E (3uibe in CboositiG anb ©rbedno Jflowers. ioman Hy", T HIS PUBLICATION, PROPERLY SPEAKI .G A CATALOQUE, IS ISSUED AS AN AID IN CHOOSING AND ORDERING FLOWERS. WHILE ADAPTABLE FOR LOCAL TRADE. IT ALSO INCLUDES ALL NEEDED INFORMATION FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS. ■A/ •:di^.'t?.~ 3^ Si ^ ^ Si Our newly improved and modern establishment, fully equipped, enables us to promptly fill orders of any extent, and certain, in an approved manner. An established reliability and experience, here, in the exacting cut flower trade, gives assurance that orders will be properly filled, and as ordered. It is conceded that we excel in arrangements of flowers suited to special uses. Com- petitors may imitate, but they do not, in any strict sense, follow. The necessity of entrusting orders for fine flowers and designs only to florists of known taste and ability, is evident. Quality ia our aim, yet not made at undue cost. Buyers may rely on getting full value for their outlay each and every time. This Catalogue illustrates floral effects for funeral occasions, listed in many sizes, with prices. All necessary ordering details are given complete. The pictures are from photographic reproductions of actual made-up designs in fresh flowers, so the character of the blooms employed is accurately shown, also the important essential of the true appearance of finished work. No. 42. Wreath, Solid Style and Decorated. For list see top of cros!>es page, following. ti tt ts ^ Flowers in any form can be packed so they will travel perfectly by express, at any season of the year. We do this, and make no additional charge for packing. . / '■} FLORAL DESIGNS. A GUIDE IN CHOOSING AND ORDERING FLOWERS. ILLUSTRATED AIXD F»RICE=LISTED. LOOSE CUT FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS AND OTHER OCCASIONS. In the (juality we supply, these are popular with flower Iniyers. If undecided about sorts, on advising us of intending use of the flowers, we are sure to please on a seleetii'U, Prices vary with time of year, being highest in mid-winter. The following staple kinds, and as priced, are in supply in their seasons. Per Dozen Prices are Given Except where Noted. ROSES. . Pink Sorts, as Bridesmaid ami others,. Red Sorts, as Meteor and Liberty, White Sorts, as Bride, Kaiserin, etc., . American Beauty, and large show sorts Assorted kinds, our choice in Special quality, Above class in good reliable qualitv CARNATIONS. White, Red, Pink, etc , eitra grades Above class i!i good reliable grades. Fancy kinds, usually of e.«ftra quality, Nov. to April (except holidays, also Easier). Holidays, Dec. 20 to Jan. 4.00 1 50 1 00 s.oo Violets. Choice and fresh, per bunch of 50 ; Dec. to' Jan., $1.50 ; Holidays, J2.00 ; Feb.. March j\p'-i Lilies. Easter kinds, and Callas, Dec. to May inclusive, each, 25c ; per dozen, $2.50 to $3.00. Chrysanthemums; Oct., Nov. and Dec: selected, .fl.OO to $3 00; specimen flowers, 25e. to 50c. esch. $1.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 2.00 1.00 .60 40 1.00 to §3.00 to 3.00 3 00 8.0O 3.00 2.00 1.00 .60 1 50 13 00 3.00 3.00 12.00 8.00 2 00 1.00 .00 1.50 to $5.00 to 5 00 to 5.00 to 24.00 to 5.00 April to Octnber inclusive. $1.00, !?l,50and $3.00 1 00, 1.50, 2.00, 1 00. to to to to 1.25 anil 2.00 and 4.00 and 1.50 and .75 to .40 to .30 to .60 Lg^fe?:. ^^^ " -^ No. 89. Standing Cross of Assorted Flowers. Height Measure. Code word. Size. Cage Cake Catch Cabin Cafe Calm 15 in IS " 21 " 24 •■ 27 ■• 30 ■• Price. $ 6.00 to $ 8.00 S.OOto 10.00 11.00 to 14.00 to IS.OO to 22.00 to 13.00 17.00 22.00 26.00 In all orders entrusted here, an employed use or supplying of strictly high-grade and fresh blooms is assured. No. 228. Slanting Panel of Ivy Easel Mounted, with Lyre. As Shown on Front Cover Page. irr,///i M,-nsur.