Glass -^ ^// Book V^/^,7 i'r^ APPENDIX ''D'' i c '^ OP TDK ^:ni^ua.l report ADJUTANT GENERAL STATE OF MAINE. DECEMBER 31, 1861. It being that portion of the Report which comprises a Return of the several Regiments and Corps which have entered United States service from this State, with their organiza- tion when they left the State, and all subsequent changes to December 1, 1S61. Publiflhcd agreeably to a Resolve approved March 10, 1855. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1862. _5\\ APPENDIX D. A Return of the several Ree/iments and Corps which have entered United States service from this State, during the past year, under the requisition of the President , with their organization ivhen they left the State, and all subse- quent changes to December 1, 18G1. Made in accordance ivith the following instructions, issued by the Adjutant General early in November. STATE OF MAINE. Head Qcakters, Adjutant General's Office, > Augusta, Nov. , 1861. > ' Capt. Company — , Kegt Maine Volunteers. Dear Sir : Herewith, is furnished you a list of all whom the records of this ofiBoe show to have been mustered into United states service in your company, with the officers as they existed when it left the State. I wish you to fill up the Return from the records of the company, iind from such other information as you may be able to obtain, and to do it very carefully, in order that I may present in my annual report, ;from this and similar returns, the name, and what may be important in the history, of .every soldier who has entered the service, together with the exact present strength of each company. You probably have some in your company, either as officers or privates, who have entered it sinnc our rolls were made, whose names are not here given. You will please add all such at the bottom of the list of "Privates," giving the time of their being mustered into service, age, &i., and remarking opposite Officers^ names, their promo- tion. (See example. No. 9.) If, by any error in the rolls, the name of a person is given who has never served with you since you left the State, you will notice him accordingly in the Remarks, and in the Recapitulation, put him under the head of " Transferred." I have given the name, age at the time of entering the service, and residence of each soldier — ibe first name in full, when it has been possible to ascertain it: please see that these first names are completed — that the whole name is spelled correctly — that the town opposite each man's name is the one he calls his A'jtoc, (not necessarily his /fcn^ resi- dence,) in order that each portion of the State may have its due credit for furuishing volunteers — and finally, that all mistakes are rectified, and blank spaces filled. The column " present and abluent," coinj)rises all whom you shall consider members of your company on the first day of December next, even though some may be in this State reoruiting, aDd others siok in a hospital fifty miles from you. APPENDIX D. 51 The remaining requirements will bo easily understoocU in connection with the Ex- ample whicb has been given. These variuus heads will cover everj" c ise that may arise, , " and you will be able under thein to state accurately the reasons why any, who have ^^__ once been with you, are now absent. Every man miiit be accounted for. Do not, under any circainstunees, erase a name, but make the Kemurks very lull, iusert'iiig every- thing that may be necessary in the way of explanation. Let the iitne and cause of dis- cnarges be correctly stated. It is of the utmost importance that each of these requ re- ments be carefully complied with, in order that no injustice may be done to any one. In the Recapitulation, tho e who hiive been promoied to be officers, from the lanks, or from outside the limits of the company, must be numhertd as " Privates," else the " totalii" on the right hand will be toa large, and cause confusion. Under the heading "Present Organization, &a.," the ofScers, as now existing, will aiipear. The " Morning Keport" for December 1st, is independent of what precedes, except that the '' Aggregate present and absent" should be equal to the sum of " fit for duty" and "sick." This report will be condensed from your regular morning report of that date. Everything except this, and the column " present and absent" in the Return, can 1^0 made up at once; but little labor will then remain. Each commanding officer will be expected to forward his Return to this office as early as December 3d; if it is 'elayed, it will probably be too late for publication. These Returns, when perfected and arranged, together with abstracts and tables ased upon them, will be published in the " Annual Report of the Adjutant General," • n the 1st 3f January. These Reports will be scattered throughcut the State, and sent '0 all our regiments. From them, friends at home will lie able to obtain information in ■^ilation to husbands, brothers and sons in the army, that they can obtain in no other ay. It concerns you more than any other single individual, that your record shall be / II, and free from errors, an>l every consideration of duty and self-respect, will urge our prompt and personal attention to this subject. I will add that this is required, also, in partial conformity to Section 3, of the Act passed at the extra session of the Legislature, in April last, entitled "An act to au- thorize the raising of ten regiments," ^tarks. MUSICIANS. Hanley, Thoiiias, 19 Cumberland. V"illi«m II. >ewell, 34 do Hockley, EJward J. 23 Poitland. Joseph H Graham, 22 Fall River. Illsley, Charles E. 23 Hiirrison. PKIVATES. Jordan, George S. 21 C. Elizabeth. Adams, (Jeorgo M. ■G Westbrook. Jordan, Andrew B. '23 do Begg, John K. 19 Portland. Kennard, Fiank S. 2l| Bowker, Davis C. .w> do Keniiard, Merritt A. 19 Barnard, John E. 34 do Lovitt, William 21 C. Elizabeth. Barry, Thomas la C Elizabeth. 1 Lovitt, James 191 do * Taken from the original Muster -in Roll«. APPENDIX I>. 33 COMPANY "A, " (CONTIHPKD.) Names. MI Residence. Names. o < Eesidence. Lincoln, Edward R. 22 Portland. 1 Stackpnle, Daniel W. 2i Portland. Munsey, John H. 23 do : Swett, George W. 20 Gorham. McKenney, George 11. 23 do Swett, John B. 23 Portland. McDonald, Angus 21 do 1 Swett, Albert H. 21 do Murray, Albion 21 VVestbrook. ! Stevens, George L. 27 Westbrook. Norton, Chiirles P. 21 Portland. Schoonmaker, Edw. G. 22 Cleveland. Newell, Charles H. 20 do Thaxter, George R. W. 22 Portland. Osgood, Charles H. 26 East Boston. Tyrroll, William D. 23 C. Elizabeth. Pike, John U. 31 Portland. Waterhouse, Samuel 22 Portland. Pillsbury, Tobias 2d 20 C. Elizabeth. Wyer, Edward P. 21) do Purinion, Albert H. 23 Portland. Whitten, Oliver G. 20 do Rich, Frank G. 2G do Whitten, Benjamin F. 39 do Ross, George H. 21 Witham, John Roach, Edward 29 Portland. Watts, Albert S. 22 N. Gloucester. Smith, Albeit W. 25 do Willard, Henry E. 23 C. Elizabeth. Soule, Thomas W. 27 do Wilson, Alvan S. 19 Portland. Strong, George 32 do Wormwood, Alfred R. 21 N. Glouoeater, Stockman, Charles W. 24 do COMPANY «B,".Capt. WALKER. CAPTAIN. Charles Walker, LIEUTENANTS. Charles J. Pennell, James M. Black, SERGEANTS. Charles W. Roberts, Alfred L. Turner, Woodbury S. Pennell, Charles H. Libby, CORPORALS. Richard T. Beaslev, Alfred D. F. Farley, Chailes II. CoUey, jr. Charles 11. Cushman, MUSICIANS. Samubl T. Dyer, Peter B. Waterhouse, PRIVATES. Allen, Charles F. Alexander, Reuben Amsbey, G. L. Berry, Charles R. Bowie, Augustus Buck, Cyrus W. Blown, Daniel H. Cushman, Charles H. Cummings, Fiauklin L. Colley. Charles H. Chase, R^uel D. Delano, Marcus Folsora, Samuel P. Folnom, \\ illiara H. Fowler, Sewcll T. Frtgan, William H. Frost, Charles H. Green, Joseph M. Goff, Lindsey A. Glendeming, John G. Graffam, Edward W. Hurd, Charles T. Hoyt, Benjamin G. 26 Portland. 30 do 26 do 19 do 23 do 22 do 24 do 27 do 26' do 2i; do 22 do 25 do 44 Westbrook. Sl'Portland. 21 C. Elizabeth. 23 Portland. 24 do 21 do 35 do 20' do 22 do 22 • do 26 do 25^ do 19 do 30 do 21 i do 22 C. Elizabeth 20 Portland. 261 do 29! do 28 Gray. 26 Portland. 22 do 21 do 23 do Hall, Daniel W. 23 3tark8. Hall, Henry C. 23 j do Hall, Dana 19 Portland. Hodsdon, Moses 8. 29 do Hall, David N. 24 do Illsley, Enoch B. 23 Westbrook. Jones, Charles D. 21 Portland. Johnson, Walter 23 do Jost, George D. 24 do Knight, Simeon 27 do Kelley, Thomas 18 do Libby, John F. 24 do Lemont, George W. 28 do Loveitt, Edward W. 19 do Mason, Edwin 2G|Westbrook. Mcsarve, Amos 26 do Mountfort, Daniel B. 22 Portland. Marshall, James G. 22 do Mahan, George T. 26 do Moses, Alfred L. 24 do Noble, Rulus W. 32 do Newall, James N. 29 do Noyes, Stephen jr. 29| do Pennell, William H. 26:Gray. Peterson, John P. 30|Portland. Pote, Daniel M. 2i| do Paine, Charles H. 19 do Quimby, Charles 0. 28 do Robie, Lincoln 19 do Rines, David H. 25| do Seed, Francis 32 do Shaw, Edward 22 C. Elizabeth. Soarle, John 26 Portland. Totman, John F. 19 do Thurston, George H. 22 do Trowbridge, John 22 do Trowbridge, Charles J. 23 do Verrill, Benjamin F. 26 do Wescoti, Richard 19 do Willey, John C. 28 do Waterhouse, Cyrus T. 20 do : York, Jamea B. 22 0. KUKftbeth 54 ADJUTANT GtENERAL'a REPORT. COMPANY "C," Capx. I'ESSBNDEN. Xames. to Residence. Names. « Residence. CAPTAIN. M. R. Fessenden, 29 Portland. LIECTESASTS. AVilliam P. Jordan, 30 do Benjamin M. Kedlon, 28 do SERGEANTS. Edward N. Oreely, 2C do loteorge W. Graffam, 19 do Daniel C. Clark, 20 do James M. Sjifford, 19 do CORPORALS. Charles E. Jordan, 27 do Henry A B'lmbam, 31 do Simeon H. Merrill, do Charles E. Howard, 21 di MUSICIASa. David Jones, 2G do PRIVATES. Berry, Oibora R. 22 do Sums, John 33 do Bonney, Edward W^. 18 do Bickneil, Edwin 30 do Campbell, Daniel C. 23 Boston. Colesworthy, Henry R. 20 Portland. Coliey, Albert F. 23 Gray. Collcy, OrrJii B. 21 do Coffin, William H. 32 Uestbrook. Crediford, George U. 27 Biddeford. Curran, Thomas 32 Portland. Dolan, Edward J. 19 do Bodge, John M. 23 do Foy, William 0. 35 do Furbish, James C. M., 26 do Gould, John M. 21 do Greely, Rensallaer, 2d 28 do Haines, Alberton P. 21 do Hudson, John B. jr 29 do Hurd, George H. 23 do Hamilton, Charles B. 19 do Hamilton, William P. 18 do Hatch, John H, 21 do Holt, George S. liiller, Edward, Jr. lliitoii, Eben Ivennnid, Charle.s 0. Kiiowlton, Charles T. Lamson, Charles U. Leslie, Juaios Vi. Li)Tvell, Albert Langley, Henry Lincoln Edward R. More, Edward K, i\Ionroe, Thomas Miller, James P. Mosher,Marsha'l M. Mills, Joseph N. Mitchell, Eben M. Mitcbel!, J.imes E. M'Ginley, George Pluramer, Henry A. Prince, Levi M. Richardson, Columbus C. Reeil, Williaui H. Rich, Marshall U. Smith, Frank A. Smith, Uenrj' M. Stoneham, Peter W. Sargent, John A. Sawyer, George W. Sawyer, William K. Sawyer, Frederic A. Smith, James Thompson, Frederic H. Trask, George F. Walt'hi, Henry 3. Wiley, John N. Whilnev, Isaac R. Wetherbee, Alfred H. V.'eeks, Robert M. Whitney, Benjamin F. Whiitier, J. Henry Wiisoii, Archibald |21 Portland. 135 do '23' d., !1U| do i'iS; do i21, do :2tj: do ;25 Windham. 23 E:ist liostoD. i22 Portland. j2l{ do 24! do |22 do 1 23 Gurham. J21 Portland. '■•n\ do !20; do j24 do 25l do liO do :24Disfic!d. 21, Portland. 26, do 20, do 122. do i21 do I22! do '20 do 20 Westbrook. 22 do 37 Portland. IS do 20 [ do 30 Peru. 23 Bridgton. 21 Windham. 19 Bath. 26 Portland. 23 Windham^ 20 Portland. 21 do COMPANY "D," Capt. ME:^ERVE. CAPTAIN. Charles H. Meserve, LIEUTENANTS. William A. Pearce, George H. Bailey, SERGEANTS. William W. Davis, Charles II. Bradford, Augustus Fox, Otis 0. Newhall, CORPORALS. George C. Ham, Thomas H. Poor, .facob F. Knighf, j'Vancis E. Emery, JirsiciANS. Albert P. Ward, >'rank 11. Butlor, 23 Portland. do do 23 do 21 do 31 do 20 do 24 do 23 do 2.T do 24 do 30 do Ig di, l! PRIVATES. !' Andrews, Tristram ! Brown, William H. i Brud'.sb, Henry C. '[ Burehill, Kiebard Blake, John U. Brine, William Coaley, Georgf E. Cammotr, George H. Conway, John !; Cnbb, Benjamin F. ;; Cobb, Goorge S. jl Campbell, John II Curran, Robert i Conlips, George L. |[ Cl.arb, William I Dyer, Franklin Down?, John W. C. 20,Freeport. 2l'Windham. 23, Portland. Ulj do do do do do do do 24 Biddeford. 29'PortIand. 18; do 28 Yarmouth. 20'Lewist()n. 25 {)Hiivi!!i;. 19 Porilaiid. 23! 40' 31 301 32' :26i APPENDIX i). it» COMPANY" <«D " (Continued, y Names. 6 20 Residence. Names, < Residence. Dood^', John H. Portland. Lee, Frank 19 Portland. Damreii, Diistin 26 do Littlefield, Charles 28 do Eustis, Leonard 20 do Moore, Alfred S. 23 do Eustis, Frank F. 18 do McDermott, Patrick 20 do Fellows, John C. ly Fiyeburg. Malony, Patrick 19 do Farman, Charles W. 27 Woodstock. Mountfort, John E. 25 do Files, William H. P. 27 Gorham. iVIcCarthv, Timothy 32 do For.-aith, George 38 Portland. Newbold, Andrew D. 20 do Grant, Jotham 22 do Newcomb, Abram 19 do Gribbia, Watson R. 21 do Pillsbury, John G. 21 Biddeford. Hasty, William 21 Gorhiini. Phelps, Henry N. 34 Portland. Hunt, Robert M. 31 Portland. Kicker, Melville 21 Westbrook. Harmon, Sylvanus 30 do. Randall, Albert 18 Fieeport. Hazen, Jcjlin B. 24 Westbrook. Hidden, Thomas C. 33 Portland. Ham, William L. 20 Portland. Sawyer Charles 20 do Han, John 11. 18 do Smith, Charles J. B. 2G do Hamilton, Robert 18 do fcawyer, Thorndike H. 45 Woodstock. Higgins, Alexander 27 Scarborough. Smellflge, George W. 27 Poitland. Jewetf, George H. 20 Portland. Westco'.t, David 28 do Jewell, William F. 22 Hanover. Winslow, Hiram 22 do Jord n, Charles F. 22 :\. Gloucester. Walker, Samuel A. 19 do Knapp, Nathan C. 21 Hanover. COMPANY « E," Capt. SHAW. CAPTAIN. William M. Shaw, LIEUTEUANTS. Albert 11. Estes, John M. Marston, SERGEANTS. Cyrus Latham, Sylvester C. Moody, Willi.^m Rolfe, Herbert R. Sargeant, COBPOKALS. Joseph Thompson, jr., Hiram T. Cook, William L. L. Gill, James S. Roberts, MUSICIANS. Charles T. Morso, Turner Cary, PRIVATES. Alien, Jesse B. Bent, Orrin Real, Flavins 0. Bonney, Alonzo G. Bragdon, Charles W. M. Blake, Charles H. Card, George A. Chaiiiberliii, George Chaplin, John Cloudman, Andrew C. Coolbroth, Charles Cuflin, George W. Coe, Cornelius B. Colesworthy, Joseph C. Crowell, Jesse H. Cummings, ?amuel P. Davis, >urauel C. Dennison, John H. Dodge, William T. Dunu, Martin T. Edwards, Sewall A. FraKcr, William 34Portland. 35 do 30 do 32 do 21 do 24 do 25 do 27 do 20 do 24 do 20 do 29 do 23 do 22 do 19 do 19 do 19 do 30 do 20 do 2t; do 22 do 22 Nfaples. 2b Portland. 21 do 24 do 30 do 26 do il do 22 Gray. 22 Portland. 41 do I- Westbrook 23 Portland. 30 Naples. 'id Portland. Field, Edmond D. Googins, William C. Green, Charles R. Harmon, Algernon S. Haskell, AVilliam S. .Jameson, George W. Jones, George W. Knight, Ormond W. Knight, Frederic M. Lawrence, Luther Lombard, Theodore H. Libby, Samuel B. Mackin, Joseph F. McChanniug, William S, Oakes, Benjamin F. Perley, Joseph H. Pennell, Benjamin C. Quimby, Alonzo H. Randall, John F. Bitter, John H. Rounds, Charles H. Sanborn, William H. himpson^ Henry T. Skillin, Charles D. Soule, George A. Smith, Harrison W. Smith, Ambrose G. Smith, Henry F. Smith, George A. Smith, Joseph M. St. John, William E. Thurston, Lewis L. Thompson, Edwin L. R. Townly, Samuel Trowbridge, Charles S. Trefelhen, Clifford S. Walton, Benjiimin F. Webster, Chauncey B. Whitney, James Willard, Dhnio! 22iPortland. 28 do 26 do 20!Naplcg. 19!Portland. 28iWestbrook. 32 Portland. 23 Falmouth. 23 Portland. 21 Pownal. 2LPortland. 21 1 do 23 do 24 do 2G Kennebunk. 19 Portland. 19 do 22 do 21 do 23 do 22i do 19iBridgton. 29iPortiand. 20 1 do 23{ do 2o! do 22, Raymond. 22 Portland. 24: do 23iBiddeford. 21 Poitland. 22 do do do do do 22'iPeru. 21JYarmouth. 21jCaseo. 39lPortIand. 56 ADJUTANT GENEKAL*S KEPORT. COMPANY "F," Capt. STEVENS. Namea. ! Residence. Names. 1 « Residence. < CAPTAIX. Foster, Charles R. 35 Lewiston. Jesse T. Stevens, 39 Lewiston. Fuilynsbee, Frnnk M. :20iM()iimouth. LIEUTENANTS. Gay, Benjamin F. iJ4;Bath. William Knowlton, 31 do Grover, Boynton 21iB<)wdoin. Elijah M. Shaw, 34 Lawrence. Gurney, Bradley F. ;24 Lewiston. SERGEANTS. Gould, George H. !21 do John 11. Ferguson, 26 Lewiston. GralTam, Stephen i29 do Marvin L. Blood, 27 do Henry, Charles W. 23 do Isaac S. Faunce, 33 do Handly, John J. 22 Wilton. Harrison A. Cook, 36 do Hall, Enoch L. 40 Lewiston. CORPORALS. Hill, Theodore V. 19 do Charles H. Moore, 26 do Haskell, Charles H. 21 do Edgar M. Eustis, 25 do Jones, David 37 do Almon J. Gardner, 25 Durham. Jackson, Andrew j32 do Edwin S. Butler, 29 Jones, William H. 18 Monmouth. MUSICIANS. Lovell, Samuel W. i24iLewiston. Frederick R. Pierce, 20 Harrison. Lowe, James i43 do Edward Preble Carman, 19 Lewiston. Lowell, Dennis C. j22 Plymouth. PRIVATES. Mann, Samuel S. 35 Lewiston. Annis, Augustus C. 38 do Morrill, Joseph S. |25 Readfield. Annis, Zelind N. 23 do Mace, Hosea S. 25!LewistoD. Abbott, George 37 do Neal, Albion K. P. 271 do Brown, George W. 23 do Oliver, Luther '22I do Bangs, Gilbert V. 23 do Parlin, Edwin W. 126 Weld. BeaLs, Cliarles A. 31 do Pearson, Chester C. 23 Lewiston. Bartlett, Alonzo M. 24 do Pratt, Reuben D. 22 Mercer. Baker, Hardy N. 21 do Preble, James G. 23iLewiston. Bowker, Charles H. 22 Auburn. Prindall, Edward 22 do Burnhau:, Daniel W. 22 Lewiston. Price, William 27 do Blake, John 2d 21 Turner. Rankin, Abel G. 30 do Carvill, Lewis 27 Lewiston. Reed, Charles H. 21 do Chandler, Daniel J. 20 do Stover, S;in»son H. 25 do Curran, Nicholas 22 do Stewart, Hiram S. 31 Greene. Cross, Lewis jr. 18 Solon. 1 Stevens, Ijaiah S. 27 Auburn. Clark, Eli B. 21 New Vineyard. 1 Stockbridge, Joseph T. 34 do Dudley, Henry H. 36 Lawrence. Thayer, Robert C. ;27 Turner. Dakin, Frank B. 19 Lewiston. Tubbs, John L. 21Paris. Durell, Abraham G. 23 do Trufant, John A. 23 Lewiston. Dean, Charles B. 21 do Thompson, Andrew J. 125 do Emery, Joseph J. 24 Palmyra. Winter, William C. 20 Freeman. Farrar, Edwin 25 Bethel. Whitney, Charles H. 36lLewiston. Forbes, William 23 Lewiston. Winter, Harrison B. 20 Dixfield. COMPANY "G," Capt. BEAL. do do CAPTAIN. I 1 George L. Beal, j35 Norway. LIEUTENANTS. Henry Rust, Jr. 27 Jonathan Blake, 43 SERGEANTS. | I William D. Whitmash, |25! do Henry R. Millett, i25| do Claudius M. Favor, 21 do George W. Shnles, |36 do CORPORALS. 1 Caleb C. Buck, 125! do George E. Andrews, j280xford. David L. Butterfield, I24 Norway. John F. Fitz, |24j do MUSICIANS. j ! Wellington Hobbs, ;18j do PRIVATIW. ! Bailpy, Hiram P. 22lMinof » Brown, William C. A. Brann, Thomas A. Beman, Stephen 8. Bean, Timothy H. Berry, Frank L. Burrows, William A Buck, James M. Bisbee, Eliab Cherry, Philo S. Conner, Peter C. Cordwell, Winfield S. Cusbtnan, Freeland A. Crockett, (Jrosvenor Dempsy, Jere Davis, Joseph C. Denn, Jacub 2d Drtlloff, A Iphonzo Durgin, William W. Emery, Melvin W. 22 Gardiner. 21 Paris. 142; Bethel. i2r do j 24 Norway. 37 Sumner. 22 do 29; do 130 Norway. |25 Paris. 20 Greenwood. ,20 Oxford. :36' Norway. [21! do 1241 do j. 6 Oxford. I24 Rumford. !2l|~tonebam. '23 Grefnwoed. APPENDIX D. 57 COMPANY "G," (CONTINTJED.) Names. Evans, Samuel S, Foster, Wallace Foster, William II. Farrar, Sidney A. Foster, Jeremiah, jr. Farris. Rufus E. Field, George W. Gammon, C. Albert Horr, Augustus E. Uale, William F. Hill, William F. Hicks, Alfred 0. Hersey, Albion Hall, Rodney N. Hapgood, Andrew S. Hobbs, J. Frank Irish, Samuel C. Judkins, Henry N. Jordan, John F. Jordan, Granville P. Littlefield, James A. Littlefield, Albert Residence. Stoneham. Norway. Albany. i23'Paris. 3 2[ Norway. 28;Hebron. 28'Minot. * 32:Norway. 23 Waterford. 22^ Norway. 19 Norway. 22'Oxford. 2llParis. 22 Paris. 19| Waterford. 19 Norway. 19 Sumner. 21 Greenwood. 20 Paris. 32 Norway. 24 Greenwood. 22 Stoneham. Names. Merriam, Frederick R. Morey, Henry C. BIcKeen, Henry H. McAllister, Stephen C. Pike, Darius F. P.irker, Isaac 0. Raynes, Joseph F. Robertson, Solon Stephens, Lewis H. Stevens, Danville B. Stowell, Thomas N. jr. Stearns, Charles P. Stearics, Edward P. Seavey, Ai E. Shaw, Francis E. True, Alfred Thompson, Charles Warren, Hannibal F. Webster, John N. Whittle, John W. Washburn, Watson . ^\ Residence. 22 Norway. 24:Oxford. 26[Stoneham. 24|stoneham. 22iNorway. 23 Greenwood. 24Auburn. 22'Bethel. 23! Woodstock. 21iParis. 22j Paris. 20 Bethel. 20lBethel. 2G Albany. 29|GreenwoOrl. 18 Bethel. 24|Norway. 20 Norway. 19 Waterford. 23^Greenwood. 19lOxford. i COMPANY " H," Capt. EMERSON. CAPTAIN. Charles S. Emerson LIEUTENANTS. James C. Folsom, Pbineas W. Dill, SERGEANTS. James Dingley, jr. Aaron T. Frost, Horace Wijiht, Royal A. Bray, CORPORALS. John 0. Kidder, Charles W. Thincr, Albert D. Furbish, Jabez M. Hogan, MCSICIANS. Andiew J. Philbrick, George A. Warren, PRIVATES. Atwood, Elealfer B. Anderson, Charles R. Barker, James L. Brown, Frank W. Bisbee, Elisha S. Beal, Thomas R. Bailey, William W. Bradbury, Benjamin Conant, Alexander B. Coburn, George B. Cotton, Dennett Cotton, Thomas H. Driscoll, Timothy Doyle, James T. Davee, W'illiam G. Eaton, Daniel P. Edgecomb, Osias B. Estes, Stephen R Freeman, Albert W. 8 30 Auburn. 39[ '401 I ! 2C J27 142 do do do do do Turner. .21 Auburn. ;23iWiiterville. j24|Auburn. .21iLewiston. I I i22Palmyra. I i 22 Poland. 21'Lewiston. 24' do 26'Lovell. 20JPeru. 21Durham. 25J do 19jAuburn. 26J do ISjLewiston. 24Auburn. 27i do 27iLewiston. 2-1 do 24;Buckfield. lOjAuburn. 28 Albany. ISjLewiston. 2l!Minot. Furbush, Henry W. Green, Harrison G. Gordon, William II. Getcholl, Otis J. Huntress, Henry 0. Harridan, George W. Harridan, Washington F. Harridan, Charles £. Handy, Charles E. Hasey, George B. Jumper, David A. Joy; George F. Kidder, Roscoe J. Kimball, Isaiah Little, William R. Luce, Sullivan Lake, Henry H. Lamarche, Alfred F. Lovejoy, Nathaniel, Jr. Manning, Lemont Miller, Charles P. Merrill, Charles S. Morton, Randall B. Merrill, Auburn Nason, Chandler Ncyes, Alonzo Parker, George II. Pratt, Jabez Royal, Andrew J. Stevens, Churchill S. Skinner, Phineas W. Smith, William B. Stone, Josiah Small, Sidney Siivago, William M. Stevens, Samuel L. Turner, John S. 33 Lewiston. 35 Auburn. 37 do 25 New Portland. 21,Barnstead. 21{Auburn. ,45 do 18 do IS'Norridgowock. 18 Lisbon. 21 Lewiston. 2rLisbon. 26|Summer. 18|Lisbon. 38 Auburn. Lisbon. Starks. Hebron. 32!Greene. 24jLewiston. 25 Auburn. 28lDurham. 21! Paris. 2l|ReadfieId. 28'Aiiburn. 22Canton. 2l|Durham. 20jGreene. 29 Danville. 19 Auburn. 19 Poland. 22'HalloweIl. 38 Lewiston. Auburn. do do Lewistcn. 58 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. COMPANY "H," (CoxTixNUED.) Names. 6 << Residence. Names. ic Residence. Tunks, James H. 21 Auburn. White, Augustus 28 Auburn. Turner, Nathaniel R. 22 Lewiston. Welch, AVilliam A. 27 Casco. AVood, George 11. 21 Hartford. Yeaton, William H. 21 Farmington. AVithani, Philip 40 Lewiston. Young, Onslow W. 21 Hebron. COMPANY "I," Ca^t. quimby. CAPTAIN. I ■\Villiam M. Quimby. 37 Portland. Franklin, John B. 40 Dover, N. H. LIErTESANTS. Goodrich, Charles H. 20 Westlirook. Nehemiab T. Furbish, 25 do Gove, Horace 19: do Hebruu Mayhew, 21 \Vestbrook. Gill, Leonard F. 30 Portland. SERGEANTS. Greely, John W. 24 \Vestbrook. John T. iSimpson, 28 Portland. Graham Charles C. 2i: do Thomas S. Hutchins, 28 Winthrop. Houston, John S. 27 do ■\Villiam Wade, 29 Westbrook. Houston, Ithamor 20 do Frank C. Sweetsir, 21 do Hodsdon, Charles A. 20 do CORPORALS. Haskell, Foster M. 19 do Isaiah Kandall, 37 do Hocket, Asa IS HoHis. Charles H. Foye, 28 Westbrook. Hicks, Benjamin F. 21 Lewiston. Charles H. Gore, 30 do i Jewett, William W. 20- Westbrook. Enoch 'Wescott, 22 do 1 Libby, Alonzo 20 4o .MUSICIANS. ! Lewis, George P. 20 do AYilliam Allen, 27 do Leighton, David H. 34:Portland. Amos H. Hanson, 23 Windham. Mariner, Thomas B. 33 Westbrook. PRIVATES.]; Mulvey, John 20 ' do Adams, Irving H. 19 Westbrook. Murphy, William H. 22 Portland. Atwood, Hezekiah 38 Portland. I'ennell, George A. 28:Weslbrook, Eacon, George Wm. -.3 Calais. Pennell, John W. 19 do Barber, Lorenzo 21 Westbrook. Quimby, William A. 19 do Bolton, William, 21 do Ripley, N;ithaniel D. 21 Portland. Babb, Henry S. 25 do Richardson, Albert B. 22, do Bakeman, John C. 30 Portland. Roberts, Charles H. 18 Falmouth. Boston, Nathan P. 20 Bridgton. Stanford, James W. 19 Westbrook. Cooley, John F. L. 18 Standish. Stanford, Charles 1. 2l!Portland. Clapp, James M. 23 Portland. Stinson, Warren B. 25 Albion. Chaplin, Augustine 33 Naples. Sawyer, Albion 31 Portland. Calkins, Frank A. 21 Portlands Strout, George A. 21,Raymoud. Clusky, Peter 37 do Towle, Ared P. 22 Westbrook. Deland, Dariiel jr. 19 do Totman, William H. 27|Richmond. Dunn, Charles T. 24 do Thompson, James M. 18 Gray. Davis, Alonzo A. 19 do Terhune, Stephen 27Portland. Elwell, Hezekiah 19 Westbrook. Varnoy, Mark S. 18 Windham. Fellows, .James L. 21 do Welch, William 21 Portland. Fogg, Albert R. 27 do Welch, Albion F. 23*Westbrook. Foster, Samuel II. IS Portland. Welch, Robert B. 19, do Fitch, Edwin •a Bridgton. Whidden, George A. 20i do C( )MPANY " K, » Capt. OSGOOD. CAPTAIN. Asa J. Cole, 27Lewiston. Silas B. Osgood, Lewiston. J. R. Merrill, 27l do LIEUTENANTS. MUSICIANS. 1 Elijah D Johnson, 28 do John C. Lovejoy, 22 North Anson, George II. Nye, 33 do Albert E. Hanson, 18 Lewiston. SERGEANTS. PUITAEES. John B. Cook, 23 do Ashtou, Henry 22 do Benjamin A. Howard, 21 do Adams, Frank C. 19 do Edwin Roberts, 29 do Bubier, Andrew 22 Webster, Richard W. Stewart, 27 do Braley, James R. 22 Lewiston, CORPORALS. Brown, Ivory 36, do Ethelbert C. Caswell, 25 do Bickford, George W. 191 do James Laydon, 23 do Bolan, /Mbert L. 19 do APPENDIX D. COMPANY "K," (Continued.) 59 Names. Baker, Frederic N. Brown, Ellsworth A. Bond, Uoughtun, Bicknell, Fayette . Churchill, Algernon H. Cordweli, Hiraui Chapman, Elma Carvill, Jordan G. Dyer, William H. Denner, William AV. Donnell, Samuel Eaton, Benjamin A. Edgerly, George W. Ford, James B. Forsyth, Nelson S. Goss, Joseph F. Goss, Almond L. Guiney, James Hammonil, Ambrose E. Hedon, James Jumper, George Jackson, Charles P. Jumper, Charles H. Jepson, Leonard Kingsley, Albert E. Lane, Augustine K. Moore, William H. Myriok, Frederic S. Lewiston. do do 24|Oxford. '23lCridgton. '29|Lewiston. 24jPoland. . 23|Lewiston. 18 Farmington. 23|Oxford. 2l!Bath. 31;Greene 24 Parsonsfield. 27 Lewiston. !2l|Wilton. |25|Lewiston. 22 Danville. 18 Lewiston. 18i do 125' do 19 N. Gloucester, 123 Paris. ^4 Lewiston. '•39' do '21! do !2C' do 24 Gorrinna. 21 Lewiston. McCarthy, Richard Mayberry, George II. Nash, Jonathan Osgood, James E. Onias, James Pratt, Francis H. Patter.son, Samuel Pettingill, Manassah Rockwood, James M. Robinson, James D. Ring, Mellon Stockbrilge, Cornelius D, Stone, Levi Smith, Charles W. Stearns, Gratus B. Sawyer, Llewellyn Smith, .James Tarr, Philip H. Taylor, Charles E. Thompson, Charles S. Tarr, James E. Veile, Reuben Webber. Elias S. Watson, Moody Witherell, John P. Woodcock, Melvin Welch, Michael Willard, John A. -B Residence. 19 Auburn. 19 Scion. 23 Auburn. 22 Lewiston. 27 do 23 Hebron. 20jSalem. 29iLewiston. 24 Belgrade. 23|st. John. 19, Gardiner. 27!Disfield. 21jCornish. 21 Lewiston. 22!Weld. IS Lewiston. do do do Burnham. Lewiston. do do Hartland. 25jMonmouth. 34 Lewiston. 26| do I9I do The following names are on Pay Roll as having received Pay and Bounty, but do not appear upon copies of U. S. Muster Rolls, furnished from War Department, as having been mustered in U. S. Service: Serg't, Private, lleury A Gray, John Downing, George A. Green, Lewis B. Pearson, Edward S. Soule, Co. B. Co. C. Co. D, Co. D. Co. D. Private, Washington Babson, Co. D. " John Atchison, Co. D. " Appleton U. Floyd, Co. E. Musician, John F. Webb, Co. G. Private, Otho W. Burnham, Co. G. APPENDIX D. SECOND EEGIMENT. 61 Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have talien place hy promotion, resignation, or otherwise. Names. Bank. Resi- dence. Date of Rank or Appointment Remarks. Charles D Jameson, Charles W. Roberts, . George Varney, John E. Reynolds, Charles V. Lord, W. H. Allen, Augustus C. Ilamlin, John F. Mines, Luther A. Pierce, Edward L. Appleton, Alden L. Palmer, Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, I Major, Adjutant, Quartermaster, Surgeon, lAss't Surgeon, Chaplain, jQr. Mr. Serg't, iSerg't Major, JHosp. Steward. Bangor. Bangor. Bangor, Bangor, Bangor, Orono, Bangor, Bath, Bangor, Bangor, Orono, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 2, 1861, May 4, 1861, Prom, to Brig. Gen. Prom, to Col. Prom, to Lt. Col. Resigned. Resigned. Pris. Richmond, Va. Prom, to Brig. Q. M. Gen Jameson's Brig. App. Lt. in Keg. Ar. Disch'd, Disability. * Released. Return of Regimental Band, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken place in the Band since it entered the service of the United States, on the 30th day of August, 1861. AM ERIC US D. HARLOW, Leader. Name 3. Residence. Mustered into U. S. Service. Remarks. LEADER. Harlow, Americas D. Bangor, Aug. 30, 1801, MUSICIANS. Holt, George do do Peaks, Willard B. do do Seavey, William D. do do Frost, Charles A. do do Morris, Albion Leeds, do Smith, Charles F. Brooklyn, N. Y. do Merrill, Rufus Bangor, do Bowker, Anson W Woodstock, do Colburn, Moses A. Orono, do Burnham, John T. Oldtown, do Chapman, Emerson Bangor, do White, Amasa W. . do do Darling, George G. do do Foster, John F. do do Colby, Henry M. Rumford, do Knapp, David S. Paris, do Disch'g, Sept. 10, Disability. Babcock, James F. Bangor, do Woods, Horace F. Hallowell, do Abbott, Hiram F. Rumford, do Crowell, Horton B. Bangor, do Goodale, Edwin W. do Oct. 25, 1861, Wright, James Rockland, do Smith, Elisha M. Bangor, do Andrews, Ezekiel do do Scammon, E. K. Saco, do Crowell, Charles Bangor, do Gillis, William N. do Aug. 30, 1861. Disch'g, Nov. 11, Disability. 62 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, Return of Capt. Hermon Bartlett, Company A, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Vcl- December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken day of May, 1861. FRANK S. TRICKEY, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMSnSSIONED OFFICERS. iJHermon Bartlett, 2JRinaldo B. Wiggin, 3 James Dean, SERGEANTS. I'john Q. A. Lancey, 2lCharles F. Hall, sICharles W. B. Miller, William J. Dean. CORPORALS. 1 Hartsorn P. Crowell, 2 John C. Harmon, 3 Samuel B. Hinckley, 4 Warren H. Orcutt, PRIVATES. Ash, Ananias 2'Anderson, James E. 3'Bacon, James II. 4I Bacon, William F. 5;Benson, Stephen D eJBlagden, John C. vlBenson, Nathan s' Baker, Edward E. 9jBlack, JohnF. 10 Brock, Greenlief C. 11 Butterfieia, Freeman H. 12 Boynton, John D. ISiBrown, Horace liJBlodgett, Edwin R. 15'Chamberlain, Edwin R. lejChamberlain Joseph W. ITlCobb, Charles B. 18 Condon, Norris D. iglCopland, Edwin C. 2o'Copland, Edward W. 2l'Cushman, Winslow 2'2lDay, Hermon K. 23,Doble, Elbridgo, 24iDoe, Nehemiah P. 25|L)orr, Abraham G. 26lDuckworth, William 27'Fowler, Stephen B. 28|Fowler, William B. 29j Godfrey, Alvah II. 30, Gould, Harrison F. 3l!Grant, Alvin W. 32 Grant, iJeorge W. 33! Hall, Seth H. 34 Haines, William H. 35 .Tones, Atwood P. 36Jvelley, James W. STlKennard, Henry F. 38'Kent, Edward D. 39;Kimb!ill, Paschal P. 40|Leavitt, Dudley H. jr. 41iLibby, Nelson F. 42!Lovejoy, Charles L. 43 Mann, James K. 44|Nagb, Samael Residence. Bangor, do do do do do do Married or Single. Muster'd into U. S. Ser. 40 do 28 Lewiston, 22 Bangor, 21jChester. SGiRangor, 2'J| do 21 Orono, 19 do 18|Bangor, 21jBucksport, 24 Bangor, 22{ do 21jDedham, 20, Bangor, 2l:Milford, 24| Bangor, 23iHampden, 21 Bangor, do do do 24 Dixmont, Sick. Where. Killed. When. Dexter, do Dixmont, 33|Bangor, 22|N. Dixmont, IS Orono, 2.V Bangor, 20' do 20^ Hampden, 1S| do 21iOrrington, 23 Bangor, 22'Hermon, 30|Hampden5 2rBangor, 21iBucksporfe, 21' Carroll, 21! Exeter, 27'llarapden, 2l!Orrington, 19 Hermon, 19 1 Plymouth, 21 ! Bangor, 21| do 23 Hudson, 23!Passadumk'g Married, do do do Single. do Married. do Single. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married. Single. do do Married. Single, do Married, Single, do Married, Single. do do do do do Married, Single, do do do Married, Single, do do do do do do May 28. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do July 21, Hall's Hill, do do Annapolis, APPENDIX D. gg unteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on the morning of J(ace in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the 28th R. B. WIGGIN, Captain. Prisoners. Deceased d Whentk'n. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. June 21, Aug. T, 'Resigned, Promoted to Captain, August 30. Recruiting in Maine. July 11, Disability, Aug. 9, Disability, Transferrred to Regimental Land. Promoted to Lieutenant, August 0th. 2d Lieutenant on General Martindale's Staff. Recruiting in Maine. Nov. ll,lDisability, Ambulance Driver. July 27, Oct. 12, Sept. 9, Disability. Nov. 9, 1 1st Lieutenant U. S. Infantry. Exhaustion, caused by retreat from Bull Run. j Promoted to Corporal. Promoted to Corporal, 'Ambulance Driver. July 11, Disability. June 12, Dis;ibility. July 1, Disability. June 24,'Disabilitj A good and brave boy. June 12,' Disability. Commissary Fergeant. 64 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company A, Second Regiment, [ Continued •) d {2i Names. to < 21 Residence. Married Muster'd or into Single. U.S.Ser. Sick. Where. •- Killed. When. 45 Philbrook, Francis J. Bangor, Single, May 28. 46 Pitcher, Horatio 22 do do do 47 Pluinmer, Charles H. 21 China, do do 48 Pollard, David 0. . 2" Bangor, do do Hall's Hill, 49 Reed, John F. 22 Hermon, do do 50 Richardson, Wm., jr. 30 Milford, Married. do 51 Rogers, James H. 20 OrringtOD, Single. do 52, Rogers, Joseph S. 18 do do do 53 Sanborn, Isaac, Jr. IS Orono, do do 54 Sanborn, Joseph W. 20 do do do 55 Sawtelle, Adelbert 11. 20 Garland, do do Hall's Hill, 56Storer, William W. 2S Carmel, do do 57.Tibbetts, Gordon. 21 Newburg, do do 58 Trickey, Francis 24 Bangor, do do 59 Warren, Rodney M. 241 do do do 60 Waterbouse, Wm. D. 19! do do do 61 Wheeler, Henry W. 19 do do do 62 Whitcomb, Albion H. 23 do do do 63 Wiggin, Albert 30, do do do 64 Wiggin, Nathan B., jr. 25' do Married. dD - 65 Ausiin, Samuel 35 Portland, Single. .July 16, 66 Came}', Peter 22 Bangor, do do 14, 67 Torrey, Charles L. 22 do do do 1, 68 Edgerly, Daniel W. 24 do do do 4, 69 Harris. Nicholas 21 Oldtown, do do 4, 70 Harvey, Willis P. 21 Bangor, do do 4, 71 Thorns, Charles 21 do do do 13, 72 Wentworth, Ezekiel F. 24 do do do 4, 73 Wymau, George M. 25 Augusta, do do 9, 74 Leavitt, John E. 18 Bath, do do 4, 75 Hickey, James 24!Portland, do do 12, 76 Kerr, Thomas 30 Houlton, do June 9, 77 Delmage, John J. 25 Augusta, do July 11, 78 Holt, George E. 21 Bangor, do May 28, 79 .\IansilI, Samuel 24 do do July 4, SO Graves, Ormond F. 23 do do July 4, * APPENDIX D. g5 Return of Company A, Second Regiment, {Continued.) 6 Prisoners. When tk'n. Deceasei When. Disch'd. When. Piemarks. 45 46 Quartermaster Sergeant, Nov. 1. 47 48 49 July 21, Confined in Richmond. 50 51 52 53 54 53 66 57 58 Orderly Sergeant, Sept. 23. 59 Ambulance driver. 60 61 62 63 Promoted to Corporal. 64 June l2,iDisability. 65 1 " 66 67 Ward Master in Hospital. 68 July 16, Hospital Steward. 69 70 71 72 Sept. 13, Disability. 73 74 Sept. 13, Disability. 75 76 77 78 Oct. 1, Transferre(J from Co. H. 79 Detached, Teamster. 80 Detached, Teamster. 66 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recafitutation of Company A, Second Regiment Injaniry, Maine Volunteers. Condensed Morning Report, Dec. \st, 1861. PRESENT. ABSENT. ON ON FOr DUTY. SICK. SPECIAI, IN ARREST SICK. SPECIAL DUTY. SERVICE. t. .a T" m ' • • • " (H s o o to n '-^ c3 ?! q 1 ^ a U c3 s O CS V a O c3 a O c4 o t-< a a 36 to g 60: § o 25 5 5 a o (3 o 12; > A. IG a o O a o 1 < a c O o ;2; a o 1 c 1 5 SB < 70 2 5 43 1 2 Present Organization of the Company. o Names. 6 33 Rank.* 1 Residence. Date of Bank or Appointment, Remarks. 1 Rinaldo B. Wiggin, Captain^ Bangor, August 30, 1 James Dean, 2'J 1st. Lieut., 1 do do 2 Samuel B. Hinckley, 22 2d. Lieut., do 1 Frank S. Trickey, 24 1st. Serg't, do i John C. Harmon, 28 Serg't, Lewiston, 3 Warren H. Orcutt, 21 Serg't, Chester, 4 Charles L. Lovejoy, 21 Serg't, Bangor^ 1 Albert ^V'iggin, Corporal, 1 do 2 Charles B. Cobb, Corporal, 1 do 3 Nelson F. Libby, Corporal, i do 4 Joseph W. Chamberlain, Corporal, I do 68 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Capt. Seth K. Devereux, Company B, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of. the changes that have taken eighth day of May, 1861. JAMES C. COLLINS, Orderly Sergeant. 6 i2J Names. d Residence, Married or Muster' d into Sick. Where. Killed. to Single. U. S. Ser. When. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Seth K. Devereux, 40'Castine, Married, 2 Charles AV. Tilden, 29 do do May 28, 3 David D. Wardwell, SERGEANTS. 36 do do do 1 James C. Collins, 34 do Single, do 2 Elisha S. Perkins, 21 do do do 3 George I. Brown, 24 do Married, do 4 Joseph H. Sylvester, CORPORALS. 23 do do do 1 George E. Noyes, 23 do Single, do 2 Richard Tibbetts, 28 do Married, do 3 Simeon C. Murch, 36 do do do 4 Charles Bridges, MUSICIANS. 23 do Single, do 1 Edward A. Lawrence, PRIVATES. 38 do Married, do 1 Ames, Alvin G. 19 do Single, *^ 2 Ames, Rufus C. 22 do do Tlo 3 Atherton, Alonzo P. 25 Sedgwick, do do 4 Billings, David F. 26 Brooksville, Married, do 5 Bowden, Sewall P. 24 Castine, Single. do July 21, 6 Brewster, Lewis 43 do Married, do 7 Brown, Wesley A. 22 Islesboro, do do 8 Collin?, George E. 22 Casiine, Single, do 9 Crawford, George B. 18 Alton, do do 10 Crockett, Albert 23 Stockton, do do 11 Davis, Samuel W. 24 Orono, do do In Camp Hos. 12 Dealing, John A. 20 Bangor, do do July 21, 13 Devereux, Warren J. 19 Penobscot, do do 14 Dickey, AdelbertH. 24 Stockton, do do In Camp. 15 Ellis, Crawford S. 31 do do do do. 16 Ellis, William F. 19 do do do IT Friend, Robert A. 25 Brooklin, do do 18 Gardner, Charles A., Jr. 24 So. Danvers, do do 19 Griffin, Frederick 19 Stockton, do do 20 Gardner, William N. 18 Castine, do do 21 Griffin, Warren F. 24 Stockton, do do 22 (irindle, Augustus P. 21 Penobscot, do do In Camp. 23 Grindle, Bentley 31 Brooksville, Married, do 24Grindle, Hiram L. 20 Penobscot, single. do 25 Grindle, John N. 37 Brewer, Married, do 2C Hackett, Joseph, 22 Castine, do do 27 Hall, George C. 27 Brooklin, Single, do 28 Haskell, Winthrop B. 34 Deer Isle, Married, do 29 Hooper, Charles H. 20 Castine, single, do 30 Hutbhins, Reuben 22 Penobscot, do do 31 Ingalls, George K. 20 Orringtou, do do 32 King, Jabez W. 20 do do do 33 Lewis, John 30 Castine, Married, do 34 Myrick, Alonzo K. 24 Sedgwick, Single, do 35 Moores, Alonzo D. 39 Castine, Married, do 36'Morris, Charles S. 22 do Single, do 37,Mudgett, Lewis P. 25 Stockton, do do 38 Mudgett, William S. 23 do do do 39 Noycs, Nelson P. 25 Castine, Married, do 40 0dlin, Hiram B., Jr. 18 Bangor, Single, do 41 Patterson, Augustus 20 Stockton, do do 42 Peaslie, Robert C. 33 Pittsfiold Married, do APPENDIX D. 69 Volunteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on the morning of place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty- C. W. TILDEN, Captain. Prisoners. When tk'n, Deceased When. Disch'd. AVhen. Remarks. 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(J 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 July 21, 37 38 39 40 41 42 •July 21, July 21, July 21, May 27, Resigned. Not present when Go. was mustered in. Promiited to Captain June 18. Aug. G, Disability, Wounded in knee at Bull Piun. June 13, Disability. .\ppuinted 2d Lieutenant June 18. Promoted 3d Sergeant June 18. Promoted 5th Sergeant November 1. Promoted 2d Sergeant September 9. July 14, Nov. 11, Sept. 20, Oct. 2 Disability. Promoted Corporal November 1. Disability. At Richmond, Va. Disability. Absent without leave. Disability. At Richmond, Va. Nov. 14, July 14, June 13, Oct. 24, At Richmond, Va. Scalp wound, Wounded at Bull Run July 21. At Richmond, Va. Made 2d Sergeant. Appointed 1st Lieut. September 9. Disability. Disability. Disability. fjQ ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company B, Second Regiment, {Continued.) 6 Names. o < Residence. Married or Single. Muster d into U. S. Ser. Sick. Killed. "Where. AVhen. 43 Pert, "William G. 29 Sedgwick, Married, M?y 28, 44|Perkin=, Charles M. 19 Castine, Single, ■do 45 Perkins, Eben F. 18 Brooksville, do do July 21, 46'Perkins, Franeis L. 19 Castine, do do 47iPerkins, John D. 20 Brooksville, do do 48 Perkins, John S. 25 Castine, do do 4y Kichardson, Drummond 21 Eddington, do do In camp. 50JRogers, William H. 21 Stockton, do do 5l|>aunders, Alvin B. F. 21 Deer Isle, Married, do 52|Shepard, Isaac G. 20 Castine, Single, do 53 Smith, AVilliam M. 24 Brooksville, do do ' 54 Straw, Gorge "W. 21 Castine, do do 55 Straw, William C. 24 do do do 5G Taylor, John 23 do Married, do 57 Thomas, Joel L. 21 Stockton, Single, do 5STibbetts, John H. 28 So. Danvers, Married, da 59 Veazie, Charles W. ')2 Castine, do do 60 Veazie, John R. 21 do Single, do 01 Veazie, Moses 19 do do do 62 Verplast, Stillman "W. 19 Bangor, do do C3 Webber, David B. 30 Brooksville, Married, do 04 Westcott, Augustus R. 21 Castine, Single, do C5 Whitcomb, Horace V. KECRTTITS. 22 Etna do do. , 66 Breen, John H. 11 Augusta, do Aug. 31, 67 Bennett, Samuel F. 17 do do do 68 Brown, George Jr. 42 Portland, Married, do 69^Dellings, Milton 21 Augusta, Single, TODamreli, John 39 Portland, Maj;ried, do TljGriffin, William 22 Stockton, Single, Oct. 25, 72 Gilman, Charles A. 19 do do do 73 Griffin, Be.ijamin F. IS do do do 74 Grindle, Joseph 42 Castine, Married, do 75 Grindle, Edwin J. 25 Penobscot, Single, do 7C Grindle, Frank L. 25 Brooksville, do do 77 Hawes, Zebedee T. 25 Bangor, do 78 Hersum, William H. 18 Augusta, do Aug. 31, In camp. 79 Harriman, Hiram C. IS Stockton, do Oct. 25, 80 Luce, Cornelius E. 40 Fairfield, Married, 81 Murph}-, Thomas 21 Augusta, Single, Aug. 31, 82 Murtaugh, Peter 24 Medw;iy, do do 83 Marden, Jason W. 41 Stockton, Married, Oct. 25, 84 Miller, George 20 Bangor, Single, 85 Marden, Ezra B. 20 Stockton, do Oct. 25, 8C O'Neil, Andrew 28 Portland, do Aug. 31, 87 Randall, Henry N. 22 Stockton do Oct. 25, 8S Smellage, Augustus 25 Portland, do Aug. 31, 89 Webber, Orville D. 23 Castine, do Oct. 25, 90 Young, Michael 30jSabattisville, do Aug. 31, 91 Philbrook, James A. 22 Stockton, do Oot. 25, APPENDIX D. 71 Return of Company B, Second Eegiment, {Continued.) Prisoners. Deceased Disch'd. Hemarks. d When tk'n. When. When. ' 43 Deserted, Sept. 1. 44 Oct. 2, Disability. 45 46 Oct. 14, Disability. 47 July 21, At Pachmond, Ya. 48 49 50 51 ( 52 53 54 55 Promoted to Corporal Sept. 9. 56 57 58 Promoted to Corporal, June 18. 59 60 61 62 I Oct. 5. Disability. 63 64 65 — • 66 67 Oct. 2, Inability to perform the duties of a soldier. 68 Oct. 20, Disability. 69 70 71 T9 Nov. 11, Disability. i L 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Detached as wagoner. 81 ■Detached as wagoner. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Deserted, Sept. 22. 89 90 Deserted, Oct. 8. 91 72 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company B, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. ft Si a .a" Prisoners. Deceased. a .a ft ri o o o -73 Cyrus Swett, 22 do Single, do 3 Edwin Currier, 26 do • Married, do Brewer, 4 Charles W. Merrill, MUSICIANS. 23 do do do 1 David Brock, 45 Bangor, do do 2 Joseph C. Davis, rRIYATKS. 29 Eddiogton, do do 1 Brown, Charles 25 Brewei-, Single,. do 2 Bradley, Edwin 28 do do do July 21, 3 Blaisdell, Jeremiah 19 Carmel, do do 4 Barker, Henry L. 20 Brewer, do do 5 Benner, Lorenzo D. 18 Palermo, do do G Brown, William B. 24 Brewer, do do 7 Bierce, Francis A. 20 Orrington, do do 8 Burgess, Tollman T. 28 Belfast, Married, do July 21, 9 Cushing, George J. 20 Brewer, Single, do In quarters. 10 Cushing, Franklin 18 do do do ; 11 Crockett, Hannibal H. 24 Hermon, Married, do 1 12 Chase, Benjamin 32 Bangor, do do 13 Coombs, James S. 20 Islesboro', Single, do 14 Davis, James N. Jr. 18 Bangor, do do 15 Erskiue, Arnold B. 21 Bristol, do do IC Foster, George W. 20 Brewer, do do 17 Fitzgerald, Charles 19 do do do IS Folger, Joseph W. 30 do do do Vj Gould, James 21 Troy, Married, do 20 Goodwin, William S. 22 Brewer, Single. do 21 Genthuer, Thomas 21 Parkman, do do 22 Gregg, Albert A. 21 Brewer, do do 23 Ilobbs, Jeremiah 29 do Married, do 24 Hanscom, Edward P. 31 China, do do - 2.') Harlow, Washington I. 19 Brewer, Single,- do July 21, 2G Herd, Edward S. 24 Waldoboro', do do 27 Harlow, Henry A. 23 Brewer, do do 2S Ilunnewell, Sheperd 21 Bangor, Married, do 29 Jones, Cyrus T. 18 CiU'iiiel, Single, do July 21, 30 Jones, Charles E. 20 Orrington, do ■do July 21, 31 •Johnson, Jesse B. 44 Oldtown, Married, do i 32 Kellan, John W. 42 Brewer, do do 33 Knowles, Albion K. P. 33 Bangor, do do 34 Leach, Henry J. 27 Brewer, Single, do 35 Lancaster, Levi B. 29 Eddington, Married, do July 21, 3(> McPherson, Henry 33 Levant, Single, do 37 Manter, Gould 21 Parkman, do do 38 Mayo, Oirin 21 Brewer, do do 3 .a ■3 CQ t-i j2 a) eu o s ro ffi M SB OT s ;-• 13 ! ad s c C o m o V <-> tu o OJ K O o u o M fl o o "3 o fl O -3 O •a <1 o o o u w o hd tfl a ^ c3 f^^q o ri S 1 g o rt a U H 2i q o ce a u "S o o 1 § >• c o ^J a o a c o .^ a o _> a s ::j iz; Oh <1o ;?, ^ ^f 'A A, o ^ eiK < O i< Ph o 25 CM -< -< 2 6 38 46 1 5 6 1 9 63 1 3 4 67 Present Organization of the Company. 1 Eliphalet S. Morrill, 2 Wm. R. Currier, 3|Francis P. Hall, James M. Simpson. Cyrus Swett, Melvin P. Nickerson, ] 2 3 4 1 2 Charles F. Nickerson, SiEdwin Currier, 4!Augustus J. Nickerson, SJJames S. Coombs, Rank. Residence. Captain, 1st Lieut., 34 2d Lieut., 23jlstSerg't, 22 2d Serg't, 22 3d Serg't, 29|2d Corporal, 26J3d Corporal, 24!4th Corporal, 20i5th Corporal, jDate of Rank ori Remarks. Appointment. Brewer, do do do do do do do do Islesboro', August 30. do do do do do August 8, April 27, August 8, October 30, 80 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Lieutenant W. W. Sturtevant, Company D, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine December 1st, 18G1, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken May, 1861. J. H. KITTREDGE, Orderly Sergeant. c Names. 6 bo <5 Residence. Married or Single. Muster'd into U.S. Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. AVhen. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 John S. Sampsiin, 41 Milo, Married, May 28, 2 Walt,er W. Sturtevant, 38 do do do 3 Sumner 11. Kittredge, SERGEANTS. 19 do Single, do 1 Samuel V. Miliett, 43 do Married, do 2 Stephen D. Miliett, 38 do do do 3 James P. Kittredge, 32 do Single, do 4 John H. Kittredije, CORPORALS. 29 do Married, do 1 Richard A. Monroe, 27 do Sinsle, do 2 Lewis R. Haskell, 25 * s fi t -d o 13 13 -a a ^ . =: o o a f^ m Ph fl fi a H H Commissioned OfTicers, 1 1 1 3 Non-Com. Officers, 3 2 3 8 Musicians & Wagoner, 1 5 C Privates, 58 4 1 4 2 10 79 Total, 63 4 1 7 2 14 5 96 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. FIT For DUTY. 7 54:63 ON SPECIAL. DTJTY. IN ARREST ■< 5 1^ 3 a 641 SPECI4L SERVICE. 3)67 Present Organization of the Company. Names. 1 Walter W. Stiirtevant, 2 Stephen D. Millett, 1 John H. Kittredge, 2 John R. Stanchfield, 3 Forrest W. Douglas, 4 Cdlumbus L. Mitchell, 1 Abaitlia J. Knowles, 2 John P. Wentworth, 3 William Mason, 1 Edward Davis, Rank. Captain, 38|lst Lieut. 39j2d Lieut. 29|lst Serg't, 33 2d Scrg't, 24:3d Serg't, 22;4th Serg't, 31 Corporal, 27|Corporal, 29, Corporal, 20i Drummer, Residence. Date of Rank or I Appointment. Milo, do do do do do Lagrange, (to Atkinson, Milo, May 6, Oct. 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, May 1, Remarks. 8Q ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Capt. Levi Emerson, Company E, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Vcl- December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken day of May, 1861. JAMES L. ROWE, Orderly Sergeant. COMiVriSSIONED OFFICERS, 1 Levi Emerson, 2'James W. Adams, 3 Lyman E. Richardson SERGEANTS. llThomas Foster, 2'James L. Rowe, 3jColin L. Downes, 4 John J. Randall, j CORPORALS. IjHenry M. Cushman, 2 Edwin L. Sterling, 3 Ruel S. Clark, 4'Hiram B. French, MUSICIAN. IjAlden L. Page, PRIVATES. 1 Burns, Frederic 2iBetts, Edward C. 3 Barton, George H. 4 Boden, Abner 0. 5 Barrett, Cyrus F. C Berry, AVilliam 7 Barrett, Harrison L. 8|Billings, Ezra L. 9 Campbell, James 10 Chase, Alexander IL 11 Carlisle, George W. 12 Dearborn, Samuel 13 Dawson, Stephen W. 14 Drummond, John B. 15'Eaton, Frederic L. 16 Fuller, Zimri F. 17iFancy, Simeon E. 18 Furbish, Albert G. 19 Guild, Isaac 20 George, Leonard I. 21, Green, Charles T. 22narback, Philip 23 Hall, Richard W. 24 Hooper, Otis T. 2.5 Jordan, Sabin 26iJewett, Ruel 27 Joy, John C. 28 Keene, Elden A. 29 Leonard, John 30 Morse, Charles C. 31 [Moore, .John 32 Martin, Washington I. 33 McCluro, George A. .34 Murray, William N. 35 Norton, Freeman F. 36 Pratt, George W. 37 Poor, Russell S. 38 Perkins, Henry L. 39 Rogers, Cyrus 40 Russ, Albert S. 411 < o a) aj O o a> 4) a 'Tt a y rn rl n m g oi i3 q £(1 cS o 6S 2 d 1 aj br o o o u i-.fl .-> s o o to tn a O :3 t a ce 01 a u c3 3 U d OJ S u ei a O ■§ a> a o > o a 3 "C 1 - a o a c o _> bfi o 3 6 < O 'A 2 Ah 4 6 o ^ ft 10 :^ I< ft < 66 o ^; ft 1 o ^ ft ~3 69 50 2 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Levi Emerson, James W. Adams, Thomas Foster, James L. Rowe, Colin L. Downs, John J. Randall, Edwin L. Sterling, Charles C. Morse, Franklin E. Morrill, Mark S, Smith, Rank. Residence. Captain. 1st. Lieut., 2d. Lieut., , Bangor, j do tlampden, 25 1st. Serg't, iBangor, 43 Serg't, '29jSerg't, 21jSerg't, 2rCorporaI, 21|Corporal, i27|Corporal, Brewer, Orono, Bangor, |01dtuwn, Medford, Cornville, Date of Rank or Appointment. Remarks. April 24, do August 30, 92 ADJUTAXT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Capt. Daniel Chaplin, Company F, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine December 1st, 18C1, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken eighth day of May, ISGl. ARTHUR C. 'WniTCOMB, Orderly Sergeant. Residence. Married or Single. Muster'd into U.S.Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Daniel Chaplin, 2 Albion P. Wilson, 3 Warren H. Boyntun, SERGEANTS. George W. Brown, Benjamin D. Whitney, Arthur C. Vt'hitcomb, Charles Able, Bangor, do do CORPORALS. 1 George F. Whitney, 2 Thomas H. Wooster, 3 John S. Sm ill, 4 Jeremiah B. Atliins, MUSICIANS. Thurston Whitcomb, 2jFrank N. Morris, ( PRIVATES. 1 Audley, John 2 Austin, John W. B. 3|Billings, John 4j Berry, Isaac 5 Burton, Willard H. 6 Billington, Hiram A. 7 Bell, Daniel 8 Beekwith, James 9 Banks, Adoniram J. 10 Benjamin, John 11 Cole, A\'ashington 12,Carr, Enoch 13|Curtis, Samuel 0. lijCoy, John 15;Curtis, John W. 16 Cook, Moses ITjCarter, Charles B. IS'Downs, SewallH. 19 Card, James 20 Ellingwood, William 21jEdgerley, George 22.Fairbrother, Isaac H. 23'Glidden, Charles 24lGaIlagher, Michael 25|Grairara, Leander L. 26jHersey, Lyman 27IHolmes, Horace 28;Hatch, William 291Harthorne, John 30;ilall, Francis STHurd, Henry W. 32 Hurd, Jethro 33 Joss, Martin 34 Kenney, Samuel G. 35 Keen, Charles 36'Libby, Horace O. 37jLegrieow, David 38 Lovejoy, Levi jr. 39, Kenney, Daniel R. 40 McKenney, James 4llMartin, Henry W. |33| do jSjAurora, '27!Hampdenj ■40 Bangor, I I j35| do |44!Hermon, 2SCarmel, 23,Eseter, 22 Hampden, 20:Veazie, 41jBangor, |30 Eddington, '18|Bangor, i44! do |24 Eddington, [29 Bangor, 21: Bradford, 22 Richeburto, ;20 Kenduskeag, |23 Carmel, '22 Etna, |21 Pittifield, 27 Glenburn, '21 Lowell, Mass. ;30 Levant, 3C Dixmont, 39 Brewer, .20 do ll9Glenbarn, A. il8 VV'interport, '20 Exeter, 21 Etna, 18 do 23 Hermon, i31j Bangor, !25| do :24 Smithfield, 29 Bangor, ,22 do 25 Smithfield, 20 Carmel, Il8j do 1 19 Hampden, 42 Stetson, 1 21: West Sidney, 22 Newport, l23';Orono, ;35 Bangor, |27 Stetson, 1 18 Kenduskeag, 1 2l| Bangor, Married, do Single, Married, Single, do Married, do Single, do do do do Married, Single, do do do Married, Single, do do Married, Single, do Married, Single, i do ! Married, do Single, I do ! do ' -do ; do I do do Married, I do Single, iNIarried, Single, I do I do I do ! do Married, Single, do j do do do < do : do May 28, do do do do do do do- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Georgetown, Washington, July 21, APPENDIX D. 93 Volunteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on tlie mornino' of place in the Company since it entered the service of the- United States, on the twonty- ALBION P. WILSON, Captain. I Prisoners. 'Deceased! Disch'd. d iWhen tk'n.i When. I When. Remarks. 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5' '! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Julj Sept. 1, Sept. 12, Sept. 10, Aug. 4, Aug. 9, do Promoted to Major, September 13. " " Captain, " " •' " 1st Lieut. " « Promoted 1st Sergt. " " Reduced to the Ranks, Auguct 5. Reduced to the Ranks, June 22. Promoted to Sergeant, August 5. Fk.educed to the Ranks, June 24. At Washington. Disability. Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas. June 25, Disability. jWounded. Aug. 9, .Disability. Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas. Promoted to Sergeant, September 28. Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas. Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas. Appointed Corporal, June 24. Died at Richmond of wounds. Mutineer. Sent to Toitugas. Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas, 94 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOET. Return of Company F, Second Regiment, ( Continued. ) ^ Names. 42 Neal, Thompson 43, Nichols, Allen 44,Newcomb, Delon 45iPierce, Albert 46 Pollard, Luther 31. 47 Quint, Charles P. 4S Shaw, Columbus 43'Small, Moses 50|Smith, Sewall W. 51 Shaw, Omar 52 Sawyer, Alfred 53'Seavey, William 54 Trafton, Leonard r)5,TrafCon, John E. SGiTurner, John A. 67JVan Buskirk, Henry C. 58'Vickey, Leander 59' Wilson, Asa eo'Witham, John W. 61 Welch, William B. 62' York, Benjamin F. 63JAtkin3, liobert L. 04; Abbott, V/illiam J. CoiAllen, George 66|Blackwell, Henry H. 67jB;iiley, Augustus C. 6S Crocker, Crosby M. 69 Dunn, William H. 70 Crawford, Adolphus S. 71 Dunn, EJward H. 72 Elliott, James A. 73 Foss, WiMiam H. 74 Jackson, Jefferson F. 75 Southard, Andrew F. 76 Seavey, Reuben W. 77Strout, Albert D. M. 78 Stiout, Andrew W. 79'Tozier, Andrew J. 80, Welch, Charles 81 Keene, Orrin 82 McKenney, Wm. H. 83 Marshall, James S. ' ®, Residenie. Married _Muster'd or I into Single. |U. S. Ser. Pittsfield, Winterport, Carmel, Bradford, Bradley, Bangor, Stetson, Brewer, E. Eddingtcn Stetson, Bradley, Stockton, Oldtown, Bangor, Etna, Stetson, Brewer, Bangor, Carmel, Hampden, Bangor, do do Litchfield, Newport, Bradford, Kenduskeag, Augusta, Oldtown, Litchfield, Freedom, Orono, Paris, Pittsfieldj Stetson, Bradford, do Plymouth, Worcester, Augusta, Bangor, Orringtou, Single, do j do do do , do do Married, Single, do i do 1 do t do ! do Married, Single, do Married, do do iSingle, 'Married, do :Single, I do I do : do !■ do ! do do do do do do do do do do do Married, Single, do Sick. Where. May 28, | Washington, do i do I do j do do I do do do do do du do do do do do do i do do July 15, do 1, do 15, do 23, Sept. 25, July 1, do 5, do 3, do 15, do do 3, do 4#' do 5, Sept. 26, do 24, do do July 15, do 1, do 2, May 28, do Killed. ■When. APPENDIX D. 95 Return of Company F, Second Regiment, ( Continued. ) Prisoners. Deceased Disch'd. Ilem?rks. I When tk'n. When. When. 42 43 Oct. 24, Disability. 44 June 25, Worthless. 46 46 47 48 49 Appointed Corporal, August 5. 60 51 52 63 64 55 Mutineer. Sent to Tortugas. 66 « i< li ts 67 (( i< (( ti 58 59 Appointed Corporal, June 24^ eo'july 21, « 61 Severely wounded. 62 63 Mutineer. Sent to TortugaB^ 64 65 Recruit. 66 (C 67 (C 68 (1 69 <( 70 Wagoner. 71 Recruit. 72 Sept. 15, «' 73 " 74 (C 75 (1 76 « 77 " 78 " 79 " 80 " 81 << 82 83 96 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company F, Second Refjiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. i 73 TJ B. Kri ■B ^ M J3 •a « O "o a) 3 o ^ m M ^ « n fl H H CominissioDed OiEcers. 3 3 Non-Com. Officers, 8 8 Musicians & "Wagoner, 2 2 Privates, 55 3 1 2 5 6 12 84 Total. 68 3 1 2 5 6 12 97 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 18G1. PIT FOR DDTY. '-^,» 2 6 g 50 q c > <3 ,a ^1 ,:ii ON SPECIAL DDTV. IN ARREST .^ '_o ' a> ' bb'.i£ ■ wi a 1 1 2 2 63 ON SPECIAL SERVICE. 2; Ah 568 Present Organization of the Company. Albion P. Wilson, George W. Brown, Warren II. Boynton, 1 Arthur C. Whitcomb, 2 Benjamin D. Whitnej', 3 Sewall 11. Downs, 4 Thomas II. "Worcester, 1 John Hawthorne, 2|Asa Wilson, 3 John S. Small, 4[Moses Small, o Rank. Residence. Date of Rank or Remarks. < 33 Appointment. Captain, 1st Lieut., iBangor, do Sept. 13. do 24 2d Lieut., do April 25. 27 35 1st Serg't, 2d Serg't, Hampden, Aurora, Sept. 28. April 25. 20 44 3d Serg't, 4th Serg't, Brewer, llermon, Sept. 28. Aug. 5. 22 Corporal, Bangor, June 24. 43 Corporal, do do 28 23 Corporal, Corporal, Carmel, ;Brewer, April 25. Aug. 6. 11 98 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Captain Frederic Meinicke, Company G, Second Regiment Infantry, Main© December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken eighth day of May, 1861. GEORGE E. HOLT, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Frederic Meinicke, Augustus B. Farnham, ; Frank A. Garnsey, SERGEANTS. George E. Holt, Albert M. Jackson, SiHoratio Staples, 4 Joseph B. Forbes. CORPORALS. 1 Stover P. Gross, 2Seth B. Ramsdell, 3 John B. York, 4 David Reevil, j MUSICIANS. iJHenry B. Miller, 2j Ariel H. Ward, j PRIVATES. 1 Atkins, Leroy W. 2!Bartlett, David W. SjBarker, Thomas B. ijBohn, Peter SiBlaine, Thomas R. eJBlaisdell, Humphrey, jr, 7 Bradford, Warren W. 8 Bickford, Ezekiel C. gJBrackett, Wm. H. lO'Cleaves, Allison G. lllCrosby Stephen R. 12 Davis, John 13 Day, Warren, 14JDillingham, Oscar L. ISDouglass, Albert L. 16 Doe, Zebulon 17 Doble, Charles W. 18 Dunbar, Henry 0. 19iDunbar, Lysander B. 20lBgagnon, Joseph 2l|Emery, Harvey I. 22lFerguson, Luther 23JField, George E. 24|Foote, James A. 25 Gctchell, Andrew J. 26|Green, Lewis 27 Hanson, Horace F. 28'Heenan, Chiirles G. 29 Higgins, Virgil N. 30[Hurd, Samuel D. 31!Jordan, John V. 32!Kinney, .James 33|Lander, Charles H. 34JMair, Philip 35j Martin, Leonard P. 36i Marsh, Albert 37|Millett, Obed F. 38IMillett, John W. 39'Miller, Frank B. 40'Martin, George C. 41iMills, George G. 6 Residence. 3ljBangor, 22 do :22j do 21 do !l9l do 124 do !21 do Orland, Ripley, Bangor, do 32 Garland, 22 Levant, Carmelj Bangor, do do do Otis, Bangor, do Rumford, 21jBangor, 19 Clifton, Bangor, Veazie, Oldtown, Orono, do Bangor, do do 121 Oldtown, Married Muster' d or into Single. U. S.Ser. Veazie, Bangor, Lee, Bangor, 22lN. Dixmont, 4'.i{Banijor, 23 Harrison, 25 Bangor, 22] do do do do do Orono, Bangor, do Palmyra, E. Pittsfield, Bangor, do Levant, Married, Single, do do do do do • Married, do Single, do jMarried, jSingle, do do ! do do do do do do do do do do do do Married, do Single, do do do do do do do do Married, Single, do do do do do Married, do do Single, do do do Married, Single, May 28, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do June 6. May 28, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick. Where. In Camp. Killed. When. In Camp, do July 21, In Camp. Georgetown, APPENDIX D. 99 Volunteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on the morning of ■place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty- AUGUSTUS B. FARNHAM, Captain. 6 Prisoners. When tk'n. Deceased When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 'Z. 1 Sept. 7, Resigned. 2 Promoted to Captain, Sept. 13. 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 13. 1 Reduced to ranks, Aug. 1. Transferred to A, Oct. 1. 2 Oct. 2, Disability. 3 Appointed 2d Lieutenant Sept. 13. 4 Promoted 1st Sergeant September 13. 1 2 Promoted 2d Sergeant, Oct. 1. 3 Reduced to ranks June 28, by request. 4 Reduced to ranks, Sept. 10. 1 2 Promoted 4th Sergeant, Oct. 1. 1 2 3 4 Body not recovered. 5 6 .July 21, Wounded in leg. Confined at Richmond 7 Deserted from Fort Corcoran, 0(;t. 1. 8 9 10 July 21, Trans, from 2d Ohio Vol. Confined at Richmond. July 21, At Richmond, Va. 11 1 12 13 14 July 21, At Richmond, Va. 15 Oct. 5, Leg amputated. Wounded by shell at Bull Run. 16 Sept. 12. Disability. 17 18 19 Sept. 12. Palpitation of heart. 20 Deserted from Hall's Hill, Oct. 14. 21 22 i 23 24 26 July 21. •Wound in leg. Confined at Richmond. 26 27 28 Deserted June 6, from Willet's Point, N. Y. 29 30 .July 21, Wound in leg. Confined at Richmond. 31 32 33 On detached service. Now teamster. 34 35 Promoted 2d Corporal, Dec. 1. 36 37 July 21, Disability. 38 Oct. 7, Consumption. 39 June 10, Disability. 40 ' 41 Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment. 100 ADJUTANT GENERAL^S REPORT. Return of Company G, Second Regiment, ( Continued. ) Names. 42 Mitchell, Horace F 43 Nason, David B 44 Neal, John H. 45 Norwood, Wm. H. 46 Orff, Edward F. jr., 47!Phinips, George H. 48 Robert, Isaac 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5G 57 58 59 Rosembeck, Frederic S. Scribner, Miles L. Shorey, Horace F. Sidelinker, Hollis Smart, Benj. F. rfoule, Richard Speed, Joseph Starkie, Daniel Stevens, Waldo P. Stevens, Alonzo Thompson, Wm. H. eOJVancon, Francis, jr., 61 Vinal, George 62 Webber, Benjamin 63 Wing, Ferdinand N. 64 Kn;ipp, Charles A. 65!Robbins, Melville H. 66|Merrow, Samuel 67 Scribner, Henry H. 68 Estes, Levi . 69 Morse, John 70 Plumatoc, Thomas 71 Merry, Peter B. 72 Burton, Paul 73 Hutchings, Augustus M. 74 Smith, James 75 Mills, Wm. J. 76 Debeck, Wm. 77 Orcutt, Isaac F. 78 Reaviel, Henry 79 Jephard, George 80 Hammett, Walter P. 81 Haines, Samuel T. 82 Soule, Wm. A. 83 Deane, Isaac W. 84 VV heeler, Henry L. 85 White, Andrew F. 86 White, Nathan S. 87 Witham, Wm. W. P.i Residence. 21,Munroe, 19 Brownville, 19 Bangor, 21 do 20' do 20 Veazie, 29 Bangor, 32 New York, 43 Springfield, j2L do '24 Dixmont, '21 Portland, j22! Bangor, !37j do 32 Veazie, 21 Monroe, 23'Guilford, 23 Bangor, 22 do 28:Orono, 22Hermon, 21, Hampden, 19{Rumford, 201 Bangor, . 36; do 21 Oldtown, 19 Bangor, Married or Single. do do Augusta, leOldtown, 19, E. N. Portl'd, 34|H[oulton, 19:Levant, 21'Clifton, 22] Amherst, 21iBangor, 27jGreenfield, 18JHowland, 22' do 27|Etna, 201 do 19 Greenfield, 18l do 22I do 19! do Single, do do do do do Married, do do Single, do do do Married, do Single, do do do Married; Single, do do do Married. Single, do i do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Muster' d into U. S. Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. May 28, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dD do do do do do do July 10, do July 2, do 3, do 11, do 10, do 1, do 29, do 1, do, 10, do 10, do 15, do 15, Sept. 23, Sept. 19, Oct. 7, Sept. 19 Sept. 19, Oct. 16, do Oct. 7, do do do .July 21» In camp, In camp. Georgetown, APPENDIX D. 101 Meiurn of Company G, Second Regiment, {Continued.) Prisoners. Deceased Disch'd Remarks. 6 When tk'nJ When. When. iz; 42 Deserted, July 22. 43 July 21, At Richmond. 44 45 46 Body not recovered. 47 48 49 July 21, At Richmond, Va. 50 Sept. 18, Disability. 61 52 Sept. 19, 53 Promoted 3d Sergeant, Oct. I. 54 Oct. 7, Brain affected. 55 July 21, Wounded in Leg. Confined at Richaiondv 56 ■57 58 Promoted 3d Corporal, Dec. 1. 59 Nov. 15, Disability. €0 Promoted 1st Corporal, Dec. 1. «1 Promoted 5th Sergeant, Dec. 1. •62 Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment, Aug. 14. •63 64 1 65 Detailed as teamster July 10. Discharged soon after 66 67 July 21i At Richmond, Ya. 68 69 Detailed teamster Aug. 12. Deserted Oct. 3. to 71 72 Sept. 12. 73 Nov. 16, Buried at Hall's Hill, Va^ 74 75 • 76 T7 78 Y9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ■8? 102 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company G, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers- ' ft Sick. Killed, • 9-4 O a o IS % o . o o •a a> O n sa o •a o Ph ■a 41 O o c O <5 O, V o o <1 a o c o > 61) M < a G u o s a o O c o (In 1^ a c o a o O o !z; 63 as <1 2| 7 47 56 l| 1 3 jei _ leill 2 2 4 esj Present Organization of the Company. © Names. 6 to < Rank. Residence. Date of Rank or Appointment. Remarks. 1 2 3 Augustus B. Parnham, Frank A. Garnsey, Horatio Staples, 22 22 24 Captain, 1st Lieut,, 2d Lieut., Bangor, do do Sept. 13. do do 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Joseph B. Forbes, Stover J. Cross, Benjamin F. Smart, David Reabiel, George Vinal, Francis Vaneon, jr., Leonard P. Martin, AloDZO Stephens, 21 32 21 22 28 22 26 23 1st Serg't, 2d Serg't, 3d Serg't, 4th Serg't, 5th Serg't, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, do Orland, Portland, Bangor, Orono, Bangor, do do do Oct. 1, do do Dec. 1, do do do 104 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Captain Daniel F. Sargent, Company H, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine December 1st, ISGl, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken May, 1861. DAXIEL QUIMBY, Jr., Orderly Sergeant. Names. 6 Residence. Married ! or Single. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Daniel F. Sargent, Edward L. Getehell, Ralph W. ilorse, SERGEANTS. Wm. H. S. Lawrence, Daniel Quimby, jr., William P. Holden, Christopher S. Gorham, CORPORALS. Chas. Smith, Abridge F. Haskell, Henry Scbmell, 4lWm. H. Johnson, MtrSICIAN. I'Eben R. Dinsmore, PRIVATES. 1 Arthur, Thomas W. 1 Bagley, Daniel W. 3'Bailey, Joseph A. 4: Bruno, Benedict oBenson Benj. C. 6!Bunker, Burton TiBakeman, Alexander F. SiBabcock, Wm. OBlack, Henry lO'Clewly, George M. ILConway, Hugh 12 Clement, John K. ISiCook, Noah H. 14iDow, Meniah ISJDinsmore, Frank A. 16 Donham, George E. 17,DoDhani, John B. E. ISjDrinkwater, Henry W. 19'Ellison, Charles H. 20 Emerson, Fields W. 2l!Eaton, Vvm. H. 22lFenton, Abraai 23jFrazier, Benj. 24lFrazier, Alden B. 2.>'Fox, Josiah B. 26|Gi!more, Byron C. 27 Gilmore, Henry H. 28 Green, Joseph W. 29Harndcn, Moses A. 30|Holden, Henry A. 31 Hammou-.'Vlbert H. 32|Hutchings, AVm. H. 33;Haskell, Tristam W. 34'Holman, Frederic 35 Joy, Marcel lus D. 36 Jordan, Gustin 37 Leathers, Samuel W. 38 Lovej'.y, Wm. H. 39 Leighton, Stephen H.^ 40 Morey, Wm. B. 41 McKenney, John T. 42IMeLaushliD, Henry !27 Brewer, i22!Bangor, 30 do do do do do 28J01dtown, 21 Bangor, 361 do 26l do !25'oidtown, 21 Brewer, 26 Bangor, 22I do 3701dtown, 21 Bangor, 29 Otis, 19 Brewer, 34[Veazie, 21lDedham, 24| Bradley, 23 Bangor, 211 do 22 Brewer, 29 01dtoTTn, 23 Stetson, 20 01dtown, ISi do 21| do 19j Bangor, 18 Orono, 24, Oldtown, 19 Bangor, 21, Otis, 24 do 27:CornYlll8 21 Bangor, 21Holden, 24 Bangor, 21 Chatham, 21 Bangor, 21 Milford. 26'Er':ghton, 23 Bangor, 2" Oldtown, 28 B.iDgor, 21 Etna, 31 Bangor, 22 do ISl do 22 0hitown, ISlBangor, 24 Oldtown, Muster'd into L'.S.Ser. Married, Single, Married, Single, jMarried, do Single, May 28, do do do do do do 'Married, I do ■ do jSingle, Married, jSingle, jMarried, ISingle, i do \ do Married, Single, Married, Single, do , do do I do j do i do I do 1 : do I Married, I Single,^ I do ! do 1 do 1 do ; do ; do i do ! ; <^o I Married, Single, do i do ' do do do j Married, .Single, Married, Single, do do do ' do 1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick. Where. i Killed. When. Bangor, Me,, New York, June 30, Eall'snill, Gall's Hill, do Bangor, Me. Hall's Hill, I July APPENDIX D. 105 Volunteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Ya., expressing its condition on the morning of place in the Company, since it entered the service of the United States, on the 2i5th of DANIEL F. SARGENT, CapUin. I Prisoners. Deceased Diseh'd. JjWhentk'n. When. ! When. Remarks. July 21, giJuly 21, 10 July 21, 11 i 12| 13; 14 15 16 17 18 191 20] 21! 22 Julv 21, 23 July 21, 24 25 26 27i 28, 29 3o[july 21, 31! 32! 33 34! 35 36 37 88i 89. 40i 411 42; Oct. Oct. 9, jDisability. Promoted 1st Sergeant, Oct. 9. 2d 3d Oct. 14, " Lieutenant 13th Me. Regiment. " 4th Sergeant, Oct. 9. Disability. 'On furlough. Reduced to ranks, Oct. 9. I DeseAed, Not. 25. Deserted, July 21. At Richmond, Ya. Aag. 6j iDisability. July 10, Disability. Buried at Meridian Hill At Richmond. Died at Richmond. Wounded in the foot at Fort Corcoran. An". 16 June 5j Promoted 2d Corporal, Oct. 9. At Richmond. At Richmond. Deserted, Nov. 29, Promoted 3d Corporal, Oct. ?. . On furlough. Wounded at Bull Run. Wound in the leg. Confined at Riohmend. Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment. Promoted 4th Corporal, Oct. 9. iBody not recovered. 106 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company H, Second Regiment, {Continued.) 6 Names. 6 < 23 Residence. Married or Single. Muster'd into U. S.Ser. Sick. Where. Eilled. When. 43 Maxwell, George S. Bangor, Single, May 28, 44 O'Niel, Henry, 21 do do do Hall's Hill, 45 Peakes, Charles H. 19 Dedham, do do 46 Pond, Charles H. 26 Bangor, do do 47 Peters, John H. 26 do do do 48 Pollard, Henry N. 41 Oldtown, Married, do 49 Robinson, "Wilmot J. 21 do Single, do 50 Robbins, Gersham C. 24 Bangor, do do 51 Rollins, Charles H. 21 do do do 52 Rogers, Ripley R. 25 Oldtown, do do 53 Rich, George H. 29 Bangor, do do do 54 Stevens, Samuel A. 25 do do do 55 Simpson, David L. 27 Oldtown, do do 56 Severance, VVm. H. 22 Bangor, do do 57 Sanger, Wm. H. 29 do do do 58 Salmon, Wm. B. 27 Oldtown, do do 59 Taylor, Edgar B. IB Bangor, do do do 60 Waid, Wm. J. 21 Lancaster, NH do do 61 Warren, Benj. J. 28 Otis, d« do 62 Veazie, Charles B. 21 Bangor, do do 63 Quimby, Robert 22 do do ] do 64 Chalmers, Thomas B. 25 do Married, do 65 Doe, George A. 28 Oldtown, do 1 do 66 Lovejoy, Charles S. 22 Bangor, do do 67 Colson, Daniel J. 20 do Single, July 1, 68 Graves, George T. 25 do Married,! do 1, Washington, 69 Perry, Charles E. 20 do Single, do 1, 70 Wentworth,Wm. H. 20 do do do 1, 71 Wentworth, James F. 25 do do do 2, Hall's Hill, 72 Mills, Wm. F. 18 Oldtown, do do 3, 73 Brown, Charles C. 26 do do do 15, 74 Carr, Elijah 26 do do do 15, 75 Crockett, Norman 22 Rockland, do do 15, 76 Marsh, Lewis J. 21 Bangor, do do 15, 77 Moulton, Daniel W. 21 Oldtown, do do 15, 78 Bray, Cyrus 23 do do do 15, 79 Johnson, Frank A. 22 Bangor, do do 15, SO Wyer, Oscar 18 do do do 15, 81 Johnston, Nathaniel 38 Portland, do , do 22, 82 Veazie, Samuel W. 18 Bangor, do Oct. 25, 83 Wyer, Robert, 40 do Married, do 14, 84 Hines, Augustus 36 Oldtown, do do 25, 85 Moore, Henry H. 25 Bangor, Single, do 25, 86 Gilmore, Don 21 do do do 25, do APPENDIX D, 107 Heturn of Company H, Second Regiment, ( Continued. ) I Prisoners. ^ Whentk'n, Deceased When. Disch'd.l When. Remarks. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 S8 July 10, July 21, July 21, July 21, Aug. 5, Wounded at Bull Run. Disability. Wounded in leg. Confined at Richmond. Wounded in arm. Confined at Richmond- Disability. At Richmond. Deserted, July 21, Deserted, July 21. Sept. 14, Wttgoner. Disability IQg ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company H, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers >» 1 3 ft ' rs 73 •9 to S a ^ w t! 1 = ! a O o o IS a 3 S m Pf 1^ s O H H Commissioned Officers, 3 3 Non-Com. OfBcers, 4 1 2 1 8 Musiciacs k. Wagoner, 1 1 Privates, 51 13 2 g G ■i 1 S6 Total, 58 14 2 1 9 8 6 1 98 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. FIT For DUTY. B'P ON SPECIAL DtJTY. Ife Ah 3; 7,4l!51l 113)13 IN ARREST s oj P o d ^ o p^ a TO "Si « 611 n u cS 0) ' > bl o to Q iz; An <: 6? d ;?; ON SPECIAL SERVICE. c » j= < "B C cS > Pi 13 '6 •73 O a rison o ^ 0) "3 pR m Ph ft ft Q ^ H CommissioDed Officers, 3 3 Non-Com. Officers, 2 1 1 4 8 Musicians & AVagoner, Privates, 42 2 3 1 6 7 24 85 Total, 44 2 4 1 9 8 28 96 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. PRESENT 1 ABSENT. ON 1 ON FOR SICK. SPECIA] . IIN ARREST SICK. SPECIAL DUTY. DUTY. 1 t 1 SERVICE. 1 c . < 73 o sa SS t~ SB ^ □ fl o n ffl 4) a a o •0 1 a a i »« .2 u c tl' I.S W) fee. q o rt 9 ■ =3 ee Si q d la a to a u d a 03 u 3 o O !2; !2; ■B s " i a ' s a fl P^ < 60 6 27 331 5 5 4 -1 42 1 1 2 44 Present Organization of the Company. Michael Crowley, Richard Kelleher, Michael Hegan, James Heffran, John O'Connel, Jeremiah Corcoran, 24 1st Serg't, 26 2d Serg't, 21 3d Serg't, 25 Corporal, 22 Corporal, 22CorpoTal, Residence. jDate of Rank or Remarks. I Appointment. do I Portland. Bangor, Oct. 18, 1861. do Aug. 14, 1861. Aug. 14, 1861. do do 116 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Capt. Fernando C. Foss, Company K, Second Regiment Infantry, Maine Vci- December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have taken day of May, 1861. JOHN C. QUIMBY, Orderly Sergeant. d Names. © <; Residence. Married or Single. Muster'd int 1 U.S.Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Fernando C. Foss, 27 Oldtown, Married. May 28. 2 Albert G. Fellows, 26 Bangor, do do 3 Albert L. Cowan, SERGEANTS. 26 Oldtown, Single. do 1 John C. Quimby, 23 do do do 2 William H. Hanson, 19 do do do July 21» 3 George A. McLellan, 22 Stillwater, do do 4 Daniel St;iples, CORFORALS. 28 Oldtown, Married. do 1 Charles J. Ellis, 23 U. Stillwater, Single. do 2 Americus V. Moore, 21 Oldtown, do do July 21, 3 Joseph A. Burlingham, 19 U. Stillwater, do do 4 Morison J. Folsom, MUSICIAN. 23 Newburg, do do 1 JohnT. Burnham. PRIVATES. 21 Oldtown, do do do 1 Adams, James H. 24 Lincoln, do do 2 Bridge, Elijah 44 Charlotte, do do 3 Bean, George 26 Dixmont, do do 4 Brawn, Hiram 21 Mil ford. do do 5 Brawn, Ephraim 31 U. Stillwater, Married. do • 6 Burlingham, Carpenter, 36 do Single. do 7 Burns, Elhanan W. 19 Orrington, do do « 8 Clark, Isaiah 29 Oldtown, Married. do 9 Colby, Charles S. 42 Lilierty, do do 10 Carson, Parker 20 Oldtown, Single, do 11 Cross, Edwin S. 21 Barnard, do do 12 Crandlemire, Wm. 21 Lee, do do 13 Collins, Daniel J. 24 N. Brunswick do do 14 Clay, James M. 21 Lincoln, do .do Washington , 15 Colby, JohnH. 20 Liberty, do do 16 Colby, Eben S. 1 Palermo, do do . 17 Colby, Benjamin 32 Liberty, Married, do 18 Dunton, Alden B. 19 do Single, do 19 Dillingham, Edwin 18 Oldtown, do do 20 Evans, Hiram F. 23 Washington, do do 21 Fall, James H. 29 Stillwater, do do In quarters, \ 22 Fly, James 21 Fairfield, do do 23 Frye, Stephen 30 Oldtown, Married, do 24 Farrar, George H. 21 do Single. do 25 Farrar, Wm. 23 do Married, do 26 Gates, Decatur 21 Lincoln, Single, do 27 Gibbons Wm. H. 27 Oldtown, do do •28 Griffis, Thomas 27 do do do 29 Hutchings, Joseph 35 Milford, do do 30 Harriman, Reuben 22 Bucksport, do do 31 Ingalls, Hiram B. 24 Oldtown, do do • 32 Jellison, Wm. A. 18 Argyle, do do 33 Kieth, Otis L. 21 Beddington, do do 34 Kneeland, Alfred 20 Newburg, do do 35 Lowell, Byron 2'i Hallowell, do do 36 Lowell, George M. 22 Springfield, do do 37 Luce, Willard A. 18 Washington, do do 38 Lewis, Albert K. 20 Springfield, do do 39 Mayberry, Wm. 31 Albion, do do 40 Morrill, Isaac 44 China, Married, do 41 Michael, Frederic A. 22 Stillwater, Single, do In quarters, 42 Murphy, James A. 21 JacksonTown do do APPENDIX D. 117 unteers, stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., expressing its condition on the morning of place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the 28th FERNANDO C. FOSS, Captain. Prisoners. iDeceased Whentk'n. When. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 July 21, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. 38 39 40 41 42 Disch'd. When. Remarks. Promoted 2d Sergeant, July 21, 3d 4th " " " 1st Corporal " Deserted at Willett's Point, June 8. Transferred to Regimental Band. July 15, Disability. Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment. July 21, Sept. 13, Disability. At Richmond. Oct. 4, Disability. At Richmond. Detached to Keyes' Brigade. 118 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company K, Second Regiment, ( Continued. ) Married Muster'd Sick. Killed. d (25 Names. 6 Residence. or Single. into U. S. Ser. Where. When. 43 McMullin, John H. 25 Alton, Married, May 28. 44 Perham, Leander 24 Jefferson, Single. do 45 Robert?, Charles H. 32 Oldtown, do do 46 Sweetsir, Henry W. 21 Newburg, do do 47 Sawtelle, George A. 32 01dto>>n, Married, do In camp, 48 Nye, Frank H. 23 Fairfield, Single, do 49 Sawyer, John 21 Hermon, do do 50 Sargent, John H. 24 N. Yarmouth do do 51 Spaulding, John L. 28 Oldtown, Married, do 52 Teeling, William 18 Springfield, Single, do 53|Tarr, Albert H. 21 Prospect, do do 54 Weed, Eben 0. 36 Oldtown, do do 55 Woodard, Joseph 22 Bowerbank, do do 56 Walker, John B. 25 Fryeburg, do do 57 Wagonski, Casper 26 Oldtown, do do 58 Wentworth, Alonzo 25 Lagrange, do do 59,Willig, Charles W. 20 Oldtown, do do 60 Williams, Charles A. 18 Jefferson, do do 61]Winslow, Joseph 20 Oldtown, do do 62 Arnold, James B. 18 Westbrook, do July 11, 63 Buxton, Stillman 22 Patten, do do 1, 64, Bolton, Jacob IS Augusta, do do 5, In camp, 65 Crosby, Peter 21 Portland, do do 15, 66 Clark, Charles 19 Augusta, do do 16, 67 Hall, Charles F. 19 Lincoln, do do 3,i 68 Hartford, Augustus 21 do do 1, Annapolis, 69 Leighton, Adrial 21 Westbrook, do do 15, 70 McCann, John 22 Bangor, do do 15, 71 Mayville, Henry H. 20 do do do 1, 72 Orcutt, George R. 18 Oldtown, do do 1, 73 Parody, Frederic 42 do Married, do 3, 74 Spencer, Ira W. 24 Milford, do 16, 75 Shepley, Napoleon B. 21 Bangor, Single, June 29, 76 Whitney, Frank 28 Augusta, do July 4, 77 Leach, George W. 25 Oldtown, do Sept. 25, 78 McKinney, Robert Bangor, July 15, APPENDIX D. 219 Return of Company K, Second Regiment, [Continued.) \ Prisoners. Deceased Disch'd. Remarks. o When tk'n. When. When. f5 44 Deserted at Fort Corcoran, Oct. 12. 45 Nov. 15,'Disability. 46 47 48 49 Promoted 4th Corporal, Nov. 15. 50 51 Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment. 52 Promoted 2d Corporal, July 21. 53: 54 55 56 57 Transferred to 2d N. Y. Regiment. 58 59 60 Sept. 13, Disability. 61 62 1 63 64 65 Nov. 15, Disability. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Nov. 8, Disability. 75 Deserted at Hall's Hill, Nov. 20. 76 Teamster. 77 78 Aug. 9, Died at Washington of sun-stroke- 120 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company K, Second Re(/iment Injantry, Maine Volunteers, s 73 ^ to o =2 ^ O 1 o a "a "o fe OQ s flH ft s P H H Oomissioned Officers, 3 3 Non-Comm'd Officers, 5 2 1 8 Musician & Wagoner, 1 1 Privates, 57 C 2 1 7 2 3 78 Total, 65 6 2 2 1 7 3 4 90 Condensed Morning Report, Dec. 1st, 1861. ON SPECIAL DUTY. 6 47 56 6 ® IN ARREST a I ° 68 , ON SPECIAL SERVICE. ^ Ph u, ■ z C > ti; c s > m > tt P c c > ti ei o 61 c c O 2: 0. <; o Z Ph < '< ^ i^ Ph -^ ic Cu fe: Ch < < 2 11 49 62 7 7 1 3 1 1 2 75 Present Organization of the Company. Date of Names. d ti. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. <5 < ment. 1 Reuben Sawyer 39 Captain Bath June 3 2 John S. Wipgin 31 1st Lieut. do do 3 George W. Harvey 27 2d Lieut. flo June 20 1 Abner W. Turner 35 Sergeant Bath April 22 2 George C. Hudson 32 do do do 3 Lincoln Litchtield 29 do do June 4 4 Charles T. Hooper 29 do do July 1 5 Charles H. Sampson 30 do do do 1 Thomas G. Campbell 27 Corporal Bath April 22 2 Charles A. Coombs 24 do do June 4 3 Thomas McFadden 33 do do do 4 John A. Lord 39 do do do \ 5 Charles N. Osgood 25 do do Julv 1 6 Daniel N. Vaughan 23 do do do 7 Hiram A. Turner 22 do do Sept. 1 8 Timothy B. Curtis 23 do do do 1 William M. Stone 18 Drum'er Gardiner Oct. 7 128 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Edwin A. Bachekler, Company B, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, tqgether with a complete record of the changes that have fourth day of June, 1861. WARREN COX, Orderly Sergeant. . Married Mustered Sick. Killed. 6 Names. Residence. or into Where. When. §_ < Single. U. S. Ser. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Edwin A. Baehelder, 27 Augusta Single June 4 2 Albert B. Hall, 22 do Married do 3 Edwin Burt. SERGEANTS. 38 do do do 1 Warren Cox, 28 do Single do 2 William H. Briggs, 24 Monmouth do do 3 .Jacob P. Morrill, 18 Readticld do do 4 0. W. Gardner, 23 Hallowell do do 5 George W. Annable. CORPORALS. 19 Augusta do ■ do 1 Charles C. Drew, 26 do Single do 2 William T. Smith, 22 do do do 3 Albert H. Tirrell, 22 Weymouth, Ms do do 4 James G- Cummings, 23 Manchester do do 5 Everett M. Whitchouse, 23 China do do 6 Uiifus T. Crockett, 28; Augusta Married do 7 Hannibal A. Johnson, 20 Hallowell Single do 8 Asa C. Rowc. MUSICIANS. 23 Augusta do do 1 Augustus Jack, 39 Gardiner Married do 2 Alfred H. Wilson. WAGONER. 22 Bowdoinham do 1 Frank E. Sager. PRIVATES. 25 Hallowell Married do 1 Burbier, Frank 18 Lewiston Single do . 2 Bacon, Calvin 18 Sidney do do 3 Bartlett, George E. 19 Augusta do do 4 Bean, George M. 25 do do do 5 Burns, James S. 18 W. Gardiner do do 6 Barker, Enoch'M. 20 Troy do do 7 Call, Nathan H. 18 Augusta do do 8 Caswell, Francis M. 25 do do do 9 Card, Lewis H. 43 Brunswick do do 10 Chase, John F. 18 Augusta do do 11 Church, Horace, 19 do do do 12 Clark, William 0. 18 Belfast do do 13 Cram, Ansel H. 20 Mt. Vernon do do 14 Cromett, George L. 19 Augusta do do 15 Bagley, William 18 Clinton do do 16 Bean, Homer S. 27 Augusta do do 17 Brown, L. S. 38 Readfield do 18 Cross, Eugene W. 22 Vassal boro' do do 19 Caldwell, William P. 43 Readfield do do * 20 Cram, Benjamin J. 30 Readfield do do 21 Cunniny:ham, Richard 37 Augusta Married do 22 Davis, George 22 Unity Single do 23 Delano, Charles S. 20 Augusta I\L>rried do 24 Devine, Joseph 24 do do do 25 Fi^k, Allen 20 Fayette Single do 26 Folsom, Elias W. 21 Augusta do do 27 Fox, John 21 do Married do 28 Farnham, Orrin G. 19 Bath Single do 29 Gannett, Frederick 21 Auiiusta do do 30 Gardner, Harry W. 18 Hallowell do do 31 Gram, Leonard J. 40 Augusta do do APPENDIX D. 129 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Howard, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the EDWIN A. BACHELDER, Captain. o Prisoners. When taken Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 1 2 Nov. 28 Appointed Adjutant, Aug. 8. 3 May 29. 1 2 3 4 5 July 1 On account of lame ancle. 1 Bull Run 2 Promoted to Lieutenant, 13th Maine Vol. 3 Aug. 4 5 Julyl 6 7 8 Promoted to Sergeant, July 28. 1 2 1 Returned to ranks, Nov. 8. 1 2 3 Transferred to Regimental Band. 4 5 Aug. 21 6 7 8 9 , Stricken from roll for misbehavior. 10 June 23 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 June 23 18 Aug. 2 • 19 20 Sept. 23 21 22 Deserted, Aug. 12, from Camp Fesscndcn. 23 Appointed Corporal, July 7. Reduced to ranks Scpt.l. 24 25 ^ . (< i< (( « li (( 26 27 Deserted, Oct. 1. 28 29 Appointed Corporal, Nov. 8. 30 31 Sept. 23 130 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company B, Third Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. 32 Goodwin, Edwin 33 Hobhs, Harrison D. 34 Haskell, Abner 35 Hatch, Hartwell 36 Horn, Elijah S. 37 1 Jones, John 38 Leighton, Harvey N. 39|Leland, Ezra W. 40 Lyon, William H. Kittridge, Orin Kelle}-, Major Merrill, Reuel McDavitt, William, Jr. McDonald, William Murphv, John W. Mills, Allen W. McGregor, James W. Myrick, Samuel A. Nason, William, Jr. NoiTis, Charles F. Packard, Ehen 531 Partridge, Allen 54 j Pease, Thomas O. 55 Piper, Greenlief G. Remick, Emerson Riimrill, James C. Sanborn, Edw. W. 59 Scales, Stephen M. 60!Smith, Edward L. 61 1 Stevens, Charles M. 62|Seli)ing, Lewis 63 Sparks, Winship 64 Smith, Ivory G. 65 Sedgley, Joseph 66 Sedgley, Benjamin 67 Thompson, Frank M. 68 Thompson, George H. 69 Trask, Reuel W. 70 Webber, Hermon S. 71 Welch, Thomas H. 72 Wentworth, Nathaniel 73 Williams; George W. 74 Winslow, Joseph F. 75 White, Frank 76 Wood, Seward A. 77 Webber, William H. Donnell, Edwin P. Pierce, Edward C. SOJHvde, Robert 81 1 Oliver, Eben F. 82 Howe, David 83 Pease, Daniel, Jr. 79 Married Mustered £ Residence. or into be < 39 Single. U.S.Ser. Hallowell Single June 4 18 Clinton do do 25 Readtield do do 30 Augusta do do 22 do do do 22 do do do 21 do do do 20 Biddeford Married do 21 Manchester Single do 19 Richmond do do 40 Hallowell Married do 20 Augusta Single do 19 do do do 26 do do do 22 do do do 18 Vassalboro' do do 18 Augusta do do 19 Unity do do 18 Augusta do do 18 Whitefield do do 18 Augusta do do 19 do do do 28 do Married do 25 Starks Single do 18 Augusta do do 21 Bowdoinhatn do do 20 Windsor do do 22 Augusta Married do 25 Smithville Single do 24 Belgrade do_ do 24 Augusta Married do 26 Bowdoinham Single do 44 do Married do 30 do do do 19 do Single do 30 Athens do • do 19 Augusta do do 20 Windsor do do 21 Vassalboro' do do 42 Augusta Married do 38 do do 19 Winthrop Single do 33 China do do 27 Augusta do do 24 Winslow do do 26 Lvnn, Mass. do do 24 Bath do do 24 Augusta do Aug. 8 28 Brunswick do Oct. 1 33 Woolwich Married Oct. 7 25 Skowhegan Single Oct. 25 25 (Augusta Married July 4 Sick. Where. Washington Killed. When. APPENDIX D. 131 Return of Company B, Third Regiment, ( Continued.