LUCY MARIA HEATH 1 8 3 O - 1 9 O 3 . I \ / ' A GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF ONE BRANCH OF THE HEATH, CLARK AND CONE FAMILIES MARCH 1, 1905 By DEWITT STILWELL 103 WILLIAMS STREhT SOLVAY, NEW YORK ' The man who takes no pride in his ancestors is not likely to have his descendants take any pride in him." SYRACUSE, N. Y.: E. M. GROVER, PRINTER AND BINDER 1905 HEATH FAMILY. An explanation of how the name Heath came to be used as a surname. In choosing the words to be used as names we can not (hscover any carefully wrought plan. Chance and human fancy ha\e i)layed their part. The word to be choisen was usually the suggestion of some fact connected with the birth of the person to be named — time, place, circumstance, some physical quality, or some fond hope of strength, bravery, or goodness entertained. In fact there is hardly an event, national, local, or personal; hardly a place or feature of a place: hardly a beast or bird or fish or tree or stream; hardly a point of the compass, occupation, or profession; hardl}- a physical or mental characteristic ; hardly a hobby that man has rode or a blunder that he has made that has not lent itself to the naming of some man. In early times one name was all that was necessary and in general is all that we find — David. Confucius, Plato, Cleopatra. Out of the more complex social and business relations grew the necessity for some system of naming which should be more satisfactory. For a time quali- fying the descriptive phrases were used as : John the Baptist. Peter the Hermit, John the Cook, William of Kent, John of the Heath, etc. Out of this ]3ractice and out of these phrases, by abbreviation, have grown our surnames. At first these additional words, like the personal name, passed aA\ay with the lives of their owners. But gradually these titles became part of their owner's personal property, and so passed on to their descendants, along with other pos- sessions. Bardsley says : '• Nor were those second desiena- tions, those wliicli we call sunianics as Ixiing" superadded to Christian names, at first of any lasting character, it was not till tlie eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, or even the fourteenth centurv that they hecanie hereditary, that is. in any true sense stationary/' Heath comes under the classification of local surnames. By local surnames we mean surnames which tell us something of places or directions; where a person lives, some feature of the landscape ahout his home, or the place or direction troni whence he came. These names, we are told, were the tirst to become hereditary. The following explanation of the origin of tlie Heath name as a surname is found in the " lives of Isaac Heath and John Bowles," two church deacons of Roxbury, Alass. ; Heath, a pure Saxon word, the name of a plant or shrub of the genius, erica, of many species soon came to signify a place overgrown with heath, and finally has a more general signihcation, mean- ing a place overgrown with shrubs of any kind. The most N-eneralMe record of England, the Doomsday Ijook, proves that it was very early used to designate indixiduals or fami- lies who may have lived on a heath, and in time, as surnames came into use to distinguish families, and became hereditary. Heath was attached to some by accident of their locality, and thus by its origin must be classified with local surnames. The same circumstance gave rise to the name in different localities, and thus affords no evidence of any consanguinity at a remote period. Heath is a very common surname in England. I. \\'ii.ij\M Heath of Nazing, England, came to this country from London, arrixing on the ship " Lion " Septem- ber i6th. 1632. with his wife ^lary and five children. He died Mav 29th. 1652. having had two wives. His wife Mary died December 15th. 1659. His brother, Bartholomew Heath.. came over on tlie same ship and settled at Salisbury, N. IT. His bmthcr, Isaac Heath, called Elder Heath, came over on the "Hopewell" in 1634 and settled at Roxbury, Mass. Isaac died January 21st. 1660, aged 75- years. None of his household survived him except his aged widow and his son- in-law. John Bowles. William settled in Roxbury, Mass., and was made a freeman March 4th, 1633. He was a representa- tive in 1634, 1637, 1639. 1640, 1641, and 1642. "An able, Godly, and faithful brother " is the entry by the Apostle Eliot after his name on the church record. 1. Mary Spear, probably his second wife's daueh- ter by former husl)and. 2. Isaac, the ist, the eldest sou, married Mary Davis. 3. Hannah. 4. Mary. 5. Peleg, married Susanna King; settled in Rox- bury, ATass., and died in November, 1671. He was the great-grand-father of Majbr- General William Heath of Washington's staff in the Revolutionary war. H. Isaac Heath, the ist, son of William, was bom m England. He was made a freeman in 1652. He married Mary Davis, December i6th, 1650, and died December 29th, 1694. 1. One child died January 2nd, 1652, before bap- tism. 2. Mary, born March ist, 1653, died in 1668. 3. Isaac, the second, born May loth, 1655. 4. Elizabeth, bom July 26th, 1657. She married Samuel Shears, October 27th, 1683. 5. Abigail, born August 26th. 1660. She married Samuel Fisher, April 9th, 1684. f). I'.benezer. boni March 1 51I1. i''»^>.v 7. Peleg'. Ill 'in June J5tli. \(i()^. 8. J()se])li, l)nni jiil\ _'3tli. 1669. in. Isaac IIkatii, the Jiid. son of Isaac the ist. was 1). nil at I\()xlmrv. Mass.. May lolli. i655:an(l baptised Inlv _Mi(l. i^>55- Me married Ann I'isher, Fel)riiary jnd. 1681. She was the dau.uiiler nf C\irnelins and Lerdi h'isher ot Oeb- liani. Mass., and was born June JJnd. i(>()\. They lived at Roxbnry, Mass.. where he died December 22nd, 1684. aged 29 years. Isaac, the second, was amply provided for by the will of his father, who gave him the homestead farm at Rox- bury, Mass., besides land in Brookline. Mass. These he gave to his only son Isaac, by his will dated December 19th, 1684. His widow married Francis Voungman, Deceml)er 2nd, 1685. Her son Isaac, shared with other children in her second hus- band's estate. 