:'!:.'■: ■ ) COLLECTIONS OF THE NLW YORK GLNLALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL 50CILTY VOL IV Staten IFslanb Church IRecotbs NE.W YORK PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1909 1 J 911 "}. *- -, «=% 7 /^te^'/!^^ZrL-^ S, *^A3Tr^ Ay^ Staun Island Cburcb Recoras OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1909 President, Clarence Winthrop Bowen First Vice-President, . . William Bradhurst Osgood Field Second Vice-President, . Tobias Alexander Wright Secretary, Henry Russell Drowne Treasurer, Hopper Striker Mott Librarian, John Reynolds Totten Historian, William Austin Macy, M. D. Necrologist, Richard Henry Greene Registrar of Pedigrees, . Winchester Fitch Executive ■ Counniitec John Reynolds Totten, CJiairinan George Austin Morrison, Jr. William Isaac Walker William Bradhurst Osgood Field Henry Pierson Gibson Trustees Henry Russell Drowne Ellsworth Eliot, M. D. George Austin Morrison, Jr. Hopper Striker Mott Howland Pell Henry Pierson Gibson Warner Van Norden Ellsworth Everett Dwight Archer Milton Huntington Clarence Winthrop Bowen Gen. James Grant Wilson William Isaac Walker John Reynolds Totten Tobias Alexander Wright William Bradhurst Osgood Field Coniinittee on Publieation George Austin Morrison, Jr. Tobias Alexander Wright E. Doubleday Harris Hopper Striker Mott J. Henry Lea Richard Henry Greene Josiah Collins Pumpelly RLCORD5 OF THE Bittc^ IScfonucD Cl)urcl) of }0ort KictjmonD, ^. 3] BAPTISMS FROM 1696 TO 1772 dinitcD 'Brttljrcn Congregation, commonly caUeD i^orabian €l)urrt), ^. 91. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS: 1749 TO 1853 MARRIAGE.S: .... 1764 TO 1863 DEATHS AND BURIALS: 1758 TO 1828 ^t. ianDrctD£{ Cljurcl), Eicl^monD, ^. 91 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS FROM 1752 TO 1795 MARRIAGES FROM 1754 TO 1808 l^itb J^ortratt of Ketj. JRelatiab ©Dtrctt 2)totscl)t. i«.2)., D.D. EDlTtD BY TOBIAS ALLXANDLR WRIGHT NLW YORK PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1909 EDITION OF 100 COPIE5 TO THE MEMORY OF EfJ. ilflatial) (Ebrrctt T^lnisbt, fR.T>., D.D. THROUGH WHOSE ADVICE AND BY WHOSE GENEROUS ASSISTANCE THESE RECORDS ARE PRESERVED THIS VOLUME IS GRATEFULLY CrlJicatrli BY THE NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY INTRODUCTION THE Publication Committee of tlie New York Genea- logical and Biographical Society have selected the Staten Island Cliurch Records for the fourth volume of the Society's publications, considering them next in importance to those of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam and Nevf York, previously published. As the membership of these early Staten Island churches was made up largely of people from Long Island, Manhattan Island, and the section just west of the Hudson River, opposite the latter island, now in the State of New Jersey, these records will prove exceedingly important and interesting to the de- scendants of the early settlers of these localities. They form a vital link in the historic-genealogical chain that leads from past ages in the old world down to the present time in the new. While in many cases the names of the descendants of these early settlers are not only spelled differently, and the pronunciation so changed as to almost defy recognition by those unlearned in the peculiar characteristics of Dutch nomenclature, the genealogical student has little trouble in tracing the gradual changes and identifying the family connections from one generation to another. During the period covered by these statistics the Dutch settlers especially were so closely identified with the Church that the baptismal records contain the names of a majority of the children born to Dutch parents, accompanied by the names of many witnesses, so that in presenting these" vital statistics the committee believe they are blazing the trail and rendering the search for emigrant ancestors less dif- ficult to thousands scattered over this continent. For the history of these churches the editor has for his authority in large measure Mr. Ira K. Mon-is' exhaustive History of Staten Island, and through the courtesy of Mr. Morris most of the illustrations were obtained. 11 The Reformed Dutch Churches During the Dutch Colonial Government there was a settlement of French Vaudois, or Waldensians, at Stony Brook (now a part of the New Dorp neighborhood), on Staten Island. There was a Huguenot settlement on the Island a short time afterward (located at Fresh Kill, now Green Ridge), parties of this sect having iled from Holland to escape persecution, and having come over to New Nether- lands in company with their new friends. The Waldensians formed the first permanent settlement on Staten Island, that of Stony Brook, Oude Dorp (Old Town), a Dutch Village (Arrochar Park now occupying the site), having been three times destroyed by the Indians. The Waldensian Church at Stony Brook was built sometime between the years 1657 and 1668. It was the first Walden- sian Church on the North American continent, and the first church of any denomination on Staten Island. Dominie Drisius, a j^astor of the Dutch Church in New York (then New Amsterdam), from 1652 to 16S2, preached regularly once a month to the Waldensians on Staten Island, from about 1660 onward. He preached in both the French and Dutch languages. The descendants of these Walden- sians and Huguenots are still numerous on Staten Island, and bear some of the oldest and most honored names. They are prominent in all denominations. Later, a church edifice was erected at Cucklestown (now Richmond, the County seat), in which the Presbyterians, Dutch Reformed and Episcopalians worshipped. This structure was burned by the British during the Revolution. Hollanders having settled along the North Shore of the Island, they erected a church edifice at what is now Port Richmond, about 1680. Services were conducted in the Dutch language. There is no record to prove that either of the churches here mentioned had a pastor of its own. Dominie Selyns, pastor of Brooklyn, Bushwick and Graves- end, also preached in these churches at stated times. During the years 1682 and 1683, Dominie Taschemaker, from the University of Utrecht, supplied the churches on the Island. He removed to Schenectady, and perished there in a massacre by the French and Indians, in February, 1690. HI The Rev. Pierre Daille, who came to America in 1683, and was a colleague of Dominie Selyns, frequently preached to the Huguenots on Staten Island. The church at Stony Brook was supplied, from 1687 to 1689, by Lauren tins Van der Bosch. According to the records, ''he was suspended from the ministry by Dominie Selyns and others, who could not wait the slow process of sending their proceedings to be reviewed by the authorities in Holland." The inference is warranted that this church, though composed of Frenchmen, was under the jurisdiction of the Church of Holland, and was, therefore, ipso facto, a Reformed Dutch Church. There appear to have been no pastors regularly stationed on Staten Island for three years from 1694. Supjilies came from New York, Long Island and New Jersey. Governor Hunter executed a grant to the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, in 1714, to build a new church edifice on the North Shore, undoubtedly on the site of the one which stood there thirty-four years previous. The date of the organization of this church is not positively known. It is evident, however, from the title page of an old baptismal record that it must have been at a very early period. It is as follows: "Register Boek Van De — namen Der Kinderen Dewelck Gedoopt Bennen Op Staten Eylandt — Beginne Van Het Jaer Anno 1696." (Translation: "Register book of the — names of children which have been baptized on Staten Island, begin- ning from the year 1696.") The first Sunday school organ- ized in America, about 1812, was connected with this church. The North Side Church and the Church at Bergen, New Jersey, united, in 1750, in a call on Petrus de Wint. His credentials, however, proved to have been forgeries, and he was dismissed in 1752. Then the two churches united in a call upon William Jackson, a student in the care of Rev. John Frelinghuysen of Raritan, New Jersey. He was sent to Holland to complete his studies, and on his return, in 1757, was installed as pastor. He had the reputation of a preacher scarcely inferior to that of Whitfield. The church edifices were not large enough to accommodate his auditors, and services were frequently held in the open air. After a IV pastorate of thirty-two years he became insane. He was the last minister who preached to these congregations in the Dutch language. The Rev. Peter Stryker was ordained minister of the Reformed Dutch Church on tlie North Side in 1790-4. In 1792 the church was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York by the title of "The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church" on Staten Island. The names of the cor- porators were Peter Stryker, Hendrick Garretson, John Van Pelt, Wilhelmus Vreeland, John Garretson, William Merrel, Peter Haughwout, Abraham Prall and Nicholas Haughwout. The old edifice was also classed "a rebel church," and was destroyed by the British soldiery during the Revolution. Another church was erected and completed in the spring of 1787. It finally proved inadequate to the necessities of the congregation, and was demolished to make room for the present edifice, which was built upon the same site and dedicated in February, 1846. In 1797, the Rev. Thomas Kirby became the pastor. He remained for three years. The Rev. Peter I. Van Pelt was ordained as pastor on May 16, 1802, and continued so until 1835. He was succeeded that year by the Rev. James Brownlee, who served for fifty- five years. The Rev. Alfred H. Demarest was appointed Dr. Brown- lee's successor in 1890, and served until 1901, when he was succeeded by the Rev. J. Frederic Berg, the present pastor. The Reformed Dutch Church in Richmond, destroyed during the Revolution, was rebuilt through the efforts of the Rev. Dr. Van Pelt in 1808. He occupied its pulpit until 1853, and was succeeded, in 1854, when it became an inde- pendent church, by the Rev. Thomas R. G. Peck, and in turn, the Rev. Erskine N. White, the Rev. Jacob Fehrmann, the Rev. J. H. Sinclair and the Rev. F. M. Kip. Through the efforts of the Hon. Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice-President of the United States, a Dutch Reformed Church was established at Tompkinsville. It was dedicated in 1818. Dr. Van Pelt occupied its pulpit until 1823, when it became an independent charge. The Rev. John Miller then became its pastor, and was succeeded in 1847 by the Rev. Alexander R. Thompson, and he by the Rev. Philip M. Brett, in 1851. He died in the following year. He was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Edward Hitchcock, and he by the Rev. William T. Enyard. In the course of a few years the congregation erected an edifice on Brighton Heights, and the old structure was utilized for business purposes. It was finally demolished in the summer of 1908. In 1850, the Church of the Huguenots was organized by members of the Refonned Dutch Church in Richmond, be- cause of the great distance of the latter place from their homes. Many changes have occurred among those who have guided the affairs of this church. It is at present l^resided over by the Rev. David Junor. The Moravian Chukch The history of the people who established the Moravian Churches in America having been fully published in "A His- tory of BetJilehevi, Pennsylvania,''^ by Bishop Levering, Pres- ident of the Moravian Historical Society, a simple outline sketch of the branch on Staten Island is deemed sufficient here. These people had much in common with the Puritans of New England, but were infinitely broader and more tol- erant in their religious views of those of other faiths, and ever ready to co-operate with and welcome to their United Brotherhood all who called themselves Christians. Captain Nicholas Garrison, so far as authentic information goes, was the first of the denomination of Christians called Moravian, or United Brethren, on Staten Island. He com- manded the ship Irene, sailing between Georgia and New York. The Rev. David Bruce, a very zealous Christian, was sent by the Moravian authorities to visit the scattered flocks in New York, and on Staten and Long Islands. It is conceded that he was the first Moravian preacher who ever officiated as such on Staten Island. The ship commanded by Captain Garrison was buUt for the service of the Moravians, on Staten Island, between the years 1745 and 1748, under the direction of Abraham Boem- per and Timothy Horsfield, agents for the Moravian Church VI in New York. It was launched on May 29, 1748, and registered in the name of Mr. Henry Antes. The cost was defrayed almost entirely by Bishop Spangenberg from a legacy left him by Thomas Noble, a New York merchant. The vessel remained in the service of the Moravian Church for nine years, in the course of which it crossed the Atlantic twenty-four times, sailing between New York and London, or Amsterdam, and made one voyage to Greenland. It put to sea for the last time on November 20, 1757, in command of Captain Christian Jacobson. Ten days later it was captured by a French privateer, and given to a prize crew to be taken to Louisberg; but owing to ignorance of navigation on the part of those to whom it had been entrusted, was totally wrecked on January 12, 1758, off the coast of Cape Breton, and its passengers had narrow escape with their lives. Cap- tain Christian Jacobson returned to his home at New Dorp, on Staten Island, and was murdered in his own house, still standing on New Dorp lane, by British soldiers. During his sojourn in America, between December, 1741, and January, 1743, Count Zinzendorf extended the influence and enlarged the membership of the Moravian denomination on Staten Island and the surrounding country. Religious intercourse remained unbroken from that time on between this place and Bethlehem, Pa. The arrival of the first colony of Moravians was in June, 1742. Their evangelists entered earnestly into the work without delay. Among these were the brethren Bruce, Aimers, Gambold, Neisser, lltley, Rice and Wade. The Moravian Society in New York met for worship at the house of Thomas Noble between 1742 and 1746. After that time at the house of Henry Van Vleek, which became headquarters for Moravian ministers in the city. In the early part of the year 1748, when there were fifty persons attached to the Brethren in the city, and the adjoin- ing islands, an ineffectual effort was made to secure the use of the Lutheran Church in New York for stated services. A hall was rented for the purpose. Abraham Boemper. Henry Van Vleek, William Edmonds, John Kingston, Jeremiah Burnet and Jannitje Boelen of New York; Timothy and Mary Horsfield, William and vu Charity Corn well and Jaques and Jacomyntje Cortelyou of Long Island; and Jacobus and Veltje Van Der Bilt of Staten Island, are mentioned in September, 1747, as being most active members of the triple Moravian Society in the Province of New York. About a dozen diiferent Moravian clergymen came oc- casionally to Staten Island to officiate between the years 1742 and 1763. There were only three communicant members on the Island in 1756; they were Jacobus Vanderbilt and his wife, Vettje or Neiltje, and the widow Elizabeth Inyard. Religious services were held in a school house that stood near the site of the Moravian Church at New Dorp. In 1762, Richard Connor, Stephen Martino, Jun., Tunis Egbert, Jacob Vander Bilt, Aaron Cortelyou, Mathias En- yard, John Baty, Cornelius Cortelyou, Cornelius Vander Bilt, Cornelius Van Deventer, Stephen Martino, Mary Still- well, Cornelius Martino and Peter Perine applied to the church authorities at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the establishment of a Moravian Church on Staten Island. Con- sequently, on July 7, 1703, the cornerstone of a church and parsonage was laid, and on December 7 following, the church was consecrated. The building was set on fire by British soldiers during the Revolution, but was saved from destruction by members of the congregation. It is still standing, a short distance from its original site, and was recently thoroughly renovated and remodelled. For several years after the organization of this Society, the congregation was supplied with preachers from New York. They were Dayid Bruce in 1742; Richard Utley in 1747; John Wade in 1749; Owen Rice in 1750; Abraham Reinke, Jasper Payne, Owen Rice and Abraham Rudmeyer in 1754; Richard Utley in 1755; Jacob Rogers in 1756; Thomas Yarrel in 1757; George Selle in 1761, and Thomas Y'arrel in 1762. The first regularly settled pastor of this church, how- ever, was the Rev. Hector Gambold, from 1763 to 1784. He was succeeded that year by James Birkly, and he by E. Thorpe, who served until 1787; then followed Frederick Moehring, from 1787 to 1793; James Birkly again, from 1794 to 1797; Frederick Moehring again, from 1797 to 1803; Vlll Nathaniel Brown, from 1803 until his death in 1813; John C. Bechler, from 1813 to 1817; George A. Hartman, from 1817 to 1837; Ambrose Rondthaler, from 1837 to 1839; H. G. Clauder, from 1839 to 1852; Bernhard de Schweinitz, from 1852 to 1854; Amadeus A. Reinke, from 1854 to 1860; Edwin T. Senseman, from 1860 to 1862; Eugene Leibert, from 1862 to 1867; Francis F. Hagen, from 1867 to 1870; William L. Lennert, from 1870 to 1870; William H. Vogler, from 1876 to 1892; William H. Rice, from 1892 to 1897; William H. Oerter, from 1897 to 19(»4; F. E. Grunert, from 1904 to the present. The Moravian Society at New Dorp was incorporated on April 15, 1808. The present church edifice was consecrated on May 15, 1845. Three other Moravian Churches have been established on the Island — at Castleton Corners, Stapleton and Giffords — all under the supervision of the mother church at New Dorp. Commodore Cornelius A^anderbilt made munificient dona- tions to this church. His son, William H., also was very liberal in his dealings with the church. The Vanderbilt Mausoleum is located in a beautiful park on the north side of the cemetery. St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church At the time of the organization, of this church, its mem- bers worshiped in the Reformed Dutch Church, at Cackles- town (Richmond). It is a matter of record that divine service, after the manner of the Church of England, was held here prior to 1704. If marriage or baptismal records were kept prior to 1752, however, they are not in evidence. In October of 1704, the Rev. William Vesey, rector of Trinity Church, New York, in reporting the state of religion in Richmond County to the Society for the propogation of the Gospel in foreign parts, in London, says: "There was a tax of £40 per annum levied upon the people for the support of the minister, and that they desired to have a minister sent to them, as well as some further encouragement from the Society." Governor Fletcher succeeded, in 1693, in having the Epis- copal Church established by law throughout the Colony, to IX be supported by general taxation. This law remained in force until the Revolution, so that all non-Episcopalians, beside sujjporting tlieir own churches, were obliged to con- tribute toward the support of the Episcopal Church. The law, however, became in a great degree inoperative in Rich- mond County after the munificent bequest of Judge Duxbury became available.* The Rev. John Talbot was sent to Staten Island as a missionary in 170(5. He was succeeded in 1710 by the Rev. Eneas McKensie. The church was built in 1713. It was a plain stone structure, a portion of the original walls still standing in the present structure. The Church Charter, usually known as "Queen Anne's Charter," begins as follows: "Anne, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all whom these presents shall come, greeting: — Whereas our loving Subjects, the Reverend Eneas MacKenzie, Minister of Staten Island, Richmond County, Ellis Duxbury, Thomas Harmer, Augistin Graham, Joseph Arrowsmith, Lambert Garritson, Nathaniel Brittain, William Tillier, Richard Merrill, John Morgan and Alexander Stewart, all freeholders, and of the principal inhabitants of the said Island in Communion of the Church of England, as by Law established, by their petition presented unto our Trusty and Wellbeloved Robert Hunter, Esq., Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of our province of New York, in behelf of themselves and all other the Inhabitants of tlie said Island in Communion of the Church of England, as liy Law established, and their Suo- * In 1718, Ellis Duxbury bequeathed an extensive and valuable tract of land to the rector of St. Andrew's Church, and in case of voidance or vacancy, to his widow, until a successor is instituted, and for no other purpose whatever. Ellis Duxbury came to Staten Island at an early date. He was Judge of Richmond County for nineteen years, and several times member of the Colonial Assembly. His will, bequeathing the property, was dated May 5, 1718, and proved October 22 of the same year. The property was a plantation of two hundred acres, situated on the north-east extremity of the Island, and consequently the point of land at New Brighton was for many years known as " Duxbury's Point," and sometimes as "The Gliebe." It was bequeathed to the Minister, Church-wardens and Vestry of St. Andrew's Church. The property upon which the Quarantine Hospital stood, at Tompkinsville, was a part of this bequest. Being a devise to a religious mcorporation, it was void by law; but as the title of the church was never disputed, and as the State by several acts incidentally recognized its validity, to say nothing of a possession of almost two centuries, the title long ago became unimpeachable. cessors have sett forth that by the charitable and voluntary- contributions of pious and well asserted Christians, and the blessing of Almighty God favouring their weak endeavours, there is now erected, built and finished neer the middle part of the said Island, a decent and convenient stone church for the service and worship of God, according to the Discipline of the Church of England, as by Law Established,'' etc. The Document ends thus: "And Witness our said worthy and well-beloved Robert Hunter, Esq., Captain Generall and Governeur in Chief of our said pi-ovince of New York and province of New Jersey, and the Territories depending on them in America, And our Admirall of the same, pr in councill at ffort Ann in New York the Twenty ninth day of June in the Twelfth of our Reign, Anno Dm. 1713." Queen Anne also presented the church with jirayer books, pulpit cover and a silver communion service, with her name inscribed on them. Portions of these valuable relics are still in the possession of the rector of St. Andrew's. The Rev. Richard Charlton became rector of St. Andrew's in 1747. His eldest daughter was connected by marriage to the Dongan family, and another daughter was the wife of Dr. Richard Bailey, who was the first Health OflBcer of the Port of New York, and died in 1801. His grave is located near the main entrance to St. Andrew's Church. Dr. Charl- ton's ministry continued until 1779, when he died and was buried under the church. He was also chaplain of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Christopher Billopp's Battalion of Staten Island Loyalists. It was during the pastorate of Dr. Charl- ton that the records published in this volume were begun. He was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Barker. In 1774, Henry Holland, Esq., a resident of Staten Island, and managing a mercantile business in New York, presented St. Andrew's Church with a bell, which for want of a belfry, was hung for several years in a tree. Chaplain Field, of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of the British line, became rector of St. Andrew's in May, 1780. The regiment was serving at Richmond. Two weeks later occurred his first baptism. The record says: "John Simonson, son of Isaac Simonson and Elizabeth his wife, was born on the 4th December, 1779, baptized by Mr. Field on Sunday, May 14, 1780." XI In 1782, Mr. Field died. His remains were borne to the grave by the soldiers with whom he had served, and interred under the church. Throughout the Revolution, divine service was generally suspended in all the churches of Staten Island but St. Andrew's, the Island being in constant possession of the British; the Dutch Church, however, kept their Baptismal Records as appear in this volume. From 1788 to 1788, the Rev. John H. Rowland served as rector. He died in Nova Scotia in 179ri. He was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Channing Moore in 1788, who served until 1808. In 1814, Dr. Moore became Bishop of Virginia and rector of the Monumental Church of Richmond, in that State. He built Trinity Chapel, on the North Shore, in 1802; it is now known as the Church of the Ascension. He died on November 11, 1841. The Rev. David Moore succeeded his father as rector of St. Andrew's in 1808, and continued in that position for forty- eight years. The Rev. Theodore Irving, LL.D., became rector in 1857, and resigned in 1864. He was succeeded, in 1865, by the Rev. C. W. Bolton. His successor, in 1875, was the Rev. Kingston Goddard, D.D. Dr. Goddard died on October 24, 1875, and was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas S. Yocom, D.D., on June 15, 1876. Dr. Yocom died in 1904, and his successor, installed in 1905, is the Rev. Charles Sumner Burch, Arch- deacon of Richmond. St. Andrew's celebrated its bi-centennial in November, 1908, on which occasion tablets in memory of Queen Anne and other benefactors of the church were unveiled. Two sharp battles were fought around this church during the Revolution. It was occupied as a British hospital a con- siderable portion of that i)eriod. (BngaredftoBi » ttatftis, made I); ^M. J5t^taS,ttDm Che orf^al dcctoh^ PLAN OF OLD RLFORMLD CHURCH. AT PORT RICHMOND, S. I. 1' *- ■■■- ' ■liiiiP* Fruni a pencil sketcii in possession of the Dutch Reformed Church, Port Richmond. THE, RLFORME.D PROTE.5TANT DUTCH CHURCH of Port Richmond, 5. I.— Second Structure— Lrected in 1787 to take the place of one destroyed by the British during the Revolution; demolished in 1845 RECORDS OF THE REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF PORT RICHMOND, STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. Baptisms. DATE 1696. WITNESSES Theunis Van Pelt Marritie Ephraim Thealer Jan May 5. Ephraim Thealer Margrietie Derek Kroessen Nickasa Thomas Morgen Abraham Lambert Janszen Winnifret Lambert Gerritzen Daniel Jores Hooghlandt Marytie Johan Staats Cornelia Hendrick Van Pelt Annetie Sept. 7. Mattheus De Decker Johannes 1698. Hendrick Van Annetie Dyck Thomas Possel Jan Pieter Praal Arent C. Sept. 7- Lambert Janzen Aafye Thomas Morgen Martha b. Sept. 28. Henderyck Kroe- Maritje bap. Dec. sen 1700. Comelis Neefies Metye Jan Van Pelt Marritie Parrat Jan Pieterszen Wog- gelom Hendricka Strockelf (or Itrockelf ) Seger Gerrissen Elisabet Ariesmet Cornells Vielen Caatye Bogardus Arent Praal Tryntie Barents Jan Wauterzen Tryntie Hendricksen Thomas Morgen Grietje Gerritzen Johannes Richgau Elisabeth Wappelrie Pieter Staats Cornelia Corssen Jan Van Pelt Marytie Parra Barent Teyszen Maghdalena Teyszen Thomas Possel Jannetie Pauwelzen Pieter Staats Grytie Woggehim Thomas Stillewel Frenck Stillewel Jacob Janzen Lammert Gerritzen Susanna Gerritzen Dirrick Kroesen Kathareina Staats Daughters of ( Elisabeth -^gyntie Rycken Ryck Hendrickzen J ^aTTil '^^^^^ Waacker lO PARENTS 1700. June 20. Johan Staats 1701. Annetye March 25 . Hendrick Van Pelt Aeltie Jacob Corssen Suster Jeems Lesck Jan Jacob Jansen Jacobus Pieter Rycken Johanes Oct. 22. Stoffel Van Santen Stoffel Derek Claassen Femmetye Derek Kroessen Derek March 25 Barent Symessen Wyntie Andrys Andryssen Andrys 1703- April 20. Marcus Du Secoy Gabriel Derek Claassen Hendrickie Jacob Wouters Cornells Pieter Rycken Hendricus b. May 20. Henderyck Kroe- Gerret bap. June sen Aug. 4. Barent Christoffel- Niclaes sen i703or 1705. Oct. 23. Jarels Morgen Margrietye 1705- Pieter Praal Abraham Elisabeth b. May 28. Cornells Tyssen bap. Aug. 2. Oct. 2. Abraham Van Tuil Geertruyt WITNESSES Hendrick Van Pelt Leydia Bendel Christiaan Corssen Blandiena Woggelum Thomas Morgen Mary Morgen Lambert Janzen Reyne Janzen Johannes Machgielzen Neeltie Machgielzen Jacob Corssen and wife Tyssen and Elyner Morgen Niclaes Backer Blandyena Bogardus Mattheus Decker Eva Decker Gerrit Vechten MaghdalenaVechten Antony Thyssen Katteleyn De Sceen Johan Pu and wife Thomas Sutten (or Lutten) Susanna Du Secoy Femmetie Rycken Jacob Crosse Trintje Backers Stofifel Christoffelsen Tryntie Barents Matthys Sween Sara Morgen Francyntye Morgen Arent Praal, Jr. Styntie Christoffels Leenert Smack Sara Smack Nies Teunisse Isaack F. Van Tuil Lena Teunisse I II DATE PARENTS 1706. Stoffel Van Santen Josua Bosch 1707 or 1706. April 23. Johannes Van Pelt 1706. April 23. Pieter Rycken WITNESSES Josua Samuel J oh an Cor s son Aeltye Laroe Casper Smyet Maria Smyet Blandyena Syemen Laroy Blandyena Laroy Derek Claassen Jacobus Barent Christoffel- sen Pieter Jacobus Kreven Annetye Kreven Jacobus Classen Magdalena Claassen Catharyna Hans Christoffelzen Mary Praal 1707. Matthys Sweem Barent Symessen Evert Mesker July 3. Joseph Bastido Jacob Jansen Thomas Sotten April 22. Jacob Jansen Oct. 21. Jacob Corssen April 22. Jores Bouman Joseph Bastido Oct. 22. Johan Staats July 23. Harmen Mesker Harmen Mesker 22. Cornells Neefies April 22. Evert Mesker Cobus Creven Cobus Claazen Magdaleen Johannes Neeltie Rosanna Wyntie Jan Johanna Jacob Elisabeth Louys Rebecca Johannes Neeltie Cornells Barent Sweem and wife Pieter Rycken and wife Ryck Ryckszen Elisabeth Sweem Louis de Bois Eva Morgin Lambert Janzen and wife Isaak Simesson Jan Van Pelt and wife Pieter Vyle Antie Corszen Andrys Bouman Renders Bouman Jan De Pue and wife Hendrick Kroesen Pieter Rycke Femmetie Rycke Gillis Iniaart and wife Cornelis Jorissen Neeltie Jorissen Hendrickie Pieter Ricken and wife Elsie Jan Iniaart Trintie Iniaart Femmetie Abraham Goolder and wife 12 1707. April 22. Thomas Berbanck Aeltie Lambert Wels Nicolaas Backer Johan Woggelum 23. Joseph Britten Johannes Ricliau Johannes Van Campen Pieter Wynantse July 23. Johannes Smack 30. Derek Kroessen Oct. 21. Hendricus Backer Jan Clerck Jan Dorlandt Pieter Praal Pieter Van Pelt Abraham Staats Mattheus De Decker 22. Paul Richau Johan Pue Daniel De Hart Barent Slecht 1708. April I. Beniamin Caren- ton Richart Merrel Barent Christoffel- sen Aert Simoszen Lambert Tryntie Christyn- tien Jeams Jacob Martha Pieter Annetie Hendrick Nicolaas Dorote Lambert Antie Jan Isaak Abraham Daniel Elisabeth Daniel Johan Margriete Elsje Rebecca Simon WITNESSES Barent Marlin Fytie Jansz Evert Van Namen Gerrit Kroesen and sister Neeltie Barent Slecht Renders Bouman Jeams Hanzen and wife Isaack Karbet Maria Karbet Thys Sween Saraatie Sween Jores Hooghlandt Hylletie Slechts Leendert Smack Maria Sweem Chrystiaan Korssen Sara Bogardus Johannes Van Pelt Sara Van Pelt Daniel De Hart Catalyntie De Hart Lambert Dorlandt Helena Dorlandt Aert Simonzen Antie Simonzon Jan Teunis Van Pelt Maria Van Pelt Harmen Joreszen Neeltie Joreszen Theunis Egberts Elisabeth Sweem Antoni Sweens Neeltie Sweens Jacob Van Pelt Grytie Clerck Johan Woggelom Blandina Woggelom Adam Morgen Eva Morgen Johan Magels Blandyna Korsse Christiaan Korszen and wife Christoffel Christoffel- zen Geertruy Simonsen 13 PARENTS 1708. April 20. Abraham Leeck Joseph Johannes Richau Isaack WITNESSES Barent Marlin and wife Ahasiierus Van Eng- elen Anna Corbet Jan Maklies Margriet Jan Waglom and wife Jarels Morgen Sarah Pieter Praal and wife Johannes Sweem Annetie Barent Sweem Mary Belveel Johannes Van Pelt Simon Pieter Van Pelt and wife Pieter Staats Edmond Harmen Jorissen Annaatie Staats b. Sept. 7. Henderyck Kroe- Cornelis Jan Staats Oct. sen Antje Crorse Oct. II. Nicolaas Britten William Nicolaes Britten " __. Rachel Stilwel 19- Hendrick Kroesen Cornelis Johan Staats and wife Catharina b. Oct. 11. Ryk Ryken Femmetie Johannes Rycken Oct. 19. Femmetie Rycken Isaac Bellin Daniel Pieter Praal and wife b. Sept. I. Maria 1709. April 19. Barent Slecht Cornelis Adriaen Van Wogelom Elisabeth Corssen Donckin Oliver Margarietie ; Egbert Hagewout Aeltie Hagewout Jan Clerck Dorothea Johannes Van Pelt Sara Van Pelt Jacob Jans Jacobus Simon Dey Maria Dey Lambert Wouters Sara Evert Van Namen Sara Jans Hendrick Van Laurens Laurens Van Campen Campen 22. Evert Van Namen Joseph EngelbartVan Namen Aeltie Janz Sept. 22. Abraham Van Tuil Elena Hendrick Hendrick- b. Oct. 22. Jores Bouman Isaac Van Tuyl Richart Merrel Ahasuerus Van Engelen sen Elena Hendricksen Johanna Johannes Nevius Elsie Bouman Catharyntie Abraham Van Tuyl Maria Laackman Richard Christiaen Corssen Lena Dorlant Rachel Johan Staats Catharina Staats 14 DATE I7IO. WITNESSES Michiel De Jeen Antoni Aert Simonsen Hans Barent Symessen Aron Barent Christoffel- Maria zen Johannes Van Pelt July 24. Harmen Bouman 25. Abraham Leeck Cathalyn Joris Margariet Johannes Van der Huven Magdalena Claassen Hans Christoffel Maria Praal Michiel De Jeen Martha Jaddin Aert Simessen Antie Simessen Daniel De Hart Cathalina De Hart Willem Bouman Henders Bouman EngelbartVan Namen Feitie Hofte No parents \ Mary Gennens Sara Gennens Pieter Van Pelt Pieter Praal 1711. April 17. Mattheus De Decker Samuel Isaac Jan Van Pelt Nenne Van Pelt Jan Van Woggelom, Jr and wife I?landina Daniel De Hart Saartie Hendrick Van Lammert Campen Johannes Richau Mary Jan Clerck Jan Johannes Van Campen Jan Dorlandt Christina Joris Johannes Sweem Magdalena Jacob Van Pelt Jan Joris Nevius Cornells Jan Vechten Nicolaes Pieter Rycken Abraham July 26. Joseph Bastido Bastido Elisabeth Jacobus Dye and wife Johannes Van Pelt and wife Sara Johannes Van Campen and wife Mary Isaac Corbet and wife Martha Jan Van Pelt Cathalyntie De Hart Pieter Praal and wife Mary Willem Bouman Tryntie Bouman Aron Praal, Jr. Elisabeth Sweem Jan Theunissen and wife Mary Cornells Nevius and wife Eechie Gerrit Vechten and wife Magdaleentie Abraham Rycke Cathalyntie Decker Donckin Oliver Mary Oliver 15 17II. July 26. Johannes Smack Marytie Johan Woggelum Suster Oct. 23. Abraham Talor Ephrum Aert Simoszen Aert Gerrit Kroese Cornells Johannes Nevius Cornells Jacob Wouters Benlamln Harmen Bouman Tryntie Ryk Ryken Lena b. Sept. 18. Oct. 23. i7i3or 17 1713- 15- Daniel De Hart Matthys WITNESSES Isebrant Van Kleef and wife Jannetie Adriaen Van Wog- gelom Elsie Merrel Ephraim Talor Margriet Talor Barent Simessen Styntie Christoffel Hendrick Croese Aagie Nevius Gerrit Van Wagene Tryntie Nevius Hendrick Maarlin Antie Wouters Johan Staats and wife Catharina Adriaen Schouten Marytie Schouten Jan Van Pelt Cornelia Mourits b. April 4. Henderyck Kroe- Neelje Christjaen Crorse April 22. sen Lysebet Korse July 13. Egbert Egbertsen Abraham Theunis Egberts Antie de Sien 14- Aert Simoszen Aert Barent Christoffel and wife Anna Hendrick Jansen Marytie Tys Jansen Rebecca Cool Jan Clerck Sara Pieter Van Pelt and wife Sara _ an Crossen Elisabeth Johannes Nevius Gerrit Joris Nevius and wife Lambert Gerritzen Lambert Hans Christoffel and wife Susanna Oct. 21. Rem Van de Bilt Hilletie Jacob Van de Bilt Femmetie Adriaens- sen I7I4. May 4. Beniamin Corssen Cornelis Egbert Hagewout Derckie Harmen Bouman Jacob Jacob Corssen Antie Corssen Pieter Hagewout, Sr. Tryntie Backer Pieter Staats Elizabeth Staats i6 WITNESSES I714. May 4. Joseph Bastido Joost Van Pelt Stieven Tietelo Pieter Staats Ryk Ryken July 14. Pieter Rycken 27. Cobus Creven Johan Pue Rut Vanden Bergh Oct. 19. Johannes Sweem Harmen Masker lyiSor 1713. Joris Nevius Jan Johan Simes Catharina De Pue Catharina Jan Van Pelt Catharina Hooghland Hieronimus Hieronymus De Syen Catharina De Syen Pieter Abraham Metzelaer and wife Agnietie Sofia Johannes Van Cleef Sofia Van Cleef 1715- Joris Nevius Willem Breet- stede Jacob Van Pelt Johannes Sweem Hendrick Van Campen Hendrick Van Campen Johannes Richau Hendrick Kroesen April 19. Johannes Van Pelt Johannes Sweem Jacob Van Pelt Isaac Johannes Moses Geesie Antie Abraham Margrietie Jan Andries Marytie Tys Aeltie Hendrick Antie Neeltie Simon Martha Derckie Beniamin Crorssen Blandina Corssen Jan Maklies and wife Eytie Thomas Barbanck Gidie Van Campen Styntie Christoffel David Laforsie Antie Willemsen Abraham Rycke Cathalyntie Decker Jan Mangelsen Tryntie Nevius Gerrit Croesen Marytie Nevius Johan Staats Catharina Staats Aert Van Pelt and wid. of Pieter Hagewout Johannes Van Campen Saara Van Namen Giedie Van Campen Elsie Van Campen Cornelis Egmont Marytie Van Campen Pieter Wynant Marytie Carbet Christiaen Corssen Elisabeth Corssen Pieter Van Pelt and wife Simon Van Namen Sara Van Namen Pieter Hagewout, Jr. Geertie Hagewout 17 WITNESSES 1715- April 19. Isebrant Van Cleef Jan Macklies Richard Merrel Willem Breetstede Mattheus De Decker Evert Mesker Engelbart Lot Abraham Leeck Jan Macklies Abraham Metze- laer Cornells Bouman Daniel De Hart b. May 21. Aron Praal, Jr. June 6. b. May 27. Abraham Egbert- sen b. May 21. Johannes Van Campen June 6. Joseph Carrinton Oct. 18. Gerrit Kroesen b. Sept. 8. Tunis Exbersen Johannes Swame Willem Swame Reick Reyken Nov. 23. Pieter Van Pelt Johannes Ryke Abraam Taylor Pieter Telburgh Beniamin Rem Van der Bilt Aeltie Byvanck Cornells Gerrit Croesen Adriaetie Croesen Richard AdriaanVan Wogelom Bennetie Ryke Johannes Johan Staats and wife Catharina Staats Mattheus Pieter De Decker Catharina Decker Mattheus Mattheus Decker and wife Elisabeth Abraham Ryken Metie Titsoer Abraham Abraham Meerling Elisabeth Bridges Eytie Jan Dorlant and wife Barber Jacobus Jan Veghte and wife Cornelia Neeltie Abraham Metselaer and wife Elisabeth Jan Clerck Elisabeth Niewen- huisen Elisabeth Pieter Staats and wife Elisabeth Abraham Theunis Egberts and wife Arent Johannes Sweem and wife Martha Jannetie Abraham Metzelaer and wife Agnietie Dirrick Joris Neeftjes Cathareyntje Kroesen Susanna Albert Willem Seymensen Elybet Magyel Hendreck Willemsen Maritje Wyllemit Elisabet Tammus Smyt Elesabet Reyken Willem Johannes Van Pelt and wife Abraham Aabram Ryke Elysebet Ryke Maregriet Jacob Van Pelt and wife Aeltje Johannes Willem Bouman and wife WITNESSES 1715- March 20. Jan Veghte b. Jan. I, 1715-6. 1716. March 20. Joost Van Pelt Andries Bouman May 21. Arey Van Woglom Machgyel Due Seen June 12. Steven Vetyto Tyes Jansen Sande Semson Aug. 13. Barent Christefer Oct. 30. 1717. April 16. Benjamin Corssen Pieter Marlyngh Symon Van Amen Hendrick Kroesen Pieter Van Pelt Johannes Van Pelt Jacob Van Pelt 17. Aron Paraal Jan Dorlant Gydeon Van Cam- pen Hendryck Van Campen Gerret Joost Andries Jan Valentyen Petrus Beletye Tabeta Ane Catryn Barent Maria Isack Saertie Cornelya Samuel Petrus Pieter Haron Isack Gerrit Johanes Jan Staats and wife Catryna Derek Hoogelant Elisebet Hogelant Barent Merlengh Katje Haste or Hafte Benyamen Korssen and wife Blandyna Corssen Abram Meslur and wife Angenetye Fellip Cosie Maria Magdalena Durlyet Johannes Jansen Aeltje Jansen Jan Semson and wife Jan Van Pelt and wife Aeltje Aert Symesen and wife Aentje Christjaan Corssen Elysebet Corssen Henderyck Merlingh and the child's mother Aront Prael, Jr., and wife Aentie Benjamin Korssen and wife Blandyna Kor- sen Jan Van Pelt and wife Altje Harme Jorusen and wife Neeltje Pieter Hagewout and wife Neeltje Symon Van Namen and wife Sartje Benjamin Crorsson and wife Blandyna Bastjan Elesen Cersteyntjes Christ- feer Claas Backer Marytje Van Campen 19 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1717. June 18. Aert Symensen Christoffel b. April 14 . Engelbart Lot Pieter Joseph Bastido Maria June 19. b. May 7. Aug. — . Jorius Neftjes Daniel De Hart Eechtje Samuel 13- Pieter Rycke Jacob Sept. 8. Cornells Oenaert Annetje Valeteyn Presser Pieter Joost Van Pelt Johannes Oct. 22. b. Sept. 17 b. Dec. 22. April 1, 17 Johan Vechten Ery Day .8. Cornelis Egmont Catharyna Johannes Altje April I. Cobus Creven GiUis b. Sept. 12 ,1717- WITNESSES I718. April I. Andries Bouman Jorius b. Jan. 12. Gerret Kroesen A son (no name) Jacob Corssen Benjamin Johannes Sweem Lysabet Pieter Hagewout Pieter Pieter Tylborgh Jorius May 18. Abram Talor Altje b. Apl. 24. Johannes Van Na- Pieter men May 22. Thys Jansz Maria Ryk Hendrickz Symon Christoffel Christfeer and wife Styntje Christfeer Lowys de Bo Margita Wolffers Lowys de Bo, Jr. Pieternel Bottelaar Johannes Neftjes and wife Antje James Helpets and wife Marytje Hel- pertsse Arme Rycke and wife Marytje Ryck Willem Bouwman and wife Pieter Van Pelt and wife Sara Sarel Teller and wife Aerjaenje Tellers Benjamyn Korsen Antje Staats Johannes Van Pelt and wife Lou werens Van Cram- pens and wife Gydon Van Campen and wife Johannis Afte Hendryektje Bouman Johannes Van Nieu- wenhuysen Marytje Neeftjes Douw Van Woglom Marytje Kroesen Altje Paraels Jacob Van Pelt Altje Van Pelt Benjamyn Crorsse Marytje Boumans Jan Macklies and wife Pieter Van Pelt and wife Sartje Johannes Zweem Mary Milers Thomas Jansz 20 DATS 1718. June I. b.Jan. s, 1717-8. June 15. July 20. PARENTS WITNESSES 27. Aug. 3. 13- 17- 24. Sept. 14. Oct. 19. Ledy Henricks Ad data reprehen- sione Patri and Testibus privata Pieter Martlings Antje Vielen Jan Claasz Maria de Chene Harme Bouman Neeltje Staats Cornells Brees Sara Schilmans Eduard Jones Catharina Dekkers Johannes Svveems, Sr, Jannetje La Forge Samuel Olivier Catharina du Puy Benjamin Corssen Blandina Vile Evert Van Namen Wyntje Benhem Tennis Egbertsen Jannetje duChesne Jacob Gramo Jan Petrus Elysabet Obedye Susanna Winters Benjamin Corssen Marytje Martlings Francyntje Jeroen de Chene Catlina de Chene Cornelis Cornelis Eduard Jan Catharina Benjamin Maria Teunis Johannes Femmetje Abraham Ryke Anneken Oliver Symon Van Namen Aaron Sara Praal Barent Symonssen Maria Apollonia Messe- ker Gerrit Rosen Nicolaas Judith Toers Johannes Neul Dirkje Geertje Hagewout Pieter Ceilo Elsje Blandina Van Pelt Pieter Dekker Maria Susanna Hetseel (or Hetfeel) Samuel Burnet, dec. Samuel Antje Mangels Ral Thomas Leake Thomas Jannetje Stryker Pieter Metzelaar Agneta Staats Cornelis Jansz Susanna du Tes Barent Symon sz Eva Messeker Adriaan La Forge Mary Merchen Hendrick Croesen Cornelia Corssen Jan Jennes Maria Jansz Jean Gareau Marie Auder Pieter Tilburgh and wife Mettje Isaak Merling Susanna Oliver Stoffel Christopher Elsje Dorlant Cornelis Jansz Wyntje Symons Aaron Toers Pietertje Toers Abraham Tailor Harmpje Hagewout Pieter Van Pelt Jacob Van Pelt Aaltje Hagewout Eduard Jones Eva Dekker Theunis Egbertsz F. Cornelis Stryker Gerritje Stryker 21 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES I718. 26. Jacob Grameaux Dirkje Van Til- burgh Catharina Jacobus Creven Antje Iniaart Nov. 2. Charles Messiel Marytje Elisabet David La Forge Teunis Bogaart Isaak Isaak Hegeman Catharina Hege- man 23- Johannes Huys- man Christina Hoppe Anna Paulus Hoppe Anna Huysman Jan. II. Barent Christoplier Susanna Pieter 1 7 18 -19. Anna Cathrina Stil- wel Willem Breetstede Elisabeth Arrow Jan. 18, Andries Willem Jorisz Bouw 1718- -19. Christina Bouw- man man Metje Bouwman Jan. 25- Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hoogelant Sara _ oh. Hogelant ^'emmetje Denys March i. Joh.Svveems.sonof Jacobus Jacobus Biebaut Anthony Rachel Sweem Mary Rus Lambert Gerritsz, Magdalena Jan du Puy Jr. Susanna du Puy Lysbet Sweem IS- Ryk Ryken Willempje Clement Henricus Hierome de Chesne Catlyn Canon 1719. April 12. Engelbert Van Na- Johannes Stoffel Christopher men Marytje de Camp Charles Gerritsz Charles Hendrik Van Pelt Catlyntje Margrietje de Hart 19. Matthys Sweem Anthony Catharina Mangels Ral Joh. Van der Hoe- Lea ven Anna Sweem Johannes Jansz Johannes Johanna Stol May 7. Charles Ellens Johannes Marytje de Camp 29. Hendrick Janszen Matthys Abigail Britten Christina de Camp Ary Schout Marya Van Pelt Johannes Van Pelt Daniel De Hart Catlyntje Van Pelt AnthonyThyszSweem Neeltje Jansz Johannes Sweem, Jr. Lea Sweem Henrik Jansz Antje Jans Laurens de Camp, Loco Past. Nicolaas Bakkers Catharina Vlierboom Jan du Puy Neeltje Jans 22 WITNESSES I7I9. 31- June ; b. May 1 July Aug. 26. 9- 30- Sept. Oct. 18. Nov. 8 IS- 29. Obadias Winter Susanna du Puy Gideon de Camp Hendrikje Elles Johannes Van Pelt Sara Leroy Rem Van der Beek Dorothea Coteleau Hendrik de Camp Maria Lackes or La Mes Hendrik Van Leeuwen Geurtje Coteleau JohannesMetselaar Cathryna Neefjes Willem Stilwell Sara Pareyn 13. Joris Neefjes Johannes Willempje Borkelo II. Johannes Praal Aaltje Thomas Barbanck Marritje Martling Joseph Bastido Judith Ryke Thomas Greegs Lena Du Puy Simon Bogaart MargrietjeTen Eik Willem Sweem Marya Lageler Eduard Jones Catharina Dekkers Jan Veghten Cornelia Staats Jacob Van Pelt Aaltje Hagewout Jan Stilwell Elisabeth Parein Francois Bodin Maria Dey Philip Casier Catharina Hoog- lant Frans Symon Bogaart Margrietje Ten Eik Laurens Laurens de Camp Aaltje Mandeveil Johannes Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hooglant Jan Petrus Simson Sophia Vander Beek David Bastiaan Elles Hendrikje Elles Frederyk Rem Vander Beek Dorethe Cateleau Aafje Joris Neefjes Abraham Lodewyk Metselaar (twins) Aagje Bouman Agneta Staats Willem Johannes Sweem, Sr. Daniel Daniel Pareyn (twins) Elisabeth Parein Maria Sweem Jan Mangels Ral Sara Neefjes Pieter Praal Aaltje Gerrits Maria Isaak Martlingh Anna Van Namen Pieter Martinus Jan du Puy Susanna du Puy Elisabet Jacobus Krankheit Catharina Hegemans Johannes Abraham Manez Maria Sweem Mattheus Pieter Dekkers Neeltje Dekkers Johannes Cornelius Van Sant- voord Maria Staats Catlyntje Pieter Van Pelt Sara Bogardus Johannes Johannes Sweem, Sr. Jannetje La Forge Jean Jean Journay Sara Dey Philip Hans Hansen Maria Hoogland 23 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES I7I9. Dec. 25. 26. Ary Van Woglum Celia Preyer Pieter Hagewout Johanna Nicolaas Jacob Corssen Hilletje Van Woglum Nicolaas Bakker Neeltje Bakkers Cornelia Corssen Feb. 7, Abraham Van Tuyl Otto Jacob Van der Bilt 1719-20. Femmetje Denysz Elisabet Hooghlant Henry Day Maria Van Pelt Samuel Jacob Van Pelt Aaltje Hagewout Feb. 14. Arent Praal, Jr. Anna Abraham Staats March 6. Antje Staats Jacobus Egbertsen Catharina Dey Corn. V. Santvoord Maria Maria Cath- Agneta Staats Jan Bisonet Sara Dey Jan Staats Anna Staats arina Catharina Corssen Johannes Neul Henrik Jacob Van Pelt 13- Geertje Hagewout Jan Cocheau Abraham Aaltje Hagewout Barent Symonsz Elisabet Jackson Apolonia Messeker 1720. March 27. Henrik Slecht Maria Catharina Wynants Jacob Van der Bilt Hilletje Neeltje Denys April 3. 17- Samuel Kierstede Lydia Dey Wynandt Wy- nandts Ann Cole Pieter Andrevet Rebecca Cole Jacobus Creaven Antje Iniaart Jan Dorlant Barbara Aukes Abraham Egbert- sen Francyntje Parain Egbert Egbertse Francyntje de Chene Ary Schouten Maria Van Pelt Johannes Slecht Catharina Berger Samuel Pieter Rebecca Anna Harmpje Eva (twins) Johannes Isaak Adriaan Cornelia Catharina (twins) Pieter Wynants Hilletje Woglum Gozen Adriaansz Femmetje Van der Bilt Jacobus Egberts Catharina Dey Pieter Wynandts Anna Maria Richau Cornells Jansen Mary Cole Carel Iniaart Marya Gleave Lambert Dorlant Richard Merl Elsje Dorlant Harmpje Ryke Jean Bodin Marie La Tourette Thomas Kasper Francyntje Mangels Ral Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hooglant Jacob Corssen Jacob Berger Brechtje Berger Elsje Berger 24 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES. 1720. May I. Isaack Van Tuyl Sara Lakerman Catharina Abrah. Lakerman Antje Van Tuyl 15- Cornells Bouwman Antje Staats Neeltje Arent Praal, Jr., and wife Antje Staats June 5- John Jennes Antje Wouters Sara Evert Van Namen ■ enneken Van Namen 12. Isaak Symons Antje Vand' Bilt Jeremias _ an Veghie Cornelia Staats '9- Matthys Jansz Elisabet Ward Matthys Robert Frost Sara Usselton 26. John Whithead John Nicolaas Bakker (Secund Adjura- (Extra Con- tionem) jugium) Elisabet Bakker Pieter Martlings Barent Barent Martlings Antje Vilen Sara Van Namen July 17- John Richaud Amy Carber Lea Pieter Wynants Hilletje Van Woglum 24. Pieter Dekker Susanna Hetseel or Hetfeel Johannes Nicolaas Du Puy Neeltje Dekker Aug. 7- Cornelis Woinat Tryntje Bouwman Hendrikje Willem Breedstede Elsje Bouwman 21. Abraham Tailor Harmpje Hage- wout Rachel Johannes Neul Rachel Hagewout Oct. 9- Michiel du Chene Snsanna Van der Hoeven Cornelis Gerrit du Chene Anna du Chene 16. '_ an Hagewout ilisabet Hoogh- lant Aaltje Jacob Van Pelt Aaltje Hagewout Jan Van Pelt Catlyntje Barent Christopher Aaltje Hooghlant Marrytje Hooglant Dec. II. Dirk Cadmus Jannetje Van Hoorn Frederyk Hendrik Ligget Antje Vile Pieter Van Til- Willem Willern Breestede burgh Christina Bouwman Metje Bouwman 18. Tennis Bogaart Catharina Hege- man Adriaan Gozen Adriaans FemmetjeVan der Bilt 26. Jaques Coteleau Jacomyntje Van Pelt Debora Pieter Coteleau Dorothe Coteleau Jan. I, Hendrik Van Pelt Hendrik Jan De Hart 1720 -1. Margrietje DeHart Anna De Hart Richard Merl Lambert William Mackeleen Elsje Dorlant Elisabet Merl 25 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1720- I. Jan. I. William Mackelien Elisabet Merl Maria Johannes Van Pelt Sara Sara Le Roy 8. Auke Jansz CatharinaSebering Isaak 15- Abraham Ryke Anneke Oliver Abraham JohannesHuysman Rachel Christina Hoppe Jan Jurks Johanna 1721, Agnietje Staats Apri 30. Cornelis Egmont Elsje de Camp Femmetje May 7- Thomas Greegs Lena du Puy Pieternelle 21. Hendrik de Camp Maria La Mes Gideon 28. Rem Van der Beek Dorothea Coteleau Rem June 1 1. Lambert Van Dyk Marritje Hogelant Henricus July 2. Lambert Gerritz, Nicolaas WITNESSES i6. 23- Aug. 6. 13- Sept. 3. Jr. Lysbet Sweem Jacobus Biebaut Maria Sweems Jacobus Corn. V. Santvoord Anna Anna Staats Jacob Anna Cath- arina Johannes Haften Marytje Johannesz Jacob de Garem- eaux Dirkje Van Til- burgh Willem Breetstede Engeltje Christina Bouw- man Dirk Hogelant Jenneke Maria Slot Richard Merl Elsje Dorlant Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hooglant Rem Van der Beek Isaak Balin Aart Symonsz Geertruyd Symons Christoffel Christo- pher Christina De Camp Harmen Bouman Neeltje Staats Gideon de Camp Hendrikje Elles Nicolas dupuy Neeltje Dekkers Jacob Bakker Cathar}'na Vlierboom Jacques Coteleau Jacomyntje Van Pelt Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hogelant Nicolaas du Puy Catharina Christopher Michel de Chene Susanna Van der Hoe- ven Do. Bernardus Free- man, V. D. M. on Long Island Margaretha Van Schayk, both repres. by Jan Staats and Catharina Corssen Johannes Symons Catharina Beauvois Abraham Taylor Harmpje Hagewout Jacob Van der Bilt Elsje Bouwman Johannes Hooglant Catharina Richaud 26 DATE I72I. Oct. 8. PARENTS Gozen Adriaansz Hilletje Femmetje Van der Bilt Jacobus Egbertsen Teunis Catharina Dey Engelbert Van Na- Sara men Maria Marytje de Camp (twins) 15. Joris Neefjes Willempje Borkelo Johannes Metze- laar Cathryna Neefjes Dec. 10. Aart Van Pelt Christina Immet 24. Johannes Neul Geertje Hagewout Jan. 7, Henrik Slecht 1721-2. Catharina Wynants Jaques Hervan Charite Bries 14. Philip Cazier Catharina Hoog- lant Feb. 25. Baay Spier Catalyntje Hasten or Haften Syrah Tites Aaltje Webs Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakkers March 18. Johannes Van der Hoeven Anna Sweem Willem Sweem Marie Lageler 1722. April 15. Isaak Martling Anna Van Name Margari- etje Harmpje Maria Margareta Hilletje Sara Catharina Sytje Cornells Dirkje Cornelius Cornelius Anna 29. Eduard Jones Abigail Catharina Dekkers Fredrik Bergen Gerritje Gerritje Veghte WITNESSES Jacob Van der Bilt Neeltje Denys Henrik Van Lawa Geurtje Coteleau Joh. Van Namen Joh. De Camp Maria Van Pelt Maria Praal Jobs Metzelaar Jannetje Borkelo Pieter Metzelaar Maria Neefjes Jacob Van Pelt Maria Para Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakkers Ary Van Woglum Celia Preyer Cornells Jansen Catharina Simons Rem Van der Beek Dorothea Coteleau Johannes Hasten or Haften Geesje Els Barent Martling Antje Vand' Bilt Abraham Taylor Harmpje Hagewout Michel du Chene Susanna Van der Hoe- ven Pierre Manin Elisabet Sweem Thomas Barbank Sara V. Namen representing Ahasuerus Van Eng- elen Rebecca Van Namen Nicolas Lazilier Esther Lakeman Gerrit Veghte Gerritje Wisselpen- ning 27 DATE P.^RENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1722. May 20. Egbert Egbertszen Johannes Marytje Claassen Francyntje du Chene Johannes Preyer Anna Ary Van Woggelum Maria Ral Catharina Sweem Jacob Ryt Maria Jannetje du Chene Anna Ral Thomas Greegs Anna Barent Christopher Lena Dupuy June 3- Ary Van Woglum Celia Preyer Anna Johannes Preyer Maria Ral Israel du Secoy Anna Abraham Lakeman Geertruydt Van Anna Van Tuyl Deventer 17- Abraham Egbert- sen Francyntje Parain Elisabet Matthieu La Roue Catharina La Roue Matthys Jansz Rachel John Miller Elisabet Ward Mary Miller July 8. Isak Symonsz Antje Vand"- Bilt Maria Johannes Hasten Marytje Johannesz Pieter Metzelaar Harmpje Johannes Metzelaar Maria Neefjes Tryntje Neefjes Aug. 5- Aart Symons Margriet Daniels Anna Benjamin Corssen Blandina Vile 12. Samuel Oliver Catharina du Puy Petronella Nicolas du Puy 19- Pieter Martlings Antje Vilen • Debora Jacob Corssen patrem representans Douwe Van Woglum Rebecca Corssen 26. Jan Andrevet Leah Sweem Neeltje Johannes Sweem Anna Sweem Sept. 9- Henrik Bries Dina du Cecoy Henrik Cornelius Bries Sarah Bries Oct. 14- Pieter Ceilo Blandina Van Pelt Pieter Pieter Van Pelt Sara Bogardus 28. Jacob Bennet Elisabet Brouwer Aaltje Philippe Cazier Catharina Hooghland Nov. 4- Jaques Corteleau Jacomyntje Van Pelt Pieter Rem Van der Beek Dorethe Coteleau 1 1. Jan Van Voorhees Femmetje Jan Stevens Van Neeltje Neefjes Willempje (twins) Voorhees Pieter Neefjes Femmetje Auke Willempje Luyster 25- Abraham Tailor Harmpje Hage- wout ■ Aaltje Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakkers DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1722. Dec. 23. Jacobus Craven Christina Joris Neefjes Antje Iniaart Willemtje"Borkelo 3°- Simon Bogaart Margareta Teunis Bogaart MargrietjeTenEyk Celia Preyer Feb. 3, Jacob Van der Bilt Jacobus Abraham V. Tuyl 1722-3. Neeltje Denys Femmetje Denys Feb. 17. ^ acob Preyer Andries Ary Van Woglum ^ea Beekman Celia Preyer Robert Frost Usselton Matthys Jansz March 8. 1723- April 14. May 23. 26. June 2. July 14. 21. Aug. 25. Sept. 15. 22. Sara Usselton Corn. Van Sant- voord Anna Staats Cornelius Jan Veghte Cornelia Staats Lambert Van Dyk Elisabet Marritje Hooglant Samuel Kierstede Johannes Lydia Deny Teunis Bogaart Abraham Catharina Hege- man Jan Jurks Pieter Agnietje Staats Abraham Manez Anna Jansen Cornelis Wynant Maria Cole Obadias Holmes Susanna dupuy Rem Van der Beek Dorothea Coteleau Jacobus Egbertzen Catharina Deny Johannes Metze- laar Cathryna Neefjes Cornelis Egmont Elsje de Camp Johannes Sweem Mary Perine Lambert Gerrit- zen, Jr. Lysbet Sweem Abraham Gray Ariaantje Aartsen Job du Secoy Sarah Denis Daniel Hogelant Elisabet Hogelant Francois Bodin Maria Deny Koert Van Voorhees Maria Hegeman Cornelius Van Sant- voord Anna Staats Abraham Pieter Manez Elisabet Sweem Elisabet Abraham Cole Hilletje Woglum Joseph Joseph Holmes Elisabet du Pu}' Jaques Jan Hegeman Martha Van der Beek Johannes James Deny, Jr. Anna Deny Cornelis Pieter Bouman Sara Neefjes Zeger Zeger Gerritzen Jannetje Faas Elisabet Obadias Winter and wife Susanna de Puy Abraham Catharina Gerritzen Isaak Joris Neefjes Johannes Israel du Secoy Geertruyd Van De- venter 29 PARENTS WITNESSES 1723- Sept. 22. Nov. 24. Pieter Barbaric Elisabet du Secoy Jacob de Grameaux Dirkje Van Til- burgh Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Boskerk Dec. 8. Gerrit Croesen, son of Henrik Geertruyd Van Tuyl 22. Thomas Stilwell Sara Van Namen 25. Pieter Andrevet Rebecca Cole Jan. 12, Joris Neefjes 1723-4. Willempje Borkelo Feb. 2. Johannes Van der Hoeven Anna Sweem 23. Elias Burger Susanna Whitman March 15. Philip Cazier Catharina Hoogh- lant 1724. April 6. 19. May 17. 24. June 7. July 19. Cornells Janszen Sara Manbrut Isaak Van Tuyl Sara Lakerman Nicolaas du Puy Neeltje Dekker Thomas Greegs Lena Dupuy Jaques Hervan Geertje Bries Jan Andrevet Leah Sweem Pieter Dekker Susanna Hetseelor Hetfeel Henry Day Maria Van Pelt Pieter Metzelaar Maria Neefjes Douwe Van Wog- gelum Jannetje Staats Abraham Teunis Coevert Dina du Secoy Matthys Ab. de Grameaux Maria Bouman Maria Gerrit Croesen Neeltje Corssen Henrik Henrik Croese Cornelia Corssen Thomas Barent Martling Dina Van Namen Elisabet Abraham Cole Hilletje Van Woglum Pieter Bastiaan Elles Tryntje Neefjes Lea Jacobus Biebaut Marya Sweem Nathan Dirk Albert Rykman Maria Kip Sara Antony Van Pelt Lady Manbrut Geertruyd Nicolas Lageler Esther Lakerman Catharina Eduard Jones Catharina Dekkers John Francois Bodin Maria Dey Cornells Jan Andrevet Leah Sweem Leah Jaques Hervan Geertje or Geestje Bries Susanna Abraham Crochon Catharina Gerritzen Petrus Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hogeiant Cornelius Lodewyk Metzelaar Aaghje Neefjes Zuster Benjamin Corssen Blandina Vile 30 WITNESSES 1724. 26. Aug. 16. 3°- Sept. 13. Dec. 27- 13- Dirk Cadmus Jannetje Van Hoorn Aart Symons Margfriet Daniels Tites Tites Blandina Van Pelt Bastiaan Elles Sara Neefjes Gedeon de Camp Hendrikje Elles Richard Merl Elsje Dorlant Arent Praal, Jr. Antje Staats Jacob Van Pelt Aaltje Hagewout Johannes Neefjes Antje Gerritz Henrik Slecht CatharinaWynants Jacob Bennet Elisabet Brouwer Rutgert Jan Van Hoorn Antje Van Hoorn Daniel Catharina Symons Aaltje Johannes Van Pelt Aaltje Web Catharina Nicolaas Bakker Tryntje Vleereboom Bastiaan Zeger Gerritsen Jannetje Faas Susanna Joris Neefjes Willempje Borkulo Pieter Nicolas Lageler Esther Lakeman Catlyntje Joh. Huysman Lea Hagewout Pieter Bastiaan Elles Sara Neefjes Barent Barent Slecht Catharina Richaud Juriaan Fredrik Bergen Gerritje Veghte 1724- -5- Jan. 10. Isak Martling Anna Van Namen Aaltje Thomas Barbank Anna Barbank representing Marritje Martling 24. Jan Veghte Cornelia Staats Jannetje Douwe Van Wogge- lum Jannetje Staats 31- Henrik Bries Dina du Secoy Sara Gabriel du Secoy Sara Schilman Feb. 7- Thomas Morgan Magdalena Staats Elisabet Pieter Dekker Susanna Hetfeel 14- Samuel Kierstede Lydia Deny Lydia 21. Simon Van Namen Sara Praal Moses Maria Sweem March 14. Jacobus Biebaut Maria Johannes Van der Maria Sweem Hoeven Anna Sweem Jaques Egbertzen Laurens Gosen Adriaansz Catharina Deny Femmetje Van der Bilt Wynant Wynants Abraham Abraham Cole Ann Cole Geertruyd Van De- venter 21. Johannes Hasten Marytje Johannesz Johannes Benjamin Hasten Antje Van der Bilt 31 WITNESSES 1724-5- March 2 1, 1725- March 28. Corn. V. Santvoord Staats Anna Staats Teunis Bogaart Maria Catharina Hege- man 29. Johannes Van Na- Sara men Marvtje Van Pelt Will'em Stibs Willem Catlyna De Hart April iS. Teunis Coevert Femmetje Femmetje Van der Schure May 2. Symon Symonsz Antje Maria Woertman 9. Jan Van Voorhees Jacobus Neeltje Neefjes Charles Morgan Maria Sara Lorton (Ru- tan?) 30. Obadias Holmes Susanna Susanna du Puy June 6. Peiter Ceilo Cornelia Blandina Van Pelt 12. Gerrit Jacobusz Rachel Anna Van Nes 27. Ary Van Woglum Andries Celia Preyer Jul}' 4. Abraham Tailor Pieter Harmpje Hage- wout Philip Merril Elisabet Bakker Aug. 8. 13- 29. Sept. 19. 26. Pieter Mariez Mary Brooks Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Boskerk Jan Dorlant Barbara Aukes Stephen Wood Geertje Winter Jacobus Craven Antje Iniaart Fredrick Bergen Gerritje Veghte Catharina Susanna (twins) Maria Pieter Abraham Jannetje Esther Henrik Douwe V. Woggelum Maria Staats Folkert Folkertzen Maria Bogaart repres. by Symon Bogaart and Margrietje Ten Eyk Pieter Van Pelt Sara Bogardus Henrik Van Pelt Tryntje Vlierboom Henry Janszen Marie Manez Isak Symonsz Antje Vand' Bilt Henry Day Maria Morgan Thomas Greegs Lena du Puy Jacob de Gramo Dirkje Van Tilburg Isak Van Nes Tryntje Jacobusz Jacob Preyer Margrietje Ten Eyk Jan Barbank Lea Hagewout Jacob Bakker Tryntje Vleereboom Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakker Jean Miller Maria Coevert Pieter Bouwman Antje Croesen Jan Veghte Cornelia Staats Obadias Winter Susanna du Puy Thomas Craven, Jr. Neeltje Craven Jacob Corssen Sara Bergen 32 DATE PARENTS CHILD •725- Oct. 10. Jan Jurks Agnietje Staats Rachel Nov. 7- Bastiaan Elles Sara Neefjes Cornelius Dec. 12. Juhannes Pi-eyer Maria Rail Andries Jean Seguin Elisabet Hooper Thomas Greegs Jonas Maria 25- Lena du Puy Jacob Van der Bilt Magdalena Neeltje Denys Johannes Richaud Rachel Amy Carbet Cornelis Wynant Maria Maria Cole 26. Johannes Metze- Cornelis laar Sara 172 5-6. Cathryna Neefjes Pieter Andrevet (twins) Elisabet Jan. I, Rebecca Cole Anna (twins) 2. Cornelis Egmont Christoffel 3°- Elsje de Camp Elias Stilwell Anna Barbank Thomas WITNESSES Feb. 13. Joris Neefjes Aaghje Willempje Borkelo Hendrik de Camp Christoffel Maria La Mes Cornelis Janszen Sara Mambrut Maria March 6. 1726. April 10. Johannes Wimmer Maria Wyntje Symons Henrik Slecht Jacob Catharina Wynants Tites Tites Sara Blandina Van Pelt Philippe Cazier Jacobus Catharina Hoogh- lant Lodewyk Metzelaar Antje Meszelaar Joris Neefjes Aaghje Bouwman Jacob Preyer Lea Beekman Jaques Seguin Martha Hooper Ary Van Woggelum Celia Preyer Pieter Wynant Anna Maria Richaud Bastiaan Elles Sara Neefjes Henrik Slecht Cathryna Wynants Cornelis Janszen Lea Sweem Laurens de Camp Christyntje de Camp Thomas Barbank Marietje Martlingh repres. by Anna Van Namen Jacobus Craven Antje Iniaart Laurens de Camp Loca Patris Cornelis Egmont Christyntje de Camp Jaques Seguin Lady Mambrut matern. representans Barent Symons Apollonia Messeker Peter Wynants Celia Preyer repres. Anna Maria Richaud Jacob Van Pelt Sara Le Roy Jacobus Kierstede Sara Norby 33 WITNESSES 1726. April 24. May 19. 29. 3°- June 12. 26. 27. July 3- 17- 19. 31- Aug. 14. 28. Sept. 4. 18. Oct. 9. Jean La Tourette Marie Mersereaux Simon Bogaart Margrietje Ten Eyk Jaques Coteleau Jacomyntje Van Pelt Jacob Wright Antje Rol Johannes Van der Hoeven Anna Sweem Henry Day Maria Van Pelt Thomas Janszen Antje Van Pelt Jacob Garamaux Dirkje Van Til- burgh Nicolaas Gerritson Christina V. Wog- gelum Pieter Metzelaar Maria Neefjes Nicolaas du Puy Neeltje Dekkers Johannes Dekker Maria Sweem Jan Janssen Jannetje Glascou Abraham Zutphen Marytje Borkelo Jacob Preyer Lea Beekman Eduard Jones Catharina Dekkers Isak Gaspers Elisabet Lisk JohannesHuysman Wyntje Symons John Merril Geertruyd Sy- monsz Douwe Van Wog- gelum Jannetje Staats Nicolaas du Puy Neeltje Dekkers David Simon Neeltje Susanna Elisabeth Maria Thomas Metje Nicolaas Aaghje Johannes Maria Elisabet Abraham Johanna Eduard Casparus Anna Geertruyd Jan Mattheus David La Tourette Martha Mersereaux Anthony Sweem Tites Tites Mary Morgan Johannes Van Name Sara Bogardus Johannes Metzelaar Tryntje Neefjes Douwe V. Woggelum Cathrina Gerritson P' Bouman Neeltje Staats Pieter Dekkers Susanna Hetseel or Hetfeel Charles Dekker Lena Sweem Thomas Janssen Mary Janssen Symon Symonsz Maria Woersman Zeger Dekkers Maria Sweem Hans Rol Anna Bouwman Harme Bouwman Neeltje Staats Jan Staats Catharina Corssen Charles Dekkers Elisabet du Puy 34 DATE 1726. Oct. 9. 16. 23- Nov. 27. Dec. II. 1726-7. Feb. 12. 19- 24- 26. WITNESSES 1727. April 9 May 21. June 4. June 18 25 July 9. Wynant Wynants Ann Cole Tennis Van Pelt Marie Drageau Aart Symons Margriet Daniels Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakkers Pieter Dekker Susanna Hetseel or Hetfeel Nicola as Chris- topher Christina Bouman Charles Morgan, Jr. Sara Rutan Albert Rykman Catharina Chris- topher Thomas Morgan Magdalena Staats Jacobus Biebaut Maria Sweem Phillip Merril Elisabet Bakker Pieter Van Til- burgh Metje Bouwman Johan H enrich Packer Anna Maria Jiiger Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Boskerk Symon Symonsz Maria Woertman Jacob Bennet Elisabet Brouwer Abraham Zutphen Marytje Borkelo Obadias Holmes Susanna duPuy Woodhul Tourneur Anna Lawrence Jan Veghte Cornelia Staats Pieter Ceilo Blandina Van Pelt Jacob Anthony Susanna Egbert Sara Barent Thomas Rebecca Magdalena Elisabet Phillip Henricus Catharina Christiaan Marritje Elisabet Maria Johannes Benjamin Henrik Sara Henrik Slecht Catharina Wynants Jan Van Pelt Susanna La Tourette Zeger Gerritsz Jannetje Vlierboom Philip Merril Elisabet Bakker Joh. Christopher Styntje deCamp Thomas Morgan Magdalena Staats Philippe easier Maria Kip Philippe Casier Catharina Hooghlant Corn. Woinat Tryntje Bouwman, repres. by Hendrik- je Bouwman Christiaan Corssen Cornelia Corssen Jacob Preyer Lea Beekman Abraham Brouwer, Jr. Nicolas duPuy Neeltje Dekkers Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Hooglant Rebecca Staats Johannes Van Pelt Sara Le Roy 35 DATB 1727. July 16. Aug. 13. Oct. I. 8. WITNESSES 15- Dec. 24- 1727-8. Jan. 21. 2». Feb. II. 18. Feb. 18. 25- March 3. 17- 24. Hendrik Janszen Henrik Francyntje Parein Jacob Van Dyk Catharina Catharina Van Brunt Bastiaan EUes Aagtje Sara Neefjes Hendrik Van Leeu- Lena wen Geurtje Coteleau Jacob Van Pelt Jan Aaltje Hagewout Gideon de Camp Gideon Henrikje Elles Matthys Svveem Jannetje Catharina Mangels Rol Stephen Wood Steven Geertje Winter Obadia (twins) John Lisk Jacob Rachel Hagewout Rem Van der Beek Dorothea Dorothea Coteleau Nicolaas Gerritzen Susanna Christina V. Wog- gelum Johannes Metze- Johannes laar Tryntje Neefjes Johannes Van der Johannes Hoeve Anna Sweem Cornelis Wynant Cornelius Mary Cole Charles Dekker Charles Lena Sweem Douwe Van Wog- Jan Staats gelum Jannetje Staats Pierre La Tourette Daniel Marianne Mer- sereaux Jaques Seguin Sara Lady Mambrut Henrik Slecht Jan Catharina Wynants Elias Stilwell Daniel Anna Barbank Symon Symonsz Maria Woertman Tryntje Van Dyk Matthys Iniaart Tryntje Neefjes Abraham Taylor Harrapje Hagewout Cornelis Egmont Elsje DeCamp Johannes Sweem Obadia Winter Susanna de Puy Pieter Cailo Blandina Van Pelt Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakker Jannetje Staats Geertruyd Metzelaar Wynant Wynant Martha Hooper Jan Veghle Cornelia Staats Jean Bodin Elisabet Mersereaux Jean Seguin Sara Mambrut Jan Slecht Jan Barbank Lea Hagewout 36 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1727-8. March 24. 1728. April 21. Jan Van Voorhees Roelof Neeltje Neefjes Tites Titusz Maria Blandina Van Pelt Henry Day Maria Van Pelt Johannes Dekker Sara Simon Van Nai Maria Sweem 22. MatthysVanBrakel Rachel Rachel Jansz Johannes Sweem Rachel Mary Row James Botler Anna Sara Pereine Wynant Wynants Daniel Ann Cole Hendrik Janszen Belitje Francyntje Parein 28. Jan Jurks Catharina Agnietje Staats May 5. Anthony Sweem Maria Anna Brooks 26. Johannes Huys- Pieter man Wyntje Symons Jacob deGramo Agneta Dirkje Van Tilburgh June 10. Pieter Dekker Mattheus Susanna Hetseelor Hetfeel 30. Thomas Johnson Anna Bouwman July 14. Aart Symons Barent Margriet Daniels 28. Andre Escord Esther Catline Richaud Aug. II. Henry Day Simon Maria Van Pelt 18. Benjamin Haste or Jacob Hafte Jannetje Johannis Sept. 8. Jean La Tourette Marie Marie Mersereaux 13. Gerrit Croesen, son Femmetje of Henrik Geertruyd Van Tuyl Oct. 13. Josue Mersereaux Josua Marie Corssen Fredrik Sharman Jacob Margreta Winter Lea Sweem Joh. Sweem Pieter Wynants Hilletje Woggelum Johannes Sweem Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakker Johannes Sweem Marytje Borkelo Aart Symons Margrieta Daniels Catlina Dekker Casparus Elisabet Lisk Isaac Richaud Esther Escord Simon Van Namen Sara Praal Isaak Simonsz Cathrina Beauvois Paul Mersereaux Esther La Tourette Ab. Van Tuyl Femmetje DeiNys Abadia Winter, repres. Jacob Price or Prue 37 DAI :e PARENTS CHILD 1728. Oct. 20. Johannes Richaud Amy Corbet Elsje Johannes Preyer Jannetje Maria Rail Nov. 10. Jan Janszen Mayke Verkerk Elsje 24- Philip Merril Elisabet Bakker Nicolaus Nicolaas Bosch Eduard Elisabet Drenk- water Dec. 8. Jan Barbank Lea Hagewout Thomas 22. Corn. V. Santvoord Anna Staats Jacoba Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Neeltje Bakkers 25- Cornells Janszen Sara Mambrut Rachel Jacob Van der Bilt Johannes 1729. Neeltje Denys — . Henry Wright Henricus 1728- •9- Aaltje Martlings Jan. I. Jacob Bergen Maria Croesen Cornelia 12. Pieter Ceilo Blandina Van Pelt Daniel 19- Simon Bogaart Margrietje Ten Eyk Gysbert Feb. 23- Cornells Corssen Cornelius WITNESSES March 2. 16. 23- Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Tennis Bogaart Cornelius Catharina Hegeman Daniel Van Winkel Aaghje Jannetje Vreelant Thomas Morgan Pieter Magdalena Staats Symon Symonsz Maria Maria Woertman Jaques Egbertszen Nicolaas Cathrina Bakker 1729. April 6. Abraham Tailor Harmpje Hage- wout Ephraim Daniel Escord Elisabeth Miller Hans Ral Elisabet Strickhousz Jaques Egbertsz Catharina Bakker Nathanael Drenk- water Margriet Drenkwater Thomas Barbank M a r r e t j e Martlingh, repres. by the child's mother Christiaan Corssen Jannetje Staats Jacobus Bakker Rebecca Staats Estienne Mersereaux Marie Mersereaux Barent Martling Dina V. Name Henrik Croesen Cornelia Corssen Joh. Van Namen Marytje Van Pelt Henrik Slecht Catharina Wynants Frans Gerbrants Neeltje Corssen, repres. by A n t j e Croesen Jacob Van Wageninge Lea Jurriaans Aart Symons Margriet Daniels John Day Frankje More 38 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1729. April 7. Jan Andrevet Jan Leah Sweem 20. Abraham Manez Sarah du Chine Petrus Louis Guineau Susanna Jannetje Glascow Anna Ciseau May 4- Johannis Wynants Lena Bird Cathryntje Henrik Slecht Cathryna Wynants 1 1. Jan Philip Simsem- bach Ule Catharina Pik- kerling Anthony Fountain Belitje Byvank Aaltje Antje Pieter Bouwman Antje Van Pe 15- Jacobus Biebaut Marytje Sweem Petrus 25- Jan Van Pelt, son Jan Teunis Van Pelt of Anthony Susanna Helena Van P. Susanna La Tour- (twins) Corn. Dorlant ette Sara Van Pelt 26. Frans Gerbrantsz Neeltje Corssen Jacob Bennet Elisabet Brouwer Elisabet Willem Cornells Corssen Antje Croesen June I. Johannis Johnson Jannetje Glascow Albert Albert Janszen Marytje Force both repres. by the parents July 27. Adriaan Van Wog- gelum Celia Preyer Adriaan Aug. 24. Jacobus Bakker Rebecca Staats Catharina Jan Staats Catharina Corssen Thomas Lisk Sara Pieter Bouwman Catlyntje Van Pelt Blandina Van Pelt 31- Hendrik Janszen, dec-*. Esther b. after her Esther Berville Francyntje Parein father's death Sept. 14- Nicolaas Gerritzon Christina Van Woggelum Jan Jan Van Woggelum, repres. by the father Oct. 26. Abraham Zutphen Marytje Borkelo Antje 26. Albert Rykman, Albert Barent Christopher dec"". (Posthumus) Cathrina Hogelant Cathrina Christo- pher Cornells Dorlant Anthony Jan Van Pelt Saartje Van Pelt Susanna La Tourette 39 DATE 1729-30. Jan. 4. Feb. I. 8. 15- March 6. 29. i73°- 3°- April 5. May 24. 29. 31- June 7. PARENTS WITNESSES 28. July 19. Andre Escord Catline Richaud Nicolaas duPuy Neeltje Dekkers Jan Winter Martha Pay Jacob Van Dyk Catharina Van Brunt Johannes Huysman Wyntje Simons John Day Anne More Titus Titusz Blandina Van Pelt Benjamin Haste Jannetje Johannis Maria Nicolaas Jesias Catharina Aart William Syrah Johannes Pieter Wynants Catharina Wynants Susanna duPuy Bastiaan Ellis Sara Neefjes Corn. Eg-hmont Elsje deCamp Symon Symonsz Martha Symonsz Matthys Van Maria Brake! Rachel Jansz Zeger Dekker Eva Elizabet duPuy Charles Dekker Matthys Lena Sweem Lambert Gerritzen Elisabet Lysbet Sweem Josue de Merser- Jacob eaux Maria Corssen Johannes Dekker Matthys Maria Sweem Charles Petit Elisabet Anne Parliez John Jones Maria Rachel Van En- gelen Matthys Iniaart Matthys Elisabet Gerritzen Arent Praal W i 1 1 e m Marytje Bouwman Jorisze Douwe Van Wog- Cornelius gelum Jannetje Staats Charles Morgan Abraham Sara Rutan Fredrik Sharman Thomas Margreta Winter Barent Sweem Maria Canon Jacob Corssen Elisabet Vile Simon Van Namen Jean Seguin Dorcas Seguin Jan Van Pelt, son of Tony Lena Van Pelt Bastiaan Ellis Tryntje Vlierboom Willem Jorisze Bouw- man Maria Praal Jan Staats Catharina Corssen Susanna Winter 40 i73°- Aug. 23. Oct. 25. II. 1730-31- Jan. 17. 24. 31- Feb. 14. 2». Aart Symons Cornelius Margriet Daniels Philippe Cazier Petrus Catharina Hoogh- lant Abraham Manez Antje Sarah duChene Pierre La Tourette David Marianne Merser- Jaques eaux (twins) Phillip Merril Mary Elisabet Bakker Jean La Tourette Henricus Marie Mersereaux Johannes Van der Anthony Hoeven Anna Sweem Bastiaan Elles Sara Sara Neefjes Tennis Van Pelt Marie Drageau Johannes Isaak Martling Johannes Anna Van Namen Cornelis Corssen Cornelius Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Abraham Yates Joseph Hester Drinkwater Jean Mersereaux Elisabet Creage(?) March 14. Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakker Pieter Ceilo Blandina Van Pelt 1731- March a6. Isaac Gerritzen Maria Christopher Joseph Lake Aaltje Barbank Thomas Lisk Catlyntje Van Pelt Josua Jacobus Wilhelmus Christopher Abraham Margriet WITNESSES Cornelius Van Sant- voord Anna Staats Peter Van Ranst Sara Van Ranst Jaques de Riveaux Marie La Tourette Esther La Tourette Richard Merril Elsje Dorlant Josue Mersereaux Maria Corssen Lea Sweem Zeger Gerritze Jannetje Vlierboom, repres. by Neeltje Staats Adriaan Van Wog- gelum Lena Van Pelt Barent Martling Dina Van Namen Cornelis Croesen Helena Van Tuyl Nicholas Gerritzen Christina Van Wog- gelum Josua Mersereaux Maria Corssen Cornelius Van Sant- voord Anna Staats Joh. Van Namen, Loco Patris Jan Van Pelt, son of Pieter Hans Christopher Geertje Stillwell Jan Barbank Lea Hagewout Pieter Bouwman, loca Patris Johannes Van Namen Antje Van Pelt 41 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1731- April II. Symon Symonsz Maria Woertman Jean Grondin Marguerite duBois Simon Pieter Esther du Bois 25- Jan Van Pelt, son of Jan Tryntje Bouwman Maria Pieter Bouwman Neeltje Staats May 23- Isak Lakerman Catharina Christo- pher Louis Hans Christopher Lena Van Pe t June 7 Daniel Stilwell Maria Poillon Francyntje David La Tourette Catline Poillon Jaques Egberszen Pieter Pieter Hagewout Catharina Bakker Neeltje Bakker 13- George Personet Jannetje Mangels Jannetje Jannetje DuChene Stephen Wood Richard Tony Van Pelt Jemima Mott July 4- Laurens More Sara Mam brut Elisabet Hilletje More II. Niers Johnson Sara Morgan Francyntje Charles Morgan Sara Rutan 18. Jean Mersereaux Elisabet do. Daniel Paul Mersereaux Maria do. Aug. 1. John Thorp Apol Ionia Heer- mans Abigail Denys Van Tuyl Abraham Femmetje Denysz Neeltje Croesen Middelzwa Timothy Thorp Margreta Margrietje Heer- mans 8. Adriaan Van Wog- gelum Celitje Prayer Abraham Johannes Preyer Hilletye Van Wog gelum 29. Matthys Janszen Geertje Wynants Wynant Pieter Wynants Anna Van Gelder Sept. 5- Jan Philip Sumsen- bach Ule Catharina Pik- kerling Christoffel Susanna Merl 23- Jacob Bergen Maria Croesen Jacob 26. Nicolaas Chris- Anna Nicolaas Gerritsze topher Catharina Maria Christopher Christina Bouwman 1 Oct. 10. Johannes De Groot Elisabet Sikkels Robbert Zacharias Sikkels Ariaantje Cornells Croesen Henrik Henrik Croesen Helena Van Tuyl Cornelia Corssen 42 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1731- Oct. 10. Thomas Morgan Thomas Christina Van Wog- 24- Magdalena Staats Jacob Van der Bilt Neeltje Denys Abraham Zutphen Marytje Borkelo Cornelius Jannetje gelom 31- Dirk Cadmus Jannetje Van Hoorn Cathrina Jacobus Van Wagen- ingen Lea Van Wageningen Nov. 7- Barent Sweem Marie Canon Johannes 21. Samuel Couwen- hoven Sara Drinkwater Nicolaas Bosch El is abet Drink- water Maria Margareta Matthys Iniaart . Elizabet Gerritzen Dec. 5- John Lion Maria Harmensz Bouwman Neeltje Jan Van Pelt, son of Jan Tryntje Bouwman 25- Jacob de Gramo Dirkje Van Til- burgh Jacob 1731- -2. Jan. I. 16. Johannes H u y s - man Wyntje Symons Jan Barbank Lea Hagewout Margareta Maria Fredrik Bergen Gerritje Veghte Abraham Taylor Harmpje Hagewout Pieter Bouwman Harmen Harmen Bouwman Elsje Van Pelt Marie Parein Teunis Tiebout Margrietje Drink- Marytje Jannetje Borkelo water Feb. 13. Jacob Van Dyk Zacheus Catharina Van Brunt Simon Bogaart Sarah Margrietje TenEyk 14. Jacob Preyer Pieter Lea Beekman Jan Winter Maria Martha Baile March 12. Fredrik Bergen Elsje Gerritje Veghte 19. Jean Seguin Jaques Elisabet Hooper Johannes Wynants Pieter Magdalena Bird Johannes Preyer Marytje Mangels Rol Bastiaan Ellis Sara Neefjes 43 DATE I73I-2. March 19. PARENTS 1732- 26. April 9. 