T X 715 P945 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Cliai). Copvri ip Copyright No. Shelf..P^.45 I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DEC 21 ^900 PROTILUS CLUB a COOK BOOK a 4li 4^ 4^ a COMPILED BY S ^ ^ * Members of The Proteus Club ^ ^ ^ DESMOINES, IOWA ^ ^ ^ The Geo. A. Miller Printing- Company. 1 91926 {l',.ih.-Mr> of Conaresa! DEC 21 1900 Copv'ignt antry DEC ^ 1900 SECOND COPY Oftiiv *od to OROth OiVlSION ^^ A^' ^0| Ps COPYKIGHX BY PROTEUS CLUB DES aiOINJSS, lA, 1900 Geo. a. MiLLiiK 1'ki :^575-400 Contents Suggestive Menus The Four Seasons Spring Summer Autumn Winter Holiday Dinners Easter BreaKf ast Chafing=Dish Luncheons Afternoon or Evening Parties Golf Functions Confections Invalid Dishes r^OOKERY means tlie.kn^. of Helen and of Rdbeka means the knowledge o: all spices and of all that is 1: and savory in meats, and willingness and r economy of your grandi chemist ; it means mu English thoroughness an RUSKIN. :lge /f Medea and of Circe and and/Wthe Queen of Sheba. It hewh and fruits and balms and sweet in fields and groves, ■arefulness and inventiveness f appliance. It means the d the science of the modern and no w^asting ; it means art and Arabian hospitality. — spring Proteus Club Proteus Club. ME.NU. Mas. Hkkvky M. Porteb. BREAKFAST. Fresh Cherries. Hamburg Steak. Maitre d'Hotel Sauce. Potato Omelette. Graham Gems. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Cucumber Salad. Wafers. Cannelon of Beef. Mushroom Sauce. Long Branch Potatoes. Radishes. Thin Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Apple Kuehen, with Whipped Cream. Russian Tea. DINNER. Cream Asparagus Soup. Croutons. Escalloped Whitefish on Shells. Sliced Tomatoes and Cucumbers. F)'ench Chops. Mint Sauce. Green Peas. F^'rosted Baked Potatoes. Spinach. Lettiup Salad. French Dressing. Caramel Pudding. Whipped Cream. Nut Wafers. Coffee. Bent's Water Crackers. Cream Cheese. spring Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Hamburg SteaK. One round steak, two slices of bacon, one small onion, a little parsley, salt, red and black pepper to taste. Put all the above ingredients through meat grinder, then mix thoroughly with one beaten egg. Mould in flat balls and broil. Maitre d'Hotel Sauce. Four tablespoons butter, one teaspoon salt, two tablespoons chopped parsley, a little onion juice, dash of pepper, the juice from one lemon. Melt butter, stir together other ingredients. Serve over hamburg steak. Potato Omelette. Chop cold boiled potatoes fine. Put one tablespoon butter in omelette pan. When melted, spread evenly with the potatoes, sprinkle with salt, pepper and celery salt. Turn thick brown sauce over the top. Cook slowly, until golden brown on bottom and well heated through. Fold over half way, invert on platter. Serve hot. Brown Sauce. One tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, one cup milk, season to taste. I.,et the flour and butter brown before adding milk. Then add milk, one-third at a time, stirring all the time. Graham Gems. One eg-g, two-thirds cup New Orleans molasses, one cup sour milk, one tea- spoon soda, pinch of salt, two cups gi'aham flour. Cucumber Salad. Use medium sized cucumbers, all same size. Cut in half, lengthwise. Remove inside portion, leaving shell. Cut edible portion of cucumber in dice, also cut fresh tomatoes in small pieces. Add chopped blanched almonds if desired. Fill cucumber shells with tomato in one end and diced cucumbers in the other. Put Mayonnaise dressing in the middle and serve, a half cucumber, on lettuce leaf to each person. Cannelon of Beef. Two pounds lean beef, cut from round, juice of one-half lemon, one table- spoon finely chopped parsley, one egg, one-half teaspoon onion juice, two table- spoons melted butter, few gratings of nutmeg, o-^o teri-^poon ^alt. niTO-fourth 7 spring Proteus Club teaspoon popper. Chop meat line and add remaining ingredients in the order given. Shape in a mould six inches^ long, wrap in buttered paper, place on a rack in dripping pan and bake thirty minutes. Baste every five minutes with one-fourth cup butter melted in one cup boiling water. Escalloped White Fish on Shells. Shred cold baked fish. Put layer of fish on shell, then thin layer of cream sauce; cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter. Bake till golden brown in quick oven. Garnish with ^^'ater-cress. Apple Kuchen. Make thin baking powder biscuit dough ; mould in earthen pie dish (thin layer). Peel and quarter apples, and cut in half inch slices. Lay slices of apple, overlapping each other, in solid rows to the center. Sprinkle generously with sugar, a little nutmeg and bits of butter. Cook till apples are tender and golden bro\A'n and serve hot, with M'hipped cream. Brown Mushroom Sauce. One can mushrooms, one-fourth cup butter, one-half tablespoon lemon juice, one-fourth cup flour, two cups brown stock, salt and pepper. Drain and rinse mushrooms and chop fine one-half of same. Cook five minutes with butter and lemon juice; drain, brown the butter, add flour, and when well browned add gradually consomme. Cook fifteen minutes, skim, add remain- ing mushrooms, cut in quarters or slices and cook ten minutes. Season with salt and pep]>ei'. Cream Asparagus Soup. [Tsc two bundles of fresh asparagus. Coolc the tips in salted water; cook the i-omainder of the asparagus about twenty minutes in a quart of salted water. Put through a sieve. Add to this a pint and a half of thick cream sauce and the asparagus tips. Let just come to a boil, and serve at once. Lamb Chops. Servo lamb chops, French style, witli i polished bone. Put peas in center of platter, then chops, and — outside' — the minced spinach. Frosted Baked Potatoes. Wash potatoes, nnd before drying, roll in coai'se s:ilt. Tlu-n l>ak('. Caramel Pudding. Three cups milk, one cup cooked rice, half cup stigar, two tablesjxwns flour, yolks of two eggs. Mix flour and sugar thoroughly, add yolks, mix well and turn slowly into hot milk, stirring all the time. Cook in double boiler until thick and creamy. Add rice and enough caramel to make desired color. S p ring . Cook Book. and let it come to a boil. Mould in ramequins or small moulds and serve ice cold with whipped cream. Caramel Flavoring. _ Cook slowly one cup of sugar, one-half cup water; when it begins to brown stir constantly until a seal bro^\Ti. Remove to cooler place on stove ; add at once half cup warm water. Let simmer about five minutes till syrup is formed. It will keep indefinitely. Nut Wafers. One egg, two cups flour, one cup nuts, one cup sugar, half cup butter, half teaspoon soda in little water, one teaspoon vanilla. Roll very thin and bake in quick oven. S p ring Proteus Club MENU. Mrs. Geouoe Inoeksoll Gilp.ert. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Wheat-0, with Cream. Broiled Fresh Trout. Creamed Potatoes. Omelette, v.ith Chopped Ham. Flannel Cake.s, with Maple Syrup. Hot Biscuit. LUNCHEON. Bouillon. Lobster Chops. French Fried Potatoes. Radishes. Cresent Rolls. Pickled Peaches. Lettuce Salad. Wafer Crackers. Royal Cream. Vanilla Wafers. Chocolate. DINNER. Blue Points, in the Shell. Amber Soup. Planked Shad. Shoestring Potatoes. Stuffed Olives. Salted Almonds. Radishes. Pineapple Sherbet. Roast Duck, Peas. Plum Jelly. New Potatoes. Fresh Tomatoes, with Mayonnaise Dressing. Cheese Straws. Ice Cream. Confectionery. Nuts. Coffee. 10 S p r 1 n g. ____^____________ Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Broiled Trout. Split the trout down the back with a sharp pointed knife and take out the back bone. Wash in cold salt water, drv and place on a buttered broiler and .place over the broiling pan, or under the gas or over the fire (if fire, then throw salt on the fire as it helps to retain the juices in the fish). For a sauce to baste the fish while broiling, melt together two tablespoons of butter, ono tablespoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of salt and a dash of pepper Broil quickly or it will harden and dry out. When done pour the juice from the broiling pan over the fish and serve at once. Care must be taken not to scorch it. Creamed Potatoes. The potatoes should be boiled whole with the skins on, better if boiled the day before needed. Peel them and cut into small cubes. Heat a cup and a half of cream and a piece of butter the size of an egg; into this pour about a quart of potatoes, and allow them to cook slowly for about twenty minutes, or until it thickens. Stir once or twice carefullv to prevent bui-n- ing. Serve while hot. Ham Omelette. Place one tablespoon of butter in a skillet over a hot fire. Beat three eggs, separately. To the beaten yolks add one-half cup of milk, in which has been smoothly rubbed one teaspoon of flour, one teaspoon of salt. Then stir this in the stifly beaton whites. Poiir all into a hot skillet. When well set, cover With chopped fried ham. Fold the omelette carefully over and remove to a hot platter. Mnst be served at once. Biscuits. Sift together one quart of flour, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder and a level spoonful of salt. Add two tablespoons of butter. Mix thoroughly, then add one pint of milk or water, stirred in with a fork. Roll lightly and I)ake m a rather quick oven. The dongh shonld he as soft as it is possible to handle. Flannel Cakes. Sift together one quart of flonr, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder one level teaspoon of salt. Add to the well beaten yolks of three e-gs one pint of milk and a tablespoon of molasses. Stir into the flour and add eiiongh more milk to make a batter of the consistency desired. Last thing cut in the well beaten whites of three eggs. Fiy quickly on a hot griddle and sel•^-e hot with maple synip. 11 spring Proteus Club Lobster Chops. Pick tlie lobster into small pieces. Make a sauce of two tablespoons of flour, two of butter stirred over the fire until melted, then add one-half pint of cream. Add the lobster with salt and pepper (red pepper if desired). When hot add the jolks of two eggs and the juice of one or two lemons. Let cool. When cool make into chop shapes. Beat up the yolks of twoi eggs, dip the chops in the eggs and roll in cracker crumbs. Fry in hot lard until a golden brown. Lay on brown paper to absorb the grease. Garnish with parsley. Crescent Rolls. Sift one quart of flour and a teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of salt, rub in one teaspoon of butter or lard. Dissolve one-fourth of cake of com- pressed yeast in a pint of wai'm water. Mix well, and set in a warm placd to rise over night. Knead in the moniing fifteen or twenty minutes, or until it can be kneaded on an unfloured dry board. Let it rise one and a half hours in a warm place, until light and spongey. Cut into six or eight inch squares about a quarter of an inch thick. Then cut the squares into three cornered pieces and spread vvith melted butter. Commencing at the broad part, roll into crescent shapes. Let rise for an hour. Bake tv\'enty minutes in a quick oven. Pickled Peaches. Take tine large cling-stone peaches, place in boiling water a few moments, then in cold, when the skins will come oft" easily. To seven pounds of fruit take three pounds of sugar and one quart of vinegar. Boil the vinegar and sugar, into which have been placed little spice bags containing whole cloves, cinnaumn, allspice and mace. Pour it over the |>eaches. The next day pour it (vfF and boil aaain and |M)ur over the jwaches. Repeat this for seven days. Real. Pvoyal Cream. To one i>int of cream, whipped until stiff, add a teaspoon of vanilla, two tablespoons of sngar, one-half ounce of gelatine (which has been dissolved in cold watCM- and heated over warm water), and one pint of fresh ripe straw- berries. S<^t in a cool place until ready to vserve. Planked Shad. Wash the ti-^li in cold salt wat(M-. Make a dressing of one chopped onion, two tablespoons of parsley, a teaspoon each of other desirable herbs, all fried in a tablespoon of butter and mixed with one pint of bread crumbs. Lay the 12 spring Cook Book. fish oil au oak plank about one inch thick and bake in a hot oven for about an hour. (To larotcct the plank from buraing sprinkle with salt). Sen-e on the plank, garnished with parsley. If preferred the fish may be split and laid flat upon the plank, skin up. and baked. For a sauce, stir over the fire until smooth two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of flour, one sliced onion, chopped very fine, one teas}x>on of salt and a dash of pepper, one quart of milk, or milk and cream, then add two chopped, cold, hard-boiled eggs. Shoestring Potatoes. Out raw potatoes into strings and fry in hot lard until crisp and brown. Pineapple Sherbet. Grate two pineapples and mix with two quarts of water and a pint of sugar; add the juice of two lemons and the beaten whites of four effgs. Freeze. New Potatoes. Wash the potatoes clean, and then scrape (not peel) them. Have the water boiling, and let boil hard for about twenty minutes. Pour off the water, and serve them with butter, salt and pinch of pepper. This is much nicer than putting oil a cream dressing, when they are just new. ts S.p r 1 n g Proteus Club MENU. Mijs. Fkank Kauffman. BREAKFAST. G rape-Fruit, with Sherry. Cereal. Cream and Sugar. Bacon. Scrambled Eggs. Waffles, Powdered Sugar and Whipped Cream. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Veal Croquettes. Potatoes in Cases. Cabbage v/ith Mayonnaise. Radishes. Spiced Currants. Baking Powder Biscuit. Strawberrie.