1. Ann. born November 12th. 1681. died November 17, 1681. 2. Isaac, the third, born July 23rd. 1683. IV. Isaac Hkath,, the 3rd. son of Isaac the 2nd. was born at Roxbury, Mass., July 23rd. 1683. He settled in Framingham, Mass.. in 1705. He Ijought of Thomas Reed in 1710. seventeen and one-half acres of land in W'ethersfield, Conn. He was transferred from the church of iM-amingham to the church of Coventry, Conn.. May 19th. 1723. He and hi^ wife Racheal, had seven children, all born at Framingham. Mass., excepting Josei^h. who was ix>rn at Coventry, Conn. Their children spread out and settled in the different town- ships of Tf>lland Coiuity. Conn., and after years, their descend- ants moved to Massachusetts, mostly to Berkshire County. T. Isaac, born July 24th. 1705. He was admitted to the church at luifield. Conn., March 7th. T73t; li^'cd in Tolland, Conn., in 1748. He and his wife Elizabeth, had two children, • l)orn at Enlield, Conn. a. Elizabeth, born October 6th, 1729. b. Abigail, Iwrn June 2nd, 1731 ; married Jobn Ward at Tolland, Conn., March 27th, 1748. 2. Ebenezer, born May 31st, 1707; married, ist, Lydia Ultey at Coventry, Conn., September 1 8th, 1728. He married, 2nd, Dorcas Slaughter at Willington, Conn., November 5th, 1753. His son William, who was born Septeml>er 27th, 1758, and married Cather- ine Robbins at Ashford, Conn., February 4th, 1779, was the father of Abner and Amos Heath of Tyringham, Mass. 3. Ann, born September i6th, 1709. 4. Racheal, born March loth, 171 5; married Wil- liam Beal. 5. Thankful, born July 5th, 1717. 6. Benjamin, born April 21st, 1720; died Septem- ber 1 6th, 1807, aged 87 years, 5 mouths. 7. Josq>h, born July 20th, 1723. V. Benjamin Heath, sou of Isaac the 3rd, was born at Framingham, Mass., April 21st, 1720, and died at Saudis- field, Mass., September i6th, 1807. His wife's name was probably Amy, and they had three sons. 1. Aaron, born in 1753; married Rhoda Edson. 2. John, born in Tolland County, Conn.. April 14th, 1755, and died at Windsor, N. Y., September 9th, 1854, aged 99 years. 5 months. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill and served through the Revolutionary war. He enlisted /I at 'I'yvin^liani. Mass. I Ic was called " (jjio^^t Jolni." and itiaiTicil .\ni\' I line i>f Windsor, X. ^'. 'rii(,'\- bad t"i\c childi't'ii. a. jolin, married (.'aroline A. Stc\ens, and died An^ust 51 li, iSCx;. /;. Lucy. r. RlKxla. (/. Clarinda. niari'ied jolin Adams. c. Amy. Tlie following- is a clipping- from the Windsor Slmitfanl: "JOHN ilEATU WRITES TO AAIV HINE." " Tlie following letter, \\ritten by a Revolutionary sol- dier, wliose remains lie in tlie Windsor cemetery, has been handed to us by Dr. Edson. The letter is dated. ' West Pint, b'ort Putnam, Feabury the 18, 1783,' and we publish it ver- batim as near as the yellow paper and tortuous writing- will permit : — " ' Kind Madam — I gladly embrace this oupcrtunity to ' inform you that I am well, and it is My Desir that thes fue ' Lins will find you injoying the Sam Blesing of helth and the ' Rest of the famley. As for Xues, 1 hear that Ingien has ' Declared our independsy, and I think it to be True, and I ' hope to Cum hum in March if Nothing happens mor than ' what 1 know of, and if 1 Shold Xot Cum hum 1 hf)pe you ' wont be unsey, for 1 mean to cum as Sun as I Can Posble. ' I ha\e sent y^ou six Dolers by Tabot Lord, and you send me ' word if you Reaseve that Aluney or no, and you will Abligc ' your frind and well wisher and Most Obdent and humble ' scrvent. '^'JOHN Heattt.^" V V 3- Joseph, born in Tollrmd County, Conn., in March, 1758, and (lied at Windsor, N. ^^, October 9th, 1836, aged 78 years, 7 months. He enlisted in the Revolutionary war from Ty- ringham, Mass., and served all through the war. He married Patience Markham ot Windsor, N. Y. She was born June TOth, 1701, and died May 5th, 1848, aged 86 years, 1 1 months. They had five children. a. Kelsey. b. Syh'ester. c. Barney. (/. John. c. Joseph. VI. Aaron HkaTii was born in Tolland County, Conn., probably at Tolland, in 1753, and died at Sandisfield, Mass., January 29th, 1843, ^ged 90 years. He married Rhoda Edson at Stafford, Conn.. May 13th, 1777. She was born in 1757, and died at Sandisfield, Mass.. in November, 1844. aged 87 years. They lived on the last farm iu the town of Sandisfield on the road from Sandisfield to Tyringham. Their last days were spent with their son, Alva Heath. For the following obituary notice. I wish to thank Mrs. Julia A. Blanchard of Ilion, N. Y. She is a daughter of Mary Heath, the daughter of Aaron : " AARON HEATH'S OBITUARY NOTICE." " Died at vSandisfield. Mass., January 29th. 1843. " Mr. Aaron Heath, aged 90 years, a Revolutionary sol- dier. Mr. Heath was in that ever memorable battle of Bunker Hill, and one of that devoted band of patriots, who under lO .\rn/.illa. honi March _:;r(K 1822; (hed An.^nst 24th. iSfiS. 5. Salonia. horn ()cl<)1)er ()th. 1787. 6. Asa, lx>rn April 24th, 1790. (Hed July 27111, 1848; married, isi, Clarissa Clark; 2nd, Mercy Cone. 7. Aha. born May (){h, 1792, and died at New Era, Pa., July 4tli, 1864, aged 72 years. He moved to Pennsylvania .scxm after his fath- er's death. 8. James, born April 4th. T794. He married, ist, Orra Stilson ; 2nd. Mary Mann, lie was a Methodist minister and lived a1x)ut i860 at Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio. He has descendants Hving at Grand Rapids, Mich. 9. Julia, born April 6th, 1796. She married Amos Heath of Tyringham, Mass., brother of Ab- ner, who married her sister Rhoda. She died at Becket, Mass.. November 14. 1874. aged 78 years. 10. Mary. l)orn March 6th. 1798. She married Mr. Sweet and lived at Pion. N. Y.. where she died November 5th, 1891, aged 93 years. 8 months. She has a daughter, Mrs. Julia A. Blauchard living at Pion, N. Y. 11. Penjamin, lx)rn November 4. t8oo, and died at Belleville. W. X-d., in 1891, aged 91 years. About 1850 he moved to Pennsylvania, and FRANCIS CLARK HEATI 1 B 1 8 - 1 900. 