TX 715 .B65 Copy 1 u e l^ue Hens Chickens o f^^ <0 V ^ The Other Side of Good mil EVERY merchant knows thxit a successful business is built by making a friend of the customer. A disgruntled customer, or, oiie with a ^'chip on the shoulder'' against a store, can work a lot of harm to that business. Many such customers are a positive menace. And a costly liability. It is obvious that a merchant, then, must see to it that every article sold in his store carries with it a protection against the creation of bad feeling or shaken confidence in the customer's mind. The customer may leave the store perfectly satisfied, but if the goods purchased do not protect that satisfac- tion, the merchant is taking away, stone by stone, the very foundation o( his business. N. M. STOKES : Jeweler Home of ^Reliability Telephone 242 Milford, Delaware Blue Hen's Chickens' COOK BOOK CONTAINING A NUMBER OF LONG USED RECIPES, EMBRACING ALL POPULAR DISHES AND A VARIETY OF MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES OF MORE THAN SPECIAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The Blue Hen's Chickens' Cooking- Book Should be in every household nook — For you will find on its pages fair Good, tried receipts, both rich and rare, The knowledge of which in days to come Will be fully enjoyed by every one. COPYRIGHTED 1921 By Milford Chronicle Publishing Co. Milford, Delaware ALL RIGHTS RESERVED )C1A656016 "EC ?9 /92, 'Vjj <5~ Introduction THE PENINSULA which lies between the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays and is composed of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and a little bit of Vir- ginia, has for two hundred years been famous the world over for the lusciousness of its viands and the excellence of its cooking. The recipes which tickled the palates of the Colonial planters and their visitors, and first earned for the Penin- sula its fame for the highest development in the art of cook- ing, have descended with the family plate to the heirs of those old planters; nor has the art of the Colonial house- keeper been lost ; but rather has it been refined and adapted to modern conditions and cullinary appliances. Many of the recipes have been handed down from mo- ther to daughter, and to grand-daughter among the women of the Peninsula and are as highly prized by them as their family plate and Colonial furniture. These recipes were gathered by the ladies of The Milford New Century Club; and all were thoroughly tested before their approval. Only persons well-known for their cooking were asked to contri- bute. The publishers hope to perpetuate by this publication the housewifely lore of the Peninsula, and to share it with the public. It is with this idea that we oflfer the second edition of The Blue Hen's Chickens' Cook Book to the public. Milford Chronicle Publishing Co. Soups Fine old Bouillon made of stock meat, Superior Consomme delicate to eat, Mock Turtle thinks he is head of the heap. But the old fashioned Vegetable Soup is hard to beat. SOUPS 5 SOUP STOCK Take the liquor after boiling fresh meat, also the bones, cracked that the marrow may be extracted, also any meat left over. Boil these all together with water enough to cover them, stir frequently; adding at intervals a cup of cold water; one quart of water is enough for one pound of meat; from six to eight hours will make stock fit for use; when cold skim off the fat ; put stock in earthern crock. WHITE STOCK • Put over the fire two pounds of the cheaper part of veal, with three quarts of cold water, a sliced onion, a bay leaf and a couple of stalks of celery cut in pieces ; let it come to a boil slowly and simmer for five or six hours. Season with salt and pepper and set aside to get cold. Remove the fat, take out the bones, and you will have a thick jelly. This can be heated, skimmed, and if desired, strained before it is used. It will be a strong and nutritious stock. NOODLE SOUP One and one-half pints of flour, two eggs, four table- spoonfuls milk, a little salt; mix into stiff dough; roll out very thin in two sheets. Lay on a cloth and dry for two hours. Fold up and cut into narrow strips ; drop into boil- ing soup; cook twenty minutes. Enough for one chicken. CHICKEN SOUP To one chicken add three pints of water; let simmer until tender; drain liquor off; add one tablespoonful of rice, two tablespoonfuls peas, parsley and noodles, butter, pepper and salt to taste ; tomatoes may be used too. MUTTON BROTH Take one pound of mutton from lower part of leg- boil meat slowly in cold water; add a turnip, carrot, onion and potato; also spoonful of rice; all fat should be removed- pepper and salt to taste. When nearly done add chopped parsley. When done stram. ' SOUPS BOUILLON Bouillon is ipade from meat stock. Put stock on when cooking ; add a bay leaf, clove, onion, potato, allspice, pepper, salt and Worcestershire sauce ; season to taste. When done, strain until clear. CLAM SOUP Wash twenty-five hard shelled clams; put them in a kettle over the fire until open; put them through the meat grinder ; strain the liquor ; add enough water to make three pints — put clams and liquor into a double boiler ; at the same time put in a slice of onion finely chopped, or a little onion juice; thicken with a tablespoonful of butter with three of flour, rubbed smooth together; beat three eggs to a cream in the tureen and pour the soup over them boiling hot. SNAPPER SOUP This is for a ten pound snapper: Chop head off alive, scald snapper, scrape out the side skin and scales off of shell ; crack shell in pieces ; cook snapper and shell together until tender. When done cut up into blocks. Dressing for snapper : Boil two quarts of milk, yolks of three eggs beaten light, pepper to taste, rind of one lemon grated ; cook ten minutes ; add one-half pint of sherry wine, two tablespoonfuls of burnt sugar; pour over snapper and serve. CKEAM OF PEA SOUP One pint of peas boiled and mashed through a colander ; place in a saucepan one tablespoonful of butter; let it melt; then add two even tablespoonfuls of flour; stir well and then add slowly one pint of boiling water, then one quart of boiling milk, then the mashed peas. Cook until well blended; season with salt and pepper. Serve with toasted crackers. SOUPS 7 TOMATO SOUP One quart of tomatoes ; stew in one pint of water and pinch of soda. Cook on back of stove for an hour; strain through sieve, return to the fire at boihng point ; stir in two tablespoonfuls of butter, mixed with a tablespoonful of flour; scant teaspoonful of salt, a little onion and red pepper; add a quart of milk or a pint of cream. Let it boil up, then serve. BLACK BEAN SOUP One pint of turtle beans, one and a half quarts of boil- ing water, one lemon, salt and pepper to taste. Wash the beans well in cold water and soak them over night. In the morning drain the water off and cover again with one quart of boiling water. Boil until tender about two hours ; take from fire, press through a sieve; wash kettle, return soup; add the other pint of boiling water and let boil a minute or two; add salt and pepper; cut lemon into slices and put into tureen; pour' boiling soup over them and serve. BIEXICAN BEAIf SOUP Soak one quart of Mexican beans over night, then add stock or knuckle of veal, a piece of butter size of an egg, salt and pepper, three quarts of cold water and boil for three hours ; then mash with potato masher through a sieve ; put back on stove and heat again ; slice one lemon and chop fine two hard boiled eggs, and put into the tureen, pour the soup over this and serve hot. POTATO SOUP Four large potatoes, one union; boil in two quarts of water until soft. Press through sieve and add one pint of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of butter, a little salt and pepper. Let it boil up again and serve. 8 SOUPS TOMATO SOUP One quart of canned tomatoes, one quart of water, one quart of milk, one small onion, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of red pepper, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of sugar. Boil tomato and onion in one quart of water ten min- utes, then add salt, pepper and sugar ; press through a sieve ; return to the fire ; add butter and milk ; let simmer for twen- ty minutes. Serve with croutons. TOMATO BISQUE Put through a sieve one quart of tomatoes, place the strained tomato over the fire, and boil a few minutes; add salt and pepper and one-half teaspoonful of soda, stirring until mixture ceases to bubble ; have ready in another vessel one pint of new milk heated only to boiling point; add to the tomato one-half cup of brown bread crumbs or cracker dust, and the hot milk, a good lump of butter and allow to come to a boil. OLD-FASHIONED TEGETABLE SOUP One shank, five quarts cold water, one small head of cabbage, one carrot, one turnip, one sprig of parsley, two bay leaves, five onions, one stalk of celery, four white po- tatoes, one quart tomatoes, one small red pepper; salt to taste. Wash shank and put into soup kettle; add water and chopped red pepper; place over a moderate fire; boil about four hours ;add shredded cabbage, chopped onion, potatoes and turnips cut size of dice, carrot, cut in lengthwise strips, parsley, bay leaf and tomatoes. Boil hard for two hours, adding water if necessary. About fifteen minutes before serving, throw in a handful of spaghetti, or macaroni, cook- ed. Just as good second day. Fish TO COOK A HUSBAND A good many husbands are utterly spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and pro- ceed to blow them up. Others keep them constantly in hot water. Others let them freeze by carelessness and indifference. Some keep them in a stew by irritating ways and words. Others roast them. Some keep them in a pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in this way; but they are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your husband, you should not be guided by the silvery appearance, as in buying mackerel, nor by the golden tint, as if you wanted salmon. Be sure and select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to market for him, as the best are always brought to your door. It is far better to have none, unless you will patiently learn to cook him. A preserving kettle of the finest porcelain is best, but if you have nothing but an earthenware jar, it will do, with care. See that the linen in which you wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons and strings nicely sewed on. Tie him in the kettle by a strong silk cord, called "comfort," as the one called "duty" is apt to be weak. They are apt to fly out of the kettle and be burned and crusty on the edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook them while alive. Make a clear, steady fire of love, neatness and cheerfulness. Set him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes, do not be anxious; some husbands do this till they are quite done. Add a little sugar, in the form of what confectioners call kisses, but no vinegar and pepper, on any account. A little spice improves them, but is must be used with judgment. Do not stick any sharp in- strument into him, to see if he is becoming tender. Stir him gently; watch the while lest he lie too flat and close to the kettle, and so become useless. You cannot fail to know when he is done. If thus treated you will find him very delicious, agreeing nicely with you and the children, and he will keep as long as you want, unless you be- come careless and set him in too cold a place. Juliette Corson, New York Cooking School. 10 FISH FISH FOR CHOWDER Cod and halibut (mixed), halibut, haddock, eels, little neck clams, long clams, round clams, oysters. FISH BEST BROttED Salmon, cod, red snapper, halibut, sword fish, haddock, black bass, sturgeon. FISH FOR STEWOG Lobster, little neck clams, oysters, shrimps, round clams (chopped), scallops. FISH TO FRY Butterfish, shad, cod (steak) , sword fish, blue fish, por- gies, Bonito mackerel, pickerel, ciscoes, yellow perch, brook trout, smelts, haddock, halibut, salmon, eels. Tinker mack- erel, bullheads, white perch, white fish, soft shell crabs, live lobster, long clams, scallops, large oysters. TO BROHi Fresh mackerel, Bonito mackerel, cod scod, chicken hal- ibut, shoal halibut, sea trout, weak fish, Spanish mackerel, fresh salmon, blue fish, large ells (split), shad, white fish, trout. TO BAKE Blue fish, shad, mackerel, haddock, halibut, striped bass, white fish, lake trout, long shell clams, live lobster, large oysters. DRUM FISH, FRIED Put in pan of hot grease ; let it brown ; remove fish from pan ; put two tablespoonf uls of flour ; let this brown ; put in butter size of an egg, pepper and salt; then thin it; after this put fish into pan again, and let simmer until creamy. FISH n DETILED TROUT, OR IVEAK FISH Two cupfuls of cold boiled fish, four hard boiled eggs chopped fine; thicken one-half pint of milk with one table- spoonful of flour mixed with two of butter. Salt and ca- yenne pepper to taste, a grate of nutmeg. Fill ramekin; sprinkle bread crumbs and bits of butter over top, brown in the oven and serve at once. BOILED TROUT OR ROCK Lay in thin cloth fitted to the shape of the fish; place in kettle, cover with cold salt water; boil gently half an hour; drain, lay on hot dish, garnished with parsley. Pour over, or serve in sauceboat the cream sauce. One cupful of cream or rich milk, one-half cupful of water, stir two table- spoonfuls of butter and one tablespoonf ul of flour to a paste ; mix into cream and water ; season highly with salt and pep- per, then cook slowly until it thickens; add little chopped parsley, a few capers and two hard bofled eggs chopped fine, or laid around the dish; you can add Worcester sauce if proferred. Serve hot. CORNED SHAD Clean and prepare shad, split in half. Rub the shad well with one teaspoonful of brown sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, one saltspoonful of red pepper. Place both halves on flat dish for a few hours. Hang up until ready for use. DELAWARE BAKED SHAD Split a shad, take out back bone ; butter a dripping pan, place the half shad, skin down; spread well with butter; sprinkle with pepper, salt and bread crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven half hour. BAKED SHAD Stuff shad with a good rich dressing; sew together; put butter and water in pan and bake (as you M^ould a fowl) about an hour and a half. Make a browned sauce with the water the shad was baked in, and flavor with sherry. Gar- nish with hard boiled eggs and le;iions, sliced. 12 FISH BAKED SHAD Stuff with bread crumbs, salt, butter, pepper, parsley; mix with beaten yolk of egg ; fill the fish ; sew it up or fasten with a string around it. Pour over it a little water and some butter; bake as you would a fowl, from an hour to one hour and a quarter. PLANKED SHAD Split shad open and lay skin side flat on hot oak plank (18x24 inches), which has been well buttered. Season with pepper, salt, and butter, and baste frequently. Bake in oven or before an open fire. CODFISH B.1LLS One cupful of shredded codfish, two cupfuls of mashed white potatoes, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of cream, pep- per to taste. Put the codfish in a cheese cloth bag; pour boiling water over it and wring out at once. Add the other ingredients; beat until light with a fork. Form into balls and fry in boiling lard. CRAB FARCIES Eighteen crabs (if heavy), for twelve persons. Boil till thoroughly done; remove upper shell and clean it care- fully. Pick out the crab meat, keeping it whole as possible, and being careful to avoid particles of shell. Simmer a pint of cream with one onion and a bunch of parsley till well flavored ; add one-quarter pound of fresh butter, a teaspoon- ful of Worcestershire sauce, a little salt and cayenne pep- per ; and thicken with a tablespoonf ul of flour. It must boil so that flour will not taste raw. Add crab meat to this dressing and fill the top shells full ; but do not pack down. Cover with bread crumbs ; put small lump of butter on top and bake in quick oven till golden brown. FISH 13 TERRAPIN Put the terrapins into a pot of boiling water where they must remain until they are quite dead. Divest them of their outer skin and toe nails ; after washing them in warm water boil again until quite tender, adding a handful of salt to the water. Being satisfied that they are perfectly tender take off the shell and clean the terrapins, very carefully remov- ing the sand bag and gall without breaking. Cut the meat into small pieces and put into a saucepan, adding the juice which has been given out in cutting them up, but no water. Season with salt and cayenne pepper and black pepper to taste; adding a quarter of a pound of good butter for each terrapin and a handful of flour for thickening. After stir- ring a short time add four or five tablespoonfuls of cream and one-half pint of good Madeira wine to every four terra- pins. Serve hot in a deep dish. A very little mace may be added and a large tablespoonful of mustard. Just before serving add the yolks of four hard boiled eggs. During the stewing particular attention must be paid to stirring the preparation. Terrapins cannot be served too hot. DEVILED CRABS To one can of crab meat add four hard boiled eggs, one teaspoonful Worcestershire sauce, salt and cayenne pepper to taste; a little parsley and thyme, a small sized onion grated, dash of nutmeg, one and one-half cupfuls of bread crumbs, one cupful of butter. Rub yolks and butter to a cream then add all the ingredients to crab meat ; mix thoro- ly. Last of all add cream or milk enough to moisten ; chop whites of eggs and mix in. Fill shells, pour over each shell melted butter. Bake in quick oven twenty minutes. SOFT SHELL CRABS Clean the crabs carefully while alive ; season and dip in seasoned egg and cracker dust; fry a light brown. Serve with tartar sauce. For the sauce make a thick mayonnaise, add chopped gherkins and capers. 