GREATER RGRTiWORTH mMl f-m n>J^ mm iHiaisaiakiaa'ii OTfj 2)Bi«>«alstlll() .fctyC 1 STOSft, ; :,<*CttAN O E . Mimiaiiiitiiiii i«*s '-r •^StW .^^iai GREATER FORT WORTH, TEXAS ILLUSTRATED EMBRACING THE MANUFACTURING, JOBBING AND RETAIL INTERESTS. PUBLIC AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE STREETS, RESIDENCES, PARKS AND ALL PLACES OF INTEREST IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. THE LIVE STOCK, PACKING HOUSE, GRAIN AND MILLING CENTER OF THE SOUTHWEST. Price One Dollar Copyright 1907 by A. OWEN JENNINGS 51 Gc' ! Iwo Copies Received I DEC 13 1907 ! OoorliM tnlrj OUSSA XXc/nu, i. iq 7,1.0 1 X!OI»Y B. INTRODUCTORY TN presenting you this book it is not alone as a -*- "souvenir," but to show you by actual illustra- tions what Fort Worth is, and what she has to offer the investor, homeseeker, merchant and manufacturer. All of the views were made especially for this book, and it is with no little feeling of pride that we present it to you, believing it to represent a high standard of the photographer, engraver and printer's art, and we trust our efforts will be appreciated. Yours very truly, A. OWEN JENNINGS, Publisher. PRESS OF Tex. Prtg. Co. engravings by Sanders Engraving Co r:*jr^iPS<={r?nirp^''^p^'y^'-^ ^ •■ i^ ' mm «! '"hi ?s5r'^5?si®3 TiiYTBCIINIC College Jr £■ ttWTM I ' fc iruv w >H 11' H in 'yi JM oi n W ^ > 39 1 — 1 M ^ n :d nl m ^ > m'^i H cd m| ■ ; ; O I'J l^ f t ■« ^1. 1 Kf« iSv< ,,>zfmm S7 ^S" A c u w Q < O O o fACTOKriP-^ Addition. 7^J/5£/VC£^.r^ »^v trt.OKeefe I.. B. Weinman ir 4 ^UlLDINGS a: w w o H 2; o o o w m < X I MODERN APARTMENTS. HTIIOII(TllllliJl||(^ll||i|||||Tllllli|)||(Tlllll4l|lllTl»^ llll^ GREEK'S rilOTur.KAl'II GALLERY AXU ART STUDIO. ' FORT WORTH TEXAS. Population— 1900, 26,688—1907 67,138 Altitude 672 Average Temperature for 19 Years, degrees 64.4 Average Rain Fall for 19 Years, inches 42.95 Area of City in Square Miles 66.6 Railroads — Main or Trunk Lines 12 Passenger Trains — Daily 96 Miles of Street Railway — Electric 41 Miles of Water Mains 90 Number of Fire Hydrants 448 Gallons Capacity of Pumps, per day 16,000,000 Average Daily Consumption, gallons 3.500.000 Number of Miles of Public Sewers 75 Number of Street Lights — Electric 217 Number of Telephones Used in City 8,937 Newspapers and Publications 14 Daily Newspapers 3 Schools — Public 16 Colleges 4 Business Colleges 3 Churches 57 Hospitals 4 Banks. 1-1 — Combined Capital and Surplus $3,682,000 Combined Deposits $19,237,685 Clearing House Report for 1906 $317,393,685 Postal Receipts— 1905, $170,000—1907 $210,000 Number Carriers — City, 45 — Rural 5 Manufacturing Plants 167 Capital Invested, nearly $20,000,000 Products— Value per Annum $67,000,000 Wholesale and jobbing Firms, 156— Annual Sales $40,000,000 Assessed Valuation of Real Estate (assessed 2-3) $24,618,515 Packing Houses 2 Capacity Cattle 10.000; Hogs, 5,000; Sheep 5,000. Stockyards. Capacity, Cattle. 