D 570 .31 306ih .fl5 Copy 1 ■ u i n' iiiw n^mai^ ROSTE R AND Hi STO RY m 306 ENGINEERS ■^''',t^^%^^' ■-y'M (tesMio lldok 2>0h> tk '^' PRESKNTHl) IIY ■A 5 H, ^ v-wvu - 1>s ROSTER AND HISTORY 306th Regiment of Engineers and 306th Engineer Train ^ anas m gi ^^^^^^ ENGINEERS COURAGE OBEDIENCE LOYALTY "i. fi 'Z^ . •-2.-^ /I J "®ur iCintn^ ®nrs" insr uufailinri trust lias ma^r it pnssiblr for us tu mrrt hariishi;i m\h tpni|Jtatiuu anh ' rrturu tu thrni utith a rlrau hrart COLONKI. RIlRKliT li. liALSTOX HISTORY J* The ;i()(ith Eegiiin'iit of PjiigineiTs and En<;inecr Train was orfiiini/.cil in August. 1917, at Camp ,Tackson, Columbia, S. (\. under the command of Colonel Ivobert 11. IJal.ston, Coi-ps of Kngineei's, U. 8. Army, and ollicered by officers newly comniissionecl from the First Officers" Traiiung CaMi|). The Regiment and Train were the Engineer Troops of the fSlst Division, officially designated the "Stonewall " Dixision, but better known as the ■'\\'ild Cats." To build up a lighting machine of soldiers from new recruits suddenly called from their cixilian environments is a difficult undertaking. Men were assigned to the regiment in small numbers. At first oidy A Comjjany and D Company were formed, to be later split up into six companies as more men joined the regiment, until Hnally our organization reachecl satisfactorj' strength. Full of enthusiasm and energy, officers and men studied the war game, and cjuickly the regiment became known for its regimentid si)irit and discipline. The civilians had become soldiers. But National Guard I)i\isions were being prepaivd foi- o\erscas, and our division was called upon to furnish the necessary nu'u to bring these divisions up to strength. It was heart-breaking to officers and luen alik'e when these assignments left us and oui- i-(-giment, depleted to a mere skeleton, startetl all over again its task of building u[) an organization from raw material. The training thi'ougiiout these months of hard work was highly intensl\e. We learned first to be Infantrymen, and the routine was close order drill, ritle practice, bayonet exercise, skirmish drill, and there came a day later when this training was well worth its labor to all of us. With it went road building, britlge building, map making, demolition and all the accomplishments of divisional engineers. The side issiies were baseball, athletics, riile c'ompctition ami the ii'ksoine job of digging the stumps out of our i-egiment;d yard. But we wearied of the long wait until it came our time for overseas duty. The first step was a move to Camp Sevier, (ireenville, S. C, with the division on May 2Sth, 191S. The regiment was recruited to practically full strength shortly after arriving at Camp Sevier, and the job of bi-inging the new arrivals up to our liigli standard of discipline and training was rushed at high tension. Our success was largely due to the excellent spirit always shown by all the men, new and old, and the energy, capabilities and enthusiasm of our non-com- missioned officers. Out of a ck-ar «ky tame oreleis tu luuve to C'uiup Upton for bliipiuent o\ tT- seas. There was a mad scramble to equip, prepare records and pack up in three days. Otlit'ers, Company Clerks and Sujjply Sergeants worked day and night. But the job was tinaliy Hnished, good-byes said, and on Jul\' luth, lt)lS, we found ourselves in Camp Upton, again in a mad scramble to fill up to strength, maki' linal i)i('[)ai-ations, e,(jui[) all men completely and pass tinal inspections. In the wee suudl hours of morning, July 30, U)18, we quietly miarcheil out of camp, moved by train to the East River, sailed around Lower New York on a Ferry to the docks, embarked on the British steamer "Canada," stowed away like cattle in the hold. AVe slipped by the Statue of Liberty and out to sea, one of a convoy of thirteen troop shijjs, accompanied by a British cruiser and an American destroyer. Destination unknown. I'erhaps in all the history of war on land and sea there is no more imposing spectacle than the stately movement of a convoj-, day by day nudving its way acro.ss the ocean, tlie destroyer out ahead always watchful, never a light at night. Always the keen e3'es of the submarine guards searching the waters for the tell-tale periscopes. But our voyage had its sori'ows as well as its glories, for, despite ideal weather and a calm sea, much of our rations sooner or later went over the rail to the fish. The British destroyers met us near the north coast of Ireland, and on August 11, li>18, we doclced at Liverpool, England, debarked, and marched to Camp Knotty Ash, Liverpool. England was glad to see us. The streets were massed with women and children — thousands of children. They greeted us royally, impeded our nuirch, brought us water and cigarettes and threatened our best looking Sergeants and Corporals with kisses. But the maidiood of England was not there, ex- cept in the hospital uniforms of Tommy Atkins home on enforced leave. From Knotty Ash we moved by train across England to Winchester and the Britisli rest camps of "Winnow Down" and "Morn Hill." We lived on British rations — mostly "goat,"" and in the off hours explored the Winchester Cathedral, the old school, the castle, gazed reverently at King Arthur's Round Table, and enjoyed to the linnt the historical things of this quaint old city. But our stay in P^ngland was not all play. E Company stayed behind at Liverpool to move our baggage from boat to train, and F Company preceded the regiment to South Hampton to load our baggage from train to channel steamer. Next day the regiment embarked, again got seasick, and debarked at Cherbourg — France, at last. Two days were spent at a "rest camp" near Cherbourg before we made our first acquaintance with French box cars and P^uropean railroads, "hommes 40. %i a o o chevciuix 8." AVlint. nust-rahU' little sweat boxes they are ! It was a long ride from Cherbour<,^ to Ervy, and at Eny we unloaded and spent what was left of the night asleep in the gravel fivight yard. That gravel made a good bed. From Eny we hiked to our training area near Tonnei-re. The regiment was located in various villages. llead(iuarters was at Tronchoy. The companies were in Tronchoy, Cheney, Vezinnes'and Roffey. 'I'liis was our first experience with the French billets and the French i)eople and was in numy ways most interesting. AVe were the first American.- in tliis area and were received with open ai-ms and soon made nuiny friends. Intensive training in tiic newer attac k formations and in war of movement was the .schedule. Some otlicers and non-conmiis'^ioned otlicers were sent to various .schools and we put the finishing touches to our training. On September iJSth we marched back again to Ei-vy under back-breaking packs. It was the hardest march in our history. The load was terrific and many unable to nuike it. were brought in in the baggage trucks. We moved liy train from Ervy to Bruyeres and then had a heart-breaking hike from Bruyeres to Les Kouges-P^aux. On September 20th, 1918, one of the memorial days in the history of the regi- ment, we began the march to our first assignment in a front line sector. Start- ing about five o'clock in the afternoon, we crossed the hills in the dark. It was our first night march. We made our objectives on time, all present. The next night saw the entire regiment in ])osition. The regiment was scattered over a wide front. Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company were located at St. Die. The IIead(iuarters Company was engaged in a nuiltitude of small jobs, such as mine guards, dug-out consti'uctions for division hcad(|UMrters, pereon- nel for engineer dumps, etc. The 1st Battalion llead(piarters was located at Kemoaunix. Company "A" was located near St. Jean D'Ormont, living in dugouts. Their work consisted in coiLstruction of dugouts, road camoullage and trench rej)air. Being close up to the fi-ont line and under ahnost constant ob>er\ation of the enemy, they were, together with the Infanti-y. suiiject to uuicli ai'tillery fire all during their stay in this sector. Company "B" was located at Naymnnt and was engaged in dugout con- -struction, road repair, barbed wire entanglenuMits and saw mill operation. This company holds the record of the fii"st company of the regiment to go "over the top" into Xo-Man's Land, carrying up during daylight barbed wire, pickets, etc., for a complete entanglement, in front of the position held by the ;?22nd Infantry at Fratelle, and in souu> three hours and a half at night erei't- ing some 800 yai-ds of barbed wire entanglements, first having i)ut out the same length of ribard wire in front of their working party. This was the only ex- 10 COLONEL TIIATCUKI! T P. LHQIIKR tensive wire entaiio^leniont done by the regiment, and it is doubted if the record made was exfelled by many units in the A. E. F. It was while in this camp that the conii>any suii'ered its first casualties, two men being wounded by the burst of a high explosive shell. Company "C" was located at Lemocnix and was engaged in dugout con- struction, road camouflage and saw' mill operation. Sergeant "Wesson and Corporal Terry were the first to get real front line experience, while engaged in construction of a machine gim emplacement and the necessary barbed wire protection, using Infantrymen for tlie labor details. Frequent shelling of the camouflage kept them constantly reminded of their proximity to the enemy. Company "D" and 2nd Battalion Headquarters were located at JMoyen- moutier. The work here consisted of dugout construction and road camou- flage. The bulk of the work being some four kilometers away from billets and over a road more or less under observation, it was necessary to go to this work before dtiyliglit in the morning, returning by a shorter and hidden route, but being so steep that it was impractical for ascent. It was necessary to move all timber for dugout construction at night, and the pack mules and packers were on the move every night. It was here that Wagoner Carrigan, in a si)irit of wishing to please, permitted a young Infantiy officer to guide hini into Xo- IMan's Land with a rolling kitclien that the Infantry were very anxious to get hold of. The kitchen, like all kitchens, moves with much clatter and bang and presently it got on Fritz's nerves and he began shelling them. Tlie kitchen was stuck in a shell hole, the mules could not move it, the Hun was furnish- ing the incentive to move, the aid of some Infantrj'men called from the tjfenches got the kitchen out of the hole and record time was made getting out of No-]\[an"s Land back to a road where its movements were not so annoying to the Dutchman. Companj' "E" was located up the Malfosse Valley and was engaged in dugout construction, wire entanglement repair and saw mill operation. Their work being divided and one-half of it being in such a position that it recpiired more than an hour of climbing to reach it from their camp, they split up and placed a part of the company in very good billets on the hill next to their work. This company operated some four or five saw mills with very excellent results. It was in this area that they suffered their first casualty from rifle fire. Sergeant Elliott was wounded in action against an enemy patrol. Captain Harwell, then a 1st LieutiMiant, was knocked senseless by a blow on his tin hat during the same scrap. Company "F" was located at Pierre Percee, on the extreme left flank of the divisional sector. This company was engaged immediately on construction of dugouts, road camouflage near Celles, electrification of barbed wire and saw-mill ojieration. It was here that Sergeant Sclmiidt distinguished himself 12 COLONEL C. R. PETTIS by resniiiiy ;ni Iiifniitrv |);itr()l that liiul liocomo lost and cntanfflt'il in barbed wire, under lire of our own and eiuMuy rillcs. The 30Gth Enjrini'er 'I rain \\a> ioratcil at Licbhay. their main (bities beinattali(m jiroceeded on and mart'hed up the deserted streets of A'erdiin at 3 a. ui.. November 4th. Tlie wagon train was parked in an old market house, with gajiing holes in the roof and walls, the men for the most j)art sleeping in what had once been the jail. The 81st Division was relieving the 35th Division and this regiment took over the work of the 110th Engineers. The Commanding Officer of the 110th I 14 Engineers, Colonel Thomas Clark, was the 1st AOGth Engi- neers during the early days at Camp Jackson. Tile 1st J'.attalion, less Company "A," was on the right of the divisional sector with Ijattalion P. C. at Les NivoUette. Company "A'' was stationed at Dieue to guard explosives, bridges and road mines. The i^nd liattalion was stationed on the left of the divisional sector at Camp Savoyard, just out of Eelrupt. with the Battalion P. C. at the same place. A part of Company "D" was detailed as mine guards and a part to ojierate the narrow-gauge railroad out of Clairmont. On the afternoon of November 7th, 1918, the Battalion Conunanders wei-e called to Regimental Headquarters at Sommedieue and told of an imi)en(ling advance of the division. On November the 8th, 1918, this regiment had recon- noitering patrols on the whole divisional front, with a view to determine the necessary engineer work reciuired to take care of a general advance. All parties reported to their Battalion Headquarters on the night of the 8tli. and the situation was discussed and reports prepared. At 1 :00 a. m., November 9th. 1918, messengers from Regimental Headcpuirters brought the orders to pre- pare for an advance of the division at 8:00 a. m.. that morning, the 1st Bat- talion, less Company "A," being ordered to report to the lG2nd Infantry Bri- gade Commander, the 2nd Battalion, less Company "D," being ordered to report to the 161st Infantry Brigade Conuuander, Companies •'A'" and '•J)"" being held for the present in reserve. All will remember the mad preparation to i)aik ii|) and get away on time. At the appointed hour the Infantry went '•over the top" and the regiment went with them. Company "A." attached to the -Jiid Colonial French Corps. nu)ved to the Verdun-Etain-Metz highwav to Hll shell holes and keep the road open to trurk traflic. Companies '"B" and ■•C." on the right Hank near Haudiomont just in the rear of the Infantry, kejjt the roads open for the evaciuition of wounded and advance of artillery. Their work was done luuler great difficulty and heavy fire, "C" Comi)any (Uunolished a heavy concrete wall, built as an obstacle across the road, only with great diffiiulty. "B" Company kept pace with the Infantry despite exposure to tire, from which the Infantry could seek shelter. Company "D" was at first on the Verdun-Eta in Road, but was later with- drawn and retired. "E" and -V" Cdnipanics near Moranville finishing the work of carrying the roads out to the final front line. Company "E" was assigned the triple task of road work from Moulainville forward, from Chattilon forward, and of evacuating wounded. They pushed their roads out across No Man's Laml. filling shell holes and crossing the Gernuin front line trenches. The detachment assigned to helping the wounded 15 workfd coiitinuoiisly iiiuU'r liiT follow iiiir close hi'hiinl the Iiit';inti\v. On No\eiiiber 11th. "K" CoiniiMiiy was assoiiihleil ami foi-iued j)art of the Infantry Reserves. After lieinii' I'eliexeil from tiiis duty, they joined "F" Coinpany on the bridge and road work in Mt)ran\ille. Company "F" went "oxer the top" on Xo\einl>er '.'tli. I'Jlt^, with the Infanti-y as Infantry, in an advance on Moran\ iUe. That night it was witlulrawn from the line and assigned tt) road work until it again assembled to form pai't of the Infantry Keserves. It was relieved from this duty early >sovember 11th, 1!