, and scattered returns for 1900 in an office cabinet. Returns of superintending school committees, in boxes, several counties to each box, 1868-1882. Since 1883 they have been labeled " School returns." a These records should be in the custody of the secretary of state. 278 A.Ml.Kir.w iiist<)1:i< IAL association. They are apparently complete to 1801; then only for 1892 and L904. I packages, not complete, were found in ;i cabinet in the office for tin* y< and 1902. Fiscal returns, in boxes, 1876 1801, ;iis<> loose packages tor 1882, L898, 1894, and two large boxes containing tin- returns in part for 1003 and 190a; other returns for L002, m<>:>,, 1904, are in the cabinel in the office. Returns of academies, institutes, and seminaries, one package for 10 Returns of superintending school committees in regard to tuition, in b L903 1907. Special reports <>f town superintendents, one package, 1896. special returns for educational institutions, eight packages, 1807. Letters to the superintendent: Two packages, i s «'-'.» 1871; one box, one package, L886; one package, 1887; one package, 1888; one package, 18 Copies of letters scut out have been kept in standard letter files since the incoming of the present superintendent of schools (1907). Letters received are now also kept carefully on file. In the vault was found also a large box of papers, which on Inspection proved to he copies of deeds to soldiers who served in the war of the Revolution. Their presence in this place can only he explained on the supposition that the land agent left them when he vacated this office for the benefit of the superintendent of schools. I.\ Tin: STOBEBOOll IN THE BA8EMSNT. It is probable that many of the missing returns already noted are among the disordered papers in this room. Return- i)( free high schools, and of common schools, and fiscal return- were found in boxes for the year- L895-1897, and in packages for 1 papers for nearly every year from L889 to L906 were found on the shelves. When the papers were put away, some effort seems to have been made to separate the returns by year-, hut they are now in con fusion. Such record> as exist of teachers 1 examinations are said to be in the possession of the special school agent, who ha- no office at the capitol. The office of the superintendent ha- a card index of certifi- cates issued to teacher-. OFFICE OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS, The railroad Commissioners occupy one of the few commodious offices in the statehouse. Metal filing cases and cabinets afford am- ple accommodation for the not very numerous record- of the depart- ment. The existing records are as follow-: Returns of steam and electric railroads from L889 to date, bound in yearly volumes. Some t<\\ returns exist for the years i ss «'- i ss '.». but returns were nut made obligatory upon railroad companies until 1889. Records of commissioners: One volume tsm.-iii folio) contains the di of Mi.- commission from 1888 to about i s v. when the commission was reorgan- Volumes 2-9 cover the years from i ss .~. to date. ARCHIVES OF MAKE. 279 Dockets, three volumes, 1895 to date. Petitions and decisions are kept in a metal filing case. They are said to be complete from 1889 to date. Maps and plans are on file from 1883 to date. Letter books are complete as far back as 1889. Letters received have been filed in boxes in the office since 1S89. OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Only current records are kept in the office of the insurance com- missioner, owing to lack of accommodations. The inevitable store- room in the basement has been utilized as a depository for books and papers not in use. Annual statements of insurance companies doing business in the State are complete from 1873 to date. Previous to 1886 they are in packages; from 1886 they are bound in yearly vol- umes. Application papers of companies admitted are filed in boxes and seem to be complete from 1896 to date. These papers include copies of charters, constitutions, by-laws, etc. Fire reports from municipal authorities are on file from 1895 to date. Letters received by the office seem to have been kept carefully since 1871. Office letter books begin with the year 1885. It is now the practice to keep both letterpress and carbon copies of all letters sent out from the office. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. The secretary of the board of health has been registrar of vital statistics since 1891. The records in his office at the capitol, there- fore, have mainly to do with the keeping of the records sent in by the town clerks. These returns are copied upon cards which are carefully indexed by names. The original returns are filed by towns. The records of the board of health consist of minutes, which have been kept of meetings since 1885 (one volume). Letters received have been kept in files since the organization of the board (1885). OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE. The records in this office are scanty. All matter of public im- portance has been published in annual reports. Copies of letters sent out are preserved in letter files from 1892 to date. Letters received in the office have been kept in letter files since 1896 ; earlier letters are in packages dating back to 1892. There are also in the office two volumes of records of farmers' institutes, covering the years 1892 to date. OFFICE OF THE BANK EXAMINER. The headquarters of this department were not established at the capitol until the year 1892. Kecords earlier than 1891 are not kept 280 AMEBft \N HISTORICAL \'i [ON. in the present office. The returns of savings banks, loan and building :iations, ami trust companies are complete and on file from L892 to date. Letters received have been filed away since L895. It is now the practice of the department to keep copies of all Letters sent out. BUREA1 OF INDUSTRIAL AND LABOB STATISTICS. Deeming his duties performed when he has rendered his annual report to the governor, the commissioner of industrial and labor statistics systematically burns all returns on the basis of which he makes up his report. The office, consequently, is not burdened with records. In explanation so." Another set of sheets, torn and dog- eared, is Inclosed in a worn manila-paper cover without title of any sort. Still another set of -beet- i- without cover or title. Finally, there is a package of loose leaves rapidly crumbling, which can only be deciphered with difficulty, < >nly a careful examination can now reduce these loose -licit 3 to their chrono- logical order. A transcripl of these records was made by Francis Bacon in L845. From thi- transcript was made the copy of l s 7<), which i< now in the office of the county clerk. An earlier transcript, now in tin* state library, w a- made by ( lharles Bradbury, act ing under a resolve of the slate legislature in L848. A third transcripl i- in the possession of the I Ion. .lames Phinney Baxter, of Portland. The contents of these records are t»>«> varied to permit of concise description. Extracts from them were published in the first volume of the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and more e\i. 11. led extracts were published subsequently in the first volume of ABCHIVES OF MAINE. 283 the collections of the Maine Historical Society. The earliest entries are records of the court of commissioners sitting at Saco, in the year 1636. In the office of the county clerk, at Alfred, are kept also the records of courts since 1687, when the judiciary act was passed by Governor Andros and council. By this act provision was made for an " Infe- rior court of common pleas " in each county and a court of " Quar- terly sessions." By the acts of 1692 and 1699, these courts were reorganized, though they retained much the same jurisdiction. After 1692 the inferior court of common pleas became known simply as the court of common pleas and was held in each county by four judges specially appointed^ while the court of quarter sessions was styled after 1699 the court of " General sessions of the peace." The latter was held by the justices of the peace for the county or by such as were designated. The following records are complete : Volume VI. Records of the inferior court of common pleas, 1687-1718, pages 1-229 ; records of the court of quarter or general sessions, 1687-1716, pages 230-400 ; and in reverse order, 1716-171S, pages 401-423. Volume VII. At the front, records of the court of common pleas, 1718-1726; at the back, in reverse order, records of the court of general sessions, 1718-1727. Volume VIII. At the front, records of "the court of common pleas, 1727-1730; at the back, in reverse order, records of the court of general sessions, 1727-1730. Volume IX. At the front, records of the court of common pleas, 1730-1733; at the back, records of the court of general sessions, 1730-1733. Volume X. Records of the court of general sessions, 1733-1757. Volume XI. Records of the court of general sessions, 1757-1776. Xo number. Small folio. Records of the court of general sessions, 1776- 1792. Volumes XIII-XVI. Records of the court of general sessions, 1792-1833. The records of this court end with Volume XVI, but the serial number is continued for the following: Records of the county commissioners, Volumes XVII-XXIV, 1834-1899. The records of the court of common pleas are continued as separate volumes in serial order (following Volume IX, containing also the records of the court of general sessions). This later series comprises volumes X-LVI, covering the years 1733-1839. Volume LVI contains the records of the first session of the district court, in May, 1839. The records of the district court, which succeeded to the jurisdiction of the court of common pleas, are contained in thirteen volumes, covering the years 1839-1852, when it in turn was superseded by the supreme judicial court. The records of the supreme court in the county of York are contained in fifty- six volumes numbered consecutively and covering the years 1798 to date. In the office of the county clerk are the following miscellaneous records : Record of marriages returned by town clerks, 1854-1888,° one volume. Record of marriages, sheriffs' commissions, etc., 1837-1905, one volume. Record of deputy sheriffs' commissions, 1836-1907, one volume. Record of soldiers' and seamans' discharge, 1866-1894, one volume. " The statute which required town clerks to make annual return of marriages to the clerk of courts was repealed in 1887. Returns must now be made to the secretary of state and to the registrar of vital statistics, who is secretary of the state board of health 28 I \.\ iiist(»i:[c\i. LfcSOCl I i tO 01 i k i or i in BEGI8TEB 01 DO D& The records of deeds arc preserved in 575 volume-, covering 1 1 it* years from L643 to date. Noi all records of conveyances and grants, however, are included in this collection, since it was customary for the county court originally to publish land grants and to hear ques- tions involving land titles. For these earlier record- recourse must he had to the " Early records of the province of Maine." already de- scribed! Fourteen volumes of these deed- have been printed by resolve of the legislature, firsl under the supervision of the Maine Historical Society, and since L908 under that of the Maine Genealogical Society. The original volumes are preserved in the office of the regisfc deeds, hut are withdrawn from genera] use. The earlier volumes of the printed "York deeds" contain matter of a much more miscellaneous character than the title suggests, and for this reason the first six volume- should receive special examination. Volume I. This volume was printed from the original records and from a copy of the original records made in l T : i l by order of the court of general sessions. Some twenty-six pages were missing from the original when the copy was made, and many other pages were so badly mutilated that the copy had to he used in place of the original. Following the method of the copyist, the printed volume is divided into three parts as follows: Part 1. 