GONTmENTAL CONGRESS AT YORK,.i'EKN'A. f \ ;i,s.s_ IJdOi / "Or FKIi.Sli.VTEU U\ Continental Congress at York, Pennsylvania and t York County in the Revolution By GEORGE R. PROWELL Author of the History of York County, Pennsylvania, Curator and Librarian of the Historical Society of York County, Member of tlie National Geographic Society, American Historical Association and the Pennsylvania History Club ILLUSTRATED YORK. PA. THE YORK PRINTING CO. 19H eifi Author MAf 22 ;iM /^' /^/^'7 'tCk^fS<^J PREFACE THE following pages furnish a careful record of the transactions of Conti- nental Congress, while it held its sessions in York from September 30, 1777 to June 27, 1778. Shortly before the Battle of Brandywine Congress ad- journed from Independence Hall to meet at Lancaster, but held only one day's session in that city. Meantime, the British had taken possession of Philadeljihia and Congress removed to York. While in session here for a period of nine months, Continental Congress, with representatives from the thirteen original states passed the Articles of Confedera- tion, received the news of the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, issued the first Thanksgiving Proclamation, commissioned Baron Steuben a major general in the American army, and also received a comnjunication from Benjamin Franklin, our commissioner at Paris, that the French government had entered into a treatv to assist the infant Republic of the United States, by sending not only money, but a fleet and an army to aid the Americans in their struggle for liberty. These im- portant facts of general history are told in a connected narrative in this volume. In addition the work contains an exhaustive account of the part taken bv York County in the war for Independence. Attention is called to the article on the Flying Camp, which contained three regiments of troops west of the Susque- hanna, who performed valiant services at the battle of Fort Washington. No other city of the Union, except Philadelphia, New York and Boston has more in- teresting associations relating to the Revolution than York, Pennsylvania, and it is the object of these pages to bring out this fact clearly to the student of American History. (^ R P York, Pa., April 1. 1^)14. THE REVOLUTIOX 157 YORK COUNTY IN THE REVOLUTION. CHAPTER XH THE REVOLUTION First York County Troops — Thompson's Battalion — Expedition to Canada — Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion — Battle of Three Rivers — McClean's Company — Grier's Company — Miles' Regiment — Albright's Comipany — First Pennsylvania Regiment — Battle of Long Island. In 1774 the difficulties between the King of England and the thirteen colonies were not adjusted by the appeals made to the King and Parliament. As the result of this condition the first Continental Congress with representatives from the diflerent colonies, met in Philadelphia in September of that year. This Congress sent a decla- ration of Rights to tlie King, but it was un- answered. Soon afterward IMassachusetts assembled a Provincial Congress and began to form troops and collect military stores to oppose by armed resistance what was termed the tyranny of the English govern- ment. Gen. Thomas Gage, who had fought under Braddock in the French and Indian war, was in charge of the British troops at Boston. On the evening of April 18, Concord 1775. Gage dispatched 800 and regulars to Concord, a few Lexington, miles northwest of Boston, to capture the army stores there. On their way they found a party of armed yeomanry on Lexington Common. A British officer ordered them to disperse and as they remained motionless his soldiers fired, killing seven men, and then proceede-risoner of war and was held by the a reason a lack of sufticient clothing, British for more than a year. blankets, rations and pay. but the records THE REVOLUTIOX 173 Re-organi- zation. seem to show thai they had ah^cady Ijcen jiaid in continental money, which had greatly depreciated. Meantime, however, a supply of clothing had been sent from Philadelphia. (Jn Octolier 3. Captain Al- bright had in his company three sergeants, one drummer and forty-six i)rivates. On the same day the Pennsylvania Council of Safety ordered a re-arrangement of the three battalions, and on the 25th of the same month, ten of the companies of the battalion ceased to exist l)y being consoli- dated with others. On the same day Cap- tain Albright's company and six others were ordered to retain their captains. These and the remnants of the other bat- talions of the state troops followed the fortunes of the Continental army. Part of the regiment under Lieutenant-Colonel Brodhead was present at the battle of Fort \\'ashington. November 16. The remainder of the regiment accompanied Washington in the retreat across New Jersey and took part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Late in the year 1776 a dif^culty arose between Major Williams, of Miles' regi- ment, and Captain Philip Albright. The major had made himself obnoxious in many ways to the subordinate officers, with whom he was not popular. Both Williams and Al- bright explained their differences to the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, but the matter was never satisfactorily adjusted, and Captain Albright resigned his commis- sion on January 2;^. 1777. The following is the roll of Captain Philip Albright's company after the battle of Long Island, taken in camp near N. v.. September i, 1776: King's Bridgfe, Captain. Albright, Philip. First Lieutenants, Thomson, John. Sheriff. Cornelius. Second Lieutcniint. McPher.son. William. Third Licutcndnt. Stake, Jacob. Sergeants, Wilson. Thomas. Tate. Robert. Willey, James. Geddes, James. Quartermaster Sergeant, Lytle, Andrew. Drummer, Harden. John. Privates, Awl. John, liarron. Robert. Beltzhover, Ludwig. Boned, .Andrew. Boyd. .Mexandcr. Branon, William. Brown. John. Burk. Michael. Bushani. Jacob. Carlton. Edward. Conrad. George. Croan, Henry. Crookham. John. Cuxel. James. Diiffield, Rachford. Ferril. Hugh. Fink. Michael. Foster, Thomas. Glen, Patrick. Gobin. Hugh. Gordan. James. Grearley, John. Gregg. John. Gregg. Robert. Helm. George. Helsley, Jacob. Hendry, John. Hollan, William. Hudson, John. Hutchinson, James. Jacobs. Johnathan. James. William. Kennedy, Philip. Kilean, Michael. Kilpatrick, Robert. Kilpatrick, William. Knee (Karee). Thomas. Lead, Connid. Lcavingston, Jacob. Lutes, John. — Malseed, Samuel. McBroom. Henry. McCay, James. McClughan, Hugh. McCown, Daniel. McCown, Patrick. McElnay, John. McFarlane, James. McGinish. Patt. McGuire, Bartholomew. McNeal, Daniel. Morrison. James. Myer. Joseph. Newman. Jacob. Reed. Hugh. Rinehart. John. Rubart. Adam. Ryan, Christian. Ryan. Michael. Shadow. Henry. Smith, John. Spangler. Charles. Stockdel, Torrence. Stuart, David. Stump. Charles. Sturgeon, Robert. Swartz. John. Trine, George. Wampler. George. Wells. Edward. ^ Welshance. William. Williams. Thomas. Woods, Samuel. CAPTAIN PHILIP ALBRIGHT was a descendant of George Albright, who left the German Palatinate and arriving in this country settled in Philadelphia, and engaged in commercial pursuits. He remained in that city until 1740, when he moved to York, then a part of Lancaster County, in which county he had a number of \aluable planta- tions. Captain Albright was the youngest of three sons of George Albright, and received his education at York in the school main- tained by the German Lutheran Church. Endowed with the usual German thrift, he w'as able to save enough in succeeding years to purchase the estate of the Rankin family. This property was situated on the Codorus about two miles below York, and consisted of a large flouring mill and plantation. Philip Albright made his home upon his newlv purchased plantation, having some years previous married Anna Maria Ursula, 174 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY. PEXXSYLVAXIA daugliter of Johann Daniel Duenckle. a German refugee and aristocrat. When the tension with Great Britain be- came keen, there was no more enthusiastic partisan of colonial independence than Philip Albright, and when the preliminary steps were taken looking to tlie achievement of that end, he was chosen a member of the Committee of Observation, formed at York, December i6, 1774. On March 19, 1776, he was appointed captain of the First Battalion of the Pennsylvania regiment under the command of Colonel Samuel Miles. He fol- lowed the fortunes of this regiment under Washington at the battle of Long Island and other engagements around Xew York and in the Jersey campaign, during the winter of 1776-7. As a result of difficulties with Major Ennion Williams, Captain Al- bright resigned his command on January -3' '^777- H^is retirement to private life, however, was of short duration, for on April 5, 1778, while Continental Congress was in session at York, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Third Battalion of York County Militia, David Jameson, colo- nel. Five days after the date of his com- mission, the Ijattalion was ordered out to guard the frontier against hostile Indians, who had committed depredations in the Wyoming Valley, and in central and west- ern Pennsydvania. At the close of the war, Philip Albright returned to his family, with whom he lived in considerable state and was highly es- teemed by his fellows. In 1797. he lost his wife. The same year, in recognition of his services to his country, he was elected to the State Legislature from York County, and served two years. Lieutenant-Colonel Albright died April 2, 1800, "a warm friend of his country," leaving a large estate, and survived by two sons and four daughters. One of his daughters married George Small, father of Philip A. and Samuel, founders of the f^rm of P. A. & S. Small. LIEUTEXANT WILLIAM McPHER- SON, who was captured in the battle of Long Island, was a son of Robert McPherson, who served as a captain in the French and Indian war, and com- manded a battalion of York County militia in the Revolution. He was born near the site of Gettysburg, December 2, 1757, and at the age of 19 aided in recruit- ing Albright's company, of which he became second lieutenant. During the hottest of the fighting in the battle of Long Island. Lieutenant McPherson fell into the hands of the enemy and was held a prisoner of war njear Xew York city for one year. After the war he l)ecame a prominent and influential citizen of the ]\Iarsh Creek country. He represented York County in the State Legislature from 1790 to 1799. except in 1793. During the last year he served in the Legislature, he secured the passage of a bill to divide York County, and organize the new county of Adams, which was accom- plished in 1800. He died at Getty slnirg, August 2. 1832, at the age of seventy-five years. Lieutenant McPherson was twice married, first in 1780, to Mary Garick, of Frederick County, Maryland, and second in 1793, to Sara Reynolds, of Shippensl)urg. He was the father of fourteen children. John B. McPherson, one of his sons, was forty-five years cashier of the Gettysburg" bank, the oldest financial institution in the county. Hon. Edward McPherson, son of John B. McPherson, was born in 1831 and died in 1895. He was a representative in the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Con- gresses, and sixteen years clerk of the national House of Representatives. THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. The First Pennsylvania Regiment was organized in the field at the headquarters of the army at Long Island, July 11, 1776. Most of the membership was composed of re-enlisted men who had previously served one year in Thompson's battalion. The new regiment was placed in the command of Col. Edward Hand, of Lancaster, with Benjamin Chambers, of Franklin County, as lieutenant-colonel, and Rev. Samuel Blair, chaplain. Owing to a controversy James Ross was not appointed major until three months afterward. When the regiment was organized, the nine companies were com- manded respectively by Henry Miller, Mat- thew Smith, Robert Cluggage, James Ross, Charles Craig, James Grier, David Harris, James Parr and James Hamilton. The two companies which had accompanied Arnold's expedition to Canada had returned in time to join the regiment when it was organ- ized. THE REVOLUTION 175 This regiment now entered upon Under a career of drill and discipline Sullivan preparing for a contest with the at Long British, which was expected to Island. come soon after their arrival at Long Island. General Sullivan, under whom Thompson's battalion had served in front of Boston, liad now returned from the ex])edition to Canada and Captain Miller's company from York, with the I'irst Pennsylvania Regiment, was again placed in Sullivan's command on Long Island. Gen- eral Howe arrived with 25,000 troops at the entrance of Xew York harbor early in August, and was accompanied by his brother. Admiral Lord Howe, with a resist- less fleet. The .\merican army untler ^\'ashington numbered less than 10.000. General Israel Putnam commanded 5.000 troops at Brooklyn Heights and Sullivan, under whom the York soldiers were serving, had 4,000 men guarding the roads on Long Island. August 2^. Howe, with 20.000 troops, attacked Sullivan. \\'ith his great superiority of force he was able to surround the Americans and take more than 1,000 prisoners, including General Sullivan. Had Howe attacked the works on Brooklyn Heights he would probably have met with a bloody defeat; but Bunker Hill had taught him a lesson and he determined to besiege the place instead of assaulting it. When Washington perceived this intention he withdrew the army, taking it across the East River one dark, foggy night in such boats and scows as he could collect. This skillful retreat under the very nose of the enemy was a wonderful achievement. In the battle of Long Island Hand's regi- ment took a conspicuous part. Lieutenant- Colonel Chambers, of this regiment, in de- scribing the engagement wrote as follows : "On the morning of August 22 there were nine thousand troops approaching us on New Utrecht plains. The guard alarmed our small camp and we assembled at the flag staff. We found our forces too small to attack the enemy on the plain. .\ detach- ment of the regiment under the command of Captain Miller, of York, follo\ved the enemy with the design to decoy a portion of them to follow him. The remainder of our regi- ment was stationed along the woods near Captain Mille-'s detachment, which had moved to a point 200 yards from the British. lUit they decided not to attack him. Captain Miller then returned to the regiment, which moved along the enemy's flank. Our men now fired and killed several Hessians. Strong guards were maintained all day on the flanks of the enemy and our regiment and the Hessians kept up a severe firing with a loss of but two wounded on our side. We laid a few Hessians low and made them retreat out of Flat Bush. Our men went into the town and brought the goods out of the burning houses. "The enemy nearly lost their field pieces. We could certainly have taken the cannon had it not been for some foolish person calling retreat. The main body of the foe returned to the town and when our men came back to camp they told of their ex- ploits. Their stories were doubted by some, which enraged our men so that a few of them ran and brought away several Hes- sians on their backs. This kind of firing by our riflemen and theirs continued until 2 o'clock in the morning of the 26th. when our regiment was relieved by a portion of the Flying Camp, and we started for Fort Greene to get refreshment, not having lain down the whole of this time and almost dead with fatigue. We just reached the fort when the alarm guns were fired. We were compelled to return to the lines, and, as soon as it was light, saw our men and theirs engaged with field pieces. "At last the enemy surrounded A our advance guard, and then a Spirited heavy firing continued for several Contest, hours. The main body that sur- rounded our men marched within thirty yards of Forts Brown and Greene; but when we fired they retreated with loss. Our men behaved as bravely as ever men did, but it is surprising that with the superi- ority of the enemy our men were not cut to pieces. They behaved gallantly, and there are but fi\e or si.x hundred missing of the 2.500 comprising our brig'ade. "General Lord Stirling fought like a wolf and was taken prisoner. Colonels Miles and .\tlee. Major Burd, Captain Peebles, Lieu- tenant Watt, and a great number of other otiicers are also prisoners. Colonel Piper is missing. From deserters we learn that the enemy lost Major General Grant and two brigadiers and many others, and five hun- dred killed. Our loss is chiefly in prisoners." J 76 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Colonel Hand, in his report of the retreat after the battle of Long Island, said: "W hen it \vas determined to exaeuate Long Island. General AlifBin. of Pennsylvania, told me that Washington had honored him with the command of the covering party and that our regiment was to be emploj'ed in that ser- vice. He then assigned us our se\'eral sta- tions which we were to occupy as soon as it was dark and pointed out Brooklyn Church as an alarm post to which the whole force was to repair and unitetlly oppose the enemy in case they discovered our move- ments and made an attack in consequence. My regiment was posted in a redoubt on the left and in the lines on the right of the great road below Brooklyn Church. Cap- tain Henry iMiller commanded in the re- doubt." Lieutenant-Colonel Chambers wrote: "The Pennsylvania troops received great honor l)y being chosen corps de reserve to cover the retreat. The regiments of Colonels Hand, Morgan, Shea and Hazlett were detailed for that purpose. We kept up camp fires with the outposts stationed until all the rest were over. We left the lines after it was fair day and then came off. Never was a greater feat of generalship shown than in this retreat — to bring of¥ an army of twelve thousand men within sight of a strong enemy, supported by as strong a fleet as ever floated our seas. We saved all our baggage. General Washington saw the last troop cross o\'er.'" ^Vriting to his wife. Captain Captain Miller states: "Today, August 4, Henry my company was reviewed by Miller's General Washington, but owing Account, to the heavy cannonading up the river his stay was very short." Again, on the 31st of the same month: "As our regiments were sent only as an advance guard to watch the movements of the enemy and not for the purpose of making a stand where they did, and as they were brought into action by the great spirit which prevailed among the Pennsylvania, Maryland and lower country troops, the result of the battle could not be ])roperly called a defeat. \\'e forced the enemy to retreat three different times from their ad- vanced posts, and their loss was greater than our ow'n. The retreat was conducted in such a manner as would do honor to the most experienced generals and army in the world : for it entirely disconcerted the de- signs of the enemy to surround us. I had the honor to be in the rear guard: the sun was up before I left the island. Governor's Island was given up yesterday. \\'e shall leave New York in a few days, for this place is too advantageously situated for the enemy, and the possession of it will not afford them an easy access to the back country." A contemporary writer states this addi- tional fact: "Captain Miller, in this retreat, was the last man to enter the boat, and that, when they were pushed off and were sup- posed to be out of danger, a heavy fog hung over them. He stood up, hat in hand, and gave three hearty cheers. This brought on them a heavy volley of musketry." After Washington had crossed into New York city from Long Island, he placed his army on the east bank of the Hudson in the vicinity of White Plains. He abandoned everything on Manhattan Island except Fort W^ashington. To defend this strategic point he sent a body of nearly two thousand troops in command of Colonel Robert Mc- Gaw, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This officer had been major of Thompson's riflemen, which had marched from southern Pennsyl- vania to Boston at the opening of the war. Colonel McGaw had won distinction for gallantry at Long Island and had merited the promotion he received upon the recom- mentlation of the commander-in-chief. While presenting a front parallel to that of Howe, frecjuent skirmishes occurred in which the Americans were entirely success- ful. Hand's riflemen followed the Hand's fortunes of the army under Regiment Washington on the east bank in New of the Hudson. On October 12 York. Colonel Hand and his riflemen assisted by Colonel Prescott, of Bunker Hill fame, checked the advance of the British at Pell's Neck, immediately after they had landed from Long Island. Octo- ber 23 Colonel Hand attacked two hundred and forty Hessian chasseurs near East Chester and routed them. In both these skirmishes Captain Miller and his York Count}' men took a conspicuous part. At this juncture General Greene, with a small force, garrisoned Fort Lee, upon the THE RE\'OLl"l'IOX 1/7 Palisades on the west bank of the Hudson, nearly opposite Fort Washington. Sulli- van, Stirling and Morgan, who had been captured at the battle of Long Island in August, now rejoined the army after being- exchanged. General Charles Lee arrived from South Carolina and was placed second in command of the .\nierican army around iSew York. Washington had taken up his headquarters at White Plains, where both armies were concentrating. The Americans were placed in four divisions commanded respectively by Lee, Heatli, Sullivan and Lincoln. On October 28 Howe attacked Washington at White Plains, where he lost two hundred and twent3'-nine men. \\'ashington now moved up the river and soon after had five thousand of his men under Putnam cross to the west side of the Hudson into New Jersey at Hackensack. He sent Heath up to Peekskill with three thousand men to guard the entrance to the Highlands, and left Lee at North Castle with seven thousand men. The enemy greatly outnumbered A\'ashington at this time. His entire army was credited with nineteen thousand men, but the term of service of many of them had expired, so that his entire army did not exceed twelve thousand efificient men to oppose twenty- five thousand trained British and Hessian soldiers. At a council of war now held with his generals, W'ashington decided to retreat across New Jersey, but Congress desired that he should continue to hold Forts Washington and Lee. The officious inter- ference of Congress, an error of judgment on the part of Greene, and the insubordina- tion of Lee, occurring altogether at the critical moment brought about the greatest disaster of the war and came within an ace of overwhelming the American cause in total and irretrievable ruin. The story of the disaster of Fort Washington, where York County lost at least six hundred ofificers and men, is told in the succeeding pages of this work in an article relating to the Flying Camp. CHAPTER- Xni REVOLUTION— Continued. The Flying Camp — York County Regi- ments — Battle of Fort Washington — Washington's Retreat and Victory at Trenton — Battle of Princeton. In June, 1776, after the British under General Howe had evacuated Boston and were about to threaten New York, Continental Congress issued a call for troops to join Washington's army. These troops, 10,000 in num- ber, were to be enlisted for a term of six months from the organized militia in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. Colonel Miles" Rifle Regiment and Colonel Atlee's Battalion of Musketry, state troops already in the field, in all 1500 men, were to be accredited as part of the quota from Pennsylvania, which was expected to raise 6000 men. Maryland was to furnish 3400 and Delaware 600. This body of troops after enlistment and organization became known as the Flying Camp. By request of Washington, his personal friend. General Hugh Mercer, a physician by profession and a soldier by instinct, was selected as com- mander with the rank of brigadier-general. General fiercer was a nati\e of General Scotland, and in 1747, settled in Mercer. Franklin County, Pennsylvania, at the site of Mercersburg, where he practiced medicine among his Scotch- Irish neighbors. He had served with dis- tinction in the French and Indian war under Braddock. being severely wounded in the shoulder at Monongahela, and received a medal from the city of Philadelphia for his bravery in this expedition. In 1758, he commanded a regiment under General Forbes against the Indians at Fort Du- quesne. After the close of the French and Indian war, he practiced his profession at Fredericksburg, Virginia, where he became a close and intimate friend of Washington. The enlisted men of the Flying Camp under the act of Congress, were required to furnish their own arms, blankets, haversacks and knapsacks. Men. unable to furnish their own muskets, were to be supplied with arms which had been made by order of the Assembly for the use of the militia. The Pennsylvania Assembly adjourned in June, 12 178 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVANIA 1776, witliout completing arrangements for the organization of troops for the Flying Camp. The Pennsylvania Conference, composed of representatives from the com- mittees of safety in the dififerent counties, met in Philadelphia during the latter part of June. This conference considered itself the only representative body in Pennsyl- vania and made immediate provisions for the enlistment of as many as possible of the 4500 men intended for the Flying Camp. The conference appointed a committee of twelve men representing the different coun- ties of Pennsylvania to devise ways and means for raising the 4500 men, and to in- quire into all matters necessary for sending them to the army. In the apportionment Philadelphia city and county was to furnish 956 men ; Bucks County, 400 men ; Chester County, 652 ; Berks, 666; Northampton, 346; Cumberland, 334; Lancaster, 746; York, 400. Colonel Richard McAllister, the founder of Han- over, then in command of a battalion of militia, was a representative from York County on this committee. The Pennsyl- vania Conference appointed Colonel James Smith, Dr. Benjamin Rush and John Bayard to prepare a draft of an address to the As- sociators. James Smith was then a prac- ticing lawver at York and commander of a battalion of militia in this county. The address which Smith and A Patriotic his associates prepared is sup- Appeal, posed to have been written by this ardent patriot, who shortly after signed the Declaration of Independ- ence. The address reads as follows: To the Associators of Pennsylvania : Gentlemen : — The only design of our meeting to- gether was to put an end to our own power in the province, by fixing upon a plan for calling a convention, to form a government under the authority of the people. But the sudden and unexpected separation of tlie late assembly, has compelled us to undertake the execvition of a resolve of Congress, for calling forth 4500 of the militia of the Province, to join the militia of the neigh- boring colonies, to form a camp for our immediate protection. We presume only to recornmend the plan we have formed to you, trusting that in a case of so much consequence, your love of virtue and zeal for liberty will supply the want of authority delegated to us expressly for that purpo.se. We need not remind you that you are now furnished with new motives to animate and support your courage. You are now about to contend against the power of Great Britain, in order to displace one set of villains to make room for another. Your arms will not be ener- vated in the day of battle with the reflection, that you are to risk vour lives or shed your blood for a British tyrant ; or that your posterity will have your work to do over again. You are about to contend for i)erma- ncnt freedom, to be supported by a government which will be derived from yourselves, and which will have for its object, not the emolument of one man or class of men only, but the safety, liberty and happiness of every individual in the community. We call upon you, therefore, by the respect and obedience which are due to the authority of the United Colonies to concur in this important measure. The present campaign will probably decide the fate of America. It is now in your power to immortalize your names, by mingling your achieve- ments with the events of the year 1776— a year which we hope will be famed in the annals of history to the end of time, for establishing upon a lasting foundation the liberties of one quarter of the globe. Remember the honor of our colonies is at stake. Should you desert the common cause at the present juncture, the glory you have acquired by your former exertions of strength and virtue, will be tarnished; and our friends and brethren, who are now acquiring laurels in the most remote parts of America, will reproach us and blush to own themselves natives or inhabitants of Pennsylvania. But there are other motives before you. Your houses, your fields, the legacies of your ancestors, or the dear- bought fruits of your own industry, and your liberty, now urge you to the field. These cannot plead with you in vain, or we might point out to you further, your wives, your children, your aged fathers and mothers, who now look up to you for aid, and hope for salvation in this day of- calamity, only from the instrumentality of your swords. Remember the name of Pennsylvania. Think of your ancestors and of your posterity. Signed by the unanimous order of the conference, Thomas McKean, President. June 25. 1776. The formation of the Flying Elect Camp, as directed by Con- Brigadiers, gress, from such of the asso- ciated battalions as volun- teered for the purpose. rec[uired full organ- ization, and a meeting was called at Lan- caster, to which the militia of the state were directed to send representatives. This meeting, composed of the delegates from the ofiicers and privates of the fifty-three battalions of Associators, convened on the memorable Fourth of July, 1776, for the purpose of choosing two brigadier-generals. Colonel George Ross was chosen president of the meeting, and Colonel David Clymer, secretary. Colonel Mark Burd, Colonel George Ross and Captain Sharp Dulaney were appointed judges of the election. The election was held and resulted in the choice of Daniel Roberdeau and James Ewing, the former having 160 votes and the latter 85. Upon the announcement of this result, the president immediately declared Daniel Rob- erdeau commander of the First Brigade and James Ewing commander of the Second Brigade. Daniel Roberdeau was a native of the I'lII': REVOLUTION. 179 Island of Si. Christopher, and became a prominent merchant of Philadelphia. In 1776 he was the colonel of a battalion of As- sociators. In May of the same year he pre- sided over a public meeting at Philadelphia, which favored the Declaration of Independ- ence. In that year he owned a privateer which captured a prize of $22,000, which money he turned over to the disposal of Congress. In 1777 he was a leading mem- ber of Continental Congress at York. James Ewing was a citizen of York Count V. residing on his plantation in Hel- 1am township, near W'rightsville. He was then forty years of age. He had served as a lieutenant in Forbes' expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1758. In 1771-5 he was a member of the General Assembly of Penn- s\dvania, and at the outl)reak of the Revo- lution became a member of the Committee of Safety for York County. On July 7, 1776, the pastor of the A Moravian Church at ^'ork. made Local the following entr}- in liis diary: Diary. "Strict orders came that all As- sociators of this county should hold themselves in readiness to march to the front. In the following week they left. "July 17 — Yorktown seems quite de- serted on account of tlie departure for the army of all men under fifty years of age. Our young 'men had to lea\e for Jersey. Ernst Schlosser, the three sons of Brothers Rothrock, Brinkman. John Seifer's eldest son. John Hoenrison. and. in short, tjie most of the others who are under fifty years of age, will have to march off in the next few days. Several of our people, because the town has been so emptied, have in addi- tion to other persons been elected as mem- bers of the committee ad interim, with a guard given them day and night, in order to maintain peace and quietness, and give security against the plots of Tories. All business is prostrated, all shops are closed. How many prayers and tears will now be brought Ijefore the Lord, by parents for their children. l)y children for their parents, li\' wives for their husbands. "August — Numerous bands of soldiers from Maryland, Virginia, etc., passed through the town. "September 4 — Our town has not re- mained exempt from the pre\'ailing unrest of the land. Xone of oiu^ comnnmicant brethren ha\e been comi)elled to enter the war, and those wiio were married and had gone to Jersey, have again returned in the first jjart of tine week to their respective homes. The young single men of our so- ciety, of whom tlicre are about ten absent, ha\e been drawn into the Flying Camp. "In the beginning of September, some of those who had gone to the front from here returned. On the 28th of September, 1776, Philip Rothrock returned from a visit to liis sons in camp near New York." In oljedience to the call for The militia from Pennsylvania Organization, to join the Flying Camp, Ijeing formed in the State of Xew Jersey, five battalions of Associ- ators left York County in July, 1776. These battalions passed through Lancaster and Philadelphia, and then proceeded by water to Trenton and from thence to the head- quarters of the Flying Camp at Perth Am- Ijoy, arriving there late in July. At this time, other battalions of Associators from Pennsylvania and Xew Jersey arrived at Perth Ambo}', wdiere General fiercer and his brigadiers, Ewing and Roberdeau, began the organization of the Flying Cam]), liy asking volunteer enlistments. The Convention of the State of Penn- syh-ania, on August 12, resolved to add four additional battalions to the Flying Camp. York County being re- quired to furnish 515 men toward making out the number of 2,984, the amount of the four new battalions. On the same day, Colonel George Ross, vice- president of the convention : Colonel Thomas Matlack, of Philadelphia, and Colonel Henry Slagle, of York County, were chosen commissioners to go to the headquarters in Xew Jersey, to aid in form- ing the Flying Camp. Before a complete organization had been effected, the British were threatening the city of Xew York. Colonel Miles' regiment was sent to Long Island, and the newly organized regiments under Swope and McAllister, of York Coimty. were sent forward for active operations in the field. .\fter the recjuisite number had been en- listed. General Mercer issued an order. -August 19, authorizing the return to their homes of the balance of the associated militia. This patriotic band of soldiers was I So HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA organized shortly after tlie Declaration of Independence, when the political affairs of the State of Pennsylvania were controlled by the Provincial Conference. The British army under General Howe was arriving" on Long Island from Halifax, Xo\a Scotia, where it had gone after evacuating Boston. Xew York was in the hands of the Americans and a battle between \A'ashington and Howe was soon expected at Long Island or in the northern part of Xew Jersey. YORK COUNTY REGIMENTS. York County showed her lo\'aIty to the catise of independence by sending more troops from the militia service than were needed for her quota for the organization of the Flying Camp. Two regiments had been formed from the York County militia. These commands were designated the First and Second Pennsylvania Regiments of the Flying Camp. The officers of the First Regiment were: Michael Swope, colonel; Robert Stevenson, lieutenant-colonel ; Wil- liam Bailey, major. It was composed of eight companies with the following officers: First Company — Michael Schmeiser, captain. Zachariah Shugart, first lieutenant. Andrew Robinson, second lieutenant. William A\"ayne, ensign. Second Company — Gerhart Graeff, captain. Daniel McCollom, ensign. Third Company — Jacob Dritt, captain. John Baymiller, hrst lieutenant. Henry Clayton, second lieutenant. Jacob Mayer, ensign. Daniel Herrington, corporal. Fourth Company — Christian S.take, captain. Cornelius Sheriff, first lieutenant. Jacob Holtzinger, second lieutenant. Jacob Barnitz, ensign. Fifth Company — John McDonald, captain. A\'illiam Scott, first lieutenant Robert Patton, second lieutenant. Ensign Howe. Sixth Company — John Ewing, captain. William Paysley, ensign. Seventh Compan}- — William Xelson, captain. James Todd, first lieutenant. Joseph Welsh, second lieutenyn. Ensign Xesbit. Eighth Company — Joshua A\'illiams, captain. Jacob Brinkerhoiif, ensign. Soon after the organization. Colonel Swope's regiment, with other commands of Ewing's brigade, was ordered to garrison Fort Constitution, afterward named Fort Lee, situated on the west side of the Hud- son River, above New York City. October 8, it contained 2t7 commissioned officers and staff, 44 non-commissioned officers, and 359 rank and file. The Second Pennsylvania McAllister's Regiment of the Flying Regiment. Camp, commanded by Colo- nel Richard McAllister, was composed of eight companies. Six of tliese companies were recruited out of the l)attalions of militia which had marched to New Jersey from the various parts of York County, and the territory now embraced in Adams County. These companies were commanded respectively by Captains Xich- olas Bittinger, AX'illiani McCarter, W\ Mc- Coskey, John Laird, Samuel Wilson and John Paxton. Two companies from Bucks County belonged to this regiment. Mc- Allister's regiment was at Perth Amboy October 8, 1776, when it contained 41 com- missioned officers and staff, 43 non- commissioned officers and 438 rank and file. David Kennedy was lieutenant-colonel and John Clark, who had previously served with the first troops that left York for Boston, was commissioned major. Meantime, the battle of Long Island had been fought and the British had taken possession of New York City, which then covered the lower part of Manhattan Island. W^ashington retreated to the northern part of the island and then placed his army on both sides of the Hudson. The enemy held Long Island and Staten Island. General Mercer, commanding the Flying Camp, despatched McAllister's regiment to attack a body of the enemy on Staten Island, October 14. Major John Clark, in his autobiography, says, "In the expedition to Staten Island, I took a stand of British colors of the Twenty-third Light Dragoons. 'I" I lie RFA'OLL'TIOX i8i I commanded the ad\rince of 500 riflemen and the first Hessians taken, or rather W'aldeckers, fell into my hands, about sixty." Soon after the Staten Island affair, Mc- Allister's regiment joined tho brigade at Fort Lee. At this time, ]\Iajor Clark selected 200 men from the regiment to guard the passes opposite White Plains. He fortified his position and laid plans to pre- vent detachments of Howe's army from passing up the Hudson. With the same detachment on November 9, at the command of General Greene, Clark was sent to Dobb's Ferry on the east side of the Hudson to protect the landing of a quantity of flour for the American army. \\'ith his accustomed sagacity, Clark reconnoitered the situation and dis- covered that the enemy to the number of about 5,000 were encamped nearby. He reported that in his opinion, the British were laying plans to cross the river and attack Fort Washington, situated in the northern part of Manhattan Island. Swope's regiment was stationed on the New Jersey side of the Hudson to guard the passes of that stream during the battle of White Plains, fought on the eastern side of the river, below Yonkers. Colonel Robert McGaw, of Cttmberland County, Pennsyl- vania, with twelve hundred men, was placed in charge of the defenses of Fort \\'ashing- ton. General Greene, struck with the im- portance of protecting McGaw. suggested to the commander-in-chief that a portion of the Flying Camp, then stationed on the western side of the Hudson, should cross o\-er and assist Colonel ^NIcGaw in defend- ing Fort Washington. This fort was con- sidered a strategic point, and General Howe determined to attack it with a large force. It was one of tlie most hazardous positions defended by Pennsylvania troops during the entire period of the Revolution. Ten thousand regulars would have been re- (juired to successfully perform this duty. BATTLE OF FORT WASHINGTON. In accordance with Greene's suggestion. Colonel Swope's and a part of I\lc.