eace with Spain were lion. William
R. Day, Hon. Ciisliman K. Davis. Hon. William P. Frye. Hon. Whitelaw Reid and Hon.
George Gray. John li. Moore was appointed secretary, J. R. McArthur assistant secretary
of the Commissioners and Frank J Kranningan disbursing clerk. ,.
The United .States Commissioners to arrange for the Sjjanish evacuation of Cuba were
Major-General James F. Wade, Admiral William D. Sam])son and General M. C. Hutler.
Tile United States Conmiissioners to arrange for tiie Spanish evacuation of Porto Rico
were Major-General [ohn R. Brooke. Admiral Wmfieid S. Schley and General Goiclon.
Winfield S. Schlev, commanding the second squadron of the North Altanlic fleet,
known as the "Flying .Squadron." was appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis and
entered the active service on September 20, 1S56. He served with much credit in the Civil
War, and after )>assing througii tiie several grades was commissioned as Captain March 31,
iSSS, and promoted to Rear-.\dmiral March 2S, 1S9S.
points with the utmost energy and expedition. These instructions were es-
pecially directed against Arecibo and San Juan. The Porto Ricans were
hilarious over the cession of the island to the United States, and everywhere
there were repetitions of the scenes which followed the landing of the troops.
Bands played the American national airs and the people cheered the Amer-
icans and their flag. General Miles said that the troops would simply mark
time where they were until the details of the evacuation were completed.
Porto Rico had been taken without a single battle worthy of the name.
There had been only four lights all told, and our loss in killed had been only
Manzanillo, on the south coast of Cuba, was bombarded for more than
twelve hours, beginning on August 12, at about 3:30 p. m., by the cruiser
A'.-K'ark and the gunboats Siiwaiu'e, the Osceola, Hist and Alvarado. Its un-
conditional surrender had previously been demanded and refused. The ac-
tive bombardment lasted an hour and a half, until 5 o'clock. At dawn on the
13th, white flags could be seen all over the town and on the hills. Soon a
small boat was observed coming out to the Newark under a white flag. Two
.Spanish officers boarded the jYetuark and said that they had been instructed
to inform Captain Goodrich that a peace protocol had been signed by the
representatives of Spain and the United States and that hostilities had
ceased. Four cavalrymen and two peasants were killed during the bombard-
ment, and four officers and thirteen men were wounded. Sixiy-iive iiouses
were destroyed.
The following dispatch from Admiral Dewey, dated August i •. was re-
ceived by the Secretary of War on August 17 :
" Manila surrendered to-day to the American land and naval forces after
a combined attack. A division of the squadron shelled the forts and in-
trenchments at Malate, on the south side of the city, driving back the enemy,
our army advancing from that side at the same time. The city surrendered
about 5 o'clock, the American flag being hoisted by Lieutenant Brumby.
About 7,000 prisoners were taken. The squadron had no casualties ; none of
the vessels was injured. On August 7 General Merritt and I formally de-
manded the surrender of the city, which the Spanish Governor-General re-
The War Department on August 18 received this dispatch from General
]\Ierritt. It was dated Manila, August 13, and was delayed in transmission :
"On 7th inst., Admiral Dewey joined me in forty-eight-hour notifica-
tion to Spanish commander to remove non-combatants from city. Same
date reply received, expressing thanks for humane sentiments, and stating
Spanish without places of refuge for non-combatants now within walled
town. On 9th inst., sent joint note inviting attention to suffering in store fos-
sick and non-combatants in case it became our duty to reduce the defenses,
also setting forth hopeless condition of Spanish forces, surrounded on all
sides, fleet in front, no prospect of reenforcements, and demanded surrender
as due to every consideration of humanity ; same date received reply admit-
ting their situation, but stating council of defence declares request for sur-
render cannot be granted, but offered to consult government if time was
granted necessary for communication via Hong Kong. Joint note in reply
declining. On the 13th joined with navy in attack, with following results :
After about half hour's accurate shelling of Spanish lines, McArthur's brigade
on right and Green's on left, under Anderson, made vigorous attack and
carried Spanish works. Loss not accurately known — about fifty in all. Be-
havior of troops excellent ; cooperation of the navy most valuable.
Troops advanced rapidly on walled city, upon which white flag shown and
town capitulated. Troops occupy Malate, Binonde, walled city, San Miguel.
All important centers protected. Insurgents kept out. No disorder or
The War Department on August 18 made public an order sent to Gen-
eral Merritt the previous evening regarding the occupation of the city of
Manila by the American forces. The order was as follows :
" The President directs that there must be no joint occupation with the
insurgents. The United States, in the possession of Manila city and Manila
bay and harbor, must preserve the peace and protect persons and property
within the territory occupied by their military and naval forces. The insur-
gents and all others must recognize the military occupation and authority of
the United States, and the cessation of hostilities proclaimed by the President.
Use whatever means in your judgment are necessary to this end. All law-
abiding people must be treated alike."
Disturbances arose through a misunderstanding in the streets of Manila
on August 25, in which one American soldier was killed and four wounded.
Four natives were killed and several were wounded before the trouble was
quelled. General Aguinaldo expressed his regret at the encounter, and
promised to punish the offenders.
The military government was working efficiently in all departments
August 27. Local business was actively resumed. Stringent measures were
taken to insure the sanitation of the citadel, which was crowded with prison-
ers. 23,000 stands of arms, 10,000,000 cartridges, and an immense quantity
of large ammunition was surrendered with nearly 15,000 prisoners. There
was undoubtedly practical unanimity among merchants, irrespective of na-
tionality, in favor of the permanent occupation of the archipelago by the
Americans. Nobody thought the reestablishment of Spanish sovereignty
The Spanish troops at Manila received instructions August 27 to be
ready to go to the neighboring islands at the orders of General Rios. Seiior
Sagasta said it would be necessary to confer with the American Government
respecting the future of the Manila troops. One difficulty of the Govern-
ment here was to know what to do with the civil employees in the Philippines.
As the Americans appeared to have taken charge of the administration and
funds in the treasury, the Spanish Government thought it should transfer the
capital to another island.
Bt/ peDnisston of ilie Panlist Fathers.
Rev. Clarence E. Woodman.
Very Rev. George Deshon.
Kev. Aloysius R. Nevins.
Rev. Oeorge M. Searle.
Very Rev. Isaac: T. Hecker.
Rev. Alfred Young.
Rev. Thomas V. Robinson.
Very Rev. Augustine F. Hewit.
Rev. Henry M. Wyman.
Among; the preat Triiinijilis of Faith stands the American Oi'der of Pauhsts, fonmled i>y Father Ilecker, its first Superior Gei
eral, an American and a Convert, as was also its second Superior General. Fatlier Hewit. who was formerly a Protestant niinistj
as was his father. Its third Superior General, Fatlier DesJion, formerly a Lieutenant in U. S. A., is also an American Convert.
In the following pages we give a list of American Converts from
the Protestant to the Catholic Faith and ask the reader to examine
the names and mark the strong contrast between tlie character of
these converts and those who leave the Church.