14 FISH SALMON LOAF One can of salmon picked fine, one-half cupful bread crumbs, two eggs, one cupful of milk, one teaspoonful of salt. Free the salmon from skin and bone ; cook the crumbs with the milk a few minutes ; add seasoning, salmon and eggs. Steam one-half hour. Serve hot or cold. LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG One can of lobster, one cupful of rich milk; two eggs beaten in the milk, a little butter; cook all together, and if needed thicken with a little cornstarch. Add sherry at the last. DETILED CRABS Dressing for one can crab meat. — One-half pint of cream, one-quarter pound of butter, two scant tablespoon- fuls of flour, salt and cayenne pepper to the taste. Place the cream in a saucepan over the fire in a pan of water. When at the boihng point stir in the ouiter and flour that has been well rubbed together ; stir until it thick- ens. Put in the crab meat, set away to cool. Before pack- ing into shells beat two eggs into the meat, reserving a small part for the top. Sprinkle with cracker dust and plunge into boiling lard top down. SCALLOPED SALSrOIf Drain the oil from a can of salmon and pick the fish fine with a fork, removing all the skin and bones. Put in a saucepan ; one cupful of cream or new milk, one tablespoon- ful of flour, two tablespoonfuls of breadcrumbs, two table- spoonfuls of butter, one tablespoonful of lemon juice; ca- yenne pepper and salt to taste. When it is hot put in the salmon and let it simmer for about fifteen minutes. Have a baking dish ready with a layer of bread crumbs and some bits of butter in bottom; pour in the mixture, cover with a layer of bread crumbs and some bits of butter and put in the oven to brown. FISH 15 PUREE OF CLAMS Twenty-five clams, one tablespoonful of butter, one pint of cream or milk, one cupful of cold water, two tablespoon- f uls of flour, one-quarter cupful of bread crumbs ; pepper to taste. Drain the clams with the beater, saving all the liquor; put the liquor in a saucepan over the fire; when it boils, skim ; chop the clams fine, add them to the liquor, let boil and skim. Rub the butter and flour together, and add with the bread crumbs ; stir and cook until it thickens. Add the cream or milk previously scalded in a farina boiler ; sea- son and serve at once. SCALLOPED CLAMS Chop clams fine; butter a baking dish and put a layer of clams, then a layer of stale bread crumbs; dot this over with bits of butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper ; then add another layer of clams, and so continue until the dish is full ; always having the last layer bread crumbs dotted with bits of butter moistened with clam liquor. Bake in a rather quick oven about one-half hour. DETILED CLAIUS Chop the clams fine, season with pepper and salt, and if liked a bit of onion. Fill the shells, sprinkle thick with bread crumbs and put bits of butter all over. Brown in the oven. CLAM FEITTERS Strain one pint of clams, saving the juice; add to this juice sufficient water to make one pint; mix into it an egg, well beaten, and sufficient prepared flour to make a light batter, also the clams chopped and some salt. Drop by the spoonful into boiling hot lard. CLAM FEITTERS Grind a dozen large clams ; add juice of clams, one egg well beaten, one-quarter cupful of corn meal or bread crumbs, salt and pepper to taste; teaspoonful of baking powder, flour enough to make a moderately stiff batter. Fry in deep boiling lard. The beauty of fritters is to have them puff up like a ball ; they must float. Drop from a teaspoon. 16 FISH OYSTER COCKTAILS To six oysters add two drops of tabasco sauce, a table- spoonful of lemon juice, teaspoonful of onion juice, a fourth of a teaspoonful of salt and four tablespoonfuls of tomato catsup; mix thoroughly and place on ice. Serve in wine glasses or bouillon cups. SHAD ROE A shad roe: Two tablespoonfuls of butter, one table- spoonful of lemon juice, yolks of two hard boiled eggs, cup- ful of grated bread crumbs, chopped parsley, salt and pep- per. When butter is hot add roe (which has been boiled ten minutes in salted water) , and break up lightly with a fork ; add eggs mashed fine, seasoning and parsley; add lemon juice just before serving. CELERIED OYSTERS Dozen large oysters, wine glass of sherry, tablespoon- ful of minced celery, tablespoonful of butter, salt and pep- per; put butter in chafing dish. When melted add oysters, celery, and seasoning; cook three minutes ; add sherry and cook two minutes. Serve on toast. SHRIMP SOUFFLE Two cans of shrimps, four tablespoonfuls of butter, one cupful of cream, three hard boiled eggs, one tablespoonful of flour, four tablespoonfuls of sherry; rub the butter and flour together until smooth; put in the chafing dish, and when heated, add the shrimps, the whites of the eggs press- ed through a sieve, the yolks (mashed fine with a little of the cream), and the remainder of the cream. Stir until all is heated through ; then put the upper pan in the bath, add the sherry ; season with a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper and serve. FISH 17 WHITE SAUCE Mix in a bowl three heaping teaspoonfuls of flour, with a pat of butter; add a little water and thin with milk or cream; put in dish over hot water pan; salt to taste; stir constantly and keep free from lumps until thoroughly cook- ed; as it thickens add milk or cream until the proper con- sistency ; when done, let it come to a boil for an instant. Crab meat a la Newburg is made by using the above sauce with two cupfuls of crab meat, adding a little pap- rika, a teaspoonful of vinegar or lemon juice and a dash of cayenne; cook until meat is thoroughly warmed; then add three tablespoonfuls of sherry and the yolks of eggs well beaten; don't let boil after eggs go in; season to taste and serve. Oyster a la Newburg is made the same way. CKEAMED CRABS One pint of cream, one generous pint of picked crab meat, one-quarter of a pound of butter, creamed with a heaping tablespoonful of flour; pepper and salt to taste. Put cream into chafing dish; when hot, stir in butter and flour; boil until creamy, stirring constantly; then add crab meat and serve immediately. TERRAPIN Boil them until the shells come off easily and the nails pull out; remove the skin from the legs; cut into small pieces and carefully remove the sand bag and gall. To three good sized terrapins six hard boiled eggs; mash the yolks into a powder and rub in one-half pound of butter; when creamy and light add a heaping teaspoonful of flour; put into the chafing dish the meat and dressing; season with cayenne pepper and salt, and let them boil a minute or two. Just before serving add wine to taste, and if desired a very little mace. Meats 'The cook deserves a hearty cuffing Who serves a fowl with tasteless stuffing. MEATS 19 BROILED STEAK AND OYSTER SAUCE Take a nice large steak and broil it nicely; have your dish hot to put it on. Take one pint of small oysters, strain the juice and put it in a porcelain kettle, let it get hot, then add a teaspoonful of flour well mixed; cook a little, then drop in your oysters, add a piece of butter and pour over the steak and serve. ROAST BEEF Wash and wipe dry the roast ; place in baking pan, and on the top put three thin slices of onion. Dredge lightly with red pepper and a small sprinkling of brown sugar; dredge with flour, one cupful of water in baking pan. Roast in a very hot oven, basting every ten minutes. To have roast beef rare, roast fifteen minutes to each pound, or twenty minutes if well done. TEAL LOAF Two pounds of chopped veal, three eggs, six crackers grated, one tablespoonful of sage and salt, one teaspoonful of pepper, one onion ; mix together and bake in a slow oven one hour; baste with butter and water. SAUSAGE Twelve pounds of meat, three ounces of salt, one-half ounce of black pepper, one-half ounce of red pepper, one-half ounce of sage; grind twice. HABI A LA ROSEYILLE Slice of ham fully an inch thick, one tablespoonful of French mustard, one tablespoonful of brown sugar, one cupful of milk. Soak the ham in the mflk one hour; then rub the sugar and mustard into it, and a dash or two of ca- yenne. Put the ham in a dripping pan with the milk (if curdled use fresh milk) around it. Dredge with a little flour; cover with a pan and bake one and one-half hours. Remove the cover fifteen minutes before serving to brown. 20 M£ J TS HAM CAKES One cupful of cold chopped ham, add two cupfuls of bread crumbs, two eggs, pepper and salt, and milk enough to soften quite wet. Drop by the tablespoonful into hot lard; turn and do not let cook too long, as they should be moist when done. T03IAT0 CHICKEN MAYONNAISE For this, choose tomatoes of uniform, medium size, wipe them with a soft damp cloth; cut out a round piece from the top of each, and remove seeds and pulp. Have ready some finely minced chicken lightly mixed with a little mayonnaise sauce ; fill tomatoes with this mixture and serve each on a slice of fried bread. FRICASSEE OF CHICKEN Split open two chickens on the back; have ready two frying pans on the back of the stove ; when very hot, put a big lump of butter in each pan ; season chickens with pepper and salt, and put in hot pans. Cover closely, putting a weight on the covers to keep in steam. Cook slowly, turn- ing frequently until the chickens are a rich brown and very tender. Serve with gravy and garnish dish with parsley. TURKEY FILLING Take one loaf of bread; break it up, put it in oven and let it get light brown. Then roll bread fine, chop celery, onion, parsley and marjoram; season to taste with salt and pepper ; then add fifty good sized oysters. Moisten all with oyster juice, not too wet. Mix ingredients thoroughly be- fore filling the bird. TURKEY STUFFING Three quarts of bread crumbs, three quarts of oysters, one small bunch of parsley; season to taste. MEATS 21 GIBLET GRATT Take liver, gizzard, heart and neck of turkey; boil un- til tender; then cut all very fine. Add chopped onion, sea- son with pepper and salt. Then take some of the turkey essence and add to these ingredients; let it boil up and thicken with flour. If turkey is too greasy, simply use liquor giblets were cooked in. TOUEiTO SAUCE One can of tomatoes, four tablespoonfuls of Worcester- shire, two onions grated, one spoonful of butter. Cook all together ten minutes; then strain and thicken with corn- starch. This is nice with roast beef. HAMBURG ROAST Two or two and one-half pounds of beef, one or one and one-half pounds of pork, one egg, one onion, some bread crumbs, parsley, pepper and salt. Roll and put butter and plenty of water in pan. Bake two hours. BAKED HAMBURG STEAK Take one pound of ground meat; add one teacupful of bread crumbs, one grated onion, parsley, dash of nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste, small quantity of tomato. Mix all these in with meat; when mixed form in loaf; bake in hot oven thirty minutes, putting tomato on top of loaf; also sifting lightly with brown sugar. ROAST HAMBURG STEAK To one pound of ground beef, take one teacupful of bread crumbs, a generous amount of parsley, one good sized onion grated, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, a dash of nut- meg, one cupful of canned tomatoes, and pepper and salt to season sufficiently. When all ingredients are thoroughly mixed with the chopped beef, mold in oblong loaf, putting a small quantity of tomatoes on top. Roast in oven from twenty minutes to one-half hour. 22 MEATS TOMATO SAUCE FOR HAMBURG STEAK One can of tomatoes, small piece of lard size of small egg, Worcestershire sauce, parsley, onion, pepper and salt to taste, with a dash of tabasco sauce. Put all the ingredi- ents in frying pan; cook hard for twenty minutes; strain through a potato strainer, thicken with cornstarch. GO HOT Cut all the cold meat off the bones, then boil the bones until the substance is out. Chop the meat fine with three hard boiled eggs, season with pepper and salt ; and then put in a baking dish and pour over it the water the bones were boiled in ; then cover with bread crumbs and bake slowly in the oven. Flavor with onion if preferred. This is a good way to use any kind of cold meat. MOCK DUCK One and one-half pounds of round steak ground, two cupfuls of bread crumbs, one-half cupful of milk, one-quar- ter of an onion chopped, two tablespoonfuls of chopped fat pork, a pinch of sage, salt and cayenne pepper, two eggs beaten. Mix all together; shape in a roll; lay some slices of bacon on top ; put in oven and bake one hour, if baked in an uncovered pan, baste it quite often ; put a little water in pan. If intended to be eaten hot, gravy can be made. Very nice sliced cold. A nice relish to utilize left over meats: Take two or more tomatoes according to the quantity of meat you have ; put butter or lard in frying pan and fry tomatoes and one onion; then add your meat, cut as for hash; stir all to- gether; sprinkle with fiour and salt; add milk enough for cream gravy and cook until done. CREAMED DRIED BEEF One tablespoonful of butter, browned in frying pan; add one-half pound of chipped beef ; heat thoroughly. Pour in one cupful of milk; and thicken with flour and water. Garnish with scrambled eggs. Vegetables *'The man who has nothing to boast of but his il- lustrious ancestry, is like a potato. The only good be- longing to him is underground/' — Overbury 24 VEGETABLES YEGETABLES The value of green food as a preservative of health can- not be overestimated. Nature provides her own remedies and many of her common vegetables are medicinal. For years the women of Withersfield, Conn., were fa- mous for their beautiful complexions, a beauty ascribed to the onions they ate — Withersfield being noted for its trade in these bulbs. A public benefactor is he who discovers a means of de- oderizing the onion. All green vegetables should be freshly gathered, wash- ed well in cold water and cooked in boiling salted water. Underground vegetables — potatoes, turnips, etc., should be cooked in unsalted water. POTATOES There are many ways of cooking white potatoes besides the plain, mashed potatoes: Mashed potatoes nicely heaped upon a baking dish and browned in the oven make an at- tractive dish. Boiled in their jackets; boiled whole with cream sauce; hashed brown potatoes; cut into small cubes, boiled in unsalted water until tender, drain, sprinkle over them a little salt, turn into a heated dish, pour over them two or three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, dust thickly with finely chopped parsley; boiled whole with melted but- ter and parsley, etc. These are some of the many ways to cook them. FRIED TOMATOES WITH CREAM GRATT Wash and cut in halves firm and well filled tomatoes; lay in pan with skin side down ; place a lump of butter over each slice; dredge with salt and pepper; fry slowly; turn and cook the other side. When done place carefully upon a heated dish. Brown the butter in the pan and add gradu- ally two tablespoonfuls of fiour and a cupful of cream or milk, stirring all the time until smooth; season with salt and pepper ; pour it over tomatoes and serve. VEGETABLES 25 FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Peel potatoes and cut in eight lengthwise strips, or slice very thin. Throw into iced water for an hour; drain; pat dry between the folds of a towel, or napkin, and fry to a golden brown in deep boiling fat. When tender, take from the pan with a skimmer and turn into a colander lined with tissue or brown paper, to absorb any grease that may ad- here to them. Stand in the oven a few minutes, sprinkle with salt, and serve. CREA3IED WHITE POTATOES Cut raw potatoes in dice, or one-half inch square pieces; cook until tender in unsalted water. Cream a tea- spoonful each of butter and flour, and add a part of the beaten yolk of an egg to a cupful of milk ; add a little salt, cook and pour over the potatoes. Serve hot in an uncovered dish. STUFFED POTATOES, NO. 1 Wash medium sized potatoes and bake until soft. Cut potatoes almost in half, take out the potato meat ; put in a bowl, half an onion (chopped) and a little parsley, butter, pepper and salt. Add enough cream to moisten potatoes; whip all together until very light; place back in their jack- ets, and heat in the oven; then serve. STUFFED POTATOES, NO. 2 Bake six good sized potatoes. When done, cut off the tops and with a spoon scoop out the potatoes into a hot bowl; mash and add a tablespoonful of butter, one-quarter cupful of hot milk, teaspoonful of salt and pepper to taste. Beat until very light; then add the well beaten whites of three eggs; stir gently. Fill the skins with this mixture, heaping it on the top; brush over with the beaten yolks of the eggs ; put in the oven to brown, then serve. 2fi VEGETABLES SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH TOMATOES, NO. 2 Pare potatoes, slice thin and cover bottom of earthen dish, season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter. Then cover with a layer of tomatoes; fill the dish in this way, and sprinkle plenty of bread crumbs on top. Bake till thor- oughly done. SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH CHEESE, NO. 3 Pare potatoes, slice thin and cover bottom of earthen dish; season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter; then add a layer of cheese; fill the dish in this way, then pour about a cupful of milk over it. Place in oven, and bake till thoroughly done. DETILED WHITE POTATOES Select nice large potatoes, oblong preferred; bake until thoroughly done. Cut in half (lengthwise), mash, season and cream them to taste. Fill the shells, put large piece of butter on each, and brown in hot oven. Serve hot. POTATO PUFF To one cupful of cold mashed white potatoes, stir in one tablespoonful of melted butter, beating until creamy (the more they are beaten the more creamy they will be). Add to the potatoes one-half cupful of cream, salt and pep- per to season ; then add the well beaten whites of two eggs, turn into a buttered baking dish, and bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes. The potatoes will puff and be very light. POTATO BALLS For three cups of mashed potatoes, take yolks of two eggs (raw), beat them thoroughly through potatoes; one small onion, grated; one-quarter of nutmeg, grated; salt and pepper to taste. Mix all thoroughly through potatoes ; make out in balls; then roll in egg and cracker dust. Let stand until crust forms. Fry in deep boiling lard. VEGETABLES 27 GLAZED SWEET POTATOES Boil the potatoes until nearly but not quite done; re- move from water and scrape the skins from them; cut in half (lengthwise) ; lay in baking pan round side up; pour over them a teaspoonf ul of melted butter ; dust thickly with granulated sugar; place in hot oven. When glazed by the action of the heat, take them out ; turn the flat side up and repeat the operation. Very nice. DRESSI\(r:fOR POTATOES Take the raw potatoes and slice a layer of them quite thin, and put in a baking dish. Put small pieces of butter on them, then a little salt, black pepper, and parsley cut as small as possible. Put other layers of potatoes and season- ing in the same way until the dish is sufficiently full; then pour on rich, sweet milk until the dish is entirely full. Bake for three-quarters of an hour. This is a very good dish for supper or breakfast. MISCELLANEOUS VEGETABLES CAKOLDTA WAT OF COOKOG EICE One coffee cupful of best rice, wash five or six times. Let it stand in a little water until needed, then pour off. Throw it into a quart of freshly boiling water; let it boil rapidly until tender ; pour it into a colander, and over it one quart of boiling water. Each grain will be separate. Set back on stove to keep hot. A nice addition is one cup of milk and one tablespoonful of butter added boiling hot to the rice just before serving. Do not stir the rice when cooking. BOILED KICE Boil a cup of rice in a half pint of water ; when the rice has absorbed the water, put in a pint of sweet milk, let boil three-quarters of an hour. Don't stir while cooking. 