13 liefore the Civil war lie moA'ed to \'irt^iiiia. In the Civil war some of his sons serxed in the Southern army and some in the L'nion army. Edward and Jane, children by his tirst wife, went to New York State and have been lost track of. Asa Hi:atii, the son of Aarcjn, was born at Sandistield, Mass., April 24th, 1790, and died at Windsor, N. Y., July 27th, 1848, aged 58 years, 3 months. He married, ist, Cla- rissa Clark of Tyring-ham, Mass., July 25th, 1816. She was born February 14th, 1788. and died at Windsor, September 30th. 1828. He married for his second wife, Mercy Cone of Lee, Mass., February 19th. 1829. She was born December 27th, 1798, and died at ChenangO' Forks, N. Y., September 30th, 1876. He and his wives were buried in the town of Windsor, N. Y. He was a farmer and for fifteen years a justice of the peace. One of the accomplishments that he prided himself on was his ability to^ make wooden sap buckets that would not leak a drop when water was put intO' them for the first time. He w'as a stanch Democrat and used to say that all the Heath's he ever knew were Democrats. He considered it a disgrace to the Heath family when his oldest son, Francis C. broke away from the Democratic party and voted the Repulili- can ticket. He threatened to- disinherit him and never quite forgave him for the act. By his first wife, Clarissa Clark, he had the following children and grand-children, all his chil- dren born at Windsor, N. Y. : I. Francis Clark Heath was liorn N^ovember 29th, 1818, died at Rochelle. 111., April 2nd, 1900, aged 81 years, 4 months. He married first, Amelia Weeks of Windsor, N. Y., November 4th, 1852. She was born '4 July loth, 1.S23. and died at Rochelle. 111., Xovcni- I)cr 3th, 1856. They had one daughter, Marjorie. horn December loth, 1S5:;. and died Xovemljer 5th, 1856. riic child and mother were dmwned in a cis- tern. 'Idle child fell in and the mother was drowned in trying to save it. For his second wife he married Harriet Hyde of Rochelle, 111. June 20th, 1857. She was l)f)rn December jjst, 1827, and is still living at Rochelle, 111. He was a pr()Si)er()ns and successful farmer. I hey had the following children and grand-chil- dren : I. Addison II. Heath was l)orn at Rochelle, 111., April 21st. i83ni July 7th. 1886. 2. Edith, born July 24th, ]888. 3. Ralph, born August 29, 1890. 4. Ira, born January 30th, 1893. 5. Earl, born Sqjtember 4, 1896. ir. Warren Francis Heath was lx)rn at Rochelle. 111.. December 7th. i860. He married Flora E. Gilbert, February 28th, 1889. She was \x)vn ^\ugust 3. 1869. and died October 13.. 1898. They had three children : 1. Jessie, born December 30th. 1889. 2. Alice, born May i6th, 1891. 3. Clark, born May i8lh. 1893. III. Laura Heath was born at Rochelle. 111.. December 27th, 1863, and is still li\-ing at the same place. II. Milton Tracy Heath was Ixjrn June 15th, 1821, and died xA.pril 27th, 1822. T5 III. Clarissa E. Heath was born October 2nd, 1822, and is still living at Akron, la. She has been married three times. She married first, Joseph Calvin Edson of Windsor, N. Y., May 6th, 1841. He was born Sep- tember 3rd. 1818, and died at Windsor. March 12th, 1843. They had one danghter. I. Lanra Delilah Edson was born at Windsor, N. Y.. April 22nd. 1842. She married, first. Otis Blatchley of Windsor, April 24th. 1864. He was born October 5th. 1831, and died at Ak- ron, la., Angnst 19th, 1887. They had two daughters. 1. Emily Viola Blatchley was born at Windsor. N. Y.. June 3rd. 1867, and died March 20th. 1895. She married Harrison Hamilton. Oc- tober 8th. 1886. They had three children: a. Florence, born September ist, 1887. b. Otis, born April — . 1889. c. Laura, born . 1890; died , 1891. 2. Clara Erma Blatchley was born at Corry, Pa..' April i6th, 1875. She died at Akron. la., June 22nd. 1895. She married Edward Klauer. October 8th. 1894. They had one daughter : a. Clara Edna Klauer, born June 19th, 1895. Laura Delilah Edson married for her second husband John Hall. June 26th. 1889. Mr. Hall died in 1900. She still lives at Akron, la. She adopted Nora Royalty in 1898. Nora was born February 27th, 1897. and takes the name of Nora Elizabeth Hall. Laura for her third husband married Mr. Baird. I () Clarissa 1'",. I kaili in ilie year i<'^44 married for licr sccnnd liusliand Xailian Premier. lie was boru in iSoi and died July J_'nd. ini June I4tli, 1845 and was killed hy the cars near Deposit. .\'. ^'.. fnlv 17th. isr)4. 11. l{lsie I'rentiee was horn in Colesvillc. X. Y., fuly 22nd, 1848. She married Thomas Moot. Xo- veml.'er 7th. 1864. He was horn Septeniher loth. 1843. and died at Otiacjnaga. X. ^'., ui consumption .\pril 28th. i88(;. v^he is li\ini^- ;it ( Juacjuaga. X. V. They had two children : [. F.meline Moot was l3om in Colesville. X. \'., January 8th. 1865. She married Cornelius T. \'an Buren. Decemher 25th. 1888. He was born Decemher 28th. 1862. They live at Harpersxille. X\ V.. and ha\'e three chil- dren : a. Ralph, born October 17th. 1892. b. Elsie, l)orn March 18th. 1894. c. Charlotte, liorn Decemlier 27th. 1898. 2. Ernest ]\Iix>t was born in Colesxille. X. Y.. X^o- vember 12th, 1866. He married h'lla Simin- son. She was lx>rn Ee1)rnary 1 slh. 1864. They live at Onaqiiaga. X. Y.. and have one (laughter : a. Gladys, born January iith. 1896. III. Jonas Prentice was born in May, 1849, ^^^^^ ^^'^<^^ ^^ Chicago. 111., in October, 1887. He was mar ried and had children. ^7 IV. Charles Prentice was born in March, \^^\, and was killed by the the cars at Sionx City, la.. Decem- ber I ith, 1875. He was married and had chil- dren. Clarissa E. Heath married for her third hnsband Thomas W. Hill of Rochelle, 111., in 1871. He was born in New YoTk in 1795 and died at Rochelle, ill.. November 8th, 1882. He was a veteran of the War ' of 1812. IV. Asa Heath was born September 15th, 1824. and died at Binghamton, N. Y., May 19th. 1890. of pnenmonia. He married Sarah A. Swagart of Windsor, N. ¥., May 12th, 1852. She was born August 23rd, 183 1, and lives at Binghamton. N. Y. He was a farmer. They had one son : I. Robert S. Heath was born June 8th, 1853. He is a machinist and lives at Binghamton, N. Y. He married I.ucetta P. Swan of Binghamton, N. Y., October i8th, 1892. She was born May 3rd, 1859. They have one son : a. Frederick W., born February i8th, 1896. V. Giles Heath was l)orn January 5th, 1827, and died October 23rd, 1904, at Windsor, N. Y. He married Charlotte Clark September 6th, i860. She was born October 19th, 1833, and died at Windsor, N. Y., February 21st, 1904. They had one son : I. Charles Clark Heath was born September 12th. 1861. He lives at Silverton, Colo., and is engaged in mining. Asa Heath, by his second wife, Mercy Cone, had the following children and grandchildren. All his children, born at Windsor, N. Y. : i8 1. Lucy Marui llculh \va> l)<>ni l"d)niary 241I1. 