7 MUDDY RIVER AND BROOK LINE RECORDS. 1634— 183§. By the Inhabitants of Brookline, IN TOWN MEETING. J. E. FARWELL & CO., PRINTERS, i375- 9689 /% INTRODUCTORY. No more graphic picture of the habits, condition and character of the founders of our republic can be conceived, than that which their early public records afford. Their frequent meetings, " by public notice from house to house " for consultation on matters of common interest or necessity ; for the allotment of the ground ; for regulating the keeping of cows, goats and swine ; for the ad- mission of new-comers into their community, and allowing them house-lots, provided they were likely to become worthy members of the congregation, not otherwise; authorizing a loan from the common fund to enable a poor brother to cover in his house, on the condition that he should make it over to his wife and children for a permanent home ; providing that every man should have a field to cultivate, and that if any man had fenced in more ground than he could plant, he should divide it with one who had none ; that gates and stiles should be kept up, so that the shortest cuts to the springs of water or other places of resort should not be obstructed ; that boys should not ride the horses across the com- mon to water on the " Sabbath day." All these matters and in- numerable others were discussed, regulated and provided for " att general meetings upon public notice, given the day before." Thus familiarized with the discussion and management of pub- lic affairs when those public affairs were limited to the immediate necessities of a few score of emigrants, cast upon the shores of a limitless wilderness, when the settlement became a colony, and the colony expanded into a State, the habit and the capacity to discuss and to comprehend public questions " grew with its growtli and strengthened with its strength; " and they who had been faithful in a few things were made rulers over many things. This system of town governments, as developed in these colo- nies, is the seminal principle of popular government. Men born and nurtured under the influence of town government, are incapa- ble of subjection to the rule of caste or d^aiasty. Had Boston been a city a hundred years ago, she could not have sounded the trumpet whose echoes awakened a continent, and gave birth to a nation. This was the work of the people in their primarj^ assem- blies. The thrilling eloquence of the Boston town meetings echoed from every meeting-house and school-house in the land, and not only the towns and hamlets of New England, but the wheat fields of Virginia and the orange groves of the Carolinas sent back the patriotic response. The town meeting became the terror of the British king, and the imperial parliament was invoked " to put a stop to them." No army threatened the British power in Amer- ica. It was to put a stop to the town meeting that armed merce- naries were stationed on Fort Hill. Should the unhappy time ever arrive when the town meeting, the indigenous growth and the special glor^- of New England, shall cease to produce its apples of gold, the school and the college, powerful as the}' are, will be in- adequate to perpetuate public libert}'. Our schools, themselves, and our entire educational system, as well as our political insti- tutions, are the product of the town meeting. The esuly records of our towns are therefore of primary importance to the acquisi- tion of a proper knowledge "of the sources of the growth and development of American civilization. EXPLANATORY, The Warrant calling the one hundred and sevent3--eighth annual meeting of " the Inhabitants of the land" originally known by the name of Muddy River and more recently b}'^ the name of the Town of Brookline, contained the following article, viz: ''Nineteenth. To consider the subject of indexing, cop3dng and printing the Town Records." When this article came up for consideration it was " Voted, That the nineteenth article be referred to a Committee of three, to be appointed by the Chair, to report to the adjourned town meeting." The Moderator, Charles H. Drew, Esq., " appointed the follow- ing gentlemen to compose said Committee, to wit : N, C. Tovtle, J. Emory Hoar, J. W. Edgerly." This Committee reported to the adjourned town meeting that in their opinion, the early records of the hamlet of Muddy River and of the town of Brookline contained matter of historical interest and value which seemed to require that they be placed bej'ond the contingenc}' of destruction b}' the loss or defacement of the single copy then in existence and that they ought to be placed in a con- dition to be more accessible to persons whose interest or inclina- tion might prompt their examination. In accordance with the views contained in the report it was " voted that the Town Clerk and a Committee of three to be ap- pointed by the Moderator shall be authorized to cause to be made a complete index to the records of the town." . 6 It was also voted, that said Committee be further authorized to have the records of the hamlet of Mudd}' River and of the town of Brookline down to the year 1837 printed for the use of the town and placed in the hands of the Town Clerk to be sold at a price to be fixed b}' the Committee, the proceeds to be accounted for to the town. The Moderator reappointed the members of the former Committee to constitute the Committee contemplated in the above votes. As the result of their labors, the Committee have the satisfac- tion respectfull}' to submit to the town this printed volume of the first two centuries of its records. The first seventy-one pages of this book have been gleaned, by laborious research, from two large folio volumes of the "Boston Records," both of which volumes are found in the quaint, original chirography of the seventeenth centur}', altiiough one of them has been transcribed upon parchment. The succeeding thirteen pages are taken from the Boston " Book of Possessions " and from docu- ments found in the office of the Secretarj' of State. The first volume of the Brookline Records contains, besides the public proceedings of the meetings of the inhabitauts of the ham- let of Mudd^' River and of the town of Brookline ; a record of births, deaths aud marriages ; numerous memoranda of the taking up of stray cattle, horses and swine, with descriptions of the marks 1)3' which the animals could be ideijtified ; certificates of the warn- ing of sundry persons to depart out of the town, and various other matters. All that portion of the volume which relates in any way to the proceedings of public meetings of the hamlet or town will be found ,in this book between pages eighty-five and one hundred and seventy-seven, inclusive. That portion of it which relates to the social statistics will properly' constitute a part of the complete record of "Births, Deaths and Marriages," which the Committee were instructed to have prepared ; and would, of course, have been out of place here. The remaining portion of the first volume con- taining the early records, in order that nothing should be omitted, however unimportant or even useless much of it might appear, has been placed, in the form of an appendix, at the end of this volume. After careful consideration this arrangement of the matter seemed to be the oul}' practicable one which would preserve an intelligible harmony in the record and at the same time avoid the omission of anything found in the original volume. This matter could not have been placed in this book in the form and order in which it is found in the original, wdthout commencing the book at both ends, reversing a large number of pages and ending in the middle. Besides this, it would have been necessary to interrupt the record of the regular public proceedings of the town with masses of wholly irrelevant and incongruous matter, bearing dates many 3'ears prior and subsequent to the periods into which it would have appeared to be injected. By the method adopted, the continuity and se- quence of the historical record, the matter of primary importance, has been preserved in chronological order. The contents of the second volume of the Brookline Records, dating from March 4, 1754 to April 2, 1798, will be found on pages from one hundred seventy-seven to four hundred twenty-four. The contents of the third volume of the original records, dating from April 2, 1798 to April 1838, will be found on pages from four hundred twent3'-five to six hundred and thirty-six. The carefully prepared indexes of subjects and of proper names ■will enable the reader to find readily au}' particular matter or name of which he may be in search. N. C. TOWLE, Chairman of the Committee on Town Records. J. EMORY HOAR, Secretary. EARLY RECORDS UD DY RIVE [Extracted from " Boston Records."]* The 10th clay of the 9th month, November, 1634. — Att a general meeting upon pubb. notice given the day before, it was ordered and agreed upon vizt. : Imprimis : — That Hogg Island shall be lotted oat unto the in- habitants and freemen of this town according to the number of names in every family, b}' John Coxall William Brenton and John Sauuford and that none shall further fell any Avood there until the same be lotted out. Item : — That Edmund Quinsey, Samuel Wilbore, William Bus- ton, Edward Hutchinson the elder, and William Cheesbrough, the constable shall make and assess all these rates, Vizt., a rate of 30£ to Mr. Blackstone, a rate for the cowes keeping, a rate for the goates keeping, and other charges in rambe goats about them and the does in common and make a rate for the young cattle and cows keeper at Mudd}' River. *At a court of Assistants hoUlen at Cliavlestowu ye 7th September, IGSO It is ordered yt Toy mountaine shall be called Bostoue, Mattapan, Dorchester and ye towne upon Charles Kiver, AVatertown. That this is a true coppie as attests EDAVARD RAAVSON, Secretary. Ocfofcer 3, 163-2.— It IS thona:ht, by geucrall consent yt Boston is ye fittest place lor publick Meetings ol' any place in ye Bay. *^ o ^ 1 .-J EDWARD RAAVSON. Secretary. 10 lOth month, day 18th, (1634). — At a general meeting upon public notice ; Imprimis: — It is agreed that Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Coddington, Mr. Bellingiiam, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Olj^var, Mr. Colborne and William Balstone shall have power to divide and dispose of all such lands belonging to the town (as are not yet in the lawful pos- session of an^' particular persons) to tlie inhabitants of the town, according to the orders of the court, leaving such portions in common for the use of new comers and the further benefit of the town as in their l)est discretions, they shall think fit, the Island hired by the town to be also included in this order. ^th of the 12th month 1G34. — At a general meeting upon public notice ; Imprimis : — It is agreed by general consent that all the inhabi- tants shall plant, either upon such ground as is alread}' broken up or inclosed in the Neck# or else upon the ground at Noddies Island from Mr. Maverick's grant, and that every able man fit to plant, shall have allowed him two acres to plant on, and for every able youth, one acre, to be allotted out by Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Cogan, Mr. Sampford and William Cheesbrougli and Mr. Brenton or any three of them. Item : — That every man shall make his fences sufficient for all his planting ground on the Neck, upon pain that if any loss do come for defect therein, the damage shall be satisfied by such upon whose fence the break shall be, unless it do come by unruh- cattle and that then such as are owners of them shall, after warning given unto them satisfy for all after damages b}' their said unrulj^ cattle ; Also the fences to be made sufficient before the seventh day of the second month ; and they to be looked unto by our brother Grubb and brother Hudson for the new field ; our brother Penn3-nian and *"The Neck" wns the name given to the peninsula of Boston proper, as distin- guished from Rumncy Marsh (Chelsea) Noddles Island (South Boston) Muddy Itiver, (Brooldine) Avere included in the town of Boston. 11 brother Colborne for the field bj" him ; and our brother Penn and brother Belehar for the first field. The 2^cl of the last month 1634. — At a general meeting upon public notice ; Imjyrimis : — It is agreed b^^ general consent, that all barren cattle whatsoever, except such as are constantly employed in draught, and weaned calves of 20 weeks old and weaned male kids shall be kept abroad from off the Neck upon penalty for everj^ one unput away within a week after warning, two shillings six- pence for every week not put away ; and our brethren John Saun- ford, William Cheesbrough and William Boston to take care for the observing of this order. Item : — that there shall be a little house built and a sufflcientl}^ paled 3-ard to lodge the cattle in of nights, at Pullen Point neck before the 14th da}- of the next second month. Item: — that no swine above 12 weeks old shall be suffered to go at libert}- on the Neck, but kept up in j-ards, upon penalt}^ for every swine otherwise suffered 12d. for every daj- so taken ; and this order also to be looked unto b^- the aforesaid brethi'en and the}- to look out and appoint keepers for them and to see them paid for their so keeping ; the swine to be put from off the Neck before the first of the next month or else to keep them up in their yards upon the penalty aforesaid. Thei'ddof the first month 1G35. — At a general meeting upon public warning ; Impri7nis: — It is agreed by general consent, that the overseers of the fences of the several fields, shall see to the making of such stj'les and gates as may be needful for every field, and our brother Willbore to see to the gate and st^de next to Roxburie, all of them to be done before the aforesaid seventh day of the second month ; the stj'les and gates for common highways to be made out of the public charge forth of the constable's hand ; and the private st3des and gates to be made at the charge upon the land in ever}- field 12 proportionably for every acre, upon pain for every the field not so done by the 1st daj^ of the 3d month, 20s. to be forfeited b}* the overseers thereof. Item : — Whereas the wood upon the Neck of land towards Pvox- biny hath this last winter been disorderly cut up and wasted whereby niau}^ of the poor inhabitants are disappointed of relief they might have had there, in after and needful times ; Now it is generally agreed, that Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Bellingham Mr. William Hutchinson with the three deacons shall consider who hath been faulty therein and set down what restitution of wood unto the poor such shall make according to their several proportions, allotted by the major part of these six. liem : — that whosoever at any public meeting shall fall into private conference to the hindering of the public businesses, shall forfeit, for every such offence 12d. to be paid into the constable's hands for public use. Ite7n : — It is generally agreed that no wood shall be felled at an}' of the Islands nor elsewhere until the}' be lotted out, but at Mudd}- River, Dorchester Neck or Noddles Island. The lAth of the 10th month 1635.* — At a general meeting upon public notice ; Iin2:)rimis : — It is agreed b}' general consent ; that Mr. William Colborne, Mr. William Aspinwall, Mr. John Sampford, William Balston and Eichard Wright, shall, in the behalf of the town go and take view at Mount Woolliston and bound out there what may *Our brother Pnrynout to be. our teacher: — Litewise it was then generally agreed upon, that onr brother Philemon Pormout shall be entreated to become sclioolmaster for the teaching and nurturing of children with lis: For our brother Fairbancke, or our brother Thomas Wardall to become cow keeper: — Also that our brother Richard Fairbancke shall be entreated to take the cows to keep- ing that are ui)on the Neck; and in case he cannot, then our brother Thomas Wardall to be entreated thereunto. ^th of the Gth wonz/t.— Nicholas AVillis was chosen constable for this following year and haih taken the oath accordingly. The ZOtk of the dth month called November \&Z^. — At a general meeting upon public notice; Imprimix:— It is agreed that no further allotments shall be granted unto any new comer but such as may be likely to be received members of the congregation. 13 be sufficient for Mr. William Coddiiigton and Ednnmd Quinsey to have for their particular farms there and accordingly as they five or four of them shall agree upon, to stand and the same to be en- tered in this book : Item : It is agreed, that the said five men or four of them, shall lay out at Muddy River a sufficient allotment for a farm for our teacher Mr. John Cotton : jtQ^^i ;_It is agreed that Mr. William Colborne shall have his proportion of ground for a farm unto him, laid out at Muddy River ' near unto and about his house * which he hath there built, by the other four, before mentioned vizt., William Aspinwall, John Sampford, William Balstone and Richard Wright or three of them. Item .-—That the two Elders Mr. Thomas Ollyver, and Thomas Leveritt shall have their proportion of allotments, for their farm- ing laid out at Muddy River by the before named five persons, vizt., William Colborne, William Aspinwall, John Sampford, Wil- liam Balstone and Richard Wright or four of them. Item .-—That the poorer sort of the inhabitants, such as are members or likely to be, and have no cattle, shall have their pro- portion of allotments for planting ground and other assigned unto them by the allotters, and laid out at Muddy River, by the afore- said five persons or four of them, and those that fall between the foot of the hill and the water, to have but 4 acres upon a head and those that are farther off, to have five acres for every head, the plot to begin next Muddy River side : /tcm,_That none shall sell their houses or allotments to any new comer but with the consent and allowance of those that are appointed allottors. Kfjn— That all such as have allotments lor habitations allotterl unto them shall build thereon before the first of the first month next called Marcli, or else it shall be in the power of the allottors to disiiosc of them otherwise. item.— That Mr. William Hutchinson, Mr. AVilliam Colborne and Mr. William Brenton shall set prices upon all cattle, commodities, victuals, laborers and work- men's waives, and that no other prices or rates shall be given or taken. /fern.— That none of the members of this congregation or inhabitants amongst us shall sue one another at the law, before that Mr. Henry Vane and the two Elders Mr. Thomas Ollyver and Thomas Leveritt have had the hearing and deciding of the cause, if they can. ♦Was this the first house built in Brookline ? 14 Ihe 4th of the 11th month called January 1635. — Item: — It is agreed that hereafter from this clay none shall fell an}' wood or timber at Muddy River or any other place of private allotments but upon their own allotments. Ife/'/i, : — That all such as have felled any trees in any the appoint- ed places for private allotments shall either cart awa}^ the same within this six months or else the owners of the ground shall have it. Item : — It is agreed that every one shall have a suflicient way unto his allotment of ground wherever it be and that the Inhabi- tants of the town shall have libertie to appoint men for the set- ting of them out, as need ;5hall require, and the same course to be taken for all common Highways both tor the town and countrie. The 23d of the 11th month IGoo. — At a general meeting upon public notice ; Item : — That such of the poorer inhabitants whose allotments were otherwhere, shall have libert}' for three years, to plant at Muddy River where the rest do plant, upon such part of their allot- ments, as themselves are not able for the present, to phint ; they in regard thereof making their part of fence and leaving such fence as they do make in due reparation and not taking away any of the wood and timber upon those allotments. Okigin of the Office of Selecxmex. The \Wi of the Ist montk called March 1636.— At ^ general meeting upon private ■w.iriung; At tliis meeting it was agreed that Mr. Tliomas Oliver, Tlioraas 'Leveritt, Mr. "William Hntcliinson, William Cnlborne, .John Coggesliall, Joiin Sampford, Richard Tattcll, William Aspinwall, William Brenton, William Balstone, .Tacob Ellyott and .James Peune, shall, from this daj^ look unto and set order for all the allotments within ns, and for all comers m unto us, as also for all other the occasions' and businesses of this town, excepting matters of Election for the General Conrt, and so from time to time to 1)6 agreed upon and ordered by them or the greater part of them, for these next six months. It was oi'dered that no townsman shall entertain any strangers into their houses for above 14 days, without leave from them that are appointed to order tlie towns busi- nesses. It was ordered, that none shall keep any victualling houses, for the selling of wine beer, cakes or any otlier kind of victuals withm this town, but oulj' such as are alloM'cd thereunto as Innkeepers. The IGth of the 1th month September 1030. —At a generixl meeting upon this day; At this assembly Mr. Thomas Olyvar, Thomas Leveritt, Mr. William Hutchinson, 15 Isf of the 9th month 1030.— Also it was agreed that our teacher, Mr. John Cotton shall have unto his lot at Muddy River all that ground lying betvreen the two brooks, next to William Colbornes allotment there and so to the other end unto the shortest over cut beyond the hill towards the northwest. The 12th of the same Wth month (1036).— At a meeting this day of Thomas Ollyvar, Thomas Leveritt, William Hutchinson, Robert Keayne, -John Newgate, William Coulbourne, John Coggs- hall, William Brenton, John Sanford and William Balstone, it is agreed that Edward Belchar, William Talmadge, Thomas Suowe, William Dominqe and John Arratt, the servant of William Bren- ton, shall have their great allotments at Muddy River, and also, our brother Robert Hull and Thomas Wheeler : And also it is agreed that not above one dwelling house shall be built upon any one lot without the consent of the town's overseers. The Oth of the llth month called January 1036.— At a meeting this day of Thomas Olyvar, Thomas Leveritt, William Hutchin- son, Robert Keayne, John Newgate, William Coulbourne, John Coggeshall, William Brenton, John Sanford, and William Balstone — It is agreed that the Captain Underhill shall have a great allot- ment of SO acres of upland and ten acres of marsh ground, in the most convenient place, after the laying out of the former granted allotments at Muddy River. It was farther agreed that our brother Isaac Grosse shall have a great nllotment at Muddy River. Ml- Robert Keayne, Mr. Johu Newgate, Mr William Coiilborne, Mr. John Cosgeshall, Mr. John Sampford, Mr. William Brenton. and Mr. William Balstone, are with general consent, chosen for these next six months to oversee and set order lor all allolments, belonging to this town and for all other occasions and businesses of the same, (except- ing matters of election for the General Court) from time to time to be agreed upon and ordered by them or the greater part of them. Item .—At this assembly it was agreed upon by common vote and by liftmg up ot hands that the 5(55 acres, as they are desi^ribed in a map and which were formerly pur- chased at Mount Woollystone, by our pastor iMr. Jolm Wilson, with the consent ot this town partly of Mr. Pynoheon, partly of Mr. Woolcott partly ot Mr. Smitli (or at least his title utterly silenced) and partly of the Indians, should be and is the allotment of the said Jolin AVilson there, together with the land there in controversy betwixt Dor- chester and Boston, if tiie court adjudge them to Boston. 16 The 1th of the 12th month called February 1636. — At a meeting this day of Thomas Leveritt, William Hutchinson, Robert Keayne, John Newgate, John Coggeshall, John Sanford, William Brenton and William Balstone, It was agreed that In-other Thomas Alcock shall have his great allotment laid out at Muddy River. Also that our brother Thomas Savage shall have seven acres of the marsh ground at Muddy River, laid him out for the keeping of his cattle (being in number five) by our brother William Coul- bourne and others. 29 of the 2d month, 1637. — It is ordered that the field fences at Muddy River shall be made sufficient before the 7th day of the next third month, by equal proportion of acres upon the planters thereupon, in default of 12d. for every acre then undone. The 2d of the Uh month 1637.— Mr. Thomas Flint hath allotted unto him 24 acres of the marsh ground at the mouth of Muddy River, there to be laid out for him. The Sth of the llth month called January 1637. — The great allot- ments at Muddy River. linprimis: — Edward Browne, eight acres, bounded on the south west with Mr. William Coulbourne, on the north west with Richard Bulgar and on the south east with Muddy River and north east with Benjamin AYard : 2. Benjamin Ward, 12 acres, bounded on the Southwest with Edward Browne, on the north w'est with the cedar swamp and on The Wth March 1637— At a general meeting upon public notice; At tills meeting, Mr. Tliomas Olyvar, Tliomas Leveritt, Mr. William Hntcliiuson, Mr. William Coulljorne, Mr. John Coggsiiall, Mr. Robert Harding, Mr. Jolin Sanford, Mr. William Brenton, Mr. William Balstone, James Penne and Jacob Elyott, are with general couscut chosen, for these next six months to oversee and set order for the town's occasions as formerly hath been. 16«/i of the Sth month, Oct. 1637.— [The same men re-elected with the addition of Wil- liam Aspinwall] for these next six montlis and so until new ones be made choice of, and their cliarges at their meetings are to be borne by the town in general: Aurj. 1638.— It was agreed that none should soil tlieir houses but with some part of their great allotments, without the consent of tlie overseers of the town's occasious. There was leave granted to Francis Lyall to become an inhabitant. 17 the south east with Muddy River and on the north east with John Gramme : 3. John Gramme sixteen acres bounded on the southwest with Benjamin Ward, on the northeast with the Gedar Swamp, and on the south east with Muddy River and on the northwest with Robert Houlton : 4. Robert Houlton sixteen acres bounded on the south west with John Gramme ; on the north west with the Gedar Swamp, and on the south east with Muddy River and on the northeast with Jarrat Bourne : 5. Jarratt Bourne eight acres bounded on the south west with Robert Houlton, on the north west with the cedar swamp and on the south east with Muddy River and on the northeast with John Biggs. 6. John Biggs eight acres bounded on the south west with Jarratt Bourne, on the northeast and south east with Muddy River marsh and on the north west with William Beamsle}^ : ■7. William Beamsl}^ sixteen acres bounded on the south east with John Biggs and on the southwest with the Gedar Swamp and on the north east with Muddy River marsh and on the northwest with Thomasj'n Scottua, widow. 8. Thomasyn Scottua, widow, sixteen acres bounded on the South east with William Beamslej", on the south west with the Gedar Swamp and on the north east with Muddy River Marsh and on the north west on Alexander Becke : 9. Alexander Becke eight acres bounded on the south east with Thomasyn Scottua, widow, on the southwest with the Cedar Swamp and on the north east with Muddy River Marsh and on the north west with Raphe Route, laborer : 10. Raphe Route twelve acres bounded on the southeast with Alexander Beck, on the northeast with a little marsh at the mouth of Gharles River and on the Robert Reade on the north west. 11. Robert Reade eioht acres bounded on the southeast with 18 Raphe Route and the said little marsh, on the north east with Charles River running from thence towards the south west a quarter of a mile in length towards the surveyors marks and on Mathew lues on the northwest : 12. Mathew Ines eight acres bounded qu the southeast with Robert Reade, on the northeast with Charles River of the same length towards the southwest and on Anthony Harker on the northwest : 13. Anthony Harker eight acres bounded on the southeast with Mathew Ines, on the noi'theast with Charles River and of the same length to the southwest and on John Pemmerton on the northwest : 14. John Pemmerton eight acres bounded on the south east with Anthony Harker on the north east with Charles River and of the same length to the southwest and on George Griggs on the north west : 15. George Griggs twent}' and eight acres bounded on the south east with John Pemmerton, on the north east with Charles River and of the same length to the southwest : and on James Fitch* and Richard Fitch on the north west : 16. James Fitch and Richard Fitch sixteen acres bounded on the south east with George Griggs and Edmund Jackson, on the northeast with Charles River and on the Northwest with Newtown and on Anne Ormsb}', widow, on the south west : 17. Anne Ormesb}', widow, eight acres bounded on the South east side and both ends with the Cedar Swamp and on Nathaniel Woodward the elder, on the south west : 18. Nathaniel Woodward, the elder, twenty and eight acres, bounded on the southeast with Anne Ormesb}^, the widow, on the northeast with the Cedar swamp, the southeast side extending 60 rods and the north west side 80 rods towards the southwest : 19. James Johnson eight acres bounded on the southeast with Nathaniel Woodward, being 80 rods in length ; and on Nathaniel Heaton to the northwest : 19 20. Nathaniel Heaton twenty acres bounded on the southeast with James Johnson, being 80 rods in length and on Edmund Jackson to the northwest : 21. Edmund Jackson eight acres bounded on the southeast with Nathaniel Heaton and of the same length towards the north- east and on the north west with James Fitch and Richard Fitch and on the southwest with a swamp : 22. Richard Bulgar twent}^ acres bounded on the southeast with Edward Browne and on Mr. Coulborne on the northeast, with the Cedar Swamp and Nathaniel Woodward, the north west side being 80 rods in length : 23. Elizabeth Purton, widow eight acre bounded on the south east with Richard Bulgar and of the same length towards the south west and northeast and on William Salter towai-ds the north- west : 24. William Salter eight acre bounded on the south east with widow Purton and of the same length to the southwest and north east and on William Wilson to the northwest. 25. William Wilson twelve acres bounded on the southeast with William Salter and of the same length to the sonth west and northeast and on William Townsend to the northwest : 26. William Townsend eight acre bounded to the southeast with William Wilson, on the northwest with a swamp, by Mr. John Coggeshall's wigwam and William Dyneley : 27. William D3-neley four and twent}^ acres bounded on the south east with William Townsend, and on the north east by the said swamp, extending to the southwest, about 40 rods in length and on Richard Tappin to the northwest : 28. Richard Tappin four and twenty acres bounded on the southeast with William Dyneley and on the northeast vfith the said Swamp, extending to the southwest about 40 rods in length and on the northwest to Newtowne, a small piece of land lying between. 20 . 29. Francis Biishnall four and twenty acres 13'ing in the form of a triangle bounded on the south with William Coulbornc and on the northeast with Richard Bulgar, AVidow Purton and William Salter and on Henry Elkyn to the northwest : 30. Henry Elkyn eight acres bounded on the southeast with Francis Bushnall and on the southwest with Mr. William Coul- borne ; being about 70 rods in length and on Richard Fairbancke to the Northwest : 31. Richard Fairbancke four and twenty acres bounded on the southeast with Henry Elkyn and on the south end partly with Mr. William Coulborne, being 80 rods in length on the northwest side : 32. John Mylam, fourteen acres bounded on the southeast with Richard Fairbancke, being 80 rods in length to the southwest and northeast, and on Robert Walker to the northwest : 33. Robert Walker, foui'teen acres bounded on the south east with John Mylam, on the northwest with James Davisse and a fresh marsh by Newtowne, being 80 rods in length to the southwest and Northeast : 34. James Davisse, ten acres bounded on the southeast with Robert Walker, on the north east with the said Fresh marsh ex- tending from it to the southwest about 40 rods, on the northwest by Newtonne, about two acres of ground overplus between : 35. William Pell, five and twenty acres, bounded on the south west with Mr. William Coulborne and a brook running between Mr. John Cotton and him on the southwest side being 80 rods in length : 36. Robert Reynolds five and twenty acres bounded on the southeast with William Pell, and John Cranwell and George Baytes, on the Northwest with Newtonne, being on the northwest side, half a mile in length : 37. John Cranwell, ten acres bounded on the southeast with Mr. John Cotton, on the Northeast with the said fresh brook and on the northwest with Robert Reynolds and George Baytes : 21 38. George Baytes fifteen acres bounded on the northeast with John Cranwell, on the South east with Mr. John Cotton and on the North west with Robert Reynolds : 39. Philemon Pormout thirty acres bounded on the Northeast with John Cranwell, on the south east with Mr. Thomas Leveritt and by a piece of ground h'ing between him and Mr. John Cotton, on the Northwest with Newtowne : 40. Robert Mears twenty acres bounded on the Northeast with Mr. Thomas Olyver, on the south east with Roxbury and on the southwest with Captain John Underbill, his land lieth in the form of a triangle : 41. Edward Bendall, five and thirty acres bounded on the South east with Robert Mears, on the northeast with Mr. Thomas Leveritt, extending itself to the North west side about 70 rods in length and on Thomas Wardall to the south west : 42. Thomas Wardall twenty acres bounded on the southeast with Edward Bendall, on the North east with Mr. Leveritt, extend- ing itself on the Northwest side 80 rods in length : 43. Mr. William Blackstone fifteen acres bounded on the Southeast with Thomas Wardall extending itself eighty rods in length to the southwest and Northeast and on Robert Tytus to the Northwest : 44. Robert Tytus twenty acres bounded on the Southeast with Mr. Blackstone ; extending itself 80 rods in length towards the Southwest and Northeast and on William Courser to the North- west : 45. William Courser, ten acres bounded on the southeast with Robert Tytus, being 80 rods in length to the Southwest and Northeast and on Alexander Winchester to the Northwest : 46. Alexander Winchester twenty acres bounded on the South- east with William Courser, being 80 rods in length towards the Southwest and North east and on Henry Burchall to the North- west : Q9 47. Henry Bnrchall fifteen acres bounded on the Southeast with Alexander Winchester being 80 rods in length to the South- west and Northeast and on Robert Turner to the Northwest : 48. Robert Turner ten acres bounded on the Southeast with Henry Bnrchall, on the Northwest with Newtowne being 80 rods in length to the Southwest and Northeast : 49. William Deming ten acres bounded on the Southeast with Roxbury, being 80 rods in length to the Southwest and Northeast and on John Arratt to the Northwest : 50. John Arratt, ten acres, bounded on the Southeast with Wil- liam Deming being in length 80 rods to the Southwest and Northi- east and on Captain John Underbill to the Northwest : 51. Captain John Underbill four score acres bounded on the Southeast with John Arratt being ninety two rods in length on the North west side : 52. William Talmadge fifteen acres bounded on the Southeast with Captain John Underbill, being 80 rods in length to the Southwest and Northeast and upon Thomas Snow on the North- west : 53. Thomas Snow ten acres bounded on the Southeast with William Talmadge, being 80 rods in length to the Southwest and Northeast and upon Isaack Grosse on the Northwest : 54. Isaack Grosse fifty acres bounded on the Southeast with Thomas Snow, being 80 rods in length to the southwest and Northeast : Mr. William Coulborne a hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the Northwest by Francis Bushnall, Henr}- Elkin, Richard Fair- banck and William Pell, to the west by William Pell, to the south by a fresh brook running between him and Mr. Cotton, to the Northeast by Edward Browne and to the East bj- Muddy River : Mr. John Cotton, all the ground lying between the two brooks, next unto Mr. Coulborne's allotment, and so to the other end, unto the shortest cutting over beyond the hill towards the North 23 west, containing two hundred and fifty acres, (be it more or less,) bounded on the North by the said fresh brook, on the West by Jolm Gramme and George Baytes, on the South b}^ a fresh brook running between him and Mr. Leveritt and on the East b}' Muddy Eiver : Mr. Thomas Leveritt a hundred acres bounded on tlie North by the said fresh brook running between him and Mr. Cotton, on the West b}'- Edward Bendall and Philemon Pormout, on the South by Mr. Oliver, the east end being a sharp angle : Thomas Oliver a hundred acres, bounded on the North with Mr. L'everitt, on the West with Robert Mears, on the South with Rox- bury, the east end being a sharp angle : Mr. Thomas Oliver fifteen acres of Marsh, bounded on the South with Muddy River, on the West with Jarratt Bourne, the browes of his upland being 80 rods in length, and on the North with Mr. Leveritt : Mr. Thomas Leveritt fifteen acres of the same marsh next adjoining, bounded on the South with Mr. Oliver, on the west with the browes of the Upland there being 80 rods in length, and on the North with Mr. Coulborne : Mr. William Coulborne ten acres of the same marsh, bounded on the South with Mr. Leveritt, on the West with browes of the Upland, there being 80 rods in length, and on the North with Robert "Walker : Robert Walker five acres of the same marsh bounded on the South with Mr. Coulborne on the West with the browes of the Upland there being 80 rods in length and ten rods broad : And for the more clear distinctions of all these, the marks and limits of the surveyors are extant : The 19lh of the twelfth months called February, 1637. — There is gi'anted to John Love to have a houseplot and also a great lot at Muddy River : Also, to Thomas Scottoe a great lot at Muddy River, for thi-ee heads : 24 Also, to brother Isaac Perry, a houseplot near to brother Robert "Walker's and a great lot at Muddy RiA'er for two heads : Also to Silvester launders a great lot at Mudd}' River for two heads : Also to Ralph Mason a great lot at Mudd}- River for six heads : Tke lQ>th of the second Month caUed April 1638. — Also a great lot is granted to Edmund Aronsby for three heads, at Muddy River : Also to our brother, Thomas Wheeler, a great lot at Mudd}^ River, for three heads : Also, to Jacob Wilson a great lot there for three heads : Also, to Mawdit Inge, a great lot there for three heads : Also there is granted to William Hu.dson the younger, a great lot at Muddy River for three heads. The 'Jih of the fifth month called July, 1638. — It was agreed that Robert Reynolds shall have five acres of Marsh ground at Muddy River in exchange for five acres of his upland there, to be laid out by Mr. Coulborne : The 8th of the 8th month 1638. — At a meeting this day of Thomas Olyvar, Thomas Leveritt, Robert Kea3'ne, William Coul- borne, John Newgate, James Penne and Jacob El^-ott, [Overseers of the town's occasions.] There was granted to Mr. William Tinge the having of his great lot at Muddy River for eight persons and forty and two heads of cattle, in present possession and thirty heads to come, four hun- dred acres and an hundred more : 24:th day of the same 10th month. — Also, Esdras Reade, a tailor is this day allowed to be an inhabitant, and to have a great lot at Muddy River, for four heads : The 21 of the 11th Month, January 1638. — At a meeting this daj' of [the town's men] Leave was granted to John Odlyn to make use of a piece of marsh ground at Muddy River, containing an acre, lying against the third lot there until the town shall see occasion for further disposing of it : NOTK. In one Instance it is added "four acres upon a head." 25 Also, this day, our brother Robert Scott hath for the sum of lo£ Gs. sold 23 acres of upland at Muddj' River, that was our brother Richard Fairbancks great allotment, unto our brother Thomas Savidge, his heirs and assigns forever :* Further at the same meeting it appeared by a writing dated this same 18th day of 12th month 1G38, that Thomas Scottow, of Bos- ton, joiner, hath sold to Thomas Grubb of the same, all his six acres of ground, Ij'ing at Muddy River " adjoining to m}^ mother's lot there and which I bought of her : " The 2oih day of the \^i Month called March 1639. — Our brother, Mr. Grj'ff'en Bowen hath a great lot granted unto him at Muddy River, Also our brother Richard Hollidge hath a great lot granted unto him there for three heads : Further at this meeting it appeared b}' a writing, dated the first day of August 1038, that Mr. John Underhill hath surrendered unto Mr. Thomas Makepeace of Dorchester, his house in Boston, with an hundred acres of upland ground at Muddy River and ten acres of meadow or marsh ground there, and his share of wood- land in the Islands, with a garden at the house and another behind Mr. Parker's house, to the quantity of half an acre and somewhat more, and also near half an acre upon the forte hill, for the sum of an hundred pounds : It is also ordered that the corn field fence at Muddy River shall be made sufficient before the 20th of this next 2nd month, April, upon penalty of every rod then undone 6S. 8d. and to be seen unto b}' our brethren John Audlj-n and Edward Baytes, and for the charge of the fence, the broken up ground to pay for every acre three thirds thereof, and the unbroken up two thirds of the charge of every acre. The 29 of the 5th 7nonth, Jidy 1639. — There is granted a great lot to our brother John Smyth, tailor, at IMudd}' River, for tlu-ee heads ; 'Fii-st instance of a sale of land at Muddy Eiver. 4 26 Also, John Leveritt hath granted unto hhn a great lot at Muddy River for ten heads : SOth Sept. 1639. — Also, to Mr. David Offlej' a great lot at Muddy River for 15 heads : 7he 28th da// of the 9/Ji month Oitohcr 1G39.— Also a great lot granted to our brother Nathaniel AYoodward, at Mudd}' River for 3 heads : The 30lh day of the 10/h mo/ith, December 1639.— There is granted to Richard Sherman a great lot at Muddj- River, for seven heads, if it be there to be had : Also, our brother John Kenricke hath a great lot allowed to him at Mudd}' River for four heads : Also our brother George Curtys hath a great lot granted to him there for 2 heads : At this da}' it was agreed that 500 acres at Mudd}- River for perpetual commonage to the inhabitants there and the town of Boston, to begin at the outer bounds of Mr. Hibbin's lot and so to go into the country, as the land will afford, before an}- other allot- ments are laid out hereafter : Whereas at a former meeting there was granted to our brother Thomas Scottoe a great lot at Mudd}- River for three heads, which as 3'et have not been laid out, for him and that now he is increased to five heads, he is therefore now allowed to have said lot for five heads : 27th day of the Wih niontli 1639. — Also to Henr}' Messenger a great lot at Mudd}' River for two heads : Also to our brother Joshua Scottoe a great lot there for three heads : Also to Thomas Painter, joiner, a great lot at Muddj' River, for 4 heads : Also, there is further granted to Mr. William Ting, in regard that his great lot at Muddy River is not 3-et laid out, nor could be in regard to the bounders between Boston and Roxbury were but 27 lately determined, and that now the number of his persons and cattle are increased, there is farther granted to him an hundred acres more, to be laid unto his lot formerly granted. The breth- rens lots and the commons there already granted being first laid out : Also, there is granted to our elder Mr. Thomas Olj'var all the fresh meadow belonging to Boston, lying under the foot of the great hill at Muddy River, next Newtown bounds there : Also there is granted to Mr. William Coulbron a parcel of fresh meadow adjoining to the little fresh brook parting between us and Newtown bounds at Mudd}' River and running into Charles River there : The 2ith day of the 12th month February 1639. — Also, there is granted to William Blauton carpenter, a great lot at Muddy River for 3 heads. Also there is granted to Leonard Buttles bricklayer, a great lot at Muddy River for 4 heads : Also there is granted to old Robert Wing a great lot at Muddy River for 4 heads : The 30lh day of the 1st months March 1640. — It is ordered that Mr. William Coulbron and Jacob Elyott shall set out to brother John Odlin such quantity of marsh ground at Muddy River as they shall think convenient for him, and shall certify the same at the next town's meeting, that a price ma}^ be set of the same, upon payment whereof, the said marsh ground to be granted to the said John Odlyn and to his heirs forever :* Also William Colbron and Jacob Elyott are appointed to lay out the Highways at Muddy River towards Cambridge if The 27 day of the 2nd months April 1640. — At a meeting this day of Mr. John Winthrop, Governor, Mr. Richard Bellingham, Assistant, Captain Edward Gibbons, Mr. William Colbron, Mr. William Ting, Mr. John Cogan and Jacob Eliott. It Tvas ordered : * First instance of selling land at Muddy Kiver by the government, t First record of laying out of highways at Muddy Hirer. 28 First, that William Hibbins should have his great lot at Muddy River (if it be there to be had,) as near his land he bought as may be, without wrong to others, and to this end Mr. Colebron and Goodman Eliott are to view the place and certify to the next meeting what may be done : Edward Grosse is granted a lot for two heads at Muddy River, if it be there to be had after former grants are served : John Odlin is to have 8 acres of Marsh at Muddy River for 4£ which he paid down and Edward Grubb six acres there for 3£ and Benjamin Gillum 10 acres for 5£ and John Davis 8 acres for 4£, to be set out by Mr. Coleburne and Goodman Eliott after Mr. Hibbins is served : The 25lh of the ocl month called May 1640.*— To William Hibbins is granted a parcel of meadow at Muddy River, containing b}' esti- mation about 10 acres, inclosed by a great swamp on the one side and great Rocks on the other, provided it falls not in any former grant ; if we can better accommodate him hereafter, he is content to resign this again : The i)\s,t of the Qlh month 1640. — Theodore Atkinson is granted his great lot for two heads, at Muddy River, if it be there to be had after others are served that had their grants before him : The 2Uh of the 8th month 1640.— There is sold to our brother John Odlin one acre and half of Marsh at Mudd}' River adjoining to eight acres former^ granted and sold to him for which he hath paid in hand 15S : Also at the same meeting our brother Thomas Grubb and our brother Garrett Broorne are appointed overseers of the fence at Muddy River in the common field to see it made by the first of April and in default of ever^^ rod not then repaired and made, the owners of the said land are to forfeit 3S. 4d per rod and the said *Also John Palmer, carpenter, now dwelling here, is to be allowed an inhabitant, if he can pfct an house or laud to set an house upon, (it being not proper to allow a man an inhabitant without habitation:) 29 overseers shall have power from the town's men to distrain for such monej-s so growing due :* Our brother Peter Oliver hath granted unto him sixty acres of land at Muddy River, if it be there to be had, of the which there is granted some marsh, if there be any there, always provided that those grants before granted are first served : Our brother James Oliver hath granted to him 40 tie acres at Mudd}' River, if it be there to be had when those afore granted are served : There is at this meeting a bridge appointed to be made at Muddy River Mr. Coleburne, our brother Eliott and our brother Peter Oliver are appointed to see the same done. There is likewise granted, this day, to William Hibbins, three hundred acres of land at Muddy River, bounded by Cambridge line on the one side, Mr. William Ting's on the other side and Dedham line on the other, with the ordiuarj- allowance for rocks &c: Our brother John Biggs hath sold unto him 4 acres of marsh, at Muddy River, for 10s, per acre, the former grants being made good : Our brother William Talmage being laid out short of his former grant at Muddy River hath granted him to be added thereto, five acres if it may be laid out adjoining to his former grant and bounding upon Cambridge line : Also hath granted him 3 acres of marsh at Mudd}' River, paj-- ing therefor 10s. per acre if it be there to be had when former grants are performed : Our brother Edward Fletcher hath granted him a great lot at Muddy River for three heads, the which is supposed was formerl}' granted to him : It is ordered at this present meeting that there shall be no more land granted at Muddy River nor the Mount until such lands as ♦ First officers and by-law specially provided for Muddy Kiver, 30 are already granted are laid out, and the residue of the land known what the acres are : lite last day of the dlh month 1640. — Mr, William Ting, his allot- ment formerl}' granted him at Muddy River containing 600 acres in all, is thus bounded, namely, with lands as 3-et in common towards the Northeast with Roxbury land towards the Southeast, with Dedham land towards the Southwest and with land granted to William Hibbins towards the Northwest : 28//t of the 10 month 1640.— Our brother Mr. Wentworth Day, his suit for a lot at Muddy River : Our brother Day desireth at Muddy River to have a lot and the towns men have taken it into consideration : The townsmen have taken into consideration likewise the suit of Miles Tarne for a lot for five heads : The 22(1 of the last month 1640. — Brother Courser of Boston hath sold and resigned up his lot at Mudd}' River, it being 10 acres, to our brother Alexander Beck of the same town : 29th of the First month 1641. — It is granted that those lots for- merl}" granted to our two Elders Mr. Oliver and Mr. Leveritt in the full proportion of land as it now lieth, shall by this order be con- firmed unto them, although their lots do amount to a greater quan- tity of land than was intended at the granting thereof : The 2 Esqrs. 58 thereof, The President & Councill doe order, That hGiiceforth the said Hamlet of Miiddie River be free from Towne rates to 3"e Towne of Bostone, they maiutaininge theire owne high waj-es and poore and other publiqne charges ariseinge amongst tliemselves, And that within one 3"eare next comeinge they raise a school-house in such place as the two next Justices of the Countrie (upon a publique hearinge of the Inhabitants of the said Hamlet) shall determine as also mainetaine an able readinge and writinge Master there, from and after that day, and that the Inhabitants annuallie meete to choose three men to manage theire affaires EDWAED RANDOLPH, Seer. A true coppie as attests BENJAMINE SULLIVANT late Gierke of 3'e Councill. 168f March 14. — Constable for Mudd}' river, Thomas Gardner Junr. 1689 June 24. — Constable for Muddy River — Roger Addams, Surveyors, James Parker, Joseph Buckmaster, Dec. 30. — [The rates committed to the constables in Bostone amounted to 320£ 3s in money," G401b od in countr}' pa}- — Rumney Marsh 131b monej', 261b countrie paie Muddy River 131b 12s. money 27£. 4s. countrie paj-] March. 16 16|9.. — Constable of Mudd}' River Josiah Winchester Surveyers, Uriah Clarke, John Devotion Voted, that Muddy river Inliabitants are not discharged from Bostone to be a hamlet by themselves, but stand related to Bostone as they were before the yeare 1686. March 17. — Perambulators for Cambridge & Mudd}' River & Roxbury & Muddy River were chosen by the Selectmen of Boston Gapt. Jacob Eliot, Capt. Theophilus Frar}-, Mr. Joseph Eliot, John Devotion, Andrew Gardnr, Benj 'a White to run the Ambrose Davis, chosen a Constable, refusing to swear with his band on tlie Bible, as was required of him, James Halsey was chosen Constable in his stead. 59 lines of the bounds betweene Bostone & these Townes and to nisete those of Cambrid,o-e at the house of Symon Gates, upon the last Tuesday of Aprill next beinge ye 29th of said moneth. at nine of the clock in the fore noone & those sent from Roxbnry at the bound corner where Roxbury, Cambridge & Boston meete at two of the clock in the after noone. 1690 Aug 6. — This day by warrant of Country Treasurer of 24th Jidy 1690 for 2 J- single countrie rates to be paid in money' was committed to the 8 constables of Bostone, Kumney Marsh & Muddy river, chosen Tythingmen, Roger Addams & Thos. Gardner. OcL 27, 1690. — This day a rate made for the poore & other oc- casions of this Towne was committed to ye severall constables of Bostone, Rumney Marsh and Muddy river, by the selectmen amounting to the sums of Four Hundred & twelve pounds, four shillings two pence countrie pay, orderinge if any pay money in lieu thereof they shall be abated ^ pte of theire rates. 16|4, 3Iarch 9th. — Constable for Muddle River George Bear- stowe. Surveyers, Jonathan Torrie, Samuel Aspinwall. June 20. — This day a rate was made by all the select men and com'ted to the severall constables to collect & pay the same to John Philli[)s Esq. Treasurer, b}- virtue of a warrant reed, from him dated the 9th of June 1691 for the Assessing of all rateable Inhabitants of this town their proportion to the sura of twentie foure thousand pounds, which rate amounted to, for Bostone, Rum ney Marsh and Mudd}- River the sum of three thousand thirtie seven pounds eighteene shillings to be pd, the sd. Treasr, or his assigns either in money, bills of publicke credit or in grain or pro- visions at Monej' price, one half to be paid by the first of Septem- ber next and the other halfe by the first da}' of May 1692. March 14, 16!)}. — Constable for Muddy River Joshua Gardner. Surveyers, Jonathan Torrey, Edward Devotion Joshua Child. 60 13 March 169|. — Constable for Muddy river, Daniel Harris Sui'veyers, Samuel Aspinwall, Joseph Davis. March 27, 1G133. — Perambulators to run the line of the bounds between Cambridge and Boston and Roxbury and Boston, were chosen Capt. Jacob Eliot, Mr. Thomas Walker Mr. Saml. Cheek- ly, Mr. Joseph Eliot, John Devotion, Benjamin White, to meet with those sent from Cambridge in the 2d Tuesday in April, at Simon Gate's his house at nine of the clock in ye morning and to meet with those sent from Roxbury at the bound corner where Roxbur^', Cambridge and Boston meet at 2 of the clock afternoon. 169f March 12. — Constable for Muddy River, Samuel Aspinwall, Surve3'ors, George Bearstow k, John Winchester, Tythingmen, Thomas Stedman Senr. Dorman Moraun. 1G9| March 4. — Constable of Mudd}' River, Erasmus Drue. Surveyers, Benjamin White, Joseph Gardner. Tythingmen, John Devotion, Josiah Winchester. Fence viewers & bounds — Roger Adams & Thomas Woodward. 169| March 9. — Constable of Muddy RiA^er Timothy Harris Surve3'ors, Joshua Child, Samuel Clark, Nathanl. Stedman. Tythingmen, George Bearstow, John Winchester. Fence Viewers, Joseph Gardner, Jonathan Tory. April 5. — Capt. Bezoun Allen, Mr. Thomas Walker, Joseph Eliot and John Devotion were chosen to run the line of the bounds, between Roxbury & Boston and between Cambridge and Boston on the last tuesday in April, to which were added John Winchester, Erasmus Drue & Timotlw Harris. 1697 March 22. — For muddiriver, Saml. Clark was chosen con- stable for the year insuing, Saml. Clark And John Druce and Edw. Devotion were chosen serveighers for the year ensuing. 1698 J/arc/i 14. — Constable For muddriver, Joseph Buckmaster. 13 March 1G93.— Towne Clarke, Capt. Epli.i. Savage. Note.— first use of the term "Town Clerk''— previously called ''Recorder." 61 Voted that Rumney marsh and mnddirivev each place have lib- ert}' to chuse an assessor to set with the Selectmen for the making of their own rates. Each place is to make their chose of their sd assessor on their first training day and when cliosen to bring them on 3'e Day of a publick Town meeting to be confirmed by the Town. 1699 March 13. — Constable for Muddiriver, Joseph Gardner. March 27. — The perambalaters chosen b}' the Selectmen to run the line between Boston k. Roxbury, Cambridge & Newtown were Mr. James Barnes, Mr. John Marion, Mr. Daniel Oliver, select- men and were joyned with them, Mr. Joseph Eliot, Mr. Roger Adams Mr. George Bestow The place appointed to meet, ye Roxbnr}' men is Mr. Roger Adam's the 18th of April at 8 the clock in the fore noon. Wth. Cambridge at Mr. Sewells farm and also new Town at two of the clock in the after noon, Mr. Barnes not being well did not go on this service. Then met with mr. John Marion Junr. and mr. Daniel Oliver of Boston and mr. Adams and mr Besto of muddiriver who were appointed by the Selectmen of Boston the 27th of March 1699 to meet wth such as were appointed by the selectmen of Roxburj' who were Capt. Steevens and mr. Nathl. Holmes, mr. Henry Bowen and Benj'a. Gamblin and Saml. Ruggles, the aforesd per- sons began their work at the highway leading to Cambridge at a great White oake standing by mr. Benj'a. White's house meadow and so to a dead crotched oake standing neer the middle of the lane and from thence to a small tree, called doggs wood right against a great pine swamp that was allowed formerly to be the mark wch Doggwood tree was marked wth B. on Boston side and R. on Roxbur}' side, and from thence to a white oak neer to the 1097, March 22. — Voted, tlidt no person shall ride too and fro about the common on j-e Sabbath Day. to water Horses on tlie penalty of live shillhis's to any person trnns- gressing- and Mr. Daniel Ferfleld is impowered to look alter such Transgresser.s, & coniiilain of them to a Justice of Peace. Voted that the prudentials of the Town is left to the Judgment and Discretion of the Selectmen. r.2 swamp side that is crooked, from thence to a heape of stones wth a stake in it and the stones ly part on another rock, and from thence to a black oak marked and from thence to a grey oak marked B. on the one side and II. on the other side as also all the aforesaid trees are marked The last great oak was neer to Jos. Backmaster's wch was the last mark the aforesaid men went to & the rnnning of the rest of the line was left to Joshua Child and Jos. Biickmaster of muddy River, & to Saml. Craft Icahod Griggs of Roxbury & the marks to be b}- them renewed and an acct thereof to be given to the aforesd committee for to be entered under the sd agreement wch is to be a settlement thereof. Timo. Stevens, Saml. Ruggles, Nathl. Holmes, Henry Bowen, Senr. Benj'a. Gamblin. • 1700, March 11. — Constable for muddiriver Joseph Davis. Surveyors, John White & John Devotion. Fence Viewers for muddi river, Ralph Shepard and Nathanill Holand.* Upon the petition of the Inhabitants of muddiriver To be a District or Hamlet seperate from the Town for these reasons fol- lowing, namely, the remoteness of their situation wch renders them uncapable of Injoying Equal Benefit & advantage wth other of the Inhabitants of Publick Schools for the Instruction of their Children, Relief of their poor & repairing of their highway's. Tiieir petition being read & the reasons given therein Debated, It was voted in the negative, & that tho the}' had not for some years been rated in the Town rate yet for the time to come the selectmen should rate them in the Town Tax as the other Inhabi- tants & as formerl}' they used to be. And for their Incourafferaent. It was voted that the Selectmen ■'17(in— The litle of Esq. began to be ft-equeutly applied also the apostrophie '"s" in- stead of "Iiis'' A remaikalilc chaiijrc of style and mode characterizes the advent of the IStii century. Tliis year the first elaboi-ate rode ol by-laws was adopted for IJostou, for one year. 1701-Streets of Boston first named. Tlie "u" becomes "v'- in the recoi-ils of tli's year. The Geu. Court becomes "the Great and General Assembly." 63 should provide a schoolmaster for them, To teach their children to read, write & cypher & order his pay out of the Town Treasury'.* n 00 Afanh I i. — Upon the petition of Joseph Buckmiuster of muddiriver, for a committee to be chosen by the Town, to la}- out a high wa}- to his land, he having no highway thereto, by virtue of a Town order. That all proprietors of lots of land Avithin the town & precincts thereof wch have no highway layd out to their lands shall have a highway layd out thereto In' a committee chosen and authorized by the sd Town for yt purpose. Sd Buckminster's petition was read &- it was voted. That Capt. Theo. Frary, Mr. Jcjhn Bonner, Mr. Joseph Front should be a committee to view sd. Buckminster's land k make report to sd Town, the next Genl. Town meeting what maj- be proper to be done therein. Ajonl 8. — Upon the return of the Committee wch were chosen by the Town ye 14 march last past, To take view of the land of Joseph Buckminster of muddiriver and to Judge what might be done wth respect to the laj-ing out of a high way thereto accord- ing to an antiant record of the Town, That every allotment should have a way laid out to it, by a committee chosen and au- thorized by the Town for yt purpose : The return of the committee was. That they Judged sd Buck- minster ought to have a high way laid out to his land. Upon which return. By a vote of the Town, the former com- mittee with the addition of Thomas Gardner & Saml. Aspinwall *Sonie of tlie Iiiliabitants of the norUi end of the Town stood iip& requested that they might have the libertie of a I'ree scliool for the teaching to write & cypher. It was voted in the arllirnifitive: That the selectmen sliould agree wtli a school- niitster for them & order him pay out of the Town Treasury. The Inhabitants of Rumney marsli standing by & seeing the Town in so good a frame also put in their request ytafree school might be granted them to Teach to Kead, write & Cypher. It being put to the Town to know their minds, it Avas voted in the aflirmative, with tliis Proviso, That it did appear to the Selectmen yt therem were a suitable number of cliildren to come to the school, then the Selectmen should agree w'Mx a Schoolmaster to teach these children To Read, write & cypher for wch service he should be payed out of tiie Town Treasury. 64 ■were chosen and Impowered to l.i}^ ont a liigliwa}^ to scl. Buck- minster's land. ATay 14. — Whereas upon the 8th of April Last past a com- mittee was chosen and Impowered to lay out a high waj' for Joseph Buckminster of muddiiiver to his land he having yet had no highway laid out thereto, sd committee mett together and Layd out a high wa}- through Joseph Winchester's land to sd. Buckminster's land and sd. Winchester being Dissatisfied with what was done, presented his petition to the Town, to desire that other meet persons might be chosen b}' sa3-d Town to take a view of what is done & to make a report of the same to the Town, his petition being read k. considered, Capt. Nathl. Williams and mr. Isaiah Tay were chosen by a vote of the Town, to Joj'ue with the former Committee to Indever the settlement of that concerne. 1701 March 10. — Constable, muddiriver, John Druce Surve^'-ers, Jos. White, John Devotion, Joshua Child. Fence Viewers, Josiah Winchester, Daniel Harris. May 12. — The committee formerly appointed to laj' out a wa}^ to the land of Joseph Buckmister have given in the folloAving re- turn, the same being read in the Publick Town meeting vizt. Wee the subscribers being appoynted a committee, b}- the vote of the Town of Boston past the 8th day of April 1700, to la}- out a highway to the land of Joseph Buckminster of Muddy River, ac- cordingly we did on the 30th daj' of Aprill, stake out a highway of twenty four feet in breadth through the land of Josiah Winchester vizt. Running from the south side of a white oak tree standing in the Country Road upon a direct line to the brow of the Hill neer said Buckminster's Land & thence winding down the Hill some thing southerly to the aforesaid Buckminster's Land. T. FRARY THOMAS GARDNER JOHN BENNET SAML. ASPINWALL JOSEPH PROUT. 65 July ?>lth 1700. — The persons appointed as a committee by the vote of the town of Boston, dated the 14th of May last past, all of them being present (except Samuel Aspinwall) at Muddy River, upon the spot, do give their opinion that the way stated by the committee on the 30th of April last from Joseph Buckminster's land through, the land of Josiah "Winchester ought to be continued, said Buckminster being present having promised to make suffi- cient Gates at each end of sayd way with all convenient sj)eed, And the said Winchester being present doth engage forever here after to maintain and uphold that gate at the northerl}- end next the highway, and said Buckminster engages to uphold and maintain that gate next the said Buckminster's land, from time to time, each of them for themselves their lieires executors and adms. and so engaging each to other. In Testimon}^ whereof said Buckminster and Winchester have hereunto set their hands and scales the day and year abovesaid. Signed & sealed in presence of us i Joseph Buckminster Nathl. Williams, Isaiah Tay ) Josiah Winchester. The Town by their vote do manifest their approbation of the committees return of a way laid to Joseph Buckminster's land to- gether with Joseph Buckminster & Josiah Winchester their agree- ment thereto. March ye 9tJi 170^. — Solomon Phipps is chosen constable of Boston for the District of Muddy River. Messiurs Joshua Child, Thomas Stedman & Edward Devotion are chosen surveyers of high ways at Muddy River. Messrs. Ralph Shepherd, & John Winchester are chosen Fence viewers for Muddy River. March 8 170f. — Edward Devotion chosen constable at Muddy River. Daniel Harris, William Sharp, Peter Bileston chosen surveyors of high ways for Muddy River. John Devotion, Thomas Woodward, chosen Fence viewers for 9 66 Muddy River. Joseph "White chosen tythingmau for Muddy River. March, 13 170|-. — The several officers chosen to serve within the district of Muddy River, vizt : Rialph Shepherd to serve as constable. Peter Bileston as surveyor of Highways. Samuel Clark, Samuel Aspinwall, as Fence viewers Joseph AVhite as Tithingman March 12, 170|. — Several officers chosen to serve for 3*6 Dis- trict of Muddy River : Thomas Stedman to serve as constable. John Winchester Junr. John Ackers, surveyors of High waj's. John Sever, Benjamin White Fence viewers. Joseph White, Samuel Aspinwall Tithingmen. Elisha Cook Esqr. Elder Joseph Bridgham, Capt. Ephraim Sav- age, Capt. Bezeon Allen & Capt. Oliver Noj'se are chosen a com- mittee to consider and draw up what they shall think proper, on the behalf of this town, to lay before the Genl. Court at their next session, relating to a petition of sundry of the Inhabitants of Muddy River who pray that they ma}- be dismist from the Town of Boston : & become a Township of themselves. March 13, 1704. — Voted that tbe Selectmen may lay out one hundred pounds in pav- ing such streets as they shall judge needful, and therein to have particular regard to the Highway nigh old Mrs. Stoddard's house. APPENDIX. 2dth 11th 1671. — Upon the motion of Doct. Daniel Stone for pay for Chirurgery & phisicke administered to several poore of this towne, the select men see cause to abate him his rate this yeare for what is done for the time past and doe further now agree with him for twelve moneths next coming from the first of March next to take care of the poore of this towne as to phisicke & chirurgery, for which he is to have twentie shillings out of the town treasur}' and to be rate free the next 3'eare. 20^/i UtJi 16 7J-.— Liberty is granted to John White of Muddy river, Senr. to cutt five oake & ffive Maple trees of the comon at Muddy river, provided he doe what he can to secure the rest from others or to give notice of any that shall offend in that kinde. 25, 1, 1672. — It was ordered that notice be given to the severall persens underwritten, that they within one month after the date hereof, dispose of their severall children (herein nomi- nated or mentioned) abroad for servants to serve bj' Indentures for some term of yeares according to their ages and capacities, wch if they refuse or neglect to doe. The magistrates and select- men will take theire said children from them and place them with such masters as they shall provide according as the lawe directs ; And that they that doe according to this order dispose of their children doe make return of the names of master and children soe put out to service, with theire Indentures to the Selectmen at 68 their next monethly meeting, being the last monday in April next. John Glover daughter about 12 years old. Bryan Merphew's daughter in law, Martha Dorman, about 12 yrs. Widdowe Crocukus three daughters Wm. Hambeltons daughter about 12 yrs Edward Gold's sonn about 20 years. John Dawes his son about 17 j'rs Thomas Williams his sonn Charles about 8 jts. 30, 5, 1672. — John Gobbet sem\ ordered to remove his hay out of his dwelling house within seven days after the date hereof, upon the penaltie of twenty shillings pr weeke. 16 March 167|. — Ordered that Capt. Thomas Savage, Capt. Edward Huchinson, Mr. Humphrey Carj-, Mr. John Hull & Deacon Henry Allen or the Majer of them shall draw up instruc- tions for the Select men, wch the}^ are to present to the Inhabitants at a publique Meeting for their approbation, for wch Capt. Savage is to apoint time & place. 26 Jmi. 167|. — Whereas the widdowe Feltch hath made a com- plaint that John Harrison hath made a crosse ffence in that high- way (w:ere he makes his ropes) & thereby obstructed her in her occasions, which apears by the testimon^^ of several antient In- habitants of this towne, to be a high waye layd out mau}^ yeares since & made use of from time to time, as a highway- without in- terruption — It is understood that the said John Harrison remove the said crosse ffence & leave the said highwaj^ open & free as formerlie for the accomodation of the said Feltch or any other that may have occasion to make use of it as a high waj' upon the penaltie of twentie shillings a weeke. March 30, 1674. — [At a meeting of the Selectmen of Boston] Upon the petition of Ann the wife of Isreal Howeu to helpe them in the ffinishing of a house wch they are buildinge • (havinge by themselves & friends purchased a piece of land & a 69 fframe thereon, but not able to finish it) It is ordered that if the said Isreal will make over the deed of the said laud to the treas- urer of this towne for the use of the said Ann & her children, then the said treasurer shall let them have tenn for ye use aforesaid wch the present treasurer Mr. Thos. Brattle & Mr. John Lake are to see efiected July 27th 1674.— John Noyse is prohibited to employe his brother William Noyse as a cooper upon the penaltie of tenn shil- lings a weeke, havinge served but ffour yeares & a quartr to the trade & not twentie one yeares of age. April 21, 1676. — Elizabeth Jones is aproved of and apoynted to keepe the keyes*of the pound & to looke after cattle impounded till further order & to observe the lawes & ordrs of the countrie & town concerninge it. July 30, 76. — John Lewis came from Road Island where his wife gave him a paper of dismission from her in Novr. last & lib- ertie to marrie another woman & he is now ingaged to ye widow Williams to marry her, b}^ theire owne confessions, [returned to County Court.) 1677 {vol. ii. p 105). — At a meetinge of this towne ffrom law- full warning, It is ordered that Elder John Wiswall Elder Edward Raynsford, Capt. Joshua Skottow, Capt. John Richards & Mr. Elisha Cooke be a committee for drawinge up Instructions for the Deputies to ye Generall court, to whome ye Selectmen are to joyne for yt end. l^th May. — At a meetinge of ye aforesaid committee the fol- lowing Instructions were agreed upon & ye 21th of May were pre- sented to the ffreemen & aproved of by them to be recomend to ye deputies. 1 . Shall endeavor for peace & unitie be attanded & noe cou- troversall disputes moved, it beinge a time to unite. 2. That in all matters of judicature wherein jon may be called to give yr vote you assume no arbitrarie power but observe our 70 knowne & established lawes for j-our direction therein (excepting in matters of mere grace & favor wherein you may abate of ye rigor of je lawe according to 3-our discretion. 5. That in the exercise of jr legislative powers j-ou have re- spect to ye charter or patent & that 3-011 make noe lawes or orders repugnant thereto. 4. That in all matters that may come under your consideration you passe nothing that may in the least measure have any ten- dancie to the infringement of our liberties & privileges whithr civill or ecclesiasticall granted us b}^ our charter. 5 That whereas the number of ffreemen in this towne is much increased yt ye number of Deputies ma^' be augumented propor- tionablie to other Townes. 6. Whereas the standr of weights exceed not ffoure pounds It may be enlarged to one hundred weight yt ffraud may be prevent- ed in great draughts. 7. That whereas there ma}' be more use of bricks than former- ly the Lawe relating to tiles may extend alsoe to bricks as to the earth they are made of & yt not tempered with salt or brackish water & that there be a size apoynted 8. That the Lawes respecting booke debts be repealed or the time for gettinge of them in enlarged. 9. That effectual care be taken for ye paymts of ye debts due from ye countrie yt injustice in 3't respect be not matter of com- plaint. 10. . That some order be taken about regulating ye building in ye respective townes, 3-t b}' scattering the3' expose not themselves to ye crueltie of 3'e natives or by theire narrow streets to 3'e dan- ger of ffire. 11. That the mone3' stampt in the colon3' ma3' be made something lesse, 3't the carrying of it out ma}- be prevented & 3'e bringinge in of bullion ma}' be encouraged. 12. That 3'e late ordr. of 3'e Honrd Councill bearing date 3-e 71 29th of March 1677 respecting the entertaining of Indians for ser- vants or otherwise may be enacted as a Lawe. 13. That whereas oathes being taken privately without the knowledge of ye parties concerned ; and are dubiously worded whereby many inconveniences doe arise, that some care may be taken to prevent damage thereby. 14. That care may be taken 3't the severall Lawes & ordrs es- tablished concerning the due observation of the sabbath, be strict- lie executed The profanation thereof growing more and more among us. 15 That this Towne may be a corporation or made & towne & countrie. 16. That care be taken all ware made of pewter or silver, whether brought to ye countrie or made here & exposed to sale be of ye just alio}'. , 17 That larger power be allowed to those 3^t are apoynled to serch out unlicenced houses of entertainment according to yt Lawe made 13th of Octobr, 1675. 22 March 1680. — Sixt}' Tythingmen appointed for Boston July 29. — The valuation of the estates of this town (Boston) was taken & amounted to 238771b : 10s : no d. wch. at a penny pr pound — rate assessed — 991b : 9s : 9J-d. More for heads at 20d 72 : 1 : 8. June 26 1693. — At a meeting of the Select men — It was ordered that Mr. Christopher Web be employed as an Attourney to demand and sue for the town rents and that a list of the Town rents be brought in and left with the Town clerk. At a publick meeting of the Inhabitants of Boston July 16, 1694 Then voted that there should be seven assessors chosen, Capt Bezam Allen, Capt Samuel Checkly Ephraim Savage, Mr. Timothy Thornton &c. BOOK OF POSSESSIONS. lUh (llth) 1647. — The possession of William Hibbius, within the limits of Boston. One house, garden and stable, bounded with Mr. John "Win- throp's on the west : Richard Sherman and some part of the Fort Street on the South : the Springate on the north : and John Spoore on the east. (2) Also six score acres of land at Muddy River bounded with Mr. Thomas Oliver on the north : Edward Bendall on the west, together with Thomas Suowe and William Talmidge : Bos- ton common on the south and Roxbury bounds, south east. (3) Also twenty five acres of Marsh at Muddy River bounded Muddy River Charles river and a creek in the form of an Isth- mos : — (4) Also a house and farm of three hundred and fifty acres or thereabouts at Muddy River, bounded, Mr. William Tyng on the south : Cambridge bounds on the north west and Dedham bounds on the south west : — The possession of William Beamsley, within the limits of Bos- ton. 1 One house and house lot, about half an acre. 2 Also at Muddy River sixteen a^cres bounded with John Bigges on the east : Thomas Grubb on the west : the cedar swamp on the south : and the Marsh and River upon the north. 11th (dth) 1651. — Thomas Woodward of Boston granted to 73 Alexander Beck of Boston, a parcel of land at Muddy River, con- taining four acres and a quarter, be it more or less, bounded with Richard Carter, south east : William Lamb south west ; Nathaniel "Woodward and Robert Roote, north west : and this was by a deed (valuable consideration being fii'st received) dated 11th Novem- ber 1651, sealed and delivered in presence of John Angier and William Aspinwall, Notarj' Public : — Thomas Painter, his possessions within the limits of Boston. 1 one house and garden : — 2 Also twenty acres at Muddy River bounded with Ralph Goultrop, East, William Toy, west, Griffith Bowen, south and John Leverit, north : — Thomas Scotto, his possession within the limits of Boston. 1 One house and garden — 2 Also four acres upland at Mudd}^ River, bounded with Wil- liam Beamsley and Thomas Grubb on the south, Richard Sanford and Alexander Beck, north, the cedar swamp Westward and his own Marsh east : — 3. Also one acre of Marsh at Muddy River bounded with Charles River east, Richard Sanford, Thomas Grubb and his own upland west, and Jacob Eliot, southwards : — William Aspinwall, his possession within the limits of Boston. 1 One house and garden : — 2 Also at Muddy River nine acres surrounded with the Cedar Swamp and Nathaiuel Woodward the elder : — Jane Parker, Her possession within the limits of Boston. 1. One house and garden &c. 2. Also half an acre, the Newfield &c. 3. Also fort}' acres of land at Muddy River, bounded with : — 10 u Jane Parker the widow of Richard Parker, intending to marrie — b}' a deed of gift thus dispose of her lands : unto Margaret, her daughter and her heirs, she did give, out of her house lot twenty one foot square in the angle at the meeting of the streets. Then all her house and lot also the half acre in the Newfield and forty acres at Muddj^ River she doth give to her sons, vizt. half to John Parker her eldest and his heirs and the other half equally to be divided betwixt Thomas and Noah and their heirs, and if the one die then to descend to the survivor, if both die, then to the eldest ; and this was by a deed dated 15 (5) 1646 and the same day acknowledged before the Governor. RaljA Mason's possession in Boston. 1. one house and garden &c. 2. 21 (12) 1645. — Isaac Peny granted unto Ralph Mason of Boston, ten acres of land be it more or less, at Mudd}- River, bounded with Ralph Mason's lot, south, Thomas Scotto, North, Mr. Hibbins, west, and this was by an absolute deed dated 20 (10) 1645, acknowledged before Mr. Winthrop : — Richard Carter's possession in Boston, 7 (1) '47. — William Aspinwall granted unto Richard Carter his lot at Muddy River, containing nine acres, more or less, bounded with Nathaniel Woodward, senior, towards the Northwest, and the cedar swamp on the other side : and this was b}' an absolute deed dated 7 (1) 1647: William Salter, his possession in Boston. 3. Also at Muddy River, eight acres bounded with Robert Burdep, West, William Briscoe, East, Nathaniel Woodward Senior, North, and Jacob Eliot, south : This is again sold to Ed. Devotion, transfer lib 2, page 129 : — . Thomas Wheeler's possession in Boston. 2. Also at Muddy River, fifteen acres, bounded with Mr. Hibbins, west, Cambridge bounds, North, Robert Hull, East and Henry Fane, South. 75 On page 145, the following is \NTitten. " Massachusetts Collon}-, in New England. John Leverett Esq. Govr. To all people who shall see these presents or hear them read : Greeting ; Know ye, that Lancelott Talbott and Joseph Smith have bought of the tresurer of this collonj', seaven Indians, Vizt. George, "William, Hawkins, great David, Reube, John Indian and Tounna- guin, which Indians were sentenced to be sold for slaves : To which end that said Talbott and Smith may transport them to any place out of this continent. In testimony of the truth hereof, I have caused the publique seal of this collon}- to be aflixed here- unto this 22 of 9 mo. 1675 Annoqe Regne Regi Caroli secundi xxvii. JOHN LEVERETT, Govr. Recorded and compared 22d 9th "75 per F. BEND ALL Beer On page 146. " Jonathan Torey of Muddy River took up a stray horse, damage ffeasant : the first day of Mai 1693. branded 9 near shoulder, a star in the forehead, no eare marks, brown colour, a streak of white behind his eai-e, fore top cut off, a dock, and brand C upon the near buttock, prised at fifty shillings, this signified by said Jonatha Torey June 13, 1693. Roger Adams took up a Bay colt that was stray on the 12 June 1693. with a little Star in his forehead branded with a ) on the off shoulder, prized at 12 shillings, about two years old. This information brought to me by Mr. Jonathan Tore}-, Constable of Muddy River, on 14 July 1693 : Isaac Heath took up a stray steer the first of Jul}- 1693, of a red brindle coler with a white face, white under his belly, and Note.— Upon a piece of paper bound in the original book of possessions, is the follow- ing — " A stere taken up by John Weld and prised by Miester John Gore and Ilennerri Bouin the 16 day ot ionnewari. This stere was prised at 34 shiliugs in nioni. A black stere about 3 years oald marked with an nocli under boath his eares by me Jacob Newell, eonstabell, 14. — " 76 behind his fore leggs and before his hind leggs. he is branded of both horns with I and R. said beast was apprized at twentj'- shil- lings ; upwards of two years old, taken by Jonath. Torrey, con- stable of Muddy River: Entered Aug. 24, 1693. Muddy River. — Joseph Griggs took up a brindled cow apprized by John White and Rodger Adams at 30s. done the 7th of x m. 1695 attested pr. Isaac Newell, constable of Roxberrj^, 17 : 12 : '75. Muddy River. — Joseph Griggs and John White Aprized a horse that widdow Clark took up of a dark bay culler and no other marke taken up the 19th Janr. last and signified this 17th of the 11th mo '75 pr Robert Harris, constable. DOCUMENTS: IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Tlie SOth of December 1639.— At a meeting this clay of Mr. John Winthrop, Govr. Mr. Richard Bellingham, Treasur. Mr. William Coulborn, Capt. Edward Gibon, Mr. William Tyng Mr. William Hibbon, Mr. John Coggan, Mr. Robert Horden & Jacob Eliot. It was agreed that five hundred acre at Muddy River for per- petual comonage to the Inhabitants there and the Town of Bos- ton, to begin at the outer bounds of Mr. Hibbins Lott and so to go into the country as the land will afford before any other allot- ments are Laj'd out hereafter. By the President and Councill of his Majesti said Territory &c. In answer to the Petitions of the Inhabitants of Muddy River praying to have Liberty to erect a School upon hearing thereof it is ordered Present "the Honorble Joseph Dudley Esqr. President, and William Stoughton Esqr. Deputy President Edward Randolph Wait Winthrop Richard Wharton } ^ > Esqrs, John Usher, Jonnathan Tyng Barthol Gidney ) That henceforth the sd Hamlet of Muddy River be free from Town Rates to the Town of Boston they maintaining their own Highwa3'S and Poor and other public charges arising amongst themselves ; and that within one j^ear next coming they Raise a 78 School House in such place as the two next Justices of the County (upon a public hearing of the Inhabitants of the sd Ilamlett) shall determine. As also maintain an able Reading and writing master there ; from and after this day and that the Inhabitants annually meet to choose Three men to manage their affaires. Given at the C^ouncil House in Boston this eighth day of De- cembr. anno RRs. Jacobi Anglicae &c. Secundo, Annoge Dom. 1686 EDWARD RANDOLPH Secy. By the Councill BEN: BULLIVANT Gierke A true copy as attested b}- comparing it with the Town Records, June 15 : 1705. Read pr JOSIAH WINCHESTER, Clerk. To His Excellency The Governour, Council and Assembly. The humble petition of the Inhabitants of Mudd}- River Humbly Showeth, That they are a Hamlet belonging to Boston, have been lately settled there ; and sometime since in the year 1686, being grown to a good number of Inhabitants, represented to the Govern- ment then in being, prajing to be acquitted from paying Duties and Taxes to the Town of Boston, being then willing to bear their own Publiq charges of Bridges Highwaj's and Poor's and were accordingl}- then released and ordered to maintain a Reading and writing Schoole, as the order annexed will show which accord- ingl}^ we have ever since done ; and now further humbly pray that being grown to a greater Number of good settled Inhabitants we may be allowed a seperate Village : to have Selectmen and all other rights belonging to a Township which may further Encourage 79 us as we are able to settle a minister and other Benifitts amongst us : and we shall ever pray. SAML. SEWALL, Junr. THOMAS STEDMAN, senr. THOMAS GARDNER senior JOSEPH WHITE BENJ'A. WHITE JOHN WICHESTER senr. SAMUELL ASPINWALL JOSIAH WINCHESTER In the House of Representatives June 29: 1705 Read & sent up. Read in Council sitting the General Assembly June 17th 1704. Ordered that the Select- men of Boston have a copj' of this Petition and be heard thereon at ye next Session of this Court. ISA ADDINGTON, Secy. Novr. pro. 170-1, In Council, Ordered that the Selectmen of Boston be notified to attend on Saturday morning next, the fourth current Nov. 4th. continued to the next session. To His Excellenaf the Govr. Council and Assembly, in General Court convened. The Humble petition of the Inhabitants of Muddy River, Showeth, That at a Session of this Hon ble Court held at Bos- ton on the Thirteenth of August 1704, The sd. Inhabitants Ex- hibited their humble Petition praying that the said Muddy River might be allowed a separate Village or peculiar and be invested with such powers and Rights as they ma}' be enabled by them- selves to manage the general aftaires of the sd place. Which petition has been transmitted to the Selectmen of the Town of Boston, that the}' may consider the same, since which ^-our hum- ble petitioners not having been informed of any objection made by the Town of Boston aforesaid, we presume that there is no ob- struction to our humble request made in our Petition. 80 "Wherefore we humbty beseech jom- Excellenc}^ that this Hon ble Court will be pleased to proceed to pass au Act for the establish- ing the said place a separate Village or peculiar with such Powers as aforesaid and your Petitioners shall ever praj" &c. SAMUEL SEWALLjunr. THOMAS GARDNER BENJAMIN WHITE THOMAS STEDMAN JOHN WINCHESTER SAMUEL ASPINWALL ELEAZER ASPINWALL WILLIAM SHARP EDWARD DEVOTION JOSEPH WHITE JOSIAH WINCHESTER JOHN DEVOTION JOSEPH GARDNER THOMAS STEDMAN juu. JOHN ACKARS JOSHUAH STEDMAN THOMAS GARDNER jun. RALPH SHEPARD JOSIAH WINCHESTER junr ABRAM. CHAMBERLEN THOMAS WOODWARD PETER BOYLSTONE JOHN ACKERS Junr. WILLIAM ACKERS BENJAMIN WHITE Jun. CALEB GARDNER JOHN SEAVER J— WINCHESTER. The Committee appointed to consider & draw up what might be thonght proper to laj^ before the Genl. Court relating to the peti- tion of sundry of the Inhabitants of Muddy River praying to be dismisst from the Town of Boston & admitted to be a Town of themselves — Upon pu-sal of the sd Petition observed that several sessions of the Genl. Court had passed after the time set for the hearing thereof & that consequent!}' the matter then fell: however, if it be again revived b}' any new petition or order, we think it proper to La}^ before the Court the unreasonableness of their Demand : They having been hitherto supported b}- the Town while they were 81 not able themselves to defray their necessary public charges many of vrhich might be enumerated & the town charges now in- creasing ujjon us, & the body of ye town abounding with poor & such as are not capable to defray but rather greatly increase the charges, for the Inhabitants of Muddy River at such a time & being themselves now grown more oppulent and capable to be helpful to ye town to be sent from us seems most unreasonable and in them very ingrateful & may be a bad example to others to endeavour the like, & so cutt the towns into such shreds as will best suit themselves without any due regard to ye publick Inter- ests : The charge of the road upon the Neck is great & is still grow- ing & the Petitione & Inhabitants of Muddy River have had more benefit & do more to increase the charge of that way than all the rest of the town, several other things might be instanced which the Selectmen are well acquainted with & we think they ought (if the General Court see cause to proceed in the petition) to pray to be heard therein. ELISHA COOKE, in the name & by order of ye Committee. In Council, June 15, 1705, Read & ordered a hearing before this court on Tuesday the 19th currant. And that the Select men of Boston be notified thereof. ISA ADDINGTON, ^icy. Sent down for concurrance. June 15 : 1705 read. In ye House of Representatives, June 20th 1705 Resolved, that since the time of the hearing That there be a hearing thereof on Friday next, at three of the clock in je afternoon 11 82 To His Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq. Capt. General 4' Commander in Chief and to ye Honourab/c ye Council &f Assembly. The answer of ye Selectmen & ye Committee of ye Town of Boston to ye Petition of ye Inhabitants of Muddy River, Humbly Showeth, That they have bin as easy in this Town as they could in reason desire. They have not urged any thing in their Petitions to the contrary. This Town has never called on them to support the ministry of the Town as is usual in the like cases in ye coun- try, They have not bin enjoyned to watchings and wardings either stated or occasional wc has been heav}' on ye body of the Town. Upon yr desire Sc regular motion for a School in that part of ye Town yt has been allowed them ; That lately jt has not bin more levied on them (and not always so much) as would defray the charges Incident in that part of ye Town, & where as they mention in yr petition yt it would encourage them in time to sup- port the charge of a Settled Ministry, thereb}^ importing yr pres- ent Inability, wc seems a very preposterous arguing, the Law re- quiring a settled Ministry as one Qualification for a Township & some of the Subscribers since ^-r signing have Declared yr con- trary Intention, and that wc makes tliis yr Desire the more un- reasonable is that the}^ have been hitherto supported by the ToAvn while they wei'e not able themselves to defray yr Publiqe charges in the many Instances to be enumerated, That it may be a President of 111 Consequences to _ve Publiq to divide Townships into small slips of Land rendering them weak & every charge a Burden tending to starve Learning & F\.eligion out of ye country (especially where no reason of state requires) the consideration of wc we submitt to this honorable Court. Wc humbly offer further to this honorble court that such a sepa- ration is contrary- to ye undoulited right & interest of Boston there being 500 acres of land laid connnon in that part of the 83 Town wh is the Towns right bnt on a seperation can be no service to the Town. That the Town is ver_y much straightened in its present bounda- ryes b}- our former too easy concessions as was that of the Neck to Dorchester, of the land of Newtown to Cambridge and the whole Township of Braintree : and would be much now if Muddy River so near to us, should be seperated from the Town. Ruraney marsh &c, would have a president to desire the same, so that Boston would only be confined to this Isthmus of a mile long well was never thought sufficient bounds for a Township ; especially at this time when Boston is dail}' the Center of all for- eign poor &c, of Saylors, widdows, and the refuge of our distressed Neighbours from the fronteer who Insensibly grow upon us : So that upon the whole we hope your Excy & this honble Court will dismiss the sd petition. June the 22th 170o. Pr order of the Selectmen JOSEPH PROUT, Town Clerk. EPHRAIM SAVAGE ] BOZOUN ALLEN [ Committee OLIVER NOTES J In the House of Representatives. Novr. 2d &3d 1705 9 Read and Ordered That the Praier of this Petition be Granted and the Powers and Privileges of a Townsliip be Given to the Inhabitants of the Land commonly known by the name of Muddy River, The Town to be called Brookline, who are hereby Injoined to Build a Meeting House and obtain an able orthodox Minister according to Direction of the law, to be settled amongst them within the space of throe years next coming. Provided that all common Lands belonging to the Town of Boston lying within the Bounds of the said Muddy River, not 84 Disposed of or allotted out, shall still remain to the Proprietors of the said Lands. THOMAS OAKES, Speaker. Sent up for concurrence. In Council, Novr. 16. 1705 Read a 1st time. Read a 2nd time and pass'd a concurrance ISA ADDINGTON, Secry. MUDDYRIVER TOWN BOOK OR A BOOK OF RECORDS FOR The Hamlet of Muddyriver. > Esq'r New England B}' the president and Council of his Majesties Territory and do- minion aforesd &c. Wenesda}' December 8th 1G86 Present the Honorable JOSEPH DUDLY Esq'r president & WM STOUGHTON Esq'r Deputy president EDWARD RANDOLPH '] WAIT AVINTHROP RICHARD WHARTON JOHN USHER JOHNA. TYNO BARTHO GIDNEY In answer to the petition of the inhabitants of Muddp-iver praying to have liberty to Erect a school &c upon the hearing thereof the president and Council do Order that henceforth the sd Hamlet of Muddyriver be freed from Town rates to the Town of Boston they maintaining their own Highways and pore and other publick charges arising amongst themselves and that within one year next Coming they raise a school House in such place as the Two next Justices of the Countie upon a publick hearing of the Inhabitants of the sd Hamlet shall Determine As also maintaine an able reading and writing Master there 12 J 86 from and after that Day and that the Inhabitapts annual!}- meet to choose three men to manage their affairs EDWARD RANDOLPH Secr'i/ A True Coppie attests BENJAM'N BULLIUANT late Clarke of the Councill Mudd3river January \^tli ICSf- At a full Meeting of the Inhabitants of MuddjTiver they Voted the acceptance of the late grant of the president in council as the same was read and is expressed Voted that for the Annual maintenance of the Schoolmaster above be twelve pounds ^ anum in or as Mon^-e Raised equaly b}^ a Rate according to usual manner of Raising publick charges by the three men And that the Remainder necessar}- to support the charges of the Master be laid equaly upon the scholors heads save any persons that are poore to be abated in part or in whole. — B}' vote mad choise of Ens. Andrew Gardner John White Jun'r and Tho. Stedman to be three men to Manage their affairs Tho. Boylston chosen Town Clarke and ordred to buy a Book and to Enter therein all Necessaries Relating to the Town and that from time to time The things above Recorded in this page were found written in a book of Mr Thomas Boylstons Avho dyed before this Book was Bought and were exactly transcribed out of it and the above Records is all that could be found enterd In that Book relat- ing to the publick affairs of Muddyriver As Attests JOSIA WINCHESTER Clarke 1697 At a General Meting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver on Mun- day March 15th 1697^ Then were chosen by the Inhabitants of sd Muddyriver Three men to manag their affairs for the Year Ensuing Viz Leu. Tho. Gardner Benjamin White Rogger Adams It was then voted by the Inhabitants of Muddyriver aforesaid 87 that Josiah Winchester should be dark of the hamlet of Mudd}-- river for the 3ear ensuing As allso two Men for Surva3'ors of Ilighwa^-es Viz Joshua Gardner John Druce At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver on munday March 29 1697^ Joshua Child was voted Connstable for the hamlet of Muddyriver aforesa3ed At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Muddj-rivor Ma}' 28 1697 to consult about the support of the scholl and the defraying other publick charges It was then voated that Mr John Searl should tech school in sd Muddj-river from the first Munday in may 1697 until the last day of february 1697 (8)? Also upon this 28th of May 1697 it was voated b}^ the Inhabi- tants of Muddyriver that twelve pounds should be levied upon the Inhabitants towards the schoolmasters salary according to a for- mer voate of the Inhabitants upon the 19th of January 1686 It wa«; likewis voated by the Inhabitants on this 28th of Maj^ 1697 that the Select men should lev}' Mony by Rate upon the In- habitants to defra}' the chai'ges of repairing the Schol-house and pound 1698 At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver March 7 169| Joseph Buckminster was choson connstable b}^ the voate of the Inhabitants for the 3'eare iusueing « Solomon Phips Joseph Gardner Joseph Davis Survej'ers of High wa^'s Lent. Thomas Gardner Benjamin Whit Rogger Adams chosen Select men Josiah Winchester chosen Town dark 1699 At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Muddj-river March the 6th 1699 to chus connstable Select men & other officers necessary for sd Hamlet 88 Half Shepard was voted Counstable Lent. Thomas Gardner Sarg't Benjamin Whit Sarg't Samuel Aspenwall Select men Josiah Winchester Town dark Survaj-ers of Pligh wa3-s Joshuah Gardner & Nathaniel Stedman Joseph Davis & Joshuah Child fence vewers John Devotion & Josiah Winchester Tything-men 1700 At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver March 4th V^(jV Joseph Davice was chosen constable Lent. Thomas Gardner Serg't Benj. White Samuel Aspenwal Select men Joseph White & Jo'n Devotion survayers of ye high-ways Nathaniel Holand & Ralph Shepard fence vewers Joshua Gardner & Daniel Harris Tythingmen 1701 At a General Meeting of ye Inhabitants of Muddyriver upon March 3d 170^ to Chose officers for the Hamlet &c. the three Men chosen to Manage the affairs of ye Hamlet wre Lent. Thomas Gardner Ens'n Thomas Stedman Sarg't Benjamin White Josiah Winchester was chosen cleark of sd Hamlet John Druce Counstable Joseph White John Devotion & Joshua Child Survayers of Hyghways npon this 3d day of March 170 J- It was allso Voated that there shold be a pound Erected this present yeare 1701 within this hamlet 1702 At a General Meting of ye Inhabitants of Muddy river March 2d 170§ Lent. Thomas Gardner Sarg't Benjamin White and Sarg't Samuel Aspenwal were then chosen to manage ye Affairs of the Hamlet 89 Josiah Winchester was then chosen cleark Solomon Phips Connstable Joshua Chikl. Thomas Stedman Jun'r & Edward Devotion were chosen Survwayers of the high-wa3'es Ralph Shepard & John Winchester Junior were chosen fence- Viewers 1703. At a meting of the Inhabitants of Mudd3'river March 1st 1702| to chuse Select men and a connstable and other officers &c it was then voted that Lent. Tho. Gardner Benjamin White Senior and Samuel Aspenwall Should be the three Select-men to Manage the afairs of sd place for this present yeare Josiah Winchester chosen dark Daniel Harris William Sharp & Peter Bojlston were chosen Surveighors of High-ways. John Devotion and Thomas Woodward were chosen fence-viewers On the same day it was voted b}' the Inhabitants that a pound should be erected In sd Muddja-iver In such place as the three select men shall appoint Voated also bj' the Inhabitants at the same tim above dated that Mon^-e should be levied on ye Inhabi- tants to defray the charge of building the aforesaid Pound voted that Edward Devotion should be Connstable of Muddyriver for this present 3'eare upon the same day above written Joseph White was chosen T^'thing-man by vote of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver. 1704 At a meting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver March 6th 170f being Legaly warned It was then voted that Leut. Thomas Gard- ner Ens'n Benjamin White & Josiah Winchester should be the three men that should manage the afairs of the Hamlet of Muddy- river for this present yeare Also it was then voted that Josiah Winchester should be dark of ye Records Voted that Joseph White should serve as Tythingman for this present yeare 90 Voted that Daniel Harris William Sharp and Peter Bo3'lsten should serve as Siu'veighrs of IIigh-wa3-es for the Present ^^eare Voted that Samu'l Aspenwal and Samuel Clark should serve as Fence- viewers for this present yeare Voted b}^ the Inhabitants of Muddyriver on this 6th day of March 1 704 that twenty pounds should be llaized b}' tax up the Inhabitants for the support of the School Voted that Ralph Shepard should serve as Counstable for this present yeare 1 704 1705 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Muddyriver on Munday March the fifth 1705 being Legaly warned Voted that Thomas Stedman jun'r should sarve as Counstable for Muddyriver for this present j-eare Voted That Lent. Thomas Gardner John Winchester Sen'r and Josiah Winchester should sarve as Select men to Manage the pub lick afairs of Muddj'river for this present j^eare Voted That John Winchester Jun'r Abraham Chambarlin and John Ackers should sarve as Surveighers of High wa^^es for this present yeare Voted that Benjamin White and John Seaver should serve as fence viewers for this present 3'eare Voted that the select men should proportion the labour of par- sons and teams to repaire the High-wayes Voted that twelve pounds should be levied by tax upon the In- habitants of Mudj-river toward the support of the school and that the other part of the charges for the same should be layed equally upon the heads of the children taught thereat for this present yeare Voted that fort}^ shilings should be levied b}' tax upon the In- habitants for the Repairing the School house 91 [Town of Brookline.] A Coppy of Brookliiis Grant Nov 13. 