- of Panel. Code word. Pantry Paper Parcel Pardon Size. 31 in. 24 " 27 " 30 " Price. $12.00 to $15 16 00 to 20.(1 2(».00 to 25.0 •25 00 to 30. No. 90. Standing Ivy or Gala Cross, Garlanded. No. 106. Cross, Solid Style and Decorated. Length Meamre. Code word. Size. Price. Code word. Size. Calico 22 in. §10.00 to $12.00 Cancel 32 in. Cauldron 35 " 13 00 to 15.00 Cajole 30 ■■ Canter 28 " 16.00 to 20.00 Code word. Price. Camel $21.00 to $24.00 Caper 35.00 to 30.00 Canoe Candy Length Measure Size. 21 in. 24 " 30 " 40 " Price. $ 8.00 to $11 12.00 to 1-1 16 00 to 20. 25.00 to 311 FLORAL DESIGNS No. 85. Cross of Assorted Flowers. Length Measure. Code w( rd. Size. Price. Code word. Size. Price. Calf 12 in. $ 2.00 to § 3.00 Case 24 in. $12 00 to $14.00 Caulk 14 " 3.00 to 5 00 Cant 28 ■' 15.00 to 17.00 Call 10 " 5.00 to e.oo Cause 32 " 18.00 to 20.00 Came 18 ■' 7.00 to 8.00 Carp 36 " 20 00 to 25.00 Camp 31 " 8.00 to 10.00 Cask 42 " 25.00 to 30.00 See N. B. note about substituting, etc., on third co\er page, also carefully note all conditions, ordering directions, etc. When ordering, notice our address carefully, also, as given on both the first cover and the title pa.ge. No. J 37. Flat Bunch of Roses with Ribbon. Code word. Size. Price. Batch Small, 18 to 24 rose.*, $3.01) to .? 4.00 Badge .Medium, 25 to 30 rcses, 4.00 to 5.()() Bold Largo, 35 to 40 roses, (i.OI) to s.oo Balk Extra, .50 to (iO roses, 8.01) to 12.00 No. 155. Flat Tied Bunch of Lilies with Ribbon. ('odcHi)ril. Pizc. I'rice. Bead Small, 12 to 1.5 blooms, $ 4.00 to S 5.00 Bear Medium, 10 to 20 blooms, (i.OO to 8.00 Beast Lar};e, 24 to 30 blooms, S.OO to ll).t)() Bench Extra, 35 to 50 blooms, 12.0Uto 15.00 FLORAL DESIGNS. No. 307. Large Gates Ajar, Standard Style. Code word. Size, Unload 28 in. Unsold 31 " As 5hown on Last Cover Pa^e. Height Mi-asnre. Price. Code word. Size. $18.00 to $20.00 Unpack ^(J in. 21.00 to 24.00 Unwise 42 " Price. $25.00 to $30.00 32.00 to 40.00 No. 204. Solid Pillow, Decorated. Length Pleasure. Code \\ Parse ord. Size. 20 in. Trine. $10.00 to $12.00 Code word Pawn Size. 28 in. Price $22.00 to $27.00 Patch 24 " 11. .IK) lo 20. UO Peace 30 " 30.00 lo 4011(1 Suggestions for letlering on Pillows and open-work designs. ASLEEP GONE HOME SISTER WIFE AT REST FATHER BROTHER BABY REST MOTHER HUSBAND FINIS Any other as desired, but crowded lettering sliould be avoided. No. 202. Ivy Pillow faced witii Buncli of Roses. Code word. Size. Price. Code word. Size. lYicc. Path 20 in. $10.00 to $12.00 I Peep 24 in. $10.00 to $18.00 Peal 22" 13.00 to 1.5.00 j Peck 28" 19.00 to 22.00 Code word. Size. Pan 14 in Pang 10 " Pant 18 " No. J 94. Lettered Pillow. Length Measure. Price. Code word. Size. Price. 5 00 to % 7.00 Pass 20 in. $12.00 to $15.00 6.00 to 8.00 Pearl 22 " 15 00 to 18.00 9.00 to 11.00 Pause 24 " 18.00 to 22 00 FLORAL DESIGNS. No. 289. Solid Heart of Flowers. No. 260. Standing Anchor. Height Aleasure. Code word. Size. Meadow S in. Measure In " Medal 12 " Mellow 15 " Price. 82.nn to S3. on 3.0(1 to 4.00 4.00 to 5.on 6.00 to 8.00 Cnric \v<^ni. ?!7e. 21 in. 24 " 27 ■■ 30 " 33 " 36 " Marvel Marquis Mason Maxim Major Matter Price. S s.on to sin.nn 11. on to 13.00 1.5.00 to 18.00 l.S.OOto 21.00 22.00 to 2.'). 00 25.00 to 30.00 ^S'. i No. 275. Flat Lyre. l.fit!:th Mea^urt-. C<>(ie word. Size I'rice. Major 18 in $ 6.00 to $ 8.00 Maiden 21 •• 8.00 to 10 00 Malice 24 •' 12.00 to 15.00 Maintop 30" 16.00 to 20 00 No, 266. Standingf Broken Wreath and Sickle. Height Measure. Flat Harp, same sizes and prices. Code word. Size. Mention 18 in. Merry 21 " Merit 24 " Metal 28 " Price. $ S.OO to $10.00 11.00 to 14.00 15.00 to 18.00 20.00 to 24.00 No. 258, Star Standing on Base. Height Pleasure. Code word. Size. Price. Margin 15 in. S (i.On to S 8.00 Maraud 1,S " S.OO to 10.00 Market 20 •• 11.00 to 13.00 Marine 24 " 14.00 to 16.00 208. Standing Crescent and Star. No, 265, Dove on Basket, Measure, spread of hitsiict. rode word. Size. Price. Member 16 in. S 5.00 to S 6.00 Mental 20 " 7.00 to 9.00 Merely 24 " 10.00 to 14.00 Baskets alone in same sizes furnished at S2.00 less ttian above prices. Clock (the Closing Hour). Height Measure. Hcielit Measure. Code woid. Si/.