1830. ami died at Syracuse. N. Y.. December 26th, 1903 (>t paralysis. She married October nth. 1848, Philhi) Tabor Stilwell of Windsor, N. ^'. lie was born in Schoharie County. N. Y.. May 9th. 1822. and died at Windsor. N. Y.. August 2nd. 1873. He was a farmer. All of tlieir twelve children were lx)rn in the town of Windsor : I. Arthur Judson Stilwell was born July 11th. 1850. He is a farmer and lives on the old home farm at Windsor, X. ^'. He married Bertha Wilson (it Middletown. Pa.. .\\)y\\ J\h. 1881. She was born August 1st. 185O. They have three chil- dren : 1. Ruby Adelle. bnrn May Mh. 1882. 2. Wilson. l)orn April (jth. 1885. 3. Lucy, Ixjrn August 5th. 1896. II. Lamont Stilwell was born June 29th. 1852. He married Ida Adelle Smith of Summer Hill, N. Y., December 26th. 1883. She was born No- vember 30th. 1856. They live at 208 Orchard Road, Solvay, N. Y. He is an attorney and lias an office at 933 University Block, Syracuse, X. Y. They have one son: 1. Ralph, lx)rn April ist, 1885. III. Giles Heath Stilwell was born January 13th, 1854. He married, first. ^lary Lewis of Lisle, N. Y., April 29th, 1885. She was torn ^larch 5th, 1 86 1, and died at Syracuse. X. \'., Alarch 31st, 1901. For his second wife he married Addie Clark of Syracuse, N. Y.. Octol)er 22nd, 1902. She w^as born at Oswego. July 15th, 1870. He 19 lives at 1906 West Genesee street, Syracuse, N. Y. He is an attorney and has an office at 933 University Block, Syracuse, N. Y. By his first wife he had two sons : 1. Lewis, born July 14th. 1891. 2. Giles Phillip, horn July 23rd, 1897. died October 1 2th, 1899. IV. Mary Mercy Stilwell was born July 21st, 1856. She married James Henry Gray of Windsor, N. Y., March nth, 1896. He was born at Corinth, N. Y., January ist, 1842. He is a farmer and they li\^e at Windsor, N. Y. They have one son : I. James Francis Stilwell Gray, born January 17th 1897- V. Ellen Almira Stilwell was Ijurn March 22nd, 1858, and died at Chicago, 111, March 24th, 1886. She married William Eugene Smith of Chicago, 111., November 25th, 1880. She was buried in Oak wood cemetery, Chicago, 111., lot 419 [. 1. They had two children : 1. Fred Heath Smith, born January 19th, 1882. He is engaged in mining and lives at Chemulpo, Korea. 2. Myra Gardner Smith was born July 20th, 1-883. Lives at Seattle, Wash. VI. Dewitt Stilwell was born January 14th, i860. He married Marie Amelia Penny of Syracuse, N. Y., December 31st, 1903. She was torn at Newport Pagnell, England. July 12th. 1879. In coming to this country she landed at New York, July 12th, 1880. He is a carpenter and lives at 103 Williams street, Solvay, N. Y. 20 VII. I'jiini.-i SlilwcU was born May lulh. 1862. vSlie mar- ried I'ranklin Pa,o;c Kicliey of Lcland, 111.. Aui^ii^l -'olli. i<)'\V 11<^" ^vas horn June 24lh, 1S61. lie is ihc uwiier of a creamery and lives al Leland, ill. VIII. .\da vStilwell was 1x)m March 13th. iSh4. and died August J/th. 18^)7. IX. Adelaide Stihvell was Ix.rn October 22nd, 1865 She married John Henry Flynn of Burlington X. Y.. June 6th. 1897. lie is manager for a publishing house and li\es at 68 Admiral Road Toronto. Canada, lie was lx>rn July 7th. 1858 X. Krank Tabur Stilwell was born December loth, 1867. He married 1 lattie Luella Titus of Windsor, N. ^■., May 2f)th. 1897. She was born December i4lh, 1869. He is an electrician and lives at Fayetteville. N. Y. They have one daughter 1. .Mildred Luella. born March 5th. 1901. XI. Jennie Stihvell was lx)rn July 6th. 1869. and died August 20th. 1 87 1. XII. George Rexford Stilwell was born October i6th. 187 1. He married Inez Alice Listman of Syra- cuse. N. ^'.. December 24th. 1896. She was born July 15th. 1877. He is a dealer in type- writers and lives at 102 \Vest Beard avenue. Syracuse. N. Y. She is secretary and treasurer of the Syracuse Journal. H. Mcrcv .\nn Heath was born November 19th. 1831. and lives at Chenango Forks, N. Y. She married Tesse Port of Chenango Forks June i8th. 1851. He 21 was born Fel)riiarv 24th. 1823. and died at Chenan- go Forks, vSeptember Gth. ]886, ag-ed 63 years. He married, llrst. Esther Gray. April 13111, 1845. She was l)orn Jannary 2iid. 1823. He was a successful farmer and by his second wife, Mercy Ann Heath, had nine children, all born at Chenango Forks N. Y. : I. Jesse Lamont Port was born .April 2nd, 1852, and died April ist. 1858. II. Esther Ann Port, born December i8th. 1853, died July 20th. 1866. III. Freflerick Alonsan Port was l)orn May 9th, 1856. He married May Thomas of Chenango Forks, N. Y., February i8th, 1880. She was tern April sth, 1857. He is a farmer and lives at Chenango Forks. They had eight children, the three first were born in Windsor. N. Y.. the rest at Chenango Forks : 1. Charles Frederick Port, born March 19th, 1881. He is a salesman and lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. Jesse Maurice Port was born August ist, 1885. 3. Lydia May Port, born March 21st, 1887. 4. Gladys Clare Port, born April 17th, 1889. 5. Annie Maud Port, born December 8th, 1890, died December i6th, 1890. 6. Ruth Lillian Port, torn February 13th, 1894. 7- John Thomas Port, born September loth, 1896. 