\llister's regiments crossed the Hudson and joined the Pennsylvania troops under McGaw in defending the fort. November 15, the adjutant-general. Colonel Patterson, of the British army, was sent to summon the gar- rison in Fort Washington to surrender, threatening at the same time, to "put it to the sword," if the demand was rejected. At this juncture. Colonel McGaw sent the fol- lowing communication to General Greene: "A flag of truce came out just now from King's Bridge. The adjutant-general was at the head of it. I sent down Colonel Swope. The adjutant-general would hardly give him two hours for an alternative be- tween surrendering at discretion or every man being put to the sword. He waits an answer. I shall send him a proper one. You will, I dare say, do what is best. We are determined to defend the post or die." In response to this communication. Colo- nel Swope, of York, delivered the following remarkable document to the adjutant- general of the British army in accordance with the directions of Colonel McGaw: "If I rightly understand the purport of your message from General Howe, com- municated to Colonel Swope, this post is to be immediately surrenderetl or the garrison put to the sword. I rather think it is a mistake than a settled resolution in General Howe to act a part so unworthy of himself and the British nation. "But give me leave to assure his Excel- lency that, actuated by the most glorious cause of mankind ever fought in, I am de- termined to defend this post to the very last extremity." After learning the determination of these gallant Pennsylvania troops, the British decided to make the attack, the following day. Early in the morning on the six- teenth, the enemy's batteries from the east- ern side of the Harlem River, opened fire upon the commands of Colonel Baxter, of ]\Iaryland, and Colonel Lambert Cadwalla- der, of Pennsylvania, who held positions witliout the fort. Meantime General \\'ashington, with Greene. Mercer and Putnam, crossed the river from Fort Lee to the vicinity of F"ort Washington, and examined the position of the .American troops and reconnoitered the movements of the enemy. These officers then returned to Fort Lee, entrusting the entire command to Colonel McGaw and his heroic band of patriots. Aljout noon. General Knyphausen, com- I«2 HISTORY OP^ YORK COL'XTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA manding" the Hessian forces, l:)egan a furious attack upon tiie north. SimuUa- neous attacks were made by Lord Percy on the south, and Colonel Sterling and General Matthews crossed the Harlem river and movetl on the fort from the east. The British dro\-e the Americans from their out- posts and soon stood victorious upon the hills overlooking the open fields around Fort \\'ashington. Xear the fort severe skirmishes took place and many of the Hes- sian pursuers were slain. The defense was gallant, but pike, ball and baj'onet, used by live thousand men, overpowered the weak- ened patriots and they were nearly all gathered within the ramparts of the fort, but not until about i,ooo men had fallen "into the hands of the enemy. General Howe sent an order Surrender for surrender. Perceiving fur- of the Fort, ther resistance to be in vain, McGaw complied and at half past one the British flag was waving where the ContineiTtal banner had been unfurled defiantly in the morning. The entire gar- rison, numbering nearly three thousand njen, surrendered. Washington, standing on the ramparts of Fort Lee with tears in his eyes, saw the garrison in Fort Washing- ton meet its doom, and the American ban- ner torn down and replaced by the flag of England. When the attack on Fort ^^'ashington began about noon of Xovember i6, 1776, Swope's regiment was defending one of the outposts some distance to the southeast. His position was assaulted by the Hessian troops under Knyphausen. Swope's men fought gallantly, but being o\'erpowered by the enemy, were compelled to fall back. In this movement they were flanked by the British and Hessians and forced to sur- render. Almost the entire command of 400 York County soldiers became prisoners of war. Jacob Barnitz, a young man of eighteen and a color bearer of the regiment, was wounded in both legs by rifle balls and was left on the held. The attack of the enemy was violent and impetuous, and as they approached the outposts of the fort, the Hessians lost heavily in killed and wounded from the well directed aim of the Pennsylvania soldiers. Colonel McGaw's loss in killed and wounded did not exceed 100 men, but almost his entire command of 3,000 men were compelled to surrender to the enemy. Colonel Xliomas Hartley, in 1779, wrote a letter stating that nearly 400 York County troops, largely from Swope's regiment and partly from iNIcAllister's regiment, had been held in N^ew York and Long Island as prisoners of w-ar; that at the expiration of three years only fifty of the entire number captured had returned to their homes. He made this assertion to prove the loj'alty of the people west of the Susquehanna to the cause of American independence, and fur- ther claimed that York County had fur- nished more troops for the army than any other county in the thirteen original states. These American soldiers were placed in jails, churches, sugar houses and other buildings, and held as prisoners of war for many months, some of them not having been released until three years after their capture. The stories of their treatment if they could be given in detail would rank among the most sorrowful ever recorded on the pages of history. They w-ere given an insui^cient amount of food, were obliged to remain in cold, damp rooms without any privileges of outdoor exercise. Many of these gallant sons of Pennsylvania died from the horrors of British prison pens and others contracted diseases from which they never recovered. The treatment of the British and Hessian prisoners by the Americans formed no comparison to the treatment of Colonel McGaw's men while they were held prisoners in New York and Long Island. Owing to the absence of oiTicial doc- uments, a complete record of the casualties in Swope's and McAllister's regiments can- not be given. From various sources of in- formation the following facts have been ob- tained. Among the prisoners captured at Fort AA'ashington were Colonel Michael Swope. Major William Bailey, Surgeon Humphrey Fullerton, Captains Michael Smyser, Jacob Drift, Christian Stake, John McDonald, Henry Clayton, Flenry Lewis, Lieutenants Zachariah Shugart, Jacob Holtzinger, Andrew Robinson, Benjamin Davis, Lieutenants Clayton, Robert Patton, Joseph Welsh, Ensigns Jacob Barnitz, Jacob Morgan and Jacob ]Meyer, and Adju- tant Howe. The follo\\'ing sohliers served in Captain THE REVOLUTIOX 183 Stake's company and were taken prisoners at Fort \\ asliington : Sergeant Peter Haack, Sergeant John Dicks, Sergeant Henry Counselman, Corporal John Adlum, David Parker, James Dobbins, Hugh Dob- bins, Henry Miller, John Stroman, Christian Stroman, James Berry, Joseph Bay, Henry Hoff, Joseph Updegraff, Daniel ^liller, Jacob Hake, Jr., Henry Shultz, William Lukens, the mulatto cook. The casualties of ^McAllister's regiment as far as could be obtained were the follow- ing: Captain ^IcCarter, shot through the breast and died five days after the battle ; Captain Nicholas Bittinger, the ancestor of the Bittinger family in York and Adams Counties, held as a prisoner of war in Xew^ York for several months; Lieutenants Wil- liam Young, Joseph Morrison, Hugh King, Shannon, Henry Bittinger, Ensign Thomas Reed, Private Charles \\'ilson. The battle of Fort Washington was fought largely by troops from west of the Susquehanna River from York and Cumber- land Counties. .About one-half of the en- listed men of Swope's and AIcAUister's regiments were Pennsylvania Germans who fought gallantly before they would sur- render the fort to the enemy. Captains William Scott, John Jamison, Thomas Campbell, Lieutenants Samuel Lindsay, Henry Bear, Joseph Morrison, John Irwin. John Findlay, Godfrey Myers, Matthew Bennett, of York County, were prisoners of war on Long Island, in August, 1778. Among the soldiers belonging to Swope's regiment, who died in New York prisons, were Sergeants Peter Haack and John Hicks; Privates Hugh Dobbins, Henry Hoff, David Parker. They were buried in Trinit}' churchyard, New York, in the same hallowed ground in which were interred the remains of Alexander Hamilton and many other noted Revolutionary soldiers. Cap- tain McCarter, of McAllister's regiment, who was mortally wounded at Fort Wash- ington, was also buried in Trinity grave- yard. Benjamin Davis, who served as lieuten- ant in Captain Smyser's company, was held as a prisoner of war during the whole period of the Revolution. He owned a fulling mill in York County and 186 acres of land. In ^larch. 1781. he applied to the State of Pennsylvania for a pension, stating in his application tlnat his property had been sold to support his family during his long im- prisonment. John ^IcKinley, of Lower Chanceford Township, the great-grandfather of William McKinley, served in the Sixth Battalion, York County Militia, and marched with it to join the Flying Camp in 1776. Gerhardt GraetT, a captain in the Flying Camp, was taken a prisoner at Fort Wash- ington, and died in captivity. Almost his entire company became prisoners of war at Fort Washington. GENERAL JAMES EWING, who com- manded one of the divisions of the Flying- Camp, was born in IManor Township, Lan- caster County, August 3, 1736, of Scotch- Irish ancestry. His father emigrated from the north of Ireland to Pennsylvania in 1734. The son received a good education. During ForUes' expedition to Fort Du- quesne in the French and Indian war, he entered the provincial service and was com- missioned lieutenant. May 10, 1758. He was a member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania from 1771 to 1775. At the outbreak of the Revolution, he was on the Committee of Safety for York County, and on July 4, 1776, was chosen one of the two brigadier-generals of I he Pennsylvania As- sociators, out of which was formed the Fly- ing Camp. He commanded one of the di- visions of the Flying Camp in the campaign around New York City during the year 1776. In December of that year, when General Washington had planned an attack on the British at Trenton, General Ewing, in command of the Pennsylvania Militia, was stationed at a point a few miles below Trenton. It was intended that his division of troops should cross the Delaware to New Jersey on Christmas night at the same time that \\'ashington was crossing a short distance above Trenton, where the stream was narrow. Owing to the width of the river below Trenton and the floating ice, Ewing was unable to cross until after the victory had been won at Trenton. General Sullivan commanded a body of men near Bristol, and was also unable to cross the river on account of the obstructions. Some days later, both these commands took posi- tion in New Jersey and acted as a reserve at the battle of Princeton. After the war. 1 84 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA General Ewing returned to liis plantation in Hellam Township, about t\\o miles west of AVrightsville, where he followed the occu- pation of a farmer. His character, promi- nence and ability Avon him recognition at the hands of his fellow-citizens and he was frequently called upon to serve in high posi- tions of honor and trust. Immediately after the>war, he was chosen a member of the Su- preme Executive Council of Pennsylvania and was vice-president of the Council, a position corresponding to lieutenant-gov- ernor, from November 7, 1782, to Novem- ber 6, 1784. The following year he served as a member of the State Legislature, where he was active in securing the passage of laws relating to the material development of the state. The state constitution of 1790 made the Legislature composed of two bodies, Senate and House of Representa- tives, and from 1795 to 1799, General Ewing represented York County in the State Sen- ate, being one of its most influential mem- bers. It was during this period that he be- came deeply interested in the navigation of the Susquehanna River, advocating the con- struction of a channel in the centre of the river through the Conewago rapids and ex- tending from Harrisburg to the Chesapeake Bay. When the subject of making Wright's Ferry the seat of the United States govern- ment was discussed in Congress, he was one of the strong supporters for the selection of the west bank of the Susquehanna, at AVrightsville, as the place for the national government. General Ewing was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church and was prominent in the councils of that church. He had served as vice-president of the State during the same period that John Dickinson was president, and when Dickinson College was founded at Carlisle, in 1783, he was chosen a member of the first board of trustees of that institution. He died at his home in Hellam Township, near the Sus- quehanna River, March i, 1806, at the age of seventy years. COLONEL MICHAEL SWOPE, one of the heroes of Fort Washington, was born at York about .1748, son of George Swope, one of the commissioners who laid ofif York County in 1749. Early in life, Colonel Swope became one of the most influential citizens in the town and county of York. He was elected coroner in 1761 ; appointed justice of the peace in 1764; judge of the Orphan's Court in 1767; member of the Pennsylvania Assembly from 1768 until the opening of the Revolution ; member of the committee of correspondence at York in 1775, and the same year was chosen major of the First Battalion of York County Militia, commanded by James Smith, signer of the' Declaration of Independence. When Smith became a member of Continental Congress, Major Swope was elected colonel of the First Battalion of militia. In the summer of 1776; when the militia was called into active service. Colonel Swope took his battalion to Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and at this place recruited from the different battalions of York County militia, the First Pennsylvania Regiment in the Flj^ing Camp, whose history is given in the preceding pages. At the battle of Fort Washington, November 16, 1776, Colonel Swope was taken prisoner, together with most of his regiment. He, with other officers, was con- fined in New York City until June 23, 1778, when he was released on parole. His parole was cancelled by special order on the 8th of August, 1779, and he was required to return to prison in New York, where he remained, with some fellow-prisoners, until he was finally exchanged for a British officer of the same rank, at Elizabeth, New Jersey, Janu- ary 26, 1781. He then returned to York on foot, a distance of 170 miles. Before leaving prison, the American agent, Lewis Pintard, gave him a large supply of Continental money to pay his expenses on his return home. At this time. Continental money had become almost valueless, and Colonel Swope exchanged seventy-five dollars in currency for one in specie. Colonel Swope first began business at York as an inn-keeper. In 1783, two years after his return to York from his experience as a prisoner, he was assessed as a store- keeper, with merchandise and real estate valued at 1,119 pounds. He then had a family of five persons. He owned silver- ware to the amount of thirty-two pounds, a pleasure carriage and one slave. In 1782, he was commissioned one of the court justices for York County. Colonel Swope was first married to Anna Maria, daughter of Casper Spangler, of York. She died sometime before the Revolution. In 1777, when Continental THE REVOLUTION 185 Congress came to York, his second wife, Eva Swope, rented their home, on the south side of West Alarket Street, to John Han- cock, president of Congress. This building was then known as the President's house, and the rental of it for the use of the presi- dent of Congress, was paid by the govern- ment. Hancock resigned his office two months after Congress came to York and returned to ]Massachusetts. In February, 1778, when Baron Steuben came to York to ofier his services as an officer in the Ameri- can army, he occupied the Swope residence for a period of three weeks, with his retinue of attendants. ^leantime, he received the commission of a major-general and pro- ceeded to Valley Forge to drill the army in the tactics he had learned while serving under Frederick the Great of Prussia. In 1785, Colonel Swope removed froin York to Alexandria, Virginia. After going there, his business affairs at York were conducted by Colonel Thomas Hartley, who disposed of his real estate. COLONEL RICHARD McALLISTER, who commanded the Second Penns\lvania Regiment of York County Troops in the Flying Camp, was born in 1724. He was a son of. Archibald ]\IcAllister, who came to America from Scotland in 1732. About 1745 Richard ^IcAllister moved from Cum- berland County to the site of Hanover, where he purchased a large tract of land. On February 2t„ 1748, he married Mary, daughter of Colonel Matthew Dill, who commanded a regiment in the French and Indian war, and whose son. ]\Iatthew, ' founded Dillsburg. In 1750, Richard Mc.\l- lister was a candidate for sheriff of York County against Colonel Hance Hamilton, who resided near the site of Gettysburg. The election was so close that it was con- tested and the Provincial authorities com- missioned Hance Hamilton. In 1763, Rich- ard McAllister founded the town of Han- over and soon became one of the leading citizens of York County. In 1775 he was elected a member of the Committee of Ob- servation and Safety for York County. In_ June of the same year he served as a repre- sentative in the Provincial Conference, 'which met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadel- phia, and in January, 1776, he was a mem- ber of the same body. In 1775 he was com- missioned colonel of the Fourth Battalion of York Count}' ]\Iilitia. During the fall of the same year, he received the commission as colonel of a battalion of Minute Men, formed out of the militia of York County. In July, 1776, when Congress issued a call for ten thousand troops. Colonel McAllister marched with his battalion through Lan- caster and Philadelphia to Perth Amboy, N. J. At this point, when the Flying Camp was organized under the command of Gen- eral Hugh Mercer, he was chosen colonel of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment. Colo- nel ]McAllister commanded his regiment in the campaign around New York City and led the expedition to Staten Island. Later in the campaign. Colonel McAl- lister's regiment took part in the defense of Fort Washington, where he lost a large number of troops who became prisoners of war, including two of his captains. In the campaign of 1776 he was, present with his regiment, under General James Ewing, sta- tioned below Trenton on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, when Washington captured the Hessians in Trenton on Christmas night. After the expiration of his term of service in the Flying Camp, in 1777, McAllister re- turned to his home at Hanover, and in ISIarch of this year he was elected by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, county lieutenant. This office required him to see that the six difterent battalions of the militia in York County, which then included Adams, were drilled and disciplined ready for service in the field when they were re- quired to defend their state against the in- vasion of the British foe. He was successful in this position and on several occasions issued calls for certain classes of the militia to march from York County to the army under \\'ashington. During the years 1783-84-85-86, he was a member of the Su- preme E.xecutive Council of Pennsylvania, which, under the state constitution of 1776 to 1790, was the Executive Body in the state government. During the years that he served in this body, he was also a member of the Council of Censors, whose duty was to look after the interests of the confiscated estates of Pennsylvania Tories. Colonel McAllister early in lif2 took a prominent part in the legal afYairs of York County. He was commissioned justice of the peace and justice for the court of common pleas in 1 86 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA Marcli, 1771. He was a member of the first State Constitutional Convention in the year 1776, and on February 17, 1784, became presiding justice of the York County Courts. On June 30, 1791, he entertained President A\'ashington for a few hours wliile passing through llie town of Hanover on his way to Philadelphia. He died at Hanover at four o'clock in the evening, Oc- tober 7, 1795. His remains were first buried in the graveyard, belonging to Emanviel's Reformed Church of Hanover, of which he was a member and one of the leading con- tributors during its early history. About 1870 his remains were removed to Mount Olivet Cemetery in the suburbs of Hanover, where they now lie, and on every succeed- ing Memorial day commemorative services are held at this tomb by the Grand Army Post of Hanover. Colonel McAllister had eleven children. His eldest son, Abdiel, commanded a company in Colonel Irvine's regiment in the first expedition to Canada, in 1775, and during the campaign around Philadelphia took part in the battle of Brandywine, when this regiment was com- manded by Colonel David Grier, of York. Archibald McAllister, another son, born 1756, commanded a company in the battle of Germantown, in 1777, and also in the engagement at Monmouth, New Jersey, in 1778. Matthew, a younger son, born 1758, became first United States district attorney of Georgia, judge of the Superior Court of the state and mayor of Savannah during the war of 1812. Colonel Julian McAllister, one of his sons, commanded a regiment in the Union army during the Civil w'ar. COLONEL MICHAEL SMYSER, in .early days written Schmeiser, who served with distinction as a captain in the Flying Camp, was born in 1740, a few miles west of York. His father, Matthias Smyser, came from Germany in 1731, at the age of sixteen, and when he reached his manhood, became one of the earliest settlers of York County in the vicinity of Spring Grove. Michael Smyser was thirty-five years old when the Revolution opened. He became one of the early citizens west of the Stisqnehanna to organize in opposition to the English gov- ernment. He was one of a committee of twelve from York County, who raised money in 1775 to send to the inhabitants of Boston, ^\■hen the port of that city was closed by the British. He joined the Conti- nental army as a captain in Colonel Michael Swope's regiment of York County Volun- teers, and was captured by the enemy in the engagement at Fort Washington, north of New York City, on the i6th of November, 1776. Several months of distressing im- prisonment followed, during which time he was unremitting in his efforts to alleviate the sufferings of others, and bold and ani- mated in the advocacy of his -country's cause. After his release and return home, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania from York County, and from that time to 1790 was seven times re-elected to the same position. From 1790 to 1795 he represented his county in the State Senate, being the first person from A'ork County to fill that posi- tion mider the State Constitution of 1790. Here his warm attachment to our political institutions enabled him to act with honor to himself and his constituents. After the war, he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and kept a tavern a short distance west of York. He died in the year 1810, and his remains are interred near those of his father in the graveyard of the First Lutheran Church of York. He left three sons and four daughters, viz. : Peter, Eliza- beth, Sarah, Jacob, Marv, Alichael, Susan. ENSIGN JACOB BARNITZ, who was twice wounded_at the battle of Fort Wash- ington, was born at York in the year 1758. He was the son of John George Carl Bar- nitz, who came to this country about 1745, first settled in Baltimore and later removed • to York. Jacob Barnitz grew to manhood in his native town and was a boy seventeen years old wdien the first troops left York to join the American army at Boston. The same year, he enlisted and trained with the First Battalion of York County Militia under Colonel James Smith, in Captain Stake's company. He marched with the battalion to New Jersey, and when Colonel Michael Swope organized the first regiment of Pennsylvania troops for the Flying Camp, Jacob Barnitz, at the age of eighteen, was made ensign or flag bearer, a com- missioned officer with the rank of second* lieutenant. He participated in the cam- paign around New York City, and carried the flag of his regiment when the British THE RKVOLfl'IOX 187 attacked Fort Washington, Xu\ember i6,- 1776. Colonel Swope was commanding- tlie ontposts, and wlien he was drixen back by the approaching Hessians in large numbers, the flag bearer was the target of the enemy's balls. While falling back toward the fortifi- cations, Ensign Barnitz was wounded in l)oth legs and left on the field. He lay where he fell during the night and the next day, as the evening closed, a Hessian soldier approached and was about to bay- onet him, when a British ofiicer, who chanced to be near, took pity "on him and thus saved his life. He was then thrown on a wagon and taken a prisoner of w^ar to Xew York City, then in the hands of the British, where he remained fifteen months, suft'ering from his wounds. After his ex- change, 1778, he was removed on a wagon from Xew York City to his home in York. He partially recovered from his wounds, and in 1785 was appointed register and re- corder of York County, serving continu- ously until 1824, a period of thirty-five years. Ensign Barnitz, a name which he always retained, carried a British ball, re- ceived at the attack on Fort Washington, for thirty ^-ears, but the shattered bone lengthened, and in 1806 he was compelled to undergo amputation. Soon after the war he married !Mary, daughter of Archibald McLean, the noted surveyor of York. Their eldest son was Charles A. Barnitz, an eminent lawyer and member of the Twenty-third Congress. Their second son was Lieutenant Jacob Barnitz, a gallant soldier of the war of 1812, who bore a distinguished part as an ofificer of \olunteers at the battle of Xorth Point. Ensign Barnitz died April 16, 1828, at the age of seventy years, and his remains now rest at a spot north of Zion Lutheran Church of York. Shortly after the close of the war, under act of Congress passed June 7, 1785, he became a pensioner and received up to the time of his death, the sum of $3,- 500, as a reward for his valor and patriotism during the Revolution. The British ball which he carried in his leg from 1776 to 1808 was presented to the Historical Society of Y''ork County in 1904 by his granddaughter. Miss Catharine Barnitz. CAPTAIX JACOB DRLfT commanded a company in Swope's Regiment. He was made prisoner at Fort Washington, and underwent a long captivity. When the lines of the American forces were attacked by the enemy, previous to the capture of the fort, Captain Dritt, with a party of men chiefly from his own company, was ordered in ad- vance to oppose the landing of the British, who came in boats across Harlem Creek, below King's Bridge. He defended his position with great bravery, until, having lost a number of his men, and being nearly surrounded by the Hessians on one side and the British troops on the other, he retreated into the fort with difficulty and was there captured with the garrison. After the war Captain Dritt resided on his plantation in Lower \\'indsor Township, near the site of East Prospect and was engaged in trans- porting" goods and merchandise in a large ark down the Susquehanna River from its upper waters. He kept up an interest in military matters and about 1800 w^as com- missioned a brigadier-general in the state militia. He lost his life by an vmfortunate accident. On December 19, 1817, he crossed the Susquehanna to the site of Lit- tle Washington and went to the Marietta Bank, where he obtained five hundred dol- lars. W^hen he returned to the east side of the ferry, where his son Colonel John Dritt resided, the latter advised him not to cross the river to his home. He was accompanied by a young man named Griffith. They en- tered a boat which was capsized in the mid- dle of the stream when it came in contact with a large cake of ice. Many fruitless efforts were made to recover the dead body of the old soldier. Three months after the drowning, the body of General Dritt was found lying along the banks of the Chesa- peake Bay near the mouth of the Susque- hanna, by some colored slaves. The body was identified by some silver shoe buckles which he wore. His remains were interred near the site where they were found. CAPTAIN NICHOLAS BITTINGER,^ who commanded a company in McAllister's regiment, and was captured by the British at Fort Washington, was born in Alsace, Germany. He came to America with his parents and became one of the earliest set- tlers in the vicinity of Hanover. In 1743, he was one of the co.ncil for St. Matthew's Church, at Hanover, the second Lutheran congregation west of the Susquehanna. 1 88 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA During" a vacancy in the pulpit, Xicholas Bittinger was elected to conduct religious services and read sermons. At the opening of the Revolution, he was chosen a member of the Committee of Safety for York County, and in 1776, upon the organization of the Flying Camp, took command of a company of sixty-eight men. He fell into the hands of the enemy at Fort Washington and was held a prisoner of war for nearly fifteen ijionths. AA'hen Captain Bittinger entered the. service, he had reached the age of fifty years. His eldest daughter was the wife of John Clark, major of McAllister's regiment. Captain Bittinger accumulated considerable property, and at the time of his death, in 1804, owned several farms a short distance north of Hanover. His remains were buried in the Lutheran graveyard at Abbottstown. Several of his descendants, including. the late Rev. Joseph Bittinger and Rev. John Ouiney Bittinger, became promi- nent clergymen in the Presbyterian Church. Hon. John \\'. Bittenger, president judge of the York County courts, and Dr. Joseph R. Bittinger, of Hanover, are also descendants of Captain Bittinger. WASHINGTON'S RETREAT AND VICTORY AT TRENTON. At the disaster of Fort Washington on November 16, 1776, York County suffered its severest loss during the entire Revolu- tion. Nearly six hundred officers and men had fallen into the hands of the British and were held as prisoners of war in New York city and at dififerent posts on Long Island. The First Pennsylvania Regiment, in which Captain Henry Miller's York County troops served, had lost heavily at Long Island in August of the same year. Captain Philip Albright's company had its ranks depleted in the same battle. The defeats of the American army around New York city compelled ^^'ashington to retreat across X^ew Jersey in order to defend the city of Philadelphia. Congress became terrified and removed to Baltimore. The term of enlistment of many of the troops from Pennsylvania and New Jersey had ex- pired, and desertions depleted the ranks of nearly all the regiments then in the field. General Charles Lee, second in command, became disaftected toward the commander- in-chief. AN'ashington fell back toward Philadelphia through Princeton and Tren- ton, and on December 8 crossed the Dela- ware with his entire army, numbering about four thousand men of the eleven thousand or more tliat crossed with him to New York city after the battle of Long Island. Meantime Schuyler and Gates came down from Central New York with seven regi- ments and prepared to join him at head- (juarters at N'ew^town, Bucks County, a few miles southwest of Trenton. General Israel Putnam was put in charge of the defenses at Philadelphia At this time in the war, both General Howe and Lord Cornwallis, who had followed Washington to Trenton, decided to return to N'ew York, leaving a small detachment of troops near Trenton, believing that they could resist any attacks of the shattered army under Washington. During this dark period of the war Washington began to show the military genius and self command that soon made him loom up as the dominating personality of the Revolution. He planned a bold at- tack to capture the advanced posts of the British at Trenton. The militia of the ad- joining states was called out in the dead of winter and in a few weeks he had a con- siderable army stationed at different posts from a point eight miles above Trenton on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware and down that stream to Germantown, a short distance from Philadelphia. He placed Sul- livan at Bristol, a few miles above Philadel- phia, with two thousand troops, formerly connnanded by General Charles Lee, who had been captured at Elizabeth while on the retreat across New Jersey. General James Ewing, of York General County, was put in command Ewing's of a brigade of Pennsylvania Command, and X'^ew Jersey militia with instructions from Washington to guard the Delaware from the ferry at Trenton down the river to a point opposite Bordentown, New Jersey. His force was composed of the remnants of the Flying Camp, which met such heavy losses at Long Island and Fort Washington, and recruits from the Pennsylvania and New Jersey militia. Colonel Richard McAllister, com- manding the second regiment of the Flying Camp, was present with Ewing, but havinfj- lost heavily in former engagements, now had . fewer than three hundred men. THE REVOLUTION 189 Washington took position nine miles above I'renton at a point \\here the river is not more than one hundred yards wide. The British army was stationed in a semi-circle with Trenton as the center of the arc. Washington's plan was, by a sudden at- tack, to overwhelm the British center at Trenton, and thus force the army to retreat to New York. The Delaware was to be crossed in three divisions. The right wing, 2,000 men, under Gates, was to attack Count Donop at Burlington ; Ewing, with the centre, was to cross a short distance be- low Trenton; while Washington' himself, v.-ith the left wing, was to cross nine miles above, and march down upon Trenton from the north. On Christmas day all was ready, but the beginning of the enterprise was not auspicious. Gates, who preferred to go and intrigue with Congress, succeeded in beg- ging off, and started for Baltimore. Cad- walader, who took his place, tried hard to get his men and artillery across the river, but was baffled by the huge masses of float- ing ice, and reluctantly gave up the attempt. Ewing was so discouraged that he did not even try to cross, and both ofificeri took it for granted that Washington must be foiled in like manner. But Washington was desper- Crossing ately in earnest, and although the at sunset, just as he had Delaware, reached his crossing-place, he was informed by a special mes- senger of the failure of Ewing and Cad- walader, he determined to go on and make the attack with the 2,500 men whom he had with him. The great blocks of ice, borne swiftly along by the powerful current, made the passage extremely dangerous, but Glover, with his skilful fishermen of Marble- head, succeeded in ferrying the little army across without the loss of a man or a gun. More than ten hours were consumed in the passage, and then there was a march of nine miles to be made in a blinding storm of snow and sleet. They pushed rapidly on in two columns, led b}^ Greene and Sullivan respectively, drove in the enemy's pickets at the point of the bayonet, and entered the town by different roads soon after sunrise. A\ ashington's gtms were at once planted so as to sweep the streets, and after Colonel Rahl and seventeen of his men had been slain, the whole body of Hessians, 1,000 in number, surrendered. Of the .\mericans, two were frozen to deatli on the march and two were killed in action. Captain Henry Miller's company York of the First Pennsylvania Reg- Troops inient performed valiant services at in this engagement. Most of Trenton, the men in his command at Trenton were the same soldiers who had enlisted at York in 1775, and marched with him to Boston. In referring to the battle, Captain ^ililler wrote: "General Stephen's brigade entered Tren- ton and routed the Hessians. Washington desired our regiment to lead the advance, which we did. We formed in line of battle and advanced within sixty yards of the Hessians without firing a gun. We moved with such rapidity and determination that we struck them with terror. The enemy grounded their arms, and 919 Hessians sur- rendered as prisoners of war." Colonel Miles' Pennsylvania Regiment served in Lord Stirling's brigade and took a leading part at the battle of Trenton in the capture of the Hessians. Miles him- self was a prisoner of war in the hands of the British, having been captured at the battle of Long Island, nearly five months before. In this engagement the regiment was commanded by Major Williams. Cap- tain Albright's company of York County troops had lost thirty men, or about half its number in killed, wounded and prisoners at Long Island. The companj^ entered the battle of Trenton with about thirty men, who rendered valiant services in winning this famous victory. The news of the victory at Trenton spread rapidly. To convince the people of what had happened, the Hessian prisoners were marched through the streets of Phila- delphia, and the Hessian flag was sent to Baltimore to hang in the hall of Congress. The spirits of the people rose with a great rebound, the cloud of depression which rested upon the country was lifted, and hope was again felt everywhere. Troops came in from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and the New England men agreed to stay after the expiration of their term of enlistment. The blow struck bj^ \\'ashington fell heavily upon the British. Even with their powerful army thej' could not afford to lose a thousand men at a stroke, nor would their 190 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY. PEXXSYLVAXIA prestige bear sucli sudden disaster. It was clear even to tlie mind of Howe that tlie .\merican Revolution was not over, and that Washington and his victorious army held the field. Trenton must be redeemed and they determined to finish the business at once. After the defeat of the British Movement at Trenton through the mili- After tary genius of \\'ashington, Trenton. Lord Cornwallis, who had gone to New York, returned in haste to attack the American army. De- cember 30, V\'ashington recrossed the Dela- ware and took post at Trenton, where he was joined by Cadwalader and Mifflin, each with 1.800 Pennsylvania militia. On the morning of January 2 Cornwallis advanced with 8,000 men upon Trenton, but his march was slow. As sooH as General Washington had pro- cured definite information of the strength and position of the enemy, he sent out. under Brigadier-General de Fermoy, a de- tachment, consisting of his own brigade. Colonel Edward Hand's Pennsylvania rifle- men, and Colonel Hausegger's German bat- talion, with Colonel Charles Scott's Vir- ginia Continental regiment, and two guns- of Captain Forrest's battery, to harass the enemy in every possible way, and to dispute their advance as much as they were able, that the impending battle might be post- poned at least twenty-four hours. The .Vmericans posted themselves a short dis- tance south of the village of Maidenhead, with pickets up to the town. The British outposts were about a mile north of Maiden- head. This was the state of af¥airs on the old Princeton road at the close of New Year's day. About this time the commanders of regi- ments on the advance lines of the x\merican army, finding that General de Fermoy had returned to Trenton in a very questionable manner, determined to resist the advance of the king's troops without further orders. .About 10 o'clock the first alarm gun was fired by the American \idettes. Colonel Hand, with his splendid regiment of rifle- men. Captain Henry Miller, of his command being in charge of the skirmish line, con- ducted the retreat to Trenton. Every place which would even for a few moments give shelter from which to take a steady aim was taken ad\antage of' and every part of the road was disputed in all possible ways. On one occasion so stubborn a stand was made by the Americans that a check was produced on the British advance. They actually fell back and the patriots carefully pressed toward them. At last, howe\er, the American detachment w^as driven to the woods running along the south bank of the Shabbakonk Creek, and here a severe skir- mish commenced about one o'clock, and a deadly fire was made upon the British forces, throwing them into considerable confusion. For a long time this conflict On to was maintained with great Princeton, vigor, and the battalions of von Linsingen and Block, a part of Colonel \'on Donop's original com- mand, were drawn up in order of battle, ex- pecting then and there to enter upon the general engagement which they anticipated. For fully three hours the gallant little American force, somewdiat protected by the dense woods, harassed the red coats and continually thinned their ranks with musketry and artillery. Right well did they carry out the plan of General Wash- ington to consume the entire day. if pos- sible, in skirmishing and so retard the enemy's advance tow^trci^^Trenton. Wash- ington was well pleased with the all-day running fight and begged the little party not to yield until compelled to. A battery of British artillery was soon afterward brought into position and made every effort to dislodge the American advance force. Nearly an hour was consumed before the patriot band, unable any longer to sustain themselves, began again to yield the ground and retreat down the Brunswick road into the village, having captured some twenty- fi\-e or thirty men during the day. In this way the last determined stand beyond the town was taken, and a's the Americans be- gan to retreat, the advance party of the Britis'h, about 1,500 men, again commenced their march in column, the main army being still a consideralile distance in the rear. The ad\-ance guard of Cornwallis's army pressed on, driving the Americans before them, and killing some, until they ai'rived at the narrow stone bridge which spanned, with but one arch, the Assunpink Creek. The detachment of skirmishers which all THE REVOLUTION 191 day long had hovered before and around the enemy, hastily, although with difficulty, crowded through the passage at the bridge scarcely sixteen feet wide. Colonel Hitch- cock's l)rigade protected these weary men as they filed across the bridge and took their places with the main army. General Wash- ington himself was on horseback at one end of the bridge, overlooking the scene, and by his personal exposure inspired his men with courage and confidence. It was then after 5 o'clock and rapidly growing dark. With the light made by the firing, it could l)e seen that the advance of the king's troops, entirely unaware of the force now before them, had pressed on until they were within range of the American guns. They made three fruitless efforts to reach and cross the bridge, but found further pursuit checked, and were unable to endure the con- centrated fire. The effect of this fire upon them was extremely uncertain, and doubt- less will never be correctly ascertained, as no mention of loss is made in any British official reports. The loss of the American army was small. BATTLE OF PRINCETON. Many of the British officers urged a gen-" eral and renewed attack, but the short w-in- ter day was drawing to a close, and Corn- wallis decided to wait until morning. Washington had spent the day with stub- born skirmishing, for he had no intention of fighting a pitched battle with his poorly armed men, inferior in numbers to their well-equipped opponents, who had received reinforcements in the morning. He had checked the enemy all day, and he had now the night in which to act, so he set the men to work on entrenchments, lighted camp fires along the river bank, and having con- vinced Cornwallis that he would be there in the morning, he marched ofif with his whole army at midnight, leaving his fires burning. By daybreak he was near Prince- ton, and moved with the main army straight for the town, while Mercer was detached with three hundred men to destroy the bridge which gave the most direct connec- tion with Cornwallis. Toward sunrise, as the British detach- ment was coming down the road from Princeton to Trenton, in obedience to Corn- wallis' order, its van, imder Colonel Maw- hood, met the foremost column of Ameri- cans approaching, under General Mercer. As he caught sight of the Americans, Maw- hood thought that they must be a party of fugitives, and hastened to intercept them; but he was soon undeceived. 'I'he -Americans attacked with General \igor, and a sharp fight was Mercer sustained, with varying for- Wounded. tunes, until Mercer was pierced Ijy a bayonet, and his men began to fall Ijack in some confusion. Just at this critical moment \\'ashington came galloping upon the field and rallied the troops, and as the entire forces on both sides had now come up, the fight became general. In a few' minutes the British were routed and their line cut in two; one half fleeing toward Trenton, the other half to- ward Xew Brunswick. There was little slaughter, as the whole fight did not occupy more than twenty minutes. 