D 524 Copy THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS BY THE EDITOR OF "GRACE AND TRUTH" PUBLISHED BY L. P. ADAMS, PUBLISHER MEMPHIS, T£NN. ^\\ 6 ^ '9 (A/ tU'ii iQV CONTENTS 1. Foreword 5 2. Outline of the Last Days 8 3. Moving Toward the End of the Age 10 !) 4. Lax Moral Conditions, Sign 5 OF THE End 16 5. Present Conditions, Sign of Christ's Coming 20 6. The Spirit of Antichrist 26 7. The Antichrist 33 8. The Antichrist and His Associate 42 9. The Present European War not the Battle of Armageddon 52 10. Napoleon a Forerunner of Antichrist 57 11. The Midnight Cry 62 12. Babylon Fallen, the Beast and False Prophet Taken 77 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. FOEEWORD. In this book we are not to endeavor to set forth new doctrines, or new theories, but to speak of unfulfilled phophesies in the light of the Bible at this time of the closing of the sixth age of the world. Nothing so interested the prophets as the foreshowing of things to come. Peter tells us that they "inquired and searched diligently, searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow." Daniels' whole soul was almost drawn out of him by the intensity of his interest, study, fast- ing and prayer with regard to what was fore- shown him. But what is the temper of our modern theologians on the subject of prophecy! The common idea is that a man is a little be- side himself, and departs from proper soberness if he ventures to give any serious attention to unfulfilled prophecy. Though God has been at the pains to tell us much about what is yet to come, many would warn us away from it as dangerous ground, and tell us that we unwar- rantabi}^ intrude into the secrets of the Al- mighty if we undertake to read it^ or entertaia 6 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. any definite expectation with regard to it. The popular idea is that prophecy is not meant to be understood until after it is fulfilled — that to found any faith upon it is fanaticism — that none but crazed minds ever bother themselves about it one way or the other. According to these sober thinkers, the prophets w ere the silli- est of men to concern themselves about what they were commissioned to foretell, and Daniel was particularly foolish to let his soul be troubled concerning these visions of things in the distant ages. But this is just tlie difference between the true and acknowledged servants of God, and those who claim to be tlieir brethren and successors in our day. Whatever the Holy Ghost made known to the Fathers concerning the future dealings of God with this world, was sacredly treasured and studied as the most precious of communica- tions, dwelt upon with the most special interest and heeded as the guiding light of God amid the world's abounding wickedness and dark- ness. But our modern teachers think to ignore and avoid what is written about the future by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, is the higher wisdom and the better piety. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (II Peter 1 :21.) And if the subject is pressed upon them that satisfy themselves, and their hearers THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 7 by saying, it is not for us to read on such holy ground, and that it was never intended for us to understand these deep mysteries. And th'as a vast and vitally interesting part of God's revelation is turned into a useless encumbrance of the sacred word. Ood says, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." But men seem to have become wiser than the i^lmighty, and know better what becomes of a sober theologian and a right preacher; and we must shut the book and close our mouths about it, or consent to be accounted mad ! Alas, alas, for the reign- ing religion of this day. If we would be like the holy prophets, and prove ourselves their followers we must have an eye, an ear and a heart for their sacred words concerning what must shortly come to pass. Every utterance of the Lord which tells what we are to look for and expect is most precious. And as you value your safety in these ominous and perplex- ing times, and would be ready for what is about to come upon the earth, beware how you ignore or neglect what God has caused to be written for our learning, lest the great ap- pointed day should overtake you unawares. (Luke 21:34-36; Acts 17:30, 31.) We are now in the time of the end ; the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled. There is upon this earth, distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves are roaring; men's hearts failing them 8 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. for fear. The great powers are being shaken, and kingdoms crumbling. The world is rapidly preparing for "The Man of Sin," the Anti- Christ, whom Israel will receive as their ruler and whom the whole world will wonder after with great admiration. We are now fast ap- proaching his coming in the present European war and world-wide distress and disturbed con- dition of the people. Everything is getting ready for him. The present war will end at his appearing and all the powers will be in federa- tion, and he will be the chief ruler over the kingdoms for forty-two months. (Rev. 13 :5.) His reign will be the period of the great trib- ulation. (Dan. 12:1, 2; Mat. 24:21.) It seems clear now that Constantinople will fall (if not burned), the Turks be driven out, and Israel (be gathered back to Palestine where they make a covenant with Anti-Christ for seven years. (Dan. 9 :27.) To this period the world is hasten- ing, and even now we are in the shadow of it, and the world will soon be in the grasp of the lawless one, who will sit in the rebuilt temple of God, at Jerusalem, setting himself forth as God. Be watchful and prayerful that you may escape all that is coming upon the earth and stand before the Son of Man. AN OUTLINE OF THE LAST DAYS. 1. The present European war and world- THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 9 wide distress with deepening shadows over all the earth. 2. Some time between this and the next scene will be the first (I Thes. 4:13-18) resur- rection and the catching away (translation) of the ready and waiting ones to r.ie .-t the Lord, where they are kept from the great tribula- tions. (Isa. 26:19-21; Mat. 24:21.) 3. The complete overturning of the present world powers and shaking of nations, ending with the formation of .ten federated kingdoms. 4. The ousting of the Turk from Palestine, and the gathering of Israel back into their own land (Jer. 16:14, 15; Amos 9:11-15), the ap- pearing of the man of sin, the son of perdition, the beast from the troubled sea with seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 13:1) which is Anti- Christ (I John 2:18; 4:3), who will make a covenant with Israel for one week (seven years of complete time) as their Messiah-king, seated in the temple at Jerusalem (Dan. 9 :27 ; II Thes. 2:3-12), and is the chief ruler in the federated kingdoms over all the earth. 5. The two-horned beast from the earth to have control under the Anti-Christ in a new religion and worship. The earth represents es- tablished civilization of humanity with re- ligious forms. 6. The great tribulation over all the world. The last three and a half years of Daniel's week (Dan. 9:27) will be such a time of trouble 10 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. as the world never saw. (Dan. 12:1, 2; Amos 8:9-12; Zeph. 1:14-18; Rev. 14 to 16:11.) 7. The battle of Armageddon under the sixth vial (Rev. 16:12-16), when the kings of the earth and the whole world are gathered to battle in the plains of Esdraelon in Palestine, which is the valley of Jehosaphat. (Joel 3 :1-17 ; Rev. 14:14-19.) 8. The close of the great tribulation, the earth darkened in a clear day, great Babylon falls, the beast and the false prophet are taken alive and cast into the lake of fire, and the rem- nant are slain with the sword of Him that sit- teth upon the horse. (Amos 9 :9 ; Rev. 17, 18, 19.) 9. The binding of Satan in the bottomless pit. (Rev. 20:1-3.) 10. Christ's reign as king of kings and lords. (Zech. 14:9, 16; Mat. 2:5; Luke 1:32, 33.) 11. Satan loosed at the end of the thousand years (Rev. 20:3, 7), and is cast into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet are (Rev. 20:10). 12. Great white throne judgment where the dead stand before God, and judged out of the tooks (Rev. 20:11-15). Then follows a new heaven and a new earth. (Rev. 21.) MOVING TOWARD THE END OF THIS AGE. Those who have only the wisdom of the THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 11 world think that the war will move the shadow of the world's dial of progress backward many degrees. But, instead of that, it marks a, step of progress in the onward move toward the final end. It is one of the sign-posts telling how far we have gone. The present order of the kingdoms of this world will end. God did not set them up, and He is not the ruling king in them. The present order and conditions of things in this world will end, and the present 'breaking up of the powers, and the kingdoms rising against kingdom, and nation against na- tion is only the prophecy being fulfilled — ^speak- ing unmistakably to us of the end of the pres- ent order of things. "We have gone from the head of gold in Daniel's vision to the toes of iron and clay. The ten kingdoms, partly vreak and partly strong. The idea of the world's leading thinkers is that they are getting strong- er and greater, but God has decreed different- ly. The great rulers and war-lords do not want to admit defeat. They do not want to ad- mit their end has come, and that their king- doms shall fall. But that is just what the present conflict means. This is beyond ques- tion the day of God's preparation, and as such it has to do with the Gentiles, Israel and the Church of God. As to the Church, we are in the time of the "ten virgins," but not yet come to the time of Mat. 25 : 31-46. We are now in the third chapter of Revelations. Here we 12 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. have the Church in its last stage. Here we have the Church in Philadelphia — "brotherly love," which had kept the words of His pa- tience, and which He has promised to keep from, the great tribulation which shall come upon all the world (Dan. 12:1; Mat. 24:21; Rev. 13:3). We also have the Church of the Laodiceans — *'to please the people," where He stands (out- side) at the door knocking and warning them to repent and return to their first love. Even in this late hour they have a chance to escape if they will. We have not yet passed Revela- tions' fourth chapter and first verse. The true and righteous people of God (His Church) are being called to a closer walk with Him, and as such they are more and more separated from the forms, fashions, customs and spirit which dominates this present world, and as a result they will finally be rejected, as was their Lord. The Spirit that rules in heaven is opposed by the spirit that rules "this present evil world." And as it rejected Christ, the Lord from heaven, and put Him away, so will those who are born from above and have made a covenant with Him, be rejected and put away. They may not be beheaded or burned at the stake just yet, but they will be put away in an ecclesiastical manner, and persecuted in the manner of the early Church. Religion is a very popular thing if you will leave Christ, the atonement and the Holy Ghost out, and merely exist in a name, THE Vv'ORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 13 havir.g a form without the power. But for it to be more .popular, and to meet the notions and desires of carnal men, it must be organized and incorporated in the government. Napoleon, who caused the death of not less than eight million of mankind, said : ' ' The peo- ple must have a religion, and this religion must be in the hands of the government." We have arrived at the time that man has a religion, that religion is in the iron clutches of the world's power, and man has grown wiser than his maker. Babylon, Greece, Persia, Assyria and Egypt were all the lovers and defenders of organized falsehood in religion, the foster friends of all manner of spiritual harlotry. Nimrod, the hunter of the sons of men (Gen. 10: 8-10) and author of despotic government, intertwined the worship of idols with the standard of his power. It was so with all the rest who followed, and it will be so with the last, which is yet to come, as declared in all the prophecies in the Book of God upon the subject. Spiritual harlotry has ever been the particular pet and delight of all the beast-powers of time. True religion with the stamp of God's approval, and an un- corrupted church, with His power upon it, have never suited the representatives of power. The carnally minded have always clamored for a religion which would not disturb them in their sins, or correct them in their living, 14 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. and that would eommend itself to the popular idea of those high in authority. A religion they could have without repenting, and which did not require prayerfulness and humble de- votion to Jehovah. The world has just such a religion at his present time, with all holy restraints laid aside and the Word of Grod ig- nored, or reducing it to a lot of documents gathered from a thousand sources representing inspiration that equals only gifted minds all through history, such as Emerson, Cambell (of the New Theology), Ingersoll and all the rest of them. That is the trend of today of scientific thought and philosophy, and of the New Theol- ogy — to exalt men, and to reduce God through it, and to tie Him up iby natural laws and con- ditions He has created Himself. This is the age of humanity. It is the age when intellectual man, and the huge corporations of business, and the newspaper, the college, the university, fine art, and the rest of their kind, are going to do the business. You see it on every side. It stares you in the face at every turn. Such times call to our mind the exclamatory in- quiry, "Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He comes?" What, then, is our calling at such a time as this? Surely it is to be witnesses for the supernatural in its uttermost extent of mean- ing. To stand up as the Book stands up, and say, "In the beginning God" — not the deifiea- THE WORLD^S APPROACHING CRISIS. 