8. Roger Harold Port, born August 23rd, 1899, died August 17th, 1900. IV. Julia Ellen Port was born March 20th, 1858. She married Carlos Eugene Brown of Choconut, N. Y., July 1st, 1885. He was born Septemtor 4tli. 1S58. lie is a fanner and lives at Che- nango I'*(»rks. Tliex' lia\'e one daug'hter : I. Miriam IJrowii. born May -W'd. 1888. \'. I""rancis Kuq;ene Port was l:)orn February 24th. i860. He married Mary \'an Ness Manwarren of Windsor, X. N'.. Oct(>l)er 28th. 1896. She was l)orn Julv 5tli. 1868. He is a contractor and builder and lives at 3445 Prairie avenue, Chi- cago. Ill- " He is the first one oi the family to own an automol)ile." They have two children: 1. Margaret Port, lx>rn August loth. 1898. 2. Frances Genevieve Port. lx)rn July 22n(I. 1900, VI. Mary Alice Port was lx>rn March i8th, 1862. She is school teacher and li\es at Chenango Forks. N. Y. VII. Jessie Albertie Port was born November 14th, 1863. died July 22nd, 1865. \iTi. Irma Cienette Port was born December 29th. 1865. She married Robert Francis Cheney of Lee. Mass., September 25th, 1901. He was born December i8th, 1875. He is an Episcopal min- ister and lives at Gardner, Mass. IX. George Lewis Port was Ix^rn ^lay 21st, 1869. He married Maud \'an Name of Chenango Forks, October 29th, 1890. She was lx)rn July 16th. 1872. He is a cariDcntcr and lives in Chicago, 111. They have one son : I. Benjamin Jesse Port, lx>rn October 14th, 1894. II. iM-ederick Cone Heath was lx>rn Deceml)er 14th, 1833. He married Sarah Genevieve Lee Fel)niary loth, 1880. She was the widow of b'lmer Lee and daugh- 23 ter of Jesse Port ])y his first wife, Esther Grey. She was lK>rn April 22nd, 1848. He is a contractor and Imilder and lives at 2810 South Park avenue, Chi- cago, 111. They have one adopted daughter : T. Agnes Gertrude Heath was horn July 8th, 1882. She married Ernest B. Townsend November 26th, 1902. He was born April 27th, 1874. They live at 834 North Fifty-Third avenue, Austin, 111. They have one daughter : I. Genevieve Heath Townsend, born December 25th, 1903. IV. Lewis Bennett Heath was born May 8th, 1838. He is a carpenter and farmer and lives at Knox, Ind. He married Caroline Josephine Volck, September nth, 1867. She was born October 5th, 1841. They had three children : I. Florence L. Heath was torn June i8th. 1868, and lives in Chicago, 111. II. Lucy Marion Heath was born July 27th, 1870. She married Joseph Freeman of Chicago, 111., Sep- tember 25th, 1902. He was horn December 1 6th, 1866. He is manager of the Missouri Metal Company, and lives at 3851 Shenandoah avenue, St. Louis, Mo. They have one daugh- ter: I. Caroline Jo-sq^hine Freeman, born July 27th, 1904. III. Helen Louise Heath was born July 4th, 1875, and died August 26th. 1877. / ( 24 V. Ira AKiii I leal 1) was linni August J(jlh, 1844. He inarrit'd Minnie L. Snnlli >>\ Cliicag-<). 111.. bVbruary Sth, i,SS8. She was born al Clinton, Mich., Septem- her ^rd. 1H38. He is contractor and Imildcr and lives at 3134 I'raivie a\enue, Chica,<.;-o. III. 'i'hey liavc three children : 1. Helen .\daline Heath, horn .\i)ril 4th, 1889. 11. Clarence linrton I I'eath, ^ 111. 1 lerhert Cone Heath, > Twins. born A])ril Joth, 1891. ) Asa Heath had 10 Children. 5 Livini,^ 38 Grandchildren, 27 Li vino- 36 Great Grandchildren. 31 Living 8 Great Great Grandchildren. 7 Living- 92 Descendants. 7° Living Jonas and Charles Prentice's children, of whom 1 have no record, not incUided. CLARK FAMILY RECORD. May isf. 1904. I. John Ci.ark. died July 26111, 173 1. aged 83 years. He married Eli/^abeth White. She died December 25th, 171 1, aged 56 years. They had eight children : Nathaniel. John. Daniel, born August 30th. 1680 Elizabeth. Mary. Sarah White. Mary (again.) 11. Daniei. Clark, born August 30th, 1680; died March 5th, 1725. He married July 12th, 1704. Elizabeth Whitmore, who died January 31st, 1743. They had seven children : Hannah. Daniel. Abigail. Francis, born February iSth, 17 14. Elisha. Martha. Joseph. 26 TIL Francis Ci.akk, l)nni I'V'liniary i8th. 1714; died November if)lli. 1 7rn October 2nd. 1757. Abigail. Alice. Hannah. Smith. IV. Francis Clark, Jr., born October 2nd, 1757; died August 27th, 1813. He married July 12th. 1781. Mary John- son, born January 15th, 1762; died September ist, 1833. They moved from Middletown, Mass.. to Tyringham, Berk- shire County, Mass., in the year 1783. They had ten chil- dren : Reuben, lx>rn May 2nd, 1782. Joseph. Ix>rn November 23rd, 1784. Hamlin, torn August 14th, 1786. Clarissa, born February 14th, 1788. Francis, lx>rn April 24th. 1789. San ford, born November 6th. 1791. Mary, born May 21st. 1793. Dorothy, born Octol)er i7tli. 1795. Hiram, lx)rn October 2nd, 1797. Bernice, lx>rn July 4th, 1800. ^7 V. Clarissa Clark, horn Fehniarv 141I1, 1788; died Septemljer 30th. 1828. She married July 25th. 1816, Asa Heatli. He was lx>rn April 24th. 1790; died July 27th, 1848. They had five children : Francis Clark Heath, horn Novemher 29th, 1818; died April 2n(l. 1900. Milton Tracy Heath, horn June 15th, 1821; died April 27th. 1822. Clarissa Heath, horn Octoher 2nd, 1822; living at Akron, la. Asa Heath, Jr., horn Septemher 15th, 1824; died May 19th. 1890. Giles Heath, horn January 5th, 1827; died at Wind- sor, N. Y., Octoher 23rd, 1904. FAMILY RECORD OF MERCY CONE'S ANCESTORS IN AMERICA. 1, D.wii'i, Com: was possibl}- the first of tlic naiiK- in America. His l)irtli])1ace has not heen Wtund. nor has the ex- act (late of his l)irtli l)een ascertained. It is an often <|note(l statement tlial "he was horn in h".(hnhuri^-h. Scotland, and came to this conntrx- in the _\ear 1651, on tlie ship ' Jolm and Sarah.'" The records are lackini"^ to hear ont tlie statement and his name does not apjiear in tlie list of passengers on that ship for that year. lie married Mahitahle Spencer, daughter of Jared Spencer, then of Hartford, Conn. She was born at I.ynn, Mass., in 1642, and died in lladdam. Conn., in 1691. lie married in 1692. Rebecca, widow of Richard W'alkley, of liaddam. Conn. He was one of the twenty-eight who pur- chased the greater part of Middlesex County, Conn., from the Indians. The price i)aid for the land, over one hundred thou- sand, acres, was thirty red coats. This purchase was made in 1^/12, the Indians reserving the right to hunt and fish on the land, so long as they did not disturb the settlers. Daniel resided in Haddam until 1680, when he moved to the east side of the river. .