Considering the fact that the Catholic Church, both in her doctrine
and spiritual treatment of souls, has equally drawn all these varied
classes to her fold, fully satisfying all their intellectual convictions
and spiritual aspirations, it would seem that that fact alone might
reasonably be deemed by any reflecting person quite sufficient evi-
dence that the Church is the true Church of God. In one word, that
she is the Church of the divine Truth, of the div'ne Goodness, and
of the divine Love.
The proverb, " All roads lead to Rome," is true in so fai as it in-
cludes all the pathways of tliose who seek the realization of their
ideals and the fulfilment of their desires in what is higher, better,
and purer, and in what brings them nearer to God. Rome is like
the centre of a circle, the point of unity at which all the countless
true radii converge from all possible directions. In that singular un-
paralleled attraction which the Catholic Church exercises in being
the end of the journey of so many persons of diverse gifts, tastes,
and needs is fulfilled the prophecy of our Lord : that when He
should be lifted up (to be seen and known of all) then would He
•' draw all men unto Himself."
If the life-histories of many converts could be known, even of not
a few of those whose names are here recorded, we would see fulfilled
in a signal manner the prophecy of Isaias concerning the Church :
"The children of them that afflict thee shall come bowing down to
thee ; and all that slandered thee shall worship the steps of thy feet,
and shall call thee the City of the Lord, the Sion of the Holy One of
Israel " (Isaias Ix. 14).
For the material in this chapter the Editor desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to Father
Yonng's " Catholic and Protestant Countries Compared," and to two articles in the " American Catho-
lic Quarterly Review, entitled " Our Converts," by Richard H. Clarke, LL. D.
American Converts to the Catholic Faith,
Converts who became Catholic Priests.
(Those known, or represented to the compiler, as having been formerly Protestant ministers, are
designated 1:)y an asterisk — *.) *
* Bayley, Most Rev. James Roosevelt,
eighth Archbishop of Baltimore.
Becker, Rt. Rev. Thomas A., Bishop of
'■' Barber, Rev. Daniel, a Revolutionary
soldier, an Episcopalian minister,
* Barber, Rev. Virgil Horace, a Jesuit,
son of the foregoing ; his wife Je-
rusha, and their children, Samuel,
Mary, .-Vbigail, Susan, and Jose-
Barber, Rev. Samuel, a Jesuit, son of
the Rev. Virgil Horace Barber.
* Baker, Rev. Francis A., a Paulist.
* Baker, Rev. Richard Swinton.
Barilett, Rev. William E. (Bak.).
* Bradley, Rev. Joshua Dodson.
* JJoddy, Rev. \Vm. (N. Y.).
Brauii. Rev. John S. (N. Y.).
* Barmim, Rev. Francis, a Jesuit.
Bodfish, Rev. J. P. (.Mass.).
Brown, Rev. Algernon A., a Paulist.
Brown, Rev. Louis G., a Paulist.
* Brown, Rev. Mathias, a Passionist.
* Curtis. Rt. Rev. Alfred A., Bishop of
Carter, V. Rev. Cliarles Ignatius Hard-
man, V. G. (Phila.l
* Clark, Rev. Arthur M., a Paulist.
Clark, Rev. James, a Jesuit.
Cyril, Rev. T., a Passionist.
Craft, Rev. Francis M. (N. Dak.).
Cuthbert, Rev. Fr., a Benedictine monk.
* ("lapp. Rev. Walter C, a Paulist no-
Deshon, Rev. George, Lieutenant V. S.
A., a Paulist.
* Doane, Rt. Rev. Mgr., son of (Prot.)
Bishop Doane of New Jersey.
* Denny, Rev. Harmon, a Jesuit.
Dwyer, Rev. William H.
Dutton, Rev. Francis, (Ohio).
Eccleston, Most Rev. Samuel, fifth
Archbishop of Baltimore.
* Everett, Rev. Wm. (New York City).
Fenton, Rev. James S., (N. Y.).
Freitag, Rev. A., a Redemptorist.
Frisbee, Rev. Samuel H., a Jesuit, son
of Judge Frisbee.
* Ffrench, Rev. Charles D., (Portland,
Fisher, Rev. Nevin F.
* Fairbanks, Rev. H. F. (Milwaukee).
Gasson, Rev. Thomas J., a Jesuit.
Gilmour, Rt. Rev. Richard, Bishop of
Granger, Rev. A. (III.).
Goldschmidt, Rev. J. C. (Ohio).
* Griffin, Rev. Charles.
Griffilli, Rev. Geo. X.
Geyer, Rev. Adolph (N. Y.).
Hecker, V. Rev. Isaac Thomas, Founder
and first Superior General of the
* Hewit, V. Rev. Augustine F., second
Superior General of the Paulists.
The son of Rev. Dr. Nathanael
Hewit, Congregational minister of
Bridgeport, Conn.
Hedges, Rev. Samuel B., a Paulist.
* Haskins, Rev. George F., Founder of
the House of the Angel Guardian
Hill, Rev. B. D., a Passionist.
Howell, Rev. Isaac P. (N. J.).
* Hoj't, Rev. W'm. Henry (Vt.).
* Hudson, Rev. David, C. S. C.
Langcake, Rev. Augustus, a Jesuit.
* Leinke, Rev. Henry, companion of
the Rev. Prince Gallitzin.
* Lyman, Rev. Dwight E. (Bait.).
I * Leeson, Rev. A. B. (Bait).
I Lovejoy, Rev. John R.
! McClellan, Rev. Wm. (Sing Sing, N. Y.).
McMurdie, Rev. H. S.
* McLeod, Rev. Donald.
* Monk, Rev. Lewis Wentworth, son of
r the Hon. Cornwallis Monk, of Can-
P ada.
* Monroe, Rev. F'rank, a Jesuit, great-
nephew of President Monroe.
Morrill Rev. Chas. Wilfrid K. (Ne.w
London, Ct.).
Metcalf, Rev. Theodore (Boston).
Major, Rev. Thomas S. (Ky.).
* Murphy, Rev. John F.
Meriwether, Rev. Wm. A., a Jesuit.
Neligan, Rev. J. (N. Y.).
Nevins, Rev. Aloysius Russell, a Paulist.
* Nears, Rev. Henry T., a Paulist.
* Norris, Rev. Mr. (Milwaukee).
Oram, Rev ^^'. H.
Osborne, Rev. F. (Cal.).
* Preston, Rt. Rev Mgr. Thos. S., late
V. G. of New York.
Rosecrans, Rt. Rev. Sylvester H., Bishop
of Columbus, brother of Gen. W.
S. Rosecrans, U. S. A.
Robinson, Rev. Thomas V., a Paulist.
Robinson, Rev. Dr. Henry L.
Searle, Rev. George M., a Paulist.
Spencer, V. Rev. F. A., Provincial of
the Dominicans, son of a Protestant
* Stone, Rev. James Kent, formerly
President of Hobart and Kenyon
(Prot.) colleges, author of The In-
vitatio7i Heeded, a Passionist.