15 tion of man, not evolution, not "New Thought," 'but, "In the beginning God," and in the end, "He shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be all in all." God, the first and the last, and all the way through. That is our calling, to testify to the living God as our all sufficiency. This is a time of extraordinary progress, a time of intense living, when every thing is moving fast, when the world has reached a de- gree of civilization it never knew before, and when man is in the ascendant. Wealth, culture and pleasure are absorbing the minds of men, and they are spending their vast amounts of money on fine art of pleasure, to the theater, ballroom, and dress parade, mu- sic and the summer vacation. These, with all loose principles, loose restraints in home and so- ciety, and laxity in business, corruption in poli- ties, and a condition of things that is gradually debauching public opinion, mark the times as awful perilous, and close to the coming of the "lawless one," to take control of the affairs of this "present evil world," and to be wor- shiped 'hy an apostate church, and the de- luded nations. Speaking of the Man of Sin and his reign, Paul writes that that day shall not come "ex- cept there come a falling away first." There is then to be a general sinking from the true faith, and the substitution of human conceits, philos- 16 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. opliies, and "science falsely so-called," in the place of Divine Truth, eating away the sub- stance of true religion, and weakening its hold on the hearts and minds of men. Paul says by the Spirit, that in the last days many shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. And when men turn from the only infallible truth of God, and from the saving faith of Christ, there is nothing left for them but strong delusions, given over to believe a lie, and the only inevitable result can be "that they all might be damned." LAX MORAL CONDITIONS, SIGN OF THE END. Upon the sacred pages we have prophetic utterances of a most solemn warning to the Church of our times, and for all the days yet to come, to beware of the fascinating flatteries and secularizing expedients and compliances which, in the self-idolizing spirit of spurious charity, specious liberality and heartless skepti- cism, would tempt her to forget her divine •origin and heavenly destiny. There is a de- ceitful spirit abroad which would have the Church rescind her sacred obligations, cancel her authentic commission, and assimilate her- self to a mere conventional institution. They call it a liberalizing spirit, a spirit of improve- THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 17 ment, a spirit of unity and '.brotherhood in the betterment of humanity and character build- ing. But it is a deceiving spirit in that that they substitute reformation for regeneration, character-building for growth in grace, and prestige for power. And it is a spirit which is prone to treat the Holy Scriptures as mere human lucubrations of worthy men before the ages of better light, rationalize all the defi- nite teachings of the Saviour and His apostles into mere theories, dissolve the sacred sacra- ments into visionary shadows without life or power, and dismantle the ministry of its au- thority as if it never had a sacred calling and right to be regarded as the appointment of God for conveying and imparting to lost man the ■divine truth of redemption through faith in God's Son, and only restorative gifts of Jeho- vah's grace. It is the spirit of anti-Christ. And more and more will this spirit strengthen till it has ef- fectually done its work. Paul tells us that in the last da^^s men will not endure sound doc- trine, but after their own lusts (evil desires) shall heap to themselves teachers, having itch- ing ears, and turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Tim, 4: 1-4). That men would throw off true piety and sobermindedness, and become lovers of their own selves, ^boasters, proud, iblasphemers, mockers, unthankful, heartless, unholy, with- 18 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. out natural affections, false accusers, despisers of those that are good; having a form of god- liness but denying the power thereof. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the lat- ter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils." (2 Tim. 3: 1-5). How marvelous it is that we are at this hour living in these days prophecied by the apostle. And thus, by the compromises, apostasies and general hea- thenizing and secularizing of holy things on the part of the ambassadors of truth and faith, the final full-blown anti-Christ shall come as the just judgment of the Almighty God upon those who corrupted His way, and thus paved the way for the usurping ruler. Oh, my friends, is it not a time to be alarmed as we behold the awful prevailing wickedness in the land, and to fully know that many church members and the leaders of the pre- vailing religious sentiment of this presnt day are sowing for a harvest of miseries of which they little dream? Paul said that day of anti- Christ would not come until there was first a falling away (2 Thes. 2:3). That day is now, and worse and worse shall it be las those who profess faith in Christ fall away, and even deny the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, causing the word of truth to be evil spoken of (2 Pet. 2: 1-2). By the light of holy prophecy we can see it THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CrSISIo. 15 coming like an overwhelming flood. By the emptiness of faith and wasting of life, which persist in covering themselves with the name of Christianity, myriads who would be honest with themselves are stumbling and falling, and filling up the ranks of downright infidelity and atheism; and by the delusive promises of peace and universal brotherhood on the lips of those who think they are leading the vanguard of the Lord's host, myriads on myriads more are being deceived and betrayed to bitter disap- pointment, and helpless miseries in this world, and eternal discomfiture in the world to come. The increasing laxness on the part of those who are the professed leaders of the people, are bold to assert, that it is with them a matter of se- rious doubt whether there is any Grod but Na- ture, any retribution but what they get ia thig world, and soul to live aftsr thk lif% mid monk all idea of personal incarnation of Dsity, of atonement by sacrifice, redemption by faith in the merits of the blood of Christ, of any com- ing again of the Lord of Glory to judge the world in righteousness and to reign on the throne of His father David (Rev. 19::1; Luke 1: 31-33). The spirit of this present closing age is to throw off all gosepel restraints, shun the truth, and substitute error, dethrone Christ, enthrone self, and worship at the shrine of pleasure, 20 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. and to live as there was no God, no judgment and no coming day of retribution for sin. PRESENT CONDITIONS, SIGN OF CHRIST'S COMING. The Old Testament has a twofold prophecy concerning Christ's coming. It speaks of His first coming as the Saviour. To give Himself a ransom. To be the mediator between God and man. To be a perfect sacrifice for sin, and the author of eternal salvation. And, after hav- ing put away sin (Heb. 9: 24-26), He was re- ceived up into heaven, and entered upon His office as our Great High Priest, where he ever liveth to make intercession for us (Heb. 4: 15, 7: 25, 26). His first coming was to visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name, and after this to return (Amos 9 :11, 12 ; Acts 15 : 13-17) . Between His first and sec- ond coming the gospel of the kingdom was to be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, "and then shall the end come'* (Mat. 24:14). In His first coming He spoke to the people as a prophet, "A prophet shall the Lord God raise up unto you of your own brethren, and every soul that will not hear that prophet shall be destroj^ed from among the people" (Acts 3: 19-26). And He shall send Jesus Christ, who was before preached unto you, whom the heaven must receive until THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 21 the times of the restitution of all things." So having fulfilled His office as a prophet, and having put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and having returned to the right hand of God (Acts 7: 55, 56), He is now fulfilling the office of High Priest. And when this is done. He says: "After this I will return, and vnll build again the tabernacle of David, and I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel, and 1 will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land, which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God" (Acts 15: 16-18; Amos 9: 11-15). The second per- sonal coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is the one certain future event to take place and that very soon. Probably sooner than any one thinks now. But before His coming some events must transpire, some things must come to pass. There will be signs of His appearing. When He sat upon the Mount of Olives His disciples said' unto Him, "Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and the end of the (age) wor'd?" A sign means a signal, a token. It is literally a notice of something ahead. It serves to put you on guard regarding the thing which is to follow, and that the event is about to take place which it notifies you of. If we see these signals and take the warning which He intends they shall serve on us, we know we are fol- lowing in His leadings. But all who are without 22 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. Tinderstanding as to His signals, and who do not know to what these signs point, are blind and deaf as to the things of God, and the things which shall shortly come to pass (2 Pet. 1 : 9-12). No one dares to deny but that we are right upon the threshold of a crisis in the af- fairs of this world, and that it will bring a complete change in the order of things all over the whole world. The Lord, in speaking of the nations and kingdoms at war with each other, and famines and earthquakes in divers places, said, ''All these are the beginning of sorrows." And, be it remembered, that in this prophecy concerning nations rising against na- tion was one of the signs of His coming. There has never been since Christ was upon earth a more sure sign, and a more "sure word of prophecy" indicating the soon return of our Lord than the present European war. This is the time of breaking up the powers, over- throwing kingdoms, and preparing the way for the return of Israel to Palestine, and the com- ing of anti-Christ. "Peace and safety" (1 Thes. 5:3). How re- markable it is to know that this present war be- gun to dawn when Andrew Carnegie begun his "Peace Temple" at the Hague. Since its plans were adopted and they begun to say, "Peace and safety," there has been wars and rumors of wars. "When it was decided to build it, the Ang- lo-Boer war broke out. With the adoption of THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 23 the plans came tlie Russo-Japanese war. The first stone was laid on the day Kaiser Wil- liam started out for Tangier and inaugurated the Moroccan European complications. Austria emphasized the completion of the first story of the "Temple of Peace" by grabbing Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the completion of the second story there were rumors of war between France and Ger- many. And as the roof was being put on, Italy and Turkey were at war. And from that time until the present European war there has been a lowering of the war-clouds, and a deep rumb- ling unrest among the nations, indicating more war and greater trouble. Never in the history of the world was there as many nations at war as at this present hour. The whole world is in a state of unrest, and worst of all, there is no star of hope rising that seems to indicate a bet- ter condition of things. It is the time of God's judgments, and all the powers, kingdoms and nations must yet be mightily broken up, and cast down until they recognize Him, whose right it is to rule. The nations have forgot God (ts. 9:17), and have run after greed and gain, war- ring and killing each other over God's earth, until now He has risen up, and begun to move in His awful judgments against world-ralers and war-lords, and to plead with all flesh with the sword and the fire." "A noise (report) ghall come even to the ends of the earth ; for 24 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. the Lord has a controversy with the nation's. He will plead with all flesh ; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth : they shall not be lamented, nei- ther gathered nor buried; they shau oe dung upon the ground" (Jer. 25: 31-35), God, in speaking to Israel about gathering them from all places whither He had scattered, says of the nations among who'm they dwell: "For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring lagain the captivity of my people Israel and -Ju- dah, saith the Lord ; and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee : though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee" (Jer. 30: 3-11). "Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdoms, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth: sav- ing that I will not utterly destroy the House of Jacob, saith the Lord. For, lo, I will com- mand, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall to the ground" (Amos 9 : 8, 9). And this is just what the Lord THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 25 is doing now. He is overthrowing kingdoms and shaking nations as a sieve to gather His people out from all countries and from among all nations to bring them back into their own land which God gave their fathers for an ever- lasting possession. The Jews are suffering aw- ful torture in Poland. Robbed, maltreated, shot and hanged. Letters from there say both armies persecute the Jews. Brother tells broth- er how^ father was slain. There are more Jews in war-stricken Poland than anywhere else in the world, and their condition is today worse than at any time in their history. Surely "the time of Jacob's trouble" has begun (Jer. 30:7). As God is shaking the nations, He will move the Turk out of Palestine, and move His ancient people back into it. And in connection with His promise to gather them back, we have an- other promise to rebuild the tabernacle. "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches there- of; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. And I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them ; and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine therof ; they shall make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up O'Ut of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God." (Amos 9: 11- 15). 