-^. Cream. Cocoa. DINNEF?. Corn Soup. Prime Roast Beef. Roast Brown Potatoes. Stewed Cucumbers. Asparagus on Toast. Stuffed Tomatoes. Wafers. Olives. Washington Pie. Cheese. CoEfee. 14 Spring Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Waffles. Two cups milk, two eggs, pinch of salt, one tablespoon sugar, butter size of walnut, flour enough to make batter, two teaspoons baking powder; beat eggs, then add everything but baking powder. Beat well and add baking powder. Veal Croquettes. One cup chopped cooked veal, scant half cup thick cream sauce; season to taste. Mix thoroughly, roll into croquettes, dip in egg, then cracker crumbs. Fry in hot lard. Potatoes in Cases. Use potatoes of even size; bake until soft; break open and mash. Season with salt, pepper, on© teaspoon butter, one tablespoon thick cream for each potato. Beat until very light, add one teaspoon grated cheese for each potato, beat again ; heap in paper cases and browTi lightly. Corn Soup. One can of corn, chopped fine. Let simmer half hour in pint of milk; rub through a sieve, then add one quart thin cream sauce. Season to taste. Ste'wed Cucumbers. Pare and slice cucumbers lengthwise, boil in salt water until soft, and transparent. Drain the water off and cook a few minutes in cream sauce. Asparagus on Toast. Cut the asparagus in pieces about three inches long, using the tips. Boil in water until tender, then cook a few minutes in cream sauce. Place four or five pieces on a square piece of toast softened with a little milk. Stuffed Ton^atoes. Take large tomatoes, remove the insides, fill with celery and nuts and some of the tomato — chopped together — and mix with Mayonnaise. Washington Pie. Two heaping tablespoons butter, one cup sugar, two eggs, pinch of salt, half cup milk, two scant teaspoons baking powder, two scant cups flour. Cream the butter and sugar together ; add beaten yolks, then alternately milk and 15 Spring Proteus Club flour till all is used. Beat hard, add slightly whipped whites, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in layers. Use following filling : Mix together one-third cup of flour, pinch of salt, and two well beaten eggs. Stir thoroughly together; dilute gradually with one pint of scalded milk; return to double boiler; stir and cook until very thick and smooth. Then cover and cook ten minutes. Stir in one teaspoon of butter, one teaspoon vanilla and spread between the layers of the cake, dusting the top with pow- dered sugar. !• spring Cook Book. MENU. Mbs. John Beabdslet. BREAKFAST. Strawberries, with Hulls. Oat Meal. Cream and Sugar. Soft Boiled Eggs. Creamed Potatoes. Whole Wheat Muffins. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Sweet-bread Oysters. Slices of Lemon. Escalloped Potatoes. Baking Powder Biscuits. Chocolate, Whipped Cream. Apricot Snowballs. Vanilla Wafers. DINNER. Tomato Soup. Croutons. Fried Chicken. Chicken Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus on Toast. Lettuce. Mayonnaise Dressing. Prune Whip. Whipped Cream. Coffee. 17 spring Proteus Club RECEIPTS. Creamed Potatoes. Mince cold boiled potatoes, put in spider with melted butter; let fry in the butter, well covered. Then put in fresh piece of butter, season with salt and pepper; pour over cream (or thickened milk). Let boil up once and serve. Whole Wheat Muffins. Two cups milk, teaspoon salt, teaspoon sugar, one tablespoon melted butter, one egg, well beaten, two teaspoons baking powder ; Avhole wheat flour enough to make soft batter. Bake in muffin pans about twenty minutes. £scalloped Potatoes. Peel and slice raw potatoes thin; put layer of potatoes in baking dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper, flour and small bits of butter. Cover with milk. Add alternate layers until dish is filled. There should be enough milk to cover the potatoes. Bake in moderate oven. Apricot Snow Sails. One pint hot cooked rice, one beaten egg, one tablespoon butter; mix thoroughly. Wet little pudding cloths in cold water. Spread rice mixture one- third inch thick about five inches in diameter. In the center place apricots (canned or raw fruit) ; gather edges of cloth together and tie. Steam ten min- utes if canned fruit is used, thirty minutes if raw. Serve with finiit sauce. Fried ChicRen. Roll pieces of chicken in flour, sprinkle freely with salt and pepper, and fry, using half butter and half lard. Brown, then fill the skillet with hot water, cover tight and place in the oven, and leave from one to two hours, according to the age of the chicken. Make gravy of the remaining liquid. Prune Whip. Whites of four eggs, one cup chopped stewed prunes; sweeten to taste. Beat whites to stiff froth, beat in the chopped prunes and sugar. Bake in moderately hot oven till brown on top. Ser\^e with whipped cream. 18 Spring Cook Book MENU. Miss Louise Gilmore. BREAKFAST. Oranges. English Breakfast Bacon. Omelette. Toast. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Creamed Salmon. French Fried Potatoes. Asparagus. Celery. Bread and Butter. Strawberries and Cake. DINNER. Lobster Bisque. Bread Crumbs. Veal Croquettes. Creamed Potatoes. Peas. Olive? Wine Jelly. Nut Salad. Wafers. Frozen Pudding. Cake. Coffee. 19 Spring Proteus Club RECEIPTS. Creamed Salmon. Half pint cream, one tablespoon flour, mix flour with milk, stir until tmooth, add small can salmon picked to pieces. Cover with brown bread crumba. This makes enough for six ramequins. Lobster Bisque. One can lobster, two cups milk, three pints boiling water, one tablespoon butter, one-half cup fine cracker crumbs, salt and pepper to taste. Chop lobstsr rather coarse, taking care not to tear it. Put boiling water, salt, pepper and lobster into saucepan, and cook gently forty minutes. Have ready scalding milk in which the crumbs have soaked twenty minutes. Stir in butter, then milk and crumbs. Set in hot water five minutes and serve. Veal Croquettes. One pint of meat, one-half pint milk or cream, one large tablespoon of butter, two large tablespoons of flour, one teaspoon, salt, one-half teaspoon nutmeg, one tablespoon chopped parsley, cream butter and flour ; stir in milk until thick. Add other ingredients to meat, pour on dressing and mix. Set away to cool, then form, roll in egg and bread crumbs. Fry in hot lard. Nut Salad. One teacup vinegar, one teaspoon mustard, one teaspoon sialt, one-half cup butter, one-fourth cup sugar, six eggs (or yolks of ten) ; mix eggs, butter, sugar and mustard. Then stir in the vinegar until it boils and thickens. When cool add a cup of thick sour or sweet cream. Blanche almonds and cut in small pieces. Chop celery fine. Serve on lettuce leaves with above dressing over it. Wine Jelly. Soak a package of Plymouth Rock gelatine in one pint of cold water thirty minutes. Add one and a half pints of hot water. Stir until gelatine dis- solves, then add one-half pint of wine, one and a half cups sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Keep on ice to harden. If more wine is desired use less hot water. Frozen Pudding. One pint milk, one and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup flour, two egg^, two tablespoons gelatine, one quart cream, one pound candied fruit, four table- spoons wine. Let milk come to a boil, beat eggs, flour, and one cup of sugar together and stir into boiling milk. Cook twenty minutes. Add the gelatine, "which has been soaking one or two hours in cold water. Set away to cooL When cold add wine, cream and balance of susrar. "Freeze for ten minutes, then add fruit. "When froeen take out dasher and pack. 20 Summer Cook Book MENU. Miss Heu:ne Nelbow. BREAKFAST. Strawberries. Breakfast Graham, with Dates. Lamh Chops. Water-cress. Gems. Potato Scones. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Escalloped Eggs. French Fried Potatoes. Lettuce Sandwiches. Tomato Salad. Wafers. Baked Pears. Fruit Cookies. Iced Tea. DINNER. Green Pea Soup. Toasted Round Wafers. Radishes. Baked Trout— Egg Sauce. Sliced Cucumbers. Baked Chicken. Cream Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Roasting Ears. Asparagus Salad. Wafers, Peach Sherbet. Sponge Cake. Coffee. 21 Summer Proteus Club. RILCEIPTS. Breakfast Graham -with Dates. Mix chopped dates with mush made of graham breakfast flour, and serve with cream. Gems. Two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons sugar, two cups flour, two tea- spoons baking powder, two eggs, one-half teaspoon salt, one cup milk; cream butter and sugar in warm bowl. Beat eggs and salt with Dover egg beater to cream. Over creamed butter and sugar sift flour and baking powder; over flour pour eggs and milk. Blend quickly, not necessary to have smooth. Pour into deep muffin tins and bake in quick oven. Potato Scones. One and one-half cups flour, one egg, one-third cup butter, one cup mashed potatoes, two teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, milk to mix. To the sifted flour, salt and baking, powder add potato and butter. Make soft dough with egg and milk. Divide into three portions, roll into rounds one- half indh thick, cut each into four and bake in quick oven or on a griddle. Then split, butter, and serve hot. Escalloped Eggs. Slice hard boiled eggs into buttered ramequins. Over this pour whita sauce and grate a little cheese on top. Bake in quick oven until brown. French Fried Potatoes. Cut potatoes lengthwise, into pieces one-half inch in diameter. Stand in ice water one hour. Dry thoroughly and drop into boiling lard. Drain, salli and serve very hot. Baked Pears. Pare, halve and core the pears; fill hollow with jelly or jam. Pin halves together with tooth picks. Bake and serve with cream. Fruit Cookies. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, two eggs, one-fourth cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, two cups chopped raisins, one teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon cin- namon, flour to roll soft. 22 Summer Cook Book. Green Pea Soup. Oook one can peas or same amount fresh peaa with one pint milk in double boiler until tender. Simmer one tablespoon butter with one onion. Take out the onion, add the buttter and one tablespoon flour to the peas. When it comes to a boil, add one pint chicken stock ; strain. Just before serving add one- half pint whipped cream, salt and pepper. Asparagus Salad. Cook asparagus tips until tender. Serve on lettuce leaf with Mayonnaise dressing. Peach Sherbet (v^ithout freezing). In a pint of water boil one-half cup Minute Tapioca, and one cup sugar, until clear. Use double boiler and stir often. Add the juice of one lemon and a pint of sliced peaches six minutes before taking from fire. Put in cool place. When beginning to harden stir in quickly the well beaten whites of two eggs. Sponge Cake. One and a half cups sugar, four eggs (beaten separately), two cups flour, three tablespoon^ cold water, juice of one lemon, two teaspoons baking powder. Add the baking powder sifted into one-half cup of flour the last thing. 23 Summer Proteus Club MENU. Miss Mabt Kavffman. BREAKFAST. Muskmelon. Oat Meal. Cream and Sugar. Omelette. Rolls. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Cold Veal Loaf, Sliced. Creamed Potatoes. Sliced Cucumbers. Hot Biscuit. Iced Tea. Strawberries, with Orange Juice. DINNER. Crown of Lamb Roast. Feathered Potatoes. Green Peas, Asparagus, Drawn Butter Sauce. Tomato Salad. Olives and Red Radishes, with Cracked Ice. Frozen Fruit Custard. Angel's Food. Coffee. ?A o u m m e r Cook Book. RECEIPTS. KoUs. To enough bread dough for twelve persons add the white of one egg, well beaten, two tablespoons white sugar, two tablespoons butter; work these thor- oughly together. Roll out about half inch thick, out the size desired, spread one with melted butter and lay another on top of it. When light bake a golden brown. Veal Loaf. Three pounds veal, two thick slices pork, two eggs, two Boston crackers, rolled, three teaspoons each of salt and pepper. Grind meat fine, mix all ingre- dients together and make into loaf; dredge with flour. Bake from two and a half to three hours. Baste often. Strawberries arnd Orange Juice. Place in a dish alternate layers of strawberries and pulvarized sugar. Pour over them orange juice in proportion of three oanges to a quart of straw berries. Lei stand for an hour. Before serving sprinkle with cracked ice. Cro'wn of Lamb Roaat. Serve the crown of lamb with potatoes placed inside and peas on the platter outside of the meat. Feathered Potatoes. Have potatoes mashed, well seasoned and put through a strainer. Tomato Salad. Take skin, juice and seeds from tomatoes ; chop what remains with celery and add Mayonnaise dressing. Sei've on lettuce leaf. Frozen Fruit Custard. One pint rich milk, one pint cream, (whipped), yolkes of three eggs, one and one half cups sugar, one pint fresh peaches, cut in pieces; beat eggs and sugar well together. Heat milk almost to boiling point, add it gradually to eggs and sugar. Cook in double boiler, stirring all the time till it has slightly thickened. When custard is partly frozen, having stirred it, add whipped cream ; stir few minutes longer, then stir in fruit. Put all in mould and place in fresh relay of ice anH salt. r'5 Summer Proteus Club ME.NU. Miss Adelia Clapp White. BREAKFAST. Iced Cantaloupe. Wheat-0, with Sliced Bananas. Baked Eggs. Cream Toast. French Fried Potatoes. Radishes. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Fruit Macedoine. Salmon Souffle, Potatoes au Gratln. French Rolls. Sliced Tomatoes. Snow Pudding. Chocolate. DINNER. Cream of Celery Soup. Chicken Croquettes. Green Peas. Creamed Potatoes. Apple and Celery Salad. Olives. Pineapple Ice. Macaroons. Coffee. Water Crackers. 26 Summer Co ok Book. RECEIPTS. Baked Eggs. Put eggs in gem pans. Over each one pour a little cream ; add pepper, salt and butter, and bake in hot oven. Fruit Macedoine. Four oranges, half pound Malaga grapes, three bananas, one grape-fruit, half cam imported brandied cherries, half can Weisbaden strawberries (or fresh stravs^berries), half cup orange juice, one-fourth cup sherry, two table- spoons Maraschino, two tablespoons rum, four tablespoons powdered sugar. Mix the liquids with the powdered sugar and pour over the fruit. Serve in sherbet glasses. Salmon Souffle. One can salmon picked apart, salt and pepper tO' taste. Dressing — One pint of milk, three eggs, two tablespoons of flour, butter size of an egg, pinch of salt, cream, butter and flour. Scald milk in double boiler, then add eggs beaten very light, then the butter and flour. Put salmon, in baking dish and pour the dress- ing over it^ and bake twenty minutes. Snow Pudding. Soak one-half box gelatine in one cup water fifteen or twenty minutes. Stir one cup sugar and juice of one lemon. When partly stiffened, put in the well beaten whites of three eggs. Place on ice until hard and serve with whipped cream. Chicken Croquettes. Two cups chicken, cooked and chopped, three teaspoons butter, three tea- spoons flour, one cup stock, three tablespoons lemon juice, one cup cream, two cups bread crumbs, two teaspoons salt. To the stofck add the butter" and flour (creamed), and beat until it thickens ; add chicken, salt, lemon and a little pepper, bread crumbs and beaten eggs. Add the cream after taking from fire. Drop in hot lard, fry to a rich brown. 27 Summer Proteus Club MENU. Miss Cabbie Habbach. BREAKFAST. Grapes. Cracked Wheat Broiled Mackerel. Potatoes Hashed in Cream. Pop-oreni. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Fried Tomatoes with Cream Sauce. Thin Slices Veal Loaf. Potato Chipa. Brown Bread and Butter. Sliced Peaches. Spanish Buns. Iced Tea. DINNER. Cantaloupe. Split Pea Soup. Olives. Celery. Broiled Chicken. Creamed New Potatoes. Asparagus on Toast. Cucumber Salad. Fruit Salad with Wine Sauce. Cheese and Crackers. Coffee. 28 Summer Co ok Book . RELCEIPTS. Pop-overa. One cup flour, one cup milk, one teaspoon salt, one egg. Sift salt with flour. Add part of milk slowlj to make smooth paste. Add rest of milk with beaten egg. Beat for fifteen minutes before an open window. Have gem pana hissing hot, grease thoroughly and pour in the mixture. Bake in a quick oven twenty to thirty minutes, imtil puffs are brown and well popped over. Fried Tomatoes, Cut six large, firm tomatoes into halves without peeling, lay them in a pan, akin side down, with a large tablespoon of melted butter. Fry very slowly until quite tender. Place carefully in a dish. Let butter brown a little and stir into it a tablespoon of flour. When light brown add half pint of milk. Boil three minutes, stirring all the time; salt and pepper and pour over tomatoes. Spanish Buns. One and a half cups of sugar, four eggs (whole), one scant cup butter, one cup milk, one heaping teaspoon cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves, one- half teaspoon allspice, a little nutmeg, two teaspoons baking powder, one tea- spoon vanilla, two to two and a half cups of flour. Cream the butter and sugar, add the beaten eggs and milk, then the flour and baking powder. After mixing add the spices. If desired, more spices or raisins or currants may be added just before putting in pans. Pour into gem pans and bake in hot oven. Ice when oold. Icing. Boil one cup sugar and four tablespoons water till it threads. Beat in the beaten white of egg gradually. 29 Summer Proteus Club MENU. Miss Bektha Clabkson. BREAKFAST. Cherries. Cereal. Cream. Mock Fried Oysters, Tomato Sauce. Radishes. Irish Pancakes, with Powdered Sugar. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Rice Soup. Toasted Butter Wafers. Pickles. Cold Tongue. Sweet-breads and Cucumber Salad. Pirn Olas. Sandwiches. Fruit Sponge Cake. "Whipped Cream. Russian Tea. DINNER. Clear Vegetable Soup. Beef Tenderloin Roll. Browned Potatoes. Lima Beans, Creamed. Summer Squash. Beet Salad. Cheese Wafers. Raspberry Cream. Maryland Biscuit. Coffee. 30 Summer Cook Book. RE.CEIPTS. Mock Fried Oysters. Slice six liard boiled eggs. Dip the slices in one egg beaten with on© tablespoon water and seasoned with salt and pepper, then roll in shredded wheat biscuit crumbs. Fry in hot lard, a golden brown. Tomato sauce, one cup strained tomatoes, half teaspoon scraped onions, one tablespoon flour, one tablespoon butter. Boil the tomatoes with an onion, turn into the blended flour and butter. Cook two minutes, or until thickened. Irish Pancakes. Two cups flour, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sugar, three-quarters teaspoon nutmeg, sifted together. Mix to a medium batter with two cups or more of sour milk. Add the two eggs beaten separately and bake in large cakes on a very hot griddle. Spread with butter, powdered sugar, and roll. Sweet^'bread and Cucumber Salad. Boil sweetbreads until tender, cut fine and mix with one-third the amount of cucumber ; cover with salad dressing. Pim Olas Sandwiches. Two tablespoons thick Mayonnaise, two tablespoons fine cracker crumbs, one dozen large stuffed olives chopped fine. Mix all together well and spread on buttered bread. Fruit Sponge Cake. Bake sponge cake in two or three pans. In putting the cakes together use any fresh fruit as filling. On top spread a thick layer of whipped cream. Raspberry Crean^ in Cups. Dissolve two tablespoons gelatine in enough warm water to cover it. Mix with one pint plain cream, add one box raspberries, which have been put through sieve, two-thirds cup sugar. Let cool, but not harden, and beat in one pint whipped cream. Serve in cups. 31 Summer Proteas Club Marylaoid Biscuit. One quart flour, one-fourtk cup lard, one-half teaspoon, iialt, one cup cold water. Eub lard and salt in the flour and mix -vrith water to a very stiff dough. Knead ten minutes or until well mixed, then beat hard with biscuit-beater or heavy rolling-pin, turning the mass over and over until it begins to blister and look light and puffy — until pulling off a piece quickly, it gives a sharp, snap- ping sound. When in this condition, pull off a small piece suddenly, pound into a round biscuit, then pinch off a bit of the top. Turn over and press with thumb, leaving a hollow in the center. Place biscuits some distance apart in the pan, prick with a fork. Bake twenty minutes in quick oven. They should be light, with fine even grain and crack at the edges like crackers. 32 Autumn Cook Book. MENU. Miss Alice Wiixiams. BREAKFAST. California Grapes. Oatmeal and Cream. Mackerel, with Cream Dressing. Boiled Potatoes. Hot Baking Powder Biscuit. Waffles, with Maple Syrup. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Duchess Soup. Quail, Spanish Style. Orange Salad. Fried Potato Balls. Toasted Crackers. Neuchatel Cheese. Maraschino Jelly. Whipped Cream. Chocolate. DINNER. Little Neck Clams on Half Shell. Consomme. Baked Red Snapper, Egg Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Olives. Radishes. Celery. Salted Almonds. Stewed Squabs. Asparagus Tips. Champagne Ice. Roast Venison, Damson Sauce. Green Peas in Turnip Cups. Water-cress Salad. Cheese Crackers. Cabinet Pudding, Brandy Sauce. Apricot Ice. Macaroons. Coffee. 33 Autumn Proteus Club RECEIPTS. Salt Mackerel 'with Cream. Place mackerel in skillet with the skin side up, cover with cold water, and when the water comes to the boiling point, pour it off and add more cold water. When the water has for the third time reached the boiiin;; poiri^. Uraw ihe skillet to the side of the range and allow the water to simmer till the fish is done. Drain mackerel, roll in flour, and fiy to a light brown in hot butter. Kemove the fish to a hot platter and pour small cup of cream in the skillet — when hot, pour it over the fish and serve at once. Duchess Soup. Two quarts sweet milk, three medium sized onions, one large spoon of butter, one large spoon flour, yolks of four eggs, four tablespoons grated cheese, salt and white pepper. Cut the onions in thin slices and fry in the butter till a deep yejllow, add the flour and fry a few minutes till flour seems cooked. Have milk boiling in a stew pan, stir in the flour and onion mixture. Stir the milk constantly and cook till soup thickens and has no taste of flour. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Remove from the fire and add beaten yolks of four eggs. In a hot tureen put the grated cheese and strain the soup over it. Serve at once. Quail, Spanish Style. Roll six quails in flour which is well seasoned with salt and white pepper. Fry the birds in butter and lard — ^half and half — ^till nicely browned. Tate six thick slices from large, firm tomatoes, slice three large onions and a large green pepper and fry these in a little butter ; add to mixture three tablespoons of grated cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Lay the quails on a hot platter, pour sauce over them and serve very hot. Orange Salad. Separate seedless oranges into sections, carefully removing the thin skin from each section ; cut each section in several pieces. To the oranges add three- fourths as much of English walnut meats ; add mayonnaise dressing. SerA' e the salad with roast duck or other game. Stewed Squabs. Fry six squabs in two tablespoons of very hot butter. When they are brown, dredge with tablespoon of flour and stir them abouti till the flour is brown, then cover with boiling water, season to taste with salt and pepper, and simmer in a closely covered stew pan till the squabs are tender. 34 Autumn Cook Book Champagne Ice. freeze one quart of very strong, sweet lemonade till half frozen. Then quickly open a quart bottle of champagne and at once pour contents into the freezer. Close the freezer immediately and freeze the ice. Keep the freezer closed and well packed with ice until the champagne ice is served. Roast Venison. Mix half a teaspoonful of ground cloves with a teacup of soft butter. Rub the butter over the venison and place in cool place till butter hardens. Then cover the venison with a thick paste of flour and water. Place in dripping pan, pour a cup of water in the pan, and cover the meat with a heavj^ paper. Have a hot oven and baste every fifteen minutes with butter and water. Forty-five minutes before serving, remove the layer of paste, sprinkle the venison with flour and baste with butter until broAvn. Place the meat on hot plattei. In the ipan make a gravy with one pint water thickened with a little flour*, seasoned with a pinch of cloves, a dust of cayenne and few pieces of mace. Strain this into a hot gravy boat. Serve currant jelly or damson sauce with the roast. Cabinet Pudding. Spread a thick coating of soft butter over the inside of a plain, two-quart tin pudding mould. Have ready a stale sponge cake and half a pound of as- sorted candied fruits, and the same amount of candied cherries, also of citron. Out the citron into leaves and stems and part of the fruit into flower shapes. With the flowers and leaves make wreaths or other designs on the sides and bottom of the mould. Then put the mould in a cool place till the butter hard- ens enough to hold designs, C'ut the cake in thin slices and line the mould with it. Pill the mould to within half an inch of the top with alternate layers of cake and small pieces of the fruit. Mix six eggs with six tablespoons of sugar and six cups of milk, flavor the custard with brandy and slowly strain it into the mould over the cake and fruit. Cover closely and steam for two hours, or until the custard will not adhere to a knife. Turn the pudding on a round platter and serve with brandy sauce. Maraschino Jelly. Soak a box of gelatine in one pint of cold water for an hour ; add one pint of boiling water, one pint of sugar, and the juice of two lemons, stirring until dissolved. Then add one quart of Maraschino and strain through a napkin into a mould dipped in cold water; set in refrigerator to harden. Turn the jelly on a flat dish and surround with whipped cream sweetened, and flavored with wine. 35 Autumn Proteus Club MENU. Mrs. George Raymond Habbach. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Cereal with Cream. Broiled Bacon. Eggs. Fried Potatoes. Hot Rolls. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Grape-fruit. Lobster Salad. Saratoga Potatoes. Delmonico Tomatoes. Olives. Bordeaux Pickles. Radishes. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Spanish Buns. Coffee. DINNER. Bouillon. Bread Sticks. Planked Shad. Creamed Potatoes. Brown Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Pineapple Ice. Roast Prairie Chicken, with Dressing. Escalloped Sweet Potatoes. Peas. Currant Jelley. Pickles.* Orange Fritters. Cucumber Salad. Woodford Pudding. Nuts. Coffee. 