A * » I ^ x^' >,^"t<. x^ c^ >, -H -Tt, ,v- ,-4. t. ■^/. "^ ^^^ "*^. /: "•^V. ,AV A^' K. .#■ '^c^. ,0 o o Ky '>■ V i^ 'o. ,H -71. / I Dunham Genealogy. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRANCHES OF THE DUNHAM FAMILY. Compiled by ISAAC WATSON DUNHAM, A. M., Member of Connecticut Historical Societ)-, Etc. HARTFORD, CONN. : 1907. Bulletin I'linl, Norwidi, Conn. tUBRARYof COWRESSi !' Twu Copies Rvicelvad '. JUL 19 1907 j ocy right Entry I LeA- fZ't 9t/7i CLASS G. XXc. No. / 7^ ^fy COPY d. f^^ -2^- Copyright, igoj, By Isaac Watson Dunham. All rights reserved. ^/7 I Dnnbam 2 domett 'i 3 ^ottcbc 5 ^ellaqna 1^ ^trffl) 6 SDonbam Vv\ PREFACE. How strange a coincident in lime, that I, in my eightieth year, am permitted to finish a work in lionor of my kinsmen, at the same age our worthy ancestor, Deacon John Dunham, of IMymoutli. had com- pleted his labors for the benefit -of his descendants. In the preparation of this work I have found the task of grave re- sponsibility and through the many \ ears in w hich 1 have been employed in the compilation of records of the famib there has been a continuous struggle. vState. county, town, court, cliurch and family records had to be searched to verify dates obtained through ci)rres])ondcnce. Discus- sions with many on disputed questions arose from ditferent versions of the same subject or confiicting records to such an extent that I was com- pelled to assume an independent position, and in doing so 1 may have erred in judgment. In the early history of the family in this country there was a marked tendencv among the younger members of the fami- lies to leave the paternal roof and to seek new regions and become self- supporting and independent. In the choice of these homes they were very differently inclined, some preferring to live in the more i>oj)ulated sections where their family records were well |)reserved while others, with heartless consideration for a future genealogist, migrated to remote parts of the countr\- where the records of their res])ectiye families were not as well kept. As a result of tliis latter migration nmch confusion has arisen in the writing and com])iling a history of the fannly. Attempts have been made to write a history of the famil\- in dif- ferent sections of the countrw ])Ut this method has not met willi success, as the records in tliese instances have been necessarily limited and not retrospective. In the ])reparation of this work the compiler has had access to the most reliable students in Dunham Iiistory and the latter have generousK- i)laced the results of their researches in his hands. It is not claimed that this work is be\'ond criticism. After exi-rcis- ing all ])ossible personal diligence mistakes have probably occurred and omissions may have .been made, but such failures arc simply due to the inability of the com|)iler to grasp all of the details of this Iferculean un- dertaking. 'J^o all those who have in any wa}- assisted in the ])rei)aration or publication of the genealogy I tender my heartfelt thanks. I would PREFACE. cheerfully specify their iiulividiial contributions, but in view of the fact that so many have given the records of the same families, to insert them would lengthen the work to an unlimited extent and 1 have deemed it better to append a list of some of our kinsmen, located in dififerent parts of the country, who have generouslv contributed their assistance in the compilation of this genealogy. The com])iler has received some inter- esting; contributions from noble friends outside .if the fami]\, and while these contributions were correct in nian\ details they were limited in scope, and where they have been at variance with the continuous records submitted by our kinsmen, they have been laid aside, the compiler giving preference to the records handed down by the various Dunham families. All of the records presented have \U)t been approved by the com- piler, owing to the fact that they were not proved to be clearly authentic to him and were not in unison with the general scope of the work. An opportunity is now presented to those who desire to make a more criti- cal study of the Dunham family. The anxiety, annoyances and loss of time and money are really in- significant with the pleasure I have enjoyed in prosecuting my re- searches. My advanced age and impaired eyesight will not permit me to prolong the investigation or to further discuss the subject. In committing the work to you, 1 trust you will receive it kindly and take pleasure in its perusal. ISAAC WATSON DUNHAM. Hartford, Conn., March 2, 1907. PREFACE. KINSMEN CORRESPONDENTS. C. Downer Austin, National Express Co., 141 Broadway, New York- City, New York. C. H. Barrett, \>rniillion, S. Dakota. Bertha Dun- ham, no Sherman Ave., Mankato. ^linn. Mrs. M. AI. R. Boatwright, Augusta, Ga. Hon. W. W. Booth, Denver, Colo. Mrs. W. W. Boyd, 532 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Major Bradford Dunham, 334 Sayre St., Montgomery, Ala. James S. Burke, 26 Pierpont St., Brook- Ivn, N. Y. Dr. Carroll Dunham, S. Broadway, Iivington, N. Y. Hon. Charles Dunham, Genesseo, Bl. Charles A. Dunham. New Brunswick, N. J. Mrs. Cornelius T. Dunham, Dorchester. Mass. S. C. Cowles, Southington, Conn. Charles E. Dunham, 677 Dudley St., Boston, Mass. Hon. Charles G. M. Dunham, Edgartown, Mass. Dr. Joseph Chase, E. Weymouth. Mass. Mrs. James W. Cree, IMiila Ave., Chandiers- burg, Pa. Thomas D. Crowell. Cottage City, Mass. David 11. Dun- ham, Jvahway, N. J. Daniel C. Denliam, Thames St., Newport, R. L George A. Dcnham, President American Talace Car Co., New Ynvk City. Edward Denliam, New Hedford, Mass. \\-vv\ Jackson Donham. New Richmond, Clermoui Co.. ( )hi(). Mrs. John II. Dcrhy, Sandy Hill. N. Y. A. M. Dyer. Clcveh-md. Ohio. .Mrs. Charles .\. ICalon. 165 Belmont .^t., Iloslon, Mass. lox'dd II. hunliam, I'.ataxia, \. \'. George L. Dunham, Braltle])or,), \ i. Daniel G. (iillette. San .\nioni(\ Texas. ^^'■aller R. Gillctt, 25 We.-^t 4()th St., New ^'ork City. George Dunham. Unionvilk', Coim. George II. Dunham. 10 West Si si St., X\\\ Wnk PREFACE. City. George W. Dunham, Flemington, N. J. Mrs. Lucy D. Hazlett, Nelson, Pa. Mrs. Frances M. Hand, Syracuse, N. Y. Edwin H. Ham- mond, Union Screw Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry V. Dunham, Dunellen, N. J. Henry J. Dunham, Pittsfield, Mass. Harrison Dun- ham, 22 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. James H. Dunham, Broad- way, New York City. Rev. James H. Dunham, Alt. Holly, N. J. Mrs. John Dunham, Minneapolis, Minn. Daniel F. Kellogg, New York Sun, New York City. Rev. Moses E. Dunham, Whitesboro, N. Y. Oscar S. Dunham, Digby Courier, Digby, Nova Scotia. Miss Harriet M. Pease, Edgartown, Mass. Warren C. Rowley, Utica, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Samuel Dunham, 33 North St., Binghamton, N. Y. Samuel W. Dunham, W. Paris, Maine. Mrs. William Sampson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Sydney A. Dunham, The La Salle, Buffalo. N. Y. Sylvester C. Dunham, Hartford, Conn. Thomas M. Dunham, Ocean Grove, N. J. Rev. Judson Titsworth, 216 Martin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Tryon G. Dunham, 317 Park Ave., North Warren, Ohio. Rev. N. Dunham, \'an Syckel, 1625 Locust St., Philadelphia. Pa. Walter J. Dunham, 152 Park St., Buffalo, N. Y. John D. Watson, 41 Wall St., New York City. Charles A. Webb, San Diego, Cal. William Dunham, 30 Codwise Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. William C. Dunham, Cuba, N. Y. James Wil- son, Pittsfield, Mass. ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. Laxlon Cathedra] ^^PP 2. ( )li\ia ( Dunham) Thames 3. L'olhs Potter llunlin^lon 4. Henry Echvards lluntiuL^inn .... 5. Isaac Watson Dunham 6. Rev. Dr. Samuel Dunham 7. Martin \'. P.. Dunham, M. D 8. Georg'e A. J )enham 9. Edward I )enham's Library 10. George D. I )unliam I T. Hon. Josiah Dunham 12. Hon. Charles Dunham 13. Col. Azariali I )un]iam 14. George Howell I )nidiam 15. Caleb Downer Austin 16. Major Pradford Dunham osite page XXXIX .. 83 .. 100 •' 102 " 109 ti (t 129 i. ' 164 1 ( it 182 > k a 197 ii 205 " 216 • i <( 232 ■ » it 255 '• 284 293 A SYNOPSIS OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 1. EDWARD III. - 2. STAFFORD FAMILY, 3. NEVILLE FAMILY. 4. PERCY FAMILY. 5. BELLAOUA AND de BERCxH FAMILIES.,, 6. VVENTWORTH FAMILY. . 7. THE DUNHAMS. 8. SCROOBY, IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE.' 9. THE SCROOBY CONGREGATION. 10. THE REFORMATION L\ ENGLAND. 11. THE PURITANS AND SEPARATLSTS. 12. THE PILGRIM FATHERS. 13. DEPARTURE FOR AMERICA A XI) llol.l.AXl). 14. PASSENGERS BY THE M ANI'lJ )\\ I':R. 15. JOHN DUNHAM AND HIS I )|':SCEXI )AX IS. EDWARD III. EDWARD III was born Nov. 13, 1312, at Windsor Castle, and was the eldest son of Edward II and Isabella, dan. of Phillip IV, of France. His mother's life was stained with the foulest crimes and his father's death was revenged by the perpetual imprisonment of Isabella, and the public execution of her paramour, Mortimer. On the 29th of January, 1327, lie was crowned King of England. Edward would not accept the crown without his father's consent which was ob- tained five days before the coronation. He was m. at York on the 24th of January, 1328, to Philippa, dau. of the Count of Hainault. Edward's mother and the Countess of Hainault were grandchildren of Philip HI of France. The times in which Edward lived, the circumstances under which he was placed, the influences brought to bear on his conduct, conspired i.o make his life restless and turbulent. To meet the demands thrown on him, he had to exert to the utmost all the energy of mind that he possessed and his whole life was of continual strife. As a legislator he was shrewd and magnanimous and as a general on ihe field of 1)altle he v/as vigilant and courageous and he was successful in many of the con- flicts which gave glory to the English arms. Conquerors, though usually the bane of liuman kind, [)roved often in these feudal times, the most indulgent of sovereigns. They stood most in need of supplies, and not being always able to compel the peo])le by force to submit to the necessary impositions, they were obliged to compensate them by equitable laws and popular concessions. Edward took no steps of moment without consulting his ])arliament, and generally obtained their a])probation and support iov his measures. The parliament, therefore, rose into greater consideration during his reign, and acquired a more regular authority than in any I'ornuT time; and even the Plouse of Connnons, which, during turbulent and factious periods, was naturally oppressed l)y the greater power of the crown and barons began to ap])ear of some weight in the constitution. In the later years of Edward, the King's ministers were im])eaclu'd in parliament and fell a sacrifice to their authority. Some attention was (iii) IV ENGLISH HISTORY. paid to the elections of their members; and lawyers, who were, at that time, men of very inferior character, were totally excluded from the House during several parliaments. One of the most popular laws, enacted by any prince, was the statute, which passed in the twenty-fifth year of his reign, and which limited the cases of high treason, before vague and uncertain, to three principal heads : (i) the conspiring of the death of the King, (2) the levying war against him and (3) the adhering to his enemies. The Judges were prohibited, if any other cases should occur, from inflicting the penalty of treason, without ap- plication to parliament. Edward granted above twenty parliamentary confirmations of the Magna Charta ; and these concessions are commonly appealed to as proof of the great indulgence to the people, and his tender regard for their liberties. But the contrary presumption is much more natural. Tf the maxims of Edward's reign had not been, in general, somewhat arbitrary, and if the great charter had not been frequently violated, the parliament would never have appHed for these frequent conformations which could add no force to a deed regularly observed, and which could serve no other purpose than to prevent the contrary precedents from turning into a rule and acquiring authority. It was the effect of the irregular government during those ages, that a statute, which had been enacted some years, instead of acquiring, was imagined to loose force by time, and needed to be often renewed by subsequent statutes of the same sense and tenor. The frequent confirmations in general terms of the churches' privileges proceeded from the same cause and all would appear ridiculous if we did not consider the circumstances of the times. It is a clause in one of Edward's statutes, "that no man of what estate or condition soever, shall be put out of land or tenement, nor taken, nor imprisoned, nor disherited, nor put to death without being brought in answer by due process of the law." This privilege was sufficiently secured by a clause of the Great Charter, which had received a general confirmation in the first chapter of the same statute. Why this clause? Plainly because there had been some late infringement of it which gave it umbrage to the Commons. But there is no article, in which the laws are more frequently repeated during the reign, almost in the same terms, than those of purveyance, which the parliament always termed an out- rageous and intolerable grievance, and the source of infinite damage to the people. The parliament tried to abolish the prerogative altogether by prohibiting any one to take goods without the consent of the owners, and by changing the name of the purveyors, as they call it, into that of KXGLISH HISTORY. V buyers, but the arbitrary conduct of Ethvard still broug-lit back the grievance upon them, namely, that it was contrary to the Great Charter and to many statutes. The disorder was in a great measure derived from the state of the public finances and could, therefore, the less admit of any remedy. The prince frequently wanted ready money, yet his family must be provided for and so was frequently obliged to employ force and violence for that purpose, and to give tallies, at what rate he pleased to the owners of the goods which he took into his possession. The kingdom abounded so little in commodities, that had the owners been strictly protected liy law, they could easilv have exacted any price from the King, Especially in his frc(|uent exploits, when he came to distant and poor places, where the Court did not usually reside, and where a regular plan for supplying it could not be easily established. There was no act of arbitrary power more frequently repeated in this reign, than that of the imposition of taxes without the consent of parliament. Though that assembly granted the King more supplies than had ever been obtained by any of his predecessors, the great un- dertakings of the King and the necessity oi his affairs obliged him to levy still more, and his great success against I'rance added still more weight to his authority. These ta.x impositions came frequently in spite of the opposition of the Commons. The continual remonstrances of the Commons, however unavailing, served to prevent the arbitrary practices of the court from becoming an established part of the constitution. It is easy to imagine that a prince of so much sense and spirit as Edward would l^e no slave to the Court of Rome. Thouirh the old tribute was paid during ihc years of his minority, he afterwards with- held it, and when the Pope in 1367 threatened to cite him to the Court of Rome for default oi payment, he laid the matter before his parliament. That assembly unanimously declared, that King John cou.ld not, with- out a national consent, sul)ject his Kingdom to a foreign power against the exorbitant pretention. I)uring Edward's reign, the statute of pro- visors was enacted, rendering it penal to ])rocure any presentations to beneficies from the Court of Rome, and securing the rights of all patrons arid electors, which had been extremely encroached on by the Pope. I'y a subsequent statute, every person was outlawed who carried any cause or appeal to Rome. The laity at this time seem to have been extremely prejudiced against the papal power, and even somewluit against their own clerg\-, because of their own connection with the Roman i)onliff. They pretended that the usurpations of the Pope were the cause oi all the plagues, injuries, famine, anil pi)verty oi the realm; was more VI . ENGLISH HISTORY. destructive to them than all the wars, and was the cause why it con- tained not a third of the inhabitants and commodities, which it formerly possessed; that the taxes levied by him exceeded five times those paid to the King; that everything was venal in that sinful city of Rome; and that even the patrons in England had thence learned to practice simony without remorse or scrupple. They petitioned the King to employ no Churchman in any office of state, and they even spoke, in plain terms, of expelling by force the papal authority, and thereby providing a remedy against oppression which they neither could nor would any longer endure. Men who talked in this strain were not far from the Reformation. But Edward did not think it proper to second all this zeal. Though he passed the statute of provisors, he took little care with its execution, and the parliament made frequent complaints of his negligence. He was content with having reduced such of the Romish ecclesiastics, who possessed revenues in England, to depend entirely on him by means of that statute. As to the police of the Kingdom, during this period it was still bad but certainly better than during the time of faction, civil war, and dis- order, to which England was so often exposed. Yet there were several vices in the constitution, the bad consequences of which all the power and vigilance of the King could not prevent. The barons, by their confederacies with those of their own order, and by supporting and defending their retainers in every iniquity, were the chief abettors of robbers, murderers and ruffians of all kinds, so law could not be exe- cuted against their criminals. The nobility were brought to give their promise in parliament, that they would not avow, retain or support any felon or breaker of the law ; yet this engagement' was never regarded by them. Commerce and industry were certainly at a very low ebb during this period. The bad police of the country alone affords a sufficient reason. The only exports were wool, skins, hide, leather, butter, tin, lead and such unmanufactured goods of which wool was by far the most considerable. Edward endeavored to introduce and promote the woolen manufacture by giving protection and encouragement to foreign weavers, and by enacting a law, prohibiting everyone to wear any cloth but of English make. The parliament prohibited the exportation of woolen goods, which was not so well judged, especially while the ex- portation of unwrought wool was made against the exportation of iron. The staple of wool, leather and lead was fixed by act of parliament in particular towns in England. But Edward, who commonly deemed ENGLISH HISTORY. VI 1 his prerog-ative superior to law, paid little attention to the statutes, and when parliament remonstrated with him, on account of such acts of power, he told them, plainly, that he would proceed in the matter as he thought proper. There is not a reign among those of ancient English monarchs, which is more interesting than that of King Edward III, nor one where the domestic transactions will lietter discover the true genius of that kind of mixed government wliich was then established in England. Edward was a prince of great capacity, not governed by favorites, nor led astray by any unruly passion, sensi])le tliat nothing could be riiore efifectual to his interests than to keep on good terms with his people. It appears, however, that the government, at best, was only a barbarous monarchy, not regulated by any fixed maxims, nor bound by any certain undisputed rights, which were in practice regularly ob- served. The King conducted himself by one set of principles and the barons by another; the Commons by a third and the Clergy by a fourth. Ail these systenis of government were contrary and incompatible. Each of them prevailed according as incidents were favorable to it. A great I'rince rendered the monarchical power predominant, the weakness of a King gave reins to the aristocracy; a superstitious age saw the clergy t'-iumphant and the people, for whom alone government was instituted, and who alone deserve consideration, were commonly the weakest of the whole. However the Commons, little obnoxious to any other order, though they sunk under the violence of the tempests, silently raised tlieir head in more peaceful times, and while the storm was brewing, v/ere courted by all sides, and thus received some accession to their privileges or some conformation of them. Edward III died on the 21st of June, 1376. and was l)uricd in West- minster Abbey near the body of his Queen, I'hilippa of Hainault. CHILDREN OF EDWARDIII. I.— Edward, commonly known as the Black Prince, from the color of the armor he used at the l^attle of Crecy, was born at Woodstock, June 15, 1330. At the age of live his father removed his family to Nottingham Castle. On February 9, 1337. he was created Duke of Cornwall — the first duke created in England. In 1343 he was created Prince of Wales. At an earl\ age he engaged in the enterprises of his father and j^rovcd himself a daring soUlier and an able commander in all the contlicts with the I'lench and won great glory for himself and l'!nghind. A ])rominent trail in his character was a readiness to listen to the advise of his father. While at Narbonne a messenger came to him from thi- ])apal regency urging him to allow viil ENGLISH HISTORY. negotiations for peace. He replied that he could do nothing without knowing his father's will. He so honored his father that when at a great feast in which he served at the King's table he would not sit down with him, declaring that he was not worthy to sit at table with so great a King or so valiant a man. In 1346 Richard de Beauchamp, the Earl of Warwick, accompanied Edward, Prince of Wales, to France. The earl died in 1369. He was father of Philippa Beauchamp. who m. Hugh Stafford, whose son Edmund, fifth Earl of Stafford, was the grandfather, of Margaret, the dau. of Humphrey Stafford, first Duke of Buckingham, who m. Roljert Dunham of De vonshire,^ Edward espoused his tousin Joan, commonly called "the fair maid of Kent." She had been m. to Sir Thomas Holland, by whom she had children. She had a son Richard by the Prince of Wales, who alone survived his father. Edward d. June 8, 1376, in the 46th year of his age and had a character, illustrated by every eminent virtue, and from his earliest youth, till the' hour he ex- pired, he remained unstained by any blemish. His valor and military talents formed the smallest part of his merit and his generosity, humanity, affability and moderation, gained him the affections of all the world. H. — The second son of King Edward (John and the two Williams having d. in infancy), was Lionel, who was b. at Antwerp Nov. 29, 1338. lie was a man of great strength and beauty of person. He was m. in 1352 to Elizabeth DeBergh, dau. of Lord of Connaught, and third Earl of LHster and head of one of the greatest of the Anglo-Norman houses in Ireland. Her mother was Maud, dau. of Lancaster, who after the death of her husband, who was murdered in 1332, was m. to Ralph Ufford. On Nov. 13, 1362, Lionel was created Duke of Clarence. This latter title was derived from the town of Clare in Suffolk, the lord- ship of which with other shares in the divided Gloucester estates had been inherited by Elizabeth from her grandmother, Elizabeth of Clare, the sister of Gilbert, the last Earl of Gloucester, of the house of Clare. Elizabeth d. in 1368 and left a dau. who m. Edmund Mortimer, Earl of Northumberland and Earl of March. He was sent by his father as Viceroy into Ireland and there proved himself inefficient as a ruler. After the death of his wife in 1336 a second marriage was proposed, and Humprey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, was sent to negotiate a match with Violanti Galeazzo, dau. of the Lord of Paria and with elaborate arrangements the marriage was consummated in 1368. Soon after the ceremonies he was taken ill and died. Personally, Lionel does not ENGLISH IIISTORV. IX appear to have had any lofty aspirations. Thomas de Bero^h, Ijrother of Ehzabeth, the wife of Lionel, who m. Lucy de Bella^ue. dau. of John de Bellaque. was grandfather of Margaret de Bergh, who m. Sir John Zouche. Margaret de Bergh was grandmother of Elizabeth Bowett, wife of Sir John Dunham, who was dau. of Nicholas Bowett who m. Elizabeth Zouche, dau. of John Zouch and .Margaret de Bergh. Edmund Mortimer, who m. lMhhp])a was ilic father of .Anne Mortimer, who in. Richard, the son of Richard, I',arl of Cambridge, and Maud Clifford and grandson of Ednumd. I )uke of ^'ork. Their son Richard, Duke of ^^)rk, m. Cicel\' Xeville, dau. of Ralph Neville, first Earl of Westmorland. These were the parents of Richard the 3r(l, Duke of Gloucester, who m. Anne Xeville, dau. of Richard Xeville, Earl of Warwick, and Ann Ikauchamp, dau. of Richard Beauchamp. Earl of Warwick. Elizabeth Mortimer, a sister of Edmund, m. Henry Percy, known as Llotspur. They had Henry Percy, Earl of Xorthumberland and Elizabeth Percy, who m. Lord John Clifford. She had Thomas Clifford, 1414, and Maud Clifford \vho m. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, who was executed in 1415. and second, John Xeville, Lord Latimer. John Clifford was the grandson of Roger Clifford, b. July 10, 1333. and Maud r>eauchami), and son of Thomas Clifford, sixth Paron of Westmorland, and Fdizabeth Ross. Mary, a sister of Thomas Clifford, m. Philip Wentworth. HI^ — Edward's third son was John of Gaunt, so-called from Ghent, the place of his birth. On .August 6, 1335, he was created Duke of Lancaster. He rn. three times: first, to Constance of Castile, by whom he had Constance; second, to Blanche, dau. of Henry Plantagenent, Earl of Derby, grandson of Ednumd Crounchback, brother of Edward I : lastly, he m. Mary Boliun, dau. of Earl of Hereford and sister to the wife of his uncle, Thomas, Duke of (iloucester. I'y L'atharine S\\\nford, he had John Beaufort, who was created Duke of Somerset, and j.Kin Beaufort, who was the second wife of Ral])h Xeville, who was the father of Anne Xeville, who d. in 1480, and who had m. Humphrey Stafford, b. 1402, d. 1460, who was the first Duke of Buckingham. This duke was the father of Margaret Stafford, the wife of Robert Dunham. Richard, son of the IJlack Prince, a boy of eleven years of age, suc- ceeded to the Crown imder the title of King Richard II, in accordance with a decree of his grandfather. The great change from a sovereign of consununate wisdom and experience to a youth ol such an .ige was not immediately felt by the peojjle. They were ready to admire iiim for the sake of his brave father, lie was d.-ittered b\ the lorils and ladies X ENGLISH HISTORY. of the court, who declared him to be the most beautiful, the wisest and best of mankind. To flatter a boy in this manner did not have a tendency to develop any good in him. Being a minor, the govern- ment was vested in the hands of his three uncles, the dukes of Lan- caster, York, and Gloucester. The duke was supposed to have some tiioughts of the throne himself, but he was not popular, and the memory of the Black Prince to the people was enough to force him to submit to his nephew, though on dififerent occasions he took measures to em- barrass the King in some of his enterprises. IV. — The fourth son of the royal family was Edmund, b. at King's Langly Hertfords, June 5, 1341. He was created Earl of Cambridge by his father, and in 1385 Duke of York by Richard II, his nephew. He was twice married : first, to Isabel, of Castile, who d. Nov. 3, 1393, and second, in 1395, to Joan, dau. of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent, who surviving him m. three other husbands and d. in 1434. In 1347 he received a grant of land beyond the Trent, belonging to John de Warren, Earl of Surrey. He d. at Langley, August i, 1402. Edmund was the least remarkable of his father's sons. He was an easy going man of pleasure and had no care for worlcUy riches and was very much under the guidance of his elder brother and Duke of Lan- caster. During the minority of Richard II he acted with his brother as guardian and when Richard took the government into his own hands, for three successive years, was made regent during the absence of the King. In transacting business the Duke of Gloucester paid little at- tention to the will of Edmund, as Lancaster had him under his control. Richard II was unable to cope with the machinations of his uncle, the Duke of Lancaster, and he was accused of certain accusations which v/ere presented against him and in consecjuence of which he was de- posed. Lancaster immediately put his forces in motion and procured the election of his son, Henry IV, instead of Richard. This began the contest between the houses of York and Lancaster. The Yorkists were designated by the white and the Lancasters by the red rose. These wars extended from 1452 to 1494. Philippa, dau. of Lionel, second son of Edward HI, sided with the Yorkists. CHILDREN OF EDMUND, Duke of York, son of Edward HI. By his first wife: I. — Edward, during his father's life, was Earl of Rutland and Duke of Aumale and succeeded as second Duke of York. He was killed at the battle of Agincourt in 141 5. H. — Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d. in 141 5. He had been m. to Maud Clifford. HI. — Constance, m. Thomas le Dispenser, Earl of Gloucester. She d. Nov. 28, 1416. [•:Nr.T,isii HISTORY. xi CHILDREN OF SOX OF EDWARD, the T.lack IVince. I.— Richard, m. Anne Mdrtinicr. CIIILDREX Ol- l>il ( 1 1 AKD. Earl of Cambridge. J. — Richard, Duke of Y(^rk. Jilterward.s ])r(jckiinied King-, m. Cecily Neville. Killed in 1460. CHILDREN OF RICHARD, Duke of York, son of Richard, Earl of Cambridge. I. — Edward I\', m. Elizabeth Gray, widow of a Lanc"n Knight, was proclaimed King in 1461. II. — George, Duke of Clarence, m. Isabella Neville, of Richard. 111. — Richard III, ni. Anne Neville, dau. of Ricliard. • Usurped the Crown 1483. Caused death of Edward \' and his brother Richard. CHILDREN OF GEORC^.E. Duke of Clarence, son of Richard, Duke of York. I. — Edward, Earl of Warwick. V. — Omitting the two sons who d. in infancy, Thomas was the fifth son of Edward. He was b. at Woodstock on the 7th of January, 1354. He m., in 1374, Eleanor de Bohun, dau. of Earl of Hereford. Essex and Northampton. Through his wife he was styled Earl of Essex. Having been knighted by his father at Windsor on the 23rd of April, 1377, he carried the sceptre and the dove at the coronation of his nephew, Richard 11, and was created Earl of r.uckinghain. During the summer and fall of 1380, he was engaged in a conflict with his brother Edmund, against a French and Spanish fleet which had ])een raging the southern coast and averted a landing at Dover. Thomas's re- lation with his elder brother, John of Gaunt, had never been cordial. Lancaster had inflicted a marked slight upon him by putting his own, af- terwards Henry IV, a mere boy into the order of the Charter in preference to him. Thomas had a forgiving and magnanimous disposition. During his absence in France, Lancaster m. his son, Henry I\', to Mary T.ohun, younger sister of his wife. Richard II, in 1381, tletermined to rule through his own means, drew together his uncles, Thomas and Lan- ca.'^ter. They were associated together in the expedition into Scotland and in the negotiations with France and k'landers. When Lancaster was accused of treason at Salisbury, Thomas burst into the King's chamber, and swore with a great oath to kill any one who should bring such charges against his brother. Richard for a time deferred more to his uncles, to cover his own tlesigns. On the sixth oi August, 1385, he created Thomas Duke of Cdoucester and I'.dnunid Duke of York, and by letters ])atent made them grants from the ex- chequer. Richard ho])ed, 1)\ elevating his younger uncles, Thoinas and Edmund, to sow fresh disst'usitm beiueen llu'm and |olm of (launl. and to cover his promotion of his Immhle born minister, .Miiliael de ia I'ole, to the l^arldoni of .Suffolk. If so, it did not serve its purpose, for ( ilou- Xll ENGLISH HISTORY. cester on Lancaster's departure to Spain placed himself openly at the head of the opposition to the King, and was one of the judges, who condemned Suffolk in 1386, and a member of the commission for the reform of the household and realm. Richard is alleged toi have plotted his murder at dinner but such charges were made too freely at the time to command implicit credence, but Gloucester, who forced Richard to dismiss Suffolks by threatening him with the fate of Edward II. had certainly given ])rovocation. When the King, in 1387, procured a declaration from the judges, that the authors of the commission were guilty of treason and began to raise forces, Gloucester and his friends sought to avert the storm by swearing a solemn oath, that they had been actuated by no personal motives, l^ut only by anxiety for Richard's own honor and interests. Gloucester, however, refused to forego his revenge on De Vere, whom the King had made Duke of Ireland. De Vere had repudiated his niece for a Bohe- mian serving woman. Failing to obtain support from the Londoners against Gloucester, who took arms with the Earls of Arundel and War- v>'ick, Richard affected to agree to the impeachment of his favorites in tlie parliament which was to meet in 1388. Rut on liis sending the Duke of Ireland to raise an army in Cheshire, and attempting to pack ihe parliament, the three lords met and talked of deposing the King, joined by the Earls of Derby and Nottingham they routed De Vere, and the Londoners opening their gates, they got admission to the Tower and entered the presence of the helpless King with linked arms. Glou- cester showed him their forces on Tower Hill and soothed his mind by assurances, that ten times their number were ready to join in destroying the traitors to the King and the realm. Had Gloucester not been over- ruled by Derby and Nottingham, Richard would have been deposed, and he was no doubt responsible for the vindictiveness of the parliament. Gloucester and his associates held the reins of power for more than a year, not without some attempt to justify their promises of reform, but they did not hesitate to obtain parliamentary grants by way of reimbursing them for their patriotic sacrifices. Gloucester also secured the lordship of Holderness, the castle town and manor of Oakham, with the sheriffdome of Rutland, which had belonged to his wife's ancestors ; and the office of chief justice of Chester and North Wales, which gave him a hold over a district attached to Richard l\v local loyalty. The King resuming the government, in 1389, and promising his subjects better government, Gloucester was naturally in disgrace, but through the good offices of the Earl of Northumberland and of John of KNC.r.ISII HISTORY. Xlll Gaunt, his peace was made and (Irants were made to him and his brothers, but he doubtless feU thai he liad no real influence with the King. Early in 1392, Richard appointed ( ilouccstcr his lieutenant in Ireland, only to supersede him suddenly in favor of the young Earl of March. Gloucester was then holding an uu|uiry into a London riot, but tliis may not have been the cause of his supercession. The King, it is worth noticing, was seeking llu' canonization of Edward II, with whose fate he had been threatened b\' his uncle a few years before. The Cheshire men rose against (iloucester and Lancaster in 1393, while they were negotiating at Calais, in the belief that it was the King's wish, and Richard had to publish a disavowal. There was some reason at this time to think the Earl of Arundel was trying to force on a crisis. Gloucester had now to give up his post as chief justice of Chester to Richard's henchman, Nollingham, but was consoled with a fresh grant of Holderness and Oakham and certain estates that had belonged to De \ ere, yet he could not but have been uneasy by the King's quiet attacks upon the work of parliament and his serious breach with Arundell, after the Queen's death in June, 1394. Richard took Glou- cester with him to Ireland in the fall of 1394. but sent him back the following spring to obtain a grant from the new parliament. It is plain that the relations of Gloucester with the court were getting strained. The cotirtiers accused the duke of malice and cunning and said that he had a good head, but was ])rou(l and wonderfully overbearing in his n:anners. Mis advocacv of coercion to make the Gascons receive John of Gaunt as their duke was ])ul down to his desire to have the field to himself at home. lie disa])])roved. too, of the proposed Im-cucIi mar- riage and peace, and tlu' negotiations were carried through by others, though he was present, w^illingly or unwillingl\, at the marriage festivi- ties in 1396, near Calais. In the early months of i3<)7- uuuual ])rovo- cations followed sinfull\ u])ou one another. It was alleged by the French waiters, favorable to Richard, that (Gloucester. .Arundell and Warwick engaged in a conspiracy which aimed m the perpetual im- prisonment of the King and his two elder uncles. lUit Richard himself did not atteiupt to bring home to them any such definite charge, and every thing points to his having resolved upon their destruction ami taking them by surjirise. Me had at first iiUended to arrest them at a dimier, to whicli lhe\' were in\iled. but ( iloucester, excused himself on the ])lea of illness. On the evening of the arrest of Warwick and Arundell, Richard accompanieil, b_\- the London iraine2, and il. in 1369. CHILDREN ()!• RICHARD, i'.aron of Siafford, son of Edmund de Stafford. I. — Richard m. Isabella, dau. of Ivichard de X'ernon. of Hadden. II. — Ralph Stafford was made a Knight-Baroner Jan. 20. 1327, when he served against the Scots. In 1330 he acted in concert with the Lords in maintaining a (|uarrel against Roger 1\ de Mortimer, tnurlh Earl of March. In 1332 lu' was appointed guardian of the peace for Staffordshire. Jn 1337. steward ot' tlie King's liousehold. in 1340 he accfMupanied on his hurried retm-n to Enghmd and wa-- sent b\ the Kingto Jolm de Staft'ord. Archbislicp of Cantrrbury. In 1345 was ap- XVI ENGLISH HISTORY. pointed Seneshal of Aquitaine. In 135 1 the King created himself Earl of Stafiford. He was much praised for the valor and daring. CHILDREN OF RALPH STAFFORD, Earl of Stafford, son of Edmund de Stafford. By his second wife : I.— Ralph ni. Had no issue. II. — Hugh, second Earl of Stafford, b. 1342. He m. Philippa de Beau- champ, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Warwick and d. in 1386. HI. — Humphrey, the Silver Hand, sheriff of Dorset, and Somerset counties, m. Elizabeth Dunham, of Hook, near Beaminster, Dorsetshire, wife of Sir John Maltravers. Hugh Stafford, second Earl of Stafford, was b. in 1342, m. Philippa de Beauchamp, dau. of Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, who d. in 1369. He was created Baron in 1371. He was the son of Ralph Stafford, first Earl of Stafford. He accompanied the Prince of Wales to Aquitaine, 1363, followed him in his Spanish expedition. On the death of his father and his elder brother, he succeeded as second Earl of Stafford. He was present at and assisted in the coronation of Richard II on July 16, 1377. He was afterward appointed member of the committee of lords to advise the Commons. In 1379 he was ap- pointed to examine the pul)lic finances and in 1380 to regulate the royal household. He d. vSept. 26, 1386, on his way homeward from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. CHILDREN OF HUGH STAFFORD, second Earl, son of Ralph Stafford, first Earl. I. — Ralph, was a great favorite with the King and Queen whose companion he had been from lioyhood. In 1385 he marched, with his father, northward with the King's army. While the army was near York, he was slain by Sir John Holland. II. — Thomas, succeeded his father as third Earl of Stafford, and d. in 1392. HI. — William, succeeded his brother Thomas, a fourth Earl and d. in 1395. TV. — Edmund, succeeded his brother William as fifth Earl of Stafford. He was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury, July 21, 1403, fighting on the King's side. ' V.^ — Margaret, m. Ralph Neville, first Earl of West- moreland. VL — Catharine, married Michael de Pole, third Earl of Suffolk. \'II. — Joan, m. after her father's death, Thomas Holland, Duke of Surrey. Humphrey Stafford, Earl of Devonshire, son of Ralph Stafford, first Earl Stafford was sheriff of Somerset and Dorset and Ivinsman of Humphrey, first Duke of Buckingham. He m. Elizabeth Dunham, the heiress of the Dunhams of Hook, near Beaminster, Dorset, who had as her first husband. Sir John Mattravers. CHILDREN OF HUMPHREY STAFFORD, 'The Silver Hand," ENGLISH HISTORY. XVll son of Ralph Stafford, first Earl Stafford. I. — Humphrey. II. — John, Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1432 he was created First Chancclor of England. He d. in 1452. Richard Stafford. Raron of Clifton, m. Isabel, dau. of Sir Richard de Vernon, of Hadden. Ralph de Stafford, first Earl Stafford was his great uncle. CHILDREN OE RICHARD STAFEORD. I'.an.n of Clifton, son of Richard Stafford, Baron. I. — Edmund. I'.isho]) of Exeter, b. in 1344 and (1. in 1419. He was Dean of York in 13S5. l'"our years after he was keeper of the privy seal, and at the age of fifty, he was made Bishop of Exeter. On Oct. 22^, 1396, he was ai)pointed Chancelor and held the office until the abdication of Richard H in 1399. He re- mained a member of the privy council under Henry 1\'. His visita- tions as bishop were through Devonshire and Cornwall and afterwards to London as Lord Chancelor. He was a learned man and took great interest in education. STAEFORD EAMILY. Edmun.l Stafford, fifth Earl of Stafford, m. Anne, dau. of Thomas, Duke of Gloucester. 1 le was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury, July 21, 1403, and after his death his wife m. William Bourchier, son of Henry. CHILDREN OE EDMUND STAEEORD. fifth Earl'Stafford, son of Hugh Stafford, Baron. I. — Humphrey, first Duke of Buckingham, was b. in 1402, was m. to Anna, dau. of Ralj^h Neville, first Earl of Westmoreland. She was godmother to the unfortunate Trince Edward, son of Henry A'l, and did not die until Sept. 20, 1480, surviving a second husband, Walter Blount, Lord Mountjoy. Humphrey was slain in 1460 by the Kentish men near the tent of the King. CHH^DREN OE HIS WIEE AND WILLIAM BOURCHIER. I.— Henry r.ourchier, \is- count of Exeter. In 1456, Queen Margaret de])ri\c(l him of Ids office. Had son Thomas, who ni. Isabel, wife of Humphrey Stafford. F.arl of Devon. IT. — Archbishoj) jlourchier. Queen Margaret, in 1456. deposed hmi from his position. Humphrey Stafford, first Duke of Buckingham, b. in 1402 and d. in 1460. was son of Edmund, fifth Earl of Stafford. His mother was the dau. of Thomas, Did, d. i3(«). \\ht> m. Joan Mortimer. He was one of the most gallant officers of the Black Prince, XX ENGLISH HISTORY. John Neville's brother Alexander, was consecrated Archbishop of York at Westminster, June 4, 1374. His brother William was constable of Nottingham Castle. Neville was a friend of Wickliffe and one of the chiefest of his supporters, the Lollards. John was twice married: first, to Maud Percy, the dau. of Lord Henry Percy ; and, secondly, to Eliz- abeth, the only dau. of William, Lord Latimer. He d. at Newcastle-on- Tyne, Oct. 17, 1388. In his will he was liberal in his donation to his employees and beneficent to the church. During his early years he proved himself to be a true and loyal knight, serving faithfully in all positions in which he was placed. He was closely associated with John of Gaunt at the siege of Brest. When scandals relating to Lancaster abounded, Neville did not escape the storm of national indignation which broke over the court in 1376. The wrath of the parliament was in the first place directed against Richard Lyons and William Latimer, whose seat was at Danby in Cleveland. He was a Yorkshire neighbor of Neville, who was to take Latimer's dau. for his second wife. Latimer induced Neville tO' use threatening lan- guage to the Commons on his behalf, but he was impeached in three courts for buying up the King's debts, like Latimer ; for suffering the troops to plunder and outrage at Southhampton in 1372 ; and for causing the loss of several Breton fortresses by neglecting to supply the full force of men he had undertaken to furnish. Against the two latter charges he defended himself with some force. On the first count, two accusa- tions were brought against him, one of which the complainant attempted to withdraw at the last moment. It looks as if he had been tampered with by the accused or his friends. In 1378, he was sent as the King's lieutenant to Aquitaine, to treat with the King of Arragon, and was ordered to send a force to aid the King of Navarre, against Henry of Castile, whose throne was claimed by John of Gaunt. He is credited with having recovered eighty-three towns, castles, and forts during his lieutenancy. During the remaining years of his life he was constantly employed on the Scottish border as warden. His last days were em- bittered by the misfortunes of his brother, Archbishop Alexander, who, in 1387, was driven from his See and country. As late as March 20, 1388, he was placed in commission to treat for peace with Scotland. CHILDREN OE JOHN NEVILLE, fifth Baron of Raby, son of fourth Baron Neville. By his first wife: I. — Ralph HI, sixth Baron Neville and first Earl of Westmoreland. II. — Thomas, m. Joan Eur- nival, d. in 1383. He was war-treasurer under Henry IV, and d. in 1406. His only child, Maud, carried the barony to John Talbot, afterwards tlic ENCLTSir TITSTORV. xxi great Earl of Shrewsbury. III. — Elizal)eth became a nun. I\'. — Alice, m. William, Lord Deincourt. who d. on Oct. 14. 1381. V. — Mathilda, m. \\'illiani le Scrope. \'I. — lolanda or Idina. m. Rali)h. Lord Lamlev ; slain in 1400. By second wife, after his death in 1388. slie m. Robert, fourth Lord Willouohby de Eresby. \'ll. — John. 15aron Latimer until 1430. when he sold the Latimer Barony to his half brother, the Earl of Westmoreland. AIIL — Elizabeth, ni. Thomas Willoughby, son of Robert, fourth Lord Willoughby de Eresby, who d. in 1396. Sixth BARON NEVILLE. Ralpli Neville, sixth "I'.aron Neville and first Earl of Westmoreland, eldest son of Raby and Maud I'ercy, dau. of Henry Percy, who d. in 1352. In 1380, in his sixteenth year, he entered the service, in the French expedition under the King's uncle, Thomas of Woodstock, Earl of Buckingham, afterwards Duke of Glou- cester, who knighted him. In 1384 he was associated with his father in receiving the last instalments of David Bruce's ransom, in 1385 he was appointed joint governor of Castile, with the eldest son of Lord Clifford. On the death of his father in 1388. at the age of twenty-four, he became Baron of Raby. On the 24th of May, 1389. he was made warden of the royal forests north of Trent. The following year he was employed in negotiations with Scotland. Neville's power was great in the north country where he. as Lord Raby and Brancepath in the bishopric of Durham and Middleham. and Sheriff Hutton in Yorkshire, was fullv the ecpial, simple baron though he was, of his cousin, the head of the Percies. His support was therefore worth securing by King Richard when, in \y)J. he took his revenge upon the Duke of Gloucester and other lords. The Lord of Raby was al- ready closely connected with tlie crown and tlie court partly by marriages and alliances. He had secured for his eldest son, John, the hand of Eliz- abeth, dau. of tlie King's step-brother, Tlioiuas Holland, Earl o{ Kent, who was deep in Richard's counsels, and he himself liad taken for liis second wife, Joan IJeaufort. dau. of John of Gaunt, the King's uncle. In the distribution of rewards among the King's supporters, on Sept. 29. 1397. Neville was made Earl of Westmoreland. When Richard drove his brother-in-law Henry. I'.arl of Derby, out of tlie realm, and refused him possession of the Lancaster estates, on lolni of (iaunt's death, Westmoreland took sides against the King, and was one o\ the first to join Henry when he landed in ^'orkshire in July, 1300. He and his relative, Northumberland, who had joined Hem-y at the same time, represented the superior lords temporal in the parliamentary deputation, while on Sept. 29, 1399. received in the tower, kich.ard's renunciation XXU ENGLISH HISTORY. of the crown. The next day Westmoreland was granted for Hfe tlie office of Marshal of England, which had been held by the banished Duke of Norfolk. When Henry IV was crowned on the 13th of October, Westmoreland bore the small sceptre, his younger half brother, John Lord Latimer, who at tiie time was a minor, carried the sceptre royal. The garter vacated by the death of Edmund, Duke of York, in August, 1402, was bestowed on Westmoreland. During the following year the Percies revolted and Westmoreland found an opportunity of weakening the great rival house in the north. One of Hotspur's grievances was the transference of his captaincy of the Roxbury Castle to Westmore- land in 1402. The day after the battle of Shrewsbury, in which Hotspur was slain, Henry wrote to Westmoreland and other Yorkshire chiefs, charging them to levy troops and intercept tlie Earl of Northumberland, who was marching from the north, Westmoreland drove the old Earl back to Warkworth and sent an urgent message to Henry, advising him to come into the north, where reports of his death were being circulated by the Percies. The King came and three days later transferred the wardenship which Northumberland had held since 1399, to Westmore- land. On his return south, Henry directed Westmoreland and his brother, Lord Furnival, to secure the surrender of the Percy castles. Soon after Northumberland was pardoned by the King and reconciled to Westmoreland. Westmoreland and Somerset were the only two Earls in the coiuicil of twenty-two whom, the King was induced, by the urgency of the Commons, tO' designate in parliament as his regular ad- visors. Northumberland's reconciliation was not sincere. In 1405 he was again in revolt and remembering how his plans had failed and how he had been foiled by Westmoreland, two years before, he began with an attempt to get his cousin into his power bv surprise. Westmoreland happened to be staying in a castle belonging to Sir Ralph Eure when it was suddenly beset one night by Northumberland at the head of four hundred men. But Westmoreland had received timely warning and was already flown. The flame of rebellion broke out in three diiTerent points. Northumberland was moving from the north to effect a junc- tion with Sir Johh Faucenburg and other Cleveland connections of the Percies and Mowbrays who were in arms, and with youthful Thomas Mowbray, Earl Marshal and Archbishop Scrope, who raised a large force in York and advanced northward. One of Mowbray's grievances was that the office of Marshal of England had been given to Westmore- land and that he therefore had an additional spur to prompt action ENGLTSir iriSTORV. XXlll against the threatening combination. Taking witli liini the young Prince John, lie threw liirnseU' l)ct\veen the two main bodies of rebels and routed the Cleveland force and intercepted the Archbishop and Mowbray little more than five miles north of York. Westmoreland finding himself the weaker in numl^ers had to recourse to strategem. Explanations were exchanged between the two camps and West- moreland expressing approval of the articles of grievance submitted to him by Scropy. invited the Archbishop and Earl Marshal to a persoiial conference. They met with equal retinues between the two camps. Westmoreland declared their demands most reasonable and promised, to use his influence with the King. They there joyfully shook hands over the understanding. The unsuspecting archbishop w^as now easily induced to dismiss his followers with the cheerful news. As soon as they were dispersed \\ estmoreland laid hands upon Scrope and Mowbrav and soon after handed them to the King, under whose order they were executed. The crisis over, Westmoreland returned to his employment, associating with him his eldest son, John, and during the rest of the reign was constantly engaged on the frontiers. He had made himself one of the great props of liis brother-in-law's throne. Two of his brothcTS.Lord Furnival, who for a time was war-tredsuirer, and Lord Lati- mer w'ere Peers, and towards the close of the reign he began to make those fortunate marriages for his numerous family by his second marriage, which enabled the younger branch of Neville to play so d.e- cisive a part in after years. One of the earliest of these marriages was that of his dan. Catherine in 1412 to the young John Mow'bray. brother of the unfortunate Earl Marshal, who had been entrusted to his guai'l- ianship by the King. Westmoreland d. Oct. i, 1425. His wife. Catha- rine Swynford, widow of Sir Robert Ferrers, survived him and d. N'cn-. 13. 1440. CHILDREN OF RALPH NEN'ILLE. Earl of lUickingham and. first Earl of Westmoreland. Son of John Neville, fifth Baron tie Raby. By Margaret StaJYord. first wife. 1. — John. He fought in France and on the borders of Scotland and d. in 1423. He liad married Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent. They had Ralph, who succeed- ed his grandfather, in 1425, as second Earl of Westmoreland. H. — Ralj'h of Warwickshire, m. Mary Ferrers dau. of Robert I'errers, l>aron of W^ein in Shro]:)shire. HI. — Mathilda, m. Lord Peter Manly, who d. in 1414. I\ . — Phiiip'pa, m. Lord Thomas Hacre of dilloland. \'. — Alice, m. Sir Thomas (h'ev of lleton and Sir (iilhert Lancaster. \'[. — K\\/.- abeth became a nun. \ll. — Anna, m. Sir Humphry Cnfrevillc. XXIV ENGLISH HISTORY. VIII. — Margaret, m. Richard, Lord le Scrope, of Bolton, who d. in 1420, William Cressener, who d. in 1463. and Anastasia. By Joan Beaufort, dan. of John of Gaunt. IX.- — Richard, Earl of Salisbury. X. — William, Baron Faucenburg. XI. — George, Baron Latimer, born in 1432, d. 1469. His father transferred to him the barony which he had bought from his childless half-brother, John, who inherited it from, his mother. XII. — Robert, Bishop of Salisbury and Durham. XIII. — Edward, Baron, of Bergavenny. XIV. — Joan, who died a nun. XV. — Catharine, m. John Mowbray, second Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Strang- ways, Viscount Beaumont, who d. in 1460 and John Wydenille, brother- in-law of Edward IV. X\'I. — Anne, m. Humphrey Stafford, first Duke of Buckingham, who d. in 1460, and Baron Walter Blount, Baron Mountjoy, who d. in 141 5. XVIII. — Cicely, m. Richard Plantaganet, Duke of York ; and was mother of Edward IV. DE BELLAQUA AND DE BERGH FAMILIES. William de Bergh, an Anglo-Norman, created Lord of Connaught, Duke of Zeland and Earl of Ulster, m. Maud, dan. of Henry, Earl of Lancaster and granddaughter of Edward I and wife, Margaret of France. His wife's sister. Mar}-, m. Henry Percy, third Baron Percy, b. 1322, and d. June 17, 1368, who was associated with William la Zouch and Ralph Neville on a commission for the Northern Army, Aug. 20, 1346. After the death of Earl William de Bergh, who was murdered in 1332, his wife m. Ralph UfTord, Justice of Ireland, who d. April 9, 1346. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM DE BERGH, Earl of Ulster. I.— Thomas de Bergh m. Lucia, dau. of Dominus Johannus de Bellacjua, who was a son of Thomas de Bellaqua (Bart, 14 Cy.). They were the parents of Johannus de Bergh, father of Margaret de Bergh, who m. Johannus la Zouche. II. — Elizabeth de Bergh, b. in 1332, m. Lionel, son of Edward HI, in 1352. Lionel was created Earl of Ulster in 1347. She d. in 1352. Her husband m. Violiante Galeazzo, April 25, 1368. She was the dau. of the Viscount of Allien. Lionel d. at the time of this marriage. His wife then m. the Marquis of Moutferret. Lionel was a man of great strength and beauty of person. By Lionel, Eliza- beth had Philippa, who m. the Earl of March. Alan Zouohe m. Eleanor de Quincey, dau. of Roger, Earl of Win- chester. Ireland had been among the lands which Edward First re- ceived from Henry HI in 1254. In the spriiig of 1256 Alan la Zouche was sent to that country and soon after appointed justice. During the barons' war he steadily adhered to the King. In 1261 he was appointed sheriff of Northamptonshire and justice of the forests of Trent. In 1267 ENGLISH ITTSTOUV. XXV waa appointed warden of London. In 1270 lie and liis son Roger were wounded by Earl Warren, and d. Au<^nst 16, 1270. His estate went to his son Roger. CHILDREN OE ALAX LA ZOUCHE. L— Roger la Zouchc ni. Ela, dan. of Countess of Lister, and d. in 1285. He was sueceeded by his son Alan, b. 1268, who d. in 1314. He left three daughters: Eleanor m. Nicholas Seymonr and Alan de Chariton, Airs. Robert de Holland, and Elizabeth, who became a nun. H. — E ndres or Ivo an- cestor of the Zouches of Harringworth. Descendant of EXDRIES LA ZOUCHE: L— William la Zouche. the first Baron Zouche, was b. about 1276 and d. in 1352. In 1335, was keeper of the privy seal. In 1340 was elected Archbishop of York. On the 20th of August, 1346, he was made commissioner with Henry Percy and Ralph Xeville for the northern Army, and took prominent part in battle at Xeville's Cross. II. — Roger. 111. — John, m. Margaret de Bergh, dan. of John de Bergh. Their dan. Elizabeth Zouche, m. Sir Xicholas Bowett, parents of Elizabeth Bowett, wlio m. Sir John Dunham, after the death of her first husband, Sir William Chaworth. William la Zouche, the fifth IJaron, 1). 1402. and d. 1463. m. Alice, de Jure IJaronness St. Alaur, dan. of Thomas St. Maur, Baron St. Maur sixth, and succeeding barons Zouche, are now considered to have been also de Jure Barons St. Maur. Edward la Zouche succeeded as eleventh Baron Zouche on the death of his father, George, on 30th of June, 1569. In 1586 he was one of the peers who tried Mary Queen of Scots. On 22nd of December, 1593, h'2 was sent as envoy extraordinary to James \'I of Scotland, to protest against his leniency towards persons who were known to be in league with Spain, and to inform him that Elizabeth would resist the lands of any Spanish troops in Scotland. In June, 1598, he was sent as a com- mercial agent to Denmark. He retired in 1600 to Cuernsey, where for a few months he was persuaded to act as deputy governor. In June, 1602, he was appointed governor of Wales, h'our months after, Cham- berlain wrote, "Lord Zouche ])lays rex in Wales with ]n>{\\ council and justices and with the poor Welshman." Zouche was continued in the office 1)\- James T, who further grat- ified him with grants of land for a number of years :ifter Salisbury's death in 1612, he was one of the conunissioners to whom the treasury was entrusted. He indulged in Colonial ventures, and in Hhh) lu- was a member of the council of the \'irginia Company, and in i()i7 he in- XXVI ENGLISH HISTORY. vested in Lord De la Warr's expedition In 1619 he sent the pinnace "The Silver Falcon," to Virginia, and on November 3, 1620, was ap- pointed chairman of the New England Council. He was a fearless ad- vocate of the established church and a strong defender of its faith and bitter in his denunciation of all sets averse to its rulings. It was with such a power that the Pilgrims in coming to America in 1620 had to con- tend. John Dunham, one of their number, was a distant relative to Edward Zouche, and had separated from the established church. He was placed in continual fear of his relatives. He shielded himself and was concealed by his friends by assuming the name of John Goodman, which he retained until after the death of King James. PERCY FAMILY. Henry, the first Ba'ron of Arnwick, was b. in 1272. He was the son of Henry, the seventh baron of Percy and Eleanor, dau. of Earl of Warren. He at first sided with the barons and afterwards with the King, and d. in 1272. His grandfather, William Percy, was the sixth Baron of Percy. His wife was a dau. of Ingelram de Baliol. Henry m. Eleanor, a dau. of John Fitzalen. He was the virtual founder of the historic house of Percy, which before his time had been chiefly connected with Yorkshire. He is described as being- prominent for skill in tournaments and more famous than any of his ancestors. In military afifairs he took a leading part. He was present with the Prince of Wales and the subjective of Wales, when Edward the first created on his son the title of Prince of Wales, which has ever since been borne by the eldest son of the sovereign of England. In parlia- ment he was a participant in founding permanent legal institutions vvhich have ever since been spoken of with respect. He was active in lessening public expenditure. He d. in 1315. Henry Percy, second Baron Percy of Arnwick, b. in 1.299, was elder son of Henry Percy, first Baron. He was with Thomas of Lan- caster, 21 st of May, 1321. He had many engagements against the Scots. In 1335 he defeated them at Redesdale and in the following year he took part in Edward's invasion of Scotland, advancing from Berwick in company with Baliol. During the same year he was with Edward HI at Perth. In 1338 he was sent to beseige Dunbar. In nearly every year after he was in the field or on commission for ne- gotiating with Edward's opponents.' It was through him and his father that the Percies became the hereditary guardians of the north and the scourge of Scotland. He m. Idona Clifford, dau. of Robert, who d. 1365. Henry d. in 1352. CHILDREN OF HENRY PERCY, second Baron of Arnwick, ENGLISH IIISTORV. Xxvii son of Henry Percy, first Baron. I. — Henrv Percy, third Baron Percy. He was 1). in 1322. and d. jnne 17. 1368. He m. Alary, dan. of Flenry, EarPof Lancaster; and also Joan, dan. of John de Orby. H. — Thomas, Vv'ho at the age of t\vent}-t\vo, in 1355, at the reqnest of Henry, Dnkc of Lancaster, was appointed by the Pope Bishop of Norwich, h'roni 1363 to 1369 he was trier of petitions from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. He d. Aug. 8, 1369. HL — Maud, m. John, son of Raljjh Neville, fourth Baron Neville of Raby. "^ ^ CHILDREN OF HENRY, thi'rd Baron, son of Henry, second Baron. L — Henry, first Earl of Northumberland, b. in 1342, m. in iT,Sq, Margaret Neville, dau. of Ralph, fourth Baron and widow of Lord William Ross. H. — Thomas, Earl of Worcester, d. in 1403. HI. — Mary, b. in 1347, m. Lord John Ross of Helmsley, and d. in 1395. Henry Percy, first Earl of Northumberland, son of Henry Percv, third Baron of Arnwick, and Mary, dau. of Henry, Earl of Lancaster, v.as born in 1342. In 1359 he m. Margaret, dau. of Ralph Neville, fourth Baron of Raby. She had been m. to William Lord Ross of Helmsley. At the time he was married he was a leader of troops in the French war. He was knighted before 1360. In 1362 he was appointed to treat with David Bruce, he being then a warden toward Scotland. In the death of his father he succeeded to his barony. In 1369 he was ordered to proceed with Duke of Lancaster to Calais. In 1373 he bought the constableship of Melford Castle. Northumberland, of the crowns and the wardenship of the lands of the heirs of the Earl of Athol. In common with Lancaster he took up the case of WycklifT, and when on 19th of Feb., 1377, Wycklifif was sunmioned before the Inshops, at •St. Paul's, Percy walked .before him as marshal, and used violence to the people, in order to clear the way through the crowd. The bishop declared that he would have no such doings in the church. An alterca- tion ensued. Wlien the la(l\-chapel was searched, Perc\- demanded that V/ycklifTe should ])e allowed to sit before his judges, saying thai the more the charges were that he had to answer, the more need he had of a comfortable seat; in this the bishops and he came to high words. On that day he and Lancaster had advised the King to supersede the ma\or by appointing a mayor over the city and to authorize the marshal to execute his office within the city; and this, together with tlicir insults to the bishops, greatly excited the citizens against tlieni. Lord h'ilz- v/alter appeared before the connnon council and declared that a ])risoner was detained in the marshal's house contrary to law, and warned the citizens that if they let such things pass, they would live to repent it. XXVlll ENGLISH HISTORY. The citizens took arms, broke into the marshal's ofifice, brought out the prisoners, burnt the stocks in which he had been set, and searclied every room to find the marshaL Not finding- him, they rushed to the duke's palace, thinking to find him there. Percy and the Duke were dining together at the home of a certain William Ypres. They were warned of their danger by one of the duke's knights and escaped to the house of the Princess of Wales, who gave them shelter. When a day or two later Percy returned to parliament he went to Westminister attended by an armed retinue. A short time after, Percy received a formal appointment as Marshal of England. Northumberland was magnificent in his daily life, gracious in man- ner, and given to courting popularity. Over a large part of England, where the feudal tie was stronger than in the south, he had almost kingly power; he kept great state, and was faithfully served by his knights and retainers. Prompt and fearless in war, he was the hero and champion of the English of the north in their almost ceaseless strife against the Scots. He probably desired good and vigorous govern- ment, and was not wholly insincere in his profession of anxiety for the public welfare. At the same time his actions were really the results of selfish motives, of ambition, jealous of the rival house of Neville, anger, pride or mortification. Though he was exceedingly crafty, his temper was violent and his policy of wisdom, proud, passionate and unstable, he was never to be relied on except when his own interests were to be served or his feelings gratified by his adherence to the cause he had adopted. No issue by second wife. CHILDREN OF HENRY, first Earl of Northumberland, son of Henry Percy, third Baron. By his first wife: I. — Henry, called Hot- spur, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund fourth. Earl of March and Philippa, dau. of Lionel, son of Edward HL H. — Thomas, m. Elizabeth, dau. of David, Earl of Athol. He d. in 1402, leaving sons, David, Ralph, and a daughter. HL — Ralph. Henry Percy, called Hotspur, b. May 20, 1364, was the eldest son of Henry Percy first, Earl of Northumber- land by his wife Margaret Neville, fourth Baron Neville of Raby. When thirteen years old he was knighted by Edward HL along with the future Richard H and Henry IV, who were almost of his own age. The next year he accompanied his father, when after a siege of nine (■ays, his father recovered Bernick Castle from the Scots. He m. Elizabeth Mortimer, dau. of Edmund, fourth Earl of March and Philippa, /jdau. of Lionel, son of Edward HI. She was b. Feb. 12, 1371. In tlie summer of 1388 he and his brother Ralph made marches into Scotland ENGLISH HISTORY. XXIX and most of his active life was spent on the borders of Scothmd. lie was an earnest worker in the Yorkist cause and as such an enemy to Henry of Lancaster who had ])een elevated to the throne. Hotspur was killed by the forces of the King in July 21. 1403, at vShrewsbury. Hotspur is the last and not the least in the long roll of chivalrous figures, whose prowess fills the pages of Froissart. He had the virtues and the defects of his class and time. A doughty fighter rather than a skillful soldier, he was instilled with stormy energy, passionate, and intolerant of the shadow of slight. CHILDREN OF HENRY PERCY, called Hotspur, son of Henry first, Earl of Northumberland. L — Henry b. in Feb. 3, 1394, he m. Eleanor Neville, dau. of Ralph Neville, second Earl of Westmoreland. The earldom of Northumberland wdiich had been forfeited by his grand- father was restored to> him by Henry V. He d. in May, 1455, in the battle of St. Albans. H. — Elizabeth, m. John, Lord Clifford, who died in 1422, and Ralph Neville, second Earl of Westmoreland. Henry I\^'s father, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, had supported Wyckliff, but he proved to be a firm adherent to the Church of Rome, and con- sented to that act for the punishment of heretics which was passed in 1401, and under which so much cruelty was perpetrated for two cen- turies. The Lancastrian dynasty, by allying itself with that church postponed their reformation for four generations. His son Henry \' put down the Lollards the followers of WyclifTe with a rigorous hand. PROMINENT MARRIAGES IN ENGLISH HISTORY. I Gen., 1239— 1307 — Edward I, m. Eleanor, Castile and Margaret, France. II Gen., 1284— 1327 — Edward II. of Eleanor, m. Isabella. HI Gen., 1272—1307 — Joan, dau. of Eleanor, m. Gilbert De Clare. 1287— 1327 — Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, m. Joan DeConville. Ex- ecuted 1327. I Gen., 1245— 1296 — Edmund (Crouncliback), Earl, Lan- caster, m. Blanche of Robert. IT Gen., 1281 — 1345 — Henry. Earl, Lan- caster, ni. Maud, dau. of Patrick Chaworth. Ill Gen.. 1312—1377 — Edward 111, of Edward 11, m. Philippa of William liainault. 1\' Gen.. 1338— 1368 — Lionel, son of Edward III, m. Elizabeth DeP>ergh of John DeBergh. IV Gen., 1340— 1399 — John of (Jaunt, son of Edward 111. m. (2) Blanche, of Ilenry. Lan. 1\' (ien.. 1355— 1397 — Thomas, son of Edward III, m. Eleanor Bohaun. III. Gen.. I2(>(j— 1361 — Henry Lancaster, m. Isabella Beaumnnl. 1\'. — Elizabeth, dau. of ](A\n De- Clare, m. John IX'lU'rgh. I\. — .\nne MortnuT, dau. of Roger, m. Thomas Beauchanip, who d. 1401. 1\'. — Ednuuid, son of Rtiger Morti- XXX ENGLISH HISTORY. mer, 1351—1381, m. Philippa, of Lionel. V. — William, son of John De- Berg-h, m. Maud, dan. of Henry, Earl, Lancaster. II.— 1299--1372. Ralph Stafford, m. Catharine and Margaret DeAudley. III.— Hum- phrey, son of Ralph Stafford, 1299, m. Elizabeth Dunham, of Hock^ near Bearminster. III. — 1342— 1372. Hugh, son of Ralph Stafford, m. Philippa, of Thomas Beauchamp. V. — Joan, dau, of John of Gaunt, m. Ralph Neville, 1364— 1435, who m. Margaret Stafford. IV. — Edmund, son of Hugh Stafford, m. Anne, dau. of Thomas, of Edward HI. IV. — Thomas DeBergh, son of William, m. Lucie, dau. of John DeBellaqua. V. — Margaret, dau. of Thomas DeBergh, m. Sir John Zouche. V. — Anna, dau. of Ralph Neville, m. Humphrey Stafford, 1402— 1460. VI. — Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Zouche, m. Nicholas Bowett. YIl. — Eliza- beth, dau. of Nicholas Bowett, m. Sir John Dunham. Yl. — Margaret, 1435, dau. of Humphrey Stafford, m. Robert Dunham, b. 1430. THE WENTWORTHS. The W'entworth's Nettlestead were de- scended from an ancient Yorkshire family, two branches of which were settled at Wentworth Woodhouse and North Elmsull. Thomas Went- worth, the great Earl of Strafford, belonged to the W^entworth W^ood- house. He was b. April 13, 1593. and was four years tne senior to Deacon John Dunham. He was the eldest son of Sir William Went- worth and Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Atkins of Gloucestershire. The Barons Wentworth and Earls of Cleveland were descended from a younger branch. John Wentworth of North Elmsall, Yorkshire, acquired the Manor of Nettlestead, Suffolk, from his wife, Margery, who was b. 1397, and d. in 1478. She was the dau. of Sir Philip De Spenser and his wife, Elizabeth Tibot, of Robert Tibot of the Lord of the Manor of Nettle- stead. Roger, the younger son of John Wentworth, who d. in 1452, had by his first wife, Henry, who d. in 1482, tb.e ancestor of the Went- worths of Gasfield, Essex, and by his second wife, the Wentworths of I Oxfordshire. Roger's eldest son, Philip, was the father of Sir.LIenry ^Wentworth who d. in 1499. He was father of Margery, who m. Sir John Seymour, who^ d. in 1536, and the mother of Queen Jane Seymour, of Proctor Somerset, and grandmother of Edward VI. Sir Henry Wentworth's so'n, Richard, was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1509- 1517. He was knighted in 1512, was present at and served at the battle of Spurs in 15 13. was present at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520, and d. Oct. 17, 1528. Richard Wentworth m. Anne Tyrrell, and by the marriage had a son, Thomas. CHILDREN OF RICHARD WENTWORTH, son of Sir Henry, ENGLISH HISTORY. XXXI first Baron of Nettlcstcaii. I. — Thomas Wentworth, son of Sir Richard Wentworth of Nettlcstead, was b. in 1501. He m. Marg-aret Fortesque, dau. of Sir Adrian Fortescue and Margaret Neville, dan. of John Neville, Marquis of Montacuto (Montageo). Sir Adrian Fortescue, after the death of iiis wife, Margaret Neville, m. and had Sir John Fortescue, b. in 1531, and d. 1607, Sir Anthony and Elizabeth Fortescue, tlie wife of Thomas Browsjey, b. 1530, and d. 1587. Thomas served tlirough the Duke of Suffolk's expedititin into France, in 1523, and was knighted in the chapel of Roy on (Jet. 31, with his cousin, Edward Seymour, after- wards Duke of Somerset. In 1527 he was a member of the household of Henry VH's sister Mary, and on Oct 17, 1528, succeeded his father Richard at Nettlestead. He was returned as knight of the shire to the "Reformation" parliament, summoned to meet on Nov. 3rd, 1530, buc on Dec. 2, 1529, he was raised to the peerage as Baron Wentworth. He adopted, with apparent sincerity, Reformation principles and to his in- fluence John Bale attributed his conversion. Some time after he took some part in the proceedings against heretics, but probably with much reluctance. In 1530 he signed the peer's letter to the pope, requesting that Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Amazon might be granted, and in 1532 he attended the King on his visit to the Calais to meet Francis I. In May, 1536, he was one of the peers who tried and con- demned Annie Boleyn and in December, 1539, he was sent to Calais to receive Annie of Cleves. In July, 1549, he served under the ^Marquis of Northampton, against the insurgents in Norfolk, and in the follow- ing October he was one of the peers who under Warwick enlisted in overthrowing Somerset. He joined the conspirators in London on the 9th, and henceforth sat as a member of the privy council. He was further rewarded by being appointed one of the six lords to attend on Edward VI, and on Feb. 2, 1550, when Warwick deprived the Catholic peers of their ofifices, Wentworth succeeded Arundel as Lord Chamber- lain of the household. He d. on Alarch 3, 1551. CHILDREN OF THOMAS WENTWORTH. 1501 of Scn.oliy, son of Richard Wentworth. I. — Margaret became wife of. first. John, Baron Williams of Tbame ; secondly. .Sir William Drury; and thirdly. Sir James Crofts. II. — Dorothy ])ecanK' wife, first, of Paul Witlnpole. who (1. in 1579; secondlv. of Martin I'Tobisher. the navigator; and thirdly, of Sir John Saville of MothK-y. 111. — riKinias, 1). in 1325 suc- ceeded as second Baron in 1551. In 1 54() lu' ni. his omisin .Mary, dan. of John Wentworth, and aftrr lier death her consul Anne. ilan. of 1 lenry XXXll ENGLISH HISTORY. Wentwortli. Anne d. in 1576 at Scrooby. IV. — Elizabeth, b. at / Scrooby about 1536. ni. Ralph Dunham of Scrooby. A'. — John was i lost with the Greyhound, in 1562. VI. — James was lost with the Grey- hound in 1562. VII. — Jane became the wife of Henry, Baron Cheney of Toddington. CHILDREN OF THOMAS WENTWORTH, b. 1525, of Thomas Wentwortli, b. 1521. I. — William, m. Elizabeth, dau. of William Cecil. He d. of plague, Nov. 7, 1582. II. — ^Henry succeeded his father as third Baron. He was b. in 1558 and d. in 1593. After his death he was succeeded by his son as fourth Baron and Earl of Cleveland. T DUNHAM COAT OF ARMS. CREST. — A MARTIN pas, between two spears of wheat on blue field. 1. Azure, on chief indented Or, a label gules DUNHAM. 2. Sable — Three Buckheads colored argent Bowett. 3. Gules, ten bezants, a canton Ermine ZOUCHE. 4. Argent on a fez indented sal:)le, three bezants BERGH. 5. Sable, fretty Or Bellaqua. 6. Azure, on chief indented Or, a label gules DUNHAM. This Coat of Arms was adopted liy Sir John Dunham, 1498, as the family shield, to include that of his ancestry. THE DUNHAM FAMILY. "What is in a name? That, which is a rose. By any other name, would smell as sweet." — Shakespeare. In the history of the Dunhams, the names of some of the different branches are variously spelled. The Dunhams were English and as such they were subject to change the spelling of their names. No two counties in England have the same dialect, hence the places of residence have their influence on the pronunciation and spelling of their names. Where the tones of the voice are harsh, or guttural or nasal, there is a corresponding pronunciation and spelling of names. In the change of location, families thus change the pronunciation and the spelling of their names to conform with the orthoepy in vogue where they reside. In this way we can account for the change made in the spelling of surnames. The truth is, that our orthography was so long unsettled, that it ENGLISH HISTORY. XXXlll appears by the accounts of the various times, that persons were at a loss how to write their names and have written them variously. In- stances might be multiplied indefinitely, where individuals have shown themselves uncertain as to the spelling of their own names. The great poet's name appears Shakspere in the register of Stratford Church ; it is Shakspeare in the body of his will, but that very instrument is endorsed "Mr. Shakspere's will." He himself has written his name in two different ways, Shakspeare and Shakspere. Mr. Colman says, the poet's name in his own country is pronounced with the first "a"' short, which accounts for the mode of writing the name, and proves that the orthoepy rather than the orthography of a person's name was regarded. As late as 1660 a Dr. Croone was at such a loss to have his name pronounced correctly, that he tried six different ways of writing it as appears by printed books : Cron, Crone, Croone, Croon and Croone ; all of which appear under his own hand, as he wrote it differently at different periods of his life. As the Dunhams changed their residences to different parts of England, we find a diversity in the spelling of their surnames. Thus in Kent County, Denhams ; in Devonshire, Douhams ; in Norfolk, Downham : in Nottingham, Dunham and Douham ; and in Dorsetshire, Dynham ; all of which represent different branches of the same families, but in different localities. Sir John Dunham, of Dunham on the Trent, wrote his name both Dunham and Douham. Douham, perhaps, as to his origin and Dunham as to his residence. Deacon John Dunham was variously called in the transfer of property. His son Thomas took the name of Donham, his son Jonathan, who settled in Xew Jersey, continued the name and his descendants spell their names Donham. Deacon John's grandson, Eleazer, spelled his name Donham; others of his descendants changed their names. One branch changed their surnames to Denhams. The cause of this, appears to have come through Capt. Corneilus Dunham, a mariner. When in England, he was in search of his English ancestry and being in a part of the country where the Denhams resided, he was told that his name should have beeh Denham and that he must be a descendant of Sir John Denham. He had prepared a copy of his coat of arms and brought it to this country. The news was broadcast that the Dunhams should write their names Denham. There was no search made, for there was no record of descent and it is probable that Sir John Denham was from the same stock from which Deacon John Dunham descended. XXxiv ENGLISH HISTORY. ORIGIN OF THE DUNHAM FAMILY. It is immaterial which of the different names the several families adopted, and in tracing their pedigree there iiiiist be records or some subsidiary data to show a continuous descent. The great length of time and the scarcity of reliable data intervening since the first appearance of the Dunhams in England, render it a very difificult task to present a record that will be beyond criticism. This is impossible and all that can be done is to announce the facts and data discovered after a critical research in the history of the family, leaving it to the judgment of the interested parties to draw their conclusions. The information given is from the most reliable authority, and in securing this, the compiler started with the traditions of his family handed down through succes- sive generations and with these he sought historical data to establish their correctness. DUNHAMS. The origin of a family is not established by tradi- tion or by any fanciful hypothesis. Both have their fpllowers. Each seeking some facts that will strengthen them in their opinions. It is unnecessary to present any of these theories, as they are as varied as the famiHes are numerous. All that can be done is to locate the earliest projenitor of the family, as made known in official documents, and then study the circumstances, which might lead them to settle. If the records are continuous from this early period, down to the present time, the student will be assured that his efforts have not been without reward. The earliest record of the Donhams is that of Rychert Donham, who was b. in 1294, and at an early date settled in Devonshire. This county, on the English Channel, was in constant intercourse with the inhabitants of continental Europe. It was engaged in raising she'ep and the manufacture of woolen fabrics. With these goods there was an extended trade with Spain in the fourteenth century. There was a friendly intercourse between the people. Rychert Donham may have been a Spanish adventurer. He accumulated a large fortune and bought- a large landed estate in Beaminster, County Sommerset. His son Robert was b. in Devonshire, in 13 18, where his family m. into English families and became loyal subjects of England, and were its ardent supporters. His sons, Geoffryde, b. 1350, and John, b. 1351, removed to Norfolkshire, and founded the town of Norwich and Great Dunham in that county. His dau., Elizabeth, b. 1345, at Beaminster, where she remained with and inherited the estate of her grandfather. ENGLISH HISTORY. XXXV ■She was twice married : first, to Maltravers, and second, to Humphrey Stafford. "Tlie Silver TTand," sheriff of Dorset and Sommersetshires. Her brother RpJiert, b. 1348, remained in Devonshire, where his son Gregoire, was b. in 1382, anrl m. KHzal)eth Maryuge of Danby. His youngest son, Rol)ert, was 1). in 1430. It may have been through the ■' "marriage of his aunt Ehzabeth to Humphrey Stafford that he m. Mar- garet, the dau. of Sir Humphrey Stafford. She was b. in 1435. Her grandfather, Ehn Goodman was no other than John Dunham. As soon as advisable, John Dunham, was made deacon under him. J I was through the influence of Elder Brewster that William Bradford was created the successor of (iovernor Carver. In consequence of the cloak thrown over John Dunham by his friends to protect and ])reserve him, his posterity have been somewhat diverted from the study of his origin and blinded as to the time of his imigrating to Plymouth. The discrepancies made by historians, their ignorance of his origin and associating his name with that of John Goodman in some transactions, have tended to confuse them in their researches. Deacon John Dunham was b. in Scrooby, England, in 1589. He m. Abigail Wood. She is supposed to be descended from Robert Wood, who m. Alison Dunham, widow of John Dunham. Her brother John Wood owned property in TMymouth adjoining that of Deacon John Dunham's. According to early records of Plxnionth Colony, Deacon John Dunham "d. about fourscore years, on the second of March, 1668-9, John Dunham, Elder. He was an ai)i)r()ved servant of God and a useful man in his place, being a deacon in the church at Plymouth." His will was made Jan. 25, 1668-9. 1" ^be same year his wife Abigail appears for letters of administration. Thomas Cushman and John Cotton, witnesses. Inventory was taken by Thomas Cushman. In his will he mentions his oldest son, John, two of the youngest sons, Benajah and Daniel, and his daughters, Abigail and Persis. SCROOBY IN NOTTINGHAM. While there is a large amount of local and general history in the battle fought by llie .Americans at the battle of Lexington on the 19th of April. 1775, there is a corre- sponding interest in England in the struggle of settlers from Scrooby, a colony, hailing from the historic village of Lexington in the County of Notting'ham, known more particularly as Laxton. To this day the earthworks and foundations of the demesnes of the Everinghams and the other great lords of Laxton. King John was very much attached to Laxton; he conferred on his favorite "Raufe the son of Steven, and to his wyfife," a charter conferring on him and his heirs the right to have all the fallen wood and ])ermissi()n to, ha\e ■"hdunds and dogs to hunt the hart, the ffox, the catt or llu' s(|nirreH" in the forest of xl ENGLISH HISTORY. Sherwood. The last of the great family of De Caux, of Laxton, was a single woman who d. a century and a half ago. For many years before her death she gleaned on the broad fields that had once been the land of her ancestors. A collateral branch was De Roos. Humphrey De Roos about the end of the 15th century m. Margaret Lyne, of Northampton. Margaret had a good estate made over to trustees for her use, it was good and lawful estate, in fee simple, containing many acres adjoining Laxton. The trustees of this estate were Sir John Dunham, Sir Edward Fielding, Sir John Dixby and William Roos. As the manor of Laxton was held of the King in Chief, it implies that all connected with these arrange- ments must have been persons of considerable position. A remark which applies to Sir John Dunham, who d. in 1545. there is positive in- formation that another of this name d. Alay 9, 1525, having long enjoyed the manor of Kirklington. His property in Kirklington, Hockerton Edinglary, consisted of 30 messuages, 7 cottages, 500 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 40 acres of Wood and rents. The reversion of this property, after his death, was to a Sir John Dunham, and thus with regard to property of other messuages and some other 300 acres in other parts of Notte. In default of issue, to the heirs of his body, law- fully begotten, this property was to go to the right heirs wherever they might be. The first property above mentioned under the Archbishop of York, the second under Sir Edmond de Bergh, a distant relative of Elizabeth Bowett, a wife of Sir John Dunham. Four years after the death of Sir John Dunham, May 9, 1524, his son, Sir John Dunham, was associated with his brothers-in-law, Rychart Basset, Colston Basset, John Wellingby, as trustees of an estate in law, in fee simple and other lands and tenements than those already settled to the yearly value of £93-6-8 in favor of one of the Stanhopes. The estates out of which the £93-6-8 came appear to have been constantly in litigation. The residence of the ancestors of John Dunham was in the village of Scrooby. Sir Thomas VVentworth, whose dau. m. John Dunham's grandfather, resided here. Wentworth was styled the "Knight of the Reformation." He was compelled, with reluctance, to concede to the authority of the Established Churc'h, still he privately believed in the teachings of the Reformers, and instilled in the minds of his children the truths and principles advocated by them. His in- fluence extended to succeeding generations, while on the other hand the Dunhams were strong adherents and supporters of the Established ENGLISH HISTORY. xli Churcli. John Dunham, when a youth, was left to adopt one of the two positions for his guidance through life. In t'he village of Scrooby, William Brewster was b. in 15O0, who at an early age entered the employ of the Puritan, William Davidson. Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth to Holland. After the Queen's death, Brewster returned to his native town and was made postmaster of the place. It was under his influence that the first congregation of the Pilgrims was formed. In the old manor house gradually gathered a litfle congregation, that hung with wrapt attention on the prayers and prophesying of William Brewster. He was educated at Cambridge and was fully imbued with Puritan theology. The congreg^ation gathered so regularly as to require the authority and oversight of a regular pastor. Brewster would not administer the Holy Sacraments. Not far from Scrooby, in the town of Babworth, lived a gray- haired old man, by the name of Richard Clifton, who had been the rector of the church in that place, but had embraced the Puritan senti- ments ; he came and was chosen pastor of the congregation that met at Brew^ster's house. He had such a gift of exhortation and sanctity, that he drew to him devout people from the nearest towns in the neig'h- borhood. Rev. Richard Clifton had associated with him. Rev. John Robinson, of Yarmouth, a preacher of the Established Church, who with his friends had been harassed for non-conformity, who seeking obscurity and quiet and unmolested worship of God, found his way to Scrooby. John Dunham, then a youth of fourteen years of age, was under these religious instructions ; he accepted the truth as propounded by his pastors and placed himself under the guidance of Elder William Brew- ster. There is no evidence of his having accjuired much of a scholastic education; he was firm in his convictions, and l;ecame earnest in his devotion to his church duties. When the church decided to remove to Holland, in 1607, when he was eighteen years old, he g"ave himself un- reluctantly to the direction of his church of^cials. They fully under- stood the antipathy of many of his relatives, who were high officials of the government, to the non-comformist and bestowed on him the name of "John Goodman." in order that he might be shielded and protected from their search and pursuit. He thus took the assumed name and for a few years after his arrival in America he was recognized by that name. THE SCROOBY CONGREGATION. During ihe latter part of the reign of Elizabeth, a s])irii of discontent prevailed among the xlii ENGLISH HISTORY. people, in matters pertaining to religious ceremonies and other obser- vances in the counties of Nottingham, York and Lincoln. In the little village of Scrooby, located at the intersection of these counties on the Idle river, was discussed the primitive or apostolic worship and purity in religion. These earnest thinkers were the originators of the Pilgrim church. Here in the old manor house gradually gathered a little con- gregation that hung with wrapt attention on the prayers and prophesy- ing of William Brewster. The congregation gathered so regularly as to require the authority and oversight of a regular pastor. Brewster would not administer the Holy Sacrament. Not far from Scrooby in the town of Babworth lived a gray-haired old man by the name of Richard Clifton, w'ho had been the rector of a church in that place, but had embraced Puritan sentiments. He came and was chosen pastor of the congregation, that met at Brewster's house ; such was his gift of exhortation and sanctity, that he drew to him devout people from many towns in the neighborhood. The young men were eager to learn the truth as he expounded it and through the tender care of their leader, William Brewster, were converted and became earnest Christians and fearless advocates of the cause which they had espoused. Prominent among these youth, W'illiam Bradford, afterwards Governor of Ply- mouth Colony ; at this time he was a- youth of fourteen years of age. He came from Ansterfield, a neighboring town, ui Lincolnshire. His father d. when he was only two years old. He was left in charge of two uncles. The sermons of Clifton made an indellible impression on his soul. His uncles vainly opposed the course he was taking. He was only eighteen years of age when the Pilgrims made their first at- tempt to emigrate to Holland. He sought to avoid the vigilance of his uncles in making his escape. He was betrayed and thrown into prison. He, however, evaded the ofTficers and was successful, in 1608, in sailing, with his associates, to Holland. A special Providence lead him on as a stay and guide to that band which laid the foundation of a mighty empire. In the same congregation was John Dunham, an- other youth, who from his earliest youth, had been under the influence and guidance of William Brewster, who was the postmaster of Scrooby until the removal of the congregation to Holland. Brewster was b. in 1560 and d. at Plymouth, April 16, 1644. He had been in the service of Puritan William Davison, Ambassador to the Netherlands, under- Queen Ehzabeth. After her death, Brewster returned to Scrooby and gave much of his time to religious matters. Being deeply interested in file subject and possessing deep convictions through his daily life and ENGLISH HISTORY. xliii conduct he l)ecaine a power over his associates. The youtli were closely drawn tc^ him and confided in his judgment. P)y him was John Dun- ham's religious character moulded ; by him was he guided in his re- moving to Holland and New England. The high character of his familv, many whom were bitter enemies of Dissenter, demanded ex- treme measures by his frientls in the congregation to shield him from his pursuers. During the time of James I reigned, he bore the name of John Goodman, under this name he was known in llDlland and for a few years in New England. He sailed in the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth in Dec. 22, 1620. In the spring of 1621, his name is dropped and historians state that he was among those who had d. during the winter. This is a mistake ; he did not die at that time, for the same historians state, he in the distribution of U^s afterwards, was given a lot next to that of his old teacher and guide. Elder William Brewster." It is stated it was allotted to John Goodman," but he is designated as among the dead in 1621. This, alone, is convincing that there was no settler at that time by the name of Goodman, nor does his name appear afterwards as among the early settlers. r>ut the name of John Dunham does appear among the prominent men and as i)eing in the service of tlie colony for many years. In the sale of cattle historians inform us that his were demoninated "Goodman's Steers." Again he is frec[uently called by them Goodman Dunham. We see that the name Goodman in the early days of the colony associated with that pf Dunham. Why? The history of John Dunham's family explains t'his. Most of his kins- men belonged to the Established Church and were bitterly opposed to the dissenters. So that John Dunham would suffer should they be able to detect and arrest him, inasmuch as they were high in the administra- tion of the government. Even Sir Edmund Zouche was chairman of the conmiission to settle Virginia and New England Colonies was dis- tantly connected with his family. Measures were taken to shield John Dunham from the officers, who were in i)ursuit of him. l-'or tliis \)\\x- pose he was given or he assumed the name of "John (io^xlman." The new colony of Pl^inouth was under the surveilance of the English com- mission. So that all the acts of tlie early settlers were known to the board. The Pilgrims feared the liritish jyower, and were careful in not antagonizing them. Hence the name adapted b\ John Dunham in es- caping to Holland was continut'd on the arrival of the I'ilgrims at 1'1\- moulh. Massachusetts. If, perchanoi.', his pursuers I)eli(,'\-cd that hi,- was John (loodman, whom the records at the earliest date report death search would cease. It is supposed that he continuiMJ the use of the xliv ENGLISH HISTORY. name John Goodman up to the death of James I in 1625. This is the reason why the early historians in speaking of John Dunham, use the name of John Goodman," supposing that he would permanently adopt it. This he did not do, for as soon as the colony was duly organized we find him in 1632 purchasing in his name real estate, and in 1633 he be- came a freeman. Upon the formation of a permanent government, in 1639, he was then elected deputy of Plymouth colony, which olifice he held for 21 years. He continued an active member of the church, and was elected in 1633, deacon under Elder Brewster, which position he afterwards held, during the rest of his life. Some historians not being able to ascertain the date of John Dunham's arrival into Plymouth, give it 1633, the year in which he became a freemim. He had been in the countrv since 1620. But in 1633 he then felt assured of his safety and openly made known his identity. John Dunham was a descendant of Thomas Wentworth known as the "Knight of the Reformation," and his own family were friends of the dissenters. After the removal of Jolin Dunham, Thomas Dunham, his father, removed to London, from which his son, Robert, in 1635, was transported in the ship "George" to Virginia, for his religious wandering. When John Dunham escaped to Holland, in 1608, his brother Robert was five years of age. What became of Robert is not known. During the life of Elder Brewster he continued, while in America, his love for and care of his protege, John Dunham. By his ad- vice, the name John Goodman was given to John Dunham. Among the leading men of the colony we find John Goodman and Elder Brewster own village lots adjacent. This John Goodman was no other but John Dunham. As soon as advisable, John Dunham was made deacon under him. It was through the intiuence of Elder Brewster, William Brad- ford was created the successor of Governor Carver. In consequence of the cloak thrown over John Dunham by his friends to protect and pre- serve him, his posterity have been diverted from the study of his origin, and blinded as to the time of his emigrating to Plymouth. The dis- crepancy made by historians, their ignorance of his origin and asso- ciating his name with that of John Goodman in seme transaction, have tended to confuse them in their researches. "THE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND.'" The struggle be- tween the old and new religion lasted long and raged fearfully in England and Scotland, and continued uninterruptedly, even down to the end of the 17th century, for Puritanism was a second Reformation; but it left, in the end, a very strong impression upon the character of ENGLISH HISTORY. xlv the nation and affected deeply its political and social institutions. In theology the English Protestants depended upon the ideas and principles of Calvin, and displayed great practical energy and power of organiza- tion. From the start it was a political as well as a religious movement, and hence afforded a wide scope to the corru])ting intluence of selfish ambition, and violent passion. In the English reformation we may distinguish them. DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII, 1527 to 1547. Abolition of the Authority of the Pope. This was merely a negative and destructive process, which removed the outward obstructions and prepared the way for reform. Henry VIII cjuarreled with the Pope, not religiously or theologically, but purely on personal and selfish grounds, because the Pope properly refused his consent to his divorce from Catharine of Aragon and his marriage to Annie Boleyn. "The defender of the faith" — a title given to him by the Pope, for the defence of the seven sacraments against Luther — remained in the doctrine, and re- ligious sentiment, a Roman Catholic to the end of his life, and at his death the so-called bloody articles" which enjoined under the severest penalties the dogma of transubstantiation, auricular confession, private masses and the celibacy of the priesthood were yet in full bloom. The only point of real difference was the royal supremacy. He simply sub- stituted a domestic for a foreign and political for an ecclesiastical papacy, and punished with cruel severity Protestant as well as Roman Catholic dissenters, who dared to doubt his supreme leadership of the Church of England. While he thus destroyed the power of the Pope, and monasticism in England, a far deeper and more im- portant movement went on among the people under the influence of the revived traditions of Wycliffe and the Lollards, the writings of the contineiUal reformers and the English version of the scrii)tures commenced l)y 'J\vndale, carried on l\v Coverdale and revised l)y Cranmer. Soon after the commencement of the refcn-mation in I'^ng- land. in the year 1534, tlie Protestants were divided into two parties, one the followers of LuiIkt, and the other of Calvin. The former had chosen gradually, and almost imperceptibly, to recede from the Church of Rome, while the latter, more zealous and convinced of the importance of a thorough reformation, and at same time possessing nnich firmness and high notions of religious liberty, were for effecting a thorough change at once. What the others had done in the reformation fell far short of tlu'ir wishes. Tlie\ still saw sur])lict's, jjrintrd i)rayers, organs, bishops, and altars with most of the ])oinii, which had l)elonged to the xlvi ENGLISH HISTORY. papal churches and were but little impressed with the alterations of doctrines and creeds. DURING THE REIGN OF EDWARD \I, 1547 to 1553, the positive introduction of the reformation was made by the co-operation, mainly of the Duke of Somerset, protector and regent during the King's minority, and by Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, who by his public subserviency to King Henry, had preserved the idea and hope of a reformation through the reign of terror. Cranmer was as- sisted in the work by Ridley and Latimer, and by several reformed diviners from the continent, whom he called to England. Calvin's advice was solicited by Somerset. The most important work during Edward's reign, and in fact of the whole reformation, next to the English version of the Bible, was the 42 articles of religion, subsequentlv reduced to 35, or a new and Calvinistic confession, and the book of Common Prayer," or a new directory of worship in the vernacular tongue, on the basis of the ancient Latin service, but with essential changes. These two standards of public doctrine and public worship have retained a remarkable hold upon the English nation. 