26 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. TEE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST. "For the spirit of iniquity doth already work" 2 Thes. 2:7). "And this is that spirit of anti-Christ wherof ye have heard that it should come ; and even now already it is in the world" (I John 4:3). The Scriptures call this anti-'Christ, which is soon to appear, "the son of perdition," "that man of sin," "the lawless one." Anti-Christ exists in all past ages, but only as a working spirit, which has not yet come to its final development and concentrated embodiment. It is this lawless one which the world is so rapidly preparing for. Look at this world from any standpoint you may, and you will see that present conditions demand such a mighty world ruler as the Bible speaks of him to be. Long time the world has been in preparation for him, and looking for him, and now his appearing is near. Everywhere and in all circles of teachings we hear about the "Coming Man." The idea is not fancy, myth nor play on words. It expresses something which is inlaid in the theories and principles, which, in some way, are governing the thinking and expectations of the great mass of the most active minds. The feeling and constant implications everywhere is, that nothing is settled. And that the great problems of human life, including society, gov- ernment, philosophy and religion, all remain THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 27 to be solved. That there remains to be wrought out a thorough reconstruction in all earthly- affairs on other foundations than those which have served mankind in past ages, and that there must come a new order of the social fabric, with new regulating forces, exhibiting another style of man in all the relations of life. The tendency of the hour is to cut loose from the time-honored laws and institutes of Jeho- vah. And with this manifest tendency of things before our eyes, and the accepted thinkers of the world, including many among the most in- fluential in the professed church of God, the Christ of our salvation, and denying both the Father and the Son 'by the philosophies they entertain — what is it but the preparing of the way for the anti-Christ, and the manifest token of the nearness of his revelation? The result will he the sorest plague the earth has ever felt, bringing with it all the awful disasters of the last great catastrophe. God is about to deal with this world as He never before has dealt with it, and everything is maturing fast for the final stroke. Men are now busy with their plans and think to work out sublime results by their endeavor. They are fondly hoping soon to see the world set right. By their increased and improved ma- chinery of education, social reform, law-mak- ing and popular legislation, they are expecting to see all disabilities removed, and some day 28 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. behold perfect order. But their hopes are false- ly grounded. All this building on the re- forms, efforts and all such reasoning is in a line which makes a Saviour for the world who is not the Christ, but the anti-Christ. If men will put the rule of heaven out, they necessarily put the rule of hell in. Apostasy paves the way for the anti-'Christ, and the reign of the anti^Christ is the overturning of all the founda- tions on which the social world rests, entailing a condition of trouble the greatest that has ever been or that will be heretafter. Wars, out- rages and bloody confusion mark the days of His coming. All over the world nation shall be dashed against nation, and power fight with power, one kingdom after another falling, and sink beneath the overwhelming flood of vio- lence and desolation. At this hour every read- er knows we are now in the very beginning of such times. Jesus called such times as these "the beginning of sorrow." The word says His coming is "after the working with Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved." "After the working of Satan." It is Sa- tan's work to substitute a lie for the truth, and to deceive the people and lead them away after error in their own carnal and fleshly rea- sonings. Man, naturally, in his fallen state, THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 29 does not want truth. Error suits Mm better. It is a more congenial clime for liim. He feels better in iiis sinful state when he is mantled in error. Light from the eternal word is not inviting to his darkened heart. He hates the light of life that was in Christ. The darkness in him comprehends it not (John 1 :4). "With all power." "Ajid power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues and na- tions." "And the Dragon (Satan) gave him power, and his seat, and great authority." (Rev. 13: 2-7). Just as God gave to Christ His Son all power in heaven and earth, so S^atan will give the Beast (anti-Christ), his "son of perdition," great power and authority over all the earth, and all who have not their names written in "the book of life" shall worship him. And in worshiping the Beast, they are literally wor- shiping the devil, the father of lies, the de- ceiver of the nations. Wilfulness is given as the fundamental thing in the character of the "Man of Sin," the anti-Christ. In Daniel 11: 36 it is stated of him: "And the king shall be according to his will." Wilfulness is the es- sence of sin. It was the sin of fallen angels, and it was the sin of Adam. There is nothing more anti-Christian, no enormity of crime that can go beyond it. The law of the anti-Christ is Wilfulness. Paul said, "The spirit of iniq- uity doth already work." And it is this wil- 30 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. fulness of sin that rejects the holy will of God. paves the way for the coming of the "law- less one," and accepts him as the messiah-king. "Signs and lying wonders, and with all de- ceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth" — but what? But had pleasure in unrighteousness." Everything out of the will and order of God is unrighteous, and that is the highway over which "the wilful king is conducted to his throne. At present God does not permit men to fully act out their will. By his providence He throws restraints about them and hinders them from going beyond certain limits. But the time is soon when "He that hindreth" will be taken out of the way, and the despisers of truth be given over to act out their own perverseness to the full, and because they have preferred Satan's error to God's righteous rule, Satan can bring about all his plans and delude his subjects to the utmost. The kingdom of God is for the poor in spirit. The meek are to inherit the earth. The royal road to exaltation before God is humility. What- ever differs from this is the spirit of anti- Christ; and to be a subject of anti-Christ means certain damnation. How little do men dream of the horrors they are preparing for the world by their aposta- THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 31 (sies from God, His word, His Son, and by the Satanic philosophies which they persist in put- ting in the place of His holy revelations. Fain would we pray and preach that man may not he so deluded; but the masses haVe already sold themselves to the devil, and been filled with the wilful spirit of the coming an- ti-Christ. They have 'broken away from the /sacred influences, laid aside the ties of heav- enly obligations, gone into agreement with hell (Isa. 28:15), taken captive by the will of the deceiver, and no hope remains save for the few who may be snatched as brands from the fire (Jude 23). The intellectual greatness of our times is summed up in a vaunting materialism, which finds its life and crown, inspections and manip- ulations of the lower element, till it has come to be concluded in leading circles of scientists, that everything is derivable from earth, with- out a personal, supernatural God or need of revlation from Him. That man in himself is good, great, noble and wise, and that he is his own God. This is the prevailing spirit of the last days — of the popular theories, edu- cation, politics, and legislation of the modern reforms, w^hich proposes to do away with human ills without recognition of the eternal word and power of Jehovah. And the last day delusions of the false teachers (2 Pet. 2 :1), "who changed the truth of God into a lie" (Rom. 1:25), and S2 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. boast of having outgrown the misty ideas of holy men of old, and that they are living in a more enlightened (?) age, therefore have a right to put the modern day interpretation on the sacred Scriptures. That they have a right to leave out all or any part of the word, which does not appeal to sound (?) human reason, or weigh correctly in the balances of the great ( ?) human intellects of these enlightened days. This spirit of anti-Christ is eating away the vital substance of all sound doctrine. There- fore, they are so corrupted in mind that they will not endure sound doctrine, and have turned away their ears from the truth, and turned unto fables (fiction), heaping to themselves teachers, having itching ears (2 Tim. 4: 2-5). If we dig down into the inner kernel of modern thought we will find lodged there, in one form or another, and more or less swaying the spirit of this closing age, a doctrine which enthrones, adores and worships Progress as the great hope of the world, hold man to be an ever improving growth, and practically accepts evolution as the bringer of a glorious reign of wisdom, peace and blessedness (yet to come), without the need of any kingdom to be brought to us from heav- en (Dan. 2:44), or any changes by the miracu- lous poAver of God. This is the sum of the teachings of the modern schools and theologies of this day. The heart, pulse, and ruling ideas of these last times exhibit all the indications THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 33 of that very apostasy, or "falling away", which the apostle foreannouneed as the fore-runner, beginner, spirit and cause of the "Man of Sin" and his disastrous revelation. The seed is planted and growing, and meets in this closing age a congenial season for rapid development and speedy maturity. THE ANTICHRIST. In the preeeding chapter we wrote concern- ing "The spirit of Antichrist." In this chap- ter we shall write concerning the Antichrist himself, his appearing, his reign and his end. The present working of the "spirit of evil" in this closing age clearly demonstrates that the "Man of Sin" will soon appear, and take charge of the affairs of this world under the direct control of Satan. To many thousands all over the world this is a dark subject and very little thought on, and less understood. Nevertheless, it is a Bible truth, left tg us by "holy men of old," who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. It is the truth of holy writ, which must go forth at this time for "the spirit of iniquity doth already work." It is time the world and the church of God should be aroused and enlightened on this truth which was to be made known "at the time of the end." And now, as we stand at the time of the end, spoken of by Daniel, God is ready to give us under- 34 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. standing concerning the things spoken of by His prophets, which should take place at this time and proceed to the end of present condi- tions. It is clear that the present war among the nations is fast preparing for the Anti-Christ, the great world ruler. The spiritual condi- tion of the world is prepared for him, and now as the world powers are all broken up, per- plexed and troubled like the raging sea, they are fast making the way clear for his appear- ing- It is the law of things that as good intensifies to a grand consummation of good, even so will evil also intensify to a grand consummation of evil. (See Pusey's Lectures, pp. 91, 92.) Light and shadow accompany each other j and as the light increases the shadow deepens; till when the King of Kings comes to establish the good, He will be confronted with the king and head of all wickedness, sitting in the temple of God, ex- alting himself ' ' above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." Usurping the very office and place of Christ the rightful king. This is how we are to know we are in the last times (days), ''the time of the end," for John wrote: "Little chil- dren, it is the last time (R. Y. last hour) AS YE HAVE HEAED that Anti-Christ shall come, even now there are many anti-iChrists ; whereby THE WORLD'S APPRv/A»^iairH\j- oitiiaio. so we know that it is the last time" (hour). "And this is that spirit of Anti-Christ whereof YE HAVE HEARD that it should come; and even now already it is in the world." I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; H John 7. A still more circumstantial account of this final monster world-ruler is given in Revelation, where John, speaking of the last things to take place in this world, says: "I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the dragon (that old serpent, called the devil), gave him his power, and his seat, and great author- ity. And all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying. Who is like unto the beast f Who is able to, make war with himf And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwelt in heaven. And it was given unto him to miake war with the saints, and to overcome them ; and power was given