'vo li'"'! Ct The Wakefield Colony aass_ /t^ 6 X ,^ ?o IS- The Wakefield Colony ^'"^ A Contribution to The Local History of Kansas By WILLIAM J. CHAPMAN, Ph. D. M (Univ. HaUe, 1904.) 1907 PUBLISHED AND PRINTED BY THE TIMES Clay Center, Kansas J yhr^ rM , yt^^^^ . If-irh ^>^^ \0 THE OLD SETTLERS of Wakefield and the surrounding country this narrative is dedicated in heartfelt appreciation of the interest they have taken in the author's efforts to recover the history of pioneer days. THE MATERIAL contained in the following narrative was, for the most part, collected during the Autumn and Winter of 1905. An article on the English Settlement at Victoria, ElUs Co., from the pen of Mr. R. T. Batchelor, which appeared in the Wakefield Advertiser January 21, 1898, first suggested the idea of a history of the beginnings of Wakefield. In the year 1899 the writer corresponded with several of the older residents of the town but was not successful in getting them to record the story of pioneer days. In consequence, the plan was laid aside for three or four years. The history in its present form does not claim to be exhaustive, although every care has been taken to render it accurate. Hosmer HaU, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1906. The Wakefield Colony. The English Settlement at Wake- field, Clay Co., was one of four Euro- pean colonies that came out to Kansas nearly forty years ago. The following pages recount the story of its begin- nings. Doubtless fuller information might be gleaned by one who had time to devote to the task. The writer has had access to the following sources of information: I. WRITTEN OR PRINTED SOURCES. 1. Addresses delivered by Mr. J. B. Quinby, Dr. Burt and Rev. Richard Wake, at the Old Settlers' Reunion Oct. 10, 1894. The two first-named addresses appeared in the Wakefield Advertiser Oct. 25, 1894. Rev. Mr. Wake's address was published in the same paper Nov. 8, 1894. 2. The Wakefield Herald, Vol. 1, No. 3, April, 1871. (By the courtesy of Mrs. Wm. Sparrowhawk.) 3. Miscellaneous printed matter, including a copy of the "Star of Em- pire" (now unfortunately lost.) 4. Three maps belonging to Mr. J. P. Marshall of the Wakefield Co-ope- rative Association. The earhest of these is a map of the region north and northwest of Junction City. It shows the area of settlement shortly before the coming of the Enghsh colony. The other two are maps of Wakefield and vicinity. The earUer of the two was made in the year 1874 and has been invaluable in determining the location of the settlers, and in furnishing clues in the search for oral information. 5. The Plat-Book Maps. These are contained in a subscription work en- titled an "Historical Plat-Book of Clay County," published by the Bird and Mickle Map Co., Chicago, 111., 1881. For the use of much of the printed material my especial thanks is due to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lumb of Wake- field. Official Records: It is a matter of great regret that none of the Official Records of the Wakefield Colony have been available. In a letter addressed to the writer and dated Salt Lake City, Feb. 1, 1899, the Rev. Richard Wake says: "The records of the 'Company' were retained by Mr. Maitland when he re- moved to Washington and T presume were destroyed in the great Seattle fire which consumed his property a number of years ago." II. ORAL INFORMATION. Information has been gathered from all the old settlers with whom I have had the opportunity of conversing, but especially from the following persons: Messrs. William Guy, John Chapman, R. T. Batchelor, J. P. Marshall, H. S. Walter, T. C. Roscoe, E. R. Hawes, E. Eustace, T. Beldham, H. W. Budden; Mrs. WiUiam Sparrowhawk, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lumb. For additional particulars I am indebted to Messrs. WiUiam Seal and A. R. Goffin, and also to the Rev. R. O. Mackintosh, rector of St. George's church, for his kindness in furnishing information concerning the English settlers in Union township. The Wakefield Colony I. Republican Township Before the Coming of the English. The earliest American settlers in this neighborhood came in the years 1856 and iS57. In April of the former year Moses, William and Jeremiah Young- kens and John King, from Somerset, Co., Pennsylvania, settled on Timber Creek, in what is now Grant township. (Mr. King died at his home near Wake- field May 22, 1906, aged 72 years.) The followinf" year (1857) was marked by the com':i;; of the first New Eng- land settlers, when Messrs. J. B. Quin- by and W. E. Payne settled in S. E. Republican. Persons belonging to the Pennsylvania colony say that the pop- ulation of Somerset Co. was of mixed origin containing both Scotch -Irish and Pennsylvania Dutch elements. They believe the date of settlement to go back to the close of the colonial period. The New England settlers were colonial Americans of Enghsh descent. In the Autumn of 1867 came another group of settlers. Lorenzo Gates, John Gill and Wilham MaU, lo- cated higher up the river where the names of GatesviUe and Mall Creek commemorate them. The Mall fam- ily were natives of Baden, in South Germany. In 1858 the New England colony was reinforced by the coming of Rev. William Todd, formerly a mis- sionary at Madura, in Southern India. The first actual settler on the site of Wakefield was James Gilbert who came in 1858. "In the Summer of 1858 James Gil- bert and family took up their residence there (i. e. the 80 south of Wakefield), he filing on it. * * They remained about two years and during that time built a larger and better house a few rods north of the present site of Wake- field, which was occupied by them in 1859, making them the first settlers actually living in what is now Wake- field. In the Sisring of 1860 he very suddenly left the country and his fam- ily soon followed." (Address by J. B. Quinby Esq., Oct. 10, 1894.) The settlers, few as they were, were much depleted by the troublous times of the Civil War. "In 1860, there were eleven famiUes in the Quinby neighborhood. In 1863 J. B. Quinby and Ed Kei'by were the only men left there. John Butler, Lorenzo Gates and Jacob Mall were the only ones left on Mall Creek." Henry Avery Esq., of this city, rec- ollects having been on picket duty at Fort Riley when the news of the burn- ing of Lawrence (Aug. 21, 1863) came to the frontier settlements. Dr. Eurt, who came to Kansas in the Sirring of 1868, has thus described the area of settlement: "In coming from Bachelor, now Milford, the first house