435 Cars; Hogs, 120 Cars; Horses, 80 Cars. Lumber Dealers. Wholesale and Retail 24 Flouring Mills, 3— Daily Capacity, bbls 5,000 Fort Worth is the conceded railway center of the Southwest. Its unequalled raiUvay facilities cannot fail to make it the com- mercial metropolis of this section. Fort ^^'orth is the packing house center and cattle market of the Southwest. History does not record an instance where a cattle market and packing house point has failed to make a thriv- ing and prosperous city. Fort Worth is the grain and milling center of the Southwest, which, added to the two last mentioned advantages, assures the growth and development of the trade and commerce of the city. The pay roll of wage earners is over 13,000, receiving $9,000,- 000 wages per year. The bank clearings of Fort Worth show a steady atid unbrolcen increase, and for the year 1907 will approximate $400,000,000. It has the purest water, a fine sewer system, and consequently the lowest death rate of any city in the country. As a place of business, residence or for investment of capital it is without an equal. PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTI- TUTIONS. American National Bank, cor. 6th. and ]\Iain. VV. C. Belcher Land Mortgage Co., Reynolds Building. Continental Bank and Trust Co., 7th and Houston. Exchange Nat'l Bank, cor. Main St. and Ellis Ave., N. Fort Worth. Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, cor. 7th and Main. First National Bank, cor. 7th and Houston. Fort Worth National Bank, cor. 5th and Main. Houston, Smallwood & Co., 208 W. 8th. Stockyards National Bank, Ex- change Bldg., N. Fort Worth. State National Bank, 500 Main. Traders National Bank, 808 Hous- ton street. Waggoner Bank and Trust Co., Sth and Houston. Western National Bank, cor. 9th and Houston. WHOLESALE, MANUFACTUR- ING AND JOBBING INTER- ESTS. Anchor Roller Mills, cor. Cherry and North streets. Attwell Cornice Co., 102 Rusk St. Axtell Co., Manufacturers Wind- mills, 2d and Throckmorton. Ballard Ice and Fuel Co., 207-9-11- 13 Lake street. Blessing Photo Supply Co., 315 Houston. A. Brandt Upholstering Co., 1200 E. Front St. Buckley Planing and Moulding Mill, J. D. Buckley & Son, Vine St. bt. El Paso and North. Burrus Mill and Elevator Co., Geo. W. Curtis, mgr., cor. Jennings ave.and W. 15th. Campbell Machinery Co., Machin- ery and Machine Supplies, 1711 Cal- houn St. Carter-Hunt Grocer Co., Wholesale, 209-15 W. 15th. The Casey-Swasey Company, Im- porters, Wholesale Liquor and Ci- gar Dealers. Distributers of the celebrated Hill & Hill, the leading American Whiskey. Collins ville Manufacturing Co., 718- 19 E. Front. Collum Commerce Co., 506 Rusk street. Crowdus Bros., Hides, Wools, Furs, Tallow, Beeswax and Pecans, 315 W. Weatherford St. Drunim Seed and Floral Co., River- side. W. H. Delp. Mfr. Rubber and Steel Stamps. Empire Grain Co.. Scott-Harrold Bldg. Enterprise Iron Works, Horrell Bros., prop., 