him over all kindreds, tongues, and nations. And all that dwelt upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear." Rev. 13. What is here pictured in the New Testament 86 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. was also very fully foreshadowed in the Old. Wherever we look we see some fore-intimation of this great evil force running parallel with the predictions and promises concerning the seed of the woman and the Messiah of Israel, God's chosen people. In every oppressor that came, or was to come, upon the field of history in opposition to the plan and rule of God, and His people, from Cain to Nimrod, Pharaoh, Amalek, Midian, Goliath, and the kings of Babylon and Egypt, the holy prophets always saw another and final consummation of them all, just as they also saw in Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, or others of their class, the pre- intimation and type of that great, final, con- summate and eternal Savior, Redeemer, P^ing and Conqueror of Hell and Death, set before us in the person and administration of the anointed and enthroned Jesus 'Christ our Lord. This coming ruler is a man. He is called the "Man of Sin," and is always spoken of in Scripture as an Individual person, the same as Cyrus, Darius, Nero, Xerxes, Alexander ; for he is designated in precisely the same way, by the same angel, in the same continuous narra- tive. He is specially styled "the prince that is to come." Nor can any one read the ac- count of him in Daniel and Revelation without being impressed that he is some one remarkable individual personage. As opposed to Christ he must be an individual person. And as Christ THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 37 is to come in person (Acts 1:11) to be revealed with His saints, to appear, to be manifested in a visible and open display of Himself to all eyes (Rev. 1:7) so Paul tells us thai the "Man of Sin" is to be revealed, to show himself, to be manifested in a corresponding revelation. And when antagonism to God, to Christ, His truth, His people and His kingdom stands thus finally revealed, it is in the person of one indi- vidual man, who is the embodiment of the devil and all sin, to offset and supersede the incar- nation of Grod in Christ our King. Just as Jesus was an individual person, so the Anti-Christ will also be. And as Christ was Ood manifest in the flesh so Anti-'Christ will be the devil manifest in human form. As Christ was the Son of God, come from above, so Anti-Christ is called the "Son of Perdition," and therefore must be the Son of the Devil. Jesus, speaking to those who opposed Him, said, "Ye are of your father, the Devil." And again, "I am from above, ye are from beneath." As Christ is to receive a kingdom and rule, so this Anti- Christ is to rule over the federated kingdoms of this world. This present struggle of war will end with the fall of Constantinople, the ousting of the Turk from Palestine, the return, of Israel and Judah and the inaugauration of the Anti-Christ as their king, who will seat him- self in the rebuilt temple, and exalt himself above all that is called God, and be worshipped 38 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. as God. His time will be seven years, which is the duration of the great tribulation over all the world. (Dan. 12:1, 2; Mat. 24:21.) He will be the Devil incarnate as Christ was God incarnate. (Even as God gives to Christ all power in heaven and earth, so Anti-Christ re- ceives his power and dominion over the king- doms from Satan, the god of this world. (H Cor. 4:4; John 14:30; Rev. 13:2.) The great marvel about this Man of Sin is that he comes from the abyss. He is the "Son of Perdition." Christ was the Lord from Heaven ; this opposer is from hell. The implication is that he onea lived, but received the stroke of death, and now his "deadly wound" is healed, and he comes forth from perdition in convincing evi- dence of his real identity, and who returns again to take the lead in the administrations upon earth, to the great wonder and astonish- ment of the whole world. It is by the Devil's power that he is revived, just as all demonism, necromancy, and witchcraft are of the Devil. The Devil showed Christ all the kingdoms of the world, and said to Him: All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and wor- ship me. There certainly was supernaturalism here. This offer, from the "Prince of this world," the holy Christ spurned. But event- ually Satan finds one to accept his conditions. This beast is a worshipper of the Devil, and in return he gets what was proposed to Christ. THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 39 The Devil makes over the infernal dominion into his hands, brings him from perdition, and constitutes him his great viee-regent in the sovereignty of the world during the great trib- ulation. In some sense he becomes the incar- nation of the Devil, and his manifestation to take dominion over the affairs of this world will be "after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish." (II Thes. 2:9-12.) Here we meet with an extraordinary being; with a man alto- gether different from anything ever beheld in humanity before — with one who is endowed with all the power from the Devil himself. "And all the world wondered after the beast." "We are now in the time when the whole world is forgetting God (Ps. 9:17), putting God aside, and "worshipping the creature more than the Creator." It is the time when man is being dei- fied, and taking the place which alone belongs to God. It is the time of setting man in the place of prominence, both in state and church, and receives the admiration of the whole world. We have arrived to the place that nothing can fee done unless man does it. The supernatural in religion, as coming from the Almighty God, is done away, and nothing is of importance unless done by some man or men. Ahab and Jezebel have come again on the scene with their troupe of false prophets, and the time is at 40 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. hand for the true sacrifice to be put on the altar, that God may answer by fire and the true worship of Jehovah to be known. When the true and living God is put away, a false god is set up, and worshipped, and is adored by false teachers and the duped subjects under strong delusion like the false prophets of Baal. Man-made government >and man-made church is what we have left to us today since the spirit of Anti-Christ has come in with such force and ruled out the work of the Holy Spirit. And the man-made church and the government are joined in one, and are dominated by one per- vading spirit which tends to dethrone Christ and enthorne self. The very spirit of this law- less, selfish one is abounding in every move- ment in this world now ! The time is right now, that you must belong to some order, or some movement, and wear a sign (a hadge) of that order or organization. That is, you must wear the name of the order or organization to which yon belong. Unless you do, you will not have any standing or prestige in certain rings and circles. Is it not a fact, that unless you have your name enrolled, and belong to some incor- porated, chartered church you are looked upon with suspicion, and counted a fanatic? Ever since the days of Nimrod's four kingdoms in the land of Shinar, they have been organizing, incorporating and joining until God's way on earth is again corrupted as before the flood. THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 41 (Gen. 10:8-10; Gen. 6:11-13; Isa. 24.) It is so now that men cannot get positions in certain trades unless they are members of some order. Is not this spirit of iniquity which Paul spoke of that would come in the last days? (11 Thes. 2:7.) By referring to the doings of the Anti- Christ (Rev. 13), we see clearly the present doings among men today is full of his spirit, and are nearing his coming. All his subjects will be branded with a mark (a sign) in their right hand or in their foreheads. The pins and badges of today answer for that sign. No one can buy or sell unless they have the mark of the beast. In being his slave subjects in government they will be the dupes of the two- horned beast in one universal religion, and will worship the image of the beast, who receives his power from the Devil. So it is certainly a Devil worship. So are we rapidly moving on to the final end — the awful crisis is at the door! To receive the mark of the beast, means certain irreversible damnation. There is unquestion- ably no retrieve, no place of repentance is found for those who receive the mark of the beast and number of his name. The smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever. (Rev. 14:9-11.) Now is the time to be wise and repent and renounce the spirit of Anti-Christ (spirit that worketh in the "children of disobedience." Eph. 2:2.) "Come out from among them and 42 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. be ye separate, saith the Lord," (II Cor. 6:14-18.) Listen at that last eall from heaven to Israel just before the last and final crash on Baby- lon: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues." (Rev. 18: 4-10.) What God calls Israel to do under the actual reign of Anti-Christ, He calls us to do today, in the time of the spirit of Anti-Christ. It is the only way to clear ourselves from his damn- ing mark when he has come to his full. THE ANTI-CHRIST AND HIS ASSOCIATE. Turning to the thirteenth chapter of Revela- tion we have a fully developed picture of the two characters who are to have the affairs of this world in hand during the great tribula- tion. They are called Beasts. They have noth- ing of the divine nature in them, or in their administration. Peter and Jude, speaking of the false prophets and teachers which should come in the last days, spoke of them as "nat- ural brute beasts," who should perish in their own corruption (Jude 10; II Pet. 2). These two beasts are the full embodiment and cul- mination of all "spiritual wickedness" of all time which worked in the "children of disobe- dience." (Eph. 2:2.) The Anti-Christ, the Beast from the sea, THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 43 though an individual, is not alone. He has the Beast from the earth as his associate to manip- ulate the religious powers during his reign. The carnally minded have always clamored for a religion that would commend itself to the world, and in this second Beast they have it to the full, a religion without God, without the hlood, without divine love, without the hope of heaven or the fear of hell. A religion built upon the fallen condition of Adam's posterity with the Devil as the anti^God, the Beast from the sea as the Anti-Christ, the Beast with two horns like a lamh as the anti-Holy Ghost, and the deceived nations Avith the mark of the heast in their foreheads the membership. The eter- nal Godhead is a Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one, the glory equal, and the majesty co-equal. The Father a person, the Son a person, the Holy Ghost a person. Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Ghost eternal. Yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal. The Father is Al- mighty, the Son is Almighty, and the Holy Ghost is Almighty, and they three are one unity, compose one Almighty. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they are not three Gods, but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and 44 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. the Holy Ghost is Lord; and yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord. (Eph. 4:5.) The Father is eternal, neither created nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone, not created, but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son, neither created nor begotten, but proceeding from them. So then there is not three Fathers, nor three Sons, nor three Holy Ghosts, but one Father, one Son, and one Holy Ghost. 'So the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped. Over against this Trinity of the eternal Godhead stands the infernal trin- ity of the anti-Godhead. As the full embodi- ment of all truth and good culminated in the Son and the Holy Ghost, so all error and evil of this world comes out in this trinity of heP. First is the unseen and hidden father, the Dragon. The next is the seven-headed and ten- horned Beast from the sea, "the Son of Perdi- tion," begotten of the Devil, who dies, and revives again, and reappears on -jarth, after having been in the invisible world, and is awarded the power and throne of his father, the Devil. And with them comes the third, the two-horned Beast from the earth, who proceeds from the Dragon Father and Dragon S-n, for he exerciseth all the authority of the first Beast in his presence, carrying into living and vital effect the Satanic will of both Satan and the Anti-Christ. So in this we see three distinct-per- sonalities, the Devil, the Anti-^Christ, and "The THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 45 False Prophet ; ' ' and these three are one, carry- ing out one infernal administration in this closing age. The Devil as Ajiti-God; the teu- horned Beast, his son, the Anti-Christ ; and the two-horned Beast from the earth, proceeding from and operating in the interest of both, is Anti-Holy Ghost. And these three together are hell's trinity in operation when iniquity has come to the full. In the Bible symbols the sea represents the restless, perplexed and disturbed condition of the masses of humanity; the earth represents established civilization; the mountains reprp sent human governments and kingdoms; the waters symbolize peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. The ten horns represent ten powers. The seven heads are federated king- dO'ms, inasmuch as they are upon one body. The first Beast coming up out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns, spotted like a leop- ard, feet like a bear and a mouth as the mouth of a lion, is given power, a throne and great authority. He exercises dominion over tribes, land peoples, and tongues, and nations. He has control of buying and selling. He makes laws and chages times. He fixes the conditions by which all commerce is carried on. He enacts laws and gives