'The British lost about 200 in killed and wounded, with 300 prisoners, and their cannon; the Ameri- can loss was less than 100. The brave General Mercer died of his w^ound. CHAPTER XIV REVOLUTION— Continued. Campaign of 1777 — Battles of Brandywine, Paoli and Germantown — Washington at Valley Forge — York Troops at Mon- mouth — Major John Clark — General Henry Miller — Hartley's Regiment — Colonel Thomas Hartley. The American army had been defeated at Long Island and Fort \\'ashington, but through the masterly skill of the com- mander-in-chief, it had won decisive victo- ries at Trenton and Princeton. In a brief campaign of three weeks. Washington had rallied the fragments of a defeated and liroken army, taken nearly two thousand prisoners and recovered the state of New Jersey. By sheer force of military capacity, he had completely turned the tide of popu- lar feeling. His army began to grow by the accession of fresh recruits. Newly organ- ized regiments of the Pennsylvania line joined him in the early part of 1777. These 192 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA included the regiments commanded by Colonel Tliomas Hartley and Colonel David Grier, of York. Although the term of en- listment of the Flying Camp had expired, their places were taken by regiments of Pennsylvania militia, including" several com- mands from west of the Susquehanna River. Flushed with his victories at Trenton and Princeton, Washington defied the British, and spent the winter in camp at Morris- town, near New York City, then held by the British. Even Frederick the ' Great, of Prussia, the most famous military chieftain of the day, in a public declaration, com- mended Washington for his successful cam- paign in New Jersey. Although at one time threat- Enlarging ened by the invading foe, Phila- the Army, delphia still remained in the hands of the Americans. From December 20, 1776, to February 27, 1777, Congress held its sessions in Baltimore. In consequence of the alarming state of af- fairs on December 27, three days after as- sembling in a three-story building on the southwest corner of Baltimore and Sharp Streets, in that city. Congress invested Washington for six months with extraor- dinary powers. It authorized him to raise and officer sixteen additional battalions of infantry, three thousand light horse, three regiments of artillery and a corps of engi- neers, to appoint and remove officers under the rank of brigadier-general, and take, at a fair compensation, any private property needed for the maintenance of the army. The British army under Howe remained in New York City durmg the winter, while AX'ashington continued at jMorristown. Early in June, Howe laid his plans for an- other campaign across New Jersey with the ultimate purpose of capturing Philadelphia. He left New York City with 18,000 men and plenty of boats to cross the Delaware if he reached that stream. Washington, with 8,000 men, left his winter encampment at Morristown and planted his army at JMid- dlebrook, ten miles from New Brunswick. A campaign of eighteen days ensued, con- sisting of wily marches and counter- marches, the result of wdiich showed that Washington's advantage of position could not be wrested from him. Howe being too prudent to attack Washington, abandoned his plan and returned to New York. Early in the same year Gen- Howe eral Burgoyne, with an army Approaches of 10,000 British and Hes- Philadelphia. sians, was ordered to de- scend the Hudson to New York and thus separate New England from the other states and divide the country in twain. Washington at first believed that Howe would go to the assistance of Bur- goyne, but early in July, leaving 7,000 troops under Sir Henry Clinton in New York, Howe's army of 18,000 men em- barked in 228 vessels and put to sea. Just before sailing he wrote a letter to Burgoyne, stating that his destination was Boston and artfully contrived that the letter should fall into Washington's hands. But the Ameri- can general, believing that he was going southward, placed Putnam in the Highlands with 4,000 men, and with the balance of the army, moved toward Philadelphia, which he anticipated that Howe had determined to capture. July 3, the British army was sighted off the capes' of Delaware. Fearing that the river was carefully guarded, Howe moved his fleet up the Chesapeake, and after a sail of 400 miles, arrived at the head of Elk River, near Elkton, Maryland, Au- 'gust 25. On hearing" this news, Washing- ton advanced to Wilmington, Delaware. Immediately after landing", Howe issued a proclamation of amnesty, but few of the Americans sympathized enough with the British to give them much assistance. BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE.' Meantime Washington's forces were in- creased by the arrival of 3,000 troops from Pennsylvania and adjoining states. He now determined to offer battle, although he had only 11,000 men to contend with Howe's 18,000 trained soldiers. Brandy- wine Creek was in the line of march from Howe's position to Philadelphia. Wash- ington placed his army at Chad's Ford," the leading crossing place of this stream. It was here the battle took place September II, 1777, resulting in a loss of 1,000 Ameri- can soldiers in killed, wounded and cap- tured. The British loss exceeded that num- ber. In the battle of Brandywine, Washington placed the center of his army just behind Chad's Ford and across the road. In front of this center, he planted Proctor's artillery. THE REVOLUTION 193 which was supported by a division of Penn- sylvania troo])s under General Anthony \\'ayne. Colonel Hartley, of York, had command of the first britjade in this division. Colonel Edward Hand, of Lan- caster, having been promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, the First Pennsylvania Line, formerly Hand's regiment, was com- manded by Colonel James Chambers, of Cumberland, later Franklin County. This regiment had in line at Brandywine many of the same York County troops who had fought under Captain Henry Miller at Long Island, Trenton and Princeton. ]\Iiller having been promoted to the rank of major. James Matson succeeded to the command of the company. Michael Simpson, of York ICounty, was captain of another company of this regiment. The Seventh Pennsylvania regiment, commanded Ijy Colonel David Grier, served in Wayne's brigade. It con- tained a large number of York County troops. Lewis Bush served as major of Hartley's regiment, and some of its captains at Brandywine were Benjamin Stoddard. Evan Edwards. George Ross, Archibald McAl- lister, Robert Hoopes and James Kenny. Captain McAllister was a son of Richard I\Ic.\llister, of Hano\er, Avho had com- manded the First Regiment of the Flying Camp. Some of the lieutenants of Hart- ley's regiment in this battle were Andrew A\'alker. Joseph Davis, Isaac Sweeny, Henry Carberrv, James Dill. James Lemon, Martin Eichelberger and William Lemon. Of this list, Dill, Walker and Eichelberger were from York County. At daybreak of Sep- tember II, General Knyphausen, with 7.000 troops, drove in the advance of Wayne's division, across the Brandywine a^ Chad's Ford. General Armstrong, commanding the Pennsylvania militia, occupied the ex- treme left of \\ ashington's arnn-, and was stationed on clitifs, a short distance south of Wayne's position. General Greene, upon whose staff Major Clark, of York, was then serving, commanded the reserves in support of General Wayne's division. The right wing of the American army, stretching two miles up the Brandywine, was commanded by General Sullivan. Lord Cornwallis. with the left of the British army, crossed the Brandywine in the afternoon a short dis- tance up the stream and came in on Sulli- van's right flank, when a terrible conflict ensued. The artillery of both armies opened with terrible effect, and the conflict became general and severely contested. Sul- li\an was slowly pushed back, being over- powered by the large British force, and De- borre's brigade, stationed below him, broke and fled in confusion. The brigades under Lord Sterling and General Conway stood firm. Meantime, Sullivan and Lafayette, unable to rally the fugitives, went to the as- sistance of Sterling and Conway. The youthful Lafayette, whom Lafayette Congress had just commis- Wounded. sioned a brigadier-general, now received his first baptism of fire. In order to act more efficiently, he dis- mounted, and while fighting in the line, was wounded in the leg. At this juncture. Gen- eral Washington, with the brigades of Greene, Weedon and Muhlenberg, hastened to strengthen General Sullivan, but they did not arrive in time to prevent the retreat. By a skillful movement, Greene opened his ranks and received the fugitives and covered their retreat, checking the advance and kept the enemy at bay until dark. Late in the afternoon. General Knyp- hausen crossed the Brandywine at Chad's Ford and made a violent attack upon Wayne's division. Wayne held his position gallantly and with his Pennsylvania troops dealt a terrible blow upon the enemy. Hear- ing of the defeat of the right wing, his gal- lant Pennsylvanians who had fought so bravely, were ordered by the commanding general to retreat. In order to protect his men. Wayne left the artillery in the hands of the enemy and fell back to Greene, who protected him from a rout. The militia under the command of General Armstrong, being posted about two miles below Chad's Ford, had no opportunity of engaging the enem}-. During the succeeding night, the defeated forces of General \\ ashington re- treated to Chester and on the following day to Germantown, where they went into camp. William Russel. of York County, Ensign residing at Abbottstown, lost a William leg by a cannon ball in the battle Russel. of Brandywine. In this engage- ment he was the ensign for the Thirootless mission. "Soon after crossing the Hudson, General Riedesel, accompanied by a few of his adju- tants, left his family in order to overtake his troops. It is not known definitely wdiere he met them, or indeed if he overtook them at all. Only this much is known to a certainty, that the general waited for his family at Colle, which is distant about two hours from Charlottesville. Here he had hired a house which he was occupying when Madame Riedesel and the children joined him about the middle of February. The party had been twelve weeks on their w^ay, liad crossed six states, and had journeyed six hundred and seventy-eight miles. The house, hired by Riedesel at Colle, belonged to an Italian, wdio, a few weeks later, moved out of it, leaving it, together with a nice little garden, to Riedesel and his family." During the stuumer of 1779, General Riedesel built a house at Colle, wdiich cost him 100 guineas, but his family and he never had the opportunity of occupying it. In September of that year he received word that he would soon be exchanged. After putting the German prisoners in charge of General Specht, by authority of Colonel James Wood, the commander of the Ameri- can guard, Riedesel left Virginia for Xew York, accompanied by Major-General Phil- lips. Soon after his arrival there he was exchanged and by order of Sir Henry Clin- ton was placed in command at Long Island with headquarters on what are now Brook- lyn Heights. At tlie close of the Revolu- tion, in 1783, he returned to Germany, where he w^as given the rank of lieutenant- general in 1787. At the time of his death, in 1800, he was commandant of the city of Brimswick. A HEROINE OF THE REVOLUTION. The wife of General Riedesel had a ro- mantic history during the Revolution. She followed the fortunes of her husband and was captured at Saratoga when Burgoyne surrendered. The Baroness kept a diary, wdiich was afterward published in the Ger- man language. This journal was translated into English and pulilished in America in 1867. The story of her experience after her capture reads like a romance of the Middle Ages. During her captivit}', she twice passed through York and on her return from Virginia spent several days in York with her three little daughters and a retinue of attendants. A condensed story of her experience is herewith given : The Baroness Riedesel was present at the first engagement at Saratoga and was near her husband in the thickest of the fight. She heard the rattle of musketry, and the boom THE RI-:\'OLUTIOX 239 of cannon, and when the fighting ended took care of the wounded. After the battle a large calash was built to convey herself, her three children, and her two servants, and in this vehicle she followed the army in the midst of the soldiers, who were merrily singing songs and hurrahing with a desire for victory. "\Miile passing through the American camp in my calash after the surrender," says the Baroness, "none of the American soldiers cast at us scornful glances, even showing compassion on their countenances at seeing a mother with her little children in such a situation. \\'hen I approached the -tents, a noble looking man came toward me, took the children out of the wagon, em- braced and kissed them and then with tears in his eyes helped me also to alight. His tenderness toward my children and myself inspired me with courage. He then led me to the tent of General Gates, with whom I found Generals Burgoyne and Philips, con- ferring about the capitulation. "I then learned that this noble Dined man, who led me to the tent. With was the American General Schuyler. Schuyler, who had preceded Gates in the command of the American army. Schuyler invited me to dine at his own tent and I then learned that this noble-hearted man was a husband and father. I afterwards met his wife and daughters in Albany. One of his daughters married Alexander Hamilton." The Baron and Baroness Riedesel mo\'ed with the prisoners from Albanj^ to Boston, riding in their calash. They occupied a comfortable home at Cambridge for a year while arrangements were made to remove the prisoners to Virginia. The cause of this order was the declara- tion of Sir Henry Clinton, then in command of the British at New York City, that since the Convention troops (those who sur- rendered at Saratoga) were not acknowl- edged as such, but looked upon in the same light as ordinary prisoners of war, he was no longer disposed to forward provisions to them, or pay the "exorbitant bills of the Americans," consequently Congress must maintain the prisoners itself. .As the coun- try in the vicinity of Boston was very de- ficient in provisions, the Convention troops were accordingly sent to Virginia, which it was thought would be better able to furnish the needful supplies. The keeping of the German colors were entrusted to the Baroness at Cambridge. During the time she remained there she had them concealed within a mattress. The .\mericans thought they had been destroyed at Saratoga, but some time later this mat- tress was forwarded to Halifa.x, and when the Baroness was set free, in 1782, she took the mattress with her to her native land. "In the month of November, 1778," says the Baroness, "when the prisoners were ordered to Virginia, my husband purchased a pretty English wagon so that we were enabled to travel easily with my three daughters, Gustava, Frederika and Caro- line. Gustava entreated Captain Edmons- ton, one of my husband's adjutants, not to leave us on the way. He gave his promise and faithfull}' kept it. I traveled with the army on the way to Virginia. An old Yager, who acted as driver, together with the captain guided our vehicle over the almost impassable roads. My provisions and baggage were carried in a wagon which followed the servants. Upon reaching the Hudson River at Fishkill, we lodged at the house of a boatman. After crossing the river and going a distance, my husband, children and both my maidservants re- mained eight days at the home of Colonel Osborn, a wealthy planter, in order to give our troops time to cross the river, which, on account of the scarcity of boats, was very tedious. Our third stopping place after leaving Colonel Osborn was at the house of a German. At another time we had our quarters for the night at the home of Colo- nel Howe. Before we crossed the Blue Mountains, in Virginia, we made a further halt of eight days that our troops might have time to collect again. "Meantime such a great quantity Down of snow fell that two of our in servants were obliged to go Virginia, before my wagon on horseback in order to make a path for us. On our journey through Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, we passed through a picturesque country which, however, by reason of its wildness, inspired us with ter- ror. We arri\ed at Colle. near Charlottes- ville, in the middle of February, 1779, where my husband, who had gone ahead with our 240 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA troops, awaited us with impatient longing. yiy husband built a large house at Cole, two hours' ride from the prisoners quartered at Charlottesville. The house cost him one hundred guineas. In the summer of 1779, we received word that General Philips and my husband, with their adjutants, had per- mission to go to New York in order to be exchanged. My husband handed over the charge of the German troops to General Specht. He then proceeded northward with General Philips and I set out to meet him at York, Pennsylvania. Before leaving Vir- ginia, Mrs. Carroll sent me an invitation for me to visit her at her home in Maryland. I determined to accept her courtesies. She resided near the town of Baltimore, which. I was told, was very pretty and inhabited by many amiable families. We remained as her guests eight days and were hospitably entertained. "While moving toward York, Pennsyl- vania, from Baltimore, we were overtaken in a forest by a violent thunderstorm. A trunk of a tree broke and fell between the carriage box and the horses. Here we sat fast aground, and could not stir from the place, as none of our servants were strong enough to move the tree from the spot where it had fallen. In the meantime, it thundered fearfully; the lightning struck in several places round about us ; and another and larger tree threatened to crush us. I could only urge the ser\'ants to disengage us from the jam, but the coachman, who was completely bewildered, assured me it was impossible. At last, my little Gustava, who was at that time only eight years old, said, 'Only unhitch the horses, and put them be- hind the wagon, and you can draw it back- wards.' This suggestion was immediately acted upon, and every one asked the other why that idea had not occurred to them likewise. "So finally we arrived happily at The York, in Pennsylvania, where we Baroness found my husband, who had in York, been very much w^orried about us on account of the vivid light- ning. \\'e rode through 'a magnificent coun- try." The "Memoirs" of Baron Riedesel says: "Upon reaching York with General Philips, whom he had met on the w^ay, the Baron found that his wife had arrived a few davs before him. After encountering many dan- gers that brave woman, with her children, had reached the place a few days earlier and had thus had an opportunity of enjoying a little rest, which she very much needed." "From York," says the Baroness, "we pursued our journey through beautifully cultivated country regions and arrived safely at Elizabeth, New Jersey. We ex- pected to cross over to New York the same evening and be restored to our freedom, but while seated at dinner, an officer from Washington arrived with a letter ordering us to return to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as Congress had refused to ratify the ex- change. The eyes of General Philips, who was by nature very passionate, fairly scintil- lated with rage. In a fit of anger he struck the table with his fist. I was like one petri- fied and could not utter a word." In obedience to the order, they returned to Bethlehem, remaining there until the lat- ter part of November, when they were allowed to enter the British lines in New York City. General Riedesel and his wife remained there several months, and March 7, 1780, she gave birth to her fourth daughter. Says the baroness in her diary : "We had intended, in case it had been a boy, to call the child Americus, which we now exchanged for America." General Philips, General Knyphausen and Colonel Wurmb acted as sponsors at the baptism of the child." DR. JOHN CONNOLLY. Dr. John Connolly, a romantic character in the history of the Revolution, was held a prisoner of war at York for a period of two years. He was born in Lancaster County in 1744, son of John Connolly, a surgeon in the British service in America. His mother was first the wife of James Patterson, the noted Indian trader, at Lancaster, who, after his death married as her second hus- band, Thomas Ewing, father of General James Ewing, of York County, who com- manded a brigade in the Flying Camp. Surgeon Connolly was her third husband. Dr. John Connolly, their son, who was edu- cated as a physician, was a man of vigor and force, ^^'hen the Revolution opened he be- came a loyalist, and at the suggestion of Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, went to Boston, where he obtained a colonel's thl: re\ull"i'1().\ -'41 commission from General Gage. tlie Britisli commander at that port. Owing to his alliance with Dunrnore, who was also a loyalist, Connolly was induced to raise a regiment of Tories and Indians to be known as the Roj-al Foresters. \\'hile passing through Hagerstown, Maryland, with a single companion on his way to the western frontier for the purpose of organizing his command, he was arrested. His captors found in his saddlebags his commission. He was taken to Philadelphia and placed in prison. \\'hile passing through York, Con- nolly recorded in his journal : "On the sec- ond day after our capture we arrived at York, where a committee decided that we should be confined in a room in the county jail, in which was a straw bed. little cover- ing" and no fire. The new-made soldiers of York were then so fond of fife and drum that they entertained us all night with this music. The next morning, January i, 1776, we were conducted to the tavern, where our horses had been kept, by a militar}- guard with a drummer beating the Rogue's March. When the guard which brought us here from Frederick started from York, the people of the town and the soldiers ironic- ally complimented us with many wishes of a happ}' new year. Great numbers of the inhabitants of York rode with us until we arrived at Wright's Ferry, the home of my half brother, Colonel James Ewing, who differed from me in political affiliation, for he espoused the cause of the colonies. At Ewing's request, I was allowed to walk on the ice with him in crossing the Susque- hanna. After less than a year's imprison- ment in Philadelphia, through my brother, James Ewing, wdio had become a general in the American army, I was released upon a temporary parole and permitted to go to his home in York County, where I was allowed to go five miles distant for exercise to re- cuperate my health. Here I was sent in November, 1776, and remained two months, when I was again remanded to prison, but General Ewing again came to my rescue and by his own bond I was, in the spring of 1777, again permitted to live at his home on parole. I continued in this happy situa- tion from April 11 to October 14, 1777. W'hen Congress moved to York, the Board of ^^'ar, believing that I was plotting against the go\ernment. had me placed in the county jail at York, where I was closely locked up and all the former severity against me renewed. The York jail was so crowded witii British prisoners, permanent and transient, that a contagious fever ap- peared." Connolly, being a physician, in May, 177S, petitioned Congress, then sitting at York, to relieve him and his associates from this unsanitary condition of affairs, .\mong the British prisoners who signed this document with Connolly were Richard M. Stockton, Charles Harrison, Asher Dunham, Robert Morrison and Francis Frazer. Five days later the Board of \\'ar, under instructions from Congress, reported that Thomas Peters, deput}' commissary of prisoners at York and Carlisle ; Dr. Henry, an attending surgeon, and Colonel Picker- ing, a member of the Board of War, had visited the York jail and found that the statements made by Connolly and his asso- ciates were exaggerated. They further mentioned "that Connolly and six British officers occupied two rooms in the jail, one fifteen by twenty feet, and the other nearly as large; that they also had the privilege of the jail yard, which was sixty yards long and eighteen yards wide. This jail is used as a place of temporary confinement for passing prisoners and is not now crowded. There are only nine privates in the jail, and three of them are the officers' servants. The jail is capable of holding one hundred and sixty prisoners. Five of the soldiers Iiave light fevers, common to places of con- finement, but their disorders are not con- tagious or dangerous." Dr. William Shippen, surgeon-general of the army, while on a visit to York, had ex- amined Connolly during his imprisonment and pronounced him a hypochondraic and not responsible for his statements. This opinion was concurred in by Colonel Pick- ering and the rest, but Connolly denied these allegations and claimed he was treated unfairly. .\fter Congress returned to Philadelphia, in June, 1778, Connolly was admitted to parole and sent to that city, but he was afterward remanded to prison, where he re- mained until nearly the end of the war. -After the close of the Revolution he \isited General Ewing upon his plantation. On one occasion, in an unguarded moment. 16 242 HISTOID' ()1- YURlv CUUXTV. P1£XXSVL\'AXIA \\lien seated at tlie tal)le, lie boastfully made the remarkable statement that the British army would yet come down from Canada and concjuer the United States. This as- tounding remark exasperated Ewing, who rose from his chair and seized Connolly by the throat. The two men were separated by the appeals of Ewing's wife. Although holding opposite views during the Revolu- tion and thereafter, there always existed a bond of fraternal union between Ewing and his half-brother. Even as late as 1798, in an attempt to recover land that he owned at the Falls of the Ohio River, Connolly at- tempted to enlist some army officers in a scheme to capture Louisiana and set up a separate government in the West. The at- tention of the President of the United States was called to this plot and measures were taken to prevent its execution. Connolly died in Canada at an advanced age. He was an adventurer throughout his whole life. CHAPTER XVn REVOLUTION— Continued. Committee of Safety — Associators — Bio- graphical — Historical Notes — Muster Rolls — Pensioners. In the year 1774. when the sentiment spread throughout America in opposition to the British government of the colonies, committees of correspondence and commit- tees of safety were organized. Li May of that year, Charles Thomson, by order of the Committee of Safety of Philadelphia, sent out circular letters to the different counties of Pennsylvania, asking for the sentiments of the inhabitants in relation to the attitude of the mother country toward the colonies. This letter also asked that delegates should be chosen from York County to attend a provincial conference to be held at Philadelphia, June 15, 1774. Li response to this letter a meet- First ing was held in York, presided Meeting over by Michael Swope, who in afterwards commanded _ a regi- York. ment of Y'ork County troops in the Revolution. This meeting decided to concur with the sister colonies in anv constitutional measures in order to obtain redress, and recognized the j^eople of Boston as "sufl:"ering in the common cause of liberty." It was resolved that every township in Y'ork County send delegates to meet in convention on the 4th of July fol- lowing. A committee of thirteen was then appointed for the town of Y'ork. June 28, the Philadelphia Committee of Safety transmitted to the committee of thirteen in York, resolutions passed by the Provincial Conference assembled in State House Square on June 18. This Provincial Con- ference had recommended that the com- mittees appointed in the different counties or such number of them as thought proper, meet in Philadelphia at the time the Provincial Assembly should convene. On account of the Indian disturbances, John Penn, governor of Pennsylvania, liad called a meeting of the Pro\incial Assembly for July 18. The committees of the several counties thus assembling in Philadelphia at the same time as the Provincial Assembly met, could then frame and prepare such matters for submission to the Assembly as might be thought proper and expedient. In accordance with this request, James Smith, Joseph Donaldson and Thomas Hartley were sent as deputies from Y'ork County to the Provincial Conference, which had been announced to assemble at Phila- delphia on July 15, three days before the Pro\incial Assembly met pursuant to the call of Governor Penn. James Smith was appointed a member of a committee to pre- pare a petition to the Provincial Assembly to appoint delegates to attend a Continental Congress of representatives from all the colonies in America. This Congress met in Philadelphia, September 5, 1774, in Car- penter's Hall. Among the members of this illustrious body were George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Jay, and John Rutledge. This Congress agreed upon a Declaration of Rights, and after discussing other meas- ures, adjourned to meet in Philadelphia on the loth of May, 1775. On December 16, 1774, the freeholders of Y'ork County met at the Court House for the purpose of electing a Committee of Safety, which was composed of one or more representatives from every township in the county. The following is a list of the per- sons chosen : THE REVOLUTIOX 243 HcMiry Slagle, Joseph Donaldson, George Eichclbergcr. George Irwin, John Hay, Archibald McClcan. David Grier, David Kennedy. Thomas Fisher. John Kean, John Houston. George Kuntz, Simon Coppenhaffer, Joseph Jefferies, Robert McCorlcy, Michael Hahn, Baltzer Spanglcr. Daniel Messerly, Nicholas Bittinger, Michael Davis, Jacob Doudel. Frederick Fischcl. James Dickson. William McClellan, William Cathcart, Patrick Scott. Michael Doudel, Michael Bard, Casper Reinecker, Henry Liebhard, John Maxwell. George Oge, John O. Blcncs. William Dill. Henry Banta. Sr., t^ William Kilmary, William Chesney, Francis Holton, Peter Reel. Andrew Finlev. On Decemljer 17, the Committee met at tlie Court House and organized by electing James Smith, chairman ; Thomas Hartley, vice-president; John Hay, treasurer, and George Lewis Lefler, secretary. At this meeting the committee prepared rules for the transaction of business, laid plans for raising money to be sent to the unfortunate people of Boston, whose rights had been trampled upon by the English government, and then adjourned until December 29. On December 22. 1774, a letter was received from the Committee of Safety in Philadel- phia requesting that the local committees in Pennsylvania send delegates to a Provincial Convention to be held in Phila- delphia, January 23, 1775, in order that these delegates might discuss questions relating to the common defence of the peo- ple in Pennsylvania and the other colonies. James Smith, Thomas Hartley. John Hay, George Eichelberger, Joseph Donaldson, George Irwin and Michael Smyser were chosen by the committee to represent York County in the proposed convention. When this Provincial Conference met at Philadel- phia, on January 22, they resolved that this Convention heartily approved of the con- duct and proceedings of the Continental Congress, wiiich had alread\- held a ses- sion. In April, 1775, James Smith, chairman of the Committee of Safety, addressed a patriotic letter to the committee at Boston and forwarded the sum of 246 pounds for tiie relief of the suffering people of that city. I'he term Associators \vas ap])lied to patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania who 1)anded together earlv in the I'^exnlution to protect themselves against the alleged tyranny of the English government, of which they were subjects. The love of liberty seems to have been inborn with our ancestors before the struggle for indepen- dence had begmi. Persecutions in Europe had led the Scotch from the north of Ire- land, the Germans from the Palatinate, the Pietists from Germany and Switzerland to come to this province because its founder had offered freedom of conscience and a liberal government. After the close of the Erench and Indian war, peace and prosperity reigned through- out York, Cumberland, Westmoreland and Bedford, then called the frontier counties, embracing all the region west of the Sus- quehanna River. W ithin a few years York and Cumberland had become densely popu- lated, each containing about twenty-live thousand settlers, who were clearing the primeval forests, cultivating the valuable lands and hunting the wild game which was alnmdant everywhere. As a result of the Indian in- Expert cursions and their experience a^ Riflemen, hunters, these sturdy pioneers had become expert riflemen. When they heard the news from Xew Eng- land and the other colonies that measures would be taken to resist the tyranny of England, our ancestors in York County were (|uick to respond. .Militia companies had been in existence before 1750, and three companies from York County had partici- pated as Provincial troops in the French and Indian war. They had been sworn into the British service to protect their home^ against the hostile invaders and finrdly drove them back to the Ohio Valley. The military spirit had decreased for sexeral years, until the patriots of York County heard of the difficulties at Boston. James Smith, the leading member of the York Bar, in May, 1774, was sent as a dele- gate to the Provincial Conference, which was held at Carpenter's Hall. Philadelphia. From the time he had heard of the disturbed state of affairs in Massachusetts, James Smith was one of the foremost in this prov- ince to advocate armed resistance against the mother country. He presented his arguments with force and eloquence to the Conference, which, however, adopted con- ciliatorv measures. 244 IIISTURV OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Immediately after his return to The York, this ardent advocate of First American liberty began the Company, organization of the first mili- tary company in Pennsylvania for the purpose of opposing British oppres- sion. James Smith was chosen captain of this company; Thomas Hartley, first lieu- tenant; David Grier, second lieutenant; Henry [Miller, ensign. The commanding officer became a signer of the Declaration of Independence and his subordinates all won distinction in the American army. The non-commissioned officers and privates ^vere composed of the leading citizens of the town and county. They met regularly for drill and discipline, being armed with rifles for complete training in the art of war. Meantime the first Continental Congress had met at Carpenter's Hall, September 5, 1774, and although this body agreed upon a declaration of rights, and sent a petition to the king, it did not urge armed resist- ance against the mother country. The mili- tary spirit, however, was rife throughout York Count}^, \\'hicli embraced the area now included in .Vdanis, and within a short time other companies of Associators were formed. On February 14, 1775, the local Committee of Correspondence, at a meet- ing held in the Court House at York, re- corded that there were several companies of Associators within the limits of the count\' engaged in military drill and discipline similar to the one at York. It further stated that the conunanding officers were willing to disband these companies if their existence was not agreeable to the com- mittee. James Smith being chairman, de- clared in open meeting and had it recorded that the committee would not discourage the martial spirit of these Associators throughout York County, but on the con- trary reported: "we are of the opinion that said Associators if trained with prudence, moderation and a strict regard to good order, under the direction of a man of probity and understanding, would tend much to the security of this country against the attempts of our enemies." The news from Lexington and Concord where the British had attacked the militia of Massachusetts, stimulated the military ardor of the .'\ssociators in York County, and it reached the higliest point of tension when these patriots heard of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Immediately after the news was brought to York County, the military company conunanded l)y Captain Michael Doudel, with Lieuten- ants Miller, Dill and Matson, began the march to join the patriot army under Wash- ington around Boston. The career of this company is told elsewhere in this volume. 'I'he Revolution had now opened and all of the thirteen colonies were in a condition of rebellion. This state of affairs brought about a meeting of the Pennsylvania As- sembly, June 30, 1775, which by this time had become a patriotic body. INIany of those in favor of the British crown had re- tired. The Assembly approved the organ- ization of Associators and passed resolu- tions agreeing in case of invasion to provide for necessar}' pay of officers and soldiers performing military duty while in active service. It recommended that the Board of Commissioners and Assessors in each county provide a number of muskets or rifles with bayonets, cartridge boxes large enough for twenty rounds, and knapsacks. Three hundred were asked for the Count}- of York. Every county was requested to select a number of Minute Men equal to the number of arms, and to be in readiness upon the shortest notice to march to any quarter in case of emergency. Saturday of each week was set apart for military drill. The average number of men in a company was eighty, rank and file. The company could not go outside of Penn- sylvania without the vote of the majority of the officers and men. Immediately after the first company of volunteers under Captain Doudel and Lieu- tenant Miller began the march to Boston to join the army under Washington, the As- sociators began to organize for defensi\-e operations in case their services were needed. A meeting of the local Committee of Safety and officers of the Associators was held in the county Court House at York, July 28th and 29th, 1775. It was presided over by James Smith. Under the authority of this meeting, York County was divided into five military districts. The associated companies then Battalions already formed in the town of Organized. York and tlie Townships of Hellam, Windsor, JManchester, THE REVOLUTIOX 245 York and Codorus, were organized into the first Ijattalion of York County .\ssociators under the command of James Smith, as colonel; Thomas Hartley, lieutenant-colo- nel: Joseph Donaldson and Michael Swopc. majors. The second battalion was formed from associated companies in the region of what is now part of Adams County, including the Townships of Cumberland, Hamilton Ban, Straban, Menallen. ^It. Joy and Tyrone, with Robert McPherson, colonel: David Kennedy, lieutenant-colonel; and Moses McClean and Hugh Dunwoodie, majors. The third battalion was formed from as- sociated companies in Heidelberg, Berwick, Paradise. Mt. Pleasant, ^Manheim and Ger- many Townships, with Richard AIcAllister, colonel; Henry Slagle, lieutenant-colonel; John Andrews and Joseph Jeffries, majors. Tlie fourth battalion ^\•as formed from the associated companies in Chanceford, Shrewsbury, Fawn and Hopewell Town- ships, with William Smith, colonel; Francis Holton, lieutenant-colonel; and John Gib- son and John Finley, majors. The fifth battalion was formed from the associated companies in Dover. Xewberry, Monaghan, \\'arrington, Huntingdon and Reading Townships, with \\'illiam Rankin, colonel; Matthew Dill, lieutenant-colonel; Robert Stevenson and Gerhart Graefif, majors. At this same meeting for the or- Minute ganization of battalions of Asso- Men. ciators, under the authority of the Pennsylvania Conference, a bat- talion of Minute Men was organized with Richard ]ilc.\llister, colonel; Thomas Hart- lew lieutenant-colonel, and David Grier, major. This battalion was composed of five companies, one from each military district of the county. Each company of Minute Men was composed of a captain, two lieu- tenants, four sergeants, four corporals, an ensign, a drummer and sixty-eight or more privates. These Minute Men were volun- teers from the five battalions of Associators. one company from each battalion. The week following this historic meeting in the provincial Court House at York, the differ- ent companies were formed and banded themselves together to be ready at a mo- ment's warning to take the field in defence of their rights and liberties. The Associators and Minute Men of York Coimty who had already subscribed to the voluntar}- articles of association for de- fensive purposes, and which were the first prepared in any province or colony in the country, accepted thirty-two articles of as- sociation recommended by the Pennsyl- \ania Conference, August 12, 1775. These articles provided for every contingency that might arise to the troops if called into active service. They were read in the presence of each company, after which officers and privates gave their solemn attestation. The preamble to these articles reads as follows : "We, the ofticers and soldiers engaged in the present association for the defence of American liberty, being fully sensible that the strength and security of any body of men, acting together, consists in just regularit}'. due subordination and exact obedience to command, without wdiich no indi\'idual can have that confidence in sup- port of those about him that is so necessary to giye firmness and resolution to the whole, do voluntarily and freely, after consider- ation of the following articles, adopt the same as the rules by which we agree and resolve to be governed in all our military concerns and operations until the same, or any of them, shall be changed or dissolved by the Assembly, or Provincial Convention, or in their recess by the Committee of Safety, or a happy reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and tlit- Colonies." On August I. Colonel James Smith, com- mander of the first battalion of Associators and chairman of the Committee of Cor- respondence and Obserxation for York County, addressed a letter to the delegates in Continental Congress from Pennsyl- vania. This Congress had convened in Philadelphia on May 10. on the day when Ticonderoga and Crown Point had been captured by Ethai* .\llen. As recorded in the Pennsylvania .\rchives, Colonel Smith asked an opinion as to how the committee should proceed with those citizens who for conscience' sake were opposed to bearing arms. The following day. Michael Swopc. of York, who was a member of the Penn- sylvania Committee of Safety, wrote to John Dickinson, at Philadelphia, president of the Committee. In this letter the writer >46 HISTom" ()1 COUNT V, PEXXSYLVAXIA reports the success of a meeting held at W illiani Irvine, of Carlisle, was prompt. York in julv; he asked that the officers was commissioned colonel to oro-anize and chosen to command the companies of Asso- command the Sixth Battalion of Pennsyl- ciators and Minute Men recei\e commis- vania \'olunteers, largely composed of sions, thus giving them proper authority to troops from west of the Susquehanna, perform their military dtities. Captain Closes McClean recruited and corn- By this time in the history of affairs manded one of the companies from York which brought forth the war for indepen- County \\'hich joined Irvine's battalion, and dence there were fifty-three battalions of Captain David Grier the other. The Associators in Pennsjdvania. It must be muster rolls of these two companies and understood that the incidents herein the part taken by these troops in the first described took place one year before the Canada expedition will be found in the Declaration of Independence, when Penn- chapter on that subject in this volume, sylvania was still a province and the As- Thomas Hartley, a member of the York sembly not acting under a constitution. County Bar, was commissioned lieutenant- which was adopted in 1776, when this prov- colonel of this battalion. He was then ince became one of the thirteen original twenty-six years of age. states. The remaining troops all over On September 14, the local committee Committee York County continued to from this county reported to Benjamin of Safety. practice the manual of arms Franklin and the Committee of Safety for with their flintlock muskets. Pennsylvania, that the number of Associ- They were imbued with the military spirit ators in York County was 3,349. Accord- and continued to prepare themselves to ing to this report there were in July pre- take an active part in the war which had ceding nine hundred non-associators in this opened with so much energy and defiance county, who were opposed to bearing arms, to the mother country. ^Meantime a new Meantime some of these had voluntarily Committee of Safety and Observation was joined the military companies and became elected by a popular vote throughout the loyal to the cause of independence. The county. Only men interested in protecting liattalions in York County, according to the the rights of the colonies were chosen, committee's statement, did not contain an There were several members from each of equal number of men, but none of them had the twenty-six townships. The following fewer than five hundred. The first three are the names: battalions were large enougli for regiments. The men appointed to command these com- panies were generalh' efficient. The dis- cipline of the companies was not all the same, so this committee suggested if any weve to be called into service it would be \\'ell to call otit those who were best trained in the manual of arms and in military practice. It will thus be seen that the Associators west of the Susquehanna were preparing themselves for anj- emergencv. The com- panv that had volunteered ear'lv in Julv had-^?