1705. Anno Regni Anna Regina Quarto At a Great and General Court or Assembly for lier Maj'ys Prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England begun and held at Boston upon Wednesda}- the Thirtieth of May 1705 and con- tinued by several Prorogations unto Wednesday the Twenty Fourth of Octobr following and then mett Tuesday Nov 13. 1705. In Council The Order pass'd b}^ the Representatives upon the Petition of the Inhabitants of Muddj- River a Hamlett of Boston read on Saturday last viz Ordered That the Prayer of the Petition be Granted and the Powers and Priviledges of a Township be given to the Inhabitants of the Land commonly known b}^ the Name of Muddy River The Town to be called Brookline who are hereby enjoined to build a Meeting house and Obtain an Able Orthodox Minister according to the Direction of the Law to be Settled amongst them within the space of Three j'ears next coming Provided That all Common Lands belonging to the Town of Boston l^'ing within the bounds of the said Muddy River not disposed of or Allotted out shall still remain to the proprietors of the sd Lands Which Order being again read was concurred And is consented to J DUDLEY Taken from Mr Addington's Copp}^ sent to the Town A true Copp}^ Examind ^ Isaac Addington Sec'ry Recorded ^ Mr Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clark BrooTdin 1706 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin on Munda}- March 4th 170 1 leagally warned Voted that Peter Bo^dstou should sarve as Counstable for this present yeare 92 Voted that five Select-men be chosen to manage the affairs of this Town. The parsons chosen by vote of 3-e Inhabitants to serve as Select men for this present yeare were Lent. Thomas Gardner Samuel Aspenwall John Winchester Josiah Winchester Mr Samuel Sewal Voted that Josiah Winchester sen'r should serve as Town dark for this yeare instant Voted that 3 met parson be chosen for Assessors for this present yeare Voted that Samuel Aspenwall Joseph Gardner and Rogger Adams should sei've as Assessors for this yeare currant Voted that Daniel Harris and Samuel dark should sarve as Tything-m en Voted that Eleazer Aspinwall Benjamin White juu'r and Robert Harris should serve as surveighers of High wa^-es Voted that John Winchester jun'r & Edward Devotion should servi' as fence viewers Voted that Daniel Harris and Thomas Stedman jun'r should be overseears of the Common-Lauds In Brooklin for this yeare Currant Voted that Nathaniel Holland and William Sharp should serve as Hawards or field-drivers for this yeare At a Town Meeting of ye Inhabitants of Brooklin March 25 1706 leagally warned Voted that John Winchester sen'r should serve as an assessor for this present yeare in the Rome of Rogger Adams who refused to serve Voted that there should be a Burying place in this Town of Brooklin. Voted that the Burying-place should be on a spot of Land on the south side of the Hill in Mr Cottons farm pointing between the two Roads if it can be attaind. At this Meeting of the Inhabitants they were desired to mani- fest their minds concerniug; their Buildino- a Meting -house In 93 Brooklin and setling an Orthodox Minister there which proposal was declined b}' them and left to further consideration Voted that twelve pound be levied by tax upon the Inhabitants of this Town for Repairing the School-House and for the Support of the School for this present yeare. 1706. John Winchester sirCr Samuel Aspenwal and Joseph Gardner being chosen Assessors of the province Tax to be levied on this Town for this present yeare, mad Oath to perform the work, and office of Assessors as the Law Directs adminisr to them by Josiah Winchester, Town dark, on March, 25, 170f 1707. At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin upon March the 3d — I70f. legal}' warned. Voted that Joshua Child should serve in the office of a Coun- stable for this yeare. Voted that Lent. Thomas Gardner. John Winchester seu'r and Samuel Aspinwail should serve as Select men for this present 3'eare. Voted that Josiah Winchester, sen'r should serve as Town dark, who had the oath belonging to that office administred to him by the Select men on this 3 day of march. 1707. Voted That Thomas Woodward, and Edward Devotion Serve in the office of Ty thing-men for ye present yeare. Voted that Timothy Harris, Ralph Shepard and Eleazar Aspin- wail serve as surveighers of High-wayes Voted that Nathaniel Holland and Thomas Gardner, serve as fence-viewers. Voted that John Elis and John Ackers should serve as Hewards or field-drivers for this present yeare. Voted that a Tax of twenty pounds be levied upon the Inhabi- tants for repairing the schol-house and keeping a school for the space of one yeare. At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin on June 7th 1707. 13 94 to chuse a Grand-Juryman. the}' then made choyes of Lent. Thomas Gardner to serve in that office. Nathaniel Holland had the oath belonging to the office of fence- yiewer administred unto him on the 25th day of Jvme 1707, by me Josiah Winchester Town dark. At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin upon Jul}' ye 21 — 1707. Eus'n Benjamin White was chosen b}' vote of sd Inhabi- tants to serve as Select-man. sd Meeting being legal}- warned. upon July ye 21. 1707 Lent. Thomas Gardnar. Eus'n Benjamin White & John Winchester, Sen'r liad the oath appointed b}' Law, to be taken by asessors of ye Province Tax Administred to each of them by me Josiah Winchester town dark. 1707 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin on the 5th da}* of January- 170|. Legaly warned. Voted that John Wincliester sen'r shold serve as Commissioner, and also that Samuel Aspenwal. Joseph Gardnar and Erosamond Drew, shold serve as Trustees, to ioyn with said Commissioner in make ing a valuation of the estate of the afore said Town. Voted that Mr Samuel Sewal serve as Town-Treasurer June 1707 chose Lt Gardner Grand jur}' man. March 1. 170|. At a Town Meeting of the Inhabitants' of Brooklin for Choosing Town Officers. Town Chose Viz 3 Select men. John Windchester. Thomas Stedman and Samuel Sewall jun'r. John Winchester jun'r Constable for the Next Year. April 21-\1Q%. Swore John Winchester jun'r to the Office of Constable as the Law directs. 3 Surveyers. John Ellis. Joseph Adams and Joseph Davis. Sworn. 2 Fence Viewers. Ralph Sheppard. Peter Bo^dston. Sworn as the Law directs. 95 2 Field drivers. Thomas Gardnar junr. Benj'n White jun'r Sworn. Cliose Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clark. Sworn. Voted Twelve pounds to pa}- the Charges of the Town for time past. June 1708 chose Eros Drew Grand jur}' man. March 7. 170|. At a Town Meeting for Choosing Town Officers. Chose Thomas Woodward Constable Dropt him Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clerk. 3 Select men John Winchester, Thomas Stedman and Samuel Sewall jun'r. Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Treasurer. 3 Surveyors. Samuel Clark. Caleb Gardnar and Samuel Newel. 2 Fence Viewers. John Ackers. Josiah Winchester jun'r. 2 Hoggyerds. Edward Devotion. Ebenezer Kindrick John Sever Constable, upon Woodwards refusal sworn same Day. Voted Ten pounds to defray charges past. April 22, 1709 Chose John Winchester. Representative. June 1709. Chose Josiah Winchester Grand jury man. lie sales not legally so not serve but find 40s pr Justices At a Town Meeting. Legally warnd Nov 28 1709. Voted that the Inhabitants have further time to Consider about Building A Meeting House &c And at March meeting to give an Answer. Voted that the Select men take care to the Disposal of the Wood and Timber fallen in the Common Lands hy Fire. For the Benifitt of the Town. At a Town Meeting Legally- warnd March 6. 170j-3- Voted Will'm Morean Constable. Sworn 3 John Winchester Samuel Sewall jun'r Thomas Stedman Select men 96 Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clark and Town Treasurer. 3 Survej'ers Robert Sharp. Caleb Gardner jun'r. Sworn and Samuel Newel — sworn. 2 Fence Viewers. Amos Gates. Edward Devotion. Sworn. 2 Hog3'ards or Field drivers Jhon Winchester James Shedd. At a Town Meeting Legally Warned Maj- 16. 1710 Chose John Winchester Representative. Voted Mr Woods have timber Gratis vallued about 20s. Gott out of Common Swamps ^ Mr Morean Voted Eleven pounds be Levied upon the Inhabitants to de- fray the Town charges. Granted Nine pounds to John Winchester for being Represen- tative for 1709. For 64 Days service abating the 12d over at 3d ^Day. June 1710. Chose Dan'l Harris Grand jurj- man. At a Town Meeting. Legall}^ warned March 5th 17|f Chose Lt. Gardner. John Winchester. Sam'l Aspinwal. Sworn. Thomas Stedman, and Samuel Sewall jun'r Town clerk and Treasurer. Chose Caleb Gardner. Will'm Gleason and Joseph Davis. Sur- ve3'ers. Sworn. Chose Joseph Gardner. John Sever. Fence Viewers Chose Thorn's Gardner Tertius & Caleb Gardner jun'r Hoggj-erds and Field drivers. Swoim. Chose Thomas Woodward Constable Find Chose Benj'm White jun'r Constable Sworn Voted That there be Liberty Granted to Erect Two School houses at there own Charge that improve them. Also that they maintain a good School dame half of the year at each house. That the Town allow the charge for a Master one qr at one School house and the other quarter at the other. To teach, to write and Cypher. Voted Twenty four pounds be Assessed upon the Inhabitants to defray the Town charges. 97 Voted That there be a Post Erected to putt Publishments on &c By Ens Whites corner. Voted John Winchester Eight pounds for his service as Rep- sentative : for 1710. > At a Town Meeting Legally Warned May 14 1711 Chose Josiah AVinchester. Representative. Voted That the Select men with the Representative be a Committee to Speak with the Select men of Boston and Act for the Town about the Common Lands. Agreed with Wm Storj' to keep School 3 Months He beginning January' 7th 17|^. Allowing 5:0:0 for his Services. Agreed with John Winchester jun'r For his man Ed Ruggles to keep School att the New School House 2 Months. He beginning January 23 Wednesday 17|j. Allowing for his Service 4 : : ^ Order of Select men. S SEWALL Jun'r T Clark. Att a Town Meeting Legally Warned March 3 1712 Voted Joseph Adams Constable for the Ensuing Year Voted 3 Select men to manage the Affairs of the Town viz Lt Gardner. Samuel Aspinwall & Sam'l Sewall, as also to Assess &c. The Town. Sworn. Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clark. Sworn Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Treasurer Sworn Voted 3 Surveyers viz. Amos Gates. Josh'a Stedman & Abra- ham Woodward. Sworn Voted Caleb Gardner & Eben Kindrick. Fence Viewers Voted Sam'l Newel. John Ackers. Field drivers. Sworn Voted Select Men to go & to Receive the £7-11-6 which the Select men have Sett out to us as our proportion, according to our Last Town Rate that we paid to Boston Town in 1686. Voted That the Raising of money be deferred till May meeting. Voted That Thomas Woodward be excused from his serving as Constable. He having paid to the Treasurer £4-4- 98 Copp3' of Eeceipt and Record given to Mr Prout. Boston T. Clark. Viz March 3, 17|j-. Broolclin ss Att a Town meeting Le- gally- warned. It was then Voted that the Select men then chose, should receive and demand the part of the money asigned to them hy the Select men of Boston according to the Town Rate in 1686. Being the last Town Rate paid by Brooklin to Boston. The Select men Lt. Gardner Lt. Aspinwal Sam'l Sewall jun'r. Attested p Sam'l Sewall Town Clark. Receipt. We the subscribers two of the Select men have reed of Joseph Prout Treasurer to the Town of Boston £7-1 1-6 being Brooklin*s proportion of (the remainder worn off ) At a Town Meeting Legally Warned May 16. 1712 Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Representative Voted That the Six pounds in the Treasurers hands be for the procuring Ammunition for the Town's Use as the Law Directs and requires Voted That Eighteen pounds be Layed on the Inhabitants For a School and Representative &c. Voted Select men View the Ace's of Brooklin and make a return in March Meeting. Att a Town Meeting in June 1712. Mett and chose Joseph Gardner Grand jur}- man. At a meting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin on Monday March 2d 170|§. Legall}^ warned. Voted that Caleb Gardnar jun'r Should serve in the office of Counstable and was then Sworn to sd office as the Law Directs Voted that Josiah Winchester Sen'r Serve as Town Clark, then Sworn as the Law directs. Voted that Erosamond Drew. Joiiah Winchester sen'r and Thomas Stedman Should Serve as Select men. Voted that Josiah Winchester Sen'r Serve in the office of Town Treasurer. I 99 Voted that Edward Devotion. Samuel White & Joshua Child Serve as Surveighers of High-wa^-es Voted that William Sharp & Wiliam Gleason should serve as Fence-viewers. Sworn. Voted that Henry Winchester & Josiah Winchester serve as Hawarders or field Drivers. Sworn. Voted that ye 3 Select men above-named Sarve as assessors Voted that three men be chosen and appointed to surveigh the limits of this town and to find the center or middle thereof and to inquire where a Convenient Place ma}- be Procured whereon to build a meeting-house ; as neare the center of said Town as ma}' be. Voted that Samuel Aspihwall. John Druce & Peter Bo3'lston be appointed a Committee to Manage the afaire relating to the Meet- ing-house aforesaid. At a meting of the inhabitants of Brooklin regularly assembled, on Maj^ 11. 1713. Josiah Winchester was chosen by the Major part of the Electors then Present to serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or Assembly appointed to be Con- vened Held and kept for her Majest's Service at ye Town house In Boston, upon Wednesday the 27 day of May 1713 Voted Alsso at the meting afore &d that twenty pounds be levied upon the Inhabitants by Rate, tenn pounds there of towards the support of a School in said town and the other ten Pounds to be implo^-ed for defraying other necessary charges of sd Town. May 1713 the oath of an asessor was administred (the remainder worn ofl!") At a Meting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin June 8th 1713. Samuel Clark Sen'r was chosen to serve on the Grand-jury of Inquest. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin. Regulerly assem- bled on December 2d 1713. Mr Caleb Gardner jun'r did offer and tender freely to Give and bequeath raifie and coufirme unto 100 the Town of Brooklin above said, a piece of Land nigli to his dwelling House, Lyeing west ward therefrom on the left hand of the Road way Leading to Roxbuiy. where on to build a Meeting house for the Publick worship of God. Voted that Leut. Thomas Gardnar Lent. Samuel Aspinwall Mr Joseph White. Mr Thomas Stedman & Mr John Sever, be a Com- mite for the sd Town to treate with Mr Caleb Gardnar above sd about the Bounds of sd piece of Land, and to Desire of him a Legal Conveighance and Confirmation thereof to sd Town. Voted that the Meting-House aforesaid should be of the same Demensions with the Meting-House in the South-west part of 'Roxbnry. Voted that Leut. Thomas Gardnar. Leut. Samuel Aspinwall Mr Erosamond Drew. Mr Thomas Stedman & Mr John Sever be a Committee to Manage the Concern or affair of Building the above said Meeting House. Voted That Mr Samuel Sewal jun'r Mr John Winchester Sen'r and Mr Samuel aspinwall. be a Com'ite for the Town to agree with Mr Cotton for a burying Place. Voted That Mr Samuel Sewal & Mr Peter Boylston should Procure a Pall or Burying-Cloth to Cover the Corps, at the Towns Cost, and that Six pounds be added to and Collected with the rate of twenty pound Granted b}' the Town to be Levied on the Inhab- itants in this present yeare 1713. for the defraying the charge of gd Cloth Voted that the Inhabitants in the South part of this Town may erect a School House there, at their own charge. March 1. 17|f Att a Town Meeting. Legallj^ Warned. Voted Josiah Winchester. Moderator Voted William Sharp Constable. Sworn Voted Josiah Winchester Samuel Aspinwal Samuel Sewall Select men & Assessors Sworn 101 Voted Samuel Sewall Town Clark Voted Samuel Sewall Town Treasurer. Voted Jonathan Winchester Henry Winchester Joshua Child juu'r Surve3'ers. Sworn Voted Thom's Gardner jun'r Samuel White Fence Viewers. Sworn. Voted Dudl}' Boylston Isaac Gardner Haj^wards or Field Drivers Sworn. Voted that the Sums of money Raised for the Keeping of Schools at the Three parts of the Town be distributed and pa^'-d to the School which each man shall improve Voted that Ten pounds be Granted for the Keeping those Schools the Ensuing 3'ear. Voted That One Hundred and Fifteen pounds towards the building of a Meeting House, be Levied by way of Rate upon the Inhabitants in the same wa}^ that the Province Tax is. and the defra^-ing all other charges. Voted That the First Half of the Rate of One Hundred & Fif- teen Pounds be Gathered by the Constable or Collector, by the First of June Next and the Other Half by the Last of November next. Voted That it is thought Necessary- that the South westerly- End of the Town have a Wa}' laid out for them b}' the sd Town. May 17. 1714 Att a Town Meeting Legally Warned. Voted. In that upon Deliberation the Inhabitants Declined sending a Representative upon the Acc't of their Building a Meet- ing House and the Great charges thereof for such a Poor Little Town, We the Inhabitants do desire and pray this Hon'd House would Excuse us this 3'ear. Inserted tliis Vote in the Return of the Receipt. Josiah Winchester & Samuel Aspinwall gave me my Oath as Town Treasurer May 17. 1714. Jmie 21 1714 Att a Town Meeting Legally Warned. To 14 102 Choose a Grand jury man. Mett and did then Choose Ed Dev* - tion Grand jury man for the year Ensuing. October 5th 1714 Upon a Warrant to the Constable from tlio Chirk of the Superiour Court, For to choose 4 Jury men. Then did meet and chose Joseph Goddard & Will'm Story Grand jury men and Benj'm White jun'r with Ebenezer Kindrick for the jury of Tryals. For the Court that is to Sitt the First Tuesday in Novemb'r. Nov.hr 29//i 1714 Att a Town Meeting. Legally Warned. To Choose a Representative. The Inhabitants Declined sending one. Desireing still further to be Excused by the Great and General Court. March 21 17|f Att a town meeting. Legally' warned Voted Samuell^ Sewall. Samuell Aspinwall. John Seaver Select men & assessors. Voted Ilenr}' Winchester Constable for the ensuing year Sworn Voted Samuell Sewall Town Treasurer Voted John Seaver Town Clerk Sworn Voted Thomas Woodward, Isaac Child. Isaac Gleason. Survej'- ors. Sworn Voted Samuell Clark & Peter Gardner Jun'r fence viewers Sworn Voted Ebenezer Kindrick Peter Gardner Hawards Sworn Voted Joseph Goddard Leather Sealer. Voted that Thomas Gardner Jun'r have the timber of the old school house Gratis. Josiah Winchester S'n being Chosen assessor and Town Treas- urer refused to serve in said offices. Voted Joseph Goddard. John Druce. John Winchester J'nr to examine accompts of the meeting house Committee Voted Samuel Newel Constable, he paying three pounds money was excused by a vote of the inhabitants at sd meeting. Voted that One hundred and fifteen pounds be Levied b}' way 103 of nite upon the inhabitants Viz one hundred pounds toward the finishing the meeting house and ten pounds to be improved toward tlie Support of the Schools, and five pound to defraj' other neces- sary Charges that may arise in the town, and that the hundred pounds granted toward the finishing the meeting house, be gath- ered by the Constable oV Collector, the one half by the first of June and the other half b}' the first of October next. J]Iay 16 1715 Att a Town meeting Legally Warned Voted that the inhabitants decline sending a representative this year by reason of the charge that will arise upon building ye meet- ing house Voted Josiah Winchester Select man. Assessor and Town Treasurer. Voted that Thomas Stedman. John Winchester jun'r Joseph Goddar & John Druce and Benjamin White Jun'r be a Committee to car}- on the work of the meeting house in order to the finishing of it. Viz that they shall lay the lower floor and gallery floors, fill the walls with brick and laithe & Plaister with lime, to set up all the Windows and glaze them and to make and set up all the Doors, to be performed with convenient speed, and that they shall also Clapboard the house throughout. May 20 1715 Josiah Winchester, Samuel Aspinwall & John vSeaver. Sworn Assessors. Maiy 30 1715 Att a meeting of the inhabitants of Brookline on adjournment. Voted that the Select men shall Procure a deed of the land on which the old Pound stands if it maj- be obtained Voted that the Select men shall Cause the old Pound to be mended. Voted that Josiah Winchester. Samuel Aspinwall and Thomas Stedman ba a Committee to secure to the Town b}- a legal Con- veyance and Deed of Sale of Caleb Gardner the land where je 104 meeting house stands known by the name of the meeting house spott, Containing about a Quarter of an acre which land the said Caleb Gardner did agree to sell to the inhabitants of the Town of Brookline free from an}' incumbrance, for the sum of fifteen Pounds and eighteen shillings. Voted that the Commitee for the meeting house shall glaze the windows with Diamond giase. it was also Agreed upon that the paj'ments of the meeting house rate should be Defered one month longer each Payment. June 10. 1715 Att a meeting of the inhabitants Peter Bo^'l- ston chose Grand jury man June 19. 1715 Josiah Winchester took the oath of Town Treasurer October 31. 1715 Att a Town meeting. Legally Warned that whereas a Demurr being raised among the inhabitants of the Town Concerning the cost and manner of the Dinner that was Provided att the Raising of the meeting House. Voted that they do Allow both of the cost and manner thereof Voted that the meeting house be ceiled above the galleries forthwith. November 21. 1715. Att a meeting of the inhabitants of Brooklyn on adjournm't. Voted that the former meeting house Committes accompt of one Plundred fifty two pounds Seventeen Shillings and eleven pence be Allowed. Voted that the meeting house should be finished with all Con- venient speed, as soon as Workmen and matterials can be Pro- cured. Voted that the present Committe be emploj'ed to finish the meeting house if they se cause to accept the employment. Voted that fift}" pound be raised b}' way of rate in Brookline to Defrey the Charge of finishing the meeting house and to pay the Town's arrears. 105 Voted that there should be Allowed to constable Henry Win- chester thirt}' shillings as a pension for his service this year it be- ing a year of more than ordinary Rattes. Voted that there should be an open way laid out from the south part of Brookline (to wit) from the Koad that leadeth from jamacai to Erossamoud Drews saw mill along by Joshua Childs house to the Countrj' Road that leadeth from Roxbury to Newton through Brookline along b}" Leftena't Thomas Gardners house. March 12 1716 Att a meeting of the inhabitants of Brookline Legally- warned : Chose John Seaver Town clerk. Sworn. Voted Jos i ah Winchester senior. Town Treasurer Voted Samuel Aspinwal. Tho. Stedman k, John Winchester Jun'r Select men. Voted John Ackers Constable for ye ensuing j-ear Sworn Voted Josiali Winchester Jun'r Steven Winchester & Wra Davis Surveyars. Voted Joshua Child & Amariah Winchester fence viewers Voted Joseph Goddard Leather Sealer. Voted Wm Gleason & Amos Gates Ilawards Sworn Voted that the vacant room in the bod}^ of the meeting house below be improved for building and seting up pews thereon. Voted that the vacant room in the meeting house aforesd. whereon to erect pews be disposed of b}" sale to those persons Avho hy a commltte chosen by the vote of the town for that end, shall think meet : and consequently a committe was elected : to wit : Josiah Winchester sen'r Erosaraond Drew. Samuel Aspinwal. John Druce John Winchester Thomas Stedman & Benjamin White Jun'r. March 2G. 1716 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn on Adjournment from march the 12th to march the 26th and then met. Voted the Delinquent Constables: Viz Caleb Gardner and Wm. Sharp Discharged of the penalty they had lain themselves 106 under by their uegglect of making up their accompts in season with the Town Treas'r. Voted Wm Sharp fort}' shillings as a gratuity- of the Town for his service as Constable it being a 3'ear of extraordinar}'^ Charges in ye town. Voted fort}^ pounds to be Levyed by way of rate on the Inhabi- tants to defrey the Charges of the Town and School. Voted that the Town shall keep in repair all tlie Pew Windows that are in the meeting house, or shall be made 3a*, for the con- veniency of the pews, the proprietors of the said Pews, having first made and finsd ym. Voted that under the Galleries in the meeting house be ceiled upon the Tow'u cost. Voted that those persons that are Allowed to be proprietors of the pews, or spaces whereon to erect pews in the meeting house they and their heirs shall have good and Legal right to them for- ever. Provided Nevertheless that if any person who is a proprie- tor of a Pew shall remove out of the Town so that he dwell not in the said Town, or if reduced to such mean circumstances that he or the}' do not neither are able to pay their Proportion to the Publick charge that arises in the Town, in either of these cases afore mentioned any such person or persons shall forfeit their right to their Pew and it shall return again to the Town to be dis- posed of b}^ them to any other person. — Provided that the town pay back again to the Last proprietor so much money as the town received for the spot or space whereon the pew was built and also the cost of building the same. att this meeting on adjournment march 26. 1716 the committe chosen by a vote of the Inhabitants of the town on the 12 of march to dispose of the vacant room in the meeting house and such for pews, the}' accordingly brought in their resolution at the sd meeting on adjourm and declared the same and to whom they had assigned the spotts for pews and they all accepted the same 107 and the sum or price on them laid, except Joseph White and Leiut. The. Gardner, May 8 1716 Att a meeting of the inhabitants of Brooklyn legaly Warned, the inhabitants Decline choosing a Representa- tive. the Town fixed the several schools precincts, to witt from A place knosvn by the name of Caleb Gardners walnut tree at the North end of the town from sd tree to Cambridge line, the center or middle part of the town from sd walnut tree to Newton line in- cluding Joseph Adams. Joseph Goddard & Ilenr}- Winchester : The south end of the Town taking in Samuel Newel and all the other families at the south end. June 27: 1716 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklj-n legaly Avarned Voted that the cost of mr Allins entertainment on the sabbath daj^s be defrayed out of the town Tresury. John Druce Chosen Grand Jury man for this year. September 26 : 1716 Samuel Aspinwall. Thoipas Stedman and John Winchester Jun'r were sworn Assessors. Stpt 28 : 1716 Josiah Winchester Jun'r: was sworn surveyor. December 10th 1716 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned, chose mr James AUin to be our settled minister in sd Town. Voted to give mr Allin 100 pounds gratuity for settlement & 80 pounds Sallary. att the sd meeting the town granted that the North end Inhabitants of sd Town of Brookline should have a more convenient wa}- or road to the meeting house than at present they enjoy : Fihruary 18th 17jf Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Legally warned Chose mr James Allin to be our gospell minister the Town appointed seven men to treat w't mr Allin viz : Lieut. Thomas Gardner. John Winchester Joseph White. Ens. Benj. White. Josiah W^inchester. Capt. Samuel Aspinwall and Erosaman Drew to be a Committe. — 108 Voted to Allow mi* Allin if he accepted of being our settled minister £100 In order to settlement in way of Gratuit}' and £80 Annnall}' by way of sallary. That Whereas the above mentioned Committe or the major part of them having treated w't the said Mr James Allin accord- ingl}' brought in their report to the Town att march meeting next following the above mentioned meeting on February 18th 17-}f viz : that the sd mr James Allin accepted to serve the town of Brooklyn as their Gospel minister or Pastor and also accepted what the town had offered to Allow him for sd service viz : £100 pounds in order to settlement as a gratuity and £80 pounds by way of sallarj' ,p Annum : Except, that the said mr James Allin did request that the sd town would Allow Him some fire wood, upon which request the town granted him. ten cord of fire wood j-arly when he should be settled in said town, which appears b}' a vote of the town at march meeting following. March 18th 17 {f Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- lyn Legally warned Voted Josiah Winchester sen'r Capt. Sam'l Aspinwall. Benj, White Jun'r selectmen. Voted John Seaver Town Clerk sworn Voted mr Edw White Constable who paid the fine of £5-0-0 Voted Robert Harris Constable excused Voted Thomas Cotton Josiah Winchester Jun'r Abr. Chamberlin Survej'ors sworn Voted Isaac Gardner & Samuel Clark Jr fence viewers Voted Joseph Goddard Town Treasurer and Leather Sealer sworn Treasurer Voted Amos Gates & Wm Gleason Hawards Sworn. Voted that mr James Allin have ten cord of firewood yearly and every year so long as he shall be our settled minister or Pastor in sd town of Brooklyn, which sd wood to be convej-ed to his house when he shall have occasion for the same, and att the towns cost. 109 Voted that the overphis of the contribution that now is and the luone}' that the Pew Spotts were sokl for, shall be improved to defrey the Towns Present. Charges Voted that the ministers sallarj' of £80 pounds be raised by au equall and Proportionable Rate Lev^^ed on the Inhabitants. Voted that the overplus or strangers money of the contribution be Delivered into the Town Treasurer for the Towns use. April 30. 1717 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn legaly warned. Chose Josiah Winchester Sen'r Representative — ■ Voted that Erasomond Drew. John Druce. Josiah Winchester sen'r Cenj. White Jun'r Caleb Gardner Sam'l Clark sen'r & Wm Sharp be a committe to procure a burying plac3 for the use of sd town, if it can be obtained : Voted Samuel White Constable who refused to serve. June 24 1717. Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Legal}' warned. Chose John Winchester Jun'r grand jury man. att sd meeting Sam'l White was established constable & sworn. Voted sd Sam'l White £2-0-0 in wa^- of gratuity for his services as cons'l- Josiah Winchester Sen'r- Sam'l Aspinwall & Benjamin White Jun'r Sworn Assessors for this year 1717 7ili October 1717 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklj^n Legall}- Assembled. Voted that 24 pound be drawn out of the publick stock to de- frey the Cluirges of mr Allin's Ordination Voted that fifteen pound be levyed by way of rate upon ye In- habitants to support the schools, which are in ye Town. Voted that the New way laid out between Isaac childs & Thos. Woodwards be repaired & made feizable at the Town's cost. Voted Jolin Winchester Sen'r Thomas Gardner sen'r Joseph White. Capt Aspinwall & Thos. Stedman be a Committe to seat the meeting House : Voted that the 13 day of November be the day for ordination of mr : Allin. 15 110 November 21: 1715 (7)? Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Legall}' Assembled, it was then voted that there should be Laid out an open Highway, from the Road leading from llox- burj' to Erosam Drew's Saw mill a crosse to Sherbourn Road so called, which accordinglj- was effected by the select men viz : Capt. Samuel Aspinwall. Thomas Stedman & John Winchester Jun'r who have agreed with all the proprietors, and the Damage by running sd way through their proprieties has been paid as appears in the Account Book of sd Town of Brooklyn ; The aforesd HighAva}' be- ginning at the Road leading from Roxbur}- to rar Drews saw mill as aforesd near Isaac Childs house on the east of sd house as it is staked out and running Northerly' through Isaac Childs land to the land of Samuel Newel & then turning a little toward the east running through the land of Joseph Dudley Esq'r then turning Northerly and running through or upon part of Joshua Childs Land being part of Bowens farm so called, then entering upon the Land of Thomas Woodward to the Land of Joseph White then turning a little toward the east running to the Land of the Heirs of Jonathan Torrey Late of Brookl3'n alias mud3river Deceased, then running Northerly to the Road or lane known by the name of Woodwards lane to the Road commonly known b}' the name of Sherbourn Road. That whereas at a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookl}^ Le- gally Assembled on the Thirtieth of April 1717 at which meeting a committe was chosen viz. Erosaman Drew John Druce Josiah Winchester sen'r Benj White jun'r Caleb Gardner Samuel Clark sen'r and Wm Sharp to procure a burying place to Inter the dead in. Accordingly brought their report that they had agreed with Samuel Clark Jun'r for half an acre of his land near the meeting house, for eight pounds to be paid b^- the town for sd half Acre of land. Also Agreed with sd Clark that he should have the herbage of sd land provided he maintain the front fence against it, but in case the town se cause to fence the sd burying place intire, sd Ill Clark sliall be quit from an}' charge of fencing about sd land either front or division. March 3 1717-18 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- lyn Legally' Assembled. Chose Josiah Winch'r sen'r md'r. Voted Josiah Winchester sen'r Capt. Samuel Aspinwall Benj'u- White Jun'r Thomns Stedman & John Seaver Select men Voted John Seaver Town Clerk Sworn Voted rar Samuel Sewall Town Treasurer sworn Voted Josiah Winchester Jun'r Constable sworn Voted that twenty pounds be Levyed by way of Rate upon the Inhabitants for mending and repairing all the highways belonging to the town this ^-ear. Voted Captain Aspinwall & Caleb Gardner surve3^ors sworn Voted that the surve^'ors shall receive the twenty pounds grant- ed to repair the highways to be disposed of at their discretion Voted Robert Sharp & Thomas Cotton fence viewers sworn Voted that the select men shall be the Assessors. Voted Thomas Lee Grave Digger. Voted William Davis and Joseph Scott Hawards sworn march 10. 1717-18 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn on Adjournment from march the third to march ye tenth and then mett. Voted to continue the spot of land where the old pound stands to be the place where to Erect a new one. Voted that the select men provide a sufficient pound at the Towns cost. Voted that Lieut. Thomas Gardner be the keeper of the pound Voted that twenty pound be lev3'ed by way of Rate upon ye In- habitants this year for the support of the schools. Voted that John Seaver have one pound and ten shillings of the town for his service as town clerk for three years Last past. Voted twenty pounds to be Levyed by waj' of Rate upon the Inhabitants for defrej'ing the necessary' charges of the Town this year. 112 Voted that Thomas Woodward sen'r have ten shilling paid him by the Town for entertaining Kathn. Ilorton April 29 1718 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Legall}' warned Cliose Lt. Thomas Gardner Representative. The Committe Chosen to dispose of the vacant room in ye meeting honse whereon to Erect Pew's & to valine the same hav- ing concluded that Affair made their return. And b}' order of the select men it is here Entered ip me John Seaver Town Clerk May 1-1718 & is as followethizr To Mr Sam'll Sewall the sd committe ordered that he should have that spott or room next the Pulpit on the west. & vallued it at five pounds, who accepted thereof. To John Winchester sen'r said committe ordered that he should have the next spott or room westerly of mr Sewall's & vall- ued it at four pounds & ten shillings who accepted thereof. To Capt. Sam'll Aspinwall the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room at the westerl}- Corner of the meet- ing house, & vallued it at three pounds and fifteen shillings who accepted thereof To Lt. Thomas Gardner the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room between Capt. Aspinwall's And the westerl^^ Door of the meeting house and vallued it at four pounds & ten shillings who accepted yr of To John Seaver the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room between the westerly Door of the meeting house & the stairs leading to the mens Gallerrie & vallued it at four pounds & five shillings who accepted thereof To John Druce the said Committe ordered that he should haA'e that spott or room on the left hand of the going up the stairs, into the mens Gallery & vallued it at three pounds & ten shillings who accepted thereof. — To Joseph Gardner the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room on the left hand of the coming in at the 113 Soutlierl}' Door of the meeting house & vallued it at three pounds &; ten shillings who accepted thereof To Josiah AVinchester sen'r the sd committe ordered that he should have that spott or room on the right hand of the coming in at the southerl}' Door of the meeting house & vallued it at three pounds & ten shillings who accepted thereof To Thomas Stedman the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room between Josiah's Winchester's & the going up into the women's Galler}^ and vallued it at three pounds and ten shillings who accepted thereof. To William Sharp the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room between the stairs leading up into the women's Gallery & the Easterly Door of the meeting house & vallued it at four pounds and ten shillings who accepted thereof. To Ensign Benjamin White the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room on the right hand of the coming in at the east Door of the meeting house & vallued it at three pounds who accepted thereof To Benjamin White Jun'r the said Committe ordered that he should have that spott or room between Ensign White's and Peter Boylston's & vallued it at four pounds who accepted thereof. To Peter Boylston the said committe ordered that he should have that spot or room at the North corner of the meeting house between Benjamin White's and the minister's Pew^ & vallued it at three pounds and ten shillings who accepted 3'r of The said Committe appointed the minister's pew to be next the Pulpit on the right hand of the going up into the Pulpit on the North August 14. 1718 Josiah Winchester, Samuel Aspinwall, Thos. Stedman. Benj'u White Jun'r & John Seaver were sworn Assessors for Brooklj'n Dec. 29. 1718. the select men or ye major part of them Agreed 114 with Amariah "Winchester to keep the Center School in Brookl3-n three months begining on the sd 29 of Dec. for seven pounds & four shillings. June 1718 Joseph Goddard was chosen Grand Jury man for said 3"ear att a meeting of je inhabitants of 3'e Town of Brooklyn yt was Legally warned on march 2d. 17|f Voted Edward White moderator Voted Joseph Gardner Henner}' Winchester & Leiu. Caleb Gardner Select men for ye. ensuing year & Voted Edward White Town clerk & sworn Voted JO, Select men to be Assessors & sworn Voted Samuell Sewall Constable he refused promised to pay the fine which is five pounds. Voted Robei-t Sharp constable & Sworn Voted Edward White Town Treasurer & Sworn Voted Capt. Samu'U Aspinwall Leiu : Caleb Gardner surve3'ers to work out ye money which was left ye last 3'ear of 20 pounds granted to repair & mend 3'e Highwayes which mone3' is about eight pounds the3' were Sworn Voted John Ackers Addington Gardner fence viewers Voted William Sharp Leather Sealer & Sworn Voted John Ta3'lor Isaac Child Hawards & Sworn Voted Josiah Winchester jun : sealer of weights & measure & sworn Voted the letters of ye Seal for weights & measures be B L. Voted that mr AUin shall have all the Strangers mone3^ deliv- ered into 3'e contribution Box both for 3'e time past & to come Voted that the charge of 3'e provision made to entertain the minister on 3'e fast da3'' some time 3'e last Summer to be paid out of the publick Stock of sd town Voted 15 pounds for 3^e School Voted 15 pounds to defray" other necessary Town charges. 115 The meeting yt was on ye 2d day of marcli in 17-ff was con- tinued until the eleventh da}' of may at 12 of ye clock at noon so 3't the inhabitants of ye Town mought have some time to consider where ye most proper place would be for the v^ay yt was granted to the north end inhabitants on ye 10 da^^ of Decem : in 1716. to be a more convenient way to ^e meeting than they now enjoy to come into Sherbourn Road. The inhabitants General!}- assembled on ye eleventh daj^ of May Voted that the afore sd way granted to the north end inhabi- tants shall run from watertown Road across the Land of mr Thomas Cotton and so across the Land belonging to the children of Caleb Gardner late of Brooklyn into Sherbourn Road near to the Lower end of the new stone wall by an old white oak tree — Ma>/ 11 1719 att a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brooklyn Legall}' warned Voted yt fifteen pounds be raised by yvay of rate upon ye in- habitants to defray necessary Town charges June 1719 Thomas Stedman chose Grand jur}- man att a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brookl^'u Legally warned on march ye 9th 1720 Voted Edward White moderator Voted for a com'tee to Settle ye accoumpt of ye sd Town com'tee Edward White James Grigs Caleb Gardner Voted three Select men viz Joseph Gardner Henry Winchester Caleb Gardner Voted Select men Assessors & Sworn Voted Edward White T Clerk sworn Voted Sam'll Clark constable sworn Voted Edward W^hite To : Treasurer sworn Voted to mend 3'e Highways by working each mans proportion. Voted but two surve^-ers ye one to mend all ye wayes belonging to ye north end till yy come to 3'e negro's ye other to mend all ye rest 118 Voted James Grigs for ye southerly end of sd Town & sworn Voted Thomas Cotton survey er for 3-e north end & sworn Voted Jos Adams & Joshua Stedman fence viewers & sworn Voted Peter Gardner Sam'U White Ilawards sworn Voted j-t Isaac Gardners boj's head 3't was rated through a mistake should be allowed to him Voted no treasurer to be allowed any thing for his service for ye time past this meeting is adjourned till ye 2d monda}- in ma}' att 12 a'clock. upon ye adjournment. Voted mr Goddard 3'e one halfe of what was due to ballance his accoumpt Voted to raise 15 pounds for 3'e use of 3'e School Voted to allow to mr. Josiah Winchester ju 0=9=i9=:upon pep- pers acount Voted not to allow mr Jon. Winchester fort3' pounds for 3'e wa}' acros the land belonging to 3'e Heirs of Caleb Gardner late of Brooklyn. Voted not to allow the one pound four sh : & 9 : yt he desired to be allowed upon 3'e account of Town's poor Voted Sam'll White to (to) be allowed 12sh : Voted to raise thirt3' pounds to defra3^ Town charges Voted a com'iee : to mend the old pound & to make a new one against 3e next 3'ear Cap : Sam'll Aspinwall Sam'll AVhite Isaac Gardner com'tee Voted 3't 3'e Strangers & overplus moue3' yt is brought in by wa3' of contribution shall be brought to ye Town Treasurer for 3-6 Towns use Voted to allow mr Thomas Cotton 20 pounds for a w'a3' a cross his Land for 3'e north end inhabitants to goe to 3e meeting to be an open road for 3'e towns use att a meeting of 3'e inhabitants of 3'e Town of Brookl3'n Legallj'' warned on march 3'e 0th J|f-2 117 Voted to have but three Select men Voted mr. James Grigs mr. Heueiy Winchester Leiu : Caleb Gardner Select men Voted Select men Assessors & Sworn Voted Edward White Town Clerk Sworn Voted Edward White Town Treasurer Sworn Voted Ebenezer Kindrick & Abraham Chamberl3-n tythingmen Voted Abraham Woodward constable Voted mr. Isaac Gardner & mr. Joseph Scot surveyers of High- way's Voted Isaac Child william Davice fence viewers Voted Elhanan AVinchester Leather Sealer Voted Joshua Stedman Addington Gardner Hogreaves Voted cap Aspinwall Dea : Benjamin White. Peter Bojdstone be a com'tee to re view ye Treasurers account & if yy find it just to give him afull discharge and then this meeting adjourned till ye second monday in may at ten of ye clock in ye morning. at a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brooklyn Legally warned on purpose to consider something about ye hogs of sd Town Voted yt ye Hogs should run at large A Record of ye way for ye north end inhabitants As it was Laid out by ye Select men viz : Selectmen James Grigs Henery Winchester Caleb Gardner it begins at wattertown Eoad & so Runs between ye farms of mr. Rouland Cotton & mr. Thomas Cotton all ye way in sd Thomas Cottons Land & so into 3'e Land belonging to ye Heirs of Caleb Gardner late of Brooklj'n ye first marke on ye west side heap of stones & Stake & from yt two rod wide to another heap of stones & stake East ward from yt to a walinut tree on ye east side & from sd tree two rod wide to wards ye west from thence on ye west side an Apple tree & a heap of stones on ye east from thence 16 118 to Sherbourn Eoad to a heap of stones on ye east & a Rock on ye west The inhabitants being meet upon ye adjournment from 3'e 5th of march to the 8th of ma}' Voted the meeting should be adjourned until the fifteenth of may att a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brookl^^n upon an adjourn- ment from the 8th of may to ye fifteenth of may Voted to raise fifteen pounds upon Polls & estates of ye inhabi- tants of Brooklyn for ye use of ye Schools in sd Town for ye year ensuing Voted to Raise fifteen pounds upon Polls & estates of 3'e inhabi- tants of Brooklj^n to defray the Town charges for ye j-ear ensuing Voted yt ye constables 3't have not made up & issued yv ac- counts with ye Town Treasurer by 3'e 15th day of jul}^ shall pay 5Sh. a month for 3-e Town Voted That mr. Jon. Winchester may Seeke his Recompence in the Law for the damage yt an open High way a cross the Land belonging to ye Heirs of Caleb Gardner ju : late of Brookl^-n may be to ye afore sd land Voted to raise three pounds in afore sd manner to be added to two pounds which was allowed last year toward mending ye pound and it being not improved for 3't end to erect & make a new pound Com'tee. chosen to make a new pound Cap : Aspinwal Sam'll White Isaac Gardner at a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brooktyn Legally warned & Assembled on 5th of June in order to Know whether or no 3'e in- habitants were for sending a man to represent sd Town the 3'ear ensuing in ye Great & General court or Assembly Voted to send a Representative at a meeting of ye inhabitants of Brooktyn legally warned & Assembled on monday 3'e 12th of June in 3-6 year 1721. Edward 119 White was legall}' chosen to Represent sd Town in a Great & Gen- eral court or Assemblie to be held at Cambridge for his majesties service. att a meeting of ye inhabitants of ye Town of Brooklyn on mon- da}' the eleventh day of Septembr legally warned Voted to raise sixty seven pounds fourteen Shillings upon Polls & estates of ye inhabitants of Brooklyn to pay for yt way which is to be a more convenient way for je north end inhabitants than yy now enjoy att a meeting of 3'e inhabitants of ye town of Brooklyn on Fry- day 3'e fifteenth day of Septemb'r Legally warned to consult what may be done concerning ye Towns proportion of ye Fiftie thou- sand pounds Likewise to chose trustees to manage ye same Voted to receive yr parte of 3'e fiftie Thousand pounds Voted to let it out to use Voted to let it out att six per cent Voted to chuse but three trustees Voted Edward White ye first trustee Voted Sam'll White 3'e second trustee Voted Robert Sharp 3'e third trustee 1722 att a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Brooklj'n Legall3' warned & Assembled on 3'e 5th da3' march 1722 Voted Edward White moderator Voted to Have but three Select men Voted mr. Henery Winchester first Select man Voted Leiu. Caleb Gardner second Select man Voted vAY. Peter 603-! stone third Select man Voted Select men Assessors Voted Edward White Town Clerk Voted Sam'll Aspinwall Deacon White & Peter Bo3'lston be a committe to audit the treasurer accounts if they find them Right cast & well avouched to give him a full discharge from the same 120 Voted Edward White Town Treasurer & sworn Voted Joslma Child constable he refusing to serve promised to pay the fine Voted Thomas cotton constable he refusing to serve promised to pay the fine. Voted James Grigs constable & he paid his money Voted that it is necessary to erect a new pound Committ'e to Erect the same Robert Sharp Sam'll White Richard Gardner Voted the afore sd committe Get a eonvej^ance of the spot of Ground whereon the pound now stands of Deacon Thomas Gardner Voted Benjamin Gardner & Thomas Aspinwall Hogreaves for ye year ensuing Voted John Woodward & Elhan Winchester fence viewers for the 3"ear ensuing Voted Elhanan Winchester sealer of Leather Voted Sam'll Clark Clerk of the market Voted mr. Isaac Gardner survej^er of High ways for that parte of the Town from the negros to Cambridge line all the Highways conteined in that space of ground Voted Joseph Scot for tlie southerly parte of said Town Voted the consideration of making pews of the hind seat is re- fered to the next town meeting Voted to raise no money this present time but to refer granting of monBy to may meeting Voted Isaac Child constable he refused to serve promised to pay the fine Voted Amariah Winchester constable Voted not to Allow widow Hovey her Rates Voted to adjourn je meeting to the second tuesday of May att two a clock in ye afternoon att a meeting of ye Freeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of Brooklj'n Legally warned to chose a Representative 121 Voted Edward White to serve for & Represent sd town in ye Great & general court ye year ensuing att a meeting upon an adjournment from ye 5th day of march to ye eighth da}- of May Voted Thomas Stedman & Joseph Addams Tything men Voted to excuse Leiu : Gardner from serving as Select man Voted mr. Sam'll White a Select man (in rome of mr. Caleb Gardner) for 3'e j^ear ensuing Voted to Raise twentie five pounds upon Polls & estates of ye inhabitants of ye Town of Brooklyn to defray the charges of ye schools in sd Town for ye year ensuing. Voted to raise five pounds to defray Town charges for ye year ensuing March 4 1723 at a meeting of ye inhabitants of the Town of Brooklyn Legally warned & met Voted Edward White moderator Voted to have but three Select men Voted Henerj' Winchester first Select man Voted Peter Boylston second select man Voted Sam'll White third select man Voted Edward White town clerk Voted Edward White Town Treasurer Voted Cap Sam'll Aspinwall Dea Benjamin White Peter Boyls- ton be a committe to view the Treasurers accoumpts & if they find them right cast & w-ell avouched to give je sd Treasurer a full discharge therefrom Voted Amos Gates constable Voted Sam'll Clark junior survej^er of highways for the north division of ye Town of Brooklyn Voted Joshua child junior surveyer for the Southerly division of sd Town 122 Voted Edward Devotion & Sam '11 Newell tj-tliing men Voted Dudley Boj'lston & Nath'll Woodward Fence viewers Voted Sam'll Clark clerk of the market Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer Voted John Woodward & Nath'll Seaver Hogreavers Voted Select men Assessors Voted the select men to be a committe to Search the records concerning a way to mr. Joseph Goddards land or any other way that may be thought to be benificial for the sd Town & to lay true coppies of the records before the Town att their meeting in may next. Voted to have three School Houses in the Town Voted that there Should be trustees to manage the affairs of the Schools in the sd Town Voted that there should be two trustees to each prescint Voted Edward White John Winchester trustees for 3'e north end Voted Dea : White John Seaver trustees for ye middle Voted James Grigs & Joshua Child trus : for the south end Voted that there shall be three prescints in the sd Town Voted that the north prescint extend so far south as to take in all the land upon watertown road on both sides of the way & to the line to run up the new lane streight over to Roxburj'- line Voted that the southerly prescint extend so far north as to take in mr. Joseph Goddards land & so run between mr. Woodwards & mr. childs land taking in Sam'll Newells land & from thence streight to troublesome swamp bridge from thence streight to Newtown line Voted the middle parte of the Town that is not cut of by any prescint line to be a prescint by theirselves Voted that all the people that live in each prescint both their polls & estates shall pay to the school in the prescint where they live Voted to adjourn the meeting to the thirteenth day of may at three of the clock in the afternoon 123 May 13 1723 at a meeting of the inhabitants of Brookl}-!! Legallj' warned to chuse a Representative Voted Edward White to serve for & Represent ye sd Town in the great & general court the year ensuing. May 13 1723. the Town being met upon the adjournment from march 4 1723 to may 13 1723 whereas complaint being made that Josiah Winchester hath set up Gates a cross a highway in the Town of Brooklyn Voted that Peter Boj-lston Sam'll White & Robert Sharp be a committe to treate with sd Winchester & if he refuse to open the sd wa}' then the committe are to take all proper steps in the law with sd Winchester or any other person in order to la^' the sd wa}'' open Voted to raise thirty pounds upon the Polls & estates of the in- habitants of the Town of Brooklj-n to defrey the charge of the schools in sd Town the year ensuing. Voted to raise tweutie pounds in the sd Town to defrey other necessary- Town charges for je 3 ear ensuing. at a meeting of 3'e inhabitants of Brooklyn on mondaj' the first da^' of march in yo, 3'ear 1723 :* Voted Edward White moderator Voted to have but three Select men for 3'e 3'ear ensuing Voted Hener3' Winchester Select man Voted Peter Bo3dston Select man Voted Sam'll White Select man Voted Edward White Town Clerk sworn Voted Edward White Town Treasurer sworn Voted Joseph Scot constable Voted the Select men to be Assessors sworn Voted Peter Gardner Surveyer of highways for 3'e northward parte of 3'e Town sworn Voted to adjourn the meeting for j'e space of halfe an hour 124 The lown being meet upon ye adjournment Voted Joshua Child survej'er of highways for ye south parte of ye Town Voted Sam'U Newell & John Ackers Tythingmen for ye year ensuing Voted Addington Gardner & Benjamin Winchester fence view- ers for ye yeav ensuing sworn Voted Sam'll Clark ju'r Clerk of 3'e market for ye 3'ear ensuing Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer for ye j^ear ensuing Voted Thomas Woodward jun'r & Thomas Stedman jun'r be Hog reaves for ye year ensuing Voted Select men to view the Town Treasurers accounts & if yy finde them right cast & well vouched to give sd Treasurer a full discharge there from Voted Sam'll Aspinwall & Caleb Gardner to be jo^-ned to ye afore sd committ'e Voted to accept of mr. Joshua Childs offer that is if mr. Joseph Scot doth not move out of Town he will see five pound as a fine for his not serving as constable forth coming to the Town Voted Isaac Gardner constable he paid the fine of five pounds Voted Wim'll Davice constable sworn Voted to Allow wadow Hill ye negro woman two pounds ten shill to be disposed of in cloathing by ye select men Voted to chuse four men to joyn with ye select men & ye seven to be a committ'e to treat with ye Winchester or an}- other persons yt are concerned in ye Highway 3-t is in controversy^ & if yy can agree upon any terms that the}' think are safe honorable & con- venient then ye committ'e have full power & authorit}- to agree with 3'e sd person if yy cannot agree then ye case to go on in the law Voted Deacon White Caleb Gardner Robert Sharpe & Edward White be the four men to joj'n with ye 'selectmen in ye affaire above 125 Voted to adjourn the meeting to ye second munday in May next ensuing at three a clock in ye afternoon att a meeting of ye inhabitants of ye Town of Brooklyn on mon- day the eleventh day of may at one a clock in ye afternoon 1724 Voted Edward White to serve for & represent sd Town in ye great & general court ye year ensuing the Town being mett upon ye adjournment from monda}- march 1 to mondaj^ ma}' ye eleventh «fe then did agree to further adjourn sd meeting to the Wednesday sennit next following at three of ye clock in ye afternoon the town being mett upon ye adjournment from may 11 to may 20th did further adjourn sd meeting to tuesday 20 day of may at three of ye clock in ye afternoon the town being met upon ye adjournment from may 20th to may 26 Voted not to raise any mone}^ this meeting Voted that there should be another comm'tte to examining ye Treasurers accoumpts Voted Dea White John Winchester. Robert Sharpe. Thorn : Cotton John Seaver be the committ's. Voted sd conimitt'e to begin with ye constable that was chosen in 3'e year 1719 Voted Joseph White jun : Hogreave for ye year ensuing Voted to adjourn ye meeting to ye first monday in June the Town being met upon ye adjournment from May 26 to ye fii'st monday in June Voted forty pound out of ye use monej^ to be put in to hands of ye Town Treasurer by ye trustees for ye fiftie Thousand pounds & by him to be paid to ye several persons to whome ye Town owes so far as it will goe Voted thirty pounds to defrey ye remaining parte of ye charge allready arisen in ye sd Town Voted thirty pounds to defrey ye charge of ye schools ye year currant 17 12& Voted twentie pounds to defrey ye town charges ye yeare car- rant march 1 1724-5 at a meeting of ye inhabitants of ye Town of Brooklyn Legally "warned & met Voted Edward White moderator Voted to have but three Select men Voted Henery Winchester first select man he refused Voted John Winchester select man he accepted Voted Caleb Gardner select man he refused Voted Joshua Child Select man he refused Voted E-obert Sharpe Select man he refused Voted Isaac Gardner Select man he accepted Voted Abraham Woodward Select man he refused Voted to adjourn ye meeting for halfe an hour ye Town being met upon ye adjournment Voted Joseph Addams Selectman he refused Voted Peter Boj'lston Select man he refused Voted Sam'll Sewall Select man he refused the question was then put wheather or no ye Town would recon- sider ye vote that pased in je morning to have but three Select- men it passed in ye Affirmative Voted to chose three Select men to joyne with ye Two that have accepted & they five to make ye selectmen for ye year ensuing Voted Henery Winchester & Caleb Gardner & Sam'll White be the three Select men to joyne with ye other two & yy all accepted. Voted Edward White T Clerk Voted Edward White T Treasurer Voted Joshua Stedman Constable he refused promised to pay ye fine as ye law directs Voted Will' am Gleason constable he took ye oath 127 Voted Addington Gardner & Joshua Child survejers of high waj-s Voted Cap Aspinwall Josiah Winchester Tything men Voted T'omas Cotton & T'omas Aspinwall fence viewers Voted Sam'll Clark Clerk of ye market Voted Elhanan [Winchester] leather sealer Voted Thomas Steadman & John Wedge Hogreaves Voted Select men Assessors Voted ye select men & mr. Sewall & cap Aspinwall be a com- mitt'e to audit ye Treasurers accomptts & if yy finde them right cast & well avouched to give sd Treasurer a full discharge from them Voted to Allow Kiudrick 14 shill. for some logs carried to saw mill Voted to adjourn the meeting to ye first tuesda}^ in may at two a clock in ye after noon The Town being met upon ye adjournment from ye first mon- da}^ in march to 3'e first tuesday in ma}^ following Voted leiu. Caleb Gardner to have ye care of ye pound in sd Town Voted not to raise any money untill ye debt & acredit of ye Town be better know Voted to adjourn to ye eighteenth of this instant Ma}^ yt the committee may have time to finde out ye debt & acredit of ye Town The Town being upon ye adjournment from ye first Tuesday of may to the eighteenth day of sd month The com'tte reported as followeth viz that the Town had 4r=:2=8 acredit Voted to accept of ye report of ye com'tte Voted to raise thirty pounds to defreay ye charges of ye Schools in sd Town ye 3'ear currant 128 Voted twentie pounds to defreaj' ye charges of je Town ye ye currant At a Town Meeting Legally Warned of the Inhabitants of Brooklin. March 1th 17f|. Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Moderator. Voted Capt John Winchester Mr Robert Sharp Mr James Griggs Select men. Voted The three Select men to be Assessors. Sworn. Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clerk. Sworn. Voted Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Treasurer Voted Robart Harris Constable Refuses to serve Voted Addington Gardner Constable sworn. Voted Dudley Boylston & Benj'n Gardner Fence viewers sworn Voted Ebenezer Kindrick & Abraham Chamber lin Surveyors, sworn Voted John Goddard & John Seaver jun'r Hogreaves & field drivers. Refuse to serve Voted Elhanan Winchester Sealer of Leather Sworn. Voted Capt. Samuel Aspinwall & mr Josiah Winchester Tith- ing men. Voted Capt Samuel Aspinwall & Lt Caleb Gardner to joj'U with the Select men to view the Treasm'ers accounts & to give him a discharge as far as they find it right cast & well avouched. Voted The Select men to Gett the Deeds Granted to the Town by Josiah Winchester & his son Josiah Winchester jun'r con- firmed Acknowledged & Recorded according to Law. Voted The abatement of James Goddards Ministers Tax in Constable Amariah Winchesters Rate Granted Voted That the further consideration about the schools be re- ferred to may meeting. Adjourned the Meeting to the first Tuesday in may Next At one of the Clock in the Afternoon. 129 May M 1726 At a Town Meeting Legally Warned to Choose a Representative. The Town being mett the}' Chose Mr Edward White to serve them. May 3d 1726 The Inhabitants being mett upon their Adjournment Voted John Goddard not to be excused but to pay his Fine Voted John Seaver jun'r Excused from serving Voted Christopher Dj'er & William Woodward Hogreaves in the room of them Two above. Sworn. Adjourned the Meeting for an Hour & then mett The Selectmen find the Town in Debt £9-16-0 Voted Thirty pounds for Town Charges & Thirty pounds for the schools To be Levied upon Poles & Estates. June 1726 Joseph Adams Chose Grand jury man Brooklin Nov'br 16th 1726. At a Town Meeting Legally warned. To give there voice & vote whether they are for dividing the Count}^ of Suflblk yea or No. The Inhabitants being mett they chose Samuel Sewall Moder- ator ^ lifting up of their hands. It being proposed to them They Voted for the Division of the County b}' a great Majority. At a town meeting legally Warned, the inhabitants met march 6 1724 Voted Samuel Sewall Squ. chose moderator Voted Mr Benjamin White ") Selectmen Voted Mr Robart Sharp I Assessors Voted Mr Caleb Gardner { Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clark sworn Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer sworn Voted Thomas Woodward jun Constabel find £ 5 130 Voted Mr Isaac Gardner Mr William Gleason fence viewrs Voted Mr Edward Devotion Chose constabel and the Town by a hand vote excused him Voted Dudly Bo3'lston Constabel sworn Voted Samuel Newel servajer for the south part of the town Voted Amariah Winchester for the rest of the town } sworn Voted Thomas Lee and John Ellis field drivers sworn Voted Elhanan Winchester A sealer of leather Voted Thomas Woodward and Edward Devotion tithing men Voted John Winchester Peter Boylston Henry Winchester Samuel White Thomas Cotton Chose a committy to view the treasurers accounts and if thea find them rite cast aud well avouched to give him a discharge Voted Samuel Clark jun'r Clark of the market Voted this meating ajourned to the first tuesday in may at three in the afternoon may 2 1727 At A Town meating Legally warned the inhaby- tance met Voted Samuel AVhite Chose Representative for this year may 2 1727 the town being met upon ajournment from march to may second Voted whether the Town would build another school in the senter of the Town it passed to the neg Voted the select men with others to be a committy to prepare and lay before the Town at the next meating what had best to be done about the schools as to the number and places Voted Cap John Winchester Mr Edward White M Henry Win- chester Mr. Abraham Woodward to be added to the select men to a committy to bring the schools into some good method Voted that committy view the high waj' in convenshon and make there report to the town at the next meeting Voted that cap Samuel Aspenwall and Mr. Thomas Stedmau to be added to them 131 Voted this meating ajournd to the sixteenth of this innstant maj' at won of the clock in the afternoon. Brook At an Ajonment from may the second to may sixteenth the Inhabytance assembled the inhabitance being met there pased the following vots Voted that thare be but two schools Voted to measure the Town from Jeams Gridgses to John El- lises and find out the proper distances between the school houses Voted John Winchester Jeams Gridgs Isaac Child Samuel Clerk Samuell Sewell Esq be a committe to measure the Town and to stake the places Whare the vSchool houses are to be set. Voted Henrj- "Winchester Thomas Cotton Abraham Woodward be A committe to Erect the two school houses Voted to drane out nionny out (out) of the treasurry as thea shall want by the ordor of the select men to defray' the charges of building the schools Voted two schoolmasters one at each school four months a dame for each school for eight months Voted fourt}' pounds to be raisd upon pols and estates to de- fray the schools charges in the Town this year Voted the select men be directed to settle the highway contro- vercj' by Isaac Child and ordor the dark to make a faire record of it We the said committ}' that ware appojmted to measure the town find it five mils and twentj' eaight Rods from Jeams Gridgsis to John Ellises then we measured back one mile and a quarter and seven rod for the north school house which is some waj- in the new land be^^ond Waterton road the other school house to be about a rod and a half in the new lane between Isaack Childis and Samuel Newels BrooMyn June 27 1727 At A Town Meeting Leagally Warned the Inhabytance met Mr Josiah Winchester moderateter 132 Voted the Town Reconsidered the vote that was pased upon may sixteenth about the school houses Voted the school houses to stand and to put masters and Mis- treses in them Brooklyn October 20 1727 At A Town Meeting Leagally Warned the Inhabytance meet Voted that the select men with Mr Edward White and Mr Joshua Child joj^nd with them be A committy to carry on a law sute with some of the Inhabytance of the south part of the Town Voted to dray out monny out of the treasury to cary on that afaire BrooMyn March 4 1728 At A Town Meeting Leagally Warned the Inhabytanta meet and past the following votes Samuel White Moderator Voted Benjamin Gardner Constable Refuse to serve find Voted Thomas Stedman Constable Refuse to serve find Voted John Goddard Constable Refuse to serve find Voted John Woodward Constable Refuse to serve find Voted Nathaniel Seaver Constable Sworn Voted Dea Benjamin White Cap Caleb Gardner Left Robert Sharpe Select men and Assessors Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer sworn Voted Edward White Isaac Gardner Isaac Child Sarvayers of highways sworn Voted Thomas Asspenwall John Ellis fence viewers sworn Voted Benjamin Boylston John Winchester field drivers or Hoog yards sworn Voted Elhanan Winchester leather sealer Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Edward Devotion Thomas Woodward Tithingmen 133 Voted Dekon White Mr. Edward White, cap Gardner Mr. Jeams Gridgs Mr. Henry Winchester A committy to seat the Meetinghouse Voted Edward White Isaac Gardner Thomas Cotton be A com- mitt}^ to overlook the Treasurers accounts Ajn-il 8 1728 At A Town Meeting Leagally Warned the In- habytants of Brookl^-n mett Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted Whether thare be three schools in the Town it past in the negative Voted Whether thare be two schools in the Town it passed in the negative Voted Whether thar be one School in the Town it past in the AflSrmative Voted the Schoolhouse to stand as near the senter as there can a spot of land obtain for it Voted thare be A committy Chose to measure the Town and stake the Schoolhouse Whare it should stand according to the vote of the Town Voted Mr. Edward White Mr. John Winchester Mr. peter Bojds- ton Mr. James Gridgs Mr. Josua Child be a committj^ With A sur- vair to measure the Town and find the senter as near as may be Voted this Meeting be A Journd to the second tuesday of may at two a clock in the after noon from the A Journment from may the second to may foux'teenth the Inhab3'tants of Brook met and past the following vottes Voted that John Goddard John Woodward Thomas Stedman excused by the Town from paying thare fines for not serving as constables this 3'ear Voted that the Town make an act that gees shall not go upon the high Wa^'s in the Town Voted Mr. Edward White Cap Gard Mr. Thomas Cotton be of this committy to make this act 18 134 Voted to Except of our part of the Sixty thousand pound Voted Mr. Peter Boylston Josua Child Isaac Gardner be the Trustees to take care of the same Voted that the said Trustees let out not above twenty five pounds to any man nor under ten pounds to any man Voted this meting be A Jornd til the twentyeth of this instant may at three A clock in the Afternoon Voted the meeting that was Appointed the fourteenth of may be A Jornd til the twentieth of may at three of the clock in the Afternoon upon A Journment from May the fourteenth to may the twen- tyeth the Inhabytants met and past the following votes Voted to Except of the spot of Land that Mr. Peter Boylston offers to the Town to set the school house upon Voted to give mr. Peter Bojdston the price that he asks to that spot of Land to erict a schoolhouse upon which is twenty pounds Voted the select men to procure a deed of the spot chose for the school house to stand upon of Mr. boylston Voted Cap Gardner Mr. Isaac Gardner Samuel White be A com- mitty to build the school house Voted said schoolhouse be twenty four foot in length one and twenty foot in breadth seven foot betwen Joynts Voted the schoolhouse to be built by the first of October Voted to Rase one hundred ten pounds to defray the charges of the Town for this year forty pounds thereof for the school Voted this meeting be dismist November 25 1728 At A Town meeting leagally in Brooklyn the Inhabytants past theas following vottes. Voted to Reconcider the Vote that was pased the twentj^eth of may last to have but one Schoolhouse in said Town Voted to have two schoolhouses in said Town Voted one to stand in the new lane between Mr. Allins and and 135 watertown road beyond the bridge as near the bridge as thare can be A spot of land for it Voted the other to stand half way between Christophers Dier's and the corner of the lane near Thomas Woodwards in the Land of Samuel Whites Voted Edward White Caleb Gardner Robart Sharp be A com- mitty to Erict the north school Voted Abraham Woodward Thomas Stedman and Isaac Child be A committy to Erict the south school Voted this meeting be dismist March 3 1729 At A Town Meeting Leagalely Warned the In- habytants meet and past these following votes Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted Benj White Caleb Gard and Robert Sharp Select men and Assessors Sworn Voted Thomas Aspenwall constable sworn Voted Samuel White Town clerk sworn Voted Samuel White Town Tresurer Voted Robeart sharp Isaac Gard William Davis survairs of of high waj-s Voted Caleb Gard William Gleason fence ve3'ers sworn Voted Thomas Woodward and Edward Devotion tithingmen Voted Elhanan Winchester and Caleb Howe field drivers Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather sealer Voted Samuel Clark A sealer of Waits and Measuers Voted Thomas Cotton and Joshua Child and Ameriah Winches- ter to Loock over the Treasurers Accounts Veted Sam'll Aspenwall Excused from paying pool money for the year past Voted thare be A mistris in each school house fore months Voted Edward White fence viewer for the Insuing year Voted this Meeting be dismist 136 At A Town Meeting upon the twentieth of May 1 729 the Town pased these following votes Voted Samuel White Representative for this year Voted to rais thirty pounds of money to be raised upon pols and estates Voted the select men to dispose of the timber that was for the new schoolhouse to the best Advantage Voted to Excuse Robert "Woodward Fetter Allard Pheby Wilbar William Easson paj^ing there rates to Cons Gardner Voted this Meeting be dismist March 2 1730 At A Town Meeting leagerlly Warned the In- habytants meet Voted Samuel White moderator Voted Mr. Benja White Mr. Caleb Gardner Mr. Thomas Cotton Select Men Assessors sworn Voted Elhanon Winchester Cons paid his money Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and treasurer sworn Voted Thomas Stedman Constable and Sworn Voted Joseph White and William Davis and Samuel Craft servairs of high Ways Voted Samuel Clark and Benjamin Gardner fence vewers Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Markit Voted Abraham Chamberling Ebenezer Kindrick hawards Voted Elhanon Winchester Sealer of Leather Voted Edward Devotion Thomas Woodward tithingmen Voted to Keep school ten months this year five months with two Mistresses one in each school, and five months with A master ten weeks in each school Voted that Abraham Woodward Elhanon Winchester and Wil- liam Gleason be A comitty to provide A schoolmaster and school mistreses for the present year may 11 1730 At a Town Meeting Leagually warned they 137 meet and Voted to rase forty pounds upon pools and Estates to defray the charges of the schools for this year At A Town meeting in Brooklyn June first 1730 Toted Samuel White Representative for this year Voted to Improve the Remander of the youse money coming to the Town from the fifty thousand pound lone for the youse of the Town BrooUy March 1 173^ At A town Meeting Leagually Asembled Voted Cap Caleb Gardner Moderator Voted Dea Benja White Cap Caleb Gardner Mr. Abraham Wood- ward Select Men and Assessors Sworn Voted John Goddard Constable Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer Voted Abraham Chamberling Edward Devotion tithingmen Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Markit Voted Elhanon Winchester A sealer of Leather Voted Timothj' Harris and Caleb Winchester Howards sworn Voted Samuel Craft and John Ellis jun fence youers sworn Voted Benja Gard Thomas Aspenwall Survaiors sworn Voted Cap John Winchester Deakon Cotton Isaac Gardner to view the Treasurrers Accompts Brooklyn May 11 1731 At A Town Meeting Leaguall Warned and Mett Voted Mr. Benja White Representative for the Insuing year Voted Cap John Winchester Moderator Voted that thare be rassed Thirty pounds upon pools and Estats for the Towns use for the lusuing 3'ear Voted Mr. Elhanon Winchester Select Man and sessor sworn Voted Mr. John Goddard to draw out of the Treasurery the sum 138 of Nine pounds to purcliise a more conveanant way to meeting and other conveanances Voted that their be Raised forty pounds upon pools and Estates for the Reve. Mr. Allin for this present year. March 6 173^ At A town Meeting of the Town of Brooklyn the following vots were past. Voted Cap Edward White Moderator Voted Dea Benja White Mr. Robart Sharp Mr. Elhanon Win- chester Select Men and Assessors Voted Samuel White Town Clerk sworn Voted John Woodward Constable Refused to Except Voted Samuel Craft Constable Refused to Except paid his fine Voted Thomas Lee Constable Refused to Except Voted Joseph White Constable Sworn Voted Samuel White T Treasurer gave bonds sworn Voted Thomas Aspenwall Benjamin Gardner Sam'll Newel surveyers of highways Newel sworn Voted Henry Winchester Isaac Child Tythingmen Voted John Winchester jun John Seaver fenceviewers Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Elhanon Winchester leather sealer sworn Voted Christopher Dier Danniel Harris Hawards or field drivers Voted Isaac Gardner William Davis. William Gleason A com- mitte to Examing the treasurers Accompts and Lay before the Town the Estate of the Treasurry at next may meeting Voted to Abate James Davis his Rates for the year past Voted this meeting be A Journed to the Eight of next may at two Aclock in the Afternoon May 8 1732 At a Town meeting of the Inhabj-tants of Brookh-n Voted Cap Edward White Moderator 139 Voted to raise thirty pounds upon pols and Estates for defray- ing Town charges for the Insuing year May 22 1732 At A Town Meeting Legally Warned the Inhabi- tants of Brookly Assembled and passed the following votes Voted Mr. Robert Sharp Moderator Voted John Winchester jun and Benjamin Boylston fence viewers Voted not to build Another Schoolhouse Voted the school houses stand as the}' now doe Voted there be A master to Keep school four months in said school houses this year Voted there be no Mistres this j-ear Voted To Give the Reverand Mr, James Allin forty pounds over and above his Stated psallery for the present year Att a Town Meeting of the inhabytants of Brooklyn Septem- ber the 27 1732 the inhabytants passed the following votes Voted Samuel White moderator Voted to Raise fifteen pounds upon pools and Estates upon the Inhabytants to defray the charge of the Schools for the year currant March 5 1733 Att A Town Meeting Leagaully Warned the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Assembled and passed the following rotes viz : Voted Samuel White Moderator of said Meeting Voted Cap Edward White Cap John Winchester Mr. Isaac Gard- ner Mr. Samuel Clark Mr. Joshua Child Select Men and Asses- sors and Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer Voted John Ellis Constable he refuseth to serve and will pay 140 his money and Joseph White Excepting to be Cons for six pounds and also Sworn Voted Mr. John Druce Mr. William Davis tythingmen Voted Mr. Thomas Aspenwall Surveaire of high ways for the north end of the Town sworn Voted Mr. Ammeriah Winchester and mr. Abraham Woodward Surveairs for the middle and south end of the Town sworn Voted Mr. Solomon Hill and Thomas Corbet Hogreaves Sworn Voted Mr. Nathaniel Seaver and Mr. Benjamin Boylston fence veiors Voted Mr. Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Mr. Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer Voted Mr. Cotton Mr. Woodward Mr. Gleason A commete to view the Treasurers A compts and make report to the Town at may Meeting Voted this Meeting be dismist May 16 1733 At A Town Meeting in Brooklyn the Town voted the following votes Voted to Rais forty pounds upon Pools and Estates to Defray Schools and Other Charges Voted to Rais forty pounds upon pools and Estates for Mr. Allin for this year over and A bove what the Town allows yearl}^ Voted to Acquit Cons Boylston from Allards Chamberliugs and Sauigses Rates, then this Meeting dismist At A Town Meeting in Brbokly August Eight 1733 Samuel White Moderator voted Whither it be the mind of the Town to Joyn with the Country Towns of this County to be made into A seperate County from Boston it passed in the Affirmative. At A Town Meeting in Brooklyn March the fourth 173| Voted Samuel White Moderator of sd Meetting 141 Voted Cap Sharp Samuel White Mr Abraham Woodward the Select Men Assessors Sworn Voted Benjamin Bo^'lston Constable Refuseth to serve in sd office Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Treasurer Voted Cap White Surveair of high ways for the North end of sd town Voted Henr}' Winchester Surveyors of high ways Refuseth to serve Voted Elhanan Winchester Surve3'or of high waj^s for the Mid- dle part of the town Voted William Davis Surve3'or of high ways for the South part of sd town Votel James Gridgs and Samuel Clark Tithingmen Voted Ebenezer Kindrick and Caleb Hovey hogreaves and sworn Voted Elhanan Winchester leather sealer Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Dea'n Cotton William Gleason Isaac Child to Over Look the Treasurers Accounts and the former trustees Accounts and make Report at may Meeting to the Town Voted Timothy Harris Constable Voted to Rais ten pounds upon Pools and Estates to procure powder and Ammunition Voted this meeting to be AJoyrnd to the Second munday of this Instant march at two of the Clock in the afternoon At a Town Meeting in Brookly upon an AJoyrnment from March the fourth to March the Eleventh the Inhabitants Meet Voted Timothy Harris Constable Voted William Davis Surveyor of high Ways then this meeting AJoyrnd until Monda}' the Eighteenth of this instant Month at five of the clock in the afternoon and then meet 19 142 Voted John Harris Cons who refiiseth to Serve in sd office paid his fine Voted Josiah Brown Constable for the Ensuing year Sworn At a Town Meeting May 17 1734 Samuel White Moderator Voted to Send no Kepresentative this year Voted to Give Mr. Allin forty pounds Over and Above his P Sallery for this present year Voted to Rais Sixt}^ pounds to Defray Town Charges for this 3-ear Voted to Abate Joseph Gardner Abraham Chamberlings and Josua Stedman Widow Corbitts Rates for Last year 1733 and sd Cham two years past Voted to Choose A commity to seat the Meeting house five in sd commity Voted Dea White Dea Cotton Cap White Cap Sharp Cap Win- chester Voted for the hogs to go at large in sd town this present year Voted this Meeting to be AJournd with out Day At A Town Meeting in Brooklyn March 3 1735 Samuel White Moderator Voted to Chuse three Select Men Voted Samuel White Cap Robert Sharp Mr. Abraham Wood- ward Select Men and Assessors sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted Josiah Brown Constable for the Ensuing year sworn Voted Isaac Gardner William Gleason fence Veyers sworn Voted Joseph Winchester Moses White Hogreaves Voted Edward Devotion Ebenezer Kindrick Tithingmen Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted William Gleason Sui'veyer of hemp and flax 143 Voted Daniel Harris Constable who refuseth to serve Voted Benjamin White Jun Constable who refuseth to serve Voted Dea Thomas Cotton Isaac Gardner William Gleason to view the Treasurers Accompts and bring in the debt and creadit of the Town at Ma^^ meeting then this Meeting ajournd with out day Ifay 19 1735 At a Town Meeting in Brooklyn Voted to Give Mr. Allin forty pounds . Voted to Rais sixty pounds to Defray the charge of the Town upon pols and Estats this present year At A Town INIeeting in Brooklyn INIay 25 1735 Voted Samuel White Representative Voted to Let the hogs go at Large this year Voted Caleb Hovey and Christopher Dyer hogreaves the j-ear currant sworn Brooldy7i March 1 173| At a Town Meeting- Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted to Chouse three Select Men Voted Mr. John Seaver Cap John Winchester Mr; Isaac Gardner Select ]\Ien refuse to serve Voted Mr. Sam'll Clark Cap White Samuel White Mr. Henry Winchester Select men Voted Samuel White Cap Edward White Cap Robert Sharp Assessors Voted John Seaver jun Constable Refused to serve Voted this Meeting be Ajournd till wedenesda^^ next at one of the clock afternoon March 3 173| the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Meet upon aJournment 144 Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer Voted Mr. William Gleason Mr. Nathaniel Seaver Mr. Joshua Child Surveirs of high Wais Sworn Voted Mr. Benjamin Gardner Mr. Joseph White I'enceviewers Sworn Voted Daniel Harris constable Voted Mr. Samuel Craft Mr. John Harris Hogreves Sworn Voted Mr. Joseph Adams Mr. John Acars Tithing Men Voted Mr. William Gleason Surveir of Hemj) and flax Sworn Voted Mr. Elhanan Winchester A sealer of Leather Voted Mr. Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted to Give Abraham forty Shillings for serving as Jury Man Voted Mr Joshua Child mr. Thomas Aspenwall Mr. John Gordon A commity to Over Look the Treasurers Accomps and bring in the Debt and Credit of the Town at may Meeting next Voted this March Meetting AJourned without day At A Town Meetting May 11 1736 Samuel White Representative for the Ensuing year Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted to give Mr. Allin forty pounds this 3'ear over and above His settled yearly Psallery Voted to Raise sixty pounds upon pools and Estats to Defray the nesessary charge that maj' arise in the Town for the present year At A Town meeting in Brooklyn 27 of Novem 1736 Voted that the Town would do nothing to wards maintaining of John Ellis because it was thought more proper for His relations to take cair of him at present Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day 145 Brooklyn March 7 173f- At A Town Meeting Leagally Warned the Inhabitants meet Voted Samnel White Moderator Voted to Chouse three Select Men Mr. John Seaver Mr. Isaac Gardner Cap John Winchester Select Men Assessors Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town treasurer Sworn Voted John Seaver juii Constable who refused to serve Voted Nathaniel Stednian Constable who refuseth to serve Voted William Gleason Constable Sworn Voted Samuel Craft Samuel Newell John Woodward Surveirs of high wais Voted Thomas Woodward Benjamin White juu fenceviewers for this 3'ear sworn Voted Joshua Stedman Ebenezer Kindrick Hogreives Voted Edward Devotion Ebenezer Sargent tithingmen Voted William Gleason Surveir of Hemp and flax Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Elhanan Winchester Sealer of Leather Voted the Select Men A commity to Loock out for A woodlot for the benifit of the Town and know the price there of and make Report to the Town as sone as may be Voted Elhanan Winchester Samuel Clark Joseph White A Commity to Look over the treasurers accounts and bring in the Debt and Creadit of the Town at May Meeting Next Brooklyn May IG 1737 at a town meeting in Brooklyn Voted Samuel White Representative Voted to Give Mr. Alliu forty pounds this year more than his settled psalary Voted to Rais seventy pounds to defray the charges of the Town this year Voted that the Town take porsession of the forfited pewes namely Mr. Joseph Gardners Mr. Peter Boylstons 146 Voted to cut up the four liinds seats below two of the mens seats and two of the Womans seats in order to make pewes Voted to Chouse a committy to order the Afair concerning the pews and think of sutable persons to have the same Voted Mr. Henry Winchester Dea White Cap White Mr. Abra- ham Woodward Mr. Benjamin Gardner Cap Winchester Mr. Joshua Child be A commity for that porpus and make report to the Town of there doings thearin Voted to allow the hogs in sd Town to go at large this present year Voted this Town Meetting be Ajourned to the first Munday in June next at four of the clock in the after noon At A Town Meetting upon the sixth of June upon ajourn- ment from the sixteenth of May Last A committy being Chose to Regelate the pews that are forfited sd comitty agreed not upon &nj Report the town proseded and Chose a new Committy Voted Deaken White Cap Whinchester Mr. John Seaver Mr. Joseph Adams Mr. William Gleason to be A committy to Order the pewes and spots to Erect the pewes upon to such persons as they think proper and to set the price there on and make Report thereof to the Town for there Exceptance or Refuseall upon Mun- day the thirteenth day of this instant June Voted this Meeting be AJourned to the thirteenth day of June at five of the clock in the after noon Brooklyn June 13 1737 the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Meet Ac- cording to there AJournment from the sixth of June to the thirteenth day of sd month : the Above sd Committy made Re- port Concerning the deserted pews and the Other Spots in the meetting house to Erict pews upon is as followeth Viz Justice Samuel White he and His Heirs for Ever shall have the deserted pew formerly Joseph Gardners sd White paying into the Town Treasury twenty pounds for the same 147 That Doc Zabdial Boylston have the Deserted pew that was his Brother Peter Boylstons to him and his Heirs for Ever he paying into the Town Treasury twenty two pounds that Henry Winchester he and His Heirs for Ever shall have that half of the spott on Which the Womans to hindmost seats are Ericted upon : in the body of the meetting house next the Alley Going to the pulpit the broad alley sd Winchester paying into the Town Treasury for the same thirteen pounds that Abra- ham Woodward he and his Heirs for Ever shall have the Other half of sd Spot where the two hind most seats stand in the Womans half he paying to the Town Treasurer ten pounds. that Samuel Clark he and His Heirs for Ever shall have half of the Spott on Which the two hinds seats of the Mens Seats are Erected Next the broad alley leading to the pulpit sd Clark paying into the Town Treasury the sum of thirteen pounds for the same That John Goddard he and His Heirs for Ever shall have that half spott of the mens two hinds seat next the stairs leading up Galery sd Goddard paying in to the Town Treasury ten pounds BENJ WHITE JOHN WINCH [ESTER] Committy JOHN SEAVER JOSEPH ADAMS WILLIAM GLEASON The Town Taking the above sd Committys Report into Consid- eration and passed the following Votes. it was put to the Town by the Moderator of sd meetting Whether the pew that Was formerly Peter Boylstons Should remain in the hands of sd Town to be Disposed of as the Town may hear after see cause it pased in the affirmative it Was put to the Town by the moderator Whether Mr. Henry Winchester should have that spott or Room in the Meetting house to Erect a pew upon according to the Report of the above sd Commity it passed in the Affermative 148 it Was put to the Town by the Moderator Whether Mr. Abra- ham Woodward should have that spott or room in the meetting house to Erect a pew upon according to the report of committy it passed in the Aflfermitive it Was put to the Town b}^ the moderator Whether Mr. Samuel Clark Should have that Spott or room in the meeting house to Erect a pew upon according to the report of the commity it passed in the Affermitive it Was put to the Town by the Moderator Whether Mr. John Goddard should have that spott or Room in the Meetting house to Erect a pew upon according to the Report of the Commity it passed in the Affermitive it Was put to the Town by Cap Winchester one of the Select Men Whether Samuel White should have that pew that was former- ly Mr. Joseph Gardners according to the report of Commity it passed in the Affermitive it Was also Voted b}- the Town that these severall pewes or Spotts to Erect pews upon should be under the same regulation that the former pews ware in our sd Meetting house Viz that if anv of the sd persons or proprietors of sd spots or pews Remove out of Town so that the}" Dwell not in sd Town or are reduced to such mean surcomstances that they are not able to pay there rates or tax in sd Town in Either of these Cases there pew or pews shall Return to the Town again the Town paying to sd proprietors so much money as the spots and pews cost them : Samuel White Town Clerk Voted to Abate Cons Brown forty shillings of the rats commited to sd Brown to collect 2 At A Town Meetting in Brooklyn March Sixth 173 J Voted Samuel White Moderator of sd Meetting Voted to Choose five Select Men Cap Robert Sharp Mr. Wil- liam Gleason Mr. Benjamin Gardner Mr. Thomas Aspenwall Mr. Nathaniel Seaver Select Men 149 Voted Cap Sharp Benj Gard Thomas Aspenwall Assessors Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted Edward Devotion Samuel Newell Tithing men Voted Nehemiah Davis Constable sworn Voted Daniel Harris and Timothy Hai*ris fenceveiers Voted Solomon Gardner and Nathaniel Gardner Hogreaves Sworn Voted William Gleason Surveir of Hemp and flax Sworn Voted Abraham Woodward Joseph Adams John Ellis Sur- vairs of High wais Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather sealer Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Dea Cotton Joshua Child Abraham Woodward Com- mity to Look over the Treasurers accounts and make Report there of at may meeting Voted this Meetting to be Dismissed At A Town Meeting in Brooklyn May 15 1738 Voted to Rais Eighty pounds to Defray the Charge of the Schools and Other Town Charges Voted that the Country Towns of this County be A seperate County from Boston Voted to Abate Cons Harris one pound nineteen shillings of His Rates Commited to him to collect 1 19 BrooUyn March 5 173f At A Town Meetting of the Inhabitants of Brooktyn Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted to chuse the Town Officers by the Majoret}' of the Votes Voted to chuse three Select Men Voted Samuel White Cap Sharp Mr. William Gleason Select Men 20 150 Voted the Select Men to be Assessors for the Ensuing year Voted Solomon Hill to be Constable sd Constable Sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted Nathaniel Seaver and Joseph White to be fenceveiers Voted Abraham Woodward Thomas Aspenwall Solomon Gard- ner surveirs of high wa3'S Woodward for the south part of the Town Aspenwall for the North part of the Town sworn Gardner for the middle of sd Town Voted Ebenezer Sargant Nathaniel Stedman Hogreaves Sworn Voted to Abate Ebenezer Kindricks and Joshua Stedmans Rates for the 3'ear 1738 Voted Mr. Cotton Mr. Child Mr. El'n Winchester to Look over the Town Treasurers accounts and bring in the Debt and Credit of sd Town at May Meetting Voted sd Town meetting to be dismist. Samuel White T. Clerk At A Town Meetiug in Brooklyn May 15 1739 Chose Samuel White Representative Voted to Give Mr. Allin forty pounds more this year than his settled Psalery and four contributions for this present year Voted to Rais Eighty pounds for this present year to defray IJie Charges of the Schools and other charges of the Town Voted that Samuel White our Representative put in a pertition into the General Court for a tract of Land for a school farm Samuel White T Clerk At a Town Meeting in Brooklyn March 3 1740 Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted to chouse three Select Men Voted Samuel White Cap White Mr. Henry Winchester Select Men & Assessors 151 Voted Mr. John Goddard Constable for the present year sworn the Town paying to sd Goddard Eight pounds for his ser- vis this year Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer sworn Voted Cap Sharp Surveir for the North End of the Above sd Town Voted Solomon Gardner Surveir of high wais for the Middle of sd Town Voted Danniel Harris Surveir for the south End of sd Town all Surveirs of high wais are Sworn Voted Nathaniel Seaver Joseph White fence viewers sworn Voted Joshua Stedman Nathaniel Kindrick Hogreives for this year Voted Ebenezer Sargent and Ebenezer Kindrick Tithing Men Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Elhanan Winchester Sealer of Leather Voted Mr. John Seaver Mr. William Gleason Mr. Isaac Child be a Commity to Look Over the Treasurers Accounts and bring the Debt and Credit of the Town to May meeting Voted this Meeting to be Dismist Samuel White Town Clerk Broaiklyn May 22 at a Town Meeting Voted the Town would not send a representative this year Voted to Rais Eighty pounds upon pools and Estates to defray the Schools Charges and purches a Town stock of ammonishon Voted to Give Mr. Allin forty .pounds more than his fixed Psal- er}' and four contributions for this present year Voted the Hogs to goo at Large in the Town of Brooklyn the year Insuing Voted this meeting to be dismist Samuel White T Clerk 152 Brooklyn March 2 17|^ At A. Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn Regulerly assemblerl Voted Samuel White Moderator of sd Meeting Voted to Choose three Select Men Voted Samuel White Mr. Thomas Aspenwall Mr. William Davis Select Men for the Ensuing 3^ear and Assessors Voted Mr. John Newell Constable for the j'ear ensuing sworn Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer Sworn Voted Cap Robert Sharp Ebenezer Sargant Abraham Wood- ward Surveirs of high ways : Sharp for the North End of sd Town : Sargant for the middle of sd Town and Woodward for the south End of the sd Town Voted Nathaniel Seaver Joseph White fenceviewers Voted Elhanan Winchester sealer of Leather Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Cap Edward White Mr. John Seaver Mr. Elhanan Win- chester be A committy to Loock Over the Treasurers Accounts and bring in to the Town the Debt and credit of the Town to the next May Meeting Voted this Meeting to be dismist May 18 1741 Cap Edward White Chose Representative Voted our Representative to be paid in Land Bank or Manufac- tury Money for serving the Town as Representative this j'ear Voted Samuel White Moderator for sd Meeting Voted to Give Mr. Allin forty pounds over and above his fixed psaller}^ for this year and four contributions Voted to Rais upon pools and Estates one Hundred and twenty pounds to Defray the Charges that may arise in the Town this present year 153 Voted it be the minds of the Town to pay the Town Rates in manufactur}' money Exclusive of Mr. Allins Money Voted for the hogs to go at Large this present year Voted Doc Zabdial Boylston and His Heirs to have the pew that was Peter Boystons he pa^'ing to the Town Treasurer twenty two pounds for the use of sd Town Samuell White T Clerk At A Town Meeting in Brooklyn June 22 1741 Voted that the Representative that served the Town this Pres- ent year at the General Court shall be Paid his wages out of our Town Treasure}'^ Voted Samuel White Representative for this present year Brooklyn At A town Meeting Legally Warned the Inhabitants Mett March 1 174i Chose Moderator Samuel White Voted to chuse three select men Voted Edward White Samuel White Thomas Aspenwall Select men and Assessors sworn Voted Moses White Constable for the year Ensuing sd White refused to serve paid five pound fine Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer sworn Voted Isaac Child Solomon Hill William Akars Surveirs of high wais sd Child for the south part of the Town sd Hill for the North part of the Town sd Ackars for the middle of sd town sworn Voted Robert Sharp Jun Samuel Gleason hogreves for this year Voted Henr}^ Sewell Solomon Gardner fence viewers sworn Voted Edward Devotion Ebeuezer Kindrick tithing Men Voted Samuel Sewall Esq Cap Sharp Joshua Child A commity to Looke over the Town Treasurers accounts and bring to the Town the Debt and Credit of sd Town at may Meeting 154 Voted to Except of the high "Way lade out by the Select Men of sd Town of Brooklyn through the Land of Daniel Harris and John Harris by Daniel Harrises house up the hill till it meet with a high way Laid out b}^ the Select Men of Roxbury Leading unto Zacariah Chandlers Voted this meetting be Ajournd unto the lifteenth day of March at three of the clock in the After Noon Samuel White T Clerk At an AJournment from March the first unto March 15 174^ the Town meet & the question was asked Mr. Moses White whether he would serve as constable he refused to serve paid his fine 5 pounds : the question was put whether the Town would prosead to chouse another Constable Voted in the Negative Voted to hire a constable and A collecter for this year Voted Joseph White Constable for the year currant Sworn Voted the Town to Give sd White 2 pounds for his service for being Cons and paid the monej'^ to sd White Voted Abraham Woodward Collecttor for the Ensuing year Sworn Voted the Town to pay sd Woodward six pounds for sd servis of being Collecter he being paid three pound upon the spot and three pounds more to arrive Voted the Select Men be impowerd to gitt the money reim- bursed where they can find the same, that the Town paid for the Indian womans sickness Samuel White T Clerk At a Town Meeting in Brooklj'n 1742 May 18 the Inhabitants Meet Voted Cap White Representative Voted Cap White Moderator 155 Voted to Give Mr. Allia forty pounds Old tenner Bills as A Gratuity for the Ensuing 3'ear Voted that there shall be four quarterly contributions for Mr. Allin for the year Ensuing Voted to Raise One Hundred and twenty pounds for Schools and Other Charges in the Town the Ensuing 3'ear Voted to Chuse A Commity to finde the most Convenant spot to Erect a schoolhouse for the benifit of the whole Town Voted Mr. Isaac Gardner Mr. Ebenezer Davis Mr. Joshua Child for that commity Samuel White T Clerk . BrooMyn March 7 174f At A Town Meetting Legally Warned the Inhabitants Meet Voted Majer White Moderator Voted Majer White Samuel White Mr. Abraham Woodward Select Men Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer and Clerk sworn Voted Mr. Isaac Winchester Constable sworn Voted Mr. William Ackers Surveyor for the Middle part of sd Town Voted Mr. Samuel Gleason survej-er for the North End Voted Mr. John Newell Survej^er of high ways for the south part of sd Town Voted Mr. Benjamin Gardner Mr. Ebenezer Davis Mr. Nathan- iel Seaver Assessors for sd Town for this year Sworn Voted Mr Edward Devotion Mr Ebenezer Kindrick Tithing Men for sd Town Voted Mr. Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Mr. Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer BrooMyn May 16 1743 upon A Town meeting Voted Samuel White Representative Voted Majer White Moderator for a meeting after Representa- tive chose 156 Voted to Rais upon pools and Estates one hundred and thirty pounds to defray the Charges of the poor and Schools for the Ensuing j^ear besides Other Charges Voted to Give Mr. Allin fifty pounds besides his settled psal- lery : and four Contributions this year At A Town Meetting in Brooklyn July 2 1743 Majer White Moderator Voted Cap John Winchester Cap Robert Sharp Mr. Thomas Aspenwall Mr. Samuel Craft Mr. Ebenezer Davis Mr. Isaac Gardner Mr. Joseph White Mr. Benjamin Gardner Mr. Joshua Child Mr. Henry Winchester Jurymen for Superier Court the rest of the Men in the Other Box for Juriorj^ of Inferiour Court Samuel White T Clerk At A Town Meeting March 5 174| -Leaguelly warned Voted Samuel White Moderator Voted to Chuse three Select Men Voted Samuel White Doc Boylston Thomas Aspenwall Select Men Voted Benjamin Gardner Ebenezer Davis Nathaniel Seaver Assessors for the Ensuing year sworn Voted Robert Sharp Jun Constable sworn Voted Nathaniel Stedman Thomas Aspenwall William Davis Surveirs of high ways sworn Voted John Newell and John Woodward fenceviewers sworn Voted Ebenezer Sargant and Joseph White Hogreaves sworn Voted Joshua Stedman Ebenezer Kindrick tithing men Voted Elhanan Winchester Leather Sealer Voted Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Samuel White Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Sworn Voted this Meetting be AJoyrng with out day Samuel White T Clerk 157 May 16 1744 At A Town Meetting in Brooklj-n Leaguelly Warned Voted Samuel White Chose Representative Voted Majer White Moderator Voted to Rais one hundred and Sixty pounds to defray the Town Charges for the j^ear Currant Voted to Give Mr. Allin Sixty pounds for this year more than his fixed psallery Voted to rais twenty pounds for A Town stock of Ammu- nishon Voted Joshua Child Surveir of high wais for the south part of sd Town for the year Ensuing Sworn Voted to have four contributions for Mr. Allin this year Voted this Meeting be AJournd without day Samuel White T Clerk At A Town Meeting Septem 21 1744 Samuel White Chose Moderator to consider of A High Way Laid out by the Select Men of Brooklyn through the Land of Daniel Harris and John Harris til it meet with A high Way Laid out by Roxbury it was put to the Town by the Moderator Whether they would pa}' for sd Wa^' it passed in the Negative it was put to the Town Whether thej' would stand A tryall in the Law Concerning sd way it passed in the Negative Voted that the high v^^ay that the Town Exceped of March the first 174A that was Laid of by the Select men of Brooklyn through the Land of Daniel Harris and John Harris by Daniel Harrises house up the Hil til it meet With A high way Laid out by Roxbury Leading unto Zacariah Chandlers to be Null and Void and of None Eff"ect Voted this Meeting be AJournd without day Samuel White T Clerk 21 158 Brooklyn March 4, 174| At A Town Meetting Leagally Warned the Inhabitants meet Voted Samuel White Moderator of sd meetting Voted to have three select Men for the Ensuing 3'ear Voted Samuel White Mr. Isaac Gardner Mr. Thomas Aspen- wall the three Select Men Voted the Select Men be Assessors the Ensuing year Sworn Voted Mr. John Harris jun Constable sworn Voted Doc Boylston Surveir for the sd Middle part of sd Town sworn Voted Samuel Croft Surveir for the North part of sd Town sworn Voted Abraham Woodward Surveir for the South part of sd Town sworn Voted Moses White William Ackers fenceviewers for sd Town this year sworn Voted John Woodward Benjamin White jun hogreaves this year sworn Voted Dea Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Elhanan Winchester jun Sealer of Leather Voted Dea Bo^dston Cap Sharp Abraham Woodward to look Over the Treasurers Accounts and bring in the Debt of and the Creadit of the Town at ma}^ meetting next Voted Samuel White Town Clerk Voted Samuel White Town Treasurer Sworn -, Samuel White Town Clerk Voted to dismis this meetting Brooklyn May 17 1745 At A Town Meeting in sd Town Voted to rais one hundred and Eighty pounds for poor schools and other Charges Voted to Give Mr. Allin Sixty pound this year more than his fixed psallery and four contributions quarterly 159 Voted to Give Nathaniel Hil Nathaniel Kindrick Phillip Coney there rates December Seventeenth day 1745 At A Town Meetting in Brooklyn Cap Robert Sharp Modera- tor by a Vote of the Inhabytants sd Town Meetting was to know the minds of the Town whether they would build a new School house and for Ingoregment thei'eof Mr. Joseph White and Mr. Moses White Gave Land for to set sd house upon on the East Corner of that peace of there Square of Land that sd Whites purchesed of the Heirs of Nathaniel Gardner Deceased Voted to Except of sd Land with thanks to the sd Whites that Gave it to build a new Schoolhouse upon Voted to build a new School house on sd Spot of Laud Voted to Chouse A commity for that purpos Voted Mr. Joseph White Mr. Ebenezer Davis Cap Se wall Mr. Samuel Croft Mr. Nathaniel Seaver to be of sd Commit}' to build sd house At A Meeting of the Town of Brookline Legaly call'd March 3d. 174f Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted to have but three Select Men Voted Samuel White Es(i'r Mr. Isaac Gardner Mr. Thomas Aspinwall Select men Voted the Select Men to be assessors for the Ensuing j'ear Sworn Voted Mr. John Harris Jun'r Cunstable for the Ensuing year Sworn Voted Henr^^ Sewall Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Sworn Voted Mr. Ebenezer Davis Survej'or of High ways for the North part of sd Town Sworn 160 Voted Mr. Nehemiah Davis Surve^'or of high ways for ye mid- dle of sd. Town Sworn Voted Mr. Daniel Dana Survej'or of high ways for ye South part of sd Town Sworn Voted Mr. Moses White and Mr. William Ackers Fence viewsrs Sworn Voted Mr. Elhanan Winchester Jun'r Sealer of Leather Voted Deacon Clarke Clerk of the Market Voted Mr. Benja. White & Mr. John Woodward Hogreves sd White sworn Voted Samuel Sewall Esq'r Capt. Sharp and Mr. Abraham Woodward to be A Committy to view the Treasurers Accounts and to bring in the Debt and Credit of sd Town at may meeting next upon A motion made whether the Town would Reconsider the vote of Choosing but three Select Men and Chuse more the Town Reconsidered sd vote and voted to Chuse two more Voted Major White and Capt. Sharp Select Men to jo3-n the other three Chosen before Voted Maj'r White and Capt Sharp Assess'rs also and Sworn Voted to adjourn the matter of Cunstable Harisis high way that was in the warrant for march meeting to may Meeting next Voted to Adjourn this meeting without Day May 16th 1746 At A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legaly call'd Voted Not to send A Representative this 3'ear Voted Sam : White Esq'r moderator Voted to Except the following Persons from the Charge of Build- ing the School House vizt. Messrs. John Druce Abraham Woodward Daniel Dana James Griggs Will : Davis Isaac Child Joshua Child Timothy Harris John Harris John Harris Jun'r. Voted That their be A Rate made on the Rest of the Inhabi- tants who are not Excepted from Building the School House of fifty pound old Tenner to Build sd School House 161 Voted one Hundred and Eighty pounds old Teuuer to Defray the Town Charges the Ensuing year Voted That the Select Men provide A School Master the Ensu- ing winter to keep in the new School House from the first of November to the last of March Voted to Give the Reverend Mr. Allin over and above his fixed sallery Eighty pounds old Tenuer That the Town Except of A Pound Built by Sam: White Esq'r Voted Mr Joseph White Pound keeper and he accepted Voted the Swine to go at large the Ensuing 3'ear Voted To Give Mr. John Harris Jun'r twenty five pounds old Tenuer and that he be satisfied therewith forever Relating to A High way to his House Voted Constable Winchester five pounds old Tenuer out of the Town Treasury Voted To adjourn this Meeting without Day At A Town Meeting in Brookline Tuesday 14th Octob'r 1746 Voted Samuel White Esq'r moderator Voted To Raise fifty pounds to Hire A Minister Voted To Raise fifty pounds to finish the school House Voted To Raise thirty seven pounds for Town Stock of Powder and Bullets March ye 2d 174f att A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Called Voted Samuel White Esq'r moderator Voted to Except what the Select men have Don Concerning the Legacy Mr. Edward Devotion Gave the Town in his Last will Voted To Chuse five Select men Voted Sam'll White Esq'r Major White Capt'n Sharp Mr. Isaac Gardner Mr Thomas Aspinwall Select men Voted Mr. William Davis Constable Sworn 162 Voted Ebene'r Davis Mr. Natlia'll Seaver Mr. Sam'll Croft Assessors sworn Voted Eben'r Davis Town Clerk & Town Treasurer sworn Voted Mr. Benjamin White Jun'r Survej^or of highways for the middle part of the Town Sworn Voted Major White Surveyor of high wa3's for the North part of the Town sworn Voted Mr. John Newell Surveyor of high ways for the South part of the Town Voted Mr. Joseph White and Mr. Thomas Woodward fence Vewers Voted Mr. George Griggs & Mr. Daniel Deany Hogreves Voted Mr. Eben'r Sergant & Mr. Eben'r Kindrick tiething men Voted Mr. Sam'll Clarke Clerk of the markett Voted that the Town will Raise Sixty Pounds towards Defrey- ing the Charge of the Funierall of the Reverend Mr. Allin De- ceased Voted that the Select men be Impowered to hier a minister untill ma}^ meeting Voted that mr. Jeames Shed and his Son have Libert}^ to Send there Children to Brookline School they finding there proportion of Wood and paying their Proportion for there Polls according as the select men apportion upon other children Voted Mr. Richard Boj'lstone Sealer of Leather Voted thatt the Town purpose thatt Mr. Nathaniell Wardell shall weigh all the ha3-e the}' sell att his Engine in Roxbury Voted To adjourn this meeting Without Da}' May 13 1747 att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Voted Major Edward White Chosen Representative Voted Sam'll White Esq'r Moderator 163 Voted that the Town Desired to hear some other Ministers be- sides Mr. Walley Voted that the Select Men are to Provide three young Ministers to preach two Sabbath Days Each Namely Mr. Wally Mr. Checkly and Mr. Hale Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to monday Next the Eighteenth Day of May Current to five of the Clock in the after- noone upon an adjournment from May ye 13 to May ye 18 Voted that the Select men are to procure Mr. Stevens and Mr. Harrington to preach two Sabbath Days Each Voted to Raise one hundred and fifty Pounds old tener for to Procure Preaching Voted to Raise two hundred Pounds old Tenner to Defraye the Charges of the Town for the Ensuing j^ear Voted this Meeting be adjourned Without Day Ocfr 19th 1747 Att a Town Meetiug of the Inhabitants of Brookline Leagally Called Voted Sam'U White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Raise Two Hundred pounds to Defray the Charges for Preaching amongst us Voted That Sam'll White Esq'r Major White Capt'n Sharp* Mr. Isace Gardner Mr. Thomas Aspinwall be a Committee to procure Ministers to preach with us until March Next Voted This Meeting be adjournd with out Day February ye 12th 174| At A Meeting of the Church In Brookline Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To come to a Choise of a Gospel Minister and the votes being Brought and Told Mr. Cotton Brown Was Chosen By All the Votes Excepting one 164 Voted To Choose a Committee To Present the Choice of The Church unto Mr. Cotton Brown as soon as may be Voted Cap'n John Winchester Sam'll White Esq'r and Mr. Jona- than Windchester be the sd Committee Voted That the Cliurch Desier the Select Men To Call a Town Meeting as soon as Ma}^ be Voted This Meeting be adjournd without Day Februa. ye 2dth Hi} Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Know the Minds of the Town they will Concur With the Churches Vote for a Gospel Minister and it pased for the Af- fermittive and the Rever'd Mr. Cotton Brown Was Chosen Voted To Give Mr. Cotton Brown five hundred pounds a j'ear old Tenour according to Indian Corn att Twenty Shillings pr. Bushel and R^'e att twenty five shillings pr. Bushel and Pork att two shillings pr. pound and Beefe att one shilling and Six pence pr. pound Voted To Give Mr. Cotton Brown Six hundred pounds old Ten- our towards his Settlement Voted That Henry Sewall Esq'r Be added to the Churches Com- mittee To Present the Towns Choise To Mr. Brown Voted That this Meeting be adjornd Without Day March ye 7th 174^ Att a Meeting of The Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Chosen Moderator Voted Samu'll White Esq'r & Cap'n Sharp & Mr. Thos. Aspin- wall Select Men Voted Eben'r Davis Town Clerk & To'n Treasurer Voted Mr. William Ackers Constable & he Paid Voted Mr. Sam'll Gleason Constable and he paid 165 Voted Mr. Thos. Aspinwall Constable To Serve for Thirty Pounds old Tenour Voted Eben'r Davis & Mr. Nath'll Seaver and Mr. Samu'll Craft Assessors Sworn Voted Major White Survej'or for the North End of the Town Voted Mr. Moses "White Surveyor for the Middle part Both sworn Voted Mr. George Griggs Surveyor for the South part of ye Town Voted Mr. John Woodward & Mr. John Harris fence Vewers Sworn Voted Mr. Nathan Winchester & Mr. Samu'll Clark Junr Hogreives sworn Voted Mr. Eben'r Sargant & Mr. Eben'r Kindrick Tiething Men Voted Deacon Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Mr. Peter Parker Sealer of Leather Voted Major White Cap'n Sewall & Mr. Isaac Gardner be a Committee To Vew the Treasurers Accompts Voted The North End of Brookline Mend the High Ways In sd Town as far as the Meeting House. Voted This Meeting be adjornd without Day. April ye 25th 1748 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Moderator Mr. Cotton Brown Laid Severall proposals before the Town in a Letter Directed To the Inhabitants of Brookline, Relating to his Setling with them in the work of The Ministry, and it was put to the Town by the Moderator whether they would add to mr. Browns Settlement four hundred Pounds more old Tenour than they had Voted to him Before and it pased in the Negative and so Did all the proposals until the last and upon Consideration of the 22 166 last article The Town Chose a Committee namely Cap'n Robert Sharp Cap'u Isaac Gardner Eben'r Davis to wait on Mr. Brown with the Towns Votes and to see if he will Except of the Towns former offer and make Report to the Town upon the Ajornment of this Meeting which is on Monday the Second Day of May next att four of the Clock in the after Noon Upon an adjornmeut from April ye 25th To Monday the Second Day of May Voted To Reconsider that Vote which pased in the Negative on Mr. Browns first proposal in his Letter To the Town of ading four hundred pounds to his Settlement Voted To ad four hundred pounds Old Tenour To the Six hun- dred pounds which was first Voted for his settlement and that the last part of it be paid within three 3'ears • Voted That the Assessors with Mr. Brown be the persons Anu- ally To Determine the Rise and fall of his Sallary Voted that This Meeting be adjornd without Day May ye 11 th 1748 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line Legal}^ Called Voted not To Send a Representative This year Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Raise Two hundred pounds old Tenour To Defray The Charges of the Town for the Insuing year Voted This Meeting be adjornd without Day Aug'tye 29t/i 1748 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Samu'll White Esq'r Chosen Moderator Voted that the Day appointed To ordain Mr. Cotton Brown be the last Wednesday in October next which is the Twenty Sixth Day of the Month 167 Voted that one hundred and Twenty pounds be Raised on the Inhabitants of Brookliue To Defra}' the Charge of the said ordina- tion Voted that Mr. Joshua Child Deacon Clark Mr. Samuel Craft Mr. Nehemiah Davis & Ebenezer Davis be a Committee To Dis- pose of the Pew which was formerly Mr. Josiah Winchesters and that Spot in the Body of the meeting house which in the year 1737 was voted to Mr. John Goddard and to fix the prises of them and make a Eeport to the Town at there Next Meeting Voted Mr. Henry Winchester Mr. Samu'U Clark Mr. Abraham Woodward have them Spots in the Body of the Meeting House that the Town voted them in the year 1737 they paying there Mone}' for them before the Last Da}^ of September Next Voted Mr. Joseph White Mr Samu'll Craft Mr. Nehemiah Davis Mr. Benja. White, Ju'r be a Committee to make Sutable Provi- sion for the Ordination Voted That this Meeting be ajornd vv'ithout Day Stptemb'r ye \2t.h 1748 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookliue Legally warned Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Moderator it was put To Vote by the Moderator whether the Town would then Proceed To Sell That part in The Body of the Meeting House where the Third and forth Seats are both of the Men and Womans side in order to Erect Pews there & it pased in the Negative It was put To Vote by the Moderator whether thej- would ad any Person or persons More To the Committee Chosen To Provide for the Ordination and it pased in the Negative The Committee Chosen for the Regulation of The Pews and to make Report to the Town is as foUoweth. That John Newell he and his heirs forever have That Spot in the Body of the Meeting House at the West End of the mens Two hind Seats which was Voted To John Goddard in the year 1737 said Newell paying in to th« Town Treasurer Thirteen pounds old Tenour for the same 168 March ye Sth. 174| At a Meeting of The Inhabitants of Brook- line Legally Warned Voted Samuell "White Esq'r Moderator Voted Mr. Ebenezer Sargant Constable Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Capt'n Robert Sharp Mr. Thos. Aspenwall Select Men and Assessors sworn Voted Ebenez'r Davis Town Clerk and Town Treasurer. Sworn Voted Mr. Samu'll Clark Jun'r Mr. Abraham Woodward & Mr. Natha'll Seaver Surveyors of The High Ways Sworn Voted Mr. William Davis Mr. Isaac Child Jun'r fence Vewers sworn Voted Mr. Peter Parker Mr. Richard Boyleston Hogreives sworn Voted Mr. Peter Parker Sealer of Leather Sworn Voted Mr. Daniel Deana Constable Voted That The Town Impower Samu'll White Esq'r Capt'n Robert Sharp Mr. Thomas Aspinwall Select Men In Behalf of The Town To Give Unto Ebenezer Davis and Nehemiah Davis a bond To Secure Them In The Possession of the Land Said Eben'r Davis and Nehemiah Davis purchised of The Select Men of said Town March ye 2 Day 174f Untill The Time That the Mortgage Deed Mr. Sollomon Hill Gave unto Mr. Edward Devotion shall Expier, and at the Expiration of said Deed the Select Men for that year May be and are Impowered To Give unto The Said Ebenezer Davis and Nehemiah Davis There heirs or Assines a Good and Sufifiant Deed of the Said Purchised Land Voted That This Meeting Be adjornd unto March the thir- teenth Day on Monday Upon an Adjornment from March ye 6th unto Monday March ye thirtenthDay 1748 Voted Mr. Nathaniel Seaver To Serve Constable for Forty Pounds old Tenor » 169 Voted Mr. Abraham Woodward Henry Sewall Esq'r and Mr. Nehemiah Davis be a Committee to Vew The Treasurers Accompts and To Bringe in to The Town in writing The Debt and Credit Thereof . Voted That This Meeting Be Ajornd without Day May ye 18th 1749 at a Meeting of The Inhabitants of Brook- line Legally Warned Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Chosen Representative Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Chosen Moderator Voted To Repair The Meeting House as Soon as may be Voted To Raise one hundred Pounds old Tenor To Repair The Meeting house Voted Henrj' Sewall Esq'r Mr. Isaac Gardner and Mr. Nehi- miah Davis be a Committee To Repair The Meeting House Voted That Two hundred and Fifty Pounds old Tenor be Raised To Defray The Charges of the Town for the present year Voted the Swine To Run at Large this year Voted Mr. Samu'll Gleason have Twenty Pounds Reimbursed to him which he paid as a fine for being Chosen Constable old Tenor Voted This Meeting be adjorued without Day BlarcJi ye 5th 17i:§ at a Meeting of The Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Chuse Three Select men Samuel White Esq'r Mr Abraham Woodward and Ebene'r Davis Selectmen. Selectmen To be Assessors Sworn Voted Henry Davis Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted Mr. Thomas Bell Constable Sworn Voted Mr. Nathaniel Seaver Mr. Robert Sharp Jun'r Mr. Oba- diah Druce Surveyors of The high ways Sworn Voted Mr. Samuel Clark Jun'r Mr. Joshua Boyleston Fence Vewers Sworn 170 Voted Mr. Joseph Woodward and Mr. John Ragon hogreives Sworn Voted Deacon Samu'll Clark Clerk of The market & Sealer of Leather Voted That this Meeting be adjornd without Day May ye 22 1750 at a Meeting of The Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned Voted not To Send a Representative this year Voted Samuel AYhite Esq'r Moderator Voted To Raise Three hundred pounds To Defray the Charges of the Town This present year Voted To Chuse a Committee To Dispose of the pew. That was formerl}' Mr. Josiah Winchesters Voted That Mr. Abraham Woodward Henry Sewell Esq'r & Mr. John Newel be a Committee To Dispose of said pew and make Report to the Town Voted The Swine To Run at Large this present year Voted This Meeting be adjornd without Day June ye 4:th 1750 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legalhr Warned Voted Samu'll White Esq'r To Represent the Town this present year Novem'r ye 15th 1750 at a Meeting of the Church in Brooklyn Deacon Joseph White Chosen Moderator after Some Debate it was put To Vote by the Moderator whether they would Then proceed To the Choice of a Minister and It pased in the aSermitive and Mr. Samuel Haven was Chosen b}' a unanimous Vote. 171 March ye Wtli 1751 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line Legall}^ Warned Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Chuse Three Select Men : Samuel White Esq'r Mr. Abraham Woodward & Ebenezer Davis Select Men To be Asses- sors Sworn Voted Ebenezer Davis Town Clerk & Town Treasurer Voted Mr. Isaac Child Constable sworn Voted Edward White Esq'r Capt'n Isaac Gardner & Mr. John Newel Surveyors of the high ways sworn Voted Mr. Eobert Sharp Jun'r & Mr. Sollomon Hill fence Vewers Voted Mr. William Davis & Mr. Moses Newel Hogrieves Voted Mr. Ebenezer Kindrick & Mr. Ebenezer Sargant Tithing Men Deacon Clark Clerk of the Market Voted Peter Parker Sealer of Leather Voted To Mend the high ways by a Rate Voted forty Shillings pr. Day for a Teame & Twenty shillings a Da}- for one hand old Tenor & To work Eight houres in a Day Voted Major White Capn Sharp Cap'n Sewall Mr. Thomas As- pinwall be a Committee To View the Treasurers accomps & To bring in the Debt and Credit of The Town Voted This Meeting be adjorud without Day May ye 17th 1751 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line Legallj' Warned Voted Not To Send a Representative To Court this year Voted Samu'll White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Repair the South Side of the Meeting House with New Clabording New Window fraims & Squair Glas Voted To Raise five hundred pounds old Tenor for the Supply of the Pulpit 172 Voted That Mr. Joseph White Mr. Jonathan Winchester Mr. Nehemiah Davis Mr. Isaac Gardner Ju'r Mr. Sam'll Clark Jun'r & Eben'r Davis be a Committee To Take Care for the Supply of ye Pulpit ' Voted this Meeting be adjornd without Day August ye 23 1751 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- lyn Legally Warned Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Raise Two hundred and fifty pounds old Tenor To Defray the Charges of the Town this present year Voted this Meeting be adjornd without Day Desem'r 10th 1751 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line Legally Warned Samu'll White Esq'r Chosen Moderator it was put To Vote by the Moderator whether the Congregation would Concur with the Church in this place in there Choise of a Minister and it pased in the aflGermytive and Mr. Samuel Haven was Chosen it was put To Vote whether the Town would Give Mr. Haven one Thousand pounds old Tenor Towards his Settlement in this place and it was Disputed whether it was a Vote or not Voted that this Meeting be adjornd to Tuesday the Twenty forth Da,y of this Instant Desember 1751 Upon an adjornment from Desemb'r ye 10 Day To Desemb'r the 24th after some previous Discours It was put To Vote whether the Town would Give Mr. Samuel Haven one hundred and Thirty pounds Law full Money Towards his Settlement in the Ministry in this place and it passed in the affermitive. To be paid in three years one Third part annually it was also Voted To Give him Mr. Samu'll Haven Sixty six 173 Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull Money pr. Year for his Sallary provided he Should Settle in Said Town Voted That Henry Sewall Esq'r Cap'n Benjam. Gardner Mr. Jonathan Winchester & Eben'r Davis be a Committee To ac- quaint Mr. Haven of the proceedings of the Town in this affair Voted that this Meetting be adjorud without Day Februar 11th 1752 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- \yn Legally Warned Edward White Esq'r Moderator Voted Not to Chuse a Committee To Take Cair for the Supply of the Pulpit Voted that This Meeting be adjornd without Day Afarch 2^1752 Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legally Warned Voted Samuel White Esq Moderator Voted Samuel White Edward White Henry Sewall Esqr's Select Men and Assessors Voted Mr. Obediah Druce Constable Sworn Voted Jonth. Winchester Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted Edward White Esq. Mr. Isaak Gardner Mr. William Davis Surveighers of High ways Voted Mr. Benj'n White Mr. Peter Parker Fence Viewers Voted Mr. Moses Newel Mr. Elisha Gardner Hog Reaves Voted The Select Men to look over the Treasurers.Accounts and if they find them Right cast and well accounted to give the former Treasurer a Discharge Voted Mr. Nathaniel Sever Mr. Samuel Craft a Committee to Provide Timber for Window frames for the Meeting House May 20ih 1752 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legalh'- warned the Select Men Moderators 23 174 Voted to Send no llepresentntive for the Ensuing year at the Same Meeting Edward Yfhite Esq Moderator Voted To raise Seventy three Pounds six Shillings & Eight Pence to defray the charges of Preaching for the Ensuing yea.v Voted To raise thirt}- three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight Pence to defra}^ the other necessary charges that may arise in the Town Voted To Glaze the Meeting House witli Glass of 8 & 10. Each Window to be Six Squaries Deep and four in Wedth Voted To raise twenty six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence to defra}^ the Charges of repairing the Meeting House Voted That Mr. Nathaniel Sever and Mr. Samuel Craft be a Com'te to take the care of repairing the Meeting House Voted The Select Men to Provide Preachers till the Town shall take further care for suppl3'ing the Pulpit Voted That Samuel White & Henry Sewall Esqrs have Liberty to build a Tomb in the Burying Place for themselves & Families Voted That Capt : Robert Sharp have Liberty to build a Tomb in the Burying Place for himself and Family Voted That Mr. Isaac Winchester have Liberty to build a Tomb in the Bur3dng Place for himself and Family Voted that Mr. Nehemiah Davis have the Pew on the East side of the front Door as it was disposed of to him b}^ a Comt : chosen to dispose thereof he paying to the Town Six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence Voted that this Meeting be adjornd without Day Jan 25 1753 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legally warned Voted Samuel White Esq Moderator Voted The Congregation unanimously voted to concur with the Churches Choice (on the first Day of Jan : instant) of Mr Stephen Badger to be their Gospel Minister Voted To give Mr. Stephen Badger one hundred thirty three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight Pence for his Settlement 175 Voted To give Mr. Stephen Badger Eighty Pounds j'earty for his Sailer}^ Provided he shall be settled in the Ministry iu the Town Voted That the Settlement Money be Paid as follows viz Fifty three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight Pence be paid within the first year after Mr. Badger shall be settled Forty Pounds within the Second and Forty Pounds within the third year Voted That Henr}^ Sewall Esq Capt Benjamin Gardner and Mr. Isaac Gardner be a Com't to acquaint Mr. Badger with the above written Votes of the Town Voted That this Meeting be adjurned to the twent}^ fourth Day of February next at two o'clock in the afternoon March bth 1753 Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legally called Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted Samuel White Edward White Henry Sewall Esqrs Select Men Voted Jonathan Winchester Town Clerk «& Town Treasurer sworn Voted Mr. Moses Newall Constable sworn Voted Henry Sewall Esq William Ackers & Daniel Dana Surveighers of high wa3'S sworn Voted Mr. Sargeant & Mr. Kindrick Tithing Men sworn Voted Mr. Isaac Winchester & Mr. Robert Sharp junior Fence Viewers Sworn Voted Mr. Samuel Clark Sealer of Leather & Clerk of the Market sworn Voted Mr. Joshua Boylston & Mr. Thomas Woodward junior Hogreaves Voted Mr. Eben'r Davis Mr, Nathaniel Sever & Mr. Wm. Davis Assessors Sworn Voted that the Select Men with Mr. Isaac Gardner Capt Robert Sharp and Mr. Thomas Aspinwall be a Cora'tt to confer with 176 Mr. Solomon Hill concerning the Legacy left to the Town by Mr. Devotion Voted To provide Window Shutters for the Lower Windows of the Meeting House Voted that the Select Men be a Com't to provide the Window Shutters Voted that the Meeting be adjornd without Day 3Iay 25 1753 At A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Bi'ooklin legally called the Select Men Moderating Voted To Send no Representative for the Ensuing Year Voted that the Select Men assest the Town Treasurer in stering up the Constable speedily to collect the Town Rate Voted that this Meeting be adjerned without Day August 31st 1753 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legally called Voted Samuel White Esq Moderator Voted To raise Forty Six Pounds thirteen shillings & Four Pence to defra}^ the Town Charges for the Present year Voted To Grant to Jonathan Winchester two Pounds as a Com- pensation for His Trouble and care in the Discharge of the office of Town Treasurer for the Present year Voted that this Meeting be adjurned without Day OctohW 15 1753 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin legallj- called Voted Samuel White Esq. Moderator Voted The Congreation voted to Concur with the Churches Choice of Mr. Robert Rogerson to be their Gospel Minister Voted To give Mr. Rogerson One Hundred thirty three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight Pence for His Settlement 177 Voted To give Mr. Rogerson Eighty Pounds yearly for His Sallery provided He shall be Settled in the Town in the Capacity of a Gospel Minister Voted That th& Settlement Money be paid in the following Manner Viz Sixty three Pounds Six Shillings & eight within the first year Forty Pounds within the Second and Forty Avithin the third year after He shall be Settled Voted that Capt'n Sharp Edward White and Samuel White Esqrs be a Com't : to inform Mr. Rogerson of the above the Votes Voted that this meeting be adjurned without Day 1753 December 18th At A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklin Legally called Hav- ing chosen Edward White Esqr Moderator the Town Received Mr. Rogersons Answer which was in the affirmative. Also concluded that the Com'tt formerly chosen to take care of the Legacy left to the Town by Mr, Devotion should also take care of a bight of Land given to the Town by the sd Devotion Lying on the Back- side of North Yarmouth then adjurned this meeting without Day [END OF VOLUME ONE.] March Ath 1754 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legall}' called Voted Jonathan Winchester chosen Moderator Voted To choose three Select. Men Voted Jonth. Winchester Mr. Nehimiah Davis & Mr. Abr'm Woodward chosen Select Men & Assessors sworn Voted That the Assessors for the last year stand a Trj-al with Henry Sewall Esq'r before the sessions for Abatements of Part of his Rates Voted Mr Benj'n White jnr. be Constable Voted Jonathan Winchester Town Clerk & Town Treasurer Sworn 178 Voted Messrs Abr'm Woodward Wm. Akers Isaac Winchester Survej-ers of the High Waj-s sworn Voted Mr. John Woodward & Mr. Rob't Sharp jun'r Fence Viewers sworn Voted Mr. Ebeu'r Kinderich & Mr. Eben'r Sargeant Tithing Men Voted Mr. Nath. Winchester & Mr. Joseph Woodward Hog- reaves sworn Voted Deacon Clark Clerk of the Market & Leather Sealer Voted That Swine run at large Voted This Meeting to be Adjourned to the 1 1th Day of March Instant Upon an Adjournment from March 4th to the 11th Day Mr. Benj'n White Junior who was chosen Constable at the last Meeting refusing either to serve or Pay the Fine Voted Mr. Isaac Gardner Junior Chosen Constable who hired Mr. Moses Newell to Serve for Him. Voted Mr. Moses Newell Constable sworn Voted Samuel White Esq'r & Henrj- Sewall Esq to be a Com'tt to View ye Tr. Acc'ts Voted This Meeting to be Adjourned without Day May 16th 1754 Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally called. Voted Not to Send a Representative this year. Voted To Raise 106 :13£. to defray the necessary Charges the present j'ear. Voted Henry Sewall Esq Mr. Ab'm Woodward & Maj'r White chosen for a Comm't to dispose of the Pew latel}^ belonging to Mr. Nathaniel Stedman ^ Voted Not to Do any thing concerning Mr. Rogersons Ordina- tion at this meeting Voted That this Meeting be adjourned without Day. 179 1754 OdohW 30 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally called Voted Jonathan Winchester Moderator Voted Not to appoint a Day for Mr. Robert Rogersons Ordina- tion Voted The Town Then manifested b}' a Vote that tbe}^ Judged it proper & Expedient that a Mutual Council wldch should consist of The Neighbouring Churches should be sent for to Give their Advice to the Town under the pi'esent situation of their Affairs. Voted That Capt'n Sharp Capt'n Gardner & Deacon Davis be a Comm't to \^y before Mr. Rogerson the Votes of this Meeting Voted That this Meeting be Adjourned without Day 1755 Jan: 2d. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Called Voted Samuel White Esq'r Moderator Voted To Grant Ten Pounds to Defray the Charges of a Council. Voted That this Meeting be adjom'ned without Day 1755 March 3d At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legall}" Called Voted Jonathan Winchester Moderator Voted To choose three Select Men Voted Jonth. Winchester Mr. Abr. Woodward Capt Benj'n Gardner chosen Select Men & Assessors sworn Voted Mr. Elisha Gardner chosen Constable sworn Voted Jonth. Winchester chosen Town Clerk & Treasurer Sworn Voted Mr. Thorn's Aspinwall Mr. Isaac Gardner jun'r & Mr. John Newell Chosen Surve3'ors of the High Ways Sworn. Voted Mr. Robert Sharp jun'r & Mr. Solomon Hill chosen Fence Viewers Sworn 180 Voted Mr. Sam'l Gardner & Mr. Thorn's Woodward chosen Hog Reaves sworn Voted Deacon Clark chosen Clerk of the Market Voted Mr. Peter Parker chosen Sealer of Leather Voted Mr. Ebeu'r Sarjeant & Mr. Kendrick chosen Tithing Men Voted That the Swine go at large this Year Voted Messrs Nath'l Seaver Deacon White, Thomas Aspinwall Samuel Craft & Jonth. Winchester chosen a comm't to supply the Pulpit Voted The Town agreeable to the Advice of the late Venerable Council Voted to Give Mr. Robert Rogerson twenty Pounds Law- full Money 1755 May Idth At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legall}' called The Select Men Moderating Voted To Send a Representative to ye Great & General Court this year Voted Jeremiah Gridley Esq'r Chosen Representative Voted Samuel White Esq'r chosen Moderator Voted Voted to Raise Eighty Pounds for the Supply of the Pul- pit the ensuing Year Voted To Raise twenty Pounds which was granted to Mr. Rogerson At a former Meeting Voted To Raise Forty two Pounds thirteen Shillings & four Pence to pay the Arrearages of the Town Voted To Raise Forty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence for the Necessary Charges that may arise in the following year Voted That this Meeting be adjourned without Day 1755 Stpfr 10th Att A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line Legally Warned Voted That Jeremy Gridley Esq'r be Moderator 181 Voted Unanimously that the Town Concurs with the Church's Choice of Mr. Nathaniel Potter to be the Gospel Minister in this Town Voted The Sum of an Hundred Thirty three Pounds Six Shil- lings y/ 1777 Mr. John Goddard drawn to serve on the grand Jury for July Court and thro' the Year Mr. John Coburn and Aaron Child, drawn to serve as Jurors for July Court. 35 270 Mr. Samuel Croft, drawn April 1 to serve as a Juror Mr. John Harris Jun'r Mr. Joshua Boylston drawn May. 26th to serve a Jurors at a Special Court July 28th 1777. William Thompson & Elisha Gardner drawn to serve as Jurors at a Maritime Court to be held 29th Friday August loth 1777 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to law. Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator On a motion made, voted that a Committee be appointed to Enlist eight men, for this Towns proportion of Militia ordered to reinforce the Northern Army to serve till the end of November next Voted that the Committee consist of Five Persons Voted that Capt. Thomas White, Lieut : Caleb Craft, Mr. Moses White Col : Thomas Aspinwall & Mr. Samuel Croft serve on this Committee Voted that it be left to the Discretion of said Committee to promise such Bounty to encourage eight men to engage in the aforementioned Service, as they shall judge reasonable and proper, and that the Town will abide by and fulfill the Agreement of Said Committee Voted that the Committee make Report of their doings at the adjournment of this meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Monday next the 18th of August at 5 o'clock afternoon — and was accordingly adjourned Monday August 18 1777 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants, by adjournment from Friday August 15'.h Mr. John Goddard beina: Moderator 271 The Committee reported that the}* had enlisted eight Men to serve in the northern Army to the End of November next namely John Mc. Ilvaine, William Davis, John Spear, Benjamin Winches- ter, John White, Joseph Caswall, William Mc. Ilvaine and Joseph Brown, or Silas Winchester in the room of Joseph Brown, npon the promise of paying Thirty Pounds Bounty to each man where- upon. Voted that the Town accept the report of the Committee Voted, that the Sum of Two hundred and forty pounds be hired for the purpose of paj^ing the aforesaid Bounty, and that the Selectmen be empowered to hire the same in behalf of the Town, and to pay the same into the Hands of the Committee for the above purpose, as soon as requisite Voted that the Selectmen be empowered to hire the further Sura of Fifteen pounds, to procure Canteens for those eight men, and to pa}' the Subsistence of two pence per mile for their Travel to the Army Voted that this Meeting be dissolved Attest William Thompson Town Clerk August 18. 1777 Col. Thomas Aspinwall drawn for a grand Jurorr Mr. Gulliver Winchester for a petit Juror at the Superior Court Also Mr. Isaac Child & Elhanan Winchester for Jurors at a maritime Court N.B Joshua Boylston & John Coburn Served Issued a Warrant dated August 7th 1777 to Mr. Elhanan Win- chester to warn Ruth Wood to depart this Town, or, give Security to save the Town from all Charges that may arise by her residence William Thompson Town Clerk Warned as ^ Return dated Aug't 27. 1777 September 22: 1777 Mr. Joshua Winship draw for a petit Juror 272 October 13 : 1777 Mr. Samuel White drawn for petit Juror at the Superior Court to be held 3rd Tuesday of this Month Monday Noveynher 10 : 1777 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to Law. Mr. John Goddard chosen Moderator On a Question, whether the Town will abate the Taxes of Da- vid Damon for the year 1776, in consideration of his having paid Taxes in Sudbury his Native place, tho' resident on hire in this Town, that Year — voted in the negative Voted that Seven pounds eight Shillings and ten pence ^ part of the Taxes of William Blaney for the Year 1776 be abated to him, in consideration of the Inconvenience and damage arising from the Public Buildings on Sewall's Point being used for Hos- pitals for the Small Pox, great part of that Year Voted that this Town will make an Allowance to the rev'd Joseph Jackson their Minister, for the Current year in consideration of the very high prices of the necessarys of Life Voted that William Thompson, Mr. John Goddard and Mr. Elhanan Winchester be a Committee to consider how much the ' Town ought to allow Mr. Jackson in regard thereof, and that they be directed to withdraw immediately and make report to this pres- ent meeting as soon as they are agreed The aforesaid Committee having withdrawn for some Time, returned and reported as their Opinion, that it was Just and rea- sonable for the Town to allow and pay Two hundred and six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence to said Rev'd Joseph Jackson, in Addition to his settled sallary, for this present Year, to make up his Salary to three hundred pounds in the whole, for his comfortable Support during the current Year whereupon Voted that the Town do accept the Report of their Committee respecting the allowance for Mr. Jackson's Support 273 Voted that the support of Martha Marian requested by Mr. Abram Jackson her Father in Law, be referred to the discretion of the Selectmen Voted that upon Mr. John Goddard's paying to the Selectmen, thirty three pounds for the pew sold him the 26th of May last, thej' give him a bill of Sale for the same in behalf of the Town, to be held in fee simple Voted that the Town will allow and pa}' Seventy nine pounds four shillings, which Sum was paid by the Militia Oficers of this Town as Bounty to Four Men who enlisted to Serve on the late Secret Expedition. Voted the Sum of Nine hundred pounds be granted todefreythe necessary Charges of the Town for the Current year and that the Same be assessed upon the Polls and Estates uf the Inhabitants in just and equitable Proportion On a Question, whether the Town will choose a new Constable and collector of Taxes, voted in the negative Voted that this Town desire and direct Mr. Elhanan Winchester their representative to promote an Enquiry into the Causes of the failure of the late secret Expedition Voted that this meeting be dissolved Attest William Thompson Town Clerk November 24. 1777 William Thompson Elisha Gardner & John Heath chosen Jurors for a maritime Court to be held 25th Thursday January 1 1778 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, warned and assembled according to Law at the Meeting House Mr. John Goddard chosen Moderator Voted to adjourn to the School House immediately where being assembled 274 Upon the Question whether this Town will grant and raise a Sum of Mouej to be put into the Treasury of this State, for the purpose of redeeming this Town's proportion of of the Bills of Credit emitted b}' this State, for public Services ; Voted in the negative Upon the request of Lieut : Caleb Craft, to be refunded the pro- portion of Taxes he has heretfore paid toward the Bounties Given by this Town to Soldiers, or to be allowed the same Bounty the Town Granted in August last to those Men who went from this Town into the Arm}- for four months, he having been called on at that time to go into the same service, and having procured another person to go in his stead voted in the negative Upon the Petition of the Singing Societ}', that they may be al- lowed to form certain Seats in the front gallery of the Meeting house, into a Pew for their better Accommodation, at their own Expence Voted That the Town will allow the Singing Society leave to form the requested Seats in the Gallery into a Pew for their better Accommodation, the}' making the desired Alteration at their own Expence ; reserving to the Town an absolute Right to alter or dispose of the same, whenever they think proper: the proposed Alteration to be under the Direction of the Selectmen, who are appointed a Committee for that Purpose Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day Attest William Thompson Town Clerk January 12. 1778 Mr. William Ackers & Samuel White drawn as Jurors for a maritime Court to be holden 13th instant Brookline February 2. 1778 Mr. Joshua Boylston drawn for a grand Juror Mr. Caleb Craft for a petit Juror at a Superior Court to be held 17th Inst. 275 February 2. 1778 Issued a Warrant to Mr. Elhanan VVincliester Constable, to warn Elizabeth Whitne}-, Oliver Whitney her son and Abigail and Sarah her Daughters to depart this Town in fourteen days or give security to save the Town from all Charges that may arise by their Residence. William Thompson Town Clerk Warned as .^ Return dated Feb'y 5. 1778. Thursday February 12. 1778 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to Law at the School House Mr. John Goddard was nominated & voted. Moderator. Voted that Lieut Caleb Craft, Lieut Abram Jackson, and Mr. Stephen Sharp be a Committee to hire on the most reasonable Terms they can, at the Charge of the Town, those three Militia Men who are now ordered from this Town to do military Duty in the Town of Boston for three months — also that the same Com- mittee be authorized and empowered, in the same manner to hire "whatever men may, b}- lawful Authority, be ordered upon Military Dut}' from this Town, hereafter untill the further order of the Town, and th^t the Committee be allowed a reasonable Reward for their Service Voted that the Selectmen be impowered to receive from the Town Treasurer, or in behalf of the Town to hire such Sum of money as may be necessary to Enable the Committee aforesaid to perform their trust Voted that Mr. Elhanan Winchester, Representative for this Town in the General Assemblv, be directed to enquire b}' whose order the Barracks on Sewall's Point in this Town are to be em- plo3'ed as Hospitals for inoculating the Soldiers of the Continen- tal Army wdth the Small Pox ; and that he exert himself to cause the same to be put under such Regulations and Restrictions as may tend most effectually to secure the Inhabitants of this Town from the Infection of that Distemper 276 Voted that tho Consideration of the allowance requested of the Town b}' Lieutenant Caleb Craft and others for extra Military Service and Expence, be referred over to March Meeting Then the Meeting was adjourned without Day February 18. 1778 Issued a Warrant to Mr. Elhanan Win- chester to warn Colonel Joseph Belcher, Hannah Belcher his wife his Sons William, James, Inglis, and Martin, his Daughters Eliza- beth, Martha, Joanna, and Sarah — Mr. Joseph Belcher Jun'r and Lydia his wife, with three male Negro Servants belonging to said Family, named Bung Warwick and Pompey — also Dorothy Hol- brook, Ebenezer Holbrook, Rebecca Tarbox, Eunice Munroe, Deborah Belcher, and a Molatta Girl named Susannah Tone}' to depart this Town in fourteen da3's or give Securit}' to indemnify and save the Town from all Charge that may arise by means of their Residence William Thompson Town Clerk Know all Men b}' these Presents that I Joseph Smith of Rox- bur}' in the County of Suffolk and State of the Massachusetts Ba}' in New England Gentlemen in Consideration of Five Shil- lings hiwful money paid by William Thompson, Timothy Corey and Elisha Gardner Selectmen for the Town of Brookline in the said County of Suffolk, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl- edge, do hereby give, grant, sell, and convey unto the saidAVilliam Thompson Timothy Corey and Elisha Gardner or their successors in said Trust, a certain small piece of Land, Lying and being in said Brookline, for the only Use of a School House, bounded as follows Viz : Southerly twenty feet on the Country Road lead- ing to Newton, Westerly, thirty feet on land of said Joseph Smith, Northerly-, twenty feet on land of said Joseph Smith, and Easterly'-, thirty feet on land of Mr. Joseph Curtis ; or how- ever otherwise bounded or Reputed to be bounded : To have and to hold the Same to the said William Thompson, Timothy Corey, 277 and ^lisha, Gardner, or tlieir Successors in said Trust, to their onl}' proper Use and Behoof Forever, for the use of a School House as aforesaid : And I do covenant with the said AVilliam Thompson, Timoth}' Corey, and Elisha Gardner, or their Succes- sors in said Trust, that I am lawfully siezed in Fee of the Premises, that the^- are free of all Incumbrances, that I have good Right to sell and convey the same to the said William Thompson, Timothy Corey and Elisha Gardner as aforesaid, and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said William Thompson, Timoth}' Core}^ and Elisha Gardner as aforesaid, forever against the Lawful Claims and demands of all Persons. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set m}" hand and Seal this twenty second da}^ of September Anno Domini 1777 Signed Sealed and Joseph Smith and a Seal delivered in presence of us, Eleazer Weld Stephen Williams Suffolk S.S. Se2)t'r 22cl 1777 The abovenamed Mr. Joseph Smith personally appeared and acknowledged the above written Instrument by him executed to be his free Act and Deed Eleazer Weld Just : Pe'ce : Dedham October 15. 1777 Received and entered with the Rec- ords of Deeds for the County of Suffolk Lib'o 127 Fol'o 254— ^ Joshua Henshaw Reg'r A True Copy, attest William Thompson Town Clerk Monday March 2. 1778 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House, being warned and assembled according to Law. The hon'ble Benjamin White Esqr. was chosen Moderator Moved and voted to adjourn this meeting to the School House immediately, ou account of the Severity of the weather where- 278 being met the following Persons were clioseu Town Officers for the Year Ensuing Select men and Assessors Hon'ble Benjamin White Esq'r Mr. John Goddard Mr, Eihanan Winchester JMr. Moses White Junior Mr. Samuel Croft Survej'ors of Highways Mr. Robert Sharp for the Lower Dis- trict Mr. Samuel White for the middle District Mr. Abram Jack- son for the South District Mr. Daniel White, for the fourth District Fence Viewers Colo. Thomas Aspinwall Mr. Samuel Clark Clerk of the Market Mr. Eleazer Baker Sealer of Leather Mr. Eihanan Winchester Field Drivers Mr. Caleb Gardner Mr. James Winchester Hogreaves Mr. Royal Wood Mr. William King & Mr. Thad- deus Jackson Surve3-or of Wood & Boards Mr. Eleazer Baker Wardens Mr. Jonathan Dana & Mr. Samuel Clark Town Treasurer Hon'ble Benjamin White Esq'r Constable Voted to hire a suitable person to serve as Constable and Collector of Taxes for this Year Voted that Thirteen pounds be added to the Premium of Twelve pounds heretofore voted to Mr. Eihanan Winchester, to make up Twenty five pounds, for his Service as Constable and Collector of Taxes for the year past. Voted that the Town will give Forty Bushels of Indian Corn to the Person who will undertake the Office of Constable and Col- lector of Taxes for this Year, provided he be approved and chosen by the Town Mr. Jonathan Dana offered himself and was chosen to serve as Constable & Collector of Taxes and sworn On the Question whether the Town will make Allowance to those who kept and boarded the Poor the 3-ear past, on Account of the high prices of Provisions Voted in the affirmative 279 Voted to allow Mr. Elisha Gardner ten shillings ;p Weed for boardino; Elizabeth Chamberlain instead of the Price a2:reed for- till the 3'ear is eompleated Voted to allow Mr. Elhanan Winchester Six shillings ^ Week for Mar^' Bowen's Board, instead of the price agreed for, till her year is eompleated Voted that the Thanks of the Town be given to Mr. John Heath for consenting to board Mrs. Sarah Williams at the price agreed Voted to allow Mrs. Sarah Sharp nine shilling ^ Week for Alex'r Mcintosh's Board instead of the price agreed on, Voted that the Town will purchase an Iron Stove for the Gram- mar School House, in order to lessen the Expence of Fuel Voted that William Thompson, Mr. Elhanan Winchester and Mr. John Heath be a Committee to receive the Claims of Lieut. Caleb Craft and others for extra military Service, and lay the same before the Town at their next meeting Town Clerk Mr. Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk and Sworn Voted that Doctor William Aspiuwall Mr. Joshua Boylston, Mr. Eleazer Baker, Mr. Robert Sharp and Mr. Joshua Winship be A Committee to hire any men that may be ordered from this Town, upon militar}' Duty on the most reasonable Terms they can, when- ever the}' may be called for ; The Committee to be allowed a rea- sonable Consideration for their Service Committee of Con-espondence fee a. William Thompson, Mr. Isaac Child, Capt. Timothy Corey, Mr. Elisha Gardner, and Mr. Stephen Sharp, were chosen to be a Committee of Correspondence Inspection and Safety for the j-ear ensuing Voted, that William Thompson, Mr. John Goddard and Mr. Stephen Sharp, be a Committee to examine the Town Treasurer's and School Treasurer's Acco'ts and to lay an account of Particu- lars befoi'e the Town Mr. Isaac Child and Capt. Thomas White were drawn to serve as petit Jurors at the Superior Court to be held 3rd Instant 280 Voted that whenever the Produce of the School Fund shall be insufficient to discharge the Expence of Keeping the School, the Selectmen be authorized and empowered to draw on the Town Treasurer for the delicienc}' and that the School be continued from this time, provided a qualified School master can be obtained Then the Meeting was dissolved Monday April 27. 1778 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Law- fully assembled, at the Meeting House Major William Thompson was Chosen Moderator. In Compliance with a recommendation of the Committees of Fourteen Towns in the Count}' of SutTok and Two Towns in the County of Mid'dlesex met in Conference at Dedham on Tuesday the 14th da}' of April Current Voted the Major William Thompson, Mr. Nehemiah Davis, and Mr. Isaac Child be a Committee in Behalf of this Town, to proceed to Dedham to meet the Committees of other Towns who may as- semble there tomorrow at nine o'Clock, to confer and consult to- gether, upon the Form of Government lately offered to the People of this State for their approbation or disapprobation, and maturely to consider and advise whether the Same is Calculated to Promote, in the best manner attainable, the true and Lasting Happiness of the People of this State, and to secure to them and their Posterity those Just Rights Liberties and priviliges which as a Free People they are entitled to and by the favor of providence have so happy an oppertunity of affecting, also to consider and advise upon any other matter or thing that ma}' concern this Town, County, or State and to report the result of their Deliberations, to this Town at the adjournment of this Meeting or at the next Town Meeting Upon the petition of Doct'r William Aspinwall for Leave to improve his Dwelling House as an Hospital for inoculating with the Small Pox Voted in the Negative 281 Voted that Mr. Ellianau Winchester, Mr. Edward Kitchen "Wolcot, and Mr. Samuel Croft, be a Committee to petition to tlie General Court that the Hospital at Sewall point may be Discon- tinued Then the Meeting was Disolv'd attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk BrooMine Thursday May 21. 1778 at a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Col. Thomas Aspinwall was Chosen to Represent this Town in the General Court for the Ensuing year Maj'r William Thompson was then Chosen moderator of this meeting Voted that twenty five hundred pounds be raised by a Tax on the Polls and Estates of the Inhabitants and on the Estates of non-residents, to defray the necessary Expenses of this Town the Current year Voted that the Grammar School be continued and kept open through the year ensuing, and that whenerer the Produce of the School Fund shall be insufficient to defray the Expence of keeping said School, the Selectmen be authorized and impowered to draw on the Town Treasurer for payment of the deficienc}', conformable to a vote to that purpose passed the second day of march last Voted that Maj'r William Thompson, Col. Thomas Aspinwall and Stephen Sharp be a Committee to attain an account of all the charge this Town has ben at in paying Bountys or Extraordinary Wages to those persons who have engaged and Servd or may serve, for this Town as Soldiers in the Continental army, Expidi- tions & Guards Upon reading and considering the proposed new form of Gov- ernment ; Voted that the same is not calculated and adapted, to promote and secure in the best manner attainable, the True and lasting Happiness and Freedom of the People of tliis State that it is essential to a Constitution designed for that most important and 282 desirable End, that a full and express declaration of the Eights of the People, be made a part thereof, and that the Powers of Rulers Should be accurately defincnd and properl}^ L'imited ; that as the Form Proposed is almost totally deficient in those respects and im- perfect and intricate in man}- parts, it ought therefore to be re- jected, and this Meeting consisting of fortj- five voters do unani- mousl}' and absoluty reject the same Then the Meeting was dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Thursday Decem'TSd 1778 At A meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookliue Lawfully Assembled Col. Thomas Aspinwall was chosen moderator Voted that this Town will make an allowance to the Rev'd Joseph Jackson the Currant year, in consideration of of the very high prices of the uecessarj's of Life Voted that Maj'r William Thompson Mr. Isaac Child and Mr. Samuel Craft be a Committee to consider how much the Town ought to allow Mr. Jackson in regard thereof, and that they be directed to withdraw immediately and make report to this meeting as soon as they are agreed The afores'd committee having withdrawn for some time return and report as their opinion, that it is Just and reasonable that the town do allow and pa}- five hundred and six pounds thirteen Shil- lings and four pence to the Eev'd Joseph Jackson in addition to his settled Sallar}' the Current year Viz from February one Thou- sand seven hundred and seventy eight to February one Thousand seven hundred and Seventy nine which sum makes up his Sallary Six hundred pounds in the whole — whereupon Voted that the Town do except their Committee's report respect- ing Mr. Jackson's Support and that Said sum be assessed at the next assesment Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 283 Febnianj Wi 1779 Issued a warrant to Mr. Jonathan Dana, Constable to warn Capt. William Cambell, Mary Cambel his Wife, his Sons Daniel and Josiah, his Daughters Maiy Sarah and Lucy, Mr. Ebenezer White, Hannah his Wife his Sous Samuel, Ebenezer Joseph and John Loren, liis D<1ughters Ann and Mary Mr. Itha- mar Smith and Lydia Smith his Wife — Mr. Andrew Ellis and Mr. Daniel Seaver to depart this Town in fourteen days or give Securi- ty to indemnify and Save the Tov>-n from all Charge that may arise by means of their residence Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday March 20th 1779. At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the meeting House, Warned and assembled accord- ing to Law Mr. John Goddard was chosen moderator and the Town pro- ceeded to the choice of the following Persons to Serve in their respective offices the Year Ensuing Viz. Selectmen & Assessors Col. Thos. Aspiuwall, Stephen Sharp, Mr. Moses White Mr. Sam'el Craft, & Mr. Benj'm White Town Clerk Stephen Sharp Sworn Surveyors of Highway's Mr. John Goburn for the Lower dis- trict Mr. Benja'n White for the middle District, Mr. Daniel Daua for the South District. Mr. Abij'h Child for the fourth District Wardens Deac'n Elisha Gardner & Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall Fence Viewers Mr. Joshua Winship & Mr. Edward K. Wolcot Sworn Clerk of the market Mr. Eleaz'r Baker Sworn Sealer of Leather Dec'n Elhanan Winchester Field Drivers Mr. Sam'el Griggs & Mr. Caleb Gardner Hogreaves Nath'el Gk'iggs & John Spear Surveyor of Wood & Boards Mr. Eleaz'r Baker Sworn Town Treasurer Hon'ble Bcnj'n White Esq'r Committee of Correspondence & c't Maj'r Wm. Thompson 284 Col. Thos. Aspinwall Mr. John Heath Capt. Timothj^ Corey & Capt. Will'm Campbell were Chosen a Committee of Correspon- dencc'Inspcction & Safety for the year Ensuing Voted that Col. Thos. Aspinwall, Dea'n Elisha Gardner & Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott be a Committee to Examine the claims and Settle in there Opinion what allowance Ought to be made Such Persons as have done Extra military Service and lay the Same be- fore the Town at Our next Town meeting Voted to allow the Singing Society to Occupy the Seats in the front Gallerj', During the Pleasure of the Town, and to allow of such Alterations in the Seats as shall be most convenient for Sd Singers Voted that Sd alteration be under the direction of a Committee Viz Deac'n Elisha Gardner Mr. Neh'r Davis and Col. Thos. Aspinwall Voted that the Sum of four hundred pounds be raised in order for repairing the Highways in Sd Town the year Ensuing & that the Assessors be Directed to Assess Sd Sum from the last Valu- ation, as soon as possible and that the Surveyors See the Work is faithfully done by 15th June at the farthest, and that no man • be allow'd the price of a Da^'s work Unless he Labours faithfully Eight Hours agreeble to the Direction of the Surveyor Voted that Maj'r Wm. Thompson Doc'r Aspinwall and Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott be a Committee to Examine the Town Treasurers & School Treasurers Accounts and lay an account of Particulars before the Town at ma}- meeting Voted to Hire a Suitable person to Serve as Constable and Col- lector of Taxes the Ensuing Year Mr. Jonathan Dana offers to Serve as Constable and Collector of Taxes for the year for forty Bushels of Indian Corn, twenty Bushels to be paid upon his Collecting and paying into the Treas- ury one half the Taxes the other Twenty when he compleats his Collections 285 The Town Except his offer and mak choice of him as their Con- stable and Collector of Taxes for the Ensuing year Then the meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Cler. Thursday May 13th 1779 At a Meeting of the Freeholder & other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at 3-0 meeting House warned & assembled according to Law The Selectmen being moderators upon the Question whether the Inhabitants will clause some Suitable person to serve for & represent them in a great & General Court or assembly to be convened at Boston on ye 26th Instant, it was Voted in the afflrmitive The Inhabitants then Gave in their Votes & upon counting the Same, it appeared that Col. Thomas Aspinwall had twenty three votes out of twenty seven, he was according!}^ declared to be chosen Representative and being present he accepted that office Then Mr. John Goddard was chosen moderator Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the School Treasurer's accounts which they have Compleated, also to accept their report of the State of the Towns accounts so far as they have alread}' been able to proceed therein and that they be directed to compleat the State of the Towns accounts in the most exact man- ner in their power and to la}' it before the Town at the next meet- ing, also that they consider & report what method they judge most advisable for the Town to Observe hereafter in manageing their Orders and accounts Voted that the Sum or Sums of money that ma}^ be raised to defray the Charges of the Town the Current year, be assess'd at two assessments, & that the assessors assess the the Sum of three thousand pounds on polls Real, & Personal Estates of the Inhabi- tants of the Town and non resident Proprietors & commit ye same to ye Collector b}' ye 10th of June next 37 286 Voted that Mr. Daniel White be Selectman in room of Mr. Ben- jamin White who declined Serving Voted to keep ye Grammar School through ye Summer Season provided a Suitable master may be obtained Voted that the Town pay to Mr. Jonathan Dana twenty Bushels of Indian Corn as soon as it may be obtained towards his Premium for Serving as Constable & Collector for 1778. Voted to accept the committee's report. Chosen Last Town meet- ing to examine the claims of Such persons as had done Extra military' Duty & had no consideration made Voted that Capt. Thomas White Lieut. Daniel White Mr. E. Kitchen Wolcott Mr. Ebenezer Davis & Mr. Jonathan Dana be a committee to hire Soldiers until the next Town meeting. Then the Meeting Desolv'd Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Wednesday June SOth 1779. At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the meeting House Mr. John Goddard was chosen moderator Voted that Capt. Timothy Corey Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Isaac Child Maj'rWill'm Thompson & Mr. Abijah Child be a Committee to hire the number of men the Town is now Call'd upon to raise Voted that the Selectmen procure Such a sum of money as Said Committee Shall find necessary in order to hire Sd Soldiers and that the Town Treasurer give his Obligation in behalf of the Town for ye Same Capt'n John Goddard was Chosen to meet a proposed Conven- tion of Deligates from the Several Committees of Correspondence &. c. in this State at Concord on Wednesday the 14th of July next for the purpose of Carrying into Effect the attempt of Ap- preciating our money — then the Meeting was adjournd without Day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Cler 287 BrooMine Tuesday August 3cZ 1779 At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the meeting House Capt'n John Goddard was Chosen Moderator A Copy of the Proceedings of the Convention at Concord being read Voted — That wee approve of the Resolutions of the Conven- tion at Concord, on the 14th of July last, & that wee will Take Suitable measures to carry the Same into Execution Upon motion made Col. Thos. Aspinwall Mr. Isaac Child, Maj'r Wm. Thompson, Capt'n Wm. Campbell & Capt'n John Goddard, were Chosen a Committee, to regulate the prices of Such articles as are not mentioned in the Proceedings of Said Convention Maj'r Wm. Thompson was Chosen to represent Said Town in a Convention at Cambridge on the first day Of Sept'r next for the Sole Purpose of forming a new Constitution Voted That this Town will make an allowance to the Rev'd Joseph Jackson for the current year, in consideration of the high Prices of Provisions Voted that Capt'n John Goddard Col. Thos. Aspinwall & Mr. Wm. Ackers, be a Committee to Consider how much the Town Ought to allow Mr. Jackson & that they withdraw Immediately & make report at this Present Meeting assoon as they are agreed The af re Said Committee having withdrawm for some time re- turn'd & reported as their Opinion, that it is Just & and Reasona- ble for the Town to make up Mr. Jacksons Sallary to one Thou- sand Five Hundred pounds in the whole for his Comfortable Support During the Current year. — whereupon Voted that this Town do Except their Committees report Respecting the allowance for Mr. Jackson's Support Voted to Raise the Sum of four Thousand Six hundred &, thirty five pounds on the Polls Real & Personal Estates of the In- habitants of this Town & non-resident Possessors, to Defray the Charges of the Town the current year 288 Voted that this meeting be Adjourn'd to Monday the 9th Inst at four a Clock in the Afternoon Monday August dth 1779 At a meeting of the Inhabitants b}^ adjournment from Tuesday August 3d Capt. John Goddard, moderator Capt John Goddard was chosen to Represent the Town in the Convention at Concord on the first Wednesday in October next Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to monday the 23d Inst, at four a Clock in the afternoon — and was adjournd accord- ingly 3fonday Aicgiist 2Sd nid At a meeting of the Inhabitants by adjournment from monday August 9th Capt Goddard moderator Voted that it be left with the Committee to affix the Prices of Such arti(!les as are not mentioned in the Proceedings of the Con- vention at Concord, til after the County Convention at Water- town On a motion made Voted that the article inserted in the war- rant Respecting the Pew which the Town Lately sold to Capt. John Goddard, be Referd to some futer meeting Then the meeting was Adjournd without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday Octo'r Uth 1770 At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House — Col. Thom's Aspinwall Chosen Mode'r Voted that this meeting be adjournd to Jonathan Dana's where being jneet, Voted that Maj'r Wm. Thompson, Mr. Isaac Child, Dea. Elisha Gardner, Capt'n Wm. Campbell, & Mr. John Heath be a Committee to hire the number of men the Town is now Call'd upon to Raise to Reinforce the Continental Arm}^ for three months then the meeting was adjournd without Day 289 Friday Dec'r 31i 1779 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Grammar School House Capt John Goddard Chosen Moderator Voted that the Town approve & Justifie their Committee Respecting their Proceedings with "William Hyslop Esq'r Upon motion made, Voted that this Meeting be adjournd to Thursday next at two Oclock in the After noon in this Place Thursday Jan. 6th 1780. Meet according to adjournment Capt John Goddard Moderator — Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to collect the Money Due to the Town, for Soldiers Bounties Traveling Fees &. C. Then the Meeting was adjournd to monday Sennet at two Clock in the afternoon at this Place Monday Jan. 17th Meet according to adjournment Capt. John Goddard Moderator Voted that this Town is Sat- tisfied Respecting Mr. Hyslops Residence in great Briton & with the manner of his return Voted that the Town is Dissatisfied with Mr. Hj'slops Conduct Towards the Committee Scince his return Voted that this meeting be adjournd without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday March 6th 1780. At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the meeting house warn'd and assembled according to Law Col. Thomas Aspinwall was Chosen moderator, and the Town Proceeded to the Choice of the following Persons to Serve in their respective offices the year Ensuing Viz 290 Selectmen &; assessors Capt. John Goddard Maj'r Wm. Thompson and Capt'n William Campbell Town Clerk Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Moved and Voted that this meeting be adjournd til tomorrow afternoon at one o Clock in this Place Tuesday March 1th Meet according to Adjonrnm't Col. Thomas Aspinwall Moderator Constable Deac. Elhanan Winchester offers to serve the Tov/n as Constable and Collector of Taxes the Ensuing year for fifty five Bushels of Indian Corn, the Except his ofier and make Choice of him as their Constable and Collector for the j^ear Ensuing Sur-^eyors of Highways Mr. Ebenez'r Davis for the North Dis- trict, Mr. Caleb Gardner for the middle District Mr. Gulliver Winchester for the South District Mr. Nath'l Winchester for the New District Wardens Mr. Joshua Boylston and Mr. David Hj'slop Fence Viewers Mr. Moses White and Mr. Jonathan Dana Clark of the market Mr. Eleaz'r Baker, Sealer of Leather Deac. Elhanan Winchester Field Drivers ' Mr. James Winchester and Mr. Royal Wood Hogreaves Mr. Samuel Griggs and Mr. Thaddeus Hide Surveyor of Wood & Boards Mr. Eleaz'r Baker. Town Treasurer Maj'r William Thompson Chosen Town Treasurer Committee of Correspondence. Maj'r Wm. Thompon. Doc'r Wm. Aspinwall and Mr. Isaac Child Stephen Sharp was Chosen Tithing man. Voted that Mr. Nehemiah Davis, Mr. Isaac Child, Col. Thos. Aspinwall, Capt'n John Goddard, and Mr. Moses White, be a Committee to Consider, and Settle in their Opinion what is Just and reasonable : for the Town to allow Mr. Jackson for his 291 Comfortable maintauance and Support for the j^ear to come, as well as what Allowance for the year past, and make report at may meeting Voted that the Thanks of the Town be given to the Hon. Benj'n White Esq'r for his good Services as Town Treasurer for a number ofj'ears past Voted that the Petition of Mr. Thos. Griggs that the Town would abate his proportionable part of Mr. Jacksons Sallery be refered to Some futer meeting Voted that the Town give Mr. Jonathan Dana former Collector Sixty pounds Over and above his premium, Provided he Compleats his Collections, and Settles with the Town Treasurer by next May meeting Voted that Mr. Isaac Child Admin'r to the Est'e of Wm. Davis former Collector upon paying the Sum he has collected, be dis- charged from all the outstanding Taxes, except any he may be able to Collect hereafter Voted, that the laud in the Town be measured, and the money Spent in measuring the Same be raised by a Tax on Said Land Voted that Capt. John Goddard, Mr. Isaac Child, and Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall, be committee to see to the measur'g of Said Land Voted that Maj'r Wm. Thompson, Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall & Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott, be a Committee to Examine the Town and School Treasurers accounts & report at May Meeting Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Cler, Monday May \^th 1780. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House — the Selectmen moderators Upon the Question, whether the Inhabitants would Choose Some Suitable Person to represent them in a Great and General Court or Assembly to be Convened at Boston, on the 31st Instant it was Voted in the Affirmative 292 Then the Inhabitants gave in their Votes and upon counting the Same it appeared that Col. Thomas Aspinwall was Chosen Repre- sentative, and it waa accordingly Declared, Then Capt, John Goddard was Chosen Moderator, The Constitution or form of Government Agreed upon b}^ the Dalegates of the People of the State of Massachusetts Bay, being read, the Meeting was adjournd till two o Clock in the afternoon, then being Meet It was put to Vote to See if the Town would dismiss Deac. Elhanan Winchester from Serving as Constable and Collector the present 3'ear. Voted in the negative Then the form of Government was taken under Consideration* and Assented to as far as the 10th article in Chapter 2dSect'n 1st Except the following Articles, Viz. the third Article in the Bill of rites Assented to by thirty nine Voters, Eight dissented pro- posing this amendment, that Every Estate in the Town Should bear an equal Proportion of the Charges that arise in Maintaining the Congregational Minister in that Town where the Estate Laj's The 2d Article in Chapter 2d Sect'n 1st Assented to by twelve, Twenty one for this with this Amendment, Dealing the word Christian and Puting in Protestants Chapt'r 2d Sect 1st — 13th Article Assented to provided the Sal- aries be not Established while the present War and Scarcity Lasts — because it would require at least a Double Sum for an Hon- orable Support in Such Times as the Present to what would be necessar}' in Times of Peace and Pleuty and no Provision is made for lessening any Salarys once Established, therefore til the return of Peace and Plenty as before the War, the Salar3's Ought to be granted yearily — the grants to be made among the first acts of the Gen'l Court Ever}^ year Then the Meeting was adjournd til to morrow Morning at Eight OClock in this Place Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 293 Tuesday May 16th 1780. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline bj^ adjournment from Monday 15th Inst't Capt. John Goddard Moderator. Then the Remaining part of the form of Government which has not been Considered was taken Under consideration and Assented to Except the 1st 7th and 10th Articles in Chapt'r 6th to which the following Alterations were proposed. Viz twelve Voters for the 1st Article as it Stands, twenty one for Dealing the word Chris- tian and putting in Protestant — twenty six Voters Accept the 10th Article as it Stands four do not Accept it. . 7th Article Assented to with this Alteration, Dealing the word twelve and putting in three, and that Only in time of War, Rebel- ion or Invasion Then Col. Thom's Aspiuwall, Mr. Caleb Croft. Mr. John Harris Jun'r Mr. Nehem'r Davis, and Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott, were Chosen a Committee to take under Consideration and determine what method Shall be taken to Ascertain the Quantity and Val-ue of the land in Said Town, in order to a more Equatable Assess- ment thereof, and make report at the next meeting Voted that this meeting be adjournd to Wednesday Sennet at eight a Clock in the Morning at this Place Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. Wednesday May 24:tk 1780 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Said Town by Adjournment from Tuesda}^ the 16th Instant Capt. John Goddard Moderator The report of the Committee appointed to take Under Consid- eration and determin what method Shall betaken to Ascertain the Quantit}' and Value of the Land in Said Town in Order to a more Equatable Assessment being read was not Accepted then Voted to adjourn the Meeting til half after two o Clock 38 294 being Meet it put to Vote to see if the Town would reconsider the Vote pas'd last March Meeting, to measure the Town and Every mans land therein, Voted in the Negative Voted that Capt. John Goddard, Maj'r Wm. Thompson, Capt. Wm. Campbell, Mr. Caleb Croft, and Col. Thom's Aspinwall be a Committee to View all the land in Town and Prise the Same in Order to a more Equitable Taxation Voted to Excuse Capt. Goddard from Serving on the Committee for measuring the Town — Voted that Mr. Caleb Croft, Mr. Moses White, and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis be added to Said Comm'te Voted that the Constable be directed to Collect and pay in one half of the Town Tax to the Treasurer by the 1st Day of Sept'r next and the Other half b}^ the 1st Day Jan. next Voted that Mr. Jonathan Dana Mr. John Coburn & Mr. Sam'el Clark be a Committee to hire Soldiers Voted that the Town Treasurer be authorized to hire such Sum of money for and in behalf of the Town,' as shall be necessary for the Purpose of hiring Men, or for any other Charges of the Town as he shall be directed thereto by the Selectmen The Vote being put to See if the Town would Continue the grammar School During the Summer Season. Voted in the Nega- ative — Voted that a Womans School be kept three month, one month in the School House at the Lower End of the Town, one month in the middle of the Town and one month in the School House at ye South part of the Town — Voted to abate Miss Mary Boylstons Taxes which Remain unpaid. Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday the 5th Day of June next in this place BrooJdine June 5th 1780. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of said Town by adjournment from "Wednesday May 24th Capt. John Goddard Moderator Voted that the Town approve of the Proceedings of the 295 Committee of Correspondence Inspection and Safty respecting the Petition of Mr. John Green to the Gen'l Assembly to attain posses- sion of the forfeited Estate of Henr}- Holton, and that the Town Confirm and approve the reasons and objections tlie said Commit- tee offerd Said Assembly against the Granting of Said Greens Petition. Also Voted that the Representative of this Town in the Gen. Court be directed to oppose the Grant of Said Estate, or any part of it to said Green in Consideration of his acct. of Services for the Kings Custom Houses — and that the Committee of Correspond'e be desired to take Such further Steps as thej' Shall Judge proper in the name and behalf of the Town to prevent the said Green's Obtaining possession of Said Estate, or an}^ part of it Voted that such Persons as have any Papers relative to Soldiers Milage Travelling Fees &. c. Due to the Town, are Desired to Deliv'r Said papers to the Commttee appointed to Collect said Milage money Voted that all persons that are Posses'd of any Papers that are Necessar}' to the Committees making a report of the Debt and Credit of the Town be Desired to Deliver Said papers to the Com- mittee appointed for that Purpose Voted to abate the Poll Tax Assessed on Mr. Thos. Griggs Sons, John and Joseph ; after their Disceas The Committee appointed 13th March to consider of the most advisable method to be observ'd in Managing the Towns accounts and the Selectmeus Orders — report by Reccommending to the town to Pass the foll'g Votes To the Intent that the Towns accounts may be kept in Regular Order, and that the state of them may be Easaly known at anatime hereafter Voted that for the futer the Town Treasurer pay no order drawn upon him b}' the Selectmen, unless the same be presented to him for Payment within fourteen Days from the Date thereof. 296 That everj' order paid by the Treasurer be entered Particularly in his Books That no Constable or Collector of Taxes be permitted to pay any monej^ on account of the Town, to any Person, except the Town Treasurer, unless by his order in writing That no Constable or Collector shall be Discharged of any sum or Sums of Money he Shall Discount, by virtue of the Selectmens orders, out of any Persons Taxes unless he shall Settle the Same with the Town Treasurer in one month after Such Discount. That no Constable or Collector be allowed his Premium for Col- lecting Taxes, unless he Shall paj^ into the hands of the Town Treasurer, or Settle with him the whole amount of the list or lists of Taxes Committed to him to Collect within the Time fixed in the Warrants, or unless he shall make out and Deliver to the Select- men an account of the Taxes contained in Such lists that are un- setled, and make it appear to their Satisfaction that he has done all in his Power to Collect the same in which case they may allow a further time for collecting the Same not Exceeding three months, at the End of Which time, he shal Deliver them a new account of Taxes outstanding on every Such respective list, which Shall be by them Laid before the Town at the next Town Meeting for the Town Consideration and Determination thereon That whenever the Town Shall find it Expedient to pass a Vote ; to hire any Sum of Money upon Interest for the Towns use, the Town Treasurer Shall be authorized to receive such monej's and to give Bond or note in the name and Behalf of the Town for the Same, and it Shall be his business to pay oflT all Bonds or notes given by Himself or predecessors in that Office, or that ben ben heretofore given by the Selectmen and are now unpaid, also to keep a particular account of the Monej's so Borrowed and paid off That the Town Treasurer be enjoined to keep a Separate Ac- count in his Book, for every Constable an Collector of Taxes, and Shall charge him for the amount of Every Tax List Committed to 297 him to Collect, and Shall give him Credit for all mone3'S he shall pa}^ in to the Town Treasury, and for all abatements that Shall be made. That Moneys Voted and levied for any particular purpose Shall not be applied to any other purpose, unless upon any Sudden Emergency it Shall become unavoidable. That the Town Treasurer shall be held to lay his Books or ac- counts before the Town at their May Meeting annualy for their Inspection The Committee appointed the last annual March Meeting to see what method Should be taken in order to enable the Rev'd Joseph Jackson to Support himself and Family for the Present year, re- port as follows Viz. that he be paid his Salary-, in money equal to Produce at the Prices hereafter mentioned, that is, Indian Corn at four Shillings pr. Bushel, English Hay at four Shillings pr. Hun- dred Wt, good Beef and mutton at four pence pr. pound, and Butter at ten pence pr. pound. And that a Committee be Chosen to Examine into the prices of the above mentioned articles and report to the Town Treasurer once a month what Sum ought to be paid to make it equal to the aforementioned prices ; and that the Treasurer be Desired to make paj-ment of such sums as Mr. Jackson has not Rec'd by wa}^ of the Box Each month During the year — and that Mr. Jackson be repaid Such sums as he has been obliged to Expend out of his own Estate in the time pas'd Voted that the Town do Accept of the report of their Committee Respecting Mr. Jacksons Support and maintenance for the present year. Voted that Doct'r William Aspinwall, Capt William Campbel and Deac'n Elisha Gardner be a Committee for the purpose Men- tioned in Said report Voted that after Mr. Kingsbury has ascertained the Quantit}' of Land contained in the Town, and has measured, and deducted the 298 number of acres contained in the Roads and waste Lands, the whole Number of Acres remaining in the Town Shall be Taxed in Every filter Assessment, and in the following manner. Viz. Every man who Shall have his land measured by an able and SWorn Sur- ve3'or, and Sworn Chainman, Shal be Taxed for no more than his Proportionable part of Sd Number of rateable Acres according to its value ; and the remainder Shall be Tax'd to the other Persons in Proportion as shall be Judg'd proper and Equal b}' a Committee Chosen for that purpose Upon a motion the Vote was put to see if the Tovt^n would re- consider a Vote pass'd last Tovfn meeting Respecting the abate- ment of Miss Mary Boylston Rates, Voted in the Afferraative Voted that the Sum of Eighteen thousand five Hundred and twenty nine pounds, be Assessed on Polls, Pteal and Personal Es- tates of the Inhabitants of this Town, and Non resident Posses- sors, and that the same be Collected and Paid into the Treasury by the first Daj' of Sept'r next Then the meeting was Desolv'd Attest Stephen Sharp Town Cler. July Sd 1780. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House — Maj'r Wm. Thompson was chosen Mod- erator. Voted that the Sum of Eighteen Thousand three Hundred and Seventy three pounds be Raised on Polls, real and Personal Es- tates of the Inhabitants, and on Non resident Possessors, in addi- tion to the Sura Granted at the last Town Meeting. Voted that the sum now Granted be Assessed, Collected, and paid into the Town Treasury by the loth Inst. — and that the Collector be directed to Distrain on Such Persons as do not pay their proportionable part of Said sum by that time Voted that Doct'r Aspinwall, INIr. Gulliver Winchester and 299 Deac'n Gardner, be a Committee to go round the Town to see who will Advance Money for the purpose of hireing men for Military Service, and Receive the same and Deliver it to the Treasurer, and that those persons who adv'ce more than thare propoi'tionable part be allowed Interest for the Same. Voted that this Meeting be adjournd to next Thursday Six o Clock afternoon at Mr. Jonathan Dana's. Tlmrsday July 13th 1780 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House, Maj'r William Thompson Chosen Moderator Voted that Capt White be desired to Issue his Warrant to warn the Training Band and alarm list to meet to Morrow afternoon at five a Clock in this place in order to raise the Remainder of the Town's Quota of Men by draft if they cannot be Raised any other way be fore that time and that Notice be given that such persons as shall not actend the meeting be the first Drafted Voted that this meeting be adjournd til to Morrow afternoon at five a Clock in this place Friday July Hth 1780. the Inhabitants being meet according to the adjournment — Maj'r William Thompson Moderator. Voted that a Committee be chosen to go round among the Peo- ple in the present meeting to see who will advance money for the purpose of hiring Meen — Voted that Doct'r Aspinwall & Dea. Gardner serve on Said Committee, — Voted that Col. Aspinwall Capt. White and Mr. Ackers be a Committee to go round among the People present to see if any Incline' to Ingage to serve as Soldiers for the Town Voted that this meeting be adjournd to Mr. Bakers immediate- ly where being meet. Voted that the article in the Warrant Re- specting Mrs. Sarah Davis's Claim to the Pew Sold by the Town to Mr. John Goddard be refered for the present. 300 Voted that the Town will not give more than fifteen Hundred pounds pr. Man for the Militia which are Call'd for for three months provided the Town holds the State pay, and thirteen hun- dred* Pounds if the Soldiers holds the States Pay. and that the Committee do not give that sum after next tuesday, and that Mr. Gulliver Winchester, Deac'n Gardner, and Doct'r Aspinwall. be a Committee to hire Sd men in room of the former Committee for that purpose who Decline to Serve in that office Voted that the Thanks of the Town be given to miss Mary Boylston for three Silver Dollars given by her for the Incourage- ment of Such Men as Shall Ingage to serve as Soldiers for the Town ' - Voted that this Meeting be adjournd til next Tuesday Evening seven a Clock at the School House Monday Sept'r Atk, 1780, At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of Choosing a Governor and Lieutenant Governor for the Common Wealth of Massachusetts and Six Persons to Offici- ate as Counsellors or Senators for the District of Suffolk For a Governor — Thirty three Votes for the Hon. John Hancock Esq'r For a Lieutenant Governor. Twenty fives Votes for the Hon. Azor Orn Esq'r Three for Samuel addams Esq'r one for the Hon John Pickering Esq'r one for the Hon Jeremia Powel Esq'r one for the Hon James Warren Esq'r one for the Hon Artemas Ward Esq'r For Persons to be Counsellors or Senators Fourteen for the Hon. James Bowdoin Esq'r Twenty five for the hon Jeremia Powel Esq'r Twenty four for the hon Benjamin White Esq'r 301 Twenty two for tlie lion Jabes Fisher Esq'r Sixteen for the hon John Pitts Esq'r Twelve for Caleb Davis Esq'r Ten for hon Sam'el Niles Esq'r Nine for Increas Sumner Esq'r Nine for Joseph Palmer Esq'r Five for John Lowel Esq'r Five for Benjamin Austin Esq'r Five for Thomas Gushing Esq'r Two for Jonathan Medcalf Esq'r Two for Rev'd Doct'r Wm. Gordon one for Samuel Addams Esq'r One for Samuel Austin Esq'r Voted that Mr. Isaac Child. Mr. Joshua Boylston and Deac'n Elisha Gardner be a Committee to See that Mr. Jacksons Wood is broug't Voted to raise two thousand pounds for the purpose of repairing the Highways Voted to adjourn this Meeting til Wednesday Evening Six a clock at Mr. Jonathan Dana's Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Fryday Sepfr 29th 1780 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House Warnd according to Law Col. Thomas Aspinwall Chosen Moderator. Voted that the Sum of Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred and forty one pounds be raised by a tax on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, and Non resident Pos- sessors for the Purpose of Purchasing Supplys for the Army and that the surplus (if any bee) bee applyed as the Town shall here- after Direct Voted that said sum be Assessed, Collected, and paid into the Hands of the Town Treasurer by the 20th of Octo'r next 89 302 Voted that Deac'n Elhanan Winchester bee allowed two and a half per cent for collecting the said sum Provided he collects and pays in the same to the Sattisfaction of the Selectmen Voted that such Persons as Shall pay their proportion of Said Tax by next Wednesday be allowed five per cent for the same. Voted that this meeting be adjourned til next Wednesday at five a clock at the School House Wednesday Octob'r Ath At a Meeting of the Inhabitants by adjournment from Frydaye Sept'r 29th Col. Thomas Aspinwall being Moderator. Voted that those Persons that have not paid their part of the above said Tax be allowed five per. Cent, provided they pay b}' tomorrow noon Voted that said Money bee paid to Maj'r Ausgood in Stead of the Towns Proportion of Beef for the Arm3\ at the rate of one Hundred and fifty pounds pr. Hundred Weight agreeable to his Letter Directed to the Selectmen. Voted that this meeting be adjournd without Daj^ and was ad- jourud accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday Ocl'r 9/h 1780, At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the Purpose of Choosing a Representa- tive, conformably to a resolve of the late Convention of the six- teenth of June last, . The Hon. Benjamin White Esq'r was Chosen to Represent Said Town in a great and general Court or Assembly to be hoi den on Wednesday the twenty fifth day of Oct'r current, at the State House in Boston ten O'clock before noon. Then the Meeting was desolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. iib 303 December 2Gth 1780. At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House Capt'n William Campbell Chosen Moderator Voted that Capt'n William Campbell, Mr. Jonathan Dana, and Mr. Isaac Child, be a Committee to take under Consideration the Petition of Mrs. Sarah Davis, and report thereon at the adjourn- ment of this meeting Voted that Dea'n Elisha Gardner, Mr. Isaac Child be a Com- mittee to determiu upon some rule for the Settlement of Such Debts as were due from the Town before last march or Since that time, and report at the adjournment of this meeting. Then the Meetmg was adjournd to the School House Immedi- atel}^ — where being meet Voted that the Sum of Seven Hundred and fifty pounds in Silver money or paper Equivelant be raised in this Town for the purpose of raising Soldiers, or any other use the Town Shall se fit to put it to. — and that said sum be assessed, Collect'd and paid in by the last Day of Jan'ry 1781. Voted that Mr. William ackers, Mr. Abijah Child and Mr. Isaac Gardner be a Committee to Ingage the Men this Town is call'd upon to raise, to fill up the Continental Army on the most Reason- able terms they can, and report at the next Town Meeting Voted that the sum of twenty five Thousand pounds be raised for the purpose of procuring the Quantit}^ of Beef this Town is Call'd upon to Supply the Army with Voted that the sum of twenty five Thousand pounds be Raised for the purpose of Defraying the current Charges of the Town Voted that this Meeting be adjournd til next Wednesday sennate at two a clock in the afternoon at the Meeting House, and was adjournd accordingly. Wednesday Jan'ry Sd 1781. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House by adjournment 304 from Tuesdajr 26th Dec'r 1780, — Capt'n William Campbell the moderator being absent, Maj'r Will'm Thompson was chosen in his room, — Voted that this Meeting be adjourud to the School House Immediately Then tke Meeting was adjoiu'nd accordingl}' and being Meet according to adjournment Voted that all Debts due from the Town upon Bonds or notes be paid either in Silver Money or in Paper Currency equivelant thereto at the current exchange at the time of Pament according to the true and Just value of such Debts in Silver Monej' or paper currency at the Times those Debts were respectively contracted — and that the Selectmen be authorized to allow and Settle all other accounts and demands against the Town acco]ifting as the same shall appear to them to be just and equitable Voted that for the futer all accounts and demands against the Town be presented to the Selectmen for payment within three Months from the Time such accounts or demands may respectively become due ; and that whosoever shall neglect to present their ac- counts or other demands against the Town within that term shall be considered as having generously given the amount thereof for the Use and benefit of the Towngr^^id the Selectmen shall not have authority to allow of any accounts or demands nor to draw Orders for payment thereof if delayed beyond that Term Voted that this meeting be adjourd til to-Morrow afternoon in this place and was adjourud accordingly Thursday JanWy Atk'1781. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjourn- from the 3d Day of Jan'ry current, — Maj'r William Thompson Moderator, Voted as the Opinion of this Town, that Mrs. Sarah Davis has no right in the Pew sold by the Town to Mr. John Goddard, and that her petition be Dismiss' d. 305 Voted that the Selectmen be directed to draw on the Town Treasurer for the payment of the Charges of negro Exeter's last Sickness and Funeral if application should be made to them for pa3^ment the amount of such expence to be charged to the Estate of Mr. Isaac Winchester Deceas'd if any Such estate remains, Voted that every Town Inhabitant be authorized to hire any Soldiers to serve for three Years or during the War for this Towns Quota for the Continental Army — and that Every Inhabitant that shall procure a man shall be allowed four Dollars for his Trouble, and that the Town will pay each Soldier who shall engage in that Service as much more than the Publick pay as to make up his Wages to six pounds pr Month during the Time he shall continue in actual Service and that each Soldier be paid sixty Dollars in advance towards his Wages, and shall also be paid whatever shall be due to him from the Town at the end of every six Months, and if not paid within twenty Days after application b}^ themselves or agents then to be allowed ten percent Interest from the Time of application til paid Voted that in all Enter Town Meetings that the Inhabitants go upon Business in one Hour after the time set, if there is no more than five Voters present Voted that this Meeting be adjonrnd to Monday next at the Meeting House at two a Clock in the Afternoon and was adjonrnd accordingly Brookline Monday Jan'ry 8th 1781. At a Meeting of the Free- holders and other Inhabitants b}^ Adjournment from Thursday the 4th Day of Jan'ry current Maj'r William Thompson Moderator Voted that of the Sum of seven Hundred and fifty pounds Granted the 26th December 1780, to be raised in Silver monc}^, only three Hundred pounds thereof be assessed and paid in, on or before the 31st of January 1781. Voted that the Town allow and pay to Maj'r William Thompson 306 ten shillings new Emmision per day for the Time spent in the Service of the Town, at the late Convention for for Forming the new Constitution Voted that the assessors be a Committee to determin on whom the deficient Quantity of Land shall be Taxed agreeable to a Vote passed in Town Meeting 5th June 1780. Voted that Col. Thorn's Aspinwall, Mr. Moses White, Mr. Sam'el Croft, Mr. Caleb Croft, Mr. Isaac Child, Mr. Joshua Boyls- ton, Capt. Timothy Core}", Mr. Caleb Gardner Mr. Nath'el Seaver and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis, be a Conjraittee for the purpose of hiring this Towns Quota of men into the Continental Service. Whereas upwards of Fift}" Children belonging to this Town daily attend at School, and a Number of others from the adjacent Town have also been admitted there this season as usual for Sev- eral Years past, whereby the whole Number of Scholars is become so great that it cannot be expected the Schoolmaster can teach them all with any Probable prospect of advantage to the Scholars — therefore Voted that Mr. Isaac Reed the present Schoolmaster be directed not to permit the Children from any adjacent Town to come to School, while the number of Scholars belonging to this Town continues so large as to require all his attention to their Instruction, Then the Meeting was dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Cler. Monday March 6th 1781 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and assembled according to Law — Benjamin White Esq'r being chosen Moderator, the Town proceded to the choice of the following Persons to serve as Town Officers for the ye&r ensuing Viz Town Clerk Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk, and Sworn 307 Selectmen and Assessors Benjamin White Esq'r Mr. John Godclard, and Capt'n William Campbell, chosen Selectmen & Assess's Town Treasurer, Doct'r William Aspinwall chosen Town Treasurer, Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes. Constable, Mr. Ebenez'r Davis otfers to serve the Town as Constable and Collect the Taxes for one penney half penney on the Pound — The Town accept his offer and choose him for their Constable and Collector of Taxes for the present year. Surveyors of the Highways Capt'n Corey for the North dis- trict, Mr. Caleb Gardner for the midde district, Mr. Gulliver Winchester for the South district, and Mr. Abijah Child for the New district Fence Viewers Mr. John Goddard and Mr. Moses White Mr. Eleaz'r Baker Chosen Clark of the Market. Mr. Elhanan Winchester chosen sealer of Leather. Wardens Mr. Isaac Gardner and Mr. Samuel Clark Hogreaves Mr. Samuel Griggs & Mr. Daniel Child, Chosen Hogreaves Mr. Eleaz'r Baker chosen Surve3^or of Boards Field Drivers Mr. Caleb Gardner & Mr. Samuel Croft chosen Field Drivers Voted that Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Isaac Child and Col. Thomas Aspinwall be a Committee to consider how much the Town ought to allow the Rev'd Joseph Jackson, for the present year, in consid- eration of the high prices of the Necessarys of Life, and Report at the adjournment of this Meeting Voted to adjourn this meeting til half after two o clock this afternoon in this place — being Meet according to adjournment — Voted that the Tax for hiring Soldiers into the Continental Army, be paid in paper Money at the rate of Se\ienty five paper Dollars for one Silver Dollar, and thai; the Treasurer be desired to ex- change the same for hard Money if needed, 308 Voted that the Selectmen be a committee to Inquire into the Sum of the Taxes on the Ministerial Lot in Needham, and report at the next Meeting, Voted that Mr. Samuel Croft be desired to take care of the Stock of Arms and ammunition or any other article or articles that belong to this Town, Voted that Doct'r William Aspinwall, Col. Thomas Aspinwall, and Mr. Nehemiah Davis be a committee to Enquirq into the Debt and Credit of the Town, and to Settle all Maj'r William Thompson's accounts against the Town, and any other accounts that have been presented to the Selectmen for Settlement and they choose to refer to said Committee, agreeable to the Scale of Depre- ciation, and report at the next Town Meeting (a Vote Previous to the choice of Selectmen and Assessors omitted) Voted that the Selectmen and Assessors be allowed their Rea- sonable expences while they are imployed in Town Business Voted to adjourn this meeting til next Wednesday Sennet at one a Clock in the afternoon. Wednesday March litli 1781. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from Monda}' March 5th at the Meeting House Benj'n White Esq'r being Moderator Voted that the Committee Chosen the 5th lust't to consider what allowance the Town ought to make the Rev'd Joseph Jack- son for the present j'ear, take the matter under further considera- tion and report at the next Town Meeting Voted to allow and pay Maj'r William Thompson twelve shil- lings per da}^, while he Represented this Town in the late Conven- tion for forming the new Constitution Voted to Raise a sum of Money (on Polls Real, and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and non residen Propri- etors) not exceeding twenty five Thousand pounds for defraying the necessary charges of the Town. 309 Voted that the Vote pas'd the 3d day of Janr'y last Respecting hiring Soldiers into the Continental Army for three years, be Reconsided, and that the Committee be desired to procure the men on the best terms the}' can Voted that the Select men be a Committee to Tax the deficient Quantity- of Land on those Persons that have not got their Land Surveyed, agreeable to a Vote of the Town Passed the 5th June last Voted that this Town do approve of the Proceedings 'of the General Court in Rej)ealing the late Tender Act Voted to adjourn this Meeting til next Thursdaj' Sennet at one o clock in the afternoon at this Place Tlmrsdmj March 22d 1781. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline. by adjournment from Wednesday the 14th March, at the Meeting House — Benj'n White Esq'r being Moderator Voted that the article in the Warrant Respecting Rev'd Joseph Jacksons Sallary be Refer'd to the next Town Meeting Voted that the Sum of one Hundred pounds in Silver Money or Paper Mone}- equivelant at the current Exchange, be raised by a Rate for the purpose of Repairing the Highways in this Town the Present j'ear, and that the Survej'ors give legal Warning to the Inhabitants to work out the Sum or Sums set against their Names in the Rate List, and if anj" Person or Persons shall neglect or refuse to work out the Sum or Sums whereat they are Assessed in Said List b}- the first Da}' of Oct'r next then the Sur- veyor is to give the List into the Hands of the Collector to collect the Same Voted that the Town will make Mr. Elhanan Winchester a further allowance of four Hundred pounds old Currency, for his Extraordinary Trouble in warning Town Meetings, and Collecting Taxes the last year 40 310 Voted that the article in the Warrant Respecting Raising a Fund for the purpose of Supporting a Congregational Minister in this Town be Refered to the next Town Meeting Whereas the Assessors have Classed the Inhabitants agreeable to a Resolve Passed the 26th Feb'3' last Voted that Each Class be impowered to Retain in their hands or draw out of the Treasur}^, their Proportionable part of the last Rate made for the Purpose of hiring Soldiers Vote'd that the Valuation for Raising the Sum of money not exceeding twenty five Thousand pounds grantted the 14th Inst't be taken the Second day of april next Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk March 30^A 1781. This Certify eth that I have Survey 'd in the Town of Brookline the Farm of Mr. Isaac Child, in the begining of March 1781, ac- cording to my best Skill and Judgment, Joseph Child, and Wm. Winchester, were Chain Men, and Sd Fai-m Contains Seventy two Acres one Quarter & Seven Rods Jonathan Kingsbury Jun'r Sur'r A true Cop3'. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Brookline April 2cl 1781. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Governor, and Lieutenant Governor, for the common Wealth of Massachusetts, and Six Persons to officiate as Counsellers or Senators for the District of Suffolk, the Inhabi- tants Brought in their Votes as follows Viz For a Governor Twenty nine Votes for his Excellency John Hancock Esq'r For a Lieutenant Governor Twent}^ two for Azor Orne Esq'r Eleven for Samuel Addams Esq'r 311 For Persons to be Coimsellors or Senators Thirty five for Jeremia Powel Esq'r Thirtj^ five for John Pitts Esq'r Thirty four for Jaber Fisher Esq'r Thirty three for Caleb Davis Esq'r Thirty' two for Benjamin White Esq'r Twenty four for Increase Sumner Esq'r Ten for Richard Cranch Esq'r Two for Samuel Niles Esq'r one for James Bodwoin Esq'r one for Ezekel Price Esq'r one for Joseph Palmer Esq'r Then Benjamin White Esq'r was chosen Moderator and the Business of the Town was Transacted as follows Viz. Mr. John Goddard Mr. Isaac Child and Col. Thomas Aspinwall, who were chosen the 5th of March to Consider how much the Town ought to allow the Rev'd Mr. Jackson for the present year Report as follows Viz. That he be paid his Sallery in the same way and manner that he was paid last Year and that he be allowed Sufficient to pay his House Rent for the last Year. Voted to accept the Report of the above Committee in Regard to Mr. Jacksons Sallery for the present year Voted that Capt William Campbell Deacon Elisha Gardner and Mr. Samuel Croft be a Committee to Set the prices on the articles on which Mr. Jacksons Sailer}- is to be Raised and Report to the Town Treasurer once a Month Voted that the Sum of twenty four Hundred and twelve pounds which was Received back of the first Beef Tax be appropriated to the purpose of Supporting a Congregational Minister in this Town Voted that this Town will not allow and pay the Accounts for Supplies to this Towns Compan}^ of Melitia at the time of the allarm in April 1775, then the Meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk ' 312 Friday 3Iay 18th 1781 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of Electing some Person to Represent Sd Town in the General Court appointed to be Convened and held at the State House in Boston upon the last Wednesday in Ma}- — the Select Men being Moderators, The Inhabitants brough in their Votes for a RepresentatiA'e, and upon counting the same it appeard that Benj'n White Esq'r was Unanimoush' chosen, Then Benj'n White Esq'r was Chosen Moderator Voted that Dea'n Elisha Gardner, Mr. Joshua Bo^'lston, Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Samuel Croft and Col. Aspinwall, be a Com- mittee to consider what method is best for the Town to Take in Regard to providing a House for the Rev'd Joseph Jackson, and Report their opinion thereon, at the adjournment of this meeting Voted not to Continue the grammar School Through the Sum- mer Season — Voted to Reconsider the Vote Respecting a School and that the grammer School be continued through the Summer Voted that this Meeting be adjournd till Thursday- next at five o Clock afternoon in this place Tliursday May 24:th 1781 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from Frida^^ May 18th 1781. Esq'r White Moderator The Committee appointed to Consider what method is best for the Town to take, to Provide a house for Mr. Jackson, Report their opinion, that it is best to Refer the matter at present by Reason of the unsettled State of Our Currency Voted to accept the Report of Said Committee Voted that the Vote pas'd to keep a Grammar School Through the Summer be Reconsidered, and that two Women Schools be kept — Voted that the Collector Receive the Tax last assessed in Old Money till the first day of July next, and not after that time, then the Meeting was Dissolved. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 313 Thursday May 'ilst 1781, At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — Benj'n White Esq'r was chosen Moderator Voted to Purchase a piece of land and Build a Ministerial House thereon Voted that the Sum of two Hundred pounds in Silver Money be Raised for the purpose of Purchasing a Piece of land and Building a Congregational Ministerial House thereon to be paid in Paper Mone}', Labour, Meterals, or any other Articles, Equal to Silver Money, in the Judgment of a Committee hereafter to be chosen for the purpose of Purchasing Said Land and Building Said House Voted that Mr. John Goddard, Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall, Mr. Daniel White, Mr. Moses White, and Mr. Samuel Clark be a Committee for the purpose of Purchisiug Said House Splot & Building Said House Voted that tlie Town Treasurer be Directed to give his Security in behalf of the Town, for any further Sum of Mone}^ Necessary for accomplishing Said Ministerial House, or paying for the House plot, when Requested b}^ the Committee above Sd. and that Sd Committee be impowered to Draw on the Town Treasurer for Such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be necessar}^ for the same purpose — that any Person who shall advance any Sum of Money towards Building Said House, Shall Receive Six pr cent pr annum for the Same, until Repaid or Discounted in Taxes Rais'd to Defray the Charge of Building Sd House, and all Such Money so advanced Shall be Exempt from paying SiXiy Taxes and those who Labour or provide Meterials Shall Receive the Same allowance Voted that Said House bee two Story High uprite, not Exceed- ing Eleven Hundred Square feet on the ground. Voted that the Committee do not purchase more than one Acre of Land for said House Spot, 314 Voted that Said Committee be Directed to account with the Town from time to time as the Town shall se fitt Then the Meeting was Dissolved, Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk June 18th 1781 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Deac'n Elisha Gardner Chosen Moderator Voted that this Meeting, be adjournd til Wednesday next at five a Clock in the afternoon in this place Then the Meeting was adjournd accordingly June 20th at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from the 18th Inst Deac'n Elisha Gardner Moderator Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved Then the Meeting was Dissolved accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk June 2Qth 1781; At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and assembled according to Law — at the Meeting House Mr. John Goddard Chosen Moderator Voted that the Sum of Six Hundred Silver Dollars be Assessed on Polls, Real and Personal Estates, of the Inhabitants of this Town, and Non resident Possessors, for the purpose of Purchesing this Towns Quota of Beef for the Continental army, agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court of the 2 2d Inst Voted that Mr. Moses "White, Mr. John Coburn, and Mr. Eben- ez'r Davis be a Committee to purches Said Beef Voted that the above Said Sum of Six Hundred Hard Dollars be paid in Six, Monthly payments Viz. the first paj'ment to be made on or before the . first Day of Jul}^ next and the other pay- ments to be made on the first day of each Succeeding Month until the whole Sum is paid 315 Voted that the Selectmen be added to the aforesaid Committee for the purpose of Setting the Vakie on paper Money that may be paid in room of Silver Mone}^ Voted that such Persons as do not pay Such Sums of Paper Money, as is in the Judgment of the Committee equal to Silver Money by the time above mentioned, be held to pa}^ Silver Money only Voted that this Meeting be Dissolv'd Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk My 3d 1781. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and assembled according to Law, at the Meeting House Voted, Esq'r White chosen Moderator Voted that the Town Indemnify and clear the Select Men from all charge that may arise by Reason of their not proceeding to Draught a Man out of each Delinquent Class, agreeable to order of Court of the 16th June last. Voted that all charges that have arisen or may arise in procur- ing this Towns Quota of Men to serve in the Continental Army for three years, be Assessed on the Town in the same manner other Town Charges are assessed, provided the Delinquent Classes procure their Deficient Men by the thirteenth Da}' of July Current. Then the Meeting was Dissolv'd Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk July llthllSl. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — Doct'r William Aspinwall chosen Moderator, Voted that Mr. Ebenez'r Davis Collector be directed to Com- pleat the Collection of the Tax of Twenty five Thousand pounds Old Currenc}', and pay the Same to the Town Treasurer, — and that the Treasurer keep the Same until the further oi'ders of the Town, 316 Voted that the Sum of five Hundred pounds in Specie be Assessed on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and Non resident Possessors, for the purpose of Defraying the necessary Charges of the Town Voted that the Inhabitants of the Town be Classed in Eight Classes in order to procure Eight Men to go to Rhode Island and West point that Each Class be oblig'd to procure one Man and pay him, each one in proportion as shall be determined by the Assessors, and that the Assessors be directed to Assess each Class such a Sum to pay said Man as the Majority of the Class shall Desire — and that one Class be not allowed to hire a man out of any other Class before the twenty second Instant, unless Said Class has Procured a man, and if it shall hereafter appear that any one or more Classes, do not procure a Man and thereb}'^ Incur a Penalty, that Said Class shall be excus'd from pajdng more than the highest price given for any of the Men, if they make it appear to the Sattisfaction of the Town that they have Collected their Money in proper Season, and taken Suitable pains to procure Said Man, and whatever Class shall first procure a Man to go to Rhode island and Inform Benj'n White Esq'r thereof, shall have the bene- fit of Said man for their Class Voted that a Record be made in the Town Books of Such Farms as have been Measured agreeable to a Vote of the Town passed June 5th 1780 Then the Meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Shairp Town Clerk March 21th 1782, At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warnd and Assembled according to Law — the Hon'el Benj'n White Esq'r chosen Moderator Select: Men Hon'el Benj'n White Esq'r Mr. John Goddard, and Capt'n Wm. Campbell were chosen Select : Men Assessors the Select-men chosen Assessors and Sworn 317 Fence Viewers, Mr. "Wra. Ackers and Mr. Moses White chosen Fence Viewers. Mr. Eleaz'r Baker chosen dark of the Market Mr. Elhanan Winchester chosen Sealer of Leather, Mr. Daniel Child Surve^^or of Wood and Boards, Field Drivers Mr. Thaddeus Jackson, and Mr. Caleb Gardner Field Drivers Wardens, Deacon Elisha Gardner, and Mr. Samuel Griggs Wardens Mr. Thaddeus Hide & Mr. Nath'el Griggs chosen Hogreaves Voted to pa}' the Sum of Money due from this Town to Mr. Samuel Croft, on Bond, according to the Value thereof in hard Mone}^ at the several times it was Rec'd agreeable to the Scale of Depreciation Voted that the Sum of fifty Pounds be raised by a Tax on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and on Non-resident Possessors, for the Purpose of Repairing the High- ways in this Town, the Present year Voted that this Meeting be adjournd til two o clock this after- noon in this Place, the Inhabitants being meet Voted that the Vote Pas'd in the forenoon, in Regard to raising Fift}' Pounds to repair the highways, be Reconsidered and that in Stead thereof the Sum of Seventy Pounds be raised for Said Purpose Voted that those Persons that did not work out the Sum or Sums, Set against their Names in the Highway list : be warnd to work out Said Sum or Sums this Present year Surveyors of Highwa3^s Capt'n Core}- chosen Surve^^or of the Highways for the North District,- Mr. John Heath for the middle District, Mr. Caleb Craft for the South District, and Mr. NSth'e! Winchester for the New District Voted that Mr. Ebenez'r Davis Collector be directed to Return the list of the Highway Rate into the Assessors hands. 41 318 Voted to allow and pay Mr. Ebenez'r Davis Collector, three pence on the Pound, for his Service as Collector the last year — Voted to allow, and Pay Mr. — Mans Account and Mr. Aaron Child's Account for Supplies to this Towns Company of Militia, at the time of the alarm in April 1775, Voted that the Sum of two Hundred pounds be Raised by a Tax on Polls Real and Personal Estates, of the Inhabitants of this Town, and on Non resident Possessors, for the purpose of Build- ing this Towns Ministerial House Voted that the Town hire Mr. Samuel Craft's House for one year for the Rev'd Joseph Jackson Voted, that the Selectmen be a Committee to agree with Mr. Craft for his House for one year for the Rev'd Mr. Jackson Inspectors of accounts Voted, that Wm. Hyslop Esq'r Mr. Caleb Craft, and Capt. Cook, be a Committee to View the Town Treasurers Accounts, and the Committees accounts for Purchasing Beef, and Report at next May Meeting Constable & Collector of Taxes Voted, to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes for the Ensuing year, — Mr. Daniel White offers to serve the Town as Constable and C-ollector of Taxes for the year Ensuing for Six pence on the Pound on all Taxes he shall Collect the Town accept his offer and Choose him for their Constable and Collector for the 3'ear Ensuing — Sworn Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall Chosen Town Treasurer Stephen Sharp Chosen Town Clark Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday A2nil \d 1782 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the Purpose of choosing a Governor, and Lieutenant Governor, for the Common wealth of Massachusetts, and Six Persons to officiate 319 as Counsellors or Sennetors for the District of Suffolk, — the In- habitants brought in their Votes as follows, Viz, For a Governor. Twelve Votes for his Excellenc}- John Hancock Esq'r Two for James Bodwoin Esq'r For a Lieutenant Governor, Fourteen Votes for his Hon'r Thomas Gushing Esq'r For Persons to be Counsellors or Senators Eleaven for Samuel Addams Esq'r Eleaven for John Pitts Esq'r Teen for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Teen for Jeremia Powel Esq'r Teen for Benj'm White Esq'r Nine for Increase Sumner Esq'r Seven for James Bodwoin Esq'r Two for Richard Cranch Esq'r Two for Ezekiel Price Esq'r Two for Charles Cushing Esq'r . Two for Colon Tufts Esq'r One for Jonathan Medcalf Esq'r One for Brigadier Lovell, One for John Addams Esq'r One for John Lowell Esq'r Then the Hon. Benj'm White Esq'r was Chosen Moderator Mr. Samuel Clark, was Chosen Surveyor of the Highways for the North District in Room of Capt'u Timothy Corey who Declind Serving Stephen Sharp was Chosen Town Treasurer for the Ensuing year, in Room of Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall who declind Serv. Voted that this Meeting be adjournd without Da}^ Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 320 Mmj nth 1782. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and Assembled according to law The Select men being Moderators upon the Question, whether the Inhabitants, will choose some suitable Person to Represent them in a Great and general Court or assembly to be convened at Boston, on the 29th Inst. Voted in the Negative, — then Benj'n White Esq'r was chosen Moderator, — The Committee appointed the last March Meeting to View the Town Treasurers accounts, and the accounts of the Committee for Purchasing Beef, Report thej- have not been able to go through with the Examination of Sd accounts, Voted that Mr. E. Kitchen Wolcott be added to the Committee Chosen the 21st March Last, for the Purpose of Examining Sd accounts Voted that this Meeting be adjournd til next Tuesday Sennet at four a Clock in the afternoon Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Tuesday June 11th 1782. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Mr. John Goddard chosen Moderator Voted that this meeting be adjourned til next Monday at seven a Clock in the Morning in this Place, — and was adjourned accord- ingly. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday June 17th 1782. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants b}' adjournment from the 11th Instant — Mr. John Goddard Moderator Voted that Mr. E. Kitchen Wolcott, Mr. Joshua Boylston, and Mr. Robert Sharp be a Committee to make a further inquiry into the accounts of the Committee for Purchasing Beef for the Army for the year 1781, and Report there on at the next Town Meeting 321 Voted that a sum not Exceeding one Hundred Pounds be Assessed, in a Separate List from other Taxes, for the Purpose of paying the Rev'd Joseph Jackson his Stated Sallary for the cur- rent year, and the Surpkis if any bee, to be paid into the Town Treasury, Voted that the Sum of four Hundred Pounds be Raised by a Tax on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, and on Non resident Possessors, for the Purpose of Dis- charging past Debts, and Defraying the Necessary charges of the Town the Current year Voted that the Town Treasurer be Directed to give new Obliga- tions in behalf of the Town, to Such Persons as the Town is In- debted to, agreeable to the Scale of Depreciation Voted that the article in the Warrant, in Regard to Mr. Jack- sons House Rent for the last year, be Referd to the next Town Meeting Voted that Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Isaac Child and Hon. Benj'm White Esq'r be a Committee to make an Inquiry in Regard to a Piece of Land, Said to belong to this Town, which was fenced in by the late Henry Sewall Esq'r $ Then the Meeting was adjournd without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday July 8th 1782, At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, — Hon. Benj'm White Esq'r Moderator, The Vote being put, to see if the Town will take any other Method, to raise five Meen to Serve three years in the Continental Army, besides Classing the Inhabitants as Directed by a Res'lv of the General Court of the 1st Day of March last Voted in the Negative Then the Meeting was adjournd without Day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 322 August 20th 1782, At a meeting oC the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, Deac'n Elisha Gardner, Chosen Moderator Voted that Mr. Ebenez'r Davis former Collector be Directed forth with to Collect the Tax of two Hundred pounds which was Assessed and Committed him to Collect, for the purpose of Build- ing the Ministerial House in this Town Voted to make some further accommodation to the Ministerial House in this Town Viz. a Barn and a Small out House— Voted to choose a Committee to Direct the Committee for Building the Ministerial House, where, how large, and in what manner Said Barn and out House Shall be Built. Col. Aspinwall, Mr. Eleaz'r Baker, and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis were Chosen to serve on Said Committee Voted that, Capt'n William Campbell be added to the Committee for Examining the Towns accounts in Room of William H^^slop Esq'r Voted that Doct'r Aspinwall, former Treasurer, be Directed to Deliver the Book, Papers, and Money, belonging to the Town, to Stephen Sharp Present Treasurer Then the Meeting was adjournd without Day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Sept'r 26ih 1782 at a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Hon'ble Benj'n White Esq'r Chosen Moderator. Voted to hire five Men now called for to go to Nantasket, — Voted that Mr. Nath'el Winchester Deac'n Gardner and Mr. Daniel White, be a committee to hire Said men on the most reasonabe terms the^' can, and that the Town relieve said Men in six weeks from the time of Inlistment, if they desire it, — Voted to Indemnify the Selectmen from all charges that may arise by reason of their not proceeding to draught said men agreeable to the Melitia Law 323 Voted that Mr. Daniel White make Report to the Selectmen next Saturday at four a Clock in the afternoon, at Mr. Dana's Then the Meeting was adjonrnd without Day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Brookline Monday March 3d 1783, At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of said Town, at the Meeting House warnd and Assembled according to Law, Mr. John Goddard being Chosen Moderator, the Town proceeded to the choice of the following persons to serve the Town the year Ensuing Voted to choose three Selectmen to Serve the Town the j-ear Ensuing — Mr. Caleb Croft, Mr. Moses White and Stephen Sharp were chosen Selectmen, Declind Serving The forenoon being Spent, it was moved and Voted to adjourn this meeting till two o'Clock this afternoon in this Place — When being meet, Mr. John Goddard being Moderator Col. Thomas Aspinwall, Mr. John Heath, and Mr. Sam'el Croft were chosen Selectmen, who Declind Serving then Capt'n Corey, and Mr. Jonathan Dana, were chosen Select- men, and Likewise Declind Serving, the Day being Spent it was moved and Voted to adjourn this Meeting til next Thursday at nine o clock in the Morning, in this place, and was adjournd accordingly TJiursday 3Iarc7i Gth At a Meeting of the Inhabitants at the Meeting House by ad- journment from monday the 3d current Mr. John Goddard being Moderator Only Seven of the Inhabitants being meet, it was moved and Voted to adjourn the meeting til two o Clock in the afternoon in this place, and was adjournd accordingly when being meet according to adjournment Voted to choose assessors Separate from the Selectmen 324 Selectmen Mr. Caleb Craft, was chosen a Selectman Mr. Moses White, was chosen a Selectman Stephen Sharp, was chosen a Selectman Town Clerk Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk, & Sworn Voted to choose three Assessors for the Ensuing year Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes, Constable Deac'n Elisha Gardner, otfers to Serve the Town as Constable and Collector of Taxes the Ensuing year, for Six pence on the pound on all Taxes he shall Collect — the Town accept his offer and make choice of him as their Constable and Collector of Taxes for the year Ensuing Surve^'-ors of Highways Mr. Robert Sharp was chosen Sur- veyor of the highway's for the North District Mr. Benj'n White was chosen Surveyor for the middle District Mr. Daniel Child for the South District Mr. Abijah Child for the New District Fence Viewers Mr. John Goddard and Col. Thorn's Aspinwall, were chosen Fence Viewers Mr. Jonathan Dana was chosen dark of the market Sealer of Leather Deac'n Elhanan Winchester was, chosen Sealer of Leather Suv'r of Boards Mr. Daniel Child was chosen Survej-or of Boards. Field Drivers Mr. Caleb Gardner and Mr. Samuel Griggs were chosen Field Drivers Hogreaves Mr. Job Weld and Mr. Silas Winchester were chosen Hogreaves Voted, to choose a Committee to take under consideration what further allowance is Reasonable for the Town to make the Rev'd Joseph Jackson for the time past then Mr. Nehemial Davis, Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall, and Mr. Caleb Craft, were chosen a Committee to take Sd matter under Consid- eration, and Report thereon at the adjournment of this Meeting 325 Voted, that the Selectmen be directed to Ingage a Schoolmaster to keep School in the School house in the middle of the Town till the first Day of Nov'r Next Then it was moved & Voted to adjourn this Meeting til Thurs- day the 13th Day of March Current, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in this place, and was adjournd accordingly Thursday March 13th 1783, At a meeting of the Inhabitants at the Meeting House by ad- jourment from the Six day of March current Mr. John Goddard being Moderator the Committee, that was chosen to take under consideration what sum is Reasonable for the Town to allow the Rev'd Mr. Jackson for the time past, Report as their Opinion that it is proper for the Town to allow him the sum of Fifty six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence to defray his Expences to the 2d of February 1783 then it was put to Vote to see if it is the minds of the Town to allow Mr. Jackson Sd Sum of fifty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence, — Voted in the Affirmative Voted that the Sum of Fifty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence, which the Town has Voted to allow Mr. Jackson for the last year, be added to & Assessed with his stated Sallary for the present j'ear, which Sums amount to one Hundred & fifty pounds Voted, that the Sum of Eighty Pounds be Raised for the pur- ,pose of repairing the highwa3's in this Town the Current year, — and that Sd Sum of Eighty pounds be Assessed and Collected in the same way & manner, that the highway Rate was in the jeav 1774, Viz that the foregoing Sum of Eighty pounds be Assessed by the Assessors of Sd Town and put in the Town Rate, and the person or persons so assessed shall have a Receit from under the Hands of the Surveyor for part or for the whole sum of his Highway Rate 42 326 according as he shall work, and it shall Discount with the Town Collector so much of his Town Tax, the Surveyors notif3'ing Said Persons as the Law Directs, and and if any Person or Persons shall neglect to work out his high way Rate (after being notified as aforesaid) then the Surveyors are Directed to work out said delin- quents Rates in each of their Districts, and the Surveyors shall have Orders on the Town Treasurer for as much Money as they shall Expend for Said Delinquenents, — Doct'r Aspinwall, Mr. John Heath, and Mr. Sam'el Croft, were chosen a Committee to View and Settle the Town & School Treas- urer Accounts, Voted, to choose a Committee to Assist the Collectors in case any person or Persons shall refuse to pay their Proportion of Taxes as already assessed, for the purpose of Building the minis- terial House in Said Town, — and that the Select men upon ap- plication of .Such Committee, be directed to Draw orders on the Town Treasurer, for Sufficient Sums of Mone}', to carry on any Law suits, that Such a Refusal may Occation — then Mr. John Goddard, Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall, and Mr. Moses White were chosen a Committee for the above purpose Voted that the Select, men be Desired to take proper Care of the Town's Stock of Arms, Ammunition and so forth Assessors the Selectmen were chosen Assessors, Town Treas'r Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall was chosen Town Treasurer then it was Movd and Voted to adjourn this Meeting til mon- day the Seventh Day ot April next, at two o'Clock in the after-- noon in this place, and was adjournd accordingly Monday April 1th 1783, At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of Choosing a Governor, and Lieut' t Governor, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Six persons to Officiate 327 as Couusellors or Sennetors for the District of Suffolk. — the Inhabitants brought in their Votes Viz. For a Governor, Nineteen Votes for his Excell'y John Hancock Esq'r one for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r For a Lieutenant Governor Fifteen for Elbridge Gerry Esq'r Two for Caleb Davis Esq'r Two for his hon'r Thorn's Cusing Esq'r For Sennetors Eighteen for Sam'el Addams Esq'r Seventeen for Caleb Davis Esq'r Seventeen for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Fourteen for Jeremia Powel Esq'r Twelve for Benj'm White Esq'r Eight for Richard Cxanch Esq'r Nine for Ebenez'r Wales Esq'r Six for John Pitts Esq'r Five for Cotton Tufts Esq'r One for Thorn's Cushing Esq'r One for James Bodoin Esq'r One for James Warren Esq'r One for Ezekiel Price Esq'r BrooUine May IQth 1783. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House it Being put to Vote to see if the Town wold Send Some person to Represent them in the Great and General Court, or Assembly, the Insuing year, it was Voted in the affirmative — then the In- habitants brought in their Votes and upon counting the same it appeared that they had made choice of the Hon. Benj'm White Esq'r to Represent them in the General Court the Insuing year then Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen moderator 328 Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to Repair the Frame of the Bell Mr. John Goddard Mr. Nehemiah Davis and Mr. Moses White were chosen a Ccfmmittee of Correspondence Inspection and Safety for the present year Voted to abate Mr. Solomon Hill's Poll Tax and Personal Estate Tax for the year 1781. Voted that the principal and Interest, Due from the Town to the School Committee, be added together into one Sum, and that a new Bond be given for the Same Voted that the article in the Warrant in regard to Raising Mone}^ be Refered to some futer Meeting Then the Meeting was adjoiirnd without Day Augicst 22d 1783 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, — Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen Moderator Voted That the Town Treasurer be Directed to Settle with the Rev'd Joseph Jackson & pay him all that shall be due to him from the Town by the twentieth Day of Sept'r next — Voted, that the article in the Warrant in regard to choosing a committee to Peti- tion to the General court for abatement of Taxes be Refered to the next Town Meeting Then the meeting was adjournd without Day Brookline Thursday Sept'r 18 th 1783, At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Mr. Caleb Craft being Chosen Moderator Voted, that the article in the warrant in regard to Raising Money be refered to the next Town Meeting Voted, not to do any thing in regard to Capt'n Thom's White and his Estate Voted, to choose a committee to Petition to the General Court at their next Session for abatement of this Towns Taxes, 329 Then Doct'r "William Aspinwall, Mr. John Goddard, and Col. Thomas Aspinwall were chosen a Committee for that purpose Voted, that the sum of Mone}^ that is due from this Town to the Heirs of the late IVIr. Thomas Griggs, be Raised by a Tax, Collected and paid into the Treasury by the first of Dec'r next Then the meeting was Dissolvd Monday Nov' r 2Uh 1783. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line, Capt'n Will'm Campbell was chosen Moderator Voted, that one School be kept in the Town through the Insuing Winter — after some debate it was, — Voted, that the Vote passed in Regard to keeping but one School, be reconsidered, and that in stead thereof two schools be kept for the term of four Months Voted, that the Town Treasurer be directed, and he is hereby Directed to call upon the Collectors for a Settlement of all the outstanding Taxes by ye last Day of Janu'y next Voted, not to Raise any Mone}^ for the Use of ye Town, after some debate it was Voted, to recpnsider the above Vote in regard to not Raising any Money Then it was Voted, that the Assessors be directed, and they are hereb}" directed to Assess the Sum of two Hundred pounds on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, and on Nonresident Possessors, for the purpose of paying Mr. John Goddard a Sum of mone}- lent by him to the Town, in 1777, the Overplus to be paid into ye Town Treasury for the Use of the Town Then the meeting was Dissolved I do hereby certifie that I have Surveyed and measured the Town of Brookline in the month of May last, according to my best skill and Judgment, Mikel Medcalf and Caleb Aspinwall being Chain Men, and that the Said Town Contains Four Thousand four hundred and Sixteen Acres in the whole Jonathan Kingsbery Ju'r Surveyor Needham, January 15. 1781, 330 Suffolk Sc'c Needham, Jan^ry 15th 1781 Then Mr. Jonathan Kingsbury Surve3^or Appeared and made Oath to the Truth of the above Certificate by him Subscribed, before me . Josiah Newall Justice of Peace Needham, Jan''ry 15. 1781. Then Mr. Micheal Metcalf appeared and made Oath, that in the Month of Ma3^ last he assisted as a chainman to Measure the Town of Brookline and that he performed the Duty Honestly and Impar- tially according to his best Skill and Judgment Josiah Newall Justice of Peace A true Copy Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk r do hereby Certify "that I have measured & Surveyed Doct'r "William Aspinwalls Farm lying in Brookline According to my best Skill and Judgment, John Newland, Thomas White, Sam'el Fuller & Wm. Darrell being Chainmen & that Said Farm Contains Fifty Eight Acres one Quarter and Eight Rods, Jona. Kiugsbery Surveyor Needham Jan'ry 3 1781, Suffolk sc'c Brookline March 5. 1780. Then Mess's John Newland, Thomas White, Samuel Fuller, & William Darrell, appear'd and made Oath that in the Month of September last, they Each of them Assisted as chain Men, to Measure Doct'r William Aspinwall's Farm In the Town of Brook- line, and that they Performd the Duty Honestly, & Impartially according to their best Skill and Judgment, before Me B. White J. Pacis a true Cop}^ Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Sir your Piece of Meadow Contains One Acre & Nineteen Roods From your Friend & Humble Serv't Jona, Kingsburry Brookline May Ibih 1782 To Doct'r Aspinwall 331 Three Rods were afterwards Added which makes in the whole One Acre & twenty two Rods William Aspinwall a true Copy Attest, Stephen Sharp, Town Glerk N. B. the above peice of Meadow was Bought by Doct'r Aspinwall of Mr. Robert Sharp This Certif3'eth that I have Surveyed in the Town of Brookline in the year 1780 the Farm of Mr. Ebenezer Davis lying Near his House according to my best Skill & Judgment & Said Farm Con- tains Fifty four Acres. pr. Jona. Kingsbury Survej'or A True Cop}' Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk This Certifyeth that I have Svn-vey'd in the Town of Brookline in the year 1780 The Farm of the Widow Sarah Davis according to my best Skill & Judgment, And vSaid Farm Contains Forty Six Acres one Quarter and Seven Rods pr. Jona. Kingsbury Jun'r Surveyor A true Copy attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk This Certifyeth that I have Surve5'^'d in the Town of Brookline, in the Month of April 1781 the Farm of Deac'n Elisha Gardner, •according to my best Skill & Judgment Sam'el Clark & Benja. Gardner were Chainmen And Said Farm Contains Fifty four Acres, One Quarter & twelve Rods Exclusive of Roads Jona. Kingsbury Jun'r Surveyor Brookline Feb 2d 1784 Mr. Samuel Clark & Mr. Benja. Gardner, appeared befoi-e me and made Oath that they Assisted as Chainmen in Measuring Deac'n Elisha Gardners Farm, and that they performd Sd Duty Honestly and Impartially — S : Sharp Town Clerk A true Copy Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 332 The following Entry was Copied from a plan of Mr. Isaac Sparhawk Gardners Farm Viz. The plan of Isaac Gardners Farm lying in Brookline Except the part A which lyeth in Cambridge,, the whole Contains One Hundred & Five Acres & Six Rods, 3 Acres 2 Q'rs «fe 37 Rods lyeth in the Part A. 48 Acres 3 Q'rs & 17 Rods in part B, 44 Acres 3 Q'rs 27 Rods in part C, 7 Acres 2 Quarters and 5 Rods in part D, Survey'd March 23d 1782, and laid down by a Scale of Four Chains or 16 Rods to an Inch Errors Excepted, Jonathan Kingsbury Jun'r Surveyor A true copy Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk N. B. Since the above mentioned farm was surve3'ed thare has been Sold of to Doct'r Aspinwall 7 Acres 2 Qrs & 5. Rods, Sold to Moses White 18 Acres 1 Qr 15 Rods A. Q. R. Rem'r 75, 1 29 The following is the number of acres which Mr. John Heath's Farm contains Viz, the home place Forty one acres and thirty Six Rods, the Swamp Eighteen Acres two Quarters and five Rods, Gardner pasture Fifty nine Acres three Quarters and four Rods, Mayson Lot twenty three Acres three Quarters and thirty three Rods. Hammonds Meadow three acres and twent}^ eight Rods, Sawmill Woodlot Eight acres One Quarter and thirt}^ one Rod. Sawmill Meadow Lot Five acres two Quarters and Thirty Eight Rods, Salt Marsh Eleaven Acres three Quarters and Eighteen Rods A. q R. The whole contains 175.. 2.. 33. N. B. The above Entry was taken from the Deeds. Monday March 8tk, 1784, Annual Town Meeting At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warned and Assembled According to Law Capt'n William Campbell was Chosen Moderator 333 Voted, to choose three Selectmen to Serve the Town ye Insuing Year Select. Men Then Mr. Caleb, Craft was chosen First Selectman Stephen Sharp was chosen Second Selectman Mr. Moses White was chosen Third Selectman Town Clerk Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk & Sworn Treasurer Doct'r Wm. Aspinwal was chosen Town Treasurer Then Voted, to adjourn this Meeting til two a Clock in the afternoon in this place The Meeting was adjournd accordingly- Being meet accordin to Adjournment, Capt'n Campbell Moderator Assessors — The Selectmen were chosen Assessors, Sworn Voted, that the Person that shall be Collector of Taxes Give Bondsmen to the Sattisfaction of the Town Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Surveyors of highways Mr. Ebenez'r Davis was chosen Sur- veyor of the Highways for the North District, Mr. Wm. Ackers for the Middle Dist't Mr. Solomon Child for the South Disti-ict — and Mr. Joshua Boylston for the New District Fence Viewers Col. Aspinwall, & Mr. John Goddard, were Chosen Fence Viewers & Sworn Mr. Sam'el Clark, Vas chosen Clark of the Market Deac'n Elhanan Winchester, chosen Sealer of Leather Mr. Daniel Child, chosen Surveyor of Board & Shingles Col. Aspinwall, chosen Surve3^or of Wood Field Drivers Mr. Silas Winchester, & Mr. Sam'el Winchester chosen Field Drivers Hogreaves, Mr. Benja. Duck & Mr. Henry Dunster chosen Hogreaves Mr. John Goddard, Stephen Sharp^ & Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott were chosen a Committee to Inspect The Towns Accounts — Voted, not to abate any of the Inhabitants their proportionable part of the Charge toward, maintaining Schools the winter past. 43 334 Voted, that two Schools be kept by Suitable Masters, where they ma}- best accommodate Each part of the Town, for the term of three Months in the Winter Season, and that a Suitable Master be Ingag'd to keep School the Other nine Months in the year in the School House in the middle of the Town, and that two Women Schools be kept where they will best Accommodate Each part of the Town for the Term of three Months in the Summer Season Col. Aspinwall, Stephen Sharp, and Mr. Daniel Dana were Chosen a Committee, to Determin where the School House in the Upper part of the Town Shall stand, and make Report the Next Town Meeting Then Mr. John Harris, Tars's [3d] Offers to Serve the Town as Constable & Collector of Taxes for the Insuing Year, for Ten Pence on the* Pound on all Taxes he Shall Collect, The Town accept his Offer and choose him for their Constable and Collector of Taxes for the Insuing year. & he was Sworn to the Faithful Discharge of Said Office & Trust Voted that the Article in the Warrant, in regard to the Interest of the School Money be refered to the next Town Meeting Voted, that the Towns Stock of Powder be Sold, and that the Selectmen be Directed and they are hereby Directed to Sell the Same f Monday April 5. 1784. at a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the Purpose of choosing a Governor & Lieuten't Governor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Six Persons to Officiate as Counsellors or Sennetors for the District of Suffolk — the Inhabitants brought in their Votes Viz. For a Governor Thirteen Votes for his Excell'y John Hancock Esq'r Three for James Sullivan Esq'r Two for Benja. Lincoln Esq'r 335 For a Lieut' t Governor Eight for Benja. Lincoln Esq'r Five for James Sullivan Esq'r One for his Hon'r Thorn's Gushing Esq'r For Sennetors Fourteen for Sam' el Addams Esq'r Thirteen for Caleb Davis Esq'r Nine for John Lowel Esq'r Nine for James Sullivan Esq'r Eight for Benja. Lincoln Esq'r Eight for Sam'el Niles Esq'r Five for Benja. White Esq'r Three for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Three for Jeremia Powel Esq'r Three for Jon Pitts Esq'r Two for James Boadoin Esq'r Two for Ezekiel Price Esq'r One for Richard Cranch Esq'r BrooJcUne Monday April 5. 1784. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen Moderator. Voted, that the Sum of Eighty Pounds be Raised for the Pur- pose of Repairing the Highways the Present Year and that said Sum be Assessed in the Same way & manner the Sum for Repair- ing the Highways was assessed the last Year Voted, that the Treasui'er of this Town be Directed and he is hereby Directed to Issue his Warrant against the Delinquenent Collectors, whencA^er he finds the State of the Town Requires it.. Voted, that the Article in the Warrant in Regard to a Pew be Refered to the next Town Meeting Mr. John Goddard, & Mr. Daniel Dana, w^ere chosen a Com- mittee to Meet at the House of Mr. Timothy Gay Inn-holder in 336 Dedham on Thursday the 22d of April Inst't at ten a clock in the forenoon, agreeable to a letter from the Commttee of the Town of Milton to the Selectmen of this Town Dated March 22d 1784. then the Meeting was Dissolved May \?>th 1784 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline "Warn'd & Assembled according to law Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen Moderator Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Daniel Dana & Mr. Caleb Craft were chosen a Committee to Correspond & Meet with Committees from any other Towns that are Dissafected with the late Regulations in Regard to the Markets in Boston, and to take such methods as in their Judgment may be most Effectual to Remove so Great a Grievance Voted that the School Treasurer be Directed and he is hereby Directed to Collect the Interest Due on the School Mone}^, and if any person Shall Neglect or refuse to pay the Interest that is Due -on their Obligations, after Due Notice Given to put their Obliga- tions, in Suit Voted, to raise the Sum of three Hundred & fifty Pounds on polls, Real and personal Estates, of the Inhabitants of this Town and on Non-resident possessors, for the purpose of Defraj'ing the necessary charges of the Town the current year and paying back Debts. Mr. Isaac Child, Mr. "Wm. Ackers, Mr. John Heath, Mr. Dan- iel Dana, and Mr. Robert Shai-p were cliosen a Committee to Con- sider what allowance is Reasonable for the Town to make the Rev'd Joseph Jackson for what he has Expended more than his Sallary the last year — and Report their Opinion thereon at the next Town Meeting Mr. John Goddard, Col. Thom's Aspinwall, and Mr. John Heath were chosen a Committee to take under consideration the article 337 in the Warrant in Regard to Selling Pews and to report their Opinion thereon at the next Town Meeting Mr. John Goddard was chosen to Represent this Town in the Great, the General Court or Assembly of the Commonwealth the Present year Then the Meetins: was Dissolved Tuesday June 29, 1784 At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Moderator The Committee chosen the 13th May last, to take under consid- eration, what, allowance is Reasonable for the Town to make Mr. Jackson for what he has been Obliged to Expend more than his Sallary the last year, report as follows Viz. That a Subscription paper be carried round among the Inhab- itants of the Town that such persons as are Disposed to give, may have Oppertunity to Subscribe for the above purpose The Totvn Accept their report, and make choice of Mr. Isaac Child & Mr. Robert Sharp as a Committee for the purpose of Carring round Sd paper The Committee appointed the 13. May last to take under consid- eration whether it would be Expedient to build two Pews in the Meeting House, Report as follows Viz. that two Pews may be Erected where the Body Seats now are (if applyed for) without being any Damage to the Meeting house, & Further Report as their Opinion that they ought to be Disposed of to Such persons as the Town shall think they in Right belong to, according to the usual Costom of the Town, and not at Vendue as has been proposed It being put to Vote to see if the Town would accept the above Report, Voted in the Negative. Then the Meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 338 Monday Decemh'r 20, 1784. At a Meeting of the Inhaljitants of the Town of Brooklhie Warud and Assembled according to Law. Col. Thomas Aspinwall being chosen Moderator after Some De- bate, it was Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the Grammar School house Immediately — where being Meet Voted, not to allow the Rev'd Mr. Jackson the Sum of twenty one pounds twelve Shillings which he Expended more than was Granted him b^' the Town for the 3'ear 1782. Voted, to allow the Rev'd Mr. Jackson the Sum of Fifty six pounds (in full) for what he was Obliged to Expend more than his Stated Sallary to Support his Family for the 3'ear 1783, and that Such Persons as have Subscribed, and given a Sum for Said purpose be allowed the Same, Sd Subscription having not An- swered the Designed End, Likewise, that Said Sum of Fifty Six pounds be Assessed with his next years Sallary Voted that the Sum of six Shillings & eight pence, be added to and Assessed with the above Sum of Fifty six pounds Voted, to allow the Inhabitants in the South part of the Town as far as to Include Mr. Gulliver Winchester, with a proportion- able part of the Estates belonging to Non resident possessors, to Draw out of the Town Treasury in Futer, their proportionable part of the Money that may be granted for use of Schools, and Expend the same for schooling as they Shall think most Beneficial Voted, that the Vote passed the Eight Da}^ of March last in Regard to keeping two Schools for the term of three months in the Winter Season be Reconsidered, and in Stead thereof keep but one — Voted that Capt'n Core}- be granted Libert}', and he is hereby Granted Liberty, to Cut a Window in his Pew at his Own Expence Provided he cuts no braces, — and that Mr. Moses Whites Window be moved as far as may be, without being carried out of his Pew Then the Meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 339 Brookline, Monday March lih 1785. at a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, Warnd and assembled according to Law, Deac'n Eliska Gardner was chosen Moderator Voted to choose three Selectmen to Serve the Town the Insuing year Mr. Caleb Croft, Stephen Sharp, and Mr. Moses White were chosen Selectmen, and Declined Serving Then the Meeting was adjournd til two a Clock in the After- noon, — being meet according to adjournment Mr. Daniel Dana, Mr. Isaac Gardner, and Mr. Samuel Clark were chosen Selectmen and Declind Serving Town Treas'r Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall was chosen Town Treas- urer Voted, to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes. Voted, that the Person that may bee Constable and Collect'r.of Taxes give Bonds to the Sattisfaction of the Town Constab'e Deac'n Elhanan Winchester offers to serve the Town as constab'e and Collector of Taxes, for the Insuing year, for nine pence halfpenny on the Pound, on all Rates and Taxes he shall Collect for the Town The Town accept his offer and choose him for their Constable and Collector of Taxes for the Insuing year Surveyors of Highways Col'n Thomas Aspinwall was chosen Surveyor of the Highways for the Lower District Mr. John Heath for the Middle District. Mr. Gulliver Winchester for the South District. Mr. Nath'el Winchester for the New District. Fence Viewers, Mr. Robert Sharp & Mr. Jonathan Dana chosen Fenceviewers Survej'or of Boards, Shin'l & Wood Mr. Eleaz'r Baker was chosen Surveyor of Boards & Shing'l Field Drivers, Mr. Caleb Gardner & Mr. Samuel Griggs were chosen Field drivers 340 Hogreaves, Mr. Josiali Jordan & Mr. Jacob Harvey Clerk of the Market, Mr. Samuel Claark Sealer of Leather, Dea'n Elhanan Winchester Mr. John Goddard, Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott, and Stephen Sharp, were chosen a Committee to Inspect the Town and School Treasurers accounts, and Report thereon at next May Meeting Voted, that the Sum of Eighty Pounds be Raised (in the way and manner the Highway Rate was made the last year.) for the purpose of repairing the Highways the Insuing year Mr. Benja. White, Mr. Jonathan Dana : and Mr. Daniel White were chosen a Committee to take under Consideration the matter in Regard to Selling Spaces or spots to Build Pews on, and Report their opinion thereon at the next Town Meeting Voted that the Persons who shall Serve as Selectmen the Insu- ing year, be directed & they are hereby directed, to Inform thern- selves in Regard to Mr. Acker's Rates and if they find (In their judgment) he is over Rated in proportion to the Inhabitants in general, to make him abatements accordingly Then, the Meeting was adjourned to Monday 14th Inst. Monday March 14, Only Eight of the Inhabitants being Meet, it was moved Voted to Dissolve the Meeting and it was Dissolv'd accordingly Thursday March SI, 1785 At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator Voted to choose three Select : men in Room of those that were chosen the Seventh Day of March Inst, and Declind Serv'g. Voted, to Reconsider the above Vote Respecting choosing three Selectmen, and in Stead thereof to choose Five. Then. Benjamin White Esq'r Mr. John Goddard, Col. Thomas Aspinwall. Mr. Daniel Dana, and Mr. John Heath were chosen Selectmen to Serve the Town the Insuing year, — Esq'r White And Mr. Heath Declind Serv'g 341 Deac'n Elhanan Winchester, who was chosen Constable & Col- lector of Taxes the 7th March last Desires the Town would Excuse him from Serving in Said Offices Voted, to Excuse Deac'n Winchester from Serving as Constable and Collector of Taxes the Ensuing year Voted that the matter in Regard to choosing a constable and Collector of Taxes be Referd til Monday the 4th Day of April next Town Clerk Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk. Sworn April 4th Col. Aspinwall Stephen Sharp and Deac'n Gardner, were chosen a Committee to take under consideration the article in the War- rant Respecting selling Spaces or Spots to Build Pews on, and Report their opinion thereon at the next Town Meeting — Then it was moved and Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday the 4th Day of April next, and was adjourned accordingly Monday April UU 1785, At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Governor, & Lieut, Governor, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Six persons to Officiate as Counsellors or Sennetors for the Dis- trict of Suffolk, The Inhabitants brought in their Votes Viz For a Governor, — Twenty Votes for James Bowdoin Esq'r One for Thomas Gushing Esq'r One for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r For a Lieut. Governor — Sixteen for Sam' el Addams Esq'r Five for Thomas Cushing Esq'r One for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r One for William Heath Esq'r For Sennetors— Twenty for William Heath Esq'r Seventeen for Cotton Tufts Esq'r Seventeen for James Sullivan Esq'r Seventeen for Sam'el Allen Otis Esq'r Sixteen for Stephen Medcalf Esq'r 44 342 Fifteen for Sam'el Addams Esq'r Seven for Thomas Cashing Esq'r Three for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Three for Richard Cranch Esq'r Two for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r Two for John Lowel Esq'r Two for Caleb Davis Esq'r One for Sam'el Niles Esq'r One for Sam'el Dexter Esq'r Then Mr. John Goddard being chosen Moderator Mr. Isaac Child, Capt'n Timothy Corey, and Mr. Jonathan Dana, were chosen a Committee to talce under consideration the article in the Warrant Respectiug Mr. Jacksons Sallary, and report their Opinion thereon at the next Town Meeting. Mr. Isaac Gardner, and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis were chosen Selectmen in Room of Benja. White Esq'r and Mr. John Heath who were chosen the 31st of March last and Declind Serving Mr. John Harris, Tartius, [3d] otiers to Serve the Town as Con- stable and Collector of Taxes for the Ensuing Year for ten pence on the Pound on all Rates and Taxes he shall Collect for the Town, — the Town accept his Otfer and choose him for their Con- stiible and Collector of Taxes for the Ensuing 3'ear Voted to sell the whole of the Bodie Seats in the Meeting house for pew Spots, and that Sd Seats be Sold at Vendue to the highest Bidder, on next Ma^^ Meeting Da}', Likewis that the Constable be Directted, to notifie the Inhabitants of Said Sale when he warns them to May Meeting. Voted that Joshua Boylston, who was chosen Survej'or of the Highways for the New District, for the Last year and has Neglected to warn and give the Inhabitants in that District oper- tunity to work out then- Respecting Sums Set in the List com- mitted unto him, be allowed the term of two months from the Date hereof, to compleat Said Business in Then the Meeting was Dissolved 343 May 12tk 1785 at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline the Selectmen being Moderators, It was moved & Voted to Elect Some person to Represent this Town in the General Court the Insuing year the Inliabitants Brought in their Votes and upon Counting the Same it appeard that John Goddard Esq'r was chosen To Rep- resent this Town in the General Court appointed to be Convend and held for the Government's Service at the State House in Boston upon the last Wednesdaj' in May John Goddard Esq'r Was chosen Moderator Voted to Accept the Report of the Committee for Examining the Town & School Treasurers accounts, and Sd Committee were Directed to Discharge them accordingly. The Committee Chosen the 4th March last to take under Con- sideration the article in the Warrant Respecting Mr. Jacksons Sallar}' Report their Opinion thereon Viz. BrooMine May 12. 1785, the Committee appointed to Inspect the accounts of the Rev'd Mr. Joseph Jackson, Find that he has Expended Thirty Four pounds more than his 3'early Sallary, which Sum the}' think he should be allowed for the 3'ear 1784. Isaac Child Timothy Corey Jonathan Dana Committee Voted to accept the above Report Mr. Samuel Clark, INIr. Jonathan Dana, & Mr. Abijah Child were Chosen a Committee to Repair the School House in the Middle of the Town Voted, to Raise the Sum of two Hundred pounds on pools Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and on Non- Resident Possessoi's, to Defray the Charges of the Town the Cur- rent year Voted to Refer the article in the Warrant in Regard to making Mr. Jackson an allowance for the Current year Mr. Sam'el Croft was chosen to Serve on the School Committee in Room of Mr. Nehemiah Davis Deceas'd 344 Voted that the Selectmen be directed, and ihej are hereby Directed to porceed with the Collectors of Sd Town according to a Vote passd at Town Meeting June 5th 1780, and if the Collectors cannot make it appear that they are unable to collect their Taxes, that they then Direct the Treasurer, to Issue his Warrant against Such Collectors. Then the Meeting was Dissolved Broohline August 8lh 1785 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook] ine at the Meeting house warnd and Assembled according to Law Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator Voted, to paint the lower part of the Steple and the Window Frames of the Meeting house Voted, that the abatement of the Fine which the Town was Fineed for not sending a Kepresentative the Year 1783, be applied for the above purpose, and paying for the Bell wheel then the Meeting was Dissolved. August 25th 1785. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warnd and Assembled according to Law Mr. John C^oddard was chosen Moderator Voted, to hire a collector of Taxes in room of Daniel White, to compleat the Collection of the Taxes, committed to him to collect for the year 1782 Voted, to refer the matter in regard to hiring a Collector of Taxes in room of Daniel White Voted, to choose a Committee to Inquire of Daniel White and get what light they can in order for a Settlement between him and the Town. Then Mr. John Goddard, Stephen Sharp & Mr. Daniel Dana were chosen a Committee for the above purpose. 345 Voted, that Said Committee be Impowered, and they be hereby Irapowered to indemnify said White from an}^ Damage that may befall him on this Towns account by reason of his attendance on Said Committee Mr. Edward Kitchen Wolcott, and Mr. Ebenez'r Daids were chosen a Committee to go to Such persons as are not Discharged in Sd White's Rate Lists, and to take Copies of the Receipts that he has given for Taxes Voted, to refer the article in the Warrant in Regard to Raising Money to mal^e up the Deficiency of Daniel White's Collections til the adjournment of this Meeting Voted that the article in the warrant in regard to giving the Town Treasurer Directions, in Regard to Settling an old paper money Rate with Mr. Ebenezer Davis Collector for the year 1781, be referred to the adjournment of this meeting Then it was Voted, to adjourn this Meeting til next monday Fortnit in this Place, and was adjournd accordingly Srptember \2th The Inhabitants being meet according to adjournment Voted, to hire a Collector to Compleat the Collection of the Taxes that were Committed to Daniel White a defective Collector for the year 1782 Samuel Clark offers to collect the Taxes aflore mentioned for three shillings on the pound, the Town accept his offer and choose him accordingly Voted, that the Selectmen be a Committee to Discharge Such persons (as Shall make it appear to their Satisfaction) as paid their Taxes to Daniel White and have no. Receipts there for — Then Doct'r Aspinwall, Mr. John Goddard, and Mr. Daniel Dana, were chosen a Committee to Settle with Daniel White in such a manner as in their Judgment Shall be most advantageous to the Town 346 Voted not to collect the Old paper money Rate that was com- mitt to Ebenez'r Davis Collector, for 1781 in hard Mone}' Then the Meeting was Dissolve 'd Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk October 31 si 1785. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the House of Mr. Daniel White Warn'd and Assembled according to Law Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Moderator Voted, that the Towns Committee Viz, Mr. John Goddard, Doct'r Wm. Aspinwall & Mr. Daniel Dana, be Directed to Level the Execution on the Remainder of Daniel White's Estate, and that they be impowered to Deliver as much of Said Estate into the hands of Mr. Isaac Child, (or such other Person as the}' shall think Suitable) for the Use of Sd White's Wife as they Shall think proper, and that Sd White's Estates be Credited accordingly Voted, that the Selectmen be impowered to Sell and give a War- rantee Deed of the Real Estate that belonged to Daniel White, — and that Said Estate be sold at public Vendue on Monday the 14th Day of Nov'r next at this place if not sold before at private Sale Voted, to abate Mr. Solomon Hills Ministerial house Tax, per- sonal Estate Tax and poll Tax up to this present 3'ear Voted, to adjourn this Meeting to the 14th Day of Nov'r next at nine a clock in the Morning in this place Then the Meeting was adjournd accordingly^ Attest. Stephen Sharp. Town Clerk Nov'r Uth 1785, at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from the 31 Da}- of Octo'r last Mr. John Goddard, Col. Thomas Aspinwall and Mr. Caleb Craft \ 347 were chosen a committee, to wait on a Committee that may hereafter be chosen, or appointed by the Hon. General Court, for the purpose of Viewing this Town, Monday Jamuiry oQth 1786. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and Assembled according to Law Mr. John Goddard being chosen Moderator. Voted, that the Selectmen take Such measures as they shall think Proper, in Regard of the maintenance of Nehemiah Davis, Except the Executors of the Last will and Testament of the late Mr. Nehemiah Davis Deceas'd Comply with the proposals that has been made to them b}" the Selectmen Voted, that Doct'r William Aspinwall, Mr. John Goddard and Mr. Daniel Dana be a Committee to hire a Sum of Money that will be Sufficient to settle with the State and County Treasurers with the Money that they have Received by the Sale of Daniel White's Real and personel Estate The above Entrj^ Copyed from a paper Received from Mr. Eben- ez'r Davis one of the Selectmen of this Town pr. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. Monday March 6 1786. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting house, warnd and Assembled according to Law, the following persons were chosen Town officers for the year insuing Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator Voted, to choose three Selectmen to serve the Town the Insuing year. Selectmen Mr. John Goddard was chosen fli'st Selectman Declined Serv'g Mr. Caleb Craft Chosen a Selectman Declind Serving Mr. Isaac Gardner chosen a Selectman Declind Serving Mr. Isaac Child, Mr. Daniel Dana and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis were chosen Selectmen & Declind Servg 348 Voted, to Refei* choosing Selectmen for the present Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes. Constable Mr. John Goddard offers to serve the Town as Con- stable and Collector of Taxes the lusuiug year for one Shilling on a pound on all Taxes he Shall collect, The Town accept his offer and make choice of him for their Constable and Collector of Taxes the Insuing year Sworn March 25th Surveyors of Highway's Mr. Samuel Croft for the North Dis- trict Mr. Caleb Gardner for the Middle District Mr. Isaac Child for the South District Mr. Abijah Child for the New District Fence Viewers Mr. Joseph Goddard and Mr. Caleb Craft Surve3'or of Boards Shingles & Wood Mr. Eleaz'r Baker. Field Drivers Mr. Samuel Griggs & Mr. Ebenezer White Hogreaves Mr. Joshua Griggs & Mr. Enoch Corey Clark of the market Mr. Eleaz'r Baker Sealer of Leather Decon Elhanan Winchester Town Treas'r Doct'r William Aspinwall Town Clerk Stephen Sharp Stephen Sharp Mr. Isaac Gardner and Mr. Daniel Dana were chosen a Committee to Inspect the Towns accounts Voted, that the article in the Warrant in Regard to Mr. Jackson be Refered til Mone}- is Raised to Defray the charges of the Town Voted, to Adjourn this Meeting to the Grammar School house Immediatel}', where being Meet Voted, to abate Primus's Rates for the 3'ears 1784, and 1785, Selectmen Then Mr. Isaac Gardner & Mr. Ebenez'r Davis were again chosen Selectmen Mr. John Goddard was again chosen a Selectman Then the Meeting was Dissolv'd Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 349 Monday April 3*^ 1786. at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Governor, and Lieut. Governor, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Six Persons for Counsellors or Senetors for the District of Suffolk, the Inhabitants brought in their Votes Viz. For a Governor, Twenty five Votes for his Excellency James Bowdoiu Esq. For a Lieut. Governor, Twelve Votes for Samuel Addams Esq'r Eleaven for Thomas Cushing Esq'r For Senators Twenty one for Samuel Addams Esq'r Twenty two for Wm. Phillips Esq'r Twenty for Stephen Medcalf Esq'r Twenty one for Wm. Heath Esq'r Twenty two for Cotton Tufts Esq'r Sixteen for John Lowel Esq'r Three for Thomas Cushing Esq'r Four for Richard Cranch Esq'r Two for Jabes Fisher Esq'r One for Caleb Davis Esq'r Then Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Moderator Voted, that the money that may hereafter be Raised for the purpose of Repairing the Highways, be laid out in the way and manner the Money was laid out for repairing the Highways the last 3'ear Voted that the sum of Eighty Pounds be Raised for the purpose of Repairing the Highways the present year Voted that the Surveyors of the Highw^ays be Directed and they are hereby Directed, not to give credit to any persons for any more time than they work Voted to allow Mr. Daniel Child four shillings pr. Day for the extra work he did at the Highways in the year 1 785 45 350 Voted that the article in the warrant in Regard to Schools be Refered to next may meeting Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen to Serve as Grand Juror for the year, — Then the Meeting was Dissolved Attest, Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday. April M 1786 The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Register of Deeds, and for a Treasurer for the County of Suffolk Viz For a Register of Deeds, Sixteen Votes for Joshua Henshaw Esq'r For a Treasurer, Twenty Seven Votes for Alex'r Hodgdon Esq'r Four for Thom's Crafts Esq'r May U/i 1786 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warned and Assembled according to Law Voted to Elect Some Person to Represent this Town in the General Court the present year Mr. John Goddard was chosen to Represent this Town in the General Court appointed to be Convened and held for the Governments Service, at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesda}' in May Inst. Theu»Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator Wm. Aspinwall P^sq'r Mr. Isaac Child and Stephen Sharp were chosen a Committee to Consider what allowance the Town Ought to make Mr. Jackson for what he has Expended more than his Stated Sallary the j-ear past and to Report their Opinion Imme- diately Said Committee having withdrew ; and Returned Report their Opinion, that it is Reasonable that the Town Make Mr. Jackson an allowance of twent}' Four pounds for what he has Expended to Support his Fammily more than his Stated Sallary the year pas't Voted, not to accept the Report of the above Committee 351 Voted, tliat the school hi the Middle of the Town bee continued through the Summer Season • Voted, that a Woman's School be kept at the School house in the Lower End of the Town During the Summer Season Voted, that this Meeting be Adjourned til Monda3' the 22d Day of this Inst. Ma}' at two a clock in the afternoon Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk N. B. the following Vote was pas'd at the above Meeting of Ma}' 4. 1786 and Omitted Entering in Course Viz, Voted, that the Town allow and pay the Rev'd Joseph Jackson twenty pounds, for what he has Expended more than his Stated Sallary to Support his Family the year past. Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk Monday May 22d 1786 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from the 4th Da}' of May Inst. Voted to accept the Report of the Towns Committee in Regard to the Towns Accounts. Wm. Aspiuwall Esq'r Stephen Sharp and Mr. Samuel Croft were chosen to Collect Sort & Count the Votes for a Register of Deeds for the County of Suffolk, the writ- ten Votes of Such Persons as were Qualified by the Constitution to vote pr Representatives having been by the said Wm. Aspiuwall Esq'r Stephen Sharp & Mr. Samuel Croft, Collected and Count- ed, it appeared that the following Person was Unanimously Voted for as a Regester of Deeds for the County of Suffolk and had the Number of Votes Set against his Name, Viz. Joshua Henshaw Esq'r 22 Votes Voted that the Sum of four pounds be added to the allowance of twenty pounds, made Mr. Jackson by the Town the 4th Day of May Inst, for what he has Expended more than his Stated Sallary to Support his Family the year pas'd Voted that a Woman's School be kept at the upper End of the Town within one hundred Rods of Daniel White's House, for the 352 terra of 3 months in the Summer Season, and that Mr. Benjamin White be a Committee to provide a place whare said Said School Shall be kept. Voted that the Sum of thre hundred and Fifty pounds be Raised on Polls, Real and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and on Non resident possessors for the purpose of paying the charges of the Town the present year paying Debts & : C. then the Meeting was Desolved BrookUne Sepfr 21st 1786. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of BrookUne — Mr. Daniel Dana being chosen Moderator Misseurs John Goddard, Isaac S. Gardner, & Ebenez'r Davis, were chosen a Committee to Sort and Count the Votes for a Reg- ister of Deeds for the County of Suffolk, the Written Votes of Such persons as are qualified b}' the Constitution to Vote for a Representative ; having been by the Sd Miseiurs John Goddard, Isaac S : Gardner. & Ebenez'r Davis, Collected & Counted it ap- peared that the following person was Unanimously Voted for as a Register of Deeds for the County of Suffolk, and had the No. of Votes Set against his Name. Viz. Joshua Henshaw Esq'r 23 Votes Voted not to do any thing iu Regard to School houses Voted to Dismiss Mr. John Goddard from Serving as Constable and Collector of Taxes Mr. Isaac S. Gardner offers to Serve the Town as Constable and Collector of Taxes iu Room of Mr. John Goddard for nine pence on the pound for all the Taxes he Shall Collect, — the Town ac- cept his offer, and he was chosen accordingly then the Meeting was Desolv'd Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk JSfov'r dOth 1786 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warnd and Assembled according to Law Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen moderator 353 Voted, that Wm. Aspinwall Esq'r Town Treasurer he Directed and he is hereby Directed to Issue his Execution against Consta- ble Harris by the first Day of January next, for all the Taxes that Remain in Said Harris's hands and are paA'able to Said Treasurer, if the Sd Harris Does not pay in the one half Sd Taxes by the 20th Day of Dec'r next and in Case he Does pay the one half sd Taxes by the Sd 20. Day of Dec'r next then the Treas'r is Directed to allow him a Further term of time to the 15. of January next for the Compleating and making up his accounts with Said Treasurer Voted that the Town Treasurer be Directed and is hereby Di- rected, to hire the Sura of thirty pounds to pay Mr. Jackson in part to Answer his present Necessaties Then the Meeting was Desolved Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk. Fryday January 12. 1787 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, Capt'n Moses White chosen Moderator Capt'n Moses White. Lieut. Sam'll Croft, and Col. Tliom's Aspinwall were chosen a Committee to hire Eleaven men to serve as Soldiqrs for this Town, and to Remain in Publick Service 30. Da3's from the 23d Inst, — upon the most Reasonable terms they can — Mr. John Heath Mr. Nath. Winchester and Mr. Benja. White were Chosen a Committee to hire a Sum of money in behalf of the town for the purpose of hiring Sd Men — then then this meeting was adjournd to Tuesday Evening next at Six a Clock at the Grammer School house January 16^4 1787 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from the 12th Inst Capt. Moses White Moderator — Voted that the Committee Viz Mr. John Heath Mr. Nath. Win- chester, and mr. Benjamin White, who were chosen a Committee the 12th Inst to hire money to Raise Soldiers be impowered & 354 the}' be hereb}- impowered, to hire the Sum of Forty pounds for Sd Purpose and that the Town Treas'r be Directed to give his Ob- ligation in behalf of the Town for Sd Sura. Likewise that Sd Sum be Assessed with the next Town Rate — then it was Voted that this meeting be adjournd to next Thursday- Evening at Six a Clock in this place, and was adjournd accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Monday March \Wi 1787 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting house, warnd and assembled according to Law Mr. John Goddard being chosen moderator Then it was moved and Voted, to choose three Selectmen to Serve the Town the year ensuing. Mr. Isaac S. Gardner & Mr. Eben Davis were chosen Selectmen & Declind Serving. Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen a Selectman Capt'n Moses White was chosen a Selectman Step'n Sharp was chosen a Selectman & Declind Serving Lieut. Sam Croft was chosen a Selectman Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Mr. John Harris, Tartius [3d] Offers to Serve the Town as Constable and Collector of Taxes the ensuing year, for Seven pence half penny on the pound, on all Rates he Shall Coll't Mr. Daniel Dana, Step'n Sharp &, Capt'n Corey, w^ere chosen a Committee to Inspect the Town & School Treasurers accounts, and make Report of the Debt and Credit of the Town at Aprill Meeting Wm. Aspinwall Esq'r was chosen Town Treasurer Declind Serving Step'n Sharp was chosen Town Treasurer & Declind Serving Mr. Daniel Dana chosen Town Treasurer & Declined Serv — Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Surveyor of the highwaj^s for the 355 North District, Capt. Moses White for the middle District. Mr. John Harris, Tartius [3d] for the South District, Mr. Joseph Corey for the fourth District Mr. Abijah Childs & Mr. Joseph Goddard were chosen Fence Vewers. Mr. Eleaz'r Baker, Chosen Survej'or of Boards, Shingles and Wood Mr. Sara Griggs & Mr. Solomon Child chosen Field Drivers Mr. Benj'n Davis & Mr. John Core}' chosen Hogreaves Mr. Eleaz'r Baker was chosen dark of the market Dea'n Elhanan Winchester chosen Sealer of Leather Mr. Daniel Dana chosen weigher of Bread Mr. John Goddard was chosen Town Treasurer Declin'd Serving Voted, not to make Mr. Jackson an allowance for what he has Expended to Support his Family more than his Stated Salary the year pass'd Voted, that the Town Treasurer be Directed, and he is hereby Directed, to pay the Soldiers that went for this Town to the Western Expedition, Out of the first moue}- he Receives Voted to Refer the article in the warrant in Regard to Schools, likewise the Article in Regard to paying Debts to next april meeting Step'n Sharp Town Clerk Monday April 2rZ 1787 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Governor and Lieut. Governor for the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts, and Six persons to officiate as Coun- sellors for the District of Suffolk, the Inhabitants brought, in their votes as follows, viz. For a Governor Thirty three Votes for ye Hon. John Hancock Esq'r Nine Votes for his Excell. James Bowdoin Esq'r 356 For a Lieut. Governor Twenty two Votes for Wm. Heatli Esq'r Nine for Benjamin Lincoln Es(j['r Eight for Samuel Addams Esq'r Three for Thomas Gushing Esq'r For Senators Twenty Six Votes for Steph'n Medcalf Esq'r Twenty three for Wm. Heath Esq'r Twenty one for Ebenez'r Wales Esq'r Twenty tw^o for Wm. Phillips Esq'r Seventeen for Benjamin Austins Esq'r Fifteen for Samuel Addams Esq'r Eleaven for Galeb Davis Esq'r Eleaven for Gotton Tufts Esq'r Eleaven for James Warren Esq'r Eleaven for Elijah Dunbar Esq'r Ten for Doct'r John Medcalf Esq'r Ten for charles Gushing Esq'r Nine for Benjamin Austins Jun'r Ten for Dea. Jonathan Mayson Esq'r Eight for his Honour Thomas Gushing Esq'r Six for Joshua Henshaw Esq'r Five for John Lowel Esq'r Five for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Two for Jonathan Medcalf Esq'r Two for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r Tw^o for Richard Granch Esq'r Two for Solomon Lovel Esq'r Monday April 2d 1787. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline - Mr. John Goddard being chosen moderator. Voted, to allow the Uev'd Mr. Jackson the sum of Fourteen 857 pounds for wlmt he has P'xpondod nioro thau his stated Sallary to Support his Famih" the year pas'd A^oted, that the sum of Eleaven i)ouiids tliirtecn Sliillings & Four pence be added yearh' to the Rev'd Mr. Jackson's Stated SaUary until the Further Order of the Town Voted, that the Grammar School be Discontinued after the Seven Months agreed for with the Present Master is Expired, til the First Day of Sept'r next. \'oted, that the Selectmen be Directed and the}' are liereb}' Directed, to Iiigage a School mistress to keep School in the School house in the middle of the Town, for the term of three months in the Summer Season or in Such other place as they shall think more convenient Voted that the Town allow Stephen Sharp Interest on his orders Drawn b}' the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer, after one j^ear from the Date of the Orders, til paid Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Town Treasurer, Decliud Ser — Then the meeting was adjournd to next may meeting Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk N. B. it was also Voted at the above meeting to Raise the Sum of Eighty Pounds to Repair the highways the current 3'ear Thursday May. 10, 1787 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warned and assembled according to Law The Selectmen being moderators, Upon the Question, whether the Inhabitants will choose Some Person to Represent them in a great and General Court or Assem- bl}' to be Convened at Boston on the last WedncsdMy in "Mmv. it was Voted in the AfBrmative. The Inhabitants then Gave in their Votes and upon Counting the same it appeared that Mr. John Goddard was chosen Repre- sentative, and it was Declard according 4G 358 Then Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Moderator Mr. Caleb Craft havin Decliu'd Serving as a Select man Mv. Samuel Clark was chosen a Select man for the ensuing year Mr. Samuel Croft was chosen Town Treasurer, Declind Serving Wm. Aspiuwall Esq'r Offers to serve the Town, as Treasurer in case the Town will Deduct One Hundred pounds from the Valua- tion of his Personal Estate and Facculty The Town accept his offer and chose him Treasurer Voted to adjourn this meeting to Tuesdaj^ next at five a clock in the afternoon in this place Then the meeting was adjourned accordingly May loth 1787, At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline by adjournment from the 10 of may current But few of the Inhabitants being meet it was voted to Dissolve the meeting. Thursday May 31. 1787 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of of the Town of Brook- line, Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Moderator Voted, to accept the report of the Towns Committee, in Eegard to the Town and School Treasurers accounts Voted, to Raise the Sum of two Hundred pounds on Polls, Eeal and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town and on Non-resident Possessors for the purpose of Defraying the Charges of the Town the current 3'^ear Mr. Caleb Craft was chosen on the School Committee in room of Mr. Isaac Child Voted, to have a Contribution for the Sufferers b}^ the late fire in Boston Voted that the Contribution for the above purpose be on the fii'st Sabbath in Jul}- next 359 The .Selectmen were also, chosen a conmiittee, to Keccivc the Money that may be collected b^' a contrilnition for the Sufferers by the late Firo in Boston and Distribute the Same to Such o/ the Sufferers as they in their Judgment may think Stand in Greatest Need ; and Render an account of their Doings to the Town at the next Town Meeting Attest Step'n Sharp Town Cler. December 10/h 1787 at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookliue, Mr. John Goddard being chosen moderator The Rev'd Joseph Jackson was chosen a Delagate to Represent this Town in a Conven- of Delegates from the Towns in this state at the state house in Boston, on the Second Wednesday of Jan. next, for the purpose of taking under consideration the Form of Government for 3-e United States Voted, to abate Mr. S. Hills Taxes the year 1785 Voted that the matter in Regard to the Bondmen for the main- tenance of Martha Morcan be Referrd for the present Voted, that this Meeting be Dissolved Attest Step'n Sharp Town Cler Blonday March 17 ih 1788 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House Col. Thomas Aspinwall being choosen Moderator ; the Town proceeded to the choice of the following persons to serve as Town Officers the year Ensuing Viz. Voted, that three persons be chosen to Serve the Town as Selectmen the year ensuing ; and that they be chosen together, Capt'n IMoses Wliite, Lieut. Samuel Croft, and IMr. Samuel Clark was chosen selectmen Step'n Sharp was chosen Town Clerk William Aspinwall Esq'r was chosen Town Treasurer 360 Mr. Samuel Griggs, was chosen a Surveyor of the highways for the north District Mr. John Goddard for the middle district Mr. Thadd's Jackson for the South District Mr. Nathaniel Winchester for the fourth District Mr. Joseph Goddard, & Capt Moses White were chosen Fence viewers Mr. Artemas Woodward was chosen Surveyor of Boards Shingles, and Wood Mr. Ebenezer Weeb, and Mr. Joshua Griggs were chosen Field Drivers Mr. Joseph Woodward Jun. & Mr. Sam. Winchester chosen Hogreaves Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen Clerk of the Market Mr. Elhanan Winchester was chosen Sealer of Leather Mr. Daniel Dana and IVIr. Artemas Woodward, were chosen weighers of Bread, and Directed to Govern & Regulate themselves hy the Boston Standard Mr. Daniel Dana, Mr. E. Kitchen Wolcott and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis were chosen a committee to Inspect the Town and School Treasurer's accounts, and to Report the State thereof to the Town at next may meeting Col. Aspinwall & Lieut. Croft were chosen Firewards Voted, to hire a constable & Collector of Taxes Step'n Sharp ofters to Serve as constable and Collector of Taxes for nine pence on the pound, on all Rates he Shall Collect, the Town accept his offer, and he was chosen Constable and Collector of Taxes for the ensuing 3'ear Mr. Ebenezer Davis was chosen Tithing man Monday April 7 1788. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Governor and Lieut. Governor for the 8(51 Cominouwealth of MassiicliusoUs, and Six Scnetor for tlio County of Siirtblk the luhabitauts brought in their Votes viz. For a Governor, Twenty eight Votes for his Excellenc}' John Hancock For a Lieut. Governor 24 Votes for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r 6 for tlie Hon. Samuel Acldams Esq'r For Senetors uO — for the Hon. Win. Phillips Esq'r 30 — for the Hon Cotton Tufts Esq'r 30— for the Hon Step'n Medcalf Esq'r 30 — for the Hon. Sam'el Addams Esq'r 29 — for the Hon. Elijah Dunbar Esq'r 2G— for the Hon. Thomas Dors Esq'r 3— for the Hon. Wm. Heath Esq'r 2 — for the Hon. Benjamin Austin Esq'r Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator, Mr. Enoch Corey was chosen Surveyor of the Highways for the Middle District in Room of Mr. John Goddard who declind Serv. Voted, that the Selectmen be Directed and they are hereby Directed, to allow four Shillings pr. Da^- pr. man for work at the highways the present ^-ear Voted, That the Sum of Eighty Pounds be Raised for Repairing the Highwa3"s the Current year. Voted that three Quarters of the Highways Tax, be worked out before the first Day of July and the Remaining Quarter before the first day of October, and if any Person Shall neglect to work out his Proportion of Sd Tax before Said, that the Surveyor be ira- powered (& he is herebj- impowered) to Employ other persons to work out Such Delinquents Taxes ; and give them Receipts for the Same : which Shall be Received for their Town Tax, and Those who Neglect to work out their Highway Tax Shall be Obliged to pay the Same in Money to the Collector of the Town for Sd year for the Use of the Town 362 Voted, that the Selectmen be Directed to Engage the Present School Master to keep School in the School Honse in the middle of the [Town] for a year, if he will Engage for the Same Wages pr. month ; he Did the last Winter. Voted that John Harris Tert's Collector for the year 1787. be Directed and he is hereby Directed forthwith, to Collect and pay in to the Town Treasnrer, the Remaining part of the Tax for the pnrpose of paying the Rev'd Joseph Jackson his stated Sallary Voted, that this meeting be adjourned without Day — and was adjourned accordingly At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline the 12th Day of May 1788. Voted, to choose some Person to Represent this Town in the General Court the Present 3'ear the Inhabitants brought in their votes for a Representative and upon counting the same it appeared that Mr. John Goddard was chosen to Represent this Town in the Great and General court of this Commonwealth the Present 3'ear Then Mr, John Goddard was chosen Moderator Voted to Raise the sura of ninety Six pounds nineteen Shillings to pa}' Mr. John Goddard — and that the Treasurer be Directed and he is hereb}' Directed to pay Mr. Goddard the above Sum of ninet}' Six pounds nineteen Shillings, out of the Monej' that remains in the Collectors hands if their Shall so much Remain after paying of the orders already given out by the Selectmen and other Debts the Taxes were assessed to pay, and if their Shall not so much Remain, to make up Said Sum Out of the first Money that Shall be Collected of the next Tax Voted, that the Sum of two hundred and twent}^ Pounds be Raised on Polls, Real, and Personal Estates of the Inhabitants, of this Town, and nonresident Possessors, for the Purpose of Defray- ing the charges of the Town the Current year — Voted that Doct'r Aspinwall may Erect a Hospital on his own Farm, for the purpose 3G3 of inoculating with the Small Pox, and that the Town approve of the Sd Aspinwall to take the charge of 8d Hospital, Observing the Directions of the Law Relating thereto Voted that this Town will Join llie Towns in the upper part of this connty, in Petitioning the General Court to be set of in a Separate County b}' themselves, then the meeting was Dissolved Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk December 18. 1788. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of Giving in their Votes for some Person in the County of Suffolk to Represent the People of this Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States, and also to give in their Votes for two Persons as Candidates for an Elector of the President and Vice President of the United States, the Inhabitants brought in their Votes to the Selectmen Viz, for a Representative. Seventeen Votes for Sara'el Allen Otis Esq'r Six Fisher Ames Esq'r For candidates for an Elector of President and Vice President Twenty one Votes for Jabes Fisher Esq'r Seventeen lor James Bowdoin Esq'r Four for Samuel Addams Esq'r Then Maj. Moses "White was chosen Moderator The Selectmen ware chosen a Committee to renew the Jury Box. Voted that Doct'r "Wm. Aspinwall have Liberty and he is hereb}' Granted Liberty to Continue Inoculating with the Small Pox as Usual Voted that the Selectmen be Directed to Send Ann White Daughter of the late Ebcnez'r White on to Worcester the Town where She was Born to be maintained Then the Meeting was adjournd without Day Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk 364 Brookline March 16. 1789. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Warnd & assembled according to Law Mr John Goddard being chosen Moderator ; the Town proceeded to the choice of the fol- lowing Persons to serve as Town officers the year insuing Viz Voted to choose three Selectmen te Serve the Town ye, insuing year Selectmen Maj'r Moses White, Capt'n Sam'el Croft cfe mr. Sami'el Clark were chosen Selectmen Town Clerk Step'n Sharp was chosen Town Clerk Town Treas'r Wm. Aspinwall Esq'r was chosen Town Treasurer Constable Mr. Edward K. Wolcott offers to serve the Town as Constable & and Collector of Taxes, for Eleaven pence half penn}^ on ye pound on all Taxes, he shall collect & was accordingly chosen Constable & Collector of Taxes Surveyors of Highways Mr. Jonathan Dana, was chosen Sur- veyor of the Highways for the North District Mr. Benjamin "White for the Middle District, Mr. Elijah Child for the South District Mr. John Corey for the New District Fence Viewers Mr. Joseph Goddard & Mr. John Harris Jun. were chos'n Fence view's Survej'ors of Boards Shingles & Wood Mr. Eleaz'r Baker was chosen Surve3"or of Boards & Shingles, Col. Thomas Aspinwall was chosen surve^'or of Wood. Field Drivers. Mr. Joshua Griggs & Mr. Benj'n Davis were chosen Field Drivers Clerk of Market Mr. Eleaz'r Baker was Chosen Clerk of the Market Leather Sealer. Mr. Step'n Hersey was chosen Scaler of Leather Bread Weighers. Mr. Artemas Woodward, & Mr. Daniel Dana, chosen Bread weighers. Voted that the Bread weighers. Govern & Regulate themselves in regard to their office by the Boston Standard 365 Ilogroavos. Mv. Ezra Jackson & Mr. John IIow Firewanls Col. Thoni's Aspinwall, & Capt'n Sani'el Croft Voted that the Selectmen be directed to Receive the Legacy (in the hands of Deac'n David Weld of Koxhiuv) left by the late Miss Loring to Nehemiah Davis, and give their Receit for the Same & apply the same to the Support of Sd Nehemiah Voted that the article in the Warrant, in Regard to Nehemiah Davis be Referred to April Meeting. Committee to Examin accounts vStep'n Sharp, Mr. Edw'd K. AVolcott, and Mr. John Goddard were chosen a Committee to examin the Town and School Treasurers accounts & Report the State thereof at may meeting. Mr. John Heath. Col. Thom's Aspinwall Mr. Ebenez'r Davis Maj'r Moses White and Mr. Gulliver Winchester were chosen a Committee to Examine the Pound, and report the State thereof at the next Town Meeting The Inhabitants brought in their votes for a County Treasurer and upon counting the Same, their appeared to be Twenty Votes for Thom's Crafts Esq'r Voted that this Meeting be adjourned til the first monda}- in April next — and was adjourned accordingl}' Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk Mowry April G. 1789 At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House for the purpose of choos- ing a Governor & Lieut Governor for the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. q'r and Mr. John Goddard were chosen to Exaniin the Schools on the last Wednesday in Octob'r Next, and on the last Wednesda}- in Every Quarter through the j'ear Voted that this Meeting be adjournd without Day and was ad- journd accordingly Monday Aug I 1 Mh 1 79 1 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Mr. John Goddard being chosen Moderator The Selectmen were chosen a Committee to collect Soi't and count the Votes for a Register of Deeds for the Countj' of Surtblk and upon counting the Same it appeared tlu\t Mr. Henr}' Alline had Fourteen Votes 380 Voted that the Selectmen and Committee appointed to take a new valuation be Directed to govern themselves by a Vote of the Town pased June 5th 1780. Voted that the Assessors be Directed to govern themselves as the Law Directs in regard to Taxing raonej- and Plate Voted that Such persons as have had their Land measured leave a certificate thereof with the Town Clerk by monday next Voted that the article in the warrant in Regard to Dividing the Count}' be Refered to Some Futer Meeting Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned without Day and was adjourned accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk then Voted, that Stephen Sharp Town Treasurer be Directed & lie is hereb}' Directed to Sell the United States Notes, which were Rec'd for the Old Continental Paper Money, belonging to this Town, when he can sell the same for twenty shillings on the pound and pay the proceeds to the School Treasurer so far as it will go towards Discharging the Towns Debt to the School Committee December 27 1791 At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Legally Assembled Col Thomas Aspinwall being chosen Moderator The question was taken "Shall this Town Agree that the County of Suffolk be Divided in the manner Requested by the Petitioners & Negatived Unanimously. Then William Aspinwall Esquire Stephen Sharp and Mr. Daniel Dana were Chosen to State the Towns Objections &c and Report at the next Town Meetins; Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the third Day of Jan- uary next at the House of Mr. Thomas White at Six a Clock in the Evening and was adjournd accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 381 January '3d 1792 The Inhabitants bcinm of time that Schools are Supported in the School Houses in the North and west parts of the Town until the further Order of the Town, Voted, to keep throe Schools for the Term of Four months from the First Day of December next. Viz one School in the School House in the North part of the Town, one School in the School House in ihe west part of the Town, and one School in the School House in the South part of the Town 61 398 To the Hon'ble the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Gen'l Court Assembled at Boston September 18th 1793 The Petition of the Town of Brookline Humbly Shews That the Town was always Opposed to a Division of Suffolk until the General Court were about to pass an Act to Divide the Said County and all the Country Towns that had been Opposed to Said Division, had agreed to unite in Petitioning to be set ofl from the County of Suffolk to the New County of Norfolk ; by which division the Town of Brookline, would have been entirely Seperate, from the County of Suffolk (or Boston) by the Inter- vention ol the Town of Roxbury. Then the Inhabitants of the Town were in part Necessitated, by their Reticular local situation and induced b}- the Union of all the Country Towns, to join with them in a Petition to be Annexed to the County of Norfolk — The prayer of the Petitioners was Granted, Since which two of the Country Towns have at their Own Request been set of to the County of Suffolk, Several Other Towns have Voted at their Meetings to Petition the General Court to be Reunited to the County of Suffolk, and the Town of Roxbury is included in the number, by which Brookline will be entirely Sepa- rate from every part of the County of Norfolk — The Centre of said County (and very probably the Shire Town) will be Removed to a greater distance from ws by a Reunion of the Towns near Boston to Suffolk, and we shall be United with but part of the Towns, with whom we Petitioned to be set of to the New County of Norffblk — therefore for these and man}- other obvious Reasons We Your Petitioners Humbly Pray that the Town of Brookline may be set of from the County of Norfolk and Reunited to the County of Suffolk, Provided that the Prayer of the other Petition- 399 ing Towns, (to be Rejoined to the County of Suffolk) shall be Granted And your Petitioners as in Duty Bound shall ever Pray "Wm. Aspinwall Timothy Corey Stephen Sharp Committee in belialf of the Town of Brookliue a true Copy Stephen Sharp Tovrn Clerk Brooldine March M 1794 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, Mr. John Goddard was chosen Moderator, and the Town proceeded to the choice of the following Persons to serve as Town Officers the Year ensuing Namely, Upon the question, whether the number of Selectmen for the Year ensuing shall be five or three, it was voted that the number be three, and that thej- be chosen together — accordingly Capt'n Timothy Corey, Stephen Sharp and Isaac S. Gardner Esquire, were chosen Select men, & Declined Serving Stephen Sharp, was chosen Town Clerk, Mr. Ebenez'r Davis, Mr. Samuel Clark and Mr. Joseph Goddard were chosen Select men &, Declined Serving Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Treasurer Eence Viewers Mr. John Harris Jun Mr. Edward K. Wolcott Surveyors of Highway's Mr. Benjamin Davis for the North District Mr. Caleb Gardner for the IMiddle District Mr. Wm. Winchester for the South District Mr. Daniel Descom for the New District Field Drivers INIr. John Harris Jun & Mr. Robert Sharp Surve3-or of Wood & Lumber Mr. Wm. King Sealer of Leather Mr. Jonas Tolman Ilogreaves Mr. Ebenezer Ayres Mr. David Hyslop & Mr. Thomas Persons. Voted to hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes 400 Mr. Samuel Slack offers to serve as Constable & Collector of Taxes for eleaven pence on the pound on all Taxes he shall Collect for the ensuing Year Constable & Collector Mr. Samuel Slack was chosen Constable & and Collector of Taxes Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Wm. Aspinwall Esquire, and Mr. John Harris, were chosen a Committee to Settle Mr. John Corey's account against the Town for Boarding Alexander Mc intosh Deceased Voted that this Meeting be adjournd to Thursday next at one a Clock in this place and was adjournd accordingly Thursday March G 1794. the Inhabitants being meet accord- ing to adjournment of march 3d Mr. John Goddard being Moderator. Capt'n Timothy Corey. Mr. John Harris Jun'r and Mr. Nathan- iel Winchester were chosen Select men Isacc S. Gardner Esquire was chosen to serve on the School Committee in Room of Mr. John Goddard who Declined Serving Stephen Sharp was chosen on the Committee for examining Schools, in room of Mr. John Goddard who Declind Serving — and Isaac S. Gardner Esquire and Mr. Samuel Clark were chosen in addition to said Committee William Aspinwall Esquire, Mr. Edward K. Wolcott and Mr. Ebenez'r Davis, were chosen a Committee to Examin the Town Treasurers, and School Treasurers accounts and to report the state of the same to the Town at April Meeting Voted to Uaise the sum of one hundred pounds to Repair the Highways the present Year Voted that this Meeting be adjournd without Day and was adjournd accordingl3^ 401 BroolcUne AjJi'il 1th 1794 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Gov- ernor, and Senators, as the Constitution of the Commonwealth Directs, the Inhabitants brought in tlicir votes as follows Viz. For a Governor 27 Votes for his llon'r Samuel Addams 2 - - the Ilon'le William Gushing 1 - - Ilon'el Elbridge Gerry Esquires For a Lieutenant Governor 23 ^'otes for the Ilon'el William Heath 4 - - - onle Moses Gill 2 - - for his Hon Samuel addams Esqrs For Senators 23 Votes for the Ilon'el William Heath 20 - - - - James Bowdoin 19 - - - - JohnReid 4 - - - - Stephen Medcalf 2 - - - - Edward Robbins 1 - - - - SethBulard 1 - - - - Richard Cranck 1 - - - - Ebenezer Wales Esquires Then Isaac S. Gardner Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted to Raise the Sum of three hundred and lift}- pounds on polls, Real and personal Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, and on nonresident possessors, to Defray the necessar}' charges of the Town. Voted that the Collector ])c directed, and he is hereby Directed to Collect and pa}- into the Treasur}-, one half the above sum by the last Day of November next, and the Remaining half by the first Da}- of May 1795 — and that he have no abatements affter sd first Day of Ma}-. William Aspinwall Esquire. Mr. John Goddard and Jonathan 402 Mavson Esquire, were chosen a Committee to Inquire into the mode of Taxing Woodland, agreeable to the last Tax act, and re- port their opinion thereon, to the Town at May meeting, — the Committee chosen the third day of march Ifist, to Examin John Corey's account for keeping Alexander Mc intash, report that it is Just and reassonable for the Town to allow the same Voted, that John Corej^'s Account for keeping Alexander Mc intash be allowed Jonathan Jackson was chosen surveyor of the highwa3's in Room of Caleb Gardner who Declind serving Voted, that Doct'r William Aspinwall have libert}' and he is herebj' granted liberty, to cut a window in his pew in the meeting house at his own expence Voted that Isaac S. Gardner Esquire, have liberty, and he is hereby granted libert}', to work out his highway Rate for the pres- ent 3'ear, on the Road Leading by his House. Voted, to Continue the School in the Brick School house until the 1st of Dec'r next. TJmrsday May 6. 