>1S. One platoon, nmler Lt. McKissick, was a.ssigned to bridge building near Moranville. This work was done under very intense shell Hre. The balamc of the company was again assigned to road work to and beyond Aloranv ille. Lt. Adams, with a detail of one sqnad, was assigned the undesirable duty of un- loading enemy mines and trai)s. lie took the teeth out of nine hundred and eighty-two of them without a casualty. Always, roads followed close on the heels of the Infantry. Never wa> the artillery delayed for want of roads. "Coninninications ojien on tiuie."" Tliat is the test of good engineers. Our sanitary detachment went with us always and rendered wonderfid assistance. Our wagon trains and rolling kitchens showed a daring unexpected in keeping ns supplied with tools, annniinition and food. It is impossible to tell so big a story in all its details. Persistent reports stated that ho.stilities would cease at 11 :00 o'clock, but very little credit was attached to this most recent rumor. At 11 :00 o'clock all artillery fire ceased abruptly on both sides, leaving a silence uncanny. For an hour no one dared hojie and believe that the great war was ended. Soldiers had schooled themselves to grin anil bear their hardships, to stifle hope, and now this new .silence, so strange, so seemingly unnatural, could not l>e realized. That night the sky was cloudless; for luiles north and south both lines were .sending uj^ rockets of all colors aiul descriptions. Twenty-four hours before, these sanu' rockets would have been signals for deadly artillery fire, but this night they called on men to rejoice that the bloodiest war in hi.story had ended. They marked a new life for man. Elveryone felt it. In some it showed a strange (luiet, a sudden longing for home; in others a desire to walk otf alone to realize the meaning of peace. After a few days' rest, the regiment stai'ted on a seventeen-day hike of a hundred and sixty-five miles from \\'rdun to Chatillon-sur-Seine, where it arrived on December 3rd. In the li^th Training Area the Regimental ITead(]uai-tei's at Aisey-Sur-Seine, the regiment undertook the upkeep of some .")()() kilometers of i-oad, necessita- ting the scattering of the regiment over numy s(|uare miles of area in detads of from S(|uads up. These details were engaged in road repair, ipiarrN' opcu'a- IG tion and (lirectioii of Int'aiiti-y lal)(>r details. In addition to tiiis work, many details of various sizes were scattered o\er the area, erecting hangars, install- ing electric light plants, bath houses, etc.. under Captain Forhes. The Engi- neer Train furnished transportation for this work and handled it with effi- ciency and skill. During the hitter jjart of Decend)er, Colonel Charles II. Pettis was assigned to the regiment and took command. Lieut. Colonel Lnquer was detailed to take charge of the Corps Educational Center at Latracey. Major Staidey C. Scott was assigned to the regiment and took connnand of the 1st l>attalion. On March 'JOth, litlll. the division was reviewed by the King and Queen of Belgium and (Jeneral Pei'shing, and was again reviewed by (ieneial Peishing on April 10th. when he made his farewell speecii to the troops. On March •_'."ith. Colonel Pettis was reliexed of command of the regiment and ordered to London. Lieut. Colonel Luqnei'. having been advanced to the grade of Colonel, took over the command, but shortly after was foiced to apply for return home because of the critical illness of his father. The regi- ment came under its present Commander. Lieut. Colonel (ieorge H. Bunker. Under the training of Captain AA'yllys II. Taylor, assisted by 1st Lieuten- ant Sanford P. Gra\es and -Jnd Lieutenant Milton A. Aljernathy, the regiment dex'eloix'd a riHe team whiili distinguished itself by taking third jdace at the A. E. F. liifie and Pistol Shoot at LeMans, France, {lieutenant Orton B. Staulfer, Company "C," won a silver medal for his pistol shooting at this same meet. On May IHth and UUli. I'.»l'.», the regiment entrained for the LeMans Area, where preparations were madi' for embarking. On May ;j()th, liHi), it en- trained for St. Nazaire, where the final preparations were made to go on board ship. On June 3, 1919, at 9 :00 o'clock in the moi"ning, the regiment sailed from St. Nazaire Harbor on the U. S. S. Santa Malta, bound for Xew York. .Vfter seven days at sea, orders were receixcd by wireless to change our course and proceed to Charleston, South Carolina, where we landed June ITith. W moved by train to Camp Jackson and demobilized June is, 1 e DECOlJA'l'IOXS AND CITATIONS. The following officers and men were decoratetl or cited in orders after tlie Meuse-Argonne ofl'ensive : Colonel Thatcher T. P. Luqner, then I^ieut. Colonel in command. Lieut. Cohtnel (ieorge II. P>unker, then Major commanding i!nd Battalion. Major Thomas II. Allen, then Captain conananding Company "F."' Captain Harry B. Vaughn, Jr., Kegimeiital Supply Officer. Captain Atlee Mairs. then 1st Lieutenant Medital Corps. Captain James I). Andrews. Jr.. then 1st Lieutenant Company "D." Awarded Croix de Guerre. 17 Captain Ellison S. McKissiek. then 1st Lieutenant Company "F."' 1st Lieut. David L. White, ('(inipany "'E.'" 1st Lieut. Henry F. Wilson. Comiiany "E." 1st Lieut. Lloyd D. Knapp, Coinimny "I)."' Master Engineer Senior Gratle, John ^[. Bailey, then Sergeant First Class, Company "E." 1st Sgt. P'rank O. ^lorisctte. then Sgt. First Class. Conqiany "E." Awarded Croix de Guerre. Sgt. P'irst Class Lewis A. Schmidt. Comjiany "F. Guerre. Sgt. First Class Clark II. AA'dkiiiscin. Company "F." Sgt. George M. Chamliers. Cdinpany ""F."' Corp. Harold :\I. Wilson. Pvt. First Class John K. Wind>or. Pvt. Leo D. McLaughlin, Sanitary Detadiment. Pvt. Bert Hallstein. Sanitary Detachment. Awarded Croix de CASUALTIES. The following casu;i Argonne offensive: Killed in Action : Pvt. Bernice Entric Pvt. 1st Class Hal If Wounded in Action : First Lieutenant David First Lieutenant Henry Beddingfield, Mosson E. Fletcher, Shelby Gilbert, Stewart E. Johnson, William McCarthy, John T. McCIarly, Howard W. Strother, Marion M. Turner, Lee E. Wicker, Arthur B. Allen, Tullie S. Emerson, Walter J. Gibson, Odiest L. Goodwin, John H. Ingle, John W. Jones, Alfred Jackson, Lewis E. Kennerly, Emmet R. McCullougb, Fred A. Iti es occurrec 1 during the regiment's part in tlie Meuse- in. Iv. F. I). No. 1. Logan, Ala.. Company "V." ird Vi\ Haunenstein. Onarga. 