authority to slay every one who will not come under his regulations. He has complete control of all the affairs of this world, both state and church. Every tribe, and tongue 46 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. and nation is included under the dominion of this Beast. The sea out of which he conies is the perplexed, disturbed and restless condition of the whole masses of humanity over the whole world. That condition is upon us now, and as the spirit of the Anti-Christ pervades the entire globe we know that his time is at hand. The second Beast in Revelation 13 :11, which comes up out of the earth, two horns like a lamb, is the false prophet, working under the power and dominion of the Anti-Christ. As the first Beast is the chief ruler in the governmental affairs under Satan with all power and dominion, so the second Beast, the false prophet, with the Dragon speech, has control, under the first Beast, of the ecclesiastical realm in the new religion or new worship set up by the Anti- Christ and causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark of the Beast, and cause all that dwell on the earth to worship the first Beast. And all who will not be put to death. As the spirit of Anti-Christ in all past time heads up into one great man of sin with all authority from the eternal region, so the spirit of all false prophets in all past ages head up, and has its full and final consummation in the one false prophet now before us. Christ said: ''There shall arise false Christ and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 47 very elect." (Mat. 24:24.) And Peter tells us that their very purpose in setting up another religion is to deny the Lord, and, as a result, bring upon themselves swift destruction. Israel will have returned to Palestine, rebuilt their ancient temple and restored their ancient wor- ship as told by Daniel, and then shall the Anti- Christ and the false prophet come, and for a time they shall flourish, but at the end of the first three and a half years, as God begins to move among His people, the Anti-Christ will begin to persecute God's people, and cause the daily sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and to make war with the saints, at which time be- gins the "Battle of Armageddon," and then shall the nations co-me up against Jerusalem to battle. (Dan. 9:27; Rev. 16:13-16,- Zeeh. 14; Rev. 19:11-21.) "Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle." New forms of government in confederation under the rulership of the Anti-Christ as the chief director of all the confederated king- doms, and a new organized religion under the second Beast, the false prophet, who causes all to worship the image of the first Beast, who re- ceives his power and dominion from Satan. This false prophet presents himself as the bearer and interpreter of the absolute truth, the master and prophet of all that can right- fully demand the attention and oibedience of 48 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. any being. And what he thus professes and claims, he also proposes to prove and demon- strate by exhibiting a supernatural control of all the forces and powers of nature. "And he doeth great miracles, he deceiveth those that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to work in the presence of the Beast." Miracles have ever been the chief evi- dence of the presence of what is worshipful and divine. It is by seeing and experiencing what is manifestly above all natural human power, and what cannot be accounted for on natural principles, that the human mind is forced to a conviction of the presence of some great and worshipful potency superior to na- ture. Moses evidenced Jehovah's almightiness and his own legation as God's prophet, by such supernatural demonstrations, till the most subtle unbelief was compelled to admit and con- fess that it was "the finger of God." It was by the divine supernatural demonstrations which Jesus proved His Messiahship, and con- vinces forever that He is a teacher sent from 'God, as Nicodemus confesses that "no man can do these miracles which thou doest except God ibe with him." It was through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Holy Ghost that the apostles and early church made their conquest and established the truth of the gos- pel for all ages to come. And this arch-prophet of falsehood and false religion knows well how THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 49 needful and mighty is the force of miracles to set up his work, and to secure belief in his claims. The religion of the Lord Jesus Christ is a religion of miracles, and to make his decep- tions appear only the true and rightful religion he must mimic all that super-naturalism on which the true faith rests. In this he sets him- self over against God, and 'becomes the greatest worker of signs and wonders the earth has ever seen. There has always been a supernatural power which is a against God and His truth, ever since Satan rebelled and got control of man and his dominion on earth. A miracle, simply as a work of wonder, is not necessarily of God. Satan's counterfeit has always run alongside of the supernatural work of divine grace and salvation. "Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it be- came a serpent." This was divine miracle. At Pharaoh's call "the magicians of Egypt also did in like manner with their enchantments; for they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents." Here was devil miracle in imitation of the divine. Of the "false Christs and false prophets," whom He foretold, He says they "shall show great signs and won- ders." (Mat. 24:24.) Paul says the appearing of Anti-Christ in his reign is "with all power, and signs, and lying wonders." "Lying wonders" is not unreal wonders. But wonders wrought for the support of lies against 50 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. truth. There is no unreality in these devil miracles. They are miracles, and wrought in the interest of hell's falsehood. It is prophe- sied that "in the last days many shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." (I Tim. 4:1.) When men have turned from the truth, and departed from the faith they will be easily led by Satan's lies, backed up by miracles of the false prophet. It is intimated in the Divine Word that the presents bonds and limitations of Satan will be relaxed, the Devil and his de- mons have freer range upon this planet, and those in love with falsehood and unrighteous ness given over to delusions and to worship the Devil. (I Kings 22:18, 22; II Chro. 18:18, 22; Rom. 1:21, 25, 28.) So the false prophet "doeth great miracles, and deceiveth those that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast. With his power to call fire down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, to give life to the image of the Beast, cause the image to speak, cause all to receive a mark of the Beast in their fore- heads, stop all from buying and selling except those who have the mark, he will impose on the ■deluded world a new doctrine, demanding a new religion. And so with the grand ma- chinery thus organized and completed in a devil church, united with a devil state, the full THE WORLD'S APPROAGHiN 4-» ?Trra.7*?:? «^TOe x^n^^ " •or v^rcj.*: consummated devil rule goes into full effect. There will be some in those days who cannot accept the new worship, and will not receive the mark of the Beast. But how do these fare at the hands of polished Reason and finished Progress? Where is the Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for them? The demand is "that as many as will not worship the image of the Beast shall be killed." As the owners of stock, brand and mark their cattle, so are the people branded under the Anti-Christ. Rejecting Christ the Savior, they must take upon their bodies the sign and seal that they are sold and held as the chattels of hell ! They have scoffed at the followers of the holy Jesus, but Devil's "Son of Perdition" comes, in him they will believe, and submit to his branding-iron as help- less slaves with no choice but to yield or die, and perish forever, for there is no salvation for any who receives his mark. From heaven comes clear and distinct the awful sentence: "If any man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his mark in his fore- head, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his inaig- nation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the lamb; and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for- ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor 52 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS, night, who worship the Beast and his image, and whosoever reeeiveth the mark of his name." (Rev. 14:9-11.) This is the fate of all who reject Christ the Savior, and spurn the extended mercies of God's goodness in these days when His judgments are breaking faith on sea and land and in the air. TRE PRESENT EUEOPSAN ¥/AR NOT THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. The age in which we now live, with tlie dis- tress of nations, the disturbed condition of society, the uncertainty in the affairs of com- merce, with the increase of crimes, wars, fam- ines, earthquakes, and commotions on sea and land, fulfilling the prophecy, warns us to con- sider and be watchful. Unmistakably we are now in the day of God's preparation, and His judgments are on the earth. God is now mightily dealing with the nations, bringing to a close this present age. As prophesied, it will end with perplexity and great tribulation over the whole world. The unrest, unsettled, the troubled condition throughout the world among all nations is ominous of the coming crisis close at hand. But through all the breaking up of the powers and the overthrow of nations, the discerning eye of prophetic faith can see be- yond it all the coming King, and the millennial glory. The lords and kings of this world must THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 5S come down, men must cease from worshipping the works of their own hands, and the proud and lofty must be brought low. The present Eu- ropean war has brought on much agitation, and it is in the minds of many that this is the "Battle of Armagedden." But it most cer- tainly is not, because, first, it is not the place of the battle of Armageddon; second, it is not the time of the battle of Armageddon; third, its purpose is not that of the battle of Arma- geddon. The present war has for its object the military supremacy over the whole of Europe of one of its Caesars, but a great deal more than the Kaiserhood of Europe is involved in the battle of Armageddon. In the battle of Armageddon all the kings of the world will be in confederacy with each other against Jehovah acd His Messiah. The place of the battle of Armageddon is the Great Plain of Esdraelon in Palestine, with its headquarters in the an- cient fortress city of Megiddo. The present war has for its immediate ob- ject the making of William II Kaiser of Europe, and the Teutons (as formerly the Romans) the masters and owners of the whole world. This war, in breaking up of the powers and perplex- ing the nations, is making way for the return of the Jews to Palestine, the coming of the Anti-Christ, and the Great Tribulation, which will close with the Battle of Armageddon, the fall of Babylon, the setting up of the kingdom 54 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. of God and the reign of Christ for 1,000 years as King of Israel. Rev. 16 :12-16 ; Rev. 19 :11- 21 ; Dan. 2 :44, 7 :18, 22, 27 ; Rev. 11 :15-19 ; Rev. 30 :l-7. The armies in the Battle of Arma- geddon are gathered together by the agency of the unclean spirits sent forth by the Dragon Trinity to awaken the world to attempt to abolish God from the earth. They gather the kings of the whole world to battle to unite in one universal movement to exterminate the in- coming kingdom of the Lamb. Frog-like, they do their work amid the Avorld's evening shad- ows, and creep and croak, and defile, and fill the ears of the nations with their noisy dem- onstrations till they set all the kings and armies of the whole world in enthusiastic com- motion for the final crushing out of the power of the Lamb. This is the object of the Battle of Armageddon, From one end of the world to the other, everything is alive and bristling with this thought. East, west, north and south, the call to battle sounds ; and kings and nations and armies are on the march — on the march to the scene of conflict — "to the place which is called in Hebrew Harmageddon." It was through these devil oracles that they learned of Christ's coming to destroy them, and hy- these Satanic miracles (Rev. 16:14) they were led to believe their armies competent to with- stand all the armies of heaven. "Strong de- lusion" is upon them (II Thes. 2:9-12). So THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 55 they went zealously into a great hell-indited and hell-sealed compact and confederation, to make war with the Lamb, and the cavalry of heaven (Rev. 19 :14). You may wonder how ra- tional men could be earired to such measures. But when people put the truth from them, and submit themselves to Satan's lead, into what extremes are they not liable to go, and what strong delusions are they not liable to embrace. And the final outcome of this world's wisdom, unbelief and repudiation of the rule and gov- ernment of Jesus Christ, is the assembly of all the kings and armies, and captains of thou- sands, upon the hills and valleys of Palestine, from Idumea to the plains of Esdrealon to meet the Son of God and His armies in hostile col- lision to decide by dreadful battle, whether they or He shall have the sovereignty in the earth. A great angel anticipates the awful result and stationed in the sun, cries with a great voice to all the birds of prey to come to the supper of the great God, to eat the flesh of kings, cap- tains, mighty men, the flesh of horses and they that sit on them, and the flesh of men free and bond. This tells the story of the Great Con- queror going forth conquering and to conquer. He rides upon the cherub horse, and flies upon the wing of wind. He moves amid storms and darkness. He roars out of Zion, and utters His voice