\lx>ut 1695 '""^ returned to Haddam, where he died. October 24th, 1706, aged 80 years. By his first wife he had the following children : 1. Until, born January 7th, 1662. 2. Hannah, born Ajjvil '■)th. 1664. 3. Daniel, Ixtrn January 21st. 1666. died June 25th, 1725- 4. Jared, born January 7th. \f)C)S<. died April iith. 1718. 29 5- Rebecca, born Kel)ruary 6th, 1670. 6. Ebenezer, baptised March 25th, 1673. 7. Nathaniel, baptised June 4th, 1675, (bed about 1730. 8. Stephen, baptised March 26th, 1678, died Decem- ber 1st, 1756. 9. Caleb, baptised March 19th, 1682, died Septem- ber 25th. 1743. II. Stephen Cone, son of Daniel, was born in Had- dam in 1677, liaptised March 26th, 1678, married Mary Hungerford, February 5th, 1702. She was lx)rn in 168 1 and died March 16. 1763, aged 82 years. Both were admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church in East Had- dam, in 1704. and remained active members until their death. He was a farmer and died at East Haddam, December ist, 1756, aged 79 years. Children : 1. Mary, born February 2nd, 1703. 2. Rebecca, born May 6th. 1704. 3. Stephen, born November nth, 1706, died June 23rd, 1771. 4. Susannah, born July 15th, 1708, died August 14th, 1787. 5. Eleanor, born December 21st. 1710. died April 9th, 1730. 6. Tared, born March loth, 1713, died September 27th, 1714. 7. Mahitable, born July 14th, 17 14. died 1791. 8. Deborah, born April 2nd, 17 18. 9. John, born October 15th, 1720, died 1758. 10. Reuben, born May 30th. 1723. III. Stephen Cone, son of Stephen, was born in East Haddam, Conn., November iith. 1706. He married Susan- 30 nail Clark. Kd )ruarv 21st. 1732. They lx)th joined the First Congregational Church. August 21 si. 1738. They moxed to Bolton, Conn., in 1745. Ijeing among the earliest settlers of that ])an nf the Colon_\-. lie early took a ])rominent i)art in political affairs of his coninuniit\- and was elected to the Leg- islature in 1750. 1751, 1752, 1734. 1755. 1763. and 1764. He died in Bolton June j^^. 1771, aged 66 years. Children: 1. Jared. horn December 31st. 1773, died Aprd I ith. 1807. 2. Susannah, horn April ist, 17^5, died June i6th, 181 5. 3. Stephen, horn March 24th. 1737. 4. Zachanah, born February 23rd. 1739. died about 1802. 5. FJeanor, born b'ebruary 5th, 1741. died Alav 1 6th, 1790. 6. Mary, born March 2()th. 1743. 7. Mahitable. horn December ist, 1744, died April 3rd, 1766. 8. b)hn, horn May 26th, 1746, died October 5th, 1777. IV. Zachariah Cone, son of Stephen, Jr., was born at East Haddam, Conn., February 23rd, 1739. He married Mary (lilbert in 1765. He moved with his father's family to Bolton, in 1745. and remained there until 1777. Afterwards he made his home at Hebron, Conn., where he died about 1802, aged alxint 1)3 years. Children and grandchildren: I. Samuel, bnrn at Boltun in 1 77C). married Susan- nah Hutchinson abotit 1784. She was horn in 1769 and died at Atlanta, Ga., in 1853, aged 84 years. lie went to Georgia from Connecticut in 1820, as a " Yankee Pedler " 31 and became a prosperous and successful mer- chant at Rome, Ga., where he chcd January loth, 1848, ag-ed 8t years. Children: a. Samuel, born in 1785. b. Reuben, ljnn.. March Nth. 1774. lie married Wealthy Kingslniry in Cowntry. C'duii., April i ith. 1804. She was liorn October _'4ih. 17N3. and died at Batavia. X. ^'.. July J3lh, 1S43. He served as a sol- dier 111 the War (►! 181J. He nio\-ed to 15a- tavia in 1840. and died there Jiil\- 14th. 1854, aged 80 years. Children : a. Alary, horn March loth, 1805. died February 1 2th. 1830. Married Reuben Rowley. Xo children. b. Walter, born August 2nd. 1807. died March 24th. 1808. c. Hubbell P).. born I'ebruary 15th. 1809. died Oc- tober 8th. 1 87 1. Married Mary M. Skilton. Xovember 29th. i83(). He died in Chicago during the great tire. (/. Albert Callatin, born June 2nd. 181 i. died Xo- veml3er 23rd, 1880. ('. Salmon G.. born August 6th. 181 5. died April — . 1890. Married, first. Alercy Ann Cone, daughter of Gardner Cone, March 26th. 1843. ^^ married, second. Julia Eleanor Fowler. March 19th, 1862. He had two children by his last wife. f. Harriet M.. born June 5th, 1818. died August 27th. 1900. Married William R. Phelps. C). Molly, born July 28th. 1776. 7. Adonijah. born July 18th, 1778. at Hebron. Coini. He married Lydia Taylor. April loth. 1805. She was lx)rn April i6th, 1787, and died at Unadilla. N. Y., December i8tb. i88r, aged 94 years. He practiced medicine in Tolland S3 County, Conn., and moved to Unadilla in 1810. He died at Unadilla, May 28th, 1862. aged 84 years. Children : a. Julia Ann, born 1806, died February 14th, 1868. She married Mr. Bolles. b. Lewis G., born January 27th, 1808, died March 2 1 St, 1884. He married Elizabctli More. 8. Daniel, lx>rn at Hebron in 1780. He married Margaret Hall, July loth, 1808. She was born in 1784 and died August 25th, 1827. He married, second, Hannah Taylor, sister of Lydia, September nth. 1828. She was born December 23rd, 1799. and died January 6th, 1894, aged 94 years. The combined ages of herself and sister and two brothers was 372 years. He moved to Unadilla in 1810 and died there July 6th, 1842, aged 62 years. Children : a. Harriet, born July 28th, 1813, died November loth. 1861. She married Theodore Hanford, May 6th, 1834. 9. Gardner, born at Hebron, April 6th, 1783. He married Sarah Ann Robertson, October 20th, 1806. She was born October 17th, 1786. They moved to Unadilla in 18 10 and both died there. Children : a. Mercy Ann. born July 15th, 1824, died May 1st, 1847. She married Salmon G. Cone. No children. 10. Gilbert, born 1786, died unmarried, February 15th. 1858. Member of New York Assem- bly. LofC 34 \'. Frkdkrick Conk, l3orn at Boltcm. Conn., in Decem- ber. 1769. He niarried T.ncy Williamson in 1795. Slie was linrn at Ileliron. Conn., in 1 77O. and died in Lee, Mass.. Xn- veml)er Stli, 1S4S, a,<;ed -ji years. He died at Xew MarUx)ro. Mass.. March 41I1, 1.