1648 1666; Part II. 1643 L646; Part in. Miscellaneous records taken in part from the courl recorda The volume contains not only conveyances and grants, hut private letters, petitions. Inventories, accounts, ami claims, it includes also correspondence bearing on the claims of Massachusetts to the province of Maine and the proceedings of the Massachusetts commissioners appointed to receive the BUbmiSSioO of the settle- ments north of the Piscataipia. Volume [I. only one leaf was missing from the original when this volume was printed. It includes the records of ih'Vil^ between 1666 and 1676, for the county of fork, as well as certain records for those settlements in the Duke's Territory east of the Kennebec. Among the records are also numerous documents bearing on the Mason claims. The editor has reprinted in the Introduction to the volume the alleged Mason charter of in."..", together with a grant of Gorges t" Mason in the same year. Volume III. This volume is complete for the years 1676 1684. Volumes IV VI. These volumes contain the scattered records of tifi in the Following confused arrangement: Volume iv. records of deeds, 1684 1696 1680; Volume v. Part i. probate records, begun in 1680; record of deeds, 1680 1696; Pan II. r_'T pages of court records; Volume VI, record of ,: n;sT L689. when government was resumed in the province. Immediately after the revolutionary movements of 1689, it was found that Books IV and vi bad been carried to Boston. Until these wen- returned Book v. which had opened as a record book for probate business, was used for the recording ^f ^h'^'^\< :\\u\ the minutes of 1 he curt. Th.' remaining volumes of the printed series are free from such Irregulai and reflect the more orderly and systematic working ^f the count) oa\ In the office of the register of deeds arc also the followii Record of householders 1 certificates (under ad of I860), volume i. i860 to date, AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 285 Record of certificates of incorporation, thirteen volumes, 1881 to date. Record of certificates of limited partnership, one volume, 1854-1894. Record of certificates of persons owning stallions (under act of 1873), one volume, 1873 to date. Record of recognizances, one volume, 1855-1856. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The probate records of York County are preserved in the office of the register of probate at Alfred. They are contained in volumes numbered consecutively from 1 to 272. Volume I, covering the period September 14, 1687, to January 8, 1706/7, has been replaced by an attested copy, the original being badly worn through constant use. It is desirable that other early volumes should also be replaced by copies. The records are complete to date. Prior to 1687 the work of a probate court was transacted by the county court, the clerk of court serving also as register of probate. In the office of register of probate are also the following : Administrators' bonds, volumes 1 and 2, 1823-1838. Executors' bonds, volume 3, 1823-1842. Guardians' bonds, volume 4, 1823-1836. Bonds for persons non compos mentis and spendthrifts, volume 5, 1823-1842 Bonds on sales of real estate, volume 6, 1823-1842. Probate bonds, volumes 7-22, 1821-1872. (After this date in the probate records. ) Probate docket: Unnumbered, 1862-1864, 1869-1871; volumes, 1-19, 1872- 1908. Insolvency docket, volumes 1-3, 1878-1898. Record of assignments and certificates of discharge, volumes 1 and 2, 1878- By resolve of the legislature, February 25, 1887, those wills which had been recorded prior to the separation of the counties of Cumber- land and Lincoln from York were ordered to be printed. They were copied under the direction of the Maine Historical Society and pub- lished with the title " Maine wills," 1640-1760. The original probate papers are stored in this office, but they are in such confusion, the register admits, that " back of the past twenty-five years it would be a hard task to find anything special." CUMBERLAND COUNTY. An examination of the records of Cumberland County had hardly been completed, when the building, which contained also the records of the city of Portland, was destroyed by fire. It is believed that all the records except those of the probate court were saved, but until they can be brought together again from their temporary places of deposit their exact condition can not be ascertained. The loss of the probate records is irreparable. It would seem as though the loss of 286 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the earlier probate records in the destructive Portland fire of L866 should have taught the necessity of providing adequate protection against further Losses. It should be added that a court-house was already in process of construction when the recent fire occurred, and it is to be hoped that the records may soon rest in fireproof Faults. The following summary of the county archives must be regarded as tentative until they can be reexamined. ol I K I. 01 I III. ( 01 N I V < I IKK. In the office of the clerk of court- were kept all the court records except those of the court of general sessions. The series was not in- terrupted by the separation of Maine from Massachusetts, the inferior court of Massachusetts becoming the inferior court of Maine. The records of the inferior court of con in ion pleas and of the district court which superseded it arc contained in sixty-five volumes, covering the years 1TC>0 to 1S.V_>. The records of the supreme court of Massachusetts in the county of Cumberland comprise five volumes for the year- 17'. ,s to L820. The records of the supreme court of Maine for the county of Cum- berland (during the year L820, for both Cumberland and Oxford) begin in volume 5 of the foregoing and follow, in volume- num- bered consecutively to 100. to the year L906. In L852 the supreme court succeeded to the jurisdiction of the district court and con- tinued to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction until L868, when pressure of work necessitated the organization of a superior court for the county. The records of the superior court for the county of Cumberland are contained in two .-erics of volume-, a- follow-: Civil records, volumes i -78, L868 L908. Criminal records, volumes l 36, L809 L906. The following records were also kept in the office of the county clerk: Naturalization records of the superior court, volumes i it. L860 1908 (of the supreme court, L858 L868). Naturalisation records <>f the superior court. "Soldiers," volume t. 1902. Record of soldiers discharged from the service <>f the United Btatea, volume 1. I SUC, p. MIL'. Records <>f deputy sheriffs 1 commissions, volumes i 2, L880 L9I 0] I i« r .»i I in ( 0US I 1 < OM Mi- ll! this office were kept the reeotd- id' the court of general sessions for the years L760 to L881. The records of the county commissioners since L881 arc preserved in the same Beries, beginning with volume <*>. and covering the years L881 to L908 in ten volumes. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 287 Among the records in this office were also the following: Marriage records returned by town clerks : Volume A, 1786-1833 ; Volume B, 1835-1849 ; Volume C, 1850-1864 ; Volume D, 1864-1886. Journal, Cumberland County jail workshop, A T olume A, 1876-1884. OFFICE OF THE KEGISTER OF DEEDS. The records of deeds are preserved in eight hundred volumes, cov- ering the years 1760 to date. Earlier conveyances and grants must be sought in the records of York County, from which this county was set off in the year 1760. Volume I of the Cumberland County deeds has been replaced for general use by an attested copy, but the original is in a fair state of preservation. To these deeds there is an exhaust- ive index in thirty-two volumes. Miscellaneous records in this office were as follows : Records of attachments, volumes 1-20, 1838 to date. Records of certificates of incorporation, volumes 1-35, 1870 to date. Record of certificates of persons owning stallions, Volume I, 1873 to date. Record of homestead exemptions (under act of 1850), Volume I, 1850 to date. LINCOLN COUNTY. The records of the county of Lincoln, since its establishment in 1760, are collected in the court-house at Wiscasset (originally Pow- nalborough). The usual brick and steel vaults have been provided for the several offices, but none can be regarded as strictly fire-proof. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. In the vault in the office of the clerk of courts are the following records : Records of the supreme judicial court from 1798 to date, thirty-three folio volumes. Records of the court of common pleas from 1761 to 1838, when the district court succeeded to its jurisdiction, fifty volumes. Records of the court of sessions from 1761 to 1831 and of the county commis- sioners from 1831 to date, twelve volumes, numbered consecutively. Volume V contains the records of the court of sessions, 1817-1834, and of the county commissioners, 1831-1833'. Record of marriages, two volumes, 1828-1866. Later records are missing. Record of sheriff's and coroner's bonds, two volumes, 1820-1892. Record of sheriff's bonds, one volume, 1894 to date. Record of appointments of deputy sheriffs, two volumes, 1830 to date. Record of recognizances, three volumes (not 'numbered consecutively), 1813-1850. Records of declarations of intention and naturalization, one volume, 1905 to date. Estimates for county taxes, one volume, 1812 to date. Record of " Mittimuses," one volume, 1891 to date. "An account of all moneys received in the clerk's office," one volume, 1821- 1835. In inverted order, at the back, an account of the county with Nathaniel Coffin, agent for building the court-house. 288 AMKKIc.W HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 01 I ■'!< I 01 l ill. Ki.'.isl l B <>l l»i EDS. Records of deed- for the county of Lincoln are kept in the vault <>i' the register's office. They comprise 823 volumes, covering the J 1761 to date. Volume II contain- the records of the grants of the " Proprietors of the Kennebeck purchase from the late colony of New Plymouth," L760 L784. Volume XXTV contain- the re f the Plymouth grants from L788 to 1831. Other records in the registry of ^\(><-<\> are as folio? Record of attachments, eighl volumes, L838 1908. Record of exemptions, volume I. L850 i" date. " Horse records " (under acl of L873), one volume. Records <>f certificates of corporations and of limited partnerships .ire kept among the miscellaneous records in the general ser 01 I n i: 01 Mil: i:i QIS1 EB «'i PBOB \ l I . The probate records are contained in 197 volumes, covering years 1760 to date. The records from L760 to l s <><> have been edited by Mr. William D. Patterson, and published by the Maine Genealog- ical Society (1895). This volume contain- not only wills and brief abstracts of the proceedings of the probate court, but also some papers which were deposited with the register, but for some reason not re- corded. Among these probate records arc five volumes of records for the eastern district of Lincoln County, from l v ll to 1 V I7. There are six volumes of probate dockets, covering the years l s,;: > t ( > date. Other miscellaneous records are as follov Record of assignments, Volume I. L850 i s T*.». Record of assignments and certificates <>f debtor's discharge, two volu L878 L900. Insolvency docket, one volume, i s vs L900. The original probate papers seem to have been preserved, but they have not been filed in any methodical fashion. HANCOCK 001 Mi . The records of the county n\' Hancock, established in 17^:». an he found at Ellsworth, where they arc housed in a commodious court- bouse. Although this building \- constructed of brick and the offices are shut oil' from the main building by steel doors, the window frames are of wood and unprotected. Only one office, that of the clerk of courts, is provided with steel sta< OFFICE 01 I !ir ( I i KB The following records arc kept in the clerk's office: Records of Hn* supreme judicial court, torty-llve volumes, 1801 L90& Mw accompanying dockets are complete, AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 289 Records of the court of common pleas, twenty-eight volumes, 1790-1839. The dockets are missing. Records of the district court, eight volumes, 1839-1852. The serial number of the records of common pleas is continued for these records, i. e., volume 29 to volume 36. Records of the court of sessions, two volumes, 1790-1831. Records of the county commissioners, beginning in volume 2 of the foregoing, eighteen volumes, 1831 to date. The dockets of the court of sessions are miss- ing; those of the county commissioners are complete. Municipal court dockets (city of Ellsworth) : Criminal docket, four volumes, 1869 to date; civil docket, five volumes, 1869 to date. Record of marriages, one volume, 1842-1887. Previous to this date the mar- riage records were kept in the minutes of the county commissioners. Records of appointments of deputy sheriffs, four volumes : Volume 1, small, 1830-1847 (also sheriff's and coroner's bonds) ; volumes 2-4, 1850 to date. Records of declaration of naturalization, two volumes, 1845-1906. Records of naturalization, four volumes, 1847-1906. Record of seamen's discharges, one volume, 1865. Record of soldiers' discharges, one volume, 1866-1901. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS. In the registry of deeds are the following records: Records of deeds, four hundred and fifty-one volumes, 1791 to date. Volumes 4 and 6 have been copied. The originals are kept in the office. Several of the earlier volumes have been rebound. The records are well indexed. Records of attachments, eight volumes, 1845 to date. Records of certificates of organization of corporations, three volumes, 1879 to date. Record of clerks and secretaries of corporations, one volume, 1880-1908. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume, 1851 to date. Record of horses, one volume, 1873 to date. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. In the registry of probate are the following: Probate records, one hundred and forty volumes, 1791 to date. Fully indexed. Probate dockets, complete from the year 1822. Documents and papers are filed away by court terms in tin boxes. Record of assignment, one volume, 1853-1878. Record of assignments and debtors' discharges, one volume: Assignments, 1878-1898; discharges, 1878-1900. Insolvency dockets seem to be complete. WASHINGTON COUNTY. The records of Washington County are at Machias in a commo- dious court-house. This building is constructed of brick and the several offices can be shut off from the main building by steel doors. The window frames are of iron and all the offices are provided with metal stacks. The county was established in 1789. a For the preparation of this report I am indebted to Mr. Jay Lyman Gray, of Lubec, Me. 89160— H. Doc. 137, 61-2— vol 1 19 290 ami:i;i< AN BI6T0BICAL ASSOCIATION OFFICE 01 I Hi. (I.! BE 01 ( OOE1 The following records arc kept m the clerk*- office: Records of the supreme Judicial court, thirty-six volumes, L821-1908. The accompanying dockets seem to be complete. Records ol the court of common pleas, seventeen volumes, LT90 L889. The accompanying dockets seem to be complete. Records <>f the district court, thirteen volumes. 1839-1852. The accompany- ing dockets seem to be complete. Record of the court of sessions, one volume, 1790 1831. Records of the county commissioners. Jive volumes, 1831 1906. The dockets of the court of sessious are wanting; those of the county commissioners are complete. Record of marriages, one volume, 1827-1890. Record of appointments of deputy sheriffs, two volumes, 1859 to date. Record of intention of naturalization, six volumes, 1854-1906. Record of petitions for naturalization, two volumes, 1854-1906. Since the records have been kept in one volume provided by the Federal Government. Record of soldiers' discharges, one volume, L821-1902. The few records of seamen's discharges have been kept with the soldiers' die OFFICE OF Till REGISTER OP DEEDS. In the registry of deeds arc the following: Records of deeds, two hundred and eighty-three volume-. 1784 to date. All of the volumes are kept in the office. They are well indexed. Records of attachments, three volumes. Records of certificates of organization of corporations, three volumes. i s 7i to d;ito. Records of foreclosures, four volumes, istn to date. Record of horses, one volume, 1 S '»T to date. oi mr or i hi. in QI8T1 B <>i PBOBA1 1 . In (he registry of probate arc the following records: Probate records, one lmndred volumes, isyo to date Fully Indexed. Probate dockets, complete from L894 t<> date, Occasional dockets from 1826 fo L894. Documents ami papers :ire tiled away alphabetically, from 1786 to date, in Bllng c;ises. Rcconi of assignments and debtors 1 discharges, one volume, i y . Insolvency docket, one volume, i s T:» L80 Ki.\ \it.i ( 001 \ n . The record of Kennebec County, established in l7'. , ! , . are stored in the couri bouse at Augusta. Although the building is a substan- tial structure of stone, none of the offices have been provided with vaults or afe which can be regarded as fireproof. Pending the construction of a, wing for addition room, the custodian AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 291 the records have allowed their books and documents to accumulate in a damp vault in the basement, where they lie in a chaotic state. OFFICE OF THE CLEEK OF COURTS. The following records are accessible in the clerk's office in the main building : Records of the supreme judicial court : Thirty-nine volumes, 1799-1878 ; eight volumes, 1879-1902 ( several volumes bound under one cover) ; one volume, 1903 ; one volume, 1904-1906 (several volumes bound under one cover). The accom- panying dockets seem to be complete. Supreme judicial court, criminal records, one volume, 1852-1878. Records of the law terms of the supreme court, twenty-two volumes, 1880- 1900. Records of the superior court, thirty-one volumes, 1878-1908. The accom- panying dockets seem to be complete. This court succeeded to the criminal jurisdiction of the supreme court in Kennebec County. Records of the court of common pleas and of the district court are said to be in the vault in the basement. Records of the court of general sessions, six volumes, 1799-1835. The volume for the years 1809-1811 is missing. Volume 4 contains in an insertion the minutes of the court from 1822 to 1825, which are copied in volume 5. In 1831 the court of general sessions gave way to the court of county commissioners, hence the serial numbers are continued for the following : Records of the court of county commissioners, volumes 7-17, 1835 to date. Volume 9 contains the records of hearings of petitions and awards of damages in connection with the construction of the Kennebec and Portland Railroad. It covers the years 1848-1853. Volume 12 continues these records to the year 1899. Volume 13 contains records relating to the construction of the new jail, 1857-1858. Volume 11 contains the records of accounts allowed, 1848-1852. The dockets for the foregoing courts are complete from 1825 to date. "Rescripts," one volume, 1883-1890. Record of executions returned with bonds, one volume, 1837-1895. Record of confession notes, one volume, 1840-1860. Record of marriages, six volumes, 1828-1887. Record of deputy sheriffs' appointments, three volumes, 1829 to date. Records of declaration of intention and naturalization, three volumes, 1882- 1903. Records of declaration of intention, three volumes, 1882-1908. Record of naturalization of minors, 1903 to date. Record of naturalization of soldiers, one volume, 1882-1903. Record of naturalization of soldiers and sailors, one volume, 1904 to date. Record of soldiers discharged, one volume, 1865-1887. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER' OF DEEDS. Copies of the records in the registry of deeds of Lincoln County, eleven volumes, 1760-1799. These contain copies of deeds recorded as late as 1830 in Lincoln County. Records of deeds of Kennebec County, 486 volumes, 1799 to date. Records of grants of the proprietors of the Kennebec purchase: Volume 1, 1799-1812 ; volume 3, 1810-1863 ; one volume, not numbered, contains copies of the Kennebec grants in the registry of deeds of Lincoln County, 1761-1818, 292 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Records of the commissioners oi Massachusetts, appointed to settle claims affecting the proprietors of the Kennebec purchase, one volume, numbered 2, is..:; |.sor>. Records of attachments, seven volumes in the scries. L838 to date. Volume 4, following the year 1ST.*;, is missing. Record of certificates of homesteads, one volume, I860 to date. Record of certificates of limited partnership, one volume, im After lss!», among the records of deeds. Record of pedigrees of stallions, one volume, 1^7:; to date. Record of certificates of corporations are kepi in separate volumes among the records of deeds. oil ICE OF THE REG1STEB 01 PROBATA Owing to the gross carelessness with which the probate records have been treated, no satisfactory statement can be made regarding the contents of the vaults. Most of the volumes from 1 It) to 307 seem to be kept in the vault adjoining the court-room. The re>t have been left to litter the vault in the basement. The probate records are in- dexed. OXFORD COUNTY. The records of Oxford County, established in L805, are now in the court-house, erected in 1895, at South Paris. The building i> con- structed of brick with the usual vaults Tor the different offices. A short-sighted economy lias led to the use of wooden rather than steel stacks in the vaults, all of which have window-. OFFICE oi' l mi: I I i BE OF ( 01 Records of the supreme judicial court, thirty-two volumes, L821-] companying dockets are complete. Records of the court of common pleas, seventeen volumes, i v Be- ginning with the June term, i^.".'.) (volume 12), the court is styled "Western district court."* The dockets are complete. Records of the court of general sessions, one volume, i s ".~, 189 Records of the county commissioners: Volume t, 1831 L846; volumes ■". ;». L846 to date. There is no volume numhored 2. pockets of the court are com- plete iu six thin folios, unhouud. and six folio volumes. Records of locations of roads, L895 to date, one volume; hills ordered paid. 1886 1902, erne volume. Record of marriages: Volume '"A." L830 L845; volume 1. L845 i s To : rolume 2, isTo L892. Record of ;ii|inission of attorneys, one volume, small folio, containing copies of siu-nat u res ami original Signatures from 1807 to date. Record of appointments of deputy Sheriffs, one \olunie. 1883 to date; one volume, L868 1882; one volume, 1888 to date. Bills allowed by the supreme court, one \olume. |s;,| L886; VOlUflM 'J. 1872 1900; volume •"'•. 1903 to date. Record of s«.iiiiers' discharges, two volumes, 1888 190 AKCHIYES OF MAINE. 293 office of the register of deeds. Records of deeds, three hundred and four volumes, 1806 to date. Indexed. Records of attachments, five volumes, 1838 to date. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume, 1850 to date. Record of stallions, one volume, 1873 to date. Records of certificates of corporations and of limited partnerships are kept in miscellaneous volumes in the general series. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The earliest volumes are numbered consecutively from 1 to 19. Two volumes are numbered 2. Further than this no serial numbers are used. The records are said to be complete. There are altogether some two hundred volumes from the year 1805 to date. The records have no general index, though each volume is indexed. The greater part of the papers which the present register found in the office have been arranged alphabetically in pigeonholes, but there are still sev- eral drawers full of unclassified documents. The probate dockets seem to be complete from 1822 to date. SOMERSET COUNTY.