36 A u t u tn n Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Fried Potatoes. Wash, peel and slice the potatoes into cold water, drain in a colander and drop in a skillet, prepared with two tablespoons melted butter or beef drippingb, or one-half of each. Keep closely covered for ten minutes, only removing to stii- with a knife, from the bottom, to prevent burning. Cook another ten minutes, stirrmg frequently imtil done and lightly browned. Long Breakfast R.olls. Three and one-half cups sweet milk, one cup butter and lard mixed in equal proportions, one cup potato yeast, flour enough to make into dough. Let rise over night — in the morning add one beaten egg. Knead thoroughly and let rise again — with the hands make into balls as large as a small hen's egg — tben roll between the hands to make long rolls, (about three inches) place close together in even rows in the pans. Left rise until light, and bake delicately. Grape=fruit. Servo grape-fruit cut in halves. With a sharp knife cut the pulp slightly away from the skin. Garnish with Maraschimo cherries and flavor with the liquor. Lobster Salad. Crumble lobster (one can) into small pieces, add two small stalks of celery and two or three hard boiled eggs chopped fine. Mix all together with Mayon- naise dressing. Place salad in loaf shape on lettuce leaves in flat dish. Garnish with rings of hard boiled eggs, lobster claws and a few sprigs of parsley. Saratoga Potatoes. Peel potatoes and slice them thin on a slicer. Let stand for several hours in oold water. Drain well and dry on a towel. Fry few at a time in boiling lard until crisp. Take out, drain on a cloth and salt. Deltnonico Tomatoes. Pare tomatoes and cut out center — fill the opening with grated bread crumbs, seasoned with butter, salt and pepper, a little onion if desired. Bako. 37 Autumn Proteus Club Bordeaux Pickles. One gallon of chopped green tomatoes, one large head of cabbage chopped, one dozen onions chopped. Mix the above with one-half pint of salt and let etand one hour. Add one-half ounce each of turmeric, celery seed and whole peppers, four chopped green peppers, one-half pound each of brown sugar and white mustard seed, one gallon of good vinegar. Cook one hour. Dressing for Prairie Chicken or Any Game. Put in spider lump of butter size of an egg, with one small finely chopped onion. When this becomes a light brown, stir in three pork chops, chopped fine, and cook thoroughly. Then add one cup chopped apple, one cup seeded raisins, one cup blanched almonds cut lengthwise. Cook altogether, stirring constantly for about five minutes. Then take one loaf fresh Vienna bread, cut in thick slices, dampen in cold water. Pull lightly apart (not using crust), add to the rest of the ingredients, stirring gently. Season with a little nutmeg, pepper and salt. Lastly add an egg beaten, and two large tablespoons of milk, or enough to make proper consistency for dressing. Orange Fritters. Peel four oranges, removing all pith without breaking the pulp. Divide each into four or five pieces, dip each in batter, and fry a deep yellow. Serve with powdered sugar (on napkin). Pineapple Ice. One can grated or one pint fresh fruit, one pint sugar, one pint water, and one tablespoon good gelatine. Freeze. Woodford Pudding. Three eggs, one teacup sugar, one-half teacup butter, one teacup jam or preserves, one teaspoon soda, dissolved in three teaspoons sour milk. Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Mix all well together and bake slowly in pudding pan. Sauce. One cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one egg. Cream, butter and •ugar and add beaten egg. Let all warm thoroughly, but not boil. 38 Autumn Cook Book. MENU. Miss Deixa Mabquardt. BREAKFAST. Baked Apples. Cream. Granose. Egg Omelette. Bacon. Muffins. Coffee. Griddle Cakes. LUNCHEON. Cream of Celery Soup. Cheese Sticks. Broiled Fish Balls, with Lemon. Chicken Croquettes. Peas. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Coffee Jelly. Whipped Cream. Chocolate. DINNER. Oyster Cocktail. Olives. Bouillon. Wafers. Planked White Fish. Macaroni with Cheese. Brown Bread. Broiled Quail on Toast. Cream Potatoes. Nut Salad. Celery. Green Grapes. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Ice Cream. Cake. Coffee. 39 Autumn Proteus Club RECEIPTS. Muffins. One pint milk, one ounce butter, one teaspoon salt, three oupe flour, two heaping teaspoons baking powder or one-half teasjxx)n soda, and odue of cream tartar. Beat the eggs separately until light — add the yolks to the milk, then the flour. The batter must be thin enough to pour from the spoon ; add melted butter and salt. Give the whole a vigorous beating ; add baking powder and well beaten whites ; stir until thoroughly mixed and bake in quick oven. Chicken Croquettes. One four-pound chicken, one pair sweet-breads, one small onion, four whole cloves, one bay leaf, one sprig parsley. Cook chicken, in boiling water, add onion, bay leaf, cloves and parsley. Cover and let sim- mer gently until meat is tender, then drain and chop fine, and mix with this the sweetbreads — which have been parboiled — ^to every pint of this meat, al- low one-half pint cream, one large tablespoon butter, two of flour, one of chopped parsley, one teaspoon onion juice, one of salt, one-quarter tea- epoon nutmeg, cayenne and pepper to taste. Put milk on to boil, rub but- ter and flour to a smooth paste, stir into the boiling cream until very thick. Take from fire, add the meat and beat until thoroughly mixed. Add season- ings, then turn out on platter to cool. Wlien cold, form into moulds. Dip first into egg, then, bread crumbs, and fry in boiling oil or fat. Serve at once with small sprig of parsley in the top of each croquette. Cream of Celery Soup. Three stalks of celery, one quart of milk, one tablespoon buttea*, two table- spoons flonr, one pint water, salt and pepper tO' taste, a piece of onion the size of a quarter. Wash celery, cut into small pieces. Cover with water and boil thirty minutes, then press through a colander. Boil milk in double boiler, add the water and celery, and onion. E-ub butter and flour together and stir into boiling soup, stirring constantly until it thickens. Add salt and pepper. Broiled Quail. Split the birds down- the back, lard the breasts, dust the birds with salt and pepper, place on a broiler over a moderate fire three-quai'ters of an hour, turning frequently. Place on squares of hot butteired toast, baste with melted butt-er and serve with currant iellv- 40 Autumn Cook Book. MILNU. Mrs. Posteb Dabwin Inqaixs. BREAKFAST. French Prunes. Cracked Wheat. Cream. Broiled Oysters on Toast with Bacon. Lettuce. Baked Apples. Muffins. Sugared Doughnuts. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Bouillon. Radishes. Toasted Graham Wafers. Creamed Sweetbreads in Ramequins. Egg Sandwiches. Broiled English Mutton Chops. Peas. Potato Croquettes. Tomato Salad. Round Wafers. Cottage Cheese. Moulded Fruit Pudding. DINNER. Blue Points in Cream. Celery. Bread Sticka. Baked Fresh Salmon with Lemon Sauce. Sliced Cucumbers. French Dressing. Roast Wild Goose. Potato Dressing. Gravy. Escalloped Sweet Potatoes. Turnip Cups. Grape Jelly. Salted Pecans, Orange Salad in Orange Cases. Thin Wafers. Individual Apple Pies, with Whipped Cream. Biscuit Glace. Coffee. 41 Autumn Prot ems Club RECEIPTS. Broiled Oysters. Select very large oysters, place on squares of thin buttered toast, gprinklo with pepper and salt and put a very thin slice of bacon on top. Place on gas broiler and cook quickly. Doughnuts. Two eggs, one small tablespoon butter, one cup sugar, one cup milk, flour, two teaspoons baking powder and a little nutmeg. Mix butter and sugar, then the whole eggs; add milk, sprinkle with nutmeg, then a little flour with the baking powder and enough flour altogether to roll and cut Drop in hot lard. Creamed Sv%reet=breads. Cut boiled sweetbreads in small pieces, place in ramequins, sprinkle with salt and a little tobasco sauce and cover with cream sauce and fine bread crumbs. E,gg Sand'wiches. Boil eggs hard, chop; sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix with salad dressing. Spread on a crisp lettuce leaf and place between thin slices of white bread. Potato Croquettes. Mash boiled potatoes and season with one tablespoon butter, one-half cup of hot milk, two tablespoons rich cream, the beaten whites of two eggs, salt and pepper. Work into shape, roll in fine bread cinimbs and fry in hot lard, using a wire basket. Tomato Salad. Use whole tomatoes, cutting out a little from the top and filling with wal- nuts and celery, chopped very fine. Cover with Mayonnaise and serve on let* tuce with a spoonful of cottage cheese. Moulded Fruit Pudding. One-half box gelatine dissolved in one'half cup hot water, one cup sugar, one-half pint plain cream, one pint of whipped cream, one-half wine glass sherry, one-half wine glass brandy and fruit. Line a mould with thin slices of angel food, fill half or two-thirds full of candied cherries, pineapple, blanched almonds, marsh mallows and a few Maraschino cherries. Mix gelatine, sherry, and brandy together, add sugar, then plain cream, and the whipped cream last. Pour this over the fruit, cover the top with angel food and let harden. 42 Autumn Cook Book, Blue Points in Cream. Select very small oysters or Blue Points. Put one quart cream in double boiler, thicken a very little and when it reaches boiling point, add oysters, a small piece of butter and pepper and salt. Serve in bouillon cups. Koast Wild Goose. If young do not parboil. Fill with potato dressing and roast same as turkey. Potato Dressing. Mash boiled potatoes ; crumb bread and moisten with hot water. Use one- third potatoes to two-thirds bread, pepper and salt to taste, and one-half tea- spoon sage. Have in skillet some melted butter v/ith one onion cut fine. Cook a few minutes, then add potatoes, bread and seasoning. Mix thoroughly and cook five minutes, when it is ready to put in goose. Escalloped S'weet Potatoes. Cut in halves boiled or baked potatoes lengthwise. Put a layer of potatoes in baking dish, sprinkle with pepper and salt, one tablespoon sugar and cover with thin cream sauce, then another layer of potatoes. Fill dish this way, then pour one cup rich cream over all and bake. Orange Salad. Cut oranges crosswise and take out the inside. Fill with orange cut in small pieces and cover with a Mayonnaise, which is half whipped croam. Individual Apple Pies. These are made with one crust and baked in the individual tins and served with whipped cream. Have the apple filling very rich. Biscuit Glace. One pint whipped cream, yolks of six eggs beaten very light, and one-half cup powdered sugar. Beat all together lightly and flavor with one teaspoon vanilla. Pack and freeze without stirring. Serve with German preserved straw- berries and plain whipped cream. 43 Autumn Proteus Club MENU. Mrs. Hollis Rawson. BREAKFAST. Grapes. Cold Rice. Cream and Sugar. Creamed Oysters. Brown Potatoes. Toast. Coffee. Waffles. LUNCHEON. Steamed Salmon. French Fried Potatoes. Baking Powder Biscuit. Asparagus Salad — Mayonnaise. Wafers. Prune Whip, with Whipped Cream and Cake, DINNER. Tomato Soup. Roast Duck. Mashed Potatoes. Baked Celery. Stuffed Green Peppers. Currant Jelly. Lettuce and Chicory Salad. Cheese Balls. Wafers. Fig Pudding — Hard Sauce. Coffee. 44 A u t u m n Cook Book. re:ceipts. Creamed Oysters. Two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, one pint milk, one pint oysters, two eggs. Melt the butter, stir in the flour, then the milk ; when thick enough add the eggs, beaten light, then the oysters. Heat till edges of oysters curl, then serve. Waffles. One pint flour, one teaspoon salt, one quart sour milk, two tablespoons butter, five beaten eggs; saleratus enough to sweeten the milk. Bake in waf- fle irons. Steamed Salmon. One can salmon, four eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately ; four tabl^ spoons melted butter, half cup bread crumbs, a little parsley, dash of salt ; steam one hour. Sauce: Make a cream sauce of a little flour, one egg, juice of the salmon; just before serving add drop of lemon. Tomato Soup. Put into a stewpan one quart of tomatoes and one pint of cold water. In a frying pan put one tablespoon of buttetr ; when brown add one large onion cut fine; when the onion is colored, stir in one tablespoon flour. Add this to the toma- toes with one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, one salt-spoon pepper. Let boil slowly half an hour, strain and serva Baked Celery. Cut the celery fine and place on the stove with a little water. When done, drain off the water and make a cream, sauce of butter, flour and milk. Place the celery in a baking dish, pour the sauce over it, sprinkle cracker crumbs on top and bake fifteen minutes. Stuffed Green Peppers. Take the inside out of the peppers and soak them for several hours In cold water. Make a stuffing of bread crumbs, a little tomato, celery and salt and stuff the peppers and bake until they can be pierced readily. Fig Pudding. One cup seeded raisins, one cup chopped figs, one cup, chopped suet, ono cup sweet milk, two and a half cups flour, one and a half cups molasses, one level teaspoon soda, one-half teaspoon each of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg. Steam three hours and serve with hard sauce. 