'DURING RELGN OF MARY, 1553 to 1558, an attempt to undo the reformation and restore the Roman Catholic religion and tue authority of the Pope was made by Mary and her friend. Cardinal Pole, who, after the deposition of Cranmer, was made Archbishop of Canter- bury. This Catholic interim did more to consolidate the reformation in England than Henry and Edward. Hundreds of martyrs fertilized the Protestant soil in this short reign, among them the three British Reforms, Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer, who were publicly burned at Oxford in 1556. Many others fled to the continent, especially to Geneva, Zurich and Frankfort-on-the-Main, where they were hospitably received and brought into closer contact with the Reformed churches of Switzerland and Germany. REIGN OF ELIZABETH, 1558 to 1603. The restoration and permanent establis'hment of the English Reformation. The Roman Catholic hierachy was replaced b}' a Protestant and the articles of religion and the Common Prayer book of the reign of Edward were introduced again after having been submitted to a revision. The ecclesiastical supremacy of the crown was likewise renewed but under a modified form, the Queen refusing the title, "Supreme Head" of the Church of England and choosing in its place the less objectionable title, "Supreme Governor." The convocation and parliament readilv sanctioned all these changes, but the English Church, as established by ENGLISH HISTORY. xlvil Elizabeth, was semi-Catholic in its form of prelatical government and liturgical worship, a sort of via media between Rome and Geneva. It suited the policy of the court and the taste of the majority of the English people, but was ofifensive to the severe school of strict Calvinists, who had returned from their continental exile. Hence the agitation in the l)osom of the Reformed Church of England and the growing conflict l)ctween the Episcopalian majority and the Puritan minority. Elizabeth's reign was equally intolerant against Puritan as against papal dissenters and passed the severest penalties against them. But while the Catholics was almost anniliilated in England, the Puritan party grew more powerful under the successors of Elizabeth and suc- ceeded in overthrowing the Episcopalian establishment, although it revived the shock. These troubles and agitations constitute the last stage in the history of the English reformation which, in some respects is the most important and interesting, but lies beyond the reformation. The PURITANS. The early' settlers of New England. In the reformation of the English church this class still saw surplices, printed prayers, organs, bishops, and altars, with most of the pomp which had JK'longed to the papal church, and were but little improved with the alterations, doctrines and creeds. Their plain- ness of dress, their gravit}' of deportment, the names of their children, borrowed from the scriptures, their daily religious conversation, their endeavors to expunge from the church all the inventions of men, and to introduce the "Scripture purity" acquired for them the name of Puritans. The reason assigned for leaving their own country and settling a wilderness were, that the ancient faith and true worship might be found inseparable companions in their practice, and that their posterity might be undefiled in religion. SEPARATISTS. In the year 1602, a number of people in the counties of Nottinghamshire. Lancashire and \'orkshire, b\- tlie preach- ing of the gospel became savingly accjuainted with tlie truth. Their ignorance, prejudices, and errors were so far removed, that they saw the vanity of their superstitions and sought more evangelical in- structions, and a inu'er church. A separation from tlic established church was the natural consec(uence. shaking off their ami-Christian chains, they resolved, whatever it should cost them lo cnjo\- libort}- of conscience on account ol ihiir klistance Irom each oilier. thc\' formed themselves into two churches: of one, .Mr. jolni .*~^nn'th a man of able gifts and a good ])reacher, became ])astor. bni ihese, adopting some error, became neglected and their history i.; unknown. xlviii ENGLISH HISTORY. "THE PILGRIM FATHERS." The Pilgrim Fathers were mostly residents of the ag-ricultural villages of Austerfield in Lincolnshire, Scrooby in Nottinghamshire and Bawtry in Yorkshire. The population occupied a happy medium between poverty and riches, but contained the elements for creating a mighty empire. They were a class of sturdy farmers with their families, who worked through the week and worshipped God, in neat attire when the Sabbath came. Away from court influence, away from'the town with its luxuries or its destitutions, they dwelt among the cornfields, the shops and kine, they read little, saved something from their hard earnings and thought somewhat of God and futurity. The English Church had been established, and con- formity with rights of worship was required by the Act of Parliament, and non-conformity was punished with fines and imprisonment. Wealth, rank, station and respectability were in the Established Church ; the throne and the aristocracy next formally allied with prelacy and they pressed down with a weight that either crushed non- conformity or ground it to the earth. The class which constituted the middle stratum of life, was made up mainly of the Anglo-Saxon element, there was a great number who desired a more ascetic religion and more morality than was to be found in the Established Church. Those who kept the Sabbath and prayed without reciting from the Prayer Book, but wrestled with God in secret prayer, were called Puritans. The I'ilgrim Fathers, while ad- hering to the teachings of the Puritans, strove for a separation of church and state and were designated as Separatists. The Pilgrims were not Puritans. It is said, that, in the vestibule of the House of Lords hangs a picture of "The Sailing of the Mayflower, "' which was formerly entitled "Departure of a Puritan I'amily for New England," the Commissioners on Decoration of the House after investigation changed the words "Puritan Family" to "Pilgrim Fathers." These Separatists had no visible organization, they sought safety in obscurity, a fitting tribute to the Pilgrim Father, Deacon John Dunham. THE DEPARTURE FOR HOLLAND. The old Manor house did not conceal the congregation verv long or shield its members from the tender mercies of the bishops and the officials of the Ecclesiastical Courts. They were fined, imprisoned and worried, until they finally resolved on a removal to Holland. They went in separate companies, first to A'msterdam ; they remained there alDout a year and then by the advice of their pastor they finally went to Leyden. It w^as in 1607 that they attempted to leave England for Holland, but they were prevented ENGLISH HISTORY. xHx by the civil officers, who kept the whole company under arrest for a month. The design was renewed and successfully carried out the next year. The aged pastor, Rev. Richard Clifton, died previous to their embarkation. A congregation of English Puritans, under the pastoral care of Rev. John Smith, had been organized at Amsterdam previous to the arrival of Robinson, but some dissension happening among them, it was dissolvt'd. Robinson feared the effects that might arise from such an example, and so he persuaded his church to remove to Leyden. LEYDEN, HOLLAND. The city of Leyden stands inward about fifteen miles on either side along the mouth of the Rhine River. The Rhine before it enters Leyden parts into two streams wdiich sweep around through opposite portions of the city and reunite near its centre. From these streams the canals circulate through the city, in all direc- tions, cutting it into immmerable islands. The houses in the city stand with their old gables looking toward the canals, with the eaves troughs projecting forward so far as to empty themselves into the water ; the streets are narrow and winding, and they are ke]:)t clean by stout w^omen and girls dashing over them endless pails of water. Rows of trees are planted along the banks of the canals. How significantly do the churches point their turrets upward above the masses of houses and how sweet is the tone of their chimes as they break out almost every hour, and thrill through the air and around the old gables and down the crooked lanes and along the lazy canal waters, sometimes sad and sometimes merry, sometimes loud and sometimes soft, keeping the whole city bathed in the atmosphere of fantastic sounds. During the year of 1611, we find the Pilgrims building within this city a building of considerable size with a tract of land around it. Within this they l)uild a number of little teni-ments in which ]:)rol)ably a majority of the congregation live, worshipping in the large parlor of their pastor's house. With four or five exceptions they apj)ear as mechanics. It is here that we find John Dunham beginning a life of toil. He learned the trade of a weaver. He and his associates were willing to work at anything which would give them a support. Such was their reputa- tion for honesty tliat any of their congregation, however poor, could o])tain \rn\u the Leyden merchants. Tlie mechanical life was very wearing. es]:)eciall\' upon llie aged and cliildrcn. As the boys grew to manlunid nian\- oi tliem look to the sea or joined the army; llmsc wlio remained ai home were subjected to temptation unknown to their fathers in rural hjigland. Thev looked with al)horence on the Ijojlanders' li])eral mode (^f observing the Sab- 1 ENGLISH HISTORY. bath. They saw, that if they remained in Leyden, they should ulti- mately disappear, melting away as a soluble element in the foreign population, instead of establishing a church, that from small beginnings should grow mighty, and invite the poor and oppressed to its sheltering bosom. This was their fondest dream, not only to establish a true church for themselves, but one that should endure and be a blessing to all posterity. RE-EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. After a residence of eleven years a meeting of the congregation was held, at which meeting a majority of its members resolved to go to Virginia, and arrangements were accordingly made. The younger and more vigorous portion of the company, numbering about 120, were to go first; the Elder and the more infirm tarried behind and were to follow on when Providence prepared the way. John Dunham sailed with the company, but his wife was unable to accompany him. being compelled to remain with her infant son, who was born shortly before the departure for America. She quietly joined him at Plymouth as soon as she was in a condition to do so. On the 22d of July those selected, left Leyden by barge, passed through Delft into the Haven where the Speedwell lay ready to receive them ; they embarked and reached Southampton where they were met by the Mayflower. The company was distributed between the two vessels. The ships started together and sailed as far as Ply- mouth, England. The Speedwell having proven herself unseaworthy, some of her passengers were transferred to the Mayflower ; about twenty of her passengers would not re-embark. The Mayflower sailed on the 6th day of September, 1620, for Mrginia. The Pilgrims bid an everlasting farewell to England, and continued on their course to Virginia, but God in his providence shaped it otherwise, since Cape Cod projected'its encircling arm into the sea, and averted their course, and brought them safely into the harbor of Plymouth, December 22, 1620. Robinson remained in Leyden in charge of the remnant of his congregation. He was never permitted to come to America. The jealous eye of King James and his bishops were upon the whole enter- prise watching all its movements. The officers and agents of the Vir- ginia Company had secret and positive orders to keep Robinson sepa- rated from the Pilgrim flock. Always longing to look once more upon the faces of those so cruelly parted from him at Delft Haven, he, yet, died without the sight. He died in Leyden, March i, 1625, being fifty years old. Not long after his death his widow and children emigrated to Plymouth, Massachusetts, where they joined their brethren who had preceded them. ENGLISH HISTORY. H ACCOUNT OF THE MAYFLOWER. On the 22d of Decem- ber, the Mayflower discharged its precious load of passengers on Ply- mouth Rock. With what reverence do we announce the fact. Wc revert to the days spent in the organization of the church at Scrooby and follow the congregation to Leyden. In the eleven years spent at Leyden what wonderful changes had taken place. New accessions had taken place and prominent among them was the reception of Myles Standish into the church ; he was serving his counfry in the armv at the Netherlands and was iiupressed with the character of the organiza- tion and became a great power in promoting its welfare. There w^ere many who came from England to swell the ranks of the Pilgrims. A great change had taken place in the members of the original church at Scrooby, their members had decrease-d, some of their children had gone astray, so that at the time of the embarkation at Leyden, there were but few of the original congregation left to emigrate to America, only Deacon John Dunham and Elder William Brewster, who were of the original congregation, .natives of Scrooby. All that came by the Mayflower were not connected with the church. The voyage was considered a hazardous under'taking and some reluctantly joined in the expedition, while others went out as servants to the leading men, so that the number of the early comers bv the Mayflower, through whose influence Plymouth Colony was established, was very small. Governor Bradford preserved and published the fol- lowing list of passengers who came by the Mayflower. In this list appears the name of "John Goodman ;" in the spring he is reported dead. This is incorrect. That name was assumed by Jolui Dunham as previously accounted for is a shield from his enemies. In stating that it was dropped was merely to announce that there was a John Goodman, who was not a passenger : being on English soil it was not safe to identify John Dunham. The announcement may have been to mislead his pursuers. The fact, however, remains that although dead, John Goodman is afterwards assigned a village lot. His lot is located next to that of Elder W^illiam IVewstcr, who is a life-long friend of Deacon John Dunham, and among the leading men of the settlement. This is improbable. Historians have tried to cover this up 1)\- as- serting that the}' cannot accouiU ior the record, jolm l)unliam is frequently called by them, (ioodman Dunham, jolm Dunliam held the name for a few years until after the death of King James. We And him, as late as 1638, when he offers cattle for.s;de, designating them as "Goodman's" cattle. The list heretofore i)ul)lishe(l, was iindoubtedh- Ill ENGLISH HISTORY. prepared with the purest motives, has done an injustice to a luAAc man who, for twenty-one years, was deputy of Plymouth Colony, and thirty-four years deacon of the church, and who had held many high positions in the gift of the people. In consequence of its publication, his descendants have seen fit to prepare a record of his ancestry, that an explanation may be given for the insertion of John Dunham's name for that of "John Goodman." COPY OF COMPACT. In the name of God, Amen : We whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our Dread Sovereign, Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith etc, having undertaken for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern part of Virginia, do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine our- selves together into a Civil Body Politick for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the end aforesaid, and by virtue 'hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws and ordinances, acts constitutions and ofifices, from time to time, as shall be thought most mete and convenient for the general good of the Colony. Unto which we promise all the due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the nth of November in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland the iSth and of Scotland the 54th Anno Domini 1620. 8 — John Carver. (Car) John Rowland. 3 — James Chilton. 2 — William Bradford. 8 — Stephen Hopkins. 2 — John Croxton. 5 — Edward Winslow. 6 — William Brewster. 6 — Isaac Allerton. 2 — Myles Standish. I — John Alden. I — Samuel Fuller. 4 — Christopher Martin. 5— William Mullins. 5— William White. 1 — Richard Bitteredge. I — -Thomas English. I — Moyses Fletcher. I — Richard Warren. 4 — Edward Tilly. 3 — John Tilly. 2 — Francis Cook. 2 — Thomas Rogers. 3 — Thomas Tinker. 2 — John Ridgdale. 3 — Edward Fuller. 3 — John Turner. I — Richard Gardner. I — John Allerton. Edward Leister. 3 — Francis Eaton. 4 — John Billington. — Jos. Fletcher. — John Goodman. — Degory Priest. . — Thomas Williams. — Gilbert Winslow. — Ed. Margeson. — Peter Brown. (Hop) Edward Doten. — Richard Clark. — William Trevore. Ely. DEACON JOHN DUNHAM AND HIS DESCENDANTS. CONTENTS. Page. I. Deacon John Dunham, I . 2. Plymouth Colony 6 3. Residence of Jolin Dunham g 4. Dunham's Brook g 5. Children of Deacon John Dunham 10 6. Comparative tax rates, Plymouth 13 7. Abigail Dunham 13 8. Samuel Dunham 13 9. Hannah Dunham 13 10. Persis Dunham 13 11. Property transferred 13 12. John Dunham and Descendants 17 13. Thomas Dunham and Descendants 40 14. Jonathan Dunham and Descendants 78 15. Joseph Dunham and Descendants 159 16. Benajah Dunham and Descendants 250 17. Daniel Dunham and Descendants 299 1 8. Index ' 310 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. "Plymouth Colonial Records" contain the names of many remarka- ble men who were pillars in the upbuilding and laying the foundation of this republic. A few of them have been selected and made con- spicuous in the annals of history, while others, ecjually worthy of the same honors, have been allowed to pass into oblivion. Not any has a more brilliant record than that of Deacon John Dunham. He sacri- ficed position in society, with its accompaniments, that he might devote his life to the welfare of his fellow-men. Many have attempted to give an account of his life, but have failed at the very threshold. This was due to the scarcity of records in establishing the date of his first arrival at Plymouth. This was the stepping-stone, for witliout it further re- search became discouraging. Still, a few determined kinsmen con- tinued their investigations and have secured many valuable facts which have added much towards discovering the exact time of his arrival. To remove the uncertainty as to the time of his arrival in America and to seek information regarding his early life, his descendants have united their efiforts in making a careful investigation at least, as far as existing records disclose, in order that they may form some definite idea of the principal events of his life. The following review is now ]~)resented for the purpose of bringing to light some facts which may unravel the tangle : There was a John Dunham, born in Scrooby, a village on the Idle, a branch of the Trent River, Nottinghamshire, Eng. lie left his country at an early age on account of religious persecution. His father soon after removed from Scrooby to London, taking with him Ins son Robert, wlio, for the same cause, was transported in 1630 from London in the ship George, to Virginia. It has been found to be a very difficult task to establish this John Dunham, of Scrooby, and reestablish liim, as the Plymouth John Dunham, who, as a .Separatist, lied from England, escaped from his jMU'suers by assunn'ng the name of John (loodman when in ilolland and America. THE Sh:P.\R.\TIST, OR PILGRIM, DISTRICT IX EXC- LAND, lies in ilie valley of the 1 rent, and is inchKk'd within a line, drawn tlu-ougli .\usterfield, I)unh;im-()n-the-Trenl, Kirklington, Rab- 2 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. worth and Worksop. Scrooby, the native village of Deacon John Dunham and Elder William Brewster, was situated two miles south- west of Austerfield, the birthplace of Governor Bradford. Within this territory were the Manors of Scrooby, in which the first congregation of the Pilgrims was organized, and Southwell. These Manors were formerly placed under the charge of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, by order of Queen Elizabeth. ORGANIZATION OF THE PILGRIM CHURCH. The first congregation of the Pilgrim Church was organized through the efTorts of William Brewster, in the Manor House at Scrooby, and Rev. Richard Clifton, of Babworth, was called to officiate as the first pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. John Robinson, who was pastor, and William Brew- ster, elder of the church, when the Pilgrims emigrated to America. William Bradford and John Dunham, while in their boyhood, were placed under the spiritual guidance of William Brewster, who was post- master of Scrooby. Brewster was appointed to this position by Sir John Stanhope, April i, 1594, which office he held until September, 1607. The Dunhams were for a long time owners of large tracts of land in the vicinity of Scrooby. John Dunham, Esq.. a progenitor of Deacon John Dunham, inherited property at Dunham-on-the-Trent. He mar- ried Elizabeth Bowett, who had been the wife of William Chaworth. Her mother was the daughter of Sir John Zouche and through him of Bergh and De Bellaqua. By her John Dunham had a son. Sir John Dunham. She died March 17. 1501. In her will, recorded at Newark- on-the-Trent, March 10, 1502, she grants to her son, Sir. John, the Kirklington Manor, as heir and remainder of Sir John Zouche. Sept. 10, 1509, John Dunham presided over a court of inquisition at Southwell. The Manor of Colwick, was granted to John Dunham, Robert Clark and John Sutton, June 4, 1502. John Dunham subse- quently sold his interest to Sir John Sutton. March 3, 1513, John Dun- ham was appraiser of the estate of Ralph Langston at Worksop. His son. Sir John Dunham, presided over a court of inquisition in 1528, post mortem of Robert Stanhope. Sir John Dunham's property in Kirklington and Edingley, some of which was held under the Arch- bishop of York, consisted of thirty messuages, seven cottages, three hundred acres of land, two hundred acres of meadow, one hundred acres of pasture, forty acres of wood, and he held in other parts of Notte, under Sir Edmund Bergh, a number of messuages, tliree hundred acres of land near Scrooby, and also meadow and wood land. Sir John Dunham, Sir John Digby and William De Roos, were DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. 3 trustees of the estate of Margaret De Roos, relict of Humphrey De Roos, who had inherited a large tract of land in Lexington, popularly- known as Laxton, in Notte. Scrooby was settled by a colony from Laxton, and our Lexington in Massachusetts was settled by natives from old Lexington ; hence its name. Both places are of extreme his- torical interest. To this day the earthworks and foundations of the demesne of the Everinghams, and other great lords of Laxton, are carefully preserved. King John especially loved Laxton. He granted a charter for Sherwood Forest, to Kaufe De Caux, a son of Steven and Maria De Caux. The last of this great family was a single woman, who died about one hundred and fifty years ago. A collateral branch was De Roos. Humphrey De Roos having been a lawful heir, after his death his wife succeeded him in possession of the property, of which Sir John Dunham was a trustee. PERSECUTION OF THE PILGRIMS. Upon the accession of James I, King of England, he and his bishops were determined to force the Episcopacy on his people. They commanded all those who were aljove the age of sixteen to regularly attend church services. In case of neglecting to do so, they were to be imprisoned. The Separatists, rather than submit, decided upon leaving the countrw In this move- ment, William Brewster was the controlling spirit. In the fall of 1607 the Separatists made arrangements for escaping to Holland, where they could have freedom of religious worship. They were intercepted and seven of their number were put in prison. William Brewster, having been concealed by his associates, escaped. It is supposed that William Bradford and John Dunham, each then nineteen years old, were of the seven who were arrested at Boston and imprisoned, and it is firmly l)e- lieved that if Governor Bradford had written the names of these prisoners in his pocket memorandum l)Ook, the name of Joliu Dunham would be found. The Pilgrims continued their efforts and were suc- cessful in reaching Holland in 1608. Sir Dudley Carleton was the ambassador of King James I at The Hague. While there, his orders w^ere to watch and, if possible, bring charges against the Pilgriius. William Brewster published at Levden a number of pamphlets of Pilgrim literature, which rctleeted on the Church of England. He was financially assisted by William l.rewer. an English gentleman residing in Leyden, a few doors from the Rew John Robinson's house. There being a mutual bond of friendshi]) l)c- tween King James and ilie States general of lIoHand, measures were taken to have the printing supi)ressed and the publishers arrested and 4 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. transported to England. The States general issued an edict against the publication. William Brewer was arrested by William Zouche, who had been appointed by Ambassador Carleton for that purpose. This Zouche and John Dunham were in the same degree related to Sir John Zouche. William Brewer was taken to England, Dec. 9, 1619, and placed in prison, where he remained until the meeting of the Long Parhament. William Brewster escaped, and the next year sailed for America. The Pilgrims, in emigrating to America, desired to con- tinue living under the Dutch rule by locating near the mouth of the Hudson River. In this they were disappointed, as they landed on the New England shore. Here they were again on English territory and under the sovereignty of King James, who was still bitter in his feelings against them, and his successor. King Charles I, followed in the same line of hostility, until it led to his own downfall. King James, however, had other interests at stake. He was engaged in making English set- tlements in New England. He feared making an open attack on the Pilgrims, thinking it might embarrass his enterprises. The Pilgrims were suspicious of him and were particularly solicitious about John Dunham, as his kinsmen were zealous partisans of the Established Church and leaders in the attacks of the Pilgrims. One of them. Sir Edward Zouche, was chairman of the commission engaged in settling New England. John Dunham was in a hazardous position, on account of his kinsmen, as well as being a Separatist. His identity had to be concealed. This was done by adopting the name of John Goodman, which name was continued until after the death of King James. PASSENGERS BY THE MAYFLOWER IN 1620. In the pub- lished list of passengers by the jNIayflowcr, in 1620, appears the name of John Goodman, who was reported to have been a single man. He, it is told, dies during the first winter. After this he is -assigned one of the garden plots adjoining that of Elder William Brewster, and three years after his arrival was allotted land in the General Distribution, in 1623. Governor Bradford did not commence writing the Plymouth Annals until 1630, ten years after the arrival of the Mayflower at Plymouth. He continued the writing until 1641, that is, two years after the first organization of the General Court. At this time John Dunham was deacon of the church, having been chosen in 1633, to serve under Elder Brewster. He also held the office of deputy for the colony, for which ofifice he was chosen on June 4, 1639, when the Gen- eral Court was organized. These offices he held almost continuously the rest of his life. It was not till the year 1650 that the list of pas- DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. 5 sengers brought by the ]\Iayfl(nvcr, in 1620, was made up by Governor Bradford. Some assert that it was done by Governor Prince. This is immaterial, though controversial, and at all events, ])retty late for an historical record. The Pilgrims on l)oard the Mayflower in the fall of 1620, made a solemn compact, for their mutual benefit. It is a scanda- lous disgrace to the of^cials of the Old Colony that so precious a docu- ment as the Compact could have been lost. Will any apology suffice for such negligence, since historians base all their statements on this authority? It was not until the year 1669 that Nathaniel ]\Iorton gave the names of the signers of the compact. This, one year after the death of Deacon John Dunham and twelve years after the death of Governor Bradford. EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. He was born in the village of Scrooby, in Nottinghamshire, England, in the year 1588-9. He married Abigail Wood, who was distantly related to him. He was married in Leyden, Holland, Oct. 17, 1619. and their son John was born near the time of departure of the Pilgrims for America, in 1620. The mother and child were not able and were not allowed to accompany him. She, however, secretly joined him in Ply- mouth. This accounts for his lieing recorded a single man. That he was known as one of the Old Stock is evidenced when, in 1662, his son John received a grant of land, being one of the first born in the colony. In accounting for John ( ioodman (John Dunham), iK'ing reported as dying during the first winter, two reasons have been suggested; either to avoid considering John Goodman as one of the first settlers, or for the purpose of concealing his identity as John Dunham. Both of these points, perhaps, were considered. \\'e have yet to learn how Elder Brewster was protected in 1 lollaud and America. Three years after the first arrival of the first settlers, an assignment of garden i)lots was made to the "Married Men of the Plantation," as ordered by the or- dinance of the colonists. How these lots were distributed Governor Bradford describes in his own handwriting, as follows : "The South Side of the Street:" Peter Browne, John Goodman, William I'rewster. "Highway to Town Brook:" John I'.illington, Isaac .\llerton, Francis Cooke, Edward \\'inslow. Idie lots for planting were allotted by chance". Historians state that these lots were awarded to John Good- man and others. The same authorities tell us that he had died during the first winter. At that time John Du.nham was alive. It should be considered, that John Goodman, if a single man, could not hold a garden 6 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. plot. Single men were obliged to live in the families of the married. John Dunham was a married man, and provision was made for his family. He was a protege of Elder Brewster and also a native of Scrooby, and it would be natural to give them adjoining lots, as Gov- ernor Bradford reports. A list has been published giving the names of those settlers to whom cattle were given in the distribution of 1627. It is claimed that this document gives the names of all the inhabitants of the Colony at that time. Since the publication, on investigation, it has been shown that there were other residents in 1627. Neither the name of Good- man nor Dunham appear in the list. John Dunham, soon after this date, is known to be a dealer in cattle. As early as 1632 he received a grant of land for pasturing his cattle. He may have purchased them in 1627. John Dunham was chosen deacon of the church, in 1633. under Elder Brewster. This is the year some historian says that he arrived in the country. It is not creditable that on his immediate ar- rival he should be chosen to such a responsible position, without a previous record. As late as 1638, cattle were sold under the name of "Goodman." During this year cattle were advertised as "Goodman's Steers." These are supposed to be the property of Deacon John Dun- ham. The following extract, concerning Deacon John Dunham, taken from the Records, expresses the opinion of those who in 1638 were about placing him in power as Deputy of the Colony: "He was a man of strict honesty and sterling character, quite prominent in the growth and prosperity of the Colony." Could this be said of a man who had just arrived in the Colony, coming, as his- torians have stated, in 1633? The Plymouth Colonial Records in speak- ing of the death of Deacon John Dunham give this information: ,"He was an approved servant of God and useful man in his place, being a deacon in the Church of Plymouth." He carried out in the minutest detail the principles taught by his Church in extending the Kingdom of his Lord and Saviour. PLYMOUTH COLONY. Much is du-e, for the success of the infant Plymouth Colony, to the industry and enterprise of Deacon John Dunham. By trade he was a weaver and plied the loom. He was also engaged in rearing cattle, and as his flocks increased, he secured' addi- tional land, from time to time, so that his estate was constantly on the increase. He became one of the first purchasers of Dartmouth. This he sold to John Briggs, six years before his death. To the new- DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. 7 comers, John Dunham dealt with a hberal hand in providing means for their sulisisfence, and ho secured land for their occupancy and use. On the loth of April, in the 4th year of the reign of King James the 1st, the Great Patent of New England, which is the foundation of the title to the land comprised between the 40 and 48° of north latitude, was presented and granted on 3d of November, 1620. The council was formed under the leadership of Sir Edmund Zouche, Counselor of James I, to put it into execution. This council made inducements for settling the county. In 1621 it granted to John Pierce, in trust, a patent. This he sold in 1623 for £500. On the ist of January, 1629, Gov. Bradford bought the patent in trust, but the patent was not signed imtil the first year of Charles I. A form of government was adopted placing the power in the hands of the governor and assistants. In 1638 this power was transferred to the' house of Deputies or General Court. On the 2d of March, 1640, Gov. Wm. Bradford surrendered the patent, reserving to himself, ist, a tract on Cape Cod, embracing Eastham, Orleans, Brewster and Chatham. 2d, Dartmouth and New Bedford. ^d, Rheoboth, Mass. Barrington, Warren and, perhaps, Bristol, R. I. To the disconsolate, John Dunham gave words of encouragement and solaced them with kind words and deeds. He was self-sacrificing in providing for the comforts of others. This was in accordance with his general character. When about twenty days after arriving at Ply- mouth, he (whom some historians have named John Goodman), and Peter Brown walking into the woods, "to gather thatch" (ndtice the object of their expedition), "lost themselves." After wandering all the afternoon, they were obliged, though "slenderly" clothed to make the ground their bed. It snowed and the cold was severe. Their distress in the night was increased by hearing as they supposed lions roaring, one of wdiich they thought very near. In their terror, the\- resolved to climb a tree, though an intolerably cold lodging ])lace. They stood ready to ascend, when the lions should come, and continued walking, walking 'round the tree all night, which probably saved their lives. In the morning they saw the islands in Plymouth Harbor and in the even- ing reached their friends, fainting with hunger and cold. John Dun- ham's feet were so frozen tliat they were obliged to cut ofif his shoes. John Dunham was patriotic while reverencing his native country; he loved the coimtry of his adoption, lie with ( iovernor I'radford and Elder Brewster were the onh I'ilgrims who were members of the original congregation at .Scrooby and lhe\ jiassed ihe wlmle ni ilu'ir lives in PIvukkUIi, while others scathTed into the wildi'rness beyond 8 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. them. It is to be inferred that John Dunham, by purchase and land grants, had accumulated considerable property. Not only had grants been given to him, but his son John, had been the recipient of a special grant, being the first born of one of the old comers. As early as 1632, John Dunham's name appears on the day list for 9 shillings and Miles Standish 18 shillings. Although Deacon John Dunham proved him- self to be a man of excellent business qualifications, his soul appeared to be rapt up in tlie work of the church. Up to 1639 the affairs of the church were peaceably managed. At this time John Cook caused some dissensions and confusion in the organization. John Cook was dismissed and, to appease the people, John Dunham was elected his successor. He held the position of deacon for the rest his life. During the official life of John Dunham as one of the Deputies of the General Court of Plymouth, the history of the colony prescribes but few momentous events and the period was one of profound peace with the Indians. English settlements, incorporated as towns, were extended in every direction, and the territory was nearly covered by English grants. There were no domestic feuds or ecclesiastical con- troversies. Sectarians, it is true, occasionally disturl)cd "the tranquility of the inhabitants of this little commonwealth, but persecution, with them, assumed its mildest form, and their annals have escaped that deep and indellible stain of blood which pollutes the pages of the early history of their sterner and more intolerant brethren of Massachusetts. They were somewhat apprehensive of the commissioners who were sent out by King Charles II, to examine the condition of the colonies and to correct abuses, but in Plymouth, there were no complaints, because apparently there were no wrongs. In 1643 ^ union or confederation was effected between the colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Con- necticut and New Haven. The principal objects of this confederation were to secure harmonious co-operation in religious affairs, to establish an alliance offensive and defensive for the common defense. The spirit of enterprise which found its first employment in con- troversies with the natives took another direction, and in the prosecu- tion of commerce found the real source of prosperity and wealth. Frugal and prudent from necessity, and industrious from habit, the colonists continued to advance by sure and certain steps in their career of successful exertion until the breaking out of King Philip's war, which occurred nine years after the death of John Dunham. This war was the death struggle between the white and red men, and the fate not only of Plymouth but of all New England was involved in the issue. DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. 9 Philip's residence and tliat of his native tribe was within the territorial jurisdiction of Plymouth, and therefore much of the danger and much of the suffering, which were occasioned by them, fell upon that colony. The Enoiish were successful and secured the disi)osal of the lands of the Indians. The dominion of the colony was hrndy established and the colonists were relieved from all apprehensions of Indian hostility. In 1692 Plvmouth C(dony was absorbed in that of Massachusetts. The people of Plvmouth shared but few of the favors which the new govern- ment had to bestow, and it was seldom that any resident, in what was termed the "Old Colony," obtained any ofihce or distinction in the Provincial government, or acquired any influence in its councils. I'ly- mouth, however, may well be proud of the high distinctions which have been acquired by many of her native sons when placed in more genial clime. She has furnished her full proportion of talent, genius, learning and enterprise, in almost every department of life. RESIDENCE AND LAND OF DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. Deacon John Dunham's residence, after leaving the village, was located north of Watson's Hill and southwest of the village of Plymouth. To the west there was a swamp having an outlet into the Town Brook. This outlet, being on his land, was called Dunham's Brook. Two miles west by south of the village, was a large body of water called Billington Zee, which took the name from Francis Billington, who first discovered it. The Town brook is an outlet to this body of water. It has been enlarged by a flange and a pond. The old swamp and Dunham's Brook, by a flange flowing into Town brook, by means of a dam it has become a large pond. \A\'st of Billington Zee is a smaller pond from which it is separated by a narrow strip of land, which was ])ul)licly known as Dunham's neck. This strip was a portion of Deacon John Dunham's land. The highway leading to Carver was north of the ponds. South of Billinaton Zee within a radius of four-and-a-half miles there were, on the west, a number of ponds. Micajah's jiond is one-and-a-half miles south from the Zee. This pond was within the hinds of Micajah Dunham, a grandson of Deacon John Dunham. Three miles farther south, near the Carver line, was Dunham's pond. The land enclosing it was purchased by some of the descendants of Deacon John Dinduun. Some of their oft'spring now live in the vicinity. CHILDREN OF DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. Issue as fol- lows: The children of J(jhn and .Abigail Dtuiham were boi-n in I'ly- moulh, Mass., except John, the oldest, wIki was born in Leyden, Holland. I. — John wash, in 1620, in Leyden, lloUand. lie m., March 10 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. 14, 1643, Dorothy , of Boston. His father granted him six acres of land next to his property, when John was 16 years old. When he was 21 years old he was given a meadow and 20 acres of land north- east of Josiah Cook's. He was admitted a freeman, March 7, 1643. He received grants of land by the General Coi:rt. In 1659 he was permitted by the court to select land for himself. In 1661 he and four others were allotted land at Sconset. In 1662 he was granted land by an act of the General Court, "To give to the hrst born of the Early Comers." In the same year he obtained a grant of land in Barnstal:)le. In 1664, 1665 and 1674, he received additional grants of land. He died at Wellsfleet, Eastham, in 1692. He made his will, Feb. 2, 1691. II. — Abigail was the tirst child b. at Plymouth. She was b. in 1623 and m. Stephen Wood. in. — Thomas was b. in 1626. In 1646, when in minority, courted and m. Martha Knott. She was a dau. of George Knott, of Sandwich, who d. May 2, 1648, and mentions in his will, Thomas Dunham. His son, Jonathan, became one of the earliest of the New England Colonists, who settled in New Jersey. He made his will, April 2, 1705. His son, Thomas, became a minister and settled in Rye, Westchester County, N. Y., then in Connecticut. Nathaniel and Fphraim, sons of his brother Jonathan, for a time lived with Thomas, in Rye. Page 71, Vol. 11,' Colonial Records of Connecticut, Oct., 1680, states, "Mr. Thomas Dun- ham minister at Rye — Court orders that the thirty pounds per annum agreed by Rye to be paid to the minister, Mr. Dunham, shall be gathered by the constable with the country rate in the same special price as the country rate and by him payed to the said minister, Oct., 1683." Mr. Thomas Dunham and Mr. Caleb Watson are accepted for freemen." While in Connecticut, Thomas was granted £10 for his services in the Indian war. One year after the marriage of Thomas, he sold, on the 14th of January, the 6 acres of land, given him by his father, to James Knott. He had been publicly reprimanded for his courtship with Martha Knott. On this account he was led to sell this lot which his father had given him and to leave the colony. He went into Massachusetts and afterwards to Hartford, Connecticut. It is supposed that he died in Connecticut. His cottage in Plymouth was sold in 1677 to Benjamin Eaton, of Andover. It is stated that Martha Knott m. Nov. 29, 1650. If this be so, either this Martha was from another family or Thomas must have died before 1650. But it is known that Thomas "was in Connecticut in 1658, when he received his pension. IV. — Samuel was b. in 1628. He m. Mrs. Martha Fallowell, widow DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. II of WilHaiii, June 29, i()49. In H)53 he sued John Anch'ews. in hehah' of his wife, for services rendered before marriage. He was a freeman in 1648. Samuel and Widow Fallowell, in 1678, administered the estate of John Falloweh. In 1050 lie bought land of his brother, John Dun- ham. On the 19th of May, 1659, he m. Mrs. Mary Watson, in 1668 he was elected deputy of I'lymouth at the time of the death of his father. During that year he was granted a lot of 30 acres adjdining and of the same size that he bought of his brother John. In 1673 he was appointed constable. He was surveyor of highways in 1675. He was under marshal in 1686 and gaol keeper in 1689. \'. — Hannah was b. in 1630. She m. Oct. 31. 1651, Giles Richard and had: John. b. Sept. 16, 1652, and Abigail. He had m. b\*b. 6, 1644, Julith and had a son, Giles, and Sarah, who was b. in 1646. Hannah must have d. before May 20, 1662, wdien he m. Jone (Jane) Tilson. His son, Giles, m. Hannah Snow. b. in 1646, dau. of Nicholas Snow, of Eastham, who adopted Desire Doten. After her deatli, Jmie 25, 1669, he m. Mrs. Jane Churchill, widow of John, and dau. of William Pontus, of Bridgew'ater. \I. — Jonathan was b. in 1(^32. He was a freeman in 1^153. He m. Nov. 29, 1655, Mary, dau. of Philip De la Noye, wdio was the first settler of Duxbury. De la Noye came from England by the Fortune in 1621. Jonathan Dunham's wife d. soon after marriage. He at this time resided in Barnstable. On the 15th of October, 1657, he m. Mary, dau. of Elder Henry Cobb, of Barnstable. She was b. March 24, 1637. Her mother was Patience Hurst, dau. of Deacon James Hm-st, wdio m. a dau. of John Faunce, and for his second wife, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Hinckley of Barnstable and .Scituate. and sister of Tlmmas Hick- ley, who was the last Governor of Plymouth Colony. James Hurst in his will, made Dec. 10, 1657, mentions his sons, John, Grcsham, James Eleazer and dau., Mary Dunham. Elder Henry Cobb was b. in- Kent, England. He came to this country, in t('>2(j, and settled at Scituate where he was the founder of the church. ( )n tlu- 8th day of Jamiary, 1635, was chosen Elder. Jn 1(^)39 he removed to Uarnstable where he was elected deacon of the church. This office he held for 34 xears. In 1645 1''^' was elected deputy from Uarnstable ior six terms. Fie was the ruling elder of the church in 1670, and d. in 1679. Jonathan nun- ham, at an early date, interested himsell in mis^iona^\ work among the Indians along {hv sea coast, from Maine at Saco and along C'ai)e C'od. In i()70 he resided at l^aslham wlu-re he remained two years and then removed to .Middleboro, where, in i')73, he was elected constai)le and 12 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. in 1675, selectman. Some of the property which he had from his father, John Dunham, in 1679, he sold to his brother Joseph for twenty-five pounds. He was elected deputy to the General Court for Middleboro. It was soon after this that he removed to Edgartown, Martha's Vine- yard and, in 1694, he was ordained at that place by Elder Gibson. On the 28th of June, 1717, he made his will and died on the i8th of the following December. A few years before his death he was assisted by Rev. Samuel Wiswall, who afterwards succeeded him. VII. — Persis was b. in 1635. She was m. first to Benajah I'ratt, on the 29th of November, 1655, and, secondly, to Jonathan Shaw on the 15th of October, 1657. Jonathan Shaw had previously m. Phebe, a dau. of George Watson. Persis d. in 1672. Issue: Abigail Shaw, b. Aug. 21, 1669. VIII. — Joseph was b. in 1636. He m. Mercy, dau. of Secretary Nathaniel Morton, on the 18th of November, 1657. She d. Feb. 19, 1667. On the 20th of ;\ugust, 1669, he m. Hester Worrnall, dau. of Joseph, of Rowley, who moved to Boston and from there to Scituate. Joseph Dunham took the oath of fidelity in 1658 and in 1686 was on the grand jury. IX. — Benjamin was b. in 1637. He m. Mary Tilson, Oct. 25, 1660. In 1668 he resided in Eastham. He afterwards removed to Taunton. Here he possessed real estate, some of which he conveyed to Jonathan Briggs. Issue: Cornelius was b. in 1670 at Taunton. X.^Daniel was b. in 1639. About the year 1670, he m. Mehitable Hayward. He was appointed, in 1671, surveyor of highways in Ply- mouth. He removed to Bridgewater and is supposed to have d. in Dorchester. XL Benajah, the youngest child, was b. in 1640. He m. Elizabeth Tilson, of Scituate, Oct. 25, 1660. His occupation- was similar to that of his father, a linen weaver. He accompanied his brother, Daniel, to Eastham, in 1668. He became a court officer in 1669. Here they separated and in 1672 followed Jonathan, the son of Thomas his brother, and settled in Piscataway, New Jersey, south of Woodbridge, the home of Jonathan Dunham. He purchased 100 acres of land and became a planter. He took an active interest in the afifairs of the colony and in 1673 was appointed captain of the militia, and as such was one of the committee of safety and council of war. It was under this board that Jonathan Singletary, from Haverhill, who had assumed the name of Jonathan Dunham, was condemned for his vagrancv. His will was made May 10, 1679, and he died at Piscataway, N. J., Dec. 24, 1680. DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. I3 TAX RATES AND MILITARY SERVICE. Rates of Plymouth in 1632 : John Dunham 9 shares as stated by ShurtHff. Myles Stanclish 18 shares. Subjects to bear arms — ages 16 to 60. In the year 1643. John Dunham, Thomas Dunham, and Samuel Dunham. March 14, 1635, John Dunham granted land for sheep at Goose Point. 1639, granted land southwest of William Pontus. II. — ABIGAIL, b. 1623; m. Nov. 6, 1644, Stephen Atwopd, Easton, Mass. They removed to Eastham, Mass. Issue: i. — Joseph, m. App'hia- (Bangs) Knowles, widow of John Knowles and dau. of Edward Bangs. 2. — ^Stephen, Jr., m. Esther. 3. — -Eldad, b. July 7, 1651 ; m. Feb. 14, 1683, Anna, dau. of Mark Snow; d. 1715. 4. — John. 5. — Hannah. 6. — Medad. IV. — SxA.MUEL, b. 1625; surveyor in Plymouth in 1675; later lived in Barnstable; m. June 29, 1649, ^^^s. Martha Fallowell, widow of Will- iam ; 1643, ^ non-commissioned officer; Jan. 19, 1647, granted 6A.of land by his father; 1648, a freeman; 1650, bought land of his brother John; 1665, granted 30 A. on west side of the Nansket ; 1667 to 1674, select- man; 1675, a grand juror; 1678, with his wife, administrator of estate of John Fallowell; 1686, under magistrate at Marshfield ; 1687, gaol- keeper; March 13, 1687, letters of administration granted to his brother John'. Issue: i. — Sarah, 1). April 10, 1650; m. 1671, Daniel . 2. — Twins, b. Dec. 29, 1651 ; lived six days. 3. — Samuel, b. 1660; m. 1680, Elizabeth Martin. He was fined for abusing a widow. 1682, abusing Indians. V. — HANNAH, b. in 1630; m. Oct. 31, 1651, Giles Richard. Issue: John Richard, b. Sept. 16, 1652; m. Hester D. jolm was iirrcsicd for abusing Indians, in 1682. Issue: Abigail Rickard, m. Nathaniel Jackson. Issue: Rebecca Jackson, m. Nathaniel Morton. Issue: Rebecca Morton, m. \Mlliam Davis. Issue: William Davis, m. . Issue: William T. Davis, Author of "Landmarks of Ply- mouth." \TI. — PERSIS, b. in I'lymouth in 1635; m.. Nov. 29, 1655, Uennajah Pratt; 2nd, Oct. 15, 1667, Jonathan Shaw. Persis, d. in 1672. Issue: I. — Abigail Pratt, b. Aug. 21, 1657. 2. — Abigail Shaw. b. Aug. 21, 1669. PLYMOUTH RECORDS— I'ROIM'RTV TRANSl" !• RRI'.D. 1651. GEO. Ri;SSh:LL TO (JILILS RICKARD. Oct. 7th, Geo. Russell, of Scituate, doth acknowledge in consideration of five poimds ten shillings to be paid l)_\- Giles Rickard, Senior of Plymonth, weaver, 14 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. hath freely bargained and sold his house and land at Willingsla, near Plymouth, with all the rooms thereof with all boards, shelves, doors, and locks belonging to the same, with two acres of land, more or less, on which the house now standeth, with 7 acres of upland lying at Wobery Plain, bounded with the land of Henry Wood, on one side and Edmund Tilson on the other, with all the fences belonging. FRANCOIS GOULDER TO GILES RICKARD. Whereas there are certain fruit trees, which were planted by Francis Goulder, the late inhabitant of the said house, for which the said Giles is to give and make payments unto the said Francis Goulder for the said trees, as also the said Giles Rickard is to pay unto the said Francis Goulder 40 shillings of the above 5 pounds los. by order from George Russell, aforesaid and Giles Rickard is to have and enjoy a small addition of .swamp, lying by the aforesaid 2 acres, which same Francis Goulder purchased of Samuel Dunham, to have and to hold the said house and all the boards, shelves, doors, and locks belonging with two acres of land (more or less), on which the house now standeth with the seven acres of land at Wobery Plain, with fences and all appurtenances be- longing thereunto, unto the said Giles Richard, his heirs, and assigns forever, &c., &c. JOHN DUNHAM TO SAMUEL DUNHAM. Jan. 19, 1647 know all men by these presents that I John Dunham Senior have freely and fully given to my son Samuel six acres of upland ground being bounded 1)\- my neighbor William Pontus on the north side and with the common highway on the south side and next adjoining the rest of my land, and the land of my neighbor William Pontus on the east side, provided the same Samuel Dunham do allow me sufficient cart way through the same at the partition between me and niy neighbor William Pontus. The said Samuel also to maintain a sufficient fence about the said 6 acres. I do freely and fully give unto by son Samuel the six acres more or less and his heirs and assigns forever. Signed: John Dunham, Jan. 19, 1647. Mr. P)radford, Governor. Witness : Nathaniel Morton, James Glass. SAMUEL DUNHAM TO JAMES GLASS. Jan. 19, 1647. Samuel Dunham in consideration of 5 lbs. sterling to be paid in manner and form following; 35 s to be paid, the last of November next follow- ing the date hereof and 35 s. to be paid the last of November following the first payment and the remaining 30 to be paid in November follow- ing the second payment in the ordinary payment of the country viz: i)i-:ac()n JOHN duniiam. 15 corn or cattle by James Glass. Six acres of upland next adjoining John Dunham senior and William Pontus be it six acres more or less formerly bestowed by a gift to Samuel Dunham by his father John Dunham aforesaid, the said John Dunham reserving the use and property of the timber on the six acres for firewood and other purposes. These presents are to certify concerning the said John Dunham Senior of Plymouth aforesaid Weaver, doeth freely surrender all his right title, and interest into the said timber unto James Glasse in lien of a small moiety of land belonging to William Pontus about half an acre more or less the north west side being bounded by John Dunham's land and the south west by a little pond. The said William Pontus by way of ex- change in the behalf of his son-in-law James Glass aforesaid for the aforesaid timber on the six acres of upland aforesaid. Furthermore the said James Glass doth covenant and agree to allow the aforesaid John Dunham cartway &c. &c. SAMUEL DUNHAM TO JOHN DUNHAM. Febry. 18, 1650. That Samuel Dunham of New Plymouth, planter in consideration of 13 pounds sterling, and fully paid by John Dunham, senior, of Plymouth, weaver, has bargained and sold unto the said John Dunham Senior the house and lands', the said John now inhabits, estimated at about 12 acres, more or less bounded on the Northwest by Gabriell Fallowell and John Wood, on the south west by the common, on the south east by lands of William Pontus, and other lands of said John Dunham, as also a small parcel of Aleadow lying at the watering place, about half an acre, also a parcel of upland at W' illingsla about ten acres, more or less, bounded by a highwa)- which lies between the upper ends of 'Sir. Bradford's and Nathaniel Morton's lands, and the parcel of ui)land, aforesaid, and at the head with land of Henry Wood, To have and to hold the said house and land, orchard and other appurtenances belong- ing thereunto, \\ith the small ])arcel of Meadow at the watering place, and the parcel of upland at Willingsla, belonging thereunto to the said John Dunham, his heirs, and assign forever, with all the said Samuel Dunham right, title and interest unto the said premises, every jiart and parcel thereto unto the use and behoof of the said John Dunham his heirs, and assigns forever. j()ll.\ DUNIIAM. jk., TO SAMUEL DUNIIAM. I\]). iS. i()5o. jiihn I )uiiliani jr. oi Xew l'l\ninulh in c< msideraliun of O lbs. sterling and 12 s. fully paid by .'■^annu'l I )unh;ini hath freely bargained and sold until the said Sannul I )unliani a parcel of Upland estimated abcnit twelve acres more or less l\ing at Wellingsla near Plymouth bounded l6 DEACON JOHN DUNHAM. on the east by a highway behind the upper end of Mr. Bradford's and Nathaniel Morton's land at Welling-sla and head by land of Henry Wood, also a small parcel of upland meadows lying in the woods being estimated half an acre more or less to have and to hold the same parcel of upland and meadow with all its appartances thereunto belonging unto the said Samuel Dunham his heirs, and assigns forever. JOHN DUNHAM. I. — JOHN (Deacon Jolin Dunham, 1588-9), b. 1620; Leyden Hol- land, m. Dorothy , in 1641. Granted 30 acres of meadow land northeast of Cook's I^ond, March 7, 1643 ; became freeman, 1641, made grand juror and non-commissioned ofificer; in Jan. 19, 1647, given 6 acres of land by his father; in 1659 the general court granted to him, and four others, land to be selected by them at Sconsett,; in 1661 ap- pointed highway surveyor; in 1662 named as one of the first born, granted land at Barnstable ; in 1660 granted 30 acres west side of the Nansket ; in 1674 granted 30 acres more. He made his will at Ply- mouth, Feb. 2, 1691 ; probated, 1692. Issue: i. I. — Mary, b. 1642; m. Nov. 20, 1662, James Hamblin, Jr., of Barnstable. The}- had 12 children. She d. Dec. 19, 1715. 2. H. — Patience, b. March 8, 1645; m. James Hamblin, at Scituate, Mass. 3. HI. — John, b. Oct. 11, 1649 ^^ Barn- stable; m. March i, 1680, Mary Smith, dau. of Rev. John Smith and Susannah Hinckley, of England, sister of Gov. Thomas Hinckley. John, d. Jan. 2, 1696. 4. 1\'. — Jonathan, b. April 16, 1650; d. April 26, 1650. 5. V. — Samuel, b. Feb. 25, 1651 ; m. Mary Harlow, Jan. 15, 1680; in 1693, Mrs. Mary Watson. Will probated 1718. 6. \'I.— Mercy, b. July 25, 1662; m. in 1693, Israel Hatch. 7. \'II. — Susannah, m. Jan. 20, 1673, Bartholomew Hamblin. Had 10 children. 8. A'lll. — Lydia, b. 1666; m. Robert Barrows, son of John ['arrows, iiad l']lisha, 1686. 9. IX. — Hannah, b. 1657; d. 1659. TRANSFER OF PROPERTY. Mcmoranihi from i'lymouth Records. John Dunham to Henry Wood X\ II da\ of March 1642. Bradford Governor. John Dunham the younger doth acknowledge that for an in consideration of the sum of seven £ sterling and ten shillings to be paid at Indian hamest and 10 s. more in rye as soon as ripe at the prices corn is sold for al the time of delivery at IMymoulli, and £3 10s. in cottt)n cloth to l)e X\ leernt- wide al 1 j. \ II j. ])er yard and the rest of £ 10 s. in other things of the cotton cloih be refused in payment, the llenry shall pa\- in other things as soon as he can tti that value, lialli fret'ly and absolnU'l) sold lo iJu' ^aid llenry Wood, the house, building and land l}ing in l'l_\nunuh belween ihe lands of (17) l8 JOHN DUNHAM. Gabriel Fallowell on the north the new field on the west and land of John Dunham and William Pontus on the south and east side contain- ing ten acres there bouts, together with his grant ?.t Swan Holt and meadow at Swan Holt, all and singular his right anc title and interest thereunto belonging and every parcel thereof, to have and to hold said housing and upland lying in Plymouth and the fences about the same with the ground as Swan Holt unto the said Henry Wood, his heirs and assignors forever. EDMUND TILSON TO JOHN t)., JR. VH July 1645. Edmund Tilson doth acknowledge that for and in consideration that John Dun- ham, Jr. shall pay him 13 bush Indian Corn and five bushels of wheat delivered at Mayor Sedquick in Charleston, Massachusetts Bay before the end of March next and £3 more in country pay to that time 12 months, hath freely and absolutely bargained and sold unto the said John Dunham Jr. all his house and garden place lying at Wellingsly by lately purchased of Henry Wood, with all the appartenances. THURSTON CLARK TO JOHN D., j;^. 1649 Memoranda. The i6th day of September Thurston Clarke the elder doth acknowledge for and in consideration of the sum of ten lbs. sterling, . whereof five pounds is already paid by John Dunham Jr. at Plymouth. The remain- ing five pounds to be paid by the 15th day of September 1650 by John Dunham aforesaid he hath fuhy, freely and absolutely bargained and sold unto the said John Dunham a house and ten (10) acres of upland be it more or less being in the township of New Plymouth lying about the highway going to Jones river abutting on the upper of the lots of Samuel Cathert and Edward Dotey with all the houses and fences now upon the said land, with all the shelves, locks, doors, now in use with orchard &c. to have and to hold unto the said John Dunham, his heirs, and assigns forever and Faith Clarke the wife of Thurston Clarke, does give her free and full covering to the sale of the aforesaid house, land, orchard and appartenances. NATHANIEL SOUTHER TO JOHN DUNHAM. Memoranda XXV Sept. 1645. That Nathaniel Souther for £5 sterling and i goat kid in hand to be paid by John Dunham Jr. in corn or cattle but not more^ than i third in corn &c. &c. hath freely and fully bargained & sold to the said John 10 acres of upland and the fences about the same and the garden place at Wellingsly &c. JOHN DUNHAM, JR., to NATHANIEL MASTERTON. Octo- ber 25, 1648. John Dunham acknowledges for and in consideration of lbs. 12 sterling to be paid unto him, in; 3lbs. to be paid out of hand JOHN DUNHAM. I9 cloth and commodities, and 5lbs. to be paid by the 15th day of April next following the date hereof in corn and cattle and the remaining 4lbs. to be paid on the last of October 1649 i" ^X^ ^"^ Indian Corn by Nathaniel Masterton his heirs, and assigns forever provided the said John Dunham Jr. is to dwell in and make use of the same until the 15th day of April next following ihc date hereof. In witness: — John Dmdiam, Nathaniel Morton. 3 JOHN, b. Oct. ir, 1649; m. March i, 1680, Mary Smith, dan. of Rev. John and Susanna (Hinckley) Smith and niece of Thomas Hinck- ley, the last governor of I'lymouth Colony. In 1683, he and his wife sued Joseph Howland for two years' service of Mary, before their mar- riage. Her maiden name was used in the suit. He was not an original proprietor of Barnstable, as he bought land of Thomas Bowmian, Jr., who moved to Falmouth, Veh. 18, 1685. Three A. of land were laid out to him, bounded on the E. by Goodspeed's old castway, that goeth from Ebenezer Goodspeed's house to the place where the old house of the said Goodspeed was by the Salt Marsh; S. and W. by cove and river, and W. by the Commons. On April 10, 1689, thirty A. which had been granted to him several years previous, was laid out to him at Oysterhead river, bounded W. by Herring river ; S. by John Leedsour's marsh ; E. by John Goodspeed's castway. He was first a member of the church at Plymouth, afterward at Barnstable. In 1692 he was deputy in general court ; after his death, Jan. 2, 1698, his wife ]\Iary, moved to Mansfield, and opened a pul^lic house. Issue: Born at Barnstable. 10. I. — Thomas, b. Dec. 25, 1680, Plymouth; bap. by Parson Russell, Sept. 17, 1683. 11. II. — John, b. May 18, 1682; bap. 1683; d. 1714. 12. III. — Ebenezer, b. April 17, 1684; "i- ^/O/- Anne Ford, Mansfield. 13. IV.- — ^Desire, b. Dec. 10, 1685. lUirnstable ; bap. July 30, 1686, by the Rev. John Lathrop; m. March 11, 1712-13, Samuel Stetson, of Scituate. 14. V. — Elisha, b. .Sept. 1, 1687; m. Temperance Stewart, 1739. 15. VL — Mercy, b. Jan. 10, 1689; m. (1) Ephraim Kempton ; m. (2) Dec. 17, 1724, Samuel Stetson, Scituate, Mass. 16. VII. — Benjamin, b. June 20, 1691 ; m. (i) Feb. 2, 1732, Hannah Scott; m. (2) Hannah (jreen, b. Jan. 13, 1696. r..\RROWS. 8 LYDIA, in. Kobert liarrows; b. 1666. Issue*. 17. I. — Elisha Barrows. I MAR'S', 1). 1642, I'arnstable; m. Nov. 20, if)(''i2. James llamblin. Jr.; b. 1636, England; d. May 3, 1718, Tisbm-y ; she d. 1 )ec. 10, 1715. Issue: 18. 1. — Mar\- 1 laiiiblin, b. Jul\- 24. 1664; m. I''e]). 22, \()i)2. Inhn 20 JOHN DUNHAM. Davis, Jr.; d. 1698. 19. 11. — Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13. 1667; m. John Scudder; d. Jan., 1742. 20. III. — Eleazar, b. April 12, 1668; m. Lydia. 21. IV. — Experience, b. April 12, 1668; m. Aug. 24, 1687, Thomas Jenkins. 7 SUSANNA, m. Jan. 20, 1673, Bartholomew Hamblin ; b. April II, 1642; d. April 24, 1704, Barnstable. Issue: Born Barn-stable. 22. I. — Samuel, b. Dec. 25, 1674. 23. II. — Mercy, b, June, 1777; m. Nov. 10, 1709, Edward Milton. 24. III. — Patience, b. April 15, 1680. 25. IV. — Susanna, b. March 16, 1682. 26. V. — Experience, b. Feb. 13, 1684; m. Sept. 13, 1732, Isaac Lewis; d. July 24, 1749. 2^. VI. — John, b. June 19, 1686; d. April 26, 1705. 28. VII. — Ebenezer, b. March 23, 1689. 29. VIII.— Mary, b. May 23, 1691. 30. IX.— Bethia, b. Nov. 26, 1693. 31. X. — Reliance, b. Nov. 30, 1696. 2 PATIENCE, b. 1645; m. James Hamblin. Issue: 32. I. — James, b. Aug. 26, 1669; m. Oct. 8, 1690, Ruth Lewis. 33. II. — Jonathan, b. March 6, 1671 ; m. March 6, 1705, Esther Hamblin. 34. III. — Ebenezer, b. July 29, 1674; m. Sarah Lewis. 35. IV. — Elisha, b. March 15, 1676; d. Dec. 20, 1677. 36. V. — Hope, b. March 13, 1679; m. May 9, 1712, William Case, son of John and Desire (Manter) Case. 37. VI. — Job, b. Jan. 15, 1681. 38. VII. — John, b. Jan. 12, 1683. 39. VIII. — Elkanah, m. (i) April 13, 1711, Abigail Hamblin; m. (2) Mar- garet Bates. 40. IX. — Benjamin, bap. March 16 1685; m. Anne Mayo. 36 HOPE HAMBLIN, b. March 13, 1679; m. May 9, 1712, William, son of John and Desire (Manter) Case, of Tisbury. Issue: 41. I. — James Case, b. 1713; m. Sept. 2^, 1736, Sarah B'ossom, of Barnstable; removed to Lebanon, Conn. 42. H. — Barnard Case, b. 1714; m. Dorothy Hammett ; d. July 8, 1792. 43. III. — Desire, b. 1719. 42 BARNARD CASE, b. 1714; m. Dorothy -Hammett ; b. 1715; d. July 9, 1792. He d. July 8, 1792. Issue: 44. I. — Rebecca, m. Feb. 9, 1772, Jonathan Foster. 45. II. — Barnard, m. Jan. i, 1793, Thankful Daggett. 5 SAMUEL, b. 1651, Plymouth; m. (i) Mary Harlow, 1680; m. (2) Jan. 15, 1693. Mrs. Sarah Watson. Last marriage took place in In- ferior Court of Common Pleas. In 1699, he and son, Samuel, enlisted under Capt. James Warren. Will probated 1718 at Plymouth. Issue: 46. I. — Samuel, d. 1681 ; enlisted 3 years under Captain Warren. 47. II.— William, b. 1684; m. Anne Norcutt of Wm. of Mansfield. 48. III. — ^Mary, b. 1687. 49. IV. — Ebenezer, b. 1692; m. Abigail. 50. V. — Nathaniel, b. 1698; m. Rebecca Ring. 47 WILLIAM, b. 1684; m. Ann Norcutt. Issue: 51. I.— William, JOHN DUXIIAM. 21 h. i/io; m. at Colchester, Marcli 13, 1739, Persis Dunliani. She d. Nov. 18, 1773. 52. II. — Martha, 1). 1713. at Colchester; in. Nathaniel I-Vee- man. 53. III. — Jonathan, h. 1715, at Colchester; m. Elizabeth . 54. IV. — Mary, b. 1716, at Mansfield; ni. Solomon Brown. 49 EBENEZER, b. 1692; m. Abigail . Issue: 55. I. — Abigail, m. James Weston. 56. II. — Samuel, b. 1732; m. 1755, Susanna Thomas, of John. 57. III. — Ebenezer, b. 1738; m. 1756, Hannah Morton. 58. IV. — Joim, m. Nov., 1755, Mary Thomas. 59. V. — Moses. 60. \T. — Mary. 61. VH. — ^Barnabas, m. 1766, Lydia Cole. 62. Vm. — William, m. 1764, Abigail Thomas. 62 WILLIAM, m. 1764, Abigail Thomas. Issue: 63. I.— Will- iam, b. 1765; m. Elizabeth Foster. 64. II. — Thomas, b. 1770. 53 JONATHAN, 1). 1715; m. Elizabeth; h. m Colchester; settled in Williamburg, Mass. ; moved to Ballston, N. Y. Issue : 65. I. — Elizabeth, b. April 3, 1730; m. Sept. 19, 1751, John Marvin, Jr. 66. 11. — Samuel, b. 1733; m. Mary Earl, Lansingburgh, N. Y. (See Pension Record). 67. III.— Mary, b. April 18, 1734. 68. I\\— Solomon, b. Dec. 25, 1735; m. 69. v.— Esther, b. Dec. 9, 1737; m. Jan. 29, 1755, Abner Quitterfield. 70. VL — x\lida, b. May 9, 1739. 71. VH. — Dau. that m. Mr Jones, and had: y2. I. — Dunham Jones, M. P., Ca. 63 WILLIAM, b. Oct. 13, 1765; m. 1788, Elizabeth Foster, of Ply- mouth; d. July 20. 1854, aged 84 years. He d. Oct. 8. 1833, Plymouth. Issue: yT,. I. — John Foster, b. Aug. 2, 1796; m. 1819, Lydia TiU't Wiswall. 74. II. — Be:sey (Elizabeth), m. (i) John Lewis; m. (2) Ben- jamin Barnes. 77, JOHN FOSTER, b. Aug. 2, 1796; m. 1819, Lydia. Tuft Wins- wall ; b. Nov. 10, 1798, Provincetown. Issue: 75. I. — Lydia Ann. b. Aug. 26, 1820. 76. II. — John Thomas, b. Nov. 7, 1821. yy. III. — Hannah Nickerson, b. March 10. 1823; m. Fleazar SIkiw ; b. 1823. yS. IV. — Salone Nickerson, b. Sept. 20, 1827; m. Joshua I. lules. 79. V. — George Foster, b. Oct. 31, 1831, of Abraham. 80. \'I. — lietsev Foster, b. Aug. 23, 1833; m. Samuel Xewell Dunham. 8r. \'Ii. — ^Lydia Ann. b. July 14, 1837; m. D;iniel II. I'aulding. 82. \'III. — William Thomas, b. Sept. 25, 1829. 56 SAMUEL, b. 1732: m. 1755, Susanna Thomas, of JdIui. Issue: 83. I. — SanuK'l, b. 1758; m. Elizabetli Morton. 84. 11. — l{lizal)etli. 1). 1761. 85. 111. — Susanna, b. T7'')3: m. I7(j(), b'hn .\lden ; d. |an. j. 1S14, Middleboro. 86. lY. — Dclxirali, 1). ^yf^^: ni. (iidcon ."^^ouihworih. ^y. V. — Ichabod, 1). 17O8; m. Sarah Wood, of Woodstock. \ I. 88. \'l. — Elijah, b. 1770. 89. VH. — Nathaniel Thomas, b. 1772. 90. \lil. — 22 JOHN DUNHAM. Nancy, b. 1774; m. Abraham Thomas. 91. XI. — Ephraim, b. 1777. 92. X. — Andrew, b. 1779. 93. XI. — Lewis, b. 1785. 66 SAMUEL, b. 1733; m. Mary Earl. Issue: 94. I. — Samuel, b. Jan. 15, 1765; m. Dec. 11, 1791, Mary Earl, Lansing-burgh, N. Y. ; b. Sept. 4, 1774. 95. II. — Jesse Davis, m. Hannah J. Bagnall. 96. III. — Daniel, b. 1762; m. Margaret Ouitterfield. 97. W. — Chandler, m. Judith Pierce, dan. of Benjamin. 98. W — ^Mary. 99. VI. — Eliza. 100. VII.— Sally. c;4 SAMUEL, b. Jan. 15, 1765; clergyman; m. Mary Earl, Lan- singburgh, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1791. Applied for pension, Sept. 15, 1800, at Scriba, X^ y. Issue: loi. I. — William, b. March 20, 1793; m. Aug. 26, 1810, Esther Hims ; b. Dec. 5, 1790. M. E. preacher. 102. II. — Moses, b. May 5, 1800; m. Roxanna Reals; d. Jan. 23, 1826. 103. III. — Henry, b. March 11, 1802; m. Diadama Fox, Oct. 5. 1849. 104. IV. — Samuel. 105. V. — Wesley. 106. VI. — Minerva. 107. VII. — Waitty. 103 HENRY, b. March 11, 1802; m. Diadama Fox; d. Oct. 5, 1849. Issue: 108. I. — Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1828. 109. II. — Samuel, b. March 5, 1830; d. Oct. 16, 1832. no. HI. — ^Diana, b. Jan. 4, 1832; m. Henry Furman. iii. IV. — Diadama, b. Jan. 4, 1832; m. Stephen Potter. 112. V. — Roxana, b. April 22, 1834; m. Chauncey Lane. 113. VI. — Julia, b. March 21, 1836; m. Mr. Meyers; d. 15, 1861. 114. VII.— Nancy A., April 11, 1839; '"• J- A- Thompson. 115. VIII. — Amelia, b. Aug. 14, 1841 ; m. Joseph Rounds. 116. IX.— James H., b. Dec. 16, 1844; "^- Mary Hardin. 102 MOSES, b. May 5, 1800; M. E. clergyman; m. Aug. 15, 1822, Roxanna Beals ; b. Oct. 27, 1804; d. March 6, 1883; he d. Clayville, Jan. 23, 1862; buried at Cedarville. Issue: 117. I. — Dela Fletcher, b. May 4, 1823; d. Dec. 14, 1837. 118. II. — Moses Earl, b. Feb. 6. 1824; m. (i) Harriet L^rsula Hughston ; m. (2) Lydia Maria Johnston; d. Dec. 17, 1898. 118 MOSES E., b. Feb. 6, 1824; graduated Hamilton College, 1847; Psi Upsilon ; a prominent educator and successful preacher; 1889-98, pastor of Plymouth Cong. Church, Utica, N. Y. ; Ph. D. of Union Col- lege ; D. D. of U. of P., LL. D. of . He was a journalist of some note, frequently and acceptably contributing to magazines and papers. He held many honorable offices and delivered innumerable addresses. He m. (i) Aug. 6, 1851, Harriet Ursula Hughston, of Guilford, who d. April 9, 1859; m. (2) Feb. 25, 1862, Lydia M. Johnston, of Sidney. He d. Whitesboro, Dec. 17, 1898. Issue: 119. I. — George Earl, b. April 5, 1859; graduated Hamilton College, Psi Upsilon; editor JOHN DUNHAM. 23 of The Utica Daily Press; m. Jan. 9, 1884, Helen M. Jones. Jan. 23, 1888. a dau. was b. wlro d. Jan. 24, 1888. President of Utica Chamber of Commerce ; trustee of Hamilton College ; a manager of Utica State Hospital. 95 JESSE DAMS, b. about 1786; m. t8o8, Hannah Jackson Bagnall, dau. of Richard. Issue: 120. I. — Richard Bag-nail; m. Hannah Chandler. 121. H.— Lucy Wright ; m. Benjamin Harvey. 122. HI. — William Jackson, Anna Hinckley, widow of Chandler D. Dun- ham. 123. I\\ — Joseph Bagnall. 124. V. — Chandler Davis, m. Anna Hinckley. 125. VI.— Eliza Rich. 126. VII.— Nancy. 127. VIII.— Sarah. 128. IX. — Hannah. 129. X. — Samuel West. 120 RICHARD B., m. 1838. Hannah J. Chandler, dau. of John B. Issue: 130. I. — George H., b. 1842; m. Eliza Cole. 131. II. — William C, h. 1849; "■>• Elizabeth Lewis. 132. HI. — Samuel West. 87 ICHABOD, b. 1768 ; m. Sarah Wood, of Woodstock, Vt. Issue : 133. I. — Ephraim, m. Rebecca Barrows. 134. II. — Betsy, m. George Barrows. 135. HI. — Nathaniel, b. 1805; m. Anna M. Vaughn, Middle- boro. 136. IV. — Nancy, m. Alden Bisbee, Middleboro. 137 V. — Mary H., m. Benjamin Dunham, of Carver. 135 NATHANIEL, b. 1805; m. Anna H. Vaughn, Middletown, N. Y. Issue: 138. I.-^Benjamin F., m. Anna C. Rand, of California. 139. II. — Rhoda. 61 BARNABAS, m. Lydia Cole, 1766. Issue: 140. Barnabas, m. Betsey Forbes. Issue: 141.. I. — Phebe, m. Caleb Pryant, of Portland. 142. II. — Barnabas, m. four times. 142 BARNABAS, m. (i) Betsey King, in 1827; m.. 1846, (2) Betsey Barnes, dau. of Corbin ; m. (3) 1863, Airs. Nancy Holmes, widow of Sylvanies ; m. (4) 1876. Mrs. Betsey Bradford, sister of the second wife, and widow of Edward Winslow Bradford. Issue: 143. I. — Barnabas, b. 1827. 144. II. — Benjamin F., 1829. 145. HI. — Barnabas, b. 1834; m. Harriet Nickerson. 146. IV. — Betsey, b. 1837; m. Richard Arthur. 147. \'. — Benjamin F., b. 1841 ; m. (i) Mary F. Clark; m. (2) Mary B. Thomas. 47 WILLIAM, b 1684; m. Anne Norcott, of William, of Mans- field; will probated at Plvmouth. 1745; enlisted for three years under Capt. Warren. Issue: 14S. 1. — William, ]>. 1710; m. \'i»v. i). 1739. Persis Dunham, Colchester, Cl. 149. 111. — Martha, b. 1713, .Mansfield; m. Nathaniel Freemavi. 150. I\ . — Jonathan, b. 1715; m. b^izabeth. 151. V. — Mary, b. 171^); m. Sylvanus Freeman. 148 WILLIAM, b. 1710, Colchester; m. Nov. 13, 1739, Persis 24 JOHN DUNHAM. Dunham, who d. Nov. i8, 1773. Issue: Born at Colchester: 152. I. — William, b. Sept. 6. 1740; d. West Winchester, Conn., Nov. 7, 1781. 153. III. — Eleazar, b. Dec. 15, 1742; m. Elizabeth . 154. IV. — Jonathan, b. Jan. 20, 1745; m. Mehitabel Knowlton. 155. V. — Persis, b. May 20, 1747; d. Winchester, Conn., Nov. 11, 1772. 156. VI. — Esther, b. May 8, 1743; m. April 2. 1766. 157. VII. — Esther, b. May 2, 1749; m. April 2, 1763, Daniel McCall, Middle- town. 158. A7II. — Samuel, b. Oct. 10, 1750; m. Aug. 3, 1775, Mary Johnson. 159. IX. — Mary, b. March 17, 1752; d. May 13, 1755. 153 ELEAZER, b. Dec. 15, 1742; m. Elizabeth . Issue: 160. I. — Betsey, b. April 7, 1763. i6r. II. — Eleazer, b. Jan. 2, 1765; m. Nov. 25, 1784, Lois Johnson. 162. III. — William, b. July 14, 1767; m. Sarah Foote ; b. March 3, 1767, Middletown. Ct. 154 JONATHAN, b. June 20, 1745; lived at Winsted, Conn., Hamilton, N. Y. ; lieutenant; m. 1767, Mehitabel (Daniels) Knowlton. He d. about 1821. Issue: 163. I. — Jonathan, m. Nov. 24, 1791. Susanna Kellogg. 164. II. — Elias, m. March 10, 1791, Jerusha Lewis; had factory at Colchester, Madison Co. ; Chenengo river, for fulling and dyeing cloth. 165. HI. — Mehitabel, b. Colchester, 1774; m. x'Vsher Rowley, 'Jan. 18, 1765, Chatham, Ct., and d. Sept. 7, 1844, Winsted. 166. IV. — Hazael, b. Nov., 1776; m. Abigail Rowley; d. Oct. 16, 1859. 167. V. — William, b. 1767; m. Sarah Foote; d. March 6, 1837. DEED. Between James Gordon of Ballston and Jonathan Don- ham of Hampshire County, Province of Massachusetts Bay. Dated November 23, 1778. Consideration 600 pounds. Conveys "All that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Albany in the patent of Kayaderosseras within m the town of Ballston and known and distinguished in a map of the said town by Lot Number four of the fifth division of said town, bounded as follows viz. Begin- ning at a large maple tree marked No. IV and V in the west bounds of said tract called Ballston then along the same north twenty nine chains and fifty nine links to a stake and heap of stones then cast sixty eight chains to a black birch tree marked No. i and 2 then south twenty nine chains and fifty nine links to a stake and heap of stones in the north bounds of the general lot No. IV then along the same west sixty eight chains to the place of beginning containing Two hundred and one and a half acres of land." 167 WILLIAM, b. 1767, Colchester, Middletown; m. Sarah Foote; b. March 5, 1767; d. March 31, 1837, Middletown; he d. March 6, 1837. Issue: 168. I. — William, b. March 6, iyS2. 169. II. — Julius, b. May JOHN DUXI^.\^^. ' 25 15, 1794. 170. III. — Sarah, h. Aug. 31, 1795; m. July 2, 1818, William Southmayd. Middletown. 171. \\\ — Aniauda, h. Xov. 15, 1798; d. 1820. 172. A'. — Lucretia. h. Juue 17, 1800; ni. Edwin i'ratt, of Say- brook, who d. Dec. 21. 1834. 173. VI. — Elizabeth Green, b. July 2, 1802; d. Nov. 9, 1815. 174. \'II. — Edward, b. Nov. 20, 1S05. 175. A'JII. — Eleazer, b. Eeb. 14. 1807; d. Eeb. 23, 1809. 176. IX. — Samuel, b. Aug-. 22, 1808. 1//. X. — Alary, b. Dec. 24, 1810. 165 MEHITABEL ROWLEY, b. 1774, Colchester, Conn. ; lived at Winsted and Colchester; m. 1792, Asher Rowley, son of Ebenezer Rowley and Susamia Annable, Haddam, Ct. ; b. Oct. 21, 1776; d. Sept. 7, 1843; she d. June 2/, 1839, Winsted, Ct. Issue: 178. I. — Betsey Rowley, b. Jan. 10, 1794. Winsted, Ct. ; m. Lewis McDonald; had several children; Iowa. 179. II. — Ansel, b. Feb. 13, 1796; m. Lucy Clairborn, of Chesterfield, Va. ; d. Chilicothe, Mo., 1872; he d. Oct. 25, 1851, Wash- ington, D. C. 180. III. — Elias, b. March 22, 1798; m. Lura (Bushnell) Curtis, d. June 6, 1877; dau. of Lemuel Bushnell, d. Nov. 7, 1877, at Winsted. 181. IV. — Warren Dunham, b. June 20, 1800; m. (i) Davis Stanton; m. (2) Harriet Maria Curry. 182. V. — ^Sally M., b. June 28, 1802; m. Chauncey Shattuck, Jan. 30, 1884. 183. VI. — Harriet, b. July 10, 1804; d. Aug. 18, 1831. 184. VII. — George, b. July 16, 1806; went West. 185. VIII. — Harlow, b. July 12, 1808; m. Sarah Ann Haynes ; d. May, 1891. 186. IX. — Hiram, b. April 7, 181 1 ; d. Jan. 7, 1841. 187. X.— Charles, b. Jan.. 1813; d. Dec. 21, 1833. 188. XL— Charlotte, b. Dec. 6, 1815; d. Dec. 17, i'8i5. 163 JONATHAN, b. Nov. 24, 1791. Issue: 189. I. — Jonathan. 166 HAZAEL, b. Nov., 1776, Colchester; lived at Hamilton and Utica, Co., N. Y., where he kept a hotel; m. Abigail Rowley; b. 1779; d. South Bay. N. Y.. Aug. 31, 1861. He d. Cicero, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1859; lived in Hamilton Co.; then Herkimer near Hartford, now Utica C S. Hotel. Issue, Hamilton, N. Y. : 190. I. — Alpha, m. (i) Honora Camp- bell; m. (2) Freelove A. Mathewson ; m. (3) Mrs. E. Ackley. 191. 11. — Betsey, b. May 4, 1805; m. Hamilton, March 13. 1825, Leonard Hoad- ley, b. July 4, 1794; d. March 10, 1880, Cicero. N. Y. She d. South l'>ay. N. Y.. March 20, 1885; burned to death. 192. ill. — Hiram, b. Oct. 2(\ iSoO; m. Eliza Snooks; went to Canada; then Wisconsin; had son at Los Angeles. Cal. ; owns St. Elmo Hotel there. i()2. W. — Warren, b. March 22. 1811 ; m. Julia A. Johnson ; d. C"onslaiUia, .\. A'. i(;4. \'. — Orson, (1. rorlsmonth, ( ). i(;5. \l. — X'aleutine. h. Max 15. iSi():m. (i) Ambrosia Williams; m. (2) Louisa l)oies])acli ; lives South Hay. Oneida Lake; W ( ). address, Cicero, N. Y. 196. \'ll. — Lannoii lload- 26 JOHN DUNHAM. ley; m. Harriet Muir, Earlville, N. Y. 197. VITI. — Abigail, b. Dec. 16, 1820; m. (i) Francis Wilcox; m. (2) George H. Conger; Isaac lives with Valentine. 196 LANNON HOADLEY, m. June 9. 1845; Harriet Muir, b. Aug. 5, 1826, Earlville, N. Y. Issue: 198. I. — James, m. Bullard. 199. II. — Frances, b. Earlville, N. Y. ; m. William Adolphus Van Slyke. 200. III. — Jennie, m. Mr. Baker. 201. IV. — Hazel; d. Oct. 9, 1879. 197 ABIGAIL, b. Dec. 16, 1820; m. (i) Francis Wilcox; m. (2) June 15, 1846, George H. Conger; b. May 24, 1818, Hamilton and Phoenix, N. Y. Issue : 202. I. — Abby Jane Wilcox, m. Mr. Denton, Syracuse, N. Y. 203. II. — Richard Conger, b. March 27, 1847; '''i- J"lia A. Weeks. 204. HI. — Henry D., b. Aug. 9, 1849; d. Dec. 9, 1853. 205. IV. — Caroline H., b. Sept 16, 1852. 206. V. — -George H., b. July 22, 1854; m. Aug. 10, 1879, Estella Walrod. 207. VI. — Remington, b. Sept. 2y, 1856; m. Sept. 20, 1877, Maggie Martin. 208. VII. — Arthur M., b. Dec. 9, 1861. 193 WARREN, b. March 22, 181 1; lived at Hamilton and North Bay, N. Y. ; m. Julia A. Johnson; d. Sept. 5, 1818; he d. Constantia, N. Y. Issue: 209. I. — Eber. 210. II. — Elizabeth, North Bay; m. John A. Cannon. 211. HI. — Lucia, m. Jason Lawrence, Durhamville, N. Y. 212. IV. — Simeon. 213. V. — Orson, m. Annie Rector, Hig- ginsville, N. Y. 214. VI. — Warren. 215. VII. — William. 216. IX. — Lucinda, m. Walter Bushnell, North Bay. 217. X. — Eugene L. 195 VALENTINE, b. May 15, 1816 ; m. (i) Ambrosia Williams; m. (2) April 15, 1858, Louisa Doiesback, of South Bay; b. June 25, 1830; lived at Hamilton and Cicero, N. Y. Issue: 218. I. — William, b. Aug. 24, 1862. 192 HIRAM, b. Oct. 26, 1806, Hamilton; lived in Hamilton, N. Y., Canada and Wisconsin; m. Eliza Snooks, of Canada; b. Dec. 6, 1810; d. Feb. 20, 1880; a son owned St. Elmo Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. Issue: 219. I. — George, b. Oct. 26, 1836; served 78 Illinois Reg., Dallas, 111. 220. II. — ^Martha M., b. Sept. 9, 1837; m. Thomas Graham. 221. III. — Warren, b. Sept. 5, 1838. 222. IV. — Abigail, b. Sept. 11, 1840; m. (i) May I, 1865, Charles Bates; m. (2) Lewis Corliss, Bennington, Kan. 223. V. — Haze, b. 1842; served in 9th Iowa Reg. 224. VI. — Celestia, b. March, 1844; m. Jan. 26, 1862, George W. White, Bennington, Kan. She d. April 27, 1880. 225. VII. — Edwin F., .b. Jan. 2, 1846; served in 24th Iowa, Co. A; m. Emeretta Freeman, Cal. 226. VIII. — Hannah A., b. May 2, 1848; m. John Darling, Sterling, Iowa. 227. IX. — Eliza JOHN DUXIIAM. 27 J., h. Jan. 2. 1850; ni. William Aikiman. 228. X. — Frances F., b. July 2T^, 1852; m. Dolphin Austin. 229. XI. — Eliza M., b. June 22, 1855. 190 ALPHA, b. Hamilton. Aug. 7, 1800; m. (i) Honora Campbell; d. 1823; m. (2) March 8. 1825, Freelove A. Mathewson ; b. May 25. 1803; (1. July 10, 1874; m. (3) Feb. 8, 1878, Mrs. Susan E. Stacey An- derson. Issue: 230. I. — Honora M., b. May 25, 1823; m. Charles W. Clement, Poolville, N. Y. Marcella. 231. II.— Oliva M., b. Oct. 3, 1826; m. Dec. 30. 1849. Asaph P. Richardson, Poolville. Had Warren DeForest Richardson. 232. HI. — Warren Jerome, b. Feb. 11. 1828; m. 1854. Malvia. dau. of Randolph and Abigail Hiles, Sullivan. Ky. ; lives, Cincinnati. O. 233. I \'.— Frederic W., b. Oct. 30, 1829; d. Oct. 20, 1830. 234. A\ — Louisa Caroline;, Dec. 15, 1830; m. Harlow G. Carter. Had Alpha F. Carter, Bay City. Mich.. Hastings, Mich. 235. VI.— Frederic William, b. Oct. 18, 1832; m. (i) Sept. 30, 1869. Emma Augus- ta Houghton; (2) Oct. 2, 1872, Mary E. Houghton; b. May 28, 1842, Bay City, Mich. 236. VII.— Hiram Albert, b. Aug. 5, 1835; m. April, 1864, Louisa Pickham. Delhi, Iowa; enlisted in army. 237. VIII. — Abby L., b. March 12, 1837; m. C. C. Avery, who d. Aug. 4, 1866. 238. IX. — Eugene Labalm, b. June 18, 1839; enlisted 44 N. Y. S. Vol., Co. D; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. 239. X.— George W., b. Aug. 26, 1843; enlisted 114 N. Y. S. Vol., Co. G; d. in hospital, Dec. 12, 1863, New Iberia, La. 240. XI. — Ellen Amelia, b. June 26, 1846; m. Dec. i, 1870, Gilbert E. Peck, Poolville, N. Y. 241. XII.— Helen Cordelia, b. June 16, 1846; m. Nov. 12, 1869. Henry Thompson lives on homestead, Poolville; he had one son; Hannah Clement was half sister; Olive's children: Ricadson. 242. XIII. — Clement D., b. June 30, 1848; m. ; lives on homestead, Poolville, N. Y. 243. XIV. — Charleton D., b. July II, 1850; d. May 12, 1852. 235 FREDERIC WILLIAM, b. Oct. 12, 1832; m. Sept. i. 1869, Emma Augusta Houghton; (2) Oct. 2, 1872, Mary E. Houghton, b. May 28, '4 Issue: 244. i. — Eugene, b. Sept. 19. 1874; d. May 7. 1888. 245. II. — Helen, b. June 30, 1876, University of Michigan. 246. HI. — Florence, b. July 30, 1881. 232 WARREN JEROME, b. Feb. it. 1828; graduated. Cincinnati. Ohio Law School; admitted to bar, 1850; 1887-89, city treasurer. Cov- ington, Ky. : president and secretary of Tobacco Trade Co.. L'incinnati. president of same two years; mayor of Higginsport. C). ; partner of Sullivan, Murphy and Co., New York City; m. 1854. Malvina. dau. of Randolph and Abigail (Hiles) Sullivan, P.racken Co., Ky., Cinciimati. 0.;20 years Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio; 14 years, 246 Richmond 28 JOHN DUNHAM. St.; 5 years No. ii, E. gth St., where he now lives; Com. on water- works, two years for Columbus, O. ; same for Washington, D. C. ; be- longs to Murdock Literary and Shakespeare Clubs. Issue: 247. I. — Frank, b. Sept. 28, 1855, Rural, O. ; m. Feb. 13, 1877, Belle Thrasher, who d. Oct. 3], 1881. 248. II.— William, b. May 16, 1862; d. March 10, 1863, Higginsport, O.; foster dau., Augusta Stroube. SHATTUCK. 182 SALLY M. ROWLEY, b. June 28, 1802; m. Sept. 5, 1827, Chauncey Shattuck, b. Aug. 16, 1795; d. Oct. 17, 1853; she d. Jan. 30, 1884, Ackley, Iowa. Issue: 249. I. — Virgil R. Shattuck. b. Aug. 5, 1828; m. (i) Huldah Wooley; b. Jan. 31, 1829; d. Feb. 10, 1862; m. (2) Matilda Allen; b. Nov. 15, 1839, Ackley. 250. II.— Hannah S., b. April 26, 1831 ; m. A. F. Severance; b. March 5, 1830, Ackley. 251. III. — Harriet C, June 6, 1833; m. March 4, 1852, David Church, Hampton, Iowa. 252. I\'. — Homer \'.. b. Oct. 10, 1835 ; m. Sept. 28, 1859, Martha M. Butterfield, b. May 15, 1837, Hazel Centre, Neb. 253. V.— Sarah M., b. Oct. 5, 1841 ; d. Feb. 21, 1842. 254. VI.— Warren D., b. Feb. 13, 1843; '"• J^ily 18, 1867, Juliette B. Leggett; b. Aug. 10, 1849, Steam- boat Rock, Iowa. 185 HARLOW ROWLEY, b. July 21, 1808; m. Nov. 22, 1833, Sarah Ann Haynes ; b. April 14, 181 1; d. Aug. 13, 1883; settled in Brighton, Ont., May, 1893. Issue : 255. I. — Warren Dunham Rowley, b. Dec. 12, 1836; m. Dec. 25, 1864, Lorena Lapp, Hamilton, Ont. 256. II. — Thomas, b. July 22, 1841 ; m. April 14, 1872, Bertha Irish, Stock- dale, Ont. 257. HI. — John B., b. Aug. 24, 1844; d. June 11,, 1857. 258. IV.— Mary, b. Feb. 2y, 1848; d. Sept. 12, 1856. 259. V.— Amos, b. Nov. 15, 1850; m. Jan. 2y, 1876, Jennie McCarty; Brighton, Ont. 180 ELIAS ROWLEY, b. March 22, 1798; m. 1849, Laura (Bush- nell) Curtis, dau. of Lemuel Bushnell ; d. Nov. 21, 1872; he d. June 6, 1877. Issue: 260. I. — Hiram Dunham Rowley, b. Sept. 4, 1828, Delphi, N. Y. 261. II.— George Starr, b. Oct. 20, 1830; m. Nov. 6, 1852, Sophronia Bucklin ; b. Dec. 25, 1834, W^illard, N. Y. 262. III.— Warren, b. June 15, 1832; went West. 263. IV'. — ^Charles Lewis, b. Jan. 10, 1834; m. July 18, 1864, Martha J. Simmonson ; b. March 25. 1841, Willard, N. Y. 264. V.— Ansel, b. Dec. 28, 1836; m. Sept. 12, 1857, Ruey Rogers, Hersey, Mich. 265. VI. — John Gates, b. July 11, 1838; m. Oct. 25, 1871, Anna C. Lapham ; b. March 6, 1846; he d. Willard, N. J. 266. VII. — Henry Harrison, b. Aug. 26, 1839; m. Nov. 26, 1867, C. Louise Grant, Burrville, who d. Nov. 15, 1875, Erie, Pa. JOHN DUNHAM. 29 267. IX. — Catherine 11., b. Dec. ii, 1841 ; m. Samuel H. Norton; d. May 18, 1861. 268. X.— Edward, b. Feb. 28, 1844; d. Sept. 18. 1844. 181 WARREN D. ROWLEY, b. June 20, 1800; m. (i) Merchant S. Trenton. Oct. 20, 1835; N^ancy Davis, dau. of Elis Stanton, b. Dec. 13, 1813, Stonington, Ct. ; d. Feb. 17, 1837; m. (2) Oct. 20, 1838, Harriet Maria, dau. of Major Isaac Curry, 1). July 4, 1818; S. Trenton, d. Utica, Feb. 14, 1889; he d. Sept. 5, 1854, Trenton, N. Y. Issue: 269. I.— Nancy S. Rowley, b. Feb. 11, 1837; d. Nov. 15, 1846. 270. II. — Warren C, b. Sept. 28, 1841 ; in. Aug. 3, 1870, Julia A. Waite ; b. Aug. 20, 1848, Utica, N. Y. 271. III. — H. Curtis, b, July 31, 1844; m. Dec. 2, 1874, Thirsa J. Merriani ; I). June 4, 1845, Springfield, Mass. 272. IX. — Nancy Helen, b. Sept. 28, 1846, Boston, Mass. 273. V. — Sarah Cornelia, b. May 24, 1850; m. Oct. 10, 1877, W. H. Parker; b. Oct. 16, 1841, Boston, Mass. 274. \'I. — Harriet Sophia, b. Feb. 16, 1853, Springfield, Mass. 270 WARREN C. ROWLEY, b. Sept. 28, 1841 ; m. Aug. 3, 1870, Julia A. White; b. Aug. 20, 1848; merchant, Utica, N. Y.; treasurer of Oneida Historical Society. Issue: 275. I.^ — Edith A. Rowley, b. March 2, 1873. 276. II. — Henry W.. b. March 7, 1.879; merchant, Utica, N. Y. 50 NATHANIEL, b. 1698: m. 1725, Rebecca King; b. 1700. dau. of Samuel King, of Samuel, of Andrew King, who came from England, 1629 and m. 1646, Deborah Hopkins, of Stephen. Issue: 2j/. I. — X'athaniel, m. Hannah King; enlisted July 11, 1755. 278. II. — Silas, m. 1764, Bathiah Bartlett. 279. HI. — Rebecca. 280. IV. — Hannah. 281. v.— Elizabeth. 282. \'I.— Martha. 58 JOHN, m. Nov., 1755, Mary Thomas. Issue: 283. I. — Moses, b. Jan. 23, 1757; m. Margaret Morton. 284. II. — Ma^y, b. Dec. 15, 1758. 285. III. — Salome, b. April 12, 1762. 286. IV. — John. 1). Nov. 16, 1764. 287. v.— Thomas, b. Oct. 2, 1766. 288. M.— Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1768. 289. MI. — Abigail, b. April 20, 1771. 290. VIII. — Caleb, b. March 9, 1773. 291. IX. — -James, May 25, 1775. 292. X. — Job, b. April 20, 1777. 293. XI. — Calvin, b. April it. T7'^i : m. Hannah Harlow, in 1808. Lived in Carver antl Middleboro. 293 CALVIN, b. 1781; m. Hannah Harlow, in 1S08; Sorasus, b. 1815; m. Lucinda Cone; Louisa Lincoln Cone, dau. of Samuel and Matilda Lincoln, June 5, 1842. Issue: 2(^4. 1. — .Vbhic Allen, b. 1855; m. Charles A. Eaton; resides 165 IV-lmont Street. UrncKlon, .Mass. 57 EBENEZER. b. 1738; m. 1756, Mannali Morion. Issue: 295. I. — Abigail, b. 1757. 296. H. — Ebenezer, b. 1759. 30' JOHN DUNHAM. i6 BENJAMIN, b. June 20, 1691, Barnstable; bap. Aug. 23, 1691 ; m. (i) Feb. 2, 1732, Hannah Scott, of Hatfield, who d. April 13, 1734; m. Feb. 17, 1742 (2), Hannah Green, dau. of Francis; d. Jan. 13, 1766; he d. Aug-. 4, 1758. Issue: 297. I. — Benjamin, b. June 30, 1743; d. Aug. 4, 1748. 298. H. — Hannah, b. June 9, 1745; m. Nov. 18, 1766, Jesse Bennett; d. Dec. 2, 1766. 299. HI. — John, b. Oct. 27, 1748; m. March 30, 1769, Priscilla Russ. 300. IV. — Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1750; m. (i) Dec. 13, 1770, Zadek Hatch, of Falmouth; m. (2) Jonathan Knifield, of Belchertown, Mass. 301. V. — Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1754; m. Joshua Bennett, who d. July 4, 1786; she d. July 24, 1786. 14 ELISHxA., b. Sept. i, 1687, Barnstable; m. Temperance Stewart, of Chatham, Mass.; she d. April 24, 1757; he d. 1730, leaving an estate of £600. Issue: 302. I. — Ebenezer, b. May 31, 1717; m. Feb. 21, 1744-5, at Mansfield, Eunice Atwood, dau. of Thomas. 303. II. — Elisha, b. Aug. 21, 1718; m. Anis . 304. HI. — Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1721 ; m. Sylvanus Freeman. Had large family. 302 EBENEZER, b. May 31, 1717; m. Feb. 21, 1744, at Mansfield, Eunice Atwood, dau. of Thomas. Issue: 305. I. — Sarah, b. Aug. 11, 1745. 306. II. — Mary, July 11, 1747. 307. HI. — Phebe, b. Nov. 26, 1749. 308. IV. — Bangs, b. Feb. 16, 1751 ; m. Submit Phelps; m. (2) Ruth Sharpe. 30c. V. — Elisha, b. Sept. 24, 1754; m. (i) Mehitabel Royce; m. (2) Ruth Sharpe. 310. VI. — Hannah, b. May 21, 1757. 311. VII. — Asahel, b. July 26, 1760. 312. VIII. — Asenath. May i, 1763, 308 BANGS, b. Feb. 16, 1751 ; m. Dec. 9, 1782, Submit Phelps. Issue: 313. I. — Abel, 1). Aug. 29, 1783. 314. II. — Royal, b. June 18, 1785. 315. HI. — Hannah, b. Sept. 3, 1787. 316. IV. — Artemas, b. May 19, 1790. 317. V. — Ella, b. May 25, 1794. 309 ELISHA, b. Sept. 24, 1754; m. (i) May 24, 1781, Mehitabel Royce; m. (2) Dec. 13, 1891, Ruth Sharpe. Issue: 318. I. — Eunice, b. Dec. 2, 1784. 319. II. — Jenny, b. 1773; m. Nov. 10, 1796, Henry Fish, Nantucket. 320. HI. — Jonathan, b. 1775 ; m. Susannah Marchant. 321. IV. — Seth, b. 1779; m. Jan. 10, 1802, Mahala Pease; d. May 28, 1842. 322. V. — Elisha, b. 1781 ; m. (i) April 8, 1804, Rebecca Ripley; m. (2) March 24, 1822, Elsie Fisher; d. Dec. 31, 1830. 299 JOHN, b. Oct. 2j, 1748; m. March 30, 1769, Priscilla Russ, dau. of John, of Mansfield. Issue: 323. I. — Hannah, b. July 7, 1770. 324. II. — Rebecca, b. March 21, 1772. 325. HI. — Priscilla, b. Sept. 4, 1773; d. Oct. 26, 1775. 326. IV. — Benjamin, b. March 25, 1775. :i^2j. V. — Priscilla, b. Feb. 18, 1777. 12 EBENEZER, b. April 17, 1684, Barnstable; bap. 1684, by the JOHN DUNHAM. 3I Rev. John Lathrop ; 1707, m. Anne Ford; 1724, moved to Manstiehl, Conn.; she d. Jan. 2^, 1777; he d. Nov. 17, 1767. Issue: 328. I. — Setli, 1). 1708 ;'m. Judith Paulk ; d. Sept. 5, 1772. 329. li. — Patience, b. 1717; m. Dec. 18, 1737, Noah Skinner. 330. \\ . — Ebenezer, b. 1719; m. Phebe Ladd ; d. Dec. 19, 1775. 331. A\ — Hannah, b. March 11, 1721 ; m. Nathaniel Hyde, of Lebanon, Dec. i, 1742; slie d. June 19, 1760. 330 EBENEZER, 1). 1719; m. Nov. 14, 1741, Phebe Ladd, dau. of Nathaniel; she b. 1726; d. 1816; he d. Dec. 19, 1775; each of his seven sons served in Revolutionary war. Issue: 332. I. — EBENEZER OR ELEAZAR, b. July 2, 1744; m. (i) July 20, 1768, Abiah Dimmock, who d. Dec. 19, 1771 ; m. (2) 1772, Elizabeth . 333. II. — Phebe, b. Oct. 28. 1746; d. Sept. 14, 1748. 334. III. — Daniel, b. Dec. 26, 1748; m. (I) Hannah Freeman; m. (2) Juruiah (Lord) Loring. 335. IV. — Phebe, b. Jan. 4. 1751 ; m. Cornelius Pease. 336. V. — Eunice, b. Dec. 28, 1752. 337. VI.— Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1754; m. (i) Jennings, Dec. 19, 1824; m. (2) Asenath Gurley ; d. Oct. 13, 1854, at 100 years, 20 days. 338. A'll. — Jonathan, b. April 6, 1758; m. Betty Babcock ; d. Jan. 4, 1840. 339. VIII. — Anna, b. May 10, 1760. 340. IX. — Stephen, b. May 4, 1761 ; pensioner. 341. X. — James, b. Oct. 18, 1763; pensioner. 342. XI. — Nathaniel, b. Jan. 6, 1766; m. Eunice Dimmock. 343. XII. — Rhoda, b. March 3, 1767. 334 DANIEL, b. Dec. 26, 1748, Mansfield; served in Revolutionary war; engaged in maritime commerce; m. Nov. 14, 1774, Hannah Free- man, who d. at Mansfield, 1790; m. (2) March 6, 1794, Zeruiah Lord, dau. of Elias and Elizabeth Lord and widow of VVm. Loring, who she m. 1780; d. Nov. 14, 1828; Daniel, d. at Norwich, July i, 1812. Issue: 344. I. — Alphens, d. 1817, Boston. 345. II. — Hannah, b. Jan., 1795. 346. HI. — Daniel L., b. Feb., 1797; d. 1855. 347- I^ • — John, b. Sept., 1800; m. Mary Colver; d. March 4, 1878. 347 JOHN. b. Sept., 1800; m. May 4, 1823, Mary Colver, dau. of Christopher and Lydia Moore; she d. March 4, 1897; conducted Nor- wich Courier for twenty years; was a representative in Connecticut assembly; presidential elector, 1844; bank commissioner, 1845; niayor of Norwich, 1847-49; state senator, 1849; railroad commissioner. 1854; afterwards state comptroller and bank treasurer; d. Jan., 1878. Issue: 348. 1.— William, b. 1824; d. 1824. 349. II.— William, b. 1825; d. 1826. 350. 