I I'l'IM.K . , Al'l l,M)!X E E r ( ) |{ T ^■ Claims for Re-imbursement' state of IRhobc llslanb 'I BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR WITH SPAIN, MADE TO HIS EXCELI,ENCY ELISHA DYER, Governor, BY GEORGE H. WEBB, Captain and A. D. C. JANUARY. 1899. PROVIDENCE: E. L. FREE. MAN & SONS, PRINTERS TO THE STATE, 1899. 4 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Immediately after the issuing- of the preceding- order, by per- sonal interviews with the Auditor and Chief of the Claims Division of the War Department, in Washing-ton, tog-ether with correspond- ence with the Commission appointed by an act of Cong-ress to adjudicate the claims of the States against the United^ States 'on account of " The War with Spain," it was ascertained that it would be necessary to file with the Secretary of the Treasury org'inal vouchers for all expenses incurred by the State of Rhode Island, for which claims were to be made. Much other valuable inforihation was also obtained in regard to the manner of preparing, and the form in which claims should be filed. A formal request having- been made to the State auditor by the executive department for the original vouchers for all expenses incurred by the State on account of " The War with Spain," the executive department was informed that it would be necessary to file in the auditor's office duplicates of all vouchers which might be desired. The delay caused by this decision of the auditor's office was necessarily considerable. That the original vouchers were abso- lutely required by the Treasury Department is shown under De- partment Circular No. 154, 1898, which follows. CIRCULAR. Rules for the Preparation and Settlement of Claims under the Act OF July 8, 1898, for the Reimbursement of Governors of States AND Territories for Certain War Expenses. Treasury Department, Office op the Auditor for the War Department, Washington, D. C, August 10, 1898. 1898. ) Department Circular, [ No. 154. ) An Act To reimburse the governors of States and Territories for expenses in- curred by them in aiding the United States to raise and organize, and supply and equip tlie volunteer army of the United States in the existing -war with Spain. REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. O Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lieprexentatires of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, Tliat tlie Secretary of the Trciisury be, and he is hereby, directed, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the governor of any State or Territory, or to liis duly autiiorized agents, the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses that have been incurred by him in aiding the United States to raise the volunteer army in the existing war with Spain, by subsisting, clothing, supplying, equipping, paying, and trans- porting men of his State or Territory who were afterwards accepted into the volunteer army of the United States : Prorided, That the transportation paid for shall be only the transportation of such men from the place of (heir enrollment for service in the volunteer army of the United States to the place of their ac- ceptance into the same by the United States mustering oflicer, and that the names of the men transported shall appear on the muster rolls of the volunteer army of the United States : And provided further. That such claims shall be settled upon proper vouchers to be filed and passed upon by the proper account- ing officers of the treasury : And provided further, That, in cases where the money to pay said costs, charges, and expenses has been, or may hereafter be, borrowed by the governors or their respective States or Territories, and interest is paid, or may hereafter be paid, on the same, by the governors or their States or Territories, from the time it was or may be so borrowed to the time of its refundment by the United States, or thereafter, such interest shall not be re- funded by the United States ; nor shall any interest be paid the governors or their States or Territories on the amounts paid out by them, nor any other amount refunded or paid than is in this act expressly mentioned. Approved, July 8, 1898. Hides for the preparation and settlement at the Treasury Department of all claims arising under the act of Congress, approved July S, 1S9S, entitled ''An Act ta reimburse the governors of States and Territories for expenses incurred by them in aiding tJie United States to raise and organize, and supply and equip the volun- teer army of the United States in the existing war icith Sjmin." 1. Accounts or claims for reimbursement, with vouchers for all expenditures made, must be forwarded or referred to the Auditor for the War Department for investigation and settlement. 2. Accounts or claims for reimbursement are to be settled upon proper vouchers, which are to be filed and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury, that is to say, by the Auditor for the War Department and the Comptroller of the Treasury. 3. Original itemized bills must be furnished in all cases where it is practica- ble to do so. In cases where they are omitted, satisfactory reasons must be given for their omission. All accounts or claims for reimbursement must be properly stated and certified to on vouchers. The vouchers given by the creditors of the States and Territories, with their receipts for the amouuts actually paid them, 6 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-lMBURSEMENT. must accompany the claims for reimbursement as evidence of the payment of said creditors and in support of said accounts or claims. No payment will be made directly to a creditor of a State or Territory. 4. The certificate in support of every account, voucher, or claim for reim- bursement must be made in the following form, prescribed by the Comptroller of the Treasury, as required by law, and must be signed by the governor who in- curred and paid the costs, charges, and expenses for which reimbursement is sought : I hereby certify that the above account is correct and just ; that the services were rendered and the articles furnished as stated ; that the costs, charges, and expenses therefor are reasonable and have been incurred and paid by me in aid- ing the United Stales to raise the volunteer army in the war with Spain, either by subsisting, clothing, supplying, equipping, paying, or transporting men of this State or Territory who were afterwards accepted into the volunteer army of the United States ; that in all cases where reimbursement or payment is sought from the United States for the transportation of men, such reimbursement or payment is only for the transportation from the place of their enrollment for ser- vice in said army to the place of their acceptance into the same by the United States mustering officer, and that no part of the abovementioned costs, charges, and expenses is for interest on the same or any part thereof or on any money borrowed or used to pay the same or any part thereof. Governor. 