28 VEGETABLES ASPARAGUS ON TOAST, NO. 1 After removing the tough part, lay the tender stalk of the asparagus into boiling water slightly salted. Cook slow- ly until tender; lift carefully, and lay upon slices of crust- less bread toasted a golden brown; and pour over them cream sauce. Garnish with slices of hard boiled eggs. To be served piping hot. ASP^iKAGUS ON TOAST, NO. 2 Cut off all the tough parts, lay the stalks in a pan, cover with boiling water, cook slowly for one-half hour. Ten minutes before it is done add a little salt. Have ready some slices of toasted bread; butter well and put a table- spoonful or two of the water over it. Take the asparagus up carefully and lay on the toast. Pour over this a cream sauce. FEIED EGG PLANT Peel the egg-plants, slice and sprinkle a little salt over them; let themi remain one-half hour; wipe the slices dry, dip them in beaten yolks of eggs, then in crumbs of crackers or bread, fry them a light brown in boiling lard. Pepper them slightly while frying. Another way is to parboil them in a little water after they are peeled, then slice, dust with flour, and fry. CREAMED ONIONS To keep them white, cover with boiling water ; boil five minutes, drain off the water, cover again with boiling water, to which add a very little salt, cook until tender, no longer. Drain the water from them, add a cupful of hot milk with a liberal piece of butter and pepper. Serve. CAULIFLOWER Soak it head down in cold water for an hour to draw out any insects that may harbor in it, cut off all the super- fluous leaves and put it into boiling salted water; boil until tender. Take up and drain in a colander; pour over it a gravy made of boiling milk, with flour and butter mixed together and stirred into it. Serve with slices of lemon. VEGETABLES 29 STEIVED CELERY WITH CREAM SAUCE Stew the celery, strain off water, pour over it cream sauce as follows: Cream sauce, stir together over the fire one tablespoonful each of butter and flour, then add a cup- ful of cream or milk heated, stir continually until it boils. Season with salt and pepper, and use at once. SUMMER SQUASH Unless they are extremely tender, it is best to pare them, cutting away as little as possible beside the hard outer rind; take out the ends, quarter them, and lay the pieces in cold water. Boil about an hour. Drain well, pressing out all the water ; mash soft and smooth ; and sea- son with butter, pepper and salt. CORJf PUDDOG Three ears of corn, one cup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of flour, piece of butter size of an e^g, two eggs beaten separately, salt. Bake in hot oven twenty minutes. CORN FRITTERS, NO. 1 To three ears of corn cut fine, add one well beaten egg, a little sugar, salt and pepper. Dredge flour enough to hold them together nicely; fry in butter and lard mixed. CORN FRITTERS, NO. 2 One pint of grated corn, one-half teacupful milk, one- half teacupful flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, one tablespoonful melted butter, two eggs, one teaspoonful salt, and a dash of pepper. Fry in hot lard. CREAMED SIUSHROOMS Peel large, fresh mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in a saucepan with a little water. To a quart of mushrooms add a tablespoonful of butter, let simmer ten minutes. Pour in a pint of cream, in which should be mixed a tablespoonful of cornstarch. Stir two or three minutes, and take up. 30 VEGETABLES GREENS Boil beet tops, turnip tops, spinach, cabbage sprouts, dandelion and lamb's quarter, in salted water until they are tender; drain in a colander, pressing hard. Serve them, garnished with hard boiled eggs, sliced. SPINACH Pick leaves from stems, and wash through four waters. Pour over it a pint of boiling water; put on stove and cook well. Drain and chop fine; season with salt and pepper; garnish with slices of hard boiled eggs. CREAM SAUCE, NO. 1 The proportions of butter and flour in a cream sauce are about the same; though the amount of milk may vary according to the consistency required : For milk toast, thin ; for potatoes, medium ; for croquets, very stiff; for most pur- poses, two cups of milk, or one of milk and one of cream, are used with two tablespoonfuls of each flour and butter. Put in the saucepan two tablespoonfuls each of butter and flour; heat over the fire until the butter is melted and the mixture "bubbly," but do not let the flour brown ; then put in the milk, cold or warm; stir until smooth and creamy, salt and pepper to taste. STRING BEANS Get them young and crisp, string them, break in halves and boil in water with a little salt until tender. Drain free from water, season with pepper; add butter, a spoonful or two of cream or milk, and boil a few minutes. BOSTON BAKED BEANS Soak a pint of beans over night; put into a pot with one-half pound of salt pork, and boil until tender. Drain; season with pepper and salt; stir in a small cupful of mo- lasses, and turn into an earthen bean pot; put the pork in the centre of the beans; cover the pot and bake for six or eight hours in a moderate oven. Serve hot. VEGETABLES 31 LDIA BEANS Put a pint of beans in just enough boiling salted water to cover them, boil till tender ; then drain off the water ; add a cupful of cream, a little butter, pepper and salt. Simmer a few minutes, and serve. GREEN PEAS Boiling water to cover them ; add a teaspoonf ul of salt ; cover the stew-pan and boil fast for half an hour, or until soft; drain off the water; add to them a generous lump of butter, a little pepper and a small teaspoonful of sugar. Drawn butter, with a milk foundation, may be poured over them after taking them from the water in which they were cooked. Serve hot. PEAS IN CASES Cut slices of bread three inches square; remove suffi- cient of the inner portion to form a box ; brush slightly with melted butter ; brown in the oven. When ready for use, fill with cooked and seasoned peas, slightly thickened. SUCCOTASH This is made of green corn and lima beans. Have a third more corn than beans, when the former has been cut from the cob, and the beans shelled. Put into boiling water enough to cover them, stew gently until tender, stirr- ing now and then. Pour off nearly all the water and add a large cupful of milk; stew in this for one-half hour; then stir in a great lump of butter, a teaspoonful of flour wet with cold milk; pepper and salt to taste. Succotash may also be made of dry corn and beans, but they must be soaked all night before using. TO COOK CANNED CORN Open the top of can with a can opener, turn out the corn into a saucepan ; add to it one-quarter cupful of cream, one tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper to taste; stir over the fire until very hot. Serve. 32 VEGETABLES STEAMED CORN Prepare the corn as for boiling. Place it in the kettle and pour a little hot water over it; cover the kettle tightly and stand it where it will steam (not boil) for thirty min- utes; salt after it is done. Corn is at its best when salted, buttered and eaten from the ear. STUFFED TOMATOES Cut the top from soft part of tomatoes; let hang on hinge; scoop out contents, strain to get out seeds; have chopped meat well seasoned with rice that has been par- boiled, put this in tomatoes ; shut down lid. Place them in a pan close together; pour the tomato juice around them. Either steam or bake one hour. BROILED TOMATOES Choose large firm tomatoes, cut them in halves but do not peel them ; then place them in a broiler, dust with salt and pepper, and broil over a clear but moderate fire, skin side down, until tender (about twenty minutes). When done, lift carefully to a heated dish or plate, pour melted butter over them, and serve. STEWED T03IAT0ES Pour boiling water over them, with a sharp knife re- move the skins and the hard stem ends, cut them in pieces, stew in a saucepan for one-half hour. To every quart of to- matoes add a tablespoonful of butter, teaspoonful of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Stew until of the desired thick- ness. The tomatoes may be thickened with bread crumbs. VEGETABLES 33 BAKED MACARONI One-quarter pound of macaroni, one-quarter pound of grated cheese, one-half cupful of cream, one tablespoonful each of butter, salt and pepper. Break macaroni in small pieces, put into a two-quart kettle nearly full of boiling water, add a teaspoonful of salt and boil rapidly twenty-five minutes; drain in a colander; then throw into cold water and blanch for ten minutes; drain again in the colander; put a layer of macaroni in the bottom of a baking dish, then a layer of cheese, salt and pepper, then another layer of macaroni, and so on; cut butter in small pieces and put over the top ; add cream, sprinkle bread crumbs on. top. Bake until a golden brown (about twenty minutes). MACARONI Eighteen sticks of macaroni, one tablespoonful of but- ter, one and one-half cupfuls of thin white sauce, one cup of stale bread crumbs, one cup of grated cheese; salt and pep- per. Break the macaroni into two inch pieces, cook in. boil- ing salted water thirty minutes, or until soft; strain in a colander, pour cold water through it; place in a buttered baking dish ; add the sauce with one-half cup of the cheese ; add to crumbs the butter and remaining one-half cup of cheese and spread over top. Bake until brown in a moder- ate oven. MACARONI WITH OYSTERS Boil macaroni in slightly salted water until tender; put into a colander, pour cold water over it; then place it in a baking dish with a layer of raw oysters, bits of butter ; sea- son with salt and pepper; then another layer of macaroni, so on, until the dish is full. The top layer of bread crumbs and bits of butter; then pour over all a cup of milk and bake. Tomatoes may be substituted for oysters. Bread ^'When the man earns the bread by the sweat of his brew, the woman should be willing to perspire a little in the baking/' BREAD 35 YEAST Six large potatoes, one cupful of hops, one cupful of flour. Boil the hops in one quart of water; pour the water from the hops over the potatoes (that are mashed), and mix the flour into it ; add one tablespoon of sugar ; little salt and cook until done. Add one cake of yeast mixed in a lit- tle water when cool, and let it rise. Keep this yeast in cool place. YEAST Grate three good sized potatoes ; add one quart of boil- ing water and when cool, add an even tablespoonful of salt and one of sugar, and a cupful of yeast. Let it stand until night, when it is ready for use. BAKING POWDEK One pound of bi-carbonate soda, twelve ounces of tar- taric acid, two ounces of cream of tartar, one pound of flour or cornstarch. Mix well and sieve several times. BAKOG POWDER Two and one-half ounces of cream of tartar, one pound of bi-carbonate soda, one package of cornstarch. Mix well and sift seven times. DELAWARE BISCUITS Three pounds of flour, six ounces of lard, one table- spoonful of salt, rubbed together well with one pint of cold water. Beat till they blister. WHEAT MUFFIJfS Put one pint of sweet milk in a saucepan on the stove, adding a scant cupful of lard, a dessert-spoonful of salt and two tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar; let all heat to- gether, then add cold water to make the mixture milk warm; while cooling dissolve one-half cake of compressed yeast in a teacupful of warm water, which add with four well-beaten eggs, stirring in flour sufficient to make the batter moderately stiff ; when light bake in a quick oven. 36 BREAD COENMEAL CAKES To one cupful of sifted meal add a lump of butter, pour over it one cupful of boiling water, when cool add two well beaten eggs, one cupful of milk, one cupful of flour, a little sugar and a teaspoonful of baking powder. Bake on a hot griddle. GEOKGIA INDIAN CAKE One cupful of milk, one tablespoonf ul of sugar, one Qgg, butter half the size of an %gg, one cupful of cornmeal, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, heaping spoonful baking pow- der, a little salt. STEADIED INDIA:N LOAF Two cupfuls of cornmeal, one cupful of flour, one cup- ful of sweet milk, one cupful of sour milk, large one-half cupful of molasses, one teaspoonful of soda, a little salt. Steam in a mold for three hours. HARTFORD CORN BREAD One-half cupful of sugar, one egg, one-quarter cupful of butter or lard, two-thirds cupful of sweet milk, three-quar- ters cupful of flour, three-quarters cupful of corn meal and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder mixed in the meal. CORN BREAD One overflowing pint of cornmeal, one-half pint of flour, two and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one tea- spoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, lard size of a big walnut, one pint of milk, two eggs. Add the yolks of eggs without beating, and beat the whites stiff arid add last. QUICK MUFFINS Two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one pint of milk, one teaspoonful of salt ,two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a table- spoonful of lard, one egg. Warm the milk and dissolve the sugar, salt and lard in it. Mix with flour enough to make a thin batter ; beat egg light, sift in baking powder with flour and add egg last. Bake in greased gem tins. BREAD 37 BREAD MUFFINS One pint stale bread crumbs, one pint of milk, one and one-half cupfuls sifted flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful melt- ed butter, two teaspoonfuls baking powder; cover bread crumbs with milk, and for one-half hour beat eggs sepa- rately ; add yolks to bread and milk, then melted butter and a teaspoonful of salt. Mix all well together ; add flour, beat till smooth and stir in carefully whites of eggs and baking powder. Bake in greased gem pans in a quick oven thirty minutes. RICE WAFFLES One and three-quarters cupfuls of flour, two and one- half teaspoonfuls baking powder, two-thirds cupful of cold cooked rice, one-quarter teaspoonful salt, one and one-quar- ter cupfuls of milk, one egg, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of melted butter. Sift together thor- oughly ; flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Work in rice ; add milk, yolk of egg beaten, butter and white of egg beaten stiff. Cook on hot waffle iron. SARATOGA GRIDDLE CAKES One quart of milk; two eggs, beaten separately, heap- ing teaspoonful of baking powder, salt, flour. Boil half the milk in double boiler and thicken until as thick as mush. When cold, add rest of milk, eggs, salt and baking powder, and flour enough to fry. SALLY LUNX One pint of milk, three eggs, one and one-half pounds flour, one teaspoonful of sugar, one-half cupful of yeast, one tablespoonful of lard. Salt to taste ; warm the milk and lard together, let cool before mixing. IRISH BREAD One cupful of milk, one cupful of yeast, two eggs, but- ter size of an egg, flour enough to stir very stiff. Stir about noon if needed at evening. Pour into same basin that you expect to bake it in; let rise once; bake in moderate oven half an hour; take off top crust and split through the cen- ter; break the edge with a knife, then use a string. Good and little trouble. 38 BREAD CINNAMON BUNS OR RUSKS One-half pint of milk, one-half pint of water, one cake Vienna yeast dissolved in the water, one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one teaspoonful salt and a Httle nutmeg. Scald milk and butter together, and cool ; beat two eggs light; add to milk and butter; then add yeast, sugar, salt and nutmeg; with sufficient flour to make a sponge. When light make out not too stiff. Let rise again, then cut out, or make into rolls and bake. BREAD Two quarts of flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of salt, piece of lard size of a small egg, one cake of Fleischman's yeast, one tablespoonful white pota- to. Sift flour, sugar and salt into a bowl; rub in the lard; dissolve yeast and potato in a cup of water and add to the flour, using enough water to mix the flour. Knead well and set in a warm place to lighten ; then knead well again. Make out in loaves or rolls and set away to lighten a second time. When light bake in a moderate oven. OLD-FASHIONED RISING BREAD Three tablespoonfuls of meal, a little salt made thin with new milk, and then scald. When cool enough to hold your finger in, thicken with flour to make a stiff batter. Set in hot water near the stove to rise, changing the water when cool for hot. At 10 o'clock add two spoonfuls of flour. At 12 o'clock it will be up; then sift flour with salt into the rising with a large lump of lard. MRS. SALLIE E. POLK'S ROLLS Five small potatoes, boiled and mashed fine, one-half pint of new milk, two teaspoonfuls of sugar, two quarts of flour sifted, and lard the size of a large egg, rubbed in the flour. After mashing the potatoes put in the milk and let it come to a simmer, and when cool enough put in one-half teacupful of yeast. BREAD 39 FOGEE ROLLS Melt two ounces of butter in one pint of hot milk, when lukewarm add one yeast cake dissolved in one cupful of warm water, and one teaspoonful each of salt and sugar. Then stir in enough flour to make a dough. Knead well and put in a bowl, cover and set in a warm place for three hours ; then turn this dough out on a board, cut it in small lengths and shape into rolls as long as a finger and place them in rows on a greased pan. Cover and set aside again for one hour. Beat the white of one egg with two tablespoonfuls of water; brush each roll, and bake in quick oven fifteen min- utes. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Six cupfuls of flour, one pint of milk, one large table- spoonful of lard, one-half cake of yeast, one-half cupful of sugar, one even tablespoonful of salt. Rub lard and flour together in a large bowl; make a well in the centre, and pour the cooled milk with the sugar and yeast dissolved in it, into the well. Let this sponge to lighten. As it lightens the flour will fall from the sides. In the morning make into dough, knead well in the bowl. Let it rise the second time ; when hght, make into pocket book rolls ; let rise again and bake in a moderate oven. Brush with lard when rolls be- gin to brown. This will glaze and make them soft. POP OYERS Two teacupfuls of sweet milk, two teacupfuls of sifted flour, one tablespoonful of melted butter, two eggs beaten, one tablespoonful of sugar. Fill hot gem pans half full. Bake twenty minutes. POCKETBOOK ROLLS One pint of new milk warmed with a good half cupful of lard, two eggs well beaten, two or three teaspoonfuls sugar, and salt to taste, one-half cupful of yeast. Mix first with a spoon and continue to add flour till you have a toler- ably stiff dough. When light, knead it well again ; roll out and cut with the top of flour box; turn each one over in the shape of a pocketbook; then let them rise again and bake. If you prefer they are very nice made into rolls. 