\^ \%^ ^/ n^7 Hollinger pH 8.5 MiU Run F03-2193 -9] Sis NAVAL I! ORDER III ^'1 OK THK UNITED STATES •^rT) PUBLICATION OF MAY, tSq;. i^i -^ j ,♦■te♦)^fe»^♦.^y«r»l'^^^fe»l^fe^^ !6- I i 1^ MASSACHUSETTS COMMANDERY OF THE Naval Order OF THE United States. INCORPORATED. PUBLICATION OF MAY, 1895. Gift ]^e. JuUan Jam^e 19ia THE SIGNET PRESS, 4 LIBERTY SQ.. BOSTON. o -^ - ^ ■ I?! c/) 'S +J ■§, ^ 1^ ,5 o •'5 « -a «-) ^ ^ 3 •l^ •wm ^ • '-^ c ■:? •5 D s o ^ ^ . Z -§) ^ ^ cq HE careful consideration of the char- acter and objects of the Naval Order of the United States by the recipient of the foregoing invitation, is respect- fully requested by the undersigned Companions of the Massachusetts Commandery constituting the Committee on membership. The surviving commissioned officers of the regular and volunteer Naval forces of the United States in the War of the Rebellion in which they maintained the illustrious record established by their predecessors in the War of the Revo- lution, the W'ar with Tripoli, the War of 1812 and the War with Mexico, are being summoned in increasing numbers year by year by the Great Commander. The memories and achievements of the Naval arm of the service should be so indelibly written upon the pages of American history that they may become a most precious legacy to posterity to preserve and emulate. 5 In order to render permanent the individual records of the surviving and deceased oflScers of the Navy, the value of whose services can never be overestimated, the Naval Order of the United vStates was instituted (July 4th, 1890) upon a purely Naval basis. Therefore, we, the undersigned Committee on Membership have the honor to endorse the fore- going invitation to become a Companion of the only distinctive hereditary Order limited to com- missioned officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. John Codman Solky, L,ieutenant ('■etired) U. S. N.' Franklin Thomason Beatty, M. D. Amos Einney, Recorder, 53 state St., Boston. Theodore Strong Thompson, Paymaster V. S. A'. Charles Fred'k Bacon Philkrook, Committee on Membership. E.\ tracts front Constitution , — General Conunandery. P r E a m b I B . II lureas. Many of the principal battles and famous victories of the several wars in which the United States has participated were fought and achieved by the Naval forces, W Jiereas, It is well and fitting that the il- lustrious deeds of the great Naval conimanders^ their companion otficers in arms, and their subor- dinates in the wars of the United States should be forever honored and respected; — Therefore, Entertaining the most exalted ad- miration for the undying achievements of the Navy, we, the survivors and descendants of participants of those memorable conflicts, have joined our- selves together and have instituted the "Naval Order of the United States," that we may trans- mit to our latest posterity their glorious names and memories; and to encourage research and publication of data pertaining to Naval art and science, and to establish libraries in which to pre- serve all documents, rolls, books, portraits and relics relating to the Navy and its heroes at all times. ARTICLE III. — MEMBERSHIP. The Companions of the Order shall be of Three Classes. FiRiiT Class. Commissioned officers, Midshipmen and Naval Cadets, in actual service in the United States Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue or Privateer ser- vices during the wars, or in face of the enemy in any engagement in which the Navy of the United States has participated and who resigned or were discharged with honor, or who are still in the service, pnn'ided, however, that this clause shall not be so construed as to include officers who at any time have borne arms against the Government of the United States. The eldest lineal male representative, or in default thereof, then one such collateral repre- sentative as may be deemed worthy, of deceased commissioned officers, Midshipmen, and Naval Cadets in actual service in the Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue or Privateer services under the authority of any of the thirteen original Colonies or States, or of the Continental Congress during the War of the Revolution, or of the United 8 States during the War with France, the War with Tripoli, the War of 1S12, the War with Mexico, the Civil War, or in face of the enemy in any engagement