111. — Mary, b. April, 1827; d. 1817. 351. I\'. — John, b. July 2(j, 1829; m. S. Jennie Johnson; d. April 10, 1883. 351 JOHN, 1). July 29, 1829, Norwich; m. Oct., 1858, S. Jennie, dau. of William IT. and Margaret (Morris) Johnson; d. April 10, 1883. 32 JOHN DUNHAM. i ' Issue: 352. I. — John Frank, b. July 11, 1859; "i- Lovinia Hughes. 353. II. — Mary Newell, b. July 13, 1864, Norwich, Conn. 352 JOHN F., b. July 11, 1859; ^- 1882, Lavinia Hughes, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. Issue: 354. I. — Grace, b. Oct. 14, 1883. 355. II. — Esther, b. March, 1885. 356. HI.— Mary, b. April, 1886. 357. IV.— Edna, b. Aug., 1889. 328 SETH, b. 1708; m. March 16, 1735, Judith Paulk, who d. Aug. 4, 1767; he d. Sept. 5, 1772. Issue: 358. I. — Abigail, b. Jan. 16, 1735. 359. II. — John, b. Aug. 8, 1737; "i- Abiel Metcalf. 360. HI. — Eli, b. Aug. 4. 1739. 361. IV. — Seth, b. July 4, 1741 ; m. May 31, 1764, Eunice Hovey. 362. V. — Joseph, b. March 21, 1745; m. Abigail Jennings. 363. VI. — Dan, b. April 4, 1748; m. Submit Allen. 364. VHI. — Judith, b. July 6, 1751 ; d. June 2, 1772. 359 JOHN, b. Aug. 8, 1737; m. Jan. 18, 1772, Abiel Metcalf, dau, of Timothy. Issue: 365. I. — Beta, b. June 18, 1772. 361 SETH, b. July 4, 1741 ; m. May 31, 1764, Eunice Hovey, dau. of Joseph. Issue: 366. I. — Jacob, b. Jan. 6, 1765; m. Jerusha Top- lif¥; d. Jan. 19, 1846. 367. II.— Ruth, b. March 24, 1766. 368. HI.— Eunice, b. May 12, 1768. 369. IV.^Enos, b. April 6, 1770. 370. V. — Sarah, b. Aug. i, 1772. 371. VI. — Seth, b. May 15, 1774. 372 VII. — Thankful, b. April 15, 1776. 373. VIII.— Marcia. b. July 27, 1778. 374. IX. — Cephas, b. Feb. 12, 1781. 375. X. — Eliza, b. June i, 1785. 366 JACOB, b. Jan. 6, 1765, Mansfield; m. Jerusha ToplifT; b. 1768; d. 1845; liP 1846. Issue: 376. I. — Jacob. 377. II. — Jesse, b. Oct. 12, 1789; m. Clarissa ; d. Sept. 7, 1863. 378. HI. — Jeremiah. 379. IV. — Julius. 380. V. — Marilla. 373 MARCIA DUNHAM, youngest dau. of Seth? Jr., and Eunice (Hovey) Dunham, b. July 27, 1778; m. Jan. 16, .1800, Ambrose Hilliard; b. about 1776, at Stonington, Ct., son of Levi and Experience (Edger- ton) Hilliard; she d. about 1809, and he m. (2) , by whom he had one cliild, Marcia, who m. Wilson. Ambrose Hilliard, d. Aug. 14, 1832. Issue (by first marriage): 381. I. — Clarissa, b. Oct. 28, 1802; m. Jared Wentworth. 382. II. — Mary, b. March 3, 1804; m. Lucius Bump. 383. HI. — Levi, b. Sept. 3, 1805; d. Jan. 28, 1806. 384. IV. — Elisha Edgerton, b. Dec. 8, 1806; m. Char- lotte Day Spencer. 385. V. — Lucius, b. 1808; d. Oct. 5, 1832, at 24. 384 ELISHA EDGERTON HILLIARD, b. Dec. 8, 1806; m. May 6, 1835, Charlotte Day Spencer; b. Jan. 22, 1812, dau. of Jabcz Selden and Charlotte (Day) Spencer, of Bolton, Ct. He d. Feb. 3. i88r, and his wife, Jan. 17, 1894. Issue: 386. 1. — ^Charlotte Elizabeth, b. June , ' JOHN DUNHAM. 33 24, 1837; m. Feb. 22, 1871, as second wife, Henry Hudson White, son of Minor and Nancy Fitch White, of Manchester; she d. Au£^. 2. 1905. Issue: I. — Charlotte Florence, b. Oct. 21, 1874; ni. June 7, 1905, John Gardner Talcott. H. — Harlan Hilliard, b. July 2^, 1880. 387. n. — Maria Henrietta, b. July 17, 1840; unmarried. 388. HI. — Ade- laide Clementine, b. Aug'. 28, 1842; unmarried. 389. IV. — Mary Ellen, b. June I, 1846; m. Rev. James Wesley Cooper. 390. V. — Elisha Clinton, b. Feb. 8, 1852; m. Alice Cordelia White. 390 ELISHA CLINTON HILLIARD, b. Feb. 8, 1852; m. June 10, 1874, Alice Cordelia White; b. March 9, 1851, dau. of Henry Hudson White, by his first wife, Cordelia, dau. of Lemuel and Clarissa (Gridley) Howlett, of Hartford. Issue: 391. VI. — Charlotte Cordelia, b. Nov. 15, 1876; ni. Oct. 2, 1901, Lucius Barnes Barbour, son of Lucius Albert and Harriet Elizabeth (Barnes) Barbour. They have one child, Lucius Hilliard Barbour, b. April 5, 1903. 392. VII. — Elisha Earnest, b. March 26, 1881. 377 JESSE, b. Oct. 12, 1789, Mansfield; farmer; m. Clarissa ; b. Jan. 15. 1790; d. Aug-. 5, 1866; he d. Sept. 7, 1863. Issue: 393. I. — Clarissa C, b. July 14. 1813; m. Mr. Corbin, California. 394. II. — Marcia G., b. i\ug. 9, 1815; d. Sept. 6. 1874. 395. HI. — Francis M., b. Nov. 17, 1817; d. Aug. 10, 1865. 396. IV. — Julia Ann. b. Feb. 10, 1820; d. Nov. 30, 1851. 397. V. — JefTerson, b. March 28, 1822; farmer; d. Aug. i, 1893. 398. VI. — Henry, b. April 2. 1824; farmer; d. Nov. 15, 1889. 399. VII. — Franklin, b. July 24, 1826; merchant, Gurleyville, Conn. 363 DAN, b. April 4. 1748; m. Oct. 4, 1772, Submit Allen, dau. of Joseph; she d. March 5, 1810. Issue: 400. I. — Danae, b. July 12, 1773. 401. II. — Dan, b. Feb. 2, 1775. 402. HI. — Allen Horace, b. July 29, 1776; d. Oct. 21, 1808. 403. IV. — Levi, b. Aug. 4, 1778; d. Jan. 14, 1818. 404. V. — Maria Theresa, b. Nov. 21, 1780; d. June 20, 1817. 405. VI. — Polexena, b. Dec. 14, 1782. 406. VII. — Jacol)in, i). Jan. 5, 1785. 407. VIII. — Lurany (Lorraine), b. July 20, 1787. 332 EBENEZER, b. July 21. 1744; m. (1) July 20, 1768, Abigail Dinmiock, who d. Dec. 19, 1771; m. (2) Elizabeth . Issue: 408. I. — Abigail, b. May 6, 1769. 409. II. — Daniel. 1). April 7. 1771. 410. HI. — Elizabeth. I). July 24, 1773. 338 JONATHAN, b. April 6, 1758; m. Betty r.abcck, Revolu- tionary war; d. Jan. 4. 1840. Issue: 411. I. — l^elinda, m. Nov. 11, 1822, Nathaniel Brown. 412. II. — Clarissa, ni. Kufus l-'entiHi. Issue: Two sons and two daughlcrs. 413. III. — E]ihraini, ni. C'xiUhia Ri])ley. 34 ' JOHN DUNHAM. Had son Stillman, Litchfield, Ct. ; b. 1819; d. Mansfield, Jan., 1889. 414. IV. — Ralph, m. Melinda Hyde; d. Nov. 5, 1848. 415. V. — Eber, m. Susan Nott. 416. VI. — Laura Clark, m. x\sher Gurley ; went from Mansfield to Ohio. 414 RALPH, b. Mansfield; m. at Lebanon, Conn, Melinda Hyde; d. Feb. 27, 1855, Rockville, Conn. ; d. Nov. 5. 1847, Mansfield, Conn. Issue: 417. I. — Sarah Maria, bap. April 28, 181 1; m. John Milton Hyde. 418. II. — Francis Sylvester, b. Nov., 1812; bap. April 11, 1813; m. Anna J. Handy, of Washington, D. C. 419. HI. — Jonathan Lyman, b. Nov. 15, 1814; bap. April 16, 1815; m. June 9, 1844, Abigail Hunt, dau. Elijah Eldridge, Willington ; removed to Gurley, Colo., where he d. Feb. 23, 1886. 420. IV. — CorneHa Matilda, b. Nov., 1816; bap. May, 1817; m. Lucius B. Loomis, son of Zenas, 1857. Coventry, Conn.; she d. Feb., 1889. 421. V. — Henrietta, b. Nov. 18, 1818, Coventry; bap. Jan. 10, 1819; m. Zenas Loomis; d. July, 1853. Had Nersa Lilly, b. March 15, 1845; "1- Chas. W. Lee. 422. VI. — Edward Hyde, b. Dec, 1820; bap. May 13, 1821 ; m. Elizabeth Hall, 1857, Middletown. Had Lillian Lenette, Leonora; he d. 1883. 423. VII. — ^Olive Hyde, b. May 31, 1823; bap. July 20, 1832; m. Francis L. Barrows. 424. VIII. — Mary Ann, b. Feb., 1829; bap. July 12, 1829, Coventry; d. 1871, Rockville, Conn. 425. IX. — ^Josiah Clark, bap July 3, 1825; b. March, Dec, 1825. 426. X. — Ralph Clark, bap. May 27, 1827; b. Sept., 1826; m. Charlotte Rumrill ; he d. in New Britain, Conn., Feb. 13, 1896. 362 JOSEPH, b. March 2, 1745; m. Jan. 20, 1770, Abigail Jon- nings. Issue: 427. I. — Abigail, b. Aug. 5, 1770. 428. II. — Calvin, b. Jan. 20, 1772, Carver; m. 1803, Hannah Harlow. 429. HI. — Josephus, b. Oct. 20, 1773. 430. I\'. — Delight, b. Aug. 20, 1775. 418 FRANCIS S., bap. April 11, 1813 ; m. Anna J. Handy, of Wash- ington, D. C. ; principal of Young Ladies' Seminary, Berlin, Md. ; d. about i860. Issue: 431. I. — Francis Hyde, clergyman, Nebraska, d. about 1894. 432. II. — Samuel, Chicago. 433. HI. — Ralph. 434. IV. — Mary. 419 JONATHAN L., b. Nov. 15, 1814; bap. April 16, 1815; m.' June 9, 1844, Abigail Hunt, dau. of Elijah Eldridge; b. Feb., 1817, Willington, Conn.; she living with son, Grecely, Colorado, in 1907; he d. Feb. 25, 1886. Issue, Mansfield, Conn. : 435. I. — Edwin Lyman, b. April 3, 1845; "1- Annie Scott, of Urbana, O., March, 1872. 436. II. — Sylvester Clark, b. April 24, 1846; m. Oct. 18, 1777, Mary Austin, of Bristol, Ct., president of Travelers" Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. JOHN DUNHAM. 35 BARNES. 423 OLIVE H., b. May 31, 1823; bap. July 20, 1823; m. May 6, 1844, Francis L. Barrows; b. Mansfield, Aug. 14, 1818; d. Nov. 3, 1895, S. Glastonbury, Conn. Issue : 437. I. — Frances Barrows, b. March 23, 1845 j "1- Dr. Christopher Seymour, Northampton, Mass. 436 SYLVESTER €., b. April 24, 1846; m. Oct. 18, 1777, Mary Austin, of Bristol, Conn. When he was eleven years of age his family moved to Portage County, Ohio. He studied at the district school and local academy, but after a year's attendance at Mount Union College, Ohio, circumstances prevented him from continuing his course. He returned to Connecticut, in 1865 ; engaged two years in teaching and afterwards studied law in the oflfice of Hon. Chas. E. Mitchell, of New Britain; was meantime clerk of the police court and editor of the New Britain Record; was admitted to the Hartford County bar, in 1871 ; a year later entered the office of Hon. Henry C. Robinson, of Flartford, and practiced law until 1883. After being admitted to the bar, Mr. Dunham continued with Mr. Robinson for twelve years, until his elec- tion as city attorney of Hartford. He held this office two years. At the end of his term he accepted the position of secretary of the Corbin companies of New Britain. Two years later he resigned to become general counsel for the Travelers" Insurance Co., and was elected a director in January, 1897. His able administration of the duties of counsel and his thorough acquaintance with the financial interests of the company made him the logical candidate for the vice-presidency, in January, 1899, and foreshadowed his election to the presidency, October 14, 1901. He is a director in the Connecticut Fire Insurance Co., the National Exchange Bank of which he is also vice-president, the State Savings Bank, the National Shoe and Leather Bank of New York City, the Society for Savings and the American Hardware Company. He is president of the National Board of Casualty Underwriters and Governor of the Connecticut Society of Mayflower descendants. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and of the order of Founders and Patriots. Issue: 438. I. — Donald Austin, h. March 22, 1881 ; graduated, Yale College, class 1903, Phi Gamma Delta; liability depart- ment of Travelers' Insurance Co., ilartlt)rd, C\)nn. ; underwriter, hav- ing charge of Western territory. 435 EDWIN L., 1). April 3. 1845. Mansfield, Conn.: ni. March 8, 1871, Annie Scott, of Urbana, O. ; b. March 5. 1850, Steubenville. O., Greely, Col.; live, Greely, 'Col. Issue: 43(). 1. — Charles Scott, b. Greely, Col., Dec. 29, 1871 ; dentist, St. Louis. Mn. LC, JECTIONS' 36 JOHN DUNHAM. HYDE. 417 SARAH M., b. Feb. 24, 181 1 ; m. at Mansfield, Ct., May, 1833, John M. Hyde; b. 1809; d. July, 1850, Franklin, Ct. ; she d. July. 1845. Issue, Franklin, Ct. : 440. I. — John Milton Hyde, b. March 25, 1834; m. (i) Sarah Bolton; m. (2) Mary E. Snook. 441. H. — Henry Francis, b. July, 1836; m. Margaret Jones. 442. HI. — William Lathrop, b. Aug., 1838; m. Bessie , New Bedford, Mass. 443. IV. — Sarah Melinda, b. Nov. 30, 1840; m. George Russell Warner. 444. V. — Maria Louisa, b. March, 1843; d. Franl^lin, Ct., March, 1869. ' 440 JOHN M. HYDE.'b. March 25, 1834; m. (i) i860, Sarah Bolton, of Wallingford, Conn.; m. {2) Jan., 1884, Mary E. Snook, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Issue: 445. I. — Frank Hyde, d. young. 446. II. — Edward Bolton, b. July 9, ]^0^\ ni. Oct., 1890, Mary Beardsley, of Monroe, BOOK nJ^f^ I Conn. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. - :, ^^^ HENRY F. HYDE, b. July, 1836; m. 1870, in Brooklyn, Mar- garet Jones. Issue : 447. I. — Arthux Henry Hyde, b. Brooklyn, 1871 ; d. Paris, 1881. 448. II. — May Avis, b. Brooklyn, Dec. 8, 1874; m. Sept. 24, 1898, Thomas J. Powers, Peekskill, N. Y. Had Thomas J. Powers, b. Aug. 31, 1899. 449. HI. — Florence Anna, b. Brooklyn, Feb. 21, 1877. 450. IV. — Halford. Francis, b. Brooklyn, 1879. 45 1- ^'- — ^^^^- guerite Ce,cile, b. Paris, 1883.^452. VI. — Ethel Viola, b. Brookly'n, 1885, Peekskill, N. Y. WARNER. 443 SARAH M. HYDE, b. Nov. 30, 1840; m. Ellington, Conn., Aug. 2y, 1859, the Rev. George Russell Warner; b. March 22, 1838, Ellington, Hartford, Conn.; he d. 1904. Issue: 453. I. — Frederick Loomis Warner, b. Ellington, Sept. 15. i860; d. Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 21, 1894. 454- II- — Georgiana, b. Ellington, June 20, 1862; m. Edmond Curtis W^ood. 455. HI. — Nellie Maria, b. Ellington, Sept. 19, 1865; d. Hartford, Dec. 7, 1897. 456. IV. — Henrietta, b. March 19, 1868; d. Oct. 3, 1869. 457. V. — Julia Etta, b. Nov. 5, 1870; d. Collins- ville, Oct. 23, 1873. 458- VI. — George Russell, b. CoUinsville, July 6, 1872; m. in Greely, Col., July 6, 1899, Nettie Durkee, Grand Junciion, Col. 459. VII. — Minnie Cornelia. 1). CoUinsville, Sept. 2, 1874, Hart- ford, Conn. 460. VIII. — William Hyde, b. Jan. 30, 1878, Bridgeport: New Haven, Conn. WOOD. 454 GEORGIANA WARNER, b. June 20, 1862 ; m. in Danielson, Conn., June 19. 1886. Edmond Wood; b. Stratford, Conn., June 13, 1862. Issue: 461. I. — Florence Helen Wood, b. April 28, 1887. 462. ^^ <. r- ^' ' JOHN DUNHAM. 3/ II. — George Edmoiul Curtis, h. (Jet. lo, 1889. 463. III. — Katherine Warner, b. March 18, 1891. 464. IV. — Edmond Sturgis, b. Feb. 27, 1893; d. March 5, 1894. 465. V. — Dorothy Anna, b. May 2, 1894. SEYMOUR. ^^'^ . 437 FRANCES A. BARROWS, b. March 2^, 1845; m. Christopher Seymour; b. Ridgefield, Conn, June 22, 1843; M. D., Northampton, Mass. Issue, Northampton, Mass. : 466. I. — Frances Barrows Sey- mour, b. April 22, 1874. 467. II. — Mary Hyde, b. July 4, 1875. loi WILLIAM, b. March 20, 1793; m. Aug. 26, 1815, Esther Himes ; b. Dec. 5, 1790. He was a clergyman in M. E. Church. Issue : 468. I. — Jedediah G., m. and had: Frank and Polly. He was b. July 8, 1816. 469. II. — John E., b. Aug. 15, 1818; m. July 4, 1844, Susan Carpenter Hubbard; b. July 10, 1813. He d. at Scriba, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1892, and she at Oswego, N. Y., March 18, 1900. 470. HI. — Alanson H., b. May 5, 1822; d. Nov. 7, 1853; no issue. 471. IV. — Wm. E. Richardson, b. Sept. 25, 1823, and d. Jan. 5, 1890. 472. V. — Infant, b. Feb. 26, 1826; d. March 6, 1826. 473. VI. — Lorcn S., b. Sept. 10, 1827. He had Edward and Etta; d. Jan. 5, 1850. 474. VII. — Mary Esther, b. Feb. 25, 1832 ; m. Rev. Geo. Danforth. 469 CHILDREN OF JOHN E. AND SUSAN C. (HUBBARD) DUNHAM: 475. I.— Eber Hubbard, b. Jan. 11, 1846, at Oswego, N. Y. ; m.July 4, 1879. 476. II. — Margaret Sampson, Montreal, Quebec Province. 477. II. — William Earl, b. June 13, 1853; unmarried, Montreal. 478. HI. — Walter Jerome, b. Nov. 8, 1856; unmarried, Buffalo, N. Y. 479. IV. — Frances Isabella ; d. young. 475 CHILDREN OF EBER HUBBARD AND MARGARET J. (HUBBARD) DUNHAM: 480. i.— Mabel, b. April 27, 1880; m. George C. Fairchild, Jan. 28, 1902, and had son, John, b. Oct. 9, 1904. 481. II. — Hazael. 482. HI. — Earl. 483. IV. — Alanson Carpenter. 96 DANIEL, b. 1762; m. Margaret Quitterfield, dan. of Abner, at Plainfield, Mass.; in the Revolution; he enlisted at Plainfield, Mass. One of the sisters of Margaret m. Charles Neilson, another Broughton. Issue: 484. I. — Solomon, m. Jane, dau. of Charles High and Chris- tiana Harris. 485. II. — Samuel, m. Dibble. 486. III. — Daniel, m. Bentley. 487. IV. — Giles, m. Betsey Chase. 488. V. — Betsey, m. Quitterfield; d. in 1857. 489. VI. — Lydia, m. (i) Tibi)itts ; (2) IVentley. Flad three children. 490. VII. — Margaret, d. young. 486 CHILDREN OF DANIEL AND (BENTLEY) DUNHAM: 491. I. — Mary, m. Nash. 493. II. — Margaret, ni. Jacob Miller. 485 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL AND (DIBBLE) DUNHAM: 38 JOHN DUNHAM. 494. I. — Charles, m. . 495. II. — William Henry, m. . 496. III. — Sarah Margaret, m. Jacob Miller. 497. IV. — Phebe Ann, m. Ozni Bond. 498. V. — Mary Jane. 499. VI. — Charles Chandler, m. and had children ; d. Ft. Edward. 497 CHILDREN OF PHEBE ANN AND OZNI BOND: 500. I. — Charles Henry Bond, b. Dec. 6, 1846; m. Julia Ely Phelps and had 501. Montcalm Dunham Bond and 502. Charles Phelps Bond. 503. II. — Sarah, m. Rogers. 484 CHILDREN OF SOLOMON AND JANE HIGH DUN- HAM : 504. I. — Francis Solomon, Protestant Episcopal Church, at Albion, N. Y., rector. 66 SAMUEL DUNHAM. The Pension Records, Washington, D. C, show that "Samuel Dunham enlisted in Rev. at Middleboro, Mass.; b. 1733; application, Sept. 18, 1800, Scriba, N. Y., age 67; m. Mary Earl, Lansingburgh, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1781 ; d. Nov. 25, 1839; Saratoga county probate office. 342 NATHANIEL DUNHAM, b. Jan. 6, 1766; m. Eunice Dim- mock. Children: 505. I. — Austin, b. 1807; m. Martha Root; he d. March 12, 1877. 506. II. — Henry, m. Grant. Flad Maria, d. 1907; Sarah, m. Grant. 507. HI. — Alpheus, unmarried. 508. IV. — Oliver Dimmock, m. Lucy Manning; he d. 1867. Had Samuel D., d. 1867. 509. V. — Mary, m. P. D. Crosby. 509a. VI. — Lucius. 509b. VII. — Samuel. 505 AUSTIN DUNHAM, m. Martha Root. He was one of the pioneers in establishing large and successful industries in different localities in Connecticut. He was prominently identified with the lead- ing banks and insurance companies of his native state. He died in the year 1877. leaving behind him as a heritage to his sons a name that is gratefully spoken by thousands, and that stands at t'he head of a long list of Connecticut's pioneer philanthropic manufacturers. Children : 510. I. — Martha S. 511. II. — Mary Elizabeth. 512. III. — Austin Cornelius, b. June 10, 1834; m. Lucy Root. 513. IV. — Sarah R. 514. v.— George Elliott, d. 1859. 515. VI.— Mary. 516. VIL— Charles Stewart, d. 1874. 517. VIII. — Edward, b. June 14, 1845; d. Dec. 24, 1906. 518. IX. — Samuel Gurley, b. Dec. 10, 1849; "i- Alice Collins; b. 1852. 512 AUSTIN CORNELIUS DUNHAM, m. Lucy Root. He was graduated from Yale University in 1854; president of the Hartford, JOHN DUNHAM. 39 Conn., Electric Light Co.; a director in a nunihcr of insurance com- panies and l)anks in Connecticut. Children: 519. I. — George Austin, d. 1875. 520. 11. — Laura l>aldwin, m. 1888, D. Xewton Barney. 518 SAMUEL GURLEY DUNHAM, m. Alice Collins'. He is president of the Dunham Hosiery Co. ; vice-president of the Hartford, Conn., Electric Light Co., and a director in the ^Etna Life Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn., and also of other insurance and banking in- stitutions in 'his native state. Children: 521. 1. — Ethel C, b. March 12, 1883. 522. II.— Alice Elizabeth, b. Nov., 1885. 5^3- HI.— Sarah Root. 'b. Oct. 25. 1886. 524. IV. — Frances Collins, b. Aug. 21, 1891. 525. \\ — x^ustin, b. Feb. zj, 1893. 526. \\. — Beatrice L., b. Feb. 14, 1895. 520 LAURA B. DUNHAM, m. D. Newton Barney. Children: 527. L— Mary D., b. 1890. 528. II.— Danforth N., b. 1892. 529. 111. — Jeanette R., b. 1894. 530. IV. — Austin C. b. 1896. 531. V. — Sarah B., b. 1898. 532. \\. — ^Son, b. 1906. THOMAS DUNHAM. THOMAS DUNHAM, son of Deacon John Dunham. HI.— Thomas Dunham, b. in Plymouth, Mass., 1626; m. Martha Knott, of Sandwich, dau. of George Knott, in 1646. She d. May 5, 1648. Her father in his will mentions Thomas Dunham as a legatee. Thomas's courtship with Martha was extensively criticised and he was subsequent- ly disciplined by the authorities. This appears to have been a source of discomfort to him, and he left the colony for a number of years, and during that time located in Hartford, Connecticut. Wiiile there, in 1658, he was awarded ten pounds for his services in the Indian war, by Plymouth. He returned to Plymouth and was present in 1669 at the death of his father. His sons had arrived at the age of maturity and were acting for themselves. Four years after his father's death he was made constable of Plymouth. It is not stated when or where he died. His cottage was sold to Benjamin Eaton, in 1677. This property may have included the six acres of land from his father, donated in 1647, and the land he bought of Anthony Snow in 1645. Many of his descendants adopted the name Donham. PLYMOUTH RECORDS. Bradford, Governor. XXV.— August, 1645. Memoranda. ANTHONY SNOW TO THOMAS DUNHAM. That Anthony Snow in consideration of £8 sterling and 1 8s. Anthony Snow to be paid by Thomas Dunham in indian corn at Plymouth &c. &c. all by November 1647, hath fully and freely bargained and sold the said Thomas Dunham his house and eight acres, upland enclosed at Plymouth more or less adjoining thereto with the said lands lying at the head thereof and all his rig'ht and title and interest and every part thereof or to his said Thomas Dunham his heirs, and assigns forever. CHILDREN OF THOMAS DONHAM. i.— Jonathan, b. in Ply- mouth, in 1646; m. in 1669, Mary Bloomfild, also b. in Plymouth, in 1653, and later a resident of Hartford. Jonathan's early life was spent in Hartford, where he formed the acquaintance wit'h Samuel Marsh, a son of John Marsh. The two removed to New Haven. Here they were induced to take advantage of the allurements offered by the New (40) THOMAS DUNHAM. 4 1 Jersey Colony to locate in Woodbridge, in 1670. 2. — Thomas, was b. about 1647-8, in Plymouth, Mass.; his early life was passed in Hart- ford and New Haven, Conn., where he pre])are(l liimself for the minis- try and m. his wife, Sarah Uunhani, in i()()8. .\flcr the close of King Phillip's war in which he had served the General Court at a session in October, 1677, at Hartford, granted him ten pounds as an inducement to locate in Rye, Westchester Co., and for his loss in the Indian war. He d. about 1688. His will was made at Bedford, May 2, 1688, and is recorded at White Plains, N. Y. After his death his wife, Sarah Dun- ham, in 1691, m. John Hendrickson. Nathaniel and Ephraim, sons of Nathaniel, nephew of Thomas, after removing from Woodbridge, located for a time with their cousins at Rye as stated in the records of their families. The General Court in October t68o ordered that the Thirty Pounds per annum agreed to be payd by Rye to the Minister, Mr. Dunham, shall be gathered by the Constable, with the Country Rates. October 1685 Thomas Dunham and Caleb Watson are ac- counted Freemen at Rye. Caleb Wat.son was born in Hart- ford and son of John Watson one of the earliest Settlers and the First Highway Surveyors of Hartford, Connecticut. CHILDREN OF THOMAS. 3. I.— Sarah Donham. b. about 1669; m. (i) James Palmer; (2) Conrad Winans, of Rahway, N. J., 1680; d. 1723. Issue: 4. I. — Sarah Palmer. 5. II. — Isaac P.. b. about 1670; m. Mary, wife of Jacob Pierce, in 1695; he d. in 1723. In his will leaves a special legacy to Sarah Palmer, dan. of his sister, Sarah. His house was sold in 1728. 6. III. — Rebeccah, b. about 1671 ; m. Isaac Hendrickson. 7. IV. — Hannah, b. about 1673; '"■ Samuel Clau- sen, in 1693, Stamford, 'Ct. 8. W — Josaiah, b. about t()8o. 9. \'I. — Nathaniel, b. 1684; m. and removed to New Jersey. I JONATHAN, son of Thomas Donham, was b. in Plymouth, 1646, resided for a time in Hartford and New Haven. Ik' was a farmer and acquired a knowledge of the milling business. New Jersey, in 1665, gave grants of land between Rahway and Raritan rivers to many of the settlers in Eastern New Engla'nd, as an inducement for them to settle in their colony. Among those who tt)ok advantage of the ofTer were the I )unhams, lUoomtields and ^larshes of Connecticut. Jona- than Donham received a grant for 210 acres of land on the Passaic river as a bonus for conducting a flour mill for the benefit of the ])eoi)le. This mill was built by him in 1672. He m. Mary Bloomfield of Hart- ford. 42 THOMAS DUNHAM. CHILDREN OF JONATHAN DONHAM. lo. T.— Eunice, b. 1667; d. 1684. II- II- — Jonathan, b. Sept. 24, 1672; m. Esther Rolph ; d. Sept. 6, 1706. 12. HI. — David, b. March 10, 1674; m. Mary. ; d. 1753. 13. IV.— Nathaniel, b. Feb. 8, 1677; d. May 14, 1678. 14. V. — Nathaniel, b. April 10, 1679; m. Joanna Thornell. 15. VI. — Ben- jamin, b. Aug. 22, 1681 ; m. Mary Rolph; d. Dec. 31, 1715. There are some writers, who, in speaking of the early settlers of New Jersey, state that the earliest of the Dunhams was Jonathan Dunham, a notorious vagabond, from Haverhill, Massachusetts, who had assumed this name, and finally designated himself "Jonathan Don- ham alias Singletary." He was a Singletary. As such a record of his family has been given. He coming into the Colony about the same time in which Jonathan Donham located there, has, to a certain extent, mystified the records. There is no public record showing when or where Jonathan Dun- ham alias Singletary died. The only information given is that he left a will and that it was the source of nmch annoyance and contention among the litigants. Jonathan Singletary, with Robert La- priere was arrested on the seventh of September, 1677, by John Ogden, sheriff of Achter Colony for removing goods from Governor Phillip Carteret's house and was condemned for the act. On the 1 6th of July preceding he had been ordered by the Council of War for Achter Colony to pay five pounds costs and punished as a mad-man. This Council consisted of Captain Benajah Dunham, Piscattaway, John Pike, Woodbridge, etc. At this time Jonathan Don- ham, who, in 1670, was granted 270 acres of land to erect a flour mill, must have been well known as a miller. Singletary then left Wood- bridge, and in 1683, appears in Plymouth as appears by the records of that colony, where he assumed the name of Jonathan Dunham as fol- lows : Whereas, "Jonathan Dunham, alias Shingletary" absented him- self from his wife and family, though advised and warned for some considerable time by the authorities hath been wandering from place to place as a vagabond in the colony, also disseminating his corrupt prin- ciples and drawing another man's wife, she following up and down against her husband's consent ; and he at last accompanying a young woman, called Mary Ross, led by enthusiastic power, he says, hee must doe what she bade him, and accordingly, did both of them on her motion, at the house of John Irish at Little Compton killed his dogg, against the declared will of the said John Irish, and although he did put them out of his house, they would go in againe, and according to THOMAS DUNHAM. 43 their antics and foolish power, made a fier and threw the dogg upon it and shot off a gun several times, and burnt some other things several times in the house, to the hazard of burning his house and young chil- dren, keeping the doors and not opening them to the said John Irish when he came with some of his neighbors to rescue the same to the dis- turbance of the Colony. Having been driven from Plymouth, he re- turns to Woodbridge under his assumed name. He here accumulated a little property during the following six years for as shown by the record in the office of the Surveyor General, he had accjuired and deeded to his Mary Ross, as follows : Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Vol. V, Book D. D. JONATHAN DUNHAM TO MARY ROSS. Woodbridge in East Jersey, Decem- ber the Second Anno Domini one thousand Six hundred Eighty and Nyn. Know all men by these presents that I Jonathan Dunham of the Province, Town and Corporation above said with the Consent of Mary my wife. In consideration of a certain sum of Current Silver Money of Boston in New England the tenth day of August last past in Boston by us then and there Received and more Money Goods and Merchandise the Second day of November Last past here to us in hand and secured The Receipt whereof I doe hereby Acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied with and for other good and just Causes me there- unto moving have Given Granted and Sold unto Mary Ross formerly of Boston in New England, the daughter of John and Mary Ross formerly of Boston aforesaid, the which said Mary Ross now in this place Residing I the said Jonathan Dunham hath from me my heirs, executors and Assigns for Ever Alienated and to her said Mary Ross Granted bargained and Sold enfossed and confirmed and delivered unto her possessione my late dwelling house in Woodbridge with all that part of my house lot on the South side of the highway where the said House is now standing with a frame for a dwelling house foure and twenty foot Square in Length bredth and height under the Top of the Roof and a frame for a Merchants Shop twelve foot square in Length bredth and height under the Top of the Roof to the frame of the said house At the North East Corner Adjoining Both which are to be set on the said land as Near the Creek River or Water side as may be without Annoyance of floods and accomplished with all convenient speed the said Dimham being not to build any other frame for any other persone till this aforesaid he done on the said lantl which con- tained about six acres more or less of Upland Low ground, pasture and marsh with all fencings Edifices and Buildings Gardens Enclosures 44 THOMAS DUNHAM. Apple trees and other trees Timber Wood Water stones Oar Mines and Minerals (the fifth part of Gold and Silver only excepted) with all outlets inlets and passages by land or water with all Improvements thereon made and all appurtenances and priviledges thereonto belong- ing And also my Freehold in this Town and Corporation of Wood- bridge all aforesaid Privilledges premised from hence forth to be and Remaine in and unto the peaceable possession Improvement and sole disposal of the said Mary Ross her husband, her heirs, Executors Ad- ministrators and Assigns for ever as she shall see cause to order and dispose the same free from any former bargains sale mortgage or Intaignelement what soever without Sett disturbances or MoUestation by me the said Jonathan Dunham or JNIary my wife or any of our heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes or any other persone whatso- ever Laying Claims from by or under us or our heirs or by any of ours or their means approbation Sufferance or procurement and to their Warranty making good this sale and performance of ye premises herein contained. Wee the said Jonathan and Mary Dunham doe buid ourselves our heirs Executors and Assigns as witnes our hands here annexed and scales affixed Jonathan Dunham Mary Dunham signed sealed and delivered in the presence of James Seatoun & Ja Emmott. II JONATHAN DO'NHAM, son of Jonathan, 1646, was b. Sept. 24, 1672; m. Feb. 15, 1696, by S. Hall, Esther Rolph, b. 1676. She, after the death of Jonathan, m. Ezekiel Bloomfield, Dec. 23, 1706. He was a son of Ezeikiel Bloomfield and Hope Fitz Randolph. Jona- than Donham made his will July 8, 1706, in which he gives half of his estate to Esther, his wife. He mentions in book A. A. A., Trenton, N. J. Records his father Jonathan and brothers, David and Benjamin. Jonathan d. Sept. 8, 1706. Issue: 16. i. — Eunice, b. 1698; d. young. 17. II. — Eunice, b. Oct. 9, 1699; m. Joseph Bloomfield, March 31, 1695. 18. III. — Samuel, b. Dec. 4, 1697; unmarried; he d. Sept. 6, 1726, and will, Book A. R., page 368, Trenton Records, to Joseph Bloomfield and James Wilkinson. Will prob May 3, 1727. 19. IV. — Mary, b. March 3, 1704; m. Jan. 16, 1726, James Wilkinson. BLOOMFIELD. Ezekiel Bloomfield, b. in Connecticut, in 1660; m. Hope Fitz Randolph, in 1680; she was born in Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 2, 1 661. They came with the early settlers from New England and located at Woodbridge, N. J. He d., 1702. Issue: I. — Timothy, b. Feb. 2, 1681 ; m. Rose. II. — Ezekiel, b. in 1683; m. Dec. 2^^, 1706, by THOMAS DUNHAM. 45 Justice Rolph, Esther (Rolph) Dunham, widow of Jonathan Dunham. III.— Rebecca, b. 1686; d. 1688. IV.— Nathaniel, b. [689; died young. V. — Jeremiah, b. 1693; m. in 1712, Catharine Wee'der. b. May 12, uSrx). Had: Miles Snyder. 531. X.— Leonard, b. April 9, 1870; m. at I'etersburgh, i\uth Hakes. 522 CHARLES M.\Kri.\, of David P., 1827: b. Xov. 12. 1850; in. Sept. 23, 1877, at Petersburgh; Josephine Burwith, 1). Sept. 21,. 1858. 66 THOMAS DUNHAM. Issue: 532. I. — Andrew, b. May i, 1882. 53;-,. II. — Pansy, b. Aug. 10, 1884. 525 SUSANNAH M. (KING), b. Oct. zy, i8:]S : i^-'- at Grafton, June 11, 1877; Peter King, b. April 12. 1849. Issue: 534. [. — Rufus King, b. Nov. 4, 1877. 535. II.— Lucy, b. Oct. 31, 1878. 536. III.— Oliver, b. Sept. 5, 1882; d. April 5, 1899. 511 FENNER MARTIN, of Jemimah Dunliam, 1798; b. May 14, 1831 ; m. Elizabeth Clark; b. Aug. 12, 1835. Issue: 537. I. — Libbie, b. Aug. I, 1869; unmarried. 538. II. — Nathaniel, b. Aug. 20, 1864; un- married. 539. III. — Alexander, b. Oct. i, 1865; m. Dec. 1898, Annie Rawlins. 540. IV. — Clark, b. Nov. 11, 1866; n . Dec. 20, 1893, Jesse Hayner. 541 V. — Jennie, b. June 17, 1869; m. Aug. 30, 1890, at Graf- ton, Sheridan Goyer. 540 CLARK MARTIN, of Fenner Martin, b. Nov. 11, 1866; m. Dec. 20, 1893, Jesse Hayner. Issue : 542. I. — Nettie Martin, b. Sept. 22, 1894. 543. 11. — Edith, b. May i, 1897. 512. Nathaniel Martin, of Jemimah Dunham, 1798; b. March 3, 1829; m. Lanay Ann Campbell. 512 NATHANIEL MARTIN. Issue: 544. L— Mary, m. Will- iam Smith; meat market at Troy. Had: Arthur H. 545. II. — Hattie. 546. III. — Lela. 547. IV. — Fenner. 548. V. — I^aniel. COONRADT. 513 ELIZABETH MARTIN, b. 1833, of Jemimah Dunham, 1798; m. George Coonradt. Issue: 549. I. — Eliza Coonradt, b. Dec. 29, 1867. 550. II. — Fanny, b. June 19, 1870. 551. III. — Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1874. 552. IV. — Emma, b. Oct. 12, 1866. 553. V. — George, b. July 4, 1872. 554. VI. — Hannah, m. Joseph Armitage. Had: Joseph Ar- mitage. 555. VII. — Daniel, m. Agnes Campbell, 270 Saratoga St. 556. Cohoes. Had: Daniel. BRUENSTUHL. 517 SIDNEY BRUENSTUHL, of Mariah Flanders, m. Libbie Sampson. Issue: 357. I. — Nellie, m. Calvin Brown. 558. II. — Melvin S., Custom Inspector N. Y. Central & Fludson River Railroad Com- pany. 559. HI. — ^Otis. "519 ARDELLA BRUENSTUHL, of Mariah Flanders, b. June 11, 1838; m. Delos Folts. Issue: 560. I. — Robert Folts, b. Dec. 15, 1862; m. Libbie Baker. 561. II. — Delos. McDonald. 521 ROSETTA FLANDERS, of Mariah Bruenstuhl, m. 1847, Malcolm MacDonald. She d. May 16, 1898. Issue: 562. L— William, b. May 10, 1873. 563. II. — Sadie, m. Irwin Albertson, Mosherville, THOMAS DUNHAM. 67 Saratoga Co., N. Y. 564. III.— Agnes, m. Howard Braniar. 565. IV. —Malcolm, b. Dec. 18, 1880. 566. V.— Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1883. 567. VI.— Warren, b. Aug. 30, 1887. 568. VII.— Emma, b. 1891. 350 RUFUS A., son of David, 1799; b. Nov. 9, 1839; m. Abbie Os- born, Hoosick Falls. Issue: 569. I. — Emma. b. Nov. r, 1878. 404 JONATHAN, of William L. B., 1802 ; b. June 19, 1837; m. July 4, 1861, at Pittstown, N. Y. ; Rebecca Hall, b. Sept. 16, 1834; d. May 26, 1873; 2d, Feb. 3, 1875; Sarah L. Wing, b. Oct. 31, 1849; ^- Feb. 3, 1886; 3d, June 13, 1900, Alargaret M. Barnes; b. Dec. 15, 1844; resi- dence Pittstown, N. Y. Issue: ist wife: 570. I. — Sherman, b. May 18, 1869; m. Sept. 13, 1893, Elsie Whitley, of Pittstown, N. Y. ; resi- dence, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. 571. II. — Rebecca, b. April 28, 1873; un- married. 407 EMILY, of William L. B., 1802; b. ^larch 23, 1843; '"• I^ec. I, 1861, at Grafton, N. Y. ; Ira Brock, b. Aug. 13, 1829; residence, Maringo, 111. Issue: 572. I. — Emma F. b. April 15th, 1866; un- married. 573. II. — Charles W., b. Nov. 9th, 1867; m. Oct. 3d, 1894. Ida Morris, b. Aug. 26, 1878. Had: 573. Cecil W., 1). Aug. 7, 1896; 575. Gladys K., b. Sept. 13, 1898. 408 HARRIET, of William L. B.. 1802 : b. ^larch 23, 1843 ; m- Feb. 20, 1872, at Grafton, N. Y. ; Jeremiah S. Hakes, b. March 28, 1831 ; resi- dence, Grafton, N. Y. Issue: 576. I. — Thaddeous J., b. July 12, 1875; m. at Cirafton, N. Y., August 15th, 1899. 577. Fannie Matte- son, b. ]\Iarch 22, 1879. Had: Thelma A., b. Aug. 3. 1900; resi- dence, Grafton, N. Y. 578. II. — Burr, b. Sept. 22, 1879; m. March 30, 1899; Aggie Dunham, b. Oct. 31, 1879; residence, N. Y. City. 410 DAMD, of William L. B., 1802; b. May 28. 1854; m. Aug. 10, ^'^72i\ Jerusha Simmons, b. Nov. i6th, 1849; residence, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Issue: 579. I.— Brennett, b. Feb. 9, 1878; d. Oct. 16, 1898. 580. II. — Lula, b. Dec. 25, 1881 ; unmarried. 581. HI. — Ina, b. Oct. 12, 1887. 582. IV. — Forest, b. Aug. 16, 1890. 411 ALVA, of William L. B., 1802; b. Feb. 8, 1862; m. March 20, 1884. 583. Cyntha Baldwin, b. Jan. 2, i860. Had: Leslie A., b. April 4, 1888. 584. :\Iillard S., b. Aug. 28, 1897; residence. Hoosick Falls. 388 AMOS SWEET, of Lucy, 1791, b. Jan. 9, 1813 :m. Jan. 2-/, 1833 ; Roxanna Farrand, of Jas])er'. Steuben Co.. N. Y. ; b. June 17, 1809; she d. Sept. 18, 1884; residence, Grafton. .\. ^^ Issue: 585. I. — Lucy. b. April 14, 1834; d. Sept. 25, 1837. 586. II.— Amanda, b. Dec. 13. 1835; d. Sept. 25, 1837. 587. IIF— Lauraitt. b. Aug. n. 1838; d. Dec. 19, 1840. 588. IW— Susannah, b. Oct. 1 1_. 1840; m. .March 26, 1859, Joel 68 THOMAS DUNHAM. T. Howard, of Grafton, N. Y. 589. V. — Amos, Jr., b. Oct. 21, 1843; '^• May 7, 1864. 590. \l. — Otis, b. Oct. 7, 1845; f^- J^^ly 29, 1863. 591. VII. — Rnfus. b. Aug. 27, 1850; d. Sept. 6, 1867. 588 SUSANNAH, of Amos, 1813, b. Oct. 11, 1840; m. March 26, 1859, Joel T. Howard, of Grafton, N. Y. ; b. Dec. 12, 1834; she d. May 11, 1866; he July 27, 1869; residence, Grafton, N. Y. Issue: 592. I. — Wesley O., b. Sept. 11, 1863; m. Oct. 1, 1884, Carrie Melius, of Graf- ton, N. Y. ; b. March 18, 1870. 593. Had: Roxanna, b. March 21, 1886. 594. Rhoda, b. Jan. i, 1894; residence, Greenbush, N. Y. 595. II. — Eldorado, b. Jan. 22, 1865 ; unmarried. 397 LUCY, of Lucy, 1791, b. Dec. 13, 1823; ni. Nov. 22, 1840; Or- lando Farrand, b. Nov. 17, 1813; she d. Jan., 1899; he Sept., 1885; resi- dence, Boardman, Wis. Issue : 596. I. — Lucy O. (Orvilla), b. in 1841 ; m. Nov. 15, 1856, Romanzo S. Luce. 597. II. — Amos, b. in 1844; un- married. 598. III. — Alonzo, b. in 1847; "''• Mary Beard. Had: Ada L., b. Sept. 16, 1882; he d. May 12, 1882; residence, St. Paul, Minn. 599. IV. — Ensign, b. in 1850; m. Kate Carroll; b. April 15th, 1856. 600. V. — Roxanna, b. in 1853; d. in 1855. 601. VI. — William, b. in 1856; m. Oct. 7, 1878, Isabell Leverty. 602. VIL^Alice, b. in 1859; m. Joel Danforth; she d. in 1887. 603. VIII. — Helen, b. in 1862; d. in 1865. 604. IX. — Allen, b. in 1865 and d. in 1865. 605. X. — Hattie A., b. in 1868; ni. Samuel I'almer. 596 LUCY O. (ORVILLA), of Lucy, 1823; b. in 1841 ; m. Nov. 15, 1856, Romanzo S. Luce; residence, Boardman, Wis. Issue: 6q6. I. — Sarah A., b. May 22, 1858; d. July 15, 1858. 607. II. — Nellie R., b. Jan. 9, i860; unmarried. 608. III. — Nettie E.. b. April 3, 1862; d. Sept. 13, 1865. 609. IV. — George B., b. May 18, 1864; d. April 12, 1877. 610. V. — Meretta A., b. Feb. 13, 1867; d. June 25, 1875. 611. VI. — Webb R., b. Feb. 25, 1870; m. Jan. 17, 1894, Minnie B. Spence. Had: Josie E., b. Jan. 10, 1895. 612. VII. — Estella O., b. March 16. 1873; m. Dec. 12, 1894, John W. Dorgan. Had: Luther, b. Oct. 24, 1895; Grace, b. Aug. 27, 1899. 613. VIII.— Laura E., b. Oct. 28, 1876; d. April 9, 1877. 614. IX.— Maud E., b. March 26, 1878; m. Dec. 29, 1897, E. C. Krevinghaus. Had: Georgia D., b. Dec. i, 1898; Earnest H., b. Oct. 6, 1890. 615. X.— Linnie M., b. May 16, 1880; unmarried. 616. XL— Warren M., b. July 17, 1882. 617. 'XII.— Ronald S., b. June 14, 1884. 599 ENSIGN, b. 1850; m. Kate Carroll ; b. April 15, 1856; residence, St. Paul, Minn. Issue: 618. I.— Allie B., b. Oct. 12, 1874. 619. II.— Burdett D., b. Oct. 3, 1881 ; d. Jan. it, 1884. 620. HI.— Cadwell T., THOMAS DUNHAM. 69 b. Aug. 2j, 1883. 621. IV.— Ethel A., b. Aug. 23, 1885. 622. V.— Lottie M., b. Sept. 6. 1890; d. Oct. 18, 1891. 623. VI.— Carroll E., b. May 24, 1893. 624. \'II.— Cladys C, b. June 13. 1895. 625. VIII.— Lloyd D., b. May 13, 1898. 601 WILLIAM, b. 1856; m. Oct. 7, 1878, Isabel Leverty ; residence, Boardman. Wis. Issue: 626. I. — X'ivian E., b. March 30. 1880; d. June 21, 1890. 627. II. — Noel E., b. l*\d). 16, 1883; d. Sept. 4, 1890. 628. III.— Guy W., b. Xov. 4. 1885; d. Aug. 28, 1890. 629. I\'.— Hazel B., b. Feb. 26. 1887. 630. \'.— Arthur P.., b. May 2j. 1889. 631. W.— Alice M., b. Oct. i, 1894. 632. ML— Archabald O., b. Nov. 7, 1896. 605 HATTIE FARRANI). 1). 1868; m. Samuel Palmer; residence. New Richmond, Ind. Issue: 633. I. — Harry A., b. Dec. 5, 1890. 634. II.— Mabel L., b. July 22, 1892. 635. HI.— William E.. b. .Vug. 21, 1894. 636. W . — Katie B., b. Aug. 1st, 1896. 637. A'. — Lawrence L., b. Sept. 30, 1898. 389 STEPHEN V. R. SWEET, of Lucy, 1791 ; b. ( )ct. 2^. 1831 ; m. Ada Wager, of Grafton, N. Y. ; b. 1834 ; d. Sept. 6, 1893. Issue : 638. I. — Amos E., b. June 21, 1859; m. Jan. i, 1880, Martha Coonradt, of Graf- ton, N. Y. ; b. Dec. 2y, i860. Had : 639. I.— Herbert, b. Sept. 21, 1885 ; residence, Grafton, N. Y. 640. II. — Stephen V. R., m. Ada Wager; resi- dence, Troy, N. Y. 641. HI. — Lucy, b. Aug. 8, 1855; m. James X'ars, of Grafton, N. Y. ; she d. Nov. 5, 1879. 642. IV. — Clarisy, m. 1874, Henry Roberts, of Grafton, N. Y. 643. V. — Emeline, 1). 1866; m. Henry Westfall. Had: John, b. 1889. 644. \'I. — Ella, m. Jerome Bur- 'dick; residence, Florida, Mass. 645. \'II. — Judia, m. Clark Durkee. of Grafton, N. Y. ; she d. Jan. 11, 1894. 646. \'I1I. — Roxanna, m. Hiram Rowland, of Grafton, N. Y. 642 CLiVRISY, of Amos E. 1859; "^- ^874, Henry Roberts, of Graf- ton, N. Y. Issue: 647. I. — Jennie, b. Jan. 6. 1875; m. Earl Taylor; residence, Monroe, Mass. 648. II. — Rose, b. Jul\- 5, 1879; ii^- Charlie Osgood; residence, Grafton, N. Y. 9 NATHANIEL (Thomas, 1647-8), b. 1684: m. and removed to New Jersey. Issue: 649. I. — David. 650. 11. — Jonathan. 651. 111. — Nathaniel, b. 1733; m. twice; (i) ; (2) Keziah Crosley. 652. \\. — William. 651 X.VTH.\XIEL. b. 1733; m. Jd, Keziah Crosley; 1st unknown. Issue: First marriage: 653. I. — Thomas. 654. II. — John, h. in New Jersey, April 7, 1767; m.. (i) Sarah Jennings; (2) Elizabeth (Betsey) Brown, sister of William P)ro\\ii, .M . C.. 1840. President Buchanan recommended him for Postmaster General, lie died before he con- 70 THOMAS DUNHAM. firmed. 655. III. — David. 656. IV. — Lewis, second marriage. 657. ^^u^l v.— Mary, m. Henry Lee. 658. VI.— Henry. 659. VII.— Abel( m.^' ' Ferguson. 660. VIII. — Robert. 661. IX. — William, m. Sarah Arthur. 662. X. — Jonathan Singleton, b. Feb. 16, 1786; m. (i) Hila Ross; (2) Elizabeth Ayres ; lived. New Richmond, Clermont Co., Ohio. 662 JONATHAN SINGLETON, b. Feb. 16, 1786; m. (i) Hila Ross; (2) Elizabeth Ayres. He d. Sept. 21, 1856. Real estate owner, fruit grower, and stock raiser. Issue: 663. I. — Hila Ann, b. Aug. 28, 1819; m. Thomas Kennedy. 664. II. — Emeline, b. Feb. 22, 1821 ; m. Thomas Nichols. 665. HI. — Perry Jackson, b. 1822; May 25, m. Ma- tilda MacClain; 2d, Melissa Dudley; 3d, Sallie (Preble) Smith. He d. Jan. 15, 1903. Noted lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio; senior partner of Donham and Forraker ; junior partner ; United States Senator. 666. IV. — Florella Jane, b. April 20, 1824; m. John Simmons. 667. V. — Harrison Lafayette, b. May 26, 1825; physician; m. Elizabeth Watkins. 668. VI. — Eliza, b. 1827; Benjamin Ely. 669. VII. — Sarah E., b. Nov. II, 1828; d. Dec. 20, 1846. 670. VIII. — Elizabeth Caroline, b. 1830; m. Hezakiah Lindsay. 671. IX. — Nancy Mariah, b. Sept. 13, 1836; d. March i, 1841. 672. X. — Robert Warren, b. Oct. i, 1840; m. Helena Elizabeth South. 673. XI. — Lucien Ross, b. May 14, 1834; d. Sept. 9, 1857. 674. XII. — Harriet Louisa, b. 1834; m. Rev. Keck. 675. XIII. Erasmus Jonathan, b. 1831, Helen Mar Lindsay. 676. XIV. — Delia, b. 1847; m., 1st, Augustus Hatch; 2d, William Stickle. KENNEDY. 663 I. — HILA ANN, b. Aug. 28, 1819; m. Thomas Kennedy. Issue. 677. I. — Lizzie Florella, b. May 25, 1845; "i- Stephen Daniels. 678. II.— Hattie Belle, b. Oct. 17, 1856; m. Pierce Tarvin. 679. HI.— Erasmus Perry, lieutenant in Confederate service ; d. Georgia, July 26, 1864. 680. IV. — Orin Thomas, b. April 19, 1863; m. Nellie Rouse. DANIELS. 677 LIZZIE FLORELLA, b. May 25, 1845; ^i- Stephen Daniels. Issue: 681. I.— Orley. 682. II.— Vivien. 683. HI.— Nora. 684. IV. Mildred. 685. V. — Gertrude. 684. VI.— Harrison. KENNEDY. 680 ORIN THOMAS, b. April 19, 1863; m. Nellie Rouse. Issue: 687. I.— Ada. 688. II.— Clara. 689. HI.— Warren. DONHAM. 665 PERRY JACKSON, b. May 25, 1822; m., ist, Ma- tilda McClain ; 2d, Melissa Dudley; 3d, Sallie (Phebe) Smith; d. Jan. 15, 1903. He studied at Jefiferson College, Pennsyl- THOMAS DUNHAM. 71 vania, and read law at Georgetown with General Thomas Hamer, shortly before the outbreak of the Mexican war. He was ad- mitted to the bar in Clermont County in 1848, practiced his profession in Xew Richmond until ■i8r)5, then a few years at Ports- mouth, Ohio, and afterward located at Cincinnati, where he continued in the practice of the law until i8(;o. He removed to New Richmond in 1883, and then purchased the beautiful home in which he died. He was thrice married, his first wife being a daughter of Captain William McClain, the famous Ohio River steamboat captain. She was the mother of four children, two boys, Willie and Charlie, who died in in- fancy, and two girls, Belle, who died in 1878, and Carrie, the surviving wife of F"urman Brooks, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and who now resides at Gambier, Ohio, educating her only daughter, Beatrice. His second wife was Melissa Dudley, who lived but a few years after their mar- riage. His third wife, and who survives him, was Mrs. Sallie Smith, their marriage occurring on the 3d day of August, 1880. Mr. Donham was singularly fortunate in all his marriages. Helpful and faithful, their counsels and companionship was the dearest thing earth gave him. He loved his children, sought their every comfort, and his heart warmed in their well-being and well-doing. A-Ir. Donham was a lawyer of great power, and in the ante-bellum days his services were eagerly sought by a very large client age in Southern Clermont. He was a man of fine personal appearance, and an earnest, logical and finished speaker. Stately, commanding, erect, ample in speech, graceful in compliments, courteous to a degree, rich in illustrations, ready in wit, profusely humorous, he became one of Clermont's most gifted sons. He was a Clermonter through and through — proud of his county that was and ever will be proud of him. He thought the Ohio \'alley was the finest spot on earth and loved the Ohio River as a luother loves her child. He was a perfect gentleman, nith a suavity of manner that always l)espoke him such. He was a prou 1 man, but not a vain one. "Vanity rests on the opinion of others; pride on our own. The source of vanity is from without; of pride, from within. X'anity is a vane that turns; a willow that bends with every jreeze. 1^-ide is the oak that defiies the storm — one is cloud, the otli.'r rock; one is weakness, the other strength." Proud though he was, he was easily a])proachable ; generous in heart, magnanimous to a fo?, and sym])athetic with all tenderness. Issue: 690. I. — l>elle, m., ist, Enuuett Aukcn\ ; 2d. Thomas W. Zimmerman; d. 1878. 691. H. — 'Carrie, m. Tirman Mulford Brooks. Had: Issue; 692. I. — Beatrice Belle Brooks. 72 THOMAS DUNHAM. NICHOLS. 664 EMELINE DONHAM, b. Feb. 22, 1821 ; m. Thomas Nichols; d. Dec. 24, 1868. He m., 2d, Mrs. MeHssa Ferguson. Issue: 693. I. — Perry Jackson, m. Janet Gihnore. 694. II. — William, m., ist, Sarah Fagin ; 2d, Kate Layfield. 695. HI. — Lizzie, m. William Wilson. 696. IV. — Estella. 697. \'. — Florella J., m. Thomas Perkins White. 698. VL — Evaline. 693 PERRY JACKSON, m. Janet Gilmore. Issue: 699. I. — Annie, m. Charles Tatman. Issue: Mary Louise. 700. II. — Hugh, m. Deane Sterling. 701. HI. — Carrie, m. Edward Buringer. He then m. Blanche Kennedy. 702. \\ . — Nellie, m. Lynn Morse. 703. V. — Florence. 704. W. — Allen, m. Edna Hurlick. Issue: Harold Davis; Hugh. 694 WILLIAM NICHOLS, m., ist, Sarah Fagin ; 2d, Kate Lay- field. Issue by first wife : 705. Charles. Second wife : 706. Edith. WILSON. 695 LIZZIE NICHOLS, m. William Wilson. Issue: 707. I. — Henry. 708. II. — Charles. 709. HI. — Erasmus. 710. IV. — Alice, m. Charles Harland. WHITE. 697 FLORELLA J. NICHOLS, m. Thomas Perkins White. Issue: 711. I. — Llewellyn, m. Belle Short. Issue: Pauline. 712. II. — Eva- line, m. Frank A. Roberts. Had: David White; Frank Allen. 713. HI. — Clififord, m. Minnie Winspear. 714. IV. — Jennette, m. Henry Shaw. SIMMONS. 666 FLORELLA JANE DONHAM, b. April 20, 1824; m. John Simmons. Issue: 716. I. — Hila Simmons, m. John Connor. Issue: 717. II. — Walter, m. Alma King. 718. HI. — Alma. 719. IV. — ^Carrie. 720. V. — Helen. 721. VI. — Lizzie Simmons. 717 WALTER SIMMONS, m. Alvira King. Issue: 718. I.— Fred. 719. I. — Carrie, m. William Brown. 720. I. — Ella, m. Howard Hancock. 721. I. — Henry, m. Ada Henderson. y22. Louise. DONHAM. 667 HARRISON LAFAYETTE, M. D., m. Elizabeth Watkins. Issue : 723. I. — Edgar, m. Carrie Crawford. ELY. 668 ELIZA DONHAM, b. Feb. 4, 1827; m. Benjamin Ely; d. Jan. 20, 1891. Issue: 724. I. — Henry Ely, m. Cora Leeds. 725. II. — THOMAS DUNHAM. 73 Grant Ely. ^26. III. — Elmer, ni. Jessie Sluy. "jij. IV. — Henry, in. Cora Sluy. 'j2'j HENRY. Issue: 728. I. — Donham Ely. 729. II. — Edward Ely. 730. HI.— Clara Ely. 731. IV.— Dale Ely. LINDSAY. 670 ELIZABETH CAROLINE DONHAM, b. Feb. 14, 1830; m. Hezekiah Lindsay. Issue : y^^z. I. — Lea, d. in infancy. DONHAM. 675 ERASMUS JONATHAN, b. April 3, 183 1 ; ni. Helen Mar Lindsay. Issue: J^^Z- E — Allen 734. ,11. — Edith. 735. HI. — Dell, m. Sept., 1899; m. David M. Roberts, M. D. ROBERTS. 736. Dell, m. Sept., 1899; m. David M. Roberts. Issue: 736. I. — Dell. J},-/. II. — Helen Belle Roberts. KECK. 674 HARRIET LOUISA DONHAM, b. Aug. 10, 1834; m. Rev. Henry Keck. Issue: 738. I. — Lida Keck, m. Oct. 4, 1903, Forest Elwood Wiggins. 672 ROBERT WARREN DONHAM, b. Oct. i, 1840; m. Helena Elizabeth South. Issue : 739. I. — Abigail Singleton, b. ; m. April 20, 1903, William Sampson. 676 DELIA DONHAM, b. Jan. 20, 1847; "i- August Hatch; 2d, William Stickle. Issue : 740. I. — Ward Hatch, m. Clara B. Nichols. Issue: Annie, Augustus Hatch. 741. II. — Eva Hatch. 742. HI. — Edgar Hatch. 743. I\'. — Elisa Stickle. 744. V. — Maria Stickle. 654 JOHN, son of Nathaniel, 1733; b. April y, iy6y; m. (i) Sarah Jennings ; (2) Betsy Brown, sister of Hon. W. J. Brown, M. C, 1840. Issue: (First marriage): 745. I. — Mary. 746. II. — Isaac. 747. HI. — Jonathan. 748. IV. — David. 749. \\ — Lewis. (Second marriage) : 750. VI. — Sarah. 751. VII. — Margaret, m. Abijah Donham. son of William. 752. VIII. — Nathaniel. 753. IX. — Janetta. 754. X. — Robert. 775. XL— John P. 756 XII.— Elizabeth. 661 WILLIAM, m. Sarah Arthur. Issue: 757. I.— Nathaniel. 758. H. — Rachel. 759. HI. — Keziah. 760. I\'. — George, first lieutenant. Mem. 1st Indiana Legislature, 1852. y(M. X. — Abijah. m. Margaret Dunham. He b. i8i8;d. A])ril 3, 1898. 762. VI. — Joseph, in Mexican war; seventh Ind. Cavalry. yC^ii^. \\\. — Ira. 764. \'1II. — Darius. 765. IX. — William. yC)G. X. — Melissa, in Mexican war. y^^y. XI. — Abel. y6\ ABIJAH, m. Margaret Dunham,, b. 1815; d. Jidy 30, 1895. Issue: 768. I. — John Singleton. 769. II. — Elizabeth. 770. Ill — Will- 74 THOMAS DUNHAM. iam. 771. IV. — Sarah A. ^^2. V. — Nathaniel, yj^y. VI. — Robert L. 774. VII. — ^James L. 775. VIII. — Ferdinand L. 776. IX. — Isaac H. yyy. X. — Melissa. 778. XL — Erasmus. 779. XII. — Jeanette. 780. XIII.— Alice. 325 DANIEL, son of Jonathan, 1710; b. in 1730; m. Catharine Campbell; b. Dec. 17, 1734; dau. of Joseph and Martha Campbell, Piscataway. She d. Dec. 17, 1816. He was a Tory and in 1780, left his wife and went to St. Johns, New Brunswick, leaving his youngest son with his wife. Issue: 781. I. — Lewis, baptizeVl in 1758. 782. 11. — John, baptized in 1758. 783. III. — Sarah, baptized in 1758. 784. IV.^Campbell, m. Catharine Wright. 784 CAMPBELL, son of Daniel, .1730; m. Catharine Wright, of Woodbridge, N. J. ; resided in Princeton and then moved to New Bruns- wick, N. J. He was a manufacturer of fancy chairs. Issue: 785. I. — John C, b. 1788; m. Sarah McLaughlin. 786. II.— Lewis W., b. Sept. 21, 1793; m. Sarah Miller. He d. April 4, 1838. She was dau. of Enoch Miller. 787. III.— Sarah, m. John Wilson. 788. IV.— Kimble. 789. v.— Smith. 785 JOHN C, b. 1788; m. Sarah McLaughlin, who d. April 6, 1838. Issue: 790. I. — Tracy M., m. C. W. Appleton. 791. II. — Catharine, m. James Rogers. 792. III. — James M. 793. IV. — Thomas M., b. 1823. 794. V. — John Wright, captain. 787 Sarah, m. John Wilson. Issue : 795. I. — John Wilson. 796. II. — Mary, m. Charles Scott. 797. HI. — Smith. 798 IV. — James. 799. V. — Wesley. 786 LEWIS W., b. Sept. 21, 1793, New Brunswick; m. 1816, Sarah, dau. of Enoch Miller and Jonna Cathwait ; surgeon ; buried in St. John's burial ground, N. Y. C, April 4, 1838. Issue: 800. i. — Kimbell. b. July 27, 1818; m. (i) Jane Christopher Haring; m. (2) Mrs. William Haring; d. June 17, 1889, Hackensack, N. J. 8or. II. — ^Joanna, b. May 2. 1820; m. June 19, 1839, William Haring; d. Jan., 1885. 802. HI. — Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1822; d. Sept., 1886. 803. IV. — Lewis W., b. June 14, 1824; d. Sept. 13, 1879. 804. v.— Mary E., b. March 18, 1826; d. March 4, 1827. 805. VI.— William, b. Dec. 13, 1828; d. Dec. 14, 1828. 806. VIL— Agnes S., b. March 18, 1826, Newark, N. J. 800 KIMBALL, b. July 27, 1818; m. (i) Jane, dau. of Isaac Haring and Mary Christopher; m. (2) Mrs. Wm. Haring; d. June 13, 1889, Hackensack, N. J. Issue: 807. I.— Lewis, b. May 30, 1840; m. Mary Antoinette Ford, dau. of Ebenezer Ford. 808. II. — John, b. Oct. 31, 1842; d. Nov. 14, 1842. 809. HI.— Mary E., b. Feb. 4, 1845, N, Y. C. THOMAS DUNHAM. 75 8io. I\'. — Isaac II., I). ]'\'l). 22, 1850; d. Aug. it, 1872. 811. V. — Eninia J., h. June 21. 1852, N. Y. C. 812. VI.— William H., b. April 9, 1856; d. May 20, 1857. 808 JOHN, b. Oct. 31, 1842. Issue: 813. I. — Lewis, farmer; m. ; had Annie and Tillie ; d. N. Y. C. 814. II. — X'ictor, m. ; had Kimball, music teacher, X'ew lirunswick, N. J. 815. III. — Adeline, had Howard McSherry, New Brunswick; lawyer. 816. IV. — Samuel, m. Elizabeth R. 816 SAMUEL L., lu. mason contractor. New Brunswick. Issue: 817. I. — John R., 1). Sept. 2y ^ 1857; m. Margaret K. Dugan; b. 1855; he dealt in pianos and organs. New Brunswick. 818. II.— Lewis, d. 1877. 819. III. — Clara. 820. I\'. — Elmer, d. young. 821. \'. — Addie, m. E. B. Howitt. 789 SMITH. Issue: 822 I.— James. 823. .II.— Catherine. 824. III.— Sally. 825. IV.^Alexander. 826. V.— Jane. '}^2'j JOSEPH, b. 1736; m. and removed to New Brunswick during the American Revolution ; resided in Perth Amboy, N. J. Issue : 827. Jonathan, b. 1760, in Xew Jersey; accompanied his father and settled in Shelburne, N. S. He joined the Tories during the Revolution. He d. suddenly, and his wife d. shortly after his decease, leaving their children in infancy. It is recorded that while living he received a grant of gov- ernment land. Issue: 828. I. — James, b. 1786, Shelburne, N. S. He d. at Arcadia, N. S., 1857. He was adopted in infancy by Joseph and Elizabeth (Stevens) Robins, of Plymouth, Mass. 829. II. — John, b. Yarmouth, N. S. ; adopted by the Rev. Thomas Trask ; became a ship- master; d. at Port Louis, Island of Martinus. 830. III. — Jonathan, b. 1791 ; adopted by John Rogers; became a shipmaster; he d. at Nevis, West Indies, Dec. 3, 1838. 828 JAMES, 1786. Issue: 831. I.— James P., b. 1815; now living (1906), Arcadia, N. S. 832. II. — Samuel, b. 1822; now living (1906), Arcadia, N. S. 830 JONATHAN, 1791. Issue: "^^t, I.— Infant, d. 834. II.— Chas. Budd, b. 1829; postmaster at Barton, N. S. ; lor 48 years he was a master mariner. Married Mary Ann Warner, Feb., 1852. 835. III. — John, a shipmaster. Died long ago at Bartin. N. S. 836. I\'. — Ed- ward, d. young. 837. V. — James W., shipmaster at Liverpool, Eng. 831 JAMES P., 1815. Issue: 838. I. — James Atherton, -j},^ Car- roll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 839. H.— George II.. i). 1853 : d. 1878, Digby, N. S. 840. HI.— Franklin, b. 1858; d. in Xew York. 1883. 834 CHARLES BLDD, 1829. Issue: 841. I.— Jonathan, ship- master of the Astral, at Bath, Maine; no issue. 842. H. — William, b. y6 THOMAS DUNHAM. 1853; m. Edith Rhyno, 1874. 843. III. — Charles Budd, b. 1854, Bever- ly, Mass.; no issue; m. Marion Helen Waterman, 1888. 844. lY. — Oakes Singleton, b. 1871 ; editor The Digby Weekly Courier, Digby, N. S. ; m. Ella May Keen, 1896. Issue : Charles Budd, 1900. 829 JOHN, adopted by Rev. Thomas Trask. Issue: 845. I. — William, early became a shipmaster; sailed for owners at Eastport bound for California via Cape Horn, in 1850; never returned. 846. II. — John, washed overboard at Cape Horn and was drowned. HATFIELD. 286 ELIZABETH, of Joseph, 1766, b. Oct. 23, 1798; m. April 10, 1817, Phrazy Hatfield, b. Dec. 6, 1791 ; he d. May 4, 1867. Issue: 847. L_^jOSEPH, b. May 17, 1818 ; m. Emily Jack, Oct. 23, 1844. Issue : I. — Jennie H., m. Thos. Corwin. II. — Elizabeth, m. Walling Roach. III. —Ella. IV.— Albert. MELOY. 848. II.— PHEBE ANN, b. Sept. 6, 1819; m. Rezin Meloy, Aug. 22, 1841. Issue: 849. I. — John Frazer Meloy, b. Mary Corwin. 850. II. — Mary Elizabeth, m. Frank Hutchinson. 851. — III. — Minor Clark, m. Irene Jackson. 852. lY. — Sarah Ann, m. Lot Luce. 853. Y. — Lewis Smith, m. Alice Ridge. 854. YI. — Eunice Jane, m. Ridge. 855. YIL— Joseph Meloy. HATFIELD. 856. HI.— JAMES CLARK HATFIELD, b. July 26, 1821 ; m. Augusta Jane Meloy, June 2, 1853. Issue: 857. I. — Charlie M., d. young. TRIPP. 858. II.— ALICE IRENE HATFIELD, m. Albert A. Tripp. 859. III.— Frank Meloy Hatfield, d. 1897. 860. lY.— John Hatfield, b. Sept. 13, 1824; m. (i) Elizabeth Yenable ; (2) Sarah Ella Hatfield. Issue: 861. I. — Amanda D., m. John Kibbey. 862. II. — Jennie, m. Jerry White andChas. Dola. 863. HI.— Budd. 864. lY.— Second wife, Etta, m. Ross. 865. Y. — Clinton, m. . 866. YI. — Inez, m. Edw. Walker. 867. YIL— Lucy Hatfield. Hx\THAWAY. 868. lY.— jMARY ELIZABETH HATFIELD, b. Jan. 19, 1832 ; m. Ebenezer Hathaway. Issue: 869. I. — Amy Hathaway. 870. II. — Forest Hathaway. 871. HI. — Irene Hathaway. HATFIELD. 872. V.-^SMITH HATFIELD, b. March 29, 1837; m. Naoma Jeffery, Feb. 5, 1866. Issue: 873. I. — ^Bertha Hatfield, m. George THOMAS DUNHAM. 'J'J Young". 874. II.— Chester. 875. III.— Elsie, m. Derby. 876. W. — \'iola. 877. \'. — Carrie, m. : — Russell. CLARK. 858 ALICE HATFIELD, of James Clark, m. Albert Arnold Tripp, Dec. 27, 1876. Issue: 878. I. — Frank Clark Tripp, b. Dec. 16, 1878. 879. II.— Donald H., b. Aug. 26, 1884. 880. III.— Helent Jane, b. Dec. 18, 1887. IV.— Roger Arnold, b. Oct 7, 1892. JONATHAN DUNHAM. VI.— JONATHAN (John) b. 1632; 1655 lived at Plymouth; 1670, at Eastham, later at Barnstable and Middleboro ; 1685 moved to Edgar- town; m. (i) Nov. 29, 1655, Mary De La Noye (Delano), dau. of Philip and Hester D. Delano, who came in the Fortune, 1621, and was in Duxbury, 1645-50; Delano was an ancester of Gen. U. S. Grant; m. (2) Oct. 15, 1657, Mary Cobb; b. March 24, 1637, dau. of Elder Henry Cobb, who came from England, in 1629; 1633, founded church at Scituate; 1633, made deacon and held the office thirty-four years. Elder Cobb lived in Barnstable, in 1639; 1645, representative at general court; 1670, made ruling elder He m. (i) 1631. Patience Hurst, who d. May 4, 1648, at Barnstable. She was dau. of James Hurst, deacon, who m. (i) Patience, dau of John Faunce and (2) Sarah Hinckley, sister of Thomas, the last govenor of Plymouth Colony. Elder Cobb d. 1679. In 1673 Jonathan was constable for Middleboro; 1675, selectman; 1689, deputy at general court. At an early date, Jonathan Dunham became a missionary among the Indians along the coast of Massachusetts, going as far north -as Saco, Me.; in 1659 and in 1687, he went to Martha's Vineyard, and in 1694 he was ordained at Edgartown by Elder Gibson. He was a resident of Plymouth, Eastham, Middleboro, and was an owner of real estate. It is stated in the Land Records, Vol. I, page 48, he deeded land to Jonathan, Eleazer and Samuel. Vol. I, page 136, that he granted land to Samuel, Jan. 15th, 1698, in Middle- boro; Vol. I, page 403, he made division of land in Middleboro to Daniel Gersham and Eleazer, Dec. 30th, 1701. In his will, June 28th, 1717, he refers to gifts of land to the above named sons and bequeaths to his oldest son, Daniel, the homestead and makes mention of his daughters, Persis and Hannah. He died D:ec. i8th, 1717. His will was probated Jan. 15th, 1718. Plymouth Col Records, Vol 4, page 370. Deed from Jonathan Dunham of Middleboro, for 25 Pounds to brother Joseph Dunham, for "land bought of Churchill near unto land which my Dear Father, John Dunham died possessed of Nov. 4, 1679." Recorded Jan. 3, 1680. Shows connection of Jonathan Dunham and Joseph to Deacon John Dunham. (78) JONATHAN DUNHAM. 79 JONATHAN DUNHAM'S WILL. In the name of God, Amen. The 28th of June, in the year of our Lord Christ, 1717, I Jonathan Dunham of Edgartown in Dukes Co., America, late minister of said town, l)eing- very old and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefor, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed unto man once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of God who gave it, hoping that through the uncertainty of death, and passion of my Savoir, Jesus Christ, to have full aad free pardon, and forgiveness of all my sins, and to inherit everlasting life, and my body I commit to the earth, to be decently buried at the directions of my son Daniel, nothing obtaining but at the last resurrection. I shall receive the same again, by the might and power of God, £.nd as astonish- ing. Said wordly estate I appoint Daniel, sole execitor, next con- sidering that I have given to my sons, ♦Jonathan, Eleazei, Gershom and Samuel, land at ^liddleboro, I leave them nothing except oxen to Gershom. To my daughter, Pease widow, six £, or pair of oxen. 3rd on consideration of great kindness of Daniel and his wife, to have dwelling house and land at Edgartown, also the debts due. D the mark of Jonathan Dunham. Witness, John Butler, Benjamin Hawes — mark of Sarah Hawes Jan. 15, 1718, probated Benj. Skifife. Cravestone Edgartown, Eastern part of cemetery. Inscription. "Here lyes ye Body of Rev. Mr. Jonathan Dunham, who Died Decem- ber 18, Anno Don. 1717, aged about 85 years. Pastor of Church of Christ at Edgartown, With Toils and Pains at first he tilled ye ground to dress God's X'ineyard & w"s faithful Found. Full ihirty years ye Gospel he did dispense, His work being Done, Christ Jesus called him hence." Rev. Jonathan was succeeded by Samuel Wis wall, who was or- dained, 1713, at Edgartown, who continued as pastor till his death, Dec. 23, 1746, ae 67 3-21. Ichabod Wiswall, his son, at Dorchester. 1). 1704: m. 1735, Jerusha Norton and d. 1782. His son. Samuel Wiswall, b. 1738; m. March 9, 1761. Anna Jenkins and d. September 14, 1782. Jerusha Xorton was sister of Jaminia, who ni. Cornelius Dunham. Issue first wife: 2. 1. — Daniel, b. 1656; m. Rebecca Xorton: d. .March 5, 1742; will, 1741. 3. II. — Jonathan, 1). 1658; m. Mrs. l^sihcr (.Xorton) Hux- ford;d. 1724. 4. 111. — Eleazar. ni. at Middleboro; given land in Mid- dleboro, May 10. 5. W. — Gershom. m. Mary Clark; d. 1738-39; will • probated Nov 2, 1739. 6. V. — Samuel, was given land at Middleboro; 8o JONATHAN DUNHAM. d. June 15, 1689. 7. VI. — Hannah, m. James Pease; admitted to church, July 13, 1717; m. (2) Parker; d. Nov., 1722. 2 DANIEL, b. 1656; m. Rebecca (Norton), who d. Feb. 3, 1783, Easthampton, Conn. He was executor of his father's estate, and was willed by his father dwelling house and lands in Edgartown and debts due. His will was made at Chilmark, Aug. i, 1741, and probated in Tisbury, March 5, 1742. Rec. Vol. 3, page 127. Issue, Edgartown: 8. I. — Jacob, bap. April 9, 1727; m. Oct. 29, 1754, Elizabeth Pettee ; moved to Lebanon, Conn. 9. II. — Daniel, b. Nov. 20, 171 1; m. Nov. 20, 1739, Sarah Huxford. He sold property in Edgartown to Matthew Norton. 10. HI. — Zephaniah, Edgartown; m. July 20, 1740, Sarah Smith, 1749. In 1744, sold land that was willed by his father. 11. IV. — Silas, b. 1710; m. (i) Deborah ; m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Johnson. 12. V. — Samuel, m. March 20, 1745, Elizabeth , of Sharon, Conn. He was taxed at Lebanon, Conn. 13. VI. — Rebecca, b. 1707; m. B:enjamin Pease; d. Nov. 29, 1774. 14. VII. — Dinah, bap. Feb. 3, 1723. 15. VIII. — Sarah, b. 1710; m. July 5, 1739, David Pease; d. Oct., 1768. 16. IX. — Persis, bap. Feb. 2, 1723; m. Nov. 13, 1739, Will- iam Dunham, of Colchester. 17. X. — Mary, bap. Feb. 3, 1723; d. Oct., 1770, 3d wife of Caleb Parmlee ; m. May 2^, 1727, Jacob Curtis, of Col- chester. 18. XI. — Matilda, b. 1703; m. Joseph Vincent, son of Thomas and Sarah (Post) Vincent; d. Feb. 2, 1789. 19. XII. — Eleazar, bap. Feb. 3, 1723. II (i) SILAS m. Deborah , Nov. 17, 1754. at Westchester; she d. at Easthampton, Conn., Jan. 21, 1780; m. (2) Jan. 18, 1781, Mrs. Sarah Johnson; b. Feb. 24, 1747; d. at Claverack, N. Y., 1779, widow of James Johnson and dau. of John and Sarah (White) Clark; was willed twelve pounds by his father, which was placed in the hands of William Dunham, his brother-in-law. He was captain of militia at Lexington alarm. Issue: 20. I. — Gershom, b. Nov. 25, 1781 ; m. at Easthampton, Deborah Matilda . 21. II. — Silas, b. Jan. 12, 1786. 22. III. —Silas, b. March 8, 1787. 8 JACOB, bap. April 9, 1727; m. Oct. 29, 1754, Elizabeth Petteei; living in Lebanon, Conn., 1747-8; bap. Sept. 3, 1759; May 3, 1750, at Salisbury, guardian for Cornelius Minor, son of Hezekiah Dunham ; d. Martha's Vineyard; Issue: 23. I. — Rebecca, b. Jan. 12, 1755. 24. II. — John. 25. HI. — Samuel. 26. IV. — Silas. 2y. V.^Zebulon. 28. VI. Ebenezer. 9 DANIEL, b. 1712; m. Nov. 30, 1739, Sarah Huxford by the Rev. Samuel Wiswall ; bap. Feb. 3, 1723; admitted to church Sept. 19, 1743; JONATHAN DUNHAM. 8l executor of his father's estate, Chihnark, 1744; will probated March 31, 1742; she d. Dec. 18, 1788; he June 2"], 1797, at Conway, Mass. Issue: 29. I. — Thankful, b. Sept. 10, 1741 ; bap. Sept. 19, 1742; m. (i) 1763, Timothy Stuart; d. at sea; m. (2) July, 1766, Joseph Vincent; she d. June 3, 1814. 30. IL — Eleazar. b. Dec. 18, 1743; bap. Feb. 12, 1744; m. Dinah Tilton. 31. IIL — Daniel, b. March 9, 1744; m. Anne Mose- ley. 2^2- IV. — Cornelius, b. May 10, 1748, Edgartown ; bap. June 12, 1748 ; m. (i) Dec. 14, 1769, Sarah Butler ; b. June 29, 1748 ; d. 1776 ; (2) m. Feb., 1777-82, Lucinda Mayhew; b. 1739; he d. March 23, 1815. 33. V. — Jonathan, b. 1751 ; d. July 3, 1805. 34. VI. — Sarah, b. Feb. 26, 1754; m. Matthew Tilton; d. July 5, 1830. 35. VII. — Mary, b. Alarch 30, 1756. 30 ELEAZAR. m. Dinah Tilton. Issue: 36. I. — Cornelius, b: April 24, 1774; ni. Abigail Hammett. 31 DANIEL, b. March 9, 1744, Colchester, Conn.; bap. 1746; m. (i) Feb. 23, 1768, Anna Moseley, dau. of Increase Moseley, b. May 18, 1712, and Deborah Tracy, of Woodbury, now Washington, Conn. ; 1781, removed to Clarendon, A't. Her uncle, Rev. Peabody Moseley, b. 1724, joined the Shakers at Lebanon, 1780; Daniel lived in Lebanon; deacon; d. 1822. Issue: 37. I. — Josiah, b. 1769; colonel in army; professor in Dartmouth College; m. Susan Hedge, dau. of Samuel Hedge; principal of Academy, Windsor, Vt., Lexington, Ky., Windsor, Vt. ; 1821, editor of Dartmouth Eagle. 38. II. — Samuel, b. 1780, Windham Co., Conn.; 1804, m. Mary farmlee, Pompey, N. Y. ; d. May 19, 1849, "^^^i^i- "^ Charles Parmlee and Mary Tyler; 1). Oct. 2^. 1784; d. May 29, 1864, of Joel of John, of John. 12 SAMUEL, bap. Feb. 3, 1723; m. Elizabeth , March 20, 1745; lived in Lebanon and Sharon, Conn.; 1758-60, representative in general assembly. Lieutenant in 1745, Conn. Rec, 1747. Issue: 39. I. — Hezekiah, b. Aug. 17, 1745. 40. II. — Holtham, 1). June 14, 1749; m. Hannah ; d. June 15. 41. HI. — Samuel, b. March, 1751; m. Martha Wright, 1824. 32 CORNELIUS, b. May 10, 1748, at Edgartown, ])aptized June 12, 1748; n:. September 14, 1769, Sarah lUuler; b. June 29, 1748; she d. 1776; he then m. Lucinda Ma\hew, Februar\-, 1778. She was b. in 1739 and (1. March 2}^, 1815. He d. May 28, 1816, at Conway, Mass. Issue: 42. I. — L}(lia, b. ( )ct. 5, 1771 : in. James Dickinson. 43. II. — Samuel, b. Sept. 16, 1773; m. (1) Nancy Adams; (2) .Matilda Goodale ; b. March 19, 1780; m. 1803; d. July 26, 1850. 44. 111. — Cornelius, b. Nov. 14, 1775; m. Lydia Wells. 82 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 43 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL DUNHAJI, b. 1773; m. Nancy Adams (first wife): b. 1778; d. Feb. 18, 1802. He was a captain of the militia. 45. L — Nancy Adams, b. July 18, 1800; m. Oct. 13, 1826, Daniel Eldridge. 46. H. — Samuel Adams, b. Ftb. 17, 1802; d. young. By the second, Matilda Goodale : 47. L — Lou'sa, b. j\Iay 16, 1804; d. June, 1833, ^^ Jacksonville, 111. 48. II. — Butler, b. July 25, 1805; d. Aug. 8, 1841, at Princeton, 111. 49. III. — Olivic.. b. Feb. 22, 1807; d. April 19, 1887, at Chicago, 111. 45 CHILDREN OF NANCY ADAMS DUNHAM ELDREDGE AND DANIEL ELDREDGE, of Ashfield, Mass. He d. Jan. 30, 1875, aged y2 years. She d. Feb. 23, 1873, at Conway, Mass. : 50. I. — Samuel Dunham, b. 1829. 51. II. — Louisa E., b. 1832. 52. III. — Lucian Farnham, b. 1839. 53. IV. — Nancy Ma: ilda, b. 1841 ; d. Nov. 30, i860. 50 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL DUNHAM ELDREDGE, b. 1829; m. Susan Lilly, 1856. She d. March 17. 1889, aged 68. He d. Dec. I, 1884, at Conway, Mass.: 53. I. — Lyman Butler, b. July 7, 1857; m. Clara Weston, Oct. 10, 1889. He d. July 19, 1900. He had three children. 54. II. — Daniel, b. May 14, 1864; m. Nov. 2-/, 1889; Emma Warfred resides at North Adams, Mass. Has six children. SEARS. 51 CHILDREN OF LOUISA E. ELDREDGE, b. 1832; m. W. H. Sears, 1856. She d. May 11, 1857: 55. I. — Louisa, b. May 2, 1857; m. William Phelps, April 14, 1882. She d. Jan. 4, 1890, and left two children. 52 CHILDREN OF LUCIAN FARNHAM ELDREDGE, b. 1839 and m. Elizabeth Sanderson Sikes, 1864. They moved to Lead- ville, Col., where she d. 1884. He d. in Loveland, Col., Aug., 1903: 56. L— Nancy Matilda, b. 1865; d. 1883. 57. II.— Eliza Fidelia, b. 1867; m. Dr. Albert F. Abbott, 1885, and have a dau. Clamantha; Margaret, b. 1891 ; reside Loveland, Col. 58. HI. — Lucy Lovejoy, b. 1870; m. 1896, John Pringle, Denver, Col. Issue: 59. IV. — John Lucean Pringle, b. Oct. 5, 1905. 60. V. — ^Susan Louisa, b. 1877; m. 1901, Geo. Cramer, of Leadville, Col., where they reside; two children. 47 CHILDREN OF LOUISA, dau. of Samuel Dunham by his second wife, Matilda Goodale ; m. Rev. Lucian Farnham, Sept. 14, 1830. She d. at Jacksonville, 111., 1833: 61. 1. — Lucian Butler, b. 1831 ; d. Dec, 1836. 62. II. — Lucy Louisa, b. June, 1833; m. (i) Daniel W. Grififen, Nov. 10, 1859, who d. at Batavia, 111., Aug. 31, 1863. Issue: 63. Had dau. Mary Emily, b. Dec. 8, i860, who with her Olivia (Dunham) Barnes. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 83 mother now resides in Colorado Springs, Col.; m. (2) Peter E. Kent, of Northfield, Minn., Dec. 17, 1869. He d. 1873. 48 BUTLER DUNHAM, m. (i) Lucy Storrs. She d. 1833. No children by first wife. 48 CHILDREN OF BUTLER DUNHAM, son of Samuel Dun- ham by second wife and Eunice Storrs, second wife of Suffield, Conn., whom he m. Sept. 15, 1835: 64. L. — Lucy Storrs, b. April 2, 1837; resident, Waterloo, Iowa. 65. II. — Mary, b. June 20, 1840; resident, Princeton, 111. 66. III. — Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1842; m. Col. Isaac H. Elliott. 49 CHILDREN OF OLIVIA, dau. of Samuel Dunham by his second wife, Matilda Goodale and who m. the Rev. Romulus Barnes, April 21, 1831. He was b. at Bristol, Conn., Oct. t6, 1800; graduate, Yale, 1828; Yale Theological Seminary, 1831 ; moved to Illinois, 1831 ; d. Newark, Kendall Co., 111., Sept. 24, 1846: 67. I. — Romulus Edwin, b. March 4, 1832; residence, Denver, Col. 68. II. — Charles Mont- gomery; b. Sept. 8, 1833. 69. HI. — Joseph Avery, b. Oct. 10, 1835; d. Sept. 17, 1869. 70. IV. — Sarah Matilda, b. Sept. 25, 1837. 71. \'. — Samuel Dunham, b. Oct. 5, 1839. ^2. W. — Mary Louisa, b. Jan. 21, 1842. 73. VII. — Jane Olivia, b. Nov. 28, 1843. 74- ^^^^- — Henry Albert, b. Oct. 18, 1845; d. April 15, 1847. OLIVIA (DUNHAM) BARXES. 49 OLUTA DUNHAM BARNES was the dau. of Capl. Samuel Dunham, a prosperous farmer of Conway, Mass. She finished her education under Mary Lyons, the founder of Holyoke Seminary. She m. in 1 83 1 the Rev. Romulus Barnes, who graduated at Yale Lhii- versity and Theological Seminary. Full of religious zeal and en- thusiasm she enlisted with her husband in the work of building of the Kingdom of God in the then wilderness of Illinois, under A. 11. ^1. S. The dangers from hostile Indians and the deprivations endured by those Pioneers is a part of the history of the country. The T'arnes' were some of the earliest to engage the Bondmen and in the cause Mrs. Barnes was in full and active sympathy. The\- were ostracized bv neighbors and by many churches. They were many times threatened and several times assaulted by Proslavery mobs and upon one oc- casion she was severely wounded I)y a stone thrown by one of the mob. By the death of her liusl)an(l in 1846, she was left with eight children, the oldest fourteen years of age. It is sufficient testimony to her ability and strength of ])urpose, that five of the seven children, who reached maturity were graduates from a college or seminary. 84 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 68 CHILDREN OF CHARLES MONTGOMERY BARNES, who was the son of the Rev. Romukis Barnes above and was b. at Canton, 111., Sept 8, 1833; graduated from Knox College, 1856; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1859; m. Ellen Moore, Oct. 30, i860; chaplain 93rd Illinois Infantry, war of 1861-5; compelled to leave the ministry by illness ; established business of books and stationery as the C. M. Barnes Co., of Chicago ; now in California for his health : 75. I. — Olivia Lee, b. Sept. 11, 1861 ; graduated Oberlin, 1883; m. Dr. Wm. E. Dodds, Dec. 24, 1885; residence, Riverside, Cal., and have two children: (i) Charles Barnes, b. Eeb. 18, 1887, and John Milton, b. March 31, 1892. 76. II. — James Moore, b. April 20, 1864; d. 1864. yy. HI. — William Robbins, b. May 12, 1866; m. Blanch E. Wilcox, Nov. 30, 1896. He is vice-president C. M. Barnes Co., Chicago. Has two sons: Charles Montgomery, b. June 8, 1900 and John Wilcox, b. July, 1902. 78. IV. — Samuel Dunham, b. Nov. 7, 1869; graduated Beloit; m. Martha Ann Williams, of Paris, 111., March 27, 1905; is a physician. 79. v.— Milton A/[oore. b. Aug., 1872; d. June, 1874. 80. VI.— Ellen Estelle, b. Jan. 14, 1875; graduated Boston School of Oratory; m. Prof. Andrew N. Fox, of Chicago Theological Seminary, Dec. 24, 1903. 81. VII. — Mary Maud, b. April, 1877; gradua' ed Boston School of Oratory; m. June 8, 1900, Rev. John Steele; residence, Chicago. Have two children. Issue: 82. I.— Robert Dunham S:eele, b. 1901. 83. II. — Wm. W., Aug., 1903. 69 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH AVERY BaRNES (3) son of the Rev. Romulus Barnes and who m. Olive F. Davidson, of Canton, 111.. Oct. 17, 1859. He was a druggist and graduated Bells Com. College, Chicago, 111.: 84. I. — Charles Lee, b. Sept. 21, i860; residence, San Francisco, Cal. 85. II. — Mary G., b. Nov. 3, 1861 ; n\. Chas. I. Colwell, Dec. 30, 1886, and have seven children; residence, Brush, Colo. MOORE. 70 CHILDREN OF SARAH MATILDA BARNES, (3) child of the Rev. Romulus Barnes. She graduated Knox College, 1856; m. (ij Jeremiah Moore, April 16, 1868. He d. August 5, 1869; m. (2) Frances Carey (second wife). May 2^, 1884, whose first wife was Mary Louisa Barnes, below given : 86. I. — By her first husband, James Milton Moore, b. 1869; m. Dec. 15, 1903, Louisa L. Wilson; residence, Bozeman, Mon. 71 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL DUNHAM BARNES, (5) child of the Rev. Romulus Barnes, above mentioned ; graduated Wheaton Col- lege, 1861 ; sergeant Co. 'C, 72d Illinois Infantry and captain Co. H, JONATHAN DUNHAM. 85 64th U. S. C. T. ; 111. Jan. 26. 1871, Georgiana Parker, dan. of the Rev. O. Parker, of Flint, Mich.; is an attorney at law at Denver, Colo.: 87. I. — Dunham Parker, h. Dec. 2. 1871. 88. II. — LeRoy Atherton, b. Jan. 3, 1875; d. Feb. 20, 1882. 89. III. — Jo.seph Avery, 1). Sept. 25, 1877; d. April 20, 1899. 90. I\'. — Cornelia Seabring, b. Nov. 6, 1880. 72 CHILDREN OF MARY LOUISA BARNES (6) child of the Rev. Romulus Barnes and who graduated Knox, 1861 ; ni. April 20, 1865, Francis Carey, of Galesburg; she d. Jan. 2, 1883: 91. I. — Lemuel P., b. May 27, 1867; residence, Chicago. 92. II. — Mary Louisa, b. June 10, 1869; m. May 16, 1895, F. A. R. Moore, of Chicago. Flas two children: Charles Francis Moore, b. July 27, 1896, Clara Louisa, b. Aug. 23, 1901. 93. III. — Jane Olivia, b. April 22, 1873: m. Nov. 28, 1899, Silas Arthur Gutzner ; residence, Montague, Mich. Have one child: Olivia D., b. Dec. 14, 1900. 94. I\'. — Francis Rufus, b. June 13, 1877; m. Agnes Deans, April 20, 1903; residence, Seattle, Wash. 95. V. — Romulus Barnes, b. Aug. 5, 1880; graduated Kirox, 1902; resides Portland, Ore. COOPER. -2, CHILDREN OF JANE OLIVIA BARNES (7) child of Rev. Romulus Barnes, b. Nov. 28, 1843 ■ graduated Rockford Female Seminary, 1863; m. Job A. Cooper, Sept. 17. 1867. He gradu- ated Knox College and settled- in Denver, Colo., and was a banker and at one time governor of the State of Colorado: he d. Jan. 20, 1899; she resides at Denver, Col: 96. I. — Olivia Dunham, b. Aug. 4, 1868; m. Edwin Stebbins Kass^}r, Sept. 6, 1892. Have three children: Ruth, b. July 21, 1893; Edwin S., b. Sept. 12, 1895 ! Genevieve, b. March 22, 1905. 97. II. — Mary Louisa b. April (j, 1871 ; m. Lucian Seymour Storrs, June 28, 1894; he is a geologist. Have one child: ^Margaret, b. June 29, 1900. 98. HI. — C'las. J., b. x\lay 9. 1875; graduated Knox: m. (i) Mary Bell Rich ; (2) Lillian Winters. Have one child l)y tirst wife, Jerome R., b. Aug. 18, 1899; residence, Denver, Colo. 99. I\'. — Genevieve Pearl, b. Sept. 24, 1877; residence, Denver, Colo. 44 CHILDREN OF CORNELIUS, 1775: m. Lydia Wells. 100. I. — William Dunliam, son of Cornelius Dunham and his wife, Lvdia Wells Dunham (the said Cornelius being the son of Cornelius, son of Daniel, etc.), was b. at Conway, Mass., Sei)t. 26, 1810; m. 1834, Caroline Southerland. They settled in New London, O.. in 1837, where he d. in 1849. He had two sons. Issue: 101. I. — Milan, b. .\ug. to. T835; m. Emily Bracy at Ne'v London, in 185O; d. at New London, March 4, 1905. He had four c^iildren; d. young. 102. II. — Cornelius, b. June 86 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 23i 1837; m. at Columbus, O., Eliza Lang, June 14, 1863. He resides at New London, O. Has two daughters. Issue: 103. L — Sheppi, b. Sept. I, 1865; m. Edward Briggs, June 20, 1888. They reside in New London, O. No children. 104. H. — Sarah Anna, b. Aug. 12, 1873; m. Corlis Richards, June 2, 1897. They have a son, Lawrence Dunham, b. Dec. 6, 1901 ; residence. New London, O. 105. H. — Luther Dunham (son of Cornelius, of Conway), was b. at Conway, Mass., May 12, 1804; m. June i, 1826, Eliza Hogeboom, at Gorham, N. Y. ; settled at Princeton, 111., in 1838, where he d. Sept. i, 1856. His children were all b. at Gorham, N. Y. Issue: 106. I. — Frances E., -b. March 5, 1827. 107. II. — Cornelius, b. June 16, 1830. 108. HI. — -Oliver, b. 1832. 109. lY. — Lucinda, b. June 8, 1836; m. Oct. 2, i860, Isaac Phillips; she d. Jan., 1876; no issue. SHUGART. 106 FRANCES E., b. March 5, 1827; m. John Shugart, at Prince- ton, 111., Feb. 9, 1853; he d. 1889; she resides at Princeton, 111. Their children were (three) : no. I. — Frances E., b. June 24, i860, at Prince- ton, 111. ; m. to Isaac Philips, Sept. 19, 1882. They reside at Princeton. They have children: Mary' Francis, b. Oct. i, 1883; d. July 23, 1893 and Cora May, b. June 29, 1886. in. II. — William R., b. May 9, 1866, at Princeton; m. June 20, 1905, Dora L. Wilson, of Princeton; reside at Princeton. 112. III. — May B., b. May 9, 1871, at Princeton, 111.; m. Aug. 30, 1893, to Dana L. Simons. Have one child, John N. Simons, b. July 19, 1896. 107 CORNELIUS, b. June 16, 1830; m. Jan. i, 1852, to Harriet Smith, of Princeton, 111. They resided at Princeton until March, 1873, when they moved to Mossena, la., where he d. Dec. 20, 1893; she d. July I, 1876, at same place. Their children were, viz.: 113. I. — Ella, b. April 26, 1853; d. unmarried Oct. 26, 1877. ii4- H- — Lucy S., b. Sept. 26, 1856. 115. HI.— William A., b. Sept. 2, 1859. 116. IV.— Clara Lois, b. Nov. 29, 1864. 117. V. — Isaac Philip, b. March 21, 1869. 118. VI.— Cornelius, b. Oct. 8, 1872. NEWTON. 114 LUCY S., b. Sept. 26, 1856; m. March 25, 1884, to M. O. Newton, of Massena, la. They now reside at Cody, Wy. 119. Their children are: 119. I. — Jessie Blanch, b. Jan. i, 1855; m. to Walter Kipford, Feb. 2, 1904. They reside at Ishawood, Wy. 120. II. — Grace L. and Glen S. (twins), b.May 30, 1890; reside, Cody, Wy. 115 WILLIAM A., b. Sept. 2, 1859; m. Sept. 11, 1881, to Emma J. Brown, of Mess'ena, la., where they reside. Their children are: I I JONATHAN DUNHAM. 8/ 121. I.— Edna A., b. Feb. 2, 1883. 122. II.— Edi^ar A., b. Oct. 30, 1884. 123. III.— Sadie A., Nov. 3. 1886. 124. IV.— William 1*,,, 1). June 11, 1889. v.— Thomas P., b. Oct. 24, 1894. YARGER. 116 CLARA LOIS, b. Nov. 29, 1864; m. J. H. Yarger, Feb. 22, 1881. They and all of their children reside Messena, I. Their chil- dren are: 125. I. — Ida M., h. Aug. 9, 1881. 126. II. — Orland, b. Aug. 5, 1883. 127. III. — Clara M., b. Aug. 24, 1885; "i- Frank Brandon, June 16, 1903. 128. I\'. — Cornelius H., h. April 19, 1888. 129. V. — Johnny, b. July 7, 1890. 130. M.^Harley O., b. Oct. 6, 1895. 131. VII.— Hazel 1., b. Feb. 26, 1898. 132. VIII.— Cecil R., b. Nov. 21, 1900. 117 ISAAC PHILIP, b. March 21, 1869; m. Dec. 23, 1896, to Edith P. Loudon, of Messena, la. They reside Grangeville, Cal. Their chil- dren are : 133. I. — Mildred V., b. Feb. 27, 1898. 134. II. — Ralph B., b. Aug. 24, 1899. 118 CORNELIUS, b. Oct. 8, 1872; m. Sept. 15. 1895, at Massena, la., where they uovn^ reside. Their children are: 135. I — William McKinley, b. Nov., 1896; d. Dec, 1896. 136. II. — Paul, b. Dec. 23, 1897. 137. HI. — Russel, b. Oct. 9, 1900. 108 OLIX'ER, son of Luther, b. 1832, in Gorham, N. Y. ; m. 1861, to Abbie E. Mundy, of Walnut. 111. He d. at Van Orin. TIL, Aug. 14, 1904. His widow resides at Princeton, 111. Children are: 138. I. — Kathe- rine, b. Aug. 18, 186^.; m. Jan., 1884, to C. L. Smith. They reside Princeton, 111. 139. II.— Be, 1). Oct. 24. 1865: m. 1887, to D. R. Hawkes. They reside at \'an Orin. ill. Children: h""rancis, b. 1889, Nellie, b. 1892. 140. Hi — Francis, b. Dec. 8, 18O9; m. W. W. Case, Aug., 1897; residence, Marysville, Mon. 141. IV. — Nellie, b. July 26, 1869; m. Feb. 17, 189::, to Edward E. Harris. They reside Princeton, 111.; have one child: Marie M., b. Sept. 12, 1894. 142. V. — John, b. Nov. 22, 1871 ; m. March 31, 1894, to Susie Ingalls, of Windom, Minn. They reside Ransom, 11. Children: George, 1). julv, 1895; the other d. young. 143. \I. — ^ilizabeth, b. Dec, 1874; d. Sept. 9, 1875. 144. VII.— James, b. Sept., 1876; d. Oct.. 1876. 145. \' 1 1 1 .—A'olney. b. , 1877; d. Dec, 1877. 146. IX. — George M., b. Sept. 24, 1879; ni. May 8, 1905, to Mary Beeman. They reside Bozeman. Mon. 42 LYDIA, 1). Oct. 5, 1771, Conway, Mass.; m. Jan. t8, 1798, James Dickinson, Jr., Shelburn, Mass; she d. 1808. Issue: 147. 1. — Lydia Dickinson, b. June 8, 1803; m. April 19, 1824, Partridge Fisk. 148. 88 JONATHAN DUNHAM. II. — Sarah Butler, b. Feb. 7, 1808; m. Aug. 28, 1828, John Ware, Con- way; Augustus Smith. FISK. 147 LYDIA DICKINSON, 1). June 8, 1803; m. Partridge Fisk, Shelburn, Mass.; she d. Oct. 12, 1877, and he 1832. Issue: 149. I. — Sarah Electa Fisk, b. April 9, 1826; d. June, 1841. 150. II. — Maria, b. June 7, 1828; m. Nov., 1848, Levi, age — . 151. III. — James Dickin- son, b. Jan. I, 1831 ; m. 1857, Harriet Loomis, Lynden, 111., and Mary E. Sheldon. 150 MARIA FISK, b. June 7, 1828; m. Nov., 1848, Levi Page; b. Jan. 21, 1821, Shelburn, who d. Jan. 15, 1891, in Conway, Mass. Issue: 152. I. — Sarah Elizabeth Page, b. May 25, 1850; m. Feb. 14, 1877, John Tilton. 153. II. — Levi Page, b. Nov. 8, 1857; d. Jan. 29, 1877, Conway. 154. III. — Harlan Page, b. Feb. 17, 1863; m. Mary Ferris, Milleville, N. Y. 155. IV. — James Fisk Page, b. Jan. 17, 1868; m. Dora French. 151 JAMES D. FISK, b. Jan. i, 1831 ; m. 1857, Harriet Loomis; 1867, Mary E. Sheldon. Issue: 156. I. — Harriet R. Fisk, b. April 8, 1858; m. Mark A. Root. 157. II.— George P., b. Oct. 6, 1868; m. Eva E. Brewer. 158. HI. — James Adelbert, b. April 2, 1870; m. Anna M. Lanning. 159. IV. — Edith May Fisk, b. March 4, 1874, Lynden, 111. 157 GEORGE P. FISK, b.' Oct. 6, 1868; m. Eva E. Brewer, Dec. 20, 1892. Issue: 160. I. — Roy Vincent Fisk, b. Oct. 5, 1892. 161. II.— Mytle Edith, b. Aug. 15, 1896. 162. III.— Harold Brewer, b. Dec. 7, 1901. 158 JAMES ADELBERT FISK, b. April 2, 1870; m. Anna M. Lanning. Issue: 163. I. — LyeU Verner, b. Oct. 17, 1900. 164. II. — Henry Steadman, b. Nov. 26, 1905. HI. — James Adelbert, residence, Lyons, 111. 148 SARAH BUTLER DICKINSON, b. Feb. 7, 1808; m. (i) 1828, John Ware; (2) Oct. 31, 1837, Dr. Augustin Smith, at Hennepin, III; she d. Nov. 21, 1870. Issue: 165. I.— Lucy Ann Ware, b. Dec. 10, 1829; m. 29, 1851, Rev. E. G. Smith, Lyons, 111. 166. II. — Joseph Ware, b. June 16, 1832; m. Martha Emmons Roy. 167. HI. — Sarah Minerva Smith, b. Jan. 25, 1842; d. Jan. 27, 1866. 168. IV. — Mary Alice Smith, b. Jan. 25, 1842 ; m. March 11, 1866, Frank Clendenin. 166 JOSEPH WARE, b. Jan. 16, 1832, at Conway; m. July 22, 1858, Martha Emmons Roy; d. at Morrison, 111., Nov. 7, 1862, a profes- sor and lawyer. Issue: 169. I. — Fred Ware, b. July 6, 1859; m. (i) Eva Belle Brown; (2) Martha McSpaddon. 170. II. — Joseph Edwin Ware, b. May 17, 1863; m. Kate Belle Webster; residence, Minneapolis. JONATHAN DUNHAM, 89 •\ 169 FRED WARE, president bank. South Dakota. Issue: 171. I. — Dorotha Rhoda Ware, b. Dec. 9, 1896. 172. II. — Ruth Isabel, b. Sept. 30. 1900. 173. III. — Joseph, b. May 25, 1904. 170 JOSEPH EDWIN WARE, b. May 17, 1863; m. April 26, 1886, Kate Belle Webster, at Red Wing. Minn. ; residence, Minneapolis, Minn. Issue: 174. I. — Frederic Webster Ware, b. June 4, 1888. 175. II. — Elizabeth Roy Ware, b. Jan. 24, 1890. 33 JONATHAN, b. 1751. Issue : 176. I.— Infant, b. May 9, 1780. 177. II. — Harlock, b. April 13, 1781. 178. III. — Jonathan, b. Jan. 7, 1783. 179. I\'. — Silas, b. Aug. 19, 1785. 180. \'. — Walter, b. March 29th, 1787. 181. VI. — Anna, b. Jan. 31, 1789. 182. \'II. — Sarah, b. ^ Aug. 30, 1790. 183. VIII. — Rebecca, b. Nov. 8, 1791. 184. IX. — Deborah, b. July 6, 1793. 185. X. — Martha, b. Jan. 15, 1795. 186. XI. — Daniel, b. Feb. 3, 1796. 3 JONATHAN DUNHAM, b. 1658; m. before 1696, Mrs. Esther (Norton) Huxford, widow of Thomas Huxford, by whom she had son, Samuel Huxford, who became a mariner, who was executor of his father's estate, as shown by her will, probated April 8, 1724. Court Record, Vol. \'I, page 156. Jonathan d. in 1745, intestate. Issue: 187. I. — Jonathan, b. about 1696; m. Judith Luce, Feb. 11, 1719. He moved to Watcha, thence to Colchester and was among the tirst settlers of Sharon, Conn. Letters of administration on the estate of his father were granted, March 25, 1746, and a division was made Dec. 24, 1747. He was executor of his brother Hezekiah's estate appointed Feb. 3, 1738; he d. in 1747. 188. II. — Hezekiah, b. in 1608; m. Jean Pease; b. Nov. 22, 1700; he d. July 9, 1738. He was a mariner and pilot. 189. III. — Cornelius, 1). 1699; m. Jemima Norton, dan. of Coroner John Norton; she was b. in 1702. He d. in 1737, and she in 1794, aged 92. 190. IV. — Gideon, b. in 1700. He was twice m. : (i) Desire Case, dau. of John Case, b. 1701 ; d. in 1728; 1729 (2) he m. Mary Lewes, dau. of James Lewes, Southington, Conn. 187 CHILDREN OF JONATHAN, 1696. Issue: 191. I.— Jona- than, 1). in 1726. He was administrator of his father's estate in 1747. Memorandum from Court Records, "Estate of Jonathan Dunham, late or Sharon, Debts £1546 14s. 6d. more than Personal Property could pay, i)rayer for Sale of some of his Real Estate — granted under direc- tion of Court of Probate" in District of Litchfield, Conn. 192. 11. — ■ Ruth, m. Gideon Cartwright. 193. III. — Esther, m. in 1748, Joseph Huxford. 194. IV. — Abigail, b. in 1727; m. Samuel Hitchcock. 191 JONATHAN. Issue: 195. I. — ^Jonathan, b. March 22, 1757, 90 JONATHAN DUNHAM. in Sharon, Conn. ; m. Sarah Slauson. He enlisted during the Revolu- tion ; d. in Dunham, Ohio. 40 HOLTHAM, b. June 4, 1749; m. Hannah ; b. Oct. 13, 1757; d. Jan. 10, 1820; he d. June 15, 1824; buried at Wayville, Saratoga, Co., N. Y. Issue: 196. I. — Elizabeth, b. Xov. 14. 1771 ; m. Timothy Ford; d. Jan. 23, 1855. 197. H. — Jonathan, b. April 18, 1773; m. Mrs. Mary Wilcox; d. June 10, 1840. 198. HI. — Holtham, Jr., b. Oct. 21, 1775; m. (i) Bennett; m. (2) Hannah Webster; d. March 31, 1835. 199. IV. — Cornelius, b. June 24, 1778; m. Caroline ; d. Jan. 25, 1834. 200. V. — Esther, b. March 8, 1780; d. Jan. 15, 1834. 201. VI. — John, b. Feb. 13, 1783 ; m. Drusilla Brainard ; d. May 24, 1823. 202. VH. — Sylvanus, b. Feb. 15, 1784; m. Joanna Arnold; d. March 28, 1813. 203. VIII. — Mary, b. March 3, 1786; m. Moore. 204. IX. — Lydia, b. Jan. 6, 1788; m. Jacob Wickham. 205. X. — Samuel, b. April 14, 1790; m. Hannah Lounsley ; b. May 23, 1795. 206. XI. — Philander, b. April 10, 1793; m. D. Evans. 207. XII. — Hannah, b. July 15, 1795; d. July 11, 1796. 197 JONATHAN, b. April 18, 1773; m. Mrs. Mary Wilcox ; b. June 18, 1773; d. June 16, 1834; he d. June 10, 1840. She had Cynthia Wilcox. Issue: 208. I. — Tylee, b. Oct. 28, 1796; m. Achsah Rogers; d. Feb. 24, 187 [. 209. II. — Cynthia, stepdaughter, b. July 25, 1792; m. (i) George ToMsley ; (2) Nathaniel Arnold. 208 TYLEE, b. Oct. 28, 1796; m. Achsah Rogers; b. Jan. 9, 1878; he d. Feb. 24, 1871. Issue: 210. I. — Mary Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1815; m. Courtney Neihon. 211. 11. — Cynthia, b. March 7, 1817; m. Nathaniel Arnold; d. Dec. 11, 1895. 212. HI.— Jonathan C, b. March 8, 1819; d. Dec. 17, 1819. 213. IV. — Annah, b. Dec. 9, 1820; m. Orrin Ferris. 214. V. — Daniel, b. April 10, 1824; d. April 3, 1841. 215. VI. — Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1826; m. John H. Brightman, Wayville, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 30, 1899. 216. VII. — Jonathan W., b. Nov. 13, 1829; d. Aug. 8, 1831. BRIGHTMAN. 215 SARAH, b. Dec. 28, 1826; m. John H. Brightman, Wayville, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 30, 1899. Issue: 217. I. — Bell Brightman, b. Dec. 17, 1859. 218. II. — Henry, b. Aug. 26, 1866; m. Harriet Garnsey. 219. HI. — Ben Porter, b. Sept. 2, 1868; m. Lena Perkins. 218 HENRY BRIGHTMAN, b. Aug. 26, 1866; m. Harriet Garnsey. Issue: 219. I. — Bert P. Brightman, 1). Sept. 19, 1889. 220. II. — Leonard, b. Jan. 20, 1890. 221. HI. — Nellie, b. March 18, 1893. 219 BERT P. BRIGHTMAN, b. Sept. 2, 1868; m. Lena Perkins. Issue: 222. I. — Esther L. Brightman; b. April i, 1893. JONATHAN DUNFIAM. QI ARNOLD. 211 CYNTHIA, b. March 7, 1S17; m. Nathaniel Arnold; h. April 8, 1817; she (1. Dec. 11, 1895. Issue: 227,. I. — Daniel Arnold, h. Aug. 7, 1840; d. April. 1884. 224. II. — Silpha, b. June 29, 1843; '"• J<'li'i Whitlock; b. Oct. 20, 1841. Wayville, N. Y. WHITLOCK. 224 SILPHA ARNOLD, b. June 29, 1843; m- J^'i" Whitlock ; b. Oct. 20, 1841, Wayville, N. Y. Issue: 225. I. — Alice Whitlock; b. March 13, 1864; m. Frank Hornbeck ; b. June 6, i860. 226. II.— Nate, b. March 20. 1872; m. Helen Hunt; h. July 30, 1873. HORNBECK. 225 ALICE WHITLOCK, b. March 13. 1864; m. Frank Horn- beck; b. June 6, i860. Issue: 22y. I. — Ray F. Hornbeck, b. Feb. 26, 1886. 228. II.— Guy W., b. Nov. 6, 1888. WHITLOCK. 226 NATE WHITLOCK, b. March 20, 1872; m. Helen Hunt, b. July 30, 1873. Issue: 229. I. — Harold Whitlock, b. April 26, 1896. FERRIS. 213 ANNAH, b. Dec. 9, 1820; in. Orrin Ferris, Freeport, 111. Issue: 230. I. — Priscilla Ferris, m. Oscar Beaubien ; had Kittie Beaubien. 231. II. — Mary, m. Ensign l^oynton ; had Nat, Raie, and Justin Boyarton. NEILSON 210 MARY ANN, b. Aug. 9, 1815; m. Courtney Neilson. Issue: 232. I. — Oscar Neilson, m. Minerva Nepp, Amsterdam, N. Y. Issue: 233. I. — Sarah, m. John Hiller. Had: 234. Lizzie Angle. 235. II. — Mary E., ni. Warren Seymour. Had: 236. Jennie Seymour. 237. III. — Sarah, m. Isaac B. Myers. 238. lY. — Isabel, m. Thomas Brightman. Had : 239. I. — John H. Brightman, b. April 16, 1842. 240. V. — Media, m. Nov. 12, 1873, James Bartley. Had: 241. I. — Blanche Bartley. 242. II. — Florence Bartley. 243. HI. — James Bartley, Amsterdam. 198 HOLTHAM, b. Oct. 21, 1775; m. (i) Bennett; m. (2) Hannah- Webster, cousin of Daniel Webster, d. 1853; d. March 31, 1835, Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Issue: 244. I. — Tina, ni. .Mr. Clements. 245. II. — Melinda, m. Ebenezer Davis. 246. HI. — Thomas, m. Eunice . 247. I\'. — Cornelius, m. Barbara . 248. V.^ Gomeil. d. young. 249. VI. — Eliza, m. Wni. Woodworth. 250. \'\\. — Charles L., m. Mary Jessup. 251. VIII. — John C. b. .April 12, 1817; m. Sarah A. Ingard; d. March 20, 1876. 252. IX.^Ilezekiah. 253. X. — Thankful A., b. Feb. 4, 1821 ; m. Orange Scars; d. March 2, 1868. g2 '- JONATHAN DUNHAM. 254. XI. — Cavalo, d. at sea. 255. XII. — Delia A., b. April 10, 1826; m. Wallace W. Wickham ; cl. Sept. 21, 1864. 256. XIII. — Augustus H., b. May 10, 1828; m. Henrietta Hobbs ; d. Jan. 10, 1887. 257. XIV. — Holtham, lives Malta, N. Y. DAVIS. 245 MELINDA, m. Ebenezer Davis. Issue : 258. I. — Leonard Davis. 259. II. — Cornelia and 260. III. — Cordelia, twins. 261. III. — Morgan. WOODWORTH. 249 ELIZA, m. William Woodworth ; living at Elsie, Clinton Co., Mich. Issue: 262. I. — William Henry Woodworth. 263. II. — Adelia, m. Mr. Jones. 264. III. — Betsey. 265. l\ . — Mary. 266. V. — Eliza- beth. \'I.— Eliza. VII.— John. SEARS. 253 THANKFUL A., b. Feb. 4, 1821 ; m. Orange Sears; d. March 2, 1868. Issue : 267. I. — Hannah Sears. 268. II. — Wickham. WICKHAM. 255 DELIA A., b. April 10, 1826; m. Wallace Wickham; d. Sept. 21,1864. Issue: 269. I. — Hannah Wickham. 270. II. — Cavalo. 271. HI.— Sarah. 272. IV.— Delia. 256 AUGUSTUS H., b. Nov. 10, 1828, Stillwater; m. Henerietta Hobbs; d. Jan, 10, 1887. Issue: 273. I. — Cora A., b. Sept. 14, 1865; m. Mr. Merrick. 274. II. — Edward H., b. April 5, 1862. 275. HI.— Grandville A., b. Feb. 28, 1857. 276. IV.— Ella E. J., b. May 16, 1855; m. Hiram Rowland Hiller, Saratoga, N. Y. 277. V. — Annie S., b. July 26, 1853; m. Mr. Mills, New York City. HILLER. 276 ELL/l E. J., b. May 16, 1855; m. Hiram Hiller; b. Nov. 14, 1849, Saratoga, N. Y. Issue: 278. I. — Annie Geneva Hiller, b. July 14, 1874; m. (3ct. 4, 1897, George David Carr. 279. II. — Charlotte Prink, b. July <), 1876; m. Frederick James Millward. 279 CHARLOTTE P. HILLER, b. July 9, 1876; m. July 11, 1897, Frederick J. Millward. Issue: 280. I. — Annie Katherine Millward, b. May 31, 1900. •^ ^ ^ MILLS. 277 ANNIE S., b. July 26, 1853; m. W. S. Mills, Saratoga, N. Y. Issue: 281. I. — Edna Bateman Mills, b. Sept. 2, 1878. 257 HOLTHAM, lives Malta, N. Y. Issue: 282. I.— Anthony. 283. II.— William. 250 CHARLES L., Ohio ; m. Mary Jessup. Issue : 284. I. — Charles, b. 1854. 285. II.— Frank, b. 1856. 286. HI.— Adelia, b. 1858. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 93 251 JOHN C, b. April 12. 1817; m. Sarah A. Ingard ; d. March 20, 1876. Issue: 287. I. — Louisa M. Henry Hill, of Galvvay, N. Y. 288. n. — George G., box manufacturer, Greenfield, N. Y. 199 CORNELIUS, b. June 24, 1778; m. Caroline ; d. Jan. 25. 1850. Issue: 289. I. — ALary, b. May 7, 1802. 200. IT. — Tylee. 291. HI. — Jonathan, h. Sept. 18, 1807; d. Sept. 7, 1834. 292. IV. — James, b. Sept. 13, 1810; m. jane Cutler, of Albany. \'. — Sylvanus, b. Dec. 13, 1814; m. (i) Pamelia Culver Auburn: m. (2) Amelia . WICKHAM. 204 LYDIA. b. Jan. 6, 1788; m. Jacob Wickham. Issue: 294. 1. — Hannah, m. Mr. Sears. 295. II. — Wallace. PEASE. 205 SAMUEL H., b. Saratoga Co., April 14, 1790; m. Hannah Lounsley; b. Tioga Co., May 23, 1795. Issue, b. Tioga Co.: 296. I. — Charles, b. Feb. 15, 1813; d. 297. II. — Anson, b. Jan. 7. 1815; d. 298. HI.— Piatt, b. March 24. 1817; d. 299. IV.— Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1820; d. 300. y. — Charles, h. Feb. 14. 1823; d. 301. \l. — Nehemiah, b. Jan. 30, 1826; d. 302. \'II. — Sanuiel, I). Nov. 17, 1827. 303. MH. — James, b. Dec. 5, 1829. 304. IX. — Diantha, b. Jan. 12, 1832; m. Mr. Hunt, South Bend, Ind. 305. X. — Benjamin, b. July 12, i8j5. 306. XI. — Phclinda, b. Nov. 12, 1837; "^- ^^^- Hull. 307. XII. — Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1839; m. Air. Lauheed. 308. XIII. — Hannah, b. March 16, 1849; "1- ^^r. Wood. 201 JOHN, b. Feb. 13, 1783; a carpent'cr ; m. Drusilla Brainard, of Windham, Bradford Co., Penn. ; d. Alay 24, 1823. Issue: 309. I. — Cynthia, b. 1809; m. John S. Anthony; d. 1897. 310. II. — John L., b. Sept. I, 1811: m. Laura AlcCheney ; d. Aug. 3, 18(1. 311. HI. — Matilda, b. 1813; m. Reuben Doane. 310 JOHN L., b. Sept. i, 1811, at Laporte, Pa.; m. Laura M. Cheney; d. Aug. 31, 1861. Issue: 312. I. — Henry R., b. April 22, 1838, Laporte; first lieutenant Co. K, 141 Reg., Pa. \'ol. ; lieutenant Co. E, 30 Reg.; d. Sept. 7, 1877. 313. Jl. — Edwin Ai., b. Aug. 31, 1840; teacher Co. K. 141 Keg., I'a. \ol. ; killed May 3, i8()3. 314. HI. — Edwin M., b. Aug. 31. 1844. Laparte, Pa., Supreme Court. PEASE. 13 RE1)ECCA, b. 1707: m. luMijamin Pease, b. June i, 1705, in Dec. 5. 1775; his niece. Sarah Tease, d. Jan. 30, 1788; Rebecca, d. .\'ov. 29, 1774. Issue: 315. I. jane I'e;ise, b. 1728: m. (il I'elaliah llux- ford ; m. (2)* Pelatiah Russell; d. April 29, 1793. 31O. H. — Benjamin, 94 JONATHAN DUNHAM. b. May, 1730; m. (i) Anne Butler; m. (2) Elizabeth (Ripley) Butler, widow of Henry, d. March 23, 1814. 317. III. — Salathiel, b. 1757; d. before 1787. 318. IV. — Daniel, m. Jan. 23, 1766, Hannah Luce; d. before 1776. 319. V. — Beriah, m. March 28, 1764. Hannah Jenkins; drowned at sea, 1769. 320. VI. — Timothy, d. before 1787. 321. VII. — Lemuel, b. 1712; d. May 13, 1768; m. Elizabeth. 322. VIII. — Jonathan, about 1744; d. May 5, 1818; m. four times. PEASE. N 15 SARAH, b. 1710; m. Edgartown, July 5, 1739; David Pease, b. Feb. 17, 1687; d. 1752; she d. Oct., 1768. Issue: 323. I.— Sarah Pease, d. July 2^, 1804. 324. IL— David. 325. III.— Zachariah, b. Feb. 19, 1750; m. Nov. 29, 1770, Lydia Crowell ; d. April 24, 1845. VINCENT. 18 MATILDA, m. Joseph Vincent; b. 1698; d. 1763, Edgartown; she d. Feb. 2, 1789, Edgartown, having been blind 30 years. Issue, Edgartown: 326. I. — Abigail Vincent, m. Sept. 13, 1750, Ebenezer Dunham. 327. II. — Matilda, b. 1726; m. Nathan Dunham; d. Feb. 9, 181 1. 328. HI. — Abiah, m. April 2^, 1748, Simon Mayhew. 329. IV. — Sarah, b. 1730; m. Elijah Dunham; d. Nov. 14, 1820. 330. V. — Joseph, b. 1732; m. July, 1766, Thankful (Dunham) Stuart; d. April 28, 1801. 331. M.— Susanna, b. 1733; m. Henry Fisher; d. Dec. 27, 1825. 332. VII. — Abner, b. 1738; m. May 10, 1781, at Edgartown, Elizabeth (Fisher) Lockwood, wife of Isaac Lockwood ; she d. Dec. 30, 1797. 333 VIII. — Rebecca, b. 1742; m. April 4, 1769, Elisha Dunham; d. Sept. 16 1817. 334. IX. — Dinah, b.'i744; m. Jan. 3, 1771, Samuel Fisher; d April 3, 1782. 