pbtttatwnal .^wrtr^v of M. L. DUGGAN. RURAL SCHOOL AGENT No. 6 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE Department of Education M. L. BRITTAIN STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1915 1^ Educational Survey of Jackson County Georgia By M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 6 Ge. . cp Under the Direction oj the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN State Superintendent oj Schools 1915 1 u^^ D. of D^ )CT 31 IS' } JACKSON COUNTY RESOURCES. Jackson County is located in middle-north Georgia. Agri- culture has been highly developed, and farm lands are val- uable. The tax returns for 1915 show $4,630,480.00, and cor- porate property $406,505.00, making a total of $5,037,385.00. The school population is 7,000 children, of which more than two-thirds are wdiite. JACKSON COUNTY SCHOOLS. There are forty-seven white public schools and fourteen negro schools in the county. By reference to this report it will be seen that the white schools are usually located about three miles apart, which makes the school districts consider- ably smaller in area than is contemplated by law (16 square miles). It will also be seen from the photographs and descriptions herein, that the school houses generally are of substantial char- acter, but do not measure up to present-day ideals in school architecture. Their chief defect is in the very important mat- ter of lighting. Most of them are insufficiently lighted, and practically all are improperly' lighted. In some of them the v>dndows are placed too low, and in all they are too far apart, causing cross-lights upon the desks. In nearly every instance the pupils face windows. Often the poor lighting is made poorer by improper coloring of the walls and ceiling. Gener- ally the locations are well selected for beauty, but rarely have the premises been much improved as yet. The drinking water for the children has been carefully looked after as to its source, but not generally as to its' delivery. The wells are in much better than average condition. With few exceptions the school toilets are a menace to the physical and moral health of the children, and should receive better and more constant atten- tion. Comparatively few of the teachers have availed them- selves of the opportunity to vitalize their schools through the agency of organized clubs, or otherwise appealed to the nat- ural interests of the children. Attention of patrons should be called to the careless and negligent manner in which some of the school gronnds and honses are kept, for these have a pow- erful bearing upon the training of yonng children. THE SCHOOL YEAR. The school year, which in the rural schools of the county average about twenty-three weeks, divided into two terms, is inadequate. Country children cannot be expected to learn as much in twenty-three or twenty-four weeks, divided into two short terms, as city children can in thirty-six weeks of a con- tinuous term. THE PROBLEM OF MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATION. In Jackson, as in some other counties of the State, this ap- pears to be the problem of prime importance confronting the people. The people of Georgia want better country schools. They are generally willing to be taxed to this end. The law, which formerly ofiPered no practicable plan, now offers two plans, viz., the "District Plan" and the "('ounty-wide Plan." Some progressive districts are not willing to wait for the coun- ty-wide plan. Others, from selfish motives, are not willing to share with other sections of the county the taxes from rail- road property lying within the district. Sometimes personal ambition for authority influences judgment. It has been pretty universally agreed by men of wide experience and observation, with only the best interests of the cause of public education to influence them, that "the county should be the unit of support and administration in school afi'airs." We quote as follows from U. S. Commissioner of Education P. P. Claxton : "It seems to be the concensus of opinion on the part of leading authorities in the administration of school affairs that in all States where the county is the unit of local government in civil affairs it should be also the unit of management and support of school affairs, and that in no State, in school affairs, should a district smaller than the county or township be rec- ognized as an administration unit. The preference seems to be for the countv. There are thirteen States now organized on this basis, and from reports coming to this office in at least ten others the State Legislatnres will be asked at their next sessions to adopt the connty unit." But since experiences are worth more than anybody's opin- ion, it will be better to invite a careful comparison of experi- ences right here at home. More than two-thirds of Jackson County is under the "dis- trict local school tax" plan, and administered by some thirty- six different "local boards." In one of these, as will be seen in this report, the rate of the tax levy (allowed by a special Act) is 7 1/2 mills ; in fifteen other districts it is fixed at the limit of 5 mills, while the others levy from 21/4 to 4 mills. Yet Jackson County, with this heavy school tax rate and many local administrations, can give her country children only twen- ty-three or twenty-four weeks' schooling per year. Similar experiences are to be found in many other counties under the "district plan." There are thirty-nine counties working under the "county-wide plan," and a careful investigation of school conditions in them will furnish an argument worth more than opinion. For instance, we find : Terrell Co. levies 3 mills, and runs her schools 36 weeks Screven Co. levies 2 mills, and runs her schools 82 weeks Irwin Co. levies 31/2 mills, and runs her schools 28 weeks Henry Co. levies 3I/2 mills, and runs her schools 32 weeks Jones Co. levies 2I/2 mills, and runs her schools 36 weeks Houston Co. levies 11^ mills, and runs her schools 32 weeks We have not space here to show the many examples from over the State of inefficiency and extravagance (not graft) resulting from unwisely buying school equipment and other- wise administering school affairs under the "district plan." It would seem that practically all of the experience is in favor of the "county- wide plan" of school support and admin- istration, particularly since no Georgia county has ever changed after once trying it. "The best rural schools at the lowest pos- sible rate of taxation" is what the people want, and will event- ually have. Jackson County schools will receive from the State for 1915 $20,909.32. lender the "county-wide plan" a levy of four mills (which is about the average now levied in the "local tax dis- tricts" of the county) would give to the county's schoolsi an additional" sura of $20,149.54, making a total school fund for the county of $41,058.86. Properly administered, this ought easily to run all of the schools at least eight months, or thirty- two weeks. What would it mean to the children of the county? RESULTS. The itemized reports of the Jackson County schools, based upon careful personal investigations, together with the pictures of the school houses, as contained in this Bulletin, is offered to the people of Jackson County with the sincere hope that they may be inspired to a more active interest in the conditions of their children's education. We can then confidently count upon these conditions being speedily im])roved for the sake of the children. We have refrained from much comment, but rely upon the facts themselves wlien fully realized. M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent for Georgia. Atlanta, September 10, 1915. ■ JACKSON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. Hon. J. C. Turner, (^lairnian Jefferson, Ga. Hon. W. H. Maley Commerce, Ga. Dr. L. C. Allen Hoschton, Ga. Hon. J. A. Crook Pendergrass, Ga. Hon. E. D. Welchel K. F. D., Jefferson, Ga. Hon. L. F. Elrod, Superintendent Jefferson, Ga. MARTIN INSTITUTE. 