^ i Prisoners. Wlieii taken Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 32 33 34 35 36 37 Bull Run 38 39 40 41 42 June 20 43 44 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. << 11 << 46 47 48 49 50 ~" 51 52 53 Sept. 23 54 55 56 Appointed Corporal, Nov. 8. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. 66 67 68 69 70 71 Bull Run 72 Aug. 73 74 Bull Run 75 • 76 77 June 78 Transferred from Co. A. Appointed 1st Lieut., Aiip-. 8 79 App'd 2d Lieut., Aug. 8. Transferred from lOtli Mass 80 81 82 83 Nov. 11. 132 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Comiiany B, Tldrd Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present &l Absent. Prison- ers. be- Dis- De- Trans- -p-.-i ceased, charged, serted. ferred. Fit for Duty. 1 Killed. Sick. Commissioned Officers 3 Non-Com. Officers 12 Musicians & Wagoner 1 Privates 52 1 1 5 1 3 4 12 2 4 1 7 18 2 75 Total 1 68 7 4 i 16 2 5 102 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Pb GSENT. Ab SENT. Ox In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick. Special Duty. Service. w >/; £ £ ?. c u u y- e rri ti SS ^- !E (T ffi " fF O o o O so o O s fF •a iE o 8= o fF ■o .J ■e 13 SI (F T3 ^ c O c O = O O s o o o C C ■3 ■^ .— Q •n *OT £ o ;- g 3 o c -— c •— s C g O n — < 'g CO .1 6 d ! .S ! i _o c o o re ^ o 1 S £ o s 2 re c c > > > > ei, o n c SLj o o c c ei. ti o ^ ftn < O ^ cu < o ;?; ftn O z Ph < U £?: ^ o s: (i< < < 3 12 48 63 1 5 6 I 8 1 1 78 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Name. UD Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. < ment. 1 Edwin A. Bachelder 27 Captain Augusta May 29 Trans, from Co. A. 2 Edw. P. Donnell 24 1st Lieut. Bath Aug. 8 TransfciTcd from 8th 3 Edward C. Pierce 24 2d Lieut. Augusta do [Mass. Vol. 1 Warren Cox 28 Sergeant Augusta May 14 2 William H. Bii-gs 24 do Monmouth do 3>Iacob P. Morrill 18 , do Readficld do 4 Rufus G. Crockett 28 do AugusTa July 28 5 Ciiarles W. Gardiner 23 do Hallowell May 14 1 Everett M. Whitehouse 23 Corporal China May 14 21 Hannibal A Johiisou 20 do Hallowell do 3 William McDonald 26 do Auo-usta Sejit. 1 4 .Joseph Sedgley 30 do Bowdoinham do 5 Asa C. Rowe 23 do Augusta May 14 6, William McDavitt 19 do do Sept. 1 7JEmersoii Kcniick 18 do do Nov. 8 . 8 Frederic Gannett 21 do do do 1 Augustus Jack 39 Musician Gardiner May 30 2 Alfred H. Wilson 22 do Bowdoinham June 3 134 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. "William E. Jarvis, Company C, Third Regiment Infantry, IMaine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fom-thdayof June, 1861. THOMAS J. NO YES, Orderly Sergeant. Married Mustered 1 1 Names. 6 be <_ Residence. or Single. into U. S. Ser. Siclf. Wliere. Killed. Wlien. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 William E. Jarvis, 36 Gardiner Married June 4 2 James j\I. Colson, 47 do do do 3 George S. Andrews, SERGEANTS. 22 do Single do 1 Moses S. Wadsworth, 47 do Married do 2 John S. Moore, 28 do Single do 3 Horatio N. Jarvis, 23 do do do 4 Thomas G. Noyes, 20 do do do 5 Samuel W. Kimball. CORPORALS. 31 do Married do 1 Henry P. Worcester, 21 do Single do 2 Benjamin F. Pincin, 44 do Married do 3 Westbrook Deane, 32 do do do 4 George E. Grover, 25 W. Gardiner Single do 5 Walter L. Bovnton, 20 E. Pittston do do 6 Ellis W. Aver, 31 Gardiner do do • 7 Melviu S. Hutchinson, 26 do Married do ' 8 Hubbard C. Smith, MUSICIANS. 26 W. Gardiner Single do 1 Leander C. Hinckley, 28 Gardiner Single do 2 Sidney Patten, AVACxONEK. 18 do do do do 1 Hiram E. Davis, PRIVATES. 20 do Single do 1 Bovnton, John G. 19 E. Pittston Single do 2 Babb, Hiram 25 W. Gardiner do do 3 Brann, Alvin 21 Farmingdale do do 4 Brookings, Daniel 19 Pittston do do 5 Burns, Michael 28 Gardiner do do 6 Colburn, Hiram W. 18 Pittston do do 7 Chick, John 19 Monmouth do do 8 Crawford, Parliu 21 Gardiner do do 9 Dale Horace 17 do do do 10 Dalton, John C. 26 do Married do 11 Dennis, John S. 43 do do do 12 Emerson, James S. 28 Chelsea do do 13 Fairbanks, Henry 18 W. Gardiner Single do In Camp 14 Fall, Hamden A. 21 Gardiner do do 15 Fall, Sylvester S. 19 do do do 16 Foy, Charles H. 18 do do do 17 Gardner, Charles 19 Bowdoinham do do 18 Grant, Lewis E. 25 Litchfield do do 19:Grover, Lincoln 26 Gardiner do do 20 Haskell, Rcuel 20 Augusta Single do 21 Harlow, Joseph C. 21 Auburn Married do 22 Heath, Aiulicw 19 Whitetield Single do 23 Heath, WiUard R. 19 do do do 24 Horn, William 19 Gardiner do do 25 Houghton, George M. 22 do do do 26]IIunt, Seth 23 E. I'ittston do do 27 Huntington, William K. 28 Litchfield do do 28 Hutchinson, Albion T. 32 Gardiner do do 29 Hutchinson, George H. 26 do Married do 30 Jonliin, William 19 do Single do 31 Kimball, James W. 26 do do do APPENDIX D. 135 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Howard, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the GEORGE S. ANDREWS, Lieutenant Commanding. Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased, When. Disch'd. When. Oct. 8. Oct. 12. Aug. 8. Aug. 8. Remarks. Promoted to Captain, Oct. 8. " 1st Lieutenant, Oct. Transferred to Regimental Staff. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Oct. f " 1st Sergeant, " Disability, Promoted to Sergeant. Reduced to Ranks. Reduced to Ranks. Reduced to Ranks. Promoted to Sergeant. Disability. Date un- known. Dropped from roll at Augusta. Dropped from roll at Augusta. Said to have died, July 27. Deserted, July 21. 136 adjutant-general's report. Reiiirn of Company C, Third Regiment, ( Continued.') 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Lanflers, Benjamin Landers, Charles M. Lawrence, Hiram L. Leif^hton, William Martin, Charles IL Maxcev, Danfbrtii M. McLoiid, Charles F. Mooilv, Daniel M. Morrill, George T. Morrill, Horace Meader, Darius Morrison, Josej)!! C. Murray, Michael Neal, Lyman C. Newhali, John L. Nichols. George W. Nudd, Ferdinand A. Packard, Almon J. Peacock, William H. Peacock, Cyrus S. Perry, Jose|)h J. Plummer, S. B. Potter, Alvin A. Potter, David Robinson, William H. Sawyer, John, 1st Sawyer, John, 2d Spea, Joseph A. Spear, George F. Spear, Charles H. Stevens, Hiram B. Stevens, George W. Stewart, Josepli W. Sturtevant, William H. Thompson, Ari Trask, Franklin Wakefield, Stephen D. Walker, Nathan Jf. Washburn, George M. Weeks, Grrin H.' Welch, Charles H. WiglK, William Williams, James F. Winslow. Charles B. Quint, Natlian E. iTobey, William H. Residence. Litchfield Danville Gardiner Augusta Canaan Gardiner 32! E. Pittston Wiscasset W. Gardiner Litchfield Gardiner do Augusta Pittston do W. Gardiner 26 Gardiner 24 W. Gardiner do Litchfield Monmouth 23J Pittston 18j do 29 Gardiner do Westbrook E. Pittston Gardiner do do do E. Pittston Gardiner 39l W. Gardiner 20 Pittston Gardiner do do do do do do do j23 do ISlBath Married or Single. Mustered into U. S. Ser. Single do do do do do do Married Single do do do Married Single do do do Married Single do do do do do do do do do Married Single Married Single do do Married Single do do do do do MarrieJ Single Married Single I do June 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do p > c > > c > tl. c •£^ tn ■^ C 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6 62 63 64 65 66 6 68 69 70 71 Names. Harrington, Frederick B. Jameson, James Kirkpatrick, James A. Kennison, Albion Linilsey, William W. Lakin, Jolin Leonard, Solon Leavitt, Ahijali Mclntire, Josiah K. Mclntire, Joseph H. Merry, Samuel B. Mclntire, Tallman L. Merry, Albert S. McKinnon, Allen Mulligan, Alexander Pratt, Gustavus D. Peaslee, Leonard Penny, Stephen B. Purrinpjton, Joseph E. Pettino-ill, Stephen F. Parshley, John R. Ilinir, David Stewart, Charles Shaw, Thomas, Jr. Stilphen, Albert G. Sanborn, Robert F. Stewart, Andrew H. Shaw, Henry H. Stinson, Edward C. Snell, Charles F. Sanborn, Martin E. Sedgeley, Nathan W. Stinfon, John F. Tibbets, James F. Trask, William T. Trull, Charles E. Thompson, Asa C. Trott, Thomas T. 72J Williams, Melville C. 73 Wakefield, Jeremiah 74 Wildes, Daniel B. 75 Tallman, James H. 76 Williams, Daniel 77 Leach, Wells H. < Residence. Marnea or Single. Jiusterea into U. S. Ser. • Sick. Where. Killed. When. 27 Bath Married June 4 24 do Single do 23 do do do 30 do Married do 21 do Single do 41 do Married do 31 Woolwich do do 21 HarpswcU Single do 20 Bath do do 18 do do do 30 Woolwich Married do 21 Phipsburg Single do 31 Bath Married do 24 do do do 36 do do do 31 do do do 26 do do do In Quarters 40 do do do do 28 do do do 25 do do do 21 do Single do 18 do do do 39 do Married do 29 do do do 22 Dresden Single do 38 Bath do do July 21 18 do do do 20 Woolwich do do 22 do do do 18 Bath do do 20 do do do 31 Bowdoinham Married do 18 Bath Single do 23 do . Married do Hospital 19 do Single do 21 do do do 42 do Married do 23 Woolwich do do 25 Bath do do 21 do Single do 34 do Married do 23 do ■do do 44 Augusta do do 22 Bath Single do ATPENDIX D. 143 Return of Company D, Third Regiment, ( Continued.} 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 .45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Aug. 21 Sept. 23 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. July — Aug. 8 July — Aug. 2 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Disability. Appointed Corporal, Aug. 1. Appointed Corporal, Sept. 21. Disability. Disability. Disability. Disability. By special order No. 69. June June Appointed Corporal, Sept. I. Promoted to Quarter-Master, Sept. I. Disability. Disability. 144 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company D, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Dis- cliarged. De- Trans- serted. ferred. Fit for 1 a- ,, Duty. 1 ^'^^■ Killed. ers. ceased. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 1 j 9 1 3 52 6 1 2 1 2 15 1 3 11 3 76 Total 65 ell 2 18 1 93 Condensed Morning Report, Decemher \st, 1861. Present, Ae 9ENT. Special . Duty. ^««="- On For Duty. Sick. Sick. Special Service. c „: jj £ £ 5° £ < m if: rl ft: ^ !£ m H= w te t: oi O £ O £ O 0) O O O e T3 (g £ e -2 H= TS u sp •T3 !f= •a ^ o 5 o 5 o s O fe O C O o t^l< c el> > h > t- c > ^ s > en er &I, o '2 UJ ° £ '2 •J^ 6D o ■^ •j^ Ul ti O <5 Ph < U *i, Oh < o 2 CU u ;?; n. < |o '& P- U k: p< < < 2 13 44 59 6 6 3 68 1 2 3 71 Present Organization of the Company. William H. Watson Alfred S. Merrill William H. TTi^gins Woodliiirv liall Eben S. Allen Oils Williams Warren A. Mattson 1 Francis Lightbody 2|Charies H. Stimpson 3 Samnel B. Merry 4 Henry H. Sliaw 5 Samuel M. Hiu-^ins 6 Frederick B Harrington 7 [Daniel B. Wildes 8 Albert S. Merry Rank. Residence. 30 I St Lieut. Bath 32J2dLieut. I do 38 Sergeant Phipsburg 29] do i Woolwich 38 j do !Bath 43, do j do 25; do do 35 ! Corporal j Bath 30 1 do do 30 do Woolwich 20' do do 37 do Bath 27 do do 34 do I do 21 do do Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. April 27 do Com'g Company. Acting 1st Lieut. Sept. 21 do Sept. 1 Sept. 21 do June 4 do August 1 do Sept. 1 do Sept. 21 do 146 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Jolin M. Nash, Company E, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fourth day of June, 1861. GEORGE S. FULLER, Orderly Sergeant. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 1 John M. Nash, 2 John W. Sun horn, 3 Gorhani S. Johnson. SERGEANTS. George O. Getchell, Geprge S. Fuller, 3 George A. Nye, 4 Henry A. Albee, George 0. Russell. COUrORALS. 1 Jackson M. Libhey, 2 Charles M. Burs ley, 3 John F. Hob! IS, 4 Samuel Wannofsky, 5 Stephen Russell, 6 George H. Sampson, Elijah Allen, Jr. William F. Richards. MUSICIANS. 1 Augustus L. Dunn, Frank B. Howe. WAGONER. Henry S. Currier. PRIVATES. 1 Allen, Thomas S. 2 Atherton, Horatio N. 3 Buswell, Albert S. 4 Bragg, William F. 5 Burns, Hugh 6 Booker, William H. 7 Burgess, Erastus B. 8 Bryant, John W. 9 Bailey, Jeremiah C. 10 Bailey, George W. 11 Brown, William H. 12 Choat, Horace E. 13 Calaghan Daniel • 14 Ciioat, James S. 15 Chamberlain, George L. 16 Colcord, Edwin A. 17 Carter, Henry C. 18 Carr, Joseph D. 19 Crosby, Rodney 20 Church, Nathaniel G. 21 Clough, George 22 Cunningham, Almond 23 Douglass, George F. 24 Dalton, Charles J. 25 Dearborn, George H. 26 Dodge, Charles M. 27 Emerson, Hazen H. 28 Emerson, William J. 29 Emery, Jacob .— 30 Francis, George A. 31 Oilman, Charles C- Residence. Hallowell do do do do do do do do do do do St. Albans do Bowdoin Hallowell do do do Bowdoin Hallowell do do do Chelsea Hallowell do W. Gardiner do Vassalboro' Hallowell do do do Farmingdale do Hallowell Albion Augusta Gardiner Washington Hallowell Chelsea Hallowell do do do China Hallowell do Married or Single. Mustered into U.S.Ser. Sick. Wliere. Married do Single Married Single Married do Single Married do Single do IVLarried Single do do Married Single Married Married Single do do do do do Mariied Single do do 'do Married Single Married Single do do do MaiTied Single do do do do do Married do do do Siufrle June 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Killed. When. In Camp Alexandria In Camp In Camp In Camp In Camp APPENDIX D. 147 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Howard, Va., expressing its condition on the mornino- taken place in the Company since it entered tlie service of the United States, on the GORHAM S. JOHNSON, Captain. Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. July 30 July 30 Resignation. Resignation. Promoted to Captain, July 31. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, July 31. " 1st Sergeant, " Transferred to Quarter-Master's Department. Promoted to 3d Sergeant, July 31. 4tli " Bull Run [known. Date un- Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. Promoted to 2d Corporal, July 31. Not mustered in. Transferred to band, June Promoted to 1st Corporal, July 31. Disability. Disability. Promoted to 6th Corporal, July 31. Disability. • 148 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Third Regiment, ( Continued.} Names. 32 Goiilil, Orlando 33 (jilman, George W. 34 George, Sherburne E. 35 Gilman, Charles F. 36 Gilman, Weston ■ 37 Heath, William W. 38 Hodges, William H. 39 Hitchcock, Hartley D. 40 Heath, Reuel M. 41 Howard, James T. 42 Hubbard, George W. 43 Keeuan, Thomas 44 Lcighton, James 45 Lcighton, Silas F. 46 Leach, Lyman E. 47 Laughton, William E. 48 Morrill, George O. 49 Mariner, William E. 50{Morrill, Charles C. SljMathews, William E. 52 [Nye, J. P^dwin 53 Patten, William B. 54 Rogers, Charles B. 55 RunncUs, Sanford E. 5G Swcetland, Seth 57 Sweetland, Frank 58 Smith, Richard D. 59 Sampson, Gustavus B. 60 Sprague, Allen H. 61 Sampson, Cyras G. 62 Swanton, Henry A. 63 Simmons, Stephen H. 64 Stevens, Ebon S. 65 Turner, Otis H. 66 Thombs, Edmund 67 Watson, Charles H. 68 Webber, George 69 Wentworth, Reuben A. 70 Weymouth, Francis H. 71 Weeks, Noah F. 72 Woodbridge, George S. 73|Weymoutli, George 74 Gage, Hiram D. 75 'Lee, Samuel P. 76;Bancroft, Charles 77iTobey, Charles Residence. Hallowell do do Monmouth Hallowell do do Damariscotta Hallowell do do do do Manchester Augusta Hallowell do Augusta Hallowell do do Dubuque Hallowell do Farmingdale do Hallowell St. Albans do do Hallowell do do St. Albans China Hallowell do do do do do China Married or Single. Mustered into U. S. Ser. Sick. Where. Single Married Single do do do do do do Married Single do do Married Single do Married Single do do do do do do do do Married Single do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single Married New York Hallowell do June 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do June 27 June 4 do do do do do do do do do June 27 June 4 do do do do do do do do In Camp Alexandria In Camp Killed. When. In Camp In Camp do July 21 Single July 31 MarriedjJuly 16 Single jjuly 6 APPENDIX D. 149 Return of Company E, Third Regiment, ( Continued.') 6 Prisoners. When Deceased When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. •z. Taken. 32 33 Sept. 27 By Special Order No. 69. 34 35 36 37 _ 38 Sept. 18 Disability. 39 June Disability. 40 9 41 42 Deserted, en route to Washington. 43 44 Sept. 18 Disability. 45 46 Aug. 6 Disability. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Sept. 60 Bull Eun 61 62 63 64 65 Aug. 10 Disability. Sun stroke. 66 Oct. 30 Disability. €7 Sept. 25 By Special Order No. 69. 68 69 Sept. 25 By Special Order No. 69. 70 71 72 Sept. 27 By Special Order No. 69. 73 Promoted to Corporal, July 31. 74 Not mustered in. 75 Appointed 1st Lieutenant, July 31. 76 77 Sept. 27 By Special Order No. 69. 150 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E, Third Regiment Infantry^ Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. 1 2 1 Fit for 1 tj. , Duty. ^"'^■ Killed.'—- Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Jlnsiciaus & Wagoner Privates 3 12 43 1 11 1 1 2 1 2 13 1 5 15 3 72 Total 58 12 1 1 3 15 1 4 95 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest, On For Dutv. Sick. S ICE. Special Duty. Service. E £ w K £ <• m ii= m fF SH ^ e SH T3 B O O O o o O e ■o fF ■c SB ts •a c s fF ■c J o o O s O s o O o B O O -s B o « •c 'm ■a •a T! o ■n 'en xl 'x 2^ B c c c •— B •— — |1< B •— •— ^ 5 c E c m o _o B a 3 m £ 2 .2 E o i, c E £ c £ K c > ti > tti B U > C U > U > E B U g o C O o ri c U ^ a^ < O a< < U Z Oh O •<5 6- < 2; Cl. O is ell < < 3 12 41 56 9 9 2 1 68 2 2 70 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. EC < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appuint- nieiit. Remarks. 1 Gorham S. Johnson 23 Captain Hallowell July 31 Prom, from 2d Lieut. 2 Samuel P. Lee 28 1st Lieut. N. Y. City do App. bv Governor. 3 George 0. Gctchell 25 2d Lieut. Hallowell do Prom, from 1st Serg. 1 Geortcc S. Fuller 25 Sergeant Hallowell Julv 31 Prom, from 2d Serg. 2 Henrv A. Albee 29 do do do " 4tli " 3 George 0. Russell 20 do do do " 5th " 4 Cliarles M. Burslev 24 do do do " 2d Corp. 5 Jackson M. Libbey 22 do do do " 1st " 1 Thomas S. Allen 29 Corporal Bowdoin Aug. 7 Prom, from Private. 2 William F. Richards 20 do Hallowell do " 8th Corp. 3 -Tohn F. Hoblis 24 do do June 4 Appointed. 4 Samuel Wannofsky 28 do do do " 5 Elijah Allen, Jr. 20 do Bowdoin Julv 31 Prom, from 7th Corp. 6 Joseph D. Carr 21 do Hallowell Au-. 7 " " Private. 7 George Wentworth 25 do China do " " " 152 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Elbridge G. Savage, Company F, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fourth day of June, 1861. CHAS. A. HILL, Orderly Sergeant. Residence. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, 1 Elbridge G. Savage, 2 Royal B. Stearns, 3 Henry A. Boyce. SERGEANTS. 1 Charles A. Hill, 2 Jefferson Savage, 3 Anson R. Morrison, 4 James A. Later, 5 Samuel L. Gilman. CORPORALS. 1 Sumner P. Boies, 2 Dumont Bunker, 3 William H. Macey, 4 Benjamin H. Hall, 5 John W. Thompson, 6 John C. Burc, 7 Augustus H. Cook, 8 Charles T. Tuttle. MUSICIAN. 1 Warren Seavey. WAGONER. 1 William Keef. PRIVATES. 1 Andrews, Gilman 2 Atwood, Rufus B. 3 Bunker, Darius 4 Blagden, Corydon C. 5 Bray, Asa W. 6 Burgess, George H. 7 Burgess, Weston 8 Cole, Amos H. 9 Chapman, Robinson 10 Chase, Henry H. 11 Durgin, Joseph P. 12 Dunlap, William L. 13 Durgin, John H. 14 Dutton, Hendrick A. N. 15 Davis, Norris A. 16 Emery, D. W. 17 Fish, John L. 18 Frost, John F. 19 Fowler, George W. 20 Fish, Danville F. 21 Greenleaf. Alpheus S. 22 Greenleaf, Benjamin L. 23 Gardiner, John H. 24 Grant, Franklin 25 Getchell, Charles 26 Hodgdon, Alonzo 27 Hunncwell, Heman, Jr. 28 Hamlin, Henry C. 29 Heald, Frank SO Hanson, Samuel 31 Judkins, M. V. B. 32 Khicaid, Warren J. 47 'Solon 30 Skowhegau 23 do do Madison Skowhegan do do do do Melrose Starks Moseow Industry Athens do Anson Skowhegan Moscow Fairfield Athens Skowliegan do Cornville Winthrop Starks do Skowhegan Forks, Pi. Starks Forks, PI. Abbot Pittsfield Fairfield Starks Skowhegan do do Starks do Skowhegan do Anson 20 Skowhesran Solon Skowhegan Lewiston Skowhegan Athens Cornville Married or Single. Mustered into U.S.Ser. Married Single do do do do Married do Single do do do Married Single do do Married Single Single do do Married Single do do do do do Married Single Married Single do do do do do Married Single do Married Single do do Married do do Single do do June 4 do' do do do do do do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick. Where. Killed. When. In Camp APPENDIX D. 153 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Howard, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Comjiany since it entered the service of the United States, on ttie WILLIAM C. MORGAN, Captain. i Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 1 Sept. 11 2 Nov. 4 3 Aug. 3 Resigned. 1 2 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 4. 3 July 21 Confined at New Orleans. 4 Reduced to Corporal, Sept. 6. 5 1 Aug. 10 2 Reduced to ranks, June 24. 3 4 5 " at his request, Dec. 1. 6 July 15 Now in 9th Maine. 7 8 1 Aug. 2 1 1 Aug. 10 1 Sept. 12 2 3 4 Sept. 24 , 5 6 7 Sept. 26 8 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. 9 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 10 11 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. 12 " Sergeant, " 13 14 15 Sept. 15 16 > 17 Appointed Sergeant, Sept. 1. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Nov. 25 25 26 Sept. 16 27 28 29 30 31 32 11 154 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Third Regiment, (^Continued.') c Names. <; Residence. 33 Keef, George 22 Fairfield 34 Kendall, Orren 21 Clinton 35 Luce, Alshuiy 18 Norridgewock 36 Lambert, James, Jr. 21 Skowhegan 37 Linnc'll, Lvman M. 21 do 38 IMearler, AVilliam F. 20 Starks 39 Maxim, William H. H. 20 Norridgewock 40 McDermaid, Simeon S. 23 Skowhegan 41 Maxwell, Charles M. 26 Canaan 42 Mayo, Hosea K. 18 Fairfield 43 Nason, Ora M. 21 Clinton 44 Otis, Henry 22 Bingham 45 Putnam, John 21 Dead River 46 Packard, George R. 20 Parkman 47 Putnam, William F. 19 Dead River 48 Pifree, James W. 43 Carratunk 49 Pratt, Charles H. 20 Benton 50 Eieli, George F. 23 Skowhegan 51 Rand, James H. 33 do 52 Robinson, Dean S. 22 Sebec 53 Russell, Asa 21 Skowliegan 54 Russell, Ciiarles B. 19 do 55 Rackliff, William J. 21 Fairfield 56 Randall, Ellis M. 20 Anson 57 Steward, George W. 18 Skowhegan 58 S'i aires, Frank C. 21 Cornville 59 Sylvester, Darius W. 22 Skowhegan 60 Smith, Perley 20 Anson 61 Svmons, Henrv P. 19 Skowhegan 62 Sally, Frank 19 Lexington 63 Stevens, John H. 30 Canaan 64 Savage, Brooks D. 19 Skowhegan 65 Swan, Henry B. 19 Anson 66 Swan, Franklin 22 do 67 Shattuck, Lake 19 Madison 68 Thompson, Erastus 22 Solon 69 Tantish, John, Jr. 21 Skowhegan 70 Tavlor, Jonas 20 Norridgewock 71 Taylor, Alfred 21 do 72 Varncy, John W. 22 Fairfield 73 Williamson, Lutlier A. 38 Starks 74 Woodworth, William H. 18 Smithfield 75 Wing, George S. 21 Skowhegan 76 Weston, William H. 20 do 77 Wilson, Young 24 do 78 Young, Cvrus S. 25 Athens 79 ChentT, William P. 46 Skowhegan 80 Morgan, William C. 30 Cornville 8! Dean, Luther 22 Madison Married or Mustered into Single. Single tJ. S. Ser. June 4 do do do do Married do Sini::le do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Sino'le do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married Oct. 19 Single June 5 Siclc. Wliere. In Camp In Camp Annapolis In Camp Norridgew'k In Camp In Camp Killed. VVlieii. APPENDIX D. 155 Return of Company F, Third Regiment, ( Continued.') i Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. Wlieii. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 33 34 35 36 37 Not mustered in. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. 44 45 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 1. 46 47 .June 24 48 Aug. 3 49 50 51 June 24 52 Appointed Corporal, Dec. 1. 53 Oct. 25 54 55 56 57 58 59 ' Sept. 19 60 61 62 Sept. 24 63 Nov. 15 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Oct. 15 75 76 77 78 79 Sept. 24 80 Appointed Captain, Sept 12. 81 156 ad.jutan't-general's report. Recapitulation of Company F, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- er. 1 1 De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. f";'/""- ! Sick. Duty. Killed. Total, Commissioned Officers Non-Com. (.)ffi(er.s 8 Musicians & Wagoner' 1 Privates 56 8 I 4 3 2 1 12 1 3 13 2 81 Total 65 8 2 5 18 1 99 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. For Duty. 01 «■ O e •c o " 'tr c ■" P 2 12 48 62 6 68 SPECIAL Duty. In Arrest. Absent. On Special Service. 71 2!73| Present Organization of the Company. 1 Date of d Names. t Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. S5 < ment. Sept. 11 1 2 3 William C. Morgan 30 Captain Cornville Jefferson Savage 2.3 •Jd Lieut. Madison Aug. 4 1 Charles A. Hill 22 Sergeant Skowliegan April 29 2 Daniel W. Enu rv 22 do Fairrield Sept. 1 3 Samuel L. iiiliuan 32 do Skowliegan April 29 4 Ansdn 11. Morrison 22 do j do do 5 William L. IJunlap 23 do do Sept. 1 1 Augustus H. Cook 22 Corporal | Athens April 29 2 Benjarriin H. Hall 22 do jStarks do 3 Amos H. Cole 19 do 1 do Sept. 1 4 Josei)h P. Durgin 36 do IFork's Plant do 5 .lames A. Later 21 do jSkowhegan do 6 Oia M. Nason 22 do FaiiHeld Oct. 1 7 John Putnam 21 do Dead River do 8 Dean S. llobiuson 22 do Sebec Dec. 1 1 Warren Seavey 51 Musician Anson 1 Luther Dean 22 Wagoner Madison ; 158 adjutant-general's report. Eetum of Capt. Frank S. Hesseltine, Company G, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fourth day of June, 1861. CHAELES W. LOWE, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 1 Frank S. Hesseltine, 2 Nathaniel Hanscom, 3 William A. Hatch. SERGEANTS. 1 Frank 0. Smiley, 2 George A. Mclntire, 3 Ciiarles W. Lowe, 4 Samuel Hamblen, 5 Abner E. Small. CORPORALS. 1 William H. Clapp, 2 Wintield S. Howe, 3 William E. Brown, 4 Hadlcy P. Dyer, 5 Ambrose H. Brown, 6 Asher C. Hinds, 7 Nathaniel Perley. MUSICIANS. 1 Charles T. Ellis, 2 Llewellyn E. Hodges. WAGONER. 1 John G. Wiley. PRIVATES. 1 Austin, Orrin 2 Atherton, Tileston W. 3 Austin, Albert 4 Arnold, Charles H. 5 Bassett, George H. 6 Benson, George T. 7 Bates, David 8 Boulter, George W. 9 Bigelow, Amasa, Jr. 10 Bacon, Charles 11 Buswell, Charles H. 12 Barney, Henry W. 13 Crosby, Atwood 14 Curtis James M. 15 Cole, John F. 16 Crosby, Augustine 17 Davis" George W. 18 Drummond, George C. 19 Derochcr, Honrv 20 Derocher, diaries W. 21 Eames, Luther N. 22 Ellis, George A. 23 Fcnno, Charles A. 24 Fossett, John E. 2,5 Field, Henry 26 Foss, Albert D. 27 Fairbanks, Henry N. 28 Frost, Samuel E. 29 Ford, GeoriiC E. 30 G rover, Charles C. 31 Grover, Simon 32 Goulding, Henry Residence. Waterville Benton Waterville do do do do do do Hanover Sidney Waterville Sidney Benton Waterville Sidney Winslow New Sharon Mt. Desert Belgwde Sidney Winslow Waterville do Winslow Skowhegan Waterville New Sharon Waterville Albion Waterville New Portland All)ion Waterville Winslow AVaterville do do Sidney Waterville Vassalboro' Sidney Albion Waterville Belgrade Fairfield Skowhegan do Waterville Married or Single. Married Mustered into U.S. Ser. Sick. Where. June 4 Single do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single Married do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do In Camp do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do In Camp do do Married June 27 Single June 4 do do do do do do do do do do In Camp do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Killed. When. APPENDIX D. 159 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Howard, Va., expressing its coiulition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the NATHANIP:L HANSCOM, Captain. Prisoners. Deceased. Disch'd. o Wlien Wlien. When. Remarks. ^ taken. 1 Nov. 14 Appointed Major 13th Eegiment. 2 Promoted to Ca|)tain, Nov. 15. 3 " 1st Lieut., " 1 Not mustered in. 2 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Nov. 15. 3 4 5 " 1st Sergeant, " 1 2 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 15. 3 4 Aug. 8 5 July 21 6 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 1. 7 Reduced to ranks. " 1 2 1 1 2 * 3 4 5 6 7 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 11. July 21 Wounded, confined at liichmond. 8 9 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1. 10 11 1-2 Deserted, Nov. 12. 13 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 14 15 16 July 21 Wounded, confined at Richmond. 17 Promoted to. Corporal, Sept. 1. 18 19 20 21 22 k 23 Transferred to Band. 24 25 26 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 27 Transferred to Band. 28 1 29 Deserted in July. 30 31 32 160 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Third Regiment, ( Continued.') S3 34 35 36 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5 9 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Griffin, Calvin C. Griffin, Georo;e W. Graves, William Henrickson, Charles A. Haskell, Frank W. Hunter, Philander Harriman, Albert j\l. Hunter, Cyrus Hunter, Horace Herrirk, Alixernon P. HuUett, Leander T. Hale, John L. Lashers, George Littlefield, George McCausland, Simon McFadden, Michael A'lorgan, Joseph Ma>on, George W. Pollard, Asa Philbrook, John A. Percival, Edw. S. Pullen, Frank D. Proctor, Homer Pollard, Henry Perley, Henry P. Pollard, Otis Perry, James. Rollins, George S. Randlett, Charles B. Reed, Horatio N. Ricker, James F. Robinson, Hiram G. Shurburne, Jacob Sawtelle, Augustus M. Smiley, Augustine P. Stearnes, Fdward P. Sawtelle, Henry W. Selden. Charles H. Thomas, James A. Viniiig, iNIarceiius Wheeler, George L. \Vel)ber, Hiram C. Wildes, Benjamin B. Wyman, William W. Wormwood, Tristam G. Young, Moses W. Bii;elo\v, Jonathan, Jr. Chadwick, George H. Married Mustered Sick. Killed. Residence. or Sin c > bt — c > H ^ > c/ — > c > e£ o 5 = c o tu U '< Ch < U '< e. < O ^ Cm O S5 &> < O Z a. O ■^ Cl4 ^ < 2 12 51 65 3 3 7 1 76 1 2 2 78 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. ec Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. «i < 34 ment. 1 Moses B. Lakeman Captain Augusta May 1 [from Nov. 16. 2 George B. Erskine 22 1st Lieut Palermo Novels Aug. 3 Actino- 1st Lieut. 3 Frederick Elliot 23 2(1 Lieut. Bath Tran.sfd from Co. A [Aug. 3. 1 Holman M. Anderson 17 Sergeant Augusta Sept. 1 Prom. fm. Corporal. 2 .Jackson Ballard 19 do Palermo do do Private. 3 William C. Stuart 29 do Gardiner June 4 do do 4 Denola Witliam 22 do do Sept. 1 do do 5 A. G. N. Bailey 24 do Farmington June 4 [gusta. 1 Daniel Cliadwick 41 Corporal Augusta June 4 Mustered in at Au- 2 Isaac N. Kennedy 19 do Somerville Sept. 1 Promoted. 3 George P. Wontworth 36 do Augusta do 4 Henry A. Griffith 18 do do do 5 John B. Dodge 21 do Somerville do 6 Orrison Warren 24 do Vassalhoro' do 7 Frank M. Boynton 20 do Palermo do 1 William Stover 19 Musician Augusta Nov. 1 1 William H. SpofFord 34 Wagoner do Aug. 8 Regimental Driver.; 176 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Newell Strout, Company K, Third Eegiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fourth day of June, 1861. JOHN C. KEEN, Orderly Sergeant. 1 Married Mustered Pick. Wliere. Killed. ' d Names. Residence. or into Wlien. ^ COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. < Sinj!le. U. S. Ser. 1 Newell Strout, 28 Durham Single June 4 2 Bensley S. Kcllcy, 28 Winthrop Married do 3 William EUlen. SEUGEANTS. do do do 1 Sumner H. Stanley, 40| do do do 2 William M. Kicliinond, 21 do Single do 3 Henry Penninian, 27 do Married do 4 Freeman Strout, 26 Durham do do 5 James C. Kicker. COKl'OUALS. 29 Winthrop do do 1 Daniel Lothrop, 41 do do do 2 Augustus A. Caswell, 28 Manchester do do 3 Albert A. J. Davis, 21 Bangor Single do 4 James M. Eorsaith, 35 Winthrop do do 5 Frederic Strout, 21 Durham do do 6 Ivory C. Hanson, Winthrop Married do 7 Kisli worth A. Burgess, 19 do Single do 8 John F. Gaslin. MUSICIANS 20 do do do 1 Charles B. Haskell, 33 Readfield Married do 2 George W. Chandler. PRIVATES. 44 Winthrop do do 1 Allen, Stephen 18 Wayne Single do 2 Bryant, William B. Turner Married 3 Bryant, Thomas J. 22 do Single do 4 Brown, Joseph G. 35 Palmyra do do 5 Bradburv, Charles H. 22 Gorham do do 6 Bradbury, Charles H. 2i 19 Anson do do 7 Batchelder, Andrew P. 20 Winthrop do do 8 Babb, Orrin G. 21 do do do 9 Boyle, James W. 29 Wayne Married do 10 Burgess, William H. 23 Winthrop Single do 11 Buirell, Franklin Wayne do do 1-2 Bussell, John W. 28 Winthrop do do 13 Butler, George A. 18 do do do 14 Butler, Andrew C. 44 do Married do lo Bailev, William P. 20 do Single no 16 Campl)ell, John W. 23 Liverniore Married do 17 Carver, Jason 43 Leeds do do 18 Clough, Charles E. 21 Fayette Single do 19 Duyer, Franklin 24 winthrop do do 20 Dexter, Hermon N. 22 Wayne Single do 21 Freeman, David P. 19 Winthrop do do 22 Friend, Warren A. 18 do do do 23 Frost, Albert II. do do do 24 (irant, David 25 do Married do 2.5 Gilson, Nathaniel G. 22 Monmouth Single do 26 Gilson, John Q. A. 26 do Married do 27 Goldthwait, Edwin 39 Winthrop do do 28 (ieorge, Francis Leeds Single do 2'J :tiille, De Forrest M. Fayette j do do 3C Heald, William 44 E. Livermore Married ; do 31 Hammond, Christopher 21 [Winthrop : Single 1 do 32 Holmes, .lames M. 22 ! do Married do Winthrop 33 iHunton, Herbert 18 Readfield Single ] do APPENDIX D. 177 Volunteers, stationed at Camp Ploward, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the WILLIAM L. RICHMOND, Captain. Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. Wlien. Sept. 16 Disci) 'd. When. Aug. 8 Aug. 7 Aug. 20 Sept. 22 Aug. 4 Sept. 19 Nov. 4 Remarks. Resicrned. By special order, No. 69. Promoted to Captain, Sept. 3. Deserted June 4, at Augusta. Appointed Sergeant, Sept. 23. Reduced to ranks, at his request. Reduced to ranks, Oct. 1. Dec. 5. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 7. Deserted, June 2 at Augusta. Appointed Corporal, Oct. 1. Sept. 23. Never served. Detailed in Hospital. Did not start from Maine. Did not start from Maine. On furlough. 178 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company K, Third Regiment, ( Continued.^ 34 Jacobs, Elijivli T. 35 Judkins, Henry 36 Keene, John C. 37 Moran, Michael 38 Nelke, Solomon A. 39 Norris, Daniel S. 40 Newell, Hu,i;h S. 41 Putnam, Christopher C. 42 Philbrook, Daniel W. 43 Pierce, Thomas H. B. 44 Quint, Orrin 45 Robbins, John Q. 46 Raymond, William R. 47 Raymond, Georg-e W. 48 Robbins, Oscar E. 49 Smiley, Charles H. 50 Sterns, Joseph H. 51 Stevens, William 52 Sterns, Charles J. 53 Smart, Charles A. 54 Smart, Bradford W. 55 Snell, Patrick H. 56 Sleeper, Charles D. 57 Tiiomas, Henry C. 58 Thomas, Edward K. 59 Thurston, Stephen A. 60 Towns, Edward F. 61 Turner, Henry S. 62 Upton, George W. 63 Wood, A. G; H. 64 Wilson, William G. 65 Woodman, Benjamin 66 Woodbury, Andrew 67 Ware, Charles L. 68 Oliver, W. H. 69 Carroll, James 0. 70 Colbv, E. B. F. 71 Howard, William H. 72 Thomas, Bradbury N. 73 Mann, Elisha K. 74 Johnson, H. H. 75 Fabvan, H. 0. 76 Kev', Rugsries S. 77 Boothby, Walter W. 78 Howard, Dexter W. 79 Folsom, Samuel P. 80 Stevans, Thomas J. 81 Thomas, Zadoc H. 82 Burt, Edwin 83 Owen, W. H. 30 Winthrop do 26; Leeds 22 Readlield 22 Winthrop 21 Mt. Vernon 27 Readfield 25 Readlield 21 Winthroj) 28 Readfield 39 Winthrop 36 Wayne 22 do 23 Readfield 21 Winthrop 27 do 29 Wayne 25 Winthrop 19 Vassalboro' 25 do 28 Winthrop 18 do 18 Readfield Winthrop 19 do 20 do 20 Leeds 20 Winthrop 21 do 24 do 24 Leeds 19 Winthrop 18 Pittston 34 Fairfield 21 Windsor 22 do 18 Readfield 20 do 20 Leeds 18 Farmington 18 Leeds 18 Greene 23 Leeds 21 do 30 Norridgewock 23 New Sharon 18 Readfield U. S. Army Brooklyn Married or Single. Single Married do Single Married Single Married do Single do Married Single Married Single do Married do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do do do do do do do do dd do do do do do do Married Single Mustered into U. S. Ser. Sick, Wliere. Ca'p How'd Readfield Alexandria Winthrop June 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Julv 27 do do do June 4 Nov. 6 Oct. 1 Sept. 24 do do do Sept. 21 Oct. 12 Ca'p How'd Nov. 26 I Killed. Wlien. APPENDIX D. 179 Return of Company K, Third Regiment^ (^Continued.') Prisoners. When taken 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Aug. 4 Au<;. 7 Sept. 16 Remarks. Au-. 7 Nov. 4 Aug. 4 Nov. 11 Appointed 1st Sergeant, Sept. 20. Appointed Corporal, Dec. 5. Detailed in Hospital. On furlough. Did not start from Maine. On furlough. Appointed Corporal, Sept. 23. Aug. 4 Detailed in Hospital. Promoted to Mnjor, Sept. 3. " Brigade Quarter-Master. 180 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company K, Third Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. ^'i:°"- era. De- ceased. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. charged. serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 2 55 1 6 2 3 2 1 11 1 2 4 6 15 4 80 Total 72 7 1 2 1 17 i 3 4 105 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. 1 Absent. On In Arre 1 On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. T. Sick. Special Service. m to i rn c» >^ s S -r m e ,f fF rr e € ni !fc rti !j: o 01 O m o O O s O B (F •o o fF ■c SS 1= »: e "S € S ^ ^ O ^ O S o o o s o % o o O r s S •o •a •a Ol •a "to < o u 1 4) _E c ."J. a> .2 ^ c c o c .£ a. 1 » .2 B 6 i 611 '5 o i 3 .: 1 .2 t c O 1 rt 'ui F= c > X > eo s s > p q . F g > — 2 > ec BI o bl! r. 6L o c •r 6D <-. o 3 11 a. 38 < 52 U S5 1 4 5 o a 6 O i5 B. <; 68 Z 4 O :<5 A< <1 4 < 72 Present Organization of the Company. — Date of c Names. u Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. '^ <. ment. 1 W. L. Richmond 21 Captain Winthrop Sept. 3 2 Charles B Haskell 33 1st Lieut. Readfield Nov. 9 [hv Company. 3 John C. Keen 26 2d Lieut. Leeds do Acting Lieut, elected 1 John C. Keen 26 Serfreant Leeds Sept. 20 2 Alhert A. J. Davis 21 do Banffor Sept. 23 3 Henry Pcnniman 27 do Winthrop June 4 4 Freeman Stroiit 26 do Durham do 5 •James C. Ricker 29 do Winthrop do 1 .Joseph G. Brown 35 Corporal Palmyra Oct. 1 2 Charles H. Bradbury 22 do Gorham Sept. 23 3 Htioh S. Ncn-ell 27 do Read field Dec. 5 4 Bradford W. Smart 25 do Vassalhoro' Sept. 23 5 Frederic Strout 21 do Durham June 4 6 John F. Gardiner 20 do Winthrop do APPENDIX D. 181 FOURTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Fourth Regiment Lfantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States to December 1, 1861. Hiram G Berry Tliomas H. Marshall Frank S. Nic-ker>oii Jabez B. Green halgh Isaac C, Abbott S. C. Hunkins Abial Lil)bey B. A. Chase Rank. Residence. Colonel Rockland Lieut. -Colonel Belfast Major do Adjutant Rockland Quartermaster do burgeon Windham Asst.-Surgeon Richmond Chaplain Unity Date of Appoint-] ment May 8, 1861 June 11, 1861 do June 14, 1861 do June 21, 1861 Aug. 6, 1861 do Remarks. Prom, to Col. 7th Regr. Prom, to Lt.-Col. and [to Col. 14th Reg. Taken prisoner. Re- [leased on parole. REGIMENTAL BAND. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Muster into U. S. Serv. Remafk.s. John F. Singhi Leader Rockland June 15,1861 Promoted from Co. D. T. J. Woods Musician Mt. Vernon do Geo. E. Dver do New Sharon do Samuel Davis do Mt. Vernon do Judson Hall do Noblcboro' do Geo. L. Hall do do do Venora Whittier do Mt. Vernon do F. M. Oilman do do do 0. J. Wells do do do George F. Teague do New Sharon do . John R Teague do Mt. Vernon do •James Warren do Biddeford June 16, 1861 H. H. Rockwell do Uiica, N. Y. do Wales Whitehouse do do do John R. Burpee do Rockland June 1. "5, 1861 Transferred from Co. B. H. G. Tibbetts do do do do John F. Gould do Belfast do Transferred frbm Co. K. H. M. A. Poor do do do do Georc;e W. Burgess do do do do J. H. Havner do do do do John Grover do Rockland do Transferred from Co. D. S. K. Whiting do do do do J. R. Skinner do Damariscotta do Transferred from Co. E. Mark L. Knowlton do Liberty do Transferred from Co. F. 182 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Henry W. Cunningham, Company A, Fourth Regiment Infantry, morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that on the fifteenth day of June, 1861. OTIS C. McGRAY, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Henry W. Cunningham, 2 Richard S. Ayer, S.Isaac C. Abbott. I SERGEANTS. llAlonzo G. Libby, 2 Andrew J. Grav, 3 Otis C. McGrav, 4j Charles S. Uoe, 5:Jolm A. Phillips. CORPORALS. 1 1 Riley Green, 2iThomas Dawson, 3j Frederick D. Aldus, 4 1 Edwin A. Coffin, 5 i Isaiah B. Merrick, 6' William M. Gould, Lewellen Lincoln, Albert A. Haynes. MUSICIANS. Eben M. Sanborn, 2j\yilliam H. Clifford. AVAGONEK. 1 -Jonathan Doten. PRIVATES. 1 Abbott, Timothy W. 2|Allenwood, Epln-aini F. 3! Beckett, James M. 4JBuker, Alpha 5 Bryant, Demetrius J. 6 (Curtis, P'rank A. Cunningham, Jacob Curtis, Stephen 0. Carver, George S. Cross, Ephraim C. Cross, Ansel Cooley, Melvin CuUnan, William Colley, James M. Doten, Cliarles Durham, Tolford Daggett, Stephen Dickey, Lorenzo Dickey, Otis A. Demming, Jerry Dorcey, Micliael Daniels, George S. Elliot, Joseph M. Ellis, Elisha W. Five, Daniel D. Furbish, Erastus Fairweather, George Gurney, Tliomas H. !iuv, Kdmond Gall, James Gatchell, William B. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 1(3 17 18 19 20 21 2-2 2.3 24 2.5 26 2T 28 29 31 31 48Belfast 31 Montvillc j Rockland 24 1 Unity 19'Montville 22 Unity 29 Bangor 34 do 35 Belfast 29 do 23 do 27 do 23 Newport 24 1 Unity 18'Searsmont 23 Bangor Married or Single. 41 Belfast St. Albans Belfast 23! Freedom 34! Belmont 38 Norlhport Ellsworth Montvillc Swanville Waldo Monroe Vinalhaven Searsmont do St. Albans Belfast do Freedom Waldo Liberty Monroe do Bangor do Newport Freedom Monroe Unity Bangor Woo» tt fi > bc c > c > tl bi: o r. o o o rj o b£ O ^ Cl. ^ D 15 Ct, < O 'A Ph CJ ^ Oh < O <; C^ CJ ^ CL, < < 3 11 64 78 2 4 6 ,90 2 2 92 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. be Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. l4 < ment. 1 H. W. Cnnningham 48 Captain Belfast 2 Rich.ard S. Ayer 32 1st Lieut. Montville June 15 3 Alonzo E. Libbey 24 2d Lieut. Unity June 22 1 Otis C. McGraj' 22 Sergeant Unitv June 22 2 1 Andrew J. Gray 19 do Montville April 27 3 [Riley Greer 35 do Belfast Nov. 17 4 Tliomas Dawson 29 do do do 5 Frederick D. Aldus 23 do do do 1 Edwin A. Coffin 27 Corporal Belfast Nov. 17 2 Edward K. Stevens 22 do Montville do 3 James M. Beckett 41 do Northport do 4 George S. Carver 21 do Vinalhaven do 5 Thomas H. Gurney 21 do Waldo do 6 Ephraim F. Allenwood 31 do Belmont do 7 Svlvanus B. Hatch 44 do Lincoln do 8 Samuel M. Higgins 45 do Belmont do . 188 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Elijah "Walker, Company B, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. ARTHUR LIBBEY, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Elijah Walker, 2 Urrin P. Mitchell, 3 Julius B. Litchfield. SERGEANTS. 1 Arthur Libliey, 2 William E Crockett, 3 Harrison U. Cowing, 4 William A. Barker, 5 John Mclvin Doe. CORPORALS. 1 Madison Stevens, 2 John L. Kellock, 3 Heman H. Burpee, 4 Eben Harding, 5 Albion K. Prentiss, 6 John Butler, 7 Havilah Pease, 8 Alvin D. Burns. MUSICIANS. 1 Henry G. Tebbetts, 2 Charles E. Gove. WAGONER. 1 Gorham Butler. PRIVATES. 1 Anderson, Robert, Jr. 2 Blackinton, Edwin R. 3 Bovnton, Arthur L. 4 Bigdoll, Ellis 5 Black, Patrick 6 Bramhall, George A. 7 Brown, Edwin E. 8 Baker, Charles 9 Burpee, John R. 10 Blackinton, Morton A. 11 Cowing, Edmund 12 Cunningham, Thomas J. 13 Chamberlain, Nathan 14 Gushing, Ebun 1.5 Christy, Tiobert 16 Ch.ise, AshacI 17 ( 'onley,Trederic 1 Dunton, Andrew J, 19 Dow, Herbert J. 20 Dow, Dana Y. 21 Dunbar, George H. 22 Flanagan, William J. 2.'! Farns worth, Theodore H. 24 Fletcher, Brian W. 2.T Foreman, (ieorge 26 Fernald, Charles 0. 27 Grant, Robert 2>* (lalland, William 2!! (xardincr, Andrew J. 30 (joodwin, Albert 31 Hopkins, Charles W. BC Residence. < 42 Rockland 35 do 22 do 26 do 27 do 27 do 26 do 31 Bangor 32 Rockland 24 do 35 do 29 do 32 Troy 29 Rockland 36 do 23 Washington 21 Rockland 21 Union 23 do 18 Rockland 27 do 18 Bangor 23 Dcdham 28 Waldoboro 26 Rockland 21 do 19 do 29 do 2') do ■2i) do 30 Veazie 18 Corinth 24 Bangor 18 Rockland 21 Winterport 18 Salem, Mass. 18 Montville 23 Rockland 20 Thomaston 19 Rockland 19 do 44 do 32 do 19 do 21 Winterport 31 Bangor 24 N. Y. City 28 Lincoln 19 Monson 21 Jefferson Married Mustered or into Single. U.S.Ser. MaiTied June 15 do do Single do Married do do do Single do do do Married do do do do do do do do do do do do do Single do do do Married do Single do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick. Where. Rockland Alexandria Killed. Wiien. July 21 APPENDIX D. 189 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the ELIJAH WALKER, Captain. Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. July 21 Disch-d. When. Sept. 17 Reduced to ranks, Aug. 16. Deserted, Aug 20. Promoted to 2d Sergeant, Aug. 25. " Sergeant-Major, Sei^t. 1.5. Reduced to ranks, Oct. 1. Reduced to ranks, Nov. 11. Promoted to 3d Sergeant, Sept. 15. Promoted to 5th Sergeant, Oct. 1 . Promoted to Regimental Band, June 16. On furlough in Maine. Promoted to Regimental Band, June 16. Deserted, July 27. Oct. 27 Released from Richmond in Oct. 190 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company B, Fourth Regiment, {Continued.} 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Hussey, William F. Hodgman, Augustus Haskell, John W. Ingraham, Rufus C. Keith, Zypha S. Lamb, Samuel B. Mitchell, Henry T. Moulton, George D. Moore, Adoniram J. Moury, Edgar L. Megguier, Edward C. Murray, Charles 0. M'Kean, John Merrick, Alfred P. Murray, John Norris, Daniel C. Philbrick, William Pomroy, Josiah H. Potter,' Franklin W. Pillsbury, Thaddens S. Pratt, Jeseph H. Pitcher, Harrison A. Prescott, Royall Quinby, James Ripley, Henry 0. Read, Joseph C. Richardson, Alfred W. Redlon, George M. Simmons, Hanson B. Salsbury, Robert D. Spear, Otis G. Stetson. George F. S|)ear, Thomas B. Spear, Josiah C. Snowdeal, Thomas H. Sawyer, Charles F. Stevens, Elery G. Spaulding, George H. Towne, Asahel Thayer, Howard A. Totman, Samuel S. Tower, Franklin M. Titus, John W. Ulmer, Wyman W. Willis, Aruna Wood, Charles F. Wooster, Alden F. Wall, George E. Clark, James W. Lougy, John B. Loiiderback, David H. Heal, Artemus 84 Tighe, George H. 85 Whitney, Francis N. 86 Philbrook, Levi A. 87 Ulmer Alonzo N. 88: Snowdeal, George, Jr. 89 1 Taylor, George F. 90;Knowles, John, Jr. Residence. Ct. Alton Hampden Rockland do do Calais Rockland Freedom Veazie Rockland Glenburn Palermo Philadel., Pa. Bangor do N. Haven Rockland Hampden Rockland do Porrlacd Rockland do Bangor Rockland Orono Freedom Rockland do Tremont Rockland do do do Thomaston Rockland do Deer Isle Rockland Brewer Rockland Lincolnville Rockland do do do do do do Ban cor 20 Philadel., Pa. Rockland do Machias Thomaston Rockland 291 Thomaston 26 1 Rockland 44i Hampden Married Mustered or into Single. U.S.Ser. Single June 15 do do do do Married do Single do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do Married do Single do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do Julv 8 do Aug. 8 do Sept. 14 do do do Sept. 17 do Sept. 19 Married June 15 do do Eeg'l Hosp, Rcg'l Hosp, Reg'I Hosp Annapolis Washingt'n Killed. When. July 21 APPENDIX D. 191 Return of Company B, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. July Disch'd. When. Will recover. Promoted to Corporal, Oct 1. Sept. 17 Sept. 1 Deserted, July 26. Deserted, Aug. 2. July 27. Promoted to Cofrporal, Oct. 1. Died in HospitaL Not heard from since July. Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 25. Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 11. Deserted, Aug. 27. Cut in two by cannon-ball. IProraoted to Musician, June 16. 192 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company B, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers 3 Non-Com. Officers 11 Musicians & Wagoner 1 Privates 71 7 2 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 3 13 3 90 Total ! 86 1 7 ! 2 1 4 6 3 109 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. For Duty. O Z 3 13168 84 Or* Special Duty. In Arrest. rr !f= O € •a o o -a On Special Service. 51 HO 4 93 Present Organization of the Company. Date of d Names. 6 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ^ < ment. 1 Elijah Walker 42 Captain Rockland April 25 2 Orriu P. Mitchell, 35 1st Lieut. Rockland do 3 Julius B. Litchfield 22 2d Lieut. Rockland do 1 Arthur Libbev 26 Sergeant Rockland June 15 2 Harrison U. Cowing 27 do do Aug. 25 3 Herman H. Burpee 3.5 do do Sept. 15 4 Eben Harding 29 do do do 5 John Butler 29 do do Oct. 1 1 Madison Stevens 32 Corporal Rockland June 15 2 Albion K. Prentiss 32 do Troy do 3 Havilah Pease 36 do Rockland do 4 Alvin D. Burns 23 do Washington do 5 Otis G. Spear 24 do Rockland Aug. 25 6 Henrv T. Mitchell 22 do do Oct 1 7 Henry 0. Ripley 20 do do do 8 Charles F. Sawyer 19 do do Nov. 11 1 Charles E. Gove 31 Musician Union June 15 2 John Knowles, Jr. 44 do Hampden June 16 I 194 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Charles B. Greenhalgh, Company C, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. C. H. CONANT, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICEKS. Oliver J. Conant, Charles A. Rollins, slCharles B. Greenhalgh. SERGEANTS. 1 George F. Crabtree, 2 Charles H. Conant, 3 Franklin Achorn, Elisha S. Rogers, John H. Young. CORPORALS. Joseph R. Conant, Kendall K. Rankin, Eugene Waters, George A. Staples, John Colburn, Eben L. Higgins, James M. Brown, Horatio G. Collins. MUSICIANS. John F. Walker, Nathaniel E. Mathews, WAGONER. James Balcomb. PRIVATES. Austin, Warren W. Blackiuton, Oliver N. Brown, Orlando F. Butler, Ephraim K. Collins, William J. Candage, Avery L. Cunningham, Austin Canning, Dennis Cunningham, Alfred W. Crockett, Alden Carson, Henry Chapman, William Gushing, McCobb Caswell William Dickey, Allen A. Fyler, Michael N. Fales, R. Orlando Gowen, Nathaniel B. Gardiner, George G. Grant, John F. Grant, Jarvis B. Gardner, Alanson Hewett, Sewall Keller, Thomas Knight, Francis E. Lading, Amandus E. Liscomb, H. C. Low, Thomas Libby, Charles 2d Miller, Charles Melvine, Ambrose P. 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 29 30 31 Married Vlustered g) Residence. or into < Single. 1 LT.S.Ser. 35 Rockland Vlarried , Tune 15 27 Thomaston Single do 25 Rockland do do 32 do Vlarried do 26 do do do 32 do single do 43 do Vlarried do 36 do do do 23 do Single do 22 do do do 27 do do do 28 do JNIarried do 37 do do do 26 do do do 25 Thomaston Single 23 Rockland do (to do 22 do Married 18 do Single do Thomaston Married do do 21 do Single do 21 Rockland do do 24 do Married do 18 Thomaston Single do 19 Camden do do 21 Rockland do do 19 Wan-en do do 28 Rockland do do 19 Jefferson do do 30 Rockland do do 32 do Married do 35 do do do 42 do do do 35 Warren Single do 1 8 Rockland do do 44 do Married do 21 Thomaston Single do 39 Rockland Married do 19 Camden Single do 20 Rockland do do 19 do do do 22 Camden do do 17 Rockland do do 22 do do do 1 9 Jefferson do do 19 Waldoboro do do 21 Thomaston do do 56 do Marriec do 1 8 Rockland Single do 21 do do do 40 do Marriec do Sick. Where. Killed. When. July 21 July 21 July 21 APPENDIX D. 195 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taiicn place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the C. B. GREENHALGH, Captain. .1 O 1 Prisoners. When Deceased Disch'd. When. When. Remarks. a; Taken. 1 Sept. 9 Lung complaint. Resigned. 2 3 Elected Captain, Sept. 9. 1 Appointed 2d Lieutenant, Sept. 9. 2 " 1st Sergeant, " 3 4 5 1 Appointed 5th Sergeant, Sept. 9. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ■ 1 2 1 1 2 Appointed Corporal, Sept. 9. 3 • 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 July 21 Oct. At Richmond. 19 20 21 22 Deserted, Sept. 22. 23 24 2i5 26 Deserted, Aug. 9. 27 28 Sept. 9 2« 3( ) 31 I 196 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company C, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.^ o Names. eu Residence. Married or Mustered into Sick Where. Killed. When. _5 Martin, Patrick < Single. U. S. Ser. 32 20 Jefferson Single June 15 33 Murphy, Levi 30 ; Rockland Married do 34 Macovey, James 23 do Single do 35 Melius, "Francis G. 19 do do do 36 Nickerson, Moses 38 do Married do 37 Ovcrlack, Emerson 18 Waldoboro Single do 38 Perry, Charles C. 26 Rockland d6 do 39 Pitcher, Adelbert S. 25 do do do 40 Pottle, Benjamiu F. 23 do Married do 41 Purcell, John 20 do do do 42 Pressey, Andrew B. 22 do do do 43 Pottle, Andrew 18 do Single do 44 Packard, Lorenzo 24 do Married do 45 Pease, Sumner B. 24 Hope Single do 46 Palmer, Benjamin F. 24 Thoniaston Married do 47 Rankin, Leonard C. 19 Rockland Single do 48 Bobbins, llufus 25 do Married do 49 Robinson, Charles E. 21 Washington Single do 50 Ramsay, Crowell J. 21 Waldoboro do do 51 Rich, John W, 23 N. Portland do do 52 Sheldon, George 25 i Camden do do 53 Sutherland, Walter 29 Rockland do do 54 Salisbury, Albert F. 19 Tremont do do 55 Shuman, Joseph S. 33 Waldoboro do do 56 Sherman, Joseph W. 18 do do do 57 Thomas, George W. 18 Rockland do do 58 Titus, Ezekiel M. 20 do do do 59 Thomas, John H. 21 do do do 60 Tuttle, James F. 20 do do do 61 Xillson, P. Henry 22 Thomaston do do July 21 62 Veazie, Abijah 29 i Rockland Married do 63 Vose, Silas H. 22 Waldo) )oro Single do In Camp 64 Wakely, Thomas 35 Portland Married do 65 Walls, Henry C. 18 do Single do 66 Whitney, Joshua G. 35 Rockland do do 67 Weed, Thurlow 22 do Married do 68 Woodcock, Moses L. 27 Gushing do do 69 Wade, Edwin 18 Rockland Single Sept. 7 70 Shepherd, Albert 1 9 Jefferson do June 15 71 Young, Hosea 19 Warren do do 72 Winslow, Jacob 30 Rockland do do 73 Walter, Benjamin 21 Warren do do 74 Boynton, S. P. 44 Rockland Married do 75 Keilar, John A. 17 do Single do 76 Stahl, John D 29 Warren do do 77 Boyle, John 20!01dtown do do 78 Moga Omar 20,Passadumkeag do do 79 Mortal, Thomas 2S Bangor Married do 80 Bragg, James M. 19 Rockland Single Sept. 7 81 Kennedy, Daniel 45 do Married do 82 Devine, John 28 Boston Single do 83 Clark, Weston 24;Searsport do do 84 Snowdeal, T. E. ISiThomaston do Sept. 23 85 Barker, George A. 43 Rockland Married do 86 Coombs, Josiah 22iVinalhaven Single do 87 Leach, F. M. 22 1 Camden do do 88 Mills, Elisha 21 Vinalhaven do do 89 Weed, Joseph 44 'Rockland do Nov. 9 APPENDIX D. 19T Return of Company C, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') Prisoners. Wlien Taken. Deceased. When. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8-1 85 86 87 88 89 Disch'd. When. Sept. 10 Remarks. Deserted, July 23. Deserted, Aug. 7. Deserted, Nov. 9. Missing since battle of Bull Run, probably killed. July 21 July 12 Sept. 1 Sept. 10 Deserted, Aug. 7. Nov. 4 Confined at Richmond. Transferred to 38th New York. Transferred from Company H. 198 ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company (7, Fourth Regiment Infantry^ Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. T. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty, Sick. Killed. charged, serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 13 3 65 1 1 4 2 1 1 6 7 2 4 13 3 88 Total 83 2 4 1 7 7 1 2 108 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. For Duty. 2 16 65 83 1 85 On Special Duty. In Arrest. Absent, Sick. 12: & On Special Service. 85 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. 6 tL Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. A < nient. 1 Charles B. Greenhalgh 25 Captain Rockland Sept. 9 2 Charles A. Rollins 27 1st Lieut. Thomaston June 15 3 G. T. Crabtrce 32 2d Lieut. Rockland Sept. 9 1 C. H. Conant 26 Sergeant Rockland Sept. 9 2 Franklin Achorn 32 do do do 3 E. S. Roaers 43 do do do 4 John H. Young 36 do do do 5 J. R. Conant 23 do do do IKK. Rankins 22 Corporal Rockland Sept. 9 2 Eufijcne Waters 27 do do do 3 George A. Staples 28 do do do 4 Jolin Colburn 37 do do do 5 E. L. Hig^ins 26 do do do 6 J. M. Brown 25 do do do 7 H. G. Collins 23 do do do 8 Oliver N. Blackington 21 do do do 1 J. F. Walker 22 Drum'r Rockland June 15 2 N. C. Mathews 18 Fifer do do 1 James Balcomb 25 Wagoner Thomaston June 15 200 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Loreuzo D. Carver, Company D, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. EDWIN LIBBEY, Orderly Sergeant. c Si Names. 6 < Residence. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Lorenzo D. Carver, 35 Rockland 2 Thomas Glover, 31 do 3 Chas. J. Strickland. SERGEANTS. 24 do 1 John F. Singhi, 25 do 2 Silas E. Labe, 26 do 3 Rufus F. Day, 26 do 4 Sullivan K. Whiting, 30 do 5 Calvin L. Haskell. CORPORALS. 28 do 1 Samuel F. Meservey, 28 do 2 Hosea Combs, 44 do 3 Mark Perry, 44 do 4 Allen P. Farrington, 38 do 5 George E. Starbird, 34 Winterport 6 Sylvanus N. Saddler, 21 Rockland 7 Appleton Townsend, 23 Somerville 8 George W. Chatte. MUSICIANS. 25 Deer Isle 1 John Grenner, 20 Rockland 2 Charles Mudgett. WAGONER. 19 1 Charles P. Burns. PRIVATES. 19 do 1 Abbott, George R. 19 Thomaston 2 Bartlett, Moses D. 39 Rockland 3 Bailey, Joseph 24 Jefferson 4 Baleman, A. P. 28, do 5 Boggs, Emerson H. 18 Warren 6 Bither, Martin 19 Unity 7 Bolton, Seth 20 Frankfort 8 Bowden, Charles 25 Rockland 9 Bragg, B. E. 31 do 10 Chase, John R. 30 Swanville 11 Cooper, Randall 18| Washington 12 Combs, John F. 20 'Union 13 Cunningham, Jacob C. 34 do 14 Cunningham, Wra. E. 33 Washington 15 Davis, Henry 0. 20 1 Rockland 16 Dollif, Thurlow J. 20 Winterport 17 Dow, Moses A. 36 Washington 18 Eaton, .James B. 18 Deer Isle 19 Eaton, Isaiah V. 30 do 20 Fields, Anthony 18; do 21 Foss, William B. 42 Rockland 22 Grav, John S. 23 Washington 23 Haskell, Horace K. 32 Deer Isle 24 Haskell, Peter H. 34 do 25 Hatch, James 37 i Washington 26 Heath, Samuel 37 1 Rockland 27 Holden, Samuel E. 44 Deer Isle 28 Hardair, Thomas 44 Bangor 29 .Jones. .Johnson, Jr. 19 Union SO Joy, Edward H. 33 Washinsrton 31 Johnson, John 0. 29 Rockland Married Mustered or into Single. U.S.Ser. Married June 15 do do Single do Married do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Single do do do do do Single do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do Married do Single do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do do do Single do Married do Single do Married do do do Single do Married do do do Single do do do do do Married do Sick. Where. Alexandria Killed. When. July 21 July 21 July 21 APPENDIX D. 201 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of tiie United States, on the LORENZO D. CARVER, Captain. July 21 Prisoners. Wlien taken. July 21 Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Nov. 20 Julv 19 Julv 21 July 21 July 21 Remarks. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to band leader, June 16. Reduced to ranks, Nov. 15. Reduced to Corporal, Sept. 22. Promoted to band, June 16. Reduced to ranks, Aug. 20. " July 9. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to band, June 16. Deserted, July 25. Transferred from Co. I., July 3. Appointed 5th Sergeant, Sept. 21. Deserted, Aug. 19. July 25. Injured by exposure. Deserted, July 25. Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. Deserted, July 25. Deserted, July 25. Transferred to 3Sth N. Y., Sept. 22. Confined at Richmond. Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. ti tt (t a i< i< u It Confined at Richmond. Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 14 202 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company D, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. 32 Kelley, Thomas 33 Kiff, Alexander B. 34 Marsh, F. AV. 35 Miller, Parker 36 Marshall, Henry 37 1 Miller, John 38 Merrill, Chas. F. 391 Martin, Christopher 40lMillay, A.J. 41 l^lorrissey, John 42 iMnrphy, John 43 Needhani, Samuel J. 44[Norton, William 45 Norton, Joseph, Jr. 46!0'Neil, William H. 47JOber, Mark A. 48 Perkins, William 49 Perry, Levi J. 50 Peasley, George 51 Pushor, Ehen E. 52 Perry, Chandler F. 53 Quinn, John A. 54!Rackliff, Samuel 55 Reynolds, Uriah 56; Richards, Horatio 571 Richards, Lafayette 581 Robin, James P. 59 1 Robinson, R. G. eOjRice, Abiel P. 6l!Shouler, James C. 62 Sidlint,nen, Geo. W. 63 Simmons, Jos. A. 64 Snow, P>lwin 65 Smith, John 66'SmalI, Andrew 67JSmith, Albert 68'Stinson, Joseph E. 69JStorey, Henry B. 70 Stickney, Mellen L. 71 Sparhawk, Jacob A. 72 Savage, Andrew 73 Silver, Norman W. 74 Thomas, Orrin O. 75 Thomas, Edward W. 76 Thursdon, Habius W. 77 Whitmore, Otis 78 Wood, Samuel A. 79 Wyatt, Thomas 80 Watson, Jerome 81 Witham, Joha 82 Barrett, John 83 Sideliiiger, Hilton W. 84|Clark, Abial B. 85 Libbey, Edwin 86 Shields, William 87 1 Fountain, William 88 Brooks, Joseph H. Residence. 32 Boston 24 Rockland 38 Boat Brvson 32 Rockland 23 Prince Roberts 18 Rockland 18 Troy 22 Rockland 20 Thomaston 34 Rockland 33 do 33 Camden 23 Rockland 23 St. George 23 Rockland 24 Camden 37, Rockland 19 Thomaston 2l[Somerville 19 Pittstield 44 Winterport ISRockport 24 Detroit 2rBuniham 21 Rockland 251 do 25J do 18 Jefferson 26lAnson 20' Rockland 39 Union 24 Camden 25 Rockland 34 do 30 Deer Isle 18 Thomaston 19 Rockland 21 j Union is' Jefferson 31 1 Rockland 39JWashingtoa 33;Ellsworth 19 Rockland 19 1 do 23 Union 34 Unity 29 Rockland 40 ! do 21 j Union 24 Baltimore 18 Union 18 Jefferson 28 Rockland 20j do 28; do 21 Palermo Married Mustered or into Single. U. S. Ser. Single June 15 Married! do Single do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do Married do do do Single do Married do Single do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do July 9 do Sept. 23 do do Married June 15 Single do do do do Sept. 7 Sick. Where. APPENDIX D. 203 Return of Company D, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.^ i Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. »Wheii. Disch'd. When. Kemarks. 32 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 33 34 Aug. 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 41 42 43 Promoted to 3d Sergeant, July 10. 44 " Corporal, Sept. 3. 45 Wounded in arm at Bull Run. 46 47 Deserted, July 25. 48 49 50 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 51 11 K << u 52 July 21 Promoted to Hospital Nurse, June 16. 53 54 Deserted, July 25. 55 " " 56 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 57 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 58 59 60 61 62 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 63 Wounded at Bull Run. 64 65 66 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 67 68 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 69 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 70 Deserted, July 25. 71 72 July 21 Aug. 15. At Richmond, of wounds. 73 74 75 Aug. 9 76 July 25 77 Deserted, July 25. 78 " " Injured in leg at Bull Run. 79 Appointed Corporal, July 10. 80 Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 22. 81 82 Deserted, July 25. 83 84 [treville, Jul V 18. 85 Transferred from Co. H., Sept. 21, Wounded at Cen- 86 87 Transferred from Company H. Sept. 21. 88 ! « « tr •2 C O c S. "a > Ctl ■^ S > .2 5 O S "S S o B > '5 o > 5 ■= o ei; o '^ C- < U '^ Cu < o fl Oh O -< Cu < U :< 0. o ^ Cl. <: < 2 5 57 64 1 1 1 1 8 10 75 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. £11 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. < ment. 1 L. D. Carver 35 1 1 Captain Rockland April 27 2 Thomas B. Glover 31 1st Lieut.; do do Pris'r at Richmond 3 C. L. Strickland 24 2d Lieut. do do [Sept. 21. 1 Edwin Lihbv 28 Sergeant Rockland Sept 21 Transf. from Co. H, 2 i William Shields 20 do do do Transf. from Co. H, 3 Calvin L. Haskell 28 do do June 15 [Sept. 21. 4 Samuel J. Needhara 33 do Camden July 10 5 George R. Abbott 19 do Thomaston Sept. 21 1 S. L. Meservey 28 Corporal Rockland June 15 2 Mark Perry 44 do do do 3 Allen P. Farrington 38 do do do 4 William Norton 23 do do Sept. 3 5 Thomas Wvatt 40 do do July 10 [Bull Run. 6 George W. Chatte 25 do Deer Isle June 15 Taken prisoner at 7 Rufus F. Day 26 do Rockland Sept. 22 [Sept. 21. 8 William Fountain 28 do do do Transf. from Co. H, 208 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Eeturn of Capt. Stephen C. Whitehouse, Company E, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that hav* fifteenthday of June, 1861. JAMES E. BEATH, Orderly Sergeant. i Names. < Residence. Married or Single. Mustered into LI. S. Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. COMMISSIONKP OFFICERS. 1 Stephen C. Whitehouse, 10 Jfewcastle Vlarried June 15] 2 James 0. Dow, 11 do do do 3 Frederick E. Hussey. SERGEANTS. 25 do Single do 1 Artemas llobinson, 40 Damariscotta Married do 2 Freeman W. Hall, 32 Newcastle do do 3 Tames D. Erskine 22 Bristol Single do 4 Wilmot Whitehouse is! Newcastle do do 5 John G. Ah Id. 24 Boothbay do do CORPORALS. 1 Hiram Hatcii, 34 S^ewcastle Married do 2 Emery J. Hilton, 22 Bremen Single do 3 James E. Beath, 23 Boothbay do do 4 Charles C. Brown, 30 Newcastle Married do 5 Harvey Bcrce, 28 Bristol Single do 6 Abram T. Gammage, 22 Damariscotta do do 7 Evander G. Snow, 21 Noblelwro' do do 8 Charles H. Haggett. MUSICIANS. 24 Newcastle do do 1 Lucius B. Varney, 18 Bristol do do 2 George Hatchings. ■WAGONER. 18 Newcastle do do 1 Albert S. Webb. PRIVATES. 28 do do do 1 Averell, Stinson A. 23 do do do 2 Barstow Willard T. 18 Damariscotta do do 3 Bragdon, Orlando C. 19 Alna do do 4 Butler, Nicholas 19 Damariscotta do do 5 Bragg, Timothy 23 do do do 6 Chapman, Jerome A. 19 Nobleboro' Married do 7 Chapman, John S. 30 Damariscotta Single do 8 Chapman, Charles K. 18 Newcastle do do 9 Chapman, Francis 22 Nobleboro' do do 10 Chapman, Everett B. 18 do do do 11 Cotter, Charles H. 18 Damariscotta do do 12 Coombs, Ensign 19 Rockland do do 13 Campbell, Edwin W. 25 Newcastle do do 14 Clark, l^ifus 24 Nobleboro' do do 15 Clark, Enos 21 do do do July 2 16 Clisby, Robert S. 20 Boothbay do do 17 Campbell, Thomas B. 27 Thomaston Married do 18 Clement, Charles A. 18 Edgccom'b Single do 19 Dow, Charles H. 18 Newcastle do do 20 Dunbar, J. Roscoe 22 Nobleboro' do do 21 Fales, Samuel 19 Thomaston do do 22 Fountain, Isaac W. 23 Bristol do do 23 Farr, William C, Jr. 23 Thomaston do do 24 Govvan, Zuinglas C. 24 Nobleboro' do do 25 Gowan, John L. 18 do do do 26 Gamage, Daniel E. 19 Damariscotta do do 27 (iiles, Harvey H. 20 Boothbay do do 28 Gove, Oscar C. 18 Newcastle do do 29 Hall, Asa 0. 24 Waldoboro' do do July 2 31 Hull, John 26 Damariscotta Marriec do 31 IHodgkins, James H. 18 Nobleboro' Single 1 do APPENDIX D. 209 Volunteers, Ktationcd at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the JAMES D. EliSKINE, Captain. PriHOiieru. When taken. 10 11 12 13 14 n 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 21 July 21 Deceaxed. When. Di«cb'd. When. Oc-t. 30 Jiiiv 4 July 8 Remarks. Resigned. Oct. 27 Oct. 21 Confined at Ki'hmond. Confined at Hi'hrnond. Appointed Captain, Nov. 1. Appointed 1 st Lieutenant, Nov. 30. Promoted to Acting 4th Sergeant, July 22. Wounded at Bull Km,. Prornoterl to Orderly Sergeant, Nov. 30. lUiduced to ranks, July 8. Retunied to ranks, Aug. 31, on account of sickness. Returned to ranks on account of sickness, Aug. 31. Sept. 26 Consumption. Returned to ranks. Returned to ranks. Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1. Promoted to Corporal. Sept. 1. ( W. M Packard, of Rockland, who was taken pris- ■J oner at Bull Run, was substituted for Cotter, ( June 15. Transferred to N. Y. 38th Vols. Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 30. TransfeiTed to N. Y. 36th Vols. Sept 26 210 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company E, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') 82 33 3+ 35 36 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 f)f. (.7 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Names. Hatch, Joseph L. Hill-low, M. Hall Henry, Joseph Hall, Almond Hall, Lorenzo A. Hagan, Cyrus B. Hatch, James A. Hatch, Moses W. Hastings. Donald M. Harthorn, William M. Jones, Samuel C. Jones, Samuel Johnson, Joshua Jones, Ephraim L. Keene, Thomas P. Kinney, Jesse S. Lailer, Frank H. Light, Lewellyn D. Mears, Joseph E. McClure, Edward D. Merrill, Dennis M'Cobb, Charles S. Morang, Frank Osgood, George D. Perkins, Thomas R. Palmer, Edward Plummer, Harrison L. Palmer, George H. Pool, Edward B. Rhodes, Francis W. Rhodes, James G. Stetson, Frederick J. Stetson, William H. Sidelinger Samuel G. Skinner, John R. Turner, Charles C. Thomas, James H. Thompson, Charles M. Thompson, John L. Waters, Isaac T. Waltz, Ira A. Whitney, Elisha Winslow, Albert D. Waters, Nathaniel B. Turner, Thomas F. Ward, John Gove, Willard W. Place Samuel W. Perkins, William B. Carlisle, Jason Hatch, Edward K. Clark, J. S. Married Musterec o Residence. or into <. Single. U. S. Ser. 18 Nobleboro' Single June 15 19 Waldoboro' do do 24 Dresden do do IS Newcastle do do 21 Nobleboro' do do 18 Booth bay do do 25 Jefferson do do 20 do do do 21 Bristol do do 20 Thomaston do do 20 Nobleboro' do do 19 Bristol do do 21 Nobleboro' do do 26 Newcastle Married do 21 Bremen Single do 20 Newcastle do do 18 Bristol do do 28 Damariscotta Married do 18 Bristol Single do 18 do dS do 20 Nobleboro' do do 24 Boothbav do do 18 Whitefield do do 21 Newcastle do do 19 do do do 22 Bremen do do 21 Damariscotta do do 18 Nobleboro' do do 23 Newcastle do do 25 Bremen do do 21 do do do 18 Damariscotta do do 22 Newcastle do do 21 Nobleboro' do do 26 Damariscotta do do 21 Bremen do do 18 Thomaston Married do 28 Bristol Single do 21 Damariscotta do do 18 Newcastle do do 21 do do do 22 Boothbay do do 23 Nol)leboro' do do 21 Newcastle do do 18 Bremen do do 22 18 Newcastle do do 22 do do do 30 do do do 23 Boothbay do do 27 Nobleboro' do Sept. 22 23 Bristol 1 do 1 Oct. 31 Sick. Where. Hospital Killed. When. APPENDIX D. 211 Return of Company E, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Prisoners. When taken. July 8 July 21 July 21 July 21 Deceased. When. Sept. 15 Disch'd. When. Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Nov. 18 Remarks. At Meridian Hill, of Measles. Emersoa Fales, of Thomaston, subst'd for him, July 17. Promoted to 3d Sergeant, Nov. 30. Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1. Detailed as Hospital Steward, June 17. Confined at Richmond. Wounded. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to Band, June 16. At Washington, of fever. Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 30, Promoted to Corporal, Sept. Not mustered in. Promoted to 2d Sergeant, Nov. 30. " " Corporal, Nov. 30. " " 2d Lieutenant, July 10. " " Corporal, Nov. 30. " " Hospital Steward. 212 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E, Fourth Regiment Infantry^ Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for 1 o-„i. Duty. 1 ^'"^ Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 1 55 2 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 4 2 6 18 1 74 Total 70 7 2 6 2 10 ! 2 99 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. X ^^s- Present. Absent. On In On For Duty. Sick. Special h ICK. Special Duty. Service. i 0? » 2 £ a C (U m 5H ^F w !H rn ff=i !E rn t: •a c o O o s> O O O O € -a to fF •c !E fp ■a »; !f= CI !f= •a J O ¥. O B o o c « O o O S o T3 'a T3 ■a 'm J3 o ^ 's c c £ s E O e o C « o = O s o e c •= c 6 s s, > SI •2 3 > 5 be •2 c o O c > £ o > ec £ s s o O ffl > E F 9 t> Ml 2 &u o 3 eii c c 3 11 0. 54 < 68 ji 2 4 6 _^ is o 2 eu < O IS 1 O S5 PM 1 < 76 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. < 22 24 23 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. 1 2 3 .James D. Erskine John D. Auld Jason Carlisle Captain Istl^ieut 2d Lieut. Bristol Boothbay do Nov. 1 Nov. 30 July 10 1 2 3 4 5 James E. Beath Samnel W. Place Thomas P. Keene Hiram Hatch Thomas B. Campbell 23 22 21 34 28 Sergeant do do do do Boothbay Newcastle Bremen Newcastle Thomaston Nov. 30 do do do do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Edw. D. McClure Aliram T. fiammage Naih. B Waters John S. Chapman Francis W. Chapman Ira A. Waltz Edw. K Hatch Wm. B. Perkins 18 22 21 31 22 21 27 31 Corporal do do do do do do do Bristol Damariscotta Newcastle Damariscotta Nobk'lioro' Damariscotta Nohleboro' Newcastle Sept. 1 June 16 Sept. 1 do do Nov. 31 do do Remarks. I 214 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Andrew D. Bean, Company F, Fointli Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. MOSES FORD, Orderly Sergeant. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Andrew D. Bean, 2 James H. Huxford, 3 Charles H. Burd. SERGEANTS. George G. Davis, 2iMoses Ford, 3! Henry Leach, 4J Robert Waterman, Jr., 5 Almond E. Osgood. CORPORALS. 1 Jefferson Hobbs, Jr., 2 Frank Rich, 3 Joseph G. Hilt, 4 William C. Rowe, 5 Albert H. Rose, 6 Abner C. Goodell, George M. Bragg, Francis M. Forbes. MUSICIANS. Charles H. Thompson, Jr Mark L. Knovvlton. WAGONER. N. B. Fuller. PRIVATES. Barlow, Elisha J. Barlow, Levant L. Barlow, John Bean, Edward, H. Bickford, J. H. Biokford, Rufus G. Cillev, Emerson Chick Winthrop H. Caligan, Henry A. Condam, Albert J. Crocker, Albert D. Craig, George J. Davis, AVilliam C. Danforth, Ste])hen DoUif, Warren A. Delano, Henry A. Elwell, Charles H. Evans, Joseph Evans, Amos Gardner, John H. Garnett, James C. Getchell, George B. iTetchell, Prentice M. Hall, George B. Hall, Harrison Hines, Jarvis S. Hines. Boyd C. HiaL:;ins, David Hill, Francis O. J. S. Hill, E.J. 31 1 Hilt, Reuben S. Married Mustered g. Residence. or into < Single. 1 Single , [J.S.Ser. 45 Brooks Tune 15 44 do do do Belfast do do 20 Brooks Single do 39 Jackson Married do 36 Knox do do 24 Montville Single do 44 Newburg Married do 23 Jackson Single do 44 Brooks do do 22 Lincolnville do do 26 Monroe do do 23 Brooks do do 21 Hampden do do 19 Lincolnville do do 26 Brooks Married do 26 Winterport do do 18 Liberty Single do 33 Newburg Manied do 29 Knox Single do 22 do do do 28 Liberty do do 18 Hampden do do 22 Dixmont do do 2.5 Newburg do do 22 Brooks do do 23 Dixmont do do 26 Washington do do 20 Dixmont do do 19 do do do 25 do do do 18 Liberty do do 40 Freedom Married do 22 i Morrill Single do 18 Searsport do do 21 Brooks do do 44 do Marrie(] do 38 do do do 19 do Single do 40 Bangor do do 35 Belfast do do 23 Dixmont Marriec do 21 Brooks Single do 41 Troy Married do 21 Unity Single do 18| do do do IS'Hampden do do 22 Newburg do do 25 do do do 21iMontville 1 do do Sick. Where. Killed. When. Hospital Hospital Hospital APPENDIX D. 215 Volunteers, stationed nt Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the ANDREW D. BEAN, Captain. July 21 Prisoners. When taken. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Oct. 28 Remarks. Recruiting in Maine. Wounded, Bull Run. Wounded, Bull Run. Sept. 18 July 2 Confined at Richmond. Transferred to Regimental Band. Badly wounded at Bull Run. Confined at Richmond. Confined at Richmond. Badly wounded. Confined at Richmond. Consumption. Confined at Richmond. 216 • adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.} Names. 32 Hollis, James M. 33 tlorton, Leiiniel C. 34 Jiifkson, Edward W. 35 Jones, Freeinau 36 Johnson, Jolin 37 Laiii^ill, Ephraim 38 LeatiiLTS, Joseph B. 39 Leathers, Silas B. 40 Leathers, liensallear 41 Leathers, William 42 Laughton, William 43 Miilherrin, James 44 Nickerson, Daniel C. 45 Overlock, Warren 46 Patterson, Nathan 47 Pinkham, Daniel G. 48 Pieree, Daniel, Jr. 49 Putnam, Lyman C. 50 Phillips, Horace M. 51 Poland, John A. 52 Poland, Bainbridge 53 Parsons, Charles B. 54 Rackliff. James 2d^ 55 Reynolds, Josiah K. 56 Roberts, Cyrus 57 Rolierts, Freeman M. 58 Rowell, Charles H. 59 Howell, Almond A. 60 Robinson, George W. 61 Rowe, Frank, Jr. 62 Royall, Darius N. 63 Richards, Eben B. 64 Shephard John J. 65 Stephens, John A. 66 Stone, John F. 67 Stone, Samuel B. 68 Stevens, Alexander 69 Tasker, Ephraim D. 70 Thompson, Elliot P. 71 Thaver, Francis II. 72 Work, William 11. 73 Work, Ehcn D. 74 Wood, Charles A. 7.') Witliani, Isaac M. 7B Whitcomb, Thomas J. 77 York, Hiram G. 78 Young, Joseph, Jr. 79 Nason, Nalnim R. 80 Piper, Elisha S. 81 Piper, Enoch F. 82 Coulombe, Frederic 83 Clark, Joseph W. 84 Crockell, Charles W. 85 Nash, Aurelius W. 86 Chapman, Charles Residence. 20 Thorndike 291 Monroe Washington do Momoc Rockland Brooks do do do \ppleton Bangor Swanville Liberty Belmont Liberty Monroe Jackson Liberty Montvillc do New burg Rockland Unity Searsmont Jackson Montville do Belfast Brooks Monroe Bundiam Appleton do Dixmont do do Brooks Swanville Dixmont do Belfast Greentield Knox Dixmont Swanville Knox Newburg do Lincolnville Searsmont do Morrill ISlLiberty APPENDIX D. 217 Return of Company F, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. VVJien. Disch'd. Wlien. Oct. 28 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Remarks. Deserted Julv 8. 15 218 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company F, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volvnteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- cliarged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Ci >mmi.ssioncd Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 10 1 75 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 12 3 86 Total 88 ! 4 5 6 1 1 105 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Abse NT. On In Arrest. On For Di'TY. Sick. Special Sick. Duty. Service. i 52 2 d i. £ B o .a rfi e 2 ff- m !S m it: n iF ^ iF o O O O O rp o B e ■a e ■a P •a e ■a if: ■T3 fF •c ^ B o o o o o £ o c O C O s IS •a *OT •a *w •a tfi .a s s g E o O c s CLi c •< (li o s £ » _c C s o c E c _c E 6 ?. o S Q 0) '§ o •z O O rt g a en be •| E n ti a s c ;> to s > c > &II c > B > Ci o o •^ o •^ o •£^ tu c O ti B£ O <£ CUi < U «5 CM <; O :< B. O •^ Bh < U ^ Ph o is 11, <; < 1 11 74 86 2 2 4 1 91 1* 1 2 93 * Prisoner. Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Name. t£ < 45 Rank. Residence. Rank or Ai)()oint- iiient. Remarks. 1 Andrew D. Bean Captain Brooks May 8 2 George G. Davis 20 1st Lieut. do Oct. 28 3 Charles H. Burd 2d Lieut Belfast May 8 1 Moses Ford 39 Sergeant Jackson Oct. 28 2 Henry Leach 36 do Knox do 3 Robert Waterman, Jr. 25 do Montville do 4 Almond E. Osgood 44 do New burg do 5 Jcftersou Hobbs, Jr. 24 do Jackson do 1 Frank Rich 44 Corporal Brooks Oct. 28 2 Joseph G. Hilt 23 do Lincolnville do 3, William C. Rowe 26 do Monroe do 41 Albert H. Rose 23 do Brooks do 5,Abner C. Goodell do Hampden do 6 George M. Bragg 19 do Linconville do 71 Francis M. Forbes 24 do Brooks do 8 Rensallaer Leathers 28 do do 220 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Edwin M. Smith, Company G, Fourth Regiment Infentrv, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together witii a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. CHARLES H. STINSON, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. < Residence. Married or Single. Mustered into U. S. Ser. Sick. Wliere. Killed. When. 1 Edwin M. Smith, 22 Wiscasset Single June 15 2 William H. Clark, 33 do Married do 3 Gustavus Rundlett. SERGEANTS. 24 do Single do 1 Charles H. Stinson, 24 do Single do 2 Ezra B. Carr, 29 do Married do 3 Cliarles H. Grossman, 21 do Single do 4 John G. Somes, 28 do do do In Camp 5 Natlianiel A. Robbins. CORPOKALS. 26 Union do do 1 Converse Graves, 23 Wiscasset Single do 2 Charles E. Kniglit, 35 do Married do 3 Peter Fredson, Jr. 28 do Single do 4 George L. Crockett, 22 do do do 5 James T. McKenney, 19 do do do 6 Andrew H. Humphrey, 40 do Married do 7 Hans P. BurriU, 23 do Single do 8 Elijah W. Webber. MUSICIANS. 36 do do do 1 Alden Farnham, 22 do do do 2 Austin J. Blagdon. PRIVATES. 20 do do do 1 Alhee, Alfred 25 do do do 2 Allen, Darius 18 do do do 3 Allen, Danforth 21 do do do 4 AveriU, Frank W. 34 Alna Married do 5 Bartee, Frederick 21 Wiscasset Single do 6 Bailey, William H. H. 18 do do do 7 Bailey, Augustus 18 do do do 8 Bailev, Bradford 19 do do do 9 Blake, Wilmot 45 do Married do 10 Brown, John 38 do Single do 11 Bragden, George 45 Alna Married do 12 Blinn, S. Payson 32 Wiscasset do do 13 Brookings, Crosby R. 21 do Single do 14 Boynton, John C. 24 Alna do do 15 Call, Timothy 24 Dresden do do IC Clark, Onesimus 44 Alna Married do 17 Crosman, Edwin 18 Wiscasset Single do In Camp 18 Clark, Jerome 0. 25 Alna do do 19 Crowaill, Thomas 28 Wiscasset Married do 20 Cunningham, Elijah 23 Newcastle Single do 21 Cooksen, Aryastus H. 28 Windsor do do 22 Dickerson, Seth P. 28 Wiscasset do do 23 Downey, John 29 do Married do 24 Erskine, James 31 do Single do 25 Erskine, Fairfield 21 Georgetown do do 26 Erskine, Joseph 29 Wiscasset do do 27 Fisher, John 37 Alna Married do 28 Gould, Jeremiah 30 Wiscasset Single do 29 Gould, Abial 40 do do do 30 Hilton, Leonard 22 do do do 31 Hull, William B. 43 do do do 32 Hackett, Hiram 23 Alna Married do 33 Howard, Daniel 0. 24 do Single do APPENDIX D. 221 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the EDWIN M. SMITH, Captain. I Prisoners. „• W hen Z Taken. July 21 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Deceased. When. July 21 July 21 Disch'd. When, Confined at Richmond. Remarks. Transferred to 38th N. Y., Sept. 21. Deserted June 18. Transferred to 38th N. Y. Vol. Transferred to 38th N. Y. Vol. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred to 38th N. Y. Wounded at Bull Run. Confined at Richmond. Transferred to 38th N. Y. Vol. Transferred to N. Y. 38th. Deserted July 21. Transferred to N. Y. 38th. Aug. 30 222 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.^ i Names. < Residence. Married or Single. Single Mustered into U. S. Ser. gicfc. Where. Killed. When. 34 Jones, Edward 19 Wiseasset June 15 35 Kineaid, Reuel 33 do Married do 36 Kersej', Tliomas J. 22 Alna Single do 37 Kingsbury, John H. 25 Southport do do 38 Kersey, Bonjatnin F. 25 Alna do do 39 Kinf,fsbury, Gould F. 19 Wiseasset do do 40 Lowell, Albion 18 do do do In Camp 41 Lowell, Bradford 20 do do do 42 Murphy, Lucius B. 18 do do do 43 Munsey, William 25 do do do 44 McFadden, Elbridge 19 Dresden do do 45 Munsey, ])avid G. 33 Wiseasset Married do 46 Marston, Josiah 19 do Single do 47 McKennev, John W. 44 do Married do In Camp 48 Nutter, William H. 18 do Single do 49 Nute, Alexander 23 do do do 50 Pinkam, Thomas F. 18 Alna do do 51 Pinkham, Tliomas D. 44 do do do 52 Runnels, William B. 30 Richmond Married do 53 Kittle, James F. 20 Dresden Single do 54 Rittle, John H. 26 do Married do 55 Rundlett, John 20 Wiseasset Single do 56 Rines, Philip 20 do do do 57 Southard, Freeman 18 do do do 58 Simpson, William H. 25 Alna ^Larried do 69 Seavey, Sewall J. 27 Wiseasset Single do 60 Somes, Edward 17 do do do 61 Shaw, Freeman 21 do do do 62 Smith, Barnard 22 do do do In Camp 63 Seavey, William 28 do do do 64 Toothaker, Josiah 24 do do do 65 Tibbetts, George 28 do do do 66 Trowbridiije, William Waldohoro' Married do 67 Williamson, Charles T. 18 Wiseasset Single do 68 Warren, George 20 do do do 69 White, Benjamin F. 19 Dresden do do 70 Winslow, Francis E. 19 Wiseasset do do 71 Wryht, Alden 27 do do do 72 Wryht, Joseph 21 do do do July 21 73 Young, (icorge S. 27 do do do 74 Young, Alba 20 do do do 75 Young, John 18 do do do APPENDIX D. 223 "Return of Company G, Fourth Regiment, (^ContinuedS) c Prisoners. When Deceased. Wlien. Disch'd. When. Remarks. ■z taken. ^ 34 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 35 36 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 37 38 Nov. 17 Dijihtbcria. 39 Deserted June 18. 40 41 Promoted to Corporal Oct. 8. 42 43 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 44 " " " 45 46 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 47 48 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 49 50 Deserted June 16. 51 Sept. 19 52 53 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 54 55 Transferred to N. Y. 38th, 56 57 July 5 58 Aug. 30 59 60 61 62 63 July 21 Wounded. Confined at Richmond. 64 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 65 " " " 66 67 68 Transferred to N. Y. 38th, Sept. 21. 69 Sept. 27 70 71 72 73 Promoted to Corporal, July — 74 Transferred to N. Y. 38th. 75 224 AD.JUTAXT-GENERAL S REPORT. Recapitulation of Company G, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. 1 Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. *''' ^^"' Sick Duty. '"'^^• Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers 2 Non-Com. Officers 1 12 1 Musicians & Wagoner 1 Privates 32 3 1 1 1 3 2 4 4 26 3 13 2 75 Total 47 4 1 5 2 4 4 26 93 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. For Duty. 2 12132 45 O.-t Special Duty. In Arrest. ll 3I 4 Absext. Sick. Prison- ers. 51 Present Organization of the Company. Date of c Name. Rank. Residence. Rank or Ai)pf>int- Remarks. Z < iiient. Mav 3 1 Edwin M. Smith 22 Captain Wiscasset 2 William H. Clark 38 1st Lieut. do do Prisoner at Eich- 3 Gustavus Eiindlett 24 2d Lieut. do do [mond, Va. 1 Charles H. Stinson 24 Sergeant Wiscasset June 15 2 Ezra B. Carr 29 do do do . 