=''^'" ^pangler, , ' , I r ' , John Houston, already won a record for courage and Thomas Armor marksmanship in Thompson's battalion in A\'ashington's army, at Boston. When it was decided by Continental Congress, in the winter of 1775-6. to send an expedition to in\'ade Canada, two com- panies were ordered to be recruited for that service from the associated battalions of York County. The response to this call Michael Swope, James Smith, Thomas Hartley, John Hay, Charles Lukens, David Grier, Joseph Donaldson, George Irwin, John Kean, William Lease, William Scott. George Eichelberger, Philip Albright, Michael Hahn, David Candler, John Schultz, Christopher Slagle, Andrew Rutter, Peter Wolfe, Philip Jacob King, Zachariah Shugart, John Herbach, William Johnston, John Spangler, James Dickson, Francis Cazart, George Brinkerhoff, John Semple, Robert McPlierson, Samnel Edie, William McClellan, 1 homas Donglass, John Agnew, David Kennedy, George Clingen, George Kerr, Abraham Banta, — John Mickle, Jr., Samnel McConaughy, David McConaughy, John Blackburn, William Walker, Richard McAllister, Christian Graff, Jacob Will, Henry Slagle, John Hamilton, John Montieth, Thomas Lilly, Richard Parsel, Charles Gelwix, John ]\IcClure, William Shakly. Frederick Gelwix, John H inkle. THE REVOLUTION 247 John Hoover, Patrick McSherry," James Lceper, Joseph Reed, Patrick Scott, James Edgar, Benjamin Savage, Andrew Thompson, . Peter Baker, Jacob Kase!, John Wilhams, 'Wilham Mitchell, Lewis Williams, William Rankin, James Xailer, Haltzer Knertzer, Henry Mathias, George Stough, Daniel Messerly, John X^esbit, William Wakely, John Chamberlain, Andrew Thompson, Alexander Sanderson. The British army, after having been driven out of Boston by the Americans under Washington, proceeded to Halifax. Xova Scotia. When Congress heard that this army was about to threaten New York, it asked for 2,000 troops from Pennsylvania. A regiment under Colonel Sainuel ]\Iiles was organized at Philadelphia. One com- • pany was called for from York County. This company was recruited from dififerent battalions of Associators and was placed in conmiand of Philip Albright as captain: John Thompson, first lieutenant ; Cornelius Sheriff, second lieutenant ; William Mc- Pherson, second lieutenant ; Jacob Stair, third lieutenant. This company joined the regiment in June and the story of its service is given in the history of Colonel ^files' regiment, found in this volume. During the first years of the war, many of the patriots of the Revolution were only seeking for what they termed the rights of the colonies, but as England was sending more troops to this country for the purpose of conquering the Americans now in the field, the spirit of independence prevailed throughout the colonies from New Hamp- shire to Georgia. On July 4, 1776, by a majority vote in Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence was adopted. Pennsylvania was no longer a province under the English government. She was in the centre of the thirteen original states, and when the war had ended was the key- stone of the arch vmder which the American troops marched when they were mustered out of service. Philadelphia was to become the first seat of government of the new-born Republic of the United States. The five battalions of Associators in York County continued to drill and discipline more fre- quently than they had done before Congress had declared the states free and indepen- dent. They had company drill at the regu- lar parading ground selected by the captain, and twice a month all the companies of a battalion met and drilled at one place under the command of the colonel. The war spirit was rife throughout the state of Pennsyl- vania and in every section of York County. The climax came when the Brit- Called ish threatened to capture the city Into of New York. Sir William Howe Service, was now in command of the enemy's troops and had received many recruits from across the ocean. In order to supply all protective measures pos- sible, on July 5, 1776, the day after the Declaration of Independence had been voted upon, a committee of Congress held a conference with the Pennsylvania Com- mittee of Safety, and the field officers of the five battalions of Associators then organ- ized in Philadelphia. At this meeting reso- lutions were adopted, urgently requesting that the entire force of Associators in Penn- sylvania, in all, fifty-three battalions, "who can be furnished with arms and accoutre- ments be forthwith requested to march with the utmost expedition" to Trenton and New Brunswick in the State of New Jersey. These troops were to remain in the service until a Flying Camp composed of 10,000 men could be organized in the field, and placed under the command of General Hugh Mercer, a bosom friend of Washing- ton. On the same day, Congress approved what had been done and "recommended to the good people of Pennsylvania to carry their purposes into execution with the same laudable readiness which they have ever manifested in supporting the injured rights of their country." This news was soon brought west of the Susquehanna and cir- culated throughout York County. There are no official reports which give the historian the privilege of describing in detail how these five battalions of associ- ated militia from this county congregated at their appointed places and began the march toward Philadelphia and Trenton. Every flintlock musket or rifle available was brought into requisition and given to these patriots who had answered the call of their country for the common defence of the nation, which had just declared its indepen- dence. Michael Swope took command of Going the battalion which had been to the drilled by James Smith, who had Front, been elected to Congress, and be- 248 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY. PEXXSYLVA'NIA came a signer of the immortal ileclara- tion. Robert McPherson, who then re- sided near the site of Gettysburg, marched toward York with the Second Battalion. Richard McAllister, who was also com- mander of the Minute Alen, came with the Third Battalion from Hanover and vicinity. \\'illiam Smith, with the Fourth Battalion, from the lower end of the county, crossed the Susquehanna at McCall's Ferry and pro- ceeded to Lancaster, where he afterward met the other battalions on the march. William Rankin came from Newberry and adjoining townships with the Fifth Bat- talion. If they all obtained firelocks and the necessary equipment, there were at least 2.500 professional men, tillers of the soil and tradesmen, who crossed the Susque- hanna and began the march to Philadelphia and Trenton in the midsummer days of July, 1776, shortly after the Declaration of Independence had been read in front of the Court House at York. "On July 7," says the pastor of the IMoravian Church in his diary, "strict orders came that all Associators of this county should hold themselves in readiness to march to the front." In answer to the call for troops, York County responded with the five battalions, the advance reaching Philadelphia July 16. From thence they proceeded to Perth Am- boy, near the city of New York, and during the succeeding month two regiments were formed out of these battalions of Associ- ators. They composed the First and Second Pennsylvania Regiments of the Flying Camp, whose history will be found in another chapter of this book. The Associators who had not Proof of enlisted in the Flying Camp in Patriotism, accordance with the act of Congress, after receiving the pay of troops in the Continental service, were permitted to return home. It seems that a sufficient numl:)er had enlisted for the immediate demands of the army. The object in calling the entire militia force of the state for one month had a double pur- pose. It supplied sufficient men for the Flying Camp, and at that early period proved the courage and patriotism of the Pennsylvania Associators in the cause of independence. The .\ssociators A\'ho returned home kept up their organizations and continued their military drill and discipline, expecting that they might soon again be called into the service. After the battle of Long Island, which was succeeded by the disaster to the American arms at Fort Washington, the British held New York City. Succeeding these events \\'ashington, with his depleted army, retreated across New Jersey and when Philadelphia was threatened by the invading foe, there was another call for troops. The Pennsylvania Council of Safety requested the Board of War to sta- tion more troops for the defence of Phila- delphia. The object of this move was not only to protect the city against the invading foe, but to menace the adherents to the Crown known as Tories, who lived in Phila- delphia and the surrounding country. It was then ordered that two Virginia battal- ions, the German battalion, four companies of Marines, and 500 Associators from each of the counties of York, Cumberland, Lan- caster and Berks be called into the service and placed under the command of General Stephen for the defence of Philadelphia. Thomas Wharton, president of Mifflin Pennsylvania, on December 23, at issued an address which appealed York. to every friend of his country. Meantime, General Thomas Mif- flin, the "fighting Quaker" of the Revolu- tion, was requested by the State Assembly to make a tour of Pennsylvania. He made speeches in every section of the state, arousing the patriotism of the people by his fascinating eloquence. He came to York and also visited Carlisle. In both of these towns he stirred up so much enthusiasm that an early chronicler was constrained to say "the quota from the back counties was easily raised." In fact the loyalty to the union of states in the interior counties was much more pronounced than in the city of Philadelphia. This alarming call was the result of the defeat of A\^ashington around New York City and the retreat of his army across New Jersey. The term of enlistment of some of his soldiers had ended. The Flying Camp, which had enlisted for the term of six months, would end January i, but many of this gallant band of soldiers were per- suaded to remain in the service for a longer time. A\'ithin a few da^'s, three thousand THE RE\'OLUTIOX 249 Associators from the interior of Pennsyl- vania arrived in the city of Phihidelphia and were placed in command of Cadwalader and Ewing, then guarding the Delaware River from Trenton to Philadelphia. Al- though not active participants, they were present at Trenton and Princeton, im- portant victories in the American cause. When it was feared the British would again attack Philadelphia in the spring of 1777, the Supreme Executive Council, in a proclamation of the 9th of April, after stating the causes of alarm and calling upon the people to prepare for defence, used this language : "This city lias once been saved by the vigorous, manly efforts of a few brave As- sociators, who generously stepped forward in defence of their country ; and it has been repeatedly and justly observed, and ought to be acknowledged as a signal evidence of the favor of Divine Providence that the lives of the associated militia in every Ijattle during this just war have been remarkably spared. Confiding, therefore, in the con- tinuance of His blessing, who is indeed the God of Armies, let every man among us hold himself ready to march into the field whenever he shall be called upon to do so." With the passage and promulga- State tion of the new militia law, the Militia. Associated Battalions as such ceased to exist. The days of the Associators had passed away and the Penn- syl\-ania militia came upon the stage of action. It was naturally anticipated that greater thoroughness in discipline would be the result, yet this was never realized. Al- though the militia served well in the cam- paign around Philadelphia, September, 1777, yet their duties were afterward chiefly confined either in protecting the frontiers, standing sentinel while the back- woodsman sowed his grain and reaped his harvest, or in guarding prisoners of war. The influence of the Associators was never- theless felt throughout the contest for in- dependence. At the next session of the Pennsylvania Assembly, a special act was passed relating to the militia of the state. The act pro- vided for the division of York County into six districts for the purpose of keeping the militia organizations in practice ready for service. Each countv of the state was re- quired to have at least 640 militia, armed and equipped and ready for military duty. Tiie organization of the county Militia militia was in ciiarge of a lieu- Organized, tenant and in each district a sub-lieutenant was appointed. This law went into force in March, 1777. Richard Mc.Vllister, who had commanded a regiment in the Flying Camp, was ap- pointed lieutenant of York County. Hance Morrison, Robert Stevenson, John Hay, James McCandless and John Carson were appointed sub-lieutenants. It was the duty of the sub-lieutenants to carry out all the provisions of the act and see that at least 640 men in his district between the ages of 18 and 50 should receive the proper military drill so as to be trained in the art of war. All persons enrolled who failed to be present at muster without cause were fined 7 shillings and 6 pence. There were eight companies in a district. Each company was required to drill at least two days eacli month. The companies met at regular in- tervals for battalion drill. The militia forces of the state were then placed under the command of Brigadier-Generals John Armstrong, John Cadwalader. James Pot- ter and Samuel Meredith. In June, Arm- strong was made the major-general and James Irvine was appointed additional brigadier, in August. As early as April 25, 1777, President AMiarton, by advice of Continental Con- gress and the Board of War, ordered at least 500 militia from the different counties of the state to rendezvous at Bristol and Chester, to be in readiness for the enemy if they attempted to attack Philadelphia. On May i, 1777, Colonel Richard McAl- lister wrote to President Wharton that he had just finished dividing York County into military districts. It was difficult to raise tlie quota of 640 men required for each dis- trict. He assured Mr. A\"harton that he had not lost one hour in organizing the militia, nor would he until the work was thor- oughly done. On May 7, President Whar- ton acknowledged the receipt of McAl- lister's letter, assuring the latter that he felt confident that he was performing his duty to his utmost a1)ility. He requested that a report of tlie election of officers for each battalion be forwarded in order that commissions for these of^cers might be sent 2qo HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA to Colonel McAllister for distribution. As soon as he learned the movements of the enemy, Wharton stated that he would in- form McAllister of the condition of affairs, so that he might be able to furnish the quota of men required from York County. June 14, the Supreme Executive Council of the state sent a circular letter requesting the county lieutenants to forward to the seat of war the militia of the first class, and to have in readiness those of the second class for active service. July 4, McAllister wrote to Trouble President Wharton from Han- in over, stating that he had great Raising difBculty in getting the battalions Troops, together for military practice. Some of the officers elected were unsatisfactory and others would not serve. He stated that there was a lack of arms in York County necessary for the troops either for drill or active service in the field, and urged that the state supply the necessary arms. This worked against his ability to forward the troops as rapidly as expected. On July 28, Continental Congress, upon receiving the news of the movement of Howe's army from New York toward Philadelphia, asked the State of Pennsyl- vania to furnish 4,000 troops from the organized militia within the state. Each county was requested to send one class of the militia. It will be seen from these numerous calls for troops the disturbed condition of affairs in Pennsylvania during this crucial period of the Revolution. Most of the militia of York County at this time belonged to the agricultural classes. Some of them were Quakers, who, according to their religion, were non-combatants. Still another class were Germans who had sworn allegiance to the government of England when they set- tled in York County and other sections of Pennsylvania. When General Howe landed in N'ew York after the battle of Long Island he had offered a general amnesty to all Americans who were willing to adhere to the British crown. There were many Ger- mans serving in the British army at this period, and German emissaries were sent out among the people of that nationality throughout Pennsylvania, urging them to oppose the militia laws. This caused a great difficultv in York and other counties of the state which contained German in- habitants. On August 28. 1777. Colonel Richard Mc- Allister wrote to President Wharton that there were dissensions among the Associ- ators in the German townships near Han- over. Two hundred freemen had assembled at one place for the purpose of opposing the draft of tlie militia for service in the field. He continued by saying that he had lived in peace among these people for twenty years or more, and knew well their customs and habits, but it was very difficult to in- duce them to take up arms against the country to which they had sworn allegiance. He said that notwithstanding the ditficulties lie liad encountered in the prosecution of his duties as lieutenant of York County, he had marched five companies to the front fully armed and equipped, in answer to the recent call, and would soon have three more companies ready to take up the march for the army. In this letter McAllister stated that in two or three companies all of the men were substitutes, except five or six. He obtained substitutes for the sum of $40, while in Cumberland County from $100 to $110 were paid to induce men to enlist as substitutes. Early in the summer. Colonel McAllister had received from the State of Pennsyhania the sum of 1,000 pounds for the purpose of carrying on his work and was charged with the same. On August i, the sum of 3,000 pounds, or about $15,000, was sent to him. This money was used to equip the soldiers and to buy substitutes to take the places of those who refused to enter the army. Instead of crossing New Jersey and at- tacking Philadelphia, as anticipated. Gen- eral Howe set sail from New York and came up the Chesapeake Bay, landing near Elkton, Md., with an army of 18,000 men. At this alarming period of the war. Presi- dent Wharton, of Pennsylvania, issued a proclamation to the people of the state which in part reads as follows: "The time is at length come in Appeal which the fate of ourselves, our to Arms, wives, children and posterity must be speedily determined; General Howe, at the head of a British army, the only hope, the last resource of our enemy, has invaded this state, dis- missing his ships and disencumbering him- rill^ REVOLUTION self of his heav)- ai"tiller_\- and baggage, he appears to have risked all upon the event of a movement which must either deliver up to plunder and devastation, this capital of Pennsylvania and of America, or forever blast the cruel designs of our implacable foe. Blessed be God, Providence seems to have left it to ourselves to determine whether we shall triumph in victory and rest in freedom and peace, or by tamely submitting, or weakly resisting, deliver our- selves up a prey to an enemy. "The foe is manifestly aiming, either by force to conquer, or by strategem and stolen marches to elude the vigilance of our brave commander, declining a battle with our countrjnnen, they have attempted to steal upon us by surprise. They have been hitherto defeated, but numbers are abso- lutely necessary to watch them on every quarter at once. "The neighboring states are hurrying forward their militia, and we hope by rising as one man, and besetting the foe at a distance from his fleet, we shall speedily enclose him like a lion in the toils. "The Council therefore most humbly be- seech and entreat all persons whatsoexer, to exert themselves Avithout delay, to seize this present opportunity of crushing the foe, now in the bowels of our countr\% by marching forth instantly under their re- spective officers, to the assistance of our great general, that he may be able to en- viron and demolish the only British army that remains formidable in America. Ani- mated with the hope that Heaven, as before it has done in all times of difficulty and dan- ger, will again crown our righteous efforts with success, we look forward to the pros- pect of seeing our insulting foe cut off from all means of escape and, by the goodness of the .Almighty, the Lord of Hosts and God of Battles, wholly delivered into our hands." The first and second classes At of militia had already been Brandywine called out during the early and summer of 1777. After the Germantown. proclamation had been cir- culated, the third class had been ordered to the seat of war. Similar calls were made from other counties in the state. They marched to join AX'ashington's ami}' near Philadelphia and were placed under General .\rmslrong, who commanded the extreme left of the American army at the battle of Brandywine. .-Mthough not actively engaged in the battle. Armstrong and his Pennsylvania militia remained on the heights below Chad's Ford and were witnesses to the battle. After the defeat, Armstrong retreated to Chester and then moved with Washington to Philadelphia. Li the battle of Germantown, the Pennsyl- vania militia took a prominent part. They behaved with gallantry in this engagement as well as in the spirited skirmishes at Chestnut Hill, \\'hite Marsh and Crooked Billet Tavern. In the affair at White Alarsh, Colonel James Thompson, of Hope- well Township, who commanded a battalion of York County men, was wounded and car- ried off the field on a horse by General James Potter, then commanding a brigade of Pennsylvania militia. After the campaign of 1778, which re- sulted in the victory at Monmouth, Xew Jersey, the Pennsylvania militia west of the Susquehanna was utilized in guarding the northern and western frontiers from the ravages of hostile Indians, who had been incited by British emissaries to disturb the quietude of white settlers in this region. A battalion of York County militia, in 1779, under command of Colonel Philip Albright, was marched to Standing Stone, the site of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and quartered there for several months. When the seat of war was transferred to the South, and Pennsylvania was no longer in danger of invasion by the British, the state militia spent most of their time at home, awaiting the result of the war. When Burgoyne's army was marched from Boston to Virginia in December. 1778. a regiment of York County militia took charge of these 4,500 British and Hessians and marched them to Charlottesville, where they were held for three years. After the return of these prisoners to Pennsylvania, two or three companies of local militia, at stated times, guarded about 1.800 prisoners, kept in a stockade in Windsor Township, four and a half miles southeast of York. In 1781, when Cornwallis moved northward toward \'irginia and threatened to land at Annapolis, Maryland, and send a division to release the prisoners at York, Lancaster and Reading, a part of the militia force was HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA called out and stationed along the west bank of the Susquehanna, under the direc- tion of William Scott, who was lieutenant for York Count3^ After the close of the war, in 1783. tlie militia system was in force for more than half a century. COLONEL JAMES THOMPSON, who commanded the first battalion of York County militia at Germantown and AVhite ]\Iarsh, was born in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, in 1745. He grew to manhood in his native county and in 1773 was married to Lydia, daughter of Robert Bailey. Soon after his marriage he re- mo\-ed to the southern section of York County, where he engaged in farming. He became prominently identified with the Round Hill Church, in Hopewell Township. Shortly after the opening of the Revolution he appeared before his l)rother, Andrew Thompson, one of the court justices for York County, and took the oath of alle- giance and fidelity to the government of the L'nited vStates. He served as a lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Line and was promoted for meritorious services. In September, 1777, when the Pennsylvania militia was called into acti\-e service to aid in opposing the British army under Howe from its approach to Philadelphia, James Thompson was commissioned colonel of the First Bat- talion of the A^ork County troops. This battalion was placed in the brigade of Pennsyhania militia commanded by Briga- dier-General Potter, and served in the cam- paign around Philadelphia during the fall of 1777. Colonel Thompson was se\-erely wounded in an action at White Horse Tavern, near Philadelphia, and was carried from the field by General Potter, on the latter's horse, to the brigade surgeon for treatment. After recuperating from his wound. Colonel Thompson returned to his home in A'ork County, where he served during the next year as purchasing agent for the govern- ment. In 1779 he was chosen a member, to represent York County, in the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsjdvania. Some- time after the Revolution he removed to Sadsbury Township, where, in association with his brother-in-law. Colonel John Steele, he built a grist mill and a paper mill on the (_)ctorara Creek. Thev conducted a considerable business here for twenty years or more. Late in life. Colonel Thompson removed to the Chester County side of the Octorara, where he died October 3, 1807, at the age of 62 vears. MAJOR JOSEPH DONALDSON, of York Comity, was a native of the Province of Maryland, born August 16, 1742. He located in the southern part of York County, was an active and energetic Whig, and formed one of the Committee of Cor- respondence of the County, to succor the Eostonians at the time of the going into effect of the "Port Bill." He was a dele- gate to the Provincial Deputies, which met July 15, 1774; justice of the peace from 1774 to 1776; member of the Provincial Confer- ence of January 23, 1775: and member of the Convention of July 15, 1776. He was a major of the First Battalion of the Associ- ators of York County, July, 1775, and was in service during the campaign of 1776. On the 8th of November, 1777, he was ap- pointed one of the commissioners to collect clothing for the Continental army. Major Donaldson died at York about 1790. For ten years he was a partner with Wil- liam Harris in the mercantile business at the southeast corner of Market and Water T t r c c t s COLONEL HENRY SCHLEGEL (SLAGLE) was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1735. His father, Chris- topher Slagle, of Saxony, came to Pennsyl- vania in 1713, and the following year took up a large tract of land on the Conestoga Creek, and built a mill. Subsequently he transferred his interests therein, and re- moved, in 1737, west of the Susquehanna, locating near the present site of Hanover, now within the limits of Adams County, on Slagle's Run, a branch of the Little Cone- wago. Henry was one of four sons, Daniel, Jacob and Christopher, and followed the occupation of his father, a farmer and miller. He was commissioned one of the pro\incial magistrates in October, 1764, and continued in of-fice by the convention of 1776. In December, 1774, he served on the committee of inspection for York County: commanded a battalion of Associators in 1779; was a member of the Provincial Con- ference of June 18, 1776, and of the subse- quent convention of the I5tli of July. He was appointed by the Assembly, December THE REVOLUTION 253 16, 1777. (o take subscriptions for the Con- tinental loan: November 22, 1777, acted as one of the commissioners which met at New Haven, Connecticut, to regulate the price of commodities in the states. He represented York County in the General Assembly from 1777 to 1779; appointed sub-lieutenant of the county, -March 30, 1780; one of the auditors of depreciation accounts for York Cotmty, March 3, 1781 ; member of the Constitutional Convention of 1789-90; commissioned by Governor Miliflin. one of the associate judges of York County, August 17, 1791. and continued as such upon the organization of Adams County. He represented the latter county in the Legislature, sessions of 1801-2. Colonel Slagle died at his residence, near Hanover; his remains were interred in the graveyard adjoining St. Matthew's Luth- eran Church. The various offices held by him show conclusively that he had the con- fidence of the community. He was an ardent patriot, a faithful officer, and an up- right citizen. XlEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN HAY, of the Revolution, was born in Alsace, then in France, about 1733. His father. John Hay, was a native of Scotland, who. owing to the religious persecutions, emigrated to the Province of Alsace, sub- sequently coming to America, bringing with him four sons, who settled in Phila- delphia. Northampton, and York Counties, Pennsylvania, and in Virginia. John Hay, of York County, was naturalized April 11, 1760. He w-as one of the Provincial mag- istrates; a commissioner of the county from 1772 to 1775; member of the Committee of Correspondence to send aid to the people of Boston in 1774; of the Provincial Conven tion. Tune ' / / .^ • First Lieutenant in Colonel James Smith's Battalion of Asso- ciators, December, 1775; member of the Provincial Conference which met at Car- penter's Hall, June 18, 1776; and of the Convention of July 15. called by that body. He was appointed sub-lieutenant of the county ^larch 12. 1777: resigning to accept the office of county treasurer in 1778, filling that position almost uninterruptedly until 1801. He represented York County in the Assembly in 1779, 1782,^ 1783. and 1784. Colonel Hay was the owner of a large tract of land in the immediate vicinitv of "N'ork, part of which subsequently became incor- porated into the town and known as "Hay's Addition." He died in April, 1810. His son, Jacob, was a corporal in Moylan's cav- alrv regiment of the Revolution. COLONEL ROBERT McPHERSOX ■was the only son of Robert and Janet Mc- Pherson, who settled in the western portion of York County, in the fall of 1738 on the "Manor of Maske." He was born presum- abl}- in Ireland about 1730. and was a youth of eight years when his parents became a part of the well-known Marsh Creek settle- ment. He was educated at Rev. Dr. .Alli- son's school at New London, Chester County, Pennsylvania, which academy was afterward moved to Newark, Delaware, and became the foundation of the present col- lege at that place. His father died Decem- ber 25, 1749, and his mother September 2},, 1767. In 175 1 he married Agnes, the daughter of Robert Miller, of the Cumber- land Valley. In 1755 he was appointed treasurer of York County, and in 1756 a commissioner of the county. The latter office he resigned on accepting a commis- sion as captain of the Third Battalion of the Provincial forces. May 10, 1758, serving under General Forbes on his expedition against Fort Duquesne. From 1762 to 1765 he was sheriff of the county, and from 1764 to the begiiming of the Revolution was a justice of the peace under the Proprietaries, serving from 1770 as president justice of the York County Court, and was re-commis- sioned a justice under the first constitution of the state. From 1765 to 1767 he was a member of the Provincial Assembly and in 1768 was appointed county treasurer to fill a vacancy. He was a member of the Pro- vincial Conference which met at Carpenter's Hall. Philadelphia. June 18, 1776; and was one of the representatives of York Count}' in 1776. which formed the first constitution of the State of Pennsylvania. .Vt the be- ginning of the \\'ar for Independence he was commissioned a colonel of the York County Battalion of Associators, and dur- ing that and the following year he was in active service in the Jerseys and in the sub- sequent campaign around Philadelphia. .\fter his return from the field he was em- l)loyed as the purchasing commissary of army supplies for the western end of York County. In 1779 he was one of the three -'54 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY. PEXXSYLVAXIA auditors of "confiscation and fine accounts." From 1781 to 1785 he served as a member of the Assembly of the State. Colonel Mc- Pherson was one of the charter members of the corporation of Dickinson College, and continued to act as trustee until his death, on February 19, 1789. His son, W'il- liam McPherson, served as a lieutenant in Albright's Company, Aides' Regiment, in the Revolution. COLONEL MATTHE\V DILL was one of the first settlers in the vicinity of the present ,ito)wn of Dillsburg. He was of Scotch-Irish ancestry. During the troubles immediately before the French and Indian war, he was one of the five commissioners, one of wdiom was Benjamin Franklin, ap- pointed to make a treaty with the Indians at the Croghan fort, which was located near the Susquehanna, in the lower end of Cum- berland County. He afterward took part in the French and Indian war. In 1749 he was one of the eight justices of the peace, and justice of the Court of Common Pleas of York County. He died before the Revo- lution. His remains, together with those of many of his descendants, lie in the family graveyard a few hundred yards west of Dillsburg, this county. His daughter mar- ried Colonel Richard McAllister. Colonel Matthew Dill, of the Revolution, was a son of Matthew Dill. In October, 1764, he was appointed justice of the peace and the Court of Common Pleas, under the colonial go\ernment, and continued in the same office upon the adoption of the consti- tution of 1776. He served in the General Assembly in 1777-8-9. During the year 1779 he was appointed sub-lieutenant of York County, to organize the county militia, and on March 30, 1780, was ap- pointed one of the three commissioners to seize the personal efifects of Tories in York County. For a short time after the Revo- lution he was president justice of the Court of Common Pleas. MAJOR ELI LEWIS, son of Ellis Lewis, wdio settled in Fairview Township ii'' 1735- '^^'^s born in Redland Valley, Januar}^ 31, 1750. In 1775 he became the commander of a company of Associators in Newberry and Fairview Townships. In 1776 he marched with his company to join the Flying Camp. He was cap- tured and held as a prisoner of war in New Vcjrk City and Long Island for sev- eral months. Major Lewis was a man of education and in 1790, when Harrisburg was a small vil- lage, he founded The Monitor and Weekly .-\d\ertiser, the first newspaper at the state capital. -After General St. Clair was routed by the Indians in Ohio, he printed and published in his newspaper. "St. Clair's Defeat," a poem containing literary merit, which was widely copied. In 1798 Major Lewis founded the town of Lewisberry. Novem- ber 10, 1779, he married Pamela Webster, at Londongrove Friends meeting house, Chester County. Major Lewis died at Lewisberry, February i, 1807. The re- mains of Major Lewis and his wife are buried in the Friends graveyard at New-- berrytown. The spot has recently been marked by a marble tablet and surrounded b}' a stone wall. Among their children were Ellis Lewis, who became chief justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania : Webster Lewis, physician at Lewisberry : James, a member of the bar and president of the York bank; Eli, president of the First National bank at York. COLONEL WILLIAM RANKIN, of York County, of Quaker parentage, was a natixe of England, his parents coming to this country when he was very young. Prior to the Revolution he was a justice of the peace of the Province, and located near the Susquehanna, in Fishing Creek \'alley, York County. Although a member of the A\'arrington Monthly Meeting, he became at the outset of the Revolution an ardent Whig, and was chosen colonel of one of the York County Battalions of Associators. He was a member of the Provincial Confer- ence of June 18, 1776, and of the Conven- tion of 15th of July following. By the latter body he was continued a justice of the peace. The cause of Colonel Rankin's defection has never been divulged, but during the 3'ear 1780 he was detected in holding a traitorous correspondence with the enemv, and in March.- 1781, he was arrested and thrown into prison. He escaped, however, from the York jail, when President Reed issued a proclamation offering a reward for his apprehension. With his brothers, John and James, who had also turned traitors to the Colonies, he RESIDENCE OF BALTZEK SPANCLER. A PIONEER SETTLER NEAR VORR FIRST STONE HOL'sE IN VoKlv COUNTY, BUILT IN 1737 THE REVOLUTION ■si> went to England, but whether he died in exile, w^e have not been able to ascertain His property was partly confiscated, as also that of his brothers, who had large landed estates in York County, although, through the intervention of influential friends, a portion was saved to their descendants who remained in this country. These Tories were all compensated for their losses by the British government. HISTORICAL NOTES. The following items arranged in chrono- logical order, relate to interesting facts and incidents of the Revolution: In September, 1775, the Committee of Safety for York County, of which James Smith was chairman, sold to the Pennsyl- vania Council of Safety, forty-nine quarter casks of powder, weighing 1,225 pounds, and 3,770 pounds of lead, and a supply of arms and accoutrements, receiving 559 pounds, 6 shillings, 11 pence. At this early date, York contained a depository for munitions of war, for soon after the Penn- sylvania Council ordered the local com- mittee to forward to Colonel Samuel More- head, of Westmoreland County. 500 pounds of powder, and 1,250 pounds of lead, for the use of militia in that county. These trans- actions took place nearly one year before the Declaration of Independence, when the affairs of the Province, then in a state of rel)ellion against tlie mother country, were controlled b\" the Pennsylvania Council of Safety. Octol^er 12, the local committee sent from the magazine at York, 200 pounds of gunpowder and 600 pounds of lead, to the Committee of Safety for Northampton County. About this time, James Smith notified the people of York County that they should not waste the powder and lead for it would be needed to carry on the war with England. In December, Robert Morris, of Phila- delphia, a member of the Continental Con- gress, requested the Pennsylvania Council of Safety to supply provisions for the women and children of the British troops, captured at St. Johns, Canada, and give directions for their removal to Reading, York and Lancaster. During the early part of the war, most of the British officers and many of the privates brought their wives and families to this country. January 15, 1776, Jasper Gunsmiths Yeates, of Lancaster, reported at Work, that the blankets engaged by Mr. Hough, in York County, for the public service, had been detained on the west side, owing to the floating ice on the river. Soon after the Revolution opened, the gunsmiths began to make fire- locks in every section of Pennsylvania, and in April, 1776, the Committees of Safety for York, Cumberland and Northampton Coun- ties were each ordered to send fifty-six flintlock muskets, the same number of bayonets and powder horns to Philadelphia. In June, Colonel William Rankin, of New- berry Township, received 200 pounds, or about $1,000, for rifles which he sold to the Pennsylvania Cominittee of Safety. Early in July, ten British prisoners of the company commanded by Captain Campbell were brought to York. These prisoners were fed by Elijah Etting, when they first arrived. He received three pounds, fifteen shillings, for feeding them seven days before the}- were put in permanent (quar- ters. July 15, Captain James Sterling re- ceived $100 part payment for expenses in marching British prisoners from Burling- ton, New Jersey, to York. September 25, Baltzer Spangler and four other persons received in all forty-fi\e dol- lars for riding" through York County to notify the colonels of the militia battalions to march to New Jerse}-. This was the first general call for the militia of York County to serve in the army. They marched to" Perth Amboy, New' Jersey, near Long Is- land, upon which the British army, under Howe, had recently landed. On September 30, Joseph Donaldson, of York, succeeded ]\Iichael Swope as a mem- ber of the Pennsylvania Council of Safety. Colonel Donaldson immediately proceeded to Philadelphia and assumed his duties. January 13, 1777, York County furnished 4,000 bushels of grain as feed for horses in the continental service. About the same time, Joseph Pennell, assistant commissary- general, reported that owing to the demands for whiskey, by the use of small copper stills, many of the farmers in Pennsyhania were engaged in making this product. He notified the authorities that if the practice 256 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA was continued the supply of rye and other grains would not ec|ual tlie demand. In February. General Jolm Armstrong, then in command of. a body of militia in the army, stated that rye and much of the wheat raised in Cumberland, Lancaster and York Counties, in 1776, had been used in distil- ling whiske\\ "This condition of affairs," he said, "is alarming, because in a few months, Penns}lvania may be scarce in bread for her own inhabitants." The field officers in command of the militia in 1777, were appointed by authority of the State Assembly upon the recom- mendation of the members from the differ- ent counties. The members of the As- sembly from York County then were Archibald McClean, Michael Swope, David Dunwoodie, James Dickson, Michael Hahn and John Read. March 11, Thomas Nesbitt paid Michael Hahn, of York, nine- teen pounds, seventeen shillings, for scab- bards furnished to the militia. At the same time, Michael Eichelberger, of York, re- ceived from Nesbitt, five pounds for lodging servants of militia officers at Y'ork. Mich- ael Hahn, who had been chosen to the Legislature from York, served as paymaster to the militia in 1776. He was succeeded, September 16, 1777, by Lieutenant AVilliam Scott. April 25, 500 militia from York County were ordered to proceed to the camp at Chester. These troops were drafted in ac- cordance with the militia law. In general orders, June 13, 1777, at Philadelphia, the detachment of the First Maryland Regi- ment was ordered to parade at five o'clock the next morning and escort prisoners to York. September 5, Richard Peters, secre- tary of the Board of War, suggested that the county lieutenants of militia for York, Lancaster, Cumberland, Berks and North- ampton Counties, furnish a guard for prisoners held in or passing through said counties, and also for guarding government property. There were Tories in York Committee County, during the Revolu- Appointed. tion, as well as in other parts of the country. The most stringent measures were adopted by the State Legislatures to check the growth of disloyalty. For this purpose committees were appointed in each county to seize the estates of the disaffected and confiscate the property. October 21, soon after Congress came to York, \\'illiam White, Robert Stevenson, James Nailor, ^Matthew Dill, \A'illiam Chesney and John Ewing were ap- pointed a committee for York County. No- vember 8, Joseph Donaldson. George Ir- win, Thomas Stockton, Frederick Gelwix, Thomas Weems, John Nesbitt, Henry Cot- ton, Jacob Staley, John Andrews and Robert Smith were appointed commission- ers to collect arms and accoutrements, blankets, woollen and linsey-woolsey cloth, linens, shoes and stockings for the army, from the inhabitants who had not taken the oath of allegiance and abjuration or who had aided the enemy. On October 15, 1777, Jacob Smearly was paid 13 pounds, 15 shillings for making irons for the prisoners of war. November 19, 1777, the Council of Safety ordered the civil authorities of Cumberland County to provide 126 wagons, and of York County 118 wagons for the purpose of re- moving government stores to places of safety west of the Susquehanna. This oc- curred shortly after the battle of German- town. The demands for wagons from the different townships of York County and from York were as follows: Monaghan, 2; AA'arrington, 6; Huntingdon, 6; Reading, 6; Dover, 3; Newberry, 6; Manchester, 6; Hellam, 4; York Township, 4; York, 2; Hopewell, 2: Chanceford, 2; Fawn, 4; Shrewsbury, 4; A\'indsor, 6; Codorus, 6; Heidelberg, 6; Germany, 6; Paradise, 6; Berwick, 4; Mountjoy, 3; Mount Pleasant, 3; Straban, 3; Tyrone, 4; Menallen, 3; Cumberland, 3: Hamiltonban, 3; Manheim, October 20, Captain Joshua AA'illiams made information before a justice of the peace of York County, charging Stephen Foulke with concealing deserters from Wil- liams' company. Justice Lees discharged Foulke for lack of sufficient evidence. January 9, 1778, Joseph Jeffries was ap- pointed wagon-master of York County. February 13, Captain Long, commanding militia whose term had expired, was ordered to convey British prisoners from Lancaster to York. General Washington, who had been given by Congress extraordinary powers, on February 17, 1778, ordered Lieutenant TliK RE\ULL"TI(JX -'57 Thomas Campbell, of Monachan Townsliip. to return home and recruit one hundred and fifty men for the army. March 22, the Executive Council of Pennsylvania granted an order in favor of Colonel Richard ]\IcAl- lister, lieutenant of York County, for 3,000 pounds, or $15,000, to be given to William Scott, paymaster of militia of York County. David Watson received 1,500 pounds from the same source, April 10, 1778. for the pur- pose of purchasing horses in the County of York, for the Continental cavalry. Captain Thomas Gourley, of the Ninth ; Captain Xehemiah Stokely, of the Eighth : Lieuten- ant James McCulIough, of the Fifth; Lieu- tenant Thomas Campbell and Lieutenant Samuel Gray, of the Fourth Pennsylvania Regiments, came to York County, in April, to recruit soldiers to fill up the Pennsyl- vania Line. Robert Stephenson, James Marlar, Wil- liam Chesney, Thomas Stockton, and Thomas Lilly were appointed commission- ers for York County, under the act of at- tainder. James Edgar, a member of the Pennsylvania Council of Safety, received 1,000 pounds in May, for the use of David \\'atson in the purchase of horses. May 20, ^^"illiam Scott, paymaster, received 4,000 pounds to pay the militia then in the service from York County. June 29, two days after Congress left York, a large number of refugees from the western frontier of Pennsylvania arrived in York on the way to Maryland. August 10, Colonel Albright received from John Ha}-, sub-lieutenant of York County, 112 muskets for use of a part of his battalion on an expedition against the Indians and Tories in the interior of Penn- sylvania. These troops were sent to Standing Stone, now Huntingdon, Penn- sylvania. On September 4, Elizabeth Shugart was given a pass into the British lines in the city of New York, for the purpose of visit- ing her husband, then a prisoner of war on Long Island, having been captured at Fort W'ashington while serving in Colonel Swope's Regiment, of York County. Sep- tember 5, Lieutenant James Milligan was ordered to recruit for the Continental army in York County, and for this purpose to receive pay from Richard McAllister, lieu- tenant of York Countv. James Elliot and a detachment of militia were paid 8 pounds for services and expense in disarming Tories, September 15, 1778. "Ralph," a negro slave belonging to John Rankin, of York County, petitioned the Assembly for his freedom in September, because his master was charged with being a Tory and was then in the British lines at Philadelphia. Ralph claimed his master had freed him sometime before he had gone to Philadelphia. Being unable to prove his assertion, the slave was ordered to be hired out. September 16, Paymaster William Scott received $20,000 for the use of the militia of York County. Colonel David Kennedy, of York County, one of the com- missioners to purchase clothing for the army in the county of York, received $12,500 for that purpose, October 10. On February 9, 1779, Colonel Wagons Joseph Jeffries petitioned the for Council of Safety for money to Prisoners, pay for wagons used in trans- porting the British and Hes- sian troops of Burgoyne's army from the Susquehanna River to Virginia. March 22, Colonel Richard McAllister received $15,000 for the use of William Scott, of York County, paymaster of militia. May 14, York County was ordered to furnish thirty wagons to transport provisions and military stores to troops ordered to the western frontier at Fort Pitt, now Pitts- burg. Archibald McClean, of York, who had served as a member of the State Assembly, was appointed by the Supreme Executive Council, July 14, 1779, to receive subscrip- tions in York County to aid in securing a loan of twenty million dollars for carrying on the war, as authorized by Congress. October 13, the Supreme Executive Council called out three classes of York County militia to guard the frontier and to join the Continental army. The state militia were usually called out for sixty days. On this occasion, Washington desired them to serve one month longer. In answer to this call, an additional bounty was to be re- ceived. The officers and privates were to receive eighty dollars in addition to tlie one hundred dollars provided by a law already passed. March 30, 1780, ^^'illiam Scott was ap- pointed lieutenant of militia for York 17 2.