Sumner, Rev. John, a Jesuit.
Simmons, Rev. Gilbert, a Paulist.
Simmons, Rev. Wm. I. (Providence,
R. I.).
* Salt, V. Rev. Wm. P. (N. J.).
Starr, Rev. W. E. (Bait.).
Shaw, Rev. Coolidge, a Jesuit.
Southgate, Rev. Edward, son of (Prot.)
Bishop Southgate.
Tyler, Rt. Rev. William, first Bishop of
* Thayer, Rev. John Thayer (Boston).
Tillotson, Rev. Robert Beverley, a Paul-
Tucker, Rev. Hilary (Boston).
Tabb, Rev. John (St. Charles' College,
* Van Rensselaer, Rev. Henry, a Jesuit.
Whitfield, Most Rev. James, fourth
Archbishop of Baltimore.
Wood, Most Rev. James Frederick, first
Archbishop of Philadelphia.
* Wadhams, Rt. Rev. Edgar P., Bishop
of Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Walworth, Rev. Clarence A,, son ot
Chancellor Walworth, New York.
Wyman, Rev. Henry M., a Paulist.
Waldron, Rev. Edward Q. L.
Woodman, Rev. Clarence E., a Paulist.
Welch, Rev. Edw. H., a Jesuit.
Whitney, Rev. John D., a Jesuit.
Wilson, Rev. Fr., a Dominican.
Young, Rt. Rev. Josue M., Bishop of
Young, Rev. Alfred, a Paulist.
Converts from the Protestant Ministry who did not enter the Catholic
Allen, Rev. George, LL. D. (St. Albans,
Adams, Rev. Mr. (Iowa).
Adams, Rev. Henry A. (New York
Coggeshall, Rev. G. A. (Providence,
R. I.).
Converse, Rev. James M. J,
Colt, Rev. Anson T.
Colt, Rev. A. B., grandson of (Prot.)
Bishop Hobart.
Egan, Rev. Dillon (Cal.).
Fisher, Rev. Geo. C. F. (Long Island).
Gilliam, Rev. G., afterwards physician
Houghton, Rev. Hugh N. (Troy, N. Y.).
Huntington, Rev. Joshua, author of
Gropings after Truth.
Huntington, Rev. J. Vincent, Littera-
Homer, Rev. Mr.
Ives, Rt. Rev. Levi Silliman, Episco-
palian Bishop of North Carolina.
The founder of the Catholic Pro-
tectory, New York City.
Ironside, Rev, George E. (N. J.).
Kaicher, Rev. John Keble.
Kewley, Rev. John (N. Y. City).
Locke, Rev. Jesse Albert.
Markoe, Rev. Mr. (St. Paul, Minn.).
Meredith, Rev. W. M.
McMorgan, Rev. Pollard McC.
McCurry, Rev. F. P.
Oertel, Rev. J. J. Maximilian, author of
Reasons of a Lutheran Minister for
hecomi}ig a Catholic.
Pollard, Rev. J.
Powell, Rev. Wm. E.
Russell, Rev. Edwin B., D. D.
Russell, Rev. J. C. and family (Bait.).
Rodgers, Rev. J. W., D. D., and family,
Robinson, Rev. John Rliinelander, died
a Paulist novice.
Robinson, Rev. Wm. C, Judge of the
Supreme Court of Conn, and Pro-
fessor of Law in Yale Unirersity.
Richards, Rev. Henry Livingston.
Reiner, Rev. John M.
Richards, Rev. John.
Thornton, Rev. Mr. (Charleston, S. C).
White, Rev. Calvin, grandfather ot
Richard Grant White.
Whitcher, Rev. Benjamin W. (New
Wheaton, Rev, Homer (Poughkeepsie,
N. Y.).
Atlee, Dr. Walter Franklin (Philadel
phia, Pa.).
Allen, Dr. John (N. Y. City).
Bellinger, Dr. John (S. C).
Bryant, Dr. John (Phila.).
Bigelow, Dr. (Mich.).
Brown, Dr, Wm. Faulkner,
Budd, Dr. Chas. H.
Burt, Dr. (S. C).
Chilton, Dr. (Va.).
Cabbiimus, Dr. T. T.
Cooke, Dr. (111.).
Craft, Dr. Isaac B. (Ohio).
Drenford, Dr. George (D. C).
Darland, Dr. Richard.
Derby, Dr. Haskeit (Boston).
Dean, Dr. John.
De Normandie, Miss Dr. Myra, daughter
of Rev. Jaine« de Normandie,
Protestant minister (Boston).
Emmet, Dr. Thomas Addis (N. Y. City).
Elliott, Dr. Johnson.
Flovd, Dr. VVm. P., son of Gov. Flovd
' (Va.).
Faust, Dr. (Washington, D. C).
Greene, Dr. (Maine).
Greene, Dr. (St. Louis).
Gregory, Dr. Elisha H.
Hassell, Dr. Samuel (N. Y. City).
Harve)', Dr. John Milton.
Hewit, Dr. Henry Stuart, son of Rev.
Dr. Nathanael Hewit, Congrega-
tionalist minister (Bridgeport,
Horner, Dr. W. E.
Keyes, Dr. Edward L. (N. Y. City).
Leffingwell, Dr. Albert.
Lenton, Dr. Moses L.
Locke, Dr. (Ann Arbor, Mich.).
McLaughlin, Dr., of the Hudson Bay
Meriwether, Dr. Wm. A., now a Jesuit.
Marcy, Dr. E. A. (N. Y. City).
McMurray, Dr. Elgin T.
Pike, Miss Dr. Lucy Johnson.
Petersen, Dr. (Phila.).
Pollock, Dr. Simon, Jr.
Quackenbos, Dr. (Albany, N. Y.).
Ruddick, Dr. Wm. H. (Boston).
Russ, Dr. (New Me.xico).
Reynolds, Dr. Chevalier.
Richmond, Dr. John B. (N. J.).
Salter, Dr. Richard H. (Boston).
Spencer, Dr. John C. (N. Y.).
Sterling, Dr. George A. (Long Island),
Van Buren, Dr. William H. (N. Y.
Warner, Dr. John C. (Boston).
Wood, Dr. James Robie (N. V. City).
Woodville, Dr. (Monroe Co., Va.).
Youngblood, Dr. James M.
Zeh, Dr. C. M. (Newark, N. J.).
Aldrich, Col.
Beaumont, Rear Admiral J. C.
Brisbane, Gen. Abbot H.
Buell, Gen. Don Carlos.
Belton, Col. Francis S.
Brittin, Col. Lionel.
Basket, Col. John.
Bradshaw, Col.
Brownson, Major Henry F.
Cook, Gen. William.
Cutts, Col. James Madison, nephew of
Pres. Madison.
Caldwell, Col.
Clarke, Col. W. E.
Cooper, Col. George Kent.
Chase, Capt. Bela.
Curd, Lieut. Thomas (died a Jesuit
Dearborn, Major Axel.
Deshon, Lieut. George (New London,
Conn.), now a priest and Paulist.