111.. Company "F."' L. White L. Wilson, Private First Class, Private, Company ' Corporal, Company Private, Company Corporal, Company Private First Class, Private, Company " Private, Company ' Private First Class, Private, Company " Corporal, Company Private, Company " Private, Company " Corporal. Company Private First Class, Private, Company " Private, Company Private. Company " Company "E," Gassed. Company "E," Gassed. Company "B," Gassed. 'B," Gun Shot Wound. "B," Gun Shot Wound. "B," Shell Wound. "B," Gassed Company "B," Gassed. B," Gun Shot Wound. B," Gassed. Company "B," Gassed. E," Gassed. "E," Gassed. E," Gassed. E," Gassed. "E," Gassed. Company "E," Gassed. E," Gassed. E," Gassed. E," Gassed. 19 Nawrocki, Waclaw Paxson, Kverctt W. Peterson, Alson A. Pierce, Will Wozncy, Arthur Aiello, Antonino Baugus, Fred M. Bitzer, George Culver, Lonzo L. Harris, Joseph L. Kuykendall, Alston Lindsay, Ambrose VV. Martin, Wiley G. Mendenhall, Julius F. Palmer, Claude E. Ross, Samuel C. Searles, Samuel Spase, George Svverson, Sverre Private, Company "E," Gassed. Private, Company "E," Gassed. Private, Company "E," Gassed. Private, Company "E," Gassed. Private, Company "E," Gassed. Pvt. 1st CI., Co. "F," Gun Shot Wound. Corporal, Company "F," Shell Wound. Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Gassed. Private. 1st Class, Company "F," Gassed Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Pvt. 1st CI.. Co, "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Gun Shot Wound. Private, Company "F," Machine Gun Bullet. Private, Company "F," Gassed. Private, Company "F," Gassed. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF, 306TH REGIMENT OF ENGINEERS AND TRAIN XAMK COLONELS Ralston, Robert R. Pettis. Charles R. Luqucr, Thatcher T. P. LIEUTENANT COLONEL P)Unker, ("leorge H. MAJORS Lamson, William M Allen, Thomas H. CAPTAINS Whitehurst. Herbert C. Trott, Cambridge M. I-'orbes, Arthur C. Mengel, Carl W. Snook, Thomas E. Millis, Ralph Hansen, Arthur C. MacMillan, Edward A. Vaughn, Harry B., Jr. Harwell, Ambrose Andrews, James D., Jr. Dillingham. George M. FIRST LIEUTENANT Carter. Walter CHAPLAIN ("irant. Warren P. SECOND LIEUTENANT Williamson. Roy L. HOME ADDRESS. The Cordova, Washington, D. C. Care War Department, Washington, D. C. Bedford Hills, N. Y. 541 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 561 East 9^h St., Brooklyn, N. Y. II 14 I'nion Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 2016 Monument Ave., Richmond, \'a. Mt. Pleasant, S. C. 734 East 5th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wahoo, Neb. 261 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 299 East loth St., Atlanta, Ga. Bessemer, Mich. 35 Park Place, Princeton, N. J. Care Sou. Distributing Co., Norfolk, Va. Auburn, Ala. 702 i8th St., S.. Nashville, Tenn. No. 9 Orange St., Charleston, S. C. 1208 N. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. 99 Walnut St., Binghampton, N. Y. 818 N. Person St., Raleigh, N. C. ROSTER OF HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT AND BAND, 306TH ENGINEERS NAME. HOME ADDRESS. REGT'L SERGEANT MAJORS Rhoad, Clifford S. Branchville, S. C. Spencer, Alex. G. Ramsuer St., Durham, N. C. MR. ENGINEERS SENIOR GR. Neville, Albert N. 726 "M" St., Sacramento, Cal. Kearcher, Frank C. 621 West 29th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Bailey, John M. Strawberry Plains, Tenn. Adams, William F. RFD 2, Wellborn, Fla. Steelman, Walter A. Mansfield, -'Vrk. MR. ENGINEERS JUNIOR GR. McAnnally .William A. Robinson, Luther E. Woolen, Roy Collie, Max DeWinkler, August Osborne, Carl F. DeMars, Paul A. Ostwalt, Wade C. - Hunger, Harry W. Drake, Rupy P. Moss, Otway P. Connor, James E. REGT. SUPPLY SERGEANTS Elliott, Henry O. Fleig, Charles, Jr. BN. SERGEANT MAJORS Sauls, Ralph J. Faus, William M. FIRST SERGEANT Landman, Charles T. SERGEANTS FIRST CLASS Mosby, Leonard L. Carriger, Clarence Hall, William W. Ollsen, Edwin D. Huntsville, Ala. RFD 6, Madisonville, Tenn. Two Harbors, Minn. RFD I, Clifton, Tenn. Arch Creek, Fla. ParksviUe, S. C. 44 Vine St., Lawrence, Mass. Eufola, N. C. Lake Helen, Fla. Balfour. N. C. 610 Jones St., Little Rock, Ark. Ill Dorado, Ark. 1938 College St., Columbia, S. C. 391 1 Syosset St., Woodhaven, L. I., N. Y. Enterprise, Fla. Lemon City, Fla. 130754 St. Charles St., S., Birmingham. Ala. « Titusville, Fla. Lamont, Okla. Sebastian, Fla. 1331 S. 20th St., Birmingham, Ala. REGT. SERGEANT BUGLERS Richert, LeRoy H. Whitehal Phillips, Jim M. 111. 23 ASSISTANT BAND LEADER Williams. Walter R. COLOR SERGEANTS Leo, Milward ¥■ Gaydoul. George P. MESS SERGEANT Kay, Roy C SUPPLY SERGEANT Rol)inson, Clu^lie A, STABLE SERGEANT Sherron, James iL BAND SERGEANTS Payne. Robert X. Borton. Robert G. Ketelbut, William A. Roberson, Willard C. SERGEANTS Moore. John T. Walker, Ben H. Dennis, Robert S. MacGuire, Robert R. Gresham, James N. Faison, Thomas I^L BAND CORPORAL RawK, Travis M. ' CORPORALS Blood. Charles B. Roberts. Thomas W. Neel, Wilton C. Booth, Eunice V. Ferrell, Emory M. Bennett, John C. Cannon, Edward J. Weeks, John J. Olsen, Albert N. Donahue. Thos. W. Overton, Lester E. Cahill. John A. COOKS Glover. Sandy T. Hight, Jesse Z. Lassiter. Daniel W. Mattiola, Pedro O. Xolen, William F. Salomoni, Pietro Sexton. \"irgil 6io Lake Morton Drive, Lakeland. Fla. No. 8 St. Nieholas Terrace, New York, N. Y. 697 West End Ave., New^ York, N. Y 311 Brown Ave., Belton, S. C. Rt. A- 1, Repton, .Ala. RFD J. Youngsville, N. C. Huntingdon, Tenn. Live Oak, Fla. 13 16 3rd St., Watertown, Wis. Mars Hill. N. C. Heflin. Ala. RFD I, Advance, N. C. Dadeville, Ala. 61 West 82d St.. New York, N. Y. 460 Pulliam St., Atlanta, Ga. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 707 Central .A.ve., Suffolk, \'a. Room 2912 Equitable Building. New York. Murfrecsboro, Tenn. Route No. 12, Charlotte, N. C. East Point, La. San Mateo. Fla. Pratt City, Ala. 708 3d Ave., New York City. 341 Grove St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. 232 Calumet St., Laurium, Mich. 405 S. Conception St., Mobile, Ala. General Delivery, East Durham, N. C. 104 \\'est goth St.. New York. N. Y. Buie, N. C. Eclectic, Ala. I^asker, N. C. 229 E. 45tb St., New Y'ork, N. Y. 311 Columbia Ave., Franklin, Tenn. Rocco Sicilina, P. V. Massa, Corrora. Italy. Box and Route No. i. Olive Hill. Ky iv HORSESHOER Eckstein, August Gatliii, Charles VV. MUSICIANS FIRST CLASS Hankel, Fred C. Jones. William D. Michel. Ralph E. MUSICIANS SECOND CLASS Alberici, Silvio Bourque, Ovila Giannetto, Guiseppe Matteson, Lionel A. Wittikind. Conrad A.. Jr. MUSICIANS THIRD CLASS Dark. Thomas J. Dooley, Garner Griffith, Leo G. Holmes, Sigfred Kraft, Harry G. Mazzocco, Guiseppe Story, Stratford S. Trim, Fletcher Yoder, Julius H. SADDLER Moody, Robert A: WAGONERS Brown, James D. Butler, Edward E. Flowers, Albert S. Harper, Tandy C. McManus, Norman F. Moss, James L. Prevatte, Bailey Roberson, David M. Welburn. Charles C. BUGLER Risser. Ralph D. PRIVATES FIRST CLASS .\lbritton, Leonard X, .•\sher, Lester H. .A.ult, Roy W. Buck, Herbert G. Cooper, Fred E. Deal, Vernon E. East, William A., Jr. Ardmore, .'Via. Milligan, Fla. 3531 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 111. 