^8 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA County to succeed Colonel Richard McAl- lister, who had been chosen a member of the Supreme Executive Council. Captain ^^'illiam Scott was also appointed, .April 3, commissioner of purchase for York County, under an act of Assembly recently passed. The office of lieutenant of York County was created by the Assembly in 1776. This officer was required to organize the militia throughout the county in which he lived, and see that the different companies re- ceived careful military drill and discipline. He was also required to superintend the calling out of the difTerent classes of militia for service in the field, and, if necessary, was empowered to order a draft if there were not a sufficient number of soldiers to fill the quota as demanded. Captain Scott, also commissioner of purchase at that time, was ordered to purchase fifty tons of hay. two thousand bushels of corn or four thousand bushels of oats, and fifteen hun- dred barrels of flour, and in accordance with directions from General Washington, was ordered to deposit forty tons of hay, two thousand bushels of corn, one hundred bar- rels of flour, two hundred and eighty gal- lons of rum at York. April II, 1780, Thomas McKean, then chief-justice of Pennsylvania, wrote the Council, that the sheriff of York County had a prisoner who was charged with guid- ing the British from Philadelphia to Crooked Billet, in Bucks County, where the Pennsyhania militia were encamped. At this place, in 1778, the British had surprised the militia under General Lacey and routed them. In April, 1780, General Washington recommended that 100 barrels of flour, 1,280 gallons of rum, 40 tons of hay and 4,000 bushels of corn be purchased and placed among the militia stores at York. May 27, purchasing agents were Captain located in Pennsylvania at the William following posts: Philadelphia, Scott. Easton, Reading, Lancaster, Sun- bury, Carlisle and York. On June I, Captain William Scott received from the Supreme Executive Council of the State, $6,500 for the purchase of supplies for the army. Under a special rule, the Pennsylvania militia was to be composed of fifty battalions, of which York County had eight. In June, Major James Chamberlain was appointed wagon master of York Count}'. Colonel Ephraim Blaine, of Car- lisle, grandfather of Secretary of State James G. Blaine, in 1780, as clothier-gen- eral, reported that William Scott had suc- ceeded Colonel Henry Miller as assistant clothier-general of Pennsylvania. Miller had been appointed in 1779. John Brooks was then commissary of the government magazine at York. On June 26, Lieutenant Scott wrote to President Reed that he had the promise of 600 barrels of flour from York County; had purchased 170 sheep, 20 head of beef, but was unable to procure much salt beef and bacon, because they were scarce. These provisions were intended for militia to be marched to the frontier. He also said he could send 100 militia to the front as soon as arms could be procured from Philadel- phia. The plans were changed upon the arrival of the French fleet and the expedi- tion to the frontier abandoned. On July 15, one company of militia from York County was ordered to Bedford, and another to A^'estmoreland County to aid in guarding the western frontier. Upon the arrival of the French fleet in American waters to aid in the cause of independence, the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsyl- vania ordered York County to provide 500 barrels of flour per month, for a stated time, 500 bushels of forage per month, 25 wagons, 300 horses and 600 militia. These supplies were intended for the soldiers and sailors of the French fleet; the horses and wagons to transport the goods, and the militia to act as a guard in transporting them. The wagonmaster of each county was to allow two work horses to remain on each farm. In September, 1780, the sum of $12,750 was advanced by the State of Penn- sylvania for calling into service a part of the militia of York County sent to the Con- tinental army in the field. Colonel William Scott wrote, August i, 1780, to President Reed, that he "paraded one company of volunteers and ordered them to march for Bedford; but they are to set ofif this evening for Philadelphia under the command of Captain James Mackey. a gentleman who has served several years in our army and was recommended to me by gentlemen of my acquaintance, as one who l)eha\ed with bravery. The company con- sists of fiftv men exclusive of olficers," Til kEX'OLUTIOX 259 Xoveniljer 20, James Smith, of York, and Henry W ynkoop, of Bucks County, were recommended for appointment as judges of the High Court of Appeals for the State of Pennsylvania. Thomas Armor, Sr., was ap- pointed, November 25, collector of excise for York County. On Januar}- 30, 1781, Archibald Money AlcClean received $1,500, to aid for in recruiting men from York Recruits. County for the first regiment, Pennsylvania Line, which had been ordered to rendezvous at York. Three months later, McClean was granted $5,000 to be vised in paying bounties to recruits and gratuity, then given to men in service in the Pennsylvania Line. After 1779 the seat of war had been transferred to the South, where severe bat- tles occurred at Savannah, King's Moun- tain, Cowpens and other places. The valor of the American patriots called forth demonstrations of joy. General Greene was then in charge of the Southern army. In February, 1781, Archibald McClean wrote from York : "Upon the arrival of the news from the South, a number of us met and subscribed liberally for a 'feu de joy' and also for a prudent treat for the return- ing soldiers. We also raised a fund to be distributed among those whom we could engage to re-enlist." He further stated al:)out twenty of the returning soldiers had re-enlisted. Alarch 3, Colonel ]\iichael Swope, of York, and Colonel Henry Slagle, of Han- over, were appointed, under authority of the Supreme Executive Council, to settle with troops of the First and Tenth Regi- ments of the Penns}-lvania Line, tlien in camp at York. Alarch 14, General James Potter and Mr. Cunningham were ap- pointed by the Supreme E.xecutive Council to confer with the members of Assemblv from York County, on the subject of the reception of the British and Hessian troops which were soon to arrive in Pennsylvania from Charlottesville, Virginia, where they had been held as prisoners of war since January, 1779. March 16, Colonel Michael Smyser, Captain Moses McClean, members of the Assembly from York County, and .\le.xander Lowry, of Lancaster County, held a conference with President Reed, relating to the moxenienl of the I'ritish and Hessian prisoners northward. They dis- cussed the danger that would arise by bringing" so large a number, more than 3,000 foreign troops, into southern Penn- sylvania. These troops, however, were brought soon after and placed in prison pens at York, Lancaster and Reading, the officers being sent to Connecticut. May 16, General Wayne, then in York, in command of the Pennsylvania Line, wrote the President of Pennsylvania asking for si.xty head of cattle to be sent within a few days for the use of the Fifth Regiment, which would s-oon arrive. June 26, William Alexander was appointed paymaster of York County militia to succeed Captain William Scott. Major James Moore was appointed recruiting agent for the Pennsyl- vania Line at Hanover. November 28, Captain Wil- McPherson's liam Scott wrote to the Cavalry. state authorities that a com- pany of cavalry had been organized in the \\estern part of York County. Thirty men had enlisted at Marsii Creek and half that number at Hanover. He further stated that they had elected William McPherson, captain; Robert Mor- rison, lieutenant, and James Gettys, cornet. It would seem that this company was organized for the frontier service, for seven months later, in June 1782, Captain Scott wrote from York: "On Sunda}^ last, I re- ceived the orders from Council of May 23, and agreeal)le to the directions therein con- tained, have ordered one-half of the Light Horse and four classes of militia of York County to hold themselves in readiness to march at the shortest notice. I have also taken an account of the public arms at this town and find sixty-eight unlit for use, which I have ordered to be immediately re- paired. The gunsmiths inform me that they will be all finished in a few days." The gunsmiths in York then were Philip Heckert, Ignatius Lightner, Adam Light- ner, Jacob Letter, Jacob \\'elschantz, Joseph Welschantz, Sr., Joseph Welsch- antz, Jr., and Conrad Welschantz. December 22, the Supreme Executive Council formed plans for recruiting the regi- ments of the Pennsylvania Line. This was two months after the surrender of Corn- wallis at ^'orktown, in \'irginia, and these _'6o HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENXSYLVAXIA troops had returned to their native state. York, Lancaster, Reading, Newtown, and CarHsle were the places of rendezvous for the regiments of these Pennsylvania troops. Colonel Richard Humpton, commanding the Second Regiment, was appointed to superintend this recruiting service. January 2, 1782, General Lincoln, of the Continental army, reported that General Hazen, commanding the regiment of Con- tinental troops known as "Congress' Own," had been appointed to guard prisoners at York, Lancaster and Reading. The state militia then guarding the prisoners were discharged from the service. February 2^1, Lieutenant Richard Johnston, of Hazen's Regiment, was directed to march with his company, then at York, to Bedford for the defense of the frontier. Captain William Alexander, lieutenant of York County, was ordered to call out forty men from the militia to guard the British, then in the ■\'icinity of York. September 5, 1782, a company To marched from York to Fort Guard Pitt, the' site of Pittsburg, to the guard the frontier. This com- Frontier. pany was composed of seventy- eight men, rank and file. A wagon also was sent to carry prisoners. September 9, Captain Alexander was ordered to call into service one lieutenant, one sergeant, one corporal and fifteen men to guard the prisoners in York. Twenty days later these count}' lieutenants were in- structed that the Continental troops on their return from the western frontier would take the place of the militia in guard- ing prisoners of war in Pennsylvania. It was then ordered that these lieutenants had no further occasion to call out the militia for frontier service since the British had "called in" the savages and would give no further trouble. August 5, 1783, Jacob Smyser, of York, wrote to the President of Pennsylvania, "about 200 cattle perished in York County last spring, and the crops for this year failed. If the threatened attempts to en- force collections of taxes be carried out, it will be ruinous to the county. Few indi- \iduals will escape going to jail. Money has very little circulation among our in- habitants, as it has in other more fortunate and more populous sections. The mildew and hail have destroyed many fields of grain this year. Collectors of taxes have alread\' brought goods to York from a distance of twenty miles in order to sell them in this town, but met with no encouragement be- cause no one would bid on the distrained goods out of sympathy for the fellow- citizens from whom the goods had been seized." A few months later a riot oc- curred in York as the result of tax collect- ors seizing goods and merchandise from delinquent taxpayers. July 28, 1784, William Scott reported that there were still in York, belonging to the government, the following: 75 muskets, 20 bayonets, 8 cartridge boxes and 8 can- teens. Owing to the depreciation of the cur- rency and the heavy taxes imposed for car- rying on the war, it was often difficult to carry out the provisions of the law and certain officers refused to act. In 1778, George Jacobs, of Paradise, refused to ac- cept a commission as constable of that township. A\'illiam Park, of Monaghan Township, was charged with non-compli- ance with the law because he would not serve a summons on one of his neighbors for the collection of taxes. For the same cause Matthias Hollowpeter, of Warring- ton Township, was indicted. He pleaded guilty and "put himself upon the mercy of his country" because he did not want to distress his neighbors. \\'illiam Lukens, the colored Brought cook, in Colonel Swope's News to Regiment, -in the Flying Washington. Camp, was captured at Fort AYashington. He soon af- terward escaped from his imprisonment and went to Trenton, where he made shoes for himself out of a cartridge box, given to him by a Hessian soldier. A\'hen Washing- ton crossed New Jersey from New York, Lukens gave the general the information that Hessians were garrisoned at Trenton. As the story goes, this information was of great value to the American army to lay plans for the capture of 1,000 Hessian soldiers under Colonel Rahl. at Trenton, on Christmas night, 1776. After the war he returned to York, where he li\'ed tlie remainder of his life. THE RE\'OLUTIOX 26! Owing to the depreciation A Special in tiie value of Continental Commission, currency and the papet' money issued by the differ- ent states of the Union, during the Revolu- tion, there was a continual fluctuation in the prices of goods and commodities bought and sold. In order to prevent monopolies, to regulate the price of labor, of manu- factured products and of internal produce, commissioners were appointed by the legislatures of different states to meet at certain places. On March 26, 1777, the states of Xew York. New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia appointed commissioners, who, according to arrangements, met in York at the public inn of ^^'illianl White. The delegates who convened here were the following: John Sloss Hobart, Colonel Robert Van Rennse- laer, of Xew York ; Theophilus Elmer, Joseph Holmes, of Xew Jersey : George Henry, Bartram Galbreath, John W'hitehill, Richard Thomas, David McConaughy, of Pennsylvania ; Caesar Rodney, Lieutenant- Colonel Thomas Collins. Colonel James Lattamore. of Delaware : Xorman Bruce, John Braceo, Henry Griffith. Joseph Sim. of ^Maryland; Lewis Burwell. Thomas Adams, of \^irginia ; Thomas Armor, clerk. These were representative men from the states named and they remained in session eight days. The commissioners could not agree on definite measures. They, how- ever, discussed inatters in detail and passed resolutions to be presented to the different legislatures. In X'ovember of the same year, commissioners from all of the thirteen original states were appointed to assemble at Xew Haven, Connecticut, to regulate the prices of commodities. Colonel Henr}- Slagle. of York County, was one of the representatives of Pennsylvania in that con- vention. At the opening of hostilities, in Toryism. I//0- the people of Pennsyl- vania, as elsewhere, were divided in their sentiments as to the prosecution of the war. People of English birth who favored King George were Loyalists. Later they became known as Tories. Those who favored the war for independence were called Whigs. The Quakers, in carrying out their religious l)eliefs, were opposed to taking up arms against their fellow-men. In the eastern part of the state, many of this class of people were ranked as Tories. After 1776, very few of them were elected to hold public office. Those who joined the arni}- became the fighting Quakers of the Revolution. John Webb, an intelligent citizen of Xew- berry Township, was prosecuted because he had opposed the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, a bod\' which succeeded the Assembly, which was in part loyal to the British go\ernment. Webb was charged with ha\ing tlireatened Continental Con- gress and the officers of York County who supported that body. He went so far as to say that "within two or three days he could lay the town of York in ashes." Kilian Devinger and Andrew Miller, of Shrewsbury Township, were found guilty of treason, in April, 1779, for having pro- cured names to a paper to agree not to muster with the organized militia of the count}'. The paper, which they drew up. bound those who signed it to aid in break- ing open the county jail for the purpose of releasing those who were imprisoned by the state authorities for not obeying the militia laws. At the October sessions of court, 1779. Henry ^\'atts, of York County, was indicted for misprison and treason for having said. "Yes, I am a Tory and I acknowledge it. I am an old warrior and one of King George's men. God bless King George ! Hurrah ! Here is health and happiness to King George and down with the rebels! I'll see King George reign here yet in a short time." Joseph Smith, of the town of York, in 17S0, was found guilty of misdemeanor for asserting that Continental money was worth nothing and the paper money issued by the state no better. He further said to some patriots, "You have only eleven of the thirteen states left and how long will you keep Pennsylvania?" Christian Pochtel, of Manheim Town- ship, who was offered twenty pounds each, or about one hundred dollars in Conti- nental money, for three o.xen, refused the offer, stating that he would not sell for paper money because of its depreciation. He offered to sell them for fifteen pounds in gold or silver. Frederick Leather, of Dover Township, likewise refused to sell 262 HISTORY OK YORK COUXTV, PEXXSVLVAXIA lour oxen if he were to recei\'e payment in Continental nione\'. Frederick Young, of ]\lt. Pleasant Township, now in Adams County, also refused to sell his cattle. These oxen were wanted as rations for the Pennsylvania Line under General \\'ayne, then encamped at York, before leaving for the campaign against Cornwallis at York- town. Virginia. Samuel Keller, of York County, May lo. 1781, was found guilty of misdemeanor for saying to other parties that if they could "keep off the rebel collector of taxes for two months, the King of England will con- ([uer the cotmtry." ROLLS OF ASSOCIATORS AND MILITIA. At the opening of the Revolution, in 1775. able-bodied citizens of Pennsylvania formed themselves into military companies and were known as Associators. Five bat- talions were organized in York County. Xo complete muster roll of these battalions is knoAvn to be in existence. A large pro- portion of them were found by Edward \\'. Spangler, Esq.. and first published in the Spangler Annals, in the year 1896. The original rolls were placed, by Mr. Spangler, in the Historical Society of York County. Printed copies of them will be found in the succeeding pages. After the state constitu- tion of 1776 was adopted, the state militia was organized out of the Associators. cluster rolls of some of the companies from York County ser\-ing in the Continental Line appear in the preceding chapters. The muster rolls of the militia companies which follow were largely furnished by Luther R. Kelker, of the Pennsylvania State Library, at Harrisburg. The First Battalion of York County As- sociators was organized in 1775 by Colonel James Smith, and included companies from the town of York and the townships of Hel- 1am, Windsor, Manchester, York and Co- dorus. This battalion marched, in 1776, to Perth Amboy, New Jersey, where part of its rank and file enlisted in the First Regi- ment of the Flying Camp, commanded by Colonel Michael Swope. of Y'ork. In 1775, Thomas Hartley was lieutenant-colonel and Joseph Donaldson and Michael Swope, majors. The following is a complete mus- ter roll of se\-en of the eight companies in 1776: Caftaiii, William Bailey. First Lieutenant, John Hay. Privates, John Mrown, Christian Beiding, Jacob Bamhart, George Beck, Wilial Brown, Jacob Baub, George Brionn, Matthias Crauth, Diter Conn, William Clem. Henry Counselman, John Claydt, Jacob Crist, Abraham Danner, Jacob Doudel, James Dobbins, John Dicks, Jacob Daiwele. Hugh Dobbins, George Erwin, ^Michael Edwards, Jacob Entler, Diter Furth, John Fitz, George Frey, Philip Grener, Christian Greithler, John Grever. George Gulhiahr, Anthony Gyer, Jacob Gron, Seth Goodwein, Philip Gross, Jacob Grever. Adam Grener, Abraham Graufus, Thomas Hickson, Peter Haiier, Philip Heckert, Jacob Hause, George Haide, Peter Hoke, Francis Jones, George Koch, Henry Kiefer, Baltzer Kneible, Jr. .\braham Kneisle. Christian Kauffman, Joseph Klepper, Daniel Keiser, David Kuff, Christour Lauman, Frederick Laumaster, William Lange, Nathaniel Leightner, Jacob Lether, Nathaniel Leightner, Arthur McMann, James MacCamend, Paul Metzgar, John Mayer, .\ndrew Nonnemacher, John Neit, John Probst, Thomas Rein, Andrew Robinson, ■^acob Sprenkle, Jacob Sheffer, Peter Schlemer, John Schultz. Peter Streber, .•\.ndener Schettle, Henry Schidtz, George StoU, John Shall, John Struhman, William Stoot, John Schultz, Christian Strahman, William Thomson, Jacob Vallvdein, Henry Wa'lter, Jacob Welshans, -Adam Wolf, Joseph Welshans, "George Wilt, Philip Waldismaien, David Welshans, John Welsh, Archibald M. Williams, Frederick Zeigle, Gottlieb Zeigle. Captain. Charles Lnkens. First Lieutenant, Christian Stake. Second Lieutenant, Ephraim Sherriff. Privates, Joseph Adlum. John Adhim, Jr., John Brown, John Blackburn, Robert Bailey, Charles Barnitz, Jacob Barnitz, Peter Boos, Martin Carman, David Candler, ^ Isaac Davis, .Anthony Dougherty, Martin Eichelbergcr, Jr. John Forsythe, George Graham, James Gorman, .\ndrew Grobb, Jacob Holtzinger, Peter Haack. Frederick Huber, Frederick Houseman, Thomas Hancock, Thomas Irons. Godfry Lonberger, THE REVOLUTIOX 263 Henry Jlyers, William McMunn, William Xitterfeld, Jacob Obb. Thomas Prior, Robert Patton, Robert Paisley, David Parker, James Robb, William Skinner, John Shultz, Jr., John Shall. John Smith, George Test, William Vaines, John Willis. Captain, —1 Rudolph Spanglcr. First Lieutenant, Peter Reel. Second Lieutenant, George Shuch. Ensign, Christopher Stayer. Sergeant, John Fishel. Clerk, George Lewis Loeffler. Privates, Henry Bentz (son of Philip), Henry Brobeck, George Beyer, Frederick Bickel, Valentine Brenneisen, Daniel Barnitz, Nicholas Brand, Weirich Bentz, Henry Bentz (son of John), John Beltzner, Frederick Bringman, John Counselman, George Craft. Herman Cookes, Martin Crever, George Carman, Frederick Dambach, John Dallman, John Detter, Hartman Deitsh, Philip Entler, Philip Gossler, .\ndre\v Hertzog, Conrad Holtzbaum, John Immel, Christian Ilgenfritz, Peter King, Conrad Leatherman, George Nebinger, Luke Rose, Joseph Rothrock, Jacob Shuch, Peter Swartz, Christian Sinn, John Shall, Jacob Schneerer, Daniel Spangler, Abraham Sitler, John Smith. Simon Snyder, George Snyder, Francis Thomas, Henry Welsh, Joseph Weisang, Jacob Wolf, Henry Wolf (son of John), George Wolf, James Wallace, Henry Wolf. Jr., Matthias Zimmer. Captain. George Eichelberger. First Lieutenant, Michael Hahn. Second Lieutenant, Baltzer Spangler. Privates, Martin Brenneisen, Nicholas Bernhard, Joseph Boude, George Craff, James Clerck. Jacob Durang. Jacob Eichinger, Jacob Funck, John Flender, George Fritzler, George Fiarar, John Fisher, George Geesev. Michael Graybill, Liidwig Hetrick, Finken Imfelt, James Jones, John Kunckel. Michael Kopenhafer, George Moul, Casper MuUer, Jacob Miller, James McCullough, John "Maguire, George Myer, Samuel Nelson, Jacob Xeuman, John Pick. Jacob Rudisil Henry Ranch, Anthony Ritz, Michael Ruger, Jacob Schram, Jacob Schenk, Jr., George Spangler, Lorentz Small. Jacob Sclireiber, Jacob Schneider, jRudolph Spangler, Stophel Shellc}', Nicholas Upp, John Welsh, John Wcrlov, Jolin Wolff,' Ludwig Weisang, Michael Weider, Michael Welsh, Frederick Youce, Henry Zimmerman, Peter -. Captain, Simon Kopenhafer. First Lieutenant, Michael Schrciber. Second Lieutenant, Andreas Shinerd, Jr. Ensign, Jacob Gotvvalt, Sr. Privates, A. Peter Bentz, Jacob Ersman, John Frey, John Gristy, Jacob Graft. Jonas Gastman, John Gastman, Jacob Gotwalt, Jr., Leonard Heindel, George Henry Houser, Jacob Herman, George Henry Haupt, Frederick Heid, Philip Hoffman, Jonas Herman, Nicholas Herrer, Michael Heyd, Jacob Huft, Andreas Heid, .•\mos Hershey, Conrad Insminger, John Kreibel. Gotfried Konig, George Koenich, imon Kopenhafer, Jr., Jacob Kauffman, Andreas Kraft, Reinhart Klein, Peter Lang, George Miller, Jr., Henry Noss, Henry Ord. Andreas Rittcr, John Reittingcr, P. Reittinger, John Rentzel. Christ Rentzcll, Jonas Rudisill, Philip Rudisill, Henry Rau, John Schwerd. James Schinerd, John Schreiber, Peter Schultz, --ilichael Sprenkle, Haus Saal, John Schram, Jacob Schindcl, Frederick Schindel, James Worle, Jacob Worle. Philip Wagner, William Worle, Daniel Worle, Jacob W"agner, _^hn Wilt, Sanuiel Wilt. Valentine Wilt, Philip Wintermyer. Peter Winterrecht, George Winterrecht. Philip Weil. Captain. Jost Herbach. First Lieutenant. Peter Shultz. Second Lieutenant, Baltzer Rudisill. Ensign, Jlichael Ettingcr. Privates, Daniel Anthony, Nicholas Anthony, Henry Beyer, Christian Bixler, Joseph Bixler, John Bixler, Christian Bixler, Jacob Bixler, William Becker, Jacob Bohn, Nicholas Bohn, Jacob Bohn, Jr., Stephen Beyer, Jacob Beyer, John Beyer. William Bear, Conrad Becker, Henry Becker, Jr., John Bcyerley, Peter Elenberger, Michael Ettinger, Dewalt Gross, Samuel Gross, Stophel Grinwalt, Michael Ginder, Conrad Ginder, Christian Heit, John Heit, George Heckler, Casoer Knaub, Jr., 264 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY, PEXXSYLVAMA Jacob Klingman. Frederick Klingman. Pliilip Jacob Hoenig, Valentine Kobler. Joseph Kohler, Jacob Knab, George Klingman, William Keys, Valentine Kohlman, Andreas Klein, Christian Leib, Ezra Lichtenberger, George Lichtenberger, Adam Lichtenberger. Knlian Lichtenberger. Michael Loebenstein, George Loebenstein, John Miller. Michael Melhorn. George Miller, Samuel Miller, George Philip Mohr, Adam Miller. George Ringer. Andrew Roth. John Rnth. Jr.. Henry Roth. Michael Ringer. William Rennel, John Reyf, Conrad Snyder, Philip Schweitzer, Paul Storm. Frederick Selcker, Jacob Snyder. Jr., Adam Schcnck, John Seder, Peter Sheaffer, Jacob Schmitt, George Welsh, Jacob Weber, Adam Wilt, Yost Wahl, Jacob Ziegler. Captain. George Hoover. Lieutenants. Jacob Hederick, John Sharrer. Ensign. Frederick Meyer. Sergeants, Samuel Glassick, Laurence Rohrbach, Theobald Snyder, Michael Behler. Corporals, John Adarmel, George Kaltreider, Michael Lorick. Privates, Jacob Behler, Jacob Bear, Jr., George Bortner, Daniel Bear. William Becker. Samuel Brenneman, John Brodbeck, John Bower, Benjamin Brenneman, William Brenneman, Jacob Bear, Sr., Peter Castello, Helfrey Craumer, Nicholas Dehoff, George Dehoff, Peter Diskin, Abraham Eberhart, Wendel Eberhart, "Jacob Eppeis, Frederick Frashcr, Adam Foltz, Ulrich Followeider, Jacob Followeider, Frederick Fisher, John Followeider, Peter Gerberick, John Gantz, Jacob Greist, Leonard Girkenhyscr, Peter Henning, LHrich Hoover, Michael Henning, Jacob Houser, George Hamspachcr, George Hoover, John Hoover, Daniel Jones, Theobald Kaltreider, Thomas King, Abraham Keller, Peter Krebs, George Krebs, Ulrich Kneyer, Leonard Kneyer, Samuel Lorick, Conrad Ludwig, Henry Menche, Flenrv Newcomer, John ' Ott, Christian Rohrbach, Jr., Frederick Roadarmel, Jacob Roadarmel, Henry Rohrbach, Nicholas Rvbold. Vv'illiam Ruhl. Matthias Rybold, George Rybold, Adam Rybold, Henry Roberts, John Ruhl, Clementz Ruhl. Martin Snyder, George Smith, Martin Sheyerer, Matthias Si'nith. Jacob Sharrer. Zacharias Shug, Michael Shcverer, Henry Skiles. John Werner, Christopher Snyder, Jacob Ziegler, Jr., Isaac Varnum, Jacob Ziegler, Sr., Richard Willart, Michael Ziegler. Nicholas Weyant, The Second Battalion of Associators was organized in 1775 by Colonel Robert AIc- Pherson, of Marsh Creek, and included per- sons living in the present area of Adams County. Part of this battalion enlisted in the Second Regiment of the Flying Camp, at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, in 1776. The officers at the time of organization, in 1775, were "Robert McPherson, colonel; David Kennedy, lieutenant-colonel; Moses Mc- Clean and Hugh Dunwoodie, majors. The muster roll of only one company of this battalion was preserved. The rank and file of some of the companies enlisted in the Seventh Pennsylvania Line, commanded by Colonel David Grier. Captain. Hugh Campbell. First Lieutenant. William Lowther. .Seeond Lieutenant, Robert ]\IcElhenney. Ensign, Simon Vanarsdalen. Sergeants, Joseph Hunter. John Armstrong Corporals. John McCush. William Leach. Drummer, John Banta. Fifer, Andrew Little. Privates, Cornelius Cosine, Alexander Wilson, Alexander Bogle, James McElhenney, Arthur Beaty, Hugh McL.'iughlin, William Duffield, Samuel McManemy, Jacob Smock, Francis Monfort, Benedict Yeary, Henry Little, William Carsman, John McCance. Robert Stewart, Abran'i Banta, Joseph Weast, John Hope, Benjamin Leach, Robert Barber, Jaines Hutchison, Charles Orr, Robert McGowan, Thotuas Orbison, Hugh McWilliams, William McCance, Jacob Swiser, John Cumingore, Nathaniel Porter, Abraham Brewer, Lawrence Alonfort, John Sage, David Casart, John Willson, Charles Timmons, Andrew McKiney, Andrew Shiley, Frederick Shetz, Henry Little, Peter' Millar, Andrew Hunter, James Lyon, Nicholas Millar, Patrick Hogan, Farrah Doran, Stephen Giffen, James McCreary, Orbin Wence. Amboy, Septcmlier 17, 1776. Mustered then, I captain, 2 lieutenants, i ensign, 3 THE REVOLUTION 265 sergeants, 3 corporals, i drummer, i fifer, 34 privates. Sixteen enlisted in the Flying Camp, 4 on guard, I sick absent, i sick present, i on furlough. The Third Battalion of Associators was organized in 1775 by Colonel Richard Mc- Allister, of Hanover, who commanded the Second Pennsylvania Regiment of the Flying Camp, in which a large number of his men enlisted at Perth Amboy, New Jer- sey, in 1776. After the organization of the state militia, in 1777, the Third Battalion was commanded by Colonel David Jameson. Part of this battalion served under Jameson at Germantown, White Alarsh and minor engagements in 1777. It was organized in 1775 out of the Associators in the town- ships of Heidelberg, Berwick. Paradise, Mt. Pleasant, Manheim and Germany. Caftain, Jacob Beaver. First Lieutenant. Xicholas Baker. Second Lieittenant, John Bare. Ensign, George Lefeber. Privates, Henry Albright, John Auber. George Auble, George Autick, Conrad Brubaker, Nicholas Bentz, Michael Broocker, Henry Bear, John Byer, Henry Byer, Jacob Byer, William Bradley, George Beaner, Michael Baymiller, John Croan,. Sr., John Croan, Samuel Christ, Jacob Dey, v Peter Ditty, John Dellinger, Henry Deethoff. Jacob Dellinger, John Douchki, Michael Dush, Nicholas Dey, — Ulrich Eleberger, John Ebay, Frederick Eaty, Frederick Fitz, Philip Fry. John Gohn, Philip Gohn. Andrew Gilbert, 4 Philip German, Michael Garious, Francis Graff, George Gause, James Hines, Adam Heindel, Michael Holder, Philip Hune, .■\ndre\v Heins, Lorentz Hersinger, Laurence Heindel, Jr., Daniel Harkens, Henry Heltzel, Michael Henry, Jr., '^ John Imenheiser. Jeremiah Johnson, Anthony Keller, .•\aron Kephsnyder, Michael Koffeld, Martin Kealer, Frederick Lambert, Christopher Landis, Conrad Lookhoup. John Leaphart. Frederick Lebeknecht. Conrad Lora, John Landis, Conrad Lever, Philip Milhove, ->Michael Mosser, John Mude, George Maxfield. Charles Means, James Murphy, Christopher Noble, Adam Pauls, Laurence Paul, George Poff. Nathan Phersize, Michael Petcrman, Christian Rothfon, George Rinehard, Henry Ruby, Joseph Rch, John Rupert, John Stair, — Peter Stcap, John Smith, Adam Stentler, James Strong, Conrad Shaeffcr, Jacob Stakcnar, Peter Seacat, Jacob Stromenger, Jacob Strickler, John Simson, Philip Stees, Peter Swartz, John Shenberger, Peter Treckler, John Tome, Paul Tritt, Peter Tritt, John Weber, Peter Wambach, George Woolpack, Ulrich Weber, Nicholas Young, Michael Zimmerman, Michael Ziegler, Philip . Captain, Godfrey Fry. First Lieutenant, John Bushong. Second Lieutenant, George Spangler. Ensign, James Jones. Privates, John Bush, Wier Bentz, George Boly, Christian Betz, Jacob Byer, George Bentz, Henry Breninger, George Brown, Nicholas Deal, Peter Deal, Samuel Detweiler, George Deal, Jacob Fleger, Peter Foust, Jacob Freed, George Fliger, Michael Fishel, Henry Greenawalt, John Gusler, Christian Hogman, Frederick Houshill, John Immel, Henry Jones, William Johnston, Jacob Keller, Michael Kurtz, Jacob Koch, Conrad Kissinger, Yogam Leaman, Stephen Landis, George Ley, Peter Leman, Jacob Lehman, Jacob Lefever, Andrew Miller, Jacob Morks, _-Daniel Mosser, John Minster, George Michael Peter, Peter Peter, Edward Prion, John Rode, John Rankin. Godfrj' Sumwalt, Matthias Stuart, Henry Stouffer, —William Sprenkle, Christian Shewe, Daniel Stouffer, John Spangler, Jacob Speck. Jonas Spangler, Christian Sipe. Philip Spangler, Martin Speck, Michael Spangler, rtenry Spangler, George Swartz, John Stuart, James Shaw, John Trychler, Henry Wissendaul, Peter Wolf, Martin Wcller, Abraham Welshans. Captain, Peter Forte. , First Lieutenant. Christopher Stoehr. Second Lieutenant, Andrew Hertzog. Ensign, Jacob Welshance. Privates, Henry Bouch. Henry Booser, Henry Bonix, Joseph Craft, .Abraham Danner, Peter Dinkle, Lawrence Etter, Jacob Ereon, John Edward, Michael Edward, 266 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA George Fry, George Fritz, William Fondorow, Jacob Fackler, John Good, John Gohoet, Henry Hofe, Vincent Infelt, Isaac Jones, Francis Jones, James Kopp, Francis Koontz, Henry King, Daniel Kiser, John Kean, Nathaniel Lightner, Samuel Leidy, Frederick Laumaster, Godfry Loneberger, George Mock. William McMun, Henry Myer, James McCullock, Alexander McKitrich, Andrew Nunemaker, George Nebinger, John Peasley, Matthias Pourt, John Probst, Abraham Pick, George Peck, Anthony Ritz, Godfry Ream, Thomas Ryon, Anthony Rous, Peter Rose, James Smith, Killian Small, George Shook, —Jacob Sprenkle, John Shultz, Martin Shreader, Philip Shipe, Peter Schlimer, Frederick Tombach, Joseph Updegraff, Jacob Updegraff, Jr., Jacob Weaber, Adam Wolf, William White, Frederick Wyer, John Wolf, Jr., David Welshans, John Welch. George Waldimyer, Frederick Youse. Henrv Walter, John 'Wolf, Ludwig Weisang, Jacob Welchance, John Williamson, Captain, Christopher Lowman. First Lieutenant, Ephraim Pennington. Second Lieutenant, John Fishel. Ensign, Charles Barnitz. John Alifred, Henry Bentz, Jacob Bahn, Martin Breneisen, Thomas Beltzhoover, Leonard Benel, Leonard Bensel, Andrew Billmeyer, ilichael Billmeyer, Frederick Bringman, Valentine Breneisen, John Biers, Felix Conoway, Alexander M. Conagle, John Dubman, Alexander Donaldson, Philip Endler, Samuel Fisher, Martin Flinchbaugh, Martin Flinchbaugh, Samuel Fisher, Martin Frey, Adam Gardner, Abram Gravious, George Goodyear, John Gorgus, Philip Greber, Philip Heckert, Christian Hecketurn, Andrew Hoffman, Frederick Housman, John Hickson, George Hope, Thomas Hickson, Jacob Houck, Samuel Koontz, Privates, George Kidy, Michael Keller, Henry Kyfer, IViartin Kearman, Abram Knisely, John Leisser, Jacob Letter, William Lanius, John Myer, Conrad Miller, -^ Michael Mosser, Conrad Miller, A Michael Mosser, Jacob Miller, Edward McDermot, Casper Miller, Thomas Owen, John Patterson, John Pick, Thomas Prior, Peter Real, Peter Real, Christopher Slagle, George Schlosser, Jacob Snerely, George Snyder, Jacob Shook, Jacob Snyder, Matthias Sitler, Jacob Schram, Abram Sitler, Peter Shitz, Joseph Tott, George Test, Joseph Updegraff, Samuel Updegraff, Michael Welsh, John Wiles, George Weller, Henry Welch. Captain, Alexander Ligget. First Lieutenant, Robert Richey. Second Lieutenant, Robert Stuart. Ensign, Peter Fry. Privates, Aaron Arsdale, Andrew Brown, Rendal Cross, John Cadge, James Cross, John Eff, Archibald Eason, Robert Eakin, John Fisher, Bernat Fry, Conrad Fry, Paul Gier, David Good, Adam Gohn, Robert Greenless, Conrad Gyer, Frederick Hamer, Christopher Heindel, John Handerson, Adam Hindly, Alexander Handerson, Craft Hcrmal, Jacob Imsweller, Jacob Imsweller, Richard Jones, Peter Koble, Alexander Lewis, John Lynck, Christian Laundes, Samuel Laundes, Christian Lootz, Henry Long, William Ligget, Henry Myer, John Myers, James McCavick, James McNarey, Henry Miller, Michael Miller, Henry McGarrah, Samuel McCowen, Nathan McCoy, ■ Jacob Neff, Melker Ortas, Peter Offer, Daniel Peterman, Christopher Fetters, John Peterman, John Russel, Peter Reisinger, Henry Reineberger, Thomas Robertson, James Ross, Jacob Ruby, John Smook, Jr., Jacob Smook, Philip Slifer, Jacob Stegner, George Smith, INIartin Slinger, barkley Sayler, Stephen Slifer, Baltzer Shenberger, Andrew Slinger, George Tyse, Henry Teckert, Henry Tyson, Benjamin Tyson, George Woolbeck, Andrew White, Philip Wambach, Michael Wambach, George Wambach, Leonard Young, William Young, Abraham Young. Captain, George Long. First Lieutenant, Samuel Smith. Second Lieutenant, Conrad Keesey. Ensign, Samuel Mosser. Privates, Henry Alt, Michael Albright, Felix Albright, Peter Byer, John Bushong, Michael Bettinger, Jacob Bettinger, Jacob Bh'myer, Christian Elymyer, Henry Dolman, George Ditterheffer, Henry Dome, Bastian Erig, Adam Fishel, Henry Fisher, Frederick Fliger, Jacob Fliger, Casper Fisher, Adam Flinchbaugh, Michael Grimm, Peter Grimm, Philip Grimm, THE REVOLUTIOX 267 Yost Getz, Jacob Geescy, Michael Harnish. George Hardline, Michael Hinico, Jacob Inner?. Yost Kerchhard, John Kerchhard. Bernard Kousler, lohn Long, Felix .Miller, lohn Myer, \Villiani Miller, George Neaf, Ulrich Xeaf, Andrew Pefferman, Jacob Reman, William Rigert, John Reigert, ■H^eter Sprenkle. Henry Snell, Peter Sins, Jacob Sebauld, Nicholas Sins, Jacob Shearer, Jr., Martin Stook, John Shoemaker, Alichael Sytz, Conrad Shentler, Christian Shetler, Jacob Shearer, Abrani Swingwiler, George Wilhelm, Nicholas Waltman, Liulwick Waltman. Captain. Michael Halm. First Lieutenant, John Minn. Second Lieutenant, Thomas Iron (Erion). Ensign, Christian Sinn. Privates, Frederick Aderhold, Jacob Bernhard, Xicholas Brand, Peter Bear, Charles Brooks, John Bear, George Craft, -John Collins, David Candler, Adam Cookes. Michael Doudel, Jacob Durang, Jacob Eichinger, Thomas Eaton, Jacob Funk, John Flender, .Adam Greber, Martin Greber, Jacob Gardner, John Greber, George Gees, Christian Herman, Ludwig Headick, Christian Ilginfritz, George Irvin, Samuel Johnston, John Kurtz, Mr. Kenety, John Kunkle, William Kersey, Xathaniel Lightner, William Long, William Love, James Love, John Love, Conrad Letherman, James McLaughlin, George Maul, James McKea, Paul Metzgar, Peter Mundorf, Jacob Xewman, Frederick Pickle, Enoch Pennett. Jacob Rothrock, Christopher Sheeley, Jacob Schriber, Jacob Shaffer, Jacob Shank, Simon Snyder, iBaltzer Spangler, George Shall. Andrew Shetley, John Shultz. George Michael Spangler, George Stull, Rudolph Spangler, John Shall, George Stake, John Shuhz (hatter), Xathan Updegraff, Abram L'pdegraff, Ambrose Updegraff, Jacob LTpp, William Welsh, John Wall. John Welsh. Michael Widener, Francis Worley, Henry Wolf, Michael Wey, Andrew Welsh, George Wilt. Philip Weltzheimer, Matthias Zimmer. Ca/>tain. Daniel Eyster. Privates. John Albrecht, Jacob Becker, Jr., Michael Carl, Jacob Delong, George Drey, Paul Drey. John Eburr. Herman Emerick. Christopher Foulk, George Foulk, Matthias Frey, Carl Gciger, Jacob Geiger, Christian Gerber, George Gerber, Christian Grieft, Henry Hefner, Jacob Hefner, Andrew Helwig, Abraham Herb, Sebastian Herb, Christian Hoch, Adam Hubcr. George Huber, Jacob Hueder, Thomas Hunt, Peter Kiefer, Jacob Langalt, Abraham Lemritz, Nicholas Lemritz, Jacob Long, Xicholas Meyer, Philip Miller, George Oberdorff. Herman Oberdorff, Jacob Pott, George Reber, ,,„--' Michael Reider, Christian Reiff, Henry Reiff, Christian Reiss, Conrad Reiss, George Reiss, Michael Satler, Melchoir Schaum, John Scheiter, John Schuler, Jacob Shacffcr, George Shiver, John Shiver, John Shiver (Shier), Philip Shiver, Daniel Sowasch, Henry Sowasch, Valentine Starr, Adam Sweiger, Casper Werfel, Philip Wanemacher.