335. X.— Jonathan, b. Sept. 6, 1743; m. Feb. 20, 17— Catharine Smith. He was drowned June 16, 1768. 336. XL— Persis b. March 23, 1746. 38 SAMUEL, b. Colchester, 1780; came to Wmdham Co., in 1795 m. Mary Parmlee. He d. May 10, 1849. Issue: 337. I. — Samuel M'oseley, b. Sept. 17, 1805, at Pompey, N. Y. 338. IL— Albert Tyler, b. Sept. 22, 1807; m. Eliza Ann Sage, Chittenango. 339. III.— Mary Ann, m. Mr. Clute in Syracuse, N. Y. 340. IV.— Charlotte Sophia, m. St. John. 341. v.— Nancy Maria, m. Knight, Erie Co., N. Y. 342. VI. —Susan Amelia, m. Abbott, Iowa. 343. VII. — Charles Parmlee, m. Roxanna Wells. 338 ALBERT TYLER, b. 1807; m. May 25, 1831. Eliza Ann Sage; lived in West Troy; d. Aug. 8, 1884. Issue, b. in West Troy, N. Y. : 344. I. — Helen Elvira, b. March 21, 1832. 345. II. — ^William Josiah, b. June II, 1834. 346. HI. — Cornelia Charlotte, b. Feb. 16, 1836; m. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 95 June 14. i860, Frederick O. Clark, of Osweg-o, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 3, 1889. 347. I\'. — Samuel Sage, b. March 19, 1838. 195 JONATHAN, b. March it^, 1757. in Sharon, Conn.; m. Sarah Slauson. He enlisted in the Revolution; d., Dunham, Ohio. Issue: 348. I. — Betsey, b. April 8, 1779; m. Asahcl Hollister. 349. H. — Amos, 1). April I, 1782; m. Laura Matilda Guthrie; d. 349 AMOS, b. April i, 1782. Sharon, Conn.; first settler of Dun- ham, O. ; m. 1804, Laura Matilda, dau. of Stephen Guthrie and Sallie Chappell ; she b. June 25. 1789. Litchfield, Conn.; d. Oct. i, 1875, at Pomeroy, Meigs Co., O. Issue: 350. I. — Matilda L., b. June 28, 1805; m. 1844, William Griffin; d. 1854, Cheshire, O. 351. II. — Lucinda H., b. Nov. 20, 1808; m. H. B. Smith; d. 1881. 352. HI. — Almira, b. Nov. 20, 1812; m. Charles L. Guthrie; d. Aug. 22, 1896. 353. IV. — Sarah Amanda, b. Oct. 9, 1818; m. S. F. Willburger; d. Oct. .2, 1895. GUTHRIE. 352 ALMIRA, b. Nov. 20, 181-2; m. 1837, Charles L. Guthrie; d. Aug. 22, 1896, Cheshire, (). Issue; 354. I. — Laura Elii:abeth Guthrie, b. June 24. 1838; d. July 10, 1839. 355- H- — Charles Augustus, b. April 15, 1840; m. April 15. 1863, Sadie J. Lindsay. 356. HI. — Laura Amelia, b. Oct. 22, 1842; d. Aug. 2, 1856. 357. l\ . — Amos Dunham, b. June 18, 1848; m. Feb. 11, 1874, Lovina S. Monch. 358. V. — Milo Lysander, b. Aug. 26, 1851 ; m. Jan. 21, 1897, ^iary E. Garen. WILLBURGEN. 353 SARAH AMANDA, b. Oct. 9, 1818; m. 18-6, S. F. Will- burger; d. Oct. 2, 1895, Athens, O. Issue; 359. I. — Lucinda Will- burger, m. Dr. Rol:»l)ins, Seely Creek, N. Y. 360. II.— Vnianda, ni. F. O. Gates, Eustis, Fla. 361. HI. — Frank, Omaha, Neb. 362. IV. — Pamela, South Bend, hid. 363. \. — Eva, m. C. Harris, CJmaha, Neb. HOLLISTER. 348 BETSEY, b. April 8, 1779; m. March 16, 1797, Asahol Hollis- ter. Issue; 364. I. — Albert G. Hollister, b. Jan. 15, 1804; ni. April 12, 1825, Julia Delano, who d. Nov. 10; he d. Sept 29, 1881. 364 ALBERT G. HOLLISTER, b. Jan., 1804; m. April 12, 1825. Julia Ann Delano, whu d. Nov. 10, 1888; he d. Sept. 29, 1881. Issue; 365. I. — Justin Hollister. 351 LUCINDA II.. b. Xov. 20, 1808; m. iS4_', 11. P.. Smith; d. 1881, Pomeroy, O. Issue; 3^0. I. — Curtis C. Smith, b 1858; d. 1872. T^Gy. II. — Dunham Cliff, d an infant. T^b'f^. III. — l'"lcireiicr bhi, d. an infant. 411 SAMUEL nr.\H.\AI, b. .March, 1751; d. Jidv 4. 1822; m. 96 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Martha Wright; b. Feb. 19, 1763; d. Nov. 7, 1842. Children: 369. I. — Hezekiah, b. 1791 ; d. Wisconsin, 1863. 370. 11. — Abram, b. July 13, 1787; m. Anna Horton ; b. Oct. 11, 1793; d. Dec. 12, 1866. 371. III. — Henry, b. Jan. i, 1799; m. Sybal Wade. 372. IV. — Two daughters m. man named Wright. 369 HEZEKIAH, b. 1791 ; moved to Seely Creek, Chenney Co., N. Y. ; d. in Wisconsin, 1863, ae 72; wife d. 1840. Children: 373. I. — Hezekiah, lived in Wisconsin. 374. II. — Wright, lived near Athens, Pa. 375. III. — Leman, lived near Athens, Pa. 376. I\'. — Elizabeth, m. Cassidy, Seeley Creek, Pa. 377. V. — Nancy, m. G. H. Miller, Millerton, Pa. 378. VI. — Martha, m. James Miller, Millerton, Pa. ; she b. 1837; lives, Addison, N. Y. 379. VII. — Sarah Ann, m. Ira Elsbree, Milan, Pa. Has son, Thomas. 380. VIH. — Electam, m. John Waite, Waite, N. Y. 381. X.— Phebe, b. 1817; d. Aug., 1904. 382. XL- Mary, m. Kimball. 383. XII. — Amanda, m. Kenyon, Sterling, Colo. 371 HENRY DUNHAM, b. Half Moon Township, Washington Co., N. Y.. Jan. i, 1799; d. July 12, 1884; m. Sybil Waite, b. Saratoga Co., April 3, 1803; cl. 1890. Their homestead was in Windham, Pa. Children: 384. I.— Charlotte, b. Aug. 8, 1826; m. William Waite. 385. II.— Martha, b. Jan. 4. 1828; m. Otis Lovett Russell, N. Onwell, Pa. 386. HI. — Anna, b. Jan. 9, 1830; m. George Moore, Nicholas, N. Y. 387. IV. — William Henry, m. Elizabeth Hand. 388. \'. — James C, b. May 15, 1836; d. Sept.. 1888; m. Martha Northrup, , Pa. 389. VI. — John, b. Aug. 18, 1838; m. ^lary Bostwick, Nichols, N. Y. 390. VII. — Samuel. Michigan; m. Laura B. Manley. 391. VIII. — Wright, twins. May 20, 1841 ; Wright, d. Jan. 2, 1882; m. Sarah A. Brown. 392. IX. — Frances Maria, b. April 20, 1843; ^^- April 21, 1843; m. Chas. W. Hand. 393. X. — Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1847; t». 1847; m. J. Perry Sibley. 394. Issue: Samuel Dunham Sibley, b. Jan. 4, 1880. WHITE. 384 CHARLOTTE DUNHAM, m. William White, Waits, N. Y. Children: 395. I. — Catherine, m. Joseph P. Griffith. 396. II. — Alary, m. Charles Allen. 397. III. — Electa, m. Henry Bill. 398. IV.— Martha, m. Lewis A. Barton. 399. V. — Sybil, m. Joseph Woodrufif. 400. VI. — Miles, m. Alice Nichols. 401. VII. — Myron, twins, m. Lena Engleworth, Owego, N. Y. 402. VII. ^ — ^Edward, d. in youth. GRIFFITH. 395 CATHERINE WHITE, m. Joseph P. Griffith, Windham, Pa. Children: 403. I. — William D., b. Dec. 25, 1869; m. Winifred Olm- ;,* I JONATHAN DUNHAM. 97 Stead; lives at Windham, Pa. 404. II. — Catherine, m. Harr}- Unrr, clerk, East Orange, N. J. '^ ALLEN. 396 MARY WHITE, m. Charles Allen Shoemaker, Windliam Ccn.. Pa. Children: 405. I. — Ella. m. (i) Joseph O. Brewer; (2) Frederick A. Barden, May, 1904, Lestershire, N. Y. 406. II. — \Mlliam A., m. Delia Shoemaker; lives, Windham Cen., Pa. 407. III. — George, m. Ella Forbes; lives, Rome, Pa. 408. IV. — Emma, m. Britton W. Board- man, North Orwell, Pa. 409. V. — Mina, m. Arthur Allen, North Orwell, Pa. BILLS. 397 ELECTA WHITE, m. James Henry Bills. Owego, N. Y. Children: 411. I. — Piatt, m. Rosa Pearl. 412. II. — Charlotte, m. Joseph Lawrence, Windham, Pa. BARTON. 398 MARTHA WHITE, m. Lewis A. Barton, Waverly, N. Y. Children: 413. I. — Leon A. (telegrapher); lives, Ithaca, N. Y. 414. II. — Floyd. 415. III. — Flora, twins. 416. IV. — Mary. 417. \'. — Theodore. 418. \1. — Edward. WOODRUFF. 399 SYBIL WHITE, m. Joseph Woodruff, Lestershire, N. Y. Children: 419. I. — Agnes, m. B. Stone, LTnion, N. Y. 420. II. — Wesley, m. Charlotte Thayer. 421. RUSSELL. 385 MARTHA DUNHAM, m. Otis Lovett Russell, North Orwell, Pa. Children: 422. I. — Clifton Lester, m. Alma Norton; one son, Floyd; lives, Rome, N. Y. 423. II. — Earl Momtagu, Spokane, Wash. MOORE. 386 ANNA DUNHAM, m. George ^loore, Nichols, N. Y. Chil- dren : 424. I. — Charles Frederick, m. Shipmau ; lives. Nichols, N. Y. f 425. II. — Georgiana, m. George Hunt, of Lounsherry, N. Y. 426. HI. — Jay, (1. in youtli. DUNHA^I. 387 WILLIAAl HENRY DUNHAM, m. Elizabeth Hand; lives at Windham, Pa. Children: 427. I. — Howard. 428. H. — Harold, d. in youth. 429. III. — Henry. 430. I\'. — Syl)il. m. I'"rank Waite. of Waits, N. Y. 431. \. — W'iUiam. m. Cornelia .Moody; lives at .Monl- clair, N. J. DUNHAM. 388 JAMES CARLISLE DUXIl AM. in. Martlia \'ortln-u]>: d. at 98 ' JONATHAN nUNHAM. Windham. Pa.; served in the U. S. A., in Civil war. Children: 431. I. — John Clarence, m. Caroline Nichols ; merchant and postmaster at Waits, N. Y. Their children: 432. I. — Martha, m. Panl Buck; lives at Windham, Pa. 433. II. — Katharine. 434. III. — Paul. 435. IV. — Charles Henry, b. Feb., 1869; m. Emma Searles. Their children: 436. I. — ^James. 437. II. — Alfred,, lives at Windham. 438. III. — . 439. IV. — Harry Fay, m. Celia Boardman ; one child; !ives, Windham, Pa. 391 WRIGHT DUNHAM, m. Sarah A. Bowen ; d. Windham, Pa.. June, 1882; served in U. S. A., in Civil war. Their children: 440. I. — Lewis Barton, b. Jan., 1869; m. Caroline White; merchant and post- master, Windham, Pa. 441. II. — Walter Horatio, m. Their children: 442. I. — Donald, lives, Cleveland. 443. II. — Dorothy. 444. HI. — Archibald Wright, lives in New York. HAND. 392 FRANCES MARIA DUNHAM, b. WMndham, Pa., April 20, 1843; m. Oct. 30, 1861, to Charles Washington Hand; b. Feb. 26, 1830, at Windham, Pa. He served in the Civil war in Co. B, 141st Pa. Vol. Inf., and in Co. H. ist N. Y. Vet. Cav ; blacksmith by trade; d. Smith- boro, N. Y., June 2. 1897. Their children: 445. I. — Charles Leon, b. Waits, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1869; armature winder; lives, Schenectady, N. Y. ; local deacon M. E. Church; m. Jan. 19, 1898, to Elizabeth Langford RobeYts, of Smithboro. N. Y. ; b. March 2, 1869. Their chil- dren : 446. I. — Walter Leon, 1). June 16. 1899. 447. II. — Arthur Roberts, b. Feb. 9, 1901. 448. II. — l^Vances Isabel, b. Reno, Pa., Aug. 21, 1873; m. Nov., 1895, to Frederick A. Barden, of Lestershire, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 13, 1903. Their children: 449. I. — Mildred Hazel, b. March 26, 1900. 450. II. — Dorothy Belle, b. Sept. 8, 1903. 451. HI. — Laura Bittuese, b. Jan. 22, 1880; m. June i, 1902, to George Pitcher, of Syracuse, N. Y. 452. I. — One child, Helen Margaret, b. June 11, 1903. TILTON. ' 34 SARAH, b. Feb. 26, 1754; m. Matthew Tilton ; 1). April 13, 1738; d. July 25. 1830; she d. July 3, 1805; he m. 1806, Mary (Mayhew) Dun- ham, widow of William, son of David and Priscilla. Issue : 453. I. — Daniel Tilton. b. Feb. 6, 1772; m. Oct. 11, 1792. Lavinia Allen; d. March 7, 1818. 454. II. — Cornelius, 1). March 25, 1789; m. Almira ; he d. Dec. 12. 1864. 455. HI. — Samuel, b. Aug. 18, 1796; m. Rebecca . 456. IV. — Sarah, b. March 14, 1785; m. Mayhew Cottle; she d. Nov. 17, 1827. 467. V.— Parael, b. Feb. 18, 1794. 458. VI. — Lucinda, m. Ephraim Poole; she b. Feb. 23, 179T. 459. VII. — JDNATIIAN DUNHAM. 99 Zeliiida, m. Frederick Mayhcw ; she 1). Dec. 24, 1782. 460. VIII. — Matthew, b. Aug. 13, 1779. 461. J X.— Olivia, 1). Oct. 13, 1777. 462. X. — Hel)r()n, 1). Aug. 24, 1787; not named in will. TILTON. 453 DANIEL TILTON, 1). i 1830. _ 467. H. — (ieors^e, b. Aui^. 7, 1810; m. July 6, 1832. 4r)8. 111. — Sally, b. May 17, 1812; (1. Nov. 20, 1813. 469. IV. — Samuel, b. Aug. 17, 1814; • d. July 13, 1893; m. Caroline Dunham, May 9, 1837. 470. V. — Sylvanus, 1). June 5, 1816; m. April 2, 1840. 471. VI. — Abraham, 1). Dec. 25, i8i9;m. April 16, 1846, I larriel Smith. 472. \'il. — William Dunliam, ' I). May 2^, 1821; d. .Sept. 18, 1821. 473. \'lll. — Deloss l)unliam, b. March 23, 1826; d. Aug. 13, 1826. 471 CHILDREN Ol-ABRAHAM DUNHAM, JR.. AND HAR- RIET DUNHAM. 474. 1.— Chauncey Russell, 1). Jan. .j, 1847; d. .\lav 5, 1899; m. March 4, 1868, Eliza A. Williams; b. July 20, 1851. 475. H. — (leorge, b. April 8, 1855; m. Aug. 2y, 1879, Ada Doanc 476. HI. — Eva, b. Aug. 22, 1857; (1. Feb. 1, 1858. 447. IV. — Harriet, d. heb. 23, 1865. 474CI1ILI)KI<:N ( )l' ClkNUNCEY RUSSELL DUNHAM AND h:Li/.A WILLIAMS. 478. !.— l-red, b. in Windham. I'a.. Jan. 2f., 1869. 47(). 11. — Ida, b. in Windham, I'a., Jan. 20, 1871. 480. III. I.id.i, h. in Windham, I'a., ( )ct. 7, 1874. 481. IV. — Flattie Elsey, b. in Wind ham, I'a., March 26, 1877. 482. \'. — (ieorge .Sidney, b. in ( )s\\ego, N. ^■.. Jan. TO, 1885. STUART. 29 THANKFUL, b. St'pt. 10, 1741 : m. (i) i7()3, Timothy Stuart, 100 JONATHAN DUNHAM. of Edgartown, who was murdered at sea, 1765; m. (2) July, 1766, Joseph Vincent; she d. June 3. 1814, Edgartown. Issue: 483. I. — • Jean Stuart, b. April 7, 1764; m. Oliver Mayhew, of Chilmark. 484. II. — Joseph Vincent, b. May 29, 1769; m. Nov. 30, 1800, Rebecca Allen; d. July 16, 1854. 485. III.— Matilda, b. Aug. 28, 1771 ; m. April 2, 1796, Simon Mayhew; d. Oct. 9, 1855. 486. IV. — Daniel, b. Feb. 24, 1774; m. Sept. 19, 1799, Susanna Jernegan ; d. July 19, 1857. 487. V. — Sarah, b. Oct. 26, 1776; m. May 17, 1798, Joseph Kellogg; d. March 7, 1801. 332 ABNER VINCENT, b. 1738; m. May 10, 1781, Elizabeth (Fisher) Lockwood; d. Dec. 30, 1797. Issue: 488. I. — Elizabeth Vin- cent, b. Aug., 1791 ; m. 1809, Wm. Huntington; d. 1871. HUNTINGTON. 488 ELIZABETH VINCENT, b. Martha's Vineyard, Aug., 1791 ; m. April 13, 1809, William Huntington, hardware merchant, Harwinton, Conn.; b. April 12, 1782; d. Nov. 8, i860; she d. March i, 1871, Warsaw, N. Y. Issue: 489. I. — Mary Huntington, b. Feb. 17, 1810; m. Nov. 4, 1838, David Sammis, Warsaw, N. Y. 490. II. — Solon, b. Jan. 15, 1812; m. Harriet Saunders; d. Aug. 11. 1890. 491. HI. — Rhoda, b. Oct. 13, 1814; m. May 10, 1834, Riley Dunbar, of Torrington, Conn. 492. IV. — Phebe, b. Sept. 17, 1817; m. Henry Spencer Pardee. 493. V. — Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1819; ni. (i) xA-pril 5, 1842, Hiram Yager; m. (2) Aiken; m. (3) Purdy. 494. VI. — Collis Potter, b. Oct. 22, 1821 ; m. (i) Sept. 16, 1844, Elizabeth Stoddard; (2) Arabella D. Worsham. He, besides his widow, left an adopted daughter. Princess Hatzelfeldt, and an adopted son, Arthur M. Huntington, of New York City. Collis Potter was the most extensive railroad builder in the world. His philanthropy extended, principally, to another and unfortunate race — the Negro. His magnificent gifts to the TIampton Institute, and the Tuskegee School have enabled both institutions to prepare their students for practical life, and in his death the Negro has lost a great, wise and true friend. His will discloses, to some extent, his immense wealth, which he had accummulated, and also showed the same wisdom in disposing of money, which must have characterized his life. He died at his camp in the Adirondacks, Aug. 18, 1900, and his remains taken to New York City, where his funeral from his Fifth Avenue residence, was conducted with simplicity. The interment was made in the Huntington Mausoleum in Woodlawn Cemetery. 495. VII. — Joseph, b. March 2},, 1823; d. in Warsaw, N. Y., Feb. 2t^, 1849. 496. VIII. — Susan L., b. Aug., 1826; m. Nov. 16, 1869, William Porter, CoLLis Potter Huntington. JONATPTAN DUXITAM. TOI M. D., of IJridgeporl, Conn. 497. IX. — Ellen M., b. Aug. 12, 1835: 111. Aug. 18, 1861, Isaac E. Gates, New York City. Issue: Helen AI. Gates. 490 SOLON HUNTINGTON (Elizabeth Vincent, 445), b. Jan. 15, 1812; ni. June 2, 1840, Harriet Saunders, of Burnt liills, N. Y. ; she b. 1821 ; he d. Aug. 11. 1890. Issue: 499. I. — Mary Leonora Huntington, b. Aug. 7, 1841 ; ni. P)radley Waters Foster, of W'inslow, Me.; lives in Huntington, West \'a. 500. H. — Howard Saunders, b. Dec. 30, 1843; ^1- April 10, i860. 501. HI. — George Darwin. I). 1847; d. Jan. 6, 1852. 502. IV. — Henry Edwards, b. Feb. ly, 1850; m. Alice Prentice. 503. V. — Harriet, b. Oct. 20, 1852; d. Aug. i, 1855. 504. VI. — Willard A'incent, b. July 21, 1856; m. Maria Louisianna Ream. 505. VII. — Caroline Densmore, b. Jan. 22, 1861 ; m. Edmund Burke HoUaday. 502 HENRY EDWARDS HUNTINGTON, son of Solon Hunt- ington and Harriet Saunders Huntington, of ()neonta. New York, was b. February 2y, 1850, at Oneonta. The Huntingtons in America began with Simon Huntington, who sailed from Norwich, England, in 1632, and whose family settled at Roxbury, Mass. Among his descendants were Jabez Huntington, Senior and Junior, both general ofificers in the Revolutionary army; Ebenezer Huntington, adjutant general and Connecticut representative in Congress for two terms : Samuel Hunt- ington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; presi- dent of the Continental Cogress and chief justice and governor of Con- necticut and lastly, the late Collis Potter Huntin.gton, the great rail- road financier, who Ijuilt the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific systems, and many other lines of railroad, founder of the City of New- port News and of its well-known shipyard. Educated in his native town, Henry Edwards Huntingdon at an early age started out to carve his own way in life. Beginning in a hardware store at ( )neonta he soon came to New York to find a wider sphere of usefulness and there (|uickly attracted the attention of his fnmous uncle, C. 1\ Himtington, who sent him to West X'irginia to take charge of certain lumljer in- terests which had actpiired importance in the elder man's eyes on account of a combination that had been formed among the sellers of railroad ties to put up the ])rice of the conun<>dit\-. The \'oung man acquitted himself with such credit that in 1881 he was a])pointe(l bv his uncle, superintendent of construction of the Chesapeake, ()hio t.K: Southwestern Railroad from Louis\ille to Mein])his: thence lie trans- ferred his field of work to the Kentucky Central Railroad, tilling sue- 102 JONATHAN DUNHAM. cessively the offices of superintendent, general manager and vice-presi- dent, until he took charge in 1890 of the Newport News & Mississippi Valley Railroad, between Memphis and New Orleans. In 1892, C. P. Huntington, then president of the Southern Pacific Co., rewarded the 3^ears of loyal and efficient management and the proven intelligence, resource and good judgment of the nephew by appointing him assistant to the president of all the Southern Pacific lines and he went to San Francisco where he became the alter ego of his uncle and the real head on the Pacific Coast of the vast properties with which he was connected. In 1900, he was made second vice-president, and a few months later became first vice-president. A few years ago Mr. Hunt- ington made the most decisive business step of his whole life. In Los Angeles there was a street railway which languished for the lack of a strong management. Mr. Huntington's far-seeing mind had long be- fore perceived the tremendous importance of electricity applied to rail- way operation and he secured the control of this stagnant property. With the assumption of his ownership a vigorous energy and life was instilled into the management of the Los Angeles Railway, which quickly improved and increased until a system of vast possibilities and earning power was established. He and a few wealthy friends formed a syndicate of some fifteen millions, procured franchises of great value and incorporated the Pacific Electric and the Los Angeles Inter-Urban Railway Companies for the construction of suburban lines. To-day Mr. Huntington stands in the very front rank of electric railway builders and operators and to him is given credit for the new and flourishing life of that large section of California which his railway lines serve. Like his distinguished uncle his work in life has been the creation of permanent industries giving employment to thousands of his fellow-men. Like him, also, he has never accepted or desired public office of any kind. Mr. Huntington is an officer or director of more than fifty corporations and banks. He m. Mary Prentice, of Sacramento, the issue of which union has been four children : Howard E., b. Feb. 11, 1876; Clara, b. Feb. 2, 1878; Elizabeth Vincent, b. Feb. 8, 1880; and Marion, b. Oct. 3, 1883. 502 HENRY E. HUNTINGTON, b. Feb. 27, 1850; m. Nov. 17, 1873, Mary A. Prentice, of Sacramento, Cal. Issue: 506. I. — Howard Edwards Huntington, b. St. Albans, West Va., Feb. 11, 1876. 507. II. — Clara Leonora, b. Feb. 2, 1878. 508. HI. — Elizabeth Vin- cent, b. Oneonta, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1880. 509. IV. — Marion Prentice, b. Oneonta, Oct. 3, 1883. I Henry Edwakus Huniinuton, San Francisco, Cal. i JONATHAN DUNHAM. IO3 504 WTLLARD \\ HU'NTINGTO'N (Solon Hiinting;ton-Eliza])eth Vincent - Ahiicr \incent), b. July 21, 1856; ni. Feb. 23, 1882, Marie L. Ream, of San Francisco. Cal. Issue, San Francisco: 510. I. — Edith Marie Huntington, b. Dec. 30, 1882. PARDEE. 492 PHEBE HUNTINGTON, b. Sept. 17, 1817; ni. Oct. 4, 1840, at Torrington. Ct., Henry S. Pardee, of Waterl)ury, Ct. ; living, Oneonta, N. Y. Issue: 511. I. — Edwin Pardee, b. Sept. 15, 1843; ^1- Waterbury, Ct., March 25, 1845. 5^~- H- — Edward Henry, b. Sept. 5, 1847; Oneonta, N. Y. 513. HI. — Franklin Joseph, b. Sept. 15, 1852; m. Florence E. Corbin, of Afton, N. Y. 514. I\\ — Charles Hunting- ton, b. March 25, 1854; m. Fannie Sara McCuUock. 514 CHARLES H. PARDEE, b. March 25, 1854; m. March 5, 1879, Fannie S. McCullor, of Derby, N. Y. ; b. March i, 1857; he d. March i, 1885. Issue, Oneonta, N. Y. : 515. I. — Ellen Alta Pardee, b. June II, 1880. 516. II.— Mary Belle, b. Feb. 21, 1882. HOLLIDAY. 505 CAROLINE D. HUNTINGTON, b. Jan. 22, 1861 ; m. Feb. 23, 1896, Edmund B. Holliday, San Francisco, Cal. Issue, San Fran- cisco: 517. I. — Helen Huntington Holliday, 1). Jan. 18, 1897. 518. II. — Collis Huntington, b. Feb. 7, 1898. 188 HEZEKIAH, b. Nov. 28, 1700; m. Jean Pease, dau. of Jona- than Pease and Mary, his wife; he d. at Tisbury, Dec. 21, 1736; he was a pilot and lived at Holmes Hole; his will was probated July 11, 1738; he gave to each child, Jemima excepted, five shillings apiece, and all that remained he gave to his daughter, Jemima, excepting what was in his brother, Sanniel Huxford's hands, of his mother's estate, which he gave to his well beloved brother, Jonathan, who he constituted executor. Children: 519. I. — Jemima, birth unknown. 520. H. — Jonathan, birth unknown. 521. HI. — Solomon, a tinsmith, b. 1732; m. Elizabeth Ives, of Wallingford. March 2, 1758; he d. Jan. 22. i8tt; she Aug. 9, 1792, Northington. Ct. ; buried North Cemetery, in town of I'.erlin. Ken- sington Ch. Rec. 522. I\'. — Cornelius, b. 1734; '.n. Dorcas Woodruff, of Farmington, Ct., in 1756. She was b. April 8. 1739, dau of Capt. Joseph W'cjodrufif, of the Great Swamp rarisli. 521 SOLOMON, b. 1732; (1. at Wethersfield. Children: 523. I. — Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn.. Dec. 3. 1758; m. Abel Porter, who (1. May 19. 1783. 524. II. — Warner, b. Dec. 4, 175*;: baj). Dec. 14. 1760, Kensington, Ct. ; m. Mrs. Mary (Wolcott) Andrews, widow of Elisha. 525. HI. — Solomon, Jr., b. Jan. 18, 1761; bap. March 7, 1761, 104 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Kensington. 526. IV. — Elishama, b. Feb. 17, 1764; bap. April, 1764. 527. V. — Lucy, b. March 1766; bap. March 22,, 1766. 528. VI.— Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1768; bap. Nov. 6, 1768; m. Lardner Deming. 529. VII. — Reuben, b. Feb. 1773; bap. April 4. 1773; m. Dec. 14, 1797, Betsey North. 522 CORNELIUS DUNHAM RECORD. The Widow Dorcas Dunham, admitted to Church Aug. 22, 1802, maiden name, Dorcas Woodruff, daughter of Capt. Joseph Woodruff, of the Great Swamp Parish, and his wife Margaret (North) of Northington, now Avon born April 8, 1739, married Cornelius Dunham Sr He had an Estate "taxable" A. D. 1775 of £39. He enlisted in Army of the Revolution, Feb. 6, 1778, during War and had Bounty, £10. She died of cancer at house Moses Andrews, April 9, 1803, age 64. CHILDREN OF CORNELIUS DUNHAM. 530. I.— Cornelius, Jr., b. April 25, 1756; enlisted in same company with his father. 531. II. — Jemima, b. March 5, 1760; m. Joseph Bronson and settled in Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y. 532. HI. — Samuel Fuller, b. July 26, 1763; enHsted in Revolution; m. Dorothy (Dolly) Watson, dau. of Deacon Cyprian Watson, of Stillwater, Saratoga County, N. Y. 533. IV. — Dorcas, d. Jan. 27, 1777. Litchfield, Conn., Probate Office. "Inventory of Estate of Jona- than Dunham, late of Sharon, Deceased, dated March 28, 1745, Vol I. P. 14, May 3, 1750, Jacob Dunham of Salisbury, appointed Guardian to Cornelius Dunham, Minor, son of Hezekiah Dunham, late of Martha's Vineyard, deceased. Vol i, page 36." April 23, 1901. George M. Woodruff, Judge of Probate." Farmington was settled in 1640; Kensington in 1712; the second Society of Berlin, Conn., was incor- porated in 1785; Kensington was divided in 1753, and New Britain Society created in 1772; Northington Society was set off from Ken- sington. In 1850 the town of New Britain was incorporated. WOODRUFF. Matthew Woodruff, one of the original proprietors of Farm- ington, Conn. Among his children he had the following sons : I. — John, b. 1642-3; bap. May 16, 1658, ae 15 years and upwards ; d. 1692. II. — Matthew, b. 1646; m. June 16, 1668, Mary, dau. of Robert Plumb. He d. Nov., 1691. I. — John, 1642-3. Issue: I. — Joseph, b. 1679; m. (i) Hannah, dau. of John Clark; (2) April 15, 1708, Elizabeth, dau. of John Curtiss, of Wethersfield, Ct. ; b. May 13, 1681 ; (3) Dec. 17, 1732, Hannah, dau. of Sam Clark. Other issue : Joseph, 1679. Issue : I. — Joseph, b. July 7, 1716, Great Swamp Parish; m, Margaret North, JONATHAN DUNHAM. 105 of Northing-ton, now Avon, Conn., known as captain. Joseph, 1716. Issne : I. — Dorcas, b. April 8, 1739; m. Cornelius Dunham ; 1). in 1734; Jie d. Jan. 12, 1782; she d. at the house of Morris .\n(h-us, of cancer, .April Q, 1808. 532 SAMUEL FULLER DUNHAM, b. July 15, 1763; m. in 1797, Dorothy (Dolly) Watson, b. Fel:). 9, 1776 and d. May 26, 1826, at the ^8'^' of 50 years, 9 months, 17 days. She was admitted to church at Stillwater, N. Y., July i^, 181 5. He lived with an aunt until he was six years old. He enlisted at Farmington, Ct., and served with the Connecticut troops under Cols. Van Vechten and Latimer. Drafted and served under Capt. Matthew Smith, until Dec. 9, 1780. He stated that he stood near Washington wdien Andre was executed. He was junior deacon of Montgomery Lodge, F. A. Masons, No. 23, Still- water, N. Y. He received a pension May i, 1818, of $96.00, for services in the Revolution. His wife was a dau. of Deacon Cyprian \\'at- son, b. 1737. Her live children were baptized by Rev. Samuel Cheever. Oct. 24, 1900. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Samuel Dunham enlisted at Farmington, Conn., August, 1781, and served to June, 1783, under Elisha Sheldon, Colonel and Captain Georg-e Hulbert. He applied for and was granted a pension May i, 1818, when he resided in Stillwater, N. Y. In his application he men- tioned his wife, Dolly and minor children, Esther Delilah, Eliza Ann and David. (Signed) H. Clay Evans, Commissioner. Surrogate Office, Saratoga County, N. Y. Letters of administra- tion were granted upon the estate of Samuel Dunham, deceased, Fel). 9, 1825, to Cyprian Watson Dunham. The said Samuel Dunham was a United States pensioner, recorded in book i, page 176. (Signed) George Palmer. WATSON. In the distribution of land, March 11, 1646, John Watson cnvned numerous parcels upon Connecticut, which are described in the Rec- ords. The land on the (ireat Swamp and the meadows, both of Thomas Judd included. John Watson, b. Ilarl)y, Nottinghamshire, Eng., about 1610. Came early to Hartford, where he was appointed in 1644 a grand juror and the same year, highway surveyor. He held the office two years. 1846 he lived on the lot now known as No. () S. Main Street, Hartford, C\)nn. He afterwards re-moved to West Hartford. He m. Margaret (Peggy) Smith, wluj he had rescued from drowning in their passage to this country. He d. in 1650. His will I06 JONATHAN DUNHAM. was made March 26, 1650 and property inventoried June 4, 1650. He gave house and movable goods and use of meadow land and swamp to his wife. After her death the property was to be equally divided be- tween his children, John, Sarah and Mary. John Watson, b. 1646; m. twice, Anna — — and Sarah ; d. in 1730. Cyprian Wat- son, b. Jan. 12, 1689; d. Dec. 17, 1751 ; m. Jan. 27, 1715, Eliza Steele, dau. of James Steele; resided in Hartford and Bakersville, Conn., New Hartford; m., second, Abigail ; d. Dec. 17, 1757. Cyprian, of Abigail, b. June i, 1737; d. deacon in church, Sept. 11, 1808; m. 1759, Dorothy Benton, d. Sept. 28, 1819, Stillwater, N. Y. Deacon Cyprian Watson, b. June i, 1737, and d. Sept. 11, 1808, at Stillwater, N. Y. In 1760, he m. Dorothy Benton, who was b. June 28, 1730, and d. Sept. 28, 1837, and d. Sept 28, 1807. Issue: I. — Infant, b. May 10, 1761 ; d. in infancy; lived six hours. II. Infant, b. Aug. 8, 1768; d. in infancy; lived six days. HI. — Elijah Wat- son, b. Sept. 19, 1766, and d. Feb. 13, 1844; Dec. 3, 1790, he m., first, Esther Campbell, who was b. Sept. 14, 1770, and d. Nov. 30, 1806. He then m. Polly (Vandenburgh) Palmer (Wilber), Sept. 19, 1807. Issue: I. — Machael, b. July 25, 1791, and d. Sept. 11, 1808. II. — Anna, b. April 18, 1793, and d. Jan. 20, 1794. HI. — James, b. Aug. 22, 1794. IV. — Chauncey, b. Dec. 23, 1795. V, VI. — Infants, b. and d. May 31, 1798. VII.— Son, b. Oct 28, 1802, and d. Dec. 17, 1802. VIII.— Philo, b. Oct. 17, 1803. IX. — Infant, b. and d. in 1805. X. — Elijah, b. Nov. 29j 1806, 9 o'clock Saturday. XI. — Elias, b. Nov. 30, 1806, 3 o'clock Sunday. XII. — Cyprian, b. , 1806, and d. 1807. IV. — Cyprian Watson, b. Oct. 28, 1768, and d. May 11, 1805, at Fort Edward. He choked to death at dinner. He m. Sybil Eddy and had dau., Abby, who m. M. Roach, who d. in Albany, and after his death she m. Francis Quinn, of Albany, who d. in Troy. 1858, Abby d. in Troy. V. — Machael (Mikel) Watson, b. Sept. 23, 1770, and d. Sept. ^, 1777, a few days before the Battle of Stillwater. VI. — Mary Watson, b. April 2, 1773, and d. Dec. 6, 181 1 ; July 5, 1791, she m. Jesse Seymour, who was b. June — , 1762, and d. Dec. 18, 1804. Elias Watson (Elijah Watson), b. Mechanicsville, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1806; m. Caroline T. Medbury ; b. May 5, 1814, Greenfield; died; he Feb. 12, 1881 ; she Jan. 31, 1859. Issue: I. — Esther Campbell, b. Stillwater, March 30, 1836.- II. — Mary Elizabeth, b. Stillwater, Oct. 28, 1837. HI. — Frances Caroline, b. June 2, 1840, Stillwater, N. Y. IV. — George Vilervy, b. Albany, N. Y., April 2, 1844. V. — Chauncey Rundle, b. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1849. JONATHAN DUNHA>I. 10/ WATSON— SEYMOUR. Mary Watson, dau. of Deacon Cyprian Watson, 1737; b. April 2, 1773; J^ly 7. I79i» she m. Jesse Seymour, who was b. June — , 1762. Issue: I. — Isaac N., b. May 12, 1794, and d. Jan. i, 1873; April 14, 1818, he m. Elvira Belknap, and after her death he m. Virginia Maines, of Newburgh, N. Y. Issue: I. — Mary, b , 1820, and m. John F. Seymour. II. — Elvira, b. . 1826. HI. — George Franklin, b. Jan. 5, 1829. He is Episcopal bishop of the diocese of Springfield, 111. II. — George. III. — Franklin. IV. — John. Children of John F. Seymour: Elvira, b. ; d. 1856; m. Charles H. Mount. Elsie, m. Rev. F. M. S. Taylor, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. W ATSO N— D U N H A M . VII. — Dorothy (Dolly) Watson, b. Feb. 9, 1776; she m. Samuel Fuller Dunham, who was b. July 15, 1763; she d. Nov. 26, 1826. Issue: of Samuel Fuller Dunham: 534. I. — Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1797; m. March 2, 1819, Calvin Gleason ; d. Oct. 17, 1851. 535. II. — Esther, b. Sept. 29, 1800; bap. Sept. 3. 1815; unmarried; lived in Waterford, Lansingburgh and Troy, N. Y. ; d. Lansingburgh, March 24, 1879; a<^l- mitted to church. May 7, 1818, Stillwater. 536. III. Cyprian Watson, b. Feb. 8, 1802, at Stillwater, atid d. Nov. 22, i860, at Schenectady. He was captain of New York militia. He m. Sarah Howes, dau. of Isaac Howes and Leah Shelly, b. Sept. 16, 1810, at Schenectady, and d. Feb. 22, 1885, at Bennington, Vt. 537. IV. — Eliza Ann, b. June 28, 1804; d. Oct. 4, 1805. 538. \'. — DoUyra, b. Aug. 29, 1806; m. John Taylor Fonda; d. June 7, 1826. 539. \l. — Eliza Ann, b. June 13, 1809; m. Peter F. Van Vechten. 540. \TI. — David Adams, b. Feb. 17. 1815; m. Hannah A. Cramp; d. March 12, 1870. GLEASON. 534 MARY, b. Nov. 8, 1797; bap. July 31, 1814, by Rev. Samuel Chever; m. March 2, 1819, Calvin Gleason, who d. Nov. 12, 1866. He established match factory at Mechanicville, N. Y. William Gates followed in the same industry at Waterford, from thence to Frankfort. N. Y., which was the origin of the Diamond Match Co. She d. Oct. 17, 185 1, Mechanicville. Issue: 541. I. — Calvin Luther Gleason, 1). Aug. 21, 1821 ; d. March i, 1823, Mechanicville. 542. H. — Mary Erne-, line, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. John Labrum ; d. Dec. 19, 1854. 543. HI. — Esther Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1827; m. Nov. 2, 1848, Robert Wallace; d. Nov. 20, 1849. 544- I^- — Theodore Augustus, b. March 25, 1830; m. Eliza Ryan; d. Oct. 25, 1882. 545. V. — Laura Adams, b. Aug. i, I08 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1833; m. May 24, i860, Silas H. Brown; 1). July 2^, 1826. 546. VI. — Francis Edward, b. Jan. 22, 1838; d. Jan. 22, 1838. LABRUM. 542 MARY E. GLEASON, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. Oct. 5, 1845, Jobn Labrum ; d. Dec. 19, 1854. Issue: 547. I. — Harriet J. Labrum, d. young. 548. II. — Sarah Maria, d. young. 549. III. — Louisa Augusta, d. young. 550. IV. — Mary Esther, b. Feb. 17, 1851 ; m. Oct. 20, 1870, A. Sylvester Van Voast, Mechanicville. 551. V. — John Edward. GLEASON. 544 THEODORE A. GLEASON, b. March 25, 1830; m. Eliza Ryan; d. Oct. 25, 1882, Troy, N. Y. Issue: 552. I. — Mary Gleason. 553. II. — Lewis Gurley. 554. III. — Addie. 555. IV. — John. BROWN. 545 LAURA A. GLEASON, b. Aug. i, 1833; m. May 24, i860, Silas H. Brown; b. July 23, 1826. Issue: 556. I. — Mary Elizabeth Brown, b. Stillwater, May 3, 1861 ; m. April 3, 1889, Charles A. Barnes. 557. II. — Antionette, b. Oct. 16, 1867; d. Nov. 24, 1867. 558. III. — Grace Laura, b. May 21, 1869. 559. IV. — Howard Dunham, b. Jan., 1872. 560. V. — Josephine Watson, b. July. 12, 1874; d. March 12, 1875. 561. VI. — Everett Calvin, b. June 30, 1876. BARNES. 556 MARY E. BROWN, b. May 3, 1861, Stillwater, N. Y. ; m. April 3, 1889, Charles A. Barnes. Issue: 562. I. — Laura Marcia Barnes, b. Aug. 2, 1890. 563. II. — Charles Everett, b. April 22, 1895. VAN VORST. 560 MARY E. LABRUM, b. Feb. 17, 185 1 ; m. Oct. 20, 1870, A. Sylvester Van Vorst, Mechanicville. Issue: 564. I. — Irwin Labrum Van Vorst, b. Dec. 23, 1874. 565. II. — Edna Gertrude, b. Aug. 29, 1880. 536 CYPRIAN WATSON, b. Feb. 8, 1802; m. 1826, by Rev. Murphey; Sarah Howes, b. Sept. 16, 1810, dau. of Isaac Howes and Leah Shelly, Schenectady, N. Y. ; she d. Feb. 22, 1885, Bennington, Vt. ; buried in Schenectady, N. Y. He was a cabinet maker, conducting business in Schenectady and Albany; 1836-40, captain of New York State militia under Gen. Isaac I. Yates; he d. Schenectady, Nov. 26, i860. Issue: 566. I. — Isaac Watson, b. June 5, 1827; m. (i) Jane Shaw; (2) Martha Agnes Lindley. 567. II. — Eliza Maria, March 12, 1831 ; teacher and principal, public schools, Troy, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 14, 1882, Troy; burial in Schenectady. 568. HI. — Dolly, b. and d. 1833, Albany, N. Y. f- I I Isaac Waison Dunham. JONATHAN DUNHAM. IO9 566 ISAAC WATSON, b. Schenectady. June 5. 1827: o-i-aduated Union College, 1846; mcni])cr of Adelphic Society; m. (i) Sept. 4, 1849, Jane Shaw, Albany. X. ^^ ; 1). Dec. 25, 1825; d. Aug. 19. 1870; m. (2) May 2;^, 1872, at Williamstown. Mass., Martha A,Lindley, b. May 9. 1847; she d. May 4, 1901 ; she was dan. of John Lindley, 1). London, Eng., and Abigail Ladd, b. Pownal. \t. Isaac W. has spent the larger part of his life in educational ])ursuits; as principal for ten years and super- intendent of schools twenty-fom- years ; for six years an accountant for Roy and Co., West Troy, and the X. Y. C. and II. R. Railroad at Albany; was appointed city orator, Schenectady. 1848; city orator, Albany, 1849; elected superintendent of schools. Schenectady, 1857; clerk of West Troy, 1864; Com. of deeds, Troy, 1869; superintendent of schools, Troy; superintendent in North Adams. Mass., 1874; super- intendent of schools, Bennington, Vt.; 1885, return to Schenectady; has been chairman of two Democratic County, and one Senatorial Conven- tion, at Schenectady; 1892, appointed loan commissioner of Schenec- tady County; has spent much time in genealogical research and com- pilation. Issue: 569. I. — Mary Eliza, b. July 6, 1850, at Chatham, N. Y. ; Jan. 7, 1875, she m. Edward Bird, son of Wesley Bird, of Clinton. N. J., at Bennington, Vt. He was b. March 6, 1852, and d. May 13, 1889. She d. Feb. 12, 1905, at Schenectady, N. Y. 570. II. — Cyprian Watson, b. March 28, 1854, Schenectady; m. painter, Troy, N. Y. 571. III.— Sarah Maria, b. in West Troy. N. Y.. Oct. 28, 1857; attended State Normal, W'estfield, Mass., and Training School for teachers at Bennington, \'t. ; ])rincipal of a department in Bennington graded schools and teacher in the Union School, Schenectady, and has held other important positions. 572. I\'. — Jennie Rosaline, b. Troy, Dec. 12, i860; m. March 18. 1885, Remsen B. Du I'.ois, Rondout, N. Y. ; b. ;\lay 6, 1859, son of George W., and Wilhelmina (Neal) Du Bois, cashier of Cornell Steamboat Co., Rondout. N. \'. 573- V. — William Shaw, b. Dec. 2, 1868; d. Dec. 3, 1868, Troy. 574. \ 1. — Martha Lindley, b. North Adams, Mass., April i, 1873; d. Feb. 22. 1884, Bennington, Vt. ; buried in Schenectady. 575. \'II. — Elizabeth Julia, 1). North Adams, Aug. 17. 1874; in. Schenectady. N. Y.. June 28. i8()<), RayuKMul I'uller Ayers, of New York City.; b. Rock\va\-. \. |.. Nov. 10. 1872, son of Daniel Stewart Ayers. M . D., and Sue Iniller. =,y(). \'1I1. — Catherine Howes, b. lUnninglon, \i., Nov. (>, iS7(): d. .March 14. 1886, Schenectady. 577. IN. — Howard Lotlcr, I). IUimingU)n, \'t., Aug. 14, 1878; graduated from Union Classical Instilute, i8()0; member oi Pi Phi fraternity; graduaU'd iVoni Cnion l\)llege, 1900; nieml)cr of Delta no JONATHAN DUNHAM. Phi fraternity and Adelphic Society ; connected with the accident and liabiHty department of the ^tna Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. ; member of the Governor's Foot Guard, University Ckib and Insurance Club. 578. X. — Mattie Agnes, b. Bennington, Vt., Jan. 13, 1884; graduated from the Union Classical Institute, 1901 ; resides in Hartford, Conn. BIRD. 569 MARY E., b. Chatham, N. Y., July 6, 1850; m. Bennington, Vt., Jan. 7, 1875, Edward, b. 1852, son of Wesley Bird, Clinton, N. J.; he d. May 30, 1889, ae 37. Issue: 579. I. — Daisy Louise Bird, b. Dec. 9, 1878, Clinton, N. J. ; d. 1901 at Schenectady, N. Y. 580. II. — Isaac Wesley, b. Sept. 6, 1880, Bennington, Vt. ; d. Sept. 9, 1881, Clinton, N. J. 581. III.— Mflton Bonnell, b. June 25, 1882; d. Sept. 6, 1882, Clinton, N. J. 582. IV. — Howard, b. April 30, 1884, Jersey City Heights, N. J. 583. v.— Remsen Du Bois, b. Jan. 3, 1888, New York City. FONDA. 538 DOLLYRA b. Aug. 29, 1806; bap. Sept. 3, 1815; m. John Taylor Fonda (direct descendant of Count De Fonda) ; b. April 16, 1803 ; d. Oct. 4, 1891, Troy; farmer in Stillwater; shoemaker and collector of tolls ; Pittstown first pattern shirt maker in Troy ; d. Oct. 4, 1891, Troy; she d. June 7, 1876, Troy. Issue: 584. I. — Hiram Jobes Fonda, b. at Stillwater, N. Y., Dec. 25, 183 1 ; m. Martha Jane Boyden. 585. II. — Mary Jane, b. at Tomhannock, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1833; d. April 7, 1864. 586. HI.— Phebe Marid, b. at Pittstown, N. Y., May 8, 1836; Lansingburgh, N. Y. 587. IV. — Joshua Taylor, b. March 7, 1841 ; in- ventor of double sounding board; d. July 18, 1863, in battle. South Carolina. 588. V. — Samuel Dunham, b. Sept. 11, 1842; shirt and collar manufacturer, Troy; resides in Lansingburgh, N. Y. 589. VI. — John Albert, b. Oct. 18, 1844; m. Julia Nichols. 584 HIRAM JOBES FONDA, b. Dec. 25, 1831 ; m. Martha Jane Boyden, Newark, N. J. ; manufacturer and salesman ; d. 1905. Issue : 590. I. — Mary Phebe Fonda, b. Nov. 28, 1870, Newark, N. J. 589 JOHN A. FONDA, b. Oct. 18, 1844; m. Julia Antoinette Nichols ; shirt and collar manufacturer, Troy, N. Y. ; reside in Lansing- burgh, N. Y. 591. I. — Lillie Alice Fonda, b. Jan. 18, 1874; d. Feb. 11, 1874, Troy, N. Y. VAN VECHTEN. 539 ELIZA ANN, b. June 13, 1809; bap. Sept. 3, 1815; m. Nov. 6, 1833, Peter F. Van Vechten ; b. Feb. 16, 1809; d. Aug. 5, 1889, West JONATHAN DUNHAM. Ill Milton, N. Y. ; farmer in Schaghtiscoke and West Milton. Issue : 592. I. — Alonzo \"an Vechten, d. youngf. 593. II. — James, d. young. 594. III. — Isaac Watson, Feb. 14, 1840; m. Matilda Husted ; d. June 16, 1874. 595. IV. — Herman C, b. Sept. 22, 1847; "i- Feb. 18, 1885, Minnie Hawley. 596. V. — Dorothy Jane, b. May 10, 1843; W'est Mil- ton, N. Y. 597. VI.— James, b. June 22, 1845, West Milton. 598. VII. — Mary Esther, b. Aug. 4, 1850; m. March 25, 1873, Elton M. Reynolds. 595 HERMAN C. \'AX A'ECHTEN, b. Sept. 22, 1847; m- Feb. 18, 1885, Minnie Hawley, Johnstown, i^I. Y. Issue: 599. I. — Hawley B. Van Vechten, b. Nov. 18, 1885. 600. II. — Annie Laura, b. Feb. 6, 1887. REYNOLDS. 598 MARY E. VAN VECHTEN, b. Aug. 4, 1850; m. March 25, 1873, Elton M. Reynolds ; b. Aug. 6, 1852, Milwaukee, Wis. Issue : 601. — I. — Alberta Reynolds, b. June 14, 1876; d. May 3, 1880. 602. 11. — Lona E., b. Aug. 13. 1882. 602a. HI. — Grace L., b. May 12, 1884. 603. IV.— Alia B., b. Oct. 27, 1887. 540 DAVID ADAMS, b. Feb. 17. 1815, at Stillwater; bap. Sept 3, 1815; m. Dec. 29, 1840, Hannah A. Cramp; b. July 22, 1822, in Eng- land; he was cabinet maker, learning his trade in Schenectady; lived at Lansingburgh and Troy; d. Troy, March 12, 1870. Issue: 604. I. — ■ Mary Priscilla, b. April 26. 1842; m. June 28, 1864, Harcourt Mott. 605. II. — David Watson, 1). July 29, 1844, Troy; m. Oct. 26, 1870, S. Augusta Gorton, Rochester. 605 DAVID W., 1). July 29, 1844, Troy; m. Oct. 26. 1870, S. Augusta Gorton, Rochester, N. Y. Issue: 606. I. — John Gorton, b. Oct. 6, 1876, Rochester, N. Y. MOTT. 604 MARY P., b. April 26, 1842, Troy, N. Y. ; m. June 28. 1864, Harcourt Mott, of Fort Edward, Troy, X. Y. ; Fvanslon, 111. Issue: 607. 1. — Harriet Carpenter Mott, b. March 9, i8()7; m. l)t)uglas Wright Lansing. 608. II. — Mary Augusta, b. April i, 1870; m. March 29, 1894, Fred M. Sills, Evanston, 111. 609. HI. — Mcrritt Harcourt, b. Jan. 8, 1875, Evanston, 111. 610. I\'. — I'rank Nathaniel, b. April 17. 1878; d. Oct. 16, . LANSING. 607 HARRIET C. MOTT. b. March 9, 1867. Tnn, X. V.: ni. A]M-il 30, 1890, Douglas W. Lansing. Chicago, 111. Issue: Oil. I. — Douglas Taylor Lansing, 1). July iTi, 1S92. 612. H. — Donald Harcourt, b. April 3, 1895. 112 JONATHAN DUNHAM. SILLS. 608 MARY A. MOTT, b. April i, 1870; m. March 29, 1894, Fred M. Sills, Evanstown, 111. Issue: 613. I. — William Arthur, b. Nov. 23, 1895. 189 CORNELIUS, b. 1699; m. Jemima Norton, dau. of John Norton, one of His Majesty's coroners. She was a widow when she and her son and daughters were baptized, Oct. 30, 1737. She d. April 3, 1794, se 92. TISBURY. PARENTAGE OF CORNELIUS AND GIDEON DUNHAM. Elder Henry Cobb, was m. first in 1631, to Patience Hurst and second, Dec. 12, 1649, to Sarah Hinkley. By his first wife he had John, James, Mary, b. March 24, 1637, who became the second wife of Rev. Jona- than Dunham; Hannah, b. Oct. 5, 1639; m. May 9, 1661, Edward Lewes, Patience, b. March 2, 1667; m. Robert Parker, whose son is supposed to have been the second husband of Hannah, dau. of Rev. Jonathan Dunham, Gersham, and Eleazer. By his second wife, Elder Cobb had Mehitable, Samuel, Sarah, Jonathan, Experience and Henry, b. Sept. 3, 1665. Hannah Cobb Lewes by the elder's first wife was the mother of Eleazer, John, Thomas and Shubael. Mary Cobb Dunham also by the elder's first wife was the mother of Jonathan Dunham, who in 1690-6, m. Easther Norton Hurford and had Gideon, v/ho m. Mary Lewes and Cornelius, who m. Jermima Norton, who were the parents of Shubael Dunham, b. in 1723. Elder Henry Cobb's son, Henry, by his second wife, m. in 1690, Lois Hallett and had Gideon Cobb. Edward Lewes, who m. Hannah Cobb was the son of George Lewes, of Barnstable, who m. Sarah Jenkins. Edward's brother. Lieu James, in 1655, m. Sarah Luce and had James Lewes, who in 1698, m. Elizabeth Lathrop. They were the parents of Mary Lewes, b. in 1700, who m. Gideon Dunham. Edward's brother, George, in 1654. m. Mary Lombard and had Thankful Lewes, of Barnstable, who m. Samuel Look, of Tisbury. They were the parents of Job Look, who m. Martha Butler. Mary Lombard's sister, Martha, in 1657, m. John Manter, of Tisbury, and had Desire Manter, Who m. in 1657; m. John Manter, of Tisbury, and had Desire Manter, who m. John Case. They were the parents of Desire Case, who m. Gideon Dunham before 1720. John Case, of Tisbury, who m. Desire Manter had the following named children: William, Barent, John, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Eliza- beth, who m. Doty, Mary who m. Allen arid Desire, who m. Gideon JONATHAN DUNHAM. II3 Dunham. His will was made Oct. 4, 1720. James I. ewes, of Barn- stable, who m. Elizal>eth Lathro]) had Sara'li, liarnabas, Solomon, JLliza- beth, James, Jonatlirm, Jolin and Mary, who m. (lideon Duidiam. Ills will was made Aug'. iC), 1700. Jonathan Dunham the grandson of Jonathan Dunham and Esther Norton Huxford was made h'eb. 13, 1745, and was by relatives of his grandmother, Samuel Look and Shubael Lewes, who are nanucl above. LSSUE: 614. L — Shubael, b. Nov. 14, 1723; m. Lydia Chase; d. Se|)t. 12. 1795. 615. IL — Jemima, 1). July 5, 1726; m. Col. Melatiah Davis; d. Dec. 14, 1799. Tisbury Records, Duke's Co., Mass. Lib. 8, fol. 139. Aug. 4, 1749, Shubael and Lydia sold land to J. Lewis. Lib. 8, fol. 328. Nov. 7, 1753, Shul)ael and Lydia sold land to O. PL Luce, Tisbury. Lib. II, fol. 155. Jul) II, 1761, Shubael and Lydia sold land to S. Pease, Edgartown. Lib. 10, fol. 335. Dec. 4, 1764, Shubael and Lydia sold land to E. Coffin, Edgartown. Lib. 15, fol. 220. April 21, 1800, Lydia conveys to Thomas Shubael, Peggy, Cornelius Dunham. Vol. i, page 118. Nov. 14, 1728, Cornelius and Jamima had Shubael. Jidy 5, 1726, Cornelius and Jamima had Jemima. Church Record. Oct. 30, 1737, baptized, widow JeiVnima, Shubael m. L_\(iia Chase, Januma m. Col. Davis. Dec, 1795, Shubael buried at Lambert's Cove, M. V. 1806, Lydia, buried at Lambert's Cove, J\L W. 614 SHUBAEL, b. Nov. 14, 1723, Edgartown; m. Lydia Chase; 1). 1724, dau. of Joseph Chase and Lydia Coffin, of Martha's \ ineyard ; she d. Oct. 29, 1806, Tisbury; he d. Tisbury, Sept. 12, 1795; buried at Lam- bert's Cove, Martha's \'ine\ard. L'^sue : 616. L — \Cornelius. res, Chil- mark, 1745; m. Tabitha Hancock, Windsor, Ct. ; d. 1813. 617. H. — Margaret, m. (1) ^b'lrch 21, 1765, ( leorge West. Had: 618 Margaret West; m. Jul\- 17, 1790, Ca])t. Edmund Cottle; d. Nov. 13. 1864, x 69. 619. 111. — Mary (Lolly), b. Nov. 5, 1759; m. June i, 1778, Lemuel Jenkins; d. Nov. 18, 1809, at Hudson, N. Y. 620. IV. — Ann, m. lienjamin l''oster, Jmie 25, 1775, W. Tisl)ury, (Ireenville, N. Y. 621. V. — Jimima, b. 17SV. "i- I'-dmund Cottle; d. Nov. 14. 1789. 622. \'L — Jt'rusha, m. Sept. 4, 1773, Noah Norton; moved to Brookville, Me. 623. \ III. — ( leorge. m. luigeuia l)ncameron, of I'rance, and settled there. ()24. IX. — l)amaris, 1). \priW), 1757; m. .XOw 15. 17S7. Andrew Norton; 1). 1758; d. i7«jo. Issue: Margaret and I'olK' Norton. 625. X. — L}(lia, m. DfC. 17, 17^)7, Lot Norton; she d. July 10, 1771. 626. XL — Shubael. 1). Dec. 15, 17^)2; m. Aug. S, 17S3, Charlotte .Vorton ; d. 1836. 627. \\i. — Thomas, b. Jan. 17. 1771 ; m. (ij L)ct.. 1792, Mary 114 JONATHAN DUNHAM Holmes; m. (2) June i, 1800, Deborah Norton; m. (3) 1820, Paulina Hodgdon ; d. March 27, 1840. DAVIS. 615 JEMIMA, b. Edgartown. July 5, 1726; m. Melatiah Davis; b. 1717; d. Jan. 9, 1795, Edgartown; lieutenant colonel. Duke's Co.; Rev. war; she d. Dec. 14, 1799, Edgartown. Issue: 628. I. — Melatiah Davis, b. 1750; m. Dec. 18, 1771, Polly C. Davis; d. Oct. 15, 1821. 629. II. — Shubael, m. Oct. 16, 1770, Jane West. 630. III. — John, b. 1755; m. Feb. 8, 1776. Abigail Jernegan ; d. April 13, 1843. 631. IV. — Benjamin, b. 1753; m. (i) Oct. i, 1775, Molly Daggett; m. (2) Miriam (Hunt) Keith; d. July 23, 1838. 632. V. — Hepsibah, b. 1758; m. (i) Oct. 10, 1776, Shubael Cottle; m. (2) Elisha Luce; d. Feb. 8, 1834. 633. \'I. — Molly, b. 1744; m. (i) Dec. 22, 1764, Henry Norton; m. (2) Nov. 23, 1766, Samuel Norton ; d. Feb. 20. 1820. 634. VII. — Anna. m. Zacharia'h iNIeyhew, \\'illiamsburg; m. Dec. 15, 1768, Francis Norton, Hebron, Conn. 635. \'TII. — Lydia. m. Lot Norton. COTTLE. 621 JE^NIIMA, b. 1753; m. April 5, 1768, Capt. Edmund Cottle; b. 1745; d. Nov. 9, 1809; she d. Nov. 14, 1789. Issue: 636. I. — William Cottle, b. 1774; d. in infancy. 637. II. — William, m. [Nlary Daggett. 638. HI. — Hannah, b. 1780; m. Nov. 8, 1796. Jethro Daggett; d. April 2, 1864. 639. I\'. — Edmund, b. 1781 ; m. (i) Tamson Luce ; m. (2) Mary ; d. Aug. 28, 1816. 640. \'. — Amy, m. Sept. 11, 1788, Con- stant Norton. 641. \'l. — George. 642. \'II. — John, m. Lora Luce; d. Jan. 22, 1842. COTTLE. 617 MARGARET WEST, b. 1770: m. July 18. 1790, her brother- in-law, Edmund Cottle. Issue: 643. I. — Jemima Cottle, d. young. 644. II. — Jemima, h. 1794: d. Dec. 13, 1838. 645. HI. — Sophronia. 646. l\ . — Sophronia. m. John Davis; d. Jan. 14, 1842. 647. A'. — George Dunham, b. March i. 1801 ; m. (1) Margaret ,^^ aldron ; m. (2) Phebe (Dunham) Cleveland. 648. \'I. — Margaret, m. Hiram Weeks. 649. \'II. — [Mary, 1). April 20, 1809; m. Rudolphus Hancock; d. Sept. 6, 1856. NORTON. 622 JERl'SHA, m. Nov. 4, 1773. Noah Norton: baptized 'Slay 8, 1748, Edgartown ; moved to Maine. Issue: 650. I. — Lydia Norton, b. 1775. 651. II. — Patience, b. 1776. 652. HI. — Jane, b. 1778; m. Benj. Larabee. 653. I\'. — Seth. b. 1780. 654. \'. — Phineas, b. May 5, 1782. 655. \1.— Lemuel, b. 1784. 656. ML— .Moody. 657. VIIL— Noah. JONATHAN DUNHAM. II5 626 SHUBAEL, h. Nov. 15, 1762; m. Aiig^. 8, 1783. Charlotte Norton; b. Aug. 20, 1762; d. 1821. dau. of Eliakini Xorlon and Maria Pres'bury, of Ebenezer Norton and Deborah !\ra\hi.'\v, (if John, one of his Majesty's coroners, of Jose|)h of Nicholas, of i^\i.. JjoliiL^^orton, of Plymouth; captain; d. 1836; both buried Mncyard llavcn in private cemetery. Issue: 658. 1. — William T., m. 1815. Sophroni Dag-gett. 659. II. — George, b. Sept. 13, 1802; m (i) June 25, 1820, Eliza Manter ; m. (2) May 15, 1836, Mary Luce; d. March 8, 1872. 660. III.— Polly Jenkins, b. Tisbury ; m. 1808, Nathan Smith ;b. Aug. 16, 1788; d. Sept. 17, 1857. 661. IV. — Margaret, b. 1794; m. Presbury Luce, April [3, 1815; d. May 12, 1832. 662. \'.— Charlotte, b. 1786; m. Dec. 25, 1806, David Smith, Jr.; d. Eeb. 20, 1820. 663. VI. — Shubael. 659 GEORGE, b. Tisbury, 1802; m. (i) Eliza Manter; b. June i, 1801 ; d. 1835; m. (2) Mary Luce; b. Sept. 18, 1795; d. Nov. 25, 1871 ; postmaster; 'he d. March 8, 1872, Tisbury. Issue; 664. I. — Charlotte, m. Isaac Collins. 665. II. — George B., b. Feb. 7, 1822; d. Oct. 24, 1824. 666. III. — Peggy, b. April 7, 1832; m. July 26, 1854, James L. Skiff. 667. IV. — Adelia, b. Aug. 5, 1833; d. Jan. 2, 1834. 668. V. — Shubael, m. Elizabeth E. Dexter; b. Sept. 21, 1825. 669. \l. — Eliza, b. Feb. 20, 1827, m. (i) Ephriam Harding; m. (2) Dr. Sparrow. 670. VII. — Peggy C, m. July 26, 1854. James L. Skifif; b. April 17, 1832. 668 SHUBAEL, b. Sept. 21, 1825; m. Aug. 7, 1851, Elizabeth E. Dexter; b. March 30, 1827. Issue: 671. I. — James. 672. II. — Ed- ward. HARDING. 669 ELIZA, b. Feb. 20, 1827; m. (i) Ephraim Harding, July t, 1852; m. (2) Dr. Sparrow, of Mattapoisett. Issue: 673. I. — Ephraim Harding. 674. II. — Eliza. SKIFF. 666 PEGGY, b. April 7, 1832; m. July 26, 1854, James L. Skifif. Issue: 675. I. — James Skifif. 676. II. — -Carrie. COLLINS. 664 CHARLOTTE, m. Isaac Collins. Issue: 677. I.— Isabel Collins. 678. IL— Elizal)eth. 627 THOMAS, b. Jan. 17. 1771 ; m. (i) Mary Holiues ; b. Aug. 22. 1768; (1. h"eb. 2, 1800; m. (2) June 1, 1800, Deborah Norton, of Edgar- town; b. Oct. 12, 1780: d. Jan. 4, 1820; ni. (3) Patdina Hodgdon, T.el- fast, Me.; b. July 22. 1793; d. \'ch. 26. i8()4. lie d. March 2y, 1841. Issue: 679. I. — L\(lia Chase, b. Aug. 16, 1796; d. May 2^, T837. 680. II. — Sarah Holmes, 1). h'eb. 2, 1794; m. Jonathan Luce, Jr.: d. July 20, Il6 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1878. 681. III.— Polly, b. March 20, 1803; d. 1807; d. March 23, 1805. 682. IV. — Cordelia, b. May 14. 1804; d. Jan. 23, 1887. 683. V. — Thomas, b. Xov. 12, 1806; m. Mar\' Daggett, b. Dec. 7, 1803; d. Sept. 18, 1881. dau. of Peter Daggett and Martha Luce, of Timothy. They also had Albina Daggett, who m. Joseph C. Fisli and had Thomas Fish, who m. Albina Yale, dan. of Dr. Leroy Yale, and Maria Allen Luce, dau. of a son of Timothy Luce. Sarah, a sister of Albina Yale, m. Stephen Gary. Leroy Fish is a son of Albina Yale; he d. March i, 1868. 684. VI.— Eveline, Dec. 24, 181 1; d. Oct., 1812. 685. VII.— Pauline H., b. July 19, 1821 ; d. young. 686. VIII. — Georgiana Mackay, b. June 7, 1824; d. Aug. 30, 1883; m. (1) Leonard S. Gleveland ; m. (2) Gapt. Hiram Growell. 687. IX. — ^^Gharlotte Gorday, b. Dec. 10, 1829; m. Gapt. Nathan M. Jernegan. LUGE. 680 SARAH HOLMES, b. Feb. 2, 1794; m. Jonathan Luce. Jr.; b. April 8, 1772; she d. July 20, 1878. Issue, Tisbury : ' 688. I. — Holmes Dunham Luce. b. Oct. 10, 1817; m. Mary Norton; d. Dec. 20, 1849. 689. II. — Glara d'Auville, b. Feb. 13, 1818; m. Joseph Ghase. 690. HI. — Lydia Ghase, b. Feb. 16, 1820; m. Gharles Allen Luce. Had Thomas D. Luce, Nashua, N. H. 691. R'. — Althea Stickney, b. March 21, 1822; m. (i) in Boston, Aug. 5, 1850, Silas Gottle ; m. (2) William Leach. 692. V. — Thomas Dunham, b.' Feb. 25. 1825; d. May 8, 1849. 693. VI. — John Tilton, b. Feb. 10, 1827; m. Susan Amelia Burrows. '694. VII. — James Lyon, b. Dec. 7, 1829; m. Nov. 30, 1854. Susan ]\Iaria Luce. Had Gordelia. 695. VIII. — West. b. April 25. 1833; d. Jan. i, 1859. 696. IX. — Ellen Edwards, b. Jan. 21, 1837; m. Hammett ; d. Dec. 12, 1871. 693 JOHN TILTON LUGE, b. Feb. 10, 1827; m. Susan Amelia Burrows, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; d. Nov. 14, 1882. Issue: 697. I. — John B. Luce. 698. II. — Susie A., m. Clarence R. West. Had Ethel West. GHASE. 689 GLARA D'AUVILLE. b. Feb. 13, i8i8,Tisbury, Mass,; m. July 9, 1843, Joseph Chase ; b. Boston, Mass., May 3, 1817. Issue: 699. I. — Constantine Ghase, b. Jan. 21, 1845, Vineyard Haven, Mass.: m. May Mbsher, of W^asliington, D. G. ; 1897, Gapt. Ghase commanded Com- pany, 4th Regiment, U. S. Artillery, Washington Barracks, D. G. ; has served in the U. S. army since the beginning of the Civil war ; was awarded a lieutenant's commission in U. S. Artillery, for meritorious services during the war; he is the author of Metallurgy of Iron, which has been adopted as a text book at West Point Academy and Harvard JON'ATIIAX Dl'NlIAM. Il7 College. 700. II. — Isaac, 1). 1 )cc. 17, [846, Boston. Mass.; m. Anna Bertina Shirley, Boston; in .\rmy of the Potomac, nnder Gen U. S. Grant. He was in ])attles of Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and at Cold Harbor; coal dealer, Cambridge. Mass. 701. HI. — Josei)h. b. Nov. 25, 1851, Boston, Mass.; m. Carrie xAmorett Blaisdell, Concord, N. H. ; 1878, graduated from Boston Lhiiversity with honors; address East Weymouth, Mass. « CLEVELAND AND CROWELL. 686 GEORGIANA MACKEY. 1). June 7. 1824; m. (i) Leonard S. Cleveland, Tisbury, in June 7, 1853, '^'^'^^o d. at sea; m. (2) Capt. Hiram Crowell, Feb. 28, 1857; b. Jan. 31, 1818, Tisbury; d. July 7, 1865, Edgartown ; she d. Aug. 30. 1883, Edgartown. Issue: 702. I. — Thomas Dunham Crowell; b. May 3, 1858, Cottage City; m. Julia Killian Devine, Boston. 703. II. — George Edwin, b. Aug. 17, i860; m. Edith Leslie Bunker, Edgartown. 704. HI. — Lewellyn Elmer, b. April 20, 1863; m. Mary E. Allen, Nantucket. 705. IV. — Erances Lincoln, b. March 20, 1865; m. Frank W. Jennings, Little Compton. 705 FRANCIS LfNCOLN CROWELL, b. March 20, 1865; m. Frank W. Jennings, Little Compton, R. I. Issue: 706. I. — (jeorgiana Dunham Jennings, b. June, 1890. 707. II. — Thomas Crowell, 1). Aug., 1896. JERNEGAN. 687 CHARLOTTE CORDAY, b. Dec. 10, 1829; m. Capt. Nathan Mayhew Jernegan ; b. Oct. 30, 1821; d. Dec. 16, 1887. Edgartown; she d. Dec. 22, 1898, Edgartown. Issue. Edgartown: 708. I. — Thomas Dunham Jernegan, b. April 17, 1853; d. Aug. 18, 1853. 709- II- — Nathan Mayhew, b. Jan. 9, 1858; drowned in New Bedford Harbor, in July 28, 1874. 710. HI. — Charlotte Corday, b. Jan. 13, 1861 ; m. Dec. 17, 1882, Rufus D. Smith. 711. I\'. — Amy Chase, b. Jan. 31, 1863; m. Jan. 15, 1883. Sanuiel P. Smith; d. Jan. 7. 1899. San I-'ran- cisco. 712. \'. — Henry Flodgson, b. Dec. 16, 18^)6; m. Alma E. Pease. 712 HENRY HODGSON JI'.RXEGAN, b. Dec. 16. t866; m. Almah Pease. Issue: 713. I. — i\uth Hodgson Jernegan, b. Jan. 7, 1890. 714. II. — Lucretia, b. July 2"^, 1892. " FOSTER. 620 ANN, m. June 25. 1775, IJenjamin iuister, of W. Tisbury, Greenville, N. Y. Issue: 715. I. — Elizabeth I'oster, l)aptized Aug. 23- 1789. 716. II. — Benjamin. l)aptizt'd Aug. 23, 1781^ 717. HI. — Polly Jenkins, baptized Aug. 2},, 1789. 'jx'^. \\ . — Ann. baptized .Aug. 23, 1789. 719. V. — Fear Coffin, baptized Aug. 2;}^^ 1789. 720. \'\. — Il8 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Shubael, baptized Aug. 23, 1789. 721. VII. — Franklin, baptized June 26, 1791. ^2.2. IX. — James. 723. X. — Theodore. NORTON. 625 LYDIA, m. in Tisbury. Dec. 17. 1767, Lot Norton; b. 1743, Edgartovvn ; d. March 6, 1812. Issue: 724. I*. — Infant, b. 1768; d. 1769. 725. II. — Lot Norton, 1^. 1771 ; m. Oct. 9, 1803, Mary Rawson ; d. Nov. 21, 1844. 658 WILLIAM T., ni. 1815, Sophromia Daggett; 1). July 31, 1796; d. Aug. II, 1871. Issue: 726. I. — Eugenia Ducameron, m. Bayes Norton, yiy. II. — William Cottle, b. 1818; m. Mary Crowell ; d. Dec. 31, 1874, age 56 years. 728. III. — ]\Iargaret L., m. Henry Richardson. 729. W . — Edward Souther, drowned at sea. 730. V. — Elizabeth West, m. (I) Thomas H. Smith; m. (2)) Judge Berry. 731. VI. — George, m. Arabella M. Luce. 732. VII. — Sophronia Kelly. 733. VIII. — Thomas, drowned at sea. 734. IX. — Maria Presbury. d. young. yiy WILLIAM C, b. 1818; m. Mary'Crowell ; d. Dec. 31, 1874. Issue, Tisbury: 735. I. — William Edward, captain; d. 1877, in Cali- fornia. SMITH. 662 CHARLOTTE, b. June 26, 1786; m. David Smith. Jr., Dec. 25, 1806; b. April 10, 1781 ; d. Aug. i, 1819, Tisbury; she d. Feb. 20, 1820. Issue: 736. I. — Sarah Skiff Smith, b. Sept. 12, 1807; m. Ben- jamin Ishi Hammett Trask ; d. April 24, 1878. 737. II. — Charlotte Norton, b. Dec. 21, 1809; m. Nov. 12, 1826, Christopher R. Beetle; b. April 10, 1804; d. Sept. 29, 1877; she Sept. 12, 1877, Edgartown, Alass. 738. HI. — CaroHne, b. July 24, 1810; d. April 3, 1814. 739. IV. — Shubael Dunham, b. Sept. 21, 181 1 ; m. Jane Beecher ; d. March 2, 1884. 740. V. — Charles Porter, b. Dec. 7. 1812; m. Dec. 3, 1844, Joan Luce. 741. VI. — Jeremiah, infant. 742. VII. — Gustavus Dunham, b. May 25, 1814; m. June 18, 1869, Miranda L. Dillingham. TRASK., 736 SARAH S. SMITH, b. Sept. 12, 1807; m. July, 1824, Ben- jamin I. H. Trask; b. June 14, 1800; d. Dec. 23, 1871 ; she d. April 24, 1878. Issue: 743. I. — Benjamin Ishi Hammett Traske, Jr., b. July 4, 1827; m. Harriet N. Pinchbeck; d. Jan. 11, 1897. 744. II. — John George Whitwell, b. May 5, 1833; m. Oct. 31, 1855, Mary P. Reynard; he d. March 16, 1858. Had Georgia Whitell Reynard Trask; b. Feb. I, 1857; (1. Dec. II, 1857. 745- ^I^- — Gustavus Dunham Smith Trask, b. May 14, 1837; m. Ella F. Donnell ; New Brighton, Staten Island. 743 BENJAMIN I. H. TRASK, 1). July 4, 1827; m. Nov. 9, 1848, JONATIIAX DUXIIAM. 1 19 Harriet N. Pinchbeck; h. A])ril 1, iSjcj; d. July, iS()8; lie d. Jan. 11, 1807. Issue: 74C). T. — Sarah Skiff Smith Traskt', 1). Dec. 21, 1849; m. Peter 1). Sturo-is. 747. II. — Clara, b. May 10, 1853; d ]\mc 12, t85;v STI^R(^.1S. 746 SARAH S. S. TPASK. 1). Dec. 2T, 1840: m. Feb. 5. 1868. Peter D. Sturgis ; b. Alay 21;. 1840. Issue: 748. I. — Sadie Traske ■ Sturgis. b. Nov. 22, 1868. 749. 11.— Adehe, b. March 5, 1872; m. June I, 1898, Frank Nellarton Dodd. 745 GUSTAVU'S D. S. TRASK. b. May i-|, 18.^7: ni. Oct. 18. 1866, Ella F. Donnell; b. Feb. 20, 1846. Issue: 749. I. — George Francis Donnell Trask. b. Sept. 14. 1867. 750. II. — John Ellingwood Donnell. b. Feb. 18. 1871 ; m. May 29. 1900, Alice Nicholson Coates ; b. Oct. 21, 1873. 751- III- — Lillian Marie Donnell. b. 1-eb. 12. 1873. 752. I\'. — Ella Floyd, b. Feb. 9. 1875. 753. V. — Mary Dunham, b. July 19. 1877; d. July 2T,, 1878. 754. \'I.— Benjamin Flammiett. b. April 27, 1879. 755- A'll.— Elizabeth Carll. b. March 24, 1882; Feb. 7, 1888. 756. VIII. — Adaline Presbury, b. March 16, 1885. 660 POLLY J., b. 1788, Tisbury; m. Nathan Smith; 1). Aug. 16, 1784; d. Sept. 17, 1857; she d. June 4. 1849. Tisbury. Issue: 757. I. — Maria Smith. 758. II. — Elvira M.. b. Jan. 4. 1814; m. Howes Noeris ; killed by lightning July 29; 1851. 759. III. — Nathan Skiff, b. May 2t,. 1816; m. Jane B. D. New; d. Mardi 15. 1868. 760. 1\'. — Presbury Luce, b. May 18, 1821 ; m. (i) Sophronia ; m. (2) 1862, Adeline Booth. 761. V. — Edward T. Taylor, b. Jan. 10, 1827; m. May 11, 1851, Mary S. Adams. 759 NATHAN S., b. May 23, 1816, Tisbury: m. 1835. Jane B. B. D. New; b. April 25, 1807. Tisbury; d. Aug. 15. 1878; he d. March 15. 1868; both buried Vineyard Haven. Issue: 762. 1. — .Marie Presbury Smith, b. Nov. i, 1840; m. George Thomas Hough, M. D.; d. April 4, 1863. HOUGH. 762 MARIE P. SMITH, b. Nov. i. 1840; m. Dec. 26, 1859. George T. Hough. M. I).; 1). March 27,. 1838; slie d. .\])ril 4. 1863. Issue: 763. I. — Garry de NeuvilU' Hough, b. .April m;, 1861 ; m. Oct. 2^. 1888. Margaret Howard Soule ; b. May 3. 1862. 763 GARRY DE N. IIOl'GH, b. April k). 1861 ; m. Oct. 25. 1888. Margaret Howard Soule; b. May 3. 1802. Issue: 764. I. — Doris Hough, b. July 2y, 1889. yC^S- 1 1. —Hilda, b. .\ug. 31, 1890. yGG. HI. — Katherine, b. April 2O, 1894. y()y. l\ . — Garry de Neuville, Jr., b. July 27, 1897. 120 JONATHAN DUNHAM. LUCE. 66i MARGARET, b. April 13, 1815; m. Presbury Luce; b. Jan. 2.^, 1788; d. March 18, i86r ; she d. May 12, 1832. Issue, Tisbury: 768. L — Presbury Luce, b. 1818; d. July 14, 1819. 769. IL — Caroline. JEXKIXS. 619 MARY, dau. of Shubael. 1723, was b. Nov. 5, 1759; m. June 10. 1778, Lemuel Jenkins, who was b. at Edgartown, Mass., July 17, 1740. He had previously been m. Nov. 14, 1766, to Elizabeth Butler and Aug. 30, 1775, to Elizabeth Mayhcw. The latter d. July 17, 1776 He was one of t'he proprietors of Hudson, N. Y., where he d. Sept. 9 1789. She d. Nov. 8, 1809 and was buried at Hudson. Issue: 770 I. — Joseph Dunham, was b. Nov. i, 1778 and d. Nov. 25, 1831. 771 II. — ^Charles G.. 1). July 8, 1782, and died at Hudson, March 9, 1809 He had two daughters, Margaret, m. Alonzo Forsyth, Oswego Co., and Mary Jane, m. Noah Jackson, King's County, N. Y. Issue : y'/2. I. — Margaret Jenkins, m. Alonzo Eorseyt'h, Oswego Co., N. Y. j"]},. II. — Mary Jane, m. Noah Jackson, King's Co., N. Y. 774. HI. — Lemuel, li. 1784, and d. in infancy. 775. IV. — Lenuiel. b. Oct. 20, 1789, was twice m. May 13, 1819, to Gertrude Pearson Huyck, of John V. H. Claverack Sept. 17, 1832, to Elizabeth Tracy Kidd, of Thomas, Chesterfield, Mass. Lemuel was paymaster at Long Island, in 1812; judge advocate, in 1814, and practiced law in Albany when first married. Issue: 776. I. — Leonine (Llewellyn), b. May 13, 1820 and d. Aug. 22, 1849. I^l- H- — Mary Elizabeth, b. $ept. 14, 1821 ; m. Jan. 10, 1840, William McGill. They had Robert, Sept. i, 1843. 778- III.— Charles Edward, b. Nov. 17, 1822; m. Dec. 12, 1846, Sally Hanson, member of Wisconsin legis- lature ; judge of probate of Milwaukee Co., Wis. Issue : 779. I. — Gertrude, b. June 25, 1848. 780. IL— Ella, b. Sept. 3, 1850. 781. HI. ■ — Huldah, b. Aug. 18, 1852. 782. IV. — Hannah K., of Lemuel, 1740; b. 1850. 783. V. — Anna, b. Aug. 2, 1837. 616 CORNELIUS, ]). Lambert's Cove, Mass., 1745; lived at Chil- mark and Windsor, Ct. ; m. Jan. 8, 1766, Tabit'ha Hancock; b. Tisbury, 1749; d. Windsor, 1813; she was dau. of Rev. Nathaniel Hancock, of Tisbury; cooper. Issue: 784. I. — Josiah Torrey, b. Sept. 9, 1766; d. May 3, 1790. 785. II. — Susanna, b. July 20, 1768; d. Jan. 2, 1814. 786. HI. — Jemima, b. Sept. 11, 1770; m. Reuben Jacques, Creighton, Neb.; d. Sept. 16, 1834. 787. IV. — Lydia, b. July, 1772; d. in infancy. 788. V. — Edmund, b. July 13, 1773; d. Ohois, West Indies, of fever. 789. VI. — Cornelius, b. March 16, 1775; drowned at sea, Jan. 20, 1795; fell overboard. 790. VII. — Samuel, b. Nov. 10, 1776; d. in infancy. 791. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 121 VIII. — Tabitha, b. Nov. 15. 1777; m. Rev. Wm. Colson ; d. Dec. 1852. 792. IX. — Frederick, b. Jan. 3, 1780; m. Lavina Converse; d. June, 1848. 793. X. — (iustavus, b. Aug. 26, 1782; d. 1810. Boston, Mass. 794. XL— Samuel Hancock, b. Sept. 3. 1784; d. Dec. 1856: m. Lany Hallenbeck. 795. XII. — Amanda, b. Feb. 20, 1786; m Mr. Waite ; d. 1845. 79^- XIII. — Stephen, b. ^lay 20, 1787; m. Betsey Kimball, Port- land. Me.; d. April, 1852. 797. XIW — Mary, b. b\b. 7. 1790; d. x^thens, N. Y., Nov., 1809. 798. XV. — Corneljus, 2d. d. Jan zj, 1797; d. Oct., 1865, Dunlap, Iowa. JACQUES. 786 JEMIMA. 1). 1770; m. Reuben Jacques, Creighton, Neb.; d. Sept. 16. 1834. Cheshire. Mass. Issue: 799. I. — ^David Spencer Jacques, b. Aug. 2^, 1790; m. Hannah Bowditch. 800. II. — Aviary Han- cock, b. Nov. 7, 1797; (i) m. Mr. Pratt; (2) m. Dr. Jones. 801. III. — William Edmund, b. Sept. 22, 1800; m. Laura W. Luther. 802. I\'. — Sarah Ann, b. May 3. 1803. 800 MARY H. JACQLTES, b. Nov. 7. 1797; (i) m. Mrs. Pratt; (2) m. Dr. Jones. Issue: 803. I. — Calvin Pratt. 804. II. — Mary Ann. 801 WILLIAM E. JACQUES, b. Sept. 22, 1800; m. Laura W. Luther. Issue: 805. I. — Cornelia C. b. July 29, 1826; m. John L. Manchester, Oct. 11, 1858. 806. II. — Anna Maria, b. March 30. 1830; d. March 5. 1864; m. Nathan Mason, Dec. 9. 185 1. 807. III. — Mary C, b. June 14. 1828; d. ?ilarch 2t^, i860; m. Wm. Burt. March 9, 1844. 808. I\'. — Hulbert L.. b. July 6, 1835; d. May 12, 1891 ; m. Susan Emma \Baker, Oct. 15. 1865. 807 CHILDREN OF WM. BURT. 809. I.— Alice E. Burt. b. Sept. 17. 1847; m. William H. Perkins. 8to. TI. — Anna C. b. Jan. 8, 1858; m. Wm. 11. Perkins," Iowa. JACQUES. 808 CHILDREN OF HULBERT L.. 1835. 811. I.— I-red W. Jacques, b. Dec. 13. 1870; m. Blanche Wheeler, Nov. 18, 1893. 811 CHILDREN OF FRED, 1870. 812. I.— Maude L., b. 1896. 799 DAM I) S. JACQUES, b. Aug. 23. 1790; m. Hanna'h Bowditch. Issue: 813. I. — Milo |ac{|ues. 814. II. — George. 815. III. — William, 816. IV.— Emily. DUNHAM. 794 SAMUEL 1I.\XC( )CK. b. Sept.. 1784. .Martha's \ ineyard : m. Lucy Hallenbeck. of Alliens, on Hudson. .\. ^^ ; he d. Canaan. X. Y., 1856. Issue: 817. I. — John I''d\vard. 1). Jan. 7. 181 1 ; m. .March 7. 1848, 122 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Martha Ann Smith; he d. May i8, 1897. 819. II. — Mary Hancock, h. March 12, 1812, Windsor, 'Conn. 817 JOHN E., b. Jan. 7, 181 1, Windsor, Conn.; m. March 7, 1848, Martha Ann Smith, Cheshire, Mass.; 1). June 8, 1823; d. Rome, N. Y., June 12, 1882; heavy real estate owner in Western Xew York; (k Rome, May 18, 1897. Issue: 820. I.— Ada Ellen, Rome, N. Y. 821. II.— Mary Frances, Rome, N. Y. 822. III. — George Edward, Rome, N. Y. 823. IV. — John Smith, d. in infancy. 623 GEORGE, m. Eugenia Ducameron, of France, where they settled. Issue: 824. I. — Henry, came to America to attend wedding of Sarah Holmes Dunham and Jonathan Luce, Jr. 825. II. — George T. 190 GIDEON, b. 1700; (I) m. 1718, Desire Case; 1). 1701 ; d. 1728, dau. of John Case; d. Oct. 4, 1720, and Desire Manter Tisbury. John Case mentions in his will his children : William, Barnet, Jo'hn, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Elizabeth, wife of Doty and Desire, wife of Gideon Dunham, and Mary, wife of Allen; (2) m. 1729, INIary Lewes; admitted to church, 1731, Barnstable; d. Aug. 26, 1762, Southington, Ct. ; b. Aug. 16, 1700, dau. of James Lewes; d. 1748; (i) m. Elizabeth Lothrop ; (2) m. Mary Sturgis. James Lewes mentions in his will Marc'h 25, 1747, his children Sarah, Barnabas, Solomon, Elizabeth, James, Jonathan and Mary, wife of Gideon Dunham; m. 1732. Gideon was grand juror at Plymouth; 1737, Norwich, Ct. He d. April 27, 1762, Southington, Ct. Issue: 826. I. — Desire, b. 1728; m. June 30, 1755, Roswell Moore, a farmer, Southington, Ct. 827. II. — Mary, b. 1732; m. Nov. 23, 1758, Amos Hart. 828. HI. — Sarah, b. 1734; m. June 10, 1762, Phnieas Woodruff. 829. W. — ^Barnabas, b. 1736; m. June 15, 1769, Martha Cowles. 830. \'. — 'Cornelius, b. 1740; m. Jemima Andrews; d. Feb. 23, 1819. 831. VI. — Sylvanus, b. 1742; (i) m. Rebecca Woodruff; (2) m. Abigail (Booth) Webster; d. 1818. 832. VII.— Salathiel, h. Aug. 21, 1757; m. Aug. 21, 1783, Lucy Steward. 833. YIII. — Gideon, b. 1748; settled in Batavia, N. Y. 833 GIDEON DUNHAM was a member of the State legislature and a presidential elector; b. 1748, Batavia, N. Y., 1801 ; m. Issue: 834. I. — ^Solomon. 835. II. — Shubael. 834 SOLOMON, m. Issue: 836. I.— Solomon, I). 1824. 837. II. —Henry, b. 1824. 838. HI.— Chauncey. 839. I\'.— William. 840. V. — Gideon. 841. VI. — Fred. 842. VII. — Betsey, m. Lowell Mclntyre ; had 843 Erskine and George. 844. MIL — iMargaret, m. Alfred Under- bill; had Drin, Frank, Sidney, 845, 846, 847, Jackson, Kate and Electra. 848. IX. — Sarah, m. Wm. Childs ; 'had George, Frank and Mcjoin. JONATHAN DUNHAM. T23 829 BARNABAS, b. 1736, son of Gideon ; m. Afarlha Cowles, June 15, 1760. Issue: 849. I. — Polly, b. in 1761. 850. II.— William, b. in 1763. 851. TTI. — John. ni. Lucy Jane Tryon, Southington, Conn. 852. I\'. — Isaac, b. in 17A4: m. Xovember 2t,. 1786. Charlotte Law- rence; b. Oct. 13. 1770, and d. Aug. 31. 1800; he then m. ^Trs. Abbott; he d. at Groton, Ct., Oct. 20. 1821. d^S^ ISSUE OF ISAAC AND FIRST WIFE: 853. I.— William, b. Jan. 20. T787; m. Matilda Slauson. 854. II. — James, b. Feb. 20, 1789; unmarried. 855. III. — Jonathan, b. May 31, 1794; munarried ; d. April 29, 1835. 856. IV. — Harvey, b. April 10. 1791 ; m. Dec. 31, 1812, Lydia Loveland ; b. Jan. 19, 1791. and d. March i, 1857. 857. \'. — Tryphena, b. Jan. ly, \~\)7 \ ni. Ephraim Dixon; no issue. 858. M. — Charlotte, b. Oct. 21 , 1799 ; m. Stephen Crittenden. Isaac, second wife : 859. VII. — Abiah, m. John Dixon. Issue: James Dixon. 860, 861. VIII — Alma, m. William Hayes. Issue: John, William, Julia. Issue: 862, 863, 864. Phebe, Robert Hayes. 856 HARX'EY, b. April 12, 1791 ; m. Lydia Loveland; d. March i, 1857. Issue: 865. I.— Permelia. b. Nov. 11, 1813; d. July 24, 1838;' unmarried. 866. II. — Isaac, b. Sept. 7, 1815, Canaan, Ct. ; m. Sept. i, 1840, Elizabeth Snyder. 867. III.— Asahel, b. Nov. 26, 1819; m. July 4, 1839, Matilda Curtis. 868 W. — Harvey, b. July <;, 1825; m. Betsey Carley; no issue. 869. \'. — Lydia, b. July 12. 1828; m. Lorin Ilurlburt. Issue: Laura. Lewis, Levi Hurlburt. 870. \I. — Charlotte, b. Feb. 15, 1831 ; m. Henry Johnson; b. April 17, 1828. 866. \II. — Isaac, b. Sept. 7, 1815; m. Elizabet'h Snyder, Sept. i, 1840. 866 ISSUE OF ISAAC: 871. I.— Permelia, b. March 11, 1842; m. John Surdam. 872. II. — Grove, b. April 6, 1845; "i- Susan Hubbell. 873. III. — Asa'hel, b. June 17, 1840; m. Elizabeth Coe and Enuna Green. 874, 875. Issue: George and Clara Dunham. 876. \\. — ^b'rank. b. Aug. 13, 1851 ; m. Alice Belden. 877. V. — William, b. 1862; m. Mary Sanford. JOHNSON. 870 CHARLOTTE, b. Feb. 15, 1831 ; m. Henry Johnson; b. April 17, 1828. Issue: '^J^. I. — ^Charles Henry Johnson, b. Sept. 22, 1850, Rosa D. Terrill. Issue: Mabel Elsie, b. .\ug. 2^, 1878; m. John Beck- ley, Canaan, Ct. 879. IT. — Hiram Edward, b. In-b. 28, 1853; d. 1879; unmarried. 880. HI. — Mary, b. July 27, 1856; m. Mervitt Brooks; d. 1881. 881. R'.— Carrie Eliza, 1). Xov. 10. 1859; d. 1862. 882. \'.— Liddie, b. July ly, 1861 ; m. Louis Roys, Hartford, liarle St. Issue: 883. I. — Helen Johnson Roys, b. March 30, 1890. 884. H. — 124 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Olive, b, July 4, 1897. 885. \'I.— Elmer, b. Feb. 20, 1863; m. Mary Fielding. 886. VII.— Ovid Loveland, b. March 28, 1868; d. Aug. 2, 1873. 885 ELMER JOHNSON, b. Feb. 20, 1863: m. Mary Fielding. Issue: 886. I.— Hazael Charlotte, b. Feb. 11, 1898. 887. II.— Lulu Mary, b. July 3, 1900. 888. III. — Henry Fielding, b. Nov., 1901. DUNHAM. 853 WILLIAM, of Isaac, 1764; b. March 20, 1787; m. Matilda Slauson. Issue: 889I. I.— William S., b. Aug. 22, 1825. 889^. IL— Matilda O., b. July 17, 1828. 889^. III.— Robert S., b. June 29, 1832; resides in New York City. 889-^. I\'.— Isaac (twin), b. June 29, 1832; d. voung. CRITTENDEN. 858 CHARLOTTE, of Isaac, b. Oct. 21, 1799; m. Stephen Critten- den. Issue: 8895. I. — Isaac Crittenden, b. Feb. 2, 1824; m. Nancy Gridley, Oneida, N. Y. 889'^. II.— James Crittenden, b. Nov. 21, 1825. 889'^. HI. — Orcelia Crittenden, b. Aug. 13. 1830. COWLES. SKETCH OF COWLES' FAMILY. John Cowles. — had Samuel Cowles. — ^had Samuel Cowles and Caleb Cowles. — Samuel Cowles. — had Asahel Cowles.— had Samuel Cowles. — had Tames Alpheus Cowles. Kensington, Conn. : m. Charlotte Bronson ; d. 1837, se 51 ; m., second. ]\Irs. Catharine Dunham. No issue. Caleb Cowles. — had Daniel Cowles. — had Martha Cowles; m. Barnabas Dunham. June 15. 1769; she was b. 1736. 851 JOHN, of Barnabas. 889^ I.— Polly, b. May 26, 1804; m. ' Sept. 23, 1830, James Castelow. 8898 POLLY (DUNHAM) CASTELOW. 889^. I.— Elijah Dun- ham Castelow, b. Oct. 2t,, 1832; m. April 20. 1857; he d. March i, 1903. 889!*^. II. — Lucy Jane Castelow, b. Nov. 24, 1836; m. Abbie Ely Smith, Meriden, Ct. 889^^ HI. — Polly Dunham Castelow. b. ; m. April 27, 1845. Ephraim Roberts; d. April 21, 1868, Southington, Conn. 889I1 POLLY D. (CASTELOW) ROBERTS. 88912. L— John Dunham Roberts, b. June 11, 1846, Meriden. 889!^. II. — James M. Roberts, b. June 21. 1868; d. March 13, 1898. 8899 ELIJAH DUNHAM CASTELOW. 889!-'. I.— Alice, m. Nov. 8. 1883. Rufus Clark Merriam. 889^5 II._Frank, d. Sept 12, 1865. 889i«. HI.— Wilbur E., m. June 23, 1892, Annie Meredith. Had JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1 25 Milton' Castelovv. 889I". I\'.— Mary. 889!^ W— Louis, d. March 28, ]88o. 850 WILLIAM, 1763. ^^i)^'\ L— William, h. Sept. 20, 1787; m. Mrs. Nancy Peek. Issue: 889'^*. L — Morris Peek Dunham, b. June 25, 1819. 837 HENRY, b. 1824; m. Lssue : 889-1. L— William C, b. 1859; m. Elizabeth Mc\ ea. 838 CHAUNCE^', ni. Lssue: 88922. L— John L., Batavia, N. Y. 88923. IL— Eva, m. James Drake. 840 GIDEON, m. Issue: 8892^. I.— Levant. 88925. IL— Isabel, m. Frank Fanney. 835 SHUBAEL, colonel; member assembly. 1824-5-7; president elector. 1829; d. 1848. Issue: 8892*^. I. — Frank, miller. Concord, Mich. 8892'. I L— Jackson, farmer. Concord. Mich. 8892s. III.— Har- rison, clergyman. Concord, Mich. 8892*^ IV. — George, miller, Parma, Mich. 889^'^. V. — Gideon, Saginaw, Mich. 830 CORNELIUS, b. 1740; m. Feb. 2, 1764. Jemima Andrews; d. May 24, 1818, aged 73 years. He was tavern keeper and known for his great hospitality, in Southington; enlisted in Revolutionary war, Feb. 6, 1775; he d. Feb. 23, 1819. Issue, Southington, Conn.: 889^^ I. — Lovina. b. Dec. 13. 1764; d. Aug. 15. 1835. 889^2. H. — Samuel, b. May 15, 1767; Aug. 4, 1798. m. Lucy Arial. dau. of John and Hannah Rich; (1. Sept. 20. 181 1 ; she m. Oct. 6, 1826. Abjah Hart. 889'^'''. HI.— Mary, b. April 2y, 1769; m. Aug. 26, 1783. 889^^. 1\'. — Nancy, b. Aug. 4, 1771 ; m. Levi Curtis. 889^^. V. — Jemima, b. Feb. 26. 1774; m. Sept. 4, 1811, Chester Pratt. 8893^. \'L — Cornelius, b. Jan. 29, 1777; m. April 25, 1804, Lucinia Xewell : d. Jan., 1823. 890. \\l. — Diadamia, b. Feb. 7, 1781 : m. Feb. 3, 1803, Asahel I'eck. 891. \1 1 F— Sarah, b. Aug. 25, 1783; m. Jan. k;, 1806, Nathaniel Judd Root. 892. IX. — Chauncey, b. ]^Iarch 27,, 1786; m. (i) Rosanna Root; m. (2) Sylvia Langdon; d. Sept. 29, 1880. 831 SYLVANUS, b. 1742; m. (t) Rebecca Woodruft' ; d. Oct. 28, 1812, aged 64 years; m. (2) March 15. 1S13. Abigail (Booth) Webster, widow of Joshua; lived on west side of Shuttle Meadow; d. 1818. S93. I. — Harvey, b. 1771 ; m. h"eb. (). 1795, J-^lizabeth Tryon ; d. June 23, 1865, aged 92 years; he d. July 15. 1836. 894. II. — Sylvaiuis. b. 1775; m. Nov. 5, 1795. 'riu'odosia Feck. 8(^5. 111. — Infant, b. 1784. Farming- ton. Conn. 896. 1\'. — l''abius, b. 1787: m. Folly S(Hiires; d. July 12, 1817. 893 ll.\l\\'l'A'. b. 1771 : m. l'\'b. (j. 1773. I^lizabeth (Goodrich) 126 JONATHAN DUNHAM. Tryon, Middleton, Conn.; d. June 23, 1865, aged 92 years; he d. July 15, 1836. Issue: 897. I. — Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1795; m. 'March 25, 1814, Joseph Clark. 898. II. — Truman, b. Feb. 26, 1797; d. Sept. 8, i860. 899. III. — Harvey, b. Feb. 5, 1799; ni. Julia A. Cornwall; d. March 23, 1869. 900. IV. — Clarissa, b. Sept. 18, 1803; m. Frank Billings; d. Feb. 17, 1867. 901. V. — Polly, b. Feb. 2, 1805; m. Sept. 30, 1824, Isaac Woodruff. 902. VI. — Rebecca G., b. Jan. 9, 1810; m. Oct. 10, 1833, Collingwood Hent. 899 HARVEY, b. Feb. 5, 1799; m. Oct. 2, 1822, Julia Ann, dau. of Robert and Sarah Hart Cornwall; d. March 23, 1869. He lived on Shuttle Meadow. Issue: 903. I. — Angelie. b. June 19, 1825; m. Aug. 2^, 1844, Henry R. W. Dickinson. 904. II. — Robert Cornwall, b. Oct. 4, 1827; m. Josephine M. Park, March 11, 1851. 905. III. — Truman, b. June 30, 1831 ; m. Jan. i, 1857, Mary J. Ufford ; he d. March 30, 1882; Dec. 4, 1862, m. (1) Angeline Griswold ; Oct. 7, 1868; m. (2) Helen Sutliff. 906. IV.— Sarah E., b. March 21, 1835; m. Jan. 13, 1864, George Loomis. 904 ROBERT C, b. Oct. 4, 1827; m. March 11, 1851, Josephine Park, fruit farm. Shuttle Mountain, Southington, Conn. Issue: 907. I. — George C, b. b. Feb. 28, 1857; m. Lottie K. Davis. Issue : 908. II. — William N., b. Dec. 31, 1857; m. Mary Smith, May 2j, 1890. 909. I. — Myrtle, b. June 20, 1893. 9io. H. — Laura N., b. Nov. 11, 1896. 911. HI.— Jonathan, b. July 21, 1898. 912. HI.— Frederick P., b. July 31. i860; m. (i) Jennie Woodruff; m. (2) Lizzie Whiting; m. (3) Grace L. Dayton. 913. IV. — Mary J., b. Oct. 29, 1862; m. Nov. 18, 1885, Edwin G. Lewis, Southington, Conn. Had Marion. 914. V. — Julia E., b. Jan. 17, 1864; m. June 13, 1888, Lewis O. Shepard, Southington, Conn. Issue: 914a. Dunham Orwell, b. Oct. 23, 1900. 907 GEORGE CORNWALL, b. Feb. 22, 1857; m. Sept. 9, 1880, Lizzie Keziah Davis; b. Nov. 4, 1857. Issue: 915. I. — Bertha Elberta, b. July 3, 1881. 916. II.— Robert Adam, b. Oct. 21, 1882. 917. HI.— Edna Beulah, b. Oct. 17, 1885. 918. IV.— Charles Nelson, b. Oct. 24, 1887; d. Feb. II, 1889. 919. v.— Ruth May. b. May z-j, 1897. 912 FREDERICK P., b. July 31, i860; m. Dec. 24, 1885. Jennie A. Woodruff: m. (2) Lizzie Whiting, Nov. 18, 1890; d. Feb. 28, 1894; m. (3) Oct. 9, 1894, Grace L. Dayton. Issue: 920. I. — Paul C, b. Oct. 20, 1886. 921. II.— Dana W., b. Oct. 10, 1888. 922. HI.— Jennie M., b. Nov. 26. 1892. 923. IV. — Clarence, b. Sept. z'j, 1891. 924. V. — Halstead 1-.. b. Feb. 19, 1897. 925. VI.— Gladys M., b. Aug. 24, 1897. 905 TRUMAN, b. June 30. 1831, Shuttle Mountain, Southington, JONATHAN DUNHAM. 12"/ Conn.; ni. (i) Jan. i, 1857, Mary J. Ufford ; d. Feb. 22, 1858; m. (2) Dec. 4, 1862, Angeline E.. daii. of Giles O. and Eliza Ann Bailey Gris- wold, Warren, Ohio; d. July 12. 1868, Qeveland, ( )hio ; he d. March 30, 1882, Cleveland ; ni. (3) Oct. 7, 1868, Helen Sutliff. Issue, b. Cleveland, Ohio: 926. I. — Ella Maria. 1). Jan. 12, 1864: ni. June 2},, 1886, Albion Morris Dyer, Warren. ( )hio. 927. II. — Tryon (jriswold. b. July 4, 1865; m. Clara Hunt. 928. HI.— Mary. b. Xov. 25, 1869, Vassar Col- lege; Charles Holden Prescott, Ann Arl)()r College, Cleveland. 929. I\'. — Giles Cornwall, 1). Feb. 28, 1871. 930. V. — Katherine Stewart, b. April 26, 1874, X'assar College. 931. \'I. — Truman, b. April 15, 1877; d. April 2, 1887. 932. VII. — Belle Hannah, b. May 2, 1879, Vassar College; ni. Ray Potter Perry, Dec. 14, 1904. 933. VIII. — Alice, b. June 27, 1882. PRESCOTT. 928 MARY, dau. of Helen Sutliff, b. Nov. 25, 1869, Vassar College; m. Charles Holden Prescott, Cleveland, Ohio, Ann Arbor, College. Issue: 934. I. — Helen Dunham Prescott. 935. II. — Allen 936. III. — Charles Holden Prescott. DYER. 926 ELLA M., dau. of Angeline E. Griswold ; b. Jan. 12, 1864; m. June 23, 1886, Albion Morris Dyer, New York City; b. Mamilton, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1858, son Elbridge Gerry and Hepzabah (Whitney) Dyer, Col- gate University; teacher, Warren, Ohio. Issue: 937. I. — Elbridge Griswold Dyer, b. New York City, Alay 15, 1887. 938. II. — Sydney Dunham, b. Omaha, Jan. 13, 1889. 939. III. — Dorothy Ella, b. Omaha, June 17, 1890. 940. I\'. — ^Truman Dunham, 1). Warren, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1896. 927 TRYON G., son of Angeline E. Griswold, b. July 4, 1865, Amherst. Col., June, 1891, Clara Hunt, W^arren, Ohio. Issue: 941. I. — Tryon Hunt Griswold, ]>. Warren, Ohio, July 2t^, 1899. LOOM IS. 906 SARAH E., b. ^March 21, 1835; m. Jan. 13, 1864, George Loomis, ex-judge, lawyer in Parkkersburg, W. \'a. Issue: 942. I. — George Cornwall Loomis, Parkersburg, W. \'a. 943. II. — Carrie. 874 WILLIAM C, b. 1859: m. [Elizabeth McVea, Batavia, N. Y. Issue: 944. I. — Henry, 1). i8i;2. (;45. H. panics, b. 1895. DICKINSON. 903 ANGELINE, b. junr 19, 1825; m. .\ug. 2y, 1844, Honry R. W. Dickinson, of Northam])tt m, .Mass. Issue: 946. I. — Sydncx- Dickin- son, Amherst College, Hoston, Mass. 947. 11. — bldwin. .\mherst Col- 128 JONATHAN DUNHAM. lege, professor Oberlin College 948. III. — Charles, Amherst College; clergyman, Canandagua, N. Y. 894 SYLVANUS, b. May 18, 1775; m. Nov. 5, 1795, Theodosia Peck ; b. Nov. 24, 1778 ; he d. May 25, 1846 ; she d. Feb. 8, 1856. Issue : 949. I. — Hial, b. Aug. 19, 1799; d. Jan. 10, 1874, Camden, N. Y. 950. II. — Evelyn, b. June 9, 1801. 951. III. — Sylvanus, b. Jan. 22, 1806. 952. IV. — Orson, m. Hannah Stanley ; b. July 25, 1803 ; d. Aug. 25, 1850, at Millport, N. Y. 953. V.— Brainard B.. b. July 6, 1809; d. Feb. 9, 1890, Hartford. 953a. VI. — Wealthy P., b. July 17, 181 1; m. Nov. 24, 1829, Solomon D. Gridley ; d. May 25, 1857, at Southington, Conn. 954. VII. — Horatio, b. Jan. 2, 1818; m. Hannah E. Finch; b. March 6, 1820. 955. VIII. — Theodosia, 1). April 5, 1816; m. Aug. 28, 1854, George W. Johnson; she d. Nov. 25, 1863. 956. IX — Albro, b. July 17, 1823. 954 HORATIO, b. Jan. 2, 1818; m. June 23, 1845, Hannah E. Finch; he d. May 2, 1887, at Southington, Conn. Issue: 957. I. — Charles Finc'h, b. Sept 25, 1848; m. Aug. 18, 1872. Martha E. Gridley. 958. II. — John Horatio, b. Nov. 10, 1853. 959- HI. — Frank Ward, b. Oct 17, 1859; dentist, Hartford; m. Genevra Arnold Gridley; b. Nov. 4, 1866. 896 FABIUS, b. 1787; m. Oct. 20, 181 1, Polly Squires; committed suicide by taking laudanum, Jul\- 12, 1817. Issue: 960. I. — Eli. 889 CORNELIUS, b. Jan. 29, 1777; m. April 25, 1804. Lucinia Newell; b. 1779; d. Nov. 23, 1853; he d. Jan. 6, 1823; a suicide. Issue: 961. I. — Infant, b. Jan. 2, 1805. 962. II. — Was.hburn, bap. Sept. 14, 1806; m. Adeline Smith. 963. III. — ^Jemima Delia, bap. Aug. 5, 1814. 964. IV. — Harriet, bap. April 25, 18 14; m. May 20, 1844, Ralph Armstrong. 892 CHAUNCEY, b. March 22,, 1786; m. (i) Nov., 1812, Rosanna Root; d. Nov. 2y, 1823, aged 35 years; m. (2) Dec. 23, 1824, Sylvia Langdon ; b. July 2y, 1800; 'he d. Sept. 29, 1880; she d. in Southington at 106 years of age. Issue, Sout'hing'ton, Conn.: 965. I. — 'Samuel Cornelius, b. May 3, 1815; d. Feb. 8, 1816. 966. II.— Charles B., b. June 6, 1819; d. Oct. 6, 1820. 967. HI. — George B., b. June 6, 1819; d. Oct. 6, 1820. 968. IV. — Rosanna, b. Sept. 20, 1821 ; m. April 13, 1842, Levi Gridley; d. Nov., 1850. 969. V. — 'Chaunccy, b. Nov. 27. 1823; m. May, 1851, Sarah H. Clark; d. Jan., 1869. 970. VT. — Sarah Langdon, b. Dec. 3, 1825; d. Dec. 3, 1825. 971. VI. — Charles Cornelius, b. May 3, 1828; m. May 27), 1850, Eunice S. Andrews; d. Sept. i, 1887. 972. VII. — George, b. April 7, 1830; m. (i) Isabella Bradley; m. (2) Mary Rev. Samuel Dunham, Binghamton, N. Y. JONATHAN DL-MIAM. 1 2ed II., 111. Kate I'orkill, Lincoln, Kansas. 1093 CHESTER, I). Jill \- 17. 1810 ; d. ( )ct. 17, i8(j() ; m. jul\- 17, 1844, .Amanda Harper, Cu\alii>^a i'n. ||c moved Ii-mui iM-ankforl, X. Y.. to Bedford, Ohio, and in \^(\() to York, Indiana. Issue: 1104. I. — Delilah, b. Aug. 22, 1845; ^3 years an invalid. 1105. H. — Emily, b. Aug. 26, 1846. 1 106. HE — Sarah, b. May 2, 1848, York, Steuben Co. 1107. IV. — John Henry, farmer. Williams Co.; b. Sept. 12, 1850; m. Sept. 16, 1877, Bettie Sowers, York. 1108. \'. — h'ranklin Seriah, b. April I, 1852, Chicag-o, 111. 1109. AH. — ^Martin Souther, York, Ind. ; b. Jan. 19, 1854; m. Dec. 25, 1881, Jennie Carmory, Angolia, Ind.; he d. Jan. 2"], 1897, Angolia, Ind. '1107 JOHN HENRY, b. Sept. 12, [850; m. Sept. 16, 1877, Bettie Sowers. Issue: mo. I. — Ida Ma}-, b. Nov. 2, 1878; m. Jan. 15, 1900, Leroy Thomas, Nettle Lake, ( )hio. iin. H. — Edwin, b. .Xov. [6, 1882. mo IDA MAA\ b. Xov. 2, 1878; m. Jan. 15, 1900, Leroy Thomas, Nettle Lake, Ohio. Issue: 11 12. I. — Ralph (iale. b. Jan. 7, 1901. 1 109 AIARTIN SOUTHER, b. Jan. 19, 1854; d'. Jan. 2-j, 1897, Angolia, Ind.; m. Dec. 25, 1881, Jennie Carmorv, .Angolia, Ind. Issue: 1113. I. — Carl, 1). Julv 2*^, 1885; d. March 31, 1891. 11 14. II. — Royal Wade, b. June 30, 1890. 1094 ALONZC). b. Aug. 16. 1812. I'rankfort : m. Dec. 31, 1835, Julia Bernard; b. 1817; d. ()ct. 2(). 18(^4. Issue: 1115. I. — Priscilla, b. July 24, 1838; m. Sept. 2}^, i8C)0, Hiram V. Cm'tis. iiU). II. — Lorina, b. July 26, 1840; m. Sejit. 9, 1860, Xathaniel iU'iniel. 1 11 7. HI. — Lucinda E., b. Alay 18, 1850: m. Dec. 15, i8()f), William E. Moss. VYHEELER. 1096 ELIZA, m. Nov. 16. 1848, William L. Wheeler, Phelps, X. Y. Issue: 1118. I. — Lottie I'^lizabeth. b. ( )ct. 2-j , 1850: m. Dec. 21, 1870, Edwin S. Libbw t i kj. H. — Charles Johnson, b. Se])t. (;, 1856; m. k\'b. 23, 1887. Josephine C. Mead. 1120. III. — John Dunham, b. Oci. 12, 1857; d. 18(34. 1 121. \\ . — Warren (ieorge, b. jul\- 4, i860; d. Xov. 5, 1897; "i- Dec. 12, 1882, Xellie Wagner. 1122. \'. — Lida S., b. Nov. 2. 1863; m. Nov. 14. 1883. l-:dward II. Collins. 1123. \ I.— Royal M., b. Nov. 26, 1876; m. Oct. 29. 1902, Martua, ( )hio. iMliel .M . Craft ; b. 1876. 134 JONATHAN DUNHAM. LIBBY. 1118 LOTTIE E. WHEELER, b. Oct. 27, 1859; m. Dec. 21, 1870, Edwin S. Libby. Issue: 1124. I. — A'ernon W., b. Nov. 18, 1871. 1125. II.— Lucy Belle, b. Jan. 28. 1878. 1126. III.— Virgil Blanche, b. Sept. 3, 1884. WHEELER. 1 1 19 CHARLES JOHNSON, b. Sept. 9, 1856; m. Feb. it,. 1887, Josephine C. Mead. Issue: 1127. I. — ^Marcia, b. March 16, 1890. 1 121 WARREN GEORGE, b. July 4, i860; d. Nov. 5, 1897; m. Dec. 12, 1882, Nellie Wayne. Issue: 1128. I.— Clare, b. Oct. i. 1883; d. Eeb. 12, 1898. 1 129. II. — George, 1). Aug., 1886; killed by cars, Sept. 12, 1894. COLLINS. 1122 LIDA S., b. Nov. 2, 1863; m. Nov. 14. 1882, Edward H. Col- lins. 'Issue: 1130. I. — Lottie, b. Dec. 21, 1883. 1131. TI. — Keith W., b. Sept. 9, 1888. CURTIS. 1115 PRISCILLA, b. July 24, 1838; m. Sept. 22, i860, Hiram F. Curtis. Issue: 1132. I. — Alonzo D. 1133. II. — William C. 1134. III.— Linnie J., b. 1866; d. Oct., 1875. 1095 LAURA, 1). 1815; m. Asabel Hungerford, a doctor from Amenia, N. Y., and A. T. Hul)bell. Issue: 1135. L — Orin J. Hunger- ford. 1136. II. — Orton C. Hubbell, president of college, Fairfield, Neb. 1 137. HI. — Clifton D. Hubbell. professor high school, Cleveland, Ohio. 1138. IV. — Alicia. 1139. V. — Du'thie. 1097 FRED, b. 1819; m. Lucinda Ransom. Issue: 1140. I. — ■ Lucinda R. 1141. II.— Flold A. 1098 PHEBE, b. Jan. 9. 1822 ; d. June 30, 1896; m. 1845, (0 Nahum Wiggins; m. 1856, (2) William E. Thompson. Issue: 1142. I. — ^Milan W. Wiggins, b. April 29, 1896; m. Mariah Hubbard. 1143. II. — CuUom H. Wiggins, b. Nov. i, 1847. ii44- H- — -^sa Dunham Thompson, Cleveland, Ohio; m. Cora Bach. 1145. IV. — Elizabeth, Bloomingdale, Mich. ; m. Edwin Remington. 5 GERSHOM, m. Mary Clark, of Nantucket. His father gave him land at Middleboro, and willed him a pair of oxen; d. 1738-9. He made a will, dated March 3, 1737-8, giving to his sons, Gershom, Jethro, Seth and Paul, and to his daughters, Mary Deborah and Zeruiah. He had already given to David. He appointed his wife executrix ; will pro- bated, Nov. 2, 1739. Issue: 1145a. I. — David, m. (i) Sarah Clifford; m. (2) Mary (Ripley) McElroy; d. 1746, intestate. 1146. II. — Gershom, ( i JONATHAN DUNHAM. I 35 111. Alarv. 1147- III. — jetliro. in. Mcliitaljel Xinccnl ; >lu' d. Oct., 1789, ?e 88. 1148. IV. — Setli. 1). 17(4; 111. Xaonii Merchant ; d. Ant;-. 2t,, 1799; .she Dec. 14. 1785. ii4. April 3, 1786: (1. May 10. 1786. 1320. I\'. — .^teiihen, b. May 3. 1787. 1321. \'. Henry, b. .\])ril 7, \J^j\. 1322. \'l. — Polly, b. Aug. 3, 1793; d. jul\- 7, 1793. 1323. \II. — Samuel, 1). Oct. 18, 1798. 1324. VIII. — Hannah, b. May 29, 1799; m. Pease. 142 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1308 CLIFFORD, m. Abigail Tilton. Issue, Tisbury: 1325. I. — Elisha, b. April 16, 1791 ; m. ]\Iary Clififord. 1326. II. — Sanders, b. March 27, 1797; m. Mary ; d. Sept. 21. 1852. 1327. III. — Charles. 1328. I\'. — Jane, m. (i) Jo'hn Cleveland; m. (2) Gershom Dunham. 1329. V. — Harriet, b. March 23, 1807; m. Ira Dexter; d. Aug. 26, 1882. 1330. \I. — Abigail, m. Davis Look; d. April 22, 1880. 1331. YIL— Shubael. COVELL. 1 151 Mary, m. July 22, 1713, James Covell, Jr., who d. 1762, Edgar- town. Issue: 1332. I. — James Covell, Jr., moved to Glastonbury, Conn., about 1762; m. Alargaret . 1333. II. — ^Mary, b. 1716; m. Jan. i. 1740, Joseph Cleveland; d. April 5, 1779. 1334. III. — Eliza- beth, m. Sept. 25, 1740, Ebenezer Joy. 1335. IV'. — Thankful, m. David Hillman. 1336. V. — Micaiah, m. Mary Ripley. 1337. VI.— Jethro, b. 1724; m. (2) Aug. 30. 1770, Lydia Vincent. 1338. Yll. — Philip, b. Dec. 24, 1726; bap. July 10, 1743. 1339. Mll.-^VIatthew, bap. July 10, 1743. 1340. IX.— Eliphalet, bap. July 10, 1743. 1341. X.— Joseph, bap. July 10, 1743; m. Judith . 1342. XL — Timothy, bap. July 10, 1743. 1326 SANDERS, b. March 27, 1797; m. Mary; b. March 7, 1795; he d. Sept. 21, 1852. Issue : 1343. I. — Joseph Allen, b. Tisbury, March 16, 1822; m. Eunice N. '■ — ; b. April 14, 1827. 1344. II. — ^Clifford, b. Bufifalo, N. Y., June 13, 1826; m. Captain Mary Dexter; b. March 20, 1820. Had a son, Clifford, who d. young; d. at Havana, 1854. 1345. HI.— William C, b. Sept. i, 1829, Buffalo; m. (i) Nov. 30, 1851, Love C. Robinson; b. March 12, 1831 ; d. Oct. 10, 1855; m. (2) Dec. 5, 1856, in Fairhaven, Adeline Mitchell. PEASE. 1 152 DEBORAH, b. 1696;™. Thomas Pease, Jr. ; b. Aug. 25, 1694; d. June 15, 1765; she d. Dec. 6, 1790. Issue: 13^16. I. — Thomas Pease, b. Sept. 29, 1725; m. (i) May 15, 1753, Lydia Pease; m. (2) Oct. 24, 1763, Abiah (Smith) Shaw. 1347. 11. — Bathsheba, m. John Alcott. 1348. HI. — Deborah, m. (1) James Dunham Norton; m. (2) Samuel Smith; d. Feb. 17, 1774. 1349. IV. — Reliance, m. Timothy Smith from whom Mme. Nordica is a descendant. 1296 GERSHOM, b. July 3, 1738; m. (1) June 2^, 1762, Jane Foster; m. (2) Jan. .29, 1775, Elizabeth Gage. Issue: 1350. I. — Gershom, b. Aug. 17, 1764. 1325 ELISHA, b. April 16, 1791, Tisbury: m. Mary Clifford; b. March 2t„ 1782; d. Oct. 30, 1853, Tisbury. Issue: 1351. I.— Maria, ADDENDA. JONATHAN DUNHAM. (See page 143.) MARCY. 1365 PRISCILLA, b. June 28. 1760: m. Asahel Marcy. Issue: 1668. I. — Laban Marcy, m. Fanny Howe. Issue: 1669. I. — Gen. Randolph Barnes iMarcy, m. ^lary Mann. Issue: 1670. I. — Fanny Marcy. m. Edward H. Clarke. 1671. II. — Ellen Marcy, m. Gen. George B. McClellan. McCLELLAN. 1671 ELLEN MARCY, m. Gen. George B. McClellan. Issue: 1672. I.— iVIayor George B. McClellan, Mayor New York City. JONATHAN DUNHAM. , I 43 b. Jan. 20, 1815; d. Nov. 26, 1852. 1352. II. — John, b. July 3, 1817; m. Nancy S. Mayhew ; d. Oct. 11, 1884. 1352 JOHN, b. July 3. 1817, Tisbury; m. Nancy S. Mayhew; b. Feb. 27, 1812, Chihnark ; he d. Oct. 11, 1884. N. Tisbury. Issue: 1353. I. — Mary L., b. July (j, 1840, Chilniark. 1354. II. — Jolm Tyler, b. March 29, 1844, Tisbury; d. Dec. 4. 1856, Chilmark. 1355. HI. — George L., b. 185 1 ; d. Dec. 4, 1856. Chilmark. 4 ELEAZi'^R. lived on property given to him l)y his father at Mid- dleboro; m. Issue at Middleboro, Mass.: 1356. I. — Ebenezer, m. Jan. I, 1719, Abigail Smith, dau. of John Smith. 1357. 1 1- — Ephraim, m. Annis Smith. 1358. J II. — Lemuel, m. Elizabeth Tinkham, Sept. 16, 1735- 1359- n.— Stephen, m. Jan. 10. 1733. Lydia Taylor. 1360. V. — Manasseh, m. Aug. 11, 1740, Sarah Hawks. 1357 EPHRAIM, m. Dec. 1725, Annis Smith; b. 1695; d. 1729; b. at Green Gem., dau. of Rev. John. Issue. Aliddleboro, Mass.: 1361. I. — Ephraim, m. Mercy Tinkham. 1362. II. — Jonathan, b. Nov. 4, 1726; m. Sept. 24, 1752, Ann Elliot. 1361 EPHRAIM, m. May 30. 1740. Issue, b. at Middleboro, ]\Iass. : 1363. I. — Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1742. 1358 LEMUEL, m. Sept. 16, 1735. Elizabeth Tinkham. Issue, Middleboro, Mass.: 1364. I. — El)enezer. b. Jan. 4, 1738; m. Jan. 30, 1760, Patience Clapp. Had I. — Rebecca, b. Sept. 11, 1761. 1365. II. — Prisciila, 1). June 28, 1740. 1366. III. — Lemuel, b. July 14. 1746. 1367. I\'. — Joseph, b. .\pril 21. 1749; m. Sarah Johnson. 1368 \'. — Ephraim. b. Jan. 2^,, 1752. 1369. \ I. — ^Manasseh, b. Feb. 25, 1755. 1370. A'H. — Elizabeth, 1). June i. 1757. K^7^- ^ HI. — ( lamaliel, b. Sept. 28, 1759. 1367 JOSEPH, son of Lemuel, who m. Elizabeth Tinkham, Sept. 16, 1735, was b. April 21, 1749; m. Sarah Johnson, July 12, 1770; she was b. in 1756; he was b. in Middleboro; removed to Wilbraham. Mass., and settled at Sandesfield. Issue: 1372. 1. — Jacol). was b. April 3, 1772. 1373. II. — Joseph, b. I^'eb. 26. 1774. 1374. ill. — Electra, b. Feb., 1778. at Sandesfield: m. in 1830. Jnhn Frazier, who d. in 1840. and in 1843, J- Atwater. She had no issue in 1856. 1375. I\ . — Gamaliel, b. Oct., 1779. at Sandesfield: m. So])hia Tliwing: she il. April, 1818. In 1828, he m. Sarah .^])encer. lie was a soldier in tlie war of 1812. 137O. \'. — Harman. 1). I )rc. f'), i7i;7. i377- \ I- — Hrborah. 1375 G.VM.VLl I'^L, I), in 1 77V ; \va> son of Joseph. 1749; he m. Sophia Thwing, who d. in A])ril, 1818. lie then m. Sarah Spencer, in 1828; he d. Aug., 1864; he served in the war of 1812. Issue: 1378. I. 144 JONATHAN DUNHAM, — ^Joseph Sylvester, b. Aug. 29, 1810; m. Mere}- Evans, Dewitt, Iowa; d. July, 1874. No issue. 1379. H. — James Samuel, b. April 22, 1813, m. Purlina Hubbard, Dec, 1833; he d. April, 1893. 1380. III. — Sophia M^ria, b. Sept. 6, 1815 ; m. Fel)., 1835, Amos Dowd, who d. Feb. 8, 1838, at Sandesfield; she then m. Lucius Webb, in 1840, of Horner, N. Y. ; he d. July 18, 1890, at E. Granville, Vt. ; her address, Randolph, \'t. 1381. IV. — Sala Gamaliel, b. April 4, 1818, at Sandesfield, Mass.; m. Anna Maria Robb, in Otis, Mass., Nov., 1838; she d. in 1853; he then m. Julia Robb, who d. in 1867; he d. at Vershire, \t., Dec, 1889. He was an iron worker at Troy, N. Y., Pittsburg, Pa., and Worcester, Mass. 1382. V. — ^^Sarah Sophronia. b. Feb. 16, 1829, m. in 1847, Jol"'ii Stewart. 1383. VI. — Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct., 1832; m. James Stewart, at West Otis, Mass., in 1847. 1384- VII. — Emily, b. in 1835; m. George Jones, Cold Spring, Mass. She and her two children were murdered by negroes in 1861. 1379 JAMES SAMUEL, of Gamaliel, b. April 22, 1813 ; m. Dec. 18, 1833, Purlina Hubbard. Issue: 1385. I. — James Henry, b. Oct., 1840, Hannah Morehouse, Otis, Mass. Had Samuel, 1879; killed. 1386. II. — George Orville, b. April 29, 1843 ! "i- • Served in Fourth New York Heavy x\rtillery ; engineer, Gloversville, N. Y. 1387. HI.— Mary Ann, d. 1388. IV. — Harriet Purlina, m. Samuel Millard, Oct., 1878,. and d. in 1898. Issue: 1389. I. — Elizabeth Sarah Millard, b. 1889. DOWD— WEBB. 1380 SOPHIA MERIA, of Gamaliel, b. Sept. 6, 1815; m. Amos Dowd, Feb., 1835; he died Feb. 8, 1838, and had Ansel Dowd, Nov. 20, 1836; she then m. Lucius Webb, July 2, 1840; he was b. at Horner, N. Y., and d. at E. Granville, Vt., in 1890. Issue: 1390. I. — Ansel Dowd, b. Nov. 20, 1836; m. in 1854, Laminda Town, Topsham, Mass. Issue: 1391. I. — Minnie Dowd, b. 1859, Spencer, Mass. 1392. II. — Lucia Dowd, b. 1861, Otis, Mass.; m. Joseph Wright, Worcester, Mass. Had 1393. I. — Lucius Webb Harold Wright. 1394. H. — Lucia Jane, b. May 2, 1843; "1- Nov. 28, 1865^ Chester Depot. Vt., Theodore Kendall. Issue: 1395. I. — Annie Laurie Kendall, b. 1867; m. Sept. 2, 1890, W'alford Lowles. Had Madalen Lowles, b. Dec. 26, 1891. 1396. HI. — Charles Adin, b. Nov. 20. 1845; 'i^- Clara Luella Wiley, Sept. i, 1878, Northfield, \'t. ; she d. Feb., 1882; he then m. Flora Folsom Lawyer, lulv T, t886; he resides at San Diego, Cal. Had 1397. I. — Charles Theodore, b. Oct. 15, 1880. 1398. IV. — Lucius, b. April 2/, 1847; "i- April 10, 1872, Imogene R. Fuller, Northfield, Vt. ; she d. July, 1898; JONATHAN DUNHAM, I45 he resides at Randolph, A't. Issue: 1399. T. — Devvitt CHnton, b. Aug., 1873; m. Florence Brook. 1400. 11. — Clarence Knowlton, b. 1878, Randolph, Vt. 1401. III.— Winfield, b. April, 1882; d. April 2-], 1889. 1402. IV. — Mary Sophia, b. May i, 1885. 1403. ^^ — Love Amelia, b. July 29, 1850; m. Alden Rralcy, Xorthfield. \'t. Had Love Beatrice Braley, 1886. 1404. \'I. — Fanny Laurinda, b. Sept. 2, 1855, Randolph, Vt. ; m. Charles \'inton ; he d. in Dec, 1894. 1381 SALA GAMALIEL DUNHAM, son of Gamaliel. 1779, b. April 4, 1818; m. Ann Maria Robb. Otis, Mass., Nov., 1838; she d. 1853; he then m. Julia Robb. Issue: 1405. L — Harriet Sophia, b. April 4, 1840; m. Henry H. Titus, in 1866. at S. Fairle, Vt. Had Carrie Titus, b. . 1406. II. — William Curtis, 1). Feb. 18, 1842; m.' Clara Jones ; served in 4ath Massachusetts and 8th X'ermont ; in Civil war. Issue: 1407. I. — Lewis Bramter, b. Oct. 8, 1871 : m. 1897. Abbie Johnson. St. Alban. A't. 1408. HI. — ^Martha Ann. b. Jan.. 1846; m. Eleazer Lackey. 1409. I\'. — ^Mary Elizabeth, b. Fel).. 1844; m. d) Cornwall vSmith ; m. (2) Henry McElwain. 1410. \'. — Jane Maria, b. Oct. 18, 1847, S. Hampton, Mass. She adopted Sala A'irgil's son. 141 1. VI. — Albert Madison, b. Aug. 11, 1849, West Otis. 1412. VII. — Sala A'irgil, b. March 18, 1853; m. Martha Renslaw. TITUS. 1405 HARRIET SOPHIA, b. April 4, 1840, dan. of Sala Gamaliel Dunham, 1818; m. Henry H. Titus, in 1866. Issue: Carrie, b. Aug. 28, 1867; m. Geo. D. Peasley. Issue: 1413. I. — Hazel Wiley, b. 1885, 1414. II. — Royden, 1). 1890. 1415. HI. — Charles. \^,\(^. W . — Henry Titus STEWART. 1382 SARAH SOPHRONIA. b. Feb. if., 1S29, dan. of (iamaliel, 1779; m. John Stewart, in 1847. Issue: 1417. I. — Elizabeth, b. 1850. 1418. II. — Arthur, b. 1852. i4i(j. 111. — William, 1854. 1420. IV. — Evangeline, b. 1858; m. Henr}- Spencer. 1421. \. — John. 1422. \'I, — Charles. 1423. \'II. — Frederic. i4-4- \H1. — James. STEWART. 1383 M ARV FLIZABFTH. of Gamaliel, b. Oct.. 1832: m. James Stewart. West ( )tis. .Mass., 1847. Issue: 1425. — -Mary jane. b. March 18. 1841;. West Olis. Mass. 1426. 11. — George, b. ]86i; m. Agnes Rogers. L.VCK1-:V. 1408 MAP'lllA ANX DIWHAM. dau. of Sala Gamaliel. 1818; b. Jan., 1846; m. Eleazer Lackey, \'ershire, \ i. Issue: I. — Jenme, d. 146 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1428. II. — Jessie, b. 1878. 1429. III. — ^Frank. 1430. IV. — Verna. 1431. V. — Harold, d. 1432. VI. — Louis. SMITH AND McELWAIN. 1409 MARY ELIZABETH, dau. of Sala Gamaliel, 1818, b. Feb., 1844; m. Cornwall Smith and Henry McElwain. Issue: 1433. I. — Willis Smith, Stockport, N. Y. 1434. H. — Emma McElwain. 1435. HI.— Mabel McElwain, b. Feb., 1888. 