515 E. Front St. L. Eppstein & Son. Wliolesale Liquors and Cigars. Eppstein Bldg. J. E. Ervine & Co., Grain Brokers, 314 F. & M. Bank Bldg. The Fort Produce Co., 1314 Hous- ton St. Fort Worth Barber Supply Co., W. H. Delp, prop. The Fort Worth Creamerv Co., 1101 Main St., N. Fort Worth. North Fort Worth Ice and Cold Storage Co., sw. cor. 10th and Main, N. Fort Worth. Fort Worth Iron and Steel Co., -Mfrs., South Hemphill St. Fort Worth Manufacturing Co.. Mfrs. of Furniture, Cots, Springs and Mattresses. W. E. Austin, mgr., Lux- ton St. and T. & P. Ry. Fort Worth Mattress and Comfort Mfg. Co., 600 Vickery Bv. Fort Worth Overall Co., Mfr. Bell Brand Overalls, Jumpers and Pants. Fort Worth Pattern Works. 517 E. Front. Fort Worth Planing l\Iill. cor. Vine and Presidio Sts. Fort Worth Stamp Co., Mfrs. Rub- ber Stamps, Seals and Stencils, 709 Main St. The Gamer Co.. Wholesale Wind- mills, Pumps. Plumbers' Supplies, cor. E. Front and Calhoun. Gideon & Smythe, Wholesale Fruits and Produce, 1301 Houston. Arthur S. Goetz, mgr., Thurber Brick Co., 108 Wheat Bldg. Henderson-Sturges Piano Co., 1109 Houston St. T. R. James & Sons, Mfrs. and Wholesale Dealers, Harness, Sad- dlery, etc. Stop 3. Interurban Ry., Jamestown. Jersev Cream Co., 1007 Hul'fman St. Kindel-Clark Drug Co., 17th and Calhoun. King Candy Co., 918-920 E. 9th. C. R. & D. C. Kolp, Wholesale Grain, 305-6 Wheat Bldg. McCord-Collins Co. (Inc.), Whole- sale Grocers, 1625-7 Main St. Medlin Milling Co. (Inc.), cor. E. Oth and Frank Sts. The Miller Mfg. Co., Uhs. Overalls, etc., 209 11th street. Monnig Dry Goods Co., 1302-1310 Main. National Biscuit Co., cor. E. 17th and Rusk. Win. A. Baum, mgr. National CofTee Co., Coffee Roast- ers, 113-115 Houston St. Nissley Creamery Co., Wholesale Creamery Butter. S. S. Lard, mgr., E. 9th St. Rock Island Ice Co., cor. E. 1st and R. I. Scott's Awning Factory and Car- pet Renovating. Phone 167. 1100 Te-xas St. Shaw Bros. Dairy. Three miles south of city on Oak Grove road. H. Tanner & Son Fish Co. (Inc.), Wholesale and Retail. 104-106 E. !3th street. Texas Brewing Co., cor. 9th and Jones. The Texas Company, A. M. Luck- ett, mgr. Petroleum and its Products, cor. 4th and Terry. PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION Texas Printing Co., Manufacturing Stationers, 9th and Rusk. F. S. Boul- ware, mgr. Texas Overall Co., 400-412 Bessie. Texas Tank and Culvert Co., R. J. Thompson, mgr., cor. E. Front and Boaz. Van Zandt-Moore Iron Works, mfrs. of Ice and Cold Storage Ma- chinery, Well Drilling Machinery, Frogs, Switches and Crossings. Re- pairing of all kinds of Machinery, 20S- 207 E. Front St. B. B. Walker, Wholesale and Re- tail Vehicles, cor. 1st and Throckmor- ton. Waples-Platter Grocer Co., Whole- sale Grocers and Importers, cor. Jones and E. Front. H. W. Williams & Co., Wholesale Drugs, cor. 15th and Throckmorton. APARTMENT HOUSES. Modern Apartments, Mrs. J. A. Dixon, proprs., 101 S. Jennings Ave. Sanguinet Apartment House, cor. Burnett and Jackson Sts. ARCHITECTS. A. Burry, 500 Reynolds Bldg. Sanguinet & Staats, F. & M. Bank Bldg. M. L. Waller, 606 Flatiron Bldg. L. B. Weinman. 