1221 E. Carter St.. Ashland. Ky. 123 Phelps St., Jacksonville, Fla. 400 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. 268 E. White St., Holyoke, Mass. 114 Dobe St.. Albany, N. Y. Sanford, Fla. 1684 Linden St., Brooklyn, N. Y. RED 3, Siler City, N. C. Locksburg, Ark. RED No. I, Watseka, 111. No. 29 Fammouth St., Worcester, Mass. 1023 Putman Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. 121 Nort^ Maple St., .^kron, Ohio. Eustis, Fla. 3448 Wildwood Ave., Cleveland, Tenn. Van W'yck, S. C. x Guntersville, Ala. Wetumpka, Ala. Liberty, N. C. 1308 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. RED I, Orehill, N. C. RED I, Bear Creek, N. C. Millry, Ala. RED I, St. Paul, N. C. Jamesville, N. C. Bankston, Ala. 474 Cherry St., Springfield, Mo. RED I. Madisonville, Fla. Rhinebeck, N. Y. 128 S. Rural St., Emporia, Kansas. 183 High St., Walpole, Mass. 500 IMcPherson St.. Oxford, Ala. RED I, Hickory, N, C. RED 2, Banks, Ala. Kcsslcr, George J. Holmquist, Thomas E. Houscr, Clarence C Johnson. William D. Karrh, James A. Kennickell, Edwin M. O'Neal, Nicholas T. Toler. William C. PRIVATES Alderman, Robert L. Cahill. Edward J. Campbell, John G. Carrigan. Martin J. Coughlin. Charles Egan, Michael A. Ellis, Thomas G. Epperson, Ira E. Hazlctt, Thomas J. Maronell, Pasquale McBride, Francis J. Miley, James W. Mims, Robert E. Mullen, Richard S. Norman, Dink Norris, John C. Rashap, Max Rosen, Louis Rupard, Emerson E. Staggers, Ora E. Szabo, Joseph, Jr. Waldroup, Robert Wilson, Harry B. 44J E. 88th St., New York, N. Y. Norra Lamgat St., 2, Gottenburg, Sweden. Rutherfordton, N. C. RED 2, Mountain Creek, .Ala. 1527 North St., Birmingham, .-Ma. 313 West Hill St., Savannah, Ga. 46 Fountain St., Holyoke, Mass. 213 North Virginia St., Goldsboro, N. C. Gary, Tampa, Fla. 593 3d Ave., New York, N. Y. Andalusia, Ala. 521 E. 138th St., New York. 56 W. 98th St., New York. 408 E. 152nd St., New York, N. Y. Busy Bee Cafe, Tuscaloosa, Ala. mo 2d Axe., Birmingham, .Ma. Manor Hamilton, Ireland. 95 Park Place, Coney Island. Republic, Pa. 332 Centre St., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Eutawville, S. C. RED I, Grouse, N. C. RED I, HoustonviUe, N. C. Cruso, N. C. 19 Manhattan Ave., New York, N. Y. 303 Broad St., Jacksonville, Fla. RED I, Laurel, Tenn. Owensburg, Ind. 289 E. 72d St., New York, N. Y'. RED I, Randolph, .A.la. 151 1 Morgan St., Tampa, Fla. 28 ROSTER OF COMPANY "A", 306TH ENGINEERS CAPTAIN Kingsbury. Francis H. FIRST LIEUTENANTS Raymond, Carl L. Bradford. George S. Reichelderfer, George K. SECOND LIEUTENANTS Abernaliy. Milton A, Budd. Daniel S. Allrcd. Shelby S. FIRST SERGEANT Minshew, Will R. SERGEANTS FIRST CLASS McElin. Daniel Steyenson, George Doleshaw. William J. Packet, Joseph R. Graubert. Daye McDonald. Archie E. SUPPLY SERGEANT Oliver, Frank \'. SERGEANTS Cashion. Moiris H. McLeod, Robert S. Kaylor. Oren W. Jordon, Luther J. Cooper, George E. McEaddy, Pressley P. Harris, Hugh E. Belcher, Earl Hooper, James C. Parker, Henry O. Lawson, Burvle O. Pickering, Henry H, Rice, Ruben Edmonds, William E. Cox, Harvey B. HoUemam, Sanford R. Dishman, Louis R. Lamb, Charles F. Langford, John S. Singer, Edmond W. Meadows. Bell L. Medfield, Mass. Washington, D. C. Gardner, Mass. Harlan, Ind. Paducah, Tex. Chester, N. J. Elba, Ala. Eureka, N. C. Richmond, Ind. Ranson, 111. Cottage Grove. Wis. looi Bingham St.. Kno.xville, Tenn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Daytona, F'la. 50Q Rcid St.. Palatka. Fla. 4th Morgan St., Greenville. S. C. 118 E. Main St., Dothan, Ala. Conover. N. C. Elm City. N. C. X'ashville. Tenn. Valaha. F'la. 1830 CaroU .^ve., Knoxville, Tenn. Erin, Tenn. Puryear. Tenn. Nathan. .Ark. Tallahoma. Tenn. Hamburg. Ark. Walnut. X. C. Waverville, N. C. Daisy, Tenn. Jonesville, Tenn. 21 15 Leighton Ave., .\nniston, .\la. Paint Rock, N. C. Locksburg, Ark. 4245 Main, Fostoria, O. Hubert. N. C. 2S» CORPORALS Ferguson, Robert T. Perkins, Hubert Templeton, John Robertson, Charles S. Glover, Victor W. Rains, Nolan Curran, Clay C. Smith, William B. Bryan, Lee Meyers, Irven E. Peterson, Thomas G. Kaiser, John M. Hatchcock, Reuben W. Sessions, Clark H. Felix, William Marlow, Francis R. Bass, Samuel C. Butler, Asa D. Johnstone, Charles L. Lunsford, William H. Whitsett, Osma E. Caton, Augustus B. Witherspoon, William F. Patterson, Hosie E. Nichols, Leonard B. Fite, Charles H. Enright, Edward J." Griffin, William L. Newby, James L. Harris, S. Phillip J. Hall, William A. O'Brien, James Peachy, Sidney Holland, Benjamin F. Phillips, Edward L. Bannon, Clj'de A. Pollard, Gary N. Lichlyter, Roy L. Davenport, Tip Boatman, Oary T. Buchmiller, Joseph I'"ulmer, Edgar J. Hitchcock, Charles W. Little, Charlie B. COOKS Cunningham, Lesyer A. Knowlcs, Thomas C. Sanders, Noah J. Woodbine Station, Tenn. Jacksboro, Tenn. Clifton, Tenn. Noven, Tenn. Warren, Ark. Chaska, Tenn. Cannon Falls, Minn. Bington, Tenn. Marshall, N. C. Naborton, La. Greenback, Tenn. Robinson Fork, Tenn. Albermarle, N. C. Bellview, Ala. 419 E. 63d St., New York, N. Y. Dunnville, Ky. RED No. I, Wetumpka, Ala. Hall Knob, Tenn. lO/O DeKalb Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Fowlkes, Tenn. Lumberton, Miss. Andulasia, Ala. Mortons Gap, Ky. Emmett, Ark. Boonville, N. C. Atwood, Tenn. Lake W'orth, Fla. McConnell, Tenn. Spring City, Tenn. Henderson, N. C. Orange Heights, Fla. i.\ Jay St.. South Boston, Mass. Prescott, Ark. Bridgeport, Ala. Parkton, N. C. Wichita, Kan. Sentinal, Okla. Sadlersville, Tenn. Bra.xton. Tenn. Gadsden, Ala. Tichnor, Ark. Florence, Ala. De Queen, Ark. Birmingham, Ala. Jennings, Fla. White Springs, Fla. Francis, Fla. 31 Rhuc, X'crncl U. Batson, Frank Piitnian. Clifton P. HORSHESHOER Wolf, Willie 11. WAGONERS Arrouuud, John W. Herring, Andrew 1'". Jones, George Neal, Willie A. Rose, Marcus L. Signiun, Oscar M. Sircy, Milford 1"'. Strickland. Robert L. BUGLERS Angel, Lewis C. Freeman. Isaac R. PRIVATES FIRST CLASS Abee, Marshall C. Arnibruster, Carl Bird. John H. Bryant. Thomas C. Bullock. Ed. Burr. Lewis T. Busli, Thomas G. Cook, Howard L. Cox. Thomas E. D'Anjou. Oscar Edwards, Wamond L. Gandy, Clinton F. Gey, George L. Grubbs, Roy L. Gwynn, Chas. R. Hannah, George L. Hart. Oscar G. Haddinott, Robert IJ. Hamrick. Nestor C Howard. Milton H. Jones. Jolin H. Jones, Luther W. Jones, Tobe F. Leach, George Long, Jesse B. Long. Ralph W. McLaughlin. Rex McQueen, Alexander M. Moshos, Peter Pelletier, N. C. Travelers Rest, S. C. Oneonta, Ala. Hillard. I'la. Hurnsville, N. C. Millard, Ala. Parrish, Ala. Wckwa, Fla. Mount Olive, N. C. Conover, N. C. (jainsborough. Tenn. Bakeville, Tenn. Jacksbco, Tenn. 303 W. 5th St., Chariot le, N. C. Hickory N. C. Richmond. Ind. Goreville, 111. Chatchie, Ala. Buceville, Tenn. Springfield, Tenn. 226 200th St., Rosemary, N. C. Butler, Ala. Williamston, N. C. 30 Aiken Ave., Lowell. Mass. Meridian. Miss. Clanton. Ala. Klkmont, Ala. Athens, .Ala. 1302 Ninth N. W.. Washington, D. C. Searles, Ala. Derita, N. C. Pine Hurst, N. C. Shelby, N. C. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Kellerman, Ala. Spray, N. C. Richland, N. C. High Cliff, Tenn. Monroe, .Ark. Keener, Ala. Leeds, Ala. Fayettsville, N. C. 216 Worchcster St., Orchard, Mass. 33 Neal, Carl L. Osborne, Fred Pace, Charles H. Pate, Jim H. Porter, Daniel D. Pierce, Joseph N. Perry, Elmer M. Parsons, Rederick Pronsati, Biago Rice, John A. Scott, Samuel F. Sexton, Taulbert V. Shaw, Siggle S. Stephenson, John W. Stooksberry, Lee Taylor, Andrew J. Thrash, Calvin C. Tucker, Grady H. Turnley, Julian W. Utley, William T. Webb, Rufus Willoughby, Walter L. Wilhelm, Birges L. Wood, Newton Wood, Andy Yohn, Ernest M. Smith, Robert W. > Cooper, Lee A. Galloway, Bent Holleman Marshall Q. Broad St., West Durham, N. C. Larkinsville, Ala. Corinth, Miss. Snow Hill, N. C. Sampit, S. C. Winsor, N. C. Plantersville, Ala. Candor, N. C. 201 8 Cayuga St., Plula, Pa. Whitnel, N. C. Reidsville, N. C. Gum Neck, N. C. 724 Bradley St., Bessemer, Ala. Holly Springs, N. C. Stookberry, Tenn. Lovich, Ala. 1708 W. 8th St., Anniston, Ala. Gastonia, N. C. Cameson, N. C. Moncuse, N. C. Stantonburg, N. C. 807 3d St., Birmingham, Ala. Moncurd, N. C. Aquone, N. C. Aquone, N. C. Enterprise, Ala. Denver, N. C. Opes, Fla. Walstonburg, N. C. Fort Wayne, Ala. PRIVATES Allen, Benjamin F. Anerton, Robert E. Arterio, Nunzi Almanzar, Jose M. Barber, Jack Bates, Will Beaty, George H. Beanavides, Jesus Bingham, Everett Bloom, Wesley J. Boxcer, Sam Brame, James O. Brown, Astor O. Brown, Eugene B. Brown, James W. Brown, Mike D. Bumbarner, Lester P. Mt. Gilead, N. C. 711 Washington Ave., Athens, Ala. Niles, Ohio. San Elizario, Tex. Westville, Okla. Tracy City, Tenn. Buffalo, Ala. Bessie, Texas. Randolph, Vermont College Place, S. C. 117 Siegel St., Brookland, N. W. Faunsdale, Ala. Henrietta, N. C. 1316 5th Ave. S.. Albany, Ala. Charlotte, N. C. West Point, Geo. Connely Springs, N. C. f* Burton, James W. Byrne. Peter Case, Robert L. Clifton, Carl M. Cothern Clifford M. Davis, Alcus B. Davis, Chester Davison, Homer L. Dodson, George E. Driver, James B. Duke, James H. Echols, Levi 1). Everheart. John Ford, William A. K. Green, James T. Greene, Lawrence F. Hendon, Lonnie H. Herndon, Sim S. Hicks, James L. Hogwood, Robert A. Home, Carl L. Jaedike, Henry Jett, Walter Jimerson, Paul E. Johnson, George R. Johnson, John Johnson, Oscar M^ Jones, James A. Kerr, Henry A. Lipovitch, Nathan A. Long, Claud E. Lott, General Malone, Monroe F. McClure, Henry P. McFadden, Henry W. McHugh, FVank McKelroy, George A. Mendenhall, Arthur B. Merlos, George, Miers, W'ill E. Miller. Clifford E. Munn, Arthur T. Murphy, Thomas J. Pickler, Jesse A. Powers, Charley K. Rambo, Monroe W. Richardson, Nathan S. Rogerson, Jesse W. Salter, John S. Shannon, Ala. 135 E. soth St., New York, N. Y. Decatur, Ala. Creswell, N. C. Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Brantley, Ala. Horton, Ala. Sylacauga, Ala. Holly Pond, Ala. Clanton, Ala. Greenville, .Ma. Georgiana, Ala. Persia, Tenn. 1061 1st Ave., New York City Jasper, Ala. Moorsboro, N. C. Hartsell, .Ala. .Alfalfa, Ala. Mt. Roszell, Ala. 339 6th Ave, Birmingham, .Ma. .Ararat, .Ala. 182 Lafayette Ave., Evergreen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ivnfire, Ala. Liberty, .Ala. Swanianoa .Ave., West Ashville, N. C. Stapleton, Ala. Kipling, N. C. Newton, S. C. Fruit Hurst. Ala. 125 W. 115th St., New York City Gastonia, N. C. Midland City. Ala. Samatha, Ala. Copper Hill, Tenn. Soble, S. C. 200 E. 70th St., New York City Nauvoo, Ala. 119 Broad St., Montoursville, Penn. Chicopee Falls, Mass. Willington, Ala. Georgiana, Ala. Troy, N. C. 237 W'alker St., Lowell, Mass. Fanon, Tenn. Water Lilly, N. C. Epwort'h, S. C. Candor, N. C. Aulander, N. C. Evergreen, Ala. 37 Savage, Herman C. Simpson, Leroy B. Smith, Tomie Smj'ton, William Strickland, Hokie Tedder. Jasper O. Toler, Sidney B. Watson, George T. Whaley, John T. Whedbee, Albert H. Whitner, Fred Williams, Alfred T. Oak City, N. C. no Union St., Elizabeth, N. J. 117 1-2 C Ave., Roland, N. C. 932 Columbus Ave., New York City East Tallassee, Ala. Fairmount, N. C. Kitty Hawk, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. 612 E. Main St., Durham, N. C. Frisco, N. C. Catawba, N. C. \\'anchese, N. C. 38 ROSTER OF COMPANY "B", 306TH ENGINEERS CAPTAIN Mitchell, Stewart FIRST LIEUTENANTS Martin, John A. Knapp, Lloyd D. SECOND LIEUTENANTS Aniidon, Charles W. Koniinars, Jacob Singer, Edmond W. FIRST SERGEANTS Tuttle, Ellis H. Henry, Samuel W. SERGEANTS FIRST CLASS Sarrie, Ernest L. Jerkins, Joseph M. Brown, Robert B. Hall, Robert C. Ank, Guy C. Stokes, James C. Garris, Charles H. MESS SERGEANT Haynes, Ogden V. SUPPLY SERGEANT Stcch. Ray STABLE SERGEANT Myers, Charles A. SERGEANTS Shipley, James H. McGuire, Arlie R. Price, Herbert L. Chandler, Rufus E. Ferry, Glenn A. Neilson, Marius Revels, James A. Cleveland, William L. Ellis, James R. Walker, George E. Roseburg, Oregon. 117 Hampton Ave., Greenville, S. C. 494 Frederick Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 1212 Fourth St., Red Wing, Minn. 1236 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. 423 Main St., Fostoria, O. 105 Orange St., Port Jervis, N. Y. Ipe, Tenn. 2507 Nicolett Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lakeland, Florida. Halifax, North Carolina. Burns, Tennessee. 938 Fifteenth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 1371 Florida St., Memphis, Tennessee. Conway, North Carolina. Winter Haven, Florida. 704 East 5th St., Pana, Illinois. Prescott, Arkansas. Church Hill, Tennessee. Norton, North Carolina. Nichols, South Carolina. Virgilina, Virginia. 2310 East I2th St., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Sea Level, North Carolina. Florahome, Florida. Altoona, Alabama. Dunlap, Tennessee. Grace, Tennessee. 39 C Q Brickhouse, Charles M. Parks, James C. Morris, Robert S. Malcomb, William L. Collins, Samuel A. CORPORALS Davie, Edd Sheehan, Robert M. Green, Robert D. Bow, Walter W. Higgs, Edward M. Hairston, Claude C. Yost, Attos V. Lafon, Isaac N. Phillips, Arnold C. Baxter, William H. Fess, Richard C. Perkins, Henry G. Poston, Clem. Tinker, John H. Tugwell, Grady L. Owen, Frank R. Burns, Jack F. Wall, Thomas H. Davis. Vernon Turner, Jesse L. Gillmore, William "A. O'Neal, Grover Colbert, James F. Gilbert, Stewart E. Tatum. William P. Wood William D. Harper, Erwin Groce, Hershel B. Pearce, Andrew M. Davis, Houston J. Bowles, Henry C. Jordan, Luther A. Wicker, Arthur B. Thomas. Arthur B. Crawford, George M. Stewart, Robert F. Ellenburg, George F. Foster. Ben F. McCarthy. John T. Clardy, "J." "C." Hassell, John C. Hackney, William L. RED 2, Box 72. Columbia. North Carolina. RED 3. Fayetteville. Tennessee. Loachapoka. Alabama. Andalusia. Alabama. Philadelphia, Tennessee. Stackhouse, North Carolina. Jamestown, Tennessee. Ta}-lor, South Carolina. Byrdstown, Tennessee. RED 3, Dover, Tennessee. Bodsaw, Arkansas. Pleasant Mills. Indiana. RED 3, Blountsville. Alabama. Jonesboro, North Carolina. Huntsville, Alabama. 12 Pleasant Ave., L^nion Hill. New Jersey. Beaufort. North Carolina. RED I, Leo. .South Carolina. Kittyton. Tennessee. Sandtovvn. Arkansas. Yadkin College. North Carolina. RFD 3. Pittsboro. North Carolina. Gallaway, Tennessee. Jonesboro, Tennessee. Morris, Alabama. 7310 Underwood Ave.. Birmingham. Alabama. Pruden. Tennessee. 106 Hartson St., Syracuse, New York. Estell Springs, Tenn. Lumberton, Mississippi. RED No. 2. Hamptonvillc. N. C. Vivian. La. 4065 Jefferson St., Dayton. Ohio. Nettleton. Mississippi. Yadkinville. North Carolina. 301 Green Street. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Wallace. Alabama. Colon. North Carolina. RFD 3, Silver City, North Carolina. 19 Arbutus St., Springfield, Massachusetts. • RFD I, Mount Pleasant. Tennessee. Moshcin. Tennessee. .\ttalla. .-\labama. Sattillo. Mississippi. RFD 2. Reform, Alabama. Edenton. North Carolina. Esom Hill, Georgia. 41 ^ £: COOKS Boyd, Randon Breklis, Stefan Harpole, John F. McColIum, Eddie E. Eglezos, George Valentine, Evaristo Mansfield Luther R. HORSHESHOER Boucher, Ernest WAGONERS Batchelor, Bunyan P. Beddingfield, Mosson E. Bolton, William P. Meeks, Oley Porter, Harleston Pritchett, William Sorrell, John L. Tallent, Thomas A. BUGLER Swift, Reuben H. PRIVATES FIRST CLASS Ballard, Cecil G. Barnes, Edgar L. Bentley, Joseph A., Berry, Benjamin B. Bless, Melvin L. Bowles, Norman M. Bowling, Erma M. Bradley, Earl P. Brooks, James H. Brown, George W. Butts, Homer Campisi, Jim Carmele, Mimmo Carroll, Joe A. Carr, Luther O. Chester, George R. Cookson, John F. Cofini, Armando Coppinger, Clarence G. Dancer, Albert Day, Colba R. East, Bernard C. Farrell, Gurney Felker, John C. Carbonneau, Joseph S. 909 Fairfax Ave., Bessemer, Alabama. Titicut, Massachusetts. Union City, Tennessee. Boughton, Arkansas. Dunnellon, Florida. Sylacauga, Alabama. Viola, Tenn. 132 Last St., Fall River, Massachusetts. Nashville, North Carolina. Spring Hope, North Carolina. F"urnian, Alabama. New Hope, Arkansas. 9 Second St., Woodside, Greenville, S. Caraway, Arkansas. RED 2, Duke, Tennessee. Nathan, Arkansas. RFD I, Cunningham, Tennessee. Faust, North Carolina. RFD 2, Mackeys, North Carolina. RFD 2, Mount Holly, North Carolina. Hickory, North Carolina. RFD 12, Columbus, Indiana. RFD 4, Rougemont, North Carolina. RFD I, Abanda, Alabama. RFD I, Hokes Bluff, Alabama. RFD I, Mercer, Tennessee. RFD 2, McKenzie, Alabama. RFD I, Jasper, Alabama. Birmingham, Alabama. 510 Harrison St., Elkhart, Indiana. Bessemer City, North Carolina. RFD 29. Zeansville, Indiana. 1214 South iMain St., Elkhart. Indiana. Bridgeport, Alabama. 226 East Ii8th St., New York City. RED., Tracy City, Tennessee. Gas City, Indiana. Paragon, Indiana. Dadeville, Alabama. RFD I, Pittsboro, North Carolina. Second Ave, Lititz, Pennsj'lvania. ion County St., New Bedford, Mass. 43 z o o E- Q Z o o Fimicy, James A. Fulgham, William H. Rusli, George H. Freeman, Jesse J. Fuller, Grover C. Gillikin, George E. Good, Jesse C. Goodwin, Lee C. Gresluim, James F. Hasclwood, Ben N. Hayes, Arnold D. Hyde, Walter Kelly, Charlie E. Klein, Joseph G. Leopard, George Little, Marvin A. Mack, Joe B. Mallett, James E. B. McClary, Howard W. McDonald, William N. McGce, John !•'. Norris, Alvin E. Ogles, Francis M. Orr, John H. Phillips, Neil H. Spence, Herhert L. Starling, Thomas_J. Stubbs, Charles T. Turner, Arthur R. Welch, Legon A. Woodard, Noah Yarborough, Charles S. PRIVATES Baker, Rube Bendheim, William B. Elangdino, Guy Bonavita, Francesco Bourelle, George A. Boyington, Herbert Bridwell, Neal H. Brown, Ernest Butler, Everett L. Canady, William Castor, Alexander O. Chapa. Juan S. Conger, Claude E. Cook, Joe D. Cripe, Cleo C. Daniels. Joseph J. Route No. I, Dcchcrd, Tenn. Route No. 2, Carrollton, .Ala. Jefferson City, Tennessee. RED I, Tuscaloosa, .Alabama. Dadeville, Alabama. Otway, North Carolina. RED 3, Blountsville, Alabama. 132 Fifth St., Statesville, North Carolina. Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. Lockesburg, Arkansas. Kenoy, North Carolina. Corona, Alabama. 109 Cleveland St., Darlington, S. C. 170 Melrose St., Brooklyn, New York. Vaucluse, South Carolina. Claremont, North Carolina. Daisy, Arkansas. RED 2, Cottondale, .Alabama. RED 7, Lewisburg, Tennessee. Franklin, North Carolina. RED I, Denver, North Carolina. Roy, Alabama. RED 7, North Birmingham, .Mabama. W'allace, North Carolina. Red Springs, North Carolina. 516 West North St., Raleigh, N. C. RED 2, Hope Mills. North Carolina. RED I, Jamesville, North Carolina. Gamble Mines, Alabama. McConnell, Tennessee. RED I. Shouns, Tennessee. RFD 2, Sanford, North Carolina. RED 3, Dadeville, Alabama. 807 Columbia Ave., Nevk^ York City. 10 North Second St., Shamokin, Pa. 151 Webster Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. RED 8, Olney, Illinois. Gateswood, Alabama. RED 5, Heflin. Alabama. Modoc, Illinois. Fairmont, Indiana. RED 4, Dunn, Nortli Carolina. 118 East 1st St., Muncie, Indiana. Buenavista, Te.xas. Sibley, Illinois. Butler, Alabama. 1413 South Main St., Elkhart, Indiana. 48 Flushing Ave.. Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. 45 o o H Dawson, Claud Deramus, George B. Desiderio, James Devine, Raleigh C. Dierking, Russell J. Dodson. Bevie L. Dolan, Frank Ericson, Francis Felix, Paul Foster, Adam Fletcher, Shelby Fletcher, Walter Free, Marion C. Gardner, Nathan Gervais, Rosario H. Gilmore, Columbus F. Gissendaner, Sammie Jr. Granger, Wilford Grayson, Summey A. Griffith, Sidney B. Hall, Howard D. Hart, William E. Hicks, John L. Hill, Barney W. Holloman, Barney Holmes, William F. Hughes, Albert G.. Hyde, Orin E. Johnson, William Kestenbaum, Theodore Logan, Horace Mason, Willie Massacavage, Peter Matisheff, Samuel Maxwell, Neill A. McFarland, Grover J. Mulligan, William J. Patterson, Walter E. Payne, Samuel Powell, Eugene Rappold, Vincent C. Sandlin, Perry D. Sanford, John W. Sawyer, William M. Schmoll, Edward E. Smith, James G. Stanage, James R. Strickland. James F. Stricklin, Ervin Georgetown, Indiana. Maplesville, Alabama. 73 Showmut St., East Weymouth, Massachusetts. 1414 South 20th St., New Castle, Indiana. 29 Patchen Ave., Brooklyn, New York. Covin, Alabama. 311 East 65th St., New York City. Stromsburg, Nebraska. 98 Lowell Ave., Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. RED 6, Concord, North Carolina. Andalusia, Ala. Andalusia, Ala. Samson, Alabama. RFD I, Plymouth, North Carolina. 162 Davis St., New Bedford, Massachusetts. 215 East Long Ave., Gastonia, North Carolina. RFD 2, Abbeville, Alabama. RFD 4, Piedmont, South Carolina. RFD 2, Cherryville, North Carolina. Old Spring Hill, Alabama. RFD 2, Repton, Alabama. RFD "B," Andalusia, Alabama. Vass, North Carolina. Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Jackson, North Carolina. Coal City, Alabama. 303 Wilton St., Tuscumbia, Alabama. Chesbrough, Louisiana. RFD I, Rembert, South Carolina. 203 Broadway, Long Island City, New York. RFD I, Ariton, Alabama. Nadawah, Alabama. 1073 Wyoming Ave., Exeterborough, Pennsylvania. 831 Kelly St., New York City. RFD I, Red Springs, North Carolina. Nashville, Arkansas. 404 East 6sth St., New York City. RFD I, Lowndes, Alabama. Howard, Pennsylvania. Piedmont, Alabama. 426 Thirtieth St., Huntington, West \'irginia. 32 Franklin St., Greer, South Carolina. America Junction, Alabama. RFD I. Columbia, North Carolina. 142 Buchanan St., Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Dunn, North Carolina. RFD 2, Mission Hill, South Dakota. RFD 3, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Brilliant, Alabama. 47 z o o i- Tatuni, Lorenzo P. Thompson, Richard C. Turner, Lee E. Turner, Virgil T. Varnum, William A. Warren, Walter B. Watkins, Marvin E. Weaver, James N. White, Abner V. Williams, Artemus W. Williams, Ernest C. 3JJ Red Cross St., Wilmington, North Carolina. RED I, Fairfax, Virginia. Eighth St., Hickory, North Carolina. Alexander City, Alabama. Red Springs, Nortlh Carolina. 