1386 GEORGE ORVILLE, son of James Samuel Dunham. 1813; m. Issue: 1436. I. — William J., b. April 30, 1868. 1437. H. — Hattie L., b. June 21, 1870. 1438. HI. — lone, b. Jan. 10, 1874. 1439. IV. — Christie, b. April 7, 1878. 1440. V.— Oli, b. March 9, 1884. VINTON. 1404 FANNIE LAURINDA WEBB, dau. of Lucius W^ebb, of Sophia Maria Dunham, 18 — ; b. Sept. 2, 1855, Randolph; m. Charles Vinton; he d. Dec, 1894. Issue: 1441. I. — Webb Vinton, b. Jan. 11, 1882. 1442. II. — Harold, b. March 26, 1887. 1443. HI. — Francis, b. Sept. 26, 1890. 1412 SALA VIRGIL, son of Sala Gamaliel, 1818; b. March 18, 1833; m. Martha Renslaw. Issue: 1444. I. — Clinton, b. 1875; in Spanish war. 1445. H. — Newton 'Clarence, b. 1881 ; Feb. i, name changed to Clarence Edward, when adopted by aunt. 1446. HI. — Blanche, b. 1881. PEASE. 7 HANNAH, m. (i) James Pease; d. 1716; m. (2) Mr. Parker, member of the church, July 13, 1717; was willed a pair of oxen or money; will dated Nov. 17, 1722; d. Nov. 25, 1722. Issue: 1447. I. — Nathan Pease, m. June 15. 1711, Sarah Vincent; d. May, 1741. 1448. II. — Hannah Pease. 1449. HI. — Mehitabel Pease, b. 1690; m. Jan. 21, 1718, Reuben Vincent; d. March 17, 1783. HITCHCOCK. 630 ABIGx\IL, b. April, 1727; m. Sept. 24, 1752, Samuel Hitchcock; b. 1726, Norwalk, Conn.; d. 1794; he bought homestead, Sharon, Conn., 1757. Issue, Sharon, Conn.: 1450. I. — ^Samuel Hitchcock, b. Aug. 14, 1755. 1451. II. — Thomas, b. Sept. 17, 1757. 1452. HI. — Abigail, b. Feb. 13, 1759; m. Capt. Conklin : d. Jan. 5, 1836. 1453. I^'- — Solomon, b. Sept. 5, 1760. 1454. V. — Amariah, b. July 12, 1762; d. June 25, 1800. 1455. VI. — Penuel, b. March 2, 1764. 1456. VII. — Stephen, b. Aug. 15, 1765; d. 1790, S. C. 1457- VIII.— Asa, b. Dec. 19, 1768; m. Dec. 25, 1799, Hannah Doty; b. Sharon, Nov. 21, 1779. 1458. IX. — Rebecca, b. Oct. 20, 1771 ; m. Amos Reed; d. July 29, 1807. I JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1 47 952 ORSON, m. Hannah Stanley. Issue: 1459. I. — Orson. 1460. II. — Dvvight, m. Sept. 30, 1858. 1461. III. — Lewis, h. Jan. 2, 1844; m. Patience Bishop, 1866. 1460 DWIGHT, m. Sept. 30, 1858. Issue: 1462. Addie. h. July 29, 1859; ni. Chas. Mosely. I4. Jan. 2},, 1843; '"• Ellen A. Kennedy, Jan. 30, 1872; she was b. Oct. 12, 1842. Issue: 150 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1511. I. — Edwin Paul, b. Nov. 28, 1872; d. May 30, 1878. 1512. II. — Lucretia Eva, b. Dec. 18, 1874. 1513. HI. — Ralph Chauncey, b. Sept. 21, 1876; d. Dec. 4, 1878. 1 514. IV. — Egbert Frank, b. May 23, 1881. SMITH. 1499 SARAIH E. HAMMON'D, dau. of John, 1799; b. July 29, 1846; m. Dec. 22, 1868, Harrison Cornelius Smith; b. Sept. 24, 1835. Issue: 1515. I. — Orton Loudon Smith, b. Dec. 24, 1869; m. Aug. 3, 1893, Clara A. Bartholomew; b. Jan. 7, 1874. 1516. 11.^ — Carrie Belle Smith, b. Oct. 10, 1871 ; m. Dec. 22, 1891, George Hamilton Peyton; b. May 14, 1865. 1517. HI. — Edna Dean Smith, b. Nov. 20, 1874; m. Aug. 16, 1892, Oliver Lee Peyton; b. 1867. 1518. IV. — John Ham- mond Smith, b. May 8, 1877; m. April 16, 1899, Nellie Pearl Niswanger; b. Feb. 3, 1879. 1519- ^- — Edith Leonora Smith, b. March 19, 1879; m. June 7, 1899, Clarence Eugene Peyton; b. Aug. 31, 1874. 1520. VI. — George Barnum .Smith, b. May 24, 1884. HAMMOND. 1500 HERBERf W. HAMMOND, son of Sidney M. Hammond, 1824; b. May 20, 1850; m. Dec. 21, 1877, Mary W. Freeman; b. Dec. 21, 1856. Issue: 1521. I. — 'Mary Geneive, b. Jan. 10, 1879. 1522. II. — Maurice Sidney, b. May 13, 1882. 1523. HI. — Kenneth William, b. Sept. 29, 1887. DUNHAM. 1503 'CHARLES HENRY DUNHAM, son of Catherine Ham- mond, 1828; b. Feb. 2y, 1859; m. Aug. 10, 1898, Sarah L. Perkins; b. Aug. 13, 1861. Issue: 1523a. I. — Edwin James, b. Jan. 23, 1900. 1523b. II. — Mildred May, b. Nov. 21, 1901. HAMMOND. 1508 ARTHUR J. HAMMOND, son of Charles W. Hammond, 1838; b. Dec. 9, 1871 ; m. June 28, 1899, Nell Jane Jackson; b. Dec. 21, 1873. Issue: 1524. I. — Jean, b. Feb. 3, 1901. SMITH. 1515 ORTON LOUDON SMITH, son of Sarah E. Hammond, 1846; b. Dec. 24, 1869; m. Aug. 3, 1893, Clara A. Bartholomew; b. Jan. 7, 1874. Issue: 1525. I. — Florence Helen, b. Aug. 20, 1896. 1526. II. — Gladys Viola, b. July i, 1896. 1527. III. — Grace Edith, b. May 19, 1898. 1527a. IV. — Dwight Lyman, b. Jan. 12, 1900. PEYTO'N. 1516 CARRIE BELLE SMITH, dau. of Sarah E. Hammond, 1846; b. Oct. 10, 1871 ; m. Dec. 22, 1891, George Hamilton Peyton; b. Jonathan dunham. 151 May 14, 1865. Issue: 1528. I. — Arlin ATonroe, b. Feb. 19, 1894. 1529. II. — Harrison Lacey, b. May 28, 1896. 1530. TIT. — Charles Dean, b. Jan. 7, 1900. PEYTON. 1517 EDNA DEAN SMITH, dan. of Sarah E. Hammond, 1846; b. Nov. 20. 1874; m. Aug. 16, 1892. Oliver Lee T'eyton; b. 1867. Issue: 1531. I. — Leroy Lee, b. May 16, 1894. 1532. 11. — Edith Irene, b. Sept. 6, 1898. SMITH. 1 518 JOHN HAMMOND SMITH, son of Sarah E. Hammond, 1846; b. ^lay 8, 1877; m. April 16, 1899, Nellie P. Niswanger, b. Feb. 3, 1879. Issue: 1533. I. — Harold Edgar, b. Nov. 11, 1900. PEYTON. 1519 EDITH LEONORA SMITH, dau. of Sarah E. Hammond, 1846; m. June 7, 1899, Clarence Eugene Peyton; b. Aug. 31, 1874. Issue: 1534. I. — Olive Peyton, b. Sept. 15, 1900. PARR. 1481 POLLY HAMiMOND, dau. of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. March i, 1802; m. Jan. 15, 1825. Jonathan I\irr; b. Feb. 7, 1798. Issue: 1535- I- — O""^ r*., b. Dec. 5, 1825; m. Mary Hosmer. 1845; she d. in Nov., 1850. He then m. July 10, 1851, Eliza A. Patterson; 1). Jan. 15, 1826; he d. Nov. 12, 1886. Issue: 1536. IT.— Ellen Olivia, b. March 31, 1833; m. Dec. 5, 1857, Cicero Frank Bail; he was b. Sept. 9, 1832. 1537. HI. — Ferdinand, b. June zy, 1843; m. July 15, 1866, Sedate De- Voe; she was b. April 20, 1847. 1538. T\\— Francis Edgar, b. May 29, 1847; '"• ^'ov. II, 1868, Mary A. P.oyd ; b. Feb. 17, 1848; he d. Oct. 3- 1893. PARR. 1535 ORA P. PARR, son of Polly Hanunond. 1802; 1). Dic. 5, 1825; m. Mary Hosmer, 1845; she d. in .\nv.. 1850. jul\ 10. 1851. he m. Eliza A. Patterson; b. Jan. 15, 1826; he d. Nov. 12. 1886. Issue: 1539. I. — Horace B. Parr, b. March 2, 1855; m. June 17. 1880, Emma M. Jayred; b. Nov. 24, 1863. 1540. IT. — Lily O. I'arr. b. Jan. 15, 1864; m. Dec. I. 1887, Fred L. iM'iday ; b. June 20, i860. iiaIl. 1536 ELLEN OLT\lA \\\\<\i, dau. of Polly IIanun..nd. 1802; b. March 31, 1833; m. Cicero b^rank Bail, Dec. 5, 1857; he was b. Sept. 9, 1832. Issue: 1541. I. — Henry ( )rin, b. .\pril 7, 1 85(; ; d. June 20, 1877. 1542. II. — Ora Silas, b. June 11, i8()i ; d. Oct. 31, 1874. 152 JONATHAN DUNHAM. PARR. 1537 FERDINAND PARR, son of Polly Hammond, 1802 ; b. June Q.y, 1843; m. Sedate DeVoe, July 15, 1866; she was b. April 20, 1847. Issue: 1543. I. — Nellie A., b. Jan. 11, 1868; m. March 10, 1890, John Armstrong. PARR. 1538 FRANCIS EDGAR PARR, son of Polly Hammond, 1802; b. May 29, 1847; "i- Mary Augusta Boyd, Nov. 11, 1868; she was b. Feb. 17, 1848; he d. Oct. 3. 1893. Issue: 1544. I. — Edna May, b. Sept. 14, 1869; d. March 24, 1870. 1545. H. — Jessie Louisa, b. Aug. 15^ 1873. 1546. HI. — Lynn Frances, b. May 25, 1876. 1547. IV. — Arnett Maud, b. Sept 12, 1878. 1548. V.— Ethel Mary, b. Nov. 22, 1888. PARR. 1539 HORACE B., son of Ora P. Parr, 1825; b. March 2, 1855; m. June 17, 1880, Emma M. Jayred ; b. Nov. 24, 1863. Issue: 1549. I. — W. Frank, b. May 2"], 1881. 1550. II.— Grace M., b. Feb. 3, 1883. 1 55 1. HI.— Claude C, b. July 20, 1884. 1552. IV.— Flora Belle, b. June 9, 1888. 1553. V. — P. Leonard, b. July 31, 1891. 1554. VI. — Helen, b. Aug. 31, 1893. Nellie, b. Aug. 31, 1893. i555- VII.— Gerald, b. Oct. 5, 1895; d. Oct. 24, 1895. Harold, b. Oct. 5, 1895; d. Oct. 10, 1895. 1556. VIII.— Mildred, b. Oct. 18, 1897. FRIDAY. 1540 LILY O. PARR, dau. of Ora P. Parr, 1825; b. Jan. 15, 1864; m. Dec. I, 1887, Frederick Lyman Friday; b. June 20, i860. Issue: 1557. I. — Carl Frederick, b. May 30, 1889. 1558. II. — Marion, b. March 16, 1891 ; d. Jan. 3, 1896. 1559. HI. — Ruth, b. April 13, 1894. 1560. Ys . — Lyman Hamilton, b. May 7, 1896. 1561. V. — Kate, b. May 3, 1898. ARMSTRONG. 1543 NELLIE A. PARR, dau. of Ferdinand Parr, 1843; ^^- J^"- II, 1868; m. March 10, 1890, John Armstrong. Issue: 1562. I. — - Shirley, b. April 9, 1894. 1563. II. — Lyle, b. Jan. 4, 1897. HAMMOND. 1482 HEZEKIAH M., son of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. March 7, 1804; m. Jan. 15, 1827, Irena Barnes; b: Jan. 12, 1808; she d. April 10, 1843. He then m. Lucinda Hudson, Jan. 31, 1844; b. May 29, 1823; she d. Jan. 28, 1899; he d. Aug. 26, 1889. Issue: 1564. I. — Melvina, JONATHAN DUNHAM. 153 b. Feb. 21, 1845; ii'^- Nov. 9, 1861, Daniel Williams; he was b. April i, 1834. and d. Jan. 20, 1873; she then m. George Boswell, July 4, 1875; he was b. Aug. 6. 1850. 1565. II. — Charles Hudson, b. Dec. 19,. 1856; m. Dec. 12, 1876, Julia Ann Burgess; b. Nov. 22, 1857. Issue: 1566. I. — Marguerite, b. Fel). 2^ , 1893. WILLIAMS— BOSWELL. 1564 MEL\'IXA. dau. of Hezekiah Hammond, 1804; b. Feb. 2t, 1845; ""i- Nov. 9, 1861, Daniel Williams; b. April t. 1834; he d. Jan. 20, 1873; she then m. George Boswell. July 4, 1875. Issue: 1567. I. — Byron \\'illiams, b. Feb. 2, 1863; m. July 4, i88(;. Minnie J. Eastman; b. July 9, 1865. 1568. II. — Grant David \\'illiams, b. Feb. 10, 1868; m. May 6, 1891, Grace A. McKee; b. May 19, 1869. 1569. III. — Clara Boswell, b. May 23, 1876; m. July 22, 1898. John ]\Iurrav; b. June 8, 1870. WILLIAMS. 1568 GRAXT DAMD WILLIAMS, son ot Melvina Hammond, 1845; 1^- Feb. 10, 1868; m. May 6, 1891, Grace Amanda McKee; b. May 19, 1869. Issue: 1570. I. — Aris Gerald. 1571. II. — Oris Jay. 1572. III.— Kenneth H. MURRAY. 1569 CLARA BOSWELL, dau. of Melvina Hammond, 1845; '>• May 23, 1876; m. July 22, 1898, John Murray; b. June 8, 1870. Issue; 1573- I- — Thelma, b. Sept. 18, 1899. HAMMOND. 1483 BENJAMIN D. HAMMOND, son of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. April 6, 1806; m. Feb. 7, 1838, Nancy M. Fox; b. March 16, 1817. Issue: 1574. I. — Freelove L., b. Aug. 10, 1839; m. Feb. 16, i860, Charles W. Williams; b. Sept. 20. 1839; she d. May 12. 1885; he d. Nov. 23, 1863. 1575. II. — Joan, b. Aug. 21, 1841 ; d. July 30, 1885. 1576. HI.— Leonard Parr, b. Aug. 26, 1843; ni. Jan. 3, \'?^'J~ . Emma Lucinda Morton; b. March 2^, 1844. 1577. W- — Nelson, b. Jan. 3. 1850; m. Nov. 18, 1870, Rosell Booth; b. .Vov. 20. 1849; he d. Sept. 7, 1901. WILLIAMS. 1574 I'REELOVE L. HAMMONI). dau. cl llenjamin D. Ham- mond, uSo^'); b. Aug. 10, 1839; m. I-'eb. lO, i8()0, Charles W. Williams; b. Sept. 20, 1839. Issue: 1578. I. — May 1\., b. lunc 10, 1861 ; d. April 4, 1869. 154 JONATHAN DUNHAM. HAMMOND. 1577 NELSON HAMMOND, son of Benjamin D. Hammond, 1806; b. Jan. 3, 1850; m. Nov. 18, 1870, Rosell Booth; b. Nov. 20, 1849. 1579. I. — ^Hattie B., b. July 20, 1872. 1580. H. — Lucy D., b. Aug. 13, 1879. HAMMOND. 1484 STOUGHTON D. HAMMOND, son of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. June 3, 1808; m. March 16, 1834, Sarah L. Hinds; b. July 24, 1814; he d. Dec. 4, 1893; she d. April 4, 1876. Issue: 1581. L — Silas D., b. July 18, 1846; m. Nov. 16, 1871, Sarah J. Hah; b. June 25, 1847. HAMMOND. 1581 SILAS D. HAMMOND, son of Stoughton D. Hammond, 1808; b. July 18, 1846; m. Nov. 16, 1871, Sarah J. Hall; b. June 25, 1847. Reside at Ellenburgh Depot, N. Y,. Issue: 1582. I. — Edgar A., b. June 2T„ 1874; d. June 27, 1874. 1583. II.— Mabel M., b. Dec. 10, 1875; d. Feb. 16, 1889. 1584. HI,— ^Maud E., b. Sept. 2t„ 1877. 1585- IV.— Helen L., b. Oct. 13, 1880. 1586. V.— Jennie M., b. Oct. 4, 1886. 1586a. VI.— Earl S., b. June 8, 1888. PARR. . 1485 RACHEL HAMMOND, dau. of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. June 16, 1810; m. Feb. 23, 1829, Leonard Parr; b. Feb. 27, 1807; he d. Feb. 7, 1883; she d. July 18, 1880. Issue: 1587. I. — William Edgar, b. Dec. 2y, 1829; m. July 15, 1849, Harriet Maria Smith; b. Feb. 11, 1828; she d. June 23, 1890; he d. Jan. 2t^, 1903. 1588. II. — Amanda A., b. June 17, 1832; m. Feb. 15, 1851, Lucius Bartlett ; b. Dec. 26, 1821 ; he d. Dec. 29, 1874. 1589. HI. — Louisa, b. Aug. 2g~, 1835; m. July 3, 1852, William McKee ; b. Feb. 2, 1830; he d. Dec. 24, 1895. ' 1590. IV. — Frances I., b. Aug. 13, 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1871, David G. Lyman; b. April 26, 1852. PARR. 1587 WILLIAM EDGAR, b. Dec. 27, 1829; m. July 15, 1849, Har- diet M. Smith; b. Feb. 11, 1828; she d. June 23, 1890; he d. Jan. 23, 1903. Issue: 1591. I. — Homer Smith, b. April 12, 1852; m. Ella D. Higgins, Jan. 31, 1874. 1592. II. — ^Horace James, b. March 28, 1854. 1593. HI. — ^Henry Clare, b. Dec. 6, 1858; m. Clara J. Downey, May 13, 1883. 1594. IV. — Jennie Dell, b. Feb. 25, 1863; m. James Robert Downey, Dec. 27, 1884. BARTL£TT. 1588 AMANDA A. PARR, dau. of Rachel Hammond, 1810; b. June 17, 1832; m. Feb. 15, 1851, Lucius Bartlett; b. Dec. 26, 1821. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1 o:) Issue: 1595. I. — Ruth A., b. June 18, 1852; d. Sept. 20, 1859. i596- II. — Katie A., b. April 19, 1857; ni. Xov. 29. 1876. Cyrus F. Pugsley ; b. Feb. 25, 1848; he d. Xov. 7, 1894. 1597. III. — Clara L., 1). July 3, 1869. McKEE. 1589 LOUISA PARR. dau. of Rachel Hammond. 18 10; b. Aui^. 29, 1835; m. July 3, 1852, William McKee ; b. Feb. 2, 1830; he d. Dec. 24. 1895. Issue: 1598. I. — William Clayton, b. Nov. 26. 1856; m. Sept. 4, 1889, Alary Aelaide Hutchins ; b. Dec. 3, 1865. 1599. II. — Grace Amanda, b. May 19, 1869; m. May 6, 1891, Grant David Williams; b. Feb. 10, 1868. LYMAN. 1590 FRANCES ISSODENE PARR, dau. of Rachel Hammond. 1810; b. Aug. 13. 1848; m. Oct. 26, ,1871, David Gentle Lyman ; b. April 26, 1852. Issue: 1600. I. — Agnes Elgie, b. Nov. 7, 1874; d. Dec. 13, 1874. 1601. II.— Elgie Amy, b. Aug. 8, 1877; d. Aug. 28, 1878. 1602. III.— Lela Rachel, b. May 24, 1883. PARR. 1591 HOMER, son of William Edgar, 1829; b. Ai)ril 12. 1852; m. Jan. 31, 1874, Ella D. Higgins ; b. Sept. 25, 1855. Issue: 1603. I. — Clayton Everett, b.' Aug. 12, 1875; "i- O^'t. — , 1900, Alice Campbell. 1604. II. — Archie Leonard, b. Sept. 25, 1878. 1605. HI. — Marion Jay, b. Sept. 5, 1874. 1606. IV. — Edgar Clare, b. Dec. 13, 1890. PARR. 1593 HENRY CLARE, son of William Edgar, 1829; b. Dec. 6. 1858; m. May 13, 1883, Clara J. Downey; b. Oct. 2-, 1858. Issue: 1607. I. — George Robert, b. Oct. 30, 1886. 1608. II. — Sii)ha Maryett, b. Aug. 5, 1890. 1609. HI. — Harry E., b. Aug. 3. 1896. DOVVNEY. 1594 JENNIE DELL PARR, dau. of William Edgar Parr, 1829; b. Feb. 25, 1863; m. Dec. 2'], 1884, James Rtjbcrt Downey; b. Dec. 11, 1861. Issue: 1610. I. — Blanche Ethel, b. Nov. 22, 1887. 1611. 11.^ Ruby La Verne, b. Aug. 6, 1897. PUGSLEY. T496 KATIE A. BARTLETT, dau. of Amanda A. Parr, 1832; b. April 19, 1857; m. Nov. 29, 1876, Cyrus V. Pugsley: b. Feb. 2},, 1848: he d. Nov. 7, 1894. Issue: 1612. 1. — r.ernice M., b. Sept. 29, 1881. 1613. IL— Blanche L., b. May 9, 1883. 1614. HI.— Bessie C, b. .\pril 26, 1885. 1615. IV.— Howard B., b. Jan. 29, 1887. 1616. V.— Lilon Lucille Bliss, b. May 7, 1891. ■156 JONATHAN DUNHAM. McKEE. 1598 WILLIAM CLAYTON McKEE, son of Louisa Parr, 1835; b. Nov. 26, 1856; m. Sept. 4, 1889, Mary Adelaide ^Hutchins ; b. Dec, 1865. Issue: 1617. I. — Ruth Louisa, b. Aug. 22, 1902. WILLIAMS. 1599 GRACE AMANDA McKEE, dau. of Louisa Parr. 1835; b. May 19, 1869; m. May 6,. 1891, Grant David Williams; b. Feb. 10, 1868. Issue: I. — Aris Gerald, b. Nov. 25, 1895. 1619. II. — Oris Jay, b. June 8, 1900. 1620. III. — Kenneth H., b. Jan. 25, 1903. SANBORN. i486 OLR'E HAMMOND, dau. of Freelove Dunham. 1778; b. July 18, 1812; m. Dec. 2j, 1835, John Sanborn; b. Oct. 16, 1813; she d. March 26, 1885; he d. iNIarch 2, 1891. Issue: » 1621. I. — Edmund Morgan, b. July 24, 1839; m. Feb. 11, 1894. Martha Maria Woodard; b. Dec. 28, 1840. 1622. II.— Homer L.. b. Oct. 5. 1841 ; d. Oct. 8, 1862. 1623. III. — John vSimpson, b. June i, 1844; ni. June 10, 1885, Lizzie Post; b. Aug. 20, i860. 1624. IV. — Alice Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1847; m. Albert Russell, Nov. 14, 1866; he was I). March 15, 1840, and d. Aug. 16, 1872; she m. James Andrews, May 9, 1878; he was b. July 14, 1827. 1625. V. — Mary P., b. July 14, 1849; "i- Dec. 20, 1873. James Monroe Bittles; b. Dec. 6, 1850; he d. Jan. 17, 1897. 1626. VI.— Clark R., b. May 25, 1853; m. Laura Kirk, xA.pril 24. 1880; she was b. May 18, 1857; he d. Dec. 4, 1900.' SANBORN. 1603 JOHN SIMPSON, son of Olive Hammond, 1812; b. June i, 1844; m. June 10, 1885, Lizzie Post; b. Aug. 20, i860. Issue: 1627. I. — Jessie Olive, b. July 22, 1886. RUSSELL— ANDREWS. 1624 ALICE ELIZABETH SANBORN, dau. of Olive Hammond, 1812; b. Feb. 28, 1847; "1- Nov. 14, 1866, Albert Russell; b. March 15, 1840; he d. Aug. 16, 1872; she then m. May 9, 1878, James Andrews; b July 14, 1827. Issue: 1628. I. — Ernest Sherman Russell, soii of Alice E. Sanborn, 1847; '^- J"ly 3> 1867; m. Sept. 20, 1890, Jennie Ada Post; b. Sept. 14, 1868. 1629. 11. — Earl Howard Russell, son of Alice E. Sanborn, 1847; b. Sept. 24, 1872; m. Feb. 18, 1899, Martha Sheldon; b. April 26, 1877. No issue. 1630. III. — Mary Alice Andrews, b. Sept. 24, 1880. 1631. I. — Glenn Albert, b. July 19, 1891. 1632. II.— William E., b. June 24, 1897. 1633. III. — Louis H., b. July 29, 1899. JONATHAN DUNHAM. 15/ BLACK. 1487 HARRIET HAMMOND, dau. of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. April 9, 1815; m. Hufus Clark Black, Jan. 17. 1838; he was b. Oct. 17, 1811, and d. Oct. 30, 1889; she d. May 6, 1890. Issue: 1634. I. — Sarah, b. Jan. 12. 1840: m. June 2, 1869, Alanson Russell; b. Feb. 7, 1838; she d. May 11. 1891. 1635. II.— Lois, b. Jan. 13, 1842; m. Dec. 21, 1870, Harvey B. Stranahan ; b. Aug. 10, 1850. 1636. HI. — Rachel ]., b. May 3, 1843 ; m. March 19, 1868, D. W. Tiffany ; b. March 21, 1840. 1637. IV. — Ellen C, b. Feb. 3, 1847; '"• ^i^n'^'li 20, 1867, Amos A. McNish; b. July 12, 1846. 1638. V.— Maria, b. April 10, 1850; m. Jan. 30, 1875, Fayette Clark; b. May 30, 1850. RUSSELL. 1634 SARAH BLACK, dau. of Harriet Hammond, 1815; b. Jan. 12, 1840; m. June 2, 1869, Alanson Russell; b. Feb. 7, 1838. Issue: 1639. I. — Florence Ellen, b. Oct. 21, 1875. TIFFANY^ 1636 RACHEL J. BLACK, dau. of Harriet, 1815; b. May 3, 1843; m. March 19. 1868, D. W. Tiffany; b. March 21, 1840. Issue: 1640. I. — Marion, b. April 19, 1872; m. Dec. 23, 1900, Florin A. Follin ; b. Aug. 3, 1868. 1641. II.— Kirk W., b. Jan. 6, 1874; d. , 1901. McNISH. 1637 ELLEN C. BLACK, dau. of Harriet Hammond. 1815; b. Feb. 3, 1847; "1- jMarch 20, 1867, Amos A. McNish; b. July 12, 1846. Issue: ,1642. I.— Homer W.. b. March 29. 1871. 1643. H-— jMary H., b. Aug. 15, 1874; m. June 16, 1897, Walter A. Spencer; b. Nov. 16. 1873. 1644. HI. — Paul H., b. Jan. 19, 1879; m. Nov. 8, 1899, Elsie A. Kellogg; b. Mav 16, 1879. SPENCER. 1643 MARY H. McNI'SH, dau. of Ellen C. Black. 1847; !>. Aug. 15, 1874; m. June 16, 1897, Walter A. Spencer; b. Nov. 16, 1873. Issue: 1645. I- — Claud D., b. Nov. 14, 1898. -McNISH. 1644 PAUL McNISH, son of Ellen C. Black. 1847: b. Jan. 19, 1879; m. Nov. 8, 1899, Elsie A. Kellogg; b. Aiay 16, 1879. Issue: 1646. I. — Howard K., b. May 22, 1900. I'kATT. T48() IlANX.Vll 11.\.\1M()\1), dau. ui Im-itIovc Dunham, 1778; b. July 30, 1821 ; m. Nov. 2/, 1839, Cieorge Praii; ]>. May 31. 1817: he d. Nov. 25, 1871 ; she d. Oct. 5, 1896. Issue: 1647. I- — William, b. May 10, 1841 ; d. Aug. 4, 1854. 1648. II.— Benjamin. 1). March 2t„ 158 JONATHAN DUNHAM. 1843; m- J"ly 7. ^^7^> Caroline Lamb; b. Sept. 25, 1849. 1649. HI- — Janette, b. Aug. 3, 1845; ^- Oct. 27, 1872, George Phillabaum ; b. July I, 1838; she d. July 15, 1885; he d. June 10, 1885. 1650. IV.— Lewis, b. Nov. 15, 1848; d. Aug. 6, 1850. 1651. V.— Laura, b. Nov. 26, 1850; d. June 2, 1884. 1652. VL— Margaret, b. Aug. 25, 1853; d. Dec. 4, 1854. 1653. VIL— Lois, b. Nov. 6, 1858; m. Sept. 6, 1885, David Brundige; b. June 10, 1863. 1654. VIIL — Abbie, b.'Sept. 4, 1862; m. March 24, 1886, Elbert Colvin ; b. Feb. 28, 1861. PRATT. 1648 BENJAMIN PRATT, son 'of Hannah Hammond, 1821 ; m. July 7. 1872, Caroline Lamb; b. Sept. 25, 1849. Issue: 1655. I. — Nellie, b. April 2, 1873. 1656. II.— Walter, b. Oct. 20, 1874. 1657. III.— Fred, b. Sept. 9, 1889. PHILLABAUM. 1649 JANETTE PRATT, dau. of Hannah Hammond, 1821 ; m. Oct. 27, 1872, George Phillabaum; b. July i, 1838; she d. July 16, 1885; he d. June 10, 1885. Issue: 1658. I. — Grace, b. Jan. 16, 1875; "i- May 26, 1897. 1659. II. — Norman J. Condon, b. Sept. 26, 1870. BRUNDIGE. 1653 LOIS PRATT, dau. of Hannah Hammond, 1821 ; b. Nov. 6, 1858; m. Sept. 6, 1885, David Brundige; b. June 10, 1863. Issue: 1660. I. — Bessie Brundige, b. June 18, 1886. 1661. II. — Sidney, b. Aug. 23. 1889. 1662. III. — Ruth, b. Jan. 26, 1893. COLVIN. 1654 ABBIE PRATT, dau. of Hannah Hammond. 1821 ; b. Sept. 4, 1862; m. Elbert Colvin, March 24, 1886. Issue: 1663. I. — ^May, b. May 9, 1887. 1664. II.— Cody, b. May 7, 1889. HAMMOND. 1490 SOLOMON HAMMOND, son of Freelove Dunham, 1778; b. Feb. 7, 1825; m. April 20, 1847, Sarah McKee; b. Nov. 11, 1827. Issue: 1665. I. — Florence J., b. Jan. 31, 1848; d. Feb. 22, 1851. 1666. II. — George W., b. Nov. 7, 1856; m. April 2^, 1879, Mary English; b. July 31, 1856; he d. July 2, 1894. HAMMOND. 1666 GEORGE W. HAMMOND, son of Solomon Hammond, 1825; b. Nov. 7, 1856; m. Mary English, April 2t„ 1879. Issue: 1667. I.— Ray C, b. Sept. 7, 1889. JOSEPH DUNHAM. VIII.-^JOSEPH (John). 1). Nov. 18, 1637; in. (i) Nov. 18, 1657, Mercy Morton, dau. of Nathaniel Morton; (2) and LycHa Cooper; she d. Feb. 19, 1667; he ni. (2) Aug. 20, 1669, Hester WormaU, of Rowley; Joseph, her father, lived in Rowley, where first child was b. 1642; 1649, she moved to Boston, and later to Scituate. Jonathan deeded to Joseph, for twenty-five L, land near unto the land bought of Churchill, which his father, John, deceased, died possessed of Nov. 4, 1679; sold to Josf.ph, June 3, 1680; March, 1703, Joseph made will giving one-third, profit of rents and household goods to Esther, his wife. He d. ?tt ■ Plymouth. Nathaniel Morton was son of George Morton and J-ulian Carpenter; Julian Carpenter was sister of Alice, who m. Governor Bradford. WILL, OF JOSEPH DUNHAM, Plymouth County, Mass. Book H, page 2\. Joseph Donham son of John, Plymouth, I, being at present weak of body, and not knowing the Day of my death, yet being of Right niind to dispose of that Little wordly Estate which God hath given nie, i. After my decease my will is, I having done for and given to my two eldest sons, Eleazor Dunham and Nathaniel Dunham to the utmo.st of my ability, and have given them double to what I am able to give 'to the rest of my children formerly, therefore to Nathaniel 10 acre's belonging to my meadow at South meadow, 2 to my son Micajah 20 Sicres which he now lives on with j/4 acre on S. C. corner of lot I now live, on. 3. to son Joseph 20 acres eastward of pond called John's Pond 4. to two youngest sons Benajah and Daniel 40 acres of land I now live on which -'is my homestead, when they reach 21 years to be eciually divided between them — allowing their mother Esther Ys rents and pi-ofits during her life. 5. to wife Esther goods chatties and other estate fc\r her life, homestead to her till two youngest sons are 21 years, then ^3 income to her for life 6. wife Esther sole executrix. 7. request Jcimes Warren and William Shurtlefif to be helpful to my wife in admin- istration. March 1703. jose])h Donham's Est. Witnesses: James Warren, Nathaniel Morton. William Sliurtleff. June 16, 1703, probated. Inventorv of Estate of Joseph Dunham, 1703. IMymouih County, U5y) l6o JOSEPH DUNHAM. Mass. Book II page 21. Wearing clothes 48/ his arms 40/ £4-8- books 7/ money 10/ 17- bedding & hning 5-5- pewter 24/ iron & brass 28/ 2-12- dishes, spoons & other household ware 14- chests and boxes 10- tables, chairs, barrels & other lumber i- wheels, card, wool, flax. I- carpenters tools 2- cart, plow, plowirons, chains, 3-12- cart tackling, hose, & other small tools, 10- horse and tackling & some other necessary things belonging to the horse 12- a piece of meadow lying 12- pine knots and shingles 18- yoke of oxen 6-10- 4 cows, 3 calves II- 2 sheep, i horse 4- i horse 30/6 sheep & lams 32/ 3-2- 3 shoats 12- debts due the estate 5-J8- Debts due from estate £28-15 May 31, 1703. Issue, b. at Plymouth: 2. I. — Eleazar, b. 1658; m. 1682, Bath- sheba Pratt. 3. II. — Mercy, b. 1660; m. 1701, Joseph King. 4. III. — Nathaniel, b. 1665, at Wrentham ; m. 1689. Mary Tilson ; d. March, 1751. 5. IV. — Micaiah, b. about 1680; m. 1701, Elizabeth Lazell ; d. Nov.. 1756. 6. V. — Joseph, b. 1682; m. June 19. 1706, Bathia Chase, of Provincetown ; 1699, enlisted under Warren for three yei^rs. In I73i> Bathia in Taunton was willed land in Middleboro, twenty A. lying E. of Jones' Pond, and a homstead. 7. VI. — Benaiah. b. 1683; m. May 7, 1708, by Rev. Jonathan Dunham, dau. of Philip; he d. Feb. 8, 1766. 8. VII. — Daniel, b. 1689; m. Sarah ; d. Feb. 2. 1758. 2 ELEAZAR, b. 1658; m. Bathsheba Pratt. 1682, in Barnstable; 1689, became freeman; 1699, enlisted for three years under Capt. James Warren. Issue, b. Plymouth: 9. I. — Eleazar, b. 1682; m. INliriam Phillips. 10. II. — Nathaniel, b. 1685; m. (i) Dec. 8, 1714, by George Leonard; (2) Mercy . 11. III. — Mercy, b. 1686; m. .[706, Samuel Kempton. of Boston, son of Ephraim and Mary Reeves. 12. IV. — Israel, b. 1689; m. Joanna Rickard. 13. V. — Elisha, b. 1692. 14. VI. — Josiah, b. 1694; m. Ruth Kempton. 15. VII. — Bathsheba, b. 1696. 16. VIII. — Susanna, b. 1698. 17. IX. — Joshua, b. 1701. 9 ELEAZAR, b. 1682, Plympton ; m. Mariam Phillips, dau. of Thomas; enlisted 1699 under Warren. Issue: 18. I. — Rebecca"* Phillips, b. 1706. 19. II. — Fear, b. 1708; m. Jacob Curtis, son -of Ebenezer. Issue: Fear Curtis, b. 1740; m. Richard Kempton. 20. III. — Nathaniel, b. 171 1 ; m. Ann Dunham. 21. IV. — Ezekiel, b. 171 7! m. Patience Holmes. 22. V. — Elizabeth, b. 1724. 2^. VI. — Jerush'a, b. 1726. 14 JOSIAH, b. 1694; m. 1716, Ruth Kempton, dau. of Manasse'h Kempton and Mehitabel Holmes, of Scituate. Issue : 24. I. — Amc's, b. 1716; m. (i) Abigail Hill or Faunce ; m. (2) Anne McElroy. 25. IT. JOSEPH DUNHAM. l6l — Hannah, b. 1720. 26. III. — Charles, b. 1721. 27. IV. — Ruth, b. 1722. 28. V. — Lvdia, b. 1725. 29. VI. — Mary, b. 1727. 30. \'II.— Josiah, b. 1730. 24 AMOS, b. 1716; m. 1741, Abigail Hill and 1744. Ann McElroy. Issue: 31. I. — Amos, b. 1741 ; m., third, Abigail Fauncc. 32. II. — Robert, b. 1744; m. Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel Hatch. 33. HI.— Mary, b. 1746; m. at Barnstable, Dec. 13, 1770, Zadock Hatch, Falmouth. 34. IV. — Ann or Nancy, b. 1748; m. 1771, George Dunham; b. 1750, in England; d. in Bridgevvater, Dec. 19, 1819. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war. 35. V.— Ruth, b. 1753; m. William Bradford. 36. VI.— Mary, b. 1753. 37. \1I.— Joseph, b. 1757. 38. VIII.— Catharine, b. 1759- 39- IX.— Abigail, b. 1763. 33 ANNE, b. 1748; m. 1771, George Dunham ; b. 1750; she d. 1789; he d. Dec. 18, 1819. Issue: 40. I. — Josiah, b. about 1780; m. Betsey, of Robert Dunham. 41. II. — Anne, m. Samuel King. 40 JOSIAH, m. 1806, Betsey, of Joseph Dun'ham. Issue: 42. Betsey Anne, m. John Eddy. KEMPTON. 11 Mercy Dunham, b. 1686; m. 1706, Samuel Kempton. Issue: 43. Mercy, b. 1707. 44. Thomas, b. 1708; m. Mary Holmes. 45. HI. —Lois, b. 1710. 46. I\'.— Samuel, b. 1714. 47. V.— John, b. 1716. 48. M.— ^Mary, b. 1719. 49. MI. — Sarah — 5 of this name b. 1721-22- 24-25-31- CURTIS. 19 FEAR CURTIS, b. 1740, dau. of Jacob Curtis and Fear Dun- ham; m. March 21, 1762. Richard Kempton, b. Oct. 28, 1729, son of Thomas Kempton and '^lary Holmes. Issue: 50. I. — Richard B., b. Dec. 20, 1763, Liverpool. N. S. 51. II. — INIary B., b. Dec. 21, 1764; m. Dec. 22, 1785, Ephraim Hunt. 52. HI. — ^Thomas B., b. Nov. 21, 1767, Melton, N. S. 53. 1\^ — Rebecca, b. April 20, 1770; m. Levi Minand. 54. V. — Jacol) Curtis, b. Sept. 7, 1772, Milton. X. S. 55. VI.— John B., b. June 7, 1775. 56. \'TT.— Fear B.. b. Aug. 10, 1778; d. Aug. 25, 1778. 57. VIII.— Frances, b. Aug. 10. 1778; d. Aug. 25, 1778. 20 NATHANIEL, b. 171 1 ; m. Anne Dunham, Martha's Vineyard. Issue: 58. I.— Elijah, b. 1736. 59. II.— Hannah, b. 1739. 60. HI.— Susanna, b. 1741 ; m. Sept. 20. 1764, Thomas Flail. 61. IV. — Rebecca, b. 1743. 62. \'. — Abner, b. 174^). 12 ISRAEL, 1). i()8(j, riyni])l(iii; m. Joanna Rickard, of John, of Giles; she b. 1691 ; his will probated, 1737; deacon, church at riymplon ; moderator, 1764-5-6-8. Issue, b. l'lyni])ler one in the subdivision of lots number thirty nine and forty six in the second division of the said Saratoga patent. Be- ginning on the east bank of the Hudson River in the nc^rth weslermost corner of said lot number tliirtx- nine and runs from thence easterly along the north bounds of the said ( ireat Lot numlier thirt\- nine. Sixty four chains, thence soutli twenty six degrees west twenty h\"e chains and thirt\- seven links. \drlh eighty six degrees and tliirt\ minutes west to Hudson River thence along the bank of Iludson River aforesaid nort'herly to the place i)f l)eginning, containing one hundred and thirty six acres of land." Issue: io_>. 1. — Menry. 103. M .^Isaac. b. Jan.. 5, 1782, Sally A. .Mbertson, Aliuira. N. V. 104. 111. — Wright, 164 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Nichols, N. Y. ; in legislature, 1830-39. 105. IV. — ^Nathaniel. 106. V. — Sylvanus, b. 1793; m. 1821, Frances Forman ; d. June 7, 1882; he d. 1871. 107. VI. — Eben. 108. VII. — Daily, b. Dec. 10, 1800; m. Eunice Mat- thews; b. Aug. II, 1805; d. Aug. II, 1856; he d. Feb. 5, 1885. 109. VIII. — Nelson, M. D., Michigan, no. IX. — Sidney, studied law. in. X. — Ellen. 112. XI. — Anna. 113. XII. — Polly, m. Mr. Curtis. 114. XIII. — Betsey, lived in Michigan; m. George Dalrymple, of Nichols. 98 ISAAC, b. Oct. II, 1787: m. Oct. 7. 1811, Abigail Cary, dau. of Rev. Jonathan, N. Bridgewater; d. Dec. 25, 1873; keeper of a light- house, Pemaquid Point, Me.; d. N. Bridgewater, Marc'h 25, 1856. Issue: 115. I. — Cornelius H^enry, b. May 25, 1814; m. Lucia Brett. 116. II. — Abigail, b. Aug. 31, 1819; m. Dec. 25, i860, Sidney Eaton, of Chelsea, Mass. 117. III. — Isabella, b. April 13, 1822; m. March 6, 1842, Barnabas Snow, of Eastham. 118. IV. — Mary Ann, b. July 11, 1824; m. Jan. 28, 1853, Isaac Brett, N. Bridgewater; d. Aug. 15, 1875. 119. V. — Isaac Atwood, b. Marc'h 6, 1827; m. Agusta L. Packard, Oct. 23, 1896. 120. VI. — ^Benjamin Franklin, b. Feb. 13, 1831, Brockton; m. May 15, 1854, Maria Packard, N. Bridgewater. 115 CORNELIUS HENRY, b. May 25, 1814; m. Hartford, Sept. 8, 1838, Lucia Brett, dau. of Z. and Lucia Snell Brett, of N. Bridge- water; d. Nov. 14. 1886; he d. Feb. 24, 1893. Issue: 121. I. — Lavinia Ellen, b. Sept. 30, 1839; m. May 28, 1859, Jo'i" Sewell, of Turner. Me. 122. n. — Martin Van Buren, b. Oct. 20, 1840; m. (i) Jennie Howes Thatcher; m. (2) Emma Louise Taylor. 123. III.— Cornelius Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1852; m. Hattie Hodges. 124. IV. — Abbie Frances, b. Jan. 20, 1854; m. Wm. Clark, N. Bridgewater. 123 CORNELIUS H., b. Feb. 13, 1852; m. Oct. 21, 1873, Hattie Hodges, of Atteboro. Issue: 125. I.— Mary E., b. June 22. 1875 126. II. — ^Clara A., b. May 7, 1879. i^?- HI- — Clifford E., b. June 2, 1884. 122 MARTIN VAN B., b. Oct. 20, 1840, lAI. D. ; m. (i) May 24, 1868, Jennie H. Thatcher, of N. Bridgewater; d. June 30, 1884; m. (2) July 27, 1886, Emma L. Taylor, Westport, Conn.; Yale College; Har- vard Medical, '67; prominent in his profession, holding state and county offices; member of board of education for many years; member of legislature, 1887; resides Greenfield Hill, Conn. Issue: 128. I. — Rufus Frederick, b. July 13, 1871 ; m. Feb. 26, 1896, Ada Ripley Banks, of Enterprise Hill, Conn. ; editor and publisher of the Chronicle, South- port, Mass. 129. II. — Marion Gary, b. July 4, 1888. 130. Ill, — Lucia Brett, b. Nov. 13, 1901. Dk. M. V. B. Dl'NHAM. d .To?^p:t*H D^xITA^t. 165 87 THOM'AS, b. 1765; m. Sarah Crocker al)Oiit 1780; conducted a lumber business at Stillwater. Saratoga CouiUy, rafting his lumber to New York City. Issue: 131. I. — Solomon. 132. II. — Elijah E., Dec. 25, 1785; m. Sally Billings, March 21. 181 1, and resided at Moreau, Saratoga Co., N. Y. 133. III. — Daniel. 134. lY. — Thomas. 135. Y. — Abigail. 136. YI. — Martha. 137. MI. — Ereelove. 132 ELIJAH E. DUNHAM, b. Dec. 25, 1785; d. Aug. i. 1858; m. to Sally Billings at Moreau, Saratoga Co., N. Y., March 21, 181 1. Issue: 138. I. — John B. Dunham, b. Aug., 1813. 139. II. — Elizabeth Dunham, b. Dec. 31, 182 1 ; m. to \Ym. W. Booth at Highlands. ]\Iichi- gan, Dec. 2"/, 1843. BOOTH. Issue: 140. I. — John Dunham Booth, b. Dec. 2^, 1845; d. ^March 25, 1847. 141- II- — Jane Ann Booth, 1). Aug. i. 1847; 'I- Sept. 29, 1890. 142. HI. — Sarah E. Booth, b. Nov. 19. 1849; d. Feb. 27, 1880. 143. I\'.— \Vm. W. Booth. Jr., b. Oct. 4, 1852. 144. Y.— Chas. Sumner Booth, b. Oct. 25, 1855. 145. VI. — Faimie Cornelius Booth, b. Oct. 26, 1857. 146. MI. — ^Clinton L. Booth, h. July 29, i860. 147. MIL— Louis L. Booth, b. March 4, 1864. 148. IN.— Nina D. Booth, b. Dec. 20, 1866. 143 WM. W. BOOTH, m. Ida J. Stewart, Nov. 17, 1874, at Ames, la. Issue: 149. I. — W. Stuart Booth, b. Ames, la., March 18, 1876. 150 II. — Katherine B. Booth, b. Ames. la., June 11, 1878. 151. III. — W. Harrison Booth, b. at Albia, la., July 28, 1888. 119 ISAAC ATWOOD, b. March 6, 1827; m. April 29, 1849, Augusta L. Packard, N. Bridgewater; d. Oct. 23, 1896. Issue: 152. I. — Frederick Eugene, b. July 16, 1850; d. March 18, 1854. 153. II. — Frank Atwood, b. Aug. 9, 1851 ; m. Hattie M. Sawyer. 154. — HI. — Henry Morton, b. July 2J , 1853; m. June 28, 1887, Nellie Hammond, of New London, Conn. 155. W . — Mary Louisa, b. July 15. 1855; d. Sept. 23, 1855. 156. Y.— Walter Cary, b. Feb. 4, 1857; ni. h\I). 4. 1896, Ella Moss, of Brockton. 157. YI. — William Hubert, 1). \)^c. 31, 1858; m. Sept. 25, 1876, Alice Chafe, Boston. 138. \ll. — Helen Augusta, b. Sept. 3, 1872; m. June 28, 1897, Richard h^lliott. M. I)., of I'.rockton. 153 FRANK A., b. Aug. <;, 1851; m. Jime 18, 1873, Hattie M. Sawyer, Campello, Mass. Issue: 159. I. — George Saw\iT, h. JuK 18, 1875. 160. II. — Louisa Bradford, b. .March 6. 1877. loi. III. — At- wood Packard, b. May 25, 1894. 97 EZRA, b. Plymouth, May 10, 1785 ; m ( i ) 18(16, Abington, Mass., Susanna, dau. of Jacob I^'ord and Rachel .\ngur; b. 1787; d. March 2}^, l66 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1809; ni- (2) 1810, Molly, dau. of Howard Gary, of N. Bridgewater ; he d. Abington, May 30, 1857. Issue, b. at Abington : 162. I. — Henry, b. Oct. 13, 1806; m. April 8, 1826, Mary dishing, Nov., 1873. 163. H. — Susan, b. Nov. '22, 1810; d. Oct., 1852. 164. HI. — Howard Gary, b. Jan. 13, 1813; he was the oldest survivor in years' of the Old Guar'd of Service of the American Peace Society, the forerunner of the present Peace Gongress ; m. Eliza Ann Drew. 165. IV. — Worthy Golumbus, b. June 17. 1815; (i) m. Irene Shaw, m. (2) Marilla Pratt; d. 1882. 166. V. — G'harles Atwood, b. Aug. 12, 1817; m. (i) Hannah Moore Studley, m. (2) Lucy Howland. 167. VI. — Gornelius Thomas, b. April 2y, 1820; m. Mrs. Ann B. (Poyas) Jenkins; d. Aug. 15, 1895. 168. VII. — Ezra' Ryder, b. Sept. 26, 1822; m. Mercy x^nn Bartlett. 169. VIII. — Angeline Huldah, b. Dec. 25, 1821 ; m. Vergil H. Gollins, Vermont. Had one child which d. in infancy; d. Nov., 1854. 170. IX. — Elbridge Gary, b. March 2S, 1828. 171. X. — Francis Williams, b. Aug. 20, 1829; d. March 31, 1849, Abington. 172. XI. — Ludia Howard, b. Oct. 7, 1834; m. Patrick O'Brien. 168 EZRA. b. Sept. 26, 1822; m. 1857, Mercy Ann Bartlett. Issue: 173. I. — Edwin Faxon, b. Jan. 18, 1858; m. 1887, Alma Floyd, Win- throp; d. Aug. 18, 1888. 174. IL— Albert B., b. March 2, 1861 ; ship- ping, Boston. 175. III. — ^Arthur G.. b. March 2, 1861 ; carpenter, Win- throp. 173 EDWIN F., b. Jan. 18, 1858; master carpenter; m. 1887, Alma Floyd, Winthrop; d. Aug. 18, 1888. Issue: 176. I. — Howard F., b. 1888. 165 WORTHY G., b. Abington, June 17, 1815; m. (i) Dec. 24, 1837, Irene Shaw; b. Weymouth, Jan. 5, 1817; d. Jan. 4, i860, at Abing- ton; m. (2) Oct. 4, i860, Marilla Pratt; 'he d. 1882. Issue: 177. I. — Rensselaer, b. Sept. 16, 1838; d. Sept. 17, 1839. 178. II. — Jotham Ells- worth, b. May 3, 1842. 179. HI. — Summer Ellis, b. Sept. 3, 1847; d. Sept. 25, 1848. 180. IV. — Irene Shaw, b. Oct. 23, 1851. 181. V. — Sarah William, b. July 22, 1855; d. Jan. 4, i860. 182. VI. — ^Abbie Weston, b. Aug. 30, 1858; d. Aug. 15, 1859. 166 GHARLES A., b. Aug. 12, 1817, Abington; m. (i) July 7, 1844, Hannah Moore Studley; b. Dec. 16, 1824; d. Jan. 26, 1850; m. (2) Jan. 22, 1851, Lucy A. Howard; clergyman; d. 1882. Issue: 183. I. — Ellen, b. April 17, 1845; d. June 30, 1859. 184. II. — Winthrop, b. Nov. 18, 1848; d. Sept. 23, 1849. 185. HI. — Howard Gary, b. Dec. 23, 1852, Louisville. Ky. 162 HENRY, b. Oct. 13, 1806; noted wrestler, athletic and in- J()Si:i'II DUNl'lAM. 167 ventor; m. April 8, 1826, Mary, dau. of Col. r)raoklcv Ctishing-; b. April 2, 1805, A'biDgton, Mass.; he commanck'd in llic ccU'ljralion forty com- panies and five regiments; Brigadier general, at the completion of Bnnker Hill' Monument; d. Nov., 1873. Issue, b. and d. at Abington : 186. I. — Charles Henry, b. Oct. 30, 1827; d. June 17, 1832. 187. H. — Brackley Cushing, b. Sept. 2. i82(): m. Nov. 2. i85(j, I'dizabeth T. Hunt. 188.^^ HI.— Sarah Maria, b. Xov. y, 1831 ; d. Dec. 18, 1840. 189. 1\'.— Andrew, b. Nov. 25, 1833; in. Jan. 20, 1855, Mercy 'F. Whitcomb ; d. Feb. 16. 1900, Mattapoisett. 190. \'.— Henry, b. Oct. 18, 1835. 191. VI. — Mary Cushing, b. July 2. 1838; d. Nov. 2t,, 1843. 192. MI. — Caroline, b. Jan. 18, 1841 ; d. Sept 10, 1841. 193. VIII. — Emma Annett, b. Jan. I, 1844; m. R. L. Hunt, ^^'eymouth, Mass. 194. IX. — Jose- phine, b. June 8, 1846; d. Sept. i. 1846. 195. X. — Susan Ford, b. JNIay 20, 1848. 196. XI. — Frank. 1). May 2=,, 1850; d. Sept. 7, 1850. 197. XII. — Annie Poyas, b. Aug. 20, 1852; d. Dec. 14, 1854. 189 ANDREW, b. Nov. 25, 1833 ; m. Jan. 20. 1855, Mercy F. White- comb ; d. Feb. 16, 1900, Mattapoisett. Issue: i(j8. I. — Sarah Marion, b. Jan. 20, 1856; m. Geo. Dorr. Had Richard Dorr, Boston. 199. II. — Emma Gertrude, b. April 23, 1862. 190 HENRY, b. Oct. 18, 1835; m. Ella Bristol, Norwell ; inventor shoe machinery; d. 1884. Issue: 190a. I. — Ida, Uoston. 190b. II. — Henry B., physician, Rutland, Mass. 190c. HI. — Arthur C. Lynn, Mass. 164 HOWARD GARY, b. at Abington, Jan. 13, 1813 ; m. Plymouth, May 28, 1844, Eliza Ann Drew, Winthrop, Mass.; clergyman; d. May 30, 1906. Issue : 200. I. — Charles Wesley, b. Ashbiu-nham, Mass., April 8, 1846. 201. II. — Francis Howard, b. Leominster, Mass., Nov. 18, 1847; d. Sept., 1848. 167 CORNELIUS T., b. April 27. 1820; m. largest wholesale shoe merchant in the South, 1820; ni. July 7, 1847. Mrs. Ann (Royas) Jenkins, Charleston, S. C. ; he d. Aug., 1895, '^^ Ashington. near Boston. Issue: 202. I. — Henry Lucius, b. Charleston. S. C, Sept. 8, 1848; -d. Abington, May 25, 1867. 203. II. — Edward b'rancis, b. July 24. 1851, Annie Sherry Boardman. 204. HI. — Marion I'orcher. b. .April 29, 1853; m. Baylis Earl Seaborn. 205. J\'. — Mary hjnnia. b. Abington. Mass., Aug. 7, 1857; d. Sept. 26, 1872, Woolaston. 20(1. \'. — bdizabeth Ann, b. I'eb. 18, 1859; m. .Alfred Ib-anch llarlow. 207. A'l. — Cornelia Thomas, b. Winthrop, Mass., .\i)ril 24, i8()2. 208. \Ii. — William Inglesby, b. March 6, 1867; d. April 2(;, 18^)7, Abip.gton. 203 EDWARD I'"., 1). Charleston, S. C, July 24, 185 1 ; m. Alay 24, l68 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1887, Annie S. Boardman, of Hopkinton, Mass. ; heavy boot and shoe manufacturer, Boston. Mass. Issue : 209. I. — Lawrence Boardman, b. July 18, 1882. 210. II.— 'CorneHus Thomas, b. Aug. 21, 1887. 204 MARION P., b. April 29, 1853, Charleston. S. C. ; m. June 15, 1875, Baylis E. Seaborn, who d. March 15, 1891, Piedmont, S. C. Issue : 211. I. — Paul Dunham Seaborne, b. Dec. 7, 1877. 212. II. — Annie Louise, b. Jan. 10, 1880. 213. III. — Edward James, b. Nov. 28, 1881. 214. IV. — Mary Earle, b. July 5, 1883. 215. Y. — John Earnest Poyas, b. Nov. 30, 1885. HARLOW. 206 ELIZABETH A., b. Feb. 18, 1859. Charleston, S. C. ; m. Dec. 5, 1883, Alfred B. Harlow, Middleboro. Mass. Issue, 6 Milton, Mass.: 216. I— Katherine G. Harlow, b. Dec. 28, 1888. 217. II.— Alfred Gibbs, b. Jan 21, 1890. O'BRIEN. 172 LYDIA H., b. Oct. 17, 1834; m. Oct. 4, 1853; Patrick O'Brien, of Abington. Issue, b. Abington : 218. I. — Angeline Frances O'Brien ; b. Aug. 15, 1854; milliner, Abington. 219. II. — William Smith, b. Aug. 16, 1856; boot and shoe heel manufacturer, Abington, Mass. 220. III. — Delia Hammond, b. Dec. 22. 1862; d. July 23, 1864. 221. IV. — Robert Lincoln, b. Sept. 14, 1865, Washington, D. C. ; journalist. 222. v.— Mansfield, b. 1867. 223. YL— Charles, b. April, 1870. 224. YIL — Ellen, b. July, 1872. 108 DAILY, b. Dec. 10, 1800; m. May 9, 1827, Eunice Mathews; b. Aug. II, 1805; d. Aug. II, 1856; he d. Feb. 5, 1885. Issue: 225. I. — Ephraim F., M. D., b. May 30, 1828; m. Kate West. 226. II. — Isaiah M., M. D., b. July 23, 1830; d. April 15, 1868. 227. III. — James D., D. D., b. Oct. 26, 1832; m. Jan., 1861. 228. lY.— Ruth, b. Dec. 10, 1834; d. July 10, 1861. 229. Y. — Joseph, b. July 9, 1837. 230. YL — Josephine, b. July 9, 1837; d. July 28, 1881. 231. YIL — Laura E., b. Sept. 8, 1839; m. William Warwick. 232. YIII. — ^Mary J., b. Oct. i, 1841 ; m. Howard W. Clark. 233. IX. — Stephen H., b. Sept. 11, 1843; m. (i) Alice Shoemaker; m. (2) Minnie Edsall, Nichols, Troga Co., N. Y. 234. X. — Lucy L., b. Sept. 16, 1846; m. Aug. 1, 1869, Sidney Colburn; d. March 9, 1883. 235. XL — Isabella P., b. May 22, 1850; d. Oct., 1850. 225 EPHRAIM F., M. D., b. May 30, 1828; m. March 24, 1859, Kate West, of Columbus, O. Issue : 236. I. — Edward W., b. 1861 ; d. Dec, 1892, Binghamton, N. Y. JOSEPH DUNHA^I. 169 CLARK. 212 MARY J., 1). Oct. r, 1841 ; m. 1872. Howard \V. Clark. Issue: 237. I. — ^Charles Clark. 238. II. — Laura. 239. III. — Harry. 233 STEPHEN H.. b. Sept. 11, 1843: ni. (i) Oct. 23. 1872, at Nicholas, N. Y.. Alice Shoemaker, who d. Jau., 1881 ; m. {2) June 10, 1885, Alinnie Edsall, of Nicholas, N. Y. Issue: 240. I. — Mar^^aret, b. 1875; m. Oct., 1898, Samuel Brodhed, of Old Forge, Pa. 241. 11.^ Harriet Eunice, b. July, 1886. 242. HI. — Ruth McCarty, b. July, 1891. COLBURN. 204 LUCY L.. b. Sept. 16, 1846; m. Aug., 1869, Sidney Colburn ; d. March 9, 1883. Issue: 243. I. — John Colburn. 244. II. — Willie. 245. HI.— Waldo. 246. I\\— Kate. 247. \'.— Sarah. 248. \'I.— Luther. 249. MI. — Edward. WARWICK. 231 LAURA E., b. Sept. 8, 1839; m. Oct. 29, 1861, William War- wick, who d. 1863. Issue: 250. I.^Sarah Warwick. 106 SYLVANUS, b. Johnstown, N. Y., 1793; m. 1821, Frances Forman ; d. June 7, 1882; he d. x*\pril 15, 1871. Issue: 251. I. — Mary Elizabeth, b. 1827; d. 1892. 252. II. — William Henry, b. 1829; m. Frank Taylor; d. 1899. 253. HI. — Norman Curtis, b. 1831 ; d. 1833. 254. IV. — Susan Caroline, b. 1833; m. 1861. James Dunham. Had Daisy S. Dunham. Nichols, N. Y. 255. \'. — Charlotte Ann, b. 1836; m. 1859, Warren Hooker, Oswego, N. Y. ; she d. 1861. 256. \ I. — Frederick A., b. 1838; d. 1865. 257. \'II. — Sands E., b. 1840; m. Alice Eastabrook. 258. A'lII. — Charles Summer, b. 1846; m. Melissa Lane. 259. IX. — Frances J., b. 1850; m. 1875, Jerry Hyres, who d. 1877. Had Virginia Hyres; m. 1896, Sydney Drake and had Sydney Drake, Jr.. b. 1899. 258 CHARLES S., b. 1846; m. 1862, Melissa Lane, Nichols, N. Y. Issue: 260. I. — Frank F. 261. II. — Frederick S. 252 WILLIAM H., b. 1829; m. Frank TaylcM-. of Nichols, N. Y. ; d. 1899. Issue: 262. I. — Anna H., m. Mr. P>allastier. \ew Haven. Ct. 263. II. — Charlotte; m. Mr. De Long, Binghamton. N. Y. 264. HP- Madge, Nichols, N. Y. 265. IV. — Georgianna, Nichols, N. Y. 257 SANDS E., b. 1840; m. 1870. .Mice Easibrook. Issue: 2G(). I. — Frederick, Binghamton, N'. ^^ 267. II. — Harry, Nichols, N. Y. 103 ISAAC, b. Jan. 5, 1782, Stillwater, N. Y. ; 1803, moved to Pake Ontario with oxen; 1836, Nichols, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 18, 1810, by Ri^v. J. Townsend, of Madison, Sally Ann .Mlerton, of .\mcnia. N. Y. ; h. Oct. 15, 1792; he d. Nichols, March i, 1876. Issue: 2(^^. i. — ^Sarah .\nn, I^O JOSEPH DUNHAM. b. Oct. 17, 181 1 ; m. May 29, 1834, William AI. Davis. Had two sons. 269. II. — Emily, b. Jan. 10, 1814; m. Daniel Fisk Kellogg, Chittenango, N. Y. 270. III.— Harvey Wright, b. Oct 13, 1813; m. Mary Ann Lounsbury; d. Dec. 30, 1875. 271. I\'. — Henry, b. March 16, 1816; m. Ellen McDonald; d. March 11, 1872. iji. \. — Isaac, b. March 11, 1821; m. Ann Osborne, Nichols, N. Y. 273. \'I. — Pamelia J., b. Feb. 21. 1824; m. William H. Rnssell, Windham. Pa. 274. \'II. — David, b. Dec. 25, 1826; m. Vandenmark. 275. VIII. — Diadamia, b. Feb. I, 1830; m. Clinton H. Sage, Chittenango, now Norwich. 276. IX. — Alfred A., b. July 9, 1834; m. Sept. 5, 1874, Cecilia McGonigle. Had one danghter. KELLOGG. 269 EMILY, b. Jan. 10, 1814; m. Nov. 13, 1836. Daniel F. Kellogg; b. Sept. 12, 1807, New Salem, Mass. ; d. Jan. 6. 1882 ; he d. April 11, 1864. Issue: lyy. I. — George Kellogg, Fulton, N. Y. ; b. 1837. Weston, Mass. 278. II. — Charles, Chittenango, N. Y. ; b. Dec. 14, 1839, at Minden. N. Y. ; m: Betsey Case. Issue: 279. I. — Betsey Case, b. Aug. 17, 1875. 280. II. — Daniel Fisk, b. March 19. 1865 ; m. ATaude, dan. of Judge G. A. Forbes, of Canastota, N. Y. 280 DANIEL FISK KELLOGG, b. March 19, 1865. Chittenango, N. Y. ; m. Maude, dan. of Judge G. A. Forbes, of Canastota, N. Y. He is on the editorial staff of the New York Sun. Issue: 281. I. — 'Daniel Fisk, Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1892. 282. II. — Victoria, b. Dec. 4, 1897. 271 HENRY, b. March 16, 1816; m. Aug. 24, 185 1, Ellen Mc- Donald; d. March 11, 1872. Issue: 283. I. — Eva D., b. July 5, 1852; d. Sept. 3, 1854. 284. II. — Wright, b. July 6, 1854; d. Aug. 12, 1854. 285. HI. — Frances E., b. Jan. 10, 1856, West Bend, Wis. 286. IV. — Mary Isadore, b. Jan. 20, 1858; m. John F. Cole. 287. V. — Elizabeth P., b. March 9, i860, West Bend, Wis. 288. VI.— Charles Henry, b. June 20, 1863; m. Ernestine Eberly. COLE. 286 MARY L, b. Jan. 20, 1858; m. Aug. 2^,, 1883, John F. Cole, Marshfield, W'is. Issue: 289. I.— Ethel Cole, b. Aug. 28, 1884, Spencer, Wis. 290. II. — ^Charles, b. April 26, 1886, Spencer, Wis. 291. HI. — Francis, b. June 19, 1889, Marshfield, Wis. 292. IV. — Anna Eliza, b. June 11, 1892, Marshfield, Wis. 288 CHARLES H., b. June 20, 1863; m. July 4, 1890, Ernestine Eberly, Fairbault, Minn. Issue: 293. I. — Eugene, b. April 19, 1891. 294. II. — John, b. Aug. 2^, 1892. 295. HI. — Henry, b. Aug. 25, 1894. • 270 HARVEY W., b. Oct. 13, 1818; m. Dec. 29, 1845, Mary Ann I JOSEPH DUNHAM. I/I Lounsbury; d. Dec. 30, 1875. Issue: 296. I. — Emily Kellogg, b. May 3, 1853; m. March 10, 1897, F. J. Hunt. 297. II. — Charles L., b. Dec. I. 1864; m. 1886. Janet I'.ennett. Nichols. N. Y. Had dan. b. 1891. 298. HI. — Harvey, b. Aug. 22, 1867, Nichols. N. Y. RUSSELL. 273 PAMELIA j., 1). I'cb. 21. 1824: m. Jan. 8. 1846, William II. Russell. \\'indham. Pa. Issue: 299. I.— William II. KusselK 1). 1853; d. 1899. 274 DAA'ID, b. Dec. 25, 1826; m. VandernKirk. Issue': 300. I. — Orson, Brig^hamton, N. Y. 301. II. — Isaac, Washington State. 302. HI. — Lewis. Washington State. 303. IV. — Cora, Binghamton, N. Y. ; m. b'rank Thomas. SAGE. 275 DIADAMIA, b. Feb. i, 1830; m. Dec. 20. 1853, Col. Clinton H. Sage, New Norwich, N. Y. Issue. 304. I. — Willis C. Sage, Nov. 19, 1854; d. Feb. 21, 1877, New York City. 305. II.— Albert K., b. July . I, 1858, Fulton, N. Y".; d. Nov. 24, 1861. 306. HI.— Helen, b. Oct., 1856; m. April 28, 1879, F. B. Mitchell, Norwich, N. Y. 306 HELEN SAGE, b. Oct. 5, 1856; m. April 1^. 1879, F. B. Mitchell, Norwich, N. Y. Issue: 307. I.— Sally Mitchell. 308. IL— Minot. 91 Nx\THANIEL, b. 1763; m. Lucretia Noble; lived Delphi, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; d. Aug. 20, 1830-2. Issue: 309. I. — Frederick, b. March 17, 1797; m. Harriet Tompkins; d. May 22, i860. 310. H. — Julius, d. young. 311. HI. — Augustus, d. young. 312. I\'. — David, b. about 1813: m. Delia Whitman; d. 1889.' 313. V.— Jay, b. about 1816; m. (i) Julia Rosebrook; m. (2) Hannah Hall; d. 1880. 313 JAY, b. about 1816; m. (i) Julia Rosebrook, who d. about 1851 ; m. (2) Hannah Hall; 'he d. about 1880. Issue: I.— Marshall Wort, b. Nov. 20, 1847; !"• Ji-dy 29, 1868, Clara L. Higley. 315. II.— Sarah, b. Dec. 12, 1849; d. Nov. 20, 1867. 316. HI. — Oliver Nathaniel, by Hannah Hall. 309 FREDERICK, b. March 17, 1797: m. 1827, Harriet Tompkins; b. March 22, 1800; he d. May 22, i860. Issue: 317. 1.— Julius Augus- tus, 1). June I, 1828; m. Jeanette Trumbull; d. May 20. 1872. 318. H. — Nathaniel, b. June 21, 1830; m. Mary Sayles. 3K). I H. — Dorothy Abba, b. Oct. 20, 1834: m. r.radley S. Dewey. 320. I\ . — I'rederick, b. July 29, 1838. 314 MARSHALL W ., b. Nov. 20, 1847; m. July 29, 1808, Clara L. Higley. Issue: 321. I.— George Jay, b. May 16, 1869. 172 JOSEPH DUNHAM-. DEWEY. 319 DOROTHY A., b. Oct. 20, 1834; m. (i) March 30, 1852, Bradley S. Dewey; b. Feb. 16, 1827, and d. Feb. 25, 1873; m. ^2) D. D. Butts. Issue: 322. I. — Harriet Lucina Dewey, b. June 2y, 1853; m. Frank E. Jennings. 323. H. — Caroline Adelia, b. Oct. 26, 1856; d. June, 1862. 324. HI.— Chauncey Edward, b. Oct. 31. 1859; m. Alice W. Forbes. 325. l\. — David Dunham, b. July 2"/, 1866; m. Sept. 2t^, 1896, Georgis M. Johnson; b. Nov. 15. 1875. 325 DAVID D. DEWEY, b. July 2y, 1866; m. Sept. 23, 1896, Georgis M. Jobnson ; b. Nov. 15, 1875. Issue: 326. I. — Dorothy Dewey, b. April 9, 1899. JENNINGS. 322 HARRIET L. DEWEY, b. June 2y, 1853 ; i"- I^cc, 1872, Frank E. Jennings; b. Aug. 12. 1847. Issue: 327. I. — Eva Louise Jennings, b. Feb. 5, 1877. 324 CHx\UNCEY E. DEWEY, b. Oct. 31, 1859; i"- Sept. 10, 1889, Alice W. Forbes; b. June 5. 1869. Issue: 328. I. — Albert Warner Dewey, b. Dec. 5, 1891. 329. II. — Edward Bradley, b. Oct. 26, 1895. 330. III.— ^Clarence Forbes, b. March 17, 1897. 317 JULIUS A., b. June i, 1828; m. Oct., 1849, Jeanette Trum- bull; b. Feb. 10, 1830; he d. 'Marcb 28, 1872. Issue: 331. I.— Fred- erick Nelson, b. Nov. 8, 1850; m. 1871, Arvilla Billington. T)T^2. II. — Euna Lois, b. Oct. 24, 1856; m. 1874, Russell Z. Saddler. 318 NATHANIEL, b. June 21, 1830; m. Sept., 1852, Mary Sayles ; b. Oct. 14, 1831. Issue: 333. I.— Charles Edwin, b. Feb. 20, 1862; m. (i) April 30, 1895; m (2) Isabella Mosher ; b. Oct. 5, 1868. 334. II.—'. William Nathaniel, b. Sept. 20, 1865. 104 WRIGHT, m. Harriet Brown; resided in Nichols, Tioga County, N. Y. ; was a member of the state legislature. Issue: 335. I. —William. 336. II.— Eben. 337. HI.— Amelia. 338. IV.— Frances. 339. V. — Maria, m. James Webster. 340. VI. — Mary. 341. VII.— Sarah. WEBSTER. 339 MARIA, m. James Webster. Issue: 342. I. — Frances Web- ster, m. J. W. R. Buttles, M. D., New York City. 343. II.— Joseph. 344. HI. — Seymour. 345. IV. — Willis. 346. V. — Alice, m. Henry Buttles. 347. VI. — Harriet, m. Carpenter Parnuttell. 342 FRANCES WEBSTER, m. W. R. Buttles, M. D., New York City; d. 1880. Issue: 348. I. — Dorothea Buttles. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 173 SADLER. 332 EDNA L., h. Oct. 24. 1856; m. 1874, Russell L. Sadler. Issue: 349. I. — Julius Dunham Sadler, b. Aug. 16, t88t. SADLER. 331 FREDERICK N.. b. Nov. 8. 1850; m. 1873, Arvilla Billington. Issue: 350. I. — Cirace. 351. II. — Edna. b. Aui^-. 28, 1887. 312 DAVID, b. 1813; ni. Delia Whitman; 1). 1820; d. Jan.. 1883; lie d. 1889. Issue: 352. I. — Edward, b. about i83(): m. Ann Graver. Had four children. 353. II. — Albert Burdette, b. A])ril 3, 1842; m. Janette Rector; b. April 2, 1843; ^, 1847, at Dartmouth; d. 16, 1848. 513. HI. — George Arthur, b. July 12, 1849. at Dartmouth; m. 1879, -^lary Hally Leighton at E. f 'oston ; she d. I-'eix — , "79; ni. (2) 1 82 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Jan. ' 29, 1891, Marianna Elkins. at Dorchester, Alass. George A. Denham is of Puritan stock. His father, the Rev. George Dunham, was an Episcopahan minister, a prominent figure in religious confer- ences fifty (50) years ago, and a direct descendant of John Denham, one of the early settlers who the Mayflower brought over from Southern England. His mother was a Thacher, of the old shipbuilding family of that name. Most of the whaling vessels that sailed from New Bed- ford when that port was the center of the whaling industry, came from the shipyards of 'Matthew Thacher. Rev. George Denham's parents always lived in Plymouth where the original settlers located, and where the succeeding generations of the family followed their life pursuits. George A. Denham was b. at South Dartmouth, a suburb of New Bedford, Mass., July 12th, 1849. He was the second eldest of six chil- dren and was first sent to school at Wellfleet, Mass. He finished his education at Chelsea, 'Mass., and Nashua, N. H., most of his schooling being received at Chelsea. In 1867 he engaged in business at Boston in the employ of Henry Jones & Co., ship timber dealers. He remained with this firm one year, entering the employ of Jewett & Pitcher, lumber dealers in 1868 and continuing with them for four years. As a manufacturer of mouldings he started in business for him- self in the spring of 1872, and in the fall of that year, in the disastrous fire that swept so large a part of Boston, his factories at Congress and Purchase Streets were burned to the ground. No event could have served better to bring out the indomitable pluck and energy of the man. The city sufifering from the shock of a great calamity, chaotic conditions existing in business circ-le everywhere, thousands ruined, and himself facing probable bankruptcy through the inability of the insur- ance companies to meet their tremendous losses, George A. Denham proved the sturdiness of his ancestral stock. He did not whimper, although the blow cut deep. The ruins of his old factory were still warm when he had the lease of other quarters and had his men at work fitting up for active operation. Sunday morning, Nov. loth, saw his first establishment raised to the ground and the following Tuesday at 7 o'clock a. m., saw him newly installed with his entire force of em- ployes pushing ahead on the work that the fire had interrupted, and long before the majority of Boston's business men had l)cgun to re- cover from the paralyzing stupor into which the disaster had thrown them. It was a remarkable feat in the face of such adverse circum- stances. But this was not the only instance in which he proved to possess rare executive ability. He was only 24 years of age, when he (jK()K(;k a. Dknham, President American Palace Car Co., New York City. JOSKPH DUNriAM. 1 83 bid for and secured a large contract with the Massachusetts State Prison, thu'ing- wliich he liad in liis employ u])\vards of 400 men. At the successful termination of this slate contract he end^arked in the wholesale boot and shoe business, which he followed from 1879 to 1890, at which latter date he organized the American Palace Car Com- pany, to manufacture tmder newlv granted patents an im])roved sani- tary sleeping car, being a parlor, sleeping and dining car ccMnbined. George A. Denham m. in East Boston, in 1871, Mary H. Laighton, of Portsmouth. X. H., whose death was recorded nn l-'eb. 2, 1879, at the same place. There were four children from this union. In 1891, at Dorchester, Mass., he m. Marianna Elkins, of Nantucket, Mass., mak- ing his home at Dorchester. From the organization of the American Palace Car Compan\ , in 1890, Mr. Denham has devoted his entire time to, and is at present the executive head of that corporation, leak- ing his business heacjuarters in New York 'Cit} , while maintaining his residence, in Dorchester, Mass. Issue: 514. I. — Martha March, b. Nov. 16, 1872. 515. II. — Ella Idiacher, 1). July 31. 1874: m. Oct. 2, 1901. 516. III. — Bessie Leighton, b. Aug. 12, 1876; d. Dec. 24, 1883. 517. IV.— Robert Hall. b. Nov. 16, 1877; d. Dec. 24, 1879. 518. V.— Elizabeth Thacher, b. July 12, 1851. at ]yIarlborough ; m. 1878, Henry L. Conant, at Leominster; d. Aug. 11, 1884. 519. YI. — Celia Stetson, b. April 12, 1853, at Marlborough; d. 1859, at I5arr. 520. Vll. — Emily Frances, b. Wellfleet, Jan. 31, 1855; d. May zt,, 1855. 521. VIll. — 'Matthew Thacher, b. Sept. 21, 1858, at Barre, Mass.; m. Sept. 21, 1880, Clara E. Fisher, at Gloucester. Issue, Gloucester, Mass. : 522. I. — Florence Hilton, b. Nov. 7, 1881 ; m. Sept. 21, 1904, Samuel P. God- dard, St. Louis, Mo. 523. IT. — Charlotte I'dsher. b. March 17. 1892; living with her father at Alalden, Alass. 498 LYSANDER. b. Plymouth. March 6. 1X18; m. 1S45, Sarah 1 [. Simmons, dau. of William; d. Plynunith, b'eb. 8, i8(jJ. Issue, b. at Plymouth: 524. I. — Lysander Lovell, b. April, 1846; m. Rebecca B., dau. of Benjamin l^arnes and ."^alissa P. Melvin, l'r(»\idcnce ; d. Ply- mouth, 1889. 525. II. — Atldie Tierce, b. 1851 ; m. 1772. Limis N. Shaw, of Brockton. 524 LYSANDER L., b. April. i84r,, IMynu.uih; m. Rebecca B., dau. of Benjann'n and .^alissa P. .MeKin; d. Tlymouth, i8S(). Issue: 526. I. — Lilian. 500 HENRY, b. lA'b. 13, 1822; m. Hannah M. Sprague. of .\bing- ton. Issue, b. Abington, Mass.: ^jy. 1. — lulwin lleni\, b. C)ct. ^, 184 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1846. 528. 11. — Charles Summer, b. Oct. 17, 1849. 529. III. — Elliott Francis, b. Feb. 22, 1857. 495 CORNELIUS, b. Jan. 9, 1797; m. (i) Susanna Cobb, of Abing- ton ; m. (2) Evelina B. Taber, Bridgewater ; d. Oct. 13, 1859, Abington. Issne. b. at Abington: 530. I. — Betsey Cobb, b. Nov. 7, 1820; d. 1892, Brockton. 531. II. — Cornelins Livingstone, b. March 11, 1823; m. Mary Pratt, of Hanover. 532. III. — Ann Clarinda, b. Jan. 22, 1828; d. Oct. 13, 1859. 533. IV.— Harvey, b. Sept. 26, 1833; m. Rose Gurney. 533 HARVEY, b. Sept. 26, 1833; m. Rose Gurney. Issne: 534. I. — Milton, b. at Brockton, in 1880. 535. II. — Jennie, b. in Brockton, 1883. 536. HI. — Clara, b. 1884, in Brockton. 537. I\'. — Edward, b. 1888, in Brockton. 531 CORNELIUS L., b. Abington, March 11, 1823; m. Mary Pratt, Hanover, 'Mass. Issne : 538. I. — Mary Livingston, b. April 14, 1859; "1- Henry Martin Kingman. ' KINGMAN. 538 MARY L., b. Abington, April 14. 1859; m. 1882, Henry M. Kingman, New York City. Issue, Brockton, Mass. : 539. I. — Bessie R. Kingman, b. 1886. 540. II. — Edward Livingston, b. 1888; d. 1889. 541. III. — Frances Pratt, b. 1892. 90 JESSE, b. April 21, 1756, Plymton ; a sailor and a soldier; farmer at Royalton, Vt. ; m. Oct. 7, 1779. Lydia or Lois Hatch, dan. of Joseph and Joanna; she d. Royalton, Sept. 13, 1798; he d. April 2t^, 1845. Issue: 542. I. — Nathaniel, b. Hardwick, Mass., Dec. 18, 1780; d. Aug. 2, 1848. 543. II. — ^Asa, b. Barnard, Vt., Dec. 25, 1783; d. in infancy. 544. HI. — Noah, b. Nov. 15, 1784, Royalton, Vt. ; d. Aug. 29, 1853, Lyme, N. Y. 545. IV. — ^Hannah, b. March 19, 1787; d. Jan., 1857, Royalton, Vt. 546. V. — Lydia, b. Nov. i, 1789; m. Sept. 2y , 1809, Rev. Haskell Wheelock ; moved to Hartford, Wisconsin. 547. VI. — Lucy, b. Oct. 8. 1792; m. Elias Barlow. 548. VII. — Jesse, b. Dec. 19, 1794; m. Lucy Davison, Dec. 8, 1859. 549. VIII. — Joseph, b. Oct. 13, 1796; m. PauHne Joiner; d. Oct., 1864. 550. IX. — Lois Belding, Royalton, Vt. Had Elizabeth Belding. 551. X. — Norman. 552. XL — Harrison Royalton, Vt. 549 JOSEPH, b. Oct. 13. 1796, Royalton, Vt.; m. Nov. 11, 1823, Pauline Joiner, who d. Almoral, Iowa, 1871 ; he d. Almoral, Oct., 1864. Issue: 553. I. — Lois Hatch, b. Oct. 16, 1824, Royalton, Vt. ; d. 1825, Bakersfield, Vt. 554. II. — Laura Allen, b. Aug. 31, 1826, Royalton; d. 1827, Bakersfield. 555. HI. — Joseph Albert, b. April 18, 1827; d. 1831, Bakersfield. 556. IV. — Francis Willis, b. July 20, 1830; m. Ann Mary JOSEPH DUNHAM. I 85 Start; d. 1868. 557. A'. — James Harvey. 1). March 2-, 1833; d. 1842, Bakersfield. A't. 558. \'l. — Jose])li Bicknell, 1). May 3. 1835; ni. Lucy Bridges. 559. All. — Al)l)ie Eliza, 1). \\n-\\ 21. 1831); d. 1866. Almoral, Iowa. 560. \'III. — r.uel (ioodsell Pier, 1). Sepi. 1. 1842; regimental bugler; d. 1864, Almoral, Iowa. 556 FRANCIS \V., b. July 20. 1830. Mancliesier, Iowa; m. Oct. 3, 1855, Ann AIar\- .Start; soldier and regimental bugler; d. 1868, Al- moral, Iowa. Issue: 561. I. — (ieorge Willes. b. bin. 13, 1857; m. Effie Blair. 562. IE — Mary Eouise, 1). April 5, iS5(j; d. i8()3. 563. III. — Lam-a Ellen, b. May 9, 1864; m. Charles iiarrett. 561 GEORGE W'., b. Jan. 13, 1857; m. Oct. 9. 1884, Eftie lUair. Issue: 564. T. — I'^rancis lilair, 1). July 31, 1885. 565. IE — George Harold, b. Dec. 14, 1886. 566. HE— Anna Eaura, b. Nov. i, 1889. BARRETT. 563 LAL^RA E.. b. AEay9, 1864; m. Sept. 17, 1889. Charles Barrett. Issue: 567. E — John b^rancis IJarrett, b. June 14, 1890; d. Eeb. 24, 1892. 568. IE — Ruth Diudiam. b. Dec. 16, 1892. sfx). HE — George Dunham, b. Nov. 17, 1894. 558 JOSEPH r... 1). May 3. 1835; m. Sept. 2:^- 18^)3, Eucy Bridges. Issue: 570. I. — Joseph Puel, b. Dec. 5, 1864; m. March 21, i8(j3. Mary A. Kenyon. 571. H. — Mertie May, b. Sept. 2},, 1873. 572. IH. — Francis Henry, b. July 31, 1878. 573. I\". — Eucy Ethel, b. Oct. 4. 1881. 548 JESSE, b. Dec. 19, 1794, Bakersfield, \'t. : m. ( )ct. 1, 1821, Eucy Davidson; 1858, moved to Fairbault County, Minn.; d. Dec. 8, 1859. Issue: 574. I. — Warren Nelson, b. Milton, \'t., Nov. 20, 1822; m. (i) Julia Watson Purritt, dau. of Elijah of Marsdale ; d. Parkridge on May 20, 1865; m. (2) Eydia Davidson; d. May 20, 1865, Ibdcktown, ill. 575. IE — ^Herman Willis, b. at Pakersfield. \'t., h'eb. 15. 1824; m. Dec. 16, 1849, I^aphne Houghton; she d. June 10, 1877. 57(). EH. — Jesse Davidson, b. April 9, 1828; d. Jan.. 1829. 577. \\ . — Nt)rman W'aite. b. Jan. 22, 1830; m. Safah A. r)ickford. 578. X'.^Jesse Hatch, b. Sept. 9, 1833; m. A])ril 7, 1859. P^rances ^Augusta Clark: d. Oct. 2^. 1878. ^■j)^ JESSE H., b. Mon., Sept. 9, 1833; m. A])ril 7, 1859, Frances Clark: d. Oct. 2-^, 1878. Issue: 579. J. — Curtis Jesse, b. Dec. 17, 1850; m. Elizabeth Plack. 580. II. — .\bbie Eizzie, b. Aug. 19. 1861 ; m. William Baldwin. 581. III. — llenry Meacham, b. Sept. 6. 1863. 582. IV. — Watson Norman, b. Dec. 5, 1865. 583. \'. — Eucy Rebecca, b. Jan. 3, 1868; m. Albert McDermial. 584. \'l. — liertha Augusta, b. March 27, 1870. 585. \II. — Mary Frances, b. Sept. 11, 1872. 586. l86 JOSEPH DUNHAM. VIII.— Sarah Gertrude, b. Feb. 8, 1875. 5^7- IX.— Adela Maud, b. Jan. 14, 1878. 579 CURTIS J., b. Dec. 17, 1850; m. Elizabeth Black. Issue : 588. I. — Florence Dorothy, b. June 16, 1887. 589. II. — Helen, b. July 26, 1889. 590. III. — Curtis, b. Oct. — . . 591. IV. — Harold, b. April 14, 1895. BALDWIN. 580 ABBIE L., b. Aug. 19, 1861 ; m. Aug. 2y, 1883, William Bald- win. Issue: 592. I. — Mary Frances Baldwin, b. Feb. 11, 1885. 593. II.— Martha Johanna, b. June 9, 1887. 594. HI. — Jesse Marlow, b. Oct. 3, 1891. 595. IV. — ^Mark Dunham, b. Oct. 3, 1891. McDonald. 583 LUCY R., b. Jan. 3, 1868; m. Feb. 4, 1891, Albert McDermid. Issue: 596. I.— Donald Curtis McDermid. b. June 23. 1892. 597. II. — Bernice Marguerite, b. Oct. 14, 1894. 598. HI.— Robert Christie, b. Sept. 13, 1898. 599. IV. — Kenneth. 585 MARY FRANCES, b. Sept. 11, 1872; m. June 8, 1898, El- bridge Haley. Issue: 600. I. — Conrad Edward Dunham Haley, b. June 6, 1899. 601. II. — Elbridge Kennedy, b. April — , 1901. 574 WARREN N., b. Nov. 20, 1822, Bakersfield, Vt. ; m. (i) Aug. 16, 1852, Julia Watson Burritt ; d. May 20, 1865; dau. of Elijah H. and Ann Watson Burritt; m. (2) Jan. i, 1866, Lydia Downing, of German- town, Ky. ; a practising physician in Meriden, Conn., and in the West; was a member of first state legislature of Minnesota ; later became a clergyman, residing at Creston, Iowa. Issue : 602. I. — Lucy Adela, b. June 22, 1853; m. John J. Burke. 603. II. — George Burritt, b. April 13, 1855; m. Florence J. Gibson. 604. HI. — Marion Watson, b. Dec. 13, 1859; m. Edwin R. Bronson. 605. IV. — Henry Elijah, b. Jan. 18, 1863; d. Feb. 19, 1864, Chicago, 111. 606. V. — Florence Dowing, b. June 30, 1867, Ky. ; m. Charles Murphy. 607. VI. — Blanche Carver, b. Oct. 5, 1871, Peru; m. George Hurrah. BURKE. 602 LUCY A., b. June 22, 1853, Meriden, Conn. ; m. May, 1873, John J. Burke. Issue, Shubuta, Miss. : 608. I. — Julia Watson Burke, b. March 28, 1874. 609. II. — Mary Elizabeth, b. April i, 1876. 610. HI. — George Harvey, b. Jan. 22, 1878. BROWNSON. 604 MARION W., b. Dec. 13, 1859, St. Paul, Minn.; m. Edwin R. Brownson. Issue: 611. I. — Edwin Ruby Brownson. 612. 11. — Marion Adele. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 187 603 GEORGE B.. b. April 13, 1855, Meridcn, Conn.; m. Feb. 27, 1888, at Los Angeles, Cal. : l^lorence Jesse, dan. of ITngii and ]\Iary Ann Gibson, Moreno, Cal. Issue: 613. T. — George Bnrritt, b. Oct. 9, 1896, Morena, Cal. S77 NORMAN W., 1). Friday. Jan. 22. 1830: m. April 6. 1854, Sarah Ann Bickford. Issue: 614. 1. — Lucy Ella, b. Jan. 10. 1855; m. Sept. 30, 1874, W. A. Tracy. 615. IL— Helen ALaria, b. .\ug. 1 r. 1859. 616. in. — Fanny iMiiogene, b. April 17, 1861. 617. I\'. — Clara Jcrusha, b. July 2, 1868. 618. W— Jesse Fred, b. June 2^, 1876. 575 HERMAN W.. b. Feb. 15, 1824, Bakersfield, \'t. ; m. Dec. 10, 1849, Daphne Houghton, who d. June 10, 1877. Issue: 619. I. — Jesse Josiah, b. Oct. 16, 1850; m. Feb. 19, 1877, Cornelia Wilson. 620. II. — Laura Alona, b. April 16, 1854; ni. March 19, 1873, Oscar Shat- tuck. 621. HI.— Hattie Belle, b. June 14, 1859; d. June 2^, i860. 622. lY. — Willie Houghton, b. Nov. 2^, 1866. 623. \'. — Frank Harmon, b. July 13, 1852: d. May 2-, 1855. 82 JAMES, b. 1754. near Bridgewater, Mass.; m. Mary Jvansom ; b. Aug. 12, 1756, Carver. Issue: 624. I. — Ransom, b. 1798; m. Susan Jackson. 625. II. — Diadamia, 1). Junt 20, 1801 ; m. Dec. 25, 1826, George Everett. 626. HI. — Lucy Maria, b. Feb. 20, 1803; m. Nov. 29, 1822, Oliver Lewis. 627. l\ . — Albert, b. Aug. 20, 1804, I'lainville, Conn.; m. Feb. 25, 1825, Sylvia Cowles ; b. 1803, of Rufus of PhiuQhas, of Thomas, of Samuel, of John. 628. \'. — Henry, b. May i, i8q6; m. Henrietta Tucker, of Oxford. 629. M.— Elizabeth, b. h'eb. 20, 1808; m. April 7, 1827, George Seymour. 630. \'II. — Sarah, b. March 2$, 1809; m. Nov. 9, 1830, Will. A. Seymour. 631. \lll. — Lucina. b. March 10, 1811; m. Jan. 26, 1828, Morton Judd. 624 RxAN'SOM, b. 1798, Hebron; m. Susan Jackson, of Wood- stock; blacksmith; clergyman. Issue: 632. I. — Mary K.. 1). 1822. 70 SYLVANL^S, b. 1744, I'lympton; m. 1773, Mary Tribble ; rope- maker in Boston, 1796. Issue: 633. I. — Sylvanus, b. 1780; d. Martiniiiue. •J2 SIMEON, b. 1747, Carver: m. Lydia Shaw; b. I'eb. 28, 1751 : d. Woodstock, \'t., Aug. 9, 1822; d. Woodstock, \t., May 20, 1820. Issue: 634. I. — Lucy, b. 1773; d. Woodstock, \'t., 1795. 635. IT. — Simeon, b. May 27, 1775; m. |i) I'aily Stiles; m. (2) Sept. 7. 1814. .Mrs. Sophia Cluirchill, m. Sanuul Caldwell, of Tchabod and Nbigail Doten, Fomfret, Vt.; d. Sept. 28, 1839. ()3(). 111.— Olive, b. March. 1778; m. 1838, Joseph Champlain, of Pomfret ; d. Woodstock, Vt., Vch. 18, i8()0. as '^2. 637. IV. — Rebecca, b. 1781 ; m. Judah Holmes; A. March (>, 1840. hx,S. l88 ■ JOSEPH DUNHAM. V. — Abigail, b. 1784; m. Sewall Wilkins ; d. July 22, 1857, Reading-, Vt. 639. VI. — Lelinda, b. 1789; d. Dec. 13, 1855, at Woodstock. HOLMES. 62,- REBECCA, b. Middleboro, 1781 ; m. t8o8, Jtidah Holmes; b. Marion, Mass., 1777; moved to Pomfret, Vt. ; she d. March 6, 1840; he d. Jan. 6, 1823. Issue, b. and d. Pomfret, W.: 640. I. — Lydia Shaw Holmes, b. 1815; d. March 20, 1833. 641. II. — Thankful Hathaway, b. Sept. 14. 1817; d. Aug-., 1872. 642. HI. — Alonzo Judah, b. Aug., 1820; m. March 9, 1859, Olive M., dan. of Joseph Dunton and Lucy Burnap. 642 ALONZO J. HOLMES, b. Aug. 16, 1820; m. March 9. 1859, Olive M., dau. of Joseph Dunton and Lucy Burnap. Issue: 643. I. — Edgar A. Holmes. WILKINS. 638 ABIGAIL, b. 1784: m. Sewell Wilkins, of Mohawk, N. Y. ; she d. July 22, 1857. Issue, b. Reading, Vt. : 644. I. — Sophronia Wil- kins, b. Feb. 10, 1816; m. Sept. 22^ 1844. Nathan Savage, of West Wind- sor, Vt. ; b. March i, 1812; she d. July 22, 1859. 645. II.— Elvira, b. Dec. 2, 1817; m. May 9, 1838, Thomas J. Chandler; b. Albany, Me., Sept. 18, 1802; d. Dec. 11. 1886, Reading; she d. Sept. 9, 1886, Reading, Vt. 646. HI. — Lydia Dunham, b. April 20, 1820; m. Feb. 8, 1846, John H. Locke, of Reading; she d. North Charlestown, N. H., July 2, 1878. 647. IV. — Abigail, b. 1822; m. Nov., 1878, William Chandler; she d. Aug. 29, 1885. 648. \'. — Lucius Orlando, b. 1824; enHsted in the 7th Vermont \"olunteers and d. Nov. 5, 1863, at Pensacola, Florida. 649. VL^OUver. b. 1828; d. Oct. 10, 1864, Rutland, Vt. 69 ISRAEL, b. 1741, Carver; m. Hannah Whiting; d. May 29, 1828, Plymton. Issue, b. at Carver; 650. I. — Hannah, b. July 4, 1769; m. Levi Chase, of Consider and Eunice; she d. Sept. i, 1851, Carver. 651. II. — Israel, b. May, 1788; m. Elizabeth Crocker, of Herman Crocker and Lydia Churchill; she b. June, 1793; d. Nov. 19, 1872, Mid- dleboro; he d. May 14, 1857, at Carver. 652. HI. — Benjamin, moved to Leeds, Me. 653. IV. — Eleazar, lived in Paris, Me. 654. V. — Joseph, lived in Paris, Me. 655. VI. — ^^Sylvanus, d young. CHASE. 650 HANNAH, b. July 4, 1769; m. (Carver) Levi Chase, of Con- sider Chase and Eunice Tilson, of Plym]:)tnn ; d. Sept. i, 1851, Carver. Issue, b. at Carver; 656. I.— Levi Chase, b. Oct. 7, 1791 ; m. Nov. 17, 1818, Lucy Pratt, of Carver; d. March 25, 1869, Carver. 657. II. — Ezra, b. Nov., 1793; m. Lydia Dunham, of Carver; d. at Middleboro. 658. HI. — Benjamin, b. Nov., 1795; m. Pratt, May 7, 1820, Carver; d. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1 89 Feb. II, 1853. Carver. 659. T\'. — Hannah, b. Oct., 1798; m. Lemuel Pratt, Carver; d. March 16. 1826; Carver. 660. V. — Consider, b. ]March i, 1800, .Susan T. .Shaw, of .\1)ington ; d. Abington. 661. \'T. — Isaac, b. April -4. 1803; drowned at sea, ^Tay. 1834. 662. \'ll. — Sylvanus Dunham, b. .Se])r. 18, i8;)C); m. liannali Adams, Plymouth. 663. \'lli. — Eunice Tilson, 1). .March 5, 1809: m. April 16, 1829, .Albert T. A^aughn, of Carver; d. Ma\-, i8()2. 664. IX. — jtjhn, 1). June 19, 1811 ; m. Sally l!rown, of Plymouth; d. Alarch 7, 1867, Carver. 651 ISRAEL, b. May 14, 1788, Carver; m. Elizabeth Crocker. Issue: 665. 1. — Henry, b. July 22, 1811 ; m. Louisa Jane Pratt. 665 HEXRY, 1). July 22, 1811 ; m. Feb. 5, 1835, Louisa Jane, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Macomber) Pratt; b. ]\Iiddleboro, Alass., May IT. 1812. Issue, b. at Middlel)oro, Mass.: 666. I. — Henry Crocker, b. June 30, 1836; m. Taunton, Mass., Mary Katherine Moore. 667. II. ■ — Thomas Frederick, b. May 8, 1839; "''• Hannah Whiting Chase. 668. HI. — Israel Holman, b. Sept. 2. 1841 ; m. Julia Ann Clark. 669. IV. — Elizabeth Crocker, b. July 13, 1846; Alvan Plummer Vaughan. 670. V. — Horace Addison, b. Jan. 22, 1851 ; d. Sept. 13, 1872. 667 THOMAS F., b. May 8, 1839- m. Ai)ril 28, 1861, Hannah Whiting Chase. Issue, Middle])oro: 671. I. — Charles Omer, d. in infancy. 672. 11. — Levi Frederick, 1). June 18, 1864; d. Dec. 16, 1885. 673. HI. — Charles Omer, b. Jan. 9, 1867. 668 ISRAEL IL, b. Sept. 2, 1841 ; m. Dec. 6, 1864. Julia Ann, dau. of David Clark and Abigail H. Wilbur. Issue, Middleboro: 673. \.^ Arthur Holman. b. Feb. 13, 1866. ()74. 11. — Annie Louise, b. July 17, 1870. XACCll.V. 669 ELIZABETH C.b. July 13, 184^); m. .March 30, i86>6. Alvan P. A^aughn. Issue, Middleboro: 675. I. — jen'.iie Louise \ aughn. b. June 10, 1869; d. Sept. 21, 1870. 676. H. — Jose])hine bdorence, b. July 11, 1871 ; (1. Aug. 4, 1873. 677. 111. — ilorace Alvan, b. A])ril 1, 1877. 625 SIMEON, b. May 2-j , 1775; m. (i) i'ally Stiles; m. (2) .Mrs. Soviah (Churchill) Caldwell, dau of Ichabold ar.tl Xabby, witUnv of Samuel (Doteu) Cluirchill ; d. Sept. 2^^, 1839. Issue, b. Woodstock, \'t. : 678. I. — Lue\, 1). Aug. 28. 1803; m. Cyrenus Houghtttn ; tl. June 22, 1878; d. at Woi'dstock, \ t.. Aug. 2'^, 1839. 679. IL — Hazel Pelton. b. Feb. .;, 1808; d. .March 20. 1S35. Woodstock. 68(X III.— Patty, b. Nov. 17, 1812; (1. .Aug. 13, 1813, Woodstock. 081. \\ . — Martha Stiles. 1). Inly 17, 1815; in. Aug. 31, 1834, i'.benezer l'"rencli. (182. \'.— Simeon Churchill, b. Mav 16, 1820; m. (1) Sarah, dau. ^A Xathan and Celia 190 JOSEPH DUNHAM. (Haug-hton) Packard; Chloc Ann, d. Dec. 9, 1889. 683. VI. — ^Horace Franklin, b. May 14, 1824; m. Caroline Latimer. CARPENTER. 681 MARTHA S., b. Woodstock, Vt., July 17, 1815; m. Wood- stock, Vt., Aug. 31, 1834, Ebenezer, son of Apollos and Betsey (Car- penter) French; b. Woodstock, May 12, 1810; d. Flushing. Genesee Co., Mich., Feb. 2^ , 1880; she d. Flushing, Mich., Feb. 29, 1876. Issue: 684. I.— Martha A. French, b. May 3, 1836, Woodstock, Vt. 685. II. — Harriet E., b. Flushing, Nov. 18, 1838; d. Flushing, Aug. 3, 1841. 686. III.— Mary S., b. Flushing, Dec. 11, 1840. 687. IV.— Horace Dunham, b. Flushing, June 5, 1842. 688. V. — Morris F., b. Flushing, Dec. 15, 1844. 689. VI. — Harriet E., b. Flushing, Jan. 6, 1846. 690. VII. — Simeon E., b. Flushing, Sept. 8, 1849; d. Flushing, Oct. 23, 1873. 691. VIII. — Wilbur F., b. Flushing, Sept. 7, 1852. 692. IX. — Willard C, b. Flushing, Sept. 7, 1852. Twins. 682 SIMEON C, b. May 16, 1820; m. (i) Woodstock, Vt., Jan. I, 1840, Sarah, dau. of Nathan and Ceha (Houghton) Packard, b. Wood- stock, May 2^, 1820; d. Woodstock, March 20, 1842; m. (2) Woodstock, Chloc Ann, dau. of Jason and Nancy (Marcy) Darling; he d. Wood- stock, Dec. 9, 1889. Issue, b. Woodstock, Vt. : 693. I. — Eva Martha, b. March 18, 1846; m. Marritt Henry Chandler. 694. II. — Emma Nancy, b. May 16, 1850. 695. HI. — Jason Simeon, b. Jan. 14, 1859. CHANDLER. 693 EVA MARTHA, b. March 18, 1846; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Marritt Henry, b. Middleton, Vt., April 27, 1845, son of Thomas J. and Elvira (Wilkins) Chandler, M. D. Issue, Woodstock, Vt. : 696. I. — 'Edward Dunham Chandler, b. Oct. 22, 1875. 697. II. — Clyton Frederick, b. Aug. 30, 1877; d. April 19, 1879. 698. HI. — ^Henry Merrill, b. March 3, 1880. 683 HORACE FRANKLIN, b. Woodstock, Vt., May 14, 1824; m. June 3, 1850, Caroline Latimer; b. Oct. 9, 1828, dau. of Joshua and Belinda (Latimer) Wood, Hartland, Vt. Issue, b. Woodstock, Vt. : 699. I. — Charlie Caldwell, b. April 5, 1851 ; m. Woodstock, Feb. 6. 1891, Thomas 'Smith; b. Leeds, England. 700. II. — Infant, d. Jan. 24, 1859. 701. HI. — Herman Horace, b. Sept. 7, 1861. HOUGHTON. 678 LUCY, b. Aug. 28, 1805, Woodstock, Vt. ; m. Cyrenus, son of Israel T. and Sally (Richmond) Houghton; b. June 30, 1807; d. Wood- stock, June 7, 1885; she d. June 22, 1878. Issue, b. at Woodstock: 702. I. — George Washington Houghton, b. May 26, 1833; m. 1857, at JOSEPH DUNHAM. I9I Sharon, Vt., Emily Dcnsniorc ; she afterward 111, Dexter Burke and d. in Sharon, 1885; he d. March z"], 1859. /O.V ^^- — Hatzel Dunham, b. Sept. 2, 1834; d. Luna, Iowa. Nov. 17, 1865. 704. III. — Sarah Jerusha, b. April 23, 1836. 705. I\'. — Lucy Ellen, b. Oct. 22, 1838; d. July 19, 1846, Woodstock. 706. A'. — Sarepta Rebecca, b. Nov. 2, 1840; d. April 10, 1841. 707. VI. — ^Henry Horace, 1). June 16. 1843: m. Feb. 8, 1866, Clarinda AL, dau of William and Zil])lia (Murdockj Washburn. 708. VII. — Simeon Dunham, b. June i, 1845. 75 ELIJAH, b. 1753; lived Plympton and Mi(l(llel)oro ; m. Eunice Thomas, dau. of Benjamin; she d. Plymouth, Oct. 31, 1834; he d. Aug. II, 1829. Issue: 709. I. — Isaac, b. Dec. 31, 1779; m. 1806, Elizabeth Savcry; d. 1839. 7^^- H- — Ja^o^^. 1^- Sept. 17, 1782; m. Susanna Thomas; d. i860. 711. III. — Deborah, b. Sept. 2^, 1784; m. (i) Silas Hathaway; m. (2) John Atwood, of Carver. 712. IV. — Abraham Thomas, b. Aug. 9, 1787; m. Patience Clark; d. Aug. 21, 1847. 7^Z- V. — Eunice Thomas, b. April 19, 1791 ; m. Jabcz Swuft, of Plymouth, Mass.; d. Feb. 20, 1862. 714. VI.— Bartlett, b. April i, 1794; drowned when a child. 715. VII.— Elizabeth, b. Sept. 15, 1798; m. Edward Burt; d. Nov. 13, 1852, Plymouth. 716. MIL — Benjamin, b. March 10, 1801. Plymouth; m. (i) Feb. 19. 1826, Nancy Dunham, dau. Silas Dunham and Mary Tilson ; she b. May 15, 1799; d. Oct. 8, 1883; m. (2) Alice Finney. 709 ISAAC, b. Dec. 31, 1779; m. at Middleboro, Alass. ; m. Eliza- beth Savery. Issue: 717. I. — ^Elizabeth. b. 1806; m. Daniel Crowell, of Dennis, Mass. 718. II.— WilHam, I). 1808; d. early. 719. III.— Susan Marston, b. 1809; m. Joseph Dunham. Isaac, b. 1813. 720. IV.— Elijah, b. 1813. 721. W— Priscclla, b. . ^22. \T.— Henry, Cobb, b. . ^21. \\\. — Eunice, b. ; m. Seth Cole. Issue: I. — George Cole. II. — Seth Cole. 724. MIL — Sarah Tucker, b. ; m. Benjamin Sears, of Harwich. No issue. 719 SUSAN MARSTOX, b. i8o(j: m. Josc])h Dunham, a cousin. Issue: 725. I. — Elijah. 'J2(^. II. — Joseph. 'J2-J. 111.- Lydia. Addic. 728. \\. — Isaac C. ■J2(). \ . — Charles. 720 ISAAC, b. in 1813: m. .Marl)r;i Urown. Issue: 730. I. — Isaac. 731. 11. — WilUam. ■]^2. HI.— Lucy Brown, m. James C. Hill, Salem, Mass. 720 F2LI |.\11, 1). 1813; ni. late in life, in .Middleboro. 721 1M\1SC1LL.\, b. ; m. tirst, Selh Lincoln; second, Mr. Saro-ent. Issue: 'j},}^. I. — ^Cranville Lincoln. 734. 11. — Marry Lin- coln. 735. 111. — George Lincoln. ~},(y 1 \'.— 1m anccs Sargent. 192 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 710 JACOB, b. Sept. 28, 1782; m. Susanna Thomas; d. i860, Mid- dleboro. Issue: "j},-]. I.— Jacob Ba-rtlett, b. 1810. 738. II. — Eleazar, b. 1812. 712 ABRAHAM, b. Aug. 9, 1787, Plymouth; m. April, 1813, Patience Clark; d. Sept. 23, 1876, aged 73 years; he d. Aug. 23. 1847. Issue: 739. I. — Elizabeth Clark, b. April 17, 1814. 740. II. — Abra- ham, b. Dec. II, 1815. 741. III. — Aseneth Thomas, (Asenelk) b. Jan. 2^, 1818. 742. IV.— Patience Clark, b. 1820. 743. V.— Hannah Will- iams, b. Feb. 29, 1822; m. William H. McLaughlin. 744. VI. — Joseph Avery, b. Feb. 25, 1824; m. Nancy Everson Thomas. 745. VII. — Rebecca Bartlett, b. Feb. 7, 1827. 746. VIII.— Samuel Newell, b. April 10, 1832; m. Sept. 12, 1855, Betsey Foster Dunham. 747. IX. — Sarah Ann, b. Oct. 5, 1833. 748. X.— Isaac Thomas, b. May 18, 1838; m. Angeline Bartlett. McLAUGHLI'N. 743 HANNAH W., b. Feb. 29, 1822 ; m. William H. McLaughlin, Boston. Issue: 749. I. — William McLaughlin; d. . 750. II. — George. 751. III. — 'Frank, d. . 744 JO'SEPH AVERY, b. Feb. 25, 1824; m. Nancy E. Thomas, dau. of Stephen. Issue: 752. I. — Ella. 753. II. — Frank. 746 SAMUEL NEWELL, b. April 10, 1832; m. Sept. 12, 1855, Betsey Foster Dunham, dau. of John. Issue: 754. I. — Horace Clif- ton, b. Aug. 13, 1856, Boston. 755. II. — Charles Avery, b. Dec. 30, 1857; m. Godfrey. 756. HI. — ^Alabel Foster, b. Sept. 7, 1872, Harry Bumpus. 755 CHARLES A., b. Dec. 30, 1857; m. Godfrey. Issue: 757. I. — CheVter, b. Dec. 21, 1888. 758. II.— Helen, b. Dec. 18, 1891. BUMPUS. 756 MABEL F., b. Sept. 7, 1872; m. Harry Bumpus. Issue: 759. I. — Beatrice Bumpus, b. June 18, 1894. 760. II. — Slinton Avery, b. Aug. II, 1896. 748 ISAAC THOMAS, b. May 18, 1838; m. Angeline Bartlett, dau. of Truman. Issue: 761. I. — Alice, b. May 28, 1872. 762. II. — Helen, b. July 2, 1879. 79 ELEAZAR, b. Plympton, 1761 ; moved to Paris, ]\Ie., 1798-9; m. Jane Bryant, of Plympton, Mass., dau. of Joseph and Lipha (Samp- son) Bryant; he d. Paris, Me. Issue: J'j'j. I. — Jane, b. Carver, Mass., 1794; m. Joseph Merrill and moved to Portland, Me., where she d. 778. II. — Sebra, b. Carver, April 21, 1796; m. (i) Mehitabel, Russell; m. (2) Mrs. Miriam Healy, Bethel, Me. 779. HI. — Zilpha, b. Carver, JOSEPH DUNHAM. 193 1798; m. Nathan Marsliall. 780. IV. — Eleazar, 1). Nov. 6, 1803, Paris, Me.; m. :\larcli 25, 1828, Abis^ail T. Paine; h. Attleboro. Mass. 781. V. — Hannah, b. Paris, Mc, 1801 ; ni. Benjamin lloUlen. 782. W. — Alanson A., b. Paris. ^Mc, April. 1805; ni. Christina Rent. 783. \'II. — Lucy, b. Paris, Me., 1807; ni. Peter Holden. 784. \'II1. — Lncinda, b. Paris, Me., Aug., 1809; d. 1858. 785. IX.— Sampson, b. April 9, 1811 ; m. (i) Avice Cummings ; m. (2) Mrs. Cinderella Crockett. 786. X. — Isaac, b. Paris, Me., Jan. 28. 1812; m. Mary Ann Swan. 787. XI. — Miranda, b^ Paris, Me., Sept., 1815; m. Jairus S. Cununings. 788. XII. — Asa Thomas, b. June 18, 1817; m. (i) Esther (lurney ; m. (2) Mary Jane (Whitehouse) Merrill, wife of Jacob Merrill. 778 SEBRA, b. Carver, Mass., April 21, 1796; m. Bethel, Me., Mehitabel- Russell, dan. of Mehitable and William Russell ; b. Bethel, Me., 1792; d. Bethel, Dec. 6, 1854. Issue: 789. I. — William Russell, b. June 3, 1819; m. Mary Storey, at Bethel. 790. II. — Harriet Mehitabel, m. Cyrus Perkins. 791. III. — Elizabeth Jane, b. Bethel, Vt., Oct. 5, 1854. 780 ELEAZAR, b. Paris, Me., Nov. 6, 1803; m. Paris, Me., March 25, 1828, Abigail T., dau. of Stephen Paine; b. Attleboro, Mass., March 29, 1807. Issue: 793. I. — ^Abigail T., b. Eeb. 20, 1830; m. Asa D. Rawson. 794. II. — Louisa (i., b. July 30, 1832; m. Charles Felton. 795. HI. — Elizabeth Ann, b. April 10. 1838; m. (i) M. Stinchfield; m. (2) Charles T. Peck. 796. I\'.— Enoch Lincoln, b. Aug. 9, 1845; ^^^ Aug. 26, 1849. 785 SAMPSON, b. Paris. Me.. April 9, 1811 ; m. (i) Avice, dau. of Isaac Cummings; d. Sept. 2t,, 1844; m. (2) jNIrs. Cinderella Crockett; colonel. Issue, b. and m. Paris, Me.: 797. I. — Augustus Sampson, m. (i) Augusta E. Billings; m. (2) Edna Boomer. 798. II. — Rosa- mond, (1. young. 799. III. — George Bates, b. Sept. 2;^, 1844; m. Samira B. Keen. 800. IV. — Nathan, m. Louisa Whitman; moved to Norway, Me. 801. V. — Eleazar. 799 GEORGE BATES, b. Sept 23. 1844: m. Samira B.. dau. of John B. Keen. Issue: 802. I. — Nora Louisa, b. Paris, Me., Feb. 10, 1870; d. Paris, Feb. 9, 1877. 797 AUGUSTUS S.. 1). Paris. Me.; m. ( i) Augusta K. Pillings ; m. (2) Edna Brown. Issue; 803. I. — ^Frederick. 804. 11. Ada. 805. HI.— Jennie. 806. IV.— John. 788 ASA THO'MAS. b. Paris. .Me., jime iS. 1817; m. (1) Xorway, Me., May 6, 1840. h:sther (mrne) ; d. .\ov. 2. 1872; m. (2) Oxfortl, Me., Mary Jane, widow of Joseph .Merrill, dau. ot I'.enjamiii Whitehouse, 194 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Oxford. Issue, b. at Paris, Me.: 807. I. — Charles W., b. April 6, 1841 ; m. Jane Young. 808. II. — Hannah A., b. May i, 1848; m. Peleg Hammond. 809. III. — Melzor S., b. March 14, 1852; d. April 30, 1852. 810. IV. — Benjamin F., b. Dec. 16, 1856. yi SILAS, b. March 2'^, 1749; m. (i) 1773, Mary Tilson ; b. Aug. 22, 1755; d. Carver, Nov. 19, 1812. She was dau. of Jonathan Tilson and Mary Cobb, of Jonathan and Lydia Rickard, of Ephraim and Eliza- beth Haskins, of Edmund, Plymouth, 1643; d. 1660; m. (2) 1792, Lydia Polden ; he was lieutenant of First Massachusetts Regiment, 1775; was with troops at Ford Edward, 1776, and Rhode Island, 1781 ; d. July 24, 181 5. Issue, b. at Carver: 811. I. — Patia or Patience, b. Dec. 29, 1774; m. 1805, Nathaniel Ryder, Middleboro ; d. March 2, 1864, Mid- dleboro. 812. II. — Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1777; m. March 2-}^, 1806, John Fuller, Kingston, Mass.; d. Dec. 17, 1842. 813. HI. — Lucy Til- son, b. May 15, 1780; m. March 28, 1799, Joshua Bartlett. 814. IV. — Silas, b. March 29, 1783; m. Oct. 26, 1806, Mrs. Experience Foster; b. July 19, 1775; d. Feb. 19, 1825, Baker, Kingston, Mass., 1816, New Bedford. She was dau. of Aaron Randall and Betsy Brooks. 815. V. — Tilson, b. Dec. 28, 1786; m. Anna Jenny Blankinship, July 14, 1875; b. July 6, 1790; d. New Bedford, Aug. 16, 1850. 816. VI. — Ira, b. Sept. 26, 1789; d. in army, 1815. 817. VII. — Sally Tilson, b. May i, 1792; d. Carver, Sept. 7, 1881. 818. VIII. — Rebecca Crocker, b. May 27. 1795; m. March 13, 1816, Asa Cook, of Kingston, Mass., who d. Dec. zy, 1868; she d. Sept. 30, 1867, Kingston. 819. IX.— Nancy, b. May 25, 1799; m. Feb. 12, 1826, Benjamin Dunham, of Elijah, who d. Nov. 9, 1881 ; she d. Kingston, Oct. 8, 1883. 814 SILAS, b. March. 29, 1783, Carver; m. at Pembroke, Mass., Oct. 26, 1806, experience Foster, widow of David and dau. of Aaron Randall and Betsey Brooks; b. Scituate, 'Mass., July 19, 1775; d. at Hanson, Mass., May, 1858; he d. at Middleboro, Feb. 19, 1825. Issue: 820. I. — Silas, b. Aug. 20, 1807; m. Martha Baker, July 8, 1879. 821. II. — Mary Tilson, b. Aug. 16, 1809; m. Levi Everson ; d. S. Hanson, Feb. 7, 1865. 822. HI.— Charles Wheeler, b. Feb. 25, 181 1 ; d. Jan. 18, 1891, Mattapoisett, Mass. 823. IV. — Eliza Tilson, b. Feb. 28, 1813; m. (i) Horatio Bingley Lord; m. (2) Thomas Hill; m. (3) Thomas Mayhew. '822 CHARLES W., b. S. Hanson, Mass., April 17, 1811; m. S. Hanson, Dec. 13, 1865, Sarah E. ; b. Gloucester, Mass., July 3, 1847, dau. of Levi and Martha Hodgkins Lane. Issue : 824. I. — Mary Til- son, b. S. Hanson, Dec. 2^ , 1870. 825. II.— Charles Silas, b. Quincy, JOSEPH UUNIIAM. 195 Mass., Nov. 30, 1878. 826. Til. — William Henry, b. Qnincy, Mass., May 10, 1880. LORD— HILL. 823 ELIZA TILSON. h. Feb. 28, 1813: m. (t) Rraintrce, Mass., Oct. 12, 1831, Horatio B.; b. S. VVeymoutli, Mass., July 27, 1813; d. Nov. 29, 1852, son of Horatio and Betsey (Jcene) Lord; m. (2) at S. Weymouth, April 26, 1855, Thomas Hill; b. Cambridge, 1794; d. Aug. 8, 1859; m. (3) Dec. 18, 1871, Thomas Mayhew ; b. Westport, Mass., 1793; d. S. Hanson, Sept. 2/, 1881. Issue: 827. I. — Eliza Ann Lord, b. Braintree, Mass., July 26, 1832; m. at E. Weymouth, Asa Morris Dyer. 828. II. — ^Emily Jane, 1). Bryantville, Mass., Sept. 24, 1834; m. (i) at S. Weymouth, Nov. 2^, 1850, John Bradford Reed; m. (2) Phila- delphia, Pa., April 2t^, 1857, Hiram Farwell Reed; m. (3) Boston, Mass., May 3, 1873, George Emery Keene. 829. HI. Loretta Adelaide, b. E. Weymouth, Jan. 13, 1845; 'ii- *^ct. 6, 1864. 829a. IV. — William Hill; d. Sept. i, 1866, E. Weymouth. EVERSON. 824 MARY TILSON, b. Aug. 16, 1869; m. Pembroke, Mass., April 29, 1829, Levi, son of Levi Everson and Bathsheba lloliues; d. S. Han- son, March 13, i860; she d. S. Hanson, Feb. 7, 1865. Issue, b. and d. at S. Hanson, Mass.: 830. I. — Tilson Everson, b. South Hanson, Mass.; m. Melrose, Mass., Dec. 20, 1853, Martha Ann Corson. 831. II. — 'Lysander Washliurn, b. Sept. 29, 1831 ; m. S. Ilanson, Jan. 19, 1854, Martha Maria, dau. of Daniel and Hann.'di L. (I'illee) Deland; he d. Nov. 27, 1887. 832. IH. — Frances Marion, b. I'"cb. 22. 1835; d. Jan. II, 1859. !f^T,T,. I\\ — ^Mary Jane, b. .Ma\ iS. 1S38: m. George, son of Charles J. and Lucy 11. (l'>eard) Monroe; d. Jan. 20, 1858. 834. V. — Sarah Dunham, b. b\']). 17, 1837: d. Nov. 16. 1855. 835. \'I. Alpheus, 1). Sept. 7, 1841; d. April 24. i85(j. >ij,(). \ll. I'idelia Wilson, b. May 14, 1839; d. Dec. 8. 1857. ^^^y. \' I I I . -C"aroline, b. Sept. 15, 1847; 'ii- 'it^ ^- \\ eymouth. Xov. 7. 186^), l-'rederick W. Carson. 838. IX.— Rufus, b. Oct. 29, 1850; d. Sept. 5, 1862. 820 SILAS. 1). Aug. 20, 1807; m. New I'.edford, Mass., 1828, Martha, b. h'almouth, Mass., Nov. 6, 1810, tlau. of Capt. Xathaniel and Lucinda (Green) P.aker: he d. .'^. Ilanson. Mass., Julv 8. 1879. Issue: 839. I. — ISenjamin, d. in infancy. 840. 11. — Nancy, b. Xew Bedford, lA'l). 17, 1832; m. S. Abiugum, Mass. 841. 111. — Lucinda, d. in infancy, Pembroke, Mass. 842. 1\'. — .\lireda. b. ^Pembroke, Oct. 2T,, 1837; m. Pembroke, Mass., Xov. 17, 18O9, Alfred Oake 196 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Pardey. 843. V. — Lavinia, b. S. Hanson, Mass., Feb. 12, 1840; m. Alfred Courtney, b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1839. 844. VI. — Charles Wheeler, b. April 17, 1844; m. Sarah Elizabeth Lane. 845. VII. — Mary Eliza, b. S. Hanson, Sept. 17, 1850; m. May 19, 1872, Lucius W. ; b. S. Hanson, 'March 3, 1849, son of Caleb and Priscilla Smith (Pratt) Arnold. 815 TILSON, b. Dec. 28, 1786, Carver; m. Rochester Mass., Nov. 19, 1809, Anna Jenny Blankenship, dau. of Paul Blanken- ship and Jonna Pease; b. July 6, 1790; d. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 16, 1859; he d. July 14, 1875, New Bedford, Mass. Issue; 846. I. — Caroline Crocker, b. Rochester, Oct. 15, 1810; m. Cyrus Punderson Chapman, Sept. 11, 1877. 847. II. — Tilson Bourne, b. April 15, 1813, Rochester; m. Rachel Gilbert Leach. 848. III. — James Ruggles, b. Rochester, Aug. 5, 1816; m. New Bedford, Oct. 30, 1838, Rosanna W. Brown, dau. of Samuel and Susan Brown, of Newport, R. I., 1817; d. New Bedford, March 5, 1896; he d. April 10, 1896, New Bedford. 849. IV. — Ruth Delano, b. New Bedford, Aug. 2/, 1819; m. George Warren Bird; d. July 14, 1865. 850. V. — Joanna Blankinship, b. New Bedford, April 25,, 1822; d. April 30, 1846, New Bedford. 851. VI. — Maria Richmond, b. New Bedford, Oct. 27, 1824; m. Francis Loring Parker; d. San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1876. 852. VII. — William Harris, b. New Bedford, Oct. 21, 1827; m. Mary Elizabeth Fuller. 853. VIIL Frederick Flarper Delano, b. New Bedford, Feb. 16, 1830; d. May 23, 1854, New Bedford. CHAPMAN. 846 CAROLINE C, b. Rochester, Mass., Oct. 15, 1810; m. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 2/, 1834, Cyrus Punderson, son of Ezra and Betsey (Taft) Chapman. He changed his name to Cyrus William Chapman; he d. New Bedford, Oct. 18, 1888; she d. New Bedford, Sept. II, 1877. Issue, b. and m. New Bedford; 854. I. — Anna Jenny Dunham Chapman, b. Aug. 6, 1837. 855. II. — Alexander Hamilton, d. in infancy. 856. HI. — Caroline Dunham, b. Dec. 19, 1845; 'i^- Frank Howland. 857. IV. — Betsey Taft, b. Feb. 18, 1850; m. George Grey. 847 TILSON B., b. Rochester, Mass., April 5, 1813; baker, m. Easton, Mass., Oct. 9, 1836, Rachel G. ; b. Feb. 22, 1813, dau. of Giles and Rachel (Gilbert) Leach ; took an active part in the interest of New Bedford serving as representative fire department, engineer, assessor and city marshal; d. April 30, 1898. Issue, b. and d. New Bedford; 858. I. — Sarah Matilda Bassett, b. Feb. 13, 1838; m. Andrew Howard J No. 862. Edward Denham, a noted student in Dunham History. JOSEPH DUXIIA.M. 197 Potter. 859. TI.— Thomas Mandell, 1). I'd). 2, 1840; m. (i) Edith Russell Watson: m. (2) Clara Isadore Scott; m. (3) Amy R. Hathaway. 860. III. — Giles Leach, b. Oct. 3. f 842 ; m. Eliza Jane Henderson. 861. T\^ — Joanna Blankinship, b. 'Slay 24. 1846; d. Jime 29. 1849. 862. \\ — Edward, b. Oct. 30. 1849, "^ ^^ic firm T. 'SI. Denham & Co., Xew I'ed- ford. 863. \'l. — Joanna, b. Jan. 13. 1855; twin; d. Sept. 12. 1856. 864. MI. — Frederick, b. Jan. 13, 1855; twin; m. Xew York City, June i, 1887, Mary Ewer; b. Xantucket, May 2j, 1857. dau. of Charles E. and Margaret F. (Ewer) Coffin; he d. Dec. 17, 1893. 860 GILES LEACH, b. Oct. 3. 1842; m. Mint. Mich., Xov. 13, 1867, Eliza Jane; b. Flint, Mich., Sept. 8, 1844; d. at blint, June 28, 1896, dau. of Henry M. and Eliza (Simpson) Henderson. Issue, Flint, Mich.: 865. I. — Henry Henderson, b. June 2/, 1870: m. June 25, 1897, Buffalo X. v., Mabel Sherman, dau. of W'm. H. and Jeanette. 866. II. — Joanna. Leach, b. ]\larch 12, 1873; ^^- ^ov. 25. 1878. 867. HI. — Tilson Bourne, b. May 27, 1874; d. Aug. 17, 1874. 868. lY. — Eliza Siiupson. b. May 19. 1876. rOTTER. 858 SARAH .M. B., b. Feb. 13, 1838; m. Xew Bedford, Dec. 11, 1857, Andrew H. ; b. Jan. 20, 1817. son of Jonathan and Cynthia (Howard) Potter. Issue, Xew Bedford, Mass. : 869. I. — Hettie Potter, b. June 13, 1859; m. Oct. 11, 1882, Dr. Joi:n Barker Swift, Bos- ton, Mass. 870. II. — ^Grace Howard, b. April 5, 1861. 871. HI. — Frances Motley b. Sept. 5, 1864; m. Jan. 2, 1895, Everett Lincoln Brown, X^'ew York City. 859 THOMAS MAXDELL, b. Feb. 2, 1840; m. (i) Sept. 20, 1864, Edith Russell Watson; divorced May 4, 1866: m. (2) May 27, 1867. Clara Isadore, b. Xov. 4, 1844; d. Oct. 31. 1877, dau. of William and Lucy (W'ashburne) Scott; m. (3) June 10, i87(;. Amy 1\.; b. I'eb. 5. 1853, dau. of Braddock and Lucy (Richmond) Hathaway; firm T. M. Denham & Co. Issue, Xew Bedford, Mass.: 872. I.— Rachel Gilbert, b. Jan. 28, 1869; m. Ebenezer .Xicholas Barstow. 873. H. — Ethel Washburne, 1). Dec. 9, 1871; m. I'^dgar .Maurice Almy. 874. I H. — Clara Alice Mandell, b. Feb. 9, 1881. BARSTOW. 872 RACHEL G,, 1). Jan. 2><. iSfu;. .\e\v i'.eiord. Mass.; m. Oct. 7, 1893. I^benezer X. I'arstow : b. Galveston, Texas, ( )ct. 16. 1866. Issue: 875. 1. — Charlotte Dunham llarslou. 1). (Juincy, Mass., May 2^, 1895. 876. H. — Thomas Tilson, b. Oct. 28, 1897. 873 ETHEL W., I3. New Bedford, .Mass., Dec. 9, 1871 ; m. June 11, 198 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1894, Edgar M. Almy; b. Jan. 20, 1867. Issue, New Bedford: 877. I. — Dorothy Dunham Ahiiy, b. June 28, 1895. 849 RUTH DELANO, b. New Bedford, Aug. 2y, 1819; m. New Bedford, March 22, 1842, George Warren Bird; b. April 29, ^8i6; d. San Francisco, Cal. ; she d. July 14, 1865, San Francisco. Issue, New Bedford: 878. I. — George Frederick Bird, b. Dec. 25, 1843. 879. II. — Frances Maria, b. Oct. 2^, 1845; 'ii- San Francisco. Jan. 21, 1864, Edmund Pugh, San Francisco. PARKER. 851 MARIA R., b. New Bedford, Oct. 2-], 1824; m. Sept. 16, 1845, Francis L. ; b. New Bedford, March 19, 1823; d. San Francisco, Dec. 5, 1897, son of Jacob and Lucy (Dunbar) Parker; she d. San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1876. Issue: 880. I. — Thomas Nickerson Parker, b. New Bedford, July 15, 1846; drowned at sea about 1868. 881. II. — Helen Maria, b. New Bedford, Dec. 2, 1848; m. San Francisco, Dec. 3, 1867, Henry Halford, son of Halford and Elizabeth (Barker) Earle ; she d. May 12, 1885, San Francisco., 882. III. — Rose Standish, b. San Fran- cisco, July 14, 1859; m. July 15, 1886, David K., son of Capt. Jackson and Sarah K. (McFadden) Gove. 883. \\ . — Loring, b. April 26, 1862 d. Oct. 27, 1863, San Francisco. 852 WILLIAM H., b. New Bedford, Oct. 21, 1827; m. Providence R. I., Jan. II, 1849, Mary Elizabeth ;b. Bristol, R. I., April 14, 1828, dau of John and Elizabeth Fuller. Issue, b. and d. New Bedford : 884. I — George Bird, b. May i, 1850. 885. II. — ^Maria Parker, b. Jan. 12 1852; m. Francis Asbury Young. 886. III. — Sarah Fuller, b. March 12, 1854; m. Harvey Hickton Webber. 887. IV. — Lucy Tilson, b. July 3, 1856; m. Frederick Warren Jennings. 888. V. — James Ruggles, b July 7, 1858. 889. VI. — Cyrus Punderson, b. Dec. 14, i860; d. March 22, 1864. 890. VII. — Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1863; d. Nov. 12, 1777. 891. VIII. — Nannie Bird, b. Jan. 25, 1866. 892. IX. — William Harris, Jr., b. Feb. 28, 1872; m. Eva Thomas Weston. WEBBER. 886 SARAH F., b. March 12, 1854; m. Harvey H., son of James and Julia (Springer) Webber. Issue, New Bedford, Mass. : 893. I. — James William Webber, b. July 4, 1878. 894. II. — Florence May, b. Aug. 16, 1880. 895. III.— Julia Perkins, b. Aug. i, 1882. 896. IV.— George Harvey, b. Dec. 25, 1883. JENNINGS. 887 LUCY T., b. July 3, 1856; m. Frederick W., son of Lazarus and Susan (Bliss) Jennings. Issue, New Bedford, Mass. : 898. I. — JOSEPH DUNHAM. 199 Mabel Warren Jennings. 1). March i8, i88t. 899. IT. — Frederick Til- son. b. Sept. 23. 1882. 900. III. — Kthel Linwood. b. Nov. 19. 1884. 892 WILLIAM H., JR.. 1). Xew I'.edford, I'eb. 28. 1872: m. Sept. 30, 1894. Eva Thomas W'esion ; 1). Xew I'.edford. Dec. 17, 1874. Issue, New Bedford, 'Mass. : (;oi. 1. — Lonis T.radford, b. May 3. 1895. 90-- II.— Harold Fuller, b. jnlv 16. 1897. VOUXG. 885 M.\kL\ l'ARKh:R, b. Jan. 12, 1852; ni. l-"rancis A. Youn.s?, son of Josepli and Mar\. Issue: (J03. I. — Lillian Parker Young, b. New Bedford, April lO, 1880; d. Aug-, t, t88o. 904. II. — Herbert Francis, b. Springfield, Mass., May 2;^,, 1881 : d. Jan. 15, 1882. 905. HI. — William Arthur, b. Springfield, Aug. 14, 1882. 906. IV. — Bertha May, b. Somers, Conn., June 8, 1885. 78 ASA, b. 1759, Plymouth; Carver; Norway, Me.; m. Lydia Cobb, of Plymouth; b. Sept. 17, 17^14; d. Paris, Me.; soldier: d. in hospital, Burlington, \t., Oct. 13, 1813. Issue, b. Paris and .Xorway, Me. 907. I. — Asa, b. June 12, I7()0: ni. Polly Cleaver; d. Veh. 24, 1875. 9o8. H. Samuel, b. C)ct. 3. 1794; ni. Maria Conant ; d. May. 1837. 909- fH- — Sylvanus, b. July 8, 1797; ui. l^sther I'enson; d. May 4, 1879. 910. IV. — Daniel, b. Sept. 19, 1803; m. (1) Mary Durell; m. (2) Mrs. Smith: d. Dec. 15, 1873. 91 T. \'. — Joseph, b. May 13. 1806; m. Pamelia Dow. 912. \'I. — Chloe, m. Antepar, son of Samuel I )iuell ; 1). May 21, 1794, Woodstock; he d. i8()5, Paris, ^le. 913. \'I1. — Susan, b. Aug. 4, 1786; m. 1809, Alexander, son of Thomas Hill; d. .\pri! 9, 1830; she d. May 19, 1856. 914. MIL — Lydia, b. Aug. 16. 1784: m. March 23, 1809, W. Paris, Capt. Jesse, son of Jacob and Petsex (I'"oster) Howe; b. hAd:). 16. 1786; d. March 2, 1870, W. Paris; she d. Dec. 20, 1841, Sunuier, Me. 916. IX. — Betsey, b. Xov. 2, 1799: ui. Levi I'uller, son of X^athaniel; b. Maine, Jan. 31, 1797; d. Woodstock, March 5. 1837; slu' d. March 5, 1880, Woodstock, Me. 917. N. — Polly, b. Xov. 2, 1799; m. bdder Gideon Perkins; b. and d. Lewiston. Me. 908 SAMUEL, 1). ()ct. 30, 1794. -Xorway, Me.; m. Maria, dan. of Nathan Conant; d. May, 1837, Woodstock. Me. issue, b. Woodstock. Me.: 918. I. — John Milton, b. 1822; m. Temper ITdler ; d. i86r. 919. II. — Pamelia Wright, b. julv 13. 1825; m. Jan. 30, 1845. J'^ii'ithan Adams. Paris. 920. HI. — Lli/.a Lincoln, b. .Xov. jo, 1827; m. James Merrill, Paris, Me. 921. I\'. — Penjaniin Willard. b. July 10, 1830; m. Family Iduirlow ; moved to Wisconsin. 922. \'. — Henry P.utler, b. March 18, i'833 ; m. Ruth Chase Curtis. 923. VI. — Nathan Conant, b. 200 JOSEPH DUNHAM. July 20, 1835; d. May 10, 1836. 924. VII. — ^^Sarah Louisa, b. June 4, 1837; d. Aug., 1885. 922 HENRY B., b. March 8. 1833. Woodstock; m. 1856, Ruth Chase 'Curtis ; moved to Chelsea, Mass. Issue, b. at Chelsea, Mass. : 925. I. — George Herbert, b. Sept. 30, 1858; m. 1883, Augusta W. Dowling, of Cambridge, Mass. 926. II. — Henry Ellsworth, b. Aug., 1862; m. April, 1891, Elvira Fifield, Deer Isle. 927. III. — Frank Edward, b. Oct., 1867. 928. IV. — Flora Edith, b. Aug. 26, 1879. 918 JOHN M., b. 1822; m. Temper Fuller; moved to Wisconsin; d. 1861, Nashville, Tenn. Issue: 929. I. — Julia. 930. II. — John Hub- bard. 931. III. — Eliza. 921 BENJAMIN W., b. July 10, 1830, Woodstock; m. Emily Thur- low; moved to Wisconsin. Issue: 932. I. — Alma. 933. II. — Edna. 934. III. — ^Herbert. 911 JOSEPH, b. May 13. 1806; m. April 8, 1832, Pamelia, dau. of Benaiah Dow; b. July 2, 1813, S. Woodstock. Issue, b. Woodstock, Me.: 935. I. — William Shephard, b. March 12, 1834; m. 1859, Nancy Chase Churchill; d. Feb. 2, 1889. 936. II. — John Emery, b. March 2, 1836; m. May 11, 1858, Lydia Beck. 937. HI. — James Madison, b. March 18, 1838; d. Sept., 1840. 938. IV.— Nevl, b. 1840; d. 1840. 939- V- — Anna Augusta, b. April 10, 1842; m. Nov. 3, 1862. 940. VI. — Henrietta, July 2, 1849; ^^- Ji-ii^e, 1861. 907 ASA, b. June 12, 1790, Paris ,Me. ; m. Polly Cleaver, of Norway, April 10, 1810; b. May 9, 1778; d. Dec. 13, 1859; he d. Feb. 24, 1875, Paris, Me. Issue, b. and d. at Paris and Norway, Me.: 941. I. — Henry 'Gallison, b. Nov. 25, 181 1; m. Catharine Cleaver, Abbott, Me. 942. II. — Perazina, b. Oct. 18, 1813; m. Earl Purse Sturtevant, N. Paris. 943. HI. — Lodusky Emerson, b. June 28, 1815; m. Feb. 4, 1846, Daniel Young, S. Paris. 944. IV. — Cyrus Cobb, b. March 12, 1817; d. June I, 1819. 945. V. — Mary Jane, b. June 12, 1820; m. William Perry Swan ; d. Dec, 1889, Norway. 946. VI. — Asa Washington, b. March 20, 1822; m. Sophia A. Elkins. 947. VII. — Albion Keith Paris, b. Sept. 28, 1824; m. Sept. 26, 1846, Catherine Strong, of Waterford, Me.; d. Nov. 8, 1865, S. Paris. 948. VIII.— Lydia Cobb, b.. Dec. 12, 1826; d. Dec. 3, 1859, N. Paris. 949. IX. — Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1828; d. April 25, 1829. 