from Jerusalem, till the heaven and earth shake. All the strength of the nations is dashed 56 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. to fragments before Him, like pottery struck with an iron rod. (Ps. 2:9.) The stone from the eternal mountain falls on the great statue of this world's power, and it is ground to pow- der, never again to be regathered. (Dan. 2 :15 ; Matt. 21:42; 22:44.) The victory of the Con- queror is complete. He now assumes the do^minion, and sends forth the new law from Jerusalem. After the sword of destruction comes the rod of correc- tion and reorganization. The world now gets the rightful Ruler, a King to rule in righteous- ness. (Is. 9:6-7; Matt. 2:2; Luke 1:32-33.) Thus ends this present evil age. Thus comes in the kingdom of righteousness and the King to reign in peace. I only would add that rebel- lion against God is death; that no weapon formed against Jehovah can prosper ; that those who will not have Christ to rule over them must go down and be numbered with the wicked na- tions that forget God. (Ps. 9 :17.) Though the unrighteous nations should wield the power of archangels, they cannot - withsand the majesty of the Warrior Judge and King who comes forth upon the white horse. His sword is mightier than Satan, mightier than the Beast and his combined armies, mightier than the command of infernal miracle over nature's laws (Rev. 16:13, 14). Mightier than all the forces of earth and hell combined. And that sword ia pledged to drink the life blood of all who spura THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 57 His mercy, despise His laws, and stand out against His authority. All who will may in- dulge their unbelief and worldly cravings dur- ing these days of the long suffering of God, and see no disadvantage growing out of it. They may get angry at our earnestness, and count us heretic when we put before them the demands and threatenings of the Almighty. "Woe to him that striveth with his Maker." There is a deluge of bottled fury yet to be poured out on them that refuse to know God from which there is no escape, and from whose burning and tempestuous surges there is no de- liverance. NAPOLEON, A FORERUNNER OF ANTI- CHRIST. (By REV. D. M. PANTON.) Napoleon — incomparably the most porten- tous figure of the modern world — was a birth out of a definite, though local apostasy. So deep and determined was this apostasy that the revolutionary republic, in order to wipe out the Christian faith, not only murdered priests, be- cause they were priests, and enthroned a goddess of reason in Notre Dame, but changed the era from Anno Domini to the era of the Revolution ; so that 1792 A. D. became the year 1: even as Anti-Christ "shall think to change i}ie times and the law." (Dan. 7:25.) An 58 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. identical apostasy- — not local, but universal, and not abortive but triumphant — will give birth to a still more portentous figure. "The Day of the Lord," Paul says, ''will not be, except the falling away (the apostasy) come first, and (as its dread birth) the Man of Sin be revealed" (II Thes. 2:3). A worse than the French Eevolution will make such a master of legions politically inevitable. For apostasy breeds lawlessness; lawlessness breeds anarchy; and anarchy creates the military dictator. "I am the French Eevolution," said Napoleon. "It was I who closed the crater of anarchy, and ibrought order out of chaos. It is only I," he added, as, in St. Helena, he foresaw Europe overrun by revolutionaries, "who can tame them."* *It is most remarkable that "Napoleon" — napos and leon — is a title of the Anti-Christ; "a lion is gone up from his thicket, and a de- stroyed of nations" (Jer. 4:7). Prof. Richet estimates that Napoleon caused the death of not less than eight millions of mankind. So also Napoleon's creed was extraordinarily significant of events yet unfulfilled. He valued a creed solely as a check on anarchy, and as a buttress to his own authority, and said, "The people must have a religion, and this religion must be in the hands of the government. It will be said that I am a Papist. I am nothing. I was a Mohammedan in Egypt; I shall be a THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 59 Catholic here." So the worship under Anti- christ (Rev. 13 :12) will be a compulsory state religion. The Emperor's action at his corona- tion was most startling. As the Pope who, be it remember, stood for God and His Christ in him, Napoleon seized the crown, waved the Pope aside, and crowned himself — an act, under the circumstances, dangerously near self -deifica- tion; even as he will do who shall sit "in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God" (II Thes. 2:4). Napoleon also wrung a special dispensation from the Pope, to exempt him, at his coronation, from partaking of the Holy Communion; his spirit was a true spirit of an apostate. The Pope controlled the conscience ; therefore he sought to control the Pope.** "He was anxious to adorn his brows," says the his- torian Alison, "not only with the diadem of the conqueror;" he sought to be both emperor and pope, but since the age was unripe, he con- tented himself with that which will be the in- itial proceeding of Anti-Christ (Rev. 17:3) — he bore the Scarlet Woman, and upheld the Papacy. **So, through his ministers of public wor- ship, the Anti-Christ will control (Rev 13:12) the conscience of mankind. Perhaps in no point is the parallel closer or more startling than in the identity of plans; for plans which, with Napoleon, were abortive, will be actual achievements with Anti-Christ. 60 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. "This little Europe," said Napoleon, "does not supply enough of glory for me. I must seek it in the East ; all great fames comes from that quarter." His heart was always haunted by the vision of a great Eastern empire ; he sought to swallow up — as Anti-Christ will do (Rev. 13 :2) — the empires preceding, Rome, which were all Eastern ; and only because he was not Satan's christ, and one had not yet headed up into ripeness, he failed. All his plans were laid to this end. Napoleon summoned the Jewish Sanhedrin for the first time since the de- struction of Jerusalem: Antichrist will be in open alliance with Israel (Dan. 9:27). Napo- leon drew up plans for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem: Antichrist is to be seated in a rebuilt temple as Israel's messiah. Designs were found among Napoleon's papers after his death for a rebuilt Babylon on a vast commercial scale : Babylon will be a metropolis of Antichrist (Rev. 16:19). Napoleon actually offered himself at its Mahdi, to Islam, even as Antichrist will present himself as Messiah to all nations. He was an abortive antichrist, born out of due time and deeply instructive of the fact that the antichristian epoch will be merely ripe development of tangible facts and forces of today. Moreover it was the Roman empire which Na- poleon sought to revive; and it is the revival of the Roman Empire (Rev. 13:1; 17:9, 10) THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. PI wliicli we await. For it is astounding to learn that Napoleon was not a Frenchman at all, 'but a Roman — an Italian ; and it has even been claimed — though never proved — that he was a lineal descendant of the Caesars. "Never," says Dr. Rose, "had the world seen embodied might like that of Napoelon's empire:" so the very cry will go forth under Antichrist which went forth under Corsican — "Who is able to war with him." Rev. 13:4. At the coronation of Napoleon, the Pope chanted, "May Augustus live forever." He made his infant son King of the Romans, a title belonging exclusively to the heir of the Empire of Rome ; and, most remarkable of all, the Aus- trian Emperor resigned to Napoleon the head- ship of the Holy Roman Empire, which the Hapsburgs had retained exclusively for centu- ries. In the Louvre, in Paris is Napoleon's once worn by Charlemagne, who had earlier at- tempted a revival of the mighty Empire of the Caesars; a crown destined, probaly, for still more dreadful ,brows. Napoleon's was a partial restoration of the Roman Empire; the Anti- christ's will be a complete restoration. The rapidity with which it occurred— Napoleon's coronation was within twelve years of the en- thronement of the goddess of reason in Notre Pame— reveals the appalling swiftness with which the apostasy will give birth to the Em- pire of Antichrist. 62 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. How swift we are approaching this Niagara ! For both these imperialisms are partially akin, and partially antagonistic, to democracy; and both, together with the Second Advent of Christ, are to occur in the democtratie epoch. "So the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly brittle. .. .but they (the iron and the clay) shall not cleave one to another "(Dan. 2: 42, 43). The sovereignity of the throne will, at the last, be battling with the sovereignity of the people — "those masters of the Houses," in the words of Mr. A. J. Balfour, "who, by the admission of politicians of all schools, are, and ought to be, the final arbiters of our na- tional destinies." True democracy dates from the French Revolution. It was by the democra- cy that Napoleon was thrown up into sovereign power, but it was by the iron of the guillotine and the bayonet that he kept it. "And in the days of those kings (the days of the battling of the iron and the clay) shall the God of Heav- en set up a kingdom, which shall never be de- stroyed, ' ' and which ' ' shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." Dan. 2:'44. THE MIDNIGHT CRY. Mat. 25:6. All who are able to steady themselves, and 'think sobery," can see that conditions in this THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 63 world are more startling and critical than ever before in its history. All prophecy speaks of a coming end of the present order of the af- fairs of this world, and that it would grow worse and worse to the final end. Such Scrip- tures as, "Because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold," many shall de- part from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, de- ceiving and being deceived," "They shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fabels," "There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought thom," "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers, walk- .ng after their own lusts," "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, 3ovetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers," etc. And as we thus go from page to page, and ?rom prophecy to prophecy in the Bible, we see the shadow grows darker until we know the midnight hour is near, and the midnight cry will soon be made, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him" (Mat. 25:6). The nations are mad ! The church is asleep ! Sat-n is roaring and devouring! God's judg- ments are thundering from heaven, kingdoms are tottering, and men's hearts are failing 64 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. them for fear" (Luke 21:26). Yesterday they were saying "world-wide peace," today more than half of the world is at war, but tomor- row? We are at the midnight hour, the closing of the sixth age of this world. All the most im- portant events which have been given out by ancient prophets have all been fulfilled and the way is open for this one event. The four great empires which were to rise and fall — Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Eome — have come and gone. Out of the last one the ten broken kingdoms were to evolve, and these we have today which shall yet be under one great ruler in confederation. It is in the days of these kingdoms that the God of heaven was to set up a kingdom which should break them in pieces and stand forever (Dan. 2: 34, 35, 44; Heb. 12: 25-29). A series of awful judgments were to fall upon the sinful nations before the full end, and deal with them who had destroy- ed the earth. This, God has been doing during the past one hundred years. And now we are in the midst of the last, and the entrance of Turkey into this presnt war is a new signifi- cance — her fall and final ousting from Palestine, making the way for Israel's return. The Jew is God's greatest sign. It was told them by Moses, that "seven times" of judgment would pass over them if they would not obey God. A '"time" is 360 days, prophetic, which is one year. And "seven times" equals 2520 years. THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 65 Adding 606 years, the time of Israel's cap- tivity before Christ, to 1914, brings us down to the present time when we may expect Is- rael's trials to begin to end. And it is also the time of the fulness of the G-entiles, at which time God will gather Israel back to their own land, and, as prophesied, it Avill be in troub- lous times, even the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 3C:7). "Earthquake in divers places," is another sign of the end and the immediate coming of the Lord. Seven years ago a circle of earth- quakes swept around the earth, beginning in Southern Italy, sweeping on to the West Indies, then West to San Francisco, South to Valpar- aiso, S. A., and across the Pacific to Northern India, Turkestan and Japan, completely en- circling the world. Beginning with the first throes of the Messina disaster, on December 29th, 1908, not a day passed till January 13th in which some part of the earth v/as not shaken. During that sixteen-day period of continuous. disturbance 127,000 lives were lost in Italy; alone. ^] On January 19th of the same year a shock near Smyrna came. Heavy quakes were felt in Russia, January 28th, February began with a general tremor on the 6th, folloAved by an- other in Italy on the 18th. On the 17th, 6,000 lives lost in Persia. Lisbon shaken April 23d, and the next day a mountain collapsed at Ven- 66 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. tura, Cal. On the 14th of May there were slight shocks in Montana, followed the next day by another earthquake in Messina. Five western states were shaken on May 26th. In June there were shocks at Singapore, India, on the 4th, in Chile, S. A., on the 8th, and on the 12th 100 lives were