1794 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline, warn'd and assembled according to Law, — the Selectmen being Moderators Voted to choose some person to Represent this Town in the General Court the present year. The Inhabitants bruught in their Votes for a Representative and upon counting and sorting the same it appear'd that Doct'r Wil- liam Aspinwall was chosen to Represent this Town in the General Court the present year. Then Capt'n Timothy Core}* was chosen Moderator Voted, that the Select-men be a Committee to repair the School house in the south part of the Town as they think propper. Voted, that the Select men be directed to huy five Cords of Avood for the Rev'd .Joseph Jackson 403 Voted, to raise the sum of fifty pounds ou polls and Real and personal Estates of the inhabitants, and on Nonresident posses- sors, in addiliou to the three hundred and Fift}' pounds granted the 7th of April last. The Committee, chosen at the last Town meeting to inquire into the mode of Taxing wood land, Report as follows Viz The Committee appointed by the Town to enquire into the mode in which the Assessors taxed the woodland belonging to the inliabitants on the last Tax act, after examin'g their proceedings and the law of the Ciovernment, are of Opinion, that in estimating the woodland of the Town at six per cent upon the real value of it, they proceeded according to the meaning and letter of the Act, and that it was not the intention of the legislature to include woodland under the term unimproved land, and of consequence subject it to a tax of onh- two per cent, instead of six percent. Wm. Aspinwall John Goddard Jona. Mason Jun Committee Brookliue May 1st 17'J4 Voted to accept the above Report Mr. Jonathan Hammond was Chosen Surveyor of the Highways for the Middle District, in Room of Mr. Jonathan Jackson who Declind Serving Jonathan Mason P^scpiire was Chosen a Delagate to meet Dela- gates from the several Towns in the Count}- of Norfolk, at the House of Mr. Henry Vose in Milton, on Thursday the fifteenth of ]\[ay Inst, at ten a Clock in the forenoon, to Consult on Matters Respecting said County. July 2'2d 1794 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the House of Mr. Jonathan Dana Capt'n Timoth\' Corey was chosen Moderator Mr. Daniel Dana was chosen to serve as Grand Juror at (at) the Supreame Judicial Court to beholden at Dedham in the County 404 of Norfolk, on the Tuesday preceeding the last Tuesday in August next. Mr. John Heath was chosen to serve as petit Juror at said Court — then the Meeting was Dissolved. November M 1794 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — The Selectmen being Moderators — The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Person to Represent the first middle District in the next Congress Viz. 23 Votes for Charles Jarvis 10 - - - The Hon'l Fisher Ames 1 - - - - Hon'l William Heath Esquires William Aspinwall Esquire was chosen Moderator The Selectmen were chosen a Committee, to procure a plan of the Town agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court on the petition of George Cabot Esquire — Voted, that the said George Cabot be permitted to alter the direction of the Road Leading from the Meeting House to his Dwelling house in such a manner as that the said Road where it passes by said Dwelling house may be more distant from the same than it is at present — provided that the said alteration shall in no place exceed twent}- feet — shall in its whole extent not exceed twenty Roods •— and that the new Road shall at the expence of said Cabot be made as wide & as good as the old Jonathan Mason. William Aspinwall & Isaac S. Gardner Esquires, were chosen a Committee to obtain the Legacy left to the Town of Brookline by Nicholas Bojdston Esquire late of Boston Deceased Then the Meeting was adjourn'd without Day Attest Step'n Sharp Town Clerk 405 Brooklinr Monday ]\[(ux!i 9. 1795 The Inliabitauts of this Town being this Day assembled at the Meeting House — Isaac S. Gardner Esquire being chosen moder- ator, tlie Town proceeded to the clioice of the following persons to serve as Town Officers for the 3-oar ensuing namely-. Town Clerk Stephen Shai-p was chosen Town Clerk Upon the question, whether the number of Selectmen for the 3'car ensuing Shall be five or Three it was voted that the number be three, and that the}- be chosen altogether Selectmen Capt'n Timothy Core}', Mr. Nathaniel "Winchester and ]Mr. John Harris Jun, wei*e chosen Selectmen Town Trcas'r Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Treasurer Fence Viewers Mr. Edward K. Wolcott and Mr. Samuel Slack were chosen fence Viewers. Surve3'ors of Highways Mr, John Robinson was chosen Sur- veyor of the Highways for the north District Mr. Ebenezer Heath for the middle District Mr. Caleb Craft for the South District, and Mr. Nathaniel Win- chester for the new District. Field Drivers Mr. Ebenezer A}Tes and Mr. Benjamin Haues were cliosen Field Drivers Surveyors of "Wood & Luiiib Mr. Eleazer Baker &, Mr. Eben- ezer "Webb were chosen Surveyors of Wood & Lumber. Sealer of Leath'r Mr. Jonas Tolman was chosen Sealer of Leather Hogreaves Mr. Enas "Witliington. Mr. John Aspinwall onnd to all who pa}- their Taxes by the first da}- of Januar}- next. Elijah Child was chosen Constable & Collector Docter Aspinwall Colo Gardner and Deacon Robinson were chosen a committee to Examine Accounts. The Inhabitants gave in their votes for Count}- Treasurer the same being counted by the Moderator and Town clerk, there appeared 20 votes for Isaac Bullard Voted To raise five hundred dollars to Repair the Highways and that said sum be assessed on the last years Valuation. The meeting was then dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Male Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline in the County and district of Norfolk in the commonw-ealth of Massachusetts qualified by the Constitution of said Commonwealth to vote for Governor Leiutenant Governor senators and Represen- tatives the said meeting being warned as the said Constitution directs and holden on the fourth day of April being the first mon- day in Said month 1803. for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor. Leiut. Governor of said Commonwealth and senators and Counsellors for said District The following Votes were given in Viz. for Governor. For the Hon Elbridge Gerry Esquire 37 Votes His Excellency Caleb Strong Esq. 23 — Leiut. Governor For the Hon James Bowdoin Esq. 39 Votes EdwM H. Robbius Esq. 20 William Heath Esq. 1 450 Senators For the Hon John Ellis Esq. 38 Votes John Howe Esq, 38 Votes Samuel Bass Esq. 20 " For the Hon Samuel Dexter Esq. 23 " — "William Aspinwall 3 " Attest Stephen Sharp Town Cler. Brookline April 4. 1803 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Voted That Neat cattle Horses or Horse kind shall not go at large within the limits of this Town the present jeax without a keeper — Voted Not to Excuse Jonathan Dana from paying a fine for not serving surveyor of the Highways, in the year 1801. Voted That if Caleb Gardner refuses to serve as surveyor of Highwa3rs, the Selectmen be directed to appoint a person to serve in his Room — Joseph Goddard was chosen on the committee for examining accounts in room of Docter Aspinwall who declined serving Attest, Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 11th day of May 1803. The Selectmen being moderators. Voted To send a Representative The Inhabitants brought in their votes for a representative and upon counting the same it appeared that Stephen Sharp was unani- mously chosen and the vote was declared accordingly Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. 451 Town meeting 3Iay 11. 1803 Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator ; The committee chosen to examine the Town treasurers and School treasurers accouut made their report. Voted To accept the report of the committee for examining the Town accounts — Voted To raize the sum of sixteen hundred dollars to pa}- the Eev'd John Peirce his stated Sallary and to defray the charges of the town the current year. Voted To reconsider the vote passed the IGth June last to enlarge and repair the meeting house and let it remain as it is for the present. Voted That the Town treasurer be directed and he is hereby directed to hire a sum of monc}- sufficient to pay the committee for enlarging and repairing the Meeting house for all they have expen- ded for materials and all the work that hath been done relative to repairing said Meeting house and that the amount thereof be assessed in the next Town Tax — Voted That the Thanks of the Town be given to said committee for their services — Voted That this meeting be adjourned without da}- and was accordingly adjourned — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 12th day of March 1804. warned and assembled according to Law. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator. Voted To choose Three men to serve as Selectmen and Asses- sors and that the}' be chosen together. Stephen Sharp, Capt Sam'l Croft & Deacon Sam'l Clark were chosen Selectmen and Assessors. Mr Sam'l Slack & Mr Nath'l Murdock were chosen Fence veiwers — 452 Stephen Sharp was chosen surveyor of Highways for the 1st North District — Mr Sam'l Slack was chosen survej'or of Highways for 2d North district — David H3'slop was chosen surve3^or of Highwaj's for the Mid- dle district — Mr Caleb Craft was chosen surveyor of Highways for 1 st South district — Capt Joseph Goddard was chosen surveyor of Highways for 2d South district. Mr Thomas White, Mr James Leeds Mr Samuel White Mr Dan- iel Leverett were chosen Hogreaves. Mr Nath Murdock, Mr James Holden were chosen surve3'ors of Wood & Lumber — Mr James Leeds and Mr Jonas Tolman were chosen tythiug- men Mr Eliphalet Spurr was chosen clerk of the Market. Mr Jonas Tolman was chosen sealer of Leather Capt Joseph Jones and Joseph Winship were chosen Field drivers — Mr Jonathan Jackson was chosen Pound keeper — Mr John Aspinwall, Leiut. Benja Davis. Mr Eben'r Heath and Colo Isaac S. Gardner were chosen Fire wards — Voted To hire a Constable and collector of Taxes Elijah Child offers to serve as Constable and collector of Taxes the present year on the same terms he served the last year (to wit) for one shilling and Eleven pence on the pound on all Taxes he shall collect allowing a deduction of one shilling and sixpence on the pound to all those persons that pay their Taxes b^' the first day of Januarj' — The Town accepted his otfer and he was chosen Constable and collector of taxes Voted to raize the sum of Five hundred dollars for the purpose of repairing the highways the present year — 453 Voted That The Higlnva}' Tux be assessed on the old vahiatiou as usual — Voted To give the Rev'd John Peirce One hundred antl fifty dollars p year in addition to his Stated Sallar^- for the term of throe years — Colo Isaac S. Gardner. Dea John Robinson and Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen a committee to examine the Town treasurers accounts and report the state of the same to the Town at next May meeting — Mr Ebenezer Heath, Colo Isaac S Gardner and Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen a committee to examine the Towns stock of Arms, Ammunition Uniform &c. ^ Capt Joseph tlones was chosen a committee to take the care of Towns stock of Guns and Uniform &;c. Mr Abel Merriam was chosen a committee to take the care of the Towns stock of Ammunition &c. Then the Inhabitants brought in their votes for countj^ Treas- urer and the same being counted by the Selectmen and Town Clerk it was declared that Isaac Bullard had twenty six votes — Voted That this meeting be adjourned without da}' and was adjourned accordingl3\ Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 2d day of April 1804 being the first monday in said month for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Governor and Leiutenant Governor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and senators for the district of Norfolk. The Inhabitants brought in their votes as follows For Governor — 42 votes for the Hon James Sullivan Esq. 29 — — his Excellency Caleb Strong Esq. 58 454 Leiut Governor 44 votes for the Hon. William Heath Esq'r 26 his Hon'r Edw'd H Robbins Esq'r 1 " for Artemas Ward Esq. 1 " for Benja Harris Esq. Senators 39 Votes for the Hon John Ellis 37 " John Howe 24 " Ebenezer Thayer 13 " Elijah Crane 9 " John Reed 1 " John Baxter 1 " Isaac Billiard Esq'r Voted That this Meeting be adjoiu'ned without day and was adjourned accordingly — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 2d day of April 1804 Stephen Sharp was chosen Moderator. Voted That a reward of five hundred dollars be given to any person who may detect the Villian or villians that attempted to burn the meeting house in this Town on the last evening — Voted That the Selectmen be directed and they are hereby directed to advertise the above reward in the Independant Chron- icle and Columbian Centinel — Voted That Neat cattle Horses nor horse kind shall not go at large within the limits of this Town the Current year without a Keeper — Voted To choose a committee of nine persons to enquire whether a new situation for a meeting house can be procured and on what terms — whether an addition to the present spot can be obtained to make an Estimate of the expence of a new meeting 455 House — and what shall be done with the present Meeting house — and what compensation shall be nuide to the present Pew Holders in case the Town should determine to build and all such other matters as pertain to the subject. Colo Isaac S. Gardner, Capt John Robinson Mr. Ebenezer Davis, Mr John L Sullivan Capt Joseph Goddard, Mr Nath'l Murdock, Capt Timothy Core}-, Mr William Ackers and Mr Jonathan Hammond were chosen to serve as a Committee for the above purpose Voted That the Article relative to a New Bell be referred to Ma}' meeting Then the meeting was adjourned witliout day — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 16th day of May 180-i The Selectmen being moderators. Voted To send a Representative. The Inhabitants brought in their votes and upon counting and sorting the same it appeared that Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Representative and declaration was made accordingly — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 16th day of May 1804. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator — The committee appointed to Examine The Town Treasurers and School Treasurers accounts made their report which was accepted by a vote of the Town — Voted To raize the sum of seventeen hundred dollars to defray the necessary charges of the Town the current year — The Report of the committee appointed by tlie Town to make 456 enquireys on various subjects relative to building a new Meeting house being read — Voted To Build a New Meeting house Voted That the report of the committee be read and considered by Paragraphs. Voted To adopt the fourth paragraph in the Report of said committee which is as follows — Viz. Your committee further state that with the Idea of rendering the present lot more convenient, they applied to Mr Carnes for a small peice of Land in addition thereto on which he has consented to sell twenty four feet in width adjoining the west side of the Towns land widening to the Road on which it will Extend about Six rods on condition of having a wall Pew on the south or west part of the New Meeting house free of cost — And Mr Walley has consented on application of the committee to let the Town have some adjoining land on the north — Voted To build a meeting house on the place or Plat where the old meeting house stands as recommended in the foregoing report of the committee Voted To give Mr John Carnes a Pew in the new Meeting house in compensation for a small strip of Land to enlarge the meeting house yard. Voted To have a Broad Isle and square Wall Pews in the New Meeting house * Voted To make a compensation to the owners of Pews in the Old meeting house of Thirty dollars for each pew on the lower floor and fifteen dollars for each pew in the Gallery — Voted To choose a committee of three persons to Execute the business of building a meeting house — ■ Colo Isaac S. Gardner. Capt John Robinson and Mr Nathaniel Murdock were chosen to serve on said committee — Colo Gardner declined serving and Mr Ebenezer Heath was chosen to serve in his Room — 457 Voted To choose Six persons in addition to the committee ah-ead}' chosen to advise and assist said committee and have an equal voice with them in all business relative to building a Meet- ing House — Doct Aspinwall, Stephen Sharp Colo Gardner Capt Goddard William Ackers and Dea Clark were chosen to serve on said Committee — Voted To adjourn this meeting to Thursdaj- 24th daj' of May current at four OClock in the afternoon then to meet in this place — Then the meeting was adjourned accordingly Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. Thursday May 24. 1804 The Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline being met according to adjournment from the 10th daj- of May last — Stephen Sharp being moderator — Voted That the committee for building a new meeting house be directed to inform themselves as soon as practicable as to the best form and manner of building a meeting house both as to the Exterior and Interior parts and exhibit a plan of the same to the i Town at a meeting of the Inhabitants sometime in June next, said meeting to be called by the Selectmen at the Request of the Committee — Voted That the Town Treasurer be directed and he is hereby directed and empowered to give his Obligation on Interest in behalf of the Town for a sum of monc}- not exceeding Eleven thousand dollars to be expended by the committee for the Benefit of the Town in Building a meeting house. I Voted To keep two women's school one in the West and one in I the North district for the Terra of Three months in the summer season — Voted That Fifty dollars be granted for tlic purpose of defray- ing the Expences of said schools and that the said sum be assessed in the next Town Tax — 458 Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r was chosen to serve on the school com- mittee in room of Mr John Heath (deceased) — Isaac S. Gardner was chosen School Treasurer in Room of Capt Samuel Croft who declined serving longer in that Office — Voted That The thanks of the Town be given to Capt Sam'l Croft for his services as school treasurer for a number of j-ears past Then the meeting was adjourned without da}^ Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line holden on the 11th day of June 1804. Stephen Sharp was chosen Moderator Colo Gardner, Mr Daniel Hyslop, and Stephen Sharp were chosen a committee to wait on Mr John Carnes and agree with him for a peice of Land adjoining the Meeting house j'ard — Voted that the committee be directed and the}' are hereby directed not to build the New Meeting house larger than seventy four feet long b}^ fifty four feet wide. Voted that the Building a New Meeting house be wholly left with the Committee — Then the Meeting was dissolved — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 5th daj^ of September 1804 Stephen Sharp was chosen Moderator — Voted To reconsider the vote passed the sixteenth day of May last to build a new Meeting house on the plot where the old house stands — Voted To Purchase two peices of Land of William Aspinwall and Stephen Sharp Esquires latel}' bought b}^ them of John Carnes at the same price they gave for them Viz Two Thousand dollars with Interest from the 30th day of August last — Voted That the committee for building the New meeting 459 house be directed and the}- are licreby directed to build the new Meeting house on the largest of said lots of Land East of the brick school house — Voted To reconsider their vote to have the Wall i)ews in the new Meeting house square — and adopt tlie new plan of their Com- mittee to have long pews next the wall — Voted That "William Aspinwall Esq'r be empowered and he is hereby empowered to give a quit claim deed of a small peice of land adjoining the meeting house yard last owned by John Carnes — Voted That this meeting be adjourned without da}- Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline qualified to Vote for Representatives holden on the fifth da}' of November 1804 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Nineteen Electors of President and Vice President of the United States — The Inhabitants brought in their votes as follows Viz — for Electors at large 34 Votes for Hon Elbridge Gerry Esq. of Cambridge 34 " Hon James Sullivan Esq'r of Boston District Electors 34 Hon James Bowdoin Esq'r of Boston 34 Colo John Hathorn Salem 34 Doct Thomas Kitteridge Andover 34 Hon James Winthrop Esq'r Cambridge 34 Jonathan Smith Jun'r Esq West Springfield 34 Edward Upham Esq'r New Salem 34 Hon James Warren Esq'r Plymouth 34 Hon Josiah Dean Esq'r Rainham 34 Hon John Davis Esq'r Barnstable 34 Gen Timothy Newell Sturbridge 34 Gen John Whiting Esq Lancaster 460 34 Votes Hou John Bacon Esq Stockbridge 34 " Hon Wm. Heath Esq Roxbury 34 Hon John Woodman Esq Buxton 34 Hon Charles Turner Esq Turner 34 Votes Colo Thomas Fillebrown of Hallowell 34 " * John Farley Esq'r New Castle Electors at large 26 Hon David Cobb Esq'r Goldsbourough 26 Hon Oliver "Wendell Esq'r Boston District Electors 26 Hon John Coffin Jones Esq'r Boston 26 Hon Benjamin Goodhue Esq'r Salem 26 Hon Baily Bartlet Esq'r Haverhill 26 Hon Eleazer Brooks Esq. Lincoln 2% Hon William Shepherd Esq'r Westfield 26 Hon Ebenezer Mulloon Jun Esq Amherst 26 Hon William Seaver Esq, Kingston 26 Hon Ebenezer Bacon Esq Barnstable 26 Hon George Leonard Esq Norton 26 Joseph Allen Esq Worcester 26 Hon Josiah Stearns Esq Luningburg 26 Hon David Rossiter of Richmond 26 Hon Cotton Tufts Esq of Weymouth 26 Hon John Lord Esq Berwick 26 Hon Isaac Parker Esq'r Portland 26 Hou Thomas Rice Esq. Wisscasset 26 Hon Samuel S. Wild Esq'r Hallowell Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline qualified to vote for representatives holden on the 5 day of November 1804 for the purpose of giving in their votes for a 4G1 Representative in tlic Congress of the United States the Inhal)i- tants brought in their Votes as follows — Viz. 27 Votes for the Hon Ebenczer Seaver Esq 26 " Thomas B Adams Esq'r 5. Hon Will'm Hale Esq'r Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Brookline Nov 5 1804 . At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline — Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Voted That the sum of Sixt}- dollars be granted and it is hereby Granted for the purpose of hiring a singing Master the Ensuing Winter — The meeting was then adjourned without day- Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline dul}^ qualified and legally- warned in publick Town meeting assembled at the Brick school house on Monday nth Day of March 1805 Stephen Sharp Esq was chosen Moderator Voted To choose five person to serve as selectmen and asses- sors, and that they be chosen together Stephen Sharp Esquire Capt Samuel Croft Deacon Sam'l Clark. Capt Joseph Goddard and Capt John Robinson were chosen Selectmen and Assessors — Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Clerk Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Treasurer Capt Timothy Ilorey ^Yas chosen surve3-or of highway's for the 1st North District Mr Thomas Walley for the 2d North district Mr Thomas Goddard for the Middle district 59 462 Mr. Thaddeus Jackson for the 1st South District Mr Daniel Dascomb for 2 South District Mr William Marshall Mr. Nahum Saverns Mr. Benja N Harris and Mr. Caleb Craft Jun. were chosen hogreaves — Mr James Holden and Mr Nath Murdock were chosen survey- ors of wood and Lumber — Mr Samuel Slack and Mr Amasa Ellis were chosen Fence viewers Mr Enos Withington and Mr James Leeds Avere chosen Tj'thing-. men Mr Eliphalet Spurr was chosen clerk of the Market Mr. James Leeds was chosen sealer of Leather Capt Joseph Jones Leuit. Joshua C Clark and Mr. Elijah Child were chosen Feild Drivers — Mr Jonathan Jackson was chosen pound keeper — Mr Benja Davis. Mr John Aspinwall Mr Ebenezer Heath & Colo Isaac S. Gardner were chosen fire wards — Voted To hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Mr Elijah Child offered to serve as constable and Collector of Taxes on the same terms he served the last j^ear Viz for One shil- ling and Eleven pence on the pound on all Taxes he shall Collect allowing a deduction of One shilling and Sixpence on the pound to all persons that pay their Taxes by the first day of January'' next. The Town accept his offer and make choice of him as their constable and Collector of Taxes for the Year ensuing — Doctor William Aspinwall, Colo Isaac S. Gardner & Mr Eben- ezer Heath were chosen a committee to Examine The Town Treasurers & School Treasurers Accounts and report a statement thereof to the Town at May meeting — Capt Joseph Goddard Colo Isaac S. Gardner and Mr. Wm. Ackers were chosen a committee to Examine the Towns Stock of Arms, Uniform &c — Capt Joseph Jones was chosen a committee to take care of the Towns Stock of Ai-ms, Uniform &c. 463 Mr Abel Merriam was chosen to take care of the Towns Ammu- nition — Voted That the sum of eight hundred and Seventy five dollars be raized and assessed in the usual way to repair llie highways and Level the Meeting house plat — (to wit) that Six hundred and twenty five dollars of the same be expended by the Surveyor on the Publick roads and the other two hundred and fift}- dollars be expended on the Meeting house plat and that caeli Surveyor shall work out the two Seventh parts of his tax bill on the said House plat under the direction of Capt John Robinson chairman of the committee to build the meeting house whenever he shall request it and that a single poll shall be assessed the same sum in said Highway Tax as Usual Viz Three shillings and nine pence or half a da3's work. Voted To allow one dollar and twenty five cents pr daj- for a Man and one dollar and twenty five cents for team for work on the Highwa}- — Voted That that neat Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large witliin the Limits of this Town the current year with- out a keeper — The Inhabitants brought in their votes for County Treasurer and the same being counted by the Selectmen & Town Clerk it was declared that Isaac Bullard had twenty nine votes Voted That the brick school House be given up to Mr Peter Banner carpenter for building the Meeting House for his use diu*- ing the summer season — Voted Tiiat the Selectmen be directed and thej' are hereby directed to Engage Mr Fisher to teach school in the School house in the Middle district One month from the first day of Apri. next — and that Mr Loud the yearlj- school master continue to Teach school in the North school house four months from the first da}- of April next, then he or whoever the Selectmen shall engage after his time is out to teach the 3'early school) shall teach school four 464 months in the school house in the North District from the Jfirst day of August next — Voted That a Womans school be kept in the school house in the North district Three months from the first day of August next — Voted That a womans School be kept in the school house in the middle district three months from the first day of Maj' next — Voted That a Mans School be kept in the North District one Month from the first day of November next — Voted That this meeting be adjourned without day and was adjourned accordingl}^ — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brookline warnd as the Constitution directs and holden on the first day of April 1805 being the first Monday in Said month for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Governor and Leiutenant Governor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Senators for the dis- trict of Norfolk — The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz — For Governor — 37 Votes for his Excellency Caleb Strong Esq 45 " " Hon James Sullivan Esq. Lent Governor — 34 " his Hon Edw'd H Robbins Esq. 45 " Hon Will'm Heath Esq'r 1 " ^ Hon Fisher Ames Esq. 1 " Capt Joseph Jones Senators 45. for the Hon John Howe Esq. 45 Hon John Ellis Esq. 36 Samuel Bass Esq. 33 Thomas Williams Esq. 4G.'5 5 Votes for The Hon Sainncl Haven Esq. 1 Hon Edw'd H Bobbins Esq. 1 Hon Moses Everett Esq. 1 George W. Stearns 1 Daniel Gibbs Then the meeting was Dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Brookline April 1. 1805. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline warned according to Law — Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen moderator Mr Caleb Craft Mr William Ackers Colo Isaac S. Gardner, Mr Samuel Slack, and IMr Thaddeus Jackson were chosen a Com- mittee to veiw the Church Lot in Needham. and Keport to the Town at next Ma}- meeting whether in Their Judgment it is expe- dient to Sell the "Wood standing on Said Lot — Voted That the deficient surveyors of Highwaj's for the Years 1803 and 1804 be authorized and empowered to call on the several Persons Taxed in their Lists to work out their Taxes b}' the 10th da}' of May next and Collect the taxes of Such persons or Persons as refuse to work out the same and if any Person or persons shall refuse or neglect to work out or pay the sum or sums he or they are assessed in Said lists on or before the said 10th day of May the Assessors are directed and they are hereby directed to deliver to the Said delinquent Surveyors Warrants of Distress in form prescribed by Law for Collecting the Same — Voted That this meeting be adjourned without day and was adjourned accordingly Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May IG. 1805. The Selectmen moderators — Voted To send a Representative the current year. 466 The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Representative the same being counted b}^ the Selectmen and there appeared to be twenty seven votes for Stephen Sharp and declaration was made accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May 16. 1805. Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen moderator. The Report of the committee for examining The Town Treas- rers and School treasurers accounts being read by the chairman of said Committee — And the Town voted to Accept the report Voted To raize Two Thousand Dollars on Polls, real & Personal Estate of the Inhabitants for the purpose of paying the Rev'd Mr Peirce his Sallary and defraying the Expences of the Town the current year — Voted That the Town Treasurer be directed to call on Ebenezer Weld and Phineas Child to pay the Notes in the Town Treasurers hands against them — Voted To accept the report of the Towns committee appointed to examine the Towns Lot in Needham — Voted That the selectmen be directed and they are hereby directed to call a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Town to be holden on the first Tuesday in October next — in case there is no Town meeting called before that time — To know whether the Town will Sell all or any part of the Wood on the Towns ministerial Lot in Needham, and Direct when and in what manner it shall be Sold and choose agents for that purpose — Voted That this town will not consent that John Harris and his Estates may be seperated from the Parish in this Town and annexed to the third Parish in Roxbury — Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 467 BrookUne June 19. 1805 At a legiil meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook- line — ►Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator — Tlie Honorable Stephen Iligginson Esquire offered To make a present to the Town of a Bell and apperatus lately imported from London if they please to Accept of it — Voted That tlie Town gratefull}' accept the same and return their Thanks to the Honorable Mr Iligginson for his valuable present — Voted That Stephen Sharp Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r and Mr Ebenezer Heath be a committee to wait on the Ilon'ble Stephen Iligginson Esquire and present him the Thanks of the town and a Copy of the Preceeding Votes respecting the Bell — Voted That Mr Ebenezer Heath be a committee to get the following Inscription inscribed on the New Bell — Viz — The Gift of the Honorable Stephen Higginson Esquire to the Town of Brookline 1805. Voted That Capt John Robinson Mr Nathaniel Murdock and Mr Ebenezer Heath be a committee to Dispose of the old Bell — Voted To Sell the Wood on the Towns ministerial Lot in Need- ham except Sixteen cords which is to be reserved for the Reverend Mr Peirce for the next Winter — Voted That the committee appointed at last May meeting to examine the Towns ministerial Lot in Needham be a committee to sell the wood standing on Said Lot in such a way as the}' shall think most Beneficial to the Town and that the Proceeds of the sale of said wood to be paid into the Town Treasurer and he is directed to let the same and the Interest to be expended for the purpose of purchasing Wood for the Minister 3'early — Then the meeting was atljourned Avithout day Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline 468 holden on the 6tli day of February 1806 at the Meeting house — Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the Brick School house and was adjourned accordingly where being Met Voted To choose a committee to remonstrate to the General court at their present session against the Petition of John Harris to be set of with his Estate from the Parish in this Town and annexed to the Third Parish in Roxbury — William Aspinwall Esq'r Stephen Sharp and Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r were chosen a committee to remonstrate to the General Court at their present session against the prayer of the Petition of Mr John Harris and his Estates to be sett of from the Parish in Brookline and annexed to the Third Parish in Roxburj'- being Granted William Aspinwall Esquire declined serving on said committee, Mr Ebenezer Heath was chosen in his room — Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Meeting House holden on the 10th day of March 1806 — Stephen Sharp was chosen Moderator — Voted To Choose five persons to serve the Town as Select- men and Assessors the ensuing year and that they be chosen together — Stephen Sharp, Samuel Croft, Samuel Clark John Robinson and Joseph Goddard were chosen Selectmen and Assessors — Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk — Stephen Sharp was Chosen Town Treasurer — Elijah Corey was Chosen surveyor of Highways for the 1st North District — Samuel Griggs for the Second North District Ebenezer Richards for the Middle District John Harris for the 1st South district — Abel Merriam for the 2 South district 469 John Lucas Jonatlian Dana, Thaddeiis Jackson and Adam Howe were chosen Hogreaves — Mr Natli'l Murdock, and Jauics Ilolden were chosen survej'ors of Wood and Lumber Benjamin Davis and Abraham Farwcll were chosen Fence veiwers — Enos "NVilhington and Samuel Slack were chosen Tythingmen — Tliomas White was chosen Clerk of the Market Jonas Tolman was chosen Sealer of Leather — James Leeds and Samuel Slack Avere chosen feild drivers Jonathan Jackson was chosen Pound keeper — Benjamin Davis, John Aspiuwall Ebenezer Heath and Colo Isaac S. Gardner were chosen Firewards — Voted To hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Elijah Child offered to serve as Constable and Collector of Taxes for one shilling and eleven pence on the pound on all taxes he shall collect allowing a deduction of one shilling and sixpence on the pound to all persons who pay their Taxes by tiie fust day of Januar}' next — The Town accept his offer and make choice of him as their Constable and collector of Taxes for the ensuing year William Aspinwall Colo Isaac S. Gardner and Ebenezer Heath were chosen a committee to Examine the Town Treasurers & School Treasurers accounts and report a statement therof to the Town at May meeting — ■ Capt Joseph Goddard Colo Gardner and AVilliam Ackers were chosen a committee to Examine the Towns Stock of Arms, Uniform &c. Voted That the sum of Eight hundred and seventy five dollars be raized and assessed in the usual way for to Repair the High- ways and to level the meeting house plat that Six hundred and Twenty five dollars of the same be expended b}* the surveyors on the Publick roads and the other two hundred and fifty dollars be 60 470 expended on the meeting house plat — and that each surveyor shall work out two sevenths parts of his Tax list on the said meeting house plat under the direction of John Robinson chairman of the committee for Building a meeting house whenever he shall require it and that a single poll shall be assessed the same sum in said Highway Tax as Usual Viz. Three shillings and nine pence or half a days work — Voted To allow one dollar and Twenty five cents ^ day for a Man and One dollar and Twenty five cents ^ day for a team for work on the Highways — Then the meeting was adjourned without day. Attest. Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 7th day of April 1806. for the purpose of giving in their votes, for Governor, Leiutenant Governor and Senators aarreable to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts — Votes for the following persons were given in counted and sorted and Declaration thereof made Viz — For Governor. 44 Votes for his Excellency Caleb Strong Esq. 44 " Hon James Sullivan Esq. Leutenant Governor 40 Votes for his Hon. Edward H Bobbins Esq. 45 " Hon William Heath Esq. 1 " Hon Timothy Bigelow Esq. Senators 46 Votes for the Hon John Ellis Esq. 44 " Hon John Howe 34 Votes for Elijah Crane Esq. 13 " Thomas Williams Esq. 6 Isaac S. Gardner Esq. 6 Capt Aron Davis 471 5 Votes for Jolin Baxter Esq. 4 " lion Ebcnezer Warren Esq 1 " Hon Nath Ames Esq. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Ajml 7. 180G — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Voted That the Thanks of the Town be given to Mr Thomas "Wallcy for his handsome present of an Elegant New Bible to the Town — The Rev. John Pierce was chosen a Committee to waite on Mr. Walley and thank him in behalf of the Town for the handsome present of an Elegant New Bible. Eliphalet Spurr was chosen a Selectman in room of Capt. Joseph Goddard who declined serving — Voted That Horses Horse kind and neat Cattle shall not run at large within the limits of this Town the currant year without a keeper — Voted That the afternoon service on Sabbath days from the first day of May to the last day of August begin at Three O'clock — Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk May 15, 1806 — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline the Selectmen being Moderators. Voted To Send a Representative — The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Eighty five was the whole number of Votes. Fort}' three Voles makes a choice — Isaac S. Gardner Esq hud Thirt}' Seven Votes — Caleb Craft had one Vote — 472 Stephen Sharp Esquire had forty seven Votes and was chosen and the Vote was declared accordhigly — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May 15 180G. Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen moderator — The committee for examining the Town treasurers and the School Treasurers accounts Reported — Voted To accept the Report of said Committee — Voted To raise the sum of Two Thousand one hundred dollars to pay the Rev'd Mr. Pierce his Sallary and defray the usual expenses of the Town the current year — Then the Meeting was Dissolved — Attest Stephen Sharp Town clerk At a meeting of the Town of Brookline on Thursday 22d day of May 1806. Voted To choose a committee to examine the accounts of the committee emplo3'ed to Superintend the Building of the New meeting house and make their Report at the adjournment of this meeting. Mr Thomas White Mr Thomas Walley and Mr William Mar- shall were chosen a committee for the above said purpose Voted That the cost of Building the new meeting house and the Interest of any sum or suras of mone}' that ma}^ have been borrowed, to pay for building the Same The money voted to the pew holders in the old Meeting house and all such other charges as may have arisen in consequence of Building the new Meeting House (except the land it stands on) be added together and the aggregate sum be apportioned on the whol number of Pews except one assigned for the Ministers Family) according to the respective value of each Pew. Voted That the right to choose any Pew (subject to the condi- tions hereafter mentioned) shall be sold to the highest Bidder at 473 Pii))lic Auction being a freeholder or Inhabitant of the Town of Brooklinc and all Non residents being proprietors of Land in the said Town and those Persons belonging to the first Parish in Rox- bnr}' who live west of Muddy River and adjoining Brookline may have an equal priviledgc to bid at said Auction and purchase a pew provided they or any of them signif}- their Intention to bid for the same to the Town Clerk on the day before the sale and the Purchaser shall make his choice forthwith, and shall pay the sum he shall bid for his choice together with the sum apportioned on the Pew of his choice in the following manner Viz Twenty ^ cent down (which shall be forfeited unless the succeeding payments be made at the times stipulated) and twenty ,|pcent within every sixty succeeding days after the time of Sale untill the whole is paid with the interest on the said payments from the time of sale — Voted That a deed shall be given by the Town Clerk to each purchaser when his or her payments are completed provided they are made in due season otherwise the purchaser shall not be entitled to his Deed and shall forfeit his Pew and all former pay- ments to the Town. Voted That no person shall purchase more than one Pew until all the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Brookline and all the Non residents and Roxbury people Avho ma}- have liberty to purchase Shall have had an opportunit}* to purchase one pew — Voted That the Town Clerk shall purchase a Book and record therein the Deeds of the Pews and the number of each Pew the Sum assessed upon said number and the sum bid at auction for the choice of said number, and the Town Clerk Shall make a record of all Transfers within three months from the date of the same. Voted Tliat a committee be appointed to apportion the cost and cliarges of Building tlie new Meeting house and the cost of the Pews in the old Meeting house on the Pews in the New Meeting house excepting on the Pew assigned to the ministers family. 474 That said Committee direct and superintend the Vendue and act for and in behalf of the Town in all respects as far as relates to selling the Pews and they ma}" sell part or all the Pews or stop or adjourn the Auction at their discretion. The committee for build- ing the meeting house were appointed for the above purpose Viz Deacon John Robinson, Mr. Ebenezer Heath, William Aspin- wall Esquire Stephen Sharp Esquire Isaac S. Gardner Esquire Capt Joseph Goddard Mr William Ackers and Deacon Samuel Clark Voted That the money which shall be obtained from the sales of the old Meetinghouse and the money that the Pews in the new meetinghouse shall sell for more than the whole assessment on the same and other Incidental charges to pay any future expenses for cleaning the meetinghouse shall be and is hereb}^ appropriated to repair and Paint the Parsonage house and Fences To pay for the Lot of Land to build the new Meeting house on and to remove Enlarge and rebuild the Brick School house and fill up the hollow west of the same and the remainder to such purposes as the Town shall think best, Voted That a committee be appointed to pull down the old Meet- ing house and sell the same in Lots as they may Judge most for the Towns Interest — Mr Nath'l Murdock Mr James Holden Deacon John Robinson, Mr Ebenezer Heath and Mr William Ackers were appointed a com- mittee to pull down and dispose of the old meeting house agreea- ble to the above Vote. Voted That the Town Treasurer be and he is hereby appointed and authorized to Receive all the payments for Pews in the new Meeting house that may be Sold and pay the Debts owing by the Town for building the Same. Voted That the Rev'd John Pierce have the improvement of the Town's land inclosed on the lot purchased to Build the New Meet- ing house on — 475 Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday next at three o'clock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place Then the meeting was adjourned accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town clerk Brookline May 27. 1806— At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Bi'ooklinc at the old Meeting house b}- adjournment from 22d May current — Stephen Sharp being moderator Voted To accept the Report of the Committee chosen to audit the accounts of the committee for building the New Meeting house Voted To choose a standing committee to superintend and and take care of the New Meeting house, the Yard and all the appur- tenances, and the said committee shall serve till another is chosen in its pla(;e which shall be at the pleasui-e of the Town, at March or April meeting annually Voted That no Pew holder shall make any alteration in his or her Pew except in the Seat and Ledges below the railing, neither shall any hooks, ledges cloak pins or any other thing be fixed to the walls windows columns or an}- other part of the meeting house without the consent and approl)ation of said committee Voted That to perserve Uuiformit}' and regularity no person shall erect any shed post or any other thing within the Yard of the New Meeting house without the consent and approbation of the said standing Meeting house committee or of the Town. The Selectmen were chosen a committee for the above purpose Voted That the Auction of the Pews in the New meeting house shall be on Thursday 5th June next and begin at ten O'clock in the forenoon that notice shall forthwith be given to the Inhabitants of the Town by the constable directed by the Selectmen, that the Committee appointed to superintend the auction be requested to give Suitable notice of the Auction to non resident proprietors and others who have permission to buy a pew and that the Town 476 Clerk be directed to cause four notifications of the auction to be posted up in different parts of tlie Town — Voted That the Dedication of the New Meeting liouse be on Wednesday the Eleventh day of June next — Devine worship to begin precisely at Three O'Clock, in the afternoon and that the Church and Congregation of this Town will assemble at the said New Meeting house for the purpose of Divine Worship on the next Sunday (June 15.) and afterwards forever. Then the meeting adjourned without day. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Brookline August 21. 1806 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Brick School house Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted To repair and paint the Parsonage house and build a new fence in front of said house like the fences in front of Mr Thomas Walley's house and a board rail fince on each side of the Fence front of said Parsonage house as far as the land of the parsonage extends. Voted To build a Wood Shed on the Parsonage Voted To cut down the Butterwood tree standing near the old Meeting house Yard. Voted That the Old Meeting house yard be added and it is here- "by added to the Parsonage Voted To build a board rail Fence in the front of said Old meeting house j'ard Voted To move and repair the parsonage Barn Voted To set Trees around the New Meeting house yard Deacon John Robinson Mr Nathaniel Murdock and Mr Eben-, ezer Heath were chosen a committee to carry into effect the above^ Votes Then The meeting was then adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 477 Brooldine Novem 3, 1806 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Urookline qualified b}^ the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts to vote for Representative holden on the 3d Day of Novem- ber 1806 for the purpose of Giving in their votes for a representa- tive in the Congress of the United States for the District of Norfolk. The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz 22 Votes for the Hon Ebenezer Seaver Esquire 6 " for His Hon Edward H. Ilobbins Esquire 1 " for Thomas Boylston Adams Esq'r Attest Stephen Sharp Town clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Brick School House holden on the 9th daj- of March 1807 Stephen Sharp Esquire w'as chosen Moderator Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Clerk Voted To choose three Selectmen Voted To reconsider the vote to choose three selectmen and choose five Selectmen Stephen Sharp Esquire Capt Samuel Croft Deacon Samuel Clark Deacon John Robinson and Eliphalet Spurr were chosen Selectmen and Assessors for the ensuing ^oar Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Treasurer Elijah Core}' was Chosen Surveyor of the IIighwa3's for the 1st North District Samuel Easterbrooks for the 2d North district Isaac S. Gardner Esquire for the Middle district Caleb Craft Jun. for the 1st South District Capt Nath Ingersol for 2d South District. Joseph Griggs, Capt Joseph Jones, Timothy Corey juu'r and Samuel White were chosen Hogreaves James Holden and Nath Murdock were chosen surveyors of Lumber, 61 478 Eliplialot Siourr was chosen clerk of the Market James Leeds was chosen Sealer of Leather Charles Stearns and Henry Atherton were chosen field drivers Jonathan Jackson was chosen pound Keeper Joseph Griggs and Elijah Corey were chosen T3-thingmen John Aspinwall Eben'r Heath Cols Isaac S Gardner and John Robinson were chosen firewards Voted To hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Elijah Child offered to serve as constable and Collector of Taxes for one shilling and Eleven pence on the pound on all Taxes he shall collect allowing a deduction of one shilling and six pence on the pound to all persons that shall pay their Taxes by the first day of January next, William Aspinwall Esq Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r and Mr. Eben'r Heath were chosen a committee to examine the Town Treasurers and school Treasurers accounts, Capt Joseph Goddard Col Isaac S. Gardner and Mr William Ackers were chosen a committee to examine the Towns Stock of Arms Uniform &c, Voted That the sum of Six hundred and Twenty five dollars be raised to Repair the Highways to be assessed on the last years Valuation and worked out b}' the surveyors in the usual way Viz allowing one dollar and twenty five cents pr Day for a man & One dollar and twenty five cents for a team and the single poll to be taxed half a days work Col Isaac S. Gardner, Mr Ebenezer Heath and Mr Jonathan Hammond were chosen a Committee to agree with the agents for Building Worcester turnpike relative to the Road from Mr God- dards land to Mr Heath's corner and to do what in their Judge- ment may be most for the Benefit of the Town respecting the Same Voted To Allow the South District fifty dollars over and above their proportion of the Highway tax for the current year to be 479 worked out on the IIighw:i3s under the direction of Mr Caleb Craft who is hereb}' appointed for that purpose, said sum to be drawn out of the Treasury l)}- the Selectmen's order — Voted Tliat D'u John Robinson Mr Nathaniel Murdock and Mr Ebenezer Heath be a committee to exatnine the meeting house Yard and Report to the Town how many sheds ma}- be erected Avithout discommoding said yard and where it will be most conven- ient to set them, Voted Unanimousl}- that this Town will not consent that mr. John Harris ma}- be set off with any part of his Estate to the Third Parish in Roxburj-^ The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for County Treasurer Viz Twenty six Votes for Isaac BuUard Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Tpwn of Brook- line in the Count}- of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachu- setts qualified b}- the Constitution to Vote for Governor Lieu- tenant Governor Senators and Counsellors holden on the Sixth day of April being the first Monda}- of said Month in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and seven for the purpose of giving in their Votes for, Governor Lieutenant Governor and senators and Counsellors of said Commonwealth, Votes for the following persons were given in Sorted and Counted and declaration thereof made Viz. For Governor GO Votes for the Hon Samuel Sullivan Esq 51 for His Excellenc}- Caleb Strong Esq For Lieut. Governor 61 Votes for Hon. Levi Lincoln Esq 47 " His Hon. Edward H Robbins Esq 1 " Hon Timothy Bigclow Esq 1 " Hon Thomas Hutcheuson Esq 480 [Senators] 61 Votes for the Hon John Howe 56 " Mr Ebenezer Fisher 49 " Capt Aron Davis 47 " Gen'l Elijah Crane 1 " Joseph Bernns 1 " Dav'd S. Greenough Esq — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline hoklen on the 6th day of April 1807. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Deacon John Robinson was chosen to serve on the committee for examining the Town treasurers and Treasurers accounts in Room of Doct Aspinwall who declined serving Voted That Horses Horse Kind and neat cattle shall not run at large within thp Limits of this Town the current year without a keeper. Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the qualified Voters in the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of choosing a Rep- resentative holden on the 14th da}' of Ma}' 1807 The Selectmen being Moderators Voted To send a Representative The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Representative and upon Counting and Sorting the Votes there appeared to be 43 Votes for Stephen Sharp 9 Votes for John Robinson 2 " for Thomas White and declaration was made accordingly Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. 481 Town Meeting May lilh 1807 Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator The Report of the committee chosen to examine the Town treasurers and School Treasurers accounts being read The Town Voted To accept said report Voted To raize Two Thousand two hundred dollars to pay the Rev'd John Fierce his Salary and defray the usual expenses of the Town the current 3'ear, Voted That Capt Timothy Corey and Elijah Corey have liberty and they are hereby granted liberty to build a Tomb in the Bury- ing place And the selectmen were chosen a committee to direct where said Tomb shall be built. Voted That Samuel Easterbrook Surveyor for the current year be directed and he is hereby directed to repay the Stones borrowed by Samuel Griggs Surve3-or for 1805 out of the stones that belong to the Town and that Mr Samuel Griggs superintend the business — Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r John Robinson and Thomas "Walley were chosen a committee to examine the Town treasurers accounts respecting money borrowed and paid out to build the meeting house and respecting money received for Pews and paid out, To examine the accounts of the committee for building the meeting house and the accounts of the committee for pulling down and Selling the old meeting house and to lay an account of partic- ulars before the Town at the next Town meeting Then the meeting was adjourned without day. Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Iuhal)itants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to Law holden on the 1 1th da}' of March 1808 Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator 482 Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk Voted To choose five Selectmen Stephen Sharp. Capt Samuel Croft, Samuel Clark John Robin- son and Eliphalet Spurr were chosen Selectmen, Enos Withington was chosen Surveyor of the Highways and Town wa3^s for the 1st North district Joshua Griggs for the Second North District Benjamin White jun'r for the Middle district Elijah Child for the 1st South district Nathaniel Murdock for the 2 South district Eo. S. Davis, Isaac Farrington and Samuel White were chosen Hogreaves Nath. Murdock & Geo W. Stearns were chosen Surveyors of Wood & Lumber Eliphalet Spurr was chosen elk of the Market Jonas Tolman was chosen Sealer of Leather Capt Joshua C Clark and John Harris were chosen Field drivers Jonas Tolman and Joshua Griggs were chosen Tjrthingmen Isaac S. Gardner Esq Eben'r Heath John Robinson and John Aspinwall were chosen Fire wards Jonathan Jackson was chosen pound keeper Voted To hire a constable and collector of Taxes Elijah Child offered to Serve as constable and collector of Taxes for one shilling and eleven pence on the pound for all taxes he shall collect allowing a deduction of one shilling and six pence on the pound to all persons that shall pay their Taxes by the first day of January next. The Town accept his offer and made choice of him for their constable and collector of Taxes Voted To give the Rev'd John Pierce one hundred and fifty dollars pr year in addition to his Stated Salar}^ beginning the 12th of March last, to be continued during the pleasure of the Town, 483 Isaac S. Gardner Esq Ebenezer Heath and John Robinson were cliosen a comniittce to examine the Town Treasurers and School Treasurer's accounts, Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Capt Joseph Goddard and Majoc Joseph Jones were chosen a committee to examine the Town's stock of arms, Uniform, Ammunition &c. Joseph Griggs and Samuel Slack were chosen fence Viewers Voted To raize the sum of six hundred and twent}- five dollars to repair tlie Highways and tliat said sum be assessed and worked out under tlie direction of tlie surve3-ors in tlie usual way Capt Joshua C. Clark was chosen to take care of the Town's uniform. The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for Count}' Treasurer Viz 25 Votes for Isaac Bullard Voted To give the Rev'd John Pierce Fifty dollars for collecting materials for his century sermon Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline in the County of Norfolk and commonwealth of IVIassachusetts qualified by the Constitution to Vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor holden on the fourth day of April being the first Monday in Said jMonth in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hun- dred and Eight for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Gov- ernor and Lieutenant Governor of said Commonwealth and for Senators and Counsellors for the District of Norfolk Vtites for the following persons were given in sorted and counted Record and declaration thereof made as by the constitu- tion is directed Viz for Governor G4 Votes for his Excelency James Sullivan Esq 40 '' lion Christo'r Gore Eaq 484 Lieut Governor 64 Votes for the Hon Levi Lincoln Esq 45 " Hon Daniel Cobb Esq 1 " David Crane Esq 1 " Samuel Slack Esq [Senators] 63 Votes for the Hon John Howe Esq 47 " Elijah Crane Esq 37 " Ebenezer Fisher Esq 48 " Stephen Baulam Esq 16 " William Brewer Esq Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 12th day of May 1808 for the purpose of choosing a Representative The Selectmen Moderators The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz Thirty four Votes for Stephen Sharp Esquire and declaration was made accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May 12 1808 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 12th of May 1808. Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator The committee chosen last March meeting to examine the Town Treasurers and School Treasurs accounts — laid an account of particulars before the Town The Town Voted to accept the Same Voted To raize Two Thousand dollars to pay the Rev'd John Pierce his Salary and Defray the usual P^xpenses of the Town the current yCcti* 485 Voted That neat Cattlo Horses and Horse; kind shall not run at large within the Limits of this Town the cnrrent year without a keeper. Voted That the Selectmen be a committee to examine a new- road throuiih the land by Caleb CraCt, John Goddard and Thad- deus Jackson, and Report their opinion at the next November meeting whether it is expedient for the Town to accept said road as a Town Road. Voted That the sum of Seventy dollars be granted and it is hereby granted for the purpose of Repairing this Town's Stock of Uniforms Coats &c and that said sum be assessed in the next Town Tax. General Gardner Capt Goddard and Capt Robinson were Qhosen a committee to expend said money for the above purpose \'oted That Capt Joseph Goddard have liberty to build a Tomb in the burying yard Then the meeting was adjourned without da}- — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline in the County of Norfolk and Connnonwealth of Massachusetts qualitied b3-the Constitution to vote for representatives in the Gen- eral Court holden on the 7th day of November being the first monday in said month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight luin- dred and Eight for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Rep- resentative of the said Commonwealth in the congress of the United States for the district of Norfolk. Votes for the following persons were given in, Sorted Counted, Record and declaration thereof made as is bj- Law directed — Viz For the Hon P^benezer Seaver Esq'r forty six Votes Hon Edward H. Rollins forty Votes Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 62 486 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline holden on the 6th day of March 1809. Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted To choose three persons to serve as Selectmen and Asses- sors the ensuing j-ear Stephen Sharp Esquire Capt Samuel Croft & Deacon Samuel Clark were chosen to serve as Selectmen and assessors Capt Croft and Deacon Clark declined serving and Major Rob- inson and Mr Eliphalet Spurr were chosen in their Room Stephen Sharp Esq'r was chosen Town Clerk Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Treasurer Mr Timoth}' Corey Jun Major Joseph Jones Mr John Lucas Mr Joseph AYinship and Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen Survey- ors of Highwaj's ' George W. Stearns, Samuel White and John Woodward Jun were chosen Hogreaves Nathaniel Murdock and George W. Stearns were chosen sur- ve^'ors of Wood and Lumber. William Lawton was chosen clerk of the INIarket Jonas Tolman was chosen Sealer of Leather Capt Joshua Clark and Ebenezer Heath were chosen Field drivers Robert S. Davis and Joseph Griggs were chosen Fence Viewers Timothy Core}' Jun & Joseph Griggs were chosen Tythingmen Isaac S. Gardner Esq Ebenezer HeathMaj'r John Robinson and John Aspinwall were chosen Firewards Benjamin White jun'r was chosen pound keeper Voted To Hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes for the year ensuing Elijah Child offered to serve as Constable and Collector of Taxes for one shilling and eleven pence on the pound for all taxes he shall collect allowing one shilling and six pence on the pound to all persons that shall pay their taxes on or before the first da}' of January next 487 The Town accoptcd his offer and made choice of him as their constable and collector of Taxes Isaac S. Gardner Esq Mr Elienozor Ilouth and Major John Robinson were chosen a committee to examine the Town Treasnrers and School treasnrcrs accounts and report at May meeting Capt Goddard Maj'r Robinson and Major Jones were chosen a committee to examine the Towns stock of arms Ammunition &c — The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for county Treasurer Viz Thirty Six Votes for Jolin BuUard. ^'oted To raize the sum of Six hundred and twenty five dollars to repair the IIighwa3's the present year Voted Not to excuse the Engine men from serving as Jurors Voted That Neat cattle Horses and horse kind shall not run at large within the Limits of this Town the curvent year without a keeper Capt Goddard Capt Clark, and Mr Nathaniel Murdock were chosen a committee to examine the road leading from the Brick School house to Mrs Bojdstons Voted That this meeting be adjourned without day Then the meeting was adjourned accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal mooting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts qualified by the constitution to Vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and Senators holden on the third day of April being the first Monday in said month in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and nine for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor and Lieutenant Go.vernor of said commonwealth and Senators and Counsellors for the District of Norfolk Votes for the following persons were given in, Sorted, Counted 488 Record and declaration made thereof as b}' the Constitution is directed Viz for Governor His Hon Levi Lincoln Esq 77 Votes Hon Christo'r Gore Esq 61 Votes For Lieut Governor Hon Jos. B Varnum Esq 77 Votes David Cobb Esq 01 " For Senators Hon John Howe 73 Votes Samuel Day Esq 72 '' Hon Elijah Crane Esq 58 " James Richardson 57 " Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the Third day of April 1809 Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted Not to excuse John Lucas esquire from serving as sur- vej'Or of Roads for the middle district Mr William Ackers was chosen survej'or of Roads in Room of John Lucas Esquire in case he declines serving and pays his fine Voted That the Town will be at the Expense of purchasing Lumber to build a pound in the Lower part of the Town Mr Joseph Griggs Robert S. Davis and Mr Thomas Walle}' were chosen a committee to provide a place and build a pound in the Lower Part of the Town Voted That the Town will give One hundred dollars towards Supporting Three womans schools the summer Season Viz one in the North district one in the South district and one in the Mid- dle district 489 Mr Ebenczer Richards Deacon John TJ(j])inson — and Mr Elijah Chikls were chosen a counnittec to provich* School Mistrisses Mr Joseph Gri^rgs was chosen ponnd keeper Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. May \Sth 1800 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of choosing a Representative The Selectmen being Moderators Voted To Send a Representative The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Representative The Same being counted b}' the Selectmen there was forty seven Votes for Stephen Sharp Esquire and declaration made that he was Unanimously chosen Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town Meeting Ma?/ IStk 1809 Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator The committee on accounts made their report which was accepted by a Vote of the Town Voted To raize the sum of Two thousand seven hundred dol- lars to defray the expenses of the current 3'car and pay the Rev- erend Mr John Pierce his Salary Voted To accept the Report of the committee on Military Stores Voted That Capt Goddard Capt CUark & Mr Nath Murdock be a committee to move and set the wall at the curve of the road leading to Mrs. Boylstons as now Staked out at the expense of the Town The Selectmen were chosen a committee to give Mr. Perkins lilierty to Straighten the wall between his land and the Road opposite Capt Babcocks provide it does not damage the road Voted To Grant Thirty dollars to the singing Society Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. 490 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line holden on the 12th day of March 1810. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk Voted To choose Three men to serve as Selectmen and assessors Stephen Sharp Major John Robinson and Mr Eliphalet Spurr were chosen Selectmen and assessors Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Treasurer Major John Robinson was chosen surve^^or of the highways for the first North district Mr Eliphalet Spurr for the 2d North district Mr Eben'r Richards for the Middle district Mr Henry Atherton for the first South district Mr John Warren for the 2 South district Mr David Hyslop Mr Robert Harris Mr Artemas Stone Mr Abel Hubbard Mr Charles Adams Mr Thad's Jackson Jun Mr James White Mr Samuell Phipps and Mr John Frazer were chosen Hogreaves Mr Eliphalet Spurr was chosen clerk of the market Mr Jonas Tolman was cliosen Sealer of Leather Mr Samuel Slack and Mr Benjamin White Jun were chosen field drivers Capt Joshua C Clark and Mr Robert S. Davis were chosen Fence Viewers Timolh}" Corey and Robert S. Davis were chosen Tythingmen Isaac S G-ardner Esq'r Mr Ebenezer Heath Major John Robin- son Mr Daniel Pierce and Mr Robert S. Davis were chosen Fire- wards Mr Daniel Pierce and Mr Robert S Davis were chosen pound keepers Voted To hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Mr Elijah Child offered to serve as constable and collector of 491 taxes for one shilling mid eleven pence on all moneys he shall collect allowing a deduction of one shilling and six pence on the pound to all persons that pay their Taxes by the first day of January next Tlie Town accept his orfer and uiade choice of him fur their constable and collector of Taxes Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Mr Ebenezer Heath and Mr Oliver "Wh^-te were chosen a committee to examine the Town Treas- urers and School treasurer's accounts Doct William Aspinwall Esq Major John Robinson and Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen a conunittee to examine ac- counts relative to the Meeting House Major Joseph Jones Capt Joshua C. Clark and Mr Oliver Whyte were chosen a committee to examine tlie Towns stock of Arms, ammunition Uniform &c. Capt George W. Stearns Avas chosen a committee to take charge of the Towns Uniforms Voted To raize tlie Sum of Six hundred and twenty five dollars to be assessed and worked out on the Highwa3's in the Usual wa^- The Inhabitants brought in twenty five Votes for County treasurer Viz for John BuUard Then the Meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook- line in the Count}^ of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachu- setts qualified b}' the Constitution to Vote for Governor Lieuten- ant Governor Senators and Counsellors holden on the Second day of April being the first monday in Said mouth in the ^ear of our Lord One tliousand Eight hundred and ten for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of said Commonwealth and Senators and Counsellers for the district of Norfolk. 492 Votes for the following persons were given in Sorted, counted, Record and declaration thereof made as bj' the Constitution is directed to wit For Governor 77 Votes for the Hon Elbridge Gerrj' Esq'r 51 " His Excellenc}' Christo Gore Esq'r For Lieutenant Governor 76 Votes for the Hon William Gray Esq'r 48 David Cobb Esq For Senators and Counsellors 79 Votes for the Hon John Howe Esq'r 73 " Samuel Day 45 " Gen Elijah Crane 45 " James Kichardson Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line holden on the 17th da}' of Ma}' 1810 for the purpose of choos- ing a Representative The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a Representative the same being counted by the selectmen, Stephen Sharp Esquire had thirty one Votes and was unanimously Chosen and declaration was made accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line holden on the 17th day of May 1810. Stephen Sharp Esquire was Chosen Moderator The report of the committee appointed by the Town to examine the the Town treasurers account Relative to the New Meeting House was Read Voted To accept the Report of said Committee 493 The Report of the committee appointed to examine the Town treasurers and School treasurers accounts was read Voted To accept the Report of said committee Voted To raize the Sum of Two Thousand Two hundred dollars by a Tax on the Rolls, Real and Personal estates of the Inhabitants and on the Estates of Non resident possessors for the purpose of paying- the Rev'd John Pierce his stated Salar}' and defraying the Usual nccessar}' expenses of the Town the current year Voted To abate Abraham Farwells tax for the year 180G Voted To abate one half of Abraham Farwells Tax for the year 1807 Voted That the Thanks of the Town be given to John Lucas Esq for a Present of Four hundred dollars expended in building the New Meeting House and purchasing an Elegant clock for the same Voted That the Thanks of the Town be given to the committee for building the Meeting house for their good services Voted That the sum of one hundred dollars be granted for the purpose of supporting Womens schools the ensuing summer to be drawn out of the Treasury'' b}^ the Selectmeus order Voted To excuse Henr}- Atherton from serving as surve^-or of IIighwa3's in case he pa3's his fine Then the Meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline iK^lden on the 5th da}' of November 1810 being the first monda}- in said montii for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Repre- sentative in the Congress of the United States for the district of Norfolk the Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz For the lion Ebenezer Seaver 33 Votes Timothy Jackson Esq 9 Votes Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. G3 494 At a legal meeting of the Inliabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 11th day of March 1811 Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Clerk Voted To choose three persons to serve as selectmen & assessors. Stephen Sharp, Major John Robinson & Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen Selectmen and Assessors Stephen Sharp was chosen Town Treasurer William Aspinwall Esq Robert S. Davis Ebenezer Heath Robert Harris and Timoth}- Townsend were chosen survej'ors of the Highwaj's Capt Joshua C. Clark John Warren Benjamin White Juu and Jessee Woodward were chosen Hogreaves Nathaniel Murdock and James Holden were chosen Surve3-ors of Wood & Lumber William Gooch was chosen clerk of the Market James Leeds was chosen Sealer of Leather Henry Atherton & Samuel Slack were chosen Field drivers Capt Joshua C Clark andThaddeus Jackson were chosen Fence viewers Artemas Stone and James Leeds were chosen Tythingmen Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Ebenezer Heath Major John Robinson, Robert S Davis and Daniel Pierce were chosen Firewards Daniel Pierce & Abel Hubbard were chosen pound keepers Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Major John Robinson and Ebenezer Heath were chosen to examine the Town treasurers and school treasurers accounts and report at May meeting Doct William Aspinwall esq Major John Robinson and Capt Joseph Goddard were chosen to examine the Town treasurers accounts relative to the meeting house Major Joseph Jones Capt Joshua C. Clark and Capt George W, Stearns were chosen a committee to examine the Towns stock of Uniform, Arms, &c 495 Voted To Hire u constable unci collector of Taxes Benjamin Bradley oliered to serve as constable and collector of Taxes for one Shilling and nine pence on the iwnnd for all taxes he shall collect allowing a deduction of 1/6 on the pound to all persons that shall pay their Taxes by the 1st day of January' next The Town accept his offer and made choice of him for their constable and collector of Taxes for the present year. Mr John llains's petition was read and referred to April meeting Voted That Horses, Horse kind and neat cattle shall not run at large within the Limits of this Town the current year without a keeper Voted That a number of Persons, have libert}' and they are hereby granted Libert}- to enlarge the Southwest room of the Par- sonage house at their own expense The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a County Register Viz lift}- Votes for Eliphalet Pond Esquire For a County Treasurer fifty Votes for John Bullard Then The meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Governor and Lieutenant Governor for the commonwealth of Massachusetts and Senators and councillors for the District of Norfolk Said meeting being holden on the first day of April 1811. The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz For Governor For his Excellency Elbridge Gerry Esq Seventy three Votes Hon. Christo'r Gore Esq Forty five Votes For Lieutenant Governor For his Hon William Gray P^sq Seventy three Votes Hon William Phillips Esq Seventy two Votes Thomas Greeuleaf Esq one Vote 496 For Senators For the Hon John Howe Esq seventy two Votes Samuel Day Esq seventy two Votes Thomas Greenleaf Esq Forty three Votes James Richardson Esq Forty three Votes William Phillips Esq one Vote Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting A2yrtl 1. 1811. Stephen Sharp was chosen moderator Voted To Excuse William Aspinwall from serving as Surveyor of the Highways Stephen Sharp was chosen Surve^'or of Highway's and declined serving Voted To Excuse Stephen Sharp from Serving as Survej'or of Higliwa^^s James Leeds was chosen surve3-or of Highwaj^s and declined serving — the Town Voted not to Excuse James Leeds from serving as surve^'ors of Highway's Voted Unanimously that this Town will not consent to John Harris's being set off' from this Town to the third parish in Eoxbury — Voted That Messrs. Adams and Phelps have liberty to work out their highway Tax the present 3'ear on their own road Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 16th da}' of May 1811 The Selectmen being moderators Voted To choose a Representative The Inhabitants gave in their Votes for a Representative as follows Viz Thirt}' five Votes for John Robinson and Fifty eight Votes for Stephen Sharp and declaration was made accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk I 497 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- lino hoklen on the Kith tiny of May l.Sll Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator The committee chosen to examine the Town Treasurers and School treasurers accounts made their report Voted To accept the same ^'oted To raize the sum of Two Thousand two hundred dollars for the purpose of paying the Rev'd John Pierce his Sallary and defraying the Usual necessary charges of the Town tlie Current year The committee chosen to examine the Town Treasurers accounts relative to the meeting house made their Report Voted To accept the same Voted That the Town treasurer be directed and he is hereby directed to call on all persons who owe for Pews in the meeting house for payment and in case the}- cannot pa}- the money to take their notes for the same Stephen Sharp Esquire Isaac S. Gardner Esq and Mr Ebenezer Heath were chosen a committee to oppose John Harris's being set of to the third Parish in Roxbur}- Major John Robinson, Elijah Childs and Joseph White were chosen a committee to provide "NVomens schools as last year Joseph Goddard was chosen to serve on the school committee in room of Capt Samuel Croft Then the meeting was adjourned w-ithout day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 9th day of March 1812 Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Stephen Sharp f>squire was chosen Town Clerk Voted To choose three Selectmen and that they be chosen tocrether 498 Voted That the Selectmen serve as Assessors Voted That the Selectmen for the present year be directed and they are hereby directed to assess and commit the Taxes for the year 1812 to the collector by the first day of September next Stephen Sharp Esquire Major Robinson and Joseph Goddard Esquire were chosen Selectmen and Assessors Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Treasurer Charles Stearns was chosen surveyor of Highways for the first North district Thomas White for the Second North District Isaac S. Grardner Esq'r for the Middle district John De coster for the 1st South district Capt Joshua C. Clark for the 2d South district James Holden, Joshua Griggs Oliver Whyte & Samuel Craft were chosen Hogreaves Nath Murdock and Abe Hubbard were chosen surveyors of Wood & Lumber Oliver Whyte was chosen Clerk of the Mai-ket James Leeds was chosen Sealer of Leather Robert S. Davis & Harris Child were chosen field drivers Henry Atherton & Charles Stearns were chosen fence viewers Robert S. Davis and Erastus Champney were chosen Tyth- ingmen Isaac S. Gardner Esq Eben'r Heath Maj'r John Robinson, Robert S. Davis and Daniel Pierce were chosen Fire wards Charles Stearns and Daniel Pierce were chosen Pound keepers Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Major John Robinson, and Eben'r Heath were chosen a committee to examine the Town Treasurers and School treasurers accounts and Report at May Meeting William Aspinwall Esq'r Major John Robinson and Joseph Goddard Esq were chosen a committee to examine the Town Treasurers accounts relative to the Meeting house Major Jos Jones Capt Joshua C. Clark and Capt George W. 499 Stearns were chosen a committee to Examine the Towns Stock of Arms Ammunitions Uniform &c Voted To Hire a constable and Collector of Taxes Benjamin Bradley- offered to Serve for one Shilling Sc Eight pence on (he 1)0uik1 on all taxes he shall collect allowing a deduc- tion of l/() on the pound to all that pa}' their Taxes b}' the first of January next The Town accept his offer and make choice of him for their Constable and Collector of Taxes for the present 3'ear Voted To raize the sum of six hundred and twent}' five dollars to Repair the Highways and that it be assessed on the last 3-ears valuation and worked out in the usual way \'oted To pa}' the whole expense of the singing school the win- ter past and that the Committee exhibit an account of the Expenses of the same to the Selectmen and that they draw an order dn the Town Treasurer for the Money The Selectmen were chosen a committee to make enquire}' rel- ative to Edward K. "Walcotts fencing in a piece of Land at the corner between the Cambridge road aud the Marsh road and report at April meeting Voted That Horses Horse kind and Neat Cattle shall not run at large within the limits of the Town the current year without a keeper The Inhabitants brought in their Votes for a county ti'easurer and upon counting the same there appeared to be thirty eight Votes for John Bullard Then the meeting was dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts aud Senators for the district of Bristol and Norfolk said meeting being holdcn 500 on the Sixth day of April 1812 being the first Monday in said Month the Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz. For Governor Seventy four Votes for his ExceH'y Elbridge G-erry Esq'r Seventy three " for Caleb Strong Esq For Lieutenant Governor Sevent}' four Votes for the Hon William King Esq'r Seventy three " for the Hon William Phillips Esq For Senators Amasa Stetson Esq Seventy five Votes Joseph Bemis Esq Seventy five Votes ^ Thomas Hazard Jun Esq Sevent}' five Votes Joseph Tisdale Esq Sevent}' five Votes Silvester Brownell Esq Seventy one Votes Samuel Crocker Esq Seventy one Votes Elijah Crane Esq Seventy one Votes James Richardson Esq Seventy one Votes Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line for the purpose of choosing a Representative holden on the 14th day of May 1812 Voted To choose a Representative The Inhabitants brought in their votes as follows Viz one Vote for, Major John Robinson one Vote for Joseph Goddard Esquire Fifty Seven Votes for Isaac S. Gardner Esquire Sixt}' Eight Votes for Stephen Sharp Esquire and he was chosen and declaration was made b}- the Selectmen accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May 14. 1812 Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen moderator The committee chosen to examine the Town Treasurers and rm School treasurers accounts made their Report, which was accepted b}' a Vote of the Town Voted to raize the sum of Two Thousand six hundred dolhirs to j)ay the Rev'd John rierce his Stated sahuy and defray the usual necessary exj)enses of the Town the current year The committee chosen to examine the Meeting house accounts made their re[)ort which was accepted by a Vote of the Town. Voted That the Sclectmcu be a committee to collect all debts due to the Town for Pews in the meeting house in the term of six mouths from this date Voted Tliat the sum of one hundred dollars be allowed and Expended for womens Schools distributed as usual — Caleb Craft Jun'r John Kingsbury and James Leeds were chosen a committee to provide women to teach said Schools Then the Meeting was adjourned without da}- Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachu- setts qualified b}- the Constitution to Vote for Representatives in the general Court holdcn on the Second dav of November beinjr the first Monda}' in said month in the Year of our Lord 1812, for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Representative of said commonwealth in the Congress of the United States for Norfolk district — Votes for the following persons were given in. Sorted, Counted, Record and declaration thereof made as by the Law is directed to wit For Nathaniel Ruggles Esquire Sixt}' four Votes lion Ebenezer Seaver Esq Fift}- nine Votes John Ilowe Esq'r Four Votes Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 64 502 Towu meeting November 2 1812 Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen moderator Isaac S Gardner Esq Mr Benjamin Goddard were chosen a committee to confer with Richard Sullivan Esquire respecting moving the Brick school house and to report at the next Town Meeting Voted That this meeting be adjourned without day- Then this meeting was adjourned accordingl}^ — Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal town meeting held at Brookline in the Countj^ of Nor- folk on the 12th day of November in the 3"ear 1812 for the choice of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, the undernamed persons had the number of Votes to their names respectively annexed Viz For the Hon William Heath Esq'r Sixty five Votes William Rotch Jun Esq'r Sixt}' five Votes Joshua Thomas Esq'r Sixty five Votes David Scudder Esq'r Sixty five Votes Hon John Adams Esq'r Fifty two Votes Naih'l Morton Fifty two " John Davis Esq Fifty two " Rev Joseph Barker Fifty two " Isaac S Gardner Esquire William Aspinwall Esquire Capt Joshua C Clark Mr Benjamin Goddard Mr Samuel Croft Mr Nath'l Mur- dock and Major John Robinson were chosen a committee to con- sult relative to the expedienc}^ of moving the Brick school house Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 8th da}- of March 1813, Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Town Clerk -' 503 Voted To choose three persons to serve as Selectmen and Assessors Stephen Sharp Esq Major John Robinson and Joseph Goddard Esq were chosen Selectmen & Assessors. John Ellsworth Thomas Griggs Benjamin White Jiin'r John C Woodward and Nathaniel Murdock were chosen siirvc3'ors of the IIighwa3-s Mr Caleb Craft and Benjamin Bradley were chosen Ilogreaves Nathaniel Mnrdock and James Holden were chosen Surveyors of Wood & Lumber Oliver Whyte was chosen Clerk of the Market Jonas Tolman was chosen Sealer of Leather Henry Atherton and John Warren were chosen field drivers Thaddeus Jackson and Charles Stearns were chosen fence Viewers James Leeds and Joseph Goddard were chosen Tythingmen Isaac S. Gardner, Esq'r Major John Robinson, Mr Ebenezer Heath, Robert S. Davis and Daniel Pierce were chosen Fire- wards Charles Stearns and Daniel Pierce were chosen pound keepers Isaac S. Gardner Esq Maj Joshn Robinson and Mr Oliver Whyte were chosen a committee to Examine the Town Treasurs and School treasurers accounts William Aspinwall Esq Maj John Robinson and Joseph God- dard Esq were chosen to examine the Meeting house accounts — Major Joseph Jones, Capt Joshua C. Clark Capt George W. Stearns were chosen a committee to Examine the Towns stock of Arms and Ammunitions — Voted To hire a Constable and Collector of Taxes Benjamin Bradlej^ offered to serve as constable and Collector of Taxes for one shilling and Eight pence on the pound allowing a deduction of one Shilling and Sixpence on the pound to all per- sons who pa}- their taxes ])y the first day of January next 504 Benjamin Bradlc}^ was chosen constable and Collector of Taxes for the year ensuing Voted To raize the sum of Six hundred and twent}' five dollars to repair the highwa3's and that said sum be assessed as usual Isaac S. Gardner Esquire Mr Benjamin Goddard and Major John Robinson were appointed a committee to confer with Richard Sullivan Esquire respecting moving the Brick School house The Selectmen were chosen a committee to see whether it is Expedient to make any alterations in the Tov,'ns districts for repairing the Highway's The Inhabitants brought in Thirt}^ six Votes for County Treas- urer Viz John Bullard The Committee on moving the Brick School house made their Report which was accepted by the Town Voted That the meeting be adjourned without day Then the meeting was adjourned Accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the 5th day of April 1813 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieutenant Governor Senators and Counsellors The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz For Governor Ninty two Votes for His Excellency Caleb Strong Esq Sixty Nine " for Hon Joseph B. Varnum Esq For Lieutenant Governor Ninty two Votes for Hon William Phillips Esq Sixt}^ Nine " for Hon William King Esq 505 Senators Niiit}' one Votes for Silvjuiiis r.iowiicll Esq Ninty one " " Samuel Crocker Esq Ninty one " James Kicliardsou Esq Ninty one " Joseph Heath Esq Sixt}" Eight " Thomas Hazard Es(i Sixty Eight " James Tisdale Esq Sixty Eight " John Howe Esq Sixty Eiglit " Joseph Bemis Esq Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting Ajiril oth 1813 Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large within the limits of this town without a keeper Voted To accept the Report of their Committee chosen the 8th March last to see it is expedient to make any alteration in the Highway districts, Report as follows, That the polls i<:. testates of Mrs Elizabeth Patridges and INIr William Gooch ought to be taxed in the highwa^-s list for the fust south district and worked out therein and that the Polls and Estates of Mv John Goddard Mr Benjamin Goddard and Mr. Thomas H. Perkins be taxed in the Highway list for the Second South district and worked out therein. Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline liolden on the 13th May 1813. for the purpose of choosing a Representative 506 The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows Viz. Fifty three Votes for Stephen Sharp Esq One " William Aspinwall Jun'r One " Ebenezer Heath Sixty " Isaac S. Gardner Esq and he was chosen and declaration was made accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk Town meeting May 13i/i 1813 Stephen Sharp was chosen Moderator The committee appointed to examine the Town treasurers and School treasurers accounts — made their Report which was Ac- cepted by a Vote of the town The committee appointed for examining the meeting house accounts made their Report which was accepted by a Vote of the Town. The committee for examining the military stores made their report which was accepted by a Vote of the Town Voted To raize the sum of Two Thousand three hundred dollars to defray the usual necessary expenses of the Town the current year Voted To raize the sum of Five hundred dollars for the purpose of Discharging Mr David H^-slops note against the Town in part Stephen Sharp, John Robinson and Ebenezer Heath were chosen a committee to settle with Mr Joseph White respecting the pew of Samuel White (Deceased) Voted That one hundred dollars be granted and drawn out of the treasury and expended equall}^ for womens schools, in the three several districts in the Town the ensuing summer Charles Stearns Caleb Craft Jun and Daniel Perr^'^ were chosen a committee to provide Preceptoresses to teach said schools Then the meeting was adjourned without day Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk 507 At a nicotiiig of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline holden on the l")lh day of September 1813. Stephen Sliarp Esquire was chosen moderator The Inhabitants brought in their votes for County register to fill up the Vacancy occasioned by the death of Eliphalet Pond Esquire as follows * Twenty Votes for John Gould of Dedham Six Votes for James Ford Esquire Voted To choose a committee to confer with Richard Sullivan esquire respecting removing the Brick School house and levelling the ground west of the same Mr Benjamin Goddard, Isaac S. Gardner Esquire and Major John Robinson were chosen a committee for the above purpose and to report at the adjournment of this meeting "\^oled That when this meeting is adjourned it be adjourned until the first Monday in October next at four O'clock in the after- noon then to meet at the Brick school house Then the meeting was adjourned accordingly Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk. October 4. 1813 . The Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline being met according to adjournment from the 15th day of September last. Stephen Sharp being moderator Voted That Isaac S. Gardner Esq Mr Benjamin Goddard and Maj'r John Robinson be a committee invested with full powers to covenant in l)ehalf of the Town with Richard Sullivan esquire that the Triangular piece of Land belonging to the Town laying between the roads and bounded eastwardly on land of said Sulli- van shall lay common for publick accommodation and that no building shall be erected thereon hereafter so long as the meeting house shall stand on the place where it is now erected — Reserv- ing the right of continuing the present school House thereon as it 508 now stands as long as the Town shall see fit upon the condition that he pays the suna of Two hundred dollai's when the Town shall remove the school house and Purchase of the Town a Pew in the meetinghouse at the original appraisement, he to have his Choice from the Pews unsold. Then the meeting was dissolved Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line holden on the 81st daj^ of January 1814. Stephen Sharp Esquire was chosen Moderator Voted That Isaac S. Gardner Esquire Major John Robinson and Mr William Ackers be a committee to transact any business in behalf of the Town respecting the petition of Isaac P. Davis and others to the general court for libertj^ to build a dam from Charles Street in Boston across the Ba}^ and over Brookline Marshes to Sewalls point Then this meeting was adjourned without daj- Attest Stephen Sharp Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Brick School House warned and assembled according to Law March 14. 