5. The amount and quality of the evidence required in support of all claims arising under the act must depend upon the circumstances of each particular case. 6. The transportation to be reimbursed as reasonable costs, charges, and ex- penses that have been incurred and paid by the governor of any State or Terri- tory in aiding the United States to raise the volunteer army in the war with Spain, is only the transportation of men of his State or Territory who were after- wards accepted into the volunteer army of the United States, from the place of their enrollment for service in said army to the place of their acceptance into the same by the United States mustering officer. The names of the men transported must appear on the muster rolls of the volunteer army of the United States. 7. No reimbursements can be made for any costs, charges, or expenses that have been incurred and paid by the governor of any State or Territory on ac- count of men who were not afterwards accepted into the volunteer army of the United States. 8. No reimbursements can be made for the cost of any transportation of men who were afterwards accepted into the volunteer army of the United States, that has been incurred and paid by the governor of any State or Territory, unless such transportation was from the place of their enrollment for service in said REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 7 army to the place of tlieir ;uee]itance into tlie same by tlie United Stat(;s muster- ing officer. 9. No interest can be refunded by the United States in cases where the money to pay the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses that have been incurred and paid by the governor of any State or Territory in aiding the United States to raise the volunteer army in the war witli Spain, in any of the ways mentioned in the act, lias been or may hereafter be borrowed by the governor or his State or Territory from the time it was or may be so borrowed to the time of its re- fundment by the United Stales, or thereafter. Nor can any interest be paid any governor or his State or Territory on any amount paid out by him. 10. The rules and regulations prepared by the Secretary of the Treasury for the settlement of claims under the act of July 27, 1861, may be taken as a guide 60 far as the same shall appear to be applicable in the settlement of claims under the act of July 8, 1898. 11. All payments are to be made out of the special indelinite appropriation entitled " Reimbursement to States and Territories for expenses in raising troops for war with Spain." W. W. BROWN, Auditor. Approved : R. J. TK.\rEWEi.r,, Comptroller. L. J. Gage, Secretary. It will be noticed that the act of July 8th, 1898, provides for the reimbursement of the States " for all absolutely necessary expenses that have been incurred " previous to date. This act prevents the Auditor for the War Department approv- ing any claims for reimbursement for expenses incurred after July 8th, 1898. A considerable amount of money was spent by the State of Khode Island on account of its volunteers after the above men- tioned date, and claims for the same have been tiled Avith the Auditor for the War Department. These claims will undoubtedly be rejected ; but an appeal may be taken to the comptroller, and if by him disallowed, recourse may be had to Congress for a special act to cover expenditures after July 8th, 1898. 8 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. The followiug- telegrams, received by the executive department preceding- the orders of July 8th, are quoted as bearing directly upon many of the claims filed. TELEGRAMS, (copy.) Washington, D. C, April 27. The Governor of Rhode Island, Providence, E. I. Tlie following decision of the Secretary of War of this date is communicated for your information. "All absolutely necessary expenses for the subsistence, transportation, sheltering, and generally the maintenance of volunteers during ihe interval between their enrollment (enlistment and their muster) (or being sworn) into the service of the United iStates, also all incidental expenses connected therewith, such as the hire of officers, clerks, messengers, etc., for mustering officers will be met by the government of the United States, from the proper appropriation at the disposal of the several stafE departments of the army, certi- fied vouchers for all expenditures herein authorized will be forwarded to the war department for audit and payment. The vouchers should be certified by officers of the proper staff deiaartments and approved by the mustering officers." H. C. CORBIN, Adj utant-General. (copy.) Washington, D. C, May 13, 1898. Governor, li. I., Providence, P. I. One regiment infantry of your State having been mustered into service, will be ordered to-day to proceed to Chickamauga, Ga. It is desired that the State au- thorities furnish all supplies possible in way of clothing, camp and garrison equip- age, and all ap^Jurtenances for a soldier in the field, including tents, which are much needed. On arrival at Chickamauga those troops, with those of other States, will be thoroughly equipped and moved to the front. This was found to be better than to attempt to thoroughly equip the regiments with State rendezvous. Ordinance quartermaster and subsistence departments are concentrating at Chattanooga, Tonn., supplies to meet situation. K. A. ALGER, t^ccretary of War. REPORT ON C^I.AIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 9 (copy.) WAsriiNGTON, D. C, May 14, 1898. Hon. Elisha Dyer, Governor, Ji. /., Prov., R. I. If uuifornis are of regulatiou kind uaval Ijattalion will not be charged for them. MELVILLE BULL. It is very generally conceded by the Auditor for the War Department, by the Chief of the Claims Division, and by our Representatives in Congress, that such legislation as may be necessary to fully reimburse the States for such necessary expen- ditures as have been incurred on account of the recent war will be enacted in the near future. In preparing the claims every expenditure has been carefully and minutely investigated and considered by His Excellency Governor Dyer, and myself. Every claim filed in Washington consisted of the original voucher for the expense incurred, en- closed in a blanket, upon which was written an explanation of the necessity and reason for the