after leaving Mr. Hopkins' this side of the river, was Mr. Quinby's log cabin, then Mr. Todd's stone house, then an old-fash- ioned log cabin where Mr. Pajme's house now stands, then a log house in what is now Wakefield. * * The next house to the north was, I think, Harvey Ramsey's, and the next ones were in the Avery district, which seemed well on toward Clay Centre. * * There was a cabin at the river where Mr. Manual now fives, then oc- cupied by Mr. North, of pleasant memories — we used to hunt wild tur- keys from there. To the west Mr. Kerby's, also of logs, was, I think, the only house between us and Chapman Creek — we had to go half way to Junc- tion City before finding a house." "The first public improvement I heard of after I came was to finish school house No. 8, so it could be used as a meeting house." "In January, 1870, there were no houses between Clay Centre and Fancy Creek, between Clay Centre and Chap- man's Creek, nor between the head of Chapman's Creek and Wakefield." The Wakefield Colony II. The Origin of the Kansas Land and Emigration Company. The Rev. Richard Wake, to Y^'hom the first impulse toward the formF.tion of an Enghsh colony in this neighbor- hood was due, came to the United States in 1854, settling at first near New York. In 1859 he removed to Illinois. Soon after the close of the Civil War he began to advocate through the Enghsh press the advantages of colo- nization on the western prairies Two parties of Enghshmen were in this way settled in the vicinity of Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Wake subsequently returned to Ilhnois and, as he tells us, did not an- ticipate further experience in coloni- zation. At least three separate factors may be traced in the formation of the "Company" that colonized Wakefield. Mr. R. H. Drew was a land agent in London, and Mr. Wake was also widely known in Great Britain through his advocacy of the prairie states as a field for immigration. At the same time, Mr. John Wormald, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, was anticipating the forma- tion of an Enghsh settlement in north- ern Missouri. By what chain of cir- cumstances these gentlemen were led to merge their respective purposes in a single plan, the writer confesses himself uninformed. Those of their number who were in England seem to have reahzed the advisabihty of en- hsting the services of Mr. Wake, and, with this in view, to have opened cor- respondence with him. The corres- pondence at first took the form of a request for information concerning Government Lands in Kansas and Nebraska. How the first inquiries de- veloped into a colonial enterprise may best be told in IVIr. Wake's own words: "Later a scheme was proposed for the purchase of a large tract of land tor co-operative farming and asking my advice on the merits of the scheme generally. I discouraged the co-op- erative features of the plan, but was in favor of associative immigration on a plan which would give to each settler individual ownership of land and ab- solute control of the products of his own labor, and proposed the plan adopted later of the purchase of a large tract of land by a few who should sell it again in quantities to suit, at a slight advance over cost, to first settlers, de- pending upon later sales for profit on the investment. Late in June, 1S69, I received a cablegram saying, 'Select 100,000 acres in Kansas for colony,' and on the 8th of July I arrived in Topeka. * * I came west to Junction City with a letter of introduction to Capt. Pierce. July 12th we took a team to view the land lying between the Re- publican river and Chapman Creek, taking the divide west of Junction City and following it to the head of Chap- man Creek. We saw but one house between the two points. 1869 was a fruitful year. Grass in the ravines would meet above the backs of the horses, and on the high-land was knee high or more. Reaching on our re- turn the present site of Wakefield, I thought, as I looked down the vaUey, I had never seen a more beautiful landscape. "Seciiring the withdrawal of the land from the market, I reported to Lon- don, and in August Messrs. Wormald, Maitland,Batchelor and others arrived, Messrs. Wormald and Maitland being empowered to purchase the land if it met their approval." The purchase of the land was ratified by Messrs. Wormald and Maitland and steps were immediately taken to or- ganize the colony. The land that was purchased is thus described by Mr. Quinby: "Their tract of land consisted of the odd sections in the vicinity of Wake- field, and held by the Union Pacific Railroad, from whom they purchased it." On the same subject Mr. Wake says : "Contracts were made wi^li t.he Kansas Railroad Co. and the National Land Co. for 32,000 acres at a cost of The Wakefield Colony .$102,000, one-fifth being paid down at the time of purchase." The following list of the pioneers of Wakefield was fui-nished by Mr. R. T. Batchelor : The pioneer party consisting of Messrs. Wormald, Maitlandand others sailed from England on the Steamship Main (J^orth German Lloyd) on Aug. 3, 1869, and arrived in New York the 13th, reaching Jmiction City about the 21st of the same month. The party included : Mr. John Wormald of Wakefield, Yorkshire. Mr. Alexander Maitland, of London, afterwards ' "r^retary of the Kansas Land & Env; Aition Co., and one of the director, of the colony. Mr. Spence, the agricultural director of the proposed co-operative colonv. Mr. 11. T. Batchelor, Mrs. R. T. Batchelor and two children, of Fare- hara, Hampshire. Mr. Martin. Mr. Stone (afterwards removed to Topeka.) Mr. Fitzgibbons, the first proprietor of the "eighty" adjoining Wakefield on the S. W. known as the Allaway farm. August the 25th, 1869, the founders of the colony were incorporated as the Kansas Land & Emigration Co., and on the day following the townsite was formally laid out. A cairn of stones was raised on the slope of Cedar Bluff and in it was deposited a parchment certifying the founding of the town and naming the parties therein con- cerned. The cairn stood near the present site of Dr. Hewitt's residence. The Plat-Book makes the following statement about the beginnings of Wakefield: "The town was laid out by the Kan- sas Land and Emigration Company, consisting of Richard Wake, John Wormald, Alexander Maitland, Col. Loomis, C. Wake, R. H. Drew and J. D. Bennett. The four first named of these selected the townsite of Wake- field Aug. 26, 1869. Col. Loomis named the town "Wakefield" partly in honor of the President of