^14. aged 45 years, lie was a shoemaker, and died of consnmi)tion. Cliildren and grandchildren: I. William Cone, horn July 19th. 1797. He mar- ried, first. Adelia Taylor. April 3rd. 1822; married, second. Adeline Kelley. He was a farmer. li\ed at Lee. Alass.. and died there in November. 1881. Children: (/. .\lvan. horn February 7th. 1823. /;. William Gilbert, horn .\\^\■\\ J.^th. 1827. He married Lanra Hall. Noveml:>er 29th. 1849. The)- had two children. c. Edward h'ranklin. horn August 16th. 1829. died June ^)th. 1843. d. Harriet Adelia. horn July 4th. 1831. She mar- ried John F. Sarle. Resides at Brook- lyn. c. Mary, born August 31st. 1833. died December 22nd, 1834. /. Frederic, born February 6th. 1839. 2. Mcyc\ Cone, born December 27th. 1798. She married Asa Heath at Tyringham, Mass.. February T9th. 1829. He was born April 24th, 1790. and died at Windsor. N. ^■.. July 27th. 1848. aged 58 years. She died at Che- nango Forks. N. Y., September 30th. 1876. aged 78 years. Her husband was a farmer and lived at Windsor, X. Y. Children : a. Liic\ Maria, born b\^bruary 24th. 1830. died M ERC Y CON 1798 - 18 76. 35 Decemljer 26111. 1903. Married Phillip T. Stilwell, October nth, 1848. /;. Mercy Ann. born November 19th. 1831. She married Jesse Port. June i8th. 185 1. and resides at Chenango Forks, N. Y. c. Frederick Coiie. born December 14th, 1833. He married Sarah Genevieve, widow of Elmer Lee and daughter of Jesse Port by his first wife. Resides at Chicago. (/. Lewis Bennett, born May 8th. 1838. He mar- ried Caroline J. Volck. September nth, 1867. Resides at Knox, Ind. c. Ira Alvan, born August 29th, 1844. He mar- ried Minnie L. Smith, February 8th, 1888. Resides at Chicago. Frederick Cone, born October 9th, 1800. He married Sarah Steadman, November 31st, 183 1 ; died October loth, 1875, aged 75 years. No children. Roger Cone, born October 9th, 1803. died at Penfield. Ohio, March 12th. 1885. aged 81 years. He married Emeline Brown, March 14th, 1839. She was born at Tyringham, Mass., April 21st, 1803. aud died at Pen- field, Ohio, March nth, 1876. He was a farmer and moved from Lee, Mass. tO' Pen- field, Ohio, in 1845. Children: a. Marshall, born March 12th, 1840, died Decem- ber 8th, 1868. b. Mary, born October 25th. 1841. Residence. Pennington, N. J. c. Mercy, born April 6th. 1844. She married David J. Peters. Resides at Welling- ton, Ohio. 3^' (I. Martha, huni April (>{h. 1.^44. died May 29th. 1S44. c. Mcritt, Ixini Marcli jhtli. i^^d, died vSei)teml)er /. Mdaii. Ijoni April 4tli. 1S4S, died January ] ilh, 1892. lie married Esther Drake. 3. I'nlly Cone. ])r)rn near Hop Brook, Mass., Janu- ary 20th. 1803. and died at Berrien Springs. Alieh.. ()ctf)l)er 20th. 1889, aged 84 years. She married Jose])!] Warren Ho\ye, March 28th. 1833. He was horn September 24th, 1802, and (Hed at Berrien Springs, September 4th. 1875. Children : a. Henry D., born March i4ih, 1835. He mar- ried Mary P. Essick. Reside at Ber- rien Springs. b. Mary Ann. born Septem])er 29111, 1836, died March 9th. 1837. C-. Mary M., lx>rn July 14th. 1838. She married Charles E. McCollister. Reside at Ber- rien Springs. d. Uriah Iv.. born September 12th, 1840. He married Alary A. Robinson. Reside at Chicago. c. Edward F., born October 9th, 1842. He mar- ried Clara H. Wilkinson. /. Joseph \V., lx)rn Noyember iith. 1844. He married Josephine I. Kellogg. Reside at Berrien Springs. i^. Sarah J., born Deceml)cr 13th. 1846, died Feb- ruary 13th. 1892. She married John Tudor. C). Mander Cone, born in Lee, Mass., June 17th, 1807. He was a farmer, liyed near Rock- 37 ford. 111., and died there June 2nd, 1893, aged 86 years. He married, first, Esther Howk, in 1832. She died in 1839. He married, second. Sarah M. Bushnell. April 22nd. 1847. She died February 9th. 1888. Children : a. Charles A I., born January 13th. 1834, died Feb- ruary 29th. 1884. He married Emily . March 24th. 1857. b. Joseph B., born April 2nd, 1848. He married Elizabeth Munger. February nth. 1875. Reside at Chicago. c. Edward Franklin, born December loth. 1852. He married Alice Pitkin. Reside at Rockford. 111. d. Hiram, born September 9th, 1854, died Sep- tember 1 2th, 1874. 7. Lucy Maria Cone, born at Lee. Mass., October 30th. 1 8 TO and died there November ist, 1892. aged 82 years. She married Jesse Cheney, July 4th. 1830. He was born April 2ist, 1806. and died January 29th, 1872. Children : a. Lucy Ann, born July 23rd. 183 1. died Septem- ber 20th. 1880. She married John E. Ingersoll. h. Robert Bruce, born May 8th, 1833. ^^ mar- ried Mary Louisa Couch. c. George W., bom June 3rd, 1835. He married Hannah Beach. 8. Erastus Dewey Cone, born in New Marlboro, Mass.. February 13th. 18 12. and died No- vember 24th. 1881. He married Julia Beach, 38 jainiarv mtli. 1S35. Slie was horn April lotli. 1812, and (lied .\u,<;iist 19th. 1861. He married, second. Alary Ann nnl)l)ard. who (hed in 1873. He married, third. Ann Janette Fuller. Sejitemhcr loth. J 874. He was a farmer. Children : (7. Henry Dewey, horn August 4tli. 1836. died Novemher 19th. 1896. He married, first. Ellen Howard Laughlin. and mar- ried, second. Sarah Brown Owen. h. Frances Julia, horn July i8th. 1849, died Au- gust r)th. 1874. INDEX. PAGE. Adams, John 8 Clark. Andrus, Rubin ii Clark, Baird, Mr. Baird i5 Clark, Beach, Hannah 37 Clark, Beach, Julia 37 Clark, Blanchard, Julia A 9, 12 Clark, Blatchley, Clara Erma 15 Clark, Blatchley, Emily V 15 Clark. Blatchley, Otis 15 Clark. Bolles. Mr 33 Cone, Bowles, John 4, 5 Cone, Brown, Carlos E 21 Cone. Brown. Eniiline 35 Cone. Brown, Miriam 22 Cone, Bushnell, Sarah M 37 Cone, Cheney, Jesse 37 Cone, Chenej^, Lucy A 37 Cone, Cheney, George W 37 Cone, Cheney, Robert Bruce 37 Cone, Cheney, Robert F 22 Cone, Clark, Abigail 25, 26 Cone. Clark, Addie 18 Cone. Clark, Alice 26 Cone, Clark, Bernice 26 Cone, Clark, Charlotte 17 Cone, Clark, Clarissa 12, 13, 26,27 Cone, Clark, Daniel 25, 26 Cone, Clark, Dorothy 26 Cone, Clark. Elisha 25 Cone, Clark, Elizabeth 25, 26 Cone, Clark. Francis 25, 26 Cone, Clark, Giles 26 Cone, Clark, Hamlin 26 Cone, Clark, Hannah 25,26 Cone, Clark, Hiram 26 Cone, Clark, John 25 Cone, Clark, Joseph 25, 26 Cone, Clark, Lemuel 26 Cone, Clark, Martha 25, 26 Cone. Clark, Mary 25, 26 Cone, PAGE. Mindwell 26 Nathaniel 25 Reuben 26 Sanford 26 Sarah 25 Smith 26 Susannah 30 Ulyssa 31-- White 25 Adonijah 32 Albert G 32 Alvan 34 Caleb 29 Caroline 31 Charles M 37 Daniel 28, 33 Deborah 29 Ebenezer 29 Edward F 34, 37 Eleanor 29, 30 Erastus D 37 Frances J 38 Frederick 31, 34. 