expense, the same being certified to by the governor of the State, as required. The total amount of bills approved by the governor, which have been paid to date from the " Appropriation for Military and Naval Expenses, War with Spain," is $221,344.14. Of this amount there have been filed with the Secretary of the Treasury in Wash- ington, and the Secretary of the Navy, claims for reimbursement to the State of Rhode Island, etc., for expenses in raising troops for war with Spain, amounting to $212,099.81, leaving a balance of $10,843.33, for which claims have not been filed. This amount of $10,844.33 represents necessary expenditures on account of "The War with Spain," for which the State of Rhode Island has not, as yet, filed claims with the United States government. Included with the claims filed with the Secretary of the Treas- ury, in Washington, are vouchers for quartermaster's siqiplies, ordnance and ordnance stores, valued at $36,410,20, which were 10 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. purchased by the commauder-iu-chief on account of " The AVar with Spain," and to equip troops raised under the calls of the President of the United States. They are still in the possession of the quartermaster's department of the State of Rhode Island. Another item for consideration is that of interest on money borrowed by the State, for which no claim has been filed, on account of an act of Congress which provides that "no State shall be reimbursed for interest on money borrowed for expenses in raising" troops for war with Spain." This act of Congress opens up a wide field for discussion, and one that perhaps is not within the province of this report ; but inasmuch as the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the United States /6' liable for interest on loans made by the States for raising a volunteer army, and inasmuch as the same is, or will in time become one of the largest items of expense, it seems quite probable that the matter will receive further consid- eration. This item, though certainly a necessary expense, has not been considered in the tables appended to this report, by reason of above mentioned act of Congress. This interest, "to date, amounts to $6,843.87. As before stated, each voucher has been carefully considered and investigated ; and claims have been made for only such as were absolutely necessary in recruiting, subsisting, clothing, sup- plying, equipping, paying, transporting or caring for Eliode Island volunteers. The small amount expended for which no claims have been made against the United States government, less than one per cent, of the total expenditures, represents necessary expenses for the welfare of our volunteers for which the State could not reasonably expect reimbursement, claims not yet filed in Wash- ington, and interest on loans. Below will be found a summary of expenditures. REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 1 I SUMMARY. Claims for lieimharseinent to the State of Rhode Island, etc., for Expenses in liaising Troops for War with Spain. FIRST REG. R. I., U. S. VOL. INFANTRY. RecruitiDg $14,845 08 Subsistiug 10,630 35 Clothing 69,867 51 Supplying 19,265 00 Equipping l'''j,817 45 Paying 22,227 23 Transportation 2,640 01 Total $155,292 72 LIGHT BATTERIES A. AND I!., U. S. VOL. ARTILLERY. Recruiting $3,938 33 Subsisting 2,273 95 Clothing 9,812 67 Supplying 11,258 45 Equipping 3,748 84 Paying 8,274 05 Transportation 910 00 Total , R. I NAVAL MILITIA Recruiting Subsisting Clothing Supplying Equipping Paying Transportation ^ Total Amount carried forward $201,576 65 $40,216 29 A. $28 32 47 00 3,862 57 23 84 2,088 41 17 50 $6,067 64 12 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Amount broug-lit forward .$201,576 G5 Not divisible into classes 10,523 IG Total amount of claims filed with g-overn- ment 1212,099 81 Less claim for use of camp grounds 1,600 00 — $210,499 81 Expenses for wliich no claims have been tiled 4,000 46 Interest on loans 6,843 87 Total amount approved on account of War with Spain $221,344 14 The tabulated reports herewith submitted give detailed infor- mation as to purpose and amount of each separate expenditure approved by the commander-in-chief. In regard to the division of the claims into " Kecruiting, sub- sisting, clothing, supplying, equipping, paying and transportation," according to a decision of the Treasury Department in Washing- ton, claims for reimbursement on above mentioned accounts will only be allowed in cases where services rendered were by and for men afterwards mustered into the United States volunteer army. This decision necessitated the placing in the column for " Sup- plying" many claims which would have otherwise been divided into various classes. Paj^ments made for subsisting, paying and transporting men not afterwards mustered into the United States service wdll be frequently noticed in the column for supplying ; but necessarily placed there on account of the before mentioned decision of the Treasury Department. But one item in the table for miscellaneous expenditures needs, possibly, explanation. The State of Rhode Island paid to examining physicians fifty cents per man for examination of volunteers, the regular amount allowed by the militia laws of the State. REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 1H The government of the United States will reimburse the States to the amount of forty cents per volunteer, the difference between the two amounts above specified amounting- to i?291.40, as per item in report for miscellaneous expenditures. In regard to the reimbursement of the State by the United States government, on account of claims which have been filed with the Claims Di\'ision in Washington, it seems probable that a considerable amount will be paid within a few weeks. The balance vdW be referred to the Comptroller of the Currency, and legisla- tive action, by Congress, will doubtless be necessary loefore the government can legally reimburse the State for some of its ex- penditures. Early consideration of the State claims has been assured the executive department ; and inasmuch as the Chief of the Claims Division stated that the claims of the State of Ehode Island were prepared and forwarded in a most comprehensive manner, and in a condition that will ma^ke their consideration a comparatively easy task, it seems very probable that there will be no unneces- sary delay in their settlement. At your request I have obtained from the adjutant-general of the State a summary of the pay-rolls of the officers of the Rhode Island militia, who have been placed on special duties by order of the commander-in-chief during and on