3 John G. Somes 28 do do do 4 Charles H. Grossman 21 do do do 5 N. A. Robbins 26 do Union do 1 Converse Groves 23 Corporal Wiscasset June 15 2 (ieorge L. Crockett 22 do do do .3 James T. McKenney 19 do do do 4 Andrew H. Murphy 40 do do do 5 George S. Young 27 do do Julv 21 6 Charles A Kniirhts 35 do do June 15 7 Bradford Lowell 20 do do Oct. 8 8 E. W. Webber 36 do do June 15 226 adjutant-general's eeport. Keturn of Capt. G. J. Burns, Company H, Fourth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volun- plete record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered EDWIN LIBBY, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 G. J. Burns, 2 J. C. Cobb, 3 Beniah P. Brackley. SERGEANTS. 1 Edwin Libby, 2 Andrew A. Newbist, 3 Seth M. Young, 4 William Shields, 5 John Copland. COUPORALS. 1 William Fountain, 2 Daniel Bean, 3! Hudson 4 1 Thomas C Newbist, SjStillmanMink, 6 John J. Seymour, 71 Edwin Keizer, William Green. MUSICIANS. 1 Benjamin F. Young, 2 Ebenezer J. Young. WAGONER. 1 Elias Davis. PRIVATES. 1 Anderson, George W. 2'Ames, George L. slBlackington, Alfred 4|Boggs, Benjamin F. 5 Burr, Benjamin 6|Boggs, Bradbury A. 7 Barnard, Ira 8'Butler, John 9 'Burns, Nelson A. 10 Clough, Daniel lliClough, Horace 12, Crowley, John 13 Crowley, Patrick 14 Cooper, West W. 1.5 Cunimings, William A. 10 Cunningham, George W, 17 Durgin, Elbridge H. 18 Drake, Jesse 19 Amos, William H. 20 Eugly, James M. 21 Fey lor, George 22 Field, Isaac J. 23 Farnsworih. Hollis 24 Feyler, William 25 Feylor, Henderson 26 Gray, Adam 27 Gilraore, William D. 28 Hodges, Charles E. 29 Hagcr, Ezekiel P. 30 Ham, John Sl'llall, Samuel Residence. Rockland do do 28 do 27 j do 26 Lincolnville 20 Rockland 40 do do do 28 32 19 25 do 24' Warren 40 Cutter 27 Rockland ISjUnion 23 Lincolnville 18 do 22 Warren 19 Camden is! do 21 Thomaston 19 Waldohoro' 23 Rockland 18 Waldohoro' 32 Washington 44 Rockland 25 Union 23 Thomaston 19 Rockland 27 1 do 33 j do 19 Union 19! do 26 Wai-hington 18 Islesboro' 18 Anson 18 Rockland 24! do 40 Thomaston 43 Rockland 18 Camden 28 Thomaston 31 Waldohoro' 41 St. George 28 Providence 18 Rockland 21 Washington 19 Rockland 42 Augusta Married June 15 Married Mustered into Single. U.S.Ser. do do do do Single do Married Single Married do do Single do I Married Single do do Married Single do do do do do Married do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Side. Wliere. Killed. When. Single do do do do do do do do do Married do Siniile do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do Married do do do do do Single do do do do do do do Married do July 21 APPENDIX D. 227 teers, disbanded September 21st, 1861, expressing its condition, together with a cora- the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of June, 1861. G. J. BURNS, Captain. 6 Prisoners. When Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Itemarks. Is taken. 1 Oct. 4 Dishonorably discharged. 2 Sept.27 Resigned. 3 Oct. 21 " 1 Transferred to Co. H. Nov. 27. 2 July 18 Consumption. 3 Transferred to Co. K. Sept. 21. 4 Co. D. 5 Co. K. 1 Co. D. 2 38th N.Y. " 3 Not mustered in. 4 Deserted July 2.5. 5 Taiisferred to 38th N. Y. 6 Co. K. Sept. 21. 7 38th N. Y. 8 Deserted July 25. 1 Transferred to Co. K. Sept. 21. 2 (( u u 1 Transferred to Co. D. Sept. 21. 1 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 2 3 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 4 5 Co. K. 6 38th N. Y. 7 Co. D. 8 9 10 38th N. Y. ic a ic c< tt (( 11 t< (t It 12 Cl tt tt 13 (t tt tt 14 1.5 16 Badly wounded and supposed to have been taken pris- 17 Deserted July 25. [oner at Bull Run. 18 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 19 " " " 20 " " " 21 Co. K. 22 38ih N. Y. 23 Sick in Maine. 24 Sept. 9 25 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 26 Co. K. 27 38th N.Y. 28 Co. D 29 « i< (( 30 38th N. Y. 31 u « tt 228 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, Fourth Regiment, (^ Continued.} 1 ~ Married Mustered l Names. 1 9 < Residence. or Single. Single into U. S. Ser. June 15 Sick. ' " Where. 1 Killed. When. 32] Haskell, William ,21 Warren 33 Jackson, Amasa 30 Rockland Married do 34 Jameson, Alvin 18 Union Sin-le do 35 'Johnson, George 19 Windham do do 36 Jackson. Miles 30 Waldoboro' Married do 37iJones, Silas S. 18 Lincolnville Single do 38 Jacksons, Samuel 31 Rockland do do 39 Kniirht, Jonathan 22 Lincolnville do do July 21 40 Kitf, John 30 Rockland Married do 4rKing, AYilliam A. 20 St. George Single do 42 King, Samuel A. 22 do Married do 43' Leach, Henry F. 18 Camden Single do 44lMartin, Alonzo E. 21 Rockland do do 45 Mansfield, Benjamin 21 Hope do do 46 1 Martin, Daniel 21 Rockland do do 47'McMann, Daniel 23 Prospect do do 48 Marr, Erastus 27 Washington do do 49 March, Edward 21 Warren do do 501 Martin, Orhmdo 21 Rockland do do 51 McDavit, James 24 do Man-ied do 52 McLaughlin, James 19 do Single do 53 Moodv, Richard 44 Union Married do 54 Morse, William B. 21 Rockland Single do 55 McCann, Simon 35 do Married do 56 Newbist, Norris 27 Jefferson do do 57 O'Brien, Thomas 31 Rockland do do 58 Parker, John B. 42 Jefferson do do 59:Parlin, Wilder S. 18 Lincolnville Single do 60 Rogers, Lawrence 18 Union do do 61 [Shepherd, Oilman 19 Jeflerson do do 62:Sidelinger, Munroe 18 Union do do 63'Studley, Augustus 18 Rockland do do 64 Stall, Isaac 32 do Married do 65 Sullivan, Jeremiah 33 do do do 66'Simraons, William H. 18 Lincolnville Single do 67 Saunders, Isaac S. 18 Rockland do do 68 Turner, James 45 do Married do 69!Thomes, John H. 18 Warren Single do 70 Trim, Joseph 19 Camden do do July 21 71 Taylor, Simeon 22 Rockland do do 72 Wallace, Alexander 25 Waldoboro' do do 731 Wadsworth, Elisha 28 Lincolnville do do "4 Washburn, Horace B. 22 Brewer do do 751 Walsh, Robert 31 Rockland Married do 76' Wentwortli, Rufus 21 Hope Single do 77 Young, Smith L. 19 do do do 78 Chapman, Lorenzo 28 Waldoboro' do Sept. 8 79i Heath, Abram 40 Jefferson Married do 80 Holmes, Hiram i 18 Rockland Single June 15 APPENDIX D. 229 Return of Company H, Fourth Reg-iment, ( Continued.') 6 Prisoners When Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. Z taken. 32 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 33 Co. K. 34 38th N. Y. 35 Co. K. 36 July 21 Confined at Eichmond. 37 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 38 Co. K. 39 40 38th N. Y. 41 Deserted July 25. 42 Deserted July 25. 43 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept 21. 44 " " " 45 Co. D. 46 " " " 47 38th N. Y. 48 IC l( (t 49 il It « 50 (( tt i( 51 " " " 52 Co. D. 53 t< << i( 54 38th N. Y. 55 Co. D. 56 Deserted July 25 57 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 58 u u a 59 Deserted July 25. 60 61 Transferred to Co. D. Sept. 21. 62 Deserted July 25. 63 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 64 " " " 65 (( « « 66 U (t c< 67 (I tt tt 68 Aug. 30 69 tl ft tl 70 71 " Co. D., Sept, 21. 72 73 Deserted July 25. 74 July 21 ' Confined at Kichmond. 75 Deserted July 25. 76 Transferred to 38th N. Y. Sept. 21. 77 Co. D. 78 tl a il 79 " " " 80 Co. K. 230 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company H, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Fit for Duty. Absent.' Killed. Sick, i Prison- er:!. De- Dis- ceased. charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians <&, Wagoner Privates 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 9 9 3 62 3 12 3 80 Total 3 4 15 11 74 98 I 232 UTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Eeturn of Capt. Wil tion on the niorniu States, on the 9th c Names. Pitcher, Company H (New Organization), Fourth Eegi- ^ember 1st, 1861, together witli a complete record of the Dvember, 1861. EDWIN LIBBEY, Ord. Sergeant. COMMISSIONED OF William L. Fitchei Albert L. Spencer, George F. Bourne SERGEANTS. Orpheus Roberts, Francis R. Barlow, Walter S. Goodale, Moses F. Long, Otis W. Friend. CORPORALS. Francis P. Ingalls, Enoch Lurvey, Jr. Josiah H. Emerson, Gilbert F. Kane, Henry Braddock, Daniel W. Barker, Morris Leach, Andrew Grindle. MUSICIAN. John Webster. WAGONER. Levi Roberts. PRIVATES. Allen, Charles W. Allen, Charles N. Babson, Joseph B. Brackett, Charles W. Barter, Daniel B. Cox, George Carpenter, Wilson Clough, John Carter, Edwin Closson, Bailey R. Dearliorn, Francis M. Dodge, Jeremiah Dodge, Roscoe G. Debeck, Moses A. Douglass, Robert Downs, Samuel N. 17|Eaton, Augustine W. 18 Emerton, Andrew L. 19 Flanders, Robert G. 20 Farnham, Joseph E. 211 Furbish, Abram J. 22 1 Greene, Robert F. 23 Grindle, Elijah H. 24iGrav, Nathan 25|Guiiford, William H. 26 i Greene, Thomas F. 27 Green, JSlark H. 28 Greene, Edward 29 Grindle, Richard P. SOiGinn, Caleb SljGriffin, Frank 32|Higgius, Simon Residence. 5 Bangor i do do Stockton Knox Bangor Bluehill do do 'remont vvanvillc ' Isworth lOX vant lobscot lehill )ks ,jv;ugwick do Brooklin Belfast Rockland 28 Bangor 33 Penobscot 20 Bluehill 211 Sedgwick 21 1 Brooklin IS'il^arland 38 Trenton 20lBluehill 29'Clifton 36 Bluehill 23 Winterport 21|Bluchill |21;Brooksville 19 (Garland 25 1 Knox 24 Rockland 21 j Brewer 18 Penobscot 21 ; Sedgwick 32 Penobscot 20, Brewer 23 Surry 24 j Bluehill 19|Sedgwick 43|Belinont 19 Palermo IslTremout Married | Mustered or [ into Single. lU. S. Ser. Single Married Single Married do Single Married do Married Single Married do do Single do Married do Nov. 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Single Nov. 11 Sick. Wiiere. Killed. When. do do do do do Married Single do do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do RLirried Single do Nov. 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Nov. 11 Nov. 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do In Camp Hospital APPENDIX D. 233 ment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condi- changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United WILLIAM L. PITCHER, Captain. Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. Reduced to ranks, Nov. 28. Now in ranks, as private. Now acting as musician. 16 234 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company H, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') Married Mustered c Names. bli Residence. or into J_ < Single. U. S. Ser 3.3 Haskell, Elliot 27 Knox Single Nov. 9 34 .Jordan, Benjamin 42 Belmont do do 35 .Jellison, Charles 21 Monroe do do 3(5 ■Tellison, Horace 18, Knox do do 37 .Jackson, William 30 Montville Married do 38 Jackson, Joel 28 do . Single do 39 Murry, John M. 19 Bluehill do do 40 iViiJan, Thomas 22 Tremont do do 41 Mason, James 34 Bluehill Married do 42 Malloy, William 19 do Single do 4.3 MrDoun-all, Neil 28 P. E. Island do do 44 Mcars, John F. 18 Morrill do do 45 Mills, Manford 18 Vinalhaven do do 46 Moore, Charles F. 24 Knox do do 47 Nonan, James 43 Searsport do do 48 Pierson, Frank 18 Sedgwick do do 49 Porter, Lewis M. 21 Orneville do do 50 I^iixe, Amos 24 Ivenduskeag do do 51 l*a-e, James W. 22 1 Sedgwick do do 52 Reed, Jared R. 27 iMt. 'Desert do do 53 Rose, Charles 28iBano:or do do 54 Reed, William 28jEasthrook do do 55 Steele, Georfje W. 23 Penobscot do do 56 .Snowman, Jacoh E. 18 Sedgwick do do 57 Snowman, David A. 18 do do do 58 Staples, Alvah H. 18 Nashua, N. H. do do 59 Sawyer, Ferdinand 18 linox do do 60 Saunders, Thomas C. 27 Rockland do do 61 Tripp, William H. 18 Sedgwick do do 62 rimer, Horatio A. 22 Rockland do do 63 Wellino-ton, Georp^e 19 Garland do do 64 Wasgatt, Thomas M. 18 Somerville do do 65 Wood, Georije P. 18 Penobscot do do 66 Whitney, Adolphus M. 24 Bangor Married do 67 Woodworth, William H. 28 Tremont do do 68 Weed, Joseph 44 Rockland do do 69 Webb. William P. 21 linox Single do 70 York, John K. 22 Clifton Married do 71 Young, Harrison 18 Searsmont Sinale do 72 Younj;-, Stephen 0. 18 Lincolnville do do 73 Yonnt^, Morris, 22 Searsmont do do 74 Sherman, Frederic M. 18 Knox do do 75 Jellison, Joseph 21 Monroe do Nov. 11 76 Libbey, Edwin C. 28 Rockland do June 15 Sick. Where. Hospital Killed. When. Hospital Hospital I APPENDIX D. 235 Return of Company H, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Transferred to Company C, Nov. 30. Transferred from Company D. to 1st Sergeant, 236 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company H, Fourth Regiment Infantry Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. lull: Total. Commissioned Officers Kon-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 67 8 1 3 13 2 76 Total 85 8 1 1 94 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. ! On In Arrest. For Duty. Sick. Special DUTT. t . ^• rri € . fF !£: ,; e Jj O O O c ■o SI fP •a E s u e ■c o r O O 3 o p o •a 'y •C '3i •C 'm o c o 2 © o — o .- = - := o •d 0/ = = ^ - b S c e( o • — 61 C ~ •;; o C •r- o •< a. < O 2 c- < O •^ - 15 C E 93 Present Organization of the Company. Date of c Names. 6 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. < 25 ment. 1 William L. Pitcher Caj)tain Bangor Nov. 5 2 Albert L. Spencer 28 1st Lieut, do do 3 George F. Bourne 23 2d Lieut, do do 1 Edwin C. Libhev 28 Sergeant Rockland Nov. 28 Francis R Barlow 43 do Knox Nov. 9 3 Walter S. Goodale 22 do Bangor do 4 Moses F. Long 25 do BliiehiU do 5 Otis W. Friend 35 do do do 1 Francis P. Ingalls 27 Corporal Bluehill Nov. 9 2 Knoch Lurvev, Jr. 26 do Tremont do 3 Josiah H Emerson 47 do Swanville do 4 Gilbert F. Kane 28 do Ellswonh do 5 Henrv Braddock 27 do Knox do 6 Daniel W. Barker 18 do Levant do T Morris Leach 20 do Penobscot do 8 Andrew Grindle 40 do Bluehill do 1 •lohn Webster 32 Fifcr Bluehill '2 Robert G. Flandess 19, Drum'r Garland 238 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Ebenezer Whitcomb, Company I, Fourth Regiment Infantiy, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. FRANK P. EAMES, Orderly Sergeant. Names, COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Ebenezer Whitcomb, 2 Jabez B. Greenhalgh, 3 William E. Burgin. SERGEANTS. 1 .James N. Fowler, 2 Charles S. Bickmore, 3 Robert H. Gray, 4 James E. C. Sawyer, 5 J. M. Wiswcll. CORPORALS. 1 Frank P. Fames, 2 Benjamin T. Haynes, 3 Nelson P. Staples, 4 Benjamin Ames, 5 Levi Temple, 6 Isaac W. Baird, 7 Samuel C. Grant, 8 Daniel Carley. MUSICIANS. 1 Byron H. Wood, 2 Samuel H. Fames. WAGONER. 1 Robert Ames. PRIVATES. 1 Ames, Fisher 2 Bachelder, H. H. 3 Brown, Jeremiah 4 Blanchard, David 5 Benson, George L. 6 Clark, C. M. 7 Chase, Nathan 8 Cobb, A. A. 9 Colson, Oscar 10 Colson, Prentice 11 Crowley, Charles S. R. 12 Colson," Sandford H. 13 Carleton, Simon B. 14 Calderwood, H. D. 15 Dodge, Marcus N. 16 Dwelley, George W. 17 Doyle, Thomas 18 Donahoe, John 19 Downes, George H. 20 Emerson, Calvin 21 Eaton, Thomas B. 22 Fowler, John C. 23 Forbes, Frank 24 Gray, Christopher C. 25 Gray Clarendon W. 26 Gunn, Charles W. S. 27 Hunter, John L. 28 Hamilton, George W. 29 1 Haynes, Thomas B. 30[Heald, Otis • 31 Harriman, Joseph E. Residence. Searsport do do do do Stockton Searsport do do do Prospect Searsport Detroit Camden Frankfort Prospect Searsport Stockton Searsport Camden Swanville Searsport Plymouth Frankfort Searsport do do Stockton Frankfort Winterport do do Camden Searsport Winterport Searsport Bangor Plymouth Belfast Winterport Searsport Vassal bore' Stockton do Searsmont Searsport do do Camden Winterport Married Mustered or into Single. U.S.Ser. Married June 15 do do do do do do Single do Married do Single do do do Married do Single do Married do Single do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Sinu:le do do do Mairied do Single do Manied do Single do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do Married do 1 Sick. Where. In Camp Annapolis In Quarters Killed. When. APPENDIX D. 239 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the EBENEZER WHITCOMB, Captain. o Prisoners. Wlieu Deceased When. Disch'd. When. Remarks, fc Taken. 1 2 Appointed Adjutant 4th Maine, June 17. 3 Aug. 15 1 Appointed 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 15. 2 Transferred to I4th Maine, Nov. 30. 3 July 21 jEscaped from Manassas, Julv 28, app. 2d Lieut , Aug. 4 July 21 [15, recruiting in Maine. 5 Transferred to 14th Maine. 1 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, Nov. 29. 2 Aug. 31 3 Promoted to 3d Sergeant. 4 July 31 5 Sept. 27 Wounded badly. 6 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 29. 7 8 Detailed Assistant Commissary, July 15. 1 Promoted to 2d Sergeant, Nov. 29. 2 1 Drummer. 1 2 Sept. 9 3 Sept. 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sept. 9 Detailed Hospital Steward. 10 " Assistant " 11 12 13 14 15 16 Not heard from since battle of Bull Run. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Not heard from since July 21. 24 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 15. 25 26 27 28 29 Aug. 1 30 Not mustered in. 31 Transferred to 28th N. Y.. 240 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company I, Fourth Reg-iment, ( Continued.') 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4-2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 6,1 6-2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Names. Irving, William H. JiiUison, Lemuel B. Knowlton, George F. Kimball, George W. Kent, Edward E. Larnibee, Walter S. Lane, Silas H. Lowell, Edwin C. Libby, Hall J. Launder, Jacob A. Lothrop, Mellen \Iossman, Jonathan Matthews, Arthur D. MiUay, George A. Malony, Michael Meservey. J. S. Maddocics, Samuel C. Maddocks, Ephraim Moore, Elias B. Merrithew, A. J. Millano, Juan Murray, Albert Mudgett, Charles A. Merrithew, A. Nichols, Albert S. Porter, Frederick W. Pendleton, Lewis E. Patterson, George W. Pope, George W. Phinney, Charles A. Patten, John G. Parker, Charles P. Stevens, C. H. Staples, Alvah Snow, Benjamin F. Sidclinkcr, Rufus P. Sidelinker, Oliver P. Towers, John Trimble, James Tasker, Benjamin Towers, William S. Trivett, Roscoe Wood, Edw. W. Ward, John Wittham, Clifton Whittam, Charles P. Witham, Moses H. Smith, Samuel S. Roberts, Edw. L. Wood, Allen D. Dickey, Almond Residence. Vassalboro' Frankfort Camden Winterport Brewer Searsport Winterport Palmyra Bangor Corriniia St. Albans Searsport do Thomaston Searsport Camden Belfast do Frankfort Searsport Plymouth do Orono Green Island Searsport do Frankfort Belfast Winterport do Detroit St. Albans Searsport Prospect Orringtou Troy do Searsport do do do St. Albans Searsport do do do Plymouth 33 Bangor 21 Stockton 20 Plymouth 20 Stockton Married Mustered or into Single. U. S. Ser. Single June 15 do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do do do Married do Single do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do i do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Sinsile do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single Oct. I do Sept. 23 do do Sick. Where. Killed. When. Alexandria Camp Camp APPENDIX D. 241 Return of Company I, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.') i Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. When. IJisch'd. When. Remarks. 32 33 34 Promoted to 4th Sergeant, Aug. 15. 35 36 37 Sept. 9 38 39 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 15. 40 Transferred to 28tli N. Y. 41 4d Sept. 9 43 44 Not heard from since Julv 21. 45 Transferred to 28th N. Y'. 46 47 K Cll H a > c > CI £ c > c &ii en c c o o o c U :< c^ < O ^ p^ -^ o 2; Pm O ^ Bh < CJ ■^ Cl. O Z Cl < ■< 1 11 51 63 1 5 6 1 70 1 1 2 72 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. en < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 2 Eben. Whitcomb James N. Fowler 46 27 Captain 1 St Lieut. Searsport do June 15 Aug. 15 3 Robert H. Gray 27 2d Lieut. Stockton do 1 2 Frank P. Fames Byron H. Wood 36 24 Sergeant do Searsport do Nov. 29 do 3 Geo. F. Knowiton 24 do Camden Aug. 15 4 5 Nelson P. Staples Ivory W. Baird 35 25 do do Prospect Camden July 15 Aug. 15 1 2 Christopher C. Gray Samuel 0. Haddocks 25 22 Corporal do Stockton Belfast Aug. 15 do 3 Edward C. Lowell 21 do Palmyra do 4 Daniel Carley 18 do Prospect June 15 5 Elias B. Moore 22 do Frankfort Aug. 15 6 Chas. P. Parker 21 do St. Albans do 7 Albert S. Nichols 25 do iSearsport Nov. 1 8 Edward L. Koberts 21 do Stockton Nov. 10 2i4 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Silas M. Fuller, Company K, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have fifteenth day of June, 1861. SIMEON H. LARABEE, Orderly Sergeant. 1 Married Mustered o Names. 61 < Residence. or Single. into r;. S. Ser. Sick. "■" ' Where. Kuiea. When. COMMISSIOXED OFFICERS. 1 Silas M. Fuller, 42 Belfast ] Harried June 15 2 Alden D. Chase, 39 do do do 3 Horatio H. Carter. SERGEANTS. 38 do do do 1 Joseph L. Havener, 37 do do do 2 Benjamin Kelly, Jr. 27 do do do 3 Simeon H. Larrabee, 43 do do do 4 Amos B. Wooster, 26 do Single do 5 Solomon F. Walker. CORPORALS. 34 Winterport Married do 1 Fitz W. Gilbert, 30 Belfast do do 2 Charles Brown, 23 do Single do 3 William H. Witherly, 45 [^orthport Married do 4 Daniel II. Adams, 26 Thomaston do do 5 Sheridan F. Miller, 20 Belfast Single do 6 Alfred J. Stephenson, 43 do Married do In Camp 7 Andrew Herrin, 22 Augusta Single do 8 Job Clark. MUSICIANS. 39 Belfast Married do 1 Frederick J. Low, 18 Winterport Single do 2 Benjamin F. Young. WAGONER. 23 Lincolnville do do » • 1 William S. Baker. PRIVATES. 46 Belfiist Married do 1 Bisbee, Levi B. 33 do Married do 2 Baker, Edward 18 do Single do 3 Berry, Zethan 22 do Married do Supposed at 4 Burgess, George W. 26 do do do [home 5 Gates, Jediah C. Jr. 25 do Single do 6 Carter, Americus F. 28 do do do 7 Collins, Charles C. 19 do do do 8 Carroll, John 24 do do do 9 Currier, John C. 23 do do do 10 Dailey, Adelbert A. 19 Searsmont do do 11 Deane, James W. 27 Dover Married do In Camp 12 Deane, James E. 18 Belfast Single do 13 Doak, James E. 22 do do do •14 Doyle, John 22 do do do 15 Dunbar, Benjamin M. 24 do Married do 16 Fowler, Willard R. 23 do Single do 17 Gardner, William H. 18 do do do 18 Gannon, Michael 22 do Married do 19 Gordon, Epiiraim A. 21 Frankfort Sinsile do 20 Gallop, Edwin C. 21 Appleton do do 21 Gould, John F. 19 Belfast Marrieci do 22 Guptill, James II. 20 do Single do 23 Hall, Augustine 19 do do do 24 Havener, Jacob H. 19 do do do 23 Hawkins, Aurelius 21 Waldo do do 26 Hanscomb, Chas. W. 26 Winterport Marriec do 27 Hersev, Samuel S., Jr. 22 ! Belfast Sini^le do 2i Hibbard, Charles W. 20 Appleton do do 2? Johnson, John 0. 27 Belfast do do 3t ) Kimball, David H. 34 do Marriec do 31 King, William J. 19 do Single do APPENDIX D. 245 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the JOSEPH L. HAVENER, Captain. Prisoners. When taken. July 21 July 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Deceased. When. July 12 July 12 July I Bisrh'd. When. Remarks. Promoted to Major, Sept. 15. Resigned. Promoted to Captain, Sept. 15. " 1st Lieut., " " 1st Sergeant, Aug. 15. Reported dead of wounds. Promoted to Sergeant, Aug. 15. Transferred from Company H. Wounded at Bull Run. Promoted to 2d Lieut., Sept. 15. Absent since July 22. Transferred to band, June 16. Sept. 15 Auo;. 1 July 1 July 1 July 15 July 1 Transferred to band, June 16. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred to band, June 16. Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 15. 246 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company K, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued,^ 6 Names. 6 < ■21 Residence. iMarried Mustered or into Single. U. S.Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. VVlien. 32 Lewis, George W. Belfast Single June 15 33 McAchorn, Archibald 35 Thomas ton Married do 34 Moody, Dennis 22 Monroe Single 1 do 35 Xeallcy, James M. 42 Belfast Married, do In Camp 36 Xickerson, Aaron W. 21 do Single do 37 Nickerson, Sears 42 do Married do 38 Hanning, Elisha 31 do do do 39 Patterson, Alexis G. 26 do Single do 40 Patterson, Aurelius H. 19 do do do 41 Parker, Augustus A. 18 do do do 42 Perkins, James W. 34 do do do 43 Perkins, Silas M. 24 do Married do 44 Poor, Hoi lis M. A. 27 do Single do 45 Ray, Jaeob D. 26 Knox do do 46 Rairden, Michael 35 Belfast Married do 47 Redman, Edward D. 23 do do do 48 Rines, Joim A. 26 do do do 49 Richie, John C. 19 Winterport Single do 50 Robinson, John 21 Belfast do do 51 Rogers, Frederick H. 18 Bangor do do 52 Sawyer, John K. 32 Belfast do do 53 Robinson, Benj. F. 20 do Married do 54 Sherman, John F. 18 do Single do 55 Sleeper, Sherliurne A. 19 do do do 56 Smallev, James F. 20 do do do 57 Snowdell, Chas. T. 28 do Married do 58 Stuart, Solomon L. 23 do Single do 59 Toothaker, John A. 17 do do do 60 Tufts, William, 2d 27 do do do 61 Woodbury, Wm. H. 19 Belmont do do 62 Wilson, Augustus J. 20 Belfast do do 63 Wilson, Joseph B. 24 do Married do In Camp 64 Whitehead, Robert 21 do Single do 65 Ware, Horace L. 19 Northport do do 66 Young, Ezra 47 Belfast Married do 67 Young, George S. 21 do Single do 68 Cross, Daniel 21 Detroit do do 69 Naf^ale, Richard 33 Mirimachi do do 70 Smith, Geo. M. 20 Rockland do do 71 Welch, Charles 18 St. Albans do do 72 Ames, Wm. H. 18 Rockland do do 73 Burgess, Geo. W. 19 Belflist do Sept. 23 74 Burr, Benja. 22 Brewer do June 15 75 Copeland, John 39 Rockland Married do 76 Davis, Henry A. 20 Belfast Single Sept 23 77 Faylor, George 40 Thomaston Married June 15 78 Holmes, Hiram 18 Rockland Single \ do 79 Hilton, Alvin 18 Appleton do Sept. 23 In Camp 80 Gray, Adam M. 41 St. George Married June 15 81 Jackson, Ainasa 30 Rockland do do 82, Tackson, Samuel 31 do Single do 83 Johnson, Geo. F. 19 Windham do do 84; Merrick, Isaiah B. 23 Newport do do 85: Palmer, Fred. L. 18 Monroe do Sept. 23 86 Seamore, John J. 40 Rockland Married June 1 5 87 Young, Seth M. 26 Lincolnville Single 1 do 88| Young, Eleazor J. 18| do do do APPENDIX D. 24r Return of Compamj K, Fourth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Prisoners. Deceased. Disch'd. c When Taken. When. When. Remarks. 32 Sept. 5 33 Sept. 5 34 35 36 37 Promoted to Corporal, July 1 . Promoted to Corporal, Aug:. IS. 38 39 Nov. 18 Wounded mortally by accident. 40 Oct. 25 41 A O 4J 43 44 Transferred to band, June 16. 45 46 47 AH Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 15. 4o 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 July 1 57 Discharged, en route to Washington. 58 59 60 61 62 Sept. 5 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Transferred from Company H. 73 Recruit from Maine. 74 75 76 Transferred from Company H. Recruit. 77 Transferred from Company H. 78 " " " 79 Recruit. 80 81 Tran.sferred from Company H. 82 „ 83 tl it u u 84 A. • 85 Recruit. 86 87 88 Transferred from Company H. (( <( « n 248 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company K, Fourth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. no- Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. charged, serted. i Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 3 .59 2 6 1 1 2 1 13 1 4 6 15 3 83 Total 76 8 2 16 1 5 107 Condensed Morning Report, Decemher \st, 1861. For Duty. 3 1 1 60 74 2 6 On Special Duty. In Arrest. t C ft: O fF •a O 5 o E c o — O £: c O •& 83 Absent. On Special Service. 1 84 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. tt Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. fr. < 37 nient. 1 Joseph L. Havener Captain Belfast Sept. 15 2 Benjamin Kelley, Jr. 27 1st Lieut. do do [Bull Run. 3 Levi B. Bisbee 33 2d Lieut. do do Slightly wounded at IDaniel H. Adams 26 Sergeant Thomaston Nov. 1 2 Amos B. Woostcr 26 do Belfast 3 Fitz W. Gilbert 30 do do Aug. 15 4 Charles Brown 23 do do do 5 Simeon H. Larrabee 43 do do do 1 Sheridan F. Miller 20 Corporal Belfast 2 Alfred J. Stephenson 43 do do 3 Andrew Herrin 22 do Augusta 4 Job Clark 39 do Bclfest 5 James M. Ncallcy 4-2 do do Julv 1 6 David H. Kimball 34 do do Aug. 15 [Run. slightlv. 7 Edw. D. Kedman 23 do do do Wounded at Bull 8 Scars Nickerson 42 do do do 1 Fred. J. Low 18 Dnim'r Winterport [Company H, 2 Benjamin F. Young 23 Filer Lincoluville Transferred from 1 William S. Baker 46 Wagoner Belfast APPENDIX D. 249 FIFTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Fifth Regiment Infantry,, Maine Volmdecrs, showing changes which have taken plaee by promotioti, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States to December 1, 1861. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Appoint- ment. Remarks. Mark H. Bunnell Colonel Portland May 22, 1861 Resigned. Edwin lUsley Lieut. -Colonel Lewiston do Resigned. S. C. Hamilton Major Biddeford do Resigned. Chas. S. Whitman Adjutant Portland May 27, 1861 Benj. S. Buxton Surgeon Warren June 21, 1861 Taken prisoner. Re- Francis G.Warren Asst.-Surgeon Biddeford do [leased on parole. John S. Merrill Quartermaster Gorham May 31, 1861 Resigned. John N. Adams Chaplain Portland June 1, 1861 [tant 13th Regt. Fredrick Speed Sergt. -Major. Gorham Promoted to Adju- Adelbert B. Twitchell Quar.-Sergt. Bethel Prom. to Lieut. 5th Benj. Freeman Com'y-Sergt. do Discharged. [Battery. William S. Noyes Hosp. Steward Saco Prisoner, Bull Run. REGIMENTAL BAND. =?*S= Jonathan Cole Leader Chas. G. Young Musician Edward N. Cobb do Edward M. Gammon do James A. Leavitt do Saml. F. Parcher do James Dickinson do Danl. H. Holman do Daniel P. Larry do Levi B. Tibbetts do Danl. M. Wescott do Ezekiel York do Wm. H. Boardman do Francis A. Cloudman do Horace Cole do Chas. F. Cleaves do Joseph W. Doughty do James Evans, Jr. do James M. Fernald do James H. Shannon do John W. Thompson do Luther Wiswall, Jr. do Chas. D. Barrett do Warren Hume do 17 Residence. Portland do do do do Saco Biddeford do Gorham Biddeford Gorham Biddeford do Windham Norway Biddeford Windham Hiram Houlton Biddeford Hartford Windham Portland Lewiston Date of Muster into U. S. Serv. June 24,1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 861 Remarks. Deceased, July 26. Transferred from Co. C. Transferred from Co. B. Transferred from Co. F. do Transferred from Co. E. Transferred from Co. A. Transferred from Co. H. do do Transferred from Co. K. Transferred from Co. A. 250 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Henry R. Millett, Company A, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. JOHN C. SUMMERSIDES, Ord. Sergeant. Married Mustered Sick. Killed. c Names, u <_ Residence* or Single. into U.S.Ser. Where. When. C03I.MIS3IONED OFFICERS- 1 Josiah Heald, 38 Gorham Married June 24 2 William Merrill, 28 do do do Gorham 3 John S. Merrill. SERGEANTS. 36 do do do 1 Henry R. Millett, 28 Palmyra Single do 2 JohnO. Winship, 22 Gorham do do 3 Charles H. Patrick, 24 do do do 4 George D. Beck, 25 do — Married do 5 John L. Haskell. CORPORALS. 23 do do do 1 Noah Ladd, 23 do do do 2 .John C. Suramcrsides, 29 do do do 3 \Vm. B. McAlister, 24 Brunswick Single do 4 Frank W. Smith, 18 Gorham do do 5 George W. Munson, 23 Hollis do do 6 Edward S. Gilman, 29 Gorham Married do 7 •Joseph Wight, 39; do do do 8 Osgood "W. Rogers. MUSICIANS. 21! Windham Single do 1 William H. Boyd, 24 Gorham Married do 2 David Smith. WAGONER. 28} do i do do 1 Charles H. Stuart. PRIVATES. 27 Standish ! Wid'w'r do •1 Bumpus, Morris 26 Hebron Single do 2 Burnell, James B. 20 Gorham do do 3 Bradeen, Marquis W. 20 Limington do do 4 Buck, Theodore E. 19 Gorham do do 5 BeiTy, Robert 19 Carthage do do Hospital 6 Bangs, Leeman J. 23 Farmington do do 7 Brackett, Richard 0. 22 Westbrook do do 8 Clark, Sargent 17 Limington do do 9 Chadbourne, Albra 17 AVaterboro' do do 10 Cilley, Oliver 25 Gorham Married do 11 Coolbroth, George 22 Scarboro' Single do 12 Crockett, David S. 18 Westbrook do do 13 Dutfy, Peter 19 Gorham do do 14 Darling, George L. 17 do do do 1.5 DouglUy, Joseph M. 30 Windham Married do 16 Edwards, Richmond 24 Gorham Single do 17 Klder, Alonzo S. 20: do do do 18 Edwards, Charles M. 181 do do do 19 Elwell, Charles H. 20 ! do do do 20 Koss, Alonzo E. 23 Limington do do 21 Farwell, Walter H. 18 Gorham do do 22 Frink, Isaac N. 18 do do do 2?, Gilman, Samuel T. 30 Denmark Married do 24 Gilbert, Albert 18 Gorham Single do 2.T Harmon, James F. 19 do do do 26 Hyde, John L. 23 Limington do do 27 Hill, Frederic 18 Saco do do 28 Harmon, Joseph D. 20 Gorham do do Alex. Hosp. 29 Hall. Levi 29 do do do Sr Hatch, Christopher C. 27 C. Elizabeth do do Hospital 31 Hooper, Clinton B. 21 Windham do do do APPENDIX D. 251 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the HENRY R. MILLETT, Captain. Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Aug. 9 July 28 Julys July 30 Sept. 6 Aug. 18 Oct. 23 Aug. 1 July 29 Remarks, Resigned. On leave of absence on account of sickness Resigned. Promoted to Captain, Aug. 6. Appointed 1st Sergeant, June 1. Deserted July 26, from Alexandria. Promoted 1st Sergeant, July 28. Deserted July 26 from Alexandria. Promoted Sergeant, July 26. " 28. Transferred to Non-Com. Staff. Sept. 29 Transferred to band 5th Regt. Promoted to Corporal, July 30. Promoted to Corporal, July 28. 252 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company A, Fifth Regiment, (^Continued.') i Names. Hanl}^, Francis E. i < Residence. Married or Single. Mustered into U.S.Ser. Pick. Where. Killed. When. 3-2 21 Westbrook Single June 24 Hospital 33 Libby, Henry 25 Standish do do 34 Libby, Cyrus L. 19 Gorhara do do 35 Linscott, Isaac 21 Cornish do do 3C Lord, Frank 24 Gorham do do 37 Lowell, Alfred 0. 19. Portland do do 38 Martin, Marshall 22 Gorham Married do 39 Merritt, George H. 22 do Single do 40 MePliee, Francis 23 do do do 41 McKenney, James 20 Sebago do do 42 McClintock, Albert B. 19 Limington do do 43 Newell, Henry H. 20 Gorham do do 44 Xewcomb, Oliver 19 Limington do do 45 Palmer, Nathan 19 HoUis do do 46 Plummer, Robert 1 8 Gorham do do 47 Phinney, Edward B. 32 i do do do 48 Plaisted, Byrom G. 19 Limington do do 49 Phinney, William C. 26 Westbrook Married do 50 Quint, Ira A. 19 Brownfield Single do 51 Rogers, John 19 Windham do do 52 Rolfe, Emery 1 7 Gorham do do Alex.Hosp. 53 Reed, George S. 45 do Married do 54 Sias, Horace 17 do Sintjle do 55 Staples, Moses M. 21 'Baldwin do do 56 Sanborn, John W. 26 Standish do do In Quarters 57 Shaw, Almon 19, Windham do do 58 Shaw, Chauncey C. 26 Gorham Married do 59 Smith, Silas M. 25 do Single do In Hospital 60 Stackpole, Augustus J. 24' do do do 61 Shackford, Theodore 17] do do do 62 Strout, Augustus J. 18 Standish do do 63 Stackpole, Edwin 19 N. Yarmouth do do 64 Tufts, James B. 19 Limington do do 65 Thompson, Nathan N. 19 Waterboro' do do 66 Tufts, Alvan V. 24 Cornish do do 67 Wood, Charles M. 19 Gorham do do 68 Watson, Timothy B. 19 Limerick do do In Hospital 69 Whitney, Alfred 33 Sel)ago Married do 70 Wiswell, Luther, Jr. 23 Windham do do 71 Wheeler, Charles H. 18 do Single do 72 Winslow, Josiah 27 Casco do do 73 Welch, Sewall 21 Standish do do 74 Wentworth, Horatio 20 Gorham do do 75 Westcott, William F. 32 do Married do In Quarters 76 Wood, Warren H. 30 Buxton Single do do 77 Spaulding, James G. 26 Buckfield Married June 26 78 Quimby, Clement 18 Waterford Single Nov. 22 79 Johnson, Charles W. 1 9 Portland do do 80 McCluskey, John 16 Benton do do 81 Hatch, Franklin N. 16 Sanford do do 82 Wormwood, Charles P. 22 HoUis do June 24 83 Speed, Frederick f Gorham do do APPENDIX D. 253 Return of Company A, Fifth Regiment^ ( Continued.^ Prisoners, ^^^^^^^g^, ^'"'" When g^ Taken. »^"en. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72| 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 July 21 Disch'd. When. Nov. 28 Oct. 3 Sept. 6 Detailed as nurse at the Annapolis hospital. Deserted July 26, at Alexandria. Deserted July 21, from Bull Run. Promoted to Corporal, July 26. Promoted to Corporal, July 30. Deserted July 24, from hospital, Washington. Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1. Promoted to Corporal, July 26. Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 18. Worthless. Deserted .July 6, at Alexandria. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred to band 5th Regt. Deserted July 26, at Alexandria. Deserted July 24, from Columbia Hospital, Wash'n. Appointed Drummer, Co. A. Detailed as nurse in hospital. Nov. 15 Appointed 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 27. Resigned. Aug. 19 Oct. 3 Aug. 1 254 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company A, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. ^ I «'«=^- Killed.^"-- Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 6 2 52 1 11 1 1 2 5 10 2 6 1 2 3 13 3 83 Total 60 12 1 1 17 8 3 102 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. 1 11 49 61 Sick. ^i£ Special Duty. In Arrest. O 12; On Special Service. 3 72 Present Organization of the Company. — Date of 6 Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. K < ment. 1 Henry R. Milleit 28 Captain Palmvra Aug. 14 Prom, from Serg't. 2 3 William Menill 28 1st Lieut. Gorhara April 27 Absent. Sick. 1 John C. Summersicles 29 IstSerg't Gorham July 28 2 Charles H. Patrick 24 Sergeant do April 27 3 .John L. Haskell 33 do do do 4 Joseph Wight 39 do do Jidv 26 5 Osgood W. Rogers 21 do Windham July 28 1 Richmond Edwards 24 Corporal Gorham 2 John L. Hyde 23 do Limington 3 George S. Reed 45 do Gorham 4 Chauncv C. Shaw 26 do do .5 Edwin B. Phinnev 32 do do 6 William C. Phinney 26 do Westbrook 256 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Lewis B. Goodwin, Company B, Fiftli Ecoiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1S61, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. CHARLES B. DEXTER, Ord. Serg't. ■ ^tf" ■ .1 Married Mustered i Names. Residence. or Single. into U S.Ser. Sick. Wiiere. Killed. When. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Lewis B. Goodwin, SelBiddeford Married June 24 2 Robert M. Stevens, 30 do Single do 3 Samuel H. Pillsbury. SERGEANTS. 26 do Married do 1 Charles B. Dexter, 23 do do do 2 John D. Ladd, 23 do Single do 3 Samuel B. Brackett, 22 do do 4 Charles P. Foster, 24 do Married 5 Moses T. Sampson. CORPORALS. 24 do do 1 Walter Foss, 24 do Married do 2 Henry F. Davis, 26 do do do 3 OHver H. Mclntire, 29 do do do 4 George W. Nason, 20 do Sintrle do 5 Arthur Ricker, 25 do do do ^ 6 Charles H. Wallace, 23 do Married do n t George W. Morrison, 21 do do do 8 Nicholas R. Lougee. MUSICIANS. 22 do Single do 1 William H. Parsons, 27 do Married do • 2 Ezekiel York. WACiOXER. 40 do do do 1 Frank Wads worth. PRIVATES. 24 do do do 1 Adams, Israel 22 do Single do 2 Adams, Oliver B. 23 do do do 3 Adams, Jesse W. 22 Kennebunkp't do do 4 Appleton, Thomas W. 27 'Acton Married do 5 Ayer, Charles H. 19 Biddeford Single do 6 Bacon, George W. 27 do do do 7 Bean, Aaron H. 18 do do do 8 Berry, Cyrus 18 do fN. H. do do 9 Blake. James 33 Salmon Falls, Married do 10 Butler, Wentworth 24 Biddeford Sinole do 11 Burnham, Charles M. 21 do do do 12 Brackett, Peter 23 do do do 13 Brown, Charles H. 19 do do do 14 Chapman, Charles F. 20 do do 15 Chadbourne, Horace K. 23 do Married do 16 Cousins, Prentiss M. 23 do do do 17 Davis, Thomas 20 do Single do 18 Dearborn, George E. 26 do Married do 19 Dearborn, Henry A. 24 do Single do 20 Edson, John 21 do do do 21 Elliott, Joseph 19 do do do oo Elliott, Timothy 18 do do do Alexandria 23 Emci-sou, Charles A. 18 do do do 24 Frost, William H. 21 do do do 25 Garvin, Edwin 20 do do do 26 Getchell, James 18 do do do 27 Gilman, Joseph M. 33 do Married do Alexandria 28 Goodwin, John W. 26 do do do 29 Goodwin, Sumner L. 24 do do do 30 Hanson, Moses W. 32 do do do 31 Henry, Thomas 23 do Single do APPENDIX D. 257 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the Lieut. ROBERT M. STEVENS, Commanding. Prisoners, When taken. Deceased. When. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Disch'd. When. Sept. 20 Remarks. Resigned, unable to do duty. July 31 Oct. 8 July 31 Aug. 3 Sept. 24 Promoted to 5th Sergeant, Aug. 1. Deserted Sept. 24. Worthless. Deserted July 23. Transferred to the Band. Promoted to Corporal, July 15. Deserted July 23. Deserted July 23. Not mustered in. Deserted Sept. 26. Deserted Sept. 17. Worthless. Deserted July 23. 258 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company B, Fifth Regiment, ( Cotiti7iued.') Names. Hodgdon, Billings Horton, Roswell C. Hooper, Samuel 35!Hutchings, Robert C. selHussey, Daniel 37 {Jeffrey, Jesse 38 j Jordan, Joseph 39jKelley, Jeremiah 40 Larrabee, Charles F. 41 Libby, John F. 42lLinscott, John 43|Littlefield, Junius W, 44 Littlefield, Jesse L. Maxim, William D. Moran, John E. Meserve, Edwin McCabe, John 49 Moore, Elliot 50] Murphy, Alvin B. 51 'Murphy, William D. 52lNesbitt, John F. SslNesbitt, Frederick D. 54 Paine, Theodore H. 55 Page, Josiah 56 Polly, George A. 57 1 Roberts, Milton T. Robbins, Albert F. Scribner, Samuel E. Smith, Horace P. Smith, Lewis H. Small, Charles S. Spencer, George G. 64J Stevens, James 65' Stevens, William 66lTarbox, Warren R. 67 Walker, Otis 68 Webber, Albert 69 Whitten, Scth S. 70 Wilkinson, Aaron B. 71 Willey, Jacob O. 72 York, Rish worth J. 73 Babb, Joseph H. 74 1 Noble, William T. 75iWadlin, Melvin T. 76jMcIntire, John H. 77 Libby, Charles O. 78 Harper, John 79 1 Sullivan, Jerry Residence. 24;Biddeford 19 Dexter 33,MiltonN. H. 20 Biddeford 20 Acton • 19 Kennebunkp't do do Biddeford do do Dexter Biddeford do do do do Buxton 2o! Biddeford 271 do do do do Milton, N. H, Biddeford do do do do do do do do do do do do do Effingham,N Married or Single. Mustered into U. S. Ser. 18 Biddeford do Westbrook Biddeford do do do Dexter Biddeford Married Single Married Single do do Married do Single do do do do do do do Married Single do do do do do do do do do Married Single Married do do do do Single do do Married Single do Married do Single Married Single do do Man-ied June 24 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick. Where. Killed. Wlien. Alexandria APPENDIX D. 259 Return of Company B, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') Prisoners. When taken Deceased. Wlien. Aug. 3 Disch'd. When. Deserted July 23. Deserted Sept. 24. Nov. 14 Aug. 3 Oct. 8 Remarks. Promoled to Corporal, Nov. 1. Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 12. Deserted July 23. Deserted Sept. 26. Oct. 8 Sept. 14 Deserted -Tnlv 23. Desened Sept 17. Sirk Iwo moulii- previous. 260 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company B, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased, charged. serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Noii-Com. Officers Mitsicians & Wagoner Privates 2 10 55 3 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 13 1 3 13 3 80 Total 67 3 1 1 1 11 15 1 2 99 Gondensed Morning Report, Decemher \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Dutt. Sick. Special Sick. Special DuTy. Service. i k* (U i i g .a •< m fF en £ r/ ii: 01 fF m !E a- C o s O O O o C !E ■a !E ■c fi •a e ■a fR •a ^ 1 O s O c O o o s o o O fe e •n •a •a ■a 111 ■n na 'm J2 © •— E B •r^ c .» Pu S E •^ Bh _o e S 'i S. _o C _o fa s £ •i o S £ £ £ S o U £ H O s. gl'i O c o 9 be is 9 'i o u fi > 61 c > Bil S > H > h a > 1- s > er o o o c 61 5 o n o ti o o c O c O n > to £ O s > s o > ec E F > E F 9 a M £ 6t o c o o bu c c O K CL < O Z P. < u li cu u «5 B. < u i5 B. 6 •A fri < < 2 12 42 56 1 1 11 13 3 2 74 74 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. e < 22 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks, 1 David S. Barrows Captain Saco Aug. 15 2 Abel C. F. Stevens 24 1st Lieut. do do 3 William H. Shaw 21 2d Lieut. do Aug. 26 1 Albert F. Lane 19 Sergeant Saco Aug. 26 2 Daniel Sanborn 22 do do April 27 3 Benja. F. Leavitt 26 do do Aug. 26 4 Edward C. Chadbourne 23 do do do 5 Charles W. Mitchell 22 do Stowe do 1 James 0. Patrick 25 Corporal Saco Aug. 26 2 Elhridge G. Bradbury 23 do do do 3 Elestus S. Worraell 23 do do do 4 Ivory Littl.. field 24 do do Oct. 29 5 Stephen P. Gowen 44 do do Aug. 26 6 Martin Hughes 23 do Portland Aug. 15 7 Ciiarles Picker 23 do Saco Dec. 6 8 James Cole 32 do do Nov. 29 268 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Edward W. Thompson, Company D, Fifth Kegiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. A. D. HUTCHINSON, Orderly Sergeant. . Married Mustered Sick. Killed. o Names. Residence. or inlo Where. When. 5_ < Single. U.S.Ser. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Edward W. Thompson, 25 Brunswick Single June 24 2 George B. Kenniston, 24:Boothbay do do 3 Charles H. Small. SERGEANTS. 32 Topsham Married do 1 JiresW. Owen, Jr., 23 Bi-unswick do do 2 John J. Smith, 20 Topsham Single do Topsham 3 Albion D. Hutchinson, 25 Brunswick do do 4 Lewis H. Lunt, 29 do do do 5 William F. McQuestion. CORPORALS. 21 Rockport, Ms. do do 1 Benjamin F. Whitten, 25 Topsham do do 2 Emery P. Blondell, 28 do do do 3 John H. French, 23 Brunswick do do 4 Charles A. Clough, 35 Topsham Married do 5 William C. Moody, 26 Brunswick do do 6 Stephen W. Hatch, 21 Bowdoinham Single do 7 Horace U- Berry, , 26 [Woodstock do do Portland 8 Jame.s Blaisdell. igJBrunswick do do MUSICIANS. 1 William H. Hall, 29 N. Gloucester Married do 2 George L. Harmon. WAGONER. 22 Brunswick Single do 1 Amos E. Lapham. 24 Bethel do do PRIVATES. 1 Alexander, Randall T. 23 Topsham do do 2 Abbott, Philip 44 Woodstock Married do 3 Berry, George 21 Rockport, Ms. Single do 4 Brown, James, Jr. 36 Portland do do 5 Cobbett, Alfred L. 44, Brunswick Married do 6 Colby, George L. 33 Topsham Single do 7 Colby, John P. 19, Brunswick do do 8 Conner, James 23 Bath do do 9 Cotton, Henry 20 Andover do do 10 Cobb, Edwin 18 Limerick do do 11 Crough, Daniel 18|Biddeford do do 12 Coburn, Charles M. 21 Rockport, Ms. Married do 13 Doughty, Isaac 22 Brunswick do do 14 Dunlap, Charles L. 19 do Single do 1,5 Dunning, Orlando 18 do do do 16 Eastman, Orlando H. 22 Mexico do do 17 Eastman, Martin V. 27 do Married do 18 Eastman, Zadoc G. 34 do do do 19 Fabiitn, Antony 22,Biddcford Single do 20 Few, Robert 22 Brunswick Married do 21 Fox, David M. 37 Porter do do 22 Fox, Lorenzo D. 22 Rockport, Ms. Single do 23 Farrow, Henry 24 do Married do 24 Godfrey, James 25 Portland do do 25 Goldsmith, Charles B. 27|Brunswick Single do 26 Hamlin, William 20 Bowdoinham do do 27 Haley, James A. 21|Topsham do • do 28 Hasset, Lawrence 20 Lewiston do do 29 Haley, Alonzo 23 1 Topsham do do 30 Harrington, Ai C, 19l do do do 31 Hodgdon, Daniel R. 30 Brunswick Married do APPENDIX D. 269 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the CHARLES H. SMALL, Captain. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 21 Prisoners. When taken. July 21 Deceased. When. Sept. 14 Aug. 20 Disch'd. When. Sept. 11 Oct. 3 July 2 July 21 Aug. 1 Remarks. Resigned. Confined at Richmond. Appointed Captain, October 7. Consumption. Deserted June 24, now in 9th Maine Volunteers. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to 3d Sergeant, August 20. Not heard from since leaving Maine. Promoted to 4th Sergeant, August 15. Promoted Fife Major, June 25. Deserted, June 26. Worthless. At Alexandria of consumption. Deserted, September 12. Promoted Corporal, September 1 . Confined at Richmond. Confined at Richmond. Promoted Corporal, June 26. Promoted Corporal, June 23. 270 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company D, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. 32 Howland, James E. 33 Hatch, Stephen D. 34 Hamblen, Arthur M. 35 Jewett, Thomas 36 Jolmson, Samuel L. 37 Keay, John H. 38 Kerr, James 39 Kennerson, Ithiel H. 40 Lubee, William 41 Maloney, John 42 Marriner, Charles E. 43 McLauiin, John 44 MeClay, Thomas 45 Miller, Samuel 46 Morse, William D. 47 Mason, Stillman L. 48 Parsons, Thomas F. 49 Perkins, Stephen A. 50'Rackliff, Nathaniel 5l|Stront, Charles W. 52! Stone, Charles E. 53 Smith, Jefferson 54| Staples, Elbridge B. 55 Stowell, Joseph H. 56! Stuart, Thomas 57]Stover, Nathan 58|Sloman, Albion 59j Smith, Sewall eOiTavlor, Eugene Gl'Tuttle, Thomas 6-2iVickery, Albert 6'^ Vickery, Charles B. 64 Warren, Jere 65 Weleh, Morris 66 Willis, John ■ 67 Work, Oscar 0. 68 Whitney, Durham 69 Wallace, Otis W. 70 Davis, Jacob TljSomers, Israel E. 72JAspeal, James 73 Taylor, Ciiarles 74 Manning, Charles 75 Coffin, Simeon 76 Coffin, James W. 77 Croswell, James 78 Trufant, Adam 0. 79 Beard, Charles 80 Clark, Daniel C o u _< 18 22 Residence. Married (ir Single. Mustered into U. S. Ser. June 24 do Sick. 1 Where. Killed. When. Topsham Bowdoinham Single do 28 23 Rockport, Ms. Rockland do do do do 20 Brunswick do do 18 do do do 27 Compton, C.E. do do 21 Bethel do do 21 Brnnswick do do 19 Limington do do 22 Topsham do do 26 Springtield Married do 25 Brunswick Single do 20 do do do 19 Bowdoinham do do 22 Rockport, Ms. do do 23 do do do 22 do do do 24 Brunswick Married do 18 do Single do 27 do Married do / 19 do Single do 24 Topsham do do ' 22 Portland do do 28 Topsham Married do 18 Lovell Single do 18 19 Rockport, Ms. Rumtbrd do do do do 18 Andover do do 19 Durham do do 18 Brunswick do do 22 do do do 20 Biddeford do do 20 do do do 18 do do do 19 22 Topsham Brunswick do Married do do 24 26 Rockport, Ms. Portland do do do do 23 Biddeford do do 33 Portland do do 24 do Single do 25 Lewiston do do 25 Brunswick Married do 21 do do do 18 do Single do 19 22 Topsham Moscow do do do do ; 20 Portland do Oct. 7 1 APPENDIX D. 271 Return of Company D, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.) Prisoners. Deceased. When v^,^en. taken. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 July 21 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Discli'd. When. Oct. 3 Nov. 7 Sept. 8 Aug. 1 Sept. 4 Oct. 3. Nov. 17 Oct. 3 Remarks. Deserted, July 25. Worthless. Nov. 15 Sept. 8 Sept. 4 Confined at Eichmond. Deserted, June 28. Worthless. Accidentally shot, September 17. Appointed 2d Lieutenant, October 7. 2T2 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company D, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- TrnTio- Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. era. seried. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 1 8 3 50 2 9 1 1 3 1 1 1 13 1 4 3 13 3 80 Total 62 11 ! 5 1 i 15 5 99 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Ae sent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. c IB =5 i }H £ 2 £ < • (F 2 e rn e iS !E tr F. o o o o o o B IP ■s !E ■a !i= (F -a « iE •c (F •M O C O s O ^ O a i; O o C c 5 •c •n ■a 05 •o ^ a — .« s •— s s •— E c — w £ B . 2 _o _o S » _c .2 1 o S a u C c s > bi H c h B > er. bli o 6(1 n o o ■;: r. r. O y. e; 0. < o ^ Cm < U t^ a- O •>c ^ < O i5 P. O & P. < < 2 10 44 56 2 8 10 3 69 2 1 1 3 73 Present Organization of the Company. Date of c Names. i Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. S5 < ment. 1 Chas. H. Small 32 Captain Topsham Oct. 7 2 Geo. B. Kenniston 24 1st Lieut. Boothbay 3 Danl. C. Clark 20 2d Lieut. Portland Oct 7 1 Albion T>. Hutchinson 25 Sergeant Brunswick June 24 2 Lewis H. Lunt 29 do do do 3 Wm. T. McQuestion 21 do Eockport, Ms. do 4 Wm. C. Moodv 26 do Brunswick Aug. 20 5 James Blaisdell 19 do do Aug. 15 1 Emery P. Blondell 28 Corporal Topsham June 24 2;Chas. A. Cloiish 30 do do do 3 Stephen W. Hatch 21 do Bowdoinham do 4|Alonzo Haley 23 do Topsham June 26 5 Daniel K. Hodgdon 30 do Brunswick do 6 John McLaughlin 26 do Springfield Aug. 15 7|Rol)ert Few 22 do Brunswick Sept. 1 8 Saml. L. Johnson 20 do do Dec. 9 274 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Ketiirn of Capt. Emery W. Sawyer, Company E, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. JOHN H. STEVENS, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Emery W. Sawyer, JAaron S. Daggett, Charles S. Whitman. SERGEANTS. Frank L. Lcmont, Norris Littlefield, Edward M. Kobinson, Frederick Haves, Jr. John B. Bailey, CORPOK.VLS. Leander Prentice, John A. Lane, Washington Ellis, Henry L. Tibbetts, John H. Stevens, Charles B. Keith, James H. Bailey, 8 Isaac G. Jordan, MUSICIANS. 1 Samuel M. Thomas, 2 Horace Cole. WAGONER. 1 E. S. Litchfield. PRIVATES. 1 Adley, Alonzo 2 Allen, Osliorn 3 Atwood, Rodney B. 4 Barker, Charles A. 5 Bodge, Cliarles H. 6 Blithen, Isaac A. 7 Casey, John 8 Cummings, Silas R. 9 Chase, Abraham 10 Carpenter, Harrison 11 Dillingham, Bainbridge 12 Delano, Charles G. 13 Dresser, David D. 14 Day, Francis 1.5 Day, Jeremiah 16 Dennison, Joseph T. 17 Edwards, Collins 18 Estes, Henry P. 19 Frost, B Franklin 20 Foss, Aim on L. 21 French, John S. 22 Getchell, Albion 23 Green, Charles E. 24 Gay, George 2.5 Holt, Artemas C 26 Holland, Adelbert H. 27 Harvey, Daniel 28 Harmon, Edward P. 29 Haskell, Nathaniel 30 Hatch, Samuel O. 31 Higgins, James C. Residence. Lisbon Greene Portland Lewiston do Anson Berwick Auburn Lewiston do Lisbon Wellington Acton Auburn Brunswick Lewiston Durham Norway Lewiston Lewiston Durham N. Gloucester Lewiston do Lisbon Canton Lisbon Farmington Leeds Durham Rum ford Greene'^ [Y. Kinderhook,N. Concord, N. H. Dixfield Peru 32 1 Lewiston 22 Durham 34 [Leeds 24 Durham 44 Lewiston 23 do 2o! Durham 22* Lewiston 21 1 Albion 21 Farmington 22 Littleton 21 Farmington 19! Canton 22 Lisbon Married Mustered or into Single. Married U. S. Ser. June 24 Single do do do do do Married do do do Single do Married do Single do Married do do do do do Single do do do Married do do do Single do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do Married do Single do Married do iSingle do Married do Single do do do do do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do Sick. Where. Alexandria Annapolis Alexandria Washington Alexandria Killed. When. July 17 APPENDIX D. 275 stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the AARON S. DAGGETT, Captain. Prisoners. When taken. Deceased. When. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 24 25 26ljul7 21 27 28 29 1 30 1 311 Disch'd. When. Aug. 7 Aug. 15 Oct. 3 Aug. 26 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Resigned. Promoted to Captain, August 15. Resigned. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, August 15. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, August 15. Promoted to 4th Sergeant, November 1. Promoted to 1st Sergeant, September 1. Sept.28 Oct. 3 Remarks. Oct. 3 Transferred to Band. Not mustered in. Shot by accident. Buried near Centreville. Promoted to Coporal, September 1 . Deserted, June 24. Worthless. " July 23. " June 26. « Promoted to 3d Sergeant, September 1. Deserted, July 23. Worthless. Not mustered in. Confined at New Orleans. Promoted to Corporal, September 1. Transferred to Drum Corps, November 1. '• " " September 1. 276 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. 32 Hicrgins, Thomas 33 Hamilton, George H. 34 Jones, Clifton 35 Jones, Charles E. 36 Jones, David H. 37 [Jones, Rutilius T. 38 Jordan, Wilmot P. 39 i Kimball, Horace E. 40 Keene, Warren 41JLothrop, Lucius L. 42|Littlefield, Luther 43 Laugh ton, Lee W. 44 Larrabee, William H. 45 Libhy, James M. 46 'Murphy, Henry 47jManley, Luther C. 48'Maloney, James 49|Moore, 'William C. 50JMoulton, Walter A. 5liMoody, Horace H. 52 Marks, Levi 53 Mason, Thomas H. 54 McCove, Henry 55JPurington, James G. 56 Pease, Benjamin H. 57 j Robinson, Alvin 58! Robinson, Scott W. 0. 59 1 Roberts, Seth 60' Randall, Isaiah 61, Ross, Albion 62 Sheehane, Daniel 63 j Stevens, Cyrenus P. 64| Stuart, Warren D. 65 Sutherland, Daniel 66 Small, David 67 [Turns, George E. 68 Thompson, Otis S. 69 Verrill, John L. 70;Waterman, Charles N. 7ltVVhitttngton, Henry 72 Ward, John F. 73 Ward, Thomas 74 Wedgcwood, Thomas S. 75 Yeaton, Isaac C Kelley, Thomas H. Bryant, Preston R. Residence. Lcwiston do Canton Turner Auburn Canton Bangor Lewiston Limerick Lewiston do do do Limerick Norridgewock Auburn Lewiston Augusta Lewiston Durham Lewiston do do Lisbon Vassalboro' Canton Sumner Peru Lewiston Bowdoinham Lewiston Greene Litchfield Durham Danville Manchester Farmington Poland Durham Lewiston Topsham Lewiston Litchfield Farmington Canton Auburn Married Mustered or into Single. Single U. S. Ser. June 24 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do Married do do do Single do do do do do do do do Married do Single do Married do do do Single do do do Married do Single do do do do do Married do Single do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Married do Single do Sick. Wliere. Killed. When. Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria APPENDIX D. 277 Return of Company E, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') c Prisoners. When Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. ^ taken. 32 Oct. 3 33 34 35 36 37 Deserted, July 23. "Worthless. 38 39 40 Aug. 10 41 42 43 At home on furlough. 44 45 Promoted to 5th Sergeant, November 1. 46 " " Corporal, " 47 48 49 Promoted to Corporal, September 1. 50 51 52 53 Not mustered in. 54 55 56 57 58 July 21 Confined at New Orleans. 59 Promoted to Corporal, November 1. • 60 Sept. 28 61 62 63 Promoted to Corporal, November 1. 64 Aug. 26 65 Not mustered in. 66 67 68 Deserted, July 23. Worthless. 69 70 71 72 73 74 Oct. 3 75 76 Worthless. 77 July 9 278 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 36 9 1 2 2 6 1 9 6 1 2 5 19 5 65 Total 55 9 1 2 18 6 3 94 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent, On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sice. Special Sick. Speci A I, Duty. Service. s S 2 i n fl e € m !F w iH it: rr* !f= s •T3 O s O o O O o C !E -a e -o fF •a C ^ if= ■a (F •a o ^ O o o s O o o o o O c O c o o •B •a ~r, -a *m CJ n fl^ S s a o & ffi c B s E o CLi 'A w .£ «t; CLl 1 B fa a ai _o S o £ _ eu 'c 1 o £ c "1 B 6 a B u o B h > s > 511 H c > 1- c > 60 H c > p c > sr, u o o 'n o c '2 tu o o •^ bl c = 61 O <. Qh < U « Oh <; O i5 c U :s Oh < U '< Bh w >s Bh < < 3 13 35 51 6 6 2 1 60 3 1 4 64 Present Organization of the Company. Names, Aaron S. Daggett Frank L. Lemont Edw. M. Robinson 1 John H. Stevens 2 Norris Litchfield 3 John S. French 4 John B. Bailey 5 James M. Libbey 1 Seth Roberts 2 Henry Murphy 3 John Casey 4 Chas. H. Bodge 5 Isaac A. Blithen 6 Daniel Hurvey 7 Win. C. Moore 8 Cyrenus P. Stevens Date of 10 tfl Rank. Residence. Rank or Remarks, < 24 nient. Captain Greene Aug. 15 - 20 1st Lieut. Lewiston do 27 2d Lieut. Anson do 21 Sergeant Acton Sept. 1 44 do Lewiston June 24 21 do Albion Sept. 1 35 do Auburn Nov. 1 23 do Limerict do 21 Corporal Peru Nov. 1 18 do Norridgewock do 22 do Rumford do 22 do Leeds Sept. 1 24 do Durham do * 18 do do do 21 do Augusta do 18 do Greene Nov. 1 280 adjutant-general's report. Eeturn of Capt. George P. Sherwood, Company F, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. FRED. G. SANBORN, Orderly Sergeant. Married Mustered Sick. Where. 6 Names. Be Residence. or Single. into U. S. Ser. COMMISSIONED OFFICEKS. 1 George P. Sherwood, 33 Portland Single June 24 Portland 2 NiUhan Walker, 44 do Married do 3 George E. Atwood. SERGEANTS. 21 Gardiner Single do 1 Charles K. Sherwood, 19 Eastport do do Alexandria 2 Andrew J. Lufkin, 29 Lewis ton do do 3 John Goldthwait, 19 Windsor do do 4 Frederick G. Sanborn, 26 Hopkinton,NH do do 5 Cyrus W. Brann. CORPORALS. 22 W. Gardiner do do 1 Benjamin Norton, 46 Portland Married do 2 Osgood Hildreth, 20 Gardiner Single do 3 Lewellyn Goodwin, 25 Stockton Married do 4 Phineas B. Hammond, 39 Gardiner do do .5 Thomas E. Winslow, 30 Portland Single do 6 James Ryan, 32 do Married do 7 Marstin L. Cobb, 21 do Single do 8 Nathan Willard. MUSICIANS. 44 Gardiner Married do 1 William H. Boardman, 24 Biddeford do do 2 F. C. Kimball. WAGONER. 17 Portland Single do 1 Lincoln Grover, PRIVATES. 28 Gardiner do do 1 Adams, j:ben 26 Portland Married do 2 Boothby, Isaac T. 35 do do do 3 Brennan, Timothy 27 do Single do 4 Braden, John 18 do do do 5 Coombs, Charles E. 20 Auburn Married do 6 Constable, William 37 Portland do do 7 Crediford, Oliver 18 Biddeford Single do 8 Charlton, Joseph 30 Lewiston Married do 9 Connoly, William 34 do do do 10 Cannon, Patrick 21 Portland Single do 11 Clark, Clinton G. 25 Brunswick Married do 12 Clancey, James 35 Portland Single do In Quarters 13 Cloudman, Francis 21 Windham Married do 14 Dow, Henry A. 26 Portland Single do 15 Dresser, James L. 30 Westbrook do do 16 Eaton, Alfred J. 25 Brunswick Married do Alexandria 17 Early, Cornelius 29 Portland Single do 18 Edwards, Charles 20 Lewiston Married do 19 Edwards, L. H. 19 do Single do In Quarters 20 Fay, Edmond 37 Augusta do do 21 Fuller, Joseph 26 Brunswick Married do 22 Flanders, John P. 19 Alton Bay,NH Single do 23 Feeney, Thomas 22 Taunton, Mass. do do 24 Grey, Valentine R, 40 Monmouth do do 25 Garland, William 43 Gardiner Married do 26 Gallison, D. G. 21 Paris Single do 27 Greene, Andrew J. 27 Portland Married do 28 (iray, James S. 40 do Single do 29 Higgins, Lawrence 32 do do. do 30 Hayes, William 19 do do do 31 Hamilton, John 43 Kittery do do Killed. When. June26 APPENDIX D. 281 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the Lieut. NATHAN WALKER, Commanding. Prisoners. I pg^pj^ggjj_ J^ le" .1 When. Taken, i Disch'd. When. Sept. 28 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Sept. 23 Remarks. Wounded. Absent since July 21. Commanding Company since July 2L Reduced to ranks, November 30. Promoted to 1st Sergeant, November 1. 2d Promoted to 5th Sergeant, November 30. 4th " " 1. Deserted November 12. Reduced to ranks, November 16. Transferred to Regimental Band, June 24. Sept. 4 Aug. 10 July 30 Nov. 7 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Sept. 4 19 Deserted, July 22. Accidental shot wound in hand. Unfit for any duty. Transferred to Band, June 24. Promoted to non-com. staff, November 1. Deserted, July 3d. Returned, November 18. Fell from cars near Fall River, Mass. Deserted, July 24. Promoted Corporal, November 8. Deserted June 26. 282 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. 32 Johnston, Adams 33 Kelley, John 34 Kelley, Peter Kelley, Timothy KelleV, Rohert Leonard, Edward Loney, John Lawrence, John Lo^jan, John McKenney, Orrin Morton, Georj^e McPliilliney, James M alone, Elias McMilty, Patrick Morse, Lorenzo D. Merideth, R. D. Noble, George W. Norton, Benjamin A. Pettis, Charles Plummer, Daniel Patje, Thaddeus Patrick, George W. Pray, Leroy Perkins, Melvin A. Pollys, John Rieker; Hiram H. Scoffiekl, James Smith, Simon G. Stronjr, David Stewart, Albion Smith, Sylvester Tielin bli > B > B > bl. B > B > bri o •j^ bu o eu o ■j^ ■^ tj. c •^ o •^ O ^ b < U K CU < O •< B. O k; Bh < O <; Bh O 1.5 t^ < < 1 13 47 61 2 2 4 1 1 68 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. K <; ment. 1 Thomas J. Sawyer 34 Captain Portland Aug. 26 2 Alburn P. Harris 22 1st Lieut. do Oct. 10 3 Robt. J. McPherson 38 2d Lieut. do Aug. 10 1 Chas. A. "Watcrhouse 22 Sergeant Portland Oct. 12 2 Frank G. Patterson 22 do do do 3 Benja. B. Merrill 22 do do do 4 Albert L. Bearing 26 do Webster do 5 Charles D. Hall 32 do Vienna do 1 Chas. H. Bean 34 Corporal Brownfield Oct. 12 2 James Brown 24 do do do 3 Charles II. Dean 24 do Buxton do 4 Ambrose Anthoiae 19 do Windham do 5 Edw. J. Kenney 19 do Portland do 6: Geo. B. Parsons 18 do Conway, N.H. do 7|Wm. W. Iliekock 28 do Boston do 8 John Fraser 25 ao Portland do 292 adjutant-general's report. Keturn of Capt. Edw. A. Scammon, Company H, Fifth Eegiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. JOHN A. A. PACKARD, Orderly Serg't. c 2: Names. < Residence. Married or Single. Mustered into 1 U. S. Ser. Siclv. Wliere. Killed. When. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 1 Edward A. Scammon, 36 Portland Married June 24 2 Ambrose S. Dyer, 2S Yarmouth do do 3 Samuel Munson. SERGEANTS. 26 Portland Single do 1 George E. Brown, 24' do do do 2 Richard E. Shannon, 22 do do do 3 Alonzo P. Stinson, 19 do do July 21 4 Orin L. Grant, 28 Yarmouth Married do 5 John A. A. Packard. CORPORALS. 26 Westbrook Single do 1 William W. True, 28 Yarmouth Married do 2 Crawford Dunn, 36 Portland do do 3 Charles E. Hubbard 23 Hiram Single do 4 James Crowley, 20 Portland Married do In Camp 5 William K. Austin, 23 Windham Single do Hospital 6 Aretus E. Pratt, 21 Falmouth Married do In Camp 7 James G. Sanbom, 23 Portland Single do 8 George H. B. Howe, MUSICIANS. 20 do do do 1 Robert B. Kendall, 27 Bridtrton do do 2 George W. Briggs, ■WAGONER. 27 Halifax Married do 1 Daniel Mayberry. PRIVATES. 45 Portland Married do 1 Abbott,' Richard 20 do Single do 2 Adams, Joseph 37 Westbrook Married do 3 Atwood, James M. 21 Livermore Single do In Camp 4 Barbee, E. J. 23 Cape Elizabeth do do 5 Blake, Daniel 20 Saco do do 6 Bluefield, Simon 23 Portland Married do 7 BucknelL Charles H. 37 Harrison Single do 8 Conlia, James 20 Portland do do 9 Gary, Martin 21 Westbrook do do , 10 Chase, Thomas R. 23 Pownal do do 11 Dow, James G. 18 Hiram do do 12 Dow, Charles H.' 21 Yarmouth* do do 13 Dunning, A. K. P. 37 do ^larried do In Camp 14 Eastman, J. W. 32 Portland do do 15 Emmons, Frederick A. 26 Westbrook Single do 16 Evans, James, Jr. 22 Hiram do 17 Freeman, Edw. ,18 Portland do do 18 Gould, Anthony B. '21 N. Gloucester do do 19 Grant, Albion 28 Bangor Married do 20 Grant, John W. 28 Yarmouth Single do 21 Grant, Wyatt W. 18 Bangor do do ^ 22 Hannaford, Joseph S. 20 Portland do do 23 Hayes, Thomas 30 Cape Elizabeth do do 24 Horan, Peter 19 Portland do do 25 Harach, G. A. 24 do do do 26 Holmes, George 19 Bridgton do do 27 Jones, Frederick 19 Bath do do 28 KcUey, John 2C Portland do do 29 Kendall, Joseph F. ISBridiTton do do 30 Lawrence, Thomas E. 23 Porthind do do 31 Menier, Thomas 1£ Calais do do APPENDIX D. 293 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in tiie Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the GEORGE E. BROWN, Captain. Prisoners. When 2; Taken. Deceased. Wlien. July 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2rNov. 19 22j 23 1 24 July 21 25 26 27 28 Nov. 13 29; 30 3ll Sept. 22 Sept. 1' Disch'd. When. Nov. 14 Sept. 4 Nov. 19 Oct. I Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Promoted to Major, Sept. 25. Transferred to Regular Army, Aug. 24. Promoted to Captain, Oct. 3. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 3. At Bull Run. Promoted to 2d Sergeant, Oct. 3. " 1st " " 3d " Arm shot off at Bull Run. Promoted to 4th Sergeant, Oct. 3. 5th " " Reduced to ranks Oct. 3. Appointed Teamster, Sept. 4. Promoted 1st Corporal, Oct. 3. Reduced to ranks, Oct. 3. Confined at Richmond. Promoted 2d Corporal, Oct. 3. Deserted July 23. Transferred to field music, June 24. Promoted to 4th Corporal, Oct. 3. Transferred to field music. Transferred to band. In camp. Charges preferred. Confined at Richmond. Deserted Sept. 25. In camp. Charges preferred. Promoted 5th Corporal, Oct. 3. 294 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, Fifth Regiment^ ( Continued.') MuUoy, Daniel Newell, LinduU R. Prideham, J. H. Parker, James M. Pettingill, Orrin F. Robinson, William H. Sastroff, Charles H. Shadduck, George K. Starbird, Lorenzo W. Stevens, Orrin B. Stinson, Harvey M. Sturgiss, George B. Sewall, Edwin J. Tappan, George W. Taylor, James H. Thurston, David W. Tinker, George H. Towle, Daniel H. Tracy, William True, Charles H. Twombly, Rufus P. Tvler, Jacob E. Tindall, Charles True, George F. White, Henry W. Woodbury, Edward H. Wither, Alvah Adams, Daniel D. Maxham, George M. Grant, William Hayes, James Mason, James S. Gardners, William Barrett, Charles D. Fowler, Royall Richardson, Darius Penley, Joseph M. Benner, John, Brenney, Martin Jordan, John W. Shillings, Otis H. Bicknell, George W. Pratt, Horace Smith, Augustus Shannon. James H. Fernald, James H. Ryan William H. Cross, Joseph Murphy, Dennis Hunter, Sidney Miller, Frederick Conlin, John 84 Fowler, Charles 85 Merchant, William H. 86 Cobb, Edw. L. 87 Bunker, Charles E. 32 33 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 7 78 79 80 81 82 83 ^ 1 Married Jlusterea Sick. Killed. gjl Eesidence. < j or Single. into D. S. Ser. Where. When. 40 [Portland Single June 24 In Camp 27 do do do 20 do do do 18 Baldwin do do 19 Portland do do 30 |Ca]je Elizabeth Married do 20 Portland Single do 35 Limerick Married do 19 Eddington Single do 30 Westbrook do do In Camp 18 Auburn do do 22 Portland do do 21 Eastport do do 41 Portland Married do 18 Cape Elizabeth Single do 21 Otisfield do do 21 Fremont do do 21 Portland do do 21 do do do In Camp 19 Yarmouth do do 23 do do do 21 Portland do do 20 Kennebunkp't do do In Camp 27 Exeter do do 25 Portland Married do 29 do Single do 18 Madison do do Hospital 19 Anson do 25 Waterville do do 20 Bangor do do 19 Cape Elizabeth do do 45 do Married do 21 Stottville Single do 32 Portland do do 20 Cape Elizabeth do Julv21 20 Cornish do do In Camp 19 Danville do do 18 Lewis ton do do 19 Portland - do do 21 Cape Elizabeth do do In Camp 21 Portland do do 23 Westbrook Married do 26 New Vineyard do do 20 N. Gloucester Single do In Camp 20 Biddeford do do 25 Saco do do 18 Boston do July 4 19 Dover do do 18 Biddeford do 17 Eastport do New recruit s, and 19 18 Machias Lewiston do do ' not yet on duty. 18 Cape Elizabeth do 25 N. Gloucester do July 4 33 Westbrook do Ao Hospital 26 Jackson do do APPENDIX D. 295 Return of Company H, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') Prisoners. VVlien taken. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 July 21 Deceased. Wlien. July 21 Nov. 19 Nov. 12 July 21 Nov. 12 Nov. 23 Disch'd. When. Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 22 Sept. 4 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Sept. 4 Remarks. Promoted 7th Corporal, Oct. 3. Confined at Richmond. Promoted 6th Corporal, Oct. 3. Promoted 3d Corporal, Oct. 3. Deserted July 22. Confined at Eichmond. In camp. Charges preferred. Transferred to band, Sept. 1. In camp. Charges preferred, Sept. 17. Promoted 8th Corporal, Oct. 3. Promoted 2d Lieutenant, Oct. 3. Confined at Richmond. Transferred to band. In camp. Charges preferred. 296 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company H, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Commissioncrt Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates Total Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. Fit for Duty. Sick. 3 10 1 29 7 1 5 43 13 1 .5 De- Dis- De- Trans- ceased, jcharged. serted.Yerred. 1 1 12 14 Total. 6 19 5 72 102 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Fbesent. Absent. On In On For Dutt. Sick. Special Sick. Special DUTV. Service. 1 M £ £ 2 >i4 < rn fF e rr !i= ^ E € € O o o 4< O o © O O 1 ■o m ■§ (f= ■c e ■a s iE •a ■e •T3 ^ O a o O o 5 o G C c o c C •c '« T5 a © •a t: £ c .2 '3 5 o O o P S s s o © c i o 1 O 1 s s a s 0. c o 1 E o O cj 1 1 5 o S < B M © Ph c s > tE z — > &£ s -; > s c > 61: s c >■ h c > tl tt o 'C tl; r. c c p Z. Cl- < u '^ b < O 2 Oh O 2 CI. < U Z CL, U 2 Ph < < 3 io 30 43 3 8 11 8 6 68 2 2 70 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. tL Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 2 <; ment. 1 George E. Brown 24 Captain Portland 2 Richard C. Shannon 22 1st Lieut. do 3 George W. Bickuell 23 2d Lieut. Westbrook 1 John A. A. Packard 26 Sergeant Westbrook 2 Orrin L. Grant 28 do Yarmouth 3 William W. True 28 do do 4 Charles E. Hubbard 23 do Hiram 5 James E. Crowley 40 do Portland 1 James G. Sanborn 23 Corporal Portland 2 George W. Briggs 27 do Halifax 3 George H. Tucker 21 do Fremont 4 Charles H. Dow 21 do Yarmouth ■5 Thomas E. Lawrence 23 do Portland 6 George W Tap])an 41 do do 7 Orrin W. Stevens 30 do Westbrook 8 John W. Jordan 21 do C. Elizabeth 20 298 ADJUTANT- GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Clark S. Edwards, Company I, Fifth Regiment Infantrj', Maine of December 1st, 1861, together with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourth day of June, 1861. SIMEON W. SANBOKN, Ord. Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Clark S. Edwards, John B. Walker, Cyrus M. Wormell. SERGEAXTS. Daniel W. Scribner, Simeon W. Sanborn, Sullivan K. Hutchings, Wasiiington E. Brown, Josepii B. Hammond. CORPORALS. Peter G. Knapp, James M. Evans, Levi W. Dolloff, Anger J. Mitchell, LotD. Wiley, Thomas S. Peabody, Augustus J. Grenier, David A. Edwards. MUSICIANS. 1 Stephen Buibank, 2 Charles Freeman. WAGONER. 1 Willoughby R. York. PRIVATES. 1 Adams, Thomas 2 Adams, Charles 3 Abbot, John T. 4 Ayer, James C. 5 Andrews, David E. 6 Bean, Franklin 7 Bean, John E. Beard, Lewis C. 9 Bent, John A. 10 Bennett, Joseph 1 1 Besse, Caleb, Jr., 12 Bowden,. James H. 13 Bryant, John F. 14 Brown, Urin S. 15 Brackett, Joel W. 16 Boyd, James 17 Bean, Andrew J. 18 Chase, Horace K. 19 Cook, Dustin A. 20 Cross, Sidney T. 21 Dunham, Charles 22 Ellingwood. Asa F. 23 Estes, Josiah 2+ Estes, Isaac W. 25 Fessenden, George W- 26 Foye, George W. 27 Hamlin, Joshua G. 28 Heath, Clement S. 29 Howe, George 30 Horn, Charles H. 31 Jackson, Aaron F. < Residence. Married or Single. Mustered into U.S.Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. 37 Bethel Married June 24 27 do Single do 24 do Married do 25 do Single do 29 do do do 27 do Married do 30 do Single do 36 do Married do 21 Byron Single do 28 Bethel do do 27 do Married do Alexandria 37 Mexico do do 26 Gorham, N. H. do do Ca'p Hosp. 20 Bethel Single do 26 Portland do do 29 Bethel Married do 44 Gorham, N. H. do do 14 Bethel Single do Ca'p Hosp. 25 do Married do 20 Stoneham Single do 19 Wilton do do 19 Newburg do do 28 Bethel Married do 20 Andover Single do 30 Uumford do do 18 Bethel do do 18 do do do 20 Gilead do do 18 Naples do do 44 Woodstock Married do 27 Mason Single do 36 Bethel Married do 20 do Single do 28 Greenwood Married do 44 Bridgton Single do 32 Albany Married do 30 Rum ford Single do 21 Bethel do do 24 do do do 19 Mason do do 31 Paris Married do Ca'p Hosp. 34 Hamlin Grant do do 23 Bethel do do 26 Portland do do 23 Turner do do 25 Sweden Single do 39 Bethel 1 Married do 18 Greenwood Single do 18 Milan, N. H. do 21 Bethel do do APPENDIX D. 299 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the CLARK S. EDWARDS, Captain. July 21 Prisoners. When taken. Deceased, When. Sept. 2 Disch'd. When. Aug. 3 Sept. 27 Aug. 3 Nov. 20 Oct. 3 July 8 Nov. 11 Aug. 3 July 4 Remarks. Deserted Aug. 3. Arrested and reduced to ranks, Nov. Promoted to 1st Sergeant, Aug. 1. [23. Promoted to 2d Sergeant, Aug. 1. Deserted June 27 from Portland. Promoted to .5th Sergeant, Oct. 1. " 3d " Aug. 3. Released from Richmond unconditionally, Nov. 15. Drummer. Detailed for Washington Hospital. Promoted to 8th Corporal, Oct. 1. Promoted to 6th Corporal, Aug. 1. Deserted July 27 from Alexandria. 300 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company /, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 5S 59[ 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Joiflan, Asa D. Ivellcy, James LiitU'luiU, Stillman H. Luf kin, 8amael E. Maxwell, Tliomas T. .Martin, Jcrrv Martin, Koyall T. Morse, George A. Mory;an, Charles F. Morj^an, Jacob N. V. Parker, Alonzo F. Peabody, T. Spencer Perrv, Albert K. Penley, Rufus C. Penlev, Ephraim C. Pratt," Lowell W. Poor, Lorenzo D. Rolf, Henry A. J. Russell, Lorenzo D. Rice, Nelson Ricker, George W. Ridlon, Ezra, Jr., Rundlett, Gardner F. Robertson. Washington B Sawyer, Bethial S. Sawyer. Joseph C. Shaekley, John Small, George E. Smith, John H. F. Thomp-^on, Josiah Towle, Levi N. Vaillanconrt, Henry Walker, Milo C. Whitman, Alanson M. Whittemore, Enoch, Jr., Mclnnis, Hugh Thurlow, Cyrus T. Wentworth" Clias. M. Harper, William R. Swan, Fesscnden Lawrence, Cyrus Tl. Lapham, Richmond ^I. Glidden, John E. W. Goodenow, Lafayette G. Grant. Daniel Howe, Robert Pingree, Wm. H. iTwitchell. Adelbert B. ■Cross, I-jaac C. Wonnell, John iFreeman, Benjamin. 1 Married Mustered « Residence. or into < 30 Norway Single. U. S. Ser. Single June 24 35 Lewiston Married do 33 Riley Planta'n Single do 26 Rumford do do 20 Sweden do do 21 Rumford do do 18 Greenwood do do 22 Andover do do 23 Greenwood do do 20 do do do 22 Baldwin do do 20 Bethel do do 1 8 Paris do do 21 Norway do do 24 do do do 30 Bethel do do 22 Brownfield Married do 19 do Single do 24 Bethel do do 28 do do do 26 Woodstock do do 33 do do do 21 Mexico do do 33 Bethel do do 28 Newry Married do 22 Raymond do do 43 Canton Single do 21 Rumford do do 26 Portland Married do 28 Lewiston Single do 20 Portland do do 19 Bethel do do 18 do do do 20 Woodstock do do 18 do do do 18 Andover do do 35 Woodstock Married do 18 Jackson, N. H Single do 18 Rumford do do 18 Woodstock Married 26 Sumner Single do 22 Rumford do do 20 Newry do do 18 do do do 20 Greenwood do do 21 do do do 24 .VIbany do do 24 Bethel do do 19 Norway do do 18 Bethel do .10 43 do 1 do do Killed. When Ca'p Hosp. APPENDIX D. 301 Return of Company I, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.') tPrisoiiers. When Taken. July 21 July 21 Deceased, When. Disch'd. When. Sept. 4 July July Dec. 2 Sept. 4 Oct. 3 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Remarks. Deserted July 27 at Alexandria. See Corporal. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to 4th Sergeant, Aug. 10. Confined at Richmond. Promoted to 7 th Corporal, Oct. 1. Promoted to 4th Corporal, Aug. 3. Not mustered in. July jOct. 3 I Aug. 3 Appointed Quartermaster June 12, and transferred to [5th Battery, Maine. Transferred from Co. C. Appointed Com. Sergeant, June 12. 302 . . adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company I, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- ceased. Dis- cliarged. De- Trans- seried. ferred. Pit for Duty. Sick. Killed. ers. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 3 52 2 3 2 1 2 20 1 4 1 3 17 3 82 Total 69 5 2 1 22 5 1 105 Condensed Morning Report, Decemher \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Arrest. Sick. Special Service. i. 2 £ 2 £ E s a o 4) a •< fp m !B „■ £ ffi rn € e C O O o ft O O B fF •c € •a F •a 5F ■a S (fi •a e ^ B O c o o O o O c o o o c •a •a ■u o •a *S •o 'v. < OJ s c 1 o £ 'H E c . o s .2 S o c 'i '5 E o b c c £ £ o K .= Si 'i c £ a U « = o i: O « ? O fc O i= O fi S t- > til c c > bl, 1- s > E >• 60 H c: > 1- c > fcn r. tu o c Bl o o o •c c c '^ bc O ■^ Sh <; U ■A Cl, <: U K &H U iz; CLc < O X ^ O *5 a. < < 3 9 45 57 1 5 6 2 4 1 70 1 1 2 72 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. i Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. '< < 37 ineiit. 1 Clark S. Edwards Captain Bethel May 4 2 John B. Walker 27 1st Lieut. do do 3 Cyrus M. Wormell 24 2d Lieut. do do 1 Simeon W. Sanhom 29 Sergeant Bethel Aug. 1 2 Washington F. Brown 30 do do do 3 Levi W. Dolloff 27 do Gorham, N.H. Aug. 3 4 Bethuel S. Sawyer 28 do Newry Aug. 10 5 James M. Evans 28 do Gorham, N.H. Oct. 1 1 J. Augustine Grenier 26 Corporal Portland June 24 2 Andrew J. Bean 33 do Albany Aug. 1 3 David A. Edwards 29 do Bethel June 24 4 Cyrus Thurlow 36 do Woodstock Aug. 3 5 Lot D. Wilev 26 do Gorham, N.H June 24 6 Thomas S. Peabody 20 do Bethel do 7 Enoch Whitmore, Jr. 23 do Woodstock Oct. 1 8 John F. Bryant 36 do Bethel do 304 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. WiHiam A. Tobie, Company K, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maine of December 1st, 1861, togetlier with a complete record of the changes that have twenty-fourthday of June, 1861. ANDREW S. LYON, Orderly Sergeant. Names. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, William A. Tobie, Hamlin T. Biicknam, Burbank Spiller. SERGEANTS. Chai-lea K Packard, Andrew S. Lyon, Smith G. Bailey, John J. Bragdon, John T. Mason. CORPORALS. Talbot G. Stewart, Comfort M. Perkins, John McLellan, Charles E. Harris Simon L. Johnson, George W. Pratt, George E. F'rench, Ellis Ripley. MUSICIANS. John W. Thompson, George O. Hayford, WAGOXER. William T. Marshall. PRIVATES. Adams, Francis F. Adams, Wdliam B. Andrew, Charles Bailey, Richard Bariows, Stephen M. Bancroft, John F. Brown, Fernando, Bryant, Aria Biimpus, Horatio Bumpus, Charles A. Campbell, Charles M. Cash, Hiram M. Chase, Dudley Dunham, Edmuud M. Dore, Charles Durgin, George A. Diiran, Samuel D. S. Dwiiiel, Augustus A. Eilmunds, Joseph Q. Estes, Silas Fardv, John Farrar, Daniel W. Frost, Solomon Frost, William Frost, Charles, Jr. 26jGoodu'in, E/.ra M. 27 Grant, William H. aSiHackett, Edwin A. Ha.-kctt, William Harmon, Josepii P. Harris, Tristam T. Married Mustered 6 Residence. or into _< Single. [J. S. Ser. 50 Poland Vlarried June 24 30 Minot Single do 2.5 Raymond do do 21 Hebron do do 22 STew Glouces'r do do 27 Poland Married do 21 do Single do 21 Lcwiston do do, 21 Casco do do 23 Minot do do 21 Casco do do 20 Poland do do 21 Buckfield do do 22 Hebron do do 26 Auburn Married do 24 Peru Single do 18 Hartford do do 18 Canton do do 38 Hebron Married do 22 Raymond do do 18 Raymond Single do 2.5 Minot do do 32 do do do 22 Hebron do do 21 Poland do do 19 Bucktield do do 17 do do do 25 Hebron do do 32 do Married do 21 Minot Single do 25 Raymond do do 38 Minot Married do 21 Paris '— Single do 24 Minot do do 20 Poland do do 26 Raymond do do 20 Minot do do 27 Auburn Married do 27 Poland Single do 40 Lewis ton Married do 21 Buckfield Single do 26 Lewiston do do 21 Peru do do 19 do do do 25 Minot do do 35 Poland Married do 19 O.xford Single do 44 Strong do do 18 Harrison do do 22 Poland do do Sick. Where. APPENDIX D. 305 Volunteers, stationed at Alexandria, Va., expressing its condition on the morning taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the Lieut. BURBANK SPILLER, Commanding. o Prisoners. When Taken. Deceased. When. Disch-d. When. Remarks. 1 Sept. 20 2 Promoted to Captain, Sept. 23. 3 " 1st Lieut., " 1 " 2d Lieut. " 2 " 1st Sergeant, " 3 2d 4 3d " " 5 Deserted July 23. 1 Appointed drummer, Sept. 4. 2 Promoted to 4th Sergeant, Sept. 23. 3 5th 4 " 1st Cororal " 5 2d 6 3d 7 " 4th " " 8 5th " 1 Sept. 4 Transferred to band, June 24. 2 1 Nov. 17 1 2 3 4 Appointed fifer, June 24. 5 6 7 July 21 Supposed to be at Richmond. 8 July 21 (( a a 9 Appointed 6th Corporal, Sept. 23. 10 July 8 11 12 13 Oct. 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 Appointed 8th Corporal, Sept. 23. 20 21 22 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 23 Sept. 4 24 • 25 26 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 27 Oct. 1 28 Oct. 1 29 30 31 Deserted July 23. 306 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company K, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Harris, Delmon Hackett, Edward A. Haskell, S. Frank Hodgkins, George A. Holt, Otis C. Hines, Albert W. Heany, Barney Hutchingson, Almond H. Hutchingson, Samuel H. Hutchingson, Henry H. Libby, Silas C. Lambard, John C. Keene, Josiah F. Matherson, Dan McKenney, Charles F. McDonald, Donald McLellan, William Morrill, George P. Meserve. John Niles, Beniah, Jr. Packard, Moses F. Parker, Alanson Phillips, Marshall S- Piper, Silas D. Perkins, H. G. O. Pratt, Orrin Q Pratt, Sewall W. Richardson, Charles A. Robinson, Levi S. Ryerson, Charles H. Sampson, Colby Shaw, Frank J. Spiller, Jeshan S. Spiller, Joseph St. Clair, Alason "W. Stone, James M. Sampson, Daniel W. Trundy, George H. Tubbs, William A. Verrill, Horace A. Walker, Alfred B. Weston, Henry C. Whittemore, A. J. Wood, Davis B. Young, James E. Maloon, Elias Campbell, William A. Cushman Augustus 80 Dwinal, Harrison J. SlJDwinal, Wellington H. 82 French, John 83 .Jordan, Levi F. 84 Small, Levi 85|Stevens, George B. 86'Thompson, James W. 87 1 Whitman, George G. 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 g, Residence. < Married Mustered or into Single. U.S. Ser. Sick. Where. Killed. When. 18 Minot single Nov. 9 19 Oxford do do 22 Poland do do 19 do do do 19 Peru do do 18 Turner do do 44 Lewiston Married do 20 Minot Single do 25 do Married do 24 do Single do 20 Poland do do 27 1 Oxford do do 18 Raymond do do 22 Lewiston do do 38 Minot Married do In Camp 22|Lewiston Single do 18!Casco do do Julyl' 24 Hebron do do 18 Casco do do 34 Auburn Single do ISBuckfield Married do 18 Phillips do do 38 Auburn Married do 18 Madison Single do 23 Oxford do do 26 Hebron do do 28 Oxford do do 21 Minot do do 23 Raymond do do 21 Sumner do do 22 Peru do do 20 Buckfield do do 23 Casco Married do 20 Ravmond Single do 19 Poland do do 21 Otisfield Married do 23 Peru Single do 26 Minot Married do 20 Hebron Single do 19 Poland do do 20 Peru do do 23;Minot do do 24 Wilson's Mills do do 21 Oxford do do 23|Byron do do 27 Lewiston Marriec do 18 Minot Single Nov. 22 19 Naples do do 18l Minot do do 25 do do do 18 Turner do do 25 Poland Marriec do 25 Raymond do do 21 Hebron Single do 25 N. Portland do do 20 Hebron do do APPENDIX D. 307 Return of Company K, Fifth Regiment, ( Continued.^ i Prisoners. When t.ikeii. Deceased. When. Disch'd. When. Remarks. 32 33 34 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 35 36 37 38 Deserted July 23. Presence not wanted. 39 40 41 Appointed 7th Corporal, Sept. 23, 42 43 44 Sept. 9 45 46 47 48 Accidentally shot himself. 