S2^ pH8^ Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers lExbibition of tbe Dichsburg Statue Exercises on the grounds of the Gorham Manufacturing Company Saturday, March 28 1908 at eleven o'clock [From the address of welcome by the Hon. Abraham Payr.e, June, 13. 1865.] " Soldiers of the Seventh Rhode Island : " No words can express the welcome which the nation triumphant and at peace extends to you. . . . Hereafter it shall be praise enough for any common man that he fought with Grant at Vicksburg and reopened the Father of Waters to commerce and civilization ... To borrow the words of Mr. Lincoln at Gettysburg, ' What we say to you is of small consequence, but what you have done for us is of imperishable value.' " Our "Seventh Rhode Island" banner, How gallantly it waved O'er boys in blue, with hearts so true. Who fought, our land to save. How bright was all its gleaming In those eventful days. Mid battle's stroke, where clouds of smoke Obscured the sun's bright rays. From Spottsylvania's meadows To distant Vicksburg's shore. Its stars shone bright i;i many a fig'.it, Till ceased the battle's roar. And now its tattered form repeats. In faded red and blue. The story old. of soldiers bold, Whose hearts were brave and true. — Charles W. Hopkins. ©rbct of Eiercises a^^rc99 b\> Col. DANIEL R. BALLOU Past Department Commander, R. I., G. A. R. ©tbcv Speakers His Excellency JAMES H. HIGGINS Governor of Rhode Island His Honor P. J. McCARTHY Mayor of the City of Providence Mr. FRANK EDWIN ELWELL Sculptor Judge NATHAN B. LE'WIS, President of the Seventh Rhode Island Veteran Association, will preside Music by the Veteran Musicians of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Veterans JAMES CARPENTER FRANCIS B. HOLLAND Rhode Island State Commission Judge NATHAN B. LEWIS, Chairman WILLIAM P. HOPKINS, Secretary ELISHA C. KNIGHT " Cbe fflao Bronze Statue — Height 11 feet Frank Edwin Elwell, Sculptor Gorham Manufacturing Company, Founders "There is no man cr body of men whose congratulations could be more prized By me than those of the Seventh RhodeIsland."-Z.R. BLISS (Major-Gene al U.S. A.). Aug. 13, 1896. Brief Summary of Service of the Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers in the Civil War Col. ZENAS R. BLISS, Commanding 1S62 Sept. 6 Regiment mustered into United States service at Camp Bliss, Cranston, R. I. 10 Departed for the seat of war. ij Arrived at Washington, 1).C. Oct. 4 Camped on Maryland Heights 27 Left Pleasant \'alley, Md., and crossed the Potomac into Virginia. Nov. 15 Repulsed Confederate attack at White Sulphur Springs, \'a. Dec. 13. Battle of Fredericksburg. 1S63 Feb. 9 Left Fredericksburg for Newport News. Mar. 25 Left Newport News for Kentucky. 31 Arrived at Lexington, Ky. Apr. and May. Kentucky Campaign. June 4 Left Crab Orchard, Ky., for Vicks- burg, Miss. 17 Arrived at Haines Bluff, rear of X'ick.s- burg. July 4 Surrender of \icksburg. 13 Battle of Jackson, Miss. Aug. 8 Left Mississippi. 16 Arrived at Cairo, 111. Aug. 23 Arrived at Lexington, Ky. Dec. 24 Left Lexington. 1864 Jan. I At Hall's Gap, Ky. 1864 Jan. Mar. Apr. 28 I^Lay June July Aug. Sept. Nov. Arrived at Point Isabella, Cumber- land River, Ky. Left Point Isabella. Arrived at Annapolis, Md. Left Annapolis. Rejoined Army of Potomac, to 18 Battle of Spottsylvania. Battle of North Anna. Battle of Bethesda Church. Battle of Cold Harbor. Assault on Petersburg. Explosion of mine. Battle of Weldon Railroad. Battle of Poplar Spring Church, to Apr. 3, 1S65. Fort Sedgwick (" Fort Hell"), under constant fire. .865 Apr. May June 3 Petersburg evacuated by confederates. 10 Arrival at Farmville, \'a. News of Lee's surrender. 29 Arrived at Mt. Pleasant, near Arling- ton Heights, \'a. 23 Grand Review at Washington, D. C. 9 Mustered out of service at Mt. Pleas- ant. 10 Left for Providence, R. I. 13 Arrived at Providence. Enthusiastic reception and banquet. 21 Final assembly, payment made and men discharged. JWAR 80 1908 LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS liiiiiiiiii 013 703 659 9 # STANDARD PRINTING COMPANY PROVIDENCE peran pH \ LIBRARY OF CONGRE! 013 703 659 9