711 Main St. AUTOMOBILES AND GARAGE. Hugh H. Lewis, Jr., Automobiles, Garage and Livery, 208-216 W. 3d. Maxwell Fort Worth Auto Co. (Inc) J. Blake Hedges, treas. and mgr. Ad- joining Majestic Theatre. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Draughon's Practical Business Col- lege, G. W. Earthman, mgr., 14th and Main Sts. CLOTHING, SHOES AND FUR- NISHINGS. A. & L. August, 801 Main. King, Horrell & Criss, cor. Main and 10th Sts. Stonestreet & Davis, cor. Main and 8th Sts. Washer Bros., 900-906 Main. CONFECTIONERY. Palace Confectionery, E. J. Faw- cett, prop. 103 Main St. DENTISTS. Dr. W. H. Nugent, 515^ Main St. Dr. C. E. Waller, 506 Main St. DRY GOODS AND DEPART- MENT STORES. Bradford Bros. Co., The Fashion Shop, 611-615 Houston St. Burton-Peel Dry Goods Co. (Inc.), 800-6 Main. E. H. Lowe Co. (Inc.), 800-802 Houston. Monnig Dry Goods Co., 1302-1310 Alain. W. C. Stripling, 201-13 Houston. 206-10 Main. The Fair, 601-7 Houston, 602 Main. FURNITURE. N. A. Cunningham, 406-8 Houston. Durrett-Gorman Furniture Co., 1011-17 Houston. Ellison Furniture and Carpet Co., cor. 7th and Throckmorton. Furniture Exchange, C. A. Puckett, 306 Houston St. GRAIN, COAL, FEED, ETC. J. W. Adams & Co.. 400 W. Weath- erford St. C. Barr & Co., 1612. 1614, 1616 Houston. Empire Grain Co., Scott-Harrold Bldg. J. E. Ervine & Co.. Grain Brokers, 314 F. & M. Bank Bldg. Arthur S. Goetz, mgr., Texas Pa- cific Coal Co., 108 Wheat Bldg. Hawes Coal Co., 1214 E 2d. W. F. Helmcamp, 115 E. Belknap. , Geo. W. Knowlton, 1315 Vine St. C. R. & D. C. Kolp, Wholesale Grain, 305-6 Wheat Bldg. L. M. Levy, cor. Weatherford and Burnett Sts. J. S. Staiti, Sales Agent for Coal, 301 Wheat Bldg. Zinn Coal and Grain Co., 401 W. Weatherford St. GROCERS AND MEATS. J. M. Darwin, 900 Evans Ave. H. Harris, 402 E. 6th. Union Meat Market, 1003 Evans Ave. H. H. Pittman, 4th and Main Sts. M. D. Sellars, 105 S. Jennings W. P. Wise, 103 N. Houston and 1013 E. 1st St. HARDWARE. St. Crouch Hardware Co., 1007 Main Wm. Henry & Co., 1005-7 Houston St. Nash Hardware Co., 1607 Main St. DRUGGISTS. J. P. Brashear, 1300 Main St. T. J. Haizlip. 915 Evans Ave. Renfro Drug Co., 3d and Main St. The Rexall Store, Covey & Martin, 810 Main St. HOTELS. The Angelus, cor. 5th and Throck- morton. Metropolitan, Geo. T. Stillman, mgr., 911-919 Main St. Natatorium, cor. 3d and Rusk. PATROXS OF THIS PUBLICATION Worth, Mrs. W. P. Hardwick and O. P. Haney.mgrs., 805-809 Main St. Seibold, 108 E. 7th. Touraine, cor. 7th and Throckmor- ton. JEWELERS. J. H. Greer, 515 Main. G. W. Hahom, 607 Main. J. E. Mitchell Co., 506-508 Main St. LAWYERS. Wesley B. Ammerman, 301 Flat- iron Bldg. J. L. Bushong, Bushong Bldg. Capps, Cantev, Hanger & Short, 7th and Main