16. June 4. July 30. Aug. 6. 13- Sept. 24. Oct. 22. 29. Dec. 17. 1733- Jaques Seguin Lady Mambru Benjamin Haste Jannitje Johannis David La Tourette Catharine Poillon Matthew Skane Jannetje Tites Josue Mersereaux Maria Corssen Pieter Dekker Susanna Hetfeel James Butler Sara Parein Nathanael Britton Esther Belleville John Jones Rachel Van En- gelen Jan Van Voorhees Neeltje Neefjes Hans Christopher Jane Arrowsmith Abraham Manez Sara duChesne Charles Morgan Sara Rutan Gerrit Croesen, son of Henrik Geertruyd VanTuy" Nicolaas Gerntzen Christina Van Woggelum Jacob Bennet Elisabet Brouwer Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Charles Dekker Lena Sweem Nicolaas duPuy Neeltje Dekker Matthys Iniaart Elisabet Gerritzen Isaak Symons Neeltje Coteleau Estienne M e r s e r - eaux Anne Michel Jean Benjamin Jaques Pieter Johannes Eva Jan Sara Elisabet Neeltje Johannes Maria Charles Abraham Laurens More Marie Mersereaux Jacob Corssen, Jr. Maria Van Pelt Matthew Sweem Sara Parein Barent Christopher Catharina Christopher Jan Rol Jannetje Borkelo Abraham Van Tuyl Femmetje Denys Lambert Elizabet Gerritzen Cornelius Jacobus Magdalena Moses Gilles Isaak Daniel Jan Rol, Jr. Merril Jacobus Bakker Maria Staats Sara Van Namen Zeger Gerritzen Jannetje Vlierboom Pierre Roseaux Marie Mersereaux 44 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1732-3- Jan. 14. Teunis Tiebout Teunis Margrietje Drink- Jannetje Staats water Feb. II. Johannes Symons Dina Van Leeuwen Antje March 18. , Johannes Preyer Marytje Roll Catharina Celia Preyer '733- April 8. Philip Merril Elisabet Mathys Iniaart Elisabet Bakker Elisabet Gerritszen Zeger Dekker Eva Susanna Jones 15- Jan Van Pelt, son of Anthony Susanna La Tour- ette Anthony July 15- Symon Symonsz Maria Woertman Cornelia 29. Cornells Croesen Abraham Abraham Van Tuyl Helena Van Tuyl Femmetje Denys Oct. 7. Arent Praal Marytje Bouwman Henricus Corn. V. Santvoord Zeger Mr. Jan Schuyler Anna Staats Miss or Mrs. Sara Wal- ters 1733- Nov. 4. Jaques Egbertsz Catharina Bakker Susanna Tryntje Vliereboom 18. Pieter Martlings Catharina Daniel Van Winkel Marytje Andries Jannetje Vreelant Dec. 16. Willem Janszen Femmetje Nathanael Janszen Lena Van Gelder Annaatje Van Gelder 1733-4- Jan. 13. 20. Feb. 24. March 3. Johannes H u y s - Johannes Catharina Symons man Wyntje Symons Johan Philip Zum- Christina Rachel Van Engelen senbach Ule Cathrine Pik- kerling Pieter Hagewout Geertruyd Neeltje Bakker Josua Mersereaux Elisabet Maria Corssen Jacob Van der Bilt Antje Neeltje Denysz Samuel Kouwen- Samuel hoven Sarah Drinkwater Gerrit Croesen Geertruyd Van Tuyl 45 DATB PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1733-1 '734 March 24. Pierre La Tourette Marie Su- Mariamne Merser- sanne 1734- eaux April 7- John Lion Maria Bouwman Maria Pieter Bouwman Elsje Van Pelt Nicolaas Veghte Jan Jan Veghte Neeltje Van Tuyl Cornelia Staats 14. Jacob Van Dyk Catharina Van Brunt Hans Christopher Jane Arrowsmith Cornelius Barent 15- Jacob De Gramo Dirkje Van Til- burgh Titus Titusz Blandina Van Pelt Dirkje Antje Gerrit Croesen Geertruyd Van Tuyl 21. Matthys Sweem Catharina Mangels Rol Matthias Michiel du Chene Hester Canon June 3- John Gold Antje Wynants Marytje 2. Abraham Van Tuyl, son of Isak Marytje Van Pelt Jan Jan Van Pelt Aaltje Byvank 3- Teunis Van Pelt Maria Drageau Maria Nicolas Lazelier Esther Lakeman Jean Parlie Eduard Nicolas Laselier Abigail Jones Esther Lakerman 30- Jacobus Bakker Rebecca Staats Nicolaas Henrik Croesen Cornelia Corssen July 7- Laurens More Sara Mambrut Johannes Aug. 4- Aart Symons Margriet Daniels Isaak Alida Hegeman Sept. I. John Jennes Johnson Elsje Lamb'. Jennes Wyntje Johnson David La Tourette Marie Judith Bodin Catherine Poillon 8. Denys Van Tuyl Denys Neeltje Croesen Nicolaas Bosch Barent El is abet Drink- water 1734- •5- Jan. I. EstienneMerser- • Marie Marie Mersereaux eaux Anna Mitchel 46 DATE 1734-5- March 9. 16. 1735- April 6. 13- May 4. June 8. Aug. 17. Sept. 14. 21. 28. Oct. 5. John Jones Johannes Rachel Van En- gelen Cornelius Corssen Daniel Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Philip Merril Neeltje Elisabet Bakker Charles Dekker Mattheus Lena Sweem Clement Hooper Rachel Mary Stilwell Charles Morgan Thomas Sara Rutan Pieter Dekker Abraham Susanna Hetfield Richard Lean Jacob Sara Johnson Matthys Iniaart Susanna Elisabet Gerritzen Jan Van Tuyl Abraham Arent Praal Henderske Marytje Bouwman Adam Clendenny Patience Eva Johnson Joseph Leak Maria Aaltje Barbank James Butler Sara Sara Parain Thomas Simon Thomas Maria Johnson Eneas Johnson Esther Sara Morgan Johannes Symons Isak Dina Van Leeuwen George Personet Johannes Jannetje Mangels Hans Symons Annatje Antje Van Pelt Richard Stilwell Nicolas J e n n e k e Van Namen S y m o n Hanszen Isaak [or] Symons Helena Sweem John Gold Jan Antje Wynants WITNESSES John Merril, Jr. Elisabet Mackleen Daniel Corssen Cornelia Croesen Philip Hooper Marie Mersereaux Zeger Dekker Susanna Jones John Jennes, Jr. Mary Johnson Abraham Van Tuyl, son of Isaack Thomas Barbank Maria Barbank Thomas Johnson Catherina Simon Henrik Slecht Cathrina Wynants 47 PARENTS WITNESSES 1735- Nov. 1 6. 1735-6. Feb. I. 29. 1736. March 2J April 4. 26. May 2. June 3. Pieter Ceilo Johannes Blandina Van Pelt Maria (twins) 18. Dirk Cadmus Andries Jannetje Van Hoorn Johannes de Groot Johannes Elisabet Sikkel Johannes Johnson Thomas Jannetje Glascow Johannes Slecht Elisabet Elisabet Van En- gelen Johannes H u y s - Dirk man Wyntje Symons Jan Van Pelt, son Antje of Pieter Jannetje Adams Johan Philip Zum- Hanna senbach Ule Catharine Pik- kerling Jan Barbank Geertje Leah Hagewout Lucas Barbank Maria Martha Baile Abraham Manez Catherine Sarah du Chesne Daniel Stilwell Daniel Marie Poillon Jan Van Pelt, son Joost of Anthony Susanna La Tou- rette Jaques Egbertsen Abraham Cathrina Bakker Cornelius Van Jan Cleef Sara Mashal Pierre La Tourette Elisabet Mariamne Merser- eaux Titus Titusz Marytje Blandina Van Pelt Rem Van der Beek Lena Dorothea Coteleau Jan Van Pelt, Pr's son Symon Van Pelt Jannetje Adams Mary Adams Jacob Gerritsz Van Wageningen Lea Gerritszen Abraham Sikkel Claasje Sikkel Fredrik Bergen Gerritje Veghte Willem Van Pelt Grietje Van Pelt Joh. De Groot Elisabet Zikkel Dirkje Van Pelt Judith Bodin Matthys Iniaart Elizabet Gerritzen 48 1736. June 13. 27- July 18. Aug. I. 8. Sept. 19. Oct. 3. 31- 1736-7- Feb. 13. 1737- May 8. 19. July 3«- Sept. 4. 18. Jean Parliez Abigail Jones Douwe Van Wog- lum Jannetje Staats Cornelis Gerritzen Aaltje Van Winkel Thomas Morgan Magdalena Staats Symon Symonsz, son of Aart Sara Van Pelt Cornelis Croesen Helena Van Tuyl Hans Christopher Jane Arrowsmith Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Johannes Symons Dina Van Leeuwen Pieter Hagewout Neeltje Bakker Richard Lean Sarah Johnson Richard M e r ril, son of Thomas Jenne Gewan John Day Hanna More Willem Janszen Lena Van Gelder Thomas Wilmot Elisabet Merser- eaux Teunis Van Pelt Marie Drageau Jacob Vand' Bilt Neeltje Denys Daniel Stilwell Catherina Lazilier Jacob Bergen Maria Croesen Tys Sweem Catharina Merril John Jones Rachel Van En- gelen CHILD WITNESSES Pieter Pieter Parliez Marie Parliez Catharina Jan Mangel Rol Christina Van Wog- lum Daniel Daniel Van Winkel Jannetje Vreelant Annatje Anna Aart Symons Margareta Daniels Cornelius Joseph Mary Christopher Catharina Cornelius Van Sant- voord Anna Staats Geertje Margreta John Annatie Richard Merril Elsje Dorlant Johannes Henri cus Thomas Joost Femmetje Catharina Cornelia Geertruyd Rachel Paul Mersereaux Marie Mersereaux Ida Stillwell Henrik Croesen Cornelia Corssen John Merril, Jr. Geertruyd Symons 49 DATE 1737- Oct. 23. Dec. II. 1737-8. Jan. I. 1738. March 26. Aug. 12. WITNESSES Roelof Van Voor- Maria hes Coteleau Louis duBois, Jr. Samuel Catharina Van Brunt Richard Merril, Margareta son of Thomas Jenne Gewan Johannes H u y s - Maria man Wyntje Simons Daniel Stilwell Jaques Marie Poillon Abraham Manez Rachel Sarah du Chesne Nicolaas Gerritzen Zeger Christina Van Woggelum Jaques Egbertzen Elisabet Catharina Bakker Sept. 23. 17- Oct. 8. Nov. 5. '9- 1738-9- Jan. I. 7- 21. Laurens More Sara Mambrut Cornelius Corssen Jannetje Van Bos- kerk Johannes Van Tuyl Belitje Byvank Joseph Walderon Aafje Heilaken Elisee Gulledet Magdalaine Gend- ron Teunis Van Pelt Marie Drageau Nathanael Johnson Sophia Van Gelder Rachel Antje Johannes Jacobus Esther Teunis Henricus Symon Bogaart Judith Bodin Aart Symons Margriet Daniels Abraham Praal Alida Hegeman Judith Bodin Anna Staats Elisabeth Bakker, repres. by Catharina Egbertsen Daniel Van Winkel Jannetje Vreelant Henricus Van Gelder Anna Van Gelder Thomas Milbourn Francyntje Anna Preyer Hans Symons Maria Antje Van Pelt Hendrick Van der Gerrit Hoef Eva Slot Johannes Cavelier Cornelia Catlyntje Andries- Antje sen (twrins) Johannes DeGroot Elisabet Zikkels Dirk Caddemus Teunis Andriessen Jannetje Van Hoorn 50 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1739- 9- Feb. 25- Jacob Roseau Susanne Merril Petrus John Brown Susanna Roseaux March 4. Denys Van Tuyl Neeltje (deed) (Posthumus: born after her fath Neeltje Croesen er's death) 18. Tys Svveem Catharina Merril Willem Janszen Lena Van Gelder Johannes Wynant Jacob Roseau Susanna Merril 25- Job. Dekkers Marytje Sweem Eva J739- April 23- Matthys Iniaart Elisabet Gerritzen Pieter Bouwman Elsje Van Pelt Catharina Pieter Christina Van Wogge- lum June 3- Pierre Drageau Elisabet Gewan Margrietje Aug. 5- Michiel Vreelant Janneke VanHout- Michiel Ite or Isa Sips Antje Van Wagenen 26. en Jean Canon Maria Egberts Nicolas duPuy Neeltje Dekkers Catharina Aaron Catharina Egberts Sept. 9- Johannes Symons Dina Van Lawa Aaltje 16. Carel Nyts Rebecca Winter Thomas Morgan Magdalena Staats Carel Sara Obadiah Winter Geertje Winter 3°- Hans Christopher Jane Arrowsmith Richard Nov. 4- Thomas Lisk Catlyntje Van Pelt Sara Petrus Van Pelt Sara Van Pelt Symon Symons Aaltje Jan Van Pelt son of Aart Aaltje Hogelant Sara Van Pelt 18. Abraham Van Tuyl Metje Vreelant Femmetje Femmetje Denys . 25- Daniel Stilwell Catherine Lazelier Richard Cornelius Van Sant' voord, V. D. M. Esther Lazelier Dec. 9- Barent du Puy Elsje Elsje Poillon Johannes Huysman Abraham Wyntje Simons JohanAdamSchmit Catharina Maria Margareta Staat Christoffel Simons Cathrina Verschuur Philip Zimsenbach Ule Catharina Pikker- ling 51 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1739- Dec. 23- Jacob Corssen, Jr. Cornelia Croesen Niers Johnson Sara Morgan Maria Sara Josue Mersereaux Maria Corrsen 1739- 40. Jan. 20. Pierre Parlier Martha duBois Petrus Louis duBois, Jr. Catharina Van Brunt 1740. March 30. Abraham Manez Sara Sara du Chesne Daniel Crocheron Abraham Barent Sweem Maria Du Puy John Jones Lucretia Rachel Van Engel en John Brown - April 20. Maria Jacob Roseau Susanna Roseau Susanna Merril May 25- Estienne Mersere- aux Anne Mitchel Richard 26. Tites Titesz Teunis ^ Symon Van Pelt Blandina Van Pelt y (Loco Patris) Jan Ral, Jr. Fytje Douwe Van Woggel Fytje Van Boskerk um Jannetje Staats June 15- Nicolaas Gerritzen Christina V. Wog- gelum Blandina July 13- Nicolaas Bosch Elisabet Drinkwat- er Gerrit Croesen Nicolaas Aug. 27- Cornelia Henrik Croesen Claasje Brinkerhof Cornelia Corssen 1741. May 7- Abraham VanTuyl Metje Vrielandt Machiel Magiel Vrelandt Jenneke Vrelandt Jan Kanon Abraham Maria Kanon Maria Egberts Charles Decker Eva Helena Sweem Peter Decker Jacob Susanna Hetfeath Aug. 18. Johannes Brestede Trintie Hagewout Jan Jacob Corsen Marytie Staats Sept. 14- Tam Lisk Maryya Maria Ryte Kadlyna Van Peldt Jan Merrel Jan Aeltie Bennit Jan Bennit Aeltie Bennit K2 DATE PARENTS CHILD I74I. b. May 10. 1742. Isaac Catharina bap. April 13. IMaricx Lucas Barrabank Catharina Martha Baely Barend de Pu Johannes Elsje Peljoung? _ an Van Pelt William Jannetje Adams Simon Simonsse Van Pelt Sara Van Pelt June 9. Johannes Symonssc Suster Corsse ; Johannes Sept. 14. Jan Van Pelt Maria Boiiman Treintje Douwen Van Wog- Antje lom Jannetje Staats Pieter Bouman Elsje Van Pelt Neeltje Jacob Bouman Maria Williams Neeltje Nicklas Gerresen Zeger WITNESSES 1743- April 18. Crestina Van Wog- lom Jacob Corsen Cornelia Croesen Gerret Croesen Claesje Blenkerhof Josua Mossero Maria Corsen Mathies Exjard Elisabet Gerresen Petures Van Pelt Barbera Houlte Simon Vanpelt Maria Adams Cristofel Simesen Catrina Van Sch- uure Johannes Post Antje Huisman FrancesGerrebrats Nieltje Corsen Cornelia Maria Elisabet Elisabet Maria Maria Cristofel Abraham France Hendrik Veltman Rebecca Staats wife of Jacob Bak- ker Jan Van Pelt and wife Aaltje Hooglant Jacob Corsse, Jr. Marytje Corsse, wife of Josua Masjero Harmen Bouman Maria Bouman Hendereck Veltman Johanna Van Sant- vord Jan Van Pelt Harmen Bouman Maria Weliams Hendereck Croesen Cornelia Corsen Henderick Blenkerhof Geesje Blenkerhof Johannes Degroot Elisabet Van Sekelen Cornelis Bouman Aeltje Teitus Maria Bouman Jacob Backer Rabecka Staats Cornelus Corsen Nieltje Backer 53 PARENTS WITNESSES '743- April 19. June 7. Aug. 16. 3°- Oct. II. 1744- April 17. May 21. Sept. 18. Jacob Roose Susanna Merril Johannes Decker Nence Merril Mateis Swem Catrina Merrel Richard Merrell Jannetje Gouns Ragel Willemsen Hans Simonson Antje Van Pelt Mateus Jones Margrietje Gowen Johannes Brestede Treintje Hagewout Jan Burbanck Sara or Leea Hag- ewout Abraham VanTuyl Metje Freelant Walter Clindenne Pieternel Olfer Peter Marteling Annatje Hegeman Jacus Egberts Trintje Backer Johannes Huisman Weintje Seimesen Wellim Elsewart Rabecca Stillvvel Jan Jennens Aeltje Marteling Jan Van Pelt Jannetje Adams Abram Egbertse Elisabet Gerresen Symen Symonsen Sara Van Pelt Carel Mackleen Maria Corsen Isaak Pral Maria Dubois Jan Veltman Jannetje Jurcks Joseph Rolph Neeltje Croesen Nicolaes Gerresen Cristina Van Wog- elom Weintje Johannes Maties Annatje Hester Blandena Catrina Pieter Jan Femmetje Maria Johannes Catrina Elisabet Antje Mareitje Aentje Jannetje Elisabet Art Elisabet Petrus Maria Cornelia Abraham Geertruy Seimensen Peter Decker Susanna Jons Jan Van Pelt Susanna Tocet Anatje Seimesen Johannes Van Pelt Barbara Houltje Peter Marteling, Sr. Susanna Gerresen Elisabet Merrell Cornelis Corsci . . . Jannetje Corsen Aentje Jennius Seymon Van Pelt and wife The parents The parents Cornelus Corsen Jannetje Corsen The parents Gerret Croesen Claesie Croesen 54 WITNESSES 1745- May 6. June i8. Aug. 6. Dec. Sara Jennens Lammert Jennens Sara Annatje Marteling Jacob Bergen Grietje Grietje Bennet Jacob Resor? Susanna Susanna Merrel Jan Merrel Sara Aeltje Bennet Walter Clendenne Johannes Nieltje Ollefer Jan Van Pelt, Jr. Nieltje Catrina Bouman Nicklas Bos. Antje Elisabet Drinkwater Matties Swem Martinus Catrina Merrel Cristefel Simesen Catrina Catrina Van Seur- en Cornelus Bouman Aeltje Aeltje Titus Jan Merrel Seimon Aeltje Bennet Tomas Lisk Martha Catlintje Van Pelt Jan Jones Ragel VanEngelen Jan Van Derbeck Doritje Annatje Marteno Abraham Rigga Ragel Annatje Van Wog- lom Father's name evidently omitted by mistake. A space was left open for it. Jan Van Pelt Susanna Van Pelt Geertruy Merrel Bastejan Elles Saara Elles Catrina Simesen Gerret Post and wife Doritje Vanderbeck Arie Van Woglom Beelletje V. Woglom Sara Van Namen Seimen Van Maria Adames John Lawrance Derkje Van Pelt Barent Marteling Susanna Gerresen Baltes De Hart Maria Phillipel Teunes Egbertse Peternel Depey Cornelus Van Wag- enen Hellena Bon Lodewik Metchel Ragel Sayler lucres Sara Willem Maria Vereltje Johnnes Antje Elsse or Eesse Johannes Van Pelt and wife Daniel De Hart Saara Beek Peter Marteling and wife Jan Van Pelt Geisbertje Durlant Johnanes Gerresen Margreta Sep 55 Staten Island, the 22d of April, 1746. Baptismal Register since the Ministration of Johannes Post. WITNESSES 1746. April 22. May June 17. Sept. 16. Pieter Martlings Anna Heeveman John Jennens Aeltye Martlings John Burbanck Lea Hagewout Jan Veldtman Jannetye Jurks Johannes Huysman Wyntye Symonson Basteyaan Elles Sara Neefyes Jan Canon Maria Egberts Josua Mascire Maria Corsen Jan Van Pelt Jane Adams Matthys Inyard Elizabeth Gerretse Johannes Brestede Catharina Hage- wou y t Joseph Ralph Neeltye Croese Johannes Symen- son Antye Van Pelt Joseph Juvvson Senna or Nenne Johnson Christoffel Symon- se Catharina Van Sheure Nathaniel Johnson Mary Cole Isack Prael Maria deBaa Samuel Teeler Suster Waggelom Frans Gerrtbratse Neeltye Corsen Baltus Dehart Mary Phillipse Thomas Leisk Catlyna Van Pelt Pieter John, alias Jan Abraham Pieter Martling Maria Andries John Jennens Anna Johnson Jan Catherina Maria Elizabeth Rachel Maria Nicklaes Gerrit Post Francyntje Poulson Eckbert Elizabeth Backer Abraham • Johannes Johannes Van Pelt Sophya Slager Joseph Symon Wynant Mary Cole Altye David Daniel Catalyna Antye Antye Kroese Daniel Corsen Daniel DeHart Derckye Vanpelt 56 WITNESSES 1746. Sept. 16. 1748. April 26. July 19. Oct. Van Maragrita Cornelius Wagenen Helena Bon Otto Van Tuyl Wyntje Boskerk Seymon Seymonse Maria Sara Van Pelt Pieter Van Pelt Barbara Hoolten Matthys vSweem Catharina Merrel Abraham Mateeus Johannes Benyamen Johannis Van Pelt Sophya Slager Elizabeth Svveem Cornelia Johannes Richerd Christophel Hoog- elandt Jannetye Veghten Pieter Maertlings Jannetye Heereman Jan Van Pelt, son Maragritye of Pieter Jane Adams John Decker Anna Merrell Christophel Sy- Nicholaes monson Catharina Van Schuure Joseph Ralph Neeltje Kroese Johannes Post Anna Huysman Isaac Praal Maria Dubaa Johannes Huys- Jemynna man Wyntye Symensse Samuel Van Pelt Maria Falkenborgh Symon Symonson Sarah Van Pelt. Aron Van Namen Maria Macklean John Canone Maria Egberts Joseph Juwson Wenne Johnson Gerret Kroese Claesye Blinckerof Lambert Jenners Anna Martlinghs Maragrietye Van Pelt Benyamen Adriaen Maragritye Pieter Elizabeth Aron Jacobus Enne Claesye Maria Gerret Post, Jr. Clara Post Pieter Zielofs Blandina Zielofs Marya Jenners 57 WITNESSKS 1748. Oct. 1747- April 22. June 10. Oct. 13. 1748. Dec. 17- Johannes Van Johannes Wagene Elsye Berge Jacus Egberts Catrina Backers John Jones Rachel Van Enge- len Mattheus Decker Elstye Merrill John Merrill Antje Merrill Walter Clendenne Peternella Oliver Lewis Mitchell Rachel Tyler Johannis Merrill Aaltye Bennet Jacob Bergen Margrietye Bennet Jan Laarens Caatye Bakker Symon Van Pelt Malli Adams Thomas Stillwell Debora Martlings Andries Pryor Helena Dorlandt Tunis Egbertse Pieternalla dePuy Barent dePuy Elsje Poilyon Antony Van Peldt Jannetye Symon se Charles McClean Maria Corsen Jacob Corsen, Jr. Cornelia Croese Abraham Berkelau Catrina Ellis Barent Martlinghs Susanna? Gerritse Pieter Van Pelt Barbara Hoelten John Jenner Aaltye Martlinghs Jan Veltman Jannetje Jurks Antye Isaac Elstye Joida Jacob Harmentye Richard Gerretye Jacob Jennie Elias Jan Abraham Elizabeth Maria Jannetye Jacob Cornelius Jannety Barbara Willem Geertruyt Agbert Hagewout Maria Gaelledet Elstye Merrill Thomas Burbank Harmentje Tayler Elstye Merrill Frederick Bergen Gerretye Veghte Jacobus Backer Rabecca Staats Jan Van Pelt Jane Adams Nickolaas Stilwell Maria Smith Susanna Van Pelt Johannes Van Pelt Aron Van Namen Mary McClean Jacob Corsen Jan Rol Jannetje Berkelau Willem Jenner Sarah Jenner John Penhooren Geertruyt 58 DATE 1748. Dec. 17. 1749- May 3. WITNESSES May 23. Sept. 19. Nov. 7. 1750- May 20. July 30. William Richard- Margret son Anne Fisher Walter Clendenne Cathelyna Pieternella Oliver Simon Simonsen Helena Sweem John Merrell Anna Merrell John Laarens Catherina Backer Jacob Bergen Maragreta Bennet Matthys Sweem Catherina Merrell Syraon Van Pelt Maria Adams Charles Rollens Susanna Merrell Joachim Stillewel Anna Jenners Hans Symonse Anna Van Pelt Cherles Makleen Marytje Corsen Jacus Ecbers Catharina Backer Teunis Egbertsen Pieternelle depu Barent Mertlings, J'- Susanna Gerretse Lewis Mitchel Rachel Teeler Joseph Ralph Neeltje Kroesen Samuel Dehart Abigael Jones Jan Van Pelt Jane Adams P i e t e r Meerlings, Jr. Anne Heereman Barent Depue Elsye Pailyon Pieter D Grood Claertye Post Antony Van Pelt Jenneke Seymense Jeremyah Geertruyt Jan Adriaen Catherina Peterus Philip Richard Wyntye Willem Benyamen Barent Barent Joannis Elizabeth Samuel Samuel Abraham Martha Elizabeth Elizabeth Geertruyt Merrell Peterus Van Pelt Barbera Hoolten Philip Merrell Catharina Merrell Aeltye Jenners Corneles Corsen Jannetye Boskerck Catharina Brestede Barent Meertlings, Sr. Elizabet Gerretse Pieter M. Aeltye T. Cornelius (torn) John (torn) Catharina Blandien — Pieter Mer- Catharina Mer- (torn) Johannes — Elizabeth Jacob Cor— Palli Seym- 59 WITNESSES 1750- July 30. Joseph Juessen Eefye Wynty Clindinne The date of the baptism of the following children could not be ascertained. The leaf was loose in the book, and the year of baptism had been torn or worn away. It is about 1750. Oct. 6. no year 1751? July 28. no year i7S°- Oct. 31. 1751- July 28. Aug. 25. Van Pelt Valkenburgh monse — rem or eem non es Van Pelt indinne -am Berkelo -na Elles - Clindinne -nelle Alver - Veltman -ety Jurks Jacob Marsero Fitye Rol Johannes Post Antye Huysman John Laarns Kaetye Backer Aron Van Namen Mary Mackleen Joachim Stilwil Antye Jinnes Isaak Prael Marya debaa Charles Deckker Helena Sweem Mathys Sweem Chatarina Merril Pieter Hagewout Aeltye Bennet Abraham Egbertse Elizabet Gerretse Pieter D Grood Claerty Post Jacob Corsen, Jr. Cornelia Croesen or Crorsen Jannetye Vredrick Abraham Safya Rachel Gerret Walteris Hendrik Mareya Leya Antye Rachel Jan Lowies Marya Isaak Neeltye Hester Gerret Neelty Safya Van Pelt Malli Clindinne Basteaan Elles Sara Neefyes Josewa Marsero Mareya Corsen Pieter D Grood Sara Elis Neeltye Backer Hester Gerretse Gerrit Post, Sr. Franscyntje Poulse 6o DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1752- June 24. Gerret Croesen Hendrick Claesye Blinckerhof Barent Meerlings Antye Susanna Gerretse Willem Jinnes Antye Antye Jinnes Jannetye Gerretse _ an Stilwil Eleyas Helena Van Nam- en _ oris Katmus Jenneke Helmog Vrelant _ annetje Vreland Neeltye Van Hoorn "3 e n d r i k Van Marregriet- Wagene ye Palli Seymense Pieter Hagewout Pieter Nicklaas Hagewout Aeltye Bennet Neeltye Hagewout July 24. David Kanon Aeltje Prael Sara Jacob Reso Geertruy Susanna Merrel Cornelius Van Catharina Manes Van Wagenen Wagenen Annaetye Van Wag. Helena Bon enen Sept. 17. Helmig Vreland Johannes Otto Van Tuyl Neeltye Van Hoorn Tryntje Boskerk Pieter Meerlings, Benyaman Josua Massero Jr. Malli Corsen Annaetje Heere- man Thomas Stillewil Annaetje Debera Meerlings Oct. I. Joh. Jenners Elsye Johannes Merlings Aeltje Meerlings Elsye Jenners Nov. 26. John Laarns Catharina Backer Catharina Daniel Seymonse Sara Mareytye Decker 1753- May 2. Pieter D Grood Johannes Johannes D Grood Claertye Post Elizabeth Sikkelse Abraham Joons Jannetye Jannetye Peestnet Walter Clindinne Pieternelle Pieternella Alver Pieter Hagewout Annaetye Aeltye Bennet Matheus Swem Susanna Catharina Merrel 6i DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1753- May 2. Christoffel S e y - monse Catharina Van Schuere Antye David Kanon Marytye Aeltye Prael Nov. 7. Petrus Van Pelt Barbara Hulten Jacob John Johnson Pieter Cornelia Ceilo Jan Veldtman Jannetje Jannitje Jurks Geertruyda Veldtman Jan Merrill Wyntie Anna Merrill Geertruida Simonze Hendrick Van Annatje Wagenen Maria Simonze Daniel Corsen Richard Gerardus Beekman Maria Stilwell Maria Beekman, rep- res, by Neeltje Cor- sen Daniel Corsen Daniel Cornelius Corsen Maria Stilwell Anna Croesen Charles McLean Maria Maria Corsen 1754- Jan. 13. Thomas Doghety Maria Sara Van Naame Maria Van Pelt May 2. Wellem Sinnis Lammert Vannetye Gerretse Elsye Sinnis Sara Dey Jan Marya Adams Merya Sinnis Isack John Sinnis Symon Symeson Johennis Sara Ven Pelt June 9. Daneel Symeson Molly Decker Aug. 7. Pieter Sielof Marya Van Pelt Blandiena Jacob Korsen Liesabet Maria Korson Cornelia Kroeson Gerrit Post Gerrit Gerrit Post Sara Ellis Frntcintye Poulse Nov. 2. Beniemin Praal Abraham Abraham Praal Sara Sweem Alida Praal Abraham Beckelo Cattriena Cornelus Ellas Cattriena Elis Egye Ellis Jacob Resoo Catriena Catriena Merl Susanna Merel Davit Cornon Aront Aaltye Praal 62 WITNESSES 1754- Nov. 3- 1755- Feb. i6. July 27. Oct. 2. Helmis Vrelant Neeltye Vanhoren Antoni Founten Anaatje Gerretson Nettenel Bos Jannetye Post Nettenel Laaker- man Mareytye Mere! Barent Depue Elsye Puelyon Aart Symenson Fransintye Morgon John Van Pelt Maria Joons Adriaan Ryerse Hester Debaa Tammes Stillwel Nensy Founten Aron Van Namen Maria Macleen Walter Clindinne Nelli AUever Hendrik Van Wag- enne Maria Simonse Cornelis Van Wag- enne Lena Bon Pieter DeGroot Claartye Post John Schinnis Aeltje Maerling John Lerns Kaatye Backer Pieter Hagewout Altye Bnnet Daneel Silof Henne Klerre or Kleeve Willim Spree Cattriena Maerling Cherls Mechleen Maria Corson John Merrel Anna Merrel Pieter Johnson Malli Cister Machgiel Antoni Eliesebeth Susanna Johannes Fransintye Susanna Luwes Antoni Antye Joseph Johannes Lena Cattriena Susanna Necclos Grietye Saartye Edwort Cttriena Sara Johnneton Joris Kadmis Jannitye Vrelant Pieter Degroot Klaart Post Geertruy Merel Margrietye Simonson John Van Pelt Susanna Necclos Backers Egbert Hagewout Grietye Hagewout Elsye Silof Cattriena Corson 63 DATE PAR ENTS CHILI) WITN ESSES '755- Oct. 2, Rem Symeson Geertruy Boskerk Marretye 5- Douwe Corson Janntye Conein Ragel 12. Pieter Van Pelt David John Veltman Barber Houlten Jannetye Jurk Dec. li 1756. March — . Oct. 31. 1757- Sept. II. 25- Nov. 20. 1758- Jan. I. 29. Feb. 6. 26. Gerret Kroeson Klaasye Blincrof Symon Symeson Sara Van Pelt Antoni Founten Anaatye Gerretson Nicclos Backer Liesabet Foret Matteus Hus Cattrena Hus Tammas Mere! Eva Yoons Jeams Clendenny Rebecka Jonson Nettenel Laaker- man Mareytye Merel John Lerns Kaaty Backer Richard Sandars Ragel Symon Symonson Sara Vanpelt Antoni Founten Anaatye Gerritson Geertruy Eevert Maragriet- ye Jacob Mary Mig- len Annaetye Jeams Nettenel Mareia Hanna Sara Johannis Stofel Simeson Danal Lerns Fanny Lerns Hehanna Kink — Otto Van Tuil Catriena Boskerck Johannis Gerretson John Marel John Anna Marel Davit Cornon Davit Aaltye Praal Willim Spree Caty Johannes Maar Cattriena Maerling Antony Brat Catriena Catriena Haagewout Neeltye Haage- wout Naclos Backer Mary Liesabet Latoret Daniel Symenson Abraham Mally Dacker Nattenal Laacer- Isak man Marya Marel 64 1758- March 12. July 21. 25- Sept. 17. 1759- March 4, June 24. Aug. 26. Nov. 4. Gerrit Post Sara Ellis Pieter Haagewout Altye Bennet Johnnis Symonson Antye Vanpelt Conradus Vander- beeck Catlyntje Lisse or Lisk Pieter DeGroot Claartye Post Daniel Corsen Liesebeth Bogert Abraham Kroeson Antye Symonson John Yennes Altye Marling Netteniel Bos Jannetye Post Abraham Necclos Geertruy Maria Liesabet Geertruy Cornelius Geertruy Mareya Gerret Abraham Berkelo Cattriena Ellis Necclos Haagewout Geertruy Haagewout Geertruy Marel ? Burger Vanderbeeck Annetye Massalaar Daniel Corsen Mareia Stillwel Pieter Post Maria Post Denil Marsero John Cornelia Vander- bilt Cornelis Symonson Barant Liesebet Depue Walter Cleninne Antye Nelli Alever Tammes Merel Tammes Eva Yoons David Cornon Andries Aaltye Praal Danel Silof Danel Henne Klac Cornelius Ellis Saara Leena Vanderbilt Peater Van pelt Sara Barber Cornelius Kroeson Cornelius Beelitye Degroot Sammual Dangek Andro Jenny Rgt Peater Cornon Danal Mally Stebs Christeyaan Gerre- Neeltye brans Marya Post Johannis Gerritson Maragrietye Marritye Demot Basteaan Ellis Saara Neefye 65 DATE 1759- Dec. 23. 1760. Jan. I. Feb. 10. March 23. 25- April 20. June 14, Oct. s. 1763- March 25 1765- Oct. 6. 1766. Aug. 26. WITNESSES Antony Founten Comelus Annaetje Gerritson Antony Brat Neety Haagewout John Marssero Marya Praal Antony Van Pelt Jenneke Symeson John Larns Caatye Backer Aron Van Namen Maria Macleen Willim Spree Cattriena Maarling Peter Haagewout Aaltye Bennit Abraham Kroeson Antye Symonson Richard Sandars Ragel Charcels Dacer Maccy Maral John Sweem Cornelia Bergen Gerrit Post Sara Ellis Oct. 1767. Feb. 1768. Oct. Dec. 5- 1772. March 8. Neeltye Marya Sara Richard Mosis Wynant Johannes Sara Marya Marya Lea Johannis Huisman Baarent Antye Merling Beniemen Praal Sara Sweem Andru Coolter Mary Clendenny Johannis Willim Hanry Fialan Daniel Eghye Vanwinkel John Mecereau All lada Mary Prall Abraham Skirmen Peggy Alizabeth John Vanpelt Mary Catherine Lawrence Egbert Haugwout Danniel Elener Garebrantz Hennis Merril Anney Cherrity Merril Johannes Symonson Sara Ellis Pieter Merling Jannitye Merling Matteis Everse and wife 66 The following is an ace' of the Children that were Baptised by the Rev'' W". Jackson in the presence of me while or since I was chosen by the Church to act as Clerk of the Reformed Prot- estant Dutch Church at the North Side of Staten Island & kept by me. A. Ryersz. DATE P.^RENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1786. July 9- John Simonson Maricha Crusen Abraham 23- Aris Ryersz Sarah Stout? Hannah Aug. 6. Nicholas Hough- wout Peter Housman Mary Elizabeth Oct. 29. John Van Pelt David Jaques John Buskirk Barbara Elizabeth Sarah In the New Church at the North Side of Staten Islai I7S7. May 27. Abrm Rolph Jacob Van Derbilt Abraham Jacob Jiiiy I. Christian Vroome, Sr. Elizabeth Sept. 2. John Tysen, Jr. John Garrison Corn Corsen, Jr. John Aulchie Cornelius 16. John Segoine Elizabeth 3°- Garrit Bush Mary Oct. 28. Peter Brasted W — Houghwout Abraham Isaac Nov. 1 1. Benjamin Swaime Richard Myers Matthew Elizabeth 1788. Feb. , Israel Decker Sarah June 7- Peter Houghwout Daniel 8. Richard Merrill Joshua Merser- eaux, Jr. Richard Harraanus Aug. 3- Jacob Mersereaux, Esq. Peter •7- Thomas Merrell, sawmill John Sept. 14- Peter Prall, Jr. John Christopher Abraham Charity Oct. 26. Capt. Richard Decker Aaron Miller Richard Hendrick Dec. 7- Peter Housman Nancy 1789. May 10. John Kruse Elizabeth 67 WITNESSHS 1789. June 7. Garret Ellis Abraham July 5. Samuel Styvers- Christian ant Aug. 2. J no Tysen, Jr. Cornelia Deacon 30. Isaac Simon son, Elizabeth Deacon Richard Corsen Catharina Garret Bush Elizabeth Oct. II. Austin Barton Joseph Children bapt. by the Rev. Peter Stryker. 17. Aris Ryersz David Jacob Mercereaux, Garret Esq. John Bushkirk Cornelius Corsen 24. Edward Dehart 31. Jacob Vreeland 7. Christian Vroome 1790. Oct. j John Oct. Nov. Cornelius Yannetye Jacob Derrick William White Johannes Merrill, Magdalen Jr. Nov. II. Thursday afternoon, after M'. Stryker was ordained or rather installed in our Church by M'. Livingston, b. July 31, ba. Nov. Abraham Post Miriam 14, 1790. Found on a loose piece of paper neither date nor year upon it. Christopher Sim- Wouter onson Chathrine Van Schuren Johannis Simon- Aart ? son Anna Van Peldt Lambert Jenoure? Antie Anna Marlin Joseph Lake Clace? Altie Lake France Garribrance Nailtie Naile Corsen Abraman Prall Abraham Aeleda Heheman Tousseway ? M o s - Baules ? erow or Mary Corsen Paules ? Art Simonson and wife Margrit John Jenner Anna Jenner Paul Merserue WALDKN.SIAN CHUReH. :>IONV BROOK. 1658 The First Church on Staten Island OLD MORAVIAN CHLIRCH AND PAR50NAGL. NLW DORP. S. I. PRE.5ENT MORAVIAN CHURCH. NF.W DORP. 5. I.. DtDICATLD 1845 UNITED BRETHREN CONGREGATION, COMMONLY CALLED MORAVIAN CHURCH. List of Pastors of the United Brethren Congregation, commonly called Moravian Church, on Staten Island, Nezv York, from 1747 to iSg2: RICHARD UTLEY. JOHN WADE. OWEN RICE. JASPER PAYNE, RICHARD UTLEY. JACOB ROGERS. THOMAS YARREL. GEORGE SELLE. HECTOR GAMBOLD. JAMES BIRKBY, E. THORPE. FREDERICK MOERING. JAMES BIRKBY. FREDERICK MOERING. NATHANIEL BROWN, d. 11 July, 1S13. JOHN C. BECHLER. G. A. HARTMAN, left 3 May, 1837. A. RONDSHALER, to 1839. HENRY G. CLAUDER, to 17 May, 1852. BERNARD E. SCHWEINITZ, to June, 1854. A. A. RINKE, to 14 Oct., i860. EDWIN T. SINSEMAN, to i Sept., 1862. EUGENE LEIBERT. FRANCIS F. HAGEN, to i July, 1870. WM. L. LENNERT, to i Aug., 1876. WM. H. VOGLER, to Oct., 1892. WM. HENRY RICE, gr.-gr.-grand.son of Rev. Owen Rice. 747 1749 750 754 756 '757 761 763 784 [787 794 798 [803 813 817 4 May, 837 26 May, '83Q 18 May, [852 17 Sept., [S54 23 Oct., i860 10 Sept., [862 25 June, 1867 6 Aug., 1870 I Aug., 1876 17 Nov., 1892 ^7i. RECORDS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN CONGREGA- TION, COMMONLY CALLED MORAVIAN CHURCH, STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. Baptisms and Births, abbreviations. Sr.— Sister— A Communicant. Br.— Brother— A Communicant. M. M.— Married Man. S. M. — Single Man. Wid.-Widow. 1749- Feb. II. Jan. 25.* Nov. II. Oct. I.* 1750. Feb. 7.* Jan. 17. 1751- May 12. i7S°- Oct. 12. 1751- May 12.* Feb. 27. d. Oct. 31, 1752. July 6. Jan. 3.* July 6. May 20.* Dec. 10. 1754- Sept. I. Feb. II. March 17. Feb. 16. Sept. I. April 16. Sept. I. July 29. 1755- Feb. 9. 1754- Dec. 27. M. W.— Married Woman. S. W.— Single Woman. BY WHOM BAPTISED Tunis Egbert Anne Egbert Stephen Martino Sarah Anne Martino Jacob Vanderbilt Jacob Mary Vanderbiltf Stephen Martino Hannah Elizabeth Martino Catharine Rev. Dr. John Wade Rev. Owen Rice Teunis Egbert Anne Egbert John 1830. Richard Connor Catharine Connor Jacob Vanderbilt Mary Vanderbilt Aaron Cortelyou Elizabeth Cortelyou Anne John Peter Stephen Martino Elizabeth Rev. Jasper Payne Elizabeth Martino Tunis Egbert James " " Anne Egbert Richard Connor Catharine " " Catharine Connor Jacob Vanderbilt Dorothy " " Mary Vanderbilt Cornelius Cortelyou Eleanor Sara Cortelyou Rev. Richard Utely • New Style. t Jacob Vanderbilt's marriage to Mary Spragg is recorded in Trenton, N. J., but does not appear in this church record. 74 DATE PARENTS CHILD I7S5- Feb. 9. Christopher Gar- Mary Jan. 29. rison Phebe Garrison 1756. Oct. 2. Tunis Egbert Edward March 8. Anne Egbert 1757- Aug. 3. Jacob Vanderbilt Oliver June 16. Mary Vanderbilt Oct. 19. Cornelius Cortelyou . Martha Aug. 15. Sara Cortelyou 1758. March 17. William Ward Anne Nov. I. Charity Ward 1758. April 5. Richard Connor Sara 17.57- Catharine Connor Nov. 21. 1758- April 5. Cornelius Vander- Phebe March i. bilt Eleanor Vanderbilt 1759- May I. Tunis Egbert Tunis Jan. II. Anne Egbert May I. Peter Perine Daniel Feb. 8. Catharine Perine 1760. June 25. Cornelius Vander- Jacob May 11. bilt Eleanor Vanderbilt Dec. 5. CorneliusCortelyou Jacob Aug. 26. Sara Cortelyou 1761. May 3. Peter Perine Elias Feb. 10. Catharine Perine May 3. Richard Connor Elizabeth March 3. 1762. April 25. Catharine Connor Jacob Vanderbilt Joseph 1761. Mary Vanderbilt Sept. 16. 1762. April 25. Tunis Egbert Elizabeth 1761. Anne Egbert July 8. 1763- March 24, , John Beatty Anne 1762. Anna Beatty Nov. 29. BY WHOM BAPTISED Rev. Richard Utely Rev. Jacob Rogers Rev. Thomas Yarrel Rev. George Selle (( ti (I Sr. Barrager Henry Nicolas Stil- well Jas. & Cath. Collon, John Dorsett, Sarah Cortelyou James Birk- Henry Miller, John by Garritson, R i c h "^ . Connor, Hannah Birkby, Eliz. Gar- ritson Anna Maria John & Martha Dor- set, Sarah Cortelyou Elizabeth Henry Miller, Martha Dorsett, Sarah Cor- telyou Eliza Edward Egbert, Ab". Egbert Edw. Beatty, John Dorsett, Elleonor Beatty, Martha Dor- sett Nicholas Burgher, Ann Burgher, Cath- arine Burgher 87 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1797- Nov. 2. James Egbert Sally Sept. lo. Elizabeth Egbert Nov. 19. Daniel De Young Ann Eliza Sept. I. Fanny De Young zabeth Nov. 19. Richard Connor Mary Sept. 29. Sophia Connor Nov. 27. Isaac Symerson Dorothy Nov. 17. Elizabeth Symerson Barnes Nov. 28. Ruben Symerson Daniel Aug. 26. Sarah Symerson Nov. 27. Benjamin Martino Elizabeth Hannah Martino John Britton John Rachel Britton James Moore Ann Maria Cathrine Moore Oct. 31- Dec. 3. Oct. I. 1798. Feb. 17. 1797- Oct. 14. 1798. April 4. March 13. May 13. April 20. May 20. April 6. Stephen Martino Abraham Eleonor Martino Br. Edward Beatty Eleonor Sr. Eleonor Beatty Peter Van Pelt Georg Mary Van Pelt Whitsunday, May 27. Amos Rooke, a married man, brought up a Quaker, b. in Philadelphia Co. Jas. Egbert, Eliz. Eg- bert, Sr. Birkby Daniel De Young, Elizabeth Garritson, Martha Dorset Richard Connor, Han- nah Birkby, Sarah Cortelyou Parents & grand- mother Ruben Symerson, Walther D ungin, Mrs. Dungin Benijah Martino, Eliz- abeth Martino, Han- nah Martino Tunis & Ann Egbert, James Collon Bap. by Rev. Frederic Moering Br. John Dorsett, Sr. Martha Dorsett, Sr. Christine Moering Jas. & Cathrine Colon, Georg Colon, the child's grandfather 1753- March 17 1798. May 27. May 3. Peter Cortelyou Amey Cortelyou Sarah Ann June II. Jan. 19. June 24. April 23. Cornelius Van der Phebe Bilt Phebe Van der Bilt John Baker Peter Wan- Charity Baker del Aug. 17. Richard Skerret 1797. Elizabeth Skerret Dec. 23. Ruth Edward Beatty John Dorsett & John & Martha Dor- sett, Frances Stil- well Sarah Cortelyou, Eleonor Johnson James Colon, Edward Egbert, Christine Moering 88 1798. Aug. 17. 1797- April 23. 1798. Sept. 16. Aug. 27. Oct. 17. James Skerret.Jun'. William Ann Skerret Br. John Dorset Sr. Martha Dorset John Beatty Same day. Elizabeth Beatty Dec. 22. Walter Dungin 1797. Abigail Dungin Dec. 26. 1799. March 29. Jan. 5, March 30. March 24. April 14. Feb. 22. May 5. March3i. May 19. March 30. Oct. 6. Aug. 16. Oct. 6. Sept. 8. Nov. 24. Oct. 10. May 13. Peter Edward Beatty, James & Cathrine Colon Wil- J ohn liam Thomas Cornelius Dec. 22. Oct. 25. 1800. Feb. 10. 1799. Sept. 7. 1800. March 12. Feb. 8. June I. April 9. June 8. March 17. June 8. April 22. Abraham Egbert Ann Egbert John Jacobson Hilletje Hilletje Jacobson Sleik John Egbert Thomas Mary Egbert Holmes Daniel Guyon Daniel Frances Guyon James Lewis Jane Rebecca Lewis James Burdine William Margret Burdine John Gerritson Abraham Elizabeth Gerritson Crocheron Jacob Lezier Eleonor Sarah Lezier Maria Ruben Seymourson John Sarah Seymourson Niclas Burgher Frances Cathrine Burgher Stilwell Bap. at parents' house John Merlin Cathrine Merlin Abraham Jacob Cortelyou Gertry ElizabethCortelyou Martha John Jacobson Hilletje Jacobson Walter Dungan Abigail Dungan Richard Conor Sophia Conor Israel Bedell Cornelia Elizabeth George Colon, Sarah Cortelyou, Martha Dorset John & Ann Bedell, Sr. Christine Moer- ing Edward Beat t y , Eleonor Beatty, Christine Moering John & Elizabeth Ger- ritson Martha Dor- sett 89 DATE P.^ RENTS CHILD 1800. June 8. Tunis Egbert Patience May 9. Ann Egbert Aug. 3. James Moore Daniel 1799. Cathrine Moore Nov. 5. 1800. Aug. 31. John Beatty Edward July 29. Elizabeth Beatty Sept. 17. John Britton Peter 1799. Rachel Britton Oct. 10. 1800. Oct. 5. Abraham Egbert Mary Va Aug. 24. Ann Egbert der Beak July I. Taylor Villette, Judith Villette, of New York Judith Oct. 26. Daniel Guyon Richard Aug. 21. Frances Guyon Conor Oct. 26. Stephan Martino Mary June 13. Eleonor Martino Nov. 14. Cornelius Vander- Jane Aug. I. bilt Phebe Vanderbilt Dec. 24. JamesSkerretJun' . Elizabeth April 5. Ann Skerret Dec. 10. Edward Beatty James Nov. 16. Eleonor Beatty 1801. Feb. 20. Amos Rooke Frederick 1798. Martha Rooke Moering Feb. 26. 1801. Feb. 20. Amos Rooke Cathrine 1799. Martha Rooke May 19. 1801. Feb. 22. Peter Cortelyou Elizabeth Jan. 24. Amy Cortelyou 1801. April 3. Benajah Martino Stephan 1800. Hannah Martino Oct. 29. John Dorsett, Eliza- beth Egbert, Chr. Moering Edward & Eleon. Beatty, John Dor- sett, Martha Dorsett Edw. & Eleon. Beatty, Sarah Cortelyou Bap. by Rev. James Birkby John Dorsett, Mary Van der Beak, Eliz. Gerritson Br. James Perrine, the mother's father, Sr. Christine Moering Edward Beatty, Eliza- beth Gerritson, C. Moering James Colon, Sen'., Eliz. Martino, Chris- tina Moering Christina Moering, Sarah Cortelyou James Colon, Sen'., John &- Martha Dor- set John Dorsett, James Perine, Christina Moering, Cathrine Colon Same sponsors other child as John & Martha Dor- sett, SarahCortelyou go DATE PARENTS CHILD I80I. April 5. James Bodine Andrew Jan. 17. Margret Bodine May 3. John Baker Jeremiah March. Charity Baker uly 19. John Dorsett Eleonor 'uly 13. Martha Dorsett Mary Sept. 17. Reuben Simonson Margret May II. Jane Simonson Sept. 20. Niclas Burgher Ann Aug. 26. Cathrine Burgher Sept. 22. Peter Colon George June II. Hannah Colon Oct. II. John Vanderbilt Edward Sept. I. Elizabeth Vander- bilt 1802. Jan. II. James Lewis James Colon 1801. Rebecca Lewis & D avid Dec. 6. Colon 1802. Feb. 8. Daniel Guyon Abraham 1801. Frances Guyon Dec. 24. 1802. Feb. 21. John Gerritson Elizabeth Jan. 20. Elizabeth Gerritson March 21. John Egbert Cornelius Jan. 29. Mary Egbert March 22, , Jacob Lezier Cornelius March 6. Sarah Lezier March 28. John Jacobson Cornelius Feb. 6. Hillethay Jacobson Van de- venter 1802. May 30. John Britton James 1801. Rachel Britton Dec. 28. 1802. May 9. James Moore Catherine March 30 . Catherine Moore Morgan Nov. 8. James Skerret James April 22. Ann Skerret James & Cathrine Colon, John Dorsett Edward & Eleonor Beatty, Sarah Cor- telyou Edward & Eleonor Beatty, Christine Moering Edward & Eleonor Beatty, James Fer- ine, Sarah Cortelyou James Ferine, Chris- tine Moering, Sarah Cortelyou James Colon, Sen'., James Bodine, Sarah Cortelyou Edward & Eleanor Beatty, Christine Moering John & Cathrine Bedell, JamesPerine 91 l802. Dec. 12. Abraham Egbert Nov. 7. Ann Egbert Dec. 12 Nov. 7 Nov, Oct. 14 7 1803. March 20. 1802. Oct. 2. 1803. April 3. 1802. Dec. 28. Peter Cortelyou Amy Cortelyou John Beatry Elizabeth Beatty James Bodine Margaret Bodine Richard Conor Sophia Conor James James Egbert, Ed- ward Beatty, Eliza- beth Egbert Lorenz Hil- James Egbert, Ed- liard ward & Eleonor Beatty Ann Elizabeth Jonathan Edward Beatty, John Dorset, Elizabeth Garritson, Sr. Moer- ing 1803. May Feb. Baptisms by Rev. Nathaniel Brown. 22. 22. Peter Colon, farmer Peter Hannah [Lewis, maiden name] Stephen Martino, Peter farmer Eleonora [Haugh- wort] Cornelius Egbert, Mary Ann fisherman Hannah [Houseman] Andrew Gauthier, Thomas merchant, of N. Y. Martha [Buninger] Bap. at Bergen Point, N. J., to which place the parents fled some time before on account yellow fever in N. Y. Child died soon after Baptism and was buried at Bergen Pomt Aug. 24. JohnBartonof N.Y. William 1802. Ann [Ruebottom], Dec. 29. deceased d. Aug. 26. Bap. in Br. Miller's house July 180: 17- Sept. 180^ 5- 5- Aug. May 21. 8. Sept. Aug. 5- 25. Br. George Colon, child's g'father, Br. Henry Miller, mar- ried man, Sr. Sarah Cortelyou, widow, Sr. Martha Dorsett, married Br. John Dorset, m. m., Br. Amos Rooke, m. m., Br. Niclas Stil- well, s. m. Br. Edward Egberts, m. m., Sr. Sarah Eg- berts, m. w., child's grandparents, Sr. MarthaDorsett, m.w. Mr. Thomas Hamers- ly. Widow Eliza Guthrie &the child's father, all from New York Br. Henry Miller & his wife, by m ai d e n name Barton, & the gr.-mother 92 i8o3. Sept. 7. Nicholas Burgher Jane July 29. Catharine [Swaim] Oct. July I. 25- Nov. 24. Sept. 25. Dec. 18. Oct. 26. 1804. Jan. 15. 1803. Nov. 3. 1804. March 3. Jan. 4. Reuben Symonson, Jane farmer Jane [Decker] Benajah Martino Benjamin Hanna [Decker] Daniel Guyon Sara Frances [Garrit- son] John Vanderbilt, Sarah farmer, Elizabeth [Taylor], both Society members Cornelius Vander- bilt, ferryman Phebe [Hand] Eleonora April 8. John Beatty, miller Eleonora Feb. 10. Elizabeth [Lake] April 15. Br. John Jacobsen, Maria March i. farmer Hilletje [Bedell] Whitsunday, May 20. Jacob Loziers Edward May II. Sara [Beatty] Bap. by Rev. Geo. Henry Loskilla, Bishop of the United Brethren, on his visitation June 13. Mr. Isaac Butler Catharine June 13. John S k e r r e t , Maria March 23. blacksmith Catharine [Ferine] Sept. I. Charles Dey, far- Lewis June 28. mer Mary [M'Ginnis] The father Nicholas Burgher, Br. Nicho- las Stilwell, s. m., the mother of child The father & mother & Rev. Nath' . Brown The parents & Rev. Nath'. Brown The parents & Sr. Ann C. F. Brown, m. w. Br. Edward Beatty & wife Eleonora, Sr. Sara Cortelyou, wid. Sr. Eleonora Beatty, m. w., the mother Sr. Phebe Vander- bilt, Sr. Sarah Cor- telyou, wid. Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleonora Beatty, grandparents, Sr. Sarah Cortelyou, gr.- grandmother Mr. John Bedell, grandfather, & his wife, Sr. Ann Cath. F. Brown Br. Edward Beatty, gr.-father, Br. John Dorset, m. m. Sr. Eleon Beatty, Sr. Martha Dorset The parents & Rev. Nath'. Brown The father Mr. John Skerret, the aunt Mrs. Skerret, & Rev. Nath'. Brown The parents & Br. Nath'. Brown 93 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1804. Oct. 7. Br. John Garritson Hermanns Sept. 27. Sr. Elis. [Conner], deceased Oct. 28. Walter Dungan, Ruth Aug. I. merchant Abigail [Symonson] Dec. 24. John B u r b a n k , Ann Oct. 7. fisherman Ann [Egbert] The father, Br. Rich- ard Connor & wife Sr. Sophia The father Br. W. Dungan, the mother, Sr. Ann C. F. Brown, m. w., Sr. Eleanora Beatty Br. Nath'. Brown, c h i 1 d's gr. -mother, Sr. Mary Egbert, & the child's mother Ann Egbert 1805. Jan. 13. John Britton Sarah Br. Edward Beatty, 1804. Rachel Britton Sr. Eleonora Beatty, Oct. 29. Sr. Ann Egbert, wife of Tunis 1705- Jan. 17. James Moore David Mer- Rev. Nath'. Brown, 1804 Catherine Moore cerau Mr. James Moore, April 5. the father, Mrs. Cath. Moore, the 1805. mother Jan. 24. Anthony Riders William Br. George Colon, m. 1804. Mary Riders m., Mr. Anthony Nov. 8. Rider, the father, Mrs. Mary Rider, 1805. the mother March 31. Br. Abraham Eg- Edward Feb. 7. bert Sr. Ann Egbert March 31. Br. JacobCortelyon Jacob March 9. Elizabeth Cortelyou March 31. Rev. N a t h a n i e 1 Ann Caro- March 18. Brown line Ann Catharine Frederica Brown Bap. by Rev. N. Brown Br. Edward Beatty & the child's parents Br. John V. D. Jacob- son, m.m., the child's parents Br. George Henry Loskiel, in Bethlehem, in his place stood Rev. N. Brown, the father, Br. Henry Tenbrook, in his place Br.Edward Beatty, Sr. Mary Magd. Loskiel, in her pi. wid. Sarah Cor- telyou, Sr. Tenbrook, in N. Y., in her pi. Sr. Eleonor Beatty, Sr. Ann Rosina Kliestin, s. w.. of Bethlehem, in her place Sr. Martha Dorset 94 DATE 1805. April 28. March 13. May 5. Jan. 19. May 12. 1804. Dec. 26. 1805. May 23. May 5. May 19. Feb. June 2. April 7. June 9. April 25. PARENTS Aug. 18. April 5. Sept. 22. Sept, 25. June 5. Sept. 25. Aug. 23. John Egbert Mary Egbert Richard Conner Sophia Connor Henry William William Barton, John ferryman at Am- boy Lucy [Egbert] Br. Reuben Symon- Hannah son, farmer & carpenter Jane [Decker] James Bodine, far- Israel mer Margaret [Oakley] James Skerrit.John Gar- fisherman ritson Ann John Beatty, miller Cornelius Elizabeth Lake Francis, daughter of Silvy and Ni colas Burgher, Catharine farmer Catharine [Swaim] Jeremia Aroe, far- Sarah mer [Skerrit] Richard Aroe, far- Joseph mer Elisabeth [Stilwell] Br. James Egbert, m. m., Br. Nicolas Stil- well, s. m., Sr. Eliza- beth Egbert, m. w. John Garritson, wid- ower, the child's father Br. Rich'*. Conor, Sr. Ann C. F. Brown, Sr. Ann Eg- bert, wife of Teunis Br. Tunis Egbert & his wife Sr. Mary Egbert, child's gr.- mother, widow Sr. Sara Cortelyou The child's father & mother, Mr. Jacob Symonson, m. m., Mrs. Hetty Symon- son, m. w. Br. Edward Beatty, Br. James Bodine, the father, Sr. Eleonor Beatty Br. John Dorset, Sr Sara Cortelyou, Sr. Martha Dorset Br. Edw. Beatty, grandfather of child, Br. John Beatty, the father, wid. Sarah Cortelyou, gr.- grandmotherof child, Sr. Eleanor Beatty, gr.-mother Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr. E 1 e o n Beaty, Sr. Sara Cortelyou Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleonora Beatty, Sr. Sara Cortelyou, wid. The parents of the child & the brother Richard Aroe Same sponsors as above. Bap. in house of John Vanderbilt 95 1805. Oct. 7. April 7. Oct. 15. June 23. Nov. Oct. Stephen Martino, Cornelius farmer & weaver Eleonore [Haugh- worth] Peter Colon Mary Hannah Lewis Isaac Barton, car- James penter Catharine [Colon] Nov. 9. Oct. 31. Dec. I. Oct. 22. Dec. 15. 1806. April 27. Feb. 19. Aug. 3. Feb. 26. July 26. May 18. June 15. May 12. Sept. 26. Aug. 24. Aug. 31. July 26. Peter Cortelyou Amy [Hilliard] Peter Loch- man Daniel Guyon, car- Cornelius penter & farmer Frances [Garritson] John Skerrit, black- smith Catharine [PerineJ Lucy Ann John Vanderbilt, Jacob farmer Elizabeth Taylor James Bodine, far- Margreth mer Margreth [Oakly] Mr. James Moore John Catharine [Perine] Jacob Lozier, mason William Sara [Beatty] Isaac Bur bank, Mary Ann oysterman Sara [Egbert] Cornelius Beatty, John Jacob- storekeeper son Ann [Jacobson] The child's father & mother & Br. Nath'. Brown Br. Ruben Symonson, m. m., Sr. Sara Cor- telyou, wid., Sr. Ann Egbert, wife of Tunis Br. John Dorset, m.m., Br. Jacob Cortelyou, m. m , Sr. Sarah Cor- telyou, wid., Sr. Mar- tha Dorset Br. John Dorset, md., Br. Jacob Cortelyou, md., Sr. Martha Dor- set, md. Br. Edward Beatty, md., Sr. Eleonor Beatty, md, Sr. Sara Cortelyou, wid. Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleanor Beatty, Sr. Sara Cortelyou Br. Edward Beatty, Br. Nath'. Brown, Sr. Eleanor Beatty Br. James Bodine, the father, Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr. Marg. Bodine, the mother Br. Nath'. Brown, the child's father & mother Br. Edward Beatty, the gr.-father, Sr. Eleonore Beatty, grandmother, Br. Nathaniel Brown Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Sara Cortelyou, gr. -grandmother of child, Sr. Eleonor Beatty Br. Edward Beatty, the gr.-father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, Sr. Martha Dorset, md. 96 i8o6. Nov. 8. John Biirbank, far- Mary July 17. mer& fisherman Ann [Egbert] Nov. 23. John Jacobson, far- Bedell Oct. 9. mer Hilletje [Bedell] Nov. 30. Joseph Egbert, far John mer Jane [Merlin] Dec. 27. Reuben Simonson, Mathias Nov. 21. farmer Decker Jane [Decker] Dec. 27. Charles Dey, far- David Sept. 17. mer Mary [M'Ginnis] Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, Sr. Ann Egbert, Ab'^.'s wife Mr. John Bedell, the eh. gr. -father, John Jacobson, the father, the grandmother Mrs Bedell, the mother of ch., Sr. Ann Cath. Frederica Brown Br. John Egbert, gr.- father, Br. James Egbert, md., Sr. Mary Egbert, gr.- mother Br. Reuben Simonson, the ch.'s father, Sr. Jane Simonson, the mother, Br. Nath' . Brown The child's father & mother Mr. Chas. Dey & Mrs. Mary Dey, & Br. Nath'. Brown 1807. Feb. 28. Same day. William Beatty, Henry Bar- Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- tanner & currier Mary [Barger] ger father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr. -mother, wid. Mary Barger, gr.-mother, & the father. Bap. in gr.- parent's house Br. John Dorset, vSr. Martha Dorset, Br. James Egbert Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr, Sarah Cortelyou, wid., & child's father Br. Benajah Martino John, a md. man, blacksmith, Br. Edw. Beatty, Br. eldest son of Marsh James Egbert The bap. was administered by Rev. John Renatus , Verbeck, here on a visit from Berthelsdorf, Germany, the present residence of Directors of the Brethrens' Congregations. May 10. Abraham Egbert, Joseph April 10. farmer & weaver Ann [Martino] May 31. Benajah Martino, Gabriel March 25. farmer & weaver Hanna Decker June 14. 1774- Nov. 29, at Amboy N.J. 97 DATE 1807. June 21. April 28. Bap. at June 21. 1806. Sept. 29. 1807. July 26. July 31. Sept. 6. JohnBritton, boats- Abraham & man Ann Rachel [Burbank] parent's house near Quarantine. Michael Mar sack, Harvey boatsman [Jennings], his wife John Egbert, far- William mer & weaver Mary [Holmes] Nicolas Burgher Catharine Swaim Sept April Elizabeth Ann Dec. Oct. Oct. Sept. 27. 6. 7- 2. Jacob Catharine Elizabeth 16. James S k e r r i t 6. waterman & cop- persmith Ann [Garrison] Richard Connor, Sophia Ann surveyor, currier & farmer Sophia [Clauson] Cornelius Vander- bilt, ferryman & farmer 1808. Phebe [Hand] March 8. John S k e r r i t , Feb. 15. weaver & fisher- man Frances [Rooks] Bap. at parent's house at the Narrows March 8. Elijah Cribbs Richard 1807. Magdalen [M'Lean] June 26. 1808. March 8. 1807. Aug. 28. 1808. March 19. Charles Simonson, Cornelius 1807. farmer Oct. 3. Mary Vanderbilt Ch. bap. in gr.-parent's C. Vanderbilt's Ferry House. 1808. March 28. Abraham Egbert, Eliza Ann Feb. II. shoemaker Mary, his wife Richard Silvy, fish- Hester erman Hester [Taylor] Br. Tunis Egbert, Sr. A. C. F. Brown, Sr. Ann Egbert, & the child's parents Same as above & at same time & place Br. James Egbert, Br. Tunis Egbert, Sr. Elis. Egbert, Sr. Ann Egbert Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr. Eleonora Beatty, Sr. Ann Burgher, gr.- mother, from N. Y. Jacob Cortelyou, Wil- liam Beatty, the mother of ch. & gr.- mother, Mrs. Skerrit Sr. Ann Egbert, & child's parents Br. Nath'. Brown, Dor- othy Swaime, md., Eleonore Johnson, wid. Br. Amos Rooks, gr.- father, Martha Rooks, gr. -mother, & child's parents Br. Abraham Binning- er from N. Y., Br. Nathaniel Brown, the child's mother Same as above Br. Nath'. Brown, Phebe Vanderbilt, gr.-mother, & child's mother Br. Nath'. Brown, Br. JohnMarsh,&child's mother 98 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1808. April 3. 1807. Feb. 2. George W. Ingra- ham, pilot Elizabeth, his wife George Washing- ton 1808. May 8. Peter Breasted, John Wil- 1807. blacksmith liam Aug. 30. Sara [Cribbs] 1808. May 19. James Bodine, far- Abraham 1807. Dec. 23. mer Margaret Oakley 1808. May 29. Jacob Vanhorne, of N. Y. Sarah Eg- bert July 16. May 14. Mary [Wood] Joseph Egbert, oysterman & far- mer Jane [Merlin] Elizabeth July 16. Cornelius Beatty, storekeeper Ann [Jacobson] Catharine Eleonore July 24. John B urban k. Abraham March 6. oysterman & far- mer Aug. 31. Ann [Kgbert] Cornelius Egbert, Elizabeth March 6. weaver & farmer Naatje [Houseman^ 1 Nov. 27. Sept. 17. William Drury, sailor Susanna [Stilwell] John Aug. 14. Michael Marsack, Mary Mar- July 28. boatman Rachel [Jennings] garet 1809. Jan. I. 1808. John Skerrit, black- smith Joseph Nov. 13. Catharine [Ferine] Br. N. Brown, Br. John Marsh, Sr. Phebe Vanderbilt,& child's mother Br. N. Brown, Br. Ab-". Bieninger fr. N, Y., Sr. Frances Stilwell, s. w. Br. Bodine,ch.'s father, Br. Constantine Mil- ler, wid., from Penn., & child's mother Sr. Bodine Br. N. Brown, Mrs. Charles Dey & child's mother Br. Ab™. Egbert, Br. James Egbert, Sr. Ann Egbert, Ab".'' wife Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- father, Sr. Eleonore Beatty, gr. -mother, Sr. Frances Stilwell, s. w. Ab™. Bur bank, gr.- father, & child's parents Br. John Dorset, Sr. Martha Dorset, Sr. SaraCortelyou, wid., Mrs. N. Egbert, ch.'s mother Br. N. Brown, Sr. Ann Brown, ch.'s mother Mrs. Drury, ch.'s gr.- mother Mrs. Sus. Stilwell Br. Ab". Egbert, Br. John Britton, Mrs. Jennings, the ch.'s gr.-mother Br. N. Brown, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, the child's mother 99 1809. Jan. 9. Daniel Guyon, car- Sophia 1808. penter & farmer Catharine Dec. 2. Elizabeth, his wife, late Young, maid- en name Clawson Bap. in parent's house at the Manor 1809. Feb. 12. Abraham Egbert, Ann Jan. 13. weaver & farmer Ann Martino, his wife April 9. April 17. 1808. Aug. 28. 1809. June 4. April 14. June 4. March 25. July 31- 1808. Dec. 13. 1809. Aug. 30. April 6. Sept 3. July 16. Sept. 17. Jiily II. March 26. Jan. 28. John Vanderbilt, Cornelius farmer & shoe- maker Elizabeth [Taylor] Henry Roy Dun- Henry Roy ham, seaman Eve [Skerrit], both of N. Y. John Britton, boats- Lovina man Rachel [Burbank] Abraham Van Pelt, Amy shoemaker Mary [Fountain] Stephen Martino, Catharine farmer & weaver Hanna EleonoreHaughwout Br. N. Brown, the child'sparents.Dan' . & Eliz. Guyon Br. Ab"'. Egbert, the fatherof ch., Sr. Ann Egbert, the mother, Sr. Ann C. F. Brown, Marg. Lewis, s. w. Br. Edw. Beatty, Br. N. Brown, Sr. Ann C.F. Brown & child's mother Br. N. Brown, Cath. Skerrit, md.. Eve Dunham, the mother Sr. Ann Egbert & the child's parents Sr. Eleonore Beatty & the child's parents Br. Nath'. Brown & the child's parents July May Charles Dey Mary [M'Ginny] John V. D. Jacob- son, farmer Hilletje [Bedell] Reuben Simonson, farmer Jane [Decker] Jacob L o z i e r , mason Sarah [Beatty] John Beatty, miller Elizabeth [Lake] Uzal Br. Nath'. Brown & M'Ginny child's parents Abraham The parents of the Van De- child. Corn. Beatty, venter the brother-in-law, Mrs. Ann Beatty, the sister Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleonore Beatty & child's parents Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleonor Beatty & child's mother Daniel Lake Br. Edw. Beaty, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr.- parents, & the ch.'s parents Lena Henry Cruse lOO 1809. Sept. 10. 1808. Oct. 15. 1809. Oct. 29. Nov. 12. Aug. 6. Nov. 16. Aug. 12. Nov. 16. April 24. Nov. 16. Aug. 12. 1810. Jan. 7. 1809. Nov. 24. 1810. April 10. March 18. July 19. June 25, Sept. 2. July 7. Sept. 2. July 8. Sept. 2. 1809. Sept. 5. James Moore, tailor Elizabeth Catharine [Ferine] Sr. Eleonore Beatty & the child's parents Nicolas Burgher, James farmer Catharine [Swaim] Richard Skerrit, Jr., Thomas coppersmith Ann [Garrison] Charles Simonson, carpenter & far- mer Mary [Vanderbilt] GeorgeWashington Ingraham, pilot Elizabeth, his wife Richard Silvy, far- mer & fisherman Hester [Taylor] Br. Nath'. Browrn & child's parents The gr. -mother, Mrs. Skerrit, the mother, Br. Nath'. Brown Phebe Ann Br. Nath'. Brown & child's parents Eliza Mar- garetRider William William Beatty, William tanner & currier Mary [Barger] Cornelius Beatty, Edward storekeeper Christian Ann [Jacobson] David Proll, farmer Catharine & weaver Mary Catharine [Dorset] Bar net Simonson, Sarah farmer Sarah [Romeyn] MosesWood, turner Ruth Mary Catharine [Colon] Richard Connor, Daniel farmer, currier & surveyor Sophia [Clauson] Br.N. Brown, Sr. Mary Simonson, md., & child's mother Br. N.Brown, Br. Cha". Simonson, Hester Silvy, the mother Br. Kdw. Beatty, the gr.-father,Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr. -mother, & child's parents Br, N. Brown, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr.- mother, H. Jacob- son, gr. -mother, & child's mother The child's parents, the gr. -mother Mar- tha Dorset, the gr.- mother Sarah Cor- telyou Br. B. Simonson, the father, Sr. Sarah Simon son, the moth- er, widow Romeyn, the gr. -mother The child's parents & Sr. Leonard, md., from N. Y. Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, Sr.AnnC. F.Brown, & ch.'s father lOI i8io. Oct. 28. 1809. Nov. 15. 1811. Feb. 8. 1810. Aug. 27. 1811. Feb. 25. Jan. 31. March 7. Feb. 15. March 7. Jan. 23. March 8. Jan. II. March 8. 1809. Aug. 5. 1811. March 19. 1810. Nov. 20. 1811. March 19. 1810. Nov. 20. i8ti. March 19. Feb. 24. William Barton, Mary Ann oysterman, at Amboy Lucy [Egbert] Br. Nath'. Brown, the gr.-mother, Mary Egbert, Sr. Jane Eg- bert, md. AbrahamSimonson Ann [Praull] Elizabeth Br. & Sr. Peter & Amy Hilliard C o r t e 1 y ou & the child's parents. Baptized in John Dorset's house Odissa man Appolonia Mott, nee rit] Abigail Br. Reuben Simonson, Ann the father, Hanna Simonson, the moth- er, Br. Barnet Simon- son, md , Sr. A. C. F. Brown, md. The father A. Rooks, wid., Bro. Nath'. Brown, Sr. Frances Skerrit, md. Bap. in gr. -parent's house The parents of chi]d & Br. Nath'. Brown Mr. Jos. Stilwell, gr.- father, Mrs.Sus.Stil- well, gr.-mother, & child's mother Shay, sea- Henry Jos. Stilwell, md., Su- san Stilwell, md., & [late child's mother Sker- Bp. in Mr. Jos. Stillwell's house Reuben Simonson, farmer Hanna [Decker] Amos Rooks, Mary wheel wright & carpenter Mary [Skerrit], de- ceased John Jennings, William waterman Catharine [Skerrit] William Drury, sea- Joseph man Susan [Stilwell] John Britton, boats- man Rachel [Burbank] Dorcas Br. Nath'. Brown child's parents & Michael Marsac, Olive Ann boatsman Rachel [Jennings] John De Forest, Gerardus seaman Charlotte [Vander- bilt], his w Mr. John Britton & wife, Mrs. Rachel Britton, & child's mother Mrs. R. Mar- sac Br. Nath'. Brown, Mrs. Phebe Vanderbilt, the gr.-mother, & Mrs. Ch. De Forest, the ch.'s mother I02 PARENTS I8II. May 19. Abraham Egbert, Hertje March 28. farmer Ann [Martino], his wife [daughter] March 19. William M ' Lean, Lydia Ann 1808. carpenter Dec II. Isabella [Wreath], 1810. his wife Charles Dec. 29. Simonson 1811. May 6. Abraham Merril, Mahala 1810. farmer April II. Elizabeth [Mar- tino] his wife 1811. July. 28. Abraham Van Pelt, Sarah Feb. 24. shoemaker Mary [Fountain], his wife Aug. 4. Isaac Burbank, far- EdwardEg- May 12. mer Sarah [Egbert], his wife bert Aug. 25. Charles Egbert, John James 1810. Christina [Pelec], Dec. 19, his wife, from in Jersey. Jersey 1811. Sept. 15. Joseph Silvy, lab- Eliza May 19. orer Aug. 14. Elizabeth [Skerrit], John M'Kinlay, William Aug. 13. schoolmaster Lydia [Rea], his wife Both lately from Ireland The parents Br. Ab". & Sr. Ann Egbert, Sr. Frances Stil- well, s. w., Sr. Ann, wife Tunis Egbert Br. N. Brown, Mrs. M'Lean, ch.'s moth- er, Mrs. Debora V. Duzer Same as above & his sister Lydia Ann The parents & the gr.- motherMrs.Eleonor Martino Br. N. Brown, Sr. A. C.F. Brown & child's mother Br. N. Brown. Sr. A. C. F. Brown, Sara Burbank,themother The child's parents & Sara Egbert, wid., the gr. -mother in whose house the baptism was minis- tered Br. N. Brown, Sr. A. C. F. Brown & ch.'s mother The father of child & his brother Wm. M'- Kinlay from Phila- delphia, & his wife So far an extract was made and sent to Europe to the U. C. Conf. The parents & gr.- mother Mary Egbert 1812. Jan. 13. Joseph Egbert, far- Mary 1811. mer & weaver in Dec. Jane [Merlin], his 1812. wife Feb. 20. Jacob Lozier, JohnBeatty Br. Nath'. Brown, 1810. mason Jacob Cortelyou, Nov. 27. Sara [Beatty], his md., gr. gr.-mother wife of ch.SaraCortelyou Bp. in John Dorset's house I03 l8l2. March 5. John Pe ters, sea- Abigail Jan. II, man Ann in N. Y. Sara [Pennycant], d. March 8. his wife March 25. James Skerrit, wat- Mary Jan. 5. erman & copper- smith Ann [Garrison], his wife From the Quarantine on St. Island April 12. Richard Con nor, Jane f a r m e r & sur- veyor Sophia [Clawson], his wife Richard Harcourt, Daniel Rosetta [M'Dewil], both from Ireland and employed at Quarantine March 25. May I. 1811. Nov. 9. 1812. May. 10. Feb. 19. May 17. April 24. June May 30- 2. July May 30- 10 Sept. 13. 1811. Feb. I. 1812. Sept. Aug. 13 I. John Vanderbilt, Jacob employed at Quarantine Elizabeth [Taylor], his wife Cornelius Beatty, Alfred Eb- sto re keeper in berhard, N. Y. William Ann [Jacobson], Montgom- his wife ery, twins William Beatty, Eleonore tanner & currier Maria Mary [Barger], his wife JohnSkerrit, black- Catharine smith Catharine [Perine], his wife Abraham Aston, Isaac clerk in N. Y. Ann [Colon], his wife Moses Wood, turner Abraham Catharine [Colon], Aston his wife The mother, Mrs. Su- san Stilwell, Mrs. Steward, at whose house the baptism was performed Br. Nath'. Brown, the mother & the gr.- mother Mrs. Sker- rit Br. N. Brown, the ch. father R. Connor, the ch.'s aunt Elis. Guyon The child's father, Br. John Vanderbilt & ch's mother The parents & Br. Edw''. Beatty Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- father, Br. John Jacobson, gr. -father, Sr. Eleonor Beatty, gr.-mother, Sr. Hil- letje Jacobson, gr.- mother, Sr. Ann C. F. Brown Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr.-mother, & the child's mother Br. N. Brown & child's parents The ch.'s mother, Br. Dan'. Guyon, md., George Colon, wid. Geo. Colon, wid., Br. Dan' . Guyon, md., & his wife Elizabeth, child's mother 104 PARENTS 1812. Dec. 17. Thomas Skerrit, Lucy Ann Sept. 30. weaver Martha [Cribbs], his wife In the house Dec. 20. Michael Marsac, Henry Sept. 19. boatman Rachel [Jennings], In ch. his wife 1813. Jan. 7. 1812. Aug. 31. 1813. Feb. 23. 1812. Sept. 30. Br. N. Brown & wife, Sr. A. C. F. Brown, & child's mother Martha Skerrit Br. Edward Beatty, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, & child's mother Stephen Wood, wheelwright Ann [Bodine] John Bird, water- man Susan [Mitchell], James Br. Ab™. Egbert child's parents At parent's house 1813. Feb. 23. 1812. Feb. 25. 1813. Feb. 23. Jan, 5. Feb. 28. Jan. 30. Aug. 5. May 19. Aug. 5- July 9. Stephen Mott, James laborer Mary [Mitchell], David B a r g e r , blacksmith Sarah [Cortelyou], his wife Jacob Beatty, sad- dler & harness- maker Elizabeth [Cortel- you] Mary John Jacobson, far- Matilda mer Hilletje [Bedell], his wife & Peter Duin- dam Br. N. Brown, Mrs. Mary Mott & child's mother Jacob Cor- telyou Same sponsors as Pre- ceding. Bap. by Rev. N. Brown The child's parents. Bro. Edw". Beatty Bp. by Rev. N. Brown The gr. -father Br. Edw. Beatty, the gr.- mother Sr. Eleon. Beatty, & the child's father Bp. by Rev. N. Brown Child's father, Cath. Bedell, the gr. -moth- er, Sr. Mortimer Aug. 5. July 9- Abraham Egbert, farmer & weaver Ann [Martino], his w. John Deforest Charlotte [Vander- bilt], his wife Benjamin, No sponsors given in thei3thch. the memorandum left by Bro. Morti- mer, minister of the Un. Bros. Ch. at N, Y., & who bap. here during Br. Brown's absence Phebe Ann Bap. by Rev. Benj. Mortimer. No spon- sors given I05 SPONSORS 1813. Aug. 5. Cornelius Johnson Charles July 9. Elizabeth [Corsen], his wife June 15. Richard Silvy Jane March 19. -'Rachel" [Hester?] Aug. 25. David Prawl Sarah Ann July 7. Catharine, his wife June 24. William M'Lean JosephLake Feb. I. Isabella, his wife Bap. by Rev. Benj. Mortimer. No spon- sors given The mother & gr.- mother & Sr. Ann Brown. Bap. by Rev. N. Brown Bap. by Rev. Benj. Mortimer Bap. by Rev. N. Brown & sponsors not men- tioned Baptisms by Rev. John C. Bechler. Oct. 24. Aug. 27. 1814. June 12. May 19. June 18. 1813. Aug. 28. 1814. June 26. April 7. June 26. June 23. June 26. March 10. John Beatty, miller Margaret Elizabeth [Lake], Eliza, 7th his wife ch., 3ddau. Reuben Simonson, Jane, loth farmer ch,6thdau. Jane Decker, his wife Richard Connor, Abraham farmer & sur- Van Vech- veyor ten, nth Sophia [Clawson], ch. & 5th his wife son John S k e r r e t , Christiana blacksmith Catharine [Ferine], his wife Joseph Mellington, Ann Eliza, shoemaker ist ch. Lucy [Crips], his wife Susan Drury [Still- well], maiden name Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr. -mother, Sr. Augusta Henr. Bechler, md. Bap. at parent's house The child's parents, Br. Barnet Simon- son, Bap. at parents' house Mrs. Clawson, gr.- mother, the child's father, nurse, sereau the child's Mrs. Mer- Child's mother, Edw. Beatty, md., Ann Egbert, Tunis' wife Bap. at home, quarter mile from Church the father & John Vanderbilt, md. John Jere- Bap. at same time & mi ah, 3d place as above & ch. & 3d same sponsors son io6 PARENTS 1814. July 3- June 26. Rev. JohnC. Bech- ler, Pastor of Ch. at Staten Island Augusta Henrietta [Cunow], his wife JuliusTheo- d o r e , 2d ch., ist son Aug. July 28. 19- MosesWood, turner Jacob Clen- Catharine [Colon], denne, 3d his wife ch., 2d son Sept. 5. March 26. Sept. 20. 1813. Oct. 23, in Beth- Cornelius B e a 1 1 y, at present Tav- ern keeper at the Narrows near Pt. Richmond Ann [Jacobson], his wife Charles Egbert, shoemaker Christiana [Pels], his wife Hellethah Ann Br. & Sr. Edw. & Eleon. Beatty, Br. & Sr. John & Elizabeth Vanderbilt, stand- ing for Charles Fr. & Dorothea S. Seidel of Nazarath, Penn., John & H i 1 1 e t j e Jacobson, for Br. & Sr. Henry D. & Anna Mar. Smith of Naz- areth, Penn. Br. Edw. Beatty & his wife Sr. Eleon. Beatty, Br. Reuben Simonson, md. Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, gr. -mother, Helletje Jacobson, gr. -mother Sarah Ann, 2d ch., ist dau. lehem Township, N. J. 1814. Dec. 3. James Scherret Esther, loth July 8. Ann [Garretson], ch.,4thdau. his wife 1815. Jan. 12. JohnDecker.water- Jane, ist ch. 1814. man Dec. 9. Ann [Egbert], his wife, Edward's dau. 1815. Feb. 7. Cornelius Vander- Phebe Jane 1814. bilt, Junr., son of Nov. 7. Com. V. Sophia [Johnson] Sarah Egbert, wid., gr.-mother of child, in whose house it was baptized, & the child's father, C. Egbert John C. Bechler, md., Sarah Cortelyou, wid., Martha Dor- sett, md. John Dorsett, md., Sarah Burbank, md.. & the child's mother Rev. J. C. Bechler, the ch.'s mother, Jane Fountain, md. Bap. at house of C. Van- derbilt, Jr., near Van Duyer's Ferry I07 PARENTS I815. Feb. II. Jan. 8. May 7. Jan. 18. July 30. May 31. Aug-. 13. 1814. Aus:. 28. 1815. Aug. 13. 1814. Dec. 15. John Vanderbilt, Jr. [son of John] Celia [Story], his wife John Beatty Elizabeth Lake, his wife William Beatty, tanner & currier Mary Barger, his wife Richard Connor, farmer Sophia Clawson, his wife Elizabeth, John Vanderbilt, md., I st child ch.'s gr. -father, Abm. Egbert, md., Ann Egbert, wife of Abm. Alfred, 8th Edw. Beatty, the gr.- ch., 5th son father, John Beatty, the father, Aug. Henr. Bechler, md. Emmeline Bro. Edw. Beatty, the gr.-father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty, the gr.- mother, Sarah Lo- zier, md., the ch. aunt. Wm. Beatty resides at present in New York vStephen Richard Connor, Senr., Alexander, the ch.'s father, John 12th ch.. Christian Jacobson, 6th son md.. Miss Jemima Pearson John Christian Ja- MaryLuisa, Richd. Connor, Senr., cobson, farmer ist ch. the ch.'s gr.-father, Catharine Connor, J. Chr. Jacobson, the his wife father, Sr. Aug. Henr. Bechler, Jemima Pearson, unmd. 181 5- Aug. 20. Abraham Egbert, Catharine, July 1 1. farmer & weaver 14th ch., Ann Martino, his 4th dau. wife Nov. 5- Peter Wood, water- Emmeline Sept. 21. man Hillyer,ist Sarah Ann Cortel- ch. you, his wife Nov. 5- Jacob Beatty, sad- William Sept. 3°- dle & harness Lake, 2d maker ch. Elizabeth Cortel- you, his wife Nov. 26. John Vanderbilt, Richard Oct. 4- farmer Taylor, 8th Elizabeth, his wife son Br. Barnet Simonson, md., Sr. Eleon. Beat- ty, md., Sr. Ann Eg- bert, wife of Tunis Peter Cortelyou, gr.- father, Emma Cor- telyou, gr.-mother, Elizabeth C o r t e 1 - you, md. Br. Peter Cortelyou, Sr. Amy Cortelyou, & ch.'s father Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr. Eleon Beatty, the child's father io8 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1815. Nov. 26. Tunis Egbert, Abraham, Sept. 25. Abm's son, car- penter Isabella Vander- bilt, his wife ist ch. Bap. i n Rev. John C. Bech- Francis Eu- Ch. on ler genius, 3d Sunday, Augusta Henrietta ch., 2d son Dec. 10. [Cunow], his wife Dec. 7. Dec. 25. Joseph Mellington, Joseph Dec. 14. shoemaker Henry, 2d Lucy Crips, his wife ch., ist son Dec. 25. Thomas Skerrit William Sept. II. Martha, his wife Crips, 2d [Crips] ch., ist son Dec. 31. John De Forest [De John, 3d ch., Nov. 15. Fries], waterman 2d son SPONSORS Dec. 31. Oct. 9. 1816. Jan. 3. 1815. Dec. 3. 1816. May 5. April 12. May 15. 1815. Nov. 9. 1816. June 21. 1815. July II. Charlotte Vander- bilt, his wife John Jacobson, far- Lucretia, mer 14th ch., Hilletje Bedell, his 7th dau. wife Br. Edw. Beatty, Br. John Vanderbilt, ch.'s gr.-father, Sr. Eleon. Beatty Br. Edw. Beatty, md., Sr. Eleon. Beatty, md., Br. Nicholas Stilwell, unm., Sr. Francis Stilwell, unm. Bap. at home, no spon- sors given Bap. at house of Mr. Mellington. No sponsors given Jacob Beatty, md., Charles Simonson- son, md., Mary Si- monson, md. Bap- tism in house of Mr. Jacob Beatty Abm. Egbert, Senr., the ch.'s mother, Sr. Augusta Henr. Bechler, md. David Praul weaver Catharine Dorsett, his wife Nathaniel H. Mar- tin Sarah Dorsett, his wife Reuben Simonson, farmer Jane Decker, his wife Charlotte, Br. J. C. Bechler, Sr. 3ddau.,4th A. H. Bechler, Mar- ch, tha Dorsett, the ch.'s gr. -mother William John Dorsett, Sen., Heard, ist the ch.'s gr.-father, ch. Br. Edward & Sr. Eleon. Beatty. Bap- tism at house of John Dorsett, Sen., in presence of a num- ber of relations Hylah, nth The child's parents. 7th Bap. at home ch dau. Stephen Wood, car- EliasMarsh, Br. J. C. Bechler, Tunis penter ist ch. Egbert, Senr., & his Ann Marsh, his wife wife Ann Egbert lOg DATE 1816. June 10. 1815. Jan. 29. 1816. June 22. b. . July 21. in April. Aug. 2. ,8i5(?). Oct. 25. 1816. Sept. 8. 1815. Nov. 22. 1816. Sept. 8. April 4. Sept. 18. April 2. Sept. 29. Aug. 17. Here on Oct. 10. July 28. James M'Lean, Capt. in U. S. ser- vice at Fort Tompkins, Stat- en Island Mary Ann Potter, his wife Oscar Fitz Patrick, Fort Tompkins. Mathew Decker, waterman Ann Colon, his wife Nicholas Crocher- on, Junr. Ann Guy on, his wife John Brittain Rachel Burbank, his wife Abraham Van Pelt Mary Fountain, his wife Richerd Connor, farmer & sur- veyor Sophia Clawson, his wife Moses Wood, tur- ner Catharine Colon, his wife visit from N. Y. Cornelius Beatty Ann Jacobson, his wife James Pot- The child was bap- ter, I St ch. tized by particular solicitation of the parents though be- ing better than a year old, as he was near dissolution youngest ch. of William Dustan at Bp. on Death-bed. Jane Maria, Br. Edw. & Sr. Eicon, ist ch. Beatty, child's mother William Rev. J. C. Bechler, Henry, ist Elizabeth Guy on, ch. md., Mary Young, unmd. Bap. in house of Mr. Danl. Guyon Jacob, 12th The parents of the ch., 6th son child & Abm. Van Pelt, md. Henry, 3d The parents and John ch., ist son Brittain Henry Augustus, 13th c h . , 7 th son Rev. J. C. Bechler, Sr. Aug. Henr. Bechler, the child's father George Br. Edw. & Sr. Eicon. Colon, 4th Beatty, the child's ch., 3d son father Oct. 13. William Praul, far- Aug. 17. mer Ann Egbert, his wife Oct. 13. John Egbert, Junr., Oct. 7. [Tunis's son] Aletta Prawl, his wife Elizabeth Cecilia, 3d dau. Tunis Augustus, ist ch. Abraham Prawl, ist ch. John & Hellethan Ja- cobson, the ch.'s gr.- parents, the ch.'s mother. Bap. in house of John Jacob- son, Esq. Tunis & Ann Egbert, gr.-parents, John Egbert, Junr., md., the uncle. Bap. in house of Tunis Eg- bert, Esq. Tunis & Ann Egbert, the gr. -parents, Wm. Prawl, md., the uncle no DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1816. Dec. 29. Oct. 28. 1817. March 12. Jan. 8. John Decker Ann Egbert, his wife EdwardEg- b e r t, 2d ch., ist son Br. Edward Beatty, Senr., Sr. Eleon. Beatty Richard Skerritt, Jr., shoemaker Mary Mott, his wife Abraham, ist ch. The ch.'s father, Br. Nicholas Stillwell, unmd., Mary John- son, md. Bp. at house of R. Skerrit, Jr., in presence of relations & neigh- bors March 16. Jan. 10. April 13. 1816. Dec. 5. 