the Company and partly because Wakefield, England, was the former home of John Worm- aid, the Secretary of the Company." Col. Loomis, who named the town, was president of the National Land Co., and hke the Rev. Richard Wake, a citizen of Ilhnois. His connection with Wakefield was due to the fact that the EngUsh colony acquired a part of their hand from the National Land Co. On Oct. 6th the first large party of colonists arrived, and on the 12th of the same month the stockholders of the Company met for permanent or- ganization in the Hale House at Junc- tion City. The new corporation henceforth ap- pears as "The Kansas Land and Emi- gration Company, incorporated Aug. 25,1869." The capital for the enterprise was furnished by Mr. John Wormald who invested a fortune of $72,000 in the Wakefield colony. We pass now from the formation of the company to the story of the set- tlers whom its inducements brought out to the prairies of Kansas. The Wakefield Colony III. The English Settlers. The Kansas Land and Emigration Company aimed from the start to stimulate the immigration of EngUsh settlers. Popular tradition charges the advertising material employed with being highly colored and not wanting in dehberate misstatement. In his address Mr. Quinby puts the matter more dispassionately : "To colonize their lands, their pros- pectuses and advertisements were circulated wholly in England, and the colonists were mostly Enghsh trades- people from the cities, a poor class to settle up a new country." (Address Oct. 10, 1894.) Yet in all fairness to the new comers it must be said that the hardships of pioneer life were such as neither townsman nor landsman were pre- pared to meet. In many instances it was precisely the experienced Enghsh farmer who proved least adapted to the new conditions. He had as much to learn and more to imlearn than the townspeople had. Some of the earhest English settlers came out independently of the Com- pany's plans. Foremost among these were Messrs. P. Gilhes and H. S. Wal- ter. Mr. Walter has kindly furnished the following account of his coming to Kansas: "I met Mr. GilHes (who had been in Junction about two weeks) the day I arrived in Jvmction City, Aug. 11, 1869, and the next day took up land in Re- publican Township, on section 28, ad- joining Dr. Burt." Mr. Walter also gives some addi- tional particulars concerning the pio- neers of the Kansas Land and Emi- gration Company. He says: "The pioneer party who came Aug. 21st consisted of R. Wake, J. Worm- aid, Spence, Miller, Maitland, George Gates and a j'omig man named Meek, all of London, England, and also Mr. Loomis, Land Agent, of New York." Messrs. Savage and Wooley were also in the neighborhood before the coming of the Wakefield colonists. They hved in the same district and owned claims not far from that of Mr. Walter. The first large party of settlers came over on the steamship Nebraska, of the Guion Line, saihng from Liverpool on Sept. 15, 1869, and reaching New York on the 29th. The voyage is re- membered as an exceptionally stormy one. The party came west by way of the Great Lakes, visiting Niagara Falls en route, and arrived in Junction City on Oct. 6th. The number of persons, old and young, comprised in the "Ne- braska party" amomited to 77. The following hst of its members was fur- nished me by Messrs. John Chapman and WiUiam Guy: Mr. James BiUingham (Warwick- shire.') Mr. and Mrs. Boyce. Mr. John Parington Alsop (was the eldest son of Mr. William Alsop, one of the leaders of a subsequent party.) Rev. Joseph Binns. Mr. Samuel Binns. Mr. and Mrs. Ison (from Wolver- ham.) All of whom came from the West Midlands. Mr. John Muston (Lincolnshire.) Mr. Christopher Deere, Mr. John Deere (Buckinghamshire.) The foregoing were from the East Midlands. Mr. William Guy, (Sussex) A native of the parish of Ripe (1833), seven miles from Lewes; proprietor of one of our leading business houses, and my principal informant concerning the early history of Wakefield. Mr. Abner Shrives (Sussex.) Mr. John Chapman (Somerset), My father was a native of Montacute, in Somerset,where my grandfather (John Chapman Sr.) and great-grandfather (Zacharias Chapman) were quai-ry owners and stone merchants, the quarry (^Ham Hill) being leased of the Duchy of Cornwall. Mr. George Taylor (Somerset.) 10 The Wakefield Colony Mr. T. P. Pettigrew (Hampshire.) Mr. John Spooner and family (Lon- don.) The foregoing all came from the south or southwest of England. Other members of the party were : Mr. H. H. Meade. Mr. Edward Moore. Mr. Poppleton and family. Mr. Johnson. Mr. GwjTi. Mr. John Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Butcher. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward. The party arrived in Junction City on Wednesday , Oct. 6th, and celebi*ated their arrival by holduig a religious and social gathering at the Methodist church, corner of 8th and Jackson, on which occasion the Rev. Joseph Binns was one of the principal speakers. During the Winter settlers came singly or by famiUes. Mr. John Pett (from Cambridgeshire) came out as agent for Mr. Docking. He reached Junction City Dec. 6, 1869, and in the following Spring moved out on a farm southwest of Wakefield. Information concerning others who came during the Winter is not now obtainable. Not many weeks passed before the English began to feel the hardships of pioneer hfe. My father, who was staying with the Rev. Wilham Todd at Madura, had a severe attack of inflam- matory rheumatism. No one thought he would recover. To add to his dan- ger, his landlady, Mrs. Todd, was at this time afflicted with a felon. Under these circumstances it became neces- sary to move him to another house. He was carried, at the dead of Winter, from the Todd farm to the home of Mr. William Streeter. At the Streeter homestead he lay in an unplastered upper room whose only ceihng was a roof of badly warped native lumber shingles. At night he could see the bhnk of the stars and in stormy weather the snow sifted in on his bed. What this must have been to one suf- fering with rheumatic fever can be but faintly imagined. The dry continental climate with it& fitful and \'iolent changes of tempera- ture proved very trying to the Enghsh Settlers. Those who were here during the first winter recall a memorable storm that occurred on the 16th of January, 1870. It was a Sunday morn- ing, and the weather dehghtfuUy mild, when a party of nine started for the Madura School House to attend the preaching service. Messrs, BiUingham and Guy, a runaway