lost in France. On the 15th and 16th Southern Greece had a severe shock, 30 lives lost. As the present war in Europe stands to fill its place in prophecy, God added another earthquake, January 13th, to the awfulness of the times. It covered an area of 300 miles in Italy, with 30,000 deaths in 22 seconds, besides thousands injured. On April \/ &th, 1915, as we write this account, Rome, Italy, is shaken with a severe earthquake, which cen- tered around Avezanno. Mexico is on the bor- der of a famine now. "Nation shall rise against nation, and king- and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers dom against kingdom, and there shall be fam- ines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." Who would have thought on July 27, when there appeared nothing but "peace and safety" that within one month's time nine nations would be plunged into war? "War that has no just cause for its existence. Military suprem- acy and the making of William II kaiser of Europe is practically the object of this war. The following chronology is copied from "Word and Work:" THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS, 67 July 28, 1914 : Austria declared war on Ser- via ; and the next day an Austrian force at- tacks Belgrade, the Servian capital. August 1, 1914: Germany declares war on Russia. August, 1914 : Germany declares war on Bel- gium. August 5, 1914: England declares war on Germany. August 6, 1914: Austria declares war on Russia. August 8, 1914: Montenegro declares war on Russia. August 10, 1914: France declares war on Austria. August 12, 1914: Montenegro declares war on Germany. August 13, 1914: England declares war on Austria. August 23, 1914: Japan declares war on Germany. August 25, 1914: Austria declares war on Japan. And since the last date other nations have joined on both sides until now there are over a dozen in it, and who knows 'but that the whole world may be involved in it before it ends! Why So Many Nations War. Why have so many nations gotten into this war? Two words will answer the question, 68 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. namely, ''peace treaties." In the alliance of nations, when one gets into war, all her allies have to go in with her if necessary or break treaty which would only mean war again; hence the truth of the prophecy that "they shall not escape" or avoid getting into war and sudden destruction. Let the nations ol the earth make a few more "peace treaties," and there will follow a conflict more dreadful than now exists in Europe, which will involve the whole world ; and out of that universal con- flict will come the kingdom and universal reign of Antichrist, Depend upon it! for it is com- ing as sure as the European war now exists. A few more "peace treaties," and a little more preparation for "safety" and sudden destruc- tion is bound to follow, for "the mouth of the Lord hath declared it." — Sel. Standing in the midst of all this with over twenty millions of men flying at each other in a last bloody conflict, leaving in its track millions of husbands and fathers wounded and dying, consigning to a cold and heartless world millions of weeping, heart-broken wives, and crying, fatherless children, with the awful con- dition increased with thousands and thousands of cripples left helpless and penniless and home- less, we may well feel to lift up our heads and confess that our redemption draweth nigh, as Christ said, "There shall be on earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and waves THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 69 roaring. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21: 25-28). These are awful times and the shadow grows darker as we look further toward the end. God's way is again corrupted on the earth (Gen. 6), as in the days of Noah, and His sure judgments are going forth breaking up all the works of man, and pleading with all flesh. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed" (Luke 17: 26-37; 2 Pet. 2:4-9). And as Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and was "a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the un- godly, so, there are those who, in these days of corruption, have found grace in the eyes 70 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. of the Lord (Gen. 6 :9), and there is going forth a ministry in these last days for truth and right- eousness as mighty to overthrow the works of darkness as the preaching of Noah, and as sure to possess the earth as he, for Christ says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Mat. 5:5). Not only Noah and his times, but Ahab and Jezebel and her herd of false prophets are on hand again (II Pet. 2:1), and the ministry of Elijah is again called for that the true sacrifice may be laid on the altar, that God may again answer with His mighty signs and wonders, and put to death the prophets of Baal. The mighty man of faith, Enoch, who walked with God, and was not found because God had translated him, prophe- sied of these, saying, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds Avhich they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him" (Jude 14). In Isaiah 26:21, the same judgment is prophecied, "For behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity : the earth shall also disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." But be- fore the breaking forth of this tribulation judg- ment, upon the ungodly, there is a bugle call to His ready and waiting people, which is the first THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 71 resurrection, and the translation of living saints. "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers," (see John 14: 1-4), and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over- past" Is. 26:20). "Behold I show you a mys- tery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trump shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorrupt- ible, and we shall be changed" (I Cor. 15: 51, 52). Again we find this judgment of the un- godly, who walk in their own way, and cor- rupt God's way on the earth, prophecied by St. Paul, "The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power; when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe in that day" (2 Thes. 1: 6-10). Coupled with this judgment prophecy, is the promise to God's people of escape out of those tribulation times. "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout (see Ps. 47), Avith the voice of the arch- angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to- 72 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, so shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thes. 4: 13-18). And just following this wonderful promise the apostle makes an- other startling prophetic announcement con- cerning the manner of the Lord's apearing: ''The day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape." "As a thief in the night," that is the time when people are asleep naturally, and are not watching. So it is in the end of this six thousand years. The whole world is asleep as to the eternal, divine real- ities, so that when the Lord comes for His waiting ones, the world will be asleep in its carnal security, resting in its false hope of peace and safety, not kowing that sudden de- struction is at their door. In Matthew 24:44, Jesus gives warning of these very times: "Therefore, be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." In that hour we are now living. The people of this world are thinking about everything else but the coming of the Lord Jesus. They are carried away by the god of this world, who has blinded their eyes and darkened their minds (2 Cor. 4: 3-6). It is midnight, and the world is slumbering and sleeping only to THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 73 be awakened by judgment tribulation. It is pleasure now without God, knowledge without Divine wisdom, culture without redemption, form without power (2 Tim. 3:5), and a pro- fession without possession. It is the last days, and perilous times they are. It is an awful thing for people to be on the threshold of de- struction and not aware of it. It is shocking to think of a family in a house, and it burn- ing down on them while asleep. But it is true of this present world. The judgment fires are kindling, and the smoke is ascending. And when we read the account which James gives Maraes 5: 1-9), of the last days we can- not help but see that we are now in that time, and still darker is the days just following. He says, "'Ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon j-ou. Your riches are corrupted, your gold and silver is cankered, ye have heaped treasures together for the last days. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth." (See Luke 16: 19-31). This very time was also shown to the prophet Isaiah, when he says, *'And it shall come to pass in the last days," etc, "For the day of the Lord shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and the lofti- ness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth for the fear of 74 THE WORLDS APPROACHING CRISIS. the Lord, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. And in that day a man shall east the idols of his silver and gold to the moles and to the bats" (Is. 2: 2, 11-12). Zephaniah, in his prophecy of the great tribu- lation, says, "That day is a day of wrath, (See Eev. 6:17), a day of trouble and distress, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. And I will bring dis- tress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath" (Zeph. 1:14-18). Under the sixth seal in Revelation, where hien are crying for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them, and hide them from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, they know full well that the day of wrath has come, as they confess, "For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand" (Rev. 6: 12-7). Amos describes this coming of trib- ulation judgment as changing the whole world of pleasure and mirth into mourning and la- mentation. "And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day. And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation ; and I will bring up sackcloth up- THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 75 on all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day" (Amos 8: 9-12). The great tribulation describ- ed in these Scriptures occupies the time between the catching away of the church to meet the Lord in the air "(1 Thes. 4: 13-18), and His coming as set forth in Revelations 19th chap- ter. The first resurrection and the rapture of the church takes place just before the tribu- lation. This is when He comes as a thief in the night (1 Thes. 5: 1-5). At the ending of the tribulation He comes with power and great glory with His saints, and the armies of heaven with Him (Jude 14; Rev. 19: 11-21). Just now we are moving rapidly toward this great event. The crisis hour is here. The events that are to transpire will soon be upon us. It's near approach was to be marked by abounding wickedness and worldliness on the part of the ungodly (Dan. 12:10), and a sleep- ing and a slumbering on the part of the church, as in the case of the ten virgins who went forth to meet the Bridegroom with their lamps and oil in their vessels. In view of pres- ent conditions, and the future outlook, dear friends, what does it mean for us? Have you on the fine linen of His righteousness (Rev. 19: . .6-10), and oil in your vessels — filled with the Spirit? (Ephesians 5:18). This old world will be a poor place to live after God's people are 76 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. taken out of it, and the antichrist takes con- trol. We know a little now of oppression, cor- ruption and graft. But what will it be when our worship shall be under the control of Sa- tan and doctrine of demons ? When we shall be required to wear a mark, and have a license from his government to buy and to sell. Earth's darkest days are just ahead, and, alas, for those that shall have to pass through that dread trib- ulation. It was never meant for the followers of Christ. His warning for them was : "Watch and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21: 34-36). Our place is yonder with the Son of Man, not here with the devil. Clouds are gathering already, the night is here. The Lord is gathering out His friends before that dreadful day. The lowly Nazarene is knocking at our door, but soon He will come as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. It will be well for us now, to take very earnest heed to James' exhortation concerning these days, of lingering mercy, the longsuffering of God, and the last call to His church to awake and hear the final annuoncement: "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him." "Be ye also patient; establish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh" (James 5: 7, 8). THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 77 BABYLON FALLEN, THE BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET TAKEN. The history of Babylon dates back in the be- ginning with Nimrod in the tenth and eleventh chapters of Genesis. It was one of the king- doms organized by Nimrod in the land of Shinar. We learn that inhabitants of the earth, who were yet of one language, journeyed from the east, and it seems that they were under the leadership of Nimrod, and under him be- gan the first great rebellion against God, which brought the confusion of tongues. Against the command of God, it was there undertaken to build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven, and to make themselves a name that they might not be scattered upon the face of the earth. He "began to be a mighty one in the earth." He was the organizer of an arbitrary imperialism over against the patri- archal order. He was the first king, and thus the beginner of all kingcraft and tyranny which have since so oi)pressed the inhabitants of the earth. It v/as further arranged to make for themselves "a name," a sign, a token, a banner or badge, a mark of confederation, fellowship, an organized unity (Jer. 13 :11 ; 33 :9 ; Ezk. 39.13 ; Zeph. 3 :8, 9, 20). Against God they had gone into confederation, and they wished a badge, something by which they could be known, and which they could all glory in as the center of their unity. 