2530 Cedar St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Halsell, Alabama. Green Pond, Alabama. RED 6, Troy, Alabama. Coats, North Carolina. Cheraw, South Carolina. 49 ROSTER OF COMPANY "C", 306TH ENGINEERS Name and Rank CAPTAIN Ross, James G. FIRST LIEUTENANTS Stauffer, Orton B. Graves, Sanford P. Neely, Frank S. SECOND LIEUTENANTS Arnistrung, (_ik'ii \\. Floyd, Henry G. FIRST SERGEANT Cocliran. Waltc-r B. SERGEANTS FIRST CLASS Glaser, Wesley E. Klepper, Clarence D. Smith, Sweet E. Walker, Glenn E. Alexander, William S. Cofield, Robert B. MESS SERGEANT Hogan, Henry W. SUPPLY SERGEANT Rheiner, Robert T. L. STABLE SERGEANT Petris. Aiitun SERGEANTS Cann, James B. Hughes, William R. Cowling, Hugh L. Ackerman, Albert J. Witherington, Henry C. Shuford, Julius W. Wesson, Hector L. Harrison, Earnest M. Daurelle, Gabreil I. Euland, Raymond F. Vanzandt, James M. Marcho, Edward M. Herlihy, George E. Marlor, Major Winters, James R. Home Address 70 West Court Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Charles City, Charles City County, Va. 14 Maplehurst Park, Knoxville, Tenn. 650 Saint Paul Ave.. Memphis, Tenn. Wisner, Neb. Auburn, Wa. Hustonville. Ky. 702 Sherman St., South Bend. Ind. 1309 Sixth St., Bristol, Tenn. Bagdad, Fla. Greenback, Tenn. Scotland Neck. N. C. Lakeland, Fla. Perry, Taylor County, Fla. 74 West 105th St., New York City, New York. Cleveland, Ohio. Beattyville, Ky. 314 West Morgan St.. Denison, Texas. Monterey, Ala. 508 Range St., Manistique, Mich. Rutherford, Tenn. RFD I, Newton, N. C. Stevens, Ark. Maryville, Tenn. Bowling Green, Fla. Appleton City. Mo. Gilliam, Ark. Route 5, Box 3, Concord, N. C. 239 West 105th St., New York City, New York. Big Pine, N. C. Stewart, Tenn. 51 ■. :f: v"- CORPORALS Wingo, Robert A. Dobson, William Knight, Angus E. Terry. Elvin B. Pearson, George W. Nichols, Jasper M. Varner, Recil B. Scarborough, Erskin B. Dunkelberg, Henry Johnson. Robert C. Ingram, William C. Duffer. Russ Druin, Clarence I. Brady, Sidney G. Dulion, Michael J. Jvlondy, Ray Brooks, Harlie C. AUbright, Arthur H. Henry, George T. Byers. James N. Gregory, Jim C. Standley, Floyd H. Rogers, Ellis E. Whisman, William J. Stewart, Thomas H. Hardy. Robert C. Hope, James R. Baker, Arve B. Hightower, Carlie C. Irwin, Perry F. Laane, John R. Bowden, Albert Branon, John N. Haguewood. Robert K. Haynes, James Johnson, Harvey W. Marr, John I. Pate, Charles K. Phelps, Linsey W. Ray, Willis Sawyer, Hersey G. Smith, Archie M. Olsen, Albert N. COOKS Burton, Dave G., Jr. Love, Alexander S. Pope, Bentiley RED 3, Campobello, S. C. 17 Glidhill Ave., Everett, Mass. Weirsdale. Fla. Lewisburg. Ky. Manchester, Tenn. Lebanon. Tenn. Soddy, Tenn. •Avon, N. C. Elgin, Tenn. Charleston, Tenn. Route I, Rosston, .^rk. Bethpage, Tenn. Crook, Mo. Shubuta, Miss. 1209 Third Ave., West End, Birmingham, Ala. RED 2, East Bend, N. C. Tazewell, Tenn. 2104 North Twelfth Ave., Birmingham, Ala. RED I, Newport, Tenn. Leeds, Ala. Sylacauga, .\la. 3283 Clarendon Rd., Cleveland Hts., Cleveland, O. Johns, Ala. Sugar Grove, Va. Green Forest, Ark. Heathville, N. C. Greenville, Tenn. Fitzpatrick, Ala. Vernon, Fla. 703 Cooley Street, East Chattanooga, Tenn. Elko, Nev. Manson, Tenn. Huntsville, Ala. Pennington, Ala. Chewalla, Tenn. Elk Park, N. C. Highland, Fla. Lafollete, Tenn. RED 2, Creswell, N. C. Daisy, Ark. South Mills, N. C. Maxton, N. C. 3545 Hartford Street, St. Louis, Mo. Tuscumbia, -Ala. Waldo, Ark. Route 4, Clifton, Tenn. 53 s o o o o H a z o Schmidt, lohn Staley, Roy D. HORSESHOER George, Walter B. SADDLER McBridc, Charles W. WAGONERS Burns, John Clinkscales, Robert E. Davis, Ira L. Ingram, Arthur Ingram, George E. Landers, Arthur Watkins, John B. Williams, Trevor J. PRIVATES FIRST CLASS Abernethy, Everett E. Anderson, Andrew J. Bare, John Barr, Willis C. Boudreaux, Leonce Boyd, James P. Boykin, Willie B. Brown, Olney C. . Carter, Edward L. Cauley, Carl V. Cline, Thomas L. Clotfelter, Roy Collins, Alack C. Conner, Blair D. Davenport, Raymond L. Dixon, Lloyd E. Evans, Crawford Farley, Elam Frazier, Baxter A. Garrison, Silas E. Green, William T. Griggin, Alvin L. Hanner, John E. Hawn, Charles R. Higgin, Benjamin M. Hollis, Raleigh Jackson, William C. Lee, Nelson Lewis, John E. Loftis, Robert A. .506 Long Street, Orlando, Fla. Route 2, Ramseur, N. C. Elintville, Tenn. Sylacauga, Ala. Ducktown, Tenn. RED 2, Vincent, Ala. RED 2, Kennedy, Ala. Lancburg, Ark. Laneburg, Ark. Walnut, N. C. Paint Rock, N. C. Route 4, Elizabeth City, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Portland, Ore. 533 Dobson Avenue, East Chattanooga, Tenn. 715 Royal .'\venue, Florence, Ala. Plattenville, La. 1019 Ridley Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. 816 South Eighth -Avenue, Wilmington, N C Kellyton, Ala. Florence, Ala. Bladen Springs, Ala. Conover, N. C. Route 2, Caryville, Tenn. Kipling, N. C. Homeland, Fla. Roper, N. C. Greenville, S. C. Tallassee, Ala. RED 3, Monterey, Tenn. Claremont, N. C. RED I, Union Grove, Ala. RED I, Walnut Grove, Ala. Route 5, Elizabeth City, N. C. Randallman, N. C. RED 4, Hickory, N. C. Mulga, Ala. Opelika, Ala. Honoraville, Ala. Grantsboro, N. C. RED I, Stanley, N. C. Durham, N. C. 55 o o ?: o o Lundborn, Raymond E. Markham, William B. McNeill, Cyrus Patterson, Landon S. Patterson, Otho Pearson, Grady P. Pharris, Willis S. Pickett, John L. Pinyan, Walter G. Redick, Columbus G. W. Rigdon, Alexander Ross, Frank R. Segrest, Oscar G. Simms, Ben E. Strett, James C. Strickland, Allison B. Teague, Clyde C. Thomas, Matthew Thomason, Edward R. PRIVATES Adair, Will Adams, Robert T. Armstrong, Ernest E. Barnes, Jerry R. Batts, Arthur A. Beaton, Earl A. Beaty, Oscar D, Bedsole, Edward D. Best, Charles E. Best, Rufus Boyd, Emmet H. Briley, Henry Brown, Adlie Burkes, Charles G. Burnett, Charles Burns, John H. Buzbee, Charles R. Byrd, Charlie R. Campbell. Shadric C. Carr, Ed Cash, Clifford L. Caulk, Garvin Celli, Edward Clark, Phelian Cochran, John W. Correll, Lee W. Crump, Arthur A. Crutchfield, Jesse A. Cutler, Jacob D. H. io6 Dean Avenue, Kranklin, Mass. RED 5, Durham, N. C. Broadway. N. C. Leatherman, N. C. Humboldt. Tenn, Duncanville. Ala. Whitleyvillc. Tenn. Gruetli. Tenn. Route I, Harrisburg, N. C. Mackeys, N. C. RED 2, Peuial, Ela. RED I, Scobey, Miss. Notasulga, Ala. Fairfields, 111. Route I, Unicoi. Tenn. Homosassa. Ela. Lexington. Va. Walnut, N. C. 1 112 Antonia Street, Key West, Ela. Hayleysvillc. ."Ma. Cusseta. Ala. York, Ala. Railroad Street. Wilson, N. C. Florence, Ala. 34 South Bourne Road. Jamaica Plains, Mass. Decalb, Ala. Hacoda, Ala. Route I, Oakman. .-Ma. Jasper, Ala. New Brookland, S. C. Rocky Mount, Nash County, N. C. Falkville, Ala. j2og Sterner Avenue, Birmiiigliam, .\la. RED I, Dayton, Tenn. RED 2. Albany, Ala. Little River, Ala. Morrisville. N. C. Ardell, Ala. Fruithurst, Ala. RED 2, Millport, Ala. Killen, Ala. 784 East 214th Street, New York City. N. Y. St. Elmo. Ala. RED I, Hodges. Ala. Lenoir, N. C. McClain Street. St. Paul. N. C. Siler City, N. C. Fair Grove, Mich. O Daniels, Love Dawkins, Alvie DeBellis, Alexander Desern, Clarence M. DiPaula, Micheli Draper, Cosie L. Dudley. Rufus R. Duncan, Jess J. Dunning, Albert L. Edwards, Dillard S. Eubanks, Bosher W. Everett, Dock B. Faulk, Henierd L. Fennig, Fred Fromhold, George M. Gibbs, John M. Gillian, Andrew J. Glover.Joe Green, Luther Hagood, Jasper F. Hawd