1817. May 25. March 23. Aug. 14. March 8. Aug. 25. May 18. Sept. 17. Atig. 20. Sept. 21. Sept. I. John Vanderbilt, Sarah Ann, Jr., 2d ch. Celia Story, his wife Oliver Vanderbilt, Elizabeth, shoemaker, of ist ch. N. Y. Esther Benson, his wife Charles Egbert, Eupheme, shoemaker 2d dau. Christiana Pels, his wife Cornelius Vander- bilt. Jr. Sophia Johnson, his wife Joseph Baker Susan Stilwell, his wife John De Forest [De Fries] Charlotte [Vander- bilt], his wife Peter Wood Sarah Ann Cortel- you, his wife Ethelinde, 2d ch. Br. Edw. & Sr. Eleon. Beatty, Sr. Eliza- beth Vanderbilt, ch.'s gr. -mother Br. Edw. Beatty, Sr. Amy Cortelyou, Sr. E 1 i z . Vanderbilt, Senr., the ch.'s gr.- mother Richard Conner,Senr., md., the ch.'s father, Catharina Smith, md. Br. Edw, Beatty, Senr., Sr. Eleon. Beatty, the child's mother Peter Van- sal, 2d ch. Cornelius Vanderbilt Rev. J. C. Bechler, the ch.'s mother, Mrs. Sarah Egbert, in whose house the bap. was performed Rev. J. C. Bechler, Sr. A. H. Bechler, Phoebe Vanderbilt, gr. -mother of child James, 2d Br. Edw. Beatty, Br. ch., ist son Peter Cortelyou, gr.- father, Sr. Amy Cor- telyou, gr.-mother. Bap. in Br. Peter Cortelyou's house after a sermon preached there Ill Baptisms by Rev. G. A. Hartman. 1817. Nov. 27. Joseph Mellington, LenahCrips Oct. I. shoemaker Lucy Crips, his wife Dec. 23- Thomas Stewart Sarah Jane Oct. 29. Hannah Kitch, his wife [Abigail Keitch was her 181 [8. mother] Feb. 8. Jacob Beatty, sad- Edward, Jan. I. dle & harness 3d ch., 3d maker son Elizabeth Cortel- you, his wife Feb 15. Tunis Egbert JohnVan- 1817. Isabella Van der- derbilt, 2d Nov. 22. bilt, his wife son April 27. John M'Kinlay Lydia Jane b. not Lydia, his wife given, in neighborhood of Newton, Sussex Co., N. J. June 21. Nathaniel Martin John May 18. Sarah Dorsett, his wife July I. Richard Connor, Sarah Lo- March 3. farmer & sur- vinia, 14th veyor ch, 7th dau Sophia Clawson, his wife 2. Isaac Burbank Sarah Jane, 6. Sarah Egbert, his 3d ch., 2d wife dau. July 22. William Praul Henrietta June 20. Ann Egbert, his wife Rachel Crips, gr.- motherof Ch., Eliza- beth Crips, unmd., the aunt of ch., Nich- olas Stillwell, unmd. Rev. G. A. Hartman, Isabella S. Hartman Br. Edw. Beatty, gr. father, Sr. July May Beatty, gr. -mother, Br. James Egbert, Senr. Bap. on Sun- day before Church John Vanderbilt, gr.- f ather, Elizabeth Vanderbilt, gr.- mother,AnnEgbert, gr.-mother. Bp. at Ministar's house be- fore ch. on Sunday In presence of Ann Egbert this was per- formed by particular request of the moth- er who was born & educated at Gran- hill, Ireland John Dorsett, the gr- f ather, the gr.- mother The parents of child The aunt, Ann Decker, Sarah Lozier, md. Tunis Egbert, the gr.- father, Sr. Ann Eg- bert, the gr.-mother. Miss Patience Eg- bert, the aunt. Bp. at house of Tunis Egbert, Esq. 1 12 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1818. Dec. 9. Caty Rook, now the Eliza Ann Amos & Martin Rooks, An illigi- wife of Charles the gr. -parents, the timate Metsger of N. Y. ch.'s mother child. City Dec. 13. Cornelius Beatty of Cornelius The f a t h e r & the Oct. 9. N. Y. Augustus, gr. -parents John V. Ann Jacobson, his 8 ch., 4th D. and Hellethey wife son Jacobson Dec. 20. William Beattey John Ed- The ch.'s father, the Sept. 23. Mary Barger, his ward, 5th gr. father Br. Edw. wife ch.,3d son Beattey, the aunt Sarah Lozier 1819. Jan. 6. Mathew Decker Catharine In presence of a num- Ann Colon, his wife Wood ber convened for Divine Service at house of Moses Wood May 2. John Beatty Mary Lake Eleon. Beattey, gr.- Feb. 27. Elizabeth Lake, his mother, Polly Beat- wife tey, Willm. Beattey, the uncle June 6. Oliver Vanderbilt Christian Br. John Vanderbilt, April 15. Hetty Maria Ben- Ann Sr. Elizabeth Van- zaken, his wife derbilt, the gr.-par- ents Sept. 28. Cornelius Vander- Elizabeth Bp. by Rev. Benj. May 30. bilt, Jr., [son of Mortimer of N. Y. Corn.], boatman Rev. G. A. Hartman 1820. Sophia, his wife absent Oct. 24. Jacob Beattey Varansalaer Br. Edw. Beatty, gr.- Oct. II. Eliza Beattey father, Mrs. Lozier & Mrs. Elizabeth Cortelyou & others . uiy 4- John Decker Mary Fran- Sr. Sally Burbank, Feb. 5. Ann Egbert, his ces Isaac Burbank, 1819. Dec. 15. wife Eleon Beattey Samuel Egbert Mary Jane, None given Jan. 29. Elizabeth Blake, his wife ist ch. David Barager Henry, 2d Sr. Eleonor Beattey, Oct. II. Sally Cortelyou, his wife ch., I St son Sr. Dec. 21. James Scharret Daniel In presence of Van 1818. Ann Garritson, his Deventer Bedell & Dec. 17. 1819. Dec. 26. wife Mrs. Hartman John Vanderbilt, John In presence of Con- Oct. 12. Junr. Celia Story, his wife gregation in Church 113 DATE 1820. Jan 27. 1819. Oct. 19. 1820. Jan. 28. 1819. in April. 1820. March 24. Jan. 20. April 24. March 4. June 30. May 19. July 3- Jan. 29. July 30. May 16. Aug. 7. July 9- Oct. 22. 1815. Oct. 26. 1820. Oct. 22. 1818. Jan. 3. 1820. Oct. 29. Nov. 5. 1821. April 23. 1820. June 4. Joseph Baker Susan Stilwell, his wife Thomas Miller Maria Houghabout, his wife Joseph In presence of Mrs. Dykman, Mrs. Sarah Egbert Winant The gr.-father Henry Miller, the gr.- mother, Elizabeth Miller & the ch.'s father Samuel, black James & Bett, be- longingto Daniel Guyon, Esq. Michael Van Name Edward Gertrude Martha Cortelyou, his wife Charles Egbert, now residing at N. Y. Christian Pels, his wife Gerret Dykeman Ellen Lake, his wife James Lewis Mary Stillwell, his wife Sussan Eliza Cus- zina Sally Ann David Praul Emeline Catharine Dorsett, his wife Gerardus Dykman Richard Ellen Lake, his wife Gerardus Dykman Gilbert Ellen Lake, his wife Peter Wood Margaret Sarah Ann Cortel- Ann you, his wife Tunis Egbert Elizabeth Isabella Vander- Ann bilt, his wife Nicholas Cocheron Emeline Ann Guion, his wife Edw. & Eicon. Beat- tey, Martha Dorsett Bap. at his mother's dwelling on this Is- land. None given Bap. at a lecture at the new school house near Mrs. John Scherrets John & Martha Dor- sett, the gr. -parents None given. Baptism in parent's dwelling As above Edw. & Eleon. Beattey & Miss Sarah Lozier John & Elizabeth Van- derbilt, gr. -parents, Sr. Eleonor Beatty- Senr. Bap. at house of gr., f ather.Daniel Guyon in presence of Mrs. Sophia Connor & others 114 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1821- June 3. John Decker Sarah Ann None given March 3. Ann Egbert, hiswife July 8. William Beattey Edmund Br. Edward & Sr. March 29. Polly Barager, his Eleonor Beattey, wife gr.-parents,Mr.John & Mrs. Betsey Beat- tey April 29. William Praul Edwin Bp. at house of gr.- March 31 Ann Egbert, his Theodor father Tunis Eg- wife bert, Esq. May 21. Capt. Deforrest William Bp. in house of Mr. 1820. Charlotte Vander- Hand Edward Beatty & in Nov. 6. bilt his wife his & his wife's 1821. presence Sept. 12. John Scharret Benjamin None given Aug. 4. Catharine Ferine, his wife Gryon Oct. 28. Abraham Stillwell Catharine Bp. at house of Mrs. Feb. 10. Mary Scharret, his Ann, ist Thomas Steward at wife ch. beginning of a lec- ture Dec. 14. David Barger Eliza Ann, The parents & Sr. Nov. 6. Sarah Cortelyou, 3d ch., 3d Eleonor Beatty his wife dau. Dec. 27. Samuel Egbert Eliza Ann, None given 1820. Betsy Elake, his 2d ch. Dec. 24. wife 1822. Jan. 2. Cornelius Vander- William The gr.-father Cor- 1821. bilt, Junr. Henry, 4th nelius Vanderbilt, May 9. Sophia Johnson, his ch. Sen., and a sister of wife the father's 1822. March 31. Jacob Beatty Isabella Bp. in house of gr.- Feb. 23. Eliza Cortelyou. parents Edw. & his wife Eleon. Beatty, in presence of number of friends April 7. Joseph Baker Letty Ann Bp. at beginning of 1821. Susan Stillwell, his lecture at house of Oct. 24. wife Thomas Steward 1822. Jan. 10. Stephen Egbert Warren Al- Bp. at house of gr.- Hannah Alston, his ston father Mr. Abraham wife Egbert, Sear. May 19. John Peterson Mary Ann Bp. at house of Thomas 1821. Sarah Peterson Steward, deceased Dec. 3. a t commencement of his funeral ser- vices 115 DATB PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1822. May 19. Colens M'Kinsay John Bp. as above same time 1821. Hannah M'Kinsay & place Jan. 31. 1822. June 25. Hamilton M'Cauly Robert Bp. at dwelling of gr.- 1821. Margaret Thomp- Thompson parent Mr. Thomp- Sept. 4. son, his wife son 1822. July 26. Charles Egbert Peter 182 1. Christianne Pels, April I. his wife 1822. Sept. 29. GerardusDykeman Mary Ann Bp. at lecture at Mrs. June 18. EllenLake,hiswife Stewards Oct. I. John Egbert Eugene Sept. 15. Aletta "Praul, his Mortimer wife Oct. 2. Edward Beattey, Jr. Cynthia Bap. at house of his Aug. 20. Ann Denyse, his Jacobson father Mr. John wife 1st ch. Beattey Oct. 17. Tunis Egbert Eliza Ann Sponsors not given Sept. 4. Isabella Vandebilt, his wife Oct. 31. Aaron Vanderbilt Isaac " " " 1821. Mary Simonson, his Sept. 23. wife 1822. Oct. 31. JohnVanderbilt,Jr. Isabella March II. CeliaStory, his wife Dec. 29. Cornelius Beattey Maria " " " Aug. 2. Nancy Jacobson, Rebekah his wife 1823. March 24. John Beattey Barzillor " " " Elizabeth Lake, his Burr wife April 13. Michael Van Sophia " " " Jan. 15. Namen Gertrude Martha [Cortelyou], hi s wife June 24. Thomas Crips Thomas 1822. Martha Crips June 15. 1823. Sept. 2. Capt. Deforest Charlotte 1822. Charlotte Vander- Jane June 30. bilt, his wife ii6 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1823. Oct. 15. John Scharret John & Mary 1821. Mary Swaim, his April 22. wife 1823, Oct. 15. John Scharret Peter Swaim June 9. Mary Swaim, his wife Oct. 15. Abraham Stilwell Henry Ed- Bp. at house of her June 16. Mary Scharret, his ward Per- brother John Schar- wife ine ret Oct. 17. Nicholas Crocheron Frances Ann Guion Rebekah Oct. 18. Daniel Mercereau Ellen Maria July 18. Ellen Maria Lozier, his wife Oct. 28. William Praul Maria Ann March 15. Ann Egbert, his wife Oct. 28. John Crocheron William July 3- Patience Egbert, his wife Henry 1824. March 9. John Vanduser Abraham, Bp. at house of the Jan. 28. Sarah Vanderbilt, ist ch. gr.-father John Van- his wife derbilt March 14. David Barger John Wil- 1823. Sally Cortelyou, his liam Nov. 9. wife 1824. March 31. Jacob Lozier Catharine March 13. Eliza Barnes, his wife Eliza,istch. April 14. Samuel Egbert Harriette Bp. at house of gr,- 1823. Betsy Blake, his father John Egbert, Feb. 26. wife Sen. 1824, April 18. John Decker John Henry 1823. Ann Egbert, his Sept. 21. wife 1824. April 20. Capt. Moses Mills JohnNewell Bp. at parents' dwell- 1823. Mary, his wife ing in City of N. Aug. 24. York in presence of the mother & gr.- 1824. mother Mrs. Taylor July 19. John Dorsett Mary Jane Feb. 10. Ellen Cropsy, his wife 117 t824. Sept. 9. 1820. Nov. 25. 1822. June 28. 1824. Sept. 9. March 26. Sept. 12. Feb. 7. Oct. 10. June 24. Oct. 20. Sept. 2. Oct. 28. 1822. June 28. 1824. July 19. Nov. 21. 1823. June 6. 1824. Nov. 25. 1819. Oct. 24. 1821. Sept. 20. 1824. June II. Dec. 6. Sept. 6. 1825. Jan. 30. 1824. Aug. 13. 1825. Feb. I. 1824. Sept. 29. 1825. April 4. March 4. Thomas Miller Maria Haughwout, his wife Same parents Stephen Wood Marsh, his wife John Laza — (part of name marked out) Martha Ann Cropsy, his wife Richard Scharret Charity Stilwell, his wife Jacob Beattey ElizaCortelyou, his wife Stephen Egbert Hannah Alston, his wife Same parents Cornelius Vander- bilt, Jr. Sophia Johnson, his wife Jonathan Merrel Maria Egbert, his wife Same parents Same parents Edward Vanderbilt Mary Ann Egbert, his wife Joseph Baker Susan Stillwell, his wife NicholasCrocheron Ann Guion, his wife David Praul Catharine Dorsett, his wife Joseph Mary Ann Elizabeth Catharine Louise Mary Ann Bp. at house of Mrs. Steward Catharine No sponsors given Eliza Ann Abraham Martino Emily El- mira Eliza Ann Catharina Lafayette Elizabeth Ann James Bradly Ann Eliza- Daniel & Elizabeth beth Guion, the grand- parents Alfred Cor- telyou ii8 DATE 1825. April 10. Jan. 26. April 27. 1824. Dec. 5. 1825. May 3. March 2. May 29. 1824. Oct. 30. 1825. July 18. July 9- Aug. 14. Aug. 15. 1824. Sept. 15. 1825. Aug. 26. April 19. Sept. 25. March 14. Oct. 2. 1823. Dec. 28. 1825. Nov. 2. March 9. Nov. 2. May 25. Dec. 22. April 28. Dec. 26. PARENTS Vincent Bodine Isaac Bur- " The gr.-parents " Mary Ann Bur- bank bank, his wife John Egbert Rachel The parents & gr.- Lydia, his wife Ann, 2dch. mother Charles Egbert Richard Christiana Pels, his wife Thomas Scharret Joseph Martha Crips, his wife The gr.-mother Sarah Egbert, Miss Jane Henderson None given Richard Connor George, ist Sarah Egbert, his ch. wife Ann, a black Jane Cono- woman, residing sen, at Edward Beat- Mary Ann, ty's black Richard Decker Freeman Elizabeth Egbert, Degroat, his wife ist ch. None given William Beatty Polly Barger, his wife Tunis Egbert Isabella Van de r - bilt, his wife Aaron Vanderbilt Simonson, his wife Hiram Eugene Isabella Sarah Catharine Marv Eliza- beth Now residing at N. Y., at house of John Beatty Bp. on Sabbath day Cornelius Vander- Sophia biltof NewBruns- Johnson wick, N. J. Sophia Johnson, his wife Gerardus Deforrest Julia Selina Bp Charlotte Vander- father bilt, his wife derbilt Gerardus Dykeman Rachel Ellen Lake, his wife Michael Van Name Eliza Gertrude M arth a Augusta Cortelyou, his wife Bp. at house of gr.- father Corn. Van- derbilt, Senr. at house of gr.- Corn. Van- 119 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1826. Jan. I. Lawrence Cortel- Sarah Ann, Bp. at house of gr.- 1825. you of N. Y. ist ch. father Peter Cor- Dec. 2. Elizabeth Heckel, his wife telyou at Freshkill 1826. Jan. 7. Jacob Lozier, Jr. Amanda None given. Bp. at 1825. Eliza Barnes, his Augusta Parsonage Sept. 5. wife 1S26. Jan. 13. John Scharrot Augustus Bp. at parent's dwel- 1825. Catharine Ferine, Eugene ling Sept. 28. his wife 1826. May I. Jonathan Merrell Martha Bp. at parent's dwel- March 13. Maria Egbert, his wife Lavinia ling May 4. John Vanduser John Van- Bp. at Parsonage Jan. 16. Sarah Vanderbilt, his wife derbilt May 6. John Decker Elizabeth (( It Jan. 14. Ann Egbert, his wife May 20. James Egbert MarthaAnn At parent's house 1815. Merrell, h i s Oct. 16. wife 1819. March 15. Richard 1820. Edmund Dec. 25. Wesly 1823. April 7. Barzillai 1825. Nov. 25. All children of Hannah above parents Mary 1826. June 23. John Dorsett Amanda At parent's dwelling May 14. Ellen Cropsy, his wife Elizabeth July 5- Oliver Decker Mary Eliza- Bp. in house of the 1823. Hannah Simonson, beth gr.-father B ar n e t Aug. 8. 1824. Dec. 21. his wife Simonson Same parents Isaac Si- 1826. monson Aug. 14. Peter La Forge Elizabeth Bp. at house of Reu- May 2 1 . Elizabeth Dongan, Ann Don- ben Simonson his wife gan Aug. 29. Edward Vanderbilt Hannah Bp. at house of her Feb. 26. Maria Ann Egbert, Maria mother Mrs.Hannah his wife Egbert I20 i826. Oct. 15. Sept. 2. Nov. II. Oct. 19. Nov. 28. Sept. 24. Dec. 14. 1825. July 20. 1826. Dec. 25. Oct. 7. 1827. Jan. 2, 1826. Dec. 14. 1827. Feb. 13. 1825. June 23. 1827. Feb. 14. 1826. Jan. 29. 1827. March 4. Jan. 24. March 17. 1826. Nov. 15. 1827. March 17. 1826. July 5- 1827. March 24. 1826. April 26. 1827. March 29. 1825. Sept. 23. John Tooker Maria Jacobson, his wife Jacob Beattey Eliza Cortleyou, his wife Michael Marsac Rachel Jennings, his wife Cornelius Egbert Maria Depui, his wife Aaron Vanderbilt Mary Simonson, his wife Vincent Bodine Mary Ann Bur- bank, his wife Julia Eliza Bp. at house of gr.- father John V. D. Jacobson. Miss Eliza Jacobson, Capt. Benson Sea- man, Miss Julia Sea- man of N. Y. Ellen Ger- None given trude George Adolphus Hartman Nicholas Depui Bp. at his mother's at the Blazing Star Benjamin Bp. at house of the gr.- Simonson father John Vander- bilt Jacob, 2d Bp. at house of the child gr. -father Isaac Bur- bank James Phanot James Jane Jennings, his wife Cornelius Coursen Susan Ann E 1 s y Arrow, his Reed wife Bp. at the house of Michael Marsac near Quaratine Cornelius Egberts Catharine Lake, his wife Charles Metzger Catharine Rook, his wife Cornelius, ist ch. Matthew William Reeves Bp. at Dorsett's house Bp. at house of gr.- father Amos Rook Joshua Warren Phebe Ann Bp. at same time & Catharine, his wife Glazier place Moses Decker Lenah Depuy, wife Barnet De- Bp. in house of gr.- his puy father Nicholas De- puy Samuel Coddington Sidny Fitz Bp. at house of the Catharine Jacob- Randolph parents in New York son, his wife 121 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1827. April 9. 1826. William Bodine Rosanna Mattes, George Washing- Bp. at house of gr.- father James Bodine Jan. 13. 1S27. April 9. his wife ton James Daniel D. Coursen Mary Jane 1821. Catharine Van Pelt, June 16. his wife 1823. Oct. 21. Sarah Ann 1825. Jan. 21. 1826. Cornelius Van Name Bap. in the parent's house Dec. 15. All children of StephenKit- 1827. above parents tletass April 20. 1826. William Beatty, re- siding at N. Y. Mary Eliza- beth Baptism at house of Mr. Dorsett Nov. 25. Polly Barger, his wife. 1827. Aug. 2. NicholasCrocheron Franklin March 24. Aug. 8. AnnGuyon, his wife Andrew Bodine Guyon William Al- Bp. at house of gr.- 1826. Polly Housman, his fred Hous- father, James Bo- Oct. 4- wife man dine, Senr. 1827. Aug. 8. AbrahamHousman Elizabeth, Bp. as above Jan. 7. Mergrett Bodine, his wife ist ch. Aug. 27. Feb. II. Richard Connor Sally Egbert, his wife OscarTheo- dore,2dch. Bp. in parents' house Oct. 28. James Gilbert Hannah At Mrs. Steward's at Oct. 15. 1828. Abigail Ann Black, his wife Jane, ist ch. beginning of Lee ture Jan. 29. Richard Johnson Richard 1827. Dec. I . Susan Van Pelt, his wife Taylor, " bap. while very sick " Jan. 29. John Cocheron Selina In Minister's house, 1827. Patience Egbert, Theresa Edward Taylor, Oct. 18. 1828. his wife sponsor Feb. 3. 1827. Abraham Martino Ann Simonson, his Raymond Bp. at beginning of a Lecture at gr.- May 24. wife mothers' Mrs. Mar- tino 1828. March 28 William Bodine William Bp. at a Lecture at the 1827. Dec. 28. Rosanna Mattes, his wife Oakly house of gr.-parents Tames Bodine 122 i82S. March 31. 1827. Oct. 20. 1828. April 2. 1S27. Oct. 17. 1828. April 2. 1827. Dec. 23. 1828. April 2. Feb. 13. April 8. 1827. Nov. 3 1828. April 24. 1827. Nov. 30. 1828. May 17. Jan. 24. May 28. 1824. Dec. I. 1827. Feb. II. 1828. May 28. 1827. June 22. June 15. 1825. Feb. 28. b. in 1826. 1828. June 26. .827. May 8. John Dorsett Ellen Cropsy, wife John Wil- his liam Beat- tey Tunis Egbert Isabella Vander- bilt, his wife Mary Precilla Bp. at gr.-f ather's John Vanderbilt, Senr. John Van Duser Isaac Hous- Bp. at John Vander- Sarah Vanderbilt, man bilt's Sen. his wife Cornelius Vander- bilt Eliza Martling, his wife John Deforrest Charlotte Vander- bilt, his wife SarahEliza- beth Charles Simonson Bp. at place same time & Oliver Decker Sarah Ann Joannah Simonson, his wife Bp. at house of gr.- father Barnet Simonson his Susan Maria Mersereau Peter Dorset Eliza Lewis wife Bedel Jacobson Israel Van [mother not given] devender Bedell Jacobson Thomas Sharrot Martha Crips, his wife John D. Waters William Lucretia Stillwell, his wife Same parents Helen Cornelius Vander- Maria bilt of N. Bruns- Louisa wick, N. J. Sophia Johnson, his wife Warren Al- ston Stephen Bp. in church Bp. at Schoolhouse near John Sharrot's in South quarter Bp. at house of gr.- father Cornelius Vanderbilt, Senr. 123 July S. March 12. July 24. 1827. Nov. 20. 1828. Aug. 17. 1826. March 14. 1828. Aug. 17. Jan. 20. Oct. 26. March 31. Oct. 26. Aug. 3. Nov. 29. May 31. Dec. 5. 1826. May 8. 1828. Dec. 5. 1827. May 3. 1828. Dec. 5. July 18. 1829. Jan. 6. 1828. Nov. 28. 1829. Jan. 17. Feb. 23. Feb. 15. 1828. Aug. 12. 1829. May 17. 1828. Dec. 31. Cornelius Beattey Maria Eliz- of N. Y. abeth Mary Ann Allen, his wife John Egbert from Catharine the Quarantine Maria Lydia Sequin, his wife John M. Black John Wil- Rachel King, his liam wife Richard Sharrott Abraham Charity Stilwill, his wife John Vanderbilt Ellen Celia Story, his wife Aaron Vanderbilt Sarah Mary Simonson, his Catharine wife Cornelius Egbert Catharine Catharine Lake, his Maria wife Richard White John Rebeckah Dey, his wife James Sharrot Abraham Jane Jennings, his wife Bp. at home of gr.- father John Beattey Michael Marsac Rachel Jennings, his wife Jacob Beattey Eliza, his wife Daniel Butler Eliza Egbert, his wife Stephen Mcintosh Mary Marsac, his wife George Adolphus Hartman Sarah Ann Bp. at Mrs. Steward's Bp. in church service In church after Bp. at house mother of her Bp. at house Michael Marsac Bp. as above of In Minister's dwelling Cornelius In parents' dwelling Egbert, ist ch. Harry Bp. at gr. -f ath er's Augustus, Michael Marsac ist ch. David Moore William Bp. at Lecture at Mrs. Mary Ann Barton, Augustus Martino's in the his wife Manor 124 PARENTS 1829. May 31. Vincent Bodine Vincent In parents' house Feb. 26. Mary Ann Bur- bank, his wife June 12. Joseph Mount Alicia Ann Bp. in Minister's 1826. Isabella, his wife dwelling in presence Sept. 6. of Mrs. Coddington and her daughter Ann 1829. June 12. Joseph Egbert Joseph b. 1822. Jane Holmes, his wife Thomas 1829. June 24. John Davis James 1828. Susan Sharrott, his Nov. 17. wife 1829. June 30. Cornelius Coursen William 1828. & his wife Blake May 28. 1829. Aug. 16. Abraham Martino Elizabeth June 6. Ann Simonson, his wife Merrell Sept. 14. Capt. Cornelius Frances Bp. in parents' house 1828. Vanderbilt Lavinia in New York Dec. 8. Sophia, his wife 1829. Sept. 10. James Gilbert JamesThom i_ July 22. Abby Ann Black, his wife as Steward Sept. 10. Abraham Sharrot Benjamin 1828. Margaret Hous- Housman Aug. 16. man, his wife 1829. Oct. 18. John Sharrot Lenah Ann Bp. in dwelling of 1825. Maria Swaim, his parents March 3. wife 1826. b. Nov. 3. Same parents Alfred 1829. Oct. 18. Jeremiah Sharrot Susan Ann Bp. in John Sharrot's 1825. Lenah Swaim, his house June 19. wife '25 SPONSORS 1827. b. Nov. 24. 1829. Oct. 18. 1826. Aug. 6. 1829. Oct. 23. Aug. 22, Oct. 23. Aug. 17. July 5- March 8. Aug. 27. 1819. Nov. 17. 1821. b. June 13. 1823. b. Aug. 30. 1827. b. Nov. 24. 1829. b. Aug. 4. 1830. Jan. 14. 1829. Dec. 16. 1830. Jan. 14. 1829. Aug. 8. 1830. Jan. 14. 1828. July 26. 1830. May 7. 1829. Sept. 23. Same parents JohnWilHam Joseph Baker, de- Ellen Eliza ceased Susan, his wife John Van Duser Jacob Tay- Sarah Vanderbilt, lor his wife Jacob Lozier Mary Ann Eliza Barnes, his wife Benson Seaman Henry John Bp. at house of gr. Eliza Jacobson, his mother wife John Burton Margaret Louise, his wife Jane William Ellen Thomas Sarah Rum- rill All ch. of John & Louise Louise Burton Cornelius Vander- Hetty bilt, Jr. Maria Eliza Martling, his wife William Crips James Jane Butler, his Butler wife Daniel Coursen Catharine Catharine Van Pelt, JonesMart- his wife ling Isaac Swift John Wil- Eliza Bodine, his liam wife Bp. at house of parents At same place 126 DATE 1830. June 27. 1829. Sept. 18. 1830. June 29. March 6. July I. March 13. Sept. 20. April 25. Sept. 20. June I. Oct. 21. April 19. Oct. 24. 1824. April 22. 1826. b. Oct. 7. 1828. b. Feb. 20. SPONSORS Richard Johnson Susan Van Pelt, his wife Tunis Egbert I sabe 11a Vander- bilt, his wife Jacob Cortelyou Mary Winant, his wife Thomas Sharrot Martha, his wife Benjamin H o u s - man Eliza Sharrot, his wife Edward Vanderbilt Mary Ann Egbert, his wife Edward Beattey [John's son] Ann Denyse, his wife Tunis Van Bp. in Ch. after service. Pelt Present were the gr.- father Peter V. Pelt, Eliza C. Hartman, Mrs. Ann Egbert, wid. of Tunis Frances Bp. at parents' home Lavinia William Cuberly, 1st ch. John Davis John Wil- liam John Edward b. Aug. 5. All children of E. & Ann Beattey Oct. 24. Cornelius Beattey Sept. 19. [John's son], from N. York Mary Ann Allen, his wife Godfrey Crawbuck Mary Ross, his wife 1831. Jan. 31. 1821. Oct. 10. 1831. March 13. 1830. Oct. 2. 1831. March 20. 1827. June 20. 1829. b. Sept. 18, Eliza Alex- ander Henrietta Mieks Annethie Vooris Eleanor Louise Jane Ann James Franklin Beattey John D. Waters Ann Lucretia Stilwell, his wife Bp. at house of his brother Edward, where a consider- able number of per- sons had convened Bp. at house of James Beattey Bp. at parents' house Edward Egbert Hannah Price, his wife Same parents Mary Josephine Letty Ann Lake 127 i83.. March 29. 1830. Sept. 23. 1831. April 3. 1830. Dec. 30. 1831. May 15. 1803. Jan. 15. 1831. June 19. Feb. 6. June 19. 1830. July 23. 1831. June 19. 1830. Dec. 9. 1831. June 19. 1830. Jan. 22. 1831. June 19. Jan. 26. June 21. March i. July 13. 1829. March 25 1831. July 13. 1829. Feb. 22. 1831. July 13. March 4. David Moore Mary, his [Barton] wife John Henry Abraham Garret- Hermanus son Eliza Sanders, his wife Ann Marsh Beattey wife of James Bp. in a meeting his John Sharrot Mary Swaim, wife Jeremiah Sharrot David Lenah Swaim, his wife Washington William Johnson Catharina Wood, maiden name Sharrot Vincent Butler Martha Ann Swaim, his wife Vincent Butler Martha Ann Swaim, his wife Peter Dorset Eliza Lewis, his wife John N. Tooker Maria Jacobson, his wife particular after the Public Service on the Lord's day, by the Right Revd. J. D. Anders, Bishop of the U. Br. Ch. Here from Bethle- hem, Penn. Bp. at house of his brother John Shar- rot William Henry, il- legitimate William Fountain Sarah Eliza- beth Ellen Eliza- beth Ann Matilda Bedell Jacobson John Bedell Sarah Ann Alston, his wife Capt. Benson Sea- Ann Eliza- man beth Eliza Jacobson, his wife 128 PARENTS I83I. July 14. 1829. July 23. 1831. July 30. May 29. Aug. 17. 1830. Dec. 25. 1831. Aug. 19. 1830. Sept. 7. 1831. Aug. 20. March 20. Aug. 28. Aug. 12. Aug. 28. 1830. Dec. 16. 1831. Sept. 8. Jan. 3. Sept. 8. July II. Sept. 25, 1830. Nov. 21. 1831. Oct. 15. 1830. Feb. 25. 1831. Oct. 19. April 26. Nov. 20. Sept. 18. Nov. 20. Sept. 23. Nov. 20. Aug. 2. Richard Decker Jane Eliza Eliza Egbert, his wife Abraham Prall Edward Isabella Beattey, Beattey his wife Abraham Stilwell Abraham Bp. in their dwelling Mary, his wife on the north side NicholasCrocheron Lenah Ara- Ann, his wife minta Jacob Cortelyou Mary Winant, his wife William Egbert Mary Ann Lake, his wife Cornelius Egbert Catharine Lake, his wife Michael Marsac Rachel, his wife Stephen Mcintosh Mary, his wife Richard Conner Sally Egbert, his wife Frances John Ham Wil- Annet Lake Catharine Eliza Sas- senberg Elizabeth Letitia Crowel Mundy William Bodine of Margaret Warwick Co., Jane Virginia Rosanna, his wife Bp. in house of gr.- father James Bo- dine Joseph Christopher Maria Martino, his wife Edward Egbert Hannah Price, his wife Abraham Martino Ann Simonson, his wife Andrew Decker Patience, his wife John Milton Elizabeth Ellen Maria Tunis Augustus 129 I83I. Dec. 4. 1830. Aug. 13. 1831. Dec. 25. Sept. 4. 1832. Jan. 23. 1830. Aug. 14. 1832. March 11. 1831. July 8. 1832. March 21. 1830. Dec. 29. 1832. April 10. 1831. July 27. 1832. April 12. 1822. March 13. 1S24. b. April 8. 1S26. b. Sept. 25 1831. b. Dec. 16. 1832. April 24 1831. Nov. 27 1832. June 7 1831. Jan. 21 1832. July 5 1830. Oct. 23 1832. b. March I Bp. in house of gr.- parents Israel B. Jacobson Elizabeth Ann Cuberly, his Emelia wife John Jacobson, late John from England, a miner at work in the iron mines near our church Mary, his wife Lock man Cortel- Maria you of N. York Nelly, his wife Charles Waller Catharine Mary Burgher, his Elizabeth wife Burgher Capt. Cornelius Cornelius Bp. at parent's house Vanderbilt Jeremiah in N. York Sophia Johnson, his wife Daniel Mersereau John Ed- Bp. at house of parents Ellen, his wife ward Win- at Tompkinsville ant James Romer Joseph Stilwell, his Lake wife Bp. at house of James Beattey at a Lec- ture All children of J. Romer & wife Jacob Lozier Eliza Barnes, his wife Henry Ferine Sarah, his wife [Stilwell?] William Winning Ann, his wife Isaac Parlee Mary Louise Margaret Jane Elmira Emma Elizabeth Cortelyou Ann Louise Bp. in dwelling of parents at Tomp- kinsville Bp. at James Beattey Bp. at house of Steph- en Mcintosh Same parents George Wil- liam 1831. b. Sept. 4. 1832. July 25. June I. July 30. 1831. Nov. 20. 1832. July 30. 1831. April 15. 1832. Oct. 12. Jan. 24. Oct. 14. 1830. Jan. II. 1831. b. June 2 1 1832. Oct. 16. Feb. 17. Oct. 16. Oct. 8. Oct. 24. 1830. March 19. 1831. b. Nov. 5. 1832. Oct. 24. March 23. Oct. 24. April 10. Nov. 18. 1831. Aug. 7. 1832. Nov. 25. May I. Nov. 25. April II. Richard White Mary Rebekah, his wife Louise Bp. in house of parents John Egbert, of Ann Bp. in house of An- New York Rebekah drew Decker Aletta, his wife James Gilbert Sarah Ann At house of parents Abby Ann, his wife Matilda William Henry Mary Ann King of N. Y. Nancy, his wife Cornelius Vander- Cornelius bilt Taylor Eliza, his wife Isaac Simon son Daniel D. Abby Jane his wife Same parents John Egbert Lydia Egbert Matthias Jones Julia Ann Jones Aaron Vanderbilt Mary Vanderbilt Same parents Sarah Eliza Lydia Eliza Isabella M'Lean Margarett Metcalf Bp. in parents' dwell- ing at Tompkins- ville Jacob John Van Duser Sarah Van Duser Samuel Codding- Catharine ton of N. Y. Helenah Catharine Jacob- son, his wife Abraham Sharrot Mary Ann Margaret H o u s - man, his wife Oliver Van- Bp. as above derbilt Bp. in Minister's dwelling Bp. at house of Mrs. Steward Abraham Garret- Henry Bp. in their dwelling son Davis Eliza Sanders, his wife Richard Johnson Eliza Ann At same time as above Else Sanders, his wife 131 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS IS32. Dec. 2. David Moore George Bp. at house of Ed- May 3. Mary Barton, his Washing- ward Bodine at a 1833. wife ton lecture Jan. 6. Benjamin Hous- James Ed- On Lord's Day at be- 1832. man ward ginning of service April 23. Elizabeth Sharrot. his wife 1833- March 8. Matthias Burgher Alfred & Bp. in parents' dwell- 1829. Hannah, his wife James, ing Dec. 26. twins 1833- March 19. William Bodine Abraham Bp. at gr . -father ' s 1832. Rosanna, his wife James Bodine July 5- 1833- March 19. Isaac Swift Margaret At same place as 1832. Eliza Bodine, his Elizabeth above March 19. wife 1833- April 10. Stephen Martling Sarah In minister's dwell- 1S32. Mary Burbank, his Catharine ing Dec. 16. wife 1833- April 15. Jonathan Merrels Julia In their dwelling 1832. Maria, his wife March 25. 1833- April 19. John Van Pelt & John Chris- In dwelling of parents 1823. wife topher Nov. 21. 1825. b. Oct. 26. " " Peter " « 1828. b. Oct. 16. " " George " " 1 83 1. Washington b. Oct. 14. Same parents as Tunis " " 1833. above April 18. Joseph Sharrot William Bp. in gr. -parents 1832. Cornelia Mersereau, Henry dwelling Oct. 26. his wife 1833- May 19. Richard Conner Elizabeth In his dwelling 1832. Sarah Egbert, his Sophia Sept. II. wife 1833. July 6. John Lovet, late William In Church Feb. 3. from England Thomas 1 83 1. Elizabeth, his wife b. June 10. Edmund John 132 PARENTS 1833. July 28. April 23. Aug. 26. Feb. 4. Oct. 4. 1832. Sept. 23. 1833. Oct. 9 Sept. 23. Oct. 24. March 29. Nov. 17. Feb. 10. Dec. I. 1827. Oct. II 1830. b. Feb. II. 1833- Dec. 29. Aug. 29. 1834. Feb. 17. 1833- Feb. 23. 1834. Feb. 26. 1830. April 1 1. 1833- b. Aug. 2. 1834. April Jan. 29. Tunis Egbert Jane Louise Isabella V a n d e r - bilt, his wife Thomas Scharot & Mary Eliza- his wife beth C a p t . Cornelius George Vanderbilt Washing- Sophia Johnson, his ton wife David Barger James Sally Cortelyou, his Guion wife Abraham Stillwell John Wil- Mary Sharot, his Ham wife Edward Beatty John Ann Denyce, his wife Richard Johnson Peter Elsie Sanders, his Augustus wife Same parents Andrew Cornelius Egbert Emeline Catharine Lake, his wife Jacob Cortelyou Mary Cortelyou Jacob Winant George Avery of George New York Washing- Catharine Avery ton Same parents Julia Simp- son Bp. in c h u r c h on Lord's day At Parsonage At parents' dwelling At parent's dwelling At house of parents' on north side At dwelling of gr.- parents At house of Abraham Garretson In their dwelling In Minister's dwelling April 9 1833- Jan. 7 1834. April 1 7 Jan. 4 Richard Johnson Mary Cath- Bp. at house of her Elsie Sanders, his arine sister Mrs. Garret- wife son Stephen Mcintosh John Wil- Bp. at parents' house Mary Marsac, his liams wife Joseph Sharrot Joseph " " Cornelia Mersereau, Willson his wife 133 i834. May 13. Feb. 22. June 15. May 21. June 15. Feb. 21. June 15. 1833- Oct. 15. 1834. June 18. April 30. June 22. 1833- Aug. 12. 1834. July 20. Jan. 19. Aug. 24. June 23. Oct. 15. April 17. Oct. 27. May 2. Nov. 5. 1833- April 25. 1834. Nov. 12. Feb. 22. Nov. 12. July 6. 1835- Jan. 5. 1834- Sept. 4. John Lovet James Elizabeth Lovet Henry John Jackson George Wil- Mary Jackson Ham Benjamin Ho us- Joseph Eg- man bert Eliza Housman Abraham H o u s - Mary man Louisa Catherine Hous- man Bp. at parents' house At Lecture there Andrew Decker Patience Egbert, his wife Henry Ferine Sally Stilwell, his wife Lawrence At Minister's dwell- Hillyer Lafayette Mary Matilda Cornelius Vander- John bilt, deceased Eliza Martling, his wife Abraham Garretson Edgar Eliza Sanders, his Eugene wife Daniel Butler Sarah Eliz- Eliza Egbert, his abeth wife Edward Burbank Isaac Jane Britton Capt. Cornelius Mary Alicia Vanderbilt Sophia, his wife [Johnson] Edward Egbert Hannah Hannah Price, his Jane wife Edward Johnson Mary Mary Housman, his Catharine wife Jacob Burckert Johann Terresia Schultze- Valentine bach, his wife mg Bp. at Lecture at South side Schoolhouse near James Lewis Bp. at house father Mr. Vanderbilt of gr.- J oh n Bp. at Minister's house At house of gr.- parents Bp. at his residence in N. Y. City In parents' house Bp. at parents' house, Tompkins ville. vSponsors were, Val- entine Cornelius & Johann Spries 134 D.ATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1835- March 4. Richard Connor James Eg- Bp. in the sick room at 1834. Sarah Egbert, his bert the request of the July 25. wife mother who lay at the point of death. A number of friends 1835- were present June I. John Egbert Sarah In parents's house March 25. Lydia Seguine, his wife Adeline June 21. William Crips of Catharine Bp. at house of gr.- 1830. Bergen, N. J. Fountain father James Butler Nov. 6. Jane Butler, his 1832. wife b. Nov. 26 u u Isaac Butler 1834- b. Dec. 17. Same parents Charity Bp. as above 1835- Butler Aug. 19. Abraham Herman Eugene 1829. Halle from Ger- Benhornean Oct. 20. many, now living on the Island 1833- Sarah, his wife b. April 1 9 . Same parents La Fayette 1835- Matthias Sept. 1. James Gilbert Maria In house of gr.-mother 1833- Abbey Ann, his Mrs. Steward Dec. 18. wife 1835- Sept. 9. Michael Marsac Harvy In parents' house 1834. Rachel Jennings, Washing- Oct. 4. his wife ton Edgar 1835- Sept. 19. William Beattey William In minister's dwelling July 7. Elizabeth Simon- son, his wife Henry Sept. 4. Isaac Swift James In house of gr. -father 1834. Eliza Bodine, his Bodine James Bodine Dec. 23. wife 1835- Sept. 27. "Joseph Peat or Lydia At house of Mrs. Mc- 1834. Paterman " Keese at a Lecture Jan. 7. Hannah, his wife 1835- Oct. I. Peter Dorset Isaac Lewis In parents' house July 21. Eliza Lewis, his wife John Romer Oct. I. Mary Ann At same place July 11. Catharine Lewis, his wife 135 1836. Feb. 21. 1835- Dec. 2. 1836. March 9. 1835- Sept. 15. 1836. March 15. 1835- Dec. 13. 1836. March 23. 1835- Oct. 23. 1836. July 24. 1835- Oct. 2. 1836, Aug. 18. 1835- Oct. 15. 1836. Sept. I. April 30. Sept. II. March 21. 1836. Sept. 13. April 25. Sept. 17. April 3. Oct. 29. Jan. 31. Nov. 3. March 12. Nov. 7. July 4. Nov. 22. Oct. 2. Dec. 12. Aug. I. Abraham Miller Jane Anna In Minister's dwelling Jane Simonson, his wife John Egbert Ann " " Elizabeth S imon- Lavinia son, his wife Richard Decker Angelina In parent's house Eliza Egbert, his wife Jacob Burkert Ferdinand At Tompkinsville in Teresa, his wife Jacob their dwelling Anthony Y. Stew- Archibald At gr. -mother's house ard Douglas Mary, his wife Stephen Martling Mary Eliza- In gr. -father's house Mary Ann, his wife beth Israel O. Dissasway Israel Fitz- Lucretia Jacobson, randolph his wife Joseph Pateman Ann Caro- At Mrs. McKeese Hannah, his wife line John Egbert of New York Aletta Prall Jocob Cortelyou Mary, his wife Edward Johnson Housman, his wife James Gilbert Abbey Ann, his wife Abraham Garret- son Eliza Sanders, his wife Edward Beattey Ann, his wife Abraham Bodine Abbey Ann Kinsey, his wife Daniel Mer- sereau Charlotte Ann Eliza Ann Hannah Jane Abraham Crocheron In the church In parents' house In gr.-mother's dwell- ing In parents' house Ann Louisa Tunis In parents house In parents' house 136 DATE 1836. Dec. 24. 1837- Jan. 2. 1836. May 18. 1837- Jan. 2. 1836. Jan. 4. 1837. Jan. 13. 1835- Feb. 22. 1837- Jan. 18. 1836. Aug. 23. 1837- Jan. 18. 1834. Lawrence H. Cor- Theodore In min. Dwelling telyou Hartman Eliza, his wife James Thompson Mary Eliza- Bp. at a Wedding Charity Romer, his beth party at gr. -father's wife house James Romer Fanny Ann At same time & place Sarah Maria Lewis, his wife John Van Pelt Mary Eliza- In the West quarter Susan Van Pelt, his beth wife In parents' dwelling at New York C a p t . Cornelius Catharine Vanderbilt Juliette Sophia Johnson, his wife James Madison Cornelius At same time as above Cross Vanderbilt At Capt. Corn. Van- derbilt's, N. York Same as above Nov. 7. Phoebe Jane Van- 1837. bilt, his wife Jan. 18. James Madison William 1836, Cross Harrison Sept. I. Phoebe Jane Van- 1837. derbilt, his wife Jan. 18. Daniel Bicknel Al- William 1835. len Barton Feb. 26. Ethelinde Vander- 1837. bilt, his wife b. Jan. 18. Same parents JacobHand Same as above 1836. Nov. 14. 1837. March 26. John Romer Emeline Feb. 19. Catharine Rachel Lewis, his wife Lewis Cave of N. Caroline, York ist ch. Emeline Wood, his wife SamuelCoddington Samuel Catharine Jacob- Franklin son, his wife April 14 1836. Nov. 18 1837. April 20 1835- Feb. 6 1837- April 25 1836. Dec. 19 At Peter Dorsett's house In Min.'s dwelling In parents' house Isaac Swift Jeremiah Eliza Bodine, his wife Thus far Record is by Br. Hartman, 3 May, 1837. 137 1837. July 23. 1835- Nov. 19. 1837. Aug. 16. 1836. Feb. 2. 1837. Sept. 2. 1829. May I. 1834. b. April I, 1837. Sept. 2. July 27. Oct. 13. June 7. Dec. 25. 1835. June 3. 1837. Dec. 25. July I. 1838. Feb. I. 1837. May 26. May 9. 1837- Oct. I. 1838. Dec. 25. 1835- April 25. PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS Baptisms by Rev. A. Rondshaler. Johann T. Shaber Catharine The parents & wife, maiden Margar- name Shaber etha John Van Duzer Sarah Vanderbilt, his wife Daniel Theodore Bp. at parents' house, Tompkinsville Howard Vooris Mary Eliza- In house of Cornelius Mary Rhine, his beth Vanderbilt, the wife girl's step-father Same as above Julia Parmer Cornelius Vander- Elijah bilt Rhine Mary, his wife, late Vooris, maiden n. Rhine Johann Ruppinger Catharine Christian & Barbara Catharine Frieder- Friederica Mann, Johannes & ica Rengaten, his Maria Essig wife John Widsworth Margaretha The parents Elizabeth Wids- Ann worth Leonard Fountain Elizabeth Mary Widsworth, Ann his wife Carl Auguste Mary Frende Blanche Augusta Caroline R u d i n g e r , his wife Abraham E. Miller George Al- Jane Simonson, his bert wife The gr.-parents John & Elizabeth Wids- worth, & Mary Fountain, the mother William Egbert Mary Ann Lake, his wife Catharine Ann 138 1838. Dec. 9. Cornelius Egbert Henrietta July 2. Catharine Lake, his wife "During the Year 1838 Br. Ronshaler baptized several chil- dren belonging to other churches, the.se were of course entered in the church book of their respective churches." 1839. March 21. Jacob Burckerdt Anthon 1838. Teresa Schutzen- Friederich Nov. 16. bach, his wife 1839. Jan. 6. Ambr. Rondshaler Edward 1838. Matilda Caroline Henry Nov. 30. Busse, his wife 1839- March 21. Isaac Butler Mary Cath. 1837- Martha Swain, his Aug. 31. wife 1839. March 21. William Crips John 1837- Jane Butler, h i s Sept. 6. wife 1839- March 26. Oliver Vanderbilt Sarah 1837. Catharine Ann, his Louisa May 12. wife 1838. Feb. 9. John Egbert John 1837- Lydia Seguine, his Oct. 8. wife 1839. March 26. John Van Duzer Daniel 1838. Sarah Vanderbilt, Theodore Sept. 23. his wife 1839. March 31. Cornelius Vander- Oliver H. Feb. 25. bilt Mary, his wife, late Vooris [nee Rhine •■] March 18. James Thompson Samuel 1838. Charity Rome, his Lewis Sept. 10. wife Ryess 1839. April 23. Daniel Butler Tunis Eg- 1838. Elisabeth Egbert, bert Bp. in house of John Baker, the uncle of child Bp. in house of Mr. Edw. Vanderbilt Sept. 26. his wife 139 SPONSORS 1839- April 23. Edward Johnson John Ed- Bp. as above 1838. Hannah Housman, ward March 22. his wife 1839- April 23. EdwardVanderbilt Cornelius Bp. as above 1838. Mary Ann Egbert, Egbert July 7. his wife 1839- April 28. Ferdinand Thun Margaretha Martin and Sophia Jan. 14. Jacobina Small, his Schmidt wife April 29. Anthony Y.Stewart Sarah Eliz- 1838. Mary Lipincott, his abeth March 3. wife 1839- April 29. James Gilbert Elizabeth 1838. Abigail Black, his Frances Sept. 4. wife Baptisms by H. G. Clauder. 1839- June 9. Lawrence H. Cor- Eugene The parents 1838. telyou Augustus Dec. 2. Eliza Hekel, his wife 1839- Sept. 26. Joseph Sharrott David Mer- 1838. Cornelia Mer- cereau April 16. cereau, his wife 1839. Oct. II. William Egbert Mary Eliza- Bp. in house of parents March 21. Mary Elizabeth beth in North Quarter. Lake, his wife Sponsors, parents & gr. -mother Nov. 10. Abraham Bodine Abraham Bp. at parsonage, Feb. 28. Abby Kinsy, his Brown parents sponsors wife Dec. 18. Edward Egbert Ester Ellen The parents 1837. Hannah Price, his Aug. 31. wife 1839- b. July 10. Same parents Caroline The parents & Miss Atkins Atkins of N. York 1840. Jan. 28. John Baker James James Romer & wife, Eliza Romer, his Henry gr. -parents, at wife whose house bap- tism took place I40 DATE PARENTS CHlLr SPONSORS 1840. Arpil 23. Moses Alston Sarah Ann Bp. at house of gr.- 1839. Sarah Ann Decker, mother Sr. Ann Sept. 22. his wife Decker at Long Neck 1840. June 21. Peter Hibbets from Euphemia Parents & gr. -mother 1839- N. Y. sponsors Sept. 6. Catharine Merrile 1840. Aug. 16. J h a n n Martin Christiana GallusGahnerof N.Y., Lutz Catharina Lutz & Christina Rokere, the parents his wife Aug. 29. Jacob Frederic Carolina 1839- Jakleof Wurtem- Louise Sept. 7. burg, Germany Eva Maria Sicking 1840. Oct. I. James Romer, Jr. Sarah Jane The gr.-parents James 1837- Sarah Maria Lewis, Romer, Sr., & his Oct. 25. his wife wife, at whose house 1839- ch. was bap. b. Dec. I. Same parents James Isaac 1840. Oct. 18. Cornelius Vander- Lydia Ann The parents Aug. 31. bilt Mary Rhine, his wife Nov. 18. Edward Beatty Ellenor The parents Ann Denice, his Louisa 1841. wife Jan. 8. C a p t . Cornelius George The parents, ch. bap. 1839. Vanderbilt Washing- at house of parents April 10. Sophia Johnson, his ton at Quarantine 1841. wife April II. Rev. H. G. Clauder Henry John Gottlieb Her- Feb. 21. Charlott Elizabeth Theophil- man, Anna Pauline Ruede, his wife us, 4th son Herman of Bethle- April 11. Rev. H. G. Clauder Charlotte Feb. 21. Charlotte Elizabeth Jane, 4th Ruede, his wife dau., twin of Henry Theop. hem. Pa., Louisa C. Kranisch, single, Lydia B e n z i e n, single, both of Beth- lehem, Pa. Chas. A. B 1 e c k & Sophia, his wife of N. Y., Lawrence H. & wife Eliza Cor- telyou of S. L, Sr. Jane Matilda Car- gile, single, of N. Y. 141 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 184I. June 27. John Vanduzer Elisabeth Bp. in house of John 1840. Sarah Vanderbilt, Ann Vanderbilt Dec. 21. his wife 1841. June 27. Jacob Van Duzer Mary « li 1840. Mary Holden, his Louisa Dec. 3. wife 1841. June 30. Oliver Vanderbilt Edward Mrs. Ward of N. Y., 1840. Catharine Morris, Ward & the parents. Bp. Sept. 8. his wife at parents' house at Quarantine 1841. Oct. 18. (James) Thompson, Joseph James & Ann Romer 1840. ship carpenter at Lake July 28. Quarantine Charity Romer, his 1841. wife Nov. 7. Adam Fugel, Hans Jorg Hans Jorg Fritz & Catharine Thum, wife, Maria Wolfen his wife, both of & the parents Wur tern berg, Germany, now at Castleton Dec. 25. Lawrence H. Cor- David The parents. Living Nov. 30. telyou Eliza Hekkel, his Hekkel at Freshkill 1842. wife Jan. 2. Abraham Bodine Sarah Ann The parents Abby, his wife Kinsey Jan. 16. Martin Schmidt, a Louis The parents, Louis 1841. German farmer Gontz, single July 4. now near Capt. Connor's Wife not given 1842. Jan. 30. Edward Burbank EdwardEg- The gr.-parents Isaac 1839. Jane Britton, his bert & Sarah Burbank, at April 19. wife whose house ch. was 1841. bap. b. July 24. Sarah Ann 1842. Feb. 8. Joseph Decker Amanda The parents Sarah, his wife Malvina March 6. Ferdinand Thum Christina AdamWagener, Chris- Jan. 4. Jacobina " tina Bisbalin, h i s wife March 18. Paul Schmidt Eliza Bar- The parents, residing 1841. Catharine Miller, rett at Factoryville July 25. his wife 142 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1842. March 27. Anthony Stewart William The parents March 8. Mary Thomas 1840. b. March 28. Same parents Julia Ann 1842. March 27 William Neats, John Rich- Bp. at house of An- wheelwright ard Shelton thony Stewart Di., his wife July 24. Joseph Sharrott Catharine The parents. Bp. at 1840. Cornelia Mer- Eliza minister's Oct. 6. sereau, his wife 1842. Aug. I. William Egbert Henry The parents, residing 1841. Catharine, his wife on North Side June 3. 1842. Sept. 2. Theodore O. Sier- Marianne The ch. was evidently Aug. 19. sina Emily near its last & was Meda Lenting, his bp. in house of par- wife ents Sept. 5. _ ohn Baker Mary Ellen Bp. in house of E. Jan. 3. Sliza Romer, his wife Johnson Sept. — . Edward Johnson Richard li n March n. Hannah Housman, his wife Nov. 18. Wm. Neats, wheel- Sarah Fran- The parents Aug. 30. wright at North- side, & wife ces Sept. 18. Wm. De Groot Lenah Ann The parents, living at 1840. Mary Sharrott, his North side Sept. 18. wife 1842. Oct. 9. Philip Leiser Ernst Franz The parents, living at 1840. Hetwig, his wife Factoryville Jul)' 29. 1842. Oct. 28. James Gibett of James Both this ch. & fol- 1841. N. Y. Augustus lowing bp. in ch. on Jan. 20. Abigail Ann Black, his wife S. Island 1842. ' Oct. 28. Wm. Julin, residing James at 80 Oliver St., Thomas N. Y. Sarah Jane Stewart, his wife Nov. 6. Daniel Butler Daniel March 7. Eliza 143 DATK 1842. Nov. 28. Aug. 28. Dec. 10. 1841. Dec. 14. 1843- Jan. 17. May 16. Feb. II. June 18. July 22. 1840. Sept. II. 1843- b. Jan. 19. Sept. 10. Sept. 27. Oct. 20. Sept. 30. Nov. 12. May 16. 1844. Jan. 6. Jan. 31. 1843- Jan. 7. Abraham Garrett- John Jacob son Eliza Sanders, his wife Barney Hughes & George wife Washing- ton James Brittain Frances Oakly, his wife All ch. of same par- ents John Rathyen Anna Rotsen, his wife Robert Sommers, carpenter Susan Ann " John G. Lake Violetta Spear, his wife Same parents Adam Fugel Catharine T h u m , his wife T. O. Siersina Meda Wm. Julin, residing in N.Y. Sarah Jane Steward Richard Housman, Jr., & wife Mar- tha,' late Butler, nee Swaim J. Thompson Charity Romer, his wife James Poll worth, farmer near the Blackhorse, from Berkshire, Scot- land Edward Egbert Hannah Price, his wife Elizabeth Ann Violetta Harriet Amanda Mary Ther- esia Mathin, inf. son Robert Gray Mary Gif- ford Alfred James Residing in Jersey City where he has a situation in R. R. office Grocer & shoemaker in this vicinity Bootmaker Richmond at Pt. Parents sponsors Bp. at house of John G. Lake. Parents sponsors Adriana Britton Michael LTnatais Hanna Ann Elizabeth This ch. & one above bp. in house of widow Steward Ship carpenter Tompkinsville at William & Peter Henrietta Bp. at house of Joseph Prall Lake, Manor I4f 1844. Feb. 4. 1843- Nov. 20. 1844. March 31. Feb. 29. April 14. 1838. July 30. 1841. b. July 28. 1844. April 28. Jan. — . May 5. March 16. May 26. 1842. Dec. 14. 1844. July 6. May 8. 1844. Aug. 5. Sept. 10. 1839- b. 29 Sept. 1844. b.March 5 1839. b. July 25. 1841. b. Dec. 19. 1844. b. May 26. H. G. Clauder Charlotte Elizabeth Ruede, his wife Sarah Ade- laide Anthony Stewart, Samuel brushmaker Mary " Capt. Jacob H. Van- Ellen derbilt. residing at Tompkinsville Maria Banta, his wife Same parents Rev. D. Bigler & Ade- laide, his wife, maiden name Fin- auf, of N. Y., Br. Isaac Burbank, Sr. Burbank, nee Eg- bert, Sr. Lydia Rice, wid., of Bethlehem Bp. at Parents' house near Abr. Egbert's. The parents & Br. & Sr. Clauder Bp. in presence of Mrs. Charlotte De- forest Egbert & Miss Phoebe Vanderbilt Jacob Ellis Peter Cozine Hannah MariaVan- bilt, his wife James Wood Emily Britton George Schmidt, tailor & draper at Tompkinsville Barbara Heusler, his wife Alexander Boyd, laborer at Col. Connors Rebecca Mc Nab, his wife James Ed- The parents & Eliza ward Ann Vanderbilt Mary Ann Bp. in church Magdalena The parents & Magda. Schmidt,single, dau. of Martin Schmidt Margaret Ann, Re- beccajane, twins Joseph Romer Jane Moore, his wife Oliver R. Martin Sarah Ann Vander- bilt, his wife Same parents Henry Flagler Isabella Van d er- bilt, his wife Henry & Isabella Flagler Sarah Jane Bp. in house of Br. John Sharrott. Par- ents sponsors Sarah Ann These five children are gr. -grandchildren of Br. John & Eliza- beth Vanderbilt & OliverRollin baptized at their house John Walter Constance Maria Isabella H5 DATE 1844. Sept. 15. April 8. Sept. 23. Jan. 6. Oct. 13. Nov. 8. Oct. 7. Nov. 16. June 16. Dec. 29. June 25. 1845- March 4. 1844. Dec. 28. 1845- March 30. 1844. Oct. 10. 1845- May 21. June 8. Jan. 16. June 17. 1843- Dec. 30. 1845. July 13. 1843. May 31. 1845- July 13. Abraham Bodine Jacob Abby Ann Kinsy, Howard his wife Paul Schmidt, Catharine laborer at Fac- Christiana toryville Catharine Schmidt Robert Summers, Albert carpenter in this vicinity Susan Ann Stilwell James Armstrong Amelia of Ireland, far- mer & laborer, re- siding on this Is- land Rose, his wife Augustus Saddler Mary Eliza- of PortRichmond beth Ann Eliza Cornelius Egbert Louisa Catharine Lake, his wife Ernst Senne, Charles Gesine Schiegel, Henry his wife, both of Augustus Germany The mother, Sr. D. Neat, Sr. Ann Neat Parents & gr. -mother The parents & Augfust Senne, single T. O. Siersema Meda Leiting, wife his PhoebeAnn The parents Wandel Baker Betsy Haughwout, his wife George W. Blake Mary Ann Wood, his wife Barney Hughes of Jersey City Susan Mary & EmilyAnna Christopher Ellen Jane Bp. in parents' dwell- ing. Parents spon- sors Joseph Corron Alfred Jane Burgher, his wife Ch. of above parents Nicolas Abraham Stewart Mathias Mary Ann Burger. Burger his wife 146 PARENTS 1845- July 24. April I. Aug. 24. 1844. Nov. 21. 1845. Sept. 25. 1841. Jan. 25. 1842. b. Dec. 2? 1845- b. 16 Jan. Nov. 17. July I. Nov. 20. June 17. Nov. 23. July 19. Nov. 23. 1842. Nov. 26. 1845. b. 1 7 May. John Baker, mason, John Wil- near Pt. Rich- liam mond Elizabeth Romer William Wilson, re- Abraham siding in N. Y. Noble Catharine Ann Noble, his wife Jacob Fred. Jackie Maria at Factoryville Catharine Eva Maria Jackie 3°- Dec. April 20. 1846. Feb. 5. Jan. 9. 1845- Oct. 21. 1846. Feb. II. 1842. March i. 1845. b. i4june The parents & gr.- parents, Abr. Noble All ch. of above parents Mathias Swaim Margaret Jane Eg- bert, his wife James G. Britten "Frances Oakley, his wife John Mills of Tompkinsville Eliza Egbert, his wife Robert Johnston, seaman at Tomp- kinsville Adaline H ol d e n, his wife Same parents Richard Conner, Junr. Ann Smith, his wife Oliver Vanderbilt, of Tompkinsville Elizabeth Morris, his wife John Rathyen at Port Richmond Anna Rothen, his wife Thomas Holmes Egbert Elizabeth Ann Merril, his wife Same parents Emma Amalia Jacob Frederick George Ab- The parents raham George Washing- ton Oakley Moses Newel The parents The parents & gr.- mother Mrs. Mary Mills Clara Hoi- The mother & her den sister Mrs. Jacob Vanduzer Robert Clyde DewittClin- The parents ton James Oliver Henry John ril Mer- The parents & Henry Gans Bp. at parents' house, North side Elizabeth Mary M7 1846. March 2 7. 1845- Nov. 25. 1846. April 8. 1845- Nov. 6. 1846. May 24. 1845- Sept. 1. 1846. June 7. Jan. 25. April 2. Aug. 16. Jan. i8. Aug. 19. 1845. Oct. 2. 1846. Aug. 19. 1844. March 25. 1845- b. July 22. 1846. Aug. 30. July 21. Aug. 31. Jan. 23. Aug. 31. April 15. 1845- b. 22 Oct. Adam Fugel of Maria Cath- Wurtemberg, arine Bar- Germany, now at bara Facto ryville, Staten Island Catharine Shum, his wife T. O. Siersema, re- siding near Edw. Bodine's in the Manor Meda Lenting, his wife William Winant, George carpenter Henry Hannah B u rger, Tyson his wife John Theo- The parents & John dore Siersema, unmd. Oliver R. Martin at Port Richmond Sarah Martin Robert Summers Susan Ann Still- well, his wife John Ferine, of New York Rebecca Jane Lewis, his wife James Romer Sarah Maria Lewis, his wife Same parents ChauncySt. The gr.-parents, Br. John Georg Cor- telyou George James Richard Taylor J o h n & Priscilla Vanderbilt The gr.-mother, at whose house ch. was bap. Mary Eliza- beth Thomas Simpson Alexander Boyd, Mary laborer Rebecca McNab, his wife Abr. S. Egbert, Henrietta hackman Eliza Bird, his wife Wm. Vroome Georgianna Catharine Maria Egbert, his wife Jacob Arnold, shoe- MariaLouisa maker, & wife Su- sanAnn, late Bird nee Ferine Bp. at house of Mrs. Lydia Egbert, Tompkinsville 148 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1846. Oct. II. Paul Schmidt, lab- Jacob Ed- Parents & Jacob Stoll April 12. orer, Catharine, his wife, both from Ger- many ward b.April2 2 . John Kirtche Henry The parents. Both Elizabeth these reside at Fac- toryville Oct. 20. William Maines David Residing at North June 30- Ellen Baker, his wife Wooley shore Oct. 2';. John V. Vanduzer, Sarah The parents & Sr. 1845. Junr. Catharina Sarah Vanduzer Oct. 24- Frances Louisa Roff, his wife 1846. Nov. 4- Abraham Bodine James Ed- The parents, at whose Oct. 16. Abby Kinsy, his wife ward house at 4 corners the ch. was bap. Nov. 7- David Mersereau Marieta Oct. 16. of Richmond Anneke Lake, his wife Gifford,ist ch. Nov. 22. Henry G. Clauder Ottelia Vir- Bp. in ch. on Sunday Oct. 15- Charlotte Eliza- beth, his wife ginia by her father Dec. 6. William Julin, Catharine Bp. at house of An- July 6. sailor Sarah Jane, his wife Maria Stewart thony Stewart Dec. 6. Anthony Stewart George An- n i( Oct. 1 1. Mary " thony 1847. Feb. 5. 1846. Dec. 4. 1847. April 4. April 25. 1846. Oct. 12. 1847. July 23. May — . Ernst Senne LouisaMar- Living at Northfield K i ssi ne Schiegel, garetha when baptism was his wife Christiana administered Mary Eliza- beth Van- derbilt Grace Noble JohnMillsof Tomp- kinsville Eliza Ann Mills William Wilson, re- siding in N. Y. Catharine Noble, his wife Abraham Van- Sarah Eliz- duzer, residing at abeth Quarantine Eliza Vanderbilt, his wife 149 i847. Oct. 3. July 25. 1848. April 9. 1844. Jan. 13. 1848. April 23. March 6. July 30. 1847- Aug. 31. 1848. Aug. 3. June 7. Aug. 17. July 15- Sept. 17. 1 844. Aug. 18. 1848. Sept. 28. 1847. June 8. 1848. Oct. 6. Aug. 22. Oct. 6. 1847. Nov. 28. 1848. Oct. 15. Sept. 20. 1849. Jan. 21. 1848. Dec. 24. Theodore Hampton Henrietta Elisabeth Mary Pris- cilla Joseph Decker, blacksmith Sarah Fitzgerald, his wife George Fritz at Factoryville Anna Maria Wolf, his wife Peter Coz.ine Hanna Maria Van- derbilt, his wife John Biaron, form- Henry erly of Easton, Pa., now at Fac- toryville Caroline Weiden- miller, his wife Raymond Augustus Domingeof N. Y. Ellen, his wife Conrad Barton, Elisa- beth Schlect Ellen Ma- tilda Bp. at parsonage in presence of the gr.- mother Mrs. Dun- ham John Rathyen of Anna Port Richmond Ann Rathyen Jacob Schneider, at Anna Factoryville Emilia Maria Clara Schneider Isaac M. Brown Charles Mary Romer, his Henry wife Wm. Vroome, re- Maria siding at Quaran- Louise tine Catharine Maria Egbert, his wife Abnrl. S. Egbert of Madora , Tompkinsville Eliza Bird, his wife Thomas Sharrott Thomas Mary Elizabeth Howard Voorhis, his wife Louis Geiser, Maria Kollman,his wife, natives of Germany, now at Pt. Richmond Johannes Bp. at dwelling of Br. James Romer at North side Bothe these ch. 'bap. at the house & in the presence of their gr. -mother L y d i a Egbert The parents & gr.- mother Mrs. Mary Vanderbilt, at whose house ch. was bap. John Walter, single, the parents ISO PARENTS 1849. April 8. 1848. Nov. 13. 1849. b. Jan. 29. Adam Fugel Catharine Fugel These two ch. were bp. by H. G. Clauder July 29. Ernst Senne, Amalia April 26. GesieneSenne, Ger- SophieMa- mans tilda Bp. in D. Ref. Ch. at Pt. Richmond Paul Schmidt of George Factoryville Sommers Catharine Schmidt Marks John at D. Ref. Ch. July July Aug. April 29. 29. 3°- 3- Sept. 6. 1847. Dec. II. 1849. Sept. 9. Aug. 3. Sept. April Oct. 21 1845. Aug. 29 1849. Oct. 21 Jan. Nov. May Dec. 17 1843- Aug. 24 1849. b. June 30 1847. b. Nov. 21 Frederick Henry Gilbert Tunis Eg- bert St. Theodore Siersema Meda Siersema John Mills, carpen- ter Eliza Ann Egbert, his wife, deceased Abraham S. Egbert, William coachman, son of Clair John, residing at Tompkinsville Eliza Bird, his wife Mathias Burger Hetty Vand'erbilt, his wife John John Rathyen, Anna, his wife, Germans at Port Richmond Wm. Mains Ellen Baker, his wife John Housman & his wife Susan Ann [Hough- wout] Abraham Bodine Abby Ann " Anna Elizabeth Virginia Martha Jane The parents, George Sommers, Margt. Baltzer The parents, John Schlect, Ros. Rapp at Pt. Richmond, Alke Marg. Schiegel, Sophie Lange, Louise Senne The parents, Anna R e i ne r s, mother, Anna R e i n e r s , daughter Residing near 4 Cor- ners Benjamin JohiaKinsy Johann This ch. & above one were bap. at house of Abr. Bodine The father & John Rothfus, single Johann Fisher, Christina Rothfus, his wife, Germans Benjamin Lydle & Gilbert Os- Residing at Richmond wife Ann, late borne Pierson, formerly Fredericks Wm. Wallace All ch. of above parents MaryElizabeth 151 DATE 1849. Dec. 24. 1838. Jan. 31. 1850. Jan. 7. 1843- May 17. 1848. b.March 6. 1850. March 31. 1849. Sept. 27. 1850. March 31. 1849. Sept. 27. 1850. March 31. 1849. Nov. 25. 1850. June 5. 1847- Oct. 6. 1849. b. Dec. 24. 1850. July 7. April 12. Aug. II. April 30. Sept. II. May 8. Oct. 20. Aug. 15. Jan. 6. Jan. 20. John Johnson, boot Anna Maria Christian Block, An- & shoemaker at na Mary Leating Quarantine Adelaide Eggers, his wife Wm. Egbert at Joseph Grantville Mary Ann Lake, his wife Son of same parents Wesley both members of our congregation Henry Prall of Port William Richmond Henry Elizabeth Nea ts, his wife Wm. Neats at Port Lester Pal- Richmond mar Di Neats Anthony Stewart, Mary Alina brush maker Mary Stewart John Vanduzer Louisa Roff, his wife Abrm. Vanduzer Eliza Ann Van- duzer Ellen Louisa Sarah Eliz- abeth Both these ch. bp. at house of Sr. Sarah Vanduzer at Tomp- kinsville The parents & Elizabeth H. mer of N. Y. Miss Pal- Christian Block Henry Rebecca Kniep, his Christn. wife Ludwig Wm. B. Seawood at Eva Harri- Pt. Richmond son Ann Neats, his wife John Bieran of Fac- Elizabeth toryville Caroline Weidmul- ler, his wife James B. Wood Henrietta Emily Britton, his wife " Garrit Vroome, a single young man & [son of Chris topher Vroom] Maria Housman his wife was bap tized into the death of Jesus" Mathias Burger, md., son of Mathias Burger & Han nah, his wife 152 PARENTS 1849. Nov. 18. 1850. Dec. 15. Aug. 30. Nov. Dec. 29. May 7. 1851. Jan. 12. 1844. July II. 1847. b. Nov. 3. 1851. Jan. 26. 1850. Sept. 16. 1851. April 13. 1830. April 13. 1851. June 21. Jan. 31. June 26. 1847. Sept. 16. 1851. b.July 7. June 29. Aug. 26. 1845- b. Sept. 12. 1847. b. April 28 1849. b. Sept 18. .851. b.July 22. Martha Hauseman, late Butler, nee Swaim, wid. John Christian, Margaret Ahrens, Germans at Port Richmond John Siinonson Catharine, his wife John Schlect, Rosina Raff, his wife, Germans, near Factoryville John V. Egbert Ellen [Simonson], his wife Same parents Heinrich, infant Catharine, & Ellen, wife of John V. Egbert Catharine Paul & Cath. Schmidt Louisa Sid- ney John Sim- onson John Diiringer, JohnHenry The parents, John miller Nancy Lubers, his wife Christopher Mary Ann Vroome & wife Housman Herman K n 1 p e r, first mate on steam- er Washington, & Heinrich Ohl John V. Egbert Ellen Simonson John Oldfield, re- siding in Troy, formerly in N. York Martha L e v i n i a Merril, his wife Same parents John Hatsche & his wife, at Factory- ville August Kiesele, Tompkinsville Louisa Julia Dimp- fel Abraham Tunis George Egbert Elizabeth Georgiana Louisa All ch. of above parents Emilie Lilia Augusta Eliza Anna Elizabeth Schmidt, George Hatsche John Lambert, Eliza Schoenberg, George Louis D i m p f e 1 , Augustus Plessing, Elizabeth Dimpfel, Emilie Plessing 153 PARENTS 185I. Oct. 5. Nov. 6. Oct. 10. Carl Christian Frid- erick Deinmann Louise Johanna Catarina Renter, his wife Benjamin Lydle & wife Ann, late P i e r s o n , nee Fredericks of Richmond Friderica Germans now living Dorotea at New Brighton Cicilia George Washing- ton 1852. Jan. 23 Adam Fiigel Nathan Jan. I. Catharine Thum, his wife Feb. 8. Heinrich W e i d - Carl Hein- 1851. muller rich Chris- Oct. 25. Eliza Gerd, his wife tian 1852. March 3. George Ebbits George Pat- 1847. Serena Downs, his ten b. April 2 7. wife 1845. b. Feb. 3. Ann Wright 1849. b. Jan. 7. Lucy 1850. All ch. of above b. Nov. 27 parents Harriet 1852. April 4. Dietrich Senne & August 1851. wife Dorothea Ernst Wil- Nov. 29. Krumdick helmChris- tian 1852. April 4. Ernst Senne Diedrich Jan. 4. Gesine Schiegel, Friedrich his wife Christian August April 23. Charles Lewis Charles 1849. Moelich Frederick b. Sept. 5. Catharine Ann Hausman, dau.of 1851. Isaac, his wife b. Feb. 12 Elizabeth Same parents Augusta Germans, now at Port Richmond. Carl Etsch, H e i nr ich Kaus, Christina HUtzel Living near 4 Corners. Christian Schiegel, August Senne, Ernst Senne, Friedrich Lange Johann Chr. Schiegel, Diedrich Senne, Friedrich Senne, Friedrich Lange, August Senne Both ch. bap. at house of Isaac Housman 154 DATE 1852. April 29. Jan. 9. 1851. b. Jan. 6. b. July 10. 1852. b. March 23. May 2. 1851. April 22. 1852. May 2. March 13. 1852. July 25. Feb. 8. Sept. I. Abraham Vanduzer John Hous- Eliza Ann, his wife man John Vanduzer Francis Louisa Roff, his wife Jacob Vanduzer Margaret, his wife Isaac Vanduzer Mary, his wife Sept. s. 1851. Nov. 22. 1852 Sept. 10. 1851. Aug. 28. 1852. Oct. 3. 1850. June 24. 1852. Oct. 3- 1850. Feb. 27. 1852. Oct. 3. Sept. 9. Peter Winant Eveline Isaac Oliver Wm. Vroome Catharine Egbert, his wife Anh Eliza Wm. Seawood Elizabeth Ann Neats, his wife Frances These 4 bap. at house of Sr. Sarah Van- duzer at Tompkins- ville Living at Tompkins- ville. Bp. at house of Sr. Vroome near 4 Corners At Port Richmond Baptisms bv Bernard E. Schweinitz. Daniel Eidam Margarita Ne ter- man, his wife Friedrich A. Dreyer of Brooklyn Augusta Henriette Schmidt, his wife Andrew Soner Clara Wagner, his wife Elizabeth Germans in Factorv- ville. Bp. in D. Ref. Ch. at Port Rich- mond Carl Bruno Bp. at house of gr.- father, Dr. Schmidt Anna Maria Germans at Factory- Clara ville. Baptismal Mr. Rathyen's house in Port Richmond Joseph (acobsmyer Johann Germans near Port Anna, his wife Christian Richmond. Bap. at parent's house when very sick James Hausman Theodore Living at Factoryville Catherine B a ue r, Adam his wife JacobFried'kJackel Magdalena Livingat Factoryville. Eva Maria Sekin- Rosina Bp. at house of ger, his wife James Housman Thomas Sharrot Alfred Mary Elizabeth Voorhis, his wife Bp. at house of gr.- mother Mrs. Mary Vanderbilt 155 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1852. Oct. 17. Paul Schmidt Carl Henry June 5 Catharine Miiller, or II. his wife Oct. 17. Reinhart Koch Anna Maria Both Bp. in D. Ref. July 31. Anna Catharina Ch. at Port Rich- Walter, his wife mond Nov. 28. 1850. Adolph Levando Emma Schmidt, his Joseph Bp. at Factoryville b. Nov. 3. wife 1852. b. vSept 21. Same parents Elisabeth t( u Dec. I. Bernard Alfrenk William Bp. at parents' dwel- 1850. b. April 2: Anna Myers, his >. wife Henry ling near Mariner's Harbor 1851. b. II Oct. Same parents John Frederick 1852. Dec. 12. Christian Bloch Louise Bp. at D. Ref. Ch. at Dec. 14. Rebecca Knief, his Marie Port Richmond Dec. 14. Dec. 14. 1844. Nov. 30. 1853- Jan 9. 1852. June 20. 1853. March 6. 1852. Sept. 13. 1853- March 13. 1852. Sept. 29. 1853- March 27. Feb. 23. wife Sarah Rodgers, wife of Capt. W. Cole Capt. W. Cole Jonah Sarah Rodgers, his Rodgers wife Jacob Mauer John Jacob Catharine K e b e 1 , his wife J oh an n Heinrich Johanna Knoch Henerika Martha Elisabetha Juliana Penhart, his wife Bp. at her home where she was confined by consumption Bp. in Ch. at Port Port Richmond Robert Summers Susan Ann Stil- well, his wife B. E. Schweinitz Marie Ottilia Goepp, his wife Sylvester Paul Bern- hard Sr. Mary Connelz of Bethlehem, Pa., (absent), Br. L. H. Cortelyou & Eliza, his wife, Mr. & Mrs. Dettmar Basse of Brooklyn, N. Y., Br. JohnF.BiglerofN.Y. 156 DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1853- March 27. Heinrich J ansen Heinrich Bp. in Ch. at Port Feb. I. Eden Cathrina Behrens, his wife J ansen Richmond May 8. Edward Holzhalb Bertha Bp. in Ch. at Port 1852. Bertha Holzhalb, Richmond Dec. 28. nee Motzer 1853- June 19. John Ahrens AnnaMaria Anna Hattof, Maria 1852. Margretha Als- Al sgu th . Bp. in July 21. guth, his wife Port Richmond 1853- July 17. Albert Hulsebas Gesina Car- Bp. in Ch. at Port April 20. Fredericka Caro- olina Richmond lina Feust, his wife May 15. Daniel Torrance & Alfred 1852. wife Sophia J. Nov. 6. Vanderbilt, dau. of Corn. Vander- 1853- bilt of N. Y. May 22. Jacob Salbacher Bertha Bp. at parents' house 1851. Barbara Shelling at 4 Corners Dec. 6. 1853 Aug. 8. Louis Ettlinger Adolph Germans June 25. Charlotte Abel, his Sept. Sept. 25. March 27. Nov. 20. July 6. Nov. 28. Nov. 18. Dec. 2. 1852. April 12. 1853- Dec. 9. 1852. May 31. 1853- Nov. 12. wife Maria Egbert [nee Simonson], wife of Jacob Egbert of Tomp- kinsville James Burger Maria Jane Noble, his wife James Coyne Harriet Matilda Thompson, h i s wife Benjamin Lydle Ann [Nancy] Fred- ericks, his wife Cornelius P. Bird Lydia Eliza Egbert, his wife Maria Ottilia Harriet Matilda Josephine Cornelia Abraham S. Egbert Cornelius Mary Eliza Bird, Bird his wife On her dying bed Both members of our church Bp. at Richmond in house of parents At Tompkinsville in presence of ch's. mother & gr.- mother Lydia Eg- bert Bp. at parents' house at Vanderbilt Land- Same parents John 157 DATE i8S3- Dec. II. 1854. Jan. 15. 1852. Nov. 30. 1854. March 13. Feb. 8. March 13. Feb. 21. John Simonson of Catharine Clifton Joshua Mercereau Stephen Sarah Ann Ferine, Henry his wife Living on South side JohnGodfriedGeb- hardt CatharineChristina Ehrhardt, his wife George Barth Elisabeth Schmidt, his wife John God- Germans. God fried fried W. Gebhardt & his wife John Natives of Germany, now of New Brigh- ton Conn. Bp. at house of gr. -father John Schmidt, who was sponsor with his wife Catharine Gal- 1854. Sept. 25. Aug. 8. Oct. 15. Aug. 22. 1855- Jan. 7. 1854- July 17. 1855- April II. 1S54 Feb. 2. 1855- June 20. 1854. Dec. 12. 1855- June 20. 1853- Jan. 14. 1855- June 20. 1854- July 22. 1855- June 20. 1853- Nov. 4. Baptisms by John V. Egbert Ellen Simonson, his wife James Wilson Shar- rott Agnes Caroline, his wife Robert Sommers Sarah A. Stilwell, his wife William Vroome Wm. E m Catharine Maria mett Egbert, his wife Abraham Van Mary Duzer Emma Elizabeth Ann Van Duzer John Van Duzer Peter Louisa Roff, h i s Winant wife A. A. Reinke. Leniont Living near Bound Williams Brook, N. Jersey. Bp. at Parsonage Cornelia Bp. at house of gr.- Frances parents Lavina Bp. at house of Mrs. S. Van Duzer Isaac Van Duzer Jacob Bp. at house of Mrs. Mary, his wife Theodore S. Van Duzer Jacob Van Duzer John Jacob M argaret Van Duzer 158 DATE 1855- July I. March 28. Aug. 20. March 7. Sept. 30. 1856. Jan I. 1855. July 19. 1856. April 13. •855- Sept. 23. 1856. April 17. Feb. 23. April 27. March 26. Sept. 9. •855- Oct. 16. 1856. Sept. 28. 1854- July 15- 1856, Oct. 26. Sept. 2. 1857- April 3. April I. April 7. 1855- May 25. '857. April 12, Easter. April 26. 1856. Jan. II. Jns. Pearce Mary Jane Matilda Lunt, his wife Jno. Schmidt Catharine Catharine Kulner, Margaret his wife James Wood William Emily Britton, his Henry wife James Coyn & his James wife Harriet Ma- tilda Thompson Both lately arrived from London, Eng. Near BuU'shead Cornelius P. Bird Lydia Eliza Eg- bert, his wife Garry Vroome Mary Elizabeth Martling, hiswife Jacob Frettert Maria Steker, his wife Jacob Van Duzer Margaret Van Duzer George M. Root Anna M. Van Duzer, his wife Peter Hirschle Francesca Weber, his wife Robert Barnes Jane Louisa Bp. at house of Mr. Wm. V ro o m e in Tompkinsville Mary Anna Frederick Jacob Magdalena Wm. Oliver Elliott Aymar Heinrich Bp. at house of Mr. Christopher Vroome at Centreville Bp. at house of Mrs. Sarah Van Duzer at Quarantine George & Bp. at house of parents in presence of gr.- parents & sisters Bp. at parents' house in presence of S. Summers & S. Mersereau Louisa Ketteltas, Elizabeth hi.s wife twins Peter Anderson Margaret Waglom Anna Margaret Stilwell, his wife Anna, wife of Joseph Egbert, bap. in Ch. on occasion of the confirmation of Sarah L. Cortelyou, Elizabeth Simonson & Br. N. Britton. Jacob Herman Mary Ida Garretson of Cen- treville Elizabeth Egbert, his wife DATE PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1857. April 26. Alexander Littell Ada Louise 1856. Hannah Jane Eg- July 27. bert, his wife iSs7- April 18. James Baker Julia Ann Bp. at house of gr.- 1856. Elizabeth Burning- mother b. Oct. 6. ham, his wife b. not Sarah Eliza- given, beth Ch. of above parents Joanna 1857- Sept. I. Jno. Housman Egbert 1856. Susan Haughwout, Haughwout July 18. his wife 1857- Sept. 27. George Vroome Maria Ann Bp. in parents' house 1856. Elizabeth Taylor, at Centreville b. March 22. his wife 1857. b. March 27. Leonora Walker Sept. 17. Jno. W. Burbank John Alfred Both ch. bap. in sick 1847. Anna Egbert, his room of the mother, b. July 9. wife in presence of wit- 1850. nesses b. April 9. Same parents Anna 1857. Oct. I. Jacob Van Duzer Lilian Bp. at home of Mrs. May 23. Margaret Van Sarah Van Duzer Duzer Oct. I. Isaac Van Duzer Daniel 1856. Mary Van Duzer Clyde Oct. 10. 1857. Oct. 15. Geo. M. Root Pierre Van- Anna M. Van derbilt Duzer, his wife Dec. 2. Isaac Romer Emma Jane At house of parents 1847. Noble, his in New Dorp b. Sept. 20. wife 1854- b. May 14. Mary Matilda 1857- b. Feb. 21. Ch. of above parents Catharine Ann Elting 1858. Jan. 25. Geo. Washington Geo. Wash- 1849. Blake ington March 6. Mary Ann Wood, his wife i6o DATE PARENTS CHILD 1858. Feb. 2. Henry Hilton Edward 1850. Ellen Banker, his Banker b. March 25. wife 1852. b. Jan. 10. William 1854. Mc Murray b. April 21. Cornelia 1856. b.Jan. 13. Josephine 1857. b.Junei2. All ch. of ab ve Henry parents Graham 1858. April 4. Isaac Swift of Cen- Sarah & treville and - Emma Bp. in house of parents in 9th St., N. York May 23 Sept. 26 1857- Aug. 23 1858. Sept. 28 1855- Sept. 26, 1858. Sept. 28 April 4, 1857. b. in Aug. 1858. Dec. 8. Abm. Egbert Ann Egbert Edward Wood Catharine Maria Egbert, his wife Wm. H'y Smith Garrettson Diana Spicer Thomas Spicer Matilda Catharine Spicer John Garrettson Jane Spicer 1857. b. April 30 1858. Dec. 20. May 30. Lawrence H. Bogart Sarah Catharine Bogart Same parents Catharine Hannah Mary Auofusta Mary Eliza- beth Bp. in Ch. atconfirma- tion of Henrietta and E m e 1 i n e Eg- bert, Catharine Vroom & Mrs. Julia Luby Of New Dorp Bp. at house of gr.- parents Cornelius Egberts Colored Ann Eliza Colored Margaret Ann James Wal- nut Stephen Martling Edward M. John- son, gardener at Mr. W. H. New- man's Margaret Johnson John Colored Bp.at home of Stephen Martling after the wedding of Mr. Jas. Yreeland to Miss [E. or C] Martling Bp. at parents' house on Mr. Newman's grounds i6i DATE PARENTS CHILD 1859. Feb. 27. Feb. 5. Amandens A. Edward Reinke Jacob Ellen Elizabeth Rece, his wife Bp. at Parsonage. Bp. by Rev. Alex- ander R. Thompson of D. Ref. Ch. at Stapleton. S pon - sors — Br. & Sr. Cor- t e 1 y o u , Br. & Sr. Coyne, Br. Clement L. Reinke Feb. 23. Abraham Sharrott Jno. Wil- 1858. Hannah Jane Shar- liam Sept. I. rott 1859- April 17. William Vroome Christopher Bp. at house of Br. 1S58. Catharine Egbert, Garry Vroome April II. his wife Garret Vroome Sarah Eliz- a n i( Elizabeth Martling, abeth 1859- his wife July 14. Cornelius P. Bird Susan Ann April 18. L y d i a Eliza Eg- bert, his wife July 14. Benjamin Simon- Helen Both bp. in house of 1858. son Melissa gr.-mother L y d i a Sept. 24. Adeline Egbert, his Egbert 1859. wife July 21. Abraham Van Edward 1858. Duzer Vanderbilt April 17. Elizabeth Ann Van- 1859. derbilt, his wife Oct. 2. Ann Lyle Bp. at parents' house 1858. April 29. 1859. Oct. 16. Alexander Littell Emma Bp. at School house at 1858. Jane Littell Laura Centreville after Jan. 17. evening service 1859- Nov. 3. James Cubberly Walter Sept. 3. Frances Crocheron, his wife Inman Nov. 14. Samuel Farrow Lucy Ann Bp. at house of mother 1855- Catharine Eliza- Sharrott, S. side b. Dec. 25, beth Farrow 1858. b. J ulv 25 Same parents IdaLucretia 1859- Nov. 20. Robert Summers Emily Etta 1858. Susan Summers Oct. 18. l62 1859- Dec. I. July 25. i860. Jan. 23. Feb. 5. 1859. Oct. 2. i860. April 20. •S59- July 25. i860. May 28. 1859. July 4- i860. June 24. Jan. 15. Sept. 9. April 2. Sept. 26. 1859- Dec. 21. i860. Oct. 8. Jan. 25. Oct. 10. 1859. July 22. i860. Oct. 13. 1859. April 8. i860. Nov. 17. 1852. July 12. i860. Dec. 27. Jan. 25. Henry Hilton Alexander Bp. at their house in Ellen Hilton Stewart E. 2Sth St., N. Y. George Vroome married son of Christopher Edward M.Johnson Jane Bp. at parents' house Margaret Johnson at Mr. Newman's Jacob Van Duzer Percival M argaret Van Duzer George Vroome Louis Elizabeth Taylor, Taylor his wife Thomas Luby Mary Julia Luby Elizabeth John Kadlitz Cora Elizabeth Kadlitz James Vreeland Jennie Elizabeth Martling, Martling his wife Bp. at house of Mrs. Sarah Van Duzer Bp. at parents' home at Centreville Bp. at Parsonage Residing near Br. Summers Wm. F. Butler Adelaide Leah Elizabeth Johnson his wife Peter Anderson Caroline Waglom Margaret Stilwell, his wife Robert Barnes Sarah Mary Louisa Barnes Louisa Baptisms by E. T. Sinseman. David Colon David Ben- Bp. at house of gr.- Sarah Ann Colon net parents Alexander Littell Clara Bp. at house of Mr. Hannah Jane Lit- Adelaide Edward Egbert at tell Centreville b. Aug. 23. Edm. Crocheron LeahvStoul- LucretiaCrocheron enborough 1861. Feb. II. August Brunholer Carl August Jan. 30. Elizabeth Brun- holer 1 63 DATB PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS 1861. March 6. John Brindley John Bp. in sick-chamber of Frances Brindley Tunis mother at Tomp- Frances kinsville 1859- All ch. of above Belle b.Aug.3. parents William H. 1861. April 10. Edward Johnson Elizabeth Jan. 19. Margaret Johnson Secord Oct. 2. John Vanderbilt Eva Louisa Bp. at house of Mr. 1853- Sarah Vanderbilt Jacob Van Duzer in b. Nov, II Tompkinsville 1855- b. Feb. 20. Same parents Chai'les 1861. Henry b. Feb. 23. Jacob Van Duzer Margareth Van Priscilla t( (< (( 1S60. Duzer b. Nov. 12, , Isaac Van Duzer Henry (( t( n 1S61. Mary Van Duzer Carey b. Abraham Van Eliza Ann U it ti March 2. Duzer Elizabeth Van Duzer May 12. Bradley Woad Elizabeth Woad Agnes Nov. 7. Albert Vroome Martha Bp. at house ot Will. i860. Caroline Vroome Jane Vroome, Centre ville Oct. 25. S p n s r , Maria Vroome b. Nov. 24. , Benjamin Simon- Ecford Lydia Egbert son Webb Sarah Adeline Sim- 1861. on son b. Feb. 9. William Vroome Lydia 1862. Catharine Vroome Jan. 9. John Housman Caroline i860. Susan Ann Hous- Houghvvout Sept. 10. man 1862. April I. James Coyne Margaret i86i. Harriet Coyne Au£;-. 12. 1862. April 13. William Taylor Josephine 1861. Emeline Taylor Adelaid Dec. II. 1862. April 19. John Radlitz Ada 1861. Elizabeth Radlitz Medora Sept. 17. 