49 Oct. 1 50 51 52 Nov. 12 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Oct. 1 63 64 65 66 67 68 Decl 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 July 21 Confined at Richmond. 76 77 Transferred from Co. F., June 24. 78 79 80 81 82 83 _ 84 85 _ 86 87 308 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company K, Fifth Regiment Infantry Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 64 1 6 1 2 10 1 2 1 4 14 5 83 Total 82 1 6 13 3 1 106 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 18G1. 2 12 56 70 5 5 On Special Duty. 1 6 In ArRE3T. J 82 Sick. On Special Service. 1 83 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Hamlin T. Bucknam Biirliank Spiller Charles K. Packard Andrew S. Lion Smith G. Bailey- John J. Bra^^don Comfort M. Perkins John McLellan Charles E. Harris Simon L. .Johnson George W. Pratt George E. French Kllis Ripley Horatio Bnmpus Henry H. Hutchingson Joseph Q. Edmonds William B. Adams Talbot G. Stuart Rank. Captain Minot 1st Lieut. Raymond 2d Lieut. Hebron Sergeant N. Gloucester do [Poland do 1 do do Minot do 1 Casco Corporal Poland do Buckfield Hebron Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. do do do do do do Fifer Drum'r Auburn Peru Hebron Minot Auburn Raymond Casco Remarks. Sept. 23 Recruiting in Maine, do Commanding Co. do Sept. 23 do do do do Sept. 23 do do do do do do do June 24 Sept. 4 A APPENDIX D. 309 PRESENT ORGANIZATION OF FIELD AND STAFF. FIFTH REGIMENT. Names. Bank. Residence. Date of Rank. N. J. Jackson Colonel Lewiston Sept. 2, 1861 William S. Heath Lieutenant-Colonel Waterville Sept. 24, 1861 Edward A. Seamman Miijor Portland do George W. Graff am Adjutant do Sept. 2, 1861 Stephen H. Manning Quartermaster Lewiston do George E. Brickett Acting Surgeon China Atig. 21, 1861 Francis G. Warrea Assistant Surgeon Biddeford June 21, 1861 John N. Adams Chaplain Portland June 1, 1861 Smith G. Bailey Sergeant-Major Poland William B. Fenderson Qr. -Master Sergeant Biddeford James L. Dresser Commis. -Sergeant Portland' Wm. E. Riggs Hospital Steward do 310 APPENDIX D. SIXTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers 0/ Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers^ showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States to December 1, 1861. Names. Rank. Colonel Residence. Date of Appoint- ment. Remarks. Abner Knowlcs Bangor July 12.1861 Resigned. Hiram Biirnham Lieut.-Colonel Cherryf' Id July 1, 1861 Promoted to Colonel. Chas. H. Chandler Lient.-Colonel Foxcroft Prom, from Captain Frank Fierce iVIajor Bucksport [Co. A. John D. McFarland Adjutant Ellsworth Isaac Strickland Quartermaster Bangor July 15,1861 Resigned. Addison P. Buck Quartermaster Foxcroft Eu;,'enc F. Sawyer Surgeon Bangor June 24, 1861 John Baker Asst.-Surgeon F.Machias June 28, 1861 Resigned. Geo. W. Martin Asst. -Surgeon Houlton Oct. 12, 1861 Zenas Thompson Chaplain Portland July 15, 1861 KEGIMENTAL BAND. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Mustei into U. S.Serv Remarks. Henrv S. Morey Leader Bangor July 15, 1861 Fred. W. Libby Musician Rockland do James E. West do Machias do Wm. E. Bowkcr do do do Benj. F. Barker do Ellsworth do Geo. W. Campbell do Machias do Jared Crane do do do John M. Peck do Ellsworth do TransfeiTcd from Co. B. Edmund Bonnev do do do Chas. H. Pilisbury do Bucksport do Transferred from Co. E. Chas. H. Clark do Machias do Frank Exkorn do Portland do Fredrick Brackett do Calais do Transfen-ed from Co. D. W. Henrv Bowker do Machias do Transferred from Co. C. Rnfus L. Wilder do do do do Winslow Brackett do Calais do Josepli W. Longfellow do Machias do Transferred from Co. C. Orrin G. Davis do Corinth do William H. Callendcr do Boston do Transferred from Co. H. Zel.a W. Burrill do Bucksport do Transferred from Co. E. John E. Sherman do do do do Geo. Weldon do Portland Oct. 24, 1861 Daniel G. Header a„ 1 Ellsworth 1 July 15, 1861 Transferred from Co. B. APPENDIX D. 311 Return of Capt. Moses W. Brown, Company A, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the mornin<; of December 1st, »1 861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have tai 1-^ s > er > P E- eii{ ^ c > >- c > bi tr. c o o •^ 61; Q •^ o •j; o ■J; Ul O z ^ < O is 0. < O li ^ o ' la A) B % i O n O O O O o O a a *tn © n ^ ■a 01 0) o CO C ~ o c . c c E c o •= 3 'q CU § C g s < Cui /i 5 (t V. g o i n « 5 m ?r Ji ^ ■- P. i « s V c U bli H > H c > c > en (- c > S c > ti) eu c & O & £ < O £ < 6 o 12 o 1 < o 2: 0| 2: < < 211 57 70 1 12 13 4 87 ll 1 88 Present Organization of the Company. — " Date of o Names. 6 61. Kank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ^ ment. 1 Benj. F. Harris 29 Captain Machias April 29 2 JoJin H. Ballinger 30 1st Lieut. do do 3 Charles F. Stone 27 2d Lieut. do do 1 Fred. A. Hill 28 Sergeant Machias July 15 2 Bayles A. Campbell 23 do Pembroke do 3 Wm. H. West 21i do Machias do 4 John L. Pierce 21 do do do 5 Wm. H. McCabe 23 do do do 1 B. Frank. Campbell 24 Corporal Machias July 15 2 Benja. R. J. Thaxter 27 do do do 3 John C. Pierce 23 do E. Machias do 4 James N. Dwelly 34 do do do 5 Henry T. McDonald 21 do Machias do 6 Theodore Hill, Jr. 23 do E. Machias do 7 Thomas CornifF 27 do Machias do 320 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt Joel A. Haycock, Company J), Sixth Reo:inicnt Infantry, Maine Volmiteei's, ex))ressir)y its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with u record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of Julv, 1861. JOEL A. HAYCOCK, Captain. . O d Mustr'd Names. tss Residence. ■-"^ into Remarks. <. Sec U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Joel A. Haycock, 2.3 Calais s July 15 Renel W. Furlong, 25 do s do Henry H. Waitc. 28 do s do SERGEANTS. Levi L. L. Bassford, 26 do s do George W. McLain, 21 do s do Benjamin F. Waite, Jr., 26 do s do Recruiting in Maine. Edward Williams, 2.5 do s do George P. Blanchard. 24 do s do COKPOUALS. William Lam be, 30 do M do Henry Balcomb, 22 do s do Hugh McEvcr, 30 do s do William Gower, 24 Princeton M do Reduced to ranks. - '""Xl William Sherman, 27 Calais s do " " Warren Frazer, 24 do s do Sick in camp. John 0. Dow. 24 do s do MUSICIANS. Frederick Brackett, 20 do s do Transferred to band. John Nichols. 18 do s do WAGONER. Archibald Black lock. 42 do M do Reduced to ranks. PRIVATES. Andei-son, Sumner 19 Robbinston s do Brown, Lcander L. 19 Calais M do Promoted to CorporaL Bancher, Michael 29 do M do Bacon, James M. 27 do S do Detached. Burns, Barney 25 N. Adams,Ms. S do Deserted July 16. Brown, John 19 Cape Ann S do Sick in camp. Behan, Andrew- 21 Calais M do Bailey, Ezra 22 Baring S do CotK'ha, James 25 Calais s do Transferred to Mott's battery. Chirk, Daniel 22 do S do Deserted July 16. Coy, William W. 18 do s do Clayborne, Richard 23 do M do Chamberlain, John 19 do s do Promoted to Corporal. Carpenter, Henry 18 do s do Crafts, Jolm 31 Alexander s do Deserted July 16. Condon, Michael 24 St. Stephens, s do Chaml)criain, James 25 Calais [N.B. s do Detached. Colton, Wm. P. 25 do s do Cocln-an, Wm. H. 23 Baring s do Sick in camp. EJlswortli, Joseph 21 Alexander s do Sick in camp. Fogg, Hugh M. 19 Calais s do Farrell, Thomas 25 Princeton s do Sick in camp. Gower, Enoch 18 do s do Discharged. Disability. Grant, Daniel 19 Westbrook s do Hanson, Aaron 20 StStephensN. s do Hunter, Albert 25 Princeton [B. s do Jameson, John 22 Calais s do Leavitt, Leander 23 do s do Discharged. Disability. McCarty, Patrick 34 do s do McLall.v, John 27 St. John, N.B. s do McDonald, Wm. 37 Calais M do APPENDIX D. 321 Return of Company D, Sixth Reg-iment, ( Continued.') McMann, Wm. Moore, James Miihoney, Tliomas Moran, Lot McCurdy, James McLellan. George "W. Morton, Henry Q. M'Clellan, Edgar McKay, Thomas Moores, William Mclntire, Patrick Middleton, Frank McKeagan, Angus Moses, William Pardue, James Pair, Michael Kickett, Ebcnezer Robinson, Joseph Ross, Thomas Roach, Alexander Smith, Alonzo Shay, Michael Swarbrick, Henry Stables, John SciiUen, Thomas Smith, Ryan W. Scott, Henry Thompson, Silas Thompson, Daniel Tibbetts, Thomas Trott, Frank Thompson, R. W. Winship, Wm. H. Woodman, Rodney Woodside, James Wilson, Horace C. Weeks, Wm. H. Wade, Abraham Wito, George Couchlan, Timothy Riley, Roger Doyle, Wm. Downes, Michael Hall, Wm. H. Hanson, Alexander Smith, klias Sutherland, James McCarty, Daniel Calais do do Princeton do Baileyville 22! Lee 25: Calais Halitax, N. S. Milton do [Y. Syracuse, N. Calais do do St John, N.B. Calais do New York Calais do do do do do Dennysville 48 1 Calais 21 Baring do Calais do Princeton Weston Calais do do do do do do do do do do do [N.B. St. Stephens, Calais do Mustr 'd u ^ into Sec M U.S.Ser July 15 M do S do S do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do M do M do S do S do M do S do S do M do W do M do S do M do S do M do S do M do S do M do S do M do S do M do S do M do S do S do Remarks. Sick in camp. Sick in camp. Deserted July 16. Drowned at Chain Bridge. Sick in camp. Deceased July 20. Sick in quarters. Deceased Dec. 9. Deserted July 16. On detached service. Discharged by Court Martial. Deserted July 1 6. On detached service. On detached service. Sick in camp. 322 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company D, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. ,-.„ , Prison- De- ' Bis- De- iTrans- rr„,., '^'"^'^•: ers. ceased, cliarged. serted. ferred. ■^°^*'- Fit for 1 g. ^ Duty. '-"''^• Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 10 2 2 57 9 3 3 3 12 1 3 6 1 79 Total 72 1 11 1 3 3 6 2 97 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. For Duty. Sick. 1 752601 1 1 8 10 1 Or? Special Duty. In Arrest. Sice. 1 75 On Special Service. £ ^ 5 8 83 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. tL Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 'A < ment. 1 Joel A. Havcock 25 Captain Calais April 30 2 Reuel W. Furlong 25 1st Lieut. do do 3 Henry H. Waite 28 2d Lieut. do do 1 Levi L. L. Bassford 26 Sergeant Calais April 30 2 George W. McLean 20 do do do 3 Beniamin F. Waite, Jr. 26 do do do 4 Edward Williams 25 do do do 5 George P. Blanchard 24 do do June 15 1 William Lambe 30 Corporal Calais April 30 2 Hcnrv Balcomb 22 do do do 3 Huirh McEver 30 do do do 4 Warren Frazer 24 do do Julv 15 5 John 0. Dow 24 do do do 6 John Chamberlain 19 do do Dec. 1 7 Leander L. Brown 19 do do do 1 John Nichols 18 ^Musician Calais April 30 APPENDIX D. 823 Return of Capt- Josepli Snowman, Company E, Sixth Rcfrimcnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of July, 1861. JOSEPH SNOWMAN, Captain. t-, • Mustr'd Names. &£ Residence. fcl W) into Remarks. < g| U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Joseph Snowman, 48 Bucksport M July 15 Benjamin J. Buck, .31 do S do Virgil P. WardvveU. 23 do S do SERGEANTS. Frederic B. Ginn, 31 Orland s do George C. Irvin, 24 Bucksport s do Discharged for disability. Charles E. Pillsbury, 2.5 do s do Transferred to band. Lewis P. Abbott, 23 do M do George Snowman 22 do s do Commissary Sergeant. CORPORALS. Amasa S. Condon, 20 Orland s do Horatio N. Ginn, 27 Bucksport s do John Leach, 22 Surrey s do Jesse Treat, 22 Bucksport s do Promoted to Sergeant. Henry Tapley, 25 do s do William A. Quinn, 25 New London s do James G. Lamprey, 21 Bucksport s do Promoted to Sergeant. Eben B. Moore, 37 do M do MUSICIANS. Zebah W. Burrell, 44 Bucksport M do Discharged for disability. John Keefe. 22 Ireland M do Returned to ranks. W4.GONER. Albion K. Matthew. 30 Lincoln M do PRIVATES. Arnold, Byron P. 26 Orland s do Allen, John H. 22 Winterport S do • Burkley, Dennis 21 Bucksport S do Burton, Elisha 39 Orland M do Beverley, Charles S. 27 Augusta s do Brown, Jeremiah 43 Med ford M do Colson, Pxlward L. 18 Bucksport S do Cunningham, Nason B. 20 Sedgwiqk s do Discharged for disability. Clark, David 19 Orland s do Clark, Samuel J., Jr. 24 Veazie s do Carey, Calvin N. 19 Lagrange s do Col)b, Charles H. 19 Orrington s do Carroll, John 21 Bucksport s do Clay, George W. 21 Bluehill s do Carter, Albina H. 22 do s do Davis, Charles L. 19 Bucksport s do Darling, Lemuel H. 29 Lowell s do Doah, Charles H. 19 Bucksport s do Dudley, Charles V. 19 Bangor s do Dudley, Francis J. 18 do s do Dorr, George L. 26 Orland s do Dorr, Charles P. 20 Bucksport s do Eaton, Albert N. 21 Oldtown s do Ellis, Hiram 21 Prospect s Sept. 1 Fogg, Hiram E. 20 Bucksport s July 15 Flanders, Charles G. 21 Dexter s do Furbish, Thomas C. G. 18 Bucksport s do Goodale, Greenleaf A. 21 do s do Goodale, Edward A. 29 Bangor s do Grindle, George 23 Bluehill s do 324 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Sixth Regiment, ( Continued.') OS Mustr'd Names. < Residence. ^ «> into gS U.S.Ser. Remarks. Gray, Richard E. 23 Surry M July 15 Harriman, Andrew J. 22 Biddeford S do Harriman, Elias 44 Orland M do Heath, Avery H. 22 Penobscot S do Higgins, Leonard J. 39 Ellsworth M do Hatchings, Wesley T. 20 Penobscot M do Heywood, SewallL. 18 Bucksport S do Hunnewell, Calvin 25 Alexander S do Jerome, Hyde 23 Corinth s do Kenney, Thomas L. 37 Orland M do Knights, George W. 18 Newburg s do Karnes, John 25 Houlton M do Kennedy, John 23 Bucksport S do Lanphcr, Edward D. 18 do s do Lerus, Thomas W. 44 New York M Leathers, John T. 21 Bancroft S do Miller, George 39 Bucksport M do McFarland, John 26 Oi-land S do McCarthy, John 21 Bucksport S do Moore, Aaron P. 27 Orland M do McKinley, James B. 28 Bucksport M do Merrill, Samuel, Jr. 18 Surry S do Morton, Rohert A. 31 Pittston S do McCorniick, Thomas 23 Bangor S do Pratt, Benjamin F. 16 Oldtown s do Penige, Warren W. 25 Milo s do Pierce, Leander H. 23 Bucksport s do Page, John J. 20 do s do Page, Hiram F. 18 do s do Page, Silas 18 do s do Parker, Ozro 22 Blucliill s do Peterson, Orion I. 23 N. Gloucester s do Reed, Edwin B. 22 Bucksport s do Richardson, William A. 19 Orland s do Richards, Waldo S. 30 Prospect M do Sherman, John E. 22 Buckspoi't M do Discharged for disability. Saunders, Arthur L 20 Orland s do Sun, Thomas 18 Manchester s do Sick at Annapolis Hospital. Stubhs, James, Jr. 19 Bucksport s do Tozier, Charles G. 37 Charleston M do Towle, Jeremy J. 29 Bucksport M do Trundy, Justin H. 22 Dover S do Treat,'Alfred 18 Bucksport s do Verrill, Moses S. 25 do s do Ward well, James H. 21 Orland s do Ward well, Moses S. 19 do s do Webb, John 22 Bucksport s do Westcott, Stephen B. 20 Bluehill s do Webster, Miron 23 Bucksport s do Webster, Greenleaf 22 do s do Furbish, Frederic 26 do s do APPENDIX D. 325 Recapitulation of Company E, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- serted. 1 Trans- ferred. Duty. ^"=''- Killed./—;- ceased, cliarged. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Cora. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 9 1 70 I 9 1 1 2 1 1 3 13 3 81 Total 83 10 2 1 4 100 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. Ow In Arre On For Dui T. Sick. Special Duty. T. >. ICK. Special Service. 0) i « £ «• m oi c u •.- tB e fp e ffi 03 ^ e B S O O o o in o o € ■a € ■c e £ »H ■a ^ (F 13 »F •3 . c3 o o O B o o o o c r, IS C O O S C g S "3 *w •o •a •3 •a T! .S o S c s H c 3 c £ B B s s 5 Ph ,o O c o 9 £ rt 1 o 1 1 5 2 i 1 £ bli £ C 6£ > tL — c > 2 > F c > F — O o o o o sn c c 01- br o >; 0. < U ;?; p- <: O ' •n VX T1 p^ ■u o •c d < s B o 9 c = Ol c c Ph ^c P 3 > is 6Jj i o tL tr •^ 9 « c c o O 9 i B c > si o c o O •£■ o c o -^ £ <: o ^ a, < O z A. O 2: 0H < O O a CL, ^J*^ 3 8 50 61 1 17 18 3 1 1 84 84 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. < 28 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 William N. Lvsett Captain. Pembroke May 1 2 John M. Lincoln 28 1st Lieut. do do 3 Simon Pottle, 2d 21 2d do Perry do 1 Theodore Lincoln, Jr. 30 Sergeant. Dennvsville May 1 2 Isaac C. Camiihell 20 do Pembroke do .3 Charles II. Bailey 21 do do do 4 Wm. H. Lincoln 21 do Perry do 5 William Sheahan 25 do Dennysville Dec. 1 1 Edward W. Eve 26 Corporal. Pembroke Mav 1 2 James R. llavward 26 do Dennvsville Julv 15 3 Merrill jNIoore 20 do Perrv do 4,Benia. K. .Tones 19 do Dennvsville do 5 Isaac K. Dudley 22 do Pembroke Dee. 13 I APPENDIX D. 329 Return of Capt. Ralph W. Young, Company G, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861. to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in tlie Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of July, 1861. RALPH W. YOUNG, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers Ralph W. Young, Frank C. Poirce. Hiram B. Sproul. SERGEANTS. George W. Leighton, Alonzo L. Stevens. Lindroff.W. Smith, George H. Jacobs, John McGregor. CORPORALS. Sidney W. Tucker, Harrison Wallace, Edwin D. Boynton, Fonze G. Leighton, William Shaw, George W. Burnham, George H. Pevea, Frank Campbell. jinsiciANS. A. K. P. Moore, Josiah S. Day. WAGONER, Robert Bailey. PRIVATES. Anderson, Charles H. Andrews, Malcolm Bennett, Henry Bradish, John L. Berry, Richard Brian, Thomas 0. Bradeen, Gardiner B. Cleaves, Charles G. Connell, Thomas 0. Chase, Samuel C. Conners, Horatio B. Campbell, Peter Dyer, George A. Davis, William F. Dixon, Robert Dorr, Freeman Donnell, Michael 0. Ellis, Frank Frye, Charles Frye, John Fuller, Alfred Flynn, Patrick Griffin, John Gilman, Jacob Hunter, Mitchell Jacobs, Horace G. Kingsley, Paul Lacey, Francis J. Leighton, Benjamin F Leighton, Truman W. Residence. 37 Rockland Augusta Cherryfield Columbia Steuben do Cherryfield Eastport 25 Columbia Millbridge Harrington Columbia Cherryfield do Winsdor Cherryfield Steuben do Portland Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. M July 15 Harrington do do Portland do Gardiner Hollis Steuben Cherryfield do do do Franklin Steuben Cherryfield do Portland do Machiasport do 21 [Brunswick 27 Boston 24 Eastport 23 Cherryfield do Portland Windsor Steuben do 22 S S s s s s M s s s s s s s s M M M s s s M s s s s M M s M S M M M S M S S s s s s s s, s' M s do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Reduced to ranks. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Promoted to Corporal. Deserted July 1 6. " " 20. " Aug 30. 330 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company G, Sixth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Leighton, Hannibal H. Leighton, Stephen S. Liiughlin. Lawrence O. Lynch, Charles Leighton, William Leighton, Frank G. Lobilen, Theodore McGuire, James Moore, Augustus P. McNamora, John McLaughlin, Michael McGregor, Charles W. McNulty, Edward McCardy, Geo. G. W. Marshall, William McCulloch, James McKinnon, Gilbert Maddan, Rufus Nash, Edmund N. O'llare, Michael Quigley, David Robinett, Joseph Small, Joseph Sinclair, George A. Small, Thomas J. Scott, Charles Stewart, John E. Sullivan, John Tabbats, Hilman L. Tabbats, David Tucker, Sidney M. Woods, Enoch H. Walker, William H. H, Wallace, Nelson C. Wilson, George I. G. Woods, Thomas Willey, Alonzo C. Weare, David L. Wheeler, Patrick Whalen, John T. . ^s Vlustr 'd ^ Residence. is into Remarks. < ; hz Lr.S.Ser. 18 Columbia s . July 15 18 do s do .35 Cherryfield s do 19 do s do 19 Steuben s do 25 Columbia s do 44 Portland s do Deceased Sept. 12. 40 do M do Deserted July 16. 20 Steuben s do 18 Calais s do 19 Providence s do 19 Eastport do 44 Calais M do 26 Steuben M do 19 Eastport S do 44 Portland M do Deserted July 16. 22 Portsmouth S do 48 Cherryfield M do 18 Harrington S do 19 Portland s do 19 Cherrvfield s do 20 Portland s do 18 Steuben s do 21 Cherryfield s do Discharged for disability. 2.3 do s do 38 Calais M do 23 Columbia s do 26 Ellsworth M do 23 Addison S do 21 do S do 23 Cherryfield s do Discharged for disability. 24 do ' s do 28 Deblois s do 19 Millbridge s do 25 Cherryfield s do 27 Calais M do 20 Cherryfield s do 19 Goukisboro' s do Deceased Oct. 31. 21 Portland s do 28 do s do 1 APPENDIX D. 331 Recapitulation of Company G, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. terred. ^°'*'- Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 12 3 53 1 1 5 2 5 5 3 13 3 70 Total 70 i 7 2 5 5 89 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On. For Dutt. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. 2 £ i 2 t £ XI o < „ € • e . e ^ £ ^f e . ifci a O o o o o O 0) o b o B T1 o St O C 3 o e o e o B O it: O B C B O B C it: O s S a fi s S B en B B <. lu £ 6(1 o O B C O o s > o O c i5 •> B B E c > E E C B > E O O s 1 > F B C o B > BJJ ft o o SB O o o O o O eii O ?5 a< <; u k: Cm <. o i5 Bh O S= CL, < O 2; Oh u ',C 04 < < 2 11 55 68 1 5 6 1 2 1 78 1 1 79 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. & Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. l« < ment. 1 Ralph W. Young 37 Captain Rockland May 2 2 Frank C. Pierce 20 1st Lieut. Augusta July 1 1 3 Hiram B. Sproul 21 2d Lieut. Cherryfield May 2 1 George N. Leighton 25 Sergeant Columbia Mav 2 2 Alonzo G. Stevens 20 do Steuben do 3 Lindroff W. Smith 23 do do do 4 Geo. H. Jacobs 18 do do do 5 John McGregor 42 do do June 28 1 Sidney W. Tucker 25 Corporal Columbia May 2 2 Harrison Wallace 20 do Millbridge do 3 Edwin D. Bovnton 20 CO Harrington do 4 Fonze G Leighton 28 do Columbia do .5 William Shaw 23 do Cherryfield June 25 6 George W. Burnham 25 do do do 7 George H. Pevea 20 do do do 8 Saml. C. Chase 23 do do Aug. 12 •332 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. George Fuller, Company H, Sixth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volun- teers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken ])lace in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of July, 1861. GEORGE "FULLER, Captain. ~~* , oS Mustr 'd Names. Residence. ,: tc into Remarks. < ii IT.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. George Fuller, 23 Corinth s July 15 Sick at Corinth. Joseph G. Roberts, 33 do M do George Roberts. 27 Dexter M do SERGEANTS. Alexander Stevens, 37 Bangor M do Discharged for disability. Benjamin F. Robinson, 24 Scbec M do Promoted to 1st Sergeant. Andrew J. Whittier, 27 Corinth M Aug.27 2d Charles Fitzgerald, 30 De.xter M July 15 3d William H. Coan. 23 do S do CORPORALS. Nathaniel G. Hatch, 39 Corinth M do Discharged tor disability. Aaron Frost 2d, 28 Corinna M do Promoted to 1st Corporal. Israel Hodsdon, 22 Corinth S do 2d '' Elisha Eddy, Jr. 27 do S Aug 27 3d James C. Huntington, 37 Atkinson M do Discharged for Disability. Al!)ert T. Severance, 18 Dexter S do Promoted to 4th Corporal. Hiram H. Bement, 19 do S do 5th William H. Cal lender. 21 Boston s do Transferred to band. MUSICIANS. Joseph F. Getcliell, 40 Bangor M July 15 Promoted to Drum-Major. Charles F. Tibbets. 20 Corinth s do WAGONER. James Roswell. 25 Bangor s do Discharged for disability. PRIVATES. Batis, Israel P. 29 Dexter M do Bradley, Charles W. 19 Corinth s do Bean, Sumner S. 27 do M do Bond, Lucius H. 20 do S do Beal, George E. 18 Hudson s do Bulger, Joseph 41 Bangor M do Bulger, Hiram B. 18 do S do Cummings, S6wall 22 Union s do Sick in camp. Chapman, Ornviile D. 18 Sebec s do Chase, Charles 23 St. Albans s do Sick in camp. Cooley, George H. 18 do s do Currier, Judson W. 19 Athens s do Dyer, Charles 20 Dexter s do Dexter, Chester 23 Corinth M do Frost, Gilman W. 27 St. Albans M do Foster, Eben W. 26 Lewiston S do Discharged for disability. Gould, George T. 19 Dexter S do Gilbert, Josejjh D. 24 Parkman s do Herrick, William H. 19 Corinth s do Heald, Henry C. 28 do s do Hallam, John M. 23 Sebec s do Herrick, David B. 19 Corinth s do Holmes, Zenas 25 Parkman s do Deceased Oct. 15. Huntington, Hiram F. 22 Atkinson s do Hatch, George W. 27 Garland M do Hammond, Joseph S. 18 Park m an s do Lovell, Asa B. 31 Abbott s do Lilibey, Albert L. 22 Waterville s do Sick in camp. Lancaster. Chester J. 24 Hudson s do Deceased Nov. 8. Lyford, Fifield 20 Garland s do APPENDIX D. 333 Return of Company H, Sixth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. McDonald, Alfred Mitchell, James L. Mitchell, Charles B. M'Kiisick, Charles H. McCorrison, Jaraes Morton, Solomon J. McKenney, John H. Moore, William H. Marsh, James D. Merrill, Alonzo R. Merrill, Ferdinand W. Norton, Harrison T. Osgood, Calvin R. Osgood, Wesley Pettingill, John W. Paige, Erasmus E. Peabody, Lemuel Pettingill, William H. Roberts, Otis O. Roundy, Dennis S. Russell, Lorenzo Randall, Alden F. Randall, Charles O. Russell, John Randall, George W. Roundy, James H. Ray, Charles L. Shay, Thomas P. Senter, William H. H. Shepard, Charles T. Sampson, Milton R, Skinner, George F. Steward, Sylvanus B. Saftbrd, Hiram F. Strout, Stillman W. S trout, George D. Smith, Upton T. Tinker, William H. Tibbets, William Valentine, Lowell W. Whittier, Lendall H. Whittier, Charles A. Weaver, Charles S. Williams, John J. Webber, Ivory Weeks, Samuel Weeks, William , h • Mustr'd » Residence. i:'tc into < il U.S.Ser. 29 Charleston M July 15 21 Sangerville S do 24 Hudson S do 18 Park man s do 24 Kenduskeag s do 21 Providence,R. s do 19 Monson [I. s do .38 Bangor M do 38 Ripley M do 18 Dexter s do 19 Williamsburg s do 20 Dexter s do 27 Garland s do 20 do s do 22 Corinna s do 18 Charleston s do 26 Dixmont s do 22 C. Elizabeth s do 19 Dexter s do 35 Bangor do 22 Dexter s do 22 Bangor s do 31 do s do 18 Dexter s do 20 Bangor s do 18 do s do 21 Augusta s do 20 Ripley s do 22 Charleston s do 22jSebec s do 27 Dexter s do 26 Casco s do 26 Monson s do 20 Dexter s do 37 Hudson s do 43 Corinth M do 18 Bangor s do 21 Trenton s do 22 Charleston s do 20 Harmony s do 20 Kenduskeag M do 21 Corinth s do 27 Parkman s do 29 Bangor s do 44 do do 23 Corinna s do 25 do s do Remarks. Promoted to Sergeant. Promoted to Corporal. Sick in camp. Promoted to Corporal. Discharged for disability. Promoted to corporal. Discharged for disability. 334 • adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company H, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- De- charged, serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 11 4 57 1 2 1 8 2 3 4 1 3 17 71 Total 74 12 2 1 7 1 1 96 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Di'TY. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. B a .a 2 2 2 'c n 0) c a s g s a U. e ■«i> '5 5 O cii 2 ctf SB » 1 5 c 5 X * o s o 9 1 M ■ fil _c c o o S S 1 s > s > iD > 1- s > Bn h s > s B > Bl bii o o o o o ti) o c O bl O s: tL, < ^ g; Ph <5 O i5 A. O ■^ CL, ^ O ^ Bh o i^ Oi < < 1 10 59 70 2 8 10 2 1 83 1 1 1 1 4 87 Present Organization of the Company. Names, George Fuller Joseph G. Roberts George Roberts Benjamin F. Robinson Andrew J. Whittier Charles Fitzgerald Solomon J. Morton William H. Coan 1 Aaron Frost 2 Israel Hodsdon 3 Klisha Eddy, Jr. 4 Albert T. Severance 5 Hiram H. Bement 6;Londall H. Whittier 7 James D Marsh 8; William H. Pettingill Date of be Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 23 ment. Captain Corinth 33 1st Lieut. do 27 2d Lieut. Dexter 24 Sergeant Sebec July 20 27 do Corinth do 30 do Dexter fl. do Recruiting. 26 do Providence R. do 23 do Dexter July 15 28 Corporal Corinna July 20 22 do Corinth do 21 do do do 19 do Dexter Nov. 14 19 do do do 20 do Kcnduskeag Sept. 1 39 do Dexter Aug. 29 22 do Cape Elizab'h Nov. 1 APPENDIX D. 335 Return of Capt. Albert G. Burton, Company I, Sixth Repimcnt Infantr}', Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the mornino; of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States on the fifteenth day of July, 1861. W. H. STANCHFIELD, Captain. Names. Residence. MJMiistr'd «■! into %% U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Albert G. Burton, 45 Oldtowa Henry R. Soper, 46 do Wm. H. Stanchfield. 34 Milo SERGEANTS. Daniel W. Freeze, Zenas B. Putnam, Lycurgus Smith, James H. Norris, James S. Lane. CORPORALS. Amos P. McKenney, William Doe, James S. Knowlton, George H. Norton, Bradford Luf kin, Alvin B. Hudson, Calvin T. Livermore, Elias M. Ketch. MUSICIANS. Nathaniel R. Witham, John W. Davis. WAGONER. Joseph Doe. PRIVATES. Blackman, Joseph C. Barrett, Justus J. Benner, Payson Brown, Cyrus P. Brown, William H. Croxford, Aaron Chamberlain, Laur. G. Chamberlain, Henry H Clark, Edward P. Crosby, Eben Crosman, Lyman E. Clark, Clement M. Cilley, Alonzo Corneau, Desire Davis, Eliphalet N. Davis, Newman A. Davis, Daniel Eaton, John W. Emery, William Emery, Samuel, Jr., Elliot, Franklin J. Emerson, George Esterbrook, Joseph W, Frost, Mark Gilmore, Martin V. B. Gardiner, George Green, Nathan Graffam, Oliver Gould, Samuel Hinkley, Oscar E. W. I 34 Orono 29 Oldtowa 22' do 21 Milford 26 Old town 22 Lincoln 44' Milford 21 Liberty 2r01dtown 22 Anoka, Min. 37 Bangor 22 Sebec 28 Lincoln ! 38 Bangor 18!Portland 42 MilforS 25'Oldtown 291 do igjWaldoboro' 21 Newport 21 i Milo 22iNewburg 19 Presque Isle 22'Presque Isle 23 Houlton 25 1 do 25 Oldtown 27 Bangor 24 do 20 Oldtown 34J do 24!Veazie 38 Oldtown 34J do 46, Lagrange 22 Veazie 18 Sebec 26 Greenbush 21 Bangor 41 Medford 21 Turner 21 Sebec 45 Lee 45 Oldtown 23 Linneus 18 Oldtown July 15 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Resigned. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant. Sick at home. Promoted to 1st Sergeant. Kemarks. Discharged for disability. Sick in camp. Promoted to Sergeant. Sick in camp. Discharged for disability. 836 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company /, Sixth Regiment, ( Continued.') Harris, Hczekiah B. Holbrook, Jesse House, George W. Hall, Thomas L. Harris, Hezekiah F. Hupfhes, Charles A. Hatch, John B. Hullowell, Daniel JefFerds, Rufus Jenness, "Walter B. Jenness, Mark C. Johnson, Charles W. Keith, David B. Knapp, Owen Kennedy, Alden Keith. Joseph L. Keen, "William A. Lisherness, Benj. C. Lyon, Sylvester F. Longley, Asa Libbey. Augustus Lane, James A. Leard, Edmund Miles, Andrew J. McCallam, Thomas McCrystle, Patrick Merrick, David C. Mack, Washington R. Mooney, John Powell, Isaac Pratt, Isaac Riggs, Joseph W, Randall, Nath'l P. Smith, Thomas P. Stinson, Leander C. Sturdevant, Thos. B. Sleeper, George W. Sibley, William T. Staples, Samuel Stevens, Samuel F. Scribner, Isaiah B. Soper, James B. Spencer, Green C. Templeton, Thomas Turner, Joseph O. AVhite, William J. Waterbury, Isaac R. Whitney, David C. Webster, William W. 5 =^ Mustr'd 6 Residence. i - into Remarks. < 7,'-E C.S.Ser 44 Dldtown M Julyl5| 31 Sebeo S do 24 Lee s do 21 Lincoln s do 26 Oldtowa s do 23 do s do Sick in camp. 24 Mariaville | s do 21 Windsor s do 18 Foxcroft s do Sick in camp. 21 Hermon s do 18 Passadumk'g s do Sick in camp. 31 Oldtown M do 44 do M do 22 N. Portland s do 26 Greenbusli M do 22 Oldtown S do 23 Chester s do 32 Oldtowa s do 21 Lincoln s do 46 Medford M do Sick in camp. 22 China s do 21 Bangor s do 24 Oldtown s do 34 do M do Sick in camp. 32 Searsport M do 35 Bangor M do 44 Oldtown M do 34 do M do Sick in camp. 27 Houlton S do Discharged for disability. 28 Oldtown M do Transferred to Penn. Cay airy. 21 do S do 23 Milford S do 22 "Vassalboro' s do 45 Oldtown M do 26 do S do 33 Dexter M do 25 Haverill, Ms. S do 21 Oldtown S do 21 Newburg s do 24 Belfast M do 45 Bangor M do 20 Oldtown M do 21 Milford S do 23 do M do 21 Lincoln S do Sick in camp. 27 Bangor s do 35 Howland s do Discharged for disability. 19 Lincoln s do 20 do s do Sick in camp. APPENDIX D. 337 Recapitulation of Company I, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. ' Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers 2 Non-Com. Officers 12 Musicians & Wagoner 2 Privates 65 1 10 1 1 3 1 3 13 3 79 Total 81 11 1 5 1 98 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Prese NT. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special DUTV. Sick. Special Service. > P c > 6( s £> H c > 61) M o o o O c c "■J Z 04 < o ^ 04 < O S5 a. o ■z Ch < O 15 P. O i5 Ph < < 3 12 66 81 10 10 1 1 92 Present Organization of the Company. — Date of o Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. !z; < ment. 1 William H. Stanchfield 34 Captain Milo Oct. 11 2 Henry R. Soper 46 1st Lieut. Oldtown May 4 3 Daniel W. Freeze 34 2d Lieut. Orono Oct 11 1 Lycurgus Smith 22 Serg^eant Oldtown Oct. 1 1 2 Zenas B. Putnam 29 do do July 14 Absent on furlough. 3 Eben Crosby 25 do Houlton Oct. 11 4 James H. Norris 21 do Milford July 14 5 James S. Lane 26 do Oldtown 'do 1 Amos P. McKenney 22 Corporal Lincoln July 14 2j William Doe 44 do Milford do 3 James S. Knowlton 21 do Liberty do 4 George H. Norton 21 do Oldtown do 5 Bradford Luf kin 22 do Anoka. Min. do 6 Alvin B Hudson 37 do Bangor do 7 Calvin T. Livcrmore 22 do ;Sebec do 8 Elias M. Ketch 28 do Lincoln do 338 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Theodore Carey, Company K, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing- its condition on (he morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of July, 1861. THEODORE CAREY, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Theodore Carey, Thomas P. Roach, Charles Day. SERGEANTS. John B. Waid, George H. Patterson, Charles T. Withercll, Thatcher Vose, Samuel H. Wheeler. CORPORALS. George W. Corbett, Francis E. Sabine, Robert H. Gibson, Harrison Huckings, Joseph Whelpley, Levi Flood, Thomas N. Kerr, James Hutchison. MUSICIANS. Stephen Canfield, Frederic Tucker. WAGONER. William D.. Clark. PRIVATES. Anderson, George Apt, Daniel, Jr., Allan, Nathaniel S. Andrews, Daniel Archer, George A. Allen, William H. Bates, William H. H. Brown, George Bryan, John O. Burke, Peter Brooks, Thomas Bagley, Daniel W. Chester, Peter Clark, Cyrene M. Cross, John H. Council, John Cunningham, Allen Coffin, Albert P. Dirigee, James H. Demott, Joseph H. Dijgan, Patrick Dunn, George S. Davy, Edmund Drew, Calef W. Daus, Frederic Dyer, George W. Foster, Alonzo Frost, Benjamin Gray, John A. Hinkley, Jacob S. Sd Residence. 48jEastport 26 do 42 do 28 do 29 do 23 [ do 22;Robbinston 18 Eastport iMnstr'd i U.S.Ser. do do do do do Alexander 26 Robbinston 22 Eastport 24 N. Y. City Eastport Alexander Eastport do Marion Eastport do 26 Brunswick 25 Eastport [I 22 Centerville,R 29, Halifax, N. S 21 Prov. R. I. 19 Lubec 18 E. Machias 21 Robbinston 44 Bridge water, 20 Alexander[Ct 19 Halifax, N. S. 19 Edmonds 23 Lubec 19 Calais 42 Eastport 19 do 18 do 28 Charlotte 18 Whitneyville 27 Monkton,NB. 24 Brunswick I23 Marion |24 Alexander 28 Eastport 32 1 do July 15 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Sick in camp. Deserted, Oct. 10. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. APPENDIX D. 66\f Return of Company K, Sixth Regiment, ( Continued.} -■ u ^ Mnstr'd Names. ^ 1 Residence. u Ml into Remarks. 4 Portland s do Coad, Joseph I 54 Eastport M Aug.28 Sick at Washington. Warton, William ] 8 Buffalo, N. y s 1 do ' 340 . adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company K, Sixth Regiment Infantry, llaine Volimteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. rio n:- de- serted. Trans- ferred. » Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased. ■ charged. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 13 3 67 1 6 1 3 13 3 74 Total 85 1 6 1 1 93 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. B o i i <» 2 .: • a • m a ^f B rr !fl rr a c o u h- o ^ O O O o S •n T1 u (id u id O !fi a> a o H r, sy tS O 3 o O o o o o o © « ■a ■o 'Jn •a •a C3 •o 'D ® o S E o , £ c .o 1 E o m o E E o . 5 E S 1 0) !.| 1 1 1 1 a O i" fci O rt 0) V '^. c O fc U C V tn H s > bD 1- B > ^- s > s > 1- s > BB 6D o tl) o o •^ bl O -S o w o •^ o •j^ o '•^ Oh < U 15 Oh < '-) ^ cw O « CLi < r is EU O ^ Ph < < 2 10 51 63 2 5 7 1 3 73 1 1 2 4 77 Present Orga7iization of the Company. Date of 1 Names. 6 be Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 2 3 Theodore Carey- Thomas P. Roach Charles Day 48 26 42 Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Eastport do do May 7 do do Sick at Philadelpliia 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPENDIX D. SEVENTH REGIMENT. 341 Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Seventh Reejimeiit Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. Edwin C. Masou Thomas H. Marshall Seidell Connor Thomas W. Hyde Elijah D. Johnson John K. Russell Thomas C. Barker r. M. Eveleth James A. Varney Andrew W. Fuller Chas. B. Whittemore Franklin Glazier Albert L. Frye Alonzo Guinam Geo. M. Bodge Rank. Colonel Colonel Lieut. -Colonel Major Adjutant Quartermaster Surgeon Asst. -Surgeon Chaplain Sergt. -Major Q'rm'r.-Sergt Com'y-Sergt. Hosp. Steward Drum-Major Fife -Major Residence !Date of Appoint- KesiQence. ^^^^^^ Remarks. Portland Aug. 22, 186l!Resig'd Aug. 31, 1861 Re-app'd Nov. 5, " Deceased at ]3alti- [more, Oct. 25, 1861 Belfast Sept. 5, 1861 Fairfield Aug. 22, 1861 Bath Aug. 22, 1861 Lewiston Aug. 26, 1861 Skowhegan Aug. 26, 1861 Bangor lAug. 21, 1861 Presque Isle Aug. 21, 1861 China Sept. 6, 1861 Winslow Augusta Hallowell Lewiston Houlton Naples Resigned. REGIMENTAL BAND. Emery D. Ingraham H P. Fairfield Calvin M. Fisher Thomas Gill Daniel Mayers Wm. O. Brien Wm. W. Plummer Richard M. Porter D. W. Potter Wm. C. Bobbins Lewis Schoppe John B. Trull Wm. H. Webber Jahez Eveleth Marcus M. Small Leader Bath Musician Vassalboro' do Williamsburg do do do Bath do Williamsburg do Springfield do Williamsburg do iBath do Bath do Bath do Bath do Georgetown do Portland do E. Livermore Aug. 22, 1861 do do do do do do do do do do do do Aug. 21, 1861 Transferred from Co. G. do Transferred from Co. K. 342 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Beturn of Capt. John W. Freeze, Company A, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentv-first day of August, 1861. JOHN W. FREEZE, Captain. ci Mustr'd Names. i Residence. 5cc into U.S.Ser. Remarks. COMMIss'd officers. John W. Freeze, 27 Houlton S Aug.21 Timothy Swan, 23 do M do Joseph G. Butler. 23 Presque Isle S do Sick at Baltimore. SERGEANTS. Enoch H. Phalon, 23 Houlton s do Sick at Baltimore. "Winfield Scott Cook, 19 Presque Isle s do Alonzo Guinam, 34 Houlton M do Promoted to Drum-Major James Lindsey. 21 Littleton s do CORPORALS. James McGinley, 20 Houlton s do Promoted to Sergeant. Chas. N. Nelson, 25 Bridgewater M do Edward C. Snell, 22 Houlton s do Reduced to ranks. Watson Hunnewell, 21 Woodstock s do Almon L. Fogg, 22 Washburn s do Promoted to Sergeant. Sherman S. RacklifF. 21 Presque Isle s do James Syphers, 22 do s do Hadley Fairfield. 21 Patten s do MUSICIANS. Wm. Hudson, 29 Houlton s do Reduced to ranks. Thomas Wills. 22 do s do WAGONER. Albert Bessey. 33 do s do PRiyATES. . Allen, Orville 21 No. 5, R. 6. s do Died at Washington Nov. 10. Allen, D. Daniel 20 Montville s do Atherton, William 21 Linneus s do Briggs, John 44 Belfast M do Brown, M. Frank 23 Linneus s do Brown, Josiah, 19 do s do Batchelder, John 18 do s do Benn, Frederic 21 Hodgdon s do Bent, William G. 20 Annapolis s do Bragdon, Eben. L. 21 Fort Fairfield s do Sick at camp. Conners, George W. 27 Littleton s do Dunham, Wm. H. 19 Monticello s do Dillman, Jeremiah 21 Richmond s do Ellis, George 21 Lyndon s do Foss, P. Joseph 22 West Town s do Fowler, Timothy 24 Patten s ■ do Fairfield, Edward F. 27 Bridgewater s do Fuller, W. Andrew 19 Winslow s do Fogg, John H. 24 Washburn s do Promoted to Sergeant-Major. Gammon, Wm. H. 21 Presque Isle s do Haskell, James L. 23 Weston s do Haskell, George W. 19 do s do Haines, B. Roger 21 Frederickton s do Fifer. Hinds, Hiram K. 21 Bridgewater s do Sick at camp. Hunter, Benj. F. 22 Hodgdon s do do Huntley, Abiel D. 24 Morrill PI. 8 do do Jackson, John H. 22 Ox Bow s Deserted. Jackson, W. Randall 21 Bridgewater s do Jameson, James 21 Alliion s do Sick at camp. Johnson, Capen W. 21 Robbinston s do Keating, Richard 21 Houlton s do APPENDIX D. 343 Return of Company A, Seventh Regiment, (^Continued.') Knowlen, Wm. H. Kimball, Richard H. Kimball, Samuel Q. Kimball, Andrew Kimball, Wm. S. Kelley, Wm. P. Lee, John Langfield, E. William McLaughlin, Amos K. McKenzie, Norman Lewn, James Merritt, Augustus Marshall, Melville Mullen, John Noyes, Charles H. Nelson, Allen Phalon, John A. Parsons, B. Luther Parsons, John W. Palmer, Uriah F. Powers, B. Thos. Palmer, Moses, Jr., Plunkett, John Royall, Russell Richardson, William Richardson, David S. Roncon, John Sawin, Sanford M. Shields, John Smith, William L. Smith, Wm. L. Syphers, Albion Sullivan, James Thibadore, Albert Tyrrell, C Ira Vance, Robert Williams, James D. White, L. George Wolhampter, H. Chas. Wood, Joseph Polan, Michael Forrest, Michael Norris, Richard Ruggles, Joseph Residence. Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. Masardis Linneus Patten do Fremont Weston Limerick Houlton Edmonds Houlton do Lyndon Linneus Houlton Patten Bridgewater Houlton Lyndon E as ton Patten do Fort Fairfield Benedicta Patten Weston Greenburg Dexter Caraboo Linneus Milo Houlton do do Fort Kent Linneus Lyndon Houlton Fort Kent Monticello Meddybemps Houlton do Fort Fairfield Weston Aug.21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Oct. 24 Sep. 18 Oct. 24 Aug.21 Died at Baltimore Oct. 23. Promoted to Corporal. Sick at camp. Promoted to Corporal. Sick at camp. Sick at Washington. Promoted to Corporal. Sick at camp. Died at Baltimore Dec. 1st. Sick at Hospital. Sick at camp, do Sick at camp. 344 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company A, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. »* Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers 2 Non-Com. Officers j 13 Musicians & Wagoner 3 Privates 55 1 15 3 1 3 13 3 74 Total 73 16 3 1 1 93 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arbest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sice. Special Duty. Service. c 1 t 2 i £ >ri u rr S • a . S „• e • 6 m e o o i. o £ O « c O 01 o c IS t- ifcl « a a a (U S3 o t: a o a - O s o o o o c s O o o o a Tl ■a ■o -c ■a ■o (fl .a e U > = s 5 > = > > > £ SI e c •^ SI c ejj o c •j^ SI c o ■ji; O e ^ <: U ^ Cl- < Li :< Sm u K c < '-) a CL, o 'A CU ,< < 2 12 57 71 io 10 81 1 5 1 1 8 89 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. Si Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ^5 < ment. 1 John W. Freeze 28 Captain Houlton June 3 2 Timothy Swan 24 1st Lieut. do do 3 Joseph G. Eutler 24 2d Lieut. Presque Isle do 1 Almon L. FoF ■c !F -3 o S o 5 O o O c O C C c ■a m •a •a " -a S s •a fS ■a pO c o 1 3 6 E S o O B s s o O rt s o 'S E E o O 1 E E o « c s a o O •£ < * bjj P. 1 b s s tl > > c o o o d o r. bl. en U ■< BU <. O S5 Ol < O K 0. o 'ic ft < o « Oi O i5 Cn < < 2 9 56 67 2 8 10 2 79 1 5 1 7 86 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. tU) Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. «5 < ment. 1 James P. Jones 26 Captain China Aug. 8 2 William L. Haskell 25 1st Lieut. Poland do Recruiting. 3 Eli H. Webber 2d Lieut China 1 John C. McKenney 29 Sergeant Phipsburg Nov. 9 2 Joseph M. Penny 25 do , Waterville Sept. 10 3 Lemuel C. Small 25 do Brunswick Sept. 23 4 Lincoln K. Plummer 18 do Jefferson Nov. 9 5 Calvin F. Parker 25 do Norridgewock Dec. 4 1 Andrew Bisbee 25 Corporal Norridgewock Aug. 8 2 William R. Crosby 30 do Phipsburg do 3 George E. Taylor 19 do Bingham Sept. 1 4 Thomas Crawford 19 do Bath Sept. 10 5 Harrison Reed 22 do Windsor Sept. 23 6 Charles M. Small 19 do Bath do 348 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Keturn of Capt. Charles D. Gilmore, Company C, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether witii a record of the changes tlia: have taken place in the Comijany since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty-first dav of August, 1861. CHARLES D. GILMORE, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Charles J). Gilmore, John A. Bachelder, Albert P. Titcomb. SERGE.\NTS. Andrew M. Benson, Charles Lowell, Frank B. Holden, Eli McLaughlin, John F. Toliiu. CORPORALS. Warren A. McFlieters, Jose])h Laing, Ira F. Stinchtield, David H. Barker, George B. McKenney, Albion A. Messer, Saufurd Bruce, Alien L. Harmon. MUSICIANS. William A. Taylor, S. T. Stewart. WAGONER. William Kennedy. PRIVATES. Annis, Morrill Either, Major W. Balf, Stephen Betters, Felix Bragg, George E. Cressey, David B. Carney, James Curtis, Albert T. Doble, Roscoe DoUoff, James Dougherty, Thomas Dougherty, Charles H. Flemming, John Farnham, Charles M. Fish, Thomas Grover, George H. Gates, Albert F. Gates, Augustine Gray, Warren Hatch, Andrew J. Holmes, Jacol) Harris, William W. Haynes, Luther Hayne-!. Ashliurv F. Hull, Oliver Hanscomli, John Jordan, Edwin Kin>cll. George Libbey, Thomas S. Lombard, Orrin go \IustrM gj Residence. into Remarks. < ; II J.S.Ser. 40 Bangor M Aug.21 37 Oldtown M do 24 Lincoln S do Sick at Camp. 26 Oldtown S do 26 do s do 24 Bangor s do 21 Oldtown s do 21 Lincoln s do 24 Lowell [keag s do 53 Passadum- M do 21 Lincoln s do 21 Mariaville s do 22 Enfield s do '^ 21 do s do 22 Lincoln s do 22 Winn s do 26 Burlington s do 16 Oldtown s do 27 do M do 26 Oldtown s do Sick at Baltimore. 21 Linneus s do 30 Lincoln s do Sick at Camp. 41 Oldtown s do 22 Dixinont s do Sick at Camp. 20 Winn s do 38 Oldtown s do 20 Enfield s do Sick at Camp. 19 Lincoln [keag s do .51 Passadum- M Discharged for Disability. 26 Oldtown s do 37 do M do 1 8 Lincoln S do 26 Kdinburg s do 26 Oldtown s do 18 Drew PI. s do 22 Burlington s do Died at Baltimore, November 7. 20 Lincoln s do 32 Enfield M do 31 Lincoln s do 25 Swiinville s do 23 Oldtown s do 20 Passadum- s do 18 do [keag s do 27 Oldtown s do 48 Milford M do 23 Bradley s do 19 Oldiown s do 42 Lincoln M do 20 do s do Died at Camp, November 30. APPENDIX D. 349 Return of Company O, Seventh Regiment, (^Contiyiued.^ Names. Lyon, Johnston Lindsay, John M. Lizott, Octavus Lyon, Joseph Leonard, Milan Mitchell, Benj. W. McKenney, A. J. McMullen, Duncan McKay, Moses W. Moreau, Joseph Nash, Royall Neddo, Joseph O'Brien, Frank Potter, Benjamin S. Pond, James, Jr. Patten, Alonzo Palmer, Moses Pel key, Edward Palmeton, Shepherd Reynolds, Edward Rowe, Madison C. Rines, George W. Roberts, Myron B. Sibley, Selden K. Sawyer, Arander Shorey, James Smith, Edwin Stickncy, William C Thomas, James N. Weymouth, Jacob Warren, Osman White, Henry C. Lairy, Francis Sibley, Stilson E. GuUifer, Calvin Ring, Warren T. Felix, Edward Colbuth, Wm. H. Collins, Davis Hanscomb, Frank O. Lancaster, W. S. N. Turner, Luther I. True, Alvin E. Turner, Adrian E. Towle, James Residence. Lincoln do Old town Lincoln Plant. No. Oldtown ISJEnfield 24, Burlington 41 Oldtown do [keag Passadum- Oldtown Mattawara- Lincoln [keay Woodville Pi Oldtown Carroll 30; Oldtown 28| do 28|Winn 22 {Old town 20 1 do 19 Lincoln 21 Burlington Oldtown Milford Newburg 21 ; Springfield 27 j Lee 25 1 Oldtown 37 (Lincoln ISjLowell [keag 18 Passadum- 24 1 No. 1 Plant 23 Oldtown 19| do 34! do [tis 18'Mattamiscon 241 Calais 23 Milo 21 [Max field 18 Lincoln do do Enfield Aug.21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Sick at Camp. Sick at Camp. Sick in Hospital. Deserted, October 12. Died in Quarters, November 17. I Aug.21 Sick at Camp. Died at Baltimore. 350 adjutant-genekal's report. Recapitulation of Company C, Seventh Regiment Infantry, 3Iaine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. no Troiio Fit for Duty. Sick. charged, serted. ferred. 1 Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Offieers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 60 9 4 1 1 3 13 3 75 Total 1 79 9 4 1 1 94 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. 1 i >M JO £ £ < tF B * e t! « • £ • S • S t C :2 o £ o b O £ o o s ■% tj fl ff: <» F! u H c fl e HH « c o O O o o O O c o •a ■a ■e •a rs r o < '5 E o 2 bu 1* o 1 o o ® c s s o O £ c .0 £ o £ s o s E 5 o C E 1 S bc r c > Bf s Ml c > c > tti h c > h c > U u. o ■^ &D o ■^ o ■c OL o o 'J- U ■ar. Ph 1 OS Mustr'd ■ "-"■' "-"-'"•""'^ ■ —^ Names. Sd Residence. Sc into Kemarks. |k U.S.Ser. COMmiss'd officers. Thomas W. Hyde, 21 Bath s Aug.22 Promoted to Major. Henry S. Hagar, 22 Richmond s do " " Adjutant. George E. Morse. 22 Bath s do SERGEANTS. George W. Annable, 24 Augusta s do Sick at Camp, of lame ancle. James Smith, 39 Eastport s do Reduced to Ranks. George McLellan, 23 Bath s do " " John Simons. 42 Philadelphia M do t( c< MUSICIANS. William A. Brown, Brunswick S do C. K. Hersey. 45 Webster do Sick at Camp. WAGONER. J. Norton, Jr. 35 Portland s, do PRIVATES. Arno, Veranus M. 28 Wales s do Promoted to Corporal. Babb, Joseph Edwin 22iW. Gardiner s do Bachelder, Amos J. 19[ do s do Bennett, Charles 25 Bath s do Bickford, Kendall 42 PittstoQ M do Bowring, Horace C. 26 Bath M do Sick at Camp. Bragg, Henry A. 24 do s do u " Call, Joseph F. 21 Richmond s do Promoted to Corporal. Davis, William 0. 21 W. Gardiner s do Promoted to Sergeant. Douglass, George B. 21 Gardiner s do Discharged. Disability. Doughty, Charles 46 Durham s do Dunbrack, William H. 22 Halifax, N. S. s do Eaton, George L. 46 Brunswick M do Edgerly, Richard 21 i Bath s do Farmer, William 25 East Boston s do Deserted. Flanders, Benjamin F. 21 Gardiner s do Sick at Camp. Fox Thomas 33 Portland M do " " Gay, Benjamin F. 24 Bath s do Reduced from Corporal. Goodwin, Charles A. 24 Dresden s do Promoted to Sergeant. Green, Edward K. 28 Saco s do Hinckley, Alonzo 25 Vassalboro' s do Hodson, William B. 26 Brunswick s do Hunter, Charles C. 29 Topsham s do Jaquith, Orison D. 25 Gardiner s do Jones, Calvin 19 Washington s do Lee, John 24 Lewiston s do Sick at Camp. McCutchen, John 18 Bath s do McKinney, L. D. 23 W. Gardiner s do McNeills, Thomas 33 Portland s do Merrill, John W. 25 Bath s do Promoted to Corporal. Middleton, John 23 Moose River, s do Deserted. Mitchell, Benjamin F. 18 Bath [Canada s do Moore, Charles H. 18 do s do Oliver, Levi C. 37 do M do Sick at Camp. Page, Dexter W. 28 W. Gardiner s do Pepper, George 21 Bath s do Sick at Camp. Piper, George W. 18 Hallowell s do Pinkham, John H. 18 Boothbav s do Pomeroy, Fernando C. 18 Solon s do Price, Charles W. 18 Richmond s do Sick at Camp. 352 ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company D, Seventh Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Richardson, Thomas A, Ross, Horace Sisk, Edward Small, William H. H. Stevens, Jason K. Levett, Charles H. Svlvester, Austin W. Tyrrell, William D. Williams, Aaron Coombs, Thomas A. Kennison, Henry C. Dunninnj, Horace Packard, Thomas A. Monte, Charles Lombard, Thomas H. Ayer, Caleb R. Adams, Edwin P. Dorman, George H. Header, George Meader, Joseph Maxwell, George M. Pease, Shepard Corliss, George L. Powers, John gcJ Mustr'd Residence. ,; bn into S U.S.Ser. Aug.22 Pittston Bowdoinham S do 1 Martinburg, S do ! Bowdoin[N.Y s do Waterville M do Richmond s do Watertbrd s do Liniieus s do Bowdoinham s do ! Bath s do Belgrade s do Brunswick s do Readfield s do Portland M do Litchfield s do Portland M Sept. 7 Newfield s do do s do Litchfield s do do s do do s do Monmouth M do Yarmouth s s Aug.22 ! Remarks. Reduced from CorporaL Deserted. Promoted to Corporal. Promoted to Sergeant. ! Promoted to Corporal. Sick at Camp. Promoted to Sergeant. Transferred to Company B. APPENDIX D. 353 Recapitulation of Company D,Seventh Regiment Infantry^ Maine Volunteers. Present &; Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- cliarged. De- serted. 3 Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers | 3 Non-Com. Officers 4 Musicians & Wagoner 2 Privates 64 1 1 3 4 2 69 Total 73 i 1 1 3 78 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On i T.. On For Duty. Sick. Special Doty. Arrest. Sick. Special Service. c t £ » i t < ff= € sfi fF !£ e o O o O (E O o IF s f= T3 V fF -= e •a »! IfE e »: O s O O c o 5 p O 5 o o o — 'w ■o 'm o •a " T3 " F > F > E c > bfl P c > c c > &£ o tL o •E O o T c l- O ^ c^ < o 2 CL( < U 2 Bh O ?; Bh < U 2 0. '■J <5 Pu < 3 8 41 52 5 13 18 70 70 Present Organization of the Company. — — Date of d Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. S5 < ment. 1 2 S Hiram A. Dalton 38 Captain Readfield Aug. 21 George E. Morse 22 2d Lieut. Bath Aug. 19 1 George W. Annable 20 Sergeant Augusta Aug. 20 2 Ciiarles A. Goodwin 24 do Dresden Sept. 1 3 William D. Tvrrell 23 do Linneus do 4 William 0. Davis 21 do W. Gardiner Oct. 1 5 Caleb R. Ayer 18 do Portland do 1 John W. Merrill 25 Corporal Bath Oct. 1 2 George L. Eaton 46 do Brunswick Aug. 20 3 Austin W. Svlvester 19 do Watcrford Oct. 23 4 William 11. H. Small 20 do Bowdoin Sept. 1 5 Veranus M. Arno 28 do Wales Oct. 1 6 Joseph F. Call 21 do Kichmond do 7 Thomas A. Coombs 19 do Bath do 8 Joseph E. Babb 22 do W. Gardiner Oct. 8 854 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. John W. Channinj2:, Company E, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on tlie morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentv-first dav of August, 1861. LiEDT. ALBERT A. NICKERSON, Commanding. 1 c C Mustr'd • Names. §i Resideice. j '-"'§- into Remarks. < '/ siZ U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. John W. Channing, 32 Fairfield M Aug.21 Promoted to Captain. Albert A. Nickerson. 21 do S do " 1st Lieutenant. SERGEANTS. Augustus F. Emery, 33 do S do Promoted to 2d Lieutenant. Charles W. Smiley, 23 Sidney s do " 1st Sergeant. Charles M Loan, 22 Athens s do Sick at camp. George E. Ford. 21 Fairfield s do CORPORALS. Martin Drew, Isaac P. Avery, 32 Unity M do Samuel R. Tuttle, 18 Fairfield s do James S. Nye, 19 do s do Thomas F. Davis, 18 Pittsfield s do Died at Washington, Nov. 28. Edwin A. Emery, 27 Fairfield M do Alvin S. Hall, 21 Clinton s do David Seavey. 40 Waterville M do MnsiciAN. Chandler Reynolds. 37 Benton M do "WAGONER. James H. Jacobs. 20 Fairfield S do PRIVATES. Allen, Ansel C. 27 NoiTidgewock M do Sick at camp. Bradbury, Edwin 22 Fairfield s do Burnham, Richard D. 20 do s do Batchelder, Abram 19 Haiti and s do Broad, Augustus 25 Unity s do Bacon, James K. 18 Waterville s do Burrill, NexviU S. s do Bacon, George do s do Chadwick, Levi W. 24 Newburg s do Crockett, Allison 21 Abbott s do Cole, George 22 Oldtown s do Drew, Ephraim 18 Fairfield s do Conner, James S. 22 do s do Promoted to Sergeant.. Chapman, Asa Mercer s do Doble, Alvah B. 20 Etna s do Emery, Josiali B. 18 Fairfield s do Ford, .James B. 28 do s do Discharged. Disability. Geyrough, George 21 Waterville s do Henabry, Thomas 20 Palmyra s do Hammond, Elias H. 3.5 Pittsfield s do Home, Thomas E. 26 Vassal) )oro' s do Hubbard, William H. 22 Fairfield s do Hunter, William 27 Clinton s do Knowles, Charles 19 Troy s do Luce, Benjamin F. 18 Fairfield s do Lawrence, Henry 29 do s do Messer, Orrin R. 23 s do Messer, John N. 19 Waterville s do Moore, Robert H. 20 Dixmont s do Myriclc, Edward 21 Troy s do Mack, Samuel 17 Fairfield s do Pollard, Hiram S. 21 Win slow s do Prebble, Rufus 18 do s do APPENDIX D. 355 Return of Company E, Seventh Regiment, (^Continued.) CO Mustr'd Names. &£ Residence. st into Remarks. < ss U.S.Ser. Booler, Gott 33 Waterville s Aug.21 Kidlon, John W. 22 Albion s do Eeynolds, H. A. P. 19 Burnham s do Sick at camp. Stevens, Addison N. 21 Fairfield s do Scribner, Josiah S. 23 Unity s do Died at Baltimore. Seribner, Daniel M. 27 do s do Tilton, George E. 21 Troy s do Williams, Joseph F. 18 N. Anson s do Promoted to Corporal. Young, Samuel 25 Lexington s do Cole, Richard 22 Burnham 8 do Webster, Samuel B. 18 Fairfield s do Greenlicf, Perry 21 s do Promoted to Sergeant. Tibbetts, Alonzo 21 Athens s do Allen, Isaiah 22 Lincolu s Sept.29 356 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E. Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased. charged, serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 8 3 31 5 10 2 1 1 3 13 3 45 Total 45 15 2 1 1 64 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. For DuTr. 8 34 44 4 8 12 On Special Duty. In Arrest. S = 5 1 Absent. o ^ c- 1 2 On Special Service. 460 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 IS Names. 6 < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 John W. Channing 32 Captain Fairfield Aug. 21 2 Albert A. Nickerson 21 1st Lieut. do do 3 Augustus F. Emery 33 2d Lieut. do do 1 C. W. Smiley 23 Sergeant Sidney Aug. 21 2 Perry Greenlief 21 do do 3 Charles M. Loan 22 do Fairfield do 4 George E. Pord 21 do do do 5 James S. Conner 22 do do do 1 Martin Drew- 23 Corporal Fairfield Aug. 28 2 Isaac P. Avery 32 do Unitv do 3 Samuel R. Tattle 18 do Fairfield do 4 James S. Nye 19 do do do 5 Joseph F. Williams 18 do N. Anson do 6 Edwin A. Emery 27 do Fairfield do 7 Alvin S. Hall 21 do Clinton do 8 David Seavey 40 do Waterville do APPENDIX D. 357 Return of Capt. William M. Cushman, Company F, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteer?, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on tlie twenty-tirst day of August, 1861. WILLIAM M. CUSHMAN, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. William M. Cushman, James M. Andrews, Joseph E. Walker. SERGEANTS. Charles Rounds, Andrew J. Forbes, John F. Doe, William F. Harris, Flavel Goodwin. CORPORALS. John B. Foote, Ehen True, Harry Campbell, Isaac Blaisdell, Simeon Knight, Charles Hard, John J. Cook, James Goold. MUSICIANS. George W. Bodge, Benjamin E. Burgess. WAGONER. William Barrows. PRIVATES. Ayer, Andrew S. Brown, William G. Berry, Richard Burroughs, Albert H. Burns, Eldward Bacon, William Bushy, Oliver Coolidge, Roscoe Coolbroth, George F. Conaut, Lorenzo Crooker, Silas Crooker. Almon L. Doody, John H. Emerson, George N. Fenderson, Eben F.arrin, William H. Foster, James E. Goodwin, Flavel H. Grant, Samuel Green, Thomas Gardner, Albert H. Hatch, Ivory Hughes, John Hardy, Sidney D. Kenni^on, Horace Mitchell, Harvey Mitchell, R. G. Mahoney, Dennis Merrill, Asa Mack, Martin 5.2 Mustr'd £ Residence. into Remarks. < ; M U.S.Ser. 37 Portland Aug.21 Biddcford M do Resigned. 23 Portland S do On furlough. 25 do S do 28 Westbrook s do Reduced to ranks. 21 S. Berwick s do 3.T Westbrook s do Reduced to ranks. 21 S. Berwick s do 34 Westbrook s do Promoted to Sergeant. 23 Biddeford M do " Corporal. 2.5 Rome M do 27 Portland s do Reduced to ranks. 18 Dover do 25 Biddeford s do Reduced to ranks. 36 Lyman s do " " 21 Naples s do 19 Biddeford s do 1 9 Minot s do 19 Mexico s do 20 Dixfield s do ;i2 Portland M do 19 Bucktield s do Promoted to Corporal. 18 Boston, Mass. s do Discharged. 18^ Portland s do 21 Biddeford M do 2o'Dixtield s do 26 Portland M do 22 Mexico S do 23 Minot M do 29 Minot 21 Portland S do Sick at Camp. 18 Kennebunk do Transferred to Co. G. 37 Calais M do Sick at Camp. 18 Portland S do 19 do S do 25 S. Berwick s do 23 Westbrook s do Promoted to Sergeant. 19 Wells s do 21 do s do " Corporal. 21 do s do 30 Biddeford 18 Naples s do Promoted to Corporal. 18 Conwav.N.H s do 18 Biddeford s do 25 Bucktield M do Promoted to Corporal. 38 Boston M do 24 Saco s do Sick at Camp. 18 Biddeford s do 358 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Seventh Regiment, ( Continued.') o --■ Mustr'd Names. a Residence. '^'5 into Remarks. < Sr^ U.!«:.Ser. Norton, John 18 Biddeford s Aug.21 Nugent, James 24 Portland s do Spollman, Jeremiah 38 do M do Sullivan, Daniel 35 do Deserted. Stevens, Alfred A. 23 Westbrook S do Promoted to Sergeunt. Tuck, Samuel H. 22 Parsonsfield s do Underwood, John M. 31 Saco s do Verrill, George W. 28 Minot M do Promoted to Sergeant. Wyman, Joseph 32 Berwick M do Sick at Camp. Douglass, William 18 Portland S do Holbrook, John H. 19 do s do Sanders, George G. 24 Minot s do Cameron, Joseph 28 Hallowell M do Brown, Charles 23 Portland M do Dillingham, Latimus 53 Biddeford M do Webb, George D. 26 Westbrook M do Stevens, George L. 27 do Lord, Henry I. 22 Biddeford M Sep. 24 Conway, John M. 22 Bangor S Oct. 17 Died at Camp. Verrill, Mark A. 18 Minot s Aug.27 Sick at Camp. APPENDIX D. 359 Recapitulation of Company F, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. T»»«„ Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased, charged. serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 1 11 3 33 1 2 7 1 1 3 13 3 41 Total 48 10 1 2 i 60 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861, Present. For Duty. 1 13 33:47 On Special Duty. Arrest. 1 59 Absent. Sice. i 9 s On Special Service. 1 60 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 2 3 William M. Cushman 37 Captain Portland Aug. 8 Joseph E. Walker 23 2d Lieut. Portland Aug. 8 1 1 Charles Rounds 25 Sergeant Portland Aug. 28 2 Alfred A. Stevens 23 do Westbrook do 3 .John F. Doe 21 do S. Berwick do 4 Eben True 34 do Westbrook do 5 Flavel Goodwin 25 do S. Berwick do 1 John B. Foote 21 Corporal S. Berwick Aug. 28 2 Harry Campbell 23 do Biddeford do 3 R. G. Mitchell 25 do Dover do 4 Isaac Blaisdell 25 do Rome do 5 Albert H. Burroughs 19 do Buckfield do 6 Sidney D. Hardy 18 do Naples do 7 Albert H. Gardner 21 do Wells do 8 George W. Verrill 28 do Minot do 360 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Charles H. Gilman, Company G, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its conilition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentv-first dav of August, 1861. CHARLES H. GILMAN, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Charles H. Gilman, George B. Knight, Simeon Walter. SERGEANTS. George McGinley, Thomas P. Beals, John E. Procter, J. L. Waterhouse, Lewis L. Thurston. CORPORALS. H. Motley, H. H. Cushraan, J. T. FoUett, R. N. Fields, James Clapp, Alphonzo Dalloff, Henry Eveleth. MUSICIAN. Jabez Eveleth. WAGONERS. J. F. Scillins, Albert Osgood. PRIVATES. Armstrong, J. H. Adams, David Adams, William Begg, John R. Bragdon, D. L. Brackctt, George W. Blake, S. R. Cobb, J. H. Cobb, Levi B. Drake, Phares S. Decker, AUiert S. Emons, George Fields, Eben Graff am, J. F. Gulliver, Franklin Graffam, Joseph A. Goddard, J. H. Gower, J. W. Hodskins, S. F. Hooper, L. P. Hanscom, Stephen Huntlev, S. C. Hunt, G. F. Hart, John Hatch, WD. Jackson, R. H. Jones, C. W. Johnston, James Knights, W. P. Lacas, C. J. Lent, James t- • AInstr'd u Residence. ^Tc into Remarks. ■< a U.S.Ser 36 Portland M Aug.21 39 do M do C. Elizabeth M do 24 Portland S do 28 do S do 35 do s do 36 C. Elizabeth s do 22 Portland s do Transferred to Co. F. 21 do s do 23 do s do 19 do s do 24 Freeport s do Promoted to Sergeant. 24 Portland s do 25 Rumford s do Deserted. 31 Portland s do Died at Baltimore. 35 do s do Transferred to Band. 22 do s do 24 No.3, Range 5 23 Portland s do Promoted to Corporal. 25 Westbrook M do 28 Portland s do Promoted to Corporal. 18 do s do 21 do s do Promoted. 20 do s do 27 do s do Discharged. Disability. 44 Westbrook M do 19 do s Sep. 24 28 Portland s Aug.21 22 Boothbay s do 19 Kennebunk 8 Sep. 30 23 Windham S do , 23 Westbrook S do 23 do M do 22 Windham S Aug.21 Sick at camp. 22 Portland 41 Canaan M do In arrest at Baltimore. 18 Paris S do 19 Portland s do 18 Stan dish s do 30 Windsor s do Sick at camp. 24 Westbrook s do 25 Portland s do 34 0. Elizabeth M Nov.] 1 22 Naples M Aug.21 24 Yarmouth M do Sick at camp. 19 Liverpool, En. M do 18 Windham M do 21 Gorliain M do 19 Richmond M do APPENDIX D. 361 Return of Company G, Seventh Regiment, (Continued.} u • Musir'd Names. a Residence. c"^ into Bemarks. <_ Si» U.S.Ser. Lee, John T. 21 C. Elizabeth M Nov. 11 Messer, Alvin 19 Portland M Aug. 21 Sick at camp. Melody, Thomas 27 do M do Moore, J. H. 21 Lyman M do Murray, Wellington 19 Manchester M do Deserted. Matthews, A. L. 19 Windham M do Nason, William P. 18 Westbrook S do Stevens, C. B. 23 do s do Spencer, A. C. Portland M do Sick at Washington. Smith, C. J. B. 27 do S do Stanford, C. B. 27 do s do Oaks, John 22 C. Elizabeth s Nov 11 Smith, John W. •25 Boston M Sep. 24 Trundy, William T. 34 Portland M Aug.21 Watts, A. J. 18 N. Gloucester S do Sick at Washington. J Waterhouse, C. H. 31 C. Elizabeth M do Waterhouse, G. J. 18 Scarboro' S do Sick at camp. Cobb, Edward 19! Yarmouth S do Trundy, C. A. 23 Westbrook s do Sick at Baltimore. AVithav, A. C. 21 Portland s do Sick at camp. Cox, J. M. 22 Cherryfield s do Sick at camp. Bounds, Edward 17 Portland Maxwell, William 26 do Lewis, A. B. 35 do M Aug. Sick at camp. Chase, A. K. 19 do S do Lunt, James 30 do M do Sick at camp. Emerson, George IC Kennebunk s do " " 24 362 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company G, Seventh Regiment Infantry , 3Iaine Volunteers. Present &. Absent Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 35 15 1 1 1 2 5 3 13 3 60 Total 54 15 1 1 1 1 2 5 79 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On Sick. Sick. Special DUTV. Service. t X S^ tS £ ," Bf. = O > SI. i > C ^ > Ci h i > r= c > 2. o •j^ o ■^ 61 c *. c •j; c "w ! c u ti O is &. <: o Z a. < O >5 ^ O i5 - < O (i; Q, i O is Ch < < 3 12 33 48 15 15 63 3 1 1 5 68 Present Organization of the Company Date of i Names. < 30 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 C. H. Oilman Ca|jtain Portland May 18 2 George B. Knij^ht 37 1st Lieut. do do 3 Simeon Walton 29 2d Lieut. do 1 George McGinlcy 24 Sergeant Portland Aug. 21 2 Thomas P. Bcals 28 do do do 3 John E. Procter 35 do do do 4 John L. Waterhouse 36 do |C. Eli/.abeth do 5 R. N. Field 24 do Freeport Oct. 17 1 n H. Cushman 23 Corporal Boston Aug. 21 2 J. T. Follet 19 do Portland do 3 J. M. Clapp 24 do do do 4 J. H. Armstrong 23 do do do 5 William Adams 28 do do do f) D. L. liragdon 21 do do Oct. 17 / G. H. Waterhouse 31 do C Elizabeth do 8 R. II. Jackson 22 do Naples do APPENDIX D. 36S Return of Capt. Edward H. Cass, Company H, Seventh Eeoimcnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on tiie morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the clianges that have taken place in tlie Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentyfirst day of Au<;ust, 1861. EDWARD H. CASS, Captain. — 5.2; Muslr'd Names. s •i c: > o S g o c > 5) 1 s S o O £ rt S o < o c o o n o -r o o bli iJ '< CL, <; O OFFICERS. Henry liolfe. 43 JVIaysville M Aug.21 Sick at camp. Austin Hovev, Presque Isle M do " " Ciias. H. Hasey. Houlton S do SERGEANTS. Henrv F. Hill, 22 Presque Isle S do Sick at camp. F. B." Reed, 27 do M do a it Hiratn Church, 34 do J M do (C 11 John E. Bailey. 21 do S do CORPORALS. Henry H. Cook, 21 do S do F. M". Oilman, 23 No. 11 s do Died at "Washington. H. M. Eaton, 37 Lubec s do Thomas B. Rose, 29 Presque Isle s do Carrill Neal, 25 Portage Lake s do Sick at camp. W. F. Delaite, 24 Littleton s do K fc. Jonas G. Five, 42 Presque Isle s do ' C. R. Haskell 22 Weston s do a ic MUSICI.VXS. Israel Getcliell, 19 Presque Isle s do Sick at camp. Jeremiah Getchell. 22 do s do " " WAGONER. James Coi'mick. 24 do s do PRIVATES. Blake, John L. 28 Mavsville s do Sick at camp. Berry, Calvin 25 No.' 1 1 s do it It Bishop, Elijah 24 Maysville s do tc H Baker, Hiram 20 Ashland s do Belonzia, Israel 18 Houlton s do Sick at camp. Bonner, Edward 20 do s do Church. Charles H. 19 Presque Isle s do Clark, Charles 21 do s do Chandler, Julius C. 22 Mapleton s do Curtis, John M. 26 Letter C s do Choate, Samuel 18 Woodstock s do Sick at camp. Davis, J. H. 26 Mafileton ,CastIe Hill M do Day, Henry A. 21 s do Died at Baltimore. ^ Dairu'ctt, Henrv F. 23 Letter C s do Delano, Charles M. 22 jLinneus s do Elliot, Thomas 24 Presque Isle s do Greenlon, Darius 22 do s do Sick at camp. Geran, S. C. 21 Hodgdon s do Hinds, E. P. Maysville s do Hartford. Darius 23 Hampden s do Hardy, Albion 18 do s do " Hardy, Lewis B. 20 do s do Holmes, Hugh P. 24 Presque Isle s do Howland, S. D. 20 Maysville s do Hogan, Joseph 25 Hodgdon s do Deserted. Hill, Robert 27 j do M do Sick at camp. Havford, Columbus 24 Solon s do Hatch, Ezra 32 Maysville M do Sick at camp. Jordan, WUlis F. 23 Pre-que Isle M *\o Johnson, Wilder 25 ClaR'mnnt s do Lander, Charles 21 Montieello s do APPENDIX D. 36T Return of Company 7, Seventh Regiment, (^Continued.') Kijnnedy, Daniel D. McHu:|ii, Charles Mulligan, Michael M.'Nicl, Ste|)hen A. Mclntire, George Mclutire, Samuel Morris, John H. Outiiouse, J.M. Plaisted, William M. Palin, Charles Phair, Jamos Hooper, William H. Rideout, James Russell, Andrew Seavey, Charles M. Sawyer, David N. Smith, G. W. Springer, Weston N. Turney, Enoch B. Turney, Francis N. Wade, Loring B. White, John AValker, James Whitnc}', B. P. Hill, John Whitten, Albert B. Wilder, J. Davis t. • Mustc'd KC Residence. c"^ into Remarks. < si s U.S.Ser. Ai'g21 22 Presque Isle Died at camp. 20 Houlton s do 28 do s do 18 Presque Isle s do Sick at camp. 23 Hodgdon s do 18 do s do 21 Maysville s do 23 Hodgdon s do Sick at camp. 27 Presque Isle M do 24 do s do 15 do s do 30 do M do Promoted to Sergeant. 23 Maysville s do Sick at camp. 19 do s do " " 24 Errol, N. H. s do 25 Tremont s do 23 Pitts field s do 25 Weston s do Sick at camp. 20 Presque Isle s do 23 do s do Sick at camp. 28 do s do 23 do s do Sick at camp. 19 Woodstock s do 29 Presque Isle s do Sick at camp. 20 Linneus s do 22 Waterford s do Sick at camp. Quincy, Mass. s do Sick at camp. 368 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company I, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Trans- ferred. Duty, j ^"^^^ charged, serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 1 5 1 31 2 6 2 25 1 2 1 1 3 13 3 59 Total 38 ! 35 3 1 . 1 78 Condensed Morning Report, December Ist, 1861. Present, Ae SENT. Ox In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick. Special Duty. Service. c m rr- < (fc: % fc Sf= • ff= . fF • !h a O » O o ^ o O O e ■o e •a a € ■o IF •a J >F T3 fF ■c d o c c O o O o O r? o C O c o s £ ■a •o •o TT s ■n T3 .a c U 1 s e s 6 « &£ c c c rt S O « £ a a. c £ C O re C 1 E « < tJD ft, S EL c > c > c > Cli ei o = ti o c eu u O '^ Eh < o '«? H. <. U ;i a. U K A. < " z 0. O •£ (h < < 1 6 29 36 2 6 24 32 1 2 5 73 Present Organization of the Company. Dale of Names. (•* Rank. Residence. Rank or Remarks. o bij 15 < inent. 1 Henry Rolfe 43 Captain Mavsville Aug. 13 2 Austin Hovey 30 1st Lieut. Presque Isle do 3 C. H. Hasey 29 2d Lieut. Houlton do 1 Henrv F. Hill 22 Sergeant Presque Isle Aug. 20 2 Francis B. Eeed 27l do Freeport do 3 Hiram Clinrch 34 do Presque Isle do 4 William H. Hooper 30 do do Aug. 27 5 John E. Bailey 35 do Fredricton Aug. 20 1 Henrv H. Cook 21 Corporal Presque Isle Aug. 20 2 Frederic M. Oilman 24 do Ashland do 3 Henrv M. Eaton 27 do Presque Isle do 4 Thomas B. Hose 27 do do do 5 Carrill Neal 25 do Ashland do 6 William F. Delaite 24 do Littleton do 7 Jonas G- Five 45 do Presque Isle do / 8 Charles R. Haskell 22 do No. 9, R. 4 do APPENDIX D. 369 Return of Capt. Greenleaf K. Norris, Company K, Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its eonclilion on the morning of December 1st, 1861, togetiier witli a record of the changes tiiat have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentv-tirst day of August, 1861. GRANVILLE P. COCHRANE, Captain. , u > O a; Mustr'd Names. 9> Residence. Ss into Remarks. < ss U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Greenleaf K. Norris, 57 Monmouth M Aug.21 Resigned. Granville P. Cochrane, ■25 do S do John B. Cook. 23 Lewiston S do SERGEANTS. Joseph S. Taylor, 44 Monmouth M do William H. H. Brown, 20 do S do On furlough, sick. Andrew J. Fogg, 30 do S do Silas E. HinUley. 32 do M do CORPORALS. Francis Hall, 40 Monmouth M Sick at camp. Ara C. Brooks, 23 Richmond S Promoted to Sergeant. John R. Jennings. 24 Leeds S MUSICIANS. Joseph Hackett, 40 Greene M do Sick at camp. John W. Adams. 14 Auburn S Oct. 23 PRIVATES. Adams, John F. 37 do M Aug.21 Adams, John 19 Gray S do Berry, George E. 18 Richmond S do Died at Baltimore Oct. 4. Booker, Israel 19 Topsham S do Boynton, Nathaniel 43 Monmouth M do Billington, Nathaniel 36 do M do Cushman, Marcellus F. 19 Leeds [N. Y. S do Sick at camp. Chase, John H. 23 Kindcrliook, M do Collings, Edward 3o' Cork, Ireland S do Cushman, Lewis H. 30 Monmouth M do Sick at camp. Carvill, Jordan H. 23 Lewiston S do Promoted to Corporal. Davis, Levi L. 28 Newport M do Died at Baltimore Oct. 3. Davis, Henry 20 do S do Deserted. Daniels, Thomas M. 3"!Winthrop M do Discharged for disability. Frost, Horace C. 19 Monmouth S do Promoted to Corporal. Farren, Warren 24 Wellington S do French, Stephen H. 20 Fayette s do Howard, Joseph E. 20 Litchfield M do Hall, George B. 18 Monmouth s do Hinkley, Charles H. 20 do s do Hackett, Ezekiel 44 Greene s do Hibbard, Melville J. 18 Lewiston s do Promoted to Corporal. Hodgdon, George F. 23 'E. Livermore s do Howard, Bradford T. 20 Litchfield s do Jenkins, Hiram 21 Wales s do Keenan, Thompson S. 33 Monmouth M do Knox, Sanford K. 22 Greene s do Promoted to Corporal. Kimball, Jacob 45 do M do Leach, Henry F. 28 Monmouth M do Libbey, James W. 21 Leeds S do Promoted to Corporal. Larrabee, W. H. 24 Danville s do « << Luce, Albert A. 27 Burnham s do Merrill, Lucius W. 21 Manchester s do McKinney, George W. • 20 Sherburne s do Sick afcamp. Munroe, Nathan A. 21 Auburn s do Maxwell, Morton 19 Litchfield s do Moore, William H. 19|St. Albans s do Merrill, Ciiarlcs W. 18 Lisbon s do 370 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company K, Seventh Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Nason, Osgood D. Prescott, Solomon 0. Peal, Franklin Plummer, Allen F. Rose, Albert M. Robbins, John Q. Richards, William F. Records, Loriny C. Ricker, Henry G. Smith, Nathaniel M. Sculley, Richard Sutherland, George Stone, Josejjh H. Small, Georae Sullivan. Eugene Small, Marcus j\I. Turner, Wjnsbrow Tozier, Milburn S. Wadsworth, Elias H. Ward well, Elhridge P. White, Edward P, Wel)i)er, Amos Wadsworth, Spencer F Whitney, William H. Wentworth, Alfred Getchell,. Joseph P. Fargo, Elisha S. Dunning, Robert A. Ware, George Folsom, Warren S. Ballantine, Samuel Keenan, Charles K. Stevens, Laratius Clark, George 11. Lecaim, Melvin M. Bowers, William A. Norcross, W. Scott Harris, Dennis Turner, Emerson, Jr. Robinson, Joshua Lisherness, Samuel Donnen, William W. Albec, Cyrus D. Buker, Hiram : C Vliisir'd g Kesidence. b""! into Remarks. < Si U.S.Ser. 19 Chesterville s Aug.21 21 Monmouth s do 19 Leeds s do Discharged for disability. 18 Wales s do 18l Leeds s do 19 do s do •20 Greene s do Sick at camp. 26 Turner s do U 11 22 do s do 2.3 Monmouth s do 36 Castletown s do 22 Pictou, N. S. s do 21 1 Chelsea s do 28| Monmouth s do 18 New Bedford s do 18 E. Livermore s do Transferred to band. 181 Leeds s do Died at camp. 20, Monmouth s do 40 1 do M do 19 Greene s do 18 Monmouth s do 24 Hallowell s do 33 Monmouth M do 18 Lisbon s do 22 Brunswick s do 20 Durham s do 18 Augusta s do 20 Brunswick s do 3.5! Gardiner M do Sick at camp. 18 Monmouth s do 34lWinthrop M do 20 Monmouth M do 17 Chelsea S do 21 Brunswick M j do Died at camp. 18 Waldoboro' S do 21 Monmouth s do 18 do s do Promoted to Corporal. 22 Greene s do 22 Gardiner s do Deserted. !34HalloweU M do Sick at camp. 41 Vassalhoro' M do Sick at camp. 24 Oxford s do 19 s ISBowdoinham s do Sick at camp. APPENDIX D. 871 Recapitulation of Company K,Seventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 9 2 55 3 1 11 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 12 3 74 Total 68 15 4 3 2 1 92 Condensed Motming Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. * Absent. On In Arrest. 1 On For Dutv. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. v a s o o o < rf ■iP (F . e • e ■ '« rn £ O O o c O O § e (F •a u fF s ffr TS « iE •a o e -a o O O r. O c u O o o rs ■c ■a '» 0? a .22 .'i S .£ .i 0. .i < Cl, '5 S o 1 1 b 1 5 1 _o 1 rt _o O 1 2 1 S c O 1 1 o 1 rs til H > 'r c > > > s > c c 5 o •^ — o •j; - c '^ tl o •^ c c •^ be o ■^: a. < O ■z a> < o «S e^c O is p. < O !<; c. u :<; Cu <, < 2 10 62 74 2 11 13 87 1 1 88 Present Organization of the Company. Dale of c Names. em Rank. Residence. Rank or Appciiiit- Remarks. Z. < nient. 1 2 3 Granville P. Cochrane 25 Captain Monmouth May 13 John B. Cook 23 2d Lieut. Lewiston Aug. 16 1 Joseph S. Tavlor 44 Sergeant Monmouth May 14 2 William H. H. Brown 20 do do do At home on furlough 3 Andrew J. Fo<^g 30 do do do 4 Silas E. Hinkley 32 do do do 5 Ara C. Brooks 23 do do Aug. 23 1 Francis Hall 40 Corporal Monmouth May 14 2 William H. Larrabee 24 do Danville Aug. 22 \ 3 Horace C. Frost 19 do Monmouth Aug. 23 4 Winfield S. Norcross 18 do do Sept. 1 5 Jordan H. CarviU 23 do Lewiston Aug. 23 6 James W. Lihbey 21 do Leeds Aug. 22 7 Sanford K. Knox 22 do Greene Oct. 4 8 Melville J. Hibbard 18 do Lewiston Sept. 1 372 ■ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. EIGHTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Eiijldh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken jjlace bg jjromotion, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States. Names. Rank. Lee Strickland Colonel John D. Rust Lieut -Colonel Joseph S. Rice Major James Dingley, Jr. Adjutant A. H. Strickhmd Quartermaster Paul M. Fisher Surgeon Jonathan S. Houghton Asst.-Surgeon Henry C. Henries Chaplain Edgar A. Perry Serg. -Major John M. Robbins Q'rm'r -Sergt. Franklin Gray Com'v Sergt. W. W. West Hos. Steward Residence. Dateof Appoint- Li verm ore Sept. 5, 1861 Camden do Ellsworth do Auburn Sept. 9, 1861 Li verm ore do Corinna Sept. 3, 1861 Solon Sept. 7. 1861 Lincoln Sept. 6, 1861 Hockland Greene Skowhegan Waterville Remarks. Res'd Dec. 14, 1861. Prom, to Colonel. Res'd Sept. 28, 1861. Resigned. Res'dNov. 22, 1861. REGIMENTAL BAND. Names. Edward K. Norcross John B. Hardy Augustus Pease Andrew J. Cushman George D.Merrill Eben C. Rodbird Milton J. Drury Charles M. Adams James E. Dennison Americus V. Bacon Henry R. Fuller Zachary J. Young S. P. Stoddard, Jr. George W. Hartwell E. Henry Hartwell George A. Whitney A. Charles Ilerrick John IngcrsoU Hanibal R. Ranger Ivory Libby Nelson Maybery Samuel B. Elliot Leader Musician do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Residence. Date of Muster into U. S. Serv. Remarks. Dixfield Sept. 7,1861 Wilton do do do Waterville do Farmington do Wilton do do ■ do Farmington do do do Wilton do Jay do Wilton do , Farmington do Strong do do do Farminiiton do i] Ellsworth do Monmouth do AVilton do Lebanon do Windliam do N. Portland do APPENDIX D. 873 Eeturn of Capt. E. W. Woodman, Company A, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, cxprcssini; its condition on the morniny^ of l)efeml)L'r 1st, 1861, to- getiier with a record of tlie clianges that have tal^en place in the Company since it entered tlie service of the United States, on the seventh dav of September, 1861. AUSTIN'S. BUMP. Captain. Names. oommiss'd officeks. Ephraim W. Woodman, Austin S. Bump, John M. Adams. SERGEANTS. Warren F. Thompson, Edwin W. Parlin, Eben H. Farnum, Gratus B. Stearns, Albert F. Kyes. CORPORALS. John I. Handley, Dennis Adams, Algernon M. Mitchel, Webster Badger, Isaac II. Adams, George A. Smith, James H. Morton, William R. Pinkham. MUSICIAN. George E. Pond. WAGONER. George A. Wills. PRIVATES. Adams, Nelson W. Adams, George B. Adams, Simeon H. Adams, Moursc R. Allen, Henry T. Bean, John S. Blaisdell, Jeremiah Blake, Edwin Bunker, Martin L. Baker, Gardner Bartlett, Joiinson Clark, Americus Crafts, Samuel H. Crosby, Roliert W. Clark, Leander M. Daisey, George L. Dammon, Nelson J. Dill, John A. Davis, James S. Eveleth, Charles L. Gill, Jason Gould, Elias W. Gould, John O. Grey, Ferdinand G. Gilman, Samuel Hanlv, Alvin F. Huff," Daniel B. Humphrey, William H. Horn, Charles L. Handly, Rodney G. Hanston, Charles E. Residence. 39 Wilton 2.5 do do 32lFarmington 26, Weld 23 Wilton 22 [ Weld 20 Jay Wilton do do 18 Phillips 32, Wilton 20| Phillips 24 Temple 19jChesterviIIc 19 Augusta 30 Vassalboro' Wilton do do do Farmington Wilton 22 Weld 18J Farmington 19 Wilton 20 Phillips Wilton Jay do Mercer 21 1 Augusta 21 ,Iay Paris Lewiston Strong . Phillips 20!Chesterville 23 j Jay 39| Wilton 18 Di.Kfield 22| Strong 22 Wilton 22| Freeman 23 Salem 22 Jay 21 WUton 22iWeld go .Mustr'd Sic into U.S.Ser. M Sept. 7 M do S do M do S do M do S do s do s do s do s do S do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do M do M do M do M do M do Remarks. Promoted to Major. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant. 1st Sergeant. Promoted to 5th Sergeant. Siek at Hilton Head. Left at Annapolis. Sick at Hilton Head. Sick at Hilton Head. Left at Annapolis. Left at Annapolis. Discharged. Disability. 374 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company A, Eighth Regiment^ ( Continued.') o o Mustr'd inlu U.S.Ser. Remarks. M Sept. 7 M do M do S do M do S do Sick at Hilton Head. s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s Sick at Hilton Head. s do s do s do s do s do s do Sick at Hilton Head. M do s do Sick. Promoted to Corporal. s do s do s do s s do do Sick at Hilton Head. M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do Sept. 9 M do s do s Sept. 7 Huston, Ira F. Jacobs, Mortimer D. Knowles, John Kenney, Warren B. Keys, Horatio A. B. Lcavitt, William W. Linscott, Wm. H. Macomber, Columbus Harden, Nathaniel Merrow, Otis Moshcr, Ellas N. Neal, Hiram J. Penley, Amos H. Pickens, Leonard H. Perkins, Nathaniel Phinnev, Major Piiilbrook, John H. Pulsifer, Nathan, Jr. Plummer, Jo!m K. Pease, Gustavus Richardson, Joel A. Russell, Luther Richardson, Horace B. Stevens, Calvin D. Stevens, David T. Taylor, Augustin R. Tavlor, Abiam T. Teiibetts, John W. Tozier, David S. AVilkins, William W. Walker, James F. Wakefield, Daniel H. Williamson, Albert W. Withington, Myron L. Williamson, Lcwedwin Woodward, Erasmus D. Webster, Jolm O. Lord, Martin Thwaits, AVilliam E. Woodcock, Matthew Residence. Weld Farmington Wilton' Paris Jay Woodstock Keadfield Jay Byron New Sharon Avon Wilton do do do Jay Orneville Weld Phillips Jiiy VVUton Phillips Jay Phillips Strong Jay Strong Hangely Hingham Wilton do do Starks Chesterville Starks Wilton A ugusta do Wilton Jay APPENDIX D. 375 Recapitulation of Company A, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sicjc. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 2 59 2 10 3 13 2 69 Total 75 12 87 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Prese NT, Absent. On T» On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick Special Service. c rr •<" fc (F ffj it rr « fc t: •o B O O o o V- O O O e 1 e ■= € T5 tF « ^ «= •n (F ■c ^ B o c o s O C O s Qi C o O c C si- > ell B > c > BC o o ■^ tiij o •.— tu c C •^ - ■.-" et o •^ 2 c •c U '< fi. <3 u K 0. < O <5 &H O ;z; B- < u i?; 0- o k; Oh < Residence. c m; into Remarks. < |l! U.S.Ser. 25 Favette s 1 Sept. 7 37: Buckfield M do 2.5 Livermore M do 27 S do 39 Turner M do 2l! Auburn s i do 27 Turner M| do 36 do Mj do 38 do M do 22 Sumner S do 27 Livermore s do 26 Danville s do 20 Turner s do 22 Livermore s do 22 Wayne s do 36 Turner s do 29 do s do Transferred to band. 45 Livermore M do 34 Turner s do • 19 Sumner s do 32 Livermore M do Discharged. Disability. 18 do s do " «' 21 do s do 36 do s do Died at Hilton Head. 18 Turner s do 18 Sumner s do 19 Canton s do 29 Turner s do 21 Peru s do Discharged. Disability. 24 do s do 20 do s do ' 18 do s do 18 Buckfield s do 43 do M do 1,26 Livermore s do Died at Annapolis. 126 Hartford M do 21 Livermore s do _ 28 Lewiston s do 24 Danville s do 18 Turner s do 19 Livermore M do 21 do s do 28 Gray s do 19 Buckfield s do 39 K. Livermore M do 26 Turner s do 18 Canton s do 38 Livermore M do 51 Turner M do 380 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company C, Eighth Regiment, ( Continued.') Hayford, Augustus Jackson, A. W. Kidder, John Keen, Elisha Keen, Waldo Kidder, Adelbert Kilbreth, Lcander Lenneli, Wm. F. Mitchell, George W*. Moore, Amos Mitchell, Stanford Metcalf, Cyrus G. Norris, Greenwood Noyes. Joseph Nason, Nathaniel Osbourn, A. G. Pratt, Horace J. Quimby, E. T. Ridley, Abbington Eoss, D. W. Ripley, Henry Redding, Oliver C. Rayner, George Ricker, Wesley Smith, James Smith, Wm. B. Sanliorn, G. B. Shaw, H. C. Srurdevant, Thomas, Uzza Tinkham, Enoch Trazy, Wheeler Woodl)nry, Morris White, M. W. Wyer, Charles L. Turner do Dixfield Turner do Dixfifeld Livermore Skowhcgan Livermore Unity Danville Turner Wayne Sumner Auljurn Bucktield Dixfield Livermore do do Canton Dixfield Lewiston Livermore Lewiston do Fayette Turner Fayette Turner Auburn Peru Buckfield Jay Livermore '■- .■ Mustr'd '-'^ info Remarks. S U.S.Ser. Sept. 7 S do M do M do M do - S do S do s do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do s- do s do J s do s do s do s do s do s do s do ai do s do Deserted. s do M do Discharged. Disability. s do s do s do s do s do s do do APPENDIX D. 881 Recapitulation of Company G, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison-' De- ers. ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Coni. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 57 2 5 2 1 3 13 3 66 Total 75 i 2 1 5 2 1 i 85 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In On For Dutt. Sick. Special S Duty. Service. w 2 s »SS r. <: rn ^ rr e ^f € . € « e . € S o s o o O o o o !E % tfc 0) »f= v H=i di s tp E F E S 9 c S 1 s 5 O c t» 1 '5 5 5 O c > £ E E > o s '5 s E o 9 S 1 PL, S £ o o o o r. c r, o tl. o c eu Kl: O ^ fU O K CLi < O ^S 1^ O z; fcl < O ^ Oh o "z 0. < \ < 3 13 43 59 13 72 3 75 2 77 Present Organization of the Company. 