950. X. — Amelia Augusta, b. Jan. 13, 1830; m. Jonathan Roberts Ryerson. 951. XL — Arvilla, b. Nov. 13, 1832; d. July 15, 1833. 946 ASA W., b. March 20, 1822; m. Sophia A. Elkins, Dexter, Me. Issue: 952. I. — Emma Marilla, b. June 8, 1853, Dexter, Me.; d. May JOSEPH DUNHAM. 201 12, 1873, Buckfield. Ale. 953. II. — Jennie Mehitabcl, I). June, 1856; m. Atherton J. Churchill. 954. 111. — Xora Vernon, h. Au.s:. 5, 1857; Melvia Cooper, Norway. 909 SYLV'ANUS. I). July 8. 1797, Xorway. Me.; m. l-:sther. dan. of Seth Benson, X. Pari.^ ; b. Xov. 18, 1801 ; d. Dec. i, 1890; he d. May 4, 1879, N. Paris. Issue, h. Woodstock and N. Paris. Me.: 956. I. — Lydia, d. young. 957. 11. — Polly, d. young. <;58. ill. — Laura, b. Dec. 13, 1825; ni. June 22, 1845. John, son of John Reed, X. Paris. 959. IV. — ^Samuel Woodward, b. Feb. 8, 1828; m. Rachel .\ndre\vs. 960. V. — Joseph Henry, b. March 9, 1830; m. (i) Sarah Houghton Dtndiam : ni. (2) Martha Jane, James Dunham. 961. \ 1. — William, d. young. 962. VII. — Jackson, d. young. 963. VIII. — Emily, b. April 9, 1838; m. Horatio, son of Stephen Chandler, N. Paris. 964. IX. — Augusta, b. July 30, 1840; d. Aug. 21, 1864. 965. X. — Wellington W., b. Feb. 12, 1843; "1- Columbia D. Bradford. 966. XL — Anna Rosa. b. h'eb. 11. 1845; ^'^'^- Js"- I- ^^79' James Monroe Rowell. 960 JOSEPH H.. b. March 9, 1830; m. (1) Jan. 11. 1848, Sarah Houghton, dan. of James Dunham; d. Sept. 2, 1863; m. (2) Martha Jane, dau. of James Dunham, X. Paris. Issue, b. X. Paris, Me.: 967. I.— Alice Eudora, b. Jan. 26. 1853; d. May 30, 1878. 968. II.— Willie Frank, b. i860. 969. HI. — Freddie Alton, b. .May i, 1862; m. Ai)ril 15, 1888, Clark. 959 SAMUEL W., b. Feb. 8, 1828, Woodstock, Me.; m. March i, 1849, Rachel Ellen, dau. of Rev. Ziba Andrews, N. Paris; farmer, mer- chant, postmaster at X. Paris ; celebrated golden wedding, Alarch i, 1899. at their home in W. I^aris. Issue, b. at X. Paris. Ale.: 970. I. — Hiram Willie, b. Oct. 2/, 1850; m. April 4. 1874. Clara Ella Edwards; merchant and postmaster. North Paris. Children.: 970^ Clifton F.. b. July 24, 1877; m. May 12. 1900, Myrtle Dugan. 070-. Carhon \\. b. March 7, 1879; '^i- M"''' ' '• 'QOL Alma Chase. 970^. Leila A., b. Dec. 17, 1883; d. Sept. iS, 1894. 970-'. Harold 11.. b. hrb. i. 1804. 071- ^I- —Cynthia Ellen, b. Sept. 13, 1852; m. Nov. 24, 1870. Daniel Henry Curtis, Woodstock; d. July 15. 1885. X. Paris, (diildren : 07P. Charles H.. b. Nov. 28, 1871 ; m. Inez Hammond. 07 1-. I'annie \\. b. Oct. 14, 1875: m. W. V. i'.owker. i)~\'\ (k>orge L.. b. A])ril 1. 1878; m. Mary llarriman. nj-^- lib — Lini'us Marshall, b. ( )ci. 4, 1855; d. Dec. 7, 1864. 973. IW— Charles Wright, b. Jul\ 1, 1857: m. Sept. lO. 1891, Mary Alice Pratt, wholesale and retail boot and shoe business, at Brattleboro, Vt. Children: i)j^K Stewart I'., b. Oct. 6. 1900. 974. v.— George Lord, A. M., b. Jmie 15, iS^c;; m. July 2, 1889, Grace 20:2 . JOSEPH DUNHAM. Evelyn Hawley, wholesale and retail l^oot and shoe business, at Brat- tleboro, Vt. Children: 974^. Evelyn Hawley, b. July 30, 1895. 975^. Marion Hawley, b. March 2, 1899. 975. VI. — Horatio Russ, A. B., b. Jan. 16, 1861 ; m. Nov. 10, 1886, Etta E. Hodsdon. Waterville, Me., clothing- and hat business. Children : 975I. Miriam R., b. May 26, 1889. 975". Mildred E., b. Oct. 25, 1896. 976. Vll. — Lizzie Augusta, b. June 29. 1864: d. May 26. 1867. 977. VHI.— Lillie Ann, b. March 8, 1866; d. April 2S, 1866. 978. IX.— Lyndon Leon A. B.. b. July 7, 1868; m. Jan. 7, 1897, Carolyn Lamson, wholesale and retail boot and shoe business, at Brattleboro, Vt. Children : 978^. John Lucian, b. Jan. 14, 1904. 979. X. — Fannie Frances, b. Jan. 10, 1872; m. March 31, 1897, Harry E. Hamilton, A. B., boot and shoe business, at Green- field, Mass. Children: 979I. Charlotte Dunham, b. July 9, 1898. 979^. Katherine h^rances, b. Sept. 29, 1902. 910 DANIEL, b. Sept. 19, 1803, Norway, Me.; m. (i) Mary Durill, Woodstock; m (2) Mrs. Smith, dau. of Hudson Bailey; he d. Dec. 15, 1873, Woodstock, Me. Issue, at Woodstock, Mc. : 980. I. — Elavil, b. Jan. 2, 1826; d. Oct. 28, 1883, Woodstock. 981. II. — Francis b. Jan. 24, 1828; m. Eliza Roberts; d. Feb. 8, 1879. 982. HI. — Isaac. 1). Aug. I, 1830; m. Emily Robbins. 983. IV.— Melville Wright, b. Jan. 28, 1835; m. (1) March 8, 1857, Clista Jane Curtis; m. (2) April 11, 1883, Frances Maria Binney. 984. V. — Lydia Ann, b. Jan. i, 1837; m. Brad- ford Deumin; d. Aug. 15, 1859. I'aris. 985. VI. — ^Mary, b. June 13, 1842; m. John, son of James Dunham. Jan. 25, 1862. 986. VII. — Daniel, b. Jan. 7, 1844; m. Orrilla Rush; d. Charlestown, Mass. 987. VIII. — ^Harriet Eliza, b. Nov. i, 1849; d. Dec. 29, 1853, Woodstock. 981 FRANCIS, b. Jan. 24, 1828; m. Eliza Roberts; d. Feb. 8, 1879, Charlestown, Mass. Issue : 988. I. — Stillman. 989. II. — Charles. 990. HI. — Isaac, m. Emily Robin. 991. IV. — Ella. 992. V. — Adel- bert. 993. VI. — Leslie. 994. VII.^ — ^William. 5 MI'CAIAH, b. about 1680; m. 1701. Elizabeth Lazell ; 1699, en- listed for three years under Capt. Warren; d. Nov.. 1756. Issue: 995. I. — Joshua, b. 1701 ; m. Sarah. 995a. II. — David, b. 1703; m. Esther. 996. HI. — Joseph, b. 1705. 997. IV. — Abigail, b. 1707; m. John Thomas. 998. V. — ^Micaiah, b. 1716; d. 1756. 7 BENAIAH, b. 1683; m. in Edgartown, May 7, 1708, by Pastor Jonathan Dunham; Sarah Covell, b. April 13, 1689; d. 1742, dau. of Philip Covell and Elizabeth Atwood; m. April 26, 1688, dau. of Philip and Rachel Atwood, Edgartown ; emigrated from Plymouth to Martha's Vineyard; 1699, enlisted under Warren; entered full communion, July JOSEPH DUNHAM. 203 22, 1744; d. Feb. 8. 1766, at Edgartown. Issue at Edgartovvn : 999. I. — Benaiah, b. ¥ch. 7, 1709; m. (1) Lydia Pease; m. (2) Mrs. Anna (Harper) Merchant; d. Jan. 2y, 1802. 1000. II. — Mercy. 1). Feb. 27, 1716; m. Dec. 5. 1748. (lamaliel Butler. 1001. III. — Elizabeth, b. 1732; m. Daniel Dunham. 1002. 1\'. — Ebenezer, 1). 1725; m. Sept. 13, 1750, Abigail \'incent ; d. March, ^jqn. at Edgartown. 998 MICAIAH, 1). i7if); ni. 1736, at Brinifield, .Mass.; Mary , d. Nov., i/S^^'^ will probated Northampton, Mass., 1757. Issue: 1003. 1. — Thomas b. 1737; '"• ^'H'^b . 1004. II. — Joseph, b. Jan. 12, i73, I'-z'm Lovejoy. 1023 BENJAMIN, b. Feb. 2, 1760; m. Dec. 5, 1793. Charlotte Thayer; d. April 13, 1801. Issue: 1029. I.— .Mice. 1030. II.— Claris- 204 • JOSEPH DUNHAM. sa. 1031. III. — Hannah. 1032. IV. — Sally. 1033. V. — Betsey. 1034. VI. — Sophia, b. Aug. 17, 1797. 1035. VII. — Robert Farrell, 1). July 23, 1799. 1036. VIII. — Porter, b. Jan. 22, 1801. 1024 JOSEPH, h. July 7, 1761 ; m. (i) Sabra Clark; d. June 12, 1792; m. (2) Dec. 2y, 1792, Rebecca Hitchcock; d. Aug. 2, 1831. Issue: 1037. I.— Polly, b. May 7, 1784. 1038. II.— Sabra. b. Sept. 17, 1785; m. Sept. 20, 1809, Erastus Lumbard. 1039. III. — ^Asa, b. Dec. 30, 1787; ni. March 6, 181 r, Roxy Lumbard. 1040. IV. — Anna, b. June 16, 1790. 1041. \'. — Seth, b. Aug. 19, 1794; m. Lucy Sherman; d. June 4, T837. 1042. VI. — Joseph, b. June 28, 1806; d. Aug. 25, 1853. 1041 SETH, b. Aug. 19, 1794; m. April 12, 1824, Lucy Sherman, Brimfield ; d. June 4, 1837. 1043. I. — ^James Hitchcock, b. Aug. 23, 1827; d. Aug. 21, 1839. 1044. II. — Rebecca, b. Nov. 7, 1828. 1045. HI. — George, b. March 2^, 1830. 1046. IV. — James, b. July 17, 1834. 1027 SOLOMON, b. Dec. 17, 1770; m. Mary Farley, of Brimfield; d. 1836, Brimfield. Issue: 1047. I- — Samuel Farley, b. Nov. 30, 1801 ; d. 1835. 1048. II. — Elizabeth, b. April 16. 1803. 1049. HI- — Solomon Davis, b. Feb. 20, 1805; d. Aug. 22, iSio. 1050. IV. — Adolphus Booth, b. Nov. 26, 1809; m.; d. March 20, 1842, Springfield, Mass. 1051. V. — Alvin, b. Oct. 20, 181 1. 1052. VI. — Mary, b. July 2y, 1813; d. 1843. 1005 David, b. Feb. i, 1741, Brimfield, Mass.; lived in Westmore- land; 1793, paid Gov. Clinton for 150 acres of land; moved his family with ox team to Paris, N. Y. ; m. Tabitha Cooley ; d. June i, 1831. Issue: 1053. I. — Eleanar, b. June 11, 1770; m. Andrew Bettis. 1054. II. — Naomi. 1055. HI.— Tabitha, m. Jonathan Emerson. 1056. IV. — Nathaniel, b. Nov. 28, 1773. 1057. V. — Johnson, b. Oct. 20, 1771. 1058. VI. — David, b. Dec. 3, 1775, M. E. clergyman, Black River Con- ference; m. Elizabeth Smith; b. Jan. 4, 1781. 1059. VII. — Aaron. 1060. VIII. — Silas. 1061. IX. — Darius, b. Jure 4. 1790; m. Sept. 18, 1814, Polly Curtis; d. Oct. 28, 1874. 1058 DAVID, b. Dec. 3, 1775 ; m. Elizabeth Smith ; b. June 4, 1781 ; M. E. clergyman ; first minister appointed to Black River Conference ; traveled to Philadelphia Conference on horseback. Issue : 1062. I. — Wesley Smith, b. Aug. 28, 1803. 1063. Il.^William Fletcher, b. Oct. 17, 1805. 1064. HI. — Harriet, b. July 15, 1804; m. S. N. Richard';'•d^ 1870. 1065. IV. — William L., b. 1809; m. 1833, Sarah Chase. 1066. V. — Sophia A., m. 1841, S. A. Clark. 1067. VI. — ^Daniel, d. an infant. 1068. VII. — Amanda, b. 1817; m. Hiram Carlton. 1069. VIII. — Caro- line, b. 1821 ; m. Alfred M. Chapman; d. 1858. 1061 DARIUS, b. June 4, 1790, Brimfield, Mass.j m. Sept., 1814, ( ^w9 'Tlffmr^ ;.«f George D. Dunham. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 205 Polly Curtis: d. Paris, Oct. 28, 1S74. Issue, Paris, N. Y. : 1070. I.— Polly S.. b. April 19, 1815; m. J. L. Wells; d. Dec. 15. 1838. 1071. II. — Darius J., b. Jan. 3. t8t8; ni. Feb. 19, 1846, Miranda R. Andrews; d. -Jan. 31, 1876. 1072. 111. — Latu-a J., b. March 11. 1819; d. May 22, 1822. 1073. ^\ ■ — Xathaniel C"., 1). Xov. 28, 1820; ni. I'hcbe J. Cook- ingliam ; d. Jan. 25. 1897. 1074. \'. — Curtis 1).. b. Sept. 30, 1823; d. Feb. I, 1859. 1075. \ i- — George D., b. Sept. 5, 1827; m. Harriet A. Root. 1075 GEORGE D., b. Sept. 5. 1827; ni. Sept. 2'i^. 1851, Harriet A. Root, Sanquoit, N. Y. Issue: 1076. I. — ^G. Irving, b. July 28, 1853; m. Feb. 19, 1885, Mattie L. Flagg. 1077. II. — Franklin D., b. Jan. 13, 1859; m. Oct. 22, 1884, Flora M. Jones. 1078. III. — Andrew E., b. April 14, 1861 : ni. July 29, 1896, Alice Harriet Andrus. 1079. I\'. — Ellen S., b. Sept. 12, 1863: d. Nov. 6, 1876. 1080. V.— Harriet M., b. Sept. 19, 1869. 1077 FRANKLIN D., b. Jan. 13, 1859; m. Oct. 22, 1884, Flora ^I. Jones. Issue: 1081. I. — Raymond F., b. Sept. 26, 1886. 1082. II. — Harvey Leslie, b. Oct. 6, 1888. 1083. III.— Florence L., b. Oct. 16th, 1893. ' 1073 NATHANIEL, b. Nov. 26, 1820: m. Feb. 9, 1853, Phebe J. Cookingham ; d. Jan. 25, 1897. Issue: 1084. I. — Sarah A., b. Jan. 18, 1855; m. March 12, 1884. \V. C. Davis; d. July 7, 1895. 1085. II.— Mary A., b. Sept. 20, 1856; m. Dec. 29. 1880, M. O. Dingnian. 1086. III. — Jennie A., b. Sept. 15, i860; m. Feb. 9, 1878, G. L. Smith. 1087. I\-._Amy C. b. April 19. 1863: m. May 30, 1882, J. II. Peek; d. Dec, 1884. 1088. \'.— David, b. Jan. 24. 1865: m. Jan. i, 1885, Bertha Kuhn. THOMAS. 997 ABKjAIL, b. 1707: m. 1726, John Tiiomas, son ot James Thomas and Mary Tilden, Plymjv.on. Issue: 10S9. I. — John Thomas, I). July 16, 1727; m. Abigail Clark; d. \-ir.^. 1090. II. — James, b. Dec. 16, 1729: m. (i) Pri.scilla, dan. of Anthony W'inslow ; m. (2) Hannah r.arnes. 1091. HI. — Jonathan, b. July 14, 1733: d. May 14, 1734. 1092. IV. — Nathaniel,!). April 20, 1735: ni. Margaret Xewcomb. 1093. V. — Mary, b. May 11, 1738. io(;4. \ 1. — ^Susanna, b. Feb. 17. 1741. 1095. \'II. — Abigail, 1). July 14, 1743: d. July 20. 1749. 1096. Mil. — William. 1). .Aug. 3, 1744: ui. i7'')7, Mehiiabel W'hittemore, Charlestown ; officer and conunander of na\-al forces in Revolutionary war; after- wards a sea captain in luiropean voyages; d. at sea. 178(). 101)7. IX. — Ichabod,.b. June 2'^, 1748; m. 1771. Hannah Morion, dau. of Isaac. 1098. X. — Ephraim. b. July 4, 1752. 2o6 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 995 JOSHUA, b. 1701 ; m. Sarah . Issue: 1099. I. — James, b. 1723; m. 1748, Elizabeth Wood. iioo. II. — Sarah, b. 1726. iioi. III. — Joshua, b. 1727. 1102. IV. — Mary, b. 1729. 1103. V. — Bathsheba, b. 1732. 1104. VI. — EHzabeth, b. 1733. 1105. VII. — Joseph, b. 1736. 1 106. VIII. — Lucy, b. 1738. 1107. IX. — Levi, b. 1740. 1 108. X. — EHsha, b. 1744; m. Eunice , who d. at Plymouth, Oct. 31, 1834, aged 78 years; he d. at Plymouth, Nov. 14, 1803. 1099 JAMES, b. 1723; m. 1748, Elizabeth Wood. Issue: 1109. I. — Sarah, b. 1750. 8 DANIEL, b. 1689, Plymouth; lived in Martha's Vineyard, New- port and Great Barrington ; m. Sarah Thexford, who d. 1772; 1699, he enlisted for three years under Warren; 1745, went in an expedition to Louisburg; d. Great Barrington and buried at Newport. Inscription on gravestone at Newport : "Daniel Dunham, son of Joseph Dunham and Esther Wormall, born at Plymouth, New England. Went to Martha's Vineyard, thence to Newport and died Feb. 2, 1758." Issue: mo. I. — Daniel, b. Aug. 2, 1712; m. (i) Abigail Hart; m. (2) Amy Murphy; d. Jan., 1796. iiii. II. — John. b. Dec. 19, 1715; captain; m. July 29, 1738, Mary Lucas, of Newport. 11 12. III. — Robert, b. 1716. 1 1 13. IV. — Sarah, b. April 6, 1718; m. 1744. Louis Guinadeen. 11 14. V. — Joseph, b. Feb. 24, 1723-4; chairmaker; m. Oct. 21, 1744, Elizabeth Orne. See will, page 8. 11 15. VI. — Benjamin, b. April 19, 1720; m. (i) Barbara Whalen ; m. (2) Mary Johnson. 11 16. VII. — Mercy, b. Nov. 3, 1727; m. May 8, 1746, Benjamin Mortimore, Newport, R. I. 1 1 17. VIII.— Abigail, b. 1728. 11 18. IX.— Esther, b. 1730. 1 1 15 BENJAMIN, b. April 19, 1720; m. (i) 1744, Barbara Whalen; m. (2) 1750, Mary Johnson; 1745, lieutenant under Capt. Stone; 1776, captain in navy. Issue: 11 19. I. — Benjamin, b. 1756; d. Oct. 26, 1765. 1120. II. — John, b. 1760; d. 1762. 1121. III. — Benjamin, b. 1774; d. Oct. 2^, 1776. IIII JOHN, b. Dec. 9, 1715; captain; m. July 29, 1738, Mary Lucas, Newport, R. I. Issue: 1122. I. — Amy, b. 1739; d. Sept. 24, 1771. 1123. II. — Benjamin, b. 1755; c'- i/^S- mo DANIEL, b. Aug. 2, 1712 ; became captain ; m. fi) June i, 1737, Abigail Hart; m. (2) Oct. 16, 1766, Amy Murphy; 1734, a freeman; 1745, in expedition to Louisburg and Crown Point; 1770 to 1774, colonel of Rhode Island militia; 1734, moved to Newport; d. Jan. 1796, aged 84 years. Issue: 1124. I. — Almy, b. 1737; d. 1739. 1125. II. — Daniel, b. 1738; m. Elizabeth Dunham; d. April 26, 1815. 1126. HI. — John Duckworth, b. June 15, 1740; m. Sept. 20, 1759, Elizabeth Phillips. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 20/ 1127. IV. — Robert, 1). ji'ly 16, 1742; a cooper at Newport; m. Aug. 26, 1762, Elizabeth Spooner ; d. Jan. 2, 1819. 1128. V. — Abigail, b. 1744; m. 1786, Nathaniel Clark. 1129. \l. — Isaac, b. 1743; m. Sarah Spooner; d. 1833. 1130. \'II. — Benjamin, b. 1745; m. May ii, 1788, Mary Hookey, by Rev. G. Thurston. 1131. \'I1I. — Patience, b. 1746; ni. 1766, Thomas Dunton. 1132. IX. — Elizabeth or (Betsey), b. 1748. 1133. X. — Sarah, b. 1750. 1134. XI. — Benaiah, b. 1753; m. Elizabeth Hart. 1 135. XII. — Esther, b. 1755. 1136. XIII. — 'Martha, b. 1757. 1137. XIV. — Almy, b. 1759. 1138. XV. — ^Joscph, b. 1761. 1 129 ISAAC, b. 1743; m. Sarah Spooner; moved from Comiecticut to Vermont and then to Durham, Ontario; d. 1833. Issue: 1139. I- — • Mary, m. Parmlee Barnes, Monkton, \'t. 1140. II. — Sarah. 1141. III. — Elizabeth, b. Sept. i, 1774; d. 1853. 1142. I\'. — Hannah. 1143. V. — Bethia, b. Feb. 12, 1779; m. Alamson Roswell, Litchfield, Conn.; d. 1859, Durham, Can. 1144. VI. — Alice, b. Jan. 9, 1780; d. Dec. 3, 1833. 1 145. VII.— Isaac, b. 1786; d. 1849. IM^- VIII.— Martha, m. Dudley Oilman. 1127 ROBERT, b. July iC), 1742; cooper at Newport; m. Aug. 26, 1762, Elizabeth Spooner; d. Jan. 2, 1819. Issue: 1147. f. — ^Charles C, b. 1767; m. Hannah Haign. 1148. II. — ^George Spooner, b. Oct. 28, 1769; m. Harriet or Hannah Bessant ; d. March 2^, 1861. ii49- HI. — Abigail, b. Aug. 18, 1771 ; m. Stephen Yates; b. March 3, 1768; d. Oct. 10, 1858; she d. July 5, 1848, at Providence. 1150. I\'. — Deborah, b. 1772; d. 1792. 1151. V. — Wing, b. 1775; m. (1) Susan Anderson; m. (2) Esther Reynolds, t i 52. \'T. — Robert, b. I77^>: m. Elizabeth R. Pike: d. April 8. 1854. 1153. \ II.— Lucy, b. Dec. iw, 1781; m. Will- iam Lyon; d. .March, i8()7. 1154. \l H.— Benjamin, b. May 23, 1783; m. Susan Lawton ; d. Sept. 29. 1846. 1155. IX. — Sanuicl, h. July 9, 1786, Newport; removed to Poughkrepsie, X. V. T155 SAMUEL, b. 1786, Newport; removed to Pt)Ughkeepsie, N. Y. ; m. Issue: 1156. I. — Eliza, b. 1807. 1157. H. — Ann, 1). 1808. 1158. HI. — ^Jacob, , Catskill: wrote a book containing accinmt of the adventures of Captain Jacob Dunham on the seas. 1130 BEXJVMLN. 1). 1745; captain: m. May it. 1788. by Rev. G. Thurston, Mary Hookey. Lsue : i 1 5tj. 1. — I'.lizabcth, b. 178*): m. M. S. Hart. 1134 Bh^XAIAH. b. 1753; m. Ehzabelh llari. Issue: \iirj. I. — Elizabeth Hart. 1 125 DANIEL, b. 1737: m. I )t.'c. iS. I73<^ l>> John Sminmr. J. P., Elizabeth Dunham; b. 1732; d. J\'b. 21, 1789: he d. April 20, 1815; 208 JOSEPH DUNHAM. served on continental sloop of war, "Providence," a very important vessel in the continental navy. Issue: 1161. I. — Elizabeth, b. 1761 ; m. Thomas Sylvester. 1162. II. — Sarah, b. 1762; m. John Almy. 1163. III. — Daniel, b. 1764; m. Alice Gladding; d. Jan. 25, 1831. 1164. IV. — Abigail, b. 1766; d. young. 1165. V. — Jesse, b. Nov. 27, 1768; m. Elizabeth Fell; d. 1849. 1166. VI.— Abigail, b. 1772. 1167. VII.— Robert, b. 1778; m. Elizabeth R. Pike. 1168. VIII.— William, in Light Infantry in Newport. 1147 CHARLES C, b. 1767, Newport; mariner; m. July 15, 1792, Hannah Kaighn. Issue: 1169. I. — Peleg K., b. Aug. 17, 1794; en- tered service, 1812; was promoted from midshipman to lieutenant, 1818; was on flagship under Perry at battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813; d. of consumption, 1822. 1170. II. — Abby, b. 1795. 1171. III. — Samuel P., b. 1809, Rhode Island; educated at Marietta College; pastor of seven different churches in Southern Ohio ; remaining twenty-four years at Bainbridge, where he did a most successful work. During his last years he had charge of church at Massieville, where he d. Jan. 15, 1900. 1 172. IV. — Henry, b. 1798. 1173. V. — Charles, b. 1799. 1 148 GEORGE SPOOLER, b. Oct. 28, 1769; m. 1799, Harriet or Hannah Bessant or Bennett ; lived at Newport and New Bedford ; she d. 1835; ^1^ tl- March or Dec. 28, 1861. Issue: 11 74. I. — George Spooner, b. Dec. 18, 1800; m. Rosetta Ellis; b. Oct. 11, 1812; moved to Harwich Center, Mass. 1175. H. — Elizabeth S., b. June 11, 1802; m. B. P. Thatcher. 1176. III. — Harriet, b. July 15, 1805; b. S. N. Richard; d. 1870. 1177. IV. — William L., b. 1809; m. 1833, Sarah Chase. 1178. V. — Sophia A., m. 1841, S. A. Clark. 1179. VI. — Daniel, d. an infant. 1180. VII. — ^"Amanda, b. 1817; m. Hiram Carlton. 1181. VIII. — Caroline, b. 1821 ; m. Alfred M. Chapman; d. 1858. 1 1 74 GEORGE S., b. Dec. 18, 1800; m. Rosetta Ellis; b. Oct. 11, 1812; painter, Hardwick Centre, Mass. Issue: 1182. I. — Eliza, b. Oct. 13, 1828. 1 183. II.— George W., b. July 18, 1829. 1184. III.— Amanda, b. Sept. 16, 1843. 1185. IV. — Rozetta, b. July 11, 1849. 1 186. v.— Polly, b. Nov. 7, 1853. 1 154 BENJAMIN, m. May 23, 1806, Susan Lawton or Lamb; baker; d. Sept. 29, 1845. Issue: 1187. I. — Henry, M. C, b. March 18, 1807; m. Abigail Jones; d. 1873. 1 151 WINCi, h. 1775; m. (i) Sussana Anderson, 1799; m. (2) Esther Reynolds. Issue: 1188. I. — ^Hannah, b. 1800; m. John Tarrant. 1 189. II. — Susanna, b. 1812; m. 1833, S. T. Thurber, Providence; d. 1853- josEPir nxTNiTAM. 209 THATCHER. 1175 E'LIZAjBETH S., 1). June 11, 1802; m. Aug. 12, 1823. Lewis P. Thatcher, of New Bedford. Issue: 1190. I. — George L. Thatcher, b. 1825. 1191. H. — Phebc, b. 1827. 1192. lil. — Harriet. 1). 1831. 1 193. IV. — Leander, b. 1833. 1194. V. — ^Sarah. 1). 1840. 1195. \I. — Charles, 1). 1841. RICHARD. 1176 HARRIET, b. July 15, 1804; m. S. N. Richard; d. 1870. Issue: 1 196. I. — Edna Richard, b. 1838. 1197. II. — W'ilham D., b. 1840. 1 198. III. — Silas, b. 1842; m. Emma T. Brightman. 1199. IV. — John H., b. 1844. 1200. A'. — Anne, b. 1847. 1201. VI. — George, b. 1849. CARLTON. 1 180 AMANDA M., h. 1817; m. 1841, Iliram Carlton, Boston Highlands. Issue: 1202. I. — Hiram T. Carlton, b. 1842. 1203. II. — Charles A., b. 1844. 1204. III. — Clara A., b. 1845. 1205. IV. — Alfred M., h. 1849. 1206. v.— Albert W., b. 1851. 1206a. \T.— Lizzie M., b. 1856. i2o6b. \TI.— Elbridge W., b. 1858. LYON. 1 155 LUCY, b. Dec. 19. 1781 ; m. 1801, William Lyon, who ci. 1808; she d. in March, 1867. Issue: 1207. I. — William Lyon, b. 1802; m. S. A. Peckham; d. 1853. 1208. II.— Elias, b. 1804'; m. 1828. J. S. Weden; d. 1844. 1209. HI. — ^Ann Maria, b. 1806; m. 1830, F. S. Wil- ber ; d. 1869. 1 1 54 BENJAIMIN, b. May 25, 1783; m. 1806, Susan Lawion Baker; d. Sept. 29, 1840. Issue: 1209a. I. — Henry M. C, b. Dec. 18, 1807; m. Abigail Jones; d. 1873. 1 163 DANIEL, b. 1764; changed his name to Denham, July 19, 1789, Alice Gladding; b. i/U). whose ancestors came from England and settled at T^)ristol Neck. I\. I. He was a ni^ted politician: judge of court of C(jmnu)n pleas; member of the tirst iJaiitisi L'hurch at N'ew- port ; one of the founders of public schools; he <.\. Jan. 7, 1831. Issue: 1210. I. — Jonathan, b. \y^)\. d. \()ung. 1211. II. — Daniel Chase, b. Nov. 13, 1798; m. Sarah Sliearnian ; <1. Sept. 14. 1854. 1212. HI. — Alice, b. 1800. 'IWKU.VNT. 1188 TIANxNAII. b. 1800; m. John T;irr,iii(. Issue: IJ13. T.— John Wing Tarrant. 1214. II. — Susan. 1215. 111. — Luc\' Ann. 1152 k()i:i':RT. I). 1776 ((in stone): m. Oct. 13. I7(;8. Elizabeth R. Pike, dau. of Joseph; b. 1773; d. June 24. 182O; he d. April 18, 1824. 2IO JOSEPH DUNHAM. Issue: 1216. I. — Robert, b. 1801 ; d. 1826. 1217. II. — Mary Ann, b. 1803; m. June 28, 1829, Thomas Stevens, New Bedford; d. 1893. 1218. III. — Joseph R., b. Dec. 23, 1804; m. Hannah Simmons; d. Feb. 8, 1900. 1219. IV. — John Pike, b. March 7, 1806; m. Laura Ann Tripp; d. Dec. 28, 1889. 1220. V. — William, b. 1807; d. April 8, 1821. 1221. VI. — EHzalDeth, b., Sept. 20, 1808; m. 1834, Wm. Watson; d. Oct. 12, 1867. 1222. VII. — Lucy Lyon, b. 1810. 1223. VIII. — George B., b. May 14, 1814; m. 1837; d. April 24, 1890. 1224. IX. — ^Stephen Yayes, b. Nov. 3, 1816; m. 1839; d. 1894. 1218 JOSEPH R., b. Dec. 28, 1804, Newport, R. I.; ship carpenter; m. Jan. 28, 1827, Hannal> Simmons; b. 1803; d. April 10, 1837; he d. Feb. 8, 1900, Plymouth; burial at New Bedford. Issue: 1225. I. — William R., b. Feb. 9, 1828; d. Nov. 13, 1830. 1226. II. — Joseph R., b. Sept. 20, 1830; d. Oct. 27, 1830. 1227. HI. — ^Joseph R., b. Sept. 19, 1831 ; painter, New Bedford; m. Aug. 16, 1853, Louisa Tripp. 1228. IV. — William G., b. May 29, 1838; m. Amanda M. Davis. 1229. V. — Robert H., b. 'May 29, 1833. 1230. VI. — William R., b. June 10, 1849; m. Emily A. Shaw. 1228 WILLIAM G., b. May 29, 1838; sail-maker. New Bedford; m. Nov. II,' 1855, Amanda M. Davis. Issue: 1231. I. — Frank C., b. Aug. 27, 1856. 1232. II. — John W., b. Jan. i, 1859. 1233. HI. — Will- iam G., b. Aug. 9, 1865; d. April 2^, 1868. 1234. IV.— Hattie W., b. July 20, 1870. 1235. V. — WilHam G., b. Nov. 8, 1871. 1230 WILLIAM R., b. June 10, 1849; i"- Dec. 20, 1869, Emily A., dau. of Silas G. and Ann N. (Goddard) Shaw; b. Sept. 16, 1850. Issue; 1236. I. — William Robert, b. Feb. 3, 1871. 1237. II. — Gilbert Tripp, b. Jan. 3, 1873. 1238. HI.— Edith Maud, b. Oct. 12, 1874. 1239. IV. — Laura Neal, b. June 23, 1877; d. March 17, 1878. 1240. V. — Florence Augusta, b. March 4, 1881 ;. d. Dec. 14, 1881. 1241. VI. — Emily Cath- rine, b. Nov. i, 1883. 1219 JOHN P., b. March 7, 1806; m. Sept. 20, 1832, Laura A., dau. Gilbert and Sarah (Hasking) Tripp; d. Dec. 28, 1899. Issue: 1242. I. — Lucy Amy, b. May 5, 1843; ^- -^^^^- 7> 1843. 1243. H- — Sarah C., b. Jan. 2, 1845. 1244. HI. — John Henry, b. April 22, 1846; d. Jan. 19, 1848. 1245. IV. — William Robert, b. June 10, 1849; i"- Emily A. Shaw. CHAPMAN. 1 181 CAROLINE, b. 1821 ; m. 1845, Alfred M. Chapman; d. 1858. Issue: 1246. I. — Edward T. Chapman. 1247. II. — Mary Jane.- 1207 WILLIAM LYON, b. 1802; m. 1829, S. A. Peckham ; carpen- JOSEPH DUNHAM. 211 ter at Newport; d. 1853. Issue: 1248. I. — Lucy M., b. 1830; ni. W. H. Allen. 1249. II. — Minerva, b. 1837. ALMY. 1 162 SARAH, b. 1762; in. Jobn .Mmy. Issue: 1250. I. — Ben- jamin Almy. 1251. II. — John. 121 1 DANIEL CHASE, b. Nov. 13. 1798; ni. by William Gamell, May 2, 1824; Sarah Sherman, dan. of Capt. William; b. Dec. 16, 1805; d. 1888; he d. Sept. 14, 1854. Issue: 1252. I.— Charlotte W. S., b. Aug. 7, 1825; m. George E. Cranston of 1888. 1253. II. — ^Sarah D. S., b. Sept. 19, 1828; m. James II. Atkinson. 1254. HI. — Daniel C, b. March 21, 1835; m. Dec. 9. 1858, Cynthia R. Tuell ; b. Sept. 13, 1838. 1255. IV. — John D., b. 1837; d. 'Sept. 12, 1854. 1256. V. — William S., b. May 8, 1843; corporal Civil war; d. 1862. 1257. VI. — Henry J., b. Nov. 13, 1847, M. D.; m. Nov. 22, 1870, Ella Vose; seven other chil- dren d. young. 1254 DANIEL C, b. March 21, 1835; m. Dec. 9, 1858, Cynthia R. Tuell; b. Sept. 13, 1838; jeweler, Newport, R. I. Issue: 1258. I. — Lizzie D., b. Sept. 15, 1866; m. Sept., 1886, Howard G. Ward. 1257 HENRY J., b. Nov. 13, 1847, ^I- D.; m. Nov. 22. 1870, Ella Vose. Issue: 1259. I. — ^Stewart, b. Sept. 10, 1871. CRANSTON. 1252 CHARLOTTE W. S.. b. Aug. 7th. 1825; m. Dec. 20, 1848, George E. Cranston, Norwich, Conn.; d. 1888. Issue: 1260. I. — John D. Cranston. 1261. II. — James S. ATKINSON. 1253 SARAH D. S., b. Sept. 19, 1828; m. Oct. 27,. 1848, James H. Atkinson. Issue: 1262. I. — John I). Atkinson. 1263. II. — Cora M. 1264. HI.— Helen M. 1 165 JESSE, b. Nov. 27, 1768; m. Sept. 16, I7()4. at Westerly. R. I., by Rev. G. Thurston, Elizabeth Fell, dau. of Philip antl Deborah; 1). July, 1775; d. June 5, 1850; he d. Feb. 26, 1849. Issue: 1265. I. — Jane, b. 1795; d. young. 1266. II. — Jesse, b. 1796; d. young. 1267. HI. — Elizabeth, b. 17(>7; ni. Gidet)n S])ooner ; d. Aug. 21, 1890. 1268. IV. — Deborah, b. 1799; m. Eben Davenport. 1269. \ . — IMiillip l"\dl, b. ]\Iay 17, 1802; ni. Harriet Staph 1270. \'I.— Rebecca, b. 1803; d. voung. 1271. \'II. — Richard l'\'ll. 1). Oct. 24. i8v\:^:ni. Mar\ r.rownell ; (1. 1840. 1272. X'lll.- — Jane Hudson. 1). ( )ct. 24, 1805; twin: ni. James Ilorswell. 1273. IN. — William Henry, b. i8(x;: m. Calhrine Savage. 1274. X. — Sarah I)., b. June 12, iSii: d. 1812. 1275. XL— Jesse, b. March i, 1816; m. 1841, Charlotte Augusta \'erplank. 212 JOSEPH DUNHAM. SPOONER. 1267 ELIZABETH, b. 1797; m. Gideon Spooner; d. Aug. 21, 1890. Issue: 1276. I. — ^^Sarah 'Spooner. 1277. II.— Charles, m. July 15, 1792, Hannah Kaighn. 1278. III. — Hudson. 1279. IV. — ^Henry. 1280. V. — Jane. DAVENPORT. 1268 DEBORAH, b. Sept. 5, 1799; m. Eben Davenport. Issue: 1281. I. — •Dora Davenport, m. 1846, William Henry Stone. 1281 DORA DAVENPORT, m. 1846, Henry Stone. Issue: 1282. I. — Harvey Lester Stone, b. 1847. 1283. II. — Francis Wayland, b. 1849, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1284. HI.— Mary Elizabeth, b. 1851. 1285. IV. — Susan Wayland, b. 1853. 1286. V. — Jane Hudson, b. 1855. 1287. VI. — WilHam Henry, b. 1857. 1288. VII. — Charles Dunham, b. 1859. 1289. VIII.— Wallace Foote, b. 1861. 1290. IX.— Edith Earl, b. 1863. 1269 PHILIP FELL, b. May 17, 1802: m. Harriet Stahl. Issue: 1291. I. — Charlotte. 1271 RICHARD FELL, b. Oct. 24, 1706; m. Mary Brownell ; d. 1840. Issue: 1292. I. — ^Betty. 1293. II. — Sarah Jane, b. 1839; m. Thomas Durfee Deming. 1294. III. — Marion. DEM PNG. 1293 SARAH JANE, b. 1839; m. i860, Thomas D. Deming, Provi- dence, R. I. Issue: 1295. I. — ^Florence H. Deming, b. 1862. 1296. II. — Richard, b. 1864: m. Emily Montague Mead, of Ossining, N. Y. 1297. HI. — Mary, b. 1866. 1298. IV. — ^Thomas, b. 1871. 1299. V.— Ethel, b. 1876. 1300. VI.^Horace W., b. 1878, twins. 1301. VII.— Frederick. 1296 RICHARD DEMING, b. 1864; m. Emily M. B. Mead, of Sing Sing, N. Y. Issue: 1302. I. — Elizabeth Deming, b. 1890. 1303. II. — Richard, Jr., b. 1892. 1275 JESSE, b. March i, 1816; m. 1841, Charlotte Augusta Ver- plank, dau. Julius and Charlotte (Mackintosh) Verplank. Issue: 1304. I. — William Henry, b. April 4, 1842. 1305. II. — Elizabeth Jane, b. May 7, 1844; Thomas Bedford Atkins. 1306. HI. — Mary Caroline, b. July 21, 1850; m. J. C. Owen. 1307. IV. — Charles Frederick, b. Nov. 6, 1853; a, Western mining engineer. ATKINS. 1305 ELIZABETH ]., h. May 7, 1844 m. March 31, 1869, Thomas Bedford Atkins, who retired from business as banker and broker, 1881. He is a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce and secretary and treasurer of the Nicaragua Canal Co. Issue: 1308. I. — Bertha jOSEi'll DLXJIA.M. 213 Atkins, 1). Dec. 27. iSr'M); d. July, 1892. 130). TT. — Edith, b. Jan. 17, 1871 ; d. March, 1871. 1310. HI.— IlaroUl J]e(h'ord, b. Feb. 24, 1872; lias made a speciaUy of electricity, Roselle, X. J.; received degree of mechanical engineer in 1892. 1311. I\ . — Ethel, I). Jan. 16. 1874. 1312. \'. — Claire, b. Nov. 5, 1875; d. March 15. 1877. 1313. \ 1. — .Muriel, b. Nov. 2, 1879. 13'4- ^'^T. — Alfred Walton, h. Aug. 16, 1883. 1315. VIII.— Gladys, b. Feb. 3, 1880. OWEN. 1306 MARY €., 1). July 2T, 1850; m. Oct. 2y, 1869, of Montclair, N. J., J. C. Owen. Issue: 131'"). I. — Alice Maud Owen, h. Dec. 31, 1870. 1316a. II. — Jessie Charlotte, b. Sept. 16, 1872. 1317. III. — James Wayland, b. June 13, 1874. 1318. W . — Arthur Fdmond. b. Jan. 19,1876. 1319. \'. — Edith Atkins, b. Jan. II, 1878. 1320. \'I. — Hildad Burgess, b. Aug. 21, 1879. 1321. MI. — Charles Dunham, b. Feb. 2"], 1881. 1322. A'lII. — Kenneth Dunham, b. Dec. 21, 1883. 1323. IX. — Margore Berral, b. Dec. 7, 1885. 1324. X. — Dorothy, b. June 31, 1889. 1325. XI. — Hildegard, b. Feb. 24. 1891. 1326. XII. — C^yneth Wan Plank, b. Jan. 20, 1894. 999 BENAIAH, b. Feb. 7, 1709; in full connnunion. .March 19, 1738; m. (i) Jan. 2, 1733, Lydia Pease, dan. of Nathan ; d. Oct. 3, 1769, aged 55; m. (2) Mrs. Anna (Harper) Merchant, Oct. 7, 1772, who d. Dec. 20, 1819, aged 92 years; he d. Jan. 2y, 1802. Issue: 1327. I. — Nathan, b. ]May 12, 1736; m. Matilda \'incent ; d. Oct. 12, 1797. Had Matilda; m. John Merchant. He was drowned in harbor, Feb. 12, 1811. 1328. II. — Lydia, b. Sept. 25, 1738; m. (i) Seth Merchant; m. (2) John Clark; d. April 14, 1826. 1329. HI. — ^Sarah, bap. June 30, 1745. 1330. I\'. — ^Joseph, b. Jan. 6, 1741 : m. Patience Hathaway; d. March ii_, 1796. 133T. A'. — Jesse, b. March iC^, ^747', ui. Dinah Tilton. 1332. VI. — Ephraim, h. Jan., 1750; m. Thankful Look. 1333. \'II. — Noah, b. Jan. 4, 1755. T334- VIII. — Benaiah, b. July 16, 1758; ni. Mary Marchant : d. 1792. 1335. I^- — -^^'b '>ap. Jan. i(\ 1743: was killed by fall from a mast, A])ril 3, 1766. BUTLER. 1000 MERCY, b. Feb. 27, 1716; m. Dec. 5, 1748, Gamaliel Butler; b. 1691 ; d. 1765; she d. Feb. 21. 1801. Issue, Edgartown : 1336. T. — Joseph Butler, bap. 1749- K^.^7- ''• — 1 iniothy, b. 1753; ba]). 1753: m. (2) March, 1785, Jam- (\'incent) Uuller; d. .\ov. 17, 1811. 1338. 111. — Jedidah, bap. 1755; m. h'lijah Stuart: d. h'eb. 11, 1804. 1327 NATHAN, 1). .May 12, i73(), lulgartown ; m. Hec. 29. 1757, Matilda Vincent; b. Jan. 5, 1727; (\. hel). 1;, iSii ; nuule will .Vug. 12, 214 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1790; drowned in harbor, Oct. 12, 1797; will probated. Issue: 1339. I. — Matilda \'incent, b. Oct. 3, 1761 ; m. John ]vlarchant ; d. Nov 25, 1817. MERCHANT. 1339 Mx\TILDA, b. Oct. 3. 1761 ; m. Aug. 19. 1787. John Mer- chant; b. Oct. 31, 1761 ; d. Sierra Leone, Africa, July 18, 1813; she d. Nov. 25, 1817. Issue: 1340. I. — John ]\Iarchant, b. Aug. 21, 1791 ; m. Oct. 19, 1813, Abiah Fisher; d. June 10, 1875. 1341. II.' — Rebecca; m. William Smith, of Ohio. 1342. III. — Matilda, b. June 6. 1796; m. Joshua Spooner, of Acushnet. 1343. IV. — Abiah, b. 1798; d. Nov. 24, 1879, New Bedford. 1344. \^ — ^Seth, b. March 17. 1803; m. June 12, 1828, Mary Smith lUitler; d. April 29, 1877. 1345. VI. — Nancy, d. an infant. 1002 EBENEZE'R, b. 1725; m. Sept. 13, 1750, xAbigail Vincent; d March, 1799, Edgartown. Issue, Edgartown : 1346. I. — Jethro, b June 24, 1751 ; m. April 10, 1776, Lydia Tilton ; b. Oct. 5, 1755, Chil- mark. 1347. II. — Abigail, b. 1755; d. x\pril, 1776, Edgartown. 1348 III. — Esther, m. Jan. 10, 1782, Joseph Fish; b. 1756; d. April 12, 1823 Edgartown; d. Jan. 28, 1785. 1349. IV. — Elizabeth, b. 1771 ; d. Feb 23, 1789. 1350. V. — ^Ebenezer, b. May,' 1759; m. Oct. 28, 1784, Huldah dau. of Noah arid 'Naomi Fish; b. June 16, 1763; he d. Feb. 5, 1837 1351. VI. — Mercy, b. 1763; bap. 1789. 1332 EFHRAIM, b. Jan. 21, 1750; bap. 1753; m. April 7, 1774 Thankful Look, dau. of Stephen ; Revolutionary soldier. Issue, Edgar- town : 1352. I. — Edmund. 1352. II. — ^Benjamin, m. Mary 1354. III. — Ephraim, m. Abigail . 1355. IV. — Hannah. 1356 V. — Ann. 1357. VI. — Rhoda. 1334 BENAIAH, b. July 16, 1758; m. Aug. 12, 1784, Mary Mar- chant; d. April 2y, 1835; he d. 1792. Issue: 1358. I. — ^Sprowell, b. 1784; drowned, June, 1807. 1359. II. — Betsey, b. 1787; d. Sept. 10, 1822. MARCHANT. 1328 LYDIA, b. Sept. 25, 1738; bap. Dec. 31, 1738; m. (i) Dec. 29, 1757, Seth Marchant ; b. 1736; d. 1726; m. (2) Nov. 22, 1764, John Clark, of Middleboro ; d. April 14, 1826. Issue, Edgartown: -1360. I. — John Marchant. b. 1758; m. xA.ug. 19, 1787, Matilda Vincent Dunham; d. July 18, 1813. 1361. II. — Miriam, b. 1762; m. (i) Sept. 7, 1800, John Thomas; d. Jan. 2, 1835. 1362. HI. — John Clark. 1363. IV. — Mar- shall, b. 1776; m. Jan. 22, 1804, Naomi Swasey; d. Sept. 29, 1862. 1330 JOSEPH, b. Jan. 6, 1741, Martha's Vineyard; bap. April 12, JOSEPH DUNHAM. - 21 5 1741 : m. Patience Hathaway, h. [NTay 16, 174T ; d. Aug-. 30, 1825; he d. March 11. 1796. Issue: 1364. I. — Elizal)eth, 1). 1765; m. May 4. 1786, Peter Marchant. ^ ^C^^. TT. — Patience, 1). 1771 : m. (i) ( iamahel Fish; ni. (2) Daniel Lund. 13()(). 111. — Lycha, h. 1773: in. Dec. 8, 1793, Jacob Ferren. of East Haven. Conn. 1367. IV . — Pliebe, b. 1774; m. Joseph Pilsbnry ; d March 5, 1S48. I3'')8. \'. — Marv. h. \~~('>\ ni. Thomas RockwcH. 1369. VP — Anna, b. 1777; in. Al)ijah Drew. 1370. \\\. — Joseph, 1). .\pril 17, 1780; m. Susanna Stewart; d Oct. 14, 1849. These chiklren were bap. Jan. 28. 1781. 1371. \'I1I. — ^Sarah. l)ap. 1785; m. (I) Dec. 25, 1803, W'ni. Ab)rris, of East Haven, Conn.; ni. (2) Richard Parsons. 1372. IX. — BeHnda Richmond, b. 1790; bap. Aug. 17, I79'">; m. Solomon Friend. 1331 JESSE, b. Martha's Mneyard, ^[arch 16. 1747; bap. .\ug. 2, 1747; m. March 2-i^, i7''>9. by Rev. Andrew Boardman. of Chilmark, Dinah Tilton ; lived New Bedford. He was lost at sea off Cape Hat- teras in 1782. Issue: 1373. I. — Jesse. 1374. II. — Josiah, b. March 11, 1776; m. July 18, 1802, (I) ^lary Potter; d. April 7, 1823: m. (2) Sept. 20, 1813, Mary Ann Elms; he d. April 28, 1857. Boston. 1375. HI. — Pamela. 1376. W. — William. 1377. A^ — ^Susanna. 1378. W. — , m. Mr. Baxter, of Boston. 1374 JOSIAH, b. March i, 1776. Xew Bedford; m. (0 Jnly 18, 1802, Mary Potter, who d. April 7, 1813; m. (2) Sept. 20, 1813, iSIay Ann Elms; alderman, Boston, 1830-1857; d. 1857, Boston. He carried on the old rope walks where the Boston Public Garden now is, and which were afterwards removed to S. Boston by the firm of Josiah Dunham and Thomas H. Dunham, who managed them for years at the place now called Dunham Park; he d. 1857. having' made a will, giving to Josiah, Jr., one-third of his estate, and devised the remainder to trustees, to hold in trust for the l)enefit of his children or descendants who might become destitute. The will was contested and the case was over thirtv vears in court, when 1 larrison Dunham, a grandson, brought about a settlement, b\- wliicli the estate was dividetl among the heirs. Issue, first wife: 1379. P — Josiah. b. March 8 1804; m. Jan. 17, 1829, Sarah Smith; d. April 17, 1871, Boston; she d. April 13, 1871. Second wife: 1380. II. — Sarah II., b. Jan. 2}^, 1814; m. April 2(), 1832, P)arker 15. KeiU. No issue. 1381. 111. — Thomas 11., b. May 0, 1817; m. {\) Eliza West; m. (2) April r, 1846, .\lsa R. Burgess. 1382. \\. — Eliza- beth J'^, 1). June 30, 1815 ; m. Sei)l. 2(), 1832, Xoah I'.. Kent. 1 lad a child who m. Lloyd Briggs. Issue: 1383. 1. — Susan Elizabeth. 1384. IP 2l6 JOSEPH DUNHAM. —Mary Ann, d. 1847. 1385. III.— Thomas, d. 1850. 1386. IV.— Har- riet S. Briggs, d. 1879. 1386a. V. — Yolna Lloyd Vernon Briggs. Josiah Dunham, Sr., son of Jesse, 1). March 11, 1776, in the old town of Dartmouth, now New Bedford, Mass. His father was a sea captain and was lost at sea during the Revolution. Josiah walked to Boston when quite young and ai)prenticed himself to a man named Richardson, who conducted a rope-walk in the vicinity of what is now Pearl Street. Later, he started in busi- ness for himself and had a rope-walk ofif Boylston Street, the building being constructed on piles over the water of the back bay near the present Public Garden. On July 18, 1802, he was m. to Mary Potter at Boston, by the Rev. Samuel Parker, and had a son, Josiah, Jr., b. March 8, 1804. On Sept. 20, 1813, he was again m. by Rev. Thomas Baldwin to Mary Ann Elmes, who was b. June 19, 1797, at Salutation Street, Copp's Hill, Boston, a dau. of Captain Wlliam and Mary Elmes, of Middleborough. There were three children by this marriage and Henry Tuttle, son of William H. and Mary Tuttle was adopted. After several years of business at Boylston Street, Mr. Dunham pur- chased a tract of land at South Boston and removed his cordage busi- ness to that place. He also engaged in the real estate business and built or owned all the houses on Gold and Fifth Streets and many of those on Fourth and B Streets. He served in ihe common council, in 1833, and on the boarid of aldermen, in 1834, 1835 and 1836. For sev- eral years, prior to its liquidation, he was president of the Old Franklin Savings Bank on the corner of Fourth Street and Dorchester Avenue, his son, Josiah, Jr., being its cashier. He was interested in church work and a charter member of the Phillips Church in South Boston. He d. April 2/, 1857, aged eighty-two. His widow d. Feb. 16, 1858, aged sixty-one. The bodies of Josiah and his wife, Mary, were buried at No. II, St. Matthew's Church, South Boston, but in May, 1864, were removed to Forest Hills Cemetery. 1381 THOMAS H., b. May 6, 1817; m. (i) April 11, 1839, Eliza West; m. (2) April i, 1846, Alsa R. Burgess; d. Feb. 23, 1884; he rendered gallant service in Civil war holding the ofTfices of corporal, sergeant major, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, major, lieu- tenant colonel, brevet brigadier general ; was honorably mustered out July 14, 1865; d. Dec. 14, 1899; judge of court of common pleas, Rhode Island. Issue : 1386. I. — Thomas H., b. 1840; m. 1865, Helen A. Griffin. 1386a. I.— W^illiam Bradford, b. 1842. 1387. II.— Samuel T., b. Aug. 13, 1851. 1388. HI.— Winthrop, b. April i, 1853. 1389. IV.— Mary Hon. Josiah Dunham, Boston, Mass. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 2iy A., b. July 10, 1848; ni. Fisher. 1390. \'. — John Elliot, b. Oct. II, 1855; m. Sept. 30, 1877, Leonora Titcomb. 1391. \ I. — Harri- son, b. July -I, 1857; ni. (1) Clara J. F. Patterson, Dec. 3, 1884; m. {2) Jan. 18, 1888, Edith A. i\Ioses. 1392. VII. — Frederic, b. Dec. 17, i860; ni. Emma Whitelsey. Thomas Harrison Dunham. Sr., son of josiah and .Mary Ann (Elms) Dunham, was b. June 30, 1815, at Pleasant Street Boston. He graduated from tlie ( )ld Hawes School and was a i'"ranklin Medal graduate of the Engiish High School. About the year 1835, he en- gaged in the dry goods business at the corner of Fourth Street and Dorchester Turnpike (now Dorchester Avenue), in South I'oston. On April II, 1839, he was m. to Eliza Ann West, of St. Johnsbury, \'t. ; d. Dec. 25, 1818. Two children were b, Thomas Harrison. Jr., July 30, 1840 and William Bradford. Aug. 13, 1842. ^Ir. Dunham con- tinued in the dry goods business until a^bout the year 1846, and then went into the importing and wholesaling of hemp at a store on India Street and also became interested in the manufacture of cordage at Plymouth, Mass. For about ten years following, he was engaged in the cordage business in Providence, R. I., spending a part of his time in each city. On April i. 1846. he m. at Providence, Alsa R. I'urgess, who was b. March 17, 1820, at Harvard, Mass. There were six children by this marriage. In 1858, soon after the death of his father, Mr. Dunham started a cotton shoddy mill on Harrison Avenue, Boston, and during the Civil war manufactured lint and cotton batting for the use of the army. He also manufactured carpet linings and other cotton goods and continued to operate the mill until 1870, when he sold the land upon wdiich the mill stood to the Catholic Church, tlie land being a part of the site of the St. James' Cathedral. About the year 1875, he again engaged in the manufacture of cordage at lixniouth and invented a kind of cotton rope, obtaining a patent for the process of its manu- facture. Mr. Dunham was an ardent expounder of the gospel and occasionally preached from the bandstand on Boston Common. His death occurred Dec. 14, 1899, at Boston. 1379 JOSIAH DU'NHAM, JUNIOR, b. in Poston. Mass., March 8, 1804. Until 1853 he was connected with his father in the manufacture of cordage, after which he engaged, principally, in real estate transac- tions, acquiring considerable pro])erty. On attaining his majority he joined the Masonic Fraternity, becoming a INIaster Mason in Colmn- bian Lodge, September, 1825. He was one of the organizers of free- masonry, in South Boston; a charter member of St. Paid's Lodge, in 2l8 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1846, and for more than 28 years its treasurer. He joined the Ancient and Honorable x\rtillery Company in 1828, continuing; in membership until his death. In 1836 he was active in the formation of a company of mihtia, the Pulaski Guards, and became its first captain. In 1853 he became a life member of the New England Historic Genealogical So- ciety : a member of the Bunker Hill Monument Association of the Pilgrim Society of "A Republican Institution" (chartered 1819), and other public and social organizations. For many years he was active in politics, and had great influence in his party. His connection with the city government of Boston commenced, in 1837, when he was elected to the office of councilman, serving agam in that capacity in 1849, 1850 and 1851. In 1854 and 1855, he represented South Boston, in the board of aldermen. In i860 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in Chicago, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the presidency. From 1861 to 1865 he held the office of naval storekeeper at the navy vard in Charlestown. He w-as a communicant of St. Mathew's (Episcopal) Church, a member of its vestry and was greatly interested in the work of the church, giving liberally of his means therefor. Few men in Boston had a more extensive acquaintance, or who were more zealous in behalf of the interests of the section of the city he represented in its government, and many of the public improvements in South Boston are due to his energy and foresight. Mr. Dunham was a man of strong personality, thoroughly public spirited, untiring in his labors fox any undertaking tending to the welfare of his native city, benevolent and liberal in his benefactions, giving without ostenta- tion. 'Socially, he enjoyed the friendship of a large circle and was a staunch friend. He d. April 17, 1877. 1390 JOHN E., b. Oct. II,' 1853; m. Sept. 30, 1877, Leonora Tit- comb. Issue: 1393. I — Winthrop. 1386 THOMAS H., JR., m. Helen A. Griffin, General, Mass.; nth Regiment, Greenwich, Mass. Issue: 1394. I. — Benjamin West, b. 1868. 1395. H. — ^Herbert William, b. 1870. 1396. III. — Edith Eliza, b. 1866. 1397. IV. — Larikin Turner, b. 1873. 1398. V. — Otis Emer- son, b. 1876. 1399. VI. — Asa Pratt Cloverly, b. 1883. 1391 HARRISON, b. July 4, 1857; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; m. (i) Clara J. F. Patterson; d. Dec. 3, 1884; m. (2) Jan. 18, 1888, Edith A. Moses. Issue: 1400. I. — Harrison, Jr., b. June 2, 1884. 1401. II. — Eldredge A., b. March 19, 1889. 1402. III. — Edith Anna, b. March 15, 1892. 1403. IV. — George, b. July 2, 1894; d. Jan. 28, 1895. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 219 1379 JO'SIAH. b. March 8, 1803; 111. Jan. 27. 1829, Sarah .'^mith ; d. April 13, 1871 : he d. April 17. 1857, Addernian, Boston. Issue: 1404. I. — Sarah Smith, h. June 9, 1831 ; ni. Henry A. Drake: d. 1868. Issue: Helen Adelaide Drake. 1405. 11. — Josiah Francis, 1). .March 15, 1833. 1406. HI. — ^Charles Edward, b. \'\'h. 15, 1835; m. An<;eline Humphrey; d. 1898. 1407. ly. — Mary Helen, b. July 10, 1842; d. March 31. 1902; m. Thomas S. Freeman; d. 1886. 1408. V. — Laura Davis. 1). Oct. 22, 1829; d. July 5, 1837. 1409. \'l. — -George Henry, 1). .\i)ril S, 1837; d. Feb. 22, 1878. 1353 BENJAMIN, m. Mary . Issue : 1410. I. — r.enjamin, 1). 1790; m. Jerusha (Cleveland) Bird; d. Nov. 20. 1845. 14' •• '•• — E*^!" mund, b. 1791 ; m. Mercy ; d. 1861. 1410 BENJAMIN', b. 1790; m. Jerusha (Cleveland) Bird, widow of William; b. Jan. 14, 1783, Edgartown; d. June 2y, 1854; he d. Edgar- town, Nov. 20, 1845. Issue, Edgartown : 1412. I. — Eliza Gray, b. Jan. 29, 1816: m. April 12. 1835. Thomas T. Powers; d. 1894. 1413. H. — Phebe W., b. July 20, 1818; m. (i) Abishai Sampson Cleveland: m. (2) George D. Cottle; m. (3) John \'inson. 1414. 111. — Tliomas. m. 1820, Elizabeth Portersfield Gray; d. Nov. 4, 1843. '4' 5- I\'.— Henry, b. Oct. 20, 1822; m. (i) Ann Grafton Robinson, Dec. 6, 1857; m. (2) Harriet Butler, July 2, 1865; b. 1837; d. Aug. 16. 1879. 1416. V.— William, b. June 20, 1825; m. (i) Eliza Dunham; m. (2) Sarali B. Whit- more. 1417. M.— ^laria, b. 1828; d. :\Iarch 26, 1834. POWERS. 1412 ELIZA G., b. Jan. 29, 1816; m. April 12, 1835, Thomas T. Powers; she d. 1894, California. Issue: 1418. 1. — Thomas Powers, b. 1835; d. 1835. 1419. II. — Ellen Maria, b. Jan. 30, 1839: ni. Dec. 12, 1854, Henry H. Hewlett; d. 1875, Stockton. Cal. CLEVELAND— COTTLF. 1413 PHEBE W., b. July 20, 1818; m. (ij Abishai S. Cleveland; d. April II, 1850, California; m. (2) May 2, 1864, George D. Cottle; b. March i, i8or, Tisbury ; d. Marcli i<). 1S78, Tisbury ; m. (3) Jan. 8, 1879, John \'inson; b. Feb. 28, 1802; d. Dec. 2=,. 1886. Edgartown. Issue: 1420. I. — John V. Cleveland, b. March 13. 1838: drowned at sea, Nov. 8, 1862. 1421. II. — Thomas Dunham, b. July 1. 1840: was taken prisoner in the battle of the Wilderness; 58th Regiment, .Massa- chusetts Volunteers; d. at l-"ortress Monroe. April 8, 1805. I'roin the effects of his imprisomnent. 1422. HI. — Benjamin Dnnh.iin Cleveland, :220 JOSEPH DUNHAM. b. Oct. 19, 1844; m- (0 Ada S. Luce; m. (2) A. C. Fish. 1423. IV.-- Abishai Sampson Cleveland, b. Sept. 12, 1847; m. (i) Phebe L. Bassett ; divorced ; m. (2) Ellen Brown. 1414 THOMAS, b. 1820; m. Elizabeth P. Gray; b. Alarch 7, 1824; m. June 3. 1847. Capt. John L. Jenks ; d. Feb. 11, 1851 ; Thomas was drowned in the harbor of Lahaina, Nov. 4. 18 — . Tssue, Edgartown : 1424. L — Amelia P., b. Dec. 26, 1841 ; m. Sept. 10. 1862, Edmund Butler Morse; b. Aug. 13, 1841, Edgartown'; she d. Dec. 29, 1898, Abington, Mass. 1416 A\TLLL\M, b. June 20. 1825; m. (ij Dec. 10, 1851, Eliza Dunham; b. April 28, 1822, Tisbury ; d. Jan. 28, 1863, Edgartown; m. (2) Oct. 9, 1864. Sarah B. W'hitmore, of Taunton, Mass.; d. at Hamp- ton Roads on board U. S. S. Tennessee. Issue, Edgartown: 1225. I. — Ellen Maria, b. Jan. 27,, 1853. 1426. II. — William Bradford, b. March 20, 1855; d. May 20, 1855. 1427. HI. — Florence Cheston, b. Sept. 7, 1856; d. Xov. 8, 1856. 1428. IV.— Wilham \V., b. Sept. 11, 1858; d. Feb. 24, 1882. 1411 EDMUND, b. 1791; m. Mercy; d. 1861 ; b. 1799; d. 1854. Issue, Tisbury: 1429. I. — Nancy, m. June 24, 1858, John Heft; d. July 2y, 1872. 1430. II. — Rebecca, m. Peter Pease; b. June 17, 1826. 1431. HI. — John, b. 1819; d. Oct. 11. 1884. 1209 HENRY M. C, b. March 18, 1807, New Bedford; baker; m. May 17, 1834, Abigail Jones; b. Oct. 23, 1816; he d. 1873. Issue: 1432. I. — Henry B., b. 1838. 1433. H. — James L., b. 1840. 1434. HI. — Samuel J., b. 1842; merchant tailor, Boston; m. Ida Hackey. 1435. IV. — Amos J., b. 1845; d. in Civil war. 1436. Y. — Sarah L., b. 1847. 1437. VI. — ^Thomas W., b. 1852. 1438. \'II. — Charles F., b. 1854. 1439. VIII. — ^Frederick A., b. 1855; shoe cutter; m. March, 1877, Ida Westgate. Had Fred. 1440. IX. — Augusta, b. 1877. 1354 EPHRAIM, m. Abigail. Issue, Tisbury: 1441. I. — George Washington, b. 1819; m. Rebecca P. Allen; m. (2) Elizabeth Cofihn Smith. 1442. II. — Thomas. 1443. HI. — Susan. 1444. IV. — Clarissa. 1441 GEORGE W., b. 1819; m. (i) Rebecca P. Allen, May 6, 1840; b. Jan. 19, 1817; d. Dec, 1859; m. Elizabeth C. Smith; b. Dec. 29, 1828, Edgartown; he d. May 3, 1867. Issue, Tisbury: 1445. I- — George W., Jr. 1446. II. — Valentine, b. 1851 ; d. Feb. 15, 1872. 1447. HI. — ^^Clarissa. 1448. IV. — Kate. 1449. V. — Lucius George, b. May 3, 1867; d. Edgartown, Jan. 12, 1886. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 221 FISH. 1365 PATIENCE, h. 1771: 111. (1) Oct. 30, 177T. Gamaliel Fish, who was lost at sea, A])i-il i, 1801 ; 111. (2) David Lund. Issue: 1450. I. — Gamaliel Fish, b. Sept. 9, 1794; m. ( )ct. 30, ICS14. khoda Fisher; d. Jan. 15, 1878. 1451. II. — Bartlett, Ix 1798: d. April 11. 1825. 1452. III. — Sally, 1). March T), 1801; m. .March 25, 1821, .Matthew Fisher, d. Dec. 2, 1895. PILSBURY. 1367 PHEBE, b. Martha's Vineyard, 1774; ni. March 31, 1803, Joseph Pilsbury, son of Joseph Pilsbury and Sarah Emery Kittery, Me.; she d. March 5, 1848, Rockland, Me. Issue: 1453. I. — Sarah Ann Pilsl)ury, m. (i) Robert Cook; m. (2) George Lindsey. 1454. II. — John, b. May i, 1805; m. Jane McAllister; d. Dec. 30, 1873. 1455. III. — Joseph, b. April i, 1808; d. Nov. 23, 1864. 145^). I\'. — Samuel, b. about 181 1; m. March i, 1832, Sarah M. Spaulding, of Dorchester, Mass., who d. June, 1890; he d. Feb. 18. 1890. They had nine children — some reported now living in Rockland, ]^Ie. I457- V. — George W., b. Nebraska: m. (1) 1838. his cousin Emeline D. Pilsbury; m. (2) Arzelia McLain and had two sons. T454 JO'HN PILSBURY, b. May i, 1805; fanner, Richland. .Mc. ; m. Sept. 20, 1830, Jane McAllister, of Hope, Me.; d. Oct. 23, 1881 : he d. Dec. 30, 1873. Issue: 1458. I. — Sarah J. Pilsbury, m. Capt. J. F. Hardis, Rockland, Me. 1459. II. — John L.. d. in infancy. 1460. 111. — John R., sea captain, Rockland. 1461. I\'. — E. Adelia, m. C. A. Barrett, San Francisco, Cal. 1462. \'. — Lucy R., m. Rufus T. Ilall. 1463. VI.— Delora B., Rockland. Me. 14^)4. \' 1 1.— Charles IT., San b'rancisco. OOOK— LINDS.AY. T453 SARAH ANN PILS!',l"R>\ m. (i) June 17. 1827. Robert Cook; m. (2) George Lindsay: d. 1S80. Issue: 1465. 1. — Samuel Pilsbury Cook. 1466. II. — Joseph l)unliam Lindsay. 1370 JOSEPH, 1). .\])ril 17, 1780; May 6, 1804, Susanna Stewart, b. Aug. 17. 1782; (1. Aug. 13, 18K): he d. ( )ct. 14, 1841;. Issue: 14^17. I. — Sally, b. Sept. 13, 1804; m. Nov. 6, 1834, Robert Wycr Xorion : b. Oct. 23, 1805 and d. Feb. 7, 1887: she d. Aug. 11. 1882. i4()8. II.— Mary Stewart, b. .March 20, 1807: m. Charles b'rancis, a i'"renchman. Grandville France; ]>. April 11, 1810 and d. Oct. 18, \X^(^: she d. ( )cl. 22. 1872. Had four daughlrr.s li\ing in ( iilsoii, ..\. II. 14O1). 111. — Joseph, 1). I'A'b. 13, 1810; m. 11) Jane Ann Stewart; b. .\la\. i82(\ ant! d. Oct. 15, 1871, She left her husband and m. Captain D. I.. Houston, 222 JOSEPH DUNHAM. St. Charles, 111.; m. (2) Mrs. Angeline Lovell Gifford ; he d. Nov. 22, 1875. 1471. IV. — Jane Stewart, b. Sept. 25, 1812; m. May 13, 1837, Francis J. Silva from Pica, Western Islands; she d. ]\Iay 15, 1856. 1474. \. — Daniel, b. June 21. 1815; d. Sept. 25, 1815. FRANCIS. 1368 MARY S., b. March 20. 1807; m. Charles Francis; b. Grand- ville, France, April 11, 1810; d. Edgartown, Oct. 18, 1856; she d. Oct. 22, 1872. Issue, Edgartown: 1475. I. — Mary Jane Francis, b. Feb. 8, 1841. 1476. II. — Emily D., b. April 8, 1843; m. March 22, 1869, William B. Adams. 1477. III. — Eliza Richmond, b. Aug. i, 1845; m- Dec. 24. 1871, Herbert Eugene Adams. 1479. IV. — ^Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 30, 1848; m. Feb. 3, 1887, Theodore Berger. NORTON. 1467 SALLY, b. Sept. 13, 1804; m. Nov. 6, 1834, Robert Wyer Norton, Nantucket; b. Oct. 23, 1805; d. Edgartown, Feb. 7, 1887; she d. Aug. II, 1882. Issue, Edgartown: 1480. I. — Robert Daniel Norton, b. Oct. 6, 1840. 1481. II. — Frances Ellen, b. May 25, 1835. 1482. III.— Priscilla Wyer, b. Dec. 18, 1837. 1469 JOSEPH, 1). Feb. 15, 1810; m. Edgartown, (i) Jane Ann Stewart; b. 1826; d. Oct. 15, 1871, Illinois, who was divorced and went to St. Louis and m. 1850, Capt. D. L. Houston; m. (2) June 12, 1858, Mrs. Angeline (Lovell) Gifford, of New Bedford; has an arm chair given to Joseph by Gen. Geo. Washington for an act of patriotism. Issue, Edgartown: 1483. I. — Grace Josephine, b. March 3, 1861 ; 1880, New Bedford, Falmouth, ^lass., teacher. SILVA. 1471 JANE STEWART, b. Sept. 25, 1812; May 13, 1837, m. Francis J. Silva; b. 1810; she d. March 2, 1850. Issue, Edgartown: 1484. I. — Susanna Dunham Silva, m. Dec. 20, 1865; b. Oct. i, 1843; Charles Granville Manter Dunham, judge. 1485. II. — Emma Retina, b. April 21, 1849; "1- Oct. 21, 1871, Littleton Cooke Wimpenny, Vine- yard Haven. W I'M PENNY. 1485 EMMA R. 'SILVA, m. Oct. 21, 1871, Littleton Cook, Wim- penny, Vineyard Haven. Issue: i486. I. — Harry L. Wimpenny; m. Dec. 16, 1896, Susie Beetl?, Vineyard Haven. 1350 EBENEZER, b. May 9. 1759; m. by. Rev. S. Wiswell, Oct. 28, 1784, Huldah Fish; b. June 16, 1763, dau. of Nathaniel and Naomi Fish; d. Oct. 21, 1827. Issue: 1487. I.— Silas. 1488. II.— Huldah. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 223- 1489. III. — Jacob. 1490. IV. — ^George, m. Maria . 1491. V. — Polly. 1492. \'I. — William. 1493. \ll. — ^Xabbv. FISH. 1348 ESTHER, m. Jan. lo, 1781, Joseph Fish; b. 1756; d. April 12, 1823, Edgartown ; she d. Jan. 28. 1785. Edgartown. Issue. Edgar- town: 1494. I. — Joseph Fisli. 1). 1782; m. Oct. 30. 1803, Rosanna (King) Cockram, Nantucket. I42. 1. — .\lai-\ Ann, b. 1802; m. Thomas Long. i5'>3. II. — ■ Caroline. 1). 1803; m. William ( iardniT. I5'>4. Ml. — William (ioil'.lard, b. 1805; m. Nancv (.Soutliworilil Tavlor. I5'i5. I\ . — .Sall\ Ikirnes. b. 1807 ; m. Phineas I .each. 1504 W ILLIAAI G., 1). 1805; m. 1833, .\ancy (Souihworlh) Taylor, widow of ■ Issue: 1566. I. — Sally, b. 183(1. 1567. 2.26 JOSEPH DUNHAM. II.— Robert, b. 1837. 1568. III.— William, b. 1838; m. 1870, Nancy Raymond. 380 WILLIAM, b. Feb. 5, 1753; m. Sept. 2, 1784, by Rev. Roland Green, Experience Pratt, who m. April 2^, 1814, Job Heridon, of Mans- field. Issue: 1569. I. — William, b. Feb. 8, 1785; m. Feb. 24, 1811, Mary (Polly) Carpenter. 1570. II.— Nathaniel, b. April 5. 1787; m. Achsa Heridon. 1571. III. — Alsard, b. May i, 1789. 1572. IV. — Peddy, b. Nov. 17, 1790. 1573. V. — Rufus, b. Nov. 25, 1793. 1574. VI. — Charles, b. Nov. 24, 1795. 1575. VII. — Azra, b. May 15, 1797; m. Feb. 5, 1823, Mariah Freeman. 1576. MIT. — Polly, b. Jan. 28, 1799. 1577. IX. — ^Schuyler, b. March 3, 1800; m. Sally (Dunham) Davy; d. Sept. 16, 1845. 1578- X. — Hafford Pratt, b. June 10, 1807. 1577 SCHUYLER, b. March 3, 1800, Norton; m. March 11, 1827, Sally Dunham Dary, of Norton, Mass., by Rev. Robert Clark ; she d. Feb. 8, 1870; he d. Sept. 16, 1845. Issue: 1579. I. — Albert S., b. Sept. 7, 1828; m. (i) Mary Ann Wilber; m. (2) Anna Judson White; d. June 13, 1897. 1580. II. — ^Crawford Pratt, b. Sept. 3, 1830; d. Nov. 2, 1855. 1581. III. — ^Henry Lavender, b. Aug. 6, 1832; m. Lucy Maria Briggs. 1582. IV. — Frederic Allen, b. July 12, 1834; m. Angenette Leonard; d. Jan. 6, 1870. 1583. V. — George Alfred, b. July 10, 1836; m. Martha Jane Monroe. 1584. VI. — Sarah Ellen, b. Nov. 14, 1838; m. (i) Alfred Thompson; m. (2) John Strubble. 1585. VII. — Emily Elonie, b. Aug. 23, 1841 ; m. Alfred Bolton. 1586. VIII. — Mary Caroline, b. June 10, 1844; d. Dec. 26, 1844. 1570 NATHANIEL, b. April 5, 1787; m. March 9, 1817, Acha Heridon. Issue: 1587. I. — Nathaniel Gardner, b. July 5, 1817. 1588. II. — Frederic Augustus, b. Nov. 10, 1819. 1583 GEORGE A., b. July 10, 1836; m. April 19, 1857, Martha Jane Monroe. Issue, Norton, Mass.: 1589. I. — Georgietta, b. April 9, 1859; d. Oct. II, 1859. 1590. II. — Erford Clinton, b. July 28, i860. 1591. HI.— Clara Jane, b. Feb. 28, 1867; m. Arthur Wells Twombly. 1592. IV. — George Alfred, Jr., b. April 17, 1873; m. Helen T. Lane. ' TWOiMBLY. 1591 CLARA J., b. Feb. 28, 1867; m. Feb. 6, 1886, Arthur W. Twombly, Taunton, Mass. Issue, b. Taunton, Alass. : 1593. I. — ^Flora Dunham Twombly, b. July 26, 1886. 1594. H. — Wells Marston, b. Aug. IS, 1890. 1592 GEORGE A., JR., b. April 17, 1873; m. Feb. 14, 1894, Helen T. Lane. Issue, Taunton, Mass.: 1595. I. — Ruth Lyman, b. Dec. 3, 1894. 1596. II. — Howard Clinton, b. Feb. 26, 1896; d. Aug. 13, 1896. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 22/ THOMPSON. 1584 SARAH E.. b. Nov. 14, 1838: m. (i) Pel). 17. 1862, Alfred Thompson; d. May 30. 1890; m. (2) June 2, 1894, Dan Struble. Issue, Frederickstown, Ohio: 1597. I. — ^Georgie Thompson,- b. June 17, 1868; d. June 24, 1868. 1598. II.— WilHc Harry, b. Oct. 6, 1873. BOLTO'N. 1585 EMILY E.. b. Aug. 2t,, 1841 ; m. Sept. 30, 1867, Alfred Bolton, Jackson, Mich. Issue: 1599. I. — Nellie Dunham Bolton, b. Oct. 13, 1871 ; m. Dec. 2, 1891. 1600. II. — Willie Dudley, b. Feb. 9, 1874. RUSSELL. 1599 NELLIE D. BOLTON, b. Oct. 13, 1871 ; m. Dec. 2, 1891, James H. Russell, Jackson, Mich. Issue, b. Jackson, Mich.: 1601. I. — Dorothy Broomfield Russell, b. April 12, 1893. 1602. II. — Meriam Bolton, b. March 6, 1895. 1579 ALBERT S., b. Sept. i, 1828; m. (i) ^lay 11, 1850, Mary Ann Wilbar; d. Jan. 12, 1885; m. (2) Nov. 21, 1889, Anna Judson White; he d. June 13, 1897. Issue, b. Providence, R. I.: 1603. I- — Clarence Albert, b. Nov. 12, 1850; m. (i) June 15, 1876, Mary Ellen Harvey; d. Jan. 21, 1881 ; m. (2) May 29, 1896, Elmora Evans Parker. 1604. II. — Sarah Ann. b. Dec. 12, 1852; d. June 30, 1884. 1605. HI. — Everett Crawford, b. April 8, 1855. 1606. IV. — Ernest Clifton, b. June 12, 1857; d. June 6. 1861. 1581 HENRY L., b. Aug. 6, 1832; m. Oct. 17, 1860, Lucy Maria Briggs. Issue, b. New Bedford, Mass.: 1607. I. — Ernest Alton, h. Aug. 31, 1861. 1608. II. — Flora Belle, b. April 24. 1863. 1582 FREDERIC A., b. July 12, 1834; m. May 7, 1862, Angenette Leonard; d. March 13, 1872; he d. Jan. 6. 1870. Issue, Taunton, ^lass. : 1609. I. — Frederic C, b. April 20, 1865; m. Bessie Edith Derickson. 1610. II. — Crawford Leonard, b. Dec. 31, 1866; m. Annie Wheeler. 1609 FREDERICK C, b. April 20, 1865; m. Dec. i, 1892, Bessie E. Derickson. Issue, New Bedford, Mass.: 161 1. I. — Henry Allen, b. Dec. 23, 1895. 1612. II.^Edith Qifton, b. Nov. 9, 1897. 1610 CRAWFORD L., b. Dec. 31, 1866; m. Oct. 12, 1892, Anna Wheeler, Taunton, Mass. Issue, New Bedford, Mass. : 1613. I. — Beatrice Leonard, 1). Aug. 23, t8<;3. 1569 WILLIAM, 1). l"el). 8. 1785: ni. I'el). 24. 181 1, Mary C'arpen- ter; d. April 2(}, 1840, Bristol, R. I. Issue: if)i4. 1. — Marv Carpen- ter, b. Sept. 2^. iSii: d. April 26. 1840. 1615. II. — Louise, b. Aug. 26, 1813. 161C. 111. — Juliiie, 1). Dec. 24, 1816; d. Jan. 20, 1840. 1617. 228 JOSEPH DUNHAM. IV.— William Davis, b. Dec. 14, 1818. 1618. V.^George, b. Jan. 21, 1821. 383 ISAAC, b. Norlon, Mass., Dec. 10, 1761 ; m. Jan. 26, 1786, Priscilla Eaton, by Rev. Roland Green, of Mansfield; she b. 1761; d. Oct. II, 1811; m. (2) Mary Wets; h. Nov. 20, 1771; d. April 2, 1876, aged 105 years; he d. Jnly 21, 1849. at Sandlake, N. Y. Issue: 1619. I. — Isaac, m. Nancy Teft. 1620. II. — Samuel Dyer, m. Clarissa Chap- man. 1621. III. — Henry or Harry, b. June 25, 1795; m. March 4, 1819, Lucy Vary; d. Oct. 3, 1850. 1622. IV. — Martha, m. Jedediah Chap- man. 1623. V. — Ryland Van Rensselaer, m. Abigail Simmons; d. June 4, 1892. 1624. VI. — Sarah, m. Joshua Coleman. 1625. VII. — Lot Eaton, b. July 14, 1790; m. Lydia Chapman; d. April 5, 1874; will pro- bated Aug. 25, 1874. 1626. VIII. — Hiram, m. Lois Coleman. 1627. IX.— William Delos, m. Caroline Dutcher. 1619 ISAAC, m. Nancy Teft. Issue: 1628. I.— Mary, m. M. L. Barnes. 1629. II. — Anna, m. Rev. I. Coleman. 1630. III. — Priscilla, m. M. C. Wheeler. BARNES. 1628 MARY, m. C. Barnes. Issue: 1631. I. — Priscilla Barnes. 1632. II. — ^William Barnes. 1633. HI. — Isaiah Barnes. COLEMAN. 1629 ANNA, m. Rev. I. Coleman. Issue: 1634. I. — Isaac Cole- man, shot in Civil war. 1635. II. — Albert. WHEELER. 1630 PRISCILLA, m. M. C. Wheeler. Issue: 1636. I.— Albert Coleman Wheeler. 1621 HENRY OiR HARRY, ]>. June 25, 1795; m. Nassau, March 4, 1819, Lucy Vary, b. Nov. 23, 1798, by Rev. N. Northrop, Stephentown ; d. Feb. 26, 1885, White Pigeon, Mich.; he d. Oct. 3, 1850, Nassau. Issue, b. at Nassau: 1637. I. — Nathan, b. Oct. 24, 1819; d. March 24, 1821, Nassau. 1638. II. — Henry Melvin, b. May 23, 1823; m. Emma S. Manwaring; d. Dec. 5, 1894. 1639. HI. — Mar- garet Vary, b. Dec. 12, 1825; m. March 12, 1845, Johii Kittle, by Rev. R. Collins, of Nassau; d. Jan. 8, 1898, White Pigeon, Mich. 1640. IV. — Mary Jane, b. b'el). 18, 1828; m. Abraham Runkel. 1641. V. — Martha Ann, b. July 16, 1832; m. Silas Maiiiwaring. 1642. VI. — Willett Vary, b. Oct. 24, 1834; m. Eliza Lester. 1642 W^ILLETT v., b. Oct. 24, 1834; m. Eliza Lester, of Nassau. Issue: 1643. I- — Ella, m. Lafayette Vincent. 1644. II. — Henry Lester, m. Rose Thompson. 1645. III. — Martha, m. George Hoge- JOSEPH DUNHAM. ±1^ boon, \(^^f^. W . — Jennie, m. Rev. Smith Eugene Morey. 1647. V. — Calvin W'., ni. ( ireennian. 1648. \\. — Lena, ni. Mr. Lobdell. 1649. \^^- — Flora, m. Rev. (."(niper. MOREY. 1646 JEXXIE, ni. Rev. Smith E. ]vlorey. Issue: 1650. I. — W'illet Eugene Morey. 1647 CAL\'1X W'.. m. Greenman. Issue: 1651. I. — Lottie M. LOBDELL. 1648 LEX.\, ni. Mr. Loliclell. Issue: 1652. I. — Lawrence Lob- dell., COOPER. 1649 FLORxA., m. Mr. Cooper. Issue: ^('>'^})- I. — Raphael Cooper. MA'XWARIXG. 1641 MARTHA AXN, b. July 16, 1832; m. Jan. 28, 1855, Silas Manwaring, White Pigeon, Mich.; lie d. June 12, 1890, White Pigeon, Alich. Issue: 1654. I. — Enuna Manwaring. 1655. II. — Margaret. 1656. III. — 'Delia, m. (2) Charles Sanders.. 1657. \\. — Frank. 1658. \'. — Mattie, m. (i) Charles Sanders. 1659. \'I. — Edith. SANDERS. 1656 DELLA MANWARING, m. Charles Sanders. Issue: 1660. I. — Theron Sanders. VINCENT. 1643 ELLA, m. Lafayette Vincent. Issue: 1661. I. — Harry \'in- cent. 1662. II. — Cora. 1663. III. — ^Floyd. 1638 HENRY MELVIN, b. Aug.' 23. 1823; m. Oct. 15. 1845, Emma Susan Manwaring, of Nassau; she d. 1903; he d. Dec. 5, 1894. Issue: 1664. I. — ^Silas, b. Oct. 26, 1852; m. (i) Lydia Brooks; m. (2) Emma Cain. 1664 SILAS, b. Oct. 26, 1852; m. (i) Feb. 17, 1875, Lydia Brooks; d. Dec. 15, 1875; ni. (2) Nov. 22, 1882, Emma Cain, wlm k\. Wax 8, 1898; Schenectad} , .\. Y. Issue: \^^(^^. \. — Henry r.rooks, b. Nov. 29, 1875; m. March 9, 1899, Bessie Washburn, New York City. 1666. 11.— Susan, b. bVl). r, 1884. 16^7. HI.— Earl C, b. Mav 8. i8()8: d. 1899. Kri'TLE. 1639 M.\k(;.\Kl-:r W, l). Dec. 12. 1825: ni. March 12, 1845, l\v Rev. R. Collins, of Nassau, jolm Kittle; d. Jan. 8, i8()S, White Pigeon. Mich. Issue: 1668. I.— llenr\ Kittle, in. Junes. Had Willel Dun- ham and Eugene Kittle. 1669. 11. — Willet E. 230 JOSEPH DUNHAM. RUNKLE. 1640 MARY JANE, b. Feb. 18, 1828; m. March i, 1846, Nassau, by Rev. R. Collins, Abraham Runkle, White Pigeon, Mich. Issue: 1670. I — Melvin Runkel. 1671. II.— Lucy. 1672. III. — Martha. 1620 SAMUEL DYER, m. Clarissa Chapman. Issue: 1673. I. — Jedediah, b. Jan., 1826; m. Lany A. Westfall ; d. Jan. 25, 1854. 1674. II. — Daniel, b. Nov. 14; m. 1831, Mahala Teachout. 1675. III. — Nancy, b. July 2, 1835; m. Fitch Reed. 1676. lY. — Clarissa or Clarin- da, b. Aug. 19, 1841 ; m. Langdon Teachout. 1677. Y. — Lucy P., b. 1839. 1678. YI. — Lydia, b. Dec. 4, 1837; m. D. Byron Sweet. 1673 JEDEDIAH. m. Lany A. Westfall; d. Jan. 25, 1854. Issue: 1679. L— Orville. 1680. II.— Kate. 1681. III.— Mahala. 1674 DANIEL, b. Nov. 14, 1831 ; m. Mahala Teachout; b. Sept. 24, 1838; d. Jan. 16, 1888. Issue: 1682. I. — Dexter Isaac, b. Dec. 3, 1858; m. Harriet Smith. Had Chester, b. Oct. 30, 1882. 1683. II.— George, b. Aug. 8, i860; cripple. 1684. HI- — Jennie, b. Feb. 13, 1865; m. Henry Myers. 1685. IV. — Orville, b. Sept. 20, 1863 ; m. Jan. 7, 1885, Bertha Clark; b. Jan. 12, 1862, Schenectady, N. Y. REED. 1675 NANCY, b. July 2, 1835; m. Fitch Reed; b. Feb. 13, 1830; d. Feb. 21, 1899. Issue: 1686. I. — Stephen Dyer Reed. 1687. II. — Daniel Dunham. 1688. III. — Clara. TEACHOUT— BUTTON. 1676 CLARISSA, b. Aug. 19, 1841 ; m. (i) Langdon Teachout; b. Dec. 21, 1838; d. July 26, 1887; m. (2) Alexander Button. Issue: 1689. I. — Frank L. Teachout. SWEET. 1678 LYDIA, m. D. Byron Sweet ; b. Dec. 24, 1839, Troy, N. Y. Issue: 1690. I. — Elizabeth Sweet. 1691. II. — Clara. 1627 WILLIAM DELOS, m. Caroline Dutcher; will probated, April 10, 1866. Issue: 1692. I. — ^William Delos. 1693. II. — Isaac. 1694. III. — Lewis. 1626 HPRAM, m. Lois Coleman. Issue: 1695. I. — ^Delmar W., m. Larua Teft ; non-commissioned officer; shot at Gettysburg. 1696. II. — Clarinda. COLEMAN. 1624 SARAH, m. Joshua Coleman. Issue: 1697. I. — Isaac Cole- man, engineer city reservoir, N. Y. Central Park. 1698. II. — Lucy, m, James ■- . 1699. HI. — Albertus. 1700. IV. — Isaiah. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 231 CHAPMAN. 1622 Mx\RTHA, m. Jedediah Chapman. Issue: 1701. I. — Jede- diah Chapman. 1702. II. — Priscilla, m. Air. Sweet. 1623 RYLAXD VAN RENSSELAER, m. Abigail Simmons; b. 1810; d. Sept. 2^, 1897; he d. June 4, 1892; will piol>ated July 29, 1892. Issue: 1703. I. — Sally, m. John C. Larkins. 1704. II. — Mary, m. Jesse Wetsell, Burnt Hills, N. Y. WETSELL. 1704 MARY, m. Jesse Wetsell, Burnt Hills, N. Y. Issue: 1705. I. — Harry \\'etsell, m. Etta Ritten. 1706. II. — Hattie, m. lohn G. Mc- Cormick. 1707. III. — ^George. 1708. IV. — Jesse. 1703 SALLY, m. John C. Larkins. Issue: 1709. I. — Ab'da Lar- kins, m. M. L. Green, Schenectady, N. Y. 1625 LOT EATON, b. July 14, 1790; ni. Lyclia Chapman; b. Aug. 20, 1791 ; d. April 2, 1874; he d. April 5, 1874, and Alary West, d. July 21, 1849; will probated, April 25, 1874. Issue: 1710. I. — Nelson B., b. Alay, 1815 ; m. (i) Palmyer Griffen ; m. (2) Cynathia White ; d. Jan. 17, 1893; will probated, Jan. 30, 1893. 171 1. II. — Varilla, b. Feb. 21, 1817; m. Clark Vary Worden. 1712. HI. — Ansel C, b. Nov. 15, 1818; d. young. 1713. IV. — ^Clarissa C, b. April 11, 1821 ; m. William C. Sweet, executor of will. 1714. \'. — Nancy Ann, b. Aug. 17, 1823; d. July 26, 1825. 1715. \T. — ^Anson C, b. July 18, 1826; m. Helen Westfall. 1716. VII. — Alary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 29, 1832; d. June 9, 1833. 1717. \'III. — Rachel Maria, b. Aug. 3, 1834; d. Oct. 8, 1837. 385 JOB, b. W. Lebanon, 1771 ; m. by Rev. Roland Green, Dec. 13. 1792, Elizabeth Williams, of England; m. (2) Lydia, widow of Samuel Jenks, in Savoy, 1800; d. Savoy, 1862. Issue: 1718. I. — Bradish, b. Jan. 19, 1795; m. Candace Cornell, dau. of Capt. James: d. ALirch, 1862. 1719. II. — Charles, b. Feb. 22, 1797; d. (ieneseo. 111. 1720. HI. — Tilson, b. Savoy, Alass. ; d. Shell)urne Falls, Mass. 1721. W. — Will- iams, d. Springfield, 'Mass. T718 BRADISH, b. Alansfield, June 19, 1795; m. Candace Corn- well, dau. of Capt. James and a relative of Gov. Cornwell ; she d. Sept., 1864; member of legislature: a member of the constitutional conven- tion, 1853, 1845-6; d. Alarch, 1862. Savoy. Alass. Issue, b. Savoy, Mass.: 1722. I. — Bradish Philander, b. Aug. 2, 1816; m. (i) Alarietta Cone; m. (2) Clarinda I'xdell. Nov., 1895. 1723. H. — Charles Russell, b. June 3, 1825; m. Caroline M. ("(unslnek, of Perlin, dau. of David and Sarah; he d. Sept., 1854. 1724. Had Dec. 25, 1848, Edwin C, Adams, Mass. 1725. HI. — Jarvis Nelson, b. May i. 1828; m. 1850, blliza Cum- 2%2 JOSEPH DUNHAM. mings ; b. 1830, Adams, Mass., dau. of William, Pownal, \'t. ; he was in Massachusetts legislature three times; d. Dec. 2, 1891. 1726. IV. — Henry James, b. June 26, 1832; d. 1905, Pittsfield, 'Mass.; admitted to bar, i860; chairman of board of selectmen in Stockbridge 17 years; president of Stockbridge library ; manager of Stockbridge Water Co. ; member of legislature in 1871, 1881, 1884; orator at centennial at Savoy, 1896; a practicing lawyer; treasurer of Stockbridge Savings Bank. 1727. V. — George, b. April 2"/, 1837, Greensboro, N. C. 1728. VI. — Alfred J., b. Oct. 22, 1842; d. Feb. i, 1843. 1722 BRADI'S'H P., b. Aug. 2, 1816; m. (i) 1840, Marietta Cone; m. (2) 1856, Clarinda Uxdell ; d. Nov., 1895, West Lebanon. Issue: 1729. I. — ^Charles B., b. Pittsfield, Mass. 1723 CHARLES R., b. Jan. 3, 1825, Savoy; m. 1846, Caroline M. Comstock, of Berlin, N. Y., dau. of David and Sarah; bookkeeper at South Adams, Mass.; d. Sept., 1854. Issue: 1730. I. — Edna C, b. Feb. 20, 1848; m. Air. Phelps, Beatrice, Neb. 1719 CHARLES, b. Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1797; m. Jan. 2, 1837, Adelia Jenks, of Partricket, R. I.; b. Nov. 11, 181 1, dau. of Lydia Jenks, second wife of Job Dunham ; she d. June 19, 1886; he was select- man of Savoy, in 1837; niember of legislature in 1827; went to Henry Co., 111.; from thence to Geneseo,, 111., 1865, where he d. Aug. i, 1886. Issue: 1731. I. — Charles, b. Jan. 24, 1840, Caroline Loring. 1732. II. — Ardelia, b. Feb. 14, 1843, Savoy; m. April 2, 1864, at Annawan, 111., Caleb Swayze ; b. at Annawan, May 13, 1865. Had Ethel who d. in infancy. 1733. HI. — Joseph, b. April 8, 1853, Johnston, R. I.; m. Flora Ammerman, June, 1878, who d. May 13, 1892. 1731 CHARLES, b. Jan. 24, 1840, Savoy, Mass.; d. May 27, 1904, at Chicago; m. April 3, 1862, Caroline Loring; b. May 20, 1840, dau. of John Loring and Lulianne Chamberlain ; attended Lombard College, Galesburg, 111.; admitted to the bar, 1862, Genesee, 111.; a prominent member of the 28th general assembly; member of commission, in 1874, for revision of the statutes of Illinois ; twice candidate for congress. Issue: 1734. I. — Edith, b. March 21, 1864; m. William Horton Foster. FOSTER. 1734 EDITH, b. Alarch 21, 1864; m. May 20, 1885, William Horton Foster, Genesee, 111. Issue: 1735. I. — Warren Dunham Foster, b. Nov. 13, 1836. 1721 WILLIAM, b. Savoy, Mass.; m. Issue: 1736. I. — Ranson W., m. Hattie Morris. 1737. H. — Delia, m. Dr. Bowker, North Adams, Mass. Hon. Charles Dunham, Geneseo, 111. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 233 1736 RANSOM W., m. Hattie Morris, of Sprir.o-ficld, Mass., Chica- go, 111.; b. March 21, 1838; d. 1899; cong-ressnian, 1880; ex-president of board of trade. Issue: 1738. I. — William Morris, Chicago, 111.; m. Zelia Sweet. 1738 WILLIAM M., 111. Zelia Sweet, Chicago, 111. Issue: 1739. I. — Dulcie. 1740. II. — Ransom Williams. 384 DANIEL. 1). Jan. 8. 1764; m. Jan. 26, 1791, by Rev. R. Green, Judith I'lauchard ; b. May 17, 1767; he lived, Savoy, Mass., 1800; d. Adams, Alass., 1854. Issue: 1741. I. — Daniel, b. May 23, 1792; m. Lovina Aldrich ; d. Adams. 1742. II. — Alvan, b. Feb. 19, 1794; m. (i) Elizabeth Babbitt; m. {2) Mary Newcomb ; d. 1889. 1743. HL — Judith, b. June 17, 1796; m. John Schuyler; d. Savoy. 1745. I\". — Fanny, b. May II, 1799; m. Caleb IJourn; d. Savoy. 1746. A''. — Esther, b. Aug. 23, 1801 ; m. Ephraim Walker; d. Savoy. 1747. \L — Joseph, b. Jan. 18, 1804; d. Savoy. 1748. \'II. — Oren, b. Feb. 4, 1807; ni. (i) Sophronia Burnett ; m. (2) Roxanna Stiles. 1741 DANIEL, b. May 27,, i/()2; m. Lovina Aldrich; d. Adams, Mass. Issue: 1749. L — .Arethusa. 1750. IL — Mary L., b. 1822, S. Adams; m. Isaac S. Cole, son of Dexter; b. 1819; druggist Pittsfield, Mass. 1742 AL\'AN, b. Feb. 19, 1794; m. (i) Elizal)eth liabbitt. dau. of Snellen! Babbitt and Betsey Blanchard ; m. (2) Jan. 27,, 1827, Mary Newcomb; b. March 14, 1798; d. Oct. 20, 1875; he d. Feb. 8, 1886; buried in Buckland. Issue: 1751. I. — 'Mary B., b. Nov. 11, 1818; m. Joel Baker; d. Nov. 28, 1841. 1752. II. — Alvan Franklin, b. May 24, 1822; m. Sarah Kimie. 1753. III. — 'Betsey, b. Sept. 5, 1828; m. Snellcm M. Gofif. 1754. I\'.— Abigail, b. 15, 1833; m. .\])ril 15, 1881, Will- iani M. Clark. BAKER. 1751 MARY B.. 1). Nov. 11, 1818, Savoy, Mass.; m. Joel IJaker, Nov. 15, 1838; resided in Hawley, Mass.; d. Nov. 28, 1841. Issue: 1755. I. — Rufus. b. Aug. 30, i83(j; d. Sept. 15, 1840. 1756. II. — Nathan Babbitt, b. July 20, 1841 ; m. Sarah Abbie Snow, duu. of Harmon and Sarah (Deming) Snow, Savoy, Mass.; he enlisted from Hawley, 52d Regiment, Massachusetts X'olunteers ; served lialon Rouge, Red River campaign and seige of Port Hudson; discharged .\ug. 14. 1863; re- sided 36 years in .Savoy and d. in \V. Chestertield, Aug. n;. 1005, and buried in .Adams, .Mass. Issue: I75f>. L — Sarah Abliie I'laker, b. July 8. 1871 ; m. June 22, i8(j8, ]<>ank Uradlcy, IHorida, Mass. 1756. II. — Mary Angeline, b. April 17, 1873; m. Jime 8, 1892, lM-aid< Macomber, W. 234 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Chesterfield, Mass. 1756. III.— Walter Joel, b. Dec. i, 1875; d. Nov. 20, 1884. 1756. IV.— Nellie Belle, b. Aug. 3, 1877; m. Aug. 12, 1903, George E. Miller, Savoy, Mass. 1756. V.— Ada Hannah, b. May 17, 1880; m. Oct. 25, 1904, Charles P. Kenney, Westfield, Mass. MACOMBER. 1756 MARY ANGELINE BAKER, b. April 17, 1873; m. Frank Macomber. Issue: I756n. I. — James Franklin, b. May 12, 1893. i756n. II.— Walter Alfred, h. Sept. 6, 1896. I756n. III.— Lawrence Baker, b. July 22, 1899. 1752 ALVAN FRANKLIN, b. May 24, 1822; m. (i) July 4, 1843, Sarah Kinnie; b. March 10, 1825, West Chesterfield, Mass., dau. of Abner and Lydia Stanton, of Elisha, of John, of John Stanton and Hannah Thomson, of Thomas Thomson and Ann Lord, of Doctor Thomas Lord; m. (2) July 9, 1893, Mrs. Susan Cole; he d. March 10, 1904; he is buried in West Chesterfield; he was peculiarly independent in social, political and religious afifairs ; an honest man and kind neigh- bor; he was devoted to his family and friends. Issue: 1757. L — Herbert Franklin, b. Jan. 2/, 1850, Savoy, Mass.; consulting civil en- gineer, New York City. GOFF. 1753 BETSEY, b. Sept. 5, 1828; m. Jan. 17, 1858, Snellem M. Gof¥. Issue : 1758. I.— Henry M. Goff, b. Oct. 19, 1858 ; m. Hannah M. Orne. 1758 HENRY M. GOFF, b. Oct. 19, 1858; m. Feb. 2, 1881, Hannah M. Orne. Issue: 1759. I. — Philena O. Goff, b. Nov. 16, 1885. 1748 OREN, b. Feb. 4, 1807; m. (i) Sophronia Burnett; m. (2) Roxanna Stiles. Issue: 1760. I. — ^Warren. 1762. II. James. 1763, HI. Ann. 1764. IV. — Eliza. 1765. V.— Sarah. 1766. VI. — ^Fanny. 1767. VII.— Henry. 1768. VIII.— Augusta. 1769. IX.— Charles. WALKER. 1746 ESTHER, b.Aug. 23, 1801 ; m. Ephraim Walker; d. Savoy. Issue: 1770. I. — Antensa Walker. 1771. II. — Candace. 1772. HI. — Joseph. 1773. IV. — Daniel. BOURN. ■ 1745 FANNY, b. May 11, 1799; m. Caleb Bourn; d. Savoy. Issue: 1774. I. — Calyshoe Burn. 1775. H. — Louisa. 1776. HI. — Franklin. 1777. IV. — Sophronia. WHITCOMB. 365 MEHITABEL, b. 1694; m. 1715, John Whitcomh, of Hebron. Issue: 1778. I. — Jemima Whitcomb, b. Feb. 24, 1716. 1779. II. — John, b. Jan. 13, 1718. 1780. HI.— Mehitabel, b. April 9, 1722. 1781. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 235 IV. — Alary, b. Sept. 15, 1726. 1782. \'. — Isaac, b. Aug. 24, 1728. 1783. VI. — Israel, b. March 13, 1733. 367 JABEZ, 1). 1707, Hebron; in. Airs. Salome Tiffany, dau. of Thomas Barrows and Aliigail Kneeland. Issue: 1784. I. — Abigail, b. Sept. 15, 1726. 1785. II. — Jabish, b. Feb. 16. 1728; m. Anne Granville. 1786. III. — Obadiah. b. March 31, 1730; m. Lucy Gillette; d. Feb. 7, 1813. 1787. IW — Liddia, b. Alarch 27,, 1734. 1788. V. — Diadamia, 1). Feb. 20, 1735; m. Nov. 2y, 1756, Job Chamberlain. 1789. VI. — Timothy, b. Alarch 29. 1740; d. Hebron, Oct. 11, 1741. 1790. A II. — Mehitabel, b. April i. 1742. 1791. \'III. — Ebenezer, h. Dec. 27, 1741. 1786 OBADIAH. b. Alarch 31, 1730; AI. D. ; m. Nov. 22, 1754, Lucy Gillette; b. Feb. 18, 1740, dau. of Joel, of Jonathan, of Jonathan, and Alary Kelsey; she d. Feb. 18, 1830; in 1763, he moved to Pownal, Vt. and 1785 to Cooperstown ; fought in Revolutionary war ; one of the heroes of battle of Bennington; Alarch 8, 1763, sent as delegate to Dorset to organize \'ermont as a state ; justice of peace at Pownal for 20 years ; d. at Cooperstown, Feb. 17, 1813. Obadiah Dunham served as a private from Alay 19 to June 28th, 1779, in Capt. Thos. Sawyer's company of militia raised for the defense of the northern frontiers of the L^nited States, and received L2.19.8. Also served as a private 67 days from August i6th, 1780, in Capt. Eli Noble's company; Alajor Eben Allen's Detachment, and received L5.3.4 and served as a private two days in July, 1781, under same command, "as marcher to Saratoga in the alarm in Pownal. (Signed) T. S. Peck, Adjutant General. Issue: 1792. I. — Lydia, b. Nov 8, 1757; m. Wm. Downer, Pownal, \'t.. Oct. 27, 1744; she d. Oct. 15, 1815. 1793. II. — Lucy b. Feb. 7, 1759; m. Benjamin Alorgan. 1794. HI. — ^Obadiah, b. Nov. 7, 1761 ; m. Lois Hendricks. 1795. I\'. — Abigail, b. Feb. 25, 1762; m. (i) Nichols; m. (2) Elisha FuUam. 1796. V. — Diadamia. b. Oct. i, 1765; m. Lyman Jackson. 1797. VI. — Mehitabel, b. April 5, 1771 ; m. William Hendricks. 1798. VII. — Abner, b. Aug. 17, 1773 ; m ( 1) Candace Irons; m. (2) Gratis Griffen. 1798 .ABNER, b. Aug. 17, 1773; m. Candace Irons; captain of Home Guard; d. Feb. 16, 1822; buried at Cooperstown. Issue: 1799. I. — Horatio, b. Aug. 16, 1807; m. Cornelia Rice; d. Hannibal. 1800. II. — Obadiah, b. Sept. 26, 1809; m. Sarah White Winship. 1801. HI. — Ferdinand, 1). I'\'l). 20, 1814; m. Angelina AlcCollam. 1802. 1\'. — Lucy, m. Air. Thurber. 1803. V^ — Amy, m. Air. Campbell. 1804. NT. ■ — Lorena, m. Air. Davidson. 1805. \'II. — Joanna, m. Mr. Alackey. 1806. VIII.— Harriet, m. Air. Walker. 236 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1800 OBADIAH, b. Sept. 26, 1809; lived in Valparasio, Ind. : m. Sarah White Winship. Issue: 1807. I. — Anna Eliza, b. Alay 2, 1841 ; d. Sept., 1847. 1808. II.— Charles Newell, b. Sept. 25, 1847. 1809. III. . — George Ferdinand, b. Aug. 2, 1850; d. Aug. 19, 1850. 1810. IV. — Mary Emma, b. Nov. 29, 1852; m. Edwin F.'White. WHITE. 1810 MARY E., :b. Nov. 29. 1852; m. Edwin F. White. Issue: 181 1. I.— Martha EUen White, b. Oct. 19, 1876. 1812. II.— Sarah Louise, b. Oct. 30, 1886. 1813. III. — Anna Loring, b. Feb. i, 1890. 1814. IV.— May Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1894. 1801 FERDINAND, b. Feb. 20, 1814, Iowa; m. Angelina Mc- CoUum. Issue: 1815. I. — Abner, b. July 20, 1841. 1816. II. — James A., b. July T. 1847. 1817. III.— Obadiah A., 1). July 5, 1852. THURBER. 1802 LUCY, m. Mr. Thurber ; she b. 1817. Issue: 1818. I.— Abner Dunham Thurber, Brooklyn. 1818 CHILDREN OF ABNER DUNHAM THURBER: 1819. I. — Charles Stewart Thurber, 1). Jan. 2, 1826; m. Adaline M. Rogers. Issue: Nine children. 1820. II. — Condace Thurber, b. March 24, 1827 ; well-known writer. New York City ; m. Thomas Mason Wheeler. Issue : 1820. I. — James Cooper Wheeler, Hollis, L. I. 1820: II. — Condace Wheeler, m. Lewis A. Stimson ; d. 1875. 1820. III. — Dora Wheeler, famous artist ; m. Boudinot Keith, 125 27th St., New York City. 1820. IV. — August Dunham Wheeler, New York City. 1821. IV. — Horace Kingsley, b. Dec. 2y, 1828; m. Nancy McLangley ; d. Boise City, Idaho, in 1900. 1822. V. — Lucy Dunham Thurber, b. Aug. 26, 1834; m. 'Ossian Gregory Howard, d. March 3, 1893. 1823. VI. — Abner Dun- ham Thurber, b. Dec. 22, 1839; 4u. Anna M. Ford; d. in 1901. Issue: 1823. I. — Mabel Dunham Thurber, m., Sidney Place, Brooklyn. 1823. 11. — Howard Ford, manager New York Telephone Company. 1823. III. — Raymond Dunham Thurber, Sidney Place, Brooklyn. 1823. IV. — Condace Thurber. 1824. VII. — ^Francis Beattie Thurber, b. Nov. 1.8, 1842; m. Jeanette Meyer. Issue: 1824. I. — Jeanette Meyer Thurber, b. 1872. 1824. II. — Marian Blakeman, b. 1875; m. Frank Pruyn.' Issue: Two children. 1824. III. — Francis Beattie, b. 1881. 1822 CHILDREN OF OSSIAN GREGORY HOWARD AND LUCY DUNHAM THURBER HOWARD. Issue: 1831. I.— Le- land Ossian, b. June 11, 1857, at Rockford, 111.; at present resident in Washington, D. C. ; chief entomologist of agricultural bureau. 1832. II. — George Beers, b. Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1862; now resident at JOSEPH DUNHAM. 237 Cochran, Texas; m. Fannie Inez Caulfield, Dec. 21, 1890. 1833. III. — Frank Thurber, b. May 2, 1866, Ithaca, N. Y. ; cl. Washington, D. C, August II, 1886. 183 1 CHILDREN OF LELAND OSSIAN HOWARD AND MARY THEODORA CLIFTON HOWARD, m. at Washington, April 28, 1886. Issue: 1834. I.— Lucy Thurber, b. April 3, 1891. 1835. II. — Candace Leland. b. Noveml^er 2, 1896. 1836. III. — Janet Moore, b. Jan. 21, 1901. 1832 CHILDREN OF GEORGE BEERS HOWARD AND FAN- NIE INEZ CAULFIELD HOWARD, m. Washington, D. C, Dec. 21, 1890. Issue. I. — George Caulfield, b. 1892. 1838. II. — Leland Thur- ber, b. 1897. 1799 HORATIO, b. Aug. 16, 1807; ni. Cornelia Rice, tanner; tanner and tanner carrier; d. Hannibal, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1879. Issue: 1839. I. — Marshall, b. Sept. 28, 1835 ; m. Mahala Brown. Had Abner, b. 1870; d. 1880; hides and leather. Elmira, N. Y. 1840. II. — Dwight, b. June 9, 1837; ni. Summerfield, Kan. 1841. HI. — Thurston, b. March 21, 1841 ; tanner, hardware; ni. (i) June, 1865, Adele Johnson; d. 1879; m. (2) Dec, 1881, Nellie Hinman ; m. (3) July 8, 1886, Maggie R. Adams. 1840 DWIGHT. b. June 9. 1837, Hannibal. N. Y., Summerfield, Kan., Congregational clergyman; educated Hamilton, N. Y. ; m. May 5, 1863, Laura Ann Hunter; b. Feb. 15, 1839. Issue: 1842. I. — Willis Elmer, b. Dec. 14, 1867; m. Florence Avery. 1842 WILLIS E.. I). Dec. 14, 1867; m. July 10. 1895, Florence Avery, of Reynolds, Neb. ; educated Washburn College ; professional teacher, Summerfield, Kan. Issue: 1843. I- — Dwight Avery, b. March 21, 1896. 1844. II. — 'Hugh Thurston, b. l-'eb. 26, 1897. 1841 THL^RSTON, b. March 21, 1841 ; tanner, merchant; by his third wife, Maggie R. Adams. Issue: 1845. I- — Ib'ward Horatio, b. March 27, 1888. 1846. IT— Chester Adams, b. :\Iay 2. 1889. CHAMBERLAIN. 1796 DIADA]\1IA, I). Feb. 20, 1735: m. Nov. 27, 1736. Job Cham- - berlain. Issue: 1847. T. — Aaron. 1848. II. — Lawsin. 1849. ^^^- — Timolh}-. 1850. 1\'. — Jairns. DOWXFR. 1792 LYDIA, b. IIrl)r()n, Ct,, Sej)!. (k 1757; m. IV.wnal. \'t., Jolm Downer, Oct. 27, 1744; he d. Schenectad}-. X. Y., son oi Win.: b. '710, and Aniv Downer, who later m. Mr. Goff: he d. I'ownal. \'t., Dec. 10, 1815; she d. Pownal. ()ct. i, 1815. John Downer served as a private 238 JOSEPH DUNHAM. two days from Oct. 11, 1780, in Capt. Eli Noble's company; Colonel Samuel Herrick's res^iment of militia, "in the service of the state of Vermont;" 70 miles travel and received L3.1.0. And served as a private, 12 days from Oct 22, 1781, under same command Colonel Eben'r Waldridge's regiment, "in the alarm to Castleton," and received Li. 19.4. and served 13 days as a private under same command, in Nov., 1781, and received L0.17.4. (Signed) T. S. Peck, Adjutant General, State of Vermont. Issue: 1851. I. — William Downer, b. Aug. 4, 1773, Pownal. 1852. II. — Obadiah, b. Sept. 7, 1774, Pownal. 1853. III. — Amy, b. May 23, 1776, Pownal; m. Canterbury, Conn. 1853a. John Austin, b. Nov. 9, 1772; d. Wallamoosac. N. Y., April 16, 1858; she d. Bennington, Vt., Feb. 8 1840. 1854. IV.— John b. Dec. 25, 1778, Pownal; m. (i) Amy Finch; m. (2) Linda J. Stranahan ; he d. June 31, 1850. 1855. V. — Joel, b. Nov. 9, 1780, Pownal. 1856. VI. — Sally, b. Nov. 12, 1782; m. I. Prosser. 1857. VII.^— Lydia, b. April 17, 1786; bap. Sept. 24, 1809; m. Dr. Thomas Bannister. '1858. VIII.— Mary (Polly), b. May 9, 1789; m. T. Belknap. 1859. IX. — Lucy, b. March 22, 1791 ; m. John Hunt. i860. X. — Abner P., b. March 23, 1793. 1854 JOHN DOWNER, b. Dec. 25, 1778, Pownal, Vt. ; m. Linda Josselyn Stranahan; b. Oct. 30, 1782; d. July 21, 1871 ; he d. June 31, 1850, Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 1861. I. — Almena Downer, b. May 4, 1819; d. June 7, 1849. 1862. II. — Pulchera, b. Dec. 12, 1820; m. Nov. 4, 1852, Abram C. Burke, M. D. ; b. June 10, 1818; d. April 15, 1880; she d. Jan. 29, 1896. 1863. HI.— Miranda, b. Feb. 6, 1823; d. May 5, 1897. AUSTIN. ^ 1853 AMY DOWNER, b. May 2^, 1776, Pownal, Vt. ; m. John Austin; b. Canterbury, Conn., Nov. 9, 1772; d. Wallomsac, N. Y., April 16, 1858; she d. Bennington, Vt., Feb. 8, 1840. Issue, b. at Benning- ton, Vt. : 1864. I. — Betsey Austin, b. Dec. 4, 1799; m. Richard Car- penter; d. Aug. 23, 1862, Bennington, Vt. 1865. II. — ^Caleb, b. Feb. 25, 1803 ; m. (i) June 8, 1842, Celinda, dau. of James Henry ; b. Aug. i, 1820, Bennington; d. Sept. 11, 1844, Bennington; m. (2) Aug. 6, 1851, Amelia Olive, dau. of Thomias Ratoome ; b. July 14, 1819, Pittstown, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 31, 1893, Wallomsac, N. Y. ; he d. Jan. 25, 1879, Wallomsac. 1866. HI. — Lorenzo Dow, b. April 18, 1805; d. April i, 1877; m. Aug. 22, 1828, Ruby. 1867. IV. — Amy, b. Feb. 6, 1807; m. Thayer, who d. Sept. 19, 1851 ; m. June 19, 1831, Jabez Dunham; d. May 18, 1881. 1868. V. — Samantha b. July 9, 1810; m. March 16, 1836, Rev. Fish Harmon and had 1869a. Charles Harmon. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 239 1865 CALEB AUSTIN, b. Feb. 25, 1803; m. June 8, 1842. Celinda, dau. of James and Celinda Henry; b. Aug. i, 1820, Bennington, \'t. ; d. Sept. II, 1844, Bennington; m. (2) Aug. 6, 1851. Amelia Olive, dau. of Thomas and Olive Brown Ratoome ; b. July 14. 1819, Pittstown, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 31, 1893, \\'alloomsac, N. Y. ; he d. Jan. 25. 1879, Walloomsac. Issue: 1869. I. — James Henry, 1). July 4, 1843, Bennington, Vt. 1870. H. — Celinda Henry, b. Aug. 7, 1844; m. Robert C. Manley. 1871. HL — Thomas Rattomc. b. Oct. 9, 1854; m. Edma C. Merchant. 1872. IV. — Caleb Downer, b. July 14, 1856, Walloomsac; m. Oct. 14. 1896, Ben- nington, Vt., Joanna Hinsdale, dau. of Stephen and Joanna Deane (Hinsdale) Robinson, of Bennington, \^t. ; resides Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. Austin is connected with the National Express Co.. N. Y. C. 1871 THOMAS R. AUSTIN, b. Oct. 9, 1854, Walloomsac; m. Feb. II, 1885, Edna C, of White 'Creek ; b. Nov. 15, 1861, dau. of Josiah H. and Minerva Eunice (Fowler) Merdhant, Centre White Creek. Issue: 1872. I. — Herbert Merchant Austin, b. Nov. 9, 1892, Centre White Creek. 1873. II. — Olive Austin, b. June 30, 1905; d. July 12, 1905. MANLEY. 1870 CELINDA H. AUSTIN, b. Aug. 7, 1844; m. April 16. 1866, Robert C. Manley, Williamsport, Ohio; she d. La Rue, ( )hio, Dec. 16, 1872. Issue: 1874. I. — Frank Austin jNIanley, b. ^larch 13, 1867; m. Sept. 2/, 1899, Woodie, dau. of Dr. W. A. Hocker, Evanston, Wyom- ing. Issue, Ohio: Florence \^irginia, b. May 7, 1905. 1875. II. — Rachel Emerah, I). Aug. 2^, 1868. 1876. HI. — Avis Belle, b. June 26, 1870; m. Joseph W". Bechtol. 1877. I\'. — James Calem, b. March 2^, 1872; m. June, 1903, Esther Ross. CARPENTER. 1864 BETSEY AUSTIN, b. Dec. 4, 1799; m. Oct. 20, 1820, Richard Carpenter; b. Jan. 16, 1789; d. Nov. 8, 1863, Bennington, \^t., June II, i860. Issue: 1878. I. — Henry G. Carpenter, b. Sept. 21, 1822; d. OberHn, Ohio. 1879. II.— Edward, b. July 18, 1824. Had Edward, Tiffin, Ohio. 1880. HI.— John D., 1). Jan. 14, 1826, Oberlin, Ohio. 1881. IV.--Franklin. b. Feb. 2, 1830; m. .M. Roberts. 1882. V. — Daniel L., b. July 29, 1837; d. New Haven, 1888. 1881 FRANK FIX C ARPFXTFR. b. Fel). 2, 1830: m. Jan. 4, 1852, Helen M. Roljcrts ; b. Sept. 30, 1S31. Issue: 1883. 1.— Ivichanl Car- penter, b. Aug. 3, 1858; m. Sept. 1. 1886, Lena J. Kaull: h. June 25, 1865. 1884. II. — Louise S., b. Aug. 2, 18O1 ; m. J. T. Lockwood. 240 JOSEPH DUNHAM. LOCKWOOD. 1884 LOUISE S. CARPENTER, b. Aug. 2, 1861 ; m. J. T. Lock- wood, White Plains, N. Y. Issue: 1885. I. — Richard Lockwood, b. March 21, 1891. 1883 RICHARD CARPENTER, b. Aug. 3, 1858; m. Sept. i, 1886, Lena J. Kaull ; b. June 25, 1865. Issue: 1886. I. — Helen G. Carpen- ter, b. March 29, 1891. 1866 LORENZO D. AUSTIN, b. April 18, 1805 ; m. Aug. 22, 1828, Ruby Thayer, who d. Sept. 19, 1851 ; he d. April i, 1877. Issue : 1887. I. — Amy Semantha Austin, b. April 18, 1829; m. Austin F. Harmon; d. Feb. 18, 1868. 1888. II.— Ruth Ann, b. Jan. 28, 1831 ; m. John F. Rice. 1889. HI.— Polly Matilda, b. Feb. 28, 1833; m. John Walbridge. 1890. IV. — ^John Milton, b. April 28, 1835. 1891. V. — Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 10, 1837; m. Charles Cole. 1892. VI. — Martha Celestia, b. Jan. 30, 1840 ; d. Nov. 14, 1903. 1893. ^11- — George Henry, b. Jan. 11, 1842. 1894. VIII.— Ruby Charlotte, b. Aug. 30, 1843; m. Henry S. Burt. 1895. IX. — Frederick Lorenzo, b. Jan. 17, 1846; d. Jan. 21, 1870. 1896. X.— Charles Edwin, b. Nov. 18, 1849; d. Sept. 30, 1851. BURKE. 1862 PULCHERA S. DOWNER, b. Dec. 12, 1820; m. Nov. 4, 1852, Abram C. Burke, M. D.; d. April 15, 1880; she d. Jan. 29, 1896. Issue: 1897. I. — ^James Stranahan Burke, b. Oct. 20, 1853; m. Dec. 6, 1882, Mary S. CaLhoun. 1898. II.— Henrietta, b. Dec. 3, 1857; d. Feb. 28, i860. 1897 JAMES S. BURKE, b. Oct. 20, 1853; m. Dec. 6, 1882, Mary S. Calhoun, secretary and treasurer, Atlantic Dock Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 1899. I.— Florence C. Burke, b. May 23, 1884. MORGAN. 1793 LUCY, b. Feb. 7, 1759; m. Benjamin Morgan. Nov. 16, 1775. Issue: 1900. I. — Benjamin Morgan, b. Dec. 30, 1776. 1901. II. — Rachel, b. April 25, 1778; m. Erastus Jewett. 1902. HI. — Lucy, b. March 3, 1781. 1903. IV. — Judith, b. June 2, 1783; m. June 22, 1806, by Obadiah Dunham, Isaac Duel, of Cambridge, N. Y. 1904. V. — Levi, b. Sept. 18, 1787. 1905. VI. — Abigail, b. Nov. ii, 1789. 1906. VII.— Elizabeth, b. Dec. 3, 1791. 1907. VIII. — Mary, b. April 15, 1793. 1908. IX. — Lois, b. Aug. 10, 1795. 1909. X. — Samuel, b. Dec. 7, 1798. 1910. XL — Abraham, b. Feb. 2^, 1803. 191 1. XII. — Lemuel, b. May 12, 1804. 1794 OBADIAH, 'b. Nov. 17, 1761 ; m. Lois Hendricks. Issue: 1912. I.— Caroline M., b. Nov. 8, 1784; d. May 9, 1789. 1913. II.— JOSEPH DITNIIAM. 24I Lucy Gillette, b. July 3, 178^); m. jolm Bowles; d. Nov. to, 1818. 1914. III. — Obadiah, lb. April it, T788; d. April 16, 1790. 1915. IV. — Abner Partridge, b. Jan. 8. 1790; d. Jan. 13, 1790. T916. V. — Lois Beardsley, b. Dec. 8, 1791 : m. Lorenzo Downes ; d. April it, 1875. 1917. YI. — Diadamia, b. July 17, 1794; d. July 18, 1796. 1918. VII. — Abigail, b. Dec. 16. 1795; ni. Feb. 6, 181 1, Thankful Grover. 19T9. VIII. — Henian, b. Feb. 24, 1798. 1920. IX. — Alfred, b. Feb. 9, 1800; m. July 16, 1820 (i) Marietta Kimball; m. (2) Olive Rockwood ; d. March 12, 1867. 192T. X. — Eber, b. Jan. 12, 1803; m. Lucy Jewett. 1922. XI.^ Candace, b. 1805; d. March 22, 1805. 1923. XII. — ^Jabez, b. March 26, 1806; m. Amy Austin ; d. Oct. 18, 1878. 1924. XIII. — Abner Partridge, b. Dec. 24, 1810; m. Mary Norton; d. Jan. 13, 1843. 1920 ALFRED, b. Feb. 9, 1800; m. (i) July 16, 1820, Marietta Kimball; m. (2) Olive Rockwood; d. March 12, 1867. Issue: 1925. I. — Dewey, b. May 6, 1830; m. Maria E. Beebe. T925 DEWEY. I). May 6, 1830; m. May 4, 1854, Maria E. Beebe; b. Feb. 20, 1833. Issue: 1926. 1. — Prudence Carter, 1). March 12, 1855. 1927. II. — Harry Martin, b. July 14, 1857; m. Kathriiie L. Rem- ington. T928. III. — Herbert Stanley, b. July i, 1859; '"• ^I'U'y Loomis. 1929. lY. — Nellie Maria, b. April 28, i86t ; m. George W. Stanley. 1930. v. — Florence May, b. May 10, 1863. 1931. \ 1. — Walter Erwin, b. Aug. 21, 1870; m. Anna E. Warn. 1929 NELLIE M., b. April 28, 1861 ; m. April 12, 1882, George W. Stanley. Issue: 1932. I. — Mora Delia Stanley, b. June 8, 1883. T933. II. — Clarence Newton, b. Sept. 30, 1884. 1928 HERBERT S., I). July i. 1859; m. Dec, 1882, Mary Loomis. Issue: 1934. I. — Arthur, b. Aug. 30, 1884. T935. 11. — Jesse, 1). Jan., 1887. 1936. HI. — FVank, b. Sept., 1890. 1937. I\\ — Kenneth, b. Nov. 8, 1894. 1931 WALTER E., b. Aug. 21, 1870; m. Oct. 20, 1891. Anna E. Warn. Issue: 1938. I. — Mildred F., b. Sept. 12. 1892; d. Aug. 13, '''^93- 1939- II- — Prudence Marjory, b. Nov. 16. 1894. 1927 HARRY M., 1). Jidy 14. 1857; m. .\i)ril 6, 1882, Katherine L. Remington. Issue: 1940. L — Dewey M., April 4, 1887. 1041 ■ H. — Reynolds R.. b. March 27, 1889. 1942. HI.— Louise IF. 1). May 8, 1890. T943. 1\'. — Lura, b. March 10, 1893. 1944. \'. — Katherine, 1). Nov. 2T^, 1894. r.( )\\ LES. T913 UTY (ilLLI-.TTl-:, b. July 3, 1786: ni. .\ov. 2^, 1806, J,Wm Bowles ; d. Nov. 10. 1818. Issue: 1945. ^- — Diadamia IJowles, b. Oct. 22, 1807; m. Mr. Trenlress. i94'^>. 11. — Lois, 1). ()cl. 24, 1809. 242 JOSEPH DUNHAM. DOWNES. 1916 LOIS BEARDSLEY, b. Dec. 8, 1791; bap. April 11, 1827; m. Lorenzo Downes ; d. April 11, 1875. Issue, b. Bennington, Vt. : 1947. I. — Abigail Downes, b. June 5, 1821 ; m. Albert Merchant; d. Oct. II, 1851. 1948. II. — Lorenzo, b. July 21, 1823. 1949. III. — ^Condace, b. Jan. 13, 1826; m. Aug. i, 1853, Albert Merchant; b. Aug. 10, 1818, Powal, Vt.; d. May 14, 1866, Vermillion, S. Dakota; she d. 1863. 1950. IV._Daniel, b. Feb. 21, 1833; d. 1863. 1951. V.— William Hendricks, b. Aug. 14, 1835; Bennington. 1947 ABIGAIL DOWNES, b. June 5, 1821 ; m. Aug. 30, 1843, Bennington, Vt., Albert Merchant, who afterward ni. Condace Downes; she d. Oct. II, 1851. Issue: 1952. I. — Albert Laverge Merchant, b. March 12, 1845, ^^^ York City; enlisted in Union army; was wounded, June 17, 1864, Petersburgh, Va. ; he d. Armory Square Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C, July II, 1864. 1953. II.— Ada Louisa, b. Oct. 20, 1846, Bennington, Vt. ; d. April 13, 1864. 1954. HI. — Lorenzo Stoddard, b. Aug. 29, 1849, Bennington; m. Nov. 12, 1877, Ella Robinson, dau. of Dr. William, of Cedar Falls, Iowa; journalist, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; d. Oct. 18, 1894. 1949 OON'DACE DOWNES, b. Jan. 13, 1826, Bennington, Vt. ; m. Aug. I, 1853, Albert Merchant, her brother-in-law ; b. Aug. 10, 1818, Pownal, Vt. ; d. May 14, 1866; she d. 1863, Vermillion, S. Dakota. Issue: 1955. I.— Frank Ivan Merchant, b. Dec. 23, 1855, New York City; M. A.; Ph. D. (Berlin, Germany) ; professor of Latin in State Uni- versity of Vermillion, S. Dakota. 1923 JABEZ, b. March 26, 1806, Pownal. Vt. ; bap. April 11. 1827; m. June 19, 1831, Amy, dau. of John Austin and Amy Downes, by Rev. Thomas Teasdale, Bennington, Vt. ; b. Feb. 6, 1807; d. May 18, 1881 ; he d. Oct. 18, 1878. Issue: 1956. I. — Caleb Austin, d. Dec. 26, 1833. 1957. II. — Lucy Gillette, b. Dec. 1833; ^^- Dec. 11, 1893. 1958. HI. — Betsey Austin, b. March 10, 1836; d. April 4, 1858, Walloomsac. N. Y. 1959. IV. — ^Mary Samantha, b. March 3, 1838. i960. V. — Obadiah, b. July 10, 1840; d. April 15, 1843. 1961. VI. — Harriet Amy, b. Oct. 7, 1843. 1962. VII. — ^Lydia, b. July 7, 1845; d. Oct. 21, 1846. 1963. VIII. — Justin Edwards, b. Jan. 25, 185 1 ; educated and lived, Benning- ton, where he d. Dec. 3, 1875. NICHOLS— FULLAM. 1795 ABIGAIL, b. Feb. 25, 1762; m. (i) Mr. Nichols; m. (2) Feb. 22, 1798, Elisha Fullam ; d. May 30, 1824; she d. May 30, 1823. Issue: T964. I. — Abner Nichols, b. May 28, 1780; d. Jan., 1848. 1965. II. — JORKT>IT DUNHAM. 243 Simeon Nichols, h. July k;, 1782; d. June, 184J. i(/>f). III. — Cynthia Nichols, b. May 25, 1784; d. 1843. 1967- I\'.— Millard Fullam, b. Dec. 2, 1798; d. April 19, 1800. 1968. \'.— ( )rdel La I'^uUani. b. June 17. 1800; d. Aug. 3, 1823. 1969. VI. — Nelson Fullam. b. Nov. 2. 1805; d. 1850, in Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y. 368 ISAAC, b. 1711; m. (1) Elizabeth, who d. June 20, 1735; (2) m. Nov. 2, 1736, Jerusha Loomis ; b. in 1714. and bap. April 3, 1715, and d. Nov. 6, 1801 ; he d. Jan. i, 1797. Issue, b. Hebron: 1970. I. — • Isaac, b. Aug. 12, 1737; d. Oct. 10, 1756, Hebron. 1971. H. — Simeon, captain, b. Jan. 25, 1739; m. Mrs. Abijah (Phelps) Talcott ; d. Jan. 11, 1817; she b. 1736; d. June 23, 1804. 1972. HI. — Jerusha, b. May 9, 1744; d. July 10, 1744. 1973. IV. — Levi, b. Dec. 2, 1745; m. Anna Waddam, dau. of Caleb, Glastonbury. Conn. 1974. V. — Elizabeth, b. Jan. 17, 1748. 1975. VI. — Esther, b. March 24, 1751. 1976. ML — Elijah, b. ALirch 19, 1752; d. March 22, 1758. 1977. MIL — Calvin, b. March 28, 1754. 1978. IX.— Submit, b. Jan. 9, 1758. 1971 SIMEON, captain, b. Jan. 25, 1739; m. (i) Mrs. Abijah (Phelps) Talcott; b. 1736; d. June 23, 1804, Hebron; m. (2) April, 1806, Anna Strong. He became captain, lived in Hebron and Gilead and d. Jan. II, 1817. Issue: 1979. I. — Isaac, b. Jan. 6. 1765; m. Mary (Polly) Phelps Trumbull; d. Nov. 20, 1827. 1980. II. — Abiah, b. Sept. 19, 1767. 1981. HI. — Simeon, b. July 7, 1769. 1982. IV. — Prudence, b. May 7, 1771. 1983. \\ — John Talcott, M. D., b. Dec. 29, 1773. 1984. \'I.- — Obedience, b. Oct. 22, 1774; d. May 26, 1776. 1985. MI. — Jerusha, b. Nov. 30, 1779. ,1986. VIII. — Elijah, b. 1782; m. Theodora Blodgett ; he d. May 2, 1816. 1979 ISAAC, b. Jan. 6, 1765; m. Mary (Polly) Phelps Truml)ull ; b. 1772, Hebron; d. Feb. 11, 1836, dau. of Benjamin Trumbull (Trimlndl or Turnbull), the historian, of Peter Brown, of the Maxflower; d. Nov. 20, 1827. Issue: 1987. I. — William T., b. 1800; m. (i) Harriet ?^Ic- Kee ; m. (2) Eliza INlcKee ; ni. (3) Eleanor Loveland. 1987a. II. — Isaac Anselm, b. Jan. 13. 1796, Glastonbury. Ct. 1988. HI. — Cyrus, b. Dec. 31. 1798. 1989. IV. — Sophia, 1). l'\'b. 1, 1801. 1990. \'. — Harvey, b. Feb. 2^, 1806; m. Abby Juliet Horton ; d. May 28, 1849. 1990 HARVEY, b. Feb. 28. 1806; m. .Xov. 11, 1831, Abby Juliet; b. Gilead, ili.; d. I'eb. 4, 1887, .St. Louis, dau. of .Sannu'l Cliester llorlon and Sibyl Luther, of Ivllis Luther and Sibyl Post, of Jedediah Post and Deborah Curtis, of Jordon Post, of .\brani Post, of Ste]ihen Post; b. 1600; d. 1659. in Cambridge, 1^)34; Harlfurd, i04(): .^axbrook. 1650; Harvey, d. May 28, 1849. ls>n<-' : I99i- 1- — John Sanuiel, b. l\-h. 24, 244 JOSEPH DUNHAM. 1833; m. Emily Maria Peckham. 1992. II. — Hugh Horton, b. Nov. 5, 1835, Gilead, Ct.; d. Feb. 8, 1862, St. Louis. 1991 JOHN SAMUEL, b. Feb. 24, 1833, Gilead, Conn.; m. March 3, 1858, Emily Maria Peckham; b. April 12, 1837; d. May 25, 1896, Pulaski, N. Y. ; St. Louis, Mo., president of Dunham Manufacturing Co. Issue: 1993. I. — Frank John, b. Dec. 4, 1858; Dunham Manu- facturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. ; New York house. 1994. H. — Cora, b. Nov. 22, i860; m. Willard W. Boyd, D. D. 1995. III.— Nellie, b. Dec. 17, 1864. 1996. IV. — William Gregg, b. Nov. 15, 1871 ; m. Louise Gil- bert. 1997. ^ ■ — Harvey George, b. May 24, 1876. 1996 WILLIAM G., b. Nov. 15, 1871 ; m. Jan. 15, 1895, Louise Gil- bert; b. Painted Post, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1873, St. Louis. Issue: 1998. I. — John Samuel, 2nd., b. Sept. 29, 1896. 1994 CO'RA, b. Nov. 22, i860, St. Louis, Mo.; m. June 2, 1880, Willard W. Boyd, D. D.; b. Nov. 22, 1843, Chemung Co., N. Y. ; he graduated at Harvard, 1871, and spent two years in Germany in uni- versities ; pastorates, Charlestown, Mass. ; St. Louis, Mo., where he now officiates. Issue, St. Louis, Mo. : 1999. I. — ^W'illard W. Boyd, Jr., b. May 19, 1881. 2000. II. — Frank Dunham, b. June 13, 1886. 1986 ELIJAH, b. 1782, at Hebron; m. Theodora Blodgett ; he d. May 2, 1816. Issue: 2001. I. — Harvey, b. May 18, 1806; d. J/ily i, 1835, at Brooklyn. 2002. 11. — Elijah Hart. b. March 30, 1808; d. Oct. 26, 1888; m. Susan Robinson, Windham, Conn. 2003. HI. — Simeon Hanlon, b. May 28, 1810; d. 1874, at Pontiac, 111.; m. Diantha Maria Alden. 