Sts. B. J. Houston, 215 Houston St. Rufus W. King, 301 Western Xat'l Bank Bldg. Martin & Smith, 304 Main St. N. B. Moore, 210 Main St. Robert McCart, 312 Main St. Geo. Q. McGown, 304-5-6 Reynolds Bldg. W. P. McLean, Jr.. rooms 201-2-3-4 Ellison Bldg. Parker & Parker, 403^ Main St. Jno. W. Scott, 406 F. & M. Bank Bldg. Walter B. Scott, rooms 201-2-3-4 Ellison Bldg. J. C. Terrell, Jr., Powell Bld.g. N. J. Wade, Reynolds Bldg. West, Chapman & West. 308 to 11 Wheat Bldg. Ike A. Winn, 700 Houston St. John W. Wray, 612 Wheat Bldg. C. Von Carlowitz, Powell Bldg. LAUNDRIES. Acme Steam Laundry (Inc.), 808- 816 Monroe. Curran's Hand Laundry, F. T. Scott, prop., 618 Burnett St. Modern Steam Laundry. Phone 787. 700 Huffman. ■ Natatorium Steam Laundry, N. E. Gambrell, prop., 101-105 E. Belknap. Penny Laundrv, J. W. Hoover, prop., 403 Main St. Texas Laundry Co., 205-7 Throck- morton. LIVERY, TRANSFER AND STOR- AGE. Binyon Transfer & Storage Co., 339-41 W. 15th St. City Messenger, Transfer and Stor- age Co., A. B. Mynatt. prop.. Base- ment 8th and Houston. Geo. W. Carter & Son, props. ,^ New Exchange and South Side Livery, 200 Rusk. Eclipse Livery, cor. 3d and Throck- morton. Cantrell Bros, props. Fort Worth Omnibus Line and Transfer Co., D. F. Murphy, mgr., 701-3 Rusk. Jackson Bros., 1508 Rusk St. W. H. Marlow, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Hacks at all hours. Both Phones 137. Cor. 4th and Rusk Sts. Wm. M. McVeigh, Moving, Pack- ing and Storage, 1625-1627 Main St. Purvis & Rogers, cor. 8th and Rusk. Texas Implement and Transfer Co., 209-11 W. 1st St. Union Transfer Co., Busses, Bag- gage Wagons and Carriages. Ready for Business. Phone 108. S. B. Ho- vey, pres. LUMBER. Burton-Lingo Co., Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Building Ma- terial. Cor. Front and Boaz. Hawes Lumber Co., 1005 Rusk St. Hooper-Wyly Lumber Co., Arling- ton Heights Road and Frisco Cross- ing. Lyon & Rice, Wholesale, 510 Wheat Bldg. Menefee Bros., Wholesale, West- ern Nat'l Bank Bldg. Peoples Lumber Co., cor. Willie and Luxton Sts., Glenwood. Ripy & Irwin, S. Main and Terrell. A. J. Roe, cor. 6th and Throck- morton. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. Burns & Hamilton, 10th and Hous- ton. The J. J. Langever Co. (Inc.), 1001- 1003 Throckmorton. Texas Paint and Paper House (Inc.). K. A. Mulkey, pres., 1515 Houston St. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Cone, the View Man. O. C. Greer, 509 Main. Leffler's Studio, 600 Houston St. R. R. McGinnis, 503^ Main. Jolin Schwartz. 705'< Main St. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Bacon Saunders, Flatiron Bldg. C. P. Brewer, 501 54 Main St. Dr. E. D. Capps. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 304-05 Fort Worth Xat'l Bank Bldg. Dr. W. G. Cook, 209 F. & M. Bank Bldg. Jas. L. Cooper, 1407 Main St. Chas. H. Harris. Room 307, Western Nat'l Bank Bldg. R. W. Moore. Rooms 6 and 7 Dun- dee Bldg. Dr. N. Bascom Morris, 611 "^ Hous- ton. Thompson & Johnson, 703 Lamar St. Triplett & Bobo, 301 Stripling Bldg. Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Dr. Amos C. Walker, cor. Railroad Ave. and S. Main St. POOL AND BILLIARD PARLORS Empire Pool and Billiard Hall. O. S. Chappel, prop. 1006 Main St. The Rubv. Fish & Simpson, props., 604 Main St. The Smoke House. Reddick & Saunders, props. PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION REAL ESTATE, LOANS, AB- STRACTERS AND INSUR- ANCE. H. L. Abston & Co., 513 Main St. Geo. R. Allen & Son, Room 21 Dun- dee Bldg. T. T. Andci-ion, 309 Fort Worth :-Nat'l Bank Bldg. Arlington Heights Realty Co, 406 IFlatiron Bklg. W. J. Boaz, 114 S. Boaz. Brooks Realty and Loan Co. of Te.xas, C. N. Brooks, mgr., 106 W. Uth St. Bowers & Bowers, 10th and Main Sts. A. D. Carpenter & Co., 109 W. 6th St. C. W. Ccnnery, State mgr. Amer- ican National Life Insurance Co., Lynchburg, Va., 201 Flatiron Bldg. Dr. J. O. Crenshaw, Room 10, Dun- dee Bldg. J. B. Daniel Realty Co., 108 W 9th St. W. A. Darter, 711^ Main St. W. S. Essex, 503>< Houston St. Fosdick & Mitchell, Fire Insurance, 104 W. 6(h St. Foster-Epes Company, 808 Hous- ton St. Gillilanl & Harwood, 410 • Fort Worth Xat'l Bank Bldg. R. N. Graham, owner Graham-Park Addition, 314 Wheat Bid. W. B. Hale, 203;^ Main St. D. S. Hare, F. & M. Bank Bldg. Harrison. Collett & Swayne, Insur- ance, Continental Bank Bldg. Clauce C. Hayes & Co., 709 Main St. Kuykendall Investment Co., 208 F. & M. Bank Bldg. Lehman Snell Co., Basement Conti- nental Bank Bldg. A. D. Loyd mgr. Arlington Heights Realty Co., 404 Flatiron Bldg. R. G. Luse & Co., Scott-Harrold Bldg. Massey Realty Co., 702-/^ Main St. C. W. Massey, Attorney at Law. J. F. Moore, 201 Moore Bldg. E. M. McClellan. Room 4 Dun- dee Bldg., cor. 7th and Houston. North Fort Worth Townsite Co., F. P. Hopkins 1st v-pres, 24th and Main Sts., N. Fort Worth. J. T. Pulliam, 304^ Main St. A. W. Samuels, 112 W. 9th St. Will L. Sargent, Rooms 2 and 3, 9121/' Main St. Louis C. Shrope, gen. supt. Grand Fraternity, 506 Main St. South Side Land Co., P. M. DeVitt mgr., 309 Fort Worth Nat'l Bank .Bldg. B. F. Sprinkle, 205 Main St. Stout & Hagler, Rooms 2 and 3 Metropolitan Annex. Tempel & Modlin, 212 Wheat Bldg. A. P. Thomas & Co., 506'/l Main St. W. T. Truax & Co., 310 Reynolds 31dg. The West Fort Worth Land Co., Ground Floor Flatiron Bldg. J. K. Winston, F. & M. Bank Bldg. J. X. Winters Realty Co. Basement Fort Worth Nat'l Bank Bldg. R. Vickery. 1115 Houston. SEED AND FLORAL COS. Drumm Seed and Floral Co., 507 Houston St. Lea Seed and Floral Co.. 506 Hous- ton St. UNDERTAKERS. L- P. Robertson. 11)13-15 Throck- morton. MISCELLANEOUS George C. Akers, .Vdju^ter Fort Worth "\ss'n of Credit Men, 305 Rey- nolds Bldg. A. J. .