1 64 DATE 1862. PARENTS CHILD SPONSORS July I. 1858. Nov. II. John Vanderbilt Eliza Vanderbilt John William Bp. at house of Mr. Thomas Sharrott 1862. July I. i860. Dec. 19. " Mary Clara, dau. of Eliza Van- derbilt & Henrietta Vander- bilt [Thus in original Ch. book] 1862. July I. 1861. March 23. Oliver Vanderbilt Sarah Vanderbilt Ann Amelia i( 11 u 1862. July I. 1861. Nov. 25. Joseph Housman Lydia Housman Mary Elizabeth (( it n 1862. July 4. June 16. Carl Sebastian Kirch Christine Kirch John Henry M a t h e w Oelmann, Anton Rappeneker July 6. March 21. Edwin T. Sense- man Sarah Lueders, his wife William Ormsby Thomas Lueders, Elenore Lueders July 29. June 30. William Johnson Charlotte Johnson William Aug. I. July 26. Aug. 6. Jan. 27. Robert Barnes Mary Louisa Barnes George L. Reader Cath. Reader Frederic Christopher Vroome Bp. at g r . - parents* house Aug. II. 1861. Dec. 21. George W. Vroom Elizabeth .S. Vroom Eliza Tay- lor 1862. Aug. II. March 6. Oct. 19. Aug. 22. Peter H^al Emma Heal John Theodor.Zorn Esther Ruth Eliza Zorn Eliza Swift Georgiana Theodora Jacobina Bp. at Mrs. Swifts' house Bp. by Eugene Lei- bert. Sponsors: Sarah Leibert. Miss Alvina Schuman, Theodore Klein- knecht, by proxy Oct. 28. Sept. 29. Christian Knoesel, Mr. Banker's far- mer Salome Knoesel Catharina, sick child Charles Wolf, Catha- rine Rose. Bp. in parents' house at Freshkill by Eugene Leibert 165 Marriages. By Rev. H. Gambold. 1764. David Burger Dec. 27. Anne Stilwell 1766. Christian Jacobson March 4. Anne Vandeventer ^' 1 771. George Colon Nov. 17. Mary Limner 1773. Edward Beatty June 29. Eleanor Cortelyou 1774. Nathaniel Britton July 17. Catharine Colon 1775. Lewis Ryerze Jan. 15. Catharine Connor 1777- James Egbert Aug. 3. Elisabeth Martinoe Jacob Wood Elisabeth Nichols Dec. 28. John Buskirk Jane Blaw 1778. Peter Selif Jan. 21. Elisabeth Beglo Jan. 30. " Peter Guyon [or Deyoung] " Catharine Ketteltass April 5. Peter Haughwout Mary Martinoe April 5. Cornelius Dugan Aletta Cousine May 20. Stephen Wood Alice Simerson June 17. Albert Journey Mary Perine Aug. 9. Hezekiah Rickow Sarah Dennys Aug. 20. Benjamin Appleby Sarah Van Pelt Aug. 26. Jonathan Gage Elizabeth Medes Aug. 27. Tucker Tabor Jane Love June 7. John Bachus Brock Aug. 30. Thomas Robinson Alice Hill Sept. 6. Gager Freeman Catharine Simeson Sept. II. Elihu Wolly Sara Vansise Sept. 15. Thomas Parker Eleanor Smith In presence of about 30 persons in her mother's house at Old Town 1 66 1778. Dec. 20. Dec. 20. 1779. Jan. I. Jan. 6. Feb. 3. Feb. 9. Feb. 28. May 5. May 9. May 16. May 17. May 26. June 12. June 21. Oct. 18. Oct. 31. Nov. 7. 1780. Jan. 23. Jan. 23. 1779. Nov. 20. 1780. Feb. 13. March 2. March 14. April 9. May 6. May 8. Joseph Sylva Susanna Mitchell Isaac Decker Ally Burbank John Lisk Sara Decker John Dunham Elisabeth Oliver Lewis Dunham Catharine Slegt Joseph Beers Mary Barton Abraham Bowlby Sara Lake Christopher Hevler Elizabeth Bront James Johnson Mary Wood Reuben Rickow Ann Thorn William Carroll Mary Chambers William Jeacocks Hannah Garrison Benjamin Prall Margaret Simonson Thomas Trot Sophia Romer Thomas Batten Mary Hinslif Nathaniel Britton Sarah Pugh Daniel De Hart Elisabeth Mersereau Stephen Mercereau Sara White William Biggs Hannah Beard Peter Rednor Robert Mesy Margaret Daily Stephen Wood Joice Boyes John Innes Eleanor Smith Jonah Colon Elizabeth Zeller William Ellison Ann Hughs Hezekiah Marks Eleanor Callahoun 167 1780. John Britt May 15. Catharine Hemmium May 16. Jesse Tabor Elizabeth Wood May 31. William Beser Eleanor Elland July 3. John Fortunate Sarah Britton July 16. John Hughs Ann Dobson July 23. Rulof Jacobus Lydia Van Syle Aug. 25. John Williams Tryphena Gold •A-Ug. 31. Jacob Long Eliz. Fleming 1781. John Tyson Jan. 3. Mary Housman Jan. 16. Eliphalet Jones Elizabeth Bogart Feb. 16. Jesse Keen Margaret Henly Feb. 25. John Mersereau Judith Poillon March 15. William Reed Elizabeth Waters March 25. Daniel Lewis Elizabeth Handlin April 4. Richard Webb Dorcas Bardine April 3. Joseph Stackhouse Sarah Anderson April 15. Nicholas Journeay Ann Garretson April 22. David Leaforge Catharine Seguine April 29. John Wood Caturey Ridgway May 12. Ashley Bowen Sarah Palmer May 13. Barney Slack Mary Cole May 30. Henry Parlee Rebeka Cole June 3. John Guyon Sara Ward June 3. Thomas Craddock Sarah Bedel June 3. William Granger Sarah Stuart June 10. Myles Gardner Eleanor Strickland ■ 1 68 1781. Amos Rooke June 13. Martha Mersereau June 18. John Mersereau Mary Taylor June 18. James Mitchel Margaret Wilson Aug. 13. John Segoin Catharine Jennins Aug. 15. Joseph Leake Frances Egbert Aug. 15. Peter Price Mary Spann Sept. 2. Henry Miller Elisabeth Garrison Sept. 5. Daniel Storer Catharine Androvette Oct. 7. Daniel Perine Lucy Holmes Oct. 21. John Garretson Martha Codmas Nov. 8. John Kruse Jemima Simonson Nov. 20. Peter Saunders Letta Skinner Nov. 30. Edmund Warner Jane Fitchet Dec. 4. Edward Egbert Mary Cortelyou Dec. 6. Henry Priester Elizabeth Romer Dec. 18. Adam Smith Hannah Barclay Dec. 20. William Thorn Anne Rickow 1782. Duncan Kennedy Jan. 14. Mary Mann Feb. 14. Lewis Frazur Catharine Thorn March 12. John Egbert Mary Holmes March 22. Jonathan Parker Mary Paterson April 8. George McLeland Margery Teague April 14. Cornelius Mersereau Aultje Amerman April 22. Simon Meyer Ann Bush April 23. George Grey Mary Eldridge April 28. Peter Perine Ann Palmer 169 1782. Peter Prall May 19. Elizabeth Ridgway June 9. Moses Van Namur Mary Legrange fune 12, Telston Susan Newland |une 12. John Ferris Mary Stilwell |une 13. Richard Hately Mary Cole |une 23. Peter Boost Mary Van Namer fune 3. Jacob Vanderbilt Rachel Dennis fuly 14. Hugh Doyle Elisabeth Chambers fuly 24. Charles Murphy Catharine McBride Sept. 14. William Allen Martha Grim ma Oct. 7. William Van Pelt Sarah Saunders Oct. 9. Isaac Baldwin Frances Kelly Nov. 3. Asher Codington Judith Taylor Nov. 10. James Butler Frances Butler Nov. 24. Abraham Stilwell Ann Ward Dec. I. Thomas Gerrand Esther Smith Dec. I. Garret Bush Elizabeth Van Namur 1783. Henry Sleight Jan. 23. Catharine Butler March 18. John Wandel Susannah Latterette March 25. Elias Van Winkel Lucy Price April 15. William Alexander Jane Allen April 16. Jacob Crocheron Ann Morgan May 14. Henry Barger Mary Tysen June II. Daniel Ross Desire Bigilow Aug. 7. Abraham Lake Patience Berbank, widow Aug. 10. Laurence Cripps Susanna Fountain lyo 1783. Roger Flinn Aug. 12. Johanna Barnes Aug. 29. John Ayre Elizabeth Smith Aug. 30. Zenophon Jewet Gertrude Garritson Sept. 2, George Adkens Abigail Ogles Sept. 9. Abraham Long Ann Rambel Sept. 17. Anthony Fountain Martha Crips Sept. 25. Nicholas Britton Judith Johnson Oct. 6. John Ingham Margaret Calcraft Oct. 15. Barent Simonson Anne Beatty Oct. 26. Austin Barton Rebeka Burbank Nov. 19. "John Byvank or Burbank" Elisabeth Decker Dec. 28. Timothy Wood Mary Blake 1784. Joakim Stilwell Feb. 15. Susanna Scarret Feb. 1 8. John Van Pelt Judith Durant Feb. 17. Cornelius Fountain Elisabeth Vandeventer May 7. John Dorset Martha Cortelyou By Rev. Jas. Birkby. 1784. James Burdine Aug, 3. Elisabeth Egbert By Rev. Frederick Moering. 1787. John Garrison May 31. Elizabeth Connor Sept. 20. Cornelius Bedell Elizabeth Jacobson 1788. John Jacobson July 2. Hilletje Bedell Nov. 16. Samuel Egbert Cathrine Smith Nov. 17. John Martino Jane Christopher Dec. 17. Jacob Cortelyou Elizabeth Corsen 171 1789. Abraham Egbert May 31. Ann Martino Dec. 23. John Baker Charity Wandel 1790. Samuel Smith Jan. 3. Elizabeth Ferine Jan. 16. Francis Post Experience Marshall Feb. 21. Daniel Corsen Rebecca Martino April 7. Peter Fountain Claushea Spears 1791. Richard Conor, Junr. May 19. Sophia Clausen July 6. Tunis Egbert Ann Burbank Sept. 25. Stephen Ketteltas Ardrae Britton Oct. 30. John Van der Bilt Elizabeth Taylor 1792. Joseph Moore Jan. 26. Johanna Ward Jan. 26. William Williams Sarah Hooper Feb. 19. John White Mary Lockerman March 25. Elisha Kribbs Magdalene McLean 1793. Benajah Martino Feb. 4. Hannah Decker By Rev. Jas. Birkbv. 1793. James Lewis Nov. 5. Rebecca Collong 1794. Jeremiah Baker Feb. 2. Sarah Butler Feb. 3. John Marshall Sussanna Swaim Feb. 6. Zedick Vincnant Catherine Sefurde [or Lefurde] Feb. 25. Vincent Fountain Alice Jinnings April I. Richard S. Cary Judith Bard June 5. Matthew Decker Mary Latterete Sept. 25. Isaac Symerson Elizabeth Barnes 1795- John Britton Jan. I. Rachel Burbank 172 "in 1794." Rubin Symerson Phoebe Decker 1795. Antony Fountain Feb. 17. Phoebe Thomson Feb. 19. Matthias Enyard Sarah Decker March 5. Peter Cortelyou Amey Hilliyard March 22. Richard Decker Mary Ann Kinsey Aug. 3. Thomas Vanderbilt Williga Symerson, from the north side 1796. Christopher Parkinson Sept. 24. Phoebe Garritson. Md. at house of Henry Garritson, Esq. Oct. 23. Edward Egbert Sarah Phrol. Md. in the church 1797. Jacob Dossier May 2. Sarah Beatty. In church June 22. John Chroson Catharine Ryerss. Md. at the house on north side Oct. 22. Henry Miller Elizabeth Barton By Rev. Frederick Moering. Dec. 28. John Beatty Elizabeth Lake 1798. Abraham Decker Jan. 20. Cathrine Kinsey Sept. 2. James Burdine, widower Margret Oakley Sept. 2. Robert Anderson of N. Y. Mary Sargent Nov. 10. Niclas Depew of N. Y. Sussanna Seymourson of Staten Island 1799. Daniel Lake Jan. 17. Ann Lockerman Feb. 28. John Merlin Cathrine Mitchel March 19. Niclas Depuy Cathrine Decker Aug. 4. Ord. Housman Mary Morgan Dec. 21. Mathew Stevenson Anne Drake 1800. Daniel Froom Jan. 19. Martha Baker April 14. George Colon Billetje Lewis, widow Sept. 9. John Morrel Jane Jones 173 i8oo. Sept. Oct. 21. 16. Nov. 20. 1 80 I. May 3- June 21. Aug. 1 1. Aug. 23- Aug. 29. Sept. 22. Oct. 14- Nov. 16. Nov. 21. Dec. 3- Nov. 29. Dec. 6. 1802. July Sept. 28. 4- Nov. 9- Dec. 27. 1803. Oct. I. 1803. Oct. 16. Dec. 5. 1804. March 4. Daniel Jones Elizabeth Christopher Robert Journey Sarah Cole Peter Van Pelt Cathrine Glendinen George Shingles, single Jemima Bredsted, single David Vanamour [Van Namur?] Elizabeth Mercereau Mathew Bennet Rachel Burbank Jacob Bantea, single Elizabeth Wood, single Nathaniel Frome, single Mary Barton, single Abraham Mitchel, single Margret Decker, single Gerrit Post, single Margret Mercereau, single Aaron Simonson, single Elizabeth Mercereau, single James Warren, single Elizabeth Mercereau, single John Corsen, single Sussanna Enyard, single Richard Van Pelt, single Elizabeth Donats, single Niclas Bush, single Cathrine Van Pelt, single Cornelius Egbert, single Naatje Housman, single John Burbank, single Ann Egbert, single, dau. of John Egbert, Senr. Joseph Skerret, single Elizabeth Lockerman, single Jeremy Baker, single Deborah Hatfield, single John Hatfield, single. Md. by Rev. N. Brown, no min- ister of any other church then on the Island Catharine Bogart, widow, by maiden n. Van Pelt By Rev. Nathaniel Brown. Peter Mitchel, widower Sarah Baker, widow John Skerret, single Catharine Perine, single William Barton, single, son of Austin Barton & Re- becca, his wife, m. n. Burbank Lucy Egbert, dau. of John Egbert & Mary, his wife, by m. n. Holmes 174 i8o4. John Journeay, single March 29. , single, from New York Aug. 4. Charles Symonson, single Mary Vanderbilt, eldest dau. of Br. Cornelius & Sr. Phebe Vanderbilt Aug. 18. Abraham Symonson, single Phebe Locker Oct. 6. Peter Cozine, single Susanna Butler, single Nov. 24. Richard Aroe, single Elizabeth Stilwell, single Dec. 23. John Skerret, single Francis, by maiden name Rooks, widow 1805. Isaac Barton, single, son of Joseph Barton Feb. 2. Catharine Colon, dau. of James Colon, Sr., deceased April I. Nicolas Vancleve, single Mary Terret Feb. 12. James Murray, single Susan Skerret, dau. of Richard Skerret April 14. Isaac Burbank, single, son of Abm. Burbank Sarah Egbert, eldest dau. of Mary, dec, & Edwd. Eg- bert Tunis Egbert, single, youngest son of Edward & Mary Egbert, dec. Sarah Barton, dau. of Joseph Barton June 9. Jeffries Alston, single Sarah Decker Sept. 22. Morgan, single Francis Wynand, single Oct. 2. Abner Johnson, single Salome Hedding Oct. 13. Cornelius Beatty, second son of Edw. & Eleanore Beatty Ann Jacobson, eldest dau. of John & Hilletje Jacobson Oct. 20 Richard Taylor, single or 28. Dinah Swaim, single Oct. 23. Ozias Alnsley, widower Elizabeth Johnson, widow Nov. 9. Joseph Lake, single Morgan, single Dec. 22. Michael Marsac, single Rachel Jinnings, single 1806. Daniel Stilwell, single Jan. 16. Hanna Skerrett, single March 2. John Decker, single Mary Van Norman, single March 2. William Morgan, single Sabina Decker, single March 22. Jacob Breasted, single Lavina Totten, single J75 i8o6. June 22. July 6. Aug. 7- Aug. 12. Oct. 23- 1807. Feb. 10. April 30- June 28. Aug. 9- Aug. I. Oct. II. Oct. II. Dec, 19. Dec. 22. 1808. Jan. 23. March 12. William Beatty, single Mary Barger, single Richard Bedell, widower Hanna Van Pelt, widow, m. n. Pepperill Peter Breasted, single Sara Crips, single Abraham Lisk, single Jane Wandel, single James Colon, single Charity Johnson, single Abraham Hooper, single Charity Stilwell, single, dau. of Abraham & Ann Stil- well. Md. in minister's house, in presence of John Marsh, John Dorset & others James Romer, single Mary Stilwell, single, dau. of Abm. & Ann Stillwell. Md. in presence of above & some others Daniel Lake, widower, son of Joseph Lake & wife Ann Flitcher, single. Md. in ch. in presence of Corn. Ferine & Mary Fountain & others Peter Van Pelt, widower. Md. in church in presence of James Skerrit, his sister & others Martha Wood, single Cornelius Christopher, single. Md. in church in presence of their neighbors Sarah Pew, single John De Fries [De Forest?], single Charlotte Vanderbilt, single, dau. of Corn. Vanderbilt & Phebe, his wife. Md. in church in presence of a number of people Jack & Margaret, Blacks, md. by consent of their re- spective owners William Drury, single, from Scotland Susan Stilwell, single, dau. of Joshua Stilwell & Susan Skerrit, his wife. Md. in minister's dwelling in presence of Danl. Guyon & some of Bride's relations Barnet Depew, single Sarah Decker, single, dau. of Israel Decker & his wife. Md. in presence of bride's father & others in mini- ster's house Depew, single, brother of above Elisabeth Decker, single. Md. in church in presence of Moses Wood & others Daniel Guyon, widower, son of James Guyon & Ann Connor, dec. Elisabeth Young, widow, maiden n. Clawson. Md. at house of Richd. Connor, in his presence & his wife's Sophia Connor & her brother Reuben Clawson 176 i8o8. John Fountain, single, son of Anthony Fountain & his March 13. first wife Margaret Holmes, single. Md. in church in presence of his Bro. Anthony, his uncle & aunt H. Crusers & others July 7. Joseph Mersereau, single Sara Bedell, single, dau. of Richd. Bedell & his first wife whose maiden name was Elnesly. Md. in church in presence of Joseph Barton & others July 9. John Decker, single Mary Burbank, single, dau. of Abm. Burbank & wife. Md. in church in presence of John Burbank & others July 16. David Praul, single, father dec. Catharine Dorsett, single, eldest dau. of John & Martha Dorsett. Md. in house of John Dorsett in presence of Bride's parents & others Aug. 20. John Jennings, single Catharine Skerret, single, dau. of Richard Skerret. Md. in church in presence of some near neighbors Sept. II. Abraham Van Pelt, single Mary Fountain, single, dau. of Vincent Fountain & wife, Md. in church in presence of some neighbors Dec. 2. Odissa Shay, single Appolonia Mott, widow, m. n. Skerret. Md. in ch. in in presence of N. Froome, his wife & others 1809. Abraham Decker, single, son of Col. Decker & his wife April I. Ann Martino, single, third dau. of Steph. Martino & Elen., his wife. Md. in ch. in presence of bride's bro. & sister & neighbors Oct. 22. John Burbank, widower, son of Abm. & his wife Ann Decker, single, dau. of Mathias & his wife. Md. in presence of Mr. Simonson & some neighbors in church Nov. 5. David Decker, single, son of Mathias & his wife Catharine Decker, single, dau. of Mathias. Md. in presence of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Wood & others in church Dec. 10. Abraham Simonson, single Ann Frail, single. Md. in church in presence of several neighbors from the Neck Dec. 14. Hosea Alexander Rozeau, single, son of Peter Rozeau, Esq., & Mary, his wife Mary Morgan, single, dau. of Jesse & Cath. Morgan. Md. at Mr. Jesse Morgan's house in West Quarter in presence of parents of both parties & other relations Dec. 23. Stephen Wood, single, son of Stephen Wood & his wife Ann Bodine, single, dau. of James Bodine. Md. in church in presence of friends and relations 177 i8io. Jan. 14 Jan. 27. Feb. 22. Abraham Merril, single Elisabeth Martino, single, dau. of Stephen Martino & Eleon., his wife. Md. in presence of some of their friends here in the laborers' room John Simonson, single, son of Simonson, dec. Catharine Garretson, single, dau. of John, in whose house she was md. in presence of a number of friends & relations Lewis R. Marsh, single, lawyer, son of Ralph Marsh & Jennet, his wife Margaret P. Dubois, single, dau. of Lewis Dubois & Elis his wife. Md. here in the laborer's house March lo. William Squires, single, son of Squires Taylor [tailor?] & wife Lena Merril, single. Md. in minister's house in presence of bridegroom's sister & others March 31. John Decker, single Elisabeth Van Pelt, single. Md. in presence of neigh- bors in minister's house Aug. 19. Robert Marsh, single, from Jersey State, son of Chris- topher Marsh & Ann, his wife Rhoda Marsh, single, dau. of John Marsh & wife of Staten Island. Md. in West Quarter at Bride's parents' house, both parents and some relations being present Sept. 27. Moses Van Pelt, single Mary Upton, single. Md. in minister's dwelling, Peter Colon & some neighbors present Sept. 29. Isaac Lewis, widower, son of late Lewis & Billetje, his wife [now Colon] Rachel Marshall, single, both of Staten Island. Md. in church in presence of neighbors Oct. 14. John M'Cullagh, single, from N. Y. Sarah Gibson, single. Md. in minister's dwelling presence of bride's father & brother from here others from N. Y. Dec. 19. Joseph Sylvy, single Elizabeth Skerret, single, dau. of Richard Skerret, both of St. Island. Md. here in presence of relations 181 1. Anthony Fountain, single, son of Anthony Fountain & Feb. 16. ist wife [n6e Journey] Ann Egbert, single, dau. of James Egbert & Elizabeth, his wife, deceased. Md. in house of Br. James Egbert, he & family being present Feb. 28. Abraham Winant, single Hettie Dubois, single. Md. here in church in presence of Br. Bunninger from N. Y., & some neighbors April 9. Nathaniel Bodine, single, son of John Bodine & Stat. Island Maria Garretson, single, dau. of John Garretson & ist wife, Elisabeth, nee Conner. Md. at house of bride's father in presence of parents & other relations m in & 178 i8n. Francis Morse, single, from England May — . Mary Pew, single, dau. Pew, dec. & wife of St. Island. Md. in presence of some of bride's relations in minister's dwelling June 29. Thomas Skerret, single, son of Richard & his wife of St. Island Martha Crips, single. Md. in presence of their brother & sister here in church June 29. Stephen Mott, single, son of John Mott & Appolonia, his wife, n^e Skerret, of St. Island Mary Mitchel, single, dau. of Peter Mitchell of St. Island & his wife, n6e Skerret. Md. at same time as above Sept. 18. Patrick Currant, single, from Ireland Jane Hunter, widow. Md. in presence of some neigh- bors from Quarantine ground Oct. 28. James Egbert, son of James Egbert & Elizabeth, his wife, maiden name Martino Sarah Merril, dau. of John Merril & wife of Staten Island. Md. in presence of neighbors Nov. 23. Aron Van Pelt, single, son of Van Pelt & wife of St. Island Sara Praul, single, dau. of John Praul & his wife, whose m. n. was Hilliard. Md. at church in presence of relations Dec. 23. Abraham Brasted, single, son of John Brasted of Staten Island, & wife Willempje Bratt Elsea Silvy, single, dau. of Joseph Griggs de Silva & Susan, his wife. Md. in presence of relations 1812. Cornells Johnson, single, son of Nath. Johnson, dec, of Jan. 2. S. Island, & his wife Eleonore, m. n. Vanderbilt Elizabeth Corsen, single, of Staten Island. Md. in presence of relations Jan. 28. Abraham Van Houten, single, from Elizabethtown, N. Jersey Catharine Grandine, single. Md. in presence of re- lations Jan. 29. David Barger, single, son of Henry Barger & wife Mary, by m. n. Tysen, both deed. Sara Cortelyou, single, second dau. of Jacob Cortelyou & wife Elisabeth, m. n. Corsen. Md. in house of bride's parents, they & relations present May 2. Jacob Beatty, single, son of Edward Beatty & Eleonore, his wife, m. n. Cortelyou Eliza Cortelyou, single, oldest dau. of Jacob & Elisa- beth Cortelyou. Md. in church in presence of most of the neighbors May 10. Stephen Martino, single, son of Stephen & his wife, m. n. Haughwout Charity Christopher, single, dau. of Peter Christopher & wife. Md. in presence of some relations 179 i8i2. John Bird, single, son of Anthony Bird May 28. Susan Mitchel, single, dau. of Peter Mitchel & his first wife, dec. Md. in presence of some of their neigh- bors from Quarantine May 25. John Fountain, single, son of Vincent Fountain & wife Jane Housman, single, dau. of Abm. Housman & his wife. Md. here in presence of some relations Sept. 6. John Decker, single, son of Barnet Decker & his wife Ann Jones, single, dau. of J. Jones, dec, & his wife now a widow. Md. in presence of some friends from Quarantine Sept. iS. Mathias Jones, single, son of Jones, dec, & Catharine, his wife Juliana Sylvy, single, dau. of Jas. & Susan Sylvy. Md. as above Oct. 10. Jacob Housman, single, son of Abm. Housman Lena Cruse, single. Md. in presence of some friends from North side of Island Nov. I. John Baker, single, son of Andrew & Catharine Baker of Germany Elizabeth Prickett, also from Germany. Md. in presence of some friends Dec. 17. William Winant, single Hannah Decker, single, dau. of Jacob Decker from the Manor. In presence of some neighbors. 1813. John Lake, single Jan. — . Sarah Prickett, single. Md. here in the house Feb. 8. John Sebring, single, son of Widow Eliza Sebring of N. Y. Eliz. Taylor, single. Both from North Side of Island. Md, in presence of some neighbors June 20. Peter Post, single, son of Francis & Experience Post Catharine Merrill, dau. of John & Frances Merrill June 27. Isaac Housman, son of Abm. & Jane Housman Frances Van Namur, dau. of Aaron & Mary Van Namur Nov. 24. John Christian J acobson, single, 2iyrs., eldest son of John V. D. Jacobson, farmer on St. Island, & Hilletje, his wife. m. n. Bedell Catharine Connor, eldest dau. of Richard Connor, Esq., & Sophia, his wife, by m. n., Clawson. This mar- riage was by Rev. John C. Bechler at house of Richard Connor, Esq., in presence of friends & re- lations By Rev. J. C. Bechler. 1813. Jesse Laforge, single Dec. 8. Catharine Pryor, single 1814. John Decker, single, about 22 yrs., a waterman Feb. 26. Ann Egbert, single, youngest dau. of late Edward Eg- bert. Md. in house of Mr. Isaac Burbank in the Manor in presence of some friends i8o 1814. March 25. April 30. May 8. Oct. I. Oct. 23. Oct. 26. Nov. 12. Dec. 26. 1815. Jan. I. Jan. 3. Blacks, With belonging to Mr. Abm. Fountain Mr. Ketteltas. With consent of their James, I Ri„pi.(. belonging to Mr. Garrettson Mary, ) ' belonging to Mr. Edw. Ferine, consent of their masters Sam, } r)i„„Vc belonging to Mr. Richd. Corson Mary, f ^'^^^s, belonging to Mr. John Garrettson. With consent of their masters Simon, Sally, masters Cesar & Saran, both about 22, belonging to Mr. Richd. Freeling John Bodine, son of Vincent Bodine, farmer Elisabeth Martino, dau. of Benajah Martino, at whose house they were md. in presence of number of friends Daniel Decker, single, son of Mathias & Mary Ann Decker Mary Lewis, dau. of James & Rebecca Lewis. Md. in presence of friends Henry Seguine, single, weaver, son of John & Rachel Seguine Patience Brittain, dau. of John & Rachel Brittain. Md. at parsonage in presence of friends Arthur Burbank, son of Abm. & Lena Mary Ann Enyard, dau. of Mathias & Sarah Matthew Decker, single, son of Matthew & Mary Decker Ann Colon, single, dau. of & Jane Colon William Decker, single, son of Barnet & Hannah Decker Rebekkah Ammeman, dau. of John & Elizabeth Am- meman Feb. 4. Peter Wood, single, son of James Wood Sarah Ann Cortelyou, dau. of Peter & Amy Cortelyou Feb. II. Tunis Egbert, single, carpenter, son of Abm. & Ann Egbert Isabella Vanderbilt, single, dau. of John & Elizabeth Vanderbilt Feb. 12. Stephen Wood, single, farmer & carpenter, son of late Joseph Wood & Ann, his wife Ann Marsh, single, dau. of Richd. & Sarah Marsh Feb. 20. Jesse Wynant, single, son of George & Elizabeth Wynant Catharine Wright, single dau. of Joshua & Catharine Wright March 26. Nathaniel H. Martin, single, son of Benjamin & Abi- gail Martin of N. Jersey Sarah Dorsett, single, second dau. John & Marth Dorsett, at whose house they were married i8i 1815. Benjamin Sibell, single, son of John & Sarah Sibell April 16. Frances Wynant, single, dau. of Daniel & Sarah Wynant, all of this Island. Md. at Parsonage April 16. Aaron Saffin, son of William Saffin Mary Wynant, single, dau. of Daniel & Sarah Wynant May 13. Joseph Lockman, widower Locky Gears, single, dau. of Elias & Jane Gears, both deed May 27. Thomas Miller, son of Henry Miller, weaver, & wife deed. Mary Haughwout, dau. of Wynant Haughwout, Esq., & Mary, his wife Aug. 12. Nicholas Croeheron, single, i9(?) yrs., son of Nicholas Groeheron, Esq., & Ann, his wife Ann Elizabeth Guyon, single, near i8 yrs., dau. of Danl. Guyon, Esq., & Frances his ist wife. Md. at house of Danl. Guyon in the Neck Oct. 4. Tom. a negro of Mr. John Fountain's, about 23 Sal, " of Mr. Barnt Lake, " 18. With consent of masters in writing Oct. 7. Richard Skerrit, 21 yrs., son of James & Ann Skerret Mary Mott, dau. of James & Appolonia Mott. Md. in house of Mrs. Appolonia Mott Oct. 9. James Sharp, son of Wm. & Elizabeth Sharp. A young man living on North side of Island Jane Gruser, dau. of John & Jemima Gruser of this Island. Md. at Parsonage Nov. 22. William Still well, single, son of Abraham & Ann Stil- well Lavina Simonson, single, dau. of Silas & Ann Simon- son Dec. 9. Matthias Haughwout, son of Francis & Hester Haugh- wout Susan Ann Roff , dau. of Joseph & Catharina Roff Dec. 23. Abraham Egbert, tanner & currier, son of Abraham & Ann Egbert Ann Burbank, dau. of Jacob & Ann Burbank Oct. 26. William Prawl, farmer, son of Danl. Prawl Ann Egbert, dau. of Tunis & Ann Egbert 18 16. Thomas, ) ginpUg belonging to Mr. John Seguine Jan. 7. Eliza, j ' belonging to Mr. Jeremiah Simon- son March 30. Tunis Egbert, single, blacksmith, son of John & Mary Egbert Margaret Groeheron, single, dau. of Richard & Jane Croeheron May 4. William Blake, single, about 21 yrs., eldest son of William & Ann Blake Elizabeth Wood, single, dau. of Timothy & Mary Wood I«2 1816. Abraham Noble, single, weaver, son of Daniel Noble, June 2. dec, & Esther Catharine Morgan, single, dau. of William Morgan, dec, & Mary, his wife. Md. in presence of friends & re- lations " Tom, I pi„„i^„ belonging to Mr. Henry Grouse Ana, \ ' belonging to Mr. Nichs. Burgher June 8. Cornelius Sleight, son of Jacob & Jane Sleight Mary Ann Butler, dau. of Nathaniel & Sophia Butler Oct. 6. Lewis Ryerze, son of Orris Ryerze, dec, & Sarah, his wife Catharine Decker, dau. of Richard & Mary Ann Decker Oct. 20. Abraham Merrill, single, blacksmith, son of Abm. & Mary Merrill Eleonor Merrill, single, dau. of John & Elizabeth Merrill. Md. in the church Oct. 31. Oliver Decker, single, son of Abm. Decker & Mary, his wife, deed. Hannah Simonson, single, dau. of Barnet & Sarah Simonson in whose house they were married Dec. 2. Gerrit Post, single, son of Abraham and Mary Post Elizabeth Blake, single, eldest dau. of Wm. & Ann Blake Dec. 23. Jacob Van Pelt, single, son of Samuel, deed., & Sarah Ann Van Pelt Mary Simonson, single, dau. of Joseph & Rebecca Simonson, in presence of witnesses 1 81 7. John Blake, single, son of William & Ann Blake Jan. I. Mary Van Name, dau. of Aaron & Cath. Van Name. Md. in presence of friends at Parsonage March 29. Egbert Merrill, single, son of John & Elizabeth Mer- rill of this Island Mary Jones, dau. of Abm. Jones, deed., & Mary, his wife. Md. at Parsonage in presence of friends April 20. Michael Van Name (or Namur), single, son of Moses, deed., & Mary Van Name (or Namur) Gertrude Martha Cortelyou, youngest dau. of Jacob, deed., & Elizabeth Cortelyou. Md. at house of mother in presence of friends. June II. Samuel Coddington, single, son of David Coddington & Elizabeth, his wife, m. n. Randolph Catharine Jacobson, single, dau. of John V. D. Jacob- son, Esq., & Hilletje Bedell, his wife. Md. at parents' house July 7. John Winant, single, from North side of Island, son of Simon & Sarah Winant Martha , dau. of Barnet & Mar)' Jones, a widow Aug. 27. Jeremiah Winant, son of John & Sarah Winant Ann Crocheron, single, dau. of John, deed., & Sophia Crocheron. Md. at Parsonage 183 By Rev. G. A. Hartman. 1817. Samuel Egbert, single, son of John & Mary, his wife, Nov. 15. m. n. Holmes Betsey Blake, dau. of John & Polly Blake Dec. 13. Peter Sisk, single, son of John & Sarah Sisk, m. n. Decker Mary Wright, single, dan. of Thomas & Cath. Wright, m. n. Blake. Md. at Parsonage. Dec. 25. Elias Butler, single, son of John Butler and Polly Kingston, his wife Charlotte Van Pelt, single, dau. of Samuel V. Pelt & his wife, Sally, by m. n. Housman. In presence of a few friends at the Parsonage i8i8. Joseph Lake, single, son of Joseph & Maria Lake, m. n. Jan. 31. Coursen Ann Jane Tuthill, dau. of Israel & Elizabeth Tuthill, by m. n. Janer. Md. at parsonage in presence of John Locker & Maria V. Namur March 8. Terrence R. Ryers, single, son of Orris & Sarah Ryers Ellen H. Decker, single, dau. of Matthias & Lydia Decker April 18. Abraham Seguine, single, son of John & Rachel Seguine Elizabeth Simonson, single, dau. of Joseph & Rebecca Simonson. Md. at parsonage in presence of Wm. H. Fountain & Lydia Seguine May II. Saul, ) r)i„„K„ belonging to Peter Decker Louisa, i ' free woman. Md. in Ch. by per- mission in writing from Mr. Decker Aug. 23. Peter Van Pelt, single, son of David & Ann Van Pelt Rachel Haughabout, single, dau. of Peter, dec, & Han- nah, his wife. Md. at Parsonage, John Selenf & Eliza Housman, witnesses Sept. 8. James Wood, widower, son of Abraham, deed., & Ruth, his wife Esther Prue, single, dau. of Revd. Elias & Esther Prue. Md. at Parsonage. All of this Island Dec. 15. James Egbert, Sen., widower, son of Tunis & Ann Egbert Martha Egbert, m. n. Burbank, widow of Abraham Egbert, shoemaker. Md. at bride's residence in presence of their children & others Dec. 26. Jacob Harzen, single, of Elizabethtown, N. Jersey, son of Cornelius & Ann Harzan of York Island Margaretta Perine, single, dau. of Abm. & Sarah Perine, at whose house they were md. in presence of friends 1 84 1819. Jonothon Merril, single, son of Richard Merril & Jan. 7. Martha, his wife, m. n. Hooper Maria Egbert, single, dau. of James Egbert, Sen., & wife Elizabeth, by m. n. Martinse. Md. at house of Bride's parents in presence of friends Oct. 2. Vincent Fountain, single, son of Vincent & Else Foun- tain Catharine Butler, single, dau. of Isaac & Cath. Butler, both deed. Md. at Parsonage in presence of bride's brother Vincent Butler Oct. 12. Abraham Tyson, single, son of Richard Tyson, widower Ann Housman, single, dau. of Aaron Housman & wife Mary, by m. n. Morgan. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Richard Johnson, Rebecca Courson. By Rev. Benj. Mortimer of N. Y. Oct. 25. Richard Tyson, widower Elizabeth Cortelyou, widow. Md. at her dwelling. No other parties present but the clergyman, G. A. Hart- man Dec. 14. John Davis, son of John Davis, deed., & Sally, his wife Jane Wood, dau. of Richd. & Cath. Wood. Md. in presence of Peter Johnson & Lucy Rodgers Dec. 14. George Van Pelt, son of Peter & Mary Van Pelt Ann Moore, dau. of James & Catharine Moore. In presence of John Van Pelt & James Moore, brothers to bride & bridegroom 1820. Abraham Van Duser, single, son of Daniel V. Duzer & Jan. I. Ann, his wife Jane Vanderbilt, single, dau. of Cornelius Vanderbilt & Phebe, his wife. Md. at Parsonage, number of friends present Jan. 4. Robert Wilson, free colored man Nellie Simonson, free colored woman, etc. Jan. 22. Moses Decker, single, son of Samuel Decker & Rebecca, his wife, by m. n. Decker Lenah Pugh, single, dau. of Nicholas Pugh & Caty, his wife, by m. n. Decker. Md. in presence of Lydia Decker & James, bro. of bridegroom March 18. Abraham Stilwill, son of Abraham & Caty Stilwill, dec, N. side of Island Mary Scharret, dau. of John & Mary Sharret. In presence of Nicholas Daniels, Gitty Stilwill and Susan Ann .Sharret May 12. Daniel Jones, son of Barent Jones & Mary, his wife Jane Banta, dau. of Jacob & Eliza Banta. Md. at Par- sonage in presence of Bedell Johnston & Jane Wood April 3. John, ) „, , belonging to Mr. Abm. Praul Charity, ( ^'^*^''^' belonging to Mrs. Ryersz 1020. May 14. May 20. May 24. June 3. June 15. July 4. Nov. 5. Nov. 18. Nov. 26. Dec. 6. I»2I. March 22, June 3. Thomasjohnston, j p>i„„t5 belonging to JohnFountain Sally Peterson, \ ciacKS, ^^^^^ residing with Mr. Du- »"' I RIapVe belonging to Jesse Oakley r, f ^"^^'^^' belonging to Mary Seguine. By per- bois James Scharrot, son of James & Hannah Scharrot Jane Jennings, dau. of Lambert Jennings & Mary, his wife, deed. Md. at Parsonage in pres. of Richd. Johnston, Nancy White David Cannon, son of Thomas & Betsy Cannon Margaret Cannon, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth Cannon. Md. at Parsonage Harry, Tenor, mission of their masters James Moore, single, son of James & Catharine Moore, m. n. Perine Sarah Cannon, single, dau. of John & Ann Cannon. Md. at Parsonage in pres. of Joseph Shaddock & Martha Ann Taylor Daniel Martling, single, son of Benjm. Martling & Elizabeth, his wife Mary Blake, single, dau. of Edwd. Blake & Mary, his wife. Md. at house of Daniel Guyon, Esq., in presence of James Salter & Ann Martling John Egbert, single, son of Abraham & Nancy Egbert, m. n. Martinoe Lydia Seguine, single, dau. of John Seguine & Rachel, his wife, m. n. Mitchell. In pres. of Abm. Bird & Lenah Perine John Cannon, single, son of John & Ann Cannon Dinah Swaim, dau. of John & Martha Swaim. Md. at , house of Mr. Martinus Swaim near Richmond \I)aniel Wood, single, son of Stephen Wood & Diodema, his wife, m. n. Housman Deborah Mott, single, dau. of James & Appolonia Mott, by m. n. Scharrot. Md. at mother's house in presence of John Scharrot & Susan Ann Scharrot John Goodheart, single, residing near Woodbridge, N. Jersey, son of Christopher Goodheart & Sophia, his wife Tabitha Merril, dau. of Richard Merril & Marth, his wife, m. n. Hooper Daniel Buskirk, son of Philip Buskirk & Phebe, his wife, m. n. Tucker Hannah Cannon, dau. of Andrew Cannon & Polly, his wife, m. n. Wright. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Benjamin Bedell & Judah Wright Aaron Johnson, single, son of Daniel & Margaret Johnson Elisabeth Praul, single, dau. of Peter & Abigail Praul. In presence of James Colon & wife, the sister of Mrs. Johnson 1 86 1821. Peter Burbank, single, son of Abraham Burbank & June 23. Lenah, his wife Hannah Butler, single, dau. of James Butler & Cath- arine, his wife. In presence of Newton Post & Eliza Herrington June 23. Newton Post, single, son of Francis Post & Experience, his wife, deed. Eliza Herrington, single, dau. of William Herrington & Betsey, his wife. Md. at Parsonage, in pres. of Peter Burbank & Hannah, his wife July 21. Thomas, ) p, , belonging to Col. Nicholas Burger Maria, \ ^ ' belonging to Mr. Denyse D. Denyse. Md. by consent of their masters Sept. 26. Cornelius Van Name (or Namur), son of Aaron Van Name & wife Catharina, by m. n. Bartholew Rebekah Coursen, single, dau. of Danl. Coursen & his wife Rebekah, m. n. Martinoe. Md. at Parsonage in pres. of Abraham Martling & Mary Courson Oct. 31. Peter Woglom, single, son of Simon Woglom & wife Elisabeth, m. n. Dubois Susan Simonson, single, dau. of Arthur Simonson & Harriet, his wife, m. n. Prickett. Md. at Parsonage Oct. 18. Jacob Johnson, single, son of Jacob Johnson & Betsey, his w., m. n. Haughabout Ann Burbank, sini;le, dau. of John Burbank & his wife Ann, m. n. Egbert Dec. 8. Peter Post, son of Garrit Post & Winie, his wife, by m. n. Bush Mary Bartholew, dau. of John Bartholew, deed , & Mary, his wife, by m. n. Palmer. Md. at Parsonage Dec. 19. Jacob Rozeau Cropsy, single, son of Hermanns Cropsy & w. Elizabeth, m. n. Rozeau Elizabeth Cortelyou, dau. of Peter Cortelyou & Amy, his wife, m. n. Hilliard. Md. at bride's parents' house Dec. 30. Bill, belonging to Mr. Parkinson at Old town Dine, free Black. Md. by permission of master 1822. Stacy D. Kenison, single, son of Stacy Kenison & Eliz- March3o. abeth, his wife, deed. Maria Bush, single, dau. of William & Ann Bush, m. n. Van Namur. Md. at parsonage Aug. 28. John Van Pelt, single, son of Peter Van Pelt & his wife, by m. n. Colon, dec. Susan Christopher, single, dau. of John & Elizabeth Christopher, in presence of Jacob van Cleef & Cath- arine Wood at Parsonage Sept. 10. John Crocheron, single, son of Abraham Crocheron & Jane Coursen, his wife Patience Egbert, dau. of Tunis & Ann Egbert, m. n. Burbank. Md. at Parsonage i87 1822. Oct. 2. Nov. 3. Nov. 30. Nov. 13. Dec. 25. Dec. 26. 1823- Jan. 2. Jan. 2. Feb. 15. March 23. April 9. May II. May 17- May 17- May 24. June 4- June 8. Capt. Moses Mills, son of Revd. John Mills & Jemimah, his wife Mrs. Mary Brintley, dau. of Oliver & Sarah Taylor. Md. at Parsonage Anzell Hill, son of Ephraim & Sarah Hill Lenah Ferine, dau. of Cornelius & Magdalen Ferine at Quarantine. Md. at house of George Van Felt in presence of Rev. Mr. Mortimer & number of friends John Miers, son of Derick & Mary, his wife Martha Van Cleef, dau. of Daniel & Anletchy Van Cleef. Md. at Parsonage Joshua Mercereau, single, son of Stephen & Elizabeth Mercereau Maria Sharrot, dau. of John & Catharine Sharrot, m. n. Ferine. Md. at her father's house James Johnson, widower, son of Edward & Polly Johnson, m. n. Sharrot Ann Martling, dau. of John & Cath. Martling. Md. at Parsonage Thomas Jackson, ) gi„„ng belonging to Col. Burger. Judy Crockeron, f ' free. By his written per- mission. Merrel Hilliard, single, son of John Hilliard, Esq. Eliza Coursen, single, dau. of Richard Coursen & wife m. n. Egbert. In presence of father & friends Harry Swaim, ) p, , by permission of their re- Eliza Barnes, ] ^ ' spective masters, John V. D. Jacobson & Geo. Western Barnes, Esq. Daniel Jackson, ) p , •, by permission of their MarySeely, ^ t-oiorea, master Edward Ferine John Van Duser, single, son of Daniel Van Duser & Ann, his wife Sarah Vanderbilt, single, dau. of John & Elizabeth Vanderbilt, m. n. Taylor. Md. in church Daniel Mersereau, single, son of Stephen Mersereau Ellen Maria Lozier, dau. of Jacob & Sarah Lozier, m. n. Beatty Jacob Van Cleef, son of Daniel & Letty Van Cleef Catharine Wood, single, dau. of Timothy Wood Jacob Bush, son of Nicholas Bush & Caty, dec. Mary Cairns, dau. of John & Harriet Cairns Aaron Drake Ellen Decker, dau. of Barnet & Catharine Decker PeterVan Pelt, single, son of Jacob & Catharine Van Felt Elizabeth Decker, dau. of Barnet Decker & Catharine, his wife Aaron Baffin, widower, son of William Widow Eliza Foot, dau. of William & Sarah . Md. at Parsonage James Britton, son of John & Rachel Britton Frances Sylvy, Richard & Hester Sylvy. Md. at Par- sonage i88 1823. Jesse Paulus, single, son of Cornelius & Sophia Paulus June 8. Sarah Simonson, single, dau. of Joseph & Rebekah Simonson. Md. at Parsonage. June 19. John Wood, single, son of Stephen & Deina (or Demah?) Wood Mary Vroom, single, dau. of Christopher & Mary Vroom July 19. Edward Vanderbilt, single, son of John & Elizabeth Vanderbilt Mary Ann Egbert, single, dau. of Cornelius Egbert, dec. Md. at Parsonage Oct. 4. Ebenezer Davis, son of Ebenezer & Rachel Davis Elizabeth Merrell, dau. of Abraham & Ann Merrell. Md. at Parsonage Oct. 18. John Taylor, son of Abraham Taylor & Catharine, his wife Grace Thatcher, dau. of Charles & Elizabeth Thatcher, deed. Md. at Parsonage Oct. 29. John Dorsett, single, son of John and Martha Dorsett Ellen Connover Cropsy, dau. of Nichs. & Cropsy, m. n. Winant Dec. 13. Abraham Martling, son of John & Catharine Martling Elizabeth Wright, dau. of Thomas & Catharine, his wife 1824. Richard Decker, single, son of Richard & Mary Ann, Jan. 6. his wife Eliza Egbert, dau. of Joseph & Jane Egbert, m. n. Martling April 4. Paris M. Davis, son of Richard & Sarah Moore Davis of N. Y. Eliza Jane Lake, dau. of Richard & Mary Lake of Staten Island. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Mrs. Price, the bride's sister & her husband May 9. Henry Kruser, son of John & Miami Kruser Ellen Simonson, dau. of Arthur & Mary Simonson. Md. at church June 13. Jacob Vreeland, single, son of George & Rebecca Vree- land Betsy Lockman, single, dau. of Joseph & Jane Lock- man. Md. at Parsonage June 16. John Barron, single, son of Joseph & Fanny Barron of Woodbridge, N. J. Mary Connor, single, dau. of Richard Connor, Esq., & his wife Sophia, m. n. Clawson. Md. at bride's parents June 22. Vincent Bodine, single, son of Vincent Bodine, dec, & his wife, by m. n. Blake Mary Ann Burbank, single, dau. of Isaac & Sally Bur- bank, m. n. Egbert. Md. at Bride's parents Aug. 15. Abraham Bird, single, son of & Martha Bird Susan Ann Ferine, dau. of Cornelius Perine & wife. Md. at Parsonage i89 1824. Israel Decker, son of Israel & Leah, deed., Decker Sept. 22. Catharine Bartholen, dau. of John & Mary Bartholen. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Abraham Decker & Mary Coursen Sept. 29. Daniel Stilwell, single, from Long Island Hester Silvy, dau. of Richard & Hester Silvy, by m. n. Taylor. Md. at Bride's parents Oct. 23. Barnt Seaman, | p i„^p/i belonging to Daniel W. Lake Margaret Price, ) ° ' & md. by his permission Nov. 18. Edward Barnes, single, son of John & Margrett Barnes Maria Merrill, single, dau. of Mr. Abraham Merrill. Md. at Parsonage Dec. II. Cornelius Egbert, single, son of Abraham, dec, Egbert & Nancy, his wife, m. n. Martinoe Maria De Pugh, dau. of Nicholas & Catharine De Pugh. Md. in presence of friends Dec. 18. Daniel Simonson, son of John & Phebe Simonson Sally Ann De Pugh, dau. of Abraham & Mary De Pugh. Md. in presence of Capt. Edward Perine & Mrs. Eliza C. Hartman Daniel Jackson, ) belonging to Mr. Edward >■ Colored, Perine Ann , ) widow, belonging to Mr. Edward Beatty. By consent of their masters Charles, ) p 1 j a freeman Sarah, f '-^'or^^- residing at James Egbert, Jr. 1825. Richard Connor, single, son of Richard Connor, Esq., Jan. 6. & Sophia, his wife, by m n. Clawson Sarah Egbert, single, dau. of Janes Egbert <& Elizabeth, his wife, m. n. Martino. Md. at Bride's parents in presence of friends Jan. 8. Matthew Decker, single, son of Abraham Decker, deed., & Catharine, his wife Eliza Cole, single, dau. of Richard Cole & Ann, his wife, both deed. Md. at house of Joseph Egbert in presence of friends March 17. John Wood, widower, parents deceased Catharine Jacobson, widow, dau. of Richard & Sophia Conner, m. n. Clawson. Md. at Mr. Conners in presence of friends March 23. James^Ga^rretson, | ,^^^^ Colored. April 7. Abel Cannon, son of John & Ann Cannon Catharine Moore, dau. of James & Catharine Moore. Md. at Parsonage April 17. John Davis, single, of Mass., son of Jacob Davis & Harriott (Reed), his wife Susan Ann Scharrot, dau. of John Scharrot & Mary, his wife. Md. at house of Abm. Stilwell, North side I90 1825. Cornelius Egbert, son of John Egbert & Mary (Holmes), June 5. his wife Catharine Lake, dau. of Barnet Lake, deed., & Cath., his wife. Md. at the bride's mother's June 16. Lawrence Crips, and aged widower Polly Lake, single, dau. of William Lake. Md. at Par- sonage July 2. Henry Garretson, ) p^i^red ^^^^ Mary Lawrence, j ^°^°rea, belonging to Mr. Simon Perine July 16. Thomas Disosway, ) Colored, both free, residing with Diana Clarkson, j Hermanus Guion, Esqr. July 30. Abraham Decker, single, son of Israel & Rachel Decker Catharine Maria Pryor, single, dau. of Andrew & Elizabeth Pryor July 31. Cornelius Marston, son of John & Deborah Marston Mary Butler, dau. of James & Catharine Butler. Md. at Parsonage. In presence of John Laferge & Matilda Marston Sept. 4. George Avery, son of Geo. Avery, deed., & Grace, his wife Catharine Crips, dau. of James & Sally Crips. Md. at Parsonage in pres. of Lewis Mitchell & Ann Simon- son Nov. I. John N. Tooker, single Maria Jacobson, dau. of John V. D. Jacobson, Esqr., & Hilletje, his wife. Md. at house of Mr. Jacobson in presence of large number of friends Nov. 20. John Merrell, single, son of Abm. Merrell, dec, & Ann, his wife Margarett Housman, single, dau. of Abm. Housman & Hester, his wife. Md. at Parsonage Nov. 27. William Ross, son of William Ross Margrett Simonsen, dau. of Reuben & Jane Simon- son, m. n. Decker. Md. at Parsonage Nov. 30. Abraham Housman, son of Abraham Housman & wife Margarett Bodine, dau. of James Bodine & Margarett, his wife. Md. at house of Mr. Bodine Dec. 15. Barzillai Burr, of New Jersey Ann Beatty, dau. of John & Elizabeth Beatty. Md. at house of Mr. Beatty 1826. Garret Ellis, son of Garret & Mary Ellis March 18. Susan Butler, dau. of Nathaniel, deed., & Sophia Butler, his wife April 2. Edward Merrell, single, son of John & Elizabeth Merrel Catharine Shields, single, dau. of Thomas & Ann Shields. Md. at house of Mr. Bogart in the Manor June 14. Gabriel Martino, son of Benajah & Hannah Martino, m. n. Decker Eliza Catharine Martling, dau. of John & Dorcas Mart- ling, by m. n. Laforge. Md. at house of parents 191 i826. July 27. Aug. 5. Aug. 16. Oct. II. Nov. 21. 1827. Jan. 6. Feb. 5. Feb. 18. March 24. March 24. March 29. April 22. April 22. May 6. James McLaughlin, single Caroline Jaques, residing on North side of Island. Md. at Parsonage in presence of John M. Tooker & Israel Jacobson by permission of his mas- Colored, ter, Judge Mercereau free Samuel Johnson, Hagar Thomas, Benjamin Praul Ellen Beatty, dau. of Edward & Eleanor, dec, Beatty. Md. at Parsonage John La Forge, son of David La Forge, dec, & Ger- trude, his wife, m. n. Martling Cornelia Simonson, dau. of John Simonson, dec, & Nancy, his wife. Md. at Parsonage Walter Wendel, single, son of Peter & Sarah Wandel Ann De Puy, dau. of John & Ann DePuy. Md. at Parsonage Ellis Mundy, son of Joshua & Phebe Mundy Sarah Ann Egbert, dau. of Tunis Egbert & Sarah, his wife, m. n. Barton, in whose house she was md. Stephen Mcintosh, son of Charles & Margarett Mc- intosh Mary M. Marsac, dau. of Michael & Rachel Marsac, m. n. Jennings, in whose house she was md. Richard Johnson, son of James & Phebe Johnson Susan Van Pelt, dau. of Peter & Margaret Van Pelt David Wood, son of James Wood, dec, & Elizabeth, his wife Eliza De Puy, dau. of Nicholas &: Cath. De Puy. Md. at Mr. De Puy's in presence of friends Winant Haughabout, son of Peter & Ellen Haughabout Sarah Britton, dau. of John & Rachel Britton. Md. in church in presence of friends Capt. Benson Seaman, son of Wm. & Elizabeth Sea- man of N. Y. Eliza Jacobson, dau. of John V. D. Jacobson, dec, & Helletje, his wife. Md. at house of Samuel Cod- dington at N. Y. Nathan Decker, son of John & his wife, dec. Mary Ann Bedell, dau. of James & Esther Bedell. Md. at Parsonage Israel De Puy, son of Nicholas & Elizabeth, his wife, dec. Eliza Ann Decker, dau. of Abm. & Mary Decker, dec. Md. at Parsonage at same time as above Matthew De Pugh, son of John De Pugh & Ann, his wife, dec. Maria Simonson, dau. of John & Phebe Simonson. Md. at Parsonage in pres. of Walter Wendel & his wife 192 1827. June 23. Aug. 2. Aug. 22. Oct. 17- Nov. 24. Dec. 10. Dec. 23- Dec. 31- 182 :8. Jan. '5- Feb. 14. March 6. May II. May 18. May 18. John Merrell, son of Thomas Merrell, dec, & Mag- dalen, his wife Elizabeth Davis, widow, dau. of Abraham Merrell, dec, & Ann, his wife. Md. in presence of number of friends Adam A. Doyle, formerly of Chambersburgh, Penna., son of Robert Doyle, dec, & Elizabeth, his wife Catharine Merrell, dau. of John T. Merrell & Eliza, his wife. Md. at Parsonage Daniel Butler, son of Isaac & Catharine Butler Eliza Egbert, dau. of Cornelius Egbert, deed. Md. at Parsonage James Mussentine, of Philadelphia, son of John & Margaret Mussentine, dec. Catharine La Forge, widow, dau. of John & Susan Pryor. Md. at the Parsonage John Decker, son of John & Martha Decker Sarah Alston, dau. of Japhet & Sarah Alston. In presence of Abm. Decker & Eliza Christopher James Beatty, son of Edward & Eleanor Beatty, dec. Ann M. Bryant, dau. of David & Jane Bryant. Md. at house of the mother in N. Y. Cornelius Vanderbilt, son of John & Betsy Vanderbilt Eliza Martling, dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Martling, both dec. Md. at Parsonage Peter Van Pelt, son of Richd. Van Pelt, dec, & Elisa- beth, his wife Betsy Butler, dau. of James & Catharine Butler. Md. in presence of friends at Parsonage David Moore, single, son of James & Catharine Moore, m. n. Ferine Mary Ann Barton, single, dau. of Barton & Lucy, his wife, m. n. Egbert. Md. at house of her gr.- father John Egbert Israel Wood, son of William Wood, dec, & his wife Mary Parker, dau. of Nathaniel & Sally Parker. Md. at parents' house John Freeman, » ^^^^^^^ Mary Prue, ) George W. Chambers, son of Wm. & Mary Chambers, dec. Hannah Simonson, dau. of John & Ann Simonson. Md. at Parsonage in presence of friends Lewis Mitchel, single, son of Peter Mitchel & Sarah, his wife Mary Boram, John & Sarah Boram, both dec. Md. at Parsonage Abraham Sharrot, son of John & Mary Sharrot Margaret Housman, dau. of Benjamin & Letty Hous- man 193 1828. Benjamin Price, son of Elias Price & Esther, his wife Aug. 3. Jane Blake, dau. of John & Mary Blake. Md. in presence of a number of friends Aug. 10. Joseph R. Heath, widower, from N. Y., son of Simon A. Heath & Eliza, his wife Sarah Egbert, widow, dau. of Richard & Martha Merrell Sept. 7. James Sharrot, Senr., son of Richard Sharrot, Senr., gatekeeper at Quarantine Mrs. Van Cleef, widow. Md. at Parsonage, a number of friends being present Sept. II. Abraham Praul, single Isabella Beatty, dau. of Edward & Eleanor Beatty, both deed. Md. at house of Benjamin Praul Nov. 29. William Egbert, son of John Egbert, Senr., & his wife, deed. Mary Ann Lake, daug. of Widow Catharine Lake at whose house the marriage took place Dec. 14. Elias Price, single, son of David Price & Ruth Ellen, his wife Polly Menee, dau. of Peter Menee & Sally, his wife Dec. 31. Charles D. Wood, widower, son of James & Ann Wood Elizabeth Jones, single, dau. of Abm. Jones, dec, & Elsy, his wife 1829. James Wood, single, at the Long Neck, son of John & Feb. 18. Mary Wood Abbey Ann Simonson, single, dau. of Reuben Simon- son & Jane, his wife. At whose house they were married March 2. William Winnings, widower, from N. Y., son of Wm. & Isabella Winnings, dec. Ann Simonson, dau. of Joseph & Rebekah Simonson. Md. at Parsonage in presence of friends May 30. Joseph Bedillion, I p 1 _ ^^ formerly of N. Jersey Eliza Peterson, j ' formerly at G. W. Barnes May 30. Aaron Fardon, ) Polnred ^^ J^^S® Seguine's Hannah Jackson, ) ' sister to Bedillion's wife Nov. 15. John W. Burbank, single, son of Jacob & Ann Burbank, by m. n. Wandell Gertrude Egbert, single, dau. of Abm. Egbert, dec, & Ann Martha, his wife. Md. in minister's dwelling Dec. 30. Stephen Squire, widower Martha Egbert, widow. In presence of Moses Egbert & wife in whose house they were married Dec. 25. John Emraot to Maria Andee, Colored, living at Mr. Parkinson's 1830. Abraham Garretson, single, son of Col. John Garretson Feb. 3. & Elizabeth, his wife, m. n. Conner Eliza Sanders, single, dau. of Peter & Eliza Sanders. In presence of Peter Dorsett & Jane M. Betts 194 1830. Joseph Christopher, single, son of Joseph & Elizabeth May 4. Christopher Maria Martino, single, dau. of Stephen Martino, dec, & Eleanor, his wife. In presence of Holmes Egbert, Ellen Haughabout & Eliza C. Hartman May 26. DanielMersereau, single, son of Daniel & Ann Mersereau Lucre tia (Christiana?) Sharrot, single, dau. of John & Catharine Sharrot July 15. Augustus Luckenbach, age 24, single, son of Samuel & Sarah Luckenbach of Bethlehem, Penn. Matilda Jacobson, 17 yrs., dau. of John V. D. Jacobson & Hilletje, his wife. Md. at house of Samuel Cod- dington, Esq., in presence of number of friends Oct. 24. Joseph Egbert, single, son of Abm. Egbert, dec, & Ann, his wife Eliza Fountain, single, dau. of Anthony Fountain, Jr., & Nancy, his wife. Md. at church Nov. 10. Andrew B. Decker, single, son of Jeseph Decker & Catharina, his wife Patience Crocheron, widow, m. n. Egbert. Md. at house of her mother, Mrs. Ann Egbert 1 83 1. James Beatty, son of Thomas & Susan Beatty of N. J. March 22. Maria Housman, dau. of Richard & Judith Housman of this island. Present, Edwd. Johnson, Jr., & Maria Housman June 16. Mathias Decker, son of David Decker & Catharine, his wife, m. n. Decker Jane Decker, dau. of John Decker, dec, & Ann, his wife. Md. at house of bride's mother June 18. John Simonson, widower, son of Arthur & Mary Simonson Rachel Baker, dau. of Jeremiah & Debby Ann Baker. In presence of Wm. S. Brown & Mary Burbank Aug. 14. Charles Barbour, single, son of Edward & Margrett Barbour Eliza Christopher, single, dau. of John Christopher & Elizabeth, his wife, both dec. Oct. 8. James Simonson, son of Abm. Simonson, dec, & Susan- nah, his wife Catharine Butler, single, dau. of James Butler & Cath., his wife, dec. In presence of Eliza Ann Morgan «& Jacob Mersereau 1832. Stephen Martling, son of Garret Martling & Mary March 15. Wood, his wife Mary Ann Bodine, widow, m. n. Burbank. In presence of Br. Edward & Nathan Housman Barnt Siebern, wid., to Delia Jackson, Colored Oct. 14. Abraham M. Steward, single, son of Thomas Steward, dec, & Hannah, his wife Mary Ann Burgher, single, dau. of Mathias Burgher & wife. In presence of Jacob Garretson & Margaret Ann Tyson 195 i833- John C. Thompsen, son of John E. Thompsen, dec, May 26. grocer of Tompkinsville, & Mary Lake Elizabeth Johnson, dau. of Anthony & Fanny Johnson. In presence of Ephraini & Addria Johnson July 17. Edward Burbank, single, son of Isaac & Sally Burbank, by m. n. Egbert Jane Britton, single, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary Britton, m. n. Bodine Aug. I. John Burgher, single, son of Mathias & Hannah Burgher, m. n. Tyson Elizabeth Stilwell, single, dau. of Daniel & Hannah Stilwell. Md. in presence of friends Dec. 29. Abraham Bodine, son of James & Margaret Bodine, dec. Abby Ann Kinsy, dau. of Benjamin & Susan Ann Kinsy. In presence of John Kinsy, her brother, & of Ann Merrel. Md. in church 1834. Edward Johnson, single, son of Edward & Mary John- Jan. 8. son, m. n. Sharrot Hannah Housman, dau. of Richard & Judith Housman. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Jeremiah & Judith Turner Jan. 12. Daniel Haughwout, single, son of Francis & Esther Haughwout Jane Jones, dau. of Abm. & Alice Jones. At par- sonage in pres. of Jacob Winant, Presilla Jones Feb. 13. Capt. Jacob H. Vanderbilt, son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, dec, late of this Island Euphemia M. Banta, dau. of Wiart Banta, dec, & Sylva, his wife, of N. Y., where they were md. in presence of friends May 21. Samuel Lesher. Both from Germany now at Tomp- Elizabeth Nedicker. kinsville May 26. Leonhart Wilhelmin. Both from Germany now at Catharine Maurer. Tompkinsville June 22. Elias Price, son of Rev. Elias Price of Methodist Ch. & Hester his wife Mary Ann Lake, dau. of Joseph & Mary Lake Aug. 13. James Thompson, son of Robert Thompson & Susan, his wife, dec. Charity Guyon Romer, dau. of James & Mary Romer. Md. at parent's house in presence of friends Sept. 27. Jacob Housman, son of Benjamin Housman & Mary, his wife Susan Robbins, dau, of Nathaniel Robbins, dec, & Mary, his wife. In presence of John & Mary Ann Haughabout Nov. 4 Dennis Sullivan, single Elizabeth Vanderbilt, dau, of Capt. John Vanderbilt & Celia, his wife. Md, in presence of friends in dwell- ing of her parents at " town Point," New Jersey Nov. 19. JamesEgbert,sonof JamesEgbert,dec.,&Sally,hiswife Eliza Decker, dau, of Abm., dec, & Ann, his wife 196 1 834- William Francis Post, single, son of Francis Post, dec, Nov. 19. & Sarah, his wife Martha Ann Egbert, dau. of James Egbert, dec, & Sally, his wife. Md. at Parsonage Dec. 26. George Lentz. Both from Germany now at Tomp- Magdalen Jacky. kinsville Dec. 30. Israel O. Dissasway, single, son of Israel R. Dissasway & Ann, his wife Lucretia Jacobson, youngest dau. of John V. D. Jacob- son, & Hellethay, his wife, both dec. Md. in presence of friends 1835. William Townsend, single, son of John «& Sarah June 14. Townsend Dorcas L. Martling, single, dau. of Peter & Elizabeth Martling. Md. at dwelling of bride's parents in pres. of friends March 26. Tunis A. Egbert, widower, son of Abraham & Ann Egbert, dec. Charlotte De Foreest, widow, m. n. Vanderbilt. In presence of Mrs. Catharine Frail & Eliza C. Hartman Sept. 3. Abraham Lockman, single, son of Richard Lockman & Catharina, his wife, dec. Matilda Britton, single, dau. of Cornelius Britton & Jane, his wife, dec. Md. in presence of Hamilton & Ann Britton, in Parsonage Oct. 12. Oliver Martin, single, son of Moses Martin, dec, & Nancy, his wife Sarah Ann Vanderbilt, single, dau. of Capt. John & Presilla Vanderbilt of Elizabeth, Town Point, N. J. Md. in presence of a large number of friends Oct. 14. Abraham Vanpelt, single, son of David & Ann Vanpelt Ellen Maria Dorset, single, dau. of John & Martha Dorset, both dec. Nov. I. Abraham Tyson, single, son of Peter Tyson & Mary, his wife, dec. Elsie Jane Haughawout. Md. in presence of some friends in dwelling of minister Nov. 23. James Livingston Lynch, single, son of James & Rachel Lynch Olivia Ann Marsac, dau. of Michael & Rachel Marsac. Md. at house of Bride's parents Nov. 23. WilliamThomas.sonofThomas& Elizabeth Thomas,dec. Mary Ann Hilyer. At same time as above Dec. 5. Williamson Decker, son of Reuben & Maria Decker, both dec. Mary Bonnel, dau. of Enos & Rachel Bonnel. Md. in minister's dwelling in presence of John Baker & Eliza Bonnel Dec. 16. Barnet Jones, son of Daniel & Elizabeth Jones Sarah Hatfield, dau. of James & Sarah Hatfield, both dec. In minister's dwelling in presence of Thomas Christopher & Elizabeth Jones 197 1835. Charles Van Name, son of Aaron & Deborah Van Name Dec. 17. Catharine Decker, dau. of John & Elizabeth Decker. In dwelling of Minister, in presence of David Alston & Eliz. Decker 1836. Henry Burbank, son of John & Ann Burbank Jan. 20. Elizabeth Alston, dau. of Japhet & Sarah Alston. In dwelling of Minister Jan. 21. Martinus S. Lake, son of Daniel & Catharine Lake Ann Eliza Parker, dau. of William & Ellen Parker Feb. 9. John Brooker, son of William & Lucy Brooker, dec. Catharine Simonson, dau. of Abraham & Margarett Simonson June 12. David Mersereau, single, son of Peter & Elizabeth Mersereau Ann Holmes, dau. of Samuel & Margaret Holmes. In presence of Sally Ann Perine Sept. 4. Moses Alston, son of Japhet & Sarah Alston Sarah Ann Decker, dau. of John Decker, dec, &Nancey, his wife. At ministers, in presence of friends Sept. 25. Isaac V. Snedieker, son of Abm. I. Snedieker & Sarah, his wife of N. Y. Margaret E. Beatty, dau. of John Beatty & Eliz., his wife, dec. Nov. 5. Isaac Butler, single, son of James Butler & Charity, deed., his wife Martha Butler, widow, dau. of John & Martha Swaim Nov. 20. David Decker, son of John & Martha Decker Mary Frances Decker, dau. of John Decker, dec, & Ann, his wife Dec. 28. John White, son of George & Jane White of N. Y. Evelina Thompson, dau. of Peter & Ellenor Thompson of this Island. Md. in house of Bride's parents 1837. John J. Baker, son of Joseph Baker, dec, & Susan, his Jan. 2. wife Eliza Romer, dau. of James & Mary Romer, in whose house they were married June 28. James Van Cott Emeline Smith. Both from Jamaica, Long Island Sept. 9. Leonard Fountain, son of James & Mary Fountain Mary Wadsworth, dau. of John & Elisabeth Wadsworth Sept. II. John Elmwood Sarah Wolfe 1838. Ferdinand Thum, a German Feb. 3. Jacobina Small, dau. of Adam & Margaret Small March 13. Thomas Fitzgerald, son of Wm. & Mary Fitzgerald Frances Tubbs June II. Jacob Walker, son of John & Maria Walker Gertrude Freeman, dau. of Mary & John Freeman Oct. 14. James Hatfield Merrel, son of Thomas & Sarah Merrel Susan Ann Scharret, dau. of Richard & Mary Scharret igS By Rev. H. G. Clauder. 1839. Joseph Egbert, widower, son of Abm. Egbert, dec, & June 7. Ann, his wife Ann Downs, dau. of John Downs, dec, & Ann, his wife Aug. II. Philip Leiser, single, native of Prussia Maria Hetwig Fries, single, native of Hesse Darmstadt. Md. at Parsonage Dec. 31. Samuel Decker, single, son of Silvanus Decker Margareth Ann Wood, single, dau. of Peter Wood. Md. at Parsonage 1840. Thamas Holmes Egbert, single March 29. Elisabeth Ann MeVrill, dau" of John T. & Elisabeth Merrill. Md. in minister's dwelling in presence of Edward & Hannah Egbert & Charlotte Elisabeth Clauder. All of Northfield June 2. Joseph Lake, widower, residing at Northfield Sr. Ann Prall, widow, m. n. Egbert, md. in minister's dwelling in presence of Andrew Decker & Charlotte E. Clauder June 14. Richard Ditten, single Jane Cannon. Both of Castleton. Md. in church in presence of Danl. Smith & Giddy Prall Sept. I. Theodore Onnis Siersema, single, lately from Holland, province of Cronen Meda Lenting, of same country. Md. at their dwelling in presence of Mr. Ashman & wife, Mrs. Ed. Bodine & daughter Sept. 13. Stephen Egbert, widower, carman in N. Y., son of Abm. Egbert, Sr., deed., of N. Y. Abigail Simonson, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth Simonson. In presence of Ann Egbert & Ann Eliza Egbert in minister's dwelling Sept. 30. George W. Sprague, single, chairmaker in N. Y. Sarah Maria Decker, single, dau. of Andrew Decker. Md. at house of bride's parents Oct. 4. Richard Decker, son of John & Alcy Decker Harriet Egbert, single, dau. of Saml. and Elisabeth Egbert, dec Md. at parsonage in presence of Cor- nelius Egbert & wife Oct. 18. Peter Cozine, single, residing at Northfield on this Island Hannah Maria Vanderbilt, single, dau. of Edward & Mary Ann Vanderbilt. In pres. of Stephen Mart- ling & Miss Sarah Jane Burbank Dec. 22. Stephen Martling, widower, residing at Isaac Bur- banks, son of Garret Martling & his wife Mary Wood Sarah Jane Burbank, dau. of Isaac & Sarah Burbank. Md. at minister's in pres. Charlotte G. Clauder & Mrs. Nancy Egbert 199 1 84 1. William Loveridge, basket-maker of Gloucester, Eng- April 6. land Rebecca McLees, widow, m. n. Lewis, of Monmouth Co., N.J. Both now residents of Staten Island. Md. at ministers July II. William Skarret, boatman, son of Thomas & Patty Skarret, dec. Sarah Ann, dau. of Danl. & Catharine Corson. Md. in presence of Nathan Britton July 20. Charles Adams, merchant of N. Y. Henrietta Cubberly, dau. of Isaac Cubberly of St. Island Aug. 22. Peter Van Pelt, son of Peter Van Pelt, at Quarantine Mary Kneeland, of Manchester, England. Md. in presence of Mr. Fountain here in minister's dwelling Aug. 27. Richard Tyson, son of John Tyson Elizabeth Housman, dau. of Richard Housman. Md. in presence of Nathan Housman, Abm. Bodine Sept. 14. Johann Wilhelm, single, native of Baden, Germany, residing at Factoryville Christina Frederika Kurrlin, single, native of Wurtem- berg. Md. at minister's in presence of many friends Sept. 26. Nathan Housman, single, carpenter Catharine Blake, single, dau. of Richard Blake. All of Staten Id. Md. in minister's dwelling Oct. 24. John Randolph, single. Both now of Staten Island Emma Ann Hicks, single, formerly of Long Island. Md. at minister's dwelling Nov. 9. James Guyon, Junr., single, son of Harry Guyon, dec. Elizabeth Ann Coddington, eldest dau. of Saml. & Catharine Coddington. Md. at bride's parents in presence of many friends Nov. 22. James S. Lake, single, native of St. Island, son of Daniel Lake, dec. Jane J. Mercereau, dau. of Josua Mercereau, dec. Md. at minister's in presence of John Fountain, the step- father of bride, & John Lake & others Nov. 28. Joseph McClymer, y. man, at Tompkinsville Elizabeth Millington. Md. in church after service, none of their friends being present 1842. Benjamin Y. Williams, single, oysterman Feb. 2. Catharine Williams, widow of B. Williams' brother, dec, m. n. Stodhoff, formerly of Long Island. Md. at Par- sonage March 6. Adam Wagener, single, native of Germany in Europe Christina Bubalin, native of Germany. Md. at house of Ferdinand Thum, near Col. Connors April II. Joseph Lake, single, native of Staten Island Mrs. Sarah Hicks, widow, formerly of Long Island. Md. in presence of James Romer & w. Ann 200 1842. Abraham Noble, widower, native of Staten Island May 8. Grace Gillesby, single, native of Ireland. Md. in minister's room in presence of Mrs. Corns. Egbert June 14. Louis Gontz, single, native of Germany, laborer Margareth Schmidt, single, her father a farmer & gar- den near Col. Connors at whose house they were md. June 22. Edward Barton, single, son of Col. Saml. Barton. Natives of Staten Island Miss Louisa Jacobson, single, dau. of Mrs. Cath. Woods, late Jacobson, m. n. Connor. Md. at residence of bride's mother in presence of many friends July 4. Alexander Boyd, laborer Rebecca McNab, cook & servt. at Mr. E. Taylor's. Both natives of Ireland. Md. at minister's dwelling July 6. Richard Stephenson, ) |oj.gjj Mary Ann Drake, f July 19. Joseph A. Humphry, of Silvaton, Staten Island Hester Elten, dau. of Abm. & Sarah Sharrot of Tomp- kinsville. Md. at ministers in presence of some friends July 25. John Egbert, laborer at Mr. Reacy's Mary Room, from Ireland. Md. here in presence of bride's brother Aug. 9. John W. Burbank, widower, son of Jacob Burbank Sr. Ann Egbert, dau. of Abm. Egbert, Sr., deceased Oct. 5. Edward Egbert, single Susan Garretson Bodine. Both of this Island. Md. in presence of a few friends Oct. 13. William Po. Noble, from Newfield, Maine Miss Susan Housman, dau. wid. Ann Housman, re- siding in village of Tompkinsville. Md. at minister's in presence of John Egbert (hackman) & others Oct. 13. Richard Connor, Jr., widower, son of Richard & Sophia Connor Ann Smith, single, native of Antigna, where her father was a planter. Md. in church in presence of bride's sister & Charles Young Nov. 20. John E. Ferine, widower, carman of N. Y., native of St. Island Sr. Rebecca Jane Lewis, dau. of Br. James Lewis. Md. in Parsonage Joshua Mercereau Nov. 20. Sr. Sarah Ann Ferine. Both of N. Y. Dec. 28. David M. Mersereau, single, carpenter, native of St. Island, son of Daniel Mersereau Annette V. Lake, dau. of Daniel Lake, dec. Md. at Parsonage 20I i843- Joseph Romer, son of James & Ann Romer, dec. Feb. — . Jane Moore, single, from West Quarter May 24. John Vanderbilt Egbert, son of Tunis at Tompkins- ville Ellen Simonson, dau. of John & Cath. Simonson Aug. 16. Nicolas Burger, single, son of Matthias & Hannah Burger Catharine Eliza Noble, dau. of Edmd. Noble. Both of this Island. Md. in church in presence of friends Oct. 5. Mathias Swaim, native of Staten Island, now a mer- chant at Port Leon, Florida, son of John Swaim, dec. Margaret Jane Egbert, 2nd dau. of Br. Abm. Egbert, tanner, & Ann, his wife. Md. in ch. in presence of friends 1844. John Krohm, single, native of Germany, a baker at May 29. Stapleton Susan Wright, single, of Town of Northfield, S. I. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Charlotte E. Clauder Aug. 4. John Copes, mariner Isabella S. C. Egbert, dau. of Tunis Egbert. Md. in presence of Abm. Egbert, Jr. Sept. 9. Charles Henry Shaw, single, from N. Y. City Louisa Fountain, dau. of wid. Clarissa Fountain. Md. at house of bride's mother Oct. 23. William Winant, single, carpenter Hannah Burger, single, dau. of Mathias & Hannah Burger. Md. at bride's residence Dec. II. Stephen H. Williams, single, of N. Y. Sarah Brown, dau. of Joseph Brown, residing at Great Kill Beach. Md. at Bride's residence Dec. 15. Daniel De Pugh, native of Staten Island Elizabeth Decker, single. Md. in church 1845. Cornelius Cole Eddy, grocer, of this Island Jan. 12. Mary Ross, a niece of Mrs. E. Pattons, at whose house the marriage took place Jan. 15. William W. Stillwell, butcher Cornelia Burger, dau. of Mathias & Hannah Burger. Md. in presence of Nicolas Burger & Mrs. Steward. Sister of the bride Feb. 20. John H. Sprague, merchant of New York Miss Henrietta Prall, dau. of Wm. Prall, dec, & Ann, by m. n. Egbert, now Lake. Md. at house of her stepfather, Br. Joseph Lake May 21. William Maines Ellen Baker, dau. of Widow Susan Baker. They were md. at ministers, in presence of the mother, Mrs. S. Baker, & brother Wandel Baker 202 1845. William D. Simonson June 15. Jane Eliza Koss, dau. of Wm. Koss, sailmaker at Port Richmond. Md. in minister's room in presence of C. E. Clauder June 18. William V. Vroom, carpenter, son of Christopher Vroom & Maria Housman, his wife Catharine Maria Egbert, dau. of John Egbert, dec, & Lydia, m. n. Seguine, residing at Quarantine Sept. 25. Abraham S. Egbert, son of John & Lydia Egbert of Tompkinsville Mary Eliza Bird, single Sept. 30. James Bradley, butcher of Tompkinsville Ellen V. Vanderbilt, youngest dau. of Capt. John Van- derbilt & his wife Cecilia, residing at Elizabethport. Md. at house of bride's parents Oct. 12. Abraham Van Duzer, son of John & Sarah Van Duzer, Tompkinsville Eliza Ann Vanderbilt. dau. of Edward Vanderbilt. Md. in presence of Mrs. Clauder & the bride's brother, John R. Vanderbilt Nov. 29. Thomas Charles Holmes, ) , ■, Mary Elizabeth Jay, f coiorea 1846. John Barnes, single, farmer, in this vicinity July I. Rebecca Maria Egbert, dau. of Abm. Egbert, tanner, & Ann, his wife, m. n. Burbank July 27. George A. Fall, house & sign painter of N. Y. Mary Elizabeth Woodward, of N. Y. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Mrs. Clauder, Mrs. Rice of Bethle- hem. Pa., Miss Amanda Cargill Aug. 24. Isaac M. Brown, baker at Port Richmond Mary Romer, dau. of James Romer. Md. at house of bride's father Sept. I. Mathias Burger, Junr. Hetty Maria Vanderbilt, dau. of Cornelius Vanderbilt, dec. Nov. 4. Edward Bodine, widower, son of James Bodine, de- ceased Martha Ann Bedell, widow, formerly Decker. Md. at house of Abm. Bodine at 4 corners Nov. 7. Emmett W. Hyde, y. m., of Rochester, N. Y. Margaretta M. Lake, dau. of Danl. Lake, dec, of Rich- mond, S. L Md. in presence of numerous friends Dec. 20. Thomas Sharrot, single, son of Thomas Sharrot, dec. Mary Elizabeth Voorhis, dau. of Widow Mary Van- derbilt, late Voorhis, formerly Rhine of New Bruns- wick 1847. John Oldfield. Feb. 14. Martha Levinia Merril, of N. Y. City, dau. of Jonathan & Maria Merrell, m. n. Egbert. Md. in presence of C. E. Clauder here i847- George W. Wright April 28. Jane M. Bradley, of Tompkinsville, St. Island July 19 George W. Knox, of N. Y. or 29. Sarah Jane Mercereau, of Tompkinsville. Md. at Parsonage Aug. 16. Ludwig Velein Margaret Petersen. Germans. Now in service at Mr. Van Wagenen's, Clifton. Md. in Ch. Sunday afternoon Sept. 13. John Burger Margaret Ann Garrison. Both of Northfield, Staten Island. Md. at Parsonage in presence of bride's sister 1848. Jans Geritt Koninge Jan. 7. Johanna Schumacker. Natives of Holland. At present living at T. O. Seisema's in the Manor. Witnesses were T. O. Seisema «& Meda, his wife, m. n. Lenting April 12. Isaac H. Van Duzer, son of John & Sarah, at Quaran- tine Mary M. Yerks, formerly of Tarrytown, N. Y. May 2. Ernst Papst, native of Germany Marie Lingelbach, residing at Clifton. Md. here June 17. Thomas Scales Mary Ann Jenkinson. Natives of Ireland. Witness Miss Fanny Johnson July 26. Jacob Bodine, gr.-son of Isaac & Sarah Burbank Miss Harriet Emily Bodine, dau. of Nathl. Bodine, dec, & Maria, his wife, m. n. Garrettson. Md. in church in presence of many friends •A-ug. 7. Japheth Alston, widower Elizabeth Wood, widow, formerly De Pugh. Both re- siding in Northfield, S. I. Md. here Sept. 17. John Pforr, cabinetmaker of N. Y. Clara Catharina Margareth Schneider, dau. of Jacob Schneider, Maria Clara Schneider, of Factoryville Oct. 4. James B. Baker, son of Widow Susan Baker Elizabeth Bridget Burtingham, of Ireland. Lived lately at Br. John Vanderbilt's Nov. I. William Henry Sharrot Sarah Elisabeth Vanderbilt, dau. of Corns. Vanderbilt, dec. Md. in church in presence of friends Dec. 10. William B. Seawood, native of Staten Island Sr. Ann Neats, dau. of Wm. & Dy Neats at Pt. Rich- mond. Dec. 31. Henry Prall, of Port Richmond Miss Elizabeth Neats, dau. of Wm. & Dy Neats 1849. Joseph McLean, widower, at Tompkinsville Feb. 14. Sarah Mallen Feb. 14. John McKee, pilot at Tompkinsville Mary Murray 204 1 849- Peter Van Pelt, fisherman, son of George Van Pelt April 8. Mary Jane Lewis, dau. of Henry Lewis. Md. here in presence of widows Ann Decker & Ann Egbert April 8. Johannes Schlect, a German Rossina Raff, a German. In D. Ref. Ch. at Port Richmond April 15. James Hetherington, native of Ireland, now at Quar- antine Catharine L. White. Md. here with two witnesses who came with them April 22. William Hetherington, from Ireland, residing at Stapleton Miss Ann Gary, also of Ireland. Md. here in presence of Charlotte & Ann Eliza Clauder April 29. John N. Crocheron, son of Nathan Crocheron, at Grant- ville, S. I. Mahala Selina Blake, dau. of Danl. & Ann Blake of Springville, L. I. Md. in presence of Charlotte E. Clauder July 3. Robert J. C. Johnson Ann S. Baker. Witnesses Charlotte E. Clauder, George Winsor, Mrs. Winsor, P. Decker Oct. 7. James Wilson Margaret Fitz Patrick Dec. I. George W. Corson, son of Richard Corson Miss Emeline Simonson, dau. of James Simonson of Northfield, Staten Island Dec. 22. John R. Van Name Hanna Maria Cannon. Natives of Staten Island, re- siding at Northfield. Md. here Dec. 24. Christian Block Rebecca Knief. Both lately from Hanover, Germany, & now living at Quarantine 1850. Benjamin Griffin Jan. 15. Content Decker. Natives of this Island from North- field. Md. in Parsonage June 2. August Zilkens Anna Maria Graz. Germans. Md. at Port Richmond. Wit. J. Rathyen & others Oct. 13. Frederick Wunsch Margareth Korneman. Germans. Md. in D. Ref. Ch. at Tompkinsville. Witness, Louis Hageman Nov. 30. Theodor Rosenthal Catharine Mliller, widow, m. n. Lamb. Both natives of Germany. Md. in Parsonage. 