midshipman named Broome, and, if my memory serves me, a Mr. Laundy, the first pro- prietor of the Moutelle farm in Union Township, were in the party. While the meeting was in progress the wind veered to the north and blew at the rate of about 60 knots an hour. The temperature fell very rapidly. Mr. Todd told his hearers that he had never seen but one storm as bad, and that no one could drive a team in the face of such a hurricane. But those who had come from Wakefield re- solved to make a dash for the Pioneer House. The distance to be covered was a httle more than two miles. Young Broome was the first to reach the house, but he was so benumed with the cold that he could not open the door. He had to wait in the tempest till others came to his assistance. The continual privation of pioneer life was harder to bear than its occa- sional sufferings. In Winter a large part of one's time must be consumed in getting wood and water. To set- tlers on the high prairie this often meant a journey of several miles. Besides all this, there was a serious economic drawback. The coimtry had scarcely recovered from the effects of the Civil War and for many commo- dities one must stiU pay "war time" prices. This had much to do with the apparent failure of the colony during its earlier years. The Spring of 1870 was marked by the coming of a second party of colo- nists. They were for the most part The Wakefield Colony 11 from Montgomeryshire, in Wales, or from tlie adjoining English county of Shropshire. The leader of the party was Mr. WilUam Alsop who invested very considerable capital in the settle- ment of Wakefield. The Alsop party sailed from Liverpool in the steamship Colorado (Guion Line) on Wednesday, the 6th of April, 1870. They set out from New York on Tuesday, the 19th, and reached Kansas City on the fol- lowing Saturday. On Monday, the 25th, they were met at Jvmction City by the Rev. Richard Wake. The following persons were mem- bers of the party. Mr. Wilham Alsop and family (Co. Montgomery) Known at Wakefield as Mr. Wilham Alsop of Cain's Creek. Mr. Richard Alsop and family (Co. Montgomery.) Mr. Edward Jones and family (Co. Montgomery. ) Mr. T. C. Roscoe, of Union Town- ship (sec. 22), my principal informant on the history of the Alsop party. Mr. S. E. Richards, Proprietor of the Wakefield Cash Store. Mr. Wilham Richards, brother of the preceding. Mr. Thomas Newell. Mr. Thomas Woods. Mr. Swinbourne (from Cumberland.) Mr. Wilham Dalton (Warwickshire.) Mr. Farmer, subsequently a mer- chant in White City. Mr. Richard Bird. Mr. Bird, brother of the preceding. Mr. J. W. Sampson, aftewards re- moved to the western part of the State, probably to Osborne County. IVIr. I. W. Thomas (from Cornwall.) Mr. A. R. Gofiin, from London, also came out on the Colorado, although he was not a member of the Alsop party. A settler by the name of Seimew (or Siemee) came out about the same time as the aforementioned and took a claim in Union Township. A smaller party consisting of Mr. James Eustace, Mr. and Mrs. Jardine, Miss Kynaston (an aimt of the Reed brothers), Mr. Alfred Taylor (brother of George Taylor who came out on the Nebraska), Mrs. John Chapman, her two children, Miss Jennie Taylor (with Mrs. Chapman as her companion), and a servant girl named Hai-riet, also came out in April, 1870. The writer has the distinction of being one of the two children before-mentioned. This party sailed on the City of Washington, one of the swiftest and best equipped vessels afloat. In New York they stayed at the Astor House and found American travel decidedly expensive. None of them had any notion of what pioneer fife was hke. Of course they took it for granted that America was an El Dorado. In April, 1870, Mr. Benjamin Budden, a naturahzed American, came from Ilhnois. He was a native of Eridport, in Dorset, but had hved in America for several years. In May of the same year two brothers named YarroU and a young man named John Brett, from Hastings, in Sussex, came to Wake- field. They hved temporarily in a "dug-out" on the Geoi-ge Taylor farm southwest of Wakefield. Mr. Brett was a brother and Mr. Joseph YarroU the first husband of Mrs. T. C. Roscoe. The coming of the Enghsh colony greatly increased the number of voters in Clay County, as the following quo- tation from the Plat-Book will show: "The number of votes cast in 1866 was 112; in 1867, 155; in 1868, 196; in 1869, 232; in 1870, 482; in 1871, 1,003; in 1872, 955; in 1873, 1,158. * * The number of votes cast in 1880 was 2,672." In the year 1870 Kansas suffered from a severe drought. The experience of the settlers seemed in almost every respect to behe the glowing reports that had lured them to the far West. On every side they murmured against the founders of the colony as the Is- raelites of old did against Moses and Aaron. Mr. Wake was especially blamed. They charged him with being the author of their calamities. Late in the j^ear 1870 Mr. Alexander Maitland, the Secretary of the Kansas Land and Emigration Company, re- 12 The Wakefield Colony visited Great Britain and during his absence the man whom he had left in charge of his property pillaged the house and tossed his papers and cor- respondence out of doors. After this high-handed proceeding the culprit fled to Missouri. About the same time Mr. James Eustace also returned to England for the piH-pose of organizing another party of settlers. But in spite of the most strenuous efforts on the part of the Kansas Land and Emigration Com- pany, the tide of immigration was checked. The Wakefield Colony 13 IV. The Organization of the Colony. The Wakefield Colony was remark- able for the number and variety of its "organization." Tlie most important of these were, The Kansas Land and Emigration Company; The Wakefield Bridge and Ferry Company; The Ag- ricultural and Literary Society; and the Wakefield General Market Com- pany. The Settlement also boasted a newspaper — The Wakefield Herald, printed at the Union OflSice m Jxmction City. Much difference of opinion exists as to the original name of the Wakefield paper. My father thinks that it was called "The Star of Empire." Others are equally positive that from the be- ginning it was called "The Wakefield Herald." A pubhcation called "The Star of Empire" certainly did exist, a copy having formerly been in my pos- session, but it may have been simply a prospectus printed and circulated in England. It was printed in newspaper form and bore the well-known motto from Bishop Berkeley, "Westward the star of empire