account of the war with Spain. It will be found immediately after the "Tal)le of Expenditures." Respectfully submitted, GEO. H. WEBB, Captdhi (did A. J). C ( TABLE OF EXrKNDlTURKS. FIRST REGT. RHODE ISLAND U. S. VOL. INFANTRY. RECRUITING. Alniy, Arthur C, clerk, recruiting station 114 00 Almy, Arthur C, clerk, recruiting station 20 00 Anthony & Cowell Co., furniture, post commander 113 00 Arnzen, Henry A., service at store-house 33 00 Babbitt, Frank H., clerk to post adjutant 30 00 Barbour, C. M. & Co., medical supplies, recruiting station 2 50 Barker, F. Eugene & Co. , scales at recruiting station • 3 00 Barker, C. F., medical examination, recruits 25 60 Barton, T. A. , clerk, recruiting station 2 00 Beard, J. J., mattress and blankets, recruiting station 2 00 Blake & Merchant, clothes for rejected recruits 90 00 Blanding it Blanding, medical supplies, recruiting station 1-1 03 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies • 1 06 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 34 Bligh, John A., service at quartermaster's department 4 00 Cabot, Henry H. , medical supplies , 1 35 Calder, Augustus W., medical examination, recruits 9 20 Callender, McAuslan »& Troup Co., towels, soap, etc 5 04 Central Hotel, meals for recruits 82 25 Chase, Wm. B. , brooms, recruiting station 1 80 Chase, W. H. , meals for recruits 15 34 Church, Ernest C, clerk, recruiting station 44 00 Claflin, Geo. L. & Co. , medical supplies 20 Clapp, Otis & Son, medical supplies 30 85 Clark, E. D., medical examination, recruits ... 94 80 Coleman, Matthew A., quartermaster's department 15 00 Amount carried forward, recruiting $653 36 16 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amount brought forward, recruiting Connery, T. J., rations, detail at camp 17 66 Cooper, Clarence W., clerk, recruiting station 10 00 Cowen, Wm. H., clerk, quartermaster-general's office 24 00 Crooker. Geo. H., medical examination, recruits 62 80 Dennis, C. R. , expressage, labor, etc 250 00 Dexter, Henry C.'pay'r, detail, recruiting station 12 00 Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail, recruiting station 6 00 Easterbrooks, G. W., expenses, commissary department 15 91 Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail to commander-in-chief 45 00 Everett, E. A., clerical work 12 00 Fitzgerald, P. J. , office rent 50 00 Flint Co. , furniture, recruiting station 29 25 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, printing and stationery 23 00 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, enlistment blanks, etc 154 73 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, printing 1 50 Freeman, E. L. & Sous, stationery 40 75 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, printing, stationery, etc 93 83 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, printing 101 35 French, Chas. H.. sanitary examination, camp grounds 10 78 French, Chas. H., sanitary examination, camp grounds 9 00 French, Herbert N., cleaning recruiting station 13 50 George, Daniel F., pay'r, detail, recruiting station 60 00 George, Daniel F., pay'r, detail, recruiting station 43 50 Gove, Edward, acting commissary 22 65 Grant, Alex, painting, recruiting station 1 25 Haller, J. F., medical examination, recruits 66 40 llanley, James, rent, recruiting station 90 00 Harvey, E. B. , medical examination, recruits 112 40 Havens, S. B. & Co., meals for recruits 71 19 Heydon, Henry D. , teaming 185 00 Hicks, A. v., clerk, recruiting station 43 00 Hill, Lester S., medical examination, recruits 25 60 Holly Tree Inn, meals for detail 29 17 Hopkins, Mary A., meals for recruits 12 00 Hopkins, Mary A. , meals for recruits 78 75 Horton, J. W. it Co. , use of desk 5 00 Hull, Geo. B., transportation of recruits 700 00 Ingraham, Frank A., clerk, recruiting station 14 00 Jenckes, Geo. W., medical examination, recruits 28 00 Jenkins, John, clerk, quartermaster-general's department 19 50 Amount carriad forward, recruiting $3,342 83 KEPOHT OX CLAI.MS FOR KK-IM HCRSEMENT. 17 AiMouiit brouglit forward, rocruiling . . :|3,242 83 Johnson, A. II., clerk, recruiting station Kendall, Iliram, expenses. Fort Adams Kingman, Jas. H., medical examination, recruits Leferreire, C. E. A., medical examination, recruits Larribee, L. , meals for recruits Lewisson, Lewis, rent, recruiting station MacKaye, H. G., medical examination, recruits Mason, Norman N. , medical supplies Mincks Model Caf6, meals for recruits ^Mincks iVIodcl Cafe, meals for recruits ' Mincks JModel Cafe, meals for recruits Miller, Lauren H. , clerical work Nerone, Augustine P., pay'r, detail, recruiting station Nerone, Augustine P., pay'r, detail, recruiting purposes l.OOo 79 Nerone, Augustine P., pay'r, detail, recruiting station N. E. Towel Supply Co., towels and soap, recruiting station N. Y., N. H. & H. R R. Co., mileage books Obrian, Lewis A., carpenter work, recruiting station Palmer, Beuj. G., postage and miscellaneous expenses Parmenter, Joseph G. , clerk, recruiting station Pawtucket Gas Co., tubing, wash tubs, etc Pease, L. F. & Co., ensigns for recruiting station Pease, L. F. & Co. , flag poles, repairing flags, etc Peters, Wm. H., medical examination, recruits Plieflfer, Joshua, clerk, recruiting station Pfieffer, Joshua, clerk, recruiting station Potter, 'Wm. P., service, commissary department Providence Gas Co., gas, recruiting station Prov., Fall River & Newport S. B. Co., trans, of rejected recruits Prov., Fall River & Newport S. B. Co., trans, of volunteers Providence Sash and Blind Co., headquarters, reception of recruits . . Providence Telegram Publishing Co., advertising for recruits Remick, Augustus, medical examination, recruits Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, detail, recruiting station ... Sackett, F. M., pay'r general. State officers on duty 2,477 52 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, pay of post officers l,o54 57 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, carriage hire 120 25 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, orders of the governor, recruiting, etc.. 1,400 00 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, pay of rejected recruits 1,081 50 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, paj' of rejected recruits 1,051 50 8 00 7 75 11 20 11 60 1 50 37 50 15 60 4 00 21 50 63 00 44 35 14 00 33 00 093 79 30 00 4 50 100 00 16 2 36 22 00 10 75 142 00 342 47 30 00 18 00 36 00 33 00 16 17 16 25 4 00 331 63 14 00 159 20 64 29 Amount carried forward, recruiting , $13,673 74 3 18 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amount brought forward, recruiting 113,673 74 Sargent, Frank F., sanitary examination, camp Dyer 3 00 Sargent, Franlv F., transportation U. S. A. post and department otiicers 392 00 Sawtelle, F. G., medical examination, recruits 6 00 Sawtelle, F. G., medical examination, recruits 13 40 Slianahan, Dennis, straw, recruiting station ,. 