3 friends witnesses Dec. 18. Frederick Adolph Dreyer, of N. Y. City Auguste Henriette Wilhelmina Schmidt. Md. at house of Bride's parents, Doct. Schmidt of Northfield Dec. 21. Jacob Bauer, laborer. Md. here in presence of friends Margaret Erzer, widow of late Jakle, m. n. Hoegel 1851. Heinrich Scharlach Jan. 26. Friderika Wohlfahrt. Germans, now at Stapleton, S. I. 205 1851. Gerd. Struss, from N. Y., native of Hanover, Germany March 24. Margareta Lohmyer. Md. in presence of John Lenting May 3. Robert M. H. Jones Susan G. Ferine, dau. of Simon Ferine. Md. in presence of parents & Corns. Ferine May 8. Heinrich August Senna, y. m., native of Germany Deborah Fitzinger, from Cape May, N. Jersey. Both residing in Williamsburgh, L. Island. Witnesses, August Senne, Fridrich Lange July 6. Cornelius Bird Lydia Egbert, dau. of John & Lydia Egbert of Tomp- kinsville. Witnesses, Bride's sister & M. Seguine Sept. 4. John E. Vanderbilt, son of Edward Sarah Julia Brindley. Md. in presence of John Brind- ley & wife Oct. i6. John Hull Olmstead, M. D. Mary E. B Perkins. Md. at residence of late Doct. Ferkins, South side, in presence of many friends Nov. 30. Jhns. Jansen Tyaden, native of Germany Louisa Antoinette Oym, of Oldenburg, Ger. Md. in presence of Albert Hulsebus of Ft. Richmond 1852. James Anderton March 21. Ellen Richardson, m. n. Bowman. Both from England. Md. at house of their friend Thomas Harrison April 6. Edward Wood, son of John Wood of Chelsea Catharine Maria Egbert, dau. of Corns. & Catharine Egbert. Md. at her father's residence By B. E. Schweinitz, 1852. Friedrich Lange, widower, living at Four Corners May 30. Metha Struss. Both Germans. Md. at house of bride- groom July 4. Heartwell Bellow, of N. Y. Elisabeth Cavelly, of N. Y. Md. at parsonage in presence of Mrs. James Burger & others Sept. I. Edwin Tyson, of Four Corners Jane Tyson, of Port Richmond. Md. at parsonage in presence of bride's sister, etc. Sept. 5. Johanes Ochs Doratha Fey. Germans at Factoryville. Md. at house of Mr. Hatsche Sept. 12. Lamont Williams, of Providence, R. Island Eliza Simonson, dau. of John Simonson, Esq., of Clifton. Witnesses, Mr. John Egbert & bride's sister Nov. 30. John William Housman Hester Maria Burgher, m. n. Vanderbilt. Md. in presence of Wm. Sharret & friends •853. James Lockman, widower March 26. Dorcas Britton, of Tompkinsville April 3. Sydney Booram, of Centreville Mary Catharine Butler. Md. at Parsonage 206 1853- June 12. June 28. Nov. 27. Nov. 30. Dec. 7. 1854. Jan. 3. April 23. June 18. Dec. 29. 1854. Sept. IT. Dec. 29. 1855. Jan. I. Jan. 14. Johann Alfrank, widower, tailor of Tompkinsville Gertrud Hutmacher, single. Md. in presence of Mr. & Mrs. Jean Jansen Conrad Sinning, shoemaker in Stapleton, b. in Alten- riette, Hessen Cassel, 24 May, 1831, son of Martin Sinning & wife, Sophia, m. n. Rinslard Henriette Rosalie Gummert, of Berlin, b. 11 Feb., 1830, dan. of C. Gummert & wife Auguste, m. n. Patke. Md. at house of bride's uncle, Mr. Sabel, many- friends present Warren D. Alston, of Chelsea, Staten Island, farmer, son of Warren Alston Mary Elizabeth Freeman, dau. of Smith B. Freeman of Factoryville Daniel Wandell, Junr., of Southfield, S. I., son of David Wandall, farmer & blacksmith Jane Elizabeth Garretson, of Southfield, S. I., dau. of James B. Garretson, at whose house they were md. Thomas Luby, of Rossville Julia Palmer Voorhis, dau. of Mrs. M. Vanderbilt, late Voorhis, at whose house they were md. John Schmidt, Blacksmith, German Catharine Eulner, dau. of Valentine Eulner, of N. Y., & his wife Catharine. Md. in church in presence of G. Barth & his wife Elizabeth John G. Simonson, son of John Simonson, Esq., of Clifton Elizabeth Latimer, dau. of John Latimer, dec, of Eng- land. Md. here in presence of Miss C. Simonson & Mrs. Schweinitz Lawrence Hilliard Bogart, son of Timothy Bogart of S. L Sarah Catharine Martling, dau. of Stephen Martling. Md. in church Sunday morning Jacob Herman Garretson Elizabeth Egbert, dau. of Edward Egbert. Md. at Centreville in the evening at Mr. Egbert's house By Rev. A. A. Reinke. Md. at Mrs. Jas. Britton's Md. at Parsonage Henry Britton Elizabeth Britton. Garrett Vroome Mary Elizabeth Martling. Samuel Pharo Catharine Elizabeth Ferine. Md. at Mr. Mersereau's near South Side school-house Alexander Littell Hannah Jane Egbert. Md. at Parsonage in presence of their mothers 207 i8S5- Jan. 2 2. Feb. 14. June 24. July I. July 4- Sept. 18. Oct. 23- Dec. 31- 185 6. June 9- April 8. June 15- Nov. 19- 185 April May 7- I. 21. May 30- June 10. Aug. 25- Nov. IS- Jan. Feb. 8. 7- 3- James T. Allen Frances Louisa Smith. At the parsonage in presence of bride's mother Varnum Slocum Mills Dorcas LaFarge Martling, of Centreville. Md. at church at 8)2 P. M. in presence of witnesses Hiram Stillwell Frances Ann Johnson. Both of Castleton, North shore. Md. at Parsonage Jacob Egbert, of Tompkinsville Catharine Simonson, of Clifton J. A. Woodland, Stapleton, Staten Island Eliz. A. Turner, Mr. Butler, of Quarantine Miss Milton, of Quarantine. Md. at Parsonage John Lisk, of Egbertsville Miss Mary Ann Harrison. Md. at Mr. Harrison's John Wm. Egbert, of Castleton Sarah Ann Wandell. Md. at Mr. Wandell's Henry C. Raymond Eleanor Johnston. Md. at Parsonage Jacob Maree Catharine Koebel Christian Silberhorn, of vStapleton Paulina Seibert, of Stapleton. Md. at Parsonage Henry N. Timolat, of N. Y. Violetta Britton, Staten Island. Md. at church Charles Henry Winnett, of Tompkinsville Charlotte Jane Richardson, of Tompkinsville Julius C. Warner, of Macon, Georgia Mary E. Squier, of Southside. Md. at hou. e of bride's father. Family & Mr. Wm. Moore, present Daniel Ditton, of Castleton Mary Ann Sharrot, of Toad Hill. Md. at house of bride's parents & in their presence Benjamin Simonson, pilot, of Richmond, S. I. Sarah Adeline Egbert, of Tompkinsville. Md. in house of bride's mother in presence of witnesses William Henry Horton, ) ^.^jored Phoebe Ann Tenbroeck, j Thomas Jenkins, of Centreville Sarah Elizabeth Butler, of Prospect Hill, S. I. Md. at Parsonage Sunday evening Lawrence Md. in church in presence of friends Joseph Housman, of Factoryville Lydia Vanderbilt, of New Dorp. Md. at house of bride's brother-in-law Mr. Thomas Sharrot. Friends present 208 1858. John Henry Petersen, | „-i-__3 Feb. 4. Maria Sayles, J- colored Feb. 4. William Henry Smith to Diana Spicer, colored May 23. Carl August Brumhuber, of Bavaria Catharina Elizabeth Schade, of Hesse Cassel. Md. in church on Whitsunday June 30. Oliver Vanderbilt Sarah Houseman. Md. at Parsonage ^'^S- 25. Jacob Britton, of Quarantine Lena Van Pelt, of Quarantine. Md. at Parsonage Sept. 3. John Daniel Mahkin Anna Maria Oehlmann. Md. at Parsonage in evening in presence of Mrs. Maines & others Sept. 7. John E. Woodland, livery stable keeper, of Stapleton Maria Ward, of Stapleton. Md. at parsonage in presence of Abm. Egbert Oct. 2. John D. Fink Miss Barbara W. Bogart, of Centreville. Md. at house of bride's father Dec. 8. James Vreeland, son of Jacob Vreeland & wife, Eliza- beth Lockman Miss Elizabeth Martling, dau. of Stephen Martling, at whose house ceremony was performed Dec. 23. Wm. W. Hale Miss Elizabeth Blake. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Alb. Vroome & a lady 1859. Raymond Tysen Feb. 15. Miss Louisa Barnes. Md. at bride's parents in presence of friends Oct. 27. Albert Vroome Caroline Lafarge. Md. at house of Mr. Harmen Tysen in presence of friends Dec. 8. John D. Sharrot Harriet Houseman. Md. at Parsonage at New Dorp i860. John Stillwell, of Southfield Jan. I. Sarah Romer, of Westfield. Md. at Parsonage June I. John Sharret, Toad Hill Ellen Freegard. New Dorp Parsonage. Md. at 7^ A. M., at parsonage June 20. Abraham S. Wood Emeline C. Tysen. Md. at Moravian Parsonage in presence of Mr. Tunis Butler, Miss Johnson & Mrs. M. Vanderbilt June 25. Eugene Swift Sarah Ann Burbank. Md. at house of Mr. S. Martling in presence of friends Sept. 6. David M. Colon, policeman of N. Y. City Catharine Hendricksen, of Williamsburg. Md. at Par- sonage in presence of Mrs. James Colon Sept. II. James E. Abbatt Catharine Adeline Tysen. Md. in church in presence of friends 209 i86o. William Taylor Nov. 28. Emeline Egbert. Md. at house of Mr. Corns. Egbert, bride's father, in presence of friends Dec. 25. George Lewis Reader Catharine Vroom. Md. at Mr. Christopher Vroom's, the bride's father Dec. 27. James Simonson Ellen Egbert. Md. at house of bride's father, Edward Egbert 1861. William Balzer Jan. 6. Harriet Martling. Md. at Parsonage Jan. 25. William E. Emmons Seymore. Md. at Mr. Wobly's house near light- house Jan. 28. Peter Heal Emma Swift. Md. at house of bride's mother, in presence of relatives April 10. William Thompson Elizabeth T. Mallett. Md. at house of Mr. Taylor in Richmond April 14. Samuel L. Thompson Sarah Amelia Houseman. Md. at the Parsonage May 12. Elias Whitehead Elizabeth Summers. Md. at Church Sept. 5. Henry Armstrong Jane C. Johnson Sept. 22. William P. Alston Eveline Burbank. Md. at Mr. Burbanks at Centreville Dec. 18. Davis Carel Hapenny Susan Ann Cole. Md. at house of bride's parents, South side 1862. Richard Blake Vroom Feb. 2. Eleanor Briggs. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Miss Elizabeth Vroom Aug. 7. John Luckert Jane R. Van Pelt. Md. at parsonage in presence of friends Aug. 28. John P. Conklin Marietta Egbert. Md. in church By Rev. Eugene Leibert. 1862. Charles Perry Cole Oct. 19. Mary C. Burgher. Md. at Parsonage in presence of Mr. Burgher, Mr. Noble & several witnesses Dec. 24. Cornelius D. Guyon Mary L. Burgher. Md. in church in presence of large company 1863. William Briggs, of Buffalo, N. Y. Dec. 30. Susan A. Boone. Md. in Parsonage in presence of John Phillips & Jemima Boone 2IO Deaths and Burials, graveyard of moravian church at new dorp. Vandeventer, John, d. i6 Oct., 1758; 61 y. Vanderbilt, Jacob, d. 14 Dec, 1760 (family says 1759). Colon, Peter, son of Peter, d. 22 Nov., 1765; 14 m. Vanderbilt, Jacob, d. 20 Oct., 1768; 45 y., 9 m., 14 d. Connor, Anne, dau. of Richard Conor, d. 22 June, 1769; 18 y. Allison, Mary Catharine, d. 1770; 5 m. Vanderbilt, Nieltie, d. 9 Dec, 1770; 72 y. Colon, James, son of Peter Colon, d. 23 April, 1771; 18 m. Wendel, Thomas, son of John & Aletta Wendel, bur. 26 March, 1778; 11 m. Colon, Mary Magdalen, d. 26 Oct., 1779; 70 y. Egbert, Catharine, bur. 27 Nov., 1779; 31 y., 10 m. Ferine, Ann, wife of Peter, bur. 5 Feb., 1785. Conor, Cathrine, wife of Richard Connor, Esq., d. 24 June, 1787; 62 y., 4 m. Seymourson, Sr. Ann, wife of Bernard Seymourson of New York, d. IS Sept,, 1788. Haughwort, Mary, late Martino, wife of Peter Haughwort, d. 16 Oct., 1788. Van Pelt, Ann, a child, dau. of John Van Pelt, d. 23 Oct., 1788. Colon, Peter, widower, d. 10 Feb., 1789. Limner, Owen, widower, d. 7 April, 1789. Martino, Cathrine, single, d. 22 June, 1789. Enyard, Sr. Sussanna, single, d. 21 Dec, 1789. Enyard, Sr. Elizabeth, single, d. j Jan., 1890. Poillon, Sarah, late Connor, widow, d. 21 Jan., 1790. Egbert, child of Moses, at N. Y., d. 3 July, 1791. Ferine, Elizabeth, single, dau. of James Ferine, d. 8 Aug., 1791. Conor, Richard, Senr., widower, d. i Feb., 1792; 69 y. Egbert, Sr. Ann, Senr., d. 16 Jan., 1792. Ryersz, Sr. Cathrine, late Conor, d. 25 Feb., 1792. Ferine, Br. Daniel, md., d. 25 Nov., 1792. Cortelyou, Cornelius, a child, d. 26 Jan., 1794. Collon, David, a child, d. 22 May, 1794. Egbert, Sr. Mary, late Cortelyou, md., d. 18 May, 1795. Ferine, Br. Peter, md., d. 24 March, 1796. Miller, Sr. Mary, md., d. 2 Sept., 1796. Ryersz, Adrian, young man, d. 16 Sept., 1796. Ferine, Lucy, a girl, d. 8 April, 1797. Burgher, Mary Ann, a child, d. 29 Sept., 1797. Martino, Sr. Elizabeth, md., m. n. Lee, wife of Stephen, d. 4 April, 1798; 76 y., I m., 9 d. Colon, Sr. Mary, wife of George, m. n. Limner, d. 16 Dec, 1798, 47 y- Egbert, Cathrine, single, dau. of James & Eliz. Egbert, d. 30 July, 1800; 22 y., 5 m. Martino, Hannah, a child, dau. of Benjah & Hannah Martino, d. 4 Oct., 1800. Colon, George, youth, son of Geo. & Mary, d. i Nov., 1800. 21 I Martino, Stephen, widower, d. 9 May, 1801. Martino, Stephen, a child, son of Benajah & Hannah Martino, d. 28 Jan., jSo2. Colon, Catharine, wife of James, d. 24 Feb., 1802. Colon, Jane, single, d. 23 Nov., 1802. Colon, Elizabeth, single, d. 30 Nov., 1802. Lewis, Rebecca, late Colon, md , d. 4 April, 1803. Colon, Jonas, single, son of James & Catharine Colon, dec, d. 22 April, 1803; 21 y., 8 m., some days. Legier, Cornelius, child, son of Jacob Logier & Sarah, m. n. Beatty, d. 23 Sept., 1803; i y., 6 m., 8 d. Lewis, Jane, little child, b. 19 May, 1799, dau. of James & Rebekah Lewis, late Colon, dec, d. 28 Sept., 1803, in her 6th y. Colon, Br. James, widower, d. 9 Dec, 1803. King, John, little boy, b. 15 Nov., son of King & , m. n. Morgan, bur. 6 Dec, 1803, at Richmond. Burbank, little child, dau. of John Burbank, fisherman, & Ann, his w., m. n. Egbert, d. 19 Dec, 1803. Symonson, John, child of Reuben, d. 31 May, 1804; 5 y. Garritson, Elisabeth, m. n. Conner, d. 5 Oct., 1804; 43 y., 7 m. Egbert, Edward, md., d. Friday, Oct. 12, 1804. MORAVIAN CEMETERY AT NEW DORP. Skerret, Maria Martha, dau. of John Skerret & Francis Rooks. his wife, d. 26 March, 1807; about 4 w. Barton, Catharine, wife of Isaac Barton, dau. of James, dec, & Cath. Colon, dec; she was md. 2 Feb., 1805, & had one ch. which lived a few months; d. 4 April, 1S07; ^^ y. & nearly 9 m. Guyon, Francis, wife of Daniel Guyon, dau. of Hendrick Gar- ritson. Her parents belonged to D. Ref. Ch. about 1795. She was m., had 4 sons and 2 daus., all living now; d. 3 Aug., 1807; about 35 y. Vanderbeak, Mary, single, dau. of John Vanderbeak of Stat. Island & his wife Naatje Martinoe, both deceased; d. 24 Aug., 1807. Vanderbilt, Jacob, a child, b. 19 Feb., 1806, son of John Vander- bilt & Elizabeth, his wife, m. n. Taylor, d. 29 May, 1808; 2 y. & little over 3 m. Martino, Benjamin, a child, b. 25 Sept., 1803, son of Benajah Martino & his wife, by m. n. Decker, d. 15 Sept., 1808; almost 5 y- old. Burbank, Ann, m. n. Egbert, b 13 Feb., 1786, dau. John & Mary Egbert; md. John Burbank 4 Sept., 1802; had 4 children, eldest dead, 2 daus. & i son living; d. 23 Sept., 1808; 22 y. & near 9 m. Colon, Hannah, wife of Peter, m. n. Lewis, dau. of Lewis & his wife Billetje (now Colon); leaves 2 sons & i dau.; d. 2 Oct.. 1808. 212 Barger, Mary, wid. of Henry, m. n. Tyson, b. Aug., 1765; md. 14 May, 1783, Henry Barger, d. 24 Dec, 1804; dau. of Tyson & Mary, his wife; she had 5 chil., Jacob, David, Mary, John & Henry; 2 are md., & she has 2 gr. -children; d. 20 March, 1809. Lozier, Henry Cruse, infant, b. 28 Jan., 1809, son of Jacob Lozier & Sarah, his wife, d. 5 Nov., 1809. Ingraham, Eliza Margreth Rider, b. 24 April, 1809. dau. of Geo. Washington Ingi^aham & Elizabeth, his wife, d. 7 Feb., 1810. Egbert, Elizebeth, wife of James Egbert, m. n. Martino, b. 11 Feb., 1754, dau. of Stephen & Eliz. Martinoe, dec; md. James Egbert in 1777; had 3 sons, Stephen, Tunis & James, & 6 daus., Catharine, Eliz., Ann, Maria & Sara, one b. dead; Cath. dec, Stephen is md. & has 2 ch., they lived in N. Y.; d. 29 Sept., 1810; 56 y., near 8 m. Martino, Catharine Hanna, child, b. 13 Dec, 1808, on Staten Island, dau. (youngest) of Stephen Martino & wife Eleanor, m. n. Haughwout, d. 25 Jan., 181 1. Egbert, John, single, b. i Dec, 1789, son of Br. John Egbert & Mary, his wife, m. n. Holmes, d. 28 April, 181 1. Conner, Sarah, a child not baptized, dau. of Richard Conner & wife Sophia, m. n. Clawson, d. 5 July, 181 1; some m. Egbert, Mary infant, b. last Dec, dau. of Joseph Egbert & wife Jane, by m. n. Merlin, d. 19 Jan., 1812; about 5 weeks old. Egbert, an infant, dau. of Tunis Egbert & Sara, his wife, m. n. Barton, d. 31 March, 18 12; about 5 weeks. Beatty, Alfred Eberhard, infant, b. 24 April, 1812, son of Cor- nelius Beatty & Ann, his wife, by m. n. Jacobson; the parents moved to New York where he died, bur. 8 Aug., 1812. Egbert, Tunis, single, b. 11 Dec, 1786, in N. Y., second son of James Egbert & wife Elizabeth, m. n. Martino; Tunis learned trade of chair making in N. J., worked here when he died; d. 24 Sept., 1812 (stone, 25 y., 9 m.). Brown, Rev. Nathaniel, minister of the Brethren's Ch. on Staten Island, d. 11 July, 1813; 50 y., i d. Egbert, Benjamin, infant, b. 9 July, 1813, son of Abraham Egbert, farmer, & Ann Martino, his wife, d. 2 Oct., 1813. Egbert, Mary, wife of John, m. n. Holmes, b. in April, 1766, md. John Egbert, farmer & weaver, 12 March, 1782; had 12 chil- dren; d. 15 Oct., 1813; 47 y. Mott, Samuel, b. 10 Feb., 1791, son of Mrs. Mott; he d. of a malig- nant fever on Sandy Hook; d. 10 Jan., 1814. Barton, Tunis, infant, son of Wm. Barton, gr.-son of John Egbert, d. 2 Feb., 1814; 6 weeks. Skerret, Elisabeth, wife of Richard Skerret, shoemaker in Castle- ton township; d. 19 Feb., 1S14; 59J2 y. White, William, single, laborer, d. 6 March, 1814; 56 y. Davis, Sarah, m. n. Knox, d. 6 March, 1814; brought over from N. Y. & interred here. Scherret, Catharine Eliza, child, dau. of John Scherret & wife Frances Rooke; d. in N. Y., 12 March, 1814; 6 y., 22 d. 213 Beatty, Eleonore, child, dau. of Wm. Beatty, tanner & furrier, & Mary Barger, his wife, d. 26 Aug., 1814; 2 y., 3 m., 3 w. Ferine, Mary, wife of James, m. n. Stout, wife of James Ferine, tailor, of this Island, d. 26 Oct., 1814; about 60 y. Bedell, Elisabeth, wife of Cornelius, m. n. Jacobson, wife of Mr. Cornelius Bedell, farmer & miller, d. 24 Oct., 1814; 43 y., 3 m., 18 d. Martinoe, Benajah, married, farmer, b. 5 Oct., 1766, d. 21 Nov., 1814; 48 y., 1 m., 16 d. Barger, Catharine Mersereau, child, dau. of Jacob & Hannah Barger, d. 26 Nov. 1814; about 2 y. Crips, William, married, shoemaker, d. 23 Jan., 1815; 62 y. Egbert, Cornelius Cortelyou, md., son of Edwd. & Mary Egbert, d. I Aug., 1815; 32 y., 4 m., 3 d. Makings, John, formerly seaman, later soldier in U. S. service, d. 6 Aug., 1815; 43 y. Wood, Elizabeth, widow, b. 13 April, 1765; d. 30 Oct., 1S15; buried at expense of county. Stuart, William, child, b. 5 Jan., 181 2, son of Thomas & Hannah Stuart, d. 18 Nov., 1815. Egbert, Elizabeth, dau. of James & Elizabeth Egbert, communi- cant in this ch., d. i Feb., 1816; 31 y., i m., 3 w. Fountain, William, child, son of Anthony Fountain & wife, m. n. Ann Egbert, d. 12 Feb., 1816; 2 y. Dunn, Mary, wife of John Dunn of Richmond, d. 17 March, 1816, buried 19 March, 1816, by Methodist preacher; (stone, 37 y., 1 1 m.). Egbert, Stephen, son of James & Elizabeth Egbert, b. 24 Sept., 1779, d. I April, 1816; 36 y., 6 m., 7 d. McLean, Lake, single, d. — April, 1816. Brasted, John, from N. York, buried 23 April, 1816 (stone, d. 22 April, 1816); 46 y. & 29 d. McLean, James Potter, child, son of James & Mary Ann McLean, d. 14 June, 1816; i5 m., 2 w. Dustan, Oscar Fitz Patrick, son of William Dustan, d. 25 June, 1816; 5 y. Crips, Anthony, md., d. 4 July, 1816; about 22 y. Dunn, Isabella, wife of Robert, m. n. Vanderbilt, d. July 5, 1816, at New York. Butler, Isaac, married, farmer, d. 9 Aug., 18 16; about 60 y. Stillwell, Sarah, dau. of Daniel & Hannah Stilwell, d. 2 Nov., 1816; about 6 m., unbaptized. Martling, Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin Merlin, d. 26 Nov. 1816, Housman, , widow of Benjamin, d. 14 Dec, 1816. Cortelyou, Jacob, md., member of Bros, church, d. Feb. 7, 1817 (stone, 56 y., 5 m., 12 d.). McSwine, Sarah, widow, d. 2 April, 1817; 82 y. Merrill, , son of Capt. Abm. Merrill, d. 18 July, 1817. McSwine, Mary, single, d. 2 Aug., 1817; about 36 y. Stilwell, John, single, d. 17 Jan., 1818. Britton, John, single, from New York, son of John Britton waterman, near Quarantine, d. 19 Feb., 1818. 214 Martino, Benjamin, d. 26 May, 1818. Drury, Joseph, son of Susan Baker by former husband, d. 28 May, 1818. Conner, Sarah Lavinia, dau. of Richard Connor, Esq., & Sophia Clavvson, his wife, d. 4 July, 1818. Seguine, Sally Ann, dau. of Henry Seguine & Patience, his wife, m. n. Britton, d. 28 Aug., 1818. Wood, Catharine, wife of Moses, m. n. Colon, dau. of George & Mary Colon, d. 4 Sept., 1818. Hartman, Isabella Forker, wife of Rev. G. A. Hartman, m. n. Futton, d. I Nov., 1818; 27 y., 2 m., 27 d. Rook, Frederick Moehring, son of George Rook, d. at house of gr.-father, Br. Amos Rook, i Dec, 1S18. Driskyl, Ann, wife of Daniel, d. 20 Dec, 1818. Stilwell, Catharine, wife of Abraham, m. n. Housman, d. in April, 181S. Jennings, James, child, son of John Jennings & wife Catharine, m. n. Scherret, d. 27 Jan., 1819; 11 m., 9 d. Vroora, , a poor boy living at Anthony Fountain's, d. 2 March, 1819. Crips, Lenah, wife of Elisha, d. 12 March, 1S19. Cortelyou, Sarah Sprague, widow of Cornelius Cortelyou (stone, b. 10 April, 1735), d. 20 March, 1819; 84 y. lacking 6 d. Stilwell, Nicholas, single, d. 26 April, 1819; (stone, 72 y., 3 m., 19 d.) Lisk, , wife of John Disk, d. 24 May, 1819. De Forrest, Hugh, son of Capt. Deforest, son-in-law of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Senr., d. 19 June, 1819. Jacobson, John, Jr. (C. on stone), son of John V. D. Jacobson, Esq., d. 16 Sept., 1819 (stone, 26 y., 11 m., 5 d.). Scherret, , a child of Thomas Scherret, d. 22 Sept., 1819. Miller, Isaac, child, Thomas Miller & Maria, his wife, m. n. Haughabout, d. 22 Oct., 1819. Ferine, James, widower, d. 5 Dec, 1819. Ryerz, Sarah, a widow, d. Dec. 28, 1819. Marsh, , child of Robert & Rhoda Marsh, d. 14 Sept., 1819; buried on Episcopal ground. Stilwell, Henry, son of Daniel and Hannah Stilwell, m. n. Sharrot, d. I July, 1819. Simonson, William Gosen, son of Chas. & Mary Simonson, by m. n. Vanderbilt, d. 14 May, 1820. Barager, Henry, son of David & Mary Cortelyou, his wife, d. 13 July, 1820. Beattey, , son of John Beattey, Sr., & Bettsy, his wife, m. n. Lake, about one month & not yet baptized, d. 17 Dec, 1820. Mott, James, son of Stephen & Mary, his wife, m. n. Mitchel, d. 15 Aug., 182 1 ; 9 y.. "s m., 21 d. Dye, Charles, son of John Dye, near Quarantine, d. 10 Sept., 182 1; about 18 y. White, John, d. 19 Sept., 1821 of yellow fever; buried in Episco- pal ground; about 60 y. 215 Housman, Peter, son of Benjamin Housman, d. 13 Oct., 1821; 7 y., 9 m., 21 d. Housman, Edward Ferine, son of Benjamin Housman, d. 15 Oct., 182 1 ; 5 y., 1 1 m., 6 d. Egbert, Elizabeth Ann, youngest dau. of Tunis Egbert & Isabella, his wife, m. n. Vanderbilt, d. 29 Oct., 182 1; 11 m., 24 d. White, John, child of Richd. & Rebecca White, m. n. Dye, d. 3 Nov., 1S21; about 3 weeks old. StillwiU, Frances, single, a communicant in Bros, church, d. 26 Nov., 1821; 83 y., 5 m,, 15 d. McLean, William, d. i Jan., 1S22, at the Quarantine. Colon, George, born in Montpelliard County in Germany, 16 April, 1743, d. 23 Feb., 1822; 70 y., 10 ni., 7 d. Egbert, Abraham, d. 2 March, 1S22, at Blazing Star Ferry (stone, 56 y., II m., 2 d.). Beattey, Isabella, infant dau. of Jacob Beattey & Eliza, his wife, m. n. Cortelyou, d. 12 March, 1822; not quite 2 m. Martino, Stephen, md., d. 17 April, 1822 (stone, 61 y., 25 d.). Egbert. Warren Alston, son of Stephen Egbert & wife, m. n. Alston, d. 30 April, 1822. Steward, Thomas, md., d. 17 May, 1822. Sutlif, David, child, son of Valentine Sutlif of N. Y., & Penina, his wife, d. 18 July, 1822, at house of Christian Smith. Parkinson, Mary Jane, child of Leonard Parkinson, d. 2 Aug., 1822, buried at Richmond. Stilvvell, Abraham, d. 11 Aug., 1822; aged. Tucker, Abraham, d. 18 Aug., 1822; aged. Bogart, Hannah Maria, dau. of Simon Bogart, d. 6 Sept., 1822, of yellow fever, buried at Richmond. Dennis, Mahala, wife of Thomas, m. n. Russel, d. 12 Sept., 1822. McLean, , child of William McLean, d. 28 Oct., 1822. Stilwell, Susanna, wife of Joseph, d. 16 Dec, 1822. Crips, , son of Lawrence & Susan, his wife, d. 30 Jan., 1823. Thompson, Louis, d. 5 Feb., 1823. Crips, , a single man, son of Lawrence & Susan Crips, d. 11 March, 1823. Egbert, Sally Ann, dau. of Charles & Christiana Egbert, d. 10 May, 1823; about 9 y. Van Pelt, George, md., d. 12 May, 1823; fell overboard on way from N. York here. Beattey, William, son of Cornelius & Nancy Beattey, d. 26 June, 1823; about 1 1 y. Britton, Fanny, md., d. 27 June, 1823, of yellow fever. Clark, , child of Capt. Clark from Quarantine, d. 20 July, 1823. Keetch, Abigail, d. 6 Feb., 1824; 98 y. Vanderbilt, , child of Oliver & Hetty Vanderbilt, d. 24 March, 1824; d. soon after birth. Lozier, Catharine Eliza, infant, child of Jacob & Eliza Lozier, d. 5 April, 1824. Martino, Benjamin, d. 23 May 1824 (stone, 17 May, 1824); aged 82 y. Crips, Susan, wife of Lawrence, d. 17 June, 1824. 2l6 Martino, Stephen Vanranssalear, child of Abraham Martino & Ann, his wife, d. 5 Sept., 1S24. Stilwell, Abraham, d. 12 Sept, 1824 (stone, Sept. 12, 1824, aged 74 y., 6 m., 12 d.). Baker, , child of John & Sophia Baker, d. 23 Sept., 1824. Stilwell, - — , child of Daniel Stilwell & w., m. n. Scharrot, d. 28 Sept., 1824. Dunham, Amos, d. 9 Oct., 1824. Lake, Daniel, d. 16, Nov., 1824, at house of Jesse Bedell at Fresh- kill. Swaim, Dorothy, d. 4 Dec, 1824 (stone, 28 Nov., 1824); aged 71 y. Garretson, , child of John Garretson, Jr., d. 9 Jan., 1825. Egbert, Samuel, d 19, Jan., 1825. Martin, Charles, ch. of Revd. Mr. Martin of Baptist Ch., d. 20 April, 1825; about 4 y. Little, , Mr., d. 17 July, 1825. Beatty, Edward, Senr., d. 17 July, 1825; 82 y. Lake, Daniel, single, d. 19 July, 1825; near 30 y. Dorsett, Martha, d. 21 July, 1825; 69 y. Conner, George, son of Richd. Conner & Sarah, his wife, m. n. Egbert, d. 26 July, 1825. Burger, Ann, d. 5 Aug., 1825; in 90 y. Marsh, Sarah, d. 12 Aug., 1825 (stone, w. of Richard, d. 11 Aug., in 77 y); typhus fever. Praul, William, d. 17 Aug., 1825; typhus fever. Beatty, Eleanor, d. 24 Aug., 1825; typhus fever. Marsh, Richard, d. 20 Aug., 1825 (stone, m 82 y.); typhus fever. Dunn, , Mrs., mother of Judge Dunn of this Island, d. 3 Sept., 1825. Egbert. Henry Edward, infant, ch. of Edward Egbert & Hannah, his wife, m. n. Prue, d. 25 Sept., 1825, McClyman, Louisa, infant, dau. of William & Elizabeth Mc- Clyman, d. 26 Sept., 1825. Praul, David, d. 3 Oct., 1825 (stone, ' Prall,' in 57 y.); typhus fever. Egbert, , a child of Tunis J. Egbert, d. 11 Oct., 1825. Silvy, , a child of Frances Silvy, d. 15 Oct., 1825. Black, Sarah Eliza, child of John & Rachel, his wife, d. 22 Oct., .825. Egbert, Tunis, Sr., d. 5 Nov., 1825. Coursen, Hannah, d. 8 Nov., 1825; about 15 y. Scharrot, Mary Ann, ch. of Richard & Charity Scharrot, d. 24 Nov., 1825. Degroat, Henry, child of Patty Simonson, d. 5 Dec, 1825. Housman, Abraham, d. , 1825. Bodine, , a child of Nathaniel Bodine & Maria, his w., m. n., Garretson, d. 10 March, 1826. Decker, John Henry, son of John Decker & Ann, his wife, m. n. Egbert, d. 23 March, 1826; 2 y., 6 m., 2 d. Scharrot, Richard, Jr., single, son of Richard Scharrot & Eliza- beth, his wife, m. n. Winters, d. 31 March, 1826. Egbert, Charles, son of James & Sarah, his wife, m. n. Dey, d. 28 April, 1826. 217 Johnson, Peter, child of Peter & Hetty Johnson, m. n. Noble, d. 31 May, 1826. Praul, Alfred Cortelyou, ch. of David Praul, dec, & wife, Catha- rine, d. 2 June, 1826; about 15 m. Decker, Elizabeth, dau. of John & Ann Decker, d. 14 June, 1826; about 5 m. Dorsett, Amanda Elizabeth, dau. of John & Ellen Dorsett, d. 24 June, 1826. Guyon, Daniel, Esq., d. 29 July, 1826 (stone, 57 y., i m., 19 d.). Egbert, Gertrude M., ch. of Edward & Hannah Egbert, d. 12 Aug., 1826; 10 m., 3 w., 4 d. Decker, John, d. 19 Aug., 1826; 35 or 36 y. Egbert, Wargrett, child of Tunis, blacksmith, & Peggy, his wife, d. Sept. 20, 1826. Sharrot, Mary, wife of Richard Sharrot, d. 3 Oct., 1826, of yellow fever. Egbert, James, Jr., young, md., d. 4 Oct., 1826; typhus fever. Lewis, James, single, b. Dec. 6, 1801, d. Oct. 10, 1826; 24 y., 10 m., 4d. Fowler, Abigail, wife of Fowler of N. Y., d. 14 Oct., 1826. Sharrot, , wife of James, Sr., d. Oct. 19, 1826, at the Quaran- tine. Simonson, Sophia, single, d. 29 Oct., 1826; buried at Richmond. Wood, Polly, single, d. i Nov., 1826; buried at Richmond; aged. Crips, Rachel, d. 2 Nov., 1826; aged. Mersereau, , a child of Stephen, Jr., from Quarantine; d. 3 Nov., 1826; buried at Richmond. Hooper, , d. 4 Nov., 1826; buried at Richmond. Jacobson, John V. D., d. 11 Nov., 1826 (stone, 58 y.). Moore, Plinkel Fleeson Glentvvorth, son of Rev. David Moore of Episcopal ch. on this Island, d. i Dec, 1826. Dorsee, Evo, d. 28 Dec, 1826, at N.York (stone, d. 27 Dec. 37 y.). Stilwell, Joseph, single, d. 5 Jan., 1827; buried from his brother Abraham Stilwell's. Dye, John, d. 7 Jan., 1827; aged. Fardon, Dr. Isaac, d. 7 March, 1827; typhus. Egbert, Cornelius, child of Cornelius & Cath., m. n. Lake, d. 10 April, 1827. Egbert, James, son of Abm., dec, & Ann, his wife, m. n. Martino, d. 26 April, 1827. Jennings, James Lambert, ch. of John Jennings & Catharine, his wife, m. n. Sharrot, d. 11 May, 1827. Carver, Peter D., ch. of William Carver & Catharine, his w., m. n. Braisted, d. 21 July, 1827. Bodine, Isaac Burbank, ch.of Vincent & Mary Ann Bodine, m.n. Burbank, d. 6 Aug., 1827. Barnes, George, d. 11 Aug., 1827, typhus fever; middle aged. Thompson, Susan, md., d. 3 Sept., 1827. Randolph, a Mr. (stone, Fitz Randolph, Hartshorn), from N. York, d. 14 Sept., 1827 (stone, 13 Sept., 1827); 28 y. Barnes, Bathia, single, d. 20 Sept., 1827; aged; for many j'ears insane. 2l8 Vanderbilt, Benjamin Simonson, child of Aaron & Mary Vander- bilt, m. n. Simonson, d. i8 Oct., 1827. Egbert, James, Sr., d. 19 Oct., 1827; about 73 y. Fitzgerald, Margret Eliza, child of Michael Fitzgerald, d. 22 Oct., 1827; buried in Swaim family gr. at Richmond. Lake, Catharine, single, dau. of Joseph Lake, d. 28 Oct., 1827. Dye, Jolin, d. 27 Dec, 1827; about 62 y. Burtus, Gitty Ann, m. n. Stilvvell, d. 2 Jan., 1828; about 23 or 24 y. Sharrot, William, single, son of James Sharrot, Sr., at Quarantine, d. 16 Jan., 1S28. Johnson, Richard Taylor, ch. of Richard & Susan Johnson, d. 31 Jan., 1828. Lewis, Sarah Ann, ch. of James & Mary Lewis, d. 3 Feb., 1828. Stilwell, Marietta, ch. of Abraham & Mary Stilwell, d. 24 March, 1828; about 4 m. Stilwell, Joseph, d. 4 July, 1828; near 80 y. Garretson, Eliza, dau. of Major John Garretson & Catharine, his wife, dec, d. 12 Sept., 1828. Lemphy, , a German, d. 18 Sept., 1828, at John Guion's. Little, Margaret Eliza, wife of Richard D. Little, Esq., & dau. of John Dunn, Esq., & Mary Garritson, his wife, d. 19 Sept., 1828 (stone, 27 y., 8 m., 5 d.). Wood, Nancy, m. n. Bodine, wife of Stephen Wood & dau. of James Bodine, d. 20 Sept., 1828. Little, Emilie Teresa, child of Richd. D. Little, Esq., & his wife Margt. Eliza Dunn, d. 22 Sept., 1828; 9 m., 14 d. Bodine, Sophia, dau. of Nathaniel & Maria Bodine, d. 23 Sept., 1828; about 14 y. Jacobson, Israel Van Devender, ch. of Bedell Jacobson & Sarah, Ann, his wife, d. 28 Sept., 1828. Allen, , a Mrs., d. 30 Aug., 1828; from the house of Mr. Pardee. Dittens, , a child, d. 24 Aug., 1828; no minister attending. Vanderbilt, Jacob, son of John Vanderbitt, Sr., & Elisabeth, his wife, m. n. Taylor, d. 19 Oct., 1828; lockjaw; about 17 y. (stone, 19 y., 8 m.). Beattey, Edward, child of Jacob & Eliza Beattey, fell from a tree, d. I Dec, 1828; 10 or 11 y. Barton, Lucy, dau. of John Egbert, Sr., d. 15 Dec, 1828. Yates, Joseph, d. 23 Dec, 1828; quite aged. Ferine, , a child of John Ferine & Lucy Ann, his wife, m. n. Sharrot, d. 8 Oct., 1828; child not yet baptized. Beatty, William Addison, ch. of John Beatty & Hannah, of N. York, d. 31 Dec, 1828. Dorset, John William Beatty, John Dorset & wife, Ellen Cropsy, parents, d. 5 Jan., 1829. Baker, Joseph, d. 11 Jan., 1829; his body was afterwards removed to Baptist Church. Miller, , a child of Thomas Miller & gr.-ch. of Henry Miller, weaver, d. 24 Jan., 1829. Sequine, , child of Seguime, the son-in-law of John Britton at Quarantine, d. 27 Feb., 1829. 219 Sharrot, , child of James Sharrot, Jr., near Quarantine, d. 28 March, 1829. Shay, Henry, single, d. 26 May, 1829. Wood, Abbey Ann, wife of James Wood, m. n. Simonson, dau. of Reuben & Jane Simonson, d. 2 Sept., 1829; 18 y., 7 m., 3 d. Crocheron, John, md., d. 5 Sept., 1829. Egbert, Betsy, wid. of Samuel, Jr., d. 29 Oct., 1829. Stillweil, Peter, brother of Abraham of N. side from whose house he was buried, d. i Nov., 1829. Deforest, Capt. John, d. 22 April, 1829 (stone, d. 21 April, 1829, in 49 y)- Romer, Catharine, unbaptized, child of James Romer & wife, d. 26 Jan., 1830. Sharrot, Richard, Sr., d. 15 April, 1830; 81 y.; buried from his son James Sharrott's at Quarantine. Gilbert, Hannah Jane, child of James & Abbey Ann, d. 6 May, 1830. Lemory, , a child of widow Lemory, d. i July, 1830. Resszeau, Mrs. Polly, widow of Judge Resszeau, d. 19 July, 1830; buried on Swaim family ground. Butler, Cornelius Egbert, child of Daniel & Eliza Butler, m. n. Egbert, d. 13 Aug., 1830. Vanderbilt, Richard Taylor, son of John, Sr., & Elizabeth Van- derbilt, d. 12 Aug., 1830; near 15 y. (stone, 14 y., 9 m., 8 d.); cold produced symptoms of lock jaw. Dorset, Ellen C, wife of John Dorset, ra. n. Cropsy, d. 27 Aug., 1830. Williams, William, of Long Island, d. 13 Sept., 1830; 26 y.; buried at Richmond. Britton, John, child of James & Marietta Britton, d. 8 Sept., 1830. Merrell, Lafayette, ch. of Jonathan Merrell & Maria, his wife, m. n. Egbert, d. 10 Oct., 1830; about 6 y. Bodine, Nathaniel, md., d. 31 Oct., 1830. Egbert, John, Sr., d. 31 Oct., 1830; near 80 y. Stilwell, Daniel, single, d. 31 Oct., 1830; about 40 y.; buried from house of his Br. Abraham, North side. Wood, , widow of Saml,, d. 7 Sept., 1S30, buried at Richmond; died of yellow fever at Quarantine. Bodine, a child of Vincent & Mary Ann Bodine, d. 27 Jan., 1831; lived but one hour. Burgher, Catharine, wife of Col. Nicholas Burgher, d. 25 Jan., 1831. Bodine, Vincent, son-in-law of Isaac Burbank, d. 10 Feb., 1831. Rooke, Martha, wife of Amos Rooke, d. 24 Feb., 1831. Simonson, Barnt, d. 8 March, 1831; aged. Pardon, Eliza, widow of Dr. Isaac Fardon, d. 17 April, 1831, at New York. Barger, , child of Henry Barger, d. 13 May, 1831; born dead. Dunn, John W., son of Judge Dunn, dec, d. 30 June, 1831, at N. Y. (stone, in 24 y.). Garretson, Hermanns, son of Abraham & Eliza Garretson, m. n., Sanders, d. 31 July, 1831. 220 Swift, , child of Isaac & Eliza, d. i Aug., 183 1; unbaptized. Wandel, Mary Elizabeth, child of Mr. Danl. Wandel, d. 8 Aug., 1831. Prall, Edward Beatty, child of Abraham & Isabella Prall, m. n. Beatty, d. 9 Aug., 1S31. Vanderbilt, Hetty Maria, wife of Oliver Vanderbilt, d. i Sept., 1831. Hill, Elizabeth, wife of David, dec, of Long Island, d. 18 Sept., 183 1 ; buried from house of Mr. Doty. Bodine, Margrett, wife of James, Sr., d. i Oct., 1831. Kruzer, Henry, d. i Nov., 183 1; aged; buried in Baptist gr. in the Clove; formerly a neighbor but late of N. J. Clawson, Anna Maria, child of Daniel & Maria Clawson, d. 7 Nov., 1831; about 4 y. Egbert, Moses, d. 13 Nov., 1831; in 90 y. Miller, Elisabeth, wife of Henry Miller, m. n. Barton, d. 15 Nov., ■ 831. Beatty, , child of Jacob Beatty & Eliza, m. n. Cortelyou, d. 3 Dec, 1831; about i d., unbaptized. Beatty, Eliza, wife of Jacob, m. n. Cortelyou, d. 8 Dec, 183 1. Baker, Letty Ann, ch. of Joseph Baker, dec, & his wife Susan, d. 13 Dec, 1831; in Baptist gr. -yd. Simonson, Sarah, widow of late Barnt Simonson, d. 12 Feb., 1832; 68 y. Oblinis, Albert, ch. of Henry & Eliza, his wife, m. n. Burgher, d. 18 Feb., 1832. Dorset, John, Sr., d. 7 March, 1832; aged (stone, 7 March, 1832, 80 y., I m., 27 d.). Spong, Francis Maybury, child of Robert Spong & Mary, his wife, m. n. Johnson, d. 14 March, 1832. Egbert, Eugene Mortimer, son of John & Aletta Egbert of New York, d. 14 March, 1852; about 9 y. Cortelyou, Mary Frances, ch. of Jacob & Mary Cortelyou, d. 11 April, 1832. Egbert, Sally, d. 18 April, 1832, at Tunis J. Egbert's; aged widow. Gilbert, James Thomas Steward, child of James & Abby Ann Gilbert, d. 14 May, 1832. Vanderbilt, Cornelius (Commodore's father), d. 20 May, 1832; 67 y., 9 m. Dunn, Capt. Robert, of N. York, d. 13 June, 1832; 74 y. Seguine, Henry, d. 20 July, 1832, of Asiatic cholera. Innis, Mrs. Martha, wife of George, of N. Y., d. 11 Aug., 1832, of cholera at Capt. John Blake's on N. side (stone, 52 y., 11 m.). Stilvvell, Elizabeth, child, pirents D.iniel Stilwell & wife, Eliza, m. n. Crips, of Long Island, d. 11 Aug., 1832. Butler, Sarah Elizabeth, child of Vincent Bulter & Martha Ann, his wife, m. n. Svvaim, d. 14 Aug., 1832. Simonson, Nathan Runnels, a child of Isaac Simonson, d. 20 Aug., 1832. Cortelyou, , child, parents Lawrence & Eliza Cortelyou of N. Y., d. 2 Sept., 1832; not one hour old. 221 Christopher, Maria, wife of Joseph Christopher, d. 6 Sept., 1832. Christoplier, John Milton, her babe, in same grave, d. 6 Sept., 1832; both died of cholera. Christopher, Joseph, the husband, d. 8 Sept., 1832; cholera. Martino, EUenor, the mother of Maria Christopher, d. 15 Sept., 1832; cholera. Beatty, Jacob, widower, son of Edward Beatty, dec, d. 25 Sept., 1832, of cholera (stone, 25 Sept., 1832, 47 y.). Haughabout, Peter Nicholas, child, d. 16 Oct., 1832; parents, James Haughabout & Clarisse, his wife, m. n. Jolinson. Smith, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of James & Mary Smith, d. iS Oct., 1832, at Mr. Osborne's at Long Neck; about 8 m. old. Littell, Ann Maria, m. n. Dunn, wife of Richd. D. Littell, d. 24 Dec. 1832; 34 y., 5 m.; (stone, dau. of John Dunn, Esq., & his w., Mary Garritson.) Van Diiser, Louisa, infant dau. of Daniel Van Duser & Ellen, his wife, m. n. Vanderbilt, d. 7 Jan., 1833; 7 m , 7 d. Colored people whose names are not clear. Johnson, Tunis Van Pelt, child of Richard Johnson & Susan, his wife, m. n. Van Pelt, d. 25 Feb., 1833. Burgher, Alfred, a twin, a child of Matthias & Hannah Burgher, d. 13 March, 1833. Jacobson, Helletha, widow of John V. D. Jacobson, d. 5 April, Van Duser, Ellen, m. n. Vanderbilt, wife of Daniel C. Van Duser & dau. of Cornelius Vanderbilt, dec, d. 21 April, 1833. Egbert, Ann, widow of Abraham Egbert, dec, d. 25 April, 1833. \ Thompson, John E., d. 28 April, 1S33, at Tompkinsville. Siebern, Thomas, colored, d. 29 May, 1833. Barger, Jacob, of N. Y., rad., d. 12 Aug., 1833. Mott, Stephen, son of Mrs. Mott or (Shay) at Quarantine, d. 30 Aug., 1833; said to have died of yellow fever. Egbert, Isabella, wife of Tunis, m. n. Vanderbilt, daughter of John & Elizabeth Vanderbilt, d. 28 Sept. 1833. Cortelyou, Josephine, child of Lawrence & Eliza Cortelyou of New York, d. 22 Nov., 1833. Miller, Henry, d. 29 Nov., 1833; aged; a resident of this Island but formerly of Ireland, d. in N. Y. Crocheron, Ann, wife of Nicholas Crocheron, m. n. Guyon, dau. of Daniel Guyon, dec, d. 28 Dec, 1833. Miller, Mary Ann, grand-child of Br. Henry Miller, d. 5 July, 1833, at N. Y. Vanderbilt, Eliza, wife of Cornelius, Jr., son of John, d. 29 Jan., 1834. Lozier, Edward, single, d. 6 Feb., 1834. Carver, , a child from N. Y., d. 6 Feb., 1834. Beatty, Elizabeth, wife of John Beatty, Sr., d. 8 March, 1834. Burbank, Mary Adeline, child of John & Gertrude Burbank, d. 22 March. 1834. Butler, Catharine, dau. of James & Charity Butler, d. 24 March, 1834. 222 Bininger, Abraham, d. ii April, 1834; an aged member of the B>s. Ch. in N. Y. Little, , Mrs., mother of Derric Littell, d. 15 April, 1834. Oblenis, Henry, md., d. 24 April, 1834. Britton, James, child of James & Marietta Britton, d. 11 May, 1834; about 15 m. Cortelyou, Emma, wife of Peter, d. 22 May, 1834; 63 y., 4 m., 6 d. Beatty, Eleanor Louisa, child of Edward and Ann Beatty, d. 2 June, 1834. Egbert, , a child of Stephen & Hannah, his wife, d. 7 June, 1834. McSwaim, John, d. i July, 1834; in 67 year. Egbert, Hannah, wife of Stephen, of N. Y., d. 2 July, 1834. Spries, , a child of John, a German, at Quarantine, d. 5 July, 1834- Seaman, , a child of Capt. Benson Seaman, d. 9 July, 1834. Johnson, , a child of Peter, d. 26 July, 1834. Jacobson, , a child of Bedell Jacobson, d. 2 Aug., 1834; un- baptized. A German at Quarantine, d. 22 Aug., 1834; cholera. Britton, Abraham, child of James & Marietta Britton, d. 5 Oct., 1834; 5 y-. 5 m-, 7 d. Innis, John, son of Mr. George Innis of N. Y., d. 13 Oct., 1834. Haughawout, Dorcas, wife of Nicholas, d. 18 Oct., 1834; buried in D. Ch. gr. on North side. Burgher, , a child of James, d. 20 Oct., 1834. Haughwout, James, son of Nicholas Haughwout, d. 8 Nov., 1834. Beam, Eleanor, md., grand-daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Martino, d. 19 Nov., 1834, at N. Y. Martino, Raymond, child of Abraham, d. 2 Dec, 1834. Haughwout, Isaac Minton, son of Winant & Sarah Haughwout, d. 16 Dec, 1834. McLean, Ann, wife of Cornelius, dec, d. 27 Dec, 1834; 79 y. Britton, Mary, child of James & Mariette Britton, d. 20 Jan., 1835; 3 y., 6 m., 22 d. Britton, John, child of Abm. & Catharine Britton, d. 5 Feb., 1835; 2 y., II m., 5 d. Beatty, Cornelius, late of N. Y., son of Edward, dec, & Eleanor, dec, Beatty, both of this Island, d. 19 Feb., 1835. Perine, William Oscar, a child of John & Lucy Perine of N. Y., d. 20 Feb., 1835. Connor, Sarah, wife of Richard, Jr., d. 5 March, 1835. Haughawout, Rachel Ann, child of Winant & Sarah Haughawout, d. 8 March, 1835; 4 y., 9 m., 5 d. Moore, , a child of David & Mary Moore, d. 6 May, 1835; about 3 m. Swaim, John, d. 31 July, 1835; 66 y. Beatty, John, son of William & Polly Beatty of N. Y., d. 2 Aug., 1835- Egbert, Henry, single, son of Mr. John Egbert, dec, d. about 19 Sept., 1835; he resided at Amboy, N. J. Lake, Daniel, d. 6 Oct., 1835. 223 Simonson, Sarah Ann, dau. of Barnt & Sarah Simonson, dec, d. 13 Oct., 1835; she was member of Bap. Cli. in N. Y. Mass, , a child of Francis & Lydia Mass., d. 14 Oct., 1835. Burr, Barzillai, son-in-law of Br. John Beatty, d. 12 Nov., 1835; formerly of N. J., lately of N. Y. Crips, Polly, wife of Lawrence, d. 19 Nov., 1835. Lozier, , a child of Jacob & Eliza Lozier, d. 29 Nov., 1835. Lozier, Mary Ann, child of above, d. 4 Dec, 1835. Butler, Vincent, md., d. 30 March, 1835; about 32 y. Beatty, Annethie Vooris, child of Edward & Ann Beatty, d. 2 Jan., 1836. Halle, Lafayette Mathias, son of Abm. Herman Halle, d. 28 Jan., 1836. Bodine, Rosanna, wife of William, d 6 Feb., 1836. Bodine, , a child of William, d. 8 Feb., 1836; buried with the mother. Stilwell, Thomas, and aged man, d. 26 Feb., 1836; froze to death. Mersereau, , a child of Joshua & Maria Mersereau, d. 7 March, 1S36; 15 m., unbaptized. Egbert, Eliza, wife of Joseph, d. 17 March, 1836. Vanderbilt, Catharine, child of Capt. Oliver Vanderbilt, d. 20 April, 1836. Vanderbilt, Oliver, child of Capt. Oliver Vanderbilt, d. 14 May, 1836; 15 m. Butler, Charity, wife of James, d, 3 June, 1836 (stone, 46 y.). Jacobson, , a child of Cornelius Jacobson of N. Y., d. 3 Aug., 1836. Burgher, , a child of John, d. 8 Aug., 1836. Squire, Mary Louisa, child of John Squire, d. 21 Aug., 1836; 3 m. Dissosway, Israel Fitz Randolph, child of Israel & Lucretia Dissosway, d. 2 Sept., 1836; buried in Jacobson ground. Egbert, , a child of Cornelius & Catharine, d. 30 Sept., 1836; about 12 w. old. Perry, , Mrs., d. 15 Oct., 1836; a French or Swiss woman. Broadhead, a child of Mr., d. 18 Oct., 1S36. Vanderbilt, George Washington, son of Capt. Cornelius Vander- bilt of N. Y., d. 16 Nov., 1836; about 4 y. old. Frost, Caroline, dau. of Samuel, of N. Y., d. 30 Nov., 1836. Steward, , a child of Abraham Steward of N. Y., d. 3 Dec, 1836; about 2 y. McClennent, William, d. 12 Dec. 1836. Lewis, Margaret, single, d. 9 Feb., 1837; aged. Barger, Matilda, wife of Henry, dau. of Samuel Frost of N. Y., bur. 15 March, 1837. Mozier, , a child of Mr.,d. 29 March, 1837; residing in the Manor. Barger, , infant child of Henry Barger & his wife, Matilda, dec, m. n. Frost, d. 2 April, 1837. Jacobson, Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius, of N. Y., m. n. Housman, d. 2 April, 1837. Swaim, Mott, d. 3 May, 1837. Harvey, Sophia D., wife of R. Harvey of Brooklyn, m. n. Drink- water, d. 15 May, 1837. 224 Connor, James Egbert, son of Richard Connor & Sarah, his wife, dec, d. 4 June, 1837. Vance, James Wadsworth, son of Oliver and Sarah Vance, d. 12 July, 1837. Lozier, Jacob, d. 29 July, 1837. Van Duzer, Daniel Theodore, son of John & Sarah Van Duzer, d. 9 Sept., 1837. Cropsy, Harmon, son of Harmon, d. 17 Oct., 1837. De Forrest, John J., d. i Nov., 1837. Innes, Jane, b. 25 Dec, 1837. Martling, Garret, child of Stephen & Mary Ann, b. in Aug., 1837, d. I Jan., 1838. Beatty, Louisa, dau. of Edward & Ann Beatty, d. 12 Jan., 1838. Morgan, , Mrs., widow, d. 9 March, 1838. Vanderbilt, Isabella, d. 6 April, 1838. Innes, Mary, d. 7 April, 1838. Bryant, Jane, d. 10 April, 1838. Bodine, James, d. 13 May, 1S38. Martling, Mary Ann, wife of Stephen, d. 3 July, 1838. McClennent, , an illegitimate ch. of Mrs. McClennent's, d. 15 June, 1838. Burckhard, ch. of Jacob & Theresa Burckhardt, d. 15 Aug., 1838. Morris, Elizabeth, d. 22 Sept., 1838. Mercereau, Lucretia, dau. of Joshua & Maria Mercereau, d. 19 Sept., 1838. Allen, Jacob Hand, d. 27 Oct., 1838. Mercereau, Maria, d. 8 Nov., 1838. Egbert, John d. 17 Jan., 1839 (stone, son of Joseph & Jane Eg- bert, 23 Jan, 1839, 35 y., 5m.. 23 d.). Peckman, , a child of Mr. H., d. 31 Jan., 1839. Burbank, Isaac, son of Edward & Jane Burbank, d. 2 Feb., 1839. Housman, Benjamin, d. 26 Feb., 1839. Baker, , ch. of John & Eliza Baker, d. 17 March, 1839. Butler, Isaac, son of James & Charity, his wife, d. 18 April, 1839 (stone, in 25 y.). Ferine, James, d. 22 April, 1839. Burgher, , Col., at Quarantine, bur. 25 May, 1839. Burgher, James L., of N. Y., d. 31 July, 1839. Garretson, Col. John, old town, d. 13 Aug., 1839. Burgher, Emeline, dau. of John, d. 20 Oct., 1839. Sharrot, James, at Quarantine, d. 74 Dec, 1839. De Forest, Gerardus, Tompkinsville, d. 29 Jan., 1840 (stone, 29 y., 5d). Innes, Miss Martha, of N. Y., d. 18 March, 1840. Brittain, Mary Etta, dau. of James Britton, of N. Y., d. 29 March, 1840. Vanderbilt, Frederick Putnam, son of Jacob Vanderbilt of N. Y., d. 6 April, 1840 (stone, 9 w.). Ferine, , infant child of John & Lucy Ann Ferine of N. Y., d. 18 Aug., 1840. Burgher, Lydia, d. i Dec, 1840; bur. in Col. Burgher's family plot. 225 Burbank, Gertrude, d. 2 Dec, 1840. Simonson, Cornelius, of N. Y., d. 11 Dec, 1840 (stone, 35 y., 2 m., 8 d., also Mary Osborn, his wife, b. 29 June, 1815, d. 8 Oct., 1883). Whitsworth, , an infant ch. of John Whitsworth, Jr., bur. 16 Dec, 1840. Egbert, Hannah, d. 24 Dec, 1840. Whitworth, John, d. 27 Dec, 1840. Simonson, John King, an infant son of Cornelius Simonson & Mary, d. 21 Jan., 1841 (stone, d. 13 Jan., i y., 9 m.). Smith, John W., an Englishman, a native of London, d. 23 Jan., 1841 (stone, 57 y., 11 m., 23 d.). Stilwell, Abraham, d. 9 Feb., 1841. Steward, Sarah Elisab., infant dau. of Anthony & Mary Steward, d. 8 March, 1S41. Gildersleave, , d. 2 April, 1841. Sharrott, William, d. 2 April, 1841. Egbert, , Mrs., wife of Tunis, of N. Y., m. n. Barton, d. 7 May, 1841. Dustan, , Major, d. 23 May, 1841 (stone, 81 y., 8 m., 8 d.). Dugan, Mary, of N. Y., bur. i June, 1841. Scharrott, Thomas, d. 5 June, 1841. Britton, , infant of James & Mary Etta (or Ella) Britton, d. 6 June, 1841. Scharrott, Mrs. Martha, wife of Thomas, dec, d. 20 June, 1841. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, son of John, d. 22 June, 1841. Hughes, James Cubberl}', an infant child of Barry Hughes, d. 28 June, 1841. White, , wife of Richard, d. 3 July, 1841. Marlin, , wife of Benjamin, d. 20 Aug., 1841. Ferine, Lucy Ann, wife of John Ferine, d. 20 Aug., 1841. Thorn, Emily Augusta, infant, d. 25 Aug., 1841. Housman, , a child of Richard, bur. 30 Sept., 1841. Cripps, James, Senr., bur. 11 Oct., 1841. Simonson, Emeline, d. 14 Oct., 1841. Ferine, Feter, of N. Y., d. — Sept., 1841. Van Felt, ■, infant of Br. Van Pelt of N. Y., d. — Oct., 1841. Egbert, Jane, wife of Joseph, d. 27 Oct., 1841. Gibson, Mr. A. C, of N. Y., d. 31 Oct., 1841 (stone, native of Scot- land, 36 y.). Winant, Mark, d. 20 Nov., 1841. Vanderbilt, Mary, d. 27 Dec, 1841. Fitz Randolph, an infant dau., d. 8 Feb., 1842. Dunn, Edward, of N. Y., d. 7 Feb., 1842. Waller, Jocelyn, of N. Y., d. 5 April, 1842; bur. in Col. Burgher's plot. Sylva, Cornelius, d. 10 April, 1842. Beatty, Ellenor Louise, infant dau. of E. Beatty, Jersey City, d. 20 April, 1842. Dustan, William Saml., d. — May, 1842 (stone, 23 or 28 April, 40 y., 4 m., 25 d.). Romer, Mary, d. 30 July, 1842. 226 Lake, Joseph, d. i8 Aug., 1842 (stone, 18 Aug., 1842, 38 y.). Winant, Charles H., an infant, bur. 20 Aug., 1842. Krapf, Conrad, d. 31 Aug., 1S42. Burgher, Robert, infant," from N. Y., bur. 5 Sept., 1842. Dustan, Harriet Jean, d. 14 Sept., 1842. Cortelyou, , infant ch. of Jacob, bur. 10 Sept., 1842. Rook, Amos, Sen., d. 30 Sept., 1842; 89 y., 6 m., 13 d. Egbert, Cornelius, bur. 13 Oct., 1842. Lake, Catharine, Arthur's wife, bur. 15 Oct., 1842. Fountain, , illegitimate child of Mary, bur. i6 Oct., 1S42. Egbert, John, of N. Y., bur. 26 Oct., 1842. Cropsy, Nicholas, of N. Y., bur. 9 Nov., 1842. Butler, James, d. 24 Dec, 1842; in 58 y. Connor, Sophia, d. 14 Jan., 1843. Cripps, , child of James, at Quarantine, d. 16 Jan., 1843. Clark, , from Quarantine, d. — Feb., 1843. Egbert, John, d. 17 March, 1843. Martino, Angelina, bur. 6 April, 1843 (stone, dau. Abraham & Ann, d. 4 April, 1843, age 20 y., 6 m.). Wood, -, infant, James & Emily Wood, d. 7 April, 1843. Bodine, Sarah Ann, infant of Abm., d. 19 May, 1S43. Swaim, INLartha, d. 28 Maj', 1843. Egbert, Alfred, of N. Y., d. 17 June, 1843. Cortelvou, , infant ch. of Lockman Cortelyou, bur. 30 June, 1843. Lake, Mary Gifford, infant, d. 26 July, 1S43. Britton, , child of James, of N. Y., pilot, bur. 29 July, 1843. Lake, Adriana B., infant, d. 19 Sept., 1843. Egbert, J. Holmes, d. 21 Sept., 1843. Siersema, Unitas, infant, bur. 30 Sept., 1843. Lawrence, Mary, of N. Y., bur. 8 Nov., 1843. Merry, Harriet, of N. Y., d. 4 Jan., 1844. Fountain, , Mrs., bur. 7 Feb., 1844. Dunn, D. V., bur. 27 Feb., 1S44 (stone, Dorothy Vanderbilt Dunn, d. 24 Feb., 38 y., 4 m., 1 d.). Littell, , infant of Judge, bur. 29 Feb., 1844. Broadhead, , Mrs., bur. 21 March, 1844. Lewis, Mrs. Ann, bur. 22 March, 1844. Spragg, , child of J., bur. 3 April, 1S44. Downes, , Mrs., bur. 11 April, 1844. Turner, , a child, bur. i May, 1844. Baker, , ch. of John Baker, bur. 14 May, 1844. Connor, , infant son of R., bur. 24 May, 1844. Lake, Mrs. Violetta B., d. 30 May, 1844. Vanderbilt, Jacob Ellis, d. 2 June, 1844 (stone, 2 y., 10 m., 6 d.). Schaber, Margaret, bur. 16 June, 1844. Jackie, J. L., d. 19 Aug., 1S44. Sharrott, Thos. Jeff., bur. 22 Aug., 1844. McLean, Mrs. Charles & infant, bur. 5 Sept., 1844. Swaim, , inft. of Math., bur. 10 Sept., 1844. Simonson, Reuben, d. 19 Sept., 1844. Van Pelt, inf. dau. of Abrm. of N. Y., bur. 2 Oct., 1844. 227 McClynnon, , child of Joseph, bur. i Nov., 1844. Cripps, Anthony, bur. 3 Nov. 1844. Kettletas, Peter, d. 13 Jan., 1845 (stone, d. 12 Jan., 3;^ y., 11 m., his wife, Mary, b. 5 April, 1812, d. 25 Sept., 1887). Garretson, Sr. Eliza, d. Jan. 30, bur. Feb. i, 1845. Miller, Isaac, of Jersey City, d. 2 April, 1845. Morris, Elizabeth, a cliild, bur. April, 16, 1845. Prince, Mary, bur. April 17, 1845, in Robt. Prince's ground. Egbert, , inft. son of Holmes, bur. 26 April, 1845. Burger, Joseph, of Texas, bur. 2 May, 1845. Fountain, Abraham, of N. Y., bur. 22 May, 1845. Siersema, Phoebe Ann, d. 26 May, 1845. Hughes, George VV., child, bur. 9 June, 1845, in same grave with Hughes' former ch. Guebet, a/ias Gilbert, , a Frenchman, bur. 13 June, 1845. Lewis, James, d. 15 June, 1845. Mott, , Mrs. Decker, , ch. of David. Burger, Jacob, bur. 3 July, 1845. Corson, Alfred, infant, bur. 17 July, 1845. Braisted, Garret, bur. 22 July, 1S45. Cross, James, inft., bur. 26 July, 1845; in Vanderbilt ground. Earle, James, bur. 29 July, 1845. Simonson, Mrs. Mary, bur. 11 Aug., 1845 (stone, wife Charles M., in 57 y-)- Innis, George, of N. Y., bur. 12 Aug., 1845. Kissam, M. A., of N. Y. (stone, Thomas M'Auley, d. 27 Aug., 1845, b. 28 Aug., 1823, son Rev. Samuel Kissam). Rives, , Mrs., N. Y. Saunders, , Mrs., d. 18 Sept., 1845. Alston, Mrs. Sarah Ann, d. 19 Sept., 1845. Stewart, Samuel, an inft., bur. Sept. 26, 1845. McSwaim, Sarah, d. 27 Oct., 1845. Squires, Martha, bur. 31 Oct., 1845. Burger, , child of Step., bur. 23 Nov., 1845. Mills, , child of John, bur. 11 Jan., 1846. Swaim, Mathias, bur. £3 Jan., 1846. Kinsey, Charles Cortland, bur. 20 Jan., 1846. Egbert, Thos. Holmes, d. 21 Feb., bur. 23 Feb., 1846. Burger, John, Jr., d. 22 Feb., 1846. Britten, G. W. O., inft., d. 30 March, 1846. Puillon, James, Jr., d. 27 March, 1846. Fountain, , ch. of Abm., of N. Y., bur. 5 April, 1846. Allen, , child of Mr., of N. Y., bur. 14 April, 1846, in Vander- bilt yard. Beatty, Wm., Senr., of N. Y., bur. 6 June, 1846. Anderson, , an inft., bur. 29 June, 1846. Scott, Mary Caroline, bur. 13 July, 1846. Kettletas, Stephen, d. 2 Aug., 1846 (stone, 81 y., 29 d.; Ann, wife Stephen Kettletas, b. 7 Aug., 1788, d. 28 Feb., 1864; his ist wife d. 1813). 228 Littell, Eveline P., inft. dau. of Judge Richd. & Rebecca Littell, bur. 30 July, 1846; 10 vv., 15 d. Tonpet, Henrietta V., of N. Y., bur. 5 Aug., 1846. Ebbet, , inft. of D. Ebbet, bur. 6 Aug., 1846. Johnson, , inft. of D., bur. 15 Aug., 1846. Stacy, , inft. of Mr., bur. 29 Sept., 1846. Crips, Charles, bur. 24 Oct., 1846. Dustan, Capt. Isaac of steamer Atlantic, bur. -9 Nov., 1846, in Simonson's ground. Lozier, John, d. 16 Dec, 1846. Sanders, Peter, d. 11 Jan., 1847. Martino, , Miss, bur. — Feb., 1847 (stone, 10 Feb., 1847, Eliza- beth, dau. Abraham & Nancy, 17 y., 8 m.). Child of a foreigner, bur. 12 March, 1847. Moore, Mary, bur. 21 March, 1847. Bradly, Mrs. Ellen V., bur, 22 March, 1847. Beatty, , inft. dau. of Edward, of N. Y., bur. 26 March, 1847. Prine, Joseph (Sharrot's brother), bur. — April, 1847. Reed, Susan P., of N. Y., bur. 22 April, 1847. Corson, Leonard, of S. I., bur. 23 April, 1847. Lake, , Mrs., widow, bur. 24 April, 1847. Lozier, Jacob, d. 5 June, 1847, Miller, George, of N. Y., bur. 23 June, 1847. Kinsey, James P., of N. Y., d. 26 June, 1847. Garretson, Jacob, Senr., of Clifton, bur. 15 July, 1847. Vroom, Georgiana, bur. July 27, 1847. Egbert, , inft. of Jac. Sharrot, John, Blacksmith, d. 11 Aug., 1847 (stone, 63 y.,5 m., 12 d.). Reed, , inft. of Susan P., dec, bur., 14 Aug., 1847. Vanderbilt, Capt. John, d. 13 Aug., 1847 (stone, 55 y., i m., 11 d.). Metcalf, , a child of Richard, bur. 10 Sept., 1847. Turner, Jeremiah, bur. 19 Oct., 1847. Merril, Maria, of N. Y., bur. 4 Dec, 1847. Simonson, Josephine Vanderbilt, child of Ch. & Sarah A. (stone, d. 4 Dec, 1847); 2 y., 24 d. Egbert, , child of T., a daughter, bur. , 1848. Cripps, , wife of J. Littell, Henrietta, inft. of Judge, dau. of Richd. & Rebecca, d. la Jan., 1848. Tompson, , "old Mr." Townsend, , ch. of Mr., of N. Y., bur. 4 Feb., 1848. McSwain, Vincent, bur. 12 Feb., 1848. Dening, Raymond P., d. 24 March, 1848. Martin, , inft. dau. of Ol. R. & S., d. 15 April, 1848. Beatty, Henry, inft., N. Y,, d. 17 June, 1848. Binninger, Catharine E., d. July 11, 1848. Tiboux, , Mrs (Phila.), d. 21 July, 1848. Cross, John, d. 21 July, 1848. Tyson, Elizabeth, late Cortelyou, d. 2 Aug., 1848. Lake, (John), bur. Aug. 6 to 11, 3 children in one grave. Borth, Johan, d. 16 Aug., 1848. Rathyen, Anna, infant, d. 24 Aug., 1848. 229 Vanduzer, Sarah Elizabeth, d. 25 Aug., 1848. Cortelyou, George Adolph, d. 26 Aug., 1848. De Forrest, Julia, bur. 8 Sept., 1848 (stone, Julia Selina, b. 25 May, 1825, d. 8 Sept., 1848). Housman, Richard, bur. 8 Sept., 1848. Garretson, Catharine, wid. of Jacob, bur. 20 Sept., 1848. Toupet, , inft. of Mr., bur. 22 Sept., 1848. Townsend, , inft. of Mr. of N. Y., bur. 26 Sept., 1848. Lake, Joseph, Jr. (John's), bur. 28 Sept., 1848. Madden, John (Irish Catholic). Racy, , child of Charle's, bur. 30 Sept., 1848. Winant, , child of Wm., bur. 2 Oct., 1848. Seguine, Rachel, bur. 3 Oct., 1848; 94 y. Cummings, , Mrs. of N. Y., bur. 8 Oct., 1848. Gasquoine, , child of H., of Clifton, bur. 9 Oct., 1848. Lenting, John, bur. 6 Nov., 1848. Garretson, Cornelius (Jacob's), bur. 17 Nov., 1848. ' Smith, Frances, of N. Y., bur. 29 Nov., 1848. Simonson, Chas. V., a child, N. Y., bur. 4 Dec., 1848 (stone, d. 3 Dec; 13 y., 4 m., 24 d.). Hibbits, Oscar, a child, N. Y., bur. — Dec., 1848. Romer, Ann, bur. 16 Jan., 1849. Randal, , ch. of John, bur. 18 Jan., 1849. Jacobs, Wm. W., bur. 28 Jan., 1849; 47 y., 2 m. Jemison, Sarah E., of N. Y., bur. 3 Feb., 1849; 4 y., 11 m. Swift, Margaret, bur. 30 March, 1849. Mills, Eliza Ann, m. n., Egbert, d. 9 April, 1849. Cargill, Abraham, N. Y., bur. — June, 1849. Van Pelt, George, bur. 24 June, 1849. Stockdale, Charity, N. Y., bur. 26 June, 1849. Boyd, , aged Irishman, bur. 9 July, 1849. Boyd, Rebecca (Irish), bur. 18 July, 1849. Quinty, Anthony, bur. 22 July, 1849. Sharrot, Mary (Quarantine), bur. 14 July, 1849. Stilwell, Harriet (Thorn. 's), bur. 28 July, 1849. Sharrot, , child of Wm., bur. 31 July, 1849. Clauder, Charlotte Jane, a twin, daughter of Rev. H. G. Clauder, Pastor of ch., d. 3 Aug., 1849; 8 y., 5 m., 13 d. Mosier, Charles, d. 10 Aug., 1849; 4 y. Mosier, , Mrs., bur. 14 Aug., 1849. Metcalf, , a child, bur. 19 Aug., 1849; 3d y. Jacobs, Augusta, N. Y., bur. 28 Aug., 1849; 4^ m. Stephenson, , a child of Mr., d. 5 Sept., 1849; i y. Fountain, William, d. 31 Aug., 1849. Summers, , a child of Robert, d. 29 Aug., 1849; i w. Egbert, Abraham T., d. 13 Sept., 1849; 34 y. Steers, John, Jr. (Charle's), d. 19 Sept., 1849; 17 y. Steers, Thomas, d. 21 Sept., 1849. Fountain, Catharine, bur. 24 Sept., 1849; 44 y. Van Duzer, John, d. 4 Oct., 1849; 49 y. Drake, Evelina A., bur. 11 Oct., 1849, in Mrs. C. Heath's ground; 24 y., 10 m. 2 30 Randolph, , child of John, bur. 23 Oct., 1849; 7 y. Allen, Peter W., N. Y., bur. 27 Oct., 1849; 45 y. Wandell, Peter S., d. 28 Oct., 1849; 48 y. (stone, b. 7 May, 1800, d. 28 Oct., 1849; also Elisa, wife Peter S. Wandell, b. 23 April, 1803, d. 14 Oct., 1893). Egbert, , inft. son of E Iwd., bur. 11 Nov., 1849; i y. Bodine, Jacob H., bur. 6 Dec, 1849; 5 y., 8 m. Bedel, Mrs. Jesse, d. 15 Jan., 1850; 70 y. Smith, Sarah Ann, N. Y., bur. 25 Jan., 1850; 42 y. (stone, d. 20 Jan., 1850, b. 16 Aug., 1808); has mother & is next to Jere- miah Smith. Simonson, Catharine, bur. 20 Feb., 1850; 61 y. Kinsey, , Mrs. of N. Y., bur. 9 March, 1850. Beatty, , child of Vanras, bur. 19 March, 1850. Beatty, Mrs. Mary, bur. 20 March, 1850; 63 y. Burbank, Isaac, d. 21 March, 1850; 68 y., 9 m., 8 d. Latimer, John, Clifton, d. 3 April, 1S50. Bodine, Vincent, bur. 10 April, 1850, in Burbank ground ; 21 y., I m. Hand, Patrick, bur. 3 May, 1850. Winant, , gr.-ch. of Danl., bur. 12 May, 1850. Rogers, , inft. of O. M., bur. 22 May, 1850. Egbert, Richard, bur. 24 April, 1850; 85 y. Britton, , infant son of D., bur. 29 May, 1850. Burger, Mathias, d. 10 June, 1850; 24 y., 2 m. Parker, Ann M., N. Y., bur. 18 June, 1850; 6 y., 6 m. Copes, Francis, bur. 25 June, 1850; 2 y., 6 m. Burns, , bur. i July, 1850; 31 y. Merry, Julia, N. Y., bur. 2 July, 1850; 14 m. Tucker, George, bur. 30 July, 1850. Steers, William, infant, bur. 20 Sept., 1850; 11 m. Cortelyou, Mary (Jacob), d. 28 Sept., 1850; 40 y. Van Pelt, John, d. 17 Oct., 1850; 49 y., 11 m. Smith, Sarah, of N. Y., d. 27 Nov., 1850; 62 y. Baker, , infant of John L., bur. 30 Nov., 1850; 14 m. Lange, Sophie, d. 2 Jan., 1851. Pachtman, Charles, N. Y., d. 11 Jan., 1S51; 30 y. Swift, Isaac B., d. 10 Jan., 1851; 46 y. Cripps, James, bur. 12 Feb., 1851; 21 y., 6 m. Conner, Jane, bur. 27 Feb., 1851; 30 y. Vanderbilt, John, Sr., bur. 27 March, 1851; 81 y., 5 m. (stone, 81 y., 7 m., 27 d.). Neats, William, Sr., bur. 13 April, 1851; 50 y. Torrence, Elliot, bur. 18 April, 185 1; 14 m. Van Allen, , Mrs., bur. 3 May, 1851. Summers, John, Sr., bur. 12 May, 1851; 65 y. Egbert, Abraham, Senr., bur. 19 June, 1851; 60 y. Burger, John, Sr., bur. 20 June, 185 1; 58 y. Touppet, E. lyouisa, bur. 24 June, 1851; 22 m. Pfohl, Louisa T., Salem, N. C., bur. 27 June, 1851; 20 y. Steers, , a child, bur. 29 June, 1851. Humphreys, Asa, a child, bur. 4 July, 185 1; 22 m. 231 Connor, , a child of V. V., bur. 17 July, 1851. Lake, , Mrs., a widow, bur. 28 July, 1851; 69 y. Vanderbilt, Dane Ellenwood, bur. 31 July, 1851, in Capt. Vander- bilt's ground; i y. Bodine, John, of N. Y., bur. 3 Aug., 185 1; 24 y., 9 m. Senne, Christian, bur. 5 Aug., 1851; 81 y. Dugan, , bur. , 1851; 56 y. Laforge, , child, bur. 21 Aug., 1851. Siersema, Frederick Henry, bur. 24 Aug., 1851; 2J2 y. Sprague, Sarah M. (Decker), bur. 30 Aug., 185 1; 33 y. Egbert, , infant of J., bur. 4 Sept., 1851; 18 m. Stile, Isabella, bur. 2 Oct., 185 1; 59 y. Cripps, , inft. ch, of Wm., bur. 11 Sept., 1851. Fountain, John V., bur. 5 Oct., 1851. Vredenburg, , Mr., bur. 29 Oct., 1S51. Seguine, , ch.. Quarantine, bur. 10 Nov., 185 1; 5 m. Lenting, John, Senr., bur. 23 Nov., 185 1; 57 y. Stacy, , at Clifton, bur. 15 Jan., 1852; 39 y. Metcalf, , child, at Clifton, bur. , 1852; 10 y. Corson, Catharine, bur. 8 Jan., 1852; 17 y. Van Pelt, John, wheelwright, bur. 18 Jan., 1852; 55 y. Connor, Mrs. A. V., bur. 8 March, 1852. Medcalf, , child, bur. 15 March, 1S52. Sharrot, , child of Wm., bur. 16 March, 1852. Bigler, Amelia H., N. Y., bur. 14 March, 1852; 6 y., 3 m. Coddington, Ann, bur. 25 April, 1852. Thiebault, John F., bur. 27 April, 1852; 31 y. Vanderbilt, , child of Isaac, bur. 28 April, 1852. Garretson, Mrs. Eliza, bur. 29 April, 1852. Oldfield, , a child, bur. 15 May, 1852. Jacobson, Abr., bur. 17 May, 1852. Britton, John, bur. 31 May, 1852. Coddington, Samuel, bur. 3 June, 1852. Latimer, , Mrs., bur. 12 June, 1852. Lewis, , Mrs., bur. 13 June, 1852. Steel, John, bur. iS June, 1852. Basse, , child, bur. 28 June, 1852. Taylor, James, bur. 14 July, 1852; 55 y. Marks, , a child, bur. 16 July, 1852; 5 m. McLean, , Mr., bur. 21 July, 1852; 39 y. Cozine, Elizabeth Ann, bur. 28 July, 1852; 6 y. Van Duzer, Peter W., bur. 29 July, 1852; 18 m. Van Duzer, Evelina, bur. 11 Aug., 1852; 13 m. Robinson, , child, Brooklyn, bur. 14 Aug., 1852. Van Duzer, Sarah E., bur. 17 Aug., 1852; 3 y., 7 m. Bedell, Jesse, bur. 30 Aug., 1852; 8 y.(?) Wakeham, , Mrs., bur. 13 Oct., 1852; 24 y. Jacobson, Elizabeth, bur. 19 Oct., 1852; 22 y. Allen, , child, bur. Sept. — , 1852. Stilwell, J.,(?) bur. 9 Dec, 1852; 21 y. Armstrong, Mrs. James, bur. 14 Dec, 1852. Sharrot, Milvaise, bur. 21 Dec, 1852; 16 y. 232 Frost, Mrs. Samuel, Senr., bur. 27 Dec, 1852; 84 y.(?) Root, , child, bur. 31 Dec, 1852. Stilwell, Abraham, bur. 28 Jan., 1853; 40 y. Cole, Sr. Sarah, d. 27 Jan., 1853; bur. at Woodrow M. C. Jacobson, , a child, bur. 21 Feb., 1853. Buck, , a dau. of Mrs., bur. 14 March, 1853. Taylor, Mrs. Chas., bur. 4 April, 1853. Alston, , child of Moses, bur. 6 April, 1853; 6 m. Connor, Col. Richard, bur. 7 April, 1853; 89 y. Van Pelt, William, bur. 9 April, 1853; 10 m. Burgher, Mathias, bur. 10 April, 1853; 64 y. Domingo, Raymond A., N. Y., bur. 12 May, 1853; 3 y. VVagstaff, Mrs. Agnes, maiden name Bininger, bur. 9 June, 1853. Wians, , daughter, bur. 27 June, 1853; 14 y., 10 m. Jones, , a child, d. 4 July, 1853; 2 y., 6 m. Simonson, Charles, Senr., d. 25 July, 1853 (stone, d. 26 July, in 73 y), Van Pelt, , a dau. of John, d. 2 Aug., 1853; 16 m. Britton, , ch. of Abm., d. 7 Aug., 1853; in 7 y. Clark, Ann B., d. 7 Aug., 1853; 4 y. Egbert, Mrs. Maria, m. n. Simonson, bap. on sick bed, d. 2 Sept., 1853; 297- Patterson, , a child, d. — Sept., 1853. Vanderbilt, , a child, d. — Sept., i853; i Y- Guyon, , Miss, d. 30 Sept., 1853; 18 y. Lake, Sabina(?), m. n. Egbert, late Prall, d. i Oct., 1853; 63 y. Sharrot, Thomas, son of David Sharrot, bur. 4 Oct., 1853; 5 y. Sneeden, , a child, bur. 9 Oct., 1853. Whitehead, , a child, bur. 11 Oct., 1853. Fountain, , a child, d. 18 Oct., 1853; 7 w. Sharrot, , a child of Daniel, d. 19 Oct., 1853. Lake, , a son of James, d. 21 Oct., 1853; 2 y., 6 m. Vredenburg, , Mr., d. 22 Oct., 1853. Dugan, (sister), of N. Y., d. 21 Oct., 1853. Smith, Thomas, bur. 27 Oct., 1853. Martin, Mrs. Nancy, bur. i Nov., 1853. Lake, , a child of James, bur. i Nov., 1853. Cole, Capt. William, a born member of our church, bur. 2 Nov., 1853; 40 y. Martino, Abraham, of Tompkinsville, d. 15 Nov., 1853, bur. 17 Nov., 1853; 62 y.(?) (stone, 54 y., 8 m., 2 d.). Dittmer, , bur. 18 Nov., 1853. Romer, , a child, bur. 3 Dec, 1853. Heyer, , Miss, d. r6 Dec, 1853. Maclain, Cornelius, bur. 22 Dec, 1853. Germond, , a child, bur. i Jan., 1854; i yr. Walker, illegitimate, mother's name Walker, bur. 15 Jan., 1854; 3 m. Snedicker, Mrs. Mary, m. n. Beatty, bur. 23 Jan., 1854; 41 y. Hansby, Mrs, Ann (this may be Abraham), bur. 23 Jan., 1854; 59 y. Vanderbilt, Mrs. Phoebe, d. 22 Jan., 1854; 87 y. (illegible), Ida, bur. 17 Jan., 1854; 2 y. Lozier, Mrs. Sarah, bur. 29 Jan., 1854; 80 y. Goodyear, , inft. dau., bur. 22 Feb., 1854; 8 m. Patterson, , a child, bur. 5 March, 1854; 4 y. Parker, , a child, of Factory ville, bur. 5 March, 1854. Lake, Br. Joseph, abornmember of our ch., d. 16 March, 1854; 81 y. Roff, Mary, bur. 28 March, 1854; 1 y., i m. Nedwell, Ann, N. Y., bur. 10 April, 1854; 12 y. Brittain, James, d. 14 April, 1854 (stone, James Guyon Britton, d. II April, 1854; b. 25 Feb., 1808; same stone, Frances Oakley, w. of James Guyon Britton, b. 19 May, 1805; d. 30 May, 1883). Tysen, Harriet, d. 15 April, 1854; 17 y. Moore, James, d. 17 April, 1854; in 99 y. (This is a little uncertain.) Maclain, , Miss, bur. 24 April, 1854. Prince, Samuel, d. 24 April, 1854; 14 y., 5 d. Townsend, William, d. — Feb., 1853. (Probably removed to this cemetery.) Egbert, John, inft. son of A. Wood, Mrs. Barbara, wife of John, d. 19 June, 1854. Garretson, . [Here is an interval between two pastors.] McLean, . Vanderbilt, , a child (stone, Cornelius E., son of Edward & Mary Ann, d. 19 July, 1854, 16 y., 12 d.). Fountain, . Tyson, . Beatty, . Britton, Randolph, . Cripp, T . Cripps, , master, d. 18 Sept., 1854, of Cholera; 13 y. Barnes, , Miss, d. 19 Sept., 1854. Winant, , a child, d. 23 Sept., 1854; 6 m. Braisted, Peter, from N. Y., d. 25 Sept., 1854; 60 y. Wood, , child, from N. Y., d. 7 Oct., 1854; 2 m. Decker, Mrs. Patience, d. 10 Oct., 1854; 54 y. Sharrot, Cornelia Frances, d. 20 Oct., 1854; 2 m. Egbert, , child of Jno., d. 6 Nov., 1854; 7 y. Bininger, Mrs. Harriet, d. 14 Nov., 1854; 64 y. Egbert, Ann, m. n. Burbank, d. 30 Nov., 1854; 60 y., 6 m., 27 d. Humphreys, , Mrs., d. 20 Dec, 1854. Moellich, Eliz. Augusta, d. 27 Jan., 1855; 3 y., 28 d. Frost, Samuel, bur. 12 Feb., 1855; 80 y.(?) Fountain, , Mr., bur. 12 Feb., 1855. Lockman, , Mrs., d. 2 March, 1855. Wandell, Mr. Henry D., d. 3 March, 1855; 22 y. (correct by stone). Blake, , Mr., d. 9 March, 1855; 40 y. Carlyle, Miss, d. 10 March, 1855; 18 y. Ebbit, Mrs. Serena, d. 17 April, 1855; 31 y. Moore, Richard, d. 24 April, 1855; 53 y. Martin, Oliver. Egbert, Mrs. Nancy. Simonson, Charles Mc, d. 12 May, 1855; 43 y., 8 m. 234 Cargill, , Mrs. Schmidt, C. C, M. D., d. June 13, 1855; 61 y., 3 m. Cole, , ch. of John, Stapleton, d. 16 July, 1855; i y., 6 m. Dugan, Thomas, d. 22 July, 1855; 60 y. Beatty, , ch. of Mr., of L. Island, d. 13 Aug., 1855; 8 m. Mills, Gilbert, d. 16 Aug., 1855; nearly 7 y. Vanderbilt, , son of Jacob, d. 17 Aug., 1855; 2^4 y. Clemens, Magdalena, N. Y., d. 17 Aug., 1855; 9 m. Colon, John, of Southfield, d. i vSept., 1855; 25 y. Bodine, William, d. 7 Sept., 1855; 50 y. Wood, Moses, bur. 11 Oct., 1855; 70 y. Root, , a ch. of George, bur. 24 Oct., 1855. Lockman, , Miss, bur. 24 Oct., 1855; 17 y. Sprague, , Mrs., bur. 24 Oct., 1855; 50 y. Garrettson, James B., d. 4 Nov., 1855; 60 y. (stone, 58 y., 7 m., 10 d.). Baker, , ch., bur. 11 Nov., 1855; 2 w. Ryers, Arris, d. 27 Nov., 1855; 78 y. Noble, Abraham, d. 17 Dec, 1855; 68 y. Simonson, Jane, d. 14 Jan., 1856; 85 y. Winant, Wm., Senr., d. 31 Jan., 1856; 74 y. Vroome, Wm. Emmet, d. 9 Feb., 1856; 2 y. Fleming, D., Jr., d. 29 Feb., 1856; 7 y., 8 m. Butler, , d. 4 March, 1856; 4 y. Cole, M. Elizabeth, d. 5 March, 1856; 4 y.(?) Thistle, Samuel, d. 10 March, 1856. Egbert, , ch. of Jno., d. 12 March, 1856; 8 d. Steers, Mrs. F., d. 13 March, 1856; 18 y. A stranger buried in Mr. Fleming's lot, d. 7 April, 1856. Stilwell, , Mr., d. 8 April, 1856; 74 y. (stone, Daniel Stihvell, 71 y., 7 m., 24 d. & wife Hannah, d. 20 June, 1870, 80 y., 2 m., 17 d.). Cripps, Henry, d. 16 April, 1856; 40 y. Simonson, Susan, d. 18 April, 1856; 39 y., i y., 16 d. Boardman, , Mrs., d. — May, 1856; aged. Fountain, Gideon, d. 6 May, 1856; 22 y. Donaldson, Jno. A., d. 29 May, 1856; 64 y.; "Club House." Miller, George, of N. Y., d. 30 June, 1856; 5 y. Simonson, Emma Josephine, d. 8 Aug., 1856; 5 y., 5 m. (this record is all from stone, no mention in book, dau. of Chas. & Sarah). Colon, Mary Jane, Southfield; 27 y.(?) Ditton, , a child, bur. 18 Oct., 1856; 2 y., lo m. A small ch. in grave of Sarah McClynen, bur. 19 Oct., 1S56. Lake, , a ch. of James, bur. 28 Oct., 1856; 10 w. Fountain, Wm. Austin, bur. 8 Nov., 1856; 37 y. Egbert, Rachel Ann, bur. 11 Dec, 1856; 35 y. Swaim, George, d. 19 Dec, 1856; 12 y. Mesier, James, d. 19 Dec, 1856; 21 y. Wandell, Sarah, d. 4 Jan., 1857; 84 y., 11 m., 12 d. Blake, , d. 4 Jan., 1867; 30 y. Van Pelt, Peter, d. 28 Jan., 1857; 88 y. Cortelyou, Peter, d. 3 Feb., 1857; 88 y., i m., 16 d. 235 Kilburn, Margaret, d, 24 Feb., 1857; 47 y. A ch. bur. in Miller's vault, d. 7 March, 1857. Little, Emma West, d. 25 March, 1857; 15 y. (stone, b. 26 July, 1842); her stone is by that of Richd. & Rebecca Littell. Garrettson, , a ch. of Jacob, d. 28 March, 1857; 15 m. Barnes, , a ch. of Robert Barnes, d. 6 April, 1857; 7 d. Vrome, Rachel Ann, d. 22 April, 1857; 5 w. Boyd, Margaret, d. 15 April, 1857; 70 y. Wandell, Peter, d. 17 April, 1857. Baker, Susan, d. 9 June, 1857. Baker, Josephine, "Jno.'s," d. 16 June, 1857; 21 m. Cole, Joseph, d. 30 June, 1857; 55 y. Baldwin, Reuben, d. i July, 1857; 1 1 y., 3 m. Female friend of Mrs. Matthias, d. 2 July, 1S57. Egbert, Annette, d. 26 July, 1857; 27 y. Cubberly, William Holland, d. 28 July, 1857; 13 y. Mersereau, Sophia, d. 3 Aug., 1857; 4 y., 8 m. Baker, , inft. dau. of Jno., d. 4 Aug., 1857; 6 w. Jacobson, , child, d. 11 Aug., 1857; 9 m. Randolph, , child, d. 16 Aug., 1857, at Quarantine; 6 m. Bender, Annie, d. 22 Sept., 1857; 11 m. Littell, Ada Louisa, d. 29 Sept., 1857; 14 m. Egbert, Stephen, d. 6 Oct., 1857; 60 y., 10 m. Decker, Ephraim, d. 7 Oct., 1857; 33 y. Patterson, , child, d. 9 Oct., 1857, at Vanderbilt's Landing; i>4 y.(?) Simonson, Isaac, d. 15 Oct., 1857; 56 y. Lake, , child of Jas, d. 29 Oct., 1857; 6 m. Craig, , Mrs., d. 15 Nov., 1857. Ditton, D., d. 17 Nov., 1857. Ferine, H., d. 19 Nov., 1857. Coyne, Beatus, d. 25 Nov., 1857. Taylor, Mrs. Mary, d. i Dec, 1857; 66 y. Houseman, , Mrs., d. 2 Dec, 1857; 82 y. Townsend, Henry V., d. 19 Dec, 1857; 5 m. Bird, Jane L., d. 21 Dec. 1857; 2 y. Lafarge, , child, girl, d. 4 Jan., 1858. Maas, John, d. 5 Jan., 1858; 30 y. Beatty{?), , child, J. City, d. 13 Jan., 1858; 2 d. Luby, Henry, a child, d. 14 Jan., 1858; i y. Sharrott, Mrs. Agnes, d. 22 Jan., 1858; 24 y., 5m. Williams, Mr. Lamont, d. 25 Jan., 1858; 61 y., 6 ra. Barton, Col. Samuel, d. 29 Jan., 1858; 73 y. (stone, 72 y., 6 m.). Stillwell, John, d. 30 Jan., 1858; 50 y. Welsh, Richard, d. 14 Feb., 1858; 3 y. Gaines, , a ch. of Wm., d. 13 Feb., 1858; 2 y. Taylor, Edward R.(?), d. 14 Feb., 1858; 22 y. Ditton, , a child, d. 24 Feb., 1858; 9 m. Garrettson, Jacob, d. 4 March, 1858; 63 y. Sharrot, — — •, a child, d. 22 March, 1858; 5 y. Simonson, Daniel, d. 23 March, 1858; 60 y., 6 m. Cozine, Hannah M., d. 18 April, 1858; 32 y. 236 Freegard, , Mrs. Sharrot, , child; of same parents as March 23. Mersereau, Joshua; 63 y. Jacobson, Israel, d. 25 June, 1858; 50 y. Burgher, D., d. 4 July, 1858; 52 y. Butler, , d. 4 July, 1858. Seguine, , ch. of Mr. J., d. 30 July, 1858; i y., 4 m. Randolph, , Mrs., d. 15 Aug., 1858. Simonson; — — , Miss, d. 17 Aug., 1858, at Clifton; 53 y. (stone, Mary, dau. of Charles & Mary). Her mother would be only 17 if this is correct. Weed, , Mr. d. 24 Aug., 1858; 64 y. Garrettson, , ch. of Hiram, d. 14 Sept., 1858; 14 m. Blake, , child, d. 18 Sep., 1858; i y. Sharrott, Richard. Kerr, Elizabeth W., d. 18 Oct., 1858; 8 m., 12 d. De Hart, , Mrs., d. — Dec, 1858 (stone, M. De Hart, d. 4 Dec, in 76 y.). Littell, , Judge, d. Jan. 11, 1859 (stone, Richard Dumont Littell, b. 16 July, 1790, d. 7 Jan., 1859; also, Rebecca, his relict, b. 10 Dec, 1810, d. 22 Feb., 1863). Egbert, Mrs. Hannah, d. 22 Jan., 1859; 57 y. Prince, Wm. Robert, d. 6 Feb., 1859; 43 y., 3 m. Crocheron, , Mr., d. 7 Feb., 1859; 45 y. Blake, , Mr., d. 10 Feb., 1859. De Forest, John, 43 y. Van Duzer, George, d. 18 Feb., 1859; 12 y. (stone, 11 y., 11 m., 15 son of Daniel C. & Julia V. Duzer). Baldwin, Ella, d. 12 April, 1859; 9 m. Clark, , Mr. (or Mrs.). Snediker, , d. 21 April, 1859. Bodine, John, d. 23 April, 1859; 60 y. Gilbert, James, d. 6 May, 1859: 18 y., 3 m. Clark, Mr. R., d. 7 May, 1859. Littell, , d. 19 May, 1859. Baker, , Mr. or Mrs., d. 21 May, 1859; in Methodist ground. White, Pmkney, d. 3 June, 1859; 2 y. White, Isabella, d. 22 Aug., 1858; 13 y. These two children d. at St. John's Rectory at Clifton; the father, Rev. John C. White Deforest, John, b. 17 Nov., 1815, d. 27 Jan., 1859 (stone, no record of this in Ch. book). Senseman, Lucinda Eliz., d. 15 May, 1859; 31 y. Weed, , child, d. 5 July, 1859; 10 y. Wolf, Maria Eliz., d. 7 July, 1859. Caesar, P. W., d. 12 Aug., 1859; 9 m. Seguine, , ch. of H'y, d. 13 Aug., 1859. McLean, Anna, d. 29 Aug., 1859; 18 y. Sharrot, , child of Wm., d. 29 Aug., 1859; i y. Egbert, , child of Mr., of N. Y., d. i Sept., 1859; 4 y. Ripley, , child of Mr., of Clifton, d. 3 Sept., 1859; 5 y. Castree, Miss H., d. 7 Sept., 1859; 55 y. Thistle, , Mrs., d. 18 Sept., 1859; 70 y. 237 Egbert, John, son of Joseph, d. 25 Sept., 1859; 17 y. Hazard, Robert, d. 29 Sept., 1859. Eisele, R., from N. Y., d. i Oct., 1859; no minister. Martin, William, d. 3 Oct., 1859. Sharrott, Benjamin T., d. 5 (6?) Nov., 1859 (stone, 38 y., 3 m., 2 d); he was christened "Benjamin Guyon." Dissossway, , child, d. 14 Nov., 1859; 18 m. Littell, Mary Eliza, d. 4 Dec, 1859; 17 y. (stone, Margaret Eliza, b. 23 April, 1824, d. 3 Dec, 1859). Colon, George, d. 28 Dec, 1859. Marsh, , child from Clifton, d. 30 Dec, 1859; 2 y., 4 m. Carr, , Mrs., d. 5 Jan., i860; buried in Vanderbilt's plot. Kempton, , child, d. 17 Jan., i860. Caper, , Air., of Brooklyn, d. 15 Jan., i860. Tysen, Mrs. Louisa, d. 21 Jan., i860; 24 y. Swift, John, d. 3 Feb., 1S60; 30 y. Martino, Cornelius, d. 13 Feb., i860. Ogle, , child, d. 15 Feb., i860; 14 y. Littell, , Hoboken, d. 19 Feb., i860; 4 y., 8 m. Barger, Mr. John, d. 2 March, i860; 67 y. Swift, John, d. 26 March, 1S60; 26? y. (as there is another John Swift above, this seems like a mistake and there has been doubt about the age). Post, Mrs. Susan, d. 15 April, i860 (stone, Susan Martineau, wife of Peter Post, b. 21 Jan., 1837). Van Duzer, Emma, d. 24 April, i860; 4 y. Lawson, Reinhalt Wesley, d. 17 July, i860; 35 y. Burgher, , child of James, d. 20 July, i860. Sharrot, , child of Abraham, d. 28 July, i860. Geibert, , master, d. 3 Aug., i860. Clark, , ch. of Dr. James, d. 15 Aug., i860; 8 y. Keyes, , child, d. 14 Sept., i860. Townsend, , child of Mr. E., d. 14 Sept., i860. Crocheron, James, d. 13 Sept., i860; 60 y. Racey, Miss Bessie, d. 25 Sept., i860; 21 y.(?) Bedell, Abrm., d. i Oct., i860; 30 y.