49 Winter Proteus Club MENU. Miss Elsie Macombeb. BREAKFAST. Cracked Wheat, with Cream. Lamb Cutlet, Capers, Tomato Sauce. Potato Croquettes. Hominy. Toast. Waflaies, with Maple Syrup. Grape-Fruit, with Rum. LUNCHEON. Bouillon. Wafers. Olives. Vol-au-vent of Oysters. Brown Bread and Butter. Breast of Chicken. Browned Potatoes. French Peas. Wine Jelly. Hot Biscuits. Lobster Salad — Mayonnaise. Wafers. Cheese Straws. Bavarian Cream. Pound Cake. Bonbons. Salted Almonds. Chocolate. DINNER. Amber Soup. Croutons. Olives. Boiled Salmon, Sauce Hollandaise. Boiled Potatoes. Cucumbers. Brown Bread and Butter. Tenderloin of Beef, Larded, Mushroom Sauce. Spiced Gooseberries. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Celery. Mangoes. Lettuce, French Dressing. Roquefort-Cheese. Wafers. Ice Cream, with Canton Ginger. Delicate and Fruit Cake. Raisins, Nuts. Black Coffee. 46 Winter Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Amber Soup. One small soup bone, six pounds juicy lean meat, one chicken, a slice of smoked ham (half the size of one's hand) ; make stock day before using. Cook vegetables in separate vessel. One large potato, one onion, one'eighth of small cabbage, one small carrot, six cloves, two bay leaves. Boil vegetables almost to pulp, strain liquor into stock, season with salt and pepper and serve. Boiled Salmon. Place fish on straiiner of large fish kettle, fill with cold water, well salted, and with tablespoon of vinegar in it, boil slowly (allowing quarter of an hour to each pound). Try with fork, when thoroughly done serve hot, garnish with parsley. Sauce HoUandaise. Mix in sauce pan over the fire one tablespoon of butter and one of flour, add gradually one and one^half cups of boiling water, stir into this the yolks of three eggs, one tablespoooi of lemon juice or vinegar, three tablespoons of olive oil. Potato Croquettes. Take the whites of two eggs well beaten, a tablespoon of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, two cups of cold mashed potatoes. Mix all together thoroughly, then make into small balls, dip them into the yolks of the eggs, roll in flour and fry in butter. Tenderloin of Beef, Larded. Buy a piece (about four pounds) of tenderloin steak, take out the bones, lard over the top with small larding needle, and season with salt and pepper. Lijie a baking dish with some pork skin, one sliced onion, one sliced carrot and half a bunch of parsley roots. Place the tenderloin on top and roast in a brisk oven foT thirty-five minutes, basting it occasionally with its o^vn juice. Dish it up, skim fat off gravy, strain it over meat and pour half a pint of good Madeira sauce over it ; serve hot. Bavarian Cream. Boil one pint of rich milk with four tablespoons of sugar and add one-half box of gelatine. While this is cooling, whip one pint of cream very stiff. When mixture is nearly cold, stir in the whipped cream and pour into moulds. Flavor with sherry. 47 Winter Prot4U$ Club MENU. Mrs. Jesse F. Stevensoit. BREAKFAST. Grape-Fruit. Lamb Chops. French Fried Potatoes. Buckwheat Cakes. Maple Syrup. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Pigs in a Blanket. Cheese Omelette. Entire Wheat Bread. Spiced Currants. Chocolate. DINNER. Clear Soup. Croutons. Tenderloin Roll. Baked Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Pickled Onions. Tomato Aspic, with Mayonnaise. Wafers. Apple Snow. Whipped Cream. Coffee. Crackers. Cheese. 48 Winter Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Buckwheat Cakes. Onequart buckwheat flour, two tablespoons whiteflour, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt. Makeup with one cake of compressed yeast into a stiff batter at night. Each morning take from this a portion, thin to pouring consistency with water and add a little soda. Each evening add more warm water, same amount of salt, sugar and white flour, and sufiicient buckwheat to make as stiff as can be stirred. Piga in a Blanket. Wrap large oysters in very thin slices of bacon, fasten with toothpicks, add pepper; fry. Cheese Omelette. One cup cracker crumbs, one cup milk, one cup grated cheese, three eggs — yolks and whites beaten separately — salt. Mix together, adding beaten whites of eggs last. Bake ten minutes in buttered dish. Tenderloin Roll. Split leng-thwise two' pork tenderloins and between them put bread dress- ing seasoned with sage. Wrap with twine and bake one hour. Serve hot or in thin slices cold. Corn Pudding. One can of com, salt, butter the size of a walnut, sweeten to taste, cover with milk to which has been added two well-beaten eggs. Bake as custard. Tomato Aspic. One can tomatoes, strained; one slice onion, a few bay leaves, stalks of celery, one teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon paprika. Let boil one minute. Add three-fourths box of gelatine soaked in one-half cup water. Stir until dissolved, adding juice of one lemon. Strain into cups to mould. A few English wal- nut meats may be placed in each cup if desired. Serve on lettuce leaf with Mayonnaise. Apple Snow. Bake six apples. Put these through the colander while warm. Sweeten to taste. Break into this the whites of two eggs and beat all with wire egg-beater until almost white. Serve cold with plain or whipped cream. 49 Winter Protgus Club MENU. Miss Nellie B. Young. BREAKFAST. Grape-Fruit. Cream of Wheat. Broiled Lamb Chops. Cream Potatoes. Whole Wheat Biscuit. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Oyster Cocktail. Sweet-bread Salad. Salted Wafers. Cold Tongue, with Potato Puffs. Brown Bread and Butter. Lemon Sponges. Sugar Cookies. Chocolate. DINNER. Blue Points. Consomme. Celery. Ginger Ice. Roast Leg of Lamb, Boned, Stuffed with Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. French Peas. Cauliflower. Hot Biscuit. Asparagus Salad. Cheese Straws. Nesselrode Pudding. French Chocolate Cake. Water Crackers. Edam Cheese. Coffee. 50 Winter C 00k Book. RECEIPTS. Crea.m Potatoes. From cold boiled potatoes make four cups of diced potatoes, salt and pepper. Heat one pint of cream to boiling point, thicken with a tablespoon of flour mixed with cold cream. Turn in the diced potatoes and heat slowly. Whole Wheat Biscuit. Into one pint of whole wheat flour put one-half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking powder. Sift together and work through two tablespoons of butter. Add from one^half to three-fourths cup of sweet milk and mix with a spoon. Turn out on moulding board, press it all together, roll out, cut in small biscuit and bake in quick oven. Kinsley's Bk.eceipt for Coffee. Three pints of boiling water, one-fourth pound best ground coffee, one egg. Break the egg into the dry coffee, stir together until the coffee has entirely absorbed the egg, then put into the boiling water and let it boil five minutes. Strain through a flannel into a China or porcelain coffee pot and it is ready to serve. Oyster Cocktail. Put six small o2;sters in. a cocktail glass, add one tablespoon each of tomato catsup. Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, horse radish and shaved ice ; half teaspoon salt and two dashes of tobasco' sauce. S'weet=bread Salad. Take two sweet breads and boil one-half hour in salt water ; cool and cut or chop in small pieces. One cup of small sweet pickles, sliced thin, one cup of cold pickled beets, chopped; one cup of French peas, drained; one cup of chopped celery. Mix together and cover with salad dressing. Salad Dressing. Yolks of seven eggs, three tablespoons olive oil, one-half cup vinegar, one- half cup melted butter, juice of one lemon, two teaspoons (level) salt, one- halJ teaspoon white pepper, four tablespoons powdered sugar, one-eighth teaspoonful red pepper, one and one-half teaspoons mustard, one cup or more of whipped cream. Beat the eggs until thick and light colored, then add alternately a few drops at a time of nil nri.d then vinegar; then the lemon juice 51 Winter P r ot tu s Club and butter in the same manner and cook until the spoon is coated. After sift- ing seasonings add to the mixture and when cold add the whipped cream. Potato Puffs. Prepare the potatoes as for mashed potato-. While hot, shape in balls about the size of an e^g. Have a tin sheet well buttered and place the balls on it. As soon as all are done brush over with beaten egg. Brown in the oven. When done, slip a knife under them and slide tliem upon a hot platter. Garnish •with parsley and serve immediately. Lemon Sponge. The juice of four lemons, four eggs, one cup sugar, half a package of gelatine, one pint of cold water. Soak the gelatine two hours in half a cup of the water. Squeeze the lemons and strain on the sugar. Beat the yolks of the eggs and mix them with the remainder of the water. Add the sugar and^ lemon to this, and cook in the double boiler until it begins to thicken; then add the gelatine. Strain this mixture into a tin basin placed in a pan of ice water. Beat with the whisk occasionally until it has cooled but not hardened. Now add the unbeaten whites of the eggg, and beat constantly until the mixture begins to thicken. Let it thicken almost to the point where it cannot be poured and then turn into a mould and set away to harden. Remember the whites of the eggs must be added as soon as the mixture cools, which should be in about six or eight minutes, and that the mixture must be beaten until it begins to harden. The hardening is rapid after it once begins, so have the moulds ready. Serve >vith powdered sugar and cream. Sugar Cookies. Two and a half cups flour, one-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one t^g, one- fourth cup soair milk, one teaspoon baking po-wtier. Ginger Ice. One teaspoon gelatine, one cup sugar, juice of four lemons, juice of two oranges, one and one-half cups cold water, one half cup boiling water; soak one teaspoon gelatine in one and a half cups cold water five minutes, add one- half cup boilinsf water and when dissolved, add one cup sugar, one cup cold water, and the orange juice; when sugar is dissolved, strain and freeze. When half frozen add two tablespoons of chopped candied ginger. 52 Winter Cook Book. Roast Leg of Lamb Boned, and Stuffed ^wiih Chicken. Have tlie butclier take the bone out of the leg of lamb. Fill with cooked ohicken, chopped and seasoned. Roast. Asparagus Salad. Make bed of crisped lettuce and take canned white asparagus tips and lay on lettuce. Cover with Mayonnaise dressing. Nesselrode Pudding. One pint of large chestnuts, one pint of cream, one pint of water, yolks of six eggs, one pound of sugar, one-half pint of grated pineapple, one pound of mixed French candied fruit. Boil the chest- nuts until tender, remove the shells and the brown skins; press the pulp through a colander. Boil the sugar and water together for five minutes; beat the yolks of the eggs together until light, add them to the boiling syrup, take from the fire, and beat continuously until thick and cool. When cold add the candied fruit, chopped very fine, a tablespoon of vanilla, the pineapple and the chestnuts. Turn into tlie freezer and freeze. When frozen, remove vhe dasher and stir in the cream whipped to a stiff froth. French Chocolate Cake. The whites of seven eggs, two cups of sugar, two-thirds cup of butter, one cup of milk, three cups of flour, three teaspoons of baking powder. The chocolate part of the cake is made the same as the above, only use the yolks of the eggs and one cup grated chocolate ; bake it in layers, and spread a custard between them which is made witb two eggs, one pint of milk, one-half cup sugar, one table- spoon of oomstarch, and one teaspoon of vanilla. 53 Winter Pro teas Club. MENU. Miss Ruth Gordon Gatch, BREAKFAST. Cream of Wheat, with Cream and Sugar. Bacon. Omelette. Baking Powder Biscuit. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Salmon Loaf. Catsup Sauce. Warm Rolls. Plum Jelly. Cocoa. Nut Cookies. DINNER. Creamed Chicken Broth. Roast Lamb. Mint Sauce. Escalloped Rice and Cheese. Peas. Chopped Pickles. Lettuce, wtth French Dressing. Wafers. Meringues. Coffee. S4 Winter Cook Book. REICEIPTS. Omelette. Beat yolks and whites of eggs separately, add one tablespoon of milk for each egg, salt and pepper and a little cornstarch (about one-half teaspoon to six eggs). Cook slowly until well raised, then brown quickly. Salmon Loaf. Four eggs beaten light, one can salmon, four tablespoons melted butter, one-half cup of fine bread crumbs ; salt, pepper, celery salt. Chop salmon fine, add melted butter, and beat to a light, smooth paste. Put the bread in the beaten eggs, add seasoning and turn into the salmon paste. Steam one and one-half hours. Sauce for Salmon Loaf. Make a cream sauce of one cup of milk, one tablespoon of flour, one table- spoon of butter, add to this one tablespoon of salmon liquor, and one tablespoon of tomato catsup. Nut Cookies. Us© any good crisp cookie receipt, roll very thin and sprinkle with chopped nuts and sugar before cutting. Escalloped R.ice and Cheese. For two cups of boiled rice, make one cup of cream sauce. Put a layen of cold rice in baking dish, cover with cream sauce and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese. Repeat until dish is full, covering the last layer with fine bread crumbs and a little butter. Meringues. Beat whites of nine eggs stiff, add two cups granulated sugar, stirred in without beating. Have a hard wood board the size of your oven and cover it with writing paper. Drop spoonfuls of the meringue on this board, making from twenty-five to thirty. Bake one and one-half hours in a very slow oven. Take each one from board with a sharp knife and smooth back the inside from the bottom while warm. Let cool. Fill with whipped cream or bisque ice cream just before serving, putting two together. 