1. Teachers : Prof. W. T. Foster, Siipt. ; Misses Bonnie Brock and Grace Schley in high school; Misses Emma Hancock,, Sarah Foster, Lillian Brock and Kit Harris, cojnmon school department. Grounds: Area, 11 acres; titk\s in a local hoard of trustees., Grounds improved and well kept, recently graded, fer- tilized, and set in pecan trees, and otherwise improved; 6,000 square feet of new concrete walks leading to the building from three streets. Building: Brick building; 11 good class rooms; large audi- toriums, well seated with opera chairs; well lighted and ventilated; city water and sanitary fountains; toilets in basement; entire building well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; 200 square feet good black- boards in each room, also double revolving blackboards, portable; small chemical laboratory; library of 300 vol- umes; two pianos; well equipped, large gymnasium; new stage scenery; building heated by steam. Organization: Departmental work in high school; 75 pupils in high school, 225 in common school ; enrollment usually about 350 pupils. Maintenance: From State funds. .$1,800.00 From city (rate 3.62 mills) 2,896.00 From tuition (approximately) 450,00 Total $5,146.00 8 ACADEMY. 2. Teachers: Miss Cullie Roberts, Jefferson, Ga., R. F. D.; Miss Fay Jackson, Jefferson, Ga., R. F. D. Location: Three miles west to New Virgil; 3 miles south to Jeft'erson. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board. Beautiful grove, little improved ; no school garden ; no toilets. Building: Value -1^1,000.00; one class room, sixe 36x48x14; painted outside only; lighted by 11 windows, 3x6, im- properly placed; well ventilated; cloak rooms; building well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; sufficient good blackboard; 1 history map (U. S. Govt.) ; no charts; no globes; sev- eral framed pictures ; library case with 50 volumes. Wa- ter supplied from open bucket with common dippers. Well on lot in bad condition; water from spring half mile away. Organization: Two teachers; 6 grades; 50 pupils; 23 weeks' school year, divided into two terms, 16 and 7 weeks; program posted, 28 periods. Maintenance: From State fund only $260.00. DRY POND. 3. Teachers: R. L. Blackwell, Principal; Miss Merdell Evans, Miss Nell Lay, Miss Peaii llndo-ins. Location: Tliree and one-hall' miles west to Union Hill; 4 miles east to Wheeler's. Grounds: One acre; titles in connty board; l)eantifiil orove in rear, graded playgrounds in front (basket ball, foot ball, base ball, etc.). Grounds well imi)rov(Ml and well kept. Two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value .$2,000.00; three class rooms, each 24x:Wxl2; Odd Fellows' Lodge on second floor. Binlding painted; fairly well and properly lighted. Halls used as cloak rooms. Some of the class rooms well kept. Equipment : Double patent desk ; one U. S. history map ; 2 globes; no chart; library of 325 volumes in good case. Good well on lot ; covered water cooler ; common dip- l)ers. Organization: Four teachers; 9 grades; 175 pupils; 28 weeks' school year, divided into two terms, 20 and 8 weeks ; school literary club. Dry Pond Ladies' School Im- provement Clul) actively at work for tlu^ school. A well-organized school band. Maintenance: From State fund $ 8:^:3.00 From local tax 682.41 Total $1,515.41 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 10 UNION HILL. 4. Teacher: Miss Nettie Tolbert. Location: Three miles north to PlainvieAv ; 3 miles south to Academy. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county hoard; partly im- proved; poorly kept; playgrounds unimproved; one toilet, average condition. Building : Value, $700 ; one class room, size 34x36x12 ; painted inside only; lighted by 12 windows, 3x6, improperly placed; well ventilated; no cloak rooms; building poorly kept (waste paper, trash, etc.). Equipment: Double patent and home-made desks; blackboard painted on walls; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no library; one organ. Well in, good repair on lot; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 40 pupils; 23 weeks' school year, divided into two terms, 16 and 7 weeks; program posted, 28 periods ; no industrial work. Maintenance : From State fund $200.00 From local tax 228.83 Total $428.83 p, S.— Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 11 r f**n £i' 73.., PLAIN VIEW. 5. Teachers: A. C. Jones, Miss Alma Watkins, Miss May Bryant. Location: Three miles south to Union Hill. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board. Level lot, sodded in grass and trees planted ; well graded ; ample playgrounds; no school gardens; fairly well kept. Two toilets, in bad condition. Building: Value $2,000. Three class rooms, each 24x80x14. Painted outside only ; well kept ; no cloak rooms. Equipment: Single and double patent desks; blackboard very poor ; no maps ; no charts ; no pictures ; one globe ; li- brary, 180 volumes ; good well on lot ; common dippers used. Organization: Three teachers; 8 grades; 88 pupils; program posted; no industrial work; no clubs. School year, 24 weeks, divided into tw^o terms of 18 and 6 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund .$ 546.00 From local tax 479.20 Total P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. .1>1,025.20 12 DIAMOND HILL. 6. Teachers: Miss Carry Wheeler, Miss Essie Jackson. Location: Two miles south to Unity; 3 miles southeast to Maysville, Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in local trustees. Open ground, with few trees; unimproved; well kept; two toilets in bad condition. Buildings: Value, $700; two class rooms; insufficient and im- proper lighting; painted outside only; no cloak room; clean and well kept. Equipment: Double^ home-made desks in one room; long benches in one room; very poor blackboards; no charts; no map; no globe; no library; well on the lot; open bucket, common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 73 pupils; 23 weeks' school year, divided into terms of 17 and 6 weeks. No industrial or club work. Maintenance : 1^'rom State fund only $200.00. 