3S Gardner 32, 33 Gilbert 31, 33 Hannah 28 Harriet 32, 33 Harriet A 34 Henry D 38 Hiram 37 Hubbell B 32 Jared 28, 29, 30 John 29, 30 Joseph B 37 Julia A 33 Lewis G 33 Lucy M 37 ^Lahitable 29, 30 Mander 36 Marshall 35 INDEX. I'AOE. Cone, Martha t,6 Cone, Mary 29, .^o, 32, 34. 35 Cone, Mercy. ...12, 13, 17. 34, 35 Cone, Mercy A :;i2, t,;^ Cone, ■\Ierritt 36 Cone, Milan 36 Cone, Molly 32 Cone, Nathaniel 29 Cone, Polly 36 Cone. Rebecca 29 Cone. Reuben 29, 31 Cone, Roger 35 Cone, Ruth 28 Cone, Salmon G 32, 3^ Cone, Samuel 30, 31 Cone, Stephen • 29, 30 Cone, Susannah 29, 30 Cone, Walter 32 Cone, Wealthy 31 Cone, William 34 Cone, William G 34 Cone, Zachariah 30, 32 Couch, Mary L 37 Davis, Mary 5 Drake, Esther 36 Edson, Isaac C 8 Edson, Joseph C 15 Edson, Laura D 15 Edson, Rhoda 7, g Eizenberg, Catherine 14 Eliot, Apostle 5 Ells. Mr 31 Essick, Mary P 36 Fisher, Ann 6 Fisher, Cornelius 6 Fisher, Leah 6 Fisher, Samuel 5 Flynn, John H 20 Fowler, Julia E 32 Freeman. Joseph 23 Freeman. Caroline Josephine. . 23 Fuller. Ann J 38 Gilbert, Flora E 14 Gilbert, Mary 30 Graves. Elizabeth 31 Graves, ]\lr 31 P.\«E. ( jray. James F. S 19 Gray. James H 19 Grey, Esther 21. 23 Hall John 15 Hall. I^ura 34 Hall, Margaret ..: 33 Hall. Nora E 15 Hamilton. Florence 15 Hamilton, Harrison 15 Hamilton, Laura 15 Hamilton, Otis 15 Han ford, Theodore 33 Heath, Aaron. .7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Heath, Abigail 5, 7 Heath. Abner 7, 11, 12 Heath, Addison H 14 Heath. Agnes G 23 Heath, Alice 14 Heath. Alva 12 Heath, Amos 7, 12 Heath, Amy 7, 8 Heath, Ann 6, 7 Heath. Asa.. 12, 13, 17. 24, 27, 34 Heath, Barney g Heath. Bartholomew 4 Heath, Benjamin 7, 12 Heath, Catherine 11 Heath, Charles C 17 Heath, Clarence B 24 Heath, Clarinda 8 Heath, Clarissa E. ..15, 16, 17, 27 Heath, Clark 14 Heath, David 12 Heath, Earl 14 Heath, Ebenezer 6, 7 Heath. Edith 14 Heath. Edward 13 Heath. Elizabeth 5, 7 Heath. Florence 14 Heath, Florence L 23 Heath, Francis C 13, 27 Heath, Frederick C 22, 35 Heath, Frederick W 17 Heath, Giles 17, 27 Heath, Hannah 5 Heath, Helen A 24 INDEX. pai;e. Heath, Helen L 23 Heath, Herbert C 24 Heath, Ira 14 Heath, Ira A 24, 35 Heath, Irene it Heath, Isaac 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 Heath, James 12 Heath, Jane 13 Heath, Jessie 14 Heath, John 8, 9 Heath. Johnathan 12 Heath, Joseph 6, 7, 9 Heath, JuHa 12 Heath, Kelsey 9 Heath, Laura 14 . Heath, Lewis B 23, 35 Heath, Lucy 8 Heath, Lucy ]\Iaria 18, 34 Heath, Lucy Marion 23 Heath, Major R n Heath, Marjorie 14 Heath, Mary 4, 5, 9, 12 Heath, Mercy A 20, 21, 35 Heath, Mlton T 14, 27 Heath, Peleg 5, 6 Heath, Rachel 6, 7 Heath, Ralph 14 Heath, Rhoda 8, 11, 12 Heath, Rhoda R 12 Heath. Robert S 17 Heath, Roxiene 11 Heath, Saloma 12 Heath, Sylvester 9 Heath, Thankful 7.. Heath, Warren F 14 Heath, William 4, 5, 7 Hebbard, Caroline 31 Hebbard, Joseph 31 Hebbard. Linden 31 Hebbard, Mary 31 Hebbard, Sidney 31 Hill, Thomas W 17 Hine, Amy 8 Hough, Daniel 31 Howe, Edward F 36 Howe, Henry D ^6 Howe, Joseph W 36 I'ACK. Howe, Mary A 36 Howe, Mary M 36 Howe, Sarah J 36 Howe, Uriah R t,(> Howk, Esther T,y Hubbard, Mary A 38 Hunger ford. Mary 29 Hutchinson, Susannah 30 Hyde, Harriet 14 Ingersoll, John E :i7 Johnson, Mary 26 Kelley, Adeline 34 Kellogg, Josephine 1 36 King, Susannah 5 Kingsbury, Wealthy 7,2 iClauer, Clara E '. . . 15 Klauer, Edward 15 Laughlin, Ellen H ^S Lee, Elmer 35 Lee, Sarah G 22, 35 Lewis, Mary 18 Listman, Inez A 20 Mann, Mary 12 Manwarren, Mary V 22 Markham, Patience 9 McCollister, Charles E 3,6 McKee, Esq. Addison 31 Moot, Emeline 16 Moot, Ernest 16 Moot, Gladys 16 Moot, Thomas 16 Moore, Elizabeth 2i Munger, Elizabeth 2i7 Nichols, Mr 11 Owen, Sarah B 38 Penny, Marie A ig Peters, David J 35 Peters, Johnathan 31 Phelps, William R 32 Pitkin, Alice 2>7 Port, Anna M 21 Port, Benjamin J 22 Port, Charles F 21 Port, Esther A. 21 Port, Frances G 22 Port, Francis E 22 Port, Frederick A 21 INDEX. PAGE. Port, George L 22 Port. Gladys C 21 Port, Irma G 22 Port, Jesse 20, 23,-35 Port, Jesse L 21 Port, Jesse M 21 Port, Jessie A 22 Port, John T 21 Port, Julia E 21 Port. Lydia M 21 Port, Margaret 22 Port, ^lary A 22 Port, Roger H 21 Port. Ruth L 21 Prentice, Charles 17, 24 Prentice, Elsie 16 Prentice, Jonas 16, 24 Prentice, Nathan 16 Prentice, Philo 16 Reed, Thomas 6 Richey. Fraiiklin P 20 Robbins, Catherine 7 Robinson, Mary A ^^ Robertson, Sarah A 33 Rowley, Reuben ^2 Roj^alty, Nora 15 Sarle, John F 34 Shears, Samuel 5 Siminson, Ella 16 Skilton, Mary M 32 Slaughter, Dorcas 7 Smith, Fred H 19 Smith, Ida A 18 Smith, Myra G 19 Smith, Minnie 1 24, 35 Smith, William E. 19 Spear, Mary 5 Spencer, Jared 28 Spencer, Mahitable 28 Spinning, Emily 31 Steadman, Sarah 35 Stevens, Caroline A 8 Stilson, Orra 12 Stihvell,. Ada 20 Stihvell, Adelaide 20 Stihvell, Arthur J 18 ;EP 11333 PAGE. Stihvell, Dewitt ig Stihvell, Ellen A 19 Sihvell. Emma 20 Stihvell, Frank T 20 Stihvell, George R 20 Stihvell, Giles H 18 Stihvell. Giles P 19 Stihvell, Jennie 20 Stihvell, Lamont 18 Stihvell, Lewis 19 Stihvell, Lucy 18 Stihvell, Mar>- M 19 Stihvell, Mildred L 20 Stihvell, Phillip T 18, 35 Stihvell, Ralph 18 Stihvell, Ruby A 18 Stihvell, Wilson iS Swagart, Sarah A 17 Swan, Lucetta P 17 Sweet, Mary 11 Sweet, Mr 12 Taylor, Adelia 34 Taylor, Hannah ;i^ Taylor, Lydia 32, ::^3 Thomas, Mary 21 Titus, Hattie L 20 Townsend, Ernest B 23 Townsend, Genevieve H 23 Tudor, John 36 Ultey, Lj^dia 7 Van Buren, Charlotte 16 Van Buren, Cornelius 16 Van Buren, Elsie 16 Van Buren, Ralph 16 Van Name, Maud 22 Volck. Caroline J 23, 35 Walkley. Rebecca 28 Walkley. Richard 28 Ward. John 7 Weeks, Amelia 13 White. Elizabeth 25 Whitmore, Elizabeth 25 Wilkinson, Clara H 36 Williamson, Lucy 31, 34 Wilson. Bertha iS Youngman. Francis 6 ;^n;';t^:fr i^nHiKrltiliiiSiaillii iiiii.}-" 1 -i