5S Winter Proteus Club MENU. Miss Mabel Witmeb. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Soft Eggs In Shell. Thin Broiled Ham. Hashed Brown Potatoes. Toast. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Egg Plant on Toast. Baking Powder Biscuits. Gooseberry Preserves. Lettuce. French Dressing. Whole Wheat Bread, with Cheese. Tea. DINNER. Oyster Cocktail. Puree of Pea Soup. Olives. Broiled Chicken. Baked Mashed Potatoes. Cranberry Jelly. Celery. Apple Tapioca Pudding, with Whipped Cream. Coffee. 56 Winter Cook Book. RECELIPTS. Soft Eggs in Shell. Allow the eggs to simmer in water just below the boiling point (or about 180 degrees) for ten minutes. Egg Plant on Toast Slice the egg plant very thin, roll in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in browned butter. Season and serve on toast. French Dressing. One teaspoon of salt, one salt spoon of pepper with a little cayenne pepper, one-half saltspoon of mustard, six tablespoons of oil, two tablespoons of vinegar, a small piece of garlick, and a piece of ice the size of an egg. Rub the bowl well with garlick. Mix the dry ingredients, adding the oil gradually, and then add vinegar. Stir at least five minutes with the ice until cold and smooth. Puree of Pea Soup. Boil two pints of peas in two quarts of water. When quite soft, mash through a colander; return the pulp to the water and add one quart of ham stock ; thicken with a tablespoon of flour in half a cup of cream or a little butter. Season with paprika, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. Broiled Chicken. Cut the chicken open down the back and spread it out as flat as possible on the broiler. E-ub with a little melted butter, and cook about half an hour or until thoroughly cooked. Chop fine the liver, gizzard and heart and boil in two cups of water until tender. Make a sauce of two tablespoons of melted butter and two tablespoons of flour cooked together until bro^vn ; add one cup of cream, stir- ring until smooth. Put into the giblets and the water in which they were boiled and season. Put salt and a little pepper over the chicken when done, and serve in the sauce. Apple Tapioca, Pare, core and cut in half, six tart apples. On each piece drop a teaspoon of gugar, small lump of butter and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Pour one quart of water over one-half cut of instantaneous tapioca ; season with salt. Pour this over the apples in a pudding dish, and bake until apples are soft. Serve when slightly warm, with whipped cream. 57 Thanhsgiving Proteus Club Thanksgiving Dinner. MENU. Miss Anna Henry. Oysters on Half Shell. Smelts, with Mayonnaise Dressing. Baked Turkey — Oyster Dressing. Gravy. Baked Squash. Mashed Potatoes. Fried Parsnips. Lettuce Salad — French Dressing. Plum Pudding. Pumpkin Pie. Nuts. Raisins. Cheese. Crackers. Coffee. rece:ipts. Smelts. Fried with heads on, same as brook trout. Beat an egg, roll fish in it, then in bread crumbs. Fry in hot drippings (or half lard and half butter) a delicate brown ; garnish with cress or parsley. Mayonnaise Dressing. Yolks of two eggs. Place the bowl in a pan filled with small lumps of ice, to chill. Two tablespoons of best olive oil to each egg', drop' oil in by degrees, stirring constantly, until two tablespoons have been used ; the other two may be dropped faster. When oil is thoroughly mixed, or has the appearance of jelly, put in one teaspoon of salt, half of paprika, and half of mustard. Squeeze in portion of juica of a lemon for flavor. If too thick, thin it with very rfch cream. Oyster Turkey Dressing. Cut brown crust from slices of one loaf stale bread, half can of oyster juice to soften, or rich milk, and half cup of melted butter. Mix well with fingers; add a teaspoon of salt, same or less of powdered summer savory, a bit of sage, then mix in oysters. Use a whole can if desired, but half will do for eight- pound turkey. 58 Thanksgiving Cook B 09 k . Baked Winter Squash. Cut the squash, take out seeds, and without paring cut into large pieces j put in a pan, place) in a moderately hot oven, and bake an hour. When done, peel and mash like mashed potatoes, or ser\'e the pieces on a hot dish, to be eaten warm with butter, like sweet potatoes. Retains sweetness better this way tham when boiled. Fried Parsnips. Boil tender in little hot water, salted ; scrape, cut into long slices, dredge with flour ; fry in hot lard or drippings, or in butter and lard mixed ; fry decid- edly brown. Drain off fat and serve. Lettuce Salad, French Dressing. Lettuce washed and dried with soft towel. Dressing — Mix one saltspoon of pepper with one of salt, a pinch of sugar, add three tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon vinegar. When well mixed, pour over lettuce and serve. PumpKin Pie. One quart stewed pumpkin, nine eggs (whites and yolks beaten separ- ately), two quarts milk, one teaspoon mace, one teaspoon cinnamon, same of nutmeg, one and one-half cups white sugar, or very light brown sugar. Beat all together thoroughly and bake in crust without cover. Baked Plum Pudding. One and one^fourth pounds flour, one pound seeded raisins, cut in two and dredge with flour; one-half pound suet, freed from strings and powdered, one cup sugar, two ounces citron shredded fine, five eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately ; nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, teaspoon of each ; milk to make a thick batter of the flour. Begin with two cups, add more if necessary. Pudding Sauce. Yolks of four eggs, whipped light, one lemon (juice) and half of grated peel, one glass of wine (best obtainable), one teaspoon cinnamon, one cup sugar, one tablespoon butter. Rub butter into sugar, add yolks, lemon and spice. Beat ten minutes and put in wine, still stirring hard. Put in sanceT>an of boiling water and beat while it heats, but do not let boil. Pour over the pudding. Christmas New Year Protgus Club Christmas Dinner. MENU. Mbs. Habby Polk. Cream of Celery. Planked Fish. Macaroni, with Cheese. Olives. Roast Turkey, with Oyster Gravy. Feather Potatoes. Creamed Cauliflower. Escalloped Oysters. Cranberry Sauce. Creme de Menthe Ice. Celery. Asparagus Salad. Wafers. Plum Pudding, with Hard Sauce. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. New Year's Dinner. MENU. Miss Mabel Bowen. Consomme! Olives. Bread Sticks. Fried Oysters. Celery Salad. Brown-Bread Cheese Sandwiches. Belgian Hare. Currant Jelly. Baked Sweet Potatoes in the Half Shell. Bread and Butter. Stewed Tomatoes. Pistachio Mousse. Fruit Cake. Small Cakes. Preserved Ginger. Nuts. Coffee. 60 f4 e -w Year Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Fried Oysters. Wash and drain tlie oysters; season with salt and pepper. Roll in fine oracker crumbs, in egg and in crumbs again. Fry in deep hot fat, about one minute. Drain on soft brown paper and serve hot. Celery Sa.lad. Make a lemon jelly using juice of three lemons, onet-half box of Cbioper*8 gelatine, soaked in one cup of cold water. Add two cups sugar and two cups boiling water. Strain and oool. When nearly cold add diced celery and pour into individual moulds to harden. Serve on lettuce leaves or the celery top3 with horseradish dressing. Horse Radish Dressing. One pint of whipped cream, one^-half cup prepared horseradish and juice of half a lemonu Bro'wn Bread Cheese Sandw^iches. Use brown or graham bread ; spread with butter, then with grated cheese. Place in hot oven until the cheese begins to melt. Serve while fresh. Roast Belgian Hare. Make a dressing of fine bread crumbs, part graham is best. Add to the crumbs a small lump of fresh butter, a little dry sage and moisten well with tepid water, stirring well as you add it. Do not put in too much water ; have the dressing light and flaky, not w^et and heavy. The large and delicious liver of the hare, having been thoroughly steamed, can b© chopped into bits and put into the stuffing. Fill the hare, leaving plenty of room for the dressing to swell ; sew up, put the hare into a dripping pan, add a cup of boiling water and roast as slow as possible during the first half hour. Baste every fifteen or twenty minutes, turning as needed, and if any part browns too fast cover it with a cloth, wet in warm water. Koast from one to two hours ; test with a fork to ascertain when done, remove from pan and make gravy; drain the grease all off, and set the pan on the stove, thicken with browned flour, wet with milk, and boil up a moment. A few tablespoons of claret adds a gaminess to the dish. 61 N e ^v Year Proteus Club Mashed 6^veet Potatoes in the Half Shell Cut baked sweet potatoes in kalves lengthwise. Remove tlie pulp from the skins and rice it. Season with, salt, butter and cream. Beat until smooth. Then refill the skins, putting the mixture in very lightly. Dust the tops with powdered sugar and reheat before serving. Pistachio Mousse. Sweeten and flavor with extract of pis.tachio, a pint of whipped cream. Color green with Burnett's vegetable coloring. Pack in a mould, having a tight cover. Place in a pail of chipped ice and salt and let stand three or four hours. 62 £« a s t e r Cook Book. Easter BreaKfast. MENU. Mrs. George Gilbeet. Oranges. Iced Vitos. Moulded in Egg Shells, Lobster Eggs in Potato Nest. Fried Chicken. Cream Gravy. Hot Biscuit. Hominy. Water-cress. Wafers. Omelette, with Mushrooms. Waffles. Maple Syrup. Coffee. RECEIPTS. Iced Vitos, Ctip of vitos in a quart of boiling water, with a pincli of salt. Cook till very thick ; pour into the egg shell, set away until cold ; peel o5 the shell, serve iced vitos with sugar and cream. Lobster Eggs. Made the same way as for chops only mould in shape of eggs. Potato Nest. Pare the potatoes, boil and ran through potato squeezer, leave in that form, then line the sides and bottom of largest size fiying basket with the potatoes ; then set inside a smaller frying basket (empty), then fry the potatoes a golden brown. When done take out the empty inner basket and carefully remove the nest from large basket and set in warm place; then place lobster eggs in the nest and serve hot, giving a piece of the nest and an egg to each one. Fried ChicKen. As the chicken in the spring is apt to be a little more tough than tender, it is better to steam the fowl until tender, then frying in hot butter and lard. 63 Chaf ing.'Dis h Proteus Club Chafing'^Dish Luncheons. MENU. Mks. John Getchell. Oyster Stew, Creamed Chicken, with Mushrooms. Peas, with Drawn Butter. Grilled Sweet Potatoes. Lettuce Salad French Dressing. Coffee Jelly, with Whipped Cream. Coffee. RECEIPTS. Oyster Stew. To three pints of sweet milk add the liquor of the oysters. When this comes to a hoil, add oysters, one large tablespoon of butter, pepper and salt. Serve as soon as hot, with toasted bread cut in small dice. Creamed ChicKen a.nd Mushrooms. A large tablespoon of butter stirred intoi a heaping teaspoon of flour. Before it browns add one cup of milk, pepper and salt. Stir until smooth and hot, then add one cup of cold chicken and one-half cup of mushrooms. Simmei a minute and serve very hot. Grilled Sweet Potatoes. Cut cold boiled sweet potatoics in large thin' slices and brown on each side in butter on the hot pan over the open flame. Coffee Jelly. Soak one package of gelatine in one cup of cold water for two minutea, then add two pints of strong boiling coffee and two cups of sugar; strain into a mould and set away to harden. Serve with whipped cream. 64 Chaf in g-Dish Cook Book. ME,NU. Miss Maude Habbach, Blue Points Served in Ice Cups. Horseradish. Tomato BisQue Soup. Breadsticks. Creamed Chicken Livers in Croustades. Mushroom Sauce. Broiled Lamb Chops. Mint Jelly. Peas. Parisienne Potatoes.. Bread and Butter. Bird's Nest Salad. Wafers. Fruit Ice. Cake. Coffee. RILCEIPTS. Tomato Bisque Soup. One-half can tomatoes, one quart oi milk, two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon cornstarcli, one teaspoon of salt, one-half saltspoon of pepper, one saltspoon of soda and a dash of cayenne. Stew tomatoes very soft and put through a fine sieve ; pour into a granite saucepan and add soda. When it has ceased foaming add butter, a little at a time, then put in the salt, pepper and cayenne. Put milk into' double boiler and stir in cornstarch which has been mixed in a little cold milk, until smooth. Let this scald for ten minutes, or long enough to cook the starch, then pour milk into the tomatoes. Beat well. Reheat in chafing dish when ready to serve. Creamed ChicKen Livers. Place in chafing dish one pint of chicken consomme'. Have ready creamed two round tablespoons of flour and two level tablespoons of butter. Add this to the stock, and when hot add the livers and mushrooms, which have been 'boiled. Serve in croustades. Croustadea. These may be cut from round baker's bread by using two sizes of biscuit cutters, leaving a box with sides and bottom one-half inch in thickness and about two inches high. These are to be toasted. 