PR 5101 .1144 S3 Copy 1 =NHlllllllllltllllllllHI!!IIIHI!llllllll!ll ■ — BY — CHARLOTTE A^RRAy. ;git(iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii»ifiiHiHi«iniirffn!i(ii»i»i ■ *•************'*■ '3llIIIIUII1illJli1IHIUIMIl!lWIKIl!UHUmi:; COPYRIGHTED 1891. BY FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY. >^lllllinillllllllll!l!lllltllllllll>lllllllllllillllllllllllllllll!lt!lillli:illl1lli!!IIIIIII 1 *************** I '=Ulllllll||||lllillllllilUllllllllll!lllilllllilillllllilillllllillllllllllllilllUlillllllilllIlllllllll # De^icatioip. • OUR LOVED ONE is now " Safely Home," enjoying- "The Rest that remaineth to the people of God." Let us, therefore, " Sorrow not even as others which have no hope," for " ' Tis a glorious ' Rest.' " Yea, saith the Spirit, for all such are blest ; They rest from their labor, their work now is o'er, We shall meet them in Glory to part never more. What a ' Blessed Hope,' lo ! Christ shall ap- pear — And those sleeping in Jesus shall then be restored, And so be forever at ' Home ' with our Lord." May the following lines take the place of a letter from our Dear One, now "Safely Home," and may we promptly take up " The Work " While it is called Day, " For the night cometh when no man can work." i**** *** * ** *****g winning : ND tY\ere sY\a\l be no Higflt tliere ; for tine Lord God givetl^ tl^eiri lig]"lt; arid tl^ey sY\a\\ reign for ever and ever— *«>. »•■ 5. i ******** * 'g|!lll!|llll!|l.'H.'J!!!:'ll!lill:'ll! l Safelv] Hon^e. -TR- AM. hpn\e ii\ Heaver}, dear or\es ; 0r\ so tiappy, ar\d so bright I Tr\ere is perfect joy ar\d beauty \r\ thjs everlasting ligl\t. ****** ** * ** • six- sm ii^Mvjni'<]:i!ii;:i. : Ji:ii:fiii!i JrEfl, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear r\o evil. — Ps. 23:4. .■'....' i < . , l ; * ** • ** * ** * ** • ' — i . 11 a ■ > ii " t . 1 1 • : a i ii D! H.i.MH 1 J J R LL tr\e paiq ar\d grief are over ; Svery restless tossiqg passed ; I air\ rp"W at peace forever, Safely r\orr\e iq Heaver) at last I ^^ ^^ TNID yoa wor\der I so calrr\ly Trod tl\e valley of tr\e sr\ade ? fth, ! but Jesus' love illun\ir\ed Svery darK ar}d fearful glade. f ****** yjESUS Hirnself drew near. —Luke 24: 15. Underneatln are the ever- lasting arrns. —Dmt 33 ■ 27- .^mctiffimtimirfrrrnvrminrfrmii J* •**•** •** ***• '-iiiiiiiiiiiimmtiwiiiiutiiiitiiii i TT ND He carqe Hirqself to rqeet rqe Ii\ ti\at Way so ]\atd to tread ; Rr\d witt\ Jesus' arrq to leai) or\, Could I Y\aVe orie doubt or dread ? *XKfe T HEN you rqust r^ot grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still ; Try to looK beyor\d earth's shadows, Pray to trust our Father's will. t §l!llllUtll(llltllflflfllll!J!l(irll!illll!i 'aiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o^HEY rest frorri tlneir la- bors, and their works do follow t1r\en\—Xev. 14 ■ *3- .|IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinil!lllllllllllllllillllllllllllimilllll!|!lllllllli)llliltl!!)lll!]|llllll!|]IIIII|ll|! '=iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii;iih!;iiiiiiiih]iiiuiiiuiii!iiji;i!iii iimtiiiiiiii'g T H£R€ is v^orK; still waiting for you So you rqust i)ot idly star\d ; Do it qow -wl^ile life reEqair}etr\,— You stiall rest ir\ Jesus' larjd. ^f^ w H€N t^at v^orK is all completed He \^ill geqtly call you l\oir\e, Ot|, tl\e rapture of tl\at nqeetirig ! Oil, tt\e joy to see you corqe I CHARLOTTe MURRAY. ******* *■ **1 'SlllllHIIIIUI IHIIII FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY, NEW YORK: 30 Union Square, East. Chicago: 148 and 150 Madison street. Publishers of Evangelical Literature. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■HI 014 525 242 8 *