® The records of Somerset County are in a well-built court-house at Skowhegan. The usual "fireproof" vaults have been provided for the offices. The county was organized in 1809. OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURTS. The following records are kept in the clerk's office : Records of the supreme judicial court, forty volumes, 1821-1908. Records of the court of common pleas, fifteen volumes, 1809-1839. Records of the district court, seven volumes, 1839-1852. Records of the court of sessions and of the county commissioners, nine vol- umes, 1809-1908. Dockets, one hundred and forty-five volumes, 1809-1908, covering all the court records; six volumes, county commissioners. Records of soldiers' discharges, two volumes, 1866-1908. Records of marriages, three volumes, 1844-1888. Records of appointments of deputy sheriffs, three volumes, 1850-1908. County estimates of taxes, three volumes, 1850-1908. Naturalization records were kept with the supreme court records until the new law of 1903. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. In the registry of probate are the following: Records of probate, one hundred and twenty volumes, 1809-1908. Probate dockets, ten volumes, 1869-1908. a For assistance in preparing this report I am under obligation to Mr. Maurice Palmer Merrill, of Skowhegan, Me. 294 AMERICAN aiSTOBICAL Association. Insolvency dockets, Ave volumes. Documents and papers sine- L869 are kepi in metal Sling cases, numbered to correspond with tin- dockets. The earlier documents and papers are said to be complete as Car back as iso!>. 01 in I OF I III EtEQISTEB OF Dl • In the registry of deeds are the following: Records of deeds, two hundred and ainety-two volumes, 1809 L9I Records of attachments, twelve volumes, 1809-1908. Records of foreclosures and of exemptions are kept with the records of «!• Records of certificates of corporations ami of limited partnerships are kept in a volume in the general scries. I'KNOBSCOT COT N TV. The records of this county are stored in the new court-house af Bangor, which has been the shire-town since the establishment of the county in 181G. The offices are commodious and well arranged, but inadequate precaution has been taken against fire. The building is constructed of brick and stone and each office has been provided with steel doors, but all the rooms have windows without steel shin None of the records are kept in fireproof vaults or -ale-. OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF ( 01 The following records are in the clerk's office: Records of the supreme judicial court, one hundred and forty volumes. 1821 to date. Dockets are complete. Records of the BUpreme judicial court for criminal cases, seventeen volumes, L852 to date. Dockets are complete. Records of the court of common pleas, thirty-two volumes, L&L6-1839. Dockets are complete. Records of the district court, twenty-four volumes. L83&-1852. Dockets are complete. Records of the court of sessions and. since L831, records of the comity com- missioners, thirteen volumes. L816 t«> date. Dockets seem to be complete. Records of marriages, Beveo volumes, L827 L887. Records of naturalisation of foreigners, L834 1908: Volume 1. declaration and naturalisation; volumes 2 ."">. declaration of naturalisation; volumes i* n. naturalisation, Record of soldiers' discharges, one volume. L866 is:t:.. lie.,. r,i of sailors' discharges, one small volume, i s <><'' 1871. Records of appointments of deputy sheriffs, eight volumes, L829 to date. Record Of peddlers' licenses, one VOlUme, L866 1 s 7l'. oi i [< i: 01 i BS i;i QI8T1 i: ei Dl i D8, The following records are in the registry of deeds: Records of deeds, seven hundred ami ninety volumes, L814 to date. Fully index. -.1. Prom 1814 t.> imc, Bangor \\;i^ a half-shire with Castine, in Bancock County, and maintained an office for the northern registry of deeds, ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 295 Records of attachments, eleven volumes, 1838 to date. Records of foreclosures, twelve volumes, lettered A to L, 1838 to date. Penobscot Indian records, two volumes, 1884 to date. Records of lands as- signed by the agent to Indian claimants upon determination of claims by a board of commissioners ; also records of subsequent conveyances. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume, 1850 to date. Records of certificates of organization of corporations, three volumes, 1870 to date. Record of clerks of corporations, one volume, 1845 to date. Record of seizures on execution, one volume, 1888 to date. Record of limited partnerships, one volume, 1842-1896. Record of log marks; one volume, 1849 to date. Horse records, one volume, 1873 to date. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The following records are in the registry of probate : Records of probate, three hundred and twenty-one volumes, 1816 to date. Probate dockets seem to be complete from 1859. The earlier volumes are miss- ing, except two pamphlets for the years 1820-1822 and 1822-1823, and one small book for 1831-1834. Miscellaneous records, a series of volumes numbered in red ink 1-9 and 15-21. Indexed. Insolvency records, six volumes, 1893-1898. Documents and papers are filed by years in steel boxes, 1822-1892, and since 1892 by numbers in boxes. WALDO COUNTY. In the court-house at Belfast are collected the records of the county of Waldo, established by act of the legislature in 1827. The building- is a brick structure, with a recently constructed addition for the registry of deeds. All the offices are provided with vaults, which are commonly termed fireproof. All these vaults have metal stacks and steel doors, which shut them off from the other rooms, but all have windows which are not protected. OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURTS. In the clerk's office are the following records : Records of the supreme judicial court, thirty-two volumes, 1828-1906. Vol- ume 33, which brings the records down to date, is unbound. The dockets seem to be complete. Records of the court of common pleas, eight volumes, 1828-1839. Dockets not to be found. Records of the district court, nine volumes, numbered serially with the fore- going, 1839-1852. Dockets are missing. Records of the court of sessions and of the county commissioners, seven volumes, 1827-1908. Dockets are complete in ten volumes. Record of marriages, three volumes, 1828 to 1887. Index to road records, one volume. Record of appointments of deputy sheriffs, two volumes, 1839 to date. 296 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Record of soldiers' dischargee, one volume, 1868 i v,, v Naturalization records were n..t kepi separate from the court records until 1907. OFFICE 01 THE BEOI8TE1 01 DEEDS. In this office are the following: Records o!' deeds, two hundred and ninety-one volumes, L828 to date. Well indexed. Record of certificates of Incorporation: Volume 1. •corporation and partner- ship certificates," 1872 L902; volume 2, "Corporation records," 1902 to date. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume, 1850 to date. Record of attachments, two volumes, is74 to date. Records of stallions, one volume, 1893 to date: one volume < small) "Horse records," L873-1887. OFFICIO OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. In the registry of probate are the following records : Probate records, one hundred and thirty-four volumes. 1827 to date. The first six volumes are numbered indifferently 1 or 2. The serial number begins with the volume numbered 7. The records are fully indexed. Documents and papers are kept in h each paper receiving a serial number. FRANKLIN COUNTT. a The records of Franklin County, established in 1838, arc in the court-house at Farmington. The offices have been recently reno- vated, and are now well protected against lire. All are equipped with metal stacks and have iron window frame- protected by steel shutters. OFFICE OF Tin: < LESS OF < OUSTS. The following record- are kept in the clerk's otlice: Records of the court of common pleas, one volume. is:;s Lfi Records of the western district court, live volumes, I s -"-'-' 1852. Records of the BUpreme judicial court, twenty-six volumes. 1 — -II 19OS1 1 etS of the foregoing courts are complete. Records of the county commissioners, eight volumes, i Dockets are complete. Record of marriages, four volumes, 1842 i ss T. Record of appointments of deputy sheriffs, three volumes, 1838 ] Record of sheriffs' and coroners' bonds. si\ volumes, 1838 I Record of declaration of naturalization, two volumes, 1888 1800 Record of aaturalisation, two volumes, 1838 1900. Record of soldiers* discharges, two volumes, I860 . oi i i< i oi i in la BIBTI i: or im i DB. The following records arc In the registry of deeds: Records of deeds one hundred and seventy-nine volumes, 1838 to date. Record of attachments, one volume, i s T".» 1908. Mi Brneal R. Pottle, "f Farmington, I dm i" the preparation <>f nn> report. AECHIVES OF MAINE. 297 Record of certificates of organization of corporations and of limited partner- ships. Record of horses, one volume, 1873 to date. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. In the office of the register of probate are the following : Probate records, one hundred and forty-four volumes, 1838-1908. Probate dockets are complete. Record of assignments, one volume, 1879-1898. Record of debtors' discharges, one volume, 1879-1898. Probate papers are filed, by estates, in steel filing cases. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. a The records of this county, established in 1838, are in the court- house at Dover. The county offices are provided with the usual vaults for the safe-keeping of the records. OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURTS. In this office are kept the following records: Records of the supreme judicial court, twenty-one volumes, 1838 to date. The accompanying dockets are complete. Original papers forming part of the court records are filed in tin boxes, one for each year, from 1838 to date. Records of the county commissioners, six volumes, 1838 to date. Records of marriages, three volumes, 1838-1889. Record of soldiers' discharges, one volume, 1866 to date. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS. In this office are the following records: Records of deeds, one hundred and sixty-four volumes, 1838 to date. Record of attachments, three volumes. Record of foreclosures, four volumes. Records of wills, two volumes. Record of corporation certificates, one volume. Record of assignments of wages, one volume. Record of certificates of clerks of corporations, one volume. Record of lien claims, one volume. Record of seizures, one volume. Horse records, one volume. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. This office contains the following records : Records of probate, seventy-nine volumes, 1838 to date. Records of Wills, three volumes. Dockets, three volumes, since 1893. Insolvency records, two volumes. Documents and papers are filed in tin boxes and are said to be complete. a Mr. Ralph Owen Brewster, of Dexter, has kindly prepared this report on the records in the court-house. 298 AMERICAN ttlBTOBICAL ASSOCIATION. AR0OSTOOE 001 WT1 . The records of (his county are in the court-house at ITonhon. which h:is been the shire town since the organization of the county in l v :'/>. The building is constructed of brick, and the several offices are .pro- dded with steel doors and fireproof vault- for the safe-keeping of the records. OFFICE OP l BE < i.l i:k OF DOUBTS. Records found in the office of the county clerk are as follow-: Records of the supreme judicial court, thirty-seven volumes, 1851 i Records of the district court, four volumes, L83&-185L Records of the county commissioners, sixteen volumes. is:; to date. OFFICE OF Till: REG1STEB OF DEEDS. The following are in the registry of deed- : Records of deeds, two hundred and thirty-six volumes, i s <»s to date. [nd< Records of attachments, ten volumes, ls;;;> to date. Record of foreclosures, eight volumes. lsr>:; to date. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume. L853 to date. Records of certificates of organization of corporations, one volume, 1882 to date. Record of clerks of corporations, one volume, 1882 to date. Record of limited partnerships, one volume, L874 i ss ~>. Horse record, one volume. 