\nderson Co.. Sporting Goods and Electrical Supplies, cor. 10th and Houston Sts. Annex Bar, R. L. Corr, opposite T. & P. Station. E. .Armstrong. Rep. Schilter Pianos, 317-318 Fort Worth Nat'l Bank Bldg. The Audit Company of Texas. Ex- . pert accountants furnished. S. B. Hovey, pres., G. C. Mountcastle and Noah Harding v-pres., Ben O. Smith, treas. 308-9 Western Nat'l Bank Bldg. L. A. Barnes, Book Store, 804 Houston St. Dr. Barnes' Veterinary Hospital, 110 Rusk St. Wm. Bryce. Contractor, 818 Mon- roe St. Roy B. Burnett, Cattleman. 208 Wheat Bldg. The Christopher-Champ Piano Co. Artistic Pianos. 1009 Houston St. ment 8th and Houston Sts. Congress Barber Shop, 610 Main St. N. Eckert, Tailor, 313 Main St. Eitelman & Son, Blacksmiths and Woodworkers, 513-515 W. Railroad Ave. Fort Worth Decorating Co., 262 Jackson St. Fort Worth Telephone Co.. J. C. Casler, gen. mgr., cor. 11th and Throckmorton. P. M. Grant, Traffic Manager Southwestern Teh & Tel. Co. Jas. B. Gray, Capitalist. 1312 Pre- sidio St. Sam Gray, 606 Main St. Miss Gertrude Pyeatt, Stenograph- er for W. J. Wade. Greenwall's Opera House. Guy C. Gum, mgr. Nernst Lamp Co., Cooper-Hewitt Lamp Co.. 112 E. 8th St. W. C. Guthrie, sec. and treas. of Denton Press Brick Co., 818 ^Monroe St. Tohn B. Hawley, Civil Engineer, Fort Wi.rth, Texas. J. G. Henderson. Cat Stone and Masonry, 12th ."ind Houston Sts. F. L. Jaccard, Rep. Bauman-Massa Jewelry Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1401 Summit Ave. S. H. Kress & Co., Sc and 10c Store, 815 Houston St. PATROXS OF THIS PUBLICATION The J. J. Langever Co. (Inc.), Con- tracting Painters and Decorators, Cilass and Signs. Leyersedge Bridge and Construc- tion Co., 611 14 Houston St. Taylor McRea, with- Daily Tele- gram, Telegram Bldg. The American Restaurant, J C Moore, prop., 603 Main St. C. A. O'Keefe, Cattleman, 520 Hill ot. T °,'"V?-V,"'' ^''°*- Stallion Importers J. A. Hill, mgr. Peacock & Lea, Alineral Water De- pot, cor. 6th and Rusk. Ross & Heyer, Piano Merchants, /ll Houston St. Polytechnic College, H. A. Boaz pres. Reid's Chili and Lunch Room, 608 Mam St. T> ^- '"'• ^v^o-T.^- Reyiolds, Cattle Raisers, 507-8 Reynolds Bldg. Riley's Shoe Shining Parlor, 1005 Houston St. X. E. Ruljin. Millinery, cor. 3d and Houston Sts. W. B. So Relle, Adv. Mgr. A. & L. .\ugust. Southwestern Reference Bonding Co., H. C. Hamilton, mgr., 317-18 Western Xat'l Bank Bidg. Stock Exchange Bar. Frank H Barfield, prop., 11th and Main Sts. Te.xas Eitulithic Co., 211 Western Xat'l. Bank Bldg. H. Tipper, Mechanical Engineer, Fort Worth, Texas. Union Dye Works, 110 E. 8th St. Utter's Department Store, Millin- ery, Dry Goods and Groceries. L E Utter, prop., 800 E. 1st St. John Williams & Co., Haberdashers, 414 Mam St. ,.m'''J?, ^ .Tyson, Gravel Roofing, 1301 Throckmorton St. Wood & Co., Fine Fur Hat Remod- elers, 112 Mam St. ,-|!r^"k Zelosky, Germania House, loCO Houston St. THE TEXAS COMPAXY. DRUMM SEED AXD FLORAL CO. Greenhouses at Riverside. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS iillillilllliliill 014 648 975 s'f