(?) Kinsey, John, d. 12 Oct., i860; 43 y. Swift, Sarah. Burgher, , ch. of Stephen, d. 23 Oct., i860. Cortelyou, Cornelius, d. 26 Oct., i860; 8 m. Smith, , Mrs., d. 28 Oct., i860; 75 y. Lewis, , colored, d. 5 Nov., i860; 80 y. Barton, Isaac, d. 8 Nov., i860; 81 y. Swift, Caroline, d. g Nov., i860; 16 y. Ostrander, Nathaniel, d. 12 Dec, i860; So y., 9 d. Wandell, Julia, dau. of Philip, d. 16 Dec, i860; 5 y. Swift, Mary, d. 18 Dec, i860; 14 y. Ketchum, , Mrs., d. 30 Dec, i860. Colon, David, d. 30 Dec, i860; 32 y. Davis, Maria, d. ii Jan., 1S61; 55 y. Egbert, Shirley Morton, d. 23 Jan., 1861; 3 y. Littell, Dunn, d. 26 Feb., 1861. 238 Gates, , child, d. 26 Feb., 1861. Cole, , d. 28 Feb., 1861. Blake, John, d. 9 March, 1861; 19 y. Dugan, , d. 26 March, 1861. Bardine, , child, d. 12 April, 1861; 8 m. A servant of Mr. Jac. Vanderbilt, d. 4 May, 1861. Doeller, Christine, d. 9 May, 1861; 26 y.(?) Decker, , Mrs., d. 18 May, 1861. More, David. Brinley, Frances, d. 24 May, 1861; 29 y. Sharrot, , Mrs. Sharer, , Mrs., d. 2 June, 1861. Swift, — ■ — , a child. Garrettson, Edwin, d. i July, i86t; 24 y. Vroome, Lewis, d. 12 July, 1861; i y. (middle initial illegible). Burgher, , child, d. 22 July, 1861; 2 y. Burgher, Charles, d. 3 Aug., 1861; 4 y. Luby, Mary Elizabeth, d. 6 Aug., 1861; i y., 7 m. Vroome, , son of Gar., d. 14 Aug., 1861; 3 m. (this whole entry is uncertain, so illegible). Clark, Binninger, d. 18 Aug., 1861; 22 y. Ebbit, David, d. 22 Ang., 1S61; 4 y. Richards, , Mrs., d. — Sept., 1861. (illegible). Hyde, , child, N. Y., d. 21 Sept., 1861. Delaree, , child, d. 23 Sept., 1861. Patterson, , child of George, d. 24 Sept., 1861. Seguine, Patience, bur. 28 Nov., 1861; 75 y. (stone, d. 28 Nov., 1S61, wife of Henry Seguine, 65 y., 10 m., 11 d.). Snedicker, Brasilia, d. i Dec, 1861; 20 y. Fischt, Jane F., d. 27 Dec, 1861; 2 y. Rogers, Ogden M., d. 26 Dec, 1861; 2 y. Noble, Amanda, d. 4 Feb., 1862; 21 y. Dustan, Sarah, d. 6 Feb., 1862; 91 y. Stockdale, Sarah, d. 16 Feb., bur. 18 Feb., 1862; 63 y. Cole, Catharine, d. 9 March, 1862; 79 y. Sharrot, Joseph, d. 18 March, 1862; 53 y. Metcalf, Richard, d. 21 March, 1862; 4 m. McLynnon, Sarah E., d. 26 March, 1862; 4 y. Barton, Joseph, d. 27 March, 1862; 81 y. Wandell, Peter S., Junr., d. 14 May, 1862; 12 y. Beatty, Edward, d. 8 June, 1862; 62 y. Taege(?), , Mrs., d. 9 June, 1862; 25 y. Hildreth, Will. H'y., d. 14 June, 1862; i y., 5 m. Crocheron, , d. — June, 1862. Beatty, Mary E., d, 7 July, 1862; 27 y. Barnes, Frederick, d. i Aug., 1862; 6 d. Johnson, William, d. 3 Aug., 1862; i m. Beckwith, , a soldier belonging to 145 N. Y. Regt., d. 7 Sept., 1862. Houseman, Mary Elizabeth, d. 17 Sept., 1862; 10 m. Noble, Geo. Edward, d. 27 Sept., 1862; 9 m. 239 Kemptou, Matilda L., d. 28 Sept., 1862; 2 y. Folager, , d. 28 Oct., 1862; 7 y. North, Mrs. Cath., late Heath, d. 28 Oct., 1S62; bur. in John Heath's lot. Scott, Mrs. Eleanor, d. 29 Oct., 1862; 58 y. Britten, Mrs. Rachel, d. 30 Oct., 1862; 87 y. Steers, , d. 25 Nov., 1862; 8 yrs. Littell, Alexander, d. 24 Nov., 1862; about 34 y. McLymon, Benj. D., d. 27 Nov., 1862; 36 y. Braisted, Grace, d. 26 Nov., 1862; 4 y. Simonson, John, d. 25 Nov., 1862; 80 y. Egbert, Tunis, d. 5 Dec, 1862; 77 y. Auten, Emilie, d. 6 Dec, 1862; 6 y. Woods, Joseph, d. 16 Dec, 1862; 83 y. Clark, , ch. of Dr., bur. 26 Dec, 1862. Mayhew, , a child, bur. 29 Dec, 1862. Burials Attended by Ministers of Brethren Church of Staten Island but not Buried on their Ground. Praul, Elizabeth, ch. of Benj. & Ellen, d. 31 Aug., 182S; bur. at Dutch Ch. on N. side. Crocheron, Nancy, wife of Richard, Esq., d. 4 Sept., 1828; bur. at Richmond. Wait, Ann, d. 5 Oct., 1828; bur. from house of Henry Miller on Burbank family plot. Johnson, Eliza, ch. of James, dec, & Phoebe, his wife, d. 25 Oct., 1828; bur. at Richmond. Mussantine, Laforge, a child, d. 27 March, 1829; bur. at Woodrow Methodist meeting. Burton, Charles, son of John & Louisa, d. 18 Aug., 1829; about 4 y.; bur. in Episcopal gr. y'd. Burbank, John, md., d. 23 Dec, 1829; bur. on family burying gr. Clawson, Samuel, d. 21 Jan., 1814; 44 y.; bur. at Episcopal ground at Richmond. Bedell, Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius, m. n. Jacobson, d. 24 Oct., 1814; 43 y., 3 m., 18 d.; Mr. Corn. Bedell, farmer & iniller. Marsh, John P., d. 21 Jan., 1815; 18 m.; he was son of L. R. Marsh, attorney-at-law in Richmond, S. I., & Margaret, his w., m. n. Dubois. Brittain, Margaret Eliza, dau. of James & Violetta, b. 24 Feb., 1815, d. 20 May, 1815. Bogart, John, d. i6 July, 1815; about 18 y.; bur. at Richmond, was drowned. Garritson, Hendric, d. — Nov., 1818; 94 or 95 y.; bur. on Col. Garritson's farm. Benjamin, — — , wid.of lateCapt., d. 18 May, i8i9;bur. at Richmond. Smack, Sarah, wife of Martin, d. 5 Sept., 1819; bur. at English Ch. Marsh, , ch. of Robert & Rhoda, d. 14 Sept., 1819. Fountain, , child, d. 11 Sept., 1819. Vroome, Peter Houseman, son of Christopher & Maria, m. n. Houseman, d. 8 Jan., 1820; 7 m., 5 d.; bur. at Methodist gr. yd. on Neck. 240 Bedell, Vandeventer, single, son of Cornelius & Elizabeth Bedell, m. n. Jacobson, d. 9 June, 1820; 27 y., 21 d. Jewson, Nancy, d. 22 Nov., 1820; aged; resided at her dau. -in- law's at house of Peter Decker. Butler, Mary, dau. of Elias Butler at Quarantine, d. 27 Sept., 1821; 17 m. Ferine, Cornelius, son of Edwd. & Patience Ferine, d. 29 Sept., 1821; 12 y., 3 m., 6 d.; bur. at Episcopal Ch. at Richmond. Smith, Hetty, single, d. 19 May, 1823; bur. in Episcopal gr. yd. at Richmond. Lake, William, Senr., of Southfield, d. 23 Oct., 1823; aged. Cubberly, , an aged woman, d. 6 Aug., 1823. Decker, John Hilliard, son of Mathias Decker & his wife, m. n. Hilliard, d. 14 Sept., 1824; about 16 m. Butler, Samuel, son of Elias Butler at Quarantine, d. 18 Sept., 1824. Lewis, , Mrs,, wife of Jonathan, Esq., d. 31 July, 1825, at Freshkill; bur. at Richmond. Decker, Frances, d. 15 Aug., 1825; bur. at Richmond. Van Cleaf, Daniel, a young man, d. 14 Feb., 1826; bur. at Rich- mond. Johnson, , a ch. of John, d. 2 Oct., 1826; bur. at Richmond. Cairns, Margaret, a widow, d. 5 Feb., 1827; bur. at Richmond, S. L Blake, , a child of John, d. 27 March, 1827; bur. at N. Side Episcopal Ch. Sharrot, John, d. 11 July, 1827; aged; hung himself. Mersereau, Rebekah, single, d. 12 July, 1827; aged; bur. at Rich- mond. Cropsy, Cornelius Cortleyou, child of Jacob & Elizabeth Cropsey, d. 23 July, 1827. Barnes, Robert, child of Geo., dec, & wife, m. n. Holmes, d. 20 Aug., 1827. Schenk, Holmes, d. 29 March, 1828, at N. Y.; bur. from Anthony Fountain, Sr., in Holme's family ground. 241 Persons Received into the Congregation. 1785, May 24. June 14. Aug. 23. 1786, Feb. 26. June 5. Sept. 26. 1787, April 15. Oct. 14- Dec. 26. 1788, March 24. July 6. Aug. 13. 1794, .Ian. 15. 1798, May 27. 1804, April I, 1805, April 14, Aug. 18. Dec. 15. 1806, Sept. 21. 1807, March 16. Nov. 16. George and Mary Colong. First Communion June 1 1, 1786. Cathrina Ryerss. Sarah Cortelyou. First Communion, Sept. 24, 1 786. Edward and Eleanor Beatty. First Communion Dec. 24, 1786. Elizabeth Enyard. John Dorset. First Communion June 11, 1786. Ann Egbert, wife of Tunis, Senr. Edward & Mary Egbert, md. pair. Lewis Ryerss, also md. Nicolas Stilwell, single. Martha Dorsett, md. Frances Stilwell, single. Elizabeth Garrison, md. Sarah Boillon, widow. Susanna Enyard, single. Daniel Ferine, widower. Richard Conor, widower. Richard Sherret, Senr., md. Owen Limner, widower. Mary Egbert, md. Amos Rooke, md. Easter day. Reuben Symonson, md. Ann Egbert, wife of Tunis. Easter. Abraham & Ann Egbert, married couple. John Egbert, md. Elizabeth Rickerte, "a great girl." Batharine Barton, md. The negro York, slave of Br. & Sr. James & Elizabeth Egbert, was bap. by name of Peter Thomas Robin, slave of Mr. & Mrs. Taylor, also bap. THOSE WHO PARTOOK OF COMMUNION FOR FIRST TIME. 1787, June 18. 1788, Jan. 20. . March 20. May 18. Aug. Sept. 17S9, April 13- 28. 9- 1795, May 1801, Feb. 24. I. 1805, Feb. April 1806, Oct. 24- II. S- Dec. 6. Cathrine Ryerss, late Conor. Elizabeth Martino. Br. Lewis Ryersz, single; Br. Nicolas Stilwell, & single Sr. Elizabeth. Br. Edward & Sr. Mary Egbert, md. pair; Sr. Martha Dorset, md.; Sr. Frances Stilwell, single, & Sr. Susanna "Enyard, single. Sr. Elizabeth Gerritson, md. Sr. Ann Egbert, md. Richard Conor, md. The md. pair, Henry & Mary Miller. Br. Amos Rooke, md. Sr. Ann Egbert, md., wife of Tunis, Jr. Br. Reuben Symonson, md. The md. pair, Abraham & Ann Egbert. The md. pair, John & Mary Egbert. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. OLD 5T. ANDRLW5 CHURCH ■b mM: &l: ■' r" ^^^■nnB^W^H '^- ■ |i|fl|MM|^HH|l||^^EUw:!i.\^^ PRE5LNT ST. ANDRLWS CHURCH RECORDS OF ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH IN RICH- MOND, STATEN ISLAND. Baptisms. BORN BAPTIZED P.'iRENTS 1752- Aug. 9. Charles Penny Dorothy, his wife 1753- Aug. 5. Lewis Grandine & wife Aug. 12. Henry Butler & wife Aug. 12. Peter Burbank & Martha, his wife Sept. 23. Nathaniel Britton & wife Oct. 7. Jonathan Lewis & Mary, his wife Oct. 7. James Johnson & Mary, his 1754- wife April 21. John Lisk & Elizabeth, his 1753- 1753- wife Aug. 27. Oct. 14. Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth 1754- his wife April 21. Richard Lawrence & wife April 21. dau. of same May 26. Thomas Arrosmith & Mary, his wife May 26. John Hylliard & Ester, his wife June I. Charles Penny & Dorothy, his wife Sept. I. Anthony Stoutenborough & Mary, his wife Sept. I. John Simonson & Elizabeth, his wife Sept. 15. John Griffith & Hannah, his wife Sept. 29. John Marshal & Susannah, his wife Sept. 29. Abraham Cole & Martha, his wife Oct 13. John Waglon & Catharine, his wife Oct. 27. Henry Marsh & Joannah, his wife Nov. 10. Daniel Crocheron & Mary, his wife Nov. 17. Henry Ralley & Franky, his wife Dec. 8. John Dupuy& Sarah, his wife Daniel John Henry Joseph Mary Sarah a child Marget Thomas Mary Sarah Mary Ester Hannah John Elizabeth Arthur Martha Elizabeth Catharine Elizabeth Nicholas Ann Sarah 246 1754- 1755- Nov. 18. Feb. 2. John Pollion & Marget, his Elizabeth wife April 5. May 11. Andres Waglum & Nelly, his Elizabeth wife Dec. 3. May 25. Abraham Parley & Mary, his Barnt wife June 7. June 29. George Wood & Elizabeth John 1754. his wife Nov. I. June 29. John Silvester & Elizabeth, Ann his wife Dec. 7. John Dupuy& Sarah, his wife John 1756. Jan. 18. Joseph Beadle (or Beagle) & John 1756. Catharine, his wife Jan. 16. Feb. 29. Joseph Yeates & Sarah, his Abraham wife Feb. 4. April II. John Butler & Rachel, his Mary wife Feb. 23. May 16. James Pretch & Esther, his Benjamin 1755. wife Dec. 5. May 16. Joseph Arysmith & Mary, his Elizabeth wife May 23. John Burdine & wife Elizabeth 1754- May 22. June 13. James Latteret & Elizabeth, j James 1756. his wife \ David April 6. April 16. John Dubois & Esther, his John wife Jan. 27. June 13. Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth, John 1755. his wife July 12. John Morgan & Elizabeth, Charles 1756. his wife April — . James Seguine & Ells, his Sarah wife June 9. Aug. i. Richard Lawrence & Mary, Leggett his wife July 15. Sept. 19. Charles Penny & Dorothy, Elizabeth his wife Aug. 29. Sept. 26. John Journey & Martha, his Nicholas wife Sept. 19. Nov. 14. John Hillird& Ester, his wife Francis, dau. 1756. 1757. Nov. 4. Jan. 2. Abraham Cusheron & Jane Johannah Elizabeth, his wife Nov. 18. John Foy & Mary, his wife John Nov. 20. John Lecount & Katharine, John his wife March 27. Barnt Simonson & Abigail, Ort his wife 247 BAPTIZED 1755- 1757- March II. David Laforge & Mary, his Rachel 1744. wife Nov. 5. John Poillon & Marget, his Mary 1746. wife March 2. " " Judith 1748. April 17. " " Ann 1750- April 27. " " Margret 1753. June 6. " " John 1756. All children of John Poillon Nov. 12. & Marget, his wife Sarah 1757- Feb. 7. Zacharias Vandike «S: Ann, Jacob his wife March 7. Augustus Dubois & Martha, Mary his wife Feb. 20. March 27. Jonathan Lewis & Mary, his David wife April 6. Nathaniel Brittain & wife Katharine 1752- Jan. 4. John Journey & Martha, his John 1753. wife Aug. 7. " " Martha 1755- March 8. " " Albert 1757- Feb. 21. John Griffis & Hannah, his John wife April 13. John Mushereau(Mersereau) John & Charity, his wife Feb. 16. Paul Mushereau & Frances, Martha 1756. his wife Sept. 19. John Lisk & Mary, his wife Thomas 1757- June 16. Jacob Lazeleere & Alice, his Daniel 1755. wife Feb. II. Daniel Garrison & Mary, his Charles 1757. wife June 13. " " Jacob Oct. 8. Elexander Ogg & Margeret, Mary 1756. his wife Sept. 25. Anthony Fountain & Susan- Charles 1757. na, his wife Nov. 7. Joseph Arysmith & Mary, his Violetta wife Nov. 2. Joseph Bedgel & Katharine, Paul his wife John Dupuy«& Sarah, his wife Nicholas 248 BORN 1757- Nov. 30. Dec. 9. Sept. 30. 1755- Dec. 26. 1746. April 4. 1749- July 31- '751- Nov. 28. 1753- Dec. 4. 1755- Nov. 24. 1758- Feb. 7. 1757- Oct. 27. Dec. 14. Dec. 10. 1758. Feb. 19. 1757- Jan. 16. 1758- July 17- 1754- June 19. 1746. Dec. 4. I7S7- Feb. 22. 1758- Aug. 9. April 21. Aug. 4. Sept. 30. Nov. 30. Oct. 29. 1758. Sept. 17. Abraham Parley & Mary, his wife Cornelius Dissasway & Cath- arine, his wife John Marshall & Susannah, his wife John Marshall & Susannah, his wife Daniel John & Hannah, his wife All children of Daniel John & Hannah, his wife Joseph Yates & Sarah, his wife Thomas Marshall & Sarah his wife David Laforge & Mary, his wife Henry Ferine & Susan, his wife John Silvester & Elizabeth, his wife Barnt Simonson & Abigail, his wife Simon Bogart & Martha, his wife Abraham Cushon, Jr., & Elizabeth, his wife William Thomson & Mary, his wife James Latterette & Eliza- beth, his wife Abraham Winant & Mary, his wife Thomas Arysmith & Mary, his wife Richard Lawrence & Mary, his wife Peter Ann Katharine M a r g a ret & Frankey, dau. Daniel Rees Hannah Moses Jacob Margaret Martha Martha David Edward Francis (son) John Simon Mary Richard Jacob Samuel Sarah Ann Henry Elizabeth 249 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS 1759- Jan. 7. John Gold & Katharine, his wife March 2 J. John Van Pelt & Margaret, his wife Jan. 10 Moses Dupuy & Leah, his wife Jan. 20 John Hilliard, Jr., & wife Jan. 20 John Slack & Ann, his wife 1758- Dec. 24 James Seguine & Katharine, 1759- his wife March 2 2. Jonathan Lewis & Mary, his his wife March i 5. Jacob Lazeleer & Alice, his 1745- wife Aug. 22 David Dye & Mary, his wife 1759- March 12. David Dye & Mary, his wife 1748. Dec. 24 William Hilliard & Dinah, 1756. his wife Sept. II t( (i 1752- April 14 Patrick Corkin & Margaret, 1759- his wife June 12 John Silvester & Elizabeth June 18 John Foy & Mary, his wife March 22. Richard Webb & Mary, his wife May 8 Henry Butler & Belleche, his wife May 2 Paul Mushereau & Francis, 1752. his wife May 15 Leah Camp, widow 1759- July 13 John Latterette & Susannah, his wife Aug. 6 John Journey & Martha, his wife July 5 James Segan and Else, his 1758. wife Oct. 19 Thomas Butler & Mary, his wife Oct. 29 John Butler & Rachel, his 1759- wife Oct. 24 Daniel Drummond & Ann, his wife May 19 James Pretchet & Ester, his wife John Mary John Abraham Katharine Henry Katharine Nicholas Apha (dau.) Sarah Sarah Mary Peter Martha & Sarah Francis (son) Richard James John Naomi Mary William John & Jacob James Daniel Elexander William 250 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1759- Jan. 14 John More & Mary, his wife John 1758- Oct. 6. James Johnston & Mary, his Dower (son) '759- wife Aug. 28. Anthony Van Pelt & Susan- nah, his wife John Sept. 9. Anthony Stoutenborough & James 1758. Mary, his wife Nov. 15 1760. Jan. 17 J ohn Dupuy & Sarah, his wife Nicholas John Dupuy & Sarah, his wife Jacob Jan. 31 Christian Smith & Ester, his wife Isaac Jan. 3 Thomas Marshall & Sarah, his wife John May 10 Daniel Winnens & Rachel, his wife Daniel June 6 Peter Van Pelt & Phoebe Tunis (or (feeby), his wife Francis) April 4 James Johnson & Mary, his wife Ann July 20 Richard Lawrence & Mary, his wife Francis(dau.) Aug. 8 John Van Pelt &- Margret. his wife Tunis Henry Pereyn & Susannah, Margret hie wife May 4 Roger Barnes & his wife Richard May 3 John Seghong & Sarah, his Elisha '755- wife April 2 Charles Vanscice & Cathrine, Joseph 1760. his wife April I u a Sarah Dehart I7S7- Aug. 14 t( It Charles 1760. Sept, 13 Charles Laforge & Elizabeth, A d r y n g his wife (Adrian?), son Dec. 10 James Segan (Seguine) & Elsie, his wife James Oct. 28 Henry Johnson & Rachel, Henry 1761. his wife Feb. 26 Simon Hilliard & Sarah, his wife Simon March i George Wood & Elisabeth, his wife George Feb. 28 Samuel McSwain & Sarah, his wife Catharine Jan. 22 Jonathan Lewis & Mary, his James wife 251 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS I761. April 2. Lawrence Hilliard & Ann, his wife March 7. Henry Taylor & Arriantie (or Amantica) Feb. I. John Moor & Mary, his wife March 28. John Meserow & Charity, his wife June 14. Matthew Hughes & Catha- 1760. rine, his wife April 29. Joseph Morrel & Marthe, his wife Nov. 15. Nathaniel Britton & Mary, 1761. his wife June 26. John Hilliard & Hester, his wife April 17. Albert Rickeman & Mary, his wife July I. James Latterette & Eliza- beth, his wife Aug. 9. Abraham DeCoshorong & Elizabeth, his wife Oct. 24. Jeremiah Connor & Anny, his wife July 4. Paul Meshereau & Francis, his wife Dec. 18. John Journey & Martha, his wife Nov. 13. Nicholas Stilwell & Esey, his his wife Oct. 4. Zachariah Vandick & Ann, his wife Oct. 22. Jacob Ladeleer & Alice, his 1762. wife April 14. Christopher Smith & Hester, his wife April 4. Anthony Stoutenborough & Mary, his wife April I. John Foy & Mary, his wife James Butler & wife. Ch. bap. by Rev. Mr. Charlton March 25. Abraham Lakerman & Eliz- 1762. abeth, his wife May II. June 27. Abraham Cole & Hannah, his wife June 3. Daniel Van Clef & his wife July 18. John Segain & Sarah, his wife. By Rev. Mr. Charlton July 18. Daniel Stilwell & Ariaentie, his wife July 25. James Segain Sarah James Daniel Lowrance Martha Thomas Joseph Nathaniel Katharine Sarah Nicholas Adam Paul Katharine Katharine Catharine Benjamin Catharine Anthony John Eltey (son) Sarah Ann John James Susannah Catharine 252 1762. June 21. Aug. 7. 1764. Oct. 23 1760. Oct. 19 1763- Oct. 24 1762. June 27 Oct. 23 1763- Oct. 14 1761. Sept. 30 1766. Nov. 30 1763- Jan. 27 Jan. — Jan. 4 April 3 Aug. 28. 1764. 1764. March 20. May 20. Feb. 4. May 27. April 23. June 3. March 22. May 10. BAPTIZED PARENTS 1762. Aug. 22. Daniel Garrison & Mary, his wife Paul Micheau & Mary, his wife James Wood & Eve, his wife John Bodine & Dorcas, his wife Samuel Tenicke John Van Pelt & Margret, his wife James Johnson James Poillon & Francis, his wife Nov. 14. Henry Taylor & Judith, his wife William Granger & Franca Joseph Bedell & Catrine Oct. 31. Oct. 31. Oct. 31. Oct. 31. Nov. 14. 1763. Jan. 23. Jan. 23. April 17. Daniel Winant & Susannah, his wife John Gold & Catharine, his wife Henry Johnsohn & Rachel, his wife John Slact & Ann, his wife William & Ann Scobe John Poillon & Margret, his wife Jonathan Lewis & Mary, his wife Henry Perine & Ann, his wife John Journey & Martha, his wife John Morgan & Debrough Mathew IDecker & Miriam, his wife John Moor & Mary, his wife John Seguyn & Sarah, his wife Henry Taylor & Guda, his wife James Seguyn & Caty, his wife Anthony Van PeltcSiSusanna, his wife CHILD Daniel Paul Abraham Martha a daughter a son child John Daniel William Mary Joseph Ann Peter Rachel Ann Elexander Peter Mary Margret Elizabeth Jesse Israel Larans Henry Peter Steven Susanna 253 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1764. April 12. Daniel Vancleaf & Mattho, Daniel his wife April 3. Jeremiah Stillwell & Yetty, Peter 1757. his wife April 17. James Howell & Elisabeth, Richard 1758- his wife Dec. 20. Susanna 1761. Feb. 15. "Here is the age of four of Jams 1764. James Howells chileren & Feb. 16. Elizabeth's his wives" Elizabeth 1764. June 2. July i. John Halsted & Elizabeth, Elizabeth his wife April 26. Abraham Johnson & Rachel, Mary 1763. his wife Dec. I. Daniel Stilwell & Araienty Jeremiah 1764. (or Ann), his wife May 22. July 29. Henry Prine & Susanna, his Peter 1763. wife Jan. 16. Aug. 27. Joseph Morrel & Martha, his Mary 1764. wife April 28. Sept. 21. John Chrips & Margret, his William wife Sept. II. Abraham Jones & Jene, his John wife Sept. 30. John Latterette & Susanna, John his wife Nov. 8. Edward Blak & Anne, his a child wife Nov. 4. John Bedell & Hannah, his Cornelius wife Nov. 4. Silas Bedell &Febey, his wife Hannah Oct. 21. Dec. 23. Antony Stoutinbura & Mary, Mary 1765. his wife Nov. 26, Jan. 13. Nicolas Baker & Elizabeth, Catrin 1762. his wife Nov. I. Richard Larrens & Mary, his Anne ■ 1764. wife Oct. 18. " " Elizabeth Dec. II. Jan. 20. James Lawtoret & Elizabet, John 1765. his wife Feb. 6. March 31. Peter Cole & Susanna, his Henry wife Feb. 10. John Van Pelt & Margret, his John wife Feb. II. April 14. Dennice Vandelip & Martha, Elias his wife 254 BAPTIZED 1759' Oct. 26. Capt. Drummoncts & Susan Alexander 1765. Grasbeek, his wife Jan. 16. " " Mary 1765. Godparents, A. Waters & wife Jan. 24. April 21. Tenaton Lewis & Mary, his Francis, dan. 1764. wife Aug. 23. George Johnson & Nanne, George 1765. his wife Dec. 13. May 12. Thomas Mashel & Sarah, his Elcy wife March 15. Henry Johnson & Elizabeth, Nathaniel 1763. his wife Dec. — . July 21. John Decker & Elizabeth, his Nanne 1765. wife April—. " " Febey May 28. July 21. John Journey & Martha, his James 1736. wife April 12. Aug. 4. Mary Rolph, wife of Abraham Swame 1765. March 6. Abraham Swame & Mary, John Rolph 1742. his wife April 10. Aug. 18. Larance Rolph, adult Jan. 22. Patience Lake, his wife 1765. Feb. 12. Larance Rolph & Patience William Rob- Lake, his wife erson Aug. 9. Oct. 13. John Michaux & Sarah, his Ann wife June 25. Abraham Winants & Mary, Mary 1763 his wife Nov. 8. " " Cornelas 1765- Aug. 7. John Butler & Rachel, his Sarah wife Aug. 10. Silas Totten & Charity, his Joseph wife Sept. 8. Isaac Bogart & Rachel, his Hannah wife Oct. 4. Richard Wood & Mary, his Mary wife Oct. 9. Nov. 24. Larrance Hillyer& Anne, his Abram wife Oct. 5. Christian Smitt& Hester, his Christian, son wife July 9. Dec. 15. Lambert Merrell & Tabitha, Richard his wife Dec. 15. Samuel Britten & Mary, his Patience 1766. wife Oct. 4. Jan. 3. Daniel Winant & Lizabet, Rachel his wife 255 1765- July 6. Oct. 28. 1762. May 9. 1765- April 13. 1766. Jan. 5. Jan. 31. March 6. Feb. I. 1765- Nov. 19. 1764. April 4. 1766. Feb. 19. Jan. 30. BAPTIZED 1766. PARENTS March 16. April 6. April 13. April 13. March 22. May 11. March 22. 1765- Dec. 23. 1766. March 10. April 14. Jan. 26. 1765- Sept. 12. 1766. April 5. April 10. April 21, May 27. July 13. 1765. April 4. 1766. June 3. 1765- Aug. 18. 1766. Aug. 3. July 30. July 2. Peter Androvet & Caty, his Peter wife Peter Winant & Cristyan, his Cornelous wife David Dye & Mary, his wife Anne Children of David & Mary j Elizabeth Dye ( John David Benjamin Cots & Catrin, his Daniel wife Jams Lawtoret & Elezebet, Johnaton his wife Abraham Cole & Hannah, Abraham his wife Henry Ferine & Hannah, his Abraham wife Moses Doutey & Anne, the Rachel mother Jacob Van Pelt & Elezabeth, Elezebeth the mother " " Mary Daniel Vanclef & Marta, the Benjamine mother Abraham Crocheron&Eleze- Henry bet, the mother Nathaniel Brittain & Mary, Richard the mother David Laforge & Mary, the Necolas mother Henry Taler & Judith, the Alezebeth mother John Sugan & Sary, the Catrin mother John Wood & Margret, the Mary mother Peter Noe & Mary Margret James Seguine & Catrin James Edward & Elezebet Blake Winety (dau.) William & Mary Blake William George Johnson & Nanne George Joseph & Martha Morrell John Moses & Ledde Dupuy Necolas Nathaniel & Eleanor Johnson Nathaniel Christopher & Febe Garrison Elener James & Lezebeth Howell John Joseph Bedell & Catrine Martha 256 BORN 1765- June 14. Oc. 26. 1766. March 11. June 27. Aug. 20. 1765- Jan. 10. 1766. April 5- Nov. 9. Oct. 30. 1767. Dec. I. Jan. I. 1766. Sept. 22. May 15. 1765. Dec. 22, 1766. Sept. 8. Dec. 24. 1767. Feb. I. Feb. 14. Jan. 3. May 13. April 29, March 17. 1766. Aug. 6. 1767. June 5. July 17. Aug. 3. July 18. 1766. Nov. 26. 1767. Aug. 26. 1766. Aug. 16. 1766. Sept. Benjamin & Mary Parker Boude & Mary Vanderlip Henry & Rachel Johnson John & Easters Dubois Nov. 16. James & Francis Polon John Thomas Nathaniel Mary Adder Hamilton & Rachel Martin Ann i767(?.) Feb. 1. Roger & Ann Barns David & Elzebeth Lawtorette Jeremiah & Hettee Stillwell Richard & Mary Laurence Capt. Drummond & Susan, the mother. God-parents were, Thomas Lynch, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Dongan March 25. John & Margrit Crips Joseph & Elizabeth Silve 1767. Margret Catrin Rebaco Susanna Jacobina Willum Nanne Doctor Frost & Tomagine, John Thomas the mother Stephen & Ledy Mercereau Sary Thomas & Sarah Marshal Elizabeth Benjamin & Sarah Lesalyear Nicolas May 17. Jacob & Hannah Belew Sarah Lambert & Thalita(Tabitha) Johnaton Merrell June 21. John & Margret Van Pelt James Jonathan & Mary Lewis Elizabeth June 28. John Journey & Martha, the Mary John & Elizabeth Decker Rubin Aug. 16. Dec. 13. Dec. 30. 1768. Jan. 15. Henry & Hannah P r i n e (prob. Perine) James & Naomi Prine Joseph Van Pelt & Elizabeth George & Dorety Barn John & Dorcas Bodine Nathaniel Eleanor & Johnson William Scobe, "a Dult" Henry Supfiah James Elizabeth Vinsant Jacob John Samuel & Nanne Lining Isaac Lacreman (Lakerman), "a Dult" 257 BORN BAPTIZED 1768. 1768. Jan. 26. March 20. March 11. April 10. 1767. Dec. 25. 1768. Jan. 29. Isaac & Martha Lacreman Jacob Van Pelt & Elizabeth Abraham Lacreman & John & Margaret Wood 1767. Oct. 2. 1768. Feb. 24. 14. March i. Feb. 20. March 15. March 23. 1752- Feb. 27. 1750- June 15. 1768. July 28. March 2. Aug. 25. 1765- Dec. 9. 1766. Dec. 7. Dec. 22. 1768. Sept. 9. June 7. July 2. Oct. 4. Nov. 30. Nov. 14. Nov. II. Sept. 19. Nov. 8. 1759- June 4. 1761. May 24. 1763- Nov. 23. 1766. July 6. 1768. Nov. 29. April 8. Richard Dongan & May 15. June 19. July 3- Aug. 28. Oct. 9. (bap.) 1769. Feb. 12. Isaac & Rachel Bogart Silas Totten & Charity Richard & Mary Wood Edward & Elizabeth Blake Henry & Judith Taylor John & Sarah Michan Henry & Balette Butler David Mary Margaret John Gron- dain Thomas Mary Ephrahim Mary John William John Nathaniel Elizabeth, an adult dau. of Timothy Wood Elizabeth, an adult dau. of Matthew Jones Daniel & Martha Vancleaf Daniel & Sarah Mac Swan Abraham & Elizabeth Eg berts Matthew & Anastace Lisk Martha Elizabeth Benjamin Elizabeth Moses Margret Abraham Harris & Ann Lacreman James & Elizabeth Latterette Elizabeth Nicolas & Sarah Lazaryear Johanna Stephen & Ann Cole Ann Mary, wife of Josua Mersereau " Paci " dau, of Josua & Mary Mersereau William & Ann Scoby Lawrance & Ann Hilyer Peter & Addie Burbank Nathaniel & Mary Britton Moses & Caty Egbert Edward & Ann Prine All children of above Alexander Elizabeth Martha William Abraham Joseph Mary Sarah Edward Henry 258 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1769. 1769. Jan. 1. 1768. Nov. 4. Moses & Liddy Dupuy Moses April — . Lambert & Thalata Merrell Elce Oct. II. George & Dorothy Barns John 1769. Jan. 10. John & Martha Journeay Ann 1766. Oct. 23. William & Frances Granger William 1769. March 16. May 7. George & Nanney Johnson Jasper March 15. Anthony & Susanna Van Pelt George March 7. June 4. Paul & Mary Michau Elizabeth April 7. Jonathan & Mary Lewis Israel 1768. Dec. II. Abraham & Rachel Marshal Mary 1769. May 2. John & Caty Egberts James Christopher Billopp & John Willet Mrrch 23. Peter & Rebekah Mercereau Sarah 1868. Feb. 26. Richard Carbe(?) & Ann, his Richard 1769. wife Nov. 16. Dec. 24. William & Mary Lake William Nov. 13. John & Margaret Van Pelt Peter Oct. 2. 1770. Jan. I. Nathaniel & Eleanor John- Winant 1768. son Dec. 13. Thomas & Mary Butler Catrin 1769. Nov. 17. (t (( Anthony 1768. Nov. 14. Thomas & Tamer Frost Elizabeth 1769. 1769. Nov. 20. Dec. 8. Capt. Drummond & Susanna. God-parents were, Monsr. Susanna 1770. 1770. Marquis De Conti & his wife Feb. 7. April 8. Richard & Mary Stillwell Daniel Jan. 31. Stephen & Ann Cole John March 5. Edward & Martha Jones Barent Jan. 15. May 13. Abraham & Margaret Croch- eron Daniel April 13. Henry & Nanne Crocheron John April 13. Jacob & Elizabeth Van Pelt Susanna March 21. Lambert & Tabitha Merrell Tabitha March 3. July I. Abraham & Marv Winant Elizabeth May 6. Silas & Charity Totten Mary May 5. Josua & Mary Mercereau Stephen 1764. March 20. "LidiaCoade" Mary 259 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1770. 1770. Jan. 29. Abraham & Elizabeth Eg- berts Sarah March 6. Benjamin & Sarah Drake Elizabeth April 8. July 29. Isaac & Easter Cole Edward July I. Sept. 1. Abraham & Hannah Cole John Bedell Feb, 4. Abraham & Ann "Pardee" Abraham June 9. Oct. 7. Winant & Mary Johnson Winant 1769. March 30. John & Dorcas Bodine Nanne 1770. Sept. 18. Richard & Easter Christopher JohnGarrisou July II. Oct. 14. John & Jude Write John Sept. 13, Anthony & Mary Egberts Reuben on Thursday about ten in the morning July 5- Henry & Belletie Butler vSarah Sept. I. Nov. 4. Peter & Christian Winant George Sept. 23. Daniel & Heletie Pethman Daniel Oct. 19. Moses & Catrin Egberts Ann Aug. 24. Dec. 2. John & Sarah Micheau Mary Oct. 28. Dec. 9. Peter & Margret Pollon John Nov. 19. Silas & Mary Bedell Phoebe 1771. 1771. Jan. 22. April 21. James & Elizabeth Law- Catrin 1770. torette Nov. 16. a (t Elisabeth Oct. 14. 1771- March 25. Isaac & Rachel Bogard John May 26. William & Mary Lake Barent 1770. Oct. II. Matthias & Mary Duboys Mary 1773- 1773- April 12. June 13. David & Elizabeth Lattorette Francis, dau. 1771. May 7. Dowa & Margaret Johnson Ann April 7. John & Catrin Bedell Hyllite 1771. une 23. _ ohn Wood, adult ■ une 23. William & Sara Crips Elizabeth June 17. Isaac & Jemima Roper Elizabeth 1770. Sept. 20 Henry & Jude Taylor John Aug. 4. William & Nanne Scobey John 1772. Dec. 21. (t t( Liddie 1771. July 7. Samuel & Mary Brittan Addra (dau.) June 10. 1771. Aug. 4. Joseph & Catrin Bedell Catrin Jan. I. George & Dorothy Barns Roger 26o BORN BAPTIZED I77I. 177 I. July 21. Aug. 7. Aug. 24. July 19. Aug. 17. Oct. 6. Aug. 27. Aug. 5. 1770. Feb. 14. 1771. June 10. Oct. 27. July 26. Sept. 29. Sept. II. Dec. 2. Nov. II. 177 2. 1772. Jan. — . Dec. 17. March 22. April 4. April 12. Dec. 26. March 31. Jan. 10. March 6. Dec. 15. May 24. April 25, " Saterday about May 27. Feb. 18. 1751- July 17. 1772.. March 13. Jan. 31. 1771. Dec. 26. Aug. 16. Sept. 6. 1772. Aug. 30. Aug. 15. Sept. 18. 1773- 177 3- Nov. 7. Dec. 12. 1772. Sept. 24. Jan. 10. Oct. II. Oct. 23. Isaac & Matthew (Martha, Jacob Margaret?) Lacreman John & Martha Jurnee Richard Oliver & Sarah Taylor Elizabeth Stephen & Catrin Bedell David George Johnson Thomas Peter & Becke Mercereau Daniel Lambert & Tabitha Merrel Abraham James & Elizabeth Howell Edward Jacob & Elsey Lazalyear Edward & Ann Prine Benjamin & Mary Parker Stephen & Ann Cole Joseph & Elizabeth Van Pelt John & Catrine Egberts Elisabeth Crips, adult Winant & Mary Johnson Abraham & Elisabetn Lacre- man Henry & Nanny Crocheron Edward & Martha Jones Matthias & Mary Dubois Peter & Margret Pol Ion John & Judith Wright Antony & Mary Egberts ten in ye morning." William & Sarah Jennance David & Mary Laforge Son of Mattice Johnson John & Margrit Van Pelt John & Sara Seguine John & Ann Simonson Josua & Mary Mercereau Richard & Easter Christopher Jonathan & Mary Lewis Stephen & Mary Wood Richard Ann Ephraim Stephen Theunis Tunis & Eleanor Suffiah Abraham Henry Abraham Lewis Peter Judith Martha Eleanor Cornells William Johnson, adult Margrit Catrine Francis, dau. Josua JamesGrover Phoebe Mary John Dubois & Mary Geffers Catrin Abram & Hannah Cole Susanna William & Mary Lacreman Sarah Abram & Rachel Marshal John 26l BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1769. 1773- Nov. 15. Jan. 24. Abranam & Rachel Harris Richard 1772. Nov. 4. it (( t4 il « David Oct. 2. April 4. Edward & Elisabeth Blake Edward 1773- Feb. 9. Benjamin & Sarah Lazalyear Jacob Feb. 24. Lambert & Tabita Merrell Ann 1772. Nov. 24. May 9. Isaac & Margret Lacreman William Oct. or Nov. 25. William & Mary Lake Joseph 1773- March 4. John & Geney Crocheron Mary May 6. Egbert & Rachel Brasted Egbert April 9. Silas & Mary Bedell James July 13- Anthony Burd, his wife & sister & 3 of his children March 26. Aug. I. Abraham & Phoebe Decker Noah 1772, Aug. I. John & Margret Wood Stephen Dec. 5. Benjarnin & Sarah Drake Francis, dau 1773- . uly 2. Matthew & Meryan Decker Hannah ;uly 31. Samuel & Mary Britton Mary une 28. Barent & Elizabeth Sleet Barent Oct. 23. William & Mary Smith. John Hilliard, Jr., & Francis Hilliard, Godfather & God- Susannah 1774. mother Dec. 6. Feb. 6. John & Ann Simonson John 1774. Feb. 17. March 25. Thomas & Tamer Frost William Er- 1766. rell Sept. 8. 1768. Dec. 6. Stephen & Lidde Mercereau Sarah tl (( n Daniel 1774. Feb. 14. n n n Stephen March 25. Lydia, wife of Stephen Mer- cereau, Jr. 11 <( Mary, adult dau. of Stephen Wood Feb. 9. Edward & Martha Jones Margrit Feb. 27. Peter & Margrit Pollon Elizabeth March 29. ohn & Mary Hillyar Mary March 22. ' ohn & Juda Whrite Andrew April 13. Winant & Mary Johnson David 1772. Feb. 18. Aug. 21. Daniel & Martha Vancleaf Sarah 1774- April 14. U ii »( Mary 262 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD 1774- May 1 8. Abraham & Catrine Parlee Martha May 4. Lambert & Tabitha Merrell Jonathan Aug. 23. Henry & Nanne Crocheron Jacob July 29. John & Hannah Winant Elizabeth Aug. 7, Antony & Mary Egberts Elener about 1 o'clock in the morning Aug. 31. John & Margret Van Pelt Hannah July 2. Charles & Elizabeth Lafarge Catrine Oct. 18. Joseph & "Ander" Cubberly James 1775- 1775- Jan. 23. March 26, , James & Susannah Guyon Ann Feb. II. John & Mary Dubois Edward Feb. II. Jonathan & Mary Lewis Joseph Feb. 5. Stephen & Ann Cole John Sept. 20. Daniel & Hilletie Petman Catrin Feb. I. Peter & Charity Winant Isaac April 8. Daniel & Sarah Crocheron Mary March 6. Richard & Mary Cole Abram April 10. Abram & Phoebe Decker Charles April 20. Benjamin & Sarah Drake Rachel May 21. Stephen & Mary Wood Elizabeth March 28. Silas & Mary Bedell John April 15, William & Ann Scobe Elizabeth Saturday Mary Wood, adult March 10. Abram & Rachel Marshal Martha April 4. June 5. Nathaniel & Catrin Britton Mary 1774- Nov. II. Thomas & Mary Powel Elisabeth June 5. Nathaniel Brittan Nicholas Brittan v adults 1775- Mary Susanna Adra ) April 22. James & Elizabeth Lautoret Henry March 13. William & Mary Lake Mary William Larance two children Henry & Liddy Taylor Abram Jan. 19. John & Francis Slact Francis, dau, Aug. 21. William & Mary Smith. God- parents, Oliver Taylor & Sarah, his wife John April 6. John & Cathrine Cole Abraham July 3- Oct. 3. Joseph & Elleanor George Catarine Oct. 7. Nov. — . saac & Martha Lacreman Joseph Peter &Rebecka Mercereau John May 9. 1776. Richard&EstherChristopher Joseph March 1 1 . Olliver & Sarah Taylor Frances 1776. Steven & Catrin Bedell child Feb. 14. Cornelius & Elisabeth Van- cleaf Hester 263 1775- Oct. 28. 1776. Jan. 10. Feb. 13. Feb. 10. April 18. May 15. 1771. Jan. 16. 1773- Feb. 26. 1775- Sept. 3. 1776. Nov. 24. Aug. 2. 1776. April 21. John & Mary Butler Henry James & Ann Walls. Sure- George ties, George Shaw, Nathan- Nathaniel iel Moor, Mary Shaw John & Martha Jeirnee Ann May 5. June 9. July 19. July 21. Barent Martling & Nanne Barent Jusen Daniel & Loretta Duke. Sureties, Terence Kerin, Terence & Susanna Reilly Peter Polon & Margaret Edward & Elce Jones John & Mary Hillyar John & Johannah Winant "A child of ye Army " "A child of ye Scotch " Charles by name Daniel Catrin Elce John Jacob July 28. Daniel Mac Daniel & Catrine Dunkan Lawrence & Ann Hilyer 1777- May 12. Feb. 25- Emm William Margret Daniel Lake & Margret, his Daniel wife Daniel & Elizabeth Corson. William Bap. by Rev. Mr. Charlton Howe William & Mary Lakerman Susannah 1779. March - John Write & wife Mary (In the corner of this entry is a word blotted and after it " 23 Nov.. 1789.") Sept. 19. James & Patience Wood, of Elizabeth the 37 Regt. 19 Foot 1779- Dec. — . Dec. 3. Aug. 5. 1778. Aug. 28. 1780. April 15. 1780. Sunday, May II. May 14. Isaac Simorson & Elizabeth. John Bap. by Mr. Field Obadiah Jones & Mary, his John wife Henry Curshon & wife Daniel May 14. Edward & Martha Jones. Daniel Bap. by Mr. Field June II, Joseph & Anna (De Silvee Anna 4mos. old. perhaps, name illegible) June 4. Joseph Coberly a child Stephen Wood & Elce, his Elisabeth wife 264 PARENTS BAPTIZED 1780. June 4. Joseph Wood & Ann, his wife Stephen Law- rence June 4. James Wood & Ann, his wife John June 4. Matias Decker & Lidda, his David wife June 18. Abram Cole Charity A Corporal of 22nd Regt. child 1779- May 19. 1780. Aug. 25. July 24. June 15. 1781. May 25. 1782. May 17. 1781. Nov. 19. 1780. Sept. 28. 1782. March 16. June 25. William & Eliday Lake Daniel June 25. William Smith Sarah Benjamin & Sarah Drake Anna Charles Morgan & Catharine, David his wife John Write & Judy, his wife Hanna JohnBogart& Anna, his wife. Mary Bap. by Mr. Howland Joseph De Silva& Sarah, his Elizabeth wife Jacob Vanderbilt & Rachel, Robert his wife William Lake John 1782. Feb. 5. William Lake Sarah "William Burbank entering Clerk of the Church of St. Andrews Begun May the 4th day in the year of our Lord 1783." Children Baptized by Rev. Mr. Roland. 1783. June 2. John Voke, Capt., & Mary, Christopher his wife June 15. Stephen Wood & Alice, his John wife June 15. Hery Corshong& Nancy, his Richard 1783. wife Feb. 20. James Wood & Nancy, his Mary wife July 29, Aug. 17. William Sharp Samuel b. about sunset Aug. I. John Lambert Elizabeth 1784. Feb. 13. Jacob Crocheron & Ann, his Elizabeth wife April 18. Isaac Lakeman & Jane, his Elizabeth wife Johnson Feb. 3. Richard Weeb& Noyche, his Alchey wife March 6. Timothy Wood & Mary, his John wife 265 BORN BAPTIZED PARENTS CHILD ■783. June 20. Peter Lefarge & Martha, his Dorcas 1784. wife May 8. Daniel Crocheron & Sarah, his wife Catrine July 6. Robert Barnes & Elisabeth, his wife Ann June 23. John Burbank & Elizabeth, Margaret 1783. his wife Dec. 10. Israel Bedell Meriah 1784. Oct. 15. Stephen Wood & Alice, his Stephen 1785. wife March 22. Henry Crocheron & Ann, his wife Abraham April 22. John Crocheron & Pithy, his Abraham 1785. wife June 5. Stephen Wood & Mary, his wife Stephen Oct. 2. James Scarret & Mary, his wife a daughter Nov. 20. Peter Winant & Ann, his Daniel & Ann 1786. wife Feb. 7. Edward Prine & Sarah, his wife Edward July 7- James Latorette & Mary, his wife David June 3. John Burbank & Elizabeth, wife William March 19. Nathaniel Johnson & Nelly, Cornelius his wife Vanderbilt Sept. I. James Burbank & Nelly, his Abraham 1787. wife Feb. 14. Winant Winant & Ann, his wife Mary March 17. John More & his wife Mary April 10. David Laforge & Catharine, his wife David April 15. Henry Crocheron & Ann, his wife David Oct. 6. Abraham Crocheron & Mary Eleanor July 29. Charles Morgan & Catrine, John 1788. his wife June 9. Daniel Crocheron Daniel "October 5th, 1 [788, the Reverend Richard Moor Begun Devine Serves at th ic Church of Saint Andrew." 1788. 1778. Oct. 5. John Pillion Catharine Dec. 15. Stephen Wood & Eles, his wife Mary 266 1786. Nov. 4. 1788. Sept. 22. 1789. Feb. 23. July 10. March 20. Sept. 24. Sept. 6. Aug. 6. 1790. Jan. 6. Stephen Wood & Eles, his Cornells wife " " " Abraham 1789. Feb. 22. John Pollion James Feb. 22. Mary Doty, adult dau, of Moses Doty May 24. William Heady, adult May 24. William Heady & Hester, his Cathrine wife John Simonson & Ann, his Stephen wife Bedell June 28. Abraham Crocheron & Mary, Benjamin his wife July 5. Martha Baker, adult July 5. Daniel Mersereau & Susan, Ann his wife July 15. John Crocheron & Fithee, Sophia his wife Barzillai Grover & Cristine, William his wife John More & his wife PeterVanpelt Sept. 20. Walter Dungan & Abigail, Abigail his wife Simonson Sept. 20. Vincent Wood William Barber Sept. 24. Henry Crocheron & Ann, his Reuben wife Sept. 24. James Wood & Ann, his wife Susannah Peter Wandel & Sarah, his Mathew wife William Prine & Fanny, his Mary wife Nicholas Journey & wife Nicholas Nov. I. 1790. March 2. Abraham Crocheron & Jane, Abraham his wife 1790. April 2. 1789. Aug. i6. Peter Poillon entered as clerk, 9th May, 1790 Joseph & Catharine Decker 1790. May 9. May 16. Catharine Dorsett, adult James & Anna Johnson May 15. David & Catharine Laforge " " Abram Manee & wife Thomas & Susan Butler " " Charles Laforge & wife June 20. Vincent & Jane Bodine June 27. William & Miranda Perine Hannah Bedell Ann Henry Seguine Isaac Maria Charles Martha Peter 267 I790. March 15. May 30. June 9. June 29. 1790. July 7- 1786. May 27. 1790. Nov. 25. 1791. June I. 1790. Nov. 26. 1791. Sept. 10. Sept. 24. Oct. 9. Oct. 24. Sept. 20. 1792. June I. Dec. 12. 1795- Sept. 26. Aug. 27. Sept. 26. Oct. 24. Nov. 21. 1791. May 1. June 26. I793- Oct. 27. Nov. 3. 1796. Jan. 5. Jan. 6. Jan. 24. Peter & Ann Winant Charles & Catharine Morgan Joseph & Catharine Lake Robert & Hester Barnes Isaac Lakerman & wife John & Margrette Seguine John & Susannah Latourette Cornelius & Catharine Win- ants John & Hester Williams Jacob & Audra Simonson Daniel & Ann Mersereau Abraham & Mary Crocheron Susannah Mary Patience Abraham Lakerman Margrette John Susannah Cornelia Rebecca William Elizabeth Cornelia Elizabeth Peter Laforge & his wife a child James & Mary Scarret John & Fanny Taylor Edward & Patience Perine Jacob & Margaret Seguine Abraham & Sally Perine Robert & Hester Barnes Stephen & Audra Kettletas John & Margrette Seguine John & Margaret Poillon Benjamin & Ann Taylor George & Ann Young Isaac & Jane Lakerman Richard & Catharine Wood James Oliver Mary Catharine Peter Razeau Margaret Elizabeth Henry Jacob Esther Pamela Thomas Isaac Mary 268 1754, June 2. Oct. 7- Oct. 24. Dec. 16. Dec. 17- 1755, May 28. _ une 9- "une 6(?) _ uly 13- _ uly 13- March 1 8. April 25- 1756, Jan. 4. 1757, June 12. July 28. Aug. JO- Sept. 'S- i759> June 14- 1760, Feb. 3- 1761, Jan. 5- 1763, — . 1764, 1765, Jan. 10. 1766, Dec. 16. ,Feb. — . , Marct 128. 1766, May 25- May 25- Nov. 9- 1767, Oct. 18. Oct. 25- Nov. I. 1768, June — . July 24. 1769, Jan. 15- Nov. 5- Nov. 5- 1 77 1, April 28. Aug. 18. 1772, March — . •773. Aug. 15- '774, Aug. 21. Oct. 26. t"^^- '3- 1775, Nov. 12. 1776, Jan. 28. Marriages. Daniel Zeluff, Hannah Clarck John Slinsby, Joannah Skinner Peter Johnson, Mary Taylor William Morgan, Elizabeth Winter David Woodruff, Sarah Zeluff Peter Griffiths, Hannah Banson Samuel Stilwell, Hannah Van Pelt Peter Savary, Esther Garrison Joseph Yates, Sarah Chysick Jacob Cain, Franky Van Pelt Barnt Simonson, Abigail Croshun Samuel Denike, Jean Wright Ephraim Taylor, Elizabeth Morgan James Mac Daniel, Freelove Lewis Isaac Simonson, Elizabeth Wood Thomas Trott, Gizeburt Durland John Stilwell, Oily Taylor Isaac Pepperill, Hannah Johnson Edward Newman, Hannah Griffis John Crips, Martha Bety James Hilyear, Mary Frome John Goodman, Hannah Van Pelt Isaac Johnson, Ellender Bowman Beniamin Hetfield, Nanne Merrel Samuel Leyning, Nenney Powel Joseph Allason, Elizabeth Rineo Joseph Silva, Elizabeth Kingston Names of those Published. Cornelius Cole, Ann — yellard Stephen Bedell, Catrin Latorett John Silvester, Hannah Simonson Isaac Pritchet, Elizabeth Creed James Clark, Easter Grain John Baker, Ellender Creed John Degroat, Mary Larrance Nicholas Imyard, Jemima Wood Timothy Wood, Sarah Rezeau, wid. Andrew Brown, Jane Simson Benjamin Bouth, Ann Bush Moses Decker, Elizabeth Wood William Jannance, Sarah Kingston Isaac Johnson, Plone)^ Frome John Radfort, Rebecca Plummer Lambert Jenners, Mary Mitchel Richard Cole, Mary Spragg Abraham Mitchel, Susanna Janance John Seguine, Rachel Mitchel Matthias Decker, Lidde Milburn John Breasted, Elizabeth Grace 26g 1776, Aug. 4. Abraham Prall, Sarah Cannon Aug. 4. William Merrell, Ann Merrell Register of Marriages copied by Rev. David Moore from his Private Records for his son Richard Channing Moore. 5- 17- 22. 1788, Oct. — . Dec. 31. 1789, Jan. 14. Jan. 18. March — . April 5. June. 7. Oct. 6. Oct. 9. Dec. 20. 1790, Jan. 3. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 14. March 16. June 7. July 14- July 25- Aug. 17. Aug. 24. Sept. 6. Oct. 3. Nov. 2. Nov. 18. Dec 1791, Jan. Jan. April 24. May II. July 9. Aug. 7. Aug. 7. Aug. 20. Sept. 8. Sept. 29. Oct. 16. Oct. 29. Nov. 9. Nov. — . Dec. 6. 1792, March 27. March 28. 27. 26. 3°- Richard Lake, bimonson John Ammerman, Bush Peter Ferine, Mary Beedle Peter Androvet, Elizabeth Slack Jacob Garretson, Catharine Simonson John Slack, Elizabeth Wynant Peter Vandel, Sarah Vancleif John Bauman, Decker Isaac Simonson, Elizabeth Bird Vincent Bedine, Jane Blake Adrian Bancker, Elizabeth Decker John Scarret, Mary Burbank David Lewis, Susan Rezeau Thomas Butler, Mary Herod John Simonson, Alice Marshal Matthias Swaim, Eleanor Clendenny Abraham Poillon, Stisan Cole Jacob Simonson, Adrian Poillon John Braisted, Nauche Marlin Samuel Lackerman, Catharine Crowel Edward Perine, Patience Mersereau Peter Wynant, Mary Wynant Reuben Decker, Mary Swaim Michael Freeland, Mary Blake Abraham Perine, Sarah Rezeau Henry Mersereau, Elizabeth Laforge Abraham Merril, Ann Merril Mark Dissosway, Elizabeth Cortelyou Abraham Waglum, Hannah Parlee James Mott, Appolonia Scarret Edward Perine, Adrian Guion James Segang, Mary Guion Andrew Roomer, Susan Butler Abraham Jones, Ann Decker John McKay, Elizabeth Micheau Lucius Chapin, Susan Rezeau Isaac Decker, Margaret Jones Peter Simonson, Ann Cole William Van Brunt, Catharine Dissosway John Swaim, Martha Housman Richard Sylve, Hester Taylor Jacob Slack, Jane Waglum Nathaniel Johnson, Catharine Waglum Thomas Crips, Mary Perine Christina Smith, Catharine Egbert Edward Still, Ann Cubberly James Britton, Violetta Dissosway 270 1792, April 29. July 5- Sept. 9. Nov. 8. Dec. 8. Dec. 10. 1793, Jan. 27. Feb. 10. May 2. June 18. Aug. 5. Sept. 18. Oct. 18. Nov. 28. Dec. 24. 1794, Jan. 22. Feb. 3. Feb. 9. Feb. 12. Feb. 12. March 23. April 6. April 6. June 2. July 25. Sept. 24. Sept. 25. Oct. 28. Nov. 15. Nov. 29. 1 795- Jan. 7. Jan. 21. Jan. 27. April 2. May 2. June 13. July 28. Aug. 15. Dec. 16. Dec. 31. 1796, Jan. 6. Jan. 16. Jan. 23. Feb. 10. Feb. 14. March 26. March 27. May 3. June 5. Sept. 3. Oct. 16. 1797, Feb. 22. Richard Henderson, Mary Journeay John Poillon, Elizabeth Segang Benjamin Taylor, Ann Decker Stephen Segang, Susanna Poillon George Van Pelt, Catharine Marlin Joseph Bush, Mary Johnson John Hudson, Mary Everson John Crocheron, Hannah Houseman John Barnes, Margaret Perine Benjamin Schenck, Mary Holmes John Dixey, Susanna Vachereau Barnt Slack, Catharine Johnson Lawrence Brenan, Fanny Taylor James Bradish, Margaret Thompson Lewis Johnson, Phoebe Van Pelt Daniel Prall, Ann Mersereau Stephen Wood, Damy Houseman Isaac Wood, Susan Lewis William Ralph, Mary Ann Wynant John Wood, Sarah Lackerman John Johnson, Patty Bedell Cornelius Lake, Susan Androvet John Wynant, Sarah Decker John Nicoll, Elizabeth Lisk Scarret, Garretson Abraham Johnson, Jane Jennings Reuben Clason, Ann Lake Edward Haughwout, Ann Bogart George Wynant, Elizabeth Wynant Benjamin Parker, Phoebe Bedell Richard Wood, Catharine Lackerman Henry Perine, Mary Wynant Lambert Bush, Mary Stilwell Joseph Ralph, Catharine Wynant William Barclay, Mary Van Clief Benjamin Marlin, Aula Cosine Jacob Johnson, Elizabeth Haughwout Lucas De Wine, Ann Marshall Robert De Groat, Elizabeth Betts Dempsey, Waglum John Hillicker, Polly Betts Isaac Wynant, Patty Wynant David Johnson, Jane Wynant Joshua Waglum, Martha Cole Abraham Bond, Ann Wynant Samuel Randolph, Mary McClean Daniel Van Dusen, Ann Houseman Peter Decker, Betsy Merril Jacob Decker, Leah De Pugh John Marsh, Elizabeth Hooper Stephen Cole, Jane Mersereau Jacob Crocheron, Mary Oakly 71 1797, April i. May 24. July 13. July IS- July 16. Aug. 3. Sept. 11. Oct. lO. Nov. II. Nov. 26. Dec. 3. Dec. 5. 1798, Jan. 3. Jan. 20. July 19. Aug. 12. Aug. 30. 5- 6. 14- Sept Oct. Oct. Nov. 29 1799, Jan. 20. June I. June 22. Sept. 28. 1800, Jan. 12. Feb. 8. April 13. May 2. June 19. June 28. July 12. Aug. 7. Aug. 13. Aug. 10. Aug. II. Dec. 24. iSoi.Jan. 7. Feb. — . April — . April — . May 28. June 2. June 21. June 27. Oct. I. Oct. 4. Oct. 13. Nov. — . Dec. 13. Dec. 16. Dec. 19. John Cole, Mary Wynant Samuel Britton, Polly La Torett Lewis Loper, Ann Micheau Isaac Woodward, Leanah Stillwell Isaac Parlee, Margaret Van Pelt Daniel Crocheron, Elizabeth Wood Charles Androvet, Margaret Slack Ephraim Johnson, Catharine Laforge Cornelius Cole, Francis Cole Wynant Johnson, Catharine Guion Andrew Cannon, Mary Wright Peter Van Pelt, Mary Cologne Roger Barnes, Sally Lake Joseph Lake, Elizabeth Van Pelt James Bedell, Hetty Packer Abraham Auten, Jane Wynant William Barclay, Patty Parlee Jacob Mersereau, Mary Crocheron Daniel Mersereau, Alida Lake William Drake, Catharine Prickett Daniel Crocheron, Jane Jones James Cubberly, Eleanor Ralph James Wood, Elston Samuel Holmes, Margaret Cole John Simonson, Phoebe Wood John Guion, Elizabeth Butler Daniel Mersereau, Elizabeth Wynant John Baker, Mary Lackerman Thompson, Lewis Henry Perine, Magdalen Simonson Andrew Spragg, Catharine Pryor Jacob Spragg, Margaret Wood Moses Wynant, Wynant Hery Segang, Jane Garretson Abraham Bird, Elizabeth Swaim John Hacher, Eliza Riker Sylvanus Decker, Sarah Parker Mersereau, Deborah Britton Isaac Lewis, Prall Baker, Wright Harmanus Bennett, Mary Segang Nicholas Crocheron, Wynant David Keisham, Hannah David Van Pelt, Hannah Wright Arthur Simonson, Harriot Pritchett James Crips, Elis. Blake Barney Egbert, Ann Taylor Silas Reynolds, Rebecca Decker Corson, Else Ayro Peter Cortelyou, Sarah Van Pelt Jeremiah Ayro, Jane Jennings Daniel Wynant, Eliza Oakly 272 i8oi, Dec. 22. Dec. 24. 1802, Jan. 3. Jan. 14. Jan. 15. Feb. 17. April 28. May 2. June 5. July -. Aug. 2 1 . Nov. 21. Nov. 28. Dec. I. Dec. 5. Dec. II. 1803, Jan. 18. March 2. March 31. July Aug. Oct. Dec. Dec. 1804, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 5- 28. 19. 22. 31- 4- 7- II. 12. 21. March 31. April July Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. March Nov. Nov. 1806, Jan. Feb. April June Sept. Dec. 1805, 21. 25- II. IS- 13- 31- 7- 1 1. 23- 24. 3°- 20. 5- 16. 17- 12. 8. 12. 3- 2. 1 1. Isaac Jacques, Eliza Jones John Cole, Eliza Drake John Marlin, Dorcas Laforge John Prall, Martha Latouretta James Campbell. Eliza Pew Laforge, Marlin William Johnson, Catharine Marlin Harmanus Guion, Eliza Holmes Daniel Lake, Margaret Jackson John Journeay, Patience Cole John Androvet, Ann Cole Stephen Mersereau, Lanah Wynant Abraham Jones, Else De Pugh James Guion, Ann Perine Matthew Decker, Francis Marlin Richare Lackerman, Catharine Lake William Blake, Sarah Merrit George Van Pelt, Ann Merril William Kmg, Eliza Morgan Daniel Lake, Mary Gifford John Jones, Grandine George Barns, Sally Holmes John Seaman, Rebecca Benson Jacob Cole, Eliza Laforge John Mersereau, Ann Parlee Peter Manne, Mary Pryor John Taylor, Sarah Yates Jesse Johnson, Rachel Totten Lewis DuBois, Jane Mersereau John Stevens, Lanah Lake Cornelius Perine, Mary McClean Richard Blake, Lydia Packer S. Blake, Crocheron Saml. Marsh, Patty Seabrook John Laforge, Phoebe Bedell Isaac Decker, Elizabeth Christopher John Smart, Eleanor Wade John Van Dyke, Jane Seaman Joseph Totten, Mary Cubberly John Wood, Barbara Van Pelt John Fountain, Catharine Fountain Nathaniel Britton, Margaret Bedell James Johnson, Letitia Totten Stephen Segang, Margaret Guion Josselyn Shuttleworth, Mary Robinson William Cairns, Sarah McDavit Joseph Bedell, Hetty Segang James Leforge, Catharine Wynant Uriah Henderson, Addra Guyon Amos Abrams, Mary Coddington Nic. Stilwell, Mary Micheau Charles Wood, Joanna Dongan 273 i8o6, Dec. 23. John Garretson, Susan Lake Dec. 25. Jack & Phoebe, servants of Barnt Segang & D. Van Clief Dec. 31. Samuel Sharp, Sarah Squires 1807, Jan. 28. Anthony Johnson, Fanny Oakly Feb. 9. Cornelius Britton, Jane Bedell April 9. Isaac Houseman, Hannah Ferine May 1 6. Cornelius Guyon, Gitty Mercereau June 4. Robert Clements, Sarah Conyer July 8. David Laforge, Ann Johnson July g. Jesse Wood, Cathrine Marshal July II. John Pollard, Else Robins Aug. I. Abm. Wynant, Mary Parlee Sept. 8. Thomas Wright, Susanna Johnson Sept. 13. Cornelius Perine, Maria Egbert Sept. 19. John Moore, Phoebe Johnson Dec. 22. Jacob Barger, Hannah Wynant Dec. 27. Harry & Sarah, servants of D. Crocheron & Wm. Journey Dec. 29. Joseph Journeay, Mary Wynant 1808, Jan. 8. Daniel Butler, Elizabeth Pray Feb. 6. Ezra Ludlow, Rachel Seguine March 9. Stephen Bedell, Mary Donolly April — . Wm. Mannee, Elizabeth Pryor Oct. 8. Abm. Mannee, Mary Waglum Nov. 12. David La Tourette, Phoebe Cole Dec. 4. Lawrence Hillyer, Ann Larzalere Dec. 10. Joshua Mercereau, Susan Story Dec. 14. Andrew Pryor, Catharine Aydee Dec. 17. Jacob Allen, Elizabeth Seguine Dec. 24. John Waglum, Lanah Pryor Marriages at Amboy during my Ministry there. Rev. D. Moore. 1793, Dec. 29. Andrew Smith, Maria Packer 1794, April 17. John Halsted, Johnson April 20. Edward Ball, Susan Halstead 1795, May 17. Dixon, Mary Johnson Sept. 5. Joseph Marsh, Ruth Smith 1796, Aug. 7. Herry Bambridge, Sarah Truxton 1797, Jan. 12. John Roe, Susan Stephens 1798, Dec. 27. John Brown, Ann Segang 1800, Nov. 24. Mr. Terrils black woman i8oi,Jan. 8. Richard Meade, Margaret Butler 277 INDEX Aartsen, Ariaantje, 28 Abbatt, James E., 208 Abel, Charlotte, 156 Abrams, Amos, 272 Adames, Maria, 54 Adams, Charles, igg Jane, 55-58 Jannetje, 47, 52, 53 Malli, 57 Maria, 52, 58 Mary, 47 Marya, 61 Adkens, George, 170 Adra, Mary Susanna, 262 Afte, Johannis, 19 Ahrens, Anna Maria, 156 John, 156 Margaret, 152 Adriaans, Gozen, 24 Adriaansz, Gosen, 30 Gozen, 23, 26 Hilletje, 26 Adriaenssen, Femmetie, 15 Alever, Nellie, 64 Alexander, William, 160 Alfrank, Johann, 206 Alfrenk, Bernard, 155 John Frederick, 155 William Henry, 155 Allason, Joseph, 268 Allen, , 227, 231 mr., 227 , mrs., 218 Daniel, Bicknel, 136 Jacob, 273 Jacob Hand, 136, 224 James T., 207 Jane, i6g Mary Ann, 123, 126 Peter W., 230 William, 169 William Barton, 136 Allever, Nelli, 62 Allison, Mary Catharine, 210 Aimers, br., vi Alnsley, Ozias, 174 Alsguth, Margretha, 156 Maria, 156 Alston, , 215, 232 David, 197 Elizabeth, 197 Hannah, 114, 117 Alston, Japhet, 192, 197 Japheth, 203 Jeffries, 174 Moses, 140, 197, 232 Sarah, I92, 197 Sarah Ann, 127, 140, 227 Susan, 192 Warren, 206 Warren D., 206 William P., 209 Alver, ■ nelle, 59 Pieternella,6o Amerman, Aultje, 168 Ammeman, Elizabeth, 180 John, 180 Rebekkah, 180 Ammerman, John, 269 Ana, 182 Andee, Maria, 193 Anders, J. D., 127 Anderson, , 227 Robert, 172 Sarah, 167 Anderton, James, 205 Andrevet, Anna, 32 Elisabet, 29,32 Jan, 27, 29, 38 Leah, 29 Neeltje, 27 Pieter, 23, 29, 32 Rebecca, 23 Andries, Maria, 55 Marytje, 44 Andriessen, Catlyntje,4g Teunis, 49 Androvet, Caty, 255 Charles, 271 John, 272 Peter, 255, 269 Susan, 270 Androvette,Catharine,l68 Andryssen, Andrys, 10 Antes, Henry, vi Appleby, Benjamin, 165 Ariesmet, Elisabeth, 9 Armstrong, Amelia, 145 Henry, 209 James, 145 James, mrs., 231 Rose, 145 Arnold, Jacob, 147 Maria Louisa, 147 Susan Ann Perine Bird, 147 Aroe, Hannah, 84, 86 Jeremia, 94 Aroe, Jeremiah, 84, 86 Joseph, 94 Richard, 94, 174 Samuel, 86 Sarah, 94 William, 84 Arrosmith, Mary, 245 Thomas, 245 Arrow, Elisabeth, 21 Elsy, 120 Arrowsmith, Jane, 43, 45 48, 50 Joseph, ix Arysmith, Elizabeth, 246 Henry, 248 Joseph, 246, 247 Mary, 246-248 Thomas, 248 Violetta, 247 Ashman, mr., 198 Aston, Abraham, 103 Isaac, 103 Atkins, miss, 139 Auder, Marie, 20 Auke, Femmetje, 27 Aukes, Barbara, 23, 31 Auten, Abraham, 271 Emilie, 239 Avery, Catharine, 132 Geo., igo George, 132, 190 George Washington, 1 32 Grace, 190 Julia Simpson, 132 Aydee, Catharine, 273 Ay re, John, 170 Ayro, Else, 271 Jeremiah, 271 B Baely, Martha, 52 Bachus, John, 165 Backer, Caatye, 65 Catharina, 58, 60 Catherina, 58 Claas, 18 Elizabeth, 55 Jacob, 52, 63 Jacobus, 57 Kaaty, 63 Kaatye, 62 Kaetye, 59 Mary, 63 Neeltye, 59 Nicclos, 63 278 Backer, Nicolaas, 12 Nieltje, 52 Niclaes, 10 Niclos, 63 Trintje, 53 Tryntie, 12, 15 Backers, Catrina, 57 Necclos, 62 Trintje, 10 Baile, Martha, 42, 47 Bailey, Richard, x Baker, , 216, 224, 226, 230, 234-236, 271 Andrew, 179 Ann S., 204 Catharine, 179 Catrin,253 Charity, 81,83,87,90 Debby Ann, 194 Eleonor, 84 Eliza, 224 Elizabeth, 253 Ellen, 148, 150, 201 Ellen Eliza, 125 James, 159 James B., 203 James Bradley, 117 James Henry, 139 Jeremiah,' 90, 171 Jeremy, 173 Joanna, 159 John,8i,82, 87, 90, 138, 139, t42, 146, 171, 179, 196, 216, 224, 226,268, 271 John J., 197 John L., 230 John Wandel, 81 John William, 146 Josephine, 235 Joseph, 83, no, 113, 114, 117, 197,215,218, 220 Jno., 235 Julia Ann, 159 Letty Ann, 114, 220 Martha, 172, 266 Mary, 145 Mary Ellen, 142 Nicolas, 253 Peter Vansal, no Peter Wandel, 87 Rachel, 194 S., 201 Sarah, 173 Sarah Elizabeth, 159 Sophia, 216 Susan, i-!5, 145, 197, 201, 203, 214, 220, 235 Wandel, 145, 20l Bakker, Caatye, 57 Catharina, 37, 38, 41, 44, 49 Cathrina, 37, 47 Bakker, Elisabet, 24, 31, 34, 37. 40, 44. 46 Elisabeth, 49 Jacob, 25,31, 52 Jacobus, 37, 38, 43, 45 Neeltje, 31, 35-37, 40,41, 44,48 Nicolaas, 23, 24, 30, 45 Bakkers, Neeltje, 23, 26, 27.34 Nicolaas, 21 Baldwin, Ella, 236 Isaac, 169 Reuben, 235 Balin, Isaak, 25 Ball, Edward, 273 Baltzer, Margt, 150 Balzer, William, 209 Bambridge, Herry, 273 Bancker, Adrian, 269 Banker, mr., 164 Ellen, 160 Benson, Hannah, 268 Banta, Eliza, 184 Euphemia M., 195 Jacob, 184 Jane, 184 Maria, 144 Sylva, 195 Wiart, 195 Bantea, Jacob, 173 Barager, David, 112, 214 Henry, 112, 214 Polly, 114 Barbarie, Abraham, 29 Pieter, 29 Barbour, Charles, 194 Edward, 194 Margrett, 194 Barbanck, Maria, 22 Thomas, 16, 22 Barbank, Aaltje, 40, 46 Anna, 30, 32, 35 Geertje, 47 Jan, 31,35,37,40,42,47 Lucas, 47 Maria, 42, 46, 47 Thomas, 26, 30, 32, 37, 46 Barclay, Hannah, 168 William, 270, 271 Bard, Judith, 171 Bardine, , 238 Dorcas, 167 Barents, Tryntie, 9, 10 Barger, - — , 219, 223 Catharine Mersereau, 2<3 David, 80, 104, 114, I '6, 132, 178, 212 Eliza Ann, 114 Hannah, 213 Barger, Henry, 79-81,83, 169, 178, 212, 219, 223 Jacob, 97, 212, 213, 221, 273 James Guion, 132 John, 83, 212, 237 John William, 116 Mary, 79-83, too, 103, 104, 107, 112, 175,212, 213 Matilda, 223 Polly, 118, 121 Barker, rev. mr., x Barn, Dorety, 256 Elizabeth, 256 George, 256 Barnes, , 235 miss, 235 Abraham Lakerman, 267 Ann, 265 Anne, 77 Bathia, 217 Dorothy, 77, 78, 85,258 Edward, 189 Elisabeth, 265 Eliza, 116, 119, 125, 129, 187 Elizabeth, 158, 171 Frederic, 164 Frederick, 238 Geo., 240 George, 77. 78,85, 158, Geo. Western, 187 G. W., 193 Hannah, 85 Hester, 267 Johanna, 170 John, 189, 202, 270 Louisa, 208 Margaret, 267 Margrelt, 189 Mary Louisa, 162, 164 Richard, 250 Robert, 158, 162, 164. 235, 240, 265, 267 Roger, 250, 271 Sarah Louisa, 162 Barns, Ann, 256 Dorothy, 259 George, 258, 259, 272 John, 258 Margret, 256 Roger, 256, 259 Barrabank, Catharina, 52 Lucas, 52 Barrager, br., 86 sr., 86 Henry, 86 Nicolas Stilwell, 86 Barron, Fanny, 188 John, 188 Barron, Joseph, i88 Barth, Elizabeth, 206 G., 206 George, 157 John, 157 Bartholen, Catharine, 189 John, i8q Mary, 189 Bartholew, Catharina, 186 John, 186 Mary, 186 Barton, , 192, 225 Austin, 67, 170, 173 Catharine, 211, 241 Conrad, 149 Edward, 200 Elisabeth, 220 Elizabeth, 172 Isaac, 95, 174, 211, 237 James, 95 John, 91, 94 Joseph, 67, 174, 176, 238 Lucy, 218 Mary, 127, 131, 166, 173 Mary Ann, 101, 123, 192 Saml, 200 Samuel, 235 Sara, 212 Sarah, 174, 191 Tunis, 212 William, 91,94, loi, 173 Wm., 212 Basse, , 231 Dettmar, 155 Dettmar, mrs., 155 Bastido, Bastido, 14 Jan, 16 Joseph, II, 14, 16, 19, 22 Louys, II Maria, 19 Pieter, 22 Rosanna, 11 Batten, Thomas, 166 Baty, John, vii Bauer, Catherine, 154 Jacob, 204 Bauman, John, 269 Beadle, Catharine, 246 John, 246 Joseph, 246 Beagle, Catharine, 246 John, 246 Joseph, 246 Beam, Eleanor, 222 Beard, Hannah, 166 Beattey, , 214 Ann, 126, 135 Ann Louisa, 135 Annethie Vooris, 126 Barzillor Burr, 1 15 Betsey, 114 Catharine Eliza, 117 279 Beattey, Cornelius, 115, 123, 126,215 Cynthia Jacobson, 111; E., 126 Edmund, 114 Edw., 1 12, 113 Edward,! 14,126,135,218 Edward, jr., 115 Eleanor Louise, 126 Eleon, 112, 113 Eleonor, 112, 114 Eliza, 112, 123, 128 Eliza Alexander, 126 Ellen Gertrude, 120 Hannah, 218 Henrietta Mieks, 126 Isabella, 128, 215 Jacob, 112, 117, 120, 123, 215,218 James, 126, 127, 129 Jane Ann, 126 John, 114, 115, 123, 126, 218 John, sr., 214 John Edward, 112 Maria Elizabeth, 123 Maria Kebekah, 115 Nancy, 215 Polly, 1 12 Sarah Ann, 123 Vanransalaer, 112 William, 1 1 2, 1 1 4, 1 34,2 1 5 William Addison, 218 William Henry, 134 Willm, 112 Beatty, , 111,220, 228, 330. 233.235 Alfred, 107 Alfred Ebberhard, 103 Alfred Eberhard, 212 Ann, 75,91,99, 190, 212, 222-224 Anna, 74 Anne, 74, 170 Annethie Vooris, 223 Bittje, 80 Catharine Eleonore, 98 Charity, 75 Corn., 99 Cornelius, 78, 94, 95, 98, 100, 103, 106, 109, 112, 174. 222 Cornelius Augustus, 112 Daniel Lake, 99 E., 225 Edw., 80, 82, 84-86, 89, 94-112, 174 Edward, 77-85, 87-94, 96, 99, 100, 104, 108, no, III, 114, 118, 132, 140, 165, 178, 189, 192- 194, 216,221-224, 228, 238, 241 Beatty, Edward.sr., 216 Edward Christian, 100 Edwd., 103, 104 Eleanor, 77-79, 86, 94, 95. '91-193. 216, 222, 241 Eleanor Louisa, 222 Eleanora, 93 Eleanore, 174 Eleon., 89,92, 95,96,98, 99. 100, 103, no, 114 Eleonor, 80-84, 87-91, 94. 95, 98, 103, 113, 114 Eleonora, 92, 93, 97 Eleonore, 95, 98-100, 213 Eleonore Maria, 103 Eliz., 197 Eliza, 220 Elizabeth, 88, 89, 190, 221 Elizabeth Cecilia, 109 Ellen, 191 Ellenor Louisa, 140 Ellenor Louise, 225 Elleonor, 86 Emmeline, 107 Hellethah Ann, 106 Henry, 228 Henry Barger, 96 Hiram Eugene, 118 Isabella, 114, 193, 220 Jacob, 79, 104, 107, 108, 111, 114, 178, 220, 221 Jacob Cortelyou, 104 James, 89, 192, 194 John, 74, 75, 77, 88, 89, 91.92. 94.99. '05, 107, 112, 118, 132, 172, 190, 197, 222, 223 John, sr., 221 John William, 88 John Jacobson, 95 Louisa, 224 Margaret E., 197 Margaret Eliza, 105 Mary, 78, 230, 232 Mary E., 238 Mary Elizabeth, 121 Mary Lake, 112 Polly, 222 Sara, 92,95, 102 Sarah, 77, 99, 172, i8q, 211 Susan, 194 Thomas, 194 Vanras, 230 William, 79, 96, 97, 100 103, 107, 118, 121,175 222 William Lake, 107 William Montgomery 103 28o Beatly, Wm., 107, 213 Wm., sr., 227 Beaty, Edward, 84 Eleanor, 80 Eleon., 94 Eleonor, 84 Beauvois, Catharina, 25 Cathrina, 36 Bechler, A. H., 108, 110 Aug. Henr., 107-109 Augusta Henr., 105 Francis Eugenius, I08 J. C, 108, 110 John C, viii, 71, 105, 106, 179 Julius Theodore, 106 Beckelo, Abraham, 61 Cattriena, 61 Beckwith, , 238 Bedel, Jesse, mrs., 230 Sarah, 167 Bedell, mrs., 96 Abrm., 237 Ann, 88 Benjamin, 185 Cath., 104 Cathrine, 90 Catrin, 259, 260, 262 Catrine, 252, 255 Christian Jacobsen, 80 Corn, 239 Cornelius, 80, 83, 170, 213,239, 240, 253 David, 260 Elisabeth, 213 Elizabeth, 80, 83, 239, 240 Esther, 191 Febey, 253 Hannah, 253 Hilletje, 92, 96, 99, 104, 108, 170, 179, 182 Hyllite, 259 Israel, 80, 265 James, 191, 261, 271 Jane, 273 Jesse, 216, 231 John, 88, 90, 92, 96, 253, 259, 262 John, Van Deventer 83 Joseph, 252, 255, 259, 272 Margaret, 272 Martha, 255 Martha Ann, 202 Mary, 252, 259, 261, 262 Mary Ann, 191 Meriah, 265 Patty, 270 Phoebe, 259, 270, 272 Richard, 175 Richd., 176 Sara, 176 Bedell.Silas, 253, 259, 261, 262 Stephen, 260, 268, 273 Steven, 262 Vandeventer, 240 Van Deventer, 112 Bedine, Vincent, 269 Bedgel, Joseph, 247 Katharine, 247 Paul, 247 Bedillion, , 193 Joseph, 193 Beedle, Mary, 269 Beek, Saara, 54 Beekman, Gerardus, 61 '"' Lea, 28, 32, 33, 34, 42 Maria, 61 ■ Beers, Joseph, 166 Beglo, Elizabeth, 165 Behrens, Cathrina, 156 Beker, Jeremiah, 194 Belew, Hannah, 256 Jacob, 256 Sarah, 256 Bellin, Daniel, 13 Isaac, 13 Belleville, Esther, 43 Bellow, Hartwell, 205 Belveel, Mary, 13 Benjamin, , 239 capt., 239 Corseen, 19 Bendel, Leydia, 10 Bender, Annie, 235 Benhem, Wyntje, 20 Bennet, Aaltje, 27 Aaltye, 57 Aeltje, 54 Aeltye, 59, 60 Altye, 64 Cornelius, 43 Elisabet, 34 Grietje, 54 Jacob, 27, 30, 34, 38, 43 [uriaan, 30 Maragreta, 58 Margrietye, 57 Mathew, 173 \Villem,38 Bennett, Harmanus, 271 Bennit, Aaltye, 65 Aeltie, 51 Jan, 51 Benson, Esther, no Rebecca, 272 Benzaken, Hetty Maria, 112 Benzien, Lydia, 140 Berbanck, Aeltie, 12 Thomas, 12 Berbank, Patience, 169 Berg, Frederic, iv Berge, Elsye, 57 Bergen, Adriaen, 58 Cornelia, 37, 48, 65 Elsje, 42 Frederick, 57 Fredrick, 31 Fredrik, 26, 30, 42, 47 Gerretye, 57 Gerritje, 26 Grietje, 54 Henrik, 31 Jacob, 37,41,48, 54. 57. 58 Sara, 31 -Berger, Brechtje, 23 Catharina, 23 Elsje, 23 Jacob, 23 Berkelau, Abraham, 57 Cornelius, 57 Jannetje, 57 Berkelo, Abraham, 64 am, 59 Gerret, 59 Berville, Esther, 38 Beser, William, 167 Betts, Elizabeth, 270 Jane M., 193 Bety, Martha, 268 Biaron, Henry, 149 John, 149 Biebaut, Elisabet, 34 Jacobus, 21, 25, 29, ^o, 34,38 Maria, 30 Petrus, 38 Bieninger, Abrm., 98 Bieran, Elizabeth, 151 John, 151 Biggs, William, 166 Bigilow, Desire, 169 Bigler, Adelaide Finauf, 144 Amelia H., 231 D., 144 John F., 155 Bill, negro, 186 Billopp, Christopher, x, 258 John Willet, 258 Bininger, Abraham, 222 Agnes, 232 Harriet, 233 Binninger, Abraham, 97 Catharine E., 228 Bird, Abraham, 188, 271 Abm., 185 Anthony, 179 Cornelia, 156 Cornelius P., 156, 158, 161, 205 Eliza, 147, 149. 150 Elizabeth, 269 Jane L, 235 28l Bird, Jane Louisa, 158 John, 104, 179 Lena, 38 Magdaiena, 42 Martha, 188 Mary Eliza, 156, 202 Peler Duindani, 104 Susan Ann, 161 Susan Ann Ferine, 147 Birkby, sr.,87 Anna, 85 Hannah, 86, 87 J.. 84 James, 71, 80, 83, 89 Jas., 170, 171 Jas. B., 79 Birkley, James, vii BisbaHn, Christina, 141 Bisonet, jan, 23 Boardman, , 234 Bodin, Francois, 22, 28, 29 lean, 22, 23, 35 Judith, 45, 47, 49 Bodine, , 216, 219, 223 br., 98 ST., 08 Abby, 141 Abby Ann, 150 Abm., 199, 202, 226 Abr., 150 Abraham, 98, 131, 135, 139, 141, 145.148, 150, 195 Abraham Brown, 139 Andrew, 90, 121 Ann, 104, 176 Benjamin Johia Kinsy, 150 Dorcas, 252, 256, 259 Ed., mrs., 198 Edw., 147 Edward, 86, 131, 202 Eliza, 125, 131, 134, 136 Elizabeth, 86,91 George Washington James, 121 Harriet Emily, 203 Isaac Burbank, 1 18, 217 Israel, 94 Jacob, 120, 203 Jacob H., 230 Jacob Howard, 145 James, 84, 86, 90, 91, 94, 95, 98, 121, 128, 131, 134, 176, 190, 195,202, 218,224 James, sr., 121, 220 James Edward, 148 Jane, 266 John, 177, 180, 231, 236, 252, 256, 259 Marg., 95 Margaret, 91, 195 Bodine, Margaret Jane, 128 Margarett, 190 Margret, 90 Margreth,95 Margrett, 220 Maria, 218 Martha, 252, 266 Mary, 195 Mary Ann, 194, 217, 219 Mergrett, 121 Nancy, 218 Nanne, 259 Nathaniel, 177, 216, 2i8, 219 Nathl., 203 Rosanna, 128, 131, 223 Sarah Ann, 226 Sarah Ann Kinsey, 141 Sophia, 218 Susan Garretson, 200 Tunis, 135 Vincent, 118, 120, 124, i8q, 188, 217, 219, 266 Vinsant, 256 William, i2i, 128, 131, 223, 230, 234 William Alfred Hous- man, 121 William Oakly, 121 Boelen, Jannitje, vi Boemper, Abraham, v, vi Bogaart, Abraham, 28 Adriaan, 24 Cornelius, 37 Elisabet, 22 Gysbert, 37 Isaak, 21 Margareta, 28 Maria, 31 Sarah, 42 Simon, 22, 28, 33, 37, 42 Symon, 22, 31, 49 Tunis, 21, 24, 28, 31, 37 Bogard, Isaac, 259 John, 259 Rachel, 259 Bogardus, Blandyena, 10 Caaty, 9 Sara, 12, 22, 27, 31, 33 Bogart, Ann, 270 Anna, 264 Barbara W., 208 Elizabeth, 167 Catharine, 173 Hannah, 254 Hannah Maria, 215 Isaac, 254, 257 James Walnut, 160 John. 239, 264 Lawrence H., 160 Lawrence Hilliard, 206 Martha, 248 Bogart, Mary, 248, 257, 264 Rachel, 254, 257 Richard, 248 Sarah Catharine, 160 Simon, 215, 24S Stephen Mertling, 160 Timothy, 206 Bogert, Liesebeth,64 Boillon, Sarah, 80, 241 Bokee, Rebecca, 85 Bolton, C. W., xi Bon, Helena, 56,60 Hellena, 54 Lena, 62 Bond, Abraham, 270 Bonnel, Eliza, ig6 Enos, 196 Mary, 196 Rachel, ig6 Boone, Jemima, 209 Susan A., 209 Booram, Sydney, 205 Boost, Peter, 169 Boram, John, 192 Mary, 192 Sarah, Ig2 Borkelo, Jannetje, 26, 42, 43 Marytje, 33, 34, 36, 38, 42 Willempje, 22,26, 29,32 Willemtje, 28 Borkulo, Willempje, 30 Borth, Johan,228 Bos, Antje, 54 Eliesebeth, 62 Gerret, 64 Nettenel, 62 Netteniel, 64 Nicklas, 54 Bosch, Barent, 45 Eduard, 37 Josua, 1 1 Margareta. 42 Nicolaas, 37,42, 45, 51 Samuel, 1 1 Boskerck, Catriena, 63 Jannetye, 58 Boskerk, Geertruy, 63 Jannetje, 29, 31, 34 Tryntje, 60 Wyntje, 56 Botler, Anna, 36 James, 36 Bottlaar, Pieternel, ig Bouman, Aagje, 22 Aeltje, 54 Andries, l8, 19 Andrys, 11 Catrina, 54 Christina, 34 Cornelis, 17, 20, 52 282 Bouman, Cornelus, 54 Elisabeth, 11 Elsie, 13 Harme, 20 Harmen, 14, 15, 25, 52 Heriders, II, 12, 14 Hendryektje, 19 Jacob, 15, 52 Johanna, 13 Jores, II, 13 Joris, 14 Jorius, ig Maria, 29, 52 Neeltie, 17 Neeltje, 52 Pieter, 28, 52 Pr- 33 Tryntie, 14, 15 Willem, 14, 17 Boumans, Marytje, 19 Bouth, Benjamin, 268 Bouwman, Aaghje, 32 Anaa, 33, 36 Christina, 21,24, 25, 41 Cornelis, 24 Elsje, 24, 25 Harme, 33 Harmen, 42 Hendrikje, 34 Maria, 45 Maria Harmensz, 42 Marytje, 39, 44, 46 Metje, 21, 24, 34 Neeltje, 24 Pieter, 31, 38, 40-42, 45, 50 Tryntje, 24, 34, 41, 42 Willem, 19 Willem Jorisz, 21 Willem Jorisze, 39 Bowen, Ashley, 167 Bowlby, Abraham, 166 Bowman, Ellen, 205 Ellender, 268 Boyd, , 229 Alexander, 144, 147, 200 Margaret, 235 Margaret Ann, 144 Mary, 147 Rebecca, 229 Rebecca Jane, 144 Boyes, Joice, 166 Black, Abby Ann, 124 Abigail, 139 Abigail Ann, 121, 142 John, 216 John M., 123 John William, 123 Rachel, 216 Blak, Anne, 253 Edward, 253 Blake, - — -, 188, 233, 234, 236, 240 Blake, Ann, 181, 182, 204 Betsey, 183 Betsy, 114, 116 Cath., 183 Catharine, 199 Danl., 204 Edward, 255, 257, 261 Edwd., 185 Elis., 271 Elezebet, 255 Elisabeth, 261 Elizabeth, 112, 182, 208, 257 Emily Anna Chris- topher, 145 George W., 145 Geo. Washington, 159 Jane, 193, 269 John, 182, 183, 193, 220, 238, 240, 257 Mahala Selina, 204 Mary, 170, 185, 193, 255, 269 Polly, 183 Richard, 199, 272 S., 272 Sarah Eliza, 216 William, 181, 182, 255, 272 Winety, 255 Wm., 182 Blaw, Jane, 165 Bleck, Chas. A., 140 Blenkerhof, Claesje, 52 Geesje, 52 Henderick, 52 Blinckerof , Claesye, 56,60 Blincrof, Klaasye, 63 Bloch, Louise Marie, 155 Block, Christian, 151, 155, 204 Henry Christn. Ludwig, 151 Bnnet, Altye, 62 Bradish, James, 270 Bradley, James, 202 Jane M., 203 Bradly, Ellen V., 228 Braisted, Catharine, 217 Garret, 227 Grace, 239 John, 269 Peter, 233 Brasted, Abraham, 66, 178 Egbert, 261 John, 178, 213 Peter, 66 Rachel, 261 Brat, Anthony, 63 Antony, 65 Catriena, 63 Neeltye, 65 Bratt, Willempje, 178 Breasted, John, 98, 268 Jacob, 174 John William, 98 Peter, 175 Bredsted, Jemima, 173 Breedstede, Willem, 24 Brees, Cornelis, 20 Breestede, Willem, 24 Breetstede, Andries, 16, 21 Engeltje, 25 Johannes, 17 Willem, 16, 17, 21, 25 Brenan, Lawrence, 270 Brestede, Eckbert, 55 Catharina, 58 Jan, 51 Johannes, 51, 53, 55 Pieter, 53 Brett, Philip M., v Bridges, Elisabeth, 17 Bries, Charite, 26 Cornelius, 27 Geertje, 29 Geestje, 29 Hendrik, 27, 30 Sara, 30 Sarah, 27 Briggs, Eleanor, 209 William, 209 Brindley, Frances, 163 Frances Belle, 163 John, 163, 205 John Tunis, 163 Sarah Julia, 205 William H., 163 Brinkerhof, Claasje, 51 Brinley, Frances, 238 Brintley, Mary, 187 Britt, John, 167 Britain, John, 86 Patience, 86 Rachel, 86 Brittain, Amanda, 143 Elizabeth Ann, 143 Harriet, 143 Jacob, 109 James, 143, 233, 239 John, 109, 180 Katharine, 247 Margaret Eliza, 239 Mary, 255 Mary Etta, 224 Mary Theresia, 143 Nathaniel, ix, 247, 255, 262 Necolas, 255 Patience, 180 Rachel, 180 Violetta, 143, 239 Brittan, Addra, 259 - Mary, 259 Nicholas, 262 283 Brittan, Samuel, 259 Britten, George Washing- ton Oakley, 146 G. W. O., 227 James G., 146 Jeams, 12 Joseph, 12 Mary, 254 Nicolaas, 13 Nicolaes, 13 Patience, 254 Samuel, 254 William, 13 Britton, , 225, 226, 230, 232. 233 Abigail, 21 Abm., 222,232 Abraham, p7, 222 Ann, 97, 196 Ardrae, 171 Catharine, 78, 222 Catrin, 262 Cornelius, 196, 273 D., 230 Deborah, 271 Dorcas, loi, 205 Elizabeth, 206 Emily, 144, 151, 158 Fanny, 215 Frances Oakley, 233 Hamilton, 196 Henry, 206 Jacob, 208 James, 90, 187, 219, 222, 224-226, 269 James Guyon, 233 Jane, 133, 141, 195, 196 Jas., mrs., 206 John, 87, 89, 90, 93, 97- 99, loi, 171, 187, 191, 213, 218, 219, 222, 231 Joseph, 251 Lovina, 99 Marietta, 219, 222 Mariette, 222 Matilda, 196 Mary, 195, 222,245,251, 257, 261, 262 Mary Etta (Ella), 225 N., 158 Nathan, 199 Nathanael, 43 Nathaniel, 78, 165, 166, 195, 245, 251,257,262, 272 Nicholas, 170 Patience, 214 Peter, 89 Rachel, 87, 89, 90, 93, loi, 187, 191, 239 Samuel, 261, 271 Sara, 43 Sarah, 93, 167, 191 Britton, Violetta, 207 William, 257 Broadhead, , 223 mr., 223 , mrs., 226 Brock, , 165 Bront, Elizabeth, 166 Brooks, Anna, 36 Mary, 31 Brooker, John, 197 Lucy, 197 William, 197 Brouwer, Abraham, jr., 34 Elisabet, 27, 30, 34, 38, 43 Brown, A. C. F., 97, loi, 102, 104 Andrew, 268 Ann, 98, 105 Ann Caroline, 93 Ann Catharine Freder- ica, 93 Ann Cath. F., 92 Ann Cath. Frederica, 96 AnnC. F.,92-94, 99, 100, 103 Charles Henry, 149 Isaac M., 149, 202 John, 50, 51, 273 Joseph, 201 Maria, 51 N., 93,98-105, 173 Nathl., 92, 93, 95-97, 99- 103 Nathaniel, viii, 71, 91, 93. 95. 97. 173. 212 Sarah, 201 Wm. S., 194 Brownlee, James, iv Bruce, br., vi David, vii, x Brumhuber, Carl August, 208 Brunholer, August, 162 Carl August, 162 Elizabeth, 162 Bryant, Ann M., 192 David, 192 Jane, 192, 224 Bubalin, Christina, 199 Buck, , 232 Buillon, Sarah, 80 Buninger, Martha, 91 Bunninger, br., 177 Burbanck, Abraham, 55 Jan, 53 John, 55 Burbank, mr., 209 sr., 144 Abm., 98, 174, 176, 180 Abraham, 98, 186, 265 Addie, 257 Burbank, Ally, 166 Ann, 93, 171, 181, 186, 197, 202, 211, 233 Anna, 159 Arthur, l8o Edward, 133, 141, 195, 224 Edward Egbert, 102, 141 Elizabeth, 265 Eveline, 209 Gertrude, 221, 225 Henry, 197 Isaac, 95, 102, III, 120, 141, 144, 174, 179, 188, 195, 198, 203, 219, 224, 230 Jacob, 181, 193, 200 James, 265 Jane, 224 John, 93, 96, 98, 170, 173, 176, 186, 197, 211, 221, 239, 265 John Alfred, 159 Jon W., 193, 200 Joseph, 245 Jno. W., 159 Lena, 180 Lenah, 186 Margaret, 265 Martha, 183, 245, 257 Mary, 96, 131, 176, 194, 269 Mary Adeline, 221 Mary Ann, 95, 118, 120, 124, 188, 194, 217 Nelly, 265 Peter, 186, 245, 257 Rachel, 97, 99, loi, 109, 17'. 173 Rebecca, 173 Rebeka, 170 Sally, 112, 295 Sara, 102 Sarah, 106, 141, 198,203 Sarah Ann, 141, 208 Sarah Jane, iii, 198 Thomas, 57 William, 264, 265 Burch, Charles Sumner, xi Burckerdt, Anthon Fried- erich, 138 Jacob, 138 Burckhard, , 224 Burckhardt, Jacob, 224 Theresa, 224 Burckert, Jacob, 133 Johann Valentine, 133 Burd, Anthony, 261 Burdine, Ann, 79 Betsey, 85 Dorcas, 80 284 Burdine, Elisabeth, 80 Elizabeth, 79,81,82,246 James, 79-82, 85, 88, 170, 172 John, 81, 246 Margret, 88 Tunis, 82 William, 88 Burger, , 227 col., 187 Ann, 216 Cornelia, 201 David, 165 Elias, 29 Hannah, 147, 151, 201 Jacob, 227 James, 156, 205 John, 150, 203, 227, 230 Joseph, 227 Maria Ottilia, 156 Mary Ann, 145 Mathias, 150, 151, 201, 230 Mathias, jr., 202 Matthias, 201 Nathan, 29 Nicholas, 186 Nicolas, 201 Steph., 227 Burgher, , 222, 223, 237, 238 col., 225 , col., 224 mr., 209 Alfred, 131, 221 Ann, 86, 90, 97 Catharine, 85, 86,94, 219 Cathrine, 81-83, 88, 90 Charles, 238 D., 236 David, 85 Eliza, 220 Elizabeth, 97 Emeline,224 Frances Stilwell, 88 Haimah, 131, 195, 221 Hester Maria, 205 James, 100, 131, 222, 237 James L., 224 Jane, 92, 145 John, 82, 195, 223, 224 Lydia, 224 Mary, 129 Mary Ann, 83, 194, 210 Mary C, 209 Mary L., 209 Mathias, 81, 194, 195, 232 Matthias, 131, 221 Nicholas, 85, 86, 92, 219 Nichs., 182 Niclas, 81-83,88,90 Nicolas, 94, 97, loo Burgher, Robert, 226 Stephen, 237 BurkertjFerdinand Jacob, 135 Jacob, 135 Teresa, 135 Burnet, Samuel, 20 Jeremiah, vi Burningham, Elizabeth, r, '59 Burns, , 230 Burr, Barzillai, 190, 223 Burtingham, Elizabeth Bridget, 203 Burton, Charles, 239 Ellen Thomas, 125 John, 125, 239 Louisa, 239 Louise, 125 Margaret Jane, 125 Sarah Rumrill, 125 William, 125 Burtus, Gitty Ann, 218, Bush, , 269 Ann, 168, 268 Caty, 187 Elizabeth, 67 Garret, 67, 169 Garrit, 66 Jacob, 187 Joseph, 270 Lambert, 270 Maria, 186 Mary, 66 ■ Nicholas, 187 Niclas, 173 William, 186 Winie, 186 Bushkirk, Cornelius, 67 John, 67 Buskirk, Daniel, 185 John, 66, 165 Philip, 185 Sarah, 66 Busse, Matilda Caroline, 138 Butler, , 234, 236 mr., 207 Adelaide, 162 Anthony, 258 Balette, 257 Belleche, 249 Belletie, 259 Betsy, I92 Cath., 184, 194 Catharine, 92, 169, 184, 186, 190, 192, 194, 221 Catrin, 258 Charity, 197, 221, 223, 224 Cornelius Egbert, 123, 219 Butler, Daniel, 85, 123, •33. 