1873 to date. 0FFI( i. or i it i: la GIST] B or PBOBATE. The following arc in the registry of probate: Probate records, Washington County, northern division, volume 1. April. 1836 April, i^.'is. Probate records, Aroostook County, sixty-five volumes, 1839 to date. Probate dockets, seven volumes, L86S to date. Documents and papers are tiled iii siroi cases by number, corresponding to the number and page of the dOCkel in which the record «.f the estate i> made. Record of assignments and discharges, volume :*.. 1896 L904. insolvency dockets, four volumes, i s 7s L890. insolvency record, one volume, 1892. insolvency ledger, one volume, L893 1901, Probate and Insolvency record, one volume, 1882 i ss .~>. Probate and Insolvency, record of orders, volume i. i v - \«, \p\ii.m ( 01 NTT, The record- of tin- county of Sagadahoc, established in 1864, are collected in the court-house at Bath. The court-house is a substantial ■The data (or this report have i n collected by Mr. Aaron A. Putnam, <>f Honltoo, Me. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 299 brick building with vaults for the use of the register of deeds, the register of probate, and the clerk of courts. These three vaults con- tain windows, but they are protected by steel shutters. All have double steel doors, which are closed when the records are not in use. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. The records of the supreme judicial court are contained in thirty- seven folio volumes, numbered consecutively from 1854 to date. Ac- companying these records are the supreme court dockets in smaller folio volumes. A volume numbered 2, but not belonging to the series, contains a record of " Bonds " from 1886 to 1898. The following records are also in the office of the county clerk : Record of soldiers discharged from service, one volume. Record of sailors discharged from service, one volume. Records of the county commissioners, five volumes, 1854 to date. County commissioners' dockets, four volumes, 1854 to date. Record of bills allowed and paid by the county commissioners, volume 4, 1889 to date. Record of marriages, volume 1, 1853-1887. Record of deputy sheriffs' appointments, one volume, 1854 to date. Record of recognizances, one volume. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The registry of probate contains the complete records of the court of probate from 1854 to date. The volumes are not numbered con- secutively, but they are indexed for ready use. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS. Down to the year 1854, the region now known as Sagadahoc County was included within Lincoln County. Lincoln County was divided for judicial and administrative purposes into an eastern and a west- ern district, separated by the Kennebec River. The records of the western district are in this office. They are contained in forty-three volumes, covering the years 1826 to 1856. The record of deeds for Sagadahoc County from 1854 to date are contained in volumes num- bered from 1 to 116. The office has also the following records : Record of levies, one volume, numbered 24, 1862-1888. Record of tax deeds, two volumes, 1867-1890. Record of certificates of incorporation, three volumes, 1870 to date. Record of attachments, six volumes, 1838 to date. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. The records of Androscoggin County, established in 1854, are in the court-house at Auburn. The building is constructed of brick and conforms to the letter of the law in providing separate " fireproof " rooms for the several offices. It is open to question, however, whether 300 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the iron window shutters in each office would resist intense heat. Only the office of the register of deeds has metal shell 0] I HI. OI Till: ( I.IKK OI ( OUSTS. The records in this office arc as follow-: Records of the supreme judicial court, forty-three volumes, 18M to date. The dockets of the court arc complete. Original papers are filed In tin ! by successive law terms, from 1854 to date. Naturalisation records are contained in the foregoing until I s -'.*... when separate volumes were opened. Records of the county commissioners, four volumes. ISM to date. The dockets are complete in four volumes. There are some six volumes oi "Ac- counts allowed," 1864-1906. Record of marriages, one volume, 1854-1881. Records of coroners' and sheriffs' bonds and deputy sheriffs' commissi Book II: Bonds, 1893-1908 ; commissions, 1881-1908. Record of soldiers' discharges, one volume, 1866 — . License records (peddlers, etc.), one volume (small), 1854-1889. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The registry of probate contains the following records: Records of the probate court, fourteen volumes, L854-1906. Original docu- ments and papers are filed in tin boxes chronologically. Administrators' docket, nine volumes, 1854-1908. Executors' docket, seven volumes, 1854-1908. Miscellaneous docket, three volumes, 1854-1908. Insolvency docket, three volumes, 1878-1898. Assignments and discharges, three volumes, 1878-1898. Guardians' docket, six volumes, L854-1908. The office also contains many volumes of records without serial number, such as inventories, notices of appointments, trustees' bonds, guardians' bonds, letters of administration, letters testamentary, etc. oi l ice OF THE BB0I8TXB ov ni;i i>s. The following records are in this office: Records of deeds and miscellaneous records, two hundred and twenty-three volumes, L864-1908. Besides the serial number, the volumes bear titles. It has been the custom to keep records, for which separate books are provided in other counties, among these volumes. Records of homestead exemptions. records oi limited partnerships, horse records, are scattered through miscella- neous volumes, and can only be found by consulting the card index, which cata- logues all matters under the names of "Grantor* 1 or "Grantee." Records of attachments, six volumes, lsr,| (,» date. KNOX 001 VI 1 • The records of the county of Knox, established in I860, are well cared \'<>v in the offices of the court-house at Rockland. The building was erected in L874. It is apparently well constructed, but open to the same criticism as other county buildings. The vaults have been built with window.-, in the expectation thai steel shutters would offer adequate protection against fire. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 301 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. The vault in the clerk's office contains the following records : Records of the supreme judicial court, forty volumes, I860 to date. Volumes 31 to 40 are unbound. The dockets seem to be complete. Records of the county commissioners, as follows : Volume I, 1861-1874, min- utes ; Volume II, 1873-1885, minutes ; Volume III, 1885-1903, minutes ; Volume IV, bills of costs ordered to be paid, 1888-1908; Volume V, bills ordered to be paid, 1888-1908; Volume VI, bills for jail commitment, 1888-1908; Volume VII, county commissioners' bills, 1888-1905; Volume VIII, minutes, 1903 to date; Volume VIII, record of hearings on petition. County commissioners' dockets, one volume, 1860-1873; one volume, 1888- 1908. Record of marriages, Volume I, 1861-1887. Record of naturalization, Volume I, 1868-1894 ; Volume II, 1894-1903 ; Volume III, 1903-1906. Record of declarations of intention of naturalization, Volume I, 1868-1906. Naturalization docket, 1903-1906, one volume. Record of appointments of deputy sheriffs, Volume I, 1894-1907. Record of sheriffs' and coroners' bonds, Volume I, 1870-1907. Record of soldiers' discharges, Volume I, 1866-1899. County estimates of taxes, Volume I, 1862-1908. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS. Three distinct sets of records are collected in the registry of deeds, as follows: 1. Lincoln records of Knox County, thirteen volumes, 1760-1819. These are copied from the records in the registry of deeds at Wiscasset. 2. Lincoln records, eastern district, thirty-two volumes, 1836-1860. These include the records of deeds in the region east of the Kennebec River, the records of the western district remaining at Bath in Sagadahoc County, as already noted. Records of attachments, eastern district, three volumes, 1838-1859. Records of executions and levies, eastern district, two volumes, 1841-1859. Record of notices of foreclosures, eastern district, Volume I, 1859. Record of homestead exemptions, eastern district, Volume I, 1851-1859. 3. Knox County records of deeds, one hundred and forty-six volumes, 1860- 1908. Record of attachments, three volumes, 1860-1908. Record of notices of foreclosures, two volumes, 1860-1908. Record of executions and levies, two volumes, 1860-1908. Record of seizure on executions, two volumes, 1885-1907. Record of liens, one volume, 1896-1908. Record of certificates of incorporation, two volumes, 1871-1908. Record of homestead exemptions, one volume, 1860-1905. Record of horses, one volume, 1873-1908. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF PROBATE. The records of this office are preserved in the vault in steel cases of approved modern design. The records fill one hundred and seven volumes, covering the years 1860 to date. The original probate papers are kept by estates in index files, and so far as is known they are complete. III. Proprietary Records. Some of the most valuable records of the eighteenth century, bo far as the local history of Maine is concerned, are to be found in the minutes and letter books of those bodies of proprietors which re- ceived grants of lands from the general court of Massachusetts. The Maine Historical Society has been fortunate in securing several 9 of proprietary records. They are carefully preserved in the vaults of the society in Portland. Two other sets of proprietary records were found; one for the town of Falmouth, which is in the possession of the register of deeds at Portland, and one for the town of Shap- leigh, which is in the office of the register of deeds at Alfred, in York County. PEJEPSCOT RECORDS. Volume I. Contents: Transcripts of deeds and claims giving title to the Pejepscot lands; record of the confirmation of tit it 1 by the general court in 1715; mutual bond of the proprietors; records of meetings; advertisement of lands; record of accounts; deeds of the proprietors. In Inverted order at the end of the volume are the records of the proprietors of Small Point from March P. 1743, to August 7, 1751. Volume II. Records of the meetings of the proprietors. 1767-1818. Volume III. Contents: Records of the proprietors' clerk for the town of Brunswick; records of town meetings and ^f allotments to Inhabitants; \< of meetings of the proprietors of Brunswick, ITIT l T< *».* *. : records of deeds to 1784. Volume IV. Contents: Deeds, grants, Indentures, releases, copies of pro- prietors' records for the town of Topsham ; advertisements, letters, maps, and plana Volumes V, VI, VII. Miscellaneous papers and letters. Volume VIII. Maps, surveys, and held notes. Volume ix. 'I'he title of the Pejepscot proprietors to their lands, as stated for them February 7. itpt, by Josiah Little, Volume X. Miscellaneous papers and letters. ki \ \i BEG l't ia hah: t;i < 0RD8, Records of the proprietors of the Kennel tee purchase : " First book of minltts," September 21, i7i:» January 24, it:.:; (small volume); Volume II, L758 1788; Volume III, 1768 L800; Volume IV, 1800 L8U; Volume V, 1811 1822. Letter books of the proprietors ^f the Kennebec purchase: One volume. December •".. 