2004. IV. — Christie Hiram, b. April 29, 1812; d. Sept. 13, 1841. 2005. V. — Theodosia Harriet, b. Feb. 22, 1814; d. 1844; m. Oct. 29, 1844, Lester L. Cowdry. 2006. VI. — 'Humphrey Blodgett, b. April 20, 1816, at Hebron, Gilead Society; m. June 16, 1840, Sarah Wells. 2006 HUMPHREY BLODGETT, b. April 20. 1816, at Hebron; m. Sarah W'ells. Issue: 2007. I. — ^Chester, m. Mary. 2008. II. — Heber, m. Helen Louisa Dauchy, Dec. 3, 1872; she m. again in 1893. 2009. HI. — ^Theodosia. 2010. IV. — Mary. 201 1. V. — Jenne, ni; Theo- dore L. Smalley. 2008 HEBER, m. Helen Louisa Dauchy, Dec. 3, 1872. Issue: 2012. I. — ^Walter Edward, b. Sept. 9, 1873; graduated at Cornell. 2013. II. — Clarence Wells, b. Dec. 26, 1874; graduated at Williams, 1896. 2014. HI. — Heber, ]). Feb. 25, 1884. 1973 LEVI, b. May 25, 1745; m. June 24, 1779, Anna Waddams, dau. of Caleb, East Glastonbury, Conn. ; d. June 2§, 1844, aged 84 years; he d. Jan. 23, 1821 ; both buried East Glastonbury. Issue: 2015. I. — Joseph dunham. 245 Levi, b. Dec. 18. 1780. 2016. II. — Elijah Rodney, h. July 14, 1783; m. and had a son, Albright. 2017. III. — Sylvester Chester, b. July 12, 1785; ni. Lucy (Cole) Phelps; d. Dec. 29, 1862. 2018. IV. — Anna, b. Jan. 4, 1788; m. Asahel Post; d. 1872. 2019. V.- — Asa. b. Dec. 30, 1789; m. Mary Cole; d. Xov. 10, 1864. 2020. \'I. — Betsey, b. June 8, 1792, Marlborough, tailoress ; d. Jan. 10, 1879. 2021. VII. — Abram, b. Aug. 25, 1794; moved to Western, Conn. 2022. VIII. — Orin, b. Aug. 31, 1803; ni. three times; d. Sept., 1879, East Hampton. 2015 LEVI, b. Dec. 18, 1780; lived in New Hampshire and x^shtabula Co. Issue: 2023. I. — Levi. 2024. II. — Isaac. 2025. III. — David. 2026. IV. — ^John. 2027. \'. — Mary. 2017 SYLVESTER CHESTER, b. July 12, 1785; lived in Glaston- bury; m. (i) Mrs. Philips; m. (2) Lucy Cole, sister of Mary Cole, dau. of Moses, East Hampton, town of Chatham ; d. Dec. 29, 1862, Marl- borough, Ct. Issue: 2028. I. — Sylvester, b. March 6, 1812; d. April 15, 1888; m. (i) Deborah A. Whitmore ; m. (2) Elizabeth Skinner; d. April 15, 1888. 2029. II. — Daniel. Chatham. Ct., had son, George. 2030. HI. — Rachel, m. ]\Ir. Edwards, of Portland, Conn. 2031. I\'. — Amelia, m. Mr. Brainard, of Marlborough, Ct. 2032. V. — Adeline, m. Mr. Lathrop, of Chestnut Hill, Ct. Has Hattie Lathrop. 2028 SYL\'ESTER, b. March 6, 1812; m. (i) March 3, 1844, De- borah Almira Whitmore; b. Nov. 28, 1810; d. May 7, 1859, Haddam, Ct. ; m. (2) May 13, 1864, Elizabeth Skinner, Higganum, Ct. ; he d. April 15. 1888. Issue: 2033. I. — Henry Chester, farmer, Middletawn, Ct. 2034. II. — Mary E. Cone, b. Jan. 11, 1856, Middletown ; m. Marcus Morton Brewster. BREWSTER. 2034 MARY ELAiNOR CONE, 1). Jan. 11, \^s<)' Middletown; m. Oct. I, 1874. Marcus N. lirewster; I). April 21. 1851, llarlfnrd, jeweler in N. Y. C. ; residence, Brooklyn. Issue, fjrookl\n, \. V. : 2035. I. — Minnie Dunham Brewster, b. I'Vb. 11, 1876. 2036. 11. — Marcus Sylvester, b. March 30, i87(). 2037. 111. — Eugene Noyes, b. March 2y, 1881. 2038. IW— Adeline .Mar\. b. Jan. 24. i88(). 2030. \\ —Edith Belle, b. March 11. 1894. 2023 LEA'I, son of Levi, of Levi, 1745. Issue Monroe, b. Sept. 29, 1852. 2041. II. — Anm's, b. Nov. 4, HI. — .Sidney, b. Sept. 7, i85(); ])hysician. Buffalo, N. Y. Irvin, b. May 24, 1861. 2044. \'.- i'.ertha, b. March 24. VI.— Mary, b. July 3, 1864. 1981 SIMEON, b. July 7, lyCx). Issue: 2046. T. — Simeon, b. at 2040 .. I. 1854. 2042. -'(M.^- I\'. iS(.3. 2045. 246 JOSEPH DUNHAM. Hebron, Ct., Feb. 8, 1793; m. 1818, Julia Porter; d. Orangeville, Wyom- ing County, N. Y.. Jan. 25, 1829. 2047. H- — Martha, m. Mr. Barnett, Warsaw, N. Y. 2046 SIMEON, b. Feb. 8, 1793, Hebron. Ct. ; m. 1818, Julia Porter; b. Nov. 30, T799; d. Orangeville, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1859. dau. of Seth Porter; b. Jan. i, 1770, and 'Sarah Covvles ; b. April 10, 1772; Julia, m. Reuben Stone. 1832; Simeon, d. Jan. 25, 1829, Orangeville, N. Y. Issue: 2048. T. — ^Alonzo, b. Oct. 15, 1819; m. Harriet N. Babbitt; d. Oct. 9, 1869. 2049. ^I- — 'George Hall. b. Nov. 14. 1823; m. Louisa T. Virgin; d. May 31, 1894. 2050. HI. — Franklin, b. June 9, 1827; d. April 17. 1853. EDWARDS. 2030 RACHEL, m. Mr. Edwards, of Portland, Ct. Issue: 2051. I. — ^Lewis Edwards, New Britain, Ct. 2052. II. — Sarah, m. Mr. Nale, South Farms, Ct. 2053. HI. — 'Watson. Portland, Ct. 2054. IV. — Son, killed in Civil war. BRAINARD. 2031 AMELIA, m. Mr. Brainard, of Alarlborough. Ct. Issue: 2055. I. — Augus'ta Brainard, m. Mr. Prior', Middletown. 2056. II. — Juliet. 2057. HI. — Carlton. 2048 ALONZO, b. Oct. 15, 1819; m. Harriet N. Babbitt; d. Oct. 9, 1869. Issue: 2058. I.^ — George H., d. at age of 20 years. 2059. II, — Mary N., m. George C. Shattuck. Warsaw, N. Y. ; he is d. ; son, 2060. Hubert A. Dunham ; lives in Warsaw, N. Y. 2049 GEORGE H., b. Nov. 14, 1823; m. April 8, 1850, Louisa T. Virgin; he d. May 31, 1894. Issue: 2061. I. — Jennie H., b. Jan. 6, 1851 ; m. Nov. 30, 1871, Eli T. Cleveland; she d. April 10, 1880. No issue. 2062. II. — Franklin Simeon, b. March 23, 1854; m. Feb. 22, 1876, Clara A. North, New Rockford. N. D. 2063. HI.— Fredd Hall, b. Oct. 20, 1861 ; m. Fanny W. Randall, Batavia, N. Y. 2062 FRANKLIN S., b. March 23, 1854; m. Feb. 22, 1876, Clara A. North ; New Rockford, N. Dakota ; county treasurer of Eddy County. Issue: 2064. I. — ^George Hall, b. Dec. 11, 1885. 2065. II. — Fred Harrison, b. Sept. 13, 1888. 2066. HI. — Clara Louise, b. May 13. 1895- 2065 FREDD H., b. Oct. 20, 1861 ; m. April 23, 1890, Fanny W. Randall, lawyer, Batavia, N. Y. Issue : 2067. I. — Leland Virgin, b. March 8, 1891. 2068. II. — Mary Bachelder, b. Nov. 18, 1892. 2069. JOSEPH DUNHAM. 247 III. — Frank Randall, b. Aug. 29, 1894. 2070. IV. — Lucile Hall, b. Dec. 12, 1896. 2019 A'SA, 1). Dec. 30, 1789, farmer at Marlhorons^h, Conn.; m June 18. 1818, Mary Cole, East Hampton, Conn.; 1). Jan. 4. 1786; d Fel). 12. 1866; he d. Nov. 10, 1864. Issue: 2071. I. — Asa Clark, b Aug. 13, 1821 ; m. Xancy Alelisa Warner; d. Aug. 19, 1897. 2072. 11 • — Henry Miles, b. Jan. 14, 1824; m. Tirzah M. Hale; d. July 28, 1893 2073. HI. — Lewis Edwin, b. Nov. 19, 1825; m. Lucy Mayhew Look 2074. I\'. — Moses Cole, b. July 12, 1829, Marlborough; farmer; d May I, 1850. 2075. \*. — James Everett, b. Oct. 24. 1831, Marll)orough farmer; d. Sept. 16, 1882. 2071 ASA C, b. Aug. 13, 1821, Marlborough, Conn.; farmer; m. June II, 1856, Nancy M. Warner; b. Jan. 4, 1832, Rocky Hill, Conn.; d. April 10, 1898; he d. Aug. 19, 1879, Marlborough. Issue: 2076. I. — Everett Newton, b. /\pril 15, 1857; d. Sept. 18, 1857. 2077. II. — Mary Melissa, b. Jan. 2t^, 1859; i'^'^- April 18, 1886, Charles Henry Arnold; b. Rocky 'Hill, May 20, 1851 ; contractor and builder; d. Jan. 3, 1898. 2078. HI. — Walter Alonzo Warner, b. Sept. 10, 1861 ; d. July 2, 1864. 2079. I^ • — Horace Alonzo Warner, b. March 7, 1866, Sept. 3, 1866. 2073 LEWIS E., b. Nov. 19, 1825 ; m. March 22, 1855, Lucy M. Look;.'b. Feb. 19, 1835, Chilmark ; 40 years M. E. minister, N. E. Conf. (southern). Providence, R. I. Issue: 2080. I. — Julia Arvilla, dan.; b. Jan. 25, 1859, Canterbury, Conn.; Providence, R. 1., teacher. 2072 HENRY M., b. Jan. 14, 1824, Marlborough, Conn.; farmer; m. April 18, 1849, Tirzah M. Hale; b. Nov. 5, 1826, dan. Ann Risley • Hale, N. Glastonbury; cousin of the famous Smith sisters, who first advocated women's rights ; d. July 28, 1893, East Hampton, Ct. Issue, b. East Hampton, Conn.: 2081. I. — I'rederick H., b. Sept. 9, 1850, East Hampton, Conn. 2082. II. — Alfred H., 1). Aug. 22, 1853, New Haven, 'Conn.; paper man. 2083. HI. — Arthur C, b. Dec. 6, 1855; d. Jan. 19, 1879, East Hampton. POST. 2018 ANNA, b. Jan. 4, 1788; m. Asahel Post, who d. Jan. 31, 1839, ^to^^l 57 years; she d. 1872, Bay City, Mich. Issue: 2084. I. — Samantha Post. 2085. II. — Julia. 2086. HI. — CeHa. 2087. 1\'. — ^^aria. 2088. V. — Electra. 2089. \'I. — Sarilla. 2089a. 1 k-nry. 2089I). \lll.^ Hiram. 2021 AP>'RAHAM, b. Aug. .^23, 1794. in Glastonbury, -Conn. ; m. Susan Dt)lph, Nov. 23, 1825, dan. of ICdward Dolph, of Corning, X. \'. 248 ■ JOSEPH DUNHAM. He served in the war of 1812, and received patent for 1,000 acres of land for his services in the army. He received the title of major. Issue: 2090. I. — Abraham Fletcher, b. Oct. 17, 1842, in Corning; m. Jan. 23, 1869. Laura Porter, of Guthrie, la.; he served in the Civil war in the 7th Kansas. 2091. H. — ^Edward Elijah, b. July 2, 1845; "''• Frances Augusta FIufT, of Aurora. 111., Sept. 2. 1870; he served in the Civil war in 13th Illinois Regiment. 2092. III. — Elizabeth Betsy, b. Nov. 21, 1829; m. David Tracey, Nov. 25, 1855, at Painted Post, Steuben Co., N. Y. ; he was b. June i, 1832. 2093. IV. — Sophia, b. July 16, 1832, at Geneva, 111.; m. Otis Parker Scott, August 13, 1855. 2094. V. — Susan, b. Nov. 11, 1835; m. William A. Early, at Geneva, Kane Co. 2090 ABRAHAM FLETCHER, b. Oct. 17, 1842; m. Laura Porter, Jan. 2.-^, 1869. Issue: 2095. I. — ^Lee Harrison, b. June 3, 1869. 2096. II. — ^Van Elmer, b. Nov 19, 1873. 2097. HI. — Orah W., b. June 24, 1876, at Cheyenne, Wym. ; m. in 1896, to G. W. Germaine. Issue : 2089. I. — ^Laura A., b. Oct. 31. 1897. 2099. II. — 'Helen M., b. Dec. 25, 1900. 2100. IV. — Laura Sophia, b. 1880; d. 1887. 2091 EDWARD ELIJAH, b. July 2, 1845 : m- Florence Augusta Huff, Sept. 2, 1876. Issue: 2101. I. — ^Herman Everett, b. Aug. 10, 1871 ; m. Elizabeth Fishburn, June 4, 1895, at Denver, Col. Issue: 2102. I. — Everett Fishburn, b. May 15, 1896. 2103. II. — Esther, b. July 20, 1901. 2104. 111. — Elsie, b. July 20, 1901. TRACEY. 2092 ELIZABETH BETSEY, b. Nov. 21, 1829; m. David Tracey, Nov. 25, 1855, Painted Post, Steuben Co., N. Y. Issue: 2105. I. — Adella D., b. July 18, 1857, Geneva, 111.; d. May 26, 1858. 2106. II.— Clarence D., b. Dec. 18, 1859; m. Mary E. Brumniel, Dec. 13, 1883, Aurora, 111.; she was b. Nov. 21, i860. 2107. HI. — Eddie, b. Sept. 30, 1861, Aurora, 111.; d. Nov. 28, i86[. 2108. IV. — Theresa, b. Dec. 21, 1863, Aurora; d. Sept. 14, 1864. SCOTT. 2093 SOPHIA, 1j. July 16, 1832, Geneva, 111.: m. Otis Parker Scott, Aug. 13, 1855. Issue: 2109. I. — James Gihon, l:. Aug. 8, 1856, 2110. II.— Harriet Adell, b. Oct. 15, 1858. 21 11. HI. — ^De la Clarence, b. March 10, i860. EARLY. 2094 SL^SAN A., b. Nov. 11, 1835; m. William A. Early, Jan. 10, 1861 ; he was b. Nov. 18, 1832. Issue: 21 12. I. — Albert William, b. Nov. 28, 1861. 21 13. II. — Emma Jane, b. Dec. 9, 1863. 21 14. HI. — JOSEPH DUNHAM. 249 Eva May, b. Oct. 8. 1865; in. David V. Grow. 21 15. IV. — Hattie Ann, b. Nov. 30, 1867. 21 16. \'. — George W., b. July 11, 1869. 2117. VI. — Frank Arthur. 1). May 4, 1871 ; served in Spanish-American war. 21 18. \'II. — Mary EHcia, b. Aug. 4, 1873. 21 19. VIII. — Charles Fletcher, b. Aug. ly, 1875. GROW. 21 14 E\A MAY EARLY, b. Oct. 8, 1865; m. David V. Grow, Feb. 22, 1887. Issue: 2120. I. — Mildred, b. Nov. 7, 1888. 2121. II. — Albert David, b. Sept. 17, 1891. TRACEY. 2106 CLARENCE D. TRACEY, b. Dec. 18. 1859; m. Mary E. Brummel, Dec. 13, 1883, Aurora, III; she was b. Nov. 21, i860. Issue: 2122. I.— Leroy B., b. Oct. 29, 1884. 2123. II.— Amy, b. Oct. 11, 1886, Sterling, 111. 2124. III.— Zella Etta, b. July 27, 1889, Sterling, 111. 2125. I\'. — Elizabeth Betsy, b. Nov. 30, 1891, Sterling, 111. 2126. \". — Anna Emily, b. July 29, 1894, Sterling, 111. BENAJAH DUNHAM. XI. BENAJAH, b. Plymouth, 1640; m. Oct. 25, 1660. Elizabeth Tilson, of Scituate, dau. of Edmund, of Plymouth. He bought, in 1672, one hundred acres of land in Piscataway, N. J., and became a planter; 1664, a freeman; 1669, a court officer at Eastham ; 1673, militia captain; May 10, 1679, willed to son, Edmund, seventy acres of land on Raritan river ; to Mary, house and meadow on Bonhanii Creek, and one-third of cattle, movable goods and l>ooks ; to his wife, one-third of cattle, movable goods and books; to Elizabeth, forty acres of land, and one-third of cattle, movable goods and books ; d. Dec. 24, 1680, at Piscataway, N. J. Issue: 2. I. — Edmund, b. July 25, 1661 ; m. July 15, 1681, 'Mary Bonham ; b. Oct. 4, 1661; d. Alarch 17, 1734. 3. II. — John, b. Aug. 28, 1663; d. Sept. 6, 1663. 4. III. — Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1664; d. Dec. 31, 1667. 5. IV. — Mary, b. New Jersey, 1669; m. Mr. Thompson. Had son, John. 6. V. — Elizabeth, b. 1670, New Jer- sey; m. July 15, 1681, Jonas Wood. 7. VI. — ^Hannah, b. June 4, 1666; d. Dec. 25, 1667. 8. VII. — Benjamin, b. Oct. 28, 1667; baptized at Eastham, by Pastor Russell ; d. young. 2 EDMUND, b. July 25, 1661, Plymouth; m. July 15, 1681, Mary Bpnliam, of Nicholas Bonham, and Hannah Puller, of Samuel Fuller, and Jane Lothrop, of Edward Fuller and Ann, who came over in the Mayflower; Jane Lothrop was of Thomas of Robert, of John Lothrop, from Cherry Burton, England. Edmund, ordained at Westerly, R. I., 1705; pastor at Piscataway, N. J.; 1705, founded Seventh Day Baptist, in New Jersey; Jan. 23, 1709, commissioned justice of peace by Queen Anne; d. March 17. 1734. Issue; 9. I. — Benajah, town clerk, 1714 to 1731 ; b. Aug. 13, 1684; m. Aug. 21, 1704. Dorothy Martin; b. June, 1681 ; he d. Aug. 11, 1742. 10. II. — Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1689; m. Aug. 21, 1704, Jonathan Martin. 11. HI. — ^Edmund, Jr., b. Jan. 15, 1691 ; m. (i) March 11, 1717, Dinah Fitzrandolph, dau. of Thomas; m. (2) Mary Hill. 12. IV. — ^Jonathan, b. March 4, 1693; m. Aug. 5, 1714, Jane Pyatt, dau. of Reynier and Elizabeth Sheffield; m. 1677, in Long Island; d. March 10, 1777; she d. Sept. 15, 1779. 13. V. — ^Ephraim, b. May 2, 1696; m. Jan. 16, 171 6, Phebe Smalley. 14. VI. — Ruth, b. Nov. 26, 1698; m. David Thomas. Thomas had Elizabeth; m. Mad An- (250) BENAJAII DUNHAM. 25 1 thony Wayne; she was b. Xewton Square, L'liiladelphia. 15. \1I. — Mary, b. July 1, 1700; ni. June 12, 1721, Elisha Smalley. 16. VHI. — Hannah, b. Ai)ril 14, 1704; m. March 29, 1724, Josiah Davis. COPY OF BEN'NAJA'H DUNHAM'S VVfLL. In the name of God Amen the Tenth day of May One Thousand Six hundred Seventy- Nine I, Benajah Dimham of I'iscattaway in East Jarsy Linin Weaver being of sound mind and remem'brance, praised l)e God, do give and ordain this m\- Last will and Testament in manner and forme following. First I be(|ueath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and m\- body to l)e buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter nominated. Item I give unto my son Edmund the Seventy Acres of land belonging to me which lyeth by Rariton river and I give to him m\- Musquet and my razier. Item I give un'to my daugther Mary my dwelling house and my home lott and all appertinances thereunto be- longing and my lott of 'Meadow in the great Meadow which lyeth by the Creeke which is called Bonhame Creeke and all my Bookes and One Third of my Cattle and moveable goods. Item I give unto my daugh- ter Elizabeth Forty Acres of land belonging to me which lyeth on the North Side of Andrew Woodins home lott and l)oundeth on the East side by the highwa\- that goeth to the vineyard and I give to her one third of my Cattel and m\- moveable goods. Item I give to Elizabeth mv wife for the Tearme oi her Widdowhood One Third of my Cattel and moveable good's and do make her Executrix of this my Last will and Testament Also I ordaine Mr. Samuel Dennis of Wood bridge and John Ffichrandolphe of Piscattaway to be overseers for my children. Item I ordaine that my Daughter shall not dispossesse her mother of the house During her Widdowhood Item T ordaine that the Legacie or thirds which are given to Elizabeth my wife shall at the Marriage or Death of her the aforesaid, the one halfe, returne to my Daughter Mary and the other halfe to my Daughter Elizabeth and all my lands in New England to l)e equally Divided betwixt my daughters. In Wit- ness wdiereof I have hereunto sett mv hand and scale the day and yeare first above written l>enajah I )iudiam : L .S Sealed Signed and De- livered in ve ])resents of I'enin : I lull Geo: Hull l>enajamin lIuU and George Hull have given iheir testimony before me u day of .\ugust, 1680 John .'^malley. Vol. XXI, page 67. Will of llenajah I )unlKini. nuMUions wife Elizabeth, and children iMlmund, Mary and hdizabeth. Land on Raritan River, ISoidiam's Creek and in Xew iMigland. l\x- ccutors the wife, .S;;nuu'l Dennis of Woodbridgc and John I-'itz Ran- 252 BENAJAH DUNHAM. dolph of Piscataway. Witnesses, Benjamin and George Hnll. Will dated May 10, 1679. EDMUXD DUNHAM'S will is recorded in Liber B. of Wills, page 496, on file in the office of the Secretary of State, Trenton. It men- tions his wife, Mary, and sons, Benajah, Edmund, Jonathan, and Ephraim, and daughters, Mary Smalley, Hannah Davis and nephew, John Thompson. Also mentions land in Newi England. Ruth daugh- ter of Edmund Dunham, b. in 1698; m. David Thomas, son of David Thomas and Jane Rythwack. Issue : Elizabeth Thomas, b. about 1722; m. 1742, Isaac Wayne, son of Anthony Wayne, who was b. in Yorkshire, England. He resided for a number of years in Ireland, from whence he emigrated to America. In 1722, settled in Philadelphia and purchased 1,300 acres of land in Chester County. After his death, 500 acres passed into the possession of his son. Isaac. Besides Isaac, he bad three other sons. Among these was Gilbert, employed as a teacher. Historians describe Elizabeth as possessing "Great force of character." She was m. in 1742 and d. in 1792; Isaac d. in 1744; Elizabeth was buried in the church burial ground of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination, at New Town Square, which is 13 m. west of Philadelphia. To reach the cemetery, take trolley from foot of Market Street, along 63d Street, Philadelphia, and change for Newtown Square. The elder David Thomas located at Newtown, Delaware Co., Pa. Phillip Thomas, his brother was b. in 1697; m. Esther, b. in 1698; David was b. in 1695; m. Ruth; b. 1698. When David Thomas located in Newtown, there were two other families of Thomas in Eastern Penn- sylvania, one at Hilltown, Buck Co., the other at Warwick, Chester Co. WAYNE. 14. I ELIZABETH THOMAS, b. about 1722; m. Isaac Wayne, in 1742. Plad one son and two daughters. Issue: Anthony Wayne, known as Mad Anthony Wayne, was born Jan. i, 1745, at Easttown, Chester Co., Pa.; m. Mary, dau.- of Bartholomew Penrose, of Phila- delphia. He was a very important character in the Revolutionary struggle. He d. at Presque Island, Erie County, Pa., Dec. 14, 1796. Many of the descendants of William, who settled in Warwick, Chester Co., were buried in Coventry in that county. I. Newton Ritncr is one of his descendants, lately living in Philadelphia. He is not a Dunham de- scendant. EXTRACTS FROM NEW JERSEY ARCHIVES RELATING TO THE DUNHAM FAMILY. Vol. I., page 134. On September (7ber) 14th, 1673, Bennayah Dunham was sworn in as Captain of the BENAJAH DUNHAM. 253 Piscataway Militia. (Also see N. Y. State Historian's Report, 1896.) Vol. XXL, page 165. Nov. 10, 1688. Edmund Dunham's name men- tioned in an account of several men's I)ills for Quit Rent. Page 194. Was witness to the will of Hopewell Hull proved May 8, 1693. Page 233. Deed Edmund I )unliam to Cap't John LangstafT, both of Piscat- away, for 10 acres of land tliere. Page 282. March 10, 1697. Con- firmation to Ednuuid Duuliani and others of Piscataway, of a small tract of meadow there on the north side of the Raritan Ri\er, west of the lower landing. Page in. Patent of 100 acres of land at Am- brose Point, Piscataway Township, issued to iMlmund Dunham. Page 290. Deed of 20 acres of land from Hopewell llull lo lulnumd Dun- ham. Page 290. Deed from Ijenjamin h'itz Randolph and wife Sarah, to Edmund Dunham for two lots, one of 40 acres and one of 100 acres. Vol. H., pages 326 and 396. In 1700 and in 1701 Edmund Dunham signed petitions of remonstrance against the acts of the proprietors and asked for the appointment of a competent Governor. \'ol. HI., page 200. Edmund Dunham is mentioned as one of the contributors to the Lord Cornbury fund in 1707. Page 211. Is named in an affidavit as one who contributed to that fimd. Page 217. Afifidavit of his con- tributing to that fund. April 29, 1707. Vol. IV., pages 188, 189. Signs a petition of the Freeholders of Middlesex Co. against the elec- tion of Thomas h'farmer as representative. At this election Dunham was the opposing candidate. \'ol. I., page 283. \'ol. XXL, page 112. Patent of 10^/2 acres of land granted to Edmund Dunham in right of his father, P>enajah Dunham. \'ol. XXII. , page 643. "About 1700 or 1701 a number of the members of the Piscata([ua i'.ajitist Church in Piscataqua township, Middlesex Count}-, withdrew from that church and formed a separate congregation, observing the seventh day as the Sabbath. They chose a minister and deacon October iiih. 1705. and in the fourth month, 1707, organized a Seventh Day IJaptist Church with eighteen members. Echuund Dunham, one of the originators of the church, having been ordained at Westerly. \\. L. in 1705. was the first pastor; he had been a lay ])reacher in the Piscataqua Church since 1689. He continued pastor of the new church uniil his death. March 7, 1734- i'l 'i'^ 72nd year. lie was succeeded in 1745 b\ his son. the \\c\. Jonathan Dunham, who had preached to the congregation as a licentiate for many years." The record of the ordination o\ l^dminid Dunham. "The Cluu-ch of (lod keeping the C'oiumandnieiUs oi ( iod and the faith of Jesus Christ, living in Pisca'awa}- and Hopewell in the Pr(nMnce of New jersey, being assemble(l with one accord at the I'.ousc 254 BENAJAH DUNHAM. of Benjamin Martin in Piscataway, the 19th day of August, 1705, we did then and there and with one mind choose our dearly beloved Ed- mund Dunham, who is faithful in the Lord, to be our elder and assist- ant according to the will of God, whom we did send to. New England to be ordained, who was ordained at the church-meeting in Westerly, R. I., by prayer and laying of hands by their elder, William Gibson, the 8th day of Septennber, 1705." 9 BENAJAH, b. Aug. 13, 1684; m. Sept. 21, 1704, Dorothy Mar- tin; b. June t6, 1686, dau. of John and Dorothy Martin, 1715; member of Col. Ffarmer's Regiment, Fourth Company; Capt. Wetherbee ' 1714 to 1731 ; town clerk of Piscataway, N. J.; d. Aug. 11, 1742. Benajah Dunham, oldest son of Edmund Dunham was for seventeen years, 1714 ta 1731, town clerk of Piscataway township. ^ Vol. IV., page 188-9. Arch, of N. J. He signed a petition of remonstrance against the elec- tion of Thomas Ffarmer as representative. In 171 5 he was a private in the Fourth Company of Col. Thomas Ffarmer's Regiment of Militia. (N. Y. State Hist. Report, Vol. I., p. 532.) His nuncupative will on file in the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, N. J., proved August II, 1742, says "that on Monday, August 9, 1742, about five hours before his death he declared his will, mentioning his sons, Benajah and Martin." His wife refused to administer the estate. Issue: 17. I., — John, b. July 8, 1705; m. Oct. 23, 1729, Mercy Drake. 18. II. — Hezekiah, b. Dec. 3, 1707; m. Dec. 23, 1733, Elizabeth Drake. 19. III. — Benajah, b. Aug. 30, 1712; m. Hannah M'artin. 20. IV. — 'Martin, b. Dec. II, 1714; m. 1736, Martin Wooden. 21. V. — Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1715. 22. VI. — Mary, b. April 20, 1717; m. 1736, Peter Wooden. 23. VII. — ^Esther, b. March 14, 1720; m. Samuel Dunn, Jr. 24. VIII. — Priscilla, b. Aug. i, 1722. 25. IX. — Rachel, b. Aug. 16, 1724. 26. X.— Elisha, b. Oct. 11, 1728. 12 JONATHAN, b. March 4, 1693; m. Aug. 15, 1714, Jane Pyatt, by Rev. John t)rake ; first recorded marriage in Piscataway; 1715 mem- ber of Col. Thos\ Ffarmer's Regiment, Fourth Company, Capt. Wether- bee ; 1746, succeeded his father in the ministry; preached in Pennsyl- vania, Westerly,} R. I., an'd Newport; she d. Sept. 15, 1779, aged 84 years, near Steljton, N. J. Inscription on tombstone in graveyard : "In memory of tihe Rev. Jonathan Dunham, died March 10, 1777 in the 83 year of his jage." "Angels may speak him ; ah, not we Whose worth his Congregation see. But for our loss, were it in our power We'd weep an everlasting shower." Issue, Piscataway, N. J.: 26a. I. — Elizabeth, b. 1715; m. 1739, Micaiah Dunn; b. Sept. 12, 1710; d. Col. Azakiah Dunham. BENAJAH DUNHAM. 255 Sept. II, 1779; lie was a RevolutitMiary soldier; she d. Dec. 4, 1771. 27. II. — Azariah, b. Vch. 9. 1718; m. (i) Mary Tuxton ; m. (2) Mary (Ford) Stone; d. Jan. 22, 1790. 28. III. — Jt)natlian, b. May 23, 1721 ; m. Keziah Fitz Randolph. 29. I\'. — David, b. Oct. 14, 1723; m. Re- Ix'cca Dunn; d. Oct. 6, 1807. 30. V. — Isaac, b. Aug. 10, 1725; d. young. 31. VI. — Ruth, b. Jan. 3. 1727; m. Feb. 25, 1746, James Mar- tin. 32. \MI. — Samuel, b. Nov. 2y, 1730; m. IMay 8, 1750. Mary Lucas. 33. \'III. — Jane, h. April 2, 1734. DUNN. 26a I. — ELIZABETH, dau. of Jonathan, 1693 ! ^^- June 27, 1715 ; m. 1738, Micajah Dunn; she d. Dec. 4, 1771, and he Sept. 11, 1779. Issue: 34. I. — Joel, b. 1747; m. Oct. 2, 1775, Rachel Runyan, a Huguenot. Issue: 35. I. — Sarah, b. 1796; m. 1819, Benjamin T. Field, son of John Field, astronomer; she d. 1833. Issue: 36. I. — Jane Randolph Field, b. 1823; m. Thomas Eastman McDonald. Issue: 27- I- — Mary White McDonald, m. James Moses, in 1874. .29 DAVID, b. March 14, 1723; m. Oct. 14, 1750, Rebecca Dunn, who d. Aug. 30, 1734; he d. Oct. 6, 1806; buried at Stelton, N. J. Issue: 38. I. — Jonathan, b. 1751 ; m. (i) Sarah Lenox; m. (2) Su- sanna Halsey ; d. Jan. 6, 1797. 39. II. — Sarah, b. 1752; m. Abel StelH. 40. HI. — David, b. 1755; m. Keziah Dunn. 41. I\'. — Jeremiah, b. 1758; m. Phebe Fitz Randolph; d. Jan. 11, 1831. 42. \'.— Azariah, 1). 1760; m. Elizabeth Dunham. 43. VI. — Phineas, b. 1764; m. Zeruiah Dunham. 27 AZARIAH, b. Feb. 9. 1718; m. (i) Mary Tuxton ; m. (2) May 21, 1753, Mrs. Mary Stone, dau. of 'Col. Jacob and Hannali (Baldwin) Ford; b. Sept. 22, 1734, Morristown, X. J.; civil engineer and surveyor; settled in New Brunswick about 1760; 1763 appoiiUrd l)y New Jersey legislature; commissioner to examine land titles in Ik-rgen township; 1765, served on two boundary commissions; 1775, member of New Jersey colonial assembly; named as a patriot in resolution. Nov. 17, 1775; member of Provincial congress, 1775-6; lieutenant colonel. Sec- ond Middlesex Regiment, 1775-6; commissary general. New Jersey, 1776; 1778, on connnittee of safety, first president of the cor])oration of New Brunswick, under its new charier. 1784: d. Jan. _'_', \y^)o: l)uried in fann'h' ground, risoalawax, .\. J. Issue: 43. 1. — l)avid. ■■.^i|uire,'' b. Aug. 5. 1745; m. Mary I )uuii ; d. March 2(;, 1807. 44. II. — Mary. h. April 20, 1747. 43. III.— Jane, b. h'el). jo. 174S. 4^1. 1\'. — Lewis l'"oril, b. March 31, 1754; m. Jam- Tuthill; d. .\ug. 2(), 1821. 47. \'. — John, b. Jan. 4, 1756; m. .\nn ."^herrerd. 4S. \'i. — James, b. Oct. 12. 1757; 256 BENAJAH DUNHAM. m. Hannah Smith; d. Sept. 23, 1799. 49. VII. — Ehzabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1759; d. Oct., 1761. 50. VIII.— Nancy, b. March 8, 1761 ; d. April 10, 1840; buried ist Reform Church yard. New Brunswick. 51. IX. — Han- nah, b. Feb. 17, 1764; d. Sept. 17, 1764. 52. X.— Sarah, b. Aug. 27, 1765; m. James Hankenson ; d. March 24. 1808. 53. XL — Jacol), b. Sept. 30, 1767, ^ew Brunswick, N. J.; surgeon; ni. Ehzabeth Lawson ; he d. Aug. 22), 1832; buried in 'Christ Church burial ground. New Bruns- wick. 54. XII.— Moses, b. July 5. 1770; d. Sept. 3, 1771. 55. XIII. —William, b. June 27, 1772; d. May 6, 1821. 56. XIV. — Hannah, b. Jan. 17, 1774; d. Feb. 12, i860. 43a DAVID, known as "Squire;" b. Aug. 5. 1745; m. Oct. 17, 1766, Mary Dunn; b. Nov. 8, 1748; d. July 2y, 1823; he d. March 29, 1807; buried near Stelton, N. J. Issue: 57. I. — Zeruaih. h. July 14, 1767; m. Phineas Dunham. 58. II. — Christian, b.May 14. 1770. 59. IH. —Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17. 1772; m. Azariah Dunham, of David. 60. IV. — Jane, b. March 30, 1775; m. 1795-6, Geo. Housell, Cumberland Co., N. J. 61. V. — Benjamin, b. July 6, 1777. 62. VI. — Jephtha, b. Feb. 4, 1780. 63. VII. — Edmund, b. July 23. 1782; m. Sarah De Groot. 64. VIII. — Sarah, b. June 18. 1784; m. Joseph Runyon. 65. IX. — George W.. b. Dec. 19, 1788; m. April 11. 1812, Phebe Vail; b. March 14. 1792; d. Oct. 5. 1881 ; he d. June 22, 1876. 66. X. — Benjamin, b. Aug. 22, 1786; m. Rachel Runyon. 67. XL— David T., b. Aug. 22, 1792; m. Caroline Ross. 38 JO'NATHAN, b. 1751; m. (i) Sarah Lenox, 1775; m. (2) Su- sanna Halsey, who d. May 22, 1808; he d. Jan. 6, 1797, Stelton. N. J. Issue: 68. I. — Jonathan, b. Dec. 25, 1775; m. Mary Clark; d. March 6, 1856. 69. I L— Mary, cL 1779. 70. HI.— Eliza,- d. 1779. 71. IV. — Azariah, b. New Jersey; moved to Sharpsville. y2. V. — Rebecca. y^. VI.— David. 74. VII.— Mercy. 75. VHL— Phineas. STELLI. 39 SARAH, b. 1752; m. 1770, Abel Stelli. Issue: 76. I. — David Stelli. 77. II. — Isaac. 78. HI. — Rebecca. 79. IV. — Christiana. 80. v.— Ambrose. 81. VI.— Mercy. 8ia. VII.— Catharine. 8ib. VHL— Betsey. 8ic. IX. — Sarah. 46 LEWIS FORD, b. March 31, 1754. New Brunswick; surgeon, Third Battalion, New Jersey; m. 1777, Jane, dan. of Dr. Samuel Tut- hill. New P.runswick ; he d. Aug. 26, 1821; i>uried in Presbyterian church yard. New Brunswick. Issue: 82. I. — Lewis, m. Cathrine Campfield, of Morris Co.; she d. at New Brunswick; he is buried in the church vard at New Bruns'wick. 83. II. — Mary, buried in Presbyterian i?i-:naj.\ii dlinham. 257 church yard in Xcw llrunswick. 84. III. — Juha C'.. 111. John 11. Linn, of Philadelphia, 85. IV. — Jane, m. Robert M. l->oggs, of New liruns- wick. 86, V,j^Sarah Ann Tuthill, ni. James Cammelius, Dec. 7, 1818, New Brunswick, N. Y, 87. VI, — ^Jacob, 88. Vll.^'ictor, d, young. 88a. VIII. 88b. IX.— James. 46 DR. LEWIS DUNHAM, son of Col. Azariah Dunham. On Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1776, the Provincial Congress of N^ew Jersey passed the following resolution: "Resolved, uiianimously, that 'Sir. Lewis Dunham be recommended by this Congress to the Honorable Continental Congress as surgeon for the third battalion now raising in this colony." LINN. 84 JULIA C, m. John H. Linn. I'hiladclphia. Issue: 89. I.— Julia Linn. 90, II. — Emily. 91. HI. — Elizabeth, m. William R. Kirk- land, Baltimore. BOGGS. 85 JANE, m. Robert Morris Boggs, New I'runswick, son of Robert and Mary (Morris) Boggs and grandson of Robert Morris, of Philadelphia. Issue: 92, I. — Maria Boggs, m. Job ( )l(len. of Prince- ton. 93. II. — Louis. 94. HI. — Robert Morris, m. Helen (iarretson. 95. I\'. — Julia, in. , CAMMELIUS, / 86 SARAH ANN TUTHILL, m. Dec. 17, 1S18, James, son of Charles Cammelius, of Long Island, and Sarah Roosevelt, dau. of Jacobus, N. Y. C. ; he was a merchant in N. Y. C. ; she was buried in Presbyterian churcK yard. New Brunswick. Issue: 96. 1. — James Cammelius, m. JuHa Leitson, New P>rurtswick. (;7. II. — Jane Dun- ham, b. Aug. II, 1826; m. John Lowu}- l''kMning; (k April 2>, 1S95. FLEMING. 97 JANE D. CA^fMELIUS, b. Aug. 11, 1826; m. at .\ugusta, Ga., Aug. 20, 1863; a wealthy planter; b. 1815, John P. Meming; b. Ai)ril 21, 1895. Issue: 98. 1. — Cammelius i'leming, b. .^ei)t. 15, i8()4; bookkeejier, Augusta, Ga. 99. 11. — Margaret .Marion Roosevelt; b. Dec. i<;. i8r)4 ; m. .Mien Middleton lloatwright. 100. 1 H. — Lewis Dun- bam, b. Jul} 1^ 1868; d. in infancy. r.( ).\ rwKhiHT. 99 MARGARI-yr .MARlo.X KooSIAI'J.T I'LhAI I .\( i. b. 1 )rc. 19, 1864. Augusta, Ga.; m. ()cl. i, i88(;, Allen .\1. i'.oaiwright. Colum- bus, S. C, Augusta, Ga. Issue: 101. I. — Allen Marion I'oatwright, b.,.\ug. T, 1890; (1. Jan. 31, 1 891. 102. H. — James L'annnelins. b. b'eb. 258 BENAJAH DUNHAM. II, 1892; d. Feb. 17, 1892. 103. III. — Margaret Roosevelt, b. Jan. 19, 1894. 104. IV. — Eleanor M., b. Jan. 23, 1895. 47 JOHN, b. Jan. 4, 175^); m. Ann Sherred ; b. March 22, ijC^i ; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 9, 1848, dan. of Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth (Meming) Sherred; he d. July 15, 1799. Issue: 105. I. — John Clark- son, b. July 16, 1792; d. April 6, 1793. 106. II. — Edward Wood, b. Feb. 10, 1794; m. Maria Smyth I'arker ; d. July 26, 1871. 106 EDWARD W., b. Feb. 10, 1794; m. April 28, 1818, Maria Smyth Parker; b. Perth Amboy, N. J., Feb. 2, 1794; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1834, dau. of John, of James Parker and Gertrude Skin- ner, of Rev. William Skinner and Eliza Van Cortlandt ; her mother was Ann Eawrence, sister of Capt. James Lawrence, of the Chesapeake founder and first president of Corn Exchange Bank, N. Y. C. ; he u. Irvington, N. X., July 26, 1871. Issue: 107. I. — ^Edward, b. March 27, 1819; m. (i) Minerva Warner Harrison; m. (2) Penelope Parker; d. 1892. 108. II. — ^^Anna Parker, d. in infancy. 109. III. — John Parker, b. 1820; d. 1849. i^O- ^^- — Lewis, d. young, iii. V. — James Lawerence, b. April 19, 1826; m. Charlotte TifTany Morse; d. Oct. 3, 1878. 112. \'I. — Carroll, b. Oct. 29, 1828; m. Harriet Elvira Kellogg; d. Feb. 18, 1877. 113- VII.— Ann Lawerence, b. Nov. 6, 1832; m. Samuel Colman, Newport, R. I. 107 EDWARD, b. New Brunswick, March 2"/, 1819; m. (i) Jan. 27, 1848, Minerva W. Harrison; b. Litchfield, Conn., Feb. 9, 1821 ; d. July 6, 1851, dau. of Elisha and Minerva (Warner) Harrison; m. (2) March 29, 1855, Penelope (Butler) Parker, Perth Amboy, N. J. Issue: 114. I. — Clarinda Harrison, b. March 21, 1849; i"- Augustus Kirkham. KIRK'HAM. 114 CLARINDA H., b. Brooklyn, March 21, 1849; "i- Dec. 12, 1872, Augustus Kirkham; 1). Ravenna, Ohio, March 19, 1837, son of George and Caroline Adams (Baldwin) Kirkham, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Issue: 115. I. — Susan Baldwin Kirkham, b. Oct. 5, 1873; m. Kensington, Eng., July 17, 1897, Wilfred James Worcester, son of Deari Worcester and Mary Abigail Low, of New York. 116. II. — Alice Harrison, b. Feb. 11, 1875; m. Lloyd McKim Garrison. 117. HI. — Anne Lawrence, b. N. Y. C, March 9, 1877. 118. IV. — ^Edward, b. Hastings-ow-Hudson, Jan. 9, 1883. WORCESTER. 115 SUSAN B. KIRKHAM, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 5, 1873; m. July 17, 1897, at Kensington, Eng., Wilfred James Worcester, son of Edwin Dean Worcester and Mary Abigail Low, of N. Y. C. Issue, b. N. Y. C. : BENAJAII DUNHAM. 259 119. I. — Dean Kirkhani Worcester, ]). Alay 12, 1898. 120. II. — Wini- fred, b. Sept. II, 1899. GARRISON. 116 ALICE II. KIRKHAM, b. N. Y. C, Feb. ii. 1875; m. May 12, 1896, at Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Llyod McK. (iarrison, son of Wendell and Lucy (McKim) Garrison, Orange, N. J. Issue, b. N. Y. C.: 121. I. — Lloyd Kirkliani Garrison, 1). Nov. 19, 1897. 122. II. — Clarinda Kirkham, b. March 6, 1900. 111 JAMES L.. b. April 19, 1826; m. Jan., 1851, Charlotte T., dau. of N. B. Morse, Brooklyn; d. 1874; he d. Oct. 3, 1878. Issue: 123. I. — Maria Parker, b. Nov., 1851 ; d. Nov., 1852. 124. II. — Henry Tiffany, b. April 13. 1854; d. San Antonio, Tex., Jimc 9, 1878. 125. — III. — James Lawrence, b. July 6, 1875; m. 1900, Athelais Crawford, W^akefield, N. Y. 126. I\'.— Helen, b. 1863; d. 1868. 127. V.— Cleve- land, b. Dec. 21, 1865; d. Oct. 8, 1878. 112 CARROLL, b. Oct. 29, 1828; ^I. D. ; m. Feb. 22, 1853. Harriet E. Kellogg, dau. of Ed\vard and Esther Fenn (Warner) Kellogg, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; b. May 9, 1828; d. Jan. 22, 1878; he d. Feb. 18, 1877, Irvington, N. Y. Issue: 128. I. — ^Carroll. b. Jan. 2-^, 1858; m. Mar- garet Worcester Dows. 129. II. — Edward Kellogg, b. Sept. i, i860; m. Mary Dows. 130. HI. — Theodore, b. Nov. 4. 1862; m. Josephine Balestier. 131. I\'. — Herbert, b. June, 1865; d. March 8, 1866. 132. V. — IConstantine, b. June, 1868; d. 1868. 133. \ I. — Beatrice, b. March 2, 1870, N. Y. C. 128 CARROLL, b. Newburg, N. Y., Jan. 25. 1858; m. April 2 1884, Margaret W. Dows, dau. of David, N. Y. C. ; M. 1)., Irvington N. Y. Issue: 134. I. — Ethel, b. Newport, R. I., .\pv\\ 2-, 1886. 135 II.— Carroll, 1). Irvington, N. Y., Dec. 21. 1887. I3(). III.— Dows, b Irvingtoii, June i, 1890. 137. lY. — .Arthur Louis, 1). Irvingiou. Dec II, 1 89 1. 129 EDWARD K., b. Newburg, N. Y., Sept. i, i8r>o; M. D. : m. June 4, 1893, Mary Dows, dau. of David. N. \'. C. Issue: 138. 1. — Theodora, b. 1895. 130 THEODORE, b. Irvington, X. V.. Nov. 4, iSf.j; .M. 1 ). : m. 1897, Josephine Balestier. Issue: 139. I. — Theodore, b. X. Y. C, Dec. 17, i8(j7. 140. 11. — Wolcott Balestier, l>. Boston, .Mass., June 21, KjOO. 48 j.\MES, b. Oct. 12. 1757; HI. Hannah Smith, Xew Ib-uu: w ick. N. j.; d. Sept. 27,, I7(>j. Issue: 141. 1. — Mary .\im. m. Stei)hen Bi:ckalow. 142. H. — Fdiza .*^mith, m. .Stephen Howell. 26o BENAJAH DUNHAM. HOWELL. 142 ELIZA S., m. Stephen Howell. Lssue : 143. L — Julius S. Howell, m. Mary Wilson, of Strondsburgh, Pa. Had Josephine and William. 144. H. — ^Theodorc Dunham, m. Ann D. Wayne, 145. HL — Maxwell. 146. IV. — Annie Grace Gordon. 147. IV. — ^Adaline, d. Oct. 3, 1822; b. Feb., 1822, Stelton, N. J. 148. V.— Abranj. 149. VI. —Rachel M., b. 1813; m. (i) 1834, David B. Davis; ni. (2) Alex. Hertiage. 150. VII. — Isaac S., m. Jane Fitz Randolph. 151. VIII. — Hannah Ann, m. Isaac H. Dunn. 152. IX. — Randolph M., m. Keiza Clawson. 153. X. — William. HOWELL. 144 THEODORE D. HOWELL, m. Ann D. Wayne. Issue: 154. I. — Jennie Wayne Howell, m. Robert Le Boutillicr. BOUTILLIER. 154 JENNIE W. HOWELL, m. Robert Le Boutillier. Issue: 155. I. — Theodore Howell Boutillier. 156. II. — Beatrice. HANKENSON. 52 SARAH, b. Aug. 27, 1765; m. James Hankenson, of Monmoutih Co., N. J.; d. March 24, 1808. Issue: 157. I. — Eliza de Sassure Dunham Hankenson, m. James H. Newell. 158. II. — ^Nancy. 159. HI. — Lewis Ford. 160. IV. — ^Elias Conover. 161. V. — Edward Ford, m. Jane Lawson Ayres. 162. VI. — William A. 163. \^II. — 'Caroline Moore, buried First Reform church yard, New Brunswick. 164. VIII. — Mary Dunham. 165. IX. — Gustavus, m. Deborah B. Remsen. 53 JACOB, b. Sept. 30, 1767, New Brunswick; surgeon, New Jer- sey Volunteers; m. Elizabeth Lawson; d. Aug. 23, 1832; buried in Christ Church burial ground, New Brunswick. Issue : 166. I. — Maria. 167. II. — ^^Catharine Lawson, I). July 14, 1791 ; m. George W. Deshler, March 26, 1875. 168. III. — Charles, m. Elizabeth Morel, New Brunswick. 169. IV. — James R., m. Sarah Taylor; d. Camden, N. Y. 170. V. — ^William L., d. young. 171. VI. — ^Eliza, d. New Brunswick, Christ Church yard. 172. VII. — ^George, d. young. 173. VIII. — Moses, d. young. 174. IX. — William, d. May 6, 1821. 175. X. — Hannah, d. Feb. 21, i860, New Brunswick. 168 CHARLES, m, Elizabeth Morel, Savannah, Ga. ; d. New Brunswick, Christ Churchyard. Issue: 176. I. — Ann McQueen. 177. IT. — Mary Elizabeth, m. W. H. Armstrong; d. New Brunswick, Christ Churchyard. 178. 111. — Charles, m. Elizabeth Stout; d. New Bruns- wick, Christ Churchyard. 179. IV. — Julia, m. David Stevens, M. D. J 80. V. — Morel, m. Lucretia Morrison. 181. VI. — 'Alfred, m. Kate. r.RNAjAII DTTNIIAM. 261 157 ELIZA DE SASSIRE HAXKEXSON. m. James H. Newell. Issue, Xewell : 182. I. — Augustus Dunham Xewell, m. Elizabeth (Mackintyre) Alagee. Cliiklren : 183. I. — Adelaide Xewell, h. Jime it, i860; m. William S. .Meek. 184. Had W'm. X. Meek. 185. II.— Elizaheth Diuiliam Xewell. b. .April 2S<. 1865; m. Augustus liergan, b. 186-. 1 lad*! )iiiiald .Mcintyre" P>ergan. 187. III. — William .\uguslus, M. D., LL. I)., graduate Rutgers College and Uni\ersity ol I'ennsyl- vania Alediea! College; member of congress, ^oth, 3Tst and ^(nh ctin- gress ; governor of Xew Jersey and Washington Terrilorw While in congress obtained the hrst appropriation for establishing tlie first life saving station along the coast of the Ignited States; m. Joanna \'an Deusen. Children: 188. 1. — Eleanor \'. 1). X'^ewell, m. John Xewell Jordan; lieutenant comman I. — Charles Dunham Deshler, h. March i, 1819; m. .Mar\- .Moore Ilolcombe. 210. II. — h^lizabeth D., b. Dec. 24, 1821 ; nn. I'^dwai'd I'.renion I'oggs. 211. III. — Mary P.., m. Robert 'C. Case. CASE. 211 .MARY R. DESHLER, m. Robert C. Case. Issue: 212. I.— Caroline I). Case. 213. II. — ■Eli;jabcth. 209 CHARLES D. DESHPI'R, I.. March 1, i8i(,: m. Mav 30. 1841, Mary M. Holcoml:)e, postmaster, New Ibunswick. .X. J. Issue: 262 BENAJAH DUNHAM. 214. I. — ^Edward B. Deshler, b. Feb. 4, 1842; m. Rebecca M. Cherry. 215. II. — George W., b. July 30, 1844; U. S. Military Academy, 1868; first lieutenant. First Artillery. U. S. ; d. July 28, 1875. 216. III.— Monroe H.. b. July 19, 1847; d. Aug. 9, 1866. 217. IV. — James, b. May 10, 1850. 218. V. — Kate, b. July 30, 1852. 219. VI. — Theophilus H., b. Aug. 25, 1855; d. Dec. 9, 1856. 220. VII.— Mary H., b. Nov. 14, 1856. 221. \'III. — Eliza D., b. Feb. 15. i860; d. Jan. 31, 1861. 222. IX. — iCharles. b. Oct. 16, 1863. 22^. X. — Frederick, b. March 26, 1866. 224. XI. — ^Edith, b. July 14, 1869. BOGGS. 210 ELIZABETH D. DESHLER, b. Dec. 24, 1821 ; m. Rev. Ed- ward B. Boggs, of New Brunswick. Issue: 225. I. — George Brenton Boggs, b. Jan. 8, 1844; '^i- Hannah Thompson. 226. II.— Charles Deshler, b. July 7, 1845; "i- Catherine Cole. 22/. III. — Francis Cranston, b. Dec. 26, 1846. 228. IV. — Edward S., b. Jan. 8, 1848; d. Sept., 1850. 229. V. — ^Herbert. 68 JONATHAN, b. Dec. 25, 1775, New Jersey; in war of 1812; first constable tax collector in towniship of Pymafing, Pa. ; m. Mary Clark; d. Sharpville, May 6, 1856. Issue: 230. I. — Justice, moved to Jackson Co., Iowa; a large family. 231. II. — Margaret, m. Mr. Dun- lap. 232. HI. — ^George, b. Aug. 8, 1806; m. Jane Hodge; d. Jan. 3, 1871. 233. IV. — 'Clark, b. Jackson Co., Iowa; family. 234. V. — Azariah. b. Mercer Co., Pa. 235. VI. — Rachel, m. Mr. Jackson, de- scendants in Columbia Co.^ Ohio. 236. VII. — Experience, m. John Fargeson, Clark, Pa. 237. VIII. — ^Elizabeth, m. William Morger, Iowa. 238. I. — Jane, m. Simeon Hod'ge, Jackson Co., Iowa. 239. X. — Phineas, b. Dec. 28, 1846; lived on homestead, Sharpville, Pa. 240. XL — ^Mary, m. D. Groscost, Sharpville. 241. XIL— James, d. young. 232 GEORGE, b. Aug. 8, 1806; m. Jane Hodge; d. Jan. 3, 1871. Issue: 242. I. — Jonathan, b. Sept. 20, 1835; three years Company B, Tenth Pennsylvania Res. Corps; killed by accident, March, 1869. 243. II. — Robert, b. Dec. 23, 1836; Company K, 63d Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers; wounded in second battle of Bull Run; d. Jan., 1875. 244. HI. — Samuel, b. 'Sept. 14, 1838; three years in U. S. army. Company K, 63d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers ; postmaster 17 years, Sharpsville, Pa. 245. IV. — Mary, b. Avig. 3, 1840; d. April I, 1874. 246. V. — George, b. May 9, 1842; d. yopng. 247. VI. — Re- becca J., b. June 14, 1844; d. May 14, 1862. 239 PHINEAS, b. Dec. 28, 1846; lives on the old homestead of I I BENAjAir DUNHAM. 263 Geo. Dunham, Sharpsvillc. I'a. Issue: 248. I. — William. 249. 11. — Elizabeth. 250. III. — Malta \'aiice. 251. I\'. — Azariah, Sharon. Pa. 234 AZA'RIAH. Issue: 252. I.— Robert. Sharon. Pa. Had Alvin Sharpvillc. 253. II. — Ezra. Had Samuel. Alaxani. Pa. 254. IH. — Martin, moved to Jackson Co., la. 255. IV. — Henry, Sharon, Pa. Had William I'.. 2^(^. \. — James, Iowa. 40 D.W II). b. 1755; m. Keziah Dunn; b. June 22. 1733: he d. Sept. 8, 1812. Issue: 257. I. — Xoah. b. 1799; d. 1799. 238. II. — Sarah, m. Daniel Kunyon. 41 JERE.MIAH, b. 1758: m. Phebe Fitz Randolph, who d. June TO, 1827. ag-ed 68 years; he d. Jan. 11, 1831. Issue: 2=f(). I. — Eliza- beth, m. Daniel Stelli. 42 AZARI'A'H, 1). Dec. 24, iy6o: m. Oct. 17, T79S, Elizabeth Dun- ham, who d. April 12, 1827. Piscataway. X. J.; he d. Oct. 7. 1839. Stclton, X". J. Issue: 260. I. — Jephtha, b. June 22, 1793: m. Ann Runyon. 261. II. — Aaron, 'b. June 4, 1793 ; m. Eliza Carlisle. 262. HI. — Mary, m. Job Wolverton. 32 SAMUEL, b. Xov. 27, 1730; m. :\Iay 8. 1730, Mary Lucas. Issue: 263. I. — Jonathan S., b. 1776; m. (i) Elizabeth Ayers ; m. (2) Betsey Drake; d. Eeb. 3, 1849. 264. 11. — Elizabeth, b. 1761 ; m. Xahum I)unn. 265. IH. — Mary, b. 1763 ; m. Richard \\:\\\. 266. I\\ — Thomas, I). 1760, m. ; (1. at sea. 267. I.— Hejjzibah, b. 1731 ; m. April J3, 1769, Samuel Walker. 266 THOMAS, b. 1760; d. at sea. Issue: 268. I.— Alorris. 269. II. — ]Mary, m. Daniel Ferrel. 270. HI. — ^Catharine, m. James Phyle. 271. IV. — Harriet. 263 JOiXATH'AN' S., I). 1776: m. (i) Ehzabeth Ayers; d. Jan. 16. 1841 ; m. (2) Betsey Drake; d. Jan. 3. 1849. Issue: 2y2. I. — Samuel. 2yT,. II. — James A., m. Sarah Holton. Had Marilia Jane, who d. 1862. 274. HI. — Xehcmiah. 273. 1\\ — Ambrose. 276. \'. — Prndcnce A. 277. \L— P.lackford. 278. \II.— Elisee M. 279. \ III.— kunvnn. 43 PHIXEAS DUX'HAM. b. Dec. it. 1764. was the son of David Dunham; b. March 14, 1722; d. ( )ct. 6. i8()C), and was buried near Stelton, X. J.: he m. .Xov. 13. 1788, Zerniah Dunham; b. Jul\- 14. 1767; she was the tlau. oi David Dunham, b. .Xug. 3, 1743. cousin of Phineas and son of Azariah Dimham ; he d. I'\'b. 10, 1844, and Zerniah. d. |ul\- 16, 1864, in X'ernon, near Meadville, I 'rnnsylvania. Polh lie buried in the Glendale Cemetery, Meadville. Issue: 280. I. — Rebecca, b. Sept. II, 1789; m. Samuel Lord; she d, in .Mead\ille. Pa. 281. II. — Lewis, b. Nov. 3, i7<;i : m. Jane McGradw b'eb. 20, 181 2; he d. in Meadville, 264 BENAJAH DUNHAM. Pa. 282. III. — Lot Parent, b. Nov. 27, 1793; m. Catharine H. Mead, dau. of General David ^Nlead, Oct. 2-], 1825 ; iie d. in Meadville, Pa. 283. IV. — Jeremiah Stelli, b. Oct. 31, 1795; m. Cynthia Bradley, March 30, 1820; he d. in Detroit, Mich. 284. V. — Simeon Dunham, b. April I, 1798; d. in Baton Rouge. 285. VI. — Maria, b. April 28, 1800; m. Edward Augustus Reynolds, Aug. 9, 1821. These children were b. in Piscataway. 286. VII. — Eliza, b. Sept. 28, 1802, Cran-ford Co., Pa. ; m. Hon. James Miles, June 7, 1827; she d. near Girard, Pa. P'HI'NEAS DUNHAM was b. in Piscataway, New Jersey, Dec. 11, 1764; was m. Nov. 13, 1788, to Zerniah Dunham, who was b. March 3, 1764. After their marriage they settled near their native place where six children were b. In 1802 they emigrated to the wilds of Western Pennsylvania and located on a farm, which he had./ purchased about twelve miles north of Meadville. The journey was made in wagons and took about six weeks' time, following the route by Bald Eagle, now Belleforte. As the roads were scarcely more than Indian trails, it is wonderful that they should have had, according to tradition, but one accident on the way, that being the upsetting of a wagon which was not attended by any serious results. Their domestic animals were driven with them, and each morning the bucket containing the milk was hung under the wagon, and by night the butter was churned ready for the evening meal. After weary days, and nights full of fear, they arrived at their new home. It and the surroundings were so wild and desolate, that they completely discouraged the brave pioneer, who had guided and guarded them safely through all their wearisome journey, rind he turning to his wife, said, "Zerniah, we cannot live here, we will not unpack, but we will go back home again." "No, Phineas," said his energetic wife, "You broug'ht me here, and here I will stay." After remaining here three or four years, they removed to a farm which he purchased just north of Meadville, a beautiful prairie, long known as "Dunham's Flats." Hfere they established the lovely home, the memory of which is so cherished by the few living grand-children. The house Imilt with heavy hewn logs, was fashioned after the New Jersey home- steads, one-and-a-half stories in height, with a porch along the entire front covered with vines and bordered with flowers. A wide hall with a plain staircase divided the house and terminated in an out kitchen. On the right it opened into an immense ki'tchen, whose sand-polished iloor and general order made it no mean place for the entertaining of Qompany. On each side of the huge fireplace was a large pantry, from v.hich could be drawn, at any time, all the requisites for a satisfactory BENAJAII DUXIT.\^^. 265 meal. In the fireplace hung- the large iron crane, with its pots and kettles, and in front stood the "Reflector,"' a large tin box with three sides, and o|)en front with two shelves, in wliicli l)y tlie reflected heat were baked the cakes, pirs and ])nd'dings, wlnle the bread was baked in the iron "l)ntch o\'en," or in the large l)rick one onlside. No one, who has ever \-isite(l one of these old-time homesteads, can forget the cheer and l)eanty of tlie light and hi'at from, these large fireplaces, particnlarly. in the evening, wlien tht' ])ine l ^7^2'y bouglit 100 acres of Robinson; first lieutenant. Fifth Company, Third Battalion; ensign. Third Company, Third Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers in Revolutionary war. 384. X. — Catherine C, b. 1741 ; d. Piscataway, 1814. 385. XL— Peter. 386. XIL— Rachel. 377 NEHEMIAH,, b. Nov. i, 1721, Piscataway, N. J.; m. (i) Ann Dunn; m. (2) Mary Clarkson ; m. (3) Oct. 26, 1768, Ann McKinney ; m. (4) April 4, 1775, 2^1rs. Bethany (Berdin) Adams, who m. Mr. Stewart afterward. He bought in 1760, 600 acres of Robinson, and moved to Clinton, Hunterdon Co., X\ J., 1767; sold 40 acres to A. Bonnell; 1774, !)ought land at Piscataway, adjoining Abraham's. Benaiah's and Alartin's lands, a part of the land purchased by Robinson, of New Jersey Society; 1778, served in third assembly, X^ew Jersey; 1783, served in seventh assembly; 1791-1797. justice of Hunterdon Co.; d. ?^Iarch 12, 1802, at Bethlehem. Issue, b. at Piscataway: 387. I. — Sarah, h. Aug. 27. 1746; m. Capt. Adam Hope; d. Sept. 29, 1826. 388. II. — Asa, b. 1751; pastor of Presbyterian Churches at Oxford and Bethel, N. J.; 1806, succeeded David Barclay in the ministry; m. (i) Sarah McPher- son ; m. (2) Traphagan'; m. (3) Rebecca Oxford; m. (4) ^lary McKinney, who d. from ])urns ; m. (5") Elizabeth Moore; he d. Sept., 1825, at Shamokin, Columbia Co., Pa. 389. HI. — Joanna, b. 1752; m. April 18, 1772, Benaiah Dunham. 390. lY. — James, b. Oct., 1754; m. (i) Mrs. Mary (Dunham) Carhart ; m. (2) Elizabeth Carpenter: d. Sept., 1820, Bethlehem, Pa. 3(^1 . \'. — -Aaron, b. 1759; unmarried; m Xew Jersey legislature, 1791-95; 1786, 1788, grand treasurer and junior warden of Grand Lodge of Masons of New Jersey : d. at King\\x)otl, Hunterdon Co., Nov. 25, 1802. 392. VI. — -John Clarkscni. 1). 1761 ; Clinton, 1817, thence to Cincinnati; m. Martha Washington Willis; he d. 1839. HOPE. 387 SARAH, b. .\ug. jy, 1746. Piscataway; m. Oct. 31. 1765, Capt. Adam Hope; 1). June 13. 1741 ; d. Sept. 26, 1821 ; she d. Sept. 2(), 1826, I'etlilehem. Wluii (len. Lee was taken ])risoner at White's Tavern, l>ush])v Ridge, the renmant of his army and (ien. Sulli\an's next in rank, marched from \ ialtown or iKTuardsville, by \\a\ ol rhickemin to I'lin- ton, auil from thence to the Delaware River, where they crossed into Pennsylvania and joined Washington's army. While on their march 272 BENAJAH DUNHAM. through Clinton, forty of Sullivan's soldiers were provided with break- fast by Sarah Dunham. Issue : 393. I. — Samuel Hope, b. Sept. 23, 1766; m. Rebecca Compton. 394. II. — Esther, b. Nov. 27, 1769; m. James Hall. 395. HI. — Anna, b. Aug. 18, 1772; m. Preston Foster. 396. IV. — Margaret, b. July 21, 1775; m. Joseph Carpenter. 397. V. — Nehemiah, b. June ^y, 1778; m. Rebecca Emmons. 398. VI. — ^Mary, b. Feb. 21, 1781; m. Elias Wyckofif; d. July 29, 1863. 398a. VII.— James W., b. Nov. 10, 1784; m. Ellizabcth Sharp. 399. VIII. — Lydia, b. May 31, 1787; m. Henry Emery. 398a JAMES W. HOPE, b. Nov. 10, 1784; m. Feb. 14, 1813. Eliza- beth Sharp; d. July, 1863. Issue: 400. I. — Marshall Hope. 401. II. — William. 402. III. — Aaron. 403. IV.— James H. 404. V. — George Washington. 405. VI. John. 406. VII. — Elias. 407. VIII. — Lydia. EMERY. 399 LYDIA HOPE, b. May 31, 1787; m. April 2.2, 1807, Henry Emery. Issue: 408. I. — Aaron Emery. 409. II. — William. 393 SAMUEL HOPE, b. Sept. 2}^, 1766; m. 1791, Rebecca Comp- ton. Issue: 410. I. — Ezra Hope. 411. II. — Sara'h. 412. HI. — Richard. 413. IV. — Mary. 414. V. — Adam. 415. VI. — Thomas. 416. VH. — John. 417. VIJl. — William. 418. IX. — Lydia. 419. X. — Rebecca HALL. 394 ESTHER HOPE, b. Nov. 27, 1769! m. James Hall, May 17, 1789. Issue: 420. I. — Mes'hac Hall. 421. IT. — Aaron. 422. HI.— Elizabeth. 423. IV. — ^Bethany. 424. V. — 'Anna. 425. VI. — Phineas. 426. VII.- — Mary. 427. A'lII. — Lydia. 427a. IX. — John. . FOSTER. 395 ANNA HOPE b. Aug. 18, 1772; m. Preston Foster. Issue: 428. I. — Andrew Foster. 429. II. — ^Sarah. 430. HI. — Robert. 431. IV. — Jane. 432. V. — Adam. 433. VI. — Thomas. CARPENTER. 396 MARGARET HOPE, b. July 21, 1775; m. Sept. 15. 1793. Joseph Carpenter. Issue: 434. I. — Mary Carpenter. 435. II. — N^ancy. 436. HI. — Samuel. 437. W . — ^Ashman. 438. V. — Joseph, ist. 439. VI. — Joseph, 2d. 440. \'II. — Sarah. 441. VIH. — George. 442. IX. — William. 443. X. — Elizabeth. 444. XI. — John.. 445. XII. — Lydia. HOPE. 397 NEHEMIAH HOPE, b. June 27, 1778; m. Rebecca Emmons. Issue: 446.1. — Margaret Hope. 447. II. — John. 448. III. — Ann. 449. IV. Rachel. 450. V.— Mary. BENAJ Air DUNHAM. 273 WiYCKOFF. 398 MAin' HOPE. 1). I'cb. 21, 1781; m. Oct. 18, 1798, Elias W'yckoff ; (1. July 29, 1863. Issue: 451. I. — Elias Wyckoff. 452. II. — Sara'h Ann. 453. III. — Lydia. 454. IV. — Neheniiali. 455. V. — Mary 456. \M. — Christiana. 457. \11. — Joanna. 458. \ 111. — Rachel. 459. IX. — Aaron. 460. X. — George. DUNHAM. 389 JOANNA, b. 1752; m. April 18. 1772; Benaiah Dunham; d. March i8, 1820. Issue: 461. 1. — Susan, m. Reuben Caiild. 462. II. — Joanna, d. 1820. GUILD— WYCKOFF. 461 SUSAN, m. (1) Reuben Guild; m. (2) Abraham W'yckoff. Issue: 463. I. — Aaron Guild*. _, 464. II. — Joseph. 465. III. — John 466. IV. — Rebecca, b. Dr. Price. 467. V. — William, m. Stevens. 468. VI. — Edgar. 469. VII. — Susan, m. Elias Patterson. 390 JAMES, b. Oct., 1754; moved to Clinton, N. J.; m. (i) his cousin, Mrs. Mary (Dunham) Carhart, dau. of Charles; b. Jan. i, 1760; d. Aug, 1803, Bethlehem; m. (2) Elizabeth Carpenter, who afterward m. Alex. Dunn; d. Sept., 1820, Bethlehem, Pa. Issue: 470. I. — Susanna, b. Jan. 14, 1794. 471. II. — Asa Clarkson, b. Clinton, ^lay 3, 1795; in assembly; 1824-27, Justice, Hunterdon Co., 1828-29; town- ship, Connecticut, 1824-27. 472. III. — Nehemiah, b. Aug. 3, 1797; m. Catharine Emery; b. April 12, 1800; d. July 5, 1873, Roselle, N. J.; he d. Jan. 29, 1868, Clinton. 473. IV. — Aaron, b. Dec. 2y. 1799; m. (i) Catharine Kline; (2) m. Mrs. Eliza (Bonnell) Stiger. 474. V. — Azariah Whitfield, b. Feb. 22, 1802; m. Euphemia Gibbs ; d. Aug. 28. 1863. 472 NEHEMIAH, b. Aug. 3, 1797; m. Catherine Emery; b. April 12, 1800; d. July 5, 1873, Roscllo, N. J.; he d. Jan. 29, 1868, Clinton. Issue: 475. I. — Mary Clark, b. Jan. 5, 1819; m. Morris S. Stiger. 476. II. — James, b. Jan., 1821. 477. HI. — John Emery, b. Nov.. 1823; m. Elizabeth Stiger. 478. IV. — Elizabeth Smith, b. March, 1826; m. Aaron D. Hope. 479. V. — ^William F.., b. Oct., 1828; in. Susan .'\. Barringer. 480. VI. — Bethany Stewart, b. July 27,, 1831 ; m. Elbridge \'an Syckle. 481. VII. — Christiana, b. .March 1, 183(1: ni. Joseph Warren l)ur>bury. 482. MH.— 'Catharine, b. April 15. 1839; d. .\ug. 26, 1853. 483. IX.— Asa Clarkson, b. June. 1845; m. Mary P. Doughty. VAX S^'CKEL. 480 BETHANY S., b. July 23. 1831. Clinton: ni. May 20. 1850, Elbridge; b. March 18, 1820, son of I^avid \'an S\ckel anury. 650. II. — Sarah Ann, m. William M. Apgar. 651. HI.- — iMary E. Dunn, m. Levi Case. 652. IV. — ^^Caroline<, BENAJAH DUNHAM. 2/9 m. Samuel \\ Edgal. 653. \\ — Isabella L)., m. George II. Van Syckel. 654. \I.— Paul H. P. 655. NIL— Alelinda, m. William C. Alpaugh. RUNKEL— VAN SYCKEL. 625 SARAH 'CARHART, b. Dec. 18, 1794; m. (1) Aug-. 24. 1815. Philip Runkel ; m. (2) Daniel \'an Syckel, her brother-in-law. Issue: 656. I. — George Runkel, m. Jane Laqueer. 657. II. — Sarah, m. Jacob Besson. 658. III. — Nelson, m. Sarah Voorhes. 659. I\'. — Almira W., m. Dr. Dewitt Hough. 660. \'. — John C m. Helen Chichester. 626 DANIEL CARHART, 1). March 6, 1797; m. Sept. 25, 1818, Christiana Bird; d. Sept. 29, 1819. Issue: 661. I. — Cornelius Car- hart, b. July 7, 1819; 111. (i) Elizabeth I'ird: m. (2) Matilda Pierce. 627 SAMUEL CARHART, b. May 10, 1798; m. (i) Lavina Lari- son ; m. (2) Fanny Button. Issue: 662. I. — Lavinia 'Carhart, ni. Gerliom Moore. 663. II. — Helen Mai, m. Samuel L. Bonnell. 664. HI. — Larison B., m. (i) Damana C. Hamilton; m. (2) [May H. Nace. 665. IV. — Josephine. CRAIG. 628 RAOHEL CARHART, b. Oct. 15, 1801 ; m. June 30, 1821, Moses Craig. Issue: 666. I. — Austin Craig, m. Adelaide Churchill. 66y. II. — Emily. 629 JOHN CARHART, b. March 6, 1804; m. Keziah Larison. Issue: 668. I. — James Larison Carhart, m. Kate Smith. 669. II. — DeW'itt Clinton, m. Elizabeth Smith. 670. III.— Elvvood, m. Minnie E. Lanehart. 671. IV. — Sarah E., m. E. Parshall. 672. V. — Albert, m. Margery A. Smith. 673. VI. — Kate L., m. William Rutherford. 674. VII. — Fanny A. 675. \'III. — John Clayton, m. Ruth Gifford. 676. IX. — Austin Craig. 630 NEHEMIAH CARHART, b. Aug. 24, 1806: m. April 5. 1832. Sarah Patty. Issue: 6//. I. — Samuel N. Carharl, m. Cornelia Seward. 678. II.— Sarah A. 679. III.— John P. 680. i\'.— Henry E.. m. Cor- nelia Doll. 681. \'. — h'rances L. 586 JACOI'., 1). 1770, Piscataway, x\. J.: ni. Mar\ I^orter; b. 1776: removed to Hunterdon Co.. 1815; lived in Clarksburg. Harrison Co., Va.; d. 1854. Issue: 682. 1. — l^lizabelh, had cue child. h^T,. II. — Catharine, liad nim- children. ^)S4. III. — 1 )aniel, b. 1 S04 ; d. I'eb. 28, 1881 ; had eight children. 685. I V — Mary, liad due child. ()86. \'. — Nancy, had one child. (>Xy. \'I.— I'.etsey. (.88. \ll.— Enoch, b. .\ng. 23, 1814; d. Jan. 2, 1848; had se\n'n children. 689. \TH. — Robert F.. Baptist preacher, in West N'irginia. (njn. I.\. — William I.., lutned to Illinois, 100 miles from Chicago. 28o • BENAJAH DUNHAM. 587 ARCHIBALD, m. Miss Parks, of Hackettstown ; 1830, moved to Mis&ouri. Issue: 691. I. — Daniel, came North to get his mother's dowry; went to Missouri, 1830. UANNING. 592 PRISCILLA, m. Levi Lanning. Issue : 692. I. — Daniel Lan- ning, m. Hoffman. 693. H. — Enoch, m. Shafer. 694. HI. — Aaron. 695. IV. — Elizabeth. 696. V. — Kat'harine, m. Gar- rett Compton. 697. VI. — ^Nancy, m. Ross Stevenson. 698. VII. — Reibecca, m. John Anderson. 699. VIII. — Mary, m. Job Wolverton. DUNN. 594 DINAH, b. 1761 ; m. Alexander Dunn, Piscataway. Issue: 700. I.-^Archibald Dunn, m. Nancy Dunn. 701. II. — Betsey, m. Steele Dunn. 700 ARCHIBALD DUNN, m. Nancy Dunn. Issue: 702. I.— Theodore Dunn. 703. II. — Ambrose. 621 CHARLES CARHART, b. Nov. 16, 1786; m. Oct. 19, 1823, Christiana (Bii'd) Carpenter; d. June 4, 1863. Issue: 704. I. — Eliza- beth 'Carhart, b. 1826; m. William F. Hoffman. 705. II. — Joseph B.. b. 1829; m. Christiana T. Emery. 706. HI. — ^Whitfield, b. 1832; m. Mercy G. Emiery. 707. IV. — Mary V., b. 1833; m. William Humphrey. 708. V. — Samuel, b. Nov. 3, 1835. 709. V. — ^Christiana, b. 1837; m. Whitfield Dunham. 710. VI. — Daniel, b. 1839; m. Josephine Story'. 260 JEPHTHA, b. June 22, 1793; m. Oct. 11, 181 5, Ann Runyon. Issue: 711. I. — Jane, b. July 16, 1816; m. Augustus T. Stout. 712. II.— Nelson, b. Sept. 18, 1818; m. Elizabeth A. Linant. 713. III.— Lewis Runyon, b. Aug. 22, 1824. 714. I\^ — Jeremiah Stelle, b. Nov. 19, 1831 ; m. Sept. 24, 1867, Frances Augusta Lawton ; b. Aug. 30, 1846. 715. v.— Elizabeth A., b. Aug. 10, 1834; m. Henry Waters. STOUT. 711 JANE, b. July 16, 1816; m. Augustus T. Stout. Issue: 716. I. — Annie E. Stout, m. Ezekial H. Wade. 712 NELSO'N, b. Sept. 18, 1818; m. Feb. i, 1844, Elizabeth A. Linant. Issue: 717. I. — Andrew Linant, b. Dec. 9, 1844; m. Mary Magee. 718. II. — Charles Arndt, b. Aug. 25, 1850. 714 JEREMIAH S., b. Nov. 19, 1831 ; m. Frances Augusta Lawton ; m. Sept. 24, 1867. Issue: 719. I. — Lewis Augustus, b. Feb. 10, 1869, Kansas City, Mo. 720. II. — Edith Virginia, m. Barton Lessey Parker; she b. May i, 1872. HENAjAir nrxTiAM. 281 WATERS. 715 ELIZABETIT A., h. Aug". 10, 1^:54; m. I'mry Waters. Issue: 721. I. — Annie Stout Waters. ^22. 11. — Georg-e II. 723. III. — Lewis Dunham. PARKER. 720 EDITH MRGIN'IA, b. Oct. 9, iS(j5: m. I'.art.Mi Lessey Parker; she 1). May i. 1872. Issue: 724. I. — Stevens, 1). June 29, 1898. 725. II. — Alexandrine, 1). Dec. 26, 1899. 717 ANDREW L., I). Dec. 9. 1844: m. Feb. 22. 1866, Alary Megee. Issue: 726. I. — Albert Xcwell. 1). Jan. 6, 1867; ni. May 9, 1889, Jane De Camp Felch. Had Xelson. b. Feb. 26, 1893. 7-7- 1^- — Clarence Manning, b. Feb. 4, 1869; clergyman. 728. HI. — -Arthur Magee, b. Alarch 2, 1872; d. July 16, 1895. 729. \\ . — Grace \'rel, b. Nov. 9, 1873. 261 AARON, b. June 4, 1705; m. Eliza Carlisle. Issue: 730. I. — Mary, m. Nehemiah Peck. 731. II. — Louisa, m. George Werts. 67 DAA ID T.. b. Aug. 22, 179- ; ni. Caroline Ross. Issue: 732. I. — Harriet, m. John J. Clarkson. j}^}^. II.— Mary, m. William A'an Rensaeler Forman. FORMAN. 733 MARY, m. \\'illiam \'an R. Forman. Issue : 734. l. — J. Harvey Forman. 735. II. — Caroline. 736. HI. — Mary \'an R. CLARKSON. 732 HARRIET, m. John J. Clarkson. Issue: 'jiy. I. — William Clarkson. 738. II. — Caroline. 739. HI. — John James, Jr. 63 EDMUND. 1). July 22,. 1782; m. Sarah L. De Groot ; d. Feb. 9, 1853, Stelton, N. J. Issue: 740. I. — Theresa, m. Mr. Davis. 741. 11. — ^Mary Ann. 742. HI. — Susan, m. J. \'. Xevins. 743. \\ . — Sarah K. 744. \'. — 'Olden. 745. \'I. — Henry, m. Catherini' Arnold. 745 HENR'^', m. CatluTinc Arnold. Issue: 74O. I. — I'.dmund. 747. II. — Cavilla. KCNA^ON. 64 SARAH, b. June iS. 17S4; m. Joseph i\nn\>'n. Issue: 74S. I. — Mordecai Runyon. 749. H. — George, "j^p. ill. — Caroline. 751. I\'. — Jane. ''' 61 BENJAMIN. I). Aug. 22. i78(); m. Kaclud Runyon. Issue:. 752. I. — Mary, m. Michael Cox. 65 GEORGh: W:. b. Dec. 19, \'j^'!^\ m. April 11. 1S12. IMieiie \'ail ; b. March 14. I7<;-'; d. ( )cl. 5, iSSi ; d. Juno _'_>. iS7(.. I 'jscaiawax . \. J. Issue. Piscatavvay, N. J.: 753. I. — David \ .. b. Jan. 10. 1S13; in. VW/.w- belh S. Mcfiinnis: d. March n. iSSi. 731. II. lA aline, b. .\pril 5. 282 BENAJAH DUNHAM. 1815; m. Nehemiah Fitz Randolph; d. July 26, 1883. 755. III. — Elizabeth Cole, h. Oct. 27, 1817; m. Nov. 10, 1842, Barzilla D. Ran- dolph, Plainfield; d. Sept. 30, 1874. 756. IV. — James Vail, b. Jan. 24, 1820; m. (i) Dec. 16, 1856, Ann G. Field; d. Jan. 13. 1891. 757. \'.— William Vail, b. March 25, 1822; m. (i) Sept. 16. 1857, Hannah A. Jacobs; d. May 31, 1891 ; m. (2) Sept. zy, 1893; wrote poem. The Home of Our Childhood; read at reunion, Stelton, N. J., Aug. 12, 1896; Eliza Hammond, Newmarket. 758. VI. — Jane H., I7. Aug. i, 1824; d. June 21, 1825. 759. VII. — Daniel \^ail, (b. May 24, 1826; m. Elizabeth Dunn; d. Mav 29, 1865. 760. VIII. — Henry Van Devertz (Deveer) ; b. Dec. 27, 1828; m. Nov. 10, 1855, Susan M. Smally ; b. June 28, 1834, Dunellen, N. J. 761. IX. — ^Clarkson Christian, b. March 24, 1831 ; m. Jane E. Jones; d. Nov. 27, 1891. 762. X. — George Howell, b. June 9, 1834; m. Eliza Dyer. 763. XL — Charles Edward, b. Jan. 22, 1837; m. April 7, 1870, Barbara Honeyman, dealer in hardware, Bound Brook, N. J. 753 DAVID v., b. June 16, 1813; m. Feb. 18, 1836, Elizabeth S. Mc- Ginnis; d. July 19, 1896; Flemington, N. J.; he d. March 11, 1881. Issue, Flemington, N. J.: 764. I. — Emma, b. Dec. 31, 1837, Fleming- ton; d. Sept. ir, 1847. 765. II. — George W., b. July 19, 1841 ; m. Mary S. Cool. 766. HI.— Charles S., b. June 15, 1856; d. June 24, 1878. 765 GEORGE W., b. July 19, i'84i, Flemington, N. J.; m. Mary S. Cool, president of the Hartford and Springfield Railway Co., N. Y. C. Issue : 767. I. — Mary E., b. Feb. 26, 1865. 768. II. — Frederick C, b. Nov. 9, 1870; general agent Hartford and Springfield Railway Co., N. Y. C. FITZ RANDOLPH. 754 EVALINE. b. April 5, 181 5; m. Oct. 11, 1838, Nehemiah Fitz Randolph; d. June 14, 1850, Plainfield. N. J.; she d. July 26, 1883. Issue, Plainfield, N. J. : 769. I. — Emma D. Fitz Randolph, b. Dec 2, 1846, Dunellen, N. J. 756 JAMES v., b. Jan. 24, 1820; m. Dec. 16, 1856, Ann G. Field; b. Sept. 29, 1832; he d. Jan. 13, 1891. Issue: 770. I. — Ella F., b. Dec. 2^, 1857, Dunellen, N. J. 771. II. — Charles Irwin, b. Feb. i, 1861 ; m. Feb. 16, 1892, Araminta Burt, Belle Centre, Ohio. yy2. HI. — Eliza- beth G., b. Nov. 24, 1863, Dunellen, N. J. yy^. IV.— Lucy V., b. Feb. 19, 1872; m. Harold W. Tomlinson. TOM LIN SON. 773 LUCY v., b. Feb. 19, 1872 ; m. Oct. 16, 1894. Harold W. Tom- linson ; b. Nov. 24, 1871. Issue: 774. I. — Harold W. Tomlinson, Jr., b. Jan. 19, 1896. BENAJAII DL^XIIAM. 283 759 DANIEL \'., b. Mav 24, 1826; fanner at Xewmarket ; soldier; m. Oct. ly, 1847, Elizabeth Dunn; h. Dec. 28, 1826; d. March 9, 1886; d. May 30. 1865. Issue: yj-^. I. — Aurclia, b. Dec. 22, 1848; m. Xov. 9, 1870, Francis F. Randolph; 1). Dec. 25, 1848. '/'jd. II. — James R., b. Jan. 14. 1853; m. Xov. 4, 1874, Lizzie Giles; b. Sept. 2, 1853. 'j'j~. III.— Phe'be Jane, il). July 24, 1855; m. Theo. C. Laing. 778. IV.— George E., b. Oct. 21, 1858; ni. Jennie Schrieber. 779. \'. — Sarah E., b. March 4. 1861 ; m. John S. Emmons. 780. \'I. — Hannah A., b. April 3, 1864; m. John J. Force. 778 GEORGE E., b. Oct. 21. 1858; m. Oct. 23. 1889. Jennie Schrieher; b. Sept. 10. 1885. Issue: 781. I.— Wilbur A., b. July 2},, 1890; d. July 13. 1892. EMMOXS. 779 SARAH E., b. March 4, 1861 ; m. April 26. 1884, John S. Emmons; b. Feb. 9. 1863. Issue: 782. I. — ^Lillian E. Emmons, b. March 4, 1885; d. Dec. 12, 1886. FORCE. 780 HAXNAH A., b. April 3. 1864; m. Feb., 1885. John J. Force; b. Sept. 9, i860. Issue: 783. I.— John J. Force, Jr., b. Aug". 26, 1886; d. Aug. 2y, 1886. 784. IL— Frank D., b. April 2. 1S89. LAIXG. y-j-j PHEBE J., b. July 24, 1855; m. March 18, 1875, Theo C. Laing; b. Xov. 25, 1850. Issue: 785. I. — Daniel E. Laing, b. Sept. 16, 1876. 760 HEXRY VAiN D., b. Dec. 2-/, 1828; m. Xov. to. 1855, Susan M. Smalley; b. June 28, 1834; wrote the history of the Dunham family, read at reunion, Aug. 12, 1896, Stelton, X. J., Dunellen. X. J. Issue: -86. I.^Allie v., b. bAb. 9, 1857; m. Isaac Giles. 'j'^y. H.— Win. Cortlandt, b. March 29, 1859; m. Julietta P.urdick. ■j'^'^. III.— Phebe. GILES. 786 ALLIE v., b. Feb. 9. 1857: m. Isaac (iiles, Xov. 1, 1876. Issue: 789. I.— Remie E. Giles, b. Dec. 2},, 1S81. 787 WILLIAM C.. b. March 29, i85(j: m. (i) .\ug. 30. i87(). Julietta P.urdick; b. May 15. 1857; d. .\pril 2(). i8()i ; m. (_') Harriet Vincent ; b. Aug. 26. 1872. Issue: 790. L — I larry 1'... b. July 15,1880. 7QI. n.— Susan M., b. July 17, 1S82. 792. II 1.— William V... b. Sept. 13, 1889. y^)},. IV. — George V., b. April 2G, 1891. 7<)4. \'.— \inceni. b. March 31, 1896. 761 CLARKSON €., b. March 24, 1831 ; m. Sept. 18. 1854. Jane E. Jones ;b. Oct. 11. T853; d. .\i)ril i, iSS(); he d. \ov. 27. iS()i. Issue: 284 EENAJAH DUNHAM. 795. I. — ^Willard C, b. Sept. 17, 1855; m. April 17, 1881,, Mary B. Stover; b. Jan. i, i860, receiving teller of the Hanover National Bank; d. Oct. 23, 1891. 796. II. — Louise Elvira, b. March 4. 1856; m. An- thony Kilgore. 797. III. — Frank V., b. Feb. i, 1864. 798. lY. — A. M'ott, b. Sept. 16, 1857; m. June 12, 1894, Etta ]^Iorton, Montana. KILGORE. 796 LOUISA E., b. :\Iarch 4, 1857; m. May 16. 1877, Anthony Kilgore ; b. July 13, 1856. Issue: 799. I.— Jennie D. Kilgore, b. Feb. 12, 1878. 762 GEORGE HOWELL, b. June 9, 1834; he was for many years a member of the firm of Lesher, Whitman & Co., 670 Broad- way, New York, d. at his residence, 19 W. 81 st Street, on Saturday af- ternoon, July 22, 1905, of Bright's disease. Mr. Dun-ham was b. in Middle- sex County, Piscatavvay Township, N. J. When fifteen years of age, he secured a position with the dry goods firm, of Wm. E. Lawrence & Co. Six years later, in 1855, he became a bookkeeper with Lesher, Whit- man & Co. His energy and ability made him so valuable to the house that in 1865 he was taken into partnership. Mr. Dunham was well- known among the trade, especially in New England. Up to three years ago, iwhen he withdrew from active participation in the selling end of the (business, he visited Boston every other week. He made a host of friends, and was beloved by all the employees of. the concern and highly respected by the trade, his strong personality, steadfastness of purpose and unflinching faithfulness to business being everywhere recognized. Mr. Dunham was a member of the L^nion League and New York Athletic Clubs and of Republic Lodge, No. 690, F. & A. M. He was m. in 1857 to Eliza Dyer, dau. of Charles Dyer, and his widow and one of their six children survive him. — ^Dry Goods Ecoinomist, New York, July 29, 1905. Issue: 800. I. — Sarah E., b. Feb. 20, 1859; m. April 30, 1884, Henry Birnell ; d. Nov. 10, 1884. 801. II. — 'Charles C, b. April 2, i860; d. Feb. 24, 1861. 802. HI. — Ella F., b. July 24, 1862; d. Nov. 25, 1865. 803. IV. — ■William Henry, b. Feb. 26, 1864; d. March 3, 1864. 804. v.— Emily L., b. 'May 2, 1868; d. Aug. 22, 1869. 805. VI.— Helen Vail, b. Dec. 6, 1872; m. William W^ilson Ketchner, June 14, 1899. 28 JONATHAN, b. May 23, 1721 ; m. 1742, Keziah Fitz Randolph; made will Nov. 16, 1782. Issue: 806. I. — Rebecca, b. Nov. 24, 1743. 807. II.— 'Mary, b. Alarch 3, 1745; m. Davi'd Dunn. 808. III.— Tabitha, b. Nov. 3, 1747; m. Lambert Merrill; d. Jan. 28, 1778. 809. IV. — Abraham, b. May i, 1750; m. Sarah Fitz Randolph; d. Feb. 19, 1826. 810. V. — 'John, b. Oct. 30, 1752; m. Eunice Dunn; d. Nov. 29, 1832. Geoki.ic II. DiMiAM, New York City. BENAJAH DUNHAM. 285 MERRILL. 808 TABI'THA, Nov. 3. 174;: ni. Nov. 29, 1763, Lamibert Merrill; b. Oct. 3, 1741 ; slic tl. Jan. 28, 1778. Lssue : Si 1. I. — lAbraham Merrill, b. Aug-. I, 1771; 111. .Mary Love; d. Jan. 14. 1855. 811 ABRAHAM 'MLRRILL, 1). An--, i. 1771 ; ni. April 30, 1797, Mary Love; b. Feb. 9, 1775; d. Sept. 28, 1821 ; hv d. Jan. 14, 1855. Lssue: 812. L — Abraham L. Merrill, 1). ^larcli i<), I7'j8; 111. Eleana E. Merrill. 812 ABRAHAM L. MiERRlLL. 1). Marcli k;. i7<;8: m. Eleana E. Merrill. 813. L-^Mary E. Merrill, b. Jan. 2, 1821 ; m. I'eler Clarkson La Forge, and had .Marg-aretta La I-"orge ; 1). .May 9, 1846, who m. Joseph D. Lawrence; b. Fel). 2, 1850, and had Robert Cutting Law- rence, b. April 20, 1875, who 111. Jessie Monteith. 809 ABRAHiAM, b. May i, 1750; m. Sarah Fitz Randolph ; b. 1756; d. 1846; he d. Feb. 19, 1826. Issue: 814. I. — ^Elizabetli, b. 1775. 815. II. — Jonathan, b. 1776; d. in infancy. 816. III. — Keziah, b. 1778; m. Lewns Titsworth. 817. 1\'. — Jonathan R., b. 1780; m. (i) Hannah Sheppard; m. (2) Elizabeth Manning: d. Sept. 21, 1844. 818. V. — Barzillai, b. 1782; m. (i) Elizabeth Robbins ; m. (2) L. Fitz Randolph; d. May 25, 1827. 819. \'I. — Fitz Randolph, 'b. 1787; m. Rachel Dunn, 181 1 ; d. May 25, 1827. 820. VII. — ^Asa. b. 1791 ; m. Gertrude Manning, who d. Dec. i, 1841, Newmarket, N. J.; d. Nov. 1, 1869. 817 JONATHAN R., b. 1780: captain in war 1812; m. (i) 1805, Hannab Sheppard; d. Jan. 19, 1806; m. (2) Elizabeth Manning; d. March 15, 185 [ ; aged 67: tanner, banker and shoe manufacturer, Mid- dlesex Co.; d. Sept. 21, 1844. Issue: 821. I. — Augustus M., m. Eliza- beth Clark Rogers, Adalin ; d. young. 822. II. — Caleb Sheppard, b. 1808; d. Oct. 8, 1822, Stelton, N. ^^ Sj^^ TIL— Benjamin Manning, b. 1810; d. June 25, 1812. 821 AUGUSTITS M., b. Eel). 11, 1818; m. Elizabeth Clark Rogers, May 28, 1840; d. .April 5. 1896. Issue: 824. I. — Joseph Tucker, b. April 3, 1841, Dunellen, formerly Nev.-market ; a mere lad he was a sailor and visited England and other parts of the world. On his last voyage, he fell from the top mast into the ^Mediterranean Sea, and was carried to a hospital in Constantinople ; was first man in Rhode Island to enlist in Civil war ; in I'irst Rhode Island Kegimeni. nine month.s' men. On April 20, 1862, on a day's furlougli he came in I'hiintield and at nine o'clock p. m., he was l)aptized l)y Rev. James liailey; he enlisted in Seventeenth New ^'()rk Regiment and served twd ye;irs : he was in bat- tles of Bull Run, Chancellorsville and .\nlieiam ;;nd was wounded; he 286 • BENAJAH DUNHAl'.. enlisted later in Seventy-eighth New York Volunteers, and served till close of the War; m. March 28, 1866, Mary T. Clarke; d. Sept. 12, 1896, Plainfield. 825. II.— Elizabeth Maxon, b. March 11, 1843; i"- L. M. Berckman, Brooklyn, N. Y. 826. Ill.-^Charles Albert, b. Feb. 5, 1844; d. Oct. 28, 1846. 827. IV. — ^Maxon Marvin, 1). Feb. 6, 1846; insurance, Plainfield; d. Feb. 7, 1897. 828. V.— Edwin Thrall, b. Nov. 29, 1851 ; professor in public schools. Brooklyn. 829. VI.— Caroline Rogers, b. Oct. 15, 1855; m. George Steadman, N. Y. C. 810 JOHN. b. Oct. 30, 1752; m. M'arch i, 1774. Eunice Dunn; d. Nov. 29, 1832, Piscataway, N. J. Issue: 830. I.— Tabitha, b. 1775; m. (i) Fidelio Buckingham Gillette; m. (2) Whelden. 831. II.— Nahum, b. Sept. II, 1774; m. (i) Lydia Beebe; m. (2) Anna Demming; d. Sept. 2^, 18,22. 832. III.— Sarah, m. Samuel Judd. 833. IV.— Abram, m. Abigail Rice. 834. V.— Rebecca, m. Ellis Ayers. 835. VI.— James, m. (i) Thresa McCulloch ; m. (2) Lurana Phelps; m. (3) Rdbecca Sears. 836. VII. — Keziah, m. Josihua Ayers, or Dyer. 831 NAHUM, b. Sept. 11, 1774; m. (i) Lydia Beebe; m. (2) Anna Deming; d. Sept. 2y, 1832. Issue. 837. I.— ^Jonathan, b. Dec. 20, 1800. 838. II.— Lydia. 839. HI.— Samuel, b. Dec. 23, 1809; m. Miay 27, 1841, Mary PI. Norton; b. June 24, 1811 ; d. Aug. 15, 1867; he d. Dec. 5. 1849. 840. IV.^Margaret. 841. V.— Hercules. 842. VI.— Sarah. 843. VII.— Russell. 844. VIII.— Anna. 818 BARZILLAI, b. 1782; m. (i) Elizabeth Fitz Randolph; b. 1788; d. June 18. 1858; m. (2) L. Fitz Randolph; d. May 25, 1827. Issue: 845. I.— Gnace R., d. May 25, 1812, Stelton, N. J. GILLETTE. 830 TABITHA, b. 1776; m. May 6. 1792, Rev. Fidelio Bucking- ham Gillette, son of Elisha Gillette and Lucy Buckingham, dau. of ex-Gov. Buckingham, of Connecticut. Elisha's father was Rev. Will- iam Gillette, M. D., a Huguenot from Rochelle, France, in 1688. Fidelio graduated at Columbia 'College. Children of Tabitha : 830a, I. — Cornelia, b. Jan. 16, 1792, Piscataway, N. J.; d. 1845, '^t Cambridge, N. Y. 830b. II.— Philander D., b. 1793, Pistataway, N. J.; d. 1845, at Elmira, N. Y. 830c. HI. — ^Emeline C, b. March 18, 1796; m. Azariah Taft; d. 1833. (Walter R. Gillette says): 83od. IV.— Eunice, b. 1792, Piscataway, N. J. ; m. William Graham. 83oe. V. — Fidelio B., b. at Cambridge, N. Y., July 3, 1799; d. Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1833. 83of. VI. — ^Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1802; d. Sept. 14, 1802. 830g. VII. — Rev. Walter Bloomfield, b. Sept. 8, 1804; m. Sarah Ann Eraser; d. 1825. 83oh. VIII.— Rev. Abram Dunn, D. D., b. Sept. 7, 1807; m. BENAJAH DUNHAM. 287 Hanna Jenkins, July 21, 1835; '1- '*^^3- '^.V^'- f-"^- — I^.'inicl Ilulbrook, b. 1813, Mobile. Ala.: d. I'cb. 2, 1845. 830g CHILDREN i)V RK\ . WALTER 1".. GILLETTE: 846. I. — Dr. Fidclio Ihickinohain, b. b'ricndsliij). X. ^'., ( )cl. 31. 1833: in. Sarah Elizabeth Mcriierson, Nov. 6, 1856; b. l-eb. (^. 1831 : he <1. July 6, 1895. 847. II. — 'Adelaide, b. .W'w ^'ork on l'"eb. 11, i85(;: ni. b'.dwin 'Cham'berlain, Nov. 6, 1883; he was b. in r.ro\\n\ille. Texas, Nov. 30, 1857; prominent in financial and tihe Masonic circles in Texas. 848. III.— Lama, b. 1861 ; d. 18O5. 847 CHILDREN OF ADELAIDE GILLETTE: 848. I.— Fidelio G. Chamberlain, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1884; graduate Princeton. 849. II. — Infant, 1887. 849a. III. — Edwin G. Chamberlain, b. Sept. 28, 1889; d. Pueblo, Alexico, July 23, 1890. 849b. IV. — Edmund G. Cham- berlain, b. June 14, 1891. CHILDREN OF ABRAM D. GILLETTE: 849c. I.— James. 849d. II.— Walter R. 8496. III.— Daniel Gano. 849!. IW— William Post. 849g. \. — Susan. 849!!. \ I. — William 15. TITS WORTH. ,/ 816 KEZIAH, b. 1778; m. 1794. Lewis Titsworth. Mssue : 850. I. — Lewis TTtswprth. b. 1808; d. Oct. 8 1822. Had Rev. Judson Tits- worth, Milwaukee, Wis., who iTad Susan Sayre Titsworth. 839 SAMUEL, b. Dec. 21,, 1809; m. Alay 2y, 1841. Mary IT. Mor- ton; b. June 24. 181 1 ; d. Aug. 15, 1867; he d. Dec. 5, 1849. Issue: 851. I. — Flenry Norton, b. Feb. 25, 1842: m. Sept. 19, 1864, Sarah Rice Hillnian; b. Sept. 22. 1845. 852. II. — Caroline. 853. III. — Marion. 854. I\'. — ^Anna. 17. III.— JOHN. 1). July 8, 1705; m. Oct. 27,. 1729. ^lercv Drake. Issue: 855. I. — John, b. Aug. 12, 1740; m. (i) Mary Ciilnian; m. (2) Mrs. Ruth (Sharp) Stelle ; d. Sept. 16, 1823. 856. II.— Daniel, b. 1728; m. Catharine Campliell. 857. III. — Elijah, b. Dec. 12, 1730: m. Mary Sharp; d. March 29. 1779. 858. IV. — Anna. I). July 12. 1734. 85(j. \'. — Eli, b. Jan. 27, 1738; m. March 18. i7()i, Martha 15errian; d. 1827. 860. Yl. — Dorothy, b. Nov. 27,, 1739- Elijah Dunham. The Trenton record of marriage licenses pub- lished in \'ol. XXII of N. J. Arch, says the marriage license of Elijah Dunham and Mar\- .Sharp was issued April (>. 1731 and the Piscataway Seventh Day Baptist Church Record, in the same volume says they were married at Piscatawaw .\pril 14111. 1751. by Rev. Jc^nathan Dunham. 288 • BENAJAH DUNHAM. 855 JOHN, b. Aug-. 12, 1740; m. (i) 1761, Mary Gilman ; b. 1743; d. June 5. 1795; ni. (2) Mrs. Ruth (Sharp) StelH ; he d. Sept. 16, 1823. The grave of John Dunliani, who d. Sept. 16, 1823, in the 84th year of liis age. His Hfe was gentle, and serene, his mind, llis morals pure, in every action just. A husband dear, and as a parent kind, as such he lies lamented in the dust. Issue: 861. I. — Elijah, b. 1762; m. (i) Elizabeth F. Randolph ; m. (2) Elizabeth Rowland ; d. Feb. 4, 1841. 862. H. — James, b. Aug. 25, 1768; m. Ursula Dunn; d. July 28, 1835. 863. HI. — ^Maria or Mercy, b. Jan. 12, 1771 ; m. Rennie Martin; d. Feb. 12, 1842. 864. IV. — ^John, b. Nov. 5, 1779; m. Harriet Knight; d. May 28, 1863. 864 JOHN, b. Nov. 5, 1779; m. Harriet Knight; b. June 22, 1787; d. Dec. 26, 1871; he d. May 28, 1863. Issue: 865. I.— William Shepard, h. June 28, 1803; m. Margaret Jones, May 29, 1877. 866. II. —John S., b. June 29, 1816; d. Sept. 3, 1885. 867. II.— Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1806; m. John Way. 868. III. — Louisa, b. March 29, 1808; m. Abraham Dunn; d. May 26, 1833. 869. IV. — Harriet, b. March 28, 1810; d. June 17, 1831. 870. V. — Elizabet'h, b. March 25, 1819; d. April I, 1893. 871. VI. — ^Sarah K., b. April 8, 1813; m. William Dunham, son of Elijah; d. June 14, 1896; James, b. Feb. 5, 1821 ; d. Jan. 25, i860. 865 WILLIAM S., b. June 28, 1803 ; m. Margaretta Jones ; b. 1804; d. Aug. 17, 1887 ; he d. 'May 29, 1877 ; will probated Oct. 4, 1878. Issue : 872. I.--William J., b. 1827; d. 1848. 873. II.— Robert B., b. 1828; m. Alice Mottram ; d. 1878. 874. HI.— Charles S., b. 1834; d. 1837. 875. lY. — Harriet Louise, b. 1838; m. John Vanderbilt. 876. V. — • Edward F., b. 1840; d. 1845. ^/Z- ^'I- — Margaretta J., b. 1844; m. (i) Frederic F. Delano ; m. (2) Henry Charles Wilson. 873 ROBERT B., b. 1828; m. Alice Mattram ; d. 1878. Issue: 878. I.— William M., d. young. 879. II.— Malbel. 880. HI.— Louise. VANDERBILT. 875 HARRIET L., b. 1838; m. Jo-hn Vanderbilt; b. 1825. Issue: 881. I.— William D. Vanderbilt, b. 1872. 882. II.— Laura, b. 1873. 883. HI.— John A., b. 1875; d. 1877. 884. IV.— Margaret, b. 1876. 885. v.— John L., b. 1878. 886. VI.— Louise D., b. 1880. W I LSO'N— D E LAN O . 877 MARGARETTE J., b. 1844; m. (i) Frederick F. Delano; b. 1840; d. 1883; m. (2) Henry C. Wilson; b. 1837. Issue:- 887. I. — "Lelia Delano, b. 1866; m. Horace Richmond. 862 JAMES, b. Aug. 25, 1768, Piscataway; m. Ursula; b. March 8, 1770; d. Feb. 12, 1835, dan. of Capt. Hugh Dunn and Abigail Carman; BENAJATI DUNHAM, 289 he d. July 28, 1835. Issue: 888. I.— Mary, m. (i) Capt. Henry Minagh : m. (2) Jereniiali iMtz Randolph. 88y. II. — Abigail, b. 1793; m. 181 1, Simeon Ayers. AYERS. 889 ABIGAIL, b. 1793; m. i8it, Simon Ayres. Issue: 890. I. — Mary Ayers, m. George D. Phelps. 891. II. — Charlotte, m. Rev. John C. Cruikshank. 892. III. — Ursula, m. Rufus Story. 893. IV. — Mar- garetta, m. Rev. Jacob C Dutcher. 894. V. — Elizabeth, m. Andrew D. Melick. 895. VI. — James, d. young. 896. VII. — Abigail, d in infancy. 861 ELIJAH, b. 1762, Piscataway; m. (i) Elizabeth Fitz Randolph; b, 1768; d. Sept. 12, 1800; m. (2) Elizabeth Rowland; 1). 1764; d. Aug. 4, 1849; l''e '^^- Feb. 4, 1841. Issue: 897. II. — Joel, b. Sept. 17, 1795; m. Mary Smith; d. Oct. 13, 1879. 898. I.— Isabella, b. April 27, 1788; m. (i) Micaiah Dunn; m. (2) Walter W. Henry; d. July 8, 1873. 899. ILL — James, b. March 9, 1802; m. Abigail Dennian : d. .\\n\\ 15. i860. 900. IV. — William, b. Aug. 30, 1807; m. Sarah K. Dunham; d. June 2/, 1892. 897 JOEL, h. Sept. 17, 1795; m. Mary S. Smith; b. Oct. 17, 1800; d. July 8, 1890; he d. Oct. 13, 1879. Issue: 901. I. — Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, 1825; m. James McKnight Merritt. M ERR I XT. 901 ELIZABETLl S., h. Sept. 24, 1825; ui. James McK. Alerriit; b. March 30, 1821 ; d. March 9, 1890. Issue: 902. I. — ^Emma A.' yicv- ritt, b. July 25, 1848. 903. 11. — ^Charles W., b. l-'eb.. 1852; m. Anna C. Lord. 904. HI. — Mary D.. 1). March 7, 1858; m. Addison .\. Knox. 905. IV. — Elizabeth McKniglit, b. ( )ct. 2$, i85(j; m. Fred C. Ayres; d. Feb. 2, 1895. DUNN— HENRY. 898 ISABELLA, b. April 2y. ^yHf<■. m. (D Micaiah Dimn (of Oavid and Eunice): m. (2) Walter M. Henry; b. ( )ct. 2. 1 7SS ; d. .Nov. S. 1840; she d. July 8, 1873. Usue : (;o6. I. — Alexander lienry, h. July 26, 1813; m. Susan B. \an Dyke; b. Oct. it, t8i8: he d. Jan. 17, 1887. 907. II. — Robert, b. Oct. 14. 1S15: m. .Mary A. Ilagamau; b. Aug. 14. 1815; d. Feb. 24. 1886; lie d. Ai)ri] <). 1897. 908. HI.— Elizabeth M.. b. Oct. 30, 1817; m. Jolm V. iMlmnnds; 1). Xov. 16, 1816. gcn). IV. — Elijah li, b. Feb. 8, 1834. St. Louis, Mo. ; d. l-eb. 7. i8<)5. 899 JAMES, b. March 9. 1802; m. .\l)igail nmrnan ; b. Dec. 18. 1813; d. Sept. 8. 1881 ; he d. A])ril 15, i8(k). Issue; ()io. 1. — Jeaneltc R., b. Dec. 9, 1830; m. L^aac S. l\uii\i>n; d. April 4. 1887. 911. 11. — Sarah E., b. Oct. 25, 1845. 290 BENAJAH DUNHAM. 900. IV. — WILLIAM, b. Aug. 30, 1807; m. Sarah K. Dunham, dau. of John; he d. June 27, 1892. Issue: 912. I. — Edward K., b. Jan. 16, 1837; m. (i) Lydia Fisher; m. (2) Matilda Nicholas, b. March 26, 1844. 913. II. — William, h. March 30. 1839; m. Cathrine Knerr. 914. III. — Charles S., b. July 12, 1840; m. Mary A. Van Syckel. 915. IV. — Louise, b. June 17, 1846. 916. V. — ^Frederic, h. Jan. 20, 1850; d. Aug. 7, 1871. 913 WILLIAM, b. March 30, 1839; m. Catherine M. Knerr; b. Feb. 21, 1841. Issue, New Brunswick, N. J.: 917. I. — ^Frederick K., b. Jan. 17, 1867. 918. II. — Frank H., b. Jan. i, 1869; m. Lillie White; b. Jan. 18, 1869. 919. III.— Clififord R., b. Dec. 3, 1871. RU'NYON. 910 JEANETTE R., b. Dec. 9, 1830; m. Isaac S., son of Ephraim and Ann (Pratt) Runyon; b. Nov. 16, 1822; d. Dec. 10, 1896; she d. April 4, 1887. Issue: 920. I. — Clarence Runyon, b. July 22, 1854; d. Sept. I, 1856. 921. II.— Wyllis W., b. July 7, 1859; d. Oct. 16, 1868. 922. III.— Louisa S., b. Feb. i, 1863. 923. IV.— Herbert R., b. FdD. 26, 1865; m. Virginia C. Dunn; b. Dec. 23, 1863. 924. V. — ^Charles C, b. March 29, 1870. 857 ELIJAH, b. Dec. 12, 1730; m. April 6, 1751, Mary Sharp, of Piscataway; b. Aug. 31, 1729; d. May 26, 1783; an inn-keeper at Perth Amboy, N. J., and a man of considerable property; vestryman of St. Peter's Church, 1770-74; d. March 29, 1779; buried in Episcopal ground, Perth Am'boy. Issue: 925. I. — Isabella, b. Perth Am-boy, N. J., Jan. 4, 1752; m. 1768, John Rattoome; b. Perth Ambey, N. J., Sept. 6, 1744; d. Oct. 26, 1823; she d. Fe'b. 9, 1779. RATTOO'ME. 925 IISABELLA, b. Jan. 4, 1752, Perth Amboy, N. J.; m. 1768, John Rattoome; b. Perth Amboy, Sept. 6, 1744; d. Oct. 26, 1823, an influential man recognized by churdi and legislature in positions of honor and responsibility. His residence was the historic Proprietary House, built in 1684, and is now the Presbyterian Home for aged min- isters and their families; she d. Feb. 9, 1779. Issue, at Perth Amboy, N. J.: 926. I. — Elijah Dunham Rattoome, b. Nov. 21, 1768; graduate of college of New Jersey (Princetown), 1787; 1791. rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, N. J.; assistant rector of Trinity Church, Newark; 1792, professor of Latin and Greek, also of Grecian and Roman An- tiquities in Columbia College; 1797, rector of Grace Church, Jamaica, and of St. George's Church, Flushing, L. I. ; 1802, St. Paul's and Trinity Churches, Baltimore, Ind. ; 1809, president of Charleston Col- BENAJAH DUNHAM. 2gi lege, S. C. ; was one of committee appointed by the (leneral Conven- tion, in 1795, to revise and correct the sheets of tlie first Standard Prayer Book; m. 1791, Hannah, dan. of Rev. Abraham Beach, D. \).; 1). 1769; she d. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct., iS-jcS; he d. Charleston, S. C, May 10, 1810. 927. II. — -Thomas, h. Feb. 2y, 1771 ; m. OHve Brown; d. Nov. 25, 1838. 928. III. — Mary, b. Feb. 8. 1773; m. James Watson, Jr.; d. March 22, 1815. 929. I\'. — John, h. Jan. 18. 1775; lost at sea, Mardh 17, 1796. 930. \'. — ^William, b. Aug. 30. 1777; lawyer; d. Swedesborough, N. J., Nov. 12, 1814. 931. VI. — Isabella, b. Jan. 15, 1779; d. Sept. 17, 1780. 927 THOMAS RATTOOM'E, b. Feb. 27, 1771 ; inn-keeper; mer- chant; farmer; m. Pittstown, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1802, Olive Brown, dau. of Maj. Jonathan and Lucy (Douglas) Brown; b. Jan. 20, 1784, and m. March 31, 1846, Austin Harmon, Bennington, \'t., where she d. Dec. 25, 1854; Thomas d. Brunswick, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1838. Issue, except loth, b. at Lansingburgdi, N. Y. : 932. I. — ^John Browm Rattoome, b. July 4, 1804; m. Julia Ann Everett; d. Feb. 18, 1848. 933. II. — Mary Watson, b. Sept. 6, 1805; m. John Lewis Molther ; d. Nov. 6, 1895. 934. III. — Lucinda Brown, b. Sept. 20, 1806; m. Smith Mott ; d. Feb. 27, . 935. IV. — Caroline Brown, 1). Dec. 9, 180S; m. Gardner Perry; d. Oct. 8, 1849. 936- V. — Isabella, b. April 17. 1810; m. Jona- than Eddy, Jr.; d. Oct. 15, 1885. 937. VI.— Susan Bell, b. March 19, 1813; m. Hiram Perry; d. Feb. 9, 1882. 938. VJl. — Aim Douglas, b. April 24, 1815; m. June 26, 1850, ZephaniaHi b'rosl, .\. ^'. C. : h. Feb. 15, 1800; d. Sept. 22, 1874; she d. Sept. 2, 1888, Ik-nnington, \ t. 939. VIII. — Elizabeth Dickinson, b. July 29, 1817; m. (i) Henry C. Cook; m. (2) Martin Kingsley Scott. 940. IX.— Amelia ( )live, b. July 14. 1819; m. Caleb Austin; d. Oct. 31, 1893. 941. .\. — \\illi;'.ni, 1). Sept. 21, 1821; m. Sarah M. Black well. 932 JOHN B. RATTOO'ME, b. Jul> 4. 1804: ship owner and captain of clipper ship ''Creole;" m. June 30, 1845, Julia .V. Everett, widow of Stephen Everett, of N. Y. C. ; she d. May i. 1893; he d. New Orleans, La., I'Vb. 18, 1848. Issue: 942. I. — Julia Ann Rattoome, b. June 24, 1846; m. Theodore S. Kingsland ; d. Jan. 11, 1S79. 943. II. — William Frost, b. Aug. 24, 1847; d. Oct. 22, 1851. MOLTHER. 933 MAR\^ W. RATTOO.MI':. b. Sept. h. 1805: m. A].ril .), 1835. John Lewis Molther. Pulaski, N. Y. : b. Dec. 9, 1805; d. h\^b. 14. 1853; she d. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 6. 1895. issur: ()44. I. — ^John Rattoome Molther, b. h\'b. 29, 1836; m. n) Harriet .\. .\iles: m. (2) Mrs. AHce 292 BENAJAH DUNHAM. M. Henderson. 945. II. — Estelle Juliet, b. Dec. 18, 1837; d. Sept. 10, 1838. 946. III. — ^Anna Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1839; m. Asahel A. De- long; d. June 24, 1884. 947. IV. — Robert Kelly, b. July 17, 1842 ; m. (i) Isabel Honian; m. (2) Canielia Morgan. 948. V. — ^Carolina Perry, b. Sept. 8, 1844; d. Nov. 18, 1849. MOTT. 934 LUCIN'DA B. RATTOOME, b. Sept. 20, 1806; m. Feb. 6, 1826, Smith Mott, Victor, N. Y. ; b. Aug. 28, 1804; d. July 30, 1875 ; she d. Feb. 27, 1876. Issue: 949. I. — Thomas Smith Mott, b. Dec. 15, 1826; m. Sarah Weymouth Bryant DeWolf; d. Sept. 14, 1891. PERRY. 935 CAROLINA B. RATTOOME, b. Dec. 9, 1808; m. June 19, 1834, Gardner Perry, farmer, Pittstown, N. Y. ; b. Jan., 1803; d. Dec. 29, 1856; she d. Oct. 8, 1849. Issue: 950. I. — William Delevan Perry, 'b. Aug. 7, 1836; m. Alice Brewster. 951. II. — ^Louise C, b. Aug. 13, 1837; m. (i) Oct. 19, i860, James Walworth; m. (2) Nov. i, 1878, Albert Filkin, Lansingburg, N. Y. ; he d. Sept. 24, 1904. 952. III. — Olivia R., b. Aug. 17, 1842; m. John J. Filkin. EDDY. 936 ISABELLA RATTOOME, b. April 17, 1810; m. Nov. 30, 1830, Jonat'han Eddy, Jr., merchant, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. ; b.. March 25, 1804; d. Oct. 28, 1848; she d. Oct. 15, 1885. Issue: 953. I. — Cornelia Reid Eddy, b. March 14, 1833; d. Feb. 7, 1855. 954. II. — ^Thomas Rat- toome, b. Oct. ii, 1835; ^^- J^^l^ 20, 1838. 955. III. — Lucinda Mott, b. Aug. 28, 1837, Hoosicks Falls, N. Y. ; m. (i) Sept. 24, 1862, George Perry, Lansingburgh, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 10, 1865; m. (2) Nov. 2, 1870, J. Harris Rice; d. Feb. 19, 1885; m. (3) Feb. i, 1898, Joseph M. Pile, lawNcr, P'liiladelphia, Pa. 956. IV. — Isabella Dunham, b. Aug. 20, 1839; m. Charles Morris Mott. 957. V. — ^Ann Eliza, b. Sept. 13, 1841 ; d. Aug. 6, 1847. 958- VI. — ^Mary Frances, b. Jan. 26, 1845; i"- Ephraim Livingston. PERRY. 937 SLISA'N B. RATTOOME, b. March 19, 1813; m. Sept. 28, 1840, Hiram Perry; b. Johnstown, N. Y., 1803; d. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 9, •1882 ; she d. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1883. Issue, b. Albany, N. Y. : 959. I. — Laura Perry, b. 1842; d. 1844. 960. II. — William Rattoome, b. 1844; d. 1844. 961. HI. — Thomas Rattoome, 1). Aug. 6, 1845; m. Mary Little. 962. IV. — Laura Ann, b. April 12, 1847; m. (i) Edward Mon- teath ; m. (2) Fitch James Swinburne. C. DowNEK Austin, 141 Broadway, New York. BENAJAir DUXlTAl\r. 293 COOK— SCOTT. 939 ELIZABETH D. UATTOOM 1-:. h. July 29. 1817; in. (i) Feb. TO. i83(), Henrv C. Cook, incrcliant, rulaski. X. ^'. ; h. Sept. 11, 1814; d. Sidney. Ohio. Aiil;-. 6. 1841 : in. (j) Xov. 14. 1848. Martin Kingsley Scott, nu-reliant : 1). l-"e1). 1, i8()(); d. I'\'l). _'0. 1881. r.enning-ton, \'t. Issue: 963. 1. — Henry C. Cook. b. Sept. 10, 1840; m. .Sept. 2, 1875. Annie \'an \A'art, Alliany, X. N'.. wlu) d. Jan. 10. 1896. 964. TI. — Flora ]^^Hzal)etli ."^eoll, 1). k'eb. 10, 185O: ni. James Livingston Rice. 965. 111. — 'Carnline Lncretia. 1). ( )et. 23. 1857: d. Xov. 3, 1862. (;4i WILLIAM RvVfTOOAIl-:, b. Iloosick. X. V.. Sept. 21. 1821; in. Ang. 3, 1846. Sarah M. IMackwell, Richmond, \'a. ; resides, Albany, X. 'S. Issne: ()()(). I. — Thomas Kattoome. 1). Aug. 25. 1847. 967. II. — Ann X'irginia, b. Jtil}- 17, 1859; d. Jan. 15, 1882. WATSON. 928 MARY RATTOOME, b. Eel). 8. 1773: m. James Watson. Jr.; b. Newry, Ireland, Nov. 24, 1765; d. Taris, France, .March 22. 1815; she d. Dec. 13, 1839. Issue: 968. I. — ^Anielia Watson, b. .\pril 18, 1795; m. Isaac Gulick ; d. Vuh. 17, 1853. 969. II. — .\nna Aialilda. 1). Nov. 2I,» 1800; m. Lewis Colding; d. Jtme 30. 1876. 970. III. — ^John Rattoome, b. Jan. 24. 1803; m. Ca'thrine Ikirdge; d. Aug. 19. 1880. 971. IV. — Susanna Bell, b. Nov. 18, 1805; d. Sept. 9. 1807. 972. \'. — Isabella Dunham, b. Feb. 13, 1807; m. .Aug. 8, 1832, David X. Wiley. Had Gerardus Wynkoop Wiley; she tl. Xov. 16, 1837. 973. \'l. — Georgean- n-a Carter, b. Sept. 25, 1808; m. John H. Watson; d. Jan. 6, 1890. 970 JOHN R. WATSON, b. Jan. 24, 1803 : m. July 29, 1830, Cathe- rine Burdge ; d. Aug. 19, 1880. Issue, b. Perth Amljoy. X". J.: 974. 1. — James Townley Watson, b. Nov. 26, 183 1; m. Matilda G. Gulick. 975. II. — ^Susan dn B.ois. b. Feb. 26, 1834; d. Oct. 19, 1905. 976. III. — Thomas Phenix, b. Feb. 13, 1836; d. Feb. 23, 1838. 977. I\'. — Uriah Burdge. m. Virginia Rowletl : he b. Feb. 6. 1838. 978. \'.— Mary Rat- toome, b. Oct. 11. 1831;; m. W. T. Meredith, broker, X. V. C. AUSTIN. 940 AMELIA O. K.VrrOOME, b. July 14. 1819; m. .\ug. 6. 1S51. Bennington, Vt., Caleb Austin, paper manufaclin-er ; b. Bennington, \'t., Feb. 25, 1803; (1. Walloomsac, N. Y., Jan. 2=,, 1879; she d. i8ej3. Walloomsac, N. Y. Issue, b. Walloonisac. X. \'. Issue. 979. I. — James Henry .Atistin, 1). July 4, 1843, I'ennington. 980. II. — Celinda Henry, b. Aug. 5, 1844; m. Roibert C. Manley. ()8i. III. — Jdiomas Rattoomc. b. Oct. 9, 1854; m. Edna C. MerchaiU. 982. 1\'. — Caleb Downer, b. July 14, 1856, Walloomsac, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 14. 1896. Joanna Hinsdill, 294 BENAJAII DUNHAM. Benning-ton, Vt. She is dan. of Stephen and Joanna Deane (Hinsdill) Robinson, Bennington; resides, Elizabeth, N. J.; business, National Express Company, New York City. 981 THOMAS R. AUSTIN, b.Oct. 9, 1854; m. Feb. 11, 1885, Edna C. Merchant, White Creek, N. Y. Issue : 983. I. — Herbert Merchant Austin, b. Nov. 9, 1892, 'Centre White Creek, N. Y. 984. II. — ^Olive Austin, h. June 30, 1905; d. July 12, 1905. MAN LEY. 980 CELINDA H. AUSTIN, b. Aug. 7, 1844; m. April 16, 1866, Robert C. Manley ; she d. Dec. 16, 1872. Issue: 985. I. — Frank Aus- tin Manley, b. March 15, 1867; m. Sept. 27, 1899, Woodie Hooker. Had 986 Florence Virginia, May 7, 1905. 987. II. — Rachel Emerah, b. August 23, 1868. 988. III. — Avis Belle, b. June 26. 1870; m. Joseph W. Bechtel. 989. IV. — James Caleb, b. March 25, 1872; m. June, 1903, Esther Ross. Issue: 990. I. — Marion Ross. GULICK. 968 AMELIA WATSON, b. April 18, 1795 ; m. May 24, 1819, Isaac Gulick, of KingS'ton, N. J.; d. Feb. 17, 1853. Issue: 991. I. — Mary Watson Gulick, b. Mardi 5, 1820; m. Robert Finley Scudder. March 27, 1849. 99-2- II- — Margaret Van Dyck, b. Sept. 2/, 182 1 ; m. Edwin Jackson Bent, May 10, 1846; d.'June i, 1863. 993. HI. — Evelina Lynn, b. Dec. 5, 1823; m. Montgomery Blackwell, Oct. 14, 1846. 994. IV. — James Watson, b. Sept. 24. 1825 ; m. (i) Elizabeth Smith ; m. (2) Gertrude Brokaw; m. 1861 (3) Jennie Post; m. 1866 (4) Sadie Stryker B'rokaw, 1875. 995- ^^- — ^Francis Alexander, m. Catherine Adams; he d. July 6, 1828. 996. VI. — Anna Matilda, d. in infancy; b. June 14, 1830; d. July 14, 1850. 997. VII. — Matilda Golding, m. James Townley Watson. 998. VIII. — Edmund Bussing, m. Feb., 1833, Alice Snowiden ; he b. Feb. 8, 1833. 973 GEORGEANNA C. WATSON, b. Sept. 25, 1808; m. March 27, 1827, John H. Watson, Westchester, N. Y. ; she d. Jan. 6, 1890. Issue: 999. I. — Mary Rattoome Watson, d. in infancy. 1000. II. — John Honnewell, m. Lucy Kidd, Chicago, 111. Had Geo. Carter. looi. III. — George Carter. KPNGSLAND. 942 JULIA A. RATTOOME, b. June 24, 1846; m. Nov. 2, 1867, Theodore S- Kingsland, Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 1002. I. — Julia Irene Kingsland, b. May 18, 1870; d. May 26, 1870. 1003. II. — ^Carrie Louise, b. Oct. 17, 1871 ; d. July 3, 1874. i',i;\.\i.\ir i)r\-HAi\r. 295 949 THOMAS S. .\l( )T'r. I). Dec. 15, iSjf., 1 laiuilton, X. Y. ; in. Bridgewatcr, N. ^^. jul\, 1847. Sarah W. 15. De Wolfe; ])resident of First National I'ank, ( )s\w|l;o ; i)resi(k'nl. ( X-^wco-o Water Works Co.; inleresled in s'liippin^' ; d. Sept. 14, iS(ji. Issue: 1004. T. — John Thomas Molt. h. Ilamilton. .\. >'.. ()ei. 11. 1S4S: m. O.swego,, X. ^'.. Oct. 30. 18-3, Alice jane, dan. ol I.ullier and l.eafy (i'.ailey) Wcig'ht ; president of ITrsl Xational I'.ank, ( )s\veo;o ; president, Oswego Water Works CO.; treasurer (las Light Co. Had l.mher Weight, h. Xo\-. 30, 1874. i()i\v 11. — ^Catharine L. Motl, m. — ■ Ward. Issue: 100^). ]. — ^'Idionias Clark Ward. niidshi])nian. L'. S. X.; d. .\pril 13. 1>, i8(j4. Clara liaillie lUttler, dan. of John ; b. iSIarch 18, 1873; oivil engineer, Lansingburg, X. Y, 1010. II. — ^Oliver Beaton, b. April 2^^. 1868; m. Xettie C, dan. Matthew Milli- man ; 1). Oct. 27,, 1865, Lansin,<.;^burg. Had J(ihn J., b. Dec. 21, 1892; Louise, b. March 21, 1896. MOTT. 956 ISABELLA D. EDDY, b. Aug. 20, 1839, Troy, X. Y. ; m. June 23, 1863, 'Charles M. Mott, Hamilton, X. \'. ; he d. .March 2^, 1892; she d. Julv 2y, 1905. Issue: 101 1. I. — Josei>hine Prucedine Mott, b. June 8, 1864. 1012. IL— Alice Eddy, b. Jan. 29, 1872. 1013. HI.— Chaides M., b. Nov. 22, 1875. LTVI'NGSTOiN. 958 MARY F. EDDA', b. Troy, Jan. 26, 1845; m. .\pril 18. i^jh. Ephraim Livingston, Lowell, Mass. Issue, Lowell, .Mass.: 1014. I. — Harris IC Livingston, b. March 21, 1877; m. Lucena Inez X'inell. April 21, 1903; she d. April 15, 1905. Issue: Claire Louise, 'b. Jan. 4,1904. 1015. H. — Mary S., b. Jan. 22, 1879. loiO. III. — Ethel Eddy, h. July 14, 1880. 961 THOMAS R. PERRY, b. Aug. 6. 1845; m. (X't., t868, Mary Little, N. Y. C. Issue: 1017. I. — .\inita Little I'erry, b. Dec. 13. 1869.. 1018. II. — Calen Carlos, b. 1871. 296 BENAJAH DUNHAM. MON'TEATH. 962 LAURA A. PERRY, b. April 12, 1847; ni. (i) April 29, 1869, EdwaM Monteath, merchant, Albany, N. Y. ; d. Alarch 20, 1876; m. (2) April 22, 1885, Fitch J. Swinburne, lawyer, N. Y. C. ; he d. July 7, 1885. Issue: 1019. 1. — Pierre Monteath, b. April 4. 1870. 1020. II. — Laura, b. Sept. 20, 1871 ; m. Nov. 12, 1901, 'Charles Ruston, Jr. Issue: Monteath Ruston, 'b. May 24, 1903. 1021. III. — Edward, b. Aug. 4, 1873; d. March 17, 1874. 1022. IV. — ^Je-ssie, b. July 2j, 1875; m. Jan. 30, 1896, Robert Cuttiing-. Issue: Zet^hleen, b. (lot. 29, 1899; she d. March 31, 1904. 1023. V. — ^LawTence, broker, N. Y. C. RICE. 964 FLORA E. 'SCOTT, b. Feb. 10, 1856, Bennington, Vt. ; m. March 9, 1882, James L. Rice; b. July 6, 1848, Lansingburg, N. Y. Issue: 1024. I. — Louise Perry Rice, b. Aug. 20, 1883. 1025. 11.^ Marion Scott, b. April 13, 1885. 1026. III. — Earl Kingsley, b. Nov. 8, 1886; d. Aug. 25, 1887. 1027. IV.— Florence Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1890. 1028. V. — Olive Rattoome, b. June 22,, 1892; d. Aug. 14, 1892. 1029. VI. — 'Alice Lucretia, b. Jan. 26, 1896. 974 JAMES T. WATSOIN, b. Nov. 26, 1S31 ; m. June, 1859, Ma- tilda Golding Gulick, Perth Almb-oy, N. J., real estate. Issue: 1030. I.— John Rattoome Watson, b. March 19, i860; d. April 2-, 1864. 1031. n. — Henry du Bois, b. Nov. 21, 1861 ; d. Alarch 2, 1864. 1032. III. — Louise du Bois, b. May 5, 1865 ; m. Caroline Bancroft, Jan. 6, 1901. Issue: James T. Bancroft, b. Feb. 17, 1901 ; d. Jan. 11, 1902. 1033. IV.— James Townley, b. Feb. 10, 1868; m. Nov. 27, 1898, Ida Josephine Moore. Issue: Julia Courtney, b. Nov. 24, 1899'. 1034. V. — John Dunham, b. June 10, 1869; m. June 21, 1894, Georgia Mitchell. Issue: Eunice AL, b. Feb. 9, 1900. 1035. VI.— Georganna Carter, b. April 22, 1871 ; d. Aug. 22, 1872. 1036. VII.— Susan du Bois, b. Dec. 9, 1872; m. Feb. 11, 1899, George Wilfred Johnston. Issue: George Wilfred Johnson, Jr., b. July 8, 1900. James Watson Johnston, b. Feb. 17, 1902. 977 URIAH B. WATSON, m. \'irginia Rowlett, who d. Jan., 1898; banker, Perth Amboy, N. J. Issue: 1037. I.— Catherine Alary Wat- son. 1038. II.— John R., b. August, 1872. DELONG. 946 ANNA E. M'OLTHER, b. Dec. 19, 1839; m. July 28, 1857, Asahel A. Delong; b. Dec. 18, 1836; d. Feb. 16, 1881 ; she d. June 24, 1884. Issue: 1039. I- — ^Mary Elizabeth Delong, b. Oct. 30, i860; m. June 9, 1874, Henry Norton; b. Nov. 29, 1856. Had Frederic, b. Nov. BENAJAH DUNHAM. 297 22, 18-5; (1. Dec. nj, 1893; Julia. 1). June 2j, 1H77; ni. Oct. 28, 1898, Charles Kempt. 1040. II. — iCIiarles Aharo, b. ( )ct. 28, 1862; m. Dec. 19, 1889, Louisa C'liarlion ; h. .May 30, 1863. Had Louctta, b. Aug. 5, 1890; Mynle. b. Sept. 3. 1891 ; Stanislaus, b. Sept. 6, 1893; Am- brose, b. Oct. 13, 1895. 1041. HI. — Kate Margaret, b. Aug. 16, 1866; d. Sept. 26, 1866. 1042. W. — James, b. Dec. ii, 1870; m. Xov. 16, 1898, Christine lUirns. 1043. ^ • — ^Harriet Moltlier, I). Oct. 3, 1872; d. July 4. 