takes its way." As re- gards the societies or corporations previously enumerated, the following items of information may be foiuid in the Wakefield Herald, Vol. 1, No. 3, April, 1871 : (1) The Kansas Land and Emigra- tion Company, incorporated Aug. 25, 1869. General Office, Wakefield, Kan. ; Branch Office, Cor. 10th & Washington Strs., Junction City, Kan. Directors: John Wormald, Alexander Maitland, Richard Wake, Wakefield; Charles Wake Jr., Junction City; J. W. Ben- nett, John Brown, Morris, lU.; Harry D'Oyle, London, England; R. H. Drew, Sydenham, England. Officers: R.Wake, Pres.; A. Maitland, Sec'y; J. Wormald, Treas. Agents : Charles Wake, Junction City; Robert H. Drew, 2 Gresham Bldgs., Basinghall St., Lon- don, E. C; John Miller, 13 GodUman St., London, England. (2) The Wakefield Ferry and Bridge Co., incorporated May 30, 1870. Pres., James Euatace; Ferryman, William Guy. (3) The Agricultural and Literary Society. This organization was one of the most characteristic features of the colony and its proceedings occupy considerable space in the columns of the Wakefield Herald. From the issue previously cited we take the following announcement : "Agricultural and Literary Society: Every Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock, at the Hall. Pres., J. E. Burton; V. Pres., R. Wake; Sec'y, T. P. Pettigrew; Treas., J. Eustace; Exec. Com., Alex- ander Maitland, W. Eustace, C. In- gram, J. B. Quinby, R. N. Cowdery." Of the recorded proceedings of the Society we note the following: Wakefield, Jan. 25, 1871. Poorly at- tended, general conversation. Feb. 1st. Dairy Farming, Rev. R. Wake. Feb. 8th. Tree Culture, Mr. Gray. Feb. 14th. Economy on the Farm, Mr. T. North. Feb. 22nd. A discussion was held on the question of building a bridge on the Repubhcan River at Clay Cen- tre. "Messrs. J. W. Burton and others spoke against the proposition to issue coimty bonds to the amount of 325,000 to build the bridge." "It was also stated that a bridge will be built at Wakefield for one -half the sum, which would be a greater con- venience to a large part of the coxintrj'' than one at Clay Centre." Mar. 1st. "Committee on Pubhc Roads recommended the opening of roads on various section lines in the vicinity of Wakefield." Mar. 8th. J. B. Quinby, Esq., gave an address on "Opening a Farm." In accordance with a vote of the society this address was printed in full in the April Number of the Wakefield Her- ald. (T. P. Pettigrew, Secretary.) (5) The Wakefield General Market 14 The Wakefield Colony Co, In the Spring of 1871 the estab- hshment of a Monthly Live Stock Market was proposed by Messrs. Wil- liam Alsop of Cain's Creek and John Chapman of Wakefield. The Wake- field Herald thus announces the for- mation of the new Company: "We are pleased to be able to an- nounce the opening of a Monthly Market at Wakefield for the sale of cattle and all kinds of Uve stock." Organization: Pres.,Wilham Alsop; Sec'y, E.. Wake; Treas., J. B. Quinby. Directors: W. Alsop, J. Chapman, E. Jones, J. B. Quinby, C. Fulhngton, R. Wake and A. Maitland. At the time of the publication of the April issue of the Wakefield Herald the Market Square was being enclosed with a board fence. CHURCHES. While the various organizations per- taining to the Wakefield Colony are under consideration it will be fitting to give some accoiuit of the churches. The Methodist Episcopal Church, imder the pastorate of Rev. R. Wake, met in the Public HaU at Wakefield. The Building was situated near the northwest corner of the old Market Square on the west side. The first Sunday School Supt. was Mr. James Dodson, who also held the office of County Supt. of PubUc Instruction. He still resides at Wakefield as its old- est inhabitant. The Union Church, with Rev. Wil- liam Todd and Rev. Edward Moore as co-pastors, worshipped in School House No. 8 at Madiu-a. The Madura church was afterward affihated with the Congregational body, and when the new building was erected in Wake- field the name of "Madura Congrega- tional Church" was retained. The Episcopal church was organized some years later, its first vestry meet- ing having been held on Oct. 14, 1874. St. John's Church was subsequently erected on the northeast corner of the half section belonging to Mr. Charles Ingram. The church building was dedicated in the Spring of 1876. The Wakefield Colony 15 V. Colonists from the Upper Thames Valley. In spite of the severe check which the stream of immigration received in the year 1870, it subsequently un- derwent a partial revival. The Wake- field Herald thus notices the coming of the next large party of settlers : "We learn that James Eustace Esq., will leave England for Wakeiield on the 5th of April, accompanied by a large party of English agriculturahsts, whom he has prevailed upon to re- move to the broad prairies of Kansas. Golden opportunities await them here." (Wakefield Herald, April, 1871.) It was, perhaps, the business rela- tions that existed between some of the Oxfordshire colonists and George Grand Esq., the founder of the Enghsh colony at Victoria, Blhs Co., that led Noble L. Prentis to place the begin- nings of Wakefield in the year 1871. In his history of Kansas he says : "In 1871 the Kansas Pacific sold to a Swedish colony, in Saline county, 22,000 acres; to an Enghsh colony, in Clay coimty, 32,000 acres, and to a Welch colony, in Riley county, 19,000 acres. In 1873 George Grant, of England, purchased of the Kansas Pacific Com- pany 5u,000 acres in the eastern por- tion of Elhs county, with the design of colonizing Enghsh people of means." (History of Kansas, p. 146.) So far as the date is concerned, the historian is evidently mistaken, for at the time spoken of the Enghsh colony in Clay county had been in existence very nearly two years. The efforts made in 1871 to retrieve the fortunes of the Wakefield colony brought it more prominently before the pubUc eye, and may, not vmnaturaUy, have created the impression that it origi- nated at that time. The first party belonging to the new stream of immigration we shall term the "Sparrowhawk party," Mr. Robert Sparrowhawk being one of its leading members. The Wakefield Herald, as we have seen, states that it was con- ducted by James Eustace, Esq., and fixes the date of its departure from England, on April 5, 1871. Mr. Eus- tace, it will be remembered, came out on the "City of Washington" in 1870 and had in the meantime revisited England. The names of the following persons belonging to the Sparrowhawk party were furnished by Mr. E. R. Hawes and Mrs. Wilham Sparrowhawk: Mr. and Mrs. R. Sparrowhawk and family, from Aston under Wychwood, Oxfordshire. Mr. and Mrs, Tilbury and family: Mr. Tilbury returned to England and was afterwards a curate at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hawes; settled on the Geo. Taylor farm; are now Uv- ing in Wakefield. Mr. Hawes is one of my informants concerning the party of which he was a member. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Loader and family. Mr. Bettridge. Mr. Herman Walter. Mr. Wilham Thurlow. Mr. Richard Jones (brother of Mrs. James Loader.) Mr. and Mrs. Arkell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. Wight man (Uved just east of Tom Keller's place.) Most of these came from Oxford- shire and adjoining counties, the streams of which flow into the Thames, and may, therefore, be described as settlers from the Upper Thames valley. Among others who came from Ox- fordshire about this time were the CUnches. Their names were Harold, Charles and Duncan Chnch. The two first named were sons, the third a nephew, of a wealthy brewer in Wit- ney on the Windrush. Witney, so the local saying affirms, is famed for four B's— "beauty, bread, beer and blank- ets." During their Btay at Wakefield, 16 The Wakefield Colony Messrs. Charles and Harold Clinch en- gaged in sheep and cattle raising. Their father supplied them with ample capital for the enterprise — not less than 40 or 50 thousand dollars, it is said. In addition, Duncan Clinch re- ceived an allowance of $75.00 a month from his father. Prank Harris, an experienced shepherd, was commis- sioned to bring out some 65 or 70 pure blooded sheep of the best Enghsh breeds. The CUnches also imported several head of choice cattle and two Clydesdale stallions that subsequently took the premium at the Topeka State Fair. Although a claim was taken up in their interest, by one of the Buckles on sec. 24 in Gill township, they made their headquarters nearer Wakefield. They kept "bachelors' hall" at Chill Creek, on what is now known as the Haynes' farm, then owned by Mr. Lewinton Howse. But in spite of abundant means, the young men did not adapt themselves to pioneer life. Their domestic arrangements and housekeeping are said to have resem- bled those of primitive man, and many anecdotes are told of their father's disg-ust when he visited Wakefield. Among other settlers from Oxford- shire were Mr. H. B. Jones, afterwards a druggist in Industry, Kan. Mr. Thomas Irons is said to have come from the same coimty. Messrs. Cum- ber and (Charles) Harris, who held claims on the south halves of sections 26 and 22, respectively, in Gill town- ship, were also Oxfordshire people. The Buckle family, to whom reference has already been made, were from Cawbury in Wychwood (Oxfordshire), having hved on a farm that had been cleared under the disafforesting act. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Buckle, three sons (Ted, Will and Charley) and two or three daughters, one of whom married the Rev. J. H. Young, an Episcopal clergyman. The Buckle homestead was the south J^ of the N. E. }i of sec. 26 in GiU town- ship. The Rev. J. H. Y''oung lived on the south half, on the farm now owned by my brother, Mr. Herbert Chapman. In the meantime matters went from bad to worse at Chill Creek. The Clinch brothers ran up bills of from ^100.00 to ii?150.00 yearly for tobacco and similar luxuries, and the ranch proved anything but a success. At length Mr. Clinch Sr., decided to come out and see things for himself. He was thoroughly incensed at his sons' shpshod ways and after satisfying him- self that the enterprise would not suc- ceed, he sold out and took his sons and nephew back to England. The flock of sheep were disposed of to George Grant, Esq., then engaged in founding the English colony at Victoria, ElUs Co. While Mr. Clinch was in Wake- field a cattle show was held, at which he presided as judge. In this capacity he awarded the prize of a silver cup (for the best bull shown) to the Giff ord brothers of Hillside. Mr. Clinch had already sold out and returned to Eng- land when Mr. Edwin Eustace visited Ellis Co. in the Spring of 1874. The events just related may be said to close the first chapter in the history of Wakefield. The colony rapidly lost its associative character. The monthly market was early discontinued, and, one by one, the remaining corpora- tions, including the Kansas Land and Emigration Company, passed out of existence. Several later settlers came from Shropshire, following in the course of the Alsop party. Messrs. Benjamin Adams, William Kynaston and Ralph Fowles sailed from Liverpool on April 1, 1871, and landed in New York after a nine days' voyage. The two former settled in Union township. Mrs. Adams came out in the following August. A number of colonists came to the vicinity of Wakefield under the influence of the Kansas Land and Emi- gration Company but without con- necting themselves with the Wakefield The Wakefield Colony 17 Colony. The Bundles and Winsors can-ie to Junction City and took up claims in Dickinson County. Tliose of the Wakefield colonists, the time of whose coming is not definitely ascer- tained, will be noticed at greater length in the following account of the distri- bution and location of the Settlers. VI. The Distribution of the Early Settlers. (Remark: The following notation will be employed to define the situa- tion of farms belonging to the settlers mentioned. Fractional expressions will be used to denote the subdi\'l3ions both of sections and quarter-sections; thus, S. Yo of N. E. li of sec. 26, is to to be read, the south half of the north- east quarter of section 26.) In describing the distribution of the Wakefield colonists the writer will be guided chiefly by the second Marshall map. Many incidents of a descriptive nature, as well as many particulars concerning the settlers themselves, have been furnished by Mr. WiUiam Guy of Wakefield. The Map, to which reference has already been made, was drawn by Mr. J. P. Marshall about the year 1874. The area which it describes is bounded on the east by the hue rvm- ning between sections 4 and 5 (33-32) in RepubUcan towTiship; and:,on the west by the second section Une in Athelstane Township. It includes, therefore, the whole of Township 10, Range 3 east (Gill Township) and parts of the Townships adjoining it on the east and west respectively. The town- site of Wakefield, lying mainly in Sec- tion 5, Township 10, Range 4 east,"oc- cupies the upper right hand comer of