1788 July •'». L800; "Second letter book," July 13, i s, »'.' Erebruary B, L820. Record of the grants of the proprietors <>f the Kennebec purchase: "Third book <»f grants," 1771 L798; ••fourth book of grants," 1708 1810; "Fifth book of grants," i s i" 1818; "Sixth hook of grants," L816 181ft. 802 AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 303 " Leidger belonging to the proprietors of the Kennebec purchase," March, 1754-November, 1800. Waste book, May, 1754-Deceruber, 1812. WINDHAM RECORDS. Proprietors' or grantees' book of the township of Windham, 1735-1804. Records of the town of Windham (thin folio), 1762-1772. Records of the town of Windham, 1762-1820. Records for the earlier years are probably copied from the foregoing records. KITTERY RECORDS. Records belonging to the proprietors of the common and undivided lands belonging to the town of Kittery, February 22, 1713/14-March 28, 1782. RAYMOND RECORDS. First book of records of the proprietors of the township granted to Capt. William Raymond and sundry other soldiers who were in the expedition to Canada, 1690. January 9, 1734/35-March 4, 1799. (This town was first called "Hale's Town," afterwards "Raymond.") FALMOUTH RECORDS. Book I. Minutes of the proprietors from April 27, 1730, to September 21, 1731, pages 1-36. Records of allotments of land made by a committee of the proprietors, and minutes of the meetings of the proprietors, to May 23, 1844, pages 115-373. Pages 37-114 are blank. Book II. Minutes of proprietors' meetings and records of allotments of land, May 2, 1748-August 4, 1784. Book III. Minutes of proprietors' meetings and records of allotments of land, December 16, 1783-July 11, 1826 (after 1810 the proprietors are styled the proprietors of Falmouth, Portland, and Cape Elizabeth), pages 1-225. Records of deeds, January 21, 1788-March 1, 1825, pages 257-290. Pages 226-256 are blank. SHAPLEIGH RECORDS. Book of proprietors' records, 1773-1824. " Belonging to the proprietors hold- ,' ing under Shapleigh." IV. Local Records. In the absence of governmental supervision, the care of local records 1ms depended to a great degree upon the temperament and disposition of the official local custodians — the town and city clerk-. Consequently the local records exhibit wide contrasts. Some have been kept faithfully and accurately by clerk- who have taken pride in their work; others have suffered sorely at the hand- of ignorant and careless scribes. Not until 1897 was any effort made by the State to -ocure the better protection of these public records. In that year the legislature passed an act of the following tenor: In cities and towns of more than thirteen hundred inhabitants, the municipal officers shall provide, at the expense of their respective cities and towns, lire- proof safes or vaults of ample size for the reception and preeerratioil of all completed books of record and registry belonging to such cities and towns: and upon the completion of each of such books of record and registry, it shall be, by the clerk of such city or town, deposited in such safe or vault and there kept at all times, except when it is required for use. The clerks of all cities and towns shall, in the month of December in each year, make a return to the clerks of the supreme judicial courts in the several counties, showing the number and nature of such books of record and registry as are in their custody, and where they are kept and deposited; said return shall also show where the books of the municipal Officers and treasurer are kept and deposited. Two circumstances have conspired to make this act practically inoperative: The trivial penalty prescribed (a line of $10) for neglect to comply with its provisions ami tlu> absence of any effective supervision. Many — perhaps most— localities have made some effort (o conform to the provisions of (he act : hut the safes which have been provided are often Inadequate. Moreover, the act doc- not speci- fically include hooks of record not directly under the control of tin 4 local clerk. The records of selectmen and assessors, therefore, arc still left to the caprice of the local authorities. The tax record- of cities and towns are in mosl cases defective. It Deed hardly be added that the early record- of vital Statistics arc defective and unreliable. Very rarely are the births, death-, and marriages recorded regularly and in order. Many such vital records have been made at irregular intervals upon the presentation of li-ts from private sources. Cases occur where the clerk ha- Interpolated in the early records a li-t of births and death- compiled by some family. 804 AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 305 The local records which have been examined include those of the five towns first incorporated and others widely enough separated in time and space to warrant some general inferences respecting the care of local public records in the State. It is probably fair to con- clude that the older towns and cities are disposed to regard their records with greater pride, though the smaller communities exhibit a singular carelessness in housing their public books and documents. The newer cities seem to take least pride in their records. Repeated losses by fire have failed to teach the need of ordinary precaution. KITTERY. The town of Kittery was incorporated in 1647. The records are in the possession of the town clerk, part being kept in a safe in his residence and part in the so-called " townhouse." TOWN RECORDS. Volume 1. " First book of records," 1648-1710. Pages 1-12 were copied from the original record by Isaac D. Phillips, town clerk, in 1852. The tran- scribed portion, covering the years 1648-1663, has been bound into the same cover with the remainder of the original records. The original pages from which the transcript was made are missing. Volume 2. " Second book of records," 1710-1801. Rebound and transcribed (pp. 1-5) by Isaac D. Phillips, town clerk, in 1851. The original pages from which the transcript was made are missing. The copied pages are bound into the same cover with the rest of the original record. A loose leaf in the book has " Lists of Quakers allowed by selectmen," 1732-1736. Volume 3. " Third book of records," 1798-1836. Two volumes are said to be in the townhouse. Two volumes, 1877-1908, are with the foregoing at the house of the town clerk. VITAL RECORDS. The records of births, deaths, and marriages were copied in 1901 by George F. Plaisted : Records of births and deaths to 1891, one volume. Records of marriages to 1891, one volume. Each entry in these copies cites the volume and page of the orig- inal record from which the entry was taken. The original records are said to be in the townhouse, in two volumes. The vital records since 1892 have been kept, as the law provides, in four separate books. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Such financial records as are in existence are kept in the town office. Until about eight years ago they were kept at the town farm. It is impossible to say without a tedious investigation what records have been preserved. The townhouse is a brick structure, but in no sense fireproof. 89160— H. Doc. 137, 61-2— vol 1 20 306 AMEBICAB HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. rORK. The records of the town of York are in the possession of the (own clerk. A small safe contains only a few of these important records, the rest being left to the mercy of Providence upon the -helve- of the clerk's office. town ki. conns. Volume 1. 1652 1 v) -1721/2:2. The original records of the town a.v said i<» have been destroyed by fire In 1692. The records previous to this date were made up from various sources. The earliest record in this volume Lfl for the date U Volume 2. 172:; 2 1 1801. The latter part of this volume contains lists of COUnty and state taxpayers, 1840-1842. Volumes .'! and l missing. Volume 5, 1X43-1864. Three volumes, not numbered, bring the records down to date. vital m. conns. Record of publishments and marriages, 1724-1816, one volume (small). This book contains also in inverted order at the back a register of "marks of crea- tures," and a record of licenses. 1795. Births and deaths, In haphazard order, down to about 1M<".. one volume: also, at the back, a record of strays and lost goods. Births, marriages, and marriage Intentions, L816-1839, one volume. Births are in inverted order at the back of the book. L839-1844, one volume, missing. Probably mislaid. Record of marriage intentions and marriages, one volume. 1844-1864; also miscellaneous records, such as mortgages, bills of sale. etc. "Book third." Miscellaneous records. Beginning with page 151, record ef marriages and Intentions, L854-1868. Marriages, 1867-1889, one volume. Intentions of marriage, i s, '»^ to date, two volumes. Three separate volumes of births, death-, and marriages bring the vital records down to date. The records of births, deaths, and marriages, contained in the fore- going, down to 1892, have been copied by George V. Plaisted. Births and deaths, one volume. Marriages, one volume. The page and volume of the original record is cited in these transcribed rec- ords for each entry. wit is, The records of the (own of Wells are in the office of the town clerk, which is also his shop. The record- an- kept in a safe. Until the advent <>t' the present clerk they seem to have been grossly neglected. l<>\\ \ i;rt 0BD8. I643t '. | L709I I ). oni volume, records "i* grants of land and of town men The volume consists of i«> leaves rudely bound together and numbered by a hand which is not that of the town clerk. The pages are Dot in chronological AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 307 order. There are also, in the same parcel, loose leaves containing vital records, cattle marks, land grants, and miscellaneous records. Many pages are so muti- lated as to be almost, if not quite, illegible. 1713-1774, one volume, binding loose and torn ; many pages loose. 1775-1810, one volume. 1811-1834, one volume. 1834-1867, volume 5. 1868-1900, volume 6. 1901 to date, volume 7. proprietors' records. Records of the " Proprietors of the common and undivided lands in the town of Wells," one volume, 1803-1812. Eecords of meetings and grants. One cover of the volume has been torn off; the first 45 pages are loose; the rest are insecure. In the back of the volume are pasted three large plans of Wells Commons. VITAL RECORDS. The volumes of town records already cited contain the earliest records of vital statistics. There are also the following records : Records of births, deaths, marriages, and intentions, in incoherent fashion, down to about 1811, one volume. The original mutilated leaves have been skillfully mounted upon linen, the town having appropriated money for this purpose. The pages are only partially legible. Vital records to about 1825, one volume. Vital records, 1826 (?) -1864 (?), one volume. Record of births, 1864-1891, one volume. Record of deaths, 1864-1891, one volume. Record of marriages and intentions, 1864-1891, one volume. Four separate volumes bring the vital records down to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Record of accounts of selectmen, one volume, 1820 ; one volume, 1827-1857. Miscellaneous records, four volumes, 1845 to date. Records of bonds, agreements, bills of sale, pew deeds, etc. Other financial records are in the possession of the selectmen. The valuation books begin with 1884, but are not complete. They are not kept in fireproof quarters. SACO-BIDDEFORD. The cities of Saco and Biddeford sprang from the settlement known in the seventeenth century as Saco. In 1718 the settlement was incorporated as a town under the name Biddeford. In 1762 the part east of the river was incorporated as a district by the name of Pepperrellborough. In 1805 the name of Pepperrellborough was changed to Saco. Biddeford was incorporated as a city in 1855, Saco in 1867. The early records of the present city of Saco, there- fore, are to be found in the old Saco records now in the possession of the city of Biddeford. a In the vault in the office of the city clerk. 308 AM Kill (AN EIBTOBICAL ASSOCIATION. RECORDS OF OLD SAC) AM) JMDDl FORD. Volume I. Whnt were once the pages of this Orel volume are contained in ■ package. The leaves are sadly mutilated and disfigured by age. Mary • are totally Illegible. Some of the leaves crumble i<> the touch. The contents may be summarized as follow*: a Bingle entry relating to a "comition court," 1633/.'