Dodge, Lieut.
Foster, Gen. John G., of U. S. Engi-
Franklin, Admiral Samuel R. (Washing-
ton, D. C).
Frye, Col.
Floyd, Col. George.
Floyd, Col. Ben. Rush.
Fountain, Capt. S. W.
Graham, Gen. Lawrence Pike.
Guest, Commodore John.
Gerdes, Capt. F. H., U. S. Coast Sur-
Griffen, Capt. B. B.
Hardin, Gen. M. D.
Harney, Gen. VV. S.
Hardie, Gen. James A.
Hill, Gen.
Hardwood, Rear-Admiral Andrew Allen.
Hudson, Col. McK.
Hyde, Col.
Holbrook, Col. P. N.
Hooper, Col. George P.
Haldeman, Capt.
Ives, Lieut. Joseph C.
Jenkins, Gen. Albert.
Jones, Gen. James.
Johnston, Lieut.
Kilpatrick, Gen. Hugh Judson.
Kane, Col. George P.
Lane, Gen. Joseph.
Longstreet, Gen. James.
Larned, Col. Charles.
Lamson, Col. D. S.
Lay, Capt., brother of (Prot.) Bishop
Lyle, Capt. David A.
IVlacDougall, Gen. Charles, surgeon.
MacDougall, Col. \Vm. C, geologist and
author ; brother of the foregoing.
MacDougall, Capt. Thomas M., son of
Gen. Charles MacDougall.
McKaig, Gen. T. J.
McKinstry, Lieut.
Monroe, Col. James, grandnephew of
Pres't Monroe.
Montgomery, Col. L. M.
Newton, Gen. John E.
Northrop, Gen. Lucius B.
Nearnsie, Major J. R.
Nicholson, Lieut., U. S. N.
Offutt, Major H. St. George.
Ord, Gen. Edward O. C.
Otis, Col. E. S.
Ord, Capt. Placidus.
Payne, Col. Rice VV.
Rosecrans, Gen. Wm. Starke.
Revere, Gen. Joseph Warren, grandson
of Paul Revere of Revolutionary
Ramsay, Admiral Francis M.
Rathbone, Col. John Cass.
Ramson, Capt. Augustine Dunbar.
Scammon, Gen. E. Parker.
Stone, Gen. Charles P.
Stanley, Gen. David Sloan.
Sturgis, Gen. Samuel D.
Smith, Gen. George.
Sands, Admiral B. F.
Strobe], Major.
Shurtleff, Capt. Nathanael B.
Summerhayes, Lieut. J. W.
Spear, Lieut.
Tyler, Gen. Robert O.
Thayer, Gen. Russell.
Tucker, Col. N. A.
Troy, Col. D. S.
Tilford, Col.
Turner, Major Henry S.
Vincent, Gen. Thomas McCurdy.
Vault, Col. G. W. T.
Whipple, Gen. A. W.
Wayne, Gen. Henry C.
Ward, Capt. James Harman, naval
Anderson, Hon. Wm. Marshall, brother
of Col. Robert Anderson, comman-
der of Fort Sumter.
Arrington, Hon. Judge (111.).
Atwater, Hon. Mr. (New Haven).
Austin, Charles (Law.), (N. Y.).
Burnett, Hon. Peter H., Gov. of Cali-
fornia, Judge ; author of The Path
7vhich led a Protestant Lawyer to the
Catholic Church.
Brightly, Frederick C. (Law.), author of
The Federal Digest, etc.
Buel, Oliver Prince (Law.), (New York
Bakewell, Hon. Judge Robert A. (St.
Bissell, Hon. William H., Gov. of Illinois.
Bliss, George (Law.), (New York City).
Boggess, Judge Caleb.
Carpenter, Gen. (Law.), Lieut. -Gov. of
fvhode Island.
Chandler, Hon. Joseph R., Minister to
Clarke, Hon. Beverley L.
Dent, Hon. Louis, relative of General
Ewing, Hon. Thomas, Senator, Secre-
tary of the Interior.
Florence, Hon. Thomas B.
Field, William Hildrelh (Law.), (New
York City).
Heath, Hon. Judge (N. C).
Hurd, Hon. Frank (Ohio).
Holcomb, Hon. Silas Wright (New York
Hatch, Roswell D. (Law.), (New York
AUston, Washington (-\rt.), the celebra-
ted painter.
.\nderson, Henry James, LL. I)., Prof.
Columbia College.
.■\llen, Heman (.\rt.). Music, Chicago.
Brainerd, Mrs. Elizabeth (Art.).
Brownson. Orestes A., LL. 1). (Lit.),
author. Editor of Brownson s Re-
Baker, Prof. .Mpheus.
Howard, George H. (Law.), (Washing-
ton, D. C).
Johnston, Attorney-General (Miss.).
Johnston, Hon. J. W., Senator (Va.).
Joyce, Hon. John (Kv.).
Livingston, Hon. Vanbrugh, U. S.
Minister to Russia.
Lee, Hon. Thomas Simms, Gov. of
Mayo, John B. (Law.), (N. Y. Cityy
Manley, Judge M. E. (N. C).
Moore, Judge (N. C).
Mulkey, Hon. Judge John H. (111.)
Pugh, Hon. George E., Senator (Ohio).
Price, Hon. Jonathan H.
Rice, Hon. Judge (S. C).
Rankin, Hon. Judge (Cal).
Ryland, Hon. Judge (Cal).
Smith, Hon. Truman.
Sawyer, Hon. Lemuel.
Stephens, Judge Linton, brother of Hon.
Alex. Stephens (Ga.).
'I'enney, Judge Wm. Jewett, jurist and
author (N. J.).
Troyman, Hon. James.
Van Dyke, Hon. James A. (Detroit).
Whittlesey, Hon. David C.
Washington, Hon. John N.
Weld, Hon. W. K. (III.).
Wilkins, Hon. Judge (Mich.).
Wilson, Hon. Ben. (W. Va).
Browne, Charles F., the humorist '" Arte-
nnis Ward."
Blyth, Stephen Cleveland (Lit.).
Coleman, Caryll (Art.).
Crawford, Marion (Lit.), novelist.
Dorsey, Prof. Oswald.
Dorsey, Mrs. Anna H. (Lit.).
Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine Vinton (Lit.),
wife of .Admiral John A. Dahlgren,
U. S. N.
\ iir
Erinenstrout, Prof. John S. (Lit.).
Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries (Lit.).
Frost, Prof. Sydney B.
Healy, George P. A., (Art.), the cele-
brated portrait painter.
Hassard, John R. G. (Lit.).
Hall, James, New York State Geologist.
Haldeman, Prof. Samuel S., naturalist.
Hemmenway, Mrs. (Lit.), author of His-
torical Annals of Vermont.
Howarth, Mrs. Ellen Clementine (Lit.),
(N. J.).
Johnston, Richard Malcolm (Lit.).
Jones, Prof. Gardner.
Keene, Laura (Lit. and Art.).
Kitson, J., sculptor (Boston).