13 RANDOLPH HALL. 7. Teachers: T. M. Pittinan, Miss Lena Porter. Location: Four miles east of Plain View; 4 miles southwest to Pond Fork. Grounds : Area, — acres ; titles in local trustees ; grounds unim- proved ; no gardens ; one toilet, new. Buildings: Value, $1,000. One class room, 30x40x9. Masonic Lodge above. Building painted ; improperly lighted ; no cloak rooms; well-kejit floors. Equipment : Very poor blackboards ; no pictures ; no charts ; no globes; no maps; no library; home-made desks and chairs. Common drinking dipper. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 57 pupils; 23 weeks' school year, divided into two terms, 18 and -5 weeks. No clubs or industrial work. Maintenance: From State fund only $230.00. P. S. — Supplemented by a small tuition fee amounting to about $30.00 per year. 14 POND FORK. 8. Teacher: W. P. Pettyjohn. Location: Three miles west of Talmo ; 3 miles northeast to Randolph Hall. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in comity board. Gronnds bare, but improvements beginning. Playgrounds ample. Small school garden, neglected; two toilets in average condition. Buildings: Value .+1, 200.00; two class rooms, each 30x30x12; good condition ; Avell kept ; well lighted ; painted ; cloak- rooms. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; one chart; framed pictures; school library; organ; no maps; no globes ; good well ; covered cooler. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 4S pupils; no program posted ; no industrial or club work. Maintenance : From State fund $230.00 From local tax 226.83 Total $456.83 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 15 PENDERGRASS. 9. Teacher: S. D. Copeland, Miss Louise Eakes, Miss Cora Barron. Location: Two and one-half miles northwest to Fairview ; S miles north to Talmo. Grounds: Area, ; titles, local trustees; two toilets in average condition. Buildings : Value, $9,500.00 ; 6 class rooms ; good auditorium ; brick building. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; several maps; no globes; no charts; library of 350 volumes. Organization: Three teachers; 10 grades; 93 pupils; literary society; Mothers' Club. i Maintenance: From State School fund $ 402.00 From local tax 826.00 Total .+1,228.00 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 16 iM n >'' |M Sb?^Be1 'f 'i :'• ') iii'i f HUbBhI^^HRPI^^H f-l^WiBBSbM TALMO. 10. Teachers: F. K. McGee, Miss Irene Baily. Location: Three miles south to Pendergrass ; 3 miles east to Pond Fork. Grounds: Area, 4 acres; titles in county board of education. Adjoining church lot ; beautiful grove ; grounds well iniproved and well kept. Ample playgrounds ; large school garden, well cared for. Two toilets in good con- dition. Buildings : Value, .$2,500.00 ; three class rooms ; cloak room ; tioors oiled and well kept; insufficient and improper lighting; building well painted. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; good maps in sets ; good chart ; small globes ; framed pic- tures ; windoAV shades ; library of 75 volumes ; organ ; teacher's desk, etc. Well on lot in good condition; covered water cooler; individual drinking cups. Organization: Three teachers; 8 grades; 99 jnipils; Boys' Corn Club, History Club; 32 weeks' school year, two terms of 24 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $ 517.00 From local tax 489.18 Total P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 18 $1,006.18 FAIR VIEW. 11. Teacher: J. H. McGee. Location: Three miles east of Talmo ; 3 miles southeast to Victory Hill. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; title in county board ; grounds open, unimproved, neglected; no school garden; two toilets in average condition. Buildings: Value, $750. One class room, 24x36x12: no cloak rooms; insufficiently and improperly lighted; painted; fairly well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no library ; one organ. Well on lot; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 65 pupils; 37 recitation periods. Boys' Corn Club; literary club; school year, 24 weeks, divided terms, 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund .$258.00 From local tax 397.63 Total $655.63 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 19 WALNUT. 12. Teacher: Miss Etta Evans, Miss May Taylor. Location: Three miles north to Victory Hill; S miles south to Fair View. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in local trustees ; grounds and playgrounds unimproved ; fine grove ; no school garden ; two toilets in average condition. Buildings: Value, $1,000; two class rooms, each 80x40x12; no cloak rooms ; painted outside only ; well lighted and ventilated ; not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; very poor blackboards; no maps ; no charts ; no globes ; no library ; poor selection of pictures ; one organ ; covered water cooler ; individ- ual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 101 pupils; program posted ; 20 recitation periods ; no industrial or club work. School year, 23 weeks, divided terms of IS and 5 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $430.00 From tuition (about) 15.00 Total $445.00 20 • m -W-- ^H ■ 1 ? ''*' s ^ jjjk ^, 'Q^k ^Ps 'mil' nM HHb 1 1^^ Jni ^kK- M K JJ pr f J^kd ^ ■.' » WlL ■.-^'^s^BKmijtB^^^^ tm M| ^■w9t Vr^^ ir w g lttM» t J 1 1 n j^am CENTER UNION. 13. Teachers: Chestia Titshaw, Miss Irene Cronic. Location: Three miles south to Hoschton ; 3 miles north to Walnut. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; title in county board ; open grounds, well set in trees, but greatly neglected; waste paper, trash, etc. ; ample playgrounds unimproved ; no school garden ; two toilets, bad condition. Building: Value, $750; two class rooms; two cloak rooms on the end of the stage; improperly lighted; painted; very poorly kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no globes; no charts; no pictures; library of 35 volumes ; well on lot ; common dipper at the well. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 75 'pupils; no indus- trial or club work; school year, 24 weeks, two terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $258.00 From local tax - 219.35 Total $477.35 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 21 * HOSCHTON. 14. Teachers : J. S. Mahaffey, Miss Willie May Harris, Miss Ches- ter Titshaw. Location: Two and one-half miles north to Center Union; 4 miles southeast to Longview. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in local trustees; grounds neg- lected (waste paper, trash, gullies, etc.) ; two toilets, condition very bad. Building: Value, $1,500.00; in bad repair; 3 class rooms, 24x40x12 ; improperly lighted ; very badly kept. Equipment: Single and double desks; very poor blackboards; no maps ; no globes ; no charts ; no library ; good well ; open buckets. Organization: Three teachers; 11 grades; 200 pupils; no clubs. Maintenance: From State fund $775.00 From local tax 800.00 Total ...