65 Chaf ing-Dish Proteus Club Lamb Chops. These can be brofled in tiie chafing dish, serving two on a slice of toast and garnishing with the mint jelly and lemon. Mint Jelly. Boil a pint of spearmint leaves in a pint of water until it tastes strong of the mjint, then add the juice of one lemon and a pinch of sugar and salt. Soak one box of gelatine in a cup of cold water and add a pint of boiling water. Mix all together and set away to harden. This can be put in small moulds or in one large one. Birds Nest Salad. Mix a little green fruit coloring paste into cream cheese and mould into small balls. Place these on little nests of shredded lettuce which have been seasoned with French dressing. MENU. Miss Ruth Gbefe. Oyster a la Newburg. Potatoes Lyonnaise. Deviled Almonds. Bread and Butter. Macaroon Pudding. Chocolate. RECEIPTS. Oysters a la New^burg. One quart of oysters, one-fourth cup of butter, one-half teaspoon salt, a few grains of cayenne, a little grated nutmeg, one tablespoon of sherry, one tablespoon of brandy, one-half cup of thin cream and yolks of two eggs. Melt butter, add oysters and cook until the edges curl, then put in the seasonings and wine and cook one minute. Add the cream and yolks slightly beaten. Stir imtil thickened. Serve with toast or puff paste points. Potatoes Lyonnaise. First fry a tablespoon of minced onion in a little butter until the butter has obained the onion flavor. Remove the onion and put in potatoes cut into dice. Fry until they assfume a golden brown color, when they are ready to serve. 66 C haf ing-Diah Cook Book. Deviled Almonds. Two ounces of blanclied and shredded Jordan almonds, butter, one table- spoon of Cbutney sauce, two tablespoons of chopped pickles, one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, one-fourth teaspoon salt and a few grains of cayenne Fry almonds in butter until well browned. Mix remaining ingredients, pour over the nuts and serve as soon as the whole is well heated. Macaroon Pudding. Sixteen macaroons, three eggs, four and one-half tablespoons sugar, one- fourth teaspoon salt, one cup milk, one cup cream, two tablespoons blanched and chopped almonds, and four finely powdei-ed macaroons. Soak the whole macaroons in sherry for ten minutes. Beat eggs until creamy, add sugar, salt, milk and cream and beat again ; then add almonds, one-fourth tablespoon flav- oring and the powdered macaroons. Turn into chafing dish, arrange soaked macaroons on top and cook over water for thirty minutes. MENU. Mbs. Wiluam Pabkeb Chase. Escalloped Oysters. Hot Buttered Wafers. Pickles. Olives. Peanut Salad. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Chocolate. RECE.IPTS. Escalloped Oysters. One quart of oysters, two tablespoons of butter, one cup of cream, one- half cup of cracker crumbs, pepper and salt. Put the butter and cream in the chafing-dish. Strain oysters and put them in layers sprinkled freely with cracker crumbs, and pepper and salt to taste. Cover and cook from five to ten minutes. Peanut Salad. One stalk of celery cut very fine, three-fourths of a cup of chopped pea- nuts, three apples chopped fine and one-half cup of salad dressing. Mix celery, apples amd nuts together and sprinkle with a little salt ; then add the dressing. Serve on shredded lettuce, or in a nest of water-cress. 67 Parties Proteus Club Afternoon or Evening Parties. MENU. Miss Helen Howell. Sweet-bread and Mushroom Salad. Mango Pickles. Creme de Menthe. Jelly. Cafe Parfait, Served with Algretti's Coffee or Chocolate. RECEIPTS. S'vireetobread and Mushroom Salad. Take sweet-breads, which have been boiled until tender, and cut quite fine, and to each pint of sweet-breads add one-half pint of mushrooms. Mix thor- oughly with Mayonnaise dressing and serve on crisp lettuce. Cucumber Sand-wiches. Soak cucumbers in vinegar for a few hours to remove acid. Cut in small dice and add a tiny piece of onion, some salt, pepper and tobasco and vinegar, if desired (some prefer milk). Cut bread in long oval pieces, spread with a little butter, put the prepared cucumber on a piece of lettuce (being careful to remove all liquid), and place between the bread. Tie each sandwich with a green ribbon, placing under the ribbon a small green leaf or a sprig of Sweet Alyssum. Creme de Menthe Jelly. Place in bottom of individual moulds a few green grapes cut in half and •eeded. Make an ordinary gelatine, flavored highly with creme de menthe and pour over this. In making one large mould a whole bunch of grapes jellied in the center is effective. Cafe' Parfait. This is coffee ice cream with rich chocolate syrup poured over it and the whole covered with whipped cream. It should be served in champagne glasses. On the plate put two or three allegretti's and a rose or sprig of mignonetta 68 Parties Cook Book. MENU. Mrs. Cbayke Priestley. Turkey Salad. Cranberry Ice. Nut Sandwiches. Brandy Jelly. Whipped Cream. Coffee. Small Cakes. RCCELIPTS. TurKey Salad, Dice tlie white meat of cooked turkey; cut fine tke tender white parta of celery, which have been placed in cold water for a few minutes. To every pint of turkey allow two^thirds of a pint of celery and one and one-half cups of Mayonnaise dressing. Dry the celery, mix with the turkey and dust with salt, white pepper or cayenne, then add the dressing. Serve very cold and garnish with celery tips. Cranberry Ice. Cook one quart cranberries until soft. Rub through a sieve, add the juice of two lemons, and about a pint and a half of thick syrup and freeze. Serve m champagne glasses, when salad is served. Nut Sandwiches. Cut thin slices of white bread and butter them. Chop some nuts quite fine, shred the lettuce and mix all together with the Mayonnaise and spread this between the buttered slices of bread. Mayonaise Dressing. Put the uncooked volks of two eggs into a deep cold dish, heat well about one minute; then add one-half teaspoon of salt, a dash of cayenne and on^half teaspoon of mustard. Work these well together then add, drop by ^^^VJ^^^ half pint or more of olive oil. Stir rapidly and steadily while adding the oiL Do not reverse the motion or it may curdle. After adding one gill of oil, alter- nate with a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar Start with three eg^s ^v^en making} a quart of dressing. It may also bo varied by addmg whipped cream and one-half teaspoon of onion juice. 69 Parties Proteus Club Brandy Jelly. One box of gelatine, one pound of sugar, the juice of two lemons, juice of two oranges, one-half pint of sherry, one gill of brandy, one-half pint of cold water and one quart of boiling! water. Put gelatine in cold water one hour, then add sugar and boiling water and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add lemon and orange juice and the sherry and brandy. Strain through flannel jelly bag and) stand away to harden. If desired, cherries or other fruit may be put in. MENU. Mb3, Henby Wiixiam Menmo. Water-cresa Salad. Egg Sandwiches. Olives. Cheese Balls. Tea. Chocolate. Chocolate Wafers. Marguerites. English Walnut Glace • Bonbons. RECEIPTS. Waterscress Salad. Make tart lemon jelly ; color slightly with leaf green mould in ramequins with a spray of water-cress in center. Chop nuts, celery and bits of red radishes and mix in Mayonnaise dressing. Serve on shredded lettuce, with Mayonnaise mixture around the mould. Marguerites. For one box salt wafers ; two cups granulated sugar, boil till it threads ; turn into the beaten whites of two eggs, add a cup of chopped blanched almonds J flavor with vanilla. Spread on wafers and brown lightly in quick oven. MENU. Miss Nettie Wymax. Shrimp Salad. Cheese Balls. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Cream in Cases. Chocolate, with Whipped Cream. Frosted Wafers. 70 Parties Cook Book. RECEIPTS. Shrimp Salad. Skin the shrimps and to every pint mix one-half pint of tender celery cut fine and a few lettuce leaves chopped, using the white head lettuce. Mix with salad dressing and serve on. lettuce leaves. Cheese Balls. To one-half pound of American cheese grated, add one-half cup of fresh bread broken into tiny crumbs, and two eggs beaten very light, one-half teaspoon of salt and a little pepper. Make into balls and roll these in beaten eggs, and then in more bread crumbs and drop into hot lard until light brown. Frosted Wafers. C^bver small square salted wafers with frosting, and sprinkle with nuts, and candied cherries cut fine. Bro%vn in the oven. MENU. Mrs. Lial C. Sutherland. Chicken Salad, with Garnishing of Shredded Lettuce. Cheese Straws. Thin Bread and Butter. Coffee. Sweet Sandwiches. Peach Ice, with Whipped Cream. Fancy Cake. Bonbons. RECEIPTS. Chicken Salad. Dice cold cooked chicken; take one part oil and three of vinegar, with pepper and salt to taste, stir this into the chicken and let stand two hours. Drain off any of the liquid, which has not been absorbed. Take tender stalks of celery and cut them into small pieces. Use two-thirds as much celery as chicken. Keep the chicken in a cold place until ready to serve, then add the celery, some chopped olives (and nasturtium seed pickles, if desired). Add lightly a little Mayonnaise dressing. Serve on shredded lettuce in the center of the plates and around it build a little "pen" of cheese straws by laying them one over the other. 71 Parties Proteus Club S'weet Sand'wiches. These sandwiches are made of "Bunds," which is made in the following manner: The ingredients, three cups of milk, three eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, three level tablespoons of butter, one teaspoon of salt and one cake of compi^ssed jeast. Scald the millc in a double boiler. Add the eggs well beaten, then the sugar and salt. Turn this into an earthen bowl. When lukpwann, add the jeast, which has been dissolved in lukewarm water. Add enough flour to make it the consistency of "poor batter." Beat fifteen minutes ; let it rise. When light, add enough more flour to make it thick enough to knead; knead from twenty to thirty minutes. Set it to rise in a well buttered bowl, also butter the top of the dough. When light this time knead in the but- ter and work it into loaves. Set to rise in bread pans for about an hour ; bake. Brush the top of the loaves with sweet milk. To make the sandwiches, cut bread in any desired shape and spread thinly wath butter, then with scraped banana. On this spread a layer of candied fruits. Cut the fruits, do not chop them, and lay on parafiie paper until ready to be used. In this way the fill- in can be prepared a week before the party if desired. If preferred, a filling of candied cherries and nuts can be used. Peach Ice with Whipped Cream. Take canned peaches, rub them through a seive, then add lemon juice iu the proportion of one lemon tO' a quart of fruit. Dissolve one teaspoon of gela- tine in warm water to one quart of fruit. Add a small quantity of red fniit- coloring paste, just enough to give a pink color to the ice. Make a syrup of sugar and water, add to the peaches and freeze. Sweeten the cream with powdered sugar, flavor; whip and pack in ice for four hours. It. should be only partly frozen. Serve the ice in sherbet cups with the whipped cream heaped on top. MENU. Miss Bonnie Marshall. Creamed Oysters in Cases. Olives. Orange Jelly. Chestnut Salad. Cheese Wafers. Almonds. Ice Cream. Cake. Coffee. 72 Pa r ties Cook Book. RECE^IPTS. Creamed Oysters. Heat a quart of oysters to boiling point. Drain and make a sauce witih oyster liquor, cream, flour, butter, salt and pepper; add the oysters. Cut the stems from red or green peppers, being careful not to cut through the skin, then cut the tops and remove seeds. Turn the oysters into these cases, sprinkle with buttered cracker crumbs and brown in hot oven. Ramequins may be used instead of the peppers. Chestnut Salad. Pare the chestnuts and cut in quarters. Then cut two-thirds as much celery quite fine and mix with the chestnuts. This should be served with Mayonnaise dressing and garnished with lettuce. Cheese Wafers. Take small round salted wafers and sprinkle freely with grated New York cream cheese and brown in the oven. Orange Jelly. One box of gelatine covered in a pint of cold water for twenty minutes. Pour over this one quart of boiling water ; add one pint of sugar and the juice of three oranges and two lemons. Stand in a cold place to harden. White Cake. Two cups of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one cup of milk, three cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder and the whites of eight eggs. Bake in a loaf or in layers and use plain boiled icing. Chocolate CaKe. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two eggs, one-half cup cold water or milk, one-half cup of chocolate dissolved in one-half cup of boiling water, a small teaspoon of cream tartar mixed into one and three-fourths cups of flour and one-half teaspoon of soda in hot water. Cteam, butter and sugar together, add the yolks of the eggs, the milk or water with the soda stirred in, then the chocolate and flour and lastly, the whites of the eggs well beaten. Bake in layer tins and cover with boiled icing. Boiled Icing. One cup of sugar, five tablespoons of water. Boil until it threads from the spoon, then pour gradually into the beaten white of one egg and beat until creamy. Flavor with one teaspoon of vanilla. 73 Golf Prottmt Club Golf Functions. Menu for a Golf Supper. Miss Loxtise Elbebt. Oyster Soup. Crakers. Celery. Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms. Lettuce and Egg Salad. Cream Cheese and Nut Sandwiches. Sherried Bananas. Macaroons. Black Coffee. RE,CEIPTS. Oyster Soup. One tablespoon butter, one scant tablespoon flour, one quart rich milk, one quart oysters, one pint whipped cream. Melt butter, mix smooth, with flour; add milk, stirring slowly until it thickens, then the oysters. Cook until edges of oysters ourl. Take from fire and add whipped cream. Season to taste. Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms. One large chicken, one pound fresh mushrooms, or one can, one tablespoo(ni butter, one tablespoon flour, one quart stock (saved from boiling chicken), on© pint of cream. Boil chicken until tender, cut into dice, also dice mushrooms. Melt the butter, mix smooth with the flour, add stock and cream, stirring until thickened, then the chicken and mushrooms. Season to taste. Cook until mush- rooms are tender. Lettuce and Egg Salad. Fresh head lettuce. As many eggs as people. Boil eggs hard, peel, cu^ in half, remove yolks. Mash yolks into a smooth paste, adding olive oil, must- ard, vinegar, salt and pepper. Put back into the whites, arrange on lettuce and cover with French dressing. Cream Cheese and Nut Sandw^iches. Take thinly cut and buttered bread and spread with any cream cheeee, mixed with finely chopped nuts. 74 Golf Cook Book, Sherried Bananas. Arrange in a dish a layer of thinly sliced bananas, cover with sugar, wet with sherry, cover with whipped cream. Repeat until dish is filled. Menu for a Golf Supper. Mrs. Richard Russell Rollins. Tomato Soup. Hot Crackers. Porterhouse Steak. Mushroom Sauce. Baked Stuffed Potatoes. Vegetables. Coffee. Hot Biscuits. Fruit Gelatine. Cake. Tomato Soup. re,ce:ipts. Tomato Soup. To one quart tomatoes, add two quarts water, boil fifteen minutes, drop in carefully enough soda to neutralize the acidity (usually a small teaspoon to one quart tomatoes). Strain through a colander, add one quart rich milk, boiled in double boiler. Stir in eight finely powdered crackers, butter, pepper, salt and allow to boil up. Mushroom Sauce. One can French mushrooms, two cups stock, two tablespoons flour, four tablespoons butter, salt and pepper. Melt butter, add flour, stir until very dark brown ; gradually add stock ; when boiling add liquor from mushrooms. Season and simmer twenty minutes. Skim fat that rises; add mushrooms, simmer five minutes. Stuffed BaKed Potatoes. Remove mealy part of baked Irish potatoes, mash, season with butter, salt, pepper, add enough cream to beat light. Return to the shells; bake until browned. 75 Golf Proteus Club Menu for a Golf Tea. Mbs. Nathan Emery Coffin, Hot Bouillon. Manhattan Salad. Ham Sandwiches. Date Sandwiches. Olives. Almond Bonbons. Meringue Glace. Coffee. re:ci:ipts. Hot Bouillon. Two and one-half pounds lean beef, one pound bones, two quarts cold water, one tablespoon each, of celery, carrots, and turnipsj cut into dice ; one teaspoon salt, four peppercorns, one-half bay leaf, spa'ig parsley, two table- spoons sheiry, one teaspoon caramel or one lump sugar. Cut beef into inch pieces, brown slightly with, small onion stuck with three cloves and sauted in one tablespoon of butter, add bones and water, simmer four hours; then add celery, carrots, turnips, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and parsley, and simmer one hour. Strain through wet cloth, and clear when cold. Serve hot, adding sherry and caramel just before removing from fire. Enough for six persons. Manhattan Salad. One cup each diced chicken, celery and apple. Marinate one-half hour in lemon juice, oil salt and pepper. Serve on shredded lettuce leaves, with May- onnaise cream dressing, and garnish with walnut meats and graperfruit, cut into small pieces. Ham Sandwiches. Spread thin slices of buttered white bread with the following mixture: One-half cup each of cooked ham and veal finely chopj>ed and mixed thoroughly^ with one teaspoon vinegar, two drops tobasco sauce, one-half teaspoon mustard, one teaspoon horseradish, one teaspoon tomato catsup and one tablespoon Mayon- naise dressing. 76 Golf Cook Book. Date Sandw^iches. Spread thin slices of buttered entire wheat bread with following: 0ne7 half cup each dates and English walnuts, chopped fine and mixed with one-half cup cream. Almond Bonbons. Cover almonds with boiling water, remove skins, and brown the almonds in a sjnip, made of one cup brown sugar, to one-quarter cup water. Meringues Glace . Whites of four eggs, one-fourth teaspoon cream tartar, one and a quarter cups powdered sugar, one teaspoon vanilla, one-quarter teaspoon almond extract. Beat whites very stiff,beat in cream of tartar, then sugar; flavor. Drop from spoon or pastry tube onto paper, smooth into oval shape; bake forty minutes in slow oven ; remove soft centers and dry in. the oven. Fill with any ice cream, or whipped cream with chopped nuts and fruits, put two together (dip- ping edges first in beaten egg) and serve one to each person. Menu for a Golf Tea. Miss Margaret Porter Robertson. Lobster Salad. Cheese Straws. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Wafers. Olives. Currant Ice. , Assorted Cakes. Iced Tea Punch. Salted Almonds. Bonbons. RILCILIPTS. Lobster Salad. Boil the lobster twenty minutes in water slightly salted. ^Vhen cold crack the claws, disjoint, remove the head ; split body lengthwise, pick out the meat in bits (not too fine), arrange on lettuce leaves, in a salad bowl, cover with Mayonnaise dressing and garnish with the coral. 77 L«fC. Golf Proteus Club Currant Ice. One and onee-iialf pounds sugar, three pints water, two cups currant juice, whites of six eggs. Boil the water and sugar tO' one quart, skim. When cold add currant juice before entirely frozen, add the whites, stiffly beaten. Iced Tea, Punch. Six teaspoons tea, one quart water, one-half cup granulated sugar, six tablespoons lemon juice, one each lemon and orange sliced thin, one quart fresh strawberries, two cups powdered ice, one bunch fresh mint, one pint Apol- linaris. Steep tea five minutes, strain. When cold, add sugar, lemon juice, fruit and ice. Garnish with the mint, dusted with powdered sugar, add the Apol- linaris when ready to serve. Enough for six persons. Menu for a Golf Tea, Mbs. Wilmot Arthur Hakbach. Iced Bouillon. Pickeled Walnuts. Shrimp Salad. Nut Sandwiches. Green Gelatine, with Cherries. Frozen Pudding. Cake. Russian Tea. RECEIIPTS. Shrimp Salad. One quart shrimps, arrange on water cress ; garnish with two hard boiled eggs, one lemon sliced, and six Pirn Olas. Cover with Mayonnaise dressing. Nut Sandw^iches. Spread entire wheat bread with butter, then with following: One cup almonds, peanuts, English walnuts and pecans, chopped very fine and mixed with two tablespoons Mayonnaise cream dressing. 78 G o 1 r Cook Book. Frozen Pudding. One pint of milk, two cups of sugar, one-half cup flour (scant), two eggs, iwo tablespoons gelatine, one quart of cream, one pint fruit, fonr tablespoons sherry, four tablespoons rum. Put milk in double boiler, beat one cup sugar, the flour and eggs together and stir into the boiling milk ; cook twenty minutes , cool. Whip the cream, stir into the cooled pudding, with the remainder of the sugar, the i-um, sherry and fruit; freeze. Any candied, preserved or fresh fruits and nuts may be used. Angelica, candied pears. Maraschino cherries and English walnuts make a nice combination. Russian Tea. Four teaspoons tea, dried peel of one orange, cut into bits, one quart freshly boiling water. Pour the water over the tea and orange peel, cover for four minutes and serve with the following in each cup: One-half teaspoon sugar cystals, one-half teaspoon Jamaica rum, one preserved straw^berry or cherry. A good mixture of tea is eight ounces of Formosa Oolong, six of Cevlon and two of Eng-lish Breakfast, 79 Confections Proteus Club Confections. French Cream Candies. MU8. NaTHA.N EMKRY COFFliN. Boil oue pound of granulated sugar and half a cupful of water until the syrup will make a soft ball when poured into cold water. Pour the syrup into a cold granite pan, set in a cool place ; as soon as it begins to cool stir rapidly until it is white and creamy. Sprinkle confectioners' sugar over the bread- board and knead until soft and creamy. This is fondant, the foundation of all cream candies.. If you wish to make colored candies, stir in the desired color, (using Burnette Color Pastes), just before removing from the fire. The flavoring you pour over the mixture and knead in. Have ready halved English walnuts, pecans, filberts, blanched almonds, chopped figs, seeded dates, candied cherries, pineapple and pears. For creamed dates, roll fondant, same size as date, put it into dates, press together and roll in granulated sugar. Creamed English walnuts, roll a piece rvf the fondant about the size of a quarter and press on one-half of a walnut. Creamed almonds, the same way, or roll the fondant about the whok^ almoaid. Filberts and pecans can also be treated in the same manner. Mould the chopped figs into a piece of fondant, ]>at it out square, care- fully roll, then with a sharp knife cut into half inch pieces. The candied fruits can be chopped fine and treated as above. The cherries can be pressed onto little pats of fondant about the size of a dime. Cream wafers can be made in all colors and flavors. Pat out about the size of a dollar ; color orange and flavor with orange ; color violet, flavor with violet; color green, flavor with ]>i^tachio; color red, flavor with rose; white, fla^'or with peppermint. To make chocolates, melt a cake of Huyler's sweetened chocolate in a saucepan, set into another pan containing boiling water. Make your fondant into cone shapes or any desired shape, putting nuts in if you wish, then into the chocolate, cover thoroughly, remove by sliding a silver fork under each piece; set them in a large pan with oiled paper on the bottom, and let stand until entirely dry (about twelve hours). With a sharp knife remove any superflous chocolate froiii the edges. Chocolate patties can be made by dipping any of the flavored patties, the peppermints are especially nice. 80 Confection. 9 Cook Book. i^lways put all of your finished candies on oiled paper and let them dry thoroughly, then pack in tin boxes and they will keep fresh some time. It is best to let the centers for the chocolates dry over night and dip them the next moiiiing. Fudges. Miss Nkttik A. Wyman. Chocolate Fudges. Take two cups of sugar, brown or white; two squares of chocolate, one cup of milk, one tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon of vanilla. Boil until it forms into a ball in cold water, stirring all the time. Then beat until it begins to thicken. Pour into well bi\ttered pans and cut into small squares before it hardens. orown Sugar Fudges. For brown fudges, use same receipt as above, omitting chocolate. Beat for a few moments when taken from the fire, then put in a cup of nuts cut rather fine and beat until thick enough to pour into pan. Candied Fresh Currants. Select clusters of very large currants, and dip these in and out of white syrup, which is cooked enough to sugar. Hang on a buttered string to harden. These are very pretty served as a bonbon for lunelioons. at I n V a 1 id I1 1— Mii»iM~iTrtrm — Proteus Club Invalid Dishes. Mrs. Hkrvey M. Pobteu. Baked Eggs. Beat the whites of the eggy very light; phiee the yolks in ramequins,heap the whites over them ; season with salt. Bake quickly, till light brown ; serve at once. Moonshine. Cook red apples, with skins on till tender ; sweenten to taste. Rub through a a sieve ; beat the white of an egg light, then beat in enough apple pulp to make it stand up well and still be fluffy. Serve cold with whipped cream. Minced Chicken. Cook the breast of young chicken till tender ; mince fine. Thicken liquor, in which it has cooked, with a little flour, add salt and little cream, then the minced chicken. Serve hot on zwieback, softened with cream. Koumiss. Dissolve one-fourth of cake compressed yeast, two teaspoons white sugar, three tablesjioons lukewarm water ; pour into quart bottle and add sufficient fresh milk to nearly ffll ; shake well; place in room of 70'^ to 80° F., and allow to ferment about six hours. Cork ti^;htly and tie cork in. Put in cool place, not above 60° F. and lot it remain a week, when it will bo ready for use. If there is a:ny curd, the fermentation has gone beyond the proper point and tbe koimiiss should not bo used. Egg Cream. Boat tlie yolk of a freshly laid egg with one tal)'les)M>o!n of s\igar until it is light and creamy. Add to thii^ half a cup of hot milk or cream and stir in lightly the stiffly beaten \vliite of an egg. Serve at once. E,gg Lemonade. Beat the white of an egg to stiff froth, then mix with it the juice of one lemon, and one tables}>onn of sugar. Add a half ]>int of cold water. Broiled Beef Essence. Broil one-half pound of round steak one or two minutes or vuitil the juico begins to flow. Cut in small pieces; press the juice through lemon squeezer 82 Invalid Cook Book. into bowl; place over hot water. Salt and serve. To make broiled beef tea, add one-half cup of boiling water to the above meat jnice. Beef Tea. Cut one pound of juicy round steak into small piece:? and add one cup cold water; let stand several hours. When ready to serve squeeze juice from moat. Add salt and heat, Irish Moss Jelly. One^-half cup Irish moss, one pint boiling water, one lemon, one-half cup sugar ; soak the moss in cold water until soft ; put into boiling water and simmer until dissolved, add lemon juice and sugar; strain into mould. Use currant juice instead of lemon, if desired. 13 UBRARY OF CONGRESS ililliiiniiini '^' imhJi 1,1 iiiiijij Hill ill, j|jjjjjj,jjj|jjj| 014 480 200 7 #