in which the Navy of the United States has participated, and who resigned or were discharged with honor, or who were killed in the service. The admission and succession to membership in the First Class shall descend to the heir male, un- less, for satisfactory reasons, another be chosen, in which case the membership shall extend to the life only of the Companion so elected, and at his decease the right to represtntaiion shall revert to the then existing heir male. SECOND CLASS. Lineal male descendants of commissioned offi- cers. Midshipmen and Naval Cadets, who per- formed service in the Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue or Privateer services, as aforesaid. THIRD CLASS. Enlisted men who have received the United States Naval Medal of honor for bravery in face of the enemy, may be enrolled exempt from fees and dues by the Commanderies of the States in which thev reside. ARTICLE IX. ADMISSION OF COMPANIONS. Any person above the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character and reputation, de- sirous of becoming a Companion of the Order, shall make application in writing, setting forth claims of eligibility and accompanied by proofs of the same, in which it must be satisfactorily shown that the service of the participant was other than shore duty, regularly performed in the United States Navy or on an armed vessel in the service of the United States or sailing under letters of marque and reprisal in time of war. INFORMATION FROM STATE BY-LAWS. Membership is by invitation. The appUcation of the candidate for member- ship is made in writing upon blanks furnished by the Recorder, which must bear the endorsement of one Compa.nion in addition to that of the Companion extending the invitation. The admission fee is $5.00, and the annual dues, $3.00. 10 The price of the insignia is $1500. This is manufactured by the Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., in 14 kt. gold. The price of rosettes is 25 cents each. The annual meeting of the Ccmmandery is held on November loth, commemorative of the organization of the United States Marine Corps, November loth, 1775. -Stated meetings are held daring the year, except in the summer months, at the discretion of the Council. II OFFICERS 1895. CotJunatuhj'. William Melville Taul. Vice Co7)iinander. Theodore Strong Thompson, Paymaster U. S. N. Recivder. # Amos Binney, 53 State St., [Room 416]. Treasurer. If Charles Fred'k Bacon T'hilbrook, Registrar. Franklin Thomason Beatty, M. I). Nistoriafi. William Lithgow Willey, S. D. Chaplain . Rev. Charles Langdon Tappan. Cornicil. John Codman Soley, Lieutenant (retired) U. S. N. Charles Calhoun Philbrook, David Betton Macomb, Chief Engineer (retired) U. S. N. Thomas Amory DeBlois, M D. John Hoffman Collamore. John Van Benthuysen Bleecker, Lieutenant Commander U. S. N. Charles William Galloupe, M. D. * Frank William Nichols. Lieut, (retired) U. S. N. William Boerum Wetmore. ff Acting in said position; to be permanently establisheJ after July 4th. 1 891;. * Died February -jth, iSj^. GENERAL COMMANDERY. OFFICERS 1893-1895. General Commander. JOHN CODMAN SOLEY, Lieutenant (retired) U. S. N. Vice General Commanders . JOHN LORIMER WORDEN, Rear Admiral (retired) U. S. N. FRANCIS ASBURY ROE, Rear Admiral (retired) U. S. N. HENRY CLAY TAYLOR, Captain U. S. N. General Recorder. HENRY HOBART BELLAS, Captain (retired) U. S. A. * Vice FRANK WILLIAM NICHOLS, Lieutenant (retired) U. S. N. General Treasurer. THOMAS AMORY DeBLOIS, M. D. General Registrar. CHARLES CALHOUN PHILBROOK. General Historian. THEODORUS BAILEY MYERS MASON, Lieutenant Commander (retired) U. S. N. Assistant General Recorder. CHARLES FRED'K BACON PHILBROOK. 13 Assistant General Treasurer. WILLIAM LITHGOW WILLEY, S. D. Assistant General Registrar. FRANKLIN THOMASON BEATTY, M. D. Assistant General Historian. ARTHUR WELLINGTON CLARK, M. D. General Chaplain. REVEREND MINOT JUL>SON SAVAGE. General Council. HORATIO BARNARD LOWRY Major U. S. M. C. JOHN GRIMES WALKER, Rear Admiral U. S. N. EDWARD EELLS POTTER, Commodore (retired) U. S. N. JACOB WILLIAM MILLER. THEODORE STRONG THOMPSON, Paymaster, U. S. N. FRANCIS HENRY HARRINGTON, Captain U. S. M. C. WILLIAM MELVILLE PAUL. FELIX McCURLEY, Commander U. -S. N. HON. RICHARD KENT GAT LEY. * Died February 7th, 1895. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 461 582 1