1 94 Shirley, J. R. & Son, gas pipe, etc., recruiting station 13 85 Snow, Ellen, stenographer 41 00 Standard Printing Co., cards and enlistment blanks , 19 00 Standard Printing Co. , enlistment cards 18 25 Sterns, Chas. A., medical examination, recruits 2 80 Steward, Chas. W., medical examination, recruits 4 40 Stiness, Walter R., trip to Washington, D. C 46 90 Stubbs, Thos., carpenter work, recruiting station 41 80 Stirt)bs, Thos., carpenter work, recruiting station 11 94 Sullivan, Daniel, meals for recruits 73 75 Sutcliff, Adam & Co., printing blanks 19 75 Sweedish Publisliing Co., advertising for recruits 8 00 Tanner, H. S. , service account recruiting 2 20 Tefft, Howard, clerical work 10 00 Thurber, Frank W., printing and sundry expenses 3 28 Tilliughast, Frederick H., clerk, recruiting station 2 00 Towue, Chas. A. , clerk at camp Dyer 26 00 Walker, P. Francis, medical examination, recruits 150 00 Walker, Wm. R. tt Son, drawing and estimates 42 05 Weaver, Geo. A. & Co., scales, tubs and towels 12 05 Welch, T. J. & Co., straw for recruiting station 1 20 Westerly Daily Sun, advertising for recruits 5 25 Westerly Tribune, advertising for recruits 8 00 Western Union Telegraph Co., miscellaneous telegrams 5 10 Western Union Telegraph Co., miscellaneous telegrams 2 23 Western Union Telegraph Co. , miscellaneous telegrams 9 30 Wheaton, J. L., Jr., medical examination, recruits 46 40 Wheaton, J. L., Jr., medical examination, recruits 68 65 Whipple, N. W. , straw for recruiting station 3 90 White, A. B. & Co., rubber stamps, etc 6 45 Williams, Alouzo R., clerk, recruiting station 4 00 Willard, C. W., tubs and scales, recruiting station 3 75 Woonsocket Gas Co., tubing for recruiting station ... 1 25 Worthington, John H., service and subsistence at camp 31 50 Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, rent of typewriter 2 00 Amount carried forward, recruiting §14,837 08 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. I!' Amount brought forwiinl, recruiting ^14,837 08 VVyckoff, Scaniiins & Benedict, rent of typewriter 4 00 Wyckoff, Seamans & lienedict, rent of typewriter 4 00 Total recruiting $14.s4o 08 SUBSISTING. Armour Packing Co., hams, eggs, etc S104 29 Armour Packing Co., beef -04 22 Armour Packing Co., beef, sheep, bacon and lard 1,1')7 55 Arnold & Maine, groceries 335 44 Barney, C. IT., coffee, en route to camp Alger 42 50 Daniels, Cornell & Co., groceries 84 52 Daniels, Cornell tt Co., groceries 104 24 Fearney, John T., fish 126 00 Gla.ss, Valentine, bread 18 92 Hall kfc Davis, meats and vegetables 738 09 Hal! i!c Davis, butter, beef and salt 300 89 Hannaford, W. A., coffee 54 00 Havens, Christopher, service as cook 62 00 Havens, Christopher, service as cook 60 00 Importers Tea House, coffee 49 47 Importers Tea House, coffee 91 25 Johnston, H. S., hams, sausage, lard, etc 221 97 Kendall jNIanufacturing Co., soap, etc 79 00 Leonard, Geo. C, meat and vegetables 251 49 Leonard, Geo. C, beef, pork, mutton, etc 1,255 59 Lewis Bros. , fish 41 65 Lyons Delaney & Co. , coffee and milk .... 479 47 Lyons Delaney & Co., teas, coffees and spices 721 04 Midwood's Son, H., groceries, fish, etc 122 30 Nicholson, Thackray & Co. , bread 686 55 Nicholson, Thackray & Co., bread and groceries 840 46 North Kingstown Town Asylum, milk 19 44 Orpin Ice Co. , ice 71 85 Orpin Ice Co., ice 66 00 Peck, Cyril C, corned beef, cabbage, etc. . . 52 50 Providence Beef Co., beef 398 19 Quirk Bros. , coffee, salt, pepper, etc 9 93 Reynolds, Mrs. L. S.. milk 3 90 Rice & Hay ward, bread, crackers, etc 169 17 Amount carried forward, subsisting .^9,179 88 Amounts approved carried forward. ... ij!l4,S45 08 20 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amounts approved brought forward Amount brought forward, subsisting Root, n. T. , Assignee, coffee Sherman, F. W., groceries Shippee, E. W. , milk Sisson, Clark, beef, hams and coffee . . Sweet, Wm. S. & Son, vegetables 201 70 Sweet, Wm. S. & Son, vegetables Tillinghast, L. A. Co. , coffee Whitford, Aldrich & Co., groceries Whitford, Bartlett & Co., groceries Whitford, Bartlett & Co., groceries Total subsisting. . , CLOTHING. Bourn, Augustus O., overshoes ,|564 00 Bourn, Augustus O., rubber blankets 1,050 00 Bourn, Augustus O., rubber blankets 1,308 40 Boylan Manufacturing Co., canvas uniforms 5,276 60 Boylan Manufacturing Co., overcoats, blouses and trousers 21,755 00 Boylan Manufacturing Co., overcoats, blouses and trousers 23,500 ( Christoph. Geo. , fitting uniforms 35 00 Christoph, Geo., repairing uniforms 19 15 Christoph, Geo., cleaning uniforms 557 50 Christoph, Geo., cleaning and repairing uniforms 589 50 Greene, Anthony & Co., calf boots 1,710 67 National India Rubber Co., overshoes 31 50 Rhodes, Kern & Co. , shoes 595 00 Ridabock & Co., campaign hats 950 00 Ridabock & Co., campaign hats 570 00 Shepard & Co., underwear, towels and blankets 4,287 81 Shepard & Co., underwear and socks 1,369 88 Shepard & Co. , towels 63 50 Shepard, Norwell & Co., blankets 4,176 00 Strowbridge, Frank O., shoes and underwear Treitel, Soloman, repairing overcoats Walker, W. Howard, repairing overcoats and uniforms. Wiley, Wm. H. , leggings Wiley, Wm. H., leggings . Williams, W. R., cleaning uniforms §14,845 08 19,179 88 149 09 135 34 11 25 72 82 201 70 12 80 43 70 448 96 92 41 282 40 $10,630 35 Total clothing Amounts n]iprovod carried forward. 13 00 2 50 300 00 500 00 624 00 19 50 $69,867 51 195,342 94 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBITRSEMEKT. 21 Amoiiiits approved l)rought forward $95,342 94 SUPPLYING. Barker, Roy S., increasing water supi)ly $l,0r)7 Gl Barker, Cbadsey & Co., candles, lanterns and hardware . . 83 75 Barker, Chadsey & Co., candles, globes, hardware, etc. . . 70 58 Blanding, Wni. O., medical supplies 17 90 Blanding, Wm. O., medical supplies 4 15 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 2 08 Blanding & Blanding. medical supplies 30 00 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies. 50 00 Blanding it Blanding, medical supplies 7 89 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 2 00 Bligh, John A., service, quartermaster's department .... 