— Adam Zidnier, Anthony Zidnier, Andrew Ziegler, The muster roll of the Fourth Battalion, organized in 1775, cannot be found. This battalion, composed of Associa'tors from Shrewsbury, Chanceford, Fawn and Hope- well Townships, was originally commanded by Colonel William Smith, with Francis Holton, lieutenant-colonel; John Gibson and John Finley, majors. The following is the muster roll of one company from Slirewsbury Township : Captain, Gideon Bausley. First Lieutenant, John Patrick. Second Lieutenant, Peter Smith. Ensign, Conrad Taylor. Sergeants, John McDonald, David Jones, John Freeland, John Cleek, Corporal, Anthonv Miller. Privates, Jacob Alt, John Ball, Stophel Baker, James Douglas. Thomas Foster, Conrad Free, James Freeland, Michael Howman, Sophel Heively, Adam Hendricks, Thomas Hunt, Jacob Hedrick, John Hendricks, Samuel Jones. Michael Jordan, Xathan Jones, John Loran. James Marshall, John Miller. Alexander Osborn, John Orr, Joshua Pearse, Xicholas Rodgers, Frederick Shinliver, Postle Sheeling, Thomas Sparks, George Sword, John Taylor, Stophel Wisehart, George Waltmyer, Aquilla Willey. 268 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVANIA The Fifth Battalion of Associators was organized in the townships of Dover, New- berry, Monaghan, Warrington, Hunting- don and Reading. It was originally com- manded by Colonel William Rankin. The following companies served in that bat- talion : Ca/'tain. Michael Ege. First Lieutenant, Joseph Spangler. Second Lieutenant, James Liggit. Ensign, Reuben Fedro. Second .Sergeant, Joseph Keeppers. First Corporal, Adam DantHnger. Second Corporal, Thomas White. Privates, James Porter, .'Xmos Povvel, John Rose, William Smith. .\ndrew Stover, John Steiner, Peter Steiner, Frederick Scepter, Casper Stoner, Michael Uhl, Edward Woods, George White, Jacob Weston, Stophel Weinmiller, Stophel Zimmerman. John .\lsop, George Batchler, Edward Barton, George Conrad. William Chapman, -/■John Davis. ' George Dashner, Thomas Eisenal, Michael Fissel, Henry Fissel, Tobias Heine, Frederick Hovias. Henry Krone, Jacob Lishy, Thomas Pussel, Thomas Parker, John Aby, George Attig, Henry Albrecht. John Aber, George Aber, John Ber, Henry Ber. Hales Brit, Michael Bentz, Michael Baymiller, Michael Bennet, Jacob Beyer, Philip Beyer, John Beyer, Henry Beyer, Jacob Berber, Peter Breckler, James Bruck, Conrad Biilhans, George Boner, Michael Bricker, William Critly, Conrad Cara, John Crone, Jr., John Crone, Sr., Captain, Jacob Blester. First Lieutenant. Nicholas Beck. Ensign. George Lafeiber. Privates, Nicholas Day, Jacob Day, Michael Dast, John Dauchge, Jacob Dellinger, John Dellinger, Peter Dritt, Peter Diete, Henry Diethoss, Conrad Elleberger, John Frey, Philip Frey, I'Vederick Fitz, Philip Gun, Andreas Gilbert, Philip Gun, John Gon, Frantz Graft, Michael Garius, Michael Henry, Sr., Michael Henry, Jr., Lawrence Hirschinger, Matthias Hartford. Michael Holder, Daniel Herkens, y Anthony Heins, James Heins, Samuel Heist, Adam Hales, Lawrence Hales, George Hass, Adam Handel, Lawrence Handel, Henry Haltzel, Philip Herman, John Imsheiser, Michael Kaffeld. Anthony Keller, Martin Kuler, Frederick Lambert, Christcl Landis, John Landis, Nicholas Leber, Frederick Lieberknecht, John Libhart, Conrad Leber. John Muth, Jared Mines, Jacob Meyer. George I\Iaxel, Michael Moster, James Murphv. Philip Mulhof, Sr., Philip Mulhof, Jr., Christof Nagel, Michael Peterman, George Paff, Joseph Reh, John Rupert, Henry Rupert, George Reinhardt. Christian Rathsban, Peter Stab, John Simden, Jacob Stagmeier. Jacob Strominger, John Schmidt, Adam Stantler, James Shandon, Jacob Strickler, John Star, Conrad Scheffer. Peter Sekatz, Peter Schwartz, John Shenberger, James Strang, Jacob Thorn, John Thom, Frederick LUz, John Weber, George Wollbach, Peter Wambach. George Wachtel, Aaron- Westsnyder, John Weil, Ulrich Weber, Nicholas Young, Michael Ziegler, Michael Zimmerman. Captain iMartin Shetter, who resided in the vicinity of Lewisberry, York County, commanded a militia company, which served during part of the Revolution. This company belonged to the present area of Newberry and Fairview Townships, in York County, and in 1782, its muster roll was as follows : Andrew Cline, Thomas Winry, John Weire, John Cochcnauer, Philip Beacher. George Miller, Jacob Bear, Ludwig Weire, John Hencock, Peter Zeller, Abraham Shelley, Valentine Shultz, George Strine, Jr., Frederick Zorger, Philip Fettro, James Hencock, Andrew Beadman, Michael Roessler, Jacob Heier. Samuel Braton. John Thaylor. First Class, Frederick Weaver, George Streine, Joseph Cobele, Joseph Oren. Second Class, Emanuel Beare, John Finch, John Hetrick. Abraham Shell.v. Tliird Class. Jr., George Mayers, Andrew Miller, Jacob Heidelbouch, Jacob Forney, Henry Strine. Fonrtli Class, William Rise, Henry Bush, John Heidelbouch. James Hess. Fifth Thomas Miller, Christian Baumgartner, Peter Pence, Henry Roessler, Class, James Love, Matthias Zerger. Michael Wagner, George Bash. 'J'llE RE\'(')LUTIOX 269 Si.vth Class, Frederick Sline, Abraliara Stiiic, Lorentz Wolf, ' John Colgen, John Breneman. Seventh Class. Herman Sncidcr, Michael Row, Jacob Weier, Joseph Fettero, Henry Shultz. Eighth Class, Jacob Kaplor, William Barton, William Winry. John !Mathias, Tonatlian AlcCrcary, Daniel Brua, John Hurst, Peter Miller. Adam Snider, Joseph Garrctson, Cornelius Garrctson, Daniel Densyl, Emoss Lewis, John Fettero, llenry John, George Mansbcrger, Peter Densyl, Michael Coppenhoefer, Henry Bauer, Alex. Threw, Robert Torbcrt, John Taylor, William Thomson, John Webb, Hugh Whiteford, Samuel Willson, I'enjamin Willson, William Wallace, John Williamson. _ 'I'lie Sixth Battalion of York County Alilitia, organized in 1776, was composed of eight companies. It was commanded in 1777-8 by Colonel \\'illiam Ross, with /jasper 'cienients, David ^Miller as major. The following is a Robert^ Dixon, complete list of eight companies from different sections of York Countv: David Anderson, John Anderson, John Bohanan, John Blosser, Peter Bryfugle, Anthony Beaman, William Boyd, Henry Cunningham, Henry Craig, Robert Carswell, Stepliens Cornelius, Captain. Robert Armstrong, William Bolentine, Benjamin Bifet, Samuel Bohanan, Jonathon Burgess, James Breckenridge, Tames Buchanan, William Clark. Benjamin Ciumingham, Alex. Cooper, Nicholas Cooper, John Commins, Samuel Cuning, William Carkey, William Coloin, Hugh Crawford, Thomas Cooper, Richard Cord, John Cooper, William Cooper, Patrick Downey, John Doherty, William Davis, Isaac Davis, James Edgar, Robert Fliwen, Hugh Faton, Samuel Fulton, Archibald Greeless, Robert Glenn, John Glendenon. William Galougher, James Galeagher, James Heirs, . Joseph Henry. Thomas Hawkins, John Halbort, Laird. First Lieutenant, William Reed. Ensign. David Steelt. Privates, Theophilas Jones, John Lemon, James Lard, John Lewiston, Abram Mickey, Edward Morris, James Milligan, Thomas Morris, George Mitchell, John McCandless, Thomas Matson, Matthias Morrison, Samuel Mclsaac, James McCroney, John Major, William Mclleny, Jacob McCulough, Michael McMullcn, •John Xeal, George Nicle, Theodore Patten, Pattrick Quigley, William Rowen, Jacob Reed. William Russel, James Robinson, Andrew Rowen, Joseph Ross. Robert Rowland, Thomas Steel, William Snodgrass, James Sample, Josiah Scott, Patrick Scott. James Sims, John Thomson. John Tagcrt, John Duncan, George Egert, Nicholas Feeple, Andrew Fulton, David Gemmill, John Griffith. Evan Griffith, Henry Householder, Stophel Hively, Jacob Householder, James Hamilton, Solomon James, John Mclsaac, James McAllister, — ^iobert McCay, James McElroy, I'irst Lieutenant, Isaac McKissick. Second Lieutenant, John Smith. Ensign, Thomas Dixon. Privates, Michael Morrison, William Melurg, William Neilson, John Neilson, Joseph Nowland, Martin Overmiller, James Pegan, Elisha Pew, James Purdy, Patrick Purdy, David Proudfoot, Robert Proudfoot, Andrew Proudfoot, Sanuiel Rosborough, Adaui Reed, John Smith, William Smith, Robert Swan, Robert Straffort, Jacob Sadler, Samuel Smith, James Steel, Francis Sechrist, Frederick Satler, Andrew Thompson, James Young, Benjamin Yont, Jacob Yost. Jr., Robert Addair, John Carker, Philip Conol, John Duncan, Aaron Finley. Samuel Fullerton. William Fullerton Robert Finley, X George Henry, Thomas Kirkwood, Francis Helton, ' James Henry. ' William Henry, William Johnson, Patrick King, James Kirk. Joseph Kellit, John Lusk, James Lodge. Samuel ^Lartin, John McMillon, .Mexander .McAllister Robert Martin, Henry McCormick, CaMain, Joseph Reed. First Lieutenant, Robert Smith. Ensign. Samuel Collins. Privates, Frederick McPherson, William Mahlin, William Martin. Samuel McMichacl, ._ Samuel Nelson, Riiliert Nelson. William Nichol. Alexander Orr. James Paterson, William Patterson, S.imuel Peden, IX-ivid Patterson. Benjamin Pedan, James Robinson, John Robinson, James Ridgeway, Hugh Reed, Samuel Reed. Row leu Stevens. William Tulerton, Michael Travis. George Thompson, John Wallace. John Williams, -'70 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLWVXIA Aaron Wallace, Matthias Wallace, William Wallace, John Wallace. Aloses Wallace. Captain, Joseph Reed (Ferryman). Captain. Joseph Aloffit. First Lieutenant, Andrew Warrick. Second Lieutenant, Samuel Moor. Ensign, James Wilson. Privates, James Agnew. Robert Anderson, James Anderson, Nthemiah Armstrong, John Anderson, Thomas Balden, William Comon, Patrick Colwell, John Cross, Joseph Cross, • Conaday, William Douglass, Patrick Douglass, ^Matthias Ewen, Samuel Elliot. George Egart, William Edgar, William Edie, William Godfrey, David Hart, Joseph Harrison, James Harper, James Hutchinson, John Howel, Charles Hay, F'rederick Kross, William Ligget, John McCulough, Robert McDonald, Robert McCleland, Hugh AlcCutchen, John Miller, John ^larshall, Joseph Manifold, William Morrord, John McKitrick, Benjamin Manifold, David Manson, John Montgomery, John McKell, Alex. Ramz}-, John Ranizy, Thomas Ray, John Richey, Peter Roberts, William Ramsav, Daniel Robb, Samuel Roe, William Spitler, .\braham Cinord, John Shinard. Andrew Sloan, Alexander Thompson, John Willson, William Willson, Samuel Watson, James Willson, Henrv Wert, William Willson, James Willson. Captain, John Reppey. First Lieutenant, John Colwell. Francis Andrew, George Aurson, John Buchanan, John Buck, William Bohanan, John Conor, John Cummins, John Curr_v, John Dougherty, Hugh Dougherty, Alexander FuUerton, John Fullerton, James Greer, James Hill, John Houge, Thomas Johnson, James Lord, Samuel Leeper, Patrick Masewell, John ]\IcHarsy. William Morrison, John Morrison, Privates, David McCulough. .■\lex. McCullough, Matthew McCall, .\ntlrew McClery, William McCullough, Robert McGill, William McCleland, John McClain, Moses McWhorter, Samuel Pollock, James Parks, John Ramsey. Walter Robinson, Samuel Ramsey, Patrick Smith, Sanniel Stewart, John Stewart, Gavin Scott, Robert Stewart, Jacob Visage, James Woran. Robert Zeliss. John Andrew, Charles Bradshaw, Robert Blain, Abraham Barber, George Burkholder, Alex. Cooper, Samuel Caldwell, Alex. Downing, John Douglass, Thomas Duncan, James Downing, John Elder, James Elder, Robert Forsythe, James Forsythe, John Gordon. Robert Hill, William Hill, James Hill, John Hill, James Jolly, Joseph Jackson, John Kelly, Joseph Kobb, William Long, Robert McGhee, John McKinley, David ;\rcKinley, William McCalough, Samuel McClurge, Privates, John ilcCall, Michael McAnulty, A. McCulough, Thomas Newton, James Newton, James Perron. William Quigley, Joseph Reed, John Reed, John Reed, Henry Robinson, John Robb, Alen Seath, Hugh Sprout, James Stewart, James Spear, James Shaw, John Stewart, Daniel Shaw, Archibald Shaw, William Smiley, Samuel Sprout, James Sprout, William Wedgeworth, Isaac Williams, Cornelius Ward, William Willson, Thomas Willson, Robert Walker. Captain. Thomas McXerry. First Lieutenant, William Adams. Privates, IMatthew Adams, John Arnold, William Adams, William Adams, big, William Adams, old, Henry .•\dams, John Armstrong, Joseph Allison, John Buchanan, Jacob Crowl, Henry Crovvl, George Cooster, John Cooster, Philip Elis, George Elis, John French, Henry Fodd, Jacob Gering, Thomas Grove; j\Latthew Hunter, Adam Keener, David Johnson, John Koon, George Keener, Ludwig Keeth, Jacob Koon, Michael Koon, Andrew Koon, George List, James ^IcLaughlin, Owin McLaughlin, David ;\IcXarv, William McCforg, John Murphy, John Oolrigh, William Ovvins, Richard Pendry, Robert Pendrj', James Porter, Nicholas Quigley, Adam Quickel, William Reed, Casper Saylor, Nicholas Strayer, Jacob Spotts, Jacob Sypher, Charles Stewart, Ceter Stoyler, Andrew Stayley, John Tinu}', Jacob Weester, Philip Winter. The Seventh Battalion of York County Mih'tia, organized under the state con.stitu- tion of 1776, was commanded by David Ivennedy, colonel, with James Agnew. lieu- tenant-colonel, and John \\'eams. major. THE REVOLUTION 271 The following is a complete muster roll this battalion for the years 1777 and 177 Captain. John Myers. Second Lieutenant. Abraham Bollinger. Ensign, Daniel Hamm. of Christian Pregiiier, Valentine Runk, Peter Ratt/, John Rose. Christian Road, John Simmon, Philip Senif, Frederick Scptre, Andrew Smith, Privates, Joseph Allender. Jacob Abley, William Brenneman, Jacob Bealor, Jr., Henr\' Baker, John Beigher, Benjamin Brenneman, Jacob Bealor, Samuel Brenneman, Joseph Brillherd, Martin Barkh\-mer, Helphrey Cramer, Jacob Colier. Nicholas Dehoff, William Frankelberger, Ulrich Fulwider, George Fenceler, Martin Gistwhite, Ulrich Hoover, John Hoover, Michael Hileman, Lawrence Hileman, Jacob Hofner, Henn.- Kesler, Jacob Keller. Sr., George Keller, over age. Andrew Miller, John Miller. George Miller. Jacob Miller. Peter XoU, John Ott. Stephen Peter, Jr., Stephen Peter. Sr., Michael Peter. John Rudisill. Christian Ruble. John Rever. Rohrbaugh, Jacob Rodarmel. Jacob Stambaugh, Peter Stambaugh, John Snell, Henry Snyder. Harry Strayer. Zachary Shoe. Francis Stritehoof. Philip Stambaugh. S Philip Stambaugh. Christian So.abaugh, Martin Snyder, Henry Shiles. George Swartz. Daniel Tones. John Verner. Frederick Waggmen, George Warlev. Harry Warley: Jr.. Henry Warley. over Nicholas Wvant. age. Captain. Thomas White. First Lieutenant. Robert Jefferis. Second Lieutenant. John Jefferis. Ensign. Alexander Lees. Privates, X'icholas Bentz. Jacob Byers. William Bond. George Conrad. William Chapman, John Dull. •-Hugh Davis. George Dashner. -Adam Dentlinger, John Dicke. Sr., Thomas Evans, John Everson. Henry Frankelberger, ^Latthias Firestone. Samuel Freil. Henry Fissel. Michael Fissel, .-\dam First, Francis Huff, Philip Fissel. Henry Fissel, sadler, Wendel Fissel, Martin First, Christian Hershey, Joseph Hershey Joseph Hershey, John Helzel, Tobias Helzel, John Hom, Henry Horn. George Hines. Andrew Hershey, Peter Hershey, Adam Huff, .Abram Koontz, Thomas Hunt, Joseph Keepers. John Kinkennon, Peter Koontz, Michael Leckner, Jacob Mooler, Solomon Mooler, ^^ichael McCann, Philip Miller. Daniel Oaks. Thomas Presel, Jr., ^lichael Strawsbaugh, Jacob Wire, Daniel Wertz, William White, Jacob Wertz, John Wertz, Frank Wrinkler, Christian Young. William .Anderson, Jacob Alt, John Beard, Jacob Buzzard, Peter Baker, Jacob Brillhart, Edward Barton, Jacob Baker, Daniel Bailey, Michael Congle, John Clink, John Dicken, George Dommine, -:rJohn Davis, Henry Downs, Amos Dicken, Thomas Dicken, George Eisenhart, L'rias Freeland, John Freeland, Michael Felter, Christian Frey, Michael Garveric, Adam Hendricks, John Hunt, Michael Hubley, Wendel Horst, Isaac Hendricks, Godleib Howman, Jacob Headick, James Hendrick, Philip Herring. Captain, John Miller. First Lieutenant, Peter Smith. Second Lieutenant , John McDonald. Ensign, Acquilla Wyley. Privates, William Hendricks, Michael Howman, Nathan Jones, David Jones. John Klinefelter, Daniel Kurfman, John Keller, Lawrence Klinefelter, Andrew Krist, Joseph Lowbridge, Casper Lutz, John Low, Frederick ^liller, James Marshall, Solomon Nonemaker, -^Alexander Osburn, George Peary, William Patterson, Frederick Rule, Sebastian Shilling, James Swinney, Ulrich Sipe, John Shyrer. Jacob Seabaugh, John Shelley. Henry Shaffer. Joseph Turner. George Waltimyer, Ambrose Wilcox, Edward Wood. Christian . Captain, Peter Zollinger. First Lieutenant, Daniel Amer. Second Lieutenant . Joseph Baltzley. Ensign. Anthony Snvd. Privates. Adam Brener. Jacob Bowser. Christian Baker, Noah Bowser, David Baker, Valentine Barkhymcr, Daniel Bowser, Henry Baltzley, Jacob Bower. Abram Bowser, Ulrich Bernhard, John Bower. John Brener, Jacob Baker. John Brigner. Gotlieb Brizner, Nicholas Dillow, Conrad Dull. Philip Emeck, Peter Gise. Nicholas Goip. Wendel Gyer. Henry Heiney. Ludwig Heiner, John Hidler. Conrad Haverstock, 272 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA George Jacobs, Henry Jacobs, Philip Jacobs, John Kell, John Lane, Jacob Long, Henry Long, Patrick McHailey, Richard Mumniett, William Mummett, Sr., John Mummett, William Mummett, Jr., Daniel Noel, Bloss Noel, John Naugle, William Philebe, Adam Player, Sr., Adam Pypher, Adam Player, Jr., Peter Prigner, Lawrence Rohrbaugh, Daniel Reincll, Jacob Stiflcr. Jacob Snyder, Philip Swisegood, Jolni Titto, George Tresler, John Taylor, Christopher Walter, Henry Walter, Stophel Weymiller, Frederick Walter, Conrad Walk. Captain, John Erman. First Lieutenant. Daniel Peterman. Second Lieutenant. Michael Busli. Ensign. George Erman. Privates, Conrad Alt, Philip Applenian, Matthew Allison, Valentine Armspoker, Earnest Alp, Jacob Bailey, John Brillhart, Jacob Brillhart, David Byer, George Bailey, Michael Bush, Henry Byers, Samuel Brillhart, Bernard Blymyer, Lawrence Cramer, Baltzer Colier, John Colier, Charles Deal, Adam Deal, Gilian Dippinger, Jacob Earhart, Thomas Earhart, Michael Erman, Henry Frey, John Fry, Martin Feigle, Francis Grove. Casper Glatfelter, John Grimes, Henry Hess, Jacob Hildebrand, Nicholas Hope, Feli.x Hildebrand, Charles Hvmes, Martin Hart, Peter Klinefelter, Jacob Koffelt, John Klinefelter, Henry Keller, Christian Keller, Andrew Low, Tobias Miller, Edward Musgrove, Michael Myer, Andrew Myer, Christopher Myers, John Miller, Henry Miller, Ulrich Noyer, John Olp, Frederick Phenice, Andrew Peary, Nicholas Peary, Jacob Peck, Christian Rush, Abram Rever, Lawrence Rose, Adam Rose, Conrad Swartz, David Shaffer, Michael Shultz, John Shyrer, Joseph Sites, John Stites, John Stively, Christian Stively, George Seigh, Philip Shaffer, Thomas Tise. Philip Taylor, Matthias Trorbaugh. Captain. George Geiselman. First Lieutenant, Frederick Heiner. Bnsign, Valentine Alt. Privates, John Byer, John Crowl, Christian Brenneman, John Dicken, Joseph Bigler, George Deal, George Emick, Jacob Fulwider, .'\ndrew Frederick, Jacob Funhuver, James Flowers, John Grow, Philip Hileman, Jacob Henry, Christian Hosier, Joseph Hosier, ^lichael Hofner, Casper Hildebrand, Henry Hildebrand, ~^ Jacob Henry, Jacob Kurfman, Godfrey Klintinch, Felix Klatfelter, Michael Klatfelter, Christian Klintinch, Henry Klatfelter, Valentine Lore, , Peter Low, Anthony Leaman, Henry Lise, Peter Lise, Jones Lordon, George Low, Michael Mitchel, Christian Michael, Emanuel Niswonger, George Nyman, George Piper, John Pope, -\dam Pope, Melchor Pypher, jNIichael Peltz, John Quarterman, Michael Rose, George Sliskman, Henry Swartz, Bernard Spangler (son of Jonas), Charles Sliuman, Andrew Shietler, Michael Shenk, Jacob Shaffer, Jacob Shyrer, John Smith, Abram Swartz, Jacob Welshans, Henry Wideman, Jacob Winter, George Walter, Jacob Ziegler, Bernard Ziegler, Christopher Zimmerman. Captain. Jacob Anient. First Lieutenant, Andrew Parley. Second Lieutenant, Nicholas Andrews,, Ensign, Adam Klinefelter. Philip .-Vltland, Samuel Arnold, John Appleman, John Byer, Casper Bentzley, John Baker, John Buse, Warne Craver, Matthias Craff, John Deardorf, Peter Deardorf, John Fissel, Adam Fissel, Michael Frederick, Peter Flager, Jacob Fulgemore, Adam Fultz, Valentine Grove, David Griffith, David Griffith, Jacob Howry, Christopher Hyme, John John, Valentine Kulp, Adam Krist, Christopher Kemp, Rudy Klinpeter, John Kaltrider, Philip Krist. Christian Linbaker, Matthias Mummert, John M.ver, Peter Moore, John Nelson, Amos Powel, Peter Puse, Priz'ates, Ludwig Pope, Michael Paulet, Martin Rafflesperger, George Rudy, Jacob Road, Abram Road, George Road, Matthias Stump, Ivlinman Stoutsberger, Peter Strine, John Stopher, Philip Stoofer, Henry Spangler (Rudy's son), Henry Say, John Sunday, John Sharke, Michael Sunday, Jacob Stover, ; Henry Spangler (Jonas' son), Jacob Swartz, Bernhard Spangler (Rudy's son), Philip Shaffer, Peter Torn, John Tinkey, John Trimmer, Andrew Trimmer, Jacob Tortoisenian, Adam Walter, Philip Wyland, George Wallet, Christian Wiest, John Wiest, Henrv Whaler. THE REVOLUl'IUX 273 Captain, John Shyrrer. First Lieutenant, Jacob Headrick. Second Lieutenant, Frederick Mvers. Ensign, Jacob Bear. Privates, Henry William Keller, George Krapr, John Livingston, Henry Mankey, Valentine Mickle, James Moore, James Moore, Leonard Myer, Henrv Xycommer, Philip Null, George Portner, Adam Rypold, Nicholas Rypold, George Rypold, Henry Rohrbaugh, William Rule, John Rule, Ludvvick Reighgle, Michael Shearer, Martin Shyrer, Philip Snyder, Dewalt Snyder, George Smith, Matthias Smith, Leonard Sower, Jacob Stake, Henry WilUams, Jacob Warier, Francis Weymiller, Sebastian Widman, Michael Ziegler, Sr., Michael Ziegler. George Amspoker, John Brodbeck, Jacob Bear, Sr., Jacob Bailey, George Beck, Stophel Brigner, George Baker, William Baker, Jacob Dates, George Dehoff, Philip Emick, Wendel Everhart, John Everhart, Frederick Fisher, John Fulwider, Frederick Frazier, Samuel Glassick, John Gauntz, Peter Garveric, Frederick Hovice, Michael Hileman, George Huver, Peter Hiney, Jacob Hess, John Howser, Peter Krapr, Jacob Keller (son of George), Jacob Kessler, Abram Keller, Jacob Keller, , Andrew Kersh, John Kline, After the organization of the mihtia, in 1777, the following two companies belonged to the Second Battalion, which included men from different sections of York Cotint}' : Captain. Emanuel Herman. First Lieutenant, William Mower. Second Lieutenant, John Brodrough. Ensign, Herman Hoopes. Prizvtes, >Lartin Ebert, Christian Eblv, Ebly, Abraham Greenawalt, John Graff, Philip Heiges, Jacob Hoke, Jacob Hcrritz, John Hoke, Andrew Hoke, John Hagner, Lenhart Holtzapple, John Haler, Robert Inners, John Inners, Casper Koren, Joseph Kreibel, John Kurtz, John Kauffelt, Valentine Krantz, Peter Link, Lenhart Lecrone, George Lecrone, Michael Lau, Jacob Meisenkop, George Menges, Peter Menges, Andreas !Meyer, John ■\Iiller, Ludwig Moll, Simon Nirdnieyer, John Oberdorf, John Ottinger, Jacob Odenwalt, Jacob Ottinger,' Dietz Amand, Jacob Bauer, Robert Bayley, Jonas Bott, Jacob Bushong, George Bott, Jacob Bott, Matthias Detter, Gabriel Derr, Michael Emlet, George Eyster, Elias Eyster, George Eyster, Jr. Michael Ebert, Philip Ebert, Lenhart Ebly, John Emig, Conrad Eisenhart, Christian Eyster, Michael Finfrock, Gottlieb Fackler, John Fry, George Ferror, Stephen Finfrock, John Gratz, Isaac Gartman, Isaac Gartman, Jr., 1 Icnry Ottinger, Peter Ottinger, John Oldham, Valentine Obcrdorf, Dietrich Ruppert, Gottlieb Rigcr, Jacob Roemer, Joseph Rothrock, (jcorgc Rothrock, Jacob Rudy, Adam Rolff, John Romer, Philip Stcll, Peter Sprcnkel, George Sprenkcl, Isaac Sterner, Peter Sprenkle, Jacob Schmcisser, Henry Shultz, Andreas Schneider, Matthias Schmeisser, Henry Weltzhofifer, Weitzel, Peter Wolff, Conrad Weigel, Martin Weigel, Sebastian Weigel, Peter Weigel, Philip Ziegler, Killian Ziegler, Jacob Ziegler, Peter Ziegler. Captain. Simon Copenhafer. First Lieutenant, Michael Schreiber. Second Lieutenant, Andrew Smith. Ensi.iiu, Jacob Gotwalt. Privates, .^fustered. Philip Benedict, Peter Bang, Peter Bentz, Henry Decker, Frederick Ehresman, John Frey, Jacob Gotwalt, George Henry Houser, Frederick Haeck, Andreas Haeck, Jacob Herman, John Hearst, John Humrichhouser, Nicholas Hantz, Simon Kopenhafer, Adam Holtzapple, Nicholas Krasz, Godfrey King, Xot Jacob Ernst, Andrew Ginigam, Joshua Horten, Jacob Huff. Andrew Hershey, John Herman, John Hoffman. Christian Kneisley, John Kanffman, John Kreibel, Jacob Kanffman, John Nesbinger, Reinhart Klein, John Kroll, George Miller, Conrad E. Alenges, Henry Ness, Jacob Ness, Henry Ort. I lenry Rudisill, Jonas Rudisill, George Romi.g, Peter Schultz. Ludwig Shindle, John Schran, Michael Wcntz, George Weitcrecht, Peter Weitcrecht, Valentine Wilt. Mustered. William Rieth, Andreas Rittcr, John Schmidt, Yost Stork, James Schmidt, Philip Wintermoyer, Conrad Weikel, Nathan Worlcy, Jacob Worlev, John Willis,' James Worley, Frank Worlev. 18 274 HlS'lUkV UF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Tlie following is a muster roll of Captain Archibald McAllister's Company, in 1776, then serving under Colonel Hartley. In the fall of that year Hartley's Regiment joined \\'ashington's army near Trenton, New Jersey. This company, under Captain Mc- Allister, took part in the battles of Brandy- wine, Paoli, Germaritown and White Marsh in 1777, and in 1778, they marched with Hartley's regiment against the Indians on the northern frontier: Caplaiii, Archibald McVUister. First Lieutenant, Isaac Sweeney. Sergeant, John Lesley. Drummers, Patrick Conner, John Elliot. Privates, Thomas Bissel, Francis Britt, George Britt, James Burke, James Burns, John Carduss, William Chambers, John Clark, Robert Clark, Adam Clendennen, James Crangle, Charles Cro.xel, George Cusick, James Dill, Lewis Denisay, Robert Ellison, John Falls, Henry Gardner, Richard Karper, William Hayes, John Hendrick, Thomas Herington, Thomas Irwin, Thomas Judge. Matthias Kellar, Dennis Leray, Muster roll of the Fifth Company, Third Battalion. York County militia, for the years 1783-4: Captain, Peter Trine. Lieutenant, John Kneisen. Ensign, Peter Messerly. Sergeant, Jacob Stauch. Sergeants, .\dam Iletzer, John Wilth. Priz'ates, Jacob Weigel, Daniel Rahauser, Charles Alitman. George Romigh. Baltzer Ham, .Andrew' Coder, Andrew Gross, Joseph Sipe, John McBride, John McDonald, John McGichen, William McGinness, Henry McGill, John JMcLean, James McManaray, Samuel McAIanamy, John Mahon, Benjamin Missum, Thomas Morrow, Cornelius Murray, Thomas Nicholas, John Page, .Andrew Patterson, Thomas Parker, » Patrick Roch, Paul Terry, Robert Thompson, Christian Timbrooke, Thomas Timpler, .Andrew Walker, .Andrew Webb, Robert White, Frederick Wolf. Michael Feyser, George Croun, Thomas Metzler, Jacob Zimmerman, Casper Bierbower, Jacob Bowler, Peter Stryn, Walter Hughes, Peter Thomas, William Crage, Eliser John, John John, George Geyer, Jacob Hoifman, Wendel Gross, Jacob Ruthy, Michael Gross, Ale.x, Ramsey Cober, Nicholas Hoffman, George Stauch, Michael Bennedick, Philip Hoffman, Frederick Beck, Jacob Huber, Alichael Welty, Jacob Welty, Abraham Messerly, Philip Bierbower, David Ramsey, George Ruthy, Jacob Leydig. Sanniel Perck, George Reedman, Frederick Heck, John Bowerway, Jacob Herman, George Eichholtz. Folden Erdel, Samuel Clerk, Henry Ruth}', George Lcvnningcr, Christian Heck, The official report of the Third Company, Fifth Battalion, York County militia, 1780: Captain. William Heaffer. Lieutenant, Conrad Haverstock. Ensign, Martin Berghimer. Sergeants. John Dressier, Michael Dellow, Henry Berghimer. Corporals, Philip Hering, John Brenner. Privates, Abraham Jacobs, Ludwig Heaffer. John Mummert. Jacob Becker, Nicholas King, Christopher Speess, Wendel Henry, N George Keentzer, Henry Jacobs. John Hideler, Henry Balsley, Daniel Bowser. Jacob Snider. Yost Hiner, Frederick Eichholtz, Adam Guntel. Martin Ilgenfritz, Frederick Aliller, John Rothrof, Jonas Rothrof, Daniel Lebach, John Gross, Jacob Smith, Emanuel Sipe, Philip Sipe, Jacob Bender, George Leyser, Tobias Sipe, Philip Quickcl, .Anthony Bevenour, William Reed. Philip Rothrof, Jonathan Rauhauser, George Huber, Philip Miller, Henry Gertner, LUrich Derr, Jonas A'onner, Christian Hamm, Matthias Henry, Nt, Philip Wilty, Jacob Gross, Jacob Gilbert, Jacob Miller. George Shettle, George Shnellbecker, Matthias Eichholtz, .Andrew Sipe, Barnhart Feyser. Edward Brady, William Ramsey, Casper Cundel, John Qnickel, Michael William, Henrv Bowncr. Andrew Young, Philip Jacobs. Henry Stonesifer. Henry Ottinger, Jacob Fause, Peter Gise, George Fans, Samuel .Arnold. Peter Bricgner. William Mummert, Daniel .\mcrt, John Dull. Peter Heaffer. W'endel Gvger, I'HE REVOLL'TIOX -/ Richard Minnmcrt. John Xaugle, Andrew liaverstock, Henry Walter. John Bowser, Conrad Dull. Patrick Haley. Philip Haverstock, Jacob Dressier, Jacob Steefler, Ludwig Hiner, John Lehn, Gotlecb Breegner, Xicholas Fickes.Nr Jacob Brenner, \ George Ox, Abraham Serflf. Robert Doughertv. The following is a return of the Sixth Company, Fifth Battalion, York County militia, from Paradise Township, Septem- ber I, 1781 : Cii/'fijiji. Andrew Bolly. Lifutcnaiit, John Stump. Ensign, Philip Wyland. Privates, Peter Dierdorf. henry Sprengler, Michael IJonser, Matthias Mummert, John Stoufer. Werner Graver. Henry Spengler. -" Bernhard Spengler. iBernhard Spengler, Christian Wiest, Jacob Buss, Philip Christ. Adam Klinepeter, Jacob Amon. Xicholas Enders, Adam Walter, John Kell, George WoUed, Peter Moore, Peter Dewald, Valentine Grof, John Pawl, George Roth. David Baker. Philip Wolst. John Raker. Jacob Stover, Peter Thorn. Philip Shafcr. Rudolph Klinepeter George Bake. Christopher Kamps, John Buss. John Dierdorf, John Trimmer. Andrew Trimmer, George Rudy, John Sherk. John Wiest, Abraham Roth. Casper Goaks. Jacob Stover. John Fishel. Henrv Fishel. Christian Linebaugh, Jacob Roth, Philip Altland. Charles Hyme, Henry Klinepeter, Joseph Sunday, John Wide. Andrew Sunday. Henry Fishel. Adam Stover, Michael Howry. Henry Wahler. Jacob Rcnsell. David Griffy. John Myer. George Wide. George Krazingher. George Smith. Martin Rafflesbergcr. Christian Rafflesbergcr. Peter Trimmer. Thomas Louder. William Louder, Jacob Loser. Official report of Captain Shearer's Com- pany, Fifth Battalion of York County militia, in 1780: Cal'lain. John Shearer. Privates, Frederick Fraser, Sr., Samuel Glasik. Deewald Shnider. Xicholas Ziegler. Adam Ripold. George Gross. George .Amspoker. John Brodbek. Jacob Shearer, Jacob Bear, Helfrey Cramer, George Krops. George Koltriter, Michael Shultz, ^^ichaeI Rose, Jacob Ziegler. Michael Ehrman. John Sower. Henry Kuhn. John Keller. Benjamin Lawson. George Bortner, Sr., Jacob Keller Smith, Daniel Bear, Xicholas Dahoff, h'rederick William, Ludwig Bortner, ALartin Shyrer. Xicholas Ripold, -Abraham Keller, John Werner. Henry Wilhelm, George Smith. George Dahoff, Zachariah Shoe, (leorge Ripold, John Rohrbaugh, George Bortner, Peter Henig, John Gerberick, Jacob Xoll, George Huber, Matthias Ripold, Daniel Stouffer, Frederick Fraser, Philip Dahoff, Henry Albrecht, Peter Ollinger, Lugwig Rigel, Jacob Kants, William Ruhl, Daniel Cramer, Jacob Haderik, Frederick Wilhelm, Jacob Keller. Jacob Ziegler. John Eberhard, John Gantz, Benjamin Walker, William Baker, David Xeal, Jacob Kerker, -Adam Foltz, Peter Hah. Return of Captain Thomas White's Com- pany of the Fifth Battalion, York County militia, for the year 1780: Captain, Thomas White. Lieutenant, Lawrence Helman. Ensign, Francis Winkler. Sergeants, Edward Woods. Christopher Weyncniiller. Ulrich Barnhard. Christian Hershey, Joseph Hershey, Jr., Peter Hershey, Joseph Hershey, Sr., Xicholas Pence. Andrew Pence. Michael Fissel, Henry Fissel, Henry Fissel, Jr., George Conrad, Jacob Conrad, George Gentzler, :\IichaeI Miller, Philip Stover, Peter Marc.x, Peter Ratts, Martin Plank, ^'ost Waggoner, John Joseph, Michael Strawsbach, David Griffith, Philip Meyers, Daniel Shynaman, Peter Sander. Jacob Wantz. " John Dicks, Sr., John L')icks, Jr., Martin Focrst, Peter Meinhart, Privates, Jacob Marcx. James Porter, Hugh Fulton. James Cre,gor\-. William Blackburn. -Andrew Hoff, .Adam Hoff, John Kilkanon, John Wertz. X'^alentinc Runk. Joseph Runk. Adam Dentlinger, John Simmons, Leonard Getz, Phillip Hoff, Peter Wertz. Henry Heltzel. John Rose. .■\braham Horn, Joseph Wilson, John Fricky, Elias Wood. John Ortman. Jacob Lischy, Geor,ge Krone. John Hershey, .Abraham Bollinger, Francis Reamer, Conrad Mole. Return of Captain Leclmer's Company of York County militia, for the 3'ear 1780: 276 HISTORY OF YORK C (J />/((/", Jlichaei Lechncr. Lieutenant, Henry Kesler. Bnsign, Henry Karwcr. Clerk, Christian Roarbach, Sergeants, Lorenz Roarbach, Jacob Eppley, Jacob Stambach. Corporals, Daniel Jones, Jacob Hefner, John Boelor. Fifer, Franz Straithof. Drummer, Frend, Fenes. Jacob Boeler, Henry Skiles, Jacob ^Miller, Samuel Brenneman, Martin Sneider, Henry Stambach, -Peter Kreps, George Werly, Stephen Peter, John Rever, -Michael Miller, Alexander Lees, Adani Miller, Abraham Bollinger, John Ham, Christian Noll, Jacob Straithoff, John Myer, Ben Brenneman, George Fransler, Philip Stambach, Jacob Wearly, Adam Hoffman, Daniel Wertz, Privates, Andrew IMiller, Daniel Ham, Christian Huble, William Becker, Christian Brillhard, George jMiller, Ullrich Huber, John Snell, Henry Werh', Jacob Noll, Thomas Harreys, John Weaver, Jacob Boeler, Jr., , Peter Stombach, John Kline, Lorenz Shultz, Thonias King, Jacob Kesler, John Rudisill. William Brenneman, John Huber, John Miller, Christian Hefner, Michael Peter. The following is a muster roll of Captain Reinhart Bott's Company of York County militia, from Manchester Township, 1780: Captain, Reinhart Bott. Lientenant, Philip Ziegler, Jr. Ensign, Philip Ebert. Clerk, Killian Ziegler. Sergeants, John Dettemar, Jacob Rudy, Peter Hoke. Corporals, Andrew Zieglor, . John Ernst, Henry Dettemar. Priiates. John Haller, Michael Bentz. John Emig, Philip Wintermeyer, Adam Wolf, Leonhart Wizel, Frederick Horn, Frederick Leonhart, COUNTY. PEXXSYLV.VXIA Peter Weyand, Jacob Worley, Xicholas "Weyand, John Willis, Philip Reitz. Philip Hehzel, Bern lard Holtzappl c. Solomon Brown, Thomas Oldham, Michael Ebert, Jr., Andrew Hoke, Gotlieb Rieker, Robert Lewis, Peter Lind, Matthias Amend, George Sprenkle, Simon W'idmeyer, Joseph Graybill. Yost Strack, George Eyster, Jacob Grofe, ^lichael Lau. JMichael Crouss, George Eisenhart, Edward Skemp, Martin Wizel, Emanuel Herman, John Hoke, Gabriel Derr, Stephen Finfrock, ilattliias Smyser, John Herman, Peter Ottinger, Joshua Huddon, Casper Carver, ^Michael Sprenkle, Jacob Ziegler, Bernhard Rudy, Peter Widerecht, Peter Wolf, Henry Cunningham, Elias Eyster. Francis Jones, Matthias Detter, James Dobbins, Diter Rupert, Martin Life, James Worley, Sebastian Weigle, Andrew Hershey, Henry Shultz, Frederick Eichelberger, Henry Keifer, Peter Brenneman, Andrew Snyder, Herman Guckes, Andrew Weier, Jacob Franekaberger, Philip Hoffman, George Feeman, Peter Bentz, ^Matthias Keller. Jacob Neass, Matthias Klein. George Crantz, Christian Landes, Adam Hoke, Casper Hammer, Jacob Smyser, John Jones, George Lecrone. Daniel Dippel, Henry Weltzhoffer, George Meisenkoop, Matthias Miller, George Finck, John Schram, Abraham Borger, Francis Worley, George JNIiles, John Reisinger, John Ebert, Philip Christ, Nicholas Hentz, Samuel Redinger, Everet Herr, Elisha Kirk, Anton Weier, Peter Lau, Philip Wolf. Gotlieb Fackler, Anton Raush, Martin Ebert, Michael Speck, Peter Alenges, Valentine Emig, lin Jacob Bott, Frederick Huber, j- Peter Sprenkle, "•.y George Bott, Jacob Hentz, Michael Finfrock, ): David Shad, Jacob Ottinger. Jacob Kauffman, Return of Captain Matthias' Company, from Newberry Township, July i, 1780. This company servei d m Michael Smyser s Battalion of York County militia: Captain, Henry Matthias. Lieu tenant. George Myers. Lnsign, Charles Heyer. Pri vates. William Mackneley Thomas Eyeronss, John Stone, Joseph Ruppert, John Erss, George Syds, Stofel Bower, George Bruaw, Thomas Wincrey, George Miller, John Whyer, Conrad Sheffer. John Upd'egraff, JNfartin Shutter, James Adams, Jacob Barr, THE REVOLUTIOX 277 Jacob Gotwald, Jr., Henry John, Samuel Herd, Matthias Sorker, Ludwick Wliyer, Ijetter -Meyer, John Hunder, William Xicliolas, Andrew Miller, Abraham Shelley, Valentine Shultz, George Strine, Jacob Heitelbaugh, George Snyder, Frederick Sorker, Philip Fettrow, Amos Lewis, James Hengoge, Andrew Baitmen, Jacob Norberger, John Hofmen, George Bower. Bastian Whyel. Frederick Heyer, William Updegraff, William Bratain, Michael Ressler, Guy Cancley. Jacob Ruppert, John Nicholas, Philip Bence, Michael Fettrow, The following is a return of Captain ^^'iley's Company, York County militia, for the year 1780: Cal^tiiiii. Aquila Wiley. Lieutenant, Adam Hendri.x. Ensign, Andrew Smith. Privates, Boston Shilling. I'Vederick Humel, Battereck McMuUen, John Forey, Casper Shctrone, Jacob Forey, i'liomas Miller, Andrew Clyne, James Karmen, Elven John, John Mcnspoker, Joseph Careson, Cornelius Careson, Daniel Densol, Uavid Ensmenger, Christian Bomgerdner, Hcnrj" Bower, Samuel Miller, Jacob Stattessman, George .\Ienspokcr, Michael Bollinger, Jacob ileyer, George Meyer, John Bower, William Remel, Jacob Copier, Robert Miller, William Winery, Frederick Stone, Thomas Bonine, Jonathan McTarey, Samuel Whev. James Wilgns, John Millar. Peter Smith, John McDonald, Peter Baker, Daniel Curfman, Christian Keisey, James Moor., \Villiam Wile. Michael Clifclter, Windel Hisa. James Marshal, John Keller. Jacob Ott. George Waltimire, Hennary Waggoner, George Isahart, Thomas Simyard, James McTwina, John Freeland, Jacob Hederick, Daniel Bailey. John McMahon, William Patterson, Conrod Free. Christian Crouse, Frederic Millar, Laurane Clifelter, Jacob Coler. Xehemiah L'nderwood. William .Anderson. Michael Heman, Henry Shaver, Henry Downs, John Clifelter, Jacob Bosard, Adam Deal. Isaac Hendrix, Thomas Arms. Solomon Xunemaker, Jacob Mire, Nicholas Rogers. Michael Kensler. Jolm Beard, Adam Lukus. Thomas Sparks. Chrisley Lipc. George Didenhaver, Frederick Rule. Francis Keilev, John ^rillar. Nicholas .Millar, Charles Waltimire, David Waltimire, .'\dam Snn'th. Isaac Low. Paul Hivly. Gasper Prcathaver, James F'reeland. Tlu-imas Hendrix. A part of the count}- militia were called out to ser\e for three months or more at a time to guard British prisoners at York, during the years 1777-78-79, and at Camp Security, the British prison four miles southeast of York, in 1781-82. The follow- ing companies served in tliis capacity: Capliiin, George Long. Licntenants, Christopher Elefritz, John Fischel. Sergeants, George Moore, Jacob Sprenkle, John Willard. Corporals, ^Lartin Kerman, Seth Goodwin, Philip Wagner. Privates, Forrest McKutchin, Luke McLeese, Peter W. Naught (or McDonough), Felix ililler, Patrick Oloan, David Patker, Thomas Ryan, Henry Ryschell, Jacob Speck, Peter Shoemaker, John Wilhelm, George Wilhelm, Philip Wagoner, Casper Williard, George Zech. Ciiptains. Christopher Lauman. Daniel i:)oll. Jacob Doederly, John Dalsman, George Fleager, Philip Grim, Peter Grim, John Graham, Michael Grim, Jacob Houx, Michael Kurtz, Jacob Kook, Edward Lostikcl, John Long, Jacob Layman, Edward Alusgrove, Henry Miller, iLirtin Maver, Privates, John Agnew, Jacob Bitner Andrew Colhoon Martin Fry Jacob Graybill Peter Glossbrenner George Giess Peter Hess Christian Heckendorn John Hubley John Kock, Jr. George Lutman Henry Lanius Charles Lauman Lgnatius Li.ghtner William Mini John Ptligcr John Philby Barny Smith Henry Small Laurence Shultz Clement Slillinger Jacob Waltimire John Williams Jacob Welsh John Yous Hamilton Bagley John Eichelberger Henry Erwin Jacob Korr>" Joel Gray John Hively Stephen Harry Jacob Heckert Richard Hickson Thomas Koontz Peter Kurtz Abraham Lighlner Peter Lightner John Laffertv Philip Miller William ^Layson Dr. Emanuel McDowell Thomas McKinsey William Norris John Strebich Dr. Daniel Shefer George Stall Michael Schreiber John Shetly Joseph Uodegraff Jacob Wclshans. 78 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY, PEXXSYIA'AXIA The following is a muster roll of Captain Samuel Fulton's Company of Y'ork County militia, guarding" the prisoners at Camp Se- curity, in September, 1781 : Captain. Samiie! Fulton. Lieutenant, Joseph Dodds. Sergeants, Alexander Thompson, Alexander Smith, Ezekiel Sinkey. Corporals, James Cowhick, John Patton, James Hawkins. Fifer. Godfry Sidle. Privates, John Miirfe\', William McClellan, Jacob McCouUah, Andrew. Miller, Michael Miller, John Moser, Henry Miller, John Owens, John Oble, Ludwick Ortt, Robert Penrey, James Pollock, Peter Pence, Elisha Pew. Thomas Robison, Mandevill Reed, John Rodrof, John Sineard, Michael Simerman, William Scarlet, Joseph Stroup, Peter Strayer, Adam Swope, Jacob Stigner, Adam Shinbarger, Jacob Taylor, Eldrie Terr, Joseph Thompson, Stophel Writer, Moses Wallace, Charles Waltimier, John Waggoner. William Cooper, John Cooper, Brainerd Stroyner, Thomas Ramage, Alexander White, William Sullivan, Allen Torbctt, Thomas White, John Hall, Samuel Adams, Joseph Alison, William Adams, Thomas Robison, Samuel Barber, John Beveard, Jacob Balsley, Christian Branaman, .\ndrew Brown, Michael Caricker. Valentine Colman, William Donaldson, Joseph Delinger, John Delinger, Adam Darron, Michael Edwards, Frederick Eholes, John Freland, Michael Flint, ■Michael Fedrow, Jacob Freeze, John Good. David Griffith, Tohn Gross, Robert Hill, Isaac Hendrick, Daniel Hair, Michael Henry, Frederick Humble, ^lathias Kernes, Philip Knop. George Lecronc, Cieorge Lininger. William ^litchell's Company. December 20, 1776, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Matthew Dill : Captain. William Mitchell. First Lieutenant, Joseph Eliott. .Second Lieutenant, Henry Shaeffer. Ensign. Laurence Oats. Sergeant, John Lewis. Privates. Robert Torbett. William McLaughlin, Xicholas Shotto, Daniel Williams, Francis Boggs, Patrick Shannon, Peter Reeser, John Sullivan, John Bowie, John Williams, Benjamin Coble, John Sickleman, James White. Joseph McClellan's Company, September 10, 1778, Xinth Pennsylvania Line: Captain, Joseph McClellan. Sergeants, Daniel Vanderslice, Hugh Flearren, Samson Dempsej'. Corporals, Samuel Woods, Christian Young. Drummer, George Stewart. Privates, James Callahan, George Shaffer, John Connely, Peter ilager, John Allison, Robert Armstrong, _;^John Davis, :, ;\Iichael Henderliter, George Hister, Simon Lauk, Samuel Lewis, Joseph Parker, Thomas Rendals, Xathan Roberts, Charles Stewart, John Stewart, Jonathan Thomas. George Alfred, Henry Harper, George Pention, Thomas Sumner, Adam Coch. Daniel Saliday, Daniel Benhart, Frederick Raimeck Jacob Powles, Laughlin Morrison Thomas Powell, Francis Matthews, Patrick Rock, Andrew Shaffer, Robert Eagen, James Haines, James Young, Isaac Sweeney's Company of the Xew Eleventh, 1781 : Captain, Isaac Sweeney. Lieutctiant, Septimus Davis. Ensig}!, William Houston. Sergeants, Thomas Wilson, John Gray, Patrick Clemens. Corporals. Andrew Miller, Edward Blake, John Smith. Drummer, Robert Hunter. Fifer. John McElroy. George Carman, John Edgar. William Fields. Hu.gh Forsythe, James Hines, votes, .