$1,575.00 P. S. — Rate of local tax, seven and one-half mills. 22 LONG VIEW. 16. Teachers: Miss Lenora Vaughn, Miss Elizabeth Elrod. Location: Three miles north to Walnut, and :3 miles west to Hoschton. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in local trustees. Grove in rear, open in front; partly improved; lawn well mowed; ample playgrounds; adjoining church lot; no school garden; one toilet in average condition. Buildings: Value, .$1,000; two class rooms, each 40x30x12; badly planned building; large room above, no cloak rooms; unpainted ; unfinished; fairly well lighted; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards y one chart; no maps; no globes; no pictures; no library; good well on lot; individual drinking cups at the well. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 70 pupils; no indus- trial or club work; 24 weeks' school year, divided into two terms of 16 and 8 Aveeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $280.00. 23 1^ E m ^ ^I^'^SI '.■;"''^^--*'^-'" .=•' ', ' • r-4 ^-w^/^ ''l-)'*,:i' 4^^.;.: ^^v;-^ ^ '■■.;%,■...• v^'l'??/.-''' •■ "^' 1--. " . ■-■: . ■»:4# ■ ■■•,1 ' ■■■■■ ^^^Br^ i{',^l "^SUk fc^ ^m ^|fe f L jhP ^^^p hj m^m mijmim Hnttl^K>A mi.Wmtm iSlilSL • ---^^^^^ .. 11_ MARCUS. 18. Teacher: 0. G. Lancaster. Location: Three miles west to Long View; 2 miles east of Ebenezer. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in an estate (reversionary); oak grove, well cleaned up, otherwise unimproved; small playgrounds; no school garden; one toilet, poor condition. Building-: Value, $800; one class room, 24x36x12; no cloak room ; unpainted ; poorly and improperly lighted ; well kept. Equipment : Double home-made desks ; very poor blackboard ; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no library or other helps; common drinking dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 35 pupils; no indus- trial work or clubs; school year, 24 weeks, two terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $175.00. 24 'ii^ti-ui'HlUii ELWOOD. 19. Teachers: Miss Addie Maddox, Miss Julia Boyd. Location: Two and one-half miles north to New Virgil, and 21/2 miles southeast to Potters. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board; grounds open, unimproved, neglected but for small flower garden; unimproved playgrounds; one toilet in average con- dition. Buildings: Value, $1,800.00; two class rooms, 30x40x12; no cloak rooms; well lighted and ventilated; painted; well kept. Odd Fellows' Lodge above. Equipment: Home-made double desks; very poor black- boards ; no maps ; no chart ; no globe ; no pictures ; no library; well on lot, open bucket, dipper. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 70 pupils; no program posted; no industrial or club work; school year, 23 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $375.00 From tuition (about) 25.00 Total $400.00 25 EBENEZER. 20. Teacher: Miss Norma Sorrells. Location: Two miles west to Marcus; 8 miles east to Potters. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in board of education. Oak grove; unimproved; well ke\A ; small improved play- ground ; no school garden ; no toilets. Building: Value, $900; one class room, 30x40x12; cloak rooms on the end of stage; improperly lighted; painted out- side only; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; blackboard painted on wall; no maps ; no chart ; no globe ; no pictures ; no library ; well on lot; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 29 pupils; no program; school year, 24 weeks, divided terms, 3 6 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $230.00. 26 BEAR CREEK. 27. Teacher: Mrs. R. L. Barnett. Location: Six miles east to Woocllawn ; '200 yards from Bar- row County line. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; title in local trustees ; fine grove, un- improved ; no school gardens ; no toilet. Buildings: Value, $750; one class room, 28x36x11; cloak rooms ; building new and unpainted ; fairly well, but improperly lighted ; well kept. Equipment : Home-made double desks ; insufficient cloth black- board ; one chart ; no globe ; no maps ; no pictures ; no library ; one organ ; well on lot ; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 26 pupils; no program posted; 23 weeks' school year, divided terms, 14 and 9 weeks. No industrial work or clubs. Maintenance: From State fund only .$190.00. (Barrow County also contributes.) 27 BACHELOR'S. 28. Teacher: Miss Omie Dunagan. Location: Two and one-half miles northeast to Arcade; 3 miles northwest to Potters. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; unimproved grove; grounds neglected; no school garden; no toilets. Building's: Value, $1,400.00; two class rooms, each 30x30x14; cloak rooms ; painted and well kept ; insufficiently, but properly lighted. Equipment: Double patent desks; cloth blackboard; one chart ; one globe ; no maps ; no pictures ; well on lot ; common dippers. Organisation: One teacher; 7 grades; 26 pupils; 23 recita- tion periods ; no industrial or club work ; school year, 24 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $190.00 From tuition fees (about) 60.00 Total $250.00 28 ARCADE. 29. Teachers: Mrs. Jessie Cheatham, Miss Alberta Iverson. Location: Two and one-half miles west to Bachelor's; 3 miles northwest to Jett'erson ; 3 miles east to Redstone. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in board of education ; open grounds, well planted with trees ; ample playgrounds ; flower garden well cared for ; two toilets in average condition. Buildings: Value, $900; one room, 30x50x11, divided into class rooms by a curtain ; painted outside only ; poorly lighted; well kept. (Also used as a church.) Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps ; no globe ; no charts ; library of 80 volumes, in good case ; organ. AVell on lot ; common dippers. Organization : Two teachers ; 7 grades ; 60 pupils ; no clubs ; pupils interested in flowers; an active Women's Home and School Improvement Club with 20 members ; school year, 24 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund .$290.00 From tuition fees (about) 60.00 Total $350.00 29 WOODLAWN. 30. Teacher: Miss Cleo Evans. Location: Two and one-half miles east to Archer's Grove; 4 miles north to Red Stone. Grounds : Area, 2 3-10 acres ; titles in county board ; nnim- jjroved grove ; playground unimproved ; no school gar- den ; one toilet in average condition. Building's: Value, $1,400.00; 2 class rooms, each 30x30x14; cloak rooms ; fairly well lighted ; painted ; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; cloth blackboards; one very small map ; one chart ; no globe ; pictures well selected and framed; no library; good well, covered Avater cooler, individual dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 40 pupils; program posted ; 24 recitations ; no industrial or club work ; school year, 24 weeks, divided intOi terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund -1^230.00 From local tax 235.05 Total $465.05 P. S.