1 John E. Bryant Isaac H. McDonald William H. Timberlake 1 Charles IT. Monroe 2 Thomas A. Kilgore 3 James H. Tunks 4 [Wallace Smith 5, Levi W. Metcalf 1 '.Tosiah Libby 2 Luther Abbott 3 Charles E. Cole 4 Dexter Mitchell 5 William W. Sampson 6;S. G. Shurtleff 7;Winfield Smith 8 1 Edward Shurtleff Date of S, Rank. < Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 25 Captain 37 1st Lieut. Fayette Buckfield 25 2d Lieut. Livermore 27 39 Sergeant do Livermore Turner 21 do Auburn 27 do Turner 36 do do 38 22 Corporal do Turner Sumner 27 do Livermore 26 do Danville 20 do Turner 22 do Livermore 22 30 do do Wayne Turner 382 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Captain Henry Boynton, Company D, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the sixth dav of Septcmhcr, 1861. HENRY BOYNTON, Captain. i; o Mustr'd Names. bl) Kesidence. Jt into Remarks. < Sx U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Henry Boynton, 31 Detroit M Sept 6 Eranklin E. Gray, 27 Plymouth s do John R. Sprague. 22 Parkman s do SERGEANTS. Charles E. Parker, 24 Newport 21| do s do John B. Philhrook, s do Died at Hilton Head. Samuel Gould, Jr., 27 'Dexter M do Promoted to Second Sergeant. Alexander C. Drake. 21' Detroit s do CORPORALS. 1 1 Alonzo D. Millett, 21 Pits field s do Promoted to Third Sergeant. Hiram Martin, 31|St. Albans M do " Fourth , " Lewis F. Leighton, 20|Corinna s do Discharged for disability. Levi J. Morreli. 20 Hartland s do MUSICIANS •^ Oramandel Hubbard, 18 Palmyra s do Natlian Cole. 19 do ■ s do Reduced to ranks. WAGONER. Charles Stafford. 21 Hartland s do Reduced to ranks. PRIVATES. Andrews, Ezra 24 Detroit s do Discharged for disability. Andrews, Sylvanus C. 22 Exeter s do Promoted to First Corporal. Arthur, Henry A. 33 Hallowell M do Discharged for disability. Atkinson, Lewey 18 Hartland s do Sick at Hilton Head. Allen, George 40 Augusta s do Discharged for disability. Boyle, David L. 21 Newport s do Bean, Granville B. 19 Dixmont s do Promoted to Second Corporal. Burke, James S. 22 Litchfield s do Billington, Shediah H. 30 Augusta M do Billington, Thomas G. 18 do s do Crockett, Timothy 28 Carmel M do Capers, Geortje 18 Exeter s do Cookson, Isuiah 41 Plymouth M do Promoted to Third Corporal. Cottle, Samuel R. 33 Windsor S do Davis, Frederic J. 25 Orland do Discharged for disability. Day, Henry 22 Augusta s do Elliott, Lucius W. 21 Mercer s do Promoted to Fifth Corporal. Emerson, James H. 21 Etna s do Fowler, Olin N. 21 Lubec s do Farnhara, Roscoe S. 19 Belgrade s do Fernald, Tobias A. 21 1 Newport s do Discharged for disability. Gearald, Cliarlcs 0. 23 Newinirg M do Gatehell, Frederic ISPittsfield s do Given, J. Newell 23 Newport s do Getcliell, Henry W. 29 Annusta M do Sick at Hilton Head. Haskell, Alfred 29 Enfield M do Discharged for disability. Holmes, James V. 21 Parkman S do Sick at Annapolis. Holmes, Pliannel is; do s do Hard, Edgar H. 21 Harmony s do Jewett, Calvin A. 20 Pittsfieki s do Kimball, Amos M. 20 Harmony M do Knowles, Isaac J. 19 do s do Leighton, John 19 Augusta s do Labrce, Thomas P. 18 Parkman s do Litchfield, Daniel 18 Newport s do APPENDIX D. 383 Return of Company D, Eighth Regiment, (^Continved.') o O o O o T! 'So •c *M '« ■a ^ c < S S s o £ g s o c 1 _c c .2 5 _5 c o g 1 £11 ■g o rt '5 O o s o o be £ 9 1 1 o O tt > til c > bi s- a > Br c > ti. tc o ■^ c •r* o 5 '= c •^ &t e£ U ■<^ Oh < O ■^; cu, <; (J IfS Cu u 1< ^ < u 5^ p.. O J5 CU < < 3 10 47 60 3 63 1 64 I 1 1 65 Present Organization of the Cqmpany. Date of Names. oi Rank. Residence. Rank or Remarks. l- '<; < nient. 1 Henrv Bovnton 31 Captain Detroit Aug. 23 2 Franklin E. Gray- 27 1st Lieut. Plymouth do 3 John R. Sprague 22 2d Lieut. Parkman Sept. 4 1 Charles E. Parker 24 Sergeant Newport 2 Samuel Gould, Jr. 27 do Dexter 3 Alonzo D. Millett 21 do Pittsfield 4 Hiram Martin 31 do St. Al])ans 5 Alexander C. Drake 21 do Detroit t 1 Sylvanus C. Andrews 22 Corporal Exeter 2 James S Burke 22 do Litchfield 3 Isaiah Cookson 41 do Plymouth 4 Levi J. Morrell 20 do Hartland 5 Lucius W. Elliott 21 do Mercer - APPENDIX D. 385 Return of Capt. Thomas Hutchins, Company E, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Comfuiny since it entered the service of the United States, on the seventh day of September, 1861. THOMAS HUTCHINS, Captain. r«;! Mustr'd Names. i < Residence. into U.S.Ser. Remarks. commiss'd officers. Thomas Hutchins 23 New Portland S Sept. 7 Thomas S. Hutchins, 28 Winthrop s do * Isaac A. Phillips. 30Kingfield s do \ SERGEANTS. Charles B. Knapp, 24 New Portland s do Watson Holway, 27iCarratunk s do George W. Jameson, 28iWestbrook s do Reduced to ranks. Chauncy B. Webster, 21 Portland s do Promoted to 2d Sergeant. William A. Browne. 23 Carratunk s do CORPORALS. Josiah W. Newell, 22 New Portland s do Lyman Jones, 19jCarratunk s do Promoted to Sergeant. John G. Young, 51 New Portland S do Reduced to ranks. John Prescott. 43 Lexington M do MUSICIAN. 1 John C. Heath. 43 Salem M do WAGONER. Frank Wardsworth. 24 1 Monmouth M do Deserted. PRIVATES. 1 Adams, Thomas C. 19 Carratunk S do Boston, Harrison 37 Lexington M do Brown, Silas R. 37 Embden S do Discharged. Disability. Bonny, Alonzo G. 21 Portland M do Deserted. Brown, George L. 21 Casco S do Sick at Hilton Head. Beal, Frank 18 Winthrop S do Coffin, Walter S. 21 Thorndike S do Promoted to Drummer. Chase, Joseph S. 22 Carratunk S do Promoted to Corporal. Co wen, Lorenzo 18 New Portland s do \ Dunton, Franklin S. 20 Concord s do Davis, Charles G. 19 New Portland s do Douglass, Asa V. 20 Melrose, Ms. s do Deling, Richard, Jr. 23 New Portland s do Emery, William Henry 19! do s do Sick at Hilton Head. Gould, John 24 Embden s do Glidden, Albert N. 23 Bingham M do Garrow, Patrick 22 Forks Plant. s do Gordon, William 22 Augusta s do Goodrich, Sprague 32 Carratunk s do Promoted to Corporal. Green, Calvin B. 18 Winthrop s do Hutchins, Enos 20 New Portland s do Hall. Cyrus, Jr. 19 Carratunk s do Hutchins, Fred. E. 18 New Portland s do Lovcjoy, Orlando 20 do s do Discharged. Disability. Larahce, Fred 22 Gloucester s do Marden, 4^aron 20 Flagstaff s do Pierce, John H. 21 Carratunk s do Parin, George 18 Forks Plant. s do Sick at Annapolis. Pierce, Sewall B. 21 Bingham s do Prescott, Aaron 29 Lexington s do Safford, Frank 18 Solon s do Strickland Lee 18 Embden s do Savag-e. Nathan W. 20 Augusta s do • Safford, William H. 23 Lexington s do Discharged. Disability. Satford, John M. 23 do s do ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company E, Eighth Regiment, (^Continued.') Strickland, Benj. F. Sawyer, Charles M. Tuttle, Thaddeus Taylor, Rufus M. Taylor, Benj. Williamson, Moody C. Wormwood, Alfred K. Wormwood, Arthur Young, Henry Pote, James M. Brown, Nathaniel P. Sullivan, James Larabee, Cliarles E, Bartlett, Edward Dewitt, David W. Huntoon, Frederic A. Jacobs, Charles H. Elliott, Georye W. Connor, Patrick Miistr'd ": Residence. into U.S.Ser. 20 Embden s Sept. 7 21 Portland I\I do 19 Kingfield s do 18 Lexington S do 25 do S do 19 Kingfield s do 19 N. Gloucester s do 22 do s do 25 Forks Plant. s do 24 Portland s do 21 Carratunk s do 24 Embden s do 21 N. Gloucester s do 28 New Portland u do 33 do s do 18 do s do 20 do s do 19 Melrose, Ms. s do 18 Clinton Remarks Promoted to Corporal. Sick at Annapolis. APPENDIX D. 387 Recapitulation of Company E, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Dis- ! De- charged, serted. i Trans- lerred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. ^'■f^°°- ceased. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 10 2 48 3 1 1 3 10 3 .52 Total 63 1 3 2 68 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Sick. Duty. Service. 2 si s g 2 1 s O o o s <; rr fC K ad r(i e -»• e e !f= m o & o o s o O o B =f= ■3 e o tn s s > •2 1 • c3 P^ = B > = o £ br o SD c o o u •z. &, < 'J 12 *< < ^ «5 Ci a 2 ^ < CJ '<^ a. u a; CM < < 3 10 44 57 2 59 2 61 Present Organization of the Company. Date of Names. < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 2 3 Thomas Hutchins T. S. Hutchins Isaac A. Phillips 53 28 30 Captain 1 St Lieut. 2d Lieut. N. Portland Winthrop Kingtield May 25 Sept. 5 do 1 2 3 4 5 Charles B. Knapp Chauncy B. Webster Wtitson Hohvay Lyman Jones William A. Brown 24 22 27 19 23 Sergeant do do do do N. Portland Portland Carratunk do do 1 2 3 4 5 Josiah W. Newell John Prescott Sprague Goodrich Joseph S. Chase James M. Pote 22 43 32 22 24 Corporal do do do do N. Portland Lexington Carratunk do Portland 388 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Eeturn of Captain John Hemingway, Company F, Eighth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the seventh day of September, 1861. JOHN HEMINGWAY, Captain. Names. Residence. COMMISS D OFFICERS. John Hemingway, 43|Sanford A. E. Kimball, 25 Biddeford John H. Roberts. 30 Alfred SERGEANTS. Charles P. Lord, Seth Dillingham, Frederick A. Wood, Jr. Sylvester Hatch, Samuel Cole. CORPORALS. Fred. A. Henderson, William J. Reed, Edmund G. Murry, John S. Hcrsom, Harrison Hanson, Washington Emerson, Benjamin Ricker, Horace Jmikins. MUSICIANS. William F. Willard, Theodore H. Drew. WAGONER. Caspar E. Marshall. PRIVATES. Adjutant, Plummer H. Brackett, George W. Brackett, John W. Bancroft, Norris E. Butlci', Francis Coflin, Simeon Coolev, Daniel Clark^ William Duncan, John H. Downs, Abram P. Douns, Lyman C. Dutch, George S. Edgecomb, Charles H. Frost, Thomas W. Fox, Alfred W. Goodwin, Marvin T. Goodwin, John B. Getchel. Joseph S. Kurd, Francis Hurd, Henry A. Hubbard, George H. Hill, Stephen Higley, Albert A. Hanson, Edwin Hilton, Joseph Hatch, William N. Jacobs, John Joy, George S. Knight, David H. Littleficld, Alonzo N. Berwick do Lebanon Wells Kennetunk Sanford do do Lebanon Lyman Kenncbunk Sanford Kennebunk Sanford Afctoa Berwick jMustr'd 1 into IT.S.Ser. 18 Kennebunk 20 Sanford do do Lebanon Sanford S. Berwick Kennebunk Lowell, Mass Lebanon Alfred 22[Kennebunk 201 Lebanon 21; Sanford 35 Acton 18 Lebanon 21 Sanford 20, Wells 22: Sanford Sept. 7 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sanford S. Bcr'k [N.H Somersworth, S. Berwick 23|Lvman 20 Wells 22 do ,38| Sanford ll8JS. Berwick 18 Kenncbunk 19 1 Sanford do do Oct. Sept. do do do ao do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick at Hilton Head. Sick at Hilton Head. Sick at Annapolis. Sick at Hilton Head. Sick at Hilton Head. Sick at Washington. Sick at Hilton Head. Died at Hilton Head, Nov. 14. Sick at Hilton Head. APPENDIX D. 389 Return of Company F, Eighth Regiment, (^ Continued.') oa Mustr 'd Names. g, Residence. (.""S) into Remarks. <' St» U.S.Ser. Moore, William A. 27 Sanford s Sept. 7 Randall, Charles 22 Lebanon S do Reynolfl, Jacob P. 23 Acton s do Eowe, William 29 Alfred M do Ricker, Ebenezer 21 Sanford S do Seavey, Thomas 25 do S do Shacklev, Lewis 27 Shapleigh s do Trafton; Hiram W. 20 Alfred s do Died at Hilton Head, Nov. 17. Wentworth, Wm. W. 26 Sanford M do Welch, Hezekiah 21 Shapleigh s do Wliittier, Charles D. 18 Alfred s do Witham, Albert F. 18 do s do Wight, Hezekiah C. 21 Casco s do Cousens, Oliver M. 24 Kennebunk s do Butler, James W. 24 Sanford s Discharged for disability. Clark. James W. 21 Lebanon s u « Carter, John S. 38 Sanford M (( (( 390 adjutant-g-eneral's report. Recapitulation of Company F, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. no- Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. charged, serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Cora. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 9 37 2 1 5 2 3 3 13 3 . 47 Total 53 8 2 3 66 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Dutt. Sick. Special j Sick. Special Duty. Service. c £ £ i 2 £ £ o SE m SR sti fc e fF • P O e o o o O O c € •a iE ■a o (F •a € ■a C to ■a Vr -a ^ 1 O s O s O 5 O o o s O c o •a •a s ^ ■a £ ■a ■c 5S .o £ c •z; s S o c E h c — < Ck o .1 s S S. SI 1 s o 9 S. a be 1 o 2 c 1 S 1 1 c E 3 I' ffi « IS to c > SI: i: s > tc c; > c t£ f c > = e > til o •c c o ti. O ,c (^ < ■•J « 0. < o 1=5 Ph O z Ph < O ^ O. o ^; p. < < 3 11 39 53 1 5 6 59 1 1 2 61 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o" Names. < 43 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 John Hemino;way Captain Sanford Aug. 28 2 A. E. Kimball 25 1st Lieut. Biddcford do 3 John H. Roberts 30 2d Lieut. Alfred do 1 Charles P. Lord 28 Sergeant N. Berwick 2 Seth Dillino-ham 21 do do 3 Frederic A. Wood, Jr. 22 do Lebanon 4 Sylvester Hatch 37 do Wells 5 Samuel Cole 23 do Kennebunk 1 Frederic A. Henderson 26 Corporal Sanford 2 William J. Keed 25 do do 3;pAlmund J. Slurry 25 do do 4 John S. llersom 27 do Lebanon 5 Harrison Hanson 18 do Lvman 6 Washinirton Emerson 39 do Kennebunk 7 Horace Junkins 27 do do 8 Benjamin Kicker 44 do Sanford APPENDIX D. 391 Return of Capt. Augustus A. Hoit, Company G, Eighth Regiment Infentry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have talcen. place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the seventh day of September, 1861. AUGUSTUS A. HOIT, Captain. Names'. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Augustus A. Hoit, Wilber F. Lane, Edwin Bates. SERGEANTS. James H. Brown, Emerson G. Guptill, George F. Davis, Richard F. Tatt, Benjamin B. Salsbury. CORPORALS. Green W. Scammons, William D. Townsend, Stephen W. Berry, George Card, George F. Taft, George S. Hodgkins, James C. Hagan, George HigginS. MUSICIAN. Henry E. Rowe. WAGONER. Andrew Newman. PRIVATES. Abbott, George S. Barber, Alexander Brown, Thomas Burk, John Bowdon, George W. Butler, Orrin A. Brown, Albert L. Billings, John E. Black, Robert Bradv, Jeremiah Blaisdell, Daniel D. Callighan, Humphrey Campbell, Joseph Cain, John Cain, Peter Collins, Peter Deiiio. David, Jr. Dollard, William Donnel, John M. Dorgan, Jerry Frazier, Charles C. Ford, Thomas Fletcher, Abijal Floyd, George B. Gordon, George George, James Giles, Russell H. Garland, Philander Gray, Josepli C. Heath, Lewis F. Howard, Joseph OS Mustr'd s. Residence. ~ 2P into Remarks. < 1^ M U.S.Ser. 36 jouldsboro' Sept. 7 27 Ellsworth S do 35 Jedhara M do 32 Ellsworth S do 23 Gouldslioro' S do 24 Ellsworth S do 21 Gouldsboro' s do 28 Ellsworth M do 26 Franklin s do 32 Ellsworth M do 27 Bangor s do 20 Ellsworth M do 21 Gouldsboro' S do 37 Ellsworth M do 23 Hancock s do 22 Ellsworth s do 18 Dedham s do 33 Ellsworth M do 19 do S do 23 do s do 45 do M do 42 do S do 21 Castine S do 21 Ellsworth S do 20 Mt. Desert S do 18 do S do 38 Fremont S do 22 Ellsworth s do 22 Dedham s do Sick at Annapolis. 43 Ellsworth M do 34 do s do 21 do s do 24 do s do 27 do M do 28 do M do 20 do s do 21 Franklin s do 23 Ellsworth s do 20 do s do 33 do M do 25 Walthara s do 20 Orland M do 19 Ellsworth s do 19 do s do 19 Amherst s do 25 Ellsworth s do 24 do s do 28 Mt. Desert s do Reduced from Corporal. 19 Ellsworth s do K « 392 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Eighth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Harrington, Dauiel Haynes, Asa Hawes, Alonzo Heath, George F. Howard, Jolin A. Hanscoin, Simon Hackett, Peter Ingalls, George S. JcUison, George S. Kineaid, Llewellyn Lunt, Daniel S. Larkin, John Moneghan, James Mi'Farland,A!li.s'nK.P. Murphv, Michael McFariand,Edw"dT. OrciUt, Fernando 0. P. Phillips, George D. Patterson, Charles Phillips, Sewell L. Royal, Henry W. Richardson, Isaac K. Robinson, George Sullivan, Daniel Stewart, George L. Suse, Lewis Smith, Reuben, Jr. Stevens, Frank M. Sanders, Clinton Tourtelotte, Calvin P. Tourtelotte, Asa N. Webber, Roland C. Watts, Horace Whittier, William P. Wilson, Nathan Wentworth, Jonas H. Young, Ferdinand Young, Willard R. Tracy, Eben R. Residence. ISlEllsworth 23' do 25! do 37 Mt. Desert '21 Ellsworth 36 do 33 Hancock 18 Waltham 21 do 20 Ellsworth 24 i do 20| do 23 do 20 Sedgwick 20 Ellsworth 2IjEden 21 1 Ellsworth 18 Dedham 19, Ellsworth 18 do 191 do 26 Mt. Desert 22 Ellsworth 37 do 20 'Hancock 26 Ellsworth 21 Mt. Desert 24 Ellsworth 29 Orland 24 Ellsworth 21 1 do 23 do 20 Amherst 21 Gouldsboro' 18 Surry 42 Dedham 23 1 Ellsworth 19 Gouldsboro' 32i Hancock |o ^ Mustr'd C -i. into \t^''Tl U.S.Ser. s Sept. 7 M do s do M do M do M do M do S do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do iM do s do M do s do M do S do M do M do s do S do M do S do S do s do M do s do s do M do Reduced from Corporal. Reduced from Corporal. APPENDIX D. 393 Recapitulation of Company G, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians «Sb Wugoner Privates 1 12 2 49 2 1 16 3 3 13 2 68 Total fM 19 3 86 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. r Presekt. Absent. On In On Sick. Special Sick. Special DUTV. Service. t !»■ ?1 2 i. s s C ^* t; K !F ff! fl re ti ■ sa • fl 1 C) O J" O e o O o o !F « e ■a e ifl T3 ^ c P 13 fq •a ^ o c c o c o o O b O O s c c ■a 'x •T3 •c •n 'to 'x ii o s= £ s C Oh c e O c e o c o £ o hi 1 5 > B 's c G c 1 o > £ 5 c > P 5 O c > P o c > r, n c c O «5 s. < U i^ CL, < O <5 s- u li 0, < U ^ |i< o £5 A. < <; 1 12 51 64 2 1 14 17 3 84 2 2 86 Present Organization of the Company 1 Date of ,o Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. !< <; 36 ment. 1 Auffustus A. Hoit Captain Gouldsboro Sept. 5 2 Wilber F. Lane 27 1st Lieut. Ellsworth do 3 Edwin B. Bates 35 2d Lieut. Dedham do 1 James H. Brown 32 Sergeant Ellsworth Sept. 5 2 Emerson G. Guptill » 23 do Gouldsboro do 3 Georji^e F. Davis 24 do Ellsworth do ' 4 Richard F. Taft 21 do Gouldslioro do 5 Benjamin B. Salsbury 28 do Ellsworth do 1 Green W. Scamman 26 Corporal Franklin Sept. 5 2 William D. Townsend 32 do Ellsworth do 3 Stephen W. Berry 27 do Bangor do 4 George Card 20 do Ellsworth Sept.. 9 5 Georo;e F. Taft 21 do Gouldsboro Oct. 5 6 George S. Hodgkins 37 do Ellsworth Oct. 10 7 James C. Hagan 23 do Hancock Oct. 23 8 George Higgins 22 do Ellsworth do 26 394 adjutaxt-general's report. Return of Capt. John F. Milliken. Company H, Eijrhth Rctriment Infantry, Maine VoliHUrcis, exjiressinfj its condition on tlie morninf; of Decemher 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the chanjics that have taken phice in tlie Company since it entered the service of the United States on the seventh dav of September, 1861. JOHN F. MILLIKEN, Captain. Names. COM.MISS D OFFICERS. John F. Milliken, Edward A. True, Charles E. Howard. SERGEANTS. Horace Rolfe, Geor(;e Dollv, Edga'i- L. Bills, Charles I. Davis, George W. Nickerson. CORPORALS. Isaac Patterson, Albert O. Bills, John Allen, Noah B Dunton, John Stevens, Jr. Ephraim W. Wiley, Alonzo Brown, James G. Harding. MUSICIAN. Ebenezer N. Butler. PRIVATES. Abbott, George S. Avery, John F. Bowley, Reuben L. Bridges, Daniel Bridges, Asbra C. Butler, George A. Butler, Henry H. Beckwith, Martin Baehelder, Benj. F. Cotton, John C. Crosby, Charles D. Carter, Richard, 2d Carr, Charles E. ("!rocker, Leonard Daggett, Albert Dagiictt, Lowell Douglas. Charles H. Evans, Charles E . Hardy, Willard K. Hardy, James W. Hawes, Alvin H. Heal, William H. Howard, Micah Howard, Henry KfMrons, Michael Kennedy, Joseph Kiml)ali, Jesse Jlerriam, Eli C. Martin, Leander Martin, Orace A. MetcaU; Oliver Nichols, John U. Prescott, Alonzo 00 Miistr'd » Eesidenae. u 5 into Remarks. <. Sx U.S.Ser. Sept. 7 40 Belfast M 24 Hope S do 22 Portland j s 24 'Belfast s do 25 Kumford s do 20 Hope s do Died at Annapolis. 2.3 Liberty s do Resigned as Sergeant. 22 Swanville s do Promoted to 4th Sergeant. .50 Belfast M do Resigned as Corporal. 20;Hope "Si do Promoted to 1st Corporal. 20 do s do 2d 18 do s do 3d 27 Morrill s do " 5th Sergeant. 24 Belfast s do " 4lh Corporal. 19 Montville s do 5th 19 Waldo s do 6th 52 Liberty M do 18 Bucksport s do 19 Farmington M do 18 Hope M do 23 Castine M do 19 do S do 24 Liberty s do 19 do s do 241 Belfast s Sept. 9 23 Belmont s do 22; Hope s Sept. 7 45 Wayne M Sept. 9 37 Sedgwick s Sept. 7 18 Waldo s do Promoted to Corporal. 37 Somerville M do Sick at Hilton Head. 26 Washington M do 27 Liberty S do 19 Knox s do Sick at Annapolis. 23 Brooks s do 19|.Searsmont s do Sick at Augusta. 18 do s do 19 Jackson s do 24 Belmont do 45 Washington M Sept. 9 19 do s do 24 Camden M Sept. 7 31 Somerville M do Drowned at L. I. 21|Clinton s Sept. 9 22 Morrill s do Promoted to Coiporal. 21 Appleton s Sept. 7 Sick at Annapolis. 18 Hope s do 39 Camden s do 24 Ellsworth s do 18 Hope s do APPENDIX D. 395 Return of Company H, Eighth Regiment, (^Continued.') SilMustr'd Names. £ Residence. feci into Remarks. < Sin s D.S.Ser Packard, Horace P. 39 Hope . Sept. 7 Pinkham, Warren 23 Washington M do Patterson, Franklin 19 Belfast S Sept. 9 Patridge, George W. 19 Somerville s do Pottle, Nathaniel J. 20 Searsmont s do Richards, Emery 18 Belfast s Sept. 7 Eobbins, Enoch W. 28|Searsport s do Stevens, Frederic A. 18! Monroe s do Smith, Dustan 21 Clinton s Sept. 9 Discharged. Disability. Taylor, Jacob 43 Belmont M Sept. 7 Vickery, Alfred P. 18 Waldo s do Wasgatt, George 26 Rockland M do Waterman, Lewis A. 18 Hope do Weed, Levi 28 Camden M Sept. 9 Wentworth, Benjamin 27 Searsmont M do Young, Charles H. -21 N. Yarmouth S do 396 adjutant-general's report. Mecapitulation of Company H, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans ferred. 1 Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Corn. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 1 46 2 1 1 1 3 13 1 50 Total 62 2 1 2 1 ' 1 67 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Akbest. On For Duty. Sick. Special SieE. Special Duty. Service. w S 52 ?. »; ^ a • a ^• a ^• a . a « a * !B o o S c m c o S. o 1 c u CJ CJ o T! ^ cC iri Hi !fl «; fl « *^ (Fl V (H *-* *^ o O o O o s O O O fe •te ■n 'w •^ ■c •a •a 'm « < c o s s s c o S § c Bh § £ § £ d 5 o re 'S c c 6 tf; s C i c c O CT! 'g E o O 2 £ £ o a B br< c > B > c > Bli c > B > O •Q c o O '^ o •j; eu. c O •^ U fai U ^ h < u >S a. < O ■< Bn U K Ph < CJ ■A Hh u 'A CLi < < 3 10 39 .52 1 5 6 2 60 1 3 4 64 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 1 Names. < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 John F. Milliken 40 Captain Belfast Sept. 5 2 Edward A. True 24 1st Lieut. Hope do 3 Charles E. Howard 22 2d Lieut. Portland do 1 Horace Rolfe 24 Sergeant Belfast Sept. 7 2 3 4 George Dolly 25 do Ruinford do George W. Nickerson 22 do Swanville Sept. 7 5 John Stevens, Jr. 27 do Morrill Oct. 8 1 Albert 0. Bills 20 Corporal Hope Oct. 8 • 2 John Alien 20 do do do 3 Noah T>. Dunton 18 do do do' 4 Ephraim W. Wiley 24 do Belfast do , 5 Alonzo Brown 18 do Montville do 6 James G. Harding 19 do Waldo do 7 Eli C. Merriam 22 do Morrill do 8 Charles E. Carr 18 do Waldo do APPENDIX D. 897 lleturn of Capt. "William M. Mc Arthur, Company I, Eighth Regiment Infantry, ^aine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the seventh day of September, 1861. WILLIAM M. McARTHUR, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. "William M. McArthur, Charles H. Robinson, •John E. McUrda. SERGEANTS. Horace Ingraham, Joseph Small, William H. Gifford, John M. Tyler, Henry E. Tozier. CORPORALS. Edwin D. Pinkham, William Stockdale, John L. Taylor, George Osgood, Walter H. Hill, James Osgood, Solomon Benner, Elliot O. Robinson. MUSICIANS. True P. Prescott, John W. Sayward. WAGONER. William B. Robinson. PRIVATES. Austin, James Briggs, John H. Buffum,' George W. Bushier, Mark E. Bushier, Levi Burnell, Henry L. Butler, Thomas Blackstone, Daniel Clement, Appleton R. Dusty, James Ellery, Nathaniel Grey, Lewis Grant, George Guppy, Stillman Hoole, Thomas G. Ingraham, Thomas F. Johnson, Charles W. Keay, Edwin A. Knights, John K. Lamson, Benjamin Lunt, William H. Ludwig, James, Jr. McUrda, Ephraim T. McUrda, Alonzo B. Morrison, Walter H. Norris, William H. Oeward, Paul Pollard, Joseph H. Parker, Samuel Perry, George :_2 .Mustr'dl g, Residence. into < < ;a U.S.Ser. 29 Limington S Sept. 7 33 Unity M 'Sept. 9 37 Jefterson M . Sept. 7 26 Augusta S do 21 Limington s do 23 Albion M do 23 Limington S do 24 Waterville s do 21 Waldoboro' M do 23 Boston, Mass. M do 22 Pownal S do 19 Exeter S do 19 do s do 45 Hiram M do 38 Waldoboro' M do 24 Westbrook M do 23 Appleton S do 40 Thorndike M Sept. 9 37 Albion S Sept. 7 ,23 Albion S do 29 Dexter s do 18 Skowhegan s do 1 8 Freedom s do 18 Waterville s do 20 Baldwin s do 20 Waterville s do 45 do M do ISMontville s do 18 Waterville s do 26 Hallo well M do 19 Pittston s do 19 Knox s do 21 Corinth s do 26 Brunswick s do 18 Augusta s do 18 Waldoboro' s do 1 8 Augusta s do 26 Portland s dp 18 Vassalhoro' s do 18 Brunswick s do 29 Waldoboro' s do 22 Jeiferson s do 18 do s do 18 Albion s do 1 8 Limington s do 20J Waterville s do 18 Brunswick s do 44 Hiram M do 1 9 Waterville s do Remarks. Sick at Hilton Head. Promoted to First Sergeant. Sick at Hilton Head. Promoted to Sergeant. Discharged for disability. Drowned at Providence. Reduced to ranks. Discharged by consent. Sick at Annapolis. Discharged for disability. 398 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company I, Eighth Regiment, ( Continued.') O a! Mustr'd Names. a Residence. c"^ into Remarks. < 20 Sec U.S.Ser. Renco, Moses Waterville S Sept. 7 Reeves, Melzar D. 19 Jefferson s do Sick at Annapolis. Runnells, Frank B. 19 HallowcU s do Rankins, Lucius 45 Waterville M do Steward, Joseph 18 Bingham s do Sick at Annapolis. Staples, Orlando 18 Readfield s do Stinchfield, Charles E. 18 Brunswick s do Varney, Albert 20 Vassalboro' s do Sick at Annapolis. "Warren, George W. 18 Sandwich, N. s do York, Nicholas 45 CornviUe [H. M do Reynolds, Washington 20 Burnham s do Sick at Annapolis. Merrill, William K. 18 Limington s do Lubier, Gott 22 Waterville s do Willis, William 19 Hallowell s do Kimball, George A. 24 Augusta s do Preo, Peter 18 Waterville s do Lane, John M. 45 Jefferson M do Stimpson, Warren 19 Brunswick s Sept. 9 Discharged for disability. Briggs, Franklin S. 18 Wintlirop R Sept. 7 « u Perry, Charles 18 Waterville s do Brown, Franklin 18 Brunswick s Sept. 9 Taken on habeas corpus. APPENDIX D. 399 Recapitulation of Company I, Eighth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. De- ceased. Dis- charged. Fit for D\ity. Sick. Killed. ers. serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 7 2 43 2 6 3 9 2 49 Total 55 8 , ' 63 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In On. For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. a ? m ?. i »; 2 £ rri e . € rn e x- e • e . € k. o kl o £ o o o £. O O a ■o ■n •n O it! O c o o o c n c O s re O c S a •a 'to ■a •a ■o ■o ■a ^ o < c S c CU s S Oi r. C5 c o c p F' P O O c > an '5 5 o o c 15 £ til a s > p c O c > " o c > £ F G O > £ bo o •c o o eii 611 O i5 e> <; o fci; (w < o 1« Ch O fe5 CU < o Z Sh o is 01 < < Present Orgofliization of the Company. Date of = Names. M Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. l<5 < ment. 1 William M. McArthur 29 Captain Limington Sept. 3 2 Charles H. Robinson 33 1st Lieut. Unity do 3 John E. McUrda 37 2d Lieut Jefferson Sept. 4 1 Joseph Small 21 Sergeant Limington Nov. 1 2 Horace Ini^raham 26 do Augusta do 3 John M. Tyler 24 do Limington Sept. 7 4 Henry E. Tozier do Waterville do 5 William Stockdale do Boston, Mass. Sept. 1 Edwin D. Pinkhara 21 Corporal Waldoboro' Sept. 7 2' Walter H. Hill 19 do Kxcter do 3 James Ostiood 45 do Hiram do 4 Solomon Beuner 38 do Waldoboro' do 400 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. John Conant, Company K, Eifrhth Reg^iment Infantry, Maine Volun- teers, expressinjj; its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it en- tered the service of the United States, on the seventh dav of September, 1861. JOHN CONANT, Captain. . j CO Mustr'd Names. < Residence. ':'5; into SK U.S.Ser. Remarks. commiss'd officers. John Conant, 47 Bangor M Sept. 7 Henry Brawn, 29 Oldtown M do Hillman Smith. 26 Bradley S do SERGEAXTS. Kendall Pollard, 26 Brownville s do Sick at Port J?oyal. Fernando Jellison, 26 Milford s Sept. 9 John McCowan, 37 Lagrange s do Sick at Port Royal. Aurelius Stevens, .36 do M Sept. 7 Benjamin F. Brookins. 28 Bradford M do CORPORALS. Hiram N. Parker, 21 Glenburn s do Ephraim P. White, 39 Lowell M do Jonathan Knowles, 28 Lagrange M do James Sawyer, 34 Oldtown M do Palmer Lovejoy, 23 Medford S do Edward M. Storer, 21 Bradford s do Promoted to Corporal. Isaac Elliot, 39 Medford M do (< (< George A. Baubling. 21 Bradley S do MUSICIAN. Abram L. Sanborn. 16 Lagrange s Sept. 9 WAGONERS. Joshua Decker, Jr., 45 do M Sept. 7 Sylvester Hardy. 41 Boston s do privat:es. Burk, Thomas 36 Bangor s do Boober, Jeremiah 46 Lagrange M do Bragdon, Sylvanus 21 Orono S Boober, Daniel R. 18 Lagrange S Brown, Thomas D. 21 Argyle s do Bryant, Wm. H. 20 Lagrange s do Bean, Jeremiah 27 do M do Bennett, Edward 25 Hartford, Ct. s do Blanchard, Edwin 18 Exeter s Conant, Augustus C. 18 Bangor s do Clewly, Alvah A. 18 Bradley s do Collins, Howard 22 do s do Cary, Alvin L. 21 Lagrange s do Carlton, Patrick 48 Bangor M do Commier, William 25 Oldtown s do Caswell. William 29 Bangor s do Curley, James 31 do s do Danforth, Stephen, 2d 18 Lagrange s do Danforth, Samuel P. 21 Argvle s do Emerson, William P. 20 Bradford s do Farnham, John A. 28 Bangor s do Grant, Moses 48 Oldtown M do Hinkley, Benjamin P. 22 Lagrange s do Hogan, Israel L. 33 Greenfield M do Hall, Jackson 28 Bangor S do Discharged. Disability. Huston, George N. 36 Bradford M do Johnston, Nathaniel 28 Winterport M do Jewett, D. Lewellyn 21 Sangerville S Knox, David 27 Oldtown S do Keliher, Leonard B. 21 Lagrange s do APPENDIX D. 401 Return of Compamj K, Eighth Regiment, (^Continued.) ~ u • Mustr'd Names. Ul Resilience. into Remarks. • c > c > s > o bfc 3 o tl o •r- o •^ bl ' c o *2 r. o O :a Bh <; o ^ Bh < U Z Ch o ■^ Ph < l'^ li a. ^ 2; 0- < < 3 11 66 80 2 2 4 1 1 85 1 1 86 Present Organization of the Company. 1 Date of o Names. KL Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ^ < ment. 1 John Conant 46 Captain Bangor Sept. 4 2 Henry Brawn 29 1st Lieut. Oldtown do 3 Hillman Smith 26 2d Lieut. Bradley do 1 Kendall Pollard 25 Sergeant Browmville Sept. 7 2 Fernando Jellison 26 do Milford do 3 John McCowan 37 do Lagrange do 4 Aurelius Stevens 36 do do do 1 Hiram N. Parker 21 Corporal Glcnburn Sept. 7 2 Epln-aim P. Wliite 39 do Greenfield do 3 Jonathan Knowles 28 do Lagrange do 4 James Sawyer 34 do Oldtown do 5 Pahncr Lovejoy 23 do Med ford do 6 Edward M. Storer 21 do Bradford do 7 Isaac Elliot 39 do Mcdford do 8 George A. Baulding 21 do Bradley j do APPENDIX D. 403 PRESENT ORGANIZATION OF FIELD AND STAFF. EIGHTH REGIMENT. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Rank. John D. Rust Colonel Camden Dec. 14, 1861 Ephriam Woodman* Lieutenant-Colonel Wilton do Joseph F. Tvvitchell Major Patten do Edward H. Reynolds 'Adjutant Belfast Jan. 1.3, 1862 Augustus H. Strickland Quartermaster Livermore Sept. 9, 1861 Paul M. Fisher Surgeon Corinna Sept. 3, 1861 Jonathan S. Houghton Assistant Surgeon Solon Sept. 7, 1861 * Promoted from Major. 404 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. NINTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place bi/ promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. Eishworth Rich Coleman Hardinj^ Horatio Bisbee, Jr. Sabine Emery James C. M. Furbish John H. Lowell Joel Richardson Cyrus D. Tuck Temple Cutter Marshall P. Getchell Henry A. Gray Joshua G. Ross Leroy Hight Edward .P. Wyman Rank. Residence. °^** ^^'g^Pf"'"^- Colonel Portland Lieut. -Colonel Gorham Lieut.-Colonel^Canton Major Adjutant Quartermaster Surgeon Asst.- Surgeon Chaplain Sergt. -Major Q'rm'r.-Sergt. 'Portland Com'y-Sergt. 1 do Com'y-Sergt. iScarboro' Hosp. Steward! Augusta Eastport Portland Hallowell Rockland Fairfield Skowhegan Dec Waterville Sept. 21, 1861 do Jan. 8, 1862 do do do Sept. 20, 1861 Sept. 19, 1861 7, 1861 Remarks. Resigned. Present Commissary- [Sergeant. EEGIMENTAL BAND. Names. Rank. ■D „-^„„„„ Date of Muster Residence. .^^^ ^^ g^ g^^^^ Remarks. Levi E. Bigelow Leader Skowhegan Sept. 22, 1861 William C. Merrill Musician do do S. V. Robinson do do do F. G. Walker do do do John W. Warren do Comville do George F. Moore do Anson i do AbelD. Russell do Weld do David M Barker do Skowhegan do John McCrillis do do do \ George A. Barnard do do do Dyer W. Swett do Berwick do Elihu McCrillis do G. Falls. N.H. do John M. Came do N. Berwick do , William Plummer do Skowhegan do Ezra H. Snow ■ do do do 1 Henry K. Sawyer do Norridgewock' do Marshall H. Dixlton do do do William Hilton do do do Charles E. French do Anson do John H. Handy do Norridgewock do George W. Hilton do N. Berwick do William H. Hunter do Strong ■ do Marshall P. Hale do do John Blair do Skowhegan do APPENDIX D. 405 Return of Capt. George F. Granger, Company A, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on tlie morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taiien place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty-second day of September, 1861. GEORGE F. GRANGER, Captain. Mustr'd Names. 61) Residence. C M into Remarks. / < Sa5 U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. George F. Granger, 24 Zlalais s Sep. 22 Frederick A. Emery, 24 Eastport s do Joseph Noble. 23 Augusta s do SERGEANTS. Amaziah N. Goodwin, Calais s do Horatio D. Barber, do M do Samuel A. Doten, 23 Baring s do Thomas J. Robinson, 23 Calais s do George S. Colbath. 23 do s do CORPORALS. Edward E. Collins, 19 do s do Thomas Flinn, 23 do M do William H. Simpson, 23 Baring s do William A. Babcock, 21 do s do Ira W. Bailey, 19 do s do Albert H. Prescott, 23 Calais s do Reduced to ranks. Alvin Moon, 19 Princeton s do U il Michael Berry. 20 Calais s do Sick in Quarters. MUSICIANS. William C. Dill, 49 Gardiner M do S. A. Woodcock. 15 Calais s do WAGONER. Barney McGraw, 24 do M do Prisoner at Raleigh, N. C. PRIVATES. Berry, James 22 do S do Deserted at Boston. Berry, James H. 18 do s do Beverly, Henry S. 34 Princeton s do Boyd, Edward 21 Calais s do Burby, George 24 Princeton s do Burgess, George F. 19 Augusta s do Brownell, Thomas 23 Fredericton s do Chism, John 18 Calais s do Carr, John A. 23 Baileyville s do Died at Washington. Cleaves, George 41 Calais M do Colbath, Dennis 18 do s do Calnarin, Daniel 18 do s do Commickle, John H. 22 do s do Campbell, Colin 24 Baring s do Doten, William B. 19 do s do Davis, Horace M. 23 Calais s do Evard, Pautelle 26 Waterville s do Estes, Alvin 43 Calais s do EUsmore, George S. 22 do M do Ferrill, William 18 Princeton ^ Foley, Nelson 34 Calais M do Finton, William 23 do s do Foley, Michael 21 Alexander s do Greenlaw, John A. 22 Calais s do Gillispie, Michael 18 Alexander s do Gonnua, George 26 Princeton s do Gillis, William A. 19 Calais s do Gardiner, John 0. 19 do s do Hall, John H. 20 Baring s do Hickey, John H. 19 .Calais s do 406 adjutant-gexeral's report. Return of Company A, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.} Names. HoKan, Jeremiah Hamilton, Horace C. Hill, Alexander Harper, John Hall, Henry A. Hopkins, Henry Haines, William F. Howe, John H. Kiddar, Joseph Logan, William M. Morse, John Mitchell, John Mcintosh, McGraw, Andrew J. McKusick, Thurston P McFarland, Bradford McCuUum, James McGraw, Andrew M'Cloud, Thomas Munson, Warren McGraw, Thomas A. McMalion, John Purrington, Alexander Perkins, Isaac Perkins, Dustin Phillips, David Rawlins, Andrew J. R. Ranco, Ahram Ross, Skeffino;ton T. Smith, Lorenzo Scott, Charles H. Scott, Andrew J. Stanhope, Levi Miller, Alexander Stanhope, Aaron Stanhope, Warren Staples, George Slater, John Smith, Daniel A. Smith, George Sutherland, John Steen, James Thornton, Chas. W. N. Tripp, Robert Whitman, John White, Edward Wedman, Charles Woodcock, William D Woodman, John Wharff, Howard T. Morang, Aaron Leighton, Edward Residence. Calais Princeton Calais do do Eastport VV. Gardiner 28 j Gardiner •22 Princeton 39 Calais 24 Baring 25 1 Calais 18| do ISiPrinceton 18'Baring 50 Augusta . 23 Calais 441 do Baring Crawford Calais do do do do Fredericton Anson igjWaterville 19: Calais 20 Baring 23 Calais 20 do 21 Robbinston 18' Calais Robbinston 23 Calais 24 Baileyville 18 Princeton 22 Crawford 22 Calais do do 35 Eastport 21 Baring 21 Calais 18 do 20 Baring 45 Calais is! do 21 Eastport 24. Syracuse oii Mustr'di into SS U.S.Ser. Remarks. Sep. 22 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sick at Hilton Head. Killed near Baltimore. APPENDIX D. • 407 Recapitulation of Company A, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- Trans- serted. ferred. 1 Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased. charged. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 77 2 1 2 1 3 13 3 82 . Total 95 2 1 2\ 1 1 101 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Dut v. Sick. Special Sick. Special Duty. S ' 2 S2 S"* 2 £ B tF 2 i !fci ff= ,«• € n! C •a B C £ o O o £ O O e ■a € -S € ■o e ■a 1 ffi •§ •a to .. o St r; = > ec > c > o o o o o c c c o Uj w. U tn c cr c > c > bli c s> c > &i bl. o ■^ bci o •— o '2 o bli o '2 o ti D '& A. < U ;*=; P^ < O z Oh O i5 |1< < O Z Oi CJ Z A. < < 3 12 61 76 1 4 5 1 3 85 2 2 87 Present Organization of the Company. Names. ?r Rank. Residence. z < 1 Thomas L. Reed 30 Captain Augusta 2 Henry Sewall 38 I St Lieut. do 3 John L. Emerson 22 2d Lieut. Portland 1 .James L. Thompson 26 Sergeant Augusta 2 William Campbell 28 do do 3 David L. Tracy 19 do Mercer 4 George Coney 21 do Augusta 5 George W. Brown 22 do Newport 1 Benjamin J. Hill 21 Corporal Stetson 2 Daniel B Morey 25 do Augusta 3 Richard B. Hussey 26 do do 4 Oscar M. Whiting 20 do Newport 5 Harrison H. Blair 21 do Pittston 6 William R. Anderson 19 do Augusta 7 George F. Batcheldcr 26 do do 8 Gustavus H. Densmore 20 do Stetson Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. Sept. 16 do do Sept. 17 do do do do Sept. 17 do do do do do Oct. 6 Sept. 17 414 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. William F. Baker, Company D, Ninth Ecgimcnt Infantrj-, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the Uaited States, on the twentv-second dav of September, 1861. WILLIAM F. BAKER, Captain. Names COM.MISS B OFFICERS William F. Baker, Wiiitbrop H. Hall, Sylvester B. Troy. SERGEANTS. Lewis Cross, J. Erving Shepard, Stephen H. Moshier, Moody M Watson, James S. Graham. CORPORALS. Bradford Robinson, Eugene F. Goodrich, Samuel S. Hamden, Allen H. Cook, Thomas Slying, H. Lyman Bixi^y, Elisha W. Vittiira, Isaac Fulsom. MUSICIANS. Daniel W. Marston, Eben Waldron. WAGONER. George Kaynliard. PRIVATES. Bean, Joseph, Jr. Beal, Lorenzo J. Bigelow, Nelson Bachelder, Justin E. Burce, John C- Bunker, Robert Bigelow, Calvin Crocker, Emulus Claxton, James Chad wick, John A. Crowell, Theodore B. Cliandler. David H. Duton, Thomas F. Dunton, Oliver C. Dinsmore, John W. Dugan, George W. Day, Stephen H. Fee, Daniel Frederic, Cushman W. Frederic, Llewllyn Frederic, Martin W. Fogg, Sylvan us Fulsom, Amos Q. Farris, John Fairhrother. George W Frost, Emanuel Q. Gould, Joim G. Harding. Charles H. ' Holt, Calvin Hinton, Frederic Residence. 25 Moscow 24 Palmyra 21 1 Wellington 18 Solon 26'Concord 25 Rome 20 Hartland 27 [Bingham 21jCornville 18jBingham 27 1 Phillips [H 27!Bcthlehem,N. Sl^Solon 20 NoiTidgewock 27 1 Concord 20 Cornville 15 Phillips 19 Hartland 23 Bingham Concord Norridgewock St. Albans igJFoxcroft 27 Industry Athens St. Albans 20 Farmington 18|Norridgewock 19! St. All)ans 20 Smithtield 19, St. Albans 21 Starks 27 1 Concord 18i do 43; Harmony 2liWinthrop 20, Concord 28 1 Starks 24 do 23 do 25 Cornville 27; do 19 China 19 Hartland 18 St. Albans 28 Skowhegan IslStarks 31 Bingham 20 Hartland Miistr'd nto U.S.Ser. Sept.22 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Reduced to ranks. Deserted Oct. 5. Reduced to ranks. Sick in hospital. Prisoner at Raleigh. Sick in hospital. Sick in hospital. Sick in hospital. Promoted to 7 th Corporal. APPENDIX D. 415 Return of Company D, Ninth Regiment, (^Continued.') — u • Miistr'd Names. CD < Residence. into U.S.Ser. Remarks. Hinton, La Forrest •21 Hartland s Sept22 Sick in hospital. Handy, Frank 18 Norridgewock s do Haley, Mark 19 Corn VI He s do Hoit, John 26 Portland s do Deserted Sept. 23. Hutchinson, Charles 31 Athens s do K << Jewell, David 21 Cornville s do Jones, Henry W. 21 Fairfield s do Kimball, Joseph 18 Skpwhegan s do Deceased at Fortress Monroe Keene, John W. 26 Bangor s do Lakey, Nicolas 27 Bingham s do Libby, Alvanah 19 China s do Mclntire, Arthur 19 Home s do McKinley, John 45 Moscow M do Moshier, Wheelock 20 Rome s do Moody, Caleb 25 Madison s do Deserted Sept. 23. McCrillis, Nathaniel 25 Moscow s do Norton, Henry E. 18 Starks s do Niitt, Franklin B. 22 Burnham s do Piehe, Ze|jhinia 25 Moose River s do Power, John 21 Bingham s do Sick in hospital. Packard, Robert M. 19 Noriidgewock s do Peirce, Obed W. 27 Moscow M do Sick in Washington. Prescott, Jasou M. 21 Hartland s do Quiniby, Reuben F. 27 Starks s do Russell, Delano 18 Bingham s do Sawtelle, Orlando 21 Starks s do Smith, Samuel 19 Cornville s do Sands, William 18 Moose River s do Spuney, Reuben F. 19 Starks s do Stafford, Leonard J. 20 Hartland s do Seekins, Charles 18 Albion s do Swain, Joseph W. 19 Hallowell s do Stickney, William P. 19 Phillips s do Stinchfiekl, Lorenzo M. 17 St. Albans s do Smith, Alfred 25 Moscow do Towne, Abishia 43 Concord M do Tucker, Joseph S. 26 Foxeroft s do Watson, Solomon J. 26 Hartland s do Witham. Andrew 27 Concord s do Watt, William 25 Moose River s do Welch, Nelson M. 18 Harmony s do Welch, John 0. 20 do s do Wood, James H. 21 Burnham s do Marston, Daniel 45 Phillips M do Baker, Cyrus 24 Moscow M do Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 17. Baker, Cyrus M. 20 1 do s do (( U <( 416 adjutant-general's repoet. Recapitulation of Company D, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 2 72 1 1 1 1 3 3 13 3 77 Total 89 1 1 1 4 96 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. 1 Absent. On In Arrest. On -For Dutt. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Speci Servi AL BE. c £ » £ <» 5" u r br. c > br- c > s > ti h e > h c > bn 61' o '^ ai; o •^ bii o o •^ o o •j^ c o ■c o bl bli U. ^ &4 < O 25 &. < O a c< U K Cl. < O «S a, u z ^ < < 3 13 49 65 6 6 16 87 3 1 4 91 Present Organization of the Company. Date of c Names. «3 be Kank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. id ■< ment. 1 William F. Baker 25 Captain Moscow Sept. 18 2 Winthrop H. Hall 24 1st Lieut. Palmvra Sept. 20 3 Sylvester B. Troy 21 2d Lieut. Welington do 1 Levpis Cross 18 Sergeant Solon Sept. 15 2 James E. Shepard 26 do 1 Concord do Color Sergeant. 3 Stephen H. Mosliier 25 do iRome do 4 Moody M. Watson 21 do Hartland do 5 Janies S. Graham 27 do Bingham do 1 Eu£?ene F. Goodrich 19 1 Corporal Bingham [H. Sept. 15 2 Alien H. Cook 27 do Bethlehem N. do 3 H. Lvman Bixby 20 do Norridgcwock do 4 Elisha W. Vittum 27 do Concord do 5 Isaac Fulsom 20 do Cornvjlle do 6 Cyrus Baker 24 do Moscow Oct. 17 7 Daniel Fee 20 do Concord do 8 Cyrus M. Baker 20 do Moscow » do APPENDIX D. 417 Return of Capt. Edwin W. Wedgwood, Company E, Ninth Regiment Infantrj', Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentv-second dav of September, 1861. EDWIN W. WEDGWOOD, Captain. commiss'd officers. Edwin W. Wedgwood, Ansel G. Marston, John H. Andrews. SERGEANTS. Levi F. McKenney, John A. Kelley, Nelson Towle, Charles W. Butterfield, Hanson C. Smith. CORPORALS. William Fogg, William King, James S. Hill, Melville C. Burnell, John S. Gilpatrick, Albion H. Parker, Levi Stone, Jr., Wellington Towle. MUSICIANS. George A. Ham, Daniel Rounds. WAGONER. Enoch V/inship. PRIVATES. Atkinson, Joseph Abbott, William Abbott, David Abbott, Aaron M. Ayer, Simeon P. Bradley, John Boynton, Sylvester Brown, Joshua Binford, Thomas G. Bean, Frank Bachelder, Johnson Brown, Isaac L. Booth by, Edward Bumell, Alpheus Bradeen, Roscoe Brazier, Jeremiah G. Barrows, Daniel D. Boothby, Francis A., Jr. Cole, Joseph B. Cram, Leander E. Cole, Rinaldo Chapman, Isaac Drake, Hiram S. Durgin, Henry D. Day, Israel, Jr. Denning, William F. Eastman, Haskett Eastman, George E. Eastman, Albion L. Frost, Hiram 29 do 36 Saco 22 Porter 32 Hiram 2l!Limington 22jBrownfield 43 Saco 21 Hiram 27|Baldwin 30' Saco 23 1 Cornish 20 1 do 20 Porter Residence. Cornish do Biddeford Cornish Baldwin Cornish do Biddeford do Saco Cornish do do do Baldwin IQlBrownfield 21 [Denmark 181 Hiram 19 Standish ISj Baldwin 19 Limington 27 Hiram Saco do Cornish 20, Baldwin 20| Limington 21 [Biddeford' 20 1 Lowell, Mass. 45 1 Porter 20 Waterboro' 2i;Oxford 18|Parjonsfield 18| Cornish 201 do 2olSpringvale Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. Sep. 22 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Deserted, Oct. 19. Hospital Nurse. Appointed 4th Sergeant, Oct. 19. Prisoner at Raleigh. Deceased at Washington. Appointed Corporal, Oct. 19. Appointed Corporal, Oct. 25. 418 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Fenderson, John P. Goodwin, Ivory F. Huntress, Alfred Jordan, J. Harrison Knioht, Frederick Kimball, Edgar Knight, John Linscott, David Linscott, John Linscott, Stephen Lord, Robert W. Mayo, Lorenzo Milliken, Charles M. Newbui'g, George O. Parker, Greenleaf W., Jr. Pierce, Henry A. Pugsley, Calvin Pluminer, Frank Pendexter, Gilman P. Pillshury, John H. Ramsell, J. Lewis Ramsell, Ira, Jr. Ridlon, Benjamin H. Roberts, G*orge A. Rounds, James C. • Rowe, David Sweetzer, George W. Stewart, Rnfiis Sands, William Spencer, Benjamin Stone, John F. Sloman, William Smith, Alonzo Thompson, Freeman Treadwell, Thomas W Thompson, Benjamin Tripp, Robert H. Thompson, Nelson Tarr, Fernando C. Wentworth, William Wales, Charles H. Walker, Winfield S. Welch, Lewis E. Welch, Seth H. Warren, George W. Patterson, Oliver T. Haren, Octavius Residence. Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. 24 Biddeford M Sep. 22 27 Hiram M do 21 do S do 23 Saco S do 21 Cornish S do 19 Hiram S do 1 9 Limerick S do 21 Cornish S do 22 do S do 18 do S do 18 Hiram S do 25 Biddeford S do 21 Saco S do 20 Cornish S do 18 Biddeford S do 20 Hiram S do 27 Cornish S do 22 Saco ^ I do 18 Cornish S do 26 C. Elizabeth IV I do 22 Parsonsfield S do 23 Cornish ^ 1 do 19 Porter S do 20 Alfred ^ > do 18 Baldwin S > do 34 do S > do 20 Saco ^ 5 do 25 Brownfield ? 5 do 19 do S > do 19 Limerick S > do 22 Cornish ] ^ do 21 Saco S 5 do 24 Biddeford 1 5 do 32 Hiram ! 5 do 21 do * 5 do 20 Fryeburg 3 21 Hiram 5 20 Cornish 3 21 Hiram 3 40 do M 33 do M 22 Scarboro' S 21 Limerick s 17 do s 20 Limington s 19, Saco s 19 Hiram 1 s Remarks. Deserted, Oct. 19. Deseited at Washington. Deceased at Washington. Hospital cook. Hospital nurse. APPENDIX D. 419 Recapitulation of Company E, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- Trans- Fit for Duty. Sick, serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 62 10 1 2 3 3 13 3 77 Total 80 10 1 2 3 96 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arre On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. ST. Sick. Special Service. B 'i !"1 !2 £ £ ja o o < fl fl . iU . •fl • U ni £ •a c O 0) O o » O lU o c ■a o •o H=l o !P fl M fR (B ^ SH tl O O O s O c » O o o o a (D M ■a o ■a •c X £. ft, be 'S c S, be a o E 1 o » t5 bD a) c .2 E E o o B .2 £ E o £ ft, El c o E 1 5 o £ c 1 1 £ < bt £1 s &£i ;s > > bC A c > w c > 61 !^ c > 'h s bu bl; be br, o •^ o •— bt o o 'C o Z CL, < 'O z ft. < o g; 0. o 52 t^ <; o i5 ft, O ;< ft. <, "ij 3 13 54 70 10 10 9 1 1 2 91 Present Organization of the Company Date of o Names. bli Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 'A < 41 ment. 1 Edwin W. Wedtjwood Captain Cornish Sept. 21 2 Ansel G. Marston 28 1st Lieut, do do 3 John H. Andrews 23 2d Lieut Biddeford do 1 Levi F. McKenney 29 Sergeant Biddeford Sept. 21 2 John A. Kelley 36 do Saco do 3 Nelson Towle 21 do Porter do 4 Charles W. Butterfield 32 do Hiram do 5 Levi Stone, Jr. 20 do Cornish Oct. 19 1 William Fogrg 21 Corporal Brownfield Sept. 21 2 William F. Denning 21 do Oxford Oct. 2.5 3 James S Hill 21 do Hiram Sept. 21 4 Melville C. Burnell 27 do Baldwin do ''>iJohn S. Gilpatrick 30 do ^aco do 6 Alhion H. Parker 23 do Cornish do 7; John Bradley 24 do do Oct. 19 8 Wellington Towle 20 do Porter Sept. 21 420 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Horatio Bisbee, Jr., Company F, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of iJecember 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty-tirst dav of September, 1861. HORATIO BISBEE, Jr., Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Horatio Bisbee, Jr., Elisha S. Bisbee, John Blake, 2d. SERGEANTS. Melville W. Emery, Benjamin F. Heald, William A. Barrows, Isaac Bonney, Isaiah Cushinan. CORPORALS. Hiram B. Bisbe\s, George W. Abbott, Alonzo F. Barrows, Orville Robinson, Elisha Bisbee, Charles G. Perkins, Valorus A. Bearce, Freeman L. Wyman. MUSICIAN. Albert H. Heald. WAGONER. George W. Haskell. PRIVATES. Abbott, Jaines J. Abbott, William G. Abbott, Richard W. Andrews, David Barrows, Thomas H. Barrows, Harlan C. Bartlett, Lewis C. Berry, William D. Berry, Zeri Brown, James L. Brown, Frank J. Bisbee, Ira W. Bonney, Charles B. Benson, Harden Blethen, Samuel W. Canwell, George W. F. Childs, Asamiah W. Childs, Mathew H. Childs, Edwin B. Chase, William L. Cooper, Jarvis C. Caldwell, John A. Cleaves, Calvin H. Carleton, Thomas L. Cushman, J. Edwin Donham, Wellington W Dayman, James H. Deering, Llcwellvn E. Demeritt, Charles C. Denham, Frank Q. Emery, Freeman J. Si Mustr'd o Residence. C to into Remarks. < Sec U.S.Ser. Sept.21 22 C!anton s 21 Peru s do 21 Turner s do 2.3 Greenwood s do 30 Sumner s do 37 do M do 34 do M do 35 do S do 21 do S do 25 do u do 26 do M do 42 Peru M do Reduced to ranks. 18 Canton S do 19 Woodstock s do 22 Hartford . s do 20 Paris s do 30 Sumner s do Peru M do Prisoner at Raleigh. 17 Sumner s do 18 do s do 21 Sandy R. PI. s do 27 Paris s do 33 Sumner M do 23 do s do 24 Hartford s do Cook. 37 Sumner M do 31 Paris M do Sick at Hilton Head. 18 do S do 18 do s do 19 do s do 28 Sumner M do 23 Paris s do 28 Madrid s do 18 Franklin s do 18 Canton s do 46 do ]M do 35 do M do 32 Paris M do 23 do s do 20 Peru s do 18 Paris s do Orderly to Colonel. 18 Phillips s do 19 Avon s do 18 Paris s do 22 do M do 19 do s do 20 Peru s do 20 Greenwood s do 27 do s do APPENDIX D. 421 Return of Company F, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.} Emery, James N. Farrar, George T. Ford, Byron Frost, Sylvester Farnham, Sumner C- Hamnion, Joseph B. Gowell, Charles Gammon, Roscoe Hannaforci, Thos. J. Harlow, Wm. W. Hall,Willard Holland, Chas. L. Hiinnaford, Abijah D. Howe, Chas. L. F. Lane, James A. Mendall, Caleb Mendall, Gilson Murcii, Ira F. Murch, James D. Mclntire, David Parlin, Addison G. Proctor, Levi L. Proctor, Lucius L. Proctor, William II. Page, Martin L. Peabody, Cyrus S. Kyerson, John F. Ryerson, George W. Ryerson, Gustavus H. Howe, Daniel A. Robinson, George D. B Robbins, Richard R. Hammon, James H. Smith, William H. Swan, Ezra Swan, 0. G. Stevens, Roscoe G. Thorn, Edmund Thompson, George B. Vining, John Q. A. Warren, Daniel S. Whittier, Isaac P. Whitney, Jesse B. Wells, Moses C. Young, Atwood Youne:, David W. 21 Greenwood 32 Paris 21 Sumner 18 Peru 18 Woodstock 16 Peru 44 Sumner 1 8 Peru 27 Dixfield 23 Turner 30 Sumner 19 Dixfield 20 do 21 Paris 18 Avon 23 Hartford 25 Canton 23 Sumner 27 Paris 32 Dixfield 26 Sumner do do do do is' Canton 20 Sumner 18| do 18:Paris 19 Sumner 161 do 261 do 20 Peru 18 Norway 21 Paris 23 do 19 Sumner 26i do 19 Hartford 23] Weld 21 Sumner 38 Salem 26!Turner 22|Phillips 361 Paris 25| do Mustr'd iiitu U.S.Ser. s Sept.21 s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do M do M do S do S do s do s do M do M do S do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do do s do s do s do s do Remarks. Hospital nurse. Sick in quarters. Sick in quarters. Cook. Sick in quarters. Deceased at Hilton Head. Sick in quarters. Sick at Fort Monroe. Promoted to Corporal. Died at Hilton Head, Nov. 15. Cook. 422 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company F, Ninth Fegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present 61. = > £ = 9 > E O > s 9 c > E 9 c 5d bu £ en bt o o o c o ^ O •< Bh < U ■A t^H < o ^: z. O iz; ^ < J5 a. o is < < 1 6 32 39 1 6 25 32 1 1 17 1 91 1 1 1 2 93 ' Present Organization of the Company. "~ Date of o Names. Rank. Residence. Ranli or Appoint- Remarks. ^ < ment. 1 Horatio Bisbee, Jr. 22 Captain Canton Sept. 19 2 Elisha S. Bisbee 21 1st Lieut. Peru do 3 John Blaise, 2d 21 2d Lieut. Turner do 1 Melville W. Emery 23 Sergeant Greenwood Sept. 19 2 Benjamin F. Ileald 30 do Sumner do 3 William A. Barrows 37 do do do 4 Isaac Bonney 34 do do do 5 Isaiah Cushman 35 do do do 1 Hiram B. Bisbee 21 Corporal Sumner Sept. 19 2 Gcorire W. Abbott 25 do do do 3 Alonzo F Barrows 26 do do do 4 James H. Hammon 20 do Peru Nov. 1 5 Elisha Bisbee 18 do Canton Sept. 19 6 Charles G Perkins 19 do Woodstock do 7 Valorus A. Boarce 22 do Hartford do 8 Freeman L. Wjman 20 do Paris do APPENDIX D. 423 Return of Capt. Enoch H. Hines, Company G, Ninth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the clianges that have taken phice in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twenty-first day of September, 1861. ENOCH H. HINES, Captain. oiJ Miistr'd Names. <0 Residence. into U.S.Ser. Remarks. commiss'd officers. Enoch H. Hines, 27 Poulton M Sep. 21 Robert J. Grey, 21 do S do , Charles 0. Brown. 21 Moro s do SERGEANTS. George H Mower, 28 Corinna s do Bradley Smith, 21 Hodgdon s do Ebenezer A. Harlow, 21 Canton s do George W. Harris, 20 Weston s do Seward Clough. 21 Linneus s do CORPORALS. Isaac S. Huntley, 48 Merrill PI. M do Sick in quarters. William Kandall, 30 Linneus S do « « Edward B. Sander on, 22 Prcsque Isle S do Harrison W. Mower, 26 Dexter , M do Sick in quarters. Gustavus F. Nutting, 25 Strong s do Charles H. Burgess, 20 Winslow s do Ariel R. Prescott, 2.3 Dexter M do David Mcpherson. 2.3 Ashland s do MUSICIANS. Trafton G. Ricker, 26 Ripley s do Reuben H. Penley. 36 Bethel M do Transferred from Co. H, Oct. 15 WAGONER. Bradford Marshall. 31 Linneus M do Prisoner at Raleigh. PRIVATES. Atherton, Daniel 30 Houlton S do In arrest. Atherton, Benjamin H. 47 do M do Ander>on, Daniel 30 Smyrna M do Austin, John 20 Rum ford S do Andrews, Reuben 19 Dixtield S do Either, William H. 19 Linneus s do Either, Charles 0. 18 do s do Prisoner at Raleigh. Boynton, Richmond 22 Somei-ville s do Brownell, Elias 41 Fairfield s do Bowdoin, Samuel G. 22 Ripley s do Craine, James N. 21 Linneus s do Campbell, William 30 Ox Bow s do Caro, John 21 do s do Codrey, John 18 Monticello s do Coburn, Bartholemew 43 Rum ford M do Cusliing, John E. 18 Portland s do Sick in quarters. Dillingham, Bertrand 18 Dix field s do Drake, Friend ' 24 Portage Lake s do Sick in quarters. Denipsev, Thomas 31 Moro M do Fish, Calvin B. 21 Industry s do Forsyth, John A. 18 Portland s do ' Eaton, William W. 19 Strong s do Foley, Jerry 20 Portland s do Fisher, George B. 23 Corinna s do Guptill, Martin V. 22 Winslow s do Gcddis, William 18 Truro s do Gerrish, John 22 Linneus s do Gerry, James 18 Smyrna s do Sick in quarters. Gordon, Winslow J. 19 Dexter s do Greenlief, George H. 22 New Sharon s do 424 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company G, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Hanson, Frederic Hinkley. Leonard B. Johnstone, Daniel Jordan, Lewis G. Jacobs, Hennon Kelly, James W. King, John Lord, George W. Lord, Benjamin F. Lidon. John Lyon, Ira B. Mahan, John Montgomery, William Mangan, John Mower, Roscoe W. Megguier, George E. Monroe, Hugh McHugh, Charles Miller, William Morrison, David J. Noonan, David Neely, Joseph Plunket, Mathew Philbrook, Peter N. Pratt, Hiram P. Page, Edgar F. Palmer, Albert S. Pelton, James M. Ryan, John Russell, Asa S. Sturtivant, Abisha S. Sullivan, Stephen O. Spraggs, George T. Sinclair, Sidney H. Snow, David S. Smith, James Tilly, William Twist, Hiram Thompson, HoUis Watts, Robert B. Webb, Joseph L Webber, Atulrew Winslow, Elijah Weymouth, Henry F. Whitcomb, Reuel CooU, Morton A. Grant. Silas G. Porter, James M. Craine, Levi Residence. 24 St. Andrews 35 Smyrna 21 Ashland Ripley Rum ford Ashland Boston Ri]jlcy do Portland Augusta St. John,N.B. Bangor Portland Dexter Weston , N. B. Iloultou Bridgewater Carroll More , N. S. Benedicta Springfield Ripley Pownal C. Elizabeth Linneus Houlton Dexter do Houlton do Springfield Dexter 29 Portland 25 Ox Bow 18 Woodville 26 Gilmonton 19 Houlton 25 Haynesville 25 vSmyrna IS Okftown 18 Corinna Si Miistr'd S.'Si lU.S.Ser. Mercer Suffield Ril)ley 25 Augusta 35lLinneus Sep. 21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Deceased in quarters, Dec. 4. Sick in quarters. Sick in quarters. Sick in hospital. Sick in quarters. Sick with fever. Deceased .it Wtishington, Oct. 1 5. " Hilton Head. Deserted at Baltimore. Transferred to Co. H, Oct. 16. APPENDIX D. 425 Recapitulation of Company G, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volvnteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. 1 Dis- 1 De- charged, serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Ofticers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 10 2 63 3 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 14 3 77 Total 78 12 3 2 . 1 1 97 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 18G1. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On Sick. Special >. ICK. Special Duty. Service. 9-1 £ £ '£ 2 £ r," ■a w if= it: « i£ .; H= „• ifi o O Si O o O Si o c if: ■3 (fi •a if: •a ■g iE ■a ^ B O 3 O B O S o B O c C B o S ■n M T1 ■c ■a •^ o ■o •— •n J2 flj p • — e ■i c C c •— — s> n o o a o c r c s e E o O ■= > B =1. O c e o c is is 1- E 3 £ = c O > it F B B c B > .-5 c an r. c o o o C ■■J ^ cu < O ^ Cm <: O •< Ch ^ •>5 Sm <. O i= Cu O Z a- < <; 3 10 62 75 3 9 12 1 88 2 90 Present Organization of the Company. Date of ^ Names. i Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ^ Remarks. Z < ment. 1 IjEnoch H Hines 27 Captain Houlton 2 Robert J. Grev 21 1st Lieut. do 3 Charles 0. Bro\vn 21 2d Lieut. Moro 1 George H. Mower 28 Sergeant Corinna Sept. 20 2 Brad lev Smith 21 do Hodgdon do 3 Ebenezer A. Harlow 21 do Canton do 4! Seward Clouwh 21 do Linncus do 5|Edw. B Sanderson 22 do Presque Isle Dec. 3 1 1 Isaac S. Pluntlev 48 Corporal Morrill Plant. Sept. 20 2 William Randall 30 do Linncus do 3l Harrison W. Mower 26 do Dexter do 4lGustavus F. Nutting 25 do Strong do 5 Charles H. Burgess 20 do Winslow Nov. 20 6 Ariel R. Prescott 23 do Dexter do 7 David McPherson 23 do Ashland Dec. 3 8J David S. Snow 43 do Dexter Dec. 12 28 426 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. "Washington I. Chase, Company H, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of Dceemi)cr 1st, 1861, to- gether wiiii a record of the changes tliat iiave taiven place in the Company since it entered the service of the United iStatcs. on the twentv-first dav of Septemher, 1861. WASHINGTON I. CHASE, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Washington I. Chase, William J. Ransdell, Samuel II. Barclay. SEKGEAXTS. William L. Hughes, Stephen S. F. Smith, Charles A. Thompson, Warren T. Noycs, Joseph T. Hughes. COKPORALS. Bliss Broekaway, James A. Bates, Joseph K. Lcighton, Aaron H. Chase, William H. Treble, William A. I>omhard, Eldridgc L. Bryant, George A. Kingsley. MUSICIANS. Albion K. P. Vickery, Reuben H. Pen ley. AVAGONER. Edward, L. Brackctt. PRIVATES. Albee, John H. Averill, Ariel W. Bryant, Elhridge H. Butler, George II. Butler, Moses N. Berry, William F. Black, Tiiomas Bachelder, Josiah N. Bagley, Samuel A. Berrv, Ilenrv Bickford, Hiiam T. Cunningliam, George F Carter, William Crocker, John M. Colcoid, Marshall N. Drew, GLory:e F. Daggett, Leonard H. Deiinens, George H. Emerson, Daniel W. Emerson, Robert F. Finnay, Joseph Foss, Weslev Farrell, Charles R. Foss, Israel Foster, John W. Gardiner, James T. Given. John N. Gould. George Hoyt, Willi HI, O. Haley, Muses 29 E. Machias 30 do 31 Calais Charlotte do Macbias Joncsport E. Macbias Princeton do Addison E. Macbias Macbias Mcddybemps Macbias do Calais Bethel Calais Macbias Cooper E. Macbias do do do Whiiing Macbias E. Alacbias Princeton Dixmont Edmonds Princeton Dixmont Newport Whiiing Wesley E. Macbias Addison do Charlotte Macbias Princeton Macbias do R. Macliias Newport Dixtnont R. Macbias ropstieid Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. Sept.21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks, Resigned, Oct. 18. Promoted to 1st Lieut., Oct. li Sick in hospital. Reduced to ranks. Transferred to Co. I, Oct. 15. Transferred to band. Sick in quarters. Wagoner. Hospital nurse. Deceased at Annapolis, Oct. 19. APPENDIX D. 427 Return of Company H, Ninth Regiment, (^Continued.') c^ Miistr'd Names. < Residence. into U.S.Ser. Reniarlcs. Hill, Lyman 0. 22 Whiting s Sept.21 Johnson, Charles M. 22 E. Machias M do Kenniston, George H. 18 Whiting S do 4 Kilter, William A. 19 Machias S do Leigiiton, Isaac W. 21 Addison s do Lane, Harvey A. 28 Topsfield s do Lyons, James E. 18 Charlotte s do Lincoln, Daniel W. 21 Machias s do McAI)e, James 25 do M do Morrison, Daniel 25 Codvville s do Murphy, John B. 24 Calais M do Appointed Corporal, Nov. 29. Phipps, Thomas H. 22 Cooper s do Pike, William F. 18 Princeton s do Porter, Joseph B. 22 Machiasport s do Preble, Ahiel E. 18 Machias s do * Peabotly, Benjamin .W. 22 Dixmont s do Quinn, Frank 2 Machias s do Keynolds, George W. 37 do w do Polierts, Silas 21 Northfield s do Sick in hospital. Rushton, John L. 18 E. Machias s do Reynolds, John A. 24 Machias w do Richmond, Thomas 23 do s do Reynolds, Simon P. 30 do M do Reynolds, Nathan W. 36 do M do Redman, James 33 Meddybemps M do Sick in quarters. Seavey, Frank E. 18 K. Machias S do Sweeney, Jeremiah H. 18 Addison S do Sherman, James B. 28 E Machias M do On extra duty. Spooner, Sanders G. 25 Princeton S do « It Smith, William H. 18 do s do Smith, Llewellvn D. 20 Dixmont s do - Smith, Charles' F. 20 do s do Triffit, James K. 34 E. Machias M do Weeks, Joseph 33 Meddybemps, M do Yeaton, Lewis F. 21 Top>field S do York, E|)liraim E. 35 Dixmont M do Malov, John 24 Baileyville S do Clark, Ch:irles H. 21 Dixmont ^ S do Sick in hospital. Miirney, Wellington 19 Manchester s Oct. 10 Crane, Levi 35 Linneus M Sept.2l Transferred from Co. G. 428 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company H, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. j 1 Prison- De- | Dis- ers. ceased, charged. De- Trans- serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 •, 11 2 1 1 63 5 1 1 2 3 13 3 69 Total 77 7 1 1 2 88 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In 1 On For Duty. Sick. Special Ah S ICE. Speci A I, Duty. Service. B a 2 2 £ u u u <" . !f= m e e € ■ !fi € ■a B s s O 1 o •a € o O 9 O ■a s> B s O O •a o c o o O C O o o ^ O o C -a ■a « ■o 1 ■= «= ^ — B 1 1 c ■ — s '5 s £ B c 1 B •— _c s c 5, £ c £ C A 1 S m rt ' .s E E o c !_i s 2 U 5 £ = « c V « ; s U « s O a. > er B bli B > B > fcn B > ei c ■— 61 •j; u o C •^ — o 'i: c O o SI u O s: Ph < u ^ Bh < '^ 2 ft. o 2; Ph < O *=i ft- ^ O i5 ft. < < 3 11 63 77 2 5 7 1 1 84 Present Organization of the Company. Date of ■6 Names. c Rank. Residence. Ranlc or Appoint- Remarks. 2 < ment. 1 Washinjrfon I. Chase 29 Captain E. Machias Sept. 14 2 Sumitel R. Barclay 31 1st Lieut. Calais Oct. 18 3 Henry A. Grey 25 2d Lieut. Portland do 1 William L. Hushes 22 Sergeant Charlotte Sept. 14 2 Stephen S F. Smith 23 do do do 3 Charles A. Thompson 25 do Machias do 4 Warren T. Novcs 22 do Joncsport do 5 Joseph T. Hughes 26 do E. Machias do 1 Bliss Brockaway 21 Corporal Princeton Sept. 14 2 James A. Bates 25 do do do 3 Josepii E. Leichton 21 do Addison do 4 Aaron H. Chase 32 do E. Machias do 5 John B. Murphy 25 do C:ilnis Nov. 29 6 William A. Lombard 38 do Meddvbemps Sept. 14 7'Kldriiiy:e L. Brvant 18 do Machias do 8 George A. Kingsley 28 do do do APPENDIX D. 429 Return of Capt. George "W. Cummings, Company I, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken phice in the Company since it entered the service of the United JStates, on the twentv-first day of September, 1861. SCOLLAY D. BAKER, Captain. 1 a^ Mustr'd - "*'"" ' ■ Names. tit Residence. ^M into Remarks. <_ n& [J.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. George W. Curamings, Bangor M Sep.21 Resigned, Oct. 17. Scolhiy D. Baker, 28 do M do Promoted Captain, Oct. 18. Billings Brastow. 23 Brewer S do Promoted 1st Lieut., Oct. 18 SERGEANTS. Elton W. Ware, 21 Orrington M do Promoted 2d Lieut., Oct. 18. Dustin P. Dority, 21 Bangor S do Reduced to ranks. Shcpard S. Thomas, 26 do S do Ricliard Webster, 45 do M do Promoted 1st Sergeant, Oct. 18. Edwin T. Clitford. 25 Hermon S do 4th CORPORALS. Volncy A. Gray, 20 Sangerville S do Promoted 2d Sergeant, Oet. 18. Edwin R. Wadleigh, 22 Brewer M do Warren E. Jordan, 25 Bradford M do Alfred L. Colson, 29 Wintcrport M do Joseph D. Norcross, 36 Bangor S do Reduced to ranks. Elijah S. Pierce, 44 do M do i< u William Dougherty, 21 Passadumk'g S do (< a William W. Lunt. 22 Orono S do <4 " MUSICIANS. Albert A. Adams, 18 Hampden S do Rufus B. Sprague. 24 Sangerville s do PRIVATES. Armington, Henry C. 21 Hold en S do Adams, C. Wesley 19 Bangor s do Archer, Justin 18 Aurora s do Blake, Nathaniel 23 Brewer s do Blake, John T. 20 do s do Bowman, James W. 23 Bangor M do Promoted Corporal, Oct. 18. Burton, John F. 21 Holden M do Burton, John H. 22 Eddington s do Canning, William H. 23 Exeter s do Calfef, George W. 20 Eddington s do Collins, Micbael 36 Orono M do Colson, Stephen 18 Winterport s do Chatterley, Henry B. 21 Aurora s do Costigan, Wesley 19 Passadumk'g s do Clark, Jackson W. 31 Glenburn M do Promoted Corporal, Oct. 18 Chase, Ansel 23 Sebec s do Davis, James 18 Plymouth s do Doe, John W. 33 Winterport M do Dougherty, John 23 Passadumk'g s do Promoted Corporal, Oct. 18. Davis, Charles 11. 18 Howland s do Dean, Charles A. 18 Winterport s do Davis, Jolm W. 19 Eddington s do Everett, Willard 19 Winterport s do Furbush, George W. 23 Bangor M do Frazier, William S, 21 do M do Giles, Emery 0. 19 Orrington s do Giles, Otis J. 23 Dedhara s do Goodwin, Moses 21 Veazie s do Giant, Howard 26 Hermon s do Hurd, Benjamin F. 20 Bangor s do Hinckley, Thomas P. 20 Hampden s do * Harvey, Arthur M. 20 iMaxfield s do 430 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company Z, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.') Hammond, Clark J. Hoyt, Uavid 0. Ju(ikins, Moses H. Jcj)son, Charles L. Kent, Thomas Kimball, Charles H. Kent, John E. Lynch, Patrick Landen, Joseph C. Lament, John Lord, Albert R. Morrill, Levi J. Moody, William H. Mahana, Dennis Merrill, Alonzo B. Mayo, Lemuel H. McLaughlin, Francis H. Nickerson, Alvin B. Nason, William H. Nash, Albert Pond, William S. Pond, Frank Perry, David Pomroy, Henry H. Richardson, George W. Rankin, John D. Smith, Liewell^'n Smith, Charles E. Smith, George J. Stone, Charles S. Smart, Thomas Scril)ner, Grin Staples, Charles G. Staples, George R. Smith, Mandel Stevens, John F. Shaw, John N. Shaw, Daniel B. Salmon, William B. Tibbetts. Daniel. Jr. Town, James W. Ware, Wilbert Wil.'^on, William Ward, Josiali Willey, James B. Wooster, Isaac Ward, Daniel Young. John D. York,' George P. Hermon Passadumk'g Alton Frankfort Veazie Gldtown Veazie Orono Bangor Monson Hermon Brewer Bangor do Holden Brewer Carmel Winterport Alfred Passadumk'g Orrington do Carmel Glenburn Eddington Brewer Carmel Bangor Burlington Corinna Bueksport Bangor Glenburn do Winterport Bangor Veazie Alton Bangor Glenburn Pittsficld Orrington Orono Carmel Cherryfielcl Glenburn China Corinna Fairfield o-J Muslr'd c ^^ into S U.S.Ser. Sep. 21 S do M do s do s do M do s do s do M do S do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do M do S do S do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do M do S do S do M do M do s do M do S do s do Remarks. Promoted Corporal, Oct. \l Deceased at Hilton Head. Discharged for disability. Promoted Corporal, Oct. 8. Promoted Sergeant, Oct. 8. APPENDIX D. 431 Recapitulation of Company I, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present &c Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- cliarged. De- scried. Trans- ferred. Fit for s-i . Duty. 1 ^'''^^ Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 2 13 2 79 1 1 1 3 13 2 81 Total 96 1 2 99 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 18G1. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick Special Duty. Service. . o5 s 2 )m £ C £ fT F ■e ,; c it: fc O o c O O O c (H -a Vr •c IB ■c ■o .J € •c (F ■c ^ O c O S O O » o O t y -a *efl •c •a TT •c 't« •c 'vj .a c C B s c E c 1 2 6 s e o = = c c o e o > fci P > •= c c 1 3 £ = > a en E c O c £ 'c B 61J Ui o c o •= c c c o Z c < o S5 Oh < U 15 '^ ■J 2: e- < U SS ol o >s Oc < < 2 11 65 78 1 1 3 .5 1 11 1 96 96 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Scollay D. Baker Billinj^s Brastow Elton W. Ware Richard Webster Volney A. Gray She])ard S. Thomas Kdwin T. Clifford William B. Salmon Jackson W. Clark John N. Shaw James W. Bowman Edwin R. Wadleigh Warren E. Jordan Alfred L. Colson .lohn Dougherty E"rancis II. McLaughlin a Rank. Residence. < 28 Captain Bangor 23 1st Lieut Brewer 21 2d Lieut. Orrington 45 Sergeant Bangor •20 do Sangerville 26 do Baniior 26 do Hermon 23 do Bangor 31 Corporal Glenhurn 25 do Vcazie 23 do Bangor 22 do Brewer 25 do Bradford 29 do Wiiiicrport 23 do Passiidum- 22 do Carmcl [keaj Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Oct. u do do Oct. IS do do do do Oct. IJ do do do Oct. 1{ do 432 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Thomas E. Wcntwortli, Company K, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing; its condition on the morning of Deeember 1st, 1861, together witli a record of the changes that have taken i)lace in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on tlie twentv-tirst dav of September, 1861. THOMAS E. WENTWOKTH, Captain. Names. COM.MISS D OFFICERS. Thomas E Wentworth, Chester B. Sliaw, Charles A. Broolis. SERGEANTS. William W. Lowe, Charles N. Whitcomb, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. W. Durgin, Samuel M. Plumraer. CORPORALS. Frank B. Libby, Sargent S. Freeman, John F. Cooley, William P. Sturgiss, Asa Hackett, Erastus K. Shaw, Adams Smith, Wm. H. H. Merrill. MUSICIANS. Amos H. Hanson, Edwin Smith. WAGONER. Benjamin F. Goodwin. PRIVATES. Austin, Benjamin Austin, Moses Averv, Andrew Blake, Charles A. Beal, Josiiih C. Bray, Lafavette Bray, VanB. Butler, Lorenzo Carmell, Hermon Cannell, Lot Chandler, Jonas C. Chandler. Willord M. Carr, Robert W. Downey, John Fitzpatrick, John B. French, Newman Fellows, John C. Graffam, Rol)ert Graffarn, Albert Gustin, Charles R. Gustin, George B. Gustin, Hiram Giles, Albert Hight, Leroy Harmon, Joseph A. Harmon. James H. Howe, Warren Higgins, Forest R. Hart, Alex inder Haruden, Samuel H. Residence. Gorham do Buxton Gorham Saco Gorham Stoneham Naples Gorham Windham Standish Gorham Buxton Standish Hollis Scarboro' 23 Windham 23 Gorham 22 Cornish Westbrook do Smithfield Sebago Phillips do do do Gorham do 20!Phillips 23! flo 33 Minot 18 Bangor 18 do 43! Phillips' 21 (Fryeburg 23 Windham 19 do 18 Scarboro' 23 do 28 do 31 Troy 22 Scarboro' 21 Gorham 18 Buxton 26 Windham 23 Bansror iSo[Mustr'il c'5:\ into :aiHj.s.ger. 18 Rockland aSiFryeburg Sept.21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Absent without leave. Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 28. Deceased at Fort Monroe, Nov .1. Promoted from Private, Oct. 10. Prisoner at Raleigh. Promoted to Sergeant. Died at Hilton Head, Nov. 20. Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 15. Promoted Com. Serg't., Nov. 1. APPENDIX D. 433 Return of Company K, Ninth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Holt, Thomas K. Hutchins, Samuel N. Johnson, George W. Kenney, Luke Lane, Nathan, Jr. Libby, Stephen Libbj, Elbridge Lewis, Charles B. Manchester, Joseph K. Morton, Frank Morton, Charles E. Mahoney, Timothy Mclntire, Samuel F. Morrill, Robert Nickerson, James N. Orberton, James H. Orberton, Andrew J. Pomroy, John W. Prescott, p]dwin N. Pike, William I. Runnells, Henry B. Sturgis, William H. Strout, Nathan A. Small, James L. Strout, Estes Swett, Mark D. Smith, James F. Small, Joseph P. Tripp, Moses B. Taylor, Fernando R. Tuft, Augustus G. Wright, John A. Wight, Horarc A. Wiggins, James S. Walker, James B. Cole, James I. Greenlow, Richard F. Decker, Elbridge G. Residence. 2 1 i Frycburg 4 1 j PoVthand 33 Gorham Rangely PI. Buxton Windham do Waterboro' Windham do do Biddeford 2lJFryeburg 23 Biddeford do Phillips do Rockland Phillips Gorham Buxton 22 'Gorham Windham do do Gorham Fryeburg Letter E 32 ^Scarboro' 21 Saco Phillips Winchester Lewiston Saco Turner Buxton 291 Fryeburg 33 Standish t- • Mustr 'd >; t" into Si« U.S.Ser, S Sept.21 S do M do S do S do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do Remarks. Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 15. Discharged for disability. 434 adjutant-general's eeport. Recopitulation of Company K, Ninth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 3 56 1 8 3 13 3 64 Total 74 9 83 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Pn£S£ NT. Ab SENT. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sice. Special Service. -r- B u u !Fi • if: • € . ■t rii ie . fc a> O O O C o O S .— ^ fc u P >F u Vr ti fc a !H « ** B o o n O O c O o O o r. C n u •n "m T! £ ■c i B S c pL. c c u. _o C » O c a _o £ .2 2 1 •^ (0 .2 c "' % .2 .Hi c .i c CB .2 f, ■a. o t; » c U lit £ U ta = o rt e £ O c O t 1; r > ■> > > c > ti O' c eij c Bi — o •^ c 61 O o ■^ •^ 61, O ■^ 11^ < W >5 a. < o <: Cd Q i2 C < O ■< c 6 «5 0. < < 3 12 53 68 1 4 5 7 80 2 1 3 83 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 1 Names. i < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 Thomas E. "Wentworth 47 Captain Gorham Sept. 21 2 Chester B. Shaw 24: 1st Lieut do do 3 Charles A. Brooks 23 2d Lieut Buxton do 1 William W. Diirgin 22 Sergeant Stoneham Nov. 28 2 Josiah C Beal 35 do Phillips do 3 Charles N. Whitcomb 24 do Saco Sept. 21 4 William H. Johnson 35 do Gorham do 5 Samuel M. Plummer 22 do Naples do 1 Frank B.Libby 23 Corporal Gorham Sept. 21 2 Mark D. Swett 19 do do Nov. 15 3 John F. Coolcy 18 do Standish Sept. 21 4 William P. Sturgiss 21 do Gorham do 5 Asa Hackctt 18 do Buxton do 6 Erastus K. Shaw 21 do Standish do 7 Adams Smith 19 do HoUis do 8 Wm. H. H. Merrill 21 do Scarboro' do APPENDIX D. 435 TENTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Tenth Regiment Infantiij, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States. Names. George L. Beal James S. Fillebrown Charles Walker Elijah M. Shaw William S. Dodge Daniel O. Perry Josiah F. Day, Jr. George Knox John M. Gould Chdrles F. King Charles Tliompson William Allen Alpheus L. Greene George J. Northrup Colonel Lieut -Colonel Major Adjutant Quartermaster Surgeon Asst.-Surgeon Chaplain Serg.-Major Q'rm'r-Sergt. Com'y Sergt. Drum-Major Fife-Major Hos. Steward Residence. Norway Auburn Date of Appoint- ment. Sept 28, 1861 do Portland do Lewiston Oct. 1, 1861 Westhrook do Portland do do do Brunswick do Portland do Norway Gray Portland do Remarks. REGIMENTAL BAND. Names. Daniel H. Chandler Horace N. Johnson Rodney N. Hall Richard T. Bailey Andrew G. Fitz Charles E. Coleman Daniel Davis Osgood B. Webb Sewall L Dow Joshua B. Newell Walter H. Thomas Charles O. Warren Edward C. Webb Gilbert H. Bailey David L. Blancliard Elisha Gott Adoniram B. Crafts Moses Crafts Thomas B. Edgecomb Sidney A. Farrar Cyrus Hall Justin E. Hill Augustus L Littlefield John T. Webb Rank. Leader Musician do do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Residence. Portland Auburn Paris Bridgton Durham Lewiston Auburn Bridgton Biddcford Lewiston Portland Lewiston Bridgton Lewiston Cumberland Lewiston Auburn do Lewiston Paris Auburn do do Bridgton Date of Muster into U.S. Serv. Oct. 5, 1861 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. 436 adjutant-general's report. Return of Captain John Q. Adams, Company A, Tenth Eeprimcnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of Decemlier 1st, 1861, "together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of October, 1861. JOHN Q. ADAMS, Captain. *■ cj Mustr'd Names. i. < Residence. Sic into IT.S.Ser. Remarks. COMMISS'd OFilCEKS. John Q. Adams, 28 Sacb S Oct. 26 Ephraira M. Littlefield, 29 do s Oct. 4 Charles E. Pierce. 26 do s Oct. 15 SERGEANTS. Edwin W. Fowler, 19 do s Oct. 4 James F. Tarr, 23 Biddeford s do Sick in camp. Stephen H. Dyer. 39 do M do Suspended, Nov. 22. CORPORALS. Charles Makepiece, 33 Saco M do Frank Hunt, 38 do M do Samuel Hanson, 22 Biddeford s do Edward P. M. Bragdon, 22 do s do Horace C. Berry. 26 Woodstock s do WAGONER. » Henry H. Shapleigh. 36 Lebanon s do PRIVATES. Ayer, George S. 23 Biddeford s do Appointed Corporal, Oct. 20. Benson, Henry 26 do M do Brady, Joseph 39 do M do Carleton, William H. 33 Haverill M do Chandler, Mo-ies S. 27 Saco S do Cross, Thaddeus 19 do s do Sick in camp. CoUum, John, Jr. 21 do M do CoUum, Alfred 19 do S do Cole, Henry F. 23 Woodstock s do Deshon, John A. 19 Kennel>nnkp't s do Deserted, Oct. 27. Davis, John D. 23 Milton PI. s do Donnovan. Jeremiah 19 Biddeford s do Davis, William S. 26 do M do Ap. Sergt., Nov. 2. Sick in camp. Fletcher, Sidney W. 21 do s do Sick in camp. Fernald, George P. 22 Saco s do Ap. Corp., Oct. 20, Sick in camp. Hanson, James B. 27 Biddeford M do Hamlin, Zachariah L. 36 Saco M do Jeffers, Nicholas 19 Biddeford S do Keightly, William 29 do M do Keyes, Cincinnattus 22 Rumford S do Kenney, Dennis 22 Biddeford S do Leighton, Ivan 18 do S do Littlefield, Nahum 43 Kennebunk M do Littlehall, Alanson M. 21 Newry s do Leighton, Moses 29 Saco M do Mclntire, George 20 Dayton S do Marshall, Richard 40 Saco M do Milliken, Ethan 20 do S do Moody, John 21 Kennebunk s do Moore, Moses F. 28 Biddeford M do Phillips, Sewall 21 Holiis S do Roberts, Charles F. 27 Biddeford M do Sick in camp. Roberts, Lewis 40 Saco M do Skillings, Almon H. 21 Biddeford S do Stevens. Osgood N. 25 Saco M do Sick at Portland. Spear, Christopher C. 30 do M do Stevens, Thomas 44 do M do Sick in camp. Shaw, Henry N. 31 Biddeford M do Appointed Corporal, Oct. 20. APPENDIX D. 437 Return of Company A, Tenth Regiment, ( Continued.') * CO; Miistr'd — Names. < Residence. 5« into U.S.Ser. Remarks. Smith, Emerson 35 Kennebunk M Oct. 4 Towle, David B. 29 Saco S do Sick in camp. Wormell, Hiram 43 do M do Wormeli, Eiias 0. 18 do S do Ross, George H. 29 Biddeford M do Smith, John 30 do M do Sick at Baltimore. Berwin, Joseph 20 Eastport S Oct. 5 Staples, James, Jr. 18 Biddeford S Oct. 4 Sick in camp. Stevens, Frederic 19 Kennebunk s do Brackett, George H. 19 Saco s Oct. 15 Drummer, Oct. 20. Brady, Michael 21 Biddoford s do Sick in camp. Chappell, Joseph H. 32!Saco M do Dohson, William 16 Bridgewater s do Transferred from Co. D, Oct. 26. Dunn, John 22 Biddeford s do Gero, Alexander 19 Scarboro' s do Green, Lewis A. 18 Kennebunk s do Hanson, Daniel 18 Saco s do Hisffinson, John 41 Biddeford s do Hatch, George W. 33iKennebunk M do Jennings, James 20Biddeford s do Kendrick, George W. 20 Saco s do Littlefieid, Joseph 28jKennebunk s do Lee, Edward 23iMaekadavic s do Transferred from Co. D, Oct. 26 McDougall, Archibald 30 P. Edw. Isle s db « U i Marshall, George 27 E. Machias s Oct. 26 In arrest, Oct. 26. Nixon, Thomas 23 Liverpool s Oct. 15 Transferred from Co. D, Oct. 26. Peabody, William 23 Dixraont s Oct. 26 (( U ( Eowe, Daniel M. 28 Saco M Oct. 15 Reardon, John 22:Biddeford s do Rawson, Charles C. 30iWhitingsvilIe s do Sargent, William 0. 4-l|l-Iollis M do Recruiting in Maine. Taylor, Lewis B. 19 N. Berwick s do Wentworth, George F. 36 Dayton M do Sick in camp. Walker, Nathaniel K. 22 Portland S do Appointed Sergeant, Oct. 20. Cole, Edwin 21 Saco S Nov.27 Dyer, Thomas, Jr. 33 do M do Gould, Joseph 18 do S do Hopping, William 21 Biddeford s do KendrieU, James L. 26 Saco s do Knight, Josiah 43 Biddeford M do Snowdale, Albion 18 Saco s do Sutherland, Charles 44 Biddeford M do Walker, Freeman F. 30 Saco s do Warren, Franklin 21 IWeld M do 438 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company A, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates Total Present & Absent, Fit for Duly. 3 7 1 69 Sick. 12 80 13 Killed. Prison- De- ers. ceased. Dis- De- charsed. serted. Trans- ferred. I 82 94 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Pbese NT. Absent. 0:» Arrest. On FOH DUTT. Sick. Special Sick. Special Service. Duty. z. t ■f. rr . <• • € • ifci rr !E e - la fr iE i. o O ti) o o u o i- o c ■n o v if= to !F V s (!< fc o ^ (F a lb C ^ O O o ^ O D e O O b •c 'm ■o — t: 'x o ■c ■a e5 < 1 c « = c § o = g s o g © — o £ = O CS c H ^ c = w t: = U ^ ?: = 9 r = o ri & & > c > = > > u tL —, c ■^ tl) 2 z •^ ei - c s c •j; c = •;:,= c •j; tl '-> '< C < u ^ ^ < '~J ^ u ii Bn < O 2; ft- O ^ b < < 3 9 66 78 3 8 11 1 1 91 2 1 94 Present Organization of the Company. Rank. Residence. Dale of Rank or Appiiiiit- iiient. Remarks. John Q. Adams Ephraim M. Littlefield Charles E. Pierce Edwin "W. Fowler James F Tarr Nathaniel K. Walker William S. Davis William 0. Sarjrent 1 Charles Makepicce 2 Frank Hunt 3 Samuel Hanson 4 Edward P. M. Bragdon 5 Horace C Bnry 6 Giorge S. Aver 7 George P. Fcrnaid 8 Henry N. «haw IjGeorge H. Brackctt 1 'Henry H. Shaplcigh Captain Saco 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. do do Sergeant Saco do Biddeford do Porrland do Biddeford do Hollis Corporal Saco do Biddeford ] do Woodstock Biddeford Saco Biddeford do do do do do do Drum'cr Saco Wagoner Lebanon Oct. 4 do do Oct. 4 ! do I Oct. 20 Nov. 2 jOct. 15 Oct. 4 I do do do do Oct. 20 i do do Oct. 20 Oct. 4 APPENDIX D. 439 Keturn of Capt. James M. Black, Company B, Tenth Ecffiment Infantry, Maine * Voliintocis, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of tlic changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of October, 1861. JAMES M. BLACK, Captain. Names. COMMISS'd officers. James M. Black, Charles \V. Roberts Alfred L. Turner. SEIJGIiANTS. Charles II. Colley, Charles H. Cu.-hman Reuben Alexander, Charles II Colley, Jr., Stephen Noyes, Jr. COIU'IIRALS. Marcus Debmo, Edwaid W. Lovett, Francis Sccil, John C. Glendcnning, William G. Davey, David N. Hall, William II I'enneli, Daniel E. Mountfort. MUSICIANS. Henry N. Greene, Alpheus L. Greene. WAGONliR. Amos Meserve. miVATES. Allen, Charles F. Bean, William H. Bussel, George F. Buckley, Micliael Blackwood, Benjamin Blake, Henry G. Cushman, Benj. S. Carev, Peter \V. Colley, William H. Chipman, George W. Delano, Theodore V. Downes, Josefdi S. Davey, Samuel F. Davey, James E. Drake, Luther H. Emery, Nahum Eustis, Frank F. Eustis, Leonard Emerson, Bradbury Farley, Alfred D.*F. Fobcs, Clinton Gam man, Levi Gratfam, Edwin W. Gill. Ge.)r-e H. Hall, Iloyt, Benj. G. Hanlcv. Thomas Hiles,'()liver Harris, Charles Harris, Edwin J. Residence. o^lMustr'd ~ into SK U.S.Ser. Portland do do Gray Portland C. Elizabeth Portland do Damariscotta Portland do do Biickfield Portland Gray Portland do do Raymond Portland Wayne I'ordand Saco Portland Readlield Portland do Gray Portland ' do do do Buckfield Biddeford Ilamjjden Portland do Biddeford Portland Buckfield do Portland do do Cumberland Saco do Oct. 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Acting Quartei"mastcr. Reduced to ranks, Nov. 21. Promoted to Fife-Major. Sick in camp. Sick in camp. Sick in camp. 440 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company 5, Tenth Reg-iment, ( Continued.^ — '^ ^ Miislr'd Names. < 18 Residence. into U.S.Ser. Remarks. Hall, George W. Cumberland S Oct. 4 Johnson, Alexander 22 Portland s do Jewett, Noah 19 Readfield s do Jordan, James E. 18 Portland s do Loring, Wm. H. H. 21 do M do Lovett, Simon A. 21 do s do Mahan, George T. 26 M do Mason, Edwin 25 Westhrook S do Sick in camp. Milligan, James 18 Portland s do Moores, Samuel 0. 28 Saco s do Sick in camp. Miles, Benjamin E. 26 Portland M do Penny, Augustus 22 do M do In hospital. Wounded on picket Pierce, Emery E. 22 Mt. Desert S do duty. Powers, James 31 Portland s do Rand, George H. 25 do s do Roberts, Daniel S. 4.3 do M do Ryan, John 23 do M do Shaw, Edward 22 C. Elizabeth M do Smith, Charles G. 18 Portland s do Smith, Almado R. 23 do S do Stone, John 32 do M do Spaulding, Albert S. 25 do S do Sick in camp. Swett, James W. 21 do S do Swett, John, Jr. 47 do M do Sweetser, Riclimond 21 do S do Small, Alonzo R. 26 Biddeford M do Sawyer, Thorndike H. 45 Portland M do Trowbridge, John 22 do S do Tewksburv, James N. 25 do M do Trask, Charles H. 18 do S do Trask, George F. 21 do S do Verall, Benjamin F. 26 do M do Varney, Oliver F. 18 do S do Westcott, Richmond T. 19 do S do Willey, John C. 19 s do Promoted to Corporal, Not. 21. Weeks, Joseph 45 do s do Winslow, Hiram 22 do s do Sick in camp. Knight, Edward P. 20 Falmouth s do Campbell, Robert H. 31 Portland M Oct. 27 Newell, James N. 29 do M do "VVaterhouse, Peter B. 44 do M do APPENDIX D. 441 Recapitulation of Company B, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present ^ Abseut. Dis- cliariied. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. ers. ceased. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Cora. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 62 9 3 13 2 71 Total 80 9 89 Condensed Morning Report, December Is/, 1861. Present. Absent. On In On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick. Special Duty. i v! £ 2 £ £ e o ,n- 5E m ■e • € ^ ti rr !E .• e S o o o O 2 Portland Promoted to Corporal. Knight, William W. i '.5 do Promoted to Corporal. Knight, George E. i !.5 do M do Knowles, John 1 8 Transferred to Co. H. Libby, William S. '. 52 Bridgton :\i do Lane, Solomon >3 Transferred to Co. H. Libbey, Elijah >3 " F. Merrill, Edward B. >5 Winslow Promoted to Corporal. Mayberry. Lorenzo 33Minot Discharged, Nov. 29. Moore, William illPortland s do Mayberry, William R. I8j Windham s do Nade, John 1 81 Albion s do Palmer, Charles F. 9 Fayette s do Pennell, Edwin W. 1 8, Portland s do APPENDIX D. 443 Return of Company C, Tenth Regiment, ( Continued.') oS Miistr'd Names. a Residence. i^ into Remarks. 25 ss U.S.Ber. Perry, Isaac J. Transferred to Co. H, Pearson, Louis E. 18 " " F. Pluinnier, Daniel 18 " " D. Riicv, Reuben M. 21 Harrison Promoted to Corporal. Eider, Albert S. 19 Portland s Got. 5 Sick at Baltimore. Rider, Mark 18 do s do Robbins, Charles S. 34 Norway M do Detached as Wagoner to Co. H. Russell, William 0. 19 Portland 8 do Sarf^ent, Henry 21 Mt. Vernon Promoted to Corporal. Sturtevant, Thomas D. 34 Lewiston M do Stevens, Charles N. Portland s do Soule, George A. 24 do S do Spring, F. A. 18 do s do Sick at Baltimore. Sawyer, Greenlief 19 Transferred to Co. H. Stevens, David H. 21 Auburn s do Sawyer, J(jseph H. 18 Transferred to Co. F. Tighe, Dennis 21 Portland s do Tavlor, William H. 21 Winslow s do Trask, William H. 21 Transferred to Co. H. Williams, Charles H. 20 Read field s do Wiggin, George N. 26 China M do Weymouth, Samuel 43 Bridgton M do Weymouth, George 18 do s do Wriglit, James M. 21 Mt. Vernon s do Sick at Baltimore. Wentworth, Charles H. 24 Transferred to Co. H. Wood, Cyrus D. 21 (( a ti Whitney, James A. 18 " " F. Wright," Lyman H. 18 " " H. Newbold, Andrew D. 19 Portland s do Jackson, Andrew 32 Transferred to Co. F. Atcherson, John 20 Portland s do Love, William H. 36 do M do , Hanson, Niles A. 23 do M do Briggs, Luther 18 Woodstock s do Small, Farnham H. 26 Transferred to Co. G. Young, Edward K. 18 " " F. Stevens, George L. 28 Westbrook M do Sick in camp. Morton, Levi I. 45 M do " « Goodwin, Joshua B. 24 Auburn S do Cummings, Wallace E. 27 Poland s do Allen, Caiman H. 18 Auburn s do Annas, John G. 44 do M do Lancaster, Charles 30 Lewiston s do Smitii, James 26 do M do Baker, James 22 do do Sick in camp. Boody, Francis G. 27 Portland M Nov.27 Mullen, Ozias 34 Embden S do Wilson, Alanson L. 19 Anson s do Thaver, Charles H. 18 Turner s do Farr, David 23 Portland M do McFaden, Gorham P. 19 Lewiston s do Winslow, William A. 19 Portland s do Ross, William B. 23 do s do AVilliiims, John A. 21 do M do Goodhue, John 20 do s do Atkinson, Nathaniel 23 Limington s Get. 14 Plaisted, Byron 19 do s do Chickering, Sabine C. Portland M Oct. 16 Devine, Anthony do s Oct. 5 Hamilton, William A. 22 Kittery Portland M Oct. 6 Smellage, Charles E. 18 s do 444 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company G, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. i Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. charged. serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 3 63 1 7 1 22 3 13 3 93 Total 81 8 1 1 1 22 112 Condensed Morning Report, December 2d, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick. Special Duty. Service. «- X 2 2 S'i f' o < rf £ m !F rr !fc! ifc F jy. ■e O O O O O m o e ■a € •a ff= ■a e ■c .J 73 f= o - o o O g o 5 o 5 SI O S r. o s c o o 'w •a *x « S£ o s; s s £ c s "S •— — o •s o S .= C £ _c c _c » o s o rt U3 s s 5 ss •^ 5 .— C o ec •| c 6 S 6 2 St a c 6JJ c s 511 h s > = > bif f > > ti o o o c. c c c r o isl O ',C Oh < u « 0. ^ O i< 0, L) :< b < 1 O £: (^ O >c C^ < < 3 12 63 78 1 7 8 2 88' 88 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 1 Names, < 31 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appnint- iiient. Remarks. 1 William P. Jordan Captain Portland Oct. 5 2 Benjamin M. Redlon 28 1st Lieut. do do 3 Benjamin P. Whitney 23 2d Lieut. Windham do 1 Charles E. Jordan 27 Sergeant Portland Sept. 10 2 George H. Hurd 23 do do do 3 Henry A. Burnham 31 do do do 4 James E. INIitchell 20 do Yarmouth do 5 Robert M. Weeks 27 do Portland do 1 Henrv M. Smith 22 Corporal Portland Sept. 10 2 William P. Hamilton 18 do do do 3 Henrv A. Pliimmer 25 do do do 4 William W. Knight 25 do do Oct. 30 5 Henrv Sargent 21 do Mt. Vernon do 6 Edward B Merrill 25 do Winslow do 7 Reuben M. Rilev 21 do Harri'^on do 8 Valentine R. Jackson 22 do Portland do APPENDIX D. 445 Return of Capt. George W. "West, Company D, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Mauie Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of r)ecember l(.t, 1861, to- gether with a record of tlie changes that have taken place in the Company smce it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of October, 1861. GEORGE W. WEST, Captain. Names. COMMISS'd officers. George W. West, John D. Beardsley, Henry M. Binncy. SERGEANTS. Edward BracUett, John C. Miller, Ezra Randall, Chandler Libby, James Stinson. CORPORALS. George McDonald, Hugh McManus, Thomas Waitt, James Gillespie, William Pheasant, George A. Hamilton, Joseph Crane, John W. O'Connor. MUSICIANS. John Erwin, Charles Kehoe. WAGONER. Charles B. Canney. PRIVATES. Baker, Joseph C. Barker, Albert E. Brown, Joseph G. Buck, Thomas J., Jr. Campbell, Henry Casey, William Carson, Charles Clark, George E. Duran, Benjamin Day, Vinali Dow, Alexander Esty, George W. Fernald, Hercules S. Hayes, Maurice Herl)crt, Francis Hutcliinson, A. H. Kendall, H. E. Hallsck, H. Henry Knowlan, John N. Law, Thomas Legasse, Joseph Libby, Elias T. McNulty, John Marshall, John D. Marston, Henry M. McBrine, Dundas McNally, Patrick McDonald, Daniel M.-Donald, Wm. D. McKensie, John aj Miistr'd Residence. C 60 into < M U.S.Ser. 29 Somcrville 25! Grand Falls s Oct. 4 30 Somerville M 23 Boston, Mass. s do 29 Fort Kent M do 23 do S do 22 Limestone s do 23 Fort Kent s do 2.") Ashland s do 21 Grand Falls s do 24 Fort Kent s do 21 do s do 31 Woodstock s do 20 Grand Falls s do 24 Fort Kent s do 24 do s do 21 do s do 14 Portland s do 37 Bangor M do 2.5 Masardis [NB s do 21 Fredericton, s do 29 Portage Lake s do 24 Enfield s do 22 Fort Kent s do 27 Castle Hill s do 18 Houlton s do 2.5 Ashland s do 40 Westbrook M do IS Ashland s do 21 do s do 21 do s do 18 Lowell s do 20 Houghton s do 21 Ashland s do 21 Tremont s do 19 Ashland s do 23 do s do 23 Masardis s do 42 Fort Kent s do 21 Limestone s do 21 Ashland s do 35 Portland s do 26 Castle Hill s do 24 Limestone s do 32 Fort Kent s do 28 Portland M do 22 Fort Kent s do 28 do s do 37 I do s do Remarks. Reduced to ranks. Reduced to ranks, Nov. 21. Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 22. Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 22. 446 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company D, Tenth Regiment, ( Continued.^ „• oi Miistr'd Names. < Residence. Sic into U.S.Ser. Oct. 4 Remarks. McKenney, D. B. 18 Lincoln S Messer, Levi D. .34 do M do Sick at Baltimore. Miller, John 32 Fort Kent S do Moran, Alien 20 Mavsville S do Moran, Ganet 34 Castle Hill M do Montreal, Ferman 23 Ashland S do Murphy. Hugh 2.3 Fort Kent S do Nixon," Thos. L. 23 Grand Falls s do Transferred to Co. A, Oct. 26. Pratt, Daniel 19 Fort Kent s do Sebistean, Alexander 31 do s do Sears, Hiram 22 do s do Smith, James 35 Portland M do Shehan, James R. 25 Ashland s do Smith, Joseph 24 Fort Kent s do Smith, Jefferson 23 Ashland s do Somei-s, Nicholas 30 Presque Isle s do Souci, Jerry 26 Ashland s do Stanley, George 30 Fort Kent s do Sihly, 'William 34 Lowell s do Shorey, Joshua R. 25 Enfield s do Spencer, Benj. P. 18 Lincoln s do Taggart, Howard 21 Portage Lake s do Therianlt, William 18 Presque Isle s do Thompson, Edwin 34 Fort Kent s do Wallace, William 25 Ashland s do Sick at Portland. Ward, David 24 Fort Kent s do Westcott, John 22 Masardis s do White, John 26 Fort Kent s do McGowen, Michael 35 Portland s Nov.15 Plummer, Daniel 18 do s do Sick at Baltimore. Peabody, Wm. D. 23 do s do Transferred to Co. A. Anderson, Charles 20 Limestone s Oct. Bryant, Chas . F. 23 Presque Isle s do Beard, Oscar F. 21 Maysville s do Bugiiee, Thos L. 21 Washburn s do Bean, Silas H. 20 Maysville s Nov. Bean, Chas. B. 18 do s do Brown, John 41 do s do Campbell, Geo. J. 30 Limestone s do Donnelly, Edward 22 Washburn s do Dobson, William 18 Carabon s do Transferred to Co. A, Oct. 26. Emerson, Henry C. 32 Limestone s do Grady, John 40 Eaton Grant s do Giberson, Simon 23 Sarstield s do Hanson, Edward H. 23 Fort Fairfield s do Hammond, Charles W. 20 Sarsfield s do Kelly, Amos 28 London s do Legasse, Paul 24 Limestone s do Johnston, Freeman 20 do s do Lee, Edward 23 Houlton s do Transferred to Co. A, Oct. 2G. McNeil, Nelson 20 Fort F.iirfield s do Mulligan, Wallace 18 Castle Hill s do McDougal, Archibald 30 Houlton s do Transferred to Co. A, Oct. 26. McLarren, John 23 Washburn s do Ross, Edward 26 Eaton Grant s do Randall, James 28 Castle Hill s do Twist, Jos. 21 Mapleton s do Waddle, William 21 ! do s do Marshall, Geo. 27 Portland s do Transferred to Co. A, Oct. 26. APPENDIX D. 447 Recapitulation of Company D, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- cliarged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. 6 ^'^ f°' Sick Duty. '""'^• Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 80 3 3 13 3 89 Total 99 3 6 108 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sice. Special DUTV. Service. ^ rj < ni e £ „• S=. m H= t ,; ti o o !r O o o C o ■3 o T3 f= Zi (F i f J u "S c ifi SF ♦I ■^ o = O S c r O s O ~. O c s s -n '7 ■n •~ « *55 TS •c ™ •^ ^ IB .2 .2 5i .2 01 e Cu = s 01 c < CU .5 = 6 .3 s c .i = _c £ i: » (B = t: ti V b —' c u £ E ^ = 01 > r c >• > > en > h c > 61. c ■^ tSi o "2 Bl 3 o '2 c o '2 o o •^ o o •r- 3 is 13 a- 75 < 91 U ;s 10 < 10 :.: ^ &i C k'. - < 101 O -C 1 O '«s &- < 1 <; 102 Present Organization of the Company. Names. 1 G. W. West 2 John D. Beardsley 3 Henry Martin Binney 1 Edward Brackett 2 John C. Miller 3 Ezra Randall 4 Chandler Libby 5 James Stinson 1 George McDonald 2 Hugh McManus 3 James Gillespie 4 William Pheasant 5 George A. Hamilton 6 John W. O'Connor 7 George E. Clarke 8 Albert E. Barker 1 John Erwin 2 Charles Kehoe 3 1 Charles B. Canney < Rank. 29 2.5 Captain 1st Lieut. 30 2d Lieut. 23 29 Sergeant do 23 do 22 do 23 do 25 21 Corporal do 21 do 31 do 20 do 24 do 25 do 21 do 21 Musician 14 do 37 Wagoner Residence. Somerville, Ms. Grand Falls,NB. Somerville, Ms. Boston, Mass. Fort Kent do Limestone Fort Kent Ashland Gd.Falls.NB. Fort Kent Woodstock Grand Falls Fort Kent Ashland Fredericton Fort Kent Portland Date of Rank or Appiiint- liieiit. Sept. 23 do do Oct. 3 Sept. 23 do do do Sept. 23 do do Oct. 3 do do Nov. 22 do Remarks. 448 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Albert H. Estes, Compatiy E, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of Deceinber 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of October, 1861. ALBERT H. ESTES, Captain. Names. commiss'd officeks. Albert H. Estes, Cyrus Latham. Andrew C. Cloudman. SERGEANTS. Joseph H. Perley, Jr. Herbert R. Sargent, Charles S. Trowbridge, Theodore H. Lombard, Henry T. Smith. CORPORALS. James S. Roberts, Asa S. Cox, William S. Noyes, James H. Morton, Amos K. Hodgdon, George A. Smith, Benjamin E. Oakes, Joseph F. Mackin. MUSICIAN. Turnery Carey. WAGONER. Joshua R. King. PRIVATES. Aldrich, William C Anderson, Charles H. Abbott, Abial W. Barstow, Samuel R. Benson, Joseph Bryant, Rufus Brown, Frank E. Burnham, Charles H. Burnham, James H. Bartlett, Lvsander Bragdon, Chas. W. M. Chase, Wiibert F. Caldwell, Charles B. Chaplin, John Douglass, Jeremiah S. Davis, William E. Day, William Emerson, William Green, Melien Garcelon, Levi M. Guniey, Michael Gurney, Stillman Gookl, Josiah Green, Charles R. Huff, William A. Hill, Ivory L. Harmon, Benjamin F. Hayes, John (). Higsrins, Ciiarles E. Hyde, William A. Hbdsdon, David T. « ' G ^ Mil 1 '(i tL Residence. C tL into < %'in D.S.t?er. 36 Portland M Oct. 4 32 do M do 26 do S do 19 do S do 25 do M do 27 do M do 21 do S do 22 Buxton s do 1 20 'Portland s do .30 do s do 21 N. Yarmouth s do 22 Buxton s do 36 Windham M do 24 Portland s do 26 Kennebunk s do 23 Portland s do 23 Portland M do 21 do s do 20 Paris s do 19 Limington s do 20 Buxton s do 22 Portland M do 45 Rockland M do 20] Hartford s do 17 Limington s do 21 Bridgton s do 16 do s do 39 Hartford M do 30 [Portland s do 23 do M do 23 Otisfield s do 22 Naples M do 19 Portland s do 19 do s do 19 Westbrook s do 18 Harrison 17 Naples s do 18 Livermore s do 20 Hartford s do 23 do s do 21 Portland M do 26 do M do 19 Buxton s do 21 do s do 27 do s do 23 Portland s do 22 Buxton s do 23 Livertnore s do 25 Bethel s do Remarks. Never reported for duty. In hospital. Never reported for duty. APPENDIX D. 449 Return of Company E, Tenth Regiment, (^ContinKed.j =^ as Miistr'd Names. a Residence. C tic into Remarks. < S U.S.Ser. Oct. 4 Haskell, William T. 19 Portland Hnyte, John L. 21 E. Livermore s do Johnson, Tlionias ■ib Portland M do Kcene, William H. 18 Otisfield s do Knight, George H. 19 do s do Libby, Henry 18 Limington s do Latham, Porter 21 Gray s do Sick in hospital. Linscott, Joseph P. 26 Saco M do Maxfiekl, Josiah C. 2.5 Naples s do Merrow, Lorenzo 18 Harrison s do Manson, Charles H. 21 Moderation s do Milliken, Charles O. 28 Saco s do Noyes, Clinton 17 N. Yarmouth s do Parsons, Albert D. 17 do .S do Paine, Junius D. 22 Pownal s do Porter, Charles C. 18 N. Yarmouth s do Porter, Nehemiah N. 21 do s do Rider, Moses A. 19 Pownal s do Robbins, Amasiah B. 19 Paris s do Simpson, George W. 29 Portland s do Stevens, James E. 18 Naples s do Sanborn, Jerome 0. 24 Bethel M do Stone, Shirley M. 18 Saco s do Sloman, Charles A. 18 do s do Sallv, Elisha F. 18 do s do Sneil, John E. 28 Pownal s do Stone, Charles H. 2.3 Saco M do Smith, Harrison W. 20 Portland s do St. John, William E. 21 do s do Sanborn, William H. 19 Bridgton s do Tibbets, Charles A. 20 C. Elizabeth s do Tibbets, Ira Franklin 23 do s do Trefethen, Clifford J. 24 Portland s do Widge, Lewis 21 Augusta s do Ward, William H. 20 Standish s do Wales, Franklin 20 C. Elizabeth s do Walton, Andrew J. 27 E. Livermore s do Whitney, Nathan F. 21 Standisli s do Warren, Edward B. 21 do s do Whittemore, Eben C. 18 E. Livermore s do Whitney, Henry C. 18 Naples s do Roach, Edward 30 Portland M do Hartshorn, Frederick A. 20 do s Oct. 26 Hofran, Tiiomas 28 do s Oct. 16 Bishop, Jesse 30 Peru s do Transferred to Co. H. Andrew, William 26 Rum ford do Lowry, William 28 Portland M do Howe, James R. 23 do M do Cook. David W. 20 do s do Damren, Dasten 26 do M do Hibbard, Ezra C. 26 Lewiston M do Transferred to Co. H. Cook, Hiram T. 20 Portland S do Promoted to Corporal. Chase, Samuel R. 22 do s do Higgins, Sumner C. 18 Buxton s do Morse, Benjamin F. 21 Norway s do Chase, Edward E. 26 Portland M Nov.27 Libby, John 23 Limington s do Coolbrotli, William 26 Portland M Oct. 16 450 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Ilaine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers, De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Fit for Duty. Sick. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 83 2 1 1 2 3 14 2 88 Total 101 2 2 2 107 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. c Xi i m ?" ;» c > e > >' be c > br o ■^ ti] c o •^ tjj o ■^ c ■^ fct U <5 Oi < O •k Cu < U S5 Bh o ;2; 0. < U >!; ELi O i? Ph < •< 3 13 85 101 2 2 103 103 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. 36 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Renii-rks. 1 Albert II. Estes Captain Porthmd Oct. 3 2 Cvrus Latliam 32 1st Lieut. do do 3 Andrew C. Cloudman 26 2d Lieut. do do 1 Joseph H. Pcrley, Jr. 19 Serjeant Portland Oct. 4 2 Herbert II. Sartrent •25 do do do 3 Charles S. Trowl)ridffe 27 do do do 4 Theodore H. Lombard 21 do do do 5 Henry T. Smith 22 do Bu.xton do 1 Hiram T. Cook 20 Corporal Portland Nov. 1 2 Asa S. Cox 30 do do Oct. 4 3 William S. Noves 21 do N. Yarmouth do 4 James H. ISIorroii 22 do Buxton do 5 Amos K. Hod^don 36 do Windham do 6 Geor2:e A. Smith 24 do Portland do 7 Benjainin F. Oakes 26 do Kennebunk do 8 Joseph F. Mack in 23 do Porthmd do APPENDIX D. 451 Eeturn of Capt.William Knowlton, Company F, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of Decemher 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth dav of Octohcr, 1861. WILLIAM KNOWLTON, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. William Knowlton, Edward S. Butler, Abel G. Rankin. SERGEANTS. Charles H. Haskell, Isaiah S. Stevens, Samuel E. Cushing, Joseph S. Merrill, Hardy N. Baker. CORPORALS. Alfred Roberts, Samuel W. Lovell, Frank J. Savage, Harrison B. Winter, James Lowe, George H. Gould. MUSICIAN. William W. Sewall. WAGONER. Isaac K. Knowlton. PRIVATES. Burke, William Beal, Thomas R. Beal, Jonathan Burr, Charles F. Dockham, George A. Dudley, Gustavus A. Davis, Isaac P. Elliot, Edward F. Fitzgerald, Daniel S. Foster, Nicholas L. Gage, George N. Gray, Wesley Grant, Amaziah Grant, Samuel R. Gordon, John H. Ilodsdon, Samuel R. Jewett, Levi D. Jones, Henry H. Jordan, Henry F. Kincaid, John A. Knights, Freeman J. Kennison, Chas. H. Lane, Sullivan Lihliey, Lewis F. Lovejoy, Charles Morse, Joseph W. Prindall, WilHam Pullen, Owen Pyre, William A. Phimmer, Alpheus Stirk, Henry Smith, Kennedy Stevens, Euos H. Residence. Lewiston do do 21 Pownal 28: Yarmouth 22I Pownal 24;Readfield 20 Lewiston Durham Yarmouth Anson Dixfield Lewiston do Portland Lewiston do Durham Anson Pownal Poland Lewiston Aul)urn Rum ford Lewiston do Otisfield Emhden Durham do Mr. Vernon Milton PI. Woodstock Yarmoutli Andover Lewiston Pownal Lewiston Anson Pownal Saco Andover Brunswick Anson Lewiston Bridgton Turner Salem Auburn Si J 60 tS c Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. M Oct. 4 M do M do S do M do S do M do S do S do M do S do s do M do S do M do M do M do S do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do s do M do s do Remarks. Sick at Baltimore. Deserted Oct. 4. 452 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company jP, Tenth Reg-inient, ( Continved.') u . Mustr'd Names. 6 Residence. C"^ into Remarks. < s U.S.Ser. Sidney, Philip 21 Portland Oct. 4 Sawyer, Joseph W. 18 Pownal s do Tliinfr, Everard 19 Mt. Vernon s do Tripp, Harrison A. 21 Sedgwick s do Tuttle, Alhion 22 Pownal s do West, Lewis F. 18 do s do Williams, Charles B. 30 Mt Vernon M do Welch, Benj. A. 18 Minot s do Walker, Fred. L. 18 Woolwich s do Nichols, Abra E. 21 Lewiston s do Eames, Martin 19 Embden s do Ellsworth, Isaac 36 Salem M do Townsend, John W. 19 Auburn s do McClinchy, Hugh 19 Lewiston s do Covell, James E. 16 Durham s do Frost, Isaac C. 23 Weld s do Marston, Charles 30 Lewiston M do Ricords, p]dwin 20 Turner s do Pratt, Reuben D. 22 Mercer s do Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 4. Thompson, Andrew J. 25 Farmington M do Heeney, Charles W. 24 Lewiston s do Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 4. Devine, Anthony, Jr. 18 Portland s do Transferred to Co. C. O'Neil, Lanty 21 do s do Johnson, George, W. 22 Freeport M do Pole, Isaac J. 18 Portland s do Hall, Enoch L. 41 Lewiston M do Pearson, William H. 21 Locke's Mills S do Davis, Lorenzo T. 24 Carmel M do Hutchinson, Benj. F. 24 Rockland S do Lapham, Joseph 18 Rumford s do . Buck, John A. 31 Greenwood M do Atkinson, Charles A. 23 Mercer s do Hall, Daniel E. 18 Xaples s do Knights, Abel J. 27 Kcnnebunkp't s do Eastman, Thos. A. 20 Lewiston s do Transferred from Co. C Cole, Consider 43 Greenwood s do (( K l( Jackson, Andrew 32 Lewiston M do t( l( ,t Libby, Elijah 23 Greenwood s do li 4< 11 Pearson, Lewis E. 18 Portland s do li (< (( Whitney, James H. 18 Chesterville s do Sick at home. Young, Eleazer K. 18 Yarmouth s do « (< Sraellage, George W. 29 Portland M do Howard, Fred A. 18 Anson s Oct. 15 Cleveland, Benj F. 34 do M do Daggett, Obcd'W. 26 do s do Robbius, Samuel S. 19 do s do Sick at home. APPENDIX D. 453 Recapitulation of Company F, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present &. Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serled. 1 Trans- ferred. 8 Fit for Duty. 3 13 2 68 Sick. Killed. Total. Cominissioiied Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 6 3 13 2 83 Total 86 6 ! 1 8 101 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 18G1. Prese NT. Ab SENT. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. . . £ 2" s £ £ Si < • Vr m St !ti w" !£ ffi Id ti= O s o O S o c o O B a B O 'F ■n iE •c E ■a fF -a S iE ^. o ^ O c O B r. O s o O o O o C B O T3 t: •a Q^ •a 00 ■a f » — — •— s •— B ■— B 1 s *'- < o o s o ~ 5 .2 s o .2 B £ o S g O « 2 u rt £ - o B u « jlj B ert hi o » £ > > CI 3 > > 6t 1- B t. E > Bl bij o 6(; o ■^ o -c o •J^ 92 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. u Kank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. & < 31 ment. 1 William Knowlton Captain Lewiston Oct. 17 2iEd\var(l S. Butler 29 1st Lieut. do do 3 Abel G. Rankia 31 2d Lieut. do do 1 Charles H. Haskell 21 Sergeant Pownal Oct. 4 2'Isaiah S. Stevens 28 do Yarmouth do 3 Samuel E. Gushing 22 do Pownal do 4 Joseph S. Merrill 24 do Readfield do 5 Hardy N. Baker 20 do Lewiston do do 1 Alfred Roberts 23 Corporal Durham do 2 Samuel W. Lovell 24 do Yarmouth do 3 Frank J. Savasje 19 do Anson do 4 Harrison B. Winter 21 do Dixfield do 5 'ames Lowe 42 do Lewiston do 6 George H. Gould 25 do do do 7 Reuben D. Pratt 22 do Mercer do 8 Charles W. Heeny i 24 do Lewiston do 454 adjutant-general's report. Keturn of Capt. Henry Rust, Jr., Company G, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, togeth- er with a record of the changes tliat have taken place in the Company since it en- tered the service of the United States, on tlie fourth day of October, 1861. JONATHAN BLAKE, Captain. I Named. COMMISS D OFFICKK8. Henry Rust, Jr., Jonathan Blake, William W. Whitmarsh, SERGEANTS. J. Frank Raynes, John F. Fitz, John F. Jordan, Henry H. McKeen, William F. Hale. CORPORALS. Zebedee Cashman, Rufus E. Farris, Jason S. Goodenow, Augustus W. Mathews, James H. Manstield, Edward Goddard, Jere Dempsey, Edmund P. Thayer. MUSICIANS. Robert H. Murphy, Harrison Noble. AVAGONER. Samuel S.. Yates. PRIVATES. Allen, Henry H. Bartlett, Marcus C. Bartlett, Lucius S. Briggs, Alfred H. Burlie, Edward Bradbury, Frank J. Barker, Ebenezer H. Black, Josiah S. Crockett, James, 2d. Charles, Lelo F. Chase, Charles Cushman, Freeland A. Cummings, Joseph W. Chandler, William P. Dresser, Horace Eastman, Jonathan C. Fuller, Alpheus Fuller, William H. Farrington, Henry L. Greenleaf, Charles F. Gray, Elden B. Emery, Sewall B. Hill, Leonard C. Hicks, Alfred C. Hall, Ciiarlcs Hamden, James Hill, Willard B. Henley, John S. Henley, Pliny B. Jordan, James I go Mustr'd Residence. ^ ^ into Stc tJ.S.Ser. Norway do do 24 1 Auburn 25 [Norway ill Paris 26|Stoneham 22 1 Norway 23 Oxford Hebron Newry 28 Paris 2l|LoveIl 44 Bethel 21 Norway 26 Oxford 29 Portland Norway Norway 18 Waterford 18 Norway 23J do 18|Duinmer 18 Albany 22 Norway 2. 3, Newry 42 Hanover 32 j Norway 19 Stowe 20l Milton PI. 20 1 Oxford 2.5 1 Woodstock 22^ Stowe 26 Lovell 22 Stone 26 [Woodstock 22| do 18| Sweden 22 1 Norway 22 Lovell 18, Poland 19 Sweden 22, Oxford 26 Norway 43 Chath.'im,NH. 18 Sweden 22 Otisfield 21 j do 44 Bridgton S M S S M S s 8 S M S s s M s s M M M S 8 S s s s s M s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s M M 8 S S s Oct. 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Discharged, Oct. 14. Promoted to Captain, Oct. 21. " 1st Lieut., " Absent on furlough. Died at Relay House, Nov. 24. Sick at Relay House. Sick at Relay House. Sick at Relay House. APPENDIX D. t55 Return of Company G, Tenth Regiment, ( Continued.') . go Mustr'rt Names. < Residence. <^'%\ into S'l U.S.Ser. Remarks. Johnson, William 30 Stowe M Oct. 4 Sick at Relay House. Knight, George M. 2liWaterford S do Knox, Samuel, Jr. 22 Chatham.NH. s do Kimball, Eben A. 23 Hamlin's Gt. s do Sick at Relay House. Knight, Joseph 20 Otisfiekl s do « a Littlefiekl, John S. 30 Stoneham 31 do LittlefieUI, Albert 22| do s do Mason, Vincent is' Albany s do Morse, Seward P. 24 Andover s do Merrill, James L. 18 Norway s do Mathews, Charles 21 do s do Merrill, William H. H. 21 Hebron s do Died at Relay House, Nov. 29. Morse, David 25 Paris s do Meader, Calvin 22!Chatham,NH. s do Sick at Relay House. Mains, Solomon 36 Gorham M do Merrill, William B. 21 Hel)ron s do Sick at Relay House. Nichols, John A. 21 Chatham.NH. s do Nutting, Jason S. 24 Andover s do Prescott, John B. ISjLovell s do Pike, William H. 20 1 Harrison s do Powers, Thomas 21 Newry s do Pike, Darius T. 22 Norway s do Russell, Nelson R. 35 Greenwood M do Russell, Benjamin, Jr. 18 do S ! do Sick at Relay House. Swan, Fessenden 41 Woodstock M do Smith, Nathan 37 Otisfiekl M do Sick at Relay House. Smith, Jonathan 34 do S do Seavey, Lafayette 19 Waterford s do Stevens, Elmer L. 18| Chatham.NH, s do Upton, Jolm A. 33 1 Otisfiekl s do Sick at Relay House. AVood, Wdliam E. 23 Oxford s do Whitney, Theodore 2 1 Harrison s do Wilber, Henry 18 Albany s do Widber, James S. 24 Newry s do Ellis, Charles A. 21 Sweden s Oct. 15 Kenney, Solomon S. 21 Paris s do Sick at Relay House. Witham, Charles W. SlMinot s do Millett, Henry R. 25 Norway s Oct. 21 Ap. 2d Lieut, by Gov., Oct. 21. Small, Farnham H. 26 Boston, Mass. s Oct. 4 Transferred from Co. C, Oct. 5. Bryant, Amos S. 26 Woodstock M Nov. 27 Lapham. I tt 1 1 81 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 6 Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. Z ment. 1 Jonathan Blake 44 Captain Norway Oct. 21 Pr.FmlstL't.0ct.21 2 William W. Whitmarsh 26 1st Lieut. do do " 2d " 3 Henry E. Millett 25 2d Lieut. do do Ap. by Gov. " 1 J. Franklin Raynes. 24 Sergeant Auburn Oct. 4 2 John F. Fitz 25 do Norway do 3 John F. Jordan 21 do Paris do 4 Henrv H. McKeen 26 do Stoneham do 5 William F. Hale 22 do Norway do 1 Zebedee Cusliman 23 Corporal Oxford Oct. 4 2 Rufus E. Farris 28 do Hebron do 3 Jason S. Goodenow 21 do Newrv do 4 Auofusnis W. ]\Iathews 28 do Paris do 5 James H. Miii-tield 21 do Lovell do ' 6 Edward Go IdarJ 44 do Betliel do 7 Jere Deni|isiv 21 do Norway do 8 Edmund F. Tliayer 26 do Oxford do 1 Robert H. IMurphy 39 Musician Portland Oct. 4 2 Harrison Noble 29 do Norway do 1 Samuel S. Yates 29 Wagoner Norway Oct. 4 i APPENDIX D. 457 Return of Capt. Charles S. Emerson, Company H. Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- getlier with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of October, 1861. CHARLES S. EMERSON, Captain. Names. COMMISS'd officers. Charles S. Emerson, James C. Foisom, Phineas W. Dill. SERGEANTS. Benj. M. Bradbury, Albert W. Freeman, Charles R Anderson Alexander B. Conant Ivory W. Emerson. CORPORALS. George W. True, David A. Jumper, George B. Coburn, George W. Harriden, Benjamin L. Given, Augustus White, Granville Blake, Alfred F. Lamarche. MUSICIANS. William S. Hammond, Cyrus B. Townsend. WAGONER. Harrison B. Greene. PRIVATES. Allen, Francis M. Annis, John G. Bradbury, Hugh M. Bradeen, William H. Berry, Albion K. P. Brackctt, Wm. H. Bonney, Gladden Cummings, Wallace E. Colburn, John G. Dearth, William Dillingham, Isaac R. Dawees, Alvin Davis, Charles H. Estes, Silas Estes, Stephen R. French, Nathaniel F. Fuller, George J. Fargo, Charles 0. Field, Alvin Grover, Mark Griffin, Howard S. Goodwin, Joshua B. Green, George A. Hcrriek, Oliver Irish, Samuel F. Kimball, Isaiah Kneeland, Ira A. Kidder, Roscoe J. Lunt, M. William Lancaster, Charles Residence. Auburn do do do Minot Lewiston Auburn do do Lewiston do Auburn do do do Hebron Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. M Oct. 4 Remarks. 22 Harrison IB Auburn Weld Auburn do do Waterboro' Carthage Chesterville Turner Poland Carthage Auburn do N. Gloucester Auburn Lewiston do Bradford Minot Turner Portland Lewiston N. Gloucester Auburn N. Gloucester Auburn Peru Lisbon Harrison Sumner N. Gloucester Lewiston 30 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do s do M do M do S do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do s do M do Sick at Auburn. Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 5. Deserted Oct. 5. Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 5. Sick at hospital. Drowned in Long Island Sound, [Oct. 7. Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 5, Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 5. 458 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, Tenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Lowell, Gideon P. Lane, Edwin A. Morrill, Alonzo F. Marston, James H. Martin, Xavier Magill, Andrew J. Metcalf, Charles A. Oldham, John Perry Nelson C. Parker, George H. Eeed, Adolphus S. Rice, Gilman Richai'dson, Charles Ricker, Henry J. Richardson, Oliver B. Stetson, David L. Stevens, Ezra F. Stevens, Samuel S. True, Virgil Truedeau, Napoleon Verrill, Edward K. Verrill,Edward P. "Verrill, Daniel L. Wentworth, Wm. H. Warren, John Wyman, Thomas Whitman, George E. WaiTen, Lewis Wright, Horace Webber, Samuel Wright, Winfield S. Warren, George W. Pratt, Henry C. Keen, Charles M. Allen, Calmon H. Bishop, Jesse Hibbard, Ezra C. Young, Henry Bates, Lewis Brooks, Joseph Foster, Ambrose A. Harris, Robert B. Knowles, John Lane, Solomon Sawyer, Greenlief Tras'k, William H. Wentworth, Charles H. Wood, Cyrus D. Perry, Isaac J. Wright, Lyman H. Residence. Greene Peru Auburn Minot Peru Carthage Peru Minot Durham Auburn Minot Greene Auburn Hebron Auburn Turner Auburn do Montreal Minot do Auburn do do Peru N. Gloucester Auburn do Lewiston Greene Peru Carthage Turner Auburn Peru Lewiston Byron Auburn Lewiston Bristol Auburn Greene Bristol Danville Peru Lewiston Auburn do do ;g_a; Miisir'dl ^ « into ' ,aa U.S.Ser. , M M s M M S S M S S s s s M M S S s s s s s s s s M s s M M S s 8 S S M M S s M S s s s s s s s M s do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Oct. li do do Oct. ' Sick in hospital. Discharged Nov. 19. Sick in hospital. Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 5. Transferred from Co. E, Oct. 5. « Co K " Transferred from Co. C, Oct. 4, APPENDIX D. 459 Recapitulation of Company H, Tenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 68 4 1 1 1 5 3 13 3 80 Total 87 4 1 1 1 5 99 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent, On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special DUTV. S ICK. Special Service. C £ S2 £ , . B . a rri iO • a • a • a C o O o O e o e o c ■o P P. « W 0) W ^ ffl « (Fi ^ § O O o O s o n » O c O o « ■n 'm ■a ■o •c © •o ■o at < S S c o 2 a o c 1 o 1 ,2 s e o 2 c 'i c 5 o 6 61 a o 1 E E s c o "5 E E 6 £ > > Hi !> h c > B( H e > = > S>B — o SB o •^ u, o o •j^ 6U c c 'r. bjj O • O O O « o e O iM o e •a fi . e •a ff= ■o .j !F !F •= ^ o o O s o s o O s o (B O c c = e ■a •n •o rs O •n ■n ■l=* .o s s c = c Hi s c C < c •i (B o o s B O _o i c i m 2 a S J ^ a> s u ■"^ = >_• n! c o « c 9 O « = (_! ? s > tt, H c > S(, c > 3 s > u 1- e > s > bf o St o G O o c o r. C O '^ cu <; U •«s 0. < O !z; Hh U ^ cu < O • « b i_) ni ft 5 o rt c o it » ft > 51 s > > c > 61) c > e > 61 en r. T, 61 o Bi o o bi c ■- r. c Ml O •z (14 < •■J ^ CLh < O z a- o Z Ph < i5 (L, O >5 0. •< 6 1 s E 1 s 2 > s o 1 1 > £ £ > £ £ c o '5 1 F 5 s o O c £ > s '5 1 > < B BIj £ £ BD £ o ^ u o ° S. c Bl; G o Bn Bn U < Bh < O «5 Bh < o ^; Oh o S5 EM < O i5 Bl O >: a. <; < 2 8 60 70 I 9 1 4 3 8 88 Present Organization of the Company. Date of c Names. be Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. K < ment. 1 Woodbury S. Pennell 22 Captain Portland Nov. 7 2 Svlvanus B. Bean 43 1st Lieut. Brownfield do 3 Randall Libby, 2d 24 2d Lieut. Porter do • 1 Joseph 0. Gentleman 24 Sergeant Porter Nov. 7 2 William H. Kaler 21 do Portland do 3 Lewis H. Holt 25 do Paris do 4 Charles M. Moore 22 do Parsonsfield do 5 Albert Leighton 18 do Effing' m,N.H do 1 Charles J. Noyes 19 Corporal Brunswick Nov. 7 2 Oeorge A. Bakeman 19 do Portland do 3 Charles E. Poor 22 do Denmark do 4 Moses L. Luflvin 30 do Phillips do 5 Armandell Barbour 23 do Stowe do 6 Aitiraine W. Grey 21 do Frveburg do 7 William H. H. Frye 21 do "do do 8 George W. Collins 26 do Brady do 470 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. William H. Kimball, Company B, Eleventh Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the eighth day of November, 1861. WILLIAM H. KIMBALL, Captain. Names. COMMISS'd officers, Williiiin H. Kimball, Nathaniel W. Cole, James H. Albee. SERGEANTS. James Whitney, Charles A. Cooke, Abijah S. Lord, William Wiley, George Payne. CORPORALS. Alexander T. Katon, George M. Rollins, Ausburn Hutchins, Henry M. Neal, Chas. J. McCausland, James A. Ridlon, James H. Taylor, Stephen H. Emerson. MUSICIANS. John S. Kelley, Beuja. A. Smith. PRIVATES. Austin, Jesse Burns, Eugene D. Burgess, William R. Bennett, Josiah L. Burgess, Daniel Bubier, Charles H. Bennett, Samuel Bean Daniel A. Baker, Elijah S. Campbell, Xerxes 0. Chapman, Cyrus M. Cummings. Asa W. Chamberlain Sewall L. Coombs, Benjamin B. Cunningham, Joshua Campbell, Charles F. Collins, Josiah Doyle, Lyman Durgan, Alonzo A. Erving, Georire W. Erving, William L. Ellis, William Elwell, Stephen C. Fox, James E. Fly, Albert Flavin, David Gilley, Robert Gibbs, Locero Gordon, Seth D. Goodwin, Charles H. Hodsdon, John B. Harding, Josiah s Residence. Mustr 'd 1 into Remarks. •< ss U.S.Ser Nov. 12 31 Augusta M 27 do M Nov.8 27 do M Nov.12 22 Casco S Nov.8 29 W. Gardiner s do 23 Augusta M do 26 Hallowell S do 42 Plymouth M do 4.5 Pittston M do 22 Mt. Vernon S do 36 Sidney M do 26 Farmingdale M do 25 W. Gardiner S do 30 Albion M do 31 Vassalboro' S do 25 W. Gardiner s do 42 Gardiner M do 54 Hallowell M do 38 Hallowell M do 18 Farmingdale S do 36 CoiTiville s do 22 Augusta S do 39 Winslow M Nov.12 27 Hallowell M Nov. 9 18 Augusta S Nov. 8 18 s Nov. 11 Transferred to Co. A. 18 s Nov.12 (( << <( 26 Manchester s Nov. 8 18 Mercer s do 23 Monmouth s do Died at Washington. 18 Bath s do 18 Vassalboro' s do 28 Hallowell s Nov. 9 19 Litchfield s Nov. 8 28 Nov.12 Transferred to Co. A. 34 Richmond M Nov. 8 41 Bowdoinham M do 18 do s do 18 do s do 18 Sidney s do 44 Charleston s Nov.12 Transferred to Co. K. 18 Winslow s Nov. 8 23 Hallowell M do 30 do M do 29 Augusta s do 18 Washington s do 18 Manchester s do 22 Bowdoinham s do 40 Monmouth M do 35 Bowdoinham Ml do APPENDIX D. 471 Return of Company B, Eleventh Regiment, ( Continued.} iU : — o^ Mustr'd Names. i. Residence. a Q into Remarks. 21 s« U.S.Ser. Holmes, William China s Nov. 8 Heath, Ezra F. 18 Somerville s do Johnson, Francis M. 31 Bangor s Nov.12 Transferred to Co. D. Jones, Charles H. 18 do s Nov. 8 Jacquith, Charles H. 21 Gardiner s Nov. 9 Knowles, John 20 Corinna s Nov.12 Transferred to Co. K. Kelley, John 18 Clinton s Nov. 8 Lowell, Franklin 18 Farmingdale s Nov. 9 Lincoln, Charles H. 24 Hallowell s Nov.ll McKenney, Wallace 45 McGIinch, Jeremiah 43 Gloucester M Nov. 8 Merchant, Joseph W. 20 Augusta s do Morang, Andrew 35 Whitefield M do Mills, Horace 18 Vassalboro' s do Manlev, Horace A. 18 Augusta s do Miles, Charles E. 18 Newport s Nov.ll Transferred to Co. A. Pottle, Alonzo D. 18 Hallowell s Nov. 8 Potter, Hanson B. 18 N. Gloucester s do Quimby, Benjamin 33 Bristol s Nov.12 Transferred to Co. K. Bobbins, Luther A. 18 Augusta s Nov. 8 Stacy, William H. 44 . do M Nov.ll Stevens, John H. 18 Somerville s Nov. 8 Smiley, Charles E. 18 Winslow s do Stackpole, William A. 36 Albion M do Stevens, Henry 45 Chelsea M do Stinchfield, Frank H. 18 Farmington s do Strickland, Robert 18 Nov.12 Seavey, William J. 19 Farmingdale s Nov. 8 Died at Washington. Totman, Herrod V. 18 Norridgewock s do Underwood, James 28 Holyoke s do Willis, Edward 18 Hallowell s do Winsi, Thaddeus S. 25 Augusta M'Nov. 9 White, Wilbert C. 18 Bowdoinham S Nov. 8 Wood, Simon 18 Appleton S do Webber, Seth C. 22 Haskell, Otis 18 Augusta S Robinson, Georije 21 Died at Georgetown. Philbrook, Jeremiah 35 Nov.12 Mustered in by mistake. Tabor, Thomas T. 20 s Nov. 7 Transferred from Co. H. 472 ADJUTANT- general's REPORT. Recapitulation of Company B,Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- Trans- Fit for Duty. Sick. serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 60 10 5 3 13 2 75 Total 78 10 1 5 93 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sice. Special Sick. Special Duty. Service. ? ;^ £ 2 <^ a 01 u fl !B . W • a - e tc id O IS O s C o o e o a o c ■c ffl ffl w ti ^ 1 m ad O o ^ o o O o o 1 o o o u ■e ■r •c f c Bl M tl c bu o o o O 2 0. <. o o O s > '^ S c O > = 9 5 c > 61 £ CI 1 o > E F c O c > bo 2 c o ei o o &!' Bll u is Ch < O l< fL, <; O •< Bl, o fe: cu < O '^ p^ U ;^ a< < < — — — — — — — — — — — 3 12 52 67 1 14 82; Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. bll Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. '< <; ment. 1 Robert F. Campbell 44 Captain Cherrvfield Nov. 7 2 Geortce W. Seavey 46 1st Lieut. E. Machias do 3 J. William West .39 2d Lieut. do do 1 Edgar A. Nichols 19 Sergeant Cherryfield Nov. 4 • 2 Charles H. Woods 33 do do do 3 Adams D. Plummer 24 do Harrington do 4 Lemuel E. Newcomb 25 do E. Machias do 5 Fletcher K. Leighton 22 do Steuben do 1 S. Albert Seavey 25 Corporal E. Machias Nov. 4 2 Horace F. Albee 18 do do do 3 Jacob W. Gardiner 20 do do do 4 James Gross 35 do Whitneyville do 5 Charles Bridgham 28 do do do 6 Caleff Smith 26 do do do 7 Thomas S. Albee 26 do do do 8 William Libbv 37 do do do 1 Artemas Foster 44 Drum'er E. Machias Nov. 4 2 Henry E. Gardiner 20 do do do 1 William F. Burnham 25 Wagoner Cherryfield do 476 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Eetum of Capt. Leonard S. Harvey, Company D, Eleventh Regiment Infantry Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes tha^ have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the nineteenth day of October, 1861. LEONARD S. HARVEY, Captain. Names. COMMIss'd officers. Leonard S. Harvey, John D. Stanwood, Gibson S. Bridge. SERGEANTS. Robert Brady, Abner F. Bassett, James W. Noyes, Judson L. Young, Franklin M. Johnson CORPORALS. John McDonald, Richard Da we, Ephraim Francis Hughey G. Rideout, John Sherman Benjamin Gould, Wra. H. Chamberlain, Freeman R. Dahin. MUSICIAN. Robert A. Stinchfield. WAGONER. Henry W. Rider. PRIVATES. Anise, Jotham S. Bates, Thomas J. Bailey, James E. Bartlett, William Bai-tlett, Bartimas Bearce, Philo Bridges, John E. Butterfield, George M. Burke, Charles H. Busvvell, Silas, Jr. Buzzell, William A. Bell, Bela W. Cooper, Hiram A. Cooper, George L., Curtis, Phineas Curtis Elijah B. Conforth, Melvia Cilley, Clark Cross, Simon Darling, William H. Davis, William B. Davis, Thomas A. Davis, John F. Dolly, Charles Dunifer, Prince E. Dyer, John Doherty, Patrick Day, John Downs, Charles Ellis, Daniel S. Foss, Charles M. 30: Weston 35 Springfield 26 do Residence. Enfield Weston Topsfield Springfield do Topsfield do Enfield Springfield Topsfield Sprincfield En field Jacks'n Brook Gardiner Bradford Lee Whitefield Topsfield Lee do Springfield do do Lee Enfield do Weston Prentiss Springfield Enfield do Springfield do Topsfield Enfield do Whitefield Chelsea Springfield do do Carroll Springfield do do Lee cojMustr'd ^■f I into U.S.Ser. Oct. 19 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Sick at hospital. Sick at hospital. Sick at camp. Sick at hospital. Sick at hospital. APPENDIX D. .477 Return of Company D, Eleventh Regiment, ( Continued.') Frost, Stephen Freeman, George L. Fogg, Charles M. Folsom, Jeremiah Gerry, George H. Gihn, John Gould, Ira House, Matthew P. Hanscom, Elbridge E. Hayden, Greenleaf Hunter, Amaziah Hutchinson, Eleazer Jackman, Adolphus A. Keene, Josiah F. Lowell, Charles A. Longley, John Leighton, Leonard McKenney, Simeon S. McPheters, John V. Malkson, George Malkson, William V. Malkson, Daniel F. Messer, Nathan P. Murdough, James McGrath, Timothy Philbrook, David C. Philbrook, Ezra J. Robinson, George Sibley, Adoniram Sibley, Sumner Shepard, Harvey C. Shepard, George M. Sweet, Joseph Stanley, John N. Sherman, Moses E. Sherman, William Staples, Wentworth Woodman, Hiram A. Wooster, Alfred Gowell, Alphonzo C. Witham, Leonard M. Gray, Daniel o «J Mustr'd i Residence. C3 C into Rems < 26 gS U.S.Ser. Prentiss M Oct. 19 19 Vassalboro' S do is' Lowell S do 48 Burlington s do Sick at camp. 18, Springfield s do 26, Topsfield s do 20 Springfield s do 18 Lee s do 22 Topsfield s do 40 Skowhegan M do Sick at camp. 24 Whitefield s do (( (< 19 Lincoln s do 28 Topsfield s do 18 Phipsburg s do 23 Springfield s do 28 Orono s do 40 Springfield M do Sick at camp. 27 Enfield M do 18 Lowell s do 21 Topsfield s do 45 do M do 19 do s do Sick at camp. 28 Enfield s do 18 Albion s do Sick at camp. 18 Jaoks'n Brook s do 28 Springfield do M M do Sick at camp. 3.3 Lee s do 18 Lowell s do 26 do s do 18 Springfield s do 21 do s do 22 Topsfield s do 20 Prentiss s do Sick at hospital 24 Topsfield s do 22 Carroll s do 21 Lee s do 20 Springfield s do 18 No. 7, R. 2 s do 18 Litchfield s do 28 Enfield M do 26 1 do s do 478 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company D, Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Aliseut. Killed. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. ers. ceased. Total. Commissioned Officers 3 Non-Com. Officers , 12 Musicians & Wagoner 1 Privates 54 1 1 15 3 13 2 69 Total 70 17 87 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. - Present. Absent. Os Arrest. Otv For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. t »s >»• i «- < rn ^ • € in € tr a . C . 5: O O O S o o: im O s' -o ZJ fc u P fF o !H = > o -, c o -j: c bci U ■< ^ < O Z 2, < y 2 C o 2 c< < o 2; 0. " 2 EU < < 2 12 37 1 16 17 1 17 86 2 2 88 Present Organization of the Company. Dale of 6 Names. & Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 'A < ment. 1 Leonard S Harvey 30 Captain Weston Oct. 3 2 John D. Stanwood 35 1st Lieut. Springfield do 3, Gibson S. Bridge 26!2d Lieut. do do 1 Robert Brady 40 Sergeant Enfield Sept. 23 2 Abner F. Bassett 24 do Weston Sept. 25 3 .Jarncs W. Novcs 25 do Topsticld Oct. 1 4 Judson L. Young 23 do Sprint;field Oct. 5 5 Franklin M. Johnson 31 do do Nov. 1 ijjohn McDonald 21 Corporal Topsfield Oct. 3 2 Richard Dawe 27 do do do 3 Ephraim Francis 33 do Enfield Oct. 4 4 Hughev G. Rideout 27 do Sprinsficld Oct. 10 5 .John Sherman 28 do Top>fi(.ld Oct. 16 6 Benjamin Gould 23 do Sorin;:field Oct. 2 7 William H. Chamberlain 21 do Enfield Nov. 25 8 Freeman R. Dahin 35 do Jackson Br'k. Dec. 3 1 Robert A. Stinchfield 18 Musician Gardiner Dec. 1 1 Henry W. Rider 24 Wagoner Bradford Sept. 20 APPENDIX D. 479 Retnrn of Capt. Samuel B. Straw, Company E, Eleventh Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth dav of November, 1861. FRANCIS W. WISWELL, Lieut. Com'ding. Z ^ Mustr'd Names.' S. Residence. =1 into <_ Sx D.S.Ser. COMMISs'd officers. 1 Samuel B. Straw, GO Bangor S Jsov. 5 Francis W. Wiswell, 25 Holden s 'iov. 4 Francis W. Sabine. 22 Bangor s Soy. 5 SERGEANTS. 1 Lawsoa G. Ireland, 32 Newport M Nov, 4 Daniel S. Cole, : 35 Guilford M do Stephen B. Foster, 21 Amherst S , do John N. Wevmouth, 23 Medford s i do Daniel T. Mayo. 38 Cannel M do CORPORALS. Peter Bunker, 22 Brewer S do Charles F. Wheeler, 21 Alton S do John Higgins, 21 Hampden S do Charles Babcock, 35 Alton M do John S. Hodgdon, 22 Waterville S do James J. Baker. 24 Orringtoa s do WAGONER. John B. Reed. 43 Lee M do PRIVATES. Babb, Samuel 22 Alton S do Bachelder, Simon, Jr. 19 Hampden s do Bailey, Isaac T. 25 Bradford M do Beede, Thomas 18 Levant S do Burse, Horace H. 20 Alton s do Burse, Moses M. 18 do s do Bradford, Lewis S. 43 do M do Brookings, Frederic 18 Bradford ■ s do Campbell, John C. 22 Medford s do Campbell, Charles H. 25 do s do Clark, William 22 Hermon s do Clark^ Samuel A. 25 Oldtown M do Cole, Solomon S. 27 Parkman M do Chatterlv, Solomon 27 Aurora s do Chick, George W. 21 do s do Chick, Elbridge 19 do s do Chadbum, Jesse H. 28 Bradford M do Chadbnm, Joseph do s do Cunningham, David do s do Davis, Wales E. 21 Veazie s do Dodge, Everett 19 Orland s do Ferguson, Joseph A. 36 Bradford M do Farnham, .Joel D. 20 do s 1 do Fisher, Adoniram J. 39 Parkman M do Frost, Elias H. 31 Bangor M do Flahertv, Thomas 29 'Quebec, C.E. s i do Glidden, Charles R. 25 Bangor s 1 do Gross, Ira F. 20 Orland s do Goodale, William H. 18 Benton s do Ham, Charles H. ,21 Hudson s do Hall, Daniel T. [21 Aurora s ' do Hebberd, Ormandel V. ;i8 Bradford s do Inman, George, Jr. |18 Orono s do Jack, Charles F. lis Charleston s I do King, Daniel W. lie ; Bradford s ! do Bern arks. In Maine, on leave. Sick at Washington. Deserted, Not. 13. 480 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Eleventh Regiment, QContinued.^ Names. Lassell, Lacassard Lowell, Kenney C. Lyons, Michael Mann, Stephen B. MansoU, Charles A. Martin, Archibald P. March, Sandford Means, Andrew C. MuUin, John McKenney, Thomas Nye, Thomas, Jr. Oaks, Eli Patten, Andrew R. Parker, James Penney, Albion Preble, Prentiss Pray, Isaac Rich, Charles H. Rowe, Franklin C. Ruck, Henry J. Simpson, David Speed, Christopher C. Spaalding, Jonathan C. Stanhope, Henry B. Starr, Thomas Tozier, Jeremiah Turner, Albert E. Walton John D. Walton, George H. Weaver, Francis Weymouth, Ira Winslow, George L. Wing, Benjamin F. Young, Leonard H. So Miistr'd (B Residence. i; M into 20 If U.S.Ser. Nov. 4 Bradford S 19 Bucksport S do 35 Boston, Mass. s do 30 Aurora s do 22 Hermon s do 21 Ore no s do 18 Hudson s do 18 Alton s do 36 Orono M Nov. 5 26 Stetson s Nov. 4 26 Orrington M do 39 No. 28 M do 18 Hampden 8 do 23 Bangor S do 26 Alton M do 20 Bradford S do 34 Orneville M do 21 Charleston 8 do 23 Hudson M do 31 Bangor M do 38 Carinel M do 21 Charleston 8 do 23 Bradford 8 do 18 do 8 do 43 Andover 8 do 28 Brownville M do 33 Charleston M do 18 Alton 8 do 21 do 8 do 39 Oldtown M Nov. 5 30 Bradford 8 Nov. 4 18 Park man S Nov. 5 18 Levant 8 Nov. 4 21 Alton S do Remarks. Deserted Nov. 1 0. Since arrested. APPENDIX D. 481 Recapitulation of Company E.Elevenih Regiment Infantry ^Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 10 1 67 1 2 3 11 1 69 Total 81 1 2 84 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. For Duty. 2 10 55 67 Sice. O ^ On Special Duty. U , Z CL, 13 In Arrest. 81 Sice. <£ 1 82 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. in, < ment. 1 Samuel B. Straw 60 Captain Bangor Nov. 4 2 Francis W. Wiswell 25 1st Lieut. Holden do 3 Francis W. Sabine 22 2d Lieut. Bangor do 1 Lawson G. Ireland 32 Sergeant Newport Nov. 4 2 Daniel S. Cole 35 do Guilford do 3 Stephen B. Foster 21 do Amherst do 4 John N. Weymouth 23 do Medford do 5 Daniel T. Mayo 38 do Carmel do 1 Peter Bunker 22 Corporal Brewer Nov. 4 2 Charles F. Wheeler 21 do Alton do 3 John Hips^ins 21 do Hampden do 4 Charles Babcock 35 do Alton do 5 John S. Hodgdon 22 do Waterville do 6 James J. Baker 24 do Orrington do 482 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Augustus P. Davis, Company F, Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on tlie morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twelfth day of November, 1891. AUGUSTUS P. DAVIS, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Augustus P. Davis, John M. Beal, Samuel G. Sewall. SERGEANTS. Thomas A. Brann, Charles H. Scott, Alfred G. Brann, Henry 0. Fox, Benjamin F. Dunbar. CORPOR.VLS. Archibald Clark, Calvin R. Sears, John C. Ross, James A. Scoullar, Rufus N. Burgess, John C. Header, William B. Joy, Daniel S. Smith. MUSICIANS. Franklin B. Morrill, Ira Rollins. PRIVATES. Austin, Daniel Blaisdell, Thomas C. Billington, Selden B. Bailey, James \V. Brawn, Robert Buker, George S. Burgoyne, Francis Chick, Frederic A. Connor, William Crowell, Thomas E. Curtis, Hiram C. Douglass, Banjamin F. Dahlman, Fredei-ic W. Denene, William Donnovan, James Doughty, William H. Drake, Albion A. Dill, Hermon I. Davis, Edwin W. Estes, Joseph H. Ford, Timothy W. riagg, John Farrow, George Gray, William H. Graffam, David T. Gribbin, Wesley Gribbin, Watson R. Harriman, Rodney C. Holmes, Tristram Hall, Augustine E. Hayden, Franklin N. Howard, Elias o go Mustr'dl 61 Residence. ^"^ into 1 Remarks. 26 !l U.S.Ser. Gardiner s Nov. 12 34 Portland M Nov. 7| 38 Augusta Mj tSrov.l2 22 Gardiner S do 23 Portland M S^ov. 7 Sick in hospital. 21 W. Gardiner 8 i Nov.12 26 Monmouth S Nov. 7 2.5 Belfast M do 29 Wayne S do 35 Pittston S Nov.12 23 Portland M Nov. 7 23 Lewiston S Nov.12 18 Wayne S Nov. 7 27 Gardiner M Nov.12 19 Limington S Nov. 7 22 W. Gardiner s Nov.12 30 Livermore s Nov. 7 18 Gardiner s Nov.12 19 Buckfield s do 18 Weld s Nov. 7 19 do s do 25 Chelsea M do 28 do M Nov.12 19 Litchfield s do 39 Wayne s do 21 Limington s Nov. 7 44 Pittston jNI Nov.12 18 Brooklyn, NY s do 25 Minot M do 25 Sebec s do 34 Gardiner M do 18 Pittston S do 18 Lewiston S do 18 Portland s do 24 Minot s do 18 Lewiston s do 21 Lisbon s do Deserted Nov. 13. 20 Belfast s Nov. 7 20 Monroe s do 18 Belmont s do 23 Isleslioro' M do 29 Woolwich s Nov.12 33 Lisbon M do 18 Portland S Nov. 7 Detained by the Governor. 21 do s do " " 35 Pittston M 'Nov.12 I 44 Limington M iNov. 7 Sick at camp. 20 Belfast S ! do 18 Robbinston s do 34 Manchester M Nov. 1 2 APPENDIX D. 483 Return of Company F, Eleventh Regiment, ( Continued.} Nalne Hatch, John L Jones, Charles L. Joy, Wendall F. Jones, Tliomas C. Kenniston, George W. Kelley, Theran Little, James W. Luddcn, Stephen Libby, Ellison Lang, James Leniont, John F. McCanley, Kenneth Meserve, John F. Maloiicy, John Milliken, John F. McCleve, Andrew Morrill, John E. Marr, Thomas F. Merrill, Benjamin F. Moulton, Daniel Newell, Edward G. Norris, Nelson H. Philbrook, David Plummer, Daniel Plaise, Harrison N. Potter, John Quirk, John Russell, Thomas Rutherfordf James Sands, Aaron Stanworth, Joseph F. Swett, George W. Stevens, Erastus Scotney, Francis Storer, Stephen D. Stickney, George E. Smith, George S. Smith, John Smith, William A. Tabcr, Thomas T. Taylor, George Wood, Daniel Woodbury, Horace L. Williams, Charles Walsh, Ambrose F. Webl), Randall S. Webber, Samuel C. Whitten, Benjamin F. Yelden, Austin Barrett, John Wyer, Eleazer Manchester Brooks Limington Augusta Chelsea 22] Lisbon 22 1 Windham 25 1 Pembroke 22 Scarboro' Lewiston Portland Lewiston Limington Lewiston ISJFalmouth 20 ! Nova Scotia ISjRobbinston 22 Ireland 39 1 Chelsea 191 do Weld Wayne Islesboro' Pittston Lewiston Litchfield Westbrook Temple Lewiston Limington Portland Gorham Brooks 44'Robbinston 18 Weld 19 Augusta 43 j Portland 35jLivermore 30 1 Lewiston 20,Eastport 18|Gardiner 21 Harrison 25 j Waldo 40 Gorham 21 Portland 29 Augusta 29 Lewiston 39 Portland 21 Chelsea 32 Lewiston 43, Portland Mustr 'd into g^ U.S.Ser s s s s s s s s s M s Nov.12 Nov. 7 do Nov.12 do do Nov. 7 do do Nov.12 Nov. 7 Nov.12 Nov. 7 Nov.12 Nov. 7 Nov.12 Nov. 7 do Nov.12 do Nov. 7 do do Nov.12 do do Nov. 7 do Nov.12 Nov. do do do do do Nov.12 do do do Nov. 7 Nov.12 Nov. 7 do do do Nov.12 do Nov. 7 Nov.12 do Nov. 7 Remarks. Wagoner. Detained by the Governor. Deserted Nov. 13. Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Transferred to Co. B. Sick at camp. Deserted Noy. 13. 484 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company F,Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De-* serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total, Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates Total Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Dutv. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. s 5° S b £ si o ffi . H= . H c > ftt» s > — > sc ^ > c > tx Ul o c bu o o c o o o O •z. CLi < O Z; Qm < U Z Cm o 55 Bh < U •< 0. O t5 p. < < 3 11 60 74 2 11 13 87 6 93 Present Organization of the Company. Date of i Names. < Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 2 Aujrustus P. Davis John M. Beal 26 34 Captain 1st Lieut Gardiner Portland Nov. 12 Nov. 7 3 Samuel G. Sewall 38 2d Lieut Augusta Nov. 12 1 Thomas A. Brann 22 Sergeant Gardiner Nov. 12 2 Charles H. Scott 23 do Portland Nov. 7 3 Alfred G. Branu 21 do W. Gardiner Nov. 12 4 Henry 0. Fox 26 do Monmouth Nov. 7 5 Benjamin F. Dunbar 25 do Belfast do 1 Archibald Clark 29 Corporal Wavne Nov. 7 2 Calvin R. Sears 35 do Pittston Nov. 12 3 -John C. Ross 23 do Portland Nov. 7 4 James A. Scoullar 23 do Lewiston Nov. 12 5 Rufus N. Burgess 18 do Wavne Nov. 7 6 John C. Header 27 do Gardiner Nov. 12 7 William B. Joy 19 do Limintrton Nov. 7 8 Daniel S. Smith 22 do 4* W. Gardiner Nov. 12 APPENDIX D. 485 Return of Capt. Winslow P. Spofford, Company G, Eleventh Eegimcnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fourth day of November, 1861. WINSLOW P. SPOEFORD, Captain. Names. COMMISS'd officers. Winslow P. Spoflford, Charles E. lUsley, John S. Dodge. SERGEANTS. William H. H. Rice, Thomas Clark, Rufus H. Wingate, Caleb Philbrick, John D. Clark. CORPORALS. Joseph C. Wenlworth, Alfred E. Conners, Isaac H Small, William H. Burrill, Judson Salsbury, James H. Abbott. WAGONER. Ambrose P. Phillips. PRIVATES. Anderson, Stillman Bennett, Levi W. Brown, Ephraim Briggs, Amos W. Burns, David H. Bunker, Ambrose S. Bunker, Charles F. Bunker, Theodore Butler, Augustus J. Caine, James Cash, William B. Clark, Alamander Clark, John F. Clark, George P. Cook, George W. Cormick, William J. Conway, John D. Clow, Elmer L. Davidson, Robert Day, Lewis L. Denico, Augustus H. Denico, William E. Denico, Henry C. Dodge, William H. Dow, Samuel W. Fish, Charles E. Frazier, Ahira S. Frazier, Isaac Frazier, George W. Garland, Newell Garland, Warren Garland, Albert Gordon, Fnmcis F. Gross, Reuben Higgins, Charles H. Mustr 'd e Residence. C S" into < ; 45 Dcdham 3K U.S.Ser. M Nov. 6 23 Harrison S Nov. 4 22 Tremont S Nov. 6 25 Ellsworth S Nov. 4 22 Tremont s do 24 Ellsworth M do 44 do M do 25 Franklin S do 28 Franklin M do 21 Tremont S do 18 Ellsworth S do 19 Dedham s do 18 Trenton s do 18 Tremont s do 23 Ellsworth M do 32 Cherryfield M do 18 Ellsworth S do 19 do s do 44 do M do 21 Piacentia Isle s do 23 Ellsworth M do 18 Eden S do 18 Rockland s do 17 Hancock s do 21 Ellsworth s do 35 do M do 22 Franklin s do 18 do s do 25 Surry M do 18 Ellsworth s Nov. 6 24 Meddybemps s Nov. 4 43 Ellsworth M do 17 Waltham s do 30 Franklin s do 33 Eden M do 24 Ellsworth S do 20 do s do 19 do s do 19 Dedham s do 18 Hancock s do 26 Ellsworth s do 26 Otis M do 24 do s do 22 do s do 42 Ellsworth M do 26 do s do 20 do s do 18 Trenton s do 19 Ellsworth s Nov. 6 23 Trenton M do Remarks. 486 ADJUTANT-GEXERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Eleventh Regiment, (^Continued.') Mustr'd Names. £ Residence. C fcc into Remarks. 24 ^'rZ U.S.Ser. Higgins, Humphrey S. Eden s Nov. 4 Higgins, Henry H. 21 do s do Hinckley, Charles B. 18 Ellsworth s do Howard, Michael 45 do M do Holmes, Thomas J. 18 do s do Holbrook, Edwia 18 Trenton s Nov. 6 Hurd, Daniel 27 Gouldsboro' s Nov. 4 Haniman, Augustus P. 34 Ellsworth M do Haniman, Lysander W. 28 Dedham M do Ham or, George W, 17 Eden S do Jackson, Edward 21 Ellsworth s do Jordan, Eben. 2d 44 do M do Jordan, Daniel T. 44 do M do Kimball, Samuel H. 22 do S do Keith, John 0. 22 do S Nov. 6 Keith, Thomas 18 do s Nov. 4 Moore, Joseph D, 42 do M do Moon, Joseph F. 17 Hancock s do Moon, Judson R. 21 do s Nov. 6 Morris, James A. 24 Cranberrylsle s Nov. 4 Meader, Abraham 45 Ellsworth M do McDonald, Daniel 20 Trenton s Nov. 6 McNamara, Martin 22 do s do McGowan, Charles 21 Elsworth s Nov. 4 Nichols, Francis 0. 18 do s do Peters, Weldena F. 20 Gouldsboro' s do Pettingill, George R. 18 Hancock s do Richardson, .John C. 58 Tremont s do Royal, Charles W. 18 Ellsworth s do Rogers, Henry B. 21 Trenton s Nov. 6 Rogers, Sylvester 18 Trenton s do Salsbury, Benjamin F. 29 do M Nov. 4 Weire, David 45 Gouldsboro' M do Whittaker, William H. 17 Trenton s do Died at "Washington, Nov. 24. Wooster, Alpheus S. 19 Ellsworth s do Young, Asa B. 21 Gouldsboro' s do Young, Nahum B. 20 Trenton s do Young, Wallace C. 26 do 8 Nov. 6 APPENDIX D. 487 Recapitulation of Company G, Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- Trans- serted. ferred. i Fit for Duty. Sick. ceased. charged. Total. Commissioned Officers Noii-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 1 72 1 3 11 1 73 Total 87 1 ! 88 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In On For Dutt. Sice. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. . til S 2 ^. «• 2 S ? m !f= rn € iS fi Sfci m ifci C V o o O O fii o s Sf: ■a e ■o € s o ig •a 1 ii= •o ffi ■o ^ 1 O s o o O o o c O o o o c T3 T= t: © •a •a ^ oi — C £ c O C ■— e Pm B O o E E o < c s o o S en 1 rt be £ 1 £ o 1 e £ o O PS d s o « bD > bl C c > h c > t- > B > P > o o o r, r. C •- o c bi. O Ss e-'o,2:i£: 191 91 Present Organization of the Company. Dale of 6 Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appciiiit- Remarks. 'A < nient. 1 Roval T. Nash 40 Captain Gray Nov. 12 2 Nelson T. Smith 43 1st Lieut. Brownville do 3 Charles A. Fuller 22 2d Lieut. Boston, ]\Iass. Xov. 4 1 Ezra W. Gould 40 Sergeant Sebec Nov. 4 2 William F. Huskell 21 do Dover do 3 Georixe E. Monill 21 do Sebec do 4 Nathan J. Gould 2-2 do do do 5 Joseph Harris 38 do Williamsburg do • 1 Alvin Morrill 30 Corporal Brownville Nov. 4 2 Cvrus Perkins 25 do Corinth do 3 Albert L. Uankin 27 do Sebec do 4 (xcorije W. >Smith 27 do Brownville do 5 William H. Girrell 22 do Charleston do 6 Tames I'M lis 25 do Sebec do 7 Dustin Sands 18 do do do 8 Silas Howard 25 do Brownville do APPENDIX D. 491 Return of Captain John Pomroy, Company I, Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressinji; its condition on ilie morning of December 1st, 18(31, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since h entered the service of the United States, on the second day of Novcmher, 1861. JOHN rOMKOY, Captain. .Vlusir'd Names. tt Residence. C to into Remarks. < gig U.S.Ser. cojimiss'd officers. John I'omroy, 46 Bancroft M Nov. 7 Benjamin B. Foster, 28 Lincoln S Nov. 2 Simeon H. Merrill. 20 Bridgton S Nov. 7 SERGEANTS. George H. Stratton, 24 Winn s Nov. 8 • George B. Weymouth, 28 Bancroft M Nov. 2 A. Litchfield Leland, 26 Winn S do George Leader, la Houlton M do William VV. Foster. 26 Orono S do CORPORALS. George W. Butterfield, 19 Dan forth s do William Brannen, 29 Weston M do Joseph S. Butler, 26 do S do John Wilson, 33 Bancroft S do David B Snow, 21 Winn s do Elbridge G. Decker, 23 Bancroft s do Charles W. Trott, 28 Winn s do Robert Doyle. 28 Houlton M do MUSICIAN. William H. Brick. 18 Augusta s Nov. 6 AVAGONER. George Foster. 27 Danforth M Nov. 2 PRIVATKS. Aldrich, J. Adelbcrt 18 Carroll S do Brannen, Weston 2-1 Weston s do ' Brannen, Stephen 24 Orient M do Brayman, Samuel G. 25 do M do Bickmore, William 33 No. 9, R. 4 S do • Butterfield, Stephen 19 Weston s do Brown, John 38 Bancroft s do Butler, Edward 18 Skowhegan s Nov. 7 Canning, Patrick H. 37 Houlton M Nov. 2 Carson, William 32 No. 9, R. 4 M Nov. 6 Clendennin, David 20 Winn s Nov. 2 Comev, Warren W. 21 Bancroft M do Crockett, William H. 35 Danforth M do Durgan, Nathan 45 Chelsea M do Dooling, James 23 New York s do Doble, William 43 Lee M Nov. 6 Dustin, George 44 Bancroft S do Davis, Edward 18 Winn S Nov. 2 Decker, William IL 19 Danforth S do Eldridgc, Orlando 18 Canaan s do Fuller,'Cliarles D. 18 Jay s Nov. 7 Deserted, Nov. IL Fo-s, James L. 18 Hodgdon s Nov. 2 Foster, Irving L. 30 Bancroft s Nov. 6 Sick at Washington. Garey, Loring 21 Winn s Nov. 2 Gove, George 19 Weston s do Gouidin;;-, Madison M. 25 Drew s do Gates, Silas M. 18 Carroll s do Haskell, Samuel B. 21 No. 9, R. 4 R do Hubbard, Moses 23 Fairfield s do Hanling, Joseph 44 Lee M Nov. 6 Huff, Justus E. 21 Topsfield s Nov. 2 492 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company I, Eleventh Regiment, ( Continued.') =aB . 03 Mustr'd Names. Residence. into Remarks. <. Sic s U.S.Ser. Kimball, Isaac 21 Ripley Nov. 7 Jordan, Thomas M. 30 Lee M Nov. 2 Sick at Washington. Kinney, George W. •21 No. 9, R. 3 S Nov. 6 Kinney, William 24 do M do Deserted, Nov. 11. Kelley, Thomas 36 Orono * M do Knox, John 35 Winn S Nov. 2 Lord, Jacob 44 Bancroft M Nov. 6 Leathers, Tuttle D. 44 do M do Sick at Washington. Manville, John 44 Jacks'n Brook S do Myers, Joiin H., Jr. 18 Boston, Mass. S Nov. 7 Morrissey, Daniel 24 Bancroft ]\I Nov. 2 Moody, Morton 18 Westonj s do , ■ McFeil, Daniel 38 Haynesville s do McCarron, Andrew- 27 Ashland s do Murray, Alexander 44 Maysville s do Monk, John A. 30 No. 9, R. 3. M do Neal, Adam J. 31 Waite s do Poinroy, George A. 18 Bancroft s do Pomroy, George C. 40 do s do Royal, Charles 44 Winn M Nov. 6 Roderick, Martin 36 Skowhegan M Nov. 7 Rogers, William 30 do M do Springer, Edward H. 18 Danforth S Nov. 2 Springer, George J. 44 do M do Snow, William S. 28 do M Nov. 6 Deserted, Nov. 11. Sleeper, Moses 45 No. .5, R. 4 M Nov. 2 Shorey. Kufus K. 19 Bancroft s do Shorey, Randolph A. 21 do s do Sinclair, Andrew J. 27 do M do Sawyer, Harrison 20 Orient S do Sawyer, Stephen 22 do s do Vandine, Arthur V. 30 Winn M Nov. 6 White, Charles W. 35 Bancroft M do Webber, Edinond 44 No. 9, R. 4 S do Sick at Washington. Winship, Tho^nas 37 Weston s Nov. 2 Webster, Hcnr^' 18 Hodgdon s do Wilcox, Jacob A. 21 Trescott s do Young, George W. 18 Winn s do Merrill, George W. 18 Bridgton s Not mustered in. APPENDIX D. 493 Recapitulation of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Voliinteers. Present &. Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned OflBcers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 2 66 4 3 13 2 "0 Total 84 4 1 i 88 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. c 2 £ 2 £ ?5 ■«• m (fa iE w e e «= Tf" p a o O O o O ^ o c € "2 1 •a (F ■a •a C o a fF ■e ^ •a . o o O ■a _s O ■c ^S O •a O c ^o c B .9 C o '^ c j; ■— c: E — — Q. = & c o O a o S. _o c .£ fc a 0} 1 > tt 1 O > o O a; 1 c O 0) 7i 'i c O > 1 9 re 61 c c o O o o s c tL ei o < (^ <; •-J » 0. < O i? c U t5 b < o >S Oh o :i5 b < < 3 13 59 75 4 6 85 3 88 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Joseph Pomroy Benjamin B. Foster Simeon H. Merrill George H. Stratton George B. Weymouth A. L. Leiand George Leader William W. Foster George W. Butterfield William Brannen Joseph S. Butler John Wilson David B. Snow Elbridge G. Decker Charles W. Trott Robert Doyle o Rank. < 46 29 Captain 1st Lieut. 20 2d Lieut 24 28 Sergeant do 26 do 25 do 26 do 19 29 Corporal do 26 do 33 do 21 do 23 do 28 do 28 do Residence. Bancroft Lincoln Bridgton Winn Bancroft Winn Houlton Orono Dan forth Weston do Bancroft Winn Bnn croft Winn Houlton Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Nov. 1 do do Nov. I do do do do Nov. 1 do do do do do do do Remarks. 494 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Jonathan A. Hill, Company K, Eleventh Ecgiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the second dav of November, 1861. JONATHAN A. HILL, Captain. 1 u . iVIiisir'd Names. e < Residence. e s iiilo U.S.Ser. Remarks. COMmiss'd officers. Jonathan A. Hill, 30 Stetson M Nov. 2 Melville M. Folsom, 25 Newburg S do Albert G. Mudgett. 34 do M do SERGKANTS. Alphonzo Patten, 20 Bangor S do William P. Plaisted, 19 Stetson S do Sick at camp. Horatio Knowles, 23 Kenduskcag M do Nelson P. Cram, 22 Brunswick S do George B. Noycs. 24 Atkinson S do Sick at camp. CORPORALS. Daniel West, 39 Bangor M do At Augusta. Calvin S. Chapman, 23 do S do Charles H. Foster, 24 Stetson M do Daniel D. Noyes, 37 Brewer M do Charles G. L. Aiken, 21 Bangor S do John E. Smith, 27 do S do George W. Small, 26 do s do Silas H. Kenney. 31 Stetson s do MUSICIAN. Abner Brooks. 25 Corinna M do WAGONER. Joseph G. Kicker. 23 Dexter M do PRIVATES. Abbott, Oscar F. 25 Newburg M do Sick at camp. Andrews, Oshorn 20 Plymouth S do Abbott, Charles B. 35 Newburg M do Bracy, Lewis H. 18 Mt. Desert S do Sick at camp. Bunker, Eaton H. 24 Trenton s do Buzzell, John H. 21 Plymouth s do Buzzell, Samuel 18 do s do Brown, Luther 30 Dover s do Cochran, Charles A. 18 Stetson s do Condon, Franklin F. 18 Newburg s do Colbath, George W. 25 Mattamiscon- M do Sick at camp. Dan forth. Phillip A. 22 Bradford [tis M do Davis, Willard 41 Newburg M do Davis, Henry H. 22 Bangor S do Dean, Samuel 21 Corinna s do Erskine, William M. 18 Bradford s do Erskine, Rogers A. 24 do s do Erskine, Andrew B. 21 do s do Ellis, Jo.iah W. 18 Dover s do Eastman, Augustus 38 Bucks port s do Sick at camp. Furbish, Josiah 23 Bradford s do Gould, George C. 18 Farmington s do Sick at camp. Green, John 35 Bradford M do Garnett, Jotliam S. 23 Medway s do Garnett, Ellsworth B. 21 do s do Howard. John 26 Brownville s do Hulibard, Charles P. 40 Bangor M do Hooper, Demetrius 24 Sangcrvillc s do Keefe, Morris 26 Bangor s do Knowles, Charles 27 Corinna s do Kellcy, Jaazaniah B. 19 Newburg s do Sick at camp. APPENDIX D. 495 Return of Company K, Eleventh Regiment, ( ContirmedS) Names. Residence. Kelley, George S. Kinney, Horace S. Kisor, George M. Lock, Augustus D. Lewis, Jesse Ladd, Warren S. Moor, Henry J. Miuldocks, Charles W. Maddocks, Wills Maddoi'ks, Lutlier E. Mann, Ht-nry A. Morton, Charles E. Norton William W. Noycs, Harlan P. Osgood, Marquis D. L Quinn, Franklin A. Ricker, Robert Roberts, Thomas J. Shaw, Edmond H. Scott, Robert H. Southard, Asa V. Sylvester Dummer Smith, Benjamin R. Stewart, Brooks D. Shute, Alfred P. Twomhiey, Albion H. P. Ward, Watson Worcester, John W. Warrick, George Whitticr, Warren L. Watson Charles Wilson, John Willey, Daniel E. Young, John F. Wilson, Joseph C. Griffin, Ahncr A. Smith, James Wyman, Henry L. Hobbs, James Wentworth, Samuel Whitcomb, John, Jr. Knowles, John Ellwell, Stephen C. Quimby, Benjamin IS'Newburg 24, Stetson 2.5 Bradford 18, Stetson 29 ! Canaan 22'Kenduskcag 29 Sebcc 2.1 j Ellsworth 30 Eddington 27|Newburg 28,Glenburn 22lNe\vburg 20. Stetson 181 Atkinson 38, Stetson ISlNcwburg 24 j do 27 Bradford 20 j Parkland 19|Bangor 30j Bradford 22 Stetson 22 Bannor 18, Stetson 26 1 Charleston 301 Bradford 18 18 3.i 28| Stetson IS 21 46 21 21 25 27 23 do Bangor do Miistr'd into U.S.Ser. do Newport Exeter Mt. Desert Newport Cambridge , England Brighton 25 1 Bradford 20 Veazie 26!Newhurg 20 Corinna 44 Charleston SslBristol Remarks. Nov. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Nov.27 Nov.28 Nov. 7 do do do do Nov. 12 do do Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Sick at camp. Transferred from Co. A. Transferred from Co. C. it t( Transferred from Co. B. Sick at camp. 496 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company K,Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, Present &. Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for o „i. Duty. ^'^^• Total, Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 2 57 2 9 3 13 2 66 Total 1 73 11 84 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. o» . On For Duty. Sick. Special Duty. Arrest. Sice. Special Service. i m <^ !"■ 2 £ c 5- o < ai (t: o3 (f= tE u: Sfc DO 5E O o O O o O C i£ T3 •c (E ■'r fp ■a i! SE € ^ O C O o s O S C O S » O fe O o V •o 'So •o ■a 't* ■n ■o *3 •c *S J= V c S s — c •— c e c s o c c o = c = e o c d) a> c o .2 G .2 o .2 C ni o "i .•« .li oi .!i I if. ?r ■a o s g c U > a 1 U c re > U > ■a O > c V > e( o o o o c c c o O •< a. < O ;2! 04 < O z &. U is e. < 2; B. O < ^ < < 3 10 45 58 2 9 11 14 83 1 84 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Jonathan A. Hill Melville M. Folsom Albert G. Mudgett Alpbonzo Patten William P. Plaisted Horatio Knowles Nelson P. Cram George B. Noyes Daniel West Calvin S. Chapman Charles H. Foster Daniel D. Noyes Charles G. L. Aiken John E. Smith George W. Small Silas H. Kinney Abner Brooks * Joseph G. Ilickcr Sank. Residence. Captain 1st Lieut. Stetson Newburg 2d Lieut. do Sergeant do Bangor Stetson do do Kcnduskeag Brunswick do Atkinson Corporal do Bangor do do Stetson do Brewer do Bangor do do do do do Stetson Drum'er Corinna Wagoner Dexter Date of Rank or Appoint- Nov. 2 do do Nov. 2 do do do do Nov. 2 do do do do do do do Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Remarks. APPENDIX D. 497 TWELFTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers oj Tiuclfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken idace by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since en- tering service of the United States. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Appoint- ment. Remarks. George F. Shepley Colonel Portland Nov. 20,1861 William K. Kimball Lieut.-Colonel Paris Nov. 15, 1861 David R. Hastings Major Lovell do Edwin Illsley Adjutant Lcwiston do Horatio N. Jose Quartermaster Portland Sept. 27, 1861 Joseph Colby Chaplain Gorhhm Nov. 20, 1861 V James H. Thompson Surgeon Orono Nov. 15, 1861 William T. Black Asst.-Surgeon Calais Dec. 28, 1861 John W. Dana Serg. -Major Portland Charles D. Webb Q'rm'r.-Sergt. do Prom, to Lieut., Co. Elisha F. Goddard Q'rm'r-Sergt. Rumford [A. Julius Drake Com'y Sergt. Portland Sargent S. V. Coe Hos. Steward do 498 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Gideon A. ITastinfrs, Company A, Twelfth Ecgimcnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on ilie morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Com|)any since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of Novtndicr, 1861. GIDEON A. HASTINGS, Captain. Names. COH-MISS D OFFICERS. Gideon A. Hastings, Elbrldge G. Bolton, Charles D. Webb, SERGEANTS. Peter G. Knapp, Williain H. Brown, Timothy M. Bean, George F. McDonald, Elisha F. Goddard. CORPORALS. Charles P. Morse, Nathaniel Harding, William Farrington, Franlilin Martin, Alfred M. True, Owen D, Bartlett, William C. Frye. MDSICIANS. Frederick O. Garish, Joseph Y. Chapman. PRIVATES. Abbott, John H. Abbott, Chas. H. Barker, John M. Boobier, Dexter W. Bean, Reuben B. Bean, Sylvanus M. Booluer, Elisha M. Boobier, Artemas Bryant, Stephen Bearer, Edwin Boobier, Daniel Campbell, Joseph Cushman, Y. E. K. Curtis, Silas Cooper, John Corkran, John Carpenter, Henry N. Cook, Newell Dunlap, Edwin P. Eaton, Osgood Grovcr, Adelbert Grover, Simon Grover, John, Jr. Grover, Elbridge, G. Gillpatrick, Almond L. Harding, Wm. H. Harding, Joel Hardy, Charles H. Jordan, Noah W. Jennis, Albert A. Kimball, George W. Kimball, Moses F. McKenny, Rufus S. Miislr'd SI Residence. •; M) into' Remarks. < Sic U.S.Ser. 40 Bethel M Nov. 15 39, Portland M do 24 do s- Nov.21 Acting Quartermaster, 21 Bvron S do 21 Bethel s do 22 do s do 32 Portland M do 23 Rum ford S do Appointed Quartermaster-Serg't. 24 Andover S do 22 do S do 39 Sweden M do 24 Rum ford S do 18 Bethel S do 30 Grafton M do 22 Bethel 18 do S 18 do S 18 Woodstock s Nov. 15 22 Portland M do 18 Bethel S do 25 Andover M do 38 Bethel S do 18 do S do 31 Bowdoin M do 20 Webster S do 3.5 Saco M do 29 Dover, N. H. S do 35 Andover M do 28 do M do 24 Rumford S do 30 do M do 31 Bethel M do 28 Portland S do 22 Bath S do 23 Bethel M do 23 Andover S do 46 Rumford S do 18 Bethel s do 18 do s do 44 do M do 26 do M do 18 Lisbon s do 20 Andover s do 24 do s do 31 Rumford s do 24 Andover s do 21 Hoxbury s do 24 Albany s do 36 Bethel s do 26 Biddeford s do APPENDIX D. 499 Return of Company A, Twelfth Regiment, {Continued.') Names. Mitchell. Joshua More, William K. Merrill, John S. Mansur, George T. McGill, Robert Mitchell, Francis More, Wm. H. Libby, Roscoe Libl)y, Edmund P. Newton, George 0. Newton, Clias. L. Norton, Leonard Philbrick, Frederick A. Porter, Mark Poor, John A. PoUey, Timothy H. Paine, Horace H. Putman, Francis N. Rnss, James P. Russ, James Rowe, Charles D. Richardson, William Raymond, Augustus H. Smith, George W. Stevens, Benjamin W. Stevens, Chas. H. Silver, Jonathan V. Thomas, Nathaniel R. Twambley, John F. Winslow, Levi H. Wood, John D. Walker, Caleb E. Wyman, Chas. K. Whittier, Oliver G. Williard, Daniel Young, AUamaxder o « Miistr 'il oi Residence. C M into < Sic U.S.Ser 44 Portland s Nov.15 23 Rumford s do 18 Byron s do 19 Rumford s do 44 do M do 18 Bethel s do 18 Rumford s do 19 Westbrook s do 29 Portland M do 19 Andover s do 18 Rumford s do 23 Mt. Desert M Dec. 9 23 Andover s Nov.15 21 do S do 25 do s do 28 Bowdoin S do 39 Rumford M do 18 Mason S do 18 Woodstock S do 44 do M do 22 do s do 25 Bethel s do 36 Portland s Dec. 9 31 Bethel s do 41 Rumford M do 21 Andover s do 20 Rumford s do 28 Andover M Nov.15 36 Rumford M do 19 Byron s do 36 Andover s do 33 Milton M do 25 Rumford M do 26 Portland M do 30 do M do 21 N. Portland s do Remarks. 500 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Preseut & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 12 67 2 3 12 69 Total 82 2 84 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. On On For Duty. Sjck. Special Dutv. Arrest. Sick. Special Service. i t £ i v> t u < it: E fc . F . >F . !F ■a 01 O o O o o o !f= ■a !£ 01 !fi 1 JF •c *J fF •c fF ■s ^ »j C t O C c C c 0! O F O 01 o ■a ™ •/, •e X — *tfj ^ © s e .i' i .i a S Ph c; .i 0; .i < (l< F o _o ^ e = o = ^c 5 ^C S » « E > s O c > 1 O o; > E 9 OJ tn 9 Oi > C 9 0) 0; cf o •£; c •^ c C •j; - •^ tij c ■j^ c ■^ ei u> U A c < CJ /; c < O k: Ch CJ ^ 0. < u ii Cu U «S Ch < <; 2 12 67 81 2 2 1 84 84 Present Organization of the Company. Date of 1 Names. o < 40 Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 1 Gideon A. Hastings Captain Bethel Oct. 15 2 Elbridge G Bolton 39 1st Lieut. Portland do 3 Charles D. Webb 24 2d Lieut. do Nov. 21 Act'g Quartermaster. 1 Peter G. Knapp 21 Sergeant Byron Nov. 21 2 William H. Brown 21 do Bethel do 3 Timothy M. Bean 22 do do do 4 George F. McDonald 32 do Portland do 5 Elisha F. Goddard 23 do lluml'ord do Quartermaster Sergt. 1 Charles P. Morse 24 Corporal Andover Nov. 21 2 Nathaniel Harding 22 do do do 3 William Farrington 39 do Sweden do 4 Franklin Martin 24 do li urn ford do 5 Alfred M. True 18 do Bethel do 6 Orin D. Bartlett 30 do Grafton do 7 William C. Fryo 22 do Bethel do APPENDIX D. 601 Eeturn of Capt. George H. ChadwcU, Company B, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken jilace in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the sixteenth day of November, 1861. GEORGE H. CHADWELL, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICKUS. George H. Chailwell, 30 Charles F. Little, 47 S. B. Wiggin. 33 SEKGEANTS. Aaron S. Frost, 26 Edward P. Wyer, 30 Stephen H. Gup till, 120 James Beny, 42 John I^. Williams. 18 CORPORALS. Freeman N. Boynton, 22 Robert I. Files, 31 George W. Trickey, 25 William Eraser, 26 Charles H. Blake, 21 Leander Holmes, 38 A. George Bonny, 21 Charles E. Morse. 24 MUSICIAN. John Griffin. 17 WAGONER. A. G. Robbins, .51 PRIVATES. Adams, R. L. .18 Abbott, Bowen G. 31 Addison, Henry 2.5 Allen, Jesse B, 23 Austin, George 37 Blake, Isaac W. 23 Brooks, William E. 23 Berry, Richard N. 41 Brastow, Hetherly 46 Brown, James 18 Best, Patrick, 3.5 Brown, Franklin T. 18 Condon, Michael 18 Castle, Laurence 25 Colby, Joseph 1 8 Crook, Ransom, B. 39 Coffin, George E. 21 Clary, William 41 Chapman, Riifus G. 25 Carter, Henry T. 18 Dinbon, Simon 19 Drew, Jonathan W. 38 Emery, Cephas 29 Eunight, John 18 Elder, Samuel H. 16 Frazicr, John 19 Fail-brother, Phineas W. 26 Field, Silas E. 18 Goodwin, George W. 24 Gould, Lucicn P. 39 Goodwin, Robert 29 Portland do do Westbrook Portland do do do do do S. Berwick Portland do do do N. Yarmouth Portland do Westbrook S. Berwick Portland do Fryeburg Portland do Biddeford C. Elizabeth Bethel Scarboro' Walertown, Bangor [Ms Portland Gorham S. Berwick do do Portland do do Bangor Westbrook Portland do do Orono Danville S. Berwick Portland S. Berwick o «; Mustr'd ^% into Remarks. Sic M U.S.Per. Nov.20 M Nov.16 M Nov.20 S Nov.16 S Nov.20 s Nov.16 M do s Nov.20 s Nov.16 s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s Nov.20 s Dec. 1 1 Detached to Quarterm'r-Sergeant s Nov.16 M do s do s do M Nov.20 M S do do M do Dec.l3 Sick at Portland. S Nov.20 s Nov.16 s Nov.20 Detached to Chaplain. M do s Nov.16 M do s Nov.20 s Nov.16 Detached to Colonel. s Nov.20 M do s Nov.16 s Nov.20 s Nov.16 s do Detached to Colonel. M Nov.20 s Dec. 6 M Nov.20 Deserted, Nov. 25. S Nov.16 s do 602 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company B, Twelfth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Gardiner, Hammond Gragg, Walter Hunt, Hibbard Hogan, Peter Harris, Edwin R. Knecland, William R. Keenan, Francis Libby, George H. Lombard Blanchard Leighton, W. W. Lizott, Francois Lake, Addis C. Lake, George W. Leighton, Charles H. Lane, Ivory Locke, Joseph I. Lake, Andrew I. Morse, Melville W. McLellan, Charles E. Mack, George H. Melody, Patrick Merrill, John R. Measure, Judson C. Neal, Zephaniah Neally, Charles E. Pike, Alvin Pcverlv, Otis Pray, William F. Preston, Charles E. Purinton, Albert H. Prescott, Benjamin F. Perkins, John C. Parker, Arthur Robinson, James Roberts, Benjamin B. Robinson, Edward Ryason, Charles B. Stevens, Charles L. Smith, Gustavus Serle, Moses Swett, John B. Shaplcigh, Levi Strong, George Tooiney, Thomas H. Tibbets, Harrison Wilson, John Whitehead, John W. Whitehead, Charles T. Welch, Ri.bert B. Wood, James S. Whitaker, William Welch. Charles E. York, Daniel P. 21 Calais 18 Bangor 19 Portland Orono N. Yarmouth Waterford Portland do do Westbrook Portland S. Berwick do Westbrook Portland do S. Berwick Portland do do do do Johnson Orono S. Berwick Waterford Bethel S. Berwick East port Portland Bangor Orono Portland do S. Berwick Eastport Bethel Westbrook Portland Eastport 23 Portland Yarmouth Portland Calais Portland do S. Berwick do Poiiland do Scarboro' 20 Temple 27 S. Berwick Remarks. Nov. 20 do do do Dec. 6 Nov.20 Nov. 16 Nov.20 do Nov. 16 do do do do Nov.20 do Dec. 11 Nov. 16 do Nov.20 do do Dec. 11 Nov.20 do do do Nov. 16 Nov.20 do do do do Nov. 16 do Nov.20 do Nov. 16 do Nov.20 do do Dec. 6 Nov.20 Nov. 16 Xov.20 Nov. 16 do do do Nov.20 do Nov. 16 Deserted, Nov. 25. Transferred. Transferred. Sick at home. Sick at camp. Drummer. Detached to Surgeon. Discharged for disability. Deserted, Nov. 25. APPENDIX D. 503 Recapitulation of Company 1 B, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. ' Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. J)j«. TSa. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty, Sick. charged. serted. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 84 1 1 1 9 3 13 3 96 Total 103 1 1 1 1 9 115 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. For Duty. c > 3 13 67 83 1 1 2 SPECIAL Duty. In Arrest. o! g Sick. 9 I z 1 &; On Special Service. ►J .; 9 109 Present Organization of the Company. Date of d Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appnint- Remarks. a 30 nient. 1 George H. Chad well Captain Portland Oct. 20 2 Charles F. Little 47 ist Lieut. do Oct. 1 6 3 S. B. Wiggin 33 2d Lieut. do Nov. 20 1 Aaron S. Frost 26 Sergeant Westbrook Nov. 16 2 Edward P. Wyor 30 do Portland Nov. 20 3[Steplicn H. Guptill 20 do do Nov. 16 4'Janies Bcrrv 42 do do do 5 John D. Williams 18 do do Nov. 20 1 Freeman N. Boyn.ton 22 Corporal Portland Nov. 16 2 Robert I. Files 31 do do do 3 George W. Trickey 25 do S Berwick do 4 Charles 11. Blake 21 do Portland do 5 Leander Holmes 38 do do do GjA. George Bonny 21 do do do 7 Charles E. Morse 24 do N. Yarmouth do 8 William Frascr 26 do Portland do . I'jolm Griffin 17 Drum'er Portland Nov. 1 6 2 1 Andrew J. Lake 16 do S. Berwick Dec. 11 1 Ia. G. Robbins 51 Wagoner Portland Nov. 16 504 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Charles C. G. Thornton, Company C, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of November, 1861. CHARLES C. G. THORNTON, Captain. Names. COMMISs'd officers. Chas. C. G Thornton, AVilliam W. Deaue, Horatio Ilight. SERGEANTS. Edward Pilsbury, Francis Libby Eben Sturgis, John Mulsey, Loring Harmon. CORPORALS. John S. Abljott, Enoch L. Snow, Aurelius S. Jones, Marshall C. Sturgis, Samuel Rounds, Melvill J. Milliken, Frank Smitli, Edwin A. Harmon. MUSICIANS. Edgar M. Cliurchill, James M. Leavitt. WAGONER. Simon M. Moss. PRIVATES. Allen, William C. Allen, Daniel A. Butterfield, Samuel Berry, Hiram Butterfield, Jonas E. Bootliby, Charles W. Berry, Elias B. Coolbroth, John R. Chute, Greculeaf Cash, Charles E. Crocket, Daniel M. Daggett, Frederic K. Emery, Marshall Edwards, William D. Foss, Peltiah H. Ford, John Hearne, Luther M. Hastv, All)in J. Harford, Tliomas W. Harmon, Ervin P. Harford, Albion S. Hodgdon, William P. Hall, Lorenzo D. Jordan, Alonzo Knights, Charles King. Josepli P. Leavitt, Scott L. Lilibv, Sumner C. Libby, Jcflerson W. Libby, Joseph W. Residence. Scarboro' Westbrook Scarboro' do do Westbrook Portland Scarboro' Falmouth Scarboro' do Marshall Scarboro' do Lexington Saco Augusta Saco Scarboro' Westbrook Falmouth Scarboro' do do Saco Westbrook Scarboro' do C. Elizabeth Westbrook Auburn N. Portland Lewiston Saco Scarboro' Saco Scarboro' do do do Westbrook do C. Elizabeth Westbrook Gray Scarboro' C. Elizabeth Scarboro' do Aluslr'd is into Remarks. M n.S.Ser. Nov. 15 S do S do M do M do S do Attached to Commissary Dep't. S do Promoted to Third Sergeant. M Fourth " S do M do ' S do S do S do s do s. do Discharged. ■ s do Promoted to Sergeant. s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do ' M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do M do APPENDIX D. 505 Return of Company C, Twelfth Regiment, ( Continued.^ — o «i Mustr'd Names. « Residence. Sa into Remarks. < S^ U.S.Ser. Lothrop, Joseph P. 37 Scarboro' M Nov. 15 Libby, George H. 18 Falmouth S do Lord, Cyrus E. 23 Westbrook S do Merrill, Mervil S. 22 Hollis s do Moore, Horace W. 18 Scarboro' s do ^ Milliken, Richard L. 21 do s do Morrison, John T. 23 Cumberland s do Martin, William H. 18 Sebago s do Martin, Daniel D. 45 do M do Pratt, Thomas C 32 Westbrook s do Pillsbury, George W. 27 Scarboro' M do Perry, Martin S. 20 do S do Parker, Mahlon H. 20 do s do Perry, Horatio 19 do s do Richardson,Washington 18 Sebago s do Robinson, James 25 Scarboro' s do Royal, Theodore A. 19 do s do Rounds, Charles, Jr. 25 do s do Record, Alexander C. 21 Saco M do Rounds, Daniel 20 Scarboro' s do Taken on writ of habeas corpus. Skillin, Alvin 24 Raymond s do Stewart, Clark 18 C. Elizabeth s do Seavey, Stephen A. 29 Saco u do Smith, Joshua 19 do s do Sanborn, Nelson 18 Limington s do Deserted, Nov. 18. Varney, William H. 24 Scarboro' M do "Walker, Alonzo 18 do s do "Waterhouse, Bartlett F. 24 do s do Waterhouse, Benj. F. 19 do s do Winslow, Seth T. 19 N. Portland s do Young, John 18 Scarboro' s do Deshon, Mark W. 24 Limington s do Fogg, George H. 22 Scarboro' s do Milliken, Benjamin F. 24 do s do Green, Samuel C. Portland s Dec. 5 33 506 adjutant-genekal's report. Recapitulation of Company G, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De-' serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 11 3 63 1 1 3 11 3 65 Total 80 1 1 1 82 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Prese KT. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty, Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Special Service. c £ 2 £^ £ £ £ C m W. • ti !fc (fi ^. if s o « O O » O a O k O c a 5f= •a a e •a !fl ■a (E ■o «: iE •a ^ O o o S o G O o o O B O s H a > h s > h > tn h s > c c > b(' o •^ 61) o o tl) o •^ o ■^ o u o ic Clc < O •A Oh <; O « Om O ^; 04 < O ^ a< o id Ph < < 3 10 H3 76 1 1 2 1 1 1 80 APPENDIX D. 60T Keturn of Capt. Elisha Winter, Company D, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service- of the United States, on the fifteenth day of November, 1861. ELISHA WINTER, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Elisha Winter, Henry B. Walton, C. C Richardson. SERGEANTS. George E. Andrews, Oscar D. Rolfe, John H. Bean, Augustus J. Hall, Charles A. Wait. CORPORALS. Manville Waite, Henry W. Dunn, Jotham S. Wiieeler, William J. Greenleaf, Irving B. Parker, Farwell Walton, Mark Beverly, Sylvander H. Thomas. MUSICIANS. Merrill H. Andrews, Samuel W. Doble. WAGONER. Samuel S. Houghton. PRIVATES. Andrews, .farncs H. Andrews, William W. Andrews, John Austin, Charles A. Brown, Simeon F. Babb, Joel M. Barrett, Kufus Berry, George W. Brown, Alonzo Bartlett, Charles R. Clement, Roval A. Canwell, Sewall F. Coburn, Reuben B. Conant, -Joseph Casey, Joseph K. Coolidge, Alonzo Dillingham, Bainbridg Doble, John H. Davis, William H. Droun, George F. Elwell, Eleazer C. Frye, Willard Frost, Benjamin F. Gowell, Robert Hopkins, Hiram T. Hemingway, Colman Howe, Joel B. Harris, Edward W. Hilt, Thomas S. Jones, Ira D. M Vlustr'd gj Residence. C'5: into Remarlis. < : |;Z U.S.Ser. 37 Dixfield M Nov. 15 31 Peru M do 25 Dixfield S do 29 Oxford S do 28 Rumford s do 28, do M do 42 Carthage M do 30 Dixfield M do 24 do M do 21 Andover,N.H. S do 21 Dixfield s do 38 Milton PI. M do 21 Rumford S do 18 Peru s do 39 Dixfield M do do s do 16 Milton PI. s do 17 Dixfield s do 28 Weld s do 22 Franklin PI. s do 18 do s do 28 do s do 28 Peru M do 28 Milton PI. s do 20 ! Mexico s do 23! Weld s do 1 8 Carthage s do 23 Byron s do 20 Hanover s do 23 Rumford s do Sick at Lowell. 23 Franklin PI. s do 23 Rumford M do 27 Roxburv s do 19 j Milton PI. s do 45 Dixfield M do i25l do M do Acting Drum-Major. 431 do M do Detached as cook. 27 do M do 21 1 do s do 44 Carthage M do 45 do M do 25 Peru S do 31 Franklin PI. M do 20 ! do S do 38 Milton PI. M do 40 Rumford S do 28 [Peru M do 22 1 Paris S do 34lDixfield IM do 508 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company D, Twelfth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Kaowles, Humphrey T. Kidder, Charles H. Lunt, Charles H. Lord, Benjamin Lovejoy, Uardiner Mitchell, George Morse, Cliarles H. Newell, Benjamin J. Newton, Albert L. Newton Orrison R. Newton, Charles M. Park, Stephen H. Pratt, Church Phelps, Ehnore S. Perry, Lewis M. Potter, Gilbert F. Penley, Joseph A. Perkins, George A. Pinkham, James R. Roberts, Albert J. Shedd, William Skinner, George Smith, Amos Smith, Josiah, Jr. Stockbridire, Issacher Thomas, Fernando M. Tracy, Stephen G. Wheeler, William J. Warren, Oliver H. Wright, Edwin R. Wing, Ira B. Wing, Samuel F. Wright, Albert L. " Wiley, William H. Carvill, Henry W. OO Mnsrr'd a Residence. tW) into Remarks. < SK U.S.Ser. Nov. 15 22 Wilton M 22 Dixrield S do 26 Rumford M do ■i% Franklin PI. M do 44 Peru M do 35 Dixlield M do 21 Carthage S do 21 Weld s do Sick at LowelL 25 DixKeld s do 22 do s do 18 do s do 25 do s do 18 Carthage s do 21 Dixfield s do • 19 Rumford s do 18 Otistield ■ s do 20 Milton PI. s do 35 Carthage M do 28 Milton PI. s do 18 Carthage s do 18 Otisfield s do 44 Carthage M do Deserted, Nov. 22. 40 Franklin PL M do 43 Mexico 33 Dixfield 20 Byron 40 Franklin PL 19 Dixfield 21 Humford 18 Weld 21 Franklin PL 24 do 18 Otisfield 23 Mexico 22 Lewistou APPENDIX D. 509 Recapitulation of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. P,:=„« De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Fit for i g. ^ Duty. ^"'^^ Killed. ers. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 62 2 1 3 13 3 65 Total 81 1 2 i 1 84 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Prese WT. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sice. Special Duty. Service. s m 2 2 2 ,>; »• < u € £ Tt e rn fF ti ig o O l^ o O o O € ■a a 1 •a «= •a u iE •a B •c !f= ■a o »: B O O C5 o !^ o s o o O c "a •o *W T1 ■o o ■u ■3 ^ o < c 5 o c s e p.< c C i s _c I^ _c to _c g K o 1 S m ^O « ■a !« a a « e [« c O S E ^ s O (i> « c tn e > br > b c > 611 c > h B > 611 o = tfi o o o o r. c o C O ;s b. < O ;< a, < D 2 Ch O •«5 &4 < O /C Bh O ^; Pu < < 3 13 65 81 2 2 83 83 1 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. S5 < ment. 1 Elisha Winter 37 Captain Dixfield Oct. 15 2 Henry B Walton 31 1st Lieut. Peru do 3 C. C. Richardson 21 2d Lieut. Dixfield do I George E. Andrews 29 Sergeant Oxford Nov. 18 2 Oscar D Rolfe do Rumford do 3 John H. Bean do do do 4 Augustus J. Hall do Carthage do 5 Charles A. Wait do Dixfield do 1 Manville Wait 24 Corporal Dixfield Nov. 18 2 Henry W. Dunn 21 do Andover,N.H. do 3 Jotham S. Wheeler 21 do Dixfield do 4 William J. Greenleaf 38 do Milton PI. do 5 Irving B. Parker 21 do Rumford do 6 Farwell Walton 18 do Peru do 7 Mark Beverly 39 do Dixfield do 8 Sylvander H. Thomas 23 do do do 1 Merrill H. Andrews 16 Fifer Milton PI. 2 Samuel W. Doble 17 Drum'er Dixfield 1 Samuel S. Houghton 28 Wagoner Weld 510 adjutant-general's report. Return of Capt. Enoch Knight, Company E, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, togeth- er with a record of the changes tiiat have taken phice in the Company since it en- tered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of NovemheV, 1861. ENOCH KNIGHT, Captain. Mustr'd Names. S,| Residence. C tf into Remarks. < Ex U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Enoch Knight, 27 Bridgton S Nov. 15 Horace Eastman, 29 Lovell M do Hamilton S. Lowell. 20 Windham S do SERGEANTS. Marcellus L. Stearns, 2.3 Lovell S do Sevmore A Farrington, 2.5 Frveburg s do Sullivan J. Wiley, 23 do s do Samuel Knight. 24 Bridgton s do CORPORALS. Henry M. Stearns, 22 Lovell s do Ephraim H. Riley, 2.5 Bridgton M do Henry S. Berry. 21 Denmark s do MUSICIANS. George W. Andrews, 18 Lovell s do Osgood H. Watson. 25 do M do WAGONER. Peltiab F. Andrews. 24 Lovell s do PRIVATES. Adams, Albion 18 Stoneham s do Ames, Franklin 23 Temple s do Bell, William 39 Farmington s do Barker, Willard 19 Frveburg s do Bacon, Melville C. 23 Bridgton M do Bacon, Charles H. 28 do M do Barker, Jolln P. 21 Fryeburg s do Bacon, Granville B. 18 Bridgton s do Bragdon, Charles H. 24 Fryeburg s do Berrv, Gilson A. 18 Denmark s do Brackett, Orin T. 18| do s do Chaplin, Caleb A. 37 Bridsrton M do Cook, George W. 26 Conway, N.H. s do Cook, Thomas D. 38 Frveburg M do Caldwell, George E. 21 Lowell S do Cross, Moses 19 Bridgton s do Charles, Stephen 1 9 Frveburg s do Charles, Henry 30 Lovell M do Cook, John A. 28 Farmington s do Charles, Sewell C. 25 Fryeburg s do Dyer, William H. 18 Farmington s do Douglass, Richard D. 32 Bridgton M do Dodge, Royal L. 20 do s do Davis, Wifliam T. 18 Farmington s do Davis, Hiram S. 20 do s do ^ Evans, George M. 18 Sweden s do Emerson, James 35'Stowe M do Eastman, Seth 23 Lowell s do Fish, David R. 40 Starks s do Fox, John 22 Lowell M do GraflFam, Charles H. 19 Bridi,'ton s do Gray, Marshall 28 Lovell M do Grover, Almon 21 Bridgton s do Gilman, Samuel 27 Lovell s do Gilraan, Elias 23 do M do Grace, Franklin 35 Chatham.NH. M do APPENDIX D. 511 Return of Company E, Tivelfth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Hamlin, Algernon Hobbs, John F. Hammons, John F. Humphrey, George W. Johnson, Thomas M. Jewett, Oliver D. Jewett, William H. Kenniston, Andrew J. Knight, Streeter Kenniston, Melville Kendall. Nathan W. Libby, Nathan G. Littlefield, Alexander Mace, Cornelius S. Manson, Stephen G. McAllister, Isaac F. McGee, James D. Nye, Watson Phelps, Alvah B. Powers, James Potter, Eleason Patterson, James Pingree, William Quincy, Joseph Richardson, Aaron Sawyer, Barnett U. Stearns, James C. Stearns, Timothy Smart, Marcus M. Sargent, Levitt C. Safford, Thaxter B. Simpson, Albion L. Wentworth, Stephen R. Wentworth, Benj. 0. Wallace, Gilman Residence. Bridgton Lovell do Temple Stowe Bridgton do Fryeburg Sweden Bridgton do do do Farmington Lovell Stoneham Bridgton Chesterville Bridgton Brownfield Scarboro' Lovell Denmark do Baldwin Lovell do do 20 I Fryeburg Lovell Fayette Bridgton 21; Baldwin 231 do 18 Stowe o«5 Miistr'd 1.' u into g« U.S.Ser. S Nov. 15 S do s do S do xM do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do 512 adjutant-general's report. Recapitulation of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis. ' De- charged, serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers 3 Non-Com. Officers 7 Musicians & Wagoner 3 Privates 71 3 7 3 71 Total , 1 84 1 84 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Foe Duty. 3 7 74 84 Sick. o;^: On Special Duty. In Arrest. ^ 0,, o, g; , ft. Absent. Sick. On Special Service. 84 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Enoch Knight Horace Eastman Hamilton S. Lowell Marcellus L. Steams Seyniore A. Farrington Sullivan J. Wiley 4 Samuel Knijjht 1 Henry M. Steams 2 Ephraim H. Riley 3 1 Henry S. Berry Residence. 27 Captain Bridgton 29 1st Lieut. 'Lovell 20i2d Lieut. Windham 23 [Sergeant do do do Corporal do do Lovell Fry e burg do Bridgton Lovell Bridston Denmark Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Nov. 15 do do Nov. 15 do do do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 513 Return of Capt. Seth C. Farrinfjton, Company F, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, to- gether with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of November, 1861. SETH C. FARRINGTON, Captain. c^ MiistrM Name^. be Kesidence. C w, into Remarks. < Sec U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. *■ Seth C FaiTington, 25iFryeburg s Nov. 15 Abbott Coan, 27 Orono M do Edward H. B. Wilson. 21 do s do SERGEANTS. Freeman H. Chase, 22 Lincoln s do Alfred R. Straw, 28 Garland s do David B. Chesley, 19 Lincoln s do Jeddiah Greenlaw. 30 Orono s do CORPORALS. Eugene B. Stinson, 2.5 Lincoln s do William C Hanson, 21 do s do John A. Dicker, 19 Orono s do Levi W. Edgerly, 24 Exeter s do Marcena C. Gray. 22 Orono s do PRIVATES. Andrews, James M. 21 do M do Adams, Isaiah 21 Garland s do Arthurs, Herman C. 19 Lincoln s do Arey, Lorenzo 19 Acton s do Buckley, William 20 Orono s do Berry, Stephen G. 22 Garland s do Butler, Peter 32lOrono s do Butler, Oscar 22 1 Exeter s do Cookson, Calvin W. 18 Linneus s do Sick at Portland. Cooley, Charles 18 Ripley s do Coan, Albert 21 Exeter s do Champeon, Jerry R. 22 do s do Champeon, William 18 do s do Clankay, Joseph 35 Orono s do Collier, George 29 Alton s do Duplissa, Horatio 21 Orono s do Dill, Hiram 29 Lincoln s do Estes, Michael 18 Orono s do Estes, Stephen 20 do s do Estes, Albert 18 Shapleigh s do Fox, Samuel 18 Garland s do Forbes, Joseph D. 22 Bradford s do Foster, Gabriel A. 27 Burlington s do French, Robert T. 37 Garland s do Garnett, Charles D. 25 Woodville s do Garnett, Josiah 23 Winn s do Gary, Joseph 25 Bradford s do Hill, Luther M. 21 Exeter s do Henderson, William 0. 31 New Portland s do Huse, William 18 Corinth s do Hanson, Aaron 19 Lincoln s do Hatch, Joseph 27 do M do Hanson, Edwin 23 do s do Horton, Joseph A. 30|Bradford s do Handy, Wesley H. 22 Garland s do Kingston, Jeremiah 25|01dtown s do Kennedy, Martin 22 Orono s do Littlefieid, John 25 1 Greenfield s do Miller, Eliphalet 21 Burlington s do 514 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company F, Tivelfth Regiment^ (^Continued.') March, George, "W. McPheters, John C. Peasley, Aruna E. Page, Edwards S. Paine, Edwin M. Porter, David S. Rancho, Maxim Eussell, Alonzo Russell, Benjamin F. Roach, James Rowan, John B. Stratton, Charles H. Stratton, Ira F. Seavey, Calvin R. Seavey, Cyrus L. Sylvester, Allen L. Severance, La Grange Tarhox, Chandler H, Tuck, Enoch L. Titcorab, Leonard H. Thayer, George G. Tibbetts, Franklin Towle, Uriah Vinal, Martin J. Williams, Charles A. Walker, Benjamin F. Willey, Harrison Weeks, ]Mark Young, Jerry Kimball, Charles St. Coolidge, James Residence. ci: Miistr'd '~ into SS U.S.Ser. 21 Ncwburg 37|Greenfield 21 Burlington do 34 Orono 22 01dto\vn 32JOrono 19jExeter 21 do 18|Charleston 23 Orono 19 Chester 20 ! do 23 Exeter 19 do 18 Dover 22 1 Bangor 27 HoUis 33 Lee 21 Garland 21 Chester 12 Burlington 27 [Freedom, N, 24, Orono [H 21 IGreenbush S Nov. 15 Exeter do Orono Exeter 18 Lisbon 22 Byron do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Previously enlisted. Sick at Portland. APPENDIX D. 515 Recapitulation of Company F, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Killed. ers. ceased. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 9 67 3 3 9 70 Total 1 79 3 ! 1 i 82 Condensed Morning Report, December Ist, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sice. Special DUTT. Sick. Speciai, Service. K ?. X £ S £ C o <" • e rr € • € rr! C ff !E t' (tl o O i O o o O o <^ B c^ (F !fc: p 0) ti it: u fc O O sr O n c o O c o o a » ■c •— T3 ■o o ■3 •a J § c C 1 E C E E o •2 5 .2! o _c o m o i £ 'i S i c E o «• rt s •-> = U c O H o O E U ^ £ g > Bl •r p > 61) H c > h c > to P c > B > BD Bt tl, o U. c *j^ o u o •j^ O o ei Bh < O ;? PL, < o fe: 04 15 eu, <3 o k; cu O K Cu < , < 2 9 67 78 3 3 81 1 1 82 Present Organization of the Company. Names. Seth C. Farrington Abbott Coan Edward H. B. Wilson Freeman H. Chase Alfred R. Straw David B. Chesley Jeddiah Greenlaw Eugene B. Stinson William C Hanson John A. Dicker Levi W. Edgerly Marcena C. Gray Residence. Captain Fryeburg 1st Lieut. Orono do Lincoln Garland Lincoln Orono Lincoln do Orono Exeter Orono 21 22 28 2d Lieut. Sergeant do 19 do 30 do 2.5 21 Corporal do 19 do 24 do 22 do Date of Rank or Appoint- ment. Remarks. 616 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Capt. Moses M. Robinson, Company G, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of tiie changes that have taken jilace in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the fifteenth day of November, 1861. MOSES M. ROBINSON, Captain. — u * Mustr'd Names. 6 Residence. C'ao into Remarks. < SX U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Moses M. Robinson, 26 Portland S Nov. 15 Stephen B. Pacl c > c > bii c > c 6( tl; c ei ri o o o ^, o o ai. u i5 Cu < O 2: Oi < O 'Z, 11, O ^ CLh <; O Z *- O 15 Sm < < 2 11 .55 72 2 1 3 10 1 86 1 87 Present Organization of the Company. Date of o" Names. bit Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ment. 1 Moses M. Robinson 26 Captain Portland Oct. 15 2 Stephen B. Pacl= » Residence. i: M into Remarks. < II J.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. John F. Appleton, 2; > Bangor s Nov. 15 Daniel M. Phillips, 2t ) Gorham S do George Webster. 2 J Bangor S do SERGEANTS. Caleb Kimball, 2' 1 Hollis S do La Grange Severance, 2; i Bangor S do ^ Lewis H; Walton, 1 ) do s do Alvin Chandler, 3 I Barnard M do Samuel D. Atkinson. 2 I Hollis s do CORPORALS. Lewis H. Bradbury, 1 3 Buxton s do Isaac P. Smith, 2 I Greenville s do William B. McKinney, 2 I Kenduskcag s do Edward Parshley, 2 3 Sangerville s do Harris S. Mason, 1 8 Lyman s do William M. Berry, 1 8 Buxton s do Eugene Kingman, 1 SjDexter s do Franklin Lord. 2 Detroit s do MUSICIANS. Holmes, Tillson, 2 5 do M do Harrison Smith. 2 4 Harmony do WAGONER. George P. Underwood. 2 2 Saco s do PRIVATES. Applebee, George W. 2 2 Detroit s do Abbott, Simon A. 1 8 Dexter s do Anderson, Frank E. 1 8 Buxton s do Avery, Thomas H. 2 3 Acton s do Barnes, William C. 2 9 Atkinson M do Barney, John 2 1 Greenville s do Billings, Daniel C. 2 7 Williamsburg s do Burriil, John R. 2 1 Corinna s do Bm-ton, George F. 2 2 Linneus s do Brown, John 1 8 Hollis s do Butterfield, Lewis W. 3 1 Lyman s do Cooley, Nelson T. 1 8 St. Albans s do Cramp, Robert J. 2 6 Newburg s do Cole, Samuel W. 3 3 Hollis M do Clair, Jarvis 4 Bucksport M do Davis, Collostin 1 8 Pittsfield s do Davis, Spencer 8 Saco s do Doyle, John 5 4 Portland s do Eaton, Humphrey W. - >4 Buxton s do Fortier, Levi i !1 Greenville s do Goodwin, Waldron 4 U Newfield M do Graffam, Samuel C. i 22 Corinna s do Gould, Hiram M. 8 Dexter s do Graifam, Alvah R. 9 Corinna s do Garctt, Samuel A. 35 Vinalhaven M do Golf, George 21 Buxton s do Guilford, Woodman P. 18 Hollis s do Heald, John D. 22 No. 3, R. 5 s do Hixon, Roscoe L. 18 Pittsfield s do * Harvey, William K. 27|Deer Isle M do 520 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, Twelfth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Hamilton, Alfred Jordan, Ferdinand Leigliton, Robert B. Larshus, Joseph Langley, Henry L. MiUer/Cluirles Milton, Charles F. McLean, Neil Nickerson, Josiah P. Norton, Edson O'Neal, Jeremiah Peters, Thomas Page, Elbridge H. Phillips, Ahiea Rines, Jesse U. Rines, Joshua C. Rancoe, George Reed, Henry A. Reed, William A. Redlen, Lorenzo E. Sandborn, Fred. A. H. Shepard, Hiram W. Sealand, Stephen S. Tibbetts, Elijah G. Thorns, Charles H. Towle, Alvin B. Tucker, Russell S. Thornton, Franklin Tuttle, Edwin Tyler, Henry Whitton, Andrew J. White, Joseph S. White, Sullivan S. Woodworth, Alonzo Avery, Charles H. Residence. Deer Isle Saco Addison Greenville Newticld Bangor Exeter C.Breton.N.S Corinna Ellsworth Saco Bangor St. Albans N. Brunswick Hampden do Greenville Newfield do Buxton Brewer Newfield Bangor Corinna Bangor Plymouth Kenduskeag Lyman Acton Buxton Saco Sebec Dexter Franklin Acton OS Alustr'd ^ w into Sec M U.S.Ser. Nov. 15 S do S do M do S do M do S do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do Remarks. Sick at Portland. APPENDIX D. 521 Recapitulation of Company H, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. nio- Tlfl- Trans- Fit for Duty. Sick. ers. ceased, charged, serted. ferred. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 63 1 3 13 3 64 Total 82 1 1 1 83 Condensed Morning Report, December 1st, 1861. Present. Absent. 1 On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sick. Special Sick Special DUTV. Service. i ; s S 5°' h 1 rr ffi !fci ro e m !Fi fp DO fc "S o O S O O O m o ffi T3 (f= ■o e -S (H ■a B !fi •a (f= 13 ^ o s O o o H O B O s O o ^ ■o T3 •a ■» •a qj T3 ■a < "~ s s 1 E m 2 s — C S s B •^ ^C S eti i- (3 > 2 C > 'r > bf. h B > h B >• bU 61) o Ml o o •- O c n n O o O o K Ph < O •A P^ < O ^ CL, o Z CLi < U 'A (X, O Z a> ■n 'OD .^ C c i s o fa g 5 a _o o c i o _o i s _c c E c a » 'c ts V B v C5 ?. s a £ CS £ fc ci £ U ■p p O c tf) H 13 > 6n h > ^ s > air (- c > H — > er er o '-> o O tc o o o c c n o ti u> U ^ 0. < O Z a. < (J ^ c O 25 Cu < O ;« &I O 15 P- ■< < 3 11 66 80 2 2 4 84 3 3 87 Present Organization of the Company Date of 1 Names. e Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. ment. 1 Menzias R. Fessenden 29 Captain Portland Oct. 15 2 Samuel F. Thompson 41 1st Lieut. Bangor do 3 Abram B. Coombs 38 2d Lieut. do do 1 Charles H. Buswell 36 Sergeant Bangor Nov. 18 2 •Joseph W. Thompson 28 do do do 3 Alfred D. Morse 25 do Oldtown do 4 Tristram C. Godingj 45 do Hampden do 5 William A. Garnsey 21 do Bangor do 1 Georcje A. Francis 23 Corporal Shirley Nov. 18 2 John Haskell 36 do Bangor do 3 Ephraim Gubtil 44 do do do 4 Jonathan N. Drew 36 do do do 5 Hiram G. Claridge 44 do do do 6 Reuben Gowen 43 do do do 7 I^aniel Wentworth 28 do do do 8 Andrew T. Sawyer 21 do Greenville do APPENDIX D. 525 Ketum of Capt. George Washburn, Company K, Twelfth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, expressing its condition on the morning of December 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the service of the United States, on the twentieth day of November, 1861. GEORGE WASHBURN, Captain. oiilMustr'd Names. £ < Residence. ^S| into S^iU.S.Ser. Remarks. COMMISSD OFFICERS. George Washburn, 42 Calais M Nov.20 James S. Cleaves, 37 do M do Stephen M. Eaton. 28 Gorham M do • SERGEANTS. Samuel H. Fernald, 30 Portland S Nov. 16 William H. Wheaton, 26 Calais S Nov.20 William A. Chase, 35 Portland s Nov. 16 Josiah H. Pines, 25 Calais M Nov.20 Henry E. Goss. 23 do do CORPORALS. Daniel L. Roberts, 24 Gorham s Nov.16 John Loudon, 22 Calais s Nov.20 Charles W. Sherman, 22 do s do John Smith, 36 do s do T. W. Clements, 21 Baring s do R. G. Chapman, 20 Gorham s do Transferred to Co. B. Charles F. Choate, 20 Calais s do William Smith. 35 do M do MUSICIANS. f> Freeman R. Earle, 19 do s do Edwin A. Soule, 19 Freeport s Nov.16 . Archibald Galbraith. 40 Scotland s Dec. 4 WAGONER. William H. Earle. 20 Calais s Nov.20 PRIVATES. Alaus, William 26 Belfast s do Alexander, Lorenzo 39 Brunswick M Nov.16 Anderson, John R. 18 Durham s do Allen, Blaney C. 19 do s do Buck, Anthony 31 Calais s Dec. 4 Beverly, Simeon 22 do s Nov.20 Bridges, Azor B. 18 Crawford s do Buck, Horace L. 25 Princeton s do Brown, William, Jr. 19 Burnham s Nov.16 Burnell, John P. 19 Baldwin s do Brock, Benjamin F. 21 Portland M do Colbath, Charles H. 19 Calais s Nov.20 Cushing, James E. 19 Fi-eeport s Nov.16 Dosett, Thomas 18 Standish s do Deserted Nov. 28. Day, James H. 25 Freeport s do Difley, James 23 Calais s Nov.20 Davis, Hiram 19 do s do Daley, John M. 18 do s do Fernald, William G. 21 Boston, Mass. s do Gear, John 13 Calais s Nov. Gray, William A. 38 Cornish s Nov.16 Deserted Nov. 30. Go wen, Albert 19 do s do Gooldnip, James 25 Calais s Nov.20 Green, James W. 22 Freeport s Nov.16 ^ Green. Alexander 28 Calais s Nov.20 Goff, Edward 23Lubec s do Haddock, Joseph 26 Calais s do Haskell, Augustus M. lO Freeport s Nov.16 Hasey, George B. 18 iLisboa s Dec.5 526 ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S REPORT. Return of Company K, Twelfth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Johnson, William Haywood, George Jordan. Eleazer W. Lock, Joseph J. Lane, Peter Laurence, Harlen, Jr. Libby, William D. Libby, Greenlief R. Lombard, Blanchard McGuire, Thomas McGuire, Patrick McGaraghan, James ]\IeEachran, Randall McFarlan, William McFarlan, Archibald Mclrvins, Hugh McEushin, Andrew Means, John T. Martin, John Merrill, Moses, Jr. Milliken, Nathan S. McLure, John McLeod, Rod rick McKinneh, Robert Nicholson, Alexander Neiley, Joseph H. Palmer, Daring L. Patterson, Eben Powers, William Pheeny, John Rice, Arthur, Roberts, William H. H. Spiller, John Sanborn, Orville S. Sherman, Daniel W. Spear, Eben A. Smith, James H. Scott, Jacob Sprague, Isaac L. Smith, James A. Sterritt, Jeremiah Thomas, William H. Thomas, Alfred Twomey, David Tounsand, John F. Watson, Charles Wright, Calvin Eaton, Charles P. ^ ' Mustr 'd e w Besidence. '^3 into Remarks. < Sl U.S.Ser. 35 Plymouth S 29 St. John S Dec. 4 22 Freeport S Nov. 16 18 Portsmouth S Nov.20 Transferred to Co. B. 26 Freeport S Nov. 16 19 Calais S Dec. 4 20 Standish S Nov. 16 24 Freeport S ! do 27 Gorham M Nov.20 Transferred to Co. B. 43 Calais M do 19 do S do 30 New York s do 26 Ellsworth M Dec. 5 34 Calais S Nov.20 21 do S do 30 do s do 18 do s do 21 Freeport s Dec. 9 21 Sebago s Nov.16 29 Freeport s do 24 Baldwin s do 39 Calais s Nov.20 38 do s do 28 do s do 29 do M do 22 Princeton s do 30 Freeport M Nov. 16 19 do S 1 do 32 Calais M iNov.20 29 do M! do 20 Gorham S :Nov.16 21 Freeport S do 28 Quebec S 'Nov.20 20 Standish S Nov. 16 20 Calais S , Nov.20 38 Buxton M Nov.16 20 Calais S Nov.20 18 do S do 20 do S do 18 Gorham S !Nov.l6 44 Calais M Dec. 4 20 Freeport S Nov.16 21 Standish M' do 33 Calais S Nov.20 22 Princeton S ' do 26 Calais S do 21 Rochester NY S ! do 18 Gorham .S Nov.16 APPENDIX D. 527 Recapitulation of Company K, Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Me. Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ers. De- ceased. Dis- charged. De- serted. Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates Total Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Present. Absent. On In Arrest. On For Duty. Sice. Special Duty. SiCB Special Service. '* a 1i ii *-• £ ^ o V o S < !Fi fp fl rn a ttd !FI o O o H s > s > s= > i- c > h c su o o eu o o o o tl) o Z P- < U ^g; a< < o Z p- o ^; Ph < ^ (X, O S5 0. < ■< Present Organization of the Company. — — Date of 6 Names. Rank. Residence. Rank or Appoint- Remarks. 14 < 42 ment. 1 George Washburn Captain Calais Oct. 15 2 James S. Cleaves 37 1st Lieut. do do 3 Stephen M. Eaton 28 2d Lieut. Gorham do 1 Samuel H. Fernald 30 Sergeant Portland Nov. 21 2 William H. Wheaton 26 do Calais do 3 William A. Chase 35 do Portland do 4 Josiah H. Pines 25 do Calais do 5 Henry E. Goss 23 do do do 1 Daniel L. Roberts 24 Corporal Gorham Nov. 21 2 John Loudon 22 do Calais do. 3 Charles W. Sherman 22 do do do • 4 John Smith 36 do do do 5 Thomas W. Clements 21 do Baring do 6 Charles F. Choate 20 do Calais do 7 William Smith 35 do do do 528 adjutant-general's report. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. Neal Dow Henry Rust, Jr. Frank S. Hesseltine Frederic Speed David S. Stinson James M. Bates Seth C. Gordon Henry D. Moore Edward H. Wilson Wayne W. Blossom George W. Dow Simeon A. Evans Rank. Residence. Colonel Lieut. -Colonel Major Adjutant Quartermaster Surgeon Asst.-Surgeon Chaplain Sergt. -Major Q'rm'r.-Sergt. Com'y-Sergt. Hosp. Steward Portland Norway Waterville Gorham Auburn Yarmouth Gorham Portland Cumberland Turner Portland Fryeburg Date of Appoint- ment. Dec. 31, 1861 Dec. 10, 1861 do Nov. 23, 1861 Nov. 8, 1861 Dec. 5, 1861 Nov. 28, 1861 Jan. 16, 1862 Remarks. APPENDIX D. 529 Eeturn of Company A, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. WILLIAM H. H. WALKER, Lieut. Com'ding.. Names. commiss'd officers. Fred. A. Stevens, Wra. H. H. Walker, George E. Moulton. SERGEANTS. Henry W. Brown, Horace W. Sullivan, John R. Weed, Sewall Brassbridge, Thomas, J. Fish. CORPORALS. Albert Bryant, Alonzo Benson, John Gorst, Abijah G. Allen, John York, Leonard P. Guptill, William H. Springer, Wesley A. Howe. MUSICIANS. - Anniah Dodge, Fred. E. Bobbins. PRIVATES. Annis, Albert Batchelder, Edward C Bickford, Erastus Billings, Charles D. Bowden, Levi Bunker, Geo. M. D. Buswell, Alfred Campbell, Elijah P. Campbell, Melville C. Clark, Taylor Debeck, Robert Dodge, Allison 0. Elliot, Charles A. Emery, Temple Fernald, Joseph Gil man, David A. Gorst, Samuel Guptill, Preston C. Herrick, Charles W. Holmes, Albion K. P. Ireland, Reuben Keen, Reuben F. Kellet, Seth R. Kellet, Thomas Kelly, Edward Kinney, Robert Kinney, Thomas Lambert, Daniel Larabee, Rufus A. Leighton, Levi C. Lewis, Franklin Libby, Lorenzo D. u • Mustr 'd £ Residence. si into < SK U.S.Ser. 23 Bangor S Nov.20 22 Newburg s do 21]Westbrook S do 23 Newburg M do 23 Hampden S do 32 Monroe M do 21 do S do 27 Hartland s do 33 Hermon M do 22 Monroe M do 22 Bangor S do 38 Newburg M do 21 Monroe S do 21 Gouldsboro' s do 22 Sullivan ]\I do 19 Gouldsboro' s do 44 Frankfort M do 15 Biddeford s Dec.28 18 Levant s Nov.20 18 Monroe s do 18 Dixmont s do 35 Newburg M do 21 Levant s do 18 Franklin s do 23 Glenburn s do 18 Monroe s do 21 do s do 21 Hampden s do 18 Winterport R do 20 Tremont s do 18 Kenduskeag s do 22 Monroe s do 21 Winterport s do 21 Monroe s do 20 Bangor s do 19 Gouldsboro' s do 18 Glenburn s do 21 Cornville s do 21 Skowhegan s do 44 Appleton M do 23 Athens s do 20 do s do 27' Hermon s do 23 Frankfort s do 22! do s do 23 Skowhegan s do 28 Vionroe s do 18 Steuben s do 25 Canaan s do 2l| Carmel s do Remarlrs. 630 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company A, Thirteenth Regiment^ ( Continued.') Names. Marsh, Hazen Miner, Daniel M. Moore, Abijah C. Moore, Daniel C. Morrill, William Page, Albion W. Parrott, Hermann H. Patterson, Samuel B. Patterson, Stephen B. Pinkham, Alfred F. Pinkham, Elva L. Pinkham, Freeman Pomeroy, Andrew J. Plumer, William Piper, Zimri, Jr. Bay, William B. Bicker, Dennis F. Bose, Benjamin B. Smith, Andrew J. Smith. Geo. H. Smith; Newell W. Spurlin, Brewer W. Spurlin, Samuel S. Stephenson, Gustavus Smart, Elijah P. Spalding, Chancey, Jr. Stratton, Pillsbury Tuttle, Alonzo Tracy, Phincas Walls, Nathan H. Williams, Eugene M. Wingate, Henry B. Wheeler, Charles H. Woodbury, Charles A. Young, Samuel V. Lowell, John Light, Henry W. Residence. Skowhegan Glenburn Gouldsboro' do Monroe 18'Hampden 18 Steuben 21 Monroe 18 do Steuben do do 18 Levant 19 Bangor 23 Hampden 34 Bangor 21 j Monroe 21 Newburg 18 Hermon 23 do 21 Dixmont 27 Gouldsboro' 21! do 21 [Monroe 24 Frankfort 19| do 1 8 Franklin 18 Athens 18 Gouldsboro' 18 Monroe 18 Bangor 1 8 Monroe 18 Canaan 19 Hermon 44 Skowhegan l21 Plymouth 1 21, Hermon [Mustr'd •[ into SS U.S.Ser. s Nov. 20 s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do Remarlcs. APPENDIX D. 531 Return of Company B, Thirteenth Eegiment Infantry, M'^- ^^/^^^^^^^^ command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. WILLIAM B. SNELL, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. William B. Snell, Edward P. Loring, Joseph B. Corson. SERGEANTS. Preston Emery, Ellis T. Hinds, John W. Chase, Leonard Hilton, Henry M. Rideout. CORPORALS. John M. Goodaie, Charles S. Deering, Justin E. Brown, James Thurston, Sumner Flood, Ralph J. Harmon, Nathaniel P. Hudson. MUSICIAN. William C. Tuttle. WAGONER. Daniel Chase. PRIVATES. Ames, Aratus Ames, Edgar Avery, Amos Bagley, Franklin Bagley, Jonathan Bagley, Oliver Bickford, John C. Blagden, William D. Brown, Rufus F. Brown, W. Scott Brown, Reuel W. Butterfield, Hosea Boston, Charles A. Brooks, Joseph Burns, Jesse Carll. John F. Clukey, Charles H. Childs, Elias Clark, Robert Connor, William H. Cole, Asbury Cole, Horace Crommctt, Robert T. Danforth, Albert B. Dearborn, Thomas Dearborn, Henry Eastman, Gardiner L. Emery, Sumner Farnham, .John Goodaie, Jeremiah L. Gerald, Edward E. Gerald, Henry S. F. Residence. Fairfield Norridgewock Canaan 24 Fairfield 32 do 25 do 22 Kingsbury 22 Fairfield Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. M Nov.28| S do S do Canaan Fairfield Clinton do do Unity Benton 26 Fairfield do Skowhegan do Fairfield Clinton do do N. Portland Anson Benton do do Fairfield Canaan Norridgewock Fairfield Benton Skowhegan Unity ISlFairfield do Clinton • do Canaan Freedom Fairfield do Clinton Benton 29 Fairfield 21 Canaan 32 do 21 'Albion M M S S M S s s M s s s s s M M S s- M S s s M s s s s s s M s s s do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do do do do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do Dec.28 Nov.28 Dec. 28 Nov.28 do do do do do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do Remarks. Deserter. Deserter. Deserter. 532 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Gibson, William P. . Gibson, Charles H. Goodrich, Stephen H. Goodrich, Eben. Gower, Frederick Herrin, Alonzo Hilton, Marcus P. Howes, Llewellyn L-elaud, Fifield Ireland, Fairfield Ireland, Temple Jewell, Harrison D. Kimball, George W. Lamb, John F. Leman, George Lewis, George A. Linnell, Lyman M. Loring, Albert Morrell, George P. Pelton, Rodney Plant, Lewis Priest, Benjamin Quinn, Gilman Ricker, George Reynolds, Ferdinand D. Sites, Absalom C. Spearin, David Stevens, Valorous P. C Tuttle, C. W. S. Tuttle, Truman Tuttle, Warren W. Thornton, John Thompson, Albion P. Weymouth, Warren Weymouth, Alonzo Wevmouth, John Wyman, Wallace W. Wyman, Alonzo, Wyman, Lorenzo Woodcock, Samuel W. Wilson, Oliver W. Williams, Seth Residence. Fairfield do Canaan do do Skowhegan Kingsbury Fairfield Canaan do do do do Clinton Canaan Clinton Skowhegan Norridgewock Winslow Anson Canaan do Albion Clinton Burnham Thorndike Clinton Fairfield Canaan do Fairfield Canaan 22 Fairfield 18| Clinton 20 do 23 j do 19,Kingsburg 45 1 Benton do 28' Unity 30 Winslow 21 Forks Kenne [bee River Mustr 'd nto U.S.Ser. Nov.28 do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do do do do do Dec.28 Nov.28 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Deserter. Deserter. Deserter. APPENDIX D. 533 Eeturn of Company C, Thirteenth Kegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. Lieut. FREEMAN U. WHITING, Commanding. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS Alfred E. Buck, Freeman U. Whiting, John S. P. Ham. SERGEANTS. Augustus C. Myrick, Daniel F. Smith, Oliver M. Brown, Henry H. Dudley, Albert N. Ames. CORPORALS. William Hazeltine, Jr., Silas W. Bithcr, James S. Smart, Edwin Moulton, George W. Myrick, Joseph F. Jackson, Carlostain J. Bean. MUSICIANS. Charles E. Hanson, Marshall S. Maxwell. AVAGONER. John C. Steele. PRIVATES. Annis, Alfred, Jr. Buck, Charles M. Badger, Stephen L. Blanciiard, Edwin B. Bridges, David A. Byram, Kuel B. Badger, Philip Brackett, George Berry, James L. Brown, Charles F. Bricket, Asa C. Cotton, William A. Chase, Albert Cook, Cvrus C. S. Carvill, Wesley Crooker, Almon Cotton, Samuel Davis, John Davis, David England, Robert Edes, James Foss, Albert Freeman, Howard M. Freeman, Andrew J. Frye, Miner Graffum, William H. Galusha, Cyrus C. Hunt, Gustavus M. Heald, Samuel Ham, Frank A. Hussey, Rufus B. C. 25 Lewiston Newport Lewiston 2 Troy Turner Foxcroft Lewiston do Dexter Unity Sebec Green Troy Monson Harmony Lewiston Biddeford Auburn Sebec Foxcroft Sebec Blanchard Sangerville Guilford Sebec Hermon Pittstield Harmony Etna Troy do Blanchard Lewiston Minot Lisbon Wellington do Lewiston Abbot Lewiston Pittsfield do Troy Lewiston Waterville Troy Solon Abbot Unity jMiistr 'd ^ =: 1 into StZ U.S.Ser. M Dec. 4 S do s do ■ s do M do s do s do M do S do M do S do s do s do M do s do s M do s do Remarks. do do do do do- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 534 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company C, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Hussey, Maurice S. Hammond, Gideon Hollis, Edmund Johnson, Daniel M. Judkins, Harvey Jones, Josiah Litchfield, Charles A. Leman, Ambrose Lowell, James R. Light, George Mitchell, Albert F. Morgan, Anthony Marshall, John W. Meader, Tobias Maines, Amos Noble, Seth Pease, Paul H. Pease, Joseph W. Pease, John S. Pease, Martin W. Prentice, Charles Ryder, Andrew, Jr. Reynolds, Cyrus Russell, Warren Storer, George T. Storer, John A. Sturtevant, Amasa Shaw, Henry W. Thurston, Leander F. Walker, Cyril N. Webber, William B. Overlock, Francis Kelley, Stillinan Hammond, Frank J. Clark, George Blanchard, O. Alonzo Kendall, Amos F. Barr, William Morgan, Bowman S. Labree, Luther Labree, Charles D. Greene, Thaddeus Spaulding, Benj. M. Thurston, Danville C. Fish, Augustus 0. Bryant, Jason P. oa Mustr'd ^ Residence. feg into <_ SS U.S.Ser. 23 Lewiston M Dec. 4 37 Lisbon M do 21 Troy S do 42 Lewiston M do 45 Foxcroft M do 23 Lisbon S do 21 Lewiston s do 19 Abbot s do 26 Greene s do 18 Hermon s do 18 Unity s do 25 Lewiston M do 18 Sebcc s do 33 Lewiston M do 24 Webster S do 42 Detroit M do 40 do M do 44 do S do 23 Troy M do 19 Deti-oit S do 21 Troy S do 18 Plymouth S do 21 Unity s do 21 Athens s do 18 Lewiston s do 21 Bowdoin s do 18 Blanchard s do 20 Troy s do 19 Solon s do 22 Foxcroft s do 19 Lisbon s do 18 Hermon s do 18 do s do 18 do ■ s do 20 do s do 22 Blanchard s do 18 Monson s do 39 Rockport s 20 Atkinson s 40iAbbot M 32; Foxcroft M 33 Monson M 22 Abbot M 23 Solon S 25 Lewiston M 18 Hartland S Remarks. APPENDIX D. 535 Return of Company D, Thirteenth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Vohxnteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861, CHARLES A. BATES, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICEKS. Charles A. Bates, Ahnon L. Varney, James H. Wetherell. SERGEANTS. Daniel S. Jones, Henry Pollard, Edward W. Tobey, Hiram White, Richard B. Swift. CORPORALS. Eri W. Wyman, Joel Gates, Sanford Crowell, Charles B. Moody, Nelson T. Tinkham, Isaac W. McDonnald, Edward Pease, George L. Prescott. MUSICIANS. Franklin B. French, John C. Jones. PRIVATES. Ames, Philander Allen, Samuel B. Adams, Charles B. Andrews, Samuel A. Bates, James D. Bigelow, John C. Burns, Wilson Burns, Franklin S. Chapman, Orren B. Coffen, Stephen Canfield, Win. F. W. Carr, David Crowell, Calvin G. Chapman, Jacob P. Dixon, William Dugan, John Dugan, Cornelius Davis, Henry H. Gray, Reuben Gale, George A. Gordon, Oliver P. Grant, Hubbard Haskell, Nathaniel H. Hunter, Francis Johnston, Rufus Jellerson, Nelson R. Jones, George H. James, Isaac H. Jackson, William C. Kerne, John F. Knight, Alliert F. Knight, Charles M. Residence. , os Mustr'd ! ^ £? into S-i U.S.Ser. Norridgewock do do Skowhegan Norridgewock Oldtown Norridgewock Dead River Oldtown Smithfield Bingham Norridgewock Oldtown 36 Norridgewock 26 Oldtown Mercer Norridgewock M 22 Madison 28 j Norridgewock Skowhegan Anson Norridgewock Smithfield Lexington Embden Augusta Oldtown do do Smithfield Dead River Skowhegan Oldtown do Norridgewock Starks Anson Embden Norridgewock Oldtown Moose River Greenfield Oldtown do Dead River Solon Norridgewock Oldtown Skowhegan Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' do do do do do do do do do do Dec.26 Dec. 9 do do do do do do Remarks. 536 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company D, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.") ■ Miistr'd Names. o Residence. into Remarks. 25 U.S.Ser. Libbey, Charles A. Oldtown Dec. 9 Lisbon, Charles 37 N. Portland M do Chirk, George F. 23 Oldtown S do Mitchell, Crosby- 28 Norridgewock S do Maxim, Leander E. 24 Dead River S do Morse, Paris 31 Brighton M do Nichols, Albert S. 26 Dead River S do Packard, Charles 32 vStarks M do Pelton, Oscar 18 Madison S do Paine, Eugene 21 Anson s do Fennel, Quincy B. 21 Brighton s do Rogers, Samuel W. 2-2 Moscow s do Spencer, Thomas 37 Oldtown M do Smith, James IS do s do s Sheridan, Francis P. 3i Solon s do " Smith, Henry A. 20 Mercer s do Stevans, Hartson 23 Norridgewock s do Stevans, Samuel 21 do s do Toomy, Hugh 41 Oldtown M do Tozier, Orlander E. 20 Anson S do Taylor, Cyrus F. 22 Norridgewock S do Thompson, Samuel 21 Madison S do Tobey, Edwin 23 Norridgewock s do Thompson, Benjamin F. 21 N. Portland 1 S do Thompson, Moses 28 do Dec.26 Wallace, Lorenzo H. 19 Belgrade s Dec. 9 White, Dimmic B. 19 Oldtown s do Wentworth, James L. 19 Embden s do Wiggins, George H. 21 Skowhegan s do Williamson, John 22 Anson s do Wing, Steward 20 Dead River s do Wentworth, Jefferson 23 Embden s do White, Miles 30 Oldtown do Wheelar, Joel B. 34 do do Wheelar, Charles 31 do s do Williams, John D. 22 Concord s do Wvman, William P. 18 Dead River s do York, Charles F. 20 Brighton | S do Young, Andrew 20 Lexington s do Robboston, Robert 45 Oldtown do Cunningham, Samuel 45 Augusta do Kelley, John i34 Oldtown do APPENDIX D. 537 Return of Company E, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. ISAAC F. QUINBY, Captain. commiss'd officers. Isaac F. Quinby, Morrill P. Smith, William A. Brainerd, SERGEANTS. Royal B. Proctor George F. Mariner, Royal T. Kallock, Nelson Howard, Albion Adams. CORPORALS. Marshall H. Quinby, James H. Holbrook, Etril G. Smith, Watson R. Gribbin, Edward H. Dunning, Joseph G. Hall, William H. Brock, Wesley Gribbin. MUSICIANS. Rolland H. Swett, Clement P. Plumraer. WAGONER. John P. Bailey. PRIVATES. Atkinson, Joseph S. Abbott, John Abbott, David B. Abbott, John A. Adams, Jefferson J. Adams, Jonas G. Banks, James H. Brackett, Tliomas Bragdon, Joseph Bishop, Daniel L. Barrett, Alonzo Boody, Tliomas Brown, Horace T. Cross, Albion P. Coffin, Ansyl B. Coffin, Otis L. Church, Hannibal H. Chase, Addison H. Dennison, George W. Dennison, Emerson Farmer, Plummer M. Frasher, J. Joseph Graham, Nelson V. Grant, Jotham P, Grant, Joseph A. Grant, Marshall Gregg, William Gore, Nathan Hall, Edward S. Hodgkin, James go Mustr'd ? Residence. C'ao into <; 42 II U.S.Ser. Westbrook M Dec.lO .37 Wilton M do 35 Farmington M do 24 Westbrook S do 24 do M do 36 do M do 23 Phillips S do 35 Som'v'll., Ms. M do 24 Westbrook S 21 Free port S do 40 Westbrook s do 21 Portland M do 18 Brunswick s do 20 Portland s do 22 Augusta M do 18 Poitland s do 21 Westbrook s do 18 Raymond s do 36 Gorhara M do 18 Stand ish s do 40 Rangely M do 44 Sandy River M do 18 Rangely s do 37 Jay s do 23 WHton s do 24 Freeport s do 22 Gray s do 40 Freeport M do 21 Charlest'nMs. s do 43 Weld s do 42 Rangely M do 34 Westbrook M do 24 Portland s do 41 Freeport M do 18 do S do 21 Farmington S do 35 Industry M do 28 Freeport M do 41 do S do 18 Temple S do 25 Rangely s do 22 Portland s do 23 do s do 44 Freeport M do 20 do s do 40 do M do 25 Westbrook M do 20 Portland S do 24 Gray s do Remarks. 35 538 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Thirteenth Reg-iment, ( Continued.^ Names. Hodgkin, Whitman Hill, Ariel P. Howard, Francis S. Heath, Harrison Hoyt, Enoch Hewey, Hiram P. Jones, George A. Jones, Matthew T, Jones, William W. Jenkins, L. N. F. Johnson, B. Kennison, Henry Lemont, John F. Luce, John T. McFarland, Robert H. McFarland, Robert Morrison, Cyrus Macomber, Andrew B. Osgood, Jeremiah Pride, Francis O. J. S. Pennell, Edward S. Perry, Frank Pearey, David P. Pearey, James H. Rand, David Rand, John Rackleff, Edwin A. R. Ross, Samuel A. Small, Nathaniel P. Soule, Charles H. Swett, Nathaniel A. Small, Edwin R. Staples, George H. Sawyer, Joshua L. Skeetnp, Charles M. Smith, George R. Stickney, William Talbot, Josiah Tripp, David F, Thompson, Andrew J. Wynian, Joseph D. Webber, Benjamin Eldridge, Ebenezer ^ Miistr'd 6 be Residence. C bfi into < Si« U.S.Ser. 40 Gray S Dec.lO 25 Wilton s do 24! Weld S do 43 Phillips M do 43 Richmond M do 28 Sandy River S do 23 Raymond S do 34 Westbrook s do 32 Wilton M do 24 Temple S do 42 Westbrook M do 31 Temple M do 18 Portland S do 19 Industry S do 28 Freeport s do 41 do M do 39 Sandy River M do 23 Wilton S do 21 Durham S do 22 Westbrook s do 18 do s do 21 Yarmouth M do 39 Rangely M do 18 Phillips S do 42 N. Gloucester M do 22 do M do 20 Industry S do 33iRangely M do 40 Yarmouth M do 26 Freeport M do 23 Westbrook S do 22 Yarmouth s do 33 Freeport s do 27 do s do 18, Wilton s do 21 Farmington s do 44 Phillips M do 18 Freeport s do 29|Tempie s do 30 Rangely s do 38 Freeport M do 22 Westbrook s do 19 Skowhegan s do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 539 Eeturn of Company F, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. CHARLES R. MARCH, Captain. Names. COMMI8S D OFFICERS. Charles R. March, Waldo A. Blossom, John II. Siierburne. SKKGEANTS. Reuben T. Jordan, Samuel O Waterhouse, William P. Freeman, Franklin Fi. Holmes, Andrew C. Pettingill. CORPORALS. Benjamin A. Elwell, Moses Hunt, Lucius Harlow, Dexter S Rice, Auburn Merrill, Joseph U. S. Nichols, Adoniram J. Billings, William R. Mills. MUSICIANS. James F Snow, Charles L. Connor. PHI VAXES, Otis, Wyer Adams, Thomas Aires-;, William P. Andrews, Joseph Airess, Charles Anderson, William Beale, Rurret H. Bird, William F, Brawn, John S. Beals, Leonard H. Beals, Lewis Black, lieuben Bridges, Levi Blagdon, Eli N. Blackhtone, Henry Blossom, Wayne W. Chapman, William S. Coston, Henry C. Chapman, Mathew D. Chandler, Thomas Coston, Charles A, Conant, Winslow Crocker, Thomas Cushman, Charles L. Davis, John H. Drake, Henry S. Dyer, Charles H. Dunham, Albert G. Dow, George W. Eaton. Eben Foss, Joseph Flaherty, Patrick F. Residence. Portland Turner Portland do do do do Auburn do Windham Auburn Ash by Auburn do Brooksville Portland Augusta Lewiston Portland Topsham Danville Lewiston do Auburn Portland Auburn Greene Poland Danville Sed;;vvick do Bluehill Blanchard Washington Athens do do do Hartland Auburn Sedgwick Guilford Portland Auburn Livermore Lisbon Portland Sedgwick Brighton Portland Miijstr'd iiitd U.S.s^er. M Dec.lO M do M do S do s do M do M do M do M do M do M do S do S do M do M do S do s do s do M do M do M do M do M do M do S do M do S do M do S do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do M do Remarks. 640 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Foss, Asbnry W. Fuller, Bennet B. Gill, Leonard F. Gray, Thomas M. Grant, Enoch Gilpatrick, James Harmon, Phineas F. Hartford, Solomon Haggett, Rufus P. Hilton, Charles H. Jordan, Albus R. Jackson, Charles A. Jordan, George F. Lowell, Harrison Libby, Arthur Libbv, Frank G. Libby, William F. Lawton, Francis Lawton, Winslow, Jr. Moulton, Marshall, Meserve, Richard H. McNulty, John Moore, Eleazer O'Brion, John Plunket, John Pierce, George W. Piper, Jonathan E. Parker, Parris Robbins, Samuel Stuart, Brown B. Smith, Henry A. Seavey, Ellis H. Smith, John O. Staples, John Saunders, Fred. A. Stinchfield, Cyrus A. Trundy, Albert C. Whittier, Charles F Records, Henry Hodsdon, Charles Jordan, Winthrop \ Mustr'd t Residence. into < 22 ' Sm U.S.Ser. Auburn M Dec.lO 24 Minot S do 30 Portland M do 41 Athens M do 38 Auburn S do 41 Lewiston M do 23 Portland S do 22 do M do 29 Danville S do 21 Lewiston S do 29 Portland M do 18 do S do 18 Lisbon S do 21 Greene S do 18 Portland s do 20 do s do 22 Gorham s do 19 Sedgwick s do 22 do s do 41 Unity s do 41 Limerick M do 40 Lewiston M do 4.5 Winterport M do 40 Lewiston M do 30 do M do 44 Auburn M do 35 do M do 27 Bucksport S do 30 Woodstock M do 26 Monson S do 30 Solon M do 18 Jackson S 44 Auburn M do 21 Sedgwick ^ '■ S do 21 Orland S do 20 Danville s do 29 Portland M do 18 do s do 29 Danville M 21 Wales s w Danville M Remarks. APPENDIX D. 541 Return of Company G, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty first day of Decem- ber, 1861. Lieut. AARON RING, Commanding. commiss'd officers. Thomas J. Sawyer, Aaron Ring, William I. Smith. SERGEANTS. Flavius O. Beal, Charles H. Thomas, Horace B. Greeley, A. T. Mitchellson, Lorenzo Merrill. CORPORALS. John Budden, Jr., John H. F. Smith, Marshall H. Rich, Arthur F. Malcom, Greenlief T. Berry, William H. Cleavland. MUSICIAN. Elisha T. F. Robinson. WAGONER. George H. Ditson. PRIVATES. Bumes, Eben S. Buchnell, John H. Batchelder Alonzo F. Clark, Samuel Curtis, Leslie N. Cole, Aimer A. Chase, Henry Doherty, William Hasty, Perry Horr, Charles M. Harrington, Benjamin Hammon, John Hart, Thomas A. Johnston, Richard B. Johnston, Charles A. Ladd, Cyrus J. Murphy, Daniel Mansfield, Orlando Martin, Elbridge Pugsley, Ira Phinnev, George W. Randall, Elbridge G. Rollins, Daniel Reed, John Rackley, Isaac G. SkiUings, William H. Tuttle, Elmer P. "Wilson, Edward H. Wilcox, George Wood, Boman Winn, John Davis, John H. Kimball, Charles *■ cj Muslr'd & Residence. si c into Remarks. <_ ^Cft U.S.Ser. Portland 45 Westbrook Augusta M Dec.l2 20 Portland S do 36 do M do 24 Cumberland S do 25 Westbrook s do 20 Portland s do 18 Portland s do 27 do M do 27 do M Dec.25 28 Clinton S Dec.l2 34 Portland M do 25 do M Dec.25 18 Portland S Dec.28 25 Farmington S Dec.l2 20 Portland s do 20 Hiram s do 23 Swanville s do ■" 18 C. Elizabeth s do 18 Swanville s do 18 Fryeburg s do , 18 Fairfield s do 34 Portland M do 24 do M do 18 Island Pond M do 44 Portland s do 28 do M do 18 do s do 31 do s do 18 do M do 18 do S do 21 Parsonsfield S do 19 Conway s do 23 Canaan s do 20 Hiram s do 20 Pownal s do 28 Canterbury s do 38 Albion [N. H. s do 21 New York M do 26 Greene s do 18 Portland M do 20 Fairfield S do 27 Cumberland s do 45 Portland M do 21 Benton M do 35 Clinton S do 18 Fairfield M do 18 Canaan S do 542 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Si Mustr'd Names. be < Residence. si C into U.S.Ser. Remarks. Haskell, George W. 37 Portland M Dec. 12 Pin, Thomas S. 20 do S do Gray, John H. 18 Westbrook s do Sargent, George 29 Clinton s do Nichols, George E. 25 Biddeford s do Leach, William 45 Raymond M do Chandler, Harlow 42 Canaan s do Nelson, Harrison H. 20 Fairfield s do Stuart, Samuel B. 19 Hiram s Dec25 Hodsdon, David W. 18 do s do McCiucus, Royal 44 do s do Kidlan, Benjamin H. 21 do M do Bangs, Edwin G. 26 Gorham IM do Foresaith, George 38 Portland M Dec.28 B urban k, Stephen 19 Hiram S do Fly, Almason 28 Clinton s do Grinnell, Richard 44 Camden M do APPENDIX D. 543 Return of Company H, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of December, 1861. ABERNETHY GROVER, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Abernethy Grover, Augustine W. Clough, Enoch Foster, Jr. SERGEANTS. William H. Foster, Robbins B. Grover, Albert B. Richardson, George W. Sawyer, Thomas J. Bennett. CORPORALS. John S. Chapman, Jonathan B. Winslow, Lorenzo N. Cole, George H. Young, Roscoe G. Lane, Cyrus B. Morse, William H. Heney, Henry N. Phelps. MUSICIAN. William Walker. WAGONER. Moses M. Seavey. PRIVATES. Bisbee, Alpheus S. Bean, Elmer J. Bean, Jonathan C. Barker, Henry C. Besse, Joshua D. Blair, Andrew J. Bean, Amos P. Brown, Eli G. Bacon, George W. Chapman, Albion C. Chapman, Jarvis P. Crowley, Maurice Coffin, Charles A. Cole, Kingsbury J. Cates, Sewall L. Charles, Edward C. Chapman, James C. Davis, Charles Davis, George Drew, Granville W. Evans, John Farnham, Charles W. Flint, John Fitzpatrick, Thomas Fogg, George B. Foster, Moses C. Green, Charles V. Green, Nelson A. Graffam. Peter A. Gilman, Stephen Hardin, Cuvier G. ^ QJ ' Mustr'd s, Residence. into < O'o3 ; U.S.Ser. 1 40 Albany M Dec.l3 30 Portland S Dec.l2 22 Newry S Dec. 13 26 Albany M Dec.l2 21 Bethel S do 23 do s do 22 Portland do 28 Albany M do 30 Bethel M do 43 Grafton M do 34 Albany M do 26 Bethel s do 25 Hanover S do 28 26 Albany do M S do do 35 Portland M do 41 Newry M do 44 Stoneham M do 44 do M do 21 Bethel do 41 Mason M do 19 Bethel S do 42 Newry S» do 28 Stoneham s' do 44 Mason M do 18 Bethel S do 23 Portland M do 34 Bethel M Dec 34 Gilead S Dec.l2 18 Grafton S do 19 Mason s do 26 Greenwood M do 21 Berlin, N. H. S do 18 Lovell s do 30 Bethel M Dec. 13 28 Buxton M Dec.l2 18 Wilmot,N.H. S do 36 Albany s do 44 Stoneham M do 20 Rum ford M do 25 Albany S do 21 St. John,NB. s do 18 C. Elizabeth s do 34 Newry [N H M Dcc.l3 21 ^Berlin Falls, s Dec.l2 18 do s do 24 Portland s do 45 Biddeford M do 18 iBethel s do Remarks. 544 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company H, Thirteenth Reg-iment, ( Continued.^ Names. Heney, Michael Kennerson, David C. Libby, Daniel Mitchell, David McAlister, Dustia Preble, Elisha T. Pingree, Solomon S. Phelps, William H. Palmer, John F. Roberts, John H. Kobinson, Alvin N. Kice, George N. Stuart, William Shirly, David Stearns, Edwin H. Spaulding.OreenleafW. Southard, Stephen M. Swan, William H. Stokes, Jacob Sfift, Cyrus Smith, Thomas Tyler, Gardiner E. Thurston, Charles B. Twitchell, Llewellyn B. Tlef Nicolous Wight, Charles U. Wiggins, John H. Wilbur, Benjamin Webster, Otis J. Walker, William D. W. Welch, Richard H. Young, Aaron Briggs, Joseph H. Jordan, Jeremiah Osgood, Thomas H. cS Mustr'd Residence. into II U.S.Ser. Biddeford S Dec.l2 Bethel S do Harmony s do Albany M do Stoneham M do Gilead S do Albany M do Portland S do C. Elizabeth M do Berlin, N. H. M do Warren S do Augusta M do Newry S do Stoneham M do Newry S do Milan, N. H. do Bluehill S do Newry M do Stoneham S do Greenwood M do Newry M do Mason S do Portland s do do s do do s do Newry s do Stoneham s do Albany M do Portland M do Bluehill s do Grafton s do Hope M do Albany M do Waterford S do Bluehill s do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 545 Return of Company I, Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. S. C. ARCHER, Captam. u • Miistr'd Names, S) Residence. t'Sj into Remarks. _< sx U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Stillman C. Archer, Cherryfield Isaiah Randall, Portland Gushing. SERGEANT. Pearson Ora. 20 Bangor S Dec.l2 . PRIVATES. Allen, Lewis T. 36 Centerville S do Bedell, William N. 36 Eddington M do Blanchard, Marian 18 Thorndike S Dec.28 Baker, Thomas 31 Calais M Dec.l2 Clough, John R. 24 Bluehill S Chilcott, James C. 29 Sullivan M do Case, William H. 25 Lubec M do Case, George A. 23 do S Case, Alexander Calais M do Cappers, D. H. 30 Bangor M do Cates, William H. 21 Thorndike S do Colson, Everett 18 Cherryfield S do Dunn, Edward H. 18 Franklin s do Dunn, J. E. 19 do s do Davis, Henry 21 Thorndike s do Dobbin, Samuel 32 Cherryfield s Dec.28 Eaton, James P. 19 Lubec s Dec.l2 Francis, Joseph H. 18 Millbridge s do Foss, George H. 28 Cherryfield M Dec.28 Fitzgerald, Michael 30 Ellsworth s do Gordon, A. Judson 28 Franklin s Dec.l2 Gordon, George H. 26 do s do Godfrey, Patiick D. 31 Calais M Gordon, Warren 20 Thorndike s do Griffin, Alcander B. 21 Millbridge s Dec.28 Hutchins, Wiuslow 21 Calais M Hooper, Thomas J. 26 Franklin s Dec.l2 Harris, John L. 21 Deer Isle s do Harris, Caleb 23 do s do Hunnewell, David E. 20 Alexander s do Hopd, Matthew 31 Columbia s Dec.28 Joy, Alfred 18 Bangor s Dec.l2 Kincaid, Joshua L. 19 Cherryfield s do Leighton, Curtis 32 Steuben M do Low, Aaron 18 do s do Low, Daniel M. 44 do M do Lcigiiton, Everett 31 Cherryfield M Dec.28 Mara, Jolm L. 0. 21 Bangor S Dec.l2 McCartey, Florance 44 Eastbrook M do Murphy,'William F. 21 Franklin S do Merrickj A. B. 45 Bangor M do Morse, Alonso 23 Steuben M do Mullen, Daniel 19 Calais S Dec.28 McCaller, John 30 Cherryfield S do Preble, Edward 18 Sullivan s Dec.l2 Perry, Augustus E. 18 do s Pray, Joel 25 Gouldsboro' s Dec.28 Prentiss, William 22 Unity M do ' 5i6 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company I, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Rich, Edwin H. Rich, Hiram H. Robertson, William J. Stockell, Loarami W. Stover, Joseph Small, Oscar C. Smith, George L. Swaney, John, Jr. Stevens, Levi Trott, Stephen Tuttle, Edward C. Tracy, Foster J. Wilder, Edwin M. White, Newton C. Willey, Alden B. Williams, Arthur C. Wilson, William Wing, Francis H. Whitten, Harris 21 Residence. Thorndike Thorndike Calais Wintcrport Sullivan Cherryfield Charlotte Lubec 45 1 Bangor 18: Princeton 23! Bangor 21 i Cherryfield ISJMachias 19| Sullivan 20 Cherryfield Hampden Patten Gouldsboro' u • Mustr'd >: u> into Sift U.S.Ser. s Dec.l2 s s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s Dec.28 Remarks. APPENDIX D. 547 Return of Company K, Thirteenth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Neal Dow. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. WILLIAM R. SWAN, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. William R. Swan, Amos G. Goodwin, Melville C. Linscott. SERGEANTS. John D Felton, Charles H. Ann is, Simort S. Andrews, Leander S. Swan, Thomas N. Stowell, Jr. CORPORALS. Cyrus McBride, Rufus W. McKenney, William F. Eaton, Roscoe G. Chase, Orren Moody, Stephen Andrews, Wesley Lord, Melvifle C. Wilson. MDSICIAN8. Grinfill Stuart, Whitefield Stuart. WAGONEK. Eli Aldrich. PRIVATES. Adams, Wintworth E. Andrews, George R. Additon, Benning Andrews, Charles Andrews, Stephen E. Blake, Charles E. Bosworth, Leonard, Jr. Bean, Rufus Baker, Albert T. Berry, Alvah Berry, Asa R. Brackett, John H. Clark, Horace R. Carter, Otis Cummings, Joseph, Jr. Cressey, Edward P. Clark, Thomas Dureli, Henry E. Ellis, Thomas, Jr. Farrar, James M. Fellows. Julien F. Foss, Edward Flanders, Augustus French, John E. Gould, Jacob L. Green, Asa Goodwin, John B. Grant, Edward Grant, Albion • Gordon, Ebenezer H. Residence. 33 Paris 25 Biddeford 25 Readfield 26 Paris 27 j Biddeford 21 do 31 ! Woodstock 23 Paris 25 Biddeford 39 Saco 23 Biddeford 24 Buckfield 33 Saco 44 Biddeford 18 Kennebunkp't 24 Bingham Mustr'd into S:Z U.S.Ser. 44 Paris do do 22 Bingham 18 Biddeford 18 Hermon 26|Fryeburg 19 Biddeford 43|Farmington 21 Hartford 44 1 Alfred 22 Portland 43 Bingham 19| do 28j Biddeford 20 ! Paris 39 1 Saco 34 1 Greenwood 23 Biddeford 41 Bangor 21 Paris 18 Biddeford 24 Buckfield 24 Biddeford 21 j do 33 Hope 1 si Mercer 20 Paris 44i do 25 Biddeford 38 Frankfort 39 Bangor 2IiBiddeford Dec. 13 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. do do do S !Dee.28 S I do M Dec. 1 3 do do do do do M Dec. 28 S Dec. 13 do do do do do Dec.28 Dec. 13 do do do do do do do do do Dec.28 548 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company K, Thirteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') -^ ' Miistr'd Names. i Residence. i'^i into < 18 ^x U.S.Ser. Gordon, Andrew B. Kennebunkp't s Dec.l3 Hathaway, Theron F. 23 Paris s do Hill, John B. 24 Biddeford s do Hooper, William 0. 27 do M do Hooper, Lewis B. 28 do M do Hooper, Francis E. 30 do S do Hooper, Caleb S. 24 do s Dec.28 Hooper, Orlando 19 do s do Howes, John M. 22 Readfield s do Hammond, Franklin 18 Hermon s Dec.13 Holt, John E. 25 do s do Jordan, Ralph T. 18 Biddeford s do Johnson, Isaac 35 Turner M do Johnson, John W. 18 Biddeford s do Jewett, Dennis B. 20 Readfield s do Joyce, Thomas 33 Bingham M Dec.28 Keely, George 22 Saco s Dec.13 Keely, William 19 do s do Kelley, Henry 29 Hermon s do Lufkiu, Edwin B. 26 Weld s do Lurvy, Richard T. 44 Paris s Dec.28 LaCroix, Franklin M. 25 Readfield s do Morgan, Stephen D. 27 Paris s Dec.13 Morgan, Alonzo D. 19 Bethel s do Monroe, George F. 21 Paris s do Millett, William E. 24 Hebron s do Nesbitt, John 44 Biddeford M do Pike, John R. 18 do s do Penley, Joseph 36 Paris M do Perkins, George J. 27 Biddeford S do Pingree, Solomon S. 44 Albany M do Powers, William H. 43 Bridgton M Dec.28 Perkins, Thaddeus 34 Biddeford M do Record, Lewis 34 Buckfield S Dec.13 Russell, Brooks D. 18 Weld s do Sanborn, Harrison B. 19 Chelsea s do Sanborn, Charles E. 18 Acton s do Shehan, Edward P. 41 Biddeford M do Swan, Moses 23 Paris s do Sawyer, William F. 23 Mi not s do Sprague, Horatio 18 Frankfort s do Twitchell, Lyman B. 21 Paris s Dec.28 Washburn, Jefferson 24 do s Dec.13 Washburn, Calvin 28 do M do Waterhouse, Gardner P. 18 Biddeford s do Weymouth, Elisha T. 23 Vassalboro' s do Webster, Clinton B. 20 Industry s do Witham, James P. 36 'Prospect M do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 549 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volun- teer's, showing changes which have taken place by promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Appoint- ment. Remarks. Frank S. Nickerson Colonel Searsport Dec. 31, 1861 Elias Milliken Lieut.-Colonel Buniham do Thomas W. Porter Major Bano;or do Charles S. Bickmore Adjutant Searsport Dec. 4, 1861 John H. Crowell Quartermaster Winterport Dec. 3, 1861 Enoch Adams Surgeon Litchfield Nov. 25, 1861 William Westcott Asst.-Surgeon Standish Nov. 28, 1861 George W. Bartlett Chaplain Augusta B. B. Glidden Q'rm'r.-Sergt. Belfast Dec. 21, 1861 H. C. Vaughan Hosp. Steward Farmington Dec. 17, 1861 adjutant-general's report. 550 Eetun) of Company A, Fourteenth Regitncnt Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. Nickerson. Dated at Augusta, on the day ofDeecmber, 1861. CHARLES BARNARD, Captain. Names. io.2j,M»Hrr'd Residence. fel' i"'" SS U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Charles Harnard, George lJlo(i<;et, Benjamin F. ilariman. BKKGKANTS. Charles L. Stevens, Joseph D. Wood. PUIVATKS. Allen, Alvin H. Bennett, James Blaisdell. Stephen Bowden, Wilson Bowdeii, Henry S. Bowden, Ivlwin J. Bridges, Arthur Burton, Hiram Carter, Mark H. Carar, John J. Carter, Alfred A. Carter, Amos K. Carter. Jas|.er H. Carter, Zcrah E. Carter, Alden G. Candage, Sewall W. Classen, Joel Classen, Samuel Cloutrh, Daniel Cuniiin-hain, Edwin H. Eldrid-e. Edward T. Floyd, James S- Fogg, William L. Gardner. William H. Georg.', William Grey, David H. Greenlaw, Otis S. Harriman, Luxford S. Harrinian, William P. Hall, J«im G. Johoniiit, Moses H. Marks, lloraee Moore, William Moore, Daniel Nabis, Edward Osgood, William F. Stuhhs, Luther Saunders, Joseph Townsi'nd, William C Warnm, David T. Webster, Albert Westcott, William H. Whiten, George Clements, Joseph F. Adam-, Merrill H. Allen, Daniel Allen, D. Mason Remarks. 46 Bueksport 30 do 38 do 32 Castine 26| Bangor 22 St'dgcvvick 40 Bueksport SoJOrland 22 Ca>tine 22 IVnob-cot 1<) Orhind 18 Bu'ksport 18 do 2o'Bluehill isl do 22 Sedgewick 2o| do do Bluehill do do do do do 29 IVnobsrot 20 Oi ringtou 24, Bueksport 41 do 3o! do 23 Winterport 24 Orland 21 Deer Isle 24 Bueksport 26! do 21 1 Bluehill 2.T, Brooklyn 20 lilllrhiU IS Cranberry Isle 33 Bueksport 19 Orland 26 Bueksport 22 Corinna .36Bluehill 22 do 35 Deer Isle 19 Castine 19 Bluehill is' Steuben 24 Palmyra 20 j Deer Isle 19 do 26 Sedgewick M'Dec.U Ml Dec. 3 M do S S M M M S S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s M s M M s s s s M s s M s s M s s s M s M S s s s M s M do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dec 14 do do Deceased Dec. 24. APPENDIX P. 551 Return of Company Ay Fomtemth Regim&nty ( Continued,} NaiBM. Connor, Ed win Emerson, Henry K. Colbv, Ku'harvl J. Colby. Sotli S. Ct!ivitt, John A. Goct, Jhmu's K. (.«ro>s, Stephen, Jr. Hijljjius, Israel IJ. Hiii;eity, Ueor;,;:e C. Heniik. (.Joorgo H. Hoiiry, WiUirtiu lliiskell. Ftvrniun Little, Kihviuvl F Mi-FHrlaini. Alphas Mai-sh, AUK>rt W jNoyes, Chtiilos II. UediUiin, John W. Kol>l>ins, Alfivd Kobhms, He/.ekiah II. 8taiily, Stillnian G. Stanly, Fruneis G. Sta(>los, Joseph U. Stanly, William H. Siinson, Philip Stinson, Solomon Siinson, Avery F. Staples, Foster U. Trnssell, (.«eoi"»;e E. Trunday, Daviil M'llson, /iinri O. Ware, iloseph C\ Yimii^, Chitman . ^i .Vlustr'U ^1 K»iiiiaeuc«^ iuu> •< S aSPenohswl IS Civsiine s do 20 Deer Isle M do 21 do s do ISBluehill s do 21 Peer Isle s do 23 Pedhanv M do 43 Peer Isle M do 19 Surrv 8 do IS Ptvr Isle S do IS do s do S3 do M do 19 Castine 8 do 44 Suriy M do 19 Verona 8 do 23 Pwr Isle 8 do 37 ilo M do IS ilo 8 do 21 I'o S do 27 Cranberry Isle s do 22 ilo 8 do 23 Pivr Isle 8 do IS Surry 8 do 23 Peer Isle 8 do 19 tlo S do 22 *lo 8 do 40 Clirton M do 19 Cranberry Isle 8 do 29 Suiry M do 2t) N eiona 8 do :>() Peer Islo 8 do as Cranberry Isle 8 do •RMttuutkak adjutant-general's report. Return of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volnnteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. Nickerson. Dated at Augusta, on the twenty-seventh day of December, 1861. AMANDER RACKLIFF, Lieut. Com'ding. — Si|Mustr'd Names. bj) Residence. J M iiilo Remarks. <_ 11 U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Richard W. Mullen, 30 Vassalboro' S Amander Rackliff, 53 Unity M Dec.lO Joseph H. Spencer. 31 Albion M SERGEANTS. William H. Taber, 20 Albion S Dec. 4 Charles W. Thing, 24 Waterville S do Alton M. Stackpole, 21 Manchester s Dec.lO William Either, 37 Unity M Dec. 4 Cyrus H. Libby. 38 Freedom M do CORPORALS. Geo. W. Chamberlain, 22 Bradford s do William H. Boothby. 21 Freedom s do MUSICIANS. Amander Racklitf, Jr., 18 Unity s do John E. French. 18 Mercer s do WAGONER. Jonathan Orbeton. Phillips M PRIVATES. Austin, Warren 27 Unity M do Blethen, Charles E. 19 do S do Babeock, John H. 25 China S do Bryant, Alden 24 Unity s Dec.lO Bessee, All^ert 22 Albion s do Blaisdell, Rufus 50 Smithfield s do Brainard, Isaac L. 29 Manchester s do Brainard, Herbert T. N. 18 do s do Bucklin, Trumon H. 21 Thorndike s do Comings, Isaac 19 Freedom s Dec. 4 Davis, Castelow H. 18 do s do Douglass, Benjamin, Jr. 18 Knox s do Douglass, Amos 40 Thorndike s do Danforth, Joseph 35 Freedom s do Danforth, Philander N. 25 Unity M do Danforth, Oscar 18 Freedom s do Elders, James 18 Knox s do Gould, Wentworth 44 Unity M do Hamilton, Timan N. 18 Albion s do Hamilton, Erastus H. 18 do s Dec. 17 Ilussey, Amaziah F. T. 25 do M do Holbrook, Mathew 18 Bath M Dcc.26 Jackson, Daniel S. 23 Thorndike M Dec. 4 Larribee, Philander W. 29 Unity M do Larribee, Albertus 18 Thorndike S do Larribee, George N. 19 Freedom S do Larribee, True P. 22 Thorndike s Dec.26 Leonard, Morrison 36 Albion s Dec. 4 Lawrence, Marshall 18 do s do Lord, William H. 32 Belgrade s do Lancester,.Rufus F. 18 Albion s do Morrow, George C. 18 Vassalboro' s Dec.lO Morrill, Addison 18 Winslow S Dec. 4 McCorison, Joseph 33 Knox M Dec. 10 Meader, Darius 23 Litchfield S Dec.l7 McCorison, Isaac M. 35 Knox S Dec.lO APPENDIX D. 653 Return of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') c =; Miistr'd Names. 8, Residence. uU into Remarks. <_ £!» U.S.Ser. Nelson, Frank E. 23 Winslow S Dec.lO Osborn, Albion 25 do s Dec. 4 Pilsburv, Charles 19 do s Pullen,"john W. 19 Montville s do Penney, Daniel 32 Knox M Dec.17 Pennev, lialjjh 25 do s do Pollanl, William 44 Winslow M Dcc.26 Robbins, Charles L. 26 China M Dec. 4 Rider, Rodolphus 18 Albion S Dec.lO RackiiHF, Francis M. 18 Knox s Dec.26 Reynolds, Samuel 22 Burn ham s do Spaulding, Amasa 19 Winslow s Dec. 4 Spauldint;, Henry 18 do s do Spauldinsr, George L. 37 China s Dec.lO Taylor, Jose[)h L. 39 Mercer M Dec. 4 Taylor, Solomon D. 18 do s do Whitney, Marcellus 23 Thorndike M I)ec.26 Walker, Otis 35 do M Dec.lO Wing, John N. 44 Morrill M Dee.26 Wing, Francis H. 18 Thorndike S Dec.lO 86 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company C, Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under tlie command of Col. Frank S. Nickerson. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. GEORGE SCOTT, Captain. Names. COMMIss'd officers. Scott, George Reed, I. W. PRIVATES. Ayer, Llewellyu Adams, Alexander Adams, Daniel Albee, Thaddeus Avery, Albert Aiken, James M. Blish, Isaac N. Blake, Jeremiah, Jr. Boyd, William S. Blake, John Clark, Elton 0. Dolloff, Warren L. Dailey, John Evens, Franklin Farnham, Edward Jr., Grey, Livingston Gould, Elbridge Hoi brook, Samuel Halloweil, Franklin Kincaiil, Abial Kincaid, Keuhen Kelly, John E. Kelly, William K. Lewis, Thomas Lewis, George B. Lewis, Cliandler Lewis, Warren R. Mathews, Theodore Mathews, George P. Mathews, Paul H. Muney, Calvin C. McClintock, Jason McDonald, Roderick Mackintyre, George Meigs, Nathaniel Orchard, James A. R Pottle, Converse L. Perkins, Woodbridge Pitts, Reuel W. Pinkham, Osgood R. Preble, Frederick Rogers, John S. Shaw, Charles Seavey, James A. Shaw, Samuel Simpson, W. H. Simpson, Edward P. Sniiiii, C il. Smith. John F. Simpson, Loring C. bmait, Oreeuleaf Residence. Wiscasset Boothbay do do do Wiscasset Alna Bangor Boothbay do do do Alna Boothbay do Wiscasset do Boothbay Wiscasset do Boothbay Wiscasset do Boothbay do do do do Wiscasset 18 Boothbay do do Wiscasset Boothbay do Hamden Vassall)oro' Boothbay Wiscasset Alna Boothbay do do Wiscasset do Boothbay do Alna do do do d) Augusta 18 18 43 18 18 37 43 20 35 19 I 18 37 22 18 21 21 20 18 23 19 21 38 Miistr'd into U.S.Ser. M' M S M S s s s s s s s s M s s s s M M S s s M s s s M s s s M s s Remarks. Dec. 9 do do do Dec. 26 Dec.28 Dec. 9 do do Dec.26 Dec. 9 do do do nec.26 Dec. 9 I)ec.26 Dec. 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dec.26 Dec. Dec. do do do do do do do do Dec.26 Dec. 9 do do do Dec.26 APPENDIX D. 555' Return of Company C, Fourteenth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Sc; Mustr'd Names. g, [ Residence. C M into < : SK U S.Ser. Tihhets, Amasa P. 44 Boothbay M Dec.26 Willson, Jacob 42 do M Dec. 9 Wheeler, Albert 21 do S do Wvlie, Levi 18 do S do Wint;, Joseph M. 43 Bancroft Worthly, Emory 31 Boothbay M do Farmer, William P. 21 do s do Decker, Giles 20 do s do Remarks. 556 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. Kickerson. iJated at Augusta, on the tiiirty-first day of December, 1861. Lieut. JOHN 0. W. PAINE, Commanding. Names. COMMI.SS D OFFICERS Nathaniel Sawyer, William D. Chase, John 0. W. Paine. SERGEANTS. Henry W. Robinson, John J. Quimby. WAGONER. M. H. Stetson. PRIVATES. Averill, Jolm C. Brann, Reuben H. Buswell, Charles S. Brown, George W. Bailey, Charles H. Bryant, Reuben Burnham, John W. Burns, William O. Baker, Al)ram Cooper, Joseph II. Cobb, Joseph F. Cook, Moses Dutton, William E. Dicker, Henry F. Dixon, John Dill, David M. Emerson, John H. Emery, Francis C. Emery, James F. Edminster, Noah Edminster, Noah W. Edminster, Lemuel P. Edminster, Daniel, Jr. Edminster, David P. Edminster, Alexander Edminster, Joseph N. Farnhain, Oiis C. Freeman, Leonard G. Fuller, Charles B. Gray, William C. Galivan, Michael Horn, Charles R. Hillsgrove, John P. Lancaster, Jesse B. Lakcman, Clark L. Larrabee, Newell Littlcfield, Joel Lovejoy, Benjamin Mason, Lewis T. Morrison, Lewis Morrison, David Henry Murray, John Mason, Pethuel Moran, James Kewman, Dennis 1- , c ^ iMiislr'd S, Residence. = - into < is, M (T.S.Ser 50 Dixmont 46 Oldtown M Decl6 23 Bangor S Dec.28 27 do S Dec. 11 28 Stillwater M do 44 Oldtown M Dec.28 18 Stillwater S Dec.ll 21 Rowland S do 23 Maxfield s do 18 do s do 33 Lincoln s do 18 Stillwater s do 40 Dixmont M do 21 Oxford s do 43 Oldtown M Dec. 16 18 Stillwater S Dec.ll 43 do M do 36 Dixmont M do 26 Stillwater M do 42 do M do 43 Milford S do 23 Dixmont M do 31 Howland S do 42 .VIedford M do 37 Dixmont M Dec. 20 4.5 do M Dec.ll 20 do S do 26 do s do 26 do M do 34 do M do 30 do M do 21 do S do 18 do s do 25 Maxfield s do 18 Jay s do 21 Oldtown s Dec. 16 33 Lincoln M Dec.ll 18 Stillwater s do 37 Milford s do 35 Maxfield M do 18 Dixmont s do 18 do s do 18 do s do 2f, Medford s do 20 Howland s do 32 Bangor s do 18 Dixmont s do 19 Bangor s do 26 Howland s do 36 Oldtown M do asJMilford M do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 557 Return of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Nute, Joseph Peabodv, Joel Pollard^ John S. Pomroy, Charles F. Spencer, Francis M. Sawyer, Daniel R. Reed, Oscar W. Steavens, Benjamin F. Sweetman, James Snow, Henry C. Sanborn, George F. Simpson, William M. Smith, Alberto Thomas, Benjamin Vickery, Hadington Willey, Alexander Wingate. William M. York, Albert S. Jolinston, William W. Barns, Joseph Bagley, Clement Carson, Jeremiah Ferguson Willard B. Hatch, WilHam P. Hopkins, Amariah C. French, Alva L. Burlem, Charles R. Quinn, Sylvester Stiliings, Alonzo Ross, Frank White, George R. Mountain, George W. c_2 Miistr'd • Residence. C 61: into <. Sen U.S.Ser. 29 Lincoln M DecU 45 Dixmont M do 21 Barnard S do 18 Jay s do 18 Stillwater s do 21 Dixmont do 18 Milford s do 24 Dixmont s do 36 Milford s do 23 Dixmont s do 18 Hermon s do 23 Dixmont s do 21 Monroe s do 41 Maxfield M do 24 Troy s Dec.24 19 Stillwater s Dec 11 21 Troy s Dcc.16 28 Dixmont M Dec 11 27 Milford s do 26 Enfield s Dec 28 23 Troy s do 33 Oldtown M do 18 Troy s do 33 Lincoln M do 23 Oldtown S do 39 Orneville M do 18 Atkinson S do 20 Orneville S do 22 Vassal boro' s do 18 Orneville s do 23 Topsham s do IS Dover s do Remarks. 6^8 adjdtant-general's report. Return of Company E, Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. Nickerson. Dated at Augusta, on tiietiiirty-first day of December, 1861. JOSEPH P. FRENCH, Lieut. Com'ding. . u • o «; Mustr'd Names. Residence. fee into Remarks. < 11 U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. ~ Orlando W. Trask, 28 Atkinson M Dec.ll Joseph P. French, 36 Bucksport S do Joseph H. Metcalf. 24 Augusta S do SERGEANTS. ElJsha H. Lyford, 21 Atkinson S do Allen B. Farrar, 32 Bangor s do James C. Lake, 20 Atkinson s do George W. Worstcr. 27 Gleuburn s do CORPORALS. Lewis J. Cook, 18 Atkinson s do James N. Doore, 24 do s do Jairus A. Frost, 24 Milo s do Aaron H. Keene, 24 Atkinson s do William F. Larrabce, 20 Dover s do Freeman Lyford, 19 Atkinson s do Chauncy C. Lee, 18 Foxcroft s do Geoj^e G. Whitney. 24 Atkinson s do FRIVATES. Albee, Samuel 21 Bingham s do Applebee, Elhridge 45 Newport M do Aver, Franklin P. 19 Atkinson s do Blinker, Lewis A. 18 do s do Boyd, Simon H. 24 Levant s do Copeland, Llewellyn 20 Corinna s do Cobb, George E. 43 Dover M do Doore, Dudly D. 20 Atkinson s do Doore, Isley (). 19 do s do Davis, Bainhridge 18 Eddington s Dec.26 .Damon, George K. 25 Atkinson M Dec.ll Decker, Green lief E. 19 Smithfield ' s do Dann-en, Charles L. 24 Belgrade ~ M do Fulton, William, Jr. 18 Atkinson S do Fitz, Richard B. 18 Mcdford s do Gould, Reuben L. 18 Ivenduskeag s do Goss, George 43 Pittsfield M do Gould, George W. 18 Augusta s do Gray, George W. 26 Bangor s Dec.26 Heath, Isaac M. 22 Brownville M Dec.ll Hanson, William K. 20 Atkinson s do Harriman, George W. 22 Glenburn s do Hinds, Josiah G. 19 Bangor s do Hathorn, Silas 21 Veazie s do Huston, Samuel H. 18 Plymputh s do Johonnet, Fred W. 19 Newport s do Judkins, Hartley 21 Orneville s do Judkins, Francis 18 do s do Judkins, Alonzo 29 do M do Lowell, Jolin B. 26 Bangor s Dec.26 Low, William H. 18 Med ford s Dec.ll Lancaster, Ahiel 35 St. Albans s do Lang, Albert C. . 21 Palmyra s do Maxims, Laurens 44 do M do. Marden, William H. 26 Atkinson M do Newcomb, Virgil C. 19 Newburg S do APPENDIX D. 559 Return of Company E, Fourteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Newnun, Patrick Priest, Alpheus M. Philpot, James, Jr. Prescott, John F. Quinn, Sylvester Ross, Jesse Ross, Frank Royal, Moses B. Ramsdell, Andrew S. Rofjers, Ephraim E. Rollins, Oliver B. Rollins, John F. Rollins, Charles H. Ray, Benjamin A. Shaw, John E. Sweet, Frank H. Sweet, Henry C. Stillings, George A. Sherburne, Leonard M. Thompson, Danville Thompson, Eastman, Jr Thompson, Arnold P. Taylor, Alanson G. Tilton, F'rederic Towle, George E. Trafton, Harrison Varney, Washington Wilson, Aaron Witham, William H. Witham, Edward M. Washburne, Charles E. Worster, David S. Wells, Stilton Wyman, Increase Warren, Elbridge Wcntworth, William White, George R. Farris, Leander Hinklev, Eugene Niles, Charles G. Noves, Richard T. Birlin, Charles H. Mountain, George W. Solon Atkinson Orneville Plymouth Orneville do , do Solon Atkinson Brownville Orneville do Veazie Augusta Sidney ISjEddington 44 do 22! Vassalboro' SOJAtkinson 22; Solon do Augusta do Charleston Atkinson Wellington 41 1 Atkinson do do do 20|Foxcroft 18|Glcnburn 22 Enibden 31 'Fairfield 24 Augusta Vassalboro' Topsham Sebec Solon Glcnburn Atkinson Dover do go; Musir'd C to into Sic s U.S.Ser. Dec. 11 S do M do S do s Nov. 2 6 M Dec.U s Dec.26 s Dec. 11 s do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do M do s Dec.26 M Dec.U S do S do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do s do s do w do s Dcc.26 s Dec.U s Dec.26 s Dec.U s do do s do s Dec.28 s do Remarks. Died in Hospital, Dec. 29, 1861. 5G0 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. Nickerson. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. HORACE BLACKMAN, Captain. Names. COMMISSD OFFICERS. Horace Blackman, Thomas W. Porter, Albion K. Bolan. SERGEANTS. Francis H. Blackman, John K. Laing, Albert Blackman, Edward B. Barker. CORPORALS. Weston Pa into Ste U.SSer. M Dec.28 M do S Dec. 14 M Dec.26 S do s Dec.21 s do s do s do s Dec. 14 s Dec21 s D*c.28 s Dec.l4 s do M Dec.21 s do s do R Dec.28 S Dec.14 vS do s do s do M do s Dec.28 s Dec.21 s do s do s do M Dec.28 s Dec.21 s do M do s Dec.14 s Dec.2I s Dec.26 s Dec.14 M 14 s Dec.21 M Dec.28 s Dec.2I s Dec.14 M do M Dec.21 M Dec 26 S Dec.14 s Dec.28 s Dcc.26 s Dec.14 s •In S .!.» Remarks. APPENDIX D. 567 Return of Company I, Fourteenth Regitnent, ( Continued.^ Names. Logan, Robert A. Logan, Samuel T. Lamb, W. George 'Meservy, Albert B. Morgrage, Wyman B. Mills, John Neal, George H. Philbrick, Charles Preble, Joseph Parker, John C. Rowell, John A. Robson, Benjamin F. Rowell, BzeUiel P. Roberts, Charles J. Shattuck, Alphonzo Stewart, Thomas Stewart. John Stacy, James S. Stacy, Robert E. Scribncr, Daniel Smith, John S. Smith, William II. Smith, Alden B. Sargent, John G. Thompson, Charles P. Taylor, Thomas S. Vose, Charles J. Webber. Charles W. Woodbury, William W Weliber, George W. Wescott, Daniel W. York, Samuel C. Residence. Waldo do Montville Morrill Patten No.3 Aroost'k Burnhani Unity Patten No 3 Aroost'k Montville Waldo Montville Brooks Solon Montville do Stacvville do Patten No.3 Aroost'k Conway Stacyville No 3 Aroost'k Burn ham Montville do do Stacyville No.3 Aroost'k Patten Bingham o »i Mustr'd u to into s U S.Ser. Dec. 21 s do s do s do s Dec.14 M do M Dec.21 s Dec.14 s do s do s Dec. 2 1 s do s do s do s Dec.28 s Dec.21 s do M Dec 14 s Dec.2I s Dec.14 s do s do s do s do s Dec.2I s do s Dec 26 s do s Dec.14 M do s do s Dec.28 Remarks. 568 adjutant-general's report. Eeturn of Company K, Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. Frank S. JJickcrson. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. j j EDWARD S. MORRIS, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Edward S. Morris, Timothy H. Hubbard, Benjamin F. Stevens. SERGEANTS. Edward A. Skinner, Charles S. Doe, Isaiah Pinkiiam, Jr. John B. Hanson, George Ham. CORPORALS. Andrew J. Hobbs, Joseph S. Haskell James B. Dudley, Jacob B. Stevens, John H. Clements, Edward H. Loud, Wiiifield S. Pray, Frank E. Jewett. JIUSICIANS. John W. Dav, William C. Rowell. AVAGOXER. Benjamin M. Kogera. PRIVATES. Ames, Joha Butler, Stephen F. Blake, John Barker, Ivory Batchelder, Josiah B. Chellis, Aaron Chick, Stephen Coombs, Gustavus J. Cunningham, Isaac C. Durgii),' William E. French, Charles Frost, George C. Goodwin, Thomas E. Gupiill, Ivory Greene, Wilson J. Greene, Joseph H, Hanscom, John W. Hubbard, Erastus Hill, Jacob Home, Joseph F. Hayes, John Hatch, Augustus E. Hatch, Elijah F. Hill, Edwin Hilton, Elbridgc Haskell, James H. Keenan, Thomas Littlcfield, Elias Leighton, Ephraim Lewis, John B. , Residence. Newfidd N. Berwick Berwick 39 Ruxton 30 Bangor 27 Berwick 26 N. Berwick 44 Shapleigh Wells Hallowcll VVaterhoro' Berwick do Ncwfield Shapleigh Milton, N. H. 24 Berwick 44 Alfred 28 18 25 18 18 28 20 18 18 ■10 40 37 23 29 23 22 20 21 23 24 24 33 20 41 44 34 Newfield Parsonsfield Berwick Brownfield Old town Palermo Ncwfield Shapleigh I'alcrmo Hudson Kxcter, N. H Saco Berwick N. Berwick Berwick Wells do Kennebunk Wells do Ncwfield Augusta Wells do do do Hallowcll do San ford Ncwfield Watcrboro' o «'|Miis-tr'd into U.S.Ser. M M M M M M M M S S s s s M M M S M M M M M M S S S S M s s s M M M M M S s s s s M s M M S s M M Remarks. APPENDIX D. 569 Return of Company H, Fourteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Larrabee, Horace T. H. Larrabee, Levi H. Longfellow, Stephen W. Longfellow, Charles Mathews, Cliarles W. Manson, William G. Maxwell, Cyrus Poland, Edvvard S. Pinkhani, John F. Patch, Benjamin G. Patch, Woodburj' J. Perkins, Charles H. Powers, Robert Rogers, Samuel Ridlon, Alfred B. Silly, William B. Seavey, Samuel Sawyer, Jacob Sabans, Roswell W. Stevens, Franklin Smith, Lewis Thompson, Charles Tripp, David W. Tebbetts, George H. W. Taylor, Horace Vaugh, Hiram C. Wentworth, William H. Winn, Joseph W. Willey, Nicholas D. Wentworth, John S. Woodman, Charles A. Welch, Luther D. Worthing, Elmer W. Witham, Elliott Walker, Harmon i < Residence. II M Mustr 'd into U.S.Ser. 34 Wells 30 do M 18 Palermo S 20 do S 20 Berwick s 35 do s 43 19 Hampden Palermo s s 18 Lewiston s 34 23 Shapleigh Newfield M M 18 42 Shapleigh Boston, Mass. s s 18 Lewiston s 42 Arrowsic M 20!Sanford s 45 21 Liraington Palermo M S 18 Kennebunk s 18 29 Kenduskeag York s s 27 Wells s 22 Berwick s 18 Kennebunk s 24 21 Farmington Berwick s s 25 York s 39 Berwick M 27 Lebanon M 19 Newfield s 38 York s 21 Palermo s 20 York s 22 Waterboro s Remarks. 37 570 adjutant-general's report. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volun- teers, showing changes which have taken place btj promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. John McClusky Isaac Dyer Benjamin Ilawes James Nowland W. S. Locke Jotham Donnell John II. Kemball J. J. Brown Edwin A. Low James F. Tilton Thos. L Lynch Lorenzo Dod{je John Goald Colonel iLieut-Colonel Major Adjutant Quartermaster I Surgeon |Asst.-Surgeon Chaplain Serg. -Major Q'rm'r.-Scrgt. Com'y Sergt. [Hos. Steward Drum-Major Keaidence. Houlton Skowhegan Ashland SlJohn.NB Presqiielslc Houlton Bridgton Whitcticld Ilodgdon Eastport do Bridgton Bangor D^e }f Appoint-] men . Dec. 17, 1861 Dec. 25, 1861 Nov. 20, 1861 Nov. 29, 1861 Dec. 17, 1861 Dec. 18, 1861 Remarks. APPENDIX D. 571 Return of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McCIusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. BENJAMIN B. MURRAY, Jr., Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Benj. B. Murray, Jr., Samuel I). Leavitt, William K. Rich. SERGEANTS. John R. Coates, Francis O. S. Howe, Elisha Sherman, Hosea Smith, Freeman W. Varney. CORPORALS. Stephen S. Leighton, James L. Pierce, Simson Spofford, Ira A. Hughes, Ira W. Gushing, John Sherman, Andrew J. Hawkins. MDSICIAN. Ralph L. Teed. PRIVATES. Allen, Albert J. Achorn, Weston Bulmer, Andrew J. Bulmer, Ephraim T. Bowman, Washington Bridges, Edwin P. Bassett, John H. Chambers, Augustus Conners, Patrick Campbell, William E. Colsen, George Caswell, William A. Chambers. William H. Caswell, Bartlett S. Campbell, John Coggswell. Augustus Crowley, John Cameron, Dougald Dohcrty, Andrew Davis, Hiram Davis, Hammond Dodge, Alfred Dodtrc, Charles 0. De Cracv, Warren T. Fisher, Alfred Gardner, Henry Ganlner, Loring Gardner, George W. Grcenlow, James H. Glass, John Hay, William H. Healey, Terrenee Hallett, Albert H. Johnson, Nathaniel Besidence. 33 Pembroke 2.5 Eastport 21 Pembroke 34 1 Charlotte 29 Standish 32 Meddybemps 44 Charlotte 23 Pembroke Trescott Pembroke do Charlotte Pembroke Meddybemps P.Jarvis,N.Y, Pembroke Marion Washington 26 1 Charlotte 38 Perry Washington Marion Lubec Is'Meddybemps 22 i'embroke igj do 21 Trescott ISJEubec 2l!Meddybemps 21 [Lubec 26 1 Boston, Mass. Washington Portland St.John,N.B. Boston Lubec do Plantation 14 Lubec Portland Charlotte Pembroke Meddybemps ig'Pembroke 21 1 do 23 Calais 30 Norton, N.B. St. John, " Sidney N. Yarmouth Miistr'd into D.S.Ser. Remarks. Deceased. 572 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment, {Continued.^ Names. Johnson, William H. Keef, Thomas Kni'^rht, Jumes E. Keef, Benjamin Lee, Jotiii Lee, Joseph Lyons, Daniel Lar)', Nelson Lewis, Hazen Leighton, John F. Moore, Alonzo V. Mathews, James H. McGlaujjhlin, Wm. H. McMiller, Alexander McGilvery, Angus Martin, James N. Ryan, Richard Ryan, Thomas Rumery, Uriah C. Rumcrv, Lyman Randall, Jonathan, Jr. Robhinson, Joel F. Reynolds, David Richardson, Henry Smith, Allen Swan, Ciiarles Swan, Elijah Swan, Andrew J. Sylvay, Lewis E. Smith, Horatio M. Tuuse, Tiiaddeus Williams, Charles S. Wilder, Theophilus L. Walker, William F. Waldron, George H. Wheeler, John A. Tilton, James F. Cousins. Jacob Case, Stephen H. Jordan, Daniel Wright, Hilton B. Decoster, Peter Hodges, Edward P. • Si MuBtr 'd Residence. into < ss U.S.Ser. 18 Robhinston s 44 Lubec M 21 Pembroke s 21 Lubec s 26 Charlotte M 21 do S 32 Pembroke s 21 Lubec s 21 Fryeburg s 19 Pembroke s 20 do s 18 Sidney s IS Edmonds s .39 St.John, N.B s 26 do s 18 Lubec s 33 Charlotte s 32 St John, N.B. s 34 Lubec M 18 do s 26 Charlotte s 18 Sidney s 23 Plantation 14 s 31 Trescott M 18 Sidney s 18 Charlotte S 28 do s 24 do M 26 Pembroke s 26 Marion s 18 li^diiioiids s 21 liockland M 20 Pembroke S 18 do S 18 Vassalboro' s 18 Trescott s 31 St John, N.B. s 18 Lubec s 26 do s 43 Portland M 23 Washington S 32 do M 18 do S Remarks. APPENDIX D. 578 Eeturn of Company B, Fifteenth Eegiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, unrier the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. J. H. WHITMORE, Lieut. Commanding. Names. commiss'd officers. Seth H. Leonard, James H. Whitmore, Henry A. Shorey. SERGEANTS. J. Edwin Libby, William H. Totman, George E. Doyle, William C Allen, Charles Dennett. CORPORALS. William Maxwell, Sylias S. Holbrooks, George F. Sally, William H. Bosworth, B. Franklin Higgins, Andrew Bubier, William B. Trufant, Charles E. Graves. MCSICIANS. Alonzo Rogers, Melvin S. Leonard, James E. Reed. WAGONER. Otis R. Colby. PRIVATES. Allen, Henry R. Alexander, James E. Adams, William Adams, George W. Buker, William G., Jr. Bard, Lee man H. Beal, Benjamin Bliss, George A. W. Coombs, Charles B.T Coombs, James, 2d Cromwell, James A. Chase, R. Franklin Campbell, Abial Cook, James W. Douglass, George H. Douglass, Edwin C. ■ Douglass, Melvin W. Deojay, Frank Danforth, Wheeler Douglass, John Fuller, Seth Gilpatrick, Isaac J, Gilpatrick, George Gould, Harvey M. Green, Abrara T. Green, William Grover, John C. Higgins, John L. Hatch, Colin C. gi Mustr'd Residence. into < 38 ss U.S.Ser. Bowdoin M Dec. 7 26 Bowdoinham M do 21 Bath S do 22 Litchfield S do 27 Richmond M do 25 Bowdoin S do 23 do M do 41 Lewiston M do 42 Bowdoin M do 23 Bath S do 23 Richmond s Dec. 10 26 Litchfield S Dec. 7 39 Webster M do 25 do s do 33 Bowdoin M do 20 Bowdoinham S do 42 Lisbon M do 16 Bowdoin S do 17 Bath S do 27 Bowdoin s do 18 do s do 19 do s do 33 Bowdoinham M do 36 Richmond M do 27 Bowdoin s do 20 Lisbon S do 33 Bowdoin M do 18 Litchfield s Dec. 20 24 Bowdoin S Dec. 7 34 do M do 24 Bowdoinham s do 18' Litchfield s do 27 Bowdoin s do 45 liichmond M do 23 Litcbfield .' S do 21 Bowdoin s do 20* Bowdoinham s Dec. 10 18 Bath s Dec. 7 20 do s do 25 do M do 45 Sowdoin s do 40 Bowdoinham M do 18 do S do 40 do M do 25 Phipsburg S do 40 do M do 19| :,itchfield S do 34 Webster S do isl Bowdoinham s do Remarks. 574 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') 9ES °ij Mustr'd Names. 