138, 142, 192, 219, 249, 272 Elizabeth, 271 Elias, 183, 240 Eliza, 142 Eltey, 251 Frances, 169 Hannah, 186 Henry, 245, 249, 257, 259, 263 Isaac, 85, 92, 138, 184, 192, 197, 213, 224 James, 43. 46, 134, 169, 186, Igo, 192, 194, 197, 221, 223, 224, 226, 249, 251 Jan, 43 Jane, 125, 134, 138 John, 183,246,249, 254, 263 Maria, 266 Margaret, 273 Martha, 197 Martha Ann, 220 Martha Swaim, 143, 152 Mary, 190,240, 246, 249, 258,263 Mary Ann, 182 Mary Cath., 138 Mary Catharine, 205 Nathaniel, 182, 190, 257 Rachel, 246, 249, 254 Samuel, 240 Sara, 46 Sarah, 85, 171, 254,259 Sarah Elizabeth, 127, 133, 207, 220 Sophia, 182, 190 Susan, 190, 266, 269 Susanna, 174 Thomas, 249, 258, 266, 269 Tunis, 208 Tunis Egbert, 138 Vincent, 127, 184, 220, 223 Wm. F., 162 Byvanck, Aeltie, 17 Byvank, Aaltje, 45 Belitje, 38, 49 John, 170 Caddemus, Dirk, 49 Cadmus, Andries, 47 Cathrina, 42 Dirk, 24, 30, 42, 47 Frederyk, 24 Rutgert, 30 Caesar, P. W., 236 Cailo, Pieter, 35 2^5 Cain, Jacob, 268 Cairns, Harriet, 187 John, 187 Margaret, 240 Mary, 187 William, 272 Calcraft, Margaret, 170 Callahoun, Eleanor, 166 Camp, Leah, 249 Naomi, 249 Campbell, James, 272 Cannon, Abel, 189 Andrew, 185, 271 Ann, 185, 189 Betsy, 185 David, 185 Elizabeth, 185 Hanna Maria, 204 Hannah, 185 Isaac, 185 Jane, 198 John, 185, l8g Margaret, 185 Sarah 185, 269 Thomas, 185 Canon, Catharina, 50 Catlyn, 21 Elizabeth, 55 Hester, 45 Jan, 55 Jean, 50 Maria, 39 Marie, 42 Canone, Jacobus, 56 John, 56 Caper, mr. , 237 Carbe, Ann, 258 Richard, 258 Carber, Amy, 24 Carbet, Amy, 32 Marytie, 16 Carentoii, Beniamin, 12 Margriete, 12 Cargile, Jane Matilda, 140 Cargill. mrs. , 234 Abraham, 229 Amanda, 202 Carlyle, miss, 233 Carr, , mrs., 23 Carrinton, Jannetie, 17 Joseph 17 Carroll, William, 166 Carver, , 221 Peter D., 217 William, 217 Carry, Ann, 204 Richard S., 171 Casier, Philip, 22 Philippe, 34 Caspers, Casparus, 33 Isak, 33 Castree, H., 236 Cateleau, Dorethe, 22 Cave, Caroline, 136 Lewis, 136 Cavelier, Antje, 49 Cornelia, 49 Johannes, 49 Cavelly, Elisabeth, 205 Cazier, Catharina, 26 Dirk, 29 Jacobus, 32 Petrus, 40 Philip, 26, 29 Philippe, 27, 32, 40 Cears, Elias, 181 Jane, 181 Locky, 181 Ceilo, Cornelia, 31, 61 Daniel, 37 Elsje, 20 Johannes, 47 "Maria, 47 Peiter, 31 Pieter, 20, 27, 34, 37, 40, 47 Sara, 34 Wilhelmus, 40 Cesar, 180 Chambers, Elisabeth, 169 George W. 192 Mary, 166, 192 Wm., 192 Chapin, Lucius, 269 Charity, negro, 184 Charles, negro, 189 Charlton, rev. mr., 251,263 Richard, x Chrips, John, 253 Margret, 253 William, 253 Christefer, Ane Catryn Barent, 18 Barent, 18 Christfeer, Cersteyntjes, 18 Christoffel, 19 Styntje, 19 Christian, Heinrich, 152 John, 152 Christoffel, Anna, 15 Barent, 15 Hans, 14, 15 Styntie, 15, 16 Susanna, 15 Christoffels, Styntie, 10 Christoffelsen, Barent, 10-12 Catharyna, 11 Niclaes, 10 Rebecca, 12 Stoffel, 10 Christoffelzen, Barent, 14 Christoffel, 12 Hans, II Maria, 14 Christopher, Anna Catharina, 41 Barent, 21, 24, 27, 34, 38. 43. 45 Catharina, 25, 34, 41, 43 Cathrina, 38 Charity, 66, 178 Christoffel, 25 Cornelius, 175 Easter, 259, 260 Eliza, 192, I94 Elizabeth, 173, 186, 194, 272 Esther, 262 Hans, 40 41, 43, 45, 48 50 James Grover, 260 Jane, 170 Joh., 34 Johannes, 43 John, 66, 186, 194 John Garrison, 259 John, Milton, 128, 221 Joseph, 48, 128, 194, 221, 262 Maria, 40, 41, 221 Mary, 48 Nicolaas, 34, 41 Peter, 178 Richard, 50, 259, 260, 262 Stoffel, 20, 21 Susan, 186 Susanna, 21 Thomas, 196 Chroson, John, 172 Chysick, Sarah, 268 Ciseau, Anna, 38 Cister, Malli, 62 Claassen, Derek, 10, 11 Femmetye, 10 Hendrickie, 10 Jacobus, II Magdalena, 11, 14 Marytje, 27 Claasz, Francyntje, 20 Jan, 20 Claazen, Cobus, 11 Femmetie, 11 Clarck, Hannah, 268 Clark, , 215, 226, 236, 237. 239 capt., 215 Ann B., 232 Binninger, 238 James, 237, 268 R., 236 Clarkson, Diana, I90 Clason, Reuben, 270 Classen, Jacobus, 11 Clauder, br., 144 sr., 144 mrs. 202, 286 Clauder, Ann Eliza, 204 C. E., 202 Charlotte, 204 Charlotte E., 198, 201, 204 Charlotte Elisabeth, iq8 Charlotte Elizabeth, 148 Charlotte G, igS Charlotte Jane, 140, 229 H. G., viii, 139, 140, 144, 150, 198, 229 Henry G., 71, 148 Henry Theophilus, 140 Ottelia Virginia, 148 Sarah Adelaide, 144 Clausen, Sophia, 171 Clauson, Sophia, 97, 100 Claussen, Mary, 83 Clawson, mrs., 105 Anna Maria, 220 Daniel, 220 Elisabeth, 175 Elizabeth, 99 Maria, 220 Reuben, 175 Samuel, 239 Sophia, 103, 105, 107, 109, III, 179, 188, 189, 212, 214 Clemens, Magdalena, 234 Clement, Willempje, 21 Clements, Robert, 273 Clendenne, Cathelyna, 58 Jacob, 57 Johaimes, 54 Walter, 54, 57, 58 Clendenny, Adam, 46 Eleanor, 269 Jeams, 63 Mary, 65 Patience, 46 Cleninne, Antye, 64 Walter, 64 Clerck, Dorote, 12 Dorothea, 13 Grytie, 12 Jan, 12-15, '7 Sara, 15 Clindenne, Maria, 53 Walter, 53 Clindinne, , 59 Joseph, 62 Main, 59 Pieternelle, 60 Walter, 60, 62 Walteris, 59 Wynty, 59 Coade, Lidia, 258 Mary, 258 Coberly, Joseph, 263 Cocheau, Abraham, 23 Jan, 23 Cocheron, Emeline, 113 John, 121 Nicholas, 113 Selina Theresa, 121 Coddington, mrs., 124 Ann, 124,231 David, 182 Catharine, 199 Catharine Helena, 130 Elizabeth, 182 Elizabeth Ann, 199 Mary, 272 Saml., 199 Samuel, 126, 130, 136, 182, 191, 194, 231 Samuel Franklin, 136 Sidny Fitz Randolph, 120 Codington, Asher, i6g Codmas, Martha, 168 Coevert, Femmetje, 31 Maria, 31 Teunis, 29, 31 Cole, , 234, 23S Abraham, 28-30, 245, 251, 255, 259, 262 Abram., 260, 262, 264 Ann, 23, 30, 34, 189, 251, 257, 258, 260, 262, 269, 272 Anna, 36 Catharine, 238 Cathrine, 262 Charity, 264 Charles Perry, 209 Cornelius, 268, 271 Edward, 259 Eliza, 189 Elizabeth, 245 Francis, 271 Hannah, 251, 255, 259, 260 Henry, 253 Isaac, 259 Jacob, 272 John, 234, 258, 262, 271, 272 John Bedell, 259 Jonah Rodgers, 155 Joseph, 235 Margaret, 271 Maria, 28, 32 Martha, 245, 270 Mary, 23, 35, 55, 167, 169, 262 M. Elizabeth, 234 Patience, 272 Peter, 253 Phoebe, 273 Rebecca, 23, 29, 32 Rebeka, 167 Richard, 262, 268 Sarah, 173, 232 Cole, Sarah Rodgers, 155 Stephen, 257, 258 260, 262, 270 Susan, 269 Susan Ann, 209 Susanna, 253, 260 W., 155 W., capt., 155 William, 232 Colan, Cathrine, 81 James, 81 Collon, Cath., 86 Cathrine, 86 David, 210 lames, 87 Jas., 84-86 CoUong, Rebecca, 171 Cologne, Mary, 271 Colon, , 186 Ann, 103, 109, 112, 180 Billetje, 177, 21 1 Cath., 211 Catharine , 75-78,95, 100, 103, 106, 109, 165, 174, 211, 214 Cathrine, 80, 87-90, Daniel, 75 David, 75, 81, 162, 237 David Bennet, 162 David M., 208 Elizabeth, 76, 211 Geo., 103, 210 Georg, 81, 87 George, 76, 81, 88, 90, 91, 93, 103, 165, 172, 210, 214, 215, 237 Hannah, 90, 21 1 Helena, 77 James, 75-78, 80-82, 87, 88, 90, 175, 185, 210, 211 James sr., 89, 90, 174 James, mrs., 208 Jane, 77, 180, 211 Jas., 87 John, 234 Jonah, 78, 166 Jonas, 21 1 Margaret, 76 Mary, 75-81,95,210, 214 Mary Jane, 234 Mary Magdalen, 77, 78, 210 Peter, 75-77, 90, 91, 95, 177, 210, 211 Rebecca, 211 Rebekah, 77 Sarah Ann, 162 Colong, Anne, 79 Catran, 79 Catharine, 79 George, 79, 241 Jeams, 79 28; Colong, Mary, 79, 241 Cool, Rebecca, 15 Coolter, Andru, 65 William, 65 Conein, Janntye, 63 Conklin, John P., 209 Connelz, Mary, 155 Conner, Crowel Mundy, 128 Dewitt Clinton, 146 Elis., 93 Elisabeth, 177, 211 Elizabeth, 193 Elizabeth Sophia, 131 George, 216 Jane, 230 Richard, 94, no, 128, 131, 189, 212 Richard jr, 146 Richd., 215 Sarah, 212 Sarah Lavinia, 214 Sophia, 212 William, 94 Conners, mr., 189 Connor, , 226, 231 Abraham, Van Vech- ten, 105 Adam, 251 Ann, 175 Anne, 73, 76, 210 Anny, 251 A. V. 231 Cath., 200 Catharine, 73-75, 107, 165, 179 Daniel, 100 Elizabeth, 74, 170 George, 118 Henry Augustus, 109 James, Egbert, 134, 224 Jane, 103 Jeremiah, 251 Mary, 87, 188 Oscar Theodore, 121 R., 103, 226 Richard, vii, 73-75, 84, 87,93,97, 100, 103, 105, 107, 109, III, 1 18, 121, 134. '79. '88, 189, 200, 210, 214, 224, 232 Richard jr., 200, 222 Richard, sr., 80, 107 Richd., 84, 86, 107, 175 Sara 74 Sarah, 210, 222, 224 Sarah Lovinia, ill Sophia, 84, 87, 93, 94, 113, 175, 200, 226 Sophia Ann, 97 Stephen Alexander, 107 V. v., 231 Connors, col., 200 Conor, Cathrine, 83, 210, 241 Elizabeth, 88 Jonathan, 91 Richard, 83, 88, 91, 210, 241 Richard jr. 171 Richd., 82, 94 Sophia, 83, 88, 91 Conyer, Sarah, 273 Copes, Francis, 230 John, 201 Cor , Jacob, 58 Corbet. Amy, 37 Anna, 13 Isaac, 14 Martha, 14 Corkin, Margaret, 249 Patrick, 249 Peter, 249 Cornelius, Valentine, 133 Cornon, Andries, 64 Aront, 61 Danal, 64 David, 64 Davit, 61, 63 Peater, 64 Cornwell, Charity, vii William, vi, vii Corron, Alfred, 145 Joseph, 145 Nicolas, 145 Corrsen, Maria, 51 Corsci, Cornells, 53 Corsen, Catharina, 67 Corneles, 58 Cornelia, 52 Corn., jr., 66 Cornelius, 61, 64, 66, 67 Cornelus, 52, 53 Daniel, 55, 64, 171 David, 61 Elizabeth, 105, 170, 178 Jacob, 51, 52, 57 Jacob, jr., 57, 59 Jannetje. 53 John, 173 Malli,6o Maria, 52, 53, 55, 57, 61 Mareya, 59 Mary, 67 Marytje, 58 Naile, 67 Neelty, 59 Neehye, 55 Nieltje, 52, 61 Richard, 61,67, 264 Yannetye,67 Corshong, Hery, 264 Nancy, 264 Corson, , 271 Alfred, 227 Catharine, 199, 231 Corson, Cattriena, 62 Daniel, 263 Danl., 199 Douwe, 63 Elizabeth, 263 George W., 204 Leonard, 228 Maria, 62 Ragel, 63 Richard, 204 Richd., 180 Sarah Ann, 199 William Howe, 263 Corsse, Jacob, jr., 52 Marytje, 52 Suster, 52 Corssen, Antie, 15 Antje, 49 Beniamin, 15 Benjamin, 18, 20, 27, 29 Blandina, 16 Blandyna, 18 Catharina, 23, 25, 33, 38, 3Q, 48 Christiaan, 10, 34, 37 Christiaen, 13, 16 Chrlstjaan, 18 Cordelia, 19, 20, 23, 29, 34,37.41,45.48,51 Comelis, 15, 37, 38, 40 Cornelius, 29,31,34,37, 40, 43, 46, 48, 49 Daniel, 46 Elisabeth, 13, 16 Elysebet, 18 Jacob, 10, [I, 15, 19, 23, 27. 3'. 39 Jacob, jr., 43, 51 Jacobus, 43 Maria, 18, 29, 39, 40, 43, 44,51 Mane, 36 Neeltje, 29, 37, 38 Pieter, 31 Rebecca, 27 Suster, 10 Corsson, Johan, 1 1 Corszen, Antie, Ii Cortelyou, , 220, 226 br., 161 sr., 161 Aaron, vii, 73 Agnes, 75 Amey, 85, 87 Amy, 89, 91, loi, 107, 1 10, 180 Charlotte Ann, 135 Cornelius, vii, 73-76, 81, 85, 210, 214, 237 David Hekkel, 141 Eleanor, 73, 165 Eleonore, 178 288 Cortelyou, Eliza, 114, 117, 120, 136, 140, 155, 178, 215,220,221 Elizabeth, 73, 81,83,86, 88, 89, 93, 104, 107, III, 112, 182, 184, 186, 228, 269 Emma, 107, 222 Eugene Augustus, 139 Frances, 128 George Adolph, 229 Gertrude, Martha, 113, U5, 118, 182 Gertry Martha, 88 Hannah, 75 Jacob, 74,81,83,86,88, 93. 95. 97. '02, 126, 128, 132, 170, 178, 182, 213, 220, 226, 230 Jacob Winant, 132 Jacomyntje, vii Jacques, vii, 76, 77 Jacob, 135 Josephine, 221 Lawrence, 1 19-221 Lawrence H., 136, 139- 141 L. H., 155 Lockman, 129, 226 Lorenz Hilliard, gi Maria, 129 Martha, 74, 170 Mary, 75, 76, 78, 132, 135, 168, 210, 214,220, 230 Mary Frances, 220 Nelly, 129 Peter, 73, 76, 85, 87, 89, 91, 95, loi, 107, no, 119, 172, 180, 186, 222, 234. 271 Peter Lochman, 95 Sally, 112, 116, 132 Sara, 73, 76, g2, 94, 95, 98, 102, 178 Sarah, 75-92, 94-96, 100, 104, 106, 114, 241 Sarah Ann, 87, 107, no, 113, 119, 180 Sarah L., 158 Sarah Sprague, 214 Simon, 75, 76, 78 Theodore Hartnian,l36 Timothy Townsend, 77 William Cuberly, 126 v^ Cosie, Fellip, 18 Cosine, Anla, 270 Coteleau, , 49 ' Debora, 24 Dorothe, 24, 27 Dorothea, 22, 25, 26, 28. 35.47 Geurtje, 22, 26, 35 Corteleau, Jaques, 24, 25, 27,33 Neeltje, 33, 43 Pieter, 24, 27 Cots, Benjamin, 255 Catrin, 255 Daniel, 255 Coursen, Catharine Jones Martling, 125 Cornelius, 120, 124 Cornelius Van Name, 121 Daniel, 125 Daniel D., 121 Danl., 186 Eliza, 187 Hannah, 216 Jane, 186 Maria, 183 Mary, 189 Mary Jane, 121 Rebekah, 186 Richard, 187 Sarah Ann, r2i Stephen Kittletass, 121 Susan Ann Reed, 120 William Blake, 124 Courson, Mary, 186 Rebecca, 184 Cousine, Aletta, 165 Couwenhoven, Maria, 42 Samuel, 42 Coyn, James, 158 Coyne, br., 161 sr., 161 Beatus, 235 Harriet, 163 Harriet Matilda, 156 James, 156, 163 Margaret, 163 Cozine, Elizabeth Ann, 231 Hannah M., 235 James Edward, 144 Mary Priscilla, 149 Peter, 144, 149, 174, I98 Craddock, Thomas, 167 Craig, , mrs., 235 Grain, Easter, 268 Craven, Christina, 28 Esther, 31 Jacobus, 28, 31, 32 Neeltje, 31 Thomas, jr., 31 Crawbuck, Godfrey, 126 James Franklin Beat- tey, 126 Creage, Elisabet, 40 Creaven, Anna, 23 Jacobus, 23 Creed, Elizabeth, 268 Ellender, 268 Creven, Cobus, 11, 16, 19 Creven, Elsie, 11 Gillis, ig Jacobus, 21 Johannes, 16 Cribbs, Elijah, 97 Martha, 104 Richard, 97 Sarah, 98 Cripp, T , 233 Cripps, , 226, 228, 233 Anthony, 227 Henry, 234 J., 228 James, 226, 230 James, sr., 225 Laurence, 169 -Wm., 231 Crips, , 215 Anthony, 213 Catharine, 190 Catharine Fountain Charity Butler, 134 Charles, 228 Elisabeth, 260 Elisha,2i4 Eliza, 220 Elizabeth, in, 259 Isaac Butler, 134 James, 190, 271 James Butler, 125 John, 138, 256, 268 Lawrence, 190, 215, Lenah, 214 Lucy, 105, 108, III Margrit, 256 Martha, 108, 115, 122, 170, 178 Polly, 223 Rachel, in, 217 Sally, 190 Sara, 175.259 Susan, 215 Thomas, 115, 269 _William, 125, 134, 213,259 Willum, 256 Crocheron, , 23I , mr., 236 Abraham, 51, 186, 258, 265-267 Ann, 128, 181, 182, 264-266 Ann Elizabeth, 117 Benjamin. 266 Catrine, 265 D., 273 Daniel, 51,245,258, 265,271 David, 265 Edm., 162 Eleanor, 265 Elezebet, 255 231, .134 223 118, 138, 255. 221 262, \ 289 Crocheron, Elizabeth, 264, 267 Fithee, 266 Fithy, 265 Frances, 161 Frances Rebekah, 116 Franklin Guyon, 121 Geney, 261 Henry, 255, 258, 260, 262, 265, 266 Jacob, 169, 262, 264, 270 James, 237 Jane, 181, 266 John, 116, 182, 186, 219, 258, 261, 265, 266, 270 John N., 204 Leah Stoutenborough, 162 Lenah Araminta, 128 Lucretia, 162 Margaret, 181, 258 Mary, 245,261, 262,265- 267, 271 Nancy, 239 Nanne, 258, 262 Nanny, 260 Nathan, 204 Nicholas, 116, 117, 121, 128, 181, 221, 245, 271 Nicholas, jr., 109 Patience, 194 Reuben, 266 Richard, 181, 239 Sarah, 262, 265 Sophia, 182, 266 William Henry, 109, 1 16 Crochon, Abraham, 29 Crockeron, Judy, 187 Croese, Cornelia, 57 Hendrick, 15 Henrik, 29 Neeltye, 55 Croesen, Abraham, 43, 44 Adriaetie, 17 Anna, 61 Antje, 31, 37,38 Claesie, 53 Cornelia, 46, 51, 52, 59 Cornells, 40, 41, 44, 48 Cornelius, 48 Femmetje, 36 Gerret, 52, 53, 60 Gerrit, 16, 17,29,36, 43- 45.51 Hendereck, 52 Hendrick, 20, 60 Henrick, 29, 36, 37, 41, 43.45.48, 51 Maria, 37, 41, 48. 52 Neeltje, 41, 45, 50, 53 Croessen, Elisabeth, 15 Cropsy, , 188 Cropsy, Cornelius Cor- telyou, 240 Elizabeth, 240 Ellen, 116, 119, 122, 218 Ellen C, 219 Ellen Connover, 188 Harmon, 224 Hermanus, 186 Jacob, 240 Jacob Rozeau, 186 Martha Ann, 117 Nich., 188 Nicholas, 226 Crorse, Antje, 13 Christjaen, 15 Crorsen, Cornelia, 59 Crorsse, Benjamyn, 19 Crorssen, Beniamin, 16 Crorsson, Benjamin, 18 Blandyna, 18 Croshun, Abigail, 268 Cross, Cornelius V'ander- bilt, 136 James, 227 James Madison, 136 John, 228 William Harrison, 136 Crosse, Jacob, 10 Crossen, Jan, 15 Crouse, Henry, 182 Cruse, Lena, 179 Crusen, Maricha, 66 Cruser, Jane, 181 Jemima, 181 John, 181 Crusers, H.. 176 Crowel, Catharine, 269 Cubberly, , 240 Ander, 262 Ann, 269 Henriette, 199 Isaac, 190 James, 161, 162, 271 Joseph, 262 Mary, 272 Walter Inman, 161 William Holland, 235 Cuberly, Ann, 129 Cummings, , mrs.,229 Cunow, Augusta Hen- rietta, 106, 108 Currant, Patrick, 178 Curshon, Daniel, 263 Henry, 263 Curtis, Christopher, 77 Eva, 77 Cusheron, Abraham, 246 Jane Elizabeth, 246 Johannah, 246 Cushon, Abraham, jr., 248 Elizabeth, 248 Jacob, 248 Dacer, Charcels, 65 Marya, 65 Dacker, Mally, 63 Daille, Pierre, iii Daily, Margaret, 166 Dangek, Andro, 64 Samuel, 64 Daniels, Margareta, 48 Margriet, 27, 30, 34, 36, 37, 40, 45. 49 Margrieta, 36 Nicholas, 184 Davis, Ebenezer, 188 Elizabeth, 192 Jacob, 189 James, 124 John, 124, 1S4, 189 Maria, 237 Paris M., 188 Rachel, 188 Richard, 188 Sally, 184 Sarah, 212 Sarah Moore, 188 Day, Henry, 23, 29, 31, 33, 36 Johannes, 48 John, 37, 39, 48 Maria, 33 Petrus, 2g Samuel, 23 Simon, 36 William, 39 Debaa, Hester, 62 debaa, Marya, 59 de Baa, Maria, 55 de Bo, Lowys, 19 Lowys, jr., 19 de Bois, Louis, 11 de Camp, Bastiaan, 30 Christina, 21 Christoffel, 32 Christyntje, 32 David, 22 Elsje, 25, 28, 32, 39 Gedeon, 30 Gideon, 22, 25, 35 Hendrik, 22, 25, 32 Laurens, 21, 22, 32 Marytje, 21, 26 Styntje, 34 De Camp, Christina, 25 Elsje,35 Joh., 26 Decker, , 211, 227,269 col., 176 mr., 183 , mrs., 238 Abm., 182, 191, 192, 195 Abraham, 172, 176, 189, 190,261 290 Decker, Abram, 262 Alcy, 198 Amanda Alvira, 141 Andrew, 128, 130, 133, 198 Andrew B., 194 Angeline, 135 Ann, III, 140, 176, 194, 195, 197, 204, 217, 269, 270 Barnet, 179, 187 Barnet Depuy, 120 Barnt, i8o Cathalyntie, 14, 16 Catharina, 17, 194 Catharine, 1 12, 176, 182, 187, 189, 194, 197, 266 Cathrine, 172 Caty, 184 Charles, 51, 262 Content, 204 Daniel, 180 David, 194,197,227,264 Edward Egbert, no Elisabeth, 170, 175 Eliz., 197 Eliza, 195 Eliza Ann, 19I Elizabeth, 119, 187, 197. 201, 217, 254, 256, 269 Ellen, 187 Ellen H., 183 Elstye, 57 Ephraim, 235 Eva, 10, 51 Febey, 254 Frances, 240 Freeman Degroat, 118 Hanna, 92, 96, lol Hannah, 171, 179, 180, 190, 261 Hannah Bedell, 266 Isaac, 166, 269, 272 Isaac Simonson, 119 Israel, 66, 175, 189, 190, 252 Jacob, 51, 179, 270 James, 184 Jane, 92, 94, 96, 99, 105, 106, 108, 190, 194 Jane Eliza, 128 Jane Maria, 109 Jeseph, 194 Johannes, 53 John, 56, 106, no, 112, n4, 1 16, n9, 174, 176, 177, 179, 191,192, 194, 197, 198,216,217, 254, 256 John Henry, n6, 216 John Hilliard, 240 Joseph, 141, 149, 266 Decker, Lawrence Hill- yer Lafayette, 133 Leah, 189 Lidda, 264 Lydia, 183, 184 Mareytye,6o Margret, 173 Maria, 196 Martha, 192, 197 Martha Ann, 202 Mary, 180, 182, 19I Mary Ann, 180, 182, 188 Mary Elizabeth, ug Mary Frances, n2, 197 Mathias, 176, 180, 194, 240 Mathew, 109, n 2, 252 Matias, 264 Mattheus, 10, 17, 57 Matthew, 171, 180, 189, 261 Matthias, 183, 268 Meryan, 261 Miriam, 252 Molly, 6! Moses, 120, 184, 268 Nancey, 197 Nanne, 254 Nathan, I91 Noah, 261 Oliver, ng, 122, 182 P., 204 Patience, 128, 233 Peter, 51, 53. 183, 240, 270 Phoebe, 172, 261, 262 Rachel, 190 Rebecca, 184, 271 Richard, 66, n8, 128, 135, 172, 182, 188, 198 Richerd, 56 Reuben, 196, 269 Rubin, 256 Sabina, 174 Samuel, 184, 198 Sara, 166 Sarah, 66, 141, 172, 174, 175, 183, 270 Sarah Ann, 114, 122, 140, 197 Sarah M., 231 Sarah Maria, 198 Silvanus, I98 Sylvanus, 271 Theodore Hampton, 149 Tunis Augustus, 128 William, 180 Williamson, 196 Deckker, Charles, 59 Marya, 59 de Chene, Catlina, 20 Francyntje, 23 de Chene, Jeroen, 20 Maria, 20 de Chesne, Hierome, 21 De Conti, marquis, 258 De Coshorong, Abraham, 251 Elizabeth, 251 Nicholas, 251 De Decker, Abraham, 12 Elisabeth, 14 Johannes, 9 Mattheus, 9, 12, 14 Pieter, 17 DeForeest, Charlotte, 196 Deforest, capt., 115, 214 John, 104, 2lg, 236 Charlotte Jane, n5 Phebe Ann, 104 De Forest, Ch., 101 Cornelius Vanderbilt, no Gerardus, 101, 224 John, loi, 108, no, 175, 236 Deforrest, capt., n4 Charles Simonson, 122 Gerardus, n8 John, 122 Julia Selina, n8 William Hand, n4 De Forrest, Hugh, 214 John J., 224 Julia, 229 Julia, Selina, 229 De Fries, John, 108, no, 175 de Garemeaux, Jacob, 25 Ann Catharina, 25 de Gramo, Agneta, 36 Dirkje, 45 Jacob, 31, 36, 42, 45 de Grameaux, Ab., 29 Jacob, 29 Matthys, 29 Degroat, Henry, 216 John, 268 De Groat, Robert, 270 Degroot, Beelitye, 64 lohannes, 52 "Pieter, 62 De Groot, Cattriena, 62 Geertruy, 64 Joh., 47 Johannes, 41, 47, 49 Lenah Ann, 142 Pieter, 62,64 Robbert, 41 Wm., 142 Dehart, Baltus, 55 Catalyna, 55 Edward, 67 Jacob, 67 Samuel, 58 291 De Hart, -, mrs., ,236 Anna, 24 Baltes, 54 Cathalina, 14 Catalyntie, 12, 14 Catlyna, 31 Daniel, 12, 14,15. 17. I9> 2', 54. 55 , 166 Elisabeth, 17 an, 24 'VI., 236 Margrietje, 24 Matthys, 15 Samuel, 19 Saartie, 14 Vereltje, 54 de Hart, Margrietje, 21 Deinmann, Carl Christian Frederick, 152 Friderica D o r o t e a Cicilia, 153 De Jeen, Antoni, 14 Michiel, 14 Dekker, Abraham, 46 Catlina, 36 Charles. 33, 35, 39, 43, 46 Eva, 20, 39, 43, 44 Johannes, 24, 33, 36, 39 Magdalena, 43 Maria, 20, 33 Mattheus, 36, 46 Matthys, 39 Neeltje, 29, 43 Pieter, 20, 24, 29, 30, 34, 36, 43, 46 Sara, 34, 36 Susanna, 29 Zeger, 39, 44, 46 Dekkers, Catharina, 20, 22, 26, 29, 33 Charles, 33 Eva, 50 Job., 50 Neeltje, 22, 24, 25, 33, 34, 39, 50 Pieter, 22,33 Zeger, 33 Delaree, , 238 Demarest, Alfred H., iv Dempsey, , 270 de Mersereaux, Jacob, 39 Josue, 39 Demot, Marritye, 64 Denice, Ann, 140 Denike, Samuel, 268 Dening, Raymond P., 228 Denis, Sarah, 28 Dennis, Mahala, 215 Rachel, 169 Thomas, 215 Dennys, Sarah, 165 Deny, Anna, 28 Catharina, 28, 30 Lydia, 28, 30 Maria, 28 James, jr., 28 Denyce, Ann, 132 Denys, Femmetje, 21,28, 43. 44. 50 Neeltje, 23, 26, 28, 32, 37. 42. 48 De Nys, Femmetje, 36 Denyse, Ann, 115, 126 Denyse D., 186 Denysz, Femmetje, 23, 41 Neeltje, 44 Depew, , 175 Barnet, 175 Niclas, 172 Depey, Peternel, 54 depu, Pieternelle, 58 de Pu, Barend, 52 Johannes, 52 De Pue, Catharina, 16 Jan, II Depue, Barent, 58, 62 Johannes, 62 Liesebet, 64 Martha, 58 De Pugh, Abraham, i8q Ann, igi Catharine, 1S9 Daniel, 201 Elizabeth, 203 Else, 272 John, 191 Leah, 270 Maria, 189 Mary, 189 Matthew, 191 Nicholas, 189 Sally Ann, 189 Depui, Maria, 120 Depuy, Lenah, 120 Nicholas, 120 Niclas, 172 De Puy, Ann, 191 Cath., igl Eliza, 191 Elizabeth, Igi John, 191 Israel, 191 Nicholas, 191 de Puy, Barent, 57 Elizabeth, 57 Pieternalla, 57 Susanna, 28, 35 de Riveaux, Jaques, 40 De Sceen, Katteleyn, 10 de Schweinitz, Bernhard, viii De Silva, Elizabeth, 264 Joseph, 264 Joseph Griggs, 178 Sarah, 264 Susan, 178 De Silvee, Anna, 263 Joseph, 263 de Sien, Antie, 15 De Syen, Catharina, 16 Hieronymus, 16 De Wine, Lucas, 270 de Wint, Petrus, iii Dey, Catharina, 23, 26 Charles, 92, 96, 99 Charles, mrs., 98 Chas., 96 David, 96 Ery, 19 Jan, 61 Johannes, 19 Lewis, 92 Lydia, 23 Maria, 13, 22, 29 Mary, 96 Rebeckah, 123 Sara, 22, 23, 61 Sarah, 216 Simon, 13 Uzal M'Ginny, 99 Deyoung, Peter, 165 De Young, Ann Eliza- beth, 87 Daniel, 76, 87 Fanny, 87 James, 76 D Grood, Elizabeth, 58 Gerret, 59 Johannes, 60 Pieter, 58-60 Dimpfel, Elizabeth, 152 George Louis, 152 Louisa Julia, 152 Dine, negro, 186 Disosway, Thomas, igo Dissasway, Ann, ig6, 248 Catharine, 248 Cornelius, 248 Israel Fitzrandolph, 135 Israel O., 135, 196 Israel R., I96 Dissossway, , 237 Dissosway, Catharine, 269 Israel, 223 Israel Fitz Randolph, 223 Lucretia, 223 Mark, 269 Violetta, 269 Ditten, Richard, 198 Dittens, ,218 Dittmer, , 232 Ditton, , 234, 235 D-, 235 2g2 Ditton, Daniel, 207 Dixey, John, 270 Dixon, , 273 Dobson, Ann, 167 Doeller, Christine, 238 Doghety, Maria, 61 Thomas, 61 Dominge, Ellen, 149 Ellen Matilda, 149 Raymond Augustus,l49 Domingo, Raymond A., 232 Donaldson, Jno. A., 234 Donats, Elizabeth, 173 Dongan, nirs., 256 Elizabeth, 119 Joanna, 272 Richard, 257 Thomas, 257 Donolly, Mary, 273 Dorlandt, Helena, 12, 57 Jan, 12, 14 Joris, 14 Lambert, 12 Dorlant, Abraham, 31 Anthony, 38 Barber, 17 Corn., 38 Cornells, 38 Elsje, 20, 23-25, 30, 40, 48 Eva, 23 Harmpje, 23 Isack, 18 Jan, 17, 18,23, 31 Lambert, 23 Lena, 13 Dorsee, Evo, 217 Dorset, Catharine, 79, 100 Cornelius Cortelyou, 80 Ellen C, 219 Ellen Elizabeth, 127 Ellen Maria, lg6 Isaac Lewis, 134 John, 79-82, 86, 88, 89, 91, q2, 94-96, q8, ioi, 102, 170, 175, 196,218, 219, 241 John, sr., 220 John William Beatty, 218 Margaret, 84 Martha, 79-82,86-89,92, 94-96, 98, 100, 196, 241 Peter, 88, 122, 127, 134 Sarah, 82 Susan Maria Mer- sercau, 122 Dorsett, mr., 121 Amanda Elizabeth, 1 19, 217 Catharine, 108, 113, 117, 176, 266 Dorsett, Eleonor Mary, 90 Ellen, 217 John, 85-90, 106, 108, III, 113, 116, 119, 122, 176, 180, 188, 217 John William Beattey, 122 Marth, 180 Martha, 85-91, 106, 108, 113, 176, 188, 216, 241 Mary Jane, 116 Peter, 136, 193 Sarah, 108, in, 180 Dorsitt, John, 83 Martha, 83 Doty, Mary, 266 Moses, 266 Doutey, Anne, 255 Moses, 255 Rachel, 255 Downes, , mrs., 226 Downs, Ann, 198 John, 198 Serena, 153 Doyle, Adam A., 192 Elizabeth, 192 Hugh, 169 Robert, 192 Drageau, Margrietje, 50 Maria, 45 Marie, 34, 40, 48, 49 Pierre, 50 Drake, Aaron, 187 Anna, 264 Anne, 172 Benjamin, 259-262, 264 Eliza, 272 Elizabeth, 259 Evelina A., 229 Francis, 261 Mary Ann, 200 Rachel, 262 Sarah, 259-262, 264 William, 271 Drenkvvater, Elisabet 37 Margriet, 37 Nathanael, 37 Dreyer, Carl Bruno, 154 Frederick Adolph, 204 Friederich A., 154 Drinkwater, Elisabet, 42, 45.51.54 Hester, 40 Margrietje, 42, 44 Sara, 42 Sarah, 44 Sophia D., 223 Drisius, dominie, ii Driskyl, Ann, 214 Daniel, 214 Drummoncts, capt. 254 Alexander, 254 Mary, 254 Drummond, capt., 256, 258 Ann, 249 Daniel, 249 Elexander, 249 Jacobina, 256 Susan, 256 Susanna, 258 Drury, mrs., 98 John, 98 John Jeremiah, 105 Joseph, IOI, 214 Susan Stillwell, 105 William, 98, IOI, 175 Dubaa, Maria, 56 Dubois, mr, 185 Augustus, 247 Catrin, 260 Easters, 256 Edward, 262 Elis., 177 Elisabeth, 186 Esther, 246 Hettie, 177 John, 246, 256, 260, 262 Margaret P., 177 Maria, 53, Martha, 247 Mary, 247, 256, 260, 262 Lewis, 177, 260 Margaret, 239 Matthias, 260 du Bois, Esther, 41 Louis, jr., 49, 51 Marguerite, 41 Martha, 51 Samuel, 49 Du Bois, Lewis, 272 Duboys, Mary, 259 Matthias, 259 du Cecoy, Dina, 27 du Chene, Anna, 24 Cornells, 24 Francyntje 27 Gerrit, 24 Jannetje, 27, 41 Michel, 25, 26 Michiel, 24,45 Sarah, 40 du Chesne, Jannetje, 20 Sara, 43, 51 Sarah, 47, 49 du Chine, Sarah, 38 Due Seen, Machgyel, 18 Valentyen, 18 Dugan, , 231, 232, 238 Cornelius, 165 Mary, 225 Thomas, 234 Dungan, Abigail, 88, 266 Abigail Simonson, 266 Cornelia, 88 Ruth, 93 293 Dungan, W., 93 Walter, 88, 93, 266 Duiigin, mrs., 87 Abigail, 88 Abigal, 86 Sarah, 86 Walter, 87, 88 Wallher, 86 Duke, Uaniel, 263 Loretta, 263 Dunham, mrs., 149 Amos, 216 Eve, 99 Henry Roy, 99 John, 166 Lewis, 166 Dunn, judge, 216, 219 , mrs., 216 Ann, 83 Ann Maria, 221 Bittje, 83 Dorothy Vanderbilt 226 D. v., 226 Edward, 225 Isabella, 213 John, 213, 218, 221 John W., 219 ^Iargt. Eliza, 218 Mary, 213, 221 Robert, 83, 213, 220 Dupuy, Jacob, 250 John, 245-247, 249, 250 Leah, 249 Ledde, 255 Lena, 27, 29 Liddy, 258 Moses, 249, 255, 258 Necolas, 255 Nicholas, 247, 250 Nicolas, 25 Sarah, 24;-247 250 Susanna, 28 du Puy, Aaron, 50 Barent, 50 Catharma. 20, 27, 29 Elisabet, 28, 33 Elizabet, 39 Elsje, 50 Jan, 21, 22 Johannes, 33 Lena, 22, 25, 31, 32 Mattheus, 33 Moses, 43 Niciilaas, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43 Nicolas, 27, 34, 50 Susanna, 21, 22, 31, 34, 3Q Du Puy, Maria, 51 Nicolaas, 24 Dur.int. Indith, 170 Durland, Gizeburt, 268 Durlant, Geisbertje, 54 Duringer, John, 152 John Henry, 152 Durlyet, Maria Mag- dalena, 18 du Secoy, Anna, 27 Dina, 29, 30 Elisabet, 2g Gabriel, 10, 30 Israel, 27, 28 Job, 28 Johannes, 28 Marcus, 10 Susanna, 10 Dustan, , major, 225 Harriet, Jean, 226 Isaac, 228 Oscar Fitz Patrick, 109, 213 Sarah, 238 William, 109, 213 William, Saml., 225 du Tes, Susanna, 20 Duxbury, Ellis, ix judge, ix Dye, Anne. 255 Apha, 249 Charles, 214 David, 249, 255 Elizabeth 255 Jacobus, 14 John, 214, 217, 218 John David, 255 Mary, 249, 255 Rebecca, 215 Sarah, 249 Dykeman, Eliza Cuszina, H3 Gerardus, 115, 118 Gerret, 1 13 Mary, Ann, 115 Rachel, 118 Dykman, mrs., 1 13 Gerardus, 113 Gilbert, 1 13 Richard, 1 13 Earle, James, 227 Ebbet, , 228 D.. 228 Ebbit, David, 238 Serena, 233 Ebbits, Ann Wright, 153 George, 153 George Patten, 153 Harriet, 153 Lucy, 1,3 Ecbers, Benyamen, 58 Jacus, 58 Eden. Heinrlch Jansen, 156 Eddy, Cornelius Cole, 201 Edmonds, William, vi Egberszen, Jaques, 41 Pieter, 41 Egbert, , 187,216,222, 223, 227, 228,230, 231, 233. 234. 2j6 , mrs., 225 sr., 144 A., 233 Abm., 83, 86, 96, 98, 99, 102, 104, 107, 108, 160, 180. Ig3, Iij4, 198, 201. 202, 208, 217 Abm., jr., 201 Abm., sr., lyS, 200 Abr., 144 Abraham,75,82, 86, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 97, 99, 102, 104, 107, 108, 171, 181, 183, 185, 189, 196, 212, 215, 221, 241, 257 Abraham, sr., 114, 230 Abraham Martino, 1 17 Abraham Prawl, 109 Abraham S., 150, 156 202 Abraham T., 229 Abraham Tunis, 152 Abrm., 149 Abr. S., IJ7 Adeline, 161 Aletta, 130, 220 Alfred, 226 Ann, 80-89, 91, 93-99, 102, 105-1 12, 114, 116, 1 17, 119, 126, 160, 173, 177, 179-181, 183, 186, 194, 196, I9S, 200, 201, 204, 210-213, 216, 221, 233.241 Ann Eliza, 198 Ann Lavinia, 135 Ann Martha, 193 Ann Rebekah, 130 Anna, 158, 159 Anne, 73-75 Annette, 235 Aiinet Lake, 128 Barney, 271 Betsy, 219 Barzillai, 119 Benjamin, 104,212 C, 106 Caroline Atkins, 139 Cath.,212 Calhariiia, 78 Catharine, 73, 78, 107, 142, H4, 161, 205,210, 212, 223, 269 Catharine Ann, 137 Catharine Hannah, 16c 294 Egbert, Catharine Maria, 123, 147, 149, 157, 160, 202, 205 Cathrine, 210 Caty, 257 Charles, 102, 106, no, 113, 115, 118, 215, 216 Charlotte Deforest, 144 Christiana, 215 Cornelius, 88,90, 91,98, 120, 123, 128, 132, 138, 145, 173, 188-190, 192, 198, 217, 223, 226 Cornelius Bird, 156 Cornelias Cortelyou, 79, 213 Corns., 205, 2og Corns,, mrs., 200 Daniel Mersereau, 135 Edward, 74, 79-84, 86, 87, 93, 106, 126, 128, 133, 239, 143, 162, 168, 172, 174, 179, 198,200, 206, 2og,2ll, 216, 217, 241 Edw., 80, 83 Edwd., 85, 174, 213, 230 Elis., 97 Elisabeth, 78, 138, 170, 198 Eliz., 87, 210, 212 Eliza, 123, 128, 133, 135, 146, 18S, 192, 219, 223 Eliza Ann, 97, 114, 115, 150, 229 Elizabeth, 74,78,87,89, 91, 94, 98, 128, 158, 177, 178, 2o5, 213, 241 Elizabeth Ann, 113, 215 Elizabeth Mary, 146 Elizebeth, 212 Ellen, 209 Ellen Simonson, 152 Emeline, 132, 160, 209 Ester Ellen, 139 Eugene Mortimer, 115, 220 Eupheme, 1 10 Frances, 168 Frances Lavinia, 125 Gertrude, 193 Gertrude M., 217 Hannah, 1 19, 198, 217, 222, 225, 236 Hannah Jane, 133, 139, 2o5 Hannah Mary, 119 Harriet, I98 Harriette, 1 16 Henrietta, 138, 147, 160 Henrietta Prell, 143 Henry, 94, 143, 222 Henry Edward, 216 Egbert, Hertje, 102 Holmes, 194, 227 Isabella, 221 Isabella Sarah Catha- rine, 1 18 Isabella S. C, 201 J.. 231 Jac, 228 Jacob, I!,6, 207 James, 73,78, 87,91,94, 96-98, 119, 165, 177, 178, 189, 195, 196,210, 212, 213, 216, 217, 241 James, jr., 189, 217 James, sr.. Ill, 183, 184, 218 Jane, 101, 188, 212, 224, 225 J. Holmes, 226 Jane Louise, 132 Jas., 87 John, 73, 79-8l, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 94, 96, 97, 115,118, 123. 130, 134, 135, 138, 150, 156, 168, 173, 181, 183, 185, 190, 192, 200,202, 205, 211, 212, 220, 222, 224, 226, 231.237.241 John, jr., 109 John, sr., 1 16, 193, 218, 219 John lames, 102 John Merril, 146 John Simonson, 152 John v., 152, 157 John Vanderbilt, ill, 201 John William, 128 John Wm,, 207 Joseph, 79, 96, 98, 102, 124, 151, 158, 188, 189, 194, 198, 212, 223-225, 237 Joseph Thomas, 124 Jno., 233,234 Lemont Williams, 157 Letty Ann Lake, 126 Louisa, 145 Louisa Sidney, 152 Lucy, 80, 94, 101, 173, 192 Lydia, 118, 130, 147, 149, 156, 161, 163, 202, 205 Lydia Eliza, 130, 156, 158,161 Madora, 149 Margaret Jane, 146,201 Martrrett, 217 Maria, I17, 1 19, 156, 184, 202, 212, 219, 232, 273 Maria Ann, 1 19 Maria Simonson, 156 Egbert, Marietta, 209 Martha, 183, 193 Martha Ann, 119, 196 Mary, 79-84, 86, 88, 90, 93, 94,96, 97, 101, 102, 174, 181, 183, 210-213, 241 Mary Ann, 91, 117, 126, 139, 188 Mary Elizabeth, 139 Mary Jane, 1 12 Mary Josephine, 126 Mary Precilla, 122 Mary Van der Beak, 89 Moses, 78, 193, 210, 220, 257 N., mrs., 98 Nancy, 198, 233 Nicholas Depui, 120 Patience, 89, in, 1x6, 121, 133, 186, 194 Peggy, 217 Peter, 115 Rachel Ann, n8, 234 Rebecca Maria, 202 Richard, 118, 230 Richard Edmund, 119 Sabina, 232 Sally, 87, 121, 128, 188, 195, 196, 220 Sally Ann, 215 Saml., 198 Samuel, 84, 112, 114, 116, 170, 183, 216 Samuel, jr., 219 Sara, 95, 102, 212 Sarah, 81, 102, 106, no, 111, 113, 118, 131, 134. 174, 189, 193.216 Sarah Adeline, 134, 207 Sarah Ann, 106, I91 Shirley Morton, 237 Stephen, 78, 86,114, 117. 198, 212, 213, 215, 223, 235 Sussan, 113 T., 228 Thomas Holmes, 88, 146, 198 Thos. Holmes, 227 Teunis, 73, 94 Tunis, vii, 74, 75. 78. 83-87. 89, 93-95. 97. 102, 105, 107-109, III, 113-115, 118, 122, 126, 132, 171, 174, 180, 183, 186, 191, 201, 212, 215, 217, 221, 225, 239, 241 Tunis, jr., 241 Tunis, sr., 216, 241 Tunis A., 196 Tunis J., 216, 220 Warren Alston, 114,215 295 Egbert, Wesley, 151 Wesly, 119 William, 97, 128, 137, 139, 142, 193 William St. Clair, 150 Wm., 151 Egberts, Abraham, 257, 259 Anil, 259 Anthony, 259, 262 Antony, 260 Aniye, 57 Benjamin, 257 Catliarina, 50 Catrin, 259 Catrina, 53 Catrine, 260 Caty, 258 Cornelius, 120, 160 Eilward, 91 Eleanor, 260 Elener, 262 Elizabeth, 257, 259 Jacobus, 23 Jacus. 53, 57 James, ^58 John, 258, 260 Maria, 50, 51, 55, 56 Martha, 260 Mary, 259, 260, 262 Moses, 259 Reuben, 259 Sarah, 91, 259 Theunis, 12, 15, 17 Tunis, 260 Egbertse, Abraham, 57, 59 Abram, 53 Egbert, 23 Elisabet, 53 Hester, 59 Isnak, 23 Johnnes, 54 Teunes, 54 Tunis, 57 Egbertsen, Abraham, 15, 17,23,27,47 Barent, 58 Catharina, 49 Ecbert, 15 Elisabet, 27 Jacobus, 23, 26 Jaques, 47 Johannes, 23 Maria, 23 Teunis, 20, 26, 58 Egbertsz, Jaques, 37, 44 Susanna, 44 Theunis, 20 Egbertszen, Egbert, 27 Jaques, 37 Johannes, 27 Nicolaas, 37 Egberlzen, Elizabet, 49 Jacobus, 28 Jaques, 30, 49 Johannes, 28 Laurens, 30 Eggers, Adelaide, 151 Eghniont, Corn., 39 Egniont, Allje, 19 Christoffel, 32 Cornells, 16, 19, 25, 32, 35 Cornelius, 28 Femmcije, 25 Zeger, 28 Ehrhardt, Catharine Christina, 157 Eidam, Elizabeth, 154 Daniel, 1 54 Eisele, K., 237 Eldridge, Mary, 168 Elesen, Bastjan, 18 Elis, Sara, 59 Eliza, i8i Elland, Eleanor, 158 Ellas, Coriielus, 61 Ellens, Charles, 21 Johannes, 21 Elles, na, 59 Aagtje. 35 Basteaaii, 59 Basteyaan, 55 Bastejan, 54 Bastiaan, 22, 29, 30, 32, 35.40 Catharina, 30 Cornelius, 32 Hendrikje, 22, 25, 30 Henrikje, 35 Maria, 55 Sara, 40, 54 Ellis, Abraham, 67 Hasteaan, 64 Bastiaan, 39, 42 Catrina, 57 Cattnena, 61, 64 Cornelius, 64 Egye, 61 Garret, 67, 190 Mary, 190 Saara, 64 Sara, 61, 64, 65 Ellison, William, 166 Ellwein, John, 79 Elmvvood, John, I97 EInesly, , 176 Els, Geesje, 26 Elston, , 271 Elsewart, Antje, 53 Mareitje, 53 Wellim, S3 Elten, Hester, 200 Emmons, William E.,209 Emmot, John, 193 Enyard, Abraham, 85 Daniel, 78 Elias, 76 Elisabeth, 77 Elizabeth, 210, 241 Jemima, 76-78 Mary, 85 Mary Ann, 180 Mathias, vii, 76, 180 Matthias, 172 Nicholas, 76-78, 85 Sarah, 180 Susanna, 78, 241 Sussanna, 173, 210 Timoihv, 76 Williani r., V Erzer, Jakle, 204 Margaret, 204 Escord, Andre, 36, 39 Daniel, 37 Esther, 36 Maria, 39 Essig, Johannes, 137 Maria, 137 Etsch, Carl, 153 Ettlinger, Adolph, 156 Louis, 156 Ettwin, John, 82 Eulner. Catharine, 158, 2c6 Valentine, 206 Everse, Matteis, 65 Everson, Mary, 270 Exbersen, Susanna, 17 Tunis, 17 Exjard, Elisabet, 52 Mathies, 52 Faas, Jannetje, 28, 30 Packer, Catharina, 34 Johan Henrich, 34 Falkeiiborgh, Maria, 56 Fall, George A., 202 Fardon, Aaron, 193 Eliza, 219 Isaac, 217,219 Farrow, Catharine Eliza- beth, 161 Ida Lucretia, 161 Lucy Ann, l6l Samuel, 161 Ferhmann, Jacob, iv Ferris, John, 169 Feust, Fredericka Caro- lina, 156 Fey, Doratha, 205 Fialan, Daniel, 65 Hanry, 65 Field, chaplain, x, xi mr., 263 Finauf, Adelaide, 144 296 Fink, John D., 208 Fischt, Jane F., 238 Fisher, Anne, 58 Johann, 150 Fitchet, Jane, 168 Fitzgerald, Margret Eliza, 218 Mary, 197 Michael, 218 Sarah, 149 Thomas, 197 Wm., 197 Fitziiiger, Deborah, 205 Fitz Patrick, Margaret, 204 Fitz Randolph. , 225 Hartshorn, 217 Flager, Constance Maria, 144 Henry, 144 Isabella, 144 John Walter, 144 Fleming, mr., 234 L)., 234 Eliz., 167 Fletcher, gov., viii Flinn, Roger, 170 Flitcher, Ann, 175 Folager, , 239 Folkertzen, Folkert, 31 Foot, Eliza, 187 Force, Marytje, 38 Foret, Liesabet,63 Fortunate, John, 167 Fountain, • , 226, 227, 232, 233, 239 mr., 199 , nirs., 226 Abraham, 227 Abm., 180, 227 Anthonv, 38, 170, 176, 177,213,214,247 Anthony, jr., 194 Anthony, sr., 240 Antony, 172 Antje, 38 Catharine, 229, 272 Charles, 247 Clarissa, 201 Cornelius, 170 Eliza, 104 Elizabeth Ann, 137 Else, 184 Gideon, 234 James, I97 lane, 106 John, 176, 179, 181, 185, 199, 272 John v., 231 Leonard, 137, 197 Louisa, 201 Mary, 99, 102, 109, 137, •75. 176, 197, 226 Fountain, Nancy, 194 Peter, 171 Susanna, 169, 247 Vincent, 171, 176, 179, 184 William, 213, 229 Wm., Austin, 234 Wm., H., 183 Founlen, Antoni, 62,63 Antony, 65 Cornelus, 65 Johannis, 63 Maragrietye, 63 Nensy, 62 Fowler, , 217 Abigail, 217 Foy, Francis, 249 John, 246, 249, 251 Mary, 246, 249, 251 Frazur, Lewis, 168 Fredericks, Ann, 150, 153 Ann (Nancy), 156 Nancy, 156 Freegard, , mrs., 236 Ellen, 208 Freeland, Michael, 269 Freelant, Metje, 53 Freeling, Rich., 180 Freeman, Bernardus, 25 Gager, 165 Gertrude, 197 John, 192, ig7 Mary, 197 Mary Elizabeth, 206 Smith B.. 206 Frende, Carl Aguste, 137 Mary Blanche, 137 Frettert, Frederick Jacob, 158 Jacob, 158 Magdalena, 158 Fries, Maria Hetwig, 198 Fritz, George, 149 Hans Jorg. 141 Henrietta Elisabeth,l49 Frome, Mary, 268 Nathaniel, 173 Ploney, 268 Froom, Daniel, 172 Froome, N., 176 Frost, dr., 256 Caroline, 223 Elizabeth, 258 John Thomas, 256 Matilda, 223 Robert, 24, 28 Samuel, 223, 233 Samuel, mrs., sr., 232 Tamer, 258,261 Thomas, 258, 261 Tomagine, 256 Usselton, 28 William Errell, 261 Fugel, Adam, 141, 143, 147. 150, 153 Catharine, 150 Hans Jorg, 141 John, 150 Maria Catharine Bar- bara, 147 Michael, 143 Nathan, 153 Futton, Isabella Forker, 214 Gaelledet, Maria, 57 Gage, Jonathan, 165 Gahner, Gallus, 140 Gaines, , 235 Wm., 235 Galmer, Catharine, 157 Gambold, br., vi H., 165 Hector, vii, 71, 76-79 Gans, Henry, 146 Garamaux, Jacob, 33 Metje, 33 Gardner, Myles, 167 Gareau, Jean, 20 Garebranlz, Elener, 65 Garretson, , 216, 233, 270 mrs., 132 Abraham, 127, 130, 132, '33. '35. '93. 219 Abraham Crocheron, 135 Ann, 106, 167 Catharine, 177, 218, 229 Cornelius, 229' '■ Edgar Eugene, 133 Elisabeth, 177 Eliza, 218, 219, 227, 231 Hendrick, iv Henry. 190 Henry Davis, 130 Hermanus, 127,219 Jacob, 194, 229, 269 Jacob, sr., 228 Jacob Herman, 158, 206 James, 189 James B., 206 Jane, 271 Jane Elizabeth, 206 John, 168, 177, 193, 218, 224, 273 John, jr., 216 Maria, 177, 216 Mary Ida, 158 Garrettson, , 235, 236 mr., 180 Abraham, 143 Edwin, 238 Hiram, 236 297 Garrettson, Jacob, 235 James B., 234 John, 160, iBo John Jacob, 143 Margaret Ann, 160 Marja, 203 Mary Elizabeth, 160 Win. H'y Smith, 160 Garrihrance, France, 67 Nailtie, 67 Garrison, Ann, 97, 100, 103 Aulchie, 66 Charles, 247 Christopher, 74, 255 Daniel, 247, 252 Doroth., 80 Elener, 255 Elisabeth, 168 Elizabeth, 241 Esther, 268 Febe, 255 Hannah, 166 Jacob, 247 John, 66, 170 Margaret Ann, 203 Mary, 74, 247, 252 Nicholas, v Phebe, 74 Garritson, col., 239 Ann, 112 Betsey, 84, 85 Elisabeth, 211 Eliz., 86 Elizabeth, 83,86,87,91 Frances, 92,95 Gertrude, 170 Hendric, 239 Hendrick, 211 Henry, 84, 172 Hermanns, 93 Jacob. 85 James Birkby, 86 John, 83-84. 93. 94 Lambert, ix Mary, 83, 218, 221 Phoebe, 172 Gasquoine, , 229 H., 229 Gates, , 238 Gauthier, Andrew, 91 Thomas, 91 Gebhardt, Godfried VV., '57 John Godfried, 157 Geffers, Mary, 260 Geibert. , 237 Geiser, Johannes, 149 Louis, 149 Gendron, Magdalaine, 49 Gennens, Mary, 14 Sara, 14 George, Catarine, 262 Elleanor, 262 George, Joseph, 262 Gerbranls, Frans, 37 Gerbrantsz, Elisabet, 38 Frans, 38 Gerd, Eliza, 153 Germond, ,232 Gerrand, Thomas, 169 Gerrebrans, Christeyaan, 64 Neeltye,64 Gerrebrats, France, 52 Frances, 52 Gerresen, Abraham, 53 Elizabet, 52, 53 Johnanes, 54 Nicklas, 52 Nicolaes, 53 Susanna, 53, 54 Zeger, 52 Gerretse, Elizabet, 58, 59 Elizabeth,55 Hester, 59 Jannetye, 60 Susanna, 58, 60 Yannetye, 61 Gerretson, Annatje,62 Annatye, 63 Johannis, 63 John, w~ — Gerrissen, Seger, 9 Gerrits, Aaltje, 22 Gerritse, Susanna, 57 Gerritsen, Zeger, 30 Gerritson, Abraham Crocheron, 88 Anaatye, 63 Annaetje, 65 Cathrina, 33 Cathrine Conor, 81 Eliz., 89 Elizabeth, 80-82, 88-90, 241 Johannis, 64 John, 80-82, 84, 88, 90 Maragrietye, 64 Nicolaas, 33 Richard Conor, 82 Gerritsz, Charles, 21 Lambert, jr., 21 Magdalena, 21 Zeger, 34 Gerritsze, Nicolaas, 41 Gerritszen, Elisabet, 44 Lea, 47 Gerritz, Antje, 30 Lambert, jr., 25' Nicolaas, 25 Gerritze, Zeger, 40 Gerritzen, Abraham, 28 Blandina, 51 Catharina, 28, 29 Christopher, 40 Cornells, 48 Gerritzen, Daniel, 9, 48 Elisabet, 39, 43, 46, 50 Elizabet, 42,47 Grietje, 9 Isaac, 40 Lambert, 9, 15,39,43 Lambert, jr., 28 Lammert, 9 Nicholas, 40 Nicolaas, 35, 43.49, 5' Susanna, 35 Zeger, 28, 43. 4Q Gerritzon, Jan. 38 Nicolaas, .^8 Gerrtbratse, Daniel, 55 Frans, 55 Gewan, Elisabet, 50 Jenne, 48, 49 Gibett, James, 142 James Augustus, 142 Gibson, A. C., 225 Elizabeth, 86 Hugh, 86 Sarah, 86, 177 Gififord, Mary, 272 Gilbert, - — ,227 Abbey Ann, 134, 135 Abby Ann, 130, 219, 220 Elizabeth Frances, 139 Hannah Jane, 121, 135, 219 James, 121, 124, 130, 134, 135, 139,219,220, 236 JamesThomas Steward, 124, 220 Maria, 134 Sarah Ann Matilda, 130 Gtldersleave, , 225 Gillesby, Grace, 200 Glascou, Jannetje, 33 Glascow, Jannetje, 38, 47 Gleave, Marva, 23 Glendinen, Cathrine, 173 Goddard, Kingston, xi Goepp, Marie Ottilie, 155 Gold, Catharine, 252 Jan, 46 John, 45, 46, 249, 252 Katharine, 249 Marytje, 45 Peter, 252 Tryphena, 167 Gontz, Louis. 141, 200 Goodheart, Christopher, .85 John, 185 Sophia, 185 Goodman, John, 268 Goodyear, - — , 233 Goolder, Abraham, 1 1 Gouns, Jannetje, 53 Gowen, Margrietje, 53 Grace, Elizabeth, 268 298 Graham, Augistin, ix Granieaux, Catharina, 21 Jacob, 21 Cranio, Jacob, 20 Johannes, 20 Grandnie, , 272 Catharnie, 178 John, 245 Lewis, 245 Granj^er, t r.uica, 252 Frances, 238 William, 167, 252, 258 Grasbeek, Susan, 254 Gray, Abraham, 28 Isaak, 28 Graz, Anna Maria, 204 Greegs, Anna, 27 John, 2g Maria, 32 Martinus, 22 Pieternelle, 25 Thomas, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31.32 Grey, George, 168 Griffin, lienjamin, 204 Griffis, Hannah, 247, 268 John, 247 Griffith, Arthur, 245 Hannah, 245 John, 245 Griffiths, Peter, 268 Grimma, Martha, 169 Grondin, Jean, 41 Fitter, 41 Grover, Harzillai, 266 Christine, 266 William, 266 Grunert, F. E., viii Guebet, , 227 Guihon, Daniel, 84 Henry Garritson, 84 Phebe, 84 Guineau, Louis, 38 Susanna, 38 Guion, Adrian, 269 Ann, 1 13, 116, 117 Catharine, 271 Daniel, 117 Elizabeth, 117 Harmanus, 272 Hermaiius, igo James, 272 John, 218, 271 Margaret, 272 Mary, 269 Gummert, C., 206 Henriette Rosalie, 206 Gulledet, Elisee, 49 Esther, 49 Guthrie, Eliza, 9I Guyon, , miss, 232 Abraham, 90 Addra, 272 Guyon, Ann, log, 121, 221, 262 Ann Elizabeth, 181 Cornelius, 95, 273 Cornelius D., 209 Daniel, 88-90 92, 95, 99, 113, 175, 181, 185, 21 1, 217, 221 Danl., 99, 103, log, 175 Elis., 103 Eliz., 99 Elizabeth, 103. log Elizabeth C 1 a w s o n Young, 99 Frances, 88-go, 181 Francis, 21 1 Harry, 199 James, 175, 262 James, jr., I99 John, 167 Peter, 165 Richard Conor, 8g Sara, 92 Sophia Catharine, 99 Susannah, 262 H Haagewout, Catriena, 63 Geertruy, 64 Necclos, 64 Neeltye, 63 Neety, 65 Peter, 65 Pieter, 64 Wynant, 65 Hacher, John, 271 Hafte, Benjamin, 36 Katje, 18 Hatten, Catharina, 26 Jacob, 25 Johannes, 25, 26 Hageman, Louis, 204 Hagen, Francis F., viii, 71 Hagewout, Aaltje, 20, 22- 24. 30, 35 Aehie, 13 Agbert, 57 Annaetye, 60 Derckie, 15 Dirkje, 26 Egbert, 13, 15, 34, 62 Elizabeth, 78 Geertie, 16 Geertje, 20, 23, 26 Geertruyd, 44 Grietye, 62 Harmpje, 20, 24-27, 31, 35.37.42 Jacobus, 40 Jan, 24 Lea, 30, 31, 35, 37, 40, 42.55 Hagewout, Leah, 47 Leea, 53 Margreta, 48 Mary, 78, 79 Neeltje, 18, 37 Neeltye, 59, 60 Nicholas, 79 Nicklaas, 6o Nicolaa^, 23 Peter, 78, 79 Pieter, 16, 18, I9, 23,26, 27. 3'. 34-37. 40, 41. 44, 48, 59, 60, 62 Pieter, jr., 16 Pieter, sr., 15 Rachel, 24, 35 Sara, 53 Stephen, 78 Treintje, 53 Trintie, 51 Hagewnuvt, Catharina, 55 Hale, Wm. W.. 208 Halle, Abm. Herman, 223 Abraham Herman, 134 Eugene Benhornean, 134 Lafayette Mathias, 223 La Fayette Matthias, 134 Sarah, 134 Halstead, Susan, 273 Halsted, Elizabeth, 253 John, 253. 273 Hamersly, Thomas, 91 Hand, Patrick, 230 Phebe, 92, 97 Handlin, Elizabeth, 167 Hansby, Abraham, 232 Ann, 232 Hansen, Hans, 22 Hanszen, Isaak, 46 Jeams, 12 Symons, 46 Hapenny, Davis Carel 209 Harcourt, Daniel, 103 Richard, 103 Harnier, Thomas, ix Hartman. br., 136 mrs., 1 12 Eliza C, 126, 189, 194, 196 G. A., 71, III, 112, 183 184, 214 George A., viii Isabella Forker, 214 Isabella S., m Harris, Abraham, 257, 261 Margret, 257 Rachel, 261 Harrison, mr., 207 Mary Ann, 207 Thomas, 205 299 Harry, negro, 185, 273 Harvey, R., 223 Sophia D., 223 Harzaii, Ann, 1S3 Cornelius, 183 Harzen, Jacob, 183 Haste, Benjamin, 36, 3g, 43 Jacob, 36 Johannes, 39 Katje, 18 Hasten, Benjamin, 30 Catharina, 26 Johannes, 26, 27, 30 Hately, Richard, 169 Hatlield, Deborah, 173 James, 196 John, 173 Sarah, iq6 Hatsche, mr., 205 Elizabeth Georgiana 152 George, 152 John, 152 Haitof, Anna, 156 Haughabout, Betsey, 186 Clarisse, 221 Ellen, 19I, 194 Hannah, 183 James, 221 John, 195 Maria, 2r4 Mary Ann, 195 Peter, 183, 191 Peter Nicholas, 221 Rachel, 183 Winant, 191 Haughawout, Dorcas, 222 Elsie lane, 196 Nicholas, 222 Rachel Ann, 222 Haughwort, Aletta, 81 Eleonora, qI Mary, 81, 210 Peter, 81,210 Haughworth, Eleonore,95 Haughvvout, , 178 Betsy, 145 Daniel, 195 Edward, 270 Eleanor, 212 Eleonore, 99 Elizabeth, 270 Esther, 195 Francis, 181, 195 Hester, 181 Isaac Minton, 222 James, 222 Maria, 117 Mary, l8i Matthias, 181 Nicholas, iv, 222 Peter, iv, 165 Haughwout, Sarah, 222 Susan, 159 Winant 222 Wynant, 181 Haugwout, Danniel, 65 Egbert, 65 Hauseman, John, 84 Hendrickzen, Ryck, 9 Henly, Margaret, 167 Henricks, Jan, 20 Ledy, 20 Herman, Anna Pauline, 140 John Gottlieb, 140 Martha Swaim Butler, Hero, Haimah, 82 186 152 Hausman, Catharine Ann 153 Isaac, 153 James, 154 Theodore Adam, 154 Hazard, Rnoert, 237 Heady, Catharine, 266 Hester, 266 William, 266 Heal, Eliza Swift, 164 Emma, 164 Peter, 164, 209 Heath, C , mrs., 229 Cath., 239 Eliza, 193 John, 239 Joseph R., 193 Simon A., 193 Heckel, Elizabeth, 119 Hedding, Salome, 174 Heereman, Annaetje, 60 Anne, 58 Jannetye, 56 Heermans, Apollonia, 41 Margrietje, 41 Heeveman, Anna, 55 Hegeman,, Alida, 45, 49 Annatje, 53 Catharina, 21,24, 28, 31, 37 Isaak, 21 Jan, 28 Maria, 28 Hegemans, Catharina, 22 Hilliard, , 178, 240 Heheman, Aeleda, 67 Abraham, 249 Jeremy, 82 John, 82 Herod, Mary, 269 Herrington, Betsey, Eliza, l86 William, 186 Hervan, Cnrnelis, 29 Jaques, 26, 29 Sara, 26 Hester, Rachel, 105 Hetfeath, Susanna, 51 Hetfeel, Susanna, 20, 24, 29. 30. 33. 34, 36, 43 Hetfield, Beniamin,268 Susanna, 46 Hetherington, James, 204 William, 204 Hetseel, Susanna, 20, 24, 29, 33. 34. 36 Heusler, Barbara, 144 Hevler, Christopher, i56 Heyer, , miss, 232 Hibbets, Euphemia, 140 Peter, 140 Hibbits, Oscar, 229 Hicks, Emma Ann, 199 Sarah, 199 Hildreth, Will. Hy, 238 Hill, Alice, 165 Anzell, 187 David, 220 Elizabeth, 220 Ephraim, 187 Sarah, 187 -Heilaken. Aafje, 49 Hekel, Eliza, 139 Hekkel, F^liza, 141 Helpertsse, Marytje, 19 Helpets, James, 19 Hemmium, Catharine, 167 Henderson, Jane, 118 Richard, 270 Uriah, 272 Hendricksen, Catharine, 208 Elena, 13 Hendrick, 13 Tryntie, 9 Hendrickz, Ryk, 19 Synion, 19 Amy, 95, 186 Ann, 2? I Anna Maria, 86 Dinah, 249 Francis, 261 Hester, 251 John, 187, 251 John, jr., 249, 261 Lawrence, 251 Mary, 249 Merrel, 187 Nathaniel, 251 Sarah, 86, 249-251 Simon, 250 William, 86, 249 ■"Hillicker, John, 270 Hendrickzen, Elisabeth, 9' Hillird, Ester, 246 Femmetye, 9 Francis, 246 Marytie, 9 John, 246 300 HiUiyard, Amey, 172 Hillyar, John, 261, 263 Mary, 20], 263 Hillyer, Abram, 254 Anne, 254 Larrance, 254 Lawrence, 273 Hilton, Alexander Stew- art. 162 Cornelia, 160 Edward IJanker, 160 Ellen, 162 Henry, 160, 162 Henry Graham, 160 Josepliine, 160 William McMurray,l6o Hilyear, James, 268 Hdyer, Ann, 257, 263 Elizabeth, 257 Emm, 263 Lawrance, 257 Lawrence, 263 Margret, 263 Mary Ann, 196 William, 263 Hinslif, Mary, 166 Hirschle, Heinrich, 158 Peter, 138 Hitchcock, Edward, v Hoegel, Margaret, 204 Hoelten, Barbara, 57 Hofte, Feitie, 14 Hogelant, Aaltje, 25, 29, 50 Cathrina, 38 Daniel, 28 Dirk, 25 Elisabet, 28 Elisebet, 18 Jenneke, 25 Joh., 21 Marritje, 25 Holden, Adaline, 146 Mary, 141 Holland, Henry, x Holmes, , 240 Ann, 197 Eliza, 272 Jane, 124 Johannes, 34 Joseph. 28 Lucv, 168 Margaret, 176, 197 Mary, 97, 168, 173, 183, 190, 212, 270 Obadias, 28, 31, 34 Sally, 272 Samuel, 197, 271 Susanna, 31 Thomas Charles, 202 Holzhalb, Bertha, 156 Edward, 156 Hoogelandt, Christophel, 56 Cornelia, 56 Hoogelant, Aaltje, 21 Derek, 18 Hoogl)land,Catharina, 16, 27 Hooghlandt, Jores, 9, 12 Marytie, 9 Hooghlant, Aaltje, 24 Calharina, 29, 32, 34, 40 Elisabet, 23, 24 Hoogland, Maria, 22 Hooglant, Aaltje, 22, 23, 25. 34, 52 Cathanna, 22, 26 Johannes, 25 Marritje, 28 Marrytje, 24 Hoolten, Barbara, 56 Barbera, 58 Hoo|)er, , 217 Abraham, 175 Clement, 46 Elisabet, 32,42 Elizabeth, 270 Marih., 185 Martha, 32, 35, 184 Philip, 46 Rachel, 46 Sarah, 171 Hoppe. Christina, 21, 25 Paukis. 21 Horsfield, Mary, vi Timothy, v, vi Horton, William Henry, 207 Houghabout, Maria, 113 Houghwout, Daniel, 66 Isaac, 66 Mary. 66 Nicholas, 66 Peter, 66 Susan Ann, 150 W ,66 Houlte, Barbera, 52 Houlten, Barber, 63 Houltje, Barbara, 53 Houseman, , mrs., 235 Ann, 270 Damy, 270 Hannah, ql, 270 Harriet, 208 Isaac, 273 Maria, 239 Mary Elizabeth, 238 Naatje, 98 Sarah Amelia, 209 Housman, , 135, 152, 213,225 Aaron, 184 Abm., 179, 190 Housman, Abraham, 121, 133. 190, 216 Alfred, 143 Ann, 184, 200 Benjamin, 126, 131, 133, 192, 195, 213, 215, 224 Caroline Houghwout, 163 Catharine, 214 Catherine, 133 Diodema, 185 Edward, 194 Edward Ferine, 215 Egbert Haughwout, 159 Eliza, 133, 183 Elizabeth, 66, 121, 199, 223 Hannah, 139, 142, 195 Hester, 190 Isaac, 153, 179 Jacob, 179, 195 James, 154 James Edward, 131 Jane, 179 John, 150. 163 John William, 126, 205 Jno., 159 Joseph, 164, 207 Joseph Egbert, 133 Judith, 194, 195 Letly, 192 Lydia, 164 Margaret, 124, 130, 192 Margarett, 190 Maria, 151, 194, 202 Martha, 269 Martha Jane, 150 Martha Swaini Butler, •43 Mary, 133, 167, 195 Mary Elizabeth, 164 Mary Louisa, 133 Naatje, 173 Nancy, 66 Nathan, 194, 199 Ord,, 172 Peter, 66, 215 Polly, 121 Richard, 143, 194. '95. 199, 225, 229 Sally, 183 Sarah, 208 Susan, 200 Susan Ann, 163 Howell, Edward, 260 Elisabeth, 253 Elizabeth, 260 James, 253, 255, 260 Jams, 253 John, 2i;5 Lezebe'ih, 255 Richard, 253 Susanna, 253 30I Howland, mr., 264 Hudson, John, 270 Hughes, Barney, 143, 145 Barry, 255 Catharine, 251 Ellen Jane, 145 George W., 227 George Washington, 143 James Cubberly, 225 Martha, 251 Matthew, 251 Hughs, Ann, i65 John, 167 Huisman, Antje, 52 Baarent, 65 Elisabet, 53 Johannes, 53 Johannis, 65 Hulsebas, Albert, 156 Gesina Carolina, 156 Hulsebus, Albert, 205 Hulten, Barbara, 61 Humphreys, , mrs., 233 Asa, 230 Humphry, Joseph A., 200 Hunter, gov., iii Jane, 178 Robert, ix, x Has, Cattrena, 63 Mary Miglen, 63 Matteus, 63 Hutmacher, Gertrud, 206 Hutzel, Christina, 153 Huysman, Aart, 39 Abraham, 50 Anna, 21, 33, 56 Antye, 59 Catherina, 55 Dirk, 47 Jemynna, 56 Joh., 30 Johannes, 21, 25, 33, 36, 3Q, 42, 44, 47. 49. 50. 55.56 Maria, 49 Margareta, 42 Pieter, 36 Rachel, 25 Hyde, -, 238 Emmett W., 202 Hylliard, Ester, 245 John, 245 Ingraham, Eliza Mar- greth Rider, 212 Elizabeth, 98, 100, 212 George W., q8 George Washington, 98, 100 Geo. Washington, 212 Iniaart, Antje, 21, 23, 28, 31.32 Carel, 23 Catharina, 50 Gilles, 43 Gillis, II Jan, II Mathys, 44 Matthys. 35, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47. 50 Susanna, 46 Trintie, II Innes, Jane, 224 John, 166 Martha, 224 Mary, 224 Innis, George, 220, 222, 227 John, 222 Martha, 220 Inyard, Elizabeth, vii Matthys, 55 Nicklaes, 55 Irving, Theodore, xi Itrockelf, Hendricka, 9 I Immet, Christina, 26 Imyard, Nicholas, 268 Ingham, John, 170 Ingraham, Eliza Mar- garet Rider, 100 Jack, 175, 273 Jackel, Jacob Fried'k, 154 Magdalena Rosina, 154 Jackie, Emma Amalia, 146 Eva Maria, 146 Jacob Fred., 146 Jacob Frederick, 146 J. L., 226 Maria Catharine, 146 Jackson, Daniel, 187, l8g Delia, 194 Elisabeth, 23 George William, 133 Hannah, 193 John, 133 Margaret, 272 Mary, 133 Thomas, 187 William, iii Wm., 66 Jacky, Magdalen, 196 Jacobs, Augusta, 229 Wm. W., 229 Jacobsen, Ann, 81 Anne, 76 Cathriiie, 82 Christian, 76 Hilletje, 81-83 Jacobsen, John, 81-83, 92 John Christian, S3 John Vandeventer, 76 Maria, 92 Jacobsmyer, Anna, 154 Johann Christian, 154 Joseph, 154 Jacobson, , 222, 223, 232. 235 Abr., 231 Abraham Van Deven- ter, 99 Ann, 76, 95, 98, 100, 103, 106, 109, 112, 174 Anne, 75 Bedel, 122 Bedell, 96, 122, 127, 218, 222 Cath., 200 Catharine, 75, 120, 130, 136, 182, 189 Christian, 75, 76, 165 Christian, capt., vi Cornelius, 223 Cornelius Van deven- ter, go Elisabeth, 213 Eliza, 86, 120, 125, 127, 191 Elizabeth, 76, 170, 223, 231, 239,240 Elizabeth Amelia, 129 H., 100 Helletha, 221 Hellethan, 109 Hellethay, 196 Hellethey, 1 12 Hillethay, go Hilletje, 84, 86, 88, 103, 106, 174, igo, igl, 194 Hilletje Sleik, 88 Israel, I91, 236 Israel B., 129 Israel Bedell, 88 Israel V a n Devender, 218 Israel Vandeventer, 122 J. Chr. 107 John, 84, 86, 88, go, 96, 103, 104, 106, 108, log, 129, 170, 174 John jr., 214 John Bedell, 127 John Christian, 107, 179 John V. D., 93,99, 120, 112, 179, 182, 187, igo, 191, 194, Ig6, 214,217, 221 Louisa, 200 Lucretia, 108, 135, 196 Maria, 120, 127, Igo Mary, 129 Mary Luisa, 107 302 Jacobson, Matilda, 104, 194 Nancy, 115 Peter, 84 Sarah Ann, 218 Warren Alston, 122 Jacobus, Rulof, 167 Jacobusz, Gerrit, 31 Rachel, 31 Tryntje, 31 Jacques, Isaac, 272 Jaddin, Martha, 14 Jager, Anna Maria, 34 Jakle, Carolina Louise, 140 Jacob Frederic, 140 James, 180 Janance, Susanna, 268 Janer, Elizabeth, 183 Jannance, William, 268 Jans, Antje, 21 Jacob, 13 Jacobus, 13 Neeltje, 21 Sarah, 13 Jansen, Aeltje, 18 Anna 28, Beletye, 18 Cornells, 23, 26 Hendnck, 15 Jacob, 10, II Jacobus, 10 Jean, 206 Jean mrs., 206 Johanna, 11 Joharmes, 18 Marytie,i5 Tyes, 18 Tys, 15 Wyntie, 11 Janssen, Elisabeth, ^^ Jan. 33 Mary, 33 Thomas, 33 Jansz, Auke, 25 Cornells, 20 Fytie, 12 Henrik, 21 Isaak, 25 Johannes, 21 Maria, 19, 20 Matthys, 24, 27, 28 Neeltje, 21 Rachel, 27, 36, 39 Thomas, 19 Thys, 19 Janszen, Albert, 38 Belitje, 36 Cornells, 29, 32, 37 Elsje, 37 Esther, 38 Femmetje, 44 Hendrick,2i Janszen, Henricus, 48 Henrik, 35, 36, 38 Henry, 31 Jan, 37 Lambert, 9 Maria, 32 Matthys, 21,41 Nathanael, 44 Rachel, 37 Sara, 29 Thomas, 33 Willem, 44, 48, 50 Winnifret, 9 Wynant, 41, 50 Janz, Aeltie, 13 Janzen, Aafye, 9 Jacob, 9 Lambert, 9-1 1 Reyne, 10 Jaques, Caroline, 191 David, 66 Elizabeth, 66 Jay, Mary Elizabeth, 202 Jeacocks, William, 166 Jeirnee, Ann, 263 John, 263 Martha, 263 Jemison, Sarah E., 229 Jenkins, Thomas, 207 Jenkinson, Mary Ann, 203 Jennance, Eleanor, 260 Sarah, 260 William, 260 Jennens, Aentje, 53 Jan, 53, 55 John, 55 Lammert, 54 Sara, 54 Jenner, Anna, 67 John, 57, 67 Sarah, 57 Willem, 57 Jenners, Aeltye, 58 Anna, 58 Elsye, 60 Joh., 60 Lambert, 56, 268 Maria, 56 Marya, 56 Jennes, Elsje, 45 Jan, 20 John, 24, 45 John jr., 46 Lambt., 45 Sara, 24 Jennings, , 97 mrs., 98 James, 214 tames Lambert, 217 Jane, 120, 123, 185, 270, 271 John, loi, 176, 214, 217 Jennings, Lambert, 185 Mary, 185 Rachel, 98, loi, 104, 120, 123,134, 191 William, loi Jennins, Catharine, 168 Jennius, Aentje, 53 Jenoure, Antie, 67 Lambert, 67 Jewet, Zenophon, 170 Jewson, Nancy, 240 Jinnings, Alice, 171 Rachel, 174 Jinnes, Antye, 59, 60 Willem, 60 Johannesz, Marytje, 25, 27,30 Johannis, Jannetje, 36,39 43 John, negro, 184 Daniel, 248 Hannah, 248 Jacob, 248 Margaret, 248 Moses, 248 Kees, 248 Johnsohn, Henry, 252 Rachel, 252 Johnson, , 45,222, 228, 240, 273 miss, 208 mrs., 185 Aaron, 185 Abner, 174 Abraham, 253, 270 Addria, 195 Albert, 38 Andrew, 132 Ann, 250, 259, 266, 273 Anna, 55,266 Anna Maria, 151 Anthony, 195, 273 Casparus, 36 Catharine, 270 Charity, 175 Charles, 105 Charles Garrison, 79 Clarisse, 221 Charlotte, 164 Cornells, 178 Cornelius, 105 Cornelius Vanderbilt, 265 D., 228 Daniel, 185 David, 261, 270 Dowa, 259 Edward, 133, 135, 139, 142, 163, 187, 195 Edward M., 160, 162 Edwd, jr., 194 E., 142 303 Johnson, Eleanor, 7g, 255, 256, 258 Eleonor, 87 Eleonore, 97 Eliza, 239 Eliza Ann, 130, 135 Elizabeth, 174, 195, 254 Elizabeth Secord, 163 Eneas, 46 Ephraim, 195, 271 Esther, 46 Eva, 46 Fanny, 195, 203 Frances Ann, 207 Francyntje, 41 George, 254, 255, 258, 260 Hannah, 268 Henricus, 49 Henry, 250, 254, 256 Hetty, 217 Isaac, 268 Jacob, 186, 256, 270 James, 166,187, 191,239, 245, 250, 252, 266, 272 Jane, 162 Jane C, 209 Jasper, 258 Jesse, 272 Johannes, 47 Johannis, 38 John, 61, 151, 160, 240, 270 John Edward, 139 Johnneton, 62 Judith, 170 Leah Elizabeth, 162 Lewis, 270 Margaret, 160, 162, 163, 185, 259 Maria, 46 Mary, 46, no, 195, 220, 245, 250, 253, 259-261, 270,273 Mary Catharine, 132, 133 Mattice, 260 Nanne, 254, 255 Nanney, 258 Nath., 178 Nathanael, 49 Nathaniel, 55, 79. 254- 256, 258, 265, 269 Nelly, 265 Nenne, 55 Niers, 41, 51 Peter, 184, 217, 222, 268 Peter Augustus, 132 Phebe, 191 Phoebe, 239, 273 Pieter, 61,62 Rachel, 250,253, 256 Johnson, Richard, 121, 126, 130, 132, 142, 184, 19I, 218, 221 Richard Taylor,l2i,2i8 Robert J. C, 204 Samuel, 191 Sara, 46, 48, 51 Senue, 55 Sophia, 106, no, n4, 1 17, n8, 122, 129, 132, 133. '36, 140 Suffiah, 260 Susan, 218, 221 Susanna, 273 Thomas, 36. 46, 47, 260 Tunis Van Pelt, 126, 221 Wenne, 56 William, 127, 164, 238, 260, 272 William Henry, 127 Winant, 258-261 Wynant, 55, 271 Wyntje, 45 Johnston, Bedell, 184 Clara Holden, 146 Uower, 250 Eleanor, 207 James, 250 Mary, 250 Richd, 185 Robert, 146 Robert Clyde, 146 Thomas, 185 Jones, , 232 Abigael, 58 Abigail, 26, 45, 48 Abm., 182, 193, 195 Abraham, 253, 260, 269, 272 Alice, 195 Ann, 179 Barent, 184, 258 Barnet, 182, 196 Catharine, 179 Catrina,53 Daniel, 173, 184, 196, 263 Eduard, 20, 22, 26, 29, 33 Edward, 258, 260, 261, 263 Elce, 263 Eliphalet, 167 Elisabet, 43 Eliza, 272 Elizabeth, 193, 196 Elsy, 193 Isaac, 57 Isabella M'Lean, 130 J-, 179 Jan, 54 Jane, 172, 195, 271 Jene, 253 Johannes, 46 Jones, John, 39, 43, 46, 48, 51, 57, 253,263,272 Julia Ann, 130 Lucretia, 51 Margaret, 269 Margrit, 261 Maria, 39 Martha, 258, 260, 261, 263 Martha , 182 Mary, 182, 184, 263 Mateus, 53 Mathias, 179 Mattheus, 22 Matthias, 130 Obadiah,263 Presilla, 195 Rachel, 48 Robert M. H., 205 Susanna, 44,46 Jons, Susanna, 53 Jonson, Rebecka, 63 Joons, Abraham, 60 Jannetye, 60 Maria, 62 Joreszen, Harmen, 12 Neeltie, 12 Jorissen, Cornells, n Harmen, 13 Neeltie, n Jorusen, Harme, 18 Neeltje, 18 Journay, Jean, 22 Journeay, Ann, 258 John, 174, 258, 272 Joseph, 273 Martha, 258 Mary, 270 Nicholas, 167 Journey, , 177 Albert, 165, 247 Elizabeth, 252 James, 254 John, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256 Katharine, 251 Martha, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256 Mary, 256 Nicholas, 246, 266 Robert, 173 William, 249 Wm., 273 Joyce, Benjamin, 85 Mary. 85 William, 85 Juessen, Eefye, 59 Joseph, 59 Julin, Catharine Maria Stewart, 148 Hanna Ann Elizabeth, 143 James Thomas, 142 304 Julin, Sarah Jane, 148 William, 148 Wm., 142, 143 Junor, David, rev., v Jurcks, Jannetje, 53 Jurk, Jannetye, 63 Jurks, Catharina, 36 ety, 5g Jan, 25, 28, 32, 36 Jannetye, 55, 57 Jannitje, 61 Johanna, 25 Pieter, 28 Rachel, 32 Jurnee, John, 260 Martha, 260 Richard, 260 Jurriaans, Lea, 37 Jusen, Nanne, 263 Juwson, Enne, 56 Joseph, 55, 56 K Kadlitz, Cora, 162 Elizabeth, 162 John, 162 Kadmis, Joris, 62 Kanon, Abraham, 51 David, 60,61 Jan, 51 Maria, 51 Marytye, 61 Sara, 60 Karbet, Isaac, 12 Maria, 12 Kasper, Thomas, 23 Katmus, Jenneke, 60 Joris, 60 Kaus, Heinrich. 153 Kebel, Catharine, 155 Keen, Jesse, 167 Keetch, Abigail, 215 Keisham, David, 271 Kelly, Frances, 169 Kempton, , 237 Matilda L., 239 Kenison, Elizabeth, 186 Stacy, 186 Stacy D., 186 Kennedy, Duncan, 168 Kerin, Terence, 263 Kerr, Elizabeth W., 236 Ketchum, , mrs., 137 Ketteltas, mr., 180 Louisa, 158 Stephen, 171 Ketteltass, Catharine, 165 Kettletas, Audra, 267 Ann, 227 Elizabeth, 267 Mary, 227 Peter, 227 Kettletas, Stephen, 227, 2i7 Keyes, , 237 Kierstede, Jacobus, 32 Johannes, 28 Lydia, 30 Samuel, 23, 28, 30 Kiesele, August, 152 Eliza Anna, 152 Eniilie, 152 Lilia Augusta, 152 Louisa, 152 Kilburn, Margaret, 235 King, , 211 John, 211 Mary Ann, 130 Nancy, 130 Rachel, 123 William, 272 William Henry, 130 Kingston, Elizabeth, 268 John, vi Polly, 183 Sarah, 268 Kink , Hehanna, 63 Kinsey, , mrs., 230 Abbey Ann, 135 Cathrine, 172 Charles Cortland, 227 Jaines P., 228 ]ohn, 237 Mary Ann, 172 Kinsy, Abby, 139, 148 Abby Ann, 145, 195 Benjamin, 195 John, 195 Susan Ann, I95 Kip, F. M., iv Maria, 29, 34 Kirby, Thomas, iv Kirch, Carl Sebastian, 164 Christine, 164 John Henry, 164 Kirtche, Elizabeth, 148 Henry, 148 John, 148 Kissam, M. A., 227 Samuel, 227 Thomas M'Auley, 227 Kitch, Abigail, 1 11 Hannah, 1 11 Klac, Henne, 64 Kleeve, Henne, 62 Kleinknecht, Theodore, 164 Klerre, Henne, 62 Kliestin, Ann Rosina, 93 Kneeland, Mary, 199 Knief, Rebecca, 155, 204 Kniep, Rebecca, 151 Kniper, John Herman, 152 Knoch, Johanna Hene- rika Juliana, 155 Johan Heinrich, 155 Knoesel, Catharina, 164 Christian, 164 Salome, 164 Kno.x, George W., 203 Sarah, 212 Anna Maria, 155 Reinhart, 155 Koebel, Catharine, 207 Kollman, Maria, 149 Koninge, Jans Geritt, 203 Korneman, Margareth, 204 Korse, Lysbet, 15 Korsen, Benjamyn, 19 Blandyna, 18 Jacob, 61 Liesabet, 6r Korson, Maria, 61 Korsse, Blandyna, 12 Korssen, Benjamin, 18 Benyamen, 18 Chrystiaan, 12 Korszen, Christiaan, 12 Koss, Jane Eliza, 202 Wm., 202 Kouwenhoven, Samuel, 44 Krankheit, Jacobus, 22 Kranisch, Louisa C, 140 Krapf, Conrad, 226 Kreven, Annetye, II Jacobus, 1 1 Kribbs, Elisha, 171 Kroese, Antye, 55 Claesye, 56 Cornells, 15 Gerret, 56 Gerrit, 15 Neeltje, 56 Kroesen, Cathareyntje, 17 Cornells, 13 Cornelya, 18 Dirrick, 9, 17 Gerret, 10, 19 Gerrit, 12, 17 Henderyck, g, 10, 15 Hendrick, 11, 13, 16, 18 Maritje, 9 Marytje, 19 Neelje, 15, 58 Neeltie, 12, 16 Kroeson, Abraham, 64, 65 Cornelia, 61 Cornelius, 64 Geertruy, 63, 64 Gerret, 63 Johannes, 65 Kroessen, Cornells, 13 Derek, 9, 10, 12 Henderyck, 13 305 Kroessen, Hendrick, 12 Nickasa, 9 Krohm, John, 201 Krumdick, Dorothea, 153 Kruse, Elizabeth, 66 John, 66, 168 Kruser, Henry, 188 John, 188 Miami, 188 Kruzer, Henry, 220 Kurrlin, Christina Fred- erika, I99 Laacerman, Isak, 63 Nattenal, 63 Laackman, Maria, 13 Laakerman, Nettenel, 62, Susanna, 62 Laarens, Jacob, 57 Jan, 57, 58 John, 58 Laarns, Antye, 59 Catharina, 60 John, 59, 60 Lackerman, Catharine, 270 Mary, 271 Richard, 272 Samuel, 269 Sarah, 270 Lackes, Maria, 22 Lacreman, Abraham, 257, 260 Ann, 257 David, 257 Elisabeth, 260 Isaac, 256, 257, 260-262 Jacob, 260 Joseph, 262 Margaret, 257, 260 Margret, 261 Martha, 257, 260, 262 Mary, 260 Matthew, 260 Sarah, 260 William, 260, 261 Ladeleer, Alice, 251 Benjamin, 251 Jacob, 251 Lafarge, •, 235 Caroline, 208 Catrine, 262 Charles, 262 Elizabeth, 262 Laferge, John, 190 Laforge, , 231, 272 Adrian, 250 Adryong, 250 Catharine, 265, 266, 271 Laforge, Charles, 250, 266 Cornelis, 260 David, 247, 248, 260, 265, 266, 273 Dorcas, 190, 272 Eliza, 272 Elizabeth, 250, 269 Henry Seguine, 266 Jesse, 179 John, 272 Mary, 247, 248, 260 Peter, 267 Rachel, 247 La Forge, Adriaan, 20 Catharine, 192 David, 21, 191 Elisabeth Ann Dongan, 119 Jannetje, 20,22 John, Igl Peter, 119 Laforsie, David, 16 Lageler, Marie, 26 Marya, 22 Nicolas, 2g, 30 Lake, ■ , 232, 234, 235 , mrs., 228, 231 Abraham, 40, 169 Adriana B., 226 Adriana Britton, 143 Alida, 271 Altie, 67 Ann, 201, 270 Anneke, 148 Annette V., 200 Arthur, 226 Barent, 259 Barnet, 190 Barnt, 181 Bettsy, 214 Cath., 190, 217 Catharine, 120, 123, 128, 132, 138, 145.190. 193. 197, 218, 226, 267, 272 Clace, 67 Cornelius, 270 Daniel, 172, 175, 197, 199, 200, 216, 222, 263, 264,272 Daniel W., i8g Danl., 202 Eliday, 264 Eliza Jane, 188 Elizabeth, 92, 94,99, 105, 107, 112, 115, 172 Ellen, 113, 115, 118 James, 232,234 James S., igg John, 179, 199, 228, 229, 264 John G., 143 Lake, Joseph, 40, 67, 143, 174, 175, 183,195, 198, 199, 201, 218,226, 233, 261, 267, 271 Joseph, jr., 229 Lanah, 272 Margaretta M., 202 Margaret, 263 Maria, 183 Martinus S., I97 Mary, 188, 195,258, 259- 262 Mary Ann, 128, 137, 151, 193. 195 Mary Elizabeth, 139 Mary Gi£ford, 143, 226 Patience, 254, 267 Polly, 190 Richard, 188,269 Sabina, 232 Sally, 271 Sara, 166 Sarah, 264 Susan, 273 Violetta B., 226 William, 76, 190, 240, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264 Lakeman, Abraham, 27 Elizabeth Johnson, 264 Esther, 26, 30, 45 Isaac, 264 Jane, 264 Lakerman, Abrah., 24 Abraham, 251 Elizabeth, 251 Esther, 29, 45 Isaac, 256, 267 Isak, 41 Jane, 267 Louis, 41 Margrette, 267 Mary, 263 Sara, 24, 29 Sarah, -251 Susannah, 263 William, 263 Lamb, Catharine, 204 Lambert, Elizabeth, 264 John, 152, 264 La Mes, Maria, 22, 25, 32 Lange, Friedrich, 153, 205 Fridrich,205 Sophie, 150, 230 Larance, William, 262 Earns, John, 65 Richard, 65 Laroe, Aeltye, 11 La Roue, Catharina, 27 Matthieu, 27 Laroy, Blandyena, II Syemen, II Larrance, Mary, 268 3o6 Larrens, Anne, 253 Elizabeth, 253 Mary, 253 Richard, 253 Larzalere, Ann, 273 LaseHer, Nicolas, 45 Latimer, , mrs., 231 Elizabeth, 206 John. 206, 230 Latoret, Liesabet, 63 Latorett, Catrin, 268 La Torett, Polly, 271 Latorette, Uavid, 265 James, 265 Mary, 265 Latouretta, Martha, 272 Latourette, John, 267 Susannah, 267 La Tourette, Daniel, 35 David, 33, 40,41, 43.45. 273 Elisabet, 47 Esther, 36, 40 Henricus, 40 Jaques, 40, 43 Jean, 33, 36, 40 Marie, 23, 36, 40, 45 Marie Susanne, 45 Pierre, 35, 40, 45, 47 Susanna, 34, 38, 44, 47 Latteret, David, 246 Elizabeth, 246 James, 246 Latterete, Mary, 171 Latterette, Elizabeth, 248, 251,257 James, 248, 251, 257 John, 249, 253 Mary, 249 Sarah, 248, 251 Susannah, 169, 249, 253 Lattorette, David, 259 Elizabeth, 259 Francis, 259 Laurence, Mary, 256 Richard, 256 Susanna, 256 Lautoret, Elizabeth, 262 Henry, 262 James, 262 Lawrance, John, 54 Willem, 54 Lawrence, , 207 Anna, 34 Catherine, 65 Elizabeth, 248 Francis, 250 Leggett, 246 Mary, 190, 226,245,246, 248, 250 Richard, 245, 246, 248, 250 Sarah, 245 Lawson, Reinhalt Wes- ley, 237 Lawtoret, Elezebet, 255 Elizabet, 253 James, 253 Jams, 255 John, 253 Johnaton, 255 Lawtorette, Uavid, 256 Catrin, 256, 259 Elisabeth, 259 Elizabeth, 259 Elzebeth, 256 James, 259 Laza , Catharine Louise, 1 17 John, 117 Lazalyear, Benjamin, 261 Elsey, 260 Jacob, 260, 261 Richard, 260 Sarah, 261 Lazaryear, Johanna, 257 Nicolas, 257 Sarah, 257 Lazeleer, Alice, 249 Jacob, 249 Nicholas, 249 Lazeleere, Alice, 247 Daniel, 247 Jacob, 247 Lazelier, Catherine, 50 Esther, 50 Nicolas, 45 Lazilier, Catherina, 48 Nicolas, 26 Leaforge, David, 167 Leak, Joseph, 46 Maria, 46 Leake, Joseph, 168 Thomas, 20 Lean, Jacob, 46 John, 48 Richard, 46,48 Leating, Anna Mary, 151 Lecount, Katharine, 246 John, 246 Lee, Elizabeth, 210 Leeck, Abraham, 13, 14, 17 Joseph, 13 Margariet, 14 Lefarge, Dorcas, 265 Martha, 265 Peter, 265 Leforge, James, 272 Lefurde, Catherine, 171 Legier, Cornelius, 21 1 Legrange, Mary, 169 Leibert, Eugene, viii, 71 164,209 Sarah, 164 Leiser, Ernest Franz, 142 Hetwig, 142 Philip, 142, 198 Leisk, Antye, 55 Thomas, 55 Leiting, Meda, 145 Lemory, , 219 Lemphy, , 218 Lenting, John, 229 John, sr., 231 Meda, 142, 147, 198, 203 Lennert, William L., viii Wm. L., 71 Lentz, George, 196 Leonard, , 100 Lerns, Danal, 63 Fanny, 63 John, 62, 63 Mareia, 63 Necclos, 62 Leroy, Sara, 22 Le Roy, Sara, 25, 32, 34 Lesalyear, Benjamin, 256 Nicolas, 256 Sarah, 256 Lesck, Jan, 10 Jeems, 10 Lesher, Samuel, I95 Levando, Adolph, 155 Elisabeth, 155 Joseph, 155 Levering, bishop, v Lewis, ,211, 237, 271 , mrs., 231, 240 Ann, 226 Billetje, 172, 177, 211 Billijah,86 Catharine, 134 Catharine Rachel, 136 Daniel, 167 David, 247, 269 David Colon, 90 Eliza, 122, !27, 134 Elizabeth, 256 Francis, 254 Freelove, 268 Hannah, 91, 95. 21 1 Henry, 204 Isaac, 177, 271 Israel, 258 James, 84, 86, 88, 90, •13, 133, 171, 180, 200, 211, 217, 218, 227, 250 James Colon, go Jane, 88, 211 Jonathan, 240, 245, 247, 249, 250,252, 256,258, 260, 262 Joseph, 262 Katharine, 249 Marg., 99 Margaret, 223 307 Lewis, Mary, 84, 180, 218, 245,247, 24g, 250,252, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262 Mary Jane, 204 Phoebe, 260 Rebecca, 84, 86, 88, 90, 180, igg, 211 Rebecca Jane, 147,200 Rebekah, 211 Sally Ann, 113 Sarah, 245 Sarah Ann, 218 Sarah Maria, 136, 140, 147 Susan, 270 Tenaton, 254 Leyning, Samuel, 268 Lezier, Cornelius, go Eleonor, Maria, 88 Jacob, 88, 90 Sarah, 88, 90 Ligget, Hendrik, 24 Limner, Mary, 165, 210 Owen, 210, 241 Lingelbach, Marie, 203 Lining, John, 256 Nanne, 256 Samuel, 256 Lipincott, Mary, 139 Lion, John, 42, 45 Maria, 45 Neeltje, 42 Lisk, , 214 Abraham, 175 Anastace, 257 Catlyntje, 64 Elisabet, 33,36 Elizabeth, 245, 257, 270 Jacob, 35 John, ^5, 166, 207, 214, 245.247 Marget, 245 Margriet, 40 Martha, 54 Mary, 247 Maryya, 51 Matthew, 257 Moses, 257 Sara, 38, 50 Tam, 51 Thomas, 38, 40, 50, 247 Tomas, 54 Lisse, Catlyntje, 64 Littell, , 226, 236, 237 judge, 226 , judge, 236 Ada Louisa, 235 Ada Louise, 159 Alexander, 159, 161, 162, 206, 239 Ann Maria, 221 Clara Adelaide, 162 Derric, 222 Littell, Dunn, 237 Emma Laura, 161 Eveline P., 228 Hannah Jane, 162 Henrietta, 228 Jane, 161 Margaret Eliza, 237 Mary Eliza, 237 Rebecca, 228, 235, 236 Richard Dumont, 236 Richd., 228, 235 Richd. D., 221 Little, , 216 , rars., 222 Emilie Teresa, 218 Emma West, 235 Margaret Eliza, 218 Richard D., 218 Livingston, mr., 67 v Locker, Phoebe, 174 John, 1S3 Lockerman, Ann, 172 Elizabeth, 173 Mary, 171 Lockman, •, 233 miss 234 AbrahaiTi, 196 Betsy, 188 Catharina, 196 Elizabeth. 208 James, 205 Jane, 188 Joseph, 181, 188 Richard, 196 Logier, Jacob, 21 1 Sarah, 211 Lohmyer, Margareta, 205 Long, Abraham, 170 Jacob, 167 Loper, Lewis, 271 Lorton, Sara, 31 Loskiel, George Henry, 93 Mary Magd., 93 Loskilla, Geo. Henry, 92 Lossier, Jacob, 172 Lot, Elisabeth, 17 Engelbart, 17, 19 Pieter, 19 Louisa, 183 Love, Jane, 165 Loveridge, William, 199 Lovet, Edmund John, 131 Elizabeth, 131, 133 James Henry, 133 John, 131, 133 William Thomas, 131 Lozier, •, 223 mrs., 112 Amanda Augusta, 119 Catharine Eliza, 116, 21 5 Edward, 221 Eliza, 215, 223 Lozier, Ellen Maria, 116, 187 Elmira, 129 Henry Cruse, 99, 212 Jacob, 95, 99, 102, 116, 125, 129, 187, 212, 215, 223, 224, 228 Jacob jr., 119 John, 228 John Beatty, 102 Mary Ann, 125, 223 Sarah, 107, 111-113, 212, 233 William, 95 Loziers, Edward, 92 Jacob, 92 Lubers, Nancy, 152 Luby, Henry, 235 Julia, 160, 162 Mary Elizabeth, 162, 238 Thomas, 162, 206 L u c k e nbach, Augustus, 194 Samuel, 194 Sarah, 194 Luckert, John, 209 Ludlow, Ezra, 273 Lueders, Eleanore, 164 Sarah, 164 Thomas, 164 Lunt, Matilda, 158 Lutten, Thomas, 10 Lutz, Catharina, 140 Christiana, 140 Johann Martin, 140 Luyster, Willempje, 27 L y d 1 e , Ann Fredericks Pierson, 150, 153 Benjamin, 150, 153, 156 George Washington,! 53 Gilbert Osborne, 150 Josephine, 156 Mary Elizabeth, 150 Wm. Wallace, 150 Lynch, mrs., 256 James, 196 James Livingston, 196 Rachel, 196 Thomas, 256 Lysk, Isaac, 79 John, 79 Sarah, 79 M M., Pieter, 58 Maar, Johannes, 63 Maariin, Hendrick, 15 Maarling, Cattriena, 65 Maas, John, 235 MacDaniel, Catrine, 263 Daniel, 263 Dunkan, 263 3o8 MacDaniel, James, 268 Machgielzen, Johannes, 10 Neeltie, 10 Mackeleen, William, 24 Mackelien, Maria, 25 William, 25 MacKenzie, Eneas, ix Macklean, Maria, 56 Mackleen, Carel, 53 Elisabetli, 46, 53 Mary, 59 Macklies, Cornells, 17 Eytie, 17 Jan, 17, 19 Macky, Ann, 75 John, 75 Joseph, 75 Maclain, , miss, 233 Cornelius, 232 Macleen, Maria, 62, 65 MacSwan, Daniel, 257 Elizabeth, 257 Sarah, 257 Madden, John, 229 Maerling, Aeltje, 62 Cattriena, 62, 63 Maertlings, Johannes, 56 Pieter, 56 Magels, Johan, 12 Mahkin, John Daniel, 208 Maines, mrs., 208 David Wooley, 148 William, 148, 201 Mains, Elizabeth Vir- ginia, 150 Wm., 150 Makings, John, 213 Makleen, Cherles, 58 Willem, 58 Maklies, Eytie, 16 Jan, 13, 16 Margriet, 13 Mallen, Sarah, 203 Mallett, Elizabeth T., 209 Mambru, Lady, 43 Mambrut, Lady, 35 Sarah, 32, 35,37,41, 45, 49 Manbrut, Lady, 2g Mandeveil, Aaltje, 22 Manee, Abram, 266 Isaac, 266 Manez, Abraham, 22, 28, 38, 40,43.47.49. 51 Antje, 40 Catherine, 47 Maria, 43 Marie, 31 Pieter, 28 Petrus, 38 Rachel, 49 Sara, 51 Mangels, Jannetje, 41, 46 Mangelsen, Jan, 16 Manin, Pierre, 26 Mann, Barbara, 137 Christian, 137 Mary, 168 Manne, Peter, 272 Mannee, Abm., 273 Wm., 273 Maral, Maccy, 65 Maree, Jacob, 207 Marel, Anna, 63 Geertruy,64 John, 63 Marya, 63 Margaret, 175 Maria, negro, 186 Mariez, Maria, 31 Pieter, 31 Marks, , 231 Hezekiah, 166 Marlin, , 225, 272 Ann, 78 Anna, 67 Anne, 77 Barent, 12, 13 Benjamin, 77, 78, 225, 270 Catharine, 270, 272 Francis, 272 John, 77, 272 Nauche, 269 Peter, 78 Marlyngh, Isack, 18 Pieter, 18 Marsac, Catharine Eliza Sassenberg, 128 George Adolphus Hart- man, 120, 123 Harvy Washington Edgar, 134 Henry, 104 Mary, 123, 132 Mary M., Igl Michael, loi, 104, 120, 123, 128, 134, 174, 191. 196 Olivia Ann, 196 Olive Ann, loi R., loi Rachel, 128, 196 Marsack, Harvey, 97 Mary Margaret, 98 Michael, 97, 98 Marsero, Denil, 64 Jacob, 59 John, 64 Josevifa, 59 Mareya, 59 Marsh,- , 96, 117,214, 237. 239 Ann, 108, 127, 177, 180 Christopher, 177 Marsh, Elizabeth, 245 Henry, 245 Jennet, 177 Joannah, 245 John, 96-98, 175, 177, 270 John F., 239 Joseph, 273 Lewis R., 177 L. R., 239 Margaret, 239 Ralph, 177 Rhoda, 177, 214, 239 Richard, 216 Richd, 180 Robert, 177, 214, 239 Saml, 272 Sarah, 180, 216 Marsha], Abraham, 258 Abram, 260, 262 Alice, 269 Cathrine, 273 Elizabeth, 256 John, 245, 260 Martha, 245, 262 Mary, 258 Rachel, 258, 260, 262 Sara, 47 Sarah, 256 Susannah, 245 Thomas, 256 Marshall, Ann, 270 Experience, 171 Frankey, 248 John, 171, 248, 250 Katharine, 248 Margaret, 248 Martha, 248 Rachel, 177 Sarah, 248, 250 Susannah, 248 Thomas, 248, 250 Marssero, John, 65 Marya, 65 Marston, Cornelius, 190 Deborah, 190 John, 190 Matilda, 190 Marteling, Aeltje, 53 Annatje, 54 Barent, 54 Johannes, 53 Maria, 54 Peter, 53, 54 Peter, sr., 53 Marteno, Annatje, 54 Martin, , 228 rev. mr., 216 Abigail, 180 Ann, 256 Benjamin, 180 Charles, 216 Chauncy St. John, 147 309 Martin, Georg Cortelyou, 147 Hamilton, 256 John, III Moses, 196 Nancy, I96, 232 Nathaniel, 108, iii Nathaniel H., 180 Oliver, 196, 233 Oliver R., 144, 147 Oliver Rollin, 144 01. R., 228 Rachel, 256 S., 22S Sarah, 147 Sarah Ann, 144 William, 237 William Heard, 108 Martineau, Susan, 237 Martino, miss , 228 mrs. 121, 123 Abraham, 87, 121, 124, 128, 216, 222, 226,228, 232 Ang-elina, 226 Ann, 82, 96, 99, 102, I04, 107, 171, 176, 212, 216, 217, 226 Anne, Ji Benajah, 89, 92, 96, 171, 180, 190, 211 Benijah, 87 Benjah, 210 Benjamin, 85, 87, 92, 211, 214, 215 Catharine Hanna, 99, 212 Cathrine. 210 Cornelius, vii, 95, 237 Charity, 81 Elcn., 176 Eleanor, 194, 212, 222 Eleon., 177 Eleonor, 81-83, 87, 89, 102 Elisabeth, 177, 180 Eliz., 85, 89 Elizabeth, 73, 81, 87, 102, 178, 189, 210,228, 241 Elizabeth Merrell, 124 Elizebeth, 212 Ellen Maria, 128 Ellenor, 221 Gabriel, 96, I90 Hanah, 85 Hannah, 73, 87, 89, 210, 211 Jane, 81,82 John, 81-83, 170 Maria, 128, I94 Mary, 89, 210 Nancy, 228 Martino, Peter, 91 Raymond, 121, 222 Rebecca, 171 Sarah, 73 Staph., 176 Stephan, 82, 83, 89 Stephen, vii, 73, 81, 82, 177. 