1814 — General Isaac S. Gardner was chosen Moderator When the Town proceeded to the choice of tlie following persons to serve in Their respective Offices the ensuing year Oliver Whyte Town Clerk John Ilobinson Joseph Goddard and Isaac S. Gardner Esq Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer William Aspinwall Jan. Oliver Whyte Jonathan Jacksen Samuel Craft and Nathaniel Ingersol surveyors of Highways I 509 James Holclcu and Nathaniel Murdock survejors of wood & Lumber George W. Stearns Clerk of the Market Jonas Tolman Sealer of Leather Charles Stearns and Benjamin AVhite Fence Viewers Robert S. Davis Field Driver Benjamin Bradley was chosen Constable and Collector of Taxes which he is to cullect for ten pr cent on the amount collected sub- ject to a deduction of Eight p cent to all who pa}' their Taxes by the lirst day of January next Isaac S. Gardner Esq Dea John Robinson Mr Ebenezer Heath Robert S. Davis and Daniel Pierce Firewards John Robinson, Joseph Goddard & Isaac S. Gardner Esquire committee on acc'ts William Aspinwall Esq. Deacon John Robinson Capt Joseph Goddard committee on meeting house acc'ls Maj, Jos. Jones Capt Joshua C. Clark and Capt George W. Stearns committee on Towns Stock of arms &c Charles Stearns and Daniel Pierce Pound Keepers John Bullardhad 32 Votes for County Treasurer Voted Six hundred and twent}- five dollars for Highway Tax to be apportioned and worked out as last year — O. Whyte Town Clerk April ith 1814 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieutenant Gov- ernor and .Senators as the Constitntion of the Commonwealth directs — The Inhabitants brought in their Votes as follows For Governor His Excellency. Caleb Strong Esquire 80 Votes Hon. Samuel Dexter 61. — 65 510 For Lieutenant Governor Hon William Phillips 79. Votes Hon William Gray 61 — For Senators Hon Joseph Heath 80 Votes James Richardson 80 — John Howe 61 — Joseph Bemis 61 - i 0. Whyte Town Clerk Geo W Stearns was licensed as Auctioneer At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline legally warned and Assembled Ma}^ 9th 1814 When the Votes were given in for Representative — For Isaac S. Gardner Esquire 59 Votes Stephen Sharp Esquire 49 " William Aspinwall Esq 1 " Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator Voted Unanimously One hundred and fifty dollars in addition to the Rev'd John Pierce's salar}- commencing with the year 1813. Voted That there be raized for the expenses of the Town the present year Twenty eight hundred dollars — Voted That the Reports of the several committees be accepted Voted That the Town Treasurer be instructed to enforce the collection without dela^^ all the outstanding debts due for Pews, in the meeting house that have been sold or leased, and that he apply the proceeds thereof to the discharge of the debts due from the Town for building said House or for the purchase of the land appertaining to it — and Report his proceedings at our next Town meeting Voted That the Treasm'er be instructed to pay any surplus in his hands to Mr Hyslop towards the Extinguishment of his bond asrainst the Town 511 Voted That there be one hundred dollars raized for the support of Woinens Schools — and then James Leeds, Daniel Pierce and John C Woodward, be committee men to provide Mistresses for their several districts The meeting was then adjourned O. White Town Clerk Certificate presented to the selectmen of Brookline We the subscribers certif}' that Richard Trow of Brookline is a member of the society in this Town of Dorchester called the second Parish Edw Foster Eben'r Withington Stephen Robinson committee chosen by the second Parish in Dorchester for this purpose Dorcliester April 30 1814 Published in the Columbian Centinel Notice is hereby given that the Selectmen of Brookline County of Norfolk being appointed Guardians of Widow Catharine Baker of said Brookline (non compis mentis) and having given bonds as the Law directs — Hereby forewarn all persons from Trusting or harboring the said Catharine on their account as they will not pay any debts of her contracting John Robinson Joseph Goddard Isaac S. Gardner selectmen • May 5, 1814 Whereas Marj^ White of Roxbur}' in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts widow is entitled to dower or improvement of a third part of certain land in Brookline of which her late Husband Daniel White was seized during her coverture now Deacon John Robinsons, Isaac S Gardner Esq. and Capt Joseph Goddard Selectmen and agents for the Town of Brook- line and Bartholomew White of said Roxbury agent for said Mary White, agree to submit the claims of said Miwy White ipou the lands aforesaid to the determination of Stephen Dana 512 Esq of Brighton in the County of Middlesex, Deacon James Humphrej^s of Dorchester and Mather Withington of sa'd Dor- chester in the said County of Norfolk whose award shall be final between the parties, that these Gentlemen shall view the Premises make such examination and determination as the Laws of this commonwealth authorize in cases where Dower is set off in due course of Law, and whereas the Town of Bi'ookline holds a cer- tain l^eceipt Given by Isaac Childs for certain articles of Furniture &c for the Benefit of said Mar}' it is agreed by the parties that the above named referees shall consider said claim and deduct from the sum they shall award to said Mary as her Dower what they may deem equitable on account of said Receipt — signed John Robinson Isaac S. Gardner Joseph Goddard Bartho'w White agent for Mary White Septem 2. 1814. We the Subscribers Referees mutuall}' appointed by the Select- men of the Town of Brookline and Bartholomew White agent for Mary White who is dowable in certain Lands, in said Town of Brookline having viewed the Premises and duly considered the same Report as follows. Viz That the said Mary White recover from the Town of Brook- line the sum of Thirty dollars in full Satisfaction each and every year during her natural life, commencing on the first day of July 1814. in full of all claims she may have in Said Town and else- where whereof her husband Daniel White was seized during her coverture wherein the Town of Brookline may be interested. We have further considered the receipt submitted to us and do award that no deduction be made from the sum annually awarded as above on account of said Receipt — Signed Stephen Dana James Humphreys Mather Withington Brookline Sept 8, 1814 N.B. The cost of this Refference to be paid by the Town of Brookline 513 A true cop3' of the Original agroeracnt & award, entered into and Signed by the Respective parties — Examined and compared by me (Signed) Jos Harrington Atty to said Mary White. I the said IVLut White mentioned in tlie foregoing Agreement and AAvard do acknowledge the said Bartliolomcw White to have been nn' agent duly authorized to settle m}- claim to Lands in Brooklino as before written and do hereby agree to acquit and dis- charge the Town of Brookline of all claims and demands of Ever}' kind upon the punctual pa3'ment to me or my agent the sum of Thirty dollars annually during my Natural Life agreeable to the afore written award of which original award is a true Copy Signed Mary White Roxbury June 13. 1815. Jnly 1815. Received of the Town of Brookline Thirty dollars in full for the year beginning Jul}' 1814 according to the within award S30 , Signed Mary White September 8, 1814. About this time every Town on the Sea Coarst were apprehensive of a Visit from the British fleet and forces which had committed such wanton depredation in the southern States. Troops were daily assembling in and near Boston to protect it from Invasion — about one third of the Militia in the Neighborhood were stationed in the forts in the Harbour Many Inhabitants of Bos- ton and Charlestown were removing their Valuable effects into the Country and securing for themselves a retreat in case of Invasion — It was in this state of things when the Selectmen and a few 514 others being together — A subscription was Circulated among the Inhabitants exempt from Militar}' clut}", Inviting them to Equip themselves with arms &c compleat for service, Enroll themselves as a companj^ and choose their own OflScers and be subject to no others authority in their dut}' but in case of Invasion and the remaining part of the Militia should be called of endeavor to pro- tect ourselves and assist others as the commander of the Company should think proper — For this purpose a special Meeting was called at an Early day when the proposition was Unanimously accepted and the Officers chosen which were General Isaac S. Gardner, Captain, Major John Robinson Lieutenant and Capt Joseph Goddard Ensign — A meeting of the company was appointed at a shoi't notice for Examination and Drill when there was Assembled and enrolled between Forty and Fifty Eight compleat for immediate service except one Bayonet and about half a dozen carterich boxes which were principly furnished by the following meeting At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally Warned and Assembled November 7th 1814. for the choice of Fedral Rep- resentitive when the Votes were given in — for * The Hon Thomas B. Adams Esquire Thirty four Votes — The Hon Nathaniel Ruggles Sixt}^ Votes John S. Williams Esquire Two Votes Attest O. White Town Clerk At this meeting an Invitation was given to the Inhabitants to follow the Example of Boston in Volunteering their Services Towards fortifying the Harbour b}^ throwing up two forts on the Heights of South Boston and on Noddles Island which would com- pletly command the Harbour of Boston and the waters on the South of Dorchester point The Inhabitants were Unanimous in tendering their services by personal Labour towards the completion of these Important works 515 Be it remembered that on this eighth da}- of November 1814 We the Subscribers being Authorized as the Law directs, Met and proceeded to Perambulate the boundary' Line between tlie Towns of Brooklinc and Roxbury in manner following viz beginning at the northwest corner of "William Bremers land at a large Stone next the Brook marked R. B. from thence through the House late Mr Bakers to the sign post wliich is marked R. B. thence to a Stone marked R. B. lying in the wall at the end of the Fence being the dividing line between Oliver Whytes' and Thomas Whites' land from thence to a Stone marked R. B. at the end of tlie wall at the edge of the Swamp in Capt William Wymans land from thence to a Stone marked R. B. laying on a Rock in the Wall between Capt William Wyman's and Thomas Whites land from thence to a stone marked R. B. laying on a Rock beside of the wall in Thomas Wymans Pasture from thence to a large Stone marked R. B. Ia3-ing in the wall between (between) the heirs of Nathaniel AYinchestcr and Capt Joseph Curtis's land from thence to a Stone Marked R. B. laying on the wall at the corner next to Pond hi nd from thence to Heap of Stones one of which is jnarked R. B. laying in a Barbary bush on the Heirs of Nathaniel Win- chesters land on hill from thence to a white Oak tree standing in the wall between Mrs Whites and Capt Joseph Goddards land thence to a stone laying on the wall marked R. B. between Stephen Childs and Capt Joseph Goddards land from thence to an Appletree marked R. B. standing in Stephen Childs's lane from thence to a Stone marked R. B. laying in the Wall b}- the side of the road at the corner of John Harris's land from thence to a Stone jnarked R. B. Ia3'ing side of the wall on the east side of the cud of John Harris's land from thence to a stone set in the ground marked R. B. in the land of Mr Harris from thence to a Stone marked R. B. laying on a large rock in the wall in Mr Harris's land from thence to a stone marked R. B. 1799 laying on the wall at the corner between the late Mr W. Baker's and Mr Woodwards 516 land from thence to a Stone marked R. B. Ij^ing at the bottom of the wall on the Westwardl}" side of the Road leading to Brookline from thence to a Stake and heap of Stones one of which is marked R. B. N. in Deacon David Wild's meadow being the corner bounds between Roxbnry, Brookline and Newton all which bounda- ries we have agreed to and renewed the Year and da}- before men- tioned Signed Joseph Goddard Oliver Wh^^te agents for Brookline Will'm Brewer Sam'l Parker agents for Roxbury At a meeting regularly Avarned at the request of Stephen Sharp Esquire and nine others the The Inhabitants met December 7, 1814, to know whether the Town will give anything to the men who were drafted from this Towns Company of Militia and have served two months and thirteen da3's on fort Independance over and above what is paid them by the United States — Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator After debate it was considered illegal to lay a tax on the Inhabitants of the Town for the above purpose — In consequence there was a motion made b}' Mr Benjamin Goddard and Secoued by Mr Ebenezer Heath, that there be three hundred and Twenty dollars assessed on the Real and personal Estates which should be considered as a Voluntary' contribution, and after deducting the expenses alread}^ Incured by the Town for Vegitables &c for their use while on the Fort, These drafted men should equally divide the Surplus this motion passed Unanimously — Voted The Selectmen should make the assessment Voted A Committee of five should be chosen to undertake the Collection and that this committee consist of Thomas Griggs Daniel Pierce Thaddeus Jackson Sen'r John Warren and Benja- min Bradley I 1 At this meeting the J my box w.-x.s regulated agreeable to Law aiul eontaiiied Seventy lour names The meeting was then adjourned without day O. Whyte Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at the Brick school house warned and assembled according to Law Marcii G, l-Slo Isaac S. Gardner Esquire was chosen Moderator when the Town proceeded to the choice of the following persons to Serve in their respective offices the ensuing year Oliver Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson Joseph Goddard and Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Elijah Core}' Jothan Thayer John Kingsbuiy Thaddeus Jackson John AVarren Surve3'ors of Highways Deacon Joshua C. Clark Mr Robert S. Davis Tythingmen Abel Hubbard Nath'l Murdock Surve3"ors of wood and Lumber Oliver AVhv'te clerk of the Market Jonas Tolman Sealer of Leather John Warren and Charles Stearns Fence Viewers John Ellsworth and Timotli}- 11. Childs Field drivers George Moss and David Coolidge Hogreaves Benjamin Bradley was chosen Constable and collector of Taxes, which he is to collect for 9i p cent on the amount collected subject to a deduction of 8 ,g) Cent, to all who pa}- their Taxes b}- the first day of Januar}' next. Isaac S. Gardner Esq Dea John Robinson Ebenezer Heatli Robert S. Davis & Daniel Pierce Firewards John Robinson Joseph Goddard and Isaac S. Gardner Esq committee on Town & School accounts 6G 518 William Aspinwall Esq Dea John Robinson and Capt Joseph Goddard committee on Meeting house accounts Capt Joshua C. Clark Capt Geo W Stearns and Capt Timothy Corey committee on Town Stock who have authority to dispose of at auction or otherwise the uniforms belonging to the Town and the Proceeds be paid To the Treasurer. Charles Stearns Daniel Pierce Pound Keepers John Bullard had Thirty four Votes for county Treasurer — Voted For Highway Tax Six hundred and twenty five dollars to be apportioned on the last Years Valuation and worked out at $1.25 ^ 'Day for Man and the same for Team The Selectmen were Chosen a committee to examine the roads and apportion the Taxes to be laid out thereon Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large within the limits of this Town without a keeper Voted That Mr John Aspinwalls Petition be referred to a com- mittee March 8th Benja Bradley qualified as constable and Collector — March 14 The Selectmen and Town Treasurer were qualified Attest O. Whyte Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled April 3, 1815 They gave in their Votes as follows —Viz For Governor. His Excellency Caleb Strong had 73 Votes Hon Samuel Dexter had 49 Votes For Lieut. Governor Hon. William Phillips had 73 Votes Hon William Gray had 50 Votes 519 For Senators Hon James Ricliardson 73 Hon. Joseph ileath 73 " John Howe 49 " Joseph Bemis 49 The meeting was then adjourned 0. yv\n •tc Town clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline legally warned and Assembled May 8th 181;") when the Votes were given in for Representative as follows Viz for Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r 50 Votes for Stephen Sharp Esq. 10. Benj'a Goddard — 1. Attest 0. Whyte Town Clerk Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town proceeded to hear and accept the reports of their several committees. Voted To raize for the expenses of the Town the current j-ear and extinguishing former claims, Three Thousand five hundred dollars "Sooted That the Three commissioned Officers of Brookline com- pany be a committee to purchase Arms and equipments with the funds arising from the sale of the Uniforms. Voted That John Aspinwall have permission to return his pew to the Town by giving his Note for the Interest of the first pur- chase jMoney Voted That One hundred dollars be raized for Womens schools which shall be distributed as last year that John Elsworth, Daniel Perry and John Decester be the persons to attend to providing Mistresses in their several districts — 520 William Ackers chosen a Committee man on the school fund James Leeds chosen on the Committee for visiting schools. The meeting was then adjourned O. Whyte Town Clerk Sept 4 Geo. W. Stearns licensed as Auciioneer At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brookline assembled at the Brick school according to Law^ March 4 1816 Isaac S. Gardner Esq was chosen moderator when the Town proceeded to the Choice of the following persons to serve in their respective offices the ensuing Year Oliver Whj'te Town Clerk John Robinson Joseph Goddard Isaac S. Gardner Selectmen and Assessors — Nath'l Murdock Abel Hubbard survej'ors of wood & Lumber Oliver Whyte clerk of the Market James Leeds Sealer of Leather Jotham Thaj-er John Warren Fence Viewers John Woodward Caleb Clark Field drivers Ebenezer Richards Edward Hall Hogreaves. Charles Stearns Daniel Fierce Pound Keepers James Leeds Dea Joshua C. Clark Tythingmen Benjamin Bradle}^ offers to serve as Constable and Collector of Taxes for Ten ^ cent on the amount of Taxes collected subject to a reduction of 8 ^ cent on all paid before the 1st daj'- of January constable and collector of Taxes Isaac S. Gardner Esq Dea John Robinson Ebenezer Heath Daniel Pierce George W Stearns Firewards Isaac S. Gardner Esq John Robinson Joseph Goddard com- mittee on Town Treasurers and School Treasurers accounts also on the Meetino; House accounts 521 Captain Clark Captain Stearns and Captain Corey committee on Town's Stock of Arms Amnuinition &c — The Inhabitants bronght in their Votes for County Register wlieu there appeared Thirty Votes for James Ford Esq Votes were then brought in for County Treasurer "when there aitpearcil Tliirty two ^'olcs for John liuUard A'^oted for Highway- Tax Five hundred dollars to be worked out at 81.25 p man and the same for Team Voted That a committee be chosen to Examine the High- way districts and make an}' alterations in their numbers and boundaries the}' shall think advisable and Report at the April Meeting The committee chosen were Elijah Core}- 1st North Robert S. Davis 2 North Isaac S. Gardner Esq middle Thaddeus Jackson 1 South Nathaniel Murdock 2 South Highway Districts Voted That Neat Cattle, Horses and Horse kind shall not be sutlered to run at large within the limits of this Town the present Year without a keeper Voted That the Annual meetings of March April and May Here- after, shall be on the first Mondays of these months Voted That Printed Notifications be delivered at each house certifj'ing the business to be acted on at all meetings here- after The meeting was then dissolved without day Attest O Whvte Town Clerk March 8th Benjamin Bradley Sworn The Selectmen met to Revise the list for April Meeting and were Sworn as Selectmen and Assessors At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legall}' warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor and Senators as the Consti- 522 tution of the Commonwealth directs April 1, ISIG. The votes were given in as follows — For Governor Major General John Brooks had Sixty eight Votes 68 Honora. Sam'l Dexter Esq had forty five Votes 45 For Lieut. Governor His Honor William Phillips had Sixty Eight Votes 68 Plonor'bl William King had forty five Votes 45 For Senators Thomas Greenleaf Esq had Sixty eight Votes 68 Hon. Jarius Ware Esq'r had Sixtj' Eight Votes 68 Hon John Howe Esq'r had Forty five Votes 45 Hon. Joseph Bemis Esq'r had Forty five Votes 45 Deacon John Robinson chosen moderator The committee on highways Report, which was Voted to be accepted — the Vote was then reconsidered and each particular division open for discussion and revision if thought necessary The first, Second, Third and fourth North districts were accepted and surveyors chosen Viz Capt. Timothy Corey, Thomas Griggs, Charles Stearns and Caleb Craft The Second south District was accepted as reported and Capt Isaac Cook chosen Surveyor The first South district was accepted as reported and Timothy H. Child chosen Survej^or The divission of the Middle District being objected to It remains as Usual and Daniel Perry was chosen Surveyor Mr. Benjamin Goddard, Mr Nath'l Murdock, and Mr Eben'r Heath were chosen a committee to examine the state of the meeting house to see whetlier it requires painting The same committee were chosen to mark out Situation for sheds near the meetino; house 523 The Selectmen were chosen a cornmittee to act in behalf of the Town with respect to tlie Land adjuinini; tlie School House A'oti'(l Tliat the Highway Tax be assessed on the last 3X'ars Valuation The Meeting was then adjourned O Whyte Town Clk Repokt The Committee appointed b}- the Town at their March meeting 18 IG to make alteration in the Highway districts have attended that service and Report The Fikst North District From the Brighton line, comprehending all the Estates on the road including the Estate of widow Susanna Craft occupied by Mr. Ellsworth with the addition of the following Estates Viz Stephen Sharp Esq Reuben Stone Anna Dana James Leeds, James Holdcn and the Estate of Jonathan Dana (dec'd) The Second North District From the Brighton line leading to Cambridge taking in all the Estates on the road to the School house land (except the Estates of Stephen Sharp Doct AVm. Aspinwall's old farm improved by mr Stearns and Major Jones's) including the Estates of Col Thomas Aspinwall (Dec'd) & Edw'd K. Walcott Dec'd) includ- ing the road leading from the Cambridge road to the marshes to be kept in Repair do form a district The Third North District From the Roxbuiy line Including the following Estates Viz William Laughtons Thomas Whites house and store occupied by Capt Stearns Mrs Elizabeth Richards, widow Elizabeth Davis, Capt Robt S. Davis Charles Stearns, Maj Joseph Jones Jonas Tolman Abel Hubbard and the house Lots of Aaron Child &. Bradley taking in the road from said Laughtons, to the 524 School house land including said land and the Road from said Tolmans shop to the Ha}' Scales and from said Tolmans shop to the Worcester turnpike do form a district The Fourth North District From the center of the Old Meeting house Yard including all the Estates on the Road to the Roxbur}- line Viz. Caleb Clark Thomas Wallej- Samuel Dudle3''s Oliver Whyte and Thomas Whites farm with the buildings including the Land from the Old road b}- Thomas Walleys land to the Worcester Turnpike do form a district The First South District This District to be as usual with the Estate in Addition of the Widow Elizabeth Patridges (Deceased) and Col Thomas H. Per- kins do form a district The Second South District The Said District is to be as usual with the Estates in Addition of John Goddard Benjamin Goddard and Richard SulliA-an, the road from Mr Goddards brood so called to the Center of the Old Meeting house yard is added to said District, do make a district. Isaac S. Gardner Thaddeus Jackson Elijah Corey Nath'l Mur- dock Ro S. Davis committee of the Town Brookline March 19th 1816 N. B. The Report on the Middle District was not copied becaus not accepted At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legalh' warned and assembled Maj^ 6. 1816. for the choice of State Representatives, when the Votes were given in as follows Viz For Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r fort}' four Votes 44 Stephen Sharp Esq'r Seven Votes 7 Mr Adam Babcock One Vote 1 Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator 525 The sevcM'al Reports from c oniinittces were read and Aceeptcd The Town then Voted to paint the meeting Uouse the ensuing summer for which and for tlie Usual expenses of the Town — the}- Voted to Kaise by Tax on Polls and Estates Three Thousand five hundred dollars Voted That any surplus money which may be in the hands of the Treasurer shall be appropriated to discharge the Town debt Voted That capt Ro S. Davis Mr Dan'l Perry Mr Sam'l Craft be committee men in their respective districts to provide School Mistresses which will keep as usual there being One hundred dol- lars appropriated for that purpose Voted That Benjamin (joddard N Murdock & Ebenezer Heath be a committee to attend to the Purchasing of paint and oil and contract to have it laid on the meeting house earh- as possible and tliat the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money for this purpose and to reimburse the same from the present years Taxes The committee appointed to la}- out Sites for Sheds near the meeting house attended that duty and they are to be offerred for Sale on the 14th Instant on the premises O Whyte Town Clerk Tuesday May 14 agreeable to notices by advertizement the sites for Sheds before mentioned were olTered at public Sale sep- crately commencing at the North end as Number One Avhich was Knocked of to No. 1. — Stephen Sharp Esq'r for 14.50 No 2. to Dea John Robinson for 12.50 No. 3. to Gen Isaac S. Gardner " 10.50 No. 4. to Mr Samuel Hammond 10.50 No. 5 to Mr David Ilyslop 10.01 To each purchaser was given a Certificate of which the following is an exact Copy. Know all men by these presents that we John Robinson, Joseph 67 526 Goddard and Isaac S. Gardner Selectmen of Brookline in the Coun- ty of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts being authorized by Virtue of a vote of said Town do for and in consideration of the sum of fourteen dollars and fifty cents paid into the Treasury of said Town hereby certify that Stephen Sharp Esquire of said Brook- line is entitled to a Shed Lot in the meeting house Yard of Said Town, being Lot under number one of a range of Sheds erected in 1816 by himself Deacon John Kobinson & Isaac S. Gardner Esq'rs Mr Samuel Hammond and Mr David Hyslop measuring Ten feet in width and eighteen in depth to be used for a shelter for riding Carriages and Horses and no other purpose. To Have and to hold the same with its priviledges to the said Sharp his Heirs and assigns forever agreeable to a Vote of said Town passed May 6th 1816 Provided Nevertheless and this certificate is on these conditions that the Town reserves the right to resume the said Lot and Shed at any time by tendering the proprietor the original cost of said Lot and Shed as stands recorded on the Town Clerks Book November 4th 1816 * In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourth day of November 1816. John Robinson Joseph Goddard Isaac S. Gardner Selectmen of Brookline The charge for building these five sheds laying Wall and level- ing Yard — Stands thus To A. Hubbard for Building $220 — " John Warren for laying wall 22 — " John Robinson for Levelling Yard 20 — " Silas Snow for Painting Sheds 12.36 174.36 * March 4, 1839 This Shed & Lot was conveyed to Benj B. Davis by Sam'l Craft. 627 The improvement of each Lot agreeable to the above estimate is Fiftj' four dollars Sl-^^^ cents which added to the cost of the Lot gives the original price l^ N.B. the Report respecting this business is entered on the following page At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally waraod and assembled Novem 4 181G for the choice of Fcdral Representa- tive when the Votes were given in For the Hon Nath'l Ruggles Esq Thirty eight Votes 38 For the Hon. Jairus Ware Esq'r Seven Votes 7 For the Hon John Howe Esq'r Four Votes 4 For the Hon Eben'r Seaver Esq'r Four Votes 4 The Certilicates was filled, (Signed scaled, & certified and the meeting adjourned 0. Whyte Town Clerk Decern' r \Qth Selectmen met to draw Juryman Robert S. Davis was drawn The Commitee appointed to locate the ground near the Meeting house for the purpose of erecting Sheds thereon Report that the}' have considered the subject and have kept in view the probability that the Town not long hence may consider it expedient to erect a building for a School house. Their first object therefore has been to select the most suitable spot for such a building and after due consideration they have Located the ground for Sheds accordingl}'. believing that the School house, to combine the objects of good appearance convenience and safety should stand ranging with the front of the Porch of the Meeting house or the main bod}' of the house as ma}- be thought best here- after as far distant as the land will permit With this view of the subject they have Staked out land suffi- cient for tlie erection of ten Sheds of ten feet each in width and 528 not to exceed eighteen feet in debth the whole to be connected and to stand in a line nearl}^ at right angles with the road, beginning southwardly from it about Ninty Ave feet the front line of the Sheds to be not less than One hundred and thirty feet distant from the meeting house running parrelel with said house to the land of the heirs of Deacon Samuel Clark Dec'd Your Committee recomment that the Selectmen be authorized to dispose of the Said lots at Public Vendue or at private Sale according to their best judgment subject how ever to the following conditions First to begin at the lot No. one and sell in regular succession, the sales to be void unless at least five lots are disposed of — Second That the foundation and leveling of the ground and the erection of the Sheds be done in conjunction by the proprietors each one to bear an equal proportion of the expense the Sheds to be uniform in appearances and as nearly alike as possible Third That they are completed on or before the Thirtieth day of November next or the purchase money be forfeited to the Town Fourth That the Said Proprietors have leave to take gravel and stones for the purpose of leveling the ground and making the foun- dations, subject to the controle of the Selectmen. Fifth That the Proprietors as soon as may be render to the Town Clerk properly certified the whole cost they have been at in leveling the ground and building the Sheds to be by him record- ed on the Town books Sixth That the title of the Proprietors be given, by a certificate from the Selectmen as soon as the Sheds are completed and the return of the cost made to the Town Clerk and not before, Speci- fying that the conditions on this Report being all fullfilled the proprietor his heirs and Assigns shall enjoy the use and improve- ment of his Shed for the purpose only of covering riding Carriages and Horses — The Town retaining a right to resume the said land and Shed^ at any time by tendering the proprietor the original cost Benja Goddard Nath'l Murdock Eben'r Heath 529 At a IMecting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Brookline at tlie Brick School iiousc warned and assem- bled according to law March 3d 1817 Isaac S. Gardner Esquire was chosen moderator Oliver Wh^'te Town Clerk John Robinson Joseph Goddard Isaac S. Gardner Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer James llolden Charles Warren Ro S. Davis O. AVhyte Daniel Pierce Caleb Craft Deacon Joshua C Clark Surveyors of High- ways Nath'l Murdock Abel Hubbard surveyors of wood & Lumber O. Whyte Clerk of the Market Jonas Tolman Sealer of Leather James Leeds Robert Harris Fence Viewers Elisha Stone John Harris Field drivers Benjamin Bradley constable and collector for 8 f ^ cent with a deduction to those who pay on or before the 1st day of January Eight p cent Fire wards Isaac S. Gardner J. Robinson Eben'r Heath Daniel Pierce Geo AV Stearns John Robinson Jose Goddard Isaac S. Gardner committee on School & Town accounts Caleb Clark Levi Pierce Ro B. Foster Hog reaves John Robinson Joseph Goddard Isaac S. Gardner Committee on Meeting house accts Dea Joshua C. Clark James Leeds Tythingmen Dea J. C. Clark Geo W. Stearns Timo Corey committee on Towns Stock of Arms &c. Daniel Pierce Charles Stearns sen Pound keepers John Bullard had Thirty eight votes for County Treasurer VottMl Five hundred dollars for highway tax to be worked out at One dollar f^\y for the Labour of a man p Day & the same for Team 530 Voted That Neat cattle Horses & Horse kind shall not run at large without a keeper O. Whyte Town Clerk Ajyril 7, 1817 At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline Legall}^ warned and Assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor & Senators were received For Governor His Excellency Gen'l John Brooks Esq'r had Sixty six Votes Major Gen'l Henry Dearborn had forty four Votes as Senators Thomas Greenleaf Esquire had Sixty Six Votes David S, Greenough Esq'r " " Jos Bemis Esquire had Forty four Votes John Endicott Esquire " " O Whyte Town clerk Mmj 5, 1817 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legall}^ warned and assembled — Votes were given in for Town Representative when there appeared for Isaac S. Gardner Esquire forty three Votes and was elected Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator The several committees appointed at March meeting made their reports which were accepted Voted Thirty five hundred dollars be raized for the expenses of the Town the current year Voted One hundred dollars be appropriated for womens schools, disposed of as usual, that Abel Hubbard Joseph White & Caleb Craft Jun be chosen to provide Mistresses in their several districts Voted The Assessors shall use their own discretion in Assessing estates to owners or Tenants O. Whyte Town Clerk 4 531 March 2, 1818 At a meeting of the Freehold and other Jnliabi- tants of the Town of Brookline at the Brick School house warned and asseml)led according to Law. Isaac S. Gardner Esq'r was chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clerk Gen'l Gardner &. Joseph Goddard declining John Robinson Nath'l Murdock & 0. Whyte were chosen Select- men & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Elijah Corey Jotham Thayer Charles Stearns Caleb Clark Joseph White John Harris Benja. Goddard Surveyors of Highways Geo. W. Stearns James Ilolden Surveyors of wood &. Lumber Joshua Griggs Benja White Fence Viewers Edward Hall Timo H. Child Field Drivers Isaac S. Gardner Esq John Robinson Ebenezer Heath Daniel Pierce Geo W Stearns Fire Wards Abel Hubbard Jonas Tolman T^'thing men Charles Stearns Daniel Pierce Pound keepers Elisha Stone A. Hayden C. Winchester Benja Bradley Hog- reaves O. Whyte Clerk of the jMarket Jonas Tolman Sealer of Leather Isaac S. Gardner John Robinson Joseph Goddard committee on Town vSchool and meeting house Accounts Capt R. S. Davis Capt Tho. Griggs Capt D. Pierce committee on Town Stock of Arms &.c — Benjamin Bradley constable and collector for 9J ^ cent with a deduction of 8 ,p ct. to all who pay before the 1st of Januar}' John Bullard had Thirty three Votes for County Treasurer Voted Five hundred dollars for the Highways to be worked out at one dollar & 25 Cents for a mans day Labour and same for Team Voted That neat Cattle Horses and Horse Kind shall [not] run at large without a keeper 532 II Voted The Unanimous Thanks of the Town be presented to Isaac S. Gardner Esquire and Capt Joseph Goddard for their Services in the numerous olfices they have filled in Town O. Whyte Town Clerk. I April 6. 1818 At a meeting of the qualified Voters in the Town of Brookline legallj^ warned and Assembled for the Purpose of J aiviuof in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor and Senators when there were Recorded For Governor. His Excellency Gen'l John Brooks Esq'r had fifty four Votes Hon B. W Crownenshield had twenty six Votes For Lieut. Governor His Hon Wm. Phillips Esquire had fifty four Votes Hon Theo. Kithridge Esq had twenty four Hon' Wm. King Esq'r had Two For Senators Hon The. Greenleaf Esq Fifty three Votes David S. Greeuough " " Hon. Jos Be mis Esq twenty four Hon John Endicott Esq " Deacon John Robinson was then Chosen moderator when a vote was taken on the destruction of Crows. Voted The Town Treasurer be empowered to pay twenty five cents for the Head of every Crow Avhich he is satisfied has been killed within the limits of this town Voted That the State Law for the protection of certain Birds at certain seasons be so far remitted as to allow a man at all times to kill Robbins on his own land The middle district mutually agreed to division and made their report as follows which was accepted by the Town and surveyors appointed Viz 1st Middle Jos White 2 Middle Benja White 3 Middle Eben Richards 533 IJoLNDs OF 1st Middle DisTuirr From the line botween lirooklino and l^rij^htou to the Turnpike near Win. Ackers house comprehending the estates on the same to said Brighton Viz Jos White, Dana Dowse Jacoh Smith Isaac S. Gardner, William Ackers and the Estate of Samuel Hammond improved b}' Daniel Perrj- reserving the right as usual of taking gravel from the Second Middle district Bounds of the Second Middle Distuict From the corner near AVilliam Ackers House to a large rock by the Sherlmrn road and by land of the Heirs of Caleb Gardner (Dec'd) comprehending the following estates David Hyslops, George Moss the P^state which Samuel Hanmiond now improves Ebenexer Heaths & the Estate lately improved by Joseph Arnold Jonathan Jaclcson & son and Benjamin White Bounds of the Tiirun ^Middle District From the said Rock on Sherburn Road to the line between New- ten & Brookline comprehending the following Instates Viz Thomas Perkins Esq. Jona. Mason Esq'r Daniel Pierce Benja Weld Stephen Higginson P^sq. Benja Whites upper farm the Heirs of Caleb Gardner (Dec'd) Eben'r Richards Jonathan Hammond INIanning & the Toll house belonging to the corpor'n of Worcester turnpike Arby Hide and Land of Non Residents John Kings- bury Ilenr}- Hovey and Aaron Richards. N.B. It is agreed by the second and third districts That the Second INIiddlc District shall have two Thirds of the money of the said two Districts to be worked out on the Second District and the third District shall Have one third of the money to be worked out on the said third District until farther order of the Town O Whyte Town Clerk May A, 1818. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled — Votes were Received for State 68 534 Representative when there appeared Twenty four Votes for Isaac S. Gardner Esquire & lie was Elected Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Committees made their several Reports which were accepted. Voted Thirty five hundred dollars be raized for the Expenses of the Town the current year Voted One hundred dollars be apropriated for womens schools as usual. Charles Stearns Eben'r Heath Sam'l Craft be a committee to provide Mistresses in their Respective Districts Voted One hundred and fifty dollars p annum adition to the Rev Mr Pierces Salar}^ during the Towns pleasure O. Whyte Town Clerk November 2 1818 At a meeting of the Inhabitants regularly warned and Assembled for the purpose of Voting for Fedral Representative when the Votes being Sorted & counted there appeared for Nath'l Ruggles Esquire Eighteen Votes Edward Dowse Esquire Thirteen Votes The meeting then proceeded to Town Business when Dea John Robinson was chosen Moderator when it was moved to have a committee appointed to report on the Expediency of permiting stoves to be erected in the Meeting house and Report this day week at 3, O'clock P. M. the probable Expense. Voted That Eben'r Heath John Robinson Nath'l Murdock 0. Whyte and Capt Isaac Cooke be the Committee to make the neces- sary Enquiries on the Subject. November 8, 1818 At an adjournment Voted the Report of the committee be accepted and that Per- mission be granted to have the stoves erected in the Meeting house agreeable to the Report of the Committee 535 Voted There be a comniittee of Five Viz. Dea John Robinson ]\[r. X. Muidock Capt Cook James Leeds and (). Whyte, to offer the subscription to every family in Town who ^vorship at this lueetiug house in the winter season Voted That if the Stoves are Erected they be supported and taken care of at the Expense of the Town O. Wlivte Town Clerk March 1 1819 At a meeting of the Freehold and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Brookline legallj- warned and assembled Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver AVhyte was chosen Town Clerk John Robinson Nath'l Murdock 0. Whyte Selectmen and Assessors. Eben'r Heath Town Treasurer Benjamin Goddard committee man on School fund in stead of Gen'l Gardner (Dec'd) James Leeds School Treasurer instead of Gen'l Gardner (Dec'd) — Geo W Stearns Nath'l Murdock Surveyors of wood & Lumber Benja White Elijah Child Fence Viewers Enos Withington David Coolidge Geo W. Stearns Benja Brad- ley William Ackers Jona Jackson Junr Jona. Hammond Thadd's Jackson Jun'r Nath'l Murdock Surveyors of Highways Abel Swallow Robert Harris Field Drivers Deacon Elijah Corej' on committee for Examination of schools in lieu of Gen'l Gardner Dec'd John Robinson Eben'r Heath Daniel Pierce Geo W. Stearns Charles Stearns Fire wards Joshua Griggs John Robinson Tythingmen Charles Stearns Daniel Pierce Pound Keepers 536 John Harris Tho Griggs Andrew B. Foster Benj Davis Increase S. Davis Marshal Floyd Hogreaves 0. Whyte Clk of Market Jonas Tolman Sealer of Leather John Robinson Joseph Goddard O. Whyte committee on Town School & Meeting house accounts. Capt. Davis Capt. Griggs Capt. Pierce committee on Towns Stock of Arms ammunition &c. Benjamin Bradley constable and collector for 9f per cent with a deduction of 8 ;p. cent for all who pay at or before the 1st of January John Bullard had Forty two Votes for county Treasurer Voted Five hundred dollars for Highways to be worked out at One doll, and 25 cents ,p Day for mans Labor and same for Team Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horsekind shall not run at large without a keeper within the limits of the Town the present year — O. AYhyte Town Clerk April 5. 1819 At a meeting of the Qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of Giving in their Votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor & Sena- tors when there appeared. For Governor His Exciellency Gen'l John Brooks Esqr. had Sixty one Votes & Hon B. W. Crowninshield had Fort}' two Votes For Lieut. Governor His Hon William Phillips Esq'r had Sixty Votes Benjamin Aus- tin had Forty two Votes For Senators Hon Thomas Greenleaf Esq'r David S. Greenough Esq'r had Sixty Votes Hon John Endicot Esq'r Benja Eeynolds Esq had Forty two 537 Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator ]\Ir. 1). Hyslop declined serving as Surveyor and pa^-s liis fine and iNIr Jonathan Jackson Jun'r is appointed in his room O. AVhyte Town Clerk B'lay o, I.SID At a meeting of the Inliabitants of Brooklinc legall}- warned and assembled for the choice of state representa- tive — Mhen Deacon John Robinson had Fort}' Votes and was Chosen — Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator Voted Thirty five hundred dollars be raized to defray the Expen- ses, of the Town the cuiTcnt year, of which 100 dollars be appro- priated for womens Schools & that James Leeds Eben'r Richards &. Robert Harris be a committee to provide Mistresses in their respective districts. 0. Whyte Town Clerk March G. 1820 At a meeting of the freehold and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to Law at the Brick School House Dea. John Robinson was chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clk. John Robinson Nath'l Murdock O. "NVliyte Selectmen &c Asses- sors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Dundridge Taft Abel Hubbard John Elsworth O. Whyte Sam'l S. Gardner Eben'r Heath Dan'l Peirce Sam'l Craft John Warren Surveyors of Highwa^-s George W. Stearns Nath. Murdock snrvevors of wood & Lumber Caleb Clark Robert Harris Fence Viewers Edward II:dl J<>shua C. Clark Fielil Drivers 538 John Robinson Ebenezer Heath Daniel Pieroe Geo W Stearns Charles Stearns Fire wards Benja Davis Enos Withington Tythingmen Charles Stearns Daniel Pierce Pound Keepers Erastus Champney Charles Wild Franklin Gerry Hogreaves Oliver Whyte Clerk of the Market John Robinson Jos. Goddard O. Whyte committee on Town School & meeting house ac'ts Capt. Davis Capt. Griggs Capt. Pierce committee on Town Stock of Arms &c. Benja. Bradley constable & collector of Taxes for 10^ |j cent with a deduction of 8 ^ cent to all who pay on or before the 1st of January John Bullard had Forty Votes for County Treasurer Voted Five hundred dollars for Highways to be worked out at one doll. & 25 cents ^ day for mans Labor and Same for Team. Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large without a keeper the present year within the Limits of the Town. Voted That the Town pay one Hundred and nine dollars toward the singing school the present season O. White Town Clerk April 3 1820 At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legall}^ warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor and Senators, when there appeared For Governor His Excellency Gen John Brooks Esq'r Fifty four Votes Hon William Eustis Esq'r Twent}^ Seven Votes For Lieut Governor Hon William Phillips Esq'r Fifty four Votes Hon Benja Austin Esq'r twenty seven Votes 539 For Senators Eich'd Sullivan Esq'r Fifty three Votes James Ricliardsoii Esq'r Fifty three Votes Hon Benja Reynolds Twenty' Seven Votes John Ruggles Jun'r Esq. Twenty Seven Deacon John Robinson was tlien chosen moderator when tlie Town- Voted That Dundridgc Taft, be excused from Serving as Sur- veyor on the Roads the present Season and that Dea John Robin- son be Surveyor in his stead. The Town then proceeded to act on the Petition of John Ward and others (to be annexed to the Town of Broolcline) when a com- mittee of seven was appointed to Investigate the subject and report at May meeting Voted That this committee consist of the Selectmen Benjamin Goddard Ebon'r Heath, Joshua C. Clark & Elijah Corey — 0. White Town Clerk May 1. 1820 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned & Assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for State Representatives when it appeared for Deacon John Robinson an unanimous Vote Deacon John Robinson was tlien chosen moderator when the Town Voted Thirty nine hundred dollars be raized for the expenses of the Town the current year and for the State and County Tax assessed upon this Town Voted One hundred and fifty dollars for womens Schools the present year and that John I^lsworth James Leeds Joseph White Elijah Child be the committee to provide mistresses Voted There be a committee of five to investigate the Situation 540 and advantage of Womens Schools, that this committee consist of the Selectmen Rich'd Sullivan Esq'r Samuel Cralt Voted an Acceptance of the Reports of their committees O. Whyte Town Clerk August 21. 1820 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line legally warned and Assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Representative in Congress instead of Mr Dowse resigned and for taking a Vote of the Town on the expediency of choosing delegates to meet in convention for revising the Consti- tution of this Commonwealth — when there appeared for James Richardson Esq Fifteen Votes Hon Wm. Eustis Esq Nine Votes as Representative For choosing delegates there appeared nineteen Votes against that measure there were Three Votes O. Whyte Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled to make choice of Moderator and Town clerk — instead of O Whyte who is absent at the South John Robinson was chosen Moderator Ebezezer Heath Town Clerk When the Town brought in their Votes for a Delegate to con- ventions when it appeared that the Hon Rich'd Sullivan sixteen Votes and was chosen — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled to make choice of a Representative to Congress the following gentlemen were voted for Viz For Hon'l Rich'd Sullivan Twelve Votes For Hon Wm Eustis Twelve Votes For James Richards Esq'r One Vote 541 For Electors at large His Hon Wiirni niillii)s Sixteen Hon AVill'ni Gray Sixteen Hon Bonja Crowninshield Twelve Levi Lincoln Esq'r Twelve Tlie Venerable John Adams thirteen Hon EdwM H. Uobbius Fifteen for District of Norfolk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled to receive the Report of their committee chosen to look into the sitnation of their schools Voted to accept the Report of said Conunittee March b 1821 At a meeting of Freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Brookline warned and assembled according to Law Dea. John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver Whytc T. Clerk Dea. John Robinson Nath'l Murdock Oliver Wh3*te selectmen and Assessors Eben'r Heath Town Treasnrer Timo. Core}' Tho. Griggs Benja. Davis Caleb Clark Dan'l Peny Benja. White Eben'r Richards David Bacon Rich'd Snilivan Sur- veyois of Highways Able Hubbard Xath jMurdock surveyors of wood & Lumber Dea Joshua C. Clark Timo. Core}' Fence Viewers Sam'l Craft Jonas Tolman Field Drivers Dea John Robinson Eben'r Heath Dan'l Peirce Geo W Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards. Charles Stearns Dan'l Peirce Pound Keepers Wm. H Brown Moses Jones Ward Stone Ilogreaves Geo W Stearns Clerk of Market 69 542 Dea John Robinson Jos. Gocldard O. Whyte committee of Town schools & Meeting house Accounts Capt. Griggs Peirce & Jackson committee on Town Stock of Arms &c &c. Benjamin Bradley Constable and Collector of Taxes for 10 ^ Ct. with a deduction of 8 ,^ Cent to all who pay before the 1 Jan- uary James Ford had Thirty eight Votes for Count}' Register of deeds John Bullard had Thirty seven Votes, for County Treasurer Voted Five hundred dollars to repair the Highwaj^s to be worked out at one dollar 25 Cents for mans days Labor & same for team. Voted That Neat Cattle Horses & Hoi'se kind shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town the present year without a keeper Voted That the committee chosen to examine the Schools in this place be requested to Report annually and at the first meeting after the examination takes place. The number of scholars that usually attend the summer Schools also the number that attend that examination to report the number that usually attend the winter schools and also the number which attend the examination of the same To Report the Progress made bj' tha Children in the different Branches to which the}' attend and also to Report anything rela- tive to the Schools which the Committee shall think Proper April 1821 At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legally warned «t assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor and Senators when there appeared For His Excellenc}' Gen'l John Brooks fift}' five Votes F Hon William Eustis twenty two Votes for Governor 543 For Hon. William Phillips Esq'r fifty live Votes Hon Levi Lincoln twenty two for Lieutenant Governor For Hon Richard Sullivan fifty three Votes Hon Tho Greenleaf fifty four — Benjamin Re3'nolds twenty two Votes John Ruggles twenty two for Senators May 7. 1821 — At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Jegally warned and assembled for the choice of State Represen- ative when Deacon John Robinson was unanimously chosen Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator — Voted Thirty Six hundred dollars be raized for Town Count}' nd State Tax the present year Voted One hundred «fc fifty dollars for womans Schools Abel Hubbard Jos White Caleb Craft Juu'r be a committee to rovide mistresses. Voted That the improvement of the Lower School be under the )irection of the Selectmen O Whyte Town Clerk 1822 A f arch Ath At a meeting of Freehold and other In- abitants of the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled t the Brick School House Dea. John Robinson was chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson Nath'l Murdock Oliver Whyte selectmen & Lssessors Ebenczer Heath Town Treasurer E Corey 1st North Cha Stearns 2 Do J. Leeds 3 Do 0. Whj-te Do Jos White 1 middle Jos Williams 2 Do Jonas Reed 3 Do oini Collin 1 South B. Bradley 2 Do. surveyors of Highways 544 "William H. Brown Nath'l Murdock surveyors of Wood &c Sam'l Craft Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Edw'd Hall Daniel Pierce Field Drivers Joshua C. Clark Eben'r Heath Tythiugmen John Robinson Eben'r Heath Daniel Peirce Geo W Stearns- Chas. Stearns Firewards Dan'l Perry Dan'l Pierce Pound Keepers Amasa Jackson Asa Jaquith Luther Twiss Hogreaves Geo W Stearns Clk of Market John Robinson Joseph Goddard Oliver Whyte Committee for examining Town accounts Capt Thomas Griggs Capt Daniel Pierce Capt Chas. Stearns Jun committee on Towns Stock of arms Ammunition &c Benjamin Bradley Constable and Collector of taxes for 10^ ,^ ct with a deduction of 8 ^ ct to all who paj- before 1st Jan John Bullard had thirty five Votes for Count}' Treasurer Voted To raize five hundred dollars to repair Highway's to be worked out allowing $1.25 ^ Day for mens Labor same for Team Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town without a Keeper Ajyril 1, 1822 At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legal!}' warned and assembled for the Purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor and Senators. For Governor. His Excellency Gen'l John Brooks had Forty six Votes. Hon Wm. Eustis Esq'r had Twenty Votes For Lieut. Governor Hon. William Phillips Esq'r had Forty Six Votes Hon. Levi Lincoln Esq'r had twent}- Votes 545 For Senators & Counsellors Sam'l Bass Esq'r had fort}' six Votes Lewis Fisher Esq. " " Sam'l P. Loud Esq. " " Benja Reynolds had twenty Votes John Ruggles " " Micah White Esq " " Deacon John Robinson was chosen jNIoderator, surveyors of Highwa3-s cliosen James Leeds, Jos Goddard & Sam'l Craft chosen to Join the Selectmen to provide a Situation for Savorns & family 1822 May 6. . At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Icgnlly wanied and assembled for choice of Representative to the General Court. Deacon John Robinson had the unanimous Vote and was chosen Representative for the present year Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Town Voted to raize Thirty three hundred dollars for State Count}' and Town the jiresent j-ear. Voted To grant tlie Singing Societ}' Fifty dollars. Voted For womens Schools One hundred &, fifty dollars. Committee to provide Mistresses. North District James Leeds Middle " Eben'r Heath South " Ro. Harris. Rich'd Sullivan Esq'r & Mr. Eben'r Heath were chosen to join the Selectmen in Establishing the Lines between Brookline — Rox- bury — and Boston Voted To accept the Reports of the several committees Voted Tliat. School Mistresses should be paid soon as their terra of Keeping expired — Voted Tliat the Constable or collector be empowered to enforce 54G the collection of the single polls at any time after presenting the Tax Bill and if payment or securit}' be delayed ten days no deduc- tion to be made from the face of the Bill 1822 November 5th At a meeting of the Qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legally" warned and Assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Representative to Congress when there appeared for the Hon William Eustice Sixteen Votes for the Hon Richard Sullivan one Vote Voted for Register of Deeds in Room of James Foord (De- ceased) There appeared for Enos Ford. Twent}' five Votes for Doct. Elisha Tha3'er. one Vote — 1823 March 3d At a meeting of Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Brookline Legally warned and assem- bled at the Brick School House. Dea John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clerk. John Robinson Nath'l Murdock Oliver Whyte selectmen & assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Aaron Corey 1 . North Cha Stearns 2 James Holden 3 Caleb Clark 4 Will'm Ackers 1 middle Eben'r Heath 2 Eben'r Richards 3 Joseph Ford 1 South Tho W Sumner 2 William H. Brown Nath'l Murdock surveyors of wood &c Caleb Clark Cha Stearns Sen'r Fence Viewers Edward Hall Daniel Pierce Field drivers Doct. Cha. Wild Geo W. Stearns Tythingmen John Robinson Eben'r Heath Dan'l Pierce Geo W. Stearns Cha Stearns Fire wards Dan'l Peny Dan'l Pierce Pound Keepers 547 A. Caryl A. Field A. Corey Moses Jones Jos Williams E. Corey Jun'r Ilogreaves Geo W Stearns Clk of Market John Robinson Joseph Goddard Oliver Whyte comniittee on Town accounts Capt. Tho Griggs Capt. Dan'l Pierce Capt. Cha. Stearns com- mittee on Town's stock of Arms, &c &c Benja Bradley constable and collector of Taxes for 10^ p ct. with a deduction of 8 {/> ct. on all payments made on or before the first of January John Bullard had fort}- five Votes for County Treasurer Voted To Raize five hundred dollars to repair Ilighwaj-s to be worked out at the rate of §1.25 for man. same for Team Voted That Nett Cattle horses &; horse kind shall not run at large Voted That Rich'd Sullivan Esqr. Charles Stearns & Deacon Joshua C. Clark be a committee to examine the situation of Marsh road Voted That a committee consisting of the Selectmen Joined by Mr. Samuel Craft and Caleb Craft examine all the School Houses in town and Report at April Meeting Voted To reject assistance to a singing school at the south part of the Town — lft23 April 7 At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut. Governor & Senators For Governor. Hon. H. G. Otis ha 1 Fifty three Votes Hon Wra. Eustis had Fifty two Votes For Lieut Governor. Hon Dan'l Noble Fift}- foiu* Votes Hon Levi Lincoln Fifty two Votes 548 For Senators Hon. Lewis Fisher had fift}' four Votes Hon. Rich'd Sullivan " " " Doct. Amos Holbrook " " " Hon John Ruggles had fifty two Votes Josiah J. Fisk Esq'r " " " Sherman Leland Esq'r. " " " Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator Voted That the Vote rejecting \'oung children from mens Schools till the}' can read in plain reading, be reconsidered and that here- after small children be admitted. Voted That the School committee have a joint power with the Selectmen in Regulating the Schools Voted That the School committee be Elected Annually at March Meeting Voted That the report of the committee on school houses be accepted and that the same committee carr}- it into Effect — Voted To refer the further consideration of making allowances for a southern Singing school to May meeting Voted That the Report of the committee on the Lines betvv'een Roxbury and Brookline be accepted 1823 May 5. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legall}' warned and assembled for choice of Representative to the General Court Deacon. John Robinson had forty one Votes Dea Joshua C. Clark had Six Votes. Dea John Robinson was then chosen Moderator Voted That. One hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated for "VVomens schools Voted That. Abel Hubbard Dan'l Pierce Joseph Ford be a com- mittee to procure School mistresses 549 Voted Thnt Thirty lliroo liniidml (lf)ll:ir.s be raized the ensuing year for Town, State & county Tax Voted That the Reports of coniniitteex on iNIarsh Koad and Town Accounts be accepted Voted That twenty dollars be granted to the South Singing School Voted that Thomas AV. Sumner be excused from serving as surve^'or of Highways and that Joshua C. Clark be appointed in his stead Voted That hereafter all applications for money to assist sing- ing shall be refused unless applied for previous to the school. 1823 Septem 8th at a meeting of The Qualified Voters of the To^vn of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Representative to Congress in Room of His Excellency Wm. Eustis, when there appeared for Jolin Baily Esq'r fourteen Votes John W. Ames Esq'r Eleven Votes — Hon Rich'd Sullivan Five Votes — Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator and The Town Voted To Grant the singing society worshipping in Brookline One hundred & twenty five dollars. The president of this society may draw for it as he has Occasion — Members of other societies may be exempt from the Expense by Making their wish known to the Assessors. Voted That. Mr. Benja Goddard, N. Murdock, John Robinson Joshua C. Clark, iV. P^ben'r Heath be a Committee to Report at next meeting the Expediency of Locating Shed lots Voted To Adj*)urn tiiis meeting till first Monday in November unless previously notified — 70 550 1823 Noveiriber 3. Agreeable to Adjournment, The Town Assembled and in Absence of Dea John Robinson Nathaniel Murdock was chosen Moderator — when the Report was Read and accepted with the amendment, That the live Lots located at the west side of the meeting house ma}' be sold and built upon b}- four proprietors with the condition that the Town or any Towns man sliall at anj^ time have a right to the fifth shed by paying the original cost. 1824, March 1st At a meeting of the qualified Voters warned and assembled at the Brick School house according to Law. Deacon John Robinson was cliosen Moderator O. Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson Oliver Whyte Nath'l IMurdock Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Timo Corey 1. N Dav'd Coolidge 2. Edw Hall 3. O. Whyte 4. Simon Tufts 1. M A. Field' 2. Dan'l Pierce 3. C Craft Juu 1 S Tho. W. Sumner 2. Surveyors of Highways Elijah Corey sen'r Joshua C Clark James Leeds School Com- mittee Abel Hubbard Nath'l INIurdock Samuel Fowle survej'ors of wood & Lumber Cha Stearns sen Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Benja White Enos Withington Field Drivers Charles Wild Edward Hall Tythingmen John Robinson Eben'r Heath Dan'l Pierce Geo W. Stearns Charles Stearns snr. Fire wards Dan'l Pierce Dan'l Perry Pound Keepers John Woodward *E. Champney I. Hammond Hogreaves Geo W Stearns Clk of Market John Robinson Jos Goddard Whj'te Com on Town accounts 551 Capt Tlio Gngg3 Capt Daii'l Pierce Ca[)t C'lia Stearns .luii com on Stock of Anns, Anmiunition &c Voted Klisha Stone Constable and collector of Ta.xes for Ten p cent -with a dednction of Eight p ct. for all who i)a3' by 1st .lannary. Voted Martin Morse constable for the protection of Property near the Mill Dam Voted E. Stone Sexton John Bullard had forty six Votes for County Treasurer Voted to raise Five hundred dollars to repair Highways to be worked out as Usual Voted that Neat Cattle Horses and horse kind shall not run at large within the Town without a keeper Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to Examine the Situ- ation of the Towns land near Mr Peunimans Sc report at April meeting Voted that Mr Benja Goddard Mr. Eben'r Heath & Mr. James Leeds be a com. to define the duties of Sexton O. AVhyte Town Clerk lS2-t April 5. At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brooklinc legally warned and Assembled to give in their Votes for Governor & Lieut Governor & Senators there appeared for Hon Samuel Lothrop seventy two ^'otes for Governor, for Lieut. Governor the Hon Richard Sullivan had seventy three Votes. His, Excellency William Eustis had fifty four ^''otes for Gov- ernor, and the Hon Marcus Morton had fifty three Votes for Lien- tc'uant Governor The Hon Thomas Greenleaf Doct Naih'l Miller c'c Dan'l S I ireenough Esq had each Seventy one Votes for Senators. Hon .lolni Riiggles Hon Josiah J. Fiske vfc Hon SlicMuan Iceland had eacli fifty four \'otes 552 Hon. Samuel Hubbard, Heman Lincoln, John Cotton Jona. Phillips, Theodore L}' man, &, Francis C. Gray Esq'rs had each one Vote for senators Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator when the report of the Committee on the Duties of the Sexton was read & accepted Voted That, the Selectmen, Tho. W. Sumner Ebenezer Heath &; Joshua C. Clark, be a Committee to Examine the state of the Brick School house and report at May meeting the probable expence of Repairing it and Errecting a New House of Brick, Wood & Stone Voted That the Selectmen be empower'd and requested to dis- pose of the small piece of Land about the tenth of an acre lying in Common adjoining Mr E Penimans land N B. This land was apprized at forty dollars & disposed of to Mr E Peniman Voted That the Inhabitants on the Mill Dam have their propor- tion of Tax allowed them for the support of a school there they were allowed $46.91 cents Maij 3, 1824 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally warned and assembled for the choice of Repesentative to the General Court Deacon John Robinson was unanimously chosen Dea John Robinson was then chosen moderator Martin Morse was chosen Constable Voted One hundred & fifty dollars for Wonians schools Geo W. Stearns Benja White Caleb Craft Jun'r Com. to provide School Mistress Voted Thirty dollars to the singing societ}^ for the present year — Voted That the Brick school house be not repaired Voted That Mr Sumner be emplo^'ed to draft a plan of a One Story building to accommodate the Town 553 Voted That the Selectmen be required to call ;i meeting on Monday next to see whether the Town will huild a School House Mr P^benezcr [Heath] made a return of a certificate that the five sheds built on the "Westerlj- side of the meeting house — built b}- and belonging to Messrs. Sam'l Hammond, Elisha Penniman, Ebenezer Heath Ebenezer Richards and Benjamin "White cost of each averaged Eighty dollars & -^^^ Joseph Sewall built a shed adjoining the same in 1825 the cost of which was — 1824 Maij 10. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled for the purpose of taking the vote of the Town on the subject of building a School and Town Houses and Granting money for the expence of the Town the Current year — Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator Voted that the Town build a two story building the basement to be entirely above ground. Voted That the building he of wood 48 by 28 feet. Voted That the Committee to build be the same who were appointed on the expediency of repairing the Brick School house — Voted that Mr. Rich'd Sullivan be added to the Committee Voted to reconsider the vote for building of wood so far as to give the committee the power to build the basement of stone if the}- think proper Voted to reconsider former votes for building of "Wood «&:c and built agreable to Mr Sumner's first plan exhibited, giving the Committee power to Lower the stories if they think advisable that the building be of stone — Voted that the Town treasurer be empowered to Borrow what money is necessary to errcct the building voted above. 554 Voted To Raize Thirty eight hundred dollars for the expencc of the Town the Current year Voted to raize Six hundred dollars towards the expence of the above building O. Whyte Town Clk Aiigust 30 1824. At a meeting legally warned and assembled for the choice of Representative to Congress in room of John Baily sent home, when there appeared twenty six Votes for Sher- man Leland, Five for John Baily and one for Hon Richard Sullivan O Whyte Town Clk 1824 November 1. At a Meeting legally warned and Assembled for the choice of Representative to Congress and for Electors of President and Vice President, the following persons for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States At large Wm, Gray & Levi Lincoln. Suffolk, Thomas L. Win- throp Essex South Nath'l Sllsby Essex North Docter Jos Kitter- idge, Norfolk John Eudicott Plymouth Thomas AVebster Worcester South Jonathan Davis Worcester North Edward Cushing Bristol!' Cornelius Griswold Middlesex Augustus Tower Barnstable Hese- kiah Barnard Berkshire William AValker Franklin Oliver Smith i Handen Enos Foster had sixty Votes each At large Wm. Bailies & William Reed, Berkshire Wm. Walken Franklin Samuel Porter, Hamden Timothy Horfen, Worcester! North Solomon Strong Worcester South Dan'l Thurber Middlesex^ Edmund Foster Essex North David Howe Essex South Wm. Sut- ton Suffolk Samuel Hubbard Norfolk Benjamin Rej'nolds Bristol John M. Williams Plymouth Benjamin Hobart, Barnstable Nymphas Marston had One Vote each At large. Wm. Baylies & Wm. Reed Suffolk Samuel Hubbard Essex South Leverett Saltenstal, Essex North David Howe, Mid) dlesex Samuel Howe Jun'r Worcester North Solomon Strong] Worcester South Solon Towne Jun'r Franklin Samuel Porten 555 I Haraden Lewis Strong, Berksliiro Dtmicl Nol)le NorfolU IMwaid II Kobbins. Bristol Jolin ]\I Williams Plymouth 'riiomas Ilobart. Barnstable N^ymplias Marston had one Vote cacii For 18th Congress Hon. Richard Sullivan had forty five Votes Doct Samuel Bugbee luul twenty live Votes For 19th Congress Hon. Richard Sullivan had forty three Votes Doct Samuel Bugbee Twent}- Six & Hon John Enclicot had one Vote — Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town [Voted] to give the committee Instructions to Establish the bounds of Boston and Brookline at the center of the principal western channel which empties into mudd}' River from Charles River The Hon. Richard Sullivan then read the Address from the Bunker Hill Mominiont Association, to the Several Towns in the State which was heard with attention and universal approbation. Mr Eben'r Heath and Capt Cook were appointed to hand the Sub- scription Book to ever}- Citizen above the Meeting house and Deacon John Robinson & O White to offer it to all persons below the Meeting house. Collection made above the meeting bouse from persons, was One hundred & Nint^' four dollars. 194 — Collections from below the Meeting house from persons, was One hundred lift}- six dolls -^J'rj 156.75 and the whole amount Paid to the Treasurer Nath. P. Russell Es(iuire 10th Decern 1820 by O Whyte Novcm. 20 fh. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline for the choice of Representative to the 18th Congress Rufus G. Amory had fifty seven Votes John Baily had two Votes Sherman Leland One Vote 656 For the lOtli Congress, Sherman Leland had fifty six Votes Rufus S. Amory had two Votes John Bail}' had two Votes Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town Voted The Selectmen be a committee to dispose of the Brick School house at Auction when the}' think proper. In consequence they appointed the next Friday the 3d day of December at 2 O'Clock P M at which time the building was sold with a few usless Logs &c for about One hundred & fort}' eight dollars — 1825 January 1st Saturday ensuing the New Town Hall was Dedicated by Prayer and Sacred musick January 3d At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brooklinc legally warned and assembled in the Town Hall for the choice of Representative to the 19th Congress when the Hon Sher- man Leland had twenty nine votes & John Baily had Ten votes. The Town then passed an unanimous Vote of Thanks to Deacon John Robinson for the valuable Present of a Chandelier for the use of the Town Hall and that the same be placed on the Town record — Agreeable to a vote of the Town on the first of November the committee appointed for the purpose, met the Mayor & Aldermen of Boston on the Mill Dam and Established the following boun- dary lines between the Town of Brookline and City of Boston, Commencing at a stone monument eleven hundred and twenty three feet distant Westerly from the westerly side of the filling Sluices of the Boston and Roxbury Mill Dam thence running north westerly from the monument on the Mill Dam till it strikes the center of the Channel of Charles River and also running from said monument on the Mill Dam, Southerly in the direction of the Steeple of Doct 557 Porters meeting House till it strikes the Center of the channel of Muddy river at which point the Town of Brookline Roxbury and the Cit}- of Boston meet agreeable to a Survey taken by 8. P. Ful- ler and held by the City of Boston. 1825 March 7th At a meeting of qualified Voters warned and assembled in the Town Hall agreeable to Law Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator O. Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson O. Whyte Selectmen Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Thanks were Voted to Mr Murdock for his Services as Select- man E. Corey Jun'r 1 N Moses Jones 2. Dan'l Perry 3 Caleb Clark 4. Benj White 1 M Jonas Reed 2. Jos White 3 Ro Harris 1 S. Isaac Cook 2. Surveyors of Highways Dea E. Corey Dea Clark James Leeds School Committee Nath'l Murdock Abel Hubbard surveyors of wood «&;c Chas Stearns sen'r Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Timo H Child Enos Withington Field drivers Doct Wild James Holden Tythingmen John Robinson E. Heath D. Pierce, G. W Stearns Chas Stearns fire wards Dan'l Pierce Dan'l Perry pound keepers Amos Snow Ralph Emer}- Hogreaves Geo W. Stearns Clerk of the Market J Robinson Jos Goddard 0. Whyte com on Town Accounts Capt Griggs Capt Pierce Capt C Stearns com on Arms & Ammunition Jolin Bullard had Forty Votes for County Treasurer Voted Elisha Stone Constable and collector of Taxes for 10 p ct with a deduction of 8 pet. to all who pay before 1 Jan'y 71 558 Voted to raize Five hundred dollars to repair the Highwaj's to be worked out as usual Voted That neat cattle Horses & Horse kind shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town without a Keeper Voted to postpone the choice of the 3d selectman till April meeting Voted that Hereafter the Sexton shall be appointed by the Selectmen Voted that the Selectmen with three others, be a committee to examine the roads and Report at April meeting the sum necessary for their repairs Voted That Dea Corey Dea Clark & C Craft Jun'r join the Selectmen as the com on Roads Voted That the South District receive their propotion of School money as Usual March 7th Jury Box was Regulated agreeable to the new Law on the subject — 1825 April 4. At a meeting of the Qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled to give in their Votes for Governor and Lieut. Governor & Senators when there appeared for for Governor The Hon Levi Lincoln fifty five Votes Hon Samuel Lothrop one Vote Benja Goddard one Vote Lieut. Governor The Hon Marcus Morton fifty six Ben Bradley one Vote i59 For Senators The Hon Josiah J. Fiskc had fifty five Votes Hon John Ruggles had fort}' five Votes Win. Ellis Esq'r had fifty two Votes Henry Gardner Esq had Eight Votes Ruftis G. Amory Esq'r had twelve Votes Hon Richard Sullivan had two Votes Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Vote was taken for Selectman when there appeared for Mr. Tho Griggs Thirt}' two Votes for Mr. Ebenezer Heath twenty eight Votes for Mr Benja White one Vote. Mr. Griggs excused himself from serving and at the Second Ballot. Mr James Leeds had one Vote & Mr Eben'r Heath had forty one Votes and accepted. Mr Tho W. Sumner declined serving for Survejor and paid his fine to O Whyte which was paid over to Mr Benja God- dard May 1 1826 — Mr. Isaac Cook was then chosen Surveyor The Committee appointed at March meeting to Examine the roads and report what parts required assistance made their Report to allow the 3d Middle District Ten dollars, The Second Middle Ten dollars and the first South Thirty dollars In addition to their Highway Lists. The former committee were appointed to Locate Shed Lots, when after examining the Situation, the}- laid out four Lots on East side of the Meeting House running East ik West commencing twentj- five feet west of the front of other sheds now Built Voted That Mr Caleb Craft Jun'r be a committee man to pro- vide the School ^Masters & Mistresses for the South School for the Year under the Control of the School Committee as other Schools 560 May 2 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled for the Choice of Representative to the General Court when there appeared Eighteen Votes Seventeen for Dea John Robinson & one for Caleb Craft Jnn'r John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Town Voted to build the most approved Hayscale Voted that a Committee of the Selectmen with Mr Charles Stearns & Capt Geo W. Stearns attend to having the same Erected Voted that One hundred & fifty dollars be appropriated as usual for womens schools Capt Geo W Stearns Mr. John Warren Mr. Jos Ford committee to provide Mistresses in their Respective Districts Voted a List of Twenty two Jurors agreeable to the Last Law Voted that the Report on Shed Lots be Accepted Voted that Forty eight hundred dollars be Raized for the expenses of the Town the Present year. Voted that when shed Lot No 9 shall be Erected the Selectmen be empowered to have a Suitable room for the Hearce &c finished Voted That 0. Whyte & Geo W Stearns be a Com. to Enquire the expense of having the bell re cast N.B. some time after on Examining the Meeting house it was found necessary That the Tower and Steple should be repaired and as it could not be done this Season it was agreed that the Subscription for the Bell should not be called for till next Season, and while the repairs are going on November 9. Mr Ebenezer Heath & 0. Whyte with the assist- ance of Mr Samuel Slack & Wm. Ackers Examin the Situation and Bounds of the Ministerial woodlot in Needham and concluded that it will be well for the wood to grow Ten years longer before cut 561 Memo. The Sheds built on the east side of the Meeting house in Summer of 1825 Built for. No. 10. Tho H. Perkins 11. Aug. Aspinwall 12. Aug. Aspinwall 13 James Holden 14 Aug. Aspinwall Average Cost Eight}' Seven dollars & 4 Cents Exclusive of Land December 14. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legallv warned and Assembled To see what the Town would do respecting the contemplated turnpike from Holliston thro this Town. — they chose John Robinson moderator & Voted that the Selectmen draw up a remonstrance to the Leg- islature against the proposed turnpike and in case it should be granted b}- the Legislature the Representative of the Town be instructed to make the best terms he can for the accommodation of the Inhabitants of the Town. 1826 March 6. At a meeting of the qualified Voters of Brook- line legally warned and assembled Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson O Whyte Eben'r Heath Selectmen & Asses- sors Ebcn'r Heath Town Treasurer Enos Withingtou I N. Rufus Babcock 2. John Woodward 3 Tho Wally 4 Eben'r Heath 1 middle Eben Richard 2. Jos White 3 Tirao H. Childs 1 So Benja Goddard 2. Surveyors of Iligh- wava 562 Elijah Corey sen'r J. C. Clark James Leeds School Com- mittee Nath'l Murdock, Abel Hubbard Surveyors of wood &c Caleb Clark, Joliu Warren Fence Viewers Daniel Pierce Moses Jones Field drivers Eben'r Heath George W. Stearns Tythingmen John Eobinson, E. Heath Dan'l Pierce G. W. Stearns & Cha Stearns Firewards Dan'l Perrj' Dan'l Pierce Pound Keepers John Hayden John Whittier & Ed Perry Hogreaves Geo W Stearns elk of Market J Robinson Jos Goddard O. Whyte com on Town accounts ^D. Pierce C. Stearns Jun T. Griggs com on Stock of Arms &c Elisha Stone was chosen constable & collector of Taxes for 10 p cent with deduction of 8 ^ ct for all who pay before the first of January John Bullard had forty six Votes for county Treasurer Voted To raize five hundred dollars for repairing Highwa^^s to be worked out as usual Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse Kind shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town without a keeper Voted That a committee of Five examine the school houses and report at April Meeting O Whyte Town Clerk 1826 April 3. At a meeting of the qualified Voters of the Town of Brookline legall}- warned and assembled to give in their votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor & Senators there appeared for his Excellency Levi Lincoln forty five votes for Governor, also two votes for Samuel Hubbard and one vote for the Hon James Loyd For Lieut. Governor the Hon Tho. L. Winthrop had fortj- seveni votes 563 For Senators The Hon Josiah Fisko had forty six Votes The lion Wm. Ellis had forty five Votes Hon Henry Gardner had fort}' seven Votes Hon Rich'd Sullivan had two Votes David 8. Greenough Esq'r one Vote Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moder-ator Voted That the Selectmen be a Committee to see the Inside of the School Houses repaired before the winter Schools commence Voted That the Selectmen be empowered to make repairs they shall tliink necessary to the Meeting house Voted That One hundred dollars shall be granted to the Sing- ing Society < Voted That the Rev'd Doct Pierce & Selectmen shall be added to the School Commitee O. Whvte Town Clerk 1826 May 1st At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legall}- warned and assembled for the choice of Representative to the General Court when there appeared for Deacon John Robbinson twelve Votes Dea John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Town Voted To Raize Forty two hundred Dollars for the P^xpenses of ;he Town the current year — Voted to have three womens Schools the present Season as usual June lith John Whitticr took up in Damage in Mr. B. Guilds pasture a dark Bay horse about 15 hands high marked with a star n the forehead near hind foot white supposed to be about nine (^ears old was Lame in his olf fore foot from which a nail was ;aken by the Farrier and from that time he grew better of his ameness and was apprized 11th October 564 I Novem 6. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned & assembled for choice of Representative to Congress when the Hon John Baily had nine Votes Hon Rich'd Sullivan had three Votes Decern 18th Taken up on Benja Guilds farm in Brookline by John Whittier the 28th Novem a small Red Cow 7 or 8 years old with the letters L. S. cut in the hair on the left Side, hind feet white, the above cow has been advertized according to Law. 1827 March 5th At a meeting of the Freehold and other In- habitants of the Town of Brookline legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clerk John Robinson Oliver Whyte Ebenezer Heath Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath Town Treasurer Augustus Aspinwall 1 North Tho Griggs 2. Geo W. Stearns 3. Jos Sewall 4, Benja white 1 middle Dan'l Pierce 2. Will'm Ackers 3. Thadd's Jackson 1 South John Warren. 2. Survej'ors Elijah Corey sen'r Joshua C. Clark. James Leeds School Committee Geo W. Stearns Elisha Stone survej'ors of wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence viewers Daniel Pierce Moses Jones Field drivers • Capt. Cha Stearns Eben'r Heath Tythingmen John Robinson Eben'r Heath Daniel Pierce Geo. W. Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards Daniel Perry Daniel Pierce Pound Keepers William Emer}^, Sam'l Craft Cha Stearns Jun A. W. Goddard Nelson Marble Hogreaves George W. Stearns Clk of Market 565 John Robinson Joseph Goddard Oliver Whytc committee on Town Accounts Daniel Pierce Capt. Griggs Cha Stearns Jun'r committee on To^tn Stock of Arms &c Elisha Stone chosen constable and collector of Taxes for 10 ^ ct. Avitli a deduction of 8 p ct. to all who pay on or before the first of Janiuny John BuUard had Fort}' three votes for County Treasurer Voted To Raise Five hundred dollars to Repair the Highways to be worked out as usual Voted That Neat Cattle Horses and Horse Kind shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town without a Keeper Voted That, Benjamin Goddard Ebenezer Heath and Elisha Penniraan be a committee whose dut}' it shall be to see at all times that a contract which was made between the Town and the Wor- cester turnpike corporation is fulfilled with good faith b}' the parties thereto — and that said Turnpike road generally far as it passes through this Town is kept in Repair — with full power to prosecute at the expense of the Town for an}' breach of covenant or for any failure on the part of said coi'poration to keep said road in suitable repair according to Law 1827 Ajyril 2. At a Meeting of the Freehold and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Brookliue legall}' warned and assembled at the Town Hall, for the choice of Governor, Lieut. Gov. & Senators when there appeared For his Excellency Levi Lincoln for Governor Fift}' Six Votes for B. Goddard "Wm. C. Jarvis and B. Bradley one Vote For Hon Tho L. Winthrop for Lent. Governor had Fift}- seven Votes A. Field & N. Sevcrns one Vote — 72 566 for Senators Hon. Eich'd Sullivan had Fifty one Votes " Sherman Leland " Fifty two Votes " ChristoWebb " Fifty Six Votes " Henry Gardner " Three Votes " William Ellis " Three Votes " Eben'r Seaver " Three Votes " Wm. Sullivan " One Vote Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator — when the Town Voted to Raize Sixty dollars to be apportioned on the Highways by the Selectmen 1827 May 7. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled for the choice of Representative to the General Court and for other purposes Deacon John Robinson was unanimously chosen Representative to the General Court Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Town Voted To raize Sixty dollars for the singing society Voted That the Selectmen cause the Body of the meeting house to be painted the present year — Voted to Raize Forty two hundred dollars for the Expense of the count}', Town & Parish the present year Voted that Samuel Craft Joseph White & Caleb Craft be a Committee to provide School Mistresses in their Respective districts — 1828 March 3. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally warned and Assembled at the Town Hall. Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clk & Sworn 567 John Robinson Eben'r Heath O. Wliyte Selectmen & Assessors Ebenezer Heath To^yn Treasurer John Robinson 1st N. Cha Stearns Jun. 2. James Leeds 3 Caleb Clark 4 John Hayden 1 middle Eben'r Richards 2. Jos White 3 Curtis Travis 1 So. Isaac Cook Junr 2. Surveyors Doct Pierce Selectmen Dea. E. Corey Gen'I School Committee Tho Gri£;prs North John Warren Middle Caleb Craft South District School Com. Elisha Stone Geo W. Stearns Surve3'ors of wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Daniel Pierce Cha Stearns Jun'r Field drivers Cha Stearns Jun'r Eben'r Heath Tythingmen Daniel Pierce Pound Keeper John Robinson Ebenezer Heath Daniel Pierce George W. Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards Joshua C. Clark Isaac Cook Jun'r R. Babcock Geo Whiting. Tho Thompson Hogreaves Geo. W Stearns elk of Market John Robinson Joseph Goddard Whjte committee on Town ac'ls Capt D. Pierce Capt Tho Griggs Capt Cha Stearns com. on Town Stock of Arms &c Benjamin Bradley Constable and Collector of Taxes for 10 p Ct. with a deduction of 8 ,|p Ct. to all who pa}- by 1st January- Voted To raize Five hundred [dollars] for Highways to be worked out as usual Voted That Cattle shall not run at large within the Limits of the Town without a keeper March 10. B. Bradley appeared and took the oath of Constable & Collector 1828 April 7. At a Meeting of the qualiQed Voters of the 5G8 Town of Brookliue legally warned and assembled for choice of Governor Lieut. Governor & Senators when there appeared for for Governor His Excellency Levi Lincoln Thirty three Votes Hon Marcus Morton Three Votes for Lieut. Govu'r Hon The. Winthrop had Thirty three Votes Nath'l Willis Esq'r had two Votes Mr Stillman Willis had one Vote For Senators Hon Christo Webb had Thirty five Votes " Sherman Lealaud had Thirt}- four Votes " Tho French had Seventeen Votes " Rich'd Sullivan had Seventeen Votes Dea John Robinson was then chosen Moderator & a Vote was taken for County Treasurer when there appeared Thirty five Votes for John Bullard Esquire 1828 Mmj 5. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled to choose a Representative to the General Court and other purposes. Deacon John Robinson had Thirty Votes Dea Joshua C Clark had Thirty three Votes Mr Samuel Craft had one Vote Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when the Town- Voted to Raize Thu'ty eight hundred dollars for the Expense of the Town County & Parish Voted One hundred and fifty dollars for womens Schools Voted to Grant Eighty dollars to the Singing society 1828 November 3. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line legally warned and assembled for the choice of Electors of 569 Pre.sideut and Vice President of the United States and Represen- tative to Congress did then give in the following Votes Hon T. L. Winthrop of Boston lion Sam'l Lothrop of West Springlield at large Sutlblk Dis't Jesse Putnam of Boston Essex South Stephen White of Salem Essex North. Baily Bartlctt of Haverhill Middlesex Nathan Chandler of Lexington Worcester South Gen. John Davis of Oxford Worcester North Hon Silas Ilolman of Bolton Franklin Col Elid Ciilbert of Greenlield Hampshire Hon Joshua Frost of Springfield Berkshire Samuel Jones Esq of Stockbridge Norfolk Hon Edw'd H. Robbins of Milton Plymouth Seth Spraguc of Duxbury Bristol Oliver Starkweather of Pawtucket Barnstable Braddock Dimmuck of Falmouth had forty two Votes Hon Nathan Willis Berkshire District David Hcnshaw Suftblk district at Large SuUolk Dist John K. Simpson of Boston Essex South Col James Newhall of L^'unfield Essex North John Ross Esq'r of Methueu Middlesex Wm. Austin Charlestown Worcester South Hon Jonas Sibley Sutton Worcester No — Will'm Willard Esq. Lancaster Franklin John Drury Colerain ILampden. Gen Jas. M. Forward Southwick Berksliire Hon Phineas Allen Pittsfield Norfolk Hon Eben'r Seaver Roxbury Plymouth Hon Peter JI Pierce Middleboro Briston Elisha Dagget Jun'r Esq'r Middleboro Barnstable John P. Norton Esq'r Tisbury 570 For Representative to Congress, the Hon John Bailj'^ had Thirty j Eight Votes, Hon Ebeuezer Seaver had fifteen Votes, Hon Rich'd , Sullivan had one Vote Dea John Robinson was then chosen moderator and the Jury Box regulated by vote of the Town O White Town Clk 1829 March 2. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brook- line legally warned and Assembled Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator O Whyte Town elk & Sworn John Robinson O Whyte Eben'r Heath Selectmen & Assessors O Wh3'te Town Treasurer A Vote was then taken for Constable and Collector of Taxes when there appeared a tie between B. Bradley & E. Stone. On the Second trial B. Bradley was charged with putting in two or more Votes. At the third trial a foreigners Vote was disputed and a Vote for an adjournment till April meeting was carried April 6. Benjamin Bradley was chosen Constable and Collector of Taxes for 10 ^ ct. with a deduction of 8 ^ ct for all who pa^^ on or before the 1st of January Timo'y Corey 1 n Martin Morse 2 n James Holden 3 0. Wh3'te 4 n E. Penniman 1 mid Dan'l Pierce 2 Dan'l Sanderson 3. Tho. Tilden 1 so John Warren 2 — Survej^ors Doct Pierce Selectmen Dea E. Corey Gen'l School Committee Caleb Clark No B Bradley Mid C Craft So District School Committee Geo W Stearns E Stone Surve3"ors of wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Daniel Pierce Cha Stearns Jun'r Field drivers Cha Stearns Elijah Core}^ Tythingmen • Daniel Pierce Pound Keeper John Robinson Dea Clark Dan'l Pierce Geo W. Stearns Cha Stearns Fii'ewards 571 Dea E. Corey, Otis Withington Ro Mitchill John II Pierce, John Campbell Alvin Loker James Bartlett ITogrcaves Geo W. Stearns Clk of Market Caleb Clark. Caleb Craft D. Coolidge committee on Town accounts Capt Pierce Capt Griggs & Capt Cha Stearns committee on iTown Stock of Arms &c John Billiard had Forty three Votes for Count}- Treas'r Voted Five hundred dollars for highway' taxes to be worked out as usual Voted that Neat, Cattle, Horses & horse kind shall not Run at large within the limits of this town without a keeper O Whyte Town Clerk 1829, Ajyril (Sth. At a meeting of the Inhabitants in Town Meeting legally warned and Assembled for choice of Governor, Lieut. Gov'r and Senators. His Excellenc}- Levi Lincoln had ninty four Votes for Governor Hon Theo. L. Winthrop had Ninty four Votes for Lieut. Governor For Senators and Counsellors Hon Christo Webb had ninty four Votes Hon Sherman Leland had Fifty Six Votes " Thomas French had forty five Votes " Eben'r Seaver had. Thirt}- seven Votes " Rich'd Sullivan had Eleven Votes " William Ellis had Thirty Eight Votes Voted That a committee be chosen to see -what amt. the Town of Roxbury have allowed for the purchase of Hose and Buckets for the New Engine Norfolk and that this Town meet them in any expense for the same not exceeding Fifty dollars Whyte Town Clk 1829 May 4. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline 572 legally warned and Assembled for choice of Representative to the General court and other purposes Deacon Joshua C Clark had forty eight Votes Deacon John Robinson had forty three Votes Hon Rich'd Sullivan had two Votes Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator The committee appointed at March meeting to examin the Town accounts and report at this meeting the amount to be Assessed the present year were not ready to Report Voted That a committee of Five be chosen to attend to the location of the Road near Mr. Charles Stearns house. That Tho W Sumner Tho Griggs David Coolidge Cha Stearns & Moses Jones Committee Voted That this meeting stand adjourned to monda^- 11th Inst at 4 oClock P. M. to hear the Report of the Committee on the Town accounts — O Whyte 1829 May 11. At an Adjourned meeting from the 4th Inst Deacon John Robinson Moderator Voted To Accept the report of the Committee on the town Accounts, that the Town and School Treasurers acc'ts were well vouched and right cast — Voted That a committee of three be appointed to examine Mr. Heaths acc'ts while Town treasurer that it consist of Caleb Clark Caleb Craft & Tho. W Sumner. Voted that the Report on the Road near Mr. Charles Steam's and that the committee previously chosen with the addition of the Selectmen be a committee to see on what conditions the road can be obtained Voted Thirt}^ eight hundred dollars be raized for the Expense of the Town the County & Parish the Current year — O Whyte Town Clk 573 At a Town meeting legall}- called by Ijcnjaniin Bradley and others after due Notifications assembled assembled at the Town Hall May 22 — IJeacon John Robinson was chosen moderator ^'oted that one hundred and lil'ty dollars be appropriated for womens Schools as usual Voted for the singing society one hundred dollars for the present year Voted to accept the report of the committee on the proposed road through D Sears farm Voted to accept the Report of the Committee on Town Treas- urers accounts O Whyte Town Clk At the request of Deacon Elijah Corey I have inserted the measurement of the Lot of Land whereon the Baptist Meeting house stands and the Yard adjoining containing about forty six rods commencing two feet South east of the south eastern Elm tree, running North westerly two hundred and twelve feet on the Cam- bridge road from thence south westerl}- sixt}- eight feet on Land of Robert Davis's heirs, Southerl}' uint}' four feet to land of Jona- than Dana's heirs from thence easterlj' Sixty eight feet on the AVatertown road to a point seven feet southerl}- from the place of beginning O Whyte Town elk N. B. The Elm trees have been transplanted this Season and have taken root — 1829 1829 August 31. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall To see what the Town would do respecting the alteration and improvement of the road from the South School house towards Spring Street, Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator 73 574 Voted That Mr Eben'r Heath, O Whyte, Benjamin Goddard, Thomas W Sumner Thomas Tilden Benjamin White and Enos Withington be a Committee to meet the County Commissioners upon the subject of an application for a new road to be laid out in the south part of the Town, and of widening the old road with Instructions, wholly to oppose the application for a new road, and also for altering the old road provided it should create a great expense to the Town Whyte Town elk 1830 March 1st At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall — Deacon John Eobinson was chosen moderator O. Whyte Town Clk Sworn John Robinson O Wh3'te James Leeds Selectmen & Assessors Whyte Town Treasurer After the choice of Treasurer it was moved by Capt Woodward, that we proceed to the choice of Collector & Constable as usual at the same time another motion was made by Deacon Thomas Griggs that we commit the Collection of Taxes to the Treasurer it being ascertained that the Town by this measure would save one half the commission heretofore paid for collecting — Benjamin Bradley then offered to collect them for one half ^ ct if he was elected Collector the motion b^^ Deacon Griggs was negatived and that of Capt Woodward prevailed and the Inhabi- tants proceeded to Ballot for Collector and Constable and Benja- min Bradley was unanimously chosen — E. Corey Jun'r 1st N Geo Babcock 2. Wm. Jameson 3 Reubin Hunting 4 Benja White 1 middle E. Richards 2 Jos White 3 Alvin Loker 1 So Joshua C. Clark 2. Surveyors of Highways Elisha Stone Geo W. Stearns Surveyors of wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Daniel Pierce Charles Stearns Field Drivers capt Cha Stearns Elijah Corey Tythingmen Daniel Pierce Pound Keeper 576 John Robinson Ebenezer Heath Daniel Pierce Geo. W. Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards Jos Gorldard Marshal Stearns A. W. Goddard Geo Wliiting Otis Withington Elijah Corey sen'r Hogreaves Geo W. Stearns Clk of Market Cha Wild John IIa3'don Eben'r Heath committee on Town acc'ts Capt Pierce Capt Tho Griggs & Capt C. Stearns committee on Town Stock &c Voted to Raize five hundred dollars for Highwa3s Voted That Cattle shall not run at large within the limits of the Town without a Keeper Voted to Defer the choice of School Committee till april meeting O Whyte Town Clk 1830. April 5. At a meeting of the qualified Voters of Brook- line legally warned and Assembled for the choice of Governor, Lieut Governor, Senators, & Counsellors. — there was given in for His Excellenc}' liexi Lincoln for Gov'r Fift\' one Votes His Hon Tho. L. Winthrop for Lieut. Gov'r Fifty one Votes Hon Marcus Morton for Governor fourteen Votes Hon Nath'l "Willis for Lieut. Gov'r fourteen Votes For Senators & Counsellors Hon Christo Webb, had fift}- one Votes Hon H. A. S. Dearborn fifty one Votes Hon. Thomas French fort}- one Votes Hon Moses Thatcher ten Votes Colo Royal Turner fourteen Votes Seth Boyden Esq'r fourteen Votes Colo Obed Allen fourteen votes Dea John Robinson was then cliosen IModerator Elijah Core}' Jun'r declined serving as Surveyor of Highwa3-s and George Whiting was appointed in his stead 576 Doct Pierce Selectmen & Dea Elijah Corey were chosen as General School committee and for prudential committee. Dea Thomas Griggs for N District Mr Joseph White for Middle Dis- trict and James L. Smith for South District , John Bullard received fifty Votes for County Treasurer Whyte Town Clk 1830 May 3. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the Choice of Representative to the General Court and other purposes. Deacon John Robinson had forty eight Votes Dea Joshua C. Clark had twent}' eight Votes Mr Jos White one Vote — • Deacon John Robinson was then Chosen moderator when the Town Voted to Grant One hundred and fifty dollars for Womens Schools Voted to Grant One hundred dollars to the Singing Society Voted that the Report of the Committee on Town Accounts be accepted Voted to raize the present j^ear, for expenses of Town, County, State and Parish, Forty two hundred dollars — Voted that the Town treasurer be authorized to borrow on the Credit of the Town Two Thousai^d dollars for four j^ears payable by Instalments of five hundred dollars annually if it can be had for five p cent ^ annum or less and be appropriated for the Debts of the Town — Voted that the Selectmen and Assessors appoint the time when the collector of taxes shall pay the money into the Treasury of the Town O. Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned 577 and asscmljled to vote for Kcprcsentative to Congress on the 1st November 1830 — the following Votes were given in For the Hon. II. A. S. Dearborn Seventy four Votes Hon Moses Thatcher four Votes " Abel Cashing two Votes — Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town Voted that the Selectmen direct Mr. Bradley how he shall pro- ceed in the collection of Taxes for the present year — Voted to choose a committee of three to Digest a plan for the collection of Taxes and report at March meeting — that this com- mittee consist of — the Hon Richard Sullivan Mr Benja Goddard and Dea. Tho. Griggs — O Whvte Town elk 'oo'- This day previous to the meeting Dea John Robinson and O Whyte as Selectmen and Mr Ebenezer Heath met the Commis- sioners on Roads Deacon Tucker and Mr. Ellis near Mr Caleb Crafts and proceeded to examine the situation of the road and what would be required of the Town and the time to complete the road there — with a Mr Sumner from Dedham and after a full understanding, Mr Sumner has agreed to bring on Men and teams and complcat the Road to the acceptance of the Commissioners between this time and the first of May next for One dollar and seventy five cents per Rod. the whole distance to the Roxbury line being One hundred and Sixty Rods. 1S51— March 7. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legallj' warned and Assembled — Dea. John Robinson was chosen moderator — O Wliyte Town Clk & sworn John Robinson James Leeds Jolin Hayden Selectmen & Assessors Oliver AVhyte Town treasurer / 578 Doct. Pierce Selectmen Dea E. Corey Gen'l School Committee Reubiu Hunting N. District Joseph White Middle Tho Tilden South Prudential School committee Geo W, Stearns Elisha Stone surveyors of wood &c. Caleb Craft Caleb Clark fence Viewers Dan'l Pierce Cha Stearns field drivers Cha Stearns E Corey Junr Dan'l Pierce Tythingmen Abel B. Shaw, pound Keeper James Robinson Hogreave Whyte elk of Market Doct Wild J. Hayden Ebeu'r Heath committee on Town accounts Elisha Stone Constable John Bullard had forty five Votes for Count}^ Treasurer Enos Ford had forty Votes for County Register Voted that the Report of the Committee which were chosen in November to digest a plan for the collection of Taxes be accepted H^which is entered in this Book, after March Meeting of 1833 — Voted that Cattle belonging to the Town shall not run at at large within the Town without a Keeper and that Cattle belonging to other Towns shall not run at large without a permit from the Selectmen Whyte Town Clk 1831 April 4. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline Legally warned and assembled for the choice of Governor Lieut. Gov'r Senators & Councillors. For Governor His Excellency Levi Lincoln had Sixty threes Votes Hon Marcus Morton had five Votes For Lieut. Gov'r The Hon Tho. L Winthrop had Sixty three ! Votes Hon Nathan Willis had five Votes 579 For Senators (t Councillors Hon John Endicott had forty seven A'otes " Sam'l r. Loiul luul forty four Votes " Lewis Fisher had forty four N'utes " Christo Webb had nineteen " John Baily had nineteen " Moses Thatcher had nineteen Votes " Seth Boyden had three & " Royal Turner had three Votes Dca John Robinson was then chosen Moderator Voted to Raize live hundred dollars for highways to be worked out in the Usual manner Geo Whiting 1 North Sam'l Craft 2. B. B. Davis 3. C Clark 4 Eben'r Heath 1 middle Dan'l Pierce 2. Wm. Ackers 3 Caleb Craft 1 South Cha Tappau 2, Surveyors of IIighwa3s Voted that the Town continue the practice as heretofore of warning our Town meetings b}' having printed notifications left at the house of each of the Inhabitants which shall mention the time and place and objects of such meeting and that the Selectnipn issue their warrant accordingly Voted that the Town treasurer be authorized and directed to pay Fifty dollars to the Treasurer of the Norfolk Engine for the purchase of Hose & Carriage Voted that the Ma^- meeting be post poned from the first Monday to the Eleventh da}- of Ma^- for the present year — AVhvte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline for the choice of Representative to the General Court and to take the yea's and nay's in the proposed Amendment of the Constitution assembled on 11th May 1831, and also to hear the Report of their Commit- 580 tees, and appropriate Money for the expenses of the Town the Current year For Representative, Dea John Robinson had Thirty Votes Dea Joshua C. Clark had thirteen "Votes Mr Augustus Aspinwall had Three Votes For the amendment of the Constitution there appeared nineteen Votes — against the amendment twenty one Votes — Dea John Robinson was then cliosen moderator. Voted that the Report of the Committee be accepted Voted that the Town Raize Four thousand dollars for the expense of the Town the current year — Voted that one hundred dollars be paid Doct. Pierce's singing ' societ}^ Voted that a committee of three persons be chosen to make a report on the Bills exhibited against the Town for opening the Roads through the Snow the last winter, that it consist of Mr Benjamin Goddard the Hon Richard Sullivan and Deacon Elijah Corey, and that they make their Report at the meeting in Novem- ber next O Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the choice of Governor Lieut. Gov'r Senators and Councillors and Representative to the General Court on the 14th day of November 1831, did there give in the following Votes For Governor. His Excellency Levi Lincoln had Fifty Six Votes. Hon. Samuel Lathrop had eighteen Votes. Hon. Marcus Morton had seven Votes. For Lieut. Governor. Hon. Tho. L. "Winthrop had Seventy four Votes " John Mills had seven Votes 5S1 For Senators & Councillors Hon John Endicott had Sixty lour Votes " Samuel P. Loud had Fifty Seven " Joseph Ilawes had Sixty four " Christo Webb had Eighteen " John Baily had Eighteen " Moses Thatcher had Eighteen and " Henry Gardner had Eight Votes. A vote was then taken for Representative to the Gonoral Court. But making no choice — A motion was made and carried that we send no Representative the present 3car. Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator, and tlic Jur}- box renewed with the following names Joseph White Dan'l fierce Cha Stearns Juu'r Moses Jones Josopli Goddard Marshal Stearns David Coolidge Abijali AV. Goddard Geo W. Stearns Nath'l Murdock Enos AVithington Tho. W. Sumner Benjamin Goddard Charles Stearns sen'r Timothy Corey Otis AVithington Sam'l Craft Tho Griggs Thomas AVhit- marsli Joshua C. Clark James Robinson August. Aspinwall, Eben'r Heath Eben'r Richards Jun'r Elijah Corc^- Sen'r Reubin Hunting Tho. Tildcn O Whyte Town Clk At a Special meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall December 19th 1831, to see what the Town will do respecting the petition of Thad- deus Jackson and others for a Road in the south part of the Town — Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator when it was — A'oted that a Committee of Five be chosen to attend to said Petition, to examine the premises and to Report at an adjourn- ment of tliis meeting their opinion upon the subject — tiiat tliis Committee consist of 74 582 Mr. Benjamin Goddard Thomas Tilden Samuel Craft EbenezerJ Heath and Tho W. Sumner — then adjourned till Friday next at 2 O Clock P. M. December 23d 1831. At an adjourned meeting on Friday the Town Voted that the Report of the committee appointed to examini the Premises &c Accepted and that the same persons be a Com] mittee to meet the County Commissioners at the time and place and for the purposes mentioned in the above report OWhyte TownClk 1832, March 5. At a meeting of the Inhabitants legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall — Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator — O Whyte Town Clerk & sworn Dea John Robinson Mr John Hayden Charles Stearns Jun Selectmen and Assessors Oliver Whyte Town Treasurer & Collector Otis Withington 1 North Tho Griggs 2. N Sam'l C. Davis 3. Sam'l Philbrick 4. John Bass 1 Middle Eben'r Richards 2. Jos White 3. John Turpin 1 South Nath'l Murdock 2. S Surve3'ors of Highwaj's Doct Pierce Rev'd J. Warne Dea E Corey Selectmen Gen'l School committee Reubin Hunting North Dan'l Pierce Middle Thomas Tilden South prudential committee Joshua Magoon Benja F. Cutter Elisha Stone Survej'ors of! wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence Viewers Benja F. Cutter Dan'l Pierce Charles Stearns Field Drivers Charles Stearns Elijah Corey Jun'r Dan'l Pierce Tythingmen Daniel Pierce Pound Keeper 583 S. II. Perkins Benja. F. Cutter Cha Stearns Jun'r Ilogreaves Geo W. Stearns Clk of Market Doct. Wild Ebeu'r Ileatli Deu. E. Core}- committee on Town Accounts Elisha Stone Constable John Bullard received Fifty four Votes for Count}- Treasurer Voted That Cattle belonging to the Town shall not run at large without a keeper — and from other Town's they shall not run at large without a permit from the selectmen Voted To raize Five hundi'ed dollars for the Highways O Whyte Town Clk At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled the 2d da}- of April 1832, Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator. Voted That the taking a Valuation of the Town be postponed Voted That a Committee be chosen to appear before the County commissioners at Mr. Jameson's and oppose the petition of the Turnpike Corporation. that this Committee consist of William Guild Benjamin Goddard Dea Joshua C. Clark Dea Elijah Corey & Thomas W. Sumner O. White Town Clk 1832 May llli At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legall}- warned and Assembled Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator Voted That the report of the Committee on Town accounts bo Accepted Voted to raize Four Thousand dollars for the Expence of the Town the current year Voted the acceptance of the report of the committee appointed to meet the County Commissioners to make objections to its being given up for a counly road 584 Voted that the same committee chosen at april Meeting be authorized and empowered to accept such proposition as the proprietors of the Worcester Turnpike may ofler, if in their opinion it be for the Advantage of tlie Town of Brookline that so much of the Turnpike road as lies in the Town, Should be a County road and the offer of the Turnpilce corporation be a satisfac- tory indemnification for the Expense to wliich the Town must be subjected to keep it in Repair — Voted To Grant the Singing society One hundred Dollars O. Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline the 12th Novem- ber for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor. Lieu- tenant Governor Senators & Counsellors, for Representative to the State Legislature, and for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, when there appeared for Gov, Levi Lincoln Seventj^ six Votes Marcus Morton twent}- nine Votes Samuel Lathrop Ten Votes For Lieut. Governor, Samuel T. Armstrong Seventy nine votes ^ John Mills twenty nine Timothy Fuller nine votes For Senators John Endicott Seventy eight Votes , S. P. Loud Seventy eight Joseph Hawes Seventy eight Darius Brewer Twenty nine Consider Southworth Twent}' nine Obed Allen Twenty nine Christopher Webb nine John Baily nine Georo'e Hawes nine Votes For Representatives to State Legislature John Robinson had Sixty luur ^'ott's Bcnj Bradley had Thirty James Leeds seventeen For Electors of President and Vice President Charles Jackson Tho. II. Pcikins Gideon liarstow Kbcn'r Mosely Nathan Brooks Aaron Tufts Samuel Lee Ebcnezer Mattoon James Byers Henry Shaw James Richardson Cornelius C4rinnell Nymphas Marston Jotham Lincoln The above Ticket had Seventy Eight Votes Kovevi '12th The following Ticket had Sevent}- two Votes Nathan Willis Charles Ilood Ellphalet Case Eben'r Seaver Peter IL Pierce Wm. W. Thompson Rich'd Olney Charles Sibley Amos Noyes John Moriarty Phineas Allen John W Williams Perlc}- Barton Sam'l Stimpson The following Ticket had Seven Votes. John D. Williams Jacob Hall John Baily Joseph Rickctsou Wm. B. Breed Tho Payson Benja Wyman John Chatlee Asa Stebbins Benja Hallett Zach'r Eddy Plinj- Merrick Stephen P. Gardner James W. Robbins John Robinson was then chosen Moderator when it was Voted that a committee be appointed to see what alterations can be made in the mode of repairing Highways that this conmiittee consist of I Benjamin Goddard Thomas Griggs Augustus Aspinwall Joseph White & John Warren and that they Report at March meeting Voted that the Poll tax of engiiiemen be remitted O. Wliyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled March 4th 1833. Dea John Robinson was chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clerk 586 John Robinson John Thayer Cha Stearns Jun'r Selectmen & Assessors Oliver Whyte Town Treasurer & Collector Survej'ors of Highways Aug. Aspinwall 1st North C. Stearns Sen'r 2. Edward Hall 3. Reubin Hunting 4, Hugh M. Sanborn 1 Middle Daniel Pierce 2. Joseph White 3 Tho Tilden 1 South John Warren 2 — Doct. Pierce Rev'd Jos. Warne Dea E. Corey & Selectmen General School Committee Reubin Hunting North Jos. White Middle Tho Tilden South Prudential School Committee E Stone Joshua Magoun Survej^ors of wood & Lumber Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence viewers Benja F. Cutter Dan'l Pierce Charles Stearns Field Drivers Cha Stearns Elijah Corey Jun Dan'l Pierce Tythingmen John Robinson Ebeu'r Heath Dan'l Pierce Geo W. Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards Daniel Pierce — Pound keeper E. Richards Jr. J. W. Bass John Stearns Ste'n Jones Theo Murdoch, Albert A. Robinson Hogreaves Doct. Cha. Wild Eben'r Heath Dea Elijah Corey committee on Town accounts John Bullard had Fifty nine Vote for County Treasarer Elisha Stone was chosen Constable Voted that the Report of Committee on Highwaj's be accepted (as entered on the follow page) [588] Voted that the Assessors be Required to annex to each Sur- ve^'ors list so much of the above report as expresses the price allowed for Labor on the Highwaj^s Voted that Five hundred dollars be assessed on the Town the present year for Highwa3's Whereas the County Commissioners for the County of Norfolk contemplate laying out as a public road the Worcester Turnpike .587 as far as it lies in said County \viiicli Avill impose the expense of keeping the same in repair upon the Town <^»f lirookline far as it passes in said Town — And whereas the "Worcester turnpike Cor- poration by tlieir directors have agreed with a committee of this town tliat if tlK\v would withold ()[)i>osition to the laying out the same the said Corporation will pay the Town the sum of Five hundred dollars for the purpose of repairing said IJoad and as it ■will be necessary that the repairs should be commenced as soon as the means arc supplied it is therefore — Voteil that Benjamin Goddard eTohu Hayden and Daniel Sanderson be the surveyors to repair the said Road according to their best discretion and that the}- are hereby' authorized to draw on the Treasurer for the amount that shall be in his hands as Rec'd from said Corporation with full authority of procuring materials & labor but not to ex- ceed the Funds aforesaid — and that the}' make report of their doings at the First Town meeting after the}- have accomplished the object for which they are chosen, and sooner if the Town shall require it with an account of their Expenditures Voted That Cattle shall not run at large without a keeper Voted That a committee of seven. Viz Charles Stearns Renbin Hunting James Leeds Timo'y Corey Thomas Griggs Joshua C. Clark & John Robinson be appointed to examine the situation of the North School district and see if any and what alterations can be made to advantage and report at April meeting Voted that the several surveyors of Highways cause the snow which may block up or incumber the roads to be removed or trod- den down by assigning to the several persons within their limits their ratable proportion of days work and assigning certain days for disincumbering the Roads of snow or give notice thereof ac- cording to Law, to the end that the members of each surveyors district may keep open the roads within the same without charge to the Town. 588 Report of Committee on Highways. The committee appointed at the Towu meeting of November last for the purpose of Considering whether any alteration can be made to improve the mode of repairing high\va3-s in this Town have attended that duty and are convinced by investigation that an alteration may be made that will be beneficial to the Town In the first place they would express their Views in regard to the expedienc}^ of Iceeping our roads good We believe that money judiciously applied in making good roads and keeping them in good repair would be very amply repaid at any expence it would cost, more especial!}^ in this Town, as the Farmer here requires so mucli more use of Ihem than those remote from the City — Here we have dailj- intercourse with the City, the receipt of the produce of our farms to be carried to the marlvet is in many cases as much greater than that from the farms at a distance as one hundred to one, and the weight of the manure necessary to be transported over the roads for our farming oppera- tions is still more, and added to those whose necessary constant intercourse with the city with light carriages are considerations to show the great advantage that would accrue to us as an agricultu- ral community to keep our roads in good repair at all times — And it is believed that those who may use them only with light carriages, tho they really w^ear them but little will cheerfully pay their proportion of the expense for the pleasure the^^ would enjoy — And should any of the Inhabitants be desirous of selling their estates, what can they add to allure the attention of pur- chasers better than an habitual attention to the roads — Other towns in this vicinity are availing themselves of these advantages — We see Roxbury, Dorchester, Cambridge all attending to their interests by greatly improving their roads, and we must suffer as they rise if we keep behind them — It is therefore manifest to your committee that the interests of this town requires a more vigorous attention to this subject, our roads not near so good as 589 they ought to he, ami as it wouhl ho for our interest to have them, arising partly for Ihr want of more Lahuur and partly froui a mis- application of the Tax — Our present system has man}' defects — First the dividing of the Town into districts is seldom satisfactory'' to all, some will think the}- have not their share of the tax, others the sections being small that they have not suital)le men for sur- veyors — secondly' the forced manner by which surveyors are appointed is often very repulsive to the incumbent as it imposes on him a task that he feels (as he frequentl}- is) incompetent to perform, the consequence is that he is desirous of getting rid of the Business as soon as possible, he calls for the Labour and works out the tax in about two days leaving the road afterwards to take care of itself heavy rains afterward frequently till the water courses, the water breaks over the road and washes in half an hour more than can be repaired without many days labour, the road thus gullied and the loose stones are left to stumble over till another 3ear Again the manner in which our road tax is made payable Viz. allowing it to be paid in Labour at $1.50 for 10 hours for a man, the same for a j'oke of Oxen cart and Tools when One dollar will produce the same labour is altogether fallacious and if opperating in any way but to cheat the roads, it is to cheat individuals, for if l.oO pr. day is taken from any one ignorant of the rule while another in fact pays but one dollar it is manifestly unjust — but the stratagem if it may be so called is generally discovered and men are hired to work oiit the tax and those who will do it for the least will be sent and it will be found generalh-. that the cheapest are not the best — To remedy all these defects your commit- tee think that an entire change should be made by making the Tax payable in money and placing it in the hands of commission- ers to be expended at their discretion, such a plan well executed would undoubtedly give us the best roads for the least expence But in the execution of such a plan would the success entirely 76 590 depend — they therefore do not now see the way clear to propose! an entire alteration — but they do recommend that the Town so far t;hange the mode heretofore practised upon as to make the tax payable to the surve3'or in money or in Labour at one doUarj for ten hours labour for a Man and the same for a yoke of Oxen] cart and Tools — by this mode man^^ who haA'e no Team or per-J haps no man, would pay the money, which will enable the Sur- ve^-or to perform his dut^' to much grea'ter advantage he can retain! the money to expend from time to time in Repairing water courses! picking up loose stones &c &c A few daj^s labour after the prin- cipal part of the work is done if applied at proper times, would in^ the opinion of your committee save much expence and keep the road in much better order But with this amendment your committee are aware that much very much must depend upon the good judgment and fidelity of the Surveyors (of which considering the interest we all hold in having good roads) it is to be hoped that each of us who may be called to that office will be duly impress'd and that we shall (in good feeling) Vie with each other who shall perform best. Benj. Goddard Joseph White John Warren Thomas Griggs. Voted That the taxes hereafter be assessed for repairs of the Highwaj'S be payable in Labour at the rate of One dollar for ten hours for the labour of a Man with necessary tools and the same for a yoke of oxen cart & tools whenever said labour is called for by the Surveyor or in monc}' on Demand at the option of the Taxed. And that the several surveyors be swoni according to law, And that they be required to deposit their accounts with the Town Clerk to be examined and passed by the Committee on accounts and pa}- the ballance (if any remaining in their hands) to the Town Treasurer. Voted That the Assessors be required to annex a cop}' of the preceeding Vote to the several lists of Taxes which they shall com- mit to the surveyors for their guide 591 Report on Collkctino Taxks lH;n The committee api)ointed at the Town Meeting hokl on the first da}- of November last to digest a pUin for the collection of Taxes have considered the subject and bog leave to Report That for some j-ears past there appears to have been a disposition among the Inhabitants of many of the Towns in tlie Common- wealth to adopt some improvements in the mode of collecting taxes, which should at once be more simple and more economical, and probably the Law passed in February 18 IG, empowing Towns to make their Treasurer the Collector had its origin in this state of the Public mind. The advantage to the People of paying over immediately to the Officer Avho has hitherto received the same monies indirecth' and after considerable dela}- is obvious. It will enable him as Treas- urer to meet the demands u[)ou the Town with punctuality' without the inconvenience trouble and expense of borrowing as has some- times been the case heretofore, and he can afford to collect the Taxes cheaper than an}' other person it ma}' also occassionally be a convenience to some of the inliabitanls who may have accounts against the Town which have been passed, to have these and their Taxes settled at the same time with the Treasurer. The Com- mittee therefore recommend for adoption tlie following Votes, Viz 1st Voted that the Town treasurer be ex oflicio the collector of taxes and that one and a quarter p cent upon the actual col- lection be allowed him as a compensation for his own services and those of any deputy he may think proper to appoint — That he be authorized to appoint a Deputy, — and that the Treasurer as Col- lector and also the Deputy Collector shall give Bonds respectively to the Town for the faithful performance of their Respective duties under such penalties and with such surities as shall be satisfactory to the Selectmen. ■2d. Voted that the single poll taxes be payaltle on the tentli thiy ol' June and all olliers Taxes on the first day of January 592 3d. Voted That the Taxes be assessed and a List thereof put into the hands of the Treasurer as Collector on or before the first day of June, and that having provided printed bills at the expense of the Town, he immediately make out and send to each inhabi- tant and Non Resident his Tax bill which said Bill shall specify as follows 1st. The State, Count}^, Town and Parish tax. 2d. The daj's and hours and the place when the Collector will attend to Receive payment the said days to be between the 20th December and first of January inclusive 3d. A statement in particular of the course pointed out by Law against delinquents The Committee say nothing above of any abatements or allow- ance such as it has been usual to make on payment of a Tax bill on or before the first of January they think it quite evident that the Town has derived no benefit from the practice, and as respects the Inhabitants generally that the appearance of advantage which it holds out is deceptive, and moreover that were there any advan- tage attending it the operation of such a rule in cases where non residents and others from Ignorance may not avail themselves of it, would be unjust It appears therefore lo j'our Committee a much more simple, equal and better plan to estimate only what is reall}^ wanted for the Town expenses without therein providing for deductions for prompt payment, and that it be distinctly understood by the In- habitants that each is to pay his part at the time fixed — all which is respectfully^ submitted — Rich'd Sullivan Benja Goddard Tho Griggs Brookline March 1831 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled, for choice of Representative to Congress and other Business April 1st 1833. 593 Hon II. A. S. Dearborn Iiad Forty three Votes William Jack [son] Esq'r had Fifteen Votes l)ea. John Robinson was then chosen moderator, it was then Voted that the report of the Committee on the North School lioiisc be accei)ted — Voted that the sum of Eight hundred dollars be raized for the purpose of erecting a School House in the North District near the situation of the present building, to be not less than twenty five b}' thirt}' feet, and two stories in height and lilletl with all neces- sary seats and flnished in a workmanlike manner, Provided that a sufficient sum be raized by subscription to fmish the same, should the above sum be insullicient, the present House to be used so far as may be useful — Voted that the same Committee on the North School house be appointed to superintend the building Voted that the committee for repairing the turnpike road so called be authorizeil to draw on the Town treasurer for One hun- dred dollars to be laid out on said road in addition to what has already been apportioned for that purpose they to account for the same — Voted that John Warren, Thomas Tilden amd O. AVhyte be a committee to receive Col Perkins proposition for removal of the middle School house. O. Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled to give in their Votes for Representative to congress and for other Business May G. 1833. Hon H. A. S. Dearborn had Sixty two Votes Wm. Jackson Esquire Twenty one Votes Doct Dan'l Thurber had one Vote. Dea John Robinson was chosen moderator, when the commilteu 594 oil Town Accounts submitted their Report which was accepted, when it was Voted that Four Thousand dollars be raized for the Expenses of the Town the present year — Voted that the Town Treasurer be empowered to borrow for the use of the Town four hundred dollars when the School house is raized if called for by the building Committee — Voted that the removal of the middle be postponed indefi- nitely — Voted That Dea John Robinson, Benja Goddard, and Enos Withington be a committee to meet the Count}' Commissioners and oppose the petition of Josiah Newell and others for a road from Dorc'r to Boston through Brookline — Voted that the above Committee be empowered to employ counsel should it be thought uecessaiy — O Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for repre- sentative to Congress June 10 1833. Hon H. A. S. Dearborn had Sixty six Votes William Jackson Esq'r had Thirty Votes Doct. Dan'l Thurber had One Vote O Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legallj^ warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Repre- sentative to Congress August 12, 1833 — • Hon H. A. S. Dearborn had Sixt}' three Votes William Jackson Esq'r had Thirty three Votes Dan'l Thurber had One Vote O Whyte Town Clk 5JI5 At a Meeting of the luliabitauts of Brookline legalh* warned ;iik1 assembled to give in their Votes lor Governor Lieut Governor iV Senators Representative to the state Legislature and to Con- moss, and also give in their Votes on the proposed amendment to tlie constitution of the state Nov 11th 1833 For Governor John Davis Esquire had Sixty Votes John Quincy Adams Esc^'r hatt thirt}' one Votes Marcus Morton Esc^'r had thirteen Votes For Lieut. Governor Samuel T. Armstrong Esq had sixt}- six Votes Sam'l Lathrop Esq had Thirt}' one James Fowler Esq had eight Votes For Senators & Councillors John Endicott had Sixty eight Votes Sam'l r Loud had Sixty eight Votes Jos Hawes had Sixty eight Votes Christopher Webb had Thirty John Baily had Thirty George Ilawes had Thirty D. W. Fiske Eight B. C. Wales Eight John Whitney Eight For State Representative Dea John Robinson had Forty Six Votes James Leeds had Thirty- Eight For Representative to Congress — Hon H. A. S. Dearborn had Fort}' seven Votes William Jackson Esq had Forty two Votes Hon Rich'd Sullivan had Ten Votes Daniel Thurber four Votes 596 Votes on the Constitution For the Amendment there appeared Seventy one Votes Against the Amendment — Twelve O White Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Representative to Congress 16th December 1833 there appeared for Hon H. A. S. Dearborn Thirt}^ nine William Jackson Twenty one Daniel Thurber Three Whyte Town Clk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Repre- sentative to Congress and other business 27 January 1834 Hon H. A. S. Dearborn had forty six votes William Jackson Esq had twentj' eight Daniel Thurber three & the Hon R Sullivan three Dea John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town Voted That Benja Goddard, John Haj'den & E Heath be a committee to meet the County Commissioners at Perkin's & Woodwards on the 11th February and remonstrate against grant- ing the Prayer of the Petition of Samuel Stones and others, it appearing that the said petition is merely a renewal of the Petition of Thaddeus Jackson and others which was presented in the year 1831, and for precisely the same object O. Whvte Town Clk March 1834 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled for the purpose of giving in their 597 ^ otes for Representative to Congress tmd for other purposes 3 iMurch 1834 Hon II. A. S. Dearborn had Tliirty nine Votes William Jackson Esc^'r Sixty three Daniel Tlmrber Three Hon Rich Sullivan Three Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clk & sworn John Robinson John Ilavdeu Cha Stearns Jun'r Selectmen & Assessors Oliver Whyte Treasurer & Collector Surve3'ors of Highways Augustus Aspinwall 1 Noi'th Marshal Stearns 2 North James Leeds 3 North John II. Pierce 4 North Ebeu'r Heath 1 middle Eben Richards Jun. 2 middle Dan'l Sanderson 3 middle Tho M. Woodward 1 South John H Wilkins 2. Do. Doct John Pierce Rev Jos Warne Dea Elijah Corey & Select- men Gen'l School Committee Reubin Hunting North Joseph White Middle Tho Tilden South prudential committee Elisha Stone Joshua Magoon Survej'ors of wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark. Fence Viewers Dan'l Pierce Bonja F. Cutter Field Drivers C. Stearns Jun E Corey Jun Daniel Pierce Tythingraen John Robinson Joshua C Clark Daniel Pierce Geo. W. Stearns Charles Stearns Firewards Elizur Ilolj-oke, pound keeper Simon Clifford Caleb Craft Jun'r Caleb Clark Ilogreaves Doct Cha Wild Dea. Corey Mr Ebeu'r Heath committee on Town accounts- John Bullard had fifty eight Votes John Guild liad Ten Votes fur county Treasurer 70 598 Voted that the Town pound near Mr. Eben'r Heaths be put in repair immediately Voted that Cattle Horses or Horse kind shall not run at large within the limits of the Town the present j-ear with or without a Ivec])er Voted that Five hundred dollars be levied for Highway tax on Districts the present year Voted that two hundred dollars be appropriated for the Worces- ter turnpike, and worked out b}' the same Committee chosen last with the addition of Dea Daniel Pierce & Ebenezer Richards Jun'r Voted that Richard Sullivan Benjamin Goddard Deacon Elijah Corey and Deacon Thomas Griggs be a Committee for defining the Interests of the Town and first Parish and report at the adjourned Meeting April 7th Voted that Samuel Philbrick, Dea Joshua C. Clark and Daniel Sanderson be a committee to examine the power of the town in restraining Cattle from Running on the HighwaN^s and Report at th^ Adjourned Meeting in April O Whyte Town Clk April 1834 At an adjourned meeting April 7th 1834 The Town gave an unanimous Vote for Daniel Sanderson as Selectman in room of John Haj'den declined. The report of the committee for defining the interests of the Town and first Parish was Read by Mr Sullivan and the Votes proposed by the committee were unanimousl}?" adopted. Report on Parish. The committee appointed to define the Interests of the Town and first Parish as they stand related having considered the sub- ject Report — That until the organization of the second religious society the first Parish under the existing laws was deemed to be a territorial Parish and as such its limits were identicle with those 599 nf tho Town and oaeh and ovcmt Inhabitant was liable to taxation "u liis poll and property real and personal for (lie support of Public worship — But an}- Inhabitant Ijcing a nioniber of an}' other religious society in another Town was entitled under a Law of 1811 to require that any such tax assed should be paid over to his own Minister — The Assessors of the T(jwn were the Parish Assessors the Town Clerk was also the Parish clerk, and the Town Treasurer the Parish Treasurer. The Parochical ex- penses were not paid from any fund kept apart from the funds of the Town, but in the estimates of the year Ministers Salary and other Parish Charges were classed as Items of a general estimate of monies required for the disbursements of the Town. On the 5th September 1804 the Town purchased of AVilliam As[)inwall and Stephen Sharp the piece of land comprized within the fol- lowing lines Viz commencing near the AA'^enue to the Estate of Mr. Silas Pierce (a small Gore of land of Jacob Eustis interven- ing) thence up the road AV^estwardly past the meeting-house, Thence south westwardly and Southerly by the Town road to Jacob Eustis's Estate, thence by said Eustis's land eastwardly then Northeasterly and Northerly by a curve line to the starting l)oint. In the year 1805, the present meeting House was built and the entire space now lying in common round it was laid open, the Horse Sheds now standing on part of the same ground, were orrected by consent of the town at the expense of individuals, The Supreme Court have decided that whenever any Number of individuals being inhabitants of any town and belonging to the territorial Parish therein secede from said Parish, and form another religious Society within the limits of the same town, the property before appropriated by the town to the use of the first Parish shall be considered thereafter as the property of said i)arish and not of the Town, The committee according to the Principle of the above decis- GOO sion have now to point out wliat propert}- of the town appears to have been appropriated or may be thought now equitably as- signable to the said first Parish. First the}^ are of opinion that the land on which the meeting House stands, and that on which the Sheds are placed, ought to be considered as appropriated to the exclusive use of said Parish. Second, that the land lying open around the meeting House the same having always been used as a training field for the Militia of the Town will as an easment to the Parish should forever here- after lie common. Third as respects the Lot South of the Meeting house, as the same could never be encumbered with buildings without endan- geriijig the Meeting house from fire or obstructing the light and air and can never be of any worth to the town except for the stone and gravel, the committee therefore recommend, that said Lot, extending to Mr. Eustis's line be henceforward considered as part and portion of the common land secured to the town and said Parish Jointlj-, reserving to the Town however the right to take stone and gravel from the same at all times. Fourth, the land on which the Town house stands and the space south of said building to the sheds appears to the committee to be the exclusive property of the Town as also the entire Lot east of the same building and improved as a pasture, also a tri- angular piece in the crotch of the road west of the meeting House The onl}' other parcels of land in which the Town & Parish, as far as the Committee can discover have anj^ Interest or colour of interest together are the following 1st the Estate called the Parsonage, of the first Parish w^hich was conveyed to a committee of the Town by Edward Kitchen Walcott and Hannah Walcott his wife by deed dated 14th day August 1781, and as expressed in the Language of the Deed "for the sole purpose and use of the Minister of the Congregational 601 (liiirch in said Town of Jiiooklinc, wlicicof the Kt-vM .I()Soi)li .Incksou is the pix'sont rastor. and liis successors in tliat olliec ver to tlie exclusion of all and every other dcnoniinalion that -:: sists at present or may in future" lM the lot on which the old Meeting House Stood In regard to this the Town past tlu- following Vote. August 21. l-SOG. Voted that the old meeting house be added and it hereby is added, to the Parsonage It appears further that by a Deed of Samuel White bearing date 5tli March 1759 the Selectmen are made trustee's of a Wood lot in Needham, about twenty acres which is declared in the words of the Deed, to be for a Wood Lot to supply the Minister or Min- ister's that may be settled in said town from time to time, a por- tion of the wood was cut and sold and the proceeds invested in a Note and Mortgage of one Daniel Colby, the sum $833.34 and is now due It appears further that the Deacon's of the First Parish stand as trustee's of one Acre of Marsh land conve3'ed to them by Wil- liam Aspinwall by Deed February 1st 1823, for the use of Jolni Pierce D D. and his successors in the Gospel ministry in the first congregational church in Brookline being the same that was owned by the Kev'd James Allen the first minister in the Town The committee upon a review of the facts and considerations above stated recommend to the Town to pass the following Votes as embracing all the measures which appear necessary or expedi- ent to be taken at present in the Premises — all which is sub- mitted li'd Sullivan Benja. Goddard Elijah Corey Thomas Griggs Committee Pakisii. Voted 1st As the sense of the Town that the parcel of Land comprized within the following Limits. Viz beginning at a point 602 JL on the County road which point ranges with the west side of the Town House thence by said West side of the Town House to the first corner front of the Horse sheds, thence by the north side of the first shed, to the Nortli east corner thereof — thence by th^ back line of the range of sheds souther!}' to where the same strikes the hind of Jacob Eiistis, thence b}' the boundar}^ line between said Eustis and the Town's land, Westwardly to the Town road — thence. Northerl}' or otherwise as the road runs ro the first men- tioned boundar}' — that the same be and shall forever hereafter be considered common land as between the Town and first Parish and lie common for mutual benefit, except the land whereon the Meeting house stands and the land on which the sheds about the same stand the former to be deemed the propert}' of the first Parish, and the latter the Property of the owners of the sheds subject however to any existing agreement between the Town and said owners in relation to said land, the town reserving to itself the right to take stone and Gravel from the hill back of the Meet- ing house Voted 2d As the sense of the Town that the land on which the Town House stands and the Passage waj- South of the same be- tween said House and Sheds and all the land Ij'ing east of said House and east of the sheds and east of a line which line is a con- tinuation of the back line of the sheds southerly to the land of Jacob Eustis is and the same shall hereafter be holden to be the exclusive property' of the town as distinct from the first Parish — Voted 3d That the Provisions, and declarations contained in the foregoing Votes, favorable to the First Parish shall not be held as binding on the town unless at the next meeting of said Parish the substance of said Votes be adopted as the sense of said Parish and the same be dul}' recorded in the Parish records — Voted 4th That the Town treasurer be and he is hereby au- thorized and directed to paj'- the Interest of Daniel Colby's Note as the same may hereafter grow due and be received the one half 603 lO the Treasurer of the first Parish and the other Moitj' to the ri(>:isurer of the Baptist society for tlie use of the Respective Ministers tliereof untill the further order of the Town as Trustee Such otlier arangenients to 1)C uiaiU) as soon as may be to insure to the Ministers of said Societies respective!}- the income of the wood lot, given for their use by Samuel White — and the Select- men are requested to take measures accordingl}-. The following report was Koad and accepted — Cattle. The committee appointed at jNIarch meeting to examin the Laws relative to the Power of Towns in restraining Cattle from running at large on the Highways made the following Report — That from a full examination of the Statutes of this Commonwealth it appears that no Liberty or right has ever been granted to the inhabitants of an}' Town to turn their Cattle into the Public high- way for the purpose of grazing, and that the existing acts author- izing Towns to Prohibit Cattle from going at large without a Keeper, evidentl}' have no allusion to their feeding in the Public roads but onl}- to their removal from place to place and feeding on common lands, For it is a Remarkable Fact that the word ^ca7/s is not even mentioned in any of the acts in empowering Towns to " restrain cattle running at large " From some eronious impressions or mistaken apprehensions it appears to have been heretofore the prevailing opinion of the inhab- itants of this town that b}- annually passing a vote allowing no cattle to go at large without a keeper — Any person b}' providing a keeper had a right to pasture his Cattle in the Public Highways But on recurring to the reports of the cases tried and determined before the Supreme Courts of this Commonwealth, we find it has been there decided to have long since been a settled and estab- lisliod principle in common Law that the Land over which the Highway passes, still belongs to the original owner, his heirs or assigns subject to the right of ptissing — that the puVdic acquired 604 by the la-jnng out of the road — the Title of the Land, the free- hold & all the profits to he derived from it (excepting ns a pas- sage way) remain in the owner of the soil " he may even maintain trespass against the owner of Cattle turned there to feed, or for any injury done to the soil which is not incidental to the right of a passage wa3^s (Mass Eeport 16. 38) Your committee further find that no person is required to fence against Cattle feeding in the Road ; but against such only as may be rightfully on an adjoining close, and that cattle coming into the Town from adjacient towns, contrary to the vote taken on the sul)- ject can be lawfull}- taken up as well as those owned within the Town hy any individual and impounded in his private close (4th Pickering 258) These principles having been fully recognized and confirmed by our Supreme coui't there can no longer exist any Just reason for doubting the right possessed by the Town of Vot- ing an entire prohibition to our former practice of converting the Public roads into grazing pastures — It is therefore our united opinion that the Vote passed at our annual Meeting on March 3d Instant prohibiting Cattle from going at large at all is not only lawful but the best course, we could possibly pursue for the preser- vation of mutually good feeling and Harmony among ourselves, and for preventing the liabilit}^ of a constant litigation, which might naturallj' result from the continued practice of unlawfully grazing the public highway. Therefore let us henceforth unite in giving full support to these wholesome and established principles of common law, and thus preserve our public roads from all such incumbrances and obstruc- tions to a convenient and safe passage wa}'^ — and and " the rights of property and safety of Travellers will be greatl^^ secured " And I our Women can visit each other relieved from many apprehensions of danger and our children can attend school with greater safety all which is submitted in behalf of the Committee S. Philbrick Chairman Bruokliue March 20, 1834 G05 Voted, that Deacon Elijah Coiv}- — "William Dearborn — Joshua Magonii, James Leeds cV Joshua C. Clark be a committee on the petition of Martin JMorse and others for a Schoo^^ in the north part of the town, and Keport at May meetinj^' — O WJjyte Town Clk. May. At A meeting of the inhabitants of Brookline legally warned, and assembled Ma}- 5, 1.S31. Dea John Robinson was chosen moilerator Voted that the Report of the Committee on Town accounts be accepted Voted that the Estimate of expences for the ensuing year from the same Committee be accepted, and the sum of Thirt}- live hun- dred dollars be raized for the expences of the Town the Current year. Voted that the Report on the Petition of Martin Morse & others for a School in the North district near the Ship Yard be accepted. Voted that One hundred dollars be placed in the hands of Joshua INIagoun (who was chosen prudential School committee man) to Supply teachers for said school for One 3'ear, they fur- nishing their own room and fuel, all to be under the supereuteu- dance of the General School Committee. Voted that the Town treasurer be Authorized to Borrow two hundred dollars for the Worcester turnpike if necessar}-. Voted That, the Three Selectmen, and four Prudential Committee men, be a Committee to aportiou the funds to be raized for schools, to the Several School distficts as they ma^- think equitable — & Report at November meeting. Voted That the collector of Taxes for the town receive one quarter of one per Cent for Collecting in addition to the former allowance. O. Whyte Town Clk 77 GOG Avg 12. At a Meeting of the Inhabitauts ofBrookline legally AYanied and Assembled at town Hall, on the 12th August 1834* for the purpose of replenishing the Jurj- Box. Dea John Robinson was chosen Moderator, when the following list of names were called over and approved to be placed in the Jury box. Thomas Tilden Marshall Stearns Geo W Stearns Charles Stearns Jun'r Timothy Corey James Robinson Ebenezer Rich- ards Jun'r Otis Withington Abijah W. Goddard Joshua C. Clark Tho W. Sumner John Bass Elijah Corey Jun'r Caleb Craft Wm. Dearborn Benja B. Davis David R. Griggs John Haydeu James Leeds John H. Pierce Silas Pierce Sam'l Philbrick Dan'l Sander- son Seth Thayer Luther Thayer John Warren N B. this da}' a few minutes after 5 oClock P M. the Meeting house was struck b}' Lightening and took fire but was proveden- tialy saved by the few persons who attended the above meeting O Whyte 'i'ovvn Clk 1834 17, October Be it remembered that on the ITtli da}- of October 1834 We the subscribers being authorized as the Law directs met and proceeded to Perambulate the boundary line be- tween the Towns of Roxburj- and Brookline — Viz — beginning at the point in the full basin where the bounds of Boston Roxbur}- and Brookline meet, from thence continuing the channel of Muddy River to the North west corner of Lemuel Fosters land to the stone monument marked R. B. thence to a stone Monument on Washington street marked 11 B. from thence to a stone marked R B. lying in the wall near the dividing line between the land of Oliver Wh3'te and Samuel Philbrick — from thence to a stone marked R B. Ij'ing and Confined in a Willow tree near the end of the wall by the edge of the swamp belonging to the Heirs of Capt William Wyman, from thence to a stone marked R B. lying on a rock in the wall between the land belono-ing to the heirs of Wil- GOT liam Wymaii and tlic heirs ol" I'liomas White, thoucc to a stone marked 11 B. lying in the wall by a Ruck iu Thomas Wyman's pasture, thence to a large stone marked R IJ. lynig in the wall or fence between the lands of Thomas Lee and Joseph Curtis from thence to a stone monument marked R B. on Perkins Street. Thence to a stone set iu the ground on the Hill in Capt Cookes land from thence to a White oak tree standing in the wall between the lands of Mrs White and Joseph Goddard marked R B. thence by said w:vll to a Stone Monument marked R B. standing in Land of Stephen Childs heirs, thence to a Stake and Stones standing in land of the late Stephen Child, thence to a mommient marked R B. at the corner of Alvin Loker's lane tlieuce to a stone marked 'R B. lying on the wall on the east side of the end of late John Plarris's lane from thence to a stone marked R B, lying on a large Rock in the wall between the land of Goddard, Stearns, & Clark and land belonging to Charles Stearns Jun'r from thence to a stone Monument marked R B. at the corner of the wall between the late Wm. Baker and Mr. Woodward land from thence to a stone marked M B. lying at the bottom of the Wall, on the Wes- terly side of the road leading to Brookline, from thence to a large Stone marked N. R. B. in Weld's meadow being the Corner bound, between Roxb:uT Brookline and Newton all which bounda- ries we have agreed to the day and yeav before mentioned John Champnc}' Nath. S. Prentiss Isaac Davis Agents for Roxbur}- O Whyte Charles Searns Jr Agents for Brookline Odo. 31. We the subscribers being appointed to Perambulate the lines and re-establish the bounds between the Town of Newton and Brookline have attended that service and agree as follows Viz : Beginning at a Stone marked N B B. in John Kingsbury meadow and running from thence t© a stone marked N B on the corner of the wall at the end of the old lane, thence to a Stone G08 marked NB. on the end of the old wall, thence to a heap of Stones in a bunch of Maples, about three feet from a fence one marked N B. Thence to a heap of Stones on a rock in Land of Eben Craft, one marked N B. thence to an abutment stone at the cor- ner of the wall in Joseph Lee's land marked N. B. Thence to a ;( Stone marked NB. on the wall on the highway by land of Eben ^ Richards thence to a Stone marked N B on the southerly side of "Worcester turnpike under a Chestnut tree by land of Eben'r Richards, thence to a stone marked NB. in the wall on the , Northerly side of the road near the house of A.Hyde thence to a Stone marked N B in the corner of the wall by Ebenezer Crafts land (not found) thence to a Stone marked N B. in the Wall near Capt. Clarks land, thence to a stone marked N B. in the end of the wall, near stake meadow, thence to a stone marked N B. in stake meadow, which bounds makes a corner, thence to a stone marked N B. on the wall by land of T. Hj'de about twelve rods from the last mentioned bound, thence to a stone marked N B. in the highway opposite the end of the wall thence to a stone in the wall on the south side of the road near the Saw mill marked NB. Thence to a heap of stones on a large rock in Caleb Crafts pasture one marked N B. thence to a rock in the wall marked NB by the side of the old well in land of . A. Jackson, thence to a White Oak tree marked N B. standing in the wall, thence to a large stone on the rocks, in land of Mr. Billings marked N B. thence to a Stone & rock marked N B. in Mr. Welds pasture, tlience to a stone marked R N B. under a tree in D. Weld's meadow which bound makes the Corner between the Towns of Roxbur)^ Newton and Brookline — October 31, 1834. Daniel Sanderson O. Whyte Agents for Brookline ■, Stephen W. Trowbridge Nathan Trowbridge Selectmen of Newton 1834 Novem. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline 009 \ legally warned and assembled tit the Town I fall on the lOtli Novein 1834 for the choice of Governor Lt. Governor, Senators & Counsellors, Representative, to Congress and State Legislature and for other business — Votes were Received for Governor John Davis had nint}^ five votes IMarcus Morton had twenty- three John Bail}' had tw^entj' eight For Leiut Governor Samuel T. Armstrong had nint}' five votes William W. Thompson had twenty three George Odiorne had twenty eight For Senators & Counsellors Theron Metcalf had ninty six Votes Allen Tillinghast had ninty five Elijah Vose had ninty five Ebenezer Seaver had twenty three Abel Gushing had twentj^ three George Holbrook had twenty three Christ'r Webb had twenty nine George Hawes had twent}' nine Benja. P. Williams had twenty eight For Representative to Congress William Jackson had One hundred votes Richard Sullivan had Six Daniel Thurber had Thirteen James Leeds had one 610 For Representative to State Legislature Deacon John Robinson had seventy Votes James Leeds had sixty six votes Tho W. Sumner had two votes Dan'l Thurber One vote Edw'd Hall three votes in consequence there was no choice, and a vote was passed that we send no Representa- tive this 3'ear. Deacon John Robinson was then chosen moderator when the Town Voted to accept the Report of the Committee for the distri- bution of the school fund — Voted that Samuel Philbrick John Hayden & Reuben Hunting be a committee to have the Town Hall improved bj' altering the seats as they think proper — Voted, That in future our highwa}' tax shall be received by the collector with other taxes, and that the Town appoint connnis- sioners to superintend the expenditure of said tax throughout the town, that our highwa}^ district be discontinued after March next Voted That the Selectmen be a committee to furnish a New Hay scale soon as they think advisable. Voted That the Selectmen be a Committee to meet the Select- men of Roxbury to know on what conditions they will surrender the Engine Norfolk to the Town of Brookline — Report of the committee for the distribution of Funds to the different School Districts — J The committee chosen at the last May meeting to look into the situation of the Schools in this Town have attended to that ser- vice and ask leave to report. That they find by the examination of the schools the 25th March 1834 — The School in the South district under the care of ' Mr Converse has 13 scholars, present 17 on the list. School ini 611 the mulcUc district under care of Moses I'.iirliMiik V,') wore present, ..I) on the list. First North District under the care of Leonard S|i:iulding il were present G3 on the list, also one scIuxjI ui)der the care of Hannah Perry & Lucy Davis 4i) were present .").') on the list, whole luunbor 183. — Your committee recommend to the Town to dispense with a Male and emplo}' a Female Teacher in the s(;uth district — Fort3' eight weeks at §2.50 — 120 dollars and the}- further recommend the Town to Support two schools in the I first North district throughout the year, one female teacher 48 weeks (® 2.50 pr week 120. also one other female teacher 32 Weeks fa) 2.50 pr week 80$. the school to commence the first of april keep to the first of December, grant to the Second North District 100 dollars a year during the Towns pleasure, that the Forty six dollars saved to the Town hv the alteration in the South District should go to pay a female teacher in first North district the ensuing winter — John Robinson Cha Stearns Jr Dan'l Sanderson Joshua Ma- goun Renbin Hunting Joseph White Thomas Tilden Committee Brookline Novem 10. 1834 1835. March At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legall}' warned and assembled on the 2d da^^ of March 1835. for the choice of Town Officers and other business Dea. John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver Whyte " " Town Clerk & sworn. John Robinson* Charles Stearns Jun'r Dan'l Sanderson Se- lectmen & Assessors Dea John Robinson having declined the acceptance of his appointment as Selectman &c The Town passed an unanimous Vote of thanks for his long and valuable services in that station (being Thirty five years) *Abijah W. Goddard was chosen instead of Dea J Robinson .is Selectmen & Assessor Oliver Whyte was chosen Treasurer & Collector 612 Doct. Pierce, Rev Jos Warne, Dea. Elijah Core}'^ & the Select- men Gen School Committee North District — Reuben Hunting Middle do Joseph White South do Tho Tilden Second North do Joshua Magoun Pruden- tial school Committee Elisha Stone Joshua Magoun Surve3'ors of Wood &c Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence viewers Benja Goddard, Eben Richards, Josiah Richards Tho Saverns, Clark Haynes, Amos Snow Stephen S C Jones, John G. Stearns, Geo Newell & James Wentworth — Field Drivers Amos Snow, & James Wentworth were Sworn Elijah Corey Jun'r Charles Stearns Jun'r and Daniel Pierce Tythingmeu John Robinson, Joshua C. Clark Daniel Pierce, Geo. W. Stearns and Charles Stearns Sen'r Fire Wards Doct. Charles Wild Dea Elijah Corey & Eben'r Heath. Com- mittee on Town Accounts Daniel Sanderson, John Warren, Tho Tilden, & Timothy Core^' Surveyors or Commissioners on Roads Elisha Stone, Constable & Sworn John Bullard had Sixt}' seven Votes for County Treasurer Voted. That. Dea Timothy Corey, Thomas Tilden. & Benjamin Goddard be a committee to nominate persons to serve as Survey- ors, and call upon them and make a report of such as may consent to Serve, at the adjournment of this meeting. Voted That a Committee be appointed which shall be denomi-i nated Commissioners on Roads with power to act as surveyorgjj according to Law of all the Publick roads in the Town and that they be entitled severally to the sum of two dollars pr Day, or at the same rate for parts of days they may necessarily expend in thejj direction and superintendance of the business. Voted, To choose a committee to take into consideration thj) expediency of an application to the commissioners on Roads for il 013 new Road at the South westovl}- cud of tlie Town, beginning near the Ilonse of Messers AVoodwjinl tSc Perkins and, ending near the House of Mr. Benjamin White witii instructions to exaniin the proposed rout, with authority to eniplo}' at the expense of the Town, a Surveyor and such other useful aid as nia^- l)e necessar}' in obtaining the length of the proposed new road, and a descrip- tion of Soil over wliich it would })ass. Also the cost the town must be at in making said road and the probable annual expense ' in keeping it in Repair — Also to velw the alterations that are directed by the commissioners to be made upon the old road with an estimate of the cost thereof — and generally report their opin- " ion upon the probable eliect it w^ould be likely to have as to the * increase of travelling and the advantage or disadvantage such Travel would be to the Town — and report at the adjournment of this meeting — the Committee chosen for the above purpose were Hon Richard Sullivan. Ebenezer Heath. Isaac Thayer. Dea Thomas Griggs Benjamin Goddard. James Robinson Sam'l Phil- brick & the Selectmen The meeting was the adjourned to the 2;]d Instant at two OC'luck in the afternoon. At an adjourned meeting from the 2d Inst, to the 23 March. Dea John Robinson moderator Voted That the sum of Seven hundred dollars be appropriated, for the repair of the roads the current 3-ear. and that the Treas- urer be Authorized to borrow the sum if necessary reimbursable out of the pi'esent years tax. Voted That tiie-Trcasurer be authorized to pay the orders of the commissioners on roads, for such sums as they may choose to draw for from time to time for the repair of the roads, not exceeding in the whole the amount appropriated for that purpose, and that said coimnissioners present tlieir aceounts. to the .Committee on Accounts for examination and nliowanee. 78 614 Voted That the Surve3"ors of Highwaj's be authorized to pur- chase a small piece of land in Newton for the use of the Town in repairing the Highways. Voted That the Highwaj' tax be paid in money and not in labour the current year Voted That Cattle Horses and Horse kind shall not run at large within the Town the present 3-ear — Voted That, the Report of the Minority of the committee on the proposed road at the South west part of the Town be accepted, provided the Commissioners will discontinue their improvement ordered on the Putterham road below where the New road com- mences. - Voted That a bill of Seven dollars paid b}' Mr I. Thayer to gentlemen who came on to make an estimate of the expense of Making the new road be reimbursed to him by the Town. 1835 May. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the choice of County Commis- sioners and other Town business Maj- 4. 1835 — when there ap- peared for. Samuel P. Loud Forty Votes Lewis Fisher twenty three votes William Ellis twenty three Seth Mann Seventeen Jos Hawes Eighteen for Special Committee Benja P. Williams had thirty four Votes Asa French twentj' one John C. Scamrael Seventeen Isaac Davis two votes — Dea John Robinson was then chosen Moderator — when the Report on Town accounts was received and accepted — Voted That four Thousand dollars be raized for the current 615 expenccs of tlio Town the present year — including the Iligliway Tax — Voted Tliat the agreement made between the Roxljur^- Select- men and the Selectmen of Brookline respecting the Engine (be- longing to both towns) be accepted. Voted That the Town accept the proposition of Moses Jones to widun the Lane adjoining his land between the Turnpike and Brook. Voted. That the subject of grant for the Engine House be left to the Selectmen — O Wliyte Town Clk 1835. Novem 9 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor Lent. Governor, Senators and counsellors, and for the choice of Representative to the General Court and for other purposes. — The Votes Received were. for Governor. Edward Everett had uinty votes IMarcus Morton twenty seven Sam'l T. Armstrong Ten — For Lent. Governor. George Hull had Seventy one votes William Foster Fifty two Senators & Counsellors Allen Tillinghast, had seventy eight voles Theron Metcalf Seventy Elijah Vose seventj' two — Benja P. Williams Fifty six Abel Cushing Fifty Eben'r Blake Fifty For Representative to State Legislature — David R. Griggs had Seventy two votes James Leeds had Fifty two Thomas Griggs One Thomas Tilden One 616 Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator And on the Proposition for taking a New Vakiation it was Voted that it was not necessary at Present • O Whyte Town Clk I 1836 — February 2. The Selectmen met at the Post Office and filled the Certificate of Poor belonging to this Town and also the State Paupers, which were George Thompson aged 60 born in Stokely, county of Yorkshire in England came to this State in 1802, became chargable 1st Ma}' 1835 — Account made up, till 1st February 183G 3'J weeks (a) 90 Cts p week 35.10 Ann Potter 8 Years of age born in Brookline became chargable 1st January 1831, acc't made up to 1st Feb'y from 1 Jan 1835 396 days (a) 6 cts 23.76 1836 March. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled on the Seventh day of March 1836 for the choice of Town Oflficers and other business. Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator. Oliver Whyte Town Clerk & sworn Charles Stearns Jun'r, Dan'l Sanderson. A. W. Goddard Selectmen O Wliyte Town Treasurer & Collector Rev'd Doct. Pierce Rev'r Joseph Warne Dea John Robinson Dea E. Corey and the Selectmen General School Committee North Reubin Hunting Middle Joseph White South. Caleb Craft Jun'r Prudential School Committee Elisha Stone Surveyor of Wood & Lumber Caleb Craft Caleb Clark Fence veiwers Benja Goddard, Eben'r Richards Josiah Richards, Tho. SaA'crns, Clark Haynes, Amos Snow, S. S. C. Jones, J. G. Stearns & James Wentworth Field drivers Elijah Corey Jun'r Charles Stearns eTr Dan'l Pierce Tything-- men GIT John Robinson Jolm C. Clark Daiiirl Piorcc (leo. W. Stearns Charles Stearns Sen. Fire wards Elizur Ilolioke Pound Keeper Doct Charles "NViUl I)c:i Elijah Corey Ebene/cr Heath Com- mittee on Town Accts Elisha Stone Constable John Bnllard had Thirty one votes for Connty Tieasnrer. En* IS Foord had Fort}- one votes for County Register Voted to Raize for Repairs of Highways geneiuUy seven hun- dred dollars Voted that John llayden. Samuel Philbriek and Thomas Til- den be a Committee to ascertain if one Suitable man can be found to undertake the superentendanee and Repair of the Roads gen- erally thro the Town, — and Report at the adjuurnment of this meeting. Voted That the Selectmen be a Committee to Repair the Pnt- terham road to the acceptance of the County Commissioners agreeable to their return last year — and that the Selectmen be Authorized to draw on the Treasurer to the Amount of Repair — and the Treasurer is Authorized to Borrow the Money on behalf of the Town, till the Town shall raize the money to pay the same. Voted This meeting adjourned till the first monda}- in A[ml at three Clock P.M. April 4 At a meeting from the adjournment from the 7th March, The Committee Reported that no i»ersou suitable for the under- taking could be found to superintend the Repairs of the Roads generally in the Town. Voted that two hundred dollars of the seven hundred (voted at the last meeting) be assessed on the Polls and Estates as other Taxes, and to be apportioned b^* the Selectmen on the Turnpike or other Roads as they think proper. 618 Voted That Five liuudi-ed dollars be divided among the dis- tricts as formerly Voted That two Thirds of the work on the Highway shall be done before the first day of June. The remainder before 1st November. Survej'ors chosen were For 1st North Dea Elijah Corey 4th North Sam'l Philbrick' 2. North David Coolidge 1 Middle Benja Bass 3 North Seth Thayer. 2 Middle Eben Richards 3d Middle "VYm. Ackers. 2d South John Warren 1 South Caleb Craft Jr. O Whyte Town Clk May. 2 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brook- line legally' warned and assembled on 2d day of ma}' 1836 Deacon John Robinson was chosen Moderator. Voted to accept the Report of Committee on Accounts Voted to Raise Thirt}- three hundred dollars in addition to the two hundred already voted for the Highways at the last Meeting — Voted That the Selectmen with Deacon Elijah Corej^ and Joshua C. Clark were appointed a Committee to enquire and see if any improvement can be made in the support of the Poor. — & Report in November — Voted That the Selectmen with Deacon Tiinoth}' Corey be a Committee to surve}' the Town Lot in Needham and Report at November Meeting — O Whyte Town Clk 1836 Nuvon We the subscribers the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Boston and the Selectmen of Biookline pursuant to notice. — Met the third day of November A D 1836 at the place appointed and run the line and renewed the bound marks between the Cit}^ of Boston and the Town of Brookline as follows to wit — 619 Beginning at a stone Post marked Bo. on the easterly side raid Br. on the westerl}' side standing on the Boston & Roxbury 3IilI I (dam, westerly from tlie new filling slnices lately erreeted in said dam (the old Sluices referred to in the Act of 22 Febrnary 182.J Entitled " an Act relative to the boundary lines of tlie City of Boston and Town of Brookline " having been removed) thence running north westerly from said post at an angle of oni; hundred (fc fifteen degrees from the Mill dam untill it strikes the Centre of the Channel of Charles River, and also running from said Post s(nitherly at an angle of One hundred and three degrees fort}' min- utes until it strikes the Centrs of the Channel of Muddy River at a point where the Respective boundaries of Boston, Brookline and Koxbury meet each other, by being the same lines mentioned and 1 1 escribed in the above recited Act. In testimony whereof We have hereto set our hands the day and Year first Mentioned Sam T. Armstrong Maj-or O. Whyte Winslow Lewis Dan'l Sanderson Sam'l Greele Cha Stearns Jr Jos. II. Hayden A. W. Goddard Thomas Hunting Aldermen 1836 JSfovem At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled 14th November 1836 for the choice of Governor liciutenant Governor, Senators and Councillors Rep- resentative to Congress and to tlie State Legislature for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States and also to give in their Yea's and Xay's on the Amendment of the Consti- tution.— Choose a Moderator Receive Reports of committees and attend to other Town business — agreable to Warrant Voted that the Town send a Representative to the State Legis- lature on the second balloting. Deacon Thomas Grists had Sixtv Votes and was Chosen 620 For Electors of President and Vice President at large Nath'l Silsbee of Salem had Eighty three Votes Edward A. Newton of Pittsfleld '' " " " at large Seth Whitmarsh of iSekank had twenty nine votes Nathan Willis of Pittslield " " " " District No. 1 Samnel Appleton of Boston had eight}' three votes Caleb Edd}' of Boston had twent}' nine votes 2 Leverett Saltonstall of Salem had Eighty three votes Robert Rantoul of Beverly had twent}' nine 3 Benjamin Walker of Lowell had eighty- three Joseph Kitteridge of Andover had twenty nine 4 Laomrai Baldwin of Charlestowu had eighty three Francis Tuttle of Acton had twenty nine 5 Joseph G. Kendall of Worcester had eighty three Samuel Taylor of Sutton had twenty' nine 6 Samuel Lee of Barre had eighty three Samuel C. Allen of Northfield had twenty nine 7 Thomas Longly of Hawley had eighty three Joseph Fitch of New Marlboro had twenty nine 8 Isaac. C. Bates of Northampton had eight}' three Harvey Chapen of Springfield had twentj^ nine 9 Bezaleel Taft of Uxbridge had eighty three Benja P. Williams of Eoxbur}' had twenty nine District 10 Howard Lothrop of Easton had eight}- three votes Nathan C. Brownell of Westport had twenty nine 11 Charles W. Morgan of New Bedford, had eighty three Thomas Mandell of New Bedford had twent}- nine 12 Charles J. Holmes of Rochester had eighty three Jabez P. Thompson of Hallifax had twenty nine 621 For Governor. Edward Everett had seventy- five Votes IMarcus Morton had twenty nine John Davis had one. For Leiutenaiit (lovornor. George Hull had seventy eiglit Votes "William Foster had twent}' nine For Senators & Counsellors Thomas French had seventy eight Votes Walter Baker had seventy eight Lewis Fisher had Fifty four. Nathaniel Miller had twenty four Benja P. Williams had tweut}- nine Abel Gushing had twenty nine Ebenezer Blake had twenty nine On the Amendment of the Constitution There appeared, Forty Yea's and Thirty Six Nay's Representative to Congress — William S. Hastings had eighty two votes Alexander Everett had thirtj' one. Deacon John Robinson was then chosen Moderator The Reports on the State of the Poor, and the situation of the Wood lot at Needham were read and accepted. Voted, That, Deacon Elijah Corey, Charles Stearns Jr. Moses Jones, Samuel Philbrick, John Hayden, Joseph White Daniel Pierce, Thomas Tilden and John Warren be a committee to exam- ine the present Boundaries of the Highway Districts and make such altei'ation in them as the}' may think expedient and also to take into consideration the distribution of the Highway taxes and recommend such application of said Taxes as they may Judge proper and report at the next March meeting U Whyte Town Clk 79 622 1837. March At a meetiug of the Inhabitants of Brookline*' legally warned and assembled at the Town Hall on 6th JVl archl] 1837. ■ Deacon John Robinson was chosen moderator Oliver Whyte Town Clk & sworn Charles Stearns Jun'r Dan'l Sanderson A W. Goddard. Se lectmen & Assessors Oliver Whyte Collector & Treasurer Doct. Pierce Dea. J. Robinson Dea E. Corey & Selectmeni General School Committee R. Hunting North District Jos White Middle District Caleb Craft Jr South District Prudential School Committee Elisha Stone surveyor of wood. Caleb Craft Sam'l Philbriclc Fence Yeiwers John Robinson Joshua C. Clark Dan'l Pierce Charles Stearnsi James Robinson Firewards Joseph Frazer Pound Keeper Doct Charles Wild Dea Elijah Corey Mr. Eben'r Heath Com mitte on Town accounts Elisha Stone Constable John BuUard had Forty nine votes for County Treasurer. Marshall Stearns Otis Withington Sam'l Philbrick, John Bass Jos. White. Dan'l Pierce Geo Craft John Dustin Elijah Corey\ Jun'r (in Room of Jas Leeds Excused) — Field drivers Voted to Accept the Report of Committee on Highways — Voted That One Thousand dollars shall be raized for repairingi Highways within the Town the ensuing year and that the same' shall be assessed upon the Polls and estates of the Inhabitants residents and non residents as other Town charges are assessed and collected as other town taxes are collected into the towni treasury, and that the same shall be drawn therefrom b}' orders from the Selectmen on their settlement with the several sur- vevors G23 Voted that the several Highway Surveyors, shall be required to ^ expend before the first day of July iu repairiug the roads within " their several districts fill! two thirds of the ain't bf money appro- priated for that use, and they shall severally be authorized to m&ke contracts for ri-pairiiio- Hu. highways in sucli manner as ihey may deem most for the interest of the town — and that they shall severally exhibit their accounts to the selectmen for settlement. The Committee appointed at our Town meeting in Novem last for tlie purpose of examining tlie boundaries of the several highway districts in the Town, and making such alterations therein as might to them seem expedient, — and also to consider the propriety of apportioning to each district the money which may be annually raized for repairing the publick roads. — Now beg leave to report That after having had several meetings and consultations together they have finally agreed to recommend the following division of the publick roads into Districts together with such pro- portion of the money that may be annually raized by the Town for repairing Highways as shall be herein aflixed to each district respectively Viz — 1st North The Cambridge road from Brighton line to James Holden's barn together with the cross road b}- the school house and the New Lane to Worcester turnpike, shall be called the First North district and shall be entitled to Ten pr Cent of the Money annually raized — 2 N. The Brighton road from Roxbur}' line to Brighton line to- gether with the Cambridge road from the Brighton road to James Holden's barn, shall be called Second North District, and shall be entitled to .Seventeen pr Cent of the mone}- annually raized — •■!<1 N. The Road from Roxbury line by Oliver Whyt's house to Rev'd John Pierce's barn together with the New Lane from this road to "Worcester turnpike, shall be called the Third North 624 District and shall be entitled to Eight pr Cent of the mone}' Annu- all}' raized — 1st Middle The Old Eoad from the "Worcester turnpike near William Acker's house up by Benjamin White's house to Wood's barn, together with the cross road near Pettee's barn, over the Worcester turnpike Northward to Newton line shall be call the First Middle District and shall draw nine pr Cent of the nione}' raized — 2 M. The Old road westward from Woods Barn to Newton line shall be called Second Middle district and shall receive two pr Cent of the Money Annually — 3 M. The Brighton road from Worcester turnpike by Joseph White's house to Brighton line shall be called Third Middle district and shall receive Three ^ Cent of the money An- nually 1st South The South road from Roxbury line to Thomas Til- den's house, together with the road running northerlj' by John Dunn's house to the entrance of the road running to Roxbury by John Warren's house shall be called the First Soiith district and shall receive six ^ Cent of the Money Annually — 2. S. The South road from Thomas Tilden's house to Newton line together with the Dedham road b}' Caleb Crafts house to Roxbur}^ line, shall be called Second South district and shall re- ceive Eight ^ Cent of the mone}" annuall}' — 3d. S. The road beginning at Thomas H. Perkins corner tnence down by John Warrens house over the Pond road to Roxburj'^ line together witn the road from Mrs. Babcocks house down by the Meeting house, to Rev'd John Pierce's Barn, and from the Meet- ing house by Thomas Sumner's house to Worcester turnpike, shall be call Third South district, and shall have twelve p Cent of the Mone}' Anuuallj' — Turnpike — Western The Worcester turnpike from Newton 625 inc to the Brighton road near "William Ackers house shall have 'nine p Cent — Eastern And from said Brighton road to the eastern end shall have sixteen p Cent of the Money Annually — This division of the roads into districts and apportionment of the ^Nloney to each division uill secure to each its due proportion of Repairs and if approved by the Town will require an Annual assessment and collection into the treasury of all mone^-'s here- after ap|iropriated by the Town for repairing highways in the same manner as other Town taxes are assessed and collected and which will secure the collection of highway tax on single polls heretofore frequently lost. — All taxes for repairing roads thus col- lected into the treasury must necessarih' remain there till drawn out by Orders from the Selectmen in favour of the several Sur- veyors at their settlement with the Selectmen — B}- the appointment of a highway surve3-or for each particular district we are fully persuaded this arraugment if carried into effect will secure the repair of the roads throughout the town more effectually than any other method we can now pursue. All which is submitted on behalf of the Committee Elijah Corey Chairman Brookline March 6. 1837. 1st N 10 p Ct 2 N. 17. 3 do. 8 1 middle 9 2 do. 2 3 do 3 1 South 6 2 do. 8 3 do 12 Turnpike 25r=100 p Ct. Surve^-ors of Highways Daniel Perry first North district Timothy Corey 2 North Caleb Clark 3 do. John Bass 1 Middle Pettes 2 do. Jos White 3 do. Samuel Hills 1. South Phineas Goodenow 2 do. John Warren 3 do. Daniel Pierce Western Turnpike John Ilayden Eastern Turn- pike. Voted that The Selectmen have compensation from the town for their services at the rate of two dollars p Day for the time occu- pied by their duties — 620 The meeting was then adjourned till Monday 20th Inst, when the Town assembled and filled Vacancies in town Oflices, and — Voted that Eben'r Heath, John Warren, and Deacon Clark be a committee to Examin the road near the Confectioners and re- port at May Meeting — Ma?/ 1837 The Committee chosen at the last Town meeting for the purpose of examining the road between the Gravel Bank and Mr. Hills House in the upper pnrt of this Town take this opportunity to Report Your committee find the road for about twenty five rods in length to be so narrow that two teams cannot pass each other without Hazard — being about twelve feet wide in the travelled part — Your Committee recommend to widen this road eight feet in the bend running to a point at each end — Your Committee estimate the expense at about two hundred & fifty dollars including the cost of a Bank wall and blowing two or three rocks which are in the wa}' — The Committee think proper to inform the Town that Mr. Benjamin White will in order to cut of this bend entirely give the land for a new road commencing at the bottom of tlie Hill near the Gravel bank so called running in a Strait line to the front Fence of Mr. Hills house, the distance is about thirty two rods, the road ma}- be two & a half or three rods wide, provided the town will be at the expense of Moving the Soil on to the Old road and make a Substantial wall on each side of said new road. This road way may be made Solid with small Stones at the bottom and gravelled properly for about Ten dollars ^ rod. $320 Sixty four rod Wall (a) 2$ 128=448 Eben Heath John Warren J. C. Clark Committee April 1837. Mayl. 1837. at The Meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and assembled on Mondaj' the first day of May 1837 — Dea John Robinson was chosen Moderator. 027 Voted to Accopt the report of tlie Committee on accounts &c (see next page) Voted that Twenty five humh'otl doUars be assessed for the ex- penses of the Town the Current year in addition to the Thousand voted at March meeting for Highways Voted to Accept the Report of the committee on tlie imi)rove- incnt of the road near xMr Benja White's & that the selectmen &, Mr John Warren be a committee to attend to the improvement — (see page opposite) Voted that tlie Thanks of the Town be presented to Mr. James Leeds for his services as School treasurer and that the Town Clerk should give him notice of the Same. Deacon Thomas Griggs was chosen school treasurer in room of James Leeds resigned — Voted that the Town received from the Treasurer and receiver general of this Commonwealth their portion of the surplus reve- nue, and comply with the several Acts passed by the Legis- lature on the subject — and after reading in Town meeting the several acts approved the 2181 March, 1st and 12 april it was Voted that the Town treasurer be authorized and he is hereby i-mpowered to receive of the Treasurer of this Commonwealth our proi)ortion of the Surplus revenue — and from time to time as received he is directed to deliver and pay over the same to llie Trustees of the School fund, who are required to loan the same on interest to be amply secured by Mortgage of real estate on a term of time not exceeding one year, and the said Interest shall be applied to the support of our i)ublic Schools. Voted, that the business of procuring a new Hearse be left with the Selectmen Martin Morse was chosen surveyor of Highways for the first North District in Room of Dan'l Perry excused 628 At this Meeting the Jury Box was renewed and the following names placed therein — by Consent of the Town. John Bass Silas Pierce Seth T. Tha^-er A. W. Goddard Sam'l Philbrick Otis Withington Dav'd R Griggs James Robinson Will'm Dearborn Reubiu Hunting Dan'l Sanderson Benja B. Davis Moses Jones Charles Stearns Jr Geo W. Stearns John H. Pierce Marshal Stearns Copy of a Certificate of Manufacturers in Brookline as Returned to Secretaries oliice 30th Septem 1837 — Number of Tanneries — - Three — Hides Tanned. 2500 Value of Leather $16,000 Number of Hand Nine Amount of Capital $12000 Number pair Boots made 450 do — Shoes — 350 Gross Value of Boots & Shoes $2550 Number of Males emplo3'ed — Three Ma?/ 1 1837 The subscribers appointed a committee to Inves- tigate the Towns accounts for the Year just passed have performed that duty and respectfully submit for yonv Consideration the following Statements as the result of their Examination In the hands of Mr Leeds their treasurer of the school fund the Bonds and Mortgages constituting that fund in compleat order with policies of insurance affording ample security and amounting in total to $2281.01. — with his accustomed promptness he has collected the whole interest of that sum for the past year amounting to — 136.83 and all the arrears of Interest 12.25 which with the balance remaining in hands May 1. 36 154.55 makes the agregate for which he is account- able 303.63 Ji 629 lie has paid at the direction and to the [303. G3 order of the Selectmen — 102.00 wliich leaves in his hands a balance S111.G3 The Town treasnrcrs accounts Stand lluis — Viz — The whole amount of Tax committed to him for collection was 3614.80 from this abatements have been made of 43.18 Remaining Supp'd Good. 220.$ doubtful 24.90 244.90 288.08 leaves the Am't he lias actually collected $3326.72 To this add. back debts arrears of Taxes demands in offsett &c — 201.93 and the balance in his hands due to the town last audit 276.36 478.29 Renders him accountable to the Town for the Gross sum of S3805.01 He has paid for repairs of Ilighwaj's 573.54 County & Needham Taxes & Commiss'rs fees 645.52 Engine & Repairs &c. 72.03 Publick Education Salaries Fuel repairs &c 974.87 Military Affairs & abatements 9.40 Expenses of the Poor 573.65 Town Officers levying & collecting Taxes Stationary &c 255.69 3104.70 leaves a balance due the Town 700.31 The resources of the Town for the year ensuing will therefor be — Balance due from Treasurer of School fund 141 63 Town Treasurer 700.31 80 630 Available arreages of Taxes Due from Commonwealth & other debts Probable income of Hay scale of School Fund From this deduct probable demands will leave to defray Expenses for the ensuing year 220 — 80 — 280 90 A^KJXJ 136.83 226.83 1368.77 250 — $1118.77 The Pecuniary affairs of the Town are at Present in a much bet- ter condition than at any period for a long time past, with a Tax for the last 3'ear as small as for any of the six previous years the balance in the Treasurj^ has become greater and this notwithstand- ing large drafts for the alteration of highways in the upper part of the Town — Thus were it not for the new arrangment in the mode of repair- ing the highways the necessary tax for the year ensuing would be but two thirds of the Amount Annually raized for the last seven years, and even less than the average of those j-ears, will cover the sum appropriated by Vote for the repairs of Highways for the present year as will appear by the following estimate Viz — There will be required for the purposes of Education. 1050 — Repairs of School houses fuel &c — 200 — Support of the Poor. — 625 Payment of Out Standing debts 400 County & Needham Tax 620 Town Officers Stationary &;c — 400 Assessing & Collecting Taxes — 125 3420 631 from this deduct baFc in Treasury income Claims «S:c. 1100 leaves necessary for ordinary Town expenses— 2320 To this add the sum Voted as a hiiirhwav Tax — 1000 will make it necessary to raize 3320 or the Gross sum of 3500 — the subscribers are happy to testify to the scrupulous fidelity with which the Pecuniar3' aflairs of the Town have been conducted by all concerned in their management, and while they express their regret that the Treasurer of the School Fund Mr James Leeds finds it expedient to relinquish that dut}', the}' take this oppertu- nity to assure their fellow Citizens that he is entitled to their thanks and gratitude for the faithful and prompt manner in which he has so long and ably conducted that department Charles "Wild Eben'r Heath Committee for 1837 Brookliue May 1. 1837 1837 Novem At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally Warned and assembled for the choice of Governor. Leiut. Governor, Senators & counsellors & Representative to the' State Legislature, The following votes were given — whole number of Votes for Governor was one hundred & twelve, of which Edward Everett had Eightj' three «&; Marcus Morton Twenty eight "William Jackson One For Leiut. Governor whole number One hundred & fifteen of which George Hull had eight}' five & William Foster had twenty nine Whole number of votes given in for Senators & Counsellors of which Thomas French had eighty two Samuel Goodrich had eighty four Joseph L. Richardson had eighty three 632 Benja P. "Williams had Thirty Abel Gushing Thirty & Alex'r II. Everett had Thirty one For Eepresentative to the General Court Deacon Thomas Griggs had sixty one votes & was chosen 1838 March At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legally warned and Assembled on 5 March 1838 for choice of Town Officers and other business Dea John Robinson was chosen Moderator Oliver White Town Glk & sworn Gharles Stearns Jun'r Reubin Hunting John W. Bass Select- men and Assessors Artemus Newell Gollector & Treasurer Doct Pierce. Eev Wm. H. Shaler Dea J. Robinson Dea E Gore^^ and Selectmen — G-eneral school committee Beth T. Tha^-er North Joseph White Middle Samuel Hills South Districts prudential school Gommittee After the resignation of the Trustee's of School fund as will appear on the following pages. Gharles Stearns Jr Daniel Sanderson Abijah W. Goddard Reu- bin Hunting and James Robinson were chosen Trustee's of School Fund Artemas Newell & Elisha Stone, survej^ors of Wood &c Marshal Stearns &, George Murdock, Fence Veiwers Martin Morse Galeb Graft & John Dustin Field di-ivers John Robinson J. G. Glark Dan'l Pierce Gharles Stearns and James Robinson Fire wards Frazer pound Keeper Doct Wild, Dea E Gorey, and Eben'r Heath On Town ac- counts Elisha Stone, Goustable — John Bullard had Sixty three Votes for Gounty treasurer. 633 Voted that One Thousand be raized for Repairs of Highway's and that it be assessed on Polls & Estates of Residents & Noa residents and paid into the Treasnr}- and Nine hundred dollars be appropriated to the several districts in same manner as it was the last 3'ear, and one hundred dollai's be left with the Selectmen to apply at their discretion Voted, for Surveyors Martin Morse 1st North Dea Thomas Griggs 2. No Reubiu Hunting 3. — John Hunt 1st Middle Wm. Pettes 2. Dan'l Sanderson 3. Alvin Loker 1st South Tho. M. Wr)oduard 2. John WarronS. Dea Dau'l Peirce Western Turnpike John Haj'den Eastern Turnpike Voted. — "Whereas there are parts of the Turnpike road so call'd which are encroached upon b}- Fences within the lines of said road as located bj- the Commissioners on roads and in some places where the travelling part would not be essentially injured with proper restrictions — It is therefore Voted that the selectmen be directed to remove all fences and other obstructions that now exist or may hereafter exist within the lines aforesaid excepting where a railing is necessary for the security of Travellers, in those cases where the use of the lands between said railings and the lands adjoining may be of benefit to the owners of said lands, in such cases the Selectmen are Authorized and requested to grant license to said Owners to Occup}' said lands — provided they will enter into a written agreement to erect such a railing where it is not already erected and to keep the same in repair and also to keep in repair any railing that is already errected in such manner as shall be approved of by the Selectmen or their Successors from time to time — provided further that said agreement shall be null and void whenever an}- Owner aforesaid shall neglect or refuse to keep said railing in repair as aforesaid and in such an event the Selectmen are Authorized and directed to revoke said license and thereupon remove any fence or obstruction within the limits of said Road as laid out b}- the commissioners aforesaid, said license to be continued during the pleasure of the Town. II 634 The Trustee's of the School fund avail themselves of this oppor- tunity to Tender to the Town their resignation of said Office, this they do in consideration of their advanced ages all of them having arrived over three score years & ten and some of them nearer four score years. They also embrace this as a suitable oppertunity to report to the Town the present state of said School fuxids the amount of which ever since they have sustained the office of trustee's till within the last year has been. 2281.01. on which no deminution has occurred — During the past year there has been added by Vote of the Town two installments of this Town's proportion of the surplus revenue of the United States the first of which was 1520.73 The second. 688.81 To make the last an even sum they have received from the Treasury 11. 1& making 700.00 Total amount of said fund is now Dr. $4501.74 all of which is now on loan — secured on Mortgage of Real Estate as follows Viz. To Samuel Brown upon Note & Mortgage on House & lauds in Boston accom- panied with a Policy of insurance against fire 811.11 To Edward Pierce of Dorchester note & mortgage on lands 525,00 To Theophilus Dana Note & mortgage on house & Land in Brighton with Policy of insurance on the same 435.84 To Charles Hastings to Note & mortgage on buildings & Land in Brighton with a Polic}^ of Insurance 304.53 To Edward Hall Note & Mortgage on his Real Estate in this Town with a policy of Insurance on the buildings 204.53 G35 To Dea John Robinson Note & Mortgage on House Land &, tan Yard with policy of Insurance on the build- ings 1520.73 3801.74 To Daniel Kingsbuiy Note & Mortgage on land & buildings in Newton with Polic}^ of Insui-ance 700.00 4501.74 We have strictly attended to the Notes of the Town from time to time by confining the loans on Notes accompanied with mort- gages on Real estates and we have no doubts of the ample sulfi- cienc}' of all the above securities Joseph Goddard Ebenezer Heath John Robinson Benjamin Goddard "William Ackers Trustee's of the Brookline School fund Brookline March 1838. Voted to accept the report of the Trustee's of the school fund and that it be recorded and placed on file Voted that In future the Trustee's of the school fund be request- ed to report Annually at the Meeting for the examination of the Town's Accounts the amount of said funds to whom loaned with the securities taken for the same — At a meeting in Brookline November 1836 the Selectmen were appointed a committee to make sale of the Wood on land in Need- ham known by the name of the Brookline Wood lot, have attended to that duty and ask leave to Report. Your committee were of the opinion that the best method of disposing of the Wood was to sell it at Auction Accordingl}- we agreed with Mr Ware the auctioneer (in that part of Needham) to divide the wood into Lots to suit purchasers i 636 It was divided into about one hundred and fift}^ lots and sold at Publick Auction, Condition of sale Six months credit with ap- proved notes. Interest after ninty days The actual amount of the Sale was — 8G9.25 The anctioners fee's for selling collecting &c ^ agreement 40. Due the Town after deducting charges of Sale 829.25 Received in Cash as proceeds of Wood lot principle & Interest up to January 1. 1838 when Settlement was made with Auc- tioneer 7G7.38 also one Note not collected & doubtful 70.75 with Interest on the same for one year 4.24 74.99 Available to the Town as proceeds from the Needham Wood lot principle and In- terest up to March 1st of the present month 794.88 besides the doubtful note of 74.99 all which we humbly submit In behalf of the Committee — D. Sanderson Voted that the Proceeds shall be equally divided between the two parishes. Report of the Committee on Guide Boards The law requires that the Selectmen shall report to the Inhabi- tants of all the places in which guide posts are erected and Main- tained within the Town — and of all places at which in Opinion of the Selectmen they ought to be errected and maintained — 1st by Mr. Newell directing to Brighton 2 by Baptist Meeting house 1 to Brighton 1 to Cambridge 1 b}^ Charles Steam's to Cambridge 2 by Mr. Ackers, 1 to Brighton 1 to Dedham 1 by Colo Perkins to Dedham 1 by Mr Whitmarsh's Corner to Dedham, 1 by Sam'l Hills to Dedham 2 by Mr Goodenough 1 to Dedham 1 to Newton (i37 The above are whore arc now crrccted and maintained — The following are where the Selectmen recommend to be crrected, Pettos, 1 post 2 signs 1 to Newton Centre 1 to Newton upper Fulls, Mrs Babcock 1 post 2 signs, 1 to Dcdliam 1 to Jamacia plains, 1 at Mr Newells to Worcester 1 at Dr. Pierces Meetin'y house to Jamacia plain, 1 at Whitmarsh's corner to Brighton 1 at C olo Perkins to Brighton il/arc/i 12th. 1838. The Selectmen met at the Post OlHce and made out a List of Paupers — Number relieved Ten. of which there had Legal settlement in this Town eight State Paupers Two — Made dependent b}' intemperence seven Total amount of supporting & relieving the Poor Five hun- dred nintv four dollars & ^^^j average -weekly cost One dollar j^^ Receivable from State Treasury- towards support of State Pau- pers. Fort}- dollars ■y\s% 1838 Ajyril 2. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Brookline legalh" warned and assembled on the Second da}- of April 1838 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for County Commis- sioners, which being sorted and Counted there appeared for Samuel P. Loud Sevent}' seven votes Seth Mann Seventy seven Joseph Hawes Seventy seven Hon James Richardson had thirty six votes Lewis Fisher Thirty six John Ruggles Thirty six . for Special Commissioners — Benjamin P. Williams had seventy five John C. Scammel seventy seven Luther Ellis two. Hon Wm. Ellis had Thirty six & Bavid BUinchard Esq Thirty six O Whyte Town Clk 81 I APPENDIX. [This matter is found interspersed in the first book of the Records, mainly in connection with the births, deaths and marriages.] In tlie year 101)8 the Select men of Koxburv with the Deacons being a coniinite choson bj- the Town of Kcjxbiiry for seating i)eo- ple in the meting House they sent to tlie Inlialiitants of Mniidy- river to request of thcni to send sum Men to set witli them selves In sd commitie to Act lor and in behalf of the rest of the Inhabi- tants in that Respect upon which motion the Inhabitants of ]\Iud- dyriver being notified did convean to gether to consider of this matter and cam to this result that they would chuse by voate three men and send to assist In inanagin the matter aforesaid, the persons chosen Avere Lent. Thomas (iardner. Sarg't Benjamin AVhile & John Winchester who met and >at with them at time and place appointed at which time it was demanded what Right and previledg the Town of Roxbury did aprehend that the Inhabitants of Muddyriver ought to injoy in sd JMetmg-house and it was Granted they ought to have a fifth part and aceordini:ly to defrey one liftli pait of the cxpens & charge that did aiise for Rei)airing sd INIetinghouse. at which place namt-ly at Mr. John Rugglses house at ye Flower-de-luce in Roxbury upon the 21 of Fel>ruary lu the year 16'Jy thes three men chosen as a foresaid liy the Inhab- itants ot Muddyriver did on behalf of the Rest of the Inliabitants defray tlie fifth part of all past and present charges their part amounting to six pound & four shilings A Record uf the Boundaryies of the Line. Between Cambridge & Bruoklin. cV between Newtown and Brooklin. Boston April 17th 170.0. This Day being appointed for tlie R-mning the Line Be- tween Boston Old Cainlirjdge c^ >sewtown Home to Roxbury Line. "We whoes Names are under written did perform the same. 'Bound Afdiks upon Cambridge Line 1 Mark at Widdow Gates's Farm next ihe Sea and so alonjr the Brook betwixt Danforth and Sewall (2) A Stump with Sti.nes alK)ut it betwixt Danforths and Sewalls Farms (3) To a Reil Oake marked R C between Danforth & D(>votion (4) To a Grey Oake between Danforth and the Common Land of Boston (.'>) A White Oake and a Waliiutt. (G) A White Oake (7) A Red Oake be- tween Danforth ».*L- Adams. (S) A Red Oake Stumj) at the Cor- ner of Streeters Orchard and a White Oake Stumii with a heap of 640 Stones on the Edge of a Rock (9) Two White Oakes In I Win- chesters Land One cutt down added Stones to t^d Stump A Stump and Stones (11) A. walnutt Stnin[) wiih heap of Stones in Fence omitted (12) A White Oake between Winchester and Dana (13) A Walnutt Tree between Sewalls Ilogscoat and Gardner (14) Three Cliesnutts growing out ol one Root between Sewall. and Pelham (15) A Ciiesnutt Tree (16) A White Oake A Great Wahiutt Tree ^ Ambulators for Boston Dan'l Oliver Elias Heath Sam'l Sewall jun'r Rosamon Drew Thorn's Stedraan jun'r John Win- chester jun'r For Cambridge Daniel Dana Downing Champney Bound Marks ujjon Neivtoivn Line 1 A Heap of Stones at Cambridge corner hetwixt Cambridge and JS^ewtown (2) A Walnutt Tree at Sewalls Corner (4) A Heap of Stones (5) A Black Oake (6) A Maple (7) A white Oake (8) A white Oake (9) A Black Ash (10) A Heap of Stones, in High wa}' (11) A white Oake (12) A Black Oake Markd CC. (13) A Red Oake (14) A white Oake (15) A Maple (16) A Black and White Oake Line running betwixt (17) A Gray Oake Marked B C. (18) A White Oake (19) A White Oake betwixt W. S. (20) A Heap of Stones upon a Stump." (21) A Heap of Stones (22) A Heap of Stones on the Island before 3'ou come to Stake Meadow. (23) The corner A stake and Heap of Stones in Stake Meadow. (24) A Wild Cherry Tree with heap of Stones at the turning Line, (25) A Heap of Stones with a black Oak by it (26) A Red Oak (27) A Black Oak (28) A Heap of Stones. (29) A White Oake. (30) A Little heap of Stones and a Stake at the Corner of Tings and Hammonds Farm (33) Four Heaps of Stones. (34) A Black Oake (35) A Little Maple Dying Marked a Red Oake half foot in N Line. (36) A Heap of Stones at the Root of a Black Oake. (37) A Red Oake (38) A Black Oake against DrewS Saw mill (39) An Ulm. (40) A Walnutt & a White Oake. (41) A White Oake (42) A Great White Oake Marked B. C by Homans (43) A Hemlock upon an Island at the other side of the Swamp having an Horn lime bj^ it. (44) A White Oake. (45) A Heap of Stones. (46) A Heap of Stones upon a Rock (47) A Heap of Stones (48)* A White Oake. (49) A Walnutt. (50) A Heap of Stones (51) A White Oake (52) A Little Birch (53) A White Oake (54) A white Oake (55) A Heap of Stones (56) A White Oake (57) A Heap of Stones at the End of Newtown Line In Erazmus Drewes Meadow ^ Ambulators for Boston Samuel Sewall jun'r Thomas Stedman jun'r John Winchester jun'r Rosaman Drew Boston gentlemen being Returned Home For Newtown Nath'i Ilealy Eleaz'r Hides Thom's Hammond 641 Brooklin April 13 1708. Iviin tho Line Ik'tween Cambridge New- town and IJrookline p Auibnlalurs toy cambridsjc Sam'l Oldham Nath'l Sparhawki; observe 3 Mark Ked Oake Fell putt Stones upon tiie Stnnip IQ Ambulators for Brooklin Julin Uruce IJenJ'on White jiin'r Amos (Jatcs Samuel Scwall On Cambridge Line in the IG Maik Listed ol" a ^Valmltt Sett down Three Years agoe Icniiid a white Oake and iS'ow maiked him, which was all the Alteration or Error in the Ibrnu-r Running which we found p Aud)ulators for Newtown John Greenwood For Brooklin as is inserted on the other side Brooklin April liUh 1711 jp Ambulators ibr Cambridge Sam- uvl Oldham John Kobbins p Ambulators for Newtown Thomas Chamberliu Nath d Ham- mond For Brookline Peter Bo3'lston Samuel Sewall On Cambridge Line found A Heap of Stones A Small AValnutt I'l'voud what was inserted in the Ace of 1705 Brooklin April 13. 1714 ^ Ambulators for Cambridge Samuel Oklham Dan'l Dana p ambulators fur Newtown Thom's Cliamberlin Thorn's Ham- mond jiin'r For Brooklin Peter Boylstou Will'm Gleason Samuel Sewall On Cambridge Line Observe In the 4 Mark Insted of Danforth and eonnnon Land. Now between Thorns Phyi)ps F^irm (t John AViuchester jun'i' 5 Mark A White Oake a walnutt l)y it The walnutt being cutt down putt Stones to the Stump of it On Newtown Line ■2'J mark A white Oake being cutt down putt some Stones to the Stump of it. 3.'»th Mark A little ]Mai)le Dying found it now Dead and putt Stones to it having a Red Oake Marked by it in N line. 49 Mark A Great White Oake B C By llomans Now Negro Symons Found it Fell and so putt Stones upon Stump This as al)ovc is all the Ditference found in Running April 13. 1714 Brooklvn April irithl717 >p Ambulators for Cambridge Nath'll Sparhawiv Nath'll Oliver p Aml)ulators for Newtown Nath'll Hammond Isaac Ilam- iiiond For Brooklyn John Seaver William Gleason A Record of Running the Line between Cambridge «fc Brook- lin tS: between Newtown jS. Brooklin 642 April 4tli 1726 ^ ambulators for Cambridge John Robbins and Nath Sparhawk. For Newtown Nath'l Hammond & John Hide For Brooklin Robt Sharp Sam'l Clark jun'r & Sam'l Sewall Re- newed the following marks Marks betwixf, Cambridge ^- Brooklin 1 The Brook 2 Stake & Stones 3 Heap of stones Phypps & Eliss 4 Stump & stones 5 & 6 stump & stones 7 Red Oake 8 A Black Oake Adams & Dana 9 Heap of stones Adams & Dana 10 Heap of stones B Winch'r upon Rocks 11 stump & stones 12th A White Oak B Winch'r 13th White Oake 14th. A Heap of stones loth 'I'wo Chesnutts Line between IGth A Heap of stones. This mark a Corner mark Marks Betwixt Neivtoivn ^ Brooklin 1 A Heap of stones 2 A Walnutt Tree 3 & 4th Heap of stones. 5tb A White Oake 6 A White Oak Stump. 7th A Black Ash 8 A Heap of stones. 9 stump & stones 10th Black Oake 11th Red oake 12th White Oake. 13 A maple Tree 14 White Oake. 15 A gre}' oak stump 16th A White Oake b}- Hills House 17th ISth Heap of stunes. 19th stones 20th A small cherry' Tree with stones 21 A Heap of stones upon Rock 22 A Black Oak. 23 A Heap of stones 24th A While Oak & Stum[! with stones 25th A Walnutt with stones 26th A stake & stones. 27 A Heap of stones 28th A Heap of stones 29th A Red Oak with, stones 30th stones & black oak 31 A Black oak by saw mill 32 an Ulm 33 A white oake. 34 A White Oake 35 Stump & stones. 36 A Dead Hemlock 37th A stake & stones 38th A White oak mark'd N B 39 Rock & stones. 40th Rock & stones 41 White oake N B. 42 stake & stones 43 stump & stones 44 A little Birch & stones. NB 45th White Oake N B 46th A Heap stones 47th A White Oake 48th A stake in meadow betwixt Koxbury New- town & Brooklin Brooklin April 172G Recorded these marks p S Sewall jun'r Town Clerk According to agreement we the Subscribers met at the time and place appointed and Run the line and Renewed the Bounds Between the Town of Roxbury and the 'J'own of Brookline Beginning at the House of Mr John Ellis in Brookline where was the stone mark'd R : B : 2d A heap of Stones and one marked R : B : in the old lane 3dly. A Stone in the Swamp Between Capt. White and Sam : Grigg's laud mark'd R : B : 41_y. A heap of Stones on an old Stump on the west Side of the wall 5thly : A heap of Stones on A Rock on the East Side of the wall Between Capt White and Nath'll Crafts land where we mark'd a A Stone R : B : 61y. A heap of Stones by an old Stump where we mark'd A small Stone R : B : 7l3'. A high Oak Stump in the wall in 643 Henrv Winchester's land «ly. A IIo:ip of Stones on the Top of the Ilill in Henry Winchester's hind with ;i sni.ill Stone niarU'd R : B : 9ly. An Oak Tree in the wall inark'd R : B : KHy. A stiinip in the Corner of tiie wall Between the land of Sam : Grillin John Goddard and Edward C'liild where we niark'd A Stone U: B: and put it Between the wall and sd Slnni}) T lly. A heap of Stom-s where was a walnnt Stunii* where we niark'd A. Stone R: B: in Edward Cliilil's (J round 121y A heap of Stone hy the wall in Edward Cliild's Ground where we found A stone niark'd R : B : 131y. A heap of Stones and A Stake in the land (^f .lolin Harris where we niark'd a Stone R : B : 14 : A Stake and heap of Stones at the corner of Harrise's lane 15. A heap of Stones in Ilarri's lane with one Stone mark'd R : B : IG : A heap of Stones with one Stone niark'tl R : B : on the East Side of Harrises fence 17th. A. Stake and A Heap of Stones with A Stone niark'd R : B : is : A heap of Stones on a white Oak Stuin[) with one Stone inark'd R: B : IDA heap of Stones one inark'd R : B : 20 : a heap of Stones and A Stump in the wall A Stone mark'd R : B : 21 A Black Oak Tree in the wall mark'd R : B : 22 : A Stake and heap of Stones at the Corner of Ahraiiam Woodwards wall with A. Stone inarkM R : B : 23 : A heap of Stones by a white Oak Tree in Mr. Bakers and with a Stone niark'd R : B : 24 ■ A Stump and heap of Stones in the Stump niark'd R: B: 2") : A heap of Stones in the High wa}' against Daniel Whites wall with one Stone marked R:B: 26 A Stake and heap of Stones in Daniel Whites meadow where we mark'd A Stone R : B : and N. Septemb'r 14th 1741 Agents for Roxbuiy Capt Joseph Weld Sam : Gridley for Brookline Sara : White Aspinwall Feb 24 170| Joseph Stedman of Brouklin Desires the Entry of a Hetfer coming in 3 year as the Law directs Marks Brindle colour with a short taile Entred p me Samuel Sewall .fun'r Town ( lark January 14. 1709"^ John Druce of Brooklin having taken up last wetluesday Two Stray Horses Markd. one of tliera about 3 or t year Old being of Bay Colour Some what white about the Legs. No artiticial mark about Her that can be perceived. The otiier being a Horse Colt coming in 2 years Old A Black Coloiu' with a white Starr in his forehead having the Hair of his tail cutt nott being Dockt. No artificial mark ai)out him Entred j;> me Samuel Sewall jun'r The Day above sd Town Clark Feb 7 170 y'j. Rol)ert Harris of Brooklin Has took a Mare Ar- tificial Mark The Near Ear a Slitt Xattural A light Gray being about 3 years Old Entred p me Samuel Sewall Town Clark March 6. 170/iy Joseph Adams of Brooklin Has took up a Horse. Artificial mark a piece cutt out of his left Ear Nattural a 644 little Starr in his Forehead his hind foot White as far as his foot locks. Entred |p rne Samuel Sewall jun'r T Clark j; Brooklin September 4. 1711. Took up pr I Winchester Jr A Stray Committing Damage in his Field. Viz A Mare Colt com- ing in Two years of a Chesnntt Colour no other mark uattural or artilicial. Entred ^ me Samuel Sewall jun'r T Clark Brooklin Octobr 16. 1712. Touk up ]p Thomas Gardner A Stray J Horse Committing Damage in his Field Viz A Sorrel Morse -' white Face. Feett White b}^ HufF mark A Half penu}- in lelt Ear Entred ^ me Sam'l Sewall Town Clark Brooklin April 28. 1714 Took up ,p Caleb Gardner A Horse markd W upon the near Sholder. Having some sort of a Brand on his Buttock. About Six or Seven years: Being of a Brown (worn off") To Constable Wm. Sharp (worn off) Rate Brooklin July 11. 1714. Then Reed of Constable William Sharp as ip Notes Reed of him may appear. The full sum uf Eight Pounds Eighteen Shillings & Ten pence in part, of the Rate given him to Collect I sa}^ Reed