!t; records of the "freemen" or "townsmen " "f Saco beginning with the year 1G53; grants of land and records of deeds: records of a "comlalon court;" minutes of town meetings; vital records; records of "town debits and credits; " sheep marks; etc. This volume covers the years 1663-1688 mid 1717- 1732. The records for the years 1688-1717 are missing. Volume II. This and succeeding volumes are still in their original bindings and are in fair condition. This volume, covering the years 17."4-177'.>, contains chiefly records of meetings and of land grants, and vita! records. Volume III, ] 780-1 815. A long, narrow volume, with many vital records. Volume IV, 1816-1846. Volume V, 1S47-1S55. Two transcripts have boon made of the first two volumes of the foregoing records, one by F. D. Edgerly in 1850. and another, type- written from the Edgerly transcript, in 1000. The Edgerly tran- script is very inaccurate, and the typewritten copy has repeated most of the errors with many additions. Both copies are kept in the vault of the city clerk with the originals. Both copies are incorrectly dated. The records in the second volume do not go to 17bC>. but only to 1770. RECORDS OF THE CITY OF BIDDEFORD. Records of the board of aldermen, eleven volumes. 1^">-1908. Records of tlie common council, four volumes. 1 ^.v.-i'.XJS. VITAL RECORDS OF OLD SACO AND BIDDDOBD. Records of births, deaths, and marriages were kept in a desultory way in the town records down to abom L808; thereafter separate vital records were kept, as follows: Records of births, marriages, and intentions of marriage, from 1siN t>» L£ and in inverted order, at the hnek. the roeord Of deaths from 181 | t<> 1888, one volume, a long, narrow book. Births, L838 L850; marriage intentions. 1844-1860, together with some mar- rlage returns, one volume. intentions and returns of marriages, 1860-1866, one volume. vital noOBDS o\- no ( nv or mnm l Record of births, three volumes. L866 t«. date. Record of marriages, four volumes, 1856 t-> date. Record <>f intentions of marriage, four volumes, i s -~.r. i<> date. Record of deaths, two volumes, 1866 t<> date. ii\\\(i\i. BXOOBDS or Tin: CITY or SlDDCTOi n. The valuation books were found complete. They are in the vault adjoining the room of the assessors. The tax records of the town AECHIVES OF MAINE. 309 are said to have been destroyed by fire. No records were found ante-dating the incorporation of the city, in 1855. TOWN RECORDS OF PEPPERRELLBOROUGH-SACO. The records since the incorporation of Pepperrellborough, in 1762, are kept in the office of the city clerk, in the city hall. The vault is now overcrowded, and the overflow has been deposited in the lower part of the vault in the basement. Repairs which were going on made this lower vault inaccessible. The upper vault contains the following : Book No. 1, record of town meetings and miscellaneous records (such as pew deeds, estrays, vital records), 1762-1807. The binding is loose and some of the pages are mutilated, but the writing is generally legible. Records No. 2, 1807-1818. Book No. 3, 1818-1830. Book No. 4, 1830-1843. Volume 5, 1843-1860. Volume 6, 1860-1863. 1863-1867 missing. RECORDS OF THE CITY OF SACO. Records of the mayor and board of aldermen, volumes 7-18, 1867 to date. Miscellaneous records of the board of aldermen, one volume, 1881 to date. Record of ordinances, one volume, 1867 to date. Records of the common council, four volumes, 1867 to date. VITAL RECORDS. Volume 1, records of marriages, 1796-1832; record of deaths, 1792-1840; record of births, no chronological order. The volume is disintegrating, and a copy has been made and printed by the city. Record of intentions and marriages, 1832-1850, one volume. This volume is also in bad condition. A copy is being made. Volume 3, record of marriages, 1867-1891. Volume 3, record of intentions of marriage, 1867-1891. Volume 3, record of deaths, 1867-1891. Volume 3, record of births, 1865-1891. Volumes 4 and 5, record of marriages, 1892 to date. Volume 4, record of intentions of marriage, 1892 to date. Volume 4, record of deaths, 1892 to date. Volume 4, record of births, 1892 to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Valuation books, twenty-nine volumes, 1867 to date. Tax books. Only the recent volumes were in the city clerk's vault. Records of the proceedings of the selectmen and assessors of the town of Saco, one volume, 1797-1830. Miscellaneous office books are also in the vault, among whieh were noted a few town valuation books, records of pew deeds in the various churches, etc. KENNEBUNKPORT. The records of the town of Kennebunkport are kept with reason- able care in a safe in the store of the town clerk. 310 AMERICAN HISTOBICA] LTION. TOWS BKOOBOS. Records of Arundel, "alls Cape Porpus," one volume, 1719-1822. The name of the settlement is spelled In a great variety of ways In the original recoi Arondell, Arnndell, Arondol. In 1823 the oame was changed i«» Kennebunkport The volume is in bad condition. At the end of the rolume are Bereral loose leaves containing some vital records and records of certificates of church mem- bership. Records of Kennebunkport: One volume, 1822-1847; one volume, 11 volume A, 1874-1906; volume p., 1907 to date. PROPRIETARY BE00B08. First hook of the proprietors of Arundel, 1725/26. Records of meetings ex- tend to 1784, records of grants to 170G. VITAL RECORDS. The earliest vital records are. of course, in the town records, The following separate records were found : Record of births, 1821-1891, one volume. Record of marriages and intentions, one volume i small i. 1824 L862. Record of marriages and intentions, one volume. 1863 L891. Four separate volumes bring the vital records to date. BRUNSWICK. The town of Brunswick, originally part of the Pejepscot proprie- tors' lands, was incorporated in 1738. The early records of the settle- menl must be sought in the record- and papers of the Pejej proprietors, in the possession of the Maine Historical Society. RECORDS OF town mii nv These records are carefully preserved in a safe in the office ^\' the (own clerk. 'With the exception of the first volume, which is dog- eared and often barely Legible by reason of the fading of the ink, the record- are in good condition. "TOWII book" I contains not only the minutes of town meetings from 1788 to iml\ but recorda and matter of a most varied character, Mich as d of pews, marks ^\' mill logs, sheep and cattle marks, records of stray i>. notices of people warned from town, records of hounds. <>( collectors' land - and Of school district divisions. Book II. minutes of town meetings, LSL8-1829; vital records; miscellaneous recorda Volume h minutes of town meetings, 1880 i860. Volume 5, minutes of town meetings, i s ".t L872. Volume ''». minutes of town meetings, i v 7.". i Volume 7. minutes of town meetings, i vv -» 1904, Volume 8, minutes of town meetings, 1904 to data AKCHIVES OF MAINE. 311 VITAL KECOKDS. These records are contained in part in the foregoing volumes and in part in the following, also in the office of the town clerk : Records of births, deaths, and marriages (fragmentary records) are in Book I down to 1813. Marriages, 1808-1836, and marriage intentions, 1813-1838, as well as births and deaths, are in Book II. Vital records from 1837 to 1860 are scattered through Book III and Book IV, which contain also miscellaneous records. Records of marriages and deatlis from 1860 to 1892 are in Book V. Records of marriages, of marriage intentions, of births, and of deaths, from 1892 to date, are kept in separate volumes. FINANCIAL RECORDS. The vault in the office of the selectmen contains the following : Records of valuation, 1827 to date. Tax books, 1818 to date. Order accounts of the board of selectmen, 1807 to date. School district accounts, 1820-1885. Book of records for town's poor, one volume (small), 1817-1838. Pauper accounts, one volume (small), 1855-1884. Town farm accounts, one volume (small), 1S84-1888. Pauper notices, one volume (small), 1848-1869. Pauper notices, one volume (small), 1869-1888. Bonds of 1864, " To whom sold," one volume. There are also in this vault the following records : Selectmen's records (minutes of meetings, etc.) four volumes, 1827 to date. Book of warrants, one volume (small), 1832-1844. Warrants for school meetings, one volume (small), 1826-1860. Register of oaths to town officers, one volume (small), 1831-1868. Record, of sheep marks, one volume (small), 1822-1883. WALDOBORO. The town of Waldoboro, in Lincoln County, was incorporated in 1773. Only current records are given adequate protection against fire. RECORDS OF TOWN MEETINGS. Volume I, 1773-1801, minutes and vital records. Volume II, 1801-1812, minutes and vital records. Volume III, 1812-1822, minutes and vital records. Volume IV, 1823-1837, minutes and vital records. Volume V, 1837-1853, minutes. There are no records of vital statistics from 1837 to 1854. Volume VI, minutes and vital records, 1853-1872. Volume VII, 1872-1892, minutes and vital records. Volume VIII, 1892 to date, minutes. 312 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. VITAL RECORDS. Records of births, deaths, and marriages are in the foregoing vol- umes to 1892. After this date there are separate volumes, as follows : Volume I, deaths, 1892 to date. Volume II, births, 1892 to date. Volume III, marriages, 1892 to date. Volume IV, intentions of marriage, 1892 to date. These records are kept in the clerk's house without protection against fire. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Inventories since 1896 are in the selectmen's office. Only current volumes are kept in the safe. No trace could be found of the earlier tax records. THOM ASTON. The town of Thomaston, in Knox County, was incorporated in 1777. It was originally part of the Waldo Patent. Its records are now deposited in a large fireproof vault in the office of the town clerk. RECORDS OF TOWN MEETINGS. Volume I, 1777-1825. Volume II, 1825-1847. Volume III, 1847-1870. Volume IV, 1870-1897. Volume V, 1897 to date. VITAL RECORDS. Volume I, births, deaths, and marriages, 1777-1838. Volume II, marriage intentions and marriages, 1838-1886. Volume III, marriages and intentions, 1886-1892. Indexed. Volume IV, marriages only, 1892-1908. Volume V (small), marriages, 1908. Volume VI, intentions of marriage, 1892-1908. Volume VII (small), intentions of marriage, 1908. Volume VIII, births and deaths, 1838-1891. Volume IX, births, 1891 to date. Volume X, deaths, 1891 to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. No tax records prior to the year 1857 could be found. From this date they are complete, as follows : Volume I, 1857-1871. Volume II, record of taxes collected in 1869. Volume III, 1872-1885. * Volume IV, 1885-1903. Volume V, 1903 to date. a Mr. Jasper Jacob Stahl, of Waldoboro, has kindly prepared this report, as well as the one upon the records of Waldoboro. AECHIVES OF MAINE. 313 BELFAST. Belfast was incorporated as a town in 1773 on land which had been bought by certain associates from the proprietors of the Waldo Patent. It became a city in 1853. The records are now kept in the office of the city clerk, in a fireproof vault. TOWN RECORDS. Volume 1, 1773-1806, contains not only the minutes of town meetings, but also records of births, deaths, and marriages, as well as records of cattle marks and estrays. The earlier pages are somewhat dog-eared, but they are still legible. Volume 2, 1807-1825. Volume 3, 1826-1850. Volume 4, 1850-1879, city records begin with the date 1853. Volume 5, 1879-1896, miscellaneous city records. Volume 6, 1896 to date, miscellaneous city records. CITY RECORDS. Records of the board of aldermen, seven volumes, 1853 to date. Records of the common council, three volumes, 1853 to date. VITAL RECORDS. Volume 1 of the town records contains the record of intentions and mar- riages to 1815. Marriage intentions and marriages from 1815 to 1873 are re- corded in the volume labeled " Deaths." Further records of intentions are contained in two volumes, 1874 to date. Marriage records are contained in two other volumes covering the years 1874 to date. Births and deaths are recorded irregularly in volume 1 of the town records. A separate volume contains the record of births fom 1892 to date. Three vol- umes contain the records of deaths from 1859 to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Selectmen's records, " Miscellaneous, 1806-1835." Record of inventories or valuations, 1853 to date. Record of assignment of wages, one volume. Records of mortgages of personal property, eight volumes. BATH. The records of the town of Bath are said to have been destroyed in the fire of 1838. The only records now preserved are scattered through the so-called vaults of the city hall, a dilapidated and ill- kept building. A few volumes of council records were found in a mouldy condition in the vaults. They seem to cover the years from the incorporation of the city (1847) to date. The records of the town from 1838 to 1847 could not be found. The gross neglect of the records by the authorities is a disgrace to the people of the city. Some volumes of vital records are preserved, but only a laborious examination of the litter of rubbish in the vaults will reveal the real state of the town and city records. 