^. Pricf. Code word. Mead 24 in. S 8.00 to $10.00 Mobile 25 in. $11.00 to $14.00 Melt 27 ■■ 11.00 to 13.00 Mocker 28" 15.00 to IS.OO Mean HO ■• 14.00 to 18.00 Modest 32" 20 00 to 25.00 Meek 36 '• 20.00 to 25.00 Mogul 36" 25 00 to 30.00 FLORAL DESIGNS No. 292. Flat Shield. Lensth Measure. Code word. Size. Method 15 in. Mica IS " Middle 21 " Mighty 24 " Price. $ 7.00 to-$ 8.00 8.00 to 10.00 10.00 to 12.00 12.00 to 15.00 No. 305. Open Book or Bible, set in Arch. Measure, length of base. Code word. Size. Price. Umbel 33 in. $18.00 to $22.00 Union 42 " 25.00 to 30.00 No. 290. Broken Wheel, Easel supported. Measure^ Diittueter o/ Wheel. Code word. Size. Price. Magic 18 in S 8 00 to $10 00 Machine 21 " 11.00 to 14.00 Magnet 24 " 1.5.00 to 18.00 Code word. Mock Mode Monk Mood Moth Moon Heif, Size. 20 in. 33" 26 " 29 ■■ 32 " 3o" Scroll, lettered. $ 8 00 to $10.00 10.00 to 12.00 12.00 to 15.00 15.00 to 18.00 18.00 to 21.00 22.00 to 25.00 No. 329. G. A. R. Design. Length Measure. Badge Code word. Size. Saddle 24 in. Sandal 30 " Satin 30 ' Price. $ 8.00 to SIO.OO 12.00 to 14.00 16.00 to 20.00 No. 359. Elaborate Crescent on stand encircling Lyre. Code woii Udder Ultra Upon Umber Height Measur Size. 26 in. 30 " 36 '• 42" Price. $20.00 to $25.00 25 00 to 30.00 35 00 to 40.00 42.00 to 50 00 No. 338 Army Knapsack, Lettered. Made in regulation size. about 2G inches in length. Code word. Price. Sabot $12.00 to $20.00 tjT- No. 357 Standing Anchor, Sur- mounting Lettered Base. Designs of this character to special advance order, from two feet and up in height. Code word. Price. Unique From $25.00 upwards. FLORAL DESIGNS Height Measure. No. 166. Pair Cycas Leaves, with Roses, etc. Code word. Madam Malign Manage Mallet Mandate Manly Mansion Mantle Size. 19 in. 25 28 31 34 3.S 42 Price. s.oo to 11. nn 11.00 to 14.00 14.00 to 17.00 18.00 to 21.00 22.00 to 25.00 25.00 to 30.00 30.00 to 35.00 35.00 to 40.00 No. 511. Oval Basket of Flowers. As Shown on Last Inside Page. Length Mca suti-. Code word. Fize. Price. Fairly 18 in § 5.00 to $ 6.00 Fallen 22 " 8 00 to 10.00 Famine 28 ■' 12.00 to 15.00 Fancied 36 '• 16.00 to 20 00 No. 274. Standing Harp. Height XJeaf^ure. Codn word .Size. Price. Yard Sm.ill Leave.s, « 5.00 to $ 0.00 Year Midiuni Loaves, 7.00 to 10.00 Yawl Large Loaves, 10.00 to 1.5.00 Wlien ord eriug, make no m istak e with our addrc As far as is practical in flower work, it always pleases us to carry out any special ideas, and correspondence on such is solicited. Code word. March Mask Mate Maze Match Mast Siize. 21 in. 24 '■ 27 •• 30 •■ 33 •• 3(> •' Price. 8 8.00 to .SI 0.00 11.00 to 14.00 15.00 to 20.00 20.00 to 25.00 25.00 to .30.00 30,00 to 35.00 FLORAL DESIGNS. No. 339. Code word. Safe Saint Salt Sash Odd Fellow's Three Links on Slanted Panel. Length Measure o/ Pttnel. Size. Price. 24 in. $10 00 to $12 00 28 •■ 12.00 to 1.5 00 33 '■ ].-)00 to 18 00 aC ■• 18.00 to 22.00 K-r-r* No. 341, Maltese Cross. IViiil/, An- isnre. Code word. Size. Price. Skate 12 in. $ 5.00 to $ 6.00 Scamp 14 '■ 6.00 to 8.00 Scar 17 " 8.00 to 10.00 Scath 20 " 10.00 to 12 00 No. 344. Standing Square and Compass, Height Afcnsure. Code word. Size. Savor 24 in. Saxon 27 " Sceptre .SO " Sealer 33 " Price. $14.00 to $16.00 17.00 to 20.00 20.00 to 2.'). 