hway which belongs to y« Town 3't runs round bysd Winchesters II(juse for ye space of twenty years & yt Josiah Wincliester jun : be Allowed to keepe up one conveniant gate at ye easteilv end of sd way for ye space of five years IIiMiry Winchester Peter Boylston Samuel White Caleb Gardner Robert Sharp Edward White Brooklyn April 10 1 724 I the subscriber do owne & Acknowledg that the way which runs through my land to be the Towns & accordingly have laid it open for ye use of sd Town for ever. his Philip X Torry marke Brooklin July 12th 1726. Found Last Night by the Revrd Mr. James Allen betwixt Mr Ed Whites & his house A Paper Doubled up with Three pounds Nineteen Shillings & some pence within the same Joliu Druce of Brooklin Jul}' 29th 1726. Took up & impounded These following Beasts Viz Three .Mare Colts coming in Two or Three years. 1 A Grey Roan Colt with a Black Main & Tail. 2 A Black Colt. 3 A Bay Sorril Colt. Tiiese Three Colts having no Artificial Marks as we the Apprisers do disern. Taken August 3d 1726 .p me Samuel Sewall jun'r Town Clerk Swore Amos Gates & Amariah Winchester to Apprize them. May 16 1727 Thomas Ellis being warned out of this Town of Brookl3'n May 16 1727 Elisabeth Jeffors warned out of Brooklyn Brooklyn May 1728 Mr. Benjamin White Mr, Caleb Gardner Mr. Robert Sharp as Select men of the Town alterred the Town highway Leading from Samuel Newels Land to the road that Leads Down to Roxbur^' B}' Isaac Childes Running from sd Newels Land to a heap of stons and a stake 82 L 640 and from thence to a white Oak tree and from thence to a heap of stous and stake bj- the above sd Road the way to be two rods wide Samuel White (worn oft) Brooklyn April 29 1729 Taken n^) A brown mare by Edward Devotion with A brown nose and Long tail and fore white spots on her back feet on each side Samuel White Town Clerk Brooklyn June 18 1730 Taken up A bay Mare by Daniel Har- ris jun of Brooklyn with A baal face three White feet and a sorril mane with A red spot in the fiice within the White Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn July 20 1730 Taken up by Doc'r Joshya Gardner of Brooklyn A bay Mair with A brand of an A upon her near Shol- der and one white foot and another speck of white upon Another foot Brooklin Septem 29 1731 Taken up b}' Mr. John Winchester of Brooklyn (worn oft") with A brand D on his near sholder Avith some white on his nose and a star on his forehead and some white on his hind foot Brooklyn January 7 173^ Taken up by Cap John Winchester A red Cow Brooklyn Novem 1 1731 Taken up b}" John Woodward A red steer with the top of his left Ear cut of with A white face and A white spot on his back Brooklyn December 21 1732 Taken up a brown or Dark bay horse by Mr. Josiah Brown of this Town with some white on his off hind foot and a star in his forehead and both wall eyes Sam'll White Town Clerk Brooklyn May 9 1732 Nathaniel Whitmore and his famil}' AVarned out of this town May 25 1732 William Snowdon and his wife warned out of this Town ' Brooklyn June 12 1732 Taken up by Thomas Woodward a white and brown and white Heffer with the Top of her Right (the remainder worn otf) Brooklyn November 15 1733 Taken up b}' Joshua Child one Black ox with A white face Branded upon near horn J W a piece cut of the left Ear about six 3'ears old and one black steer com- ing three jecivs old with A white star on the forehead and one brown heffer with a white tail and rump and one black heffer with a bell the heffers coming four 3'ears old Samuel White Town Clerk Brooklyn July 10 1734 Taken up by John Druce of Brooklyn 647 Damage feasant One IMair Brite IJaj with A l)i;ui(l upon her near SlioUler with a blackish Mane and tail and a s|)eck of white on her I'orehead Samuel "White T Clerk Brooklyn August 7 17."U Taken up l»v .Tosiali Brown of Brook- lyn one horse a dark t^ray with a bi-and II upon the near Siiohler and E u[)on the near buttok with a white streak down his nose with one white foot Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn June .'5 17;34. James Slied of Koxbury in the Coiintty of Suffolk by A power of Attorne}- from Daniel Adams of Cam- bridge in the County of Middlesix has Kecjuesti'd for a high way to tlie Land of Daniel Adamses Commonly Called Cibbeys near John Winchesters jun the Select Men of Brooklyn have Accord- ingly proceded and laved out A way for Daniid Adams and his Heirs for Ever through Cap John Winchesters Land sd Adams piiying to Ca[) John Winchester fort}- Eight Shillings of Bills of Credet of this province the high way Begining at the Country lioad l:)y Caj) Whites stone wall and runing strate down to tiie brook between sd Win- chesters and sd Adams the way runing two rod and a half into sd Winchesters Land b}' the brook and from thence strate unto win- elicsters Stone wall and to the county road the high way to be one rod and half wide by the country Road and two rod and a half Wide down b}' the Brook about twelve rods in the Whole highway tlie Above sd Daniel Adams is to Enjo^' the sd highway for him- self and his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for Ever Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn June 14 173 4 Taken up by James obrine of Brook- lyn two horses and one mair one Stone ir ray horse with a bell on his neck and some White spots on his Back and two white feet about six years Old one bright bay horse with black footlocks with a bell on his neck about seven years old. one mair of a dark col- ler with a brand on her near buttock with three white feet and A white Streek down her nose Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn ^lay the 29 1735 Taken up and Strayed one brown- ish Alair by Thomas Baker and John Boning of Roxbury Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn May Sixth 1735 Samuel Squer Warned to Depart out of Brooklyn by Cons Brown Samuel AVhite T Clerk Brooklyn August 7 1736 Goods found by Mr. Ebenezer Sargant -I" Brooklinc two Cotton and linning Shifts five yards of linning Cloth Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn August 18 173() Taken up in Damage feasant by DuiUy Boylston one Sorrel JNIair of about twelve years old with a white Lock upon her Right think Shod bi'fore Samuel White T Clerk ^ 648 November 13 1736 Taken up b}^ Mr. Allin of Brooklyn one cow the marks are as followeth A brownish Cow with some White under her belly and some white on her tail and about twelve years old Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn November 10 1736 Easter Harsel Warned to Depart out of this Town of Brooklyn By constable Harris Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn February 23 173f Taken up by Abraham Nickels one hog of a whitish coller with one black spot on his cheek of about twelve or fourteen months Old Samuel White T Clerk This Indenture Made the fifth day of May Anno que Domini 1737 between Daniel Adams a Resedent in Cambridge fermar and the One party and Nathaniel Hill of Brooklyn Husbandman on the Other party W^itnesseth that the sd Daniel Adams hath in consideration of the sum of four pounds of Good and pasable money of this Province of the Massachusetts Bay' in New England let out and doth by these Presents let out for one j'ear next after the Date hear of unto the sd Nathaniel Hill a certain peace of Meadow formerly belonging to Thomas Chamberling of Newton the sd meddow being and Lying in Brooklyn afore sd bounded Wesardly on the Land of John Hammon Easterly on the Land of John Druce Southerly on the Land of Abraham Woodward or How Ever Otherwise bounded or reputed to be bounded : and the sd Nathaniel Hill doth hereby promis and Engage to and With the sd Daniel Adams that at the Expiration of One year as Expresed he will pay or cause to be paid unto the sd Danel Adams four pounds as above mensioned as a rent for the sd meadow : and that he Avill at the Experation of sd term of one year as above men- tioned yeild and surrender the sd promisis unto him the sd Daniel Adams In Witness whereof we the sd parties have hear unto set Inter- changably our hands and seals the day and year first written Signed served and Delivered in presents of us Daniel Adams (seal) John Seaver his Elisabeth Seaver Nath'll X Hill (seal) mark Brooklyn December 8 1737 Taken up by John Druce of Brook- lyn one black hetfer coming two years Old She has Some white under her belly Some white on her hind leggs some white on her tail no artificial Mark Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn July 1737 John Seaver jun pety Jurer was excused August Nehemiah Davis pet}' Jurer for the superior court October Benjamin White jun pety Jurer for the infe court February Thomas Aspinwall Jurer pety for the superoer court 649 Joseph Adams Grand Jurv man at the same court January Nathaniel Seaver \)vi\ Jurer lor Inleriour court July Abraham AVoodwaid Grand Juryman for the year for february court John (ioddard pet}' Jurer for february court Ebenezcr Kindrick pety Jurer William Davis also June 3 John Seaver Thomas AVoodward Solomon Gardner pet}' Jurymen Brooklyn February H 1738 Taken up by El)enezer Sargant one young mair of About two years old a brownish mair with a "white speck upon her forehead Samuel White T Clerk September 2 1738 Saiah Goddard Daughter Widow Goddard Warned of this Town of Brooklyn Saniuel White T Clerk Brooklyn Novem 28 1738 Taken up and strayed b}' William Ackers One White and brownish Cow of About fourteen j'cars of age Samuel W^hite T Clerk Brooklyn Novem 28 1738 Nathaniel Seaver and Peter Mam- mon Appointed by me to apprize one Cow Taken up by William Ackers who were sworne for that pur})os sd Apprizers prized sd Cow at ten pounds Samuel White Jus Peace Brookl3'n August 31 1738 Taken up in Damage feasant by John Seaver jun of Brooklyn one Dun horse branded upon the near Sholder with the Letter F and no other artificial mark Sam'll White T Clerk Brooklyn October 25. 1738 the Ministers Rate 122=33= the Town Rate 81=14=11 Province Rate 51 = 11 = 11 the Province Rate the New tencr Brooklvn October 1 1739 this is the Over plus of the Town Rates ^ Ministers Rate 1—18=9 Town Rate 1 lb 2 the whole being 3=14=rll Brooklyn June 9 1739 Taken up in Damage fesant By John Seaver of this Town one Redish Brown Cow with C R upon Each horn and white face and White under her belly I^ntred l)y Samuel White Town Clerk Brooklyn June 1739 Amariah Winchester with his wife and children warned to depart out of tiie Town of Brooklyn Brooklyn June 1739 Mary Ilammon Widow Residing at Eben- ezcr Kindricks warned to Depart out of Brooklvn Samuel White T Clerk 650 Brookl}-!! Ma}^ 29 1739 Solomon Gardner and Daniel Robina Apprized one mair at three pounds fifteen sliillings taken up by Thomas Baker and John Boning of Ruxbur}' sd i)rizers being upon their oath at the same time Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn October 26 1739 Amn Smith Warned to Depart out of this Town of Brooklyn Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn November 20 1739 Taken up b.y Timothy Harris of Brooklyn and straid and Sorellish Mair with A white spot on her fore head and A white s[)Ot in her left side of About thirteen hands high Samuel White Town Clerk Brooklyn October 26 1739 Anna Smith Warned to depart out of Brooklin within fourteen days from (the remainder of the line gone) wherever she came from Viz Boston Brooklyn October 1 1740 the Province tax this 3'ear is £8, 6 5 and tlie Over plus of sd Rate is 1 4 in the new tener and the over plus of the Min rates is £2 11= 1= and the over plus of the Town and county rate 2 12 total sum 8= 15 Brooklyn July 10 1740 Taken up by James Sherlon of Brook- lyn one Red Cow of about Six or Seven 3-ears old Samuel white T Clerk this is the Over plus of the new tener province Tax . 8 the over plus of the ministry rate 4 3 4 the over plus of the Town rate 6 5 3 this rate was Assesed Anno 1741 • Brooklyn March 23 1741 Taken up and strayed One brownish Mair About sixteen 3'ears old by Benjamin White jun of Brooklyn with A star in her forehead sd Mair being Apprized at three pounds five shillings Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn february 20 1741 Joseph Greely with his wife and family warned to depart out of Brookl3'n b}' the Cons of sd Town Samuel White Town Clerk Brooklyn IMarch 1 174 J Received of Cons Newel 4he sum of twenty one pound four shillings and Eight pence in part of the Town Rate by me Samuel White June 10 Received of Cons Newell twelve pound ten shillings and p]iglit pence in part of the town Rate by me Samuel White Brooklyn October 5 1742 Received of Mr. John Newel Con- stable the sum of thirt}" nine pounds one shilling two pence in part of the Town rate b}' me Samuel White Brookly February 10 1742 Received of Mr. Newel Cons the sum of twentj' nine pound three shillings and ten pence in part of the Town Rates 051 Brookl}!! February 15 174 J Received of Constable Winchester tlie sum of forty poun jnn " "Sani'l White T Clerk Brooklyn November S 1744 ]Mary Stradtik and Unis her Daughter warned to Depart out of Brooklyn with in fouiteen days by Constable Sharp Sauniel While T Clerk Brooklyn February S 174^ ]\[atthew- Addlelon and his wife Abiall and there three children namely Jose|)h Jernsha and AI)iall ■warned to depart out of Brooklyn by Cons liobert Sharp jun Sutfolk SS to the Cons of Brooklyn Greeting you are hereby Commanded to Carry out of the Town of Brooklyn the Widow Mary Stradock and her to Convey to the Next Town and deliver her to the Constable of sd Town and so be carried from Constable to Constable until she Arives to the Town from wherever she came and belongs to piscatiawa and for your so doing this shall be your sullicient Warrant Given under my hand and seal this twen- tieth day of Febiuarv in the Eighteenth year of his Majestys Keign Anno que domini 174i Samuel Sewall Jus Peace Brooklyn February 13 274| b3' Virtue of this Warrant I have Carried Mary Stradock to the Cons of Roxbury Robert Sharp Cons June 28 1745 Taken up By John Druce of Brooklyn Damage feasant two horses One A large Black horse his left hind foot White having no Artifishal Mark the other one sorel Branded B F on the Left Buttuck Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn May 8 1745 Matthew Addelton with his Wife Abiall and there (three) Children AVarned to depart out of Brooklvn Namely Josep Jerusha and Abiall by John Harris jun Constable Brooklyn November 28 1745 Rachel Barret Warned to Depart out of Brooklyn by Constable John Harris Jnn to Chernsfbrd where she belonged Sanuiel While T Clerk Brookline May ye 13th 1746 Zel)ulon Goff ul Diet Robert Col- lier was warned out of Town as the Law Directs Henry Sewall Town Clerk Brookline August the 18 Day 1748 Samuel Clark and Mary his Wife and Alngail Elizabeth Lusy and Prcsiller there Children warned to Depart out of Brookline Thomas As})inwall Constable Ebeue'r Davis Town Clerk 662 ;| Brookline octo'r about ye 10 1748 Taken up by Cap'n John Winchester in Brookline Dammage Feasant a Sorril Hors about thirteen hands and a half High he has four white feete and ablase of white in his forehed and no artifisal marks Eben'r Davis To'n Clerk Brookline May 1748 Then Reced of Mr. Samu'll Gleason the sum of Twent}'' Pounds old Tenour as a fine he paid for his being Chosen Constable This Present j^ear Ebenez'r Davis Town Clerk Brookline August ye 29 1748 Then Reced of Mr. Henry Win- chester thirteen Pounds old Tenour for the spot that was Granted him by the Town for his pew Eben'r Davis Town Clerk Brookline August the 19 1748 Then' Reed of Deacon Sam'll Clark thirteen Pounds old Tenour for the Spot in the body of the Meeting House that was Granted to him by the Town for his Pew Eben'r Davis Town Clerk Brookline Novemb'r 17 1748 Then Reced of Mr. Abraham Woodward Ten pounds old Tenour for that Spot in the Boddy of the Meeting House that was Granted to him by the Town for his Pew Eben'r Davis Town Clerk Brookline Sep'r 1748 Reced of Mr. John Newel Thirteen pounds old Tener for the Spot in the Boddy of the Meeting House that was Granted to him b}' the Town for his pew Eben'r Davis Town Clerk Brookline March ye 6th 1748 Then Reced all that was Du to me from the Town for Keeping Prudence Savage until the Day of the Date hereof Edward White Brookline March ye 6th 1748 Then Reced all That was Du unto me from the Town For Keeping Elexander Machingtosh until the Latter End of May 1749 Robert Sharp Brooklyn Septem 17 1749 Taken up in Damage Phesant by Nathaniel Kindrick of sd Town One brown ox with the Letters I S on his near horn and two Stears of about five years old of A brown- ish Coller one of sd stears haveing some white under his belly Samuel White T Clerk Brooklyn April ye 20th 1749 John Voyn and Rebekah his wife was wai-ned to Depart out of this Town Thomas Aspinwall Cons Ebenezer Davis Town Clerk Brookline February ye 10th 1749 John Voyne and Rebecca his wife was warned To Depart out of This Town To the Town the}' Last Resided in To wit Newton Natha'iel Seaver Constable Ebenez. Davis To'n Clerk 653 Brookline Fobniary ye 1 0—1711) Kiith \Vinchcstor and Tliuinas her Son was Warned To Depart out of the Town into the Town they last Inhabited To wit Roxbury * Nathaniel Scaver Constable Ebenezer Davis Town Clerk Mareli ye 2C> \7'A jDuatlian Hide was Warne Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk Brookline July ye lltli 1763 (the lower line of the page worn off) Brookline July ye 6th 1763 Warn'd to Depart out of ye Town of Brookline to ye Town of Needham Nathan Farrar & his Wile Abigail Farrar p Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk Serv'd by John Goddard Cons't Brookline January j-^e 16th 1763 Warn'd Mary Ilavendish to ye Town she Last Resided in Viz Boston p Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk Serv'd Sd Warning p Sam'l xVspinwall Constable Brookline May ye 19th 1763 AVarn'd to Depart out of ye Town of Brookline to the Town She Last Resided in Mz Boston p Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk serv'd B3' John Goddard Constabl. Mary Walker Warn'd to Depart out of ye Town of Brookline to ye Town she Last Resided in Viz Lincoln Brookline May ye 19th 1763 p Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk Serv'd by John Goddard Const'l Sept ye 28th 1763 Susanna Bowman warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookliue to the Town she Last came from viz Lexington Serv'd by John Goddard Const'l p Isaac Garduei' T Clerk k 656 Sep'r 28tli 1763 Susanna Foster Trarned to Depart ye Town of ^ Brookline to the Town she Last came frcm Viz Eoxbury Serv'cl by ■ John Goddard Coi?st'l ^ Isaac Gardner T Clerk Warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town they Last , Resided in Viz Ts'ewlon Edwaid Merion & Anna his wife John there son Rebekah Hannah & Mehitable Daughters & a Servant , Child Named Saiah Greene Brookline Feb ye 28th 1764 Warn'd by Isaac Gardner Jun'r T Clerk ' Serv'd by John Goddaid Constable John Cone & his "Wife Ann & Jacob there son Warn'd to De- part the Town of Brookline to Ihe Town of Boston 4f Isaac Gardner Jun'r Town Clerk berv'd by William Davis Constable Brookline May ye 15(h 176-1: Brookline Decem'r 17th 1764 Thos. Kindrick warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to ye Town he Last Resided in Viz JSatick ^^ Wm. Davis Const. <|f Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Decem'r ye 17th Submit Sever warnd to Depart 3'e Town of Brookline to ye Town she Last Resided in Viz Roxbury By Edui. Davis Constable ^ Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Decem'r 17th Jonathan Coraey Warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town he Last Resided in Viz Cambridge By Wm. Davis Constable ^ Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brookline January 16th 1765 Abigail Spring warnd to Depart said Town to the Town she Last Resided in Viz Newton William Davis Constable 4f Isaac Gardner T Clerk Brookline Feb"r 1st 1765 Sarah Freeman (alias Hollowell) warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to ye Town she Last Resided in Viz Newton ^' Isaac Gardner T Clerk serv'd by Edm. Davis Constable Brookline April ye 3d 1 765 Buler Hammond Warn'd to Depart ye Town of Brookline to Cambridge June ye 17th 1765 Esther Belknap W^arn'd to Depart ye ToAvn of Brookline to Framingham May ye 8th 1765 Mary Farrar Warn'd to depart ye Town of Brookline to 3'e Town of Roxbury Sept'm ye od 1765 Ann Tucker Abigail Farrar & Abigail G57 Farrar Daughter to ye above sd Abigail Farrar Wani'd to Depart ye Towii of Brookline into ye Town of Roxbury Oc'tob'r lotli Ilannali Hilton Warn'd to Depart ye Town <>l' Brookline to ye Town of jSewton Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brookline April ye liStli 17GG Joseph Dueit iV Ann his AVife Charles Josei)h &. mary there Children Charles Bellesous & Susanna his Wife uiary Lidiven Peggy Joseph Hannah there Children & Joseph Landeree Glode duGar & Mary his wife I'eggy Hannah Leeily Felicity Joseph Daniel there Children Joseph Le Blance «fc Madlie his wife & INlary Le Blance &c Warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town they Last Resided in Viz Cambridge p Isaac Gardner T Clerk Serv'd by William Davis Constable Glode du Gar & Family came from Sturbridge all the others from Charlton Brookline Octo'r 21t 17GG Hannah Hilton AVarnd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town she Last Resided in \'iz New- ton p Isaac Gardner T Clerk Serv'd b}- William Davis Constable Brookline Septem'r ye L^th 1766 Ann Tucker Warned to J3epavt ye Town of Brookline to ye Town she Last Resided in Viz Roxbur}- within fourteen Daj^s . p Isaac Gardner T Clerk Warn'd by William Davis Constable Elizabeth Harris Warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town she Last Resided in Yiz Roxbury within fourteen Days p Isaac Gardner T Clerk Warn'd b}- William Davis Constable March ye 15th 1768 Ebenezer Bartlet warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town he last Resided in A'iz Roxbury p Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Warn'd by William Davis Constable Nov'r ye 18th 17G9 Snrah Welch warn'd to Depart the Town of Brooklyn to ye Town of Stoughton James Commack warn'd to Depart the Town of Brooklyn to ye Town he List Resided in Viz Boston & also the Widow Snrah Fillebrown & her Children (Viz) Sarah Louis John Anna Thomas Abigail «fc William to Depart ye Town of Brooklyn to the Town they Last Resided in (Viz) Boston Serv'd by Wm. Davis Const'l Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brooklyn May ye llth 17GI) Martha Whitney Warn'd to Depart ye Town of Brooklyn to the Town she Last Resided in 658 Viz Newton the above sd Martha came to Brooklyn may ye 30th 1768 Serv'd by William Davis ''Const'l Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brookh'ne Nov'r ye 14th 1770 Warn'd to Depart ye Town of Brooklyn to the Town of Cambridge Benja. Cook & Lydia his "wife and Elisha Benjamin tt L^xlia their Children & Sarah Gary their Servant Girl AVarn'd by John Goddard Constable Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brookly April ye 14th 1770 Warnd to Depart the Town of Brookly to the Towns they Last Resided in Abraham Jackson & Margaret his wife & his six children Viz Sarah Thaddeus Nathan Asa Ezra Molly They to Newton Esther Weld to Depart sd Town to the Town she came from Viz Stnrbridge within four- teen Days p Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Serv'd by John Goddard Constable Feb ye 19th 1771 Katharine Tompson & David her son Warn'd to Depart the Town of Brookline to the Town she belongs to Viz Weston she came to Brooklyn Nov'r ye 27th 1770 Served by John Goddard Constable Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk [From Boston Records.] 28 of the 4 mo. 1672 Whereas some differences have been among the Proprietors of the Common Field at Muddy River, re- ferring to a Ilighwa}' from the Field Gate to Charles River It is Ordered that the said High. Way shall lie from the Said Gate as now it is till it comes to the Ditch & Fence cast up before Capt. Hulls, and the Widow Minots Land, and the Land of Tubal Seav- ers and thence to go on within the Said Fence and Ditch next the uphmd, and so forward, till it comes to Charles River ; the said Way to be made passable at the Charge of John V\^hite Thomas Gardner & Comp T. who but upon the Said Fence, up on the Marsh Side, and that the Whole Waj' be two Rods in breadth throughout ; and whereas there w'as Land Allowed for a Landing place for Wood at Rivers Side in the now possessed b}^ John Sliarp ; — It is Ordered that the Said Sharp allow the use of the Said Land for the ends aforesaid, at the place commonly called Mr. Cottons Landing Place as appeares of Record in the Town Clerks office in Boston Liber No. 2 Page 69— Att's William Cooper Town Clerk A True Copy Recorded p me Isaac Gardner Town Clf^r July ye 27th 1674 It is Ordered that there be a a High : Way laid out at Mudd}- River from the Way to Cambridge, through the 659 Lniul of John Parker nml so through Henr}' iStevens Land, to John White Sen'r his Marsli or Meadow, to run from this Land of Said Parkers near the said Stevens Hails 1)et\veen his other J>ands and so roundinge al)out tiic side of the Hill to the Wa^' formerly into the Said Meadow of John Whites As Ap[)ears of Record in in the Town Clerk, Ollice in Boston Liber No. 2 Folio Page 87 Att's William Cooper Town Clerk A True Cop}' Recorded p me Isaac Gardner Town Clerk [Found at the cikI of the second volume of Records.] Brookline Ma}- ye 13th 1762 Taken up liy Joshua Woodward of Said Brookline Damage Feasant a Sorrel Miwa about fourteen hands & a half hig both Jrolts & Gaies Supposed to be al)oiit five or Six years old no artificial markes Isaac Gardner T. Clerk May 13th 17G2 The above mare was Apprized by two meet Persons under Oath. Viz Mr. John Harris & Mr. Elisha Gardner for the sum of four pounds ten siiillings Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brooklyn Nov'r ye 27lh 1773. Taken up by John Spear Hog- reave a white shote. Suposing to way about 90 lb. with a Leather Strap on one of the hind feet Said Swine was taken was Damage Feasant in Capt. Benjamin AVhits Ground attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Brookly Sept. ye 2."itli 1774 Taken up by John Speare Hog- reave a large Sow supposed to weigh about Eight Score in the Kings higUwa\' with a Yoke on with three black spots on he Shol- (lers Attest Isaac Gardner Town Clerk Oet Taken up in the Inclosure of the subscriber a light sorrel jNIare, with one white hind foot about Plight years old. Th(> owner can have her bv applying to Silas Snow. Punch Bowl Vil- lage Octo 23. 1837— Mar 1838 Found in the Enclosure of the subscriber a White Mare & Sleigh which the Owner is requested to take away &c pay charges. March 7. 1838, David R. Griggs Dec'r 6 1837 A Child was found at the door of David Coolidge's dwelling house Gth December 1838 [?] supposed to be about Ten days old — Jan 1 1838 The Selectmen met at the Post Office and made out a list of State Paupers till 1st January 1838. George Thompson aged abt 62 j'ears came to the Common'th 660 1802 from England became cliargable 1 May 1835 continued chargable till 1838. 334 days fw 7 — 23.38 Ann Porter age 9. Years born in Brookliue 1828 from 1 June 1837. to 1838. 334 days fa) 4 13.36 36.74 [The following papers contain matter that can hardly fail to be of interest to many of our citizens, as they illustrate the character and condition of a prominent, wealthy and beneficent family which flourished during the first century of our history.] In the Name of God Amen. I, Edward Devotion of Brooldyn in the County of Suffolk & Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, Yeoman being aged & infirm. Do make & ordain this ni}' Last Will and Testa- ment in manner and form following. Principally and first of all I give & recommend my soul to God who gave it hoping and be- lieving that in the merc_y of God through Jesus Christ my Redeemer I shall receive full pardon of all my sins and an Inheri- tance among them that are Sanctified. M3- Bod}' I commiL to the Earth to be decentl}" buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named, And as for m}^ Temporal Goods and Estate I will that they be EmploA^ed & bestowed in manner following: Imp's I will that all my Just Debts & Funeral Charges be well & trul}: paid by my Executors herein after named in conve- nient time after my. decease. Item. I give & bequeath to my well beloved Wife Mary Devo- tion the sum of Five hundred Pounds Lawful! money of the Prov- ince aforesaid and all my House hold Goods to her her heirs & assigns forever. Item. I give to my beloved friend Mr. James Shedd the sum of Twenty five Pounds Lawfull mone}' aforesd in consideration of my respect for him. Item. I give to the Grand Children of my Brother John Devo- tion deceased the Sum of Two hundred & fifty Pounds Lawfull mone}' out of which sum my will is that the Rev'd Mr. Ebenezer Devotion shall, have Sevent}' five Pounds and that the remainder be equally divided amongst the rest of the said Grand Children provided always nevertheless and my Will is that the said Legacy of Two hundred & fifty Pounds is given & bequeathed to the said Grand Children of my sd Brother is upon this Special Condition that they shall Quit claim to my Executors all the Right Title and Interest that they have, or may pretend to have, of and in all that Estate that came to me by my Hon'd Father John Devotion deceased and in case they refuse to give such Quit claim then my Will is that aforesaid Legacy of Two hundred & fifty Pounds shall cease and be void. 661 Item. I give to Deacon Edward Ruggles the sum of Seventy five Pounds Lawful! money, and to Mr. Samuel Grilfni the like sum of Seventy live Pounds. Item I give to the Church of Christ in Brooklyn one Silver Taukard containing one C^nart. Item. As for the Estate which I sold to Solomon Hill and for which he gave me a Mortgage Deed mv will is that in case he should not Redeem the said Estate and Discharge the Mortgage within the time limited then and in such case I hereby authorize A: impower my said Executors to dispose of the same together with all my Land in Brooklyn to the Highest Bidders in Order to pay & discharge the aforesaid Legacies ami my Just Debts. Item my will is that in case my Estate shall not be suflicient to pay my Just Debts, Funeral Charges and ye aforesaid Legacies by me given, then in such case my will is that each of the Lega- cies given in this my will be reduced proportionaljly. (Saving the Legacies given to my wife and my friend James Shed which are to be first paid without any deduction). Item in case my Estate prove to be sutiicient to pay my Just Debts, Funeral Charges and the aforementioned Legacies and there should beany overplus left then my will is and I hereby give the sd overplus to the Town of Brooklyn towards Building or Maintaining a School as near the Centre of the said Town as shall be agreed upon b}- the Town. But if the said Town cannot agree upon a Place to set the said School upon then my Will is that the said overplus be laid out in purchasing a AVood Lott for the use of the School and the ministry of said Town forever. Item, my mind & will is, any thing afoiewritten to ye contrary thereof notwithstantling that the aforementioned Legacies by me given are not to be paid untill the aforesd mortgage Deed given me by the said Solomon Hill be Discharged or (in case he refuse to Redeem ye. said Estate) untill the said Estate by him mort- gaged as aforesaid can be conveniently sold by my Executors hereinafter named. Lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary and my Friend Mr. James Shed of Roxbury to be Execu- tors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all for- mer wills by me made. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this Fourteenth day of June in the Seventeenth year of his majesty's Reign and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and forty three. EDWARD DEVOTION. (Seal) Signed, sealed, published pronounced & declared by the sd Ed- ward Devotion the Testator to be his last Will and Testament, in presence of us the subscribers (ye words, can be conveniently be- ing first intelined) James Clark. Nathaniel (^.aidner. Elhanan Winchestor. 84 662 Suffolk, SS. B}' the Hono'ble Josiah Willard Esq'r Judge of Prob'te &c The within written will being presented for Probate by the Exe- cutors therein named Samuel Clark & P^lhanan Winchester made oath that the}' saw Edward Devotion the subscriber to this Instru- ment sign & seal & heard him publish & declare the same to be his last Will & Testament, and that when he so did he was of sound disposing mind & memoiy according to these Depon'ts best discerning and that thej together with Nathaniel Gardner now already set to their hands as Witnes^ses thereof in the said Testa- tors presence. J. WILLARD. Boston Nov'r 27th 1744. An Inventore of the estate of Edward Devotion of Mnddy river. In the bounds of Boston in the county of Suffolk, deceased the twent}' eighth day of September, sixteen hundred eighty and five, tidvcn b}' ihe persons whose names are subscribed in the seqnell. Imprimis, the homestead houseing and ten acres land adjoin- ing thereto, with the orchyard and twenty one acres of land upon the south side of the road that leads to boston at two hundred pounds — lands lying within the field commonh' called Boston field, fifty four acres at Marsh by the sprini^, two acres five acres of land by John Davis in Roxbury ten acres of land in Roxbury bounds Sheep & lambs forty two, at ten pounds five cowes and young cattell, three horse kind Sheep let out at eight pounds, seven swine Debts due to the estate Wavering debts tenn pair of sheets, six pounds other articles of furniture cart & wheels & plowes Collar & braces & saddles one gun, 3 saws, 2 axes fourteen barrell of sider at foure pounds tubs & other lumber The sume totall Probate 27 Octob'r 1685. MARY DEVOTION, | JOHN DEVOTION, ,1 200 00 00 108 00 00 18 00 00 18 00 00 i' 10 00 10 00 00 28 10 00 8 00 00 3 10 00 270 00 00 7 00 00 6 00 00 15 00 00 3 00 00 1 10 00 4 4 00 10 £708 14 00 Executors. on:', Tbis is an inveiitorv of the Esttitt' both Reall , 07 Highways mended by each man working his proportion 115-32G, passim Selectmen to set price of labor '.'0-301, passim credit given only for time of work 349 price of labor of man and team 377-542, passim team allowed forty shillings a day 171 mended by districts. 115, 220 report of a Committee on repairing 588 request of J. Goddard respecting 228, 229 Surveyors of, in Bi-ookline 92-632, passim in Muddy River 33-56, passim through Boston lands at Muddy River 31 tools for use on 388 towards Cambridge, laid out 27 two taken from R. Harris' land 34 walls straightened opposite sundry estates 489 when to be repaired 284, 361, 623 Hogg Island lotted out 9 parcel of, sold to Thomas Mai'shall 31 Hoghei'ds of Brookline. See Field drivers. Hogrcaves of Brookline. See Field drivers. Hogs, votes that they run at large 117-196, passim House for Ann Ilowen built by town aid 68 one only upon any one lot to be buQt 15 Houses to be sold by consent of allotters 13 to be sold only with a portion of great allotment 16 Indenture between D. Adams and N. Hill 648 Indian corn, fifty-five bushels paid to Constable 290 forty bushels paid to Constable 278 war, rate for, committed to the Constable 49 woman's sickness, money paid for, to be reimbursed 154 Indians, seven, sold for slaves 73 Inhabitants, sundry persons allowed to be 24, 25 Interest allowed on orders drawn on Town Treasurer 357 Iron stove to be purchased for Grammar School 279 Jurors for a Maritime Court 270, 271, 273, 274 for a Special Court 268, 270 Grand 94-403, passim Petit 102-628, passim Jury box regulated ^17 674 Land, Committee for determining quantity and value of 293 their report not accepted 293 Committee to view and appraise all 294 deficient quantity taxed at discretion of Assessors 306, 809 i fenced in by E. K. Wolcott, to be inquired about 499 in the town to be measured 291, 829 near Mr. Penniman's, Committee to examine 551, 552 of sundry persons surveyed 310 parcel of, let to Edward Miles to build a house on 45 said to belong to the Town, inquiry about 321 sold at Muddy River 25-31, passim sworn surveyor's measurement of, to be accepted 298 triangular piece bought of Richard Sullivan 507 Landing place belonging to the Town, Committee to see if there is any 223 their report referred 225 Lands allotted for planting 10 allotted to such only as may become members of the congregation 12 at Muddy River, no more to be granted 29 belonging to the Town divided among the inhabitants 10, 81 in the neck, to be planted 10 Lawsuit with J. Boylston on account of F. Levant 215 with Cambridge, relative to Thaddeus Hide 393 with some inhabitants in South part of the Town 132 Legacy of N. Boylston, Committee to obtain the 404 of Edward Devotion, acceptance of Selectmen's action concerning 161 Committee to confer with S. Hill, concerning 175 Committee to take care of land near North Yarmouth given by said Devotion 177 Livery cupboard for the Town-house 36 Logs carried to saw-mill, allowance for 127 Magistrates, deputies, etc., nomination of 44, 48 Manufacturers in Brookline, certificate of 628 Market, clerks of the. See Clerks of the Market. Markets in Boston, Committee on dissatisfaction respecting 336 Marriage to another woman, allowed to J. Lewis 69 Marsh, Committee to view bounds between Jarratt Bourne and Ralph Root. . . .32 Committee to examine Marsh road 546 Committee to renew bounds of way adjoining the 226 hay not to be taken from, by cart or sled 52 highway into the. Committee for laying out a 33 let out for mowing 35 nine acres of, bought by John Audlin 32 Town quits all claim to certain 435 Meeting-house, inhabitants manifest their minds on building a (1706) 92 Committee to find a convenient place for a 99 r,7r, Meeting-house, Committee to manage the affairs of the 'JO Committee for building the 100 land given by Caleb Ganlner for a 'M, 103 money fur building levied in wamc way as the Province tax 101 of same dimensions as one in Roxbury loO on account of building a, Town begs to be excused from sending a Representative 101 Committee's accounts to be examined 102 account allowed 101 cost of dinner at raising, allowed 104 deed of sale of land for the, to be procured 103 money and clock given for a new, by J. Lucas 4'J3 money raised for arrears 1 ( 3, 104 to be ceiled under the galleries at Town's cost 104, lOG to be glazed with diamond glass 104 Committee on new situatiou for a l')4 their report considered 455, 457 laud bought therefor 45'J monej' borroAved to build new house 457 report of Committee lOG, 112, 146,167 Committee to scat the 105-1-16, passim Committee to dispose of certain pews in 178-241, passim pews in, allotted to sundry persons 147-456, passim condition to be examined 423, 425, 427 forfeited, taken by the Town 106, 145 proprietors to have legal rights 106 sold by the Town '. 210-426 passim pews to be set up in vacant room in the 105, 182, 424 said vacant room to be sold 105, 216 overplus from sale to defray Town charges 10'.) pew-windows to be kept in repair by the Town 106 new, to be built 395, 446 permission given to cut 402 plat to be levelled bj' a rate 460 reward offered for the villain who tried to burn 454 Singing Society allowed to make seats for themselves in 274, 284 stoves introduced into 534 vote to repair the 169, 171, 176 vote to erect a steeple to the 2.J0 men's stairs to be in the tower 2;'0 height of steeple 231 vote not to build a new Meeting-house 231 vote to erect steeple, reconsideration of 231, 233, 234 tower with proper top, to be built 232 vote to build porch at the east end of 232 money raised to defray the cost 2:13 67G I Meeting-house, vote to repair south side of '. 171 Committee to provide timber for window frames 173 better road to, granted to inhabitants of North End 107, 115, 117 record of said road. . „ 117 money raised to pay for said road 119 sheds built under conditions 475-550, passim certificate of sale of sites for 525 Committee to see if it is in a condition to be enlarged 445 their report in fixU 445 work suspended 451 money granted to J. Goddard to purchase more convenient way to 137 old one to be pulled down , . . 474 Committee to present an account of particulars 481 dedication of new one 476 windows granted to sundry persons 338 Meeting-house in Roxbury, right of Muddy River in 639 memorandum concerning 639 Military company, drums, hats, etc., provided for the 429-519, passsim uniforms sold at auction 518 Military duty. Committee to hire volunteers for 275 Selectmen to procure money for the purpose 275 Military preparations of the Town, Committee to examine ' 248 Military service, claims for 276, 279, 284, 286 Committee to solicit money for 299 £1,500 per man ofiered for a limited time 300 three silver dollars given by Mary Boylston 300 Militia at alarm in April, 1775, account for supplies for, not paid 311, 318 Militia of the Town to be called together July 18, ] 776 259 eleven men detached from 422 Mill Dam, action respecting the building of 508 tax allowed to inhabitants on 552 Milton, Committee to meet the Committee from 335 Minister, Mr. James AUin chosen 107 his salary and gratuities 107-161, passim ordination expenses, how defrayed 109 ten cords of wood granted to him yearly 108 Town raises sixty pounds to defray funeral charges of 162 salary of, raised by equal rate on the inhabitants ,..109 Mr. Cotton Bi-own chosen at church meeting 163 Selectmen desired to call a Town meeting 164 Town ratify the action of the church 164 salary, five hundred pounds old tenour 164 settlement, six hundred pounds 164 Mr. Brown laid several proposals before the Town 165 his settlement increased £400 166 rise and fall of his salary to be determined by the Assessors 166 G77 Minister, Mr. Cotton Brown, Committoo to provide for or 179 Mr. John Pierce cho.scn 414 Committee to inform him of the Town's action 415 ordination appointed 416. 419 86 678 Minister, Mr. John Pierce, Committee to provide house and table 416, 417 galleries to be propped up for ordination day 416 allowance to, owing to extraordinary expenses 439, 453, 466, 482 desired to lengthen the intermission 436 copy of discourse on Washington, requested for publication 483 money raised to pay his salai'y 4:26-510, passim salary increased 510, 584 Town Treasurer to borrow $'500 to pay Mr. Pierce 416 fund to support a Congregational 310 £2,412 appropi'iated for said fund 311 Ministers, Selectmen to provide three, to preach two Sabbaths each 163 Selectmen to provide two, to preach two Sabbaths each 163 Committee to procure 163 Minister's lot in Needham given by Samuel White 184 Committee to view 465 copy of deed conveying said lot 201 wood on to be sold 467 taxes on the .' 308 rates abated to sundry persons 245 to be made separate from other rates 188 manner of paying 188 Ministerial house, provision for a 312, 313, 318, 322, 326 lawsuit occasioned thereby, how carried on 326 Minors and apprentices, rule for 69 Minute men, vote not to have 252 Moderator, first so called 36 Moderatoi'S of Town Meeting 36-632, passim Money, delegates to a meeting at Concord relative to an attempt to appreciate our 286 due from the town, paid in " hard money " 317 due heirs of Thomas Griggs, raised by tax 329 found by Rev. Mr. James Allin 645 new obligations for depreciated, given by the Town 321 Old Paper rate, settlement considered 345, 346 Old Paper, United States notes given for, sold and proceeds paid to school treasurer 380 raised to pay J. Goddard 329 refunded from Boston (paid to her in 1686) 97,98 sixty thousand pounds. Town's part accepted 134 to pay soldiers, treasurer to borrow 286 vote to hire 247, 288, 294 Mount Wooliston, farms allotted at 13, 34 Muddy River, allotments at, to sundry persons. See Allotments. and Cambridge bounds of 34, 40 assessed for Alms and Work House 55 bridge appointed to be made at 29 679 Muddy River, Constables of. 12-90, paasira cornfield fence at, to be made sufficient 34 felling of wood at 12-14 fence viewers of 33-00, passim field drivers 38, 39 five hundred acres allotted for perpetual commonage 26, 77 highway Surveyors of 28-00, passim land at, sold to sundry persons 25, 27 men to manage the affairs of 8C Miles Tarne's suit for a lot of land at 80 no more land to be granted at 2y not discharged from Boston 58 petition for liberty to erect a school (1G86) 57, 77 copy of answer to said petition 57, 77, SS petition to be a separate hamlet 62 not granted 62 petition to General Court to become a township 66, 78 privilege granted to Edwai'd Miles 45 rate assessed for cows keeping at 'J rates delivered to Constable of 43-59 passim school, motion for, referred to Selectmen 56 school-master's salary, how raised 86, 87 school-master to be paid from Town treasury 63 Selectmen to manage the affairs of 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 to submit candidates for offices 44, 61 Town Clerks of 86, 87, 88, 89 Tythingtnen of 63-89, passim way to, referred to Committee 56 TVentworth Day's suit for lot of land at 30 Neck, barren cattle to be kept away from 11 disorderly wood cut upon 12 fences to be made sufficient at the 10, 25, 28 lauds on the, to be planted 10 swine not suffei-ed to go at liberty on the 11 Needham, Minister's lot in. See Minister^ s lot. Negro woman, widow Hill, allowance to 124 North End inhabitants need better road to Meeting-house 107, 115, 117 to mend highways as far as the Meeting-house 165 Northern Army. See Army, The JVorihern. Officers, nomination of, at primary meetings 44, 48 to be indemnified for loss from non-compliance with arbitrary acts 248 Old Paper currency of the Town to be loaned 374 United States notes given for, to be sold 380 Orphans of J. Winchester, lands given to the 62 Orthodox Minister, inhabitants manifest their minds on settling a (1700) 9o 680 Pall, black velvet, vote to get 203 procured at Town's cost 100 Paper dollars, 75, paid for one silver dollar 815 Paper money, Committee to set value upon 815 Parish, J. Harris not to separate from 466-407, passim Parish and Town, I'eport of Committee on interest of 598 Parsonage repaired 476, 495 Peppers account, allowance to J. Winchester upon 116 Perambulators between Muddy River, Brookline, etc 32-610, passim Petition of the Hamlet of Muddy River for liberty to erect a school 57, 77 to the General Court to become a separate township 66, 78 Pews, forfeited by sundry persons 145, 426 given up by sundry persons 244, 519 of sundry persons, disposed of 147-426, passim provisions for new 146, 216, 226, 395 right of choice in new house sold at auction 472 selling of. Committee to consider the 336, 341 sold to the highest bidder 259-475, passim proceeds applied to building school-house 395 sundry persons ask for places to build 224, 340 Piggott, wife of, forthwith sent to Muddy River 34 Plan of the Town to be procured 404 Planting, lands allotted for, to every able man and youth 10 Poor, certificate of 616 rate abated for medical service upon the 67 restitution of wood to the 12 allowance to those who keep the 116-402, passim to go to those who will keep them cheapest 218, 220 Poorer inhabitants shall have ground allotted to them 13 have liberty to plant at Muddy River 14 Possessions, Book of 72 Post erected to put punishments on 97 Pound, Committee on building a new 116, 118, 120 Committee on procuring deed of land for a 103, 120 Constable ordered to build a new 48 erected by Samuel White, accepted 161 kept by Elizabeth Jones 69 new, to be erected on spot of the old one Ill request that it be moved 431 voted to be erected (1701) 88 to be erected where Selectmen appoint 89 Committee to examine 365, 378 their report 386 to be built in lower part of the Town 488 Powder and ammunition, \e\j to procure 98-163, jjassira to be sold 334 G81 Preachers, Selectmen to provide 10;j, 174 I'lTdching, levy to procure lCi3, 174 rrecincts, school, fixed by the Town 107, H;2 schools therein, paid for by people therein 122 I'lices to be set on all cattle 13 L'lovince rate (1738) 04',) tax and overplus ( 1 740) GoO tax to be paiil to Receiver General 250 borrowed by Selectmen 200 Pi'ovincial Congress to be held at Concoi'd, instructions to the Represen- tative to 249 two delegates to act with the Representative 249 to l)c held at Watertown, delegate to 253 Public meeting, foi'feit for disturbing 12 Pullen Point Neck, house for cattle built at 11 Pulpit, Committee on supply of the 172-413, passim money raised for the supply of the 171, 180 Rate of David Damon not abated 272 Rated by mistake, boy's head 116 Rate paid to Boston in 1686, to be repaid to Selectmen 97, 98 Rates abated to sundry persons 120, 247, 272 Rates for country and Town occasions 43-57, passim Rates paid in manufacturing money 153 Rates, persons to be restrained for non-payment of. 2H8 Recoi'ds (old) to be copied 425 Refugees in Boston, measures to secure incomes of 254 Regiments of Brookline and Boston, difficulty about the rank of 422, 427 Relief to Boston and Charlestown by subscription 251, 252 Rents, rate to defray charges on 207 Representative in the General Assembly of the Colony 255 Representatives in the General Court 95-610, passim Committee to give instructions to 223, 235, 241, 249 fine for not sending, how disposed of 344 grant to, for service 96, 97 how paid 152, 153 such a poor little Town declines sending 101 thanks given to the 241 to oppose a grant to John Green 295 vote not to send 102-320, passim Representatives to Great and General Assembly at Boston 266 at Watertown 265 to convention at Cambridge 287 at Concord 286 Rhode Island and West Point, measui'cs for raising men to go to 316 682 Rights of Colonists. See Colonists. efiforts to recover invaded 247 Roads. See Highways. Roxbury and Boston, bounds between 61 Sabbath day, horses not to be I'idden about the Common to water, on 61 Sabbath days. Minister's entertainment on, at Town's cost 107 School and Representative, levy for 98 at Muddy River, motion for a 56 at three parts of the Town, ten pounds for keeping 101 Committee 136-632, passim new bond for principal and interest due to 328 Deer Island to be improved to maintain a free 31 farm, petition for land for a 150 fund, trustees of 632, 635 grammar school, continuance of 214-488, passim iron stove for. 279 money drawn from treasury by south part of the Town 338 rates remitted to the poor 86 report required 542, 611 School-houses, distances between, and location of 131, 393 Committees for erecting and repairing 134-230, passim Committee to find most convenient spot for 155, 374 erection and repairing of 131-593, passim for Middle District, Town aid in erecting 229 gift from William Hj'slop for 391 lauds bought and given for 134, 159, 276 ~ number of 96, 131, 134 rates for building and repairing 84-374, passim request that the West School-house be moved 432 sold at auction 256 south part of Town given liberty to build 100, 197, 221 to be kept for a school-house and no other use 199 School precincts, fixed by the Town 107, 122 Schools, children from other Towns not to be admitted into 306, 368 Committee to consider schools and school-houses 369 Committee to bring them into some good method 130 Committee to measure the Town, to find distances 131, 133 number and places of 130, 329, 334 in precincts paid for by people therein 122 J. Shedd has liberty to send children to, conditionally 162 levy for the support of 90-158, passim location and number of 122-223, passim no rate for maintaining to be abated 333, 336 regulatetl by Committee and Selectmen 548 south part of the Town maintain their own 197 683 Schools, to be examined 379 vote that there should be trustees to manage the affairs of 122 young children to be admitted into the 6-18 School-masters and dames, employment of OG-l(Jl, passim Seal for weights and measures, letters of to be B. L 114 Sealers of leather 102-5.3G, passim Scalers of weights and measures 114-lo'j, passim Secret Expedition, bounty to volunteers upon 273 failure of the, to be inquired into 273 Selectmen of Brookline 92-032, passim of Muddy River 80-00, passim diet, beer and fire for 31, 32 instructions drawn up for 68 number of, determined 92-375, passim reasonable expenses of, allowed 308 to assist Constable in collecting Town rates 170 to examine the rates of sundry persons 340 Sherburne road, highway to, from road to Drew's saw-mill 110 Ships, petition against merchants arming their 425 Silver dollar in tax worth seventy-five paper ones 307 Singing school, expenses of, paid by the Town 438-580, passim Society, seats for the 274 Sixty tliousand pounds, acceptance of the Town's part of 134 appointment of trustees thereof 134 sum to be let to any one man 134 Small-pox, Committee to prepare a place for those infectious with 254, 255 Dr. Aspinwall not allowed to use his house for 280 is allowed to erect a hospital 362, 363 hospitals on Sewall's point for, damage from 272 for inoculation for 275, 390 petition to discontinue them ' 281 inoculation encouraged 367-301, passim Soldiers, Committee to hire 259-353, passim Committee to hire money to raise eleven 353 every inhabitant authorized to hire 305 inhabitants retain part of rate for hiring 310 ot Continental army exempt from poll-tax 255 papers relative to mileage, desired 205 premium for hiring 306 £750 raised by tax for hiring 303 wages paid to, fixed 307 Snow to be removed or trodden down in the roads 587 Stocks, vote to provide 233 Strangers not entertained above 14 days without leave 14 Stray animals taken up by sundry persons 75-659, passim Streets in Boston first named m 1701 62 684 Styles and gates made at public cost 11 SufiFolk County, Yote for division 129, 140 Surplus revenue, amount and appropriation of 627, 628, 634 Survey of the Town ordered 131,133 Surveyors of boards and shingles 232-399, passim of hemp and flax 142, 144, 145, 149 of highways 33-632, passim neglect to warn inhabitants 342 of wood 225-434, passim Swine to be cloistered 11-213, passim to i*un at large 117-196, passim Swineherd. See Field drivers. Tax abated to sundry persons 67-199, passim abatement if paid in money 55, 57, 59 and overplus, province (1740) 650 Committee to wait on General Court for abatement of 200 received in Old Money 312 suits for abatement of 207 Taxes, copy of report on collecting 591 Tea of the East India Company 242 Teacher, Mr. .John Cotton, allotment to 13 Tender Act, Town approve the repeal of 309 Thanks to Mary Boylston for three silver dollars 300 Timber on common land granted to sundry persons 45, 51, 96 Tithingmen of Brookline 92-434, passim of Muddy River 53-89, passim Tools purchased for use on highways 388 Town, three men to find the centre of 133 charges, defrayed by two assessments 285 money raised to defray 95-632, passim Town Clerks of Brookline 92-632, passim of Muddy River 86, 87, 88, 89 remuneration to, for service Ill, 885 Town debts on interest, rate to discharge 408 Town House, question of building a, considered 553 dedicated 556 Town Meetings, business when to begin 805 no alterations in ways of doing business, without previous consideration. . 39 notifications to be delivered from house to house 521, 579 postponed to find debt and credit of the Town 127 on account of J. Gridley's indisposition 216 times when to be held 521 Town, pecuniary affairs of the, statement 628 Town Treasurer to govern himself by votes of the Town 367 Town Treasurers 94-632, Gsr> Town Treasurers, compensation allowed to 176, 18C, 358 no compensation allowed to. ." IIG, 188 thanks given to '2'.\\^ 372 Townsmen, Constables to pay for diet for 31 , 32 fix wages for public work 31 Toy Mountain to be called Boston 9 Tree, (Buttonwood) near old Meeting-house yard cut down 4 70 Trees felled on places for private allotments 14 damage to be demanded for injury to 439' on Common ground not to be felled 46 on highways to be taken care of by Surveyors 439 set out round the new Meeting-house 476 Trustees of the Town's part of the £IJO,000 134 Turnpike Corporation, Committee to oppose petition of 583 Turnpike through the Town from IloUiston, remonstrance against 5C1 railing to be built along the 638 to Worcester. See Worcester Turnpike. Valuation of estates, attested copy of, to be procured 200 of the Town to be taken 378, 409 Committee of valuation how to be governed 380 to be taken for raising £25,000 .' 310 Victualling houses not to be kept without license 14 Victuals, prices to be set on all 13 Volunteer Company encouraged .251 Volunteers into the Continental service offered a bounty 256, 260, 261, 262 Committee to solicit 256, 260, 279 to fortify the Harbor of Boston 514 Wages on public work fixed by Townsmen 31 workmen's, prices to be set on all 13 War, mUitary pi-eparations for, Committee to examine 248 Wardens 198-317, passim Warned out of Brookline, sundry persons 269-657, passim Washington, George, respect for the memory of, testified 432, 433 Waste lands. See Common Lands. Watertown Mill, highway laid out to 35, 37 Way to each one's allotment granted 14, 68 Ways. See Hujhways. Weighers of Bread 355, 360, 364 West Point and Rhode Island, measures for raising men to go to 316 Western expedition, soldiers raised for the 353 their pay voted 355 Wife of Christopher Peggott sent to Muddy River 34 Will of Edward Devotion, copy of 660 87 Wood at Hogg's Island not to be felled 9 at Muddy River not to be felled, except 12, 14 disorderly, cut on the Neck 12 granted to sundry persons 43, 48, 51 restitution of, to the poor 12 Woodland, Committee on the mode of taxing 402 their report 403 complaints about taxes on 406 petition of C. Craft in regard to 407 Wood lot, for the benefit of the Town to be looked for 145 in Needham given to the Town by Samuel White 199 copy of deed 201 Selectmen to review the bounds 208, 618 to be examined by Committee 560 sold at auction 636 Worcester turnpike. Committee to agree with agents of 478, 584 Committee to see the contract fulfilled in good faith 565 repaired by money given by corporation, 586 INDEX TO NAMES. Abbot, Mary 384 Abrams, Elizabeth 384 Ackers, John 66-144, passim Ackers, John, ji- 80 Ackers, William 80-649, passim Adams, Charles 400 Adams, Daniel 647, 648 Adams, John 319, 502, 541 Adams, John Quincy 595 Adams, Joseph 94-149, passim Adams, Roger 56-92, passim Adams, Samuel 300-414, passim Adams, Thomas B 461, 477, 514 Addleton, Abiall 651 Addleton, Jerusha 651 Addleton, Joseph 651 Addleton, Mathew 651 Addington, Isaac 79, 81, 84, 91 Alcock, Thomas 16, 45 Alden, Solomon 418, 437 Allard, Peter 136, 140 Allen, Bezoun 60, 66, 71, 83 Allen, Henry 54, 68, 379 Allen, Isaac 432 Allen, Joseph 460 Allen, Obed 575, 584 Allen, Phineas 569 Allen, Samuel C 620 Allen, Thomas 56 Allin, Rev. James 107-162, passim Ames, Fisher 363-464, passim Ames, John W 549 Ames, Nathaniel 430, 471 Amory, Rufus G 555, 556, 559 Amsdel, Jason 269 Amsdel, Susanna 269 Andrus, John 256 Angier, John 78 Appleton, Samuel 620 Armstrong, Samuel T. . .584-619, passim Arne, Azor 390 Arnold, Joseph 533 Aronsby, Edmund 24 Arratt, John 15, 22 Asor, John 46 Aspinwall, Augustus . .561-597, passim Aspinwall, Caleb 329 Aspinwall, Eleazer 80, 92, 93 Aspinwall, John 405-519, passim Aspinwall, Peter 33-51, passim Aspinwall, Samuel 59-i;56, passim Aspinwall, Thomas . . . .120-523, passim Aspinwall, Thomas, jr. .206-228, passim Aspinwall, William 12-599, passim Aspinwall, William, jr 506-508 Atherton, Henry 478-503, passim Atkinson, Theodore 28, 37 Audlin, John. See Odlyn, John. Austin, Benjamin 301-638, passim Austin, Benjamin, jr 390, 394 Austin, Sanuu'l 301 Austin, William 569 .\yers, Ebenezer 385-418, passim Ayers, John 54 Babcock, Adam 524 Babcock, George 574 Babcock, Rufus 561, 667 Baccus, Susanna 384 Bacon, David 641 688 Bacon, Ebenezer 460 Bacon, John 430, 460 Badger, Rev. Stephen 174, 175 Bailey, Nathaniel 430 Bailies, William 554 Baily, John 549-609, passim Baker, Catherine 511 Baker, Eleazer 222-429, passim Baker, Preserved 442 Baker, Thomas 647, 650 Baker, Walter 021 Baker, WilHam 515, 607 Baldwin, Laommi 620 Balstone, William 10-16, passim Banner, Peter 463 Barker, Joseph 502 Barnard, Hezekiah 554 Barnes, James 61 Barret, Rachel 651 Barret, Samuel 376 Barstow, Gideon 585 Bartlett, Baily 460, 469 Bartlett, Ebenezer 245-657, passim Bartlett, Elizabeth 654 Bartlett, James 571 Bartlett, John 654 Bartlett, Longley 654 Barton, Perley 585 Bass, Benjamin 618 Bass, John 582-632. passim Bass, Samuel 444-545, passim Bates, Isaac C 620 Baulam, Stephen 484 Baxter, John 440, 454, 471 Baytes, Edward 25 Baytes, George 20, 21, 23 Beamsley, William 17, 33, 72, 73 Bearstowe, George .59, 60, 61 Becke, Alexander 17-73, passim Belchar, Edward 11, 15 Belcher, Deborah 276 Belcher, Elizabeth 276 Belcher, Hannah 276 Belcher, Inglis 276 Belcher, James 276 Belcher, Joanna 276 Belcher, Joseph 276 Belcher, Joseph, jr 276 Belcher, Lydia 276 Belcher, Martha 276 Belcher, Martin 276 Belcher, Sarah 276 Belcher, William. 276 Belknap, Esther 656 Bell, Thomas 169, 189 Bellesous, Charles 657 Bellesous, Hannah 657 Bellesous, Joseph 657 Bellesous, Lideven 657 Bellesous, Mary 657 Bellesous, Peggy 657 Bellesous, Susanna 657 Bellingham, Richard 10-77, passim Bemis, Joseph 480-532, passim Bendall, Edward 21, 22, 72 Bendall,F 75 Benjamin, Daniel 654 Benjamin, Daniel, jr 654 Benjamin, Elizabeth 654 Benjamin, Mary 654 Bennet, John 54, 64 Bigelow, Timothy 470, 479 Biggs, John 17-72, passim Bird, Ebenezer 383 Biscoe, William 31 Blackstone, William 9, 21 Blake, Ebenezer 615, 621 Blanchard, Davis 637 Blanchai-d, Francis 185-225, passim Blaney, William 272 Blanton, William 27 Boning, John 647, 650 Bonner, John 63 Boston, William 11 Bourne, Jarratt 17, 23, 28, 32, 33 Bowdoin, James . .» 300-459, passim Bowen, Griffin 25, 73 Bowen, Henry 50-75, passim Bowen, Mary 215, 216, 279 Bowles, William 225, 228, 232 Bowman, Susanna 655 Boyden, Seth 575, 579 6P9 Boyles, Dr 231 Knylstun, Benjamin. .i;'/2, 139, 140, 141 lylston, Duillcy 101-647, passim >yIston, John 'J15 lylston, Joshua lG'.t-342, passim lylston, Mary 252-800, passim .ylston, Nicholas 2150, 404 Boylston, Peter 65-153, passim I'mylston, Ricliard 162, 168 IS'iylston, Thomas 46-230, passim Boylston, Zahdiel 147-220, passim Hrarllcy, Bt-njainin 4'.'5-585, passim IJrattle, Thomas 39-69, passim Breed, William B 585 Brenton, William 9-34, passim Brewer, Darius 584 Brewer, Stephen 184 Brewei-, William 484, 515, 516 Bribner, George 384 Bridge, Anna 654 Bridge, Anna, 2d 654 Bridge, Benjamin 199, 654 Bridge, Jeremiah 654 Bridgham, Joseph 66 Briscoe, William 32, 74 Brooks, Eleazer 390, 460 Brooks, John 522-544, passim Brooks, Nathan 585 Brooks, Thomas 240 Broughton, Thomas 36 Brown, Cotton 163, 164, 165, 166 Brown, Elizabeth 653 Brown, Enoch 653 Brown, Joseph 271 Brown, Josiah 142-647, passim Brown, Mary 653 Brown, Mary, 2d 653 Brown, Samuel 634 Brown, Sarah 384 Brown, Sussinna 653 Brown, Thomas 653 Brown, William H 541, 544, 546 Browne, Edward 16, 19, 22 Brownell, Nathan C 620 Brownell, Silvester 500, 505 Buckmastcr, Jabesh 56 Buckmast«r, Joseph . ..43, 82, 68, 60, 62 Biickminster, Joseph . . . .63, 64, 65, 87 Bugbec, Samuel 556 Bulgar, Richard 16, 19, 20 BuUard, Isaac 400-642, passim BuUard, John 487-632, passim Bullard, Seth 401-444, pas.sim Bullivant, Benjamin 78, 86 Bung, (negro) 276 Burbank, Moses Oil Burchall, Henry 21, 22 Burden, Robert 74 Burton, John 268 Bushnall. Francis 20, 22 Buston, William 9 Butler, John 268 Buttles, Leonard 27 Byers, James 585 Cabot, George 404 Campbell, Daniel 283, 333 Campbell, John 571 Campbell, Josiah 283 Campbell, Lucy 283 Campbell, Mary 283 Campbell, Mary, 2d 283 Campbell, Sarah 283 Campbell, William 283-333, passim Carnes, John 456, 458, 459 Carter, Richard 73, 74 Cary, Humphrey 68 Gary, Sarah 657 Caryl, A 547 Case, Eliphalet 585 Caswell, Joseph 271 Chaffee, John 585 Chamberlain, Abraham. .80-142, passim Chamberlain, Edward 54 Chamberlain, Elizabeth 228, 279 C-hamberlain, Thomas 641, 648 Champney, Downing 640 Champney, Erastus 498, 538, 550 Champney, John 607 Chandler, Nathan 569 Chandler, Zachariah 164, 157 Chapin, Harvey 620 690 Checkly, Samuel 60, 71, 163 Cheesbrough, William 9, 10, 11 Child, Aaron 223-523, passim Child, Benjamin 36 Child, Daniel 307, 317. 324, 349 Child, Edward 643 Child, Elijah 364-539, passim Child, Elizabeth 655 Child, Harris 498 Child, Isaac 102-512, passim Child, Isaac, jr 168, 185, 203 Child, Joseph 310 Child, Joshua 59-167, passim Child, Joshua, jr 101, 121 Child, Phineas 466 Child, Samuel 655 Child, Solomon 333-448, passim Child, Stephen 515, 607 Child, Timothy H .517-561, passim Choat, Rebecca 654 Chub, Frances 654 Clark, Abigail 651 Clark, Caleb 520-625, passim Clark, Elizabeth 435, 651 Clark, Hugh 43 Clark, James 43, 661 Clark, Jeremiah 268 Clark, John 53 Clark, John C 617 Clark, Joshua C 462-632, passim Clark, Lucy 651 Clark, Mary 651 Clark, Oriall 54 Clark, Priscilla 651 Clark, Richard 243 Clark, Samuel 60-528, passim Clark, Samuel, jr 108-196, passim Clark, Thomas 37-376, passim Clark, Uriah 52, 53, 55, 58 Clark, Widow 76 Clifford, Simeon 597 Cobb, Daniel 484, 488, 492 Cobb, David 460 Cobbit, John 68 Coburn, John 253-314, passim Coburn, Joseph 240, 245, 253 Coddington, William 10, 13 Coffin, John 543 Coffin, Susanna 655 Cogan, John 10, 27, 77 Coggshall, John 14, 15, 16, 19 Colborne, William 10-77, passim Colby, Daniel 601, 602 Cole, Samuel 34 Collier, Robert 651 Comey, Jonathan 656 Commack, James 657 Cone, Ann 656 Cone, Jacob 656 Cone, John 656 Conell, Edward, 40, 43 Cony, Philip, 159, 653 Cook, Benjamin 658 Cook, Benjamin, jr 658 Cook, Elisha 66, 69, 81 Cook, Elisha 658 Cook, Isaac 522-607, passim Cook, Isaac 567 Cook, Lydia 658 Cook, Lydia. 2d 658 Coolidge, David 517-659, passim Cooper, William 658 Corbett, Thomas 140 Corbett, Widow 142 Corbin, Clement. 46 Corey, Aaron 546, 547 Corey, Elijah 423-632, passim Corey, Elijah, jr 547-622, passim Corey Enoch 348, 361 Corey, John 355-448, passim Corey, Joseph 355 Corey, Timothy 245-625, passim Corey, Timothy, jr 477, 486 Cotton, John 10-100, passim Cotton, Rowland 117 Cotton, Thomas 108-150, passim Courser, AVilliam 21, 30 Cowell, Edward 37 Coxall, John 9 Craft, Caleb 214-632, passim Craft, Caleb, jr 501-622, passim Craft, Ebenezer 205, 608 091 Craft, George 622 Craft, Griffiu 43 Craft, Mary 233 Craft, Moses 46 Craft, Nathun 384 Craft, Natlianiel 642 Craft, Samuel 62-582, jjassim Craft, Susanna 523 Crafts, Thomas, 3-50-3'.t5, passim Craine, John 32 Gramme, John 17, 23 Cranch, Richard 311-407, passim Crane, David 484 Crane, Elijah 454-600, passim Crane, Ezekiel 268 Cranwell, John 20, 21 Crocker, Samuel 500, 505 Crocukus, Widow 68 Croft, Caleb 285-388, passim Croft, Samuel 158-502, passim Crowninshield, B. AV 532, 536, 541 Cummings, Mary 653 Cummings, Thomas 653 Curtis, George 26 Curtis, Joseph 276, 515, 607 Cushiug, Abel 517-632, passim Cushing, Charles 31 U, 356 Cushiug, Edward 554 Cushing, Thomas 301-356, passim Cushing, William 401 Cutler Benjamin F 582-507, passim Dagget, Elisha jr 56U Damon, David 272 Dana, Anna 523 Dana, Daniel ltO-425, passim Dana, David I'JS Dana, Jonathan 278-523, passim Dana, Stephen 511, 612 Dana, Theophilus 624 Darrcll, William 330 Dascombe, Daniel 423, 448, 462 Davis, Aaron 470, 480 Davis, Ambrose 58 Davis, Benjamin 53-628, passim Davis, Benjamin B 526, 579 Davis, Caleb. . ._ 301-387, passim Davis, Ebenezer 155, 448, passim Davis, Elizabetlv, 408, 411, 528 Davis, Henry 51 , lO'J Davis, Increase S 536 Davis, Isaac P 507, 607, 614 Davis, James 20, 138 Davis, John 28-021, passim Davis, Jonathan 554 Davis, Joseph 51-96, passim Davis, Joshua 185-207, passim Davis, Lucy 611 Davis, Nchemiah 149-411, paasim Davis, Robert S 486-573, passim Davis, Samuel -220 Davis, Samuel C 582 Davis, Sarah 2y'J-331, passim Davis, William 32-291, passim Dawes, John 68 Dawes, Thomas 361-394, passim Day, Samuel 488, 492, 4^6 Day, Wentworth 30 Dean, Jesse 267 Dean, John 373,376 Dean, Josiah 459 Dearborn, A. S 575-597, passim Dearborn, Henry 530 Dearborn, William 605, 628 De Coster, John 4y8, 519 Deming, William 22 Descom, Daniel 399 Devotion, Ebenezer 06O Devotion, Edward 32-206, passim Devotion, John 56-89, passim Devotion, Mary GOO, 662 Dexter, Samuel 342-522, passim Dimmuck, Braddock 569 Dominge, William 16 Doolittle, John 33 Dorman, Martha 68 Downer, Eliphalet 223, 254, 255 Dowse, Dana 533 Dowse, Eilward 534 Drew, Erasmus 60, 1U7, 640 Di-ew, Erosamond 94-040, passim Druce, John 60-160, passim 692 Druce, Obediah 169-210, passim Drury, John 569 Ducit, Ann 657 Ducit, Charles 657 Ducit, Joseph 657 Ducit, Joseph, jr 657 Ducit, Mary 657 Duck, Benjamin 333 Dudley, Joseph 57-110, passim Dudley, Samuel 524 DuGar, Daniel 657 DuGar, Felicity 657 DuGar, Glode 657 DuGar, Hannah 657 DuGar, Joseph 657 DuGar, Lecily 657 DuGar, Mary 657 DuGar, Peggy 657 Dunbar, Elijah 356, 361, 366 Dunlap, George 268 Dunn, John 624 Dunster, Henry 333 Dunster, Isaiah 383 Dustin, John 622,632 Dyer, Christopher. . . . 129, 135, 138, 143 Dyneley, William 19 Eads, Peter 201 Easson, William 136 Eddy, Caleb 620 Eddy, Zachariah 585 Eldrige, Stephen 268 Eliott, Asaph 54 Eliott, Goodman 28 Eliott, Jacob 14-77, passim Eliott, Joseph 58, 60, 61 Elkyn, Henry 20, 22 Ellis, Amasa 420, 421, 429, 462 Ellis, Andrew 283 Ellis, John 93-470, passim Ellis, Luther 637 Ellis, Thomas 645 Ellis, William 559-637, passim Ellsworth, John 503-566, passim Emery, Ralph 557 Emery, William 664 Endicott, John 530-595, passim Estabrooks, Samuel. .383, 437, 477, 481 Eustis, Jacob 599, 602 Eustis, William 436-551, passim Everett, Alexander 621, 632 Everett, Edward 615, 621, 631 Everett, Moses 465 Everett, Oliver 411-448, passim Exeter, (negro) 305 Fairbancke, Richard 12, 20, 22, 25 Fane, Henry 74 Fareweather, J ohn 56 Farley, John 460 Farrar, Abigail 384, 655, 656 Farrar, Abigail, 2d 657 Farrar, Jacob 655 Farrar, Jerusha 655 Farrar, Mary 655, 656 Farrar, Nathan 655 Farwell, Abraham 469, 493 Feltch, Widow 68 Ferfield, Daniel 61 J-'ield, A 547, 650, 565 Fillebrown, Abigail 667 Fillebrown, Anna 657 Fillebrown, John 667 Fillebrown, Louis 657 Fillebrown, Sarah 657 Fillebrown, Sarah, 2d 657 Fillebrown, Thomas. 460 Fillebrown, Thomas 657 Fillebrown, William 657 Fisher, Ebenezer 480, 484 Fisher, Jabez 301-363, passim Fisher, J eremiah 201 Fisher, Lewis 545-637, passim Fisher, Lieutenant 34 Fisher, Mr. (Teacher) 463 Fisk, D. W 596 Fisk, Josiah J 548, 651, 559, 563 Fitch, James 18, 19 Fitch, Joseph 620 Fitch, Richard 18, 19 Flax, Cotton 32 Fletcher, Edward 29 093 Flint, Thomas 16 Floyd, Marshal 5C6 Ford, Enos ..64G, 578, G17 Ford, James 607, oi^l, 642, 6-4G Ford, Joseph 546, 648, 500 Forward, James M 5G9 F'oster, Andrew B 536 F'oster, Edmund . . . .' 554 ' Foster, Edward 611 ! Foster, Enos 554 Foster, Lemuel 606 Foster, Robert 52'J Foster, Susanna G5G Foster, William 615, 621, G31 Fowle, Samuel 550 Fowler, James 696 Fox, Thomas 38 Frary, Theophilus 39-64, passim Fraylie, Theophilus 48, 4'J Frazer, John 490 Frazer, Joseph 622, 623 Freeman, Sarah 656 ; French, Asa 614 j French. Thomas 568 631, passim Frost, Joshua 569 Fuller, Samuel 330 Fuller, S. P 657 Fuller, Timothy 584 Gadcomb, (Gatcomb) Mary 196-205 Gamblin, Benjamin ". . .61, 62 Gardiner, Thomas 34, 45, 47 Gardner, Addington. . .114-128, passim Gardner, Andrew 54-86, passim Gardner, Benjamin. . . .120-331, passim Gardner, Caleb 80-653, pa,ssim Gardner, Caleb, jr 96-118, passim Gardner, Elisha 173 341, passim Gardner, Henry 250, 656 Gardner, Isaac 101-208, passim Gardner, Isaac, jr 172-348, passim Gardner, Isaac S 352-659, passim Gardner, Joseph 60-485, passim Gardner, Joshua 59-646, passim Gardner, Nathaniel 149, 159 Gardner, Peter, jr 102, 116, 123 Gardner, Uichard 120 Gardner, Samuel 180-227, paesim Gardner, Samuel S 637 Gardner, Solomon 149-650, passini Gardner, Stephen R 686 Gardner, Thomas 30-120, passim Gai-dner, Thomas, jr 53-102, passim Gardner, Thouiaa, od 96 Gates, Amos 90-045, passim Gates, Lyman 60-00, passim Gates, Ifidow 63i> Gay, Timothy 335 George ( Indian ) 75 Gerry, Elbridge 327-500, passim Gerry, Franklin 538 Gibbous, Edward 27, 77 Gidney, Bartholomew. 57, 77, 85 Gilbert, Elid 669 Gill, Moses 401-435, passim Gills, Daniel 465 Gillum, Benjamin 28 Gleason, Isaac 102 Gleason, Samuel 163-652, passim Gleason, AVilliam 96-161, passim Glover, John 68 Goddard, A. W 564-632, passini Goddard, Benjamin. . . .602-636, passim Goddard, John 128-668, passim Goddard, John, jr 182 Goddard, Joseph 102-635, passim Goddard, Nathaniel 661 Goddard, Sarah 649 God.lard, Thomas 461 Goff, Zebulon 651 Gold, Edward 68 Goldthwait, Jacob 384 Goldthwait, Lot 384 Gooch, John 644 Gooch, William 494, 605 Goodenow, Phineas 625 Goodhue, Benjamin 390, 460 Goodrich, Samuel 681 Gordon, John 144 Gordon, William 301 Gore, Christopher 483, 488, 492, 495 Gore, John 76 694 I Gould, John 507 Goultrop, Ralph 73 Gray, Francis C 552 Gray, William 492-554, passim Great, David 75 Greele, Samuel 619 Greely, Joseph 650 Green, John 295 Greene, Sarah 656 Greenleaf, Thomas 495-551, passim Greenough, David S. ...424-563, passim Greenwood, John 641 Greenwood, Nathaniel 54 Gridley, Jeremiah 180-217, passim Gridley, Samuel 643 Griffin, Samuel 643, 661 Griffin, Widow 48 Griggs, David R 606, 615, 628, 659 Griggs, George 18- 197, passim Griggs, Ichabod 62 Griggs, James 115-160, passim Grigss, John 295 Griggs, Joseph 76-489, passim Griggs, Joshua 348-535, passim Griggs, Nathaniel 207-317, passim Griggs, Samuel 283-642, passim Griggs, Thomas 206-633, passim Grinnell, Cornelius 585 Griswold, Cornelius 554 Grosse, Edward 28 Grosse, Isaac 15, 22 Grover, Jno 36 Grubb, Edward 10, 28 Grubb, Thomas 25, 28, 72, 73 Guild, Benjamin 563, 564 Guild, John 597 Guild, William 583 Hale, Rev. Mr 163 Hale, William 461 Hall, Edward 520-634, passim Hall, Jacob 585 Hallett, Benjamin 585 Halsey, James 58 Hambleton, John 268 Hambleton, William 68 Hammond, Beulah 656 Hammond, Isaac 550, 641 Hammond, .John 648 Hammond, John, jr 654 Hammond, Jonathan. . .403-535, passim Hammond, Lydia 654 Hammond, Mary 649 Hammond, Nathaniel 641, 642 Hammond, Peter 649 Hammond, Samuel. ..525, 526, 533, 553 Hammond, Thomas 640 Hammond, Thomas, jr 641 Hancock, John 300-394, passim Hancs, Benjamin 405 Harback, Thomas 433 Harding, Robert 16 Harker, Anthony 18 Harrington, Joseph 513 Harrington, Justus 257 Harrington, Rev. Mr 163 Harris, Benjamin 454, 462 Hathorn, John 459 Haven, Samuel 170-465 passim Havendish, Mary 655 Hawes, George 584, 595, 609 Hawes, Joseph.. .581, 584, 595, 614, 637 Hawkins, (Indian) 75 Hawks, Elkanah 376 Hayden, A 531 Hayden, John 562-633, passim Hayden, Joseph 251, 619 Haynes, Clark 612, 616 Haynes, John 495 Hazzard, Joseph ^ 654 Hazzard, Lois 654 Hazzard, Thomas 500, 505 Healy, Aaron 196, 198 Healy, Nathan 187, 640 Heath, Ebenezer 375-635, passim Heath, Elias 640 Heath, Isaac 75 Heath, James. 519 Heath, John 203-458, passim Heath, Joseph 505, 510 Heath, Prudence 384 Heath, William 341-602, passim 695 Heaton, Nathaniel 18, 19 Henshaw, David oGO Henshaw, Joshua 277-379, passim Hersey, Stephen '. 364, 369 Hibbins, William. ...... .20-77, pa.ssim Hide, Arby 533 Hide, Gershoni 267 Hide, John 642 Hide, Jonathan CJ^o Hide, Tliaddeus 290, 317, 376, 393 Hides, Eloazer 640 Higby, Christopher 268 Higginson, Stephen 428, 467, 533 Hill, Nathaniel 159, 648 Hill, Solomon 140-359, passim Hill, Widoio 124 Hills, Samuel 625, 626, 632, 636 Hilton, Hannah 657 Hitchborn, Benjamin 435, 440, 444 Hoadiey, Tiioraas 251, 267 Hobart, Benjamin 554 Hobart, Thomas 555 Holbrook, Amos 548 Holbrook, Dorothy 276 Holbrook, Ebenezer 276 Holbrook, George 600 Holden, James 416-623, passim Holland, Nathaniel. . ,62, 88, 92, 93, 94 Ilollidge, Richard 25 Holman, Silas 569 Holmes, Charles J 620 Holmes, Nathaniel 61, 62 Holton, Henry 295 Holton, Samuel 394 Ilolyoke, Elizur 597, 617 Hood, Charles 585 Horden, Robert 77 Horton, Katherine 112 Howe, Caleb 135 Howe, David 664 Howe, John 365-527, passim Howe, Samuel, jr 554 Howen, Ann 68 Huwen, Israel 68 Hubbard, Abel 490-562, passim Hubbard, Samuel 552, 554, 502 Hu.lson, William 10, 24 Hull, George 621, 631 Hull, John 34-68, passim Hull, Robert 15, 74 Hulton, Henry 262 Humphreys, James 512 Hunt, John 633 Hunting, Reubin 674-633, passim Hunting, Thomas 619 Hutchinson, Edward 9-68, passim Hutchineon, Elisha 54, 56, 243 Hutchinson, Thomas 243, 479 Hutchinson, William 12, 14, 16 Hyde, A 608 Hyde, T 608 Hyslop, Daniel 458 Hyslop, David 290-537, passim Hyslop, William 218-391, passim Hyslop, William, jr 375 Ines, Mathcw 18 Inge, Mawdit 24 Ingersol, Natlianiel, 477, 508 Ingolsbey, John 48 Ireland, William 34 Jackson, Abigail 384 Jackson, Abraham 231-278, passim Jackson, Amasa 544 Jackson, Asa 658 Horton, Timothy 554 Jackson, Charles 585 Houchings, Jeremiah 40 Jack.son, Edmund 18, 19 Houlton, Robert 17, 32 Jackson, Ezra 365, 658 Hovey, Caleb 141, 143 Hovoy, Henry 633 Hovey, Widow 120 Jackson, Jonathan 369-533, passim Jackson, Jonathan, jr 535, 537 Jackson, Rev. Joseph. .192-421, pas.sim Howard, Phinep.s 384 Jackson, Margaret 658 Howe, Adam 469 Jackson, Molly 668 fiOG Jackson, Nathan 658 Jackson, Sarah 384, 658 Jackson, Thaddeus 278-581, iDassim Jackson, Thaddeus, jr 400, 535, 658 Jackson, Timothy 493 Jackson, William 593-631, passim Jameson, William 574, 583 Jaquith, Asa 544 Jaryis, Charles 387, 404 Jarvis, William C 565 Jeffors, Elizabeth 645 Jewett, Sarah 384 John, (Indian) 75 Johnson, James 18, 19, 33, 34 JoUiffe, John 40, 44, 54, 56 Jones, Elizabeth 69 Jones, James 384 Jones, John Coffin 460 Jones, Joseph 452-523, passim Jones, Moses 541- 628, passim Jones, Stephen 586, 612 Jones, S. S. C 574, 583 Jordan, Josiah 340 Keayne, Robert 15, 16, 24 Kellon, Mary 651 Kendall, Joseph G 9, 620 Kendrick, Ebenezer,. . . .95-185, passim Kendrick, John 26, 32 Kendrick, Nathaniel 151, 159, 652 Kendrick, Thomas 215, 247, 656 Kibby, Edward. .39, 43, 44, 53, 54, 55 King, Dr 216 King William 228-532, passim Kingsbury, Daniel 635 Kingsbury, John 517, 533, 607 Kingsbury, Jona., jr. . .297-501, passim Kitteridge, Joseph 554, 620 Kitteridge, Theodore 532 Kitteridge, Thomas 459 Knight. Elizabeth 269 Knight, Maclin 33 Knight, Mary 269 Knight, Mary, 2d 369 Knight, Stephen ' 268 Lake, John 69 Lake, Thomas 36, 44 Lamb, William 73 Landeree, Joseph 657 Larnard, Daniel 410, 417, 429 Lawton, William 486, 523 LeBlance, Joseph 657 LeBlance, Maddie 657 LeBlance, Mary 657 Lee, Joseph 608 Lee, Samuel 585, 620 Lee, Thomas Ill, 130, 138, 607 Leeds, James 437-631, passim Leland, Sherman 548-571, passim Leonard, George 460 Levant, Frank 215 Leveague, Francis 223 Leverett, Daniel 452 Leverett, Major General 43 Leveritt, John 26, 73, 74 Leveritt, Thomas 13-30, passim Leveritt, William 434, 437 Lewis, John 69 Lewis, WinslOw 619 Lincoln, Benjamin 327-336, passim Lincoln, Heman 552 Lincoln, Jonathan 585 Lincoln, Levi 479-584, passim Loker, Alvin 571-633, passim Longley, Thomas 620 Lord, John 460 Loring, Miss 365 Lothrop, Howard 620 Lothi'op, Samuel 551-595, passim Loud Samuel P 545-637, passim Love, John 23 Lovell, Joseph 444 Lovell, Solomon 319-356, passim Lowell, John 301-356, passim Loyd, James 562 Lucas, John 412-493, passim Lyall, Francis 16 Lyman, Theodore 552 Mackintosh, Alexander. 279-652, passim Magoon, Joshua 582-612, passim Makepeace, Thomas 26 r.97 Man, Abijah 383 Man, Soth 614, G37 Mandell, Thomas G'JO Marble, Nelson 5G4 i^larian, Martlia 273 Marian, Sanuiel 267 Marian, Thomas 267 MarifieUl, Abigail 384 Marion, John fil Marshall, Thomas 31, 32, 33 Marshall, William 448, 462, 472 Marston, Nymphas 554, 555, 535 Mary, Queen of England 238 Mason, Arthur 39 Mason, Edward 655 Mason, Jonathan 356-533, passim Mason, Ralph 24, 35, 37, 40, 74 [ Mattoon, Ebenezer 585 Mayo, Abigail 654 : Mayo, Thomas 654 | Mcllvaine, John 271 ' Mcllvaine, William., 271 I McKoron, Hugh 268 | Mears, Robert 21, 23 i Meriam, Abel 434-468, passim , Meriara, Nathaniel 245, 257 I Merion, Anna 656 | Merion, Edward 656 ; Merion, Hannah 656 Merion, John 656 I Merion, Mehitable 656 [ Merion, Rebecca 656 ' Mcrphew, Bryan 68 Merrick, Piiney 585 Messenger, Heni'y 26 Metcalf, John 356 Metcalf, Jonathan 301, 319, 356 Metcalf, Michael 329, 330 Metcalf, Stephen 341-424, passim Metcalf, Theron 609, 615 Miles, Benjamin 201 Miles, Edward 45 Miller, Nathaniel 551, 621 Mills, Elijah 268 Mills, John 680, 584 Minot, George B 480 Minot, Widow 47 Mitchell, Robert 571 Monroe, Eunice 270 Moore, John 3'J Moraun, Dorman GO Morean, Martha 859 Morean, William 95, 90 Morgan, Charles W G20 Moriarty, John 585 Morse, George 517, 583 Morse, Martin 551-633, passim Morton, Marcus 651-631 passim Morton, Nathaniel 502 Morton, Perez 448 Mosely, Ebenezer 585 Mulloon, Ebenezer 460 Murdock, George 632 Murdock, Nathaniel.. . .424-582, passim Murdock, Theodore 586 .Mylam, John 20 Nash, Rachel 384 Newell, Artemas 632 Newell, George 612 Newell, Isaac 76 Newell, Jacob 75 Newell, John 152-181, passim NeweU, Josiah 330, 594 Newell, Moses 171-178, passim Newell, Samuel 95-149, passim Newell, Timothy 459 Newgate, John 15, 1 6, 24 Newhall, James 569 Newland, John 330 Newton, Edward 620 Nichols, Abraham 648 Niles, Samuel 301, 311, 335, 342 Noble, Daniel 547, 5oo Norton, John P 569 Noyes, Amos 585 Noyes, John 69 Noyes, Oliver 66, 83 Noyes, William 69 Oakes, Thomas 84 Obrine, Jamei 647 fi98 Odiorne, George 609 Odlyn, John 24-37, passim Offley David 2G Oldham, Samuel 641 Oliver (Olyvar), Daniel 61,640 Oliver, James 29, 83, 34, 44 Oliver John 31 Oliver, Nathaniel 641 Oliver Peter 29-40, passim Oliver, Thomas 10-72, passim Olney, Richard 585 Ormesby, Anne 18 Orne, Azor 300, 301 Os,2;ood, Major 802 Otis, Harrison Gray 414, 428, 547 Otis, Samuel Allen 341 , 363 Paddy, William 34, 35 Painter, Thomas 2'"i, 73 Palmer, John, 28 Palmer, Joseph 301, 311 Parker, Isaac 460 Parker, James 58 Parker, Jane 73, 74 Parker, John 48-74, passim Parker, Margaret 74 Parker, Noah 74 Parker, Peter 165-211, passim Parker, Richard 51, 74 Parker, Samuel 516 Parker, Thomas 74 Parker, Timothy 214, 219, 222 Parker, William 38 Parks, William 38 Partridge, Elizabeth 505, 524 Payson, Thomas 585 Pearepoint, John 38 Pecke, Thomas 51 Pell, William 20, 22 Pemberton, James 39-53, passim Pemberton, John 18 Penn, James 11, 14, 16, 24 Penniman, Elisha 552-570, passim Perkins, S. H 583 Perkins, Thomas H 505-624, passim Perry, Daniel 5C6-636, passim Perry, Edward 562 Perry, Hannah 611 Perry, Isaac 24, 74 Persons, Thomas 399 Pettes, William 633 Philbrick, Samuel 582-628, passim Phillips, John 59 Phillips, Jonathan 552 Phillips, Samuel 435, 440 Phillips, William 349-544, passim Phipps, Samuel 490 Phipps, Solomon 65, 87, 89 Phipps, Thomas 641 Pickering, John 300 Pierce, Daniel 490-633, passim Pierce Edward 634 Pierce, John 414-632, passim Pierce, John H 571, 597, 628 Pierce, Levi 529 Pierce, Peter H 569, 585 Pierce, Silas 599,628 Piggott, Christopher 34 Pitts, John 301-335, passim Pompey, (negro) 276 Pond, Eliphalet 410, 495, 507 Pormont, Philemon 12, 21, 23 Porter. Ann 660 Porter, Samuel 554 Potter, Ann 616 Potter, Hannah 191, 192 Potter, Nathaniel 181-192, passim Powell, Jeremiah 300-335, passim Prentiss, Nathaniel S 607 Price, Daniel 392 Price, Ezekiel 311, 319, 327, 335 Primus, (negro) 348 Prout, Joseph 63, 64, 83, 98 Prout, Timothy 58 Purton, Elizabeth 19, 20 Putnam , Jesse 569 Pynchon, Mr 15 Quincy , Edmund 9,13 Quincy, Josiah 436 Ragon, John 170 699 Rainsford, Edward 38-00, passim Randolph, Edward 57-86, passim Rantoul, Robert 620 Rawson, Edward 9 lieade, Esdras 24 Rcade, Robert 17 Reed, Isaac 306 Reed, John 366-454, passim Reed, Jonas 543, 557 Reed, William 554 Remington, Lieutenant 37 Reube, (Indian) 75 Reynolds, Benjamin. . ..536-554, passim Reynolds, Robert 20, 21, 24, 31 Rice, Thomas 400 Richards, Aaron 533 Richards, Ebenezer. . . .409-618, passim Richards, Ebenezer, jr. . . .581, 586, 598 Richards, Elizabeth 523 : Richards, James 540 Richards, John 40, 44, 69 Richards, Josiah 612, 616 Richardson, James . . . .488-637, passim Richardson, Joseph L 631 Rickctson, Joseph 585 Bobbins, Daniel 650 Robbins, Edward 401-569, passim Robbins, James W 585 Robbins, John 641, 642 Robinson, Albert A 586 Robinson, James 581-632, passim Robinson, John 405-635, passim Robinson, Stephen 511 Roicerson, Robert 170-180, passim Root, Ralph 17, 32, 34 Root, Robert 73 Rose, Nathaniel 268 Ross, John 509 Rossiter, David 400 Rotch, William 502 Ruggles, Edward 97, 205, 661 Ruggles, John 539-659, passim Ruggles, Nathaniel. . . .501-534, passim Ruggles, Samuel 61, 62, 376, 378 Russell, James 55 Russell, Nathaniel P 555 Russell, Thomas 370-394, passim Salter, William 19, 20, 74 Saltonstall, Leverett 554, 620 Samson, Alexander 182 Sanborn, Hugh M 586 Sanderson, Daniel 570-636, passim Sanford, Richard 78 Sargent, Ebenezer 145-216, pa!»im Saunders, Silvester 24 Saunfbrd, John 9-16, passim Savage, Epliraim 66, 71, 88 Savage, Prudence 652 Savage Thomas 16-68, passim Scammel, John C 014, 637 Scott, Joseph 111-124, passim Scott, Robert 25 Scottow, Joshua 26, 30, 38 Scottow, Thomas 23-74, passim Scottow, Thomasyn 17 Scudder, David 502 Se.agor, William 653 Searl, John 87 Sears, D 573 Seaver, Daniel 283 Seaver, Ebenezer 424-609, passim Seaver, Elizabeth 648 Seaver, John 66-152, passim Seaver, John, jr 128, 129, 143, 649 Seaver, Juball 47 Seaver, Nahum 462 Seaver, Nathaniel 122-427, passim Seaver, Sarah 427 ' Seaver, Submit 656 j Seaver, Tubal 658 I Seaver, William 460 ] Seaverns, Joel 384 ! Seaverns, N 565 Seaverns, Thomas 612, 610 Sogar, Henry 63 SewcU, Henry 153-321, passim Sewcll, Joseph 553, 564 I Sewell, Samuel 53-105, passim I Sewell, Samuel, jr 79-128, passim ' Shaler, William U 682 I Sharp, Jacob 228, 232, 246 700 Sharp, John 47, 49, 658 Sharp, Robert 96-399 , passim Sharp, Robert, jr 153-210, passim Sharp, Sarah 279 Sharp, Stephen 228-599, passim Sharp, William 65-114, passim Shaw, Abel B 578 Shaw, Henry 585 Sheafe, Jacob 36 Shedd, James 96-661, passim Shepherd, William 460 Sheppard, Edward 38 Sheppavd, Ralph 62-94, passim Sherlan, James 650 Sherman, Richard 26, 72 Sibley, Charles 585 Silsbee, Nathaniel 554, 620 Simpson, John K 669 Sinclair, John 268 Slack, Samuel 385-560, passim Smith, Anna 650 Smith, Ebenezer 225, 253 Smith, Ithamar 283 Smith, Jacob 533 Smith, James L 576 Smith, Jonathan 459 Smith, Joseph 75, 276, 277 Smith, Lambert 268 Smith, Lydia 283 Smith, Mary 655 Smith, Oliver 554 Smyth, John .• 25 Snow, Amos 557, 612, 616 Snow, Silas 526, 659 Snow, Thomas 15, 22, 72 Snowdon, AVilliam 646 South worth. Consider 584 Sparhawk, Isaac 332 Sparhawk, Nathaniel 641, 642 Spaulding, Leonard 611 Spear, John 240-283, passim Spoore, John 72 Sprague, Seth 569 Spring, Abigail, 656 Spurr, Eliphalet 429-490, passim Squer, Samuel 647 Starkweather, Oliver 569 Stearns, Charles 478-636, passim Stearns, Charles, jr . . . . 644-632, passim Stearns, George W 465-628, passim Stearns, John 586 Stearns, John G 612, 616 Stearns, Josiah 460 Stearns, Marshall 575-632, passim Stebbens, Asa 685 Stebbens, Henry 82 Stedman, Isaac 36 Stedman, John 38 Stedman, Joseph 643 Stedman, Joshua 80-207, passim Stedman, Nathaniel 39-178, passim Stedman, Thomas 60-136, passim Stedman, Thomas, jr 80, 89, 96 Stetson, Amasa 500 Stevens, Henry 34-659, passim Stevens, Rev. Mr 163 Stevens, Timothy 62 Stimpson, Samuel 585 Stone, Artemas 490, 494 Stone, Elisha 429-632, passim Stone, Reuben 523 Stone, Ward 541 Story, William 97, 102 Stoughton, William 57, 77, 85 Stradock, Eunice 651 Stradock, Mary 651 Strong, Caleb 435-518, passim Strong, Lewis 655 Strong, Solomon 554 Sullivan, Benjamin 68 Sullivan, James 334-488, passim Sullivan, John L 465 Sullivan, Richard 502-613, passim Sullivan, Samuel 479 Sullivan, William 566 Sutton, Jonas S 569 Sutton, William 554 Swallow, Abel 535 Symons, (negro) 641 Taft, Bezaleel 620 Taft, Dundridge 537, 539 701 Tall)ott, Lancclott 75 'J'almadge, William 15, 22, 29, 72 Tappan, Charles 57'J Tappan, AVilliam 19 Tiirbox, Rebecca 276 Tanie, Miles 30 Tay, Isaiah 64, G5 Taylor, John 114 Taylor, Richard 44 Taylor, Samuel 620 Thatcher, Moses 575-581, passim Thayer, Ebcnczcr 3'.)4-454, passim Thayer, Elisha 546 Thayer, Isaac 613, 614 Thayer, Jeremiah 209, 215 Thayer, John 586 Thayer, Jotham 517, 520, 531 Tliayer,' Lot 369 Thayer, Lnthcr 606 Thayer, Seth 606, 618, 628, 632 Thaj'er, Zepheniah 423—434, passim Thayer, Zephion 435, 437 Thomas, Joshua 502 Thompson, George 616, 659 Thompson, Jabez P 620 Thompson, William. . . .2^2-308, passim Thompson, William W 585, 609 Thornton, Timothy 71 Thurber, Daniel 554-610, passim Tildeu, Thomas 570-624, passim Tillinghast, Allen 609, 615 Tinge, AVilliam 24-77, passim Tis lale, James 505 Tisdale, Joseph 500 Tolman, Jonas o75-541, passim Tompson, David 658 Tompson, Katherine 658 Toney, Susanna 276 Torrey, Jonathan 59-110, passim Torrey, Philip 645 Tounnaguin, (Indian) 75 Tower, Augustus 554 Towne, Solon, jr., 554 Townsend, Timothy 442, 494 Townsend, William 19 Toy, William 73 89 Travis, Curtis 507 Trow, Richard 511 Ti'owbridge, Nathan 008 Trowbridge, Stephen W 008 Trul, Jonathan .• 384 Tucker, Ann 384, 056, 657 Tucker, Henry 268 Tufts, Aaron 586 Tufts, Cotton 31 9-460, passim Tufts, Simon 550 Turin, Daniel 54, 56 Turner, Charles 460 Turner John 48, 49 Turner, Robert, 22-4 1 , passim Turner, Royal, 575, 579 Turpin, John 582 Tuttell, Richard 14 Tuttle, Francis 20 Twiss, Luther 544 Tj'ng, Jonathan 57, 77, 85 Tytus, Robert, 21 Underbill, John 1 5, 21 , 22, 25 Uphara, Edward 459 Upham, Mary 654 Usher, Ilezekiah 36, 40, 44 Usher, John 48-85, passim I Vane, Henry 13 ' Varnum, .Joseph B 390, 488, 504 j Vokes, Robert 653 Vose, Elijah 609, 615 Vose, Henry 403 j Voync, John 652 : Voyne, Rebecca 052 Wales, B. C 595 Wales, Ebenczer 327, 356, 401 Walker, Benjamin 620, 639 Walker, Boijamin, jr 641 Walker, ^Mary 655 Walker, RoViert 20, 23, 24 Walker, Thomas 60 Walker, William 554 Walley, Rev. Mr 163 Walley, Thomas 456-561, passim Ward, Artemas 300, 464 703 Ward, Benjamin 16, 17, 32 Ward, John 539 Wardall, Thomas 12, 21 Warden, Natlianiel 162 Ware, Jairus 522, 527 Warne, Rev. Joseph. . . . 582-612, passim Warren, Charles 529 Warren, Ebenezer 471 Warren, James 300-459, passim Warren, John 490-633, passim Warwick, (negro) 276 Webb, Christopher 71-609, passim Webb, Ebenezer 360-442, passim Webb, Henry 30 Webster, Thomas 554 Wedge, John 127 Welch, Sarah 657 Weld, Benjamin 533 Weld, David 365 Weld, Eleazer 277 Weld, Esther 658 Weld, Job 324 Weld, John 75 Weld, Joseph 643 Weld, Thomas 38 Wendall, Oliver 387-460, passim Wentworth, James 612, 616 Wesson, James 222-268, passim Weswall, John 40 Wharton, Richard 57, 77, 85 Wheeler, Thomas 615, 24, 74 White, Aaron 213 White, Ann 283, 363 White, Bartholomew 511, 512, 513 White, Benjamin 56-659, passim White, Benjamin, jr. . . ,80-503, passim White, Daniel 231-512, passim White, Ebenezer 283-869, passim White, Ebenezer, jr 283 White, Edward 108-203, passim White, Hannah 283 White, James 490 White, Jemima 269 White, John 33-271, passim White, John, jr 49, 53, 54, 86 White, John Lorcn : 288 White, Joseph 46-632, passim White, Joseph, jr 125, 198 White, Mary 283, 511, 512, 513 White, Micah 545 White, Moses 142-386, passim White, Moses, jr 257, 278 White, Oliver, 203 White, Samuel 99-663, passim White, Samuel, jr 196, 283 White, Thomas 213-524, passim Whiting, George . 575, 579 Whiting, John 459 Whiting, Thomas 567 Whitmarsh, Seth 620 AVhitmarsh, Thomas 581 Whitmore, Beulah 654 Whitmore, John 654 Whitmore, John, jr 654 Whitmore, Nathaniel 64G Whitmore, Silas 654 Whitney, Abigail 27;") Whitney, Elijah 208, 211 Whitney, Elizabeth 275 Whitney, John 595 Whitney, Martha 657 Whitney, Olivei' 275 Whitney, Sarah 275 Whitney, William 220 Whittemore, Samuel 183 Whittier, John 562, 563, 564 Whyte, Oliver 491-637, passim Wilbore, Phebe 136 Wilbore, Samuel 9, 11 Wild, Charles 538-632, passim Wild, David 516 Wild, Samuel S 460 Wilkins, John H 597 Willard, Josiah 662 Willard, William 569 William, King of England 238 Williams, Benjamin P. . 609-637, passim Williams, Charles. 68 Williams, John D 585 Williams, John M 654, 555, 585 Williams, John S 514 WiUiams, Joseph 543, 547 i03 Williams, N.-itlianiel G4, 05 i Williainsi, Robert 214 Williams, Sarah 270 Williams, Steplien 277 Williams, Thomas G8-470, passim Williams, irii/ow G9 Willis, Edward 56 Willis, Nathan G20 Willis, Nathaniel 668-585, passim Willis, Nicholas 12 Willis, Stillman 508 Wilson, Jacob 24 W'ilson, John 1 o Wilson, Nathaniel 33, 4G Wilson, William 19 Wilton, Elizabeth 2G9 Wilton, Nathaniel 269 Wilton, Samuel 2G9 Wilton, Susanna 2G9 Winchester, Alexander 21, 22, 36 Winchester, Amariah. . . 105-645, passim Winchester, Benjamin 124, 271 Winchester, Caleb 137 Winchester, Charles 268, 531 Winchester, Danforth 267 Winchester, Daniel 182 Winchester, Elhanan. .117-360, passim Winchester, Gulliver. ..214-365, passim Winchester, Henry 99-175, passim Winchester, Isaac 165-305, passim Winchester, James 278, 290 Winchester, John 43-267, passim Winchester John, jr. . . .50-139, passim Winchester, Jonathan,. 101-195, passim Winchester, Jonathan, jr 381 Winchester, .Joseph.,. . . .04-250, passim Winchester, Josiah 58-170, passim W^inchester, Josiah, jr. . .80-128, passim Winchester, Martha 384 Winchester, Mary 267 Winchester, Nathan. . 165, 178 Winchester, Nathaniel.. 290, 515, passim Winchester, Ruth 653 Winchester, Samuel 333, 360, 384 Winchester, Samuel, jr 384 Winchester, Silas 267-333, passim Winchester, Stephen 669 Winchester, Steven., 105 Winchester, Thomas 053 Winchester, William 310, 399 Winchester, William, jr 3H4 Wing, Robert 27 Winian, John 053 Winian, Mary 053 Winship, Joseph 433, 480, passim Winsliip, Josiiua 203, 283, passim Winthrop, .fames 459 Winthrop, John 10-77, passim Winthrop, Theodore 508 Winthrop, Thomas L. . .554-580, passim Winthrop, Waite 57, 77, 85 Wiswall, John 09 Withington, E>1 enezer 511 Withington, Enos 405-594, passim Withington, Mather 512 Witliington, Otis 571-628, passim Wolcott, Edward K. . . .281-600, passim Woicott, Hannah 600 Wood, Royal 240, 257, 278, 290 Wood, Ruth 271 Woodman, John 460 W^oods, James 96, 267 Woodward, Abraham 97-195, passim Woodward, Artemas o60-39-J, passim Woodward, Caleb 182-227, passim W^oodward, Elisha 267 W' oodward, Jesse 494 Woodward, John 120-561, passim Woodward, John, jr 480 Woodward, .Joseph.. .170, 178, 207, 214 Woodward, Joseph, jr 360 Woodward, .Joshua 19G-257, passim Woodward, Nathaniel... .18-122, passim Woodward , Robert 1 36 Woodward, Tiiomas 60-196, passim Woodward, Thomas, jr. 124-220, passim Woodward, Thomas M.. 597-652, pas.sim Woodward, William 129 Wright, Ebenczer 397 Wright, Richard 12, 13 Wyman, Benjamin 586 Wyman, Thomas 225-607, passim Wyman, William, 615, 006 Zan, Oliver 268 BROOKLINE TOWN GOVERNMENT. « »«»»—»— MODERATOR. CHARLES 11. DREW. TOWN TRE.\SURER. TOWNCI.EKK. MOSES WT'l'HINGTON. B. F. BAKER. BOARD OF SELECTMEN. THOMAS PARSONS, Chairman. CHARLES D. HEAD, HORACE JAMES, CHARLES K. KIRBY, A. W. BENTON, C. D Lincoln, Clerk. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. CHARLES H. DREW, Chairman. CHARLES K. KIRBY, FRANKLIN DARRACOTT. N. C. TowLE, Secretary. TRUSTEES OF BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY. THo^L^s Parsons, Geo. F. Homer, .\. D. Chandler, Augustine Shurtleff, Robert Amory, William Lamson, • •: R. G. F. Candage, Edw'd C. Cabot, William Aspinwall, Chas. D. Head, R. S. Davis, Geo. M. Towle. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. R. G. F. Candage, W. W. Newton, Geo. Brooks, Wm. H. Lincoln, J. Eliot Cabot, Rob't Amory, Chas. H. Drew, Stephen S. Salisbury. M. Driscoll. f \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 077 297 5 • Wi J ♦* ^ru:'-'.r.