\ndrew Kelly, Roger O'Brien, Valentine Stickle, Hugh Swords, William Wilson. ' THE REVOI.UTIOX 279 John Andrew's Company, April 30, 1779, 'J'enth Battalion: Colonel, John Andrews. Adjiilaiil, William Bailey. Quartermaster, Robert Chambers. Sergeant. M. David Beaty. Privates, Joseph Bogle, Benjamin Whitely, William Stragin, William Reed, John Sarsley, John Slammers, John Hoover, Robert Wilson, Alexander Bogle, David Cassat, William McGrer, Robert Campbell,^ John McCreesy. Robert Galbreath, John Hoult, Christian Freet, George Stope. Philip Hounsley, Nathan Grimes, Abraham Iloughtailcn, David Demorest, Henry Buchanan, \\'illiam Coule, Samuel McCush, George McCans, James Wier, The following is a list of York County soldiers w-ho served in the First Pennsyl- vania Regiment of Foot : Michael Long, Samuel Crawford, Robert Campbell, James Brown, John Mollin, Robert Garret, Ulrich Faulkner, William Kerr, Charles Boyles, Robert Magee, Thomas Collins, James Berry, Jesse Lester, George Sinn, Mathias Crout, James Robertson, John Kimmins, Jacob Harrington, William Williams, James McDonough, James Mclntyre, Thomas ^IcGee, Jolm ^L'llone, John McKinney, Peter Geehan, Samuel Woods, Martin Hart, George Corkingdate, John Allen, John Summerville, Edward Butler, P.-itrick Preston, Timothy Winters, Baltzer Barge, John Campbell, Edward Fielding, Evan Holt, James Dougherty, John Vandereramel, George Young, John Whitemari, John Unkey, Daniel Johnston, Michael Jones, Patrick Kelly, Robert Keenan, John Leonard, Thomas Maltzer, James Morrison, James McLean, William Welschance, Peter Eversole, William Klorris, Thomas Stewart, Felix McLaughlin, Edward Larder, John McXair, William Pilmore, Thomas Winters, John Gower, John Callahan, James Bradley, Edward Blake, Daniel Campbell, — Henry Crone, Hugh Henley. Thomas Hamilton, Frederick Snyder, Michael Wann, Peter Myers, Michael Kurtz, Samuel Allen, George Albertson, James Allison, Hugh Henderson, Patrick Ryan, Peter McBride, Thomas Moore, Thomas Katen, William Bradshaw, James Welsh, Marty Sullivan, .•\ndrew Crothy, John Fouder. The following soldiers from York County served in different commands during the Revolution : PennsyKania Artillery — John Benning- ton, Miciiael Kyall, John Kelley, James Ryburn, Frederick Leader, John Johnson, Samuel Laughlin, Alexander Martin, George Stewart, William ^Bergenhoff, Robert Ditcher, Patrick Dixon, James Baker, John Lochert. German Regiment — Jacob Krcmer, Jacob McLean, John Richcreek. Fourth Pennsylvania Line — Andrew Crotty, George Seittel, John McMeehan, Christian Pepret, Andrew Shoeman, John Cavanaugh, William Smith, John Anderson. Fifth Pennsylvania Line — John Deveney, Anthon)- Leaman, .\dam Shuman. Sixth Pennsylvania Line — William Brown, Michael Weirich, Joel Gray, Matthias Young, Ludwig Waltman. Seventh Pennsylvania Line — John Brown. Ninth Pennsylvania Line — John Tate, ensign; Stephen Stephenson, Adam David- son, captain; Samuel Jamieson. George Heffelfinger, Samuel Spicer, Leonard Weyer. Eleventh Pennsylvania Line — Robert McMurdie, brigade chaplain. New Eleventh Pennsylvania — Martin Bloomenstine, Godlove Shaddow, John Richcreek, Joel Gray, John Snyder, Robert Casebolt. William Brown. Thirteenth Pennsylvania — Matthew Far- ney. State Regiment of Foot — Captain John Marshall, successor to Captain Philip .Al- bright; Robert Sturgeon, Patrick McGin- nes, ^^'ilIiam Welshance, John Awl, Joseph Mj'ers, Samuel Woods, Edward Carlton, Terrence Stockdale. At the Flying Camp, 1776 — Captain Peter Ickes. Second-Lieutenant William Young. Ensign Elisha Grady, Christian Ouiggle. Jacob Klingman, Patrick Gibson, Henrjr Beard, Alexander Frew, George Gelwicks, Charles Wilson. The following is a list of commissioned officers of the York County militia for the years 1777-8-9: Colonel James Thompson's Battalion at Wilmington, Delaware, Sept. 3, 1777. 1st Co.. Captains William Dodds, 38 men; 28o HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _'d Co.. Samuel Ferguson, 41 men; 3d Co., illegible; 4th Co., Thomas Latta, 31 men; 3th Co.. John Laird, 32 men; 6th Co., Peter Ford. len; 7th Co., John Myers, 18 men. First Battalion, October i, 1777. 3d Co., Capt. Christian Kauffman, ist Lt. John Shaffer, 2d Lt. Henry Smith, Ensign Jacob Strehr; 4th Co., Capt. Daniel May, 1st Lt. Andrew Milhorn, 2d Lt. Henry Yessler, Ensign Frederick Spahr. First Battalion. Col. James Thompson, 1778; Lt. Col. Samuel Neilson, 1778; Henry Miller, 1779; Major James Chamberlain, 1778; William Bailey, 1779. 1st Co., Capt. William Dodds, 1778, John Ehrman, '79; ist Lt. Nealy, '78, Fred. ^^'eare, '79; 2d Lt. Nealy, '78; Ensign Jos. Dodds, '78, Peter Swartz, '79. Rank and file, 104 men. 2d Co., Capt. David Williams, '78, George Long, '79; 1st Lt. James McNickle, '78, John Korehart, '79; Ensign James Reed, '/8, John Smith, '79. Rank and file, 78 men. 3d Co., Capt. John Shaver, '78, Michael Hahn, '79; ist Lt. Henry Smith, '78, Christian Zinn, '79; Ensign Jacob Miller, "78, Peter Hank, '79. Rank and file, 95 men. 4th Co.. Capt. Daniel May, '78, Peter Ford, '79; 1st Lt. Andrew Melhorn, '78, John Jeffries, '79; 2d Lt. Henry Y''essler, '78; Ensign Frederick Spaar, '78, Charles Spangler, '79. Rank and file, 89 men. 5th Co., Capt. James Parkinson, '78, Peter Imswiller, '79; ist Lt. James Fagen, '78, James Cross, '79; 2d Lt. Alexander Nesbitt, '78; Ensign John May, '78, Ulrich Sellor, '79. Rank and file, 206 men. 6th Co., Capt. Benjamin Keable, '78, Michael Kaufelt, '79; ist Lt. Henry Shaver, '78, Philip Boyre, '79; 2d Lt. Lawrence Oats, '78; Ensign Michael Dush, "79. Rank and file, 75 men. 7th Co., Capt. Francis Boner, '78, Ephraim Penington, '79; ist Lt. George Robenet, ■78, Charles Barnet, '79; 2d Lt. John Schrote. '78; Ensign William Brandon, '78. Gotfry Lenhart, '79. Rank and file. 120 men. 8th Co., Capt. John O'Blainiss. '78; ist Lt. John Polk, '78; 2d Lt. William John- ston, '78; Ensign Benjamin Beaty, '78. Rank and file, 106 men. Second Battalion. Colonel William Rankin, '77-8; Lt. Col. John Ewing, '77-8, Moses McClean. "79; Major John Morgan, '77-8, John Edie, '79. 1st Co., Capt. William Ashton,'77-8, Sam- uel Cabane. '79; ist Lt. Malachi Steahlev, '77, Tvlilkeah Shley, '78, William Hall, "79; 2d Lt. James Elliot, '77-8; Ensign John Crull, '77, John Carroll, '78, John Murphey, Jr., '79. Rank and file, 91 men. 2d Co., Capt. John Rankin, '77-8, Thomas Bigham, "79; ist Lt. Joseph Hunter, '77-8, William McCay, '79; 2d Lt. John Ashton, '77-8; Ensign Daniel McHenry, '77-8, John Murphey, '79. Rank and file, 88 men. 3d Co., Capt. Simon Copenhafer, '77-8, Robert Bigham, '79; ist Lt. Michael Shriver, '77-8, \\'illiam jMcMun, '79; 2d Lt. Andrew Smith. '77-8; Ensign Jacob Gut- wait, '77-8, John Sheakley, '79. Rank and file, 60 men. 4th Co., Capt. Philip Gartner, '77, Jacob Hiar, '78, James Miller, '79; ist Lt. John Higher, '77, Adam Barr, '78, James Mc- Kinley, '79; 2d Lt. Jacob Comfort, '78; Ensign George Hiar, '78, Barabus Mc- Sherry, '79. Rank and file, 66 men. 5th Co., Capt. Emanuel Herman, '78, Thomas Orbison, '79; ist Lt. William Moneyer, '77, A\'illiam Momer, '78, Joseph Hunter, "79; 2d Lt. John Rothrock, '77, John Bodrough, '78; Ensign Harman Hoopes, '78, Robert Wilson, '79. Rank and file, 81 men. 6th Co., Capt. John Mansberger, '77-8, James Johnston, '79; ist Lt. Henry Mat- thias, '77-8, John McBride, '79; 2d Lt. George Meyer, '77-8; Ensign Jacob Kepler, '77, Jacob Helpler, '78, John McBride, '79- Rank and file, 7^1 men. 7th Co., Capt. Yost Herbach, '77-8, Wil- liam Lindsay, '79; ist Lt. Peter Shultz, '77-8, Robert Black, '79; 2d Lt. Baltzer Rudisill, '77-8; Ensign Michael Ettinger, '77-8, Samuel Russel, '79. Rank and file, 50 men. Sth Co., Capt. A\'illiam Walls, '77-8, Thomas Clingen, '79; ist Lt. Henry Lee- pert. '77-8. Joseph Brown, '79; 2d Lt. John Jordan, '77-8: Ensign James Schultz, '77. Jacob Sholtz, '78.. John McLean, 79. Rank and file, 56 men. Third Battalion. Colonel l)a\id Jamison. "78; Lt. Col. THE REVOLUTION- 281 Philip Albright, '78, Michael Smyser, 79; Major William Scott, '78, William Ashton. 79- 1st Co., Capt. Jacob Beaver, '78, Rinehart Bott, '79; 1st Lt. Nicholas Baker, '78, George Philip Zeigler, '79; 2d Lt. John Bare, '78; Ensign George Lefeber, '78, Philip Eberd, '79. Rank and file, 106 men. 2d Co., Capt. Gotfry Fry, '78. Henry Mat- thias, '79; 1st Lt. John Bushong, '78, George Meyer, '79; 2d Lt. George Spangler, ■78; Ensign James Jones, '78, Charles Hyer. '79. Rank and file, 65 men. 3d Co.. Capt. Peter Forte, '78, John Mc- Master, '79; ist Lt. Christ Stear, '78, Wil- liam Bennet, '79; 2d Lt. Andrew Hartsock, '78; Ensign Jacob Welshance, '78, John INIapin. '79. Rank and file, 66 men. 4th Co., Capt. Christopher Lowman, '78. Philip Jacob King, '79; ist Lt. Ephraim Penington, '78, Andrew Cross, '79; 2d Lt. John Fishel, '78; Ensign Charles Barnitz, "78, George ^Volf, '79. Rank and file, 72 men. 5th Co., Capt. Alexander Ligget, '78, Thomas Goald, '79; ist Lt. Robert Richey, '78, George Ensminger, '79; 2d Lt. Robert Stewart, '78: Ensign Peter Fry, '78, Wil- liam Nailor, '79. Rank and file, 75 men. 6th Co., Capt. George Long, '78, Jacob Comfort, '79; 1st Lt. Samnel Smith, '78, George Meyer, '79: 2d Lt. Conrad Keesey, J '78: Ensign Samnel Mosser, '78, Elias Gise, "79. Rank and file, 62 men. 7th Co.. Capt. :\Iichael Hahn. 78; ist Lt. John Mimm, 78; 2d Lt. Thomas , 78: Ensign Christian Zinn, "78. Rank and file, 75 men. Fourth Battalion. Colonel John Andrew, '78; Lt. Col. Wil- liam ^\■alker, '78, William Gillelan, 79; Major Simon Vanarsdale, '78, John King, 79- 1st Co., Capt. John Calmery, '79; ist Lt. William Hamilton. '78, Samuel Gillelan, '79; 2d Lt, Joseph Pollock, '78; Ensign Adam W'eaver, '78, Nathaniel Glassco, '79. Rank and file, 58 men. 2d Co., Capt. John King, '78, Robert Cample, '79; ist Lt. James Eliot, '78, John Bodine, '79; 2d Lt. Baltzer Tetrick, '78; Ensign \\illiam Neely, '78, David Scott, '79. Rank and file. 64 men. 3d Co., Capt. William Gilliland, '78, David Stockton, '79; 1st Lt. Matthew Mitchell, '78, John Riner, '79; 2d Lt. William Kel- inery, '78; Ensign Nicholas Glascow, '78, Elisha Gready, '79. Rank and file, 67 men. 4th Co., Capt. Samuel Morrison, '78, Joseph Pollock, '79; ist Lt, Peregin Mercer, 78, William Hamilton, '79; 2d Lt. John Armstrong; Ensign Stephen K. Gififin, '78, Adam W^eaver, '79. Rank and file, 64 men. 5th Coy Capt. John Mcllvain, 78, Josiah Carr, 'jy; ist Lt. John Range, '78, Lewis Vanarsdelin, '79; 2d Lt. Francis Clapsaddle, '78; Ensign James Geary, '78, John Watson, '79. Rank and file, 74 men. 6th Co., Capt. John Stockton, 78, James Elliot, '79; 1st Lt. John Anderson, '78, Wil- liam Neally, '79: 2d Lt. David Stockton. "78; Ensign Elisha Grady, '78, Thomas Prior, '79. Rank and file, 64 men. 7th Co., Capt. Samuel Erwin, '78, Andrew Paterson, '79; ist Lt. William Houghtelin, '78, Abraham Fletcher, '79; 2d Lt. Henry Forney, '78; Ensign William Reed, '78, William Fleming, '79. Rank and file, 79 men. 8th Co., Capt. Thomas Stockton, '78, James Geery, '79: 2d Lt. Daniel Mentieth, "78 ; Ensign Andrew Patterson, 78, George Sheakley, '79. Rank and file, 59 men. Fifth Battalion. Colonel Joseph Jeffries, 78: Lt. Col. Alichael Ege, '78, Francis Jacob Remer, '79: ]\Iajor Joseph Spangler, 'jS, Joseph Wil- son, '79. 1st Co., Capt. John Mayer, 'j'^. Thomas \\-hite, '79; 1st Lt. Abraham Bollinger. 78, Lawrence Helman, '79; Ensign Daniel Hum, 78, Francis Winkel, '79. Rank and file, 55 men. 2d Co., Capt. Adam Black. 78, Acquilla ^\'iley, '79; 1st Lt. William Lindsay. 78, Adam Hendrix. '79; 2d Lt, David Jordan, '78: Ensign Robert Buchanan, '78, Andrew Smith, 79. Rank and file, 60 men. 3d Co., Capt. William McClane,'78, Peter Zollinger, 79: ist Lt. David Blyth, '78, ^\■illiam Hefer, Jr., '79; 2d Lt. Benjamin Read, 78: Ensign William Hart, '78, ALar- tin Berkhimer. '79. Rank and file, 64 men. 4th Co., Capt. David Wilson, 78, Michael Leightner, '79; ist Lt. Robert Rowan, '78. Henry Kessler, '79; 2d Lt. John Thomp- son. '78: Ensign John Cotton, 78, John Ham, "79. Rank and file, 64 men. 282 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PEXXSYLVAXIA 5tli Co., Capt. Joseph Morrison, '78, Henry Ferree, '79; ist Lt. James Johnston, '78, John Snyder, '79; 2d Lt. John McBride, '78; Ensign John Buchanan, "78, Michael Snyder, '79. Rank and file, 59 men. 6th Co., Capt. William ]\Iiller,'78, Andrew Paly, '79; 1st Lt. James Porter, '78, John Stump, 79; Ensign Barnabas McCherry, ■78, Philip ^^'ylan(i, 79. Rank and file, 59 men. 7lh Co., Capt. Thomas Orbison, '78, George Geishelman, '79; ist Lt. Robert McElhenny, 78, Andrew Lau, '79; 2d Lt. Joseph Hunter, '78; Ensign Robert Wil- son, '78, Valentine Alt, '79. Rank and file, 60 men. 8th Co., Capt. John Paxton, '78, John Shorrer, '79; ist Lt. James Marshall, '78, Jacob Barr, '79; 2d Lt. William McMun, ■78, Helfrich Cramer, '79. Rank and file, 66 men. Sixth Battalion. Colonel William Ross, '78; Lt. Col. Samuel Nelson, '79; Major James Cham- berlain, '79. ist Co., Capt. Laird, '78, Peter Speece, '79; ist Lt. William Reed, '78, Johln Swan, '79; Ensign David Steel, '78, John Snyder, '79. Rank and file, 84 men. 2d Co., Capt. Casper Reineke, '78, \\'il- liam Coulson, '79; ist Lt. Jacob Rudisell, 78, Christian Keener, '79; 2d Lt. Simon Clear, '78; Ensign Elias Davis, '78, ^Latthew Dill, 79. Rank and file, 89 men. Sd-tCo.. Capt. Alexander Nesbit, '79, Lt. Charles Brouster, '79; Ensign Henry De- walt, '78, Lazarus Nelson, '79. Rank and file, 85 men. 4th Co., Capt. Frederick Kurtz, '78, An- drew Willson, '79; 1st Lt. Matthew Baker, '78, James Quigly, '79; 2d Lt. Henry M- ; Ensign Charles Vantine, '78, AA'illiam Buns, '79. Rank and file, 8^ men. 5th Co., Capt. Peter Ekes, '78, Francis Boner. '79; ist Lt. Jolin" Mullin, '78, Thomas Black, 79; 2d Lt. Jonas Wolf; Ensign George Harmon, '78, Peter Zeigler, '79. Rank and file, 84 men. 6th Co., Capt. Leonard Yenswene, '78, William. Dodds, '79; ist Lt. John Wampler, ■78, Joseph Dodds, Jr., '79; 2d Lt. Jacob Xucomer, '78: Ensign Ludwick Wampler, '78, Adam Guchus, "79. Rank and file, 58 men. 7th Co., Capt. Andrew Foreman, '78. John Oblanas, '79; ist Lt. Henry Sturgeon, 78, John Polack, "79; 2d Lt. Richard Parsell, "78; Ensign James McMaster, '78, Benja- min Beaty, '79. Rank and file, 86 men. 8th Co., Capt. Abraham Sell, 78, Daniel May, 79; 1st Lt. Jacob Kitsmiller, '78, An- drew Alilhorn, 79; Ensign Charles Grim, 79. Rank and file, 66 men. Seventh Battalion. Colonel David Kennedy, '78; Lt. Col. James Agnew, '78, Adam Winterode, '79; IMajor John Weans, '78, Joseph Lilley, '79. 1st Co., Capt. Thomas Latta, '78, Simon Clare, '79; ist Lt. Robert Fletcher, '78, Frederick Eyler, '79; 2d Lt. Samuel Cobain ; Ensign Henry Shultz, '79. Rank and file, 69 men. 2d Co., Capt. Thomas White. "78, Michael Carl, '79; 1st Lt. Robert Geffries, 78. Adam Hooper. '79; 2d Lt. John Gefifries, 78; En- sign Alexander Lee. '78, Henry Felty, '79. Rank and file, 57 men. 3d Co., Capt. John ]\Iiller, 78. Conrad Shorets, '79; ist Lt. Peter Smith, '78, Henry Dewalt, 79; 2d Lt. John McDonald, '78; Ensign Quiller Winny, '78, Anthony Hinkel, 79. Rank and file, 60 men. 4th Co., Capt. Abraham Furree, '79, Peter Solinger, '78; ist Lt. Daniel Amer, '78, Christian Koenzan, '79; 2d Lt. Joseph Baltzler, '78; Ensign Anthony Snider. '78, John Smith, '79. Rank and file, 64 men. 5th Co.. Capt. John Arman, '78, Henry Moore. '79; ist Lt. Daniel Peterman, '78, Henry Hohsteter, '79; 2d Lt. Michael Sech, '78: Ensign George Arman, '78, Ulrich Hohsteter, '79. Rank and file, 65 men. 6th Co., Capt. George Geiselman, '78, Andrew Foreman, '79; ist Lt. Frederick Hiner, '78, James McMaster, '79; 2d Lt. Henry Sumrough, '78; Ensign Valentine Alt, '78, Peter Foreman. '79. Rank and file, 63 men. 7th Co., Capt. Jacob Anient, '78, John Wampler, '79; ist Lt. Alexander . '78, Adam Fisher, '79: 2d Lt. Nicholas An- drews, '78; Ensign Adam Clinepeter, '78, Christian Gehret, '79. Rank and file, 55 men. < 8th Co., Capt. John Sherer, '78. Peter, Ikes. '79; 1st Lt. Jacob Hetrick, 78. Jonas Wolf, '79; 2d Lt. Frederick Mayer," '78; Ensign Jacob Bear, '78, Alexander Adams, '79. Rank and file, 70 iTien. •A'OLUTIOX 283 Eighth BattaUon. Colonel Henry .Slagle, "78; Lt. Col. John Laird. '79; Major Joseph Lilley, '78, David Wiley, '79. 1st Co., Capt. Nicholas Gelwix, '78, James Maffet, '79; 1st Lt. Adam Hoopard, '78, James Patterson, '79; 2d Lt. George Gel- wix, '78; Ensign Henry Felty, '78, Alex- ander Allison, '79. Rank and file, 86 men. 2d Co., Capt. Thomas Manery, '79; ist Lt. Isaac McKissick. '78, Thomas Gowan, '79; Ensign Thomas Dixon, '78, David Douglass, '79. Rank and file, 62 men. 3d Co.. Capt. Umphry Andrews, '79, Joseph Reed, '78; ist Lt. Robert Smith, '78, Elias Adams, '79; Ensign Samuel Collins, '78, Allen Anderson, '79. Rank and file, 53 men. 4th Co., Capt. William Gray, '78, John Calwell, '79; 1st Lt. James Patterson, '78, John Sinkler, '79; 2d Lt. Humphries An- drews, '78; Ensign William McCulluch, '78, James Logne, '79. Rank and file, 69 men. ;th Co., Capt. James Moffit, '78, Samuel Fulton. '79; 1st Lt. Andrew Warick, '78, Moses Andrews, '79; 2d Lt. Samuel Moor, '78: Ensign Thomas Allison, '78, Thomas Dickson, '79. Rank and file, 64 men. 6th Co., Capt. John Rippy, '78. James Edger, '79; 1st Lt. John Caldwell, '78, John "Xampble, '79; Ensign John Taylor, '79. Rank and file, 44 men. 7th Co., Capt. Joseph Reed, '78. Rank and file, 59 men. Sth Co., Capt. Thomas McXerey, '78; ist Lt.- William Adams, '78. Rank and file, 54 men. The following is a miscellaneous list of soldiers from York County who served in the Revolution : Samuel Way, Newberry Township; William Complin. Marsh Creek settlement: Eli Pugh. Warrington Town- ship; Hugh Mcr^Ianus, ilonoghan Town- ship, enlisted February 12. 1782; James Brown, Marsh Creek settlement, enlisted February 13, 1782; Matthew Robinson, Bermudian settlement, March 3. 1782; .Andrew Guin, near James ^loore's mill, in "S'ork County, March 3. 1782: James Walker. York County: John McClelland, York County, in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment; John Hanna. near Tom's Creek, April I, 1782: David Johnston, April 5, 1782: John Callahan. .April 8. 1782: Thomas AA'est. Xewberry Township, .April 23. 1782;. .\ndrew Graham. Bottstown, June 26, 1782; John Walter, born in Windsor Township; John Flodgskin. York County ; Hugh Mc- Ellvaney, Tyrone Township, September 2, 1782; William Magahy, born in York County, lived in Cumberland County; Wil- liam Scarlett, Newberry Township; Robert Miller, York, October 21, 1782; William Johnston, near Michael Ege's iron works; Daniel Gordon, Mt. Pleasant Township, December 12, 1782; James O'Neal, Man- heim Township; John Walker, born in Peach Bottom, last resided near Carlisle, February 22, 1782; Thomas Benson, died in York County in 1808; Jacob Cramer, re- siding in York County in 1829: Matthew Dill, died on Jersey prison ship; Martin Doll, resided in York in 1829: Thomas Duff, - resided in York, 182^ j Vincent linfelt, re- sided in York County in 1829; William Johnson, resided in York County, 1824; Moses Keys, resided in York County in 1810; John McCowan, resided in York County, 1819; Daniel Messerly, died in York County; Jacob Myer, resided in York County in 1816; Jacob McMillan, resided in A\'ashington Township in 1812; Michael Nagle, died on Jersey prison ship; Robert Peeling, sergeant, resided in York County in 1820; Ryebaker, wounded in service, resided in Dover Township in 1807: William \\'ilson, died in York County in 1813. PENSIONERS OF THE REVOLUTION The following is a list of soldiers of the Revolution from York County who be- longed to different commands and received pensions under act of 1818: John Clark, Major, received an annual allowance of $240, and served in the Penn- sylvania Line: he died .\pril 27, 1819, aged 67; Jacob Cramer, private, served in Hazen's German regiment, received an an- nual allowance of $96: died May 19, 1832, aged 78. Robert Ditcher, enlisted in the spring of 1777. in the New York Continen- tal Line, in Captain James Lee's company of artillery then in Philadelphia, attached to the regiment commanded by Colonel Lamb. He was present and took part in the battle of White Plains. Staten Island, Monmouth, ^lud Island and Germantown, and was sev- eral times wounded: died January 10, 1832, aged /S. James Hogg served from January 284 HIS'l'ORY OF YORK COUXTY, PENNSYLVANIA 26, 1779. in the First Regiment of ?\!ary- land Line, commanded at first by Colonel Smallwood, and afterward by Colonel Stone. His company was at first that of Captain Nathaniel Ramsay, and afterward that of Captain Hazen; died January 3, 1824, aged 79. Frederick Huebner, private, served in Armand's Legion, in the company of Captain Barron, for the term of about three years; died August 17, 1828, aged 76. Jacob McClean, pri\-ate, served in Colonel Housegger's regiment, called the "German Regiment," in the company of Captain Benjamin Weiser, from July, 1776, until 1779; died February 18, 1824, aged 66. Zenos Macomber, private, served in Colonel Carter's Regiment from May, 1775, until Januarj-, 1776. -when he enlisted in Colonel Bond's regiment of the ALissachusetts Line. Serving in this regiiuent aliout two months, he was removed and placed in General Washington's foot guard, where he served until January, 1777, when he enlisted in General Washington's horse guard in which he served three years: died in 1835, aged j"^. Conrad Pudding, private, serxed in -Irmand's Legion, in Captain Sheriff's company, from the spring of 1781, until the fall of 1783, when the army was disbanded; died April 30, ]828, aged 74. Thomas Randolph. ])rivale. serx'ed in the Se\enth Regiment of the Virginia Line, commanded by Colonel McClellan. in the company of Captain Peasey, from 1775 to 1778; died June 25, 1828, aged 'i-/. Samuel Ramble, private, served in the First Regiment of the Virginia Line, under Colonel Campbell, in the company commanded by Captain ]\Ioss, during the last three }ears of the war; died July 28, 1830, aged -ji. Godlove (Dedlove) Shadow, pri\'ate, served from the spring of 1776, until the close of the war in the regiment commanded by Colonel Moses Hazen, in the comiiany of Captain Duncan; died January 24. 1825. aged 69. Samuel Spicer. private, serx-ed in the Tenth Regi- ment of the Pennsylvania Line, under Colo- nel Humpton, in Captain \\'eaver's com- pany, for about one year before the close of the war: invalid pensioner, received an an- nual allowance of $96 from March 4, 1789; died in 1818. aged 8r. John Schneider, pri- vate, served in Colonel Hartley's regiment. Captain David Grier's company, from Xovemljer 11, 1775. until the end of one year and three months. He afterward ser\-ed in the regiment commanded by Colo- nel Haren, in Captain Turner's company from the early jiart of 1777, until the end of the war: died August 11, 1827, aged 76. James Silk, private, ser\'ed in the Maryland Continental Line; died in 1835, aged 84. John Taylor, musician, enlisted in February. 1778, at Mt. Holly, New Jersey, in the com- pany of Captain John Cummings. and in the Second Regiment of the New Jersey l^ine, attached to the brigade commanded b\- General Maxwell: continued in service until October. 1783, when lie was dis- charged near Morristown, N. J. He \\'as at the battle of Monmouth, and at the capture of Cornwallis at Yorktown ; he ser\'ed as a ^•olunteer at the storming of Stony Point, by General Wayne, at which he was slightly wounded; died in 1835, aged "jj. r^Iichael \\'eirick, served in the Sixth Regiment of the ^Maryland I-elonged.'" In a letter written to Baron de Steuben's Frank, dated July 4. 1779. Own Baron Steuben, from his head- Story, quarters on the Hudson, thu~ describes his visit to York: "The arrangements of my equipage de- tained me more than five weeks in Boston, so that I could not set out for York before the 14th of January. I was received there with the most distinguished attentions. A house was reserved for my use, and a guard of honor placed before tlie door. A day after my arrival. Congress inquired, through a committee of three members, the terms on which I proposed to enter the service. My answer was, that I had no wish to make anv arrangements or terms; that T wished to make tlie campaign as a volun- teer, desiring neither rank nor pay for my- self, and only commissions for the ofificers of my suite. This was agreed to by Con- gress, as I had expected. A resolution of tlianks. in the most obliging terms, was re- ,26 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANLV turned, \\ith an offer of defraying all my expenses. My officers received their com- missions, and even my secretary was gratified with the rank and the pay of a captain. "I will here observe, that in the military organization of the states, the highest rank is that of major-general, Washington is the oldest major-general, being at the same time invested, in his quality of commander- in-chief, with all the privileges of a general field marshal in Europe. His authority is as unlimited as that of a Stadtholder in Hol- land can be. The other major-generals, whose number does not at present surpass nine, are the commanders of corps, armies, wings and divisions. General Gates is com- mander of the Northern army. General Lincoln of the Southern army, and General Sullivan of the forces against the Indians. All are under the orders of the com- mander-in-chief. The second rank is that of a general of brigade. They are the com- manders of brigades, like the major-gen- erals in European armies. "Upon my arrival in the camp, I was again the object of more honors than I was entitled to. General Washington came several miles to meet me on the road, and accompanied me to my quarters, where I found an officer with twenty-five men as a guard of honor. AVhen I declined this, say- ing that I wished to be considered merely as a volunteer, the general answered me in the politest words, that 'The whole army would be gratified to stand sentinel for such volunteers.' He introduced me to Major- General Stirling and several other generals. Lieutenant-Colonel Ternant and Major \\'alker were both appointed by Congress as my adjutant-generals. On the same day my name was given as a watchword. The following day the army was mustered, and General Washington accompanied me to review it." General Lafayette had left York a few days before Steuben's arrival. General Gates, who had been appointed president of the Board of War, came here on January 19. The fame of Steuben had preceded him to York. He was welcomed and courted by all, and General Gates, in particular, paid him the most assiduous court, and e\-en in- \ited him to make his house his home, which he declined. In a letter \\'ritten to John Hancock the day after his arrival at York, Steuben says : "Please to accept ni}- grateful thanks for all the kindness you have shown me during my stay in Boston. In this very moment I enjoy the good eff'ects of it, having taken the liberty of quartering myself in an apart- ment of your house in this town. My journey has been extremely painful; but the kind reception I have met with from Con- gress and General Gates on my arrival here, have made me soon forget those past incon- veniences. Now, sir, I am an American, and an American for life; your nation has become as dear to me as your cause already was. You know that my pretensions are very moderate ; I have submitted them to a committee sent to me by Congress. They seem to be satisfied, and so am I, and shall be the more so, when I find the opportunity to render all the services in my power to the United States of America. Three mem- bers of Congress have been appointed for concluding an arrangement with me tomor- row ; that w^ill not take long, my only claims being the confidence of your general-in- chief." Freiderich Kapp, the biog- Interviewed rapher of Steuben, in re- by ferring to the Committee of Committee. Congress appointed to wait upon the Baron, says: "The committee of Congress mentioned b}' Steuljen, which was composed of Doctor AVitherspoon, the chairman, and only per- son who spoke French, Messrs. Henry, of Maryland, and Thomas McKean, waited upon Steuben the day after his arrival, and demanded of him the conditions on which he Avas inclined to serve the United States, and if he had made any stipulations with their commissioners in France? He replied that he liad made no agreement with theni, nor was it his intention to accept of any rank or pay; that he wished to join the army as a volunteer, and to render such services as the commander-in-chief should think him capable of, adding, that he had no other fortune than a revenue of about six hundred guineas per annum, arising from posts of honor in Germany, which he had relinquished to come to this country; that in consideration of this, he expected the L'nited States would defray his neces- sary expenses while in their service; that COXTINEXTAL CONGRESS AT YORK Z^7 if, unhappily, this country sliould not suc- ceed in establishing their independence, or if he should not succeed in his endeavors in their service, in either of these cases he should consider the United States as free from any obligations towards him ; but if, on the other hand, the United States should be fortunate enough to establish their freedom, and that if his efforts should be successful, in that case he should expect a full indemnification for the sacrifice he had made in coming over, and such marks of liberality as the justice of the United States should dictate; that he only required commissions for the of^cers attached to his person, namely that of major and aide-de-camp for Mr. De Romanai, that of captain of engineers for ]Mr. De I'Enfant, that of captain of cavalry for Mr. De Depontiere, and the rank of cap- tain for his secretary, Mr. Duponceau; that if these terms were agreeable to Congress he waited for their orders to join the army without delay." The committee appointed to in- Services terview Baron Steuben, re- Accepted, ported to Congress on the fol- lowing day. The propositions submitted by the Baron were unanimously accepted and soon afterward he proceeded to Valley Forge, where he began strict training and discipline for the campaign of 1778. When he first arrived at the encamp- ment at Valley Forge, he experienced some difficulty because of his lack of familiarity with the English language, but his future career was successful, and the cause of in- dependence owed a debt to him for his achievements in the American army. When he arrived at York in February he was assigned to quarters in the house previously occupied by John Hancock, when he was president of Congress. The house stood on the south side of West Mar- ket Street, three doors west of Centre Square, and was owned by Colonel ^Michael Swope, who had commanded a regiment of York County troops at the battle of Fort Washington, where he and almost his en- tire command were captured, in Novem- ber, 1776, and were still prisoners of war in New York City and Long Island. On June 23, Continental Congress approved a bill of S104 presented by Airs. Eva Swope, wife of Colonel Swope, for lodging and boarding Baron Steuben, his two aides and two servants, for thirteen da3's. Baron Steuben returned to York in June, 1778, for the purpose of having the duties and powers of his department minutely de- fined and settled by Congress, lie did not tarry here long, however, but on hearing of the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, hastened to join Washington, who was laying his plans for a summer cam- paign, which resulted in the victory at Mon- mouth and the transfer of the seat of war to the south. TWO PLANS OF GOVERNMENT. The party conflicts of our Revolutionary leaders were caused by the antagonism be- tween two schools of political thought— the liberative and the constructive. The sole object of the former was to get rid of the British authority in America, wdiich was interpreted to be tyranny. The latter sought to set up in the colonies a constitu- tional system of co-ordinate legislative, ex- ecutive and judicial departments in the place of authority of the British govern- ment. The liberative school sought to en- force government through congressional committees ; the constructive through heads of departments, giving large powers to Washington as commander-in-chief, and to Franklin at the head of the American le- gation at Paris. The contest between the leaders of the conflicting schools of thought among the Fathers of our Republic was dominant while Congress sat in York and continued until the Federal constitution was framed in 1787. Samuel Adams, of ■ Massachusetts, through his dislike of executive authority in any shape, became the leader of the liberati\'e school in Congress. Through his opposition to the adoption of scientific principles either in war, in diplomacy or in finance, he came more than once near wrecking the cause which he would gladly have given his life to sustain. Even after the war, both Samuel Adams and John Hancock opposed the ratification of a na- tional constitution, but when they finally accepted it as a wise compromise, they were of the greatest public service to the new government. John Adams, during the Revolution, advocated the same policy and principles as his cousin, Samuel Adams. HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA \\'hen peace came, he was one of tlie most ardent supporters of constitutional and ex- ecutive authority. Closely allied with these three New England statesmen of this period were Richard Henry Lee and Fran- cis Lightfoot Lee, of Virginia, men of power and influence in Congress. In the political history of our country, these statesmen were not constructive in their tendencies. They were civilians and it is remarkable that no military man of eminence accepted the principles of gov- ernment which these men had advocated during the War for Independence. General A\'ashington by na- Washington ture and training, both as a a Leader. soldier and a statesman, be- came the great leader among those advocating a constructive policy. He declared that war was an instrument of con- struction of which destruction of English power was merely the preliminary incident. The object he had in view as early as 1776 was essentially different from that of the leaders of the liberative school of Revolu- tionary statesmen. Washington had not yet loomed up as the dominating person- ality of the Revolution when the Articles of Confederation were passed by Congress at York, in November, 1777. Between him- self and the supporters of the liberative school there was antagonism, until after the former had driven the British army out of New Jersey, in 1778, and achieved dis- tinction on the field of battle at Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth. These victories attracted the attention of all Europe and called forth favorable comment from Fred- erick the Great. of Prussia. AVashington held that war was essential but should be conducted by trained regulars. Adams and his colleagues thought that America could fight the battles for independence with militia, because they had shown so much patriotic valor at Bunker Hill and the siege of Boston. Washington was one of the earliest who favored an alliance with France, the enemy of England. He courted the friendship of the youthful Lafayette and at once gave him high rank in the army. The diplomacy of the war was largely con- ducted by Washington as the head of the army. In this work he displayed wisdom and forethought to which the French never ceased to paj? tribute. Next to A\'ashington in this line of thought was Franklin, whose mind was eminently constructive, and who for 3'ears, as postmaster-general and as colonial agent in London, had acquired the largest expe- rience in American administration of any man then living. Of the same school of thought as Washington and Franklin were Robert Morris, John Lay, Gouverneur Mor- ris, Henry Laurens, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Harrison and Robert R. Living- ston. Their opponents argued that Rome enslaved the world by discipline; the Gauls liberated it from Rome's oppression by im- petuous zeal. It was the militia of New England, they claimed, who drove back the British regulars at Lexington and hurled back the enemy's onset at Bunker Hill. But in reply to this, Washington and his friends said that Rome succumbed to her own ener- vation, and that if the untrained farmers who drove back the invaders at Lexington and the half-armed militia who defended Bunker Hill had been fully armed and well- disciplined as soldiers, the British army at Boston would have been forced to capitu- late and the war would have been brought to an early close. But Washington still maintained that a war such as the United States then was engaged in could not be sustained by an army made up of militia or volunteers enlisted for a short term of service. These momentous questions had been frequently taken up in Congress during the early part of 1777. They were discussed with vigor and energy soon after Congress arrived at York. This was the turning point in the political thought of that eventuful period. The defeat of the American Antagonism army under W'ashington at to Brandywine and German- Washington, town, and the success of Gates at Saratoga shortly after Congress arrived in York, intensified the feeling of the liberative school of states- men in and out of Congress and culminated in serious antagonism to Washington. The attempts to undermine Washington owed their origin to the attitude of certain mem- bers of Congress toward him as com- mander-in-chief. Had it not been for the vigorous opposition of his political ene- mies, no army rival would have ventured to push forward. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS AT YORK 329 Early in 1777, John Adams declared that he was "sick of the Fabian system," adopted by the head of the army. After President Laurens had issued his proclamation for the national thanksgiving in honor of the victory at Saratoga, Adams wrote from York to his wife in Massachusetts: "One cause of it ought to be that the glory of turning the tide of arms is not immediately due to the commander-in-chief. ... If it had, idolatry and adulation would have been unbounded." James Lovell, the schoolmaster from Boston, then a delegate in Congress, asserted that "our affairs are Fabiused into a very disagreeable posture," and wrote that "depend upon it for every ten soldiers placed under the command of our Fabius, five recruits will be wanted an- nually during the war." William Williams, a member from Connecticut, agreed with Jonathan Trumbull that the time had come when "a much exalted character should make way for a general." He suggested if this was not done "voluntaril}^" those to whom the public looked should "see to it." Abraham Clark, a member from New Jer- sey, said, "we may talk of the enemy's cruelty as we will, but we have no greater cruelty to complain of than the manage- ment of our own army." Jonathan D. Sar- gent, noted as a jurist and later attorney- general of Pennsylvania, asserted: "We want a general— thousands of lives and mil- lions of property are yearly sacrificed to the inefficiency of our commander-in-chief. Two battles he has lost for us by two such blunders as might have disgraced a soldier of three months' standing, and yet we are so attached to this man that I fear we shall rather sink with him than throw him off our shoulders." Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, agreed with Mifflin that Gates was needed to "procure the indispensable changes in our army." Other delegates to Congress who were inimical to \\'ashing- ton, either by openly expressed opinion or by vote, were Elbridge Gerry, Samuel Adams, \\'illiam Ellery, Eliphalet Dyer, Samuel Chase and F. L. Lee. There were other men conspicuous in the aft'airs of the government and in the army who displayed strong opposition to W^ash- ington. Thomas Mififlin, of Pennsylvania, who, at the request of A\'ashington, had been appointed quartermaster-general of the army, became unsparing in his criticism of his commander. He had served in this position for several months, but owing to some reflections made by Washington upon the management of his department, grew impetuous and resigned his position in the army and was outspoken in his strictures on the management of the campaign which had resulted in the defeats at Brandywine and Germantown. Dr. Benjamin Rush, of Philadelphia, who filled the position of surgeon and physician- general of the middle district, took occa- sion to speak of Washington in the most scathing terms. He often dealt in vituper- ation in making remarks about others. He quarreled with Dr. William Shippen, surgeon-general of the army, and even went so far as to ask for the removal of the latter. This incident brought forth from Washington that the criticism made by Rush against Shippen originated in bad motives. Rush retorted by picturing the army in a woeful condition. He claimed that Washington was controlled by General Greene, a "sycophant," General Knox, the commander of artillery, and Alexander Hamilton, one of his aides, a young man of twenty-one. He further predicted that the war would never end with him as com- mander-in-chief. Two months later. Rush came to York and resigned his commission in the army. Soon afterward he wrote an anonymous letter to Patrick Henry, then governor of Virginia, containing bitter sar- casm and scathing reflections on Washing- ton's character and ability as a soldier. The letter was forwarded to Washington, who recognized the handwriting of his an- tagonist. After reading it, Washington re- marked: "We have caught the sly fox at last." Early in October, soon after Laurens Congress assembled in York, a Henry Laurens, a distinguished Friend. member from South Carolina. wrote : "General Washington complains of the want of many essential articles for the army. He is the most to be pitied of any man I know. The essentials should have been supplied. If they had been provided some time ago, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of desertions would have been prevented and there would be no British army in Philadelphia." ?30 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY, PENNSYLVANIA On October i6, Henry Laurens wrote to his son, then serving on the staff of General ^Vashington : "I am writing this letter with difficulty in the hall of Congress. There is a constant buzzing and confusion about me amongst the delegates. Some of them are asking why General A\'ashington has not demanded supplies of which he claims there is a scarcit}', from the people and the Tories? why has he not prevented deser- tions and kept the British emissaries from entering his camp? The general opinion is that the difficulty arises from the want of discipline in the American army." The Supreme Executive The State Council and General As- Legislature. sembly of Pennsylvania, then in session at Lancaster, when they heard, in December, that Washington was about to go into winter quarters at Val- ley Forge, sent a remonstrance to Congress. Instead of being loyal to the commander- in-chief by furnishing the needed supplies for his army in the field and camp, these bodies clamored against the decimated army taking up quarters for the winter. They claimed that the withdrawal of the American army from the vicinity of Phila- delphia would give the enemy opportunity of foraging the region of eastern Pennsyl- vania and even endangering the safety of the legislature at Lancaster and Congress at York. This would incur a loss of repu- tation to the cause of independence, prevent the enlistment of the militia for the safety of the commonwealth, afi'ect the raising of taxes, and bring forth a multitude of other evils, civil and military, including submis- sion to the enemy. It was a wild, erratic and impetuous remonstrance unworthy of men claiming to be American patriots. They insisted on a winter campaign and further stated that the inland towns such as Lancaster and York were filled with refugees to such an extent that it was im- possible to accommodate soldiers quartered in these places. In reply to this opposition of the Penn- sylvania Legislature, Washington said: "I can assure these gentlemen that it is much easier to draw up remonstrances by their warm firesides than to endure the rigors of winter encampment without sufficient food and clothing on the bleak hills of Valley Forge." Again he said : "It is easy to bear the de- vices of private enemies whose ill will only arises from their common hatred to the cause we are engaged in ; but I confess, I cannot help feeling the most painful sensa- tions, whene\'er I have reason to believe I am the object of persecution to men, who are embarked in the same general interest, and whose friendship my heart does not reproach me with ever having done any- thing to forfeit. A\"ith many, it is a suffi- cient cause to hate and wish the ruin of a man, because he has been happy enough to be the object of his country's favor." It is related in Dunlap's History of New York, upon the authority of Morgan Lewis, an aide on the staff of General Gates, that in January, 1778, a day had been appointed by the opponents of AA'ashington in Con- gress for one of their members to move for the appointment of a committee to proceed to the camp at Valley Forge and report adversely to the intents of the commander- in-chief, and that the motion would have been adopted had not the opponents of AA'ashington unexpectedly lost their ma- jority. At that time there were five delegates chosen to represent the state of New York in Congress. These men were James Duane, Philip Livingstone, Francis Lewis, William Duer and Gouverneur Morris. Only two of them were present, Duer and Lewis. The former was confined to his bed by sickness and it was thought he would be unable to attend the session of Congress when the vote for the appointment of the committee was to be taken. By a resolu- tion of the legislature of New York the presence of two delegates was necessary to entitle the state to a vote in Congress. Lewis was an active member of the naval board and a correspondent of Franklin, whose war polic}' coincided with that of AA'ashington. He kept himself thoroughly posted in what was being done by the op- ponents of the commander-in-chief. In the event of Duer being unable to attend this important session he dispatched a letter to Gouverneur Morris, who was then on his way to York, so that two delegates from the state would be on hand. Says Julia Delafield, the granddaughter and biog- rapher of Francis Lewis : "Morris was his intimate friend. He z o I w o i^ z o ^ _ To 0- oS is e E 00 :::. H COXTIXHXTAL CONGRESS AT YORK 331 wrote to Morris informing him of the emergenc}', and begging iiim to come to York at once. Duer sent for his physician, Dr. Joseph Jones, one of the delegates from X'irginia, and requested him to have a cot ready to take him to the Court House. Dr. Jones replied. 