Lathrop, George Parsons (Lit.).
Lathrop, Mrs. Rose H., wife of the au-
thor and daughter of Nathaniel
Le Vert, Mrs. Octavia Walton (Lit.)
McMaster, James A. (Lit.), Editor of the
Freeman 's Journal.
Miles, George H. (Lit.).
Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth G. (Lit.), wife of
Homer D. Martin, the artist.
Monroe, Miss Mary (Lit.).
Mason, Miss Emily (Lit).
Allen, Miss Fanny, daughter of Gen.
Ethan Allen of Revolutionary fame.
Angier, Calvin (Boston).
' Anderson, Mrs. William Marshall,
daughter of Gen. Duncan McArthur,
Gov. of Ohio.
Austin, The Misses Eliza, Sara and
Kate (Burlington, Vt.).
Austin, Mrs. Charles (N. Y. C).
Arnold, Mrs. William (N. Y. C).
Arnold, Mrs. (Chelsea, Mass.).
Arrington, Mrs. wife of Judge Arring-
ton (111.).
Piatt, Mrs. Louise {nee Kirby), (Lit.),
wife of Colonel Donn Piatt.
Poole, Thomas H. (Architect).
Rea, Robert T. (Lit.).
Smith, Sanderson (Naturalist).
Stoddard, Charles Warren (Lit.).
Starr, Miss Eliza Allen (Lit.).
Tiernan, Mrs. (nee Frances C. Fisher),
daughter of Col. Charles F. Fisher,
U. S. A. The authoress " Christian
Tincker, Miss Slary Agnes (Lit.), Novel-
Thompson, Miss Dora (Lit.).
Wolf, George D. (Lit.), Journalist.
Willis, Richard Storrs (Lit.), brother of
the author N. P. Willis.
White, John (Art.), Music. "
Whitcher, Mrs. Frances Miriam (Lit.),
wife of Rev. B. W. Whitcher.
White, Ferdinand E. (Art.). Music.
Walworth, Mansfield J. (Lit.), son of
Chancellor Walworth, New York.
Walworth, Mrs. (Lit.), wife of the pre-
ceding, daughter of Col. John J.
Hardin, U. S. A.
Wentworth, Mrs. J. W. (Art.).
Abell, Samuel (Md.)
Adams, Mrs. {nee Georgie MacDougall,
daughter of Gen. Chas. MacDougall,
U. S. A.), widow of Gen. John
Adams (C. S. A.), formerly U.
S. A.
Adams, Mrs. {tice Conrad), wife of Dr.
Francis J. Adams (Montana).
Atlee, Miss Mary, a Visitation nun.
Andrews, Miss Jessie Marguerite.
Anderson, Mrs. E. C. (Boston).
Barlow, The Misses Debbie, Helen and
Anna (Vermont).
SOME i)isri.\c;uisiii;i) amkruax coxvi:rt.s.
Kany, Mrs. John, wife of Commodore
Barry, U. S. N.
Brownson, Mrs., wife of Dr. Orestes A.
Berrian, T. Chandler, son of Rev. Dr.
Berrian, Rector of Trinity Church
(N. Y. City).
Blount, Thomas Miitter, his wife, Mrs.
Elizabeth Blount, and their chil-
dren, Thomas Miitter, William Ro-
chester, Margaret Elizabeth, Annie
Isabella, Charlotte Caroline, Mary
Bonner, Alice Knight, Louisa
Knight (Washington, D. C).
Beekham, Miss Fanny (Va.), a Visitation
Beers, Miss Julia (Litchfield, Conn.).
Bliss, Mrs. George (N. Y. City).
Bleecker, Miss Rosalie, cousin of Arch-
bishop Bayley.
Bass, The Misses PLlla and Jennie,
daughters of the Countess Berti-
Barber, Mrs. Jerusha, wife of Rev. Virgil
H. Barber.
Barber, The Misses Mary, Abigail,
Susan, Josephine, daughters of the
foregoing, all of whom, with their
mother, became nuns.
Brooks, A. E. (NT. Y. City).
Bellinger, Edmund, Jr. (Charleston,
S. C).
Bellinger, The Misses Harriet, Sarah,
and Susan (Charleston, S. C).
Bradford, Mrs. Mary, sister of Mrs.
Jefferson Davis.
Bland, Mrs., wife of Hon. Richard P.
Bland (Mo.).
Burnett, Mrs., wife of Judge Peter H.
Boggs, Mrs., wife of Admiral Chas. S.
' Boggs, U. S. N.
Brent, Mrs. Sarah L. (N. Y. City).
Boyle, Mrs. .\n1eli3, wife of Capt. Boyle ;
also their fi\ne children (N. Y. City).
Bostwick, Mr-s. Eliza, daughter of Pres-
byterian missionary to Ceylon (N.
Y. City).
Branhardt, Joseph (N. C).
Brewster, Miss Ann.
Banks, Miss, niece of Maj.-Gen. N. P.
Banks, U. S. A. (Mass.).
Baya, Mrs. (nee Marie F. Smith), wife of
Col. Baya, U. S. A.
Babbitt, Mrs. {iiee Frances P. MacDou-
gall, daughter of Gen. Chas. Mac-
Dougall, U. S. A.),' wife of Col. L.
S. Babbitt, U. S. A.
Bristed, Mrs., wife of Chas. Astor (N.
Y. City).
Bristed, Mrs. (Mass.).
Bowen, E. S.
Burnett, Miss Ruth, a Sacred Heart
Buel, Mrs. Josephine Maria, daughter of
Gen. Chas. MacDougall, U. S. A.,
wife of Oliver Prince Buel (N. Y.
Buel, David Hillhouse, son of Col.
David Hillhouse Buel, U. S. A., a
Buel, Miss Violet M- J. MacDougall,
sister of the preceding.
Buel, Hillhouse A., son of Rev. D. Hill-
house Buel and grandson of (Prot.)
Bishop Atkinson.
Branner, The Misses Lilian and Ruth
Brown, Miss Lida, niece of Commander
Brown, U. S: A., a Visitation nun.
Chappell, Alfred H. (New London,
Cheney, Miss ISIary (Mass.), a nun.
Cook, Mrs., wife of Gen. Wni. Cook
(N. J.).
Clinton, Miss Margaret (Va.), a nun.
Cutting, Mrs., (N. Y.), {nee Marion Ram-
say, D. C).
Coleman, Abraham B. (Nantucket).
Casewell, Henry, and family (Parkers-
burg, W. Va.).
Clarke, D. W. (Vt.).
Churchill, Franklin H. (N. Y. City).
Chase, Miss Harriet (Nantucket).
Chapin, Lindley (N, Y. City).
Coppinger, Mrs. John J., daughter of
Hon. James G. Blaine.
- Connolly, Mrs. Pierce, Foundress of
the Nuns of the Holy Childhood.
Clay, James B., son of Hon. Henry Clay.
Caldwell, William Shakespeare.
Caldwell, Mrs. Mary E.
Clark, Mrs. Mary (Ky.).