178, 194, 210-212, 215 Stephen, jr., vii Stephen Vanranssalear, 216 Martinoe, Benajah, 75, 213 Elisabeth, 165 Eliz., 212 Elizabeth, 75 Mary, 165 Naatje, 21 1 Nancy, 185, 189 Rebekah, 186 Stephen, 75, 212 Martinse, Elizabeth, 184 Martling, Aaltje, 30 Abraham, 186, 188 Aim, 185, 187 Anna, 26 Barent, 26, 29, 37, 40, 263 Benjamin, 192 Benjm., 185 C, 160 Cath., 187 Catharine, 188 Daniel, 185 Dorcas L., 196 Dorcas LaFarge, 207 E., 160 Eliza, 122, 125, 133, 192 Eliza Catharine, 190 Elizabeth, 161, 162, 185, 192, 196, 208, 213 Garret, 194, 198, 224 Gertrude, 191 Harriet, 209 Isaak, 26, 40 Isak, 30 Jane, 188 lohannes, 40 John, 187, 188, 190 Marritje, 22, 30 Mary Ann, 135, 224 Mary Elizabeth, 135, 158, 206 Peter, I96 Pieter, 55 S., 208 Sarah Catharine, 131, 296 Stephen, 131, 135, 194, 198, 206, 208, 224 Stephen Martling, 160 Martlingh, Isaak, 22 Martlingh, Marietje, 32 Marretje, 37 Martlinghs, Aaltye, 57 Anna, 56 Barent, 57 Jannety, 57 Martlings, Aaltje, 37 Aeltye, 55 Barent, 24 Catharina, 44 Debora, 27, 57 Marytje, 20 Pieter, 20, 24, 27, 44, 55 Petrus, 20 Mary, 180 Mascirei Josua, 55 Rachel, 55 Mashel, Elcy, 254 Sarah, 254 Thomas, 254 Masjero, Josua, 52 Mass, , 223 Francis, 223 Lydia, 223 Massalaar, Annetye, 64 Massero, Josua, 60 Mateeus, 56 Mattes, Rosanna, 121 Matthias, mrs., 235 Maurer, Catharine, 195 Jacob, 155 John Jacob, 155 Mayhew, , 239 McBride, Catharine, 169 M'Cauly, Hamilton, 115 Robert Thompson, 115 McClean, Charles, 57 Jannetje, 57 Mary, 57. 270, 272 McClennent, , 224 mrs., 224 William, 223 McCIyman, Elizabeth, 216 Louisa, 216 William, 216 McClymer, Joseph, 199 McClynen, Sarah, 234 McClynnon, , 227 Joseph, 227 M'Cullagh, John, 177 McDavit, Sarah, 272 M'Dewil, Rosetta, 203 M'Ginnis, Mary, 92, 96 M'Ginny, Marry, 99 Mcintosh, Charles, 191 Elizabeth Letitia, 128 Harry Augustus, 123 John Williams, 132 Margarett, 191 Mary, 128 Stephen, 123, 128, 129, 132, 191 McKay, John, 269 3IO McKce, John, 203 McKeese, mrs., 134, 135 McKensie, Eneas, ix M'Kinlay, John, 102, III Lydia, lii Lydia Jane, 1 1 1 William, 102 Wm., 102 M'Kinsay, Colens, 115 Hannah, 115 John, 115 McLaughlin, James, 191 McLean, , 215, 231, 233 Ann, 222 Anna, 236 Charles, 61 Charles, mrs., 226 Cornelius, 222 James, 213 James Potter, 213 Joseph, 203 Lake, 213 Magdalene, 171 Maria, 61 Mary Ann, 213 William, 215 M'Lean, mrs., 102 Charles Simonson, 102 Isabella, 105 James, 109 James Potter. log Joseph Lake, 105 Lydia Ann, 102 Magdalen, 97 William, 102, 105 McLees, Rebecca, 199 McLeland, George, 168 McLymon, Benj. D., 239 McLynnon, Sarah E.,238 McNab, Rebecca, 144, 147, 200 McSwaim, John, 222 Sarah, 227 McSwain, Catharine, 250 Samuel, 250 Sarah, 250 Vincent, 228 McSwine, Mary, 213 Sarah, 213 Meade, Richard, 273 Mecereau, All lada, 65 John, 65 Mechleen, Cherls, 62 Cttriena, 62 Medcalf, ,231 Medes, Elizabeth, 165 Meerling, Abraham, 17 Meerlings, Aeltje, 60 Abraham, 58 Antye, 60 Barent, 60 Benyaman, 60 Meerlings, Debera, 60 Pieter, jr., 58, 60 Meertlings, Barent, sr., 58 Mellington, mr., 108 Ann Eliza, 105 Joseph, 105, 108, III Joseph Henry, 108 Lena Cripps, lii Menee, Peter, 193 Polly, 193 Sally, 193 Mer , Catharina, 58 Pieter, 58 Mercereau, judge, 19I Becke, 260 Cornelia, 139 Daniel, 116, 260, 261 Elizabeth, 173, 187 Ellen Maria, 116 Gitty, 273 Jane J., 199 John, 262 Joshua, 157, 187, 200, 224, 273 Josua, 199, 258, 260 Ledy, 256 Lidde, 261 Lucretia,224 Lydia, 261 Margret, 173 Maria, 224 Mary, 258, 260 Peter, 258, 260, 262 Rebecka, 262 Rebekah, 258 Sarah, 258, 261 Sarah Jane, 203 Sary, 256 Stephen 166, 187, 256, 258, 261 Stephen jr., 261 Stephen Henry, 157 Mercereaux, Garret, 67 Jacob, 67 Merchen, Mary, 20 Merel, Annaetye, 63 Geertruy, 62 Mareytye, 62, 63 Susanna, 6t Tammas 63 Tammes, 64 Merl, Catrina, 61 Elisabet, 24,25 Lambert, 24 Richard, 23-25,30 Susanna, 30, 41 Merlengh, Barent, 18 Merlin, Abraham, 88 Benjamin, 213 Cathrine, 88 Jane 96, 98, 102, 212 John, 88, 172 Merling, Altye, 64 Antye, 65 Isaak, 20 Jannitye, 65 Pieter, 65 Merlingh, Henderyck, 18 Merlings, Johannes, 60 Merrel, Abraham, 260 Ann, 195 Anna, 62 Catharina, 56,60 117 Catrina, 53, 54 Eliza, Ann, 117 Elizabeth, 190 Elsie, 15 Elsje, 12 Geertruy, 54 James Hatfield, 197 Jan, 51,54 John, 62, 190 Jonathan, 117 Lafayette, 117 Lambert, 260 Nanne, 268 Richard, 13, 17 Richart, 12, 13 Sara, 54, 63 Sarah, 197 Seimon, 54 Susanna, 54, 60 Tabitha, 260 Thomas. 197 William, iv Merrell, , 119 Abm., 190 Abraham, 188, 192 Ann, 188, 190, 192, 261, 269 Anna, 56, 58 Annatje, 53 Catharina, 58 Catharine, 192 Edward, 190 Elce, 258 Elisabet, 53 Eliza, 192 Elizabeth, 188 Geertruyt, 58 John, 58, 66, 190, 192 John T., 192 Johnaton, 256 Jonathan, IT9, 202, 219, 262 Lafayette, 219 Lambert, 254, 256, 258, 261,262 Magdalen, I92 Maria, 202 Martha, 193 Martha Lavinia, 119 Philip, 58 Richard, ?3, 193, 254 Susanna, 58 ;ii Merrell, Tabita, 261 Tabitha, 254, 256, 258, 262 Thalata, 258 Thalita, 256 Thomas, 66, I92 William, 269 Merrels, Jonathan, 131 Julia, 131 Maria, 131 Merril, , 43 Abraham, 102, 177,269 Ann, 269, 272 Annatie, 48 Anney, 65 Betsy, 270 Catharina, 31, 48, 50 Chatarina, 59 Cherrity, 65 Elisabet, 44 Elizabeth Ann, 146 Geertruyd, 33 Hennis, 65 John, 33, 178 John, jr., 46, 48 Jonothon, 184 Lena, 177 Mahala, 102 Margareta, 49 Maria, 228 Martha Levinia, 152, 202 Mary, 40 Neeltje, 46 Nence, 53 Nicolaus, 37 Philip, 31,34, 37, 44,46 Phillip, 34, 40 Richard, 40,48, 49, 184, Sarah, 178 Susanna, 31, 51, 53 Susanne, 50 Tabitha, 185 Thomas, 48, 49 Merrile, Catharine, 140 Merrill, , 213 Abm., 182, 213 Abraham, 182, 189 Anna, 61 Antje,57 Catharine, 179 Egbert, 182 Eleonor, 182 Elisabeth, I98 Elisabeth Ann, 198 Elizabeth, 182 Elstye, 57 Frances, 179 Jan, 61 Johannes, jr., 67 Johannis, 57 John, 57, 179, 182 Merrill, John T., 198 Joida, 57 Magdalen, 67 Maria, 189 Mary, 182 Richard, ix, 57, 66 Wyntie, 61 Merrit, Sarah, 272 Merry, Harriet, 226 Julia, 230 i\Iersereau, ,217, 223, 271 mr., 206 mrs., 105 Ann, 194, 266, 267, 270 Charity, 247 Cornelia, 131, 132, 142, 267 Cornelius, 168 Daniel, 129, 187, 194, 200, 266, 267, 271 David, 148, 197 David M., 200 Elisabeth, 166 Elizabeth, 197 Ellen, 129 Henry, 269 Jacob, 194, 271 Jane, 270, 272 John, 167, r68, 247, 272 John Edward Winant, 129 Joseph, 176 Joshua, 223, 236 Josua, 257 Maria, 223 Marieta Gifford, 14S Martha, 168 Mary, 257 Pati,257 Patience, 269 Peter, 197 Rebekah, 240 S., 158 Sophia, 235 Stephen, 187, 272 Stephen, jr., 217 Susan, 266 Mersereaux, Daniel, 41 Elisabet, 35, 41, 44, 48 Estienne, 37, 43,45, 5' Harmanus,66 Jacob, 66 Jean, 40, 41 Johannes, 43 Joshua, jr., 66 Josua, 36, 40, 44 Josue, 36, 40, 43, 5J Maria, 41 Mariamne, 45, 47 Marianne, 35, 40 Marie, 33, 36, 37, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48 Mersereaux, Martha, 33 Paul, 36, 41, 48 Peter, 66 Richard, 51 Merserue, Paul, 67 Mertlings, Barent, 58 Barent, jr., 58 Meserovv, Charity, 251 John, 251 Lowrance, 251 Meshereau, Francis, 251 Paul, 251 Mesier, James, 234 Mesker, Abraham, 16 Evert, II, 17 Harmen, 1 1, 16 Hendrickie, 11 Johannes, 11 Mattheus, 17 Neeltie, 11 Meslur, Abram, 18 Angenetye, 18 Messeker, Appolonia, 20, 32 Apolonia, 23 Eva, 20 Messiel, Charles, 21 Elisabet, 21 Marytje, 21 Mesy, Robert, 166 Meszelaar, Antje, 32 Metcalf, , 228, 229, 231 Richard, 228, 238 Metchel, Eesse, 54 Elsse, 54 Lodewik, 54 Metselaar, Aafje, 22 Abraham, 22 Johannes, 22 Lodewyk, 22 Metselaer, Abraham, 17 Metsger, Caty Rook, 112 Metzelaar, Aaghje, 33 Cornells, 28, 32 Cornelius, 29 Geertruyd, 35 Harmpje, 26, 27 Johannes, 26-28, 32, 33, 35 Jobs., 26 Lodewyk, 29, 32 Pieter, 20, 26, 27, 29, 33 Sara, 32 Metzelaer, Abraham, 16, 17 Agnietie, 16, 17 Jacobus, 17 Metzger, Charles, 120 Matthew William Reeves, 120 Meyer, Simon, 168 Michan, John, 257 Sarah, 257 312 Michau, Elizabeth, 258 Mary, 258 Paul, 258 Michaux, Ann, 254 John, 254 Sarah, 254 Micheau, Ann, 271 Elizabeth, 269 John, 259 Paul, 252 Mary, 252, 259, 272 Sarah, 259 Michel, Anne, 43 Middelzwa, , 41 Miers, Derick, 187 John, 187 Mary, 187 Milbourn, Francyntje, 49 Thomas, 49 Milburn, Lidde, 268 Milers, Mary, 19 Miller, ,218 Aaron, 66 Abraham, 135 Abraham E., 137 Catharine, 141 Constantine, 98 Elisabeth, 37, 220 Elizabeth, 113 George, 228, 234 George Albert, 137 Hendrick, 66 Henry, 85, 86, 91, 113, 168, 172, 181, 218, 220, 221, 239, 241 Isaac, 214, 227 Jane Anna, 135 Jean, 31 John, iv, 27 Joseph, 117 Mary, 27, 85, 210, 241 Mary Ann, 117, 221 Thomas, 85, 113, 117, 181, 214, 218 Winant, 113 MiUington, Elizabeth, 199 Mills, , 227 Eliza Ann, 148, 229 Gilbert, 234 Gilbert Tunis Egbert, 150 Jeremiah, 187 John, 146, 148, 150, 187, 227 John Newell, 116 Mary, 116, 146 Mary Elizabeth Van- derbilt, 148 Moses, 116, 187 Moses Newel, 146 Varnum Slocum, 207 Milton, miss, 207 Mitchel, Abraham, 173. 268 Anna, 45 Anne, 51 Cathrine, 172 James, 168 Joannis, 58 Lewis, 58, 192 Mary, 82, 84, 178, 214, 268 Peter, 82, 84, 173, 179, 192 Rachel, 268 Sarah, 192 Susan, 179 Sussanna, 82 Mitchell, Harmentye, 57 John, 86 Lewis, 57, 190 Mary, 86, 104 Peter, 178 Rachel, 185 Susan, 104 Susanna, 166 Moehring, Frederick, vii Moelich, Charles Fred- erick, 153 Charles Lewis, 153 Elizabeth Augusta, 153 Moellich, Eliz. Augusta, 233 Moering, sr., 83, 91 C, 89 Chr., 89 Christina, 89 Christine, 87-89, 90 Frederic, 80, 82, 87 Frederick, 71, 170, 172 Mary Salome, 80 Salome, 81-83 Moor, Daniel, 251 John, 251, 252 Larans, 252 Mary, 251 Nathaniel, 263 Richard, 265 Moore, , 222 Ann, 184 Ann Maria, 87 Cath., 93 Catharine, 83, 184, 185, 1 89, 192 Catherine, 90, 93 Catherine Morgan, 90 Cathrine, 87, 89 D., 273 Daniel, 89 David, xi, 123, 127, 131, 192, 217, 222, 269 David Mercerau, 93 Elizabeth, 100 George Washington, 131 Moore, James, 83, 87, 89, 90,93,95,100,184,185, 189, 192, 233 Jane, 144, 201 John, 95, 273 John Henry, 127 Joseph, 171 Mary, 222, 228, 252 Plinkel Fleeson Glent- worth, 217 Richard, 233 Richard Channing, xi, 269 William Augustus, 123 Wm., 207 More, Anne, 39 David, 238 Elisabet, 41 Frankje, 37 Hanna, 48 Hilletje, 41 Johannes, 45 John, 250, 265, 266 Laurens, 41, 43, 45, 49 Mary, 250, 265 Peter Vanpelt, 266 Rachel, 49 Morgan, , 174, 211 , mrs., 224 Abraham, 39 Ann, 169 Annatje, 48 Cath., 176 Catharine, 264, 267 Catherine, 182 Catrine, 265 Charles, 31, 39, 41, 43. 46, 246, 264, 265, 267 Charles, jr., 34 David, 264 Debrough, 252 Elisabet, 30 Eliza, 272 Eliza Ann, 194 Elizabeth, 246, 268 Jesse, 176, 252 John, ix, 246, 252, 265 Magdalena, 34 Maria, 31 Mary, 33, 172, 176, 182, 184, 267 Pieter, 37 Sara, 41, 46, 50, 51 Thomas, 30, 34, 37, 42, 46, 48, 50 William, 174, 182, 268 Morgen, Abraham, 9 Adam, 12 Elyner, 10 Eva, 12 Francyntye, 10 Jarels, 10, 13 Margrietye, 10 313 Morgen, Martha, 9 Mary, 10 Sara, 10 Sarah, 13 Thomas, g, 10 Tyssen, 10 Morgin, Eva, 11 Morgon, Fransintye, 62 Morrel, John, 172 Joseph, 351, 253 Martha, 253 Marthe. 251 Mary, 253 Thomas, 251 Morrell, John. 255 Joseph, 255 Martha, 255 Morris, Catharine, 141 Elizabeth, 146, 224, 227 Ira K., i. Morse, Francis, 178 Mortimer, bro., 104 rev. mr., 187 sr., 104 Benj., 104, 105, 112, 184 Moserow, Baules, 67 Paules, 67 Tousseway, 67 Hosier, mrs., 229 Charles, 229 Mossero, Elisabet, 52 Josua, 52 Mott, mrs., 212, 221 , mrs., 227 Appalian, 85 Applican, 85 Appolona, 82 Appolonia, 176, 178, 181, 185 Appolonia Skerrit, 101 Deborah, 185 James, 82, 85, 104, 181, 185, 214, 269 Jas., 85 Jemima, 41 John, 178 Mary, 104, no, 181 Samuel, 82, 212 Stephen, 104, 178, 214, 221 Susanna, 85 Sussanna, 85 Mount, Alicia Ann, 124 Isabella, 124 Joseph, 124 Mourits, Cornelia, 15 Mozier, , 223 nir., 223 Miiller, Catharine,l55, 204 Mundy, Ellis, 191 Joshua, igl Phebe, 191 Murphy, Charles, 169 Murray, Mary, 174, 203 Mushereau, Charity, 247 Frances, 247 Francis, 249 John, 247, 249 Martha, 247 Paul, 247, 249 Mussantine, Laforge, 239 James, 192 John, 192 Margaret, 192 Myers, Anna, 155 Elizabeth, 66 Richard, 66 N Neat, Ann, 145 D., 145 Neats, Ann, 151, 154, 203 Di., 142, 151 Dy, 203 Elizabeth, 151, 203 John Richard Shelton, 142 Lester Palmer, 151 Sarah Frances, 151 William, 142 William, sr., 230 Wm., 142, 151, 203 Nedicker, Elizabeth, 195 Nedwell, Ann, 233 Neefies, Cornells, 9, 11 Metye,9 Neefjes, Aaghje, 29, 32 Cathryna, 22, 26, 28, 32 Johannes, 22, 30 Joris, 22, 26, 28-30, 32 Margarietje, 26 Maria, 26, 27, 29, 33 Neeltje, 27, 31, 36, 43 Pieter, 27, 29, 30 Sara, 22, 28, 30, 32, 35, 39. 40, 42 Tryntje, 27, 29, 33, 35 Neettjes, Joris, 17 Neefye, Saara, 64 Neefyes, Sara, 55, 59 Neftjes, Antje, 19 Eechtje, ig Johannes, 19 Jorius, 19 Neisser, br., vi Neterman, Margarita, 154 Neul, Dirkje, 20 Henrik, 23 Johannes, 20, 23, 24, 26 Margareta, 26 Nevius, Aagie, 15 Cornells, 14, 15 Eechie, 14 Gerrit, 15 Jan, 16 Nevius, Johannes, 13, 15 Joris, 14-16 Margarietie, 16 Marytie, 16 Tryntie, 15, 16 Newland, Susan, 169 Newman, mr., 162 Edward, 268 W. H., 160 Nichols, Elisabeth, 165 Nicoll, John, 270 Niel, Anthony, 78 Jacob, 78 Mary, 78 Niewenhuisen, Elisabeth, '7 Noble, , 159 mr., 209 Abr., 146 Abraham, 182, 200, 234 Amanda, 238 Catharine, 148 Catharine Ann, 146 Catharine Eliza, 201 Daniel, 86, 182 Edmd., 201 Esther, 182 Geo. Edward, 238 Hetty, 217 Maria Jane, 156 Thomas, vi William Po., 200 Noe, Margret, 255 Mary, 255 Peter, 255 Norby, Sara, 32 North, Cath., 239 Nyts, Carel, 50 Oakley, Frances, 146, 233 Jesse, 185 Margaret, 94, 98 Margret, 172 Oakly, Eliza, 271 Fanny, 273 Frances, 143 Margreth,95 Mary, 270 Obedye, Elysabet, 20 Oblenis, Henry, 222 Oblinis, Albert, 220 Eliza, 220 Henry, 220 Ochs, Johanes, 205 Oehlmann, Anna Maria, 208 Oelmann, Mathew, 164 Oenaert, Annetje, 19 Cornelius, 19 Oerter, William H., viii 314 Ogg, Elexander, 247 Margaret, 247 Mary, 247 Ogle, , 237 Ogles, Abigail, 170 Ohl, Heinrich, 152 Oldfield, , 231 Egbert, 152 George, 152 John, 152, 202 Olfer, Pieternel, 53 Oliver, Donckin, 13, 14 Anneke, 25 Anneken, 20 Elisabeth, 166 Margarietie, 13 Mary, 14 Peternella, 57 Petronella, 27 Pieternella, 58 Samuel, 27 Susanna, 20 Olivier, Catharina, 20 Samuel, 20 Ollefer, Nieltje, 54 Olmstead, John Hull, 205 Osborn, Mary, 225 Osborne, mr., 221 Ostrander, Nathaniel, 237 Oym, Louisa Antoinette, 205 Pachtman, Charles, 230 Packer, Hetty, 271 Lydia, 272 Maria, 273 Pailyon, Elsye, 58 Palmer, Ann, 168 Elizabeth H., 151 Mary, 186 Sarah, 167 Papst, Ernst, 203 Para, Maria, 26 Paraal, Aron, 18 Haron, 18 Paraels, Altje, 19 Parain, Francyntje, 23,27 Sara, 46 Pardee, mr., 218 Parein, Elisabeth, 22 Francyntje, 35, 36, 38 Marie, 42 Sara, 43 Parelee, Abraham, 259 Ann, 25g Pareyn, Daniel, 22 Sara, 22 Parker, ■, 233 Ann Eliza, 197 Ann M., 230 Benjatnin, 256, 260, 270 Parker, Ellen, 197 Ephraim, 260 Jonathan, 168 John, 256 Mary, 192, 256, 260 Nathaniel, 192 Sally, 192 Sarah, 271 Thomas, 165 William, 197 Parkinson, mr., 186, 193 Christopher, 172 Leonard, 215 Mary Jane, 215 Parlee, Abraham, 262 Ann, 272 Catrine, 262 Hannah, 269 Henry, 167 Isaac, 271 Martha, 262 Mary, 273 Patty, 271 Parley, Abraham, 246, 248 Barnt, 246 Mary, 246, 248 Peter, 248 Parlie, Eduard,45 Jean, 45 Parlier, Petrus, 51 Pierre, 51 Parliez, Anne, 39 Jean, 48 Marie, 48 Pieter, 48 Parra, Marytie, 9 Parrat, Marritie, 9 Past, Loco, 21 Pateman, Ann Caroline, •35 Hannah, 135 Joseph, 135 Paterman, Hannah, 134, 135 Joseph, 134, 135 Lydia, 134 Paterson, Mary, 168 Patke, Auguste, 206 Patterson, , 232, 233, 235.238 George, 238 Pattons, E., mrs., 201 Paulus, Cornelius, 188 Jesse, 188 Sophia, 188 Pauwelzen, Jannetie, 9 Payne, Jasper, vii, 71, 73 Pearce, Jns., 158 Mary Jane, 158 Pearson, Jemima, 107 Peat, Hannah, 134 Joseph, 134 Peat, Lydia, 134 Peck, Thomas R. G., iv Peckman, , 224 H., 224 Peestnet, Jannetye, 60 Pelec, Christina, 102 Peljoung, Elsje, 52 Pels, Christian, 113 Christiana, 106,110, 118 Christianne, 115 Penhart, Martha Elisa- betha, 155 Penhooren, Geertruyt, 57 John, 57 Penny, Charles, 245, 246 Daniel, 245 Dorothy, 245, 246 Elizabeth, 246 Hannah, 245 Pennycant, Sara, 103 Pepperill, Hanna, 175 Isaac, 268 Pereyn, Henry, 250 Margret, 250 Susannah, 250 Periene, Daniel, 80 Lucia, 80 Sara, 36 Perine, , 218,224 Abm., 183 Abraham, 75, 255, 267, 269 Ann, 210, 252, 272 Catharine, 74-79, 85, 92, 95, 98, 100, 103, 105, 114, 119, 173, 185, 187, 192 Catharine Elizabeth, 206 Charles, 81 Corn., 175 Cornelius, 187, 188, 240, 272, 273 Corns., 205 Daniel, 74, 79, 80, 168, 210,241 Edw., 180 Edward, 187, 189, 248, 267, 269 Edwd., 240 Elias, 74 Elizabeth, 76, 171, 210 Emma Elizabeth Cor- telyou, 129 H., 235 Hannah, 255, 256, 273 Henry, 129, 133, 248, 252, 255, 256, 270, 271 James, 78, 83, 85, 89, go, 210, 213, 214, 224 John, 81, 147, 218, 222, 224,225 John E., 200 315 Ferine, Joseph, 79 Lenah, 185, 187 Lucy, 79, 80, 210, 222 Lucy Ann, 224, 225 Magdalen, 187 Margaret, 270 Margaretta, 183 Margret, 252 Martha, 80 Mary,28,8i-83, 165, 213, 267, 269 Mary Matilda, 133 Mathias, 77 Miranda, 266 Patience, 240, 267 Peter, vii, 74-78, 80-83, i58, 210, 225, 266, 269 Peter, jr., 85 Peter Razeau, 267 Richard Taylor, 147 Sally, 267 Sally Ann, 197 Sarah, 82, 183 Sarah Ann, 157, 200 Silas, 83 Simon, 190, 205 Susan, 248 Susan Ann, 147, 188 Susan G., 205 Susanna, 80 Sussana, 82 Sussanna, 81 William, 266 William Oscar, 222 Perkins, Dr., 205 Mary E. B., 205 Perrine, James, 89 Perry, , mrs, 223 Personet, George, 41, 46 Jannetje, 41 Johannes, 46 Peter, negro, 241 Peters, Abigail Ann, 103 John, 103 Petersen, John Henry, 208 Margaret, 203 Peterson, Eliza, 193 John, 114 Mary Ann, 114 Sally, 185 Sarah, 114 Pethman, Daniel, 259 Heletie, 259 Petman, Catrin, 262 Daniel, 262 Hilletie, 262 Petit, Charles, 39 Elisabet, 39 Pew, , 178 Eliza, 272 Mary, 178 Sarah, 175 Pfohl, Louisa T., 230 Pforr, John, 203 Phanot, James, 120 Pharo, Samuel, 206 Phillipel, Maria, 54 Phillips, John, 209 Phillipse, Mary, 55 Phoebe, 273 Phrol, Sarah, 172 Pierson, Ann Fredericks, ■50, 153 Pikkering, Ule Catharina, 50 Pikkerling, Ule Cath- arina, 38, 41 Ule Catharine, 47 Ule Cathrine, 44 Pillion, Catharine, 265 John, 265 Plessing, Augustus, 152 Emilie, 152 Plummer, Rebecca, 268 Pollard, John, 273 Poillon, Abraham, 269 Adrian, 269 Ann, 247 Catharine, 43 Catherine, 45 Catline, 41 Elsje, 50 Francis, 252 Jacob, 267 James, 252 John, 247, 252, 267, 270 Judith, 167, 247 Margaret, 267 Marget, 247 Margret, 247, 252 Maria, 41 Marie, 47, 49 Mary, 247 Peter, 252, 266 Sarah, 210, 247 Susanna, 270 Poilyon, Elsje, 57 Pollion, Elizabeth, 246 James, 266 John. 246, 266 Marget, 246 Pollon, Elizabeth, 261 John, 259 Margret, 259, 260 Margrit, 261 Peter, 259-261 Pollworth, James, 143 Peter, 143 William, 143 Polon, Adder, 256 Catrin, 263 Francis, 256 James, 256 Margaret, 263 Peter, 263 Possel, Jan, 9 Thomas, 9 Post, Abraham, 52,64, 67, 182 Adriaen, 56 Claartye, 62, 64 Claerty, 59 Claertye, 58, 60 Clara, 56 Experience, 179, 186 Francis, 171, 179, 186, 196 Garrit, 186 Gerret, 54 Gerret jr., 56 Gerrit, 55,'6i,64,65, 173, 182 Gerrit sr., 59 Jannetye, 62, 64 Johannes, 52, 55, 56, 59 Klaart, 62 Lea, 65 Leya, 59 Maria, 64 Mary, 182 Marya, 64 Miriam, 67 Newton, 186 Peter, 179, 186, 237 Pieter, 64 Sarah, 196 Susan, 237 William Francis, I96 Potter, Mary Ann, 109 Poulse, Franscyntje, 59 Frntcintye, 61 Poulson, Francyntje, 55 Powel, Elisabeth, 262 Mary, 262 Nenney, 268 Thomas, 262 Praal, Aaltje, 22 Aaltye, 61, 63, 64 Abraham, 10,49,61 Alida, 61 Anna, 23 Antie, 12 Arent, 9, 39, 44, 46 Arent jr., 10, 23, 24, 30 Arent C, 9 Aron jr., 14, 17 Beniemen, 65 Beniemin, 61 Elisabeth, 17 Henderske, 46 Henricus, 44 Isaac, 14, 56 Johannes, 22 Johannis, 65 Maragritye, 56 Maria, 13, 14, 26,39 Mary, 11, 14 Marya, 65 3i6 Praal, Pieter, 9, 10, 12-14, 22,30 Sara, 20, 30, 36 Willem Jorisze, 39 Prael, Aeltje, 60 Aeltye, 61 Aentie, 18 Altye, 55 Aront jr., 18 Isaak, 59 Isack, 55 Lowies, 59 Pral, Isaak, 53 Petrus, 53 Prall, , 271 Abraham, iv, 66, 67, 128, 220, 269 Abraman, 67 Aletta, 135 Ann, 176, 198 Benjamin, 166 Catharine, 196 Daniel, 270 Edward Beattey, 128 Edward Beatty, 220 Giddy, 198 Henrietta, 201 Henry, 151, 203 Isabella, 220 John, 272 Mary, 65 Peter, 66, 169 Sabina, 232 William Henry, 151 Wm., 201 Praul, Abigail, 185 Abm., 184 Abraham, 193 Aletta, 115 Alfred Cortelyou, 117, 217 Benj., 239 Benjamin, 191, 193 Catharine, 217 Charlotte, 108 David, 108, 113, 117,176, 216, 217 Edwin Theodor, 114 Elisabet, 185 Elizabeth, 239 Ellen, 239 Emeline, 113 Henrietta, 1 11 John, 178 Maria Ann, 116 Peter, 185 Sara, 178 Tunis Augustus, log William, 109, in, 114, 116, 216 Praull, Ann, loi Prawl, Aletta, 109 Catharine, 105 Prawl, Danl, 181 David, 105 Sarah Ann, 105 William, 181 Wm., 109 Pray, Elizabeth, 273 Presser, Pieter, 19 Valeteyn, 19 Pretch, Benjamin, 246 Esther, 246 James, 246 Pretchet, Ester, 249 James, 249 William, 249 Preyer, Andries, 28, 32 Anna, 27, 49 Catharina, 44 Celia, 23, 26-28, 31, 32 38, 44 Celitje, 41 Jacob, 28,31-34,42 Jannetje, 37 Johanna, 33 Johannes, 27, 32, 37, 41, 42, 44 Pieter, 42 Price, mrs., 188 Benjamin, 193 David, 193 Elias, 193, 195 Esther. 193 Haimah, 126, 128, 133, 138, 143 Hester, 195 Jacob, 36 Lucy, 169 Margaret, 189 Peter, 168 Ruth Ellen, 193 Prickett, Catharine, 271 Elizabeth, 179 Harriet, 186 Sarah, 179 Priester, Henry, 168 Prince, Mary, 227 Robt., 227 Samuel, 233 Wm. Robert, 236 Prine, Ann, 257, 260 Edward, 257, 260, 265 Fanny, 266 Hannah, 256 Henry, 253, 256, 257 James, 256 Joseph, 228, 257 Mary, 257, 266 Naomi, 256 Peter, 253 Sarah, 257, 265 Supfiah, 256 Susanna, 253 William, 266 Pritchet, Isaac, 268 Pritchett, Harriot, 271 Proll, Catharine Mary, 100 Jacob, 100 Prue, Elias, 183 Esther, 183 Hannah, 216 Jacob, 36 Mary, 192 Pryor, Andrew, 190, 273 Andries, 57 Catharine, 179, 271 Catharine Maria, I90 Elizabeth, 190, 273 Jan, 57 John, 192 Lanah, 273 Mary, 272 Susan, 192 Pu, Johan, 10 Pue, Elisabeth, 12 Johan, 12, 16 Moses, 16 Puelyon, Elsye, 62 Puillon, James, jr., 227 Pugh, Lenah, 184 Nicholas, 184 Sarah, 166 Puy, Martha, 39 Quinty, Anthony, 229 R Racey, Bessie, 237 Racy, , 229 Charles, 229 Radfort, John, 268 Radlitz, Ada Medora, 163 Elizabeth, 163 John, 163 Raff, Rosina, 152 Rossina, 204 Ral, Anna, 27 Antje Mangels, 20 Catharina Mangels, 21 Francyntje Mangels, 23 Fytje, 51 Hans, 37 Jan, jr., 51 Jan Mangels, 22 Maria, 27 Rail, Meria, 32, 37 Ralley, Ann, 245 Franky, 245 Henry, 245 Ralph, Abraham, 55 Benyamen, 56 Eleanor, 271 317 Ralph, Elizabeth, 58 Joseph, 55, 56, 58, 270 William, 270 Rambel, Ann, 170 Randal, , 22q John, 22g Randolph, , 230, 233, 235 mr., 217 , mrs., 236 Elizabeth, 182 John, iqg, 230 Samuel, 270 Rapp, Ros., 150 Rappeneker, Anton, 164 Rathon, mr., 85 mrs., 85 Catharine, 85 Rathyen, mr., 154 Ann, 149 Anna, 149, 150, 228 Henry, 146 J., 204 John, 143, 146, 149, 150 Mathin, 143 Raymond, Henry C, 207 Rea, Lydia, 102 Reacy, mr., 200 Reader, Cath., 164 Christopher V r o o m e , 164 George L., 164 George Lewis, 209 Rece, '"Ellen Elizabeth, 161 Rednor, Peter, 166 Reed, , 228 Harriott, 189 Susan P., 228 William, 167 Reilly, Susanna, 263 Terrence, 263 Reiners, Anna, 150 Reinke, A. A., 157, 206 Abraham, vii Amadeus, viii Amandens A., 161 Clement L., 161 Edward Jacob, 161 Rengaten, Catharine Friederica, 137 Reso, Geertruy, 60 Jacob, 60 Resoo, Catriena, 61 Jacob, 61 Resor, Jacob, 54 Susanna, 54 Resszeau, judge, 2lg Polly, 219 Renter, Louise Johanna Catarina, 152 Reyerse, Adrian, 77 Catharine, 77, 79 Ryerse, Lewis, 77, 79 Richard, 79 Reyerson, Catharine, 78 Lewis, 78 Phebe, 78 Reyken, Elesabet, 17 Elisabet, 17 Reick, 17 Reynolds, Silas, 271 Rezeau, Sarah, 268, 269 Susan, 269 Rgt, lenny, 64 Rhine, Mary, 137, 138, 140, 202 Rice, br., vi mrs., 202 Lydia, 144 Owen, vii, 71, 73 William H., viii Wm. Henry, 71 Richards, , mrs., 238 Richardson, Charlotte Jane, 207 Ellen, 205 Margret, 58 William, 58 Richau, Anna Maria, 23 Antie, 16 Daniel, 12 Isaack, 13 Jacob, 12 Johannes, 12-14, 16 Mary, 14 Paul, 12 Richaud, Anna Maria, 32 Catharina, 25, 30 Catline, 36, 39 Elsje, 37 Isaac, 36 Johannes, 32, 37 John, 24 Lea, 24 Rachel. 32 Richgau, Johannes, 9 Rickeman, Albert, 251 Katharine, 251 Mary, 251 Ricken, Pieter, II Rickerte, Elizabeth, 241 Rickow, Anne, 168 Hezekiah, 165 Reuben, 166 Rider, Anthony, 93 Mary, 93 Riders, Anthony, 93 Mary, 93 William, 93 Ridgway, Caturey, 167 Elizabeth, i6g Rigga, Abraham, 54 Ragel, 54 Riker, Eliza, 271 Rineo, Elizabeth, 268 Rinke, A. A., 71 Rinslard, Sophia, 206 Ripley, , 236 Rives, , 227 Robbins, Mary, 195 Nathaniel, 195 Susan, 195 Robin, Thomas, 241 Robins, Else, 273 Robinson, , 231 Mary, 272 Thomas, 165 Rodgers, Lucy, 184 Sarah, 155 Roe, John, 273 Roff, Catharina, 181 Frances Louisa, 148 Francis Louisa, 154 Joseph, 181 Louisa, 151, 157 Mary, 233 Susan Ann, 181 Rogers, ,230 Jacob, vii, 71, 74 Ogden M., 238 O. M., 230 Rokere, Christina, 140 Rol, Antje, 33 Catharina Mangels, 35, 45 Fitye, 59 Hans, 33 Jan, 43. 57 Jan,]r., 43 Jan Mangels, 48 Marytje Mangels, 42 Roland, rev. mr„ 264 Roll, Marytje, 44 Rollens, Charles, 58 Philip, 58 Rolph, Abraham, 66 Abrm, 66 Cornelia, 53 Joseph, 53 Larance, 254 Mary, 254 William Roberson, 254 Rome, Charity, 138 Romer, , 232 Ann, 141, 199, 201, 229 Catharine, 219 Catharine Ann Elting, 159 Charity, 136, 141, 143 Charity Guyon, 195 Eliza, 139, 142, 197 Elizabeth, 146, 168 Emeline, 136 Emma Jane, 159 Fanny Ann, 136 Isaac, 159 Isaac Parlee, 129 J., 129 3i8 Romer, James, I2q, 136, 139,141,147, 149.175. '95. 197. >99. 201, 202, 219 James, jr., 140 James, sr., 140 James Isaac, 140 John, 134, 136 Joseph, 144, 201 Joseph Lake, 129 Margaret Jane, 129 Mary, 149, 195, 197, 202, 225 Mary Ann, 134 Mary EUzabeth, 147 Mary Louise, 129 Mary Matilda, 159 Sarah, 208 Sarah Jane, 140, 144 Sophia, 166 Thomas Simpson, 147 Romeyn, widow, 100 Sarah, 100 Rondshaler,br., 138 A., 71, 137 Ambr., 138 Edward Henry, 138 Rondthaler, Ambrose, viii Rook, Amos, 120, 214, 226 Catharine, 120 Caty, 112 Eliza Ann, 1 12 Frederick Moehring, 214 George, 214 Rooke, Amos, 87, 80, 91, 168, 219, 241 Cathrine, 89 F" ranees, 212 Frederick, 89 Martha, 89, 219 Rooks, A., lot Amos, 97, loi, 112 Frances, 97 P'rancis, 174, 211 Martha, 97 Martm, 112 Mary, loi Room, Mary, 200 Roomer, Andrew, 269 Roose, Jacob, 53 Weintje, 53 Root, ■ , 232, 234 Elliott Aymar, 158 Geo. M., 159 George, 234 George M., 158 Pierre Vanderbilt, 159 Roper, Elizabeth, 259 Isaac, 259 Jemima, 259 Rose, Catharina, 164 Roseau, Jacob, 50, 51 Petrus, 50 Susanna, 51 Roseaux, Pierre, 43 Susanna, 50 Rosen, Gerrit, 20 Nicolaas, 20 Rosenthal, Theodor, 204 Ross, Daniel, 169 Mary, 126, 201 William, 190 Rothen, Anna, 146 Rothfus, Christina, 150 John, 150 Rotsen, Anna, 143 Row, Mary, 36 Rowland, John H., xi Rozeau, Elizabeth, 186 Hosea Alexander, 176 Mary, 176 Peter, 176 Rudinger, Augusta Caro- line, 137 Rudmeyer, Abraham, vii Ruebottom, Ann, 91 Ruede, Charlott Eliza- beth, 140 Charlotte Elizabeth, 144 Ruppinger, Catharine Friederica, 137 Johann, 137 Rus, Mary, 21 Russel, Mahala, 215 Rutan, Sara, 31, 34, 39, 41, 43. 46 Ryck, Marytje, 19 Rycke, Abraham, 14, 16 Arme, 19 Femmetie, 1 1 Jacob, ig Pieter, 11,19 Rycken, Abraham, 14 Femmetie, 10, 13 Hendricus, 10 Isaac, 16 Johanes, 10 Johannes, 13 Pieter, 10, 1 1, 14, 16 Weyntie, 9 Ryckszen, Ryck, 11 Ryers, Arris, 234 Orris, 183 Sarah, 183 Terrence R., 183 Ryerse, Adriaan, 62 Cathrine, 80-82 Lewis, 80-83 Luwes, 62 Ryerss, Catharine, 172 Cathrina, 241 Cathrine, 241 Lewis, 241 Ryersz, mrs., 184 A., 66 Adrian, 210 Aris, 66, 67 Cathrine, 210 David, 67 Hannah, 66 Lewis, 241 Sarah, 214 Ryerze, Lewis, 165, 182 Orris, 182 Sarah, 182 Ryke, Aabram, 17 Abraham, 17, 20, 25 Bennetie, 17 Elysebet, 17 Femmetje, 20 Harmpje, 23 Johannes, 17 Judith, 22 Ryken, Abraham, 17 Femmetie, 13 Henricus, 21 Lena, 15 Ryk. 13, 15, 16, 21 Sofia, 16 Rykman, Albert, 29, 34, 38 Rebecca, 34 Ryt, Jacob, 27 Maria, 27 Ryte, Maria, 51 Sabel, mr., 206 Saddler, Ann Eliza, 145 Augustus, 145 Mary Elizabeth, 145 Saffin, Aaron, 181, 187 William, 181, 187 Sal, ,181 Salbacher, Bertha, 156 Jacob, 156 Sally, 180 Salter, James, 185 Sam, 180 Sandars, Hanna, 63 Ragel, 63, 65, Richard, 63, 65 Sara, 65 Sanders, Eliza, 127, 130, 133. 135. 143. 193. 219 Else, 130 Elsie, 132 Peter, 193, 228 Sarah, negro, 189, 273 Saran, 180 Sargent, Mary, 172 Saul, 183 Saunders, mrs. , 227 Peter, 168 Sarah, 169 3^9 Savary, Peter, 268 Sayler, Ragel, 54 Sayles, Maria, 208 Scales, Thomas, 203 Scarret, , 270 Appolonia, 26g James, 265, 267 John, 269 Mary, 265, 267 Susanna, 170 Schaber, Margaret, 226 Schade, Catharina Eliza- beth, 208 Scharlach, Heinrich,204 Scharot, Mary Elizabeth, 132 Thomas, 132 Scharret, Benjamin Gryon, 114 James, 112 John, 114, 116 Joseph, 118 Mary, 114, 116, 184, 197 Mary Ann, 117 Peter Swaim, 116 Richard, 117, 197 Susan Ann, 197 Thomas, 1 18 Scharrit, Daniel, 112 Scharrot, , 216 Appolonia, 185 Augustus Eugene, 119 Charity, 216 Hannah, 185 James, 185 John, 119, 185, 189 Mary, i8g Mary Ann, 216 Richard, 216 Richard, jr., 216 Susan Ann, 185, 189 Scharrott, Martha, 225 Thomas, 225 Schenck, Benjamin, 270 Schenk, Holmes, 240 Scherret, , 214 Catharine, 214 Catharine Eliza, 212 Esther, 106 Frances, 212 James, 106 John, 212 Thomas, 214 Scherrets, John, mrs., 113 Schiegel, Alke Marg., 150 Christian, 153 Gesine, 145, I53 Johan Chr., 153 Kissine, 148 Schilman, Sara, 30 Schilmans, Sara, 20 Schinnis, John, 62 Susanna, 62 Schlect, Catharine, 152 Elisabeth, 149 Johannes, 204 John, 150, 152 Schmidt, doct., 204 dr., 154 Augusta Henriette, 154 A u g u s t e Henriette Wilhelmina, 204 Carl Henry, 155 Cath., 152 Catharine, 145. 148, 150 Catharine Christiana, ■45 Catharine Margaret, 158 C. C, 234 Elisabeth, 157 Elisa Barrett, 141 Elizabeth, 152 Emma, 155 George, 144 George S o m m e r s Marks, 150 Jacob Edward, 148 John, 157, 206 Jno., 158 Louis, 141 Magda., 144 Magdalena, 144 Margareth, 200 Martin, 139, 141. 144 Paul, 141. 145. 148, 150, 152.155 Sophia, 139 Schmit, Catharina, 50 Johan Adam, 50 Schneider, Anna Emilia, 149 Clara Catharina Mar- gareth, 203 Jacob, 149. 203 Maria Clara, 149, 203 Schoenberg, Eliza, 152 Schout, Ary, 21 Schouten, Adriaan, 23 Adriaen, 15 Ary, 23 Marytie, 15 Schultzebach, Terresia, 133 Schumacker, Johanna,203 Schuman, Alvina, 164 Schutzenbach, Teresa,l38 Schuyler, Jan, 44 Schweinitz, mrs., 206 B.E., 145.205 Bernard E., 71, 154 Paul Bernhard, 155 Scobe, Ann, 252, 262 Elexander, 252 Elisabeth, 262 William, 252, 256,262 Scobey, John, 259 Liddie, 259 Nanne, 259 William, 259 Scoby, Alexander, 257 Ann, 257 William, 257 Scott, Eleanor, 239 Mary Caroline, 227 Seabrook, Patty, 272 Seaman, , 222 Ann Elizabeth, 127 Barnt, 189 Benson, 120, 125, 127, 19I, 222 Elizabeth, 191 Henry John, 125 Jane, 272 John, 272 Julia, 120 Wm., 191 Seawood, Elizabeth Fran- ces, 154 Eva Harrison, 151 William B., 203 Wm., 154 Wm. B., 151 Sebering, Catharina, 25 Sebring, Eliza, 179 John, 179 Seely, Mary, 187 Sefurde, Catherine, 171 Segain, Catharine, 251 James, 251 John, 251 Sarah, 251 Segan, Else, 249 Elsie, 250 Jacob, 249 James, 249, 250 John, 249 Segang, Ann, 273 Barnt, 273 Elizabeth, 270 Hery, 27r Hetty, 272 James, 269 Mary, 271 Stephen, 270, 272 ' Seghong, Elisha, 250 John, 250 Sarah, 250 Segoin, John, 168 Segoine, Elizabeth, 66 John, 66 Seguime, , 218 Seguin, Dorcas, 39 Jaques, 32, 35, 42, 43 Jean, 32, 35,39,42. 43 Jonas, 32 Sara, 35 Seguine, . 231, 236 judge, 193 320 Seguine, Abraham, 183 Catharine, 167, 267 Catrin, 255 Catrine, 260 Elizabeth, 273 Ells, 246 Elsie, 250 Henry, 180, 214, 220, 238, 249, 267 H'y, 236 Jacob, 267 James, 246, 249, 250, 255 John, 180, 181, 183, 185, 260, 267, 268 Katharine, 249 Lydia, 134, 138, 183,185, 202 M., 205 Margaret, 267 Margrette, 267 Mary, 185 Patience, 238 Rachel, 180, 183, 229, 273 Sally Ann, 214 Sara, 260 Sarah, 246 Seguyn, Caty, 252 Henry, 252 James, 252 John, 252 Sarah, 252 Steven, 252 Seibert, Paulina, 207 Seidel, Charles Fr., 106 Dorothea S., 106 Seimensen, Geertruy, 53 Seimesen, Anatje, 53 Weintje, 53 Seisema, Meda, 203 T.O.,203 Sekinger, Eva Maria, 154 Selenf, John, 183 Selif, Peter, 165 Selle, George, vii, 71, 74 Selyns, dominie, ii Semson, Jan, 18 Sande, 18 Tabeta, 18 Senne, Amalia Sophie Matilda, 150 August, 145. 153.205 August Ernst Wilhelm Christian, 153 Charles Henry Augus- tus, 145 Christian, 231 Diedrich Friedrich Christian August, 153 Dietrich, 153 Ernst, 145, 148, 150, 153 Friedrich, 153 Gesiene, 150 Senne, Heinrich August, 205 Louisa Margaretha Christiana, 148 Louise, 150 Senseman, Edwin T., viii, 164 Lucinda Eliz., 236 William Ormsby, 164 Sep, Margreta, 54 Sequin, Lydia, 123 Sequine, , 218 Seym, , Palli, 58 Seymense, Jenneke, 58 Palli, 60 Seymensen, Elybet, 17 Willem, 17 Seymerson, Abilgale, 85 Elizabeth, 85 Isaac, 85 Seymonse, Antye, 61 Christoffel, 6l Daniel, 60 Maria, 56 Sara, 60 Seymon, 56 Seymore, , 209 Seymourson, Ann, 210 Bernard, 210 John, 88 Ruben, 88 Sarah, 88 Sussanna, 172 Shaber, Catharine Mar- garetha, 137 Johann T., 137 Shaddock, Joseph, 185 Sharman, Fredrik, 36, 39 Jacob, 36 Thomas, 39 Sharot, Mary, 132 Sharp, Elizabeth, 181 James, 181 Samuel, 264, 273 William, 264 Wm., 181 Sharret, John, 184, 208 Mary, 184 Susan Ann, 184 William, 199 Wm., 205 Sharrot, , 217, 219, 229, 231, 232, 235-237 , mrs., 238 Abm., 200 Abraham, 123, 124, 130, 192, 237 Alfred, 124, 154 Benjamin H o u s m a n, 124 Catharina, 127, 194, 217 Christiana, 194 Cornelia Frances, 233 Sharrot, Daniel, 232 David, 127, 232 David Mercereau, 139 Eliza, 126 Elizabeth, 131 Hannah, 214 James, 123, 219, 224 James, jr., 219 James, sr., 193, 217, 218 Jeremiah, 124, 127 John, 122, 124, 127, 187, 192, 194, 228, 240 John D., 208 John Davis, 126 John William, 125 Joseph, 131, 132, 139, 142,238 Joseph Willson, 132 Lenah Ann, 124 Lucretia, 194 Lucy Ann, 218 Maria, 187 Martha, 126 Mary, 192, 195, 217, 229 Mary Ann, 130, 207 Milvaise, 231 Polly, 187 Richard, 123, 217 Richard, sr., 193, 219 Sarah, 200 Stephen, 122 Susan Ann, 124 Thomas, 122, 126, 154, 202, 207, 232 Washington, 127 William, 218 William Henry, 131,203 Wm., 229, 231, 236 Sharrott, Abraham, 161 Agnes, 235 Agnes Caroline, 157 Benjamin Guyon, 237 Benjamin T., 237 Catharina Eliza, 142 Cornelia Frances, 157 Hannah Jane, 161 James Wilson, 157 John, 144 Jno. William, 161 Mary, 142 Richard, 236 Susan, 124 Thomas, 149, 164 Thomas Howard, 149 Thos. Jeff., 226 William, 225 Shaw, Charles Henry, 201 George, 263 Mary, 263 Shay, mrs., 221 Henry, loi, 219 Odissa, loi, 176 Shelling, Barbara, 156 321 Sherer, , mrs., 238 Sherret, Richard, senr., 241 Shields, Ann, 190 Catharine, igu Thomas, iqo Shingles, George, 173 Shum, Catharine, 147 Shuttleworth, J o s s e 1 y n, 272 Sibell, Benjamin, 181 John, 181 Sarah, 181 Sicking, Eva Maria, 140 Siebern, Barnt., 194 Thomas, 221 Sielof, Blandiena, 61 Pieter, 61 Siersema, Frederick, 150 Frederick Henry, 231 Henry, 150 John, 147 John Theodore, 147 Meda, 150 Phoebe Ann, 145, 227 Theodore, 150 Theodore Onnis, 198 T. O., 145.147 Unitas, 226 Siersina, MarianneEmily, 142 Meda, 143 Theodore O., 142 T. O., 143 Unitais, 143 Sikkel, Abraham, 47 Claasje, 47 Elisabet, 47 Sikkels, Ariaantje, 41 Elisabet, 41 Zacharias, 41 Sikkelse, Elizabeth, 60 Silberhorn, Christian, 207 Silof, Daneel, 62 Danel, 64 Elsye, 62 Saartye, 62 Silva, Joseph, 268 Silve, Elizabeth, 256 Nanne, 256 Silvester, Ann, 246 Elizabeth, 246, 248, 249 Francis, 248 John, 246, 248, 249, 268 Martha, 249 Sara, 249 Silvy, ,216 Eliza, 102 Elsea, 178 Frances, 216 Hester, 97, 100, 189 Jane, 105 Joseph, 102, 256 Silvy, Richard, 97, 100, 105, 189 William, 100 Simerson, Alice, 165 Simes, Johan, 16 Simesen, Catrina, 54 Cristfel,54 Cristofel, 52 Simsembach, Aaltje, 38 Jan Philip, 38 Simeson, Catharine, 165 Stofel, 63 Simessen, Aert, 14 Antie, 14 Barent, 15 Simesson, Isaak, 11 Simon, 180 Catherina, 46 Thomas, 46 Simons, Catharina, 26 Christoffel, 50 Wyntje, 39, 49, 50 Simonse, Maria, 62 Simonsen, Aert, 14 Geertruy, 12 Hans, 14 Jeremyah, 58 Margrett, 190 Simon, 58 Simonson, , 118, 269 , miss, 236 Aaron, 173 Aart, 67 Abbey Ann, I93, 219 Abby Jane, 130 Abigail, ig8, 246, 248 Abigail Ann, loi Abm., 194 Abraham, 66, loi, 176, Ann, 79, 121, 124, 128, 181, 190, 192, 193, 260, 261,266 Art, 67 Arthur, 186, 188, 194, 271 Audra, 267 B., 100 Barent, 79, 170 Barnet, 100, lol, 105, 107, 119, 122, 182 Barnt, 219,220, 223, 246, 248,268 Benjamin, 161, 163, 207 Blandena,53 C, 206 Cath., 201 Catharine, 152, 157, 197, 207, 230, 269 Ch., 228 Charles, 97, 100, 108, 236 Charles, sr., 232 Charles M., 227 Charles Mc, 233 Simonson, Chas., 100, 214, 234 Chas. v., 229 Christopher, 67 Cornelia, 191 Cornelius, 97, 225 Daniel, 189, 235 Daniel D., 130 Ecford Webb, 163 Eliza, 205 Elizabeth, x, 67, 134, 135, 158, 183,198,245, 267 Elizabeth Hilliard, loi Ellen, 152, 157, 188, 201 Emeline, 204,225 Emma Josephine, 234 Francis, 260 Hanna, loi Hannah, 1 19, 182. 192, 268 Hans, 53 Helen Melissa, 161 Hylah, 108 Isaac, X, 67, 130, 198, 220, 235, 268, 269 Jacob, 267, 269 James, 194, 204, 209 Jane, 90, 96, 105, 135, 137, 193, 219, 234 Jemima, 168 Jeremiah, 181 Joannah, 122 Johannis, 67 John, x,66, 152, 157, 177, 189, 191, 192, 194, 201, 205, 206, 239, 245,248, 260, 261, 266, 269, 271 John Beatty, 79 John G., 206 John King, 225 Joseph, 182, 183, 188, 193 Josephine Vanderbilt, 228 Lavina, 181 Lena, 99 Magdalen, 271 Margaret, 166 Margarett, I97 Margret, 90 Margrietye, 62 Margrit, 67 Maria, 165, I91, 232 Mary, 100, 108, 115, 120, 123, 182, 188,194,214, 218, 225, 227, 236 Mathias Decker, 96 Nancy, 191 Nathan Runnek, 220 Nellie, 184 Ort, 246 Patty, 2i6 Peter, 269 ;22 Simonson, Phebe, 189, 191 Phebe Ann, 100 Rebecca, 182, 183 Rebekah, 188, 193 Reuben, 90, 96, 99, loi, 105, io5, 108, 119, igo, 193, 319, 226 Sarah, 100, 182, 188, 220, 223, 234 Sarah A., 228 Sarah AdeHne, 163 Sarah Ann, 223 Sarah Eliza, 130 Silas, 181 Sophia, 217 Stephen Bedell, 266 Susan, 186, 234 Susannah, 194 William D., 202 William Gosen, 214 Wouter, 67 Simonsse, Simon, 52 Van Pelt, 52 Simonsz, Isaak, 36 Simonze, Geertruida, 61 Maria, 61 Simonzen, Aert, 12 Simonzon, Antic 12 Simorson, Elizabeth, 26 Isaac, 263 John, 263 Simoszen, Aert, 12, 15 Simon, 12 Simson, Jane, 268 Petrus, 22 Sinclair, J. H., iv Sinning, Conrad, 206 Martin, 206 Sinnis, Elsye, 61 John, 61 Lammert, 61 Merya, 61 Wellem,6i Sinseman, Edwin T., 71 E. T., 162 Sips, Isa, 50 Ite, 50 Sisk, John, 183 Peter, 183 Sarah, 183 Skane, Matthew, 43 Pieter, 43 Skarret, Patty, I99 Skerret, , 178 mrs., 92 Ann, 88-90, 181 Appolonia, 176, 178 Catharine, 176 Christiana, 105 Elizabeth, 81,82, 87,89, 177, 212 Hannah, 82 James, 90, 181 Skerret, James, jr., 88, 89 John, 81, 84, 92, 98, 103, 105, 173, 211 Joseph, 173 Maria, 92 Maria Martha, 211 Mary, 81, 82, 84 Rachel, 84 Richard, 82, 84, 87, 174, 176-178, 212 Ruth, 87 Susan, 174 Thomas, 82, 178, 199 William, 82, 88 Skerrett, Hanna, 174 Skerrit, , 94 mr., 86 mrs., 97, 100, 103 Abraham, 85, 1 10 Anna, 85, 94, 97 Appolonia, loi Cath., 99 Catharine, loi, 103 Catharine Elizabeth, 97 Elizabeth, 84, 85, 102 Eve, 99 Frances, loi James, 94, 97, 103, 175 John, 95, 97, 174 John Garritson, 94 Joseph, 98 Lucy Ann, 95, 104 Martha, 104 Mary, 84, 85, 101, 103 R., jr., no Richard, 84, 85,86, no, 181 Richard, jr., 100 Richard, sr., 84 Richd.jr., 84 Susan, 175 Thomas, 100, 104, 108 William Crips, 108 Skinner, Letta, 168 Joannah, 268 Skirmen, Abraham, 65 Alizabeth, 65 Peggy, 65 Slack, Ann, 249, 252 Barney, 167 Barnt, 270 Elizabeth, 269 Jacob, 269 John, 249, 252, 269 Katharine, 249 Margaret, 271 Slact, Francis, 262 John, 262 Stager, Sophya, 55, 56 Slecht, Barent, 12, 13, 30 Catharina, 23 Cornelia, 23 Cornells, 13 Slecht, Elisabet, 47 Henrik, 23, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35. 37. 38. 46 Hilletje, 26 Jacob, 32 Jan, 35 Johan, 12 Johannes, 23, 47 Maria, 23 Slechts, Hylletie, 12 Sleet, Barent, 261 Elizabeth, 261 Slegt, Catharine, 166 Sleight, Cornelius, 182 Henry, 169 Jacob, 182 Jane, 182 Slinsby, John, 268 Slot, Eva, 49 Maria, 25 Smack, Annetie, 12 Johannes, 12, 15 Leendert, 12 Leenert, 10 Martin, 239 Marytie, 15 Sara, 10, 239 Small, Adam, 197 Jacobina, 139, 197 Margaret, 197 Smart, John, 272 Smith, , mrs., 237 Abel, 82 Adam, 168 Andrew, 273 Ann, 146, 200 Anna Mar., 106 Catharina, 1 10 Cathrine, 170, 251 Christian, 215, 250 Christina, 269 Christopher, 251 Danl., 198 Eleanor, 165, 166 Emeline, 197 Elizabeth, 82, 170 Ester, 250 Esther, 169 Frances, 229 Frances Louisa, 207 Henry D., 106 Hester, 251 Hetty, 240 Isaac, 250 James, 221 Jeremiah, 230 John, 262 John W., 225 Maria, 57 Mary, 221, 261, 262 Mary Elizabeth, 221 Ruth, 273 Samuel, 82, 171 323 Smith, Sarah, 230, 264 Sarah Ann, 230 Susannah, 261 Thomas, 232 William, 261, 262, 264 William Henry, 208 Smitt, Christian, 254 Hester, 254 Smyet, Casper, 1 1 Maria, 11 Smyt, Tammus, 17 Snedicker, Brasilia, 238 Mary, 232 Snedieker, Abm. I., 197 Isaac v., 197 Sarah, 197 Snediker, , 236 Sneeden, , 232 Sommers, George, 150 Lavinia, 157 Robert, 143, 157 Robert Gray, 143 Susan Ann, 143 Soner, Anna Maria Clara, 154 Andrew, 154 Sotten, Jan, 11 Thomas, 1 1 Spangenberg, bishop, vi Spann, Mary, 168 Spear, Violetta, 143 Spears, Claushea, 171 Spicer, Ann Eliza, 160 Diana, 160, 208 Jane, 160 Matilda Catharine, 160 Thomas, 160 Spier, Baay,26 Sytje, 26 Spong, Francis Maybury, 220 Mary, 220 Robert, 220 Spragg, , 226 Andrew, 271 J., 226 Jacob, 271 Mary, 73, 268 Sprague, , mrs., 234 George W., 198 John H.. 201 Sarah M., 231 Spree, Caty,63 Edwort, 62 WiUim, 62,63,65 Spries, ,222 Johann, 133 John, 222 Sprong, Barnabas, 80 Citie, 80 Jane, 80 Squier, Mary E., 207 Squire, John, 223 Mary Louisa, 223 Stephen, 193 Squires, Martha, 227 Sarah, 273 William, 177 Staat, Maria Margareta, 50 Staats, Abraham, 12, 23 Agneta, 20, 22, 23 Agnietje, 25, 28, 32,36 Anna, 23, 25, 28, 31,37, 40, 44, 48, 49 Annaatie, 13 Annetye, 10 Antje, 19, 23, 24, 30 Catharina, 13, 15-17 Catryna, 18 Cornelia, 9, 22, 24, 28, 30.31.34,35.45 Edmond, 13 Elisabeth, 17 Elizabeth, 15 Isaak, !2 Jan, 13, 18, 23, 25, 33, 38.39 Jannetje, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37,39,44.48,51,52 Johan, 9-II, 13, 15-17 Kathareina, 9 Magdalena, 30, 34, 37, 42, 48, 50 Maria, 22, 31,43 Marytie, 51 Neeltje, 20,25,33,40, 41 Pieter, 9, 13, 15-17 Rabecca, 57 Rabecka, 52 Rebecca, 11, 34, 37, 38, 45.52 Stackhouse, Joseph, 167 Stacy, , 228, 231 mr., 228 Stebs, Mally, 64 Steker, Maria, 158 Steel, John, 231 Steers, , 230, 239 Charles, 229 F., mrs., 234 John, jr., 22g Thomas, 229 William, 230 Stephens, Susan, 273 Stephenson, , 229 Richard, 200 Stevens, John, 272 Stevenson, Mathew, 172 Steward, , 223 mrs., 103, 117, 121, 123, 130, 134, 201 widow, 143 Abraham, 223 Abraham M., 194 Anthony, 225 Steward, Anthony Y., 135 Archibald Douglas, 135 Hannah, 194 Mary, 135, 225 Sarah Elisab., 225 - Sarah Jane, 143 Thomas, 114, 194, 215 Thomas, mrs., 114 Stewards, mrs, 115 Stewart, Abraham, 145 Alexander, ix Anthony, 142, 144, 148, I5t Anthony Y., 139 George Anthony, 148 Julia Ann, 142 Mathias Burger, 145 Mary, 142, 144, 148, 151 Mary Alina, 151 Samuel, 144, 227 Sarah Elizabeth, 139 Sarah Jane, 11 1, 142 Thomas, in William Thomas, 142 Stibs, Wlllem, 31 Stile, Isabella, 231 Still, Edward, 269 Stillewel, Frenck, 9 Joachim, 58 Richard, 58 Thomas, 9 Stillewil, Annaetje, 60 Thomas, 60 StiUwel, Antoni, 62 Mareia, 64 Rabecca, 53 Tanimes, 62 Stillwell, Abm., 175 Abraham, 114, 132, 219 Ann, 175 Catharine Ann, 114 Daniel, 258 Elias, 57 Geertje, 40 Hettee, 256 Hiram, 207 Ida, 48 Jeremiah, 253, 256 John, 208, 235 John William, 132 Jos., lOI Lenah,27l Lucretia, 122 Mary, vii, 113, 258 Nicholas, no, in Peter, 219, 253 Rebaco, 256 Richard, 258 Sarah, 213 Susan, 105, 114,117 Susan Ann, 147 Thomas, 57 William, 181 324 Stillwell, William W., 201 Yetty, 253 Stillwill, Frances, 215 Stilwel, Anna Cathrina, 21 Rachel, 13 Stilwell, — — , 129, 216,234 Abm., i8g Abraham, 116, 128, 169, 175, 181, 214-219, 225, 232 Ann, 175, 181, 253 Anne, 165 Araienty, 253 Ariaentie, 251 Catharina, 48 Catharine, 214 Charity, 117, 175 Daniel, 22, 35,41,47-50, 174, 189, 195,213,214, 2i5, 219, 220, 234, 251, 253 Elias, 32, 35 Elisabeth, 94 Eliza, 220 Elizabeth, 174, 195, 220 Esey, 251 Frances, 85, 87, 98, 102, 241 Francis, 108 Francyntje, 41 Gitty Ann, 218 Hannah, 195, 213, 214, 234 Harriet, 229 Henry, 214 Henry Edward Ferine, 116 J- 231 Jan, 22 Jaques, 49 Jeremiah, 253 Joakim, 170 Johannes, 22 John, 213, 268 Jos., 101 Joseph, 83, 215, 217,218 Joshua, 175 Katharine, 251 Lucretia, 126 Margaret, 158, 162 Maria, 61 Marietta, 218 Mary, 46, 128, 169, 175, 218,276 Nic.,272 Nicholas, 85, 92, 108, 214,251 Nickolaas, 57 Niclas, 91 Nicolas, 46, 94, 241 Richard, 46, 50 Sally, 133 Samuel, 268 Stilwell, Sarah, 129 Sarah A., 157 Sus.,98, 101 Susan, loi, 103, no, 113, '75 Susan Ann, 145, 155 Susanna, 83, 98, 215 Susannah, 251 Thomas, 2g, 32, 223 Thom's, 229 Willem, 22 Stilwil, Eleyas, 60 Jan, 59, 60 Joachim, 59 Stilwill, Abraham, 184 Caty, 184 Charity, 123 Gitty, 184 Stockdale, Charity, 229 Sarah, 238 Stodhoff, Catharine, 199 Stol, Johanna, 21 Stoll, Jacob, 148 Storer, Daniel, 168 Story, Celia, 107, no, 112, , 115. '23 Susan, 273 Stout, Mary, 213 Sarah, 66 S tou tenborough, An- thony, 245, 250, 251 James, 250 John, 245 Mary, 245, 250, 251 Stoutinbura, Anthony, 253 Mary, 253 Strickhousz, Elisabet, 37 Strickland, Eleanor, 167 Strockelf, Hendricka, g Struss, Gerd., 205 Metha, 205 Stryker, Cornelius, 20 Gerritje, 20 Jannetje, 20 Peter, iv. 67 Stuart, Hannah, 213 Sarah, 167 Thomas, 213 William, 213 Styversant, Christian, 67 Samuel, 67 Sugan, Catrin, 255 John, 255 Sary, 255 Sullivan, Dennis, 195 Summers, , 229 Albert, 145 Elizabeth, 209 Emily Etta, 161 George James, 147 John, sr., 230 Robert, 145, 147, 155, 161, 229 Summers, S., 158 Susan, 161 Sylvester, 155 Sumsenbach, Christoffel, 41 Jan Philip, 41 Sutlif, David, 215 Penina, 215 Valentine, 215 Sutten, Thomas, 10 Swaim, , 226 Catharine, 92, 94,97, 100 Dinah, 174, 185 Dorothy, 216 Elizabeth, 271 George, 234 George, Abraham, 146 Harry, 187 John, 185, 197, 201, 222, 269 Lenah, 124, 127 Maria, 124 Martha, 143, 152, 185, 197, 226 Martha Ann, 127, 220 Martinus, 1S5 Math., 226 Mathias, 146, 201, 227 Matthias, 269 Mary, 116, 127, 269 Mott, 223 Susanna, 171 Swaime, Benjamin, 66 Dorothy, 97 Matthew, 66 Swain, Martha, 138 Swame, Abraham, 254 Albert, 17 Johannes, 17 John Rolph, 254 Magyel, 17 Mary, 254 Willem, 17 Sweem, Anna, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33. 35. 40 Annetie, 13 Anthony, 21, 33, 36 Anthony Thysz, 21 Antie, 16 Barent, 11, 13,39,42, 51 Benyamen, 56 Catharina, 27, 58 Cornelius, 26 Elisabet, 26, 28 Elisabeth, 11, 12,14 Elizabeth, 56 Geertruyd, 48 Helena, 46, 51, 58, 59 Isaak, 59 Jannetje, 35 Joh., 36 325 Sweem, Johannes, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 35, 36, 42, 50 Johannes, jr., 21 Johannes sr., 22 John, 65 Lea, 21, 32, 36,40 Leah, 27, 29, 38 Lena, 33, 35, 39, 43, 46 Lysabet, 19 Lysbet, 21, 25, 28, 39 Magdaleen, 11 Magdalena, 14 Maria, 12,22,30,33, 34, 36, 39 Martha, 16, 17 Marya, 29, 65 Marytje, 38, 50 Mateis, 53 Mathys, 59 Matthew, 43 Matthias, 45 Matthys, 11, 21, 35, 45, 56,58 Rachel, 21, 36 Sara, 61, 65 Tys, 16, 48, 50 Willem, 22, 26 Sweenis, Anthony, 21 Jacobus, 21 Jan, 20 Joh. 21 Johannes sr., 20 Maria, 25 Sween, Matthys, 10 Saraatie, 12 Thys, 12 Sweens, Antoni, 12 Neeltie, 12 Swem, Martinus, 54 Matheus, 60 Maties, 53 Matties, 54 Swift, , 220, 238 mrs., 164 CaroUne, 237 EHza, 220 Emma, 160, 209 Eugene, 208 Isaac, 125, 131, 134, 136, 160, 220 Isaac B., 230 James Bodine, 134 Jeremiah, 136 John, 237 John William, 125 Margaret, 229 Margaret Elizabeth, 131 Mary, 237 Sarah, 160, 237 Syloy, Hester, 83 Oliver Taylor, 83 Richard, 83 Sylva, Cornelius, 225 Joseph, 166 Sylve, Richard, 269 Sylvy, Frances, 187 Hester, 187 Jas., 179 Joseph, 177 Juliana, 179 Richard, 187 Susan, 179 Symensen, Aert, 19 Christoffel, 19 Symenson, Aart, 62 Abraham, 63 Daniel, 63 Fransintye, 62 Johannes, 55 Symensse, Wyntye, 56 Symerson, Barnet, 86 Daniel, 87 Dorothy Barnes, 87 Elizabeth, 87 Isaac, 87, 171 Phebe, 86 Ruben, 86, 87 Rubin, 172 Sarah, 87 Williga, 172 Symesen, Aentje, 18 Aert, 18 Symeson, Daneel, 61 Eevert, 63 Jenneke, 65 Johennis, 61 Marretye, 63 Rem, 63 Symon, 61, 63 Symessen, Aron, 14 Barent, 10, 11, 14 Johannes, 11 Wyntie, 10 Symons, Aaltje, 50 Aart, 27, 30, 34, 36, 37, 40, 45, 48, 49 Anna, 27 Annatje, 46 Antje, 44 Barent, 32, 36 Catharina, 30, 44 Cornelius, 40 Daniel. 30 Geertie, 48 Geertruyd, 25, 48 Hans, 46, 49 Isaak,24, 43, 45 Isak, 46 Jeremias, 24 Johannes, 25, 44, 46, 48, 5°. Maria, 49 Susanna, 34 Symon, 46, 50 Symons, Wyntje, 20, 33, 36, 42, 44, 47 Symonse, Christoffel, 55 Hans, 58 Jannetye, 57 Symon, 55 Wyntye, 58 Symonsen, Art, 53 Symen, 53 Symonson, Abigail, 93 Abraham, 174 Antye, 64, 65 Barent, 64 Charles, 174 Christophel, 56 Cornells, 64 Elizabeth, 56 Geertruy, 64 Hannah, 94 Hetty, 94 Jacob, 94 Jane, 92 Johannes, 65 John, 21 1 Johnnis, 64 Maria, 64 Nicholaes, 56 Reuben, 92, 94,211, 241 Ruben, 95 Sara, 63 Symon, 56, 63 Wyntye, 55 Symonsse, Johannes, 52 Symonssen, Barent, 20 Maria, 20 Symonsz, Aart, 25, 48 Anna, 48 Antje, 31 Barent, 20, 23 Cornelia, 44 Geertruyd, 33 Isak, 27, 31 Maria, 27, 37 Marritje, 34 Martha, 39 Simon, 41 Symon, 3'. 33. 34. 35. 37 39,41,44, 48 T., Aeltye, 58 Tabor, Jesse, 167 Tucker, 165 Taege, mrs, 238 Tailor, Aaltje, 27 Abraham, 20, 24, 27, 31 37 Ephraim, 37 Pieter. 31 Rachel, 24 Talbot, John, ix 326 Taler, Alezebeth, 255 Henry, 255 Judith, 255 Talor, Abraham, 15 Abram., 19 Altje, 19 Ephraim, 15 Ephrum, 15 Margriet, 15 Tayler, Harnientje, 57 Taylor, , 241 mr., 176, 209 mrs., 116 Squires, 177 Abraam. 17 Abraham, 25, 26, 35, 42, 188 Abram., 268 Amantica, 251 Ann, 267, 271 Arriantie, 251 Benjamin, 267, 270 Catharine, 188 Chas. mrs., 232 Daniel, 252 Elizabeth, 02, 95, 99, 103, 159, 162, 171, 187, 211, 245, 246, 260 E., 200 Edward, 121 Edward R., 235 Elisabeth, 218 Eliz., 179 Emeline, 163 Ephraim, 268 Esther Pamela, 267 Fanny, 267, 270 Frances, 262 Guda, 252 Henry, 251, 252, 257, 259, 262 Hester, 97, 100, 189, 269 James, 231, 251 John, 188, 246, 259, 267, 272 Josephine Adelaid, 163 [ude, 259 Judith, 169, 252,, 257 Liddy, 262 Maregriet, 17 Martha Ann, 185 Mary, 168, 235, 268 Oliver, 187,260,262,267 OUiver, 262 Oily, 268 Peter, 252 Richard, 174 Sarah, 187, 260, 262 Thomas, 245, 246 William, 163, 209, 257 Teague, Margery, 168 Teeler, David, 55 Rachel, 58 Teeler, Samuel, 55 Teitus Aeltje, 52 Telburgh, Johannes, 17 Pieter, 17 Teller, Sarel, 19 Tellers, Aerjaenje, 19 Telston, , 169 Tenbroeck, Phoebe Ann, 207 Tenbrook, sr., 93 Henry, 93 Ten Eik, Margrietje, 22 Ten Eyk, Margaritje, 28, Tenicke, Samuel, 252 Tenor, negro, 185 Terret, Mary, 174 Terrils, mr., 273 Teunisse, Lena, 10 Nies, 10 Teyszen, Barent, 9 Maghdalena, 9 Thatcher, Charles, 188 Elizabeth, 188 Grace, 188 Thealer, Jan, 9 Ephraim, 9 Margrietie, 9 Theunissen, Jan, 14 Mary, 14 Thiebault, John F., 231 Thistle, mrs., 236 Samuel, 234 Thomas, negro, 181, 186 Elizabeth, 196 Hagar, 19I Thomas, 196 William, 196 Thompsen, John C, 195 John E„ 195 Thompson, , 271 mr., 1 1 5 Alexander R., v, 161 Ellenor, 197 Evelina, 197 Harriet Matilda, 156, 158 James, 136, 138, 141, 143, 195 John, E., 221 Joseph Lake, 141 Louis, 215 Margaret, 115, 270 Mary Elizabeth, 136 Peter, 197 Robert, 195 Samuel L., 209 Samuel, Lewis Ryess, Susan, 195, 217 William, 209 Thomson, Mary, 248 Phoebe, 172 Samuel, 248 William, 248 Thorn, Ann, 166 Catharine, 168 Emily Augusta, 225 William, 168 Thorp, Abigail, 41 E„ 79. 80 John, 41 Margreta, 41 Timothy, 41 Thorpe, E., vii, 71 Thum, Catharine, 1 41, I43. 153. Christma, 141 Ferdinand, 141, 197, 199 Jacobina, 141 Thun, Ferdinand, 139 Margaretha, 139 Thyssen, Anthony, 10 Tibou.x, mrs., 228 Tiebout, Marytje, 42 Teunis, 42, 44 Tietelo, Hieronimus, 16 Stieven, 16 Tilburgh, Mettje, 20 Pieter, 20 Tillier, William, ix Timolat, Henry N., 207 Tites, Aaltje, 30 Cornells, 26 Jannetje, 43 Sara, 32 Syrah, 26 Tites, 30, 32, 33 Titesz, Teunis, 51 Tites, t;i Titsoer, Metie, 17 Titus, Aeltje, 54 Titusz, Antje, 45 Maria, 36 Marytje, 47 Svrah, 39 Tites, 36 Titus, 39, 45. 47 Tocet, Susanna, 53 Toers, Aaron, 20 Judith, 20 Pietertje, 20 Tom, 181, 182 Tompkins, Daniel D., iv Tompson, , mr., 228 Tonpet, Henrietta V., 228 Tooker, Ann Matilda, 127 John, 120 John M., I9I John N., 127,190 Julia Eliza, 120 Torrance, Alfred, 156 Daniel, 156 327 Torrence, Elliot, 230 Totten, Charity, 254, 257, 258 Ephrahim, 257 Joseph, 254, 272 Lavina, 174 Letitia, 272 Mary, 258 Rachel, 272 Silas, 254, 257, '258 Toupet, , 22g Touppet, E. Louisa, 230 Tourneur, Benjamin, 34 Woodhul, 34 Townsend, , 228, 229, 237 mr., 228 E., 237 Henry v., 235 John, 196 Sarah, 196 William, 196,233 Trot, Thomas, 166 Trott, Thomas, 268 Truxton, Sarah, 273 Tubbs, Frances, 197 Tucker, Abraham, 215 George, 230 Phebe, 185 Turner, , 226 Eliz. A., 207 Jeremiah, 195, 228 Judith, 195 Tuthill, Ann Jane, 183 Elizabeth, 183 Israel, 1S3 Tyaden, Jhns Jansen, 205 Tylborgh, Jorius, 19 Pieter, 19 Tyler, Rachel, 57 Tysen, Catharine Adeline, 208 Cornelia, 67 Emeline C, 208 Harmen, 208 Harriet, 233 John, 66 John, jr., 66 Jno., jr., 67 Louisa, 237 Mary, 169, 178 Raymond, 208 Tyson, ,212,233 Abraham, 184, 196 Edwin, 205 Elizabeth, 228 Hannah, 195 Jane, 205 John, 167, 199 Margaret Ann, 194 Mary, 196, 212 Peter, 196 Richard, 184, 199 Tyssen, Cornells, 10 Elisabeth, 10 U Upton, Mary, 177 Usselton, Sara, 24, 28 Utely, br., vi Richard, vii, 73, 74 Utley, Richard, 71 Vachereau, Susanna, 270 Valkenburgh, , 59 Van, Phoebe, 270 Van , Sara, 54 Seimen, 54 Van Allen, , mrs., 230 Van Amen, Saertie, 18 Symon, 18 Vanamour, David, 173 Vanbilt, Hannah Maria, 144 Phoebe Jane, 136 Van Boskerk, Fytje, 51 Jannetje, 37, 40, 43, 46, 48,49 Van Brakel, Maria, 39 Matthys, 36, 39 Rachel, 36 Van Brunt, Catharina, 35, 39,42,45.49. 51 William, 269 Van Campen, Aeltie, 16 Arent, 17 Christina, 14 Elsie, 16 Gerrit, 18 Giedie, 16 Gydeon, 18 Gydon, 19 Hendrick, 13, 14, 16, 18 Johanes, 18 Johannes, 12, 14,16, 17 Lammert, 14 Laurens, 13 Martha, 12 Mary, 14 Marytie, 16, 18 Vance. James Wads- worth, 224 Oliver, 224 Sarah, 224 Vancleaf, Cornelius, 262 Elisabeth, 262 Hester, 262 Martha, 257, 261 Mary, 261 Mattho, 253 Sarah, 261 Van Cleaf, Daniel, 240 253, 257, 261 Van Cleef, mrs., 193 Anletchy, 187 Beniamin, 17 Cornelius, 47 Daniel, 187 Isebrant, 17 Jacob, 186, 187 Jan, 47 Johannes, 16 Letty, 187 Martha, 187 Sofia, 16 Vanclef, Benjamin, 255 Marta, 255 Van Clef, Daniel, 251, 255 John, 251 Vancleif, Sarah, 269 Vancleve, Nicolas, 174 Van Clief, D., 273 Mary, 270 Van Cott, James, 197 Van Crampens, Louwer- ens, 19 VandeBiit, Hilletie, 15 Jacob, 15 Rem, 15 Vandel, Peter, 269 Vandelip, Dennice, 253 Ellas, 253 Martha, 253 Vanden Bergh, Geesle, 16 Rut, 16 Vanderbeak, John, 21 1 Mary, 211 Van der Beak, Mary, 89 Vanderbeck, Doritje, 54 Van Derbeck, Jan, 54 Vanderbeeck, Burger, 64 Conradus, 64 Llesabet, 64 Van der Beek, Dorothea, 35 Jan, 22 Jaques, 28 Lena, 47 Martha, 28 Rem, 22, 25, 28, 35, 47 Vander Beek, Sophia, 22 Vanderbllt, , 215, 231- 234 capt., 231 Aaron, 115,118, 120, 123 130,218 Ann Amelia, 164 Benjamin Simonson 120,218 Betsey, 192 C.,97 C, jr., 106 Catharine, 77, 223 Catharine Ann, 138 , Catharine Juliette, 136 Cecilia, 202 328 Vanderbilt, Celia, 195 V Charles Henry, 163 Charlotte, loi, 104, 108, no, 114, 115, 118, 122, 175,196 Christian Ann, 112 Corn., 112, 136, 156, 175 Corn., sr., 118 Cornelia, 64 Cornelius, 74,75, 89, 92, 97, 99, 106, 118, 122, 124, 129, 130, 132, 133, 136-138, 140, 174, 184, 192, 195, 202,220, 221, 223,225 Cornelius, jr., iio, 112, 114, 117, 125, 221 Cornelius, sr., 114, 122, 214 Cornelius E., 233 Cornelius Egbert, 139 Cornelius Jeremiah, 129 Cornelius Taylor, 130 Corns., 203 Dane EUenwood, 231 Dorothy, 73, 76 Edw., 138 Edward, 90, 117, 119, 126, 139, 188,198,202, 205,233 Edward Ward, 141 Eleanor, 74 Eleonora, 92 Eleonore, 178 Ellen, 123, 144, 221 Ellen v., 202 Emily Elmira, 117 Elijah Rhine, 137 Eliz., 110 Eliza, 130, 148, 164, 221 Eliza Ann, 144, 202 Elizabeth, 84, 90, 106, 107, no-113, 144, 180, 188. 195, 211, 219, 221 Elizabeth Ann, 117, 161 Ethelinde, no, 136 Eva Louisa, 163 Frances Lavinia, 124 Frederick Putnam, 224 George Washington, 132, 140, 223 Hanna Maria, 149 Hannah Maria, ng, 198 Henrietta, 164 Hester Maria, 205 Hetty, 150, 215 Hetty Maria, 125, 202, 220 Isaac, n5, 231 Isabella, 108, ni, n3, 115, 118, 122,126,132, 144, 180,213, 215, 221, 224 anderbilt, Jac, 238 Jacob, 73, 75, 77, 95. 97. 103, 130, 144, 169, 210, 211, 218, 224, 234, 264 Jacob Ellis, 226 Jacob H., 144, 195 Jacobus, vii James Oliver, 146 Jane, 89, 184 John, 73, 84, 90, 92, 94, 95, 99, 103, 105-108, 111-113, 116, 120, 123, 233,141, 144, 147, 163. 164, 180,187, 188, 192, 195,196,202,203, 211, 221, 225, 228 John, jr., 107, no, 112, 115 John, sr., 218, 219, 222, 230 John E., 205 John Edward, 126 John R., 202 John William, 164 Joseph, 74 Leena, 64 Lydia, 207 Lydia Ann, 140 M., 206, 208 Margarett Metcalf, 130 Maria Louisa, 122 i\lary, 73-75, 97. 100,130, 149, 154, 174.202, 214, 225 Mary Alicia, 133 Mary Ann, 198, 233 Mary Clara, 164 Mary Elizabeth, 118 Neiltje, vii Nieltie, 210 Oliver, 74. 84, no, 112, 138, 141, 146, 164, 208, 215, 220, 223 Phebe, 74, 89,92,97,98, loi, no, 144, 174. 175. 184 Phebe Jane, 106 Phoebe, 232 Phoebe Jane, 136 Presilla, 196 Priscilla, 147 Rachel, 264 Richard Taylor,lo7,2l9 Robert, 264 Sarah, 92, 116, ng, 122, 125, 137. 138,141. 163. 164,187 Sarah Ann, no, 144. 196 Sarah Catharine, 123 Sarah Elizabeth, 122, 203 Sarah Louisa, 138 Sophia, 112, 118, 124 Vanderbilt, Sophia J., 156 Thomas, 172 Vettje, vii William H., viii William Henry, 114 Van der Bilt, Antje, 30,46 Charlotte, 83 Cornelius, vii, viii, 42, 80,81,83,84,87 Elizabeth, 83, 86 Essabel, 86 Femmetje, 23, 24, 26, 30 Hilletje, 23 Jacob, vii, 23, 2;, 26,28, 32, 37, 42, 44. 48, 81 Jacobus, 28 Johannes, 37 John, 83, 86, 171 Magdalena, 32 Mary, 80 Phebe, 80, 81,83, 84, 87 Rem, 17 Van Derbilt, Jacob, 66 Van der Bosch, Laurens, in Van der Hoef , Gerrit, 49 Hendrick, 49 Van der Hoeve, Johannes, 35 Van der Hoeven, An- thony, 40 Cornelius, 26 Elisabeth, 33 Joh., 21 Johannes, 26, 29, 30, 33, 40 Lea, 21, 29 Susanna, 24-26 Van der Hu ven , Joh- annes, 14 Vanderlip, Boude, 256 Mary, 256 Thomas, 256 Van der Schure, Fem- metje, 31 Van deventer, Abraham, 75 , Ann, 165 Elisabeth, 170 Elizabeth, 75 lohn, 210 Mary, 75 Van Deventer, Cornelius, vii Geertruyd, 28, 30 Geertruydt, 27 Vandick, Ann, 251 Catharine, 251 Zachariah, 251 Vandike, Ann, 247 Jacob, 247 Zacharias, 247 329 Vandr Bill, Antje, 24, 26, 27.3' Femmetje, 48 Van Dusen, Daniel, 270 Vanduser, Abraham, 116 John, 116, iig John Vanderbilt, 119 Van Duser, Abraham, 184 Ann, 187 Daniel, 187, 221 Daniel C, 221 Ellen, 221 Isaac Housman, 122 Jacob Taylor, 125 John, 122, 125, 130, 187 Louisa, 221 Oliver Vanderbilt, 130 Sarah, 130, 203 Vanduzer, Abraham, 148, 154 Abrm., 151 Elisabeth Ann, 141 Eliza Ann, 151, 154 Ellen Louisa, 151 Eveline, 154 Isaac, 154 Isaac Oliver, 154 Jacob, 154 Jacob mrs., 146 John, 141, 151, 154 John Housman, 154 John V. Junr, 148 Margaret, 154 Mary, 154 Peter Winant, 154 Sarah, 148, 151, 154 Sarah Catharina, 148 Sarah Elizabeth, 148, 151.229 Van Duzer, Abraham, 157 161, 163, 202 Ann Lyle, 161 Anna M., 158, 159 Daniel Clyde, 159 Daniel Theodore, 137, 138, 224 Edward Vanderbilt, 161 Eliza Ann, 163 Elizabeth, 163 Elizabeth Ann, 157 Emma, 237 Evelina, 231 George, 236 Henry Carey, 163 Isaac, 157, 159, 163 Isaac H., 203 Jacob, 141, 157,158,159, 162, 163 Jacob Theodore, 157 John, 137, 138, 157, 202, 203, 224, 229 John Jacob, 157 Van Duzer, Lilian, 159 Margaret, 157-159, 162 Margareth, 163 Mary, 157, 159, 163 Mary Emma, 157 Mary Louisa, 141 Percival, 162 Peter W., 231 Peter Winant, 157 Priscilla, 163 S.. 157 Sarah, 158, 159, 168,202, 224 Sarah E., 231 Wm. Oliver, 158 Van Dyck, Annetie, g Hendrick, 9 Van Dyk, Catharina, 35, 39 Cornelius, 45 Elisabeth, 28 Henricus, 25 Jacob, 35, 39, 42, 45 Lambert, 25, 28 Tryntje, 35 Zacheus, 42 Van Dyke, John, 272 VanEngelen, Ahasuerus, 13, 26 Elisabeth, 47 Rachel, 13,39,43.44.46, 48,51.57 Ragel, 54 Van Gelder, Anna, 41, 49 Annaatje, 44 Henricus, 49 Lena, 44, 48, 50 Sophia, 49 Van Hoorn, Antje, 30 Jan, 30 Jannetje, 24, 30, 42, 47, 49 Neeltye, 60 Vanhoren, Neeltye, 62 Vanhorne, Jacob, 98 Sarah Egbert, 98 Van Houten, Abraham, 178 Janneke, 50 Van Kleef, Isebrant, 15 Jannetie, 15 Van Lawa, Dina, 50 Henrik, 26 Van Leeuwen, Dina, 44, 46,48 Frederyk, 22 Hendrik, 22, 35 Lena, 35 Van Naanie, Sara, 61 Van Name, Aaron, 182, 186, 197 Anna, 26 Cath., 182 Van Name, Charles, '97 Cornelius, 186 Deborah, I97 Edward, 113 Eliza Augusta, 118 Johannes, 33 John R., 204 Mary, 182 Michael, 113, 118, 182 Moses, 182 Van Namen, Aaron, 20 Anna, 22, 30, 32, 40 Antye, 62 Aron, 56, S7, 59, 62, 65 Dina, 29, 40 Engelbart, 13, 14 Engelbert, 21, 26 Evert, 12, 13, 20, 24 Helena, 60 lucres, 54 Jenneke, 46 Jenneken, 24 Joh., 26, 37, 40 Johannes, 19, 21, 31, 40 Joseph, 13 Maria, 20, 26 Michael, 115 Moses, 30 Mosis, 65 Pieter, 19 Rachel, 59 Rebecca, 26 Sara, 16, 24, 26, 29, 31, 43.54 Sarlje, 18 Simon, 16, 30, 36, 39 Sophia, 1 15 Symon, 18, 20 Van Namer, Mary, 169 Van Namur, Aaron, 179 Ann, 186 Cornelius, 186 David, 173 Elizabeth, i6g Frances, 179 Mary, 179, 182 Michael, 182 Moses, 169, 182 Van Nes, Anna, 31 Isak, 31 Van Nieuwenhuysen, Jo- hannes, 19 Van Norman, Mary, 174 Van Pe, Antje, 38 Van Peldt, Anna, 67 Antony, 57 Kadlyna, 51 Maria, 57 Vanpelt, Abraham, 196 Ann, 196 Antye, 64 Barber, 64 330 Vanpelt, David, 196 Derckye, 55 Elizabeth, 79 Jeams, 79 John, 65 Maria, 52 Mary, 65 Peater, 64 Sara, 63, 64 Simon, 52 Van Pelt, , 59, 225, 226, 232 Aart 26 Abm., 109 Abraham, 99, 102, 109, 176 Abrm., 226 Aeltie, 10 Aeltje, 17, 18 Aert, i5 Alice, 77 Altje, 18, 19 Amy, 99 Ann, 79, 183, 210 Anna, 58 Annetie, 9 Antje, 33, 40, 46, 47. 49, 53 Antony, 29, 34, 38, 44, 47, 58, 65, 250, 252, 258 Antye, 55 Aron, 178 Barbara, 57, 66, 272 Blandina, 20, 30-32, 34- 40, 45.47, 51 Blandyena, 1 1 Cathalyn, 14 Catharina, 16 Catharine, 121, 125, 187 Cathrine, 173 Catlyna, 55 Catlyntje, 21, 22, 24, 30, 38, 40, 50, 54 Charlotte, 183 David, 63, 183, 271 Derckie, 16 Derkje, 54 Dirkje, 47 Elezabeth, 255 Elizabeth, 58, 177, 192, 256-258, 260,271 Elsje, 42, 45, 50,52 Feeby, 250 Francis, 250 Franky, 268 Georg, 87 George, 184, 187, 204, 215, 229, 258, 270, 272 George Washington, 131 Grietje, 47 Hanna, 175 Van Pelt, Hannah, 262, 268 Helena, 38 Hendrick, 9, 10, 21, 24 Henrik, 31 Jacob, 12, 14, i6-20, 22- 24, 26, 30, 32, 35, 61, 182, 187, 255, 257, 258 Jacomyntje, 24, 25, 27, 33 James, 256 Jan, 9, II, 12, 14-16, 18, 21-25,29,34,35.38-43. 44. 45. 47. 50. 52-58 Jan, jr., 54 Jan Tennis, 12 Jane, 77 Jane R., 209 Jannetje, 53 Jannetye, 59 Jennie, 57 Johannes, 11, 13, 14, 16- 19,21,22,25,30,34,40, 53.57 John, iv, 62, 66, 79, 131, 136, 170, 184, 186, 210, 230-232, 249, 250, 252, 253, 256, 258, 260, 262 John Christopher, 131 Joost, 16, 18, 19, 47, 48 Joseph, 256, 260 Judy, 79 Lena, 39-41, 208 Maragrietye, 56 Margaret, 191, 249, 250, 258, 271 Margret, 252, 253, 256. 262 Margrit, 260 Maria, 12, 23, 26, 2q, 33, 36, 41. 43. 45. 52, 55. 61 Marritie, 9 Mary, 87, 184, 249, 255, 257 Mary Elizabeth, 136 Marya, 21, 61 Marytie, 16 Marytje, 31, 37,45 Moses, 177 Nenne, 14 Nieltje, 54 Peter, 87, 126, 131, 173, 183,184,186, 187, 191, 192, 199, 204,234, 250, 258,271 Peter I., iv Peterus, 58 Petrus, 18, 50, 61 Petures, 52 Phoebe (Fetby), 250 Pieter, 12-20, 22, 27, 31, 40, 47, 56. 57. 63, 175 Van Pelt, Rachel, 59 Richard, 173 Richd., 192 Saartje, 38 Safya, 59 Samuel, 14, 18, 56, 58, 182 Sara, 13-15, 19, 21, 25, 38, 48, 50, 52, 53, 56, 63,65 Sarah, 56, 102, 165, 171 Sarah Ann, 182 Sartje, 19 Seymon, 53 Simon, 13, 16 Susan, 121, 126, 136, 191, 221 Susanna, 38, 54, 57, 62, 252,258 Susannah, 250 Synion, 47, 51, 57, 58 Teunis, 30, 34, 40, 45, 48, 49 Theunis, 9, 260 Tony, 39, 41 Treintje, 52 Tunis, 131, 250 Willem, 17, 47 William, 52, 77, 169 Van Ranst, Peter, 40 Sara, 40 Van Santen, Josua, II Stoffel, 10, II Van Santvoord, Corn, 28 Cornelius, 22, 28, 40, 48, 5'^ Van Santvord, Johanna, 52 Van Schayk, Margaretha, 25 Van Schuere, Catharina, 61 Van Schuren, Chathrine, 67 Van Schuure, Catharina, 56 Catrina, 52 Van Sekelen, Elisabeth, 52 Van Seuren, Catrina, 54 Van Sheure, Catharina, 55.61 Vanscice, Cathrine, 250 Charles, 250 Joseph, 250 Sarah De Hart, 250 Vansise, Sara, 165 Van Syle, Lydia, 167 Van Tilburgh, Dirkje, 21, 25,29,31,33,36,42,45 Henricus, 34 Pieter, 24, 34 Willem, 24 531 Van Tuil, Abraham, lo, 13 Elena, 13 Geertruyt, 10 Isaack, F., 10 Otto, 63 Van Tuyl, Ab., 36 Abraham, 13, 23, 41,43" 46, 50, 51, 53, 56 Anna, 27 Antje, 24 Catharina, 24 Catharyntie, 13 Denys, 41, 45, 50 Femmetje, 50, 53 Geertruyd, 29, 36,43-45 Helena, 40, 41, 44. 45 Isaac, 13 Isaack, 24, 29, 46 Isak, 45 Jan, 45,46 Johannes, 49 Machiel, 51 Neeltje, 45. 5° Otto, 23, 56, 60 Van Vleek, Henry, vi VanVoorhees, Femmetje, 27 Jacobus, 31 Jan, 31,36, 37. 43 Jan Stevens, 27 Koert, 28 Neeltje, 43 Roelof, 36 WiUempje, 27 Van Voorhes, Maria, 49 Roelof, 49 Van Wagene, Gerrit, 15 Hendrik, 60 Johannes, 57 Marregrietye, 60 Van Wagenen mr., 203 Annaetye,6o Annatje, 61 Antje, 50, 54 Catharina, 60 Cornelus, 54, 56, 60 Hendrick, 61 Manes, 60 Maragrita, 56 Van Wageninge, Jacob, 37 Van Wageningen, Jacob Gerritsz, 47 Jacobus, 42 Lea, 42 Van Wagenne, Cornells, 62 Hendrik, 62 Johannes, 62 Lena, 62 Vanwinkel, Eghye, 65 Van Winkel, Aaghje, 37 Aaltje, 48 Van Winkel, Daniel, 37, 44.48.49 Elias, 169 Van VVogelom, Adriaan, 17 Adriaen, 13, 15 Cristina, 53 Van Woggelom, Abra- ham, 41 Adriaan, 38, 40, 41 Ary, 27, 32 Blandina, 14 Christina, 38, 40, 42, 43. 4Q. 50 Cornelius, 39 Douwe, 29, 30, 35, 39, 51 Hilletye, 41 Jan, 33. 38 Jan, jr., 14 Jan Staats, 35 Zuster, 29 Van Woglom, Annatje, 54 Antje, 52 Arey, 18 Arie, 54 Crestina, 52 Douw, 19 Douwen, 52 Jan, 18 Van Woglum, Anna, 27 Andries, 31 Ary, 23, 26-28, 31 Catharina, 48 Christina, 48 Douwe, 27, 48 Hilletje, 23, 24, 29 Johanna, 23 V. Duzer, Ann, 184 Daniel, 184, 236 Debora, 102 Julia, 236 Vechten, Catharyna, 19 Gerrit, 10, 14 Jan, 14 Johan, 19 Magdaleentie, 14 Maghdalena, 10 Nicolaes, 14 Veghte, Cornelia, 17 Gerret, 18 Gerretye, 57 Gerrit, 26 Gerritje, 26, 30, 31, 42 47 Henrik, 34 Jan, 17, 18,24,28,30,31 34,35,45 Jannetje, 30 Nicolass, 45 Veghten, Jan, 22 Jannetye, 56 Johannes, 22 Veldtman, Geertruyda, 61 Jan, 55, 61 Jannetje, 61 Velein, Ludwig, 203 Veltman, , 59 Geertruyt, 57 Hendereck, 52 Hendrik, 52, 59 Jan, 53, 57 John, 63 Maria, 53 Ven Pelt, Sara, 61 Verbeck, John Renatus, 96 Verkerk, Mayke, 37 Verschuur, Cathrina, 50 Vesey, William, viii Vetyto, Petrus, 18 Steven, 18 Vielen, Antje, 20 Cornells, 9 Vile, Antje, 24 Blandina, 20, 27, 29 Elisabet, 39 Vilen, Antje, 24, 27 Villette, Judith, 89 Taylor, 89 Vincnant, Zedick, 171 Vleereboom, Tryntje, 30, 31 Vlierboom, Catharma, 21 Catharyna, 25 Jannetje, 34, 40, 43 Tryntje, 31, 39 Vliereboom, Tryntje, 44 V. Name, Dina, 37 V. Namen, Sara, 26 V. Namur, Maria, 183 Vogler, William H., viii Wm. H., 71 Voke, Christopher, 264 John, 264 Mary, 264 Voorhis, Julia Palmer, 206 M., 206 Mary, 202 Mary Elizabeth, 149, 154,202 Vooris, Howard, 137 Julia Parmer, 137 Mary, 137, 138 Mary Elizabeth, 137 V. Pelt, Sally, 183 , Samuel, 183 Vredenburg, ,231,232 Vreeland, Derrick, 67 George, 188 Jacob, 67, 188, 208 James, 162, 208 Jas., 160 Jennie Martling, 162 Rebecca, 188 Wilhelmus, ix 332 Vreelant, Jannetje, 37, 44, 49 Metje, 50 Michiel, 50 Vreland, Helmig, 60 Jannetje, 60 Johannes, 60 Vrelandt, Jenneke, 51 Magiel, 51 Vrelant, Helmis, 62 Helniog, 60 Jannetje, 48 Jannitye,62 Machgiel, 62 Vrielandt, Metje, 51 Vrome, Rachel Ann, 235 Vroom, , 214 Catharine, 160, 209 Christopher, 151, 188, 202,209 Eliza Taylor, 164 Elizabeth, 209 Elizabeth S., 164 George W., 164 Georgiana, 228 Mary, 188 Richard Blake, 2og William V., 202 Vroome, , 238 sr., 154 Alb., 208 Albert, 163, 208 Ann Eliza, 154 Carolina, 163 Catharine, 163 Christian, 67 Christian, sr., 66 Christopher, 152, 158, 161, 162, 239 Elizabeth, 66 Gar., 238 Garret, 161 Garrett, 206 Garrit, 151 Garry, 158, 161 George, 159, 162 Georgianna, 147 Lewis, 238 Louis Taylor, 162 Lenora \Valker, 159 Lydia, 163 Maria, 163, 239 Maria Ann, 159 Maria Louise, 149 Martha Jane, 163 Mary Ann, 152 Mary Anna, 158 Peter Houseman, 239 Sarah Elizabeth, 161 Will., 163 William, 157, 161, 163 William White, 67 Wm., 147. 149. 154. 158 Vroome, Wm. Emmett, 157,234 V. Santvoord, Anna, 25 Corn., 23, 25, 31, 37, 44 Jacoba, 37 Maria Catharina, 23 Staats, 31 Zeger, 44 V. Tuyl, Abraham, 28 V. Woggelum, Christina, 33.35.51 Douwe, 31, 33 V. Woglom, Beelletje, 54 Vyle, Pieter, 1 1 W Waacker, Ledey, 9 Wade, br., vi Eleanor, 272 John, vii, 71, 73 Wadsworth, Elisabeth, 197 John, 197 Mary, 197 Wagener, Adam, 141, I99 Waggelom, Suster, 55 Waglom, Caroline, 162 Jan, 13 Margaret Anna, 158 Peter Anderson, 158, 162 Waglon, Catharine, 245 John, 245 Waglum, , 170 Abraham, 269 Andres, 246 Catharine, 269 Elizabeth, 246 Jane, 269 John, 273 Joshua, 270 Mary, 273 Nelly, 246 Wagner, Clara, 154 Wagstaff, Agnes, 232 Wait, Ann, 239 Wakeham, , mrs., 231 Walderon, Jacolsus, 49 Joseph, 49 Walker, , 232 Jacob, 197 John, 197 Maria, 197 Waller, Catherine Eliza- beth Burgher, 129 Charles, 129 Jocelyn, 225 Walls, Ann, 263 George Nathaniel, 263 James, 263 Walter, Anna Catharina, 155 Walter, John, 149 Walters, Sara, 44 Wandel, Charity, 171 Danl., 220 Jane, 175 John, 169 Mary Elizabeth, 220 Mathew, 266 Peter, 191, 266 Sarah, 191, 266 Wandell, Ann, 193 Daniel, jr., 206 David, 206 Elisa, 230 Henry D., 233 Julia, 237 Peter, 235 Peter S., 230 Peter S., jr., 238 Philip, 237 Sarah, 234 Sarah Ann, 207 Wappelrie, Elisabeth, 9 Ward, mrs., 141 Ann, 169 Anne, 74 Charity, 74 Elisabet, 24, 27 Johanna, 171 Maria, 208 Sara, 167 William, 74 Warner, Edmund, 168 Julia C., 207 Warren, Catharine, 120 James, 173 Joshua, 120 Phebe Ann Glazier, 120 Waters, A., 254 Ann, 126 Elizabeth, 167 Helen, 122 John U., 122, 126 William, 122 Wauterzen, Jan, g Web, Aaltje, 30 Webb, Mary, 249 Richard, 167,249 Weber, Francesca, 158 Webs, Aaltje, 26 Weeb, Alchey, 264 Noyche, 264 Richard, 264 Weed, , 236 , mr., 236 Weidenmiller, Caroline, 149 Weidmuller, Carl Hein- rich Christian, 153 Caroline, 151 Heinrich, 153 Weliams, Maria, 52 333 Wels, Lambert, 12 Welsh, Richard, 235 Wendel, Aletta, 75-77, 210 Anne, 76 Anne Mary, 75 Charity, 76 John, 75-77, 210 Thomas, 77, 210 Walter, 191 White, , 225 Catharine L., 204 Erskine N., iv George, 197 Isabella, 236 Jane, 197 John, 123, 171, 197, 214, 215 John C, 236 Mary Louise, 130 Nancy, 185 Pinkney, 236 Rebecca, 215 Rebekah, 130 Richard, 123, 130, 225 Richd., 215 Sara, 166 William, 212 Whitehead, , 232 Elias, 209 Whithead, John, 24 Whitman, Susanna, 29 Whitsworth, , 225 John, jr., 225 Whitworth, John, 225 Whrite, Andrew, 261 John, 261 Juda, 261 Wians, , 232 Widsworth, Elizabeth, 137 John, 137 Margaretha Ann, 137 Mary, 137 Wilhelm, Johann, 199 Wilhelmin, Leonhart, 195 Willemsen, Antie, 16 Hendreck, 17 Hester, 53 Ragel, 53 Williams, B., igg Benjamin Y., 199 Catharine, 199 Hester, 267 John, 167, 267 Lamont, 205,235 Maria, 52 Rebecca, 267 Stephen H., 201 William, 171, 219, 267 Wilmot, Thomas, 48 Wilson, Abraham Noble, 146 Grace Noble, 148 Wilson, James, 204 Margaret, 168 Robert, 184 - William, 146, 148 Winant, ; 188, 229, 230, 233 Abraham, 177, 248, 258 Ann, 248, 252, 265, 267 Charily, 262 Charles H., 226 Christian, 259 Cornelous, 255 Cristyan, 255 Daniel, 252, 254, 265 Danl., 230 Elizabeth, 258, 262 George, 259 George Henry Tyson, 147 Hannah, 262 Isaac, 262 Jacob, 195, 263 Jeremiah, 182 Johannah,263 John, 182, 262, 263 Lizabet, 254 Mark, 225 Mary, 126, 128,248,258, 265 Peter, 255, 259, 262,265, 267 Rachel, 254 Sarah, 182 Simon, 182 Susannah, 252, 267 William, 147, 179, 2oi Winant, 265 Wm., 229 Wm., sr., 234 Winants, Abraham, 254 Catharine, 267 Cornelas, 254 Cornelia, 267 Cornelius, 267 Mary, 254 Winet, Ann, 189 Winnens, Daniel, 250 Rachel, 250 Winnett, Charles Henry, 207 Winning, Ann, I2g Ann Louise, 129 George William, 129 William, 129 Winnings, Isabella, 193 William, 193 Wm., 193 Winsor, mrs., 204 George, 204 Winter, Abadia, 36 Elizabeth, 268 Frans, 22 Winter, Geertje, 31, 35, 50 Jan, 39, 42 Jesias, 39 Margreta, 36, 39 Maria, 42 Obadia, 35 Ohadiah, 50 Obadias, 22, 28, 31 Rebecca, 50 Susanna, 39 Winters, Elizabeth, 216 Susanna, 20 Wisselpenning, Gerritje, 26 Wolby, mr., 209 Woersman, Marie, 33 Woertman, Maria, 31, 34, 35. 37,41, 44 Wogelom, Jan Pieterszen, 9 Woggelom, Blandina, 12 Johan, 12 Woggelum, Blandiena, 10 Christyntien, 12 Grytie,9 Hilletje, 36 Johan, 12, 15 Suster, 15 Woglom, Peter, 186 Simon, 186 Woglum, Hilletje, 23, 28 Wohlfahrt, Friderika, 204 Woinat, Corn., 34 Cornells, 24 Hendrikje, 24 Wolf, Anna Maria, 149 Charles, 164 Maria Eliz., 236 Wolfe, Sarah, 197 Wolfen, Maria, 141 Wolly, Elihu, 165 Wood, , 219, 226, 233 mr., 176 Abbey Ann, 219 Abraham, 183, 252, 266 Abraham Aston, 103 Abraham S.,208 Agnes, 163 Alice, 264, 265 Ann, 180, 193, 264, 266 Barbara, 233 Bradley, 163 Cath., 184 Catharina, 127 Cathrine, 186, 187, 214, 267 Charles, 272 Charles D., 193 Cornells, 266 Daniel, 185 David, 191 334 Wood, Deina, i88 Demah, i88 Edward, i6o, 205 Elce, 263 Eles, 265, 266 Elias Marsh, 108 Elisabeth, 250, 263 Elizabeth, 117, 163 173, 181, 191, 203, 246, 257, 262, 263, 271 Emeline, 136 Emily, 226 Emmeline Hillyer, Eve, 252 George, 246, 250 George Colon, 109 Henrietta, 151 Isaac, 270 Israel, 192 Jacob, 165 Jacob Clendenne, i James, 104, no, 144, 180, 183, 191, 193, 226, 252, 263, 264, 271 James B., 151 Jane, 184 Jannetje, 31 Jemima, 268 Jesse, 273 John, 167, 1S8, 189, 205,233,246,255, 259, 261, 264, 270, John Grondain, 257 Joseph, 180, 264 Margaret, 257, 271 Margaret Ann, 113 Margareth Ann, 19! Margret,255, 261 Martha, 175 Mary, 80, 98, 166, 193, 194, loS, 254, 257, 260-262, 264, 267 Mary Ann, 144, 145, Mary Augusta, 160 Moses, 100, 103, 106, 112, 175.214, 234 Nancy, 218, 264 Obadia, 35 Patience, 263 Peter, 107, no, 113, 198 Phoebe, 271 Polly, 217 Richard, 41, 254, 267, 270 Richard Webb, 80 Richd., 184 Ruth, 183 Ruth Mary, 100 167, 213, 268, 107 06 158, 219, 266, 193. 257. 272 181, 255. 265, ■59 109, 180, '67. Wood, Saml., 219 Stephen, 31, 35, 41, 80, 104, 108, n7, 165, 166, 176, 180, 185, 188,218, 260-266, 270 Stephen Lawrence, 264 Steven, 35 Susannah, 266 Timothy, 170, 181, 187, 257, 264, 268 Vincent, 266 William, 192 William Barber, 266 William Henry, 158 Woodland, J. A., 207 John E., 2q8 Woods, Cath, 200 Joseph, 239 Woodruff, Uavid, 268 Woodward, Isaac, 271 Mary Elizabeth, 202 Wouters, Antie, 15 Antje, 24 Beniamin, 15 Cornells, 10 Jacob, 10, 15 Lambert, 13 Sara, 13 Wreath, Isabella, 102 Write, Hannah, 264 John, 259, 263, 264 Jude, 259 Judy, 264 Mary, 263 Wright, , 271 Cath., 183 Catharine, 180, 188 Elizabeth, 188 George W., 203 Hannah, 271 Henricus, 37 Henry, 37 Jacob, 33 Jean, 268 John, 260 Joshua, 180 Judah, 185 Judith, 260 Mary, 183, 271 Polly, 185 Susan, 201 Susanna, 33 Thomas, 183, 188, 273 Wunsch, Frederick, 204 Wyllemit, Maritje, 17 Wynand, Francis, 174 Wynandts, Pieter, 23 Wynandt, 23 Wynant, , 271 Abm., 273 Ann, 270 Catharine, 270, 272 Wynant, Cornells, 28, 32, Cornelius, 35 Daniel, 181, 271 Elisabet, 28 Elizabeth, 180, 269-271 Frances, 181 George, 180, 270 Hannah, 273 Isaac, 270 Jane, 270, 271 Jesse, 180 John, 270 Lanah, 272 Maria, 32 Mary, 181, 269-271,273 Mary Ann, 270 Moses, 271 Patty, 270 Peter, 269 Pieter, 16, 32 Sarah, 181 Wynant, 35 Wynants, Abraham, 30 Antje, 45, 46 Daniel, 36 Catharina, 23, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35. 37. 39 Cathrina, 46 Cathryna, 32, 38 Cathryntje, 38 Geertje, 41 Jacob, 34 Johannes, 42 Johannis, 38 Peter, 32 Pieter, 23, 24, 36, 39, 41. Wynant, 30, 34, 36 Wynantse, Pieter, 12 Yarrel, Thomas, vii, 71, 74 75 Yates, Abraham, 40 Joseph, 40,218, 248, 268 Martha, 248 Sarah, 248, 272 Yeates, Abraham, 246 Joseph, 246 Sarah, 246 yellard, Ann, 268 Yennes, John, 64 Mareya,64 Yerks, Mary M., 203 Yocom, Thomas S., xi Yoons, Eva, 63, 64 York, negro, 241 Young, Ann, 267 Charles, 200 Elisabeth, 175 335 Young, Elizabeth Claw- son, 99 George, 267 Mary, 109 Thomas, 267 Zeller, Elizabeth, 166 Zeluff, Daniel, 268 Sarah, 268 Zielofs, Blandina, 56 Pieter, 56 Zikkel, Elisabet, 47, 49 Zilkens, August, 204 Zimsenbach, Philip, 50 Zinzendorf, count, vi Zorn, Esther Ruth Eliza, 164 G e o rg iana, Theodora Jacobina, 164 John Theodor, 164 Z u m s e nbach, Christina, 44 Hanna, 47 Johan Philip, 44, 47 Zutphen, Abraham, 33, 34, 38,42 Antje, 38 Jannetje, 42 Maria, 34 Zvveem, Johannes, I9