'If you go you will endanger your life.' 'W ill 1 die before I reach the house?' 'Xo, but you may die in conse- quence of the exertion.' 'Then I will go. If you will not assist me, somebody else must; but I prefer j-our aid.' "The day appointed by the conspirators to bring forward their motion, Gates, his staff, and Gouverneur Morris arrived at York. They had all been detained on the Lancaster side of the river by the ice that obstructed the channel of the Susquehanna. Morgan Lewis and Morris repaired at once to the quarters of the New York delegates. There they found Francis Lewis w'ith his friend Duer, the latter wrapped in blankets, his cot and his bearers ready to convey him to the Hall of Congress. The arrival of Morris made it unnecessary for him to risk his life. The opponents of A\'ashington, finding that they were outnumbered, did not bring forward their motion." THE CON'WAY CABAL. This was the condition of affairs in Con- gress at York, and throughout the thirteen original states at war with Great Britain at the opening of the year 177S. Washington had gone into winter quarters at Valley Forge and had there commenced the erec- tion of log huts for his soldiers in the camp. Fortunately, for the commander-in-chief and the future destiny of the country, there were strong men in and out of Congress who remained loyal to their chief. But the contending factions of Gates' Congress had brought forth Ambition, the aspirations of General Gates, the hero of Saratoga, to supplant W^ashington as the head of the army. Congress had invited him to York to l)ecome president of the Board of War. Prominent men believed him superior in military genius to Washington. So much applause caused his head to be turned. His vanity was only e.xcelled by his arrogance, for he had neglected to inform Washington, as was his duty, of the victory at Saratoga before sending his message to Congress. Washington congratulated Gates upon his victory, but reproved him for not comply- ing with the rules of the army by sending a direct communication to him as com- mander-in-chief. After the surrender, Gates had declined to quickl}' send a part of the army to the assistance of \\'ashington, near Philadelphia. Washington sent Alexander Hamilton, one of his aides, and by that means secured the return to the main army of ^Morgan's Riflemen, who had distin- guished themselves at the battle of Sara- toga. Had he been re-inforced earlier by these valiant soldiers, it is claimed that AA'ashington might have saved the forts on the Delaware and prevented the British from occupying Philadelphia during the winter. Gates took advantage of the situa- tion and entered into correspondence with General Thomas Conway, General j\Iifflin and other officers of the army, who were disaft'ected toward Washington. Thomas Conway was Washing- Conway's ton's traducer to Gates. He Intrigues, was an Irish-French soldier of rank, who unfortunately had been made a brigadier-general in the Con- tinental army. Having made friends of the New England delegates in Congress, it was then proposed by them to advance him to the rank of major-general, which Washing- ton had opposed on the grounds that "his merit and importance exist more in his imagination than in reality." For the moment this was sufficient to prevent Con- waj^'s promotion, and even if he had not before been opposed to his commander, he now became his bitter enemy. Colonel James Wilkinson, an aide on the staff" of Gates, had been assigned to the duty of carrying the news of the victory at Saratoga to York, and stopped on the way at Reading, Pennsylvania, where he re- mained three days. Lord Stirling, an officer in the American army, who had been wounded at Brandywine, had been taken to that town until his recovery. While in a convivial mood, after having drank too freely, Wilkinson revealed the secrets of the cabal to Major Williams, an aide on the staff of Lord Stirling. This information w-as communicated to Washington, who sent to Conway the following brief note: Sir: A letter which I received last night contained the following paragraph : — "In a 33^ HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY. PEXXSYLVANIA letter from General Conway to General Gates, he says, 'Heaven has determined to save your country or a weak general and bad counsellors would have ruined it.' "' I am, sir, vour humble servant, GEORGE WASHINGTON. This brought the attention of Washing- ton and his friends to what seemed to be a conspiracy to elevate Gates to the chief command of the army. Conway did not know what answer to make to this startling note. Meantime, General Mifflin wrote to Gates that an extract from one of Conway's letters had fallen into the hands of Wash- ington, and cautioned him to be more care- ful of his correspondence in the future. The plotters now became seriously alarmed. ^\'ashington's curt letter left them in the dark. Gates replied to Mifflin: "There is scarcely a man living who takes greater care of his papers than I do. I never fail to lock them up and keep the key in my pocket." He then arrived at the conclusion that Alexander Hamilton, who had visited him at Albany, had stealthily ransacked his effects and read his private correspondence. Gates wrote to Washington stating that he understood that some of Conway's confi- dential letters to himself had fallen into AA'ashington's hands. He then sent a copy of the letter to Congress in order that that body might assist in the discovery of the person who committed this alleged misde- meanor. The purpose of this artifice was to create, in Congress, an impression un- favorable to Washington, by making it ap- pear that he had encouraged his aides-de- camp in prying into the portfolios of other generals. Washington discerned the treacherous purpose of the letter and wrote to Gates : "Your letter came to my hands a few days ago, and to my great sur- prise, informed me that a copy of it had been sent to Congress, for what reason, I find myself unable to account ; but as some end was doubtless intended to be answered by it, I am laid under the disagreeable ne- cessity of returning my answer through the same channel, lest any member of that honorable body should harbor an unfavor- able suspicion of my having practiced some indirect means to come at the contents of the confidential letters between you and General Conwav." In this letter. Washington further related how Wilkinson had babbled over his cups at Reading and revealed the secret, which had spread consternation among the friends of the commander-in-chief. He had communicated this discovery to Conway to let that officer know that his intriguing dis- position was observed and watched. He had mentioned this to no one else but Lafayette. Washington did not know that Conway was in correspondence with Gates, and had even supposed that Wilkinson's information was given with the sanction of Gates and with friendly intent to forearm him against a secret enemy. "But in this," lie wrote, in concluding this remarkable let- ter, "as in other matters of late, I have found myself mistaken." Had it not been for the treach- Wilkinson erous letter of Gates, Wash- Blamed, ington never would have sus- pected him. Amid this dis- comfiture. Gates had a single ray of hope. It appeared that Washington thus far had no definite information except the sentence dropped in AA'ilkinson's conversation. Gates now attempted to make Wilkinson the scapegoat for all. and wrote again to Washington. den3'ing his intimacy with Conway, and declared that he had received Ijut one letter from him. He protested that this letter contained no such paragraph as that of which Washington had been in- formed. The information that Wilkinson had revealed, he declared to be a ^•illainous slander. In a previous letter to Washing- ton, Gates had admitted the existence of several letters which he had received from Conway. A stinging reply from Washing,- ton put Gates in a very uncomfortable position, from which there was no retreat. AA'hen Colonel AA'ilkinson heard of this matter, his youthful blood boiled with rage. Having been selected as president Gates of the Board of AA'ar, General at Gates resigned from his command York, of the northern army, then at Al- bany, and came to York, arriving liere January 19. By many of the delegates in Congress he was received with great en- thusiasm. The victory which he had won at Saratoga had gained for him temporarily a brilliant reputation as a soldier. He had won the first decisive battle of the Revo- lution. The surrender of Burgoyne, which CONTIXEXTAL CONGRESS AT YORK 353 followed, was largely instrumental in se- curing the alliance with France. The abil- ity of Washington had not yet been dis- covered by some of the leading" statesmen of the country. Men who never had seen Gates were shouting his praise and he re- ceived a cordial welcome when he reached the inland town of York, then the capital of the infant republic of the United States. His wife and son had preceded him some time before and had been given the best accommodations that could be afiforded them. Gates was called upon, fawned and flattered by his supporters in Congress and by the army officers who were then present in York. Soon after his arrival, lie as- Head of sumed his duties as president the Board of the Board of \\'ar. Associ- of War. ated with him on this board were four men, all supposed to be inimical to W'ashington as the head of the army. These men were Colonel Tim- othy Pickering, of Virginia; Richard Pe- ters, of Pennsylvania; General Thomas Mifflin, and Colonel Joseph Trumbull, of Connecticut. Encouraged by the flattery he had received, and buoyant with the hope that his name would soon be glittering as the commander-in-chief of the American army. Gates began the duties to which Congress had assigned him. The Board of War w'as then the directing power of the army, and he aimed to use this influential position which he now held to elevate him- self to the highest military position in this country. When General Gates arrived at York he took up his quarters at a public inn, where he remained two or three weeks. On Feb- ruary II, a bill amounting to $1,333 '^^'^^ ordered to be paid by Congress as expenses for himself, his family and his aides from the time of his arrival. Among the aides who accompanied him were Colonel Mor- gan Lewis, son of Francis Lewis, then a member of Congress from Xew York ; Cap- tain John Armstrong, son of General John Armstrong, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania; and Colonel Robert Troup, who had brought the news of the first battle of Saratoga to Congress during the previous October. Later Gates rented a house on the north side of West ^Larket Street near Water, which he occupied until he returned to the northern army at Fishkill, Xew York, in April. General Lafayette, the youthful Lafayette patriot of France, came to York at York. from Washington's headquar- ters at Valley Forge, on Janu- ary 30, 177S, eleven days after the arrival of Gates. Colonel Pickering arrived the same day. During the interim, the subject of supplanting Washington by Gates for the head of the army was an important topic for discussion, among members of Congress in private council and other ad- herents of Gates, then in York. Lafayette had arrived in America from France, June 14, 1777, landing at Georgetown, South Carolina. He had proceeded to Philadel- phia, part of the way in a carriage, which broke down, and the remainder of the distance on horseback. It required him more than a month to reach Philadelphia. He had come to this country for the pur- pose of joining the American forces, and aid them in fighting for independence. He had inherited a dislike for the British gov- ernment, for his father had been killed in battle on English soil, before Lafayette was born. When he came to this country, he was only nineteen years of age, and at first received a cold reception from Congress. After he had declared his wish to serve as a volunteer and at his own expense. Con- gress appointed him a brigadier-general, July 31, 1777. The next day he was intro- duced to Washington, and the lifelong friendship between the two men was at once begun. Wasliington received him with great cordiality and for a time he served as an aide on the stafT of the com- mander-in-chief. At the battle of Brandywine Lafayette received his first baptism of fire and was wounded while gallantly leading a recon- noitering party to find out the position of a division of the enemy. His wound was first dressed by Dr. \\'illiam ]Magaw, of Cumberland County, a surgeon in Wayne's brigade. He was conveyed in the private carriage of Henry Laurens, to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where he remained two months until he had recovered from his wound. On November 25, in a recon- naissance of General Greene against Corn- wallis's position at Gloucester Point. Lafay- ette, with 300 men, defeated a superior 334 HISTORY OF YORK COUXTY. PEXXSYLVAXIA force of Hessians. In recognition of this service, he was appointed, December 4, to command a division of Washington's army lately under General Stephen, who had been removed for alleged misconduct at the bat- tle of Germantown. Lafayette spent part of the winter at Valley Forge. Soon after Gates became Canadian president of the Board of War, Expedition that body conceived a plan for Planned. the invasion of Canada. They invited Lafayette to York for the purpose of receiving instructions to take charge of the Canadian expedition, with General Thomas Conway second in command. Washington had disapproved of this expedition, but Congress and the Board of War claimed that with the aid of Stark and his Green Mountain boys, and a small force of regulars stationed at Albany, they could make up an invading army of 3,000 men. On January 24, while still at Valley Forge, Lafayette received a letter from Gates, containing information of his appointment as commander of the Cana- dian expedition. He refused to accept the appointment until he had consulted W'ash- ington, and made it a condition that Baron de Kalb, who ranked Conway, should ac- company the expedition. He then came to York for instructions, where he was re- ceived with great enthusiasm by Gates and his friends. They laid plans to win his in- fluence and support. A banquet had been prepared in An honor of the French patriot. Historic Lafayette was flattered and Banquet, toasted and a brilliant campaign was predicted. Gates assured him that a large army would be at Albany, New York, ready to march. Lafayette listened with placid composure and equa- nimity of mind. The fawning flattery which he had received from the intriguers against W^ashington did not turn his head. Although of an impulsive nature, like most Frenchmen, vanity was not one of his characteristics. He had already avowed his loyalty to the commander-in-chief, for whom he showed the most profound vener- ation. The ties of affection which linked Washington and Lafayette together in after years had already been formed. He de- termined not to oppose the views of his commander, whom he had just left at Val- ley Forge, but in obedience to duty, he had come to York to discuss the plan of invad- ing Canada. The rank to be accorded him by Congress and the Board of War was a promotion, and if this expedition would fur- ther the cause of independence, he had decided to take conmiand of the army. Lafayette now found himself in company opposed to the interests of his friend. The air of the banquet was distasteful to him. After a number of toasts had been offered. General Gates, as president of the Board of War, handed to Lafayette the commission which Congress had voted him on January 23. Deeply impressed with the scenes and incidents that had transpired, the youthful Lafayette accepted his commission of major-general, then with calm dignity he rose from his chair, while breathless silence pervaded the room. All eyes were riveted upon him and the suspense that awaited his action produced a profound im- pression upon every one present. All that is definitely known of this incident is what Lafayette recorded in his own "Memoirs," published in the French language, some years later. He says : "I arose from my chair and Toast to referred to the numerous Washington, toasts that had already been offered in the interests of the American government and the prosecu- tion of the war. Then I reminded all present that there was one toast that had not yet been drunk. I then proposed the health of the commander-in-chief at Valley Forge. After I had done this, I looked around the table and saw the faces of the bancjueters redden with shame. "The deep silence then grew deeper. X^one dared refuse the toast, but some merely raised their glasses to their lips, while others cautiously put them down un- tasted." It was evident to all the opponents Plans of Washington that their plans Foiled, had been foiled, for the young soldier had displayed the loyalty to his chief that afterward marked him as one of the most eminent patriots of the Revolution. W'ith a shrug of the shoulders, he stepped away from the table and left the room. He retired to his quarters that night, feeling that he had won a victory and saved- the armv from the loss of Wash- CONTINENTAL CONGRESS A'J' YORK 335 ington, whose ability finally succeeded in winning triumph to the American arms in the War for Independence. Having accepted the commission and re- ceived his instructions. Lafayette soon afterward proceeded to Albany to assume his duties as commander of the northern army. When he reached there, he found neither troops, supplies nor equipments in readiness. Instead of 3,000 regulars, which Gates had promised, he found barely 1,200, and these were not equipped or clothed for a march into Canada. The plan of invasion ended in a complete fiasco. The scheme itself was condemned by public opinion. The opposition which Washington had shown to it increased his power and in- fluence in Congress. Lafayette and de Kalb were glad to return to their chief at \'alley Forge. The antagonism to Washing- The Cabal ton among many delegates to Collapsed. Congress now declined. Gates continued his work as president of the Board of War, but his influence was on the wane. He remained in York for a considerable time. On April 15, he was ap- pointed by Congress to proceed to Fishkill, New York, and take charge of the army at that point. Very little is definitely known of his career in this position. During the summer of 1778, he retired from the army and repaired to his estate in Berkeley County, Virginia. There were still mem- bers in Congress who recognized his mili- tar\' achie\-ements at Saratoga and believed that he possessed ability to command an army. On June 13, 1780, he was recalled from his retirement by Congress and placed in command of the army in North Carolina, designed to check the progress of Corn- wallis northward through that state. In the battle near Camden, South Carolina, August 16. he was defeated and his army nearly annihilated. He was soon afterward succeeded by General Nathaniel Greene, and suspended from duty. Thus ended his military career in the Revolution. At the close of the war. he retired to his estate in Virginia, where he lived until 1790, when he removed to New York City, where, after a long illness, he died, April 10, 1806, at the age of 78 years. General Gates was a man of pleasant address and cultivated manners. He possessed an in- teresting personality and a good education. Though having many faults, the chief of which was an overwhelming confidence in his own ability, combined with arrogance and untruthfulness, he had also some noble traits. Before he removed to New York he emancipated his slaves and provided for the support of those who could not take care of themselves. Mrs. Gates, wdio spent several Mrs. Gates months at York, was a at York. woman of rare accomplish- ments. \\'hile here she shared an enviable hospitality, entertaining the friends of her husband, who had achieved distinction by his victory at Saratoga. She was the daughter of James Valence, of Liverpool, England. At her father's death, before the Revolution, she came to this country, bringing with her $450,000, a wealth which exceeded that of any other woman in America. Their son and only ciiild, Robert, died shortly before the bat- tle of Camden. During the Revolution, jMrs. Gates spent a large portion of her fortune in a lavish hospitality upon her Iiusband's companions in arms, especially those in indigent circumstances. ]\Iany Revolutionary heroes were participants of her bounty, including Thaddeus Kosci- uszko. the Polish nobleman, who, when wounded, laj^ six months at her home, nursed by herself and her husband. GATES-WILKINSON DUEL. At the opening of the war, Gates was an ardent patriot, and was present at York on his way to the army, July i, 1775, when the first troops Were about to march from here to join ^^'ash^ngton at Boston. In the spring of 1778, General Gates was forty- eight years of age. Wilkinson was twenty. This trained soldier and his youthful aide had been intimate friends from the open- ing of the war until the Conway Cabal was discovered by the friends of Washington. In the fall of 1777, when Congress ap- pointed Gates president of the Board of A\'ar, he requested that Colonel Wilkinson should be its secretary. Wilkinson remained with the Northern army on the Hudson for a time after Gates had come to York. The fact that Wilkin- 536 HISTORY OP YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA son, while in a convivial mood, had revealed the Cabal to an army friend at Reading, while on his way to York, in October, with the official papers describing the surrender of Burgoyne, caused an estrangement be- tween himself and his superior officer. \\'hen Gates discovered that his secret cor- respondence with Conway had reached ^Vashington, he tried to shift the responsi- bility upon Wilkinson. Early in February, 1778, Wilkin- Trouble son. who had been raised to the Brewing, rank of brigadier-general, re- ceived a letter from President Laurens to come at once to York and as- sume the duties of secretary to the Board of War. He left the military post at Al- bany, traveled in a sleigh to Reading, and from thence to Lancaster on horseback. Upon his arrival at Reading, for the first time, he heard that Gates had denounced him as the betrayer of Conway's letter. This news was confirmed when he reached Lancaster, where he remained one day. Meantime he sent a messenger with a let- ter to Gates, in York, charging the latter with impugning his honor. In this letter, he said, "What motive, sir, could induce me to injure you or General Conway? You, my boasted patron, friend and benefactor, he a stranger for whom I entertained favor- able sentiments." The response made by Gates to this let- ter was offensive in language and widened the breach between the two men. In sub- stance it said Wilkinson could have any satisfaction he desired. "Immediately after receiving The this letter," says AVilkinson, in Challenge, his Memoirs, "I repaired to York, arriving in that town by twilight on the evening of February 23, to avoid observation. During the night I met my early companion and friend, Captain Stoddert. I recounted my wrongs to him and requested him to bear a message from me to General Gates. He remonstrated against my intention to challenge Gates to fight a duel, and warned me that I was going headlong to destruction. For the first time we parted in displeasure. Soon afterward I met with Lieutenant-Colonel Ball, of the Virginia Line, whose spirit was as independent as his fortune. He deliv- ered to Gates the following note : "Sir:— "I have discharged my duty to you and ni\' conscience. Meet me tomorrow morning behind the Episcopal Church and I will then stipulate the satisfaction which you have promised to grant, "I am your most humble servant, "JAMES WILKINSON." This was an open challenge to fight a duel with his old commander. He had de- termined to defend his integrity and his honor. Gates had charged him with false representations at Reading to Major Wil- liams, an aide to Lord Stirling. These charges he could not endure and he now discovered that he was to be made the scapegoat of the Conway conspirators. So Colonel Ball, in obedience to his request, carried the challenge to the residence of General Gates, on the north side of Market Street, near Water. He was met at the doorway by the general, who read the chal- lenge with evident surprise. This w^as the age of duelling; if a man would not accept a challenge he was considered a coward. With calm dignity, he responded : "All right, sir. We will meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock." "He made no reference to the The kind of weapons to be used nor Meeting the distance. The place desig- Place. nated as the duelling ground was on the lawn to the rear of the Episcopal Church, near the Codorus Creek. At 8 o'clock on the following morning, Colonel Wilkinson walked dow-n Beaver Street, accompanied by his second, Colonel Ball. They saw General Gates standing on the street in front of the Episcopal Church, in company with Captain Stoddert. Gates was unarmed, for during the night he had decided to meet his former friend on terms of peace. Wilkinson halted a distance away and Stoddert approached him, saying; "General Gates wishes to speak to you." "I will meet him on the duelling ground in answer to the challenge which he ac- cepted," said W'ilkinson. Then Captain Stoddert pleaded with the young soldier and begged him to walk down to the church and greet his former chief, who did not wish to fight a duel with a person for whom he entertained the high- est regard and affection. "There is no occasion to fight a duel. Go with me and meet the general standing yonder in front of the church." COXTIXENTAL CONGRESS AT YORK 83r A minute later the young colonel, who had brought the news of the victory at Saratoga to Congress, was greeted with a warm clasp of the hand from the former commander of the Xorthern army, wiio had received the sword of Sir John Burgoyne and accepted the terms of surrender of (i,000 British and Hessian soldiers at Sara- toga, a few months before. It was a strik- ing scene, and doubtless, was witnessed by very few persons, for little mention is made of this incident in the pri\ate correspond- ence of the members of Congress then in York, or in the family traditions of the citi- zens. " Come, my dear boy," said General Gates, with tender emotion, " we must be friends again. There is no cause for ill will between us. Conway has acknowledged that he wrote a letter criticizing Washing- ton and has since made harsh statements about him." .\fter this friendly greeting, Wilkinson General Gates and Colonel Retires. Wilkinson left Colonel Ball and Captain Stoddert behind and walked away together. They engaged in a long conversation about the episode at Reading and their relation to General Stir- ling and Thomas Conway. Before they separated, it was agreed that Wilkinson would assume his duties the next day, as secretary of the Board of War. In his private correspondence he recorded that when he went to the war office he found General Gates barely civil and that he found Richard Peters and Timothy Picker- ing, other members of the board, agreeable companions. The coolness of the president of the board made his position uncomfort- able, and a few days later he resigned his position and went to Valley Forge, where he personally met Lord Stirling and Gen- eral Washington and recounted to them his difficulties with General Gates. The estrangement between General Gates and Colonel Wilkinson, which began at York, in February, 177S, continued for several months. Different statements had been made concerning the conduct of Gates when he failed to meet the challenge made by his opponent at York. After re- maining a short time at Valley Forge, ^\'ilkinson returned to the Xorthern armv on the Hudson. He now held the rank of l)rigadier-general in the army, but as yet had been assigned to no important duty. .\fter Gates returned to the Xorthern army, near Kingston, on the Hudson, the two men again met. The controversy about the Conway The Cabal had not been settled. Wilk- Duel. inson decided to meet his opponent again on the field of honor and chal- lenged Gates to a duel, which took place near St. Clair's headquarters on the Hud- son, September 4, 1778. Captain John Car- ter, of Virginia, acted as second to Wilkin- son, and Thaddeus Kosciuszko, the Polish nobleman who was serving as a colonel in the American army, w'as second to Gates. In the duel flint-lock pistols were used. At the first shot, Wilkinson fired in the air, while Gates' pistol flashed the powder in the pan and did not discharge the ball. The}- charged their pistols a second time and when the order was given, Wilkinson hred, but Gates refused. When the word was given the third time. General Wilkin- son fired but missed his aim and the flint- lock which Gates held again flashed in the pan. The seconds now interposed and the antagonists shook hands. .After the duel General Gates signed a certificate to the effect that Wilkinson behaved like a gentle- man in the encounter at York. Upon re- cjuest, Wilkinson refused to sign and deliver up a similar certificate concerning the con- duct of Gates at York. Wilkinson then challenged Gates to another duel, but Gates refused, and the two men never became firm friends. Captain Ball, who was selected as second to Wilkinson for the proposed duel at \'ork, commanded a Virginia company, then encamped at York. Captain Benjamin Stoddert, second to General Gates, com- manded a company of Colonel Hartley's Regiment, then acting as a guard to Con- gress. General Thomas Conway, the Thomas reputed leader of the conspiracy Conway, against Washington, was a na- tive of Ireland, born in the year 1733. He had served for a time in the French army and came to this country at the request of Silas Deane, the American commissioner at Paris. In May. 1777, he 338 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA was made a brigadier-general and in the fall of the same year, took part in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. Embittered by Washington's opposition to his promo- tion to the rank of major-general, he began to write anonymous letters to prominent men, criticizing the ability of Washington as commander-in-chief. Conway came to York late in January, 177S. About the same time, Lafayette arrived here to meet the Board of War, and receive instructions regarding the projected Canada campaign. Conway was present at the famous banquet given by Gates in honor of Lafayette. After the plan to invade Canada had ended in a fiasco, Conway lost favor with Con- gress, and in a fit of passion he resigned his commission, and left the army. Because of his repeated attacks on Washington, he was challenged by General Cadwallader to fight a duel. The antagonists met July 22, 1778, near Philadelphia, and Conway was shot in the mouth, the ball passing through his neck. A few days later he wrote a letter of apology to Washington, disclaiming that he ever conceived a plan for the latter's re- moval as commander-in-chief of the army. He then returned to Paris and entered the French army. During the French Revolu- tion he was obliged to flee the country. Nothing further is known of him. He is supposed to have died about 1800 in ob- scurity in the city of London. LIST OF DELEGATES AT YORK. Continental Congress was first brought together in September, 1774, at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. From the time of its organization until the Constitution of the United States went into efi^ect. in 1789, it was composed of one body, which elected its presiding officer. John Hancock was president of Congress from May, 1775, until October 31, 1777, when lie resigned. He was succeeded by Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, who presided o\er Con- gress eight of the nine months it sat in York. The delegates were chosen annually by the state legislatures. Few of the American patriots who organized this legislative body in 1774, be- lieved that its deliberations would result in creating a new nation on the western conti- nent. It first met to adjust the grievances against the mother country and issued a Declaration of Rights in 1774. This Con- gress petitioned the King and Parliament, in 1775, and finally passed the Declaration of Independence, in 177(). When Congress convened at York, Sep- temljer 30, 1777, in the minds of some of its members and many people of the United States, there was little hope that the army under Washington would eventually de- feat the British forces in America. At that time, everything was dark and foreboding and the success of the War for Indepen- dence seemed doubtful. Tlie patriots who came here, however, continued to legislate for the army and the establishment of the freedom of the United States. While Con- gress held its sessions in York, it passed the Articles of Confederation, which, when adopted, made the Declaration of Inde- pendence a reality. It received the news of the surrender of Burgoyne's army at Sara- toga; made Baron Steuben a major-general and sent him to the headquarters of the army to drill the American soldiers in the military tactics used by Frederick the Great of Prussia. It received the news from the American commissioners at Paris that the French nation had entered into a treaty of Alliance with the United States, and would send money, a fleet and an army to aid in tlie struggle for American independence. It was during the month of June, 1778, that Congress at York, and Washington at Valley Forge planned the campaign result- ing in the victory over the enemy at Mon- mouth, which transferred the seat of the war to the south. Continental Congress sat for a brief period at Princeton, one day at Lancaster, about two months at Baltimore, and a short time at Annapolis, but transacted no busi- ness at these places of importance to the nation. While in session at York, some of the greatest event in the whole history of the Revolution occurred. This historic im- portance of York as the temporary seat of the national government has never been fully set forth by historians. In the preced- ing pages an eft'ort has been made to give in detail the transactions of Congress and the current events during the darkest period of the Revolution, which ended in the dawn of independence. When Congress assem- A copy from a drawing formerly in the Emmett collection in New York and now in the possession of the Historical Society of York County. It is supposed to be the only authentic portrait of James Smith in existence. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS AT YORK 339 bled at York, it was composed of no more than thirty members. At stated limes, newly-elected delegates arrived, taking the places of those who had returned to their homes. There were never more than forty members present at one time. In all there were sixty-four delegates from the thirteen original states who occuijied seats in Con- gress from the time it came to York until it returned to Philadelphia. Twenty-six of these had. the pre\ious year, signed the Declaration of Independence. The following is the list of delegates at York : New Hampshire — Nathaniel Folsom, George Frost, John W'entworth, Dr. Josiah Bartlett. Massachusetts — Samuel .\dams. El- bridge Gerr}-, James Lovell, John Adams, Francis Dana, John Hancock, Dr. Samuel Holten. Connecticut — William Williams, Elipha- let Dyer, Richard Law, Titus Hosmer. Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntingdon, Dr. Oliver Wolcott. Rhode Island — Henry Marchant, Wil- liam Ellery, John Collins. New York — James Duane, William Duer, Francis Lewis, Gou\erneur Morris, Philip Livingston. New Jersey — John Witherspoon, Dr. Jonathan Elmer, Abraham Clark, Dr. Na- thaniel Scudder. Pennsylvania — Robert Morris, Daniel Roberdeau, James Smith, Jonathan Bayard Smith, William Clingan, Joseph Reed. Delaware — Thomas McKean. Maryland — Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Benjamin Rumsey, George Plater. William Smith, James Forbes, John Henrv. J'-- Virginia — Francis Lightfoot Lee, Rich- ard Henry Lee, John Harvie, Benjamin Harrison, Dr. Joseph Junes, Thomas Ad- ams, John Bannister. North Carolina — John Penn, Cornelius Harnett, Dr. Thomas Burke. South Carolina — Henry Laurens, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Arthur Middleton, John Matthews, Richard Hutson, William Henrv Drayton. Georgia — Edward Langvvorthy, George Walton, Dr. Nathan Brownson, Joseph Wood. JAMES SMITH, signer of the Declara- tion of Independence, was born in the north of Ireland. His father, John Smith, was a well-to-do farmer, but, induced by his brothers, who had previously emigrated to this country and settled in Chester County, he came to Pennsylvania in 1720, and soon afterward settled on the west side of the Susquehanna in what is now York County. John Smith died in the neighborhood of York in 1761. His eldest son, George, studied law at Lancaster, but shortly after his admission to the bar (1740) was drowned in the Susquehanna while bath- ing. The third son, Arthur, was a farmer, and removed to western Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution. James, the second son, received a liberal education, having been placed under the charge of the Rev. Dr. Alison, provost of the College of Philadel- phia. After completing his studies in Philadelphia, he began to read law at Lan- caster, where he was admitted to the bar in 1745. He subsequently went to the Cumberland Valley, where he practiced both law and surveying, remaining four or five years, and then settled at York. When the Revolution began, Smith became one of the first advocates of independence. He was chosen a member of the Provincial Deputies, July 15, 1774, and was the author of the " draught of instructions " to the Pro- vincial Assembly. He was a member of the Provincial Convention of January 23, 1775; of the Provincial Conference of June 18, 1776: and of the Convention of the loth of July following. In 1775 he was commis- sioned colonel of the First Battalion of As- sociators of York County, and throughout the Revolutionary struggle was largely in- strumental in organizing troops for the patriot army. In 1776 he was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress, and his name is affixed to the Declaration of Independence. He was re-elected the fol- lowing year and took his seat while Con- gress was in session in York. He was elected a member of the Assembly in 1779, and November 20, 1780, commissioned judge of the High Court of .Appeals. The Supreme Executive Council ap- pointed Colonel Smith a brigadier-general of the Pennsylvania militia, Alay 23, 1782, vice General Potter promoted. He was ap- 340 HISTORY OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA pointed one of the counsellors on the part of Pennsylvania in the controversy be- tween that State and Connecticut, Febru- ary 10, 1784. In the following year the As- sembly elected him to Congress, in the place of Matthew Clarkson, resigned, but his advanced age obliged him to decline a re-election. Smith relinquished the practice of law in 1801, and from that period until his death lived in quiet retirement. He died at York on the 11th day of July, 1806. With an uncommonly retentive memory, with a vein of good humor and a fund of anecdotes, his excellent conversational powers drew around him many who en- joyed his sharp wit and lively manners, and made his old age bright and cheerful. James Smith married, in 1752, Eleanor, daughter of John Armor, of New Castle, Delaware. She and two children survived him several years. During the revolution, James Smith owned and occupied a dwelling house on the west side of South George Street near King. When Congress was in session at York, his home was a place of meeting of the distinguished statesmen who were then serving as delegates and on important com- mittees. His law office, a two-story build- ing which stood on the corner of South George Street and Mason Alley, a short distance north of his residence, was used as a meeting place of the Board of War, when it was presided over by John Adams, of Massachusetts. In 1805, his law office con- taining his library, many valuable docu- ments and letters which he received from distinguished men, was destroyed by fire. James and Eleanor Smith had five chil- dren : Margaret, the eldest, was born Sep- tember 14, 1753, married James Johnson, whose grandson. Dr. William Johnson, for many years was a practicing physician at York. Mrs. Johnson died at York, January 18, 1838. Mary, the second daughter, mar- ried James Kelly, a memljer of the York County Bar, and died at York, September 4, 1793. George, one of the sons, was born April 24, 1769, died unmarried at the age of 32, when his estate was inherited by his l)rother. Arthur died before he grew to manhood. James, the other son, owned considerable property and died without descendants, leaving his property to his cousins. The remains of James Smith, to- gether with his wife, who died July 13, 1818, and some of his children, were buried in the Presbyterian churchyard, on East Market Street, York. The public documents which lie prepared and the speeches he delivered during and after the Revolution show that he was a man of strong intellect, literary training, and an able lawyer. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IF limn IIP III' 111 III ill I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 014 314 653 4 ^