00 25.00 to 30.00 In this business, experienced judg- ment must often be applied, so that needed results will follow certain, and mistakes be avoided. This also makes it imperative that orders for fine Howers or designs be entrusted only to experienced florists of known taste and ability. We keep posted on the new- est and up-to-date ideas in lloral combinations and effects. No. 349. Standing Coronet and Cross, Base Mounted (Masonic.) MeiTsitre, li'idest dia)itt'ti-r across Coronet. Code word- Size. Price. Code word. Si/r. Sacred 14 in $16.00 to $20.00 Sample 20 in. $28.( Salute 17 •' 22.00 to 26.00 Price. !.00 to $3.5.0 WAY 31 FLORAL DESIGNS No. 225, Standing: Panel of Ferns, etc., with Roses. Height Measure nf Panel. Code word. size. Price. Padlock 20 in. $ 8.00 to SIO.OO Parent 24 " 12.00 to 15.00 Parlor 28 " 17.00 to 20.00 Parole 36 " 22.00 to 2.5.00 No. 2 J 7. Flat Sheaf, Roses, etc., with Ribbon Tie, Sbeares, IS inches long and upwards. Code word Stvle. Price. 'Mend Medium, $4.00 to $ -5.00 Mesh Large, 5.00 to 7.01) Mewl Special, S.OO to 10.00 No, 386, Cresent "Wreath for Doorways, To be used either with or without crape. Code word. Size. Price. Male Small, S3.00 to $4.00 Mark ^ledium, 5.00 to 6.00 Mass Large, 7.00 to 8.00 -:'^\. «JS ■.-^-^^' ^^', ^4 ¥ r WsS' P A m 1 K'>*«^H(^| iK^~''i ^^ I- No. 511, Oval Basket. See preceding page (above Standing Harp,) Many otlier designs tLau are here listed, alsu origiual amiugeiueuts, cau be supplied b}- us. HOW TO ORDER FLOWERS BY EXPRESS. Flowers, carefully packed as we send them, carry for two or three days' journey by express. State time flowers are wanted, either early or late. Give an idea of what you desire — quantity, quality, and price — that we may study your special wants. Measurements given refer to finished sizes. To give us ample time, by ordering early, will be to your advantage. If we cannot supply your order we will reply at once by mail ; or, if notice is short, by telegraph. If no time is mentioned, flowers go by first train after order is received. All orders sent by express ; none by mail, being too uncertain. Write items distinctly, in lines or paragraphs, or on sheets separate from the letter. Owing to the expense of proper packing and shipping, orders for less than $i.oo are not solicited. [MPORTANT. Orders by telegraph or telephone. When llowers, etc. , are wanted the same day or next, it is best to telegraph or telephone. The following Cipher Code will be found useful, and saves cost on telegrams. Wool— Send on afternoon train today. Wonder — Send on early train tomorrow. World — Send on afternoon train tomorrow. Wave — Send today or on early train tomorrow. Anticipate — Answer whether you can fill order or not. Adjacent — If cannot send on train mentioned, next one will do. Decorate — If cannot send all on train mentioned, send balance on next train. Driving — No substitution allowable. Fill order as given. Flocking — Have sent mail order ; if not yet received, send following at once, and cancel mail order. Durable — White flowers only, for funeral purposes. Dilate — Flowers for funeral purposes, at your discretion. Flowers (or Cut Flowers) — Assorted colors and kinds are desired. Hail — Prepay express charges and charge to me. Snow — This is for a token, my card to accompany same. TERMS OF BUSINESS, ORDERING, ETC. References positively required from strangers desiring to open accounts. Telegrams and answers to same must be paid for by party inquiring or ordering. Send remittances by bank draft, post-office or express company orders, or registered letter. N. B. — When not definitely advised otherwise with the order, we reserve the privilege, at our discre- tion, to substitute other flowers or designs of similar character or nature, instead of those ordered ; the uncertainty of supply or assortment necessitating this at times. The naming of a second desired choice of design or flowers is solicited, especially on short-notice orders. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS I 000 926 648 3 % STANDARD STYLE GATES AJAR. See inside, (Pillows Page.)