60 00 Bligh, John A., service, quartermaster's department 44 00 Callender, McAuslan & Troup Co., towels, bed sacks, etc. 945 62 Carpenter, E. P., zinc, coffee steamers, etc 2 66 Central Hotel, meals for detail 11 75 Chase, Harry G., clerk, quartermaster's department 13 50 Chase, Harry G., clerk, quartermaster's department 46 50 Clapp, Otis it Son, medical supplies 76 31 Clapp, Otis & Son, medical supplies 15 90 Clapp, Otis & Son, medical supplies 15 54 Clapp, Otis & Son, medical supplies 4 21 Clark, James, meat cutter at camp 120 25 Coggeshall, F., stove, pipe, zinc, etc 14 10 Cole, Tbos. C. , meals, teams, etc 483 50 Cole, Tbos. C, forage, horses for detail 171 00 Cole, Tbos. C, board of men, quartermaster's department 99 75 Coller & Newhall, soap, bandages, etc 23 37 Cook, Frank A., transportation priest to camp Meade 8 00 Cowen, Wm. H., service, quartermaster's department ... 45 00 Cowen, Wm. S., clerk, quartermaster's department 33 00 Crocker, Isaac, service at store-house 16 67 Dennis, Chas. R., misc. expenses, quartermaster-general.. 22 03 Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail at camp 624 00 Dexter, H. C, pay'r, detail, camp and mil'y headquarters.. 1,347 30 Earle & Frew's Express, express on bed sacks 39 30 Easterbrooks, G. W., express on meat 100 Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail at camp 1,689 10 Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps 156 00 Amount carried forward, supplying §7,455 32 Amounts approved carried forward |U.),.i4- 94 22 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amounts approved brought forward $9.j 342 94 Amount brought forward, supplying §7.455 32 Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps 186 00 Fairchild, A. W., burners, wicks, etc 3 75 Fairman's Band, service, camp Dyer 687 50 Flint Co., cots, stove pipe, etc 10 40 Flint Co., furniture, quartermaster-general's department . 20 50 Forsyth, Wm. S., clerical work, quartermaster's dept 38 00 Forsyth, Wm. S., clerical work, quartermaster's dept 32 00 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, stationery for post commander. . . 5 45 Freeman, E. L. & Sons, printing muster rolls, etc 162 15 Gamarsh, Henry L., service, quartermaster's department. 30 00 General Fire Extinguisher Co., increasing water supply. . 109 55 General Fire Extinguisher Co., water pipes 50 25 George, Daniel F., pay'r, detail at camp 18 00 Gray, Andrew, forage, post commander 8 00 Gray, John & Co., building lavatory, gun racks, etc 1,161 79 Harris, A. W., Oil Co., scourine 5 00 Heydon. Henry D. , teaming 130 OO Hund Bros. , forage, horses of detail 268 08 Johnson, W. H., transportation hospital corps 1 50 Kennedy, Henry A.-, service, quartermaster-general's dept 46 50 Madison, J. S. , straw 28 00 Manchester & Hudson, lime 4 50 McCourt, Peter, service in kitchen 70 50 Moore, H. H. , shoeing horses, cavalry, detail 1 88 Morgan, H. O. , plaster shells 37 50 Nerone, Augustine P., pay'r, detail at camp 507 38 Nerone, Augustine P., pay'r, detail at camp 49 50 Pease, L. F. «& Co. , express on bed sacks 1 76 Pease, L. F. & Co., bed sacks 55O 00 Phillips & Phillips, stove and fittings 12 75 Plympton, A. H. , lettering chests 4 75 Potter, Wm. P., clerical work, commissary department. . . 18 00 Providence Paper Co., paper . 10 00 Prov. Telephone Co., telephone messages 6 '11 Reynolds, H. B. , oil cans, etc 2 28 Reynolds, H. B., plumbing and teaming 73 22 Reynolds, H. B., laying pipes for lavatory 296 07 Reynolds, Mrs. L. S., board of rubber distributors 14 00 Rose, Henry B., forage for horse, post commander 32 50 Sackett, F. M., pay'r gen., detail, officers and men at camp 2,828 54 Amount carried forward, supplying $14,978 93 Amounts approved carried forward |95,342 94 KEPOKT OX CI, AIMS FOR KK-IMliURSEMENT. 2:} Auioimt approved brought forward $U.5,;jl2 91 Amount brought forward, supplying $14,978 93 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, officers to drill recruits. ... 116 79 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, detail, camp Dyer 18 00 Salisbury, Frank O., service, quartermaster-general's dep't 40 GO Salisbury, Frank.O., service, quartermaster-general's dep't 41 67 Sherman, F. W., oil barrels, etc 12 62 Sherman, I. A. , cartage 200 74 Spicer Stove Co., stove and fittings 7 90 Steere, Geo. N., coal and wood 102 25 Sweet, J. H. & J. B., straw for bed sacks 3 57 Talbot, Mrs. Helen, work, quarlermastcr-geueral's office. . 9 00 Tanner, H. S. , clocks . 2 00 Tierney, P. & J., increasing water supply 229 86 Tompkins, H. R , carting guns 1 00 Towno, Ciias. A., service as clerk, post adjutant 60 00 Vaughn, L., lumber for lavator}' G 86 Walch, C. E., medical supplies 381 86 Walch, C. E.. medical supplies S~> 41 Waldron, N. B. ^ straw for bedding 86 31 Walker, W. Howard, expenses, quartermaster-gen's dept. 86 62 Waterman, Rufus, straw for bedding 55 68 Weaver, Chas. H., use of teams and board of detail 655 35 Weaver, Chas. H. , teams, harnesses and labor . 606 00 Weaver, Geo. E. , hardware . 751 33 Weaver, Geo. E. , hardware 24 80 Weeden, B. D., rent of store-house 383 U Western Union Telegraph Co. , official telegrams , 9 34 Western Union Telegraph Co. , official telegrams ... 70 05 Western Union Telegraph Co., official telegrams 56 69 Western Union Telegraph Co., official telegrams 2 64 Western Union Telegraph Co., official telegrams 3 12 Western Union Telegraph Co. , official telegrams 89 Western Union Telegraph Co., official telegrams 37 59 What Cheer Steam Laundry, laundering blankets, towels.etc 216 89 Worthington, Henry II., work on boiler 20 17 Total supplying |19,265 09 EQUIPPING. Boylan Manufacturing Co., canteens |250 00 Clapp, Olis tt Son, orderly pouches 63 48 Hartley & Graham, rifle ball cartridges 1,850 00 Amount carried forward, equipping |2,163 48 Amount approved carried forward ;j;114,608 03 24 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amount approved brought forward |114,608 03 Amount brought forward, equipping §2,163 48 Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., buzzacot military outfits 558 60 Holzbog, Geo. H. & Bros., litters and slings 79 00 Leonard, R. W., field mess chests . 33 35 Orndoff, Thos. C. , cartridge belts 1,350 00 Orndoff. Thos. C, cartridge belts 1,350 00 Pease, L. F. & Co., haversacks, etc 1,268 50 Pease, L. F. & Co., haversacks, canteens, bags, etc 1,850 50 Pease, L. F. & Co. , bags for coffee 92 00 Pease, L. F. & Co. , flags, etc 241 30 Pease, L. F. & Co., flags, staffs, etc 73 50 Pease, L. F. & Co., mess kits 388 07 Pease, L. F, & Co., tents and tent pins 1,970 00 Phillips, A. J. , blanket straps 75 00 Preston & Rounds, duplicate field books, etc 26 57 Rldabock & Co., haversacks 1 450 oo Ridabock & Co., gun slings and express on same 1,223 85 Shepard & Co., kitchen utensils 38 73 Thomas, Augustus & Co., canteens. , 90 00 Thomas, Augustus & Co., canteens 700 00 Vaughn, L. it Co., company chests and desks 358 00 Vaughn, L. & Co., company chests and desks 297 00 Warren, J. M. & Co., meat cans 140 00 Total equipping $15,817 45 PAYING. Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, service First Regiment Rhode Island, U. S. Vol. Inf'y., before muster $13,918 57 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, service First Regiment Rhode Island, U. S. Vol. Inf'y., before muster 8,167 17 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, omitted from previous pay- I'olls 115 05 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, officers not previously paid. 26 44 Total paying §22,227 23 TRANSPORTATION. N. Y.,N. H.& H. R. R. Co., miscellaneous transportation $435 01 Prov., Fall River & Newport S. B. Co., trans, of volunteers and baggage 2,205 00 Total transportation §2 640 01 Total amount approved on account of First Regiment BJiode Island U, S. Vol, Infantry |155,292 72 C REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-I.MI5UKSEMENT. -25 LIGHT BATTERIES A AND B, FIRST REGIMENT AR- TILLERY, RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. RECRUITING. Barker, F. Eugene & Co., use of scales, recruiting station $1 00 Blake & Merchant, clothes for rejected recruits 50 00 Budlong, Martin S., medical examination, recruits . ... 75 60 Cole, Thos. C, board of clerk, recruiting station 3 00 Crooker, Geo. H., medical examination, recruits 99 60 Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, recruiting station 321 88 George, Daniel F., pay'r, detail, recruiting station 48 00 Gove, Edward A., Jr., acting commissary 8 35 Mann, Bessie N., clerical work 21 00 Mann, Bessie N., clerical work 35 00 Miller, Lauren H., clerical work 16 00 Newell, Robert W., clerical work 18 50 Pease, L. F. & Co.. flags, pole, etc 17 25 Peters, Wm. H.. medical examination, recruits 60 40 Pfieflfer, Joshua, clerk, recruiting station 32 00 Potter, Wm. P., service, commissary department 45 00 Providence, Fall River & Newport Steamboat Co., trans- portation of rejected recruits 26 00 Providence Journal Co. , advertising for recruits 44 25 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, pay of rejected recruits, battery A 1-642 50 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, pay of rejected recruits, battery B I.'i32 50 Sheldon, H. & P. C, rent of office 15 00 Shirley, John R. & Son. removing gas fixtures 1 25 Snow, Ellen, stenographer 21 65 Standard Printing Co., printing blanks 5 50 Woods, Rufus, transportation 2 10 Total recruiting $3,938 33 4 26 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. V Amount approved broui^lit foiwanl $3,938 33 SUBSISTING. Armour & Co., meats |253 89 Central Hotel, meals for detail 9 55 Dauiels & Cornell, prunes and cheese 47 66 Fanning, Martin S. , eggs for hospital 80 Fanning, Martin S., eggs for hospital 00 Hall tt Davis, beef and vegetables 522 15 Hall & Davis, corned beef 21 00 Havens, Christopher, services as cook 34 00 Importers Tea House, coffee 18 23 Johnson, H. S. & Co. , hams 121 44 Leonard, Geo. C, beef and sheep 61 75 Lyons Delaney & Co., tea and milk 76 35 Midwood's Sous, IL, codfish, beans, etc 46 76 Nicholson, Thackray & Co., bread 236 13 Nicholson, Thackray & Co. , bread 47 90 North Kingstown Town Asylum, milk 7 92 Orpin Ice Co. , ice 86 53 Orpin Ice Co. , ice .... 276 06 Orpin Ice Co. , ice 36 00 Peck, Cyril C., mutton 24 00 Rice & Hay ward, bread 80 38 Rice & Hay ward, bread 43 50 Sweet, Wm. S. & Son, vegetables 93 90 Sweet, Wm. S. & Son, vegetables 7 00 AVhitford, Aldrich & Co. , groceries 74 68 Whitford, Bartlett Hathaway Bros., washing blankets, towels, etc 21 23 Rhodes, Kern & Co., shoes (5:50 00 Kidabock & Co., campaign hats :«<) 00 Shepard & Co. , \mderwear 811 25 Shepard & Co. , blue flannel shirts 1 ,540 00 Shepard & Co., hose 212 7.) Shepard & Co., blankets 3,093 13 Silverman, Lewis, altering uniforms 100 00 Wiley. W. H. & Son, leggings 23100 Total clothing. §0,812 G7 SUPPLYING. Allen, Wm. N., teaming .|17 00 Allen, Wm. S., posts 7 20 Barker, E. R., horses for officers 120 00 Barker, Chadsey & Co., lanterns, candles, etc 15 CO Barker, Chadsey & Co., rakes, brooms and candles 2 90 Barker, Chadsey »& Co., wire, padlocks, etc 14 94 Barker, Chadsey & Co., axes, brushes, rakes, etc 30 16 Barker, Chadsey & Co., hitch rings, ice tongs, etc 7 73 Barker, Chadsey & Co. , candles 8 75 Barker, Henry R., cement for guard house 25 00 Barker, Henry R., brick and cement for guard house. . . 14 05 Barrett, W. E. & Co., rakes, grindstones, etc 41 50 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 6 28 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 48 92 Blanding & Blanding, medical supplies 20 85 Bligh, John A., service, quartermaster's department .... 48 00 Burlingame, C. I , hay 57 77 Campbell, Wm. A., teamer at camp 33 00 Carpenter, Frank F. , lumber 10 60 Cavanagh, M. J., use of horses for teaming 15 00 Claflin, Geo. L. & Co., medical supplies 36 16 Amount carried forward, supplying §587 41 Amount approved carried forward $16,024 95 28 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. ( Amount approved brought forward Amount brought forward, supplying Clapp, Otis & Son, medical supplies Cole, Albert H. , teamer at camp Cole, Albert H., teamer at camp Cole, Albert H. , teamer at camp Cole, Elbert H. , teamer at camp Cole, Thomas C, board of hospital corps Cole, Thomas C, wagon, cart, etc. . Coller & Newhall, sponges, grease, etc Congdon, Carpenter & Co., hardware Congdon, Carpenter & Co., iron, emery, etc Congdon, Carpenter & Co., hardware Corrigan, Daniel, teamer at camp Cowen, Wm. H., clerk, ciuartermaster's department Cowen, Wm. H., clerk, quartermaster's department Cowen, Wm. H., clerk, quartermaster's department. . . . Cowen, Wm. H., clerk, quartermaster's department Crooker, Geo. H. , rations, hospital corps Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail, at camp Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail, military headquarters Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail at camp Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail at camp Dexter, Henry C, pay'r, detail at camp Donovan, John, labor at camp Duparquet Huot Moneuse Co., repairing oven and ranges. Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps Ely, Wm., pay'r, detail, hospital corps, Fanning, Martin S., forage Flint Co., tubs and dishpans Frazer, John, teamer at camp Frazer, John, labor at camp Frazer, John, labor at camp Frazer, John, labor at camp Garde, John, service as cook .... Girard, Henry, w^ood Girard, Henry, wood Gra}', John, building carriage house, paint, etc Amount carried forward, supplying Amount approved carried forward $16,024 95 §587 3 46 45 46 40 7 75 8 4 5 28 28 75 63 46 46 13 108 24 603 1,319 547 38 19 64 108 28 18 16 12 10 43 46 45 32 4 3 294 41 97 50 00 50 50 00 00 03 38 05 51 66 50 00 50 50 00 00 00 84 50 86 66 76 50 00 50 00 00 75 00 50 50 00 00 95 75 00 $4,559 07 $16,024 95 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT, 29 Amount approved brought forward Amouut brought forward, supplying Gra}', John, building engine house to inc. water supply. . Gray, John, ifc Co., carpenter work on engine house Greene, Clarence H., expenses at camp Greene, Clarence H. , expenses at camj) Greene, Clarence H., labor at camp, quartermaster's de- partment Greene, Clarence H., repairing closets, etc Harvc}', R. C, labor on guard house. Harvey, R. C, cementing pump house floor Hay ward, S. F. & Co., fire extinguishers Hill, C. G., stoves for camp Houghton, E. F. & Co. , cosmic Hurd Bros. , forage Hurd Bros. , forage Hurd Bros. , forage Hurd Bros. , forage Johnson, Oliver & Co., oil Kiernan, Thos., service at store liouse . . • Kiernan, Thos., service at store house Kiernan, Thos., service at store house Kiernan, Thos., service at store house Kingston, James, use of horses Leach, Benj . L. , teamer Leach, Benj. L., teamer Leach, Benj. L., teamer Leach, Benj. L., teamer Leach, Benj. L., teamer Manchester & Hudson, lime Manchester & Hudson, cement Mann, Bessie N., clerical work McCarty, Frank, use of horses Miller, Lauren H., clerk, quartermaster's department Newhall, Chas. C. & Co., soap, dressings, etc Potter, Wm. P., teamer at camp . . Potter, Wm. P., teamer at camp Potter, Wm. P., teamer at camp Potter, Wm. P., service in commissary department Providence Coal Co., coal Amount carried forward, supplying Amount approved carried forward §16,024 95 $4,5r)9 07 541 19 278 24 11 78 29 63 10 2 58 9 117 48 7 54 48 59 45 1 40 50 50 50 154 45 6 46 46 46 3 4 14 360 20 11 45 46 6 46 1 68 68 00 00 00 53 20 41 55 88 64 55 00 00 00 CO 50 00 00 50 50 50 60 50 00 50 00 05 00 50 00 50 35 16,977 03 116,024 95 30 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. Amount approved brought forward $16,024 95 Amount brought forward, supplying $6,977 03 Providence, Fall River & Newport Steamboat Co., trans- portation of baggage and equipment 20 98 Prov. Telephone Co., misc. messages • 3 00 Prov. Telephone Co. , misc. messages 4 05 Reynolds, H. B., material and labor on pump 24 29 R. I. Label Works, gummed paper 1 90 Rose, Henry B. , forage for horses 16 00 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, dep't. and post officers 614 38 Sackett, F. M., pay'r general, horses for officers of Bat. B. 145 00 Salisbury, Frank O., labor, quartermaster's department... 11 67 Salisbury, Frank O. , labor, quartermaster's department. . . 40 00 Sargent, Frank F., transfer, East Greenwich to camp 12 00 Sherman & Co., cartage, quartermaster's department 18 41 Sherman, Isaac A., cartage, quartermaster's department. . 45 04 Snow, Ellen, stenogi-apher and typewriter 13 90 Snow, Ellen, stenographer and typewriter 11 48 Steere, Geo. N. , soft coal ... 5 25 Steere, Geo. N. & Son, wood and coal 127 25 Steere, Geo. N. & Son, error in previous bill . 10 00 Steere, Geo. N. & Son, coal 5 25 Steere, Geo. N., coal and wood 211 50 Towne, Chas. A., clerk, post headquarters ... 64 00 Vaughn, L., express wagon 78 00 Walch, C. E., medical supplies 98 99 Walch, C. E., medical supplies 45 24 Waldron, N. B. , forage, horses of detail 24 75 Walker, W. Howard, quartermaster-general, sundry ex- penses 9 96 Warren Steamboat Co., transportation of freight 345 00 Waterman, Rufus, straw 9 90 Weaver, C. H., use of horses 1,679 50 Weaver, C. H., board, detail hospital corps 63 00 Weaver, C. H., teams and laborers 43 00 Weaver, Geo. E., oil, hooks, shovels, etc 54 52 Weaver, Geo. E. , hardware 148 73 Weeden, B. D., rent of store house 141 14 What Cheer Steam Laundry, laundering towels, bed ticks, etc 71 59 Amount carried forward, supplying . . $11,195 70 Amount ai)proved carried forward $16,024 95 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 31 Ammmt approved broiioht forward $16,024 95 Amount brought forward, supplying SI 1.10") 70 Wliitford, John U., shoeing horses •")().-» Wliitford, John R., blacksniitiiing 15 75 Whitford, Jolin R., shoes for horses 8 30 Whitford, John II.. shoeing horses 9 55 Worthington, John II., labor, commissary department 15 50 Wyckoff, Seamens ct Benedict, rent of typewriter 4 00 WyckolT, Seamens ■^nnoray 5C 1 o 1 ^ SjCtJo; - ;: ? c- t- c i- oc X ■ « t- £~ ^- 01 o- !? o- H •^unoray ic g s P^ » ^ t» •SiiBa - - cr X ? 9. cc !> C- C 0- cr <= (N r ^ IC 05 h •^nnomv tc CC IT cr >r t- ^ t- 'I' h3 fe P l-= •sXb(i - - V S W Jo CO i-H ■r-i 05 c y~ (^ l> IT C /^ ir ox C Oj cc tc Tf «: (M l^ —1 X 10 'W 03 IT 0^ (JJ cr tc X o- t- C5 >ra ■* W •^unorav "T o- s l- t- s e. ■* 0* £- § s !z ^ p i-s •sAua C oc a QC (^ c ir C cc 0: cc (T OJ CO (M CO CO CO 'f Tji X 50 iH •janotay cr 0* J •^unomy s Ph -J1 •s^f-BQ (4 y U o O H ?! 4 V > a tl < 1 1 c 0, c c E- C E ^ c '" a C < I a p. > a 'f '■I & C C ^ ■ t ^ ^ tr c ^ C. 1 C ■^^ » C i^ -t^ fi c e ^ e . J " 0. a •' "c d s ■* C +- c: SS e c. C ^ C c Z 0: ^ C 1 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 41 H O 3 c m s ira g in in g O 8 i o O if? S s 2 o H P •junoiuv •sAbq C •^unoiuv SiUQ — K M O o •jnnorav CO in S g : -H 00 •sX^a - to UJ ■junoniY •S^BQ D C D •^nnotnv in 00 o o» sjiBa o e» •-5 •jnnorav s s g s CO —1 t- c- i ' - " 00 CO 1 O O O "^ •SiBa 1 CO ^ eo D •^uuorav o o g s o o o •^ in ^ e» CO 00 • 30 O >0 : 2 g g sIbq: g ~ s § S 2 OJ t- 5* S 55 lunorav • 00 c* oa t* »f> 00 ' 05 CO O O O 00 t- ■rH CO o » t- 1- s^Ba s O -H O CO o o i:; CO oj « -H •jni^oray 18 XI o e» 00 -r o» • t- rr 00 ; ■» CO sABa ^ 5D in 01 4 1 L (S O o ■ t 6 i 2 C s . J * 5 S 3 ) Q P 3 E 5 = g • t. C < * £ c : a J c ^ J > t i _ 3 j i c 3 j ' P S c 2 H J s -• i i E 5 " : c c ' c 4 £ o ; - c 5 >- i 42 REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. O CD CD ^O T-< OC 00 OC QO '-f L-OCCCOOQO(NO CO T-< 00 L- O C5 O) L- •^nnoinv ■slBd ! •sjCbq; I ■^nnoray sAfiCL ! •^nnocnv •S/fB(I •^unoinv •sAbq: I GO C* 00 O^ CC CO ^ •S^'Bd 00 00 00 in m ■^unoiav CD O CO O CO 00 00 00 O xp O •S^^Q I oi ^ C-* o? •^uuorav GO «0 O O »0 (7? S^ w sA^a CD CO CD CD CO CD ■^nuoinv ■s/iva ! 5} ^ £: ^ E^ H 4^ & CO O s 3 i eg -< 5 -2 2 I 5 I o a; s P5 ^ ^ fn' K K H REPORT ON CLAIMS FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT. 43 i CD CO \5 i- 5( in 2 3 J^ I d •junorav s •sAbq j ■; O •^unomv -'■ sAbq 1 1 : o O O •^unorav SB •sXbq ] CO •junorav in s^Ba i ; P ■J < •qunomv !0 TO ■Si£Ba 1 1 : D •-s •.)unoniv 1 1 00 TO •S^Bd 1 : 1 >-5 •junouiv . g S S ?: S? • m t- o 00 t- 50 in -* • ■< 1 5 § •:(unorav 1 % " : S §8 S 53 • i-H o o IN ' S ■s^^a! ^ -* ■ > Lb N '10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 904 130 6 #