40 BREAD POTATO ROLLS Take two coffee-cupfuls of mashed potatoes, one-half cupful of lard, two eggs, one-half cupful of yeast, two tea- spoonfuls of sugar, and salt to taste. Mix the ingredients into rather a stiff sponge about nine o'clock in the morning, and when light, which should be about twelve, make a dough of sufficient flour to mix the sponge well and roll into a sheet and cut out, placing them in pan just near enough to touch, and when light again bake. POTATO ROLLS Two eggs beaten light with one-half cupful of sugar; beat in one cupful of mashed potatoes, three large table- spoonfuls of flour, one cupful of yeast, one-half cupful of melted butter or lard. Beat sugar, lard and eggs together. Set sponge to rise in the morning ; about twelve o'clock mold it nearly as stiff as bread. Let it rise twice, then make in- to rolls; let it rise again and bake. GOOD BROWJ«^ BREAD Four teacupfuls of meal, two teacupfuls of flour, two teacupfuls of buttermilk or sour milk, two teacupfuls of sweet milk, two-thirds teacupful of molasses, one teaspoon- ful of soda, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of but- ter. Steam three hours and bake one-half hour. MRS. WILLIAMS' BROWIf BREAD Take three cupfuls of milk, and- if sour use one level tablespoonful of soda dissolved in one-half cupful of boiling water; if sweet, use a good teaspoonful of soda, one cup of New Orleans molasses, graham flour sufficient to make bat- ter like pound cake. Salt to taste. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD One quart of milk or milk and water, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one small cupful of sugar, one cake of compressed yeast dissolved in warm water, scald the milk and dissolve sugar in it, then add yeast and salt; stir in the flour to make thick batter. Beat thoroughly and let it rise till it seems as much again ; then beat again thoroughly and put in pans to rise again. When light bake in an oven not quite hot enough for white bread. BREAD 41 PLAIN LOAF BREAD One pint of milk scalded, add one tablespoonful of lard and one teaspoonful each of salt and sugar. When cool, add one-half cupful of yeast or one-half cake of compressed yeast, and sufficient flour to make a thick batter. Beat thoroughly until the batter is full of air-bubbles. Cover and let stand in a warm place until morning. Early in the morn- ing add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Knead quickly until smooth and elastic and let rise until twice its bulk. Mould into loaves, and let rise again until light. Bake in moderately quick oven three-quarters of an hour. COEN DODGEES Mix one teaspoonful each of salt and sugar with two cupfuls of white meal, then put one tablespoonful of lard in center and pour over enough boiling water to wet the meal. Beat one egg until very light, add one tablespoonful of milk, and stir into the meal. Beat the whole well. Drop by tablespoonfuls in greased pans and bake in very hot oven fifteen minutes. HOE CAKE Put one pint of cornmeal into a bowl and add one-half teaspoonful of salt; pour over it sufficient boiling water to just moisten the meal, and let it stand ten minutes; then add water until the batter will drop nicely from a spoon. Bake on griddle and serve with a bit of butter on top of each cake. Salads ''We may pick a thousand salads ere we light on such another." All's well that ends well. SALADS 43 MATONJfAISE DRESSING Put the yolks of two raw eggs in a dish and beat for a minute with a silver fork, then add a saltspoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne pepper and a few drops (about half a tea- spoonful) of either lemon juice or vinegar. After mixing these together, add drop by drop a half pint of olive oil, being careful to beat rapidly and without reversing the motion. If the dressing becomes too thick add a little vinegar or lemon juice. The dressing is improv- ed if placed for a few minutes on ice before using. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Yolks of two eggs, slightly beaten ; beat in oil, drop by drop, until you can turn dish upside down; red pepper and salt to taste; thin with sour whipped cream; beat with a silver fork. MAYONNAISE DRESSING One teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of mustard, six teaspoonfuls of vinegar, one-half cup of cream, a pinch of red pepper, one egg, a little sugar; boil until it thickens. SALAD DRESSING Four tablespoonfuls of butter, one tablespoonful of flour, one tablespoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of sugar, one heaping teaspoonful of mustard, one-eighth teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one cupful of milk and cream mixed, one- half cupful of vinegar, three eggs. Heat the butter in a saucepan; add the flour and stir until smooth, being careful not to brown ; add the milk and cream and let come to a boil ; place the saucepan into an- other pan of hot water, add the eggs, salt, pepper, sugar and mustard ; after they have been beaten together and the vine- gar added stir the whole until it thickens, which will require about five minutes. Set in a cool place until ready to use. 44 SALADS LAKE FISH SALAD Take a nice large fish (one with coarse flesh is better) , boil until tender and let it cool ; chop, not too fine, and add some nice tender lettuce, if you can't get celery; make a dressing of three eggs, a lump of butter the size of an egg, half teaspoonful of mustard, cayenne pepper and salt to taste, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar; cook until thick. Save out two whites of the eggs, beat light and add to dressing when cold; thin with cream. Serve on lettuce leaves. SHRDIP SALAD Break each shrimp in half and serve on lettuce leaves with this dressing: two eggs, beat whites slightly, then the yolks, and add to whites ; put in one-half teaspoonful of salt, the same of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, one-half cup of vinegar. Cook until smooth. A little mustard may be added if preferred. When cold add one-half cup of whipped cream. The cream should be added just before serving. CHICKEIf SALAD One chicken weighing about three pounds, one pound fresh pork roasted and well basted; cut both into small pieces; dress with mayonnaise. Dressing: — Yolks of two hard boiled eggs, mashed soft; add yolks of two raw eggs ; when quite thick add seasoning to taste; paprika, cayenne pepper, mustard, salt, a gill of olive oil and vinegar to taste; ingredients well mixed so that no prominence shall be given to any one ingredient. CHICKEN SALAD DRESSING Stir into the yolks of four raw eggs, a teaspoonful at a time, three wine glasses of chicken oil; beat well, and add one teaspoonful of salt, a little mustard, cayenne pepper to taste, two wine glasses of vinegar (best use according to taste) and a cup of cream or rich milk. Put into a farina kettle and boil until it thickens, then cool before putting on the chicken. SALADS 45 TOMATO SALAD Pare three large tomatoes and put on the ice to get cold. Take the yolks of two hard boiled eggs, one-half a teaspoon- ful of salt, the same of mustard, a little red pepper and two teaspoonsf uls of olive oil or melted butter ; mix all together, then add enough vinegar to make like thick cream. When ready to serve, slice the tomatoes and pour dress- ing over them. Cut the whites of eggs in rings and garnish dish. CRAB SALAD Prepare crab meat as for deviled crabs; cut by removing seeds and inside meat, from as many good sized round ripe tomatoes as needed. Fill these cups with crab meat, place same on salad leaves and pour over your favorite salad dressing. Excellent and pretty. MISERS' SAUCE Take some young onions or shallots and chop them fine, a little scalded parsley and two teaspoonfuls of grated horse- radish. Mix these with salad oil and vinegar, taking an equal quantity of each. Chafing Dish CHAFING DISH Charles Lamb's receipt to roast a pig* was to run the pig inside your house and burn the house down to make sufficient heat. But the nimble Frenchman in contrast to the burly Briton has taught us how to cook with a kit small enough to be held in the grasp of a hand. So take your chafing dish, light your spirit lamp, call in your friends, and with any of the following recipes, accompanied sotto voce, by "a cold bottle and another one" — while hands are busy and hearts are happy "le vie Boheme of gay Paree" will soften the stiff sedateness of our Yankee land and all go merry as a marriage bell. CHAFING DISH 47 DEVILED EGGS Five hard boiled eggs, butter the size of a walnut, half a pint of milk, two teaspoonfuls of cornstarch, heaping ta- blespoonful grated cheese, small coffee spoonful dry mus- tard; take spoonful of olive oil, salt, red and black pepper; mix the yolks, mustard, olive oil and condiments together in a bowl with the back of a silver spoon ; put into the chaf- ing dish the milk ; the butter with which the cornstarch has been mixed ; the whites of the eggs, cut fine ; a little salt. Stir constantly until boiling hot. In the meantime let some one spread thick over slices of buttered toast the paste, over which scatter the cheese; over this pour this hot white sauce and serve. FRICASSED EGGS Two tablespoonfuls of butter, one heaping tablespoon- ful of flour, sprig of parsley, half a dozen minced mush- rooms, half pint white stock (veal or chicken) , half a dozen hard boiled eggs (sliced). Put butter into chafing dish; when melted add flour, stirring constantly; parsley (cut fine), mushrooms and stock ; simmer five minutes ; add half cupful of cream slow- ly ; then the eggs (sliced) . Boil up once and serve very hot. FRICASSED EGGS Six eggs, beaten separately; six tablespoonfuls of cream; salt and pepper to taste. Stir lightly together and scramble in butter. CREAJHED SWEETBREADS Take three pairs of sweetbreads, have them carefully washed and parboiled; then cut them into dice, removing every particle of the gristle and skin; put into a pan one pint of cream or rich milk and a piece of butter the size of a large egg. When the cream begins to bubble up thicken with suffi- cient flour to make it the consistency of thin batter; add salt and cayenne pepper and pour on the sweetbreads. Flavor with wine to faste and serve hot. 48 CHAFING DISH MOCK TERRAPDf One pint of chopped veal, one cup of milk, two hard boiled eggs, a lump of butter, one teaspoonful of mustard, one dessert-spoonful of flour. While yolks of eggs are warm, rub the butter, mustard and flour into them until very smooth. Boil milk and veal together, and add paste to this ; chop whites of eggs and add last. CHICKEIf TERRAPIN One large chicken, one pint of cream or new milk, quar- ter of a pound of butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, three eggs. Boil the chicken — cut into small pieces and put in a pan with the cream. Mix well and let it come to a boil; mix the flour and butter well together until smooth and add to the rest; season with cayenne pepper and salt; boil the eggs hard and chop the whites fine; make the yolks into little balls; add wine and eggs just before taking off the fire. DELICIOUS CREAMED EGGS Five eggs, boiled for thirty minutes ; one pint of milk, one tablespoonful butter, one tablespoonful flour, quarter pound cheese, one cup peas, cooked and drained. Melt the butter; then add the cheese cut in small pieces; when that is melted add the flour, and then, very slowly, the milk. Cook until you have a thick smooth sauce; then add the hard boiled eggs chopped fine; add the peas. Season with salt and paprika or red pepper. WELSH RAREBIT One pound grated cheese, yolk of one egg beaten, one- half glass of ale or beer, one pinch of dry mustard, dash of red pepper, salt to taste, butter the size of an egg, a few drops of tabasco. CHAFING DISH 49 WELSH RAREBIT Melt three pats of butter in chafing dish; when thor- oughly melted put in one pound of American cream cheese, cut in small pieces ; add about one-third of a pint of beer. Keep stirring ; put in about a teaspoonf ul of mixed mus- tard; when cheese is completely melted, add two beaten eggs; mix well and cook for a moment only; add salt and essence of cayenne to taste. Serve on toast or salt crack- ers. Entrees 'Wisdom upholds experience rare, And lingers in each dainty fare." ENTREES 51 CHICKEN CROQUETTES One pint of finely chopped chicken, one tablespoonful salt, one-haif teaspoonful of pepper, one cupful of cream or chicken broth, one tablespoonful flour, four eggs, one tea- spoonful onion juice, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, one pint of bread crumbs, three tablespoonfuls of butter. Put the cream or broth on to boil, mix flour and butter together, and stir into the boiling cream, then add the chick- en and seasoning; boil for two minutes, add two of the eggs well beaten.Ta ke from the fire immediately and set away to cool. When cold shape and fry. CHICKEN CROQUETTES Boil a four pound chiken until tender. When cold chop the meat very fine. Put on to boil, one half pint of milk, one quarter pound of butter, three teaspoonfuls of chopped par- sley, a small onion, (chopped fine) and a dash of nutmeg. W^hen these ingredients come to a boil add three table- spoonfuls of flour made smooth. Boil again, then pour over the minced chicken. Season well with salt and red pepper. When cold form into cones and dip in beaten egg and bread crumbs and fry in boiling lard. BAKED CHEESE Six ounces of cheese grated, two eggs well beaten, one ounce of butter and a large teacupful of milk. Bake in a slow oven in a baking dish, and serve hot. NICE WAY TO HATE EGOS Break six eggs into a buttered pudding dish, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Have ready to pour over them a tea cup of milk scalded and thickened with a teaspoonful of cornstarch, and butter, pepper and salt; sprinkle bread crumbs over top. Bake in hot oven twenty minutes. 52 ENTREES EGGS m COCOTTES Butter interior of a cocotte and cover the bottom with finely chopped challots fried in butter. Add fresh mush- rooms; after these have evaporated all the moisture, add chopped parsley, salt, pepper and chopped truffles; break the egg in the cocotte; pour boiling hot butter over it and bake in a moderately hot oven for ten minutes. Serve im- mediately. COLD CHEESE SOUFFLE ENTREE Grate two ounces each of gruyere and parmesan cheese ; soak one tablespoonful of gelatine in a little cold water half an hour; stir it over hot water until dissolved; when cold add it to one pint of whipped cream with a little cayenne, salt and French mustard and the cheese; fill small rame- quin cases with the mixture ; grate cheese over the top and set on ice until firm. SALTED ALMONDS Over one-half pound of almonds pour boiling water ; put on back or range five minutes ; then put the almonds in cold water and squeeze them out of their skins. Put on them a tablespoonful of butter, and sprinkle with salt. Stir well. Spread them in a baking pan. Brown a golden brown. POTATO CROQUETTES Boil one dozen potatoes; beat until smooth and light; work in while hot one tablespoonful of butter, half cup of milk, a little salt and pepper. Stir in a sauce pan until smoking hot, then beat in two eggs and continue to beat until you have a smooth mass boiling hot. Turn out on a dish to cool ; flour your hands and make in croquettes of cone shape; roll in cracker dust and fry in hot lard. ENTREES 53 CHEESE OMELET Take one pint of milk, one and a half teacupfuls of grated cheese, three eggs, piece of butter size of an egg, bread crumbs enough to thicken the milk. Put the milk and bread crumbs on the fire and when just coming to a boil add cheese and butter; then take from fire and add beaten yolks of the eggs ; also a little salt, ca- yenne pepper and a pinch of mustard; then add whites of eggs beaten to stiff froth and stir; pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake in a quick oven till brown. Serve hot. SWEETBREAD CROQUETTES Parboil two pairs sweetbreads; pull apart and chop fine; chop two cans mushrooms very fine and mix with the sweetbreads; rub together one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour, and add to it one-half pint of milk; boil and pour over the sweetbreads ; add one tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley to one beaten egg and mix through the sweetbreads. Season to taste and when cool mould; dip in egg; then in cracker dust and fry. SALMON CROQUETTES Drain the salmon ; put half a pint of milk over the fire ; rub together one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour; add to the milk and cook until thick. Take from the fire and add the yolk of one egg; cook for just a moment longer. To the salmon add a teaspoonful each of salt, chopped parsley, a grating of nutmeg and a dash of pepper. Mix meat and sauce ; turn out to cool. When cold, form into cylinders; roll in bread crumbs and fry in smoking-hot fat. Pies 'It 'pears like I smell custard pies.' — Riley PIES 55 PLAIN PIE CRUST For two large pies use about one pound of flour; sift the flour and put in a pinch of salt, three-quarters of a cup of butter and lard ; cut into pieces (use more lard than but- ter) , one cupful of cold water stirred in with a knife till you have a soft dough. Take out on a well-floured board; roll out thin ; double edges in ; flour it ; roll out again. The last couple of times you roll; put little dabs of butter on till the paste rises in blisters. Paste kept on ice for a day will make lighter pie crust. PUFF PASTE One pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of but- ter, water; put flour on paste board; lay butter on it and roll out in thin sheets; set butter aside to keep cold; then mix flour with cold water to a soft dough ; roll out thin ; lay butter in it till all used ; then roll dough up tight ; beat hard with rolling pin to drive butter into it ; fold up and roll out three or four times ; now ready for use. CUSTARD PIE Beat up the yolks of three eggs to a cream; stir thor- oughly a tablespoonful of sifted flour into three tablespoon- fuls of sugar; this separates the particles of flour so that there will be no lumps ; then add it to the beaten yolks, put in a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of vanilla and a little grated nutmeg, a pint of scalded milk (not boiled) which has been cooled; mix this in by degrees and turn all into a deep pie pan lined with puff-paste, and bake from twenty-five fo thirty minutes. When done, have ready the whites, beaten stiff, with three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Spread this over the top and brown slightly in the oven. 56 PIES SWEET OR WHITE POTATO PIES One-half pound sugar, quarter poui>d of butter, beaten to a cream; one pound of white or sweet potatoes, boiled and mashed fine; beat potato by degrees into butter and sugar. Add three eggs beaten light, half wine glass of sherry, half wine glass of brandy, one teaspoonful of spice, quarter pint of cream. This quantity will make three pies. GEATED APPLE PIE Six large apples grated, one cup of sugar, grated rind of one lemon, piece of butter size of a walnut, yolks of two eggs. Use the beaten whites of eggs for the top. This makes one large pie. LEMOJf PIE Four lemons grated, remove the seeds; four eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses, tiny pinch of salt; line the pie tins with pie crust; spread layer of filling; put an- other layer of crust rolled very thin ; then another layer of filling; finish with top crust, making three crusts. Bake a pretty brown. Serve cold. This makes three pies. COCOANUT PIE Yolks of four eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup of pre- pared cocoanut, four tablespoonfuls of flour mixed with milk, one quart sweet milk. Boil the milk and add yolk beaten with the sugar, cocoanut and flour mixed with the milk. Make the same as any custard. Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs and a little sugar. This quantity will make two pies. PIES 57 RICH OXSTEE PEE For crust: Four cups flour, one cup shortening, half each of butter and lard, one teaspoonful of salt; sift flour four times, and chop butter and lard into it with a knife; add ice water to make stiff dough; place on ice for two hours ; then roll. Line a three quart pan on sides only ; turn a cup three inches in diameter upside down in center; then put in about three pints of oysters, seasoned with pepper (and salt if oysters are fresh) ; add generous amount of butter; put on top crust; make hole in center, size of bot- tom of cup; stick crust with a fork; cook in oven until done; allow crust to brown, and before serving remove the cup. In making dough stir with spoon and handle as little as possible. MBTCE MEAT Two pounds beef, two pounds suet, four pounds apples, four pounds raisins, four pounds currants, half pound cit- ron, three pounds sugar, half ounce cinnamon, quarter ounce of mace, quarter ounce cloves, one nutmeg and the juice and grated rind of an orange. Brandy and wine to taste. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE One quart of flour (heaped) , two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder, one-quarter pound of butter ,two eggs beaten with a small cup of sugar, one cup of milk. Make this into a dough, roll out and divide into two pieces ; put one layer of dough on top of the other and bake in a large dish ; when baked separate the layers by running a knife between them ; put strawberries between the layers and on top; sweeten the berries but do not crush them. Serve fresh with cream. Desserts 'They had so many pud din's, sal lid s, Sandwidges an' pies, That a fellar wisht his stummick was As hungry as his eyes." DESSERTS 59 SOUTH CAROLINA PLUM PUDDING One loaf stale bread grated, one pint milk scalded; when hot put in one large tablespoonful butter; then pour over grated bread, one cup brown sugar, eight eggs beaten light, one nutmeg, one pound of seeded raisins, one pound of washed currants, one-quarter pound of citron. Put in a bag well buttered and sprinkled with flour; have the water boiling and boil one hour; to be eaten hot with any good sauce. FRUIT SUET PUDDING One cup of chopped suet mixed well in three cups of flour, one cup of New Orleans molasses, one cup of butter- milk, one cup of raisins, one cup of currants, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, a little grated nutmeg, half a teaspoonful of salt, the grated rind of a lemon, a tablespoonful of brandy, and last of all a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water. Boil steadily three hours in a bag. Serve with wine sauce. PEACH PUDDING Take a pudding dish and put a layer of bread crumbs in the bottom; then a layer of peaches, either canned or fresh fruit; then another layer of bread crumbs and an- other of peaches; do this until you have the quantity de- sired; then make a custard of one quart of milk, yolks of three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch; sweeten to taste. After cooked, pour over the bread crumbs and peaches and take whites and beat them stiff; spread over top and brown slightly; flavor with bitter almonds. 60 DESSERTS APPLE PUDDING One dozen apples, peel and quarter them; two cups of pulverized sugar; season to suit with spice — use no water. For the paste: — One pound of flour, one heaping dessert- spoonful of baking powder, one cup of butter, rub in dry; three eggs. Mix with cold milk ; roll out and place over the apples ; cover the sauce pan and cook for twenty minutes. Serve with wine or hard sauce. QUEEN OF PUDDINGS One pint of bread crumbs, one quart of milk, four eggs, one cup of sugar, butter size of an egg, chocolate to taste. Beat the whites of the eggs with a cup of sugar and spread on top after pudding is done, and put in oven to brown. SNOW PUDDING Beat the whites of three eggs to stiff froth; dissolve three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch in a little cold milk or water, and add to one pint boiling milk ; cook the cornstarch thoroughly ; add the whites of eggs very gently. Sauce: — The beaten yolks of three eggs, one cup sugar, one and a half cups milk, one-half teaspoonful butter and a little salt. Cook until it thickens. RAISIN PUFFS One-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, two eggs, one cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour, one cup of seeded raisins chopped fine and dredged with flour, two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder sifted with flour; steam one-half hour in buttered cups. This mixture will make seven cups. Serve either with cream or lemon sauce. Lemon Sauce: — One cup of sugar, one-half cup of but- ter, one egg beaten light, juice of one lemon, one-half cup of boiling water ; thicken over steam. DESSERTS 61 BAKED APPLES STUFFED WITH FIGS Core large firm apples and place in a baking dish; cover the bottom of the pan with water and sprinkle lavishly with sugar ; fill the spaces from which the cores were taken with figs chopped fine and moistened with a little lemon juice. Bake until tender; basting well with the sugar and water. Serve very cold with whipped cream. BEOWN BETTY Pare and cut apples in small pieces ; spread a layer in a dish ; cover with grated bread crumbs ; drop on small pieces of butter and sift with cinnamon and sugar ; repeat this un- til dish is filled. Serve with sauce. Sauce: — Three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch; smooth with cold water; pour about a pint of boiling water over this, butter size of an egg, one-half cup of sugar; boil a little and flavor. HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE Put half a cupful each of sugar and water into a sauce- pan; let boil five minutes; then stir in slowly four ounces of Baker's chocolate melted; add half a teaspoonful of va- nilla. Let stand in a pan of hot water until ready to serve; then add half a cupful of cream or milk. To make a beautiful dessert, fill tall slender glasses half full of raspberry ice and pile sweetened whipped cream on top. ITALIAN CREAM One quart of rich cream whipped, whites of three eggs beaten light, one-half box of gelatine, one cup of sugar; flavor to taste; dissolve the gelatine in one-half teacup of milk; stir it into the sugar and add to it the cream which is left from whipping the cream; then stir in the whites, and lastly the cream ; put in a mold on the ice. 62 DESSERTS BATARIA:Pf CEEABI Whip one pint of cream to stiff froth, laying it on a sieve; boil another pint of cream or rich milk with vanilla and two tablespoonfuls of sugar until it is well flavored; then take off fire and add one-half box of gelatine soaked for an hour in one-half cup of water; when slightly cooled stir in the yolks of four eggs well beaten. When it has become quite cool and begins to thicken, stir it without ceasing a few minutes until it is very smooth, then stir in the whipped cream lightly until it is well mix- ed; put in molds and place on ice. CREOLE CREAM Beat yolks of six eggs with one-half teacupful of pow- dered sugar; add a pint of rich milk; set over the fire and stir until very hot, but not boiling; take off and let cool. Cut up one-quarter of a pound of citron ; ornament sides of a mould with candied strawberries and leaves cut from thin sheets of lemon jelly; stir two tablespoonfuls of melted gel- atine into a pint of whipped cream ; add to the custard with the chopped citron ; pour into the mould and set on ice. SPAMSH CREAM One quart of milk, four eggs, one-half box of gelatine. Pour half the milk on the gelatine and let it stand an hour ; add the rest of the milk and let it boil together; separate the eggs, adding twelve tablespoonfuls of sugar to the beat- en yolks and four tablespoonfuls of sugar to the beaten whites; when the milk and gelatine have boiled add the yolks. When this is thick and smooth, take it off the fire and let it get cool before adding the beaten whites ; flavor with vanilla and pour into molds; always wet the molds in cold water first. DESSERTS 63 RICE CHARLOTTE Two tablespoonfuls of rice, boiled in double boiler with one quart of milk ; after taking from fire, add whites of three eggs well beaten; sweeten and flavor to taste; pour in a mold lined with lady fingers. CHOCOLATE BLANC-IHAIfGE One and a half ounces of gelatine in one-half pint of cold water four hours ; warm one quart of milk ; stir in gel- atine one-half pound of sugar; let it get hot; when melted strain and add three tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate; stir continually and boil ten minutes. CHARLOTTE RUSSE One pint of thick rich cream ; pour the cream in a large meat dish and whip with a flat egg whip. This makes the whipped cream close and creamy. It must be stiff enough to stand; beat in enough pulverized sugar to taste; flavor with sherry. Line sherbet glasses with lady fingers; pile the whipped cream in them with two or three maraschino cherries on top. CHARLOTTE RUSSE Five eggs, one-half box of gelatine, one-half pound of sugar, one quart of cream; beat the eggs separately very light ; put gelatine to dissolve with enough warm water to cover it ; set it on back of stove where it will keep warm ; whip the cream to stiff froth ; stir yolks and sugar together ; add the beaten whites, then the cream hghtly; last of all the gelatine; mix all thoroughly and turn into a dish lincU with cake. Put whatever flavor you wish into the yolks and sugar. It is well to mix part of your sugar in the cream before you whip it. It will congeal very soon. 64 DESSERTS APPLE FLOAT CUSTARD Yolks of two eggs, one pint of milk, sweeten to taste, flavor with vanilla; let come to a boil. Float: — Whites of two eggs, two good sized apples grated, one cup of pulverized sugar, beaten until very light and stiff. APPLE CREAM FILLING One large sour apple grated, whites of two eggs, two cups granulated sugar; put all in a bowl and beat until very light. BUTTER AWD SUGAR FROSTING Two cups white sugar, two-thirds cup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter; boil ten minutes; flavor and stir until cool enough to spread on cake. This will make three layers. COFFEE CUSTARD Two cups of milk, one-quarter cup of sugar, two table- spoonfuls ground coffee, yolks of three eggs, a little salt, one-quarter teaspoonful vanilla; scald milk with the coffee and strain; beat eggs slightly; add sugar, salt, vanilla and milk; strain into custard cups; set in pan of hot water and bake until firm. CAKE AND CUSTARD DESSERT Make a custard of one quart of new milk and the yolks of six eggs; beat the eggs and sugar together; one table- spoonful of sugar to each egg; let the milk come to a boil and then stir in the eggs and sugar; as soon as it begins to thicken take off the fire. After it cools, flavor with va- nilla ; dip one-half pound of stale lady fingers in sherry wine and put in the custard just before using; then beat the whites of the eggs until very stiff, allowing one tablespoon- f ul of sugar to each egg ; flavor with vanilla ; put the whites on top of the custard and drop jelly in spots over it. DESSERTS 65 TAPIOCA CUSTAED One quart of milk, four eggs, one-half cup of sugar, and a little vanilla, two tablespoonfuls of tapioca; soak tapioca over night; let milk come to a boil; put tapioca in and cook; heat yolks and sugar together; add to milk, and cook a few minutes; turn into a dish; beat whites; add a spoonful of sugar to them; drop on custard and brown in the oven. MOOIfSHmE PUDDOG, OK PUDDING THAT NETER FAILS Two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch dissolved in cold water; let come to a boil one pint of water; add to it one- half cup of sugar and a pinch of salt, and the cornstarch; remove from the fire and add to it the beaten whites of two eggs ; slice three bananas and put layer of pudding and ban- anas alternately to top of pudding dish. Serve with follow- ing sauce : Sauce: — Yolks of four eggs, one pint of milk, two table- spoonfuls of sugar, teaspoonful of vanilla, a pinch of salt, a few drops of rose water. Boil until thick as cream. PEACH PUFFS One teaspoonful of melted butter, one teaspoonful of melted lard, two eggs beaten separately, one pint of milk, a pinch of salt, six teaspoonfuls of sugar, flour to make a thin batter, two teaspoonfuls of baking ' powder ; fill gem pans half full of batter; add one-half peach covered with powdered sugar. Bake quickly; serve hot with boiled custard; flavor with vanilla or brandy. 66 DESSERTS APPLE DUMPLINGS Peel and boil eight large white potatoes till tender; mash until free from lumps; add one-quarter pound butter and teaspoonful of salt; beat briskly until very light; then sieve in sufficient flour to make a dough stiff enough to roll out. Divide dough into ten parts and roll thin; set in cen- ter of each an epple, peeled and cored, and a dash of grated nutmeg; place each in a dumpling cloth and drop into well filled pot of hot water ; boil one hour and serve with cream and sugar, or brandy sauce. BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS Pastry: — One quart of flour, two teaspoonfuls of Royal baking powder, one teaspoonful of salt, three-quarters of a cup of lard. This quantity will make ten dumplings. Sauce: — One and a half pints of water, two and a half cups of sugar, one cup of butter. Put sauce in biscuit pan; add the dumplings and bake in quick oven. Baste the dumplings with the sauce every few minutes till done. When done remove dumplings from pan and flavor sauce with vanilla or brandy. Ice Cream— Ices ''The Deacon not being in the habit of taking his nourishment in the congealed state, had treated the ice- cream as a pudding of a rare species." — Holmes 68 ICE CREAM— ICES CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Three-quarters of a cake of chocolate grated and boil- ed until thickened in one pint of rich milk. Take off the fire; add a teaspoonful of vanilla; set aside until the next day; make a custard of the yolks of six eggs, one and a half pint of new milk and one cup of sugar, and a teaspoon- ful of vanilla; add one cup of sugar, one-half box of gela- tine dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of water; stir in as soon as removed from the fire. Mix the chocolate with a pint of rich cream and a heaping cup of sugar; add the custard; strain all through a rather coarse strainer and freeze. PEACH ICE CREAM To a quart of mashed and strained peaches add six ounces of granulated siigar; while the sugar is dissolving put into the freezer a quart of cream and milk mixed with six ounces of the sugar and start to freeze ; then add to it the prepared peaches and finish freezing altogether. Cherries, pineapple and other fruit may be treated in the same manner, except do not mash and strain. CARAMEL ICE CREAM One quart of milk, one cup of sugar, two small tea- spoonfuls of cornstarch, two eggs, one quart of cream. Let milk come to a boil; add the sugar, eggs and cornstarch mixed together and cool twenty minutes. Take a small cup of sugar in a frying pan and stir over the fire until it burns a little, then turn into the mixture and set away to cool; when cold add the cream and freeze. FAIRY ICE CREAM Whip a quart of cream sweetened, and flavor to taste; pack in salt and ice and let stand for three hours. ICE CREAM— ICES 69 APRICOT ICE CEEAM One quart of apricots, three quarts of milk, one quart of cream, one pound of sugar; mash the fruit (or run it through a meat chopper) ; add cream, milk and sugar with two teaspoonfuls of vanilla, and freeze. ORANGE WATER ICE Six oranges, two lemons, two and a half pounds of sugar, two tablespoonfuls cornstarch, one gallon of water; squeeze oranges, and lemons ; scald the grated rinds ; heat the water hot enough to cook cornstarch and melt the sugar. When cool mix with juice and water of grated rinds and freeze. FROZEIf BRAIfDY PEACHES One pint of milk thickened with two eggs and one tea- spoonful of cornstarch, one quart of cream, three pints of soft peaches mashed through a colander. Make very sweet as sugar freezes out. Flavor with va- nilla and apple brandy. MILK SHERBET Four cups of milk, one and a half cups of sugar, juice of three lemons, juice of one orange. Mix juice of fruit and sugar together until half melted, then pour in the milk slowly. Put white of one egg in when almost frozen. FROZEN SHERBET One-half can of apricots, three bananas, three cups of water, three oranges, three cups of sugar, three lemons. Rub apricots and bananas through strainer; pour the water in gradually to help pulp go through ; squeeze oranges and lemons into the fruit ; add sugar. Freeze as usual. One pint of cream may be mixed with the fruit. PEACH SHERBET Mash one quart of peaches through a colander, one cup of water; sugar well as it freezes out. Brandy and sherry to taste. 