the map. (a) THE AMERICAN SETTLERS. Our survey of the district occupied by the American settlers wiU begin with section 8. The proprietors of the northwest quarter of this section were Messrs. Gilbert and Streeter. They were Americans and had taken up their claims before the coming of the English colonists. Mr. Ed Southwick, the owner of the S. % of the S. E. }i, was the nephew of the Rev. Wilham Todd of Madura. The occupants of the north half of the section will be mentioned in our account of the En- ghsh settlers. The S. W. }i of Section 8 was owned by the State Agricultural College (Organized, 1863; established at Manhattan, 187." ) On Section 17 the S. % was owned by Mr. J. B. Quinby and the N. E. i^ by IslT. W. E. Payne (N. %) and Rev. Wm. Todd (S. j/g.) The Todd house is still standing and is a typical repre- sentative of the better class of pioneer dwellings. The deep -set windows, the wood-work of native walnut lumber, the rooms long and low, aU character- ize the dwelling as unlike anything erected since the coming of the rail- road. School district No. 8, and sub- sequently the church organized there, derived their name from the fact of Mr. Todd's having been a missionary at Madura, in India. Mr. J. B. Quinby, who settled in Republican Township in 1857, owned the south half of section 17, and, subsequently, also the N. W. 1^ of section 20. From him Quinby Creek derives its name. The East % of the S. E. }i of Section 20 was owned by Dr. Burt who had been an army surgeon in the Civil War. The Dr. and his wife (nee Locke) were both New England set- tlers. In the same neighborhood lived W. P. Gates, who, as a mere lad, had also seen miUtary service. In his ad- 18 The Wakefield Colony dress of Get. 10, 1894, Dr. Burt men- tions a settler named French who hke- wise Uved in that vicinity. In the district north of Wakefield the Avery family had taken up claims before the coming of the Enghsh col- onists. The first to settle in that vicinity was Mr. Albert Avery. His brother, Mr. Henry Avery, came some time later. They were natives of Or- leans (Jo., Vt., and were of English descent. The following account of the coming of the Averj^ family to this country occurs in the "Avery Family Record, Dedham Branch, 1650- 1893": "Dr. WilUam Avery: We now take up the record of our earhest ancestors who crossed the Atlantic. He (Dr. W. Avery) in 1650 cast in his lot with the settlers of the town of Dedham, Mass., bringing with him his wife Margaret and three children from the parish of Earkham, county of Berk- shire, England." The pioneer settler in Gill township was Mr. Kirby. His claim included the S. y^ of the S. W. I4 of section 13 and the N. Y^. of the N. E. % of section 24. In the year 1868 his house was the only dwelling in the township. With regard to Athelstane township the following information is to be found in the Plat-Book (p. 21) : "The first settlers in this township were WiUiam Price and his son Mar- tin, who came Feb. 17, 1860." (b) THE ENGLISH SETTLERS. (1) Settlers in Twp. 10, Range 4, East. The townsite of Wakefield consisted of 120 acres in the N. W. J4 of section 5, and the tv/o "eighties" (E. \i of N. E. ^, sec. 6; and N. J^ of S. W. }i of sec. 5) adjoining it on the west and south respectively. In Sec. 6, the east Yz was owned by Mr. R. T. Batchelor, the west half by Mr. Fitzgibbons, both of whom were members of the pioneer party. When the MarshaU map was drawn the Fitzgibbons homestead was owned by WiUiam Alia way. The west J^ of the N. E. ^ adjoining the town- site of Wakefield was owned by Mr. John Chapman. An account of my father's family has been given in connection with the hst of those who came out in the steamship Nebraska in 1869. My mother was the second daughter of Mr. WiUiam Hellier of Poundsford (Pitminster) , near Taunton. The Hel- liers had been settled for several gen- erations at Hennock, near Bovey Tracey (Devon) . Mrs. WiUiam HeUier was a daughter of Edmund Rich, Esq., of Cross House, Over-Stowey. The Riches of Stowey, Butcombe, and Bagborough were descended from "Samuel Rich, Esq., Gentleman," (Mural tablet in the parish church, Over-Stowey j, who flourished in the last quarter of the seventeenth cen- tury. On the extinction of the elder branch of the family (in 1815) my ma- ternal great-grandfather removed from Butcombe to Over-Stowey. The west half of the section was di- vided into four "eighties," lying east and west. The original proprietors were Messrs. Pettigrew (N. ^ of N. W. }x)i Bilhngham (S. Y of same, Geo. Taylor (N. M of S. W. 34'), and John Spooner (S. % of same), aU of whom came out in the steamship Nebraska in 1869. In 1873-4 the Geo. Taylor farm was owned by Mr. E. R. Hawes who came out with the Sparrowhawk party. Section 7, lying southwest of Wake- field, was assigned to the Directors of the colony: The N. E. I4 to Mr. John Wormald, the N. W. I4 to Mr. Alex- ander Maitland, the S. W. }i to Rev. Richard Wake, and the S. E. I4 to Mr. R. H. Drew. Of the proprietors men- tioned, Mr. Drew never became an actual settler, although he paid a visit to the colony in the early days and stayed with my father at his farm on section 6. In addition to the quarter section above-mentioned, Mr. Alex. The Wakefield Colony 19 Maitland owned the "eighty" (in T. 10, R. 3 east) adjoining it on the west and also the S. % of the S. W. U of Sec. 5 adjoining the townsite of Wakefield. He erected a dweUing house on the first-named eighty and also com- menced to build a stone residence on the farm lying south of the townsite. About the year 1873-4 the Wormald quarter section appears to have changed hands. At some later time, the farm adjoining Wakefield on the south passed into the hands of Mr. Wormald and became known as the Wormald farm. The proprietors of Sec. 18 (adjoining Sec. 7 on the south) were Messrs. Skinner, Dodson and Dibben. The N. E. )^ of the section belonged to the State Agricultural College. Concerning Mr. Skinner I find the following entry in the "Forty-seventh Annual Session" of the Congregational State Association: "Edward Skinner was bom in Old Dalby, Leicestershire, England, Aug. 24, 1837. He commenced preaching in England when 18 years of age. Came to America May 14, 1873. Pas- tor of Madura (Wakefield) and Milford churches in Kansas from 1873 to De- cember, 1879. Church was built in Milford during his pastorate, which was the first church in Kansas built without missionary aid. * * Died at his home in Blue Rapids (Kan.