1898. 1044. \'I. — Anna Ik-lle. b. .\ug. 14, 1875; d. May 2, 1898. 944 JOIIX R. MOLTHER, b. I'eb. 2(j. 1836; m. (i) Feb. i, 1862, Harriet A. Xiles ; b. Dec. 25, 1839: d. March 16, 1884: m. (2) Oct. 16, 1895, Mrs. Alice M. Henderson : resides. ( Vswego, X. V. Issue, b. Pulaski, X'^. Y. : 1045. ^- — \\ ihiam Raiioonie .Mollher. 1). Dec. 12, 1862; m. Dec. 26. i88(;, Stella Rivers Averill. Springfield, Mass. Had Francis Rattoome .Molther, b. ( )ct. 15, i8. April, 1872; d. April, 1874; Philip Raymond, b. July 13, 1874; m. Oswego, .X. \'., .\ug. 3, 1898, Kate Lyon ; lie is second lieutenant, Sevenlh V. S. Artillery. Had Laura, b. April 6, 1899; Bessie De Wolfe, b. Ai^ril 2^, i^yi). Elliot Moti, b. Xov. 26, 1877; d. 1878; Katherine Mott, b. Sept. 17, 1881; Thomas Clark, b. Jan. 2, 1883; John Mott,, 1). June 28, 1886. 1051. 1 1 1 . —Elliot Bostwick, b. April 30, 1861 ; m. Oswego, X. Y., June 6, 1883, Louise Wheeler. Had Katherine Louise, h. Xov. 6, 1884; Elliot Wheeler, b. May 19, 1887. MARTIX. 863 MARIA, b. Jan. 12, 1771; m. Dec. 30, I7 " 18 HEZEKIAH, b. Dec. 3, 1707; m. Dec. 22,, i733. Elizabeth Drake. Issue: 1064. I. — Francis, b. July 20, 1735. 1065. II. — Rachel, b. Feb. 21, 1736. 1066. III.— Delilah, 1). Oct. 5, 1738. 1067. IV. — ^Hezekiah, b. April 8, 1740. 19 BENAIAH, h. Aug. 30, 1712; m. Sept. 19, 1745, Hannah Mar- tin;' 1752, she bought land of Benaiah, adjoining Jonathan's and Benaiah's lands; 1757, he bought land of E(hiiun(l Griffith, adjoining his, Jonathan's and Martin's. Issue: 1068. I. — Isaiah, b. Nov. 22, 1746. 1069. II. — Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1746. 20 MARTIN, b. Dec. 11, 1714; m. 1736, Martha Wooden. Issue: 1070. I.— Jemima, b. Nov. 15, 1737. 1071. II.— Josiah. b. Jan. 2, 1739. 1072. III.— Mary, b. July 15, 1741. 1073. IV. — Hester, b. Sept. ii, 1743. 1074. V. — Rachel, b. Aug. 27, 1745. 1075. VI. — Nathan, b. March 5, 1747. 26 ELISHA, b. Oct. II, 1728. Issue: 1076. I.— Phineas, b. March 14, 1765. DANIEL DUNHAM. X. — DAXIEL, the son of Deacon John Dimhani, was h. in Ply- mouth, 1639; m. Mehitable Hayward. lie was admitted a I'Veeman, in 1660, and in tlie following- year was appointed !ii^li\va\ surveyor. lie became a land proprietor in Plymouth and I'lymlon. lie resided for a time in Bridgewater and Dorchester. Thomas Hayward and his wife, Alehitable Hayward, were the children of John Havward, one of the original proprietors of Pridgewater. He d. in 1681. John Hayward came to this country in the same vessel with John Ames, son of Richard Ames, of Sonnnersetshire, England, who m. in \(>4^. Fdizabeth May- ward, of Pridgewater. Phomas Hayward, llie l)rol]ier of I )aniers wife, was killed by a fall from a horse in ifxjS. W'ldle a resident of Dor- chester, Daniel became ac(|uainted with tlu' failKr of I\ev. Samuel Wiswall, with whom a strong friendship was formed. Rev. Samuel Wiswall was the successor of Rev. Jonathan I)unham, of lidgartown, Martha's Vineyard. The Wiswalls were highly respected and well edu- cated. The father and son had received the lu)norary college degree of A. M. Samuel Wiswall was b. Sept. 2, 1679; he was untloubtedly selected as an assistant pastor by Rev. Jonathan Dunham through the recom- mendation of his brother, Daniel. Samuel Wiswall was ordained at Edgartown in 1713. He then became assistant pastor antl remained as such until the death of Rev. Jonathan Dunham in 1717. lie afterwards continued as the pastor until the time of his death, December 23. 174^). Samuel Wiswall was 67 years old when he died. Ichabod, the son of Samuel Wisw^all, b. in 1704; m. in 1725. Jerush.i Norton, dan. of John Norton, of Boston. She was a sister of Jemima Norton, who m. Cor- nelius Dunham, grandson of Rev. Jonathan Dunham. Samuel, the son of Ichabod Wiswall, b. in 1739; m. Anna Jenkins: b. Sept. iS, 1742; Mary, the granddaughter of Cornelius Dunham, b. Nov. 5, 1759; m. Lemuel Jenkins as his third wife. These facts are some of the evidence that shows the friendly relations existing between the Dunhams and (299) 3O0 DANIEL DUNHAM. Wiswalls. Rev. Jonathan Dnnhani honored the name of his brother when he named his first son, Daniel Dunham. COLLATERAL BRANiCHES. FRANCLS COOKE, passenger on Speedwell from Delft Haven to England, transferred to Mayflower ; signer of Mayflower Compact ; m. Hester, a Walloon passenger; came on ship Ann; third Pilgrim ship reached Plymouth, Jnly, 1623. Children: I. — John, 1). in Holland; m. 1634, Sarah Rickard ; passenger on Mayflower. H. — Jane. b. in Hol- land; m. after 1627, Experience Mitchell, passenger on Ann. HI. — Jacob, b. in Holland about 1618; m. Damaris Hopkins, 1646; 2d, Eliza- beth (Lettice) Shurtlefif, 1669, a passenger by Ann. 1623. IV. — Hester, m. Richard Wright, 1644. V. — Mary, b. in Plymouth, 1624-7. MITCHELL. EXPERllLXCE MITCHELL, passenger on ship Ann. 1623. was with the Pilgrims at Leyden ; m. Jane Cooke after 1627. Children: I. — Thomas. H. — John, m. Mary Bonny. HI. — Jacob, m. Susanna Pope. IV. — Edward, m. Mary Hayward. V. — Elizabeth, m. John Washburn. VL — Mary, m. John Shaw. VH. — Sarah, m. John Hay- ward, of the Plain. \'III. — Hannah, m. Dea. Joseph Hayward, his third wife. HAYWARD. THOMAS HAYWARD, came from Sommcrsetshire, England, in 1638. He was made a freeman in 1646. Children: I. — Mehital)le, b. about 1643; m. Daniel Dunham, 1668. II. — Thomas, m. Sarah; killed by fall from a horse. HI. — Nathaniel, m. Hannah, dau. of Dea. John Willis. IV. — John, of the Plain, m. Sarah, dau. of Experience Mitchell. V. — Joseph, m. Alice Brett; 3d, Hannah, dau. of Experience Mitchell. VI.— Mary, m. Edward Mitchell. VII.— Martha, m. John Howard (Haward), first of the name in Plymouth. JOHN HAYWARD, of the Plain, m. Sarah, dau. of Experience Mitchell. Children: I. — Sarah, b. Oct. 25, 1663; m. Nathaniel Brett, 1683. II. — John, b. April 20, 1667; m. Susanna Edson, 1697. HI. — Joseph, b. Nov. 23, 1669; m. Mehitable, dau. of Daniel Dunham, May 20, 1700. IV. — Mary, b. April 20, 1672; m. William Ames, 1698. V. — Thomas, b. Jan. 10, 1674; m. Bethiah Breet, 1703. VI. — Benjamin, b. Nov. 26, 1677. VII. — Susanna, b. Aug. 10, 1680; m. Nov. 11, 1702, Thomas, son of Nathaniel Hayward. VIII. — Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1683; m. Edmund Remson, 1717. IX. — Benoiii, b. March 16, 1686; m. Hannah Gould, 1717; 2d, Hannah Page, 1743. X. — Mercy, b. 1687. NATHANIEL HAYWARD, m. Hannah, dau. of Deacon John DANIEL DUNHAM. 3OI Willis. Children: T. — Nathaniel J). 1664 ; m. Elizabeth . II. — John, ni. Sarah Willis. III. — Thomas, ni. i^iissanna, dau. of John Hayward, of the I'lain. W. — Samuel, m. I^lizabelh — . Y. — Benjamin, m. Sarah AUlrich. \'I. — Elisha, m. Experience Harvey. VH. — Patience, m. Israel Alger. THOMAS HAYWARD, m. Snsanna, dan. of J..lm Hayward, of the Plain. Children: I. — Susanna, b. I74(j : m. Jesse Edson, 1766. II. Mary, b. 1747; m. IJenjamin Marshall, Nov. 3, 1768. HI. — Betty, b. 1758; d. 1812. I\'. — Thomas, b. 1758; m. Hannah Hayjvard, 1781. MARSHALL. MARY HAYWARD, b. 1747; m. Benjamin Marshall, Nov. 2, 1768. Children: I. — Hayward, b. April 6, 1771 : m. June 8, 1794. Olive Hay- ward. II. — Benjamin, b. Aug. 12, 1777; captain in regular army; wounded in duel, 1812; d. 1818. HI.- — Rowlandson, b. Dec. 7, 1780; m. Olive Manley, June 26, 1808. I\". — Ambrose, b. May 12, 1784. \'. — Gannett, b. May 12, 1784; m. Mary Hayward. Yl. — Polly, b. July 3, 1788. VII. — Calvin, 1). Aug. 12. 1774: m. Ruth Gay. August, 1805. VIII. — Betsy, b. July 28, 1781 ; m. Ephraim Bartlett, March 26, 1826. DANIEL DUNHAM'S CHILDREN'S: 2. I.— Hannah, named in honor of his sister, b. in 1671 ; m. in ^f)^)o: J()se])h Alden, b. in 1669. He was the son of Joseph Alden and Mary Synuuonds and grandson of John Alden and Priscilla ]\Iullins. John .\lden d. Sept. 12, 1687, when Joseph was 18 years old. Hannah d. in 1747. 3. H. — Mehitable, named after mother, was b. in 1672: m. May 30, 1700, Joseph Hayward. who was b. Nov. 2^^. \(y(n). lie was the son oi John Hayward and Sarah Mitchell, dau. of Thomas and Exjierience Mitchell, who in 1638. resided in l)u\bur\-. Joseph I layward, d. in 1750. 4. HI. — Daniel, b. \()J^: ni. {•".lizabelh in ni~\ ; ni. i^xjo; Jost'])h AIiUmi, 1). \(^(^\y. issue: 5. I. — Daniel, b. t6oi ; m. Abigail ."-^liaw in 1717. '). N. — Joseph, b. if>03. 7. HI. — Edeazer, b. 1 0<;4 : ni. .Martha Shaw in 1720. She was b. in 1700 and d. in 17O0. lie d. at South Uridgewater, Mass., in 1773. 8. 1\'. — Flannah, b. 1696; m. Mark Lathro]) March 2*.). 1722, a son of Mark the second. 9. V. — Marv. b. ](»)<)[ m. Timollu l^dson. 10. \'l. — J(tseph, b. in 1700. II. \ I I . .^amurl. b. 1 703 : m. Abiah hMson. in 1728, and in 1752 he m. Rebecca W'asliburn. \\v d. in 1785. ij. \ MI. — Jonathan, 1). 1703. 13. IN. — Mehilablc. b. 1707; in. Harnabas l'".;Uon. .'^he d. in 1737.. 14. N. — Setli, b. 1710; ni. .Mehilable Carver, dau, of Plcazer Carver. Seth was a captain at South llridgewater. 302 DANIEL DUNHAM. 5 DANIEL ALDEN, b. 1691 ; m. 1717. Issue: 15. I. — Joseph, b. 1718; m. 1742, Susannah Packard, dau. of Solomon Packard. He moved to Worcester, Mass. 16. II. — Daniel, b. 1720; m. Jane Turner, in 1747. Moved to Lebanon, Conn., and d. in 1790. 17. III. — Abigail, b. 1722; m. Deacon Eleazer Whitman in 1742. 18. IV. — Zephaniah, b. 1724; m. Hopehill Wade, dau. of Thomas Wade. He d. in 1804. 19. V. Hannah, b. 1726; m. Joshua Blodget. She d. in 1776, and he d. at the age of 70. 20. VI. — Mehitable, b. in 1729. 21. VII. — Barnabas, b. 1732. He d. at the age of 60. 22. VIII. — Ebenezer, b. in 1734. Died in 1755. 23. IX. — Mary, b. 1737; m. Isaac Fuller. He moved to Stafford. 7 ELEAZER, m. in 1720, Martha Shaw, dau. of Joseph Shaw, of South Bridgewater. Issue: 24. I. — Jonathan, b. in 1721. 25. II. — Eleazer, b. 1723; m. Sarah Wliitman, dau. of Nicholas Whitman. 26. HI. — Abraham, b. 1725. 27. IV. — David, b. 1727, at Ashfield ; m. Lucy, dau. of Noah Thomas, of Middleboro. He d. in 1807. 28. V. — Joshua, b. 1729; m. Experience, dau. of Nathaniel Hayward. She was b. in 1719. He d. at Greenwich in 1809. 29. VI. — Caleb, b. 1731. 30. VII. Ezra, b. 1734. He was deacon at Greenwich. 31. VIII. — Timothy, b. 1736; m. Sarah Weld at Attleboro. He resided at Savoy and d. at age 92. II SAMUEL, b. 1705; m. Abiah Edson, dau. of Captain Josiah Edson. Resided at Titicut. Issue: 32. I. — Abiah, b. 1729; m. Seth Harris in 1751. 33. II. — Mehitable, b. 1732; m. Joshua Packard. 34. HI. — Sarah, b. 1734. 35. IV. — Samuel, b. 1736; m. Williams. Re- sided at Abington and Bridgewater. 36. V. — Josiah, b. 1738; m. Bath- sheba Jones, of Raynham. 37. \'I. — Simeon, b. 1740; m. Mary, dau. of Seth Packard. 38. VII. Seth. 14 SETH, m. Mehitable Carver in 1740. She was dau. of Captain Eleazer Carver, of South Bridgewater. She d. in 1757. He then m. Jane Hayward. Issue: 39. I. — Oliver, b. 1740; m. Experience, dau. of Captain Solomon Leonard. 40. II. — Seth, Jr., b. 1741 : m. Mary Carver. 41. HI. — Caleb, b. 1744. 42. IV. — Joseph, captain, b. 1747; m. Bathia, dau. of Capt. Eleazer Carver. 42 JOSEPH, b. 1747. Issue: 43. I. — ^Mehitable, b. 1775. 44. II. — Joseph, captain, b. 1777. 45. HI. — Daniel, b. 1780. 46. IV". — Thomas, b. 1782. 47. V. — Alexander, b. 1783. 48. VI. — Cyrus, b. 1785. 49. VII.— Eunice, b. 1788. 50. VIII.— Seth. 51. IX.— Bathiah. 52. X. — Betsey. 47 ALEXANDER ALDEN, m. 1814, Maria Conant. Issue: 53. DANIEL DUNHAM. 303 I. — Maria Conant Aldc^, h. 1820. 54. II. — Louisa Cook. 55. III. — Marier ]., b. 1839; 111. Henry I. Powers. 15 JOSEPH, 1). in 1718; m. Susannali Packard in 1742. Removed to Worcester. Died in 1768. Issue: 56. I. — Zenas, 1). 1745. 57. H. — Martha, b. 1747. 16 DANIEL, b. in 1720; ni. Jane Turner in 1747. Resided at Stafford. Removed to Lebanon. Issue: 58. I. — Eleazer, doctor. Removed to Randolph. He d. in 1790. 39 OLIVER, b. in 1740; m. Experience, dau. of Solomon Leonard, in 1765. Died in 1820. Issue: 59. I. — Caleb, b. 1766; m. Sally, dau. of Benjamin Hayward, in 1700. 60. II. — Experience (Peddy), m. Solomon Peck. 61. HI. — Oliver, b. 1770. 62. IV. — Cromwell, b. 1773. 40 SETH, b. in 1741 ; m. Mary Carver. Issue: 63. I. — Seth, b. 1769; m. Sally, dau. of William Snell, 1800. 64. II. — Mehitable, b. 1771. 65. HI. — William Snell, South Bridgewater. 3 MEHITABEL, b. 1672; m. May 30. 1700, Joseph Hayward, son of John Hayward and Sarah Mitchell. Issue : 66. I. — Mehitabel, b. May 17, 1701 ; m. Samuel Edson, March 17, 1738. 67. II. — Thomas, b. Sept. 23, 1702; m. Constant Keith, 1729. 68. HI. — Joanna, b. Aug. 15, 1704; m. David Snow, 1731. 69. IV. — Melatiah. b. Aug. 31, 1706; m. Samuel Dunbar. 70. \". — Hannah, b. 1708. 71. VI. — Sarah, b. 1710. /'2. VII. — Joseph, b. 1713; d. Oct. 17, 1733. 73. VIII. — Daniel, b. Nov. 29, 1715; d. June 25, 1749. 74. IX. — Benjamin, b. Feb. 22, 1717; m., 1742, Sarah, fourth child and eldest dau. of Deacon Reccom- pense and Mary (Crossman) Cary. 74 BENJAMIN, 1). 1717; ni. Sarah Cary, dau. of Recoompense Cary, and Sarah Crossman. Lssue : 75. I.- — Sarali, b. 1744; m. Isacher Snell. 76. IT. — ^Josei)h, b. 1746; ni. ()li\-e, dau. of Daniel and Uebecea Mauley, Jan. 16, 1768. //. 111. — Mary, 1). 17-I''): ni. 1777, Capt. Zebedee Snell. 78. IV. — Danit'l, b. 1752; m. 1777, Ualhia Howard. 79. V. — Benjamin, b. 1754; ui. Abigail Perkins in 1777. 80. \'I. — Cary, b. 1759; m. in 1779, Mary Thompson. 76 JOSEPH HAYWARD, of P.enjanun. 1717: b. in 1740; ni. Olive Alanlev, Oct. 20. 1768. ."^he was a dau. ni I )anit'l Manley. Issue: Sj. I. — ()li\e llaxward: m. in I7t)4, llayward .Mar.^hall ; b. April 6, 1771. 88. II. — Asaph llayward; ni. in 17WI. P'lll.v Drake. MAUSIIALL. ^/ OLl\'E HWW'ARI). ni. in i7<;4. Havward Marshall: b. April 6, 1771. Issue: 89. i. — Hayward Marshall, m. in 1826, Almira Wild, dau. of Richard Wild and Rhoda Carv. Rlmda Carv was tlau. of Col. 304 DANIEL DUNHAM. Simeon Gary. After her death he m. Nancy R. Hayward, dau. of Joseph, son of Asaph Hayward. 89 CHILDREN OF HAYWARD MARSHALL. By first wife: Issue: 90. I. — Olive Hayward Marshall, b. Feb. 28, 1828; m. Frederic L. Trow. 91. II. — Eugene Marshall b. July 10, 1832; m. Lizzie Will- iams, dau. of Robert S., and Catharine McPhaill. By second wife: Issue: 92. III. — Polly Alma, b. Nov. 13, 1852; m. Weston Spooner. 93. IV. — Cary Hayward, b. Jan. 13, 1859; m. Emily J. Drew. 91 •EUGENE MARSHALL, b. 1832; m. Lizzie Williams. Issue: 94. I. —Ella Frances, b. Sept. 15, 1868; d. June 11, 1888. 95. JL— Hayward, b. July 15, 1870. 96. HI.— Anna Olive, b. March 6, 1876. 97. IV. — Ethel Eugenia, b. March 13, 1880. 4 DANIEL,- b. in Dorchester, 1675; m. in Rhode Island, in 1696, Elizabeth . Issue: 98. I. — Daniel, b. 1705; m. Elizabeth . 99. II. — William, b. 1708; m. (i) name unknown; (2) Feb. II, 1756, Mary Taylor. Daniel and William Dunham v/ere among the original settlers of Georgia and South Carolina. They located at Dor- chester and Newport. It is stated they gave the names to those places in honor of the places in which they had previously lived, and of the residence of their mother in Rhode Island. Before locating they landed at Fernidina, Florida, in 1732. Daniel moved his family on the first of April, 1756, to Midway and Newport, Ga., where the history of his family is lost. The father of Daniel and William was a Congregation- alist, adhering to the teaching of the Pilgrims, Init their mother was a Baptist. The first settlement of Georgia was made during the reign of George II, King of England. This miserable condition of his jountry- men at that time made it necessarv for him to act in their l^ehalf. For the purpose of bettering their condition, he gave them a charter, grant- ing them the use of land in Georgia without compensation for twenty- one years, that they might here begin life anew. With this in view, General James Oglethorpe founded a I'oard of Trustees to carry out the design. He made a number of trips to Georgia, selecting the best colonists he could find to accompany him. One of the expeditions he stopped on the eastern coast of Massachuetts. Daniel and William Dunham at this time joined the company. In the second trip (leneral Oglethorpe took with him Charles Wesley, as his secretary, and John Weslev as a missionary to the Indians. These were famous preachers with whom the Methodist movements began in England. At the same time the Wesleys organized the Methodist Society in Georgia, the Con- gregationalist, now Presbyterian Church, was started by the Dunhams. DANIi:r, DIXIIAM. -zo O'JD 99 WILLIAM, m. (2) Mary Tayl.T. I'd). 2, 1756. William the brother of Daniel retained his residence at Dorchester and through him has the Dunham name been perpetuated in South I'arcjlina. The same religious relations that existed in his father's family continued in his. lie was a Congregationalist and his wife a lia})tist. He was twice married, first in Massachusetts and second to Mary Taylor. Married in 1756. This was a few days before his l)nither left for Georgia. William, d. Dec. 23, 17^)(;; made a will which bears a date prior to his death; all previous wills were set aside for the ])urpose of disinheriting his son, John, wIkj had married a wife imknown to him and against his wishes. After his death the children ignored the will and gave John his full share. Issue: 100. I. — John m. .Sarah Clancey. In 1779. he located in Liberty County, (ia. loi. II. — William. 102. I 1 I. — Charles, m. Mary. 103. IV. — Mary. 104. V. — Esther. 105. \I. — Martha, m. Mr. Jones. 106. VII. — Hannah. 107. \'lll. — Paul James. 108. IX. — Daniel, d. young. Extract from William Dunham's Will. "Tteiu. I give and be- queath to my son John the use of one-lifth part of m\- lands and one- ninth part of my personal estate, not as yet given during his life, and at his death I give and becpieath it to his children to be e(|ually divided amongst them; but for want of such children to return and equally divided amongst the rest of my children and their heirs forever." This will goes on and gives his lands and money and personal and household propertv to his wife and children, ])lainly divided shear and shear, lands to the sons, money to the daughters. The closing item is this. "I give and bequeath to m\- loving wife Mary l^unham and my six children viz; William, Charles, Mary, Esther, Martha, Hannah, Paul. James and the child that my wife is now pregnant with, all the remainder. Thus it seems that he did not put John's name with his children. The child his wife was pregnant with was a son. Me was named Daniel, but did not reach manhood. After W'illiam Dunham's death his children is^nored his will as far as cutting f)ff |ohn went; and gave him his full share of his father's property, just the same as though his last will had never been made. 100 JOHN, son of William, m. Sarah Clancey. Issue: i«). T. — William, m. Mar\- Tiaisden. 110. II. — Charles T., twice m. ; second. Miss Adams, who had h'anny Royal!; m. K. I'endlelon Jones, ill. III. — Georee T., in Confederate arm\ ; d. in iSoS. 112. 1\'. — Jacob 11.. b. Pel). 26. 1774; m. h'eb. 12. I7t;(;, .Mary C. I'.aisden, dan. -of Josejih I'ais- den and Ann Confrey. who m., second, John liradford, clergyman; d. 306 DANIEL DUNHAM. Sept. 25, 1832. 113. V. — Jane. in. Jesse H. Campl^ell. clergyman. 114. VI. — Polly, m. Josiah Baisden. 115. VII. — Mary, m. Thomas Gould. Had Belle ; m. Mr. Cunningham. 112 JACOB H., clergyman: m. Mary Contrey Baisden, dau. of Joseph Baisden. Issue: 116. I. — George Washington. 117. II. — - Thomas J., d. 1857. He m. Anna (Harris) Confrey, granddaughter of James Harris. She d. 1822. He served in the Seminole war with the Georgia Rangers. She was dau. of James Harris and sister of a Capt. John Harris in the Confederacy. 118. HI. — Ann, m. Dr. Hart. 119. IV. — Adam Confrey. 120. V. — Sarah, m., first, Baindae ; second, Gould. 121. VI. — Mary, m. Trazvant. Had Mary; m. D. T. Sloan, Anderson, S. C. 122. VII. — Fanny, m. Col. Ashley, Atlanta, Ga. Issue: I. — Fanny Ashley, m. Dinwiddie Jones. 117 THOMAS ]., m. Anna, dau. of Capt. Harris. He belonged to the Georgia Rangers and served in the Seminole war. He d. in 1857 and she in 1822. Issue: 123. I. — Hannah Mary, b. 1836; resides at homestead. 124. II. — Bradford, b. June 19, 1838; m., first, Emma Knox Elsberg; d. 1869, of Baltimore; b. 1835; second, Sophia M. Dunnington. He lives in Savannah, Georgia, six miles from Dor- chester, S. C. 125. HI. — Thomas, orderly sergeant of Georgia Hus- sars. 126. IV. — Jacob, d. young. 121 MxA.RY, m. Mr. Trazvant. Issue : I. — Mary Trazvant, m. T. Douglas Sloan, Anderson, S. C. Issue: I. — ^Mary Dunham Sloan, m. Dec. 22, 1904, John B. Jenkins. Issue: I. — J. Douglass Jenkins, b. Sept. 12, 1905; d. June 6, 1906. 122 FANNY, m. Col Ashley. Issue: 127. Fanny, m. Dinwiddie Jones. 124 Bradford, b. June 19, 1838. Was twice m. ; first to Eninia Els- berg; second to Sophia Maria B. Dunnington. Issue: 128. I. — Anna Grace, m. William Onslow Barnhill, English cotton merchant. She had son, William G.', who d. in 1894. 129. II. — Julius C. m. Edith Fitz- gerald. He is an electrician at Mohtgomery, Ala. 130. HI. — Bessie M., Montgomery, Ala., m. April 26, 1905, Edward Pierce Burton. 131. I\\ — Emma C, m. l'\^b. 18, 1903, Lieu. John Wall Norwood, U. S. A. 132. V. — Ethel, b. 1887, Savannah, (ia. 133. \ I. — Bradford, b. 1889, Savannah, Ga. 124 BRADFORD DUNHAM. In 1870 he accepted the position of chief engineer and superintendent of construction of the Savannah and Memphis Railroad (now the Columbus & Western). In 1871 Mr. Dunham returned to the Montgomery & Eufaula Railroad, refusing the Bradiuri) Dunham, Montgomery, Ala. l).\Nll':i. DIXIIAM. 307 presidency of that conipaii} . l)Ul acce])lini;' llie jxisilioii of L^eneral super- teiulent, wliicli position he tilled until December, 1878, when he was ap- pointed sui)erintendent of tlie South »!<: North Alaliama Kailriad. tillini^ that office dnriui^ 1879. and in 1880, in addition lo his other work, he was made superintendent of the Mobile (!^ Monts2:onu'ry Railroad. Selnia Division of the Western Railroad of Alabama, and the l'ineai)])le Division of the Louisville ^: Xasluille Railroad, wliich ])i\sition he held until his resignation in May, 1881, when he acce])ted the ])osition of general manager of the A'irginia Midland Railway (now the Southern), but before taking charge of that office he went West and accepted the position of general manager of the western lines of the I'.altimore & Ohio Railroad. He was also made president of three of the roads of that system, viz: The Baltimore, Pittsburgh & C^iicago Railway of Ohio; the Baltimore, Pittsburgh & Chicago Railroad of Indiana, and the Baltimore, Pittsburgh & Chicago Railroad of Illinois. He resigned the above office in 1883. From November, 1883, to July, 1884, Mr. Dunham was general manager of the Louisville (S: .Nashville Railroad Company, at which time he returned to the Raltimore & Ohio Rail- road as assistant to the vice-president, until he was elected general manager of the r>altimore & Ohio Railroad system, reorganizing the various interests under one head, which office he held until December, 1886, when he resigned, retired from railroad life and returned to Montgomery, Alabama, where he filled the office of president of the Montgomery Iron Works, president of the Electric Light & Power Compan\-, and general manager of the Highland Park Impro\ement Companv. He was afterwards elected to the office of vice-president and general superintendent of the Montgomery (!v Florida Railroad Companv, and the same \ear was made receiver of that comj)any in both lower and high courts until the litigation was closed and he became general superintendent and tru.slee for the owners of the jiroperty until its purchase b\' tlu' A. T. (.\; 1. C'oin])an\. ])uilders of iIk- .\labama Mid- land l\ailwa\'. whrn he was aitpniiUed general superintendent ol the Alabama .Midland l\ail\\a\. wliicli ])osition he occi!i)ied from Septembii'. 1889, to lA'bruarx 15th, i8(;5, when he was a])pointed general superin- tendent of the IMant .S\stem of Railways, reorganizing the \-arious rail- ways under one general system. This office he tilled until January J},^\. 1900, when he resigneij. Mr. Dunliaiii being a ci\il engineer, as well as a mechanical engineer,, and being a practical man identified with the physical oi)eratiou of railmads in all departments, all his life, given him 308 DANIEL DUNHAM. advantages in the manag-enient of railroad properties, not possessed by many railroad men. A friend of Mr. Bradford Dunham furnishes the following sketch of the history of that gentleman: Mr. Dunham was born at Cedar Point, Liberty County, Ga., June 19, 1838. He lived on a farm until about seventeen years of age, his first regular occupation being that of a cowboy, and I have often heard him say tliat at that time if he could have secured a Winchester rifle, he would have much preferred the plains. After leaving the farm, he clerked in wholesale and retail stores for eighteen months. He then entered a machine shop and worked for three years. In i860 he went to Savannah, Ga., and se- cured a position as freight forwarding clerk for the Central Railroad of Georgia. In 1861 he worked on the Atlantic & Gulf Railroad as freight conductor, and afterwards as passenger conductor. In 1862 he operated the Brunswick & Albany Railroad (now the Brunswick & Western), between Brunswick and Tebeauville (now Waycross), Ga., under orders from Governor Jos. E. Brown, who had taken charge of the road as a military necessity. P^or two months in 1862, Mr. Dunham worked on the Charleston & Savannah Railway as brakeman and freight con- ductor. In July of that year he went to the Alabama & Florida Rail- road of Alabama, as a clerk, in which capacity he served until Decem- ber of the same year, when he was promoted to the position of master of transportation, which office he filled until he was made assistant superintendent and master of transportation, three years later. In 1867 Mr. Dunham went to the Montgomery & Eufaula Railroad, as superintendent of construction, and master of transportation, and in November of the same year was made superintendent of the road, which position he held until August, 1870, doing, in addition, the work of road master and master mechanic. 109 WILLIAM, m. Mary Baisden. She afterwards m. John Brad- ford, of Plymouth descent. Issue: 134. I. — William. 135. II. — John. 136. HI. — George W., captain, m. Had one son. 137. IV; — Dr. Thomas J. 138. V. — Prof. James T. 139. VI. — 140. VII. — Jane, m. Col. Crawford. 141. VIII. — Esther, m. Dr. Hart. 142. IX. — Joseph, captain. 143. X. — Andrew. no CHARLES T., twice m. : second, Adams. Issue: 144. I.— Betsy, m. Dr. Royal, Savannah, Ga. Issue: 145. II. — Fanny Royal, m. J. Pendleton Jones, Owensbury. Ill GEORGE T., m. ; served in the war of 1812. He secured pension. He d. 1868. Issue: 146. I. — Sarah J., m. S. P. Manor, DANIKL nUNMIAM. 3O9 Screven Co., Ga. 147. 11. — Mary (i., m. JmIui I'aker, Mcintosh Co., Ga., now Wayne. 148. HI. — N'irginia, ni. i'eler Small. 149. IV. — Cornelia, m. Capt. George Tragan. CAMPBELL. 113 JANE, m. Rev. Jesse H. Cam])l)ell. issue: 150. L — Prof. A. B. Campbell, Troy. Ala. 151. 11. — Margaret, m. Jesse II. Camp- bell McDonald. 151 MARGARET, m. Jesse Cami)l)cll McDonald. Lssue : 152. L — ^Caroline, m. W. D. Krenson. 153. 11. — j. Campbell, casliier Dow Law Block, Fort \^alley, Ga. GOULD. 115 Mx^RY, m. Thomas Gould. Lssue: 154. L — Belle Gould, m. Cunningham, Decatur, Ga. INDEX. DEACON JOHN DUNHAM AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Heads of families, only, are indexed. Thev are respectively numbered from one of the sons of Deacon John Dunham, said number being" re- tained ])y them when they become the heads of families. The number of the child, as the head of a family, is given iirst in the index below, then follows the name, date of birth, name of the father in parenthesis and his number as a child, and then the number of the page on which the record is printed, c. g., ii8 Moses E., 1824 (Moses 102), page 22, means that the number of the child as the head of a family is 118; the name Moses E., the date of birth, 1824; the name of his father in parenthesis Moses followed by his father's number, 102, and lastly the number of the page on which the record of Mioses E. is to be found, viz., 22. The numbers of the children of Deacon John Dunham are printed in Roman and their descendants in Arabic numerals. SECTION : I Deacon John Dunham. Pages I to 17 2. John Dunham, . 17 40 3 Thomas Dunham, 40 78 4 Jonathan Dunham, 78 159 5 Joseph Dunham, 159 250 6 Benajah Dunham, 250 299 7 Daniel Dunham, 299 309 (310) IXDKX. I ( DUNHAMS. Chil 1 Nvimbei-s. TToads of Families. 261 Aaron, iy^)=, (Azariali 42). 473 Aaron, i/cjy (NclK'iiiiali 472), II Ahio-ail, 1623 (Dca. jnhn Dunliani), 630 AI)igail. 1727 (jonalliau 187). 1795 Abigail, 1762 (Ohadiali 1786). 638 Abigail, 1784 (Simeon /2), 889 Abigail, 1793 (James 862), 997 Abigail, i7()7 (Micajah 5), 197 .Abigail, 1820 (Hazael 166), 580 Abbie L., 1861 (Jessie H. 578), 761 Abijah, 181 5 (William' 661), 1306 Abishai, m. 1776 (John 1295). 1798 Abner, 1773 (( )ba(liah 1786). 809 Abraham, 1750 (Jonathan 28), 712 Abraham, 1787 (Elijah 75), 370 Abraham, 1787 (Samuel 41), 2021 Abraham. 1794 (Levi 1973), 471 Abraham, 1819 (Abraham 370), 2090 Abraham F., 1842 (Al)raham 2021), 1534 Adeline W., 1859 (James C. 1520), 362 Albert, 1844 (Bradley 341), 167 Albert R., (John 99), 1579 All)ert S., 1828 (Scluiyler 1577). 338 Albert Tyler, 1807 (Sanuiel 38), 451 Albert T., 1841 (Jonathan L. 343), 1000 Alfred, 1797 (Salathial 832), 1920 Alfred, i8oo (Obadiah 1794), 357 Alice, 1863 (David 312), 786 Allie \'., 1857 (Henry \ . W 760), 352 Almira, 1812 (Amos 34<)l. 413 Almon, 1852 (William L. 1'.. 4cxd), 1094 Alonzo, 1812 (John 997), 2048 Alonzo, i8i(; (Simeon 2046). 302 Alonzo 11., 1874 (James b^lias 298). Page. 281 275 13 146 242 188 289 205 26 186 73 141 235 285 192 99 247 99 248 225 60 54 227 94 63 131 241 /J 283 95 62 246 5'^ 312 Child Number! 190 411 1742 1752 1 180 2031 24 349 1247a 180 346 717 903 620 I2CO 2018 386 1629 213 34 V7 587 1534 78 2019 907 2071 483 788 946 256 821 797 505 5 '2 51 234 27 . 42 .474 INDEX. Heads of Families. Alpha, 1800 (Hazacl 166). Alva. 1862 (Wm. L. B. 340). Alvan. 1794 (Daniel 384), Alvaii Franklin, 1822 (Alvan 1742), Amanda M., 1817 (George S. 1148), Amelia (Sylvester C. 2017), Amos, 1716 (Josaiah 14), Amos, 1782 (Jonathan 195). Anderson S., 1827 (Elisha 475) Andrew, 1833 (Henry 162). Andrew J., 183 1 (David 339), Andrew L., 1844 (Nelson 712), Angeline, 1825 (Harry 899), Ann, ni. 1775 (Shubael 614), Anna, 1732 (Jethro 1147), Anna, 1788 (Levi 1973), Anna. 1830 (Henry 371), Anna (Isaac 1619), Annah, 1820 (Tylec 208), Anne, 1748 (Amos 24), Annie S., 1853 (Augustus H. 256), Archibald (Daniel 379), Arthur Preston, 1864 (James C. 1520) Asa 1759 (Sylvanus 63), Asa, 1789 (Levi 1973), Asa. 1790 (Asa 78), . Asa C, 1821 (Asa 2019), . Asa Clarkson, 1845 (Neheniiah 472), Asa Thomas, 1817 (Eleazer 79), Asa W., 1822 (Asa 907), . Augustus H., 1828 (Holtham 198), Augustus M., 1818 (Jonathan R. 817), Augustus S. (Sampson 785), Austin, 1807 (Nathaniel 342), Austin C, 1834 (Austin 505), Azariah (Josiah 45), Azariah (Jonathan 68), Azariah, 1718 (Jonathan 12), Azariah, 1760 (David 29), Azariah Whitfield, 1802 (James 390), Pag'e. 27 67 233 209 246 161 95 138 167 63 .281 127 117 137 247 97 228 9T 161 92 380 225 199 247 200 247 274 193 200 92 285 193 38 38 48 263 255 26^ 276 Child Number 308 829 61 142 818 1 6 XI 7 9 999 19 '434 '334 1352 IX 16 "15 1 130 1023 "54 61 1410 921 92 206 480 144 348 1753 124 1718 ]722 341 349 48 1063 293 455 1647 TXDF.X. s. Heads ol I'.iiui Bano^s, 1 75 1 (Ebenczer 302), IJarnal^as, 1736 (Gideon 190), Earnal)as. m. 1766 (Kbenezer 40), Rarnalxis, ni. 1827 (llarnabas 61), Barzillai. 1782 (Abraham 812), Hcnjaiiiiii. 1691 (John 3), JJenajali (Xchcmiah ^yy). Bcnajah. i()40 (Dca. jolni Dunham 1 Benajah, 1683 (Joseph X'lII). Benajah, 1684 (Echnnnd 2), Benajah, 1709 (Benajah y), Benajah, 1712 (Benajah 9), Benajah, 1753 (Daniel 1110), Benajah, 1758 (Benajah 999), Benjamin (Ephraim 1332), Benjamin, 1637 (Dea. John Dunliam Benjamin, 1681 (Jonathan i). Benjamin, 1720 (Daniel 8), Benjamin, 1745, (Daniel 1110), Benjamin, 1760 (Joseph 1004), Benjamin, 1783 (Robert 1127), Benjamin, 1786 (David 43a), Benjamin, 1790 (i)enjamin 1352), Benjamin \V., 1830 (Samuel 908). Benyew, 1732 (David 82), Benyew, 1802 (David 116), J'.ethany S., 1831 (Xchemiali 472), Betsey (Charles 'V. 110), Betsey, 1770 (Jnnalhan 195), Betsey, 1828 (Alvan 1742), IJradford, 1838 (Thomas J. wy'), Bradish, 1705 (Job 385), . liradish B., 1816 ( Uradish 1718), Bradley, 1807 (David 334). I'radley, 1837 (David 339), Butler, 1805 (Sanmel 43), Calfernia, 1835 (James looi), Calvin, 1781 I John 58), Calvin r.., 1848 (Jonathan 3.)3), Calvin W. (W'illett \ . i()42). H.es. ). 313 Pagre. 30 123 23 23 286 30 273 250 202 254 213 298 207 214 219 12 58 206 207 203 208-209 281 219 200 52 56 273 308 95 234 306 231 232 60 64 83 132 29 63 314 Child Numbers. INDEX. Heads of Families. 784 Campbell (Daniel 325), 134 Caroline, 1816 (James 123), 1181 Caroline, 1821 (George 1148). 846 Caroline C, 1810 (Tilson 815), 691 Carrie (Perry Jackson Dunham 665) 112 Carroll, 1828 (Edward W. 106), 128 Carroll, 1858 (Carroll 112), 3T0 Catharine C, 1822 (Jeremiah S. 2i^^) 167 Catharine Lawson, 1797 (Jacob 53), 838 Chauncey (Solomon 834), 474 Chauncey R., 1847 (Abraham 471). 1 71 9 Charles, 1797 (Job 385), . 1731 Charles, 1840 (Charles 1719). • 168. Charles (Jacob 53). 166 Charles A., 1817 (Ezra 97), 755 Charles A.. 1857 (Samuel N. 746). 834 Charles I'.udd, 1829 (Jonathan 830), 1147 Charles C, 1767 (Robert 1127), 1516 Charles F., 1816 (Ebenczer 1507), 1522 Charles G. M., 1846 (Charles F. 1516), 288 Charles H., 1863 (Henry 271), 1503 Charles Henry, 1859 (Catherine C. Hamm 250 Charles L. (Holtham 198), 1723 Charles R. (Bradish 1718), 258 Charles S., 1846 (Sylvanus 106) no Charles T. (John 100), 822 Charles W., 181 1 (Silas 814). 973 Charles Wright, 1857 (Samuel W. 959), 384 Charlotte (Henry 371), 664 Charlotte (George 659), 662 Charlotte, 1786 (Shubael 626), 858 Charlotte, 1799 (Isaac 852), 870 Charlotte, 1831 (Harry 856), 687 Charlotte Corday, 1820 (Thomas 617), 1252 Charlotte W., 1825 (Daniel Chase 1211), 892 Chauncey, 1786 (Cornelius 830), T093 Chester, 1810 (John 997), 481 Christiana, 1836 (Nehemiah 472), 1591 Clara Jane, 1867 (George A. 1583), 116 Clara Lois, 1864 (Cornelius 107), )nfl f493). Page. 74 53 210 196 71 259 259 267 261 125 99 232 232 260 166 192 75 208 223 224 170 150 92 232 169 308 194 201 96 115 118 124 123 117 211 128 133 274 226 87 TXOF.X. Child Numbers. Heads ol" I'^amilies. 114 Clarinda If., 1841) il'".(l\var(l 107), 1676 Clarissa, 1S41 (.'^aiinu'l |)ycT 1620). 761 Clarkson ("., 1 (S3 1 (Cicor.^c W. ()-,). 1308 Clift'orcl (jiilm I2(j5). 1994 Cora, i860 (jolm !^aimu'l itj9i ), 437 Cora Belle, i8()7 (William I*^. 423), 298 Cornelia E.. 1825 (Lot Tarent 2^2), 189 Cornelius, l69() (Jonathan 3), 64 Cornelius. \y\() (Israel 12), ■ 522 Cornelius. 1734 (Ilezelciali 188), 830 Cornelius, 1740 ((lideou KjO). 616 Cornelius. 1745 (Shubael 614). 32 Cornelius. 1748 (Daniel 9), 80 Cornelius. 1748 (Cornelius 64), 44 Cornelius. 1775 (Cornelius 32). 889^*^ Cornelius, 1777 (Cornelius 830), 199 Cornelius, 1778 (Iloltliani 40), 495 Cornelius. 1 7(;7 (Georg-e 81 ), 107 Cornelius. 1830 (Luther 105). 118 Cornelius, 1872 (Cornelius 107), 115 Cornelius Henry, 1814 (Isaac 98). 531 Cornelius L.. 1823 (Cornelius 405). 167 Cornelius T., 1820 (Ezra 97). 1610 Crawford L., 1865 (Erederick 1582) 579 Curtis J., 1850 (Jesse H. 578), . 211 Cynthia, 181 7 (Tylee 208). 971 Cynthia E., 1852 (Sanniel W. 959), 536 Cyprian Watson. 1802 (Samuel \\ 5 108 Daily, 1800 (Sylvanus 88), 624 Damaris, 1757 (Shubael 6:4), 363 Dan. 1748 (Scth 328). X Daniel. 1639 (Dea. John Dunham). 486 Daniel (Daniel 96), 2 Daniel. 1656 (Jonathan \'I), 4 Daniel. 1675 (Daniel X\ 8 Daniel. 1689 (Joseph X'HI), Tiio Daniel. 1712 (Daniel 8^ 9 Daniel, 1712 (Daniel 2), 379 Daniel, 1725 (Edmund 11), 325 Daniel. 1734 (Jonathan J27,), 315 Page. 258 230 283 T42 244 176 267 112 162 104 '25 120 81 162 85 128 93 184 81 87 164 184 167 227 186 91 201 108 168 33 -99 3,7 80 3^H 2 206 80 -/ / 3i6 Child Numbers. INDEX. Heads of Families. 1 125 Daniel, 1737 (Daniel iiio), 31 Daniel, 1744 (Daniel 9), . 334 Daniel, 1748 (Ebenezer 330). 96 Daniel, 1762 (Samuel 66), 384 Daniel, 1764 (Nathaniel 370), 1506 Daniel, 1786 (Jethro 1346), 1741 Daniel, 1792 (Daniel 384), 910 Daniel, 1803 (Asa 78), 1674 Daniel, 1831 (Samuel Dyer 1620), 405 Daniel, 1839 (Wm. L. B. 340), 759 Daniel V., 1826 (George W. 65), 1061 Darius, 1790 (David 1005), 12 David, 1674 (Jonathan i), 82 David, 1704 (Nathaniel 14), 34 David, 1705 (David 12), . 1145a David, m. 1723 (Gersham 5), 29 David, 1723 (Jonathan 12), 1293 David, 1724 (David 1145a), 1005 David, 1741 (Micajah 998), 43 David, 1745 (Azariah 27), 96 David, 1751 (David 82), 1305 David, 1752 (John 1295), 40 David, 1755 (David 39), 116 David, 1762 (Benyevv 92), 334 David, 1767 (Nathaniel 90), 275 David, 1770 (Joseph 93), 1058 David, 1775 (David 1005), 67 David T., 1792 (David 43a), 339 David, 1799 (David 334), 207 David, 1804 (David 116), 312 David, 1813 (Nathaniel 91), 274 David, 1826 (Isaac 103), 354 David, 1837 (Bradley 341), 210 David, 1844 (David 207), 355 David, 1848 (David 312), 410 David, 1854 (Wm. L. B. 340), 540 David Adams, 181 5 (Samuel F. 532 363 David F., 1853 (Bradley 341), . 753 David v., 1 81 3 (George W. 65), 605 David Wat.son, 1844 (David 540), Page. 207 81 31 37 233 233 233 202 230 62 283 204 47 50 48 140 255 141 204 256 57 141 263 54 59 58 204 281 59 55 ^7Z 170 60 55 173 67 in 60 282 III IXDI'.X. 3^7 Child Numbers. Heads i>L I'^ainilies. Page. II52 Debonili, 1696 ((iirsliani 5), ..... . 142 1268 Dcborali. I7(j(j (jcssc 1 165), 212 676 Delia, 1847 (Jonathan S. 662). 73 255 Delia A., 1826 (IJoltliani 198). 92 735 Dell (Erasmus Jonathan 675), . 73 1Q25 Dewey, 1830 (Alfred 1920), 241 1796 Diadaniia, 1735 (Obadiah 1786), 237 275 Diadaniia. 1830 (Isaac 103), 171 594 Dinah, 1761 (Daniel 379), 280 319 Dorothy, 1834 (Frederick 309), 172 538 DoUyra, 1806 (Samuel h\ 532), 1 10 1299 Drusilla, 1775 (David 1293), 141 1840 Dwight, 1837 (Horatio 1799), 237 1460 Dwight, 1858 (Orson 952), 147 12 Ebenezer, 1684 (John 3), 30 49 Ebenezer, 1692 (Samuel 5), 21 302 Ebenezer, 1717 (Elisha 14), 30 330 Ebenezer, 1719 (Ebenezer 12), 31 65 Ebenezer. 1720 (Israel 12), 162 1002 Ebenezer, 1725 (I>enajah 7), 214 57 Ebenezer, 1738 (Ebenezer 49), 29 332 Ebenezer, 1744 (Ebenezer 330), 33 1350 Ebenezer, 1759 (Ebenezer 1002), 222 1507 Ebenezer, 1791 (Jethro 1346), 223 129 Ebenezer, 1806 (James 123), 54 4 Eleazar (Jonathan 3), 143 475 Eber H.. 1846 (John E. 469), . 37 1252 Edwin 1-. r... 1847 (Ralph R. 1246), 140 1734 Edith, i8f)4 (Charles 1731). 232 720 Edith X'iri^inia. 1805 (Jeremiah S. 714), 281 2 Edmund, 1661 (Benajah X 1), 250 1 1 TMlnumd, 1691 (Ednnmd 2), 270 37^ Edmund, 1723 (Edmund 11), 277 63 Edmund. 1782 ( David 43a). 281 1411 Etlmund, I7(;i (llenjaiuin 1352), 220 106 Edward W'.. i7<;(; (John 47), 2S8 1518 Edward R., 1820 (I'.benezer 1507), 224 332 Edna L., 185O (Julius 317), ^73 107 luhvard, 1 8 kj ( l'"). 743 Hannah W'.. 1 S_'2 i.\l)rah;im 712), 2 7 22 321 Page. 226 181 '93 187 54 126 205 283 246 284 146 208 208 308 281 220 18; 1 / 142 122 122 224 1 2.ra 97), 2006 Humphrey ]'>., 1816 (Elijah 1986), lies. 87 mo 368 1 129 1979 709 383 852 1619 103 98 720 866 1 ii; 117 748 566 597 chabod, J768 (Samuel 56), da ]\Iay, 1878 (John Henry 1107), saac, 171 1 (Nathaniel 4). saac, 1759 (Daniel 1 1 10), saac, 1765 (Simeon 1971), saac, 1779 (Elijah 75). saac. 1761 (Nathaniel 370), saac, 1764 (l)arnal)as 829), saac (Isaac 383), saac, 1782 (Sylvanus 88), saac, 1787 (Cornelius 80), saac, 1813 (Isaac 709). saac, 1815 (Harvey 856), saac Atwuod, 1S27 (Isaac gS), saac !'.. 1 86(j (l"ornelius 107), saac 'Ihonias, 1838 (.Abraham 712) saac W'alson, 1S27 (Cyprian Walsm sabclla (Duiiicl ;},J^)). ;3^>V 323 Page. 283 241 187 103 298 _ 137 M7 107 96 70 26 230 201 90 91 92 190 128 202 167 244 23 133 243 207 243 191 »-'3 228 169 164 lOI '-3 105 ^7 u>) -77 324 Child Numbers. 925 898 II9I 12 69 651 668 367 1923 8 366 53 586 710 112 1099 82 390 48 862 18 38 123 828 899 lOOI 55 541 388 1520 298 126 176 1 II 831 1379 167 756 615 621 INDEX. Heads of Families. Isabella, 1752 (Elijah 857), Isabella, 1788 (Elijah 861), Isaiah, 1766 (Elijah 1164), Israel, 1689 (Eleazer 2), Ishael, 1741 (Sylvanus 63), Israel, 1788 (Israel 69), Israel H., 1841 (Henry 665), Jabez, 1707 (Nathaniel 4), Jabez, 1806 (Obadiah 1794), Jacob, bap. 1727 (Daniel 2), Jacob, 1765 (Seth 361), Jacob, 1767 (Azariah 27), Jacob, 1770 (Daniel 379), Jacob, 1782 (Elijah 75), Jacob H., 1774 (John 100), James, 1723 (Joshua 995), James, 1754 (Cornelius 64), James, 1754 (Nehemiah 377), James, 1757 (Azariah 27), James, 1768 (John 855), James (Joseph 13), James (David 12), James, 1777 (Benyew 92), James. 1786 (Joseph 327), James, 1802 (Elijah 861), James, 1806 (Salathial 832), James, 1810 (Joseph 53), . James, 1837 (Aaron 473), James Carlisle, 1836 (Henry 371), James C, 1824 (Ebenezer 1507), James Elias, 1850 (John 289), . James Harris, 1803 (James 123), James Harvey, 1831 (James Harris 126), James L., 1826 (Edward W. 106), James P., 181 5 (James 828), James Samuel, 181 3 (Gamaliel 1375) James R. (Jacob 53), James V., 1820 (George W. 65), Jemima, 1726 (Cornelius 189), Jemima, 1753 (Shubael 614), Page. 290 289 136 161 188 189 189 235 242 80 32 260 279 192 306 206 187 273 259 288 47 48 52 75 289 131 48 276 97 224 58 54 54 259 75 144 261 282 114 114 IXDEX. Child Numbei-K. TTonds of Families. 786 Jcniinia, 1770 (C'onu'lius ()i6), 338 Jcniiniah, 17(^8 (l)avi(l 334). 85 Jaiu' (Lewis I'nvd 46). 1 13 Jane (Jolin loy), 711 Jane, 1816 ( jc4)litlia 260"). 1471 jaiu' Stuart. iSu (josepli 1370), 136 Jason, 1822 (James 123). 313 Jay, i8t6 (Nathaniel t;i). 910 Jeanette R., 1830 ( janies 8(jg), 1673 Jedediah (Samuel l)\er 1620), 1646 Jennie (Willett \\ i()42). 195 Jennie G., 1866 ((leors^e C. 187), 260 Je'phtha, 17CJ3 (Azariali 42), 41 Jeremiah. 1758 (David 2t)). 283 Jeremiah S.. 17(^5 (Jonathan S. 263). 714 Jeremiah S.. 1831 (Je])litha 260), 622 Jerusha, 1 774 (Slnihael ()i4). 1331 Jesse, 1747 (I'.enajah (j(jcnjan)iii i()). 325 Pa ere. 121 309 280 222 53 171 290 230 229 54 280 263 267 280 114 215 184 21 1 181 I ^^5 2 1 2 23 185 136 -'-'3 ^7^ -'3t I I<) 124 206 51 288 3*"' 1352 26o 808 1295 392 477 1390 352 1 107 Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo 864 201 99 99 100 359 654 Jo 997 Jo 347 Jo 351 Jo 289 Jo 1280 Jo 326 INDEX. C'liild Numbers. Heads of Families. 810 John, 1752 (Jonathan 28), 58 John, ni. 1755 (Ebenezer 49), 47 John, 1756 (Azariah zy), 389 John, 1762 (Solomon 2>7Z)' 124 John, 1778 (Benyew 92), in, 1779 (John 855), m, 1783 (H'olthani 40), in (John 91), in (John 91), m (WilHani 99), m, ly^y (Scth 328), 111, 1767 (Nathaniel 651), m, T785 (Salathial 932), m, 1800 (Daniel 334), m, 1829 (John 347), in, 1804 (Joseph 274), in, 1810 (Tristram 1194), in, 1817 (Elisha 1325), . in, 1830 (William 107), in, 1842 (Kimball 800), m (David 1145a), in Clarkson, 1761 (Nchemiah 377), 785 John C, 1788 (Campbell 784), 785 John C, 1788 (Campbell 784), 251 John C, 1817 (Holtham 198), 299 John Dudley, 1873 (John 295), 817 John E., 181 1 (Samuel Hancock 794), 469 John E., 1818 (William 101), n E., 1823 (Nehemiah 472), n E., 1853 (Thomas H. 1381), n Foster, 1796 (William 63), in P., 1850 (John 351), n Henry, 1850 (Chester 1093), 918 John M., 1822 (Samuel 908), 295 John Milton, 1869 (John 289), 1219 John P., 1806 (Robert 1152), 1991 John Samuel, 1833 (Harvey 1990), 566 John Willis, 1808 (John Clarkson 392), 53 Jonathan, 1715 (William 47), VI Jonathan, 1632 (Dea. John Dunham), Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo To Jo Jo Jo Jo Page. 286 29 258 175 53 288 93 51 56 305 32 73 132 31 31 57 140 143 56 75 141 276 74 74 93 58 122 37 274 218 21 32 133 200 58 210 244 276 21 79 INDRX. Child Numbers Heads ol" Families. 1 Jonathan, 1646 (Thomas Til). 3 Jonathan. 1658 (Jonathan \h. I I jonatlian, 1672 (Jonathan 1 1. 12 Jonathan. i6()3 ( h'chnnnd J). 323 Jonatlian, 1 7 mm I 'i-'iijaniin 14). 28 Jonathan. 1721 (Jonatlian 12), 187 Jonathan, U)<;0 (Jonathan 3). 191 Jonathan, 1726 (Jonathan 1S71, 154 Jonathan, 1745 (William 148), 2,3 Jonathan. 1751 (Daniel 9). 38 Jonathan, 1751 (David 29). 338 Jonathan. 1758 (Ehenczcr 330). 195 Jonathan. 1757 (Jonathan 187), 197 Jonathan. 1773 (Holtham 40), 68 Jonathan. 1775 (Jonathan 38), . 1176 Jonathan. 1775 (Elisha 1165), 163 Jonathan, m. 1791 (Jonathan 154), 830 Jonathan. 1791 (Jose])h 3^7), 404 Jonathan, 1837 (Wm. L. B. 340). 343 Jonathan L., 181 1 (David 334). 419 Jonathan L., 1814 (Ralph 414), 817 Jonathan R.. 1780 (Ahraliani 809), 263 Jonathan S., 1776 (Sanincl 22), 662 Jonathan Singleton, 1786 (Jonathan 651), VIII Joseph, 1636 (Dea. John Dnnhani), 33 Joseph. 1700 (David 12), 53 Joseph (Josaiah 45), 327 Joseph, 1726 (Jonathan 323), 1367 Joseph, 1749 (Lemuel 1358), 93 Joseph, 1735 (David 82), 1004 Joseph. 1739 (Alicaiah 998), 1330 Joseph, 1 74 1 (Benajah 999), 1024 Joseph, 1 761 (Joseph 1004), 274 Joseph, 1766 (Joseph 93), 1370 Jose])h. 1780 (Joseph 1330), 911 Josei)h. 1806 (y\sa 78), 397 Joseph, 1778 (Solomon 373), 549 Joseph, 1796 (Jesse 90), 1469 Joseph, 1810 (Joseph 1370). 719 Joseph (Isaac 709), 327 Page. 80 . 44 254 58 284 89 / 89 24 89 256 33 95 90 262 140 25 75 67 62 34 285 263 70 159 47 48 7S 143 57 203 214 204 57 221 200 175 184 222 191 328 Child Numbers. INDEX. Heads of Families. 504 Joseph, 1854 (John E. 477). 744 Joseph Avery. 1824 (Abraham 712), 558 Joseph B., 1835 (Joseph 549), 960 Joseph H., 1830 (Sylvanns 909), 1218 Joseph R.. 1804 (Robert 1152). 14 Josiah. 1694 (Eleazar 2), 45 Josiah, 1755 (EHsha 42). 1374 Josiah. 1776 (Jesse 1331), 40 Josiah, 1780 (Ann 34), 1379 Josiah, 1803 (Josiah 1374), 1379 Josiah. 1804 (Josiah 1374), 995 Joshua, 1 701 (Micaiah 5), 84 JuHa C. (Lewis Eord 46), 317 JuHus A., 1828 (Frederick 309), 424 Justin B., 1848 (Gardner 398), 816 Keziah, 1704 (Abraham 809), 800 Kiml^all. 1818 (Lewis W. 786), 431 Laban G., 1831 (Gardner 398), 1047 Ladormia, 1830 (James looi), 196 Lannon H., m. 1845 (Hazael 166), 1095 Laura, 1815 (John 907), 495 Laura, 1871 (Asa Clarkson 483), 520 Laura B., m. 1888 (Austin C. 512), 231 Laura E., 1839 (Daily 108), 563 Laura F.. 1864 (Francis W. 556), 1358 Lemuel, m. 1735 (Eleazar 4), 1648 Lena (Willett V. 1642), 1973 Levi, 1745 (Isaac 368), 2015 Levi, 1780 (Levi 1973), 2023 Levi (Levi 2015), 281 Lewis, 179 (Phineas 43), 1461 Lewis, 1844 (Orson 952), 2073 Lewis E., 1825 (Asa 2019), 46 Lewis Ford, 1754 (Azariah 2f), Lewas Ford, 1754 (Azariah 2'f), 356 Levi T., 1841 (Bradley 341), 786 Lewis W., 1793 (Campbell 784), 1916 Lois Beardsley, 1791 (Obadiah 1794) 1625 Lot Eaton, 1790 (Isaac 383), 282 Lot Parent, 1793 (Phineas 43), Page. 274 192 185 201 210 160 48 161 219 217 206 172 176 287 74 176 131 26 134 274 39 169 185 143 229 244 245 245 265 147 247 256 257 60 74 242 231 266 Child Numbtr 47 234 796 492 351 972 H53 678 1802 602 1913 1055a 234 583 114 887 773> 105 8 1328 1792 625 42 204 407 1229 172 1678 978 498 524 756 373 1539 617 661 1639 877 329 INDEX. s. Heads of r:imilie.s. Louisa, 1804 (Samuel 43), Louisa C. 1830 (Alpha 190), Louisa E., 1857 (Clarkson C. 761), Lucas. i7()0 (dcorg-e 81). Lucinda 11.. 1808 (Auios 349). Liucus M.. 1855 (Sannu'l W. 2 1365 1 149 1 154 666 665 VII 1367 INDEX. Heads of Families. Naomi. 1743 (Seth 1148), Nathan. 1736 (Benajah 999). Nathaniel, 1665 (Joseph A'lII), Nathaniel. 1679 (Jonathan i), Nathaniel. 1684 (Thomas 2). Nathaniel, 1693 (Nathaniel 4), Nathaniel, 1698 (Samuel 5). Nathaniel. 1711 (Eleazer 9), Nathaniel. \'/22 (Nathaniel 363), Nathaniel, 1733 (Nathaniel 9), Nathaniel. 1706 (Nathaniel 14), Nathaniel. 1763 (Ebenezer 65). Nathaniel, 1766 (Ebenezer 330), Nathaniel, 1787 (William 380), Nathaniel, 1805 (Ichabod 87), Nathaniel, 1820 (Darius 1061), Nathaniel, 1830 (Frederick 309), Nehemiah, 1721 (Edmund 11), Nehemiah. 1797 (James 390), Nellie, 1861 (Dewey 1925), Nelson, 1818 (Jeptha 260), Norman W., 1830 (Jesse 548), . Obadiah, 1730 (Jabez 367), Obadiah. 1761 (Obadiah 1786), Obadiah, 1809 (Abner 1798), Olive Hyde, 1823 (Ralph 414), Oliver, 1842 (Luther 105), Olivia, 1807 (Samuel 43), Orah W., 1876 (Abraham F. 2090), Oren, 1807 (Daniel 384), Orson (Sylvanus 894), Pamelia J., 1824 (Isaac 103), Patience, 1645 (John i), Patience, 1771 (Joseph 1330), Paul (Gersham 5), . Paul, 1767 (Paul 1 149), Peggy, 1832 (George 659), Perry Jackson, 1822 (Jonathan S. 662), Persis, 1635 (Dea. John Dunham), Phebe, 1774 (Joseph 1330), Page. 136 213 -173 49^ 69 174 29 i6r 174 69 — 59 171 38 226 23 205 ^_ 172 271 241 280 187 235 240 236 35 87 83 248 234 147 171 20 221 135 135 115 70 12 221 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of I'":ii 489 Phebe, 1782 (George 81 ), 1098 Phebc. 1822 (John 997J, 537 Phebe, 1829 (Aaron 473). 497 Phel^e Ann (Sanuiel 485), yyj Phebe J., 185^ (Daniel V. 756), 1413 Phebe W., 1818 (Benjamin 1410), 1269 Phillip Fell, 1802 (Jesse 1165), 43 Phineas, 1764 (David 2(;), 239 Phineas, 1846 (Jonailian 68), 660 Polly J., 1788 (Shubael 626), 8898 Polly, 1804 (John 851), 592 Priscilla (Daniel 379), 721 Priscilla (Isaac 709), 1 115 Priscilla, 1838 (Alonzo 1094), . 1630 Priscilla (Isaac 1619), 2030 Rachel (Sylvester C. 2017), 872 Rachel G., 1869 (Thomas Mandell 859), 414 Ralph (Jonathan 2)^^)^ 1246 Ralph Ripley, 1805 (b^lisha 1175), 624 Ransom, 1798 (James ^2), 1736 Ransom \\\ (William 1721), 13 Re'becca, 1707 (Daniel 2), 637 Rebecca. 1781 (Simeon /2), 120 Richard 1!., m. 1838 (Jesse 1^-95), 1 27 1 Richard Fell, 1805 (Jesse 1 165), 1127 l\o])ert, 1742 (Daniel 1 1 10), 1152 Robert, 1776 ( l\ol)(,ri 1127), 32 — ^(1346) Robert, 174.1 ( Adios 24), 1557 Robert, 1778 (Robert, 32 1546), Ro])ert R... 1788 (David 1 16), Robert R.., 1838 (William S. 865), Robert R.., 1856 (Davi^l 207). . Robert C. 1827 (Harvey 81/)), Robert King, 1823 (Ivbenezer 1507), Robert Warren, 1840 ijon.itlian S. ()()2), Ro\al Salathiel, iS3() ( Janie.s looi), Ruins A., iS3() ( I )avid 33<)). Rulianah. 171)8 ( Isaiah 1 loi », Ruth. lOtjS ( Ivdnuuid 2), Ruih Delauii. iSi<) (Tilson 81=;). 200 212 (;04 672 1077 o.-> 33.-5 Page. 181 134 276 38 283 219 212 262 119 124 280 191 134 228 246 197 139 V 187 1199 •4 849 ^35 93 188 23 212 207 2CK) 3t> 5,"' '3- '.^-"^ 250 108 334 Child Numbers. INDEX. Heads of Fjimilies. 1623 RylancI V. R. (Isaac 383), 1381 Sala Gamaliel, 1818 (Gamaliel 1375), 1413 Sala Virgil, 1853 (Sala Gamaliel 1381), 832 Salathial, 1757 (Gideon 190), 1467 Sally, 1804 (Joseph 1370), 1703 Sally (Ryland V. R., 1623), IV Samuel, 1628 (Dea. John Dunham) 5 Samuel, 165 1 (John i), 12 Samuel, bap. 1723 (Daniel 2), . 32 Samuel, 1730 (Jonathan 12), 56 Samuel, 1732 (Ebenezer 49). 66 Samuel, 1733 (Jonathan 53), 4if Samuel, 1751 (Samuel 12), 94 Samuel, 1765 (Samuel 66), 889^2 Samuel. 1767 (Cornelius 830), 43 Samuel, 1773 (Cornelius 32), 485 Samuel (Daniel 96), 816 Samuel (John 808), 908 Samuel, 1794 (Asa 78), 38 Samuel, 1780 (Daniel 31), 1155 Samuel. 1786 (Robert 1127), 839 Samuel, 1809 (Nahum 831), 974 Samuel, 1835 (Chauncey 892), . 1620 Samuel Dyer (Isaac 383), 522 Samuel Fuller. 1763 (Cornelius 522) 518 Samuel G., 1849 (Austin 505), . 794 Samuel Hancock, 1784 (Cornelius 616), 205 Samuel H.. 1790 (Holtham 40) 746 Samuel Newell. 1832 (Abraham 712) 959 Samuel W., 1828 (Sylvanus 909), 785 Sampson, 181 1 (Eleazer 79), 1326 Sanders, 1797 (Clififord 1308), 257 Sands E., 1840 (Sylvanus 106), 15 Sarah, 1710 (Daniel 2), 387 Sarah, 1746 (Nehemiah ^yy), 39 Sarah, 1752 (David 29), 34 Sarah, 1754 (Daniel 9), 333 Sarah, 1758 (Nathaniel 90), 1 162 Sarah, 1762 (Daniel 1125), 787 Sarah (Canrpbell 784), Page. 231 146 130 222 231 13 20 81 263 21 22 95 22 129 82 37 75 199 94 207 287 129 230 105 39 121 93 192 201 193 142 169 94 271 256 98 6r 211" 74 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Fami 42 Sarah, 1765 (Azariah 2.f), . 64 Sarah, 1784 (David 43a), 596 Sarah, 1785 (Daniel 379), 337 Sarah, 1795 (David 334), 215 Sarah, 1826 (^Tyler 208), 1634 Sarah (Isaac 383), 1 155 Sarah A., 1797 (Paul 1154), 353 Sarah A., 1818 (Amos 349), 86 Sarah Ann T., ni. 1818 (Lewis Ford 402 Sarah A., 1823 (Joseph 397), 1253 Sarah D. S., 1828 (Daniel Chase 121 1 906 Sarah E., 1835 (Harvey 899), 1584 Sarah E., 1838 (Schuyler 1577). 779 Sarah E., 1861 (Daniel V. 759)? 886 Sarah F., 1854 (William H. 852), 680 Sarah Holmes, 1794 (Thomas 627), 1293 Sarah Jane, 1839 (Richard Fill 1271) 417 Sarah M., 181 1 (Ralph 414), 858 Sarah M. B., 1838 (Tilson B. 847). 1382 Sarah S., 1829 (Gamaliel 1375), 1577 Schuyler, 1800 (William 380), 778 Sebra, 1796 (Eleazer 79), 209 Serinz P., 1842 (David 207), 1 148 Seth, 1704 (Gersham 5), 328 Seth, 1708 (Ebenczcr 12), 361 Seth, 1741 (Seth 328), 1041 Seth, 1794 (Joseph 1024), 614 Shubael, 1723 (Cornelius 189) 835 Shubael (Gideon 833). 626 Shubael, 1762 (Shubael 614), 668 Shubael, 1825 (C^eorge 659), 173 Silas, 1749 (Sylvanus 63), 11 Silas, m. 1754 (Daniel 2), 814 Silas, 1783 (Silas y^^), 820 Silas, 1807 (Silas 814), 1664 Silas, 1852 (Henry M. U)38). J225 Silas 1!.. 1807 (liezekial 1 _'_'()! 457 Silena W. (j'Miatlian I.. 3431. 1971 Simeon, i73<) (Isaac 368), yz Simeon, 1747 (Sylvanus 63), lies. 46), .335 Page. 260 " 28r 278 64- 90 — 230 — 135 95 257 180 211 127 227 283 198 116 212 35 197 145 226 193 55 135 32 32 204 113 125 i»5 ' 15 80 194 >95 22<) '37 63 243 187 336 INDEX. Heads of Fomilies. Child Numbers. 639 Simeon, 1775 (Simeon jo), 1981 Simeon, 1769 (Simeon 1971), 2046 Simeon, 1793 (Simeon 1981), 682 Simeon C, 1820 (Simeon 635), 789 Smith (Campbell 784), 484 Solomon (Daniel 96), 834 Solomon (Gideon 833), 521 Solomon, 1732 (Hezekiah 188), 373 Solomon, 1729 (Nathaniel 363), 1027 Solomon, 1770 (Joseph 1004), 2093 Sophia, 1832 (Abraham 2021), 1380 Sophia M., 181 5 (Gamaliel 1375), 233 Stephen H., 1843 (Daily 108), . 461 Susan (Joanna 389), 2094 Susan A., 1835 (Abraham 2021), 719 Susan Marston, 1809 (Isaac 709), 1250 Susan T., 1832 (Ralph R. 1246), 7 Susanna, 1673 (John i), 63 Sylvanus, 1714 (Israel 12), 831 Sylvanus. 1742 (Gideon 190), 70 Sylvanus, 1744 (Sylvanus 63), 88 Sylvanus, 1754 (Ebenezer 1765), 894 Sylvanus, 1775 (Sylvanus 831), 106 Sylvanus, 1793 (Sylvanus 88), 909 Sylvanus, 1797 (Asa 78), 2028 Sylvester, 1813 (Sylvester C. 2017). 2017 Sylvester Chester, 1785 (Levi 1973) 436 Slyvester C, 1846 (Jonathan 419), 808 Tabitha, 1747 (Jonathan 28), 830 Tabitha, 1776 (John 810), 29 Thankful, 1741 (Daniel 9), 253 Thankful, 1831 (Holtham 198), 130 Theodore, 1862 (Carroll 112), . Ill Thomas, 1626 (Dea. John Dunham) 2 Thomas, 1647 (Thomas III), 1003 Thomas. 1737 (Micajah 998), 266 Thomas, 1760 (Samuel 32), 87 Thomas, 1765 (Ebenezer 65), 627 Thomas, 1771 (Shubael 614), 1414 Thomas, 1820 (Benjamin 1410), Page. 189 246 190 75 38 122 103 174 204 248 144 169 273 248 191 140 20 162- 125 187 163. 128 169 201 245 245 35 285 286 99 92 259 40 41 203 263 165 115 220 Child Numbc! 667 1 38 1 11/ 1386 1841 815 847 I 194 927 208 195 1 93 1 193 232 574 536 1642 47 99 148 380 850 62 63 167 109 I72[ 1 569 853 T07 JOT 661 900 T416 345 913 21 1 1^5 ixi)i':\. s. Hc:id.s of Families. 'i"lu)nias 1"\, 1839 ( I kiirv 665), . Tliomas II., 1817 (Josiah 1374), 44niinas j. (Jacob 1 1. 1 12), Thomas II., 1840 ('riitnu.is II. 1381), Thonia.s Mandell, 1840 (Tilsoii 15. 847). 'riinr.stdii, 1841 (Horatio 1799), Tilson, 1786 (Silas y^). Til son r>., 1813 (Til son 815), Tristram, 1787 (Elijah 1188), Trnman, 1831 (Harvey 899), Tryon G.. 1865 (Truman 905), Tyler, 1796 (Jonathan 197), Valentine. 18] 6 (Hazael 166), Walter E.. 1870 (Dewey 1925), Warren, 1811 (Hazael 166), Warren Jerome. 1828 (.\lpha 190), Warren X.. 1822 (Jesse 548), Whitfield, 1829 (Aaron 473), . Willett \'., 1834 (Henry 1621), William, 1684 (Samuel 5). William, I7(j8 (Daniel 4), William. 1710 (William 47), William, 1753 (Xalhaniel 370), William. 1763 ( r.arnabas 829). William, m. 1764 (Ebenezer 49), William. 1765 (William 62). William. 1767 (Jon:;tlian 154), William (John 100), William (Job 385), William, 1785 (William 380), William, 1787 (Isaac 852), \\illiam, 1792 (John 99), William, 1793 (Samuel 94), William (Nathaniel 651), William, 1807 (Elijah 861). William, 1825 (P.enjamin 1410), William, 1829 (David 339). \\'illiam, i83<; (William 900), \\'illiam, 1848 (David 207), William \., 1859 (Cornelius 107), 337 Piipe. 189 2«5 306 218 197 237 196 196 140 126 127 90 26 241 26 27 186 276 228 20 305 23 226 21 21 24 308 232 22J 124 5<'^ .1/ 7?^ 2()0 220 64 2()0 55 86 338 Child Numbers INDEX. Heads of Families. 1235 727 1627 479 423 1564 1228 1996 387 852 252 1282 892 400 340 1738 1230 865 658 1842 1151 165 391 304 am B., 1811 (Seth 1174). . am C, 1818 (William 658). am C, 1859 (Henry V. D. 760), am Delos (Isaac 383), am E., 1828 (Nehemiah 472), am E., 1843 (Gardner 398), am G., 1805 (Robert 1557), am G., 1838 (J(3seph R. 1218), am G., 1871 (John Samuel 1991), am Henry (Henry 371), am H., 1827 (Tilson 815), am H., 1829 (Sylvanus 106), am IL, 1846 (John 1280), am H.. 1872 (William H. 852), am L. B., 1830 (William L. B. 340), am L. B.. 1802 (David 334), am M. (Ransom W. 1736), am R., 1849 (Joseph R., 1218) am S., 1816 (John 864), am T., 1815 (Shubael 626), s E., 1867 (Dvvight 1840), ng, 1775 (Robert 1127), Page. 139 118 283 230 275 176 225 210 244 97 198 169 140 199 61 61 233 210 288 118 237 208 166 98 172 I.NDKX. 339 OTHER XAMP]S. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 47 Alden, Alexandn- 111. 1S14 (Jt)sc])h Ahlcn 42), 5 Alden, Daniel \(nj\ (llaiinah 2), 16 Aldcn, Daniel 1720 (Daniel .\lden 5), 7 Alden, Eleazer ni. 1720 (Hannah 2), 2 Alden. Joseph. (Daniel X), 42 Alden, Joseph 1747 (Seth Alden 14), 15 Alden, Joseph 1718 (Daniel Alden 5). 39 Alden, Oliver 1740 (Seth 14), II Alden, Sanmel 1705 (Hannah 2), 14 Alden, Seth ni. 1740 (Hannah 2), 396 Allen, Charles (Charlotte 3(S4), 40 Alden, Seth 1741 (Seth Alden 14). 873 Almy, Edgar AI. (Thomas Al. 859), 1 162 Almy, John (Daniel 1125), 22 Alston (Eimice 17), 25 Alston, Alary (Hannah 22), 1624 Andrews, James (Olive Hammond i486), 1543 Armstrong, John ( h'erdinand Tarr 1537), 211 Arnold, Nathaniel (Tylee 208). 224 Arnold, Siljiha 1844 (Cynthia 211), 122 Ashley, Col. (Jacob H. 112). 1305 Atkins. Thomas \\. (Jesse 1275). 1253 Atkinson. James II. (Daniel Chase 1211), 1864 Anstin I'.etsey. 1 7(j(j (Amy Downer 1853), 940 xA.ustin, Calel) (Thomas Kattoome 927). 1865 Anstin. Caleb 1803 (Amy Downer 1853). 982 Austin. Caleb Downer 185O (Amelia Rattoome 940) 1872 Austin, Cakd) Downer 1856 (Caleb Austin 1865). 980 Austin. Celina II. 1844 (Amelia Rattoome 940). 1870 Austin, Celinda H. 1844 (Caleb Austin 1865). 1853 Austin. John (Lydia 1702) 1866 Austin, Lorenzo I). 1805 (.\my I )ow lU'r 1853). 981 Austin. Tlioiuas K. 1S54 ( .Xiiu-lia R.itt* ionic 940). 1871 Austin, Thomas K. 1854 (Caleb .\ustin 1865). Page. 302 302 303 302 301 302 303 303 302 302 97 303 197 211 45 45 156 152 91 91 306 212 21 1 -'39 -'93 -'39 -'93 -'39 2()4 -39 -'3S 240 -'94 ^39 340 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 889 Ayers, Simon (James 862), 1536 Bail, Cicero F. (Polly Hammond 1481), 175 1 Baker, Joel (Alvan 1742), .1756a Baker, Mary A. 1873 (Nathan B. Baker 1756) 1756 Baker, N. B. 1831 (Mary B. 1751), 580 Baldwin, Wm. (Jessie H. 578), 391 Barbour, Lucius B. (Elisha C. Hilliard 390;, 49 Barnes, Romulus (Samuel 43), 556 Barnes, Charles A. (Laura Gleason 545), 1628 Barnes, C. (Isaac 1619), ... 68 Barnes, Charles M. 1833 (Olivia 49), y}, Barnes, Jane O. 1843 (Olivia 49), 69 Barnes, Joseph A. 1855 (Olivia 49), 72 Barnes, Mary L. 1842 (Olivia 49), 71 Barnes, Samuel D. 1839 (Olivia 49), 70 Barnes, Sarah M. 1837 (Olivia 49), 520 Barney, D. Newton (Austin C. 512), 399 Barnhart, George (Wm. L. B. 340), 430 Barnhart, Hannah 1828 (Milla 399), 431 Barnhart, Murval 1852 (Milla 399), 1541 Barrett, Edward C. (Marcus W. 1539), 563 Barrett, John F. (Francis W. 556), 437 Barrows, Frances A. 1845 (Olive H. 423), 423 Barrows, Francis L. (Ralph 414), 8 Barrows, Robert (John I), 872 Barstow, Ebenezer N. (Thomas MandcU 859), 1596 Bartlett, Katie A. 1857 (Amanda A. Parr 1588), 398 Barton, Lewis A. (Charlotte 384), 1588 Bartlett, Lucius (Rachel Hammond 1485), 196 Beattys, Rev. H. H. (George C. 187), 1007 Belcher, Horatio (Electa 998), 185 Bergen, Augustus (Augustus D. Newell 182), 397 Bill, Henry (Charlotte 384), .... 569 Bird, Edward (Isaac Watson 566), 849 Bird, 'George W. (Tilson 815). 1637 Black, Ellen C. 1847 (Harriet Hammond 1487), 1636 Black, Rachel J. 1843 (Harriet Hammond 1487), 1487 Black, Rufus C. (Freelove 1477), 1634 Black, Sarah 1840 (Harriet Haiumond 1487), 481 Blandin, Arthur A. 1868 (Sarah A. 402), Page. 289 238 234 186 33 83 108 228 84 85 84 85 84 84 39 61 62 62 225 185 35 19 197 155 97 154 54 131 261 97 1 10 198 157 157 157 157 180 i.\ I )[•:>:. Child Numbers. Heiuls nt' VamiMos. 483 Blandin. Mary 11. 1873 (Sarah A. 402), 402 Blandiii. 1!. .\. (Joseph .Vj7). 17 IMoomhcld. hiscjih (jnnathan ill. Bog-g-s. 99 Boatwright, Alien .M . (Jaiir 210 Boggs, E(l\v. r>. (('atharim' 85 1585 1599 497 139 143 ). ("aniiiu'lii -. i()7). 97) Robert -Morris (Lewis l-'ord 46). r)olton, Alfred (."^chuyler 1577). ]5olton. Nellie D. 1S71 (Kniily I'. 15S0). Bond, ( )zni (Sanuiel 4S5J, Booth, W. (Fdijah \L 132). Booth. Will. \V. 1852 (Elizabeth). 1569 Boswell, Clara 1876 ( .Melvina llamniond 1564) 1464 Boswell, George (Hezekiah llamniond 1482). 1745 Bourn. Caleb (Daniel 384). 144 Boutillier. R. L. ^T. D. Howell 144), 459 Bonesteel. Emily 1862 (Melissa 450), 460 Bonesteel, James H. 1859 (Melissa 450), 450 Bonesteel, John H. (Jonathan L. 343), 1913 Bowles. John (Obadiah 1794). 1994 Boyd, William W. (John Samuel 1991). 2031 Brainard (Sylvester C. 2017), . 1403 Braley. Alden (Sophia .M. 1380), Brewster. M. X. (Sylvester 2028). riggs. r>elle E. i860 (Ladorenia 1047). 2034 1049 1047 Briggs, Edward (James looi). 1052 219 218 2T5 407 691 545 604 519 521 5 '7 509 1653 756 riggs, Tda Ma\- 1858 (Ladorniea i(H7\ rightman, lUri T. 1868 (Sarah 215). rightman, ilenry 1866 (Sarah 215), rightman, John 11. (Tylee 208), rock, Ira (William E. P.. 340), rooks, Tiriuan M. ( I'erry Jackson ()()3), rowii. .Mar\ 1". i8()i ( Laura Cleason 545). rown. Silas M. (.Mary 534). rownson. 1^. I\. (Warren \. ^J^). ruenstuhl. .\nlella 1 S38 ( .M.ariah Idanders 50«^). ruenstuhl, Rosetta (.Mariah [danders 509). ruenstuhl. ."^^idiuw (Mariah Idanders 50t;). ruenstuhl. W'.irreii ( |eiiiim;di 338), rundige. ha\ id 1S58 (llaniiali llammomi 1481)), umpus, Ilenry (."^amuel X. 74O), 341 I';ig-e. 180 180 45 257 262 257 227 227 38 165 165 L=^3 153 234 260 63 63 63 241 244 246 145 245 L^' L^' '31 90 90 90 67 7' 108 108 186 66 6() .58 192 342 Child Number; 1862 1897 602 807 1000 1200 "3 151 86 97 1229 429 427 431 399 72 595 621 596 626 622 629 624 623 630 628 625 1 180 1879 1881 396 1884 1864 1883 234 42 211 36 8899 INDEX. Heads of Families. Burke, Abram C. (John Downer 1854), .* Burke, James S. 1853 (Pwlchers S. Downer 1-862), Burke. John J. (V/arren N. 574), Burt, Wilham (Wm. E. Jacques 801) Butler, Gamaliel (Benajah 7), Butler, John (Jethro 1147), Buttles, W. R. (Maria 339), Campbell, Jesse H. (John 109), Campbell, Margaret (Jane 113), Cammelius, James (Lewis Ford 46), Cammelius, Jane D. 1826 (Sarah A. Tuthill 86) Cannon, Franklin H. (Hezekiah 1220) Capron. F. A. 1847 (^^ancy 399), Capron, Mary E. 1842 (Xancy 399), Capron, R. E. 1854 (Virgil H. Capron 430) Capron, Virgil H. (Joseph 397), Carey. Francis (Olivia 49), Carhart, Charles (Daniel 379), Carhart, Charles 1786 (Sarah 596), Carhart, Cornelius (Daniel 379), Carhart, Daniel 1797 (Sarah 596), Carhart, Elizabeth 1789 (Sarah 596), Carhart, John 1804 (Sarah 596), Carhart. Lydia 1793 (Sarah 596), Carhart, Mary 1791 (Sarah 596), Carhart, Nehemiah 1806 (Sarah 596). Carhart, Rachel 1801 (Sarah 596), Carhart, Sarah 1794 (Sarah 596), Carlton, Hiram (George S. 1148), Carpenter, Edward 1824 (Betsey Austin 1864) Carpenter, Franklin 1830 (Betsey Austin 1864), Carpenter, Joseph (Sarah 387), Carpenter. Louise S. 1861 (Frank Carpenter 1881), Carpenter, Richard (Amy Downer 1853), Carpenter, Richard 1858 (Franklin Carpenter 1881) Carter, H. C. (Alpha 190), .... Case, Bernard 1744 (Hope Hamblin 36), Case, Robert C. (Catharine L. 167), Case, William (Patience 2), Castelow, Elijah D. 1832 (Polly 8898), Page. 240 240 186 121 213 137 172 309 309 257 257 138 177 176 177 176 85 277 280 278 279 278 279 278 278 279 279 279 209 239 239 240 239 188 ^7 20 261 20 124 Child Numhci 847 1796 693 1181 846 1622 130 689 650 232 732 1413 1250 1253 88(j9 1 199 234 296 1629 1634 1 122 664 1654 197 414 5K3 939 1453 73 1649 618 621 "4 '3 456 464 1151 628 1252 IXDF.X. Heads of Families. C'astc'low, James (J"lin 851), Castelow, I'ollv I). 111. 1845 (Tolly 889'*), C'hainberlain, lulwin (W. R. ( lillcUe 8300-) Chamberlain, joh (()])a(liah 178O). Chandler, ^^lerritl 11. (Simeon (.".682), Chapman, Alfred Al. (George 1148), Chapman, C\rns T. ( TilsonSK), Chapman, Jedediah (Isaac 383), Chapman, Jnslin (James 123), Chase, Joseph (_Sarah 11. 680), Chase, Levi (Israel 6(j), Clark, Howard W. ( Daily 108), Clarkson, John J. (David T. 67), Cleveland, Abishai S. (Ijenjaniin 1410), Cleveland, Charles W. (Ralph R. 1246), Cleveland, Ichabod (Ralph R. 1246). Castelow, Elijah D. 1832 (Polly 889^^), Coffin, Thomas (Isaiah 1191), Colburn, Sidney (Daily 108), Cole, John F. (Henry 271),. Coleman I. (Isaac 1619), Coleman, Joshna ( Isaac 383), Collins, Edward 11. (Eliza 1096), Collins, Isaac ((ieorge 659), Colvin, Elbert (Hannah Hanmiond 1489) Conger, Geo. II. 1818 (llazael 1 ()(»), Conklin, Jacob J. (Win. L. W. 400), Coonradt, (ieorge (Jeniimah ^t,^), Cooke, Henry C. (Thoni;:s Rattoome 927) Cook, Robert (rhel)e 1367), Cooper, Job (Olivia 49), Cooper. (Willett \'. 1642). Collie, I^dniund (Margarel ()i7), Cottle, Ednumd (Shnbael 614), Cottle. Geo. D. (lU'iijamin 1410), CoUle, Matlhew iSarali 34), Cottle, Sarah 1807 (Sarah Tilton 456). Covell, b'lmes (Gersham 5), Craig, M«ses (Sarah 596). Cranston, Gi'o. I'. (D, niel Chase 1211). 343 Page. 124 124 287 237 190 210 196 52 116 188 169 281 219 140 139 124 138 169 170 228 230 134 • '5 158 26 62 66 292 221 85 229 114 114 219 99 99 1-42 279 21 1 344 Child Number,^. INDEX. Heacis of Families. 298 • 858 686 1533 971 19 19 1 166 677 1281 1268 245 615 1792 877 946 1296 1293 1163 121 1 1254 513 68 79 521 328 427 449 447 319 209 210 167 211 324 325 Cree, James W. (Lot Parent 282), Crittenden, Stephen (Isaac 852), Crowell. Frances L. 1865 (Georgiana M. 686) Crowell. Hiram (Thomas 617), Crowell, Mayhew (James C. 1520), Cnrtis, David W. (Samuel W. 959), Curtis, Fear 1740 (Fear 19), Curtis, Hiram F. (Alonzo 1094), Curtis. Jacob (Eleazer), . Daggett, George (Seth 1148), Daniel, Stephen (Hila Ann 663), Davenport, Dora (Deborah 1281), Davenport, Eben (Jesse 1165), Davis, Leonard (Holtham 198), Davis, Melatiah (Cornelius 189), Downer, John (Obadiah 1786), Davis, William (Rebecca Jackson), David, William (Rebecca Morton), Delano, Fred F. (William S. 865), De Long, Asahel A. (Mary W. Rattoome 933) Deming, Richard 1864. (Sarah J. 1293), Deming, Thomas D. (Richard l'\41 1271), Denham, Daniel 1764 (Daniel 1135), Denham, Daniel Chase 1798 (Daniel 1163), Denham, Daniel C. 1835 (Daniel C. Denham 1211) Denham, George A. 1849 (George 497), Denman, John (Isaac Marsh 68), Denman, May R. 1824 (Rachel Marsh 71), Denham, Matthew T. 1858 (George 497), Derby, John H. (Rebecca D. Reynolds 321), Des Jardins, Charles B. (Nancy 399), Des Jardins, Katharine V. 1865 (M. E. Capron 427) Des Jardins, Mary A. 1861 (Mary E. 'Capron 427), Dewey, Bradley S. (Frederick 309). Deshler, Charles D. 1819 (Catharine L. 167), . Deshler, Elizabeth D. 1821 (Catharine L. 167), Deshler, George W. (Jacob 53), Deshler, Mary B. (Catharine L. 167), Dewey, Chauncey E. 1859 (Dorothy 319), Dewey, David D. 1866 (Dorothy 319), Pag-e. 267 124 117 117 224 201 161 134 160 136 70 212 212 92 114 237 13 13 288 296 212 212 209 211 211 181 49 49 183 269 176 177 177 172 261 262 261 261 172 172 i.\'ni-.\'. Child Numbers. Heads ot Families. 322 Dcwev, Ilarriot L. 1853 ( Dorothy 3 1 g), 495 Dickinson, Ahr. ham I'.. (.\sa ("larkson 4S3). 903 Dickinson. Ilcnrv Iv. W. ( I larvcv 899), 42 Dickinson, janies (L'orncHus 32). 147 Dickinson, Lycha 1803 (Lydia 42). 148 Dickinson, Sarah I'.. 1808 (Lydia 42), 465 DotLson. Cieorge (Estlier E. 400). 1380 Dowd, Amos (Gamaliel 1375), 1390 Dowd. Ansel 1836 (So])hia M. 1380), 1392 Dowd, Lncia 1861 (Ansel Dnwd 1390), 1853 r)owner. Amy 1776 (Lydia 1792), 1854 Downer. John i778(L_\(lia 1792), 1947 Downes, Abigail 1821 (Lois Beardsley 1916). 1949 Downes, Condace 1826 (Lois Beardsley 1916). 19 1 6 Downes, Lorenzo (Obadiah 1794), 1862 Downer. Pulchera S. 1820 (John Downer 1854) 1594 Downey. James R. (Win. E. I'arr 1587). 594 Dunn, Alexander (Daniel 379), 700 Dunn. Archibald (Dinah 594), 624 Dunn, Jacob (Sarah 596). 26a Dunn, Alicajah (Jonathan 12). 898 Dunn, Micajah (Elijah 861). . 481 Dusenbury, Joseph \\'. (Xehemiah 472), 926 Dyer, Albion M. (Truman 905), 2114 Early. Eva AI. 1865 (Susan .\. 2094). 2094 Early. \\m. A. (.Abraham 2021), 622 Eckel. J(jhn (Sarah 59O), 956 Eddy, Isabella 1). 1839 (Isa])cl]a Kattoome 936), 936 Eddy, Jonathan ('riiomrs Rattoomc 927) 958 Eddy, Alary V. 1845 (Isal)ella Rattomc <;3()). 2030 Edwards, (Sylvester C. 2017), 668 El\ . lUnjamin (Jonathan S. ()C)2), 45 Eldredi^e, Daniel (Samuel 43). 51 Eldredj^e, Louisa I".. 1832 (Xanc_\- Adams 45I. 52 Eldredi^e, Lucian \\ 1S39 (Xancv Adams 45). 50 Eldredi^e, Samuel D. 1S20 (Xaiicy .\dams 45), 727 Ely, Henry (I":iiza 668) 3(J9 iMuery, Mcnr\ (Sarah ^i^y), 779 luiimons, bihn S. (Daniel \'. 75<)), • 824 Itverson. Levi (Charles W. 882), 345 P.apTO. 172 274 T27 87 179 '44 144 . '44 238 238 242 242 242 240 LS3 280 280 -'/-^ 255 289 -V4 '-'7 -'49 248 -'78 -'^5 2i)2 2')^ / - 82 8j S_> Sj 7.> -•^3 ">=; 346 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 605 Farrand, Hattie 1868 (Lucy jMartin 397), 47 Farnham, Lucian (Samuel 43), 599 Farrand, Ensign 1850 (Lucy Sweet 397) 62 Farnham, Lucy L. 1833 (Louisa 47), 596 P>rrand. Lucy O. 1841 (Lucy Sweet 397), 397 Farrand, Orlando (Lucy Martin 385), 601 Farrand, William 1856 (Lucy Martin 397), Faunce, John (Jonathan), 213 Ferris, ( )rrin (Tylee 208), 952 Filkin, John J. (Caroline B. Rattoomc 935), 1348 Fish, Joseph (Ebenezer 1002), 1494 Fish, Joseph 1782 (Esther 1348), 1365 Fish, Gamaliel (Joseph 1330), 1 170 Fish, Nathaniel (Seth 1148), 157 Fisk, George P. 1868 (James D. Fisk 151), 158 Fisk, Jane A. 1870 (James D. Fisk 151), 151 Fisk, James D. 1831 (Lydia Dickinson 147), 150 Fisk, Maria 1828 (Lydia Dickinson 147), 147 Fisk. Partridge (Lydia 42), 754 Fitz Randolph N. (George W. 65), 338 Flanders, Daniel (David 334), 509 Flanders, Mariah 1816 (Jemimah 338), 97 Fleming, John L (Sarah A. Tuthill 86), 519 Folts, Delos (Maria Flanders 509), 589 Fonda, John A. 1844 (Dollyra 538), 584 Fonda, Hiram J. 1831 (Dollyra 538), 538 Fonda, John T. (Samuel F. 532), 780 Force, John A. (Daniel 756), y7,S Forman. W. V. R. (David T. 67), 620 Foster, Benjamin (Shubael 614), 395 Foster, Preston (Sarah 387), 1734 Foster, Wm. Horton (Charles 1731), 1468 Francis, Charles (Joseph 1370), 681 French, Ebenezer (Simeon 635), 1047 French, Leroy (Ladormia 1067), 1540 Friday, Frederick L. (Ora P. Parr 1535), 1795 Fullam, Elisha (Obadiah 1786), 474 Gage, Edward (S. A. Makepeace 461), 116 Garrison, Lloyd McK. (Clarinda H. 114), 357 Gearhart, Edmund (David 312), Page. . 69 82 68 82 68 68 69 78 91 295 223 223 221 136 88 88 88 88 88 282 65 65 257 66 no no no 283 281 117 272 232 2.2.2 190 ^31 152 242 179 259 173 Cliild N amber 786 83011 830 8300- 534 542 545 544 ^753 ^758 "5 62 305 339 322 21 14 466 968 352 408 585 485 394 483 36 2 I 7 979 454 562 1508 1483 1493 1497 1498 1574 i666 1489 830 TXDRX. s- Heads of Families. Giles. Isaac (Henry \'. D. 760), Gillette, Ahram 1). 1807 (Tabitlia 830). Gillette. Adelaide i85(; (Walter R. Gillett Gillette. F 1'.. (John 810), Gillette, W. R. 1804 (Tabitha 830), Gleason, Calvin (Sanniel I'. S?>^^- Gleason. M. Enieline 1824 (Mar\- 534). Gleason, Laura A. 1833 (.Mar\- 534), Gleason, Thet)dore A. 1830 (Mary 534), Goff. S. .M. (Alvan 1742), Goff, Henry M. 1858 (T.etsey 1753). Gotild. Thomas (John 109). Griffen, Daniel W. (Louisa 47), Griffith, Joseph P. (Charlotte 384). Groff, Ella 1851 (Alary E. Reynolds t,22) Groff. \Vm. AL (Maria 285), '. Grow. David \'. (Susan A. 2094). Guild, Reuben (Joanna 389), Gulick, Isaac (Mary Rattoonie 928), Guthrie, Charles L. (Amos 349), Hakes, Jeremiah S. (Wm. L. B. 340), Haley, Elbridt^e (Jesse 11. 578).. . Hall, Arthur S. 1878 (Alary II. lUandin 483) Hall, James (Sarah 387), Hall, Moses C. (Sarah A. 402), Hamblin, H()|)e i()y^) (Patience 2). Hamblin. James (J dim i), Hamblin, James Jr. (John I), Hamblin, Bartholomew (John 1), Hamilton, D. \\'. (Samuel W. 959), . Hammett, John (Sarah Tilton 456), Hamilton, R. G. ( Azariah W. 474). Hammond, Arthur J. 1871 (Charles W. 1 lanunond Hammond, Benjamin I). 180O ( h'reelove 1477), I lanunond, Catharine C. 1828 (John M.uiiinond 1481 Hammond, CharK's W. 1838 (John llannnond 1480) I lanunond. Pdwin II. 1S43 ( |olin llannnond 14S0) Hammond. l'"reelove L. i83s (Silas 814). 276 IlilK'r, llirain (Augustus II. 256). 2^^}^ Milliard, Ambrose (Seth 361). 391 llillianl, Charlotte (". 1876 (Klislia C". liilliard 390) 390 Milliard, Elisha C. 1852 (Elisha ]•.. Milliard 384), 384 liilliard, Elisha E. 1806 (Marcia ^y/i^^ 1007 Hitchcock, ( )hed (Micajah 998), 364 Ilollister, Alljcrt C. 1804 ( T.etsey 348), 348 Ilollister, Asahel (Jonathan 195). 642 Holmes, Alonzo J. 1820 (Rebecca 637), 1203 Holmes, John (Jethro 1147). 637 Holmes, Judah (Simeon 72). 478 Hope, Aaron 1). (Neheiniah 472), 387 Hope, Adam (Neluniiah 3771. . 395 Hope, Anna 1772 (Sarah 387), 394 Hope. Esther 1769 (Sarah 387), 398a Hope, James W. 1784 (Sarah 387), 513 Hope, Julia .AL. 1848 (Elizabeth S. 478), 399 Hope, Lydia 1787 (Sarah 387), 396 Hope, Margaret 1775 (Sarah 387), . 398 Hope, Mary 1781 (Sarah },^-]). 397 Plope, Neheiniah 1778 (Sarah }^^~). 393 Hope, Samuel 1766 (Sarah })>~), 225 H^ornbcck, Erank (Silpha .Xrnold 224). 763 Hough, G. DeK. 1861 (Marie \\ Smith 762), 762 11 (High, (jeorge T. (Nathaniel S. Smith 759). 592 Howard, Chas. \\'. 1863 (Susannah 588). 588 Howard. Joel T. (.\mos Sweet 388). 1832 Howard, George 15. 1862 (Lucy 1). Thm-bcr 1822) 183 1 Howard, Leland (). 1857 (Lucy D. 'riuuber 1822). 1822 Howard, ( )ssian G. (Lucy 1802). 1063 Howell. Anthony J. (James lOOi), 154 Howell. Jennie \\\ (.T. 1). Howell 144). 142 Unwell, J.ihn S. (James 48). 144 Ibiwcll. TIko. 1). (Eliza S. 114), 678 llouijhlon, Gvreiuis (Simeon <»35l. 340 Page. '3' 289 92 195 92 3^ 33 33 32 203 95 95 188 188 275 271 272 272 272 275 272 2-J2 ->— > 91 119 119 68 68 ■^}>7 '3- 26(3 260 2(h) ii;o 350 Child Number: 1095 1007 1005 1002 1006 998 1008 502 492 490 488 1534 441 440 443 337 346 V V 786 811 808 807 800 786 801 619 322 705 887 712 687 878 885 870 INDEX. Heads of Families. Hulbert, Charles (James 123), HoUiday, Edmund B. (Solon Huntington 490), Hungerford, Asahel (John 907), Hungerford, Amanda A. 1821 (Electa 998), Elungerford, Edward 1817 (Electa 998), Hungerford, Lewis 181 1 (Electa 998), Hungerford, Lucy M. 1810 (Electa 998), Hungerford, Spencer (Salathial 832), Hungerford, William 1822 (Electa 998J, Huntington, Caroline D. 1861 (Solon H. 490), Huntington, Henry E. 1850 (Solon lluntiiigt m 490 Huntington, Phcbe 1817 (Elizabeth X'incent 488), Huntington, Solon 1812 (Elizabeth Vincent 488), Huntington, Willard V. 1856 (Solon H. 490), Huntington, William (Abner Vincent 332) Huxford. Geo. F. (James C. 1520), Hyde, Henry F. 1836 (Sarah M. 417), Hyde, John M. (Ralph 414), Hyde; John M. 1834 (Sarah M. 417), Hyde, Sarah M. 1840 (Sarah M. 417), Hydorn, William (David 334), Irvin, Ednmnd L. (E. A. Reynolds 323), Jackson, Nathaniel (John Rickard 1652), Jackson, Rebecca (Abigail Rickard), Jacques, David 1790 (Jemima 786), Jacques, Fred W. 1870 (Hulbert L Jacques 808), Jacques, Hulbert L. 1835 (Wm. E. Jacques 801), Jacques, Mary C. 1828 (Wm. E. Jacques 801), Jacques, Mary H. 1797 (Jemima 786), Jacques, Reul)cn (Cornelius 616), Jacques, William E. 1800 (Jemima 786), Jenkins, Lemuel (Shubael 614), Jennings, Frank E. (Dorothy 319), Jennings, F. W. (Georgiana Mackey 686), Jennings, Frederick W. (Wm. H. 852), Jernegan, Henry H. 1866 (Charlotte C. 687), Jernegan, Matthew (Thomas 617), Johnson, Charles H. 1850 (Charlotte 870), Johnson, Elmer 1863 (Charlotte 870), Johnson, Henry (Harvey 856), Pagre. 53 103 134 131 130 530 131 130 131 103 101 104 101 103 100 225 36 36 36 36 64 270 13 13 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 120 172 117 198 117 117 123 124 123 Child Numbers. INDEX. IIf;uls of Families. 882 Johnson, Liddir 1861 (Charlotte 870). 674 Keck, Henry (Jonathan S. 662), 278 Kellog-o^, Charles 1839 (lunily 260), 280 Kellog;ir. D. F. 1865 (Emily 269). 269 Kellog-g. I). iMsk (Isaac 103), 19 Kempton, Ephraim (I'ear 19). II Kempton, Sanuiel (h'leazer 2), 1395 Kendall. Annie K. 1867 (Lucia |, Wchl) i3«j4 1394 Kendall, Theodnrc (S<)i)liia .M . 13S0), 677 Kennedy, Lizzie F. 1845 (llila Aim 663), 680 Kennedy, Orin T. 1863 (Hila .\im 663). 663 Kennedy, Thomas (Jonathan S. 662), 796 Kilg-ore, Anthony (Clarkson C. 761), 525 King, Peter (David P. Martin 510), 538 Kingman, Henry AL (Cornelius 531). 942 Kingsland, Theo. S. (John 1>. Rattoome 932), 1639 Kittle, John (Henry 1621), 114 Kirkham. Augustus iP-duumd 107), 116 Kirkham, Alice H. 1875 (Clariuda H. 114), 115 Kirkham, Susan 15. 1873 (Clarinda II. 114), 542 Labrum. John (Mary 534). 550 Labrum, Mary E. 185 1 (Mary Emeline (ileason 542), 607 L^^nsing. D. \\'. (Mary 1\ 604), 592 Lanning. Levi (Daniel 379), 1408 Lackey, Eleazer (Sala (jamaliel 1381 ), y/y Laing, Theo. C. (Daniel \'. 756), 1703 Larkin, John C. ( Ryland \ . R. 1623), 1 1 18 Libby, Edwin S. ( l'"liza 1096), 721 Lincoln, Seth (Isaac 709). 1453 Lindsa}-, Ceorge (Phebe 1362), 670 Lindsay, Hezekiah (Jonathan S. 662). 84 Linn, John H. (Lewis I-\ird 46), 958 Livingston, I'4)hraim (Isabella Raltoonie 936) 1648 Lobdell, (.Willett \\ 1642), 1884 Lockwood, J. T. (I'ranklin Carpenter iSSi). 906 Loomis, George (Harvey 899), 421 Loomis, Zenas (Ral])h 414). 823 L(^rd, Horatio (Silas 814). 1395 Lowles. \\ ,-dford (Laura J. Webb 1304). 661 Luce, Presburv (ShubacI ()26), 35' Papre. 123 7.^ 170 170 170 161 161 144 144 70 70 70 284 66 184 294 229 258 259 258 108 108 1 1 1 280 145 -'83 134 loi 221 / .1 -'>5 229 240 1-7 "'5 144 1 JO 352 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 689 Luce, Clara D'A. 1818 (Sarah H. 680), . 693 Luce, John T. 1827 (Sarah H. 680), 680 Luce, Jonathan (Thomas 627), . . 596 Luce, Ronianzo S. (Lucy Sweet 397), [82 LuHne:, Theodore W. (Janies H. 176), 1590 Lyman, David G. (Rachel Hammond 1485), 1153 Lyon, William (Robert 1127), 1207 Lyon, William 1802 (Lucy 1155), 1756a Macomber, Frank (Mary R. 1751), 583 McDonald, Albert (Jesse H. 578), 151 McDonald, J. Campbell (Jane 113), 521 MacDonald, Malcolm (Mariah Flanders 509), 464 Makepeace, Evelyn L. 1852 (Esther E. 400), 462 Makepeace, Frank !>. 1848 (Esther E. 400), 400 Makepeace, L. O. (Joseph 397), 463 Makepeace, Lucia A. 1850 (Esther E. 400), 465 Makepeace, Tdella S., 1855 (Esther E. 400), 460 Makepeace, Sarah A. 1843 (Esther E. 400), 461 Makepeace, Stella A. 1845 (Esther E. 400), 980 Manley, Robert C. (x\melia Rattoome 940), 1870 Manley, Robert C. (Caleb Austin 1865), - 26 Manning, Isabella 1781 (Mary Alston 25), 25 Manning, John (Hannah 22), 1656 Manwaring, Delia (Martha Ann 1641), 1 64 1 Manwaring, Silas (Henry 1621), i/y Marco, M. A. de \iti (James H. 176), 95a Marsh, Isaac (David 82), 68 Marsh, Isaac 1768 (Elizabeth 64), . 68 Marsh, Sketch (David 82), 64 Marsh, John (David 34), . 71 Marsh, Rachel 1702 (Isaac Marsh 68), y2 Marsh, Ralph (Isaac Marsh 68), 3 Marshall, Benjamin (Thomas Hayward), 91 Marshall, Eugene 1832 (Olive Hayward 87), 87 Marshall, Hayward (Joseph Hayward 76), 505 Marshall, Lizzie D. 1872 (Mary 504), 503 Marshall, R. R. (John E. 477), 333 Martin, Aniasa (Nathaniel 90), 385 Martin, Lucy 1791 (Sarah 333), 522 Martin, Charles 1827 (D. P. Martin 510), Page. 116 116 116 68 54 155 209 210 234 186 309 66 178 179 177 180 179 179 179 294 239 45 45 229 229 54 51 49 49 49 49 49 301 304 303 275 - 274 61 61 65 Cliild Number 1060 1052 1053 863 79 1299 1409 1589 1599 1598 743 1637 1643 1644 183 537 848 1947 1339 1 328 81 I 812 808 901 464 5 '3 1083a 1081 279 306 1523 946 INDEX. Heads of Families. Arartiii, l)a\i(l V. 1827 (Jcminiali 338), Martin, Clark 1856 (FeniuM- Martin 511). Martin, Elizabctli 1833 (jrniimah ^}!^), Martin, l'\Mmer 1831 (jcnn'niali 338). Martin, Isaac L. (John I). .Martin 1052), Martin, John Dnnham 1794 (Maria 863), Martin, Mary (Maria 863). Martin, Nathaniel P. (David 334), . Martin, Nathaniel 829 (Jemimah 338), Martin, Rcene (John 855), Martin, Susannali 1855 (D. P. Martin 510), Matthews, J. Evans 1815 (Rachel Marsh 71), Mayhcw, Matthew (David 1293), McElwaine, Henry (Sala Gamaliel 1381), McKee, William (Rachel Hammond 1485), McKee, Grace A. 1869 (Louisa Parr 1589), McKee, William C. 1856 (Eonisa Parr 1589), McLaug-hlin, Wm. H. (Al)rahani 712'), McNish, Amos A. (Harriet llainniMud 1487), McNish, Mary \\. 1874 (I'.lkn C. Black 1637), McNish, Paul 1879 (Ellen C. Plack 1637), Meek, Wm. S. (Angnstns I). Xewell 182), Mellick. Edwin (Aaron. 473), Mekiy, Rezin ( h:Hzal)elh 286). Aiercliant, All)ert (Eois I'.eardsley XjiT)). Mercliant, John (Xalhan 1327), .Merchant. Seth (I'.enajah 999). .Merrill, .\l)ra]iani 1771 (Tabitha 808), Merrill. Abraham L. 1798 (.\braliani .Merrill 81 .Merrill. Land)ert ( lonathan 2'^^, Merritt. J. McK. (Joel 897). Miles, v.. I'.. ( h'-slher T'^. 400), .Miller. Gharle,. ( l'.li/.:ibetli S. 478), .MilKr, Carrie 1 >. ( Melvin.i loSi ), MilKr, I'reennin 1 Janus 1001 ). .MilC. W. S. (Augustus I I. i-:s^^). Millward. i-red J. i hdla !•:. J. i-J^^), Miuhell, 1". I'.. (Diadamia 2'j^^\, Modlev. John W . (Charles !'". I5ioir.e <) I). 353 Papre. 65 66 66 66 298 298 298 65 66 297 66 49 141 146 C55 C56 156 H)2 ?7 ,U1 261 276 242 214 214 285 -•85 285 2):^) •7-^ -75 '3- C>2 «)2 02 '7' 224 2t)6 354 INDEX, Child Numbers Heads of Families. 933 Moltlier, John L. (Thomas Rattoome 927), 947 Mohher, Robert K. 1842 (Mary W. Rattoome 933), 1060 Aionroe, Wm. O. (Lncy H. 1055a), 944 Molther, John R. 1836 (Mary W. Rattoome 933), 962 Monteath, Edward (Susan B. Rattoome 937), 386 Moore, George (Henry 371), 1646 Morey, W. E. (Willett V. 1642), 1793 Morgan, Benjamin (Obadiah 1786), 310 Morris, David (Jeremiah S. 283), 465 Morrison, Robert (Esther E. 400), . V Morton, Nathaniel (Abigail Rickard), V Morton, Rebecca (Rebecca Jackson), 956 Mott, Charles M. (Isabella Rattoome 936), 604 Mott, Harcourt (David A. 540), 607 Mott, Harriet C. 1867 (Mary P. 604), 608 Mott, Mary A. 1870 (Mary P. 604), 934 Mott, Smith (Thomas Rattoome 927), 949 Mott, Thomas S. 1826 (Lucinda B. Rattoome 934), 1564 Murray, John (Melvina Hammond 1564), 210 Neilson, Courtney (Tylee 208), 205 Nevins, David (David 116), 183 Newell, Adelaide i860 (Augustus D. Newell 182), 182 Newell, Augustus D. (Eliza DeS. Hankenson 157), 188 Newell, Eleanor \\ D (Wm. A. Newell 187), 185 Newell, Elizabeth D. 1865 (Augustus D. Newell 182), 157 Newell. James H. (Sarah 52), .... 187 Newell, Wm. Augustus (Augustus D. Newell 182), 194 Newell, Wm. Augustus (Wm. Augustus Newell 187), 463 Newhall, G. S. (Esther E. 400), 203 Newell, Wm. D. (Augustus D. Newell 182), 114 Newton, M. C). (Cornelius 107), 1795 Nichols, A. (Obadiah 1786), 697 Nichols, Florella J. (Emeline 664), 695 Nichols, Lizzie (Emeline 664), 693 Nichols, Perry J. (Emeline 664), 694 Nichols, William (Emeline 664), 624 Norton, Andrew (Shubael 614), 625 Norton, Lot (Shubael 614), 622 Norton. Noah (Shubael 614), . 1467 Norton, Robert W. (Joseph 1370), Page. 291 297 297 296 97 229 240 267 179 13 13 295 III III 112 292 295 153 91 56 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 180 269 86 242 72 72 72 72 113 118 114 222 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 172 O'Brien, Patrick (Ezra 97). .... 1306 Owen, J. C. (Jesse 1275), .... 150 Page, Levi (Lydia Dickinson T47), 605 Palmer. Sanmel (Lucy Martin 3<)7), 514 Pardee, Cliarles H. 1854 ( I'lulx,' 1 lunlini;ton 492), 492 Pardee, Henry S. (Elizal)eth X'inccnt 488), 720 Parker, Barton L. (Jeremiah S. 714J, 851 Parker, Francis I. (Tilson 815), 26 Parker, James E. 1770 (Mary Alston 25), 28 Parker, James E. 1847 (Sanmel Parker 2"]), 2.^ Parker, Samnel 1806 (James E. Parker 26), 1588 Parr, Amanda 1832 (Rachel Hammond 1485), 1536 Parr, Ellen O. 1833 (Polly Hammond 1481), 1538 Parr, Francis E. 1847 (l\)lly Hammond 1481), 1537 Parr, Ferdinand 1843 (Tolly Hammond 1481), 1590 Parr, Frances I. 1848 (Rachel Hammond 1485), 1593 Parr, Henry C. 1858 (W'm. E. Parr 1587), 1591 Parr, Homer 1852 (Wm. E. Parr 1587), 1539 Parr, Horace B. 1855 (Ora P. I'arr 1535), 1594 Parr, Jennie D. 1863 (Wm. E. Parr 1587), 1481 Parr, Jonathan ( l-'reelove 1477). 1485 Parr, Leonard (Freelove 1477). 1540 Parr, Lily S. 1864 (Ora W Parr 1535). 1589 Parr, Lonisa 1835 (Rachel Hannnond 1485). 1543 Parr. Nellie A. 18O8 (Fertlinand i'arr 1537), 1535 I'arr. ( )ra I'. 1825 (Polly Hannnond 1481). 1587 Parr, Wm. E. 1829 (Rachel Hannnond 14S5). Pease, I)eniamin (Daniel 2), ... Pease, David (Daniel 2), ... ease, Isaiah D. 1786 (Hannah 1 189). Pease, James (Jonathan \'l). Pease. Noah (Elijah 1164). Pease, Peter (Panl 1 154'. I'ease, Richard L. 1S14 (I. D. I'easc 1271). Pease, Thomas ((Icrshani 5). Pepper. William (Lncy II. 1055a). . crkins. lulward (Melissa 450). errv. (lardner (TlMnias Kattcionie ^)l^/^, crry, Hiram (Llunnas kaltixniu' 027), errv. Laura A. 1S47 (Susan I'.. Kallni .mc 037), 13 LS 1271 7 1189 1LS5 1279 1152 1058 459 935 937 962 355 Page. 168 213 88 69 103 103 281 198 45 45 45 154 151 152 152 155 155 155 152 155 151 LS4 152 155 152 L=^i L^4 93 94 140 146 139 140 142 i3» 63 292 2()2 2yiS INDEX. Heads of Families. Child Numbers. 952 Perry, Olivia R. 1842 (Caroline B. Rattome 935), 961 Perry, Thomas R. 1845 (Susan B. Rattoonie 937), 950 Perry, Wm. D. 1836 (Caroline B. Rattoonie 935), 15 19 Peyton, Clarence E. (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 1 5 16 Peyton, George H. (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 1517 Peyton, Oliver L. (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 1649 Phillabaum, George (Hannah Hammond 1489), 455 Phillips, Albert C. 1871 (F. A. Capron 429J, 429 Phillips, W. P. (Nancy 399), 449 Pilling, S. O. (M. E. Capron 427), 1454 Pilsbury, John 1805 (Phebe 1367), . 1367 Pilsbury, Joseph (Joseph 1330), 1453 Pilsbury, Sarah A. 1827 (Phebe 1367), 2018 • Post, Asahcl (Levi 1973), 858 Potter, Andrew H. (Tilson B. 847), 1412 Powers, Thomasi T. (Benjamin 1410), 1654 Pratt, Abbie 1862 (Hannah Hammond 1489), Vn Pratt, Benajah (Dea. John Dunham), 1648 Pratt, Benjamin 1843 (Hannah Hammond 1489), 1489 Pratt, George (Freelove 1477), 1649 Pratt, Janette 1845 (Hannah Plammond 1489), 1653 Pratt, Lois 1858 (Hannah Hammond 1489), 928 Precott, Charles H. (Truman 905), 1596 Pugsley, Cyrus If. (Amanda A. Parr 1588), 940 Rattoonie, Amelia 18 19 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 935 Rattoonie, Caroline B. 1808 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 939 Rattoome, Elizabeth 1817 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 936 Rattoome, Isabella 1810 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 925 Rattoonie, John (Elijah 857), .... 932 Rattoome, John B. 1804 (Thomas Rattoonie 927), ,. 942 Rattoome, Julia A. 1846 (John B. Rattoome 932), 934 Rattoome, Lucinda B. 1806 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 928 Rattoonie, Mary 1773 (Lsabella 925), 933 Rattoome, Mary W. 1805 (Thomas Rattoome 927), 937 Rattoome, Susan 1813 (Thomas Rattoonie 927), 927 Rattoonie, Thomas 1771 (Isabella 925), 941 Rattoonie, William 1821 (Thomas Rattoome 927), , 134 Ray, Geo. C. (James 123), ..... 1675 Reed, Fitch (Samuel Dyer 1620), 1083a Resagie, Wm. (Melvina 1081), .... Page. 295 LSI 158 177 177 177 221 221 221 247 197 219 158 12 158 157 158 15S 127 LS5 293 292 293 292 290 291 294 292 293 291 292 291 293 53 230 132 INDEX. Cliild Numbers. ll.'.ids nC families. 285 Reynolds, Edward A. (Jonathan S. 263). 598 Reynolds. Elton M. ( l-:iiza A. S7,()), ^2^ Reynolds. lulward A. 1830 (Maria 285). 346 Reynolds, Mary iS(jo (l-:. A. Reynolds t,2t,), :^22 Reynolds. Mary L. 1827 (Maria 285), 321 l^eynolds. kchocca I ). 1824 ( Maria 285), 964 Rice, janies L. (Elizabeth I), kaltonnie 939), 1176 Richards. S. N. (George S. 1148). X'^ Rickard. Abigail (jiihn Rickard 1652), V Rickard. John i(^^2 (llainiali \'), V Rickard, Giles (Dea. John hunhani). 544 Ridnl. George (Mary C. ^^^S^- 735 Roberts. David M. ( bmatlian (->ys)' 889" Roberts. Ephraini (I'olly 88(/N. 642 Roberts, Henry (Stephen \'. R. Sweet 389J, 1006 Roe, John H. (Electa ()(j8). 165 Rowley, Asher (Jonathan 154), 180 Rowley. Elias I7tj8 (Mchitable 165). 185 Rowley. Ilarlow 1808 (Mcliil;d)le 165). 182 Rowley. Sally M. 1802 ( .\lchilal)le 165), 181 Rowley, Warren D. 1800 ( Mihitable 165). 270 Rowley, \\'arren f. 1841 (W. I ). Rowley 181) 144 Royal l)r (Charles T. 1 loi. 882 Roys. Lonis (Charlotte 870). 1640 Rnnkel, Abraham (Henry 1621), 625 Runkel, I 'hilli|) (Sarah 596), 330 Rnndle, Win. 1'.. (Rebecca i ). Reynolds 321). 910 Rnnyon, Isaac S. (James 899), 64 Rnnyon, Joseph (David 43a), . 1634 Russell, Alanson (Harriet llannnond 1487), . 1624 Russell, Albert ((Hivt' llannnond i486), 1599 Russell, Janies II. ( I'anily 1^. 1580), 385 Russell, ( )tis E. (Henry 371), 273 Russell. Win. II. (Isaac 103), 332 Sadler. Russell E. (Julius 319). 275 Sage, Clinton H. (Isaac 103), 306 Sage. Helen 1856 (Diadamia 275), 1624 Sanborn, Alice E. i847(()live Hammond 148^). T486 Sanborn. John ( hYeelove 1477). 1623 Sanborn, John S. 1844 (Olive Hammond T.}8h). 357 Pag-e. 267 I I I 269 270 269 268 296 209 13 13 13 276 75 124 69 •31 25 28 28 28 29 29 308 T23 230 279 270 290 281 ES7 156 227 97 171 '73 176 •7' INDEX. Heads of Families. Child Numbers. 1656 Sanders, Charles (Martha A. 1641), 721 Sargeant, (Isaac 709), 964 Scott, Flora E. 1856 (Elizabeth I). Rattoome 939) 939 Scott, AI. K. (Thomas Rattoome 927), 2093 Scott, Otis P. (Abraham 2021), 204 Seaborn, Baylis E. (Cornelius 167), 253 Sears, Orange 1821 (Holtham 198), 51 Sears, W. H. (Nancy Adams 45), 437 Seymour, Christopher (Olive H. 423), 182 Shattuck, Chauncey (Mehitable 165), \'II Shaw, Jonathan (Dea. John Dunham 12), 106 Shugart, John (Luther 105), 608 Sills. Fred M. (Mary P. 604), 1485 Silva, Emma R. 1871 (Jane Stewart 1471), 1471 Silva, Francis J. (Joseph 1370), 666 Simmons, John (Jonathan S. 662), 248 Simonson, Garrett P. (Robert B. 200), 666 Skiff, James I (George 659), 148 Smith, Augustus (Lydia 42), 1 5 16 Smith, Carlrie B. 1871 (Sarah E. Hammond 1499) 1409 Smith, Cornwall (Sala Gamaliel 1381), 662 Smith, David (Shubael 626), 1 5 19 Smith, Edith L. 1879 (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 1517 Smith, Edna D. 1874 (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 1499 Smith, Harrison C. (John Hammond 1480), 351 Smith, H. B. (Amos 349), .... 1518 Smith, John H. 1877 (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 762 Smith, Maria P. 1840 (Nathan S. Smith 759), 759 Smith, Nathan 181 6 (Polly J. 660), 660 Smith, Nathan (Shubael 626), 15 15 Smith, Orton L. 1869 (Sarah E. Hammond 1499), 736 Smith, Sarah S. 1807 (Charlotte 662), 1267 Spencer, Gideon (Jesse 1165), 1643 Spencer, Walter A. (Ellen C. Black 1637), 1929 Stanley, George W. (Dewey 1925), 1382 Stewart, John (Gamaliel 1375), 39 Stelli, David (David 29), . . 321 Stuart, Archibald F. (Maria 285), 332 Stuart, Archibald F. 1854 (Rebecca D. Reynolds 328 Stuart, Margaret F. 1845 (Rebecca D. Reynolds 321), 321), Page. 229 191 296 293 248 168 92 82 28 12 86 112 222 222 72 56 115 88 150 146 118 151 151 150 95 151 119 119 119 150 118 212 157 241 145 256 268 270 269 INDKX. Child Numbers. Heacls of Families. 330 Stuart, ATaria R. i. (Sarah ^^i), 1678 Sweet, Byron (Samuel Dyer 1620). 642 Sweet, Clarisy m. 1874 (Stephen \ . R. Sweet 411 Sweet, Everett L. 1828 (Lydia 407), 407 Sweet, La])irlate (John 389), 397 Sweet, Lucy 1823 (Lucy Martin 385), 389 Sweet, Stephen \'. K. 1831 (Lucy Martin 385) 588 Sweet, Susannah 1840 (Amos Sweet 388), II 88 Tarrant, John (Wing 1151), 1676 Teachout, Langclon (Samuel l)\er 1620) 95 Terrill, Abraham (David 82). 1 175 Thatcher, Lewis (("leorge S. 1148), 457 Thayer, Calvin W. (Jonathan L. 343). 997 Thomas, John (Micajah 5), 14 Thomas, David ( l'"dnnnid 2). . . 14 Thomas, Elizabeth 1722 (Ruili 14). 1 110 Thomas, Leroy (John Henry 1107), 664 Thomas, Nichols (Jonathan S. 662). 1584 Thompson, Alfred (Schuyler 1577). 241 I'hompson. Henry (Alpha i()0), 453 Tilton, Daniel 1772 (Sarah 34), 208 Thomson, Byron (David 207), 1802 Thurber, (Abner 1798). 1818 Thurber. Abner D. (Lucy 1802). 1819 Thurber, Chas S. 1826 (.\bner D. Thurbe 1823 Thurber, Abner D. 1839 (Lucv 1802), 1820 Thurber, Condace 1827 (Lucy 1802). 1824 1'hurber, iMancis B. 1842 (Lucy 1802), 3 -'I r 18 389). 8). 359 Pane. 270 7?> -'74 212 280 119 276 216 55 67 61 69 175 175 68 69 68 20<) 230 57 209 62 205 250 7-' -'-V -7 0'^ 55 -'3<' -'3<> -\V> -'3<'i -'3'i 360 ' INDEX. Child Numbers. TIeads of Families. 1822 Thurber, Lucy D. 1834 (Lucy 1802), 34 Tiltou, Matthew (Dauiel y), . 456 Tilton, Sarah 1785 (Sarah 34), 1636 Tififauy. D. W. (Harriet Hanunond 1487), 1405 Titus. Harry H .(Sala GaniaHel 1381), 816 Titsworth. Le\vi.s (Abraham 809), ^^2) Tomhnsou, 11. W. (James V. 756), . 2106 Tracey, Clarence \^. i85(j (Kh'zal)etli W. 2092), 2092 Tracey, Edward (Abraham 2021), 743 Trask, Benjamin T. H. 1827 (Sarah S. Smith 736), 726 Trask, Benjamin J. S. (Charlotte 662), 745 Trask, Gustavus D. S. 1837 (Sarah S. Smiili 736), 746 Trask. Sarah S. S. 1849 (Benjamin L H. Trask 743) 121 Travgant, (Jacob H. 112). 858 Trip'p, Albert A. (J. C. Hatfield 856). 1591 Twombly, .\rtluir W. (George A. 1583), 624 Van Buskirk, John (Sarah 596), 202 Vanderbeck, Cornelius (David 116), 875 Vanderbilt, John (William S. 865), 480 \'an Syckel, David (Nehemiah 472), 623 Van Syckel, Daniel (Sarah 596), 625 Van Syckel, Daniel (Sarah 596), 595 Van Vechten, Herman C. 1845 (Ehza A. 539J 598 Van Vechten, Mary E. 1850 (Eliza A. 539), 539 Van Vechten, Peter F. (Samuel F. 532), 550 Van Vorst, Sylvester (M. Emeline Gleason 542), 669 Vaughn, Alvan P. (Henry 665), 489 Vaughn, Levi (George 81), 332 Vincent, Abner 1738 (Mgtilda 18), 1201 Vincent, Barnabas (Jethro 1147), 488 Vincent, Elizabeth 1791 (Abner Vincent 332), 18 Vincent, Joseph (Daniel 2), 1643 Vincent, Lafayette (Willett V. 1642), 1404 Vinton, Charles (Sophia M. 1380), . 430 Wager, Edward (Milla 399), 408 Wager, Arnold 1810 (Miriam 342), 504 Wager, Sherman 1872 (Zachariah Wager 496), 503 Wager, Willard 1869 (Zachariah Wager 496), 501 Wager, William (Zachariah Wager 496), 342 Wager, Zachariah (David 334), Page. 236 98 99 157 145 287 282 249 248 118 118 119 119 306 77 226 278 56 288 273 278 279 III III no 108 189 181 100 137 100 94 229 146 62 64 64 64 64 64 6 Child Number 148 169 166 496 1746 443 454 1052 231 973 715 968 532 972 928 974 970 977 14 1396 1394 1404 1403 1380 1398 886 342 329 617 618 505 1704 1119 1 1 22 1T18 1630 1121 1096 365 305 i\i)i:x. s. Heads of Families. A\'are. jolm (Lydia 42). .... \\'are, Vwil 1850 (Joseph Ware 166), Ware. Joseph 1832 (Sarah I). Dickinsoiv 148). Wager. Zachariah 1833 (-Mii'iani 342). \\'alker, I'.])lira!ni (Daniel 384). Warner, (ieo. R. (."^arah M . 417). Warner, Georgian;! 1S62 (Sarjih M. Ilyilr 443) Warren, Al)rani (l.addnniia 1047), Warwick, William ( I )ail_\ 108), Watson, (ieorgiana ('. 1808 (Mary Rattoome 928), Waters. Henry (jephtha 260). Watson, Amelia 17()5 (Mary Rattoome i}2ii), Watson. l)oll\ (Cornelius 522). Watson. Isabella 1). 1807 (Mary Rattoome 928), Watson. James 1773 (Isabella 925). Watson. James T. 1831 (Mary Rattoome 938), Watson, jdhn R. 1803 (Mar\ Rattoome 928). Watson, I'riah I'.. 1838 (John R. Watson 970), Wayne. Isaac (Ruth 14). Webb, Charles A. 1S45 (.Sophia M. 1380), Webb, Lucia jane 1840 (Sophia M . 1380), Webb, Fanny 1.. 1855 (Sophia M. 1380), Webb, Love A. 1850 (Sophia M. 1380). Webb, Lucius (C.anialiel 1375), Webb, Lucius 1847 (Sophia M. 1380), Webber. Harvey 11. (William II. 852), Webster, l'"rances (Maria 339), Webster, James (Wright 104). West, George (Shubael 614), West, Margaret m. 1790 (Margaret 617) Westfall, William (^Mary 504), Wetsell, Jesse (Ryland V. R. 1623). Wheeler, Charles J. 1850 (Eliza 1096), Wheeler, Lida S. 1863 (Eliza 1096). Wheeler, Lottie I^. 1859 (Eliza 1096), Wheeler, M. C. (Isaac 1619), . Wheeler, Warren G. i860 (I^liza ia)6). Wheeler, Wm. L. (John 997). Wdiitcomb, John (Nathaniel 4), White, Catharine (Charlotte 384), . 361 Pagre. 88 89 88 64 2.M 36 3^' 131 169 294 281 294 105 294 293 296 293 296 252 144 44 4" 45 44 44 I., 8 / - 13 '4 -3' 34 34 34 22S 34 234 <)6 362 Child Number 181O 397 398 396 399 697 1820 384 225 224 226 204 255 1098 461 474 353 460 972 638 19 1464 447 1474 1568 i599 877 143 329 787 132 695 1485 VII 437 454 522 399 249 115 s. INDEX. Heads of Families. White. Edwin F. (Obadiah 1800), White, Electa (Charlotte 384), White, Martha (Charlotte 384), White, Mary (Charlotte 384), . White, Sybil (Charlotte 384), White, Thomas V. (Emeline 664), Wheeler, Thomas iVI. (Lucy 1802), . White, William (Henry 371), Wliitlock, Alice 1864 (Silpha Arnold 224), Whitlock, John (Cynthia 211), W hillock, Nate 1872 (Silpha Arndld 224). Wickliam. Jacob (Holthani 40), Wickham, Wallace (Holtham 198), Wiggins, Nahum (John 997), Wight, Charles F. (Esther E. 400), Wight, Lnre 1866 (S. A. Makepeace 461), Willbnrger, S. F. (Amos 349), Wilder, Charles S. (Esther E. 400), Wiley, David. N. (Mary Rattoome 928), Wilkins, Sewell (Simeon 22), Wilkinson, James (Jonathan 11), Williams, Byron (Hezekiah Hammond 1482), Williams, C. H. (Mary E. Capron 427), . Williams, Charles W. 1839 (Benjamin D. Hammond 1483) Williams, Grant D. 1868 (Melvina Hammond 1564), Williams, Grant D. (Louisa Parr 1589), Wilson, Henry C. (William S. 865), Wilson, James 1848 (Mary Elizabeth 132), Wilson, James C. (Mary E. Reynolds 322), Wilson, John (Campbell 784), Wilson, Solomon (James 123), Wilson, William (Emeline 664), Wimpenny, William (Jane Stewart 1471), Wiswall, Rev. Samuel (Jonathan VI), Witherell, Arthur H. (William E. 423), . Wood, Edmund, (Sarah M. Hyde 443), Woodruff, Dorcas (Hezekiah 188), Woodruff, Joseph (Charlotte 384), Woodworth, William (Holtham 198), Worcester, W. J. (Clarinda H. 114), Page. 236 97 97 97 197 72 236 96 91 91 91 93 92 134 179 179 95 179 294 188 45 153 177 153 153 156 288 53 269 74 53 72 222 79 176 36 107 97 92 258 INDEX. Child Numbers. Heads of Families. 1392 \\'ri^ht, Josc]ili (Ansel Dowd 1390), 466 W'yckoff. .Xhraliaiu (jt>anna 389), 59S W'yckoff. .\l)raliani (Isal)ella 5<)7), 398 W yckdff, I'Jias (Sarah ^i<7), 597 \\'\ckt)ff, Abraham (Daniel 379), 605 W\ck()ft'. Maria (Abraham W'yckoff 598), libi Warmer, j. 11. (C'orm'lins 107). 885 Youni;-, bYancis .\. (William 11. 852), 695 ^'oim_<4-. Teter (AlM-aham Wxckoff' 598). 3^\3 Page. 144 27.^ 27.3 277 277 87 199 277 Oldest DeKalb Cotm:i.-^.-. -...M\. "^ ^j^^jIj cdUx^' MARRFACF-S. 37' yj2. MARRIAGES. MARRIAGES. 373 1 374 MARRIAGES. DEATHS. (.V-5) 6/ 76 DEATHS. DRATIIS. V/ 378 DEATHS. DEATHS. 379 KEMARKS. (380) REMARKS. 3«' 382 REMARKS. I I Ri: MARKS. 3^3 384 REMARKS. JUL 19 1907 ^"c ^, '0-. CP- \ ^^' ^A^-^ ■P-^ V ^^ . N ^0 o^ V-', %. > ,^V^" A>''*^- .'^'' •■i!''' . 7-, ,-^^ ^^ x\^ 0? V -f^ '^' ,C^' -i ^. t^- .K, ^ ,^v ^.. o no » ■" ,-^^ N^^ % ^^ .^' K . -^^ v^ v^- .^. 'e^ A. r- o. o ^^^ Q .4 -C v>;. ;. ■'^ .^^'' <^^ ,0 c 0^ ,-^' o x^' C^ 7 0^ "^^.. o^' ^^