Chapezo, Benjamin (Ky.).
Crump, John I. (Conn.).
Cowles, Miss Ellen, daughter of Editor
Cowles (Cleveland, O.).
Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. (Buffalo).
Catucci, The Countess {iiee Stern)
(Springfield, Mass.).
Cardy, Mrs. Joseph (Tampa, Fla.).
Cooke, Mrs. Laura Wheaton Abbott,
daughter of Commander Abbott, U.
S. N.
Chandler, Mrs. Winthrop, sister of Mar-
ion Crawford, author.
-CIaxton,-Mrs., daughter-in-law of Com-
modore Claxton, U. S. N.
Chetwood, Mrs. B., sister of Dr. Edw.
L. Keyes.
Cole, Mrs. Frances Perry (Bait.).
Coudert, Mrs. Fred'k. R. (N. Y. City).
Coudert, Mrs. Louis L. (N. Y. City).
Coudert, Mrs. Chas. (N. Y. City).
Car}', Miss Emma Forbes, sister-in-law
of Prof. Agassiz, the celebrated
naturalist (Mass.).
Cenci-Bolognetti, The Marchesa {nee
Lorillard-Spencer), (New York).
Churchill, Miss Harriet (Boston).
Davidson, Mrs. Anna and family (W
Deshon, Miss Sarah, daughter of Rev.
G. H. Deshon (Conn.).
Davis, Miss Helen, sister of Admiral
Davis, U. S. N.
. Dana, Miss Charlotte, daughter of Rich-
ard H. Dana, the author (Boston).
Dana, Miss Matilda (Boston).
Day, Mrs., niece of Daniel Webster.
De Benavides, Mme. Frederika H. {ne'e
Howlden), wife of Gen. Benavides.
- De Stoeckel, The Baroness {tiee Stern)
(Springfield, Mass.).
Di Cesnola, Mme., {nee Mary Isabel Jen-
nings Reid), wife of Gen. L. Palmadl
Cesnola and daughter of Capt. Sam-
uel Chester Reid, U. S. N. (N Y
De Foresta, The Countess {nee Charlotte
C. Skinner), wife of Count Alberto
de Foresta, of the Italian Legation
in Madrid
Dwight, Mrs. Thomas Dwight (?h'e \^'a^-
ren), daughter of Dr. Warren, nat-
uralist and mother of Dr. Dwight
Drexel, Mrs. Joseph W. (New York
Dre.xel, Miss Josephine, daughter of the
Davis, Mr. Charles (Boston).
Dean, Mrs. John (Boston).
Darling, Mrs. Margaret (Boston).
Edgar, Miss Constance, grand-daughter
of Daniel Webster, a Visitation nun.
Elcock, Mrs., {ttc'e Belle Seyfert), wife of
Judge Elcock, (Pa.).
-Etheridge, Miss Emma, daughter of
Emerson Etheridge (Tenn.).
.Edes, Miss Ella B., niece of (Prot.)
Bishop Wainwright, of New York.
Everett, The Misses, nieces of Hon.
Edward Everett.
Freeman, Miss Annie, a nun.
Floyd, Mrs. {tiee Preston), wife of Gov.
Jolin Floyd (Va.).
-Floyd, Mrs., wife of Dr. William P.
Floyd (Va.).
Floyd, Mrs., wife of Col. George Floyd
Floyd, Mrs., wife of Col. Ben. Rush
Floyd (Va.). The foregoing are
sons of Gov. Floyd, who also became
a convert.
Field, Mrs. William Hildreth (w^ Miller)
(Homer, N. Y.).
Floyd-Jones, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. (N. Y.
Fisher, Miss Annie, daughter of Judge
Fisher (Washington, D. C).
Frankenstein, The Countess {nk Anna
Seabury Brewster).
Forest-Divonne, The Countess de la
{nee Audenried).
Field, Mrs. {nee Mason), widow of Gen.
Chas. Field (C. S. A.), formerly U.
S. A.
Fuller, Mrs. R. B. (Boston).
Green, Hannibal (N. Y.).
Gardes, Henry (N. Orleans).
Guion, Mr. and Mrs. William H. (N. Y.
Glover, Mrs. O. R. (N. Y. City).
Guernsey, Miss Julia M. (Detroit).
Graham, Miss M. A., sister of Gen.
Graham, U. S. A., a Visitation
Gould, John M., son of Protestant min-
ister (Boston).
Greenough, Horatio.
Graham, Mrs., wife of Gen. Lawrence
Pike Graham, U. S. A.
Geddes, Mrs. Holly, daughter of Rev.
S. Whiting, Baptist minister.
Hecker, Mr. and Mrs. George V. (N.
Y. City).
Hayes, Dr. Isaac Israel, Arctic Ex-
Healey, Mrs., wife of the artist, G. P. A.
Hartwell, Mrs. Anna Frances, a nun
and Superioress of the Mission
Helpers to the Negroes.
Hite, Miss Mary (Va.), a Visitation nun.
Hewit, Mrs. Catharine {nee Hurd), wife
of Dr. Henry S. Hewit.
Hohnes, Mrs. George (Va ), daughter of
Gov. John Floyd.
Holly, Mrs. S. C. (N. Y. City).
Hudson, Miss Elizabeth, sister of Col.
Edward McK. Hudson, U. S. A.
Hooper, Mrs. George P.
Hodges, Mrs. R. M.
Henderson, Miss Mary (Ky.).
Hunt, Mrs. William H., daughter of
Jacob Barker (N. Orleans).
Hall, George H. (Newark, N. J.).
Handley, Marks White (Tenn.), a Paul-
ist novice.
Holly, Norman D., a Paulist novice.
Hosford, Mrs., widow of Col. Hosford,
U. S. A.
Hodge, Miss (Boston).
Homer, Miss Anna B. (Boston).
Howlden, Mrs. (Albany).
Ives, Mr. and Mrs. Edward.
Ives', Mr. and Mrs. Julius (Elizabeth,
'n. J.).
Ives, Mrs. {nee Rebecca Seton Hobart),
'daughter of (Prot.) Bishop John
Henry Hobart and wife of (Prot.)
Bishop Levi Silliman Ives of No.
Carolina, who also became a con-
Jones, Miss Wilhelmina, daughter of
the distinguished naval officer,
Jacob Jones, a Visitation nun.
Jones, Miss Sarah, daughter of Judge
Jones (N. Y. City), a Sacred Heart
Johnston, Mrs. Richard Malcolm, wife
of the author.
Johnson, Mrs. Andrew {nee Rumbough).
(N. C).
Jaboeuf, Mrs. M. R., daughter of Bor-
den M. Voorhees (Washington, D.
Johnston, Mrs., wife of Judge John W.
Johnston (Va.), daughter of Gov.
John Floyd.
Johnson, Mrs., wife of Col. Johnson, U.
S. A.
King, Mrs. Jane (Mass.).
King, Miss Frances, daughter of fore-
going, a Sister of Mercy.
Kearney, Mrs., wife of Gen. Philip
-Kearney, The Misses, daughters of the
Ketchum, Mrs. Annie Chambers.