— Rate of local tax, 21/2 mills. 30 RED STONE. 31. Teachers: Annabel Brock, Miss LeClair Dunston. Location: Four miles southeast to Archer's Grove; 4 miles south to Attica. ■Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board; open, unim- proved; ample playgrounds; no school garden; 2 tod- ets, bad condition. Building: Value, $1,000.00; one class room, 24x36x10; cloak rooms ; painted ; fairly well lighted ; well kept. Equipment: Double patent and home-made desks; insufficient cloth blackboard; small map; no chart: no globe; no library; framed pictures; well in bad condition; open bucket; individual drinking cup. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 75 pupils; program posted; 15 recitation periods: no industrial or club work; school year, 24 weeks, divided into 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $:315.00 From local tax :340.30 Total $655.30 P. s._Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 31 CENTER. 32. (A Standard School.) Teachers: J. Y. Walker, Miss Eloise Bennett. Location : Two and one-half miles north to Antioch ; 4 miles northeast to New Harmony. Grounds: Area, II/2 acres; titles in county board; grove; level, open grounds; well kept; ample playgrounds; school garden; two toilets in average condition. Building: Value, $1,500.00; two class rooms, 24x48x14 and 20x32x12; cloak rooms; painted; fairly well lighted; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; sets of maps in case ; one chart ; one globe ; framed pictures ; library of 80 volumes, in good case; decorating flags, pennants, etc. ; good reference dictionary ; good well on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 9 grades; 71 pupils; 28 weeks' school year, divided into two terms of 20 and 8 Aveeks ; industrial work and singing ; literary and debating so- ciety; a sewing club. Maintenance : From State fund $ 875.00 From local tax 777.54 Total $1,152.54 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills, .32 NICHOLSON. 33. Teacher: Claud Tolbert. Location: Three miles southwest to Masseys; 3 miles north- west of Hood Academy. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; title in local, board; grounds unim- proved and neglected; ample playgrounds, unim- proved ; no school garden ; two toilets, bad condition. Building: Value, $1,200.00; two class rooms, each 80x30x12; cloak room ; painted outside only ; lighting insufficient and improper ; not well kept. Equipment: Home-made double desks and a few patent single desks ; blackboards poor ; no maps ; no chart ; no globe ; no pictures; no library; water supplied in common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 71 pupils; no indus- trial or club work; school year, 24 Aveeks; also a private term of 8 weeks for which a tuition fee of 5 cents per day is charged. Maintenance: From State fund only $260.00. 3S NEW HARMONY. 34. Teacher: Bertha Luthi. Location: Three miles southwest to Center; 3 miles northeast to Adams. Grounds: Area, 2I/2 acres; title in county board; welli situ- ated and a beautiful oak grove, unimproved; grounds not well kept; no school garden; one toilet, average condition. Building-: Value, ,$1,2,50.00; one class room, 30x48x14; cloak rooms ; improperly lighted ; painted ; not well kept (waste paper, trash, etc.). Equipment: Patent double desks; good blackboard; one chart ; one globe ; framed pictures ; library in good - cases; organ; (,$180.00 being expended on equipment). Good well on lot ; covered water cooler ; common dip- pers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; ,50 pupils; no program posted ; no industrial work or clubs ; school year, 23 wrecks, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $230.00 From local tax 188.69 Total .$418.69 P. S.— Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 34 ORR'S. 35. Teacher: Mrs. R. L. Carruth. Location : Three miles southeast to Red Stone ; 3 miles north- east to Harris. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board; lot covered with forest, unimproved; no school garden; two toilets, well screened. Building:: Value, $900.00; one class room, 24x36x12; cloak rooms on end of the stage; not well lighted (windows too low); painted outside only; building well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboard; one U. S. history map; one chart; one globe; one organ; no pic- tures ; no library ; good well on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 30 pupils; program posted ; no industrial or club work ; school year, 24 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $175.00 From local tax 110.52 Total .$285.52 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 21^ mills. 3.5 HARRIS. 36. Teachers: C. C. Baily, Miss Norma Martin. Location: Three miles southwest of Orr's; 3 miles soiitheast of Hood. Grounds : Area, 3 1-10 acres ; titles in county board : grove in rear, playgrounds in front ; partly improved ; small school garden ; grounds well kept ; two toilets in aver- age condition. Building: Value, $1,500.00; two class rooms, each 30x24x14; cloak rooms; sufficiently and properly lighted; tloors oiled and well kept ; painted. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no chart; no globe; frannMl pictures; library ordered; a dictionary for every pupil from fourth grade up. Good well on lot ; common dipper. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 93 pupils; Girls' Gar- den Club with ten members. No other industrial work. School year of 21 weeks, divided into terms of 13 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund .$430.00 From local tax 170.08 Total $600.08 P. S.— Rate of local tax, 21/2 mills. 36 THYATIRA. 37. Teachers: Miss Lottie Boggs, Miss Richie Boggs. Location: Three miles west to Jefiferson; 3 miles east to Apple Valley. Grounds: Area, ; titles in Presbyterian Church (on church lot) ; very beautiful grove, partly improved. No school garden; playgrounds unimproved; one toilet in average condition. Building: Value, $750.00; two class rooms; no cloak rooms; painted outside only; insufficiently lighted; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; very poor blackboard; no maps; one chart; no globe; framed pictures; library of 100 volumes; spring nearby; common dipper. Organization : Two teachers ; 8 grades ; 62 pupils ; no program posted; no industrial work or clubs; school year, 28 weeks, divided into terms of 20 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $230.00 From local tax 135.38 Total $365.38 P. S.— Rate of local tax, 21/2 mills. 37 APPLE VALLEY. 38. Teachers: ]\Irs. Guy Maley, Miss Viola Aurther. Location: Three miles west to Thyatira ; 4 miles east to White- hill. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in church; fine grove; open playgrounds, little improvement ; no school gardens ; two toilets in average condition. Building-: Value, $1,200.00; two class rooms, each H0x30xl2: no cloak rooms; improi)erly lighted; painted outside only; M-ell kept. Equipment: Singh' patent desks; good bhickboards; no maps; no charts; one small globe; no pictures; no librarj^; good well on lot; common dippers at well. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 64 pupils; i)rogram posted; 26 recitation periods; no industrial or club work; 28 weeks' school year, divided into terms of 21 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund .$260.00 From local tax 266.08 Total P. S.— Rate of local tax, 31/0 mills. 38 .$526.08 HOOD'S ACADEMY. 39. Teacher: H. C. Hollaiid. Location: Three miles soutlieast to Nicholson; 3 miles north- west to Whitehill. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles' in county board. Few good trees; grounds unimproved and neglected; playgrounds unimproved; no school garden; two toilets, in bad con- dition. Building: Value $1,250.00; two class rooms, each 30x30x14; cloak rooms; insufficiently and improperly lighted; painted; not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desk; poor cloth blackboard; no maps; one chart; no globe; no pictures; no library; organ; well 150 yards away; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 28 pupils; no program posted; no industrial or club work; 23 weeks' school year; also private term of 6 weeks, for which a tuition fee of 5 cents per day is charged. Maintenance: From State fund only $300.00. 39 BEREA. 40. Teachers: Miss Uiiice Bolton, Miss Esther Stovall. Location: Five miles northwest to Commerce; 3 miles south to Adams. Grounds: Area, ; titles in local trustees. Ad- joining church lot ; grounds unimproved, fairly well kept ; no school garden ; no toilets. Building: Value, $500.00; two class rooms; fairly well kept; no cloak rooms ; insufficiently and improperly lighted ; unpainted. Equipment: Single patent desks; good hlackboards ; maps, library, globe and other equipment ordered. Spring near by ; covered water cooler ; individual drinking cups. Organization : Two teachers ; 8 grades ; 70 pupils ; no indus- trial work or clubs; 24 weeks' school year, divided into terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund .$260.00 From local tax 2.59.62 Total $519.62 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 40 HARDMAN HEIGHTS. 41. Teacher: J. E. J. Lord. Location: Two miles northeast to Lord's Academy; 3 miles southwest to Whitehill. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board; grove in the rear, open front ; utterly neglected (waste paper, trash, etc.) ; two toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $500.00; one class room, 34x40x16; no cloak rooms; unpainted ; in bad repair; poorly lighted and ventilated; very badly kept. Equipment: Double home-made desks; very poor blackboard; one chart ; no maps ; no globe ; no pictures ; no library ; well 300 yards away; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 46 pupils; no industrial work or clubs; 23 weeks' school year, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance : From State funds $200.00 From tuition fees (about) 70.00 Total $270.00 41 WHITEHILL. 42. Teachers: Miss Freddie Massey, ]Miss Pauline Edwards, Miss Bessie Hardman. Location: Three miles northeast to Commerce; four miles west to Apple Valley. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; pine forest partly improved ; ample playgrounds ; school gardens ; grounds well kept ; two toilets in average condition. Building:: Value, $1,200.00; two class rooms, 22x40x11 (and one teacher occupying a veranda); no cloak rooms; building painted; insufficiently and improperly lighted; well kept. Equipment : Double patent desks ; good blackboard and other equipment bought. Good display of written work, booklets, map drawing, manual training Avork, etc. ; good well on lot; covered Avater cooler; individual drinking cups. Organization: Three teachers; 8 grades; program posted; 20 recitation periods; industrial work, domestic science, singing, etc. ; literary and debating club ; school year, 28 weeks, divided into terms of 20 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $345.00 From local tax 282.42 Total $627.42 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 42 BOLD SPRINGS. 43. Teachers: Miss Stella Pittman, Miss Ruth Thomas. Location: Three miles north to ^loiuitain View; 3 miles south to Commerce. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; title in county board; unimproved grove ; grounds fairly well kept ; no school garden ; two toilets, in had condition. Building: Value, $1,800.00; two class rooms, 24xi0xl2; cloak room in hallway; painted outside only; fairly well lighted; wide piazza with cement floors; building well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; framed pictures; one globe; maps, library and other equip- ment ordered; spring nearby; open buckets; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 98 pupils; no indus- trial or club work ; school year of 24 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund $375.00 From local tax 374.74 Total P. S.— Rate of local tax, SVo mills. 43 .$749.74 WHEELER'S. 44. Teachers: Miss Faye Lord, Miss Marylee Lord. Location: Three miles north to Maysville ; 2 miles east to MoiiiitainvieAv. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in comity board; fine grove in rear ; open in front ; unimproved ; ample pla^ygronnds ; grounds not well kept; two toilets average condition. Building: A-alue, $1,250.00; two class rooms, each 24x30x14; cloak rooms; painted; insufficiently and improperly lighted ; not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; i)oor blackboard; one chart ; no maps ; no globes ; good selection of framed pictures; library of 86 volumes; well on lot, in bad con- dition ; covered water cooler ; common dipper. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 96 pupils; sewing and manual art clubs and literary clubs ; school year of 23 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only .$345.00. 44 MAYSVILLE. 45. Teachers: H. Thos. Sargent, Siipt.; H. B. Smith, Principal; Miss Newton, Miss Lily May Harris, Miss Leila Bishop, Mrs. Lon Ehodes, Ernst Brockmann. Grounds : Area, 4 acres ; titles in local trustees ; well situated ; improvements under way ; two toilets in good condi- tion; fairly well; kept, except for waste paper; reg- ularly disinfected. Building': Value, $15,000.00; brick; 6 class rooms and audi- torium; cloak rooms; oiled floors; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; sufficient blackboards; plenty maps in cabinets; physical laboratory; globes; charts; good selection of framed pictures suitable to grades; library of 200 volumes; electric bells in each class room ; hot-air heating system. Organization: Seven teachers; 10 grades; 210 pupils; literary societies; well-organized and orderly school. School year of 36 weeks, continuous; Community Civic Club for school improvement. Maintenance: From State fund (Jackson Co.) $ 5-50.00 From State fund (Banks Co.) 425.00 From local tax 2,100.00 Total $3,075.00 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. Banks County also contributes here. 45 ARCHER'S. 46. Teachers: W. T. p]vans, Mrs. W. T. Evans. Location: Two and one-half miles west to Woocllawn ; 2V2 miles north to Red Stone. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board of educatioi^ ; beautiful oak grove, unimproved; ample playgrounds, unimproved; no school gardens; one toilet, average con- dition. Building: Value, .^1,200.00; 2 class rooms, each 22x30x12; cloak rooms; properly lighted, but hardly sufficient; painted ; not Avell kept. Equipment : Double patent desks ; cloth blackboards ; one small globe ; no charts ; no maps ; no pictures ; library of 75 volumes; good well on lot; covered water cooler; mostly common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 55 pupils; no program posted ; no industrial or club work ; school year of 24 weeks, divided into two terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $320.00 From local tax 285.15 Total P. S.— Rate of local tax, 31/0 mills. 46 $605.15 ADAMS SCHOOL. 47. Teachers: Mrs. Gordon Owensby, Miss Nelia Adams. Location: Three miles south to New Harmony; 3 miles west to Berea. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles not executed ; open, unimproved grounds; ample room for playgrounds; no school gar- dens ; two toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $1,200.00; 2 class rooms; vestibule for cloak room ; painted outside only ; well lighted ; well kept. Equipment : Double patent desks ; very poor blackboards ; one map; framed pictures; no charts; no globe; library of 50 volumes. Well on lot ; open buckets and common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 71 pupils; no indus- trial or club work; school year of 32 weeks, divided into two terms of 24 and 8 weeks. Maintenance : From State funds $290.00 From local tax 182.27 Ttal ...$472.27 P. S.— Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 47 NEW VIRGIL. 48. Teacher: Miss Manta Loii Blackstock. Location: Two and one-half miles east to Elmwood; 3 miles northwest to Pendergrass, Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles ; in county board ; fine oak grove, w^ell situated, but unimproved ; very small play- grounds ; small school garden, neglected ; one toilet, in average condition. Building: Value, .tsr)0.00 ; one class room, 30x40x12; cloak rooms ; well lighted and ventilated ; painted outside only ; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; one chart; small globe; no pictures; no library; one organ ; good well ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 36 pupils; program postetl ; 2-4 recitation periods ; no industrial or club work ; school year of 23 wrecks, divided into two terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $230.00. 48 VICTORY HILL. 49. Teachers: J. M. Davenport. Location : Three miles west to Fairview ; 3 miles southeast to Walnut. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board. Open, level, bare, neglected, waste papers, weeds, etc. ; playgrounds unimproved ; no school gardens ; two toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $800.00; one class room, 24x36x12; suffi- ciently, but improperly, lighted ; no cloak rooms ; painted ; only fairly well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; very little cloth black- boards ; no maps ; no charts ; no globes ; no pictures ; no library. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 4-4 pupils; no program posted; no industrial work; small Boys' Corn Club; school year of 24 weeks, divided into two terms of 16 and 8 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $175.00. 49 MASSEYS. 51. Teacher: H. D. Gober. Location: Two miles northeast to Nicholson; 2i/2 miles south- east to Center. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board of education. Thick grove, entirely neglected ; confusion of paper, trash, etc., over grounds; no school gardens; one toilet in average condition. Building: Value, $1,200.00; one class room, 24x36x14; fairly well lighted; vestibule for cloak rooms; painted out- side only ; fairly well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; very poor blackboards; no maps ; no charts ; no globes ; no pictures ; no library. Well on lot unfit for use ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 54 pupils; no program posted ; no industrial or club work ; school year of 23 weeks, divided into two terms of 16 and 7 wrecks. Maintenance: From State fund only .$230.00. P. S. — Has recently voted local tax and levied 3 mills for 1916. 50 UNITY. 52. Teacher: Miss Mallie Harvil, Miss Lena May Turner. Location: Four miles south to Dry Pond; 2 miles north to Diamond Hill. Grounds and Building: Temporary quarters in a Christian church, and at present without equipment, except such as the church affords. Building and grounds exceed- ingly clean and well kept. New location and building in contemplation. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 76 pupils; program posted; 27 recitation periods; no clubs; school year is 23 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only .$250.00. 5J MOUNTAIN VIEW. 53. Teachers: G. W. Westmoreland, Miss Ottiee Minish. Location: Two miles west to Wheelers; 3 miles south to Bold Springs. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in local board; grounds in good condition ; small school garden ; one toilet in average condition. Building: Value, .^650.00; one class room, 22x86x10; well lighted, and ventilated ; well kept ; vestibide for cloak rooms ; painted outside only. Equipment: Home-made double desks; 8 feet of good black- board; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no library ; well on lot ; open buckets ; common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 72 pupils; program posted ; literary club ; no industrial work ; school year of 27 weeks, divided into terms of 20 and 7 weeks. Maintenance : From State fund $2:30.00 From local tax 324.38 Total .$554.38 P. S. — Rate of local tax, 5 mills. 52 POTTERS. 54. Teacher: Miss Bessie Johnson. Location: Three miles east to Jefferson; 21/0 miles west to Ebenezer, Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county hoard of education; open grounds ; well cleaned iip ; good playgrounds ; no school gardens; two toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $900.00; one class room, 30x48x14; improp- erly lighted ; cloak rooms ; floors well oiled ; painted ; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; very poor blackboards; one U. S. history map ; small globe : pictures ; no charts ; a small library; well on lot; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 47 pupils; program posted ; 40 recitation periods ; no industrial or club work ; school year o^ 23 weeks, divided into terms of 16 and 7 weeks. Maintenance: From State fund only $230.00. 53 LORDS. 55. Teachers: ]\Iiss Golden Brown, Miss Bertha Bolton. Location: Four miles northwest to Coniinerce; 2 miles west to Ilardman Heights. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in local trustees; unimproved grove ; no playgrounds provided ; two toilets, in fair condition. Building: Value, -i^TSO.OO; two class rooms; ceiled, hut un- painted ; no cloak rooms; not fully lighted; well kept, (New huilding unfinished.) Equipment: Home-made douhle desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no library; no pictures; well on lot ; common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 70 pupils; no clubs; no program. Maintenance: From State fund only .$230.00. P. S. — Above fund is supplemented from Madison and Banks Counties. 54 COMMERCE. 56. Building: Modern brick building; 16 class rooms; large audi- torium ; sanitary drinking fountains ; sewer connections. Grounds: A plat of about 5 acres; base ball and foot ball field; basket ball and tennis courts in the rear. Equipment: Patent single school desks; maps, charts, globes, pictures; domestic science and physical laboratories. Library: Contains 800 volumes, classified according to the Dewey Decimal System. The Woman's Improvement Club of the city has made a liberal appropriation to the library during the last year. Statistics: Enrollment, boys 2:34; girls 200; high school 2.5 per cent, of the total; average attendance, 78 per cent. High School: Four years, accredited, five teachers, depart- mental system, elective courses; 16 units required for graduation. Faculty of High School: H. B. Carreker, A. P.., Supt., Mathe- matics ; L. L. Woolbright, A. B., Latin, History, Greek ; Edward J. Hardin, A. B., English, German, Science ; Mrs. H. B. Carreker, A. B., Assistant English and His- tory; Miss ]\Iargaret Joseph, Department of Domestic Science. Faculty of Grammar School: ]\Irs. H. B. C'arreker and Miss ^Margaret Joseph, Seventh Grade; Miss Estelle Hood, Sixth Grade ; Miss Lillie Poole, Fifth Grade ; Miss Caro- lyn McGarity, Fourth Grade ; Miss Willie Carson, Third Grade; ]\Iiss Ebine Kemp, Second Grade; Miss Bessie Singleton, First Grade. Faculty of Special Departments: Piano and Violin, Mrs. Nana Johnson Evans; Art, Miss Blondine Webb; Expression, H. B. Carreker ; Athletics, Edward J. Hardin ; School Band, C. Wiley Barber. Board of Education: W. B. Ilardman, President; C. J. Hood, A. P. Rice, W. Y. Harber, Claud Montgomery. 56 ■ » -i*. '* ^1 M A BASKET BALL CAMi:, ('o.ALMKlM'l-: ITBLIC SCHOOLS. CLASS IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE, COMMERCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Maintenance: City tax rate, 5 mills; teachers' salaries, 1914- 15, $8,957.23; other expenses, $1,466.93. Athletics: Believing that a certain amount of recreation de- velops not only the physical nature, but is conducive to better class-room work and to a general toning up of the mental and moral being, the school gives due atten- tion to the maintenance of wholesome athletics. Inter- scholastic contests are arranged with the authorities of other schools, and the school is represented iu' the ath- letic events of the Ninth Congressional District Meet. Foot ball, base ball, basket ball, track events and ten- nis receive attention. High School Contest: Frank Carreker and Wiley Sanders winners in Gainesville High School vs. Commerce Higli School Debate ; Wiley Sanders wimier in Declamation, Ninth District ; Mae Sharp winner in Ready Writing. Ninth District and State ; Thurmond Hood Avinner in Ready Writing, Ninth District and State. COMMERCE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING, COMMERCE, GA. 58 JARRETTS. 57. (A Private School.) Teacher: ]\Irs. J. A. Jarrett, Jefferson, Ga. Location: Three miles west to Jefferson; 21^ miles southeast to Orr's. Grounds: Area, ; titles, private; miimproved; well kept ; one toilet, average condition. Building": Value, .$450.00: one class room; poorly lighted; un- painted. Equipment: Desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe ; no library ; water ; open bucket ; common dij^pers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; pupils; no program posted; no clubs or industrial work; school year of 23 weeks, divided terms. Maintenance: From State fund only .$125.00. 59 NEGRO SCHOOLS. There are in the county fifteen negro schools. I visited and inspected all of them. Considerable attention has been given to them, and the county superintendent has been aided in their proper direction and supervision by a very competent negro woman supported by the Jeanes Fund. At a number of these schools we found the pupils doing creditable industrial work without industrial equipment. This work seemed to be properly related to the homes and needs of the children, and consisted in the main of sewing, basketry and woodwork. Much of this work done in the negro schools was recently ex- hibited at the county seat and elicited widespread and favor- able comment. The negro schools were all orderly and, con- sidering their physical conditions, generally clean and well kept. The photographs of the school houses herewith pre- sented will give a general idea of their structure. NEW GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: Y. J. Moon; 5 grades; 41 pui)ils. Large, unfinished building, adjacent to church lot ; in a beautiful oak grove, unimi)roved. Planning for some improvements. CEDAR HILL. Teacher: Lueile Hall; 6 grades; 58 jwpils; adjoining church lot; pupils busy at serving, etc.; practically no equip- ment. SUMMER HILL. Teacher: Carrie Patman ; 5 grades; 59 pupils; adjoining , church lot; lodge overliead; no equipment. PENDERGRASS. Teacher: Carrie Daniel; 5 grades; 42 pupils; long benches, without backs; no equipment; small house; very clean and well kept; orderly school. 60 THURMOND grove: POPLAR SPRINGS. Teacher: Mary Gaines; 5 grades; 63 pupils; long benches; lodge overhead. This teacher has served at this school ten years. CENTER. Teacher: G. "W. Johnson; 6 grades; 104 pupils; assistance from some older pupils ; used as church. THURMOND GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: Luvada Williams; 5 grades; 24 pupils; adjoining church lot; house and yards clean and well kept; trus- tees building good toilets and otherwise improving ])r('mises. JONES CHAPEL. Teacher: Annie Pierce; 5 grades; 46 pupils; well-cciliMl l)ui]d- ing; charts, blackboards, etc.; individual driid. Austin; 4 grades; 42 pu))ils; one chart and small blackboard ; no other equipment. GUM SPRINGS. Teacher: Fannie Wilson; 5 grades; .^1 i)upils; sewing, wood- work, etc. A very busy and well-conducted school. Practically without equipment. HURRICANE GROVE CROSS ROADS. Teacher: P. A. Sargent; 7 grades; 68 pupils; comfortable house ; clean and well kept ; no industrial work. HURRICANE GROVE. Teacher: Cornelia Gideon; 6 grades; 84 pupils; extra room for industrial work; part of the pupils busy at indus- trial work without constant supervision, but very or- derly; well-kept house. C4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liiiLr ® ®^^ ^"^"^ 518 6 ii