6 ex Residence. C W) into Remarks. < SK U.S.Ser. Dec. 7 Holbrook, Wiiriam H. 21 Bath S Howard, George A. 18 Litchfield S do Houston, John 25 Bath s do Jones, Lewis 27 Bowdoin s do Latham, Joseph E. 20 Litchfield s do Lewis, John W. 19 Bath s do Lancaster, Carlton 24 Bowdoinham s do Light, George W. 27 Waldohoro' M do Montfort, William 19 Bowdoin s do Merryman, David C. 23 do s do Malloon, Samuel 43 do M do McDevitt, Peter 28 Bath M do Metcalf, James S. 18 Webster s do Man, Gilmore P. 22 Phipsburg S do McGraih, James 18 Bath s do Niles, William 21 Bowdoin s do Oliver, Augustus R. 18 Phipsburg s do Oliver, James R. 21 do s do Perry, John 24 Litchfield s do Perry, Joseph J. 20 do s do Pushard, Bradford H. 22 Phipsburg s do Powers, Jacol) 21 do s do Penny, William 18 Watcn'ille s do Penny, Ira T. 33 Eddington M do Pullen, George W. 19 Bluchill s do Rook, John 45 Phipsburg M do Rook, George W. 34 do M l)ec.l2 Rollins. James E. 20 do S Dec. 7 Rollins, Josiah R. 20 do S do Ross, Actor 41 Bowdoin M Dec. 20 Small, Zacheus, Jr. 26 do S Dec. 7 Shorey, Frazier T. 18 Bath S do Shea, Charles E. 20 do S do True, Orrin A. 22 Litchfield S do Tarr, John B. 34 Bowdoin M Dec. 20 Trufant, Adam 19 Topsham s Williams, Stephen 40 Bowdoinham M Dec. 7 Whitney, James 45 Bowdoin M do Williams, Orrington, Jr. 22 Bath s do Whitney, Ehcn. 26 Wayne M Dec. 20 Man, Gilmore P. 22 Phipsburg S Grembow, Jacob 43 do M • Man, James 24 do S Jack, William H, 19 Topsham S -• APPENDIX D. 575 Return of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. CHARLES W. CLAYTON, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Charles W. Clayton, Daniel M. Prescott, Zebulon Rowe. SERGEANTS. Robert W. Manley, Owen Whitney, John H. Hasty, Whitman L. Orcutt, James Moore. CORPORALS. Aaron H. Story, Samuel Wilson, Christopher C. O'Brine, Samuel Place, Benjamin F. Owen, George E. Pyle, Daniel Everett, William E. Clark. PRIVATES. Baker, Joseph Brown, John W. Bell, James Bryant, George P, Boise, Charles H. Barker, William P. Bean, Augustus A. C. Bean, Charles C. Boulier, Solomon C. Bugbee, Charles H. Carter, Charles R. Chisholm, Alexander ' Chase, William Carter, Josiah H. Certer, William H. Chase, George Christopher, George W Cashing, Alonzo D. Clough, Levi Crowell, AUcn Condon, William C. Duncan, William Everett, Lyman Fudge, Isaac Fudge, William Ford, George Furdge, William Foster, Theodore B. Frost, Horace H. Gilker, Charles Goodrich, Samuel Graves, Alexander Gallagher, Michael Heath, Leonard Hall, Luther C. o^ iMustr'd ® Residence. into <; Sx U.S.Ser. 39 Masardis M Dec. 9 23 Presque Isle M do 26 do M do 45 Maysville M do 27 Presque Isle M do 28 Portage Lake M do 18 Fort Fairfield S do 36 Ashland s do 31 Washburn s do 38 Presque Isle M do 45 do M do 25 Washburn s do 18 Presque Isle s do 20 Maysville s do 20 Washburn s do 31 Presque Isle s do 19 s do 18 Castle Hill s do 45 M do 20 do s do 18 Ashland s do 39 Presque Isle s do 19 Maysville s do 25 do s do 18 Presque Isle s do 22 Washburn s do 20 Ashland s do 41 Masardis s do 44 do "S do 18 Ashland s do 18 do s do 23 S'ashwalk, N. s do 26 Letter B [B. s do 42 Presque Isle M do 21 Vlapleton s do 21 Presque Isle s do 38 do M do 26 Fremont PL s do 23 Washburn s do 19 Ashland s do 18 do s do 44 Vlasardis s do 20 St. John, N.B. s do 20 Ashland s do 28 Presque Isle M do 26 Canada s do 35 Presque Isle s do 22 do M do 40 do M do 37 do M do 28 Deerfield M do Remarks. 576 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Hughes, Oscar H. Johnston, James KBef, William Knight, Patrick Knight, William J. Lawrence, Elilm A. Madden, John Munson, Robert Morris, William McGuire, Warren Mulholland, James Owen, Hezekiah Perrowe, Jeremiah Preble, Melvin S. Preble, Sanford li. Pomroy, Charles C. Randall, Alonzo Rideout, Sylvester Roberts, Alfred W. Robinson, Harrison H. Roy, George Roax, James Sutherland, George Shaw, Charles H. Story, James M. Snow, Jeremiah Smith, William Snow, Jonathan D. Suter, William H. Stratton, Samuel W. Walker, John P. Whitney, Charles S. Wilcox, George Wcssenger, Enoch Residence. Mapleton Richmond, N. Masardis [B. do Presquc Isle Mars Hill Masardis Presquc Isle Maysville Washburn Presquc Isle do Ashland Letter B Mars Hill Maysville Castle Hill do Ashland Letter B Maysville Prcsque Isle Portage Lake Woo(lstock,N. Washburn [B. Mars Hill Presque Isle Mars Hill Maysville Washburn Tliorndikc Asliland Mapleton Masardis OS, i Miisfr'd i; «i^ into «t« U.S.Ser. s Dec. 9 s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do M do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do iCemarks. APPENDIX D. 577 Return of Company D, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine "Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McChisky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. CHARLES S. ILSLEY, Captain. Names. COMMISS DOFFICEKS. Charles S. Ilsley, J. C. Cobb, Enoch M. Dening. SERGEANTS. Charles T. Jordon, George H. Cummings, E. J. Maxwell, D. P. Rolfe, William A. Welch. CORPORALS. Nathaniel H. Seavey, Henry S. Rich, Alonza Edwards, Edward K. Gilky, Levi M. Patch, Alonzo F. Kellock. MUSICIAN. Horace C. Davis. PRIVATES. Archibald, Amos C. Burrous, William Bragdon, Josiah Berry, William Burns, Charles A. Crowley, John Carsley, George Davis, Thomas J. Davis, Adoniram A. Duran, James W. De Craney, Warren Davis, Eben. Emery. Chas. E. Edwards, Humphrey S. Ellsworth, Henry Fitsgerald, Owen Falkner, Duncan Googin, Rufus B. Glass, John Grant, Martin N. Gallighan, Owen Gloin, John W. Husten, John Holbrook, Benjamin F. Haggett, Frank E. Hanson, Jason Hanson, Lyman W. Jillson, Luke Jones, Ira S. Johnson, Nathaniel Keene, Moses M. Keene, James L. Keinstud, Samuel Kneeland, Charles C. LeGrow, Ephraim Residence. 25 Portland 23 Windham 21jHarrison 23 N. Gloucester 23 Harrison 23 21 27 Windham Gorham Casco Harrison Oxford Otistield Harrison Otisfield Ashland Portland Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. Remarks. igjCasco Harrison Poland do Oxford Portland Harrison Casco N. Gloucester Poland Portland Casco do Poland Portland Alligash Ashland Lincolnville Portland 23'Easiport 44JHoulton 25|Masardis 39|Otisfield 20 Farmington 19 Portland 18 Windham is} do 45 Poland 25 China 30 Portland 20 Harrison do 18 Portland 18 Harrison 18 Windham Dec.28 Dec.lO do do do do do do do do do do Dec.23 Dec.lO On furlough. S S s s s s-l s s s s s s s M s s s s s do do do do do do Dec.13 Dec.lO do do do do do do do Dec.23 do Dec.lO I do Dec.13 Dec.23 do Dec.lO do do Dec.13 do Dec.lO do do Dec.13 Dec.lO Dec.13 Dec.lO do I On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. Died, Dec. 27. On furlough. On furlough. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. 578 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company/ D, FifLeenth Regiment, ( Continued.^ c^ Miistr'd Names. o Residence. >:. x) into Remarka. <_ Sin s U.S.Ser. Dec. 10 Luis, Clark 19 Harrison Lovell, Lowell 18 Otisfield s do Lovell, Henry H. 23 do M do Luis, John 21 Portland S do Absent without leave. Luis, Hazen 26 do s do Morah, John 39 Windham s do Martin Jos. P. 20 Gorhani s do Marrow, John 45 Harrison M do Mubury, James L. 18 Windham M Dec. 13 Mcserve, Alonzo 18 Casco M Dec. 10 McNear, Alexander 31 Alligash S Dec.23 McErgal, Neal 28 do s do Noble, Alexander 34 Masardis s do Orr, Daniel 30 Poland M Dee.lO Pearsons, Ilcnry 21 Portland s Dec 23 Rowe, .Stephens 25 N. Gloucester 8 Dec. 10 Rogers, Aaron C. 25 NewHeld s do Rideout, Ezra 24 Masardis Dec.23 Small, Simeon 22 Raymond s Dec. 10 Smeledge, Augustus 25 Falmouth s do Stowers, Charles W. 22 Fannington s do Scott, James 19 Angusta s Dec.23 Absent without leave. Pennell, Benj. J. 27 Brighton M Dec. 10 Tluirstoii, Jacob 18 Casco s do Absent without leave. Thomas, Josiah A. 2:! Farmington s do Tuttle, Asa 15. 21 Brighton s do Tag-rett, David 22 Ashland S Dec.23 Welch, R. li. 19 Casco 8 Dee. 13 Winslow, Orlando 18 Portland s Dec. 10 AVelch, Isaac C. 18 Freeport 'S Dec. 13 Warren, Edward 29 Iloulton s Dec.23 Whitney, II. A. 19 do do St. PcteV, Octave 21 Portage Lake s do Osburne, Charles W. 24 Houlton s do Edwards, Joshua 37 Poland M do Plummer, Warren C. 25 Presque Isle M do Tyler, Daniel 45 Windham S Dec.lO Burns, APPENDIX D. 679 Eeturn of Company E, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of De- cember, 1861. CHARLES B. SMITH, Captain. 1 O — Miistr'd Names. s, Residence. C M into Remarks. < l| U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Charles B. Smith, 33 Houlton M J. B. S wanton, 28 do M Dec.l4 A. W. Hoyt. 30 Fort Fairfield M SERGEANTS. Robert Seaborn, 45 Littleton M do Samuel P. Delaite, 31 Monticello M do Sears S. Ulmer, 28 Fort Fairfield M do James H Belton. 34 Fort Kent S do CORPORALS. Daniel W. Garey, 26 I-iittleton M do Aaron P. Bennett, 22 Linneus S do Gordon Perkins, 44 do M do John Robinson. 44 Belfast Ac.Gt. M do MUSICIAN. Samuel Brown. 22 Houlton M do PRIVATES. Allen, Henry 24 Vienna S do Ames, Orchard 27 Limestone S do Bennett, Edward M. 19 Linneus s do Bennett, John H. 18 do s do Byron, .Josiah 18 do s do Bartlett, George 38 Ashland s do Carson, George 31 Letter B, R. 1 M do Collins, Patrick 26 Fort Kent s do Clark, .John 21 Green I., C.E. s do Casey, Joseph 30 Ashland M do Craig, James W. 36 Mars Hill M do Desmond, Cornelius J. 27 Bridgewater S do Embleton, William 38 Fort Kent M do Furlong, .James 30 do S do Fish, Cornelius 25 St. John,N.B. s do Gallagher, Edward F. 22 Masardis M do Gordon, Samuel E. 23 Fort Fairfield s do Goodhue, Lyman P. 18 do s do Hitchins, Charles F. 18 Littleton s do Hanning, Amos 19 Houlton s do Banning, Merrill B. 25 Monticello M do Hanning, Obadiah 21 Houlton s do Hoyt, Charles L. 26 Fort Fairfield s do Hoyt, Shepherd 21 do s do Kennedy, Daniel 24 Monticello s do Kearnev, Malry 21 Limestone s do Lake, Charles W. 19 Linneus s do Lake, John B. 26 do s do Lees, John 44 Littleton M do Laskey, Michael 44 Houlton M do Laskey, Theodore 19 do [N.B. s do Lavois, John 22 Grand Falls, s do Myshrall, Lewis 23 Frederickton, s do McGarey, Daniel S. 19 Smyrna [NB. s do McGinnis 28 Charlottet'wn, s do McCarthy 45 Ft.Kent[PEI. s do Murphy, William - 24 do s do Merchant, William H. 19 Fort Fairfield s do 580 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company E, Fifteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Noble, John Pike, Augustus H. Powers, Al)el Pomeroy, John T. Ross, James Sylvester, Ahiel N. Sawyer, Orville L. Sawyer, David T. Stetson, Charles Snow, Isaiah Tozier, Anthony R. Toland, Michael Tasnane. Michael Walkor, James Webber, George B. Witham, James P. Ward, Benjamin Wiltshire, Nelson Wilson, William Pickles, John W. Crocker, James M. Goss, George W. Hasty, Daniel C. McKinney, David Hopkins, Orrick H. Lindsey, David Residence. MirimachiNB Si CS B Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. s Dec. 14 Bridgewater s do Linneus s do Mars Hill M do Littleton M do Portage Lake S do Linneus s do do s do Limestone M do Mars Hill M do Fremont M do Houlton M do do S do Limestone S do Carmcl [NB. Frederickton, s s do do Fort Kent M do Bangor M do Someri-ille S do Fort Fairfield S do s Portage Lake do M M do Belfast Ac.Gt. S Vassalboro' Littleton M Remarks. APPENDIX D. 581 Return of Company F, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the 31st day of De- cember, 1861. LAURENCE J. JOYCE, Captain. Names. Residence. ©a; jMustr 'd into ■< ss U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Laurence J. Joyce, 36 Bruns\vick M Dec.17 James H. Haekett, 44 Houlton M l)ec.l2 Patrick Neville. 30 Littleton S Dec.17 SERGKANTS. Patrick H. Sweeny, 23 Houlton S Dec. 12 John Darlington, 34 Fredrickton, M Dec.17 James Robinson, 23 Houlton [N.B M Uec.I2 Henry Dunning, 31 Brunswick S do James F. Doyle. 21 Bangor s do CORPORALS. James Saunders, 26 Houlton s do Joshua Gatchell, 20 Brunswick s do Lewis B. Briggs, 2.') Camden s do James H. Bailey, 26 Brunswick M do Charles Sweeny, 21 Houlton s do John E. M Lyons, 42 Brunswick M do John Fitzgerald, 21 Houlton S do Alfred Corbett. 45 Brunswick M Dec.26 PRIVATES. Allen, William 28 do M Dec.l2 Abbott, William A. 21 Gardiner S do Bailey, Stephen J. 32 Brunswick M do Coffin, John 25 do M do Cooper, Calvin 35 do M do Coursen, John L. 28 do M do Coburn, Enoch 26 do M do Curtis, Ilubtrt J. 27 Richmond [B. M do Crowley. William 20 Fredrickton,N S Dec. 17 Corbett", Robert R. 18 Brunswick S do Coombs, Benjamin F. 20 do s Dec. 19 Cooper, Ricliard 30 Bangor S Dec.l2 Dillon, John 43 Houlton M Dec.17 Dixon, William 21 do M Dec. 12 Decring, John 22 St. John, N.B. S Dec.17 Feely, Archibald 30 Houlton s Dec.l2 Gatchell, Roswell 18 Brunswick s do Gillon, James. 21 Houlton s do Griffin, Timothy 40 Brunswick M do Growse, George T. 22 do s Dec.17 Glen, John 44 Houlton s Dec.l9 Hammond, Henry 20 Brunswick s Dec. 12 Hatch, Eugene 18 Bowdoinham s do Harmon, Albert 18 Brunswick s do Hegney, Michael 23 St. John, N.B. s Dec.17 Kelly, Patrick 26 Houlton s Dec.l2 Kelly, John 40 do s do Lindsay, James 37 Littleton M do Leary, Thomas 30 Houlton s do Lee, Charles 35 Brunswick M do Lake, Osborne 22 do M do Lawson, Hiram 23 Houlton s Dec.17 Maliday, James 32 Brunswick s do Muckler, Michael 22 Houlton s do Mehegau, John 24 do s do Remarks. 582 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company F, Fifteenth Regiment, (^Continued.') Names. McDonald, Michael Maynard, Patrick Murphy, James Murphy, Rob. B. Murray, Patrick McBrian, Oswald McCarty, Eugene Murphy, Morris Murphy, Laurence Mitchell, William Martin, Frank McGinnis, Anfrus McCartny, William Mahoncv, Thomas Mitchell', Charles B. Magcc, Joseph Miller, Samuel McDonou^h, Michael McLau^'^lilin, Thomas Parks, William Quinn, James Quigley, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, William Renahan, Thomas Rook. George Rankin, John Renahan, Michael Sloat, Benjamin Strout, Robert P. Smith, Jeremiah Small, Lorenzo D. Sweeny, Patrick Tarr, John Thompson, Simeon B. Ward, Albion Ward, Joel York, Abizer fei Mustr'd Residence. c w into SX U.S.Ser. Houlton s Dec. 12 do M do do s do Presque Isle S do Houlton s do do M do do s do do s do do s do do s do do s do do s do do s do do s do Brunswick M do do do do s do do s do Houlton M do do s Dec.17 do s Dec. 12 Bangor s do Houlton s do do s do do ^ s do Phipsburg M do Houlton S Dec.17 do s do do s Dec.l2 Brunswick M do do M do Bowdoinham s do Houlton M do Brunswick M do do M Dec.17 do S Dec. 12 do s do do M do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 583 Return of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, tinder the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. „ FRANKLIN M. DREW, Captam. Names. commiss'd officers. Franklin M. Drew, Ransom N. Pierce, Elbridge J. Pattee. SERGEANTS. Lester Dwinal, Francis M. Brown, Algernon S. Smith. CORPORALS. Alexander Cook, Nathaniel Lufkin, John W. Wiiitten. PRIVATES. Brown, Benj. F. Brown, Dana M. Bragdon, Stephen S. Brown, Charles A. Bickford, Rodney K. Billings, Oscar L. Bolier, Joseph Bragdon, George T. Bolster, Charles K. Burgess, Nelson W. Brown, John Cobb, William B. Cyr, Francis Cyr, Joseph Cormair, Raymond Crock, Thomas Crock, Fabian Davis, Grenville W. Dow, Joseph E. Drew, George E. Dunton, Ozias Duke, William Delaite, Reuben N. Dubay, Meguire Dorr, Newell Farrington, John P. Farrell, Andrew Farrell, Charles Fields, George 0. Farwell, Jeremiah Goven, Francis Grass, George A. Grass, Enoch B. Grass, Charles A. Hatch. Lorenzo D. Hall, Enoch Irish, Obcdiah F. Morse, Roscoe Murphy.^Edward McManus, Patrick Moriii, William Marshall, Albert^ . oii Muslr'd s> Residence. -"^ into < II U.S.Ser. 24 ?resque Isle M 28 Fort Fairfield M 20 do S 29 Lyndon •S 18 do s 27 do s 28 Van Buren s 30 Lyndon s 22 Fort Fairfield s 24 Lyndon s 18 do s 31 Fremont M 18 Mars Hill s 18 Lyndon s 18 do s 22 Fort Fairfieia s 18 New Sharon s 18 Fremont s 39 Andover M 25 Rum ford M 23 Lyndon s 26 Van Buren s 23 do s 38 do s 18 Fort Fairfield s 26 do s 20 Maysville s 25 Fort Fairfield s 18 do s 22 do 8 21 Van Buren S 34 Fremont M 31 Van Buren S 26 Lyndon S 34 Andover s 23 Van Buren s 27 do M 21 Maysville 8 19 Patten S 21 Van Buren S 15 Fort Fairfield s 22 do s 21 do s 26 Maysville s 30 Lyndon M 21 Washburn s 21 Woodland s 38 Sarsfield M 29 iVan Buren s 19 1 do s 23 Fort Fairfield s Remarks. 584 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment, ( Continued.') Names. Martin, George McKinney, Michael Pettingill, Benjamin Record, Albert B. Eagan, James Eand, James Taylor, Thomas Thomas, Benjamin F. Violette, Thomas Vance, Joseph Washburn. Charles E. Webster, William Weelvs, Abncr D. Ward, William H. Wight, Addison Waite, Almon C. Wentworth, Merrill Ellis, Mark Eastman, Arbury f^« Mnstr'd i Residence. into < 42 Sic U.S.Ser. Fort Fairfield M 35 do 26 do S 21 Woodland S 40 Mars Hill s 23 Mavsville s 28 Fremont s 23 Woodland s 00 Van Buren s 23 Lyndon M 21 Woodland s 29 Van Buren s 29 Fremont 24 Presque Isle s 32 Fort Fairfield s 18 do s 24 Limestone s 44 Lyndon M 18 Kumford s Remarks. APPENDIX D. 585 Return of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. JOHN B. WILSON, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. John B. Wilson, John B. Niciiels, Harrison G. Prescott. SERGEANTS. Giles Straw, Thomas H. Wentworth, Rinaldo Butters. CORPORALS. Evander C. Curtis, Joseph A. Clark, Alonzo Coan. MUSICIAN. George H. Ferguson. WAGONER. Benjamin T. Hubbard. PRIVATES. Ballard, James Barker, Oliver S. Beal, Gardiner Bradley, Newell J. Brown, Henry J. Buck, George H. Butler, Daniel B. Butler, Gershome L. Came, Stephen R. Campbell, Charles Carr, William H. Chamberlain, James, Jr Colbath, Samuel S. Cole, Jedidiah Combs, Oscar Daniels, Charles C. Davis, Joseph Dearborn, Charles F. Elder, Fred. W. Fall, Isaac R. Fisher, Jaspar J. Fogg. Peleg French, John H. Gammon, George W. Gammon, Joshua Girrell, Stephen W. Glidden, James H. Goodwin, Samuel Greely, Charles W. Harmon, Ans^ell Haskell, Frederick A. Hatch, Benjamin C. Herbert, Danus N. Herbert, Nelson L. Hunting, Allan R. Huntintr, John D. Jellerson, Leonard Leathers, Jeremiah R. Residence. Exeter Corinth Exe>er 43 Garland 24 Corinth 27iExeter Corinth Garland Exeter Stetson Garland 25 Corinth 22 Hudson 23, Augusta ISlCorinth 18 Garland Carmel Charleston do Garland Kingsbury Garland 23 Hudson 22:Orneville 19|GarIand 18 Hudson 44 [Dexter ISjVeazie 20 [Exeter 20 Dexter 19 Garland 18 Corinth 43 Garland 22 Bradford 19 Exeter 44 1 do 20 Charleston 24:Orneville 21 Garland 19 Exeter 24 Corrinna 19 Garland 39 do 27 Orneville I9l do 18 Corinth 19! do 28 Charleston 22 Exeter 38 Mustr'd into U.S.Ser. Dec.21 Dec.17 Dec.23 Dec.17 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. 586 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment, ( Continued.^ Names. Libby, John C. Libby, Byron Marson, William B. Marson, Georp;c L. Maities, John II. Mansfield, William Marsli, George T. Mayo, Horace McKinney, John Meggiiire, Elislia H. Marson, Melmouth M. Neal, Horace S. Noble, James Perkins, Wilson Peva, Nathan PuUen, William E. Ramsdell, Henry Robl)ins, Warren Robshaw, Samuel Rollins, Frank Roundy, Frank P. Russell, John L. Storer, George Sawyer, Asa H. Shaw, Chelsey Skillin, William E. Skillin, Joseph W. Skillin, Francis M. Smith, George Stevens, Asa M. Storer, Cliarles P. Sweet, John C. Tibbetts, Leander M. Tibbetts, Melvan Trickey, Franklin B. * True, Benjamin Lyford, Henry C. Page, David A. Walker, John »ii Miistr'd a, Residence. A S into < 24 s U.P.Ser. Exeter Dec. 17 18 do s do 19 Windsor s do •>•> do s do 21 Corrinna M do 20 Garland s do 22 Exeter s do 23 do s do 18 Stetson s do 23 Corinth M do 18 Windsor s do 19 Exeter s do 23 Cliarles ton s do 21 Athens s do 19 Windsor s do 22 Exeter s do 21 ( 7 ail and s do 25 Hudson s do 21 Exeter s do 30 Orneville M do 18 Corinth s do 23 Exeter s do 39 Lewiston M do 21 Atkinson s do 19 Corrinna s do 21 Garland s do 28 do s do 23 do s do 21 do s do 20 Exeter s do 35 Dexter M do 26 Corinth s do 22 Exeter s do 18 do s do 23 do s do 27 Garland s do 18 Orneville s do 19 ('harleston s do 18 Corinth s do APPENDIX D. 587 Return of Company I, Fifteenth Regiment Inflmtry, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. MICHAEL BOYCE, Captain. ^s Miistr'd Names. gj Residence. fee, i'ltf Remarks. < SSifJ.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Michael Boyce, 48 Bangor M Thos. A. E' McClusky [Houlton SERGEANTS. Otis Gilmore, 25 Hold en S Robert Wilson. 31 Bangor M PRIVATES. Brennan, James 21 do s Bump, Darius W. 33 Bradford M Boyle, Martin 33 Corinth S Absent without leave. Babbidge, Erastus 32 Mt. Desert M Battles, Michael 261 Bangor S Burnham, James 21 Oldtown M Connors, Charles 26 Rockland M Cole, Stephen R. 26 Limerick M Absent without leave. Cavanah, Andrew 25 Hartford, Ct. S Dailey, Joseph 26 Bangor M Donroe, John 23 i do M Gilmore, Luther V. 18 llolden S Garity, James 29 Brewer M Gavin, Patrick 28 Bangor M Higgins, Martin 42 do M Harrington, Michael 21 do S Jordon, Patrick 33 do M Leonard, John 34 Belfast S Logan, James 38 Bangor M Murry, Charles 32 do S McKenney, John 21 do s McNeal, Roderick 25 do s Nash, James R. 21 'Jefferson s Pease, Emerson 21 Appleton s Richardson, Tyler 19 Mt. Desert s Richardson, Stephen 18 do s Smith, Wm. S. 22 Bangor s Sweeney, James 38 do M Sweeney, Martin 30 do s Summers, Patrick 38 do M Stewart, William 38 Oldtown S Stone, Patrick 23! Bangor S Tobin, Thomas 2l!Rockland M Tolman, Albert P. 21tCamden S Thayer, Elias 44 Brewer M Waltz, Andrew J. 21 Oldtown M Wood, Cliarles 26 Rockland M Vancour, William 32 Oldtown ^ Campbell, James 26 Bangor Gould, John 48 do M Kelley, John 23 do S » Tebbetts, Joshua 18 do S Mahoney, Cornelius 40 do M Campbell, John 30 do M Absent without leave. Jenkins, Wm. F. 25 VVoodville S In the 14th Regiment. Jenkins, Horatio 30 Woodville S In the 14 th Regiment. Shaughnesy, Michael 32 Bangor M Estus, George A. 22 Troy S 588 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volnnteers, under the command of Col. John McClusky. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. CHANDLER R. MERRILL, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Chandler R. Merrill, Zadock Washburn. SEHGKANT. George W. Capen. MDSICIAN. Charles H. Dyer. PRIVATES. Archer, Henry H. Berry, Elias A. Byors, William Baldwin, Robert Barnard, Frederick S. Burns, Arthur Crane, Benjamin F. Cunningham, James F. Davis, William Davis, Ezekiel Fairfield, Payson E. Fenirty, John A. Gannett, George H. Gildart, James H. Guptcll, Sanford Grant, Martin Gay, Abnah Hinton, Joseph Jr. Hassnip, Henry Joslin, Charles N. Joy, Andrew J. King, Thomas G. Leighton, Frederick Lingley, George H. Lamson, Thomas F. Leighton, John O. Manix, Midiael McGinn, Patrick McFadden, James McNutt, John McNuit, Daniel Morse, Samuel McDonald, Thomas H Miars, Thomas Matheson, Peter Morlson, George Morang, Alonzo Pearsons, Robert Page, Josiah Power, Charles Peasley, Henry C. Peasley, George N. Rumery. Melvin Ramsdi-U, Henry Ring, James W. Stickney, Frank E. Shaw, John L. 28 Residence. IMiistr'd I into Sc2 U.S.Ser. Calais do Calais 18 C. Elizabeth Jonesboro' Calais St.John.N.B Princeton Calais Dennysville Edmonds St John.N.B. Baiieyville do N. Gloucester St. John,N.B. Edmonds Calais Lubec Machias Hobl)iiiston Halifax, N. S Calais Lubec St.John,N.B. Robbinston East])ort 19]Trescott 27 1 Robbinston 3-2 S St'ph'nsNB 38 St.John,N.B. Moiirrual, CE. Calais do do do Lubec Dennysville Lubec do Calais Dennysville Jonesport do Lubec do do Calais do Dec.16 do do do Dec.21 do Dec.16 do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dec.21 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do* do do do Dec.16 do do do do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 589 Return of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment, (^Continued.') Names. Seeley, Aaron Sprague, Ether W. Sherman, Charles H. Timmemans, Joseph A. Wakefield, Aaron Wallace, James Wakefield, Nathaniel Wakefield, James F. Welby, James Watson, William Norton, Abram T. Kewe, Daniel Learner, John Bouness, Isaac C. Murphey, William Watson, James Hagan, Thomas 37 'Edmonds 18 Charlotte ISiJonesport Calais 23 j do 2 1 1 Lubec 40j do 19' Calais 19:St. John.N.B 40!Halirax,N. S. 3 1 1 Columbia 18 Lubec I8J Calais isl do 18 Lubec IslHalifax, N. S, 40) No. 18 o^ Mustr'd c » into M U.S.Ser. Dec. 16 S do s do do M do s do s do s do s do M do M Dec.21 S Dec.30 s do s do s do s do M do Remarks. 590 adjutant-general's report. FIRST REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Return of original Field and Staff Officers of First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, showing changes which have taken place bij promotion, resignation, or otherwise, since entering service of the United States. Names. Rank. Residence. Date of Appoint- ment. Remarks. John Goddard Colonel C. Elizabeth Oct. 31, 1861 Thomas Hi7 Gardiner S do SERGEANTS. George Cowell, L il Augusta s do Horatio S. Libby, i 12 Gardiner s do James G. Cummings, S !4 Manchester s do Henry F. Lyon, i >8 do s do Albert A. Craig, i 5 Windsor s do Israel A Coombs, i 4 Bowdoin s do CORPORALS. Frank Nutting, S 9 Augusta M do Thomas Berry S 3 Richmond s do Francisco Colburn 2 2 Windsor M do Charles G. Thwing 2 9 China M do Charles H. Merrill 2 7 Gardiner S do Jonathan K. Brooks, 2 4 Bowdoinham S do Horace W. Hildreth, 2 3 Gardiner s do Martin T. V. Benman. 2 4 Hallowell s do MUSICIANS. Alonzo D. Harper, 1 8 Worcester s do Isaac C. Brick. 2 1 Augusta s do FARRIERS. Moses S. rinkham, 3 6 Plymouth M < do William M. Hayes. 3 2 Orono M do WAGONER. Peter Huntoon. 3 5 Fairfield s do SADDLER. William Trimble. 2 3 Calais S do PRIVATES. Abbott, J. Holman Winslow s do Andrews, Eben 2 3 Gardiner s do Arnold, Perry 1 3 Sidney s do ' Buck, Edmund P. 1 J Vassalboro' s do Bryant, Sumner H. 2 ) Hallowell s do Burns, William 3i i Lexington s do Burns, John Embden s do Carter, Charles E. U ) Farmingdale s do Carter, Eugene B. U I do s do Crane, .Joshua H. 21 Gardiner s do Clarke, Joseph A. 2 Sidney s do Colcord, Joseph L. 2t ) Farmingdale s do Chamber! in, Lorenzo 2C Hallowell s do Gaboon, William 2( Augusta M do Crawford, John F. 24 Gardiner s do Chadwick, David 2S Palermo s do Elliott, William 2C Vassalboro' s do Farrington, Bvron H. IS Windsor s do Frost, Sewell F. 23 Gardiner s do Gilley, Edward 2( Augusta s do Gibbs, Reuben 34 Fairfield M do Gilman, William B. 18 Hallowell s do Gerald, Dudley B. 23 Canaan s do Gerald, Samuel M. 20 do s do 596 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company C, First Regiment Cavalry, (^Continued.') Names. Gerald, George W. Higgins, Charles J. Higgins, Warren S. Hanson, Daniel P. Hattin, Charles M. Hazeltine, Asa B. Hildreth, Charles A. Johnson, Alvin M. Jewett, William H. Knox, Charles 0. Keenen, George Locke, William R. Lunt, Joseph Lunt, Parker G. Mosher, Jolin M. Marriner, Ambrose McCausland, Wni. T. McClure, Edward W. Harden, Alston R. Morrow, Jolin MeCurdy, Samuel R. Neal, Kciihen S. Nason, George E. Neal, Franklin B. Neal, John W. Pray, Alamber II. Pera, Freeman C. Patterson, Lvc'urgns Patten, Stephen W. Perry, Joseph E. Ridley, Luther Ridlev, Jerome, Jr. Reid.'Edwin M. Smith, Eugene A. Stevens, David Stevens, David M. Snell, Charles Shaw, William B. Smith, George H. Sabins, George W. Sabins, Charles A. Thompson, George W. Tozier, Emeelus S. Weiler, William Winter, William A. White, William Whitehousc, Charles H. Whalam, Michael Worthing, Arnold F Webb, Albion P. Lunt, Thomas Residence. 20 Canaan 1 9 Farmingdale •23lDamariscotta iglChina 181 Litchfield igjTroy 18 Gardiner 22'Farmingdale W. Gardiner do Pittsfield 27 Etna 23 Gardiner 18 do 20 Augusta 301 do 2 1 Detroit 22'Bowdoinham 28 Palermo 20 Vassalboro' 21 {China 24 Farmingdale 18 Ilalloweli 21] Chelsea 26 Litchfield 19 Vassalboro' 26 Windsor 43 Burnham ) 18, Portland 21 [Litchfield 21 [Gardiner 181 Richmond 18 Gardiner do 24] Windsor SSJGardiner 20|Sidney 19 Vassalboro' 22!Gardiner 22, Vassalboro' 24 [Palermo 21 fittston Must r'd into U.S.Ser. Monmouth Vassalboro' 22 1 Farmingdale 23 Hallowcil Vassalboro' Whitefield Palermo 26 1 Fairfield 25! Gardiner Oct. 20 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Remarks. Deserted. Deserted. Deserted. APPENDIX D. 597 Return of Company D, First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. C. H. SMITH, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Charles H. Smith, Andrew B. Spurling, William Montgomery. SERGAENTS. A. H. Bibber, John Gilley, George E. Bugbee, Charles B. Brown, Phineas Foster, Jr. John H. Daggitt, CORPORALS. John Conner, Benjamin P. Knowles, George W. Hall, Daniel H. Saunders, John C. Ward, Nathaniel Bowdin, Jr. Ebed L. Shackford, Joseph H. Lawrence. MUSICIANS. Hudson Sawyer, Thomas M Williams. FARRIERS. Andrew B. Stetson, Wm. R. Matthews. SADDI,ER. Elijah C. Wilder. WAGONERS. Wiliard U. Merrill, Andrew F. Pendleton. PRIVATES. Arnold, Jerry E. Ayers, William H. Annis, Alonzo Andrews, George P. Brown, Thompson M. BlaeUman. Francis H. Baker, William B. Buker, Fayette Batclieldi-r, Theophilus Buhner, Mark P. Bell, Charles H., Jr. Bell, Loiinir W. Campl)ell, Charles W Crane, Eldridge C. Conts, Francis W. Day, Thomas Dcvereiix, Augustus Doe, Erastus Eldridge, Levi, Jr. Edda, Kloza Foss, William L. Gross, Edwin R. Gilley, Charles B. BiiMiistr'dl ® Residence. :.%>' into 33 Eastport IllU.aSer. S Oct. 19 27 Orland M do 31 do M do 24 Eastport S do 35 Orland M do 24 1 Perry S do 29 Hampden S do 30 Machias M do 27 Orland M do 28 Calais M do 22iHamden S do 26 Addison S do 24! Orland s do 23iMeddybemps s do 24 Penobscot s do 19 Eastport s do 26 Orland s do 19 Levant s do 23 Calais s d# 40 Eastport s do 21 Lincolnville M' do 27 Eastport s do 25 Calais 22 Meddybemps s do 21 Orland s do 25 Charlotte s do 23 do s do 19 Eastport s do 26 Hampden s do 22 Bradley s do 22 Orrington s do 18 Orland s do 23 Waterville s do 23 Perry s do 19 Eastport s do 18 do s do 26 Greenbusb s do 19 Kenduskeag s do 26 Charlotte s do 18 Mt. Desert s do 23 Penobscot s do 26 Lubec s do 26 Bucksport s do 21 Eddington s do 18 Machias s do 21 Orland s do 20 Mt. Desert M do Remarks. 598 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company D, First Regiment Cavalry, ( Continued.") Names. Grant, William B. Gilpatrif, Charles Gritfin, Samuel E. Grey, Abncr K. Garelner, Leslie B. Holmes, William K. Holder, Simeon A. Hutehings, Newell S. Hatchings, Charles Harriman, Joseph N. Hawood, William V. Harris, Gilbert N. Higgins, Edwin M. Johnson, George F. Johnson, Albert 11. Lurvey, Lemuel 11. Lord, Ambrose M. Leaeh, Silas Leigbton, Lyman P. Maddonx, Ciiarlos Murch, Ephraim A. Moor, Lewis Moor, Wilson J. Morrill, Benjamin C. McFarlin, John Nutt, James E. Oaks, Coridon J. Otis, Thomas Preston, Robert Pendleton. Silas P. Ricker, William Roberson, G. D. S. Sawyer, James C. Sawyer, Edwin M. Stayner, James E. Simpson, George W. Sennitt, John Sennitt, David Sennit, William P. Smith. Charles M. Vose, Elisha Webb, Nathan B. Ulmer, Clarence D. Towie, Francis E. Tattin, Joseph W. Williams, James T. Wood, John Ward, Alphus H. Reed, Nathaniel, 2d Knowles, Henry L. Residence. 25 Penobscot 21 Orland 20 Charlotte 20 Penobscot lit Eastport 20 Mt. Desert 18 Tremont 34 Verona 19 Charlotte 26 Penobscot 21 Meddybemps 20; Eastport 21jMt. Desert 2.'3!Hol)binston IS Perry 22 Mt. Desert 19 Levant 2.3 Penobscot 27 Addison 19 Aroostook 20 KUsworth 19 Orland 19 Unity 21 Hobbinston 2.3 Calais 19JEastpot^ 2oi Orland 2liPoland 19 Machias 20 Meddybemps 31 Perry ISJ Machias 28 Bluehill 24 j Rockland 18| Eastport 18 Baring 35 Meddybemps 19' do' 33 1 Calais 20 Bangor 20 Robbinston 19 Sweden 21 Rockland 28 Indian River 23 Calais 19 Eastport 27 Meddybemps 21 do " 21 Bradley 24 Hampden o^ Miistr "(1 IfeS' '"to Remarks. :S| U.S.Ser. s Oct. 19 S do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do do :m do s do M do s do s do s do M do s do M do s do s do s do M do M do S do s do s do s do M do s do APPENDIX D. 599 Return of Company E, First Regiment Cavahy, Maine Volunteers, unrier the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. BLACK HAWK PUTNAM, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Black Hawk Putnam, John H. Goddard, Osco A. Ellis. SERGEANTS. Lorenzo B. Hill, Henry A. Ramsdell, Rosaivo E. Orcutt, Washington Hawes, Julius M. Leuzarder, Gardiner Pierce. CORPORALS. Mark Neville, George W. Hussey, Thomas S. Estabrooke. Horace M. White, George W. Whitney, Laurel Munson, Charles C. Putnam, C. L. Goodwin. BUGLER. Charles W. Stetson. WAGONER. James W. Sutherland. SADDLER. Benjamin A. Osborne, PRIVATES. Small, David W. Wyatt, Markus P. Collins, Wintield S. Allen, Hazo F. Hunter, John M. Rogers, Alphonso P. Decker, Edward E. Warren, John F. Nutter, Robert Shields, Isaac Reed, Hubert, Russell, Israel I. Bunker, Eli H. Keene, Seth H. Thompson, Jeremiah Scannel, TiTUOthy Gardiner, Albert Nelson, Edward F. Gray, James J. Faulkner, John E. Cameron, John Russell, George A. Eddy, Charles O'Brien, William McCurdy, John Nickerson, Eugene Thomas, Augustus G. Ellis, Hiram H. Residence. 23 Houlton 20 Portland Lincoln Presque Isle Lincoln 22; Ft. Fairfield 34 Ashland 25|Lincoln 29 Ashland Littleton Houlton do do Presque Isle Houlton do Lincoln Mattawamk'g Houlton Lincoln 23 Houlton do do do do Ft. Fairfield do Houlton do do do do do Turner Presque Isle 30 Bridyewater 22 Ft. Fairfield 20 Bridgewater 18 Houlton 23 do 22 do 27 do 36 Bangor 25 Houlton 23 do 29 do 21 Maysville 21 Ft. Fairfield |o« iMustr'd C M into S U.S.Ser. Oct. 19 s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do Remarks. 600 adjdtant-general's report. Return of Company E, First Regiment Cavalry, ( Continued.') Names. Given, Albert P. Ulmer, Mailiias Vose, Lyman Dunn, Christopher C Hayes, James McKinnon, Alexander Gould, Edward D. Kitchen, George Brawn, Amos Gilman, Lewis Haines, Daniel Smith, Ansil Hardison, Hiram P. Daggett, Monroe Moore, Thomas B. Daggett, Washington Moore, Albert French, Evander L. Achorn, James W. Stevens, Wilbur J. Harriman, James W. Prench, Allen D. Scott, Hiram Morrill, Ira Davis, VV'illiam L. Hall, Elijah E. Field, Bohan McGralh, William N. Hatch, Noah Cathcart, James Pentlaiid, Robert Bowker, Oren L. Keene, Seneca E. Leathers, Frank J. Heald, John A. Scammon, Charles H. Connies, Samuel Dolbin, John H. Beathen, Robert Hodges, William H. Whitney, Frank W. Bailey, Charles M. Burgess, Hiram E. Knight, Cyrus E. Lakeman, Frank Beals, Roscoe, G. Houlton Ft. Fairfield. Houlton do do do do do do Presque Isle Ft. Fairfield Mavsville 28 i Ft. Fairfield 18 No. 11, R. 1 35 Hodgdon do 21 Calais Residence. 19 Lincolnville 2.5 do 19 Athens 27 Anson 21 Lincolnville 21 Portland 29 Patten 19 Camden 27 Enfield 2;5Lec 21 Park man Lincoln do Burlington Chester do Lincoln do do Enfield Oldtown 26 1 Enfield 40!Winslow Farmiiigton Chelsea Martiniques I Presque Isle 19 Lubec 26 Leeds g« Miistr'd S into U S.Ser. Oct. 19 s do s do s do s do do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do s do S do s do s do M do s do s do M do S do s do s do IS do s do S do Kemarks. APPENDIX D. 601 Return of Company F, First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. NATHAN MAYHEW, Captain. Names. COMMISSD OFFICERS. Nathan Mayhew, Stephen Boothby, Jarvis C. Stevens. SERGEANTS. Walstern Phillips, Joseph M. G. Hilton, Benjamin G. Hawks, William T. Holt, Edward D. Knight, William Harris. CORPORALS. John E. Lougee, H. T. Libbey, Joel Wilson, John B Hazin, Albert Lowell, John M. Akers, Daniel K. Lovell, Walter Johnson. BUGLERS. Alfred Pierce, Alfred B. Murch. FARRIERS. Samuel J. Knowlton, Frederick L. Chick. WAGONER. H. F. Hallowell. SADDLER. James H, Maffitt. PRIVATES. Allen, Henry C. Beal, C. F. Brackett, Alvin M. Blackington, George Burnham, Linsdale Beals, Waldo C. Chase, George H. • Chase, James A. Cole, Joseph G. Connor, Peter C. Cummings, Fred. A. Darling, -Joseph T. Dam, Charles F. Drake, James F. Dodge, R. L. Dudley, William F. Evans, Harrison S. Evans, Lorenzo K. Evans, Stuart Eastman, Charles Edwards, Nathaniel S Gore, Charles H. Grant, Gustavus Harris, Isaac S. E.:i8 Residence. Portland do do do [ter New Glouces- Biddeford N. Yarmouth Pownal Portland Parsonsfield Standish Gorham Westbrook Portland Hollis N. Yarmouth Portland Baldwin do Boothbay Limington Portland Thorndike New Glouces- Augusta [ter Yarmouth Warren Bristol Patten 20 Yarmouth Freeport Paris do do C. Elizabeth Portland Guilford Portland 2liKingfield 21 Greenbush do Abbott Parsonsfield do Westbrook Yarmouth Warren oi Mustv 'd C 6C into s^ U.S.Ser. M Oct. 19 S do S do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do M do S do M do S do S do M do S do S do s do M do S do S do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do M do Remarks. 39 602 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company F, First Regiment Cavalry^ (^Continued.') Names. Harris, Elisha De Wolf Holyoke, Horace P. Hawks, Nathaniel S. He^ld, Edwin Hciily, Harmon T. Hewett, Ephraim Jackson, Samuel H. Jackson, John B. Ja.k, H. J. Jordan, Hiram C. Knii^ht, Zebulon Lougee, P^noch W. Lougee, William H. Luce, Joseph P. Lord, John T. McGaffey, Otis Merrill, Lewis Mitchell, Edward P. Monk, Eufienc Mason, J. W. Pacott, Frank Plumer, Jere S. Phelps, George W. Reed, Ambrose Royal, William F. Royal, Andrew J. Roval, George S. Skillings, Albert C. Skillings, C. W. Soule, Horatio B. Sampson, Enoch Stewart, Gardner Sylvester, Charles H. Smith, James Shcplierd, Albert D. Swcetser, William H. Shaw, Daniel W. Tukesbury, George D. Tootliaker, Levi Taber, C. B. Tuttle, John C. True, Frank W. Twoml)lcy, Stephen Whitcomh, R. C. White, Lorenzo Williston, George, Jr. Wentworth, Nathaniel Wyman, Charles W. Walker, Charles fei Mustr'd a Residence. cl into < If U.S.Ser. 25 Portland S do 21 Yarmouth S do 23 Oxford s do 18 Portland s do 20 C. Elizabeth s do 18 Rockland s do 33 Portland M do 27 do s do 20 Westbrook S do 32 Portland M do 31 Otisfield s do 21 Parsonsfield S do 21 do S do 27 Bangor xM do 21 Limington s do 18 Mt. Vernon s do 18 Oxford s do 25 Wales M do 18 Thomaston s do 22 Portland s do 19 Rockland s do 30 Portland s do 24 do s do 18 Orono s do 23 Pownal M do 19 do s do 21 do s do 21 Portland s do 18 do s do 25 Yarmouth s do 34 Augusta M do 22 Hoothbay s do 31 Portland s do 19 New Glouces- s do 18 Belfast [tor s do 23 N. Yarmouth s do 26 Portland s do 23 do s do 22 Brunswick s do 19 Albion s do 18 Pownal s do 21 Yarmouth s do 19 do s do 19 Waldo s do 26 Paris s do 18 Brunswick s do 19 Bristol s do 19 Cumberland s do 22 Yarmouth s do APPENDIX D. 603 Return of Company G, First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. AUGUSTUS J. BURBANK, Captain. gi [Mustr'd * Names. bo Residence. >;'5 ! into < Sao U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. Augustus ,T. Burbank, 32 Lewiston M Oct. 31 Zebulon B. Blethen, .32 do M do Isaac G. Virgin. 38 Dixfield M do SERGEANTS. George E. Hunton, 22 E. Livermore S do Henry S. Mclntire, 3" Peru M do George E. Jumper, 19 N. Gloucester S do Wm. K. Ripley, Jr., 30 Canton M do Nelson S. Forsyth, 20 Lewiston S do Ephraim T. Stetson. 30 Hartford M do CORPORALS. Benj. F. Stetson, 32 Sumner S do Levi C. Coburn, 30 Hartford M do Eben J Pulsifer, 22 Poland S do Alden Hall, 40 Auburn M do James D. Foster, 27 Gray S do Henry F. Blanchard, 24 Rum ford M do Bovnton Grover, 20 Lewiston S do Cyrus T. Reed. 22 E. Livermore s do BUGLERS. Henry A Childs, 17 Paris s do Rawson Holman. 23 Dixfield s do FARRIERS. William Foy, 34 Canton M do Henry V/. Furbush. 33 Lewiston M do SAUDLER. Henry L. Goodhue, 24 Fort Fairfield M do WAGONER. Orrin R. Stetson. 41 Hartford M do PRIVATES. Additon, Charles H. 19 Greene S do Baker, Frederic M. 18 Lewiston S do Benson, Calvin B. 23 Hartford S do Bisbce, Hannibal 18 Peru s do Bowkcr, Edmund C. 28 Sumner M do Bradbury, Russell S. 21 Greene s do Cartv, Dennis 28 E. Livermore s do Child, Homer 22 Peru s do Coffin, John 24 Webster s do Coffin, Joseph H. 18 do s do Collamore, Elijah 18 Lewiston s do Corliss, Benjamin M. 19 Hartford s do Dakin, Levi S. 23 Lewiston M do Davis, Rodney C. 23 do s do Deely, John, Jr. 31 Winthrop M do Delano, Charles R. 19 Turner s do Delano, George M. 18 do s do Dillingham, Virgil P. 23 Greene s do Doble, William 3.5 Livermore M do Doven, Daniel B. 27 E. Livermore M do Drake, John B. 23 Livermore s do Duley, Charles T. 18 Lewiston s do Duston, George L. 25 do s do Field, Hanson S. 20. Hartford 1 s do 604 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company G, First Regiment Cavalry, ( Continued.') Fbss, Volney H. Fuller, Edwin V. Fuller, William F. Gatchell, George W. Gleason, Carlton T. Gurney, Freeman J. Hall, James G. B. Hatch, Israel M. Hajford, Orlando A. Howes, Sumner W. Howes, William O. Hutchins, Joseph F. Jones, Riley L. Jordan, Charles W. Kelsy, John B. Little, Henry Lovejoy, Samuel B. M. Lucas, Samuel Mulooii, William McClaniiin-, Wra. S. Mitchell, John Moore, Thomas H. Niles, Timothy B. Northrop, George Noyes, Fred K. Parsons, John B. Pickard, Jetferson Pulsifer, Addison G. Reed, George E. Ricker, James M. Richards, Moses Y. Robbins, Lucius C. Robinson, Lucius M. Rose, Leonard L. Rose, Seth G. Royal, Bailey T. Royal, George A. Russell, Alonzo P. Smith, Albert Stetson, Hezekiah Stevens, Churchill S. Stockwell, John M. Tobie, Edward P., Jr. Wlieeler, Levi W. White, George W. Wyman, William PL McFarland, Ira I. White, Henry Dresser, David D. |go Mnstr'd Residence. iS' into ! SS U.S.Ser.i Remarks. Leeds E Livermore Wilton Pittsfield Dixfield Greene Peru Lewiston Peru Lewiston do Livermore Lewiston do Canton 22! Auburn 23 E. Livermore Canton Bowdoin Yarmouth Jay Greene 27!Livermore 25 Hanover 21 Lewiston 27 Monmouth 26 Plyniouih 22 Lewiston igJE. Livermore iglHartford 25 Burnham 25 I Leeds 20' Hartford 36! Leeds 20 do Lewiston do Livermore Canton Sumner Auburn Lewiston do Leeds Di.xfield E. Livermore Palmyra Watcrville Stetson s , Oct. 19 s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do s do s do s do M do M do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do s do s do M do s do M do S do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do Deserted. APPENDIX D. 605 Return of Company H, First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. GEORGE J. SUMMAT, Captain. oi Mustr'd Names. i Residence. C fee into Remarks. <_ ^'cn U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. George J. Summat, U. S. A. Nov. 5 Charles H. Baker, 26 Skowhegan M do John R. Webb. 28 St. Albans S do SERGEANTS. Washington I. Hurd, 20 Harmony s do Nathan V. Cook, 25 Solon M do Henry C Hall, 23 Starks i do Philander S. Herrin, 29 Abington,Ms. S do John H. Fenderson, 20 Madison s do Daniel W. Hall. 23 Starks s do CORPORALS. * James W. Fenderson, 23 Madison s do William S. Liscomb, 33 Skowhegan M do Willard H. Phelps, 22 Hartland s do Converse L. Webb, Jr., 24 St. Albans M do Charles H. Foster, 19 Skowhegan S do John H. Wyman, 25 do s do Charles A. Corson, 21 Starks s do Sewell C. Young. 21 Lincolnville s do B0GLEKS. Wallace W. Wilshire, 18 Palmyra s do Samuel Steward. 18 do s do FARRIERS. Benjamin J. Springer, 42 Richmond M do William Hinkley. 35 do M do SADDLER. George W. Smith. 20 Skowhegan M do WAGONER. Calvin H. Brown. 27 Palmyra M do PRIVATES. Andrews, Lewis 28 Solon M do Adams, Thara S. 21 (Jarratunk S do Boston, Henry W. 22 St. Albans S do Badger, Nathan 18 Ripley S do Begin, John B. 23 Skowhegan S do Bf-own, Philander 20 do s do Baker, Wellington P. 20 Bingham s do Bickford, Aaron F'. 19 Madison s do Corson, Charles I. 26 Waterville s do Cyphers, Martin C. 18 Ripley s do Cousins, Nathan H. 28 Belfast M do Doane, Edward H. 21 Palmyra s do Douglass, George F. 22 Hartland s do Decker, Charles B. 20 Brighton s do Dykes, William R. 18 Dennysville s do Dunton, Zealor A. 21 Lincolnville do Emerson, Elisha D. 26 St. Albans s do Emery, Abner C. 28 Skowhegan s do Fenderson, Gilbert 19 Madison s do Free, Robert 21 Solon s do Foster, William E. 19 Skowhegan s do Foster, Daniel M. 21 do s do Freeman, Adelbert 19 Cornville s do Foss, Franklin B. 21 Brighton s do 606 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company H, First Regiment Cavalry, {Continued.') Names. Forsyth, John G. Glidden, Kclsey L. Green, Ewlyn H. Goodwin, George E. Goodwin, Llewellyn Garnett, John H. Harlow, James H. Holway, Sumner A. Heal, Luther L. Heal, Kol)ert A. Judkins, Sylvanus Kimball, Augustus W. Lewis, William N. Laine, Columbus C. Lombard, William H. Littlt'field, James A. Merrill, Henry O. Murphy, Denis Mayhcrry, George H. Mosher, I'saiah C. Mosher, Benjamin C. Millett, Joseph C. Marshall, Benjamin F. Nutting, Chandler B. Page, Henry B. Priest, Henry W. Pomlow, Joseph Quint, Luther Rhodes, David W. Russell, Cyrus M. Roberts, Charles E. Robinson, John F. Richards, Albert Smith, Sewell W. Smith, Charles Springer, Eugene Steward, Phineas Tibl)etts, Silas F. Thurstain, Martin A. Varney, Joseph S. Varney, Henry J. Withee, George W. Whittier, David H. "Wyman, John E. Wyman, Clarence L. York, Charles E. Young, Havannah Young, Stephen P. Young, William A. ©^ Mustr'd i Residence. ac into Remarks. < 38 SS U.S.Ser. Solon M Nov. 5 18 St. Albans S do 19 Skowhegan S do 24 do M do 20 Fairfield S do 19 Dennysvillc S do 26 Embden do 20 Bingham S do 26 Lincoluville do 20 do s do 24 Athens *> do 18 Harmony s do 19 Dennysville s do 21 Skowhegan 8 do 20 Harmony s do 26 Norridgewock M do 20 Salem, Ms. s do 30 Skowhegan M do 19 Solon s do 20 Starks do 28 do do 22 Palmyra S do 20 Skowhegan s do 23 do s do 20 Harmony s do 19 Skowhegan s do 21 Solon s do 20 Lexington s do 20 Harmony s do 19 Madison s do 18 Solon s do 18 Palmyra s do 21 Lincoluville s do 25 Skowhegan s do 19 do s do 18 Dexter s do 22 Skowhegan s do 18 Concord s do 19 Lincolnville s do 22 Skowhegan s do 20 do s do 18 Norridgewock s do 23 Harmony s do 23 Skowhegan do 19 do do 26 do M do 19 N. Portland s do 24 Lincolnville do 18 Augusta do APPENDIX D. 607 Return of Company I, First Eegiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. Jolm Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. LOUIS O. COWAN, Captain. o «' Miistr'd Names. Residence. i: M into Remarks. < 11 TT.s.Ser. COMMISD OFFICERS. Louis 0. Cowan, 48 Biddeford M Oct. 31 Paul Chadbourn, 27 Waterboro' S do Frank W. Pray. 33 Shapleigh M do SERGEANTS. • John R. Andrews, 20 Biddeford S do Samuel C. Smith, 31 Alfred s do J. H. Pray, 29 Danvers, Ms. M do Discharged. William Cummings, 40 Waterboro' M do Jonathan Littlefield, 43 N. Berwick M do John McPerkins. 27 Limington S do Charles E. Smith, 28 Augusta s do CORPORALS. Samuel Davis, 27 Waterboro' s do Collins M. Chadbourn, 23 do s do George H. Trafton, Jr. 22 Shapleigh s do George M. Emery, 24 Buxton M do William F. Woodman, 23 do s do Ivory R. Allen, 22 Waterboro' s do Ezra H. Stuart, 32 Wells M do George W. York. 22 Lyman s do MUSICIANS. Benjamin F. Libby, 26 Newfield s do Levi P. Hanscom. 21 N. Berwick s do WAGONER. Charles CotBn.' 24 Shapleigh s do PRIVATES. Robbins, Charles H. 21 Biddeford s do Goodrich, John H. 21 Alfred s do Stiles, John P. 19 Shapleigh s do Garvin, Simon 20 do s do Trafton, Jolm H. 18 do s do Pilsbury, Henry M. 23 do s do Ham, Benjamin F. 23 do s do Mitchell, Nahum W. 21 Newfield s do Burnham, Robert 26 Hollis s do Furguson, Charles H. 19 Alfred s do Tripp, Nahum G. 22 do s do Eaton, Albert J. 18 Wells s do Littlefield, Oliver B. 18 do s do Merrick, Stephen W. 19 San ford s do Roberts, William J. 21 N Berwick s do Colby, Joseph E. 20 Waterboro' s do Rowe, William 18 Alfred s do Cluff, Eben 22 do M do Coombs, Thomas P. 18 Biddeford s do Webber, Leonard 22 do s do Hanson, Israel 28 Lyman s do Edgcomb, Edwin P. 22 Parsonsfield s do Hutchinson, Joseph 22 Biddeford do Johnson, Elbridge G. 33 do M do Sanborn, Otis F. 20 Waterboro' s do Abbott, Alfred 24 do s do Murry, Russell 22 Newfield s do Kimball, Hiram 22 Hollis s do 608 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company /, First Regiment Cavalry^ (^Coniinved.^ Names. Bedell, Moses Murphy, Samuel H. Goodwin, John C. Spear, Edward Doxy, John Harvy, George D. Littlefield, D. S. Dodge, John M. Perkins, George E. Beal, George P. Mann, George W. Eaton, Joseph D. Newall, Charles W. Maddox, James lloberts, John C. Hanniford, George O. Abbott, John P. Saiiford, Augustus Merrificld, Jacob C. Knight, Simeon M. Whittemore, Victor Perkins, Nahum H. Moor, Delmont Hard, Robert F. Murray, Thomas M. Newber-jin, Daniel C. Stoddard, Augustine O. Edgely, Austin Goodale, Andrew J. Allen, Walter Strout, Samuel, Jr. Wood, John P. Taylor, Edward Rice, James A. Lowell, Benjamin P. Cole, Albert M. Gilchrcst, Alden Prescott, Alplieus Briggs, Charles Woodman, Charles A. Hasty, Robert Willis, Henry A. Rhines, Benjamin Cornell, p]d\vard Pales, Leonard K. Butler, Luther H. Stackpole, William o£ Mustr'd Residence. C Ml into •S^ U.S.Ser. Oct. 31 N. Berwick S Buxton s do Wells s do Saco s do Lowell, Mass. M do N. Berwick s do do s do Parsonsfield s do' do s do Newficld s do Ncwsham s do Wells M do Dayton s do Newficld s do do s do do s do N. Berwick s do Montvillc s do Waterboro' s do do s do Worcester s do Oxford s do N. Berwick s do Berwick s do Liberty s do Newfield s do Appleton s do N. Berwick M do Wells s do do s do Waterboro' M do Newfield s do Kennebunkp't s do Waterboro' s do Biddeford M do Waterboro' s do Montville M do Biddeford S do Belfast s do Mewfield s do Limerick M do Thomaston s do do s do do s do do s do San ford s do Biddeford M do Remarks. Deserted, Nov. i : it Transferred from Co. B. Deserted, Nov. APPENDIX D. 609 Return of Company K, First Regiment Cavalry, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Col. John Goddard. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, 1861. GEORGE PRINCE, Captain. O Residence. t;'5) into Remarks. < ll< U.S.Ser. commiss'd officers. George M. Brown, 28 Bangor M Oct. 31 John C. C. Bowen, do Evans S. Pilisbury. 22 Guilford S do SERGEAXTS. Ephraim H. Tavlor, 23 Lisbon S do Frank W. Averi'll, 21 Dover s do Marcell W. Hall, 28 Monson s do Charles K. Johnson, 22 Carmel s do Alanson M. Warren, 23 Atkinson s do William H. Raves. 23 Bradford s do CORPORALS. Albert S. Crockett, 21 Abbott s do Horace K. Blethen, 33 Lisbon M do John G. Fassett, 20 Abbott s do Freeman J. White, 22 Atkinson s do Zebina B Hair, 28 Sebec s do John H. Foster, 21 Franklin s do Wm. H. Bradman, 18 Park man s do Linus E. Shaw. 20 Alton s do ^ MUSICIANS. Eleazer H. Smith, 27 Monson M do George Bartlett. 18 Bangor s do WAGONER. Samuel N. Cowan. 22 Glenburn s do FARRIERS. Gorham F. Fassett, 22 Abbott s do Hcury C. Aincs. 33 Lagrange do SADDLER. Edward Jordan. 21 Bangor M do PRIVATES. Bragdon, Augustus 19 Franklin S do Briggs, Charles 21 Milo S do Briggs, Alonzo B. 22 Fox croft S do Buck, William, Jr. 30 Monson s do Brown, Levi G. 22 Abbott s do Clark, Albion W. 27 Atkinson do Cowan, William D. 23 Glenburn s do , Curtis, P>rving 19 Abbott s do , Cross, Eben G. 35 Hudson do Delano, Levi 20 Abbott s do Davis, Ehcnczer P. 19 Monson s do Dockham, George A. 18 Sebec s do Darling, Jackson V. B. 24 Franklin s do Davis, George A. 22 Monson s do Davis, Boardman 18 Stillwater s do Ewer, Charles 2h Orneville M do Ford, John F. 21 Greenville s do Ford, Llewellyn 33 Sebec s do Fassett, George L. 18 Abbott s do Felch, Ivory H 45 Carmel s do Graves, Augustus A. 18 Guilford s do French, John S. 18 Franklin s do Grant, Roval 20 Bangor s do Hall, Elijah G. 24 Solon s do 614 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of Company M, First Regiment Cavalry, ( Continued.') Names. Herring, John G. Hanson, Asa F. Hamilton, William Huntington, Daniel B. Harvey. John F. Howard, Horatio N. Ingalls, Samuel Jewett, Charles Jewett, Edward E. Jordan, Gustin Knight, Thomas W. Leathers, Daniel Maxim, Henry- Miner, John L. Pearson, Chester C. Pratt, Franklin E. Eohcrts, Seth Redman, John Stuart, Daniel H. Southard, Belden Southard, Leander P. Sturges, Charles E. Saunders, Francis E. Strout, Albion S. Smith, Henry H. Thayer, Henry D. Taylor, Frank Spencer, Jefferson Vique, Levi Lord, Amos Williams, Josiah Witham, William H. Whittaker, Henry T. Walker, Alexander L. West, Llewellyn J. Kellan, Thomas F. Stockman, George W. Plummer, George L. Reeves, Miles Reeves, Forest Ordway, George A. Green,' Oscar F. A. Lougee, James S. Greely, Greenleaf D. H IMustr'd 6 Residence. I into < u U.S.Ser Oct. 31 19 Guilford s 25 Atkinson ^ do 23 Unity s do 21 Atkinson s do 18 Carmel s do 3llAbbott s do 26 Bangor s do 22 Hudson s do 18 do s do 21 Carmel s do 18 Monson s do 39 Carmel M do 18 Abbott s do 18 Glenburn s do 24 Corinth s do 21 Sebec s do 23 Monson s do 26 Gardiner s do 2! Milo s do 19 Alton s do 27 do s do 19 Fox croft s do 19 Parkman s do 19 do S do 20 Guilford s do 24 Foxcroft S do 21 Alton s do 23 Eddington s do 25 Waterville M do 38 Abbott M do 28 Franklin s do 21 Abbott S do 25 Franklin S do 21 Atkinson S do 19 Franklin S do 25 Bangor S do 21 Charleston S do 21 Bradford s do 19 do S do 21 do S do 19 Unity S do 19 Troy s do 18 do S do 25 Manchester S do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 615 Return of Capt. James D. Fessenden, Company A, Sharpshooters, Maine Volunteers expressing its condition on the morning of Decemlier 1st, 1861, together with a record of the changes that have taken place in the Company since it entered the ser- vice of the United States, on the second dav of November, 1861. JAMES D. FESSENDEN, Captain. — = .2 Mustr'd Names. Residence. C UD into Remarks. <_ §•<« U.S.Ser. COMMiss'd officers. James D. Fessenden, 28 Portland M Jacob McCIure, 29 Rockland M Silas C. Bariver. 29 Augusta M SERGEANTS. Lorenzo Hall, 42 Rockland M Albion Morey, 33 Machias M Nov. 2 Steplien Cutter Barker, 24 Island Falls S do Asa Conary, 35 Bluehill M do George E. Nash. 25 Cherryfield S do CORPORALS. James A- Stevens, 24 Steuben S do Edvyin P. Morse, 24 Rockland s do William A. McFarland, 32 i Cherry field M do Maxcey Hamlin, 21 Winslow S do Bingliam S. Edgeley, 26 Greenbush S do Wilson R. Woodard, 30 Bangor s do Josiali Gray. 24 Prentiss M do MUSICIAN. Warren Ladd. 43 Vienna M do PRIVATES. Allen, John B. 30 Marshfield M do Bartlctt, Sandford ISlBelgrade S do Barton, Benjamin F. 18 Norridgewock S do Bickford, Albert 22'Carritunk s do Bird, James A. T. 21 St. John, N.B. s do Boynton, Richard 23 Jefferson M do Bradbury, James C. 26 Burlington M do Brown, Henry 28iRockland M do Chandler, Reuben, Jr. 21 Portland M do Clark, Lemuel, Jr. 18 Whiteport M do Clay, Warren C. 3l|Bluehill M do Coffin, Frederick S. 25 Columbia S do Coffin, George H. 22 ICherry field s do Cofhn, Hillard F. 18 Beddington s do Crockett, Edgar 23 Rockland s do Crowley, Walter 19'Addison s do Davis, Luther G. 21 Cherry field s do r>ow, Joseph L. 38 Palermo s do Doyle, James 25 1 Springfield s do Dunbar, Oscar 19|Cherryficld s do Eaton, Daniel P. 20 Auburn s do Emerson, Charles E. 18 Addison s do Emerson. Stillman McK. 27 do M do Evans, Stephen P. 21 1 Vienna M do Farns worth, Alonzo 21 'Cherry field M do Freetze, John H. 22 Steuben M do Fuller, James F. 19|St Albans s do Gray, Ezra C. 20 Addison s do Hali, Nelson 19 Rockland s do Hall, Kufus T. 22 do s do Henderson, Thomas J. 31 do M do Hodgdon, Elisha H. 19 Burlington s do Hussev, John M. 24 Cliina M do Appointed Wagoner. Hutcliins, Abel W. IS i, Lexington s do 616 adjutant-general's report. Return of Company A, Sharpshooters, (^Continued.') — So: Miistr'd Names. Residence. u'% into Remarks. < Sio U.S.Ser. Nov. 2 Johnson. Charles II. 18 China s Jordan, John 21 Ripley s do Knowlton, John M. 18 Swanville s do Ladd, Francis 22 Vienna s do Leighton, George W. 2,5 Jonesport s do Leighton, James C. 20 Addison s do Lyman, Josepli M. 26 Mariaville s do Haddocks, Nelson P. 26 do M do Mathews, James M. 21 Rockland M do McKcnzie, Wm H. H. 19 Jonesport s do McLane, Simon 26 No. 1 Plan. s do • McNautrhton, George 3fi Addison s do Moore, Wyatt S. .36 Mariaville s do Morse, Arpl I). 21 Rockland s do Newhall, Andrew 18 Washington M do Discharged. Minor. Osgood, James A. 28 Springfield M do Place, Charles M. 30 Whitefield s do Pratt, Frank H. 20 Portland s do Richardson, George W. 20 Greenbush s do Poherts, George 27 Hurlington M do Rounds, John H. 20 Portland s do Sally, James F. 19 Madison s do Scoficld, Samuel W. 22 Whitneyville 8 do Small, Leonard A. 21 Carmel s do Smith, Charles W. 19 (ireenfield s do Smith. William A. 20 Madison s do Steele, William 0. 18 Jonesport s do Sullivan, John 26 Addison s do Trask, Charles H. 18 Greenfield s do Tucker, Frederic 11. 22 Cherry field s do Tucker, Anhur W. 2;} do s do Tucker. Wasiiington 23 do s do Twomhiy, Andrew J. 32 No. 1 Plan. s do Wade, John E. 32 Rockland s do Ward, Silas E. 24 Machias s do White, Charles S. 20 Greenbush s do Wilson, John M. 24 Rockland s do Young, William Henry 26 Sidney s do Bessey, Charles B. 31 Woodstock M Nov. 6 Riggs, Franklin 41 Greenbush M do Merrill, Thomas 30 Buckfield M do Hall, John S. 19 Rockland s do Hopkins, Martin 37 do M do Cummings, Daniel L. 2^ Portland S Nov. 7 Promoted to Corporal. Mann, Leonard P. 18 Greenfield s do Bridgha.n, Charles B. 21 Buckfield s Nov. 9 Appointed Bugler, Buck, Llewellyn A, 21 do s do Teague, Charles L. 28 New Sharon s do Hamlin, Roscoe G. 21 China s Nov.29 APPENDIX D. 617 Recapitulation of Company A, Rifle Sharpshooters, Maine Volunteers. Present & Absent. Killed. Prison- ets. De- ceased. Dis- rto Trans- ferred. Fit for Duty. Sick. charged. seried. Total. Commissioned Officers Non-Com. Officers Musicians & Wagoner Privates 3 13 3 74 2 3 13 3 76 Total 93 2 95 Condensed Morning Report, December \st, 1861. Pbese NT. Ac SENT. On In Arrest. On For Dutt. Sick. Special Duty. Sick. Speciai, Service. i'. £ e ».! £ i. O) •< • p iS !E iS € ,1 se o o O o F > Bfi P B > H s > ei c > c > tl tlJ o O c y ^. Qh < o 2 Cm < O •& Oc o Is (1h <; O *? " O '< CU < <; 3 13 74 90 2 2 1 95 95 40 618 adjutant-general's report. Return of First Battery of Mounted Artillery, Maine Volunteers, under the eommand of Captain Edward W. Thompson. Dated at Lowell, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. EDWARD W. THOMPSON, Captain. Names. commiss'd officers. Edwaid W. Ttiompson, John B. Hubbard, Albert \V. Bradbury, G. E. Ilardinjr. J. Frank Godfrey. BKRGEANTS. Ebcn D. llalev, William D Wood, H. A. M. Quinn, J. E. Morton, Seth G. Imw. John W. Sanborn, A. J. Lufkin, John Grimes, COKPORALS. Moses Clou^di, Oilman Frost, Dexter W. Oliver, David Burnett, Ansel Kecne, E It. Millini^ton, Orren B Whittier, M. S. McDonald, Cornelius B. Coe, James Himtress, Thomas Curran, Edwanl F. Bond, I'KIVATIiS. Newman, Andrew P. Murphy, Jeremiah Kicker. Geori^e S. Anderson, Orren H. Erskine, Alexander Nelson, Aiidrew Anderson, Andrew Banes, Elijah Baker, George O. Brown, F. W. Borir, Ht-nrv 0. Bowen, G. "W. Bowen, John Bowen, William Brown, D. M. Cobb, CInirles H., Jr. Close, James W. Clark, A. J. Coil, James Conway, Joseph Carr, Henry ■Ciimminirs. Stephen Collins, Michael Cross, Edward ■Cook, Emery Driscoll, Timothy Residence. Brunswick Hallowell H^astport Bath Pittston Auburn Portland Woodstock Robbinston Hallowell Lewiston Biddeford Portland Perry Gcor!.'Ctown 2.i|Kichmd. C.E. 2.5 Boston, Mass. Dedham Vienna Portland do do do feolMustr'd ^"^l into S-^iU.S.Ser. Portland do Hallowell [B St. Stephen, N 44]Georgetinvn 42 Pitt>ton, John 23 do S Rohitison, Israel 25 Eastport s Rowe, Benson 18 Georgetown s Rogers, Drummond Sliea, Joseph A. 18 Pittston s Sullivan, Daniel 34 Portland M 1 Shields, Iklward 18 do s Sellar, William 28 do M Snow, John S. 23 Hallowell s Smith, John 21 Portland s San horn. Mattson C 19 So. Berwick s Thompson, Thomas M. Neil son, John 22 Eastport s Turner, Daniel 21 Yarmouth s Thompson, John 24 Fori 1 mid M Walker, Lesvis L. 28 Searboro' M 620 adjutant-general's report. Return of First Battery of Mounted Artillery^ ( Continued.') Names. Watson, George H. Walker, George H. Wormwood, T. G. Whittier, Henry L. Synnctt, Edward Sanbom, Elisha Spaldini,^ William M. Pinkham, Thomas T. Goald, l'",ben Potter, Millen McCormick, Maurice Patterson, William D. Tomony, John Hickey,' Michael Heidleman, Robert Greely, Daniel S. Ha(horn, Arthur Chii-kerinfT, Isaac N. Perkins, John B. Gallagher, James See'ey. John McKennon, Archibald Glidden, Augustus Richardson, Putnam Hodgdon, H. M. Bennett, William S. Phelps, George Goffny, James R. Norton, William Bloyed, Frederick Campbell, Washington Si Miistr'd & Residence. i% into Remarks. < s U.S.Ser. 23 Perry 18 Scarboro' s 30 Baih M 44 Calais M 22 Georgetown S 21 Brewer s 41 Gorham M 18 Alna S 19 Durham S 21 Pittston S 28 Houlton M 19 Biddeford S 28 HallowcU S 18 Biddeford s 26 Portland M 44 Palermo M 18 do S 18 Eastport s 18 Perry s 18 do s 39 do M ■ 25 Calais M 30 Bath M / 23 do S 26 do M 42 do M 21 Robhinston S 33 Portland M 21 Leeds S 40 St John.N.B S 21 Georgetown s APPENDIX D. 621 Return of Second Battery of Mounted Artillery, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Captain Davis Tillson. Dated at Augusta on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. DAVIS TILLSON, Captain. •1' 1 oii|Miistr'd| Names. < Residence. II U.S.Ser.j Remarks. commiss'd officers. Da'iis Tillson, 31 Rockland M Nov.30 James A Hall, -26 Damariscotta M do Samuel Paine, 27 Portland S Samuel Fessenden, 2l| do S do William A. Perry. 30 Rockland M SERGEANTS. Wm. P. Simonton, 34 Camden M do Albert F. Thomas, 22jThomaston S do William N. Ulmer, 25 1 Rockland M do Benjamin F. Carr, 18 Thomaston S Dec.l4 Benj. Kirkpatrick, 42 Rockland M Nov.30 Homer Richmond, 23 Warren S do John Montgomery, 30 Boothbay M Dec.28 Charles D. Jones. 22 Waldoboro' S Dec.14 CORPORALS. William Brown, 21 Deer Isle S Nov.30 Monroe Durjjin, 33 Thomaston M do Charles E. Stubbs, 2.i N. Gloucester S Dec.28 Charles Pf. Gloyd, 26 Thomaston s Dec.14 Calvin P. Lincoln, 41 Searsmont s do Timothy Goudy, 42 Bristol s do Lewis L. Smith, 23 Rockland M Nov.30 Thomas E. Berry, 19 C. Elizabeth s Dec.14 Thatcher Burbank, 20 Strong s Nov.30 Charles L. Fletcher, 21 Rockport s do Asia F. Arnold, 23 Damariscotta s do Samuel Weir. 25 Rockland s Dec.14 MUSICIANS. Alexander Burgess, 19 Warren s Nov 30 Ezekiel F. Demuth. 18 Thomaston s Dec.28 ARTIFICERS. William Russell, 39 Camden M Nov.30 Percy Montgomery, 40 Rockland s do James H Seely 21 Strong s do James E. Thorndike, 29 Rockland s do Anson Hewett. 31 do s do WAGONER. Isaac Young. 39 Damariscotta do PRIVATES. Achorn, Washington 18 Rockland s do Allen, Charles 21 do s do Annis, Elbridge A. 24 Camden s Dec.14 Ames, Charles E. 18 Damariscotta s do Batcheldcr, Nathan 33 St. George s do Bowen, Ellsworth 25 Albany, N. Y. s Nov.30 Burns, George W. 21 Vinalhavcn s do Barriugton, John 26 Rockland s do Brennan, James 18 Thomaston s do Bunker, George 18 Rockland s do Boyiiton, Alvra E. 18 do s do Barnard, Alvin 20 Waldoboro' s do Brackley, Orrcn 18 Freeman s do Barnes, George E. 25 Camden s Dec. 14 Biackington, Leland 19 do ) s Dec.28 622 adjutant-general's report. Return of Second Battery of Mounted Artillery, ( Continued.] Names. Banks, William S. Cotton, Jewett F. Clark, Nathan F. Caswell, Charles B. Corhaulen, Cornelius Colby, James CoUamore, William J. Derby, Samuel Dodge, Elbridge H. Davis, Harrison H. Davis, Joseph W. Dyer, Waher Davis, William A. Farrington, Alden L. Fales, Adner A. Grey, William Gleason, George R. Gregory, William H. Goudy, Henry H. Galloj), Louis S. Gould, William T. Graves, Freilerick Greely, Anthony N. Hart, James Harding, Samuel J. Hysom, George W., Jr Hull, James Ingrahani, Clarence Ingraham, Elbridge G.S Jameson. Charles A. Jones, Charles Johnson, David W. Jones, Samuel E. Jones. George W. Knowlcs, Joseph P. Kirkpatriek, Edward Kelly, Allen Keller, John M. Kellar, Moses J. Loudden, Peter Lovell, Henry C. Lothrop, James A. Murphy, Dennis Morang, Simon Murray, Isaac L. Miller, George O. Melvin, Hurtwell Melvin, Joseph A. Morse, Thomas McDonald, Ambrose Marsh, Robert N. Murray, Enoch Marsh, John Nichols, Henry Norton, Irvin C. Ott, William H. Oliver, Joseph Orbeton, William Residence. 23 Portland Rockland do Appleton Camden Fox Island Washington Rockland do Liberty Booth bay 19|C. Elizabeth 18:Damariscotta 18 Rockland Thomas ton do do Rock port Bristol do Thomaston do S^ U.S.Ser. Rockland A^ppicton Camden Bristol Damariscotta Thomaston Camden Rockland Athens ISjNoblcboro' 22 j Camden 20'Union 19 Rockland Warren Rockland do Camden Scranton,Pen Portland Camden Rockland do Boothbay Camden do do Friendship 22:Portland 20i Rockland 23JC. Elizabeth 19 Portland is' Thomaston IslNorthhaven 39 Camden 21 Thomaston 18 Camden S S s s s s s M s s s s s s s M s s s M s s M M S s s M s s s s s s s s s s s s M s M s s s s s s s s s s s M s s Dec.28 Nov.30 do do do Dec.l4 do Nov.30 do Dec. 14 Dcc.28 Dec. 14 Dcc.28 Nov 30 Dec.28 Nov.30 do do do do do Dee 14 Dcc.28 Nov.30 do do Dec. 14 Nov30 Dec.28 Nov30 do do do Dec.28 Nov.30 do Dec. 14 do Dec 28 Nov.30 Dec. 14 Dec 28 Nov.30 do Dec.28 Dec.14 do do Dec.28 do do do do Nov.30 Dec.14 do Dec.28 I do Remarks. APPENDIX t>. 623 Return of Second Battery of Mounted Artillery, ( Continued.) Names. Perry, Alvin A. Philbiook, Enoch S. Plaisted, Orrin Parker, Cjtus T. Palmer, Charles E. Peal)oily, Augustus Pinkham, Orrea G. Pitman, Eli Robl)ins, Daniel Richardson, Henry Richards, Adolphus Ray, Myron Ripley, George Reed, Austin Ripley, Frederick Spaulding, Robert Snovvdeal, Joseph Sherman, George W. Spaulding, Chas. H. Simpson, Thomas F. Sweat, Timothy Sproul, Bidtield Starrett, Ellis A. Spear, Oscar Sid linger, Henry F. Staples, Asbey Smith, William Thomas, George F. Turner, John W. Tolman, Franklin Thorndike, Alden U. Thorndike, Richard N. Teague, Larkin Thorndike, Given B. Thompson, Amos L. TJlmer, Frank H. Vining, James Vining, Alonzo Witham, Odbrey Ward, James Wentworth, William H- Wilson, Joseph Wood, Jerome B. Wilber, Winficld S. Wade, Samuel B. Welman, Jacob j Yates, James M. Yountr, Nelson f- • Mustr'd ti. Residence. C'bfi into <: 20 St« U.S.Ser. Hope s Nov.30 44 Rockland M do 25 Searsmont S Dec.14 18 Windham s do 21 Damanscotta s do 24 Camden s Dec.28 18 Strong s Xov.30 23 Appleton s 43 Rockland M do 40 do M do 20 do M do 18 Rock port S do 35 Union s Dec.14 21 Boothhay s Dec.28 19 Appleton s 25 Rockland s Nov.30 21 Thomaston s do 18 Lincolnville s do 19 Rockland s do 18 Camden s do 25 Strong s do 22 Bristol s do 21 Warren s do 23 do s do 18 Union s Dec.l4 18 C. Elizabeth s do 35 Cushmg M do 21 Rockland s do 22 do s Nov.30 25 do s do 18 do s do 21 Camden M Dec.U 19 Waldoboro' s do 25 Camden s Dec.28 42 Rockland M do 18 do s Dec.U 21 Avon s do 21 do s do 20 Rockland s Nov 30 20 Philad.,Penn. s do 24 Hope s do 24 N.Y.CityN.Y. s do 18 Rockland s do 21 Perkins s Dcc.l4 18 Camden s do 33 Rockland s do 4C Searsmont iS Nov.30 23 Liberty iS Dec.U Remarks. 624 ADJUTANT-GENERAL S REPORT. Return of the Third Battery of Mounted Artillery, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Captain J. G. Swett. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. J. G. SWETT, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. James G. Swctt, Ezekiel R Mayo, Seth Allen Kmery, Melville C. Burgess, Joseph W. Whitmore. SERGEANTS. James E. Swctt, Eliphalet S. Means, Thomas R. Smith, Willis M. Haycock, John Tabcr, Abner Sliephard, Charles S. Morse, Andrew F. Means. CORPORALS. John Bunker, A. B. Baker, Abram Littlefield, Daniel Emerson, Ira J. Page, Josiah N. Baker, James A. K. Hilton. PRIVATES. Allen, Edward Angevine, Andrew F. Ayer, George W. Avery, Edward Bowen, Henry Baker, Samuel B. Bacheilor. Gillman Baring, William P. Bachelder, James W. Black, Portal M. Carlton, Asaph A. Crockett, John F. Crocker, Jackson Colson, Daniel P. Gates, William H. Callagan, Thomas J. Clements, Augustine Carlton, James W. W. Clark, Moses Clark, Thomas Cole, Charles A. Copeland, James P. Dagget, Tristram Colson, Leeman A. Carlton, John W. Colson, Robert W. Colson, John A. Douglass, William Dodge, Orrison Dolback, Mathew J. M. Doten,Jason L. 47 Brewer 27 Hampden 23 1 Bangor 27lHermon 30 Hampden 27 Hainsville 22 Machiasport 3o!Milford 18 Calais 44 1 Bangor 25lDexter 33 23 Readfield Machiasport 42 Brewer 18 Orrington 23 Cambridge 27 Hermon Sangerville Orrington Palmyra Bangor Oldtown Brewer Winterport Bangor Orrington Machiasport Whitneyville Corinna do Winterport do 21jGreenfield 37|Brewer 43 Bangor Princeton Orrington Winterport Corinna do Newport Corinna Park man Winterport do do Machiasport Dexter Dedliam Whitneyville Cooper go Miistr'd ^ - into sx U.S.Ser. M Dec.ll S do s do M do S do s do s do M do M do M Dec.28 s Dec.ll M do S do S do s do M do M do S do s do s do M do M Dee.28 S Uec.ll s do s do s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do S do S do s do s do s do M do M do s do s Dec.28 s do s do s do M Dec.ll s do M do S do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 625 Return of Third Battery of Mounted Artillery, ( Continued.') Names. Driscoll, Jeremiah Dightraan. George W. Doliff, Roscoe G. Davis, Samuel C. Emery, Corrin E. EstabVooks, William G, Craig, James L. Collerner, James S. Foster, Henry J. Folsom, Dennet H. Forbes, Charles H. Genthner, Isaiah Genthncr, George A. Green, Jolm S. Goodaie, George "W. Gillman, Jiiclson E. Giilman, Alonzo S. Gillman, Stephen Goddard, 'Simeon E. Getchell, George C. Given, Francis Given, Robert, Jr. Gray, Andrew Gliilden, Benjamin F. Gibberns, Frederick Hall, Frank H. Hall, Rufus A. Hunt, Edward L. Haines, John S. Hill, Albert Q. Hanson, Hiram Hersey, William H. Ireland, George Jones, Samuel W. Jehonnet, Horace W. King, Edward King, Amos H. Legacy, Benjamin Lane, Eli-,ha Lamb, David L. McCorrick, John McKowen, Joseph D. Merrill, Joseph S. McKinnan, Charles Murphy, Elisha B. Moore, Sylvanus L. McLeod, James W. McGrath, Joseph E, Morrill, Lewis B. Nason, Henry Nason, Henry, Jr. Norwood, William Murray. Daniel Mayhew, James Nichols, Joseph G. Olmstcad, Charles W. Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Gillman W. o ^ Miistr'd Residence. into < 19 S U.S.Ser. Dec.ll Whitneyville 21 Crawford s do 21 Levant s do 44 Bangor M Dec.28 18 St. Albans s Dec.ll 19 Bangor s do 25 Readheld s Dec.28 22 Lin coin ville s do 19 Corinna s Dec.ll 23 Newport s do 4.3 Bangor M do 40 Brewer M do 18 Park man s do 30 Brewer M do 28 Hampden S do IS Sangerville s do 23 do s do 42 do s do 27 Palmyra s do 21 Levant s do 30 Corinna M do 18 do s do 21 Palmyra s do 39 Brewer M do 26 New York s do 18 Bangor s do 34 Brewer M do 18 Old town s do 18 Dexter s do 18 Calais s do 18 Sangerville s do 21 Dexter s do 21 Garland s do 25 Bangor s do 21 Palmyra s do 21 Princeton s do 21 Orrington s do 20 Princeton s do 19 Orrington s do 22 Calais s do 22 do s do 22 Cutler s do 33 Parkman s do !22 Harwickport s do 19 Calais s do 22 Hampden s do 20 Calais s do 40 Levant M do 44 Corinna M do 44 do M do 24 do s do 23 Bangor s do 18 Hampden s Dec.28 43 Bangor M do 29 Dexter M Dec.ll 25 Orono M do 44 Alton M do 21 Sangerville S do Remarks. adjutant-general's report. Return of Tliird Battery of Mounted Artillery^ ( Continued.^ Names. Parker, Henry, Jr. Powers, Enoch J. Eicker, Alonzo E. Rogers, John S. Robinson, Thomas W. Severance, Hiram Salabary, Gratien Snow, Benjamin Smith, Percival Smith, James C. Spanliiing, Isaac F. Snow, J. H. Edward Sanborn, Wm. H. Sprague, Charles H. Smart, Josiah C. Sawyer, Alfred Smith, Benjamin R. Travlss, Joseph E. Toward, Charles P. Trull, John B. Thurston, Alvin Wheeler, Stephen F. Wight, Daniel O., Jr. Wallace, George H. Worthing, Charles Weymouth, Joseph H. Whittier, Alvaro S. Grafton, Jacob Haskell, William Kenerson, Eleazer B. LUtlefieldj Chesmaa Residence. Brewer Bangor do do Orpington Brewer do do Winterport Northtield Orono Bangor 21 JMachiasport 20|Corinna 18j Levant 2llCalais 43 St. Albans 20 iMachiasport 21 Dexter Palmyra Newport Corinna IS^Calais 21 (Hampden 43 Palermo 18 Corinna 24 Read field 20 VVahloboro' 36 Hudson 26; Plymouth 18j Cambridge Miisir 'd >: tn; into s U.S.Ser. Dec. 11 M do s do M do s do M do S do M do S do M do M do S do S do s do s do s do M do S do s do M do M do S do s do s do M do s do s Dcc.28 s do M do M do s do Remarks. APPENDIX D. 62T Eeturn of Fourth Battery of Mounted Artillery, Maine Volunteers, under the com- mand of Capt. O'Neil W. Eobinsou, Jr. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of December, 1861. Sr. 1st Lieut. LUCIUS M. S. HAYNES, Commanding. Names. COJIMISS D OFFICERS. O'Neil W.Robinson, Jr. Lucius M. S. Haynes, Hamlin F. Eaton. PRIVATES. Austin, Prince L. Allen, James M. Ames, Judson Allen, Henry Alexander, William F. Bartlett, Franklin C. Bates, Alfred C. Brown, George W. E. Bates, Jared Beal, Andrew F. Brooks, William H. Buckly, Jeremiah Brick, George H. Brown, Lewis F. Brown, Lemuel S. Brown, Lyman G. Chandler, Abiel, Jr. Cleveland, Jere Clifford, David S. Corbet t, Harvey S- Coombs, Charles T. Coombs, Asa Dean, Charles Donly, Frank Freeman, John M. Frye, Albion K. P. Foss, Nathaniel A. Foss, John, Jr. Fog-, W. H. H. Friend, Wilbert P. French, .Joseph B. Gates, Henry P. Griffin, Charles H. Gordon, Robert Haynes, Henry C. Hunton, Emory L. Hunton, Samuel Handy, George W. Holden, George H. Hunter, Albert Jennings, Luther B. Jordan, William Kimball, Melville C. Kimball, Charles W. Kitteridge, Charles R. Locke, Anson H. Lincoln, Leonard H. Lane, William Lincoln, Llewellyn Lakin. Andrew A. u • .Miistr'd ? Residence. i? iijti) Remarks. < Sic U.S.Ser. Dec.2i .37 Bethel s % 24 Augusta M do 23 Readlield M do 21 Harmony S do 24 Augusta s do 19 do s do 26 Brunswick s do 29 do s -do 26 Bethel s do 20 Bingham s do 44 do s do 21 Concord s do 20 Embden s do 24 Augusta s do 26 do s do 22 do s do 22 Readficld s do , 28 do M do 23 Bingham M do 24 Bethel s do 29 Embden s do 43 New Sharon M do 21 Avon iM do 27 Wilton S do 23 do do 37 Madison M do 44 Anson M do 19 Bethel S do 36 Brighton M do 26 Skowhegan M do 24 Brighton S do 22 Greenville s do 21 BluehiU s do 22 Chesterville s do 23 Shelburn,N.H do 2.T Brunswick i\r do 39 Read field s do 19 Brooklvn.NY. s do 21 Readlield s do 43 do M do 23 do s do 22 do s do 18 Bingham s do 23 Farmington s do 19 P^lisworth s do 21 Bethel s do 22 Skowhegan s do 34 Read Held do 22 Wellinirton M do 41 Cornville M do 28 Blanch a rd M do 18 Cornville s do 19 Temple s do 628 adjutant-general's report. Return of Fourth Battery of Mounted Artillery, ( Continued,') Names. Lord, George Mills, Marion McKenny, George W. Moore, George W. Merrill, David V. Mace, Elijah A. Morphy, John Nutting, Oliver G. Owen, Jere, Jr. Phillips, N. Byron Perkins, Anson B. Pratt, George 0. Robertson, Solon Reily, John 0. Rider, John Sawyer, Charles F. Sally, Charles H. Sturdy, Cyrus A. Smith, James Southard, Amaziah R. Smith, Isaac T. Talcott, Ebenezer C. Thompson, Octavius Tozier, Franklin Thompson, Asa L. Thompson, Albert V. Twitchell, Austin F. "Woods, George W. Wright, Elbridge G. Wright, George W. Weston, Lorenzo Wentworth, Hebron M. Williams, Cyrus M. Whittier, True Whittier, Emulus F. Vittum, Orin Vittum, Ambrose 25[Vienna 18;Skowhegan 26 ' f^mbden Brunswick Readfield do Augusta Bethel Brunswick Augusta Readficld Palmyra Bethel 37jSolon 38 1 Fairfield 19jConcord 22| Palmyra 18i Augusta 36 Brunswick 22|Harpswell 20 j Tern pie 36|Embden Concord ■12 North Anson 29 Watcrville 21 [Brunswick 18 Bethel 39 Mt. Vernon 42 Readficld 25| do 19 Mt. Vernon 31 Readficld 34 Mt. Vernon 44 Augusta 19 Vienna 30 Concord 241 do »* -T O — Mustr'd u U into Remarks. atfi U.S.Ser. s Dec. 21 s do s do s do s do s do s do M do M do s 8 do do 8 do S 8 do do M do 8 do 8 8 do do :\i 8 S do do do M do S do M do S do S do s do M do M do M do 8 do M do M do M 8 do do M do M do * APPENDIX D. 629 Return of Fifth Battery of Mounted Artillery, Maine Volunteers, under the command of Captain George F. Leppien. Dated at Augusta, on the thirty-first day of De- cember, 1861. GEORGE FR. LEPPIEN, Captain. Names. COMMISS D OFFICERS. Geor;;e F. Leppien, William F. Twitchell, Greeiiiict' T. Stevens, Adclbert B. Twitchell, Ezra Clark. SERGEANTS. Edward N. Whittier, Chiirlcs 0. Hunt, Otis Conant. George K. Freeman, Daniel P. Eaton, Orison Wood. ARTIFICERS. Mark M. Meserve, Stephen Mitchell. WAGONER. Annis Kimball. PRIVATES. Appleby, George A. Andrews, Cyrus A. Aspinwall, Justice Bailey, Warren B. Bartictt, James C. Bedel, Alonzo A. Benson, Samuel W. Bishop, George T. Black, David J. Black man, Josiah B. Bradbury, Wingate W. Brick, Sumner S. Brown, William C. A. Brown, John A. Brown, Sylvester L. Butler, Plummer Bundy, Lorrin E. Brown, Rufus Cannon, Joseph B. Carvill, John Chamberlain, Harvey S Ciiase, John F. Chase, Newell P. Chase, William W. Clapp. Andrew J. Cleveland, Moses S. Coatlin s Peirce, Joseph H. 20 Smithfield 8 Peirce, John F. 18 do S Pattee, George H. 21 do S I Pattee, Albert M. 21 Mercer s Peirce, Orlando W. 16 Smithfield s Penney, Manley M. 26 do M I Plummer, John H. 20 Waterville s t 1 Palmer, Eugene 18 Baring s r Reed, Henry 22 Houlton s Russell, Asa 3.5 Amity M Rich. Charles H. 2-3 Smithfield S Russell, James T. 17 Hodgdon s V Rollins, Richard M. 22 Lee s Richardson, Henry 23 Belgrade s / Seavey, Charles C. 27 Meddybemps s Spooner, Jonas C. 45 Houlton M Spurr, Alden 23 Amity s Stockford, W. T. 21 Hodgdon s 1) Stockford, J. N. 18 do s Seamen, Joshua G. 20 Aroostook s y Spurr, Albert 21 Amity s Snow, W. S. 28 Danforth M Wiggin, Edward, Jr. 24 Plodgdon [B. M Weaver, John 20 Woodstock, N s Wade, James W. 18 Smithfield s Wallace, Robert 23 Crawford s ScoficUl, C. E. 26 Mt. Vernon M Woodman, Marston 24 Searsport s ^, Merrithew, E. L. 24 do s Jan. 11, 1862. > Hall, Albert B. 23 Augusta M do Bickforu, Stephen 45 M do Gardner, Jeremiah 35 Portland M do Hewins, Joseph T. 22 Manchester S do McKusic, Marshall 21 Baring M do Randall, Freeman 20 Stockton S do MeCiie, Peter 21 Portland S do Trefethen, Epps A. 20 do S do Hoe, Henry J. 19 do s do Gallison, W. H. 28 do s do Condon, Nathaniel 24 Metenicus S do Hodgdon, Robert, 27 Xewburyport, S do Gove, Horace S. 23 Lincoln" [Ms. S do • Sawtell, William W. 24 Dexter S do 41 NOTE TO APPENDIX D. The returns of the first twelve regiments and the company of Sharp-Shooters are dated December 1st, 1861, but subsequent changes in the field and staflF organizations have been noted from the rosters to the latest date practicable. The returns of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Regiments of Infantry, the First Regiment of Cavalry, and the six Batteries of Mounted Artillery, are dated December 31st, 1861. Subsequent additions to the list of commissioned oflicers have been added as far as possible. The aggregate of troops furnished (Appendix F), includes the footing of the preceding returns and the rolls of recruits since received at this oflSce. EK.I?.A.T^V. A few cn-ors liave occurred iu setting up this Appendix by which the remarks against some names have been dropped or raised a line. The whole Appendix as printed has been carefully examined for errors, principally of this character, and wherever they have been found of importance enough to require mention, note is made below. SECOND REGIMENT. Page (33 — Read Corporal J. C. Harmon, promoted to Sergeant instead of Lieut. Page 70 — Read Hawes Zebedee T., detached as wagoner instead of Hersom, and Luce Cornelius E., detached as wagoner instead of Murphy. Page 74 — Read Gould James, discharged Oct. 18 for disability. Page 82 — Read Torrey Octavius, discharged instead of Tolman Eleazer B. ;' White Frank J., discharged instead of Templeton Orrin, and Wentworth John P., promoted to Corporal instead of White. Page yii — Read Cook Moses, discharged instead of Curtis John W. ; Ellingwood Wm. A., deceased instead of Card James, and Edgerly George, mutineer, instead Ellingwood. Page 94 — Read York Benj. P., mutineer, instead of Atkins Robert L.,and Crocker Crosby M., wagoner instead of Crawford Adolphus S. Page 104 — Read Charles Smith, promoted to Lieut, in 14th instead of loth Regi- ment. Page 118 — Read Teeling William, transferred to 2d N. Y. Regt. instead of Spauld- ing John L., and Tarr Albert 11., promoted to Corporal instead of Teeling. TI^IRD REGIMENT. Page 122 — Read Brown Henry Y., deserted instead of Brown Wm. II. Page 132 — Read remarks against Bachelder and Dounell, Donnell and Pierce. Page 148 — Read Keenan Thomas, deserted instead of Hubbard George W. Page IGO — Read Wheeler George L., sick in camp instead of Vining Marcellus, and Wormwood Tristam G., discharged instead of Young Moses W. Page 170 — Read 2d corporal F. S. Martin, instead of Morton. Page 172 — Read Vining II. S., discha.iged instead of Thorns Wm. S., and Wagg Chas. H. , discharged instead of Wentworth G. C. Page 176 — Read Hammond Christopher, sick instead of Holmes James M. Page 178 — Read Folsom S. P., sick instead of Stevens Thomas J., and Burt Edwin, promoted to Major instead of Thomas Zadoc H. Read from No. 65 to No. 81 inclu- sive, single, instead of married. FOURTH REGIMENT. Page 184 — Read Lovejoy Joshua, and Lessor George, deserted insterd of Lessor and JNlonroe. Page 220 — Read Grossman Chas H., Sergeant, sick instead of Somes John G. Page 222 — Read Nos. 71 and 72, Wright instead Wryht. Read Wright Joseph,, killed at battle of Bull Run. FIFTH KEGIlMENT. Page 262 — Read Goweii James H., dischiirged Oct. Jid ; (lowen S. 1*,, promoldl to Corporal, and lliggins James H., discharged instead of Huntoon W. 11. Page 2'J2 — Read against No. 25, Hosack G. A., instcail ofllaracli (!. A. SIXTH REGIMKNT. Page 314 — Read Sergt. .Vugustus P. Somerbj-, discharged fur disability. Page 317 — Read l)uw Andrew J., sick at camp instead ofElderkin Win. A. Page ol8 — Read Sergeant Henry C, discharged. Read Tracy John, deoea.sed Oc- tober 15. Page 323 — Read John Leach, promoted instead of Jesse Treat, and Vv'm. A. Quinn, promoted instead of James Lamprey. Page 324 — Read Lewis Thomas W., deserted. Page 327 — Read Babcock Augustine, sick in camp instead of discharged. Pao;e 332 — Read Lvford Fifietd, deceased instead of Lancaster Chester J. EIGHTH REGIMENT. Page 377 — Read Thibadeau Joseph H., instead of Shibcrdean Joseph H. Page 882 — Read Burke James S., promoted to Corporal instead of Beau. NINTH REGIMENT. Page 408 — Read Eaton Edward R., deceased instead of Estes Benjamin. Page 40'J — Read Young Warren W., left at Annapolis instead of deserted. TENTH REGIMENT. Page 457 — Read Bradeen Wm. II., deserted instead of Bradbury Hugh M. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. Page 4'J4 — Read Chapman Calvin S., left at Augusta, in.ytead of West Daniel. FIRST REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Page 594 — Read Fisk Amos, deserted instead of Fales F. M. Enn a:t A^. APPENDIX B. Page 42, read Sawyer Josliua L., Captain Co. G, 13th Regiment, instead of Thomas J. Sawyer, Captain Co. G, 15th Regiment. APPENDIX C. Page 46, read Cummings George W., Captain Co. I, 9th Regiment, instead oi Cunningham Geo. W. APPENDIX D. Page 148, read Keenan Thomas, deserted, instead of Hubbard Geo. W. Page 170, read 2d Corporal F. S. Martin, instead of F. S. Morton. Page 292, read No. 25, Hosack G. A., instead of Harach G. A. Page 310, read Sui-geon Eugene F. Sanger, instead of Eugene F. Sawyer. Page 377, read Thibadeau Joseph H., instead of Shiberdean Joseph H. Page 536, read Rolstown Robert, instead of Robboston Robert. Page 541, read Capt. Joshua L. Sawyer, instead of Thos. J. Sawyer. Same page, read Lieut. Wm. T. Smith, instead of Wm. 1. Smith. Page 544, read Swift Cyrus, instead of Sfift Cyrus. Page 566, read Dolliff Chas. H., instead of Dolliff Henry. Same page, read Karnes Thomas, instead of Haines Thomas. Same page, read Livingston Hiram W., instead of Livingston Henry W. Page 569, read Tripp Daniel W., instead of Tripp David W. Same page, read Vaughan Hiram C, instead of Vaugh Hiram C. Page 574, read Marr Gilmore P., instead of Man Gilmore P. Same page, read Marr James, instead of Man James. Same page, read Greenlow Jacob, instead of Grembow Jacob. Page 575, read Orren Whitney, instead of Owen Whitney. Page 577, read Lieut. Enoch M. Deeriug, instead of Enoch M. Dening. Same page, read Barrows William, instead of Burrows William. Same page, read DeLaney Warren S., instead of De Craney Warren. Same page, read Gillson Luke, instead of Jillson Luke. Page 579, read Lieut J. Z. Swanton, instead of J. B. Swanton. Same page, read Gallagher Edmund F. , instead of Gallagher Edward F. Same page, read Laskey Nathaniel, instead of Laskey Michael. Page 589, read Keive Daniel, instead of Kewe Daniel. Page 595, read George Cowee, instead of George Cowell. Same page, read Martin T. V. Bowman, instead of Martin T. V. Benman. Page 603, read Harvey L. Goodhue, instead of Henry L. Goodhue. Page 607, read John Mc. Pei-kins, instead of John McPei-kins. Page 608, read Pei'kins William H., instead of Perkins Nahum H. Same page, read Newbegin Danvill, instead of Newbergin Daniel C. Page 601), read Burns William, instead of Barnes William. Page 614, Vigeu Levi, instead of Vique Levi. Page 618, read Chase James W., instead of Close James W. Page 619, read Vielson John, instead of Neilson John. Note. — Page SO, appendix B, page 564, app D, John Hosley appears as 2d Lieut, of Co. H, 14th Regiment ; his commission, however, was withheld, and he mustered out of service, and Geo. Webster of Portland was commissioned and mustered in as 2d Lieut, of the Company. Page 363, appendix D, William Crosby was never war- ranted as Sergeant, and was therefore erroneously returned as reduced to ranks. Appendix D, page 502, Whitaker William erroneously returned as a deserter. V ' ^ R J. /i99oo