314 AMERICAN aiSTOBICAL ASSOCIATION. PORTLAND. The town of Portland was incorporated In L786, by tin* division of the town of Falmouth, which had been creeled into a town in i I'ntil the reeeni destruction of the city hall by fire, the records of the town and city were kept, in the office of the city clerk. They nar- rowly escaped the fate which overtook the probate records. Pending the action of the city government regarding their ultimate disposition, the records are in temporary quarters. The records of the town and city are contained in thirty-five folio volumes and are complete from the establishment of the town in 17 s *',. In the possession of the city clerk are also copies of the original records of the town of Falmouth, in two volumes, from 1719 to 1 T T : > . A third volume of original records was destroyed by fire in Falmouth. before copies were made. These record- include not only proceedings of town meetings hut also grants of land and vital statistics. Since the incorporation within the city of Portland of the town of Westbrook and the city of Deering, the records of these place- have been deposited with the city clerk. The record- of Westbrook consist of four volumes, bound in one folio volume, and cover the years 1814-1871. The records of the town of Deering, which was set off from Westbrook in L871, are in a single volume. Since 1892, when Deering was incorporated as a city, its records are contained in four volumes, covering the years 1802-1 899. The records of births for the town and city of Portland are con- tained in volumes numbered from 1 to 11 and including the years 1814-1D07. Volume 3 contains the records of births, deaths, and marriages from L786 to L814. For earlier vital statistics recourse must be had to the records of the town of Falmouth already cited (hence referred to a- volumes 1 and 2 of this seri The records of deaths in the town and city of Portland are in volumes numbered like the foregoing from I to l<>. from imi to date. The records of marriages in the town and city of Tort laud are in volumes numbered like the foregoing and covering the same year-. Down to L892 a separate record was kepi of marriage intention- in volumes numbered from 1 to 9. Since this date, marriage intentions have been kept in the books of marriage records. The records of vital statistics in the town and city of Deering are complete ami are in the possession ^( the city clerk of Portland. B Wi.oK. The town of Bangor, formerly the plantation of Kenduskeag, was incorporated in L791. It became a city In L834. Town and 1 I cords :ire now kept in :i a IV in the office of flu 1 city clerk. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 315 TOWN RECORDS. Volume 1 contains the records of town meetings from 1796 to 1818. Sewed into this volume is a pamphlet of some dozen pages, containing the plantation records from 1787 to 1789. The volume contains also many items of local interest, such as a list of certificates returned by " the religious society called Methodist; " records of " Stray beasts " (in juxtaposition to the foregoing), etc. Volume 2, 1819-1834, minutes of town meetings, selectmen's orders, etc. CITY RECORDS. Minutes of the board of aldermen, thirteen volumes, 1834 to date. Minutes of the common council, seven volumes, 1834 to date. Three volumes are in the city clerk's office, three in the vault of the office of the board of trade, and one in the safe of the city treasurer. Records of fence viewers, one volume, 1849-1902. Record of ordinances, one volume, 1834-1881. VITAL RECORDS. Record of births, one volume, 1789-1834. Contains also " Publishments and marriages " and record of licenses to retailers and innholders. The record of births for the city is in two volumes, 1834-1908. Record of marriages, fifteen volumes, 1834 to date. Record of deaths, three volumes, 1834 to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Record of mortgages, volumes 1-6, are in the vault of the board of trade; volumes 9-32 are in the city clerk's vault. The other volumes could not be found. Record of foreclosures, two volumes, 1862 to date. Tax records are in the vault of the city treasurer. It was impossible to note whether the series was complete, owing to the accumulation of papers in the vault. Record of assignments of wages, four volumes, 1889 to date. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. Record of pew deeds, one volume, 1834-1865. Record of licenses for shows, circuses, etc., occupying streets, and for the erection of wooden buildings, one volume, small, 1859-1892. Record of licenses, "Auctioneers," one volume, 1843-1883. Record of licenses, miscellaneous, two volumes, 1823-1880. PARIS. The town of Paris, formerly known as Plantation No. 4, was incor- porated in 1793. The following records were found in the office of the town clerk : RECORDS OF TOWN MEETINGS. " Book of records," 1793-1813. Contains not only minutes of town meetings, but also vital records, cattle marks, records of perambulations of the bounds, records of deeds, and records of estrays. Volume 2, 1813-1828. Volume 3, 1829-1848. 316 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Volume 4, 1848-1876. Volume r>. 1877-1893. Volume 6, 1894-1906. Volume 7, 1906 to date. vital records. Records of births and deaths are contained in the first "Book of record^'* (see above). There is also a volume without title which contains entries from 1828 to 1887. There are also two volumes for the years Iv.i2 to date (see also Marriages below). Records of marriage intentions are contained in two paper-coYered books, from 1818 to 1830; and in two folio volumes, from l^L's to 1902. Records of marriages are found in the "Book of records." and in three volumes from 1881 to date. The second of these three volumes contains also some records of births and deaths. AUGUSTA. The town of Augusta was incorporated in 1797, when it was arated from Hallowell. It became the shire town of Kennebec County in 1700 and the capital of the State in 1831. It received a city charter in 1819. RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF AUGX'STA. Records of town meetings: Volume II, 1831-1844: Volume III. 1844 In the vault of the office of the city treasurer in the city hall. RECORDS OF THE CITY OF AUGUSTA. Journal of the board of aldermen: Volumes 1-6, covering the years 1867- 1879, are in a vault in the city hall. Volumes 7. 8, '•». 1879-1896, and an odd volume. 1860-1864, are in a private vault connected with the office of the city clerk. The volumes from 1896 to date are said to be in existence, but they were not found. Journal of the common council, three volumes, 1 s ."' 1 1878. *In the vault of the office of the city treasurer in the city hall. VITAL RECORDS. Volume 1. births and deaths. ITso 1886. Volume 2, record of deaths. 1845-1890; also another volume 2, record of deaths, is.;.; ism. Volume :'.. record of deaths, 1892 1903. Volume 4, record of deaths, L908 \^ date. Volume .">. record of births. L892 1906, Volume i. record of births. 1906 to date. Volume •"•. record of marriages, 1862 1891. Volume i. recoi-d ».f marriages, L892 1906. Volume 6, record of marriages, 1906 to date. Volume <•. record of Intentions and returns. 1906 to date: also two unnum- bered' volumes, record of marriages, i s i~> 1871; i s 7i L8 All these VOlUmefl arc in the 0008 01 in the safe adjoining the office of the eitv clerk. ARCHIVES OF MAINE. 317 FINANCIAL RECORDS. In the vault of the office of the city treasurer at Augusta are the following records : Assessors' records, annual volumes from 1850 to 1875 and from 1879 to date. The missing volumes were probably destroyed by fire. Valuation books, annual volumes from 1851 to date. Complete. Valuation book of the town of Augusta, one volume, 1836. Apparently the only surviving volume of the series. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. In the vault of the city treasurer are also the following : Memorandum of town orders drawn by the selectmen of the town of Augusta, one volume, 1806-1831. Miscellaneous records, one volume, 1848-1879. Oaths of city officers, treas- urer's notices, licenses, etc. Record of pew deeds, one volume, 1810-1857. ELLSWORTH. The town of Ellsworth was incorporated in 1800, having been pre- viously known as Plantation No. 7 or New Bowdoin. It was incor- porated as a city in 1869. Such records as have survived numerous fires are kept in a vault in the office of the city clerk. TOWN RECORDS. Records of selectmen, one volume, 1850 — . Contains miscellaneous orders, licenses granted, road reports, and minutes of meetings. Minutes of town meetings, two volumes, 1850-1869. Volume 1 contains also marriage intentions. CITY RECORDS. Minutes of the board of aldermen, eight volumes, 1869-1872 ; 1876 to date. Minutes of the common council, one volume, 1869-1878. VITAL RECORDS. Records of births, one volume, 1892 to date ; also one volume of miscellaneous entries, evidently compiled from private sources in the effort to make good the loss of earlier records. Records of deaths, one volume, 1892 to date; also one volume compiled like the earlier volume of births. Record of marriages, three volumes, 1864 to date. Earlier entries have been inserted in the first of these volumes. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. Tax records are incomplete. Those only for recent years were to be found in the vault. Record of state and municipal elections and of appointments, two volumes, 1869 to date. Records of the municipal court are kept in the court-house. y 318 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ROCKLAND. The city of Rockland was once the town of East Thomaston. having been set off as a separate town from Thomaston in 1848. In L850 the name of the town was changed to Rockland, and four year- later the city of Rockland was incorporated. The records of the city are kept in a vault in the office of the city clerk. BEOOBDS OP 'IX) W.N MEETINGS AM) CITY BOARDS. Records of East Thomaston, one volume, 1848-1854. Records of the board of aldermen, ten volumes, 1854-1! Records of the common council, five volumes, 1854-1908. Record of city ordinances, one volume, 1854-1905. VITAL RECORDS. Record of births and deaths: Town of East Thomaston, one volume, I 1854; city of Rockland, one volume, 1885-1892; one volume births, 1892-1908; one volume, deaths, 1892-1908. Record of marriages: Town of East Thomaston, one volume, 1848-1854; city of Rockland, five volumes, 1854 to date. Record of intentions of marriage: City of Rockland, three volumes, 1,85-8 to date. FINANCIAL RECORDS. Tax records are complete from L854 to date. Records of mortgages of personal property are complete from 1854 to date. > 3 H?t-i<- :rp V* '> -p o " o p iV) > 6' *fc t" u J>> ©, V* , •o v t * L J <^.. <* ^' ^ • < o, + r$ •bv 4 A o ° " c ■a? ^ ^^ c ^ * ^ » * ° ^ -,m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS t, I 027 211 123 6 MR Wlm. ■■ 3ra HBP liPlB ■ graBB fi n 311 ■BBH