^) Jan. 8, 1901." (pp. 42-43.) Mr. Skinner's homestead was the N. % of the N. W. U of section 18. On the S. W. I4 Mr. A. Gaston appears to have been preceded by a settler named Jacobus. On section 19, the proprietors were Messrs. Mark Dodson, Emory White and WiUiam Gaston. All these were of American birth. The Gaston fam- ily were Scotch -Irish Pennsylvanians. The south half of section 20 was owned by the following: Messrs. Walters, Gates, Eustace and Burt. The Walters and Eustace families were EngUsh. The N. E. ^ of section 30 was owned by Messrs. Lumb (N. \4,) and Wheel- right (S. k'O They were Yorkshire people. It may deserve mention that Mr. Lumb (now residing in Wakefield) possesses a copy of the "Breeches Bible" (so-called from its curious rendering of Gn. 3:7. Mr. Lumb's Bible was printed in 1599), that has come down from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. No entries appear on sec- tions 29 and 31 ; the west H o^ section 32 has been mentioned as belonging to the State Agricultural College. The proprietors of the east half of the same section were Messrs. Thurlow and Lawton. The N. % of the N. E. I4 be- longed to Wilham Eustace whose homestead was on section 20. Blr. Robert Sparrowhawk came out with a large party in April, 1871, and settled on the N. E. 14: of so: tion 28. His for- mer home was at A^^ton imder Wych- wood (Oxfordshire.) A curious pass- age in Florence of Worchester's Chronicle shows that this surname is a survival of an Anglo-Saxon proper name current in the upper Thames valley in the days of Edward the Con- fessor. The entry reads: "A. D. 1050. Spearhafoc (Sparrow- hawk), abbot of Abingdon, was elected bishop of London, but was ejected by King Edward before consecration." The circumstance is remarkable be- cause Anglo-Saxon proper names fell into complete disuse soon after the Conquest. J. T. Tait and H. S. Walt- ers also held claims on section 28. (^2) SETTLERS IN TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 3 EAST. We shaU begin our survey of the township with the northeast comer— the point nearest Wakefield. Here, on section 1, the N. E. 1-4 belonged to Mr. T. P. Pettigrew. Forty acres of the S. E. 1-4, adjoining the Spooner farm on the west appear to have be- longed to John Spooner. On section 12, there were eight proprietors. The E. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4, adjoining his 20 The Wakefield Colony quarter section in Republican Town- ship belonged to Mr. Alexander Mait- land. In like manner, the E. 1-2 of the S. E. 1-4 belonged to the Rev. Richard Wake. The W. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4 was the homestead of Mr. Benj. Budden. The east and west halves of the N. W. 1-4 belonged to Messrs. Eustace and Cowdery, respectively. R. N. Cowdery came from the neigh- borhood of Sahsbury, in Wiltshire; Mr. Eustace was from Oxfordshire. The W. 1-2 of the S. E. 1-4 belonged to Dr. Chas. Hewitt; the E. 1-2 of the S. W. 1-4 to Jason Withers; the W. 1-2 to Arthur Marshall, a brother of Mr. J. P. Marshall. There were two With- ers brothers, Ralph and Jason. Jason was a son-in-law of Mr. Cowdery. On section 13, the S. 1-2 of the S. W. 1-4 belonged to Mr. Kirby. The W. 1-2 of the N. W. 1-4 was the property of Mr. J. P. Marshall. (This claim was originally purchased by Mr. James Marshall.) Mr. Marshall, to whom we owe the map upon which this account is largely based, was a native of New Alresford, in Hampshire. On section 24, the N. W. 1-4 belonged to D. H. Dudy, an American and a veteran of the Civil War. The S. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4 adjoining Mr. Kirby's farm, be- longed to an Enghshman named (Thomas) Goosey. A son of Mr. Goosey's died in Wakefield and was btu'ied on his father's farm. On the S. 1-2 several of the names have been re -written. The entires are: S. E. 1-4, E. 1-2 Gaston; W. 1-2, T. White; S. W. 1-4, E. 1-2, (WiUiam) Ware; W. 1-2, Buckle. T. K. White was an American; WiUiam Ware, a Devon- shire man. The latter had hved for many years in the United States. On the N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 25 appears the name Blatch, on the corresponding 1-4 of Sec. 36, R. Jones. Section 36 was school land. We shall now resume our survey from the northern boundary of the township, beginning with sections 2 and 3. On the former section the N. E. 1-4 was owned by Mr. O. R. Swee- zey, an American. His claim was "jumped" by an adventurer named Jack Beatty. Both names appear on the Marshall map. The E. 1-2 of the N. W. 1-4 belonged to Isaiah Jevons, a native of Staffordshire, but many years a resident in America. The V/. 1-2 was owned by Mr. Lewin, but oc- cupied by Alfred Yarrow. The S. 1-2 was divided into four eighties. The east and west halves of the S. E. 1-4 were owned by Messrs. Shrivers and Guy, respectively. Both were from the covmty of Sussex. Mr. William Guy, to whom the writer is more ex- tensively indebted than to any other informant, was a native of Ripe, near Lewes, and came out on the Steamship Nebraska. In the early days of the settlement he hved on his farm on section 2. He is now proprietor of one of the leading business houses in Wakefield. The following changes in the owner- ship of the S. W. 1-4 of Sec. 2 took place before the Marshall map was drawn: The W. 1-2 was first occupied by Humphrey Hughes, afterwards by a Mr. PhiUips. The E. 1-2 of the quarter section was taken up by John Cole who came out on the Nebraska. It afterwards passed into the hands of Walter Parsons, whose sister married Mr. Phillips, the proprietor of the ad- joining "eighty." Both farms were eventually purchased by B. F. Jevons, son of Isaiah Jevons. The N. 1-2 of Sec. 3 was owned by Mr. Charles Ingram, a native of Co. Dorset, England. St. John's Church (Episcopal) was built on the N. E. corner of his estate. Mr. Ingram was a member of the executive committee of the Wakefield Agricultural and Lit- erary Society (see section 4.) He sus- tained serious injuries in trying to The Wakefield Colony 21 rescue some haystacks from a prairie fire, and, shortly afterwards, returned to England and died there. Three ''eighties" on the N. 1-2 of Sec. 10 were owned by members of the Tit- comb family, (Mrs. Titcomb and two sons, Mark and Edwin.) They were from London. The S. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4 belonged to John Bulmer. The S. E. 1-4 belonged to Thomas Holt and Richard Cawcutt. In 1873-4 the Holt farm was owned by Greo. Pearson. Both claims were afterw'ards purchased by J. K. Hammond. On section 10, the N. W. 1-4 was oc-