Lay, Mr., son of Protestant Bishop of
Lee, Mrs., wife of Dr. Charles Carroll
Lee (Bait.).
Lafarge, Mrs. Margaret Mason, grand-
daughter of Commodore Perr}', U.
S. N., wife of the artist, John La-
Lord, Thomas Scott J. (N. Y.).
Lewis, Mrs. Letitia, wife of Col. Wm.
Lewis and daughter of Gov. John
Floyd, of Va.
Lyons, Mrs., wife of Judge Lyons (Va.).
Lynch, Mrs. Howard {ne'e Fonda), (N.
York City).
Lippitt, Miss Caroline (Cambridge,
Lowe, Mrs. Hester, wife of Gov. Lowe
Larwill, Mrs. J. M. (Ohio).
Linton, Miss Sarah, niece of Col. Gr*
ham, U. S. A., a Visitation nun,
author of Linton' s Hisfortcal Charts.
Lord, Haynes (N. York City).
Lord, Mrs. Hicks (N. Y. City).
Livingston. Mrs. Vanbrugh (nee Jaudon)
(New York City).
-Levin, Mrs., wife of Lewis C. Levin, the
'• Know-nothing " leader in Phil
Longfellow, Miss Marian, relative of the
poet Longfellow.
Lindsley Mrs., wife of Hon. James G.
Lindsley (Kingston, N. Y.).
Le Briton, Mrs. Albert {ne'e Margaret
Stockton MacDougall), daughter of
Admiral David Stockton MacDou-
, gall, U. S. N.
Lyman, Miss Florence, first cousin of
Gen. Theodore Lyman, U. S. A.
Monroe, Miss, daughter of President
Monroe, a nun.
Marks, Mrs. C. C. {nee Fonda), (New
York City).
Mann, Mrs., wife of Lieut. Mann, U.
S. N.
Miller, Henry Wisner (New York City).
Meynen, Hermann (N. Y. Cit)').
Meagher, Mrs. Thomas Francis.
Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore (Bos-
Metcalf, Miss Julia (Boston).
Mason, Miss Emily (Va.).
Miles, Mrs. George, mother of Geo. H.
Miles, the author.
McKintry, W. E. (Cal).
McKintry, Mrs. Annie Hedges Living-
ston, (Cal.).
Medary, Samuel, son of Gov. Medary
McCarthy, Mrs., wife of Senator Dennis
McCarthy (Syracuse, N. Y.).
Matthews, Mrs., wife of Capt. John P.
Matthews (Va.).
Miles, Mrs. Josephine C. (N. Y.), a
Dominican nun
Miles, Miss Marion H., daughter of
foregoing, a Visitation nun.
McVickar, Lawrence.
Miller, Mrs. Mary E. (N. Y. City).
Miller, Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the
McCallum. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram l^Lock-
port, N. Y.).
Martin, Miss Helen, daughter of Senator
Martin, of Kansas, a Sister of
Moore, Henry (Wheeling, W. Va.).
McLaughlin, Mr. (San Jose, Cal.).
Marie, Mrs. Joseph {>tee Josephine Hub-
Dard), (N. Y. City).
Metcalf, Mrs., wife of Judge Metcalf
Metcalf, Miss Julie, daughter of the
Matthews, Mrs. Nathan (Boston).
-. McAnerney, Mrs. John {n<:e MarshaH),
crranddaughter of Rt. Rev. Dr.
Moore, first (Prot.) Bishop of Vir-
McKinstry, Mrs. («« Lawrence), wife of
Lieut. McKinstry, U. S. A.
Morro-h, Mrs. Richmond (nee Mary F.
jrckson), a relation of Pres. An-
drew Jackson, wife of .Dr. Clifford
T Morrogh (New Brunswick, N. J.).
Morrogh, Mrs. (fth Cornelia Perry),
second wife of Dr. C.T. Morrogh
Morrogh, Mrs., wife of Dr. Archibald C.
Morrogh, Mrs. («/.' Margaret Phihpse)
wife of James Morrogh (Law.),
(New York).
Mahony, Mrs., widow of Hon. J. J-
Mahonv. e.\-consul.
McEnroe, Mrs. Eugene {>i/e Eleanor F.
Northrop, Lucius, father of Bishop
Northrop (S. C).
Newton, Mrs., wife of Gen. John E.
Newton, U- S. A.
Kevins, Mrs. Richard, daughter of Gov.
Medary, of Ohio.
Neeser, John G. (New York City).
O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. J. F., daughter of
Judge Nelson J. Waterbury (N. Y.
O'Connor, Mrs. M. P. (San Jose, Cal.).
Olds, Miss Mary, daughter of Senator
Olds (Ohio).
O'Hare, Mrs., wife of Dr. O'Hare
(Rochester, N. Y.).
Olds, Henrv (New York City).
0-Keefe, Mrs. P. M., wife of Dr.
O'Keefe (Boston).
Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Julius A.
Pierce, Wellington Augustine (Buffalo).
Pychowska. Mrs. daughter of Gen. Wm.
Cook (N. J.).
Peel, Miss Kate, daughter of Senator
Peel (Ark).
Preston, Miss Henrietta (Va.).
Pearce, The Misses Julia and Fanny (Bos-
ton\ both Visitation nuns.
Peter Mrs. Sarah (philanthropist), daugh-
ter of Gov. Thomas Wonhington
(O.). . .
Patten, Miss Martha (Va.), a Visitation
Pearce, Mrs. Thomas (Phila.).
Pearce, Miss Rebecca, daughter of pre-
Perce, Miss (Boston).
Post, A. M. (New York City).
Parker Mrs. and son (Boston).
Quincv', Miss Mary, great-grand-claugh-
ter of the celebrated Josiah Qnincy,
statesman. President of Harvard
College ; also direct relative of
Pres. John Quincy Adams (Boston).
Robertson, Miss Sadie (New Orleans),
a Visitation nun.
Riggs, George W. (Washington, D. C).
Rosecrans, Mrs., wife of Gen. W. S.
Rosecrans, U. S. A.
Ripley, Mrs. Sophie Willard, daughter
of Francis Dana of Cambridge,
Mass., wife of George Ripley,
Raynor, Miss Susan, daughter of Hon.
Kenneth Raynor, and niece of
Bishop Polk.
Ripley, Miss Plicebe, daughter of Rev.
Samuel Ripley, Unitarian minister,
a Visitation nun.
Robinson, Miss Lodoiska, daughter of
Dr. Henry Robinson (New Bruns-
wick, N. J.).
Raven, Miss, daughter of Thos. Raven
(N. ¥.).
Robertson, Miss, daughter of Rev.
John Robertson, a Sister of Mercy.
Ruspoli, The Princess (iiee Marie Jose-
phine Curtis), wife of Prince Eman-
uele Ruspoli, the Mayor of Rome.
Ritter, J. (Yonkers, N. Y.).
Rasin, Hanson (.Md.).
Rasin, Miss Matilda (Md.).