70 ICE CREAM— ICES FBOZEIf PEACHES For a six quart freezer, take two quarts of peaches, press through a colander and add three pounds of sugar, two quarts of milk, one quart of cream. Take an extra quart of milk, put in a double boiler with two eggs and a scant tablespoonful of cornstarch and cup of sugar. Just before it is ready to pack, after freezing, add six tablespoonf uls of apple brandy ; pack and let harden. PUnEAPPLE CREAM To one quart of grated pineapple add two quarts of sweet cream and one quart of new milk; add sugar until you think it is sweet enough ; then freeze. Any other fruit may be used. FROZEN CHERRY CUSTARD Boil two quarts of milk and two cups of sugar together ; beat six eggs light ; dissolve five small teaspoonf uls of corn- starch in a little milk and stir, it together with the eggs into the boiling milk; boil twenty minutes; remove from stove and set aside to cool. When cold add one quart of milk and one quart of sweet cream. When this is half frozen add one quart of cherries without the juice. If peaches are preferred use three quarts of the fruit. FROZEN CUSTARD Three pints of milk, three eggs, one pint of cream, two cups sugar, one heaping tablespoonful cornstarch. Boil the milk and cornstarch; add the yolks of eggs and sugar beaten very light, then the beaten whites ; when cold add cream ; flavor to taste and freeze. PIIfEAPPLE ICE One quart of water, one quart can of fruit or one large pineapple grated and strained through a fine sieve, one and a quarter pounds of sugar, the white of one egg beaten very light. Peach or apricot can be made the same way. Cakes ^^Siveet cakes and short cakes, ginger cakes and honey cakes and the whole family of cakes." — Irving 72 CAKES MARBLE CAKE One-half cupful of butter, one and one-half cupfuls of white sugar, one-half cupful of sweet milk, two and one- half cupfuls of flour, one-quarter teaspoonful of soda, one- half teaspoonf ul of cream of tartar, whites of four eggs and juice of one lemon. Dark Part: — One-half cupful of butter, two cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of sweet milk, two cupfuls of flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, yolks of four eggs and one whole egg. SUPERIOR CHOCOLATE CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, one cupful of milk, one teaspoonful of vanilla, one-half cake of choco- late melted, five eggs and three cupfuh of flour, three teaspoonf uls of yeast powder. Icing: — One pound of pulverized sugar, water to wet it; beat slightly whites of three eggs; add sugar and then the melted half cake of chocolate. Boil until it thickens, stirring constantly ; as it cools add a grated cocoanut. Flav- or with vanilla. COFFEE CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of New Orleans mo- lasses, one cupful of butter, one-half cupful of lard, four eggs, reserving the whites of two for icing; one cup of cold strong coffee, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoon- ful of cloves, one teaspoonful of allspice, one nutmeg grated, two pounds of seeded raisins, one pound of currants, two tea- spoonfuls of Royal baking powder. Mix as any other cake, about five cups of flour: it must be of the consistency of fruit cake. Bake one hour. CAKES 73 CEEAM CHOCOLATE CAKE Cream one-half pound of butter, and add slowly one pound of granulated sugar, the whites of five eggs, beaten light, and one cupful of cream ; to this add three cupf uls of flour, into which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder. Flavor with bitter almond, and bake in layers. Filling: — (Cream) one pound soft white sugar, one-half cupful of cream; flavor with vanilla (chocolate), one pound granulated sugar, one-half cupful cream, one-quarter cake of Baker's chocolate. Let the cream filling boil before put- ting the chocolate filling on the stove. Boil each until a ball can be formed when dropped into cold water. Beat until light, and it begins to thicken ; spread cream filling on layers, then as you put the chocolate filling on these put the cake together. EIBBOIf CAKE Five eggs, two and one-half cupf uls of sugar, three and one-half cupfuls of flour, one cupful of milk, one cupful of butter, one teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. Bake three layers of white batter, take two table- spoonfuls of chocolate, wet it with milk and sweeten to taste, boil a few minutes and cool, then put in the batter, which will be two layers, and bake. Put the white at the bottom, then the dark, put icing between the layers. FKUIT CAKE Cream one pound of butter, and add slowly one pound of granulated sugar. To this add ten well beaten eggs; stir in one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves and one small grated nutmeg; add one-half cupful of molasses and one cupful of brandy and wine mixed; then add three and one-half cupfuls of flour sifted three times, two pounds of currants, two pounds of raisins, one pound of citron (or one-half pound of citron and one-half pound of orange peel) . To this add one teaspoonful of baking soda, dissolved in one tablespoonful of warm water. Bake for four hours in a mod- erate oven. 74 CAKES YELVET CAKE Cream four tablespoonf uls of butter, to which add one and one-half cupfuls of granulated sugar. To this add the well beaten yolks of three eggs and one-half cupful of cold water ; add two cupfuls of flour, sifted three times, two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder and one-quarter teaspoonful of salt. Beat all together and add the well beaten whites of the eggs. Flavor with almond. Bake in a loaf in moderate oven for twenty-five minutes. Cover with a filling made by boiling two cupfuls of brown sugar and three-quarters cupful of cream, until it can be formed into a ball when put in cold water. Remove from fire, and beat until it be- gins to stiffen, when it is ready to be spread on the cake. MINNEHAHA CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, whites of six eggs, two teaspoonfuls of yeast powder. Beat sugar and butter to a cream, add part of the milk, then flour, sifted alternate- ly into the batter with whites beaten to a very stiff froth, and fold in gradually. Add lastly the baking powder and one-half teaspoonful of almond extract; pour into greased tins and bake in a quick oven from fifteen to twenty min- utes. Filling: — Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of water, whites of two eggs, one pound of English walnuts, one-half pound of raisins, one-half pound of figs, flavor with almond. Boil sugar and water together until it forms a thread when dropped from a spoon. Beat whites to a stiff froth ; pour boiling syrup over the whites ; beat until thick and creamy ; add the fruit to this mixture. When cakes are cold spread a layer of the filling on top of one cake; place another cake on top of it and continue until all are used. The cake is then ready to be served. DEVIL CAKE Part I. — One cupful of sugar, three-quarters cupful of chocolate, one-half cupful of milk. Part 11. — One cupful of brown sugar, one-half cupful of butter, three eggs, one-half cupful of milk, two and one- half cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of soda, dissolve well in milk, and mix with part one. CAKES 75 DELICATE CAKE One cupful of butter, two and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of sweet milk, four cupfuls of flour, three tea- spoonfuls of baking powder, six eggs. Beat the butter and sugar together ; add the milk and flour and beat well. Last add the eggs, one at a time, and stir each one in thoroughly. This makes one large cake. SPICE CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, four eggs, one cupful of sour cream, two teaspoonfuls of cinna- mon, two teaspoonfuls of allspice, one small nutmeg grated, one even teaspoonful of soda dissolved. SPICE CAKE Two cups of brown sugar, one-half cupful of butter, yolks of five eggs, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a tablespoonful of cream, one wine glass of brandy, two tea- spoonfuls of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of allspice, two tea- spoonfuls of cloves, one nutmeg, three cupfuls of flour; flavor with vanilla. The icing made by adding one pound of confectioner's sugar to the whites of the five eggs beaten light. COFFEE CAKE Three cupfuls of sugar, three cupfuls of molasses, two cupfuls of butter, eight eggs (whites of two for icing) , four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, ten cupfuls of flour, one nut- meg, one tablespoonful of ground cloves, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one tablespoonful of allspice, two pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, one-half pound of citron, two large cupfuls of strong coffee. Put fruit in last well floured. 76 CAKES IVHITE FRUIT CAKE One-half cupful of butter and two cupfuls of pulverized sugar creamed together ; add two-thirds of a cupful of milk, two and one-half cupfuls of pastry flour, alternately with the whites of eight eggs. One cupful of crystallized fruit, cut fine, and one-half cupful of chopped almonds are put in last. Bake in a tube pan, slowly, for an hour. Frost top and sides with a delicately colored icing. The cakes should rise high in the pan before beginning to brown. ICING FOK POUIfD CAKE Put into a saucepan one pound of granulated sugar and half a pint of water, stir continually over the fire until the sugar is dissolved, then boil without stirring until the syrup spins a heavy thread from a spoon dipped in it. Beat the whites of two eggs to a very stiff froth ; add the syrup to them gradually, beating rapidly all the while; then add a quarter of a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and beat until cold and thick ; flavor to taste. ANGEL'S FOOD One and one-half tumblers' of granulated sugar, one tumbler of flour, the whites of eleven eggs, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one teaspoonful of vanilla. Directions For Mixing: — The tumbler must hold exact- ly two and one-fourth gills, and it is better to mix it to- gether on a large meat dish. Sift the flour four times, then measure and add the cream of tartar. Sift the sugar once and then measure. Beat the whites to a stiff, dry froth, then the sugar lightly, and then as lightly as possible the flour and cream of tartar, and then the vanilla. The pan in which it is to be baked must not be greased. Bake in a quick oven forty minutes. If a little soft when trying with a straw leave it in a little longer. When it is done turn the pan with the cake in it upside down to cool; by placing something under the edges of the pan to keep it from touch- ing the table. If the cake is not good it will fall out of the pan. CAKES 11 LILY CAKE One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, whites of six eggs, one cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, three tea- spoonfuls of baking powder; flavor with bitter almonds. Icing: — Two cupfuls of sugar, whites of two eggs, scant one-quarter pint of boiling water; boil sugar in water until clear, pour gradually over the beaten whites, beat thirty minutes ; stir in one pint of nuts chopped (shellbarks, Eng- lish walnuts and almonds). COCOAIfUT MACAROONS Mix one cupful of flour, one cupful of sugar, two cup- fuls of desiccated cocoanut; beat very light whites of three eggs; fold into the mixture; make out in thin small cakes and bake. FIYE O'CLOCK TEAS One and one-half cupfuls of flour, two eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one- quarter of a cupful of warm water, one-half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in water, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, one pound English walnuts (chopped), one pound raisins seeded, cut into pieces and floured. Drop in small spoonfuls on a buttered tin and bake. WHEAT COOKIES One pound of sugar, one pound of flour, three eggs, one-half pound of butter. Drop from teaspoon and bake in a hot oven. Flavor to taste with vanilla. CHOCOLATE WAFERS Two ounces of grated chocolate, four ounces of pow- dered sugar, one ounce of flour, whites of two eggs, pinch of cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful of vanilla; mix chocolate, sugar and flour together well, add cinnamon and vanilla, then stir in lightly the well beaten whites of the eggs. Drop from teaspoon upon well buttered tins. 78 CAKES DOUGHNUTS One pint of buttermilk, two cupfuls of sugar rolled free from lumps, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of soda dissolved in one-quarter cupful of lukewarm water; stir in flour until a thin batter, then add three tablespoonf uls of melted lard ; mix in flour until hard enough to roll out. Have dough as soft as can be handled. Fry in hot lard. DOUGHNUTS Boil one quart of milk, melt in it one-half pound of but- ter ; beat three eggs, two pounds of sugar, pour on them the boiling milk, stirring all the time ; stir in a cupful of yeast, spoonful of salt, flour enough to make a stiff batter; when light knead in enough flour to make a soft dough, let rise till light, roll thin, cut and boil in hot lard. Dust with cin- namon and sugar. DOUGHNUTS Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; as much flour as you need. ICE CREAM CAKE White of five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, one scant cup- ful of butter, one cupful of milk, three cupfuls of sifted flour, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Cream the but- ter and sugar very light, add milk and flour alternately, beat thoroughly, lastly; stir in lightly the whites of eggs beaten very stiff, one teaspoonful of vanilla. Do not beat after the eggs are in. Bake in layers. Finish with boiled icing. SNOW BALL CAKE White of five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of milk, one-half cupful of butter, three cupfuls of flour and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat whites until stiff ; cream butter and sugar well, then add whites, next your flour, and last milk; sift sugar once and flour twice; flavor with vanilla. CAKES 79 OSA]!fGE CAKE Four eggs, one cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of milk, four cupfuls of flour (rather less), two teaspoonf uls of baking powder ; flavor to taste. Icing; — Two oranges, one-half pound of sugar, white of one eg^. Boil ten minutes. CHOCOLATE MIT CAKE Light Part: — Beat together until very light one cupful of sugar and one-quarter cupful of butter; add six table- spoonfuls of milk, one-half teaspoonful vanilla, one heaping teaspoonful of Rumford yeast powder sifted with one and one-quarter cupfuls of flour, and the well beaten whites of four eggs. Bake in two layers. Dark Part: — One-half cupful of sugar, three ounces of butter and yolk of four eggs beaten together ; add one ounce grated chocolate; one-quarter cupful of milk, one rounded teaspoonful of Rumford yeast powder and one cupful of flour. Mix well and bake in one layer. Make filling as follows : Four ounces of chocolate melt- ed ; add one-half cupful of cream, two tablespoonf uls of but- ter and one cupful of sugar ; boil until it forms a very soft ball when dropped in ice water; then add one cupful finely chopped nuts. Spread this very thick between the layers. Ice with plain chocolate icing and decorate with unbroken halves of English Walnuts. DALNTY CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour ; flavor. Two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder; sift sugar once, sift flour four- times. Very good. SPONGE CAKE Ten eggs, one pound of sugar, one-half pound of sifted flour, one lemon, beat yolks of eggs, sugar and grated rind and juice of lemon together with wooden spoon until light and creamy; then stir in whites of eggs beaten very light. Beat all together ten minutes, take out spoon or Qgg beater, stir in the flour with silver knife ; bake in a moderately hot oven until done; when baked turn out of pans and put on bottom of pan cake was baked in until cold. 80 CAKES SPOIfGE LATER CAKE Four well beaten eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, three cup- fuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, flavor; two-thirds cupful of boiling water added last. Custard: — Yolks of two well beaten eggs, pint of milk, three teaspoonfuls of cornstarch, one-half cupful of granu- lated sugar; flavor with orange and lemon mixed. CmJfAMOIf CAKE Take one cupful of sugar, butter size of an egg, cream them and add one egg, one cupful of milk, two cupfuls of flour, pinch of salt and nutmeg; give it a vigorous beating, then add one and one-half teaspoonfuls of Royal baking powder. When it is done spread on the top cinnamon, but- ter and sugar melted together. DESSERT CAKE One-quarter pound of butter, one-quarter pound of sugar beaten to a cream, one-quarter pound rice (ground), one-half teaspoonful baking powder; beat well, add three eggs to mixture. Butter small tins; bake in quick oven ten or twelve minutes. GENTLEMEJf'S FAVORITE Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter beaten to a cream, seven eggs beaten separately, two tablespoon- fuls of water, two cupfuls of flour, three tablespoonfuls of baking powder ; bake in layers. Filling: — One egg, one cupful of sugar, three grated ap- ples, one lemon. Cook until it becomes thick. Let it cool before putting on the cakes. ROLL JELLY CAKE Four eggs, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of sifted flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, a little salt ; this will make two cakes ; spread thin on long tins and bake; then spread with jelly and roll. CAKES 81 TUTTI FEUTTI CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, four cupfuls of flour, one cupful of butter, one cupful of milk, whites of five eggs, two tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Divide in four parts: to one part add one-half cupful of cocoanut, to the second part one-half cupful of seeded raisins, to the third one-half cup- ful of citron and to the fourth one-half cupful of walnuts; or to the whole add two cupfuls of cocoanut. LADY CAKE A pound each of butter and pulverized sugar creamed together until very light; a pint of well beaten whites of eggs; a tablespoonful each of French brandy and the ex- tract of bitter almonds; a pound and two ounces of flour, with a teaspoonful of baking powder. FREIfCH CAKE Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of milk, three eggs, two and one-half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake one-half of the batter in two layers. Mix the other half with two ounces of grated chocolate and flavor to taste. Bake the dark part in two layers; have alternate layers dark and light with cocoanut icing between them. Icing: — Two cupfuls of sugar, whites of two eggs; boil sugar in one-half cupful of water, pour over beaten whites, beat well, and when cold add eight tablespoonfuls of grated cocoanut. DOTER CAKE One pound of sugar, one-half pound of butter, one pound of flour with a couple large tablespoonfuls taken out, one large cupful of milk, six eggs, two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder. First cream butter and sugar together thor- oughly ; add the well beaten yolks, then milk. The flour with the bakine powder must be sifted two or three times be- fore stirring into batter, alternately with whites of the eggs. Bake in a slow oven. 82 CAKES MOLASSES CAKE One-half cupful molasses, one-half cupful of sour cream, one-half cupful of brown sugar, one egg, butter size of an egg, one teaspoonful of soda in two tablespoonfuls of boiling water added to the molasses, two cupfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, the same of ginger, one nutmeg, one-half teaspoonful of cloves and allspice. SOFT GINGERBREAD One cupful of molasses, one cupful of butter, one cup- ful of brown sugar, one cupful of sour cream or buttermilk, one tablespoonful of ginger, one tablespoonful soda, three eggs, ground spices to taste ; one quart sifted flour. Bake in a common baking pan in a moderate oven. CRT BABIES One cupful of sugar, one cupful of lard, one cupful of Porto Rico molasses, one egg, three tablespoonfuls of cinna- mon, one whole nutmeg grated, a pinch of salt; pour one small cupful of boiling water over one tablespoonful of bread soda. Mix it well ; five scanty cupfuls of flour. Drop on greased pans. GINGER SNAPS Boil together one pint of molasses and one teacupful of butter, let stand until cool; then add two tablespoonfuls of ginger, one cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of soda scant, and just flour enough to make stiff for rolling; roll very- thin and bake quickly. GINGER CAKES One cupful of New Orleans molasses, one cupful of sugar, three-quarter cupful of lard, one teaspoonful of ginger, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-half tablespoonful of soda dissolved in three tablespoonfuls of boiling water, one quart of flour: bake in hot oven. I CAKES 83 "GINGER NUTS" One pound of butter, one pound of sugar, one quart of molasses, two ounces of ground cloves and allspice mixed, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, three eggs, one cupful of milk or water; enough flour to form a dough. Roll thin, cut out and bake in a quick oven. WINE SNAPS One-quarter pound of butter, one-half pound of sugar, one-half pound flour, grated rind of one lemon, mix with one Qgg) roll thin, cut into shapes, bake in greased pans in not too hot an oven. JUMBLES Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, cream- ed together, three eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of flour; flavor with lemon. This makes a stiff batter. Drop with a teaspoon on a greased pan, far apart, giving room to spread. Candies ^In a little lump of sugar, how much of sweetness lies. CANDIES 85 CKEAM COCOANUT CANDY Two pounds of sugar, one-quarter pound of butter, one cupful of milk, one package of prepared cocoanut, one table- spoonful of vanilla. Boil the sugar, butter and milk together ten minutes; take from the fire; add cocoanut and vanilla. Beat five minutes, then pour into buttered tins to harden; cut in squares when it begins to harden. BROWN SUGAR CANDY Two pounds of brown sugar, two-thirds cupful of con- densed cream, butter size of walnut. Put the sugar and cream into a saucepan and stir until dissolved. When the mixture comes to a boil add the butter. Boil without stir- ring until a little dropped in water forms a soft ball. Take from the fire and beat until thick. CREAM PEPPERMINTS Three cupfuls of granulated sugar to one cupful of water. Put on the stove and let boil without stirring for seven minutes. Take off and add eleven drops of oil of pep- permint. Then beat until it looks cloudy and drop on oiled paper or marble. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS Two cupfuls of sugar, two-thirds cupful of milk, but- ter size of an egg, one teaspoonful of cornstarch, one quar- ter cake of chocolate. Let it boil slowly till thick, then give it a hard beating ; pour into greased tins, and when cool cut into inch squares. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS One pound of brown sugar, seven tablespoonfuls of milk, butter the size of a walnut ; put on the stove and let it come to a boil, then add one-third of a cake of chocolate grated. Boil five minutes, take off and beat till stiff, then pour out to cool. 86 CANDIES PEAMIT BRITTLE Boil one-half pound brown sugar, one-half pint New Orleans molasses, one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half pint of water to the "hard boil" degree : then add one pint of small peanuts, and continue boiling until it cracks easily if put in cold water. Add one-quarter pound of butter and let it just boil in; remove from fire and add a large teaspoonful of bi-carbonate of soda dissolved in a lit- tle water; stir into the above mixture. As soon as it be- gins to rise pour it upon a marble slab, or dish, and spread thin. When cold, break into pieces. The thinner it is run the better. HOME - MADE HOAEHOUlfD This is an old-fashioned preparation for coughs, and that made at home will contain hoarhound, while the bought candy has the flavor given to it with chicory. A manufac- turing confectioner once told the writer that he had never had an ounce of the genuine hoarhound herb in his factory. To make this candy, first make a rather strong tea of the herbs and boiling water, then add one pound of granulated or coffee C sugar to each half pint of the tea and boil until it will crack when tried in cold water. Pour into shallow, well buttered pans, and when nearly cold, mark into squares or bars. One can soon tell how strong to make the tea. The fresh herbs are preferable, but the dried packages one gets at a drug store will do nicely. Preserves ^Men make wealth and women preserve it. 88 PRESERFES GKAPE AND APPLE MARMALADE Take ten pounds of grapes; pulp them, cook pulp till tender ; then strain through colander. Pare apples (Maiden- Blush) , cut them as for sauce ; then put five pounds of ap- ples to the grape skins and pulp and cook ; allowing one-half pound of sugar to one pound of apples and grapes. Cook down thick like all marmalades. ORANGE MAR3IALADE Four lemons, one dozen navel oranges, or any thin- skinned and sour oranges. Slice very thin and to every pound of fruit add three pints of cold water; and let stand twenty-four hours; then boil till tender, about four hours (keep can covered). For every pint of fruit add a pint of sugar; boil till thick enough, about one-half hour. If oranges are large it will make two dozen glasses. PEACH MARMALADE Rub the peaches, but do not pare them. Cut them in halves, remove the stones, and to every pound of peaches allow one-half pound of sugar. Put the peaches in kettle; add sufficient water to cover bottom of kettle; cover and heat slowly to the boiling point. Stir and mash the peaches fine, add the sugar and three or four kernels (to every quart of marmalade), blanched and pounded to a paste. Boil slowly; stirring frequently for several hours till the fruit is thick and rich. QUINCE AND PEAR MARMALADE One peck of pears and one dozen of quinces. Pare and cut into small pieces, adding one-quarter pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Place over a very moderate fire or on back of stove until syrup forms. Then cook slowly five or six hours, stirring often. PRESERVES 89 PEE SERVED PEACHES Peel, stone and weigh firm white peaches, allowing to each pound of fruit a pound of white sugar. Arrange fruit and sugar in alternate layers in a kettle and set at the side of the stove where the fruit will heat slowly ; stew for about one-half hour after the preserves come to a boil; or until peaches are tender. When pierced by a fork. With a per- forated skimmer take the peaches from the syrup and spread them on a platter, while you boil the syrup until clear and thick, skimming often. Pack the fruit in jars, fill these to overflowing with the boiling liquid, and seal imme- diately. Stand the jars in a pan of hot water while filling them. PRESEETED STRAWBERRIES One quart of berries, one pound of sugar. Use only large, selected berries ; wash and cap them. Put in a stew- pan one quart of berries and one pound of granulated sugar ; boil for one-half hour; then fill jelly glasses and put paper wet in brandy on top of each glass. PRESERVED CHERRIES Stone fruit; if too much juice, pour off; put on fire; to every pound of fruit add one-half pound of sugar. Do not boil ; when scalded thoroughly put in jars air-tight. All preserves must be cooked slowly. PRESERVED QUINCES Pare and quarter the quinces, and if they are very large cut again. Put them on the stove, cover with cold water and let scald till they are tender enough for a straw to go through them. Then take them from the water, drain, weigh, and allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to one pound of fruit. Put this on back of stove till a syrup be- gins to thicken, then push front and let cook slowly till syrup is thick and fruit red in color. 90 PRESERFES PRESERVED PEARS Preserved pears may be made the same way as the quinces. Plum marmalade and quince marmalade may be made in the same manner as peach marmalade. PRESERYED PEARS Take large, juicy pears ; pare, and cut in quarters. To each pound of fruit add one-half pound of sugar. Let stand over night ; in the morning place on stove and cook three or four hours. This makes a nice syrup. PRESERVED CANTALOUPE RIND Choose cantaloupe not quite mellow, and cut the out- side carefully off ; lay in a bowl, sprinkle alum over it, about one teaspoonful to one pound, cover it with boiling water and let stand all night. Take from the water, drain well, then scald it in ginger tea, but do not boil it, then drain again. To one pound of rind allow one pound of sugar and one-half pint of water. Boil slowly without cover (add sliced lemon) until fruit is clear and syrup thick. Pack the rinds in jars; pour over the syrup and seal. PRESERVED RAW PINEAPPLE Pare the pineapple and take out the eyes. With a sharp knife cut down the sides in thin slices until the heart is reached. Weigh the sliced fruit and put in a large earthen bowl, add its weight in granulated sugar, stirring the sugar through the fruit. Pack in air-tight cans, screw the covers on tight and keep in a cool dark place. The pineapple will keep fresh and firm a year. PRESERVED PLUMS Wash plums, pick with needle, then put them in a crock and cover with boiling water and let stand all night. Take one pound of sugar to one pound of fruit ; add enough water to the sugar to melt it so as to make a syrup, and cook till clear. Then add fruit carefully, pressing it under the syrup, and cook slowly till done. PRESERVES 91 APPLE JELLY Wash, core and cut the apples into small pieces ; put in kettle and barely cover with water. When tender strain through a thick bag. Measure the juice, allowing one pound of sugar to a pint. Return to kettle and boil twenty min- utes. FRUIT JELLIES Currant, blackberry, strawberry, etc. Cook fruit until broken to pieces ; then put it in flannel bag and drain over night. To each pint of juice allow a pound of sugar. Set the juice on alone to boil, and while it is warming divide the sugar into several different portions, put into shallow dishes and heat in the oven, stirring now and then to prevent burn- ing. Boil the juice just twenty minutes from the moment it begins fairly to boil. By this time the sugar should be too hot to hold your hand in it. Should it mel't around the edges do not be alarmed, as the burned parts will form into lumps in the syrup and can be taken out. Throw the sugar into the boiling juice, stirring rapidly all the while until sugar is all dissolved; when dissolved remove spoon and let jelly come to a boil, to make all certain, then take in- stantly from the fire. Have glasses heated and fill with the scalding liquid; KASPBERRT AND CURRANT JELLY To two parts red raspberries, or "blackcaps," put one of red currants, and proceed as with other jelly. The flavor is exquisite. GOOSEBERRY JAM Wash and stem the fruit, place in a kettle and barely cover with water. When soft measure and allow three-quar- ters of a pound of sugar to one pound of fruit. Return to kettle and boil one-half hour, or until the jam is red. TOMATO BUTTER Seven pounds ripe tomatoes ; add to them three pounds of sugar, one ounce of ground cinnamon, one-half ounce whole cloves, and one pint of good cider vinegar. Boil three hours. 92 PRESERVES LEMON BUTTER To the grated rind and juice of one lemon add one cup- ful of sugar, a tablespoonful of butter and two eggs, beaten together. Place on stove and stir until it thickens. SPICED FRUIT SWEET PICKLED WATERMELON RIND Pare the rind an cut in small pieces; cover with cold water; add one-half cupful of salt; let stand over night; then drain and cover with cold water for one-half hour; par- boil it in alum and ginger water (one teaspoonful of alum and two or three pieces of ginger root), until tender. Drain; make a syrup from four pounds of sugar and one pint of vinegar, spiCe to taste (cinnamon, ginger and very few cloves). Boil and skim; add seven pounds of rind to this quantity of syrup. Boil until the rind clears. Put in jars and seal. SPICED PEACHES Six pounds of fruit, three pounds of sugar, one and one- half pints of vinegar (add more vinegar if more syrup is desired) ; an even tablespoonful cloves and several sticks of cinnamon tied in bags and cooked in syrup. When syrup comes to a boil add peaches, but only enough to be covered by syrup ; cook till a straw will push easily to the seed. Take out peaches, put in jars and cover, and so continue till all are done. Then cook syrup fifteen minutes longer; pour over peaches and seal. CANTALOUPE SWEET PICKLE Take green cantaloupes, cut and pare and boil them in alum water until soft enough to run a straw through ; then drop them in cold water for a few minutes ; then drain, and to every seven or nine pounds of melon allow four pounds of sugar and one pint of vinegar; and spice (whole) to the taste. PRESERVES 93 SWEET-PICKLE WATERMELOIf KINDS Seven pounds of fruit, three pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, five cents worth of mace (whole), five cents worth of stick cinnamon, five cents worth of whole cloves ; boil the rind in ginger water until tender (five cents worth of ginger) ; then make syrup of sugar and vinegar, and when sugar is dissolved, add the rind (drained from ginger water) , and spices and cook slowly until clear. CANNED FRUITS CAIfNED PEACHES To every quart glass jar of peaches add one-half pound of sugar and a gill of water. Have ready a steamer or boil- er with board across bricks in the bottom. Fill as many jars as the steamer will hold. Put the lids on (without screwing) and place on the board in the bottom of steamer. Fill the steamer with cold water until it covers a third of the jar. Put lid on steamer. Cook the peaches until you can pierce them with a straw. Take the jars out. They must be full of fruit when sealed; if necessary use the peaches from one jar to fill the others. TO CAN RHirBARB Wash and cut the stems as for stewing. Place in the jars, and fill them to overflowing with cold water. Screw on the tops. When you wish to use the rhubarb add sugar and stew, the same as fresh rhubarb. CANNED CHERRIES Pick fruit when fully ripe; remove the seeds, and make a syrup with sugar and enough water to dissolve it, allow- ing one-half pound of sugar to one pound of fruit ; let syrup boil, remove the scum, then add cherries and boil until cook- ed through ; stirring occasionally from bottom. Put in self- seahng cans and keep in a dark, cool closet. In preserving, to prevent jars from cracking, put silver spoon in jar; when filled remove spoon. 94 PRESERVES BAKED PEACHES BAKED PEACHES Select large ripe peaches, put in a pan, pour around them a rich syrup of sugar water ; bake in a moderately hot oven. Baste well while cooking ; when cool to be eaten with cream. Pickles 'A pepper corn is very small but seasons every dinne/ 96 PICKLES CHOW CHOW One-half gallon of green tomatoes, six onions, two doz- en cucumbers (pickles) sliced; cut, salt and press tomatoes over night. One-quarter pound of Coleman's mustard, three- quarters pound of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of celery seed, two teaspoonfuls of turmeric, one-half dozen peppers chop- ped fine. Cover with vinegar and when nearly done add one pint of butter beans previously cooked until done. If preferred you can use one and one-half dozen cucumbers and one quart of butter beans. CUCTJMBEE PICKLES Make a brine strong enough to bear up an egg, and pour boiling hot over six hundred small cucumbers and four green peppers. Let stand twenty-four hours, then take them out, wiping each one. Heat suflficient vinegar (boiling hot) to cover them, and pour over; let them stand in this vinegar twenty-four hours, and then pour it off. Prepare fresh vinegar into which put the following ingredients : One ounce each of whole cloves, cinnamon and allspice, two quarts of brown sugar, one-half pint of white mustard seed and a piece of alum the size of an egg. Heat this scalding hot and pour over the cucumbers; cover closely and set away for a few days, when they will be ready for use. FOE PICKLES One-half peck green tomatoes, one small head of cab- bage, one dozen good sized onions; all chopped fine and sprinkled with salt; let stand over night, then drain; take one pint of vinegar and one quart of water, pour over and let stand three or four hours. Then drain and put in kettle ; add spices, one-quarter pound whole mustard seed, one ounce celery seed, two red and two green peppers, good sized, chopped fine, one-half dozen cucumbers chopped fine, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one quart of vinegar, one and a half cupfuls of sugar, or sugar to taste. Cook one-half hour, bottle and seal. PICKLES 97 MUSTARD PICKLES Two quarts of cucumbers, one quart of onions, one gal- lon of green tomatoes, six green peppers, four tablespoon- fuls of mustard, two-thirds cup of flour, two and a half cups of sugar, two quarts vinegar, one tablespoonful tur- meric. Mix flour, mustard and turmeric with a little cold vine- gar, pour into the boiling vinegar for dressing, then add other ingredients. MUSTARD PICKLE Two quarts pickled cucumbers, one quart onions, one quart tomatoes, six green peppers, one cauliflower, each cut ; scant one-half cup salt. Cook the above till onions and tomatoes are tender, then drain. Dressing:— Six tablespoonfuls of mustard, one table- spoonful of turmeric, one cup of flour, one and one-half cups of sugar two quarts strong vinegar. Cook dressing thick, as it will thin after adding to the pickles. FRENCH PICKLE One-quarter peck green tomatoes, ten onions, one-half head cabbage, two dozen green cucumbers. Chop these fine, salt, and let stand over night. Two dozen pickled cucum- bers, one-half pound of ground mustard, three-quarters of a pound of brown sugar, one gallon of vinegar, two table- spoonfuls white pepper, two tablespoonfuls celery seed, two tablespoonfuls turmeric. Boil all until onions and tomatoes are tender. Add one wine glass of salad oil when the pickle is cold. MIXED PICKLES Two dozen large cucumbers, one-quarter peck green tomatoes, ten large white onions, one-half head cabbage, three large green peppers and three red ones. Chop all fine, and salt them down and allow to drain ten hours, then wash off salt and let drain again for two hours. Chop and add to the above two dozen pickled cucumbers, to one gallon of good cider vinegar add 1 pound mustard, two teaspoon- fuls white pepper, two tablespoonful tumeric, let come to a boil and pour over pickles, cook until tender. 98' PICKLES MIXED PICKLES One gallon of green tomatoes sliced and salted, one quart of lima beans, one quart of string beans, one quart of corn, one quart of onions, one quart of green cucumbers, one-half ounce of turmeric, five cents worth each of black and white mustard, three green and three red peppers, one pound of sugar, one gallon of vinegar. Cook beans and corn separately ; cook tomatoes and onions together until tender ; drain thoroughly ; mix and boil one-half hour. MIXED PICKLES One-half peck green tomatoes, four dozen cucumbers sliced, twelve onions chopped or sliced. Cut and salt toma- toes over night. One-quarter pound mustard, two pounds of brown sugar, four teaspoonf uls celery seed, four tablespoon- fuls turmeric, ten or twelve small peppers cut fine, two quarts of lima beans cooked separately. Cover the above with vinegar and cook down nearly one-half, then add the lima beans when the pickle is about done. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE One gallon green tomatoes, one gallon cabbage, one dozen green peppers, two large red peppers, four large onions chopped fine, two ounces white mustard seed, one ounce celery seed, one pound sugar, one-half gallon vinegar. Chop all fine, salt tomatoes and cabbage over night with one cup salt. PICKLED CAULIFLOWER Cook the cauliflower till tender in well salted water; put it in jars, then pour one quart of vinegar and five cents worth of ground mustard previously scalded together over them. PICKLES 99 PICKLED CHERRIES Stone ripe cherries and cover with vinegar; let them stand for twenty-four hours ; then drain off the vinegar and add one pound of granulated sugar to one pint of fruit. Mix thoroughly and put away in jars. They will keep perfectly without sealing and are delicious. BORDEAUX SAUCE One gallon of cabbage, the same of green tomatoes chopped fine; salt separately the night before with nearly one teacupful of salt. The next morning drain in colander and wash out part of the salt ; put on the fire one-half gallon of vinegar and one-half pound of sugar and let come to a boil ; then add the cabbage and tomatoes, four onions chop- ped fine, one ounce of celery seed, two ounces of white mus- tard seed, one dozen green peppers chopped fine and two red mango peppers. Put in jars very hot and screw up tight. CHELSEA SAUCE Scald and strain through a sieve three dozen large ripe tomatoes ; add to this six good sized sweet peppers and four white onions chopped fine, three tablespoonfuls salt, one tablespoonful ground allspice, one tablespoonful mustard, two tablespoonfuls sugar (three or four of sugar if vinegar is very strong), three teacupfuls of good vinegar. Boil two hours. COLD CATSUP One peck ripe tomatoes (grated), two roots horse- radish, four stalks of celery, one and one-half ounces of mus- tard seed, eight green peppers, one teaspoonful of ground cloves, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one small cupful of salt, one teacupful of sugar, one tablespoonful ground black pepper, two pods of red pepper, three pints best cider vine- gar. Chop and mix; tomatoes to be well drained before mixing with the other ingredients. 100 PICKLES T03IAT0 CATSUP One peck of tomatoes, four green peppers with seed, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two ounces of mustard seed, two ounces of cloves, two ounces of salt, four cupfuls of vinegar. Boil one hour. STUFFED PEPPERS Cut the tops from two dozen green peppers, remove the seeds and save tops; stand the peppers in a tub and cover with salt brine; let stand twenty-four hours; drain. Chop two large heads of cabbage, salt and let stand three or four hours, drain the water from the cabbage and add one-half ounce of white mustard seed, one-half ounce of black mus- tard, one ounce of celery seed, three red and three green peppers chopped fine, four onions chopped fine. Mix thor- oughly with good vinegar, stuff peppers with this mixture; put on the tops, tie tightly; stand in stone jars and cover with cold vinegar. Prefer hot peppers to sweet ones. Tea, Coffee, Etc. 'The knowledge of the Chickens Blue BeHveen these covers goes to you, And Wisdom lingers when with pride Each good receipt is fairly tried/' 102 TEA, COFFEE. ETC. COFFEE The most important point in making good coffee is to use the water at the first boil. Have your coffee pot per- fectly clean and fill it with fresh cold water and bring it to a boiling point. Then allow one heaping tablespoonful of finely ground coffee to each cup; pour over it the water until you have the desired quantity. If not strong at the first pouring, then drain and pour the same water again over the grounds until you have the desired strength. BOILED COFFEE Put two ounces ground coffee into the pot, set on stove, stirring constantly until quite hot. Then pour into the pot one pint of fresh boiling water. Cover closely for five min- utes. Strain through a warm cloth and serve. TEA Scald your tea pot. For six persons put in three tea- spoonfuls of English breakfast tea (black). Let your water boil up once, then pour over the tea, and after standing a few minutes it is ready for the table. CHOCOLATE One-half pound of Baker's chocolate, two quarts of water, two quarts of new milk. Have water and milk boil- ing before adding grated chocolate and one cup of sugar. Boil a very few minutes and just before using flavor with vanilla. This is sufficient quantity for thirty people. DRINK FOR INTALIDS One pound ground flaxseed and two lemons boiled to- gether in four quarts of water. Sweeten to taste after it cools. Especially good for persons with weak lungs. BARLEY WATER Take two ounces of pearl barley ; add one-half pint boil- ing water and let it simmer just a few minutes; drain off and add two quarts of boiling water with a few raisins and figs cut fine. Let it simmer slowly until reduced one-half and strain. Add the juice of a lemon and sweeten to taste. Wine Quotation ^ Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup, And I'll not look for wine.'' — Ben Johnson 104 WINES BASPBEERY TINEGAB Put two quarts of fresh berries in a crock, pour over them one quart of white wine vinegar ; let this stand twen- ty-four hours ; strain and pour this over two quarts of fresh berries; after standing another twenty-four hours, strain and to every pint of juice put one pound of loaf sugar. Let all boil thirty minutes; skim when scum rises again; bottle and seal. CHEBBT VINEGAB To every quart of mashed cherries put one pint of vinegar ; let this stand three days ; then strain and to every pint of juice add one pound of sugar. Boil fifteen minutes. When nearly cold bottle and cork tight. CIDEB YDfEGAB After cider has become too sour for use set it in a warm place; put to it occasionally rinsing of the sugar basin or molasses jug and any remains of ale or cold tea; let it re- main with the bung open and you will soon have the best of vinegar. UISFEBMENTED GBAPE JUICE Ten pounds of Concord grapes, cover with water, boil one hour and strain; after straining add three pounds of sugar to juice; put on fire and cook five to ten minutes. WINE WHET FOB SICK Boil one-half pint of new milk; while this is boiling put in a cup of white wine, stir this up; turn into a bowl and let it stand ten minutes ; turn it off from the curd and sweeten it as you like with sugar. BEEF TEA To one pound of ground meat put one pint of cold water ; let this simmer, not boil, for twenty minutes ; strain and season with salt and pepper. Miscellaneous Dost thou wish to remove a stain, Or cure the colic or kindred pain? Or seekest knowledge to kill a skeet, Or raise the temperature of chilly feet? Hast thou ants whose death would please, Or hast a girl would'st like to squeeze? Hast thou anything would'st like to know? From crown of head to tip of toe? Then read within. — Henry Belle Thaw 106 MISCELLANEOUS COLD WATER SOAP One quart of soft water cold, five pounds of grease, one pound can Banner lye, or Babbitt's, one tablespoonful of ammonia and one tablespoonful of borax. Dissolve lye in the water; when perfectly cold add the grease warm, strained through a coarse cloth into the lye. Stir constant- ly with a stick until it thickens. Pour into shoe boxes. Set on a board, and when cool cut it out. It will make soap in ten or fifteen minutes, stirring all the time. TO CE5IENT BEOKEN CHINA Beat lime into the most impalpable powder; sift it through fine muslin, then tie same into a thin muslin; put on the edge of the broken china, some white of an agg, then dust some lime quickly on the same and unite them exact- Iv. TO WASH CHENILLE CURTAINS Two ounces of ether sulphate, two ounces of borax, two ounces of soda, one cake of ivory soap; shave soap and let dissolve in warm water, then add other ingredients to sufn- cient warm water to wash curtains in. Do not rub on board, but dash up and down in water until clean. Do not wring them, but squeeze out of the water and lay them length- wise in a shady place. Then take a whisk broom and brush until dry. Do not go near the fire as ether sulphate is explosive. TO CLEAN OLD BRASS Rub with the half of a freshly cut lemon until the article is clean, then wash in clear water, and polish with a soft cloth. TO REMOVE GREASE FROM A WOODEN FLOOR Cover the spot thickly with baking soda, then pour boiling water on it until the grease disappears. MISCELLANEOUS 107 TO RI3I0VE GRASS STAINS Cover the stain with molasses. Lay in the sun until dry; then wash in soap and water. TO REMOTE IROTf RUST Cover the stain with lemon juice and salt; lay in the sun. Repeat this until stain disappears. TO CLEAX MATTING Wash as seldom as possible ; but when necessary to do so, use salt and water. Salt prevents the matting turning yellow. Dry as fast as you wash and wash but a little at a time. TO WHITEN CLOTHES One saucer of lime, two pounds of washing soda ; put in a two gallon crock, and fill with boiling water, one teacupful to a boiler of clothes. Boil the clothes and then rub them. TO CLEAN LEAD PIPES Clean lead pipes leading from wash bowls by pouring down them a strong solution of potash. Dissolve in hot water. Do not get the mixture on hands or clothing. HONEY BALSAM Three parts of strained honey and one part glycerine warmed together and cooled; to one cupful of this mixture add four tablespoonfuls of rectified spirits, in which six drachms of pure lemon juice has been dissolved. This is excellent for removing tan. S03IE USES FOR VINEGAR Vinegar will keep the hands white and smooth, and prevent chapping when exposed to the cold air after wash- ing in hot or soapy water. Before drying the hands rub 108 MISCELLANEOUS over them a teaspoonful of vinegar, and the relief will be very great. The toughest beef or chicken can be made tender and palatable by putting a good spoonful of cider-vinegar in the pot in which it is boiling, or in the juice with which it is basted if roasting in a pan. One-half pint of vinegar, one tablespoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of cayenne pepper and one pint of boiling water will cure night-sweats. Mix, and let cool ; strain, and sponge the patient at bedtime. In warm weather bathe with diluted vinegar ; it is cool- ing, and will make the skin soft. SALTIJfG HAMS OR BEEF For one hundred pounds of beef or hams : seven pounds of salt, two ounces of salt-petre, one-half ounce of saleratus, six ounces of sugar or molasses to six gallons of water made into a lime. Boil, and skim ; pour on while hot. Smoke beef three weeks and hams eight weeks. TO REBIOVE MILDEW FROM CLOTH Put a teaspoonful of chloride of lime into a quart of water, strain it twice, then dip cloth in this weak solution and lay in the sun. FROSTED FEET Rubbing freely with essence of pepperment; also a slice of lemon sprinkled with salt. HINTS FOR THE KITCHEN Always keep your celery roots and dry them. They are good for seasoning soups and sauces. To obtain a drop or two of onion juice for seasoning cut the onion across the grain and, holding it firmly, draw a sharp edged spoon across the cut edge, holding the spoon so as to catch the juice. When tomatoes and milk are to be put together, as in a cream soup, have the tomato juice and milk of the same MISCELLANEOUS 109 temperature, then beat vigorously as the tomato is added, little by little. SOAP RECIPE To five pounds of fat ; if skins, or, of whole grease, four and one-half pounds, one can of lye, one-half pound of wash- ing soda, a little salt (a cupful or more). To about fifteen pounds of fat, one and one-half gal- lons of water. Boil three hours. Should it not harden, you may have to boil again. HOUSEWIFELY HOTS Serve, with the salad, little rounds of pie-crust rolled very thin, fried in hot fat and sprinkled with granulated sugar. .„ , ,, ,, The white of an egg added to cream will not alter the flavor though increasing the quantity and will cause it to whip to a froth more readily. , , , , . .^ ^ For successful sponge cake, the flour should be silted four times before measured, the sugar twice and the tins should be lined with greased paper. , Southern cooks never wash waffle irons, cleaning them with coarse salt anl plenty of clean brown paper and putting them away in a fresh paper bag. . With a can of chicken, tongue, salmon, shrimps, mush- rooms, asparagus, peas, beans, sweet corn and tomatoes, two or three kinds of soup, a tin of dried beef, a box ot wafers, several glasses of jelly and a bottle of salad dress- ing on her "emergency" shelf, no housewife need be dis- mayed when unexpected company is announced. BURNS Coal oil freely used on a burn will take out the fire and soreness. CLEANING FLUID Three ounces white castile soap, dissolved in one quart of warm water (soft water), three quarts of cold water, three ounces of Aqua ammonia, three ounces of sulphuric ether, three ounces of alcohol, two ounces of glycerine. 110 MISCELLANEOUS HOW TO HATE A FAIR SKIN Practical Hints on the Care of the Complexion There is no such fresh tonic as a morning hand bath of cold salt water for all but those weaklings who find the ef- fect too severe. For an oily skin a little camphor in the wash basin or rubbing the face with a cloth instead of the hands will prove beneficial. Sunburn may be removed by either the white of one ^gg and the juice of a lemon heated (not boiled) together for a half hour, or two cups young, fresh lettuce mashed and mixed with one cupful of boiling mutton tallow, left to boil up, then strained, perfumed, beaten till cold and packed for use in a covered jar. Moist starch or hot water will remove the discoloration from a bruise. The use of a handful of bran, tied in a cloth and dipped in tepid water, will help to smooth a raughened skin. A few drops of benzoin in a little water, rubbed over the flesh after a bath, imparts a delightful, violet-like odor to the body. For freckles use either of these mixtures : Two-thirds lemon juice to one-third Jamaica rum, or one ounce lemon juice, one and one-quarter drachms borax, one-half drachm of sugar, left bottled several days before using. The lips may be bathed with alumn water occasionally and then rubbed with camphor ice, or with this preparation if they should be chapped : One cupful of peeled and grated ripe cucumber stirred in one cupful of clarified boiling mut- ton tallow and beaten till cold; then perfumed and packed in a covered jar. Beautifiers pure and simple are the followings, to be used as washes : 1. The extracted milk of freshly-grated cocoanut. 2. One pint witch hazel and two ounces of gly- cerine added to one quart of boiled water and applied with a soft cloth. 3. Flowers jof sulphur mixed with milk, which is poured off after an hour or two, and rubbed on the face with a cloth. Steaming the face before going to bed is likewise recommended. It is said that the habit of regularly sleeping upon either side brings wrinkles about that eye, to prevent which it would be as well to lie on each side for part of the night. i MISCELLANEOUS 111 Bathing the face frequently with very hot water is sometimes enthusiastically advised. It is certain that it thoroughly cleanses the skin, which otherwise is less often done than one cares to consider. But it may be doubted whether a multitude of the tiniest lines and wrinkles do not follow its persistent use. So cold water certainly roughens the face, and soap causes it to shine unduly. Perhaps the most reasonable alternative is the careful appliance of nothing except warm water, and a thorough washing once a day, followed by rinsing, with some good soap. This course cannot possibly harm ; more than possibly it may help. TO DESTROY MOTHS After cleaning and hanging clothes in the sun for a while, put them in a trunk or box, and sprinkle chloroform over them ; then close the trunk tightly. This will destroy moths, as well as the egg of the moth. USES OF TURPElfTINE A bottle of turpentine should be kept in every home, a few drops sprinkled where ants or roaches congregate will drive them away. Moths are killed by the odor of it. It is a good remedy for a burn or cut. When added to soap it will take out ink stains from white muslin. It takes out fresh paint, cleans paint brushes, whitens clothes if added to the water in which they are boiled. THE COOK BOOK Salt in the oven under baking tins will prevent pastry scorching on the bottom. If it is desired to keep cakes moist put them in a stone jar. If crisp cakes are preferred use tin as a receptacle. When weighing molasses sprinkle the scale well with flour, and then it will slip off again quite easily without sticking. The best way to mash potatoes is to rub them through a wire sieve. You can then be sure there are no lumps left. 112 MISCELLANEOUS For luncheon or supper serve the bread and butter in the form of sandwiches. Cut the bread thin and remove part of the crust. Cut in strips after buttering or in rounds with a biscuit cutter. By cutting old potatoes into very small balls, allowing them to soak for three or four hours in cold water, then boiling in cold salted water and serving with cream sauce, a very good substitute for new potatoes is obtained. „ , . f THE MOLDING BOARD Much scouring and scrubbing can be avoided by the use of thick sheets of brown paper on the molding board when rolling out pastry in which a great deal of shorteviing has been used. "That greasy look" which the board other- wise takes on is very distressing to the neat housewife. A MIDSUMMER COMFORT / ( Simple Little Remedy for the July Pantry-Pest The troublesome little red ants that appear as if by magic about midsummer, and take complete control of the pantry at the time when summer heat makes other trials hard to endure, may now be routed by a very "ample remedy. A practical housewife made the discovery by accident, and it has been found satisfactory in every instance in which it has since been tried. Simply mix five cents worth of tartar emtic in an equal amount of white sugar, make it quite moist with cold water, put into small dishes and set it on the shelves where the ants are troublesome. The ants will disappear quite as mysteriously as they came, and there will be no dead ones lyi'ng around on shelves and floor. Do not throw the mixture away, but s ewe it for further at- tacks, as it can easily be moistene and used again when you go to the pantry some warm, .loist morning and find sugar bowl, coo^ws and all sor^ of sweets and cereals swarming with/fe troublesome ttle summer pests. WOMEN control the expenditure of the larger part of most family incomes. They should have at their disposal every facility for systema- tic and economical disbursement. . Checking Account vith this bank simplifies household account- ing and saves money. Checks are also far more convenient and business-like; every ancelled check is a valuable record of the tiansaction — a perfect receipt for payment and proof in case any question ever comes ur oncerning it. The ^' necking System is the most popular, because it is the best method ever devised for handling money. Don't be atisfied with bad business methods. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. MLFORPJiSTCOiM MILFORD, DELAW/ 7E MEMBKR KEUERAL KESEKVt, 'STEM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 485 085 3 « %ead TA7 SMilford Chronicle 25,000 READERS EACH ISSUE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT MILFORD - - DELAWARE The Chronicle prints letters each issue from more communities than any newspaper published in Delaware. Gives the State, county and local news in an honest, unbiased manner. Advocates all measures for the good of Delaware. Classified Ads in the Chronicle will sell, find, or locate that item which you have in mind. Try Them