78 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. Joseph A. Seiss says: "Babel, in the lan- guage of their times, means THE GATE OF GOD ; but not the God of Noah and Shem, for the whole proceeding was in antagonism to the true God and His will and command. Thus, in the very name of the place, we have the in- timation and proof that these Nimrodic pro- ceedings were not only the organization of a new and oppressive government, but with it, as an essential part of it, the inauguration of a new and idolatrous religion, the parent apos- tasy of the post-deluvian world." Then they had a kingdom, a rule, a government with man as king, as ruler, so conditions are the same today. In those days, God overruled instead of ruling among the kingdoms of men. And so it is today. They said, "Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven." This they have been doing ever since. Wherever upon the face of the earth they should meet each other they were to be known by their confederated name, sign, mark or badge. By this they were ruled in all their buying, selling, building, marrying, traveling, their worship, or whatever they did, must be done under this corporate name. All the kingdoms and governments of this world have their ensign, or banner. The Eagle, the Lion, the Bear, etc. Under these are other corporations with their names, signs and badges by which they are known, and under which they THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 79 do business and worship. This world with all its kingdoms and dominions with its names, badges and signs, together with every incor- porated organization with its name, sign and badge, with all commerce is great Babylon of today. Thus everything outside of the church and kingdom of God is Babylon. It is the same old Babylon only on a larger scale, and covering the entire earth, and which shall soon be ruled by Anti-Christ. This is the great Babylon which came in remembrance be- fore God, when the seventh angel poured out his vial in the air, when the earthquake came, the cities of the nations fell, islands fled, moun- tains moved, hail stones fell upon men about fifty-six pounds weight (weight of a talent), "and men blasphemed God" (Rev. 16:16-21). This was in the time, or closing period of the Battle of Armageddon. There was also a city Babylon, which has been desolate for centuries. As the Anti-Christ stands over against Christ, and as the kingdoms of this world stand over against God's kingdom, so the city Babylon stood over against Jeru- salem. And as Jerusalem will be rebuilt, so the city Babylon will be rebuilt in the land of Shinar, and will be the seat of all great com- merce for the whole world. Designs were found among Napoleon's papers for a rebuilt Baby- lon on a vast commercial scale. It will be the head city of the nations, and the great metrop- 80 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. oils of the Anti-Christ (Rev. 16:19). But its fall is certain and all its systems with it. The announcement is by an angel from heaven^ whose glory lightens the earth. "And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen." But before the words of the mighty angel goes into final ef- fect we hear a voice from heaven calling to Abraham's seed: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues." Wherever there is great trade and banking we may expect to find Jews. (See Jer. 51.) The particular calamities to break forth are death, mourning, famine, and burning. When we take into consideration that under the sixth seal the river Euphrates was dried up, we can understand how these calamities can come with awful destruction. All her shipping would be stopped. The fertility of her gardens and coun- try around would be turned to dust. The stag- nant filth, the decaying vegetation for the space of 1,500 miles would breed sickness and death no skill could stay. Fires break forth, and there is no water to extinguish them. The whole city burns to ashes, and its population with it, "as in the daj^s of Sodom and Gomorrah." In •connection Avith these plagues the voice from heaven says: "Reward her even as she re- warded you, and double unto her double accord- ing to her works ; in the cup which she hath THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 81 filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her." In every form she has existed through all the ages past, she has been holding up the golden cup of her abom- inations by which she has intoxicated and de- mented the nations, peoples and tongues, and filled the whole earth with her idolatry and fornication. "Double unto her double according to her works." Her evil is double, and she must drink her own cup double. She is both a system of abominations, and a city of abom- inations, and she must drink her cup double. Great Babylon is a great commer- cial city, as all the cities of the nations are, and by her bewitching sorcery she leads all the nations astray. If a godless commerce can be made to appear as the great and only available civilizer, if it can show its end to be the welfare of individuals and the prosperity of nations, if its office is the development of the resources of the whole earth, and for that purpose visits every land and traverses every sea; if it is the great stimulant to intellectual effort, the re- warder of inventive genius and engineering skill, the nations of earth would hail its under- takings, and admire its enterprise. Kings and rulers would become its patrons. The whole world would celebrate its triumph as ushering in of a millennium. This is the sorcery with which great Babylon leads all nations astray. But in her greatness with her hand on the pulse 82 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. of th3 uiiverse she falls to rise no more. And when it comes to pass the whole world is thrilled at the sight. The main artery of earth's glory is cut, commerce dies, and every govern- ment feels its life-blood ebbing out. First, "the kings of the earth wail and mourn." They were in close affinity with her, and had lent themselves to her bewitching schemes and policy. But now they stand afar off in dread of her torment. The greatness of her enchanting power they once praised, but now they are mourners at her heaps of ruin. "Alas! alas! that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come!" The next mourners are the "merchants of the earth." They shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise any more. (Rev. 18:11.) There never was so great a market as that which grows up with the re- vival and restoration of Babylon. The entire world becomes alive with traffic in "merchan- dise of gold and silver and precious stones, and of pearls, fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyne wood, and vessels of ivory, and vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron and marble, and cinnamon, and aloes, and onitments and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beast, and sheep, and chariots, and bodies and souls of men." Never before was there such a THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS 8Z desire for these things ; the world never before experienced so great a harvest. Everything looks like perfect triumph for earth's wisdom. But suddenly this mighty commerce stops, the mercantile circles of the whole world. are par- alyzed. And when the news of such disaster is flashed around the world, and they know the fruits that their souls lusted after are departed and they shall find" them no more at all, by which they become rich ; they will stand weep- ing and wailing, and saying, Alas ! alas ! for in one hour so great riches is come to naught. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and CRIED when they saw the smoke of her burning, and they cast dust in their heads, and CRIED (see Zeph. 1 :14), weep- ing and wailing. From every throne, from every city, from every office, from every seat of trade, from every counting room, from every bank (Treasures Is. 2:7-21), from every market, from every home, from every nation who have been made drunk by the wine of her fornica- tion, and deceived by her bewitching trade and traffic, comes forth the voice of woe, weeping and wailing. But while the earth is f.lled with lamentation, terror and woe, a grand jubilation fills the heavens. As the great, the mighty and the rich ones of this world cry over the fall of great Babylon, the hosts on high pour out theil* jubilant Alleluias. As soon as the harlot city 84 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. went down amid her judgment fires, a voice of much people in heaven begin their jubilee of praise and rejoicing, saying, ** Alleluia! sal- vation, and glory, and honor, and pe?7^er unto the Lord our God ; for truth and righteousness are His judgments; for He hath judged the great whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornications, and hath avenged the blood ot His servants at her hands. And again they said. Alleluia. And her smoke rose up forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen: Al- leluia. And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye His servants, and ye that fear Him, both small and great. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying. Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reign- eth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And He saith unto me, write ; Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And saith unto me. These are the true sayings of God." (Hev. 19:1-10.) What the kings, mer- chants and shipperson earth mourn and lament THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 85 as awful destruction, is celebrated in heaven as divine salvation. Two antagonizing principles stand before us; God's revelation, and the sen- sual wisdom of men. The system of God's re- demption through His Son, and that which men propose to work out for themselves. Many and long has been the battles with blood and foun- tains of tears, imprisonments and deaths, but the battles are over and the victory is won by Him who purchased us by His own blood and made us kings and priests to reign with Him in the coming ages. And now it remains to notice the closing acts of the World's Redeemer, who comes forth seated upon the cherub horse and the armies of heaven following Him, Then the kings of the earth make their final stand. They gather their armies together to make war against'Christ and His army. He first meets his great op- poser, the Beast, which is the Anti-Christ. No sword smites him. He is not slain. He does not die. He is incapable of corporeal death as he has once died and been resurrected by the Devil's power. It is simply stated of him: ''And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet, that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had re- ceived the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his image. THESE BOTH WERE CAST ALIVE INTO A LAKE OF FIRE BURN- ING WITH BRIMSTONE." Then the rem- 86 THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. nant of the armies of this world were slain, and the fowls and the beasts of the field were bidden to the supper of the great God, to eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. ' ' (Ezk. 39 :17-22.) Then the Dragon, that Old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, was bound by the angel a thousand years, and cast into the bottomless pit, and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled. Then begins Christ's reign on the throne of His Father David (Luke 1:31-33). "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And at the close of the battle of Gog and Magog, Satan is cast into the lake of fire where the Beast and the False Prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever." Then follows the Great White Throne judgment when the (wicked) dead stand before God and are judged out of the books according to their works. ''And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Rev. 20:11-15.) Then comes the new heaven and the new earth, and "the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, pre- pared as a bride adorned for her husband. And THE WORLD'S APPROACHING CRISIS. 87 God shall wipe away all tears; there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are past away. And He that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21:1-7.) NOTE — For a full and comprehensive work on Revelation, get Joseph A. Seiss' three vol- umes of 1,400 pages. Price, $2.50. Our Life In Christ CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK 1. Our Life in Christ. 2. Our Place in Christ. 3. The Old and New Creation 4. The Believer Before God. 5. The Abundant Life. 6. The Yielded Life. 7. Our Life of Prayer. BIBLE READINGS 8. The Renewing of the Holy- Ghost. 9. Underlying Principles of Di> vine Healing. 10. Three Tenses of Faith in Divine Healing. 11. The Healing Touch. 12. Scripture Testimonies of Divine Healing. Sickness According to Scripture. He Offered Himself. The Meat Offering. Abide in Christ. The Precious Blood. Together in Christ. Abraham, The Friend of God. The /Walk of the Redeemed. Be Filled. Out, Into, Up. The Everlasting Gospel. Clothed With Humility. Chosen in Him. Christ the Way, Etc. This book is written from a pentacostal standpoint and, without a doubt, is filling a long-felt need among spiritual people everywhere. ^ It is evident that God's approval is upon this book, and is making it a blessing everywhere it is read. It Would take more space than we have in this paper to tell of all the wonderful things this book is doing among the people where it has gone. One brother said the book was doing a great work throughout the country where he had sold it, in leading people into the deeper things of the Lord. "I have a wonderful testimony to send you from the effects of your book," writes a nsinister. An evangelist writes: "The book is fine, helpful, sug- gestive, deeply inspiring and deeply spiritual." I am praying that all who need the help this book has for them may order at once. Until further notice I will send the book for $1.00 post paid, and Grace and Truth for 1915. WRITE ADDRESS PLAINLY. L. P. ADAMS, Memphis, Tenn. 021 547 541 4