Seton, Mrs. Eliza A., foundress of the
Sisters of Charity in U. S.
Scott, The Misses Virginia, a nun ;
Cornelia, wife Lieut. Scott, of U.
S. A. ; Ella, wife of Mr. McTavish
(Bait.) ; Camilla, wife of Mr. Hoyt
(N. Y.). The four daughters of
Maj.-Gen. Winfield Scott, U. S. A.
Starr, Mrs. W. D., Superioress of the
Sisters of the Divine Compassion
(N. Y. City).
Springer, Reuben R. (philanthropist),
(Cincinnati, Ohio).
Storrs, Mrs. Annie Isabella {nee Blount),
Smith, The Misses Lucy Eaton, late
Mother M. Catherine de Ricci, Do-
minican prioress ; and Isabel Mcln-
tyre, also a Dominican nun, daugh-
ters of Baldwin Smith (N. Y.).
Spooner, Mrs. Mary Ann Wetmore, wife
of Col. Alden Spooner (Brooklyn).
Smith, Mrs., wife of Gov. Smith (Ala.).
Semmes, Mrs. Thomas J. (N. Orleans).
Semmes, Mrs. B. X- (Memphis).
Smith, Miss Anna E., daughter of Ad-
miral Joseph Smith, U. S. N.
Sedgewick, Miss Jane (Stockbridge,
Salter, Mrs. Richard H. (Mass.).
Salter, Miss Edith Agnes (Mass.).
Smith, Mrs. Ida Greeley, daughter of
Horace Greeley.
Salter, Miss Mary J., daughter of Chap-
lain Salter, U. S. A.
Salter, Miss Helen J., a Sister of Mercy.
Salter, Mrs., wife of Dr. R. H. Salter,
Boston, daughter of Rev. Dr.
Woods, Prof, in Andover Seminary.
Sprague, Mrs. Harriet Ewing {nee God-
dard), (Boston).
Smyth, The Misses Emma, Agatha,
Dorthula, Frances, daughters of
Capt. Harold Smyth (Va.).
Schley, Mrs. (Milwaukee).
Stephens, Mrs., wife of Judge Stephens
Snowdon, Miss Eliza (Md.), a nun.
Smith, Miss Martha (Va.), a nun.
Smith, Mrs. Leonard, niece of the Hon.
John Jay.
Scammon, Mrs. {nee Stebbins, of Spring-
field, Mass.), wife of Gen. E. P.
Scammon, U. S. .'\.
Spilman, Miss Mary (Va.), a Visitation
Sartwell, Miss Mary E. (N. York).
Shea, Mrs., wife of the author John Gil-
mary Shea (Elizabeth, N. J.).
Sturgis, The Misses Nina, Mary, and
^Elia, daughters of Gen. Samuel D.
Sturgis, U. S. A.
Stickney, Mrs. Harriet (Boston).
Tuckerman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P.
Thomas, Mrs. Henry Theodore, daugh-
ter of James Goddard (New York
Tyler, Mrs. Julia Gardner, widow of
President Tyler.
Tyler, Miss Margaret, daughter of the
Thayer, Henry Adams (Mass.).
-Thompson, M'iss Margaret, formerly a
member of a Protestant sisterhood.
Taylor, The Misses Emma and Clara,
nieces of Laura Keene.
Trautmann, Miss Elizabeth (D.C.), a nun.
Travers, Miss Elizabeth (D. C.), a nun.
Torrens, Miss Mary (Mass.), a nun.
Turner, Miss Mary (Va.), a nun.
Thompson, Mrs. Valentine (Ky.).
Throop, Francis H. (Brooklyn, N. Y.).
Troth, Miss Emilie (Phila.).
Turner, Mrs. Sarah E., mother of Lieut.
James H. Turner, U. S. N.
Taylor, Mrs. Watson (Boston).
Van Buren, Mrs., wife of Dr. Wm. H.
Van Buren (N. Y. City), daughter
of Dr. Valentine Mott.
Van Zandt, Eugene (N. Y. City).
Van Rensselaer, Miss (N. Y.), a Sister
of Charity.
Voorhees, The Misses Eliza. Marion R.,
Ella and Catherine, daughters of
Borden M. Voorhees (Washington,
D. C).
White, Mrs. Richard P. {nie Earle), of
Nantucket (Phila ).
Walley, Thomas (Boston), uncle of Wen-
dell Philips.
Waggaman, Thomas E., great-nephew
of President Tyler.
Waggaman, Mrs., sister of President
Waggaman, Miss Sarah, daughter of
foregoing, a Visitation nun.
Whittier, Miss Harriet, niece of Admiral
Smith, U. S. A., and cousin of the
poet Whittier.
Ward, Mrs. Anna H. B., and sisters,
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Van Zandt,
Mrs. Sarah B. Hunt, daughters of
Jacob Barker (New Orleans).
Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (New
York City).
Wilber, Joshua (Lockport, N. Y.).
Wi.xon, Miss Emma, Prima Donna Mile.
Wood, Dr. James Robie and sisters, the
Misses Jennie C, Mary E., Annie
K. and Alfred O., grandchildren of
Thomas Walley (Boston).
WiUeits, Miss Anglesia (Brooklyn), a
Sister of the Divine Compassion.
Wilson, Miss Edith, formerly member of
a Prol.. sisterhood (New York Cny).
Wilson, Miss Maiy, a nun.
Worthingron, Mrs. Lewis (Cincinnati).
Worthington, Mrs. George (Cleveland).
Willis, Mrs., sister of (Prot.) Bishop
Phillips Brooks.
Williams, Mrs., wife of Gen. Robert A.
Williams, U. S. A.
Wondbridge, Miss Madeleine, a nun.
Woodville^ Mrs., daughter of Dr. Carey
Webb, Mrs. Nehemiah (Ky.).
Wilmer, John Richard, son of Rev. Si-
mon Wilmer and brother of (Prot.)
Bishop Joseph Wilmer.
Winthrop, Miss Augusta Clinton, daugh-
ter of Thomas Lindall Winthrop
(Boston) ; descendant of Gov. John
Winthrop of Mass., and the greai-
granddaughter of Gov. De Witt
Clinton of New York.
White, Mrs. John {nee Schirmer), New
York City.
Winslow, Mrs. (n'ee Isabel Frances Dur-
yea), wife of Charles Sherman Win-
Wiswall, Miss, granddaughter of Rev.
Dr. Berrian, Rector of Trinity
Church (N. Y. City).
Wliitc, Mrs. Joseph Eddings (N. Y. City).
Whiteley, Mrs. Isabel, descendant of
(Prot.) Bishop Jewell (Phila.).
Wyman, Mrs., mother of Col. Powell T.
Wyman, U. S. A.
Ward, Mrs. Thomas (Boston).
Walton, Mrs. Jeanette (Boston